UMASS/AMHERST Q 315Dbb00Sfl5Efl3fl IVE COLLEGE POSITORY uyfiir> MASSACHUSETTS STATE COLLEGE S 107 C1522 SPECiAL COLUECnOfiii % ARCHIVES it 8061' 12 NVr iVd japuig P|L|cIlub< pjBoqss9> This book may be kept out TWO WEEKS only, and is subject to a fine of TWO CENTS a day thereafter. It will be due on the day indicated below. CARD PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING AGRICULTURE THE SOCIETY was incorporated in the year one thousand eight hundred and nine, for the term of ten years j at the expiration of which the following charter was granted : — AN ACT To incorporate the Philadelphia Society for promoting Agri- culture. Sect. 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met^ and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That the persons who now constitute the Phila- delphia Society for Promoting Agriculture, or who shall hereafter be admitted members of the same, shall be, and hereby are declared to be a body politic and corporate for the term of twenty years from and after the passing of this act, by the name and style of" The Philadelphia Society for Pro- moting Agriculture," to have succession, to plead and be im- pleaded, sue and be sued in all courts of record or else- •where, and be capable to take, hold and enjoy lands, tene- ments and hereditaments, goods and chattels, and the same from time to time to sell, grant, demise, alien and dispose of, to use a common seal, and to alter or renew the same at pleasure : Provided^ That the clear yearly value of the real C t Charter. estate by ihem held shall at no time exceed the sum of six thoiiSHr.d dollars. Sect. 2. A^id be it further enacted by the authority afore- said^ That the ollic«:rs of the said corporation shall consist of a Presidct.t, two Vice-Presidents, Teasurer, Secretary, and such other ollicers as the said corporation may think neces- sar^ , who shall be elected annually or otherwise, as the rules and by-laws of the corporation may direct. Sect. S, And be it further enacted by the authority afore- said^ Th?.t the said corporation when convened, upon due notice given to the members by public advertisement or otherwise, shall have power and authority to make, ordain and 'jstf»blish, such and so man}^ rules, by-lav/s and ordinances relating to the times of meeting, the admission of members, the pc.;vers and duties of the officers thereof, and the ordering of the Other concerns of the said corporation as they may deem neccss".ry and proper ; Provided^ That no rule, by-law or ordinance as aforesaid, shall be valid if inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this State or of the United States. Sect. 4<. jhid be it further enacted by the authority afore- said. That the present officers of the said society shall con- tinue in their respective stations unt^l an election shall be made under this act, and the rules, by-laws and ordinances now in force, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this State or of the United States, shall be good and valid until altered, amended or abrogated by the corporation. REKS HILL, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ISAAC WEAVER, Speaker of the Senate. ArPROVED — The twenty-seventh day of March, one thou- sand eight hundred and nineteen. WILLIAM FINDLAY. LAWS OF THE PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING AGRICULTURE. I.— NAME OF THE SOCIETY, ihe Society shall be styled, THE PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING AGRICULTURE. II.— OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY. The Society's attention shall be confined to agriculture and rural affairs. m.— OFFICERS AND MODES OF ELECTION. The Society shall have a President, and four Vice-Presi- dents, a Treasurer, five Curators, a Secretary and an Assis- tant Secretary and Librarian, all of whom shall be annually elected by the tickets of a majority of the members present at the stated meeting of the Society in January ; the offi- cers not then elected may be chosen at any stated meet- ing thereafter on being -nominated at a preceding meet- ing, and such intention shall be duly notified in a public news-paper and in a reasonable time before the meeting, at which a choice is to be made. The persons, so elected, to ^ continue in office one year, and until others are chosen in fir their stead. In case of ^.ny vacancy, by death, resignation, O or otherwise, the same may be supplied by a nev/ election, ^y^ to be made at any stated meeting of the Society, the person CO thus newly elected to serve the remainder of the year. 4 Laws, IV.— OF A QUORUM. A quorum for business shall consist of at least five mem- bers, including the President or Vice-President, v.— DUTY OF THE PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT OR CHAIRMAN. At all meetings of the Society the President shall exercise the usual duties of that office ; all motions shall be addressed to him, and on all questions he shall collect and declare the votes including his own ; he shall also have the power to call special meetings of the Society, but all special meetings and their objects shall be notified by the Secretary and published in two or more city news-papers, at least eight days before any special meetings shall take place ; in his absence the same duties shall be performed by a Vice-President ; and if it happen, at any meeting of the Society, that the Pre- sident and Vice Presidents be absent, the members pre- sent being a quorum to constitute a regular meeting for the business to be transacted, may choose a chairman for that meeting. VI.