ABSORBING SURFACE AREA OF SOUTHERN PINE ROOT SYSTEMS: PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM UPTAKE BY ROOT SYSTEMS OF TWELVE- YEAR-OLD SLASH PINE TREES By JOSE A. ESCAMILLA-BENCOMO A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1997 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -Hey you , what are you going to do when hope dies? -Hope does not die. Hope has relatives and patrons to come to its aid ; there are plenty of very devout, optimistic people in the world, who will protect hope. Jose Joaquin Fernandez de Lizardi El PERIQUILLO SARMIENTO Through the course of the last four years of my life, many people have provided assistance and support which, to a large degree, have made a reality of my Ph.D. program and this dissertation. First, I thank my main adviser, Dr. Nicholas Comer ford ("Nick"), for providing constructive criticism, intellectual support and friendship. I also appreciate Dr. Konda R. Reddy, Dr. Suresh Rao, Dr. David Sylvia and Dr. Kimberlyn Williams for serving on my committee. Second, I am grateful for the financial support provided for this project by USDA Grant No. 722122712 and by the industrial members of the Program of Pine Productivity Research (P3R) at the University of Florida. I also acknowledge Jef ferson-Smurf it Corporation for providing the land for field studies. Also for providing funds during my graduate education I acknowledge the following organizations: National Council of Science and Technology in Mexico (CONACYT) , Centro de Investigacion Cientifica de Yucatan 11 (CICY), and the Florida Mexico Institute of the Latin American and Caribbean Center. My special thanks to Mary McLeod for logistic support, help in all phases of lab work, and her friendship. Thanks also to Randall McCrady for his essential help and camaraderie during greenhouse and field work. I also recognize the vital and tedious root separation work done by Karen Wenner-Pedersen and Sharon Wright. , Friends are as important as academic advice. Pauline Grierson and John Tredinnick provided a home away from home, during their time in Gainesville. Special thanks to Pauline for eliciting key scientific discussions and lengthy manuscript editing. Thanks to Andres Nazario for his counseling and support, and to Arlete Freitas, Leslie Cooperband, Christine Bliss, Karen Wenner-Pedersen, Dave Farmer, Steve Trabue, Ian Bjorsvik and Scott Brinton for their friendship. They all were players in those fun events that kept me going throughout these years of graduate school. Lastly, but not less important, I thank my friends and family in Mexico, too numerous to list. However, none of this has been possible without my parents, Armando y Beatriz, and their unconditional love, encouragement and understanding during this very long process. in TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES ABSTRACT CHAPTERS 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION . ii vii . ix . xi 1 2 NUTRIENT ABSORBING-SURFACES OF TREES AND THE NUTRIENT UPTAKE PROCESS Introduction Definition of Absorbing-Surfaces of Trees Nutrient Uptake for the Different Root Surfaces of Trees Pathways of Nutrient Uptake !!!!!!!!!!!!! Nutrient Uptake by Root Trees Evidence of Nutrient Uptake in Brown Roots . ’. *. *. ! *. *. ] Michaelis-Menten Kinetics as a Description of Active Nutrient Uptake Appropriateness of the Equation for Root Uptake . . Active Root Uptake Mechanism and Root Anatomy .... Importance of Root Uptake Kinetics under Field Conditions ^ and C^ under field conditions Temporal and spatial changes in root uptake kinetics under field conditions Concluding Remarks . 6 . 7 11 11 14 18 20 20 23 26 26 30 34 3 A METHOD FOR MEASURING NUTRIENT DEPLETION BY ROOTS OF MATURE TREES IN THE FIELD Introduction Materials and Methods Site Description ’ [ Root Regeneration System . .* .* .* .* .* .* .* .* ’ ’ * ’ Nutrient Uptake Root Chamber Design and Construction In-situ Nutrient Uptake ’system !*.’.!!!!*.! 35 40 40 41 43 46 IV Testing of the Nutrient Uptake System Laboratory studies In-situ field studies Chemical Analyses Data Analyses Laboratory studies Field studies Results Laboratory Studies (No roots Present in Chambers) Field Studies Root regeneration system Nutrient depletion with air Nutrient depletion with N2 gas Oxygen saturation with air and N2 gas Discussion 4 PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM DEPLETION BY ROOTS OF FIELD- GROWN SLASH PINE: AEROBIC AND HYPOXIC CONDITIONS Introduction Materials and Methods Site Description Root Regeneration System Field Nutrient Uptake System Installation Depletion Studies Pre-depletion treatment Experiment 1 : Nutrient depletion study with air . . . . Experiment 2: Nutrient depletion study with N gas \ Experiment 3: Nutrient depletion study with air after N^ gas Experiments 4, 5 and 6: Nutrient depletion study with air/ N gas/ air Chemical Analyses Data Analyses Results " ’ Oxygen Concentration and Temperature in the Chambers Potassium Depletion with Alternating Aerobic and Hypoxic Conditions Potassium Depletion Under Hypoxic Conditions Phosphorus Depletion with Alternating Aerobic and Hypoxic conditions . Phosphorus Depletion Under Hypoxic Conditions .*.* !!!!*** Discussion Implications of P and K uptake by roots of pines in reduced soil conditions in the field Conclusions 51 51 53 55 56 56 56 57 57 58 58 58 58 61 63 68 68 75 75 75 76 77 77 78 78 79 79 80 80 81 81 83 84 84 84 88 93 95 v 5 PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM DEPLETION BY WOODY-ROOTS OF TWELVE-YEAR-OLD SLASH PINE TREES 97 Introduction Materials and Methods Root System Description Nutrient Uptake system installation Depletion Studies Pre-depletion treatment Study #1.P and K depletion by brown roots: Isolation of white roots by waxing Study #2 (1995) and study #3 (1996). P and K depletion by brown roots: Isolation of white roots by cutting Study #4 . P and K depletion by whole root systems subjected to NaOCl solution Laboratory Incubation Studies Inoculation with root scrapings Inoculation with nutrient solution Ion Mass in the Root Free Space Root Measurements Anatomical Observations of Root Sections Chemical Analyses Data Analyses Oxygen saturation, and nutrient solution temperature Phosphorus and K uptake and mass flow influx.*! Phosphorus and K influx Phosphorus and K uptake, NaOCl solution study*.* Laboratory incubation studies Results Anatomical Observations and Root System Descriptions 02 Concentration and Temperature in the Chambers . Microbial Interferences Potassium and Phosphorus Influx Discussion . 97 101 101 102 103 103 104 . 106 . 106 . 107 . 107 . 107 . 109 . 109 . 110 . Ill . Ill . Ill . 112 . 112 . 114 . 116 . 116 . 116 . 121 . 121 . 124 . 127 6 OVERALL RESULTS , LIST OF REFERENCES 136 140 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH 155 vi LIST OF TABLES Table page 2- 1. Categories of fine-roots in a perennial, dicot, woody- root system 8 3- 1. List of parts and materials for constructing a nutrient uptake chamber 48 3- 2. List of parts and materials for constructing a Mariotte flask system 52 4- 1. Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen concentration in nutrient solution, during consecutive experiments of P and K depletion by pine roots 82 5- 1. Experimental design of Covariance analysis used for P and K Influx data obtained from depletion experiments of studies 1,2 and 3 115 5-2. Description of root systems used in study one, where roots were subjected to waxing (1995 depletion experiments .) 5-3. Description of root systems used in study two, where roots were subjected to cutting (1995 depletion experiments .) 218 5-4. Description of root systems used in study three, where roots were subjected to cutting. 1996 depletion experiments 5-5. Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen concentrations in the nutrient solution during consecutive experiments of P and K depletion by pine roots. 1995 studies 122 5-6. Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen concentrations in the nutrient solution during consecutive experiments of P and K depletion by pine roots. 1996 studies 123 5-7. Comparison of constant rate of depletion (r) and C for P and K depleted pine roots treated with 1% NaOCl. Study four vix 128 5-8. Covariance analysis for ? and K influx (Ln( Influx)) by pine root systems of studies 1,2 and 3 5-9. Mean P and K influx for woody roots and whole roots of 12-year-old slash pine. These untransformed values (jumol cm'1 h'1) are a summary of the three separate studies performed in 1995 and 1996. Cut refers to the studies when white roots were removed by cutting while waxed refers to the study where white roots were covered with wax 129 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure page 2- 1. A series of Michaelis-Menten curves 28 3- 1. The root regeneration system 42 3-2. Nutrient uptake root chamber 44 3-3. In-sit u nutrient uptake system 47 3-4. Mariotte Flask system 50 3-5. Phosphorus and Potassium depletion by seventeen root systems of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii. The roots were gassed with air during the experiment 59 3-6. Phosphorus and Potassium depletion by seventeen root systems of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii. The roots were gassed with N2 gas during the experiment 60 3- 7. Nutrient solution temperature and Oxygen saturation in root chambers with lateral root systems of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii 4- 1 . Potassium depletion by seventeen root systems of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii. under aerobic and hypoxic conditions 4-2. Potassium depletion by root systems of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii. under hypoxic conditions 86 4-3. Potassium depletion by seventeen root systems of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii. under series of aerobic conditions 4-4. Phosphorus depletion by root systems of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii . under aerobic and hypoxic conditions on IX Figure page 4-5. Phosphorus depletion by seventeen root systems of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii . under series of aerobic conditions 90 4-6. Phosphorus depletion by root systems of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii. under hypoxic conditions 91 4- 7. Potassium uptake potential of slash pine roots when subjected to cycles of aerobic and hypoxic conditions .... 96 5- 1. Calculation of potassium depletion due to mass flow by eight root systems of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii 126 5-2. Calculation of phosphorus depletion due to mass flow by eleven root systems of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii 5-3. Calculation of phosphorus depletion due to mass flow by eleven root systems of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii. The root chambers were gassed with N2 gas 131 x Abstr^c-t of Dissertation Presented to the Graduate School of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy ABSORBING SURFACE AREA OF SOUTHERN PINE ROOT PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM UPTAKE BY ROOT SYSTEMS YEAR-OLD SLASH PINE TREES SYSTEMS: OF TWELVE - By Jose A. Escamilla-Bencomo December, 1997 Chairman: Nicholas B. Comerford Major Department: Soil and Water Science Department Our understanding of ion uptake by pine trees is principally based on studies of white roots of seedlings. However, root systems of trees consist of white, brown (woody and nonwoody) and mycorrhizal roots including external hyphae. It is unclear whether brown roots are functional in nutrient absorption. However, brown and woody roots may contribute over 80% of the fine-root system of slash pine {Pinus Engelm. var. elliotii) . The aim of this research was to study P and K uptake by root systems of twelve-year-old slash pine growing under field conditions. The first objective of my research was to develop a field method for measuring nutrient uptake by roots of trees. The design included (i) a root chamber, (ii) a system for xi controlling the 02 level of the root chamber, and (iii) a Mariotte flask system. The second objective was to (i) compare P and K depletion by lateral root systems of slash pine when the roots are subjected to a short-term, hypoxic treatment, and ( ii ) to document the ability of roots to absorb P and K following the removal of the hypoxic treatment. N gas was used to achieve hypoxic conditions during the experiments (<50 p M 0^ ) . Slash pine is grown extensively on soils where surface horizons are subject to short-term hypoxic conditions due to seasonal, fluctuating watertables. I demonstrated that that pine roots grown in aerobic soil conditions were capable of p uptake during short-duration hypoxic conditions. In contrast, K depletion was totally inhibited. Once the hypoxic condition was corrected, uptake of both P and K resumed. The final objective of my research was to compare P and K influx rates between whole and woody roots of slash pine, while evaluating the mechanism of nutrient uptake by woody roots through the use of N2 gas as a metabolic inhibitor of ion absorption. I concluded that woody roots absorb P and K and that rates of ion uptake were similar to whole roots. I also documented an active K uptake mechanism by woody roots. The results indicated that estimates of the surface area of woody roots and sensitivity of K uptake under aerobic and hypoxic conditions, should be included in nutrient uptake models of slash pine ecosystems. xii CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION Water and mineral nutrient limitations occur frequently in southern pine forest (Neary et al., 1990; Peters, 1990). These limitations are compounded by the fact that intensive forest harvesting and site preparation can change the nutrient capital and availability of nutrients for the next rotation of trees (Morris and Miller, 1994). Therefore, nutrient management in forest plantations increasingly is focusing on matching nutrient supply, from soil or fertilizers with nutrient demand by crop (Smethurst and Nambiar, 1990). Since nutrient availability is a limitation to productivity, then an understanding of nutrient uptake, allocation and use by pine trees is fundamental to predicting the consequences of harvesting, as well as to ameliorating negative harvesting effects. Predictions of nutrient uptake and demand by the tree at the root surface can be contrasted with the ability of the soil to supply nutrients. Tree nutrient uptake can be described as a set of processes occurring simultaneously in three phases (Comerford et al., 1994a). The first phase is the effect of processes that release nutrients from their solid form to the soil solution. The second phase is the nutrient movement through the soil solution to the absorbing surface of the tree (via mass flow and/or diffusion). The 1 2 last phase is the uptake process at the absorbing surface of the tree. If the rate of absorption is less than supply by mass flow nutrients will accumulate at the root surface. Whereas a zone of depletion will occur if mass flow is less than uptake (Barber, 1984; Nye and Tinker, 1977). In the case of depletion, uptake is an active process because the plant must transport these nutrients into cells against a concentration gradient (Clarkson and Grignon, 1991). The absorption of nutrients by roots depends on aerobic metabolism to produce high energy potentials to drive active membrane transport processes (Mengel, 1974). Sudden oxygen deprivation reduces or elimiminates active nutrient uptake. Hence uptake is governed by root kinetics, and is often described mathematically by Michaellis-Menten kinetics (Claassen and Barber, 1976). Total nutrient accumulation of plants can be predicted reasonably well from nutrient uptake model calculations. These calculations are based on parameters such as root kinetics of the plant species, and nutrient concentrations in the soil solution (Barber and Cushman, 1981; Nye and Tinker, 1977). Such predictions from model calculations are less successful for plants grown at low nutrient supply (Jungk and Claasen, 1986) and in tree species under field conditions (Smethurst and Comerford, 1993). Calculations of average uptake rates over the entire root system of a plant are inappropriate in tree species under field conditions because (i) tree roots are irregularly distributed in the soil 3 (Comerford et al., 1994b), (ii) tree root systems are comprised of root zones with different morphology and physiology (Clarkson et al., 1978) and (iii) soil supply of nutrients is highly heterogeneous both spatially and temporally (Lechowiez and Bell, 1991; Koch and Matzner, 1993) . Root kinetic parameters have been studied for most ions either with excised roots, or with whole root systems of intact plants (reviewed by Epstein, 1972; Nye and Tinker, 1977). However, these investigations have been largely restricted to annual species or herbaceous perennials. Pine root systems include from white roots to mycorrhizal roots to brown roots with secondary growth (woody roots). Consequently, differences in root morphology could influence nutrient uptake to varying extents. There is no question that white roots and mycorrhizal roots of forest tree species are active in nutrient uptake. However a main question is whether woody roots function in uptake, and if so, is it active uptake (VanRees and Comerford, 1990). The question is important because of the tremendous woody fine root surface area in pine trees (Comerford et al., 1994a). Information of this kind is very limited for tree species (Atkinson and Wilson, 1979; Bhat, 1981), and only few root kinetics parameters have been determined for commercial forest tree species, and in all cases for tree seedlings (Van Rees et al., 1990; Kelly and Barber, 1991). 