m ©Iff i. 1- Hill iCtltrara 55nrth (taroltna ^latp (ToIUqp SF523 H8 1905 94708 This book may be kept out TWO WEEKS ONLY, and is subject to a fine of ^^Wf CENTS a day thereafter. It is due on the day indicated below. 2 FE49i )2Jun'51 X 5M — D-45 — Form 3 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from NCSU Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/advancedbeecultuOOhutc vanc' f^^\^^.y1 unltunr u^. Metlhodls aimdl M^sna^emmeinit "W. X. HUTCMIHSOH iatOF M>®( JIPS !rL<8^1<8V^ Flimi^n MidhWami £5 ^iJD Tlhis^dl lEdlitioim 190' BEBECATHOM. To those who are getting their bread and butter by raising honey to spread upon the bread and butter of others, this book is dedicated by The Author. Iiiiilr©(dluiic4i©Eiio Z^ pN^HIS book is intended for the professional bee-keeper; hence it is taken for granted that the reader is fairly well acquainted with bees and their management. No space is devoted to the natural history', anatomy and physiology of the bee, because my experience has been along com- mercial, instead of scientific, lines. The history of this book, how and why it came to be written and published, would read something as follows: Twenty- or more 3'ears ago, while making mj^ living in the apiar}-, I learned that, with my management, it was more profitable to use starters, only, in the brood-nest when hiving swarms. My experiments and methods were described in print; others tried my plans; discussions followed; and. finally, it became apparent that the system was really more complex than it appeared on the surface; also, that short articles scattered through different bee journals did not present the subject in the best possible manner, and, as a result, 1 published a little book in which I described, in detail, my method of comb honey production. One of the criticisms brought against the little book was its small si;ce; and I was repeatedh' urged to write a larger book, giving my experience and views more in detail, and upon other points. Flattering as all of this may have been, I doubt if I should have yielded to these entreaties had it not been that by the time the last copy of the little book was sold, I had been editorof the Bee-Keepers' Review for nearlv four years, and had the benefit of reading, and studying over, special discussions, by the most practical men, of the most important questions connected with our pursuit. As it was, I went to work and classified, arranged and condensed, and gave what I considered the cream of the special topic discussions 94708 that had appeared in tlie Review. So many new subjects were taken 11]) that the ohl title, "The Prodiietion of Comb Hone}-," was no lon}4-er ai)i)roi)riate, and, as I was jjfivinj^: what seemed to me the best and most advanced methods, I called the new book Advanci-:d Bek CuLTUKi:. Two years ayfo, the first edition having- been exhausted, I re-wrote and revised everythinj^: necessary to brin": it up to date, and fJTOt out a second edition which has since been sold. The pres- ent edition lias been larjifely re-written; many eng-ravinofs, much new matter, and a more substantial binding, being added; thus bringing the book more nearly up to the ideal that I have for several years had in mind. Advancicd Bi;]; Cui.TUKi': is really the summing up of the best that has api)eared in the Bee-Keepers' Review during the IS years of its existence; that is, from a most careful examination of the views of the most i)rogressive men, and a thorough consideration of the same in the light of mj^ experience as a bee-keeper, I have described in i)lain and simple language what I believe to be the most advanced methods of managing bees, /or profit, from the beginning of the season throughout the entire year. W. Z. HUTCHINSON, Flint, Mich. ? ?©°5ieep|Hii^ as a BrnslmK N reply to the query, "What will best mix with bee-keeping-?" I have alwa3's replied: "Some more bees." When the condi- _[ tions are favorable, I am decidedlj^ in favor of bee-keeping- as a specialty- — of dropping all other hampering- pursuits, and turn- ing- the whole capital, time and energ-ies into bee-keeping-. If bee- keeping cannot be made profitable as a specialty, then it is unprofit- able as a subsidarj^ pursuit. If bee-keeping must be propped up with some other pursuit, then we better throw away bee-keeping-, and keep the prop. General farming- is very poorly adapted for combining: with bee- keeping, yet the attempt is probablj' made oftener than with any other pursuit. There are critical times in bee-keeping- that will brook no dela^-, when three or four days or a week's neg-lect ma}' mean the loss of a crop; and these times come rig-ht in the heig-ht of the season, when the farmer is the busiest. Leaving- the team and reaper standing- idle in the back fiekl while the farmer g-oes to the house to hive bees, is neither pleasant nor profitable. Drawing in a field of hay, while the bees lie idle because the honey has not been extracted to g-ive them store-room, is another illustration of the con- ditions with which the farmer-bee-keeper has to contend. The seri- ous part of it is that the honey thus lost may be worth nearly or arable. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 11 sometimes very heav_v, hence it would be risky to depend entirely for a living: upon keepinfj bees, in a liuiiicd waj^ in such localities; but, if the avera<^e protit from bee-keeping-, one year with another, is not the e^iual of other rural pursuits, why keep bees? The truth of the matter is that it is greater; and if bee-keepers would only drop everything else, and adopt methods that would enable them to branch out and keep hundreds of colonies where they now have dozens, they would secure enough honey in the good years to more than carry them over the poor years, and thus not onh' make a living, but lay up mone}^ When a man decides to cut loose from everything else, and go into bee-keeping extensively, making it his only and his life-busi- ness, the c[uestion of all (juestions is that of locality. There are few localities in which a small apiary might not yield some surplus, but when a tnan is to make of bee-keeping his sole business, the securing of the best possible location is time and money well spent. What a good, solid foundation is to a "sky-scraper," a good location is to the building up of a successful, extensive bee business. Having settled in a locality, the bee-keeper can not study it too thoroughly. Especially must he understand its honey resources; the time when each flow begins, its probable duration, its quantity and character. He must know whether to expect a spring-flow, like that from dande- lion, hard maple, or fruit-bloom, that will build up the colonies for the main harvest that is to come later. If there is likely to be a season of scarcity between the early flow and the main harvest, it must be known, and preparations made to keep up brood rearing by means of feeding or the uncapping of honey. The management will depend largely upon the source of the main honey-flow, whether it be raspberry-, cloyer, basswood, buckwheat, alfalfa, sage, or fall flowers. Whatever the source, the bee-keeper must know when to expect it, and plan to have his colonies in exactly the right condition to gather it when it comes. This is one of the fundamental princi- ples of successful bee-keeping. Having secured the most desirable location, the next step is to procure the best kind of bees that can be obtained. There are sev- eral different varieties of bees, each with its peculiarities, but, aside from this, every bee-keeper who has had experience with several strains of the same variety, knows that some strains are far superior to others — that there is scrub-stock among bees, just as there are scrub-horses, cattle, sheep and poultry. With scrub-stock, the cost of hives, combs and other appliances remains the same; it is no less work to care for such stock; and it requires the same amount of honev to raise and feed it as it does the best stock in the world. In 12 ADVANCED BKE CULTlKi:. >\i'.% '<^::'^: ..I .'V. V-v>";^i ?-*•■ o ^ < = 'A, ^ ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 13 proportion to its cost, no investment bring^s the bee-keeper g-reater i)rofit than the securing- of superior stock. Having: secured a g^oocl location, and g"ood stock, the bee-keeper should adopt such hives, implements and methods as will enable him to branch out, establish out-apiaries, and keep a largfe number of colonies. At the present time the g-reatest failing of professional bee-keepers is the keeping- of too few bees — of clinging- to some other hampering- pursuit. Man}- keep enoug-h bees to furnish them a fair living- in a g-ood season, but when winter losses, and poor hone}" seasons follow one another in quick succession, there is suffer- ing; or, at least, g-reat inconvenience. If a man is g-oing- to follow bee-keeping- as a profession, his only hope is in a g-ood location, good stock, and the keeping- of bees in such numbers that when a good year comes he can pile up the honey ton upon ton — enough to keep him several j^ears. The larger a business the more cheaply can it be conducted in proportion to the results; not onh' this, but the very fact that bees are scattered about in out-apiaries several miles apart, adds to the certainty of the crop; as one locality" often 5'ields a fair crop while another a few miles awa}' 3'ields nothing. It has been urged against bee-keeping as a sole pursuit that, while it keeps a man very busy during the summer it leaves him idle in the winter. Bee-keeping, rightly managed, will keep a man busy every daj- in the j-ear. Too man^^ bee-keepers fail to realize that the selling of a crop is fully as important as its production. The busi- ness part of bee-keeping has been sadly neglected. No set rule can be given as to how a man shall dispose of his crop, but it does seem like ver}' poor business management to send awa^^ a crop of honey to some commission merchant, and then sit around all winter when good wages might be made selling hone^' direct to consumers, or to retail dealers. The selling of the crop, and the preparations for the coming season, may well occupy a man during the winter. It should be understood, however, that bee-keeping is not an occupation in which one can easily become zvcalfhy. In this respect, it is much like other rural pursuits. Rightly managed, in a locality adapted to the business, it can be depended upon to furnish a com- fortable living, and perhaps enable a man to lay up a few thousands of dollars, but such fortunes as are sometimes amassed in merchan- dising or manufacturing can never be hoped for by the bee-keeper. Fortunately, however, the perfection of a man's happiness bears but little relation to the size of his fortune; and many a man with the hum of the bees over his head, finds happiness deeper and sweeter than ever comes to the merchant prince with his cares and his thousands. 14 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. IS mlllfii^ Bi St^irt In Hee°II.©e'pli!ii P^^nN EES, and the requisite knowledge for their manag^ement, are I — =^>^ the two most important factors in making a start in the I J_J business. The latter ought to be secured iirst; or,at least, its acquisition should keep pace with any increase in num- bers of the former. As in any business, so with bee-keeping, it pays well to lay broad and deep the foundations of an education in that line of work. So many men fail, in different kinds of business, be- cause they start in with onl^- a narrow or superficial knowledge of their chosen profession. The time may come when bee culture will be taught at the agricultural colleges, the same as dair^^ing is now taught, bat, at present, the nearest approach to a college-coarse, is that of working with some experienced, successful bee-keeper. This is the quickest way of learning bee-keeping; and, if the teacher is competent, is a very desirable method. The beginner is not always able to choose wisel}^ in "^electing an instructor, hence, it is well to supplement such instruction b}- a course of reading, and thus be able to make comparisons, and discuss the instructor's methods in the light of those emplo3"ed by others. In fact, I am inclined to think that a thorough course of reading is the most desirable firs/ step that can be taken bj^ a prospective bee-keeper. One after the other, I w^ould read the leading, standard text books. Having done this, the next step is to subscribe for the best bee journals. At this stage, a season with an expert bee-keeper would be of great value; when the previous reading will enable the apprentice to intelligentlj- use his mind, and see the rcasoji of things, instead of being simply' an imitator, follow'ing blindly in the footsteps of his preceptor. Probably nine-tenths of the men who now keep bees, never served an apprenticeship. Many have become interested in bees from the capture of a stray swarm. Neighboring bee-keepers would be U, ADVANCED BKK CULTURK. visited, books or papers borrowed or boug-ht, improved hives and methods adopted, and, as the bees increased, so did the enthusiasm and interest, until, finally, the bees received more time and attention than did the reyfular business; thus did bee-keepinjr eventually be- come a specialtv or the sole business. When a man has decided to embark in bee-keepinj^ as a business, he should in some manner learn the business thoroujifhly before in- vesting: extensively. No hard and fast rules can be laid down; so much dependin}? upon circumstances. A younjif man with no estab- lished business, would do well to pass one or two seasons in the em- l)loy of some experienced bee-keeper, as has been already suyfjrested, while an older man already in business, with a family to support, may find it advisable to gradually work into bee-keepinjj, reading- and studying- as his bees increase. Whatever the method employed, let the work be thoroug-h; and, especially, let there be plenty of actual experience before venturing- extensivelj-. As a rule, a man already has some bees when he decides to be- come a bee-keeper. Perhaps he never formally makes any such de- cision. He captures a stray swarm, or cuts a bee tree and saves the bees, and the stock increases with such wonderful rapidity that the owner becomes a bee-keeper ere he scarcely realizes it. This wonderful rapidity with which bees increase is one strong argfument in favor of a man securing a few colonies and building them up into an apiary, instead of buying a large number of colonies at the begin- ning. By rearing (jueens with which to furnish the newly made col- onies, and furnishing them with full sheets of comb foundation, the extent to which bees can be increased in a favorable season is some- thing almost beyond belief. Just how, or where, the first colonies shall be secured may well be considered. As a rule, the man who has steady work, at good wages, better buy bees in such movable comb hives as he intends to use. If he can get them near home, of some reliable bee-keeper, so much the better. Of course, there are instances in which a man has more time than money, or there may be a trace of the sportsman in his make-up, and, in either case, the hunting of bees, or the putting out of decoy hives to catch stray swarms, will make to him a strong apjieal. In those parts of the country where many bees are kept, yet there is not much timber, as in Colorado or California, there is no difficulty in catching swarms in decoy hives; in fact, there is difficulty in keeping swarms out of chimnevs, and the walls of buildings. While outriding one day with Mr. (iill, of Colorado, he pointed out one house in the walls of which five colonies had their homes. In California Mr. Mendelson set awaj^ three emptj- hives in his wagon shed, and when I was there swarms ADVANCED BEP: CULTURE. 17 had taken possession of two of the hives. E\en in well-timbered localities, stray swarms are fretjuentl^- caught in deco^- hives. Mr. George A. Fenton, of Pine Island, Minnesota, reported in the Review, in 1900, that he had, the previous 3-ear, caught more than 50 swarms in decoy hives. He used ordinary boxes instead of hives, and put them pretty high up in tall trees, as a good hive, easih' ac- cessible, is quite likely to be stolen. A piece of old, black comb is fastened inside the hive, or box, and the latter firmly fastened to the tree so as not to be easih' blown down, a position being chosen where the hive will be in the shade. A tree on the edge of the woods is chosen, as, when a swarm reaches the woods it at once begins a search for a suit- able hollow in Avhich to make its home. The hives are examined as often as once a week, oftener if there is time, and when one is found occupied the tree is ascended by the use of climbers, the box lowered by means of a rope, and another box fastened up in its place. Mr. Fenton at- tributed his success to the fact that the farmers near him who had a few bees did not watch them, but let the swarms go to the woods, and, further, there was no /ar,^c timber for many miles around. In all probability, more of my readers would be able to secure bees b}' finding and cutting bee- trees, than b3' putting out deco^- hives, and, as the subject will not be touched upon elsewhere, I will here describe how bee-trees are found. In principle, it is simply that of putting out honey, in times of scarcity, when bees will "rob," watching the loaded bees as they fly home, and following the "line" of bees to the tree, but there are manj- details the observance of which greatly aids the hunter in his search. Those who hunt bees to any great extent use what is called a "bee-box." This is a small DIXOY PIIVI-: IX POSITION. 18 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. "Lining" Wild Bees. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 19 box made in two parts, the lower half being used to hold a piece of comb filled with honey, while the upper part, or cover, is used prin- cipally for catching the bees and getting them at work upon the "bait." The top of the upper part is covered with a glass, and a short distance below the glass is a horizontal, sliding partition; while still lower, just at the lower edge of one of the sides, is a small opening covered on the inner side with glass. Equipped with his box and a bottle of diluted honey, the bee hunter begins operations in some field or cleared spot near the forest in which he expects bee- trees may be found. The honey is diluted with an equal amount of water, as it enables the bees to load and unload quicker, to fly faster, and in a more direct line. Sometimes pieces of old comb are burned, the odor from the "smudge" attracting bees from a long distance. If, by careful search, a bee is found industriously at work upon some weed, the cover to the box is taken off, the slide drawn nearly out, and the open or lower side of the cover held near the bee. A hand- kerchief is then held upon the opposite side of the bee, and, as the cover and the handkerchief are brought tiuickly together, the bee is caught in the former. Seeing the light, the bee at once buzzes up against the glass toj) of the cover, when the slide is shoved in, thus making the bee a prisoner. The cover is n(3w replaced upon the box. the box set upon a stump or upon a stake stuck in the ground, the slide drawn nearh' out, and the handkerchief spread over the glass top. The bee now sees only one opening, the small one in the side of the cover near its lower edge, and in attempting to escape by the lower opening, the bee comes in contact with the comb of hone}' in the lower part of the box. To find the hone}- is to at once begin "loading up." Occasion- ally removing the handkerchief shows when the bee has found the hone}, and as soon as it is seen filling its sac, the hunter carefulh' removes the cover, and places his eye near the ground. This posi- tion is assumed to secure the sk}' as a background in watching the bee take its homeward flight. Under such conditions a bee can be kept in sight for a long distance. A minute or two suffices for the bee to fill its honey sac, when it slowly rises in gradually widening circles. Each time around it sways more and more to one side — to- ward the spot where it lives; finally, having taken its "bearings," it strikes a "bee-line" for home. In a short time it returns with per- haps three or four companions in its wake — eager to learn from whence came that fine load of honey. The result is that a strong "line" of bees is finally at work between their home and the hunter's box. He now puts the cover on the box, shutting in the bees, and moves along on the "line" towards their home. After going some 20 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. distance the bees are released, when they at once leave for home, only to return and re-establish the "line," when the hunter areak the fall. The sa\ing- of the bees and combs, after they have been reached, is very similar to an ordin- ary job of transferring- from an old 1)Ox hive to a movable comb hive. Pieces of comb containing- brood must 1)e fastened into frames, and hung- in the hive, and as many as possible of the bees g:uided into the entrance. If the hive is left on the si)ot for several hours, perhaps over nigfht, nearly all of the live bees will gather into the hive. As I said at the beg^inning-, if a man has steady work at g:ood wag:es, he will, as a rule, tind it more satisfactory to buy bees in g^ood, movable comb hives; but, if he has the time and inclination to g-et a start by hunting: bees, or by putting- u\) decoy hives, what I have written will show him how to do it. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 21 Mlstafites Him Be©°]rie©pnini^o T is pleasant to tell of success. Mistakes are mentioned with reluctance; 3-et they ma^' be of equal value for impartinof infoi*- mation. Mr. J. M. Smith of Wisconsin is a noted horticultu- rist. The crops of berries and cabbages that he raises are something wonderful. His contributions to the press are valuable; but I never read one that contained more information than the one in which he recounted the niis/cd-rs of his horticultural life. I be- lieve that space can be protitably used in mentioning" a few things that experienced bee-keepers look upon as mistakes in bee-keeping. A man who has decided that he will make bee-keeping his life- business, makes a mistake when he gets a few colonies and attempts to learn the business all by himself. Both time and money will be saved by passing at least one season in the employ of some success- ful bee-keeper. If a man must start with a few colonies, and learn the business by himself, let him avoid the mistake of attempting to follow several leaders or systems. Much confusion and annoyance will be saved if he adopts the teachings, methods and appliances of some one suc- cessful bee-keeper. He may make the mistake of not choosing the best system, but better this than a mixture of several systems. A beginner is quite likely to fall into the error of increasing his colonies too rapidly. There is probably no mistake so disastrous as this, on account of its frequency- and results. To the beginner, this is very tempting ground. If bee-keeping must be learned by experience and reading < without the serving of an apprenticeship ) the beginning should be small, and practical knowledge and skill keep pace with the increase of colonies. A mistake that has been made by many is in looking upon bee- keeping as a sort of royal road to wealth, or, at least, a good livings 22 ADVANCED BEP: CULTURE. with but little labor, and, some believe, little brains, after they have once "caught on" to a few secrets. '?) To choose any business simply because it is i)rolitable, is the hei////s, re}.rardless of causes. As that excellent bee-keeper, K. I>. Taylor, of Michii^an, once said: "The .ijfreatest actual results do not prove the method of manaji"ement by which they were produced to be the best. Time, and labor, and thoujjfht, and care, and material, and capital, are all mone^', so the jjfreatest results numerically. ma\- be obtaint'd at a loss, while the least apparent results may yield a i)r(>lit." In much this same manner do many bee-keepers make the mis- take of computinjr their income at so man\ pounds per colony, and at so much per pound. The jjfreatest yield i)er colony mi.tjfht nc t be so prolitable as a less yield per colony from more colonies, or e\en a lessened yield from the same number of colonies. If a <^reat yield per colony is the result of a great deal of work, it may be that the work was done at a loss. Bee-keepinjif should be \iewed in a broader li«.iht. It may sometimes be profitable to put a j>"reat deal of work on each colony, but each bee-keeper should ask himself, how, r/// thin.iis considered, can I make the most i)r()lit ? That is the (juestion, and all other propositions not relatinjjf directly thereto are mistakes. And this leads to the mention of another mistak'e, the keei)in<»' of too few bees. Instead of keepin,!^- only a few colonies, and strivinjif to secure the larji^est yield per ct)lony, it is usuall\ move i)rtilital)le to keep more bees enouj^h to <>'ather all the honey in a j^iven area, and then when that area is overstocked, it is jjrobably a mistake not to start out-apiaries. Tliere is much to be «i"aine(l in lia\in.ir as few ^■/i/(/s oi thinj^-s to do as i)ossil)le, and as Diiir/i o{ them as can be manajjed. The i)roportional cost of doin.i;- business is .ij-reatly lessened by increasing;" the volume. Another mistake is that of choosinj^- hi\es. implements and methods that are complicated and reijuiri' much time for their ma- nipulation. A most common irror in this direction is that of tryinj.^ to adapt hives to Arr.s-, to such an extent as to almost entirely ioor location can l)e changed to a good one by planting for honey. Those who thus imagine do not realize the vast area of bloom that is needed ti) produce a surplus crop of honey. The bees of an apiary, going 2'-' miles in every direction, scour a territory of about 12,000 acres. There is this to be said, however, if the soil, climate, and other conditions, are such that it is prolitable for farmers to raise such crops as yield honey, then they will be raised, and the acreage will be such Ih.it the yield of honey from tliem will be of benefit to an apiary in that locality. Note the buckwheat regions of New York and the alfalfa fields of Colorado as examples. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. ZO Tlhe HimlOl^eiiiC® ©f IL©caSfltyc ~\ N my earlier bee-keepinof years, I was often sorelj- puzzled at the diametrically opposite views often expressed by the different correspondents for the bee journals. In extenuation of that state of mind I may say that at that time I did not dream of the wonderful differences of locality in its relation to the management of bees. I saw, measured, weighed, compared, and considered all things apicultural by the standard of m^^ own home — Genesee County, Michigan. It was not until I had seen the iields of New York white with buckwheat, admired the luxuriance of sweet clover growth in the suburbs of Chicago, followed for miles the great irri- gating ditches of Colorado where they give life to the royal purple of the alfalfa bloom, and climbed mountains in California, pulling my- self up by grasping the sage brush, that I fulU^ realized the great amount of apicultural meaning stored up in that one little word — lora/ily. The basic principles of apiculture are the same the world oyer, but the management must be varied according to the locality. In the South and extreme West, the wintering of bees is easih^ accom- plished; it being necessar}^ onh', to see that the}- have sufficient food. As we go North, some protection must be given — either b}' packing or by the use of chaff hives. As we go still farther North, success- ful wintering is secured, as a rule, only by the use of first-class winter-stores, and putting the bees into a cellar. In Cuba and Florida the honey harvest comes in the cooler part of the year, or what corresponds to our Northern winter, and those varieties of bees that will breed late in the summer, even though little or no honey is coming in, are more desirable; as more popu- lous colonies are thus secured at the opening of wanter. In the Northern States, east of the Mississippi, the main honey-flow comes, D. H. HILL LIBRARY North Carolina State College 26 ADVANCED BKK CULTURE. o o bo c "C E O m H ADVANCKD BF:E CULTURK. 27 as a rule, earl}- in the summer. It may be very abundant, but is seldom of lon^- duration; for this reason those varieties of bees are preferable that rear brood very abundantly early in the season, and then slacken breeding: as soon as the main harvest bejjins. In some parts of the West the honey harvest is much Ioniser than in the East. There are no such rapid flows as we have here sometimes from bass- wood, but there is a steady flow that may last for months; the con- ditions beinjjf ideal for the production of comb honey, as there is abundant time in which to build combs for the storajje of the honey, fill them and seal them over. In the white clover and basswood regions, swarming- and the main honey-harvest come at the same time; in some parts of the Southwest, swarming comes on with the flow from the early, minor honey plants, and is almost entirely abandoned with the advent of the heavy honey-flow that comes on later. The question of large versus small hives, over which there have been so many spirited discussions, is largely one of locality. In the cooler regions, where the harvest is early and short, small hives find favor, especiall}- in comb honey production, while the large hive is a favorite in the warmer regions that are blessed with a long- honey- flow. Which the bee-keeper shall produce, comb, or extracted honey, is also larg-ely a question of locality. Where the main honey-flow is short, as it often is from basswood, sometimes lasting only a few- days, there is not time for the bees to build combs in the sections, till them, and cap them over, before the harvest is over and past. With full sets of drawn combs in the extracting-supers, a good crop of extracted honey maj- be secured within a week. Such conditions as these exist in man}- parts of Wisconsin. Where honey must be shipped long distances to market, as is the case in Cuba and Cali- fornia, one ver}- important reason for producing extracted honey is that there is so much less danger of damage in shipment. Dark hone}?^ is, as a rule, much more salable in the extracted form. When the flow is light but constant, and of long duration, as in Colo- rado, and the honey is white, comb honey production has its advan- tages, as honey is worth more when stored in sections than when taken in the extracted form. California furnishes the most immense crops of hone}- that are any where produced, but they are entirely dependent upon the rain- fall that comes in the winter. If the rains fail to come, the bee- keeper knows to a certainty that, not only will there be no surplus, but, unless the proper management is given, his colonies will perish from starvation. 