— DUTY OF THE TREASURER. The Treasurer shall keep the accounts methodically stated, in the books of the Society, and when called upon, produce them for inspection. At the last meeting of every year, and also when his office ends, he shall produce a fair and regular account of all receipts, payments and expenditures : and deliver it, together with those books, and all other pro- perty of the Society, in his hands, to his successor in office, or to the order of the Society. VIl.—DUTY OF THE CURATORS. The Curators are to take charge and care of all property and articles belonging to the Society, the books and papers excepted, which are to remain in charge of the Secretary : the Library to be under the care of the Librarian, who is to assist the Curators in every thing in which his aid is re- quired. The Curators are to take measures from time to time, for collecting all native fossils and earthy substances proper for manures, or deemed to be so, and to cause or pro- cure the same to be analysed, and report to the Society the result. They are also to procure experiments to be made by Laws, s careful agriculturalists, of any such fossils, earths or sub- stances, and to promote in every practicable way explora- tions, for the discovery of native substances, either known or presumed to be manures or auxiliaries in fertilising land. They are also to keep minutes of their proceedings, to col- lect models of the best agricultural instruments, and-report their usefulness and properties, and cause such models to be deposited in the apartments of the Society ; they are to re- commend to the Society from time to time the offering of premiums, for any discovery or experiment on the foregoing subjects, and to examine into the merits of all claims for premiums and report their opinion thereon, when the Society do not think proper to appoint special committees for that purpose. VIII.— DUTY OF THE SECRETARY. The Secretary and his assistant shall have in charge all books and papers of the Society, and keep the same in exact order ; they shall register all letters which shall be written by the committee of correspondence, or by themselves, by order of the committee. IX.— COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE AND ACCOUNTS. At the annual meeting of the Society in January, shall be chosen a committee of correspondence, to consist of five members, any three of whom to be a quorum, for the pur- pose of corresponding v/ith any other Society, or persons, touching the objects which this Society has in view. The same members shall also be a committee of accounts, to re- ceive and adjust all claims against the Society, and their cer- tificate shall authorise the President or a Vice-President, to issue orders on the Treasurer for the payment of them, but nothing herein contained shall preclude the right of the So- ciety to pass or refer any account at a regular meeting. X.~TIME OF STATED MEETINGS. The stated meetings of the Society shall be held the third Tuesday of every month. XL— OF RESIDENT AND HONORARY MEMBERS. The members of the Society shall be distinguished into 6 Laxvs, resident, honorary, and contributing members. Resident members shall consist of members residing within a conve- nient distance to attend the meetings of the Society in Phila- delphia, and those are defined to be such only as, at the time of the election, reside within ten miles of the said city, on cither side of the Delaware. All members of agricultural societies in other States and counties, with whom this So- ciety shall correspond, and all persons of this State, and of other States and counties, who shall be elected for the pur- pose, shall be honorary members ; and are hereby invited to assist at the meetings, whenever they come to Philadel- phia. Strangers who desire to be present, as auditors, may be introduced by a resident member. Honorary contributing members are of the description hereafter mentioned. XII.— HONORARY CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS. Every citizen contributing and paying into the hands of the Treasurer, a sum not less than fifty dollars, may be elect- ed agreeably to the rules, an honorary member ; those who thus laudably enable the Society to extend its usefulness and promote its objects, are invited to assist at its meetings : ihey will be styled honorary contributing members. XUI.— OP DONATIONS AND BEQUESTS. All donations and bequests for general purposes, shall be faithfully used, and regular accounts kept of their applica- tions. Such donations or bequests as are given, granted, made or devised, on terms directing their being used in, or applied to, any particular purpose, shall with all due fidelity be so used or applied, and if they, or any of them, shall not be at the time sufficient to accomplish the object designated, in whole or in part, they and every of them shall be placed in a situation (if practicable) to accumulate until by addition of other means, the objects intended can be effec- tuated. The names, amount, and description, of donations of all citizens, contributing pecuniary or other donations of any amount or description whatever, shall be registered in a roll, kept for that special purpose. They well merit and receive the thanks of the Society, for the patriotism and pub- lie spirit evinced by their thus afTording the means of accom- plishing the objects of the institution. XIV.