4 Pine roots of the southern United States encounter shallow water tables that severely reduce soil-02 supply to large parts of the root system (Comerford et al., 1996). Forested Spodosols of the Southeastern lower Coastal Plain typically have perched, fluctuating water tables. Sudden oxygen deprivation reduces or eliminates active nutrient uptake of white roots (Fisher and Stone, 1990b; Topa and McLeod, 1986b). A main question is whether under field conditions if a short-term reduced 02 supply will affect permanently pine roots ability for ion uptake from the soil solution. Clarkson et al. (1978), stated that the nutrient uptake effectiveness of a root system depends on (i) the relative amounts of different absorbing surfaces present, (ii) the nutrient absorption rates of each type of surface, (iii) differential response of the absorbing surfaces to environmental variables. A major limitation to test the above hypothesis with roots of forest trees is the lack of methodology for field studies of nutrient uptake. This dissertation describes a nutrient uptake system that I had to implement to document if (i) woody fine root function in nutrient absorption, and (ii) differential response of fine pine roots to changing aeration in the soil environment . The overall objective of my research was to investigate absorption of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) by the root surface area of twelve-year-old slash pine trees under field 5 conditions. Chapter 2 is a literature review of the definition of the nutrient-absorbing surface of trees with a discussion of the active uptake process in the context of root kinetics . Chapter 3 is the description and testing of a field method that I developed to measure nutrient depletion by roots of trees under field conditions. Chapter 4 addresses the effect of low oxygen on the uptake of P and K by roots of pine trees under field conditions. Chapter 5 is a study of P and K depletion by woody roots of pine trees under field conditions. Each of the following 4 chapters is an independent manuscript for journal publication. I chose to study K and P uptake because (i) p availability limits growth of pine (Pritchett and Comerford, 1982; Waring, 1981); ii) p and K uptake by slash pine seedlings were successfully predicted under field conditions (Van Rees at al., 1990a; Smethurst and Comerford, 1993), (iii) P and K uptake by roots have contrasting responses to low oxygen supply, and (iv) K and P have contrasting nutrient cycles. CHAPTER 2 NUTRIENT-ABSORBING SURFACES OF TREES AND THE NUTRIENT UPTAKE PROCESS Introduction This review addresses the question of nutrient uptake and focuses on the root-hypha absorbing system of the plant. It is based mainly on a review article published by Comerford et al. (1994a), of which I was a coauthor. This review includes sections from that article, which are relevant to the topics covered in my dissertation. Clarkson et al. (1978), stated that the nutrient uptake effectiveness of a root system depends on (i) the relative amounts of different absorbing surfaces present, (ii) the nutrient absorption rates of each type of surface, (iii) feren-tial response of the absorbing surfaces to environmental variables . I address these issues in relation to pine trees by considering first the definition of the nutrient-absorbing surface of trees. Once the root categories are defined, this review will address what are the pathways of nutrient uptake for different root surfaces and whether all categories have a nutrient uptake function. Then I discuss the evidence for nutrient uptake by fine brown and fine woody roots, and the potential importance of this uptake in pine forests based on 6 7 the account that they are a large proportion of the total fine root surface area. In turn I discuss the active uptake process in the context of Michaelis-Menten kinetics, the biofeedback between the plant and the uptake process, and the response of the root uptake process to changing soil environments, specifically under low-oxygen or hypoxic condition. Last, I framed this information in the the overall objectives of the research described in the following four chapters . Definition of Absorbing-Surfaces of Trees A perennial, dicot, woody root system is interesting because secondary xylem growth occurs, and this "woody" portion of the root system may be the major contributor to the fine root population. Fine roots in pine trees are defined as roots < 2 mm in diameter (Van Rees and Comer ford, 1986). As an illustration, mature stands of Pinus elliottii Engelm. var. elliottii (slash pine) had fine roots accounting for about 90% of the total root length (Van Rees and Comerford, 1986), while mature Pinus taeda (loblolly pine), had 67% of its root system surface area in roots with diameters less than 1.3 mm (Kramer and Bullock, 1966). A perennial dicot, woody, fine root system can be described by considering the types of roots that constitute it. The following fine root classification (Table 2-1) is based on the definitions of Sutton and Tinus (1983), the 8 Table 2 1. Categories of fine-roots in a perennial, dicot, woody-root system (Comerford et al., 1994a). ROOT CATEGORY DESCRIPTION LATERAL ROOTS White Roots New primary lateral roots white in color Brown Roots Primary Lateral roots, still having primary growth but the epidermis /cortex has turned brown from either suberin/ lignin deposition or cortical cell decay Woody Roots showing evidence of secondary growth by having secondary xylem SHORT ROOTS A root of diminutive length (often less than 2 mm) arising from a lateral root. It may or may not be bifurcated and is not considered capable of further growth Mycorrhizal A short root infected with symbiotic fungi. May have a fungal mantle surrounding it if ectomycorrhizal Non-mycorrhizal A short root not infected with symbiotic fungi ROOT HAIRS A small tubular outgrowth from an epidermal cell. EXTRAMATRICAL HYPHAE Hyphae and rhizomorphs emanating from the mycorrhiza and distributed in the soil. 9 descriptions of Chung and Kramer (1975) and Kramer and Bullock (1966). Most studies of fine-root systems have generally not recognized nor included all these categories in their analyses . However, most root studies in forest species have recognized that brown roots are the dominant fine-root category while white roots represent less than 1% of the surface area (Kramer and Bullock, 1966; Van Rees and Comerford, 1990). The majority, or even all, of the tree fi-ne-roo't system can be brown depending on seasonal and environmental conditions (Hendrick and Pregitzer, 1992). Loblolly pine, growing in the Piedmont of North Carolina (Kramer and Bullock, 1966), had the following surface area distribution (i) white roots 0.3%; (ii) mycorrhizas (not including extramatrical hyphae) 2.7%; (iii) brown roots <1.3 mm in diameter 64.1%; and brown roots >1.3 in diameter 32.7%. In this study, as in most root biomass studies, it is unclear if the brown root category is woody or just brown in color with no secondary growth (primary). Fine roots of most species common in forests (e.g., spruce, fir, pine, beech, oak, birch, poplar) are colonised by ectomycorrhizal fungi (Harley and Harley, 1987). Other tree species (e.g., elm, ash, maple, fruit trees) are colonised by endomycorrhizal (arbuscular mycorrizal) fungi (George and Marschner, 1996). In a number of tree species, both ectomycorrhizal and arbuscular mycorrhizal, can occur simultaneously (Lodge, 1989). Some roots of all trees, in 10 particular the fast-growing long roots, usually remain non- mycorrhizal. The surface area of extramatrical mycorrhizas found in pine forest might very well dwarf the surface area of the other root categories. Under controlled conditions external mycelium of mycorrhyzal pine seedlins accounted for 75% of the total surface area (Rousseau et al., 1994) however, this contribution is likely to be lower under more natural conditions due to presence of competitors and predators . With current technology it is not possible to measure mycorrhizal hyphae length or surface area under field conditions. Therefore there are no reliable estimates of extramatrical mycorrhizal hyphal length or surface area in natural environments. Root hairs are part of the epidermis of the root. They are involved in water and ionic exchange between the plant and the growth medium. Therefore, when root hairs are present the root surface can be considerably enlarged depending on root hair length and density of hairs on the epidermis. Root hair length varies between 80 and 1500 pm, with diameters of 5-20 pm, depending on species and cultivars (Dittmer, 1949; Caradus, 1979). Although the location of the root hair zone is generally known in some plant species (1 to 4 cm long and behind the zone of active root elongation (Jaunin and Hofer, 1986), root hairs are not always present. Little work has been done to investigate the abundance of root hairs on pine roots. However Kozlowski and Scholtes (1948) reported root hairs on roots of 7 -week-old loblolly pine seedling with hair 11 densities of 217 hair cm"2 Roots developing an ectomycorrhizal structure will not have root hairs (Mexal et al . , 1979), but root hairs are common on some endomycorrhizal roots (Lyford, 1975). Most studies on nutrient absorption by root hairs have been done in agronomic crops where they have been shown to be important for increasing root surface area. (Itoh and Barber, 1983). Still, their contribution to the root system surface area of trees is largely unkown. Nutrient Uptake for the Different Root-Surfaces of Trees Once the root categories are defined, the next question is whether all categories have a nutrient uptake function. I will address this question by first describing the pathways for nutrient uptake and then reviewing the nutrient uptake by different root surfaces of trees. Pathways of Nutrient Uptake In any root there exists two pathways for nutrient uptake. These are the apoplastic and symplastic pathways. As defined by Dumbroff and Pierson (1971) the apoplastic pathway is a route through the apoplast where the ion does not have to pass a selectively permeable membrane but moves through intercellular space, while the symplastic pathway is where the ion must pass a semipermeable membrane to enter the cytoplasm and moves radially in the cytoplasm by passing from cell to cell via plasmodesmata. Transport of water and ions 12 through the apoplast of the root outside the endodermis is only stopped by Casparian bands on the inner cortical layer in the endodermis . A white root includes the area from the root tip to some point in the zone of primary tissues. Therefore, a white root can have no endodermis, can have a developing endodermis, and can have a fully developed endodermis; depending on position along the root. In the youngest white roots, the casparian bands are absent but the xylem vessels are immature, so only very limited apoplastic entry to the xylem is possible. As the root matures the casparian band becomes continuous and forms a barrier to apoplastic nutrient flow. In some cases a Casparian band can develop in the hypodermis, sometimes referred to as the exodermis (Peterson et al., 1981; Perumalla and Peterson, 1986). This has been shown in some plants to be an effective barrier to apoplastic flow (Peterson et al., 1981). Yet, it is not clear if this strip is fully equivalent to that of the endodermis as proposed by Shone and Clarkson (1986). The presence and degree of development of the suberin deposition is related to stress, with high water stress causing it to form closer to the tip of the root. In brown roots, a fully developed endodermis can be compromised by short and lateral root development leaving a partial pathway for apoplastic water and nutrient flow where the roots exit the pericycle through the endodermis. If secondary xylem growth occurs, it can cause corruption of the 13 endodermis with the cortex progressively sloughing away (Troughton, 1957). With time, cork tissue with a cork cambium develops, becoming another possible barrier to apoplastic flow. In short roots with ectomycorrhiza, the fungal sheath becomes the surface area for absorption of both water and nutrients . Ectomycorrhizae may have a well developed sheath which forms a tightly packed layer between the soil and root extending around the root apex, so that the zone of ift^ximum water and mineral uptake of the root is separated from the soil by fungal tissue. Therefore all substances absorbed from the soil must pass through the fungal sheath or mantle before coming in contact with the outer cells of the root (Harley and Smith, 1983). Like the root tissue, the fungal sheath is divided into symplastic and apoplastic compartments (Ashford et al., 1988; 1989). Cellufluor has been used to test the apoplasmic permeability of the fungal sheath in Pisonia mycorrhizae. Ashford et al. (1988) documented that the apoplastic tracers penetrated as far as the root epidermal cells in tip regions in the immediate vicinity of the mycorrhizal root cap. Behind this area, where both the root and mycorrhiza are likely to be active, the sheath was impermeable to the tracer. Blockage of the apoplast was believed to be at the interface between fungus and root. Therefore it was concluded that the symplastic pathway within the fungus was very important at this stage with the hartig net in a position to deliver water and 14 nutrients into the intercellular cortex. Any obstructions to apoplastic flow that exist at that point of entry as described above then apply. In short roots with endomycorrhiza the fungal mantle is not present. Root hairs generally arise from the epidermis. A root hair may increase the absorbing surface area and hence increase the ion and water absorption per unit length of root, but nutrients must still pass a symplastic route. When root hairs develop, a cuticle has been known to develop over them and the epidermis (Curl and Truelove, 1986). The hydrophobic waxy components of the cuticle may increase resistance to water and nutrient flow, but experimental data are lacking making definitive statements difficult. The relative rapid deterioration of the cytoplasm of root hairs of maize roots suggests that root hairs may not function for very long (Fusseder, 1987). Nutrient Uptake by Root TrPPs Most of the research on root nutrient uptake by trees comes almost exclusively from experiments with tree seedlings under laboratory or greenhouse conditions. There is no question that white 'roots, short roots and mycorrhizal hyphae are active in nutrient uptake of trees (George and Marschner, 1996). However much less is known about nutrient absorption by intact older fine roots of perennial plants in field conditions . The main question in nutrient uptake by trees is whether brown roots function in uptake, and if so, is it by 15 active uptake? The importance of this question for trees is obvious when one considers the tremendous root length and surface area in this category. For illustration Comerford and Neary (1991) used nutrient uptake models to show that in a semi-mature slash pine stand, the only way one can predict phosphorus (P) root uptake based on observed P soil solution concentrations, was to either adjust mineralization rates or not allow a very large part of root system to function in P uptake. This would suggests that a significant portion of the fine root (brown-woody) system is not absorbing P. It might be that our idea of an "effective" root length density is incorrect. Yet, one would normally include these potentially non-absorbing roots in estimates of root length density when using nutrient uptake models. While the lack of a mechanistic definition of an "effective" root length density has not been a problem in agriculture crops, its importance is more critical in tree root systems. Not only are tree roots irregularly distributed in the soil (Comerford et al., 1994b), but tree root systems also comprise roots with very different morphology and physiology (Table 2-1). Also, the plant available nutrients are distributed with higher heterogeneity in forest soils (Lechowiez and Bell, 1991). In forest trees, root biomass represents less than 20% of the total biomass (Keyes and Grier, 1981). This relatively lower root biomass is mainly caused by the high turnover rates of tree fine roots. Fine roots of forest trees have a short-life span (George and Marschner, 1996), and a large 16 amount of nutrients is used each year for the growth of new roots (van Praag et al., 1988; Eissenstat and