HAWAII AX FUNGI :k uw.-. .-i.V t;. >■ i I f, * 1/ p I > * I ' j » HAWAIIAN FUNGI BY FRANK LINCOLN STEVENS Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 19 WITH 10 PLATES honolulu, hawaii Published by the Museum 1925 Dr. F. L. Stevens, Professor of Plant Path- ology in the University of Illinois, was Bishop Museum Fellow in Yale University FOR THE YEAR 1921-22. ThE PAPERS ON Hawaiian Fungi were submitted at inter- vals FROM 1922-23 AND WERE REVISED AND PUT in the present form by the author in 1924. Issued October, 1925. a,- CONTENTS PAGE Introduction 3 Myxomycetes 6 Amaurosporales' 6 Lamprosporales 7 Phycomycetes 8 Saprolegniales 8 Peronosporales 8 Mucorales 9 Entomophthorales 9 Ascomycetes io Pezizales n Hysteriales 12 Aspergillales 13 Dothideales 13 Perisporiales 23 Hemisphaeriales 63 Hypocreales 93 Sphaeriales 95 Laboulbeniales 11 1 Basidiomycetes - 112 Uredinales 112 Ustilaginales 125 Fungi imperfecti - 127 §phaeropsidales 128 Melanconiales 144 Moniliales 147 Fungus of unknown affinity . 162 Hosts of Hawaiian Fungi and the Fungi on them , 162 Hosts of Hawaiian meliolas by families 174 Hosts of Hawaiian rusts indicating the endemic, the indigenous, and the recent .... 176 Species of Hawaiian rusts indicating the approximate source 176 Literature cited 177 Index to Fungi 187 ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Plate I. Yoshinagella on Cibotium ! 184 II. Amaurosporales, Dothideales, and Perisporiales 184 III. Amaurosporales, Dothideales, and Perisporiales 184 IV. Sooty molds, figs. 1-44 < 184 V. Sooty molds, figs. 45-48, and forms of sooty molds 184 PAG£ VI. Aulacostroma osmanthi, Echidnodes pisoniae, Pluriporus gouldiae, Seynesiopeltis, and Calothyriella , 184 VII. Echidnodella cocculi and Questieria euphorbiae 184 VIII. Trichopeltis 184 IX. Trichopeltis reptans, T. pulchella, T. chilensis, Microthyriella, Hexa- gonella, and Anomothallus 184 X, Anomothallus erraticus, Septoria rollandiae, Mycosphaerella dianellae, Phyllosticta colocasiophila 184 Figure 1. Yoshinagella 15 2. Pauahia sideroxyli 18 3. Trabutia minima 18 4. Actinodothidopsis coprosmae 19 5. Schizochora pandani 21 6. Apiospormontagnei, Oligistroma suttoniae 21 7. Meliola 31 8. Meliola : 36 9. Meliolineae: Irene and Meliolina haplochaeta 42 10. Meliolineae: Meliolina and Amazonia 47 11. Meliolineae: Amazonia and Actinodothis 49 12. Aulacostroma osmanthi .„ 64 13. Pleuriporus gouldiae 65 14. Seynesiopeltis, Beelia, Calothyriopeltis' and Echidnodes 70 15. Trichopeltis 80 16. Trichopeltis reptans ... 82 17. Trichopeltis reptans 83 18. Enthallopycnidium gouldiae and Trichothallus hawaiiensis 84 19. Trichothallus hawaiiensis' 85 20. Microthyriella hibisci 88 21. Hexagonella peleae 90 22. Anomothallus erraticus 92 23. Gibberella pulicaris and Rosellinia citriformis 96 24. Xenolophium 97 25. Lageniforma bambusae :.. 99 26. Lageniforma, Guignardia, and Mycosphaerella 102 27. Mycosphaerella and Sphaerulina 103 28. Phyllosticta, Harknessia, and Stagonospora 130 29. Pycnidia of Clypeoseptoria rockii 141 30. Pycnidia of Leptothyrium sidae ..:.. 143 31. Botrytis and Ramularia 150 S2. Conidiophore and conidia of Helminthosporium cibotii 152 3$. Condiophores and conidia of Helminthosporium gleicheniae and Cercospora pipturi 155 34. Excioconidium of Graphium dubautiae cibotti 157 35. Coremia of Graphium dubautieae r 159 HAWAIIAN FUNGI By F. L. Stevens INTRODUCTION The present publication is the result of an effort to unite into one list fungi known to exist on the Hawaiian islands. The larger part of the list represents collections that I made during a period of four and a half months in the year 192 1, while serving as a Bishop Museum Fellow of Yale University. Previous collections, aside from those of fungi growing upon economic plants, had not been large. Reichardt (153) in 1877 reported ten species of Hawaiian fungi, being part of a botanical collection of Dr. Wawra made during the years 1868-1873. In 1895 A. A. Heller (81) collected on the islands of Hawaii about 500 species of plants, 22 of which were fungi. Several of these, and three not included in the sets, were described as new species by Ellis and Everhart in two publications (58). Charles N. Forbes, botanist of the Bishop Museum for twelve years, an indefatigable collector of flowering plants and an enthusiastic and able botanist, collected a few fungi, some of which were left undetermined in the Museum collections, while thirty-nine species of the higher fungi were sent away for determination, most of them to C. G. Lloyd. Dr. H. L. Lyon, since 1907 plant pathologist of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association, submitted a collection of approximately 100 speci- mens of fungi to George F. Atkinson for determination. Those determined gave a total of 58 species. In addition R. Thaxter made a report in 19 17 on the Laboulbeniaceae of the Territory and A. T. Speare (172) reports on four other entomogenous fungi. It thus appears that, aside from the fungous pests of important eco- nomic plants and the entomogenous fungi, less than 130 species of fungi had been identified as occurring in the Hawaiian islands (including Pal- myra) and very few of these had been recorded in any publication. 1 Aside from the records indicated above, the fungi affecting economic plants have been intensively studied and reported on by the botanists of the Hawaiian 1 Since this paper was written and while the manuscript was awaiting publication, an article entitled, "Higher fungi of the Hawaiian islands" has been published by E. A. Burt (Ann. Mo. Bot. Garden. 10:179-189, April, 1923), based on Basidiomycetes that were collected by me and in part taken from the Bishop Museum and submitted to Dr. Burt by me. These collections comprised 150 numbers belonging to 61 species. 4 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin Sugar Planters' Association and of the Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station (federal). The fungi of the crop plants are therefore well known. In preparing these studies I have incorporated all information given in the publications mentioned above and with the exception of certain of the higher fungi that were sent to me by Dr. E. A. Burt for determination and separate report (see footnote i) have used, in so far as they were useable, all collections of fungi in the Bishop Museum, the Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station and in Dr. Lyon's private collection, which he very generously placed at my disposal. In studies of the superficial fungi, such as the Perisporiaceae and Cap- nodiaceae, brilliant surface lighting under the objective of the microscope by means of the Silverman illuminator has been exceedingly serviceable, giving details of surface structure of perithecia, setae, etc., such as could otherwise not have been secured. With these surface fungi the method of securing mounts by means of the celloidin drop (178) has also been of great service, enabling the retention of the mycelium of colonies in the normal positions. Microtome sections have been made in the case of most of the internal fungi, particularly in the order Dothideales. My own collections of fungi in Hawaii number something over 1200, They represent many collecting trips in many and diverse regions on Oahu ; one three-day collecting trip on Kauai spent chiefly in the region of Kokee ; and one week on Maui, the collecting being chiefly in the wet forest along the Olinda pipeline and on Pogue's ditch trail. One month was spent on Hawaii, motoring entirely around the island and collecting at many places, the most interesting and productive of which were the regions near Kilauea, in Kona, and near Waimea. The work of so brief a period could not result in complete collections from any one region, much less from all the islands. The Hawaiian Territory presents great diversity of humidity and temperature even in the accessible regions to say nothing of the inaccessible cliffs and gorges. Still I regard the results as fairly representative of the Hawaiian fungous flora. The rusts, smuts, and black superficial fungi and truly parasitic fungi have been, perhaps, especially in mind and this has doubtless led to greater degree of completeness of these collections, though many more of each will reward exhaustive search. The higher fungi have been less thoroughly taken and the fleshy agarics have been almost ignored. I wish to express my thanks to the University of Illinois for the leave of absence which made the trip possible, also for financial assistance from the Graduate School. Both the success and the pleasure of the trip were due to most hearty co-operation of the many kind friends made in Hawaii, Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 5 I am particularly indebted to Albert F. Judd, President of the Board of Trustees of the Bishop Museum, for assistance in arranging itineraries and for introductions to many hospitable, delightful people of the islands, who did much to aid me in collecting; to Dr. Herbert E. Gregory for his hearty co-operation in extending to me every facility of the Bishop Museum; and to Dr. H. L. Lyon for similar courtesies at the Sugar Planters' Experiment Station, I wish also to record my appreciation of most helpful assistance on the island of Hawaii