5 XW Vv Wl O N cc tv V^rr^sV QK 523 ,5664 1858 BOT I AN ACCOUNT ou EIOIIC CULTIVATED FERNS, Desceibed by smith & Th. MOOEE, F.B.S. GENERAL HINTS ON THEIR CULTURE, SYNOPSIS 'op genera AND SPECIES, (POLYPODIiCE^^GEAMMlTIS TO PLATYLOMA,) ILLUSTRATED BY EOETT-FOUE ENGEAVINGS. ward's pern house and ferns, Warrington’s plant case, etc. (UNPUBLISHED.) LONDON. (Curator of the Botanic Garden, Chelsea,) WITH 1858. INTRODUCTION. IMHE Ferns form a gi'cnp of plants which arc considered as the most highly developed of that ^ large class which produce no visible flowers, and of which other familiar and recognizable groups are the Mosses, the Lichens, the Sea-weeds, and the Funguses. These, as a whole, were weU named Cryptogamous plants by Linnaeus, inasmuch as the process by which their seeds, or the equivalent of seeds, are produced, are hidden and mysterious, compared with what we are enabled to observe in those orders of vegetation, — higher orders as -they are termed, — which produce perfect flowers as the medium by whose agency their seeds are organised. Among the groups into which Cryptogamous plants are se]Darated for the convenience of classification, the Ferns are known by possessing a certain degree of vascularity in their structure, and by producing spores — that is minute reproductive atoms — of only one kind, within little one-ceUed cases or receptacles that are collected into groups occupying a portion, rarely the whole, of either the hack or the margin of their leaves. The true Ferns have their young leaves rolled up spirally, and in gradually imfolding present the form of a crozier ; hut a small group, dift'ering chiefly in having their young parts folded and not rolled up, and which may he considered as spurious Ferns, are conveniently associated with them. In briefly describing what is the structiu’e of Ferns, and the terms applied to the modifications of their respective parts, with sufiicient distinctness to render the descriptions of the species which occupy another part of these pages the more inteUigihle, it will he convenient to con- sider them as consisting of four series of organs — the roots, the stems, the fronds, and the fructification. The roots of Ferns are fibrous, and we believe, in all the true Ferns, are covered with a pile of soft close hairs or down, not unfrequently of a ferruginous or rust-colour, and they generally grow more or less matted or entangled, especially if they are in contact with any hard surface, such as the rocks or tree-trunks on which many of them grow naturally ; and the same is observed when they are placed under the circumstances which attend their artificial culti- vation. The true roots must not be confounded with the stems, which sometimes creep exten- sively beneath the soil, and have, more or less, the appearance of thick fleshy roots. The roots of the spru’ious Ferns consist of thick straight rigid fibres. The stems, or rhizomes, assume two perfectly distinct forms. In some Ferns, as already intimated, they creep extensively either beneath or upon the surface of the soil, or over the rock or trunk which supports them. These throw up their fronds at intervals, the growing point of the stem being in advance of the youngest fronds, and the fronds themselves being ]5 a INTRODUCTION. more or less distant. In otlnir Perns, the proper stem may be considered as consisting chiefly of a growing point, from the centre of which the young fronds are developed, the bases of the older fronds forming the trunk, which is gradually decaying at one end and extending at the other ; the proper roots being protruded from between the bases of the older fronds. Stems of this structure, which is called the tufted mode of growth, assume either an erect or decumbent position, — in the former case sometimes elongating and becoming caudiciform, and in the latter becoming more or less creeping, though obviously ditfering in habit from the creeping stems first described. These distinct modes of development, Mr. Smith — the active Curator of the Eoyal Botanic Garden at Kew, and probably the best practical pteridologist in the kingdom — has lately proposed to adopt as the basis of a new method of classification — a method displaying much ingenuity and depth of observation, but which it is to be feared, if generally applied, woidd, practically, throw almost insuperable impediments in the way of the study and know- ledge of Perns, by the altered nomenclature which would be necessary ; and theoretically, is hardly to he admitted as having greater claim to precedence th;in the system which is founded on the natui’e and variations of the fi'uctification and venation, and which is now so extensively adopted. In the group of Marattiaceoe, the rhizome is usually thick and fleshy, and more or less globose. The fronds of Perns are those parts which have the appearance of leaves, and for general purposes may be considered as the equivalents of leaves, though there are some technical objections to their being regarded as leaves proper. The fronds consist of two parts — the stipes or stalk, and the leafy portion which it supports ; which latter is generally meant when the term frond is used descriptively. The stipes is either adherent to the stem, or there is at or near its base a natural joining or articulation, at which, when its functions are no longer in play, it separates spontaneously. When this latter structure occurs, the frond is said to he articulated with the stem. Sometimes the leafy parts of the frond are articidated in a similar way, hut this occurs less fi’equently. The continuation of the stipes through the leafy part in the Perns having divided fronds, is called the rachis. The fronds — in the leafy part — are either simple or more or less divided, and have different terms applied to them, according to the nature of the division. If a frond is separated into distinct leaflets, and these are simple, it is said to be pinnate (Pig. 5, 36, &c.) ; if the leaflets, called also pinnae, are again divided into distinct leaflets, they are said to be pinnate, and the frond is bipinnate ; when they are again divided the frond becomes tripinnate, and so on. If the divisions are not distinct, but are united at the base, and are not otherwise divided, they are then pinnatifid (Pig. 2, 14, &c.) ; and so, when twice or thrice divided on the same plan, they become hipinnatifid, tripinnatifid, and so on. Pronds very much divided, that is, more divided than tripinnate, are in general terms called decompound. These and similar terms, descriptive of form, are applied in the same sense as in other departments of botany : such are flahellate, palmate, pedate, sagittate, &c. The fronds are traversed by a series of veins, which are, in fact, the ramifications of the system of vascular structure, which forms the main hidk of the stipes and rachis. The midi'ib of a fi-oud or pinna is sometimes called the costa : the first series of branches fii’om this are the veins, the secondary series the venules, and the tertiary series the veinlets (Pig. 13, 59, &c.). The arrangement of these different series of veins in the substance of the frond is called the venation. Great variety of venation is exliibitcd among the Perns, the voi’ious modes in which it INTIIODUCTION. occurs being so distinctive and so constant that this feature is, by many good botanists, emplo3^ed to furnish auxiliary, or even sometimes primary, characteristics for the distinguishing of the genera. The principal forms of venation have been distinguished by names, which we will endeavour to explain by the aid of references to the figures illustrative of the genera. \Yhen the veins are unbrauched, they are said to be simple (Fig. 7, 81, &c.) ; and the same applies to venules and veinlets similarly circumstanced. Sometimes thej’ are branched once or oftener in a dichotomous manner, and are then said to be forked (Fig. 2, 69, &c.) ; sometimes the veins are pinnaielij costceform, that is, resembling a mididb and having the venules or branches either simple or forked (Fig. 9, 41, 61, 81, &c.). In some they are equal, that is, produced alike on both sides of a central midrib (Fig. 49, 67, &c.) ; in others they are radiate, and have no midrib (Fig. 32, 77, &c.); in others they are eccentric, or produced from one side of a marginal rib (Fig. 72). In all these cases the apices of the veins may terminate at or within the margin of the frond or of its divisions (as seen in Fig. 22, 23, 44, 70, &c.), when tliey are said to be direct and free ; but similar forms of venation may occur, having the apices of the veins of either the primary, secondary, or tertiary series combined in some way or other. If the whole sj^stem of venation is uniformly combined, so as to form a complete iietwork, it is then said to be reticulated or netted (Fig. 20, 29, 38, 89, 92, 101, &c.). If the simple, or dichotomous, or pinnately costseform veins are united by a continuous vein parallel with and close to the margin, this form of venation is called the transverse marginal (Fig. 25, 51, &c.). Sometimes the apices of the venules of one series or fascicle combine with the apices of the adjoining series, and this is called anastomosing : of this arrangement there are some modifi- cations, such as the angular anastomosing (Fig. 10, 61, &c.), and the arcuate anastomosing (Fig., 8, 11, &c.), which varieties are further modified by producing from their exterior side one or more outwardly directed (and called excurrent') tertiary veins or veinlets, which are either free, terminating in the areoles or margin (Fig. 10, 12, 59, &c.), or anastomose with the next superior venules (Fig. 61, &c.). In some forms of reticulated venation the venules ai’e irregularlj^ com- bined, the areoles or meshes producing from their sides certain simple or forked variously directed veinlets, which terminate within the unequal-sided areoles. This arrangement of the venation is called compound anastomosing (Fig. 14, 31, 57, 71, &c.). The veins are said to be external when they are more or less superficial, distinct, or elevated above the surface of the frond, and internal when they are immersed in the substance of the fi'ond ; in which latter case they often become indistinct, and are to be seen only after careful maceration of the frond. In these definitions we have mainly adopted Mr. Smith’s terms and explanations. From some part of the venules or veinlets, which part becomes thickened, the fructification is produced on what is called the receptacle, which organ is said to be terminal rvhen it is situate at the apex of the vein or venule (Fig. 11); medial when situate between the base and the apex (Fig. 70) ; axillary when on the point of forking (Fig. 83) ; and compital when seated on the angular crossing or points of confluence of two or more venules or veinlets (Fig. 14). It consists, in most cases, of one-celled spore-cases or sporangia, more or less completel}^ girt by an elastic ring, but in some cases, of sporangia which are many-celled or destitute of the ring. These spore-cases are mostly collected into masses, which masses usually consist of nmltitudes of crowded spore-cases, and are the sori. The latter are either round (Fig. 14, 57, 67, &c.) or elongated; sometimes amorphous, that is of no determinable form (Fig. 23, 29, 30, &c.) In most cases they are dorsal, that is situate on some part of the back of the frond ; but some- times they are marginal (Fig. 77, &c.), or extra-marginal (Fig. 75, 89, &c.). The elongated sori are oblong (Fig. 1, 50, &c.), or linear (Fig. 47, 49, 51, &c.), or continuous (Fig. 38, 71, &c.) ; 4 INTRODUCTION. and either form an angle with the midrib, when they are said to be oblique (Pig. 51), or run parallel with the margin (Pig. 38), or with the midrib (Pig. 44). The sori are in some of these groups entirely exjiosed on the surface of the frond, and in others are covered by a scale or membrane of the same form as the sorus, and which completely invests the receptacle in the earlier stages of development. This cover is the indusium proper, and takes some modifi- cation of either a plane, vaulted, or cup-shaped fonn. The entire margin or lobules of a frond are sometimes changed in texture, and form an accessory indusium, which is more or less con- joined with the proper indusium, and thus constitutes a marginal cyst containing the spore- cases and opening exteriorly : it may be vertical (Pig. 76) or reflexed (Pig. 79) ; urn-shaped (Pig. 76), calyciform (Pig. 83), or two-lipped (Pig. 78). Sometimes the fertile fronds are contracted, and inclose the sori by their revolute margins, which thus constitute an universal indusium (Pig. 3, 58, &c.). The further differences of structure, and the various modifications which occur and serve to distinguish the groups from one another, will be explained further on. One of the most striking of these differences is the paniculate arrangement of the sori, which occurs among the Osmundaceae, and some of the Schizgeaceie and Ophioglossaceae. The fructification of the Marat- tiacese is also of a very peculiar nature. As we have in most cases adopted Mr. Smith’s views of genera and species, we have also, in these succinct explanations of terms and of structure, endeavoured to assimilate our remarks with the definitions which accompany his paper, in Hooker’’ s Journal of Botany, in order to secure the advantages of uniformity in terminology. — M. GENERAL HINTS ON FERN CULTURE. + The Ferns naturallj’’ divide into three principal groups, as regards the climatal conditions affecting their cultivation — the hothouse species, the greenhouse species, and the hardy species, — of which latter, a somewhat more tender subdivision needs the protection of a cold frame. In the pure atmosphere of a rural situation, the hardy race of Ferns require only to be planted in suitable conditions of shade and moisture, in order to secure their healthy development ; and many ot what are called frame species, if placed under such conditions in a sheltered position, will not suffer any injury from climatal causes, especially if they are at all guarded from excess of wet. But in the smoky sooty atmosphere of crowded cities, none but a very few of the most robust of the hardy sorts will even survive, unless sheltered by some permanent covering, such as glass. To cultivate even the hardy sorts, then, in such murky situations, where they become especially valuable from their cheerful aspect and the often impossibility of cultivating flowering-plants, a complete covering of some kind is indispensable, and this is best constructed of glass. No artificial heating is necessary for them ; but, merely an inclosure which may shut the plants up, and seclude them, as far as practicable, from the fuliginous atmosphere of a thickly inhabited locality. The size might vary from the small glazed case on the window-ledge, to the inclosed court-yard; and, in either case, according to the space, the interior should be disposed in the picturesque style to which tlie dignified title of rock-work is generally applied. Such an arrangement of the surface is, at least, the most appropriate, both as to the wants of the plants, and as to their adaptation to an ornamental purpose. If grown in imts a low pit is most suitable ; but for convenience sake it should be contrived so that a pathway inside, with sutneient head-room, may afford facility of access. The greenhouse species may be grown in a similar pit-Hke structure, with the addition of sufficient means of heating to exclude frost. The plants are undoubtedly best situated, as well as most effective, when planted out on rock-work among winding pathways ; but if it is preferred to grow them in pots, any simple and convenient form of low close pit may be adopted. The same considerations, except as to the heating, apjily to the culture of the stove species. For a very limited collection a small pit would be best, on account of the economy of keeping up the neces- sary heat ; but where the collection is considerable a larger house, with rock-work embankments of tasteful and irregular outline, should be preferred; and the plants, when arranged with a due regard to tlieir habit on the different positions rock-work affords, will find themselves in such con- genial situations, as to develope to the full all tliosc luxurious and graceful cliaracteristics for which MR. ward’s FRRN-HOUSE. Such a structm-e, as the accompanying figure represents, is in truth, a Wardian Case on a large scale. For all the greenhouse species nothing is better adapted than the modifications of the ordinary Wardian Case, of a size suitable to occupy convenient positions near the windows, in drawing rooms, on staircase landings, and similar situations; or, if it be preferred, that modification of the Wardian Case to which the name of Warington Case is applied (in which aquatic botany and zoology is brought within the domestic range) may be ado^hed. The principle of' the Warington Case is exemplified in the accompanying figure, which shows how, in some measure, the two objects may be combined. Wardian Cases arc very easily managed. For the sake of durability the case should have a metallic box fitted within for the soil and roots; and this should have an outlet — to be closed at pleasure — at the lower part communicating with the outside, by which all superfluous water may be drained off whenever water is applied. But for this it would be impossible to avoid the presence of stagnant water, which is most injurious to vegetation generallJ^ Then a scries of reversed flower-pots, and a layer of small lumps of old brick or freestone, from the size of an egg upwards, should be spread over the bottom, and on this six inches or more of the rougher turfy or himpj- parts of soil, well mixed with pure silver sand and smaller fragments of brick or burnt clay, in the proportion of about one-third. The soil is to be placed on this foundation. It should consist of equal parts of good mellow’ maiden GENERAL HINTS ON FERN CULTURE. the Ferns are so much prized. The accompanying vignette of Mr. Ward’s Fern-house, shows some- thing of the effect -which is produced by jflaiTts disposed in this semi-natural -w’ay, although in this instance other plants are seen to accompany the Ferns. GENERAL HINTS ON FERN CULTURE. 7 loam and light turfy peat, mixed with a third equal portion, consisting, hulk for bulk, of silver sand and of fragments of brick or soft sandstone of the size of nuts. This compost will suit any Fern, and with this the lower part of the case is to be filled up. A few smallish lumps of sandstone, or of pumice-stone, should be employed to raise up some rocky elevation, according to fancy, above the surface level ; and the spaces between these stones are to be filled up firmly with the same kind of soil. The case is then ready for planting; or, if the space is limited, it is better to plant as the piling up of the stones proceeds, because then the roots of the Ferns can bo more readily disposed among THE WAUINGTON PLANT C.