Van Rees, 1994). The yearly nutrient uptake in adequately growing forest depends on the tree species, but to take up those nutrients, trees need efficient root systems adapted to the usually nutrient-poor forest soils (Koch and Matzner 1993). If absorption of nutrients by roots of trees is confined to new root growth, is it the browning of roots (accompanied by suberization) that curtails the nutrient uptake activity of roots of trees? Long lived root elements would seem to be advantageous for a plant given energy and nutrient availability considerations. Still the question of root longevity may be viewed in a different perspective. Maintenance of long lived, fine root elements, may in fact be a poor evolutionary strategy. It may be less energetically expensive to form a new root element which systematically explores new microsites for relative inmobile elements such as phosphorus, than to maintain a long lived absorbing root element in sufficient density to meet plant nutrient demand. Studies have demonstrated that either alternative, can be favorable to the plant. With annual plants it is well known that uptake rates of roots change with age (distance along the root axis) (Bowen, 1969; Barber, 1984; Marschner, 1991) and that the important factor in zonality of ion uptake is the structural differences m walls of epidermal cells and in peripheral cells of the cortex, endodermis and stele. For both annual 17 and perennial plants the term "root browning" has been loosely applied to several developmental processes including those of root dormancy, cortical breakdown and periderm formation (Sutton and Tinus, 1983). Field observations of growing root systems generally corroborate the common assumption that only the new growing root elements are free of the browning (darkening) in color, considered to be a development of suberin layers in older roots (Head, 1967). Even though suberin is impermeable to water, the deposition of suberin layers is not always continuous, particularly if they are deposited in the walls of the exodermis. Even in the case of periderm formation, water could still enter through lenticels, wounds or other breaks or discontinuities in the suberin layer. The most detailed investigation related to the histochemical nature of root browning was done in jack pine roots and eucalyptus by McKenzie and Peterson (1995a and 1995b). Root browning was not linked to suberization but was caused by deposition of condensed tannins in the walls of all cells external to the stele. The term suberization should not be associated with browning, since the white zones of jack pme and eucalyptus roots were not colored internally, despite the presence of suberin in the endodermis of jack pme and m both the endodermis and exodermis of eucalyptus. Therefore, a white root is not necessarily an unsuberized root, nor is a suberized tissue layer necessarily brown. This study documented that an apoplastic tracer was unable to penetrate the periderm in secondary roots . 18 Evidence of Nutrient Uptake in Brown Roots An important question in nutrient uptake is whether brown roots function in uptake, and if so, is it by active uptake? Uptake by brown (woody?) roots has been reported, but the data base is not extensive. Citrus and Pinus taeda have both been shown to have brown roots that absorb P04 (Crider 1933; Chung and Kramer, 1975). The work by Chung and Kramer even suggested that an effective ion barrier existed allowing selective ion absorption. Kramer (1946) suggested that the selective barrier was either the cork cambium, the vascular cambium or both. Similar uptake rates for Prunus were subsequently reported (Atkinson and Wilson, 1979). The same study by Crider (1933) also indicated active uptake of N03 by woody (brown?) roots in Citrus, again with an effective ion selective barrier implicating active uptake. The rate of K uptake by brown (woody?) roots of Prunus and Malus (Atkinson and Wilson, 1980) and slash pine (Van Rees and Comerford,- 1990) was shown to be lower or similar to the uptake rate of white roots. In the work on Pinus elliottn (Van Rees and Comerford, 1990), K accumulated at a rate faster than that attributable to mass flow, suggesting an active uptake mechanism 19 So there appears to be some evidence that, as with white roots and short roots , brown roots are capable of nutrient uptake. However, it is not clear if uptake is dominated by mass flow or active uptake mechanisms. If uptake in brown roots is via apoplastic pathways, these pathways could include lenticels, wounds at the base of branch roots (Addoms, 1946) and breaks in the endodermis (Dumbroff and Pierson, 1971; Peterson et al., 1981). However, where active uptake is indicated it is not clear what the barrier to apoplastic flow is. All of the research on root nutrient uptake by brown roots comes almost exclusively from experiments with either sections of roots (Chung and Kramer 1975) or intact roots from tree seedlings under laboratory or greenhouse conditions. Also in most studies, is it unclear what category of brown roots was being investigated. Model experiments by Bhat (1981, 1983) showed that the rate of P uptake by whole root systems of 3.5 years-old apples trees was 2.5 lower than root systems of apple tree seedlings . In both cases the trees were grown under greenhouse conditions. Unfortunately such detailed uptake studies with root trees in field conditions are rare. Up to now, only very few attempts have been made to develop techniques to study the nutrient uptake of root systems in forest sites (Glavac and Ebben 1986; Marschner et al., 1991; Niederholzer et al., 1994). 20 Michaelis-Menten Kinetics as a Description of Active Nutrient Uptake Appropriateness of the Equation for Root Uptake Nutrient concentrations in the cytoplasm of soil grown roots are usually much higher than in the soil solution at the rhizoplane. Metabolic energy is required for nutrient uptake to occur against this chemical gradient. The transport of nutrients across cell membranes is enzymatically mediated and nutrient specific (Nye and Tinker, 1977), but chemical details about transport to the enzyme carrier, the nature of the enzyme, movement via carrier, and release inside the cell remain largely matters of speculation. Because active nutrient uptake at low concentrations (e.g. < 1 mM) is enzymatic, the principles of enzyme kinetics have been applied to the mathematical description of nutrient uptake within the appropriate ranges of concentrations. L. Michael is and M.L. Menten in 1913 developed a general theory of enzyme kinetics, which was later extended by G.E. Briggs and J.B.S. Haldane (Lehninger, 1970). They considered the situation where an enzyme combined with a substrate, then dissociated to release the product. Both steps were associated with forward and reverse rate constants. Once simplifying assumptions were made, this situation resolved mathematically to an asymptotic function between the velocity of the reaction and the concentration of the substrate, i.e. v= Vmx*S/(Ka +S) (1) 21 Where V is the velocity of the reaction, S is the concentration of the substrate, Vmx is the maximum velocity attainable, and K is the S at half V „ and is also related to the rate constants of the reactions and thereby the affinity of the enzyme for the substrate. The constants Vmx and Ka are normally empirically fit but can be calculated if forward and reverse rate constants are known. The function is known as the Michaelis-Menten equation and describes the saturation phenomenon observed in enzyme studies at low concentrations. Claassen and Barber (1976) and Nielsen and Barber (1978), applied this function to nutrient uptake by roots, modified it by including a minimum concentration below which there was no further uptake ( CKln ) , and substituted the terms I (inflow to a root) for V, and C (concentration) for S, i.e. 1 = *.x* (C-C^J / (Km +( C-C (2) Hence, this function is a description of nutrient uptake using Michaelis-Menten kinetics (Figure 2-1). Although this function has fit observations of inflow versus concentration, i.e. 1(C), for many nutrients and root types, there are several reasons why observations might deviate from this theoretical form. Nutrient uptake may be more complex than the simple enzyme system on which Michaelis-Menten kinetics are based. For instance, more than one enzyme or type of enzymes may be involved, diffusion to and from the carrier enzyme might be a limitation, energy supply to the enzyme may be a limitation, the rate constants may be nonlinear with substrate concentration (Lehninger, 1970), and more than one uptake mechanism might be at work (Nye and Tinker, 1977). 22 This latter remark refers to the phenomenon of multiphasic uptake (Epstein, 1972; Hodges, 1973; Nissen, 1980) whereby Michaelis-Menten kinetics seem to be an adequate description of uptake at normal soil solution concentrations, e.g. < 1 mM, but at higher concentrations the process is not active and hence is unaffected if induction of the carrier enzyme is blocked (Omata et al., 1989; Oaks, 1992). However, the high concentration at which this second mechanism dominates is much higher than the concentration of most nutrients under natural and most managed conditions. With the exception of N03 under limited soil management conditions, multiphase uptake is likely to be of no concern for understanding growth under low fertility. A further complication is that efflux of nutrients from roots may not be related to the activity of the uptake system because it is thought to be largely a diffusive process dependent upon internal and external nutrient concentrations and the integrity of the membrane. Although Michaelis-Menten kinetics remain a useful description of nutrient uptake by roots at most soil solution concentrations, it is best thought of as an empirical description of nutrient uptake relative to solution concentration, 1(C), than a theoretical approach. While based in theory, its application will only approach a theoretical 23 level when the process is better understood, when active and passive uptake mechanisms are defined for each root category, and when feedback mechanisms regulating uptake are mechanistically incorporated. Active Root Uptake Mechanism and Root Anatomy Most evidence suggests that an active mechanism is responsible for the bulk of ion uptake by roots, but many physiologists believe that passive mechanisms also provide at least a small portion of the ions that are absorbed by roots (Brouwer, 1965). In this review I am focusing on P and K uptake by roots of trees; therefore I will only discuss the uptake mechanism of the above mentioned nutrients . Phosphorus uptake by roots is active as measured by electrochemical gradients (Ulrich-Eberius et al., 1981) and appears to be operated by the pH gradient across the plasmalemma as indicated by Dunlop (1989) and Bowling (1981). Phosphate flux in the roots is affected by transpiration which ensures the flow of solutes in plant tissues. Active P uptake by roots of trees has been demonstrated for loblloly pine (Topa and McLeod, 1986b). Potassium uptake by root tissue is active (Higinbotham et al., i967). This was proved by the use of inhibitors of energetic metabolism. In sunflower and wheat roots, K uptake was inhibited by 2,4-DNP (Pettersson, 1981). Antibiotics of the ionophore" type showed a stimulatory effect on K uptake. Gramicidine-D and nigericine stimulated K influx into the 24 roots up to from 4- to 8-fold (Hodges et al., 1971). The ability of roots to regulate influx decreases with increasing external ion K concentrations suggesting a feedback mechanism (Petterson and Jensen, 1979). Active K uptake by roots of trees has been demonstrated for plum (Rosen and Carlson, 1984) and for slash pine species (Fisher and Stone, 1990b; Van Rees and Comer ford, 1990). Ion transfer across the plasmalemma and ion influx or efflux from the apoplast into the symplast is directed by regulation of active processes of metabolic reactions. There is much experimental evidence for the prevalence of symplastic over the apoplastic transport of ions. Anderson (1975) assumed that over 90% of the ions passed into the stele moved through the symplast-apoplast mechanism (not plasmodesmata) . For instance P-phosphate ions are transported mainly through the symplast (Clarkson and Sanderson, 1974). However starving roots first take up phosphate by diffusion into the apoplast. After the saturation of the apoplast and when the steady-state of the external solution-tissue system is exceeded, the transport proceeds actively (symplastic) ( Ulrich-Eberius et al., 1981). in comparison, K ions are transported mainly through the symplast (Lauchli et al., 1973) . Only few studies have examined the potential role of brown (woody?) and white roots roots in water and nutrient uptake. Moon et al . , (1986) found that the uptake of ions and water in roots of mangrove occurred primarily through the 25 symplast of the younger (nonwoody?), intact roots (apoplastic flow was estimated at 1%). Furthermore, Moon et al., (1986) found that disturbing roots by removing them from the soil increased estimates of apoplastic water flux by 57X. However time was not allowed for roots to heal from the injury sustained nor were injuries sealed with wax, thus allowing an abnormally high number of direct entry points for apoplastic water flow. Van Rees and Comerford (1990) reported that fine woody roots of slash pine seedlings were nearly as effective in water uptake as were entire root systems (nonwoody and woody). However, Van Rees and Comerford (1990) found that water absorption by fine woody roots with cut ends (the cut ends had several day to callous) was similar to that of woody-roots coated with paraffin wax. The dependence of flow upon development of suberized layers in the endodermal cell is not crucial for apoplastic movement. There are known to be regions of discontinuity in the Casparium band in roots through which unhindered transport in apoplast might occur. Such regions occur at the root where the endodermal cells are not yet mature (Robards and Jackson, 1976) and sites of secondary root initiation. During their development, laterals root cause a gap in the structure of the endodermis. They arise from meristematic initials in the pericycle; as they divide, a dome of cells is produced and the endodermis divide to form the epidermal layer of the emerging lateral (McCully, 1975). At the junction of the lateral and the endodermis there is a ring of cells which lack Casparian bands (Dumbroff 26 and Peirson, 1971)) which seems to permit apoplast continuity between the cortex and the stele. Apoplastic tracers were seen to enter the stele at this point (Peterson et al., 1981) and water uptake in the zone of lateral emergency of barley roots was higher than elsewhere and very responsive to changes in transpiration rate (Sanderson, 1983). Therefore, probable mass flow pathways are provided at one stage during branch development. Yet, the physiological significance of this apoplastic pathway and a potential passive uptake of nutr^-ents has not been studied in field conditions. All of the research on the mechanisms of nutrient uptake by roots comes from experiments with tree seedlings under laboratory or greenhouse conditions . Importance of Root Uptake Kinetics Under Field Conditions — Kg— and Under Field Conditions The importance of the Michaelis-Menten parameters under field conditions will depend mainly on the concentration of the nutrient in solution at the absorbing surface (Cla). The profile of nutrient concentration in solution relative to radial distance from the root can take three basic profiles. When plant uptake is equal to the supply by mass flow, is equal to the bulk soil solution concentration. If demand at the root surface is greater than supply by mass flow in the soil, a depletion zone will develop and Cla will be less than the bulk soil solution. The higher the plant demand and the 27 slower the rates of mass flow and diffusion supply, the lower will be Cla. However, if mass flow supply is more than the demand at the root surface, a surplus will build at the root surface and Cla will be greater than the bulk solution concentration . The sensitivity of nutrient uptake to the value of the Michaelis-Menten parameters depends on Cla. When mass flow is a dominant source of supply and is approaching or exceeding plant demand, then Cu is high, approaching the solution concentration at which 1^ occurs. Under these conditions, uptake will be dependent on the value of lB However, if mass flow does not contribute much to soil supply and the supply by diffusion is significantly less than demand by the plant, Cla becomes very low. If Cla gets low enough, it gets to the point on the curves where they begin to converge and now plant uptake is not sensitive to i^. There is a similar but reverse explanation to a plant's uptake sensitivity to CM As cu approaches the value of C^, plant nutrient uptake will be very sensitive to the value of (Figure 2-1, case A) However, when Cla is much higher than (C^ is very low relative to Cla), changes in will have little effect on plant uptake. (Figure 2-1, case B). For illustration Fescue and Canary grass roots with low I_ values relative to corn (Figure 2-1), can deplete P from the soil solution under lower soil p concentrations when compared with corn roots. 