from Mr. Julian Monsarrat of Kapapala Ranch ; from Mr. Thomas C. White in Kona, and Mr. J. W. Waldron at Waimea and Kukuihaele; and on the island of Maui from Mr. Henry A. Baldwin and Mr. Worth Aiken. I am especially indebted to Mr. Charles S. Judd, Territorial Forester, for many courtesies. The naming of host plants was attended with considerable difficulty for one unfamiliar with a region so unique as Hawaii, and the assistance of Mr. Otto H. Swezey was invaluable to me in preliminary determinations. All determinations in so far as possible were verified by comparison with speci- mens in the Bishop Museum herbarium. Such comparison usually rendered certain the genus of the host plant, but for many fungi accurate determina- tion of the host species was impossible. All of the grasses were very kindly determined for me by Mrs. Agnes Chase. Other host determinations are acknowledged in the text. Specimens credited to Forbes- Stevens were found in the Museum herbarium on hosts collected by Forbes for the host, and not for the fungus. The segregation of the fungi I made, but the numbers given with them are the original numbers of Forbes. All collec- tions unless otherwise recorded were made by me in the year 192 1, and all determinations are mine unless otherwise indicated. Specimens of my col- lection are deposited in the herbaria of the institutions where the various groups were studied and also when sufficient material was available in the herbarium of the Bishop Museum and in that of the University of Illinois. In the preparation of these studies I have been aided by the various members of the graduate school, in Botany, of the University of Illinois as follows: P. A. Young, E. F. Guba, P. A. Glick, G. C. Curran, H. E. Dixon, and O, A. Plunkett, also by my technician Amy G. Weedon. The paper on the Micro thyriaceae, Stigmataceae and Polystomellaceae was sub- mitted by Ruth W. Ryan in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Botany in the graduate school of the same University 1923, while that on the Capnodiaceae was similarly submitted by Jose M. Mendoza. The text regarding the genus Questieria was pre- pared by Prof. M. Arnaud of Montpellier, France, and several determina- tions and descriptions were made by Prof. H. Sydow of Berlin, Germany. The smuts were examined by G. P. Clinton, who also made contributions 6 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin to the text. Miss Mary E. Currie kindly determined the Myxomycetes. All determinations of the rusts, unless otherwise stated, were made by J. C. Arthur, who has also very kindly read my final rust manuscript and offered many valuable suggestions. The line drawings of the Meliolas and of the Dothideales are by L. R. Tehon, and all photographs by A. G. Eldridge. I am greatly indebted to Miss Helen A. Purdy, Bishop Museum Fellow, for the preparation of the Bibliography and to Miss Elizabeth B. Higgins for editorial criticism. Assistance in spelling of Hawaiian place names has been given by Dr. Harold L. Lyon and other friends in Hono- lulu. [The responsibility for the spelling of scientific names and for the arrangement and verification of keys and indexes rests with the author.— Editor.] MYXOMYCETES 2 The few species of Myxomycetes here reported are merely incidental collections made in trips, the primary object of which was to collect para- sitic fungi. They are all well known and cosmopolitan in their distribution. According to Forbes (61) "Our knowledge of the Mycetozoa is limited to six species," but I fail to find a record of these six. The number to record in Hawaii could doubtless be very much increased by a little special search for Slime Molds. MYCETOZOA Rostafinski Sluzowce (Mycetozoa) Monographia (Paris: 1875). A. Lister, A monograph of the Mycetozoa, London, 191 1. f" SUB-CLASS II ENDOSPOREAE Amaurosporai.es PHYSARACEAE 1 . FULIGO Haller, Hist. Stirp. Helv., vol. 3, p. no, 1768 No. 1. Fulifeo septica Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 1466, 1791. On dead stump. Oahu: Hakipuu, June 19, no. 561. On grass and fern. Oahu: Honolulu, School St., June 1, 1917, Lyon, no. 131. On dead stump and dead Eucalyptus leaf. Hawaii: Kukuihaele, Aug. 2, no. 1093. 2 The determinations' of the Myxomycetes were made by Mary E. Currie. Stevens— Hawaiian Fungi 7 This species commonly fruits on grass and low herbs and its occurrence in fruit on a living fern is of note. Though there is much variation within the species, it is very easily recognized, and is cosmopolitan in its distribu- tion. Sometimes its fruits smother the living plants. No. 2. Fugilo cinerea Morg. (Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 19, p. 105, 1896.) var. escorticata Lister. On dead wood. Maui: Olinda pipeline, Sept. 5, no. 1137. This species is not uncommon and has been collected in the eastern and western United States. STEMONITACEAE 2. STEMONITIS Gleditsch, Meth. Fung. p. 140, 1753 No. 3. Stemonitis splendens Rost. (Mono. p. 195, 1875), var - Aaccida Lister. (See PL 11, B.) On dead wood, Kauai : Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 475. This specimen is of special interest on account of the comparative rarity of the variety. The capillitium which differs slightly from the type is shown in Plate 11, E. It has been reported from the British Isles and from several of the United States. Lam prosporai.es LYCOGALACEAE 3. LYCOGALA Adanson, Fam. PL, vol. 2, p. 7, 1763 No. 4. Lycogala epidendrum Fries, Syst. Myc, vol. 3, p. 80, 1829. On dead wood. Oahu: Olympus, June 24, no. 710 — Hawaii: Kealake- kua, July 23, no. 951, and July 25, no. 1008. Also in the Bishop Museum as determined by C. G. Lloyd. It is a species which shows little variation except in size, and is probably the commonest and most cosmopolitan in its distribution of all Myxomycetes. ARCYRIACEAE 4. ARCYRIA Wiggers, Fl. Holsat, p. 109, 1780 No. 5. Arcyria cinerea Pers. Syn. Fung., p. 184, 1801 On Metrosideros polymorpha. Hawaii: Kealakekua, July 21, no. 954- This is a common species, very often occurring in large quantities, and is readily recognized. 8 Bernice P, Bishop Museum — Bulletin PHYCOMYCETES SAPROIvEGNIAIvES 5. PYTHIUM Pring. Jahr. Wiss. Bot, vol. i, p. 304, 1858 No. 6. Pythium butleri Subra., Mem. Dept. Agr. India, vol. 10, p. 181, 1919 On Saccharum officinarum. (cane) Reported by C. W. Carpenter (31) as the cause of root rot (Lahaina disease). On Ananas sativus. (pineapple), Oahu; Kailua, reported by Carpenter (30- On Oryza sativa (rice), reported by Carpenter (31). No. 7. Pythium sp. On Colo casta sps. (taro), reported by Carpenter (31) as cause of root rot. Other references to Pythium sp,, or to pythium-like fungi, associated with root rot of rice, cane, banana or taro are to be found in articles by Carpenter (29) and also by Caum (34) who says "several undetermined species are reported as parasitic on the roots (cane). Peronosporai.es ALBUGINACEAE 6. ALBUGO (Pers.) S. F. Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. PL, vol. 1, p. 540, 1821. Cystopus Lev. Ann. Sci. Nat., 3d ser; vol. 8, p. 371, 1847. This genus though common in temperate regions, seemed rare in Hawaii. No cosporic material was found. No. 8. Albugo Candida (Pers.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PL, vol. 2, p. 58, 1891 Cystopus candidus Lev. Op. cit. On Sinapis cernua "kai choy." Oahu: Between Diamond Head and King St., Honolulu, May 19, no. 17; Hawaii: Keauhou, Kona, Bishop Estate road, July 23, no. 938. Reported also by Carpenter (29, Rep. 1918). Collected also at Honolulu, October 3, 1917, Carpenter no. 167; Manoa^ Lyon, Sept. 20, 1909. On Brassica campestris. (turnip) Carpenter (29, Rep. 1918, p. 44). Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 9 No, 9. Albugo ipomoea-panduranae (Schw.) Swing. Jour. Myc, vol. 7, p. 112, 1891 Cystopus ipomoea-panduranae Stev. and Swing. Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., vol. II, p. 67, 1889. On Ipomoea insularis. Oahu: Honolulu, Beretania St., May 18, no. 4 — Hawaii, Kukuihaele, August 2, no. 1102. PERONOSPORACEAE 7. PHYTOPHTHORA De Bary, Jour. Roy, Agr. Soc, vol. 12 p. 240, 1876. No. 10. Phytophthora colocasiae Rac. Par. Alg. Pilze Javas, vol. 1, p. 9, 1900 On Colocasia sp. (taro) Oahu: Molokai, and Hawaii, C. W. Carpen- ter (29, Rep. 1919). No. 11. Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) De Bary, Jour. Roy. Agr. Soc. vol. 12, p. 240, 1876 On Solanum tuberosum, (potato), widely prevalent (29). Reported by Carpenter in Hawaii (29, Rep. 1918; 30); Maui and Oahu (29, Rept. I9I7)- Other specimens were collected as follows: May, 1913, by L. D. Larsen; Maui, Waiakoa, 1916, and Oahu, 1917, by C. W. Carpenter. On Lycopersicum esculentum (tomato), Carpenter, C. W. (29, Rep. 1918). Mucorai.es MUCORACEAE 8. RHIZOPUS Ehrenb. Nova Acta Acad. Leop., vol. 10, pt. 1, p. 198, 1820. No. 12. R. nigricans Ehrenb. On Ipomoea batatas. Reported as "Rhizopus sp." by Carpenter but undoubtedly this species. Entomophthorai.es ENTOMOPHTHORACEAE 9. ENTOMOPHTHORA Fres. Bot. Zeit, vol. 14, p. 883, 1856 No. 13. Entomophthora sp. On Perkinsiella saccharicida (cane leaf -hopper). Recorded by A. T. Speare (172). 10 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin No. 14. Entomophthora pseudococci Speare On Pseudococcus sacchari. Recorded by Speare (172). 