28 ADVANCKI) liKK CFLTUKE. fc-«. * ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 29 In the buckwheat regfions of New York, not much dependence is placed ui)on the early honey-flows for securing a surplus. They enable the bees to breed up, and, as a rule, finish their swarminf^, before the buckwheat opens, when the main crop of the season is gfathercd. A colon}- so weak in the spring- that it would be nearly useless in a flow from clover or basswood, has abundant time in which to build up for the buckwheat honey-harvest. Then, again, there are localities near swamps, where the main flow comes verj- late, from fall-flowers, asters, and the like. The yield is often very abundant, but the quality is undesirable when used for winter-stores. If the cold confines the bees for several months upon such stores, they are almost certain to perish. The only remedy- is to extract the hone^- and feed sugar syrup; unless it might be that of brimstoning the bees in the fall, and buying more in the spring from some other locality, a course which has been fol- lowed successfully, as the long season for preparation allows of the building up of one colonv into several. It would be an easy matter to use pages in giving illustrations of the differences in localities, but it is unnecessary; the thing for the bee-keeper to remember is that if he changes his locality he must leave behind him many of his old notions and methods, and seek the advice of his new neighbors who have been successful. The veteran bee-keeper from the verdant hills of old Vermont would make a flat failure were he to bring his apiary to Colorado, and manage it the same as he has been accustomed to doing. A bee-keeper can not know his locality- too thoroughly. Some men succeed in localities where the majority- fail, and one reason is because their more thorough knowledge of the locality enables them to adopt methods more perfecth' adapted to the peculiarities of that location. Above all things, knozu your locality. 30 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE •est StocSl aiimdl InlcD^yy tt® SecuEire Itc Z>i pvlHPyRPy are only two varieties of bees worthy of consideration for use in the United States; in fact, they are about the only varieties now left here for consideration, and they are the Italians and the Germans, or blacks, as they are commonly called. The proliiic Syrians and the iierce, irritable Cyprians, have practically passed away on this side of the waters. These varieties of bees are very prolific, but undue jirolilicness is of no value— it is reall}^ objectionable for this part of the world. If ([ueens cost larj^e sums of money, there mig-ht be a shade of reason in desirinj^ those that are prolific; but, to the practical honey producer, they cost almost nothinfj; and by using- hives that are not too large, queens of ordinary prolificness will keei) the combs sufficiently filled with brood. The great ambition of these varieties seems to be to rear brood, instead of to store honey. Their only object in gathering honey appears to be that it may be used in rearing brood. They will rear brood until the last drop of honey in the hive is used. The Syrians also have the undesirable trait of filling the cells so full of honey, and capping it so poorly, as to give it a dark, watery api>ear- ance, which is very objectionable in comb hone^' production. Carniolans resemble the Syrians and Cyprians, so far as prolific- ness is concerned, but are very gentle, and cap their honey with a whiteness eijual to that capped by the blacks, but this disposition to expend their energies in breeding and swarming, has caused them to be discarded in their purity, although a few bee-keepers still pre- fer a cross between them and the Italians. In this matter of brood rearing, the Italians are unexcelled. During the spring months they push breeding with wonderful rapidity; but, as soon as the main honey harvest begins in earnest, breeding is greatly reduced, and most of the energy turned to the ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 31 gathering- and storing- of honey. It might be safely said that the Italians are the standard varietA- of this country. They are very gentle in disposition, remaining quietly on the combs when being handled, while there seems to be about them a peculiarly quiet, steady, energetic determination possessed b^- no other variety. Almost any variety of bees will do fair work gathering honej' when it is plentiful and near by, but when the flowers j'ield sparinglj-, and must be sought for far and wide, then it is that the Italians carry off the palm. For the production of extracted honey, the Italians are probably unexcelled, but in producing comb honey the blacks show two points of superiority. They are more willing to store their honey in the supers at some distance from the brood, and. in capping their honey, they leave a small space between the honeyand the cap- ping, which gives to the comb an almost snowy whiteness. The blacks are also more easily driven out of the supers with smoke, and more readih" shaken from the combs. They are very irritable while being handled, many taking wing, and others running about upon the combs, gathering in bunches and dropping off upon the ground. For the production of comb honey there is probably no better bee than a cross between the Italians and the blacks, at least, so far as results are concerned. They are energetic workers, willing and ready to store their honey in the supers, but, unfortunately, they are possessed of a very uneven temper. Either variety, black or Italian, in its purity, is easier to handle than is a cross between them. Modern bee culture, with its ''bait" sections of partly drawn combs, or the putting on of extracting supers at the opening of the season, then changing them for sections after a start has been made, has well-nigh overcome the objection of the Italians clinging to the brood nest, while much can be done b^' selection in breeding to over- come the trait of poor capping. In brief, if I were to engage in the production of either comb or extracted honey, I should adopt pure Italians; then, bj- selection in breeding, g-et rid of the undesirable traits, such as "watery" capping of the honey, inclination to build large quantities of brace-combs, undue swarming, etc. Every bee- keeper of experience, who has tried different strains of bees, knows that there is a great difference between different strains of even the same variet}^ A bee-keeper who is just starting in the business, or one alread}- in the business who has not taken such a course, ought to get queens from several of the best breeders, then adopt some easily kept but comprehensive system of recording the traits and peculiarities of each colony. The card system which has been so successfulh' adopted in so man3' ways, readily lends itself to this 32 ADVANCED BP:E CULTURE. use. If the bees of any colony prove vindictive, re-iiil(lers, or caj) their honey poorly, destroy the (iiiei^n and jifive them another. Do the same if they build larjji-e (juantities of "l)race-combs," or if they are unduly given to swarminjj:, or if they are poor honev j^atherers, or do not winter well. On the other hand, the desirable traits should be watched for and recorded, and queens reared from the (lueens of such colonies. Care oujjht also to be taken that no drones are reared, or allowed to fly, from undesirable stock, and pains taken to rear them in gfoodly numbers from the best stocks in the apiary. By pursuing this course, the bee-keeper will eventually build up a strain of bees that will be peaceable, hardy, good honey gatherers, and good comb builders. Well-directed efforts at improving his stock, carefully watching and recording the traits of each colony, getting rid of poor (|ueens and keeping the best, perhaps buying queens occasionally and comparing their progeny with the stock already on hand, always breeding from the best, such a course as this will i)rove the most i)rofitable of any which a bee-keeper can pursue. The wonder is that it is so grt-atl\ neglected. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 33 Tlie Clhiolc© ©IF b> Hive, ARLY in every bee-keeper's life must come the choice of a hive — and a perplexing question it often proves. Probably there is no "best hive" for all persons, locations and uses; in fact, a choice is usuallj^ more or less of a compromise; the relinquishinff of certain advantages for the sake of securing others considered more desirable. The tastes of a bee-keeper, his system of management, thejcind of honey produced, the method of wintering, the location, etc., all have a bearing upon the kind of hive that is most desirable; but the inducements must be great, indeed, that would lead a man to adopt an ocfd sized hive or frame. As to size of frame, it is probable that the Langstroth is the most widely used, is well-adapted to the production of both comb and extracted hone}', and its choice cannot be a serious mistake. With the choice of a frame, a decided step has been taken towards the choice of a hive; in fact, the most important question left to be settled, is the number of frames to be used in the hive. In those parts of the country blessed with along hone^^-flow, or if extracted honey is to be produced, hives holding 10 Langstroth frames are desirable. If bees are to be managed in out-apiaries, or upon any plan where thej^ are not to receive close and constant attention, large hives possess the advantage of containing sufficient stores to avoid danger from the bees starving in times of scarcity. The argument sometimes used in favor of large hives, that they give the queens more room to lais is decidedh' fallacious. We do not keep queens simply to "give them a chance to la3%" but to secure the prompt and thorough tilling of the brood-combs with eggs, and this is more sureh^ accomplished b}' using a hive of moderate si/,e, one below rather than above the laying capacity of the average queen. It is true that larger yields per colony may be secured with large hives, but not any larger yields 34 ADVANCED IJKK CULTURE. per comb. Where the honey-flow is short, or comb honey is pro- duced, a smaller hive, one holding- only eight Langstroth combs, has its advantages. The hive body for holding the frames need be nothing more than simply a box, with plain, square corners, without top or bottom, having rabbets on the upper, inner edg-es of the end-pieces, for sup- porting the frames. If a hive is nailed up with the heart side of the lumber out, it is less inclined to warp. A plain, simple board, cleated at each end, upon the under side, to prevent warping, with half-inch strips nailed along the two sides and back end, upon its upper surface, to support tln' lii\c, i^ thr iMiual of any bottom-board. ersons in dif- ferent locations, and considering the new features that have recently sj^rung up in bee-keei^ing, I have gradually come to the decision that if I were now starting in the bee business, I should not use the hori- zontalh-divisible hive. In my oi)inion, its greatest point of sujieri- ority is in i)racticing contraction of the brood-nest; Ijut so far as handling frames is concerned, there is no frame that approaches the plain, all-wood, hanging frame, and, in managing out-apiaries, in which case there is not time for using the bee-escai)e, this is a most decided advantage. In northern climates, l>ees need more i)rotection in \\ inter than is afforded by a single-wall hive. In Michigan this is best afforded by a cellar; further south, some kind of padding is i)robal)ly i)refer- able. Whether this packing shall be in the shape of the so-called chaff hive, or in something of a temi)()rar\ nature that can be re- moved in summer, is a i)oint upon which bee-keepers differ. It is ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 37 true that temporar}^ packing; calls for extra labor (but it does not come at a hurrying- time of the year), and there 7i'(is a time when it also resulted in some untidiness and unsig^htliness in the apiary dur- ing: the winter, but the neat outer case and improved methods of packing- that are now being- adopted, have removed the latter objec- tion, and greatly reduced the former. These methods of temporary packing- are cheaper than the chaff hives, while the advantag-e of having- ligfht, sing-le-walled hives during- the working- season, hives that can be picked up, handled, manipulated, tiered-up, carried, if advisable, to a distant or more desirable location — hives, in short, that can be handled in a way that means business — all these advan- tag-es are so g-reat that I should never think of adopting- the chaff hive. I know there are methods of manag-ement in which the un- wieldy, stand-still character of the chaff hive proves no obstacle; but such methods are not the most expeditious. In brief, my choice of a hive for Michigan is a simple, plain box with plain, all-wood hang-ing- frames — and I would wdnter the bees in the cellar. i)ivisibi.i;-bkood-chambi;k hive. ADVANCED BEK CULTURE. WITH the majority of frames in use, bees build little bits of combs between the top bars of the frames, and, extend- injjf the combs upwards, connect them with the cover of the hive, or the bottom of a case of sections, or whatever is next above the tops of the frames. These little bits of combs are called brace com1)s or burr combs. It is very unpleasant, unprofitable and untidy to lift off a case of sections, and, in so doin<>-, pull apart a net work of combs that connect the bottoms of the sections with the tops of the brood frames. The honey drips and daubs about and attracts robbers, if there are any to be at- tracted. The bits of combs must be sd'aju'd from the bottoms of the sections, and the muss cleaned up as best it may. The bee-keepin>i- fraternity is, I believe, indebted to Mr. James Ileddon for the modern honey board, which practically does away with all of this trouble from braci- combs. This honey board is simply a seriesof slats fastened to a frame as larjjre as the top of the hive, and i)laced over the brood nest. These slats are about S-K) of an inch thick, placed -^-i of an inch apart, and of such width and so arran«,'-ed that each opening- between them comes exactly over the center of the top bar of a brood frame below. In other words, the slats break joints Nvith the top bars of the frames below. As the tops of the frames are 'h of an inch below the level of the top of the hive, there is a -^n-inch space between the tops of the frames ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 39 and the bottom of the honey board. The outside rim or frame-work of the honey board is -^8 of an inch thicker than the slats, thus the surplus case is raised -^s of an inch above the slats of the honey board. In short, the honey board is a series of slats, 3« of an inch apart, placed between the brood nest and the supers, with a "bee space" both above and below the slats. In the space below, between the slats and the brood nest, the bees build brace combs /usi the same (IS i'Z'er, but, for S(>;//r reason, the space above is almost always left free from the disag-reeable brace combs. A case of sections can be lifted off as clean and free from daub as when first placed upon the hive. There have been more or less successful attempts to do away with the necessity for a honey board by using- wide, deep top bars, aeritra/ely spaeed; and while such an arrangement does away with a large share of the burr comb nuisance, I have yet to see a case in which there was not enoug-h of it left to warrant the use of a honey board. A slatted honey board is easil}' made queen ex- cluding by simply cutting- saw kerfs in the edg-es of the slats, and slipping strips of perforated metal into the kerfs between the slats. Whole sheets of zinc have been used as honey boards, but they are lacking- in rig- idity. They are likely to sag, bend or kink, thus de- ^''®''" Excluding Honey Board. stroying the perfection of the bee spaces. If a sheet sag-s, the space above becomes so large that there is a likelihood of comb being- built therein; while the space below becomes so small that propolis is placed between the zinc and the tops of the brood frames. The wood-zinc honey board is free from this defect. In the production of comb honey there is little need for a (lueen excluder over an old, established colony; but when a swarm is hived in a contracted brood chamber having- starters only in the frames, and given the supers of partly finished sections from the old hive, a (|ueen excluder is almost a necessity. The queen, finding- no combs in the brood nest, at once' invades the sections, where the bees soon clear out some of the cells for her to lay in, and, having begun her brood nest there, she is quite likely to remain there until consider- able comb has been built below. 40 ADVANCED BEP: CULTURi:. In the production of extracted honey, ijueen excluders are a g:reat convenience, if not a necessity. If they are not used, the brood is almost certain to be scattered through the supers, or upper stories; and ripe honey, ripe as it ought to be when it is extracted, cannot be thrown from the combs very rapidly or completely, with- out at the same time throwing out the brood. If brood is found in the upper story, it is, of course, sometimes possible to exchange such combs for the outside combs in the brood nest, if such can be found without brood, but all this takes time. To successfully con- duct an apiary, the fixtures and methods should be such that the work will move along smoothly, and in a systematic manner, with- out any "hitches." There is also another point to be considered in connection with the use of queen excluders when producing extracted honey, and that is the freeing of the supers of bees by the use of bee escapes. If the super contains brood and, perhaps, the (jueen, the bees could not be induced to desert bj' the use of an escape. If the\' did leave the brood, then something would have to be done with the brood, as already mentioned. In short, advanced bee culture has divided the hive into two distinct apartments — brood and surplus — and unless this division can be maintained, many i)roritable plans must be re- linquished. The (jueen excluding honey board enables the bee- keeper to thus set a boundary, beyond which tlie brood can not go. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 41 "^^^^OR making- sections, basswood is used to a greater extent ==^ than any other wood. It is the whitest, readily obtainable in manj- parts of the country, while it possesses the elas- ticity needed in the one-piece section. Its faults are that it shrinks and swells badly, becomes mildewed and discolored very easily, and any honey dropped upon it soaks in and leaves a stain. White poplar is the best wood for sections. It is whiter than bass- wood, very hard, does not shrink or swell readilv, and is not stained bj" contact with honey, or easily- soiled by handling-; but it lacks the elasticity necessarian the one-piece section. There are no hand- somer nor better sections made than the four-piece, white poplar, and the onh- valid objections that can be brought ag-ainst them are that they cost more and that more time is required in putting- them tog-ether, I am aware that I am alwaj^s pleading- for time-saving- fixtures, but there must be a distinction made between the hurry and bustle of swarming--time and the leisure of a winter's evening-; or between the time of an experienced apiarist and that of some bo}- or girl who can put tog-ether sections. The objections to the one- piece sections are that they can not be made of the most desirable wood; that, as usualh' made, they do not remain square when folded; and that they are made with "naughty" corners which g-oug-e into the honey when crating- it or removing- it from the crate. When separators are used, the latter objection is removed. The reason why the so-called "naug-htj^" corner is always found upon the one- piece, bee-way section is because the opening's in the top and bottom bars can not be cut clear through to the side bars, as the small lilm 42 ADVANCED BKK CULTURE. of wood left to hold top .ind side bar tojirether is then more likely to l)reak. When the openinj^ extends clear across, as in the four-piece section, tlic combs are more completely built out and attached to the top and bottom bars. The top and bottom bars of sections oug-ht to be -^H of an inch narrower than the side-bars. Usually, the top and bottom bars of sections are too wide, leaying- too narrow openings be- tween them. To put the matter in a few words, the one-piece, althouj^h possessinjif some faults, is cheaper and can be put tog-ether quicker than the four-piece, which costs more, but \s /'((/////rss. There is also another point that is coming rapidly to the front, and that is the scarcity of basswood timber. Possibly the same may be true of white poplar, but there are other white woods, hard maple, for instance, from which four-piece sections can be made. The standard size of sections is 4>4 x 4X inches; at least, this has been the standard for manj' years, and I think is yet, but there is considerable effort to place upon the market, and secure the adoption, of a tall section — about 4x5 inches. Its chief adyantage is in being more pleasing to the eye — possibly in conveying the im- ]M-ession that it contains more honey than a square form having the same amount of surface. Our windows, our books, our pictures, etc., are made oblong instead of s(|uare, because they are more pleasing to the eye, and, for the same reason, a tall section presents a more pleasing appearance than a square one, but I do not consider this point of sufficient imiiortance to warrant a bee-keeper in changing his fixtures in order that he may use the tall section. Thus far, in this chapter, we have been considi'ring what are called "bee-wav" sections, tho-;e in which the bees gfain access to them through insets, or "bee-ways,"' cut in the toj) and bottom bars of the sections, but, of late, there has been introduced a new style, called the "plain" section, in which there are no insets, it being- the same width all the way around. Sections of this style are held bee- space apart, and the bees admitted, by the use of what are termed "fence" separators, from thi'ir resemblance to a board fence. A fence separator is formed of slats about 's of an inch in thickness, held a bee-space apart by cleats glued, or nailed, in an ui)right position to their sides, 'l^hese cleats, or posts, are of such a thick- ness, and placed at such a distance apart, upon each side of the separator, that the edges of the side bars to the sections come against them, and are thus held out bee-si)ace from the slats. The principal advantage of i)lain sections and fence-separators is that the freer communication thus allowed the bees induces them, from some reason, to build out the combs fuller ai'ound the edgfes and corners, and attach them more perfectly to the sections. This ADVANCED BEP: CULTURE. (T) ■D ■^ 44 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. jjfives the finished product a more attractive appearance, and <>-reatly lessens the danj^fer of breakajife in shipment. Another ])oint, althoii<,'-h it may be a minor one. is that a plain section is filled IuIUt of honey; that is, the edjifes of the wood do not stand out so far above the surface of the comb as they do in the bee-waj' sections. A filled idain section has a plumi)er look than a bee-waj' section, the latter having: the appearance of being- only partly filled, A tall, plain sec- tion may not contain any more honey than a scjuare section of the bee-way type, but it (/p/>C(f/:< to contain more, and has, withal, a more attractive appearance. There is still another little point, and that is that a plain section offers special advantages in the matter of clean- ing it of propolis, as there is no inset to work into with the scraping knife. I do not, however, consider the advantages of the plain sec- tion sufficient to warrant any expensive change of fixtures in order that it may be adoi)ted. While I have produced tons of comb honey \\ithout the use of separators, and could do it again in this locality, I think I should use them were I ag^ain to engage in comb honey production; I know of no objection to their use, except that of cost, and I certainly would advise their use bj' the great mass of bee-keepers. In many locali- ties there are bee-keepers who can, without separators, produce sec- tions of honey that are tolerably perfect, straig-ht enough to be crated with a little care, but there is another end to the business — that of the retailer and his clumsy clerks who are not bee-keei>ers. Nothing discourages and disgfusts a retailer more than a lot of dauby, dripping, damaged sections. Perhaps I am a trifle old-fashionrd in some respects, and one, is that if I were to adopt the old-style, bee-way section, I should also adopt wide frames and tin separators. I may be notional, but the so-called section holders (wide frami's minus top bars) seem like an incomplete affair to me. When a wide frame is used the sections are protected on all sides, and come off" the hive in all their \irgin white- ness. By the addition of a top bar, thus making a \\\dc / n/zj/f, a tin separator can be used, when fussing; with separators ^ by their breaking and sjilitting) is done with for all time. To my mind, wide frames with tin separators furnish the most perfect method of adjusting bee-way sections on the hive; and, before closing, let me tell how to put the tins on in such a manner that they remain taut. Nail two blocks of wood upon the top of the work" bench at such a distance apart that the top and bottom bars of a wide frame ( after it has been put together) can just be "sprung" in between the blocks. ^I^his shortens the distanci' bi-tween tin- end bars. While held in this position, nail on thr si])arator. Upon removing the frame from ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 45 between the blocks, the top and bottom bars will straighten out, and in so doinj::, draw the tin as taut as a drum head. If a man can succeed, to his satisfaction, in producing- comb honey without separators, then I know of no more desirable super than the old-st^'le Heddon. This is a box, without top or bottom, the size of the top of the hive, and a bee-space taller than the height of the sections, having upright, wooden divisions, as wide as the sec- tions are tall, put in crosswise of the case and at such a distance apart that a row of sections will just nicely slip down between. Flat against the lower edge of each division is nailed a strip of tin 1-4 inch wider than the partition is thick. The edges of the tin, pro- jecting out ^8 of an inch, on each side, be^'ond the sides of the divis- ion boards, afford a support for the sections. I have used hun- dreds of these supers for years; in fact, produced nearly all of my comb honey in them, and, if a man prefers the old style, bee-way sections, and does not care to use separators, this super is simph' .perfection. To sum up this chapter in a few words, m^^ preference is for a tall, plain, four-piece section of white poplar, used with fence separators. 46 ADVANCED BKP: CULTURE. AirrsiiniMeinnieinit ©f Msves Siimc Dininia N a small apiary, the matter of arran«::ement is not of j^reat im- portance, but as the number of colonies beliia^e ff©r HALL we shade our bees? If so, why, when, how ? Some bee-keepers do not shade their hives; others do. Why do they do it ? Is it really necessary ? Do they thereby secure more honey ? These are pertinent questions to which it is difficult to g-ive definite answers, but about which it is advisable to know all that is known. The temperature of a colonj^ of bees in summer, when brood is being- reared, is nearlj^ 100 degrees. Until the temperature in the sun reaches this point, shade is no benefit; rather it is an injury, as it deprives the bees of the warmth of the sun at a time when it would be of some benefit. When the temperature in the sun g^oes above 100 deg"rees, and beg^ins to climb up to 110 deg^rees, 120 deg^rees, 130 deg-rees, f/icn the effort on the part of the bees is to lower instead of raise the temperature of the hive. Crowds of bees stand at the entrance of the hive, and with their wing^s create strong", ventilating- currents of air. It has been asserted that the bees leave the combs of honey well-nigh forsaken when the temperature is very hig-h; the reason given being- that the combs can be kept cooler when not covered with bees. I have also read and been told that bees would "hang- out," that is, cluster upon the outside of the hive, instead of working-, if their hives were left unshaded during- a hot daj-; that the3^ are compelled to thus desert their hives to save their combs from destruction. I have always kept my hives shaded during- hot weather, hence cannot speak from experience upon this point; but, if it is true, then it would seem that shade, in very hot weather, is both desirable and profitable. This much I have noticed, that weak colonies, nuclei, for instance, seldom make any demonstration of discomfort from heat, even when left unshaded, while strong- colo- 58 ADVANCED BP:E CULTURE. nies are puffin j^: and blowinjjf like the runner of a foot-race. Why is this? Isn't it because the strong colony is suffering- from the accu- mulation of its own heat — that generated by itself — that can not escape fast enough ? If this is true, why isn't a chaff hive the most insufferably hot place imaginable for a colonj' of bees in hot weather ? Possibly the point is just here: the bees in the chaff hive have to contend with their own heat only, while those in the single- wall hive have that from the sun in addition to theirown. The thick walls act as a sort of absorbent of heat; taking it up during the day, and gradually giving it up during the cool of the night. Let this be as it may, a colony can be kept the coolest in a thin-wall hive in the shade. How do we keep cool in hot weather ? We wear tliin clothing, and lie in the hammock in the shade. A colony of bees is a living, heat-producing body, and can be kept cool in the same man- ner that we keep our bodies cool, viz., let its clothing (hive) be thin, with a free circulation of air upon all sides, above and below, and then protect it from the sun's rays. The color of the hives has a great bearing upon the necessity for shade. Black, or a dark color, absorbs heat, while it is reflected or repelled by white. I have seen the combs melt down in an old, weather-beaten hive that stood in the sun, but I never saw them melt in hives painted white, even if standing in the sun. There is still another point that has a bearing upon the (juestion under discussion, and that is the circulation of air about the hives. I have read of combs melting down in hives standing in shade so dense that the sun never shone upon them. The trouble was that grow- ing corn on one side, and dense brush upon the other, made it so close that no air circulated. Shade is not needed in the spring, fall, morning or evening. The only time that it is needed, if it /> needed, is the middle of our hottest days; and some temporary, ((uickiy adjustable, easily remov- able shade is preferable to an attempt to furnish a permanent shade by growing evergreens, grape vines and the like. In fact, a perma- nent shade, like that furnished by an evergreen, is an injury in spring, robbing the bees of the benefit to be derived from the heat of the sun. In fact, I know of nothing better than a light Ijoard, 2 x .