\SK the soil. All species which grow natm’ally against rocks or trees should, however, rather be fixed firmly and compactly to the masses of stone, and, provided the atmosphere is made congenial to them, they will soon throw out their little rootlets, and fix themselves securely ; whilst, if planted directly in the soil, some of them at least would fail to grow, and none would thrive so well. After planting, a thorough watering should he given ; and all the superfluous water that will drain away in the course of three or four hours should bo allowed egress by the outlet at the bottom, which may then be closed until another watering takes place. Afterwards the case is to be closed, and should remain so, except when it may be opened to view the plants; or, if any indications of mildew are observed, it may be opened for half an hour daily to check any such tendency. If the aspect where they are placed is not a shady one, artificial shading should be resorted to in all periods of bright sunshine. Under this treatment it will be some time — months perhaps, the period varying with the amount of moisture which is permitted to escape by evaporation — before another watering is needed ; but when it is perceived that moisture is required, a thorough watering should be given as at first, allowing all that is superfluous to drain away before closing up the case. The necessary heat for structures devoted to Ferns cannot be better supplied than by the agency of a hot-water ap^iaratus, constructed on a good principle ; and in the case of tropical Ferns, a portion of the heating pipes should be so placed as to throw a degree of warmth about the stages on which 8 GENERAL HINTS ON FERN CULTURE. tlie pots are placed. If this is not attended to, especially when the stages are of stone or slate, the quantity of water necessarily thrown over them, in order to keep up the atmospheric moisture, is apt to produce an injurious chilliness about the roots, sometimes fatal to the more delicate kinds. The hardy species, as already mentioned, do not require artificial heat. The greenhouse species merely require to be preserved from frost in winter, or, say in a temperature of 40°, increased to 50° and 60° in spring. For the stove species an average night temperature of 55° to 60°, and day temperature of 65° to 70°, is proper in the winter months ; the temperature in the rest of the year averaging 65° at night, and from 70° to 80° by day. Of atmospheric moisture Ferns need an abundant and almost unvarying supply during the entire period of their growth ; in fact, the atmosphere should almost constantly be kept at nearly the point «f saturation. During the winter season, when all the higher groups of plants are less active in their growth, the degree of moisture may be properly limited, especially as it regards any kinds which may be of deciduous habit; but when growing Ferns are sought to be kept in health and vigour, the amount of moisture kept up must always be considerable. This large amount of moisture being necessary, it is desirable to provide in Fern-houses a large amount of evaporating surface, composed of some porous material that will readily absorb moisture. It is a good plan to employ a false flooring of wooden trelliswork, so that the actual floor may be frequently flooded, without rendering the pathways inconveniently wet. Ferns should also be lightly syringed twice daily, except during a continuance of very dull weather : indeed, oftener in hot weather will be beneficial. Though scarcely any Ferns thrive in a constantly wet soil, yet they are generally injured by being suffered to get dry at the root. Indeed, with some of the more fickle kinds this is certain destruction. During all the time they are growing, therefore, they should have a free supply of water at the root, taking care that the soil never becomes soddened. If this is seen to be the case, the plant should at once be repotted, so that its drainage may be corrected. When the plants are dormant, less water is necessary. The Water Fern [Ceratopteris thalictr aides) is an exception to the case just named. This, after being potted, should be set in water of sufficient depth to cover the pot in which it is planted. Under these conditions, and supplied with a tropical temperature, it grows vigorously, producing abundance of sporules, from which it may be increased. A simple mode of propagating this species, however, is afforded by the proliferous buds which are developed numerously on the old fronds. Young plants from this source should be secured towards the close of summer, and kept in small pots placed in feeders of water ; and these, if shifted into fresh soil in spring, and set in warm water, will soon ju’oduce fertile fronds. When Ferns are grown in pots, and have become well established, the majority of them like to have plenty of pot room, provided the pots are well drained. Thus a plant of a free-growing kind, bearing fronds of a foot or so in length, may have a pot nearly or quite a foot in diameter ; and so in proportion to the size of the plants, provided always that excess is not indulged in, and that when any appearance of overpotting is observed it is speedily remedied. Ferns are less attacked by insects than most other plants, but they are sometimes infested by one of the large species of coccus, which spreads rapidly, and if suffered to accumulate is very troublesome to remove, and renders the plants filthy and unsightly. Some of the tender-foliaged kinds are some- times attacked by green-fly, which are to be destroyed, as soon as perceived, by fumigation with tobacco, which is also the best method of destroying the thrip, which is apt to infest the hardier sorts when they are placed in a high temperature, and, if too dry an atmosphere is maintained, sometimes spreads over a collection, and occasions much annoyance. Ferns are propagated by division or by their spores. Some increase very readily, and others only with the greatest unwillingness. All the creeping-stemmed species are increased without difficulty, by detaching portions of the caudex or rhizome furnished with fronds and roots, and placing them in a close frame, after potting them, until they are established. Some of the ferns of this habit, however, which prefer to adhere to the surface of damp stone, or the bark of wood rather than to be potted in GENERAL HINTS ON FERN CULTURE. 9 soil, such as Trichomanes and others, should have the portions of their rhizome firmly fixed against the stone or wood, and then must be kept close and moist until they get established. The tufted-growing species, where they readily produce lateral crowns, are increased by detaching these with their roots and jiotting them separately ; but others of this habit so seldom produce any other than their central crown, and this indivisable, that it scarcely ever becomes possible to increase them by this moans. Many species are viviparous, and these arc readily increased by fixing a frond in contact with the surface of the soil, and detaching the young plants after they have become rooted. A few others pro- duce young plants at the apex of their fronds, thus affording a means of increase. But the most general mode of increase is by means of the spores, which are the analogues of the seeds of flowering plants, and which are in most cases produced very abundantly. We quote the following account of their germination from Mr. Henfrcy’s paper on this subject in the Gardeners’ 3Iagazine of Botany (vol. iii., ji. 22) : — “ It has long been known that when the spores of the Ferns germinate, they first produce little disks of green cellular tissue, lying like collections of little green membranous scales upon the surface on which they are growing. A few years ago. Professor Nageli of Zurich observed a peculiar structure upon these little germinal fronds, consisting of cellular bodies, from which were discharged spiral filaments, moving rapidly and apparently voluntarily through the water in which the object lay beneath the microscope. The discovery of these organs was not much noticed at the time, but subsequently Count Leszczye-Suminski of Berlin made a complete series of observations on the germination of the Ferns, and published an elaborate and fully-illustrated account of them, in which he not only confirmed the statement of the existence of these so-called antheridia of the Ferns, hut showed that there existed two kinds of cellular organs upon the young germ frond, which organs he considered to represent the two sexes, and to correspond to the antheridia and pistiUidia of the mosses. “ I have examined these structures, and can confirm completely, in most respects, the account Suminski has given of their general structure ; but my observations have not yet been sufficiently extended to enable me to give an opinion on the physiological questions relating to them, which I shall presently speak of. In the first place, therefore, I will describe these bodies as I have seen them, and in a manner which will enable any one possessing a microscope to repeat them for himself. 1, 2" 3, 4, 5. Successive stages of development from the spore shown at Fig. 1 . In Fig. 5 are seen tw'o of the antheridia. 6. A germinal frond (it is a simple cellular plate like the leaf of a Moss) : a are two “ovules;” 6 a number of “ antheridia c root fibrils. 7. A more highly magnified view of a piece of the frond with two “ antheridia,” one containing the vesicles (6), the other burst (d). 8. Side view of S in the last figure. 9. The same bursting to discharge the vesicles, which again discharge the spiral filaments e. 10. One of the spiral filaments or “ animalcules” more mag- nified. “ The germinal frond must be taken very young, while yet not more than one-eighth of an inch in diameter, and before any sign of the first leaf appears rising from its upper surface. The little frond will then be found in the shape of a rounded or heart-shaped disk, formed of delicate green cells (Fig. 6) ; a single layer, except in C 10 GENERAL HINTS ON I='EEN CULTURE., the middle, having heen gradually developed into this form through the stages represented in the preceding figures (Fig. 1 — 5). To see the peculiar organs, the disa-like cellular plate must be carefully laid face down- wards upon a slip of glass, and washed clean, gently removing the grains of soil with a camel-hair pencil from among the rootlets. When placed under the microscope, a number of projecting colls (Pig. 6, b) are generally found scattered about the frond. These are seen to he again filled with minute vesicles (Figs. 7 and 8), which escape by the bursting of the protruding cell, either spontaneously or by slight pressure on the glass covering the object (Fig. 9). As the vesicles emerge they burst also, and from them springs out a spiral thread-like body, thickened at one end, and furnished with cilia (Fig. 10). These, the so-called animalcules, swim about with great rapidity, shooting forward, and continually whirling round on their own axes. To see them clearly their motion must he stopped by adding a little solution of iodine. On the thickened part of the frond, near the notch, are to be found in most cases, not always, cellular struc- tures of larger size, and more complicated (Fig. 6, a). They consist of conical papillae, with cel- lular walls, containing a cavity in the centre (Fig. 11-12.) _ J.T “ Now, the statements of Sumiuski are to the effect that these last bodies ‘ represent ovules, and that a little cell exists at the bottom of the cavity (Fig. 13), which becomes fertilized by the entrance of one of the spiral bodies, in a manner supposed to have some analogy to the entrance of the pollen-tuhe into the ovules of flowering plants. My own observations have not afforded me a view of any process of this kind ; and elaborate investigations have been made since the publication of Suminski’s paper by two skilful German anatomists. Dr. Wigand and M. Schacht, with a view to con- firm or refute his assertions, so important in a physiological point of view. They both agree in stating that very extensive research has failed to reveal anything like an entrance of the spiral bodies into the so-called ovules ; and M. Schacht further avers, that in the young stages of the ‘ovules,’ at which stage Suminski states the fertilization takes place, the cavity is closed up.” 12. Side view of an “ ovule.” 13. The summit of the same, seen from above. 13. Side view of an “ovule” from Suminski, representing the embryo-cell at the bottom of the cavity. 1-1, 15, 16. Germinating Ferns [Pfei'is serrulata), with the young leaves spring- ing up from the germinal frond. The evidence is so far against Count Suminski’s views, though the probabilities are in favour of them ; and, at all events, the import of the remarkable structures remains to be cleared up. The first leaf emerges from the substance of the cellular thickening of the germinal frond, which is carried up a little way in a kind of sheath. The “ ovule,” or several, may often be seen attached to the side of this sheathing process of tissue. It is the opinion of Count Suminski that the first leaf is developed from the minute cell vrhich, he says, lies at the bottom of the “ovule,” just as the embryo is in the embryo sac of a phanerogamous ovule; but, if this were the case, there would be the striking difference that the embryo bursts through the coats of the ovule at the side, the radical extremity not pointing to the canal where the fertilizing influence enters, as in the flowering plants. The second leaf of the young plants is developed in the axil of the first, and so on, the little Marchantia-like germinal frond soon decaying away. The spores germinate whenever they fall on a surface constantly damp, such as the surface of the soil, a damp wall, or the damp exterior of a flower-pot. Self-sown plants spring up by thousands in houses where collections of Ferns are kept. When the object is to raise any particular kind, or to obtain living plants of new species from the spores derived from herbarium specimens, a very con- venient plan is to fill a pot or pan with soil rather more loamy and sandy than that employed for potting, the pan being well drained. After giving the surface a good watering, scatter the spores evenly over the surface, and set the pan under a close glass and in a close frame, avoiding watering if possible until they have germinated. When the second and third fronds are produced they can be handled, and should be transplanted into nursery pots, or otherwise as may be convenient. After they have reached this stage, their progress is rapid. Another method of raising Ferns from the spores, much more exact in its results, has been described by Mr. Deane, of Clapham, in the following interesting letter * addressed to Mr. Ward * Ward On the Growth of Plants in Closehj-gla:ied Cases. London : Van Voorst. GENERAL HINTS ON FERN CULTURE. 11 “When Suminsky’s work on the development of Ferns first came into my hands, a strong desire to repeat his observations led me to seek for seedlings where they were most likely to be found, namely, in my own Fern- case, at Kew, and other conservatories ; but I soon found such sources were unsatisfactory, for, although 1 could obtain abundance of plants in which the organs of reproduction (.^) described by him were clearly discernible, yet I could rarely find the moving ciliated bodies said to perform such an important part in their development. There were, too, differences, evidently specific, that I could not comprehend, and which were a bar to anything like correct observation. It was therefore obvious, if the investigation were to be followed up successfully, that some means must be devised for raising an unlimited supply of any desired species. “ The usual method of sowing Fern-seed, by scattering it over damp, sandy mould, is very uncertain, for the mould itself will frequently contain the seeds of other species ; and even if the crop of plants come true to the sowing, it is difficult properly to separate sand and other extraneous matter from the young frond, previously to placing it under a microscope, without danger of injuring its delicate structure. My plan, therefore, was to procure some soft, porous, potter’s ware — material that should readily imbibe and retain moisture — upon w'hich to sow the seed desired to be raised. While searching for such material, I met with a peculiarly fine and soft sandstone admirably adapted for the purpose. This I prepared by breaking it into pieces of from one to two inches square and less than one inch thick, afterwards rendering the faces parallel and smooth by rubbing them on a flat stone. The reason for thus adjusting the size and smoothness of the pieces was simply to facilitate their being placed, for observation, on the stage of a microscope. Before sowing the seeds on these prepared pieces, they were baked in an oven, to destroy any organic life that might be lurking about them. They were then piled in dishes, moistened with distilled water, and covered with bell-glasses, preparatory to receiving the seed. The seed to be sown was obtained from a recently- gathered frond, laid fruiting side down, between two sheets of white paper, on the top of which was laid a book, or piece of board, to keep them in place. In the course of three or four days the seed was discharged from the capsules, and removed to the damp stone, by turning the stone down upon it, of course taking care that the seed did not lie too thickly. In about sixty hours germination had commenced, and henceforth daily progressed into maturity. In this way I have raised several species of Ferns without a failure; abundant means being thus afforded for observing their development from the com- mencement of germination up to the perfect-plant. “ I have been repeatedly told by those who have attempted to raise Ferns from seed, that I might sow what I pleased, but something I did not want would spring up. Most likely such had been the experience of my informants, although the reason for it W'as not obvious. My experiments proved the contrary, and demonstrated most unequivocally that, by observing the requisite conditions, any species may be raised, if the seed sown be resh and fully matured. “This principle of raising Ferns is applicable to several important purposes, besides that of the facility it affords for observing and studying the laws of their development. In the first place, many kinds now rare and valuable, or even unknown, in this country, from the difficulty of bringing them home, even with the protection of Mr. Ward’s glazed cases, might bo introduced with facility by sowing the seeds in the country where they grow on some suitable material, whether sand-stone, Bath brick, tile, wood, bark, or even charcoal ; wood or bark suggests itself in the case of such as are parasitic in their habits, and inclosing them in a small glass case — a case so much smaller than would be required for full-grown plants that it might be a cabin companion for a long voyage. Secondly, it is frequently desirable, even in this country, to raise particular species with some greater degree of certainty than, from various ill-understood causes, is generally found practicable. Again, experiments on this principle may bo tried in a great variety of ways, until the true habits of obscure species are accurately detei’mined. Some Ferns are impatient of removal : such may be raised from seed on suitable pieces of stone or wood, and afterwards introduced into pots or crevices in walls and rock- work prepared to receive them. “I conceive that a Ward’s case, artificially filled with such admirable sand-stone as my experiments have been made upon, but which I am sorry not to be able to tell you the source of, might be judiciously sown with seeds of small moisture-loving Ferns, and form one of the most exquisite of drawing-room or cottage conserva- tories, and which, in its gradual progress to maturity, would delight the eye, expand the understanding, and warm the heart in love and gratitude towards the Author of that portion of Creation which is truly the most beautiful, as -well as most essential, to our healthy and happy existence on earth — I mean the vegetable kingdom. “No kind of vegetation that I am acquainted with has ever struck me with such wonder, admiration, and delight, as the little crops of Ferns raised in the way I have now endeavoured to show ; and nothing would please me better than to see others deriving similar enjoyment from this simple and accessible source. Any one who makes a garden of this kind under a bell-glass, must observe that the material on which the seed is sown is so porous that the requisite amount of moisture will pass to the top, by capillary action, when applied to the bottom of it ; also, that with an abundance of light, the sun must not shine directly upon it.” SYNOPSIS OF THE GENERA. + pOLYPODIACEJE, R, Brown, — Sjjore-cascs pedicellate [rarely sessile), oblique) elastic nearly complete ring. ivith a vertical [rarely Tribe I. POLYPODIE,;®, J. Smith. — Sori round, oblong, or linear, without a special indusium. Sometimes the margins of the segments of contracted fertile fronds are revolute, and simu- lating an indusium. Section I. OrtliopMehiecB, J. Smith. — Veins all distinct or free. 1. Grammitis, Swartz. — Veins simple or forked internal, the soriferous venule sometimes very- short. Sori oval or oblong, oblique, lateral. 2. Polypodium, Lmnmis. — Veins simple, forked or pinnate. So7'i circular, rarely oval or oblong, uniserial, solitary, or irregular ; sometimes immersed in a deep cyst, terminal or lateral. 3. Struthiopteris, Willdenow. — Fronds (fertile) with contracted conniving indusiiform margins to the moniliform pinnae, the segments wholly occupied by round confluent sori ; spore-cases lateral, the base of the pedicels concrete, and forming an elevated thickened receptacle. Veins pinnate. 4. Allosorus, Bernhardi. — Veins forked, terminating within the indusiiform margin. Fronds dissimilar ; the fertile with contracted conniving indusiiform margins. Sori round or oblong, becoming confluent, terminal. 5. NoTHOCHLiENA, E. Brown. — Veins forked, pinnate, or bifurcate. Sori round, solitary or laterally confluent into a linear continuous or interrupted marginal band, terminal. 6. Gymnogramma, Desvaux. — Veins forked or pinnate ; venules simple. Sori oblong or linear, simple or forked, oblique, often becoming confluent, medial; spore-cases superficial, often occupying nearly the whole length of the venules, and sometimes echinate. Section II. Symphoplilehieai, J. Smith. — Veins anastomosing or reticulated. 7- Meniscium, Schreber. — Veins pinnately costeform, the opposite pairs of Venules angularly or arcuately anastomosing, and producing from their junction an excurrent sterile veinlet, which is free or united with the venules above it. Sori linear, somewhat transverse, arcuate or crescent-shaped, continued across the j unction of two anastomosing venules, medial, at length confluent. 8. Goniopteris, Presl. — Veins pinnately costmform, the lower (or more) opposite pair of venules angularly anastomosing, and producing from their junction a free or anastomosed excurrent sterile veinlet. Sori round, medial, or costal, sometimes echinate. SYNOPSIS OF THE GENEKA. 