10. METARRHIZIUM Giard, Bull. Fr. Belg., vol. 12, p. 217, 1889 No. 15. Metarrhizium anisopliae (Metsch.) On Adoretus sinicus, Anomala orientalis, Rhabdocnemis obscura, Mono- crepidius exsul, Pantomorus fulleri, Gonocephalum seriatam, Plusia chaU cites. Recorded by A. T. Speare (172). ASCOMYCETES The collections of ascomycetous fungi from Hawaii are especially rich in the Perisporiales with the Meliolineae perhaps leading in interest. The Hemisphaeriales, Dothideales and Microthyriaceae also present many forms of special interest. The remaining ascomycetous orders, though the number of species reported herein is considerable, still falls far below the number that an equal amount of time devoted to collecting in other regions would afford. Certain species are included herein since they appear on a list of de- terminations made by G. F. Atkinson based on fungi collected by Lyon. The list is included in a letter dated September 3, 1909, and the specimens on which it is based were deposited in the herbarium of Cornell University. Some obviously incorrect determinations, as well as several names never published occur in the list. All such are omitted. These which I use are given just as Professor Atkinson listed them, without editing, and are followed by the reference to Atkinson's list. Numerous other fungi are included because they are listed by Caum as occurring in Hawaii. All such are followed by the reference "Caum." KEY TO ORDERS OE ASCOMYCETES HEREIN REPORTED Perithecia not stalked on a receptacle, not on insects Ascoma at maturity open and more or less cup-like Piscomycetes Pezizales Ascoma free, asci uncovered, linear Hysteriales Asci in a cylindrical, globose or dimidiate perithecium Asci arranged at different levels in the perithecium Aspergillales Asci from a common level Perithecia globose and without typical ostiole Stromatic Dothideales Not stromatic Perisporiales Perithecia ostiolate Perithecia dimidiate Hemisphaeriales Perithecia not dimidiate Perithecia not dark colored Hypocreales Perithecia dark colored Sphaeriales Perithecia on a stalked receptacle, on insects Laboulbeniales Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 1 1 Pezizales KEY TO HAWAIIAN FAMILIES OR G£N£RA Peridium and hypothecium of the same tissue Pezizaceae Peridium with a differentiated surface layer Peridium pseudo-parenchymatic - Mollisiaceae Peridium pseudo-prosenchymatic - Helotiaceae Paraphyses apically obtuse - Dasyscypha Paraphyses acute - Erinella PEZIZACEAE 1 1. PEZIZA Dill. Nov. Gen. PI., p. 74, helv. no. 2221, 1719 No. 16. Peziza gelantinosa Hall Atkinson lists as Lyon no. 22 f. MOLLISIACEAE 12. PSEUDOPEZIZA Fuckel, Symb. Myc, p. 290, 1869 No. 17. Pseudopeziza medicaginis (Lib.) Sacc. Fung. Ard. n. 90, Mai- pighia, vol. 1, p. 455, 1887. On Medicago sativa. Oahu: Waialua, Oct. 10, 1913, L. D. Larsen, Lyon no. 404; Honolulu, April 21, 1913. Lyon no. (?); Wahiawa, 1913. Lyon no. 340. HELOTIACEAE 13. DASYSCYPHA Fries, Syst. Myc, vol. 2, p. 89, 1822 No. 18. Dasyscypha sadleriae Stevens and Young n. sp. Affected pinnules black, gray, or brown, discolored areas sometimes limited by veinlets. Apothecia 1 10-260 M in diameter; hypophyllous, scattered thickly over areas not covered by host sori, borne on short stalks, globose at first, but finally becoming saucer-shaped or flat-topped, white, becoming pink when wet, round or irregular, hairy. Asci clavate, 68-80 by 12-15^, 8-spored. Paraphyses filiform, blunt, 50-70 by 1-2^. Spores hyaline, i-celled, granular, ends acute, 9-16 by 3-4^. (See PI. Ill, G.) On living leaves of Sadleria sp. Hawaii: Hamakua, July 31, no. 1078. Saccardo describes no species of Dasyscypha on either Sadleria or on Blechnum, a genus closely related to Sadleria. The fungus appears to be actively parasitic, causing well marked diseased spots. No. 19. Dasyscypha ulei (Wint.) Sacc. Syll. Fung., vol. 8, p. 452, 1889 Peziza ulei Winter. Hedwigia, vol. 24, p. 258, 1885. On living leaves of Gleichenia longissima. Oahu: Wahiawa, May 31, no. 153. 12 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin On Gleichenia sp. Oahu: Konahuanui trail, Nov. 3, 1912, Lyon no. 167, Maui: Pogue's Ditch Trail, Sepi 6, no. 11 58. The characters of the fungus on these fern leaves agree closely with those of the printed description except that the apothecia are light yellow to white instead of red. Well developed diseased spots are produced. 14. ERINELLA Sacc. Syll. Fung., vol. 8, p. 507, 1889 No. 20. Erinella longispora Karst. Sacc. Syll. Fung., vol. 8, p. 507, 1889 Lachnum longisporum Karst. Hedwigia, vol. 29, p. 191, 1889. Lyon no. 26. In Atkinson's list as determined by Durand. HYSTERIAIvES KEY TO HAWAIIAN GENERA Spores brown Rhytidhysterium Spores hyaline, filamentous Lophodermium 15. RHYTIDHYSTERIUM Speg. Anal. Soc. Ci. Argent., 4, no. 191, 1882 No. 21. Rhytidhysterium prosopidis Peck Rept. 46, N. Y. State Mus. Nat. Hist. p. 39, 1893 On Prosopis juliflora. Oahu: Honolulu, 191 3. Lyon no. 406. 16. LOPHODERMIUM Chev. Fl. Gen. Env. Paris, vol. 1, p. 436, 1826 No. 22. Lophodermium intermissum Starb. Bih. S v. Vet.-Acad. Hand!., vol. 21, p. 17, 1895 On Acacia koa, Oahu: Wahiawa, June 3, no. 234; Maui: Pogue's ditch trail, Sept. 6, no. 11 56. The present form is provisionally placed under this species with the description of which it agrees closely, though its agreement with L. arun- dinacium is also very close, notwithstanding that the latter is on a mono- cotyledonous plant, while the present form is on a dicotyledonous one. No. 23. Lophoderium arundinaceum (Schrad.) Chev. Fl. Gen. Env., Paris, vol. 1, p. 435, 1826 On Vincentia angustifolia. Oahu: Wahiawa, June 3, no. 246; Palolo valley and Mt. Olympus, June 10, no. 373, and June 24, no. 727; Tantalus, June 22, nos. 652 and 622. The present form is placed under this species after careful comparison with herbarium specimens. (Rabenhorst, Fungi Europaei, no. 1226). Stevens— Hawaiian Fungi 13 No. 24. Lophoderium sacchari Lyon, H.S.P.A. Exp. Sta., Rec, vol. 9, p. 601, 1913 On Sac char um officinarum (cane) Hawaii, 1913, Lyon no. 291. "On dead leaves of Saccharum officinarum. Hawaii." Caum. ASPERGILLALES 17. ASPERGILLUS Mich. Nova PL Gen., p. 212, 1729 No. 25. Aspergillus parasiticus Speare On Pseudococcus sacchari. Recorded by A. T. Speare. DOTHIDEALES Lindau, in E. & P., Nat. PfL, vol. 1, Abt. 1, p. 373, 1897 My previous collecting experience, in the Caribbean tropics, included numerous species of Dothideales, which, by their conspicuous character and abundant distribution, were in marked contrast to the collections of Dothideales of Hawaii, where, although the eye was trained to recognize them, they were found only rarely and in inconspicuous form. Notwith- standing this sparseness of species the forms that were found are for the most part of exceptional interest both in their morphology and as throwing light upon phylogeny. The series of three forms described below on Cibo- tium shows a very remarkable differentiation to have occurred on this host. Forms placed here in the Dothideales and forms described elsewhere with the meliolas or with the Microthyriaceae clearly show these groups to merge into each other. In certain of the dothids, though sub-cuticular or subepidermal, the habit of multiple anchorage or penetration into the mesophyll similar to that shown by the Polystomellaceae is found, though no sign of radiate structure appears. It is probable that certain of the superficial Microthyriaceae, by some such steps as are represented by Meliola-Amazonia-Actinodothidopsis, have led to a group of superficial dothids. On the other hand the same fungi or others have emphasized their host attachment; developed a powerful hypostroma and in fact changed from the superficial habit, as of the Polystomellaceae, to the sub- cuticular or subepidermal habit of the dothids. KEY TO HAWAIIAN GENERA OF DOTHIDEALES Stromata palisade-formed, superficial or erumpent Dothideaceae Stromata superficial, centrally fastened Coccoideae Spores i-celled, hyaline 18. Yoshinagella Stromata superficial, fastened at many places Leveillelleae Spores, 4-celled, brown 19. Pauahia 14 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin Stromata subcuticular or subepidermal Phyllachoraceae Stromata between cuticle and epidermis Trabutiineae Spores i-celled, hyaline, paraphyses present 20. Trabutia Spores 1-3 celled, hyaline 21. Actinoclothidopsis Stromata between epidermis and palisade tissue Scirrhiineae Spores i-celled, hyaline, appendaged 22. Schizochora Spores 2-celled, hyaline, Cells equal 23. Scirrhia Cells unequal 24. Apiospora Stromata in the mesophyll Phy I lachorineae Spores i-celled, hyaline, paraphyses present 25. Phyliachora Spores' 2-celled, hyaline, paraphyses absent 26. Oligostroma No definite stroma; loculi isolated in the mesophyll...., Montagnellaceae 27. Hyalocurreya DOTHIDEACEAE Nitschke, emend. Theis. and Syd. Ann. Myc, vol. 13, p. 174, 1915 COCCOIDEAE 18. YOSHINAGELLA v. Hohn, in Sitzungsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien., vol. 122, p. 36, 1913 No. 26. Yoshinagella polymorpha Lyon (in lit.) n. sp 3 . Stromata erumpent, emerging naked and black, and soon becoming stipitate and setose. Setae usually arranged as a crown, but rarely completely covering the stroma, long, 