— ELECTION OF MEMBERS. New members, whether resident or honorary, shall be elected by ballot, and the Secretary sliall issue notices to each person of his being elected to the following purport : The Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture, have elected a resident or honorary member, in tes- timony cf their confidence in his capacity and inclination to promote the objects of their Institution. XV.— ELECTIONS OF MEMBERS AND OFFICERS. All elections and appointments, except of the officers of the Society, shall take place at one of the stated meetings of the Society, and no person shall be elected a member, whe- ther resident or honorary, unless at a preceding stated meet- ing, he shall have been openly proposed, and such nomina- tion duly entered on the minutes of the Society ; the nomina- tion and election to be in the absence of the candidate. The officers of the Society shall be elected at the annual meetings of the Society, in each year, between the hours of twelve o'clock at noon, and two o'clock P. M.; or in case no election is then made, then at such time thereafter as they may ap- point. No member shall be allowed to vote at the annual meeting, unless his arrearages of subscription due the So^ ciety be previously paid. XVI.— OF PREMIUMS. The Society shall annually, or at any stated meeting, pro- pose prizes upon interesting subjects relative to actual ex- periments and improvements, and for the best pieces written on proposed subjects ; and in order more effectually to dis- seminate the knowledge of useful discoveries and improve- ments in husbandry, the Society will from time to time, pub- lish collections of memoirs and observations, selected from such communications as shall be made to them. To pro- mote these views, the friends of agriculture are invited to assist the Society with information of experiments, and inci- dents in husbandry. Larvs, XAll.— CONDITIOJiS OF PREMIUMS AND RULE FOR THEIR ADJUDICATION. All claims of prizes shall be sent in writing ; and when read, the Society shall determine which of the claims, rela- tive to each prize, shall be selected for their definite judg- ment, on a future comparison. This judgment is to be given at the stated meeting on the third Tuesday in February, or at any other stated meeting ; but previously to such deter- mination, all such claims shall be submitted to, and reported upon by the Curators. If it happen, in any case, that there be no competition for a prize, but only a single claim, the Society will consider such claim ; and if the claim or claims be supported answerably to their views and just expectations of the Society, the prize proposed shall be decreed. Prizes and premiums are equally due to any persons residing in any of the United States, according to the merit of their respec- tive exhibitions. XVIII— OF ANNUAL PAYMENTS. For the purpose of defraying the necessary expenses of the Society, for premiums and prizes, books on agriculture, improved implements of husbandry, and other important ob- jects and contingencies, every member shall annually pay to the Treasurer a contribution of four dollars. This con- tribution shall be considered as due and payable at or before the last day of December in every year. XIX.— CHANGE OF RESIDENCE OF MEMBERS. If any resident member shall remove beyond the limits prescribed, he shall not in virtue of his resident member- ship, be eligible as a candidate for honorary membership, without being regularly proposed as such. XX.— OF LIFE SUBSCRIPTION. Any member paying thirty dollars shall be considered a member for life, and shall not be called on for any further annual payments. XXl.~OF MEMBERS IN DEFAULT. At the first meeting in January, of every year, the Trea- surer shall lay before the Society a list of the members, spe- Laws. 9 cifyingwho have, and who have not paid their contributions, and any member whose contributions shall be found to be more than two years in arrears, after the same shall have become due, and payable aforesaid, provided payment thereof has been personally demanded of him by the Treasurer, or collector authorised by him for the purpose, such m'.mber shall be considered as withdrawing from the Society, and be no longer deemed a member of it, and the same shall be en- tered on the minutes. XXIL— OF NEW RULES. New rules or alterations to be made in old rules, except at the annual meeting in January, shall be proposed and the proposal entered on the minutes, at a preceding stated meet- ing, and may then be made by not less than two-thirds of the members present. XXIII.