13 9. Goniophlebium, Presl. — Veins forked or piniiately costa;form, the lower exterior venule free and fertile, the rest angularly anastomosing, and producing from their junction an excurrent free, often fertile, veinlet. Sori round, in one or more transverse parallel rows, naked or squamiferous, terminal. 10. Cy'RTOPhlebium, M. Brown. — Veins forked or pinnatcly eostmform, the lowest Gxicrior venule free and fertile, the rest arcuately or angularly anastomosing, producing from their exterior side two or more excurrent free, usually fertile vemlets, which are sometimes very short, or sometimes united with the next superior venules, thus forming two series of arcoles between each two primary veins. Sori round, naked, arranged in two rows between and parallel with the costsefoi'm veins, or irregular, terminal, or lateral. 11. Niphobolus, Kaulfiiss. — -Veins internal, indistinct, pinnate; venules parallel, transversely anastomosing, producing from their exterior side two to five or more free or irregularly anastomosing vemlets. Sori round, terminal, in parallel transverse rows between the veins, sometimes irregular and usually confluent, protruding through dense stellate pubescence. 12. Phlebodium, It. Brown.. — Veins pinnate or variously branched ; venules arcuately or angularly anastomosing, producing on their exterior side or at their angular junction two or more conniving veinlets, which are sporangiferous on their combined apices or point of junction. Sori round, oval or rarely oblong-linear, transversely uniserial, biserial or multiserial, sometimes irregular. 13. Deynaria, Bory. — Veins pinnate, parallel or flexuose; venules compoundly anastomosing, producing sori at the angles or points of confluence, and from their sides variously directed free sterile veinlets. Sori round or oblong, naked, or squamiferous, superficial or deeply immersed, uni- serial, or in one or two oblique rows between the veins, or irregular. 14. Dictymia, J. Smith.— Venation uniform, reticulated, internal, the transversely uniserial sori compital, or produced at the confluence of the venules ; receptacle immersed. Sori large, oblong. 15. Drymoglossum, Presl. — Venation uniform, compoundly anastomosing, pi-oducing variously directed free veinlets. Sori linear, continuous, marginal or intramarginal, produced on the transverse sides and junctions of the venules, forming a broad pilose or squamiferous marginal soriferous line. 16. TiENioPSis, J. Smith. — Veins simple, parallel, the apices combined transversely by the recep- tacle. Sori linear, continuous, immersed in an intramarginal groove. 17. ViTTARiA, Smith. — Veins simple, parallel, the apices combined transversely by the marginal receptacle. Sori linear, continuous, immersed in a marginal groove facing outwards. 18. Antrophyum, Kaulfuss. — Venation uniform, reticulated, the sides of the areoles more or less sporangiferous. Sori linear, continuous or interrupted, reticulated, the receptacle immersed in the substance of the frond. 19. Hemionitis, Linneeus. — Venation miiiorra, reticulated, the sides of the nearly equal areoles sporangiferous. Sori linear, reticulated, superficial, subsequently confluent. 20. Ceratopteris, Brongniart. — Fronds dissimilar, flaccid. Veins transversely elongated, and distantly anastomosing. Soil linear, continuous, parallel, superficial, occupying the lengthened transverse sides of the venules, and concealed by the reflexed conniving margins of the segments. Tribe II. ACROSTICHEjE, J. Smith. — Sori amorphous, that is, not of any definite form, without a special indusium. Section I. OrthophJeMete, J. Smith.— Veins all distinct or free. 21. Elaphoglossxjm, Schott. — Veins internal, simple, or forked; venules parallel, their apices clavate, terminating in a thickened margin. Sori dense, usually covering the whole under surface of the fertile fronds, which are smaller than the sterile ones. 22. SlENOCHLiENA, J. Smith. — Fronds (fertile) contracted. Veins (sterile) simple or forked ; venules parallel, their apices exserted forming cartilaginous serratures, or conniving and forming a thickened margin. Sori densely covering the under side of the linear narrow pinute, which have membranous revolute margins. 14 SYNOPSIS OF THE GENERA. 23. PoLYBOTRYA, Humholdt. — Fronds (fertile) contracted. Veins pinnate, simple ; venules free, external, Sori occupying one or both sides of the spiciform segments of the contracted fronds. Section II. Symphoplilebiece, J. Smith. — Veins anastomosing or reticulated. 24. Olfersia, Raddi. — Fronds (fertile) contracted and soriferous on both surfaces. Veins forked, parallel, internal, their apices combined with a transverse continuous marginal vein. Sori dense, occupying the whole surface of the fertile fronds. 25. Anetium, Splitgerher. — Veins uniform, reticulated, the areoles elongate trapezoid or hexagonal. Spore-cases sparingly scattered over the under surface, often collected into small groups or lines. 26. Hvmenodium, Fee. — Fro?ids (fertile) contracted. Veins uniform, internal, reticulated, forming large elongated trapezoid hexagonal areoles. Sori densely covering the under sui’face of the fertile fronds. Rhizome decumbent, criniferous. 27. Acrostichum, Linnceus. — i'V-onJs contracted in the fertile pinnee. Fefws uniform reticulated, forming small elongated usually tetragonal and parallel areoles. Sori densely covering the under sur- face of the fertile pinnte. Rhizome erect, caudiciform. 28. Platvcerium, Resvaux. — Fronds dissimilar,, stellately pubescent, the fertile forked. Veins repeatedly forked and distantly anastomosing ; venules internal, compoundly reticulated, with vari- ously du-ected free veinlets terminating in the areoles. Sori forming irregular patches near the ex- tremities of the fronds or on special lateral thickened lobes; receptacle consisting of an accessory layer of parallel anastomosing veinlets crossing the sterile ones, and producing crowded linear lines of spore-cases. 29. CvRTOGONiUM, J. Smith. — Fronds (fertile) contracted. Veins pinnately costseform ; venules arcuately or angularly anastomosing, producing from their exterior sides or points of confluence one or more excurrent free or iiTegularly anastomosing veinlets. Sori occupying the under surface of the fertile fronds, or crowded on the venules. 30. Gymnopteris, Bernhardi. — Fronds (fertile) contracted. Vems uniform or costaeform ; venules compoundly anastomosing, producing variously directed, straight or curved, free veinlets, terminating within the areoles. Sori univei’sal on the under surface of the fertile fronds. Trihe III. PTERIDEiE, .7. Smith, — Sori round or elongated, transverse, marginal, intramarginal, or costal, furnished with a special lateral indusium, free at the inner edge, and attached at the exterior side of the sporangiferous receptacle, which is parallel with the midrib or margin. Section I. Chilosorcce, J. SmitR. — Sori marginal. 31. Adiantum, Linnceus. — Costa excentric or wanting; veins unilateral or -radiating, forked; venules direct, their apices terminating in the axis of the indusium. Sori round, reniform, oblong or linear, continuous or interrupted ; indusium venose, sporangiferous on its under surface. 32. Cheilanthes, Swartz. — Vems forked ; venules direct, their apices free and sporangiferous. Sori round, solitary or contiguous, often becoming confluent ; indusium usually reniform, rarely oblong, and including niore than one sorus. 33. Hvpoeepis, Bernhardi. — Veins forked or pinnate, the lower exterior venule soriferous. Sori round, marginal opposite the sinus of the segments, partly concealed by a spurious indusium formed of a reflexed marginal crenule. 34. Platyloma, j. Smith. — Veins forked ; venules direct, free, and sporangiferous at the apex. Sori oblong, laterally confluent into a broad marginal band ; indusium narrow, attached to the outer side of the broad sporangiferous receptacle. 35. Doryopteris, J. Smith. — Veins nearly uniform, internal, reticulated, forming elongated oblique areoles. Sori linear, continuous ; indusium narrow. 36. Litobrochia, Presl. — Vems external, elevated, arcuately and angularly anastomosing, forming SYNOPSIS OF THE GENERA. 15 unequal arcoles, sometimes reticulated only near tlie midrib or margin. Sori linear, continuous, or interrupted ; rnclusiiim narrow. 37. Lonchitis, Zmw«MS. — ^ Ferns reticulated, producing unequal areoles. Sori oblong or linear- arcuate, produced on the apices of four or five convergent venules, which terminate in the sinus of tlie segments; indusmm linear. 38. Pteris, iwmfeMS. — Veins forked; venules free, or their apices combined by a sporangiferous receptacle ; the inferior pair sometimes arcuately or transversely anastomosing, forming a single row of elongated costal areoles. Sori linear, continuous or interrupted, usually occupying the sides only of the segments ; indusium plane, linear, its base often sporangiferous. 39. Onychium, Kaulfuss.-— Veins simple, direct, free, or combined at their apices by a transverse sporangiferous receptacle seated in the axis of the indusium. Sori short, linear, continuous, usually becoming confluent and covering the whole of the segment ; indusium plane, linear, slightly intra- marginal, the free margins of opposite indusia conniving over the midrib. Section II. Metasorece, J. Smith. — Sori intramarginal or costal. 40. Lomaria, Wilklenoio. — Fronds dissimilar, the fertile contracted. Veins (sterile) forked, scarcely evident in the fertile fronds ; venules direct, free, with club-shaped apices usually terminating within the margin. Sori linear, elongate, continuous, arising from a thick elevated receptacle, often occupying nearly the whole disk ; indusium vaulted, revolute, and conniving, at length replicate and torn, seated on or within the m.argin. 41. Blechnum, Linneeus. — Veins (sterile) forked ; venules direct, free, in the fertile fronds combined near the base at the point of forking by a transverse sporangiferous receptacle. Sori linear, con- tinuous or interrupted, costal, rarely medial ; indusium plane, conniving with the costa. 42. Doodia, R. Brown. — Veins forked; venules arcuately anastomosing near the base, there gene- rally soriferous, then free and direct towards the margin. Soi-i oblong, straight or arcuate, trans- versely uniserial or biserial ; indusium plane. 43. WooDWARDiA, Smith. — Veins reticulated, becoming free near the margin. Sori oblong or linear, elongated, uniserial, immersed, produced on the transverse costal venules ; indusium revolute, vaulted. Tribe IV. ASPLENIEjE, J. Smith. — Sori elongated oblique to the midrib or axis of venation borne on the superior or inferior sides, or on both sides, of the venules, and furnished with a special lateral plane or vaulted indusium. Section I. OrthopMehiecVj J. Smitli. — ^Veins all free. 44. ScoLOPENDRiUM, Smith. — Veins forked; venules parallel, direct, free, with club-shaped apices, terminating within the margin. Sori linear, unilateral, produced on the proximate sides of the anterior and posterior branch of each fascicle of veins, and confluent in pairs (face to face) ; indusium (of each pair) with the free margins conniving, opening by a longitudinal suture. 45. Diplazium, Swartz. — Veins forked, or pinnate; vemdes direct, free. Sori linear, produced on both sides of the venules (back to back), constituting binate sori; indusium plane. All, or the lower venules only, soriferous on both sides, the superior ones frequently producing simple sori, as in Asplenium. 46. Asplenium, Lmneeus. — Vems forked or pinnate ; venules direct, free. Sori simpile, linear, oblong, or elongated, unilateral on the anterior side of the venules ; indusium plane or vaulted. Section II. Sympliophlehiem, J. Smith. — Veins anastomosing or reticulated. 47. Ceterach, Willdenow. — FetMS forked or pinnate; venules more or less anastomosing, the lower anterior one soriferous on the side next the raches. Sori oblong or linear, unilateral, protruding through dense elongated scales ; indusium obsolete. 16 SYNOPSIS OF THE GENERA. 48. Neottopteris, J. Smith. — Veins forked ; venules direct, parallel, combined at the apices by a transverse continuous marginal vein. Sori linear parallel, unilateral on the anterior side of the venules ; indusium plane. 49. Antigeamma, Presl. — Veins forked ; venules angularly anastomosing or reticulated, with the marginal veinlets free. Sori linear, unilateral on the proximate sides of the primary venules of each fascicle, usually confluent in pairs ; indusium linear, the free margins of each pair conniving. 50. HiEMiDiCTYUM, Presl. — Veins forked ; venules parallel near the costa, anastomosing and reticulate near the margin, where they are combined by a transverse continuous vein. Sori linear, unilateral, on the anterior side of the parallel portion of the venules ; indusium plane. 51. Callipteris, Bory. — Veins pinnately costceform, the opposite pairs of venules angularly anastomosing, the superior ones usually free. Sori linear, binate, produced on both sides the venules ; indusium plane. Tribe V. ASPIDIEA3, J. Smith. — Sori round, rarely oblong, intramarginal, furnished with a special indusium, wliich is orbicular produced from the centre of the sporangiferous receptacle, or reniform or cucullate produced from its posterior side, or attached wholly round the receptacle (calyciform). Section I. Symplophlehiece, J. Smitli. — Veins anastomosing or reticulate. 52. Hypoderris, It. Bi'own.— Veins cosi^iovm-, venules compoundly anastomosing, producing from their sides variously directed free sterile veinlets, and soriferous at the j)oints of confluence of several veinlets. Sori small, irregular or uniserial on each side the veins ; indusium small calyciform, very membranous, laciniate and fimbriate at the margin. 53. Aspidium, Swartz. — Veins costceform ; venules compoundly anastomosing, producing from their sides variously directed free sterile veinlets, and soriferous on the points of confluence of several veinlets. Sori round, reniform, or by confluence oblong, irregular, or uniserial on each side the veins ; indusium orbicular, peltate, or reniform, and attached laterally. 54. Sagenia, Presl. — Veins pinnate ; vemdes arcuately or angularly anastomosing (compoundly anastomosing in the sterile fronds), forming unequal areoles with variously directed free veinlets on the apices of which the sori are most frequently borne. Sori reniform or orbicular, uniserial on each side the primary veins, or irregular, usually on the apices of free veinlets, sometimes on the points of confluence of two or more veinlets ; indusium reniform or orbicular. 55. Onoclea, Linnceus. — Fronds dissimilar, the fertile with contracted bacciform sessile segments, with membranous conniving fimbriate margins forming an universal indusium. Veins (fertile fronds) simple direct free; or (sterile fronds) reticulated. Sori round, confluent, 4 — 8 on each segment, medial, the pedicels of the spore-cases concrete ; indusium (special) lateral, cucullate, very membranous. 56. Cyrtomium, Presl. — Veins pinnate ; venules, except the lower exterior one, which is free and fertile, angularly anastomosing, and producing from their exterior side or angular junction, 1 — 3 excurrent free fertile veinlets. Sori round, medial, numerous, transversely multiserial ; indusium orbicular, peltate. 57. Fadyenia, Hooker. — Fronds dissimilar, the fertile contracted, the sterile proliferous at its apex. Veins forked; venules anastomosing and reticulate, the lower anterior one in each fascicle free and fertile at its apex. Sori large, roundish- or oblong-reniform, transversely uniserial in the costal areoles ; indusium reniform, lateral. 58. Nephrodium, Schott. — Veins pinnately-costeform ; vemdes angularly anastomosing, the lower or more pairs producing from their junction an excurrent anastomosing veinlet, the superior ones free. Sori round, medial, uniserial on each side the primary veins, sometimes confluent ; spore-cases some- times echinate ; indusium reniform, rarely orbicular. SYNOPSIS OF THE GENERA. 17 Section II. Orthophlebiem, .1. Smith.— Veins all free. 59. WOODSIA, R. Brown. — Veins forked; venules simple. Sort round, terminal or medial, at first distinet, subsequently confluent ; indusium calyciform, nearly entire or deeply laciniated, the lacinia} usually terminating in long hairs which involve the spore-cases. 60. Cystopteris, Bernhardi. — Veins forked ; venules simple. Sori round, medial, often becoming confluent ; indusium lateral, oblong, inflated, cucullate, attached beneath the sorus across the venule by its broad base, the free margin dentate or fimbriate. 61. Lastrea, Presl. — Veins forked or pinnately costseform; venules direct. Sori round, uniserial, medial, or terminal ; indusium lateral, reniform, rarely orbicular, glabrous or pilose, sometimes cochleate. 62. Pycnopteris, T. Moore. — Veins forked; venules elongate, parallel, direct, mostly terminating in club-shaped apices near the margin, the lowest anterior and posterior ones (sometimes more) in each fascicle soriferous. Sori large, roundish-reniforra, medial, near the costa, iiTegularly bi-tri- serial ; receptacle elevated ; indusium reniform. 63. PoLYSTiCHUM, Schott. — Veins forked or pinnately-forked : venules direct, the lower anterior one more fertile. Sori round, medial, rarely terminal, uniserial ; indusium orbicular, peltate, rarely excentric and reniform. 64. Cyclopletis, J. Smith. — Veins thi-ice dichotomously branched; venules direct, the lower anterior and posterior ones of each fascicle fertile Sori round, medial or terminal, biserial ; indusium orbicular, peltate. — Pinnae articulate. 65. DiDYMOCHLiENA, Desvaicx. — Veins forked, radiating; venules direct, the apices of the sterile ones clavate, the anterior one fertile. Sori elliptical,, terminal, uniserial ; indusium oblong, longi- tudinally attached by its centre. — Pinnules articulate. 66. Nephrolepis, Schott. — Veins forked ; venules direct, the anterior one soriferous. Sori round, terminal, uniserial ; indusium reniform, sometimes almost orbicular. — Pinnae articulate. 67. Oleandea, Cavanilles. — Veins simple or forked ; venules parallel, direct, their apices curved, forming a slightly thickened margin. Sori round, costal or irregular, uniserial; indusium reniform, rarely orbicular. Tribe VI. DICKSONIEjE, J. Smith. — Sori marginal, round, globose, vertically-oblong or trans- versely-elongate, with a special interior-attached lateral indusium, conniving more or less with the changed indusiiform margin of the frond, forming urceolate calyciform or two-lipped cysts, or marginal grooves containing the spore-cases. Section I. Lindsceay J. Smith. — Spore-cases pedicellate, from an elongated transversely anastomosing, rarely simple, terminal receptacle; indusia plane two-lipped. 68. Dictyoxipiiium, Hooker. — Fronds dissimilar, the fertile contracted with revolute margins, soriferous on the upper half. Costa central, prominent ; veins internal, nearly uniform, compouudly- anastomosing with variously directed free veinlets terminating in the areoles. Sori linear, continuous, occupying both margins ; indusium linear, attached to the receptacle, opening from the upper surface of the frond, and becoming rolled back. 69. Lindsaja, DryawtZer. — Costa excentric or wanting; veins forked radiating; venules (sterile fronds) direct free ; or (fertile fronds) combined at their apices by the transverse receptacle. Sori linear, continuous rarely interrupted ; special indusium linear, continuous, usually shorter than the indusiiform margin of the frond. Section II. Davalliecey J, Smith. — Spore-cases pedicellate from a simple terminal receptacle ; indusium more or less attached by its base and sides, rarely by its base only, equalling the margin of frond and forming an urceolate two-lipped or tubular vertical cyst. 70. Leucostegia, Pres^. — Veins forked; sewwfes direct, free. /Sori round, terminal, often solitary on each segment, seated in the sinus ; indusium scariose, orbicular or oblong, its sides free. D 18 SYNOPSIS OF THE GENERA. 71. Microlepia, PresZ Vehis forked or pinnate; venules direct, free. Sori round or oblong, vertical, superficial, intramarginal ; receptacle elevated ; spore-cases spreading, rarely immersed in a cystiforin cavity; indusium attached by its base and sides widening upwards, the free margin rounded or truncate. 72. Deparia, Hooker. — Veins pinnate ; venules simple, direct, their apices free and sporangiferous. Sori globose, extra-marginal ; spore-cases pedicellate, vertical ; the indusia forming with the indusiiform teeth, calyciform exserted cysts. 73. Davallia, Smith. — Veins forked ; venules direct, free, with their apices soriferous. Sori verti- cally oblong, intramarginal ; sp>ore-cases pedicellate, exserted beyond the free margin of the indusium ; indusium inflated, forming with the changed margin of frond, a vertical two-lipped or tubular cyst with the apex usually constricted. Section HI. Tricliomanea:, J. SmitR.— Spore-eases sessile, seated compactly around a columnar receptacle, included ■within a bilabiate or urceolate usually vertical cyst, formed by the connivance of the indusium -with the margin of the frond, 74. Triciiomanes, Linnceus, — Veins simple or forked, dmect. Sori vertically oblong, terminal ; spore-cases sessile ; receptaeJe filiform exserted ; indusium urceolate or calyciform. 