^ feet in size, laid upon the top of the hive. One of the longest edges of the board is placed parallel and even with the north edge of the top of the hive, the opposite edge of the board projecting beyond the hive. This shades the hive when shade is needed, and only when it is needed, — in the middle of the day. In a windy situation it may be necessary to lay a brick or stone upon this board to keep it in place. Don't imagine that hooks or something of that Ixind will be prefer- ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 59 able for holdinj^- the shade-boards in place. A weight is the simplest, cheapest and most convenient. I make these shade-boards by nail- ing- the thick ends of shingles to a piece of inch board four inches wide and two feet long. They cost only live cents each, and, in the fall, the}- can be tacked together, forming packing boxes in which to pack the bees for wintering. For the comfort of the apiarist, it is well to have a few scatter- ing trees in the apiary-, but let their branches be trimmed to such a height that they will not be knocking off his hat, or gouging out his eyes. Perhaps this whole matter of shade might be summed up some- thing as follows: If the apiary is located where the cool breezes can fan the heating sides of the hives, wafting awaj" the heat ere it ac- cumulates, and a broad, generous entrance is furnished each tidy, -white hive, I am persuaded that shade is not so very essential; but, if the hives are dark in color, or the apiary- located where there is not a free circulation of air, I feel sure that shade is an absolute necessitj- to prevent the combs from melting, if for nothing else. ROYAL PALMS OF CDBA. 60 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. Co^m^racilnoim of tllbe Biroodl B^e^tc Ly\ rns/ucss will find it to his advantage to allow each colony to swarm once, if it ~uw7/, (and no more ) then make the most out of the swarm. Whether the swarm and the old colon}' shall be again merged into one, depends upon the desirability of increase. A YOUNG bkk-ki:epfk. 74 ADVANCED BEP: CULTURE. Tlhe Hnvlim^ of Beej 'ATURAL swarmin.uf, with its uncertainties, anxieties, and vexatious losses, is destined to eventually become a thing" of the past. Methods of controllinj^ increase, i:)reventin/t/y in / he yard, and can be broug^ht under control. When swarming" is allowed, I believe that the majority of ad- vanced bee-keepers now hive their swarms by having the (jueens' wings clii)ped, and allowing the bees to return to their old location, which they will do when they find the queen is not with them. Of course the queen ci//ciiit>/^ to folU)w the bees, and is found in front of the hive by the bee-keeper, who cages her, and sets the old hive to one side, replacing it with a new hive ]irepared for the occupancy of the swarm. When the bees return, they enter the new hive, supposing it to be their old home, thus hiving themselves. While they are entering the hive, the (jueen is allowed to run in with them — and the work is done. There is another method of carrying out this principle; that of catching" the queen in a trap in front of the hive. The lower part ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 75 of the trap is covered with perforated zinc, the perforations being- of such a size that the workers can pass, but not the queen. When a swarm issues, the queen attempts to follow, and, eventually, finds, and passes through, a cone-shaped opening- in the upper part of the trap. Here she finds herself trapped in another apartment, as the chance that she will find the narrow mouth of the cone, and return, is as one in a thousand. The use of the trap saves clipping the queen's wing, also the looking for her when the swarm is out, to- gether with the possibility of her being lost. The objections to the trap are its cost, a slight hindrance to the bees passing- out and in, and its interference, somewhat, with the ventilation of the hive. A trap placed over the entrance of a hive containing a newly hived swarm will prevent loss if the swarm attempts to abscond. If only one swarm would issue at a time, there would be no diffi- culty at all in managing- swarms with clipped queens. When two or more swarms come out at the same time, and no water is thrown be- tween them, they are almost certain to unite. After circling- about for awhile, the bees return. If each bee would return to its old location, all would be well; but when the bees of one swarm begin to go back, a large share of the bees in the air follow them. A few bees from each swarm, even if several swarms have united, will return to their respective homes, but the majority will "follow my leader." It is impossible to give any set rules to be followed in such emergencies. If only two swarms have united, the bees may be allowed to enter the new hive until it is estimated that one-half the bees are in the hive, when it may be set upon a new stand, and given one of the queens, then another hive set upon the old stand and the rest of the bees be allowed to enter. It should not be forgotten that, as a rule, other things being- equal, a bee is worth as much in one hive as in another. Some bee-keepers, when several swarms come to one place, take supers from other hives, where the bees are working- none the best, and place them upon the hive where the bees are entering. As soon as the supers are full of bees they are returned to the hives from whence they were taken. A colony made unusually strong by uniting swarms, will store more honey, but will be no stronger at the end of the season. Another plan of managing-, where several swarms come out at the same time, is not to allow the bees to return to their old locations, but put the caged queens in baskets, each (jueen in a separate basket, and hang the baskets on the branches of a tree where the bees show a disposition to congregate. The bees soon find and cluster about the queens in the baskets. As soon as a queen is found with sufficient bees to form a good swarm, remove the basket 76 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. to a shady place, and cover with a cloth. Then remove the next basket that secures the proper (|iiota, and so on to the end. Or the bees may be allowed to cluster about a sing-le cjueen in a sing-le basket, then the cluster divided up, and each division furnished a queen. When natural swarming' is allowed in a large apiary, and there is some one in constant attendance during the swarming season, I know of no more satisfactory method of managing than b}' the use of a swarm-catcher. With this arrangement there is no catching of queens, no climbing of trees, nor mixing of swarms — the control is perfect. The catcher is a light frame-work, about three and one- half feet long, sixteen inches S(iuare at the large, or outer, end, then tapered down to about three by sixteen inches at the small end. The outer end is closed with a removable door covered with wire cloth. The rest of the frame is covered with canvas or ducking. The small end is so made that it fits nicely to the entrance of a hive, and a portion of the cloth covering extends bej^ond the small end, and forms a sort of flap that can be drawn over the mouth of the catcher, and fastened to keep the bees in after the^^ have entered. In a large apiar^^ there ought to be as many as half a dozen catchers scattered about the yard. When a swarm is seen issuing, a catcher is quickl}' adjusted to the en- trance of the swarming-hive. In five minutes the whole swarm is in the catcher, when the catcher is closed and set in the shade, or car- ried to some cool place, like a cellar. The (jueen is usually among the last to leave the hive, so there is seldom a failure in catching" her. If swarms come thick and fast, there is no objection to leaving the swarms several hours without hiving, provided they are not left in the sun. Although there is probably no necessity for it, they can be kept two days in a cellar. When the bees have been "cooled down" in this manner, and are then shaken down in front of the hive that is to be their home, they march in with scarcelj' a bee taking" wing. Where some one can be in attendance, the swarm-catcher reduces the hiving business to an exact system. While I do not approve of old fashioned swarming, with undip- ped queens, in a larg"e apiary, still, if a man ivill persist in following that plan, I will give him the best advice that I can; and, by the way, I can speak from experience, as I clung to that method until its dis- advantages forced me to abandon it. When queens are allowed to accompany swarms, -water \^ the great agent hy which the bees can be controlled. Quite a number of pails filled with water should be kept standing in different parts of the apiary. There ought, also, to ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 77 be three or four barrels of water standing- about the apiary. Wait- ing-one-quarter of a minute for water, sometimes means the loss of a swarm, For throwing- the water, Whitman's fountain pump is the best. With this a stream of water can be thrown 30 or 40 feet. If two swarms issue at the same time, thej- can frequently be kept apart by the use of the pump. It is not necessary to throw a stream of water directly into the center of a swarm, but along one side of it, with a sort of sweeping movement of the arm, that makes the stream fall in a sort of shower. The bees dislike water and edge away from it. In this waj' thej^ can be driven in an^' direction. Two or three pails of water thrown in this manner upon a swarm seems to disconcert the bees, and the}- begin looking for an alig-hting place. If the operator once has a swarm well in hand, there is plenty of water, and he knows how to use it, it is well nigh impossible for a swarm to get away. When queens are allowed to accompany swarms, there oug-ht to be no tall trees near the apiary, as the swarms zt-/// cluster where it is difficult, even dangerous, to get them. It should be possible to reach the tops of all trees with a long, light ladder. If the tops of the trees can all be reached from a step ladder, so much the better. Besides the pails of water, the fountain pump, and ladders, the bee- keeper will need three or four baskets. Clothes baskets are ex- cellent. Upon one side should be sewed a cover of burlap. When the swarm has been shaken into the basket, the cover can be thrown over the top of the basket, and will keep the bees from fl^'ing out. Blocks of wood nailed to the corners of the cover hold it from being blown off or from dropping into the basket, should the bees cluster upon the cover. If set in a cool place, a swarm may be left in such a basket several hours. When the hive is in readiness to receive the swarm, the cover to the basket may be turned back, and the bees shaken down in front of the hive. A few of the bees soon find the entrance, and set up their "call" of a home is found, when the others follow them into the hive. If another swarm comes out, and attempts to join the one just entering its hive, a large sheet ma}" be thrown over the hive. Where several swarms come out at the same time and unite, the best that can be done is to divide them up as nearh^ equal as possible, into several swarms. When a queen is found she is to be cag-ed. Any swarm that has no queen will soon show its queenlessness by its restlessness. The bees will beg-in running out of the hive and taking wing. One of the caged queens should then be given such a swarm, when, as by magic, the bees will change their behavior and go into the hive. 78 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. Wt Cluster of Naturally Built Queen Cells From One of Which a Queen Has Hatched. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 79 ^©nmmerclsil Qmeeini Meenrln! OMMERCIAL ([ueen rearing- is most decidedU^ a distinct branch of apiculture; as different from hone\' production as one profession is from another. Tunc isamost important factor in the rearing- of queens; hence it is only in the South, where the seasons are long, that the business can be carried on at the greatest profit. It has been almost entirely abandoned in the Northern States, as a man with a good location for honey can make more money i)roducing honej' than he can rearing c^ueens. He might make more money per colony rearing (/ueens than in honey production, but he can care for so many more colonies when they are worked for honey, that there is no comparison between the two in the short seasons of the North. A resident of the North occupy- ing a location affording a light but continuous flow of honey through- out the season, might be justified in rearing queens instead of pro- ducing honey, but he could never rear the number of queens that he might rear in the South, simply because the seasons are not long- enough. The income from (jueen rearing is more of a certainty than that from honey production. If the blossoms yield sparingljs no surplus can be secured, but nearly, or quite, as many queens can be reared. Although a steady, moderate flow of honey is the most desirable for queen rearing, yet queens can be reared at a profit by feeding- the bees. In no branch of apiculture has there been such decided chang-es and improvements, in the last few years, as in that of queen rearing-. Instead of scattering clusters of queen cells built upon some irreg-u- larity of the comb, artificially made cells are attached in a long row 80 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. I to a stick, supplied with tin}- larvae, built out and cared for in a colony that has not even been deprived of its queen; and, best of all, the fertilization of a queen is now secured by using- a mere handful of bees, where once were used at least two full-sized combs and a quart or two of bees. For making- the artificial cells there is needed a "dipping-stick," which is a round stick, 5-16 of an inch in diameter, with a peculiar taper at one end. The tapering- part should be about 5-16 of an inch long, reduced rapidly for the first /i of an inch, and then gradually reduced to the end. It should slip into a worker cell Vs of an inch before filling- the mouth of the cell. These dipping- sticks can be made with a lathe, from any kind of hard wood. Heart-cedar is best, as the water is slow to penetrate it, con- sequently, there is a little swelling-. To dip the cells, bees- wax must be kept just above the melting- point by placing the dish containing it over a lighted lamp. Keep a little water in the dish, as this will be a guide to the temperature. No bubbling should be allowed. The stick, after being thoroughly soaked in water, is dipped rather less than /4 inch deep into the wax; four dips usually completing the cell and attaching it to the wooden bar upon which it is to be sup- ported while in the hive. Dip three times, then loosen up the cup on the stick, then dip again, and immediately press the base of the cell upon the stick at the point where it is de- sired to have the cell remain. The cooling of the wax at- taches the cell to the stick. If the stick or slat to which the cells are to be attached is soaked in melted wax until the fry- ing or bubbling ceases, before attempting to attach the cells, the}' will adhere much better. If the queens are to be allowed to hatch while the cells are still attached to the stick, they being protected by some sort of a nursery, then there must be some kind of notches, or marks, on the stick to guide the operator in getting the cells attached at exactly the right places. An excellent method of managing this part of the business is to have a whole "battery" of dipping sticks thrust through holes bored at regular intervals in a wooden bar, when the whole row of cells can be dipped at only one operation. Five of these "batteries" can be kept in operation at one time; by the time the last one has been dipped, the first one has cooled sufficiently to be dipped again. After the fourth dip, while the wax is still hot and soft, the bases of the cells are pressed down upon the stick. As soon as the wax has cooled enough so that the cells will stick to the wooden slat, the slat is lowered into the wax until the wax covers it from end ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 81 82 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. to end, then dipped into water to harden the wax sufficiently so that the wax will not twist when the sticks are removed. Each stick is removed separately by turninjif it back and forth while it is beinjjT slightly withdrawn. Right here let me say that much of the material in this chapter is taken from articles furnished the Bee-Keepers' Revitw by Mr. W. H. Pridgen, of Creek, North Carolina, and his plan of furnishing these cell-cups with young larvae is that of transferring the lining to the bottom of a cell, with the larva lying undisturbed upon the lining. Somebody has called it "taking up the baby, cradle and all." To make a success of this, the comb must be old enough so that the outside of the cocoon is black and glossy. By shaving down the cells with a keen edged knife, slightly heated, until the walls of the cells are only about 's of an inch in depth, it is an easy matter to remove a cocoon with the accompanying larva. In fact, by bending the piece of comb back and forth the cocoons can often be forced to drop out of their own accord. To take up these tiny larvae, and transfer them to the cups, nothing is better than one of the dipping sticks already described. By making a little funnel shaped cavity in the opposite end from that used in dipping the cells, the larva and cocoon can be lifted by pressing this cavity down over them, much as a gun cap is pressed down over the tube. After placing the end of the stick in one of the cups, a slight pressure and a little twist, leaves the cocoon snugly ensconced in the bottom of the cell-cup. There will be better success in having the cups accepted, and better results will be secured, if they first be given to bees deprived of both queen and unsealed brood from six to twelve hours previously. Nursing then begins the moment that cells are given. There are several methods of securing such conditions, but one excellent plan is to fill a hive with combs of brood, and set it over another colony, putting a (lueen excluder between the two stories. After the brood is all sealed in the upper story, it is placed ujxm a new stand, the queen cells cut out ( if any there are), and one or two combs re- moved to make room for the frame in which is fastened the row, or rows, of prepared cells. After the bees have been left (jueenless for a few hours, they are ready to accept the cell-cui)s iiistaiil/y. If al- lowed to do so, these bees would, of course, go on and comi)lete the cells, but, after the work is nicely started, it has been found that the}' and the adhering bees may be i)laced in the upper story of an ordinary cok)ny, when the bees will go on and complete them, pro- vided, the (lueen is kei)t in the lower story by means of a (|ueen-ex- cluder. It is a singular fact that if one portion of the brood nest of ^ colony of bees is partitioned off with a queen excluder, the bees in ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 83 that portion shut off from the between them so tig-htlv that it can not move. The outside surface of the frame becomes a part of the box, and all is held fast b}- a spring- hook and staple at the top. An entrance for the bees is made in the end-bar of the frame b^' boring a hole with a 5-16 bit. A little button of sheet-zinc is fastened near the entrance. One end of the button is solid, closing the entrance, while the other end has a single, queen-excluding slot. When the button is turned crosswise, the entrance is left wide open. To get these little combs of honej" for the baby nuclei, frames are made to fit crosswise in an 8-frame, half-depth super, and old combs are transferred into them and given to ordinary- colonies dur- ing a honey flow. Of course, sheets of foundation ma^- be used, but old combs, well-attached, are preferable. Equipped with as many of these boxes, alreadv prepared, as we have virgin queens in our nurseries, we proceed to shake all of the bees from the combs of a populous, giieeiilcss colony- (after first making the bees fill themselves with honey), putting the beeless combs into an empt}- hive, and setting it upon the old stand, to which enough bees will return to care for the brood. The old hive, con- taining the hone^-laden, queenless bees, is now moved to some shad}', convenient spot, where, with a small tin cup, we dip from the cluster a small wad of bees, sa^- about the size of anunhulled walnut, containing about 100 to 150 bees, never more than 200, open one of the little boxes, and pour the bees right into the box. upon the comb of honey, close the box, snap the hook, and lay it aside. We keep on dipping and filling until all of the boxes are filled. The bees being loaded with honey, dip niceh'; and. not being able to climb the smooth, inside of the cup. they handle about like so manv beans. Soon the bees in the boxes are all buzzing and roaring, and thus lamenting their queenlessness and confinement, when we are ready to introduce the virgin queens, which is done by running them into the 5-16 inch, round entrances to the boxes. AVhen the virgins are all run in. and the entrances closed, the boxes may lie in the shade until the evening of the next day. or even 48 hours, and no harm will result. The bees, being queenless aud confined. alwa^'S accept the virgin queen, regardless of her age. or from whence she has come. Within 24 hours, the bees in each bab}- nucleus have concluded that escape is impossible, and. resolving that "what can't be cured must be endured," they accept the situation, together with the queen, and quiet down. Later the nuclei may be carried out 300 or 400 yards, and the entrances opened as the nuclei are scattered under the brush, lodged in the forks of trees, or pitched into the 88 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. weeds-anywhere, in any position, only be sure they are in the shade, where they remain a few days until the queens are laym*,-. These little, miniature swarms with virgin (lueens behave very much like newly hived swarms. Queenless when caged, and re- maiming 24 hours with a virgin queen,. every bee seems to consider the box as home, and one or two bees are always on guard at the entrance. \ **-»»-rt-'- ♦ y Cell-Cups, Completed Cells, and Queen r To gain time, the virgin ([ueens are, as a rule, several days old | when introduced to the nuclei, hence are ready to fly the next day after the nuclei are distributed. The third day after, the little zinc slots can be turned over the entrances so as to allow the workers to fly, but to retain the queens, thus preventing absconding. As soon ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 89 as another batch of virgin queens is read\% these little boxes, when emptied of bees, are readj^ to be re-tilled and used as before. Another advantage of this method is the ease with which queens may be mated to select drones. It is the transportability of the nuclei that allows this. A man can carry from 15 to 25 on his arm, like a load of stove wood; or hundreds of them may be piled into a spring- wag-on, together with a colony of choice drones, and carried fJT'^' used by W. H. Pridgen. of Creek, N, C. out three or four miles from any other bees. Possibly the next day every queen will mate, and that to the very drones of our choice, when all may be brought in, and, if so desired, queens and drones of another race may then be mated upon the same ground. Another thing, when the baby nuclei are carried away from all other bees, to 90 ADVANCED BKE CULTURE. the "matin, and the boxes tilled with a fresh lot of bees. With all of the advantages of the "baby nucleus" system, there is one serious drawback, and that is of the nuclei being robl)ed at a time when no honey is coming in. During a honey flow, or if the nuclei are in an isolated location, this system is well-nigh jierfection, but, under other conditions, the old-style, well-stocked nuclei have their advantages. It might also be added that while the old-style nuclei recjuire more bees, they can also be managed with less labor after they are once established. I certainly consider the old system of sufficient importance to describe it. In the first place, let me say that nothing is gained with any system by beginning tjueen rearing too early in the season. Wait until the weather is warm and settled and the colonies populous. In this latitude. May 10th is, as a rule, early enough to start (jueen cells. The first nuclei that are formed sh(nild be more i^ojnilous than they may be used later in the season. Three combs are none too many to use at first; later these nuclei may be divided. About three or four days before the first batch of (jueens are to hatch, enough colonies should be made (jueenless to furnish l)ees for the nuclei, as (lueenless bees adhere much better to a new location. Many of the old bees will return, but, as most of the brood is sealed, enough bees (if they are queenless) will remain. When making up the nuclei, if the bees have been (jueenless, I would give each nucleus a cell nearly ready to hatch, or else a young (|ueen, at the time of making the nuclei, as it seems to be something of an in8, and the comb upon each side is sealed, the bees, especially if crowded, will construct comb upon the sealed surface of the other comb, which g-ives it a very botchy appearance. If the comb at one side of the space is sealed, and the other not, the sealed comb will be undisturbed, while the unsealed cells upon the other side will be leng-fhened out until the space between the two combs is reduced to about ^)s. If, in this instance, the sealed comb is smooth and even, and in the rig-ht place as reg-ards the section as a whole, all will be well; but, if it be concave or convex, the unfinished comb facing- it will be drawn out in conformity with the surface of the finished comb. If two un- finished surfaces, in the same stag-e of completion, are broug-ht facing each other near the center of the super, they will be drawn out and sealed straight and true and alike; if they are near the out- side, the chances are that the comb nearest the center of the super will grow faster than the one farther out, and a bulge will be the 106 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. result. Combs near the center of the super are drawn out quicker and finished sooner than those at the outside and corners; hence I place at the outside those sections that are the nearest completion; and especially do I take pains to have sealed surfaces come next to the sides of the super, while combs that are the farthest from com- pletion are placed in the center. By this manajirement, all of the combs are finished at about the same time. Unless some of the combs begin to show sig-ns of travel-stain, it is better to leave on the super until all, or nearly all, of the sections are completed, for, as the combs near completion, this matter of adjustment becomes more difficult. When separators are used, all of these troubles vanish. When foundation is used, and comb honey produced, "right from the stump," so to speak, by the feeding of extracted honey, we have none of this patching, bulging difficulty to contend with, as all of the combs grow alike; and some of the finest, straightest, plump- est and most handsome comb honey can thus be produced that the eye ever beheld; but I have never found it profitable, except by plac- ing a few cases on top, near the close of finishing up a lot of un- finished sections, to give the bees room, and thus induce them to seal up nearly finished combs, as has been already explained. I know of only two objections to the feeding back of extracted honey. One is that "fed honey" has a slightly different taste from that stored directly in the combs from the flowers. There seems to be a sort of "off" taste, or lack of flavor. 'I'his lack of fine flavor is not very pronounced, but it can be noticed by those who are experi- enced in the matter. It is possible that this taste comes from the thinning of the honey and the handling of it about in different ves- sels, as well as the continued use of a wooden feeder. The other objection to "fed honey" is that it will candy much quicker than other honey. When the sections are nearly completed, and feeding is done simply to have them completed and sealed over, the propor- tion of "fed honey" is so small that these objections are not very serious. "Fed honey" ought to be sold early and in a market where it will be consumed before it candies. Taking one year with another, I have secured about two pounds of comb honey from the feeding of three pounds of extracted. With the right kind of weather and colonies, I have done much bet- ter— secured four pounds from the feeding of five. The advantages of feeding back honey can be stated in a few words: Comb honey is more salable, and at a higher price, than ex- tracted, and if the latter can be changed into the former at no great expense, there are quicker sales and greater profits. The greatest ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. lOV advantag-e, however, is in securing- the completion of nearly finished sections. I think that the feeding back of extracted honey is on the wane, as bee-keepers are learning how to greath' lessen the number of un- finished sections at the end of the season; and my object in de- scribing the practice is not to recommend it for general use, but to furnish the necessary instructions should circumstances arise mak- ing it desirable to follow them. When bees require feeding in the fall, almost any kind of feeder will answer the purpose. If nothing better is at hand, a tin pan, or any open dish, may be set in an upper story, and a piece of burlap laid in the feed as a float for the bees to stand upon. A good-sized feeder, one that will hold from 15 to 20 pounds, like the Heddon, for instance, greatly facilitates the work, however. Bees can be fed with the Heddon feeder when it is so late and cool that no other feeder would answer. Fill the feeder with hot syrup, as hot as it can be and not burn the bees, then set the hive ozr?' the feeder, when the heat from the syrup will warm and rouse up the clustered bees, and the}' will come down and carrj' up the feed in short order. The idea seems to prevail that all winter stores must be sealed. This is an error; and probabl}" arose from the fact that late-gathered stores are often of poor qualit}' — not because the^^ may be left un- sealed, but from the qualitj^ itself. A g^ood, thick syrup made from granulated sugar is an ideal winter food whether it is sealed over or not; in fact, bees in a warm cellar may be successfulh" wintered on sugar sj^rup supplied to them daih' by means of a feeder. A large, flat cake of candy laid over the cluster, and covered with enameled cloth, with packing of some kind over that, is a handier method of winter-feeding; but, aside from that, is not superior to the use of syrup, when the bees are in a warm cellar, but it would be out of doors. In closing, let me caution the bee-keeper to beware whence comes the honej- that he feeds. Let him be sinr that it contains no germs of foul brood. To buj- hone}' in the open market and feed it to the bees would be a most risky proceeding. For stimulative feed- ing, and for winter stores, better buy sugar. It is cheaper, safer and better — especially so for winter stores. 