— OP DISPOSITION OF THE FUNDS. When any part of the Society's funds is to be disposed of, excepting at the annual meeting or for ordinary contingent expenses, the same shall be done at a stated meeting, or special one, after having been proposed at a previous stated meeting. XXIV. Still further to advance the objects of this institution, the Society will promote the establishment of other similar Societies in the United States. D V LIST OF MEMBERS OP THE PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING AGRICULTURE OFFICERS. Fresident.'-RICHARB PETERS. Vice Presidents WILLIAM TILGHMAN, JAMES MEASE, ROBERT COLEMAN, Lancaster. NICHOLAS BIDDLE. Treasuren-^WM. MASON WALMSLEY, .5'^cr Nicholas Biddle, Charles Bird, Thomas Biddle, Samuel Breck, Edward Burd, Thomas Butler, Mathew Carey, David Caldwell, Charles Chauncey, Lewis Clapier, Aaron Clement, Jos. Cloud, John H. Coates, Zaccheus Collins, Solomon W. Conrad, John Conard, Isaac Cooper, Stephen Duncan, Adam Eckft-ldt, Manuel Eyre, Coleman Fisher, W. L. Fisher, Peter Graham, Stephen Girard, Keuhen Haines, Gavin Hamilton, Robert Hare, Thomas C. James, Isaac C. Jones, Lewis Jones, William H. Keating, Joshua Lippincott, Charles Lloyd, John Livezey, jr. Thomas Leiper, Joshua Longstreth, Charles Massey, James Mease, George M^Calmont, John Moss, Michael ISewbold, Charles J. Norris, Jos. Palmer, Robert A. Parrish, Joseph R. Paxson, Elliston Perot, Richard Peters, Richard Peters, jun. William Phillips, Zachariah Poulson, John Hare Powel, Jacob Ridgway, James Ronaldson, Nathan Sellers, John Sergeant, John SheaiF, Henry Simpson, Samuel Spackman, A, B. Spence, Jacob Sperry, List of Members. is John Swift, Jacob S. Wain, Jeremiah Warder, William S. Warder, Edward Thomson, Jos. Warner, William Tilghman, Right Rev. William White, John Vaughan, Alexander Wilson, George Vaux, Richard Wistar, Roberts Vaux, Charles J. Wistar. Wm. Mason Walmsley, HONORARY MEMBERS. James P. Morris, Bucks County. James Worth, Bucks County. L. H. Stockton, Trenton, New Jersey. W^illiam Hilyard, Burlington County, New Jersey. J. P. Smith, do. Le Ray de Chaumont, Jefferson County, New York. Rev. Robert Hublyn, of Clifton, near Bristol, England. Stevenson Scott, Virginia. The Chevalier Francis Von Heintl, Vienna. Jacob Summer, Philadelphia County. Charles Champion, Blyth, near Nottingham, England. T. W. Coke, Norfolk, England. John Blomfield, of Warham, near Norfolk, England- Jos. B. Cooper. Henry Clay, Kentucky. Wm. Wright, Columbia, Lancaster County. Frederick H. Holtzbechi^r, Newark, Delaware. William Webb, Lancaster County. George Henry Walker, Philadelphia Count}'. John G. Watmough, Montgomery County^ John Newhold, Bucks County. David Rose, Philadelphia County. Joseph Davis. 14 List of Members, George G. Leiper, Delaware County, Walter Lowrie, Butler County. James Todd, Fayette County. Levi Lincoln, Massachusetts. Samuel W. Pomeroy, do. Stephen Williams, do. Timothy Pickering, do. Samuel Parkes, Chemist, London. John Barney, Delaware. John Shallcross, do. Humphrey Rowland, Cayuga County, New York. General La Fayette, France. Samuel West, Delaware County. Sir John Sinclair, Bart. Edinburgh. C. H. Wilkinson, M. D. Bath, England. Domingos Borges de Barros, Rio de Janeiro. M. De Lormerie, Paris. J. R. Evans, Elkton, Maryland. Samuel Willis, York County. William J. Miller, Philadelphia County. Thomas Pinckney, jun. South Carolina. J. T. Lewis, do. George Fisher, Harrisburg. Gen. T. M. Forman, Cecil County, Maryland. James Parker, Head of Chester, Maryland. William Pennock, Chester County. F. A, Vandyke, Abingcon. Thomas Miles, Pennsylvania. John J. Champlin, Long Island. Francis Wisely, Chester County. John Adlum, District of Columbia. Samuel Betton, Gcrmantown, Philad. County, Joseph B. Sims, Maryland. Thomas Vickars, Chester County. Robert Coleman, Lancaster. Robert H. Rose, Susquehannah County. Thomas G. Henderson, Lancaster County. List of Members » 15 Virgil Maxey, Maryland. William Shippen, Bucks County. Samuel A. Kirk, York County. Robert Woodward, New Jersey. Samuel L. Howell, do. Count Von Hazzi, Munich, Bavaria. James Ross, Pittsburg. George Poe, jun. do. John Darragh, do. John P. De Gruchy, Northumberland County. Andrew Kirkpatrick, New Brunswick, New Jersey. David Hosack, New York. John Yeates, Lancaster County. Charles Miner, Chester County, Abraham Sharpless, do. Edward J, Stiles, Carlisle. James Duncan, do. Clayton Wistar, Manington, New Jersey, George Morgan, Washington County. Daniel Buckley, Lancaster County, Samuel D. Ingham, Bucks County. Henry Waddell, do. John Morrison, Philadelphia County. David Moore, Chester County. Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, Bart. England. Robert Barclay, Berry Hill, Surry, England. Benjamin Waddington, Bath, England. John Cox, Burlington County, New Jersey^ Samuel Emlen, do. Gen. John Armstrong, New York, F. A. Michaux, Paris. Professor Thouin, do. Mon. Sylvestre, do. Isaac Wayne, Chester County. S. L. Mitchell, New York. Josiah Quincy, Boston. Thomas Cooper, Columbia, South CaroliBa, 16 List of Members, Ab. Eves, New Castle, Delaware. George Pierce, do. James Booth, do. R. K. Meade, Frederic County, Virginia. Archibald Lee, District of Columbia. Samuel Patterson, Edinburgh. John Manners, Flemington, New Jersey. George Holcombe, Allen town, do. George Pollok, North Carolina. Robert G. Johnson, Salem, New Jersey. Peter Robeson, Philadelphia County. Bushrod Washington, Mount Vernon, Virginia. i <& UH^aK'v iif Massach AMHERiiT. MASS. -uc.