28 Imax and C min evaluation (Comerford et al. , 1994a) Concentration at absorbing surface ( i/Mol cm 3 ) Figure 2-1. A series of Michaelis-Menten curves. Case A represents the condition where the solution concentration is so low that sensitivity to 1^ is unimportant. Case B represents the condition where the influx would be sensitive to the value of 1^. 29 Conversely at high soil P concentration corn roots will deplete P faster from the soil solution because higher 1^ values when compared with Fescue and Canary grass roots. This is extremely important since soil nutrient concentrations will be closer to C^ values in forest soils. Although it is possible that these parameters could affect a plant’s competitive ability, little is known about their genetic or environmental controls. Nevertheless, there is evidence that Km is under genetic and environmental control, and that plants continually presented with nutrients at concentrations approximating Km will grow at high relative growth rates in the absence of other limitations (Bloom et al., 1993). Mycorrhizal hyphae may have lower C^ values than the root with which they are associated, thereby enhancing P uptake. However, work by Li et al. (1991) indicated that this was not the case for Glomus mosseae colonizing Trifolium repens because both surfaces depleted P to similar concentrations. However knowledge of nutrient uptake by ectomycorhizal fungi comes almost from experiments in the laboratory where small tree seedlings are inoculated with isolates of some species of mycorrhizal fungi. Some of the fungi used in these experiments are not common in forests and often substrates other than forest soils are used (George and Marschner, 1996). Unfortunately, an excavation of mycorrhizal fine roots from soils disrupts the hyphae growing into the soil dissecting the mycorrhizal roots from its major uptake organs. Therefore, uptake studies with intact mycorrhizal 30 fine roots are only possible in greenhouse conditions (Anderson and Riegwickz, 1991). The Iioax parameter has received more attention than K or m Cmin' probably because 1^ is more easily measured and it is quite responsive to imbalances between nutrient uptake rates and demand by the plant. For instance, Jungk et al. (1990) found that the 1^ of soybean roots increased 376% due to a decrease in pretreatment P concentrations from 30 to 0.03 mM, while Km values decreased by only 60%. Jackson and Caldwell (1992) have shown for field grown Agropyron desertorum roots that the P uptake capacity (i.e., im) can be increased by at least 73% in response to increases in P supply. Temporal and Spatial Chances in Root Uptake Kinetics Under Field Conditions Not only do the uptake kinetics of a root change as a root ages (i.e. with distance behind the root tip), but the uptake kinetics of root systems may vary temporally over short periods, e.g., 2 minutes (Ayling, 1993), or spatially over small distances, e.g., 2 centimeters (Bowen, 1969). The potential significance of spatial and temporal variability of root, uptake kinetics for nutrient competition between plants has been illustrated experimentally and theoretically by Jackson and Caldwell (1992) and Caldwell et al., (1992). They measured P uptake by excised roots of A. desertorum grown in microsites to which water or water with nutrients had been added. Plants were 0.5 m apart and control and enriched microsites were located on opposite sides of 31 individual plants. Four days after treatment, uptake rates of P by excised roots from enriched microsites were up to 73% higher than those by roots from control areas when immersed ini, 10 or 20 mM P, but there was no comparable effect on N uptake in the range 50-1000 mM N. Model simulations indicated that this mechanism for enhanced P uptake from fertile microsites was more important than root proliferation. Dighton and Harrison (1990) reported that, despite year to year variation in the P uptake capacity of fine roots of seven Picea sitchensis stands aged 14-26 years, increased growth rates after the addition of p fertilizer were accompanied by a decrease in the P uptake capacity by fine roots in fertilized plots. The change in P uptake capacity after fertilization was considered a better indication of P deficiency in these stands than concentrations of p in foliage. Short-term feedback mechanisms may operate by regulating the energy supply to ion carriers in cell membranes or by altering the configuration of the membrane so that transport of the ion to, with and from the carrier is retarded or enhanced. Long-term feedback on uptake kinetics probably involve regulation of the number of carriers. For example, enzymes like nitrate transporters require a lag phase of exposure to nitrate before uptake can proceed. Under field conditions absorbing surface areas of trees can also influence nutrient soil-solution concentration, modulating the supply of nutrients to the surface, and 32 arfecting uptake rate. Processes important for forest soils or the southeastern united states include organic exudates and redox potentials. For example several types of organic acids (such as citrate and oxalate) are excreted by roots and mycorrhizal hyphae in response to P deficiency, improving P availability in the soil-solution. Examples of this process m forest soils are given for Pinus by Fox et al. (1990) and Fox and Comerford (1990). Also, roots of some forest species growing in anaerobic conditions have been shown to oxidize their rhizosphere. Taproots of pine trees occur in soil zones which are perenially or temporarilly water saturated producing anoxic conditions. Roots of slash pine ( Pinus elliottii) (Fisher and Stone, 1990a), lodgpole pine ( Pinus contorts Douglas ex Louden) (Coutss, 1982) and pond pine (Pinus serotina Michx.) growing in oxygen depleted soils induced localized hypertrophy of lenticels on taproots and lateral roots and produced continuous gas filled lacunae in the roots. Internal 02 transport of these roots provides the ability to absorb nutrient on poorly drained soil. Such a mechanism allows active K uptake under what would appear to be anaerobic conditions (Fisher and Stone, 1990b). This process is important for forest plantations of the southeastern United States where seasonal water tables severly reduce 02 supply to large parts of the root system. Forested Spodosols of the southeastern lower coastal plain typically have perched, fluctuating water tables. At any single location the 33 saturated zone can range from near the soil surface to depths > 150 cm during a single year, and often during a single growing season (Phillips et al., 1989). Pine roots growing in those soils encounter shallow water tables which promote reduced soil conditions (Comerford et al., 1996). Reduced soil conditions affect root respiration and, as soil oxygen tension decreases, the uptake of ions falls, particularly under hypoxic conditions (Hopkins et al., 1950; Hopkins, 1956). However maintenance of ion uptake by submerged roots of trees depends on the ion studied, and time of root acclimation to hypoxic conditions. The 02 dependent nature of ion influx in unacclimated or hypoxic intolerant root tissues suggest that fermentative respiration does not produce sufficient levels of ATP to drive the plasmalemma H+-ATPase (Drew, 1988). Investigations with wheat suggest that xylem loading of K is more sensitive to 02 deficiency than influx at the plasmalemma (Thompson et al., 1989). Recent investigations by Topa and Cheeseman (1993) concluded that 32P transport to shoots of pond pine seedlings may be more sensitive to 02 deficient soil conditions than uptake at the epidermal or cortical plasmalemma of pine roots, possibly because stelar tissue may experience 02 deficiency before and more frequently than outer cortical cells. From the point of view of mineral nutrition of trees under field conditions, it is not the ion transport mechanism that is important, but the way in which the transport mechanism is controlled by the tree. Clarkson et 34 al. (1978) stated that the nutrient uptake effectiveness of a root system depends on the differential response of the absorbing surfaces to environmental variables. Concluding Remarks From the concepts presented above I conclude that uptake and transport of ions takes place in a complex structure of various root tissues (eg., apoplastic and symplastic pathway); at different stages of growth and development (e.g. cell division, elongation and cambial growth); and along the length of roots. Thus anatomical, as well as physiological characteristics of both young and old roots of perennial plants deserve to be studied under field conditions. The overall objective of the research described in the following four chapters was to investigate the absorption of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) by the root surface area of twelve- year-old slash pine trees under field conditions. Chapter 3 is the description and testing of a field method that I developed to measure nutrient depletion by roots of trees under field conditions. Chapter 4 addresses the effect of low oxygen in the uptake of K and P by roots of pine trees under field conditions. Chapter 5 is a study of P and K depletion by fine woody roots of pine trees under field conditions. CHAPTER 3 A METHOD FOR MEASURING NUTRIENT DEPLETION BY ROOTS OF MATURE TREES IN THE FIELD Introduction Current understanding of water and ion uptake by roots generally comes from studies of transport phenomena using new, white roots of young plants (Bowen and Rovira, 1967; Bhat and Nye, 1973; Ginsburg and Ginzburg, 1970). Much less is known about nutrient absorption in older roots of perennial plants, yet their investigation is fundamental for a complete description of the "effective" nutrient absorbing surface area of a root system. "Effective root surface" is defined, in water and nutrient uptake models, as the fraction of the total surface area contributing to water and ion uptake (Baldwin et al., 1972). Root surface area can be the single most important factor determining nutrient uptake by plants (Barber, 1984). However, a root's ability to absorb nutrients can change with age and stage of growth development (Fusseder, 1987; Nayakekorala and Taylor, 1990). Types of root surface areas have been categorized as (i) white roots (with and without root hairs), (ii) mycorrhiza, (iii) other nonwoody roots (nonwoody roots undergoing root browning which may be due to metaculization, suberization, or cortical cell decay, and iv) woody-roots (those containing secondary xylem) 35 36 (Chung and Kramer, 1975; Sutton and Tinus, 1983; Comerford et al* ' 1994a). Nutrient uptake by roots has, in most cases, been studied in solution culture. It has been described by relating the rate of ion uptake by the root to the external ion solution concentration. Net ion influx has been described by equations derived from the Michaelis-Menten equation (Claassen and Barber, 1974). Parameters of these equations may vary according to the type of nutrient, plant species (Clarkson, 1985; Foehse et al., 1988), genotype (Nielsen and Barber, 1978), and age of plants (Jungk and Barber, 1975). Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that uptake characteristics also change with different types of root surface area. Determining the kinetics of ion uptake by roots is of fundamental importance to the study of plant mineral nutrition, yet field studies of root uptake tend to be complicated due to access to plant roots below the soil, plant age and plant size. This is especially true when considering mature trees. Uptake kinetic studies have been accomplished either by using excised roots (Noggle and Fried, 1960) or intact plants (Loneragan and Asher, 1967). Uptake studies using excised roots may not be relevant because (i) roots are not attached to the sink (the shoot), ( ii ) a steady state condition might not be established in the short uptake periods used (e.g. 20 minutes) and, (iii) changes in root metabolic processes may occur due to injury stress (Bloom and Caldwell, 1988). 37 Longer-term depletion studies by intact roots have been conducted under (i) steady-state conditions, or (ii) transient conditions. Steady-state conditions occur when the influx of the ion into the system occurs at a rate equal to root uptake of the ion, so the quantity of the monitored ion remains steady over time, even though ion uptake is on-going. The amount of the ion that must enter or leave the system per unit time to maintain a steady-state becomes a measurement of the rate of the reaction. Nutrient flow systems that monitor steady-state ion absorption by intact plants were described by Bloom (1989), Bloom and Chapin (1981), and Glass et al. (1987). The systems are sophisticated, and have been used under greenhouse conditions. Cost and technical requirements are a constraining for implementing a steady-state system that provides field measurements of ion uptake for roots of mature trees. Also, the steady-state ion absorption method has received some criticism in that the procedure may not adequately represent soil solution conditions in the rhizosphere of plants growing under field conditions. Transient conditions to measure root uptake by intact plants are based on the time required to deplete the ion concentration m a solution; hence they are called depletion methods. A depletion method can be accomplished by either a) exposing root systems to a graded series of initial ion concentrations (Nye and Tinker, 1977); or, b) measuring rates of ion depletion from an initial ion concentration (Claassen and Barber, 1974). A major requirement for the first case is 38 to have enough root systems and replicates for the chosen graded series of initial ion concentrations. Uniformity of root systems could be a major constraint in measuring in situ ion uptake on roots of mature trees using this approach. The second case is less laborious than the first one, requiring only a system to maintain a constant solution volume during the whole experiment. In this fashion, the ion uptake rate can be calculated from changes in the ion concentration in the solution. The few ion uptake studies using forest tree roots have employed the depletion method (Beck, 1979; Van Rees and Comerford, 1990). In order to measure ion uptake by intact roots of mature trees in the field, two major requirements must be met (i) to grow the root system in a way that allows access and minimizes disturbance; and (ii) to enclose the root system in a chamber where environmental conditions can be controlled. Meeting these two conditions in the field is challenging. Not surprisingly, I found only two useful examples of nutrient depletion studies in the field and a handful of related studies. The first example was published by Marschner et al. (1991). Non-mycorrhizal, intact long roots of Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.) Karst.) were carefully excavated, lifted from the soil, and placed into containers where a solution with nutrient concentrations similar to those in soil solution was supplied. The experiment was designed to study the preferential uptake of nitrogen ions (NH4+vs. N03J from the nutrient solution. The second example was recently 39 published by Goutouly and Habib (1996). Whole root systems of 3 to 5 year-old, non-bearing peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch. ) trees were excavated. Each root system was split in half and put into nutrient solution containers. The whole root system was maintained at 1 or 5 mM N03_ . Hourly nitrate uptake rates of each root subsystem were measured under natural climatic conditions. Besides these two, a few related studies include descriptions of techniques for measuring ion uptake by intact roots of mature trees under field conditions. Glavac and Ebben (1986) described a root chamber to test the reaction of roots to different nutrients and toxic chemicals. The system utilized a square container made of 1 mm2 polyvinylchloride (PVC)-net, filled with washed sand, a ceramic plate, and a remote solution reservoir. Capillary action provided by the ceramic plate in equilibrium with the ^ the chamber resulted in a constant supply of nutrients and chemicals to the root system. This technique was designed to investigate root morphological changes following four weeks of exposure to different chemical environments. As described, however, the system was inappropriate for nutrient depletion studies. Niederholzer et al. (1994) described a method for measuring root development of field-grown, mature peach trees. They developed a novel system to measure root regeneration and elongation from the cut ends of roots placed into root-impenetrable cloth bags. Sisson (1983) described in detail a system for determining 40 -espiration rates of intact Yucca elata Engelm. roots. The system is a good example of meeting aeration requirements. There does not appear to be a system appropriate