108 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. Tlhie Pir©dl^cta©]ni ©f Commlb ]nl©imey< HAVING now considered some of the most important points in modern bee culture, such as locality, hives, supers, sec- tions, increase, feeding", varieties of bees, use of comb foundation, etc., let us begin at the opening of the season, and go briefly over the ground, showing the relation of these differ- ent features to one another, as the}- are employed in the production of comb honey. We will suppose that the early spring has passed; that the bees have received sufficient protection; been supplied with ample stores; and that the hives are now teeming with life as we stand upon the threshold of the main honey flow. And right here let me say that unless the colonies arc strong and populous, simply overflowing with bees, it is folly to expect a paying crop of comb honey. If there is any time when weak colonies may be united to advantage, it is at the opening of the main harvest, when comb honey is to be the product. Better gather together, into one hive, three-fourths, or even all, of the bees and brood from two, three, or even four, hives, and thus have one rousing colon}-, than to attempt to secure a crop of comb honey with weaklings. A comb or two of brood and bees, and a queen, left in a hive at the beginning of the harvest, will build up into a good colon}' by fall, and, possibl}', store some honey that may be extracted. No matter how it is accomplished, one thing is inipcrafivc^ and that is that the brood nest be crowded with bees and brood at the opening of the honey harvest. This condition tends greatly to make the bees begin jjromptly to store honey in the supers. And this is important, as, otherwise, the bees are inclined to crowd the brood nest with honey as the bees hatch out, also to "loaf," and develop the "swarming fever," If bees ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 109 can be induced to beg-in working- in the sections at the opening of the main honey flow, it relieves the "pressure," so to speak, upon the brood nest, which results in more brood, while the turning- of the energies of the colony into the storing of hone}-, does much to keep down the swarming fever. The g-reatest attraction that can be placed in the supers is that of drawn comb. Unfinished sections saved over from the previous season are excellent for this purpose. As has been explained in a previous chapter, the hone}- must be ex- tracted, and the bees allowed to clean up the combs, when the latter must be packed away in supers where no dust nor mice can get at them. I have gfiven supers full of these parth- drawn combs to col- onies, (one super to a colony) and had these combs filled and capped, and ready to come oflf. just as other colonies supplied with sections containing- foundation only, were only making- their first start in the supers. In this case, a super of partly drawn combs was worth as much as a case of finished honey. There is, however, a still better method of managing this part of the business. It is that of putting- on an extracting super first, and when this is filled and removed, the bees are always ready to g-o to work in the sections ii)ii)icdiatcly. For this purpose, shallow supers are preferable; those containing frames half the depth of the regular brood frame being the size that is usually employed for this purpose. The greatest objection to the use of the full-sized combs is that it requires so much honey to fill a super of them, that it would materially reduce the crop of comb hone}-. The use of a shallow extracting super removes this objec- tion. Again, the beginning of the white honey flow is sometimes mixed with an earlier, darker flow, and the taking of the first of the white flow in the extracted form, insures the perfect whiteness of all honey stored in the sections. Still further, these half-depth, ex- tracting supers can be used to fully as great advantage at the end of the harvest as at the beginning — perhaps to greater advantage. As the time approaches for the close of the harvest, instead of giving more sections, simply set on top of the sections one of these half- depth, extracting supers. If more honey comes in than is needed to fill and complete the sections already on the hive, it will "over- flow." so to speak, into the extracting super that is on top; thus the honey that would otherwise go to the making of a lot of unfinished sections, is secured in the extracted form. Getting extracted honey at the opening and closing of the season, as just explained, certainly has some very decided advantages. It leads the bees to begin work promptly in the supers at the opening of the season, keeps all "mixed" honey out of the sections, and practically does away with unfinished sections at the end of the season. 110 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. When the first case of sections placed on the hive at the begfin- ning of the harvest is partly finished, it is raised, and another case placed between that and the hive. At what stage of completion the sections should be when a second case is added depends upon how crowded the bees are and the rate at which honey is coming in. I usually add another super when the sections in the one next the hive are from one-half to two-thirds completed. I have not found it prof- itable to tier up sections more than three supers in height. As a rule, the upper super is read\' for removal before it is necessary to add a fourth. If it is not, and honey is coming in rapidly, I would transfer it, bees and all, to some other colony having a less number of cases, rather than tier up four cases high. With any system in which the sections are finished in close proximity to the brood nest, their removal is necessary soon after completion, to prevent their being soiled or "travel-stained," by the bees i)assing over them directly from the brood nest; but, with the tiering-up system, the finished combs are so far from the brood nest that they remain un- sullied until a whole case can be removed at once. During a regular "honey-shower," such as we have so/ucf/'/i/cs, when the nectar all but drips from the fragrant, golden blossoms of the linden, I have seen a colony draw out the foundation in 28 sections, and fill them full of honey (and here is where I believe foundation is zr;n' valuable ) in less than three days, j^et scarcely a cell would be sra/cd. To give the bees another super next the hive is the work of only a moment. At such times it may be advisable to remove the upper case, after they have been tiered up three high, even if there are one or two unfinished sections in each corner; and, when crating, have an empty super at hand in which to put the unfinished sections, and when it is full place it on a hive. When a super is ready to come off, there is no easier, less troublesome, method of freeing it from bees than by the use of a Porter bee-escape, which consists of a tin frame-work or box inside of which are two delicate brass springs so nicely adjusted that a bee can easily s(|uee/e out between their points, but cannot return. Openings in the upper and lower sides of the box allow the bees to pass through. 'JMie escape is fastened into an oi)ening cut in the center of a thin board the size of the toj) of the hive, a -'8 rim around its edge holding the super bee-space above the board. To use the escape, simply raise the upper super, lay the escape-bt)ard upon the top of the next lower super, replace the removed super upon the top of the escape-board, and the work is done, so far as the bee- keeper is concerned. The bees, finding themselves shut off from the rest of the hive, become excited and make frantic efforts to ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. Ill Sprig of Basswood in Bloom. 112 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. escape. Findinof one opening: by means of which they can reach "home," they crowd throujjfh as fast as possible, when, in a few hours, the super is free of bees. If escape^ are put on at eveninjjf, the supers above them will be free of bees in the morninj^. If there is not time to use escapes, or, if for some reason, it is not desirable to use them, the suiters can be freed of bees by other methods. My practice has been as follows: Have the smoker in •rood trim, take off the cover, and drive a perfect delujre of smoke down amonjj: the bees. This starts them out of the combs at a lively rate, and, before they have time tt) come back, I have the super off the hive. The super is then tremulously shaken in front of the hive until most of the remaining: bees are dislody^ed, when it is taken to the honey house and set on end. In a short time the few strajrjjflinyf bees leave the super and escape by way of the window, which should have wire cloth over it on the outside, lettin«r it extend sev- eral inches above the window, and terminate in a small cone- like opening from which the bees can easily lind their wa^' out, but not be very likely to find their way back. If the shaking: process is found too laborious, and robbers are not troublesome (and they will not be until the close of the season), the super may be leaned a.ii:ainst the side of the hive, near the entrance, when the bees will desert the super for the hive. When robbers are troublesome, the straj^k^'lers may be driven out with smoke, and brushed off in front of the hive. By shading: the hives, allowing: jjenerous entrances, also abun- dance of room in the supers, swarming: is g:reatly delayed, and often avoided entirely with many colonies. I have known seasons when, with this manag-ement, not more than one-half of my colonies swarmed, and I have frequently had seasons when not more than two-thirds of them swarmed. When a swarm does issue, I hive it in a contracted brood nest, with starters only in the brood frames, on the old stand, put on a queen excluding: honey board and transfer the supers from the old to the new hive. In 20 minutes, at the outside, the bees are back at work in the sections that they recently deserted in such a hurr3\ The old colony is placed by the side of the new one for a week, when it is moved to a new stand, thus throwing: all of its flying: bees into the colony having: the sections, and so deplet- ing the old colony, just as the young: queens are hatching;, that there is seldom any after-swarming-. If the swarming: takes place early in the season, the old colony may do'something in the way of storing. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 113 surplus, but, as a rule, it simpl}- becomes a most excellent colony, with a younj,'- queen, for carrying- throug-h the winter. As the harvest draws to a close, an extracting: super is put on top of the sections, as has been already' explained, or the unfinished sections may be finished up by feeding- back extracted honey, or the sections nearest completion may be sold in the local market, and those not sufficiently finished for this purpose, may be extracted, and cleaned up by the bees, when they will be ready to use as "baits" to induce the bees to make an early start in the supers the following- spring-. Photographed by H K. Hill. 114 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. Frodl^clim^ Ooodl E^tliractedl HAT is it that g-ives to honey its \-.ilue ? It is not simply its sweetness, which is of low power; hut it is its tine llavor and rich aroma. These are the (jualities which make honey what it is a luxury and, if we wish its use continued as a sweet sauce, we must learn to i)roduce and care for it in such a manner as to preserve its ambrosial, palate-tickliny: (lualities. Freshly {gathered nectar is one of the most "silly" tastinjif and sickeninji: of sweets. n\) l)e sure, it has the flavor of the flowers from which it was j^fathered; but that smooth, rich, oily, honey taste, that lin}i:ers in the mouth, must h<^ Jiirn/shcd hy t/ic /)ccs. Honey ex- tracted when 'Vreen," and evaporated in the open air, is not only lackinjjf in the element that comes from the secretions of the bees, but its blossom-flavor is half lost by evaporation. To be sure, evai)oration must take place if left in the hi\e, l)ut evaporation in the ojJen air, and evaporation in the aroma-laden air of the hi\e produce different results. One reason why comb honey is, in so many instances, found to be more delicious than the extracted, is because the former is more thoroujifhly ripened, and then sealed up from the air. Seldom do we find extracted honey equal to that drippin.Lr from and sun^ound- \n^ the section of comb honey that is beinjjf carved upon a plate. Many of those who produce extracted honey in larjje <|uantities, ex- tractinjf it before it is thoroughly rii)ened, admit that such honey is inferior, as a table sauce, to that ripened by the bees, but the}' say they cannot afford to produce the best article possible. The ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 115 quantity of honey is not materially lessened by thoroug'hlj'^ ripening it; if larger crops are secured b\' extracting it "green," it is the result of the stimulus given the bees by furnishing them such an abun- dance of empty combs. B}- the use of plenty' of store-combs and supers, the same results, or nearly the same, may be obtained, and the ripening of the honej' secured, by tiering up. The interest upon the cost of extra combs and supers is a small thing compared with the putting of unripe honey upon the market. By the use of plenty of combs, tiering them up, the work of extracting may be put off until the busy season is over. The great trouble is the lack of in- centive for producing well-ripened honey for the general market. The production of extracted honej^ to be shipped away for some commission merchant to sell, is much like making butter to be sold at a country store. All brings the same price. White clover honej^ brings so much, buckwheat so much. The hone}' with the fine, delicate flavor, the thoroughly bee-ripened, well-preserved, superior article, will not bring one cent more in the general market than the ordinary, pretty i(ood honey. Perhaps, for manufacturing purposes, there is no advantage in having such a superior article, but for table sauce there is; and the only way in which the man who produces a really superior article can hope to receive pay for his extra trouble, is by selling direct to consumers, or by establishing a reputation for his honey among dealers and their customers. The only secret in producing a superior grade of extracted honey, honey that will be the equal of that that drips from the delicate morsel of comb at the tea table, is that of leaving it on the hive until it is sealed and thoroughly ripened. Leaving the honey on the hive a few weeks after it is sealed seems to give an added ripeness or richness. Of course, robbers are readv' to give trouble after the close of the season, but the use of bee escapes overcomes this difficult}-. When the supers are freed from bees by the use of bee escapes, the hone}' is usually cold by the time it is off the hive, it having lost the heat imparted to it by the bees, and it does not extract nearly as easily as though the bees had been brushed off and the honey extracted im- mediatel}'. The proper course is to stack the supers up in a warm room, one heated bj- a stove, until the honey is warmed through, when it may be thrown out with the greatest ease. I am aware that this system is not the one usually followed, but I believe it has de- cided advantages over other systems, and results in honey of a superior quality. Have plenty of combs and supers; tier up the same as in the production of comb honey; leave the combs on the hive until the honey is thoroughly ripened; remove the honey by the use of bee escapes, and warm it up artificially when ready to extract. 116 ADVANCED BEP: CULTURE. CQ ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 117 This plan y:reatly lessens the work diiriny: the busy season, as about all there is to do is to see that plenty of surplus room is provided. If the harvest is prolongfed, lasting- several weeks, it is quite likely that some of the supers will be ready to come off before the harvest is over, and it may be best to remove them if they are becoming- piled up too high. It seems almost unnecessary to say that I would use a queen- excluding honey board over the brood nest. If bee escapes are to be used, the presence of brood in a super will defeat the plan, as the bees will not desert the brood. If we are going to brush off the bees and extract the honey at once, no honey that is thoroughly ripe can be successfully extracted without at the same time throwing out some of the unsealed brood if any is in the comb. With unusually- deep combs in the brood nest, it may be advisable to use shallower combs in the supers, but with combs no deeper than the Langstroth, I doubt the advisability of having any shallower combs for the supers. In the production of extracted honey there is not much to choose between an eight-frame Langstroth hive and a ten-frame one, unless out-apiaries are to be established, when the ten-frame hives seem to enable the bees to bear neglect, to shift for themselves, to better ad- vantage. They are less likely to run short of stores. Some bee- keepers use only nine combs in a ten-frame super, or seven combs in an eight-frame super, thus inducing the bees to lengthen out the cells and make the combs thicker. The honey ripens more slowly in such deep cells, but the uncapping is thereby greath' facilitated. When the combs are uncapped, the cappings should be given a thorough opportunity to drain, and, if they are kept clean, the water in which they are melted when they are rendered into wax ma\' be made into vinegar. H. G. Sibbald. of Ontario, has the best uncap- ping box that it has been my good fortune to see. It is five feet long, 16 inches wide, and made in two sections, each nine or ten inches deep. The lower section is for honey, and, with the exception that the corners are halved together, it is simph' a well-nailed and neatly made box, waxed inside at all joints, with a honey gate at one end to draw off the honey; the legs being a little shorter at the end having the gate, so that the honey will run off readily. The top half or sec- tion is made in the same manner, only that, instead of a board bot- tom, it has a wire screen bottom which allows the honey to drain from the cappings. The bottom section is halved on the inside, upper edge, and the top section halved on the outside lower edge. Being made in this manner, the lower edge of the upper section tits inside the lower one, and thus no honey runs down outside the lower box. 118 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. After the honey has been thorougfhly ripened, and is extracted, and found to be in possession of all the fine (jualities I have men- tioned, what shall be done with it ? How shall it be treated that it maj' retain its flavor ? The key to success in this direction is exclu- sion of the air. Seal it up in glass jars, or tin cans, or in clean bar- rels; and the sooner this is done (after the particles of wax and scum have raised to the top) the less the escape of aroma. M3' preference is a round, jacketed, tin can, with a flat top, and a large screw-cap in the top. A five-gallon can of this kind, holding 60 pounds of honey, can be bought for about 30 cents. This stj-le of package can be rolled on the floor. A barrel is really the cheapest package for storing or shipping honey, and when we know that honey is to be shipped to some manufactory, there is no objection to the use of barrels if they are well-made. Upon the approach of cool weather, most honey will candy; and, if sealed up tight, and put away in a cool place, it wmII remain in that condition for years; and when brought slozvly and carefully back to its liquid state, it will be found to have retained its original "flavor, aroma and boquet." Too much stress cannot be placed upon the care necessary in licjuefying candied honey. So many think if honey does not boil it cannot be injured. The temperature of boiling water will ruin the flavor of honey. When a can of candied hone^' is placed over a stove, or in any other hot place, the outside of the cake of honey soon melts, and this may become very hot before the rest of the cake has dissolved. In a tank of hot water is the best place to liquefj' a can of honey, but the temperature should never go above 160 or 17() degrees; and, by the way, when melting the honey, don't loosen the screw-cap and leave it open; as it only allows the escape of the aroma. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 119 TIhe Marlle^ifiM of Hoine^e L^ ^O raise a g-ood crop of honey cheaply, and to sell it to the best advantag-e, are two quite different processes, requiring- _[ greatly varying qualifications. Seldom do we find all of these qualifications in the highest degree in one person. I believe that the majority of bee-keepers are better bee-keepers than they are business-men; or, perhaps, salesmen is more properly the word to use. Many of them can't get far enough away from a bee hive to sell the honey that has been stored in it — or think they can't. Every energy is bent to the securing of a great crop; having secured it, many a bee-keeper is actually puzzled as to how to put it on the market in the best shape, or how, or where, to sell. Of course, the first step in the marketing of honey, is its prep- aration for the market. About all the preparation needed for comb honey is to clean the sections of propolis, and pack them in no-drip cases with glass fronts. If it is to be sent to a distant market, and the shipment is less than a car load, the cases should be packed in crates. Not boxes, as these would hide the honey, but crates, with slats on the side that will allow a view of the honey. A crate may be made to hold nine, twelve or sixteen cases. A little straw in the bottom helps to break the force of jars. The ends of a slat on each side, near the top of the case, are allowed to project, and thus form handles. The position of the handles shows which side up the crate should be kept. In fact, these handles are so inviting that there is no disposition to put the crate in a wrong position. The handles are so short that it can't be "dumped" without dumping it upon the toes of the carriers. Cases of honey crated in this manner never tumble over, and they reach their destination free from even the finger marks of a dirty hand. When honey is shipped by freight, it is 120 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE, (|uite imjiortant that the combs stand parallel with the track. If they are crosswise of the track, the buinpiri}^ toj^fether of the cars breaks the combs much easier than when the combs are parallel with the track. For this reason it is well to have a large label pasted ui)on the top of the crate, with a larjre i^^'^' pointinj^f lenjifthwise of the combs, and accompanied by the followinecially if the home market is sui)plied with "farmer-honey" that raised with a lick and a brush — that is sellin*:' at retail for two-thirds what a ilrst-class article will net when sold by a commission man in a distant city. Many bee-keepers have been able to sell to advantaj^e, in the home markets, unfinished sections, and lower {grades of honey. In many local markets, such grades of honey will sell for as much as the choicest honey put up in "gilt edge" style, while the commission markets of a large city are a poor place in which to sell "off" grades of honey. To many grocers, in country towns, honey is honey, much the same as butter is butter. In selling honey to retail dealers, they must be visited regularly, and kept supplied with honey. In short, the\- must be followed ui* and looked after as carefully as commercial travellers look after their customers. Grocers must be educated to know that honey can't be sold unless it is kept in sight — and it should be kept under glass to protect it from flies and dust. A handsome display in a front win- dow is a drawing card. The putting up of extracted honey for the market calls for a large amount of thought, care and skill. Mr. McKnight, of Canada, once said that "The product of no other industry is jiut upon the murket in such a cumbrous, uncouth and slovenly form." This may seem a little over-drawn, but it Is worth thinking of. The majority ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 121 of people prefer extracted honey in the liquid form, althoug-h this is largely a matter of education. There is probably no more attractive form in which it can be put up for the retail trade than in the li(|uid form in bottles of clear flint glass, with tin foil caps and dainty labels. A much cheaper package is that of tin, but it hides the beauty of the honey. The friction-top cans are the best tin package. They do not leak, yet they can be easily opened and the honey ex- amined. The lack of attractiveness in the package must be made up in the label, as is the case with all goods put up in tin cans. Ouite a little candied honey has been sold in paper sacks. The sacks are made of heavy Manila paper, paraffined, the honey put in while in the liquid state, and then allowed to granulate. The sacks can be set into small boxes, a la Qg^ crate fashion, the boxes holding them square until the honey candies, when the sacks of honey can be packed for shipment like so many bricks. The purchaser can peel off the sack, and melt up the honey, if he prefers it in that state. The cost of the package is only about ouc-toith that of tin. Every package of liquid extracted honey intended for the retail trade should have an explanatory label stating that honey will candy upon the approach of cool weather, and all packages of extracted honey, whether licjuid or candied, should bear labels explaining how to liquefy the honey without injury. Right in this line, let me say that candied, extracted honey can be put up in a very attractive package. Let it candy in the square, f)0-pound tin cans, or it may be bought in in these cans already candied, cut off the tin can with a pair of tin- ner's snips, then cut up the cube of honey into blocks of one pound each, wrap them in paraffin paper to prevent soaking, put a sheet of parchment paper of this to prevent breaking, over this slip a paper carton, and, last of all, a wrapping of white paper printed in gilt let- ters, raised or embossed. The A. I. Root Co.. of Medina, Ohio, has been the leader in putting up honey in this 'V/r luxe'''' style. For cutting up the honey into blocks, they use an ordinary butter cutter such as is used in the dairy trade. Thousands of pounds of honey put up in this style have been sold at retail in Cleveland at 25 cts. a pound. The beauty and novelty of the package and its contents, combined with judicious but generous advertising, made the product sell like the proverbial ''hot cakes." Many men have made large wages selling honey direct to con- sumers. They systematically canvass a city, or portion of a city, carrying honey with them, giving "tastes," or small samples, taking orders, and having regular days of delivery. Of course all men are not adapted to the retailing of honey. Mr. M. A. Gill, of Colorado, who produces about two car loads annually 122 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. of comb honey, saj's he prefers to sell it in a lump to some man who wishes to retail it, while he will turn his attention to the production of another crop of honey. But, even if a man does nqt retail his crop of honey, there is no reason why he should not use care and good judji^ment in selling it at wholesale. If the honey is to be sold on commission, the most important point of all is that the commission merchant be reliable. If in doubt, consult the editors of bee jour- nals. Of course, they may sometimes make mistakes, but, usualh' they are quite well informed regarding- the reliability of the princi- pal dealers in honey. After all, an out and out sale of the entire crop, at the end of the season, is the most satisfactory, although so high a price is not usually realized as when the crop is sold on com- mission. Some bee-keepers make a business of wholesaling their own honey, that is, selling it to the same class of buyers as patronize the commission men. It recjuires some little time to work up such a trade, but, once it is secured, it is easily held. The tirst thing is to get a list of those men who use large (luantities of honey. A local druggist can usually furnish the namesof many of the manufacturing druggists; the grocery man can give the names of the bakers; and an advertisement in the journals will probably reach all of the bottlers of honey. These lists of names should be arranged systematically. Probably the card system would be as good a form to have them in as an}' that could be found. Samples of honey and prices should be mailed out to these lists, and to those who in(iuire for samples. Where a man has the time and ability to look after the matter, this is really a very satisfactory method of disposing of large crops of honey, year after year, at a substantial advance over what would be secured were the honey consigned to commission merchants. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 123 l^ipat©ry B©e°lle©piini^o T is seldom that one locality abounds in all of the honey-produc- ing' plants that ma^' be found by making- short journeys in dif- ferent directions. A locality unequaled for earl}' bloom may be sadly deficient in the clover and basswood blossoming- so profusely at mid-summer onh' a few miles distant, while a few miles farther on maj- be a swamp or river bottom that is of little value as a bee pasture until gorgeous with the purple and gold of autumn flow- ers. It will be readily seen wh^^some bee-keepers occasionally find it profitable to move their apiaries once or twice during the season. Some notable successes in this line have been made in Florida, where the honey from the orange blossom comes in March, then a move of perhaps 50 miles allows the bees to enjoj^ the bloom of the saw-palmetto, and, later, another crop may be secured bj- moving to the mangrove region. After the harvest of sage hone^' is over in California,and vegetation in the mountain canons has turned drj- and brown, a move of 20 or 30 miles will, in some localities, place the bees among thousands of acres of blooming bean fields from which may be gathered a white honey of fine flavor. In Canada several bee-keepers make a good profit each fall by moving their bees to buckwheat regions. In Europe bee-keepers move their bees to the heather fields, and then, later, to the buckwheat; in fact, so many move their bees to the buckwheat that a train is sometimes made up expressly for carrying the bees to these pastures. Several j'ears ago, a younger brother of mine, who had not left home, came to my place early in August and carried home with him 20 colonies of my bees; as there was an abundance of goldenrod, boneset and willow herb in his locality, and none in mine. An empty storj' filled with 124 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. ^^j>*',-^. .