75. Hymenophyllum, .S'lmt/j. — Ferns direct, free. iS'ort globose or vertically oblong ; sp)ore-cases sessile; receptacle columnar included; indusium urceolately two-lipped. Section IV. Dicksonieco, J. Smith. — Spore-cases pedicellate from a round terminal receptacle, included within a concave two-lipped or calyciform reflesed cyst, formed by the connivance of the special indusium with the indusiiform crenules of the frond. 76. SiTOBOLiUM, Desvaux. — Veins pinnate; venules simple or forked, direct, their apices free and sporangiferous. Sori globose, exserted ; receptacle elevated, globose ; special and accessory indusia nearly equal, forming a reflexed entire or two-ljpped calyciform cyst. 77. Balantium, Kaulfuss. — Veins pinnate ; venules simple or forked, direct, free. Sori large, nearly globose, exserted, solitary on each segment ; receptacle elevated, oblong ; special and accessory indusia coriaceous, nearly equal, forming slightly reflexed oblong transversely two-lipped cysts. 78. Dicksonia, L’Heritier. — Ferns pinnate ; venules simple, direct, free, soriferous at the apex. Sori large, globose ; receptacle elevated, globose ; indusia coriaceous, the accessory cucullate, larger than the special, forming with it a reflexed unequal two-lipped cyst. 79. CiBOTiUM, FTmf^ifss. — Veins forked or pinnate ; venules direct, free, soriferous at the apex. Sori somewhat globose, superficial, seated on the interior edge of the margin or sinus ; receptacle small ; indusium coriaceous, of two unequal valves, forming a reflexed adnate two-lipped cucul- late cyst. Tribe VII. CYATHEJ5, J. Smith.— ^or\ round, globose, intramarginal, medial or axillary, fur- nished (generally) with a calyciform or lateral interior-attached special indusium, or naked, or furnished with articulate hairs involving the spore-cases. Receptacle elevated, globose, or columnar. Spore-cases usually sessile and compressed. 80. Cyathea, Smith. — Veins pinnately-costeeform ; venules forked, direct, free. Sori medial or costal, uniserial, usually axillary in the forks of the veins ; sp>ore-cases compressed, seated on a globose receptacle ; indusium inferior, with an operculiform apex, becoming calyciform, entire or unequally lacerated. 81. Hemitelia, It. Brown. — Veins simply or pinnately-forked ; vemdes free, or the inferior ones angularly anastomosing, forming a costal arch and other areoles between the sinus and midrib of the segments. Sori medial, uniserial, submarginal, or irregular ; recepitacle globose ; indusium semi- calyeiform, interiorly attached. 82. Alsophila, jR. Rrotow. — Veins pinnately costceform ; venules simple or forked, direct, free. Sori round or sub-globose, sometimes becoming confluent, medial or axillary, naked or furnished with a lateral interior indusium, which is sometimes very small or hair-like. SYNOPSIS OF TUE GENERA. 10 GLEICHENIACEiE, R. Brown. — Spore-cases sessile, globose or pyriform, opening vertically, ivith a complete transverse ring. Sort round, superficial or immersed. 83. Gleichenia, Smith. — Veins pinnate or pinnatoly forked ; venules free, the lower anterior one fertile. Sori round, terminal, naked and superficial, or immersed iu a concave cyst; spore-cases 2 — 4, 84. Mertensia, Willdenow.— Veins simply or pinnately forked; venules direct free, the anterior one fertile. Sori round or globose, medial, naked or intermixed with hairs, superficial ; spore-cases 3—8. SCHIZiEACEiE, Martius. — Spore-cases sessile, oval oblong, rarely globose, striate or rayed at the apex, opening lengthways {vertically) on the exterior side, produced on contracted marginal lobules or special appendices to the fronds. 85. Lygodium, Swartz. — Veins (sterile) forked, free, or (fertile) pinnate ; venules arcuate, bearing the spore-cases on their superior sides. Sori on mai-giual appendices, forming linear spikelets, com- posed of two series of indusiate imbricating cysts, each of which contains an oval resupinate spore- case attached by its interior side. 86. Lygodictyon, J. Smith. — Veins (sterile) pinnate; vemiles anastomosing, forming unequal oblong areoles. Sori on marginal appendices, forming linear sjiikelets, composed of two rows of indusiate imbricating cysts, eacli of which contains an oval resupinate spore-case attached by its interior side. 87. SchiZtEA, Sivartz. — Fertile appendices terminal, forming a reflexed pinnate crest of linear segments, which have an inflexed indusiiforin margin. Spore-cases oval, vertical, arranged in a compact row on each side the midrib of the linear unilateral conniving segments. 88. Aneimia, Swartz. — Ferns forked ; venules direct, free. Fertile fronds tripartite, the two opposite branches contracted erect, Sori unilateral on linear segments, forming dense compound panicles ; spore-cases oval, vertical, naked. 89. Aneimidictyon, J. Smith.— -Veins forked; venules reticulated, formmg unequal oblong areoles ; otherwise as Aneimia. 90. Mohria, Swartz. — Fronds dissimilar, the fertile erect, uniformly contracted, constituting a rachiform unilateral sporangiferous panicle, with the margin of the segments inflexed. Veins forked ; venules dfrect, free. Sori marginal, on or near the apices of the venules ; spore-cases ovate, globose, naked. OSMUNDACEAE, Martius. — Spore-cases p>edicellate, globose, reticulated, opening by a vertical slit {bivalved), the apex oblique, gibbous, pellucid, destitute of a ring. 91. OsMUNDA, Linnmis. — 7'ems forked ; venules direct, free. Sori naked and densely clustered on contracted fronds, or on some portion of the segments, which are contracted, rachiform, simj)le or paniculate ; spore-cases lai’ge, subglobose. 92. Todea, Willdenow. — Veins simple or forked ; venules direct, free. Sori oblong, simple, or forked, and subsequently confluent; spore-cases naked, subglobose, bivalved, produced on evident venules, few to each sorus. MARATTIACEiE, Kaulfuss. — Spore-cases sessile {rarely pedicellate), horny, opaque, distinct, and unilocular, or laterally and oppositely connate, formmg a multilocular round, oblong, or linear biserial or bivalved compound spore-case, opening by pores or vertical slits on the interior side. 93. Marattia, Smith. — Veins forked ; venules direct, free, Sori linear, submarginal, consisting of a transverse row of large oblong opaque multilocular spore-cases, one on each vein ; sqiore-cases sessile, 20 SYNOPSIS OF THE GENERA. distinct, subterminal, longitudinally two-valved, the valves laterally connate, containing 6-12 cells, opening by a vertical internal slit ; receptacle subterminal. 94. Eupodium, J. Smith. — Vems simple or forked, venules direct, free. Spore-cases large, oblong, multilocular, seated on slender stalks, longitudinally two-valved, the valves laterally connate, contain- ing 5-8 cells opening by a vertical slit inside ; receptaele medial. 95. Angiopteris, Hojfman.-r- Veins simple or forked ; venules direct, free. Sori linear, continuous, compound ; sptore-cases obovate, emarginate, sessile, laterally confluent, arranged in opposite series of 5-7 cells, the cells opening by a vertical internal sUt ; receptacle medial. 96. Dan^a, Smith. — Veins forked ; venules direct, parallel, arcuate on their apices, anastomosing with the cartilaginous margin. Spore-eases linear, biserial, multilocular, each cell opening by a cir- cular pore ; receptacle occupying the whole length of the venules. — Fertile fronds usually contracted. OPHIOGLOSSACE..®, Presl. — Spore-cases sessile, roundish or suhylobose, opening hy a transverse fissure (bivalved), opaque, ivithouta ring or reticulation. 97. Botrychium, Swartz. — Fronds two-branched, the fertile branch erect, contracted, constituting a compound sporangiferous unilateral panicle. Veins simple or forked, radiating; venules direct, free. Spore-cases globose, distinct. 98. Ophioglossum, Linneeus. — Fronds two-branched, the sterile portion spreading, usually shorter than the erect fertile spike. Veins (sterile) uniform, reticulated, forming elongated areoles. Spore- cases roundish, connate in two parallel rows into a simple compact spike. FERN CASE, THE GENERA AND SPECIES OF CULTIVATED FERNS. Order, POLYPODIACE^, E. Beown. Tribe, Polteodie.®, J. Smith — Sori of definite form, naked, i. e. without an indusium. Sect. ORTHOPHLEBIE.E, J. Smith (from orthos, straight, and phleps, a vein). — Veins simple or forked, free, that is, not united so as to form a network. I. GEAMMITIS, Swartz. Sori oval, oblong, oblique ; spore-cases lateral. Veins simple or forked, internal, the soriferous venule sometimes very short. Fronds simple, hncar, with entire or serrulate margins, plane or con- vex at the apex. — Name derived from pramme, a line ; alluding to the lines of sori. This genus has considerable affinity with the %Leptogramma of Oymnogr amnia, in consequence of its linear-oblique sori ; but it is distinguished by its dwarf habit, simple fronds, and more simple venation. There are several species known; but one only has hitherto been introduced in a living state. Fig. 1 represents the upper portion of a frond of Grammitis Billardieri (nat. size). 1. G. Billardieri, Willdenow {G. australis, 5. i?roM;w). — An interesting evergreen greenhouse species, from New Holland. Fronds simple linear-lanceolate acuminate, from four to six inches long, light green, attenuated at the base. Sori linear-ohlique, confined to the upper portion of the frond, occupying the whole of the venules. Stipes hairy ; terminal, adherent to a tufted rhizome. II. POLYPODIUM, Linneeus. Sori circular, rarely oval or oblong, naked, transverse, uniserial, solitary or irregular; spore-cases terminal or lateral, sometimes seated in a deep cyst or cavity forming elevated protuberances on the upper surface of fronds. Veins simple, forked or pinnate, free. Fronds varying from a few inches to four or five feet high, and from simple to decompound ; coriaceous, membranous, glabrous, villose or glandulose. — Name derived from 2>olys, many, and iious, a foot ; the creeping rhizome having many foot-like divisions or tubercles. This genus, before it was divested of those possessing a reticulated venation, included between 200 and 300 species, presenting wide differences in habit and texture and in the circumscription of their fronds, which arc now distributed among nine genera. The true Polypodiunis have naked circular (rarely oblong) sori, with simple Ibrked or pinnate free veins. Fig. 2 represents a portion of Polypodium vulgare (nat. size). Fig. 1 22 POLYPODIACE^ — POLYPODIEiE. 5 Cteonpteris, Blttme. — Ei'onds articulated with the creeping rhizome. 1. P. vuLGAEE, — A hardy Ornamental evergreen, indigenous Fern,* common in Eui'ope, Asia, and North America. Fronds glabrous pinnatifid, one foot high, dark green ; segments lanceolate, approximate, obtuse at the apex, with a crenulate or serrulate margin. Sori confined to the upper portion of the frond, arranged in a single row on each side of the midrib of the lobes (uniscrial) ; spore-cases attached to the apex of an exourrent venule (terminal) ; apices of veins club-shaped. Stipes lateral, articulated with a creeping scaly rhizome. Several forms of the common Polypody are found with the segments more or less pinnatifid, lohed, crenate, serrate, or bifid at the apex ; hut two or more of these may often he detected growing on the same plant. The only form that appears to maintain a markedly distinct character is P. cambrintm, Linnaeus, the segments of which are deeply and interruptedly pinnatifid. It is very elegant, hut usually without fructification. 2. P. MACROCARPUM, Prcsl. (GoNioPHLEBiuM, J. Smith ; Pleopeltis pinnatifida, Soaker and Qreville). — A dwarf evergreen stove Fern, native of South America. Fronds four to eight inches high, ovate, dark green above, and covered over beneath with distinct ovate caudate scales, which are black in the centre, brown, and deeply fringed on the margin. The fronds are pinnatifid, with oblong obtuse segments, and they are articulated on a scaly creeping rhizome. Sori large, uniserial. We have only seen sterile fronds of the cultivated plant, hut it appears to be identical with the species to which we have referred it, and from which om- description of its size and fructification are drawn. It is a true Polypodium, the venation being free. 3. P. iNCANUM, (Goniophlebium, /. P. velatum, — A dwarf evergreen stove fern, native of the West Indies, various parts of South America, and Natal. Fronds pinnatifid, six to twelve inches long, lanceolate ; segments ohlong-obtuse, coriaceous, the upper surface dull green, densely covered beneath with roundish fimbriate peltate brown scales ; they are lateral, articulated on a scaly creeping rhizome. Sori immersed, sub-marginal, uniserial. Veins internal and indistinctly seen, hut they are free, and it is consequently a true Polypodium, 4. P. Plumula, Smnholdt. — An exceedingly beautiful evergreen stove species, from the West Indies and South America. Fronds lanceolate, sub-pinnate, from six inches to a foot or more long, grass green, with numerous linear, parallel, horizontal segments, thinly scattered over the under side with very small scales. Sori uniserial on the upper portion of the frond. Eachis and stipes eheneous, scaly beneath ; lateral, articulated, with a small creeping rhizome. 5. P. Otites, Limiceus (P. pectinatem, of gardens — fide Kunze). — A very beautiful evergreen stove Pern, native of the West Indies. Fronds slender, suh-pinnate, from one to one and a half foot long, pubescent ; the pinna3 linear, parallel, horizontal. Stipes and rachis black. Sori rmiserial, of a bright yellowish-brown, distributed over the whole under surface. Fronds lateral, articulated on a creeping rhizome. 6. P. Paradiseje, Langsdorf and Fischer (P. Otites of garden^). — A very handsome evergreen stove species, from Brazil and the West Indies. Fronds pubescent, from two to five feet long, very slender, lanceolate-elon- gate, narrowing to the base, sub-pinnate, the segments linear, nearly horizontal ; the stipes and rachis blackish- brown. Sori uniserial, occurring over nearly the whole frond. Stipes very short ; lateral, articulated on a creep- ing rhizome. 7. P. FRATERNUM, SehlecMendal (P. Henchmanni, J. Smith MS). — A glabrous evergreen stove Fern, from Mexico. Fronds oblong, acuminate, two feet long, quite smooth, pinnate, with long, linear-lanccolatc, narrow pinnse, decurrent at the base, very dark green ; lateral, articulated, on a scaly creeping rhizome. Sori large, uniscrial, bright brown. ? PuiiGOPTERis, Prcsl. — Fronds adherent to the rhizome. 8. P. PHEGOPTERis, Limiceus. — A deciduous hardy indigenous species, found in most European countries, as far north as Lapland. Fronds pinnato-pinnatifid, from six to twelve inches long, the lower pinnaj standing for- ward, deflexed, with linear-lanceolate, entire segments, the upper ones adnate-decurrent. Sori rather oblong, in- tramarginal. Fronds lateral, adherent on a somewhat scaly creeping rhizome. 9. P. hexagonopteriim, Michaux. — A very handsome hardy deciduous Fern, from North America. Fronds triangular, about one and a half foot long, rather hairy, bipinnatifid ; pinnse opposite, sessUe, decurrent at the base, with oblong-obtuse crenulate segments. Sori sub-marginal. Stipes lateral, adherent to a creeping rhizome. 10. P. Dryopteris, Limiceus. — A deciduous hardy British species ; also found throughout Europe, Northern Asia, and North America. Fronds six to ten inches high, lateral, adherent to a creeping rhizome ; they are ternate, deltoid, smooth, bipinnate, with deflexed spreading divisions, and obtuse, suberenated segments. Sori rather oblong, intramarginal. 11. P. Eobertianum, Soffman (P. calcareum. Smith). — A hardy deciduous British Fern, found in other parts of central Europe. Fronds from six to twelve inches high, erect and rather rigid, lateral, adherent to a rough scaly creeping rhizome ; triangular, elongate, three-branched, the branches doubly pinnate, with somewhat crenated obtuse segments. Sori round, intramarginal, Veins simple, occasionally forked. * For more ample descriptions and figures of the British species, see PTamlbook of British Ferns. London : Groombridge. III. STllUTHIOI'TERIS. 23 12. P. ALPESTRE, (ASPIDIUM, SchlcuJlT ; A, HHCETICUM, Y . Dc Caudoll^ m Au ornamental, hardy, deciduous Fern ; native of Switzerland, and of the Highlands of Scotland. Fronds glabrous, lanceolate, one to three feet long, bipinuate, with lanceolate-acuminate pinnae ; the pinnules distinct, pinnatifid, oblong. Sori medial, round and uniserial. Stipes short, terminal, adherent to a short decumbent rhizome. 13. P. DREPANUM, Loive (AspiDiUM, Swavtz ; PoLVSTiCHUM,'’Pr«sl).— An ornamental evergreen warm green- house species, from Madeira. Fronds ovate acuminate, one and a half to two feet long, hipinnate, dark green ; pinnae four to six inches long ; pinnules lanceolate, falcate, aurioulate, pinnatifid, inferior ones distant, cuneate at the base, superior basal ones longest, uppermost ones confluent, the segments all acutely toothed. Rachis and stipes paleaceous ; terminal, adherent to a fasciculate erect rhizome. This plant has been placed in jLspidiea by most authors ; and we had adopted this view in the Gardener’s Magazine of Botany (iii. 320) ; hut having since had an opportunity of examining the sori in its earliest stages, we have now no hesitation in referring it back to Folypodium, it being entirely destitute of an indusium. 14. P. EFFusuM, Swartz. — An evergreen stove Fern, from Jamaica. Fronds deltoid, membranous, three to five feet long, glabrous, pale green ; four times pinnate, with lanceolate pinnae ; the pinnules linear-lanceolate, with pinnatifid segments, the lower one distant. Sori round, medial ; veins pinnately forked. Stipes scaly, especially near the base, adherent to a short creeping rhizome. 15. P. AMFLUM, Sumholdt (P. lachnopodium, J. Smith — fide Klotzsch). — Avery ornamental stove species, from Jamaica. Fronds deltoid, of a soft delicate texture, from two to four feet long, hi-tripinnatifid, with lanceolate- acuminate pinnules, and oblong-linear, obtuse, hairy segments. Sori round, medial. Stipes and rachis densely covered with narrow brown scales. The fronds are terminal, adherent around an erect (caudiciform) rhizome. 16. P. RUGULOSUM, Lahillardiere (Hypolepis rugulosa, J. Smith ; H. amaurorachis, FLooher ; Cheilanthes AMAiJRORACHis, Kunzc). — A ramhling-growing evergreen greenhouse species, native of New Holland, New Zealand, and the Island of Tristan d’Acunha. Fronds triangular elongate, ‘from two to four feet high, tripinnate, pinnoe lanceolate, with lanceolate-acuminate pinnules, and oblong, rather obtuse segments, the lower ones distant and pinnatifid, margin slightly crenulated. Sori round, suh-marginal. Fi'onds covered with glandulous hairs, lateral, adherent to a very peculiar, elongated, rough, creeping rhizome. Eachis and stipes purplish. III. STRUTHIOPTEEIS, Willdenow. Sori round, confluent, wholly occupying the under surface of the segments ; spor base of the pedicels concrete, forming an elevated, thickened receptacle. Veins Fronds of two kinds — fertile, with contracted, revolute mar- gins, forming a spm-ious universal indusium ; the pinnee linear, revolute, moniliform, each segment producing five soriferous veins, the margin becoming replicate and lacerated, and wholly occupied by round confluent sori. — Name derived from strutliios, an ostrich, and pteris, a fern ; in allusion to the resemblance of the fronds to ostrich-feathers. The habit of this genus, more than any technical character, separates it from Polypodkmi. Fig. 3 represents a pinnule of the sterile, and a portion of the fertile frond of Struthiopteris penn- sylvanica (nat. size.) 1. S. GERMANicA, WUldeiiow (OsMUNDA SiRUTHioPTERis, Litmceus) A hardy deciduous ornamental Fein, from the south of Europe. Sterile fronds arranged in an exterior circle, reclining, from two to three feet long, lanceolate, pinnate, with pinnatifid - acuminate pinme. Fertile fronds few, occupying the centre, erect, about a foot long, dark brown, and resembling a bunch of feathers ; they are contracted, pinnate, the pinnse crowded, linear, revolute, and moniliform. Sori round, confluent. Fronds terminal, adherent to an erect (caudiciform) rhizome. 2. S. PENNSYLVANicA, Willdenow (Onoclea nodulosa, SchJcuhr). — A hardy deciduous ornamental species, from North America. The sterile fronds commonly attain the height of two feet, and are lanceolate, pinnate, the pinnoe acuminate, pinnatifid, with rounded blunt segments. The fertile ones are about a foot long, contracted, pinnate, with linear, c and moniliform. Sori round, confluent. Ehizome erect ; fronds adherent e-cases lateral ; pinnate, free. pinnoe, which are revolute POLYPODIACEjE— POLYPODIEiE. a IV. ALLOSORUS, Bernhardt. Sort round or oblong, becoming confluent, and ultimately occupying the whole under-surface of the segments ; spore-cases attached on or near the apex of the veins, forming broad, intramarginal, com- pound, transverse sori, concealed by the revolute margin of the pinnules. Veins forked, free, elevated, terminating within the indusiiform margin. Fronds of two kinds — sterile, bi-tripinnate, generally smooth, with the pinnules dentate, crenate, or laeiniate ; fertile, contracted, segments oval or oblong, elliptical, revolute, and plaited. — Name derived from alios, various, and soros, a heap ; in allusion to the altered appearances presented by the sori during the different stages of their development. Fig. 4 represents the upper portion of a sterile, and upper portion of a fertile frond (nat. size) ; and a segment of fertile frond (magn.), showing the veins and sori of Allosorus crispus. 