600-850^, black, stiff, septate; setal tips obtuse, or sometimes swollen to knobs. Asci about 14 — 160 by 9^, 8 spored. Paraphyses filamentous. Spores uniseriate or inordinate, continuous, hyaline, oblong, 14-18 by 7-9 p, dilute green. Conidia small, 4-5 by 3 M, 1 -celled, irregularly ovate to pyriform, slightly fuscous, borne on long, simple conidiophores. (See PI. I, A, B, B, F, G; fig. 1, a, b, c, d.) On living leaves of Cibotium mensiesii. Oahu: Olympus, June 24, no. 694 (type) ; Castle trail, 1912, Lyon no. 165 ; Palolo valley, 1912, Lyon nos. 142, 433, 468. — Hawaii: Upper ditch trail, July 31, no. 1061 ; Pahala, 1919, Lyon no. 480. — Kauai: no. 1161, Swezey. This fungus is fairly constant in its' characters. The hypostroma is well de- veloped, reaching more than half the way through the leaf as a rather compact mycelial network. The stroma emerges through the epidermis, first as a minute smooth, globular structure. It soon becomes top-shaped and flat-topped, with a stipe some 275 m broad, at the same time developing a beautiful corona of black setae (PI. I, B, F). In rare instances the whole top of the stroma is setose. Viewed from above the top of the stroma, the portion encircled by the setae, has a honey- 3 This name was suggested by H. L. Lyon in a personal letter ; the description is by Stevens. I am indebted to Dr. Lyon for opportunity to make preliminary exami- nation of his herbarium specimens and for information as to suitable localities for collecting this fungus. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 15 Figure i. — Yoshinagella: a, microtome section of a stroma of Y. polymorpha, showing the characteristic palisade arrangement of the stroma — the hypostroma penetrates deep into the mesophyl — the origins of the setae from the rim of the stroma, the developing perithecia under the rim of the stroma, and the central cavity lined with conidiophores. — b-d, Y. polymorpha (No. 694) on Cibotium mensiesii: b; conidiophores and conidia; c, setae and setal tips; d, asci with spores; e, Yoshinagella nuda on Cibotium chamissoi — section of a stroma. i6 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin comb (See PI. I, B, F) appearance and frequently shows also globular protuberances. By crushing the stromata, or still better by use of microtome sections, it appears that in certain stages of development the central portion is concave and conidia- bearing while the border or rim of the disk shows evidence of developing perithecia (fig. a). Other stages show the perithecia well developed and filled with asci. (PL I, G). No. 27. Yoshinagella polymorpha Lyon var. pauciseta Stev. n. var. PI. i,C. Setae usually few or entirely absent, and when present irregularly arranged and short (90-230 p). (In very rare instances the stroma showed regular radiating setae.) Stromata small, round, black, not so distinctly stipitate as in Y. polymorpha. Pycniospores and all other structures as' in Y. polymorpha. On Cibotium chamissoi. Hawaii: Hamakua, upper ditch trail, July 31, nos. 1066 and 1077.— Maui: Pogue's ditch trail, Sept. 6, no. 1156. This variety differs markedly from Y. polymorpha in that the setae of the stroma are very few in number or quite lacking (See PL 1, C), and when present, are very rarely found arranged as a crown on the stroma. The stromata, too, lack the characteristic shape and are merely irregular small cushions, and the conidiiferous and ascigerous parts are not regularly distributed. No. 28. Yoshinagella nuda Stevens n. sp. PL 1, D, H, and fig. 1, e, Stromata black, hard, irregular in shape, without setae or rarely with few scattered setae, varying greatly in size from less than a millimeter to more than two centimeters in diameter. Other characters as' in Y. polymorpha. On Cibotium chamissoi. Oahu: Wahiawa, May 31, nos. 151 and 155; Ahren's ditch trail, June 8, no, 286; Mt. Olympus, June 10, nos. 305, 307, 332, 372; Waiahole ditch trail, June 12, no. 388; Tantalus, June 20, no. 591, and June 22, no. 656; Olympus, June 24, nos. 664 and 701. Also in Lyon's collection as nos. 331 and 419. This species differs from F. polymorpha in that it is devoid of setae, also the stromata are very large and irregular. It differs in the same way from F. polymorpha var. pauciseta, and from this form it is in particular delimited by the striking difference in the size of the stromata. (Compare PI. 1, C with PL 1, D). In cross section the stromata are seen to be irregular (PL 1, E) without the stipe found in F. polymorpha, and often without the regular arrangement of ascigerous and conidiiferous regions. The three forms described above constitute a very interesting series and display remarkable morphological features. Were F. polymorpha to be considered alone, it would clearly be placed in the Coccoideae of the Dothideales, as conceived by Theissen and Sydow (196, vol. 13, p. 265). In this section it would be excluded from the only genera with centrally Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 17 fastened stromata; from Trichodothis and Perischizon by its one-celled hyaline spores; from Yoshinagella by its stromatic setae. When, however, the three forms are considered together it is obvious from their identity of spore and ascus character, and by their occurrence on closely related hosts that they are closely related genetically, and I am of the opinion that the three should be considered as co-generic. Though Yoshinagella is without setae and the absence of setae in it is emphasized in the key of Theissen and Sydow, I believe that the correct procedure is to broaden the conception of that genus, previously known by only one species, by including in it forms with stromatic setae, as I have done. Though Trichodothis is clearly a separate genus, as is shown by its 2-celled brown spores, it is of interest to note that its stromatic setae closely resemble those of Y. polymorpha in these rare instances in which they are setose over the whole upper surface. Comparison of specimens of Asterina comata B. & R., the type species of Trichodothis, from the exsiccati (158; 149; 56) show these stromata to be so like the completely setose forms of 7. polymorpha that the latter would clearly fall within Trichodothis, except for its spore characters. Considering the identity of perithecial structure and contents of these three forms, together with the fact that they all occur on Cibotium in Hawaii, it is extremely probable that all descended from a common ancestor parasitic on Cibotium or a closely related host. The collections in hand indicate that Y. polymorpha is limited to C. menzeisii as a host and that the two other forms occur only on C. chamissoi, though this general- ization may be broken down when more collections are available. In the present light it appears as though a non-setose race first developed on C: menzeisii and that later this gave rise to the less setose, but more aggres- sively parasitic races. LEVEILLELLEAE 19. PAUAHIA Stevens n. gen. Stromata superficial, of perpendicular palisade structure, locules several. Spores brown, 3-septate. Named in honor of the Princess Bernice Pauahi. No. 29. Pauahia sideroxyli Stevens n. sp. Stromata black, 2-8 mm. in diameter, 1-2 mm. thick, hypophyllus, rough. Loculi many, 200-215 fi in diameter. Asci evanescent, 2-4 spored, no paraphys'es. Spores brown, 61-64 by 21 m, obtuse, 3-septate, the terminal cells markedly smaller than the others. (See fig. 2.) On Sideroxylon rhyncospermum. Maui: Nahiku, Jan., 1909, Lyon no. 61. i8 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin This fungus clearly belongs to the Dothideaceae as emended by Theis- sen and Sydow, and appears to belong to the section Leveillelleae, though Figure 2. — Pauahia sideroxyll on Sideroxylon rhyncospermum (Lyon no. 61) : a, sec- tion of a stroma showing locules; b, spores. an intramatricular mycelium was not observed. The septation and color of the spores clearly differentiate this from all other genera. PHYLLACHORACEAE TRABUTIINEAE 20. TRABUTIA Sacc. and Roum. Rev. Myc, vol. 3, p. 27, 1881 No. 30. Trabutia minima Stevens and Weedon, n. sp. Spots approximately circular, definite, 3-10 mm. in diameter, often coalescing; epiphyllous. Surface of diseased spot brown to black, covered in the older, central portion by an irregular, radiating white network. Stromata epiphyllus, subcuticular, minute (150M in diameter, and 25 /* thick). Perithecia 21-25 m in diameter, usually with only one ascus', rarely two. Asci oblong or nearly globular, 8-spored, 21 by 14^, wall thick, (3/*). Spores hyaline, 14-16 by 3^, obtuse. On unknown dicotyledonous host, Kauai, June 15, no. 445, Figure 3. — Trabutia minima (No. 445): a, pycnidial stage; b, a stroma showing subcuticular character, the locules, and the mycelial projections between the epidermal cells. This fungus occurs in large diseased spots (PI. 11, A), but these prob- ably are not caused by this fungus; but by some other agency, since no significant mycelial penetration is observed. What appears to be a pycnidial stage also occurs. (See PI. II. A; fig, 3, a, b.) Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 19 2 1 . ACTINODOTHIDOPSIS Stevens n. gen. Stroma clypeate, subcuticular, composed of narrow bands of pseudo-parenchy- matic structure (not radiate). Perithecia solitary, globular, ostiolate, upper part merging into the clypeus, lower part thin walled. Asci 8-spored, spores 1 to 3-celled, hyaline. Stromata epiphyllus, linear and irregularly arranged, about 150/* wide, composed of irregularly radiating threads. No. 31. Actinodothidopsis coprosmae Stevens n. sp. Stromata subcuticular, clypeate, consisting of a compact, black mycelial mass between the cuticle and the epidermal cells, usually about 20 At thick, numerous, dense, thick, mycelial masses extend downward from the stromata between the epidermal cells and considerable ways into the mesophyll. Locules globose, distinctly ostiolate, 80-150/* in diameter, often widely separated, developing below the clypeate stromata, between it and the palisade cells ; thin- walled on the bottom and sides. Paraphyses filiform. Asci 8-spored, 29-43 by 18/*. Spores 22-25 by 3.5/*, obtuse, i-septate (possibly 3-septate), very pale chlorine-green. (See PI. II, B; fig. 4.) On Coprosma sp. Kauai: Waimea canyon, upper pipe trail, June 15, no. 457. ;&fcM% P1GURE4. — Actinodothidopsis coprosmae (No. 457) on Coprosma: a, portion of a stroma viewed from above, showing several separate perithecia; b f myce- lial structure of the edge of a stroma; c, showing position of the stroma below the cuticle; d, spores; e, the clypeate stroma and three locules. This fungus resembles the Hemisphaeriales in the general character of its stroma, but the perithecium is not dimidiate, but globular, and the stroma is not radiate, though it verges toward radiate character, fig. 4,6). In this family its affinities would be nearest to the Stigmateaceae on account of sub-cuticular development, though differing from this group in not 20 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin being truly radiate. It differs from the Polystomellaceae as given by Theissen and Sydow (196, vol. 15, p. 399), in that the ascoma is neither superficial nor radial. The fungus also shows relationship with the Clypeo- sphaeriaceae, a family closely related to the Dothideales as evidenced by the fact that the genus Trabutia and certain species of Anthostomella, formerly placed in the Clypeosphaeriaceae, are now regarded as Dothid- eaceous. In the Clypeosphaeriaceae our fungus most nearly resembles Hypospila from which it differs in the texture and extent of its clypeate stroma. In the Dothideales as conceived in the monograph of the group by Theissen and Sydow, where the fungus has greatest affinity it differs from the Munkielleae in that the radiate structure is not typical. Here it would fall next to Microdothella from which it differs in having 2-celled spores, also essentially in stromatic characters. The distinctive characters of this fungus are that its perithecia are produced below the clypeus, not in a stroma, and that the clypeate stroma is pseudo-radiate. Its relationship, considering all characters, seems to be with the Dothideales, near the Trabutiineae in the Phyllachoraceae. SCIRRHIINEAE 22. SCHIZOCHORA Syd. Ann. Myc, vol. 11, p. 265, 1914. No. 32. Schizochora pandani Stevens n. sp. Stromata amphigenus, about 1 mm. in diameter, but often coalescing to form large spots, most abundant near the bases of old leaves. Stromata about 230-310 f* in diameter, surrounded by a narrow dark zone due to the mycelial invasion of the epidermal cells'. Surface of the stroma slightly arched, non-ostiolate, spores liberated by the falling away of the whole of the perithecial covering, stromata unilocular. Asci 150-185/* long, narrow, thin-walled, spores hyaline, uniseriate, but overlapping, fusiform, ending in long, awn-like tips, extreme dimensions 54-61 by 7^, either one or two celled. No paraphyses. (See PI. 11, D; fig. 5.) On Pandcmus odoratissimus. Oahu: Waiahole ditch trail, June 6, no.. 408; Kalihi valley, June 2, no. 187. Only one species of this genus has, been described, and that on Fiscus in the Philippines. The stromata are very minute and either sparsely scattered or very closely placed; over the leaf surface. (See PL 11, D.) Each stroma is' normally surrounded by a dark zone, due to the occupied mesophyll. These areas often blend with other similar areas and a comparatively large spot bearing many stromata may result. In micro- tome section the main part of the stroma is seen to be between the epidermis and the underlying layer of cells ; this stroma showing a typical dothideaceous palisade ar- rangement. (See fig. 2, a.) The ascigerous locule is always broad and shallow. The mesophyll is, to considerable depth, well occupied with the dark mycelium of the fungus. The fungus appears to agree in general structure with Schizochora, as figured and described by Sydow, with the exception that it has no paraphyses and that the spores are sometimes 1- septate. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 21 Figure 5. — Schisochora pandani (No. 408) on Pandanus odoratissimus: a, a stroma showing its sub-epidermal development, also the mycelium in the epider- mal cells and in the mesophyll; b, ascus; c, ascospores. 23. SCIRRHIA (Nitschke) Fuckel, Symb. Myc, p. 220, 1869 No. 33. Scirrhia lophodermioides, El. and Ev. Bull. Torr. Bot. CI., vol. 22, p. 435, 1895 On dead grass. Heller no. 2368. 24. APIOSPORA Sacc. Soc. Veneto-Trentina Sci. Nat., vol. 4, p. 9, 1875 No. 34. Apiospora montagnei Sacc, Ou Cortaderia argentea, Pampas grass. Hawaii, Kealakekua, July 23, no. 933. (See fig. 6, a.) Figure; 6. — a, Apiospora montagnei — ascospores; b, Oligostroma suttoniae (No. 868a) on Suttonia lesser tiana — spores and young stroma below the cuticle and extending between the palisade cells; c s Oligostroma suttoniae — spores. This specimen agrees remarkably well with the published descriptions, except that the stromata are frequently somewhat larger (3 mm.) and the ascospores somewhat thicker (up to ii/a). 22 B entice P. Bishop Museum— Bulletin PHYLLACHORINEAE 25. PHYLLACHORA (Nitschke) Fuckel, Symb. Myc., p. 216, 1869 No. 35. Phyllachora freycinetiae Stevens n. sp. Spots scattered, small, 2-4 mm. tan colored. (Plate 11, C) Stromata showing from both sides of the leaves, most abundant below. Perithecial cavities large, irregular, often angular, often over 300 ^ in diameter, centrally located in the mesophyll. Asci 8-spored, no by 7/*, long, narrow, straight. Spores uniseriate, hyaline, continuous, 7 by 14^, oblong, paraphyses filiform, numerous. On Freycinetia arnotti. Oahu: Kalihi valley, June 2, no. 184. No Phyllachora is recorded on any member of the Pandanaceae. No. 36. Phyllachora graminis (Pers.) Fuckel, Symb. Myc, p. 216, 1869 On Eragrostis variabilis. Oahu: Tantalus, June 22, no. 600. As Theissen and Sydow (196, vol. 13, p. 437) remark, the species P. graminis, as now known, is a collective species and much time and study will be required to separate it into its component species. Many species of Phyllachora are now recorded on grasses which by their description are indistinguishable from each other and from P. graminis. No Phyl- lachora appears heretofore to have been noted on Eragrostis. The present species is recorded as above though it could with equal reason be placed in any of the following species, with all of which it agrees sufficiently closely: P. striatula, Th. and Syd. on Axonopus semialatus; P. caespiticia, Th. and Syd. on Bambusa; P. boutelouae, Rehm, on Bouteloua curtipen- dula; P. sphaerosperma on Cenchrus echinatus; P. vulgata, Th. and Syd. on Muhlenbergia sps; P. paspalicola, P. Henn, on Paspalum; P. pogo- natheri, Syd. on Pogonatherum sac char oid eum ; P. polypogonis, Th. and Syd. on Polypogon crinitus; P. serialis, EH. and Ev., on Spartina stricta; P. cordobensis, Rehm. on grasses; P. cynodontis; (Sacc.) Niessl. on Cynodon dactylon; P. fuse esc ens Speg. on Agrostis. The following species are also very close, though differing to a some- what greater degree than these of the foregoing list; P. olyrae, Rehm, on Olyra ; P. tricholaenae, P. Henn., on Tricholaena rosea. It is somewhat remarkable that the present specimens are the only representatives of the genus Phyllachora collected in Hawaii. 