for the study of nutrient depletion by roots of mature trees in the -ield. The objectives of this study were (i) to present the design and construction of a methodology for nutrient uptake by lateral root systems of mature trees in the field, and (ii) to test the procedure under laboratory and field conditions . Materials and Methods Site Description Twelve-year-old slash pine trees (Pinus elliotii Engelm. var. elliotii ) averaging 16.7 m (std=3.7) tall and 19.4 cm (std-2.7) dbh (diameter-base-height) were selected from a research plot in north Florida that received complete weed control. The study area is a long-term field experiment, initiated in 1983 by the Intensive Management Practices Assessment Center (IMPAC) of the USDA Forest Service, to assess potential biological productivity of pine and the processes controlling it (Colbert et al., 1990). A complete description of the site is given in Swindel et al. (1988) and Neary et al. (1990). Weeds were controlled with a combination of herbicide and mechanical means. The study site is about 10 km north of Gainesville, FL (29° 80' N, 82° 20' W) . The climate is warm, temperate-subtropical with a mean annual 41 precipitation of 1332 mm, most of which occurs in summer, with the least falling in autumn and spring. Mean annual temperature is 21 °C. The soil is a poorly-drained Pomona fine sand (sandy, siliceous, hyperthermic Ultic Alaquod). Root Regeneration System The root regeneration system was a variation of the method used by Lyford and Wilson (1966). Four lateral roots 1-1.5 cm in diameter were carefully excavated at the base of a tree so that the fine root system was preserved as much as possible. Each lateral root was pruned to a length that varied from 20 to 40 cm. If a ramification of the lateral root was present, the cut was made after the branching. A five-cm inside diameter (i.d.) PVC cap was then threaded over each root through a 2.2 cm hole drilled in the middle of the cap, until the cap rested near the base of the root where it was attached to the tree. Each root was then placed in a 50 x 25 x 6 cm black plastic tray and the trays were filled with sieved soil from the A horizon of the study plot (Figure 3- 1). The PVC cap was placed outside the tray at the point of entry for the root. Black plastic mesh was placed over the tray and covered with pine litter from the plot. The root system was irrigated with nutrient solution every other day to keep the soil moist. The nutrient solution consisted of 110 pM nitrogen (90 pM as ammonium-N and 20 pM as nitrate-N), 20 pM phosphate-P, 77 pM potassium, 65 pM calcium, 10 pM magnesium, 10 pM sulfate-S, 0.24 pM borate-B, 0.20 pM iron, 42 Figure 3-1. The root regeneration system. Each root system was covered with moistened wiper paper sheets. A PVC cap (A) was threaded over each root system, before entering the root tray (B). (C) Tree trunk 43 0.02 pM manganese, 0.02 p M zinc, 0.005 pM molybdate-Mo, and 0.005 pM copper. These nutrient concentrations are typical of soil solutions of a Florida Spodosol (Van Rees and Comerford, 1990). Excess drained through holes drilled in the bottom of each tray. Watering was suspended when rain was plentiful. The PVC cap was used as one end of the "nutrient uptake root chamber". The design of the chamber is described in detail in the following section. Because this cap part of the chamber is installed proximal to new root growth, it was convenient to install it before root growth occurred, thus preventing damage to the root system at the time of the nutrient depletion study. This method was applied to twenty trees (80 trays) between July 24 to July 28, 1994. Fourteen of these trees were used for this study. Nutrient Uptake Root Chamber Design and Construction Root uptake chambers were constructed from PVC (ASTM-D- 2665) with a 5 cm i.d. and walls 4 mm thick (Figure 3-2). Each column consisted of 3 parts: (a) the main column, (b) L- type PVC connector with both ends made to fit 5 cm i.d. PVC pipes, and (c) a 10. cm long PVC pipe to fit into part (b). Root chambers varied in length from 30-40 cm to accommodate various root system sizes. Figure 3-2 is a schematic representation of the nutrient uptake root chamber. Part (a) has a 3 -cm diameter hole, sealed with a No 6.5 solid neoprene rubber stopper (1). The hole was used to completely drain the nutrient solution from the chamber. Parts (b) and (c) were 44 Figure 3-2. Nutrient uptake root chamber, (a, c) PVC DiDes* -p ol Refer Suqcrested suDDlier DescriDtion to Fiaure ( Cataloa number /descriDtion ) Glass digestion tube ( 250 mL) 1 3-4.2 Fisher (TC1000-0155 ) Rubber stopper (No. 4) 1 3-4.3 Fisher (Solid Neoprene) PVC tubing (Nalgene i.d. 0.31 mm) 3-4.4 Fisher ( 180-clear VI grade) Polystyrene pipette (1 mL) 1 3-4.5 Fisher (Disposable) One-way male stopcock 2 3-4.6 Cole-Parmer (H-06464-71 ) Burette stand 1 3-4.7 Fisher Teflon tape sealant Fisher ( 14-831-300A) Hot-glue for guns sealant Handicraft stores 53 a Yellow Springs Instrument (YSI) portable oxygen meter, and a Clark type membrane-covered probe (accuracy 0.1 mg L'1 02). In-situ field studies Root regeneration system. Nine months after the installation of the root trays, thirty-six intact lateral roots from 9 trees were gently uncovered and washed with water from soil particles. The root regeneration system was evaluated based on the presence or absence of new root growth. Eleven months later, twenty lateral roots from another 5 trees were also uncovered and evaluated as described previously. Nutrient uptake system installation. Chambers were fitted to seventeen lateral roots on 5 trees as described above. Sealing the root-stopper junction was the most critical part. The junction was checked for leaks before connecting the cap to the root uptake chamber. During this procedure the root system was wrapped in several layers of soggy sheets of delicate task paper wiper (38 x 43 cm 2-ply ) , and covered with a black plastic mesh to avoid direct sunlight. The chamber was connected to the root as described above. Lastly, the Mariotte flask system was placed in the shallow pit as shown in Figure 3-4. The setting was accomplished by a two-person team. In order to minimize the risk of breaking the lateral root, I left enough length of lateral root between the tree trunk and the root-stopper-cap junction to allow easy flexible movement of the root. This 54 length facilitated the movement needed when assembling the chamber system. After installation, the portion of root external to the chamber was covered with soil. Pre-depletion treatment. The chamber was filled with the nutrient solution described in the laboratory study section, but lacking P and K. Roots in the chambers were continuously gassed with compressed air for 24 hours. During that time the system was monitored for leaks. Modeling clay was used to seal leaks. The aeration and Mariotte flask systems were also monitored for proper performance. Each chamber was covered with a black plastic mesh to avoid direct sunlight. This prevented the softening of the modeling clay by sunlight and kept the nutrient solution temperature uniform. The chamber was drained before the nutrient depletion study and then flushed with distilled water. Nutrient depletion study with air. The root chambers containing roots were filled with known amounts of nutrient solution (800 to 1200 mL). Initial P and K concentrations for the study were 6.25 pM P (ca. 0.20 mg IT1 ) and 25.66 pM K (ca. 1.00 mg L'1), plus other nutrients as described in the previous section. The nutrient solution was adjusted to pH 4.5. Solution samples (8 mL) were collected every 6 hours for a period of 72 hours. An equal volume of distilled water (8 mL (pH 4.5) was replaced. Water uptake was measured by calculating the volume of water replenished by the Mariotte flasks between sampling intervals. The system was continuously aerated with pressurized air. Dissolved oxygen 55 saturation and temperature were measured for each root chamber at each sampling interval. Nutrient depletion study with N: gas . After completion of the previous experiment, all root chambers were drained and flushed with distilled water. They were then subjected to the pre-depletion treatment for 24 hours. Afterwards, the root chambers were filled with known amounts of nutrient solution (c.a. 800-1200 mL). Nutrient concentrations for the study were the same as for the air study. The nutrient solution was purged with N2 gas for 2 hours before the depletion study experiment. Solution samples (8 mL) were collected from each chamber every 8 hours for 48 hours. An equal volume of distilled water (8 mL pH 4.5) was added back after taking each sample. Root water uptake was measured by calculating the volume of water replenished by the Mariotte flasks between sampling intervals. The system was continuously gassed with N2 gas (ultra-high purity grade) to decrease the oxygen solution concentration (Steward et al., 1936). Dissolved oxygen saturation, and temperature were measured for each root chamber at each sampling interval. Chemical analyses Nutrient solution samples were kept on ice until the depletion study was completed. They were analyzed within 24 hours of the completion of each depletion study. Concentration of p was determined by the method of Murphy and 56 Riley (1962). Potassium concentration was determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Data Analyses Laboratory studies Statistical comparisons of P and K concentrations, volume of water replenished by the Mariotte flask system and oxygen saturation were made using a repeated measures analysis (SAS Institute, 1985). The chambers (without roots) were the measurement units and the repeated measures were the time intervals . Field studies Periodic P and K uptake were calculated by expressing the P and K concentration at each sampling interval as a fraction of the initial nutrient concentration. Corrections were made for the dilution caused by sample withdrawal. Statistical comparisons for P and K concentrations , oxygen saturation, and nutrient .solution temperature were made using a repeated measures .analysis (SAS Institute, 1985). Treatments were the aeration environments caused by air or N2 gas. The blocks were trees while the replicates were the roots from each tree. The measurement unit was the chamber (with root) and the repeated measures were the time intervals . 57 Results Laboratory Studies (No Roots Present In Chambers! Phosphorus and K solution concentrations in the chamber were not significantly different at sampling intervals, nor among chambers. Average solution concentrations of the nutrient solution were 6.09 pM (c.a. 0.195 mg L'1) for P ( SE=1 .16 x 10-3), and 26.28 pM (c.a. 1.024 mg L'1 ) for K ( SE=7 . 49 x 10‘2) . The Mariotte flask system accurately replenished the water removed by sampling. The average volume of water replenished by the Mariotte flask system was 8.4 mL. (SE=0.15 mL). The volume of solution withdrawn from each chamber was 56 mL (7 samples x 8 mL) . The average volume of solution replenished by the Mariotte flask system was 58.8 mL (7 x 8.4 mL) . This represents a 5% error per volume sampled. The dilution of the solution concentration in the chamber was 5.8%. Oxygen saturation in the chambers was not significantly different at sampling intervals, nor among chambers. Nutrient solution temperature was 25 °C and the average oxygen saturation was 98.3%. 58 Field Studies Root regeneration system A total of 56 lateral roots from 14 trees were uncovered after 9 and 20 months from the initial installation of root trays. From this total, thirty-two (57%) lateral roots had new white roots. Sixteen (29%) more lateral roots had new fine roots that were brown in color. Two lateral root systems did not have fine roots but the lateral was still alive (4%). Six xateral roots (10%) were dead, apparently broken during the initial excavation. Therefore, 86% of the fifty-six lateral roots that were evaluated had new growth. Nutrient depletion with air Phosphorus and K solution concentrations (expressed as a fraction of the initial) were significantly different at sampling intervals (p < 0.001), but were not significantly among root chambers. The percentage of nutrient depleted was different for P than for K. It was as high as 92% for P while for K only 25% of the initial K concentration was depleted. (Figure 3-5). Nutrient depletion with gas Potassium depletion was effectively inhibited by N2 gas . The chamber K concentrations for the sampling intervals were not significantly different (Figure 3-6). In contrast, the 59 1.0 <0. O' t 0.8-1 *J\% o 0.7H | 0.6-1 < 0.5- | 0.4- O 0.3- O 0-2- O 0.1- 0.0 1 AIR \ \ \ \ Potassium Phosphorus ■* "I I I I — I — I — I — I — I — l — l — r~ 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 Time (Hours) Figure 3-5. Phosphorus and Potassium depletion by seventeen root systems of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii. Each symbol represent an average with standard error of seventeen root chambers Values are expressed as fraction of initial phosphorus ( # ) and potassium ( ■ ) concentration in the nutrient uptake chamber. The roots were gassed with air during the pxnpnmonf ’ 60 8 1.4- n2gas o H < on 1.2- LU O z O o -J < = 0.6-1 l 1.0- 0.8* • 4+ V l LL o 0.4- o o < on Potassium Phosphorus IZ 0.2- 0.0- 4 "i i i i i — i — i — i — i — i — r~ 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 Time (Hours) Figure 3-6. Phosphorus and Potassium depletion by seventeen root systems of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii. Each symbol represent an average with standard error of seventeen root chambers. Values are expressed as fraction of initial phosphorus ( # ) and potassium ( ■ ) concentration in the nutrient uptake chamber. The roots were gassed with N, gas during the experiment. 61 initial P concentrations in the roots chambers gassed with N„ were depleted as much as 92% (Figure 3-6), and were depleted in a similar trend as when roots were gassed with air (Figure 3-5) . Oxygen saturation with air and N. gas The oxygen saturation and the nutrient solution temperature in the root chambers during the depletion experiment with air and N2 gas are presented in Figure 3-7. For either air or N2 gas treatment the oxygen saturation values were not significantly different at sampling intervals, nor among root chambers (Figure 3-7b and 3-7c). However the N2 gas treatment decreased the oxygen saturation significantly as compared with the air gas treatment (p < 0.001). The average oxygen saturation was effectively reduced from 96.3% (SE 1.69 % ) to 4.2 % (SE= 2.7 %) when the gassing was changed from air to N2 gas. The average nutrient solution temperature when roots were gassed with air was 25.9 C. ( SE= 5.67 °C), and was not different from nutrient solution temperature when roots were gassed with N, gas ( average=2 3 . 9°C , SE= 5. 7°C). Diurnal air temperature fluctuations influenced the nutrient solution temperature. They were as low as 18 °C at the 6:00 a.m. samplings and as high as 35 C at the 12:00 a.m. (Figure 3-7a). 