1. A. CRISPUS, Bcrnliardi (Osmunua, lAnrueus ; Phoeobolus, Desvaux ; PxERis, linnceus ; Cryptogramma, B. Brown). — A very elegant dwarf hardy Fern, native of Britain, and the Alps of Europe. Sterile fronds bipinnate ; pinnules bi-tripinnatifid, segments oblong, often bi-dentate. Fertile fronds contracted, bipinnate, tripinnate below ; pinnules linear- oblong, rather obtuse, revolute, entire, narrow at the base. Sori round, intramarginal, subsequently confluent, concealed by the revolute margin of the frond. Veins simple, forked where they are soriferous. Fronds triangular, from three to six inches high, adherent to a decumbent tufted rhizome. There are two or three distinct-looking forms of this plant occasionally met with ; but they are not sufficiently constant to be con- sidered as permanent varieties. Several species of Platyloma are referred to this genus by some authors. V. NOTHOCHL^NA, R. Brown. Sori round, solitary, subsequently confluent; spore-cases terminal, attached on or near the apex of the venules, forming a linear, continuous or interrupted marginal line. Veins forked, free, pinnate or bifurcate. Fronds varying from pinnate to bi-tripinnate, hairy, densely scaly, woolly, or covered with a farinose powder, through which the spore-cases protrude ; of the latter there are usually but few to each sorus ; margin somewhat slightly reflexed. — Name derived from nothos, spurious, and chlaina, a cloak ; in allusion to some of the species appearing to have an involucre. Sometimes written Notholcena. The very elegant plants arranged under this genus are of dwarf habit, and generally diflicult to cultivate, owing to the woolly or scaly surface of the fronds, which retains moisture. When once they become wet the water does not readily pass off, and the fronds are in consequence often destroyed. It is therefore not advisable to sprinkle water on the fronds, but to keep them quite dry during winter. Fig. 5 represents a portion of the frond of Notlioclilcena trichonianoides. 1. N. TENBRA, Gillies. — A very tender delicate evergreen stove Fern, from Chili. Fronds glabrous, bluish green, six to eight inches high, somewhat lanceolate, bipinnate ; pinnules on the lower pinnse cordate-ovate, oblong- obtuse, superior ones becoming sessile, terminal one lobed. Sori terminal, linear, continuous, confluent, forming a broad marginal band. Stipes shining, adherent to a short creeping rhizome. 2. N. NivEA, Desvaux (N. incana, Presl. ; Pteris nivea, Poiret). — A very tender delicate beautiful evergreen stove species, native of Mexico, Peru, and ChUi. Fronds from six to twelve inches high, and covered beneath with white farinose powder, the upper surface bluish-green ; somewhat lanceolate, with a broad base ; bipinnate, with roundish ovate, obtuse, entire pinnules, which are cordate at the base, the terminal one lobed. Sori terminal, linear, confluent, forming a broad marginal band. Fronds terminal, adherent to a short creeping rhizome. 3. N. argentea, J. R. — This, one of the handsomest of the genus, is an evergreen stove species, native of South America. Fronds triangularly ovate, about six inches long, and covered throughout with white farinose powder ; sub-tripinnate, with oblong obtuse crenate pinnules, VI. GYMNOGKAMMA. 2r> the lower ones distant. Stipes, racHs, and midrib of pinnas shining black. Sori linear, terminal, consisting of a single row of spore-cases, near the margin of each segment. Stipes scaly near the base. Fronds adherent to a somewhat creeping rhizome. 4. N. TRioHOMANoiDES, M. Browfi (Ptbris, Linnams). — Avery handsome evergreen stove Fern, from Jamaica. Fronds slender, pendulous, one foot long, linear, pinnate, covered especially beneath, with a white farinose powder, and brown stellate pubescence ; pinnae oblong, obtuse, bluntly lobed or crenate, cordate and auriculate at the base. Sori terminal, confluent, forming a linear continuous marginal band. Fronds terminal. 5. N. LiEvis, Martens and Gakotti. — A beautiful evergreen warm greenhouse Fern, native of Mexico. Fronds linear-lanceolate, pinnate, a foot long, deep green on the upper surface, and densely covered beneath with imbricated fringed white scales, which ultimately become of a rich brown ; upper surface scattered over with a stellate scaly pubescence ; pinnas stalked, cordato-oblong, round at the apex, inferior ones hastate, and sinuate, superior ones entire. Sori linear, continuous, sub-marginal, protruding through the scales, forming a broad black band. Fronds lateral or subterminal, adherent to a whitish, scaly, shortly-creeping rhizome. This plant has the venation and broad sori of a Flatyloma, but is destitute of an indusium, the margin of the frond being quite flat. 6. N. RUFA, Presl (Chbilanthes fbrruginea, Willdenow). — A slender and rather straggling growing stove species, native of the "West Indies and South America. Fronds narrow, linear, from twelve to eighteen inches long, woolly, pinnate ; pinnae ovate, oblong-obtuse, pinnatifid, with the stipes and rachis light brown. Sori terminal; marginal, forming a linear continuous row of little more than single spore-cases. Fronds adherent to a creeping rhizome. 7. N. siNUATA, Kaulftiss (Acrostichum, Swartz). — A very elegant evergreen stove Fern ; native of Peru, Mexico, &c. Fronds one to two feet long, reclining, linear, pinnate ; pinnae cordate- ovate, obtuse, pinnatifid, white on the under surface, and densely covered with imbricated fringed scales ; upper surface bright green, scattered over with stellate pubescence. Stipes, rachis, and rhizome scaly. Sori terminal ; marginal, consisting of a few spore-cases, situated in the sinuses of the segments, protruding through the scales. 8. N. sauAMATA, J. H. — A dwarf evergreen stove Fern ; from Mexico and Peru. Fronds pinnate, about six inches long, rather ovate-lanceolate, scaly beneath, with oblong-obtuse, pinnatifid pinnae, which are dark green above and whitish beneath. Sori terminal, continued round each segment of the pinnae. This species is but little known in cultivation, although introduced about 1842. 9. N. LANUGINOSA, Besmux (Acrostichum velleum, Aiton ; N. vbllea, Besvaux). — A very tender delicate evergreen greenhouse Fern ; native of the South of Europe, Madeira, &c. Fronds four to six inches high, very woolly and brownish on the under surface ; linear-lanceolate, bipinnate, with roundish ovate pinnules, the terminal one lobed. Sori round, terminal, subsequently confluent. Ehizome short, somewhat creeping. 10. N. VESTITA, Besvaux (Chbilanthes, Swartz). [Plate I.] — A slender evergreen frame, or greenhouse species ; native of various parts of North America. Fronds from five to ten inches long, densely covered with hairs ; linear-lanceolate, bipinnate, with roundish ovate pinnoe, the pinnules pinnatifid ; margin crenate. Sori round, terminal, marginal, subsequently confluent. Fronds adherent to a short creeping rhizome. This species is often sold for Woodsia ilvensis. 11. N. DisTANS, R. Brown. — A small evergreen greenhouse Fern ; from New Holland. Fronds six to ten inches long ; linear-lanceolate, bipinnate, pinnules oblong obtuse, opposite, sessile and hairy. Sori terminal, marginal, confluent. Stipes, rachis, and midrib of pinnaj, covered with scales. Fronds adherent to a creeping rhizome. 12. N. Marant.®, R. Brown (Acrostichum, Linnmus ; Ceterach, Be Candolle). — A rather handsome ever- green Fern ; found in the South of Europe and Madeira. Fronds from six to ten inches high, rather stiff, densely covered with scales on the under surface; ovate-lanceolate, bipinnate, with oblong obtuse pinnules, the lower one stalked, superior ones sessile, entire at the apex. Sori terminal, and marginal. Fronds adherent to a thick, short, creeping rhizome. 13. N. tomentosa, Besvaux (Chbilanthes, Link). — A woolly evergreen stove species ; from Mexico. Fronds very handsome, about a foot long, tripinnate, with oblong-linear pinnules, and very small segments, which are roundish ovate distant and concave, the terminal one larger. Sori consisting of a few spore-cases on each segment. Ehizome short, creeping. 14. N. Ecrloniana, Kvnze. — This evergreen Fern, the most beautiful species of the scaly section, is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and is best cultivated in a warm greenhouse. Fronds nearly a foot long, covered on all parts with narrow white scales which give them a woolly appearance ; they are rather ovate, tripinnate, with oblong-obtuse pinnules, and small roundish ovate segments, crenate and concave, the margin revolute ; lower ones distant, superior ones sessile. Sori terminal, consisting of a single row of spore-cases on each segment, partly concealed by the revolute margin. Ehizome creeping. VI. GYMNOGRAMMA, Besmux. Non' linear, simple, or often forked, oblique, at length confluent; spore-cases medial, superficial, occupying nearly the whole length of the venules, and sometimes echinate. Veins forked, or pinnate ; E 26 POLYPODIACE^— POLYrODIE;E. venules simple. Fronds varying from a few inches to three or four feet long ; simple pinnate bipinnate or decompound ; smooth hairy or covered beneath with a rich- coloured farinose* powder. — Name derived from gymnos, naked, and gramme, a line ; in allusion to the linear sori being destitute of a cover. In the Gardeners' Magazine of Botany we have adopted the genus Leptogramma, distinguishing it from Gymnogramma by the simjjle venules and simple sori, -which characterized the original ; but several additional sj>ecies have now been introduced to cultivation, which while they agree in having simple sori with the characters assigned to Leptogramma, yet do not accord in the venation. Hence it becomes necessary to cancel Lepto- gramma as a genus ; but it may be usefully retained as a sectional group, to include those species which are distinguished from true Gymnogramma by oblong-linear simple sori. Fig. 6 represents a pinna of Gymnogramma tomentosa (med. size). ? Gymnooeamma VERA. — Sovi linear, forked. 1. Gr nuPA, Besvaux (Hemionitis, Swartz ; Neukogeamma, Link), — An ornamental evergreen stove species ; native of tropical America. Fronds from one to two feet long, hairy, linear, pinnate with ohlong, ohtuse pinnae, stalked, and cordate at the base. Stipes and rachis reddish brown ; terminal, adherent to a fasciculate erect rhizome. Sori linear medial, forked, oblique, subsequently confluent, produced on every pinnae throughout the frond. 2. G. tomentosa, Besvaux (Hemionitis, Baddi ; Neueogramma, Link ; Ceterach lobatum, Presl). — A tender delicate and beautiful stove Fern ; native of Brazil and the West Indies. Fronds somewhat lanceolate, bipin- nate, hairy, and membranous, from one to two feet long, with oblong-obtuse pinnules, the lower ones cordate at the base, terminal one lohed, acuminate. Sori linear, medial, forked, oblique. Stipes and rachis black, terminal, adherent to a fasciculate erect rhizome. Fig- 6. 3. G. JAVANICA, Blume. — A very handsome evergreen stove Fern ; from J ava. Fronds glabrous, pinnate, two to three feet high, bright green ; pinn® petiolate oblong-lanceolate, six to ten inches long, acuminate, or suheaudate at the apex, and cuneate at the base. This species is rare in English gardens, though it has been in cultivation on the Continent for several years. 4. G. trifoliata, Besvaux (Acrostichum, Linneeus).- — A rather erect growing evergreen stove Fern ; from the West Indies. Fronds oblong-lanceolate, broadest at the base, bipinnate, one to one-and-a-half foot long, light green ; pinnse petiolate, trifoliate, with linear-lanceolate segments, slightly crenate at the margin, and covered beneath with a yellowish farinose powder. Stipes scaly at the base, terminal, adherent to a fasciculate erect rhizome. This species, which is scarce in cultivation, has often been brought to the country, but is difficult to establish ; it has recently been introduced to the Eoyal Botanic Garden, Kew. 6. G. Calomelanos, Kardfuss (Acrostichum, Linnmus ; Ceropteris, Link). — An ornamental evergreen stove Fern ; from Jamaica. Fronds from two to three feet long, ovate-lanceolate, hi-subtri-pinnate, the upper side dull green, and covered beneath with a white farinose powder ; pinnules lanceolate-acuminate, with elongated acuminate lohed segments. Sori forked, medial, oblique, confluent, and nearly covering each segment. Stipes, rachis, and midrib of pinnae black ; terminal, adherent to a fasciculate erect rhizome. This plant frequently goes under the name of Q. peruviana, in gardens. 6. G. Tart.area, Besvaux (Acrostichum, Swartz; Ceropteris, Link; G. dealbata. Link). — An ornamental evergreen stove species ; from the warm parts of America. Fronds two to three feet long, ovate-lanceolate, hi-subtri-pinnate ; the upper surface dull green, and covered beneath with a white farinose powder ; pinnules lanceolate-acuminate, with roundish ovate or oblong segments, which are distant, the lower one lohed. Sori linear, medial, forked, oblique, becoming confluent. Stipes, rachis, and midrib of pinnae black ; terminal, adherent to a fasciculate erect rhizome. 7. G. ochhacea, Presl? — An evergreen stove Fern ; from Peru. Fronds from one to one-and-a-half foot long, ovate-lanceolate, pale yellow beneath, the upper surface bright green ; bipinnate, with lanceolate-acuminate pinnae, and narrow oblong-linear dentate pinnules. Sori medial, somewhat scattered on the veins. This, which has the most compact frond of the yellow farinose species, is in cultivation under the name of G. Massoni. • The farinose powder, which is found on the fronds of many species of Gymnogramma and other genera of Ferns, is not always of the same colour throughout the frond. -We have received from Mr. W. H. Baxtei', of the Botanic Garden, Oxford, a frond of Gymnogramma tartarea, -nhlch has both the white powder proper to the species, and the bright yellow proper to G. chnjxophylla, on distinct portions of the same frond. VI. GYMNOGEA^rMA. 27 8. G. CHUYSOPHYLLA, Eatclfuss (Ceropteris, Link). — One of the most beautiful of exotic Perns in cultivation. It is an evergreen stove species ; from the West Indies and South America. Fronds from one to two feet long, covered beneath with a farinose powder of the richest golden yellow, the upper surface yellowish green ; bipinnate having lanceolate acuminate pinnae, and roundish ovate or oblong pinnules, slightly dentate, distant, pinnatifid, with medial sori scattered on the veins; terminal, adherent to a fasciculate erect rhizome. This Fern, like most others, varies in cultivation according to the treatment it receives ; if subjected to a low temperature, and a rather dry atmosphere, the fronds do not exceed ten inches high, are nearly triangular and of the most intense golden yellow; but if in a temperature of 85-90'’ Fahrenheit, with proportionate moisture, it then becomes moi’e compound, two feet high or more, the segments of the pinnules more serrated, and of an exceedingly bright yellow. 9. G. Martensii, JBory (G. Mertensii, of gardens). — An elegant evergreen stove Fern ; from South America. Fronds delicate, very fragile, one and a-half foot long, covered beneath with a rich yellow farinose powder, the upper surface yellowish green ; ovate-lanceolate, bipinnate with lanceolate pinnae, and roundish or elongated pinnatifid pinnules, with dentate segments. Sori medial, conliuent, covering nearly every segment of the frond. Ehizome tufted. 10. G. svijViiv'KE.k, Besvaux. — A very elegant dwarf evergreen species; from Jamaica. Fronds from six to ten inches long, fragile, and very delicate, the under surface covered with a farinose powder of a bright sulphur yellow, upper surface pale green ; bipinnate with lanceolate-acuminate pinni®, and oblong -obtuse pinnatifid pinnules, cuneate at the base, the margins dentate. Sori linear, forked, oblique, confluent, nearly covering each segment of the pinnules. Fronds terminal, adherent to a fasciculate erect rhizome. 11. G. CHJittOPHYLLA, Bcsvaux (Anogramma, Link). — A tender delicate fragile annual stove Fern; native of the West Indies and various places in South America. Fronds decompound, triangular, bright green, from six inches to a foot high, with roundish ovate pinnatifid pinnules, deeply dentate, and cuneate at the base. Tfie fertile fronds are erect, and the pinnules very much contracted. 12. G. LEnoPHYLLA, (Anogramma, XfH/i:; Grammitis, AM>«)-g- 20. ones nearly horizontal, both proliferous in the sinuses j terminal, adherent to fasciculate rhizome. XX. CEKATOPTERIS. 41 2. H. coRDATA, Uoxhurgh. — A beautiful low-growing evergreen stove Fern, from the East Indies. Fronds simple, cordate, hairy, especially on the raehis and margin; the sterile ones deep green, four to six inches long, roundish at the apex ; the fertile erect, cordate-sagittate or sub-trilobate and triangular, six or eight inches high. Stipes ebeneous. Fronds terminal, adherent to a small tufted rhizome. This Fern was raised at Kew, in 1852, from spores, but has not yet produced fructification. XX. CERATOPTERIS, Bromjnlart. Soyi linear, continuous, parallel, superficial, produced on the lengthened transverse sides of the venules, and concealed by the reflexed margin of the segments. Veins transversely elongated, and distantly anastomosing. Fronds flaccid, of t^vo kinds: sterile — pinnatifid or bipinnatifid, sinuate and viviparous; fertile — contracted, decompound, membranous, multifid, ■with linear forked and viviparous segments having their margins reflexed and indusiform. — Named from keras, keratos, a horn, and ijteris, a fern ; alluding to the fertile fronds. The peculiar habit and structure of this genus render it difficult to deter- mine its real affinity. The spore-cases are sessile, large and globose, furnished either with a broad nearly complete, or very short nearly obsolete ring. It was originally associated with Gleichen- iacece. Fig. 21 represents portions of the sterile and fertile fronds (nat. size), with a portion of the fertile frond magnified, showing the position of the sori. 1. C. THALicTROiDES, Brongniart (Ello- EOCARPUs OLERACEus, Kaulfuss). — A Very singular annual aquatic stove Fern, native of the tropics of both hemispheres. Fronds glabrous, of two kinds : sterile — bipinnati- fid, one to one and a half foot long, reclin- ing, ■nuth oblong obtuse segments ; fertile — contracted, erect, three or four times pinnate, one and a half to two and a half feet high, with linear rovolute segments. Both forms are viviparous, of a light green, with the stipes nearly quadrangular. C. Parkbri, J. Smith (Parkeria pteroides. Hooker and Bauer), was raised by Mr. H. Shepherd, of Liverpool, and so closely resembles the Ceratopteris thalictroides, in all respects except the elastic ring of the spore-case, that it is only to be discriminated by the aid of a very powerful microscope. Mr. I. Smith informs us that he has raised C. thalictroides from the spores of this supposed species. Trihe AcROSTicHEiE, J. Smith.— '&>oxi amorplioitP, witliont r.n indusium. The species forming this extensive natural group are probably the easiest of all Ferns to recognize, from the sori being spread generally throughout the under surface of the frond. The species were originally comprehended under two or three genera; but they have been subdivided into nearly twenty. They have distinct sterile and fertile fronds, in which respect they are similar to Lomaria, in the tribe Fteridece, but they are at once distinguished from that group by the absence of an indusium, with which the Lomarias are furnished. Their most obvious point of distinction from Folypodaecn is in the sori being amorphous ; that is, not produced in round or linear masses, but closely occupying an irregular portion or the whole of the fertile disk, w'hich in one or two genera is not confined to the inferior surface alone, the contracted rachiform segments being sporangiferous on both sides. G 42 I'OLYPODIACE.I — ACUOSTICnE.Ti. Srci. OiiTnornLiiUiKJE, J, Smilh. — Veins free, /. e., not reticulated or anastomosing. XXI. ELAPHOGLOSSUM, SchofL Sort amorplious, thickly covering the whole under .surface. Veijts simple or forked, internal; remiles parallel, their apices free and clavate, terminating within a thickened margin. Fronds simple, from a few inches to two feet long, linear-lanceolate, coriaceous, glabrous, pilose, or squamose. — Named from elaphos, a deer, and r/Iossa, a tongue ; the small simple fertile fronds being supposed to resemble the tongue of the deer. In most modern catalogues the name is strangely enough said to he derived from eleplias, an elephant, and glossa, a tongue — elephant’s tongue ! This genus is readily distinguished from its congeners by having simple fronds, with forked free veins. Fig. 22 rejiresents a sterile and fertile frond of Elaphoglossum conforme (med. size). 