-^- t^Mt^^ys"^ ^ .„.:%-v4Nife^ ^^;-'j8f1 '-^^'< tli!^^ A.'^^T^* »><* t«I^ ->"-* ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 125 empty combs was placed over each colonj', and the top covered with wire cloth. A hay rack was covered with haj' to the depth of about two feet, the hives set upon the hay, and held tojjether in a bunch by passinjc a rope around them. The journey' of 25 miles was made without mishap. Those 20 colonies furnished 400 pounds of surplus; besides, they needed no feeding- for winter, while the bees kept at home stored no surplus, and each colony required feeding, on the average, about 15 pounds. Had buckwheat yielded well, which, in this locality-, happens about once in a dozen years, nothing would have been gained b}' the move. The inability to foretell the hone}' flow^ in any locality, is the greatest obstacle in the wa\' of successful migratory bee-keeping. Local showers sometimes cause a great difference in the jields of honey in localities only a few miles apart, but migratorj- bee-keeping does not allow us to take advantage of this, as, by the time we have moved to the locality that is furnishing honey, the flow there may be over, and, possibly, started up in the home-yard. There is nothing to be gained b}- changing one possibility- for another of equal value. But moving to another location which promises well at a time when we kiiozL' nothing will be gathered if the bees are kept at home, is a far different thing. For instance, only forty miles from here, on a direct line of railroad, is a locality where it is nothing unusual for 100 pounds of comb honey, per colony, to be secured, yet >/o//ii//,i^' is in bloom here at that time. The expense of moving to and from a locality no farther away than this need not be so very great. From 30 to 40 colonies can be moved on a hay rack; or a special rack might be made w hich would accommodate 50 colonies. An apiarist w^ho is going to practice moving his bees to secure better pasturage, must have hives, fixtures, and other arrangements suitable for that pur- pose. The arrangements ought to be such that three or four min- utes would be sufficient for preparing a hive for moving. One of the greatest advantages of fixed, or self-spaced, frames is that they need no fastening when the apiary is to be moved. Of course bees moved in hot weather must have abundant ventilation; but this alone will not save the brood, if they are long confined. To save the brood the bees must have plenty of water. Some localities are blessed with an almost continuous flow; spring flowers, white clover, basswood, and fall flowers; and, by the way, a man who is to make a specialty of bee-keeping ought to seek such a locality; but many who are alread}' engaged in bee-keeping are permanently located, have friends and relatives living near, and prefer not to seek a new location even if the profits would be thereby- increased. Then, again, it is difffcult to find a flrst-class localit}' for 126 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. m ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 127 clover and basswood that is equally g-ood for fall flowers; and, the better the locality the greater the dang-er of its being- overstocked by its very attractiveness bringing together so many bee-keepers. There is no question but what many bee-keepers can secure a bountiful crop of fall honey by moving their bees at the right time, but a word of caution may not be out of place right here. Some fall hone}', that from aster, for instance, is sadly unlit for winter stores. So disastrous has fall honey proved for winter stores, in some locali- ties, that the bee-keepers there have given up trying to winter their bees unless they substituted ea\-\y gathered stores, or fed sugar. I know of one bee-keeper in such a locality who secured bountiful On the Road. crops of fall honey from the surrounding swam]i~, but was utterly unable to winter his bees, prepare them as he might, and he finally fell to shaking them off the combs at the close of the season (thus saving the honey), and restocking his apiary in the spring with bees from the South. So, I say, beware when you move your bees to fall pastures of asters and swamp flowers. There is another form of migratory bee-keeping that has long been the dream of apiarists, that of starting with an apiary in the South at the opening of the honej" season, and moving northward with the season, keeping pace with the advancing bloom, thus keep- 128 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. \ng the bees "in clover" the entire summer. The difficulties to be overcome are larj^ely those of transportation. There is no singfle line of railroad runninjjf north and south for a sufficiently lonlaced in this manner, Honey Exhibit of the Author as Shown One Year at the Detroit Exposition. then the cases were turned so the long way of the cases faced out- wards, a fewer number of cases making a row that was slightly smaller than the others. Perhaps four rows were put up in this style, then they were again changed so that the narrow ends were outwards, which again reduced the size of the circle. In this m.m- ner the size of the circles was gradually diminished as the pyramid increased in height, until its top was only twi) feet across. That these cases might not be jarred out of place they were fastened to one another by means of small wire nails. Upon the top of this ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 155 P3'ramid was set a larg-e number of two-pound, square bottles of hone}'. On top of the bottles was laid a platform of glass made by putting" tog-ether two sheets of double-strength glass, bound together at the edges with cloth pasted on and covered with gilt paper. Up- on the glass platform was set more bottles, then another sheet of glass a little smaller than the first one, and so on up, until a pyramid of extracted honey was constructed upon the top of the pyramid of comb hone}', the former being surmounted by a huge boquet of golden rod. I remember building one such pyramid that was 16 Exhibit of Mr. M. H. Hunt, as Shown one Year at the Detroit Exposition. feet in height. The spaces between the outer ends of the cases in the comb honey part of the pyramid was filled with small, "dime" bottles of honey. By thus combining the comb and extracted honey display, one "sets off" the other; in fact, my competitors sometimes complained of this, but it was their privilege to have taken advantage of this fact had they so chosen. Mr. M. H. Hunt one year had a castle in which the pillars were cases of comb honey piled up, and 156 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. the balustrade was formed from panels of beautifully molded beeswax. There is seldom a fairyfround with no bees near it, hence, no honey should be exposed. All honey should be shut up close, and no stickiness left on the outside of the packag^e. Wax should be molded into fanciful shapes statues, or somethinjj: of that sort, if the exhibitor has the skill to make them. Fruits, vej^fetables, ears of corn, and the like, may be made of wax by first makinjj: molds, of plaster of Paris, from the objects themselves. It is not necessary that the articles be solid wax. First soak the molds in water, then pour in a small »|uantity of melted wax, close the molds, and then immediately shake them vij^orously while the wax is cooliny:, thus coatinij: the inside of the molds with wax. When the wax is cool it will come out all in one piece. Let the bejjfinner not try to show a multitude of thinofs, but let what he does show be as jjood as it is possible for him to make it. Competition is so very keen, at least where the i^remiums are liberal, that it is folly to expect i)remiums upon second-class articles. Now that I have reached the subject of premiums, it may be well to give what I would call a "model" premium list. I may have placed the premiums at higher figures than most societies would care to use, but the amounts can be easily reduced, preserving the proportions. 1st 2nd 3rd Most attractive display of comb honey $35 S20 $10 Specimen of comb honey, not less than ten pounds, quality and manner of putting up for market to be considered 10 5 Most attractive display of extracted honey 35 20 10 Specimen of comb honey, not less that ten pounds, qualit}^ and manner of putting up for market to be considered 10 5 Most attractive display of beeswax 20 10 Specimen of beeswax, not less than ten i)ounds, soft, bright yellow wax to be given the preference.. <> 3 Single-comb nucleus Italian bees 10 5 Single-comb nucleus black bees 10 5 Single-comb nucleus Carniolan bees 10 5 Single-comb nucleus Caucasian bees 10 5 swi:i;i'srAKi:s on iu:i;s. I)isi)lay, in single-comb nuclei, of the greatest varii-ty of the different races of bees 10 5 Collection of queen bees of different varieties 16 8 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 157 Honey vinej^-ar, not less than one g-allon, shown in glass 6 3 Assortment of hone,v candies 4 2 Pastry made with honey instead of sugar 4 2 Thebestspecimensof honey producing- plants, pressed and mounted, not to exceed 25 varieties 15 8 SWEEPSTAKES. The largest, best, most interesting, attractive and instructive exhibition in this department, all things considered 35 20 10 I think bee-keepers would prefer to have "supplies" included in the premium list, but the managers of fairs have decided against the offering of premiums on such things, on account of the difficulty of securing satisfactory decisions. The best we can do is to have a "sweepstakes" premium offered upon the largest and best exhibit; then supplies will count. A judge should never be compelled to take an exhibitor's word for anything. Let the article exhibited show for itself. Don't offer premiums on samples of different kinds of honey, when they can be so easily gotten up for the occasion by mixing. Don't put at the head of the list such re(iuirements as: "Honey must be of this season's crop;" or "Must be the product of the exhibitor;" when there is no way of knowing whether they haxe been lived up to or not. In my experience, one man to award the premiums, and he an expert, has given better satisfaction than three judges. It is diffi- cult and expensive to get three men that are experts, and, even then the work is not always done so conscientiously, because it is not so easy to place the responsibility; each being able to shield himself behind the "other two." Upon this point of judging, there is one other point often neg- lected that ought to be printed in connection with the premium list, and that is a "scale of points" for deciding in regard to the merits of exhibits. Particularly is this true in regard to honey. I would suggest the following: Color, 5; body, 5; flavor, 5; comb — straight- ness, 5; color of capping, 5; completeness of capping, 5; uniformity, 10; style, 10. Possible number of points, 50. By "uniformity" is meant the closeness of resemblance in the sections composing a specimen. "Style" including the attractiveness of the section and case; also the absence of propolis. If a bee-keeper is going to make an exhibit of apiarian products, it often happens that he can also make exhibits in other depart- ments of the fair, I haye exhibited photographs in the art depart- 158 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. ment, canned fruit in the fruit department, and the wife and children have sent thinj^s to their respective departments. In addition to this, when making a "circuit" of the fairs, I used to write them up for the Country Gentleman, gfetting: paid for the work. Fairs come in the fall, after the busj' season is over with the bees, and if a man has the time, taste and ability for this kind of work, going from one State to another, as I have done, he can probably clear $10 a day for five or six weeks in the fall. It is scarcely worth while to prepare for the work, however, unless there is some expectation of following- it for several years. Just a few parting words to the beginner: If you make an ex- hibit at a fair, don't get excited. Keep cool and have patience. Many unpleasant things 7)iuy occur, but don't worry over them; and, above all, don't let the loss of expected premiums so "sour" you as to spoil your own enjoyment and that of your comrades. When you leave home have everything in readiness, as nearly as possible, to put right up. Pack everything carefully, but in such a manner that it can be quickly and easily unpacked. I used to pack the scjuare bottles of honey in boxes furnished with partitions of cellular board, a la egg-crate, and, to pack the bottles it was only necessary to drop them into the openings, and nail down the cover. If the package does not indicate its contents, then mark it in some way. Never be compelled to open box after box in an exasperating hunt for some- thing that Dins/ be had at once. And when fair is over, don't "go crazy" to get off the grounds the next minute. I have known of men sitting up all night swearing, and sweating and fuming, because "their car didn't come," or something of that sort, and we all went out on the same train the next morning. At the close of a large fair, an immense amount of goods are on the grounds; they have been several days accumulating, and it is /;/i/y(>ss/7)/r to move them all in an hour's time. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 159 C © n 11 n enoi e n t< VERY experienced bee-keeper knows, of course, that the mating- of a queen bee takes place upon the wing-, in the open air; the queen leaving- the hive for this purpose when about a week old. It seems to be Nature's plan for prevent- ing: in and in breeding; as the chances are that the queen will meet with a drone from some other colony than her own. There is no doubt that there is as much difference in our bees as there is in our other domestic animals, and the one thing- that has prevented the development of strains of bees far superior to those we now possess, is that we have so little control over the choice of drones with which the queens shall mate. Where would our Shorthorns, Jerseys, Merinos, Poland Chinas and Plymouth Rocks have been now. if the mating- of these animals had been no more under our con- trol than is the mating- of our queen bees ? Attempts have been made to secure the desired object bj^ con- fining- young- queens and drones in a tent, but, with one exception, some fundamental principle has been overlooked. For instance, drones of an improper ag-e may have been employed; besides, a drone frightened to death and trying: to escape from what, to him, is a prison, is in no mood to paj^ his addresses to a queen. The only wonder is that there has been an occasional success in carrying- out this plan. The one really successful attempt at mating- queens in a tent was made by Mr. J. S. Davitte, of Aragfon, Georg-ia, and was described in the February issue of the Bee-Keepers' Review, for 1901. The mating- tent was made as follows: 160 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. Twelve poles, about 30 feet in lengfth, were iirml}' planted in the ground, 12 feet apart in a circle. From pole to pole, at the top, heavy wire was stretched to keep the poles true, and in place, and to afford support for the coverin^'"of mos(iuito-nettins:. Wires, or sup- ports of some kind, are also stretched from each pole to its opposite neighbor. The poles are also braced from the inside. Common boards are used around the bottom to the height of live or six feet. After the tent is complete, colonies of bees are placed up close against the wall of the tent, on the outside, each colony being given two entrances. One is the regular entrance, outside of the tent, Tent for Controlling the Mating of Queens. which is contracted by means of (|ueen-excluding metal, so that neither drones nor (jueens can pass, but the workers can pass out and in, and work in the fields in the usual manner. The other entrance opens into the tent, and is large enough for the passage of a queen or a drone, but is kept closed or darkened for about a week after the colony is placed in position. This is done for the purpose of educating the workers to use the outside entrance. The drones are not allowed to use the outer entrance at any time, nor to enter ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 161 the tent except from 11:00 a. m. to 1:30 p. m. After the drones have learned the bounds of the tent they seem contented, and make a pretty school flying- in the top of the tent. Mr, Davitte saj^s that the manag-ement of the drones is the main feature of the problem ; once they become quiet, and reconciled to fly in the top of the tent, the problem is solved. Nine times out of ten, the queen will not reach the top of the tent before receiving the most prompt and gushing- attention. The queens are not turned into the tent until the drones appear well-satislied with the bounds of the tent, and, when in that condition, Mr. Davitte believes 500 queens in a day might be mated in such a tent. One 3^ear he had about 100 queens mated in the tent. A queen would leave the mouth of the hive, and return in about five minutes, apparently mated, and, in three or four days, would be laying; and the progeny of all of the queens thus mated showed the same markings as the workers of the colonies from which the drones were taken. When Mr. Davitte starts his queen cells, he places his colonies with selected drones around the tent, and allows them to fly in the tent a short time in the middle of each day, as has been explained, and, by the time the queens are old enough to be mated, the drones have become tamed, and so accustomed to their surroundings, or under control, so to speak, that, to quote from Mr. Davitte, "It would interest a bee-keeper to take his place inside the tent at noon, and see the ladies meet the g-entlemen, who, Barkis-like are 'willin.' I have seen the mating take place before the queen could reach the top of the tent. Before they separate, the queen and drone fall nearly to the ground, and the queen goes directly to her home that she left not three minutes before." As I look at the matter, the principal trouble with experiments in this line is that the drones have not been brought under control. When a drone has been accustomed to soar away in the blue ether for miles and miles, he is not going to be shut up in a 30-foot tent and be contented. For a long time, at least, he is going to spend most of his time in trying- to get out. As I have already said, he is in no mood to pay his addresses to a queen. Catch two wild birds at mating time, and shut them up in a cage. Do you suppose that they would mate? Canaries have been kept in captivity for many years. They are hatched and grow up in a cage. They know no other free- dom or life; and they mate in a cage. Mr. Davitte had his drones flying for daj's in his tent before any queens were released in the tent. Perhaps many of those drones had never flown in the outside air — knew nothing of it. Having flown several days in the tent thej' became accustomed to that kind of flight, were 162 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. in a normal condition, and ready to mate with a (lueen should one appear. Suppose we could make a cage two miles wide, and half a mile hig-h. Is there any doubt that a queen would be mated inside such a tent ? Suppose it were reduced to one mile in width, and one- fourth of a mile high. Wouldn't it be a success ? Let us go still farther, and have it half a mile wide and 80 rods in height. Isn't it reasonable to suppose that it would still be a success ? The ques- tion then is: How small can it be and still be a success ? M\' opin- ion is that the size is not so very material as it is to get the drones to fly and feci al home. One large enough for that is, in my opinion, large enough. There is still one more point: Not all drones, at all ages, are capable of fertilizing a queen. Many experimenters have failed from not understanding this point. They have put nuclei, with young queens, into a tent, then caught drones at hap hazard and put them into the tent. Some of them may have been youngsters, just out of their cradles, so to speak. Others may have been old grey beards. All of them would certainly have been frightened out of their wits to have been thus caught and shut up in a tent away from their home. I think Mr. Davitte has found the key that will unlock the problem, viz., that of getting drones from a normal colony, that is working undisturbed in the open air, to fly itiizi'orn'cd in an en- closure. Although this account of Mr. Davitte's success was published some three or four years ago, I believe there has been nothing like it attempted since. The queen breeder who will build such a tent, and succeed with it as Mr. Davitte says that he succeeded, will cer- tainly have one of the biggest advertisements that could possibly be secured. This is a matter that I should be glad to see some of the experiment stations take up. Right in this line, it might be mentioned that Mr. L. A. Aspin- wall, of Jackson, Michigan, reports success in clipping about ';-iof an inch from the ends of the wings of a queen. While this does not prevent her flying, it so weakens her flight that she is not likely to go far from the apiary before being overtaken by an admirer. If only drones of a desirable character are allowed to fly in the home- yard, the chances are that the majority of queens will be well-mated. Mr. John M. Rankin, when at the Michigan Agricultural College, tried this same experiment, but, with him, only a small per cent, of the queens thus clipped ever became fertile. Perhaps he clipped them too much. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 163 Here is an idea, however, that is thoroughly practical, one that can be put in practice by any bee-keeper: By the use of full sheets of comb foundation, or otherwise, keep the brood nests practically free from drone comb; then, in two or three, or half a dozen colonies (the number depending- upon the size of the apiary ) having very choice queens, allow an abundance of drone comb. The result will be that the air will be filled with drones from choice stock, and the majority of the queens will mate with these drones. 164 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. Tlie P^emcderliitf ©f Bees^^a^c N nearly every apiary there are more or less odds and ends of combs which are well-worth saving- to be made into wax. When an apiary is run for extracted honey the wax from the capping-s is no small part of the income. If there are many combs to be rendered, as is often the case when foul brood gets into an apiary, the manner of doing- the work becomes an important question. The small bee-keeper who has only a few scraps to melt up, may resort to almost any make-shift; and, by the way, here is one such primi- tive plan: Take an old dripping- pan, or any large, flat, metal dish that is of little value, and punch a hole in one corner. Set the dish in an ordinary stove oven, letting the end with the hole in it project from the oven. Put the scraps of comb into the pan, where they will melt, and the wax will run out of the hole, where it may be caught in a dish set upon the floor. If the scraps are of nearly pure wax, like cappingfs, or new comb, this plan will answer (juite well for rendering- wax upon a small scale; but, if the combs are old, the cocoons will absorb so much of the w^ax that a large portion will thus be lost. A plan that will secure a larg-er percentage of wax from old combs, but requiring some more labor to put into operation, is that of crowding- the combs into a sack made of cheese cloth or bur- lap, tying- up the mouth of the sack, and immersing it in a boiler of water set upon a stove, and then bringing it to the boiling: point. While the water and the sack and its contents are still hot, the sack- should be thoroughly turned and pressed with something- like a g-arden hoe, thus stirring up the contents and pressing out the wax. The water will largel}' take the place of the wax, which, being lighter than the water, will rise to the top, where it may be taken off in a ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 165 solid cake after it has cooled. A weight of some kind, like a big stone, or some bricks, must be laid upon the sack to hold it at the bottom of the boiler while the wax is cooling, otherwise the sack will be embedded in the wax when it is cooled. This plan ma3^ be employed upon a large scale, even to the extent of using a large kettle out of doors, and the use of the sacks may be dispensed with by making a sort of pail or basket out of fine wire cloth, setting it down in the melted wax, inside the kettle, and then dipping off the wax with a dipper, by dipping inside the wire cloth basket, the wire cloth straining out the coarser impurities. This method of rendering wax b^- the use of boiling water will probably get out as much of the wax as it is possible to secure without the use of pres- sure upon the residue, or "slum gum," as it is called. Old combs The Alpaugh, Solar Wax Extractor. are largely made up of cocoons — more cocoons than wax — and they absorb and retain the melted wax, much as a sponge will hold water, and pressure is the only thing that will cause them to give up the golden treasure. Another plan particularlj' feasible for melting cappings, new combs, or scraps that are nearly pure wax, is by the use of the solar wax extractor, which is simply a shallow box painted black inside and out, and furnished with a false bottom of sheet iron a few inches above the real bottom, a cover of glass completing the arrangement. The box is placed in a slanting position, facing the sun, and the refuse combs, etc., placed upon the false bottom of iron, or in a sort of basket arranged at the upper end for the reception of the cappings, scraps, etc. The direct rays of the sun, aided, sonietimes, by the 166 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. reflected rays from the cover, to which is fastened a sheet of brijjfht tin, melt the wax, and it runs down to the lower end of the metal shute where it drops off into a vessel set there to catch it. A small solar wax extractor standing: in an apiary is an excellent thing-, as into it may be thrown all scraps of comb that would otherwise be thrown away, or perhaps be thrown into a box or barrel to stand around until destroyed by the bee moth's larvae. All of these plans of rendering wax fall short of perfection, how- ever, as too much wax is left in the residue. Pressure of some sort must be used, or a larofe part of the wax is lost. For making: small, or ordinary quantities of wax, what is called the German wax press answers the purpose quite well. This is a tall can made of heavy sheet-metal, with a false bottom securely fastened to the sides a few inches above the real bottom of the can, together with a screw and follower above to bring pressure to bear upon the mass of combs after the wax has been thoroughly melted by the steam that arises from the water that has been placed below, previous to setting the can upon a stove. For holding the combs, a wire cloth basket is used and a piece of cheese cloth is placed inside the basket before putting in the combs. The melted wax drips down upon a false bottom and runs out through a spout that passes out through the side of the can. The use of pressure while the slum gum is still surrounded by live steam secures nearh^ all of the wax; and the greatest objection to the use of the German press is its limited capac- ity— it is too slow a process if much work is to be done. Extracting the melted wax from the slum gum by means of centrifugal force, the same as syruj) is thrown from the sugar in a sugar retiner3% or water from clothes when dried in a laundry, has been tried enough to enable us to say that something may be hoped for in this direction. For making large quantities of wax, probably the most practical plan is that of melting up the cappings or combs in a boiler or large kettle, dipping off the wax from the top, and putting the slum gum through a powerful press. It is difficult to say exactly who first utilized screw-power for pressing the wax out of slum gum, but I think C. A. Hatch, of Richland Center, Wisconsin, was the first to bring the matter prominently before the public. He was followed by Mr. F. A. Gemmill, of London, Ontario, Canada. One form of press is, I believe, now called the Hatch-Gemmill press. Of course, such presses may vary in detail, and I think the best form that I have ever seen was illustrated and described in the Bee-Keepers' Review by Mr. E. D. Townsend. Here is his description of the press and w he woul d use it. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 167 The Hatch-Geminill-Townsend Wax Press. i68 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. "Procure two pieces of tough oak 3x4 inches, b}- 24 inches long:. (See Fig. 1. ) Twent}' inches from center to center, at equal dis- tances from each end, bore ?4^-inch holes throuofh the 3-inch wa^' of both pieces. These holes are for the H rods to pass throujjfh to form the main uprights. Then in the center of one wooden piece, parallel with the other holes, bore a I's-inch hole. This is for the bench- screw to work through. From a ?/+-inch iron rod, have a blacksmith cut two pieces 20 inches long, and one 30 inches long. The two, 20- inch pieces are to have threads cut for a distance of S'l? inches on both ends; and each piece is to be furnished with four burrs and four washers. To assemble the machine, turn a burr clear on at each end of each rod. Next put on a washer, on each end, and slip the ends of the rods through the holes in the ends of the wooden pieces; then put a washer on over the projecting end of each rod. over this a burr, and adjust the parallel, 3 x4 pieces a scant 13 inches apart. When the 's-inch bottom, or table, is on, there will be 12 inches space, in the clear, between the top of the press-table, and the under side of No. 1. The screw is the same as a carpenter uses in his work-bench vise. Mine is 16 inches in length, and 1 1-16 in diameter. The burr for the screw to work in is let into the under side of No. 1, and held in i)lace by a 3 x 12-inch steel plate, )4^ -inch thick, with a 1 1-16-inch hole in the center for the screw to work through. Refer- ence to the accompanying engraving will show the bolts that hold this plate in position. Instead of having round holes in the ends of the plate, for the bolts to pass through, they are made in the form of slots that extend crosswise of the plates. There should also be another plate on top, only the slots in the ends ought to extend the other way— lengthwise. This arrangement allows of any adjust- ment of the screw so that it will stand perpendicularly. The strain here is something enormous, and everything must be made solid. The frame can be made to suit one's fancy; mine is of 2 x 4, well- braced, 24 inches high, the top 24x26 inches, the long way parallel with the 3x4 piece. Don't forget to brace it wi'Il with a '-. rod from the table to No. 1. (See cut.) The 30-inch, 3/4-inch rod is for a lever for turning the screw. The lever that comes with the screw is not sufficient. No. 5 is a pan of galvanized iron, five inches deep, and 18 inches square, with one side left open and formed into a spout to carry off the wax. There are two racks (No. 2), each 16 inches s(iuare, made of one-inch, scjuare pieces of pine, spaced -;« of an inch apart, and cleated at each end. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 169 The follower (No. 3) is of the same size, and is made of two thicknesses of '^-inch boards, with the grain running in opposite directions. In the center of the follower, on top, is a 3 x 5-inch steel l^late, with an indentation in the top for the screw to work in. Two screws fasten this plate to the follower. The form (No. 4) is 15 inches square, and live inches deep. In the rendering- of wax. there is an excellent reason, which will 1)6 given later, for rendering the cappings separately' from the old combs. Atpresent I will describe the work of rendering the cappings separately' from the old combs. Put a pail of clean, soft water into a No. 9 wash boiler, and set it over a slow tire. Fill the boiler full of cappings; and, as the5' melt down, add more, until the boiler is as full as it can be handled convenienth^ — say, within two inches of the top. If the cappings are broken up tine thej^ will melt much quicker. My cappings are all stored in cracker or sugar barrels. I throw a bar- rel into a box that will hold five or six bushels, take an old axe and cut off the hoops and remove the staves, then chop up the cappings with a spade. We will suppose that you have a boiler of wax on the stove. See to it that the fire is not too hot. If you /mz'C a hot fire, leave the griddles on the stove under the boiler. Keep the lumps broken up with a long paddle — a barrel stave will answer — and keep constantly in mind that the wax should never he allozvcd to boil. Just as soon as the last chunk is melted, slide the boiler off the stove, upon a barrel or box arranged the same height as the stove. The wax is now ready for the press. See that the press-screw is clear up out of the way, and the galvanized iron pan (with the spout end) is in place. Next put in one of the slated frames, then the form, over which spread a 30-inch, square piece of burlap of the thin, open kind. Press the burlap down into the form, set a galvanized iron washtub under the spout (you will need three or four of these tubs) then, with a large dipper, having a long handle, dip the wax from the boiler to the press. By the way, it is not necessary to put all of the melted wax through the press. With a little care all of the slum gum can be dipped off the top, leaving quite a quantity of wax, water and honey that can be emptied directly into the tub. When the form has been filled, take hold of the two opposite sides of the burlap, and move it up and down; then do the same with the two other sides. This works most of the water and wax through the burlap, out of the way, so that we can handle the slum gum to better advantage. We will suppose that nearly all of the wax is out that will come out without pressure; take hold of the burlap on two opposite sides, bring them together with a good lap, and pin with a ten penny nail; 170 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. then handle the two remaining- sides in the same manner. Next remove the form, and put another rack on the top, the same as was used underneath. Now put on the follower and add the screw- pressure. When the wax stops running, loosen up the screw, give the cheese a half turn, and add more pressure. If you have done a g^ood job there will not be a. p(ir//r/f oi wax left in the slum g"um. One pressure is all that is necessary for a boiler full of cappings; but with old combs four or five times may be required. Always keep in mind that the less slum gum put into the press the more perfectly can it be freed from wax. It will be noticed that the honey and wax have never been broug^ht to the boiling point, hence the honey has not been injured for the making- of vinegar; and after the wax has cooled and been taken off in a cake, the honey and water may be emptied into an open-end barrel. After it has stood over nig^ht, or until the sediment has settled, skim, and dip off the top, and the sweetened water thus secured is as g-ood material for making vinegar as it is possible to secure; while every ounce of wax has been removed from the cap- pings. The sweetened water thus secured is /oo sweet for the mak- ing- of vinegfar, but more soft water may be added and the vinegar made in the usual way. This is why we do not render old, black, brood combs at the same time that we melt uj) the capping-s. The same boiler is used for clarifying the wax. After a little cleaning- around the upper edg-e, put in a ]iail of water, then fill with the wax as it comes from the i)ress, only be i)articu]ar to clioj) it up fine. An}' chunks larg^er than two inches in dianieter should be chopped up with the axe, as we wish to melt it with the /(•/ /^ o. <>//>/<• Ileal. As in the first meltiiig, the chunlxs are Kei)t I)roKen apart with a paddle. (live a little more time for the wax to melt rather than have it boil; and just the moment that it is all melted, slide it oif the stove the same as before, cover up with two or three thicknesses of blankets, andlet it stand until there are signs of its caking around the edges. Usually, four or five hours are enough time for thi- iini)ur'- ties to settle to the bottom, After skimming the wax, it is ready to dip off and cake. Clean your long handled dipper, and with it dip off the wax into llaring-toi), tin pails. Don't make the mistake of l)utting any water into the i)ails. ^Phere is a little knack aI)out dip- ping out the wax in such a way as not to disturb the sediment any more than is possible. Don't think of dipping right in, just as thoug-h you were dipping water, but drop the side of the dipper into the wax, say, three-fourths of an inch, then carefully sink the holtoni of the dipper down into the wax, always keeping the lop edg-e near the surface of the wax. By dipping in this manner, it is surprising^ ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 171 to see how close one can dip to the sediment without disturbing' it. Stop dipping- as soon as sigfns of sediment appear in the dipper, and what is left in the boiler can g-o into the next melting. Let me re- peat: If you wish for nice, soft, pliable wax, that is so much in demand in the markets, doii^t ever allo-w yoi(r zvax to boil\n anj- pro- cess of rendering." For cleaning; an^- utensils that are daubed up with wax, use a cloth saturated with benzine. Benzine will dissolve wax much as water will dissolve sugar. For some mysterious reason, sulphuric acid will cleanse or clarify beeswax that is brown, or black, or almost any color, bring-- ing- it back to a nice, bright yellow. The bee-keeper who renders his wax according to the methods here described, will probably have no need for using acids, but those who bu}- wax for making- into foundation lind the use of the acid almost indispensible. A kettle or some other vessel, is tilled perhaps one-third full of water, and then filled up with cakes of wax. By the use of steam, or b}- setting the vessel on a stove, the wax is melted, when acid is added at the rate of about one pint of acid to 12 g-allons of water. Soon after the acid is poured in. the wax will be seen to change to a ligfhter hue. when the heat may be stopped, and the sediment allowed to settle, after which the pure wax can be dipped of the top. If a metal vessel is used, it must be thoroughly washed after use, and it would be well to rub it over with grease to prevent any further action of the acid. 172 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. Tlhie IR.eIsitl©im ©f IF©©dl to ttlhi© N the Southern States, and other phices not blessed with a stern winter, where bees can enjo^^ fre(|uent fli^fhts, it matters little what the food is, so lonjj as it is not actuall^^ poisonous. By this is meant that an}^ kind of sweet like sug-ar, honey, or even honey dew, will answer as food. In these mild climates, little or no protection is needed; but, as hijjher latitudes are reached, chaff- packed hives, or their equivalent, are needed, and there must be some care exercised in regfard to food. As we journey still further from the eciuator, it is only cellars and the best of food that brinj^- forth uniform results. It has been asserted that honey is the "natural" food of bees, and that nothing- can be gained by substituting something else. It must be remembered that the "natural" home of the bee is that of a warm climate, where there are no long spells of confinement caused by continued cold. Hone^' is, of course, the "natural" food of bees, but this fact does not prevent their dying sometimes as the result of its consumption, when a diet of cane sugar would have saved their lives. In mj' opinion, food is the pivotal point upon which turns the wintering of bees in our Northern States. Food is the fulcrum, and temperature the long end of the lever. The whole (juestion in a nut shell is just this: The loss of bees in winter, aside from that caused by diarrhea, is not worth mentioning. It is diarrJica that kills our bees. What causes it? An overloading of the intestines, with no opportunity of emptying them. Cold confines the bees to their hives. The greater the cold the larger are the quantities of food consumed ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 173 to keep up the animal heat. The more food there is consumed, the sooner are the intestines overloaded. A moment's reflection will make it clear that the character of the food consumed has an effect upon the accumulation in the intestines. In the dig-estion of cane sug-ar there is scarcely any residue. Honey is usually quite free from nitrogenous matter, being well supplied with oxygen, and, when practically free from floating grains of pollen, is generally a very good and safe winter-food; although not as good as properly prepared sugar sja-up, which never contains nitrogen, but possesses more oxj^gen. The excreta from diarrhetic bees is almost wholly pollen grains, in a dig-ested or partly digested state, with a slight mixture of organic matter. What overloads the intestines of the bees is this nitrogenous matter which they consume, either as grains of pollen floating in the honey, or by eating the bee bread itself. Repeated experiments have proved beyond a doubt that, as a winter food for bees, cane sugar has no superior. With this as an exclusive diet, bees never die with the dysentery; and, if kept in a temperature ranging from 35 to 42 degrees, they are all but certain to winter successfully. This being the case, the question naturally follows, why not take away the hone^^ in the fall, and feed the bees sugar? One objection to the use of sugar, as a winter food, is that every pound of sugar so used puts one more pound of honey on the market. Another objection is that the bee-keeper is thereby com- pelled to pa}^ out money for sugar, while he may have on hand a crop of honey that is meeting with slow sale. Some object to its use on the ground that it lends color to the cry of "adulteration." Per- haps the greatest objection is the labor of extracting the honey and feeding' the sugar. Let's consider these objections. The use of sugar as a winter food for bees unquestionabl}^ does put a little more honey on the market, but this ought not to weigh so very heavily against the cer- tainty' of wintering the bees. Neither need there be any labor of ex- tracting the honey in the fall, if the summer management has been conducted with a view to feeding sugar in the fall. By contraction of the brood nest nearly all of the honey may be forced into the supers, leaving the brood combs nearly empty at the end of the season. It only remains to feed the bees, and, with proper feeders (the Heddon, for instance), tin cans, and oil stoves for making the syrup, feeding is neither a long nor a tedious task. What little honey remains in the corners of the combs is not likely to be con- sumed until spring, when frequent flights will prevent all troubles that might arise from its consumption. In regard to causing the 174 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. public to believe that by some hocus pocus the sugar that is fed gets into the surplus, no one need know of the feedinjjf, except it mij^ht be in some cases, an immediate neighbor, and the bee-keeper ought to enjoy his neighbor's conlidence to that degree that the exact truth can be told him, and it will be believed. As in regard to the in- creased amount of honey that the use of sugar as winter stores puts upon the market, so any possible talk about adulteration is over- balanced b}' the certainty of carrying the bees through the winter. If the feeding is done early enough so that the bees will have time to work the honey over and ripen it, no heat will be needed in making the syrup; simply stir into cold water all of the sugar that it will dissolve, feed it to the bees, and they will reduce it to the proper consistency; and, by the addition of their secretions, change the cane sugar into grape sugar, thus practically making it into honey. If fed too late something may be necessary to prevent the granulation of the syrup. For this purpose I never found anything better than honey — from 10 to 20 per cent, is sufficient. September is early enough to feed; but, when feeding has been neglected until it is so late and the weather so cool that the bees will not leave the cluster and go into the feeder, it may be managed, as explained in the chapter on feeding, by filling the feeder with hot syrup and placing it under the hive. The heat from the syrup will warm up and arouse the bees, when they will come down and carry up the feed. But all can not, or may not wish to, use sugar for winter stores, and many do not ticcd to use sugar to insure the successful winter- ing of their bees. There is a great difference in localities regarding the character of the honey. Where one has successfully i)ursued the same course year after year, it is doubtful if a change would be desirable; but what shall the man do who loses heavily nearly every winter, yet can not, or will not use sugar? Possibly he can so manage that his winter stores are secured from a different source. Mr. O. O. Poppleton takes the ground that the best winter stores come from the most bountiful yields. It is possible that there is something in this, bountiful j-ields of any crop are usually of fine quality, but I know of at least one locality where the fall flow of honey is always the most abundant, and I might almost say ahvays abun- dant, yet so surely will it kill bees that the most extensive bee-keeper in that locality, after an experience of many years, kills his bees in the fall rather than attempt to winter them on this honey by luiy method. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 175 But bee-keepers can do this: Notice if any particular kind of honej^ is more likely to cause trouble, and then avoid its use as winter stores. Part of the bees may be protected upon the summer stands, and part put into the cellar. In a warm, open winter, the bees out of doors will stand the better chance; in a severe winter the odds will be in favor of the cellar — and their owner must take his chances. 176 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. OuEt°D©oir WlEi^eiriinirf of Bees« V bees can enjoy frequent flig-hts, out of doors is the place to winter them. If deprived of these flights, a temperature of about 45 degrees enables them to bear a much longer confine- ment than does a temperature below freezing. In the South, fre(|uent flights are assured; in the North, no dependence can be placed upon the matter. Some winters are "open," or there are January thaws, allowing the bees to enjo}^ cleansing flights, while other winters hold them close prisoners for four or five months. It is this element of uncertainty attending the wintering of bees in the open air that has driven so many bee-keepers to the adoption ot" cel- lar wintering. Still, there are some bee-keepers who, from some peculiarity of location or management, arc able to winter their bees in the open air with (luite uniform success; others are co)upcllcd, for the present, at least, to winter the bees out of doors; in short, a large portion of the bees, even in the North, are wintered in the open air, and probably' will be for a long time to come; and, while my pref- erence is the cellar, there is much to be said in favor of out-door wintering. Let me give one or two instances of success: Ira I). Bartlett, of East Jordan, Michigan, which is away in the northern portion of the lower peninsula, began keeping bees when only 14 years of age l)egan with only one colony and when 21 years of age he had 150 colonies, and had never lost a colony wintering them out of doors. His method of protection was very thorough. He packed four colonies in one box, putting packing not only at the sides, and on top, but also bchnv the hives. The packing was fine, dry saw- dust, and the roof to the box had eaves that extended over like the eaves of a railroad station, which allowed the roof to be raised up a ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 177 o H 178 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. short distance above the box, for ventilation; 5'et the snow would not g-et in to any g-reat extent. There was a sort of vestibule in front of the entrances, and this vestibule was kept closed b\- means of a board; it being- removed onl}- when there came a day warm enough for the bees to fiv — something that rareh- occurred in the winter. So warm and comfortable were the bees when so snugly housed that they even brought the dead bees out and dropped them in the vesti- bule. I suspect that the thorough protection, combined with the perfect ventilation, allowing no accumulation of moisture, is the secret of this wonderful success. Another instance was that of two ladies who began bee-keeping in Northern Michigan before the iron horse had invaded that region, and who were uniformly successful, for a long series of years, in wintering their bees out of doors, packed in chaff. Like Mr. Bartlett, the}- furnished abundant upward ventilation, above the packing. An opening a foot square was cut in the top of the box containing chaff that was placed over the colony, and this opening was covered with wire cloth to keep out mice; and then, over all, to keep out the storms, was a large roof. So successful were these ladies, that, from first to last, I have paid them nearh- SI, 000 for bees. It does not seem as though the question of w^hether bees should be protected, here in the North, need receive an}- consideration whatever, yet it has been objected to on the grounds that the pack- ing becomes damp, that it deprives the bees of the warmth of the sun, and that the}- sometimes fail to fiy in the winter, because the outside warmth is so slow in reaching them, when bees in single- wall hives may be in full flight. There is occasionally a still, mild da}- in winter, upon which the sun shines out bright and strong for an hour or two, and bees in single-wall hives enjoy a real cleansing flight, w-hile the momentary rise in the temperature passes away ere it has penetrated the thick walls of a chaff hive. On the other hand, there are days and weeks, and sometimes months, unbroken by these rises in temperature; and the bees must depend for their ex- istence upon the heat generated by themselves; and the more perfect the non-conductor by which they are surrounded, the less will be the loss of heat. When bees are well protected, there is less necessity for flight than when the protection is slight. If a bee-keeper thinks, however, that bees in a chaff hive ought to fly on a warm day, and they dont fly, he has only to remove the covering over the bees, and allow them to fly from the top of the hive. For several winters I left a few colonies unprotected; and I dis- continued the practice only when thoroughly convinced that, in this locality, the losses were lessened by protection. In mild winters ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 179 the bees came throug-h in prett\- fair condition. In severe winters the bees in the outside spaces, or ranges of combs, died first; the cluster became smaller: the bees in more ranges died: and. b}- spring, all were dead, or the colony so reduced in numbers, and the surviv- ors so lacking- in vitalit}-. as to be practically worthless. I have never seen any ill effects from dampness, but I have always given abundant ventilation above the packing. When the warm air from the cluster passes up through the packing, and is met bj' the cold, outer air, some condensation of moisture takes place. This moistens the surface of the packing", but it remains comparatively dr}- underneath. With a good strong colony of bees, and ventilation above the packing, I have never known trouble from moisture. In the giving of protection, chatf hives have the advantage of always being ready for winter, and of doing awa^- with the labor and untidiness of packing and unpacking: but they are expensive and cumbersome. It is some work to pack bees in the fall, and to un- pack them again in the spring, but light, single-wall, readily movable hives during the working season are managed with enough less labor to more than compensate for that of packing and unpacking. Then there is another point: The work of packing and unpacking comes when there is comparative leisure, while the extra work caused by great, unwieldy- hives, comes at a time when the bee- keeper is working on the keen jump. For packing material I have used wheat chaff, forest leaves, planer shavings and dry sawdust. I have never used cork-dust, but it is probably the best packing material. Its non-conductivity is nearh- twice that of chaff, while it never becomes damp. The only objection is that it is not readily obtainable, and usualh' costs some- thing, while the other substances mentioned cost nothing. What the}- lack in non-conductivity can be made up in quantity-. And this brings up the point of the proper thickness of packing. I have often thrust m\- hand into the packing surrounding a populous colony- of bees, and found the warmth perceptible at a distance of four inches from the side, and six inches from the top. This would seem to indicate the thickness when sawdust or chaff is used. I presume that packing has been condemned when it was not more than half done — that is, when not enough material is used. I don't appreciate the arguments of those who advocate the use of ////;/ packing. I don't believe that the benefit of the heat from the sun during an occasional bright da}-, can compensate for the lack of pi-otection dur- ing )no>iths of extreme cold. 180 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. r bo ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 181 Hollow walls with no packing have had their advocates; and it has been asked if these dead (?) air spaces were not equally as gfood non-conductors of heat as those filled with chaff. They are not. In the first place, the air is not "dead;" it is constantly moving. The air next the inside wall becomes warm and rises; that next the outer wall cools and settles; thus there is a constant circulation that robs the inner wall of its heat. If chaff hives are not used, how shall the packing be kept in place? I know of nothing better than boxes made made of cheap lumber. If there is lack of room for storing them in summer, they can be made so as to be easily "knocked down," and stacked up when not in use. Of course, bees can be packed more cheaply by setting the hives in long rows, building a long box about them, and filling it with the material used for packing. With this method the packing ought to be postponed until it is so late that the bees are not likely to fly again until they have forgotten their old locations; else some of the bees will be lost, or some of the colonies get more than their share of bees. When the}^ have a "cleansing flight" in winter, there is also a likelihood of some bees returning to the wrong hive. Then, when the bees are unpacked in the spring, there is more confusion and mixing; but I don't look upon this as so ver^- serious a matter. At this time of the 5'ear, other things being equal, a bee is worth just as much in one hive as in another. If there is an^' difference in the strength of colonies, the weaker ones might be left nearest to where the bees were unpacked. Speaking of being compelled to wait about packing the bees un- til they are not likelv to fly again until some time in the winter, reminds me that advantages have been claimed for early packing; that bees in single-wall hives onlj- wear themselves out with frequent flights that are to no purpose, while those that are packed are not called out b3- every passing ra}- of sunshine; that the earh^-packed bees sooner get themselves settled down for their winter's nap, and are in better condition for winter when it comes. It is possible that there is something in this, but there were two or three years in which I tried packing a colony or two as earlj- as the first of Septem- ber, and I continued to pack a colony every two or three days until the fore part of November, and I was unable to discern any advan- tage in ver3- early packing. If the bees are protected before freezing weather comes, I believe that is enough. There is one other point that ought not to be neglected in pre- paring the bees for winter, whether in-doors or out, and that is the leaving of a space below the combs. When wintered out of doors there ought to be a rim two inches high placed under each hive. 182 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. This not only allows the dead bees to drop away from the combs to a place where they will dry up instead of moulding- between the combs, but if there is an entrance cut in thi upper edge of the rim, there will be no possibility of its becoming- clogged. This empty space under the combs seems to have a wonderful influence in bringing the bees through in fine condition, and I am not certain why. Weak colonies can seldom be wintered successfully out of doors. They cannot g-enerate sufficient heat. In the cellar, where the temperature seldom g-oes below 40 degrees, quite weak colonies can be successfully wintered. As I understand it, this whole matter of out-dooor wintering- of bees might be summed up in a few words: Populous colonies; plenty of ,^7;^>^/ food and ///^^r^^//.^/^ protection. Simple, isn't it ? Yet there is a world of meaning wrapped up in those few words. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 18: Tl^e VenHilatMini of Bee Cellair^ 'EARS ago, "sub-eai-th" ventilation of bee cellars was almost universally recommended. Nearly every one who built a bee cellar, also buried 200 or 300 feet of drain-tile; the outer end connecting- with the open air, and the inner end enter- ing the cellar. To remove the mr trojji the cellar, a pipe, connecting- with a stove pipe in the room above, extended down through the floor to within a few inches of the cellar bottom. The draft of the stove pipe "pulled up" the air from the cellar, and more flowed in through the sub-earth pipe to take its place. In passing through the sub- earth pipe, the air was warmed. If there was no stove pipe with which to connect the outlet pipe, it was extended upwards until it reached the open air. The air in the cellar, being warmer than the outside air. flowed out of the upper ventilator, and more air flowed in through the sub-earth tube. In order to keep the temperature even, there was much opening and closing of the ventilating tubes. In verj' severe weather, it was often necessary- to leave the openings closed several days, or even weeks. At such times it was noticed that the bees suffered no in- convenience. Not onh- this, but it was often noticed that when the ventilators were opened, the in-rush of fresh, cool air aroused the bees and made them uneasy. Finally, the ventilators were opened less and less, and, at last, they were left closed all of the time. The amount of air needed by bees varies greatly according to circumstances. When they are excited and full of honey, as is the case with a swarm, the amount of air needed is very great. If they can be kept quiet, a very little air will suffice. In winter the bees are in a semi-dormant state, one closely bordering on hibernation, 184 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. as that word is properly understood, and the amount of air necessary for their maintenance is very slig-ht. I believe it was Mr. D. L. Adair who, years ago, removed a box of surplus honey from a hive, and, leaving- the bees in possession, pasted several layers of paper over the entrance. As all of the cracks and crevices were stopped with propolis, the box was practically air-tight. The bees were kept confined several days, yet did not, apparently, suffer for want of air. Mr. James Heddon tells of some man who, wishing- to "take-up" some of his colonies in the fall, plastered up the entrances with blue clay, expecting to kill the bees by suffocation. Upon opening the hives a few days later, imagine the discomfiture of their owner at seeing the bees fly right merrily. I have several times wintered bees successfully in "clamps" where the bees were buried under two feet of frozen earth. Prof A. J. Cook even went so far as to her- metically seal up two colonies by throwing water over the hives and allowing it to freeze, thus forming a coating of ice over the hives. The bees survived this treatment. It is not likely that, in any of these experiments, the coverings surrounding the bees were absolutely air tight, but enough is proven to show that, in winter, bees can sur- vive, and, apparently thrive, with a very limited amount of air. Special ventilation, simply for the sake of securing fresher or purer air, seems to be almost wholly unnecessary; the few bee-keep- ers who plead for special ventilation do so almost wholly upon the ground that they can thereby more readily control the temper- ature. If the repository is sufficiently under the ground, it does not seem as though ventilation would be very much needed for control- ling the temperature, unless it might be towards spring when the bees had commenced breeding, and a large number of colonies were in the cellar. When bees settle down into that (juiescent state that accom- panies successful wintering, their need of air is very slight, indeed. When their winter nap is ended, and spring arouses them to activity, and to brood rearing, more air is needed. It is then, if ever, that special ventilation is a benefit, but, as this can be secured, in the ordinary cellar, by the opening of doors and windows at night, if it ever becomes really necessary, it scarcely seems necessary to go to the expense of supplying sub-earth pipes. I should not do it, nor advise it. When bees are to be wintered in large numbers, in a spe- cial repository, I would have some arrangement whereby the heat could be allowed to pass off, if it should become advisable, yet not allow the entrance of light. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 185 TIbe P^elatioim of Moistlmire to WiimteriiniM ©f Bees* S IT an advantag-e to have the air of our bee cellars dr3'? Or, do the bees winter more perfectlj^ in a moist atmosphere ? Or. is this an unimportant factor? If it is important, how shall we determine what degree of moisture is most conducive to the health of the bees, and, having decided this point, what shall we do about it ? How can we control the amount of moisture in the air of our bee cellars? All these queries, and man}" more, come to the man who is thinking- of wintering- his bees in a cellar. Whether bees can be successfully wintered in a damp cellar, depends largeh', almost wholl3^ upon the temperature of the atmos- phere. "If the repositor}' be damp, a deg-ree of temperature higher in proportion to the dampness should be maintained." — ^A'. W. McLai)i. Referring to this statement, Mr. Frank Cheshire says: "The reason being that the water has an enormous capacity for heat (specific heat) whether in the liquid or vaporous form; the latter abstracts heat from the bees, and intensifies their strugg-le." Dr. Youmans says "Air which is already- saturated with moisture refuses to receive the perspiration offered it from the skin and lungs, and the sewage of the s3-stem is dammed up." A moist air very readih^ absorbs heat, and more quickh" robs the bees of that element so essential to life; hence it will be seen why a moist atmosphere must also be a warm one if disastrous results are to be avoided. There is also another point, in the wintering of bees, upon which moisture has a bearing, and that is in regard to its effects upon the 186 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. exhalations of the bees. If the exhalations are not taken up readilj-, the "sewage of the system is dammed up." But little moisture is re(|uired to saturate cold air; that is, it will absorb but little moisture, the point where it will receive no more being- soon reached. As the temperature rises, the absorbing capacit}^ of the air increases. When air of a high temperature, at that of our bodies, or nearh' that, is saturated, or nearly so, with moisture, the exhalations from the lungs and skin are taken up but slowly; we are oppressed, and say the weather is "muggy." This explains why we feel better on bright, clear days. Heating air increases its power of absorption, hence we enjoy afire on a damp day. If the air of a cellar is dry, it will be readily seen that the tem- perature may be allowed to go much lower. In other words, a cold, dr}- atmosphere or a damp, warm one, may be about equal, so far as effects are concerned. This is a point that bee-keepers have not sufficientl}' considered. We have many reports of the successful wintering of bees at such a degree of temperature, but nothing is ever said as to the degree of saliiratio)}. Bee-keep- ers ought to use a wet-bulb ther- mometer in their cellars; then let the degree of saturation be given with that of the temperature, and we would have something ap- proaching accurac}'. I say "approaching accuracy," because the strength of the colonies, and the manner in which they are protected, have a bearing. A populous, well-protected colony can warm up the inside of the hive, expelling the moisture, and increasing the absorb- ing capacity of the air. Building a fire in a room on a damp day is the same thing in principle. As mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the way to decide in regard to the amount of moisture in the air, is by the use of a wet- bulk thermometer. The arrangement is very simple, and any of my readers could make one. Attach two ordinary thermometers, side by side, to a piece of board. Just below them, fasten a tin cup for holding water. Make a light covering of candle wicking for one of the bulbs at the bottom of the thermometer, allowing the wicking to extend down into the water in the cup. The water will ascend ADAANCED BEE CULTURE. 187 the wicking- and keep the bulb constantly wet. There will be, of course, evaporation from the wick surrounding: the bulb. Evapora- tion causes a loss of heat; hence, the drier the air the sfi^eater the evaporation, the g-reater the loss of heat, and the lower will go the mercury in the wet-bulb thermometer. The g-reater the difference in the reading's of the wet and the dry bulb thermometers, the drier the air. In the open air there is sometimes a difference of 26 de- grees; but this is unusual. When it is raining, the air is then satu- rated. There is then no evaporation, and both thermometers show the same deg-ree of temperature. In the cellar in which I used the wet-bulb thermometer the difference in the reading's of the two thermometers was usually about three or four deg-rees, with the wet-bulb instrument standing- at about 36 degrees; but this differ- ence could be increased two or three degrees by warming the air with an oil stove. If the mercury in the wet-bulb thermometer stands at 36 or 40 deg-rees, and that in the dry-bulb as much as four deg-rees higher, I think there need be no worry about moisture; but if the difference is only two deg-rees or less, either the temperature ought to be raised, or the air dried in some manner. Ventilation of cellars has been objected to on the ground that it brought moisture into the cellar. This may be true, but not in freez- ing- weather. Frozen air, if the expression is allowable, has a very low point of saturation. That is, it will hold very little moisture; and when it is brought into the hig-hei temperature of the cellar, and becomes warmed, its capacity for absorption is greatly increased — it is ready to receive water instead of giving- it out. When the out- side air comes into the cellar, and deposits moisture upon objects therein, it is evident that the in-coming- air is warm and moisture- laden — warmer than the cellar and its contents. Mould in bee-repositories is usually looked upon as something- undesirable, and I will admit that its appearance is far from pleas- ant, but we must not forget that, in a certain sense, it is a plant — the child of warmth and moisture — and that the conditions necessary for its development may not be injurious to the bees — }na\' be more beneficial than a condition under which mould does not develop, viz., one of moisture and ro/d. A very damp cellar ought to be warm enough for the development of mould. But the cellar need not be damp. It can be made both warm and dry. These matters of tem- perature and moisture are under our control. Either by fires, or by going into the earth, preferably the latter, we can secure the proper temperature; and by the use of lime to absorb the moisture, a dry atmosphere can be secured. Certainly, it is not much trouble to 188 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. keep unslacked lime in the cellar. A bushel of lime absorbs 28 pounds of water in the process of slackint^f. While it is evident that moisture in ordinary cellars is not inju- rious, provided the temperature is high enough, it is a great comfort to know that there is nothing to fear from a drj' atmosphere; that we can indulge our fancy, if you choose to call it that, for dry, sweet- smelling, mouldless cellars, and know that the results will be harmless. Some bee-keepers have asserted that cellars dug in clay or hard pan are more difficult to keep dry than when dug in a sandy soil. Mr. J. H. Martin, when living in New York, said that a cellar in hard pan, or even in clay, could be much improved bj- digging down two or three feet, tilling in with stones, then with gravel, and finish- ing up with a covering of cement. A Glimpse of a Montana Apiary. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 189 ROF. ATWATER says that the production of heat in the human body is so great that, if there were no way for it to escape, there would sufficient accumulate, in an average, well-fed man, to heat his body to the boiling- point in 36 hours. This heat is gradually passing oif by radiation. To prevent too rapid radiation, we cover our bodies with clothing. B"or the same reason, we surround our bees in winter with chaff or some other non-conductor of heat; but there is no way in which the radiation of heat can be so completely controlled as by surrounding the heat pro- ducing body with an atmosphere of the proper temperature. There is no method by which the most desirable temperature for wintering- bees can be so completely secured as by placing- the bees in a cellar or special repositor3\ The ordinary house-cellar, where the temperature remains above freezing-, is usually a g^ood place in which to winter bees. Men who are engag-ed extensively in bee-keeping where cellars are needed for the wintering- of bees, usually find it to their advantage, perhaps a necessity, to build a special repository. The more completely the cellar is below the surface of the earth, the more perfectly can the temperature be controlled. It should be remembered that, not only is there the winter's cold with which to contend, but the warmer days of late winter may arouse the bees and make them uneasy before it is time to remove them from the cellar; unless the cellar is deep in the g-round beyond the influence of outside temperatures. The walls of a cellar are usually laid up with brick or stone, but there are other methods of making a cellar. Mr. T. F. Bing-ham, of 190 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 191 Fai'well, Michigfan, has a cellar that has been compared to a cistern. The walls are made sloping", and then plastered over very heavily with cement, after the manner in which cisterns are sometimes made. Over the cellar is laid a floor covered several inches with dry sawdust, while a roof keeps all dr^', Mr. Bin.g-ham is a believer in havinj^ fresh air for the bees, even thoug^h thej^ use only a small amount, and he has a ventilator 17 inches square running- up through the ceiling and roof. Mr. Bingham also finds this ventilation of great help in keeping the bees quiet during the first warm days of spring, before he considers it late enough for their removal. Some parts of the countr^^ are too low and level to allow the building of a cellar below the surface of the earth, when some sort of a structure above g^round is the only resort. Some of these above-ground cellars have double walls built of brick, others have walls of stone, and still others are made of cedar or pine logs after the manner of a log house, and the whole structure then covered with earth. A cellar thus surrounded by earth is almost as thoroug-hly proof against the chang-es of temperature, as though built under g-round. Having briefly considered cellars, let us come back to the sub- ject of temperature; and, h\ the way, I am certain that I can do no better than to quote a few^ paragraphs upon this subject from an article contributed by Mr. R. L. Taylor to one of the earl}' numbers of the Bee-Keepers' Review. Among- other things, Mr. Taylor said: "I think it a truth not to be forg-otten that no one can determine, ex- cept approximately, the best temperature for bees in another's re- pository. The condition of the bees as to numbers, the warmth and ventilation of the hive, the character of the hives, and the state of the repositorj^ as to moisture, have each to be considered in deciding upon temperature. Of course, the bee-keeper cares nothing about the temperature in itself; what he is interested in is in knowing what the condition is in which the bees pass the winter with the least loss of vitality. In what manner temperature affects this condition is really a subsid- iary question. If we could agree upon the primary question, I think there would be little difficulty in solving the subsidiary one. What are the distinguishing marks of the condition most desir- able for the well being of the bees ? We know that at the beginning of their season of rest, bees cluster closely, and we know that so strong is this instinct that this state, late in the fall, continues in a temperature that at another season of the year would cause extreme activity. There is no doubt that this is the state best suited to the preservation of the physical 192 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. UJ o o ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 193 powers of the bees. Labor, activity, anxiety, are wearing to mortal flesh. To live long-, one must live slowly. We wish our bees to have the same degree of physical vigor in April which they possess in No- vember. I would emphasize the adverb in the phrase 'cluster closely,' in using it as an earmark of the condition desired. The quietness sought should be a quietness to the eye, and not to the ear alone. The right cluster is knit together, and the individual bees thereof only aroused to full consciousness by positive disturbance. Bees in a loose cluster, or spread through the hive, often make little sound when wearing themselves out by premature brood rearing or by over feeding. How does temperature aifect the desired condition ? Most bee-keepers know that temperature below a certain point causes activity among the bees on account of the necessity they feel of keeping up the warmth of the cluster by exercise, in order to pre- vent themselves sinking into such a degree of chilliness that they shall no longer have the power to resuscitate themselves; and all know that as the period of rest lengthens, the beesbecome more and more susceptible to a high temperature, and are very likely to be pushed by it into unseasonable activity. Again, the temperature may be so low and so long continued that, notwithstanding their efforts, the5^ perish either of cold or starvation. Of course, the temperature that determines the welfare of a colony is that within its own hive, so it becomes very important in fixing the temperature to consider the strength of the colonies, and size, warmth and ventilation of the hives. A temperature that would enable a weak colony to winter safely would almost surely greatly injure a strong colony in a hive of like size and condition, unless its stores were of good quality, and vice versa. Weak colonies should be protected by contraction and a closer hive — the stronger given more ventilation. A moist atmosphere conveys away animal heat much more rapidly than a dry one, so that the best temperature in one cel- lar might vary many degrees from that which would be best in another. I have no doubt in my mind that, with stores which are excep- tional, every normal colony would winter well in an^^ ordinary bee- cellar, where the temperature ranges from 32 to 50 degrees, Fahren- heit, and that we err when we attempt to make successful wintering turn upon anything aside from food; still, no doubt the temperature may be made to assist the bees in contending with the distresses arising from the unfit food. Warmth makes the discomfort of their diarrhoetic disease less unbearable. In a low temperature, bees afflicted with diarrhoea soon perish miserably. So, for bees thus 194 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. diseased, I would provide a hi<^h temperature; say about 50 deg-rees, thereby enabling the dying- to leave the hive, the diseased to void their excreta outside the cluster, and the well to make a more courag"eous fight for life. I need scarcely add anything- more upon this part of the subject, and shall only say farther that, in my own cellars, where the air is neither very moist nor very dry, and where there are no draughts, I consider a temperature of 40 to 44 degrees the best for good colonies in hives from which the bottom boards are entirely removed. If the bottom boards are not removed, I think that five degrees lower would be about equivalent. In order to have the temperature as desired, it becomes impor- tant to have one's bees in a repository of which the temperature is nearly independent of outside changes. This is, I think, secured far more satisfactorily by having the repository entirely, or, at least, very largely, below the surface of the earth." As the temperature is higher at the upper part of a cellar, the weak colonies should be placed in the topmost tier of hives. It has been urged that, as spring approaches, and breeding be- gins,the temperature of the cellar should be raised. With a large number of colonies the increased activity would, of itself, have a tendency in this direction. If there are only a few colonies, artificial means of raising the temperature are sometimes em- ployed. Some have used oil stoves in the hatchway of the cellar; others have warmed the air with wood or coal stoves. If an oil stove is used, there ought to be a metal hood over it, and a pipe connect- ing with a stove pipe in the room above, or else with the open air. Of course an oil stove can be used without such an arrangement, but it overloads the air with the gases of combustion. I mention these make-shifts with something akin to reluctance, as I feel that the proper way to do is to have a cellar so constructed that there will be no necessity for their use. Mr. H. R. Boardman, who has had much successful experience in wintering bees in cellars, prefers to have a bee cellar with two apart- ments, in one of which is a stove. If he ever finds it necessarj^ to resort to artificial heat, he warms the air in the ante room, and then admits it to the room. In the use of artificial heat he does not find it necessary to employ it constantly, or every day; in fact, he says that the best results are secured by giving the bees the benefit of a summer temperature for a short time once a week, and then letting them alone. They will, after being warmed up, become quiet in a short time, and remain so for several days, and no serious results may be apprehended from cold, if in a frost-proof cellar. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 195 V ■ .... 'LidJ^a^ . '-'^^ ^^imk:- "4 Wintering Bees in a "Clamp." 196 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. There is still another method of securing: the proper temperature for wintering- bees, aside from that of packing- them in chaff, or put- ting them in the cellar, and that is that of burying them in "clamps," as they are called, the same as potatoes and apples are buried in pits. Along trench is first dug a little wider and deeper than a hive. In the bottom is placed a layer of straw, then two pieces of scantling upon which to set the hives. Rails, fence posts, or any kind of supports, are then laid over the hives, and covered with straw upon which the earth is thrown to a sufficient depth to exclude the frost. Sometimes ventilation is given these clamps, but it does not seem to make any material difference whether they are ventilated or not. It does make a difference, however, in regard to the soil and situation. In a sandy or gravelly knoll, where the water will never stand, the successful wintering of the bees is almost assured. In heavy clay, the loss of the bees is equally certain. I say this from numerous experiments. Bees in a clamp, in the right kind of soil, in a g-ood condition, winter equally as well as in a cellar, sometimes it seems as though they winter better, and the only possible objec- tions to this method are the labor and untidiness. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 197 Caff'e ©f B©e© iim Wiimterc F THEY were properh' prepared for winter the preceding- autumn, given plenty of good stores, properly protected out of doors, or placed in a cellar or other repository having the proper temperature, and precautions taken against depredation by mice, bees require almost no care in winter. No bee-keeper worth}' the name will allow his bees to go into winter quarters short of stores. They ought, at least, to have enough to last them until the first warm da3's of spring-, when the}^ may be handled upon their summer stands, and fed if necessary. However, if by any hook or crook, bees liave gone into winter quarters short of stores, and there are fears that some of them may be starving, it is better that they be examined and fed if needed, even though the task may be unpleasant. There need be no hesi- tancy in thus disturbing the bees for fear that it may do them some injury, for, as a rule, it will not. Probabl}' the best method of feeding a colony- of bees in winter, is to give them a frame of honey. If no honey is available, and some of the colonies must be fed, the best substitute is candy made from granulated sugar. Put in sufficient water to dissolve the sugar, then boil the syrup until it will harden in cooling": To learn when to re- move the candy from the stove, take out a spoonful every few minutes, and allow it to cool. As soon as it begins to show signs of hardening-, draw the vessel containing it to the back of the stove, where the heat is less. Watch it carefully and try it frequently. As soon as it is sufficiently hard, remove it from the stove, and pour it into shallow dishes to cool. Be careful not to get it too hard. If it is hard enough to retain its form when placed over a colony of bees,that is sufficient. A thin cake of such candy laid directly upon the frames over a colony of bees, and then the whole top of the hive covered with a piece of enameled cloth, and two or three thicknesses of old carpet over that, will enable the bees to "hold the fort" as long as the candy lasts. If, for any reason, it is impossible, or undesirable, to place the candy in 198 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. this manner upon the tops of the frames, the candy may be "run" directly into empty brood frames, and the frames hung- in the hives adjoining- the bees. To fill a frame with candy, lay it upon a smooth board with a piece of paper under the frame, and pour in the candy, after first waiting for it to cool until it is as cool as it can be, and yet be made to "run." To keep the frame down close to the paper, so that the soft candy will not run out while cooling, tack the frame down with some nails just long- enough to hold the frame down nicely, but not long enough to make it difficult of removal. If a frame full of candy is more than a colony needs, a less amount may be given by tacking a crossbar in the frame, part way up from the bottom, and filling the upper space only with candy. Mice sometimes do some little damage, both to colonies wintered indoors, and those in the open air. This damage is confined prin- cipally to that of g-nawing the combs. If bee-keepers would only remember that bees can pass through a space that is less than K of an inch, and that a mouse needs a space nearly twice this, it would seem that there need be no trouble in keeping mice out of doors. Simply contract the entrance until it is only % of an inch the nar- rowest way, and no mice can enter. This should be done quite early in the fall, as cool, frosty nig-hts often drive the mice into the warm retreat to be found inside a bee hive. When bees are wintered in the cellar, many bee-keepers practice raising the hive about two inches from the bottom board; others remove the bottom board en- tirely. This allows plenty of ventilation with scarcely any escape of heat. All dead bees and rubbish drop down away from the cluster of bees, where they dry up instead of becoming- mouldy and rotten from contact with the warmth and moisture of the cluster. If a colony docs die, the combs are left dry and clean, instead of being stuck together with a mass of damp, moldy, rotting bees. All who have tried raising hives in this manner are enthusiastic in its praise; but it will be seen that this plan gives the mice, if there are any in the cellar, free access to the hives. The remedy is to trap the mice, or poison them. For the latter purpose I have found nothing bettei than equal parts of flour, white sugar and arsenic, mixed, and placed in shallow dishes in different parts of the cellar. Unless the cellar is well under ground, where it is well beyond the influence of the outside temperature, it is well to keep watch and not allow the temperature to run too low in protracted cold spells. A lamp stove, burned all night in a cellar, will raise the temperature several degrees. During the fore part of winter, a low temperature is not so dangerous as it is towards spring, when brood rearing may have commenced. From 35 to 45 degrees will answer very well ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 199 until towards sprincr, when itoug-ht not to be allowed to go below 30 degrees, and may with safety go as high as 48 or 50 degrees. So long as the bees remain quiet, I should not disturb them with artificial heat. If the cellar becomes too luann in the spring, before it is time to remove the bees, it may be cooled down by carrying in ice or snow, or the windows and doors may be opened at night and closed in the morning. Years ago, many bee-keepers practiced taking their bees from the cellar, if there came a warm day in the winter, and allowing them to fly, returning them again to the cellar, but this practice has been pretty nearly abandoned. If the bees are in a quiet normal condition, it often rouses them, and sets them to breeding in mid-winter, which is far from desirable. Rapid breeding late in winter, or very early in the spring, is decidedly objectionable; noth- ing so quickly wears out bees as the rearing of brood; and the more unfavorable the conditions, the greater the wear. It is better that the bees should remain quiet until warm weather furnishes the most favorable conditions for brood rearing, when the same expenditure of vitality will produce two bees instead of one. Therefore, don't allow a warm daj^ or two in the winter to tempt you to the removal of the bees from the cellar. Wait until the snow is gone, and there is occasionally a day warm enough for bees to fl}^ then take them out to remain permanently. On the other hand, nothing is gained, and much may be lost, by leaving the bees in the cellar until late in the spring. Many claim superior advantages for out-door wintering, asserting that the colonies build up earlier in the season. They won't if the bees are taken from the cellar early enough; and, cer- tainly, it requires no argument to show that bees successfully wintered in the cellar are better able to bear the rough weather of spring than bees that have endured all of the rigors of the en- tire winter out of doors. In most of our Northern States the main honej^ harvest comes early in the season, and to secure this harvest there must be a goodly number of field workers at the right time, and the eggs from which these workers are produced must be laid several weeks previous to the opening of the harvest, hence the element of time is an important factor, and nothing stimulates a colony in a healthy manner, and sets it to brood rearing, as does a flight in the open air, even if nothing is brought in. Hence it will be seen that early removal from the cellar gives the bees largelj- the advantages of both out-door and in-door wintering. There is no danger of the cold injuring the bees when thej- are ^r5/ removed fi-om the cellar, the trouble comes from late freezes coming after two or three weeks of fine weather. At this time the 200 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. OQ CQ O ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 201 combs are filled with brood, the cold drives the bees into a compact cluster in the center of the hive, and all of the brood outside of this perishes. All of this loss may be avoided by giving the bees some sort of protection after taking them from the cellar. First see that each colony has a queen and plenty of stores, and then protect it. This spring protection need not be an elaborate affair. A sheet of tarred building paper folded down over the hive, and fastened at the lower edges by tacking on strips of lath, will answer every purpose, while it costs only three cents, and can be put in place in less than five minutes. This makes a covering that is both wind and water- proof, and wnll absorb every particle of the sun's heat, but, more im- portant than all this, it will save the loss of brood and weak colonies if there comes a "squaw winter" in the month of May. If spring protection is so important that it is advisable to give it after taking the bees from the cellar, it may be asked, why not practice out-door wintering, then wunter-protection will answer for spring, and the expense of a cellar, and of carrying the bees in and out, will be avoided ? In the first place, the saving of stores in cellar- wintering will pay for the expense twice over; and, in tlie next place, and of far more importance, it is only by the cellar method that the wintering of bees, in a cold climate, can ever be reduced to a perfect system. By a selection of natural stores, or, better still, by using sugar, we can secure uniformity of food, but it is only in the cellar, or special repository, that uniformitj^ of temperature, at a desirable point, can be maintained. Carrying the bees from the cellar is not a very agreeable task, aud most of bee-keepers make it much worse by attempting it upon such a warm day as to set the bees fairly crazy the moment the out- door air strikes them. It comes into the cellar and sets the bees to flying, and often there is a general mix-up in the yard by the bees of one colony joining with those of another in full flight, and following them into their hive. To avoid these troubles, some bee-keepers carry their bees out in the night, when the indications are that the following day will be fair. If the bees have wintered perfeeily and are quiet, all of these annoj ances and losses maj' be avoided by carry- ing out the bees upon a day so eool i\\dii the bees zcill not think of flying. This idea that bees must fly the moment that they are taken from the cellar is one of those old notions that is a notion, and that is all. If bees have to wait even a week or two after being placed upon their summer stands, before having a flight, no harm will comeasthe result, providing- fhey have not wintered poorlj^ and are so anxious for a flight as to leave their hives when the weather is so cool that they will never return. 202 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. :ltEsioini< N CONCLUSION let me say that the writing of this book has been largely a labor of love, of hope, of a desire to benefit bee- keepers; to arouse, encourage and inspire them, and lead them to adopt better methods. I wish them to have broader views of their occupation, to look upon it as a bns/ucss, to stop "fussing" with a /c7V bees, to get rid of other hampering pursuits, to branch out and keep enough bees to employ all of their time, energy and capital. No more ennobling pursuit exists than that of bee-keeping. It is the poetry of agriculture. It is uplifting and inspiring, health-giv- ing and useful, fascinating and profitable. It improves the mind, trains the eye and hand, cheers the heart, and fills the pocket book. Knowing all this as I do, it pains me beyond expression to see it maligned and belittled, to hear it called a precarious and uncertain pursuit, one that must be tacked on to the tail of something else, w^hen I ^-fiozp that, rightly managed as a specialty, there is no rural pursuit more safe, pleasant a.nd reliable. If this book does no more than to show the possibilities of ad- vanced bee culture, if it only succeeds in giving the doubting Thomas courage and faith to rid himself of all encumbrances, and then press on to success with bees alone, if it helps to change bee-keeping from a hap hazard, happy-go-lucky side-issue to the dignity of a reliable business, it will not have lived in vain. Reader, the time has come to say good bye. To me it seems like parting from a dear friend; and, in closing, let me say that I would be delighted, at any time, to receive criticisms, suggestions or queries regarding any of the topics mentioned in this book. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 203 "Accordinff to Nature," Modem Bee Culture Sometimes is not Managed 23 Ad vantagres of Feeding Back 106 Advantages of a House Apiary 136 After-Swarming, Prevention of 71 Arrangement of Hives and Buildings 46 Artificial Heat in a Bee Cellar 194, 198 Baldridge Plan of Treating Foul Brood ... 147 Basket for Shaking Swarms into 77 "Ball" their Queen, What to do When Bees. . . 93 "Baby" Nuclei for Queen Rearing 85 Basswood and its Qualities for Making Sec- tions 41 Best Stock and How to Secure it 30 Bee-Keepers are poor Salesmen 119 Bee-Keeping as a Business 9 Bee Escapes 110 Beeswax, the Rendering of 164 Bee-Box, the Construction of a 19 Black Brood 143 Bottom Board, a "Dirt Cheap" 34 Brushes for Brushing Bees off the Combs 54 Broad Light in which Bee-Keeping Should be Viewed, the... ^ 22 Burying Bees in a "Clamp" 196 Caging a Queen Against a Comb to Introduce Her 65 Cages for Shipping Queens 92 Catcher, How to Use a Swarm 7b Care of Bees in Winter 197 Cart for Wheeling Hives 50 Camiolan Bees 33 Carrying baes out of the Cellar 201 Caution Needed in trying New Th'ngs 21 Cells in Queen Rearing. Starting 82 Cellars, Above Ground 191 Change of Locality, Cautions to be Observed in 29 Chaff Hives 36, 179 Chemicals in the Treatment of Foul Brood. the use of 1 45 Circles, Arranging Hives in 48 "Clamp." Wintering bees in a 196 Closed -End Frames 36 Clothing for Bee-Keepers, Comfortable , 52 Clipped Queens 74 Clipping Queens' Wings to Control Their Flight and Mating 162 Confidence in Leaders, Having Undue 23 Conclusion 202 Comforts and Conveniences in the Apiary 51 Color of Hives has a Bearing upon the Neces- sity of Shade 58 Controlling Swarms with a Fountain Pump. • . 76 Commercial Queen Rearing 79 Comb Honey and Locality 27 Comb Foundation, Use and Abuse of 63 Covers for Hives 34 Contraction of the Brood Nest Forces the White Honey into the Supers 60 Contraction of the Brood Nest 60 Comb Honey, the Production of 108 Combination System of Producing both Comb and Extraeted Honey 109 Cratmg Honey for Shipment IIQ Cyprian Bees 30 Delays in Ordering Supplies are Expensive. . . 24 Decoy Bee Hives 16 Description of Foul Brood 140 Dead (?) Air Spaces 181 Ded ication 4 Distance Apart to Place Hives 49 Distance Apart 10 Establish Out-Apiaries ■ 131 Divisible-Brood-Chamber Hives 36, 62 Divisible-Brood-Chamber an Advantage in Contraction of the Brood Nest 62 Dipping-Stick for Making Artificial Queen Cells 80 Direct Introduction 94 Difference in Honey as a Winter Food 174 Disinfecting Foul Broody Hives not Necessary 148 Diarrheoa caused by an Overloading of the Intestines 172 Double Bee Brush 55 Drawn Combs in Hiving Swarms, the use of . . 63 Drone Combs Sometimes Built when Starters only are Used 66 "Dummies" are Needed in Contraction of the Brood Nest When 61 Exhibits at Fairs, Apiarian 150 Experimenting upon too Small a Scale 23 Extracting Honey after the Season is Over.. . 115 Extracted Honey Production 114 Extracted Honey and Locality 27 Fall Feeding of Bees 174 Fairs. Apiarian Exhibits at 150 Fall Feeding. Late 107 Few Bees a Mistake, Keeping too 21 Fertilization of Queens in a Practical way. Controlling the 163 Fence Separators 42 Feeder, Alexander 101 Feeding of Bees 99, 101, 174 Feeding bees in Winter 197 ■'Feeding Back" p:xtracted Honey 101 Feeding of Kes, the Fall 174 "Feeding Back," Obii-ctions to 106 Few Visits a Year, Managing Out-Apiaries by a 133 Fertilization of Queens in Confinement 159 Fountain Pump for Controlling Swarms 76 Folly of Judging one Locality by Another 25 Four-Piece Sections 41 Food for use in Shipping Queens 91 Fortelling Swarming in a House Apiary 139 Food to the Wintering of Bees the Relation of . . 172 Foul Brood 140 Foul Brood in Buying Queens, Caution Against 93 Frames, Self-Spacing 35 Frames Supported on Nails 35 Frames, Closed-End 35 Fuel for Smokers 54 German Bees 30 German Wax Pre=s 166 General Farming does not Combine to Advan- tage with Bee-Keeping 9 Gloves Seldom Needed 53 Grass May be Kept Down by the use of Salt . . 53 "Green" Extracted Honey 114 Groups, Arranging Hives in 48 Hatching Brood plan of Introducing Queens.. 97 Heat in a Bee Cellar. Artificial 194. 198 Heddon Super 45 Heddon Feeder 103 Hive, the Choice of a 33 Hives. Locality and Size of 27 Hives, Divisible-Brood-Chamber 36 204 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. Hives not Necessary in Treating Foul Brood, Disinfecting- 148 Hiving- of Bees "4 Honey Lemonade at Fairs, Selling 551 Honey Boards 38 Honey Houses 47 House- Apiaries 136 Hopelessly tJueenlessBees are Almost Certain to Accept a L>ueen 96 Hygrometer in the Wintering of Bees, the use of a 186 Hunting Wild Bees IT Implements, Importance of Appropriate 22 Improvement of Stock 32 Increase a Mistake, Too Kapid 21 Increase, its Management and Control 69 Introduction 5 Introducing yueens 93 Italian Bees 30 Judging at Fairs 157 Lamp Nursery for Queen Rearing 83 Large Hives Desirable When Producing Ex- tracted Honey ?3 I arge Hives Versus Small Hives 33 Large Numbers, Keeping Bees in 13 Lemonade. Honey 151 Liquefying I':xtracted Honey 118 Locality and Swarming 27 Locality and Different Varieties of Bees 25 Locality and its Influence on Wintering 25 Locality, the Influence of 25 Lo ality and the Kind of Honey to Produce. . . 27 Locality and Size of Hives 27 Locating an Apiary 46 Marketing of Honey 119 Mating of Queens, Odd Arrangements Favor the Safe 50 Mice and the Damage they do to bees in Winter, 198 M'-i-sissippi, Moving up the 128 Mistakes in Bee-Keeping 21 Migratory Bee-Keeping 123 Moving Bees to Better Pastures 1.5 Moiscure to the Wintering of Bees, the Rela- tion of - 185 Nail-Supported Frames 3 Nailinif up Hives 34 Obiect'ons to a House Apiary 138 One-Piece Sections 41 Out- Doer Wintering of Bees 17() Out-Apiaries 1-'' Overstccking 129 Packing of Bets, Materials that may be U.sed in the 179 Packages for Retailing Extracted Honey 121 Pickled Brood 141 Planting for Honey Seldom Profitable 24 Plain Sections 42 Pollen and its Influence on the Wintering of Bees 173 Populous Colonies Necessary in Producing Comb Honey 108 Prevention of After-Swarmjng 71 Prod ct ion of Comb Honey 108 Preparing the Feed when Feeding Back 103 Protection Needed in Winteiing Bees in ihe North 178 Protection of bees in the Spring 201 Producing Grod Extracted Honey, 1I4 Premium List for use at fairs, A Mrdel ]5() Purifjing Betswax 171 Queens in Confirement, Fertilizat on of 159 Queens, Shipping 91 Queens, Clipped i'4 Queen Register 91 Queen Nursery fir Caring for Queen Cells 83 Queen Rearing, Transferring Larvae in 82 Queen Rearing 79 Queen Traps 74 Queen Excluders 38 Quality of Honey. 114 Removing Comb Honey from the Hives 112 Register, Queen 11 Rendering Beeswa.x 164 Ripening Honey 115 Rows, Objections to Having Hives Standing in long 47 Salycilic Acid in the Treatment of FculBrocd, the use of 145 Salt for Keeping Down the Grass 53 Scales of Foul Brood. How lo Find the Dried Down 143 Scale of Points to be Used in Judging at Fairs 157 Securing Bees for a Start in Bee-Keeping 16 Sections and Their Adjustment on the Hive.. 41 Section Holders 44 Separators 43, 44 Seat for Bee-Keepers 5'! Secretion of Wax 63 Second Hand Cans Sometimes Convey the (ierms of Foul Brood 145 Selling Honey at Fairs 151 Shade for Bees 57 Shade-Board, How to Make a Cheap 58 ShooK-bwarraing 70 Shipping Queens ''1 Simmins Met h id of Introducing Queens '>3 Smoker with Kerosene. Lighting a.. 51 Solar Wa.x Extractor 165 Specialty and its Advantage- 9 Spokes of a Wheel, Arranging Hives in rows like the 47 Spring Protection for bees 201 Space Below the Combs in Winter a Benefit.. 181 Steady Employment all the Year, Bee-Keep- ing Furnishes . 13 Start in Bee-Keeping, Making a 15 Starters only in the Brood Nest are more Profitable 5 Stock and How to Secure it The best 30 Storing Extracted Honey 118 Stimulative Feeding 99 Supers 45 Superior Stock, the Importance of 11 Sub-Earth Ventilation 183 Su gar a Sale Winter Food for Bees 173 Sulphuric Acid for Purifying Wax, The Use of 171 Swarming and Locality i7 Swarming, the Cau.se of 6'1 Sw arm Catchers 76 Swarms Uniting in the Air 75 Swarms into. Basket for shaking 77 Syrian Bees 30 Tall Versus Square Sections 42 Tent for Fertilizing Queens in Confinement.. . 160 Temperature in the Wintering of bees, the In- fluence of 180 Thermometer, the use of a wet- bulb 180 Tin Separat ors 44 Tiering up in Producing Comb Honey 110 Tobacco Method of Introducing Queens '17 Transferring L,arvae in Queen Rearing 82 Travelling from one Apiary to Another .. 131 Treatment cf Foul Brood 145 Uniting in the Air, Swarms 75 Unfinishtd Sections of Drawn Comb get the bees at work i n the Supers lO'i Uncapping Honey for Extracting 117 Use and Abjse o( Comb Foundation 63 Variety ot bees and Locality 25 Ventilation Needed in the out-dcor Wintering of Bets 179 Ventilation of Bee Cellars 183 Veil, A C omiortable way of Wearing a 5 < Watchina for F jul x^rood 141 Wax Secretion 63 Wax Presses 166 Wealth not likely to be Secured at Bee-Keep- ing, Great 13 Wholesalmg Honey to Ketail Dealers 122 Winter t<"light? not Nece.ssary for bees in the Cellar 199 Wintering of bets, the Relation of Moisture to the 185 Wintering of Bees the Influence of Tempera- ture in the 189 Wintering of bees, Out-Door i76 Wintering of bees, the Relation of Food to the . • 172 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 20b QUALITY IN BEE /UPPLIE/ i John Doll & Son, Power Building Minneapolis. Minnesota. ii ^HE qualit}' of our supplies is second to none. No matter how small or insignificant the article ma.v be we give careful attention to its manu- facture. The material emplojecl is of the very best to be had. It is our firm belief that a sufficient num- ber of bee-keepers are interested in securing- supplies of quality and would even be will- ing to pay a larger price to make sure that thej' get a better article. But it is not nec- essary to pay more than you now pay for ordinary supplies, because we are enabled to sell the same g-rade of goods at a lower price or a better article at the same price as others now charge. Our factory is located in the heart of the raw lumber district. We pav no freight on raw material. Our factor^' is equipped throughout with modern machiner\' and we employ only the most skilled workmen. Situated as we are at the falls of St. Anthonj', from where we derive our power, we make another great saving Xo place is better situated for shipping facilities than the city of Minneapolis. All orders, whether large or small, will receive careful attention. Any article not absolutely satisfactory may be returned and money will be refunded without question. We solicit a trial order. fWr^'ff\f%'f\Wf"% 20A ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. M PERFECTION IN EXTRACTORS. The long' wished for practical, automatic extractor has at last been found. The Root Automatic solves the question completely. No complicated mi-chan- ism: it is simplicity itself. All orders (or 4-lrami- Cowan or lartfer will tx' tilted with the Automatic device at the old price. Our e.xtractors now are practicalli" all steel construction. 4-frame or larjrer are fitted with ball bearinjrs, which are completely above the honey Cans are beautifully enameled and lettered. i i i Root's Automatic 8-fram« Honey Extractor connected to run with a small Gasoline Engine. Where a farm' amount o( t'xlracted honey is priHluced. a power driven extract- or will handle the crop much more economically than by hand power. Labor lor extractintr is e.\pensive. Our special motor will run a Jumlxi 25o-pound. .*<-franie Automatic P^xtractor all day, stoppinir and starting the n-el at «ill. runninwr at any speed, with the consumption of only three (juarts of trasoline. This makes the expense only one and one-half ci-nts per hour. Prices an (♦> (^> 208 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 4** $ ^^^. LKT. JKXaKB ,«0 V .> V .X-- X ,,>■ V ,^- ^ / *v ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 209 ^*If Goods are wanted Quick send to Pouder" Established J 889 BEE KEEPERS' SUPPLIES. Distributor of Root's Goods from the best shipping- point in the Country. Mj' prices are at all times identical with those of the A. I. Root Company, and I can save you mone3' by way of transportation charges. Dovetailed Hives, Section Honey-boxes, Weed-Pro- cess Comb Foundation, Honey and Wax Extract- ors, Bee-smokers, Bee-veils, Pouder Honey Jars, and, in fact Everything Used by Bee=Keepers. Headquarters for Danzenbaker Hive. Finest grades of Comb and Extracted Honey bought and sold. No commission business. BEESWAX WANTED. I par the highest market price for beeswax, delivered here, at any time, cash or trade. Make small shipments by express: large shipments by freight, always being sure to attach your name to the package. My large illustrated catalog is free. I shall be glad to send it to you. WALTER S. POUDER 513=515 Mass. Ave. Indianapolis, Ind. 210 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. York Honey *supp.r Co. Not Inc. 141-143 Ontario, St. Chicago, Illinois Best and most direct shipping point in the world. We carry a complete line of Lewis' Popular Bee Supplies If you want prompt delivery, low freight rates, the best goods, at reasonable prices, a complete Catalog, prices on Honey or Beeswax send to H. M. ARND, Mgr. We Buy and sell for cash only Extracted and Comb HONEY Correspondence Invited E. R. Pahl & Company, 294-296 Broaday, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Eslablishod 1894 Si. ^. 33urnett SsjM P^^^ 0 ^te ;,"/// m This Paper Teaches How an amateur every month Here are 11 WHETHER you are experienced or bee-keeper, you can learn more from the RURAL BEE-KEEPER, reasons selected from a score: RURAL BEE-KEEPER 1st. It is fearless, honest, straightforward in policy. 2nd. Its question department promptly answers inquiries clearly and simply. It is open to every subscriber as often as he wishes to use it. 3rd. Each issue embraces from 20 to 28 large pages (7 x 10) set in type- clear and easy to read. 4th. It is careful in its investigations, discreet in its criticisms, authorita- tive in its decisions. 5th. Its articles are practical and always represent profit-earning value to every reader. 6th. One of its most valuable features is that its vigilant editor is always on "picket duty," to warn his readers against mistakes and save them money loss, discouragement and failure. 7th. It is printed on e.xcellent paper, illustrated with descriptive drawings and half-tones. It is attractive from start to finish. 8th. It has a want and exchange department, a honey dealers' and queen breeders' directory. 9th. It not only teaches you how to handle bees summer and winter; how to age and preserve honey, but it explains how to pack, ship and market it at a profit— wholesale and retail. It reports reliable market quotations in the principal markets. 10th. It has a big "letter box" filled every month with actual successes and experiences of its readers— mighty interesting reading. 11th. Its advertising columns are open only to reliable, guaranteed advertisers. These are a few of the many reasons why You Need the Rural Bee-Keeper to Make More Money 8 1-2 cents a month. You can afford $1 a year or trial 25c for 6 months. Sample copy free. Write us now enclosing at least 25c for six months. The Rural Bee-Keeper^ River Falls^ Wis. W. H. Putnam, Editor ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 2i: Do vou know that DITTMER'S FOUNDATION Is in the Front Rank? Why? Because our Sheeting- Process, makes the toughest and most transparent wax sheets. Because every particle of impurity and foreign substance, is absolutely removed from the wax by Dittmer's Process, producing- a cake, clear and transparent. Because the finished product not only gives the best satisfaction but is the most beautiful of an3' foundation made. It has the colors equal to the richest orange and lemon and the rich sweet smell of Beeswax. Our Sheeting Automatic Machines are our inventions, bj- which four persons can produce 1200 pounds per day, trimmed, papered and ready for boxing. Our sales have increased from 5,000 pounds in 1899, to about 40,000 pounds in 1905, because we constanth' improve the qualit3-, and give satisfaction. We supply the largest dealers in the coun- try. We make a specialty of supplying Dealers and large Consumers, and of Working Wax into Foundation for Cash. Write for Prices and Samples. A full line of supplies, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. OUS DITTMER, Augusta, Wisconsin, 218 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. Best equipped factory in Wisconsin. A larg-e stock and variety of every- thing needed in the Apiary. Best goods at the lowest prices, and prompt ship- ments. I want every bee-keeper to have my free illustrated catalogue and read the descriptions of the Celebrated Cedar shingle roof bee hive cover. Write at once for catalogue. A. H. RUSCH, Manitowoc Co. Reedsville, "Wis. 7 jig?,=g ac7.:iD Oi^i^s JigT^a? ifc/ig A^^ j^^jy .^cr^i? i Now is the time to Order WESTERN BEE KEEPERS Bee-Hives Sections Shipping Cases Berry Boxes And Crates for the coming season. By sending us a list of 1 goods wanted we can save f you money. % Sheboygan Fruit Box Co. % SHEBOYGAN, - - Wis. % m Can save money b^' buyintr SUPPLIES BARTELDES & COMPANY The Pioneer Bee Supply House of Colorado. 1521=25 I5th Street DENVER, = COLORADO. We have everythintf up to date. Ask for Catalo8:ue, 7 £r£:^ £r/^ cr^^ er/^.'v cr/w iP/V " ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 219 Advanced Bee Veil, Cord arrangement, absolutely bee proof, best on earth. IMade of im- ported French tulle veiling. Cot- ton, with silk face. 50 cents, post paid. Bee - Keepers^ Supplies Wholesale and Retail G. B. Lewis Go's and Dadant & Son^s Goods We carry a lar^estock. several car loads, and it will be considerable to your advantage to order from this point on account of the saving- in transportation charges and our ability to make prompt shipments. We sell at regular factory prices F. O. B. Grand Rapids, Michigan. We are located at the best ship- ling- t oint in Michigan, competing- lines assuring lowest freight rates and direct lines to all parts of the State, obliterating- delays and rough handling of goods made possible in transfers. A. G. WOODMAN COMPANY, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ITALIAN QUEENS. o^^-^.^^ Bee-keepers needing- a few choice queens will make no mistake in placing their orders with me. My stock can be placed in competition with an}'. For g^entleness, hardiness and honey g-atherers, no better can be found. No dissatisfied customers. Write for prices. Satisfaction in all cases. White Wyandotte Poultry, My pens are headed by males of the Famous Duston strain. Fine layers and good mothers. Eg-g-s in season. Write for prices. J, F. Michael, R. F. D. No. I Winchester, Ind. 220 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. We furnish EVERYTHING needed in practical and profitable Bee Culture. We manufacture the Massie Hives Dovetailed Hives Langfstroth Hives Alternating Hives Chaff Hives With either the Scalloped Supers Plain Section Supers Perfection Supers Eerguson Supers Massie Supers We have millions of as nice SECTIONS as are to be found in the market, either scalloped, plain or bored, of all the STANDARD sizes. All our Foundation is made by the 'eed Process P^rom Strictly Pure Wax. None Better. HINTS TO BEGINNERS and our larpfe illustrated C talog' is furnished Free ^o ^11 ^©©<=']Keepiers or O©ml®rso It describes and illustrates numerous money-saving' and money- making- devices,tried in our own Apiaries, before offering them to the public. Write at once for a cop3' of our Catalog. Our prices are the lowest, the quality of our goods equal to the best; a trial will prove our assertion. RKTCMMER YOU HAVE ANY HONEY TO SELL, EITHER EXTRACTED OR FANCY COMB, CORRESPOND WITH US. WE HANDLE CAR LOADS OF HONEY EVERY MONTH. BEE SUPPLIES WE HANDLE THE FINEST BEE SUPPLIES IN AMERICA. SEND FOR OUR FREE CATALOG. — QUEENS OUR STRAINS BEAT THE WORLD. BUCKEYE STRAIN THREE BANDED RED CLOVER; MUTH STRAIN GOLDEN ITALIANS; AND MUTH STRAIN CARNIOLANS. GIVE THEM A TRIAL. 1»^^^ THE FRED W. MUTH CO. No. 51 WALNUT STREET, CINCINNATI, - - OHIO. 222 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. ROOT Quality The extra pains taken to make things just right, That'sRootQuality It can be had in Michi- gan of M. H. Hunt & Son, and with it "the extra pains" in packing carefully and shipping promptly. Everything for the bees and everything "Root Quality." We pay market price for beeswax. M. H. HUNT & SON, BELL BRANCH, MICHIGAN WAYNE COUNTY OF Quality ARE MADE BY Van Leyen &HEIiSLER EMGRAVERS DESIGhERS ELECTROTYPE^ lO LARNED ST. E. DETROIT, MICH. TOLEDO, OHIO Is the largest railroad cen- ter in the United States. Freight rates are the lowest We carrj^ on hand at all times the largest stock of ROOT'S BEE SUPPLIES and can save you money. We buy and sell Comb and Extracted Honey. If in need, let lis quote you prices. If for sale, give us best price delivered here. We handle several thou- sand pounds of Amber Ex- tracted in barrels and cans annually. BEESWAX wanted at all times. Our Free Illustrated Catalogue for the asking. GRIGGS BROS. Toledo, Ohio. ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 22: fllWERlGflN BEE JOUHNflli Established in 1 861 The American Bee Journal is the only weekly- bee paper in America. Those who write for it are among- the most extensive and best bee-keepers in the world. Many of them produce honey by the ton, and make money at the business, hence their experiences are valu- able. The American Bee Journal has the following- departments, each of which shows its nature by its name: Editorial Notes and Comments. Miscellaneous News Items. Contributed Special Articles. Opinions of Some Experts. Proceedings of Conventions. Our Bee-Keeping- Sisters. Mr. Hasty *s Afterthoughts. Dr. Miller's Question Box. "Combed" and "Extracted.'" Reports and Experiences. Hone}- and Beeswax Market Quotations. Ever}- bee-keeper, whether he or she has one colony or a hundred, should read the old American Bee Journal every week. Only SI. 00 a year; or 20 cents for a trial trip of three months to a ne-w subscriber. Sample copy free. Ask for it. Address, American Bee Journal, 334 Dearborn Street, CEO. W. YORK, Editor. CHICAGO, ILLS. 224 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. JHake your i^tpcs EE keeping p^ is b u s 3^ ^==^ work i n the summer-time; but the winter brings a leisure that many more bee-keepers might profitably employ in making needed hives, supers or shipping cases for another year. Power and expen- sive machinery are not needed; simply a cosy little shop and a foot-pow- er saw are all that are needed. When a bee-keep- er realizes all this, there is no question as to what saw he shall buy; it is made at the factory of W. F. &JNO. BARNES CO., Rock ford, III. The author of this book has used one of these machines, and has no hesitation in saying that it is all that is claimed for it. Any one who buys a ma- chine, and is not entirely satisfied with it, has the privilege of returning it and having his money re- turned. One thing more; there are attachments, such as a scroll-saw, a boring attachment, etc., that can be added at a small cost. Send for catalogue. >* >i# yt >i* >i* >i# >i# ^i >i* >i< \i >* ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 325 t ^^^f§^^'^^^^^^W4^^^^.4^m4^M 'A'\ /^ m 'A'h /fit ,m^ ^ 0m '/BR r^ in Daughters of selected, imported Ital- ians, selected long-tongued ( Moore's ) and selected, straight, five - banded Queens, Carniolans (mated to Carnio- lan drones in distant yard, and to Ital- ian drones), and imported Caucasians (lately received, and mated, for the present, to Carniolan and Italian drones. Each yard isolated. No bee diseases. All queen cells are built in strong, full colonies, by the most approved, modern methods. Safe arrival guaranteed on all queens. Untested queens, before July, 75 cts. each; six for $4.00; twelve for $7.50. After July ist, single queen, 60 cts.; six for $3.25; twelve for $6.00. Tested queens, before July, $1.50 each; six for $8.00; twelve for $15.00. After July ist, single queen for $1.25; six for $6.00. Discounts on large orders. Contracts with deal- ers a specialty. J .M. DAVIS, Spring Hill, Tenn. 326 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. The Danzenbaker 20th Century Smoker. Awarded Hig-hest Prize GOLD MEDAL at the World's Fair at ST. LOUIS, 1904. BEST COOLEST CLEANEST STRONGEST UP TO DATE THE PERPENDICULAR GRATE seen above lias a dividing- rib at thie center of the draft- hiole, midway of the fire-cup. in line with the only open- ing of the bellows for directinK and deflectiner the air upward and downward or both way- if de- sired. The upper current cools and forces the smoke out the nozzle, as it burns from the top downward, whlie the lower current fans the fire until all the fuel is consumed. SIMPLICITY AND DURABILITY are assured by all that is needed, and nothing more. The only opening of the bellows has no valve or con- ducting air-tube to wear, tear, or break. There is nothing to etet out of order. The openings of the fire-cup and bellows are spaced to give a direct blast without drawing creosote into the bellows. ALL THAT IS CLAIMED.— The General Man- ager of the National Bee-Keepers' Association says: I have given your Twentieth Century Smoker a thorough trial. For convenience in lighting, du- rabilitj-. and long time one filling will last and give ample smoke, I find it all you claim. In the spring I shall want several. I always want the best. N. E. Fkance, Platteville, Wis. PRICES With other goods, or by express, $1.00; two, $1.90; three, $2.50. By mail. 25 cts. each extra for postage. SPECIAL OFFERS One pair 40cbee-glov&s, 20th Century Smoker, postpaid $1 50 Silk-front 50c bea-veil, 20th Century Smoker postpaid '. . 1.50 A B C of Bee Culture ($1.20.) 20th Century Smoker, postpaid 2.10 Gleanings in Bee Culture (1 yr.) 20th Century Smoker, postpaid 2.00 Gleanings (5 months), 20th Century Smoker, postpaid 1.50 Review (1 yr.) 20th Century Smoker, postp'd 2.00 Every Thing Guaranted "Root Quality." P. DANZENBAKER, MIAMA, DADE CO., FLA. Or care The A. I. Root Co., Medina, Ohio. We are Manufacturers of Bee= Keepers' Supplies Lowest Prices and Hig-hest Quality. Our new Catalog- just out. Write for it. Compare prices with others. 15 years' experience. Not in the Combi- nation. Modern Machinery. Sections and Shipping-Cases by the car-load. Prompt shipments. Hives, Extractors, Feeders, and all Supplies used by bee-keepers. All goods guaranteed as per Cat- alog. MONDENG MFG. CO. 147 and 149 Cedar Lake Road, Minneapolis, Minn C Printing- HALLACK & HARTSHORN, Flint, Michigan, printed this bool<, and also print the Bee- Keepers' Review, as well as the Annual Report of the National Bee-Keepers' Asso- ciation, and, if given the op- portunity, can print your sta- tionery, catalog or price list equally neat. £££££££ I ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 327 to ©rdleir 5^©tir ppiises asfil for otir cat° islh yom ^fMIi prices ©n TAILISD HIVES aimd SUFEM& Catalog will fee ireads^ h)y tlhe Iffirst @f tine ^eaifo "^ ^ ^ ^ ^ MARSHFIIEILD MFGo COop MarsSnfneldp ^WiSo I And STANLEY INCUBATORS FtjII Colony, with tested Oueen, in ten-frame, L. Hive, $5.00. Newdetts, or three L. frames, $2.00. Price of Queen to be added. Queens, warrented, 75 cts each, or $7.00 a dozen; Test- ed, $1.25 each, or $10.00 a dozen; best breeding- queens, $2.00 to $5.00 each. Incubator and Brooder, (patented), best on the market for rearing- and caring for Queens, complete, $5.00. Queen Cells, 100 mounted, with sample of Cylinder Cage, sent postage paid, for only 75 cts. AMTMUM STANILEYp DIXON, ILL. ?28 ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. VAN DEUSEN'S FOUNDATION Has stood the test of time for pur- ity, and cleanliness; and can be had any weight or number of square feet to the pound that may be de- sired. For the brood or extracting frames fine wire is incorporated in the foundation, furnishing a sure support, and is The Only Wired Foundation Made. We solicit a portion of your trade and if you have Beeswax to sell, write us, we want it. The editor of Review used about 100 pounds of our wired foundation in his own apiary this past season, this fact of itself speaks volumes. J. A. Van Deusen, Sprout Brook, - - New York ADVANCED BEE CULTURE. 329 Honey Cans and Pails FRICTION TOP STYLE Made by the AMERICAN CAN CO. New York Chicago San Francisco These cans furnish ideal Honej' Containers, in that they provide a large opening for filling- or emptying, and are readily opened and closed. Having no projecting caps, thej' pack conveniently for shipment. Capacity Diameter Height I lb. Cans 2 II-16 4 2 " " 3/2 4% 25^" " .short ql 4 4 9-16 3 •' full " 4 3-16 4% 5 " Pails .short l/^ gal. 5 1-32 5 11-16 10 " " " I •' 6 3-16 y'A 6 .> " full 14 gal. 5 3-8 5 7-16 12 " I " 6 17-32 7 3-16 24 " " " 2 '■ SJi 9Vs These cans and pails are niide at May- wood, 111., near Chicago. All sizes larger than three pounds have wire bail handles. Special sizes can be furnished if ordered in large quantities. 60 Pound or 5 Gallon Square Cans 1 H inch Screw Nozzle DOUBLE CASE Cans are provided with wire handles as shown in cut. Gases have J^-inch ends and ?s-inch paritions, balance ^'s-inch lumber. Ends of cases have cr.t handles. We also furnish same style in single cases. Shipping weight of single case 85^ pounds. Shipping weight of double case, 15 pounds. 60 pound or 5 gallon round cans, wood jacketed, wire bail handles, 3-inch screw opening, independent jacket. Inside tin can easily removable from jacket to admit of contents being heated to facilitate pour- ing. Prices on all the above quoted upon application stating quantity wanted. AMERICAN CAN COMPANY New York Chicago San Francisco 330 ADVANCKT) BKE CULTURK. IMPROVED METAL HONEY SHIPPING CASE For 24 Standard Sections 4'+ x 4'4 x 1% Outside coated g-reen A ISfc ^^~ — ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 A PRACTICAL 1 I^H -.Jr^ . ■. ^H SANITARY CASE ■ PACKAGE MaiU- from Heavy Tin Plato. Il has a himrt-d cover. K.xtra heavy kdass front. Wire handles on ends and cover. This case can he used when empty by grocers tor display purposes or 1)^- the neat housekivper as a cake or bread box. Made by the AMERICAN CAN CO.. New York, Chicatfo. San Francisco. vwwtfwvwyww^wwtfuw^wyvwwywyvwvwv^ e. e e/c e/nons & Co. 38 years in the Honey Business. Prompt Returns. Top market Price. Let us have your shipments. \mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh} D. H. HILL LIBRARY North Carolina State College