62 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 TIME (Hr) 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 — i r 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 TIME (Hr) Figure 3-7. Nutrient solution temperature (A) and Oxygen saturation (B and C), in root chambers with lateral root systems of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii The roots were gassed with air ( ■ ) and N2 gas ( □ ) . Each symbol represent an average with standard error of seventeen root chambers 63 Discussion I have described a method of measuring ion depletion by intact roots of mature trees in the field by (i) detailing a root regeneration system that allows access and minimizes disturbance of roots, and by (ii) designing and testing a chamber that effectively encloses the root system under controlled aeration conditions. In order to implement the root regeneration system described here, one must take into account the ability of a root system to regenerate after damage. In this study I had an 86% success rate in acquiring new root growth. For Pinus, lateral roots often extend great distances and are among the least branched of the important forest species but have abundant short roots. (Pritchett, 1979). The laboratory study showed that the chambers were not a source of P or K and that biotic or abiotic immobilization of P or K was occurring. All components of the nutrient uptake system that were in direct contact with the nutrient solution were made from inert material such as PVC, nalgene tubing, polyethylene, rubber, and glass. Tygon tubing has been reported to contain a plastilizer which supports microbial growth and interferes with ion analysis (Bloom, 1989). Microorganisms such as Pseudomonas sp. have been shown to colonize the interior surface of PVC water distribution pipes (Vess et. al, 1993). However, since there was no change in 64 the P and K solution concentrations over time, I infer that neither microbial growth, ion sorption to the chamber nor ion release from the chamber occurred in our system. In previous studies, microbial growth on surfaces has been reported after 3-7 weeks. Our experiments lasted just five days. This nutrient uptake system has many advantages for repetitive measurements of ion depletion. The root system in each chamber can be subjected to different treatments, allowing observations of the response of the same root system to different conditions. For example, in my study, I illustrated the effect of different gases (air and N2) on P and K depletion for the same root system. N2 has been commonly used to deoxygenate solutions resulting in low 02 treatment. Dissolved oxygen concentrations of <0.5 mg L'1 (<50 pM) could result in anoxia /hypoxia of root tissue, known as hypoxic conditions. Nitrogen gas has been used to demonstrate inhibition of active ion uptake (Hopkins, 1956; Fisher and Stone, 1990a). Its mode of action is to decrease the oxygen solution concentration to hypoxic Conditions where active ion uptake is inhibited or stopped (Steward et al., 1936). I achieved hypoxic conditions in our N2 gas treatment study (4.2 % oxygen saturation, c. a. =0.35 mg IT1 ) . The net efflux of K from roots in the N2 gas treatment has been previously reported (Rosen and Carlson, 1984). Similarly, P depletion by roots in the N2 gas treatment has been also previously reported (Topa and Cheeseman, 1993). The difference in K and P depletion by roots under hypoxic conditions seems to be 65 associated with the ion uptake mechanism. K+ as an unmetabolised cation is transported across the plasma ■ membrane into the root symplast by a transport mechanism c^^-^J-eren^' ^rom that of P. For instance K+ ions are transported actively mainly through the symplast (Lauchli et al • ' 1973). Although P-phosphate ions are also transported through the symplast (Clarkson and Sanderson, 1969), starving roots first take up P-phosphate by diffusion into the apoplast. After the saturation of the apoplast and when the steady-state of the external solution-tissue system is exceeded, the transport proceeds actively (symplastic) (Ulrich-Eberius et al., 1981). Estimation of ion uptake rate by depletion experiments has been criticized due to transient conditions. During the depletion period, the total composition of the nutrient solution may vary significantly, inducing an ionic shock (Bloom, 1989). Moreover as the ion solution concentration decreases, the internal nutrient status of the roots may shift, resulting in immediate and long term effects (Clarkson and Hanson, 1980). Roots with a low nutrient status generally have a higher capacity and a lower affinity for the limited nutrient (i.e., higher and lower KJ (Drew et al., 1984). Therefore, under changing nutrient levels, the response of the plant is in transition. Measurements conducted under steady-state conditions avoid some of the uncertainties associated with transient conditions. Steady-state systems require a constant nutrient flow system and require 66 monitoring the ion concentration between the solution entering and leaving the root-chamber. Goutouly and Habib, (1996) recently described a steady-state nutrient uptake system in a peach orchard. However, cost and technical requirements can constrain the use of the same system in forests. Instead of our Mariotte flask system they used an electric detector gauge to detect changes in the nutrient solution level (Honeywell "LL 102007", precision +/- 1 mm). This device was connected to a pressure balance to measure root water uptake. Instead of sampling manually from the nutrient solution, they used an automatic fraction collector. The complexity of their system only allowed measurement of nitrate uptake rates from one tree at a time. Peach trees were 2 m in height, with 3-4 main branches. The whole root system was split and immersed in a 30 L plastic containers filled with nutrient solution. Only one tree could be transported to the nutrient uptake system described above. Therefore, another advantage of the system I describe is its relative simplicity and low cost. Forest are usually devoid of electrical outlets and water faucets commonly found in managed orchards. Despite the criticism of depletion studies to measure root nutrient uptake, measurements in the transient state are still useful. In practice, the issue of whether steady-state versus transient measurement conditions should be used in nutrient uptake by roots depends upon the system and the time scale involved in the experiment. 67 Fruit trees under managed orchards are subjected to seasonal fertilizer applications. The focus is to match nutrient supply from fertilizers with nutrient demand by the trees. Therefore, root systems from fruit trees are more likely to be exposed to a more constant supply of nutrients from the soil solution. Hence steady-state versus transient measurement conditions could be more useful in nutrient uptake studies. In comparison, management of pine plantations is much less intensive with few, if any, fertilizer applications. Therefore, transient measurement conditions may represent soil solution conditions in the rhizosphere and the depletion method described here could be more representative of pine trees in the field. In practice, my nutrient uptake system can control aeration within the chamber and results are reproducible. By using this methodology, it should be possible to explore poorly documented aspects of nutrient uptake under field conditions , such as the nature of the uptake mechanism of woody fine roots. CHAPTER 4 PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM DEPLETION BY ROOTS OF FIELD-GROWN SLASH PINE: AEROBIC AND HYPOXIC CONDITIONS Introduction Slash pine ( Pinus elliottii Engelm. var. elliotti) and loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L. ) are planted extensively on flatwood soils and coastal savannas of the Southeastern United States. Forested Spodosols of the Southeastern lower Coastal Plain typically have perched, fluctuating water tables. At any single location the saturated zone can range from near the soil surface to depths > 150 cm during a single year, and often during a single growing season (Phillips et al., 1989). Pine roots growing in those soils encounter shallow water tables which can rise close to the soil surface on flatwood soils (Comerford et al., 1996). The main problem ^ tree associated with waterlogging is root anoxia. Anoxia is defined as the absence of 02 in plant tissue, while hypoxia is defined as low but not zero oxygen in plant tissue (Drew, 1988). Waterlogging in soils results in reduced soil conditions which causes severe root tissue hypoxia. However, some pine trees cope with waterlogged or reduced soil conditions by strategies of avoidance. In these conifers, anatomical root modifications promote the internal transport 68 69 of 02 to roots (Armstrong and Read, 1972; Philipson and Coutts, 1978). An internal gas exchange mechanism between the atmosphere and oxygen depleted tissues maintains the aerobic functions of flooded root systems of tree species (Carpenter and Mitchell, 1980). Roots of seedlings of pond pine ( Pinus serotina Michx.) grown under 02-deficient conditions were well ventilated internally as a result of extensive air space formation from stem lenticels to root tips (Topa and McLeod, 1986a). Roots of loblolly pine seedlings grown under flooded conditions developed aerenchyma tissue, with large intercellular spaces present in the phellogen of woody roots. Also flooded stems exhibited lenticel hypertrophy (Mckevlin et al . , 1987). Fisher and Stone (1990a), demonstrated existence of a large volume of interconnected air filled pore space in the secondary xylem of slash pine taproots and associated sinker roots. Low-oxygen concentration in the root environment strongly inhibits ion uptake. As soil oxygen tension decreases, the uptake of ions falls, particularly under hypoxic conditions (Hopkins et al., 1950; Hopkins, 1956; Drew, 1988). The term hypoxic is used to describe a low 02 treatment that could result in hypoxia of root tissue. The link between 02 supply and ion transport is principally through respiration and the generation of ATP to drive transport (Drew, 1988). Anaerobic metabolism does not maintain energy metabolism at a level that will drive primary active transport, presumably by the H+-translocating ATPase in 70 the plasma membrane. Nitrogen gas (N2) has been commonly used to deoxygenate solutions resulting in dissolved oxygen concentrations of <50 pM (<1.6 mg L'1 ) to demonstrate inhibition of active ion uptake for phosphorus (P) (Hopkins, 1956; Topa and McLeod, 1986b) and potassium (K) (Fisher and Stone, 1990b; Jalil and Carlson, 1993). Its mode of action is to decrease or deplete the oxygen solution concentration to levels where active ion uptake is inhibited or stopped (Steward et al., 1936). Maintenance of ion uptake by roots of trees subjected to N2 gas treatments depends on the ability of the tree to maintain an internal gas-exchange mechanism between the atmosphere and oxygen-depleted tissue. Therefore it depends on the duration of root acclimation to hypoxic or anaerobic conditions . It also depends on the ion studied and initial concentration of the ion. For K uptake studies, plum roots grown in aerated solutions with 100 pM K, leaked K into bathing solutions within 1 hour of changing the solution sparging gas from air to N2 (Rosen and Carlson, 1984). After 18 h in the deoxygenated solution (short-term hypoxic conditions), the same root then resumed net uptake of K immediately after air sparging resumed. For slash pine roots grown under long-term hypoxic conditions (5 months), K did not leak into bathing solutions containing 50 pM K, when changing sparging gas from air to N2 (Fisher and Stone, 1990b). However net efflux of K occurred when N2 gas replaced air in enclosures surrounding the lower stem and basal roots. This effect was reversible 71 and K uptake resumed soon after enclosures were removed or when N2 gas was temporarily interrupted. For P uptake studies, short-term hypoxia (1-2 days) reduced P accumulation by 50% in roots of pond pine seedlings ( Pinus serotina ) grown under aerobic conditions. In comparison P influx in roots of pond pine seedlings grown under long term hypoxic conditions (5.3 weeks) and subjected to short term hypoxia was 4 times higher that 32P influx of aerobically grown seedlings (Topa and McLeod, 1986b). In both cases the initial P concentration was 100 pM. This has similarly been reported for some herbaceous species (John et al., 1974). Furthermore earlier studies by Hopkins (1956), and Larkum and Loughman (1969) suggested that P uptake sensitivity to hypoxic conditions is related to the level of P in the solution. Root P uptake of barley seedlings subjected to short-term hypoxic conditions was reduced 45% from the aerobic treatment at external P concentration of 100 pM. However, no inhibition of P uptake was observed under short-term hypoxic conditions at external P concentration of 10 pM. Thus, the anaerobic mechanism for P uptake by roots becomes more efficient with increasing dilution of external P, which indicates that the carrier level for P uptake at concentrations below 10 pM can be maintained solely by energy from anaerobic metabolism. P concentrations below 10 pM, are commonly encountered in soil solutions. In contrast, the sensitivity for K uptake to hypoxic conditions as related to levels of K in the solution, has not been rigorously tested. 72 Most studies relating K uptake by roots under hypoxic conditions range between 60-100 pM K in the nutrient solution; these are K concentrations commonly encountered in soil-solutions. In all cases K uptake was inhibited when roots were subjected to hypoxic conditions. The difference in K and P uptake by roots under either aerobic or hypoxic conditions seems to be associated with the ion uptake mechanism. Ion transport across the plasmalemma of epidermal and cortical cells of plant roots is an energy-dependent process . For K, at low external K concentrations (< 100 pM) the high affinity K uptake system operates against the prevailing electrochemical potential differences (e.g., 10 pM K+ outside, 80 pM K activity in the cytoplasm) thus an energized K transport is required (Maathuis and Sanders, 1993). Although an early report advanced the notion of a close coupling between K uptake and H + extrusion in plant roots (Pitman et al., 1975), further studies by Newman et al., (1987), and Kochian et al., (1989) have suggested that net H+ efflux is an electrically compensatory response to K influx. At present the mechanism of energization of K transport can only be speculated. Mechanisms suggested are carrier-mediated K proton-antiport ( counter- transport ) or, more likely as 1:1 K proton-symport, or cotransport (Kochian et al. 1989; Maathuis and Sanders, 1993). A possible mechanism is a K influx directly powered by ATP (adenosine triphosphate) with the involvement of an ATPase (Kochian et al., 1989). 73 For P, more than for K, root uptake has to be a metabolically driven process. The soil solution immediately outside the root cells is likely to contain 1 pM P-phosphate or less, while in the cytoplasm the concentration will be 103 to 10 times greater (Clarkson and Grignon, 1991). Therefore a steep gradient must be overcome to transport P-phosphate into the interior of a typical cell. A minimum of 25-40 kJ of energy is required to transport 1 mole of phosphate which is roughly equivalent to the maximum free energy released by the hydrolysis of 1 mole of ATP (50-60 kJ Mol-1) (Clarkson and Grignon, 1991). Active phosphate influx into the roots does not appear to be directly related to the H+ efflux pump discussed for K transport, but rather to an electrogenic phosphate pump across the plasma membrane. It operates using steep electrical (potential differences) and chemical (pH difference) gradients for protons as the driving force (Dunlop, 1989). For either cation (K+) or anion transport (phosphate) the plasma membrane H+-ATPase plays a key role in both the cytoplasmatic pH and the driving force for cation and anion uptake (Serrano, 1990). From the point of view of mineral nutrition of trees under field conditions, it is not the ion transport mechanism that is important, but the way in which the transport mechanism is controlled by the tree. Clarkson et al., (1978) stated that the nutrient-uptake effectiveness of a root system depends on the differential response of the absorbing surfaces to environmental variables. Under hypoxic conditions 74 the material referenced above showed that while P uptake by roots can adjust within relatively wide limits of aeration, K intake is more sensitive to hypoxic conditions. If we consider that the fine root system of pine trees growing in the surface 20—40 cm of a flatwood soil encounter short-term reduced soil conditions then we must document studies of P and K uptake by roots of pines trees under hypoxic field conditions . It is therefore reasonable to ask whether P and K uptake occurs under short-term reduced soil conditions, and if so, to what degree. Yet most studies of ion uptake under hypoxic or low 02 treatment have been carried out on root systems of trees under greenhouse conditions. Moreover, with the exception of a few studies with roots of cereals, there are few reports simultaneously comparing the behavior of uptake of more than one ion (Hopkins et al., 1950; Larkum and Loughman, 1969). Until recently, there were no methods to study ion uptake by root systems of trees under field conditions (Goutouly and Habib, 1996). Therefore, the purpose of our study was to investigate the ability and resilience of P and K absorption by roots of 12 -year-old slash pine under changing soil aeration. Our objectives were(i) to compare P and K uptake by lateral roots of slash pine roots subjected to short term hypoxic treatment, and (ii) to document the response of K and P uptake by lateral roots of slash pine following the removal of the hypoxic treatment. 