Skavamson, Af. AMioais-- addeess \ocSoca Ads\caturel assonietion.-. Sat. | LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN OR Ss UIBRARYS. ~ “UNIVERSITY. OF ILLINOIS URBANA erie NOLS. — ADDRESS BEFORE THE AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION OF THE FIRTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS, AT Woodstock, September 22, 1887, ay Hon. A. BE. STEVENSON. WASHINGTON, D.C.: Press of Thomas MeGill &: Co., 1107 E street. 1887. anid * i a4 oe LS ANY UINIVEROUY OF ILLINOIS URBANA Ait BSS. . FELLOW-CITIzENS: I desire to return my sincere thanks to the officers of your Association for their courteous invitation to share your generous hospitality, and address you upon this occasion. Notwithstanding the fact that for more than a third: of a century I have been a resident of Illinois, this is the first time I have had the honor of meeting and .§ mingling with the people who, by a kind Providence, -» have been permitted to find peaceable homes in this, the = fairest portion of our great State. ‘