26. OLIGOSTROMA Syd. Ann. Myc, vol. 12, p. 265, 1914 No. 37. Oligostroma suttoniae Stevens n. sp. Spots circular, visible from both sides of the leaf, 7-12 mm. in diameter, border indefinite, centers tan-colored. Stromata epiphyllus, small, black, numerous in roughly circular arrangement slightly raised above the leaf surface. Stromata at first in the Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 23 epidermis and between it and the palisade cells. Locules located in the palisade region. As'ci 8-spored, about 80 m long. No paraphyses. Spores i-septate, hyaline, long-cylindrical, straight or slightly crooked, obtuse, 40-43 by 4M, pale straw colored. (See fig. 6, b, c.) On Sutionia lessertiana. Hawaii: Kilauea, July 16, no. 868a. Six species only of this genus are recorded by Theissen and Sydow. Our species agrees with none of these, although it is somewhat close to O. mayteni (P. Henn.) Th. and Syd. and to O. mulinicola (Speg.) Th. and Syd. on Maytentus and Mulinum, respectively. The stromata develop first in the epidermis, then extend into the pali- sade region. Mycelium in looser form also reaches into the mesophyll for considerable distance. It is in the palisade region that greatest development occurs and here that the locules form. As the asci mature the stroma above the locule thickens, pressing the cuticle upwards. (See fig. 6.) MONTAGNELLACEAE Theis. and Syd. 27. HYALOCURREYA Theis. and Syd., Ann. Myc, vol. 13, p. 640, 1915 Curreya Sacc. Syll. Fung., vol. 2, p. 651, 1883. No. 38. Hyalocurreya sandicensis (El. and Ev.) Theis. and Syd. Ann. Myc, vol. 13, p. 640, 1915 Curreya sandicensis El. and Ev. Bull. Torr. Bot. CL, vol. 24, p. 135, 1897 On Alphitonia ponder osa. Heller's collection no. 2758, collected on Kauai in 1895 (58, vol. 24, p. 135). PERISPORIAIvES K£Y TO HAWAIIAN FAMIUKS Mycelium dark Mycelium not slimy, straight walled, net-like Perisporiaceae Mycelium dematium-like or, if straight- walled, slimy Capnodiaceae Mycelium pale - - Erysiphaceae PERISPORIACEAE MELIOLINEAE It is of interest to note that all the meliolas collected in Hawaii are found on plants indigenous to the islands, and that most of the host species collected are endemic, with large representation on such typically Hawaiian genera as Gouldia, Clermontia, Kadua, Lobelia, Pelea, Scaevola, and Straussia. Consideration of such hosts of the meliolas, as Coprosma, with New Zealand affinities, Acacia with Australian relatives, Scaevola, 24 Bernice P, Bishop Museum — Bulletin Cyrtandra, Pipturus, Gouldia, Metrosideros, and Wikstroemia, kin to South Sea forms, indicates their western origin. Only one host, Physalis peruviana, is attributed to American origin. There is indication that the meliola flora is much more ancient than the rust flora (see Uredinales), and that it was dominated from the west, while the younger rust flora shows much more American influence. The ratio of number of meliola species to number of possible host species in Hawaii and in Porto Rico is as follows : VASCULAR HOSTS MELIOIvAS RATIO Hawaii 999 34 .034 Porto Rico . 2250 103 .046 It is thus seen that the meliolas are approximately 50 per cent more abundant in Porto Rico than in Hawaii. Since the lowland flora is now largely or quite overrun or even obliterated by encroachment of introduced plants, it is only in the higher elevations that meliolas occur; the lowest altitude at which any was found was above Wahiawa at about 1500 ft. This limitation to higher regions appears to be due, however, to the matter of host distribution rather than to any direct relation between meliolas and climate or altitude, since in Porto Rico meliolas flourished in all altitudes and in all climatic condi- tions. This relation of the meliolas to the ancient flora of the islands clearly points to their long, even very ancient, association with these hosts or their progenitors. The meliolas have long been regarded as belonging to the Perisporiales.. It appears to me, in view of the frequent possession of a true ostiole and the usual presence of a rudimentary one and still more on consideration of the forms showing a truly radiate ascogenous structure, that they are very closely related to the Microthyriaceae. The genus Meliola as for- merly understood has recently been subdivided into several genera, as is. shown in the key on page 28. In placing these genera Theissen recognizes the microthyriaceous character of his genus Amazonia, placing it in that family in the sub-family Asterineae, while he places Meliola and Irene in the Perisporiaceae, a grouping necessitated by the thoroughly artificial nature of his classification. The genus Actinodothis is placed in the Dothidiaceae by Sydow. Such separation of genera that are essentially very closely related does not reflect, but really very much obscures, actual relationship. The main argument relied upon by those who advocate separation of the meliolas from the Asterineae is based upon the assertion that the perithecia (thyriothycia) of the Asterinas arise in the so-called "inverse" manner, while the meliolas are said to develop the perithecia Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 25 otherwise. Even should this difference in mode of growth be substan- tiated by conclusive investigation, I do not regard it as of sufficient importance to warrant the wide separation, into separate families, of such genera as Actinodothis, Amazonia, and Meliola. To bring together again these genera, closely related morphologically and doubtless phylogenetically, I therefore place them in the sub- family Meliolineae of Arnaud (which I shall designate commonly as the meliolas). The occurrence of the species Irene puiggarii, Meliola cyperi and Amazonia asterinoides, which are known in such widely separated parts of the world as Africa, South America, and Hawaii, and on plants endemic, or at least not introduced by man, points to very great antiquity of the meliolas and of their parasitic habit. Moreover the occurrence of these forms on many hosts but slightly related and with morphological changes in the meliolas so slight as to be indistinguishable, indicates a remarkable morphological constancy in these forms. The parasites on the meliolas, which I discussed in an earlier paper in connection with the Porto Rican forms (180, vol. 65) are essentially the same in Hawaii as in Porto Rico. Arthrobotryum, Helminthosporium, and certain nectriaceous, microthyriaceous, and other ascigerous and pycni- dial parasites, several species of each, appear to be quite the same species on the Hawaiian and Porto Rican specimens. This, too, points strongly to a very ancient existence of this parasitic relation. The characters exhibited in the various species of the meliolas appear to be remarkably constant, comparatively invariable. The most character- istic features possessed by all meliolas are the dark, coarse, superficial mycelium and the three- to four-septate, brown spores in evanescent asci which bear only two or at most four spores. One line of diflerention has resulted from either the loss of or the acquisition of the dimidiate- perithecial habit, segregating Amazonia and Actinodothis from the remain- ing genera. Hyphopodia are remarkably constant, though in some forms they show tendency to vary in position and shape, and in Meliolina, the most widely divergent of the Hawaiian meliolas, hyphopodia have almost completely disappeared. The loss or acquisition of the habit of producing setae leads to the segregation of the genus Irene. The ascopores in all of the species are remarkably uniform in size, color, septation, and shape. Only a few species show distinctive features such as mucronate or conic apices or tapering spores. Within given species all characters, and particularly spore size, are much more constant than in most fungi. Segregation of two great groups results from the occurrence of three-septate and four-septate forms. So fixed are species in this 26 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin regard that deviation from the mode is never- seen, unless in the genus Actinodothis, as recorded by Sydow (187, p. 174). The character of the tips of the setae, whether uncinate, dentate, branched, or whether acute or obtuse, is one of remarkable constancy, though within a few species there is variation in this character. Although taken as a whole the meliolas show constancy to type, some rather remark- able variation is found. In the species Actinodothis perrottetiae and A. suttoniae the colonies which are densely crustose may be either with or without capitate hyphopodia, their presence seeming to be dependent upon the degree of crowding of the mycelium in the colony. In A, perrottetiae also, though the perithecia are usually dimidate, merely pockets, slightly raised under a flat crust, frequently a pocket continues to grow, resulting in the emergence of a truly spherical, typical Meliola-like perithecium. In Irene cheirodendronis the perithecia are at first dimidate and with ma- ture spores. If the colony continues to grow the perithecia become truly globular, thus merging the characters of Irene with those of Amazonia. The fact that Amazonia perrottetiae and Actinodothis perrottetiae, two forms very distinct in colony habit, — one dense, crustose, definite, with no free mycelium, the other with loose, lax, indefinite, free mycelium — occur on the same host, and that the two fungi have spores and hyphopodia considerable alike, argues for their common ancestry. Two characteristics, density of colony and form of perithecium, have varied largely, but spores, hyphopodia and host have remained constant. In view of the facts just recorded, I do not regard the genera as set up in the meliolas to possess any phylogenetic significance; they are merely aids in grouping the forms according to their present morphology. The two genera Actinodothis and Meliolina differ markedly from other meliolas, each in two important respects. Actinodothis has a distinct, well- developed, superficial stroma and a well-developed hypostroma, both char- acters indicating relationship with the Dothideales. Meliolina develops no superficial stroma and its superficial mycelium bears only rudimentary, or rather vestigial, capitate hyphopodia. It does, however, show within the host tissue, a larger development of mycelium than is found in any of the other meliolas. Linked with the larger development of internal mycelium in these two genera is naturally found a greater pathogenicity, and the diseased