75 Materials and Methods Site Description Twelve-year-old slash pine trees (Pinus elliotii Engelm. var. elliotii ) were selected from a research plot in north Florida that received complete weed control. A description of the site is given in Swindel et al. (1988) and Neary et al. (1990). Weed control was accomplished using a combination of herbicide and mechanical measures. The soil is a poorly- drained Pomona fine sand (sandy, siliceous, hyperthermic Ultic Alaquod). The study site is about 10 km north of Gainesville, FL (29° 80' N, 82° 20' W) . The climate is warm, temperate-subtropical with a mean annual precipitation of 1332 mm. Most of the precipitation occurs in summer, with the least falling in autumn and spring. Mean annual temperature is 21 °C. Root Regeneration System Four lateral roots (1—1.5 cm in diameter) were excavated at the base of a tree, preserving the fine root system as much as possible and a root regeneration system was established as described in Chapter 3. Briefly, each lateral root was pruned, then a five-cm inside diameter (i.d.) PVC cap was threaded over each root through a 2.2 cm hole drilled in the middle of the cap until the cap rested near the base of the root where it was attached to the tree. Roots were 76 then placed in 50 x 25 x 6 cm black plastic trays and filled with sieved soil from the A horizon of the study plot. Black plastic mesh was placed over the tray and covered with pine litter from the plot. The root system was supplied with a nutrient solution typical of soil solutions of a Florida Spodosol (Van Rees and Comerford, 1990). This method was applied to twenty trees (80 trays) between July 24 to July 28, 1994. Twenty months after the installation of the root trays twenty intact lateral roots from five trees were gently uncovered and washed with distilled water from soil particles. The root regeneration system was evaluated based on the presence or absence of new root growth. Seventeen roots from these five trees were used for this study. These root systems were grown in soil under aerobic conditions . Field Nutrient Uptake System Installation The seventeen intact lateral roots from 5 trees mentioned above were inserted (while still attached to the tree) into nutrient-uptake root chambers. The construction and assembly of the. nutrient uptake root chamber is fully described in Chapter 3. The root chamber is part of an in situ nutrient uptake system which includes (a) the gas system, (b) the root uptake chamber and, (c) the Mariotte flask system. In short, the root chamber was gassed using compressed gas tanks with either air (medical standard) or N gas (99.9%). The Mariotte flask system was used to maintain a 77 constant volume in the root chamber. The root uptake chamber was placed in a plywood stand for mechanical support. Together with the Mariotte flask system, they were placed in a shallow pit. Aeration to each root chamber was checked by measuring dissolved oxygen in root chambers with a Yellow Springs Instrument (YSI) portable oxygen meter and a Clark type membranecovered probe (accuracy 0.1 mg L"1 02 ) . Depletion Studies Pre-depletion treatment The chamber was filled with a nutrient solution containing 110 pM nitrogen (90 pM as ammonium-N and 20 jjM as nitrate-N), 65 pM calcium, 10 juM magnesium, 10 pM sulfate-S, 0.24 pM borate-B, 0.20 pM iron, 0.02 jj M manganese, 0.02 juM zinc, 0.005 pM molybdate-Mo, 0.005 pM copper but lacking P and K. The nutrient solution was adjusted to pH 4.5. The roots were continuously gassed with compressed air and kept in this system for 24 hours. The purpose of the pre-depletion treatment was to starve the root system from P and K and to allow roots to recover from any physical manipulation between treatments. The chamber was covered with a black plastic mesh to avoid direct sunlight. The chamber was drained previous to the nutrient depletion study and flushed with distilled water . 78 Experiment 1: Nutrient depletion study with air The root chambers were filled with known amounts of nutrient solution (c.a. 800-1200 mL). Initial P and K concentrations for the study were 6.25 pM P (ca. 0.20 mg L"1) and 25.66 pM K (ca. 1.00 ug mL“l), plus other nutrients as described above. The nutrient solution was adjusted to pH 4.5. Solution samples (8 mL) were collected at 6-hr interval up to 72 hours. An equal volume of distilled water at pH 4.5 (8 mL) was replaced. Water uptake was measured by calculating the volume of water replenished by the Mariotte flasks between sampling intervals. The system was continuously aerated with pressurized air. Dissolved oxygen saturation, and temperature were measured for each root chamber at each sampling interval. Experiment 2; Nutrient depletion study with N gas After completion of the previous experiment, all root chambers were drained and flushed with distilled water. They were then subjected to the pre-depletion treatment for 24 hours. Afterwards, the root chambers were filled with equal amounts of nutrient solution (c.a. 800-1200 mL). Initial P and K concentrations for the study were the same as previously described. The nutrient solution was adjusted to pH 4.5. Water (8 mL, pH 4.5) was added to the chamber following the removal of each sample. Root water uptake was measured by calculating the volume of water replenished by 79 the Mariotte flasks between sampling intervals. The system was continuously gassed with N2 gas (ultra-high purity grade). The nutrient solution was previously purged with N 2 gas for 2 hours before the depletion study experiment. Dissolved oxygen saturation, and temperature were measured for each root chamber at each sampling interval. iment — 3j Nutrient depletion study with air after N gas After completion of the gas treatment, all root chambers were drained and flushed with distilled water. They were then subjected to the pre-depletion treatment for 24 hours. Afterwards, the root chambers were filled with nutrient solution containing the same amount of P and K concentrations as in previous experiments. The system was continuously aerated with pressurized air. Solution sampling, and water uptake measurements were done similarly as in Experiment 1. Oxygen saturation and temperature measurements were also measured for each root chamber in a similar fashion as described in Experiment 1 and 2. Experiments 4 , — 5. and 6: Nutrient depletion study with air/ N gas/ air 2 After completion of the air experiment, all root chambers were drained and flushed with distilled water. Then, six of the seventeen root chambers were then subjected to the pre-depletion treatment for 24 hours. Experiments 4, 5, and 6 are repeats of experiment 1, 2, and 3, respectively, with these six roots. 80 Chemical Analyses Nutrient solution samples were kept on ice until each experiment was completed. They were analyzed within 24 hours of the experiment's completion. Concentration of P was determined by the method of Murphy and Riley (1962). Potassium concentration was determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Data Analyses Periodic P and K uptake were calculated by expressing the nutrient content at each sampling interval as a fraction of the initial nutrient concentration. Corrections were made for the dilution caused by sample withdrawal. Statistical comparisons for P, K, C>2 saturation, and nutrient solution temperature were made using a repeated measures analysis (SAS Institute, 1985). Treatments were the aeration environments caused by air or N2 gas. The blocks were trees while the replicates were the roots from each tree. The measurement unit was the root chamber and the repeated measures were the time intervals. 81 Results Oxygen Concentration and Temperature in the Chambers For both the air and N2 gas treatments the oxygen- saturation values were not significantly different at sampling intervals, nor among root chambers. Therefore mean values of oxygen saturation (%) for each experiment, were converted to mg L 1 and uM, based on the average nutrient solution temperature. They are presented in Table 4-1. The average temperature of solutions gassed with air was not different from the temperature of those gassed with N2. Diurnal temperature fluctuations outside of the chamber influenced the nutrient solution temperature. They were as low as 18 °C at 6:00 a.m. samplings and as high as 35 °C at 12:00 a.m. (See Figure 3-7A, Chapter 3). Oxygen concentrations in root chambers gassed with N2 (Experiments 2 and 5) indicated hypoxic conditions (02 < 50 uM), and were statistically lower than the air treatment (p < 0.001). For root chambers gassed with air (Experiments 1,3,4 and 6), all were aerobic (02 > 50 uM); however, during Experiment 4, the oxygen concentrations were slightly lower than oxygen concentrations during experiments 1 and 3 (p < 0.001), (Table 4-1). Although it could be argued that Experiment 4 had different levels of oxygen than experiments 1,3 and 6, the oxygen concentration is within the aerobic range, and both K Table 4 1. Temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration in nutrient solution, durinq consecutive experiments of P and K depletion by pine roots. 82 >.-P 0 -p c <0 U •P 4-4 d> p (0 c d Cn X o C V C > •P >v- I tn tn X 0 CD O 03 -P (1) U) t0 P XI -P O (0 d) T3 -P ^ i— I WHT3 ft (DOG -P ■P .. 0) -P rP xs tn to in d) P -P d) >i G in d) XJ -H o T3 P a XJ d> .P TJ d) a (0 P 3t X > (0 o 4-4 d) < V • c o td ■p -p X in — O m r-t a, dJ di o >, p 3 O xj (0 r—j • 3 o -a to > V d) d P tn C d) 1 tn tn c X o -p G XJ d) > G d) .. O P d) O (0 G Cu ■H p d) - a tn x S tn ‘ 3 p d) con d> m g 3 tn to s tn d) •H v 2 mm in diameter (3-5 cm range). Fine roots were < 2 mm in diameter. The waxed root systems were separated into waxed and non-waxed portions. The waxed portions were carefully sandwiched between moist pieces of Parafilm (American Can Company). The whole root systems (never cut or 110 waxed) were separated in white and brown fine roots. The white roots were also put between layers of Parafilm. Whole root system is operationally defined as the fine root system that was always kept intact during the experiment. Root lengths were calculated from digitized images using a flat- bed scanner . Root lengths were measured from the digitized images using the program "Branching" (Berntson, 1992). Root lengths corresponding to coarse and fine-roots where recorded separately. Fine-root categories included brown, white, waxed and cut. Anatomical Observations of Root Sections Roots were hand-sectioned in the manner described by Frohlich (1984). Roots were sandwiched between pieces of Parafilm and placed on a plastic Petri dish while being sectioned. Multiple cross-sections were made within 10 mm of the distal end of the root. Cuts were easily oriented as the roots were visible through the semi-transparent layers of the Parafilm. All detached fine roots (brown, white and waxed) from each root system were sampled. For each detached fine root, 3 cross sections were selected randomly and observed under light microscopy. Root developmental stage was determined using bright-field or polarized light. Roots were considered nonwoody (primary) or woody (secondary) based on descriptions developed by McCrady and Comerford (unpublished data). Briefly, roots were nonwoody if no vascular cambium or secondary xylem elements were present external to the Ill centrally located metaxylem. Roots with secondary xylem elements located external to the metaxylem were classified as woody. Root sections were only characterized based on developmental stage (primary or secondary growth) . Chemical Analyses Samples of nutrient solution were kept on ice until each experiment was completed an analyzed within 24 hours of the experiment's completion. Inorganic P was measured colorimetrically by the procedure of Murphy and Riley (1962). P concentration was not determined for Experiments la-d., as preliminary studies under greenhouse conditions had demonstrated interference due to binding of P by the wax surface. Potassium concentration was determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Data Analyses Oxygen saturation, and nutrient solution temnpratnna Statistical comparisons of 02 saturation and nutrient solution temperature were made using a repeated measures analysis (SAS Institute, 1985). Treatments were the aeration environments caused by air or N2 gas. The blocks were trees while the replicates were the roots from each tree. The measurement unit was the chamber (with root) and the repeated measures were the time intervals between samplings. There was no difference in time sampled for both 02 saturation and temperature in the chambers . Comparisons between treatments were made using Tukey's multiple comparison procedures (Ott, 1988) . Phosphorus and K uptake and mass flow Estimates of mass flow influx of P and K were used to evaluate the maximum amount of each nutrient that could be acquired by passive uptake. Nutrient influx was calculated as the product of the mean P or K concentration in solution and water consumption. "Passive" uptake, as defined here, is used to describe potential nutrient uptake through the apoplastic pathway, requiring no metabolic energy. The difference between total ion uptake and mass flow ion influx is equivalent to the minimum "active" uptake (Van Rees and Comerford, 1990). Total uptake was calculated by expressing the nutrient concentration at each sampling interval as a fraction of the initial nutrient concentration. Eight lateral roots in study #1 (where whole lateral root systems were subjected to waxing), and 11 root systems in study #3 (where whole lateral roots were subjected to cutting) were compared for total depletion. Potential uptake was calculated for the same roots in the manner described earlier. Phosphorus and K influx To calculate influx rates of p and K (jjmol cm"1 h"1 ) I plotted for each time interval. Q. was the total pool of P or K in solution per unit root length (pmol cm'1), and time 113 was in hours. Depletion curves from studies #1, #2 and #3, were expressed as n mol cm (QL) for each time interval as described by Classen and Barber (1974). QL vs. time, was fit with a non-linear least squares program (SAS Institute, 1985) to the equation Ql = Qi^xp (-rt 1/2 ) (4) where t is time in hours, QL is the amount of P or K in nutrient solution at a given time (pmol cm"1) , Q. is the initial amount of P and K in solution (pmol cm"1), exp is the base of the natural logarithm (i.e. 2.7182), and r is a constant. The net influx (In) (pmol cm"1 h"1 ) of P and K per root system is given by -dQL /dt. Influx (In) per unit root length per unit time is given by: In = - dQL/dt= -r/(2t1/3) Qi (5) Influx of P and K were estimated at a fixed nutrient solution concentration for each root system. For P, the fixed nutrient concentration was 5.0 x 10"3 ^mol cm'3 P (ca 0.16 mg -1 L ), while for K was 2.0 x 10"2 pmol cm'3 K (ca. 0.77 mg L *). These estimates were transformed to natural logarithms to achieve a normal distribution. When efflux was observed (a negative value), I transformed as In | In | . Ln (In) data was compared by a one-way analysis of covariance (SAS Institute, 1985). Treatments were the aeration environments caused by air or N2 gas and method of isolating roots (cutting or waxing, vs. uncut). The blocks were trees while replicates were the roots from each tree. The measurement unit was the 114 chamber (with root). Treatments were looked upon as 2 x 2 factorial [Whole/Brown (due to cutting or waxing) x Air/N-, gas] plus a Control. The goal was to determine if influx of P or K was affected by the method of isolating brown roots (cutting or waxing vs. whole), and if the gassing of the nutrient solution (Air/N2 gas) affects P or K influx. The covariant was the nutrient influx of a root system before a given treatment. The variant analyzed was Ln |ln| of a root system at a given treatment. The experimental layout is presented in Table 5-1 for studies 1,2 and 3. When a covariant was significant and treatment differences were significant, mean comparisons were made using Least square means (SAS Institute, 1985). The adjusted treatment means of the covariance analysis were analyzed further with orthogonal contrasts comparing "control vs. treatments", "whole vs. woody (either waxed or cut)", "air vs. N2 gas", and " (whole/woody ) * ( air/ N2 gas)". Phosphorus and K uptake. NaQCl solution study Samples from study #4 were compared in a similar manner to those described for total P and K uptake in the mass flow section. Briefly, the nutrient content at each sampling interval was expressed as a fraction of the initial nutrient concentration, and its relationship with time was fit to equation 1. Values of r for individual root systems were compared for analysis of variance (ANOVA) (SAS Institute, 1985). Treatments were considered to be (1) prior to Table 5-1. Experimental design of Covariance analysis used for P and K Influx data obtained from depletion experiments of studies 1,2 and 3. 115 CM p to (D to (D d cD < CM 25 P CO P CO * H tji (D X! O CD X! T3 (0 V (D «N ■K * u o •D rH CN rH rH G P p P P +> •*H •H •H -p W a> <, < c P < -p (D CD a) CD cD CD •H rH rH rH P 0 o o 4.) O p CD X x X p JC > 0 2 • 2 • 2 • U • 2 • < U (D X) cD X! (D (D CN co CO (D ID CD 4-1 cD p •p < co r>» 2 air CO rH CN rH rH 4-1 (D P p P P P •H •H •H P < < < cD < CD 0) > 0) CD V CD 0 rH rH rH CD rH p u 0 0 0 X O rC X X (D X < 2 2 2 2 2 • • • • a (D X (0 X -P a) •H T3 . C -P 'P X - Q) 6 -P c p P 03 OJ c 0) •H O IP 03 4-1 • P ' — ' D -p CO 0 0 C p 0 rH p 03 XI P 0 trt -P C 0) ■H PI ■P ' — - <0 rH CO 0 -p CO 0 ■r| 0 p 4-1 0 03 CO • -P P p c 03 0 0) 0 rH s U 0 ■p o (0 *• CL) s: rH P -p 03 -P Cn C c P a) d) d) si PI -P -p X! ■p a) 0 0 -p 0 c on 0 CO p II T3 a) a) ^ t/j Description of root systems used in study two, where roots were subjected to cutting (1995 depletion experiments.)* 118 00 i in 0) -Q E-i CQ d M T! a) b a) 4-1 50 pM) . Microbial Interferences There was no evidence of uptake of K or P by microorganisms during the depletion studies (Table 5-7). Initially, treatment with 1% NaOCl solution totally inhibited K uptake (Table 5-7-). However, in a second uptake experiment following the NaOCl treatment, K uptake resumed with a significant increase when compared to K uptake before the NaOCl treatment (Table 5-7). Similarly, P uptake was initially suppressed after treatment with NaOCl but resumed with a second uptake experiment (Table 5-7). When root 122 cn c U 3 V C o •H -P 3 I — I (A Q) ■H O TJ (0 3 •P w -p G > (0 OP ° tn CA i) 2 c •H QJ Q e a) pH .Q E-i after N2 gas Whole and Cut 5 and 9 29. 