1. E. coxfor:vie, J. Smith (Acrostichvm, Swarts.-, Olfersia, Frcsl). — An erect dwarf evergreen stove Fern, from the Cape of Good Hope. Sterile fronds glabrous, oblong-acuminate, attenuated at the base, from six to twelve inches high, coriaceous, deep green. Fertile fronds small, ovate or oblong-acuminate, from six to ten inches high. Both forms arc articulated near the rhizome. This species attains the height of a foot and a half in its native locality. Ehizome scaly and caespitose, creeping. 2. E. cR.vssiNERVE, M. and H. (Acrostichum, Kunze). — An ever- green stove Fern, from the West Indies. Sterile fronds glabrous, oblong- ovate, bluntly acuminate, from twelve to eighteen inches long, attenu- ated below and decurrent on the stipes, thick and coriaceous, undulated, dull green. Fertile fronds oblong-ovate, one foot high, attenuated at the base. Both forms are articulated near the base of the stipes, and are lateral on a short creeping scaly rhizome. 3. E. RREViPES, M. and IT. (Acrostichum, Kunze; A. call.’efolium, Linl!, not Flume — fide A'jojre ; E. CAELiEFOLiUM, /. Smith) . — A glabrous evergreen stove species, from Java. Sterile fronds oblong-ovate or ovate- lanceolate, a foot or more long, coriaceous, deep green, shining, undulated, roundish or somewhat attenuated at the base. Eachis and stipes dark purple beneath. Fertile fronds erect, ovate-elliptical, acuminate, one foot or more high. Both forms are articulated near the rhizome, which is scaly and creeping. 4. E. LoxGiFOi.iujt, J. Smith (Acrostichum, Jacquin ; Olfersia, Presl-, Candollba, dfi/AcG Acoxioptebis, Fee-, A. latifolium, Swartz). A glabrous evergreen stove Fern, from the "West Indies. Sterile fronds coriaceous, bright green, lanceolate-acuminate, one to one and a half foot long, slightly undulated, attenuated at the base. Fertile fronds erect, lanceolate-acuminate, one to one and a half foot high, attenuated at the base. Both articulated near the base of the stipes ; lateral, on a scaly coespitose creeping rhizome. 5. E. scoLOPEXDRiFOLiuM, J. Smith (Acrostichum, ; Olfersia, Frcsl). — An ornamental evergreen stove species, from Brazil. Sterile fronds lanceolate, acuminate, twelve to fifteen inches long, undulated, pale green, with stipes one third the length of the frond ; stipes, rachis, and margin of frond covered with fimbriate-acuminate cordate brown scales. Fertile fronds small, erect, lanceolate, acuminate, one foot long, with a stipes eight inches long. Both forms are articulated near the base of the stipes, and are lateral, on a very short scaly creeping rhizome. G. E. viLLosuM, J. Smith (Acrostichum, Swartz ; Olfersia, Errs?).— [Plate III]~An ornamental evergreen stove Fern, from Jamaica. Sterile fronds hairy, lanceolate, acuminate, undulated, pale green, about a foot long. Fertile frond narrow, lanceolate, acuminate, eight inches long. Both forms are articulated near the base of the stipes, and are lateral, on a very short creeping scaly rhizome. 7. E. cuspidatum, 31. and H. (Acrostichuai, Willdcnow ; Olfersia, Fresl).—k dwarf evergreen hothouse Fern, from South America. Sterile fronds linear-lanceolate, acuminate, from eight inches to a foot long, and nearly an inch wide, of a dullish green, attenuated at the base, and thickly covered, especially on the upper surface, with stellate or fimbriate scales. Fertile fronds of the same form as the sterile, but narrower, nearly a XXII. STENOCIIL.HNA. 43 foot long, with stipes nearly half their length. They are lateral, indistinctly articulated with a slender creeping- rhizome. This plant was introduced in 1851, and was then referred to B. Bombeyanum, Fee. 8. E. STincxrM, T. M. (Acrostic-hitm, BadcU ; Olfersia, Bred). — A delicate little stove species, received from "Wentworth, which we refer to A. slrictum of Eaddi, a native of Brazil. Fronds small ; the sterile ones four or five inches long, linear-lanceolate, narrowed above in a long point, and below into a short scaly stipes, the irpper surface clothed with silvery scales, the lower more densely with tawny scales, the scales lanceolate, and strongly ciliate. The fertile fronds are linear oblong-ohtuse, narrowed below in a long slender stipes, which is twice their length, and almost equalling the barren fronds ; upper surface densely lepidote with ferruginous scales, lower with a scaly midrib. 9. E. HiHTUM, 31. and II. (Acrostiohum, Swartz ; A. vestitum, Zowe ; A. Loweanum, Iuwzo Herb-, Olfersia vestita, and 0. I’aleacea, Brest). —An evergreen warm greenhouse Fern, from Madeira. Sterile fronds linear-lanceolate, about a foot long, acute at the apex, attenuated at the base, and densely covered throughout with ciliated scales. Fertile fronds lanceolate, about a foot long, rather obtuse at the apex, attenu- ,atcd at the base. Stipes elongate, and densely scaly. Fronds lateral, articulated near the base, with a short creeping scaly rhizome. XXII. STEXOCIIL^ENA, J. Smith. Sori amorphous, clenselj' covering the under surface of the fertile fronds. JUns (sterile) simple or forked, external; venules parallel, their apices exserted, forming cartilaginous serratures, or conniving and forming a thickened margin. Raehis-like part of rhizome, sometimes producing abnormal tripin- natifid sterile fronds. Fronds pinnate, or hipinnate, from one to four feet long, glabrous or squamose. Pin- nules (fertile) linear, narrow, the margin membranous, revolute and indusiform. Fhizome creeping. — Name derived from stenos, narrow, and chlainct, a cloak; allud- ing to the narrow membranous margin of the fertile pinnee. The species of this genus have a distinct and peculiar aspect, and form a very natural group. In habit they resemble Pohjhotrya, having a creeping scaly rhizome. The narrow linear segments of the fertile frond, with their indusiform margins, are analogous to what occurs in Lomaria ; but they differ materially from that genus in the margin being revolute, whereas in Lomaria it is jilane, and usually the axis of an indusium. Fig. 23 represents a pinna of the sterile frond, with part of a pinna of the fertile frond of Stenochlvena scandens (med. size); for the latter we are indebted to Mr. Henderson, gai’dener to Earl Fitzwilliam, at Wentworth House, Yorkshire. 1. S. SCANDEXS, J. Smith (Acrostichum, Linnwus\ Lo- M.VRiA, WilMenow, Olfersia, Brest \ Oxoclea, Swartz).— An. elegant evergreen stove Fern, with a scandent habit of growth, native of the East Indian and Malay Islands, and the Cape of Good Hope. Sterile fronds glabrous, shining, lanceolate, pinnate, somewhat pendulous, from three to four feet long ; pinnae linear- acuminate, cuneatc at the base, rather membranous, nearly a foot long, with a serrated cartilaginous margin ; veins simple or forked, parallel, connected at the base by arcuate costal veins, forming a row of long narrow areoles close to the midrib. Fertile fronds biplnnato; pinnse six to eight inches long; pinnules linear, narrow, and sporangiferous on the under surface. Both kinds of fronds are lateral, adherent to a scandent slender green rhizome, which is covered with long narrow scales, attached by their centre. 2. S. LOXGiFOLiA, J. Smith (Lomaria, Kautfuss). — An ornamental evergreen scandent stove Fern, from Guiana and the West Indies. Sterile fronds glabrous, pinnate, one and a half foot long, deep green ; pinnse u POLYPODIACEjE — ACPOSTICnEiE. ovate or oblong, lanceolate, sessile, acute or acuminate at the apex, obtusely cuneate at the base, entire on the margin, and articulated with the raehis. Fertile fronds glabrous, pinnate, about a foot long; pinnoB linear- lanceolate, the terminal one elongate. Fronds lateral, adherent to a scandent rhizome. 3. S. soRBiroLiA, J. Smith (Aciiosticiium, Linnams). — A dwarf evergreen scandent stove Fern, from Jamaica. Sterile fronds glabrous, lanceolate, pinnate, about a foot long, with ovate or oblong acuminate, undulated, coria- ceous, shining, bright green pinnte, which are obtusely cuneate at the base, and articulated with a winged raehis. Fertile fronds erect, one foot high, pinnate, the pinn® entire and articulate with the raehis. Both are lateral, adherent to a scaly creeping rhizome, about the size of a goosc-quill. XXIII. POLYBOTRYA, TIumholdt and Botiphnid. Soyi amorphous, occupjdng one or both sides of the spiciform segments of the con- tracted fertile frond. JhfMS pinnate ; venules simple, free, external. Fronds bi-tripinnate. Rhizome creeping. — Named fromijo/ys, manj', and hotri/s, a raceme ; alluding to the appear- ance of the fertile frond. This genus, in habit and venation, is similar to Stenoclilama, but is separated chiefly on account of the formation of the fertile fronds. From FlapJioc/lossum it is distinct in habit, although somewhat analo- gous in venation ; distingvdshable, liowever, by the veins being external, those of Elapho- ylossimi being internal. There are many species of Polyhotrya, all tropical ; but one only is in cultivation. Fig. 24 represents a pinnule of the sterile frond, and the upper portion of the fertile frond, of Polyhotrya cylindrica. 1. P. CYLINDMCA, KmdfuSS (P. SPECIOSA, Schott).— A rather coarse-lookiug scandent ever- green stove Fern, from Jamaica and South Ame- rica. Sterile fronds glabrous, triangularly elon- gate, bi-tripinnate, from two to three feet long, bright shining green ; pinnules oblong-acuminate, pinnatifid, truncate at the base, with obtuse seg- ments, the one next the raehis largest on the upper side, and crenately-serrate on the margin. Fertile fronds contracted, of the same form as the sterile, bi-tripinnate, from one to two feet long, and sporan- giferous throughout, with the segments cylindrical, rhizome. Sect. SvMpi.oPHi.EEiE.1;, J. Smith. — Veins netted, or variously anastomosing. XXIV. OLFERSIA, Rnddi. Sort amorphous, densely covering the segments of the fertile frond throughout. Veins forked, parallel, internal, their apices combined by a transverse continuous marginal vein. Frmicls pinnate. Rhizome creeping.- — Name probably commemorative of Olfers, which is the name of a German writer, but we do not find it explained. Of this very elegant genus only one species is known. The venation is not very readily seen in the fertile fronds, in consequence of its being contracted and sporangiferous on both sides ; but in the XXV. AXETIUM. 45 sterile fronds, where it is evident it indicates a decisive character, h}' 5vhich the genus maj- he readily distinguished — namely, a continuous marginal transverse vein, connecting all the oblique veins by their apices. Fig. 25 represents a pinna of the sterile frond, and a portion of the fertile frond of Olfevsia cervina (med. size). 1, 0. CERVINA, Presl (Acrosticiium, SivaHz ; PoLYBOTRYA, Kaulfuss). — A vcry elegant evergreen stove Fern, from the West Indies. Sterile fronds glabrous, lanceolate, pinnate, reclining, from two to throe feet long; pinnaj oblong- acuminate, coriaceous, bright green, rounded at the superior base, the inferior truncate. Fertile fronds erect, bipinnate, from two to three feet long ; pinnm linear, sporangiferous throughout ; stipes covered with long narrow scales. The fronds are terminal, adherent to a thick short creeping scaly rhizome. The fertile frond of this species is usually bipin- nate ; when pinnate only, it is the 0. corcovadensis of Eaddi. AVe have both forms, gathered at the same time from one plant ; they are, consequcntljq merely accidental modifications of one species. XXV. ANETIUM, SpKtyerher. iSjJore-cascs few, irregularly scattered through- out the under surface of tlie fronds, often collec- ted in small groups or lines. Venation uniform, reticulated, the are- oles elongated. Fronds simple. Ehkonie creep- ing. — Namedcrivedfrom anetos, lax; alluding to the sori being sparse and scattered. The habit of this genus (which contains hut one species;, and its few scattered sporangia, arc the characters by which it is separated from Acrosiichum. Fig. 26 represents a frond of Anetium citri- fuUuin (med. size). 1. A. ciTRiFOLiuM, SplUgerher (Acrostichum, ; Antrophyom, Fee). — A dwarf ornamental evergreen stove Fern, from the West Indies. Fronds simple, uni- form, glabrous, somewhat membranous, oblong-elliptical, attenuated at the base, six to ten inches long ; lateral, articulated with a scaly fibrous creeping rhizome. Sori irregularly scattered. XXVI. HYMEXODIUM, Fee. Sori amorphous, densely C05’ering the under surface of the fertile frond. Venation uniform, internal, reticulated, forming large elongated areoles. Fronds simjile, one foot or more in length, hairy. Fhhome creeping, and densely covered with hair-like scales.— Name derived from hymen, a mem- brane ; from the membranaceous texture of some of the species. F.ij. 2C. 4G rOIATODIACE.4!— ACROSTICHEyE, This genus differs from Acvosliclium in habit more than in technical characters. Its nearest affinity is with Anetium, which it resembles in habit, having simple fronds and a creeping rhizome ; but it is separated by the dense amorphous sori, the sori in Anetium being few and irregularly scattered, v.’hile in Jhjmenodium they densely cover the whole under surface, except the margin. Fig. 27 represents a fragment of the sterile, and a fertile frond of Ili/menodium crinitum (less than half the nat. size). 1. II. CEiNiTcor, Fee (Aceostichum, Linnatus Olfeesia, Fresl; Dictyoglossum, J. Smith). — An evergreen stove Fern, with a very peculiar aspect ; a native of Jamaica. Sterile fronds simple, oval- elliptical, coriaceous, twelve to fifteen inches long, and eight to ten inches wide, dull green, and hairy throughout. Fertile fronds simple, erect, oval- elliptical, contracted, from twelve to fifteen inches high, with a stipes of si.x to nine inches, densely covered, as well as the upper surface of the frond with long narrow blach hair -like scales. Both forms F'la- 27. are terminal, adherent to a thick creeping rhizome, which is densely covered with criniform scales. XXVII. ACROSTICHUM, Linnants. , ,, ... Sori amorphous, universal on the under surface of the fertile frond. Venation uniform, reticulated, forming elongated are- lv)'-rv olcs. — Named from altros, high, and stichos, order; the fructification occupying the upper portion of the fertile disk. The species belonging to this group are but few in number, all tropical plants, and varying from six to eight feet in height. The technical characters by which the genus is distinguished are : — the uniform reticulated venation, and erect eaudiciform rhizome. Fig. 28 represents a pinna of the sterile and fertile fronds of Acrostiehum aureuni (med. size). XXVin. I’LATYCERIUM. 47 1. A. AUKEUM, Linncnis (CimYSODiEM vulgaiie, Fee). — A noble evergreen glabrous stove Fern, native of ihe West Indies, tropical America, Natal, and the East Indian and Puh'nesian Islands. Sterile fronds pinnate, six to eight feet long, reclining ; pinnm lanceolate-acuminate, rather membranous, light green, the lower ones potiolate, cuneate at the base, the upper adnate at the inferior base, and deourrent. Fertile fronds contracted, erect, lanceolate, pinnate, from six to eight feet high, soriferous throughout ; or with two or three of the lower pairs of pinnoe sterile. The fronds are terminal, adherent to an erect caudiciform rhizome. Mr. Heward mentions of this species, that it is very plentiful in morasses and water-courses in the lowlands of Jamaica, and never occurring at any great elevation above the sea shore. In cultivation, it requires a mixture of turfy loam and sand, abundance of water, and a heat of So'’ or 90° Fahrenheit, and with this treatment will form a splendid object. XXVIII. PLATYCEIllUM, Desmux. Sort amorphous, produced in irregular patches towards tlie extremities of the fertile fronds, or on a special lateral thickened lobe ; sporangiferous receptacle formed of an accessory layer of parallel anastomosing veinlots, which cross the sterile ones, and 151'oduce crowded linear lines of spore-cases. TVihs reijcat- edly forked, and distantly anastomosing; internal, compoundlj' reticulated, with variously directed free vein- lets, terminating in the areoles. Fronds simple, forked, coriaceous, thick and spongy ; the sterile sessile, rounded or elongated, uniform, depressed or ascending, sublohatc, permanent and successively imbricated, forming an ele- vated S230ngy mass; the fertile widening upwards, and dividing into broad forked segments. — Named from broad, and keras, a horn ; the fertile fronds resembling broad horns, as those of the elk. The few species of this genus have an epiphytal habit, and produce their fertile fronds annuall}" ; these are attached by an articulation, and when mature fall spon- taneously, the persistent depressed alternate sterile ones then having the appearance of a lichen or fungus. In the absence of fructification, the genus is readily known by the stellate pubescence that covers the whole surface. Fig. 29 repi’esents a portion of the fertile frond of Flattjcerium alcicorne (med. size). 1. r. ALCicoiiNB, Fesvau.v (Acrostichum, Swartz; Neuuo- I’LATYCEiios, Fee; Alcicornium vulgare, Oaudleltaud). — .4. very singular epiphytal evergreen Fern, a native of Madagascar, Java, and New Holland, requiring to bo cultivated in a warm greenhouse. Sterile fronds sessile, round or elongated, the upper portion sublobate, permanent, elevated, spongy, renifonu, and depressed. Fertile fronds simple, divided, horizontal or oblique, thick and coriaceous, twelve to fifteen inches long, widening upwards, white on the under surface, and articulated on a short slightly creeping rhizome. Sori amorphous in patches, occupying the lobes or extremities of the fronds, which, as in the other species, are densely covered throughout with a stellate pubescence. 2. P. STEMMARiA, Bcsvaux (AcROSTiCHUM, Falisot de Fcauvais ; Nevroi’LATyceros iETHioRicus, Flukenet). An ornamental evergreen epiphytal Fern, from Western Africa. Sterile fronds sessile, elongated, ascending, upper part scarcely lobed, reniform, permanent, elevated, spongy and depressed. Fertile fronds simple, divided, horizontal, thick and coriaceous, one to two feet long, widening upwards, and articulated with the rhizome. Sori occupying the lobes. 3. P. GRANDE, J. Smith (Acrostichuw, H. Cunningham; Neuroplatyceros, Platycerium biforme. Hooker in Comp, to Bot. Mag. — in part). — One of the most singular of all Ferns, It is an cidphytal evergreen rOLYPODIACE,®— ACROSTICHE.i;. 4S st-jvo species, a native of New Ilolland and the Malayan Islands. Sterile fronds sessile, reniform, round or elongated, ascending, two to two and a half feet high, the upper portion dividing into many broad blunt segments permanent, elevated, spongy, and depressed. Fertile fronds simple, two to three times divided, horizontal and pendulous, thick and coriaceous, two and a half or three feet long, widening upwards, articulated on a short rhizome. Sori in a large irregularly triangular patch, adjacent to the sinus of the first fmxation of the fronds. XXIX. CYETOGONIUM, J. Smith. Son amorphous, universal on the under side of the contracted fertile fronds, or sometimes crowded on the venules. Veins pinnate ; venules arcuately or angularly anastomosing, producing from their exterior sides or angles of meeting, one or more excurrent free or irregularly anastomosing veinlets. Fronds pinnate, from one to two feet long. Rhizome creeping. — Named from kyrtos, curved, and gonu, the knee ; in allusion to the peculiar knee- bent curve of the venules. The aspect of the species of Cyrtogonium varies but little from that of Gymnoptcris ; the principal distinguishing cha- racter, is their more simple anastomosing venation. Fig. 30 represents the base of a pinna of the sterile, and a pinna of the fertile fronds of Cyrtogonium JlagelKferum (nat. size). 1. C. m-VGELLIFERUJI, J. (xiCROSTICHUM, WalUch ; HeTERO- XEUROX HBTEUOCLITOX, Fee ; PCECILOPTERIS HETEROCLITA, Presl). A proliferous, free -growing, evergreen stove Fern, from the East Indies. Sterile fronds glabrous, rather membranous, pinnate, from one and a half to two and a half feet long ; pinnae petiolate, ovate or oblong-acuminate, undulated, the terminal one a foot or more long, narrowing upwards, and proliferous near the apex. Fertile fronds contracted, erect, pinnate, from one to one and a half foot high; pinnae oblong-acuminate, petiolate, the terminal one narrow and elongate. Both forms are lateral, adherent to a creeping rhizome. 