areas associated with these genera are both larger and more pronounced than with other meliolas. If a typical Meliola be regarded as the ancestral form — all evidence points to great antiquity of Meliola — it is obvious that these two genera illustrate how, by increase in power to invade host tissue accompanied by such morphological changes as these two genera show, two tendencies are Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 27 here expressed, which in culmination might give rise to the Dothideaceae on the one hand and to the Parodiellinaceae on the other. The Hawaiian meliolas, to a remarkable extent, fall into groups of rather closely related forms. Thus in the genera Meliola and Irene there are five distinct groups. The first of these consists of six members which have the formula 341 1 or 341 2/3, and contains M. cyperi. The second with the formula 311 (with the fourth term 1, 2 or 3) consists of ten members, all endemic. A third group is characterized by divided mycelial setae, formula 3 131, and contains M. palmicola. A fourth group consists of M. puiggarii, M. exilis and M. spend ens. The fifth group contains Irene triloba and /. inermts with three other species. It is conceivable, though by no means certain, that these groups indicate the common ancestry of the forms included, and that the form in a group that is known in other lands may represent the most primitive type of the group and its source. Thus a primitive M. cyperi may have given rise to the whole group of formula 341 1 as it now occurs in Hawaii. It is not probable, however, that the three Amazonias are closely related, since it appears reasonably certain that Amazonia perrottetiae and Actinodothis perrot- tetiae are derived directly from a common ancestor. (See p. 26.) Several of the Hawaiian meliolas show distinct evidence of a parasitic habit, caus- ing a diseased spot that shows clearly from both sides of the leaves. In the following presentation I have adopted the excellent scheme of group numbers originated by Beeli (14), the use of which may be made clear by the following table: TABLE I. — EXPLANATORY OF THE BEELI SCHEME 01? GROUP NUMBERS DIGIT REFERS TO FIGURE INDICATES I Spore septa \ 3-septa 4-septa ■ fi smooth 2 Perithecium -i 2 warts prominent 3 setae uncinate or spiral ■ u setae not uncinate or spiral ^0 absent 1 straight 3 Mycelial setae < 2 uncinate 3 dentate u branched fl alternate 4 Capitate hyphopodia < 2 opposite _ U alternate or opposite '1 20 fi — 2 30/*— 5 Length of spore * 3 40 M— 4 50/* ^5 60 it* — 28 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin Breadth of spore- Diameter of perithecium.. 8 Length of setae.. Thus group number 31124231 means with 4-septate spores, perithecium smooth, setae straight, capitate hyphopodia opposite, with spores 40 fi or less in length, 20 /x or less in breadth, perithecium 300 fx or less in diameter and setae less than 300 /x long, as is true in M. koae. The number of species of Hawaiian meliolas previously known was 4; the number now known is 34. The number of hosts previously known was 4; the number now known is 58. The number of hosts now known would doubtless be much increased if all the hosts could be definitely referred to species rather than merely to genera. None of these species was on an introduced host. See pp. 174-5. MELIOLINEAE KEY TO GENERA Ascus evanescent, with less than eight spores: Perithecium at maturity globose, not dimidiate: Typical hyphopodia always present: Mycelium setose, Nos. 39 to 58 28. Meliola Fries Mycelium not setose, Nos. 59 to 66 29. Irene Sydow Typical hyphopodia never present Nos. 67-68 30. M el iolina Sydow Perithecium at maturity typically dimitate: Free mycelium present Nos. 69-71 , 31. Amazonia Theissen Free mycelium not present Nos. 72-73 32. Actinodoth is Sydow Ascus persistent, cylindrical, 8-spored Meliolinopsis Beeli 28. MELIOLA Fries, Syst. Orb. Veg., p. 62, 1825. KEY TO THE HAWAIIAN SPECIES OF THE GENUS MEUOLA Peritheca with setae: Capitate hyphopodia mainly opposite ...No. 39 M. label iae 3412.4221 Capitate hyphopodia alternate or opposite No. 40 M. vaccinii 3413.4233 ^Not known in Hawaii. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 29 Capitate hyphopodia mainly alternate: Colony loose No. 41 M. kaduae 3411.3223 Colony dense Setae acute or obtuse No. 42 M.alyxiae 3411.4223 Setae acute Capitate hyphopodia usually irregularly triangular No. 43 M.cyperi 3411.4233 Capitate hyphopodia usually irregularly oblong ...No. 44 M.juddiana 3411.5334 Perithecia without setae: Mycelial setae simple and entire Capitate hyphopodia opposite Typically spherical No. 45 M.sandwicensis 3112.3222 Typically oblong Mycelium typically slightly sinuous...... No. 46 M. koae 3112.4231 Mycelium typically straight No. 47 M. peleae 3112-4233 Capitate hyphopodia opposite or alternate : Mycelium loose, long No. 48 M. sideroxyli 3113.3213 Mycelium close, short- No. 49 M. lyoni 3113-4232 Capitate hyphopodia alternate : Setae strongly arched .-No. 50 M. hawaiiensis 3111.4221 Setae straight or nearly so Setae about 200 ^ long Tip acute No. 51 M. morbosa 3111.4221 Tip obtuse No. 52 M. visci 3111.4231 Setae 280-1000 ^ long Colonies dense, setae abundant, No. 1 No. 53 M. forbesii 3111.4223 Colonies less dense, fewer setae No. 54 M. osmanthi 3111.4225 Mycelial setae dentate or branched Capitate hyphopodia opposite No. 55 M. kauaiensis 3132.4221 Capitate hyphopodia alternate Colony dense, almost crustose No. 56 M. dracaenae 3131.5321 Colony less dense No. 57 M. palmicola 3131-4223 No. 39. Meliola lobeliae Stevens n. sp. Fig. 7, a. Fungus amphigenous, more abundant below. Perithecia abundant in the central regions' of colonies, globose, 125-185 ^ in diameter. Perithecial appendages similar to those of the mycelium, but usually more crooked, arising from the base of the perithecium. Surface of perithecium slightly rough. Spores 4-septate, 35-45 by 14-18/*, obtuse, but slightly constricted at the septa. Mycelium loose, branching at acute angles. Capitate hyphopodia numerous, mainly opposite, but sometimes alter- nate; stalk cell short, head cell oblong or globular. Ampulliform hyphopodia oppo- site or alternate. Mycelial setae sparse, 1 50-260 M long, simple, straight, black, 90 thick at base, apex obtuse. (See fig. 7, a.) Group number 341 2.4221. On Clermontia. Maui: Iao Valley, Sept. 9, No. 11 54 (type); Molokai, Forbes-Stevens, no. 32, Hawaii: Keauhou, Kona, Bishop estate road, July 25, no. 979. This species falls within the same group as M. juddiana and M. kaduae but differs from them. No species has heretofore been described on any of the Lobeliaceae. 30 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin No. 40. Meliola vaccinii Stevens n. sp. Fungus amphigenous. Colonies 2-3 mm. in diameter. Perithecia abundant in the central regions of old colonies, globose, 150-230/* in diameter, Perithecial appendages arising from the base of the perithecium, similar to the mycelial setae, but usually shorter and more crooked. Perithecial surface rough, Asci evanescent. Spores' 4-septate, 40-50 by 8 m, obtuse, constricted at the septa. Mycelium crooked, dense, branching irregularly. Capitate hyphopodia numerous, alternate, unilateral or irregularly arranged, sometimes opposite; stalk cell short, head cell nearly oblong or irregular. Ampulliform hyphopodia numerous, mostly opposite, occurring in groups or scattered. Mycelial setae few, long (580 ^), simple, straight, black, jo/* thick at base, apex obtuse. (See fig. 7, b.) Group number 3413.4233. On Vaccinium reticulatum. Hawaii: Kilauea, July 16, no. 866, July 13, no. 821 — Hilo, flow of 1881, July 8, no. 739 (type) — Maui: Olinda pipe- line, Sept. 5, no. 1 146, Forbes-Stevens, 1916, no. 694. Five species have been described on the Ericaceae, but each has 3-septate spores. The leaf tissue is discolored, reddened, over an area somewhat larger than the mycelial colony. No. 41. Meliola kaduae Stevens n. sp. Fungus hypophylldus'. Colonies very thin, almost invisible. Perithecia globose, 125-140 M in diameter. Perithecial surface slightly rough, setae few, short (50-90/* long), acute. Asci evanescent. Spores 4-septate, 28-40 by 11/*, obtuse, cylindrical, but slightly constricted at the septa. Mycelium very loose, slender, (5/*), branching at acute angles. Capitate hypopodia numerous, far apart (36-50/*), alternate; stalk cell short or long (7/*), head cell irregular-pyriform. Ampulliform hyphopodia few, opposite or alternate. Mycelial setae long (650/*), simple, straight or crooked, black, apex acute. (See fig. 7, c.) Group number 341 1.3223. On Straussia kaduana. Oahu: Olympus, June 10, no. 335. On Straussia sp. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 483 and no. 511, June 16, no. 512; Oahu: Tantalus, June 22, no. 617. On Gouldia terminalis. Oahu: Tantalus, June 22, no. 604. On Gouldia sp. Oahu: Tantalus, June 22, no. 601 (type), no. 604 and no. 597: On Gouldia lanceolata. Hawaii : Waimea, July 30, no. 1049. On Kadua sp. Oahu: Tantalus, June 22, no. 601a. M. kaduae falls into classification within the group of M. circinans, with both mycelial and perithecial setae — the perithecial setae simple and not spiral nor nodose, but its spores are markedly smaller than any of this group. Of the meliolas described on the Rubiaceae only two have perithe- cial setae and from these it differs markedly. The mycelium shows very distinctive character. No. 42. Meliola alyxiae Stevens n. sp. Fungus amphigenous. Colonies 3-15 mm. in diameter, densely black, circular or irregular, scattered, with numerous setae. Perithecia abundant, clustered, globose, Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 3* Figure 7.