123 tn a >1 •H Q) £ " 5 rfl 2 c -P D & >. £*. x tr> 0 •H m -q m d) > £ -H (0 o c 03 m W * HI ij u '« <0 tjSq T3 E O dJ Qj . -P W 0 c •Q m-i o - O-H w 4J 3} w ($ 1 dl'H ° D > [j H dl -H (0 T3 0 > ^ V • P d) T3 3 O C -H O <0 <0 . 4J > o id _ V C d) ®, Q) M > 1 * to m O -P d) _ C w ^ d) d) S e jc > -H -P n ^ c O a) D ® aS ® X (0 •H OJ a c c d> -H d) S W) fli -P M d> d) d> ‘ XI X5 s -P a c z d) dJ to 5 ‘w C ® «w (0 E-1 -H d) k n e TJ C (0 U a -p (0 M d) 124 scrapings and nutrient solution from the growth chambers were incubated with a fresh nutrient solution, there was also no evidence of microbial uptake for both P and K (data not shown ) . Potassium and Phosphorus Influx For the 6 root systems tested, P and K concentrations in the root free space were negligible (data not shown). Therefore, no corrections to the depletion estimates for the storage of ions in the free space were made. Two methods were used to determine if active uptake was occurring. The first estimated the maximum amount of mass flow that could be accounted for by considering the water influx to the root and the concentration of the ion in the solution. For K, I estimated that a maximum of 30% of the total K absorbed by aerated roots could have been absorbed by mass flow (Figure 5-1). Using the second method I attempted to use N2 to inhibit the active uptake mechanism. N2 significantly inhibited K uptake for both whole root systems and woody roots (Tables 5- 8 and 5-9 ) . Mass flow had a maximum of 25% of the total depletion of P from the nutrient solution due to non-active uptake (Figures 5-2, 5-3). in general, N2 did not have a significant effect on P absorption (Table 5-8 and5-9). However, there was some evidence that hypoxic conditions did affect P influx but only for one study and only for the whole root system (Table 5-8). Rates of p and K uptake for woody roots were Table 5 7. Comparison of constant rate of depletion (r) f and C * for P and K depleted by pine roots treated with 1% NaOCl. Study four. 125 g •ft CO (0 f0 ft O CP U CO 3 p 0 X. Q CO 0 X CP ®=l P •■I ft c 73 3 ft CO CO -P c d) g •H i-i -p a) ft ft CQ < < CN P •ft < CN ft1 73 G o u ■p a) a) CO d) g s -v -P 41 P ^ 1 C w-5 3 3 O 0 .c r: ro ft 00 CO VO N* 0) V 0) d) c g g 0) •ft H 1-1 ft ft a) ft ft ft ft to t0 •H 73 73 V 0) 0) £ ft ft g (0 to 3 rH H i — 1 3 3 0 U o O H H 10 to JP O u o (0 to CO d> to (0 & Ss c g c o o jp -p _ ^ ft •ft •iH ft ft X ft (0 to 0 to Pi p ^ • ft ft CO to 11 § C c C Pi d) d) CO d> y ft o u d) ft c G g -P - to 0 0 d) s p 0 ft u 0 Q) H ft H c ft Q) « CP (0 ft U G <0 o H 1 — 1 •ft d) Si S (0 to H Pi u1 o c c a di d) u ft •ft Q) ft d) (U ft ft Pi ft •ft Jp ft ft ,*> -p IT 0\ Z, ■O as 3 +> M w CO o o cu CM t3„. S 3 ^ u ■P M CO r- o .in'® ►’a, «> 4J ^ S CO ^ m c o •H -P oj ■H Pi 03 > 03 O Pi 3 O CO ro co m r- r- o o o o c— H o CD Tj* o r» o o CN o o r~ o co o o o o x * * o o * * * * * * O I-H o o • • o o CN 1 I • o * w CO CN «—i ro oo "3* in o 00 LO ro co 00 i — 1 • • • • • • • o o o o o o o in CM oo CN ID in rH • • ro • o o . . o . O o x x x o o * * * O H CN O • • o o 00 co CO o N* CN CN CD >-1 00 o o * * X O O * X ■ — X X <-> o O i—l o o * ■X CO o Pi •d ™ < z >1 >1 go S 3 to -p > cn 03 > 0) Oh Pi Pi V r—j r— 1 -p CO 0 0 fC — 1 > -C ■C •H 0 3 3 u Pi a) 03 -P rH > C 0 0 0 -C u u 3 IN (N z z (U >N ■H V o o x: o 3 3 co to > > M M •H -H 03 CC3 03 >i r-l V 0 0 co > Pi ■H < x: 3 0 3 Pi •H < T3 0 o 3 N a) r—\ o JC 3 0) > 0) o o -p -p (C3 cc3 -P C cc3 cfl O O •H -H 4-1 4-1 ■H CO C Cn C H 0 CO C •X X X XXX .05 level . 10 level 129 Q) QJ O & •« a) n . ^ +> a c „ (0 (0 QJ s ft s £ O ^ ft ci to a g « c to H 04 (0 I 4^ 4-1 "3^3 1 ro h h 3 ^ U -P ^ ~ CO H (0 (0 (0 < < < (T3 f0 f0 ^ a If) 1 o 1 r> m m o o o o o o o n rH rH rH rH rH rH •> XXX XXX n io o o o o o o o s rH rH rH rH rH rH 2 XXX XXX CM ^ r-* • • • ro vo ^ • • • 5* t 00 CN rH rH rH ro 5;3 +3^—. CO (t X) ft ft ft ft tH < Si < < < < Q T ^ cn *r it O o o o o o o o rH rH rH rH rH rH 2 XXX XXX OMrf in vo o\ • • • • • • 1 0) — > 03 u cm h in i ^ 4-S W 3 ^ <0 -P ^ S ft XQ ft CO 'r' tH <<< Q ro m » »-« t O o o o i i i o rH rH rH i i i 2 XXX I cm n i i i i i i • • • i i i VO CM rH 1 w cu tH H H O O OS 2 D w w os W H o 04 Pi QJ 4-> CO ‘tj CO < <0 < ° « W M Q) -P IM » I ( N 2 < 2 CO 2 OS o «« Si y cm m o w < 2 < s 2 0< CO ^ CO s:s a 0 E 3. m 1 O (0 E 03 0) rH •H x: 5 n3 >4 44 ■H C Cr> •H 03 03 P 0) -p -p m c E a rH o u c Q) OJ -p OJ It rH C O *H rH ■C • ■P O •H S 0) •C in 4-) C O -P -P c QJ in 4 Pi rH CO i — l QJ (0 Pi O •H 4-1 03 ■H 4-1 . ) represent the P depleted not accounted by mass flux (active). Circles ( • O ) represent P depleted by the whole root system. Squares ( ■ □ ). represent the P depleted by woody root systems. Each symbol represent an average with standard error. Values are expressed as fraction of initial concentration in the nutrient uptake chamber. 132 immobilization would be between to 2 x 10'11 and 9.1 x 10'10 ^jrnol ? cm-1 , less than 1% of the concentrations, even at the end of the depletion studies. This approach is consistent with those of Darrah (1993). Physical manipulation of roots has been shown to affect subsequent nutrient uptake. For example, just dipping hydroponically-grown roots in and out of a solution disturbed P absorption (Gronewald and Hanson, 1980). Bloom (1989) suggested waiting 24 hours after manipulation before commencement of measurements in order to allow for recovery of roots. This suggestion was adapted in these studies. However, dipping in hot wax and pruning roots is likely to cause a significant degree of heat and mechanical shock. In particular, cutting has the potential to open breaks in the roots and allow for more water influx and hence mass flow. Root pruning has been shown to initially affect K uptake in barley (Bloom and Caldwell, 1980), and has influenced both root respiration and N uptake (Bloom, 1989). In the case of K uptake, this effect appeared to last for 6 hours after incision (Bloom and Caldwell, 1988), while for pruning of corn roots, P uptake was relatively unaffected (Gronewald and Hanson, 1980). Therefore, it appears that the effect of physical manipulation is variable and a concern when trying to estimate ion uptake. The major question addressed in this study is whether woody fine roots function in uptake and whether there is evidence that the uptake can be classified as active. While physical manipulation may affect the actual 133 uptake rate and the magnitude of the effect is unknown, there is no evidence to suggest that the inhibition of uptake in the presence of N2 gas will be affected. Therefore, these data are useful for answering the major questions of the study, while recognizing that the magnitude of the actual influx rates of the manipulated roots may be affected. I conclude then, that woody fine roots of these 12-year-old trees functioned in P and K uptake in this experiments , and that they appeared to have active uptake. This conclusion is consistent with studies of other pine species, with the major difference being that previous studies worked with seedlings (Van Rees and Comerford, 1990; slash pine) or young trees under greenhouse conditions (Chung and Kramer, 1975; loblolly pine) rather than large trees. Further, these earlier studies had no evidence to suggest that roots were woody, only that the roots were brown. We conclude, that not only do woody roots function in ion uptake, but that active uptake is implicated. Both the use of N2 as a metabolic inhibitor and the estimates of the potential maximum mass flow influx demonstrate than an oxygen-requiring mechanism for uptake is responsible for the majority of K uptake. The mass flow evaluation suggested active uptake of p, while gassing with N2 did not affect uptake. The results of the N2 treatment could be interpreted against active uptake of P, but in combination with the results presented in Chapter 4 and the mass flow evaluation a better interpretation is that the mechanism of P uptake is 134 insensitive to conditions of low 02. The anatomical pathway, whereby woody roots absorb P and K, were not addressed, in this study. They are uncertain and invite further study. Woody roots have some secondary xylem development. In some of these roots, the casparian band is still functional. In others it is disrupted. Consequently there is a range of root anatomies in woody roots that are likely to be associated with a range of uptake pathways. Assuming that woody fine roots actively function in P and K uptake, then the next question is how important are these roots to a forest stand? Woody fine roots may constitute approximately 60-80% of the total fine-root surface area at this study site (McCrady and Comeroford, unpublished data). Therefore, the total uptake of nutrients by the tree would be greatly understimated if this surface area was not included in uptake models. Estimates of P uptake previously made for this study site (data not shown), found that predictions of p using total root length were greater, by about a factor of 2, than the stand actually absorbed. It was hypothesized that the lack of uptake by woody roots might account for this discrepancy. However, the data presented here suggests that this hypotheses is erroneous, and that woody roots are indeed likely to contribute to overall nutrient uptake. Other studies showed that root spatial pattern, promoting inter-root competition, could reduce predicted uptake by about 50% (Comerford et al., 1994b) making this a possible important consideration in modeling of 135 uptake of natural ecosystems and the primary explanation of uptake overestimates. The description of other important processes, still need to be adequately evaluated. In summary, woody, fine-roots of field grown pine trees absorb P and K, and appear to do so in an active manner. Since they are a large portion of the total fine-root system, they are an important source of nutrient uptake by pine trees and need to be included in estimates of the effective root surface area. CHAPTER 6 OVERALL DISCUSSION Nutrient management of forest plantations in the southeastern United States is focusing on matching nutrient suppiy to tree demand. These nutrient management efforts can be aided through the use of nutrient uptake models . P and K uptake by field-grown slash pine seedlings have been successfully predicted using nutrient uptake models (Van Rees at al. , 1990; Smethurst and Comerford, 1993). However, nutrient uptake models have overestimated P uptake when used for mature slash pine plantations. Factors that could account for overprediction of P uptake by older pine trees growing under field conditions are (i) the ability to define what is the functional or effective root absorbing surface; (ii) lack of knowledge about the relative amounts of different absorbing surfaces present and the nutrient absorption rates of each type of surface; (iii) poor understanding of the ferential response of the absorbing surfaces to environmental variables; and (iv) the effect of the spatial distribution of roots at the scale of inter-root competition. From the above mentioned list, spatial root pattern is the only factor tested that could account for overprediction of P uptake by older pine trees growing under field conditions. A random spatial pattern at a scale of inter-root 136 137 competition can reduce P uptake efficiency by as much as 50% (Escamilla et al., 1991; Comerford et al., 1994b). Estimation of different root absorbing surfaces have documented that under field conditions, brown roots may contribute over 90% of the fine root system of slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm. var. elliotii) and up to 80% of those fine brown roots are woody (McCrady and Comerford, unpublished data). However all claims of nutrient uptake by woody roots are based on studies of nutrient uptake by brown roots and they come from experiments which used either excised roots (e.g. Chung and Kramer, 1975) or intact roots from tree seedlings grown under greenhouse conditions (e.g. Van Rees and Comerford, 1990). The brown coloration of roots is a poor indicator of anatomical attributes that define secondary growth of loblolly pine roots (nonwoody vs. woody) (McCrady and Comerford, unpublished data). Nothing is known about nutrient absorption by intact, woody fine roots of perennial plants under field conditions. Of continuing interest to plant physiologists is the effect that root development (i.e, changing root morphology from white to brown to woody) may, have on a root's capacity to absorb ions. Moreover, because of their abundance, woody roots have the potential to play a major role in nutrient uptake of trees. Field studies of root uptake tend to be complicated due to access to plant roots below the soil, plant age and plant size. This is especially true when considering mature trees. Not surprisingly, I found only two useful examples of 138 nutrient depletion studies in the field and a handful of related studies (Marschner et al., 1991; Goutouiy and Habib, 1996; Glavac and Ebben, 1986). Therefore I had to implement a nutrient uptake system that can be used for trees growing under field conditions. The design included (i) a root chamber; (ii) a system for controlling the 02 level of the root chamber and; (iii) a Mariotte flask system. I used this system to clarify if woody fine roots of trees, growing under field conditions, function in the absorption of P and K. I showed that woody roots actually do function in P and K uptake, since the hypothesis that woody fine roots do not play a role in nutrient uptake is refuted. Under field conditions absorbing surface areas of trees can be exposed to changing soil environmental variables. An important characteristic of many forest soils of the southeastern United States is a seasonaly high water table that reduces 02 supply to a large portion of the root system. Pine roots growing in the top 16 cm can account for 50% of the total fine root system (Van Rees and Comerford, 1986). I documented that nutrient uptake of slash pine roots was affected by levels of oxygen availability but that the response differed for K and P. Under hypoxic nutrient solution conditions (02 < 50 ^M), K depletion by pine roots was totally inhibited and even resulted in net efflux of K from roots. In contrast, P depletion was not inhibited under hypoxic nutrient solution conditions. Since soils that support slash pine often have fluctuating water tables, this 139 sensitivity to K is significant. If I also take into account that soil P limits pine productivity (Neary et al., 1990a) documenting the effectiveness of pine roots to acquire P and K under low-02 soil conditions is necessary to evaluate mechanisms of nutrient uptake which regulate the productivity of forest. 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I graduated from Xmatkuil-Merida High School in 1978. After graduation, I accepted a scholarship from "The Pan-American Agriculture School" (Zamorano), Honduras. In December of 1981, I completed a three year college degree in Zamorano with honors. In the Fall of 1982, I transferred to the University of Florida, Gainesville, USA, and earned a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture with a soil science major in December of 1983. In January of 1984, I accepted a position at "The Pan- American Agriculture School" (Zamorano), Honduras. I worked there for two years as an instructor in soils and running a soil testing lab. With an interest in soil fertility, I entered the "hidden half", the world of plant roots, in August of 1988, to pursue graduate studies with Dr. Nick Comerford of the 155 156 University of Florida, Gainesville, FI. I completed my Master of Science program in August of 1990. After receiving my MSc . degree, I worked for the Centro de Investigacion Cientifica de Yucatan (CICY), Mexico, for 3 years. In the summer of 1993, I was re-admitted to the Graduate School of the University of Florida to work toward my Ph.D. degree in rhizosphere dynamics of Forest Soils. Of course I could tell you more, you know, I realized that actually you can do what you really want to do, and that's happiness, don't you agree? Now it is time to turn the page, right? I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Nicholas B. Comer ford, Chair Professor of Soil and Water Science I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. P./Suresh C. Rao Graduate Research Professor of Soil and Water Science I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Konda R . Reddy Graduate Research Professor of Soil and Water Science I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ^ Do*jrc/ /H David M. Sylvia S Professor of Soil and Water Science I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Kimberlyn^illiams Assistant Professor of Botany S-> This dissertation was submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the College of Agriculture and to the Graduate School and was accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. December, 1997 Dean, College of Agriculture Dean, Graduate School