2. C. REPANDTJM, J. Smith (Acrostichusi, Flume; Campium, Presl ; Hbteroneuron, Fee). — Aglabrous evergreen stove Fern, from the East Indies and Java. Sterile fronds slender, reclining, trian- gular-elongate, pinnate, one and a half to two feet long, membranous, bright green ; pinnae proliferous, repand, ovate-acuminate, petiolate, deeply crenate, or slightly lobed, undulate, the terminal one sinuose, elongate. Fertile fronds erect, pinnate ; pinnae oblong-acuminate, and petiolate. Stipes with a few scattered scales. Both sterile and fertile fronds are lateral, adherent to a creeping rhizome. This species has been recently introduced by Messi’s. Eollisson, of Tooting, from Java. 3. C. cPvisPA'rtjLUM, J. Smith (Acrostichvji, IFallich). — A very handsome evergreen stove Fern, from Ceylon. Fronds rather erect, somewhat lanceolate, broad at the base, acuminate, pinnate, one to two feet long, deep green ; pinnae linear-acuminate, petiolate, glabrous, undulated, the margin crenate, with a row of spiuulose teeth, one to each marginal sinus. Fertile fronds erect, pinnate, one foot high ; pinnae narrow, and petiolate. Both forms are lateral, with a scaly stipes, adherent to a creeping, scaly rhizome. XXX. GYMNOPTEItlS, Bernhardi. Sori amorphous, denselj' covering some portion or the whole of the fertile pinnae. Ferns pinnate; venules compoundly anastomosing, producing variously directed straight or curved free veinlets, terminating in the areoles. Fronds simple or pinnate, from one to three feet long. Rhizome creeping. — Named from gyninos, naked, and pteris, a fern ; alluding to the exposed fertile fronds. XXXI. ADIANTUM. 49 The species of Gymnopteris mostly agree in habit with Cijrtogoniwn ; but they are distinguislied by the more irregular and compound anastomosing of the venules. The genus contains ten or twelve species, but only three are atjjresentin cultivation. Fig. 31 represents a portion of the sterile frond, and a pinna of the fertile frond, of G. nicotiance- folia (med. size). 1. G. REVOLUTA, M. and if. (Hymenolepis, Blumc ; Hyalolepis, Kimze). — A singular-looking evergreen stove Fern, from Java. Fronds simple, glabrous, linear-lanceolate, nearly a foot long, light green, con- tracted and soriferous on the upper half, attenuated at the hase, entire at the margin, becoming revolute, and partly concealing the sori during the early stages of their development. Fronds lateral, articulated with a slender creeping rhizome. We are indebted to G. Norman, Esq., of Hull, for a cultivated specimen of this very re- markable Fern. 2. G. DECURRENS, Fee (Leptocuilus, Blume). — A singular evergreen stove Fern, from Ceylon. Sterile fronds simple, glabrous, a foot long, lanceolate-acumi- nate, attenuated at the hase, light green, and slightly undulated. Fertile fronds simple, slender, linear, very narrow, one to two feet long, and one-eighth of an inch broad. Stipes one-half the length of the frond. Sori linear, continuous, forming a row on each margin. Both forms are lateral, articulated on a creeping rhizome about the size of a crow’s quill. 3. G. nicotianjefolia, PmZ(AcROSTicnuM, — An ornamental evergreen stove Fern, from the West Bi'j. 31. Indies. Sterile fronds glabrous, triangular, pinnate, one to two and a half feet long, bright green, and shining ; pinn® large, rather membranous, oblong-acuminate, undulated, the lower petiolate, and roundish at the base, the upper sessile, adnate on the lower side. Fertile fronds erect, pinnate, or occasionally hipinnate below, one to two feet high ; pinn® oblong-ovate, the lower petiolate, the upper sessile, adnate at the inferior base. Stipes scaly near the base. Both forms are lateral, adherent with a creeping rhizome. 4 Trile Pteeide^, J. Smith. — Sori parallel with and situated on or near the margin or the costa, and furnished Avith a special indusium, having its inner margin free. Ferns are very obviously divided into two groups, in one of which the sorus is furnished with a membrane, which at first completely covers it, and is termed an indusium or involucre ; and in the other the sori are naked or without iudusia. The PolypocUece and AcrosticJieee form the non-indusiate group. The Pteridecs belong to the group which jiossess an indusium, and are characterized by having that oi'gan produced on the exterior side of the sporangiferous receptacle, with its inner margin free, and with the spore-cases in its axis of attachment, or on its inferior disc. This tribe is represented by the genera Adiantuni, Pteris, and Bleclmiim, of older authors, and is at once distinguished from Polypodies and Acrostiches by the presence of the indusium, although closely allied to the latter tribe, through the genus Lomaria. Sect, CniLosoREiE, J. Smith (from cheilos^ a lip, and sorus.) — Sori marginal, continuous, or interrupted. XXXI. ADIANTUM, Linneeus. Sori round reniform oblong or linear, marginal, continuous or interrupted. Indusium venose, formed of a reflexed crenule, reniform oblong or linear, according to the more or less crenulate or H 50 POLYrODIACE.?J — PTERIDE.?:. entire margin of the fronds, sporangiferous on its under surface, at length replicate. Costa excentric or wanting ; veins unilateral, or radiating, forked ; venules direct, terminating in the axis of the indu- sium. Fronds simple reniform, pinnate, pedate, bipinnate or decompound, from six inches to two or three ieet high, smooth or hairy. Stipes and rachis usually ebeneous ; pinnm generally oblique, truncate or cuneate at the base, or dimidiate and soriferous on the upper margin only, petiolate, and usually articulated with the rachis or petiole. — Named from adiantos, dry ; alluding to a curious property of the fronds, which repel moisture. This very extensive and natural group contains upwards of a hundred known species, of graceful form, whose ebeneous slenderj shining stipes and rachis contrast admirably with the pinnce, which are of a very delicate green colour. They have a very extensive geographical range, being found in the tropical and subtropical regions of both hemispheres, as well as in Europe, New Zealand, and North America. They have a very close affinity with Cheilanthes and Hewardia, the latter a genus not in cultivation. From the former they are distin- guished by the position of the soil, which in Cheilanthes are situated on the apex of single venules in the axis of the indu- sium, whereas in Adiantum the sorus is placed on the indusium. From Heivardia they are distinguished by the latter having a reticulated venation. Fig. 32 represents a small portion of a frond of Adiantum tenerum (nat. size). 1. A. IU5NIF0RME, — [Plate IV.] — Linnaeus. — A dwarf evergreen greenhouse Fern, from Madeira, and the Azores and Canaries. Fronds simple, round or reniform, glabrous, bright shining green, about six indies high, terminal, adherent to a scaly, somewhat creeping rhizome. Soil oblong, contiguous. 2. A. WiLSOXi, Hooker. — An evergreen stove Fern, from Jamaica. Fronds glabrous, one foot long, simple, pinnate ; pinnse ovate or oblong-acuminate, coriaceous, shining green, cordate at the base ; the sterile ones broad, serrate at the margin, petiolate, persistent and not articulate with the rachis ; fertile fronds with from three to five pinnse. Soil linear, continuous. Fronds lateral, adherent to a creeping rhizome about the size of a duck’s quill. 3. A. MACRoruYLLUM, Swavtz. — A very beautiful evergreen stove species, from the West Indies and tropical America. Fronds glabrous, oblong-acuminate, broad at the base, pinnate, one to one and a half foot long ; pinnae large, ovate or oblong, sub-sessile, acuminate, cbartaceous, of a lively green, unequally cuneate at the base, the sterile ones lohed and slightly dentate. Soil linear, continuous. This is rather an erect-growing plant, with the fronds lateral, adlierent to a creeping rhizome. 4. A. LUciDUM, Sivartz. — A glabrous evergreen stove Fern, native of the West Indies and South America. Fronds lanceolate, pinnate, one foot long ; pinnDe trapezio-lanceolate, acuminate, coriaceous, bright green, shining, truncate, and parallel with the rachis at the upper base, the lower cuneate, the margin serrate. Eachis and stipes very hairy ; lateral, adherent to a slender creeping rhizome. Soil linear, continuous, or sometimes interrupted. 5. A. Kaulfussii, Kitnze (A. OBLiauuM, Hooker and Oreville, not WilMenoio — fide Hooker'). — A glabrous evergreen stove species, from tbe West Indies and South America. Fronds lanceolate, pinnate, one foot long ; pinna? ovate-ohlong, acuminate, deep green on the upper surface, and glaucous beneath, the inferior base trun- cate, the superior rounded and slightly auriculate, margin serrate. Sori oblong, linear, numerous throughout each fertile pinna. Fronds nearly all fertile, lateral, adherent to a slender creeping rhizome. Eachis and stipes hairy. 6. A. LUNULATUM, Bumiami (A. arcuatum, Swartz). — An elegant, deciduous stove Fern, from the East Indies, Ceylon, Africa, and South America. Sterile fronds glabrous, pinnate, pendulous, a foot or more long, and rooting at the apex ; pinnse oblong-dimidiate, bright green, lobed on the upper margin, and obtuse at the base. Fertile fronds erect, narrow-lanceolate, a foot or more long, glabrous, pinnate ; pinnse with long petioles, lunate on the upper margin, truncate-cuneate at the base. Sori oblong-linear, often confluent. Fronds terminal, adherent to a fasciculate rhizome. 7. A. CAUDATUM, Linnaeus (A. iiirsutum, Lory; A. flagelliferum, Wallich). — A neat evergreen stove species, from India, Ceylon, China, and the Mauritius. Fronds haiiy, narrow linear-lanceolate, elongate. XXXI. ADIAXTUM. •M pinnate, one to two feet long, void of pinn® near the apex, and rooting at the point ; pinnae oblong-dimidiate, numerous, subimbrioate, lower ones flabellate, round at the apex, the upper margin divided into small dilatato segments or inoiso-serrate, the loMmr entire, the base truncate, parallel with and close to the rachis. Sori small, numerous, crowded on the upper margin, and around the apex. Indusium small, seale-like, and very hairy. Eachis and stipes light brown. Fronds terminal, adherent to a small erect rhizome. 8. A. INTERMEDIUM, Swortz (A. FOVBARDM, RcuMi ; A. BRASiLiENSE, Link). — An ornamental evergreen stove Fern, native of tropical America and the West Indian Islands. Fronds bipinnate, a foot or more long; pinnae lanceolate, five to seven in number ; pinnules oblong, obtuse at tlie apex, membranous, light green above, rather glaucous beneath, the terminal pinnule subrhomboidal ; the sterile ones serrate. Sori oblong-linear, contiguous, produced on the upper and lower margins. Eachis and stipes slightly hairy ; lateral, adherent to a slender creeping rhizome. 9. A. ScHOMBURGKiANUM, J. Smith. — ^A neat-loolciiig evergreen stove Fern, from South Ameiica. Fronds sub-glabrous, slender, bipinnate, about a foot long, bright green ; pinnae lanceolate, four to six inches long ; pinnules rather small and membranous, the lower ones flabellate, the rest oblong, dimidiate, the base truncate, parallel with and close to the rachis, the upper margin crenate-serrate, the lower straight or slightly curved, obtuse and serrate at the apex. Sori oblong, slightly curved, five to ten on the upper margin and around the apex. Eachis, stipes, and midrib of piniue thinly scattered over with rusty down. Fronds lateral, adherent to a slender creeping rhizome. 10. A. viLLosuM, Linnceus. — A beautiful evergreen hothouse Fern, from the West Indies and South America. Fronds bipinnate, with three to six pairs of pinnae, one to one and a half foot long, lightish green ; pinnai lanceolate ; pinnules petiolulate, subcoriaceous, dimidiate-oblong or forming an oblique parallelogram, lower ones small subflabellate, terminal one rhomboidal ; upper base truncate and parallel with the rachis, lower dimidiate. Sterile pinnules broad, roundish at the apex, inciso-serrate at the margin. Sori linear, continuous on the upper margin, and round the apex of the pinnules. Eachis and midrib of pinnee covered with rusty hair- like scales. Fronds lateral, adherent to a creeping rhizome. 11. A. PULVERtiLENTUM, Lumctus. — An ornamental evergreen stove Fern, from the West Indies and South America. Fronds slender, bipinnate, with four to six pairs of pinnae, one to one and a half foot long, bright green ; pinnae linear-lanceolate ; pinnules rather small, petiolulate, dimidiate-oblong, subfalcate ; upper base truncate and parallel with the rachis, lower dimidiate, round at the apex, sharply serrate at the margin, terminal one narrow-elongate. Sori oblong, continuous, occupying three-fourths of the upper margin only. Eachis and midrib of pinnae covered with rusty down. Fronds lateral, adherent to a creeping rhizome. 12. A. PEDATUM, linnaus. — A very elegant deciduous frame or greenhouse species, from North America. Fronds glabrous, a foot or more high, pedately tripartite, branches linear-lanceolate, pinnate ; pinnules mem- branous, tender green, dimidiate, oblong obtuse at the apex ; cuneate or truncate at the base, the upper margin lobate or obtusely crenate. Sori oblong, solitary. Fronds lateral, on a short creeping rhizome about the size of a duck’s quill. 13. A. cuRVATUM, Kaulfnss.- — An extremely elegant evergreen stove Fern, from Brazil. Fronds glabrous, one and a half to two feet high, pedately tripartite, branches lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, acuminate ; pinnules narrow, cuiwate, oblong-obtuse, imbricate, deorsely falcate, the superior margin inciso-serrate or crenate, the apex serrate, and more or less acuminate. Sori solitary, oblong. Fronds lateral, adherent to a creeping rhizome. 14. A. FEARELiuLATUM, Linnccus (A. AMCENUM, WalUcli). — -A neat low-growing evergreen warm greenhouse or stove Fern, from China and the East Indies. Fronds subglabrous, flabellate, bipartito-pedately-divided, tri- pinnate, from nine inches to a foot high, dark green above and glaucous beneath ; pinnte lanceolate-acuminate ; pinnules obliquely cuneate, repand, inferior ones semiorbicular-cuneate ; superior base truncate ; sterile margin serrate-dentate, fertile, two to four lobed, the lobes soriferous. Indusium large, the breadth of the lobes. Eachis pu- bescent. Stipes ebeneous, terminal, adherent to a creeping rhizome. This species was introduced to Kewin 1851. 15. A. HispiDULUM, AiFffrtz (A. PUBESCENS, ; A. plica titm, Katdfuss ; A. nervosum, Swartz). — An ornamental evergreen greenhouse species, from New Holland, New Zealand, the East Indies, &c. Fronds pubescent, one foot high, pedately tripartite, branches linear, narrow, acuminate, pinnate, of a deep green ; pinnules numerous, dimidiate, oblong obtuse, cuneate or truncate at the base, slightly serrate or crenate on the upper margin. Sori small, numerous ; indusium hairy and reniform. Fronds nearly all fertile, lateral or terminal, on a short somewhat tufted rhizome. 16. A. TENELLUM, T. M. (A. HisPiDULUM, not of NiFflrtc ; ? A. HispiDULUM, Broivn). — A pretty little evergreen greenhouse species, supposed to be a native of New Holland. Fronds small, rather hairy, bi-tri- pinnate, lower branches bipartite, pinnate above, six or eight inches high, branches small, narrow, and slender ; pinnules small, subrotund or oblong obtuse, dark green, cuneate or truncate at the base, the margin crenate. Sori small; indusium reniform. Fronds lateral, adherent to a slender creeping rhizome. This species, long known in gardens as the A. hispkhdum, is not the plant of Swartz, as Sir W. J. Hooker has shown, that being the A. pnbescens of gardens. Whether it be the plant so called by Mr. Brown, as has been suspected, we have no means of ascertaining. It is certainly and abundantly distinct from the true hispiduhwi. 17. A. AFFINE, Willclenow (A. setulosum, J. Smith). — A neat evergreen stove Fern, from New Zealand and Norfolk Island. Fronds about a foot bigh, three-branched or subpedate, lower pinnae bipartite ; pinnules 52 POLYPODIACEyT, — PTERIDK.T,. dimidiate, cmved, oblong-obtuse, membranous, tender green, with black bristle-like hairs on the upper surface, superior margin obtusely crenate. Sori punctiform, from four to six on each pinnule ; indusium hairy, reni- form. Rachis and stipes glabrous ; lateral, adherent to a slender creeping rhizome, forming dense tufts. 18. A. CRISTATUM, Linnmus (A. striatum, A. villosum, 0/ some gardens). — A beautiful evergreen stove species, from Jamaica. Fronds glabrous, bipinnato, one foot long ; pinme linear-acuminate, narrow, six or eight inches long, pendulous ; pinnules small, dimidiate, rigid, obtuse, imbricate, deep green, and truncate at the base. Sori oblong, suboontiguous, one to four on the upper margin only. Stipes dull black, minutely niuricated; lateral, adherent to a short creeping scaly rhizome. This species is sometimes cultivated under the name oi A. villosmn. 19. A. Capilrus-veneris, Linnceus (A. Moritzianum, Link). — A dwarf evergreen frame or greenhouse Fern, indigenous to Britain, common in the south of Europe, and occurring in the East Indies, Mauritius, China, North and South Africa, the Canaries, the temperate parts of North America and Central America, and the Cape de Verd Islands. Fronds glabrous, membranous, tender green, usually somewhat ovate, bi-tri-pinnate, six or eight inches high ; pinnules obovate-cuneate, inciso-sublobate, serrate at the margin. Sori oblong. Fronds lateral, adherent to a soal}r creeping rhizome. This species, although indigenous to Britain, is one of those delicate Ferns that cannot be cultivated in exposed places, for if planted in such situations it invariably dwindles away, and is soon lost. It grows freely in a close frame, or in a greenhouse where the atmosphere is kept moist. In the warmer climate of Madeira, and the tropics, it attains the height of eighteen inches, and in this state has been called A. Moritzianum ; but the native plant, if cultivated in a moist stove with a high temperature, will produce fronds of equal magnitude, and identical in structure. 20. A. ASSiMiLE, Swartz. — A very neat and delicately beautiful evergreen greenhouse Fern, from New Holland and New Zealand. Fronds slender, glabrous, broadlj' lanceolate, tripinnate, a foot or more long ; pin- nules small, somewhat roundish or subrhomboidal, cuneate at the base, bright green, and slightly lobed or crenate at the margin. Sori small ; indusium reniform. Fronds lateral, adherent to a slender creeping rhizome. 21. A. CUNEATUM, Lang sdorf and Fischer. — An evergreen stove Fern, from Brazil. Fronds glabrous, tri- angularly elongate, three or four times pinnate, a footer more high ; branches very slender, and of a light green ; pinnules small, numerous, oblong, wedge-shaped, inciso-sublobate, sterile lobes serrulate, fertile emarginate. Sori small ; indusium reniform. This species is one of the most delicately beautiful of the genus ; the fronds grow rather erect, and are adherent to a somewhat tufted rhizome. It is sometimes called A. pedidimmi. 22. A. CONCINNUM, Ilmnholdt, Lonplnnd, and Lutntli. — A very graceful pendulous evergreen stove species, from the West Indies, Venezuela, and other parts of South and Central America. Fronds slender, glabrous, lanceolate, tripinnate, two to three feet long; pinnules somewhat round or rhomboidal, membranous, tender green, obtuse with crenateTobes, the lowest erect and appressed to the rachis. Sori small, numerous ; indusium reniform. Fronds lateral, adherent to a somewhat creeping rhizome. 23. A. CHII.ENSE, Kaulfuss. — An elegant evergreen greenhouse Fern, from Chili, Valparaiso, and Juan Fernandez. Fronds ovate-deltoid, about one foot high, grass green, tripinnate; pinnules petiolulate, coriaceo- membranous, hairy beneath, subrhombeo-reniform, more or less obliquely cuneated, often truncated at the base, the' margin irregularly lobed, the lobes retuse, soriferous. Sori oblong- reniform, distant in the lobed pinnules, crowded in the more entire ones. Stipes and rachis ebeneous, glossy. Fronds lateral, adherent to a creeping rhizome. Recently introduced to Ivew from the Continent. 24. A. FRAGILE, Su'ariz.—A remarkable stove Fern, native of Jamaica. Fronds one to two feet long, bright green, ovate-lanceolate, tri-quadri-pinnate ; pinnules thin, membranous, obovate wedge-shaped, petiolulate, rounded at the apex, serrated when sterile, three or four lobed when fertile, the fertile lobes retuse, and bearing a sorus in the sinus. Involucres oblong, straight. Stipes very short, and, as well as the rachis, ebeneous and glossy. Fronds adherent to a tufted rhizome. The pinnules in this species are remarkably deciduous, being all cast off while drying. 25. A. TEA’^ERUM, Swartz. — A very elegant evergreen stove Fern, from the West Indies and Central America. Fronds glabrous, triangular, four times pinnate, two to two and a half feet high ; pinnules membranous, bright green, rhomboidal, obtuse at the apex, inciso-lobate ; sterile lobes serrulate, fertile entire. Sori oblong-reniform. Fronds lateral, adherent to a short creeping rhizome, forming dense tufts. 26. A. CuNNiNGiiAJii, Hooker (A. affine, of gardens). — An ornamental evergreen greenhouse Fern, from New Zealand. Fronds glabrous, somewhat pentagonal, bi-tripinnate, twelve or fourteen inches high; pinnules dimidiate, oblong-obtuse, cuneate or truncate at the base, deep green, superior margin in ciso -serrate. Sori numerous; indusium reniform. Stipes scaly near the base, lateral, adherent to a scaly creeping rhizome nearly the size of a crow’s quill. 27. A. FORMOSUM, R. Brown. — An ornamental evergreen greenhouse Fern, from New Holland. Fronds deltoid or pentagonal, branching, four times pinnate, one and a half to two feet high ; pinnules small, membranous, rhomboidal, obtuse, inciso-lobate, pale green, the sterile serrate ; rachis pubescent. Sori small ; indusium reni- form. Stipes scabrous, lateral, adherent to a slender creeping rhizome. 28. A. CULTRATUM, J. Smith. — A very handsome stove Fern, native of Brazil, Fronds one and a half to two feet or more high, glabrous, tripartitely bipinnato, that is, bipinnate with the lower pair of pinnae two-parted; pinnules dull green, somewhat cordately ihomboid-oblong, the upper side and more or less attenuated apex lobed XXXII. CHEILANTIIES. ,5.3 with serrated lobes, the lower margin recurvate. Sori small, narrow linear-oblong occupying the apices of the lobes, and chiefly produced on the upper margin. Stipes and raohis dark chesnut-coloured when young, becoming blackish when mature, at first scaly throughout with narrow deciduous scales ; lateral, adherent to a creeping rhizome. This species has been introduced to the Chelsea and some other gardens, from the establish- ment of M. Van Houtte of Ghent, under the name of A. pentadactylon. It is allied to A. trapezifonne, but is a more slender plant, with a scaly brown-black rachis, narrower deorsely falcate pinnules, and smaller lineai'-oblong, not oblong-rcniform, sori, and is wanting altogether in that delicate green colour which iii A. trapezifonne is so strikingly contrasted with the ebony-black smooth stipes ; the pinnules, moreover, are scarcely at all glaucous beneath. 29. A. TiiAPEZiFORJiE, LiniifBUS (A. RiiownoyDEUM, Schkuhr ; A. forviosissimum, Klotzsch). — An erect- growing evergreen stove Fern, from Jamaica and other West India Islands, and South America. Fronds glabrous, pentagonal, four times pinnate, two to three feet high; pinnules large, bright green, ovato-rhomboidal, acuminate, the apices serrate and sub-crenate. Sori large, oblong; indnsium reniform. This is a very beautiful Fern, from the contrast of its large delicate green pinnules with the shining black stipes and rachis. The fronds are lateral, adherent to a thick scaly creeping rhizome. XXXII. CHEILANTHES, Simvtz. Sori round, marginal, solitary or contiguous, often becoming con- fluent. Indusiuin sometimes reniform, rarely oblong, and including more than one sorus. Veins forked; lemiles aivect, their apiices free, and sporangiferous. Fronds from a few inches to two or three feet long, glabrous, pilose, glandulose, or squamose ; segments of the pinnules sometimes very small, concave, and orbicular, — Named from cheilos, a lip, and emthos, a flower ; in allusion to the lipj-fonned indnsium which covers the fructification. With one or twm exceptions, the species of Cheilanthes are small plants, less than a foot in height; they are all of very delicate textttre, and are mostly natives of elevated regions in tropical or subtropical countries. They are best cultivated in an intermediate house, and should bo potted in sandy peat soil, well drained ; water being very sparingly used over the fronds. During winter they should be kept rather dry. The species are often very difficult to determine, unless examined in a living state. In the small convex segments of the piinnules, and the paucity of spore-cases, they are analogous to Nothochlcena, but from that genus they are distinguished by the presence of an indusium. From Adiantum they are known by the piosition of the sori, which is here produced on the apex of the venules in the axis of the indusium, that of being on the indusium. Fig. 33 represents a small piortion of a frond of Cheilantlies visrosa (nat. size). 1. C. MiCROPTEius, — A ncat dwarf evergreen greenhouse Fern, from Quito, Brazil, and the Argentine provinces. Fronds slender, linear, four to six inches long, and covered tliroughout with glandulose hairs, pinnate ; pinnae numerous, small, petiolate, light green, subrotund, concave, and suborenate. Eaohis and stipes brown, terminal, adherent to a slender creeping rhizome. Sori consisting of a few spore-cases on each segment, which ultimately become confluent. 2. C. FARINOSA, Kcmlfuss (Pteris, Forskal and Sicartz; Cassf- BBEKA, J. Smith; Allosorus, Fred; C. uealbata, Fon ; Pteris ARGYROPHYLLA, Swartz). — An exceedingly beautiful evergreen stove Fern, from Nepal. Fronds glabrous, triangular, one to one and a half foot long, bipinnatifid ; segments oblong-obtuse, the upper surface dull green ; densely covered beneath with a white farinose powder. Eachis and stipes ebeneous ; terminal, adherent to a fasciculate erect rhizome. Sori linear, continuous, subsequently confluent ; indusium universal throughout every segment of the frond. Fig. 34 represents a full-sized pinnule of this species. llfj. 34. POLYPODIACE.E — PTERII)E,E. 5-1 3. G. TRAGiiAi^s, IFebb and BerfJicIot (C. odora, Swartz; C. suaveolens, Swartz; C. maderensis, XoM;e).— A dwarf evergreen greenhouse Fern, from tlie South of Europe. Fronds glabrous, triangularly elongate, bipinnate, about six inches high, of a light green ; pinnae oblong-obtuse, sinuate-pinnatifid, the lower ones distant and pinnatifid. Eachis and stipes scattered over with narrow scales. Sori confluent. Fronds terminal, adherent to a somewhat tufted rhizome. 4. C. MiCROPHYLLA, Swavtz. — An ornamental evergreen stove Fern, from the West Indies. Fronds slender, Somewhat lanceolate, broad at the base, bipinnate, one to one and a half foot long, pale green, slightly pubescent ; pinnules oblong, rather obtuse ; segments roundish-ovate, the sterile ones dentate. Eachis and stipes ebeneous, terminal, adherent to a short creeping rhizome. Sori continuotis, confluent ; indusium very small. 5. C. ALABAMENSis, Kunze (Ptebis, Buckley; P. gracilis, Rugel). — An ornamental evergreen greenhouse Fern, from the Southern United States of America. Fronds glabrous, subcoriaceous, ten to twelve inches high, lanceolate, acuminate, bipinnate below; pinnae ovate -lanceolate acuminate ; pinnules of the lowest pinnae almost again pinnate the segments oblong-obtuse, of the upper ones entire, or auricled, or lobed at the base. Stipes and rachis deep glossy black, adherent to a creeping rhizome. Sori continuous on the lobes and pinnules. 6. C. MiCROMERA, Link. — An evergreen greenhouse species, from Mexico. Fronds lanceolate -acuminate, bipinnate, about a foot long; pinnae linear-acuminate, pinnules rather obtuse ; segments obovate, deep green, the sterile erenate. Stipes, rachis, and midrib of pinnae ebeneous, and covered with narrow brown scales ; fertile segments concave. Sori continuous, confluent ; indusium very small. Fronds nearly all fertile, terminal, adherent to a short creeping rhizome. This is certainly distinct from C. mierophylla. 7. C. PROFUSA, lumze (NothochLjENa pumila, of gardens). — A warm greenhouse Fern, native of Namaqua Land. Fronds slender, lanceolate, bi-tri-pinnate, six to ten inches long, light green ; pinnules oblong, rather obtuse, segments adnate, subdecurrent at the base, erenate at the margin. Sori confluent. Eachis, midrib of pinnai, and pinnules, scattered over with narrow elongated light brown scales. Fronds terminal, adherent to a slender creeping rhizome. 8. C. HiRTA, Simrtz. — A very delicate evergreen greenhouse species, from the Cape of Good Hope. Fi-onds linear, lanceolate, subtripiunate, one foot long, pale green, and covered throughout with glandulose hairs ; pin- nules small, oblong-obtuse, pinnatifid ; segments erenate. Eachis and stipes brown, terminal, adherent to a rather erect rhizome. Sori distinct, subsequently confluent, on each segment of the fertile fronds. 9. C. tenuifolia, Swartz. — A very tender deciduous greenhouse Fern, from the East Indies and New Holland. Fronds somewhat ovate or triangularly elongate, tripinnate, one foot long, light green; pinnules linear-acuminate ; segments oblong-ovate, deflexed. Eachis, stipes, and midrib of pinnie brown, and scattered over with narrow scales. Fronds terminal, adherent to a creeping rhizome. Soil round, subsequently confluent ; indusium very small. 10. 0. EXiLis M. & H. — A delicate deciduous warm greenhouse Fern, the native country of which is unknown. Fronds very slender, glabrous, linear-oblong, one foot or more long, bi-tri-pinnate, lightish green ; pinnai ovate- triangular ; pinnules oblong, pinnatifid ; segments small, linear-oblong, adnate-decurrent at the base. Sori crowded on the teeth or segments. Eachis and stipes of a shining brown. Fronds terminal, adherent to a slender creeping rhizome. This Fern differs from C. tenuifolia, to which it is allied, in its slender and narrowly- elongated form ; and from C. Sieberi, which it resembles in outline, in its more delicate habit and texture : indeed we should have been inclined to refer it to the latter species, were it not that it never assumes any degree of stoutness and rigidity, but is slender, fragile, and membranous, and of very delicate constitution. 11. C. Moiutziana, Kunze {G. 'elo'sqaia, Klotsch MS., not Willdenow). — A neat-looking evergreen warm greenhouse Fern, from Mexico and Venezuela. Fronds glabrous, triangularly elongate, tripinnate, nine inches to a foot long, lively green ; pinnules remote, deeply pinnatifid, with small roundish ovate segments, inferior ones entire, superior decurrent at the base, crenulate on the margin. Sori small, but few spore-cases on each segment. Stipes, rachis, and midrib of pinnae shining ; terminal, adherent to a creeping rhizome. This species has been introduced under the name of C. elongata by G. Norman, Esq.,' of Hull, from the Continental gardens. 12. 0. marginata, Humboldt, Bonpland, ocaiL Kunth (C. rufescens. Link; C. CHRiiiopiiYLLA, Kunze; Allo- SORTIS ciliatus, Presl). — A very neat, evergreen, greenhouse Fern, from the Peruvian Andes and other parts of South America, and the West Indies. Fronds glabrous, somewhat ovate-triangular, from six to ten inches high, delicate green, tripinnate ; pinnules oblong, with oblong-ovate rather obtuse segments, decurrent at the base. Stipes and rachis black ; rhizome somewhat creeping. This plant is now very scarce in cultivation ; although, in 1840, it was growing freel3^ in the Birmingham Botanic Garden. 13. C. CUNEATA, (Cassebeera, L. — A neat evergreen greenhouse Fern, from Mexico. Fronds glabrous, triangular, bipinnate, si.x to ten inches high, of a livelj^ green ; fertile pinnules oblong-acuminate, pinnatifid, with the segments narrowed at the base ; sterile segments oblong, wedge-shaped, and serrate at the margin. Sori linear continuous. Eachis and stipes ebeneous ; rhizome somewhat creeping. 14. C. viscosa, Link. — A beautiful evergreen stove species, from Central America. Fronds triangular or pentagonal, one foot high ; branches tripinnate, light green, and covered throughout with viscid glandulose hairs ; pinnules oblong-obtuse, pinnatifid ; segments of the sterile frond dentate. Sori linear, continuous around eveiy segment of the fertile fronds. Eachis and stipes brown, terminal, adherent to a short creeping rhizome. lo. C. i.EN’DiGERA, Siiriiiz (C. LENTiGERA, inudciimr). — An elegant evergreen stove species, from Quito, XXXIII. HYI'OLEPIS. Mexico, aud other parts of South America. Fronds ovate-lanceolate, tripinnatc, one foot long, with copious soft haii'-like scales ; pinnules oblong ; segments small, roundish ovate, cuneate at the base, crenate, reflexed, and concave. Sori linear, consisting of a single row of spore-cases, partly concealed in the axis of the broadly reflexed margin of each segment ; indusium linear, continuous. Fronds terminal, adherent to a creeping rhizome. 16. C. ELEGANS, Besvaiix (C. lexdigeiia, of gardens). — An exquisitely beautiful evergreen stove Fern, a native of Chili, Mexico, the Peruvian Andes, and other parts of South America. Fronds lanceolate tripinnate, one foot long, clothed with copious brownish chaffy scales ; pinnules oblong-linear ; segments very small, ohovate, revolute and concave. Sori consisting of two or three spore-cases on each segment, partly concealed by the reflexed margin. Stipes, rachis, midrib of pinnae, and pinnules, densely covered with brown fringed scales. Fronds terminal, adherent to a short creeping rhizome. 17. C. sPECTABiLis, Kaulfim (C. brasiliensis, Raddi ; Hypolepis, Hooker). — A straggling-growing ever- green stove Fern, native of Brazil. Fronds slender, glabrous, oblong-acuminate, broad at the base, tripinnate, three to four feet long, light green ; pinnae linear-acuminate ; pinnules oblong-linear ; segments oblong-obtuse, slightly crenate, adnatc and decurrent throughout the whole frond. Stipes and rachis ebeneous, glossy, terminal, adherent to an erect fasciculate rhizome. Sori distinct, subsequently confluent. 18. C. radiata. /. (Adtaxtum, Linnesus ; Hypolepis, ifbo/i;er). — A delicate and exceedingly beautiful evergreen species, native of the "West Indies and tropical America. Fronds glabrous, one foot high, digitate ; branches linear, pinnate, radiating; segments oblong-obtuse, subimbricate, petiolate, articulate at the base, auriculate, with a crenate margin. Sori distinct, often crowded throughout the frond ; indusium reniform. Eachis and stipes ebeneous ; terminal, adherent to an erect fasciculate rhizome. 19. C. PTEROIUES, Swartz (Cassebebra, Fresl; Adiantum, Linneeus ; Pteris orbiculata, Houttgn). — An ornamental evergreen warm greenhouse Fern, from the Cape of Good Hope. Fronds somewhat triangular, glabrous, one to one and a half foot long, bipinnate, light green ; pinnules ovate-elliptical, petiolate, round at the apex, slightly cordate at the base, and crenulate on the margin. Sori marginal. Indusium membranous, scale- like, contiguous. Stipes and rachis shining, especially w'hen dry. Fronds adherent to a somewhat creeping rhizome. The only cultivated frond of this plant we have seen, was communicated by G. Herman, Esq., of Hull. XXXIII. HYPOLEPIS, Bernhardi. Sori round, terminal, marginal, partly concealed by a reflexed indusioid crenule, and situate oppo- site the sinus of the segments. Veins forked or pinnate ; venules direct, free, the lower exterior one sporangiferous. Fro7ids from two to six or twelve feet high, bi-tri-pinnate, segments crenulated, smooth, or covered with glandulose hairs. — Name derived from /lypo, under, aud a scale; in allusion to the sori being placed under scale-like reflexed crenules. This genus, formerly placed near Cheilanthes, among the Pteridecs, was removed by Mr. J. Smith to the Polypodiece, and we had adopted Mi'. Smith’s view of its affinities. It appears to us, however, on a reconsidera- tion of the matter, that the plants which led Mr. Smith to this opinion, though analogous in habit to the genuine species of Plypolepis, cannot pro- perly be associated with them, no trace of an indusium being present ; and the other characters of the plants being altogether those of Polypodium. We have, consequently, referred back to Polypodium the Hypolepis 7-ugu- losa (J. Smith), and retain Hypolepis itself among the Pteridece, where it was oi'iginally stationed. Fig. 35 represents a pinnule of Hypolepis dick- sotiioides (nat. size). 1. II. DiCKSONioiDES,ifoc4'er(H. REPENS, of gardgj/s, not of Presl ; Cheilanthes, Mndliclier ; Hypolepis Endlicheriana, Presf ;• Dicksonia uavallioides, — according to Kitnze). — A large coarse-growing evergreen greenhouse Fern, native of Norfolk Island. Fronds triangularly elongate, from three to six, or even twelve feet high, covered with glandulous hairs ; decompound, three or four times pinnate ; pinnules lanceolate-acuminate, with oblong-linear rather obtuse pinnatifid segments, which are somewhat con- vex, the lower pair distant ; margin crenulate. Sori round, terminal, and partly concealed by a reflexed marginal crenule. Fronds lateral, adherent to a scaly creeping rhizome. 2. H. prava, M. and 3. — A very singular-looking and deformed-growing evergreen warm gi'oenhouse or stove Pern, the origin of which is unknown. Fronds triangularly elongate, tripinnate, one to two feet long, dull green, and covered throughout with glandulose hairs ; pinnae lanceolate ; pinnules unequal, rugose, pinnatifid, with unequal segments, obtusely crenate. Sori very few, thinly scattered throughout the frond, which is lateral, adherent to a slender creeping scaly rhizome. Perhaps only a dwarf abnormal state of the former. I i i. POLYPODIACE.E— PTERIDE.E. XXXIV. PLATYLOMA, J. Smith. Sori linear-oblong, continuous, subsequently confluent, occupying a portion of the upper half of the venules, forming a broad marginal band. Indusimn narrow, attached transversely to the outer margin of the broad sporangiferous receptacle. Veins forked ; venules direct, their apices free and sporangiferous. Fronds from one to two feet long, pinnate bipinnate or tripinnate, glabrous pilose or squamiferous ; stipes generally ebeneous, pinna3 articulate with the rachis. — Name derived from platys, broad, and lomu, a margin ; in allusion to the broad marginal sori. The species arranged under this genus, with one or two exceptions, vary but little in habit from those of Adiantum. The principal technical distinction is in the presence of a broad sporangiferous receptacle, w’ith the margin of the frond slightly refiexed, and edged with a narrow linear indusium, which is continued, more or less, throughout every pinna or pinnule of the whole frond. Fig. 36 represents a portion of the frond of Flatyloma falcata (med. size). 1. P. ROTUxmiFOLiA, J. Smith (rxEiiis, Forster; Allosouus, Kunze). — A pretty evergreen greenhouse Fern, from New Zealand. Fronds linear, pinnate, one to one and a half foot long, reclining ; pinnDB glabrous, dull green, coriaceous, subrotund or oblong-elliptical, rather obtuse, cordate at the base, and slightly crenate at the margin. Eachis and stipes densely covered with brown scales ; lateral, adherent to a creeping rhizome. Sori linear, continuous, very broad ; indu- sium very narrow. This seems to merge insensibly into the next species. 2. P. FALCATA, J. Smith (Ptekis, R. Brown; Allosouus, Kunze). — An ornamental evergreen greenhouse species, from New Holland. Fronds lanceolate, pinnate, one to two feet high, rather erect ; pinnas glabrous, coriaceous, linear-lanceolate, oblong, bluntly acuminate, falcate, cordate at the base, and of a dull green colour. Eachis and stipes squamiferous ; lateral, adherent to a creeping rhizome. Sori linear, continuous, very broad ; indusium very narrow. 3. P. Brownii, j. Smith (Adiantum paradoxum, R. Brown ; Allosorus paradoxus, Kunze ; Pteris l.atizona, A. Cunninyham). — An ornamental evergreen greenhouse Fern, from New Holland and New' Zealand. Fronds ovate or ovate-oblong, erect, pinnate, one to two feet high, with from about seven to eleven large pinnse near the top ; pinnae alternate, cordato-oblong-lanceolate, somewhat oblique or subfalcate, thick, almost coriaceous, dull dark green above, paler and somewhat glaucous beneath. Sori broad, linear, continued along both sides of the pinnas from the base to the apex. Indusium very narrow'. Eachis and stipes purple-ebeneous, covered, the former especially, with appressed rust-coloured hair-like scales ; lateral, adherent to a short creeping rhizome. The younger immature fronds are simple and cordate ; and the stipes are two or three times as long as the leafy portion in the perfect fronds. This Fern has been recently imported from New Zealand by Messrs. Henderson, of the Edgew'are Eoad. 4. P. teknifolia, j. Smith (Pteris, Cuvanilles ; Pell.33A, Link ; Pteris subvei;ticillatus, Swartz; Allo- soEus sueverticillatus, PresT). — A rather pendulous evergreen stove Fern, from Mexico. Fronds glabrous, bluish green, linear, pinnate, one to one and a half foot long, reclining ; pinnto coriaceous, opposite or alternate, sessile, trilobed, cordate at the base, with a cartilaginous margin. Sori linear, continuous; indusium very narrow. Eachis and stipes purple ; stipes pubescent, terminal, adherent to a short scaly creeping rhizome. 6. P. Calomel.anos, j. Smith (Pteris, Swartz; Pella; A, Link; Allosorus, PresT). — A dwarf evergreen stove species, from the Cape of Good Hope. Fronds deltoid, bipinnate, about a foot long ; pinnules deltoid, coriaceous, quite smooth, glaucous, and of a bluish green colour, cordate at the base, subtrilobate, with a narrow cartilaginous margin. Stipes scaly near the base, terminal, adherent to a short creeping rhizome. Sori linear, continued round every fertile pinnule ; indusium very narrow. 6. P. ATROPURPUREA, J. Smith (Pteris, Linncetis ; Pella;a, Link; Allosorus, Kunze). — [Plate V.] — An elegant dwarf evergreen frame or greenhouse species, native of North America. Fronds bluish green, ovate-lanceolate, bipinnate, six to ten inches long ; pinnules glabrous, oblong or ovate, obtuse, cordate at the base, terminal one elongate. Sori linear, continuous, forming a broad band ; indusium narrow. Eachis and stipes pubescent, terminal, adherent to a somewhat creeping rhizome. 7. P. coRDATA, /. NwuVi (Pteris, Cavanilles ; Pellasa, ZfwA ; Allosorus, Pml). — A very elegant soft erect- growing deciduous greenhouse Fern, from Mexico. Fronds delicate, light green, oblong-acuminate, broad at the base, bipinnate, one and a half to two feet high; pinnules ovate, cordate-sagittate, membranous, and densely t I i