— Meliola : a, Meliola lobeliae (No. 1154) on Clermontia sp. — mycelium showing variation in hyphopodia, some opposite, some alternate; b, Meli- ola vaccinii (No. 866) on V actinium reticulatum — mycelium and capi- tate and ampulliform hyphopodia; c, Meliola kaduae (No. 601) on Gouldia sp., showing a setum, also the lax, distant hyphopodia; d, Meliola alyxiae (No. 1075) on Alyxia olivaeformis, showing dense character of colony and the irregular hyphopodia, also a setum; e, Meliola juddiana (No. 235) on Pelea sandwicensis — mycelium showing opposite branching and alternate hyphopodia, also a mycelial setum; f, Meliola sandwicensis (No. 537) on Gouldia coriacea — mycelium and hyphopodia, a spore, and setae; g, M. peleae (No. 440) on Pelea barbigera, showing the compara- tively straight mycelium with opposite branching and capitate hyphopo- dium; h, Meliola koae (No. 163) on Acacia koa — mycelium and hyphopo- dia, setae, and a spore. 32 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin 140-170 At in diameter, surface quite rough with irregular prominences. Perithecial setae similar to those of the mycelial, but shorter (about 150 p), arising around the base of the perithecium. Asci evanescent. Spores 4-septate, 46-54 by 14-18 v>, obtuse, much constricted at the septa. Mycelium dense, often very dense and crustose, crooked, branching at acute angles. Capitate hyphopodia numerous, alternate; stalk cell short, head cell angular, several-pointed. Ampulliform hyphopodia rare, scat- tered. Mycelial setae numerous, 770 fi long, simple, straight or crooked, black, n^ thick at base, apex usually acute. (See fig. 7, d.) Group number 341 1.4223. On Alyxia olivaeformis. Hawaii: Hamakua, Upper ditch trail, July 31, no. 1062 and no. 1075; Keauhou, Kona, Bishop Estate road, July 25, no. 975; Puna, July 9, no. 756. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 514. Oahu: Wahiawa, June 3, no. 210 and no. 217 (type) ; Ahren's ditch trail, June 8, no. 409 and no. 985. On V actinium reticulatum. Hawaii: Kilauea, July 13, no. 821. The densely matted mycelium and the angular hyphopodia are characteristic. Though some thirteen species have been described on the Apocynaceae none of them has perithecial setae. N. 43. Meliola cyperi Pat. in Gaillard, Le Genre Meliola, p. 70, Paris, 1892. Group number 341 1.4233. On Vincentia angustifolia, Oahu : Wahiawa, June 3, no. 196 ; Tantalus, June 22, no. 603; Palolo Valley, June 10, no. 344; Olympus, June 24, no. 705. Maui: Olinda pipeline, Sept. 5, no. 1144. On Gahnia leptostachya. Oahu: Olympus, June 24, no. 672; Wahiawa, June 3, no. 226; Palolo Valley, June 10, no. 361; Kauai: Pipe trail, Wai- mea canyon, June 15, no. 435. On Gahnia gaudichaudii. Hawaii: Kilauea, July 17, no. 879. On Rhynchospora thyrsoidea. Kauai : Waimea canyon, Forbes- Stevens, 680. On Baumea meyenii. Oahu: Olympus, June 24, no. 711. This fungus was reported also by Heller on Cyperaceae, no. 2249. These specimens agree remarkably closely with Patouillard's original description, drawn from a sedge from Africa, as well as with specimens of my own collected in Porto Rico. The paralleling of the mycelium along the veins is particularly noticeable on Gahnia, much more so than on Vin- centia. Old colonies are almost devoid of setae and often weather away in the central portions. No. 44. Meliola juddiana Stevens n. sp. Fungus amphigenous, more often hypophyllous. Colonies circular, often 5-10 mm. in diameter, black, dense or diffuse, setae numerous'. Perithecia abundant in the central regions of large colonies, globose, 260 ^ in diameter. Perithecial setae usually arising around the base of the perithecium, short ( 100-180 m), strongly Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 33 curved, acute. Surface of perithecium rough with prominences which may rarely become elongated. Asci evanescent. Spores 4-septate, 60 by 25 fi, obtuse, slightly constricted at the septa. Mycelium dense, 11/* thick, branching at acute angles. Branches often opposite. Capitate hyphopodia numerous, alternate ; stalk cell short, head cell oblong to irregular. Ampulliform hyphopodia numerous usually opposite and in groups. Mycelial setae long (900-1200 /u) black, simple, straight or slightly curved, 15 /* thick at base, apex acute. PL 11, F; fig. 7, e. Group number 341 1.5334. On Pelea hawaiiensis. Kauai: Pipe trail, Waimea canyon, June 15, no. 441. On Pelea elliptica. Kauai : Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 526. On Pelea sp. Maui: Olinda pipeline, Sept. 5, no. 1148. Oahu: Palolo valley, June 10, no. 297; Olympus, June 24, no. 712 and 704. Hawaii: Keauhou, Kona, July 25, no. 986 (type) and no. 974; Waimea, July 30, no. 1048; Hamakua, upper ditch trail, July 28, no. 1034; collected also by Lyon (Lyon no. 346), Tantalus, May 27, 1913; Kaala, Sept. 7, 1913 (Lyon no. ?). Molokai: Forbes-Stevens, Halawa (no. 483). On Pelea rotundifolia. Oahu: Forbes-Stevens, no. 1328. On Pelea clusiae folia. Maui : 19 10, Forbes-Stevens. Lanai : Munro- Stevens, in 191 5. On Pelea sandwicensis. Forbes-Stevens, no. 235, 1920. On Pelea parvifolia. Molokai, Forbes-Stevens, no. 411. On Pelea cinerea. Oahu, Forbes- Stevens, no. 1816, 1912. This species is named in honor of Mr. Albert F. Judd of Honolulu in recognition of his service to science. The form falls within a group con- taining only four species namely M. circinans Earle, M. cyperi Pat., M. pennata v. Hohn and M. pectinata v. Hohn. The spore size alone of our species distinguishes it from all of these but M. pennata, while the mycelial setae serve to distinguish it from that species. Fifteen species on eleven hosts are recorded elsewhere on Rutaceae; all of these, however, lack perithecial setae. The collections show the fungus to be generally distributed throughout the Territory of Hawaii and to occur on many species of Pelea. The fact that some collections are strictly epiphyllous, others strictly hypophyllous, and still others amphigenous, and that some collections show a colony with much crowded mycelium, while others possess a loose mycelial colony, may indicate that the species is being differentiated into varieties. Some of the most salient differences between this species and the preceding are brought out in the key, others are seen in comparing the specimens. No. 45. Meliola sandwicensis El. and Ev. Bull. Torr. Bot. CI., vol. 22, p. 434, 1895. Group number 31 12.3222. 34 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — -Bulletin On Gouldia macrocarpa. Oahu : Tantalus, June 22, no. 626 ; Kauai : Pipe trail, Waimea canyon, June 15, no. 459. On Gouldia coriacea. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 482 and no. 537; Pipe trail, Waimea canyon, June 15, nos. 446 and 454. On Gouldia lanceolata. Oahu: Tantalus, June 22, no. 612; Kuliouou, May 29, no. 144. On Gouldia terminalis. Hawaii : Waimea, July 30, no. 1050. Oahu : Tantalus, June 22, nos. 604 and 621. On Gouldia elongata. Kauai : Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 537. On Gouldia sps. Oahu : Olympus, June 24, nos. 709 and 720. Hawaii : Hamakua, Upper ditch trail, July 28, no. 1028; July 31, nos. 1060, 1078, and 1085. Kauai : Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 495 ; Pipe trail, Waimea canyon, June 15, nos. 432 and 1162. On Kadua knudsenii Kauai : Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 525. On Kadua sp. Oahu: Tantalus, June 22, nos. 601 and 597; Olympus, June 24, no. 708. Hawaii: Waimea, July 30, no. 1049. Maui: Mapulehu Valley, July, 1912, Forbes- Stevens, no. 311. This fungus was originally described as on a rubiaceous host by Ellis and Everhart from Heller's specimen no. 2369. It appears, as the above collections show, to be widespread and common on Gouldia and Kadua. No. 46. Meliola koae Stevens n. sp. Fungus amphigenous on leaves and on both sides of the phyllodia. Colonies 2-6 mm. in diameter, black, more or less dense, setae numerous. Perithecia abundant in the central regions of large colonies, globose, 170-260 M in diameter; surface with small prominences'. Perithecial appendages none. Asci evanescent. Spores 4-septate, 47-50 by 12-14 /a, obtuse, constricted at the septa. Mycelium crooked, branching irregularly. Capitate hyphopodia numerous, opposite or alternate, mostly opposite; stalk cell short, head cell nearly oblong, straight or bent. Ampulliform hyphopodia few. Mycelial setae numerous, 170-250 M long, simple, crooked to scythe-shaped, black, 7^ thick at base, apex obtuse, pale. Group number 31 12.4231. (See Pl. II K; fig. 7, h.) On Acacia koa. Oahu: Wahiawa, May 31, no. 163 (type); Kauai: Kalalau trail, May 31, no. 521; Hawaii: by Lyon, October, 1913, Lyon no. 415. Although numerous species of Meliola have been described on Legumi- nosae, none of these agrees with our species. No. 47. Meliola peleae Stevens n. sp. Fungus amphigenous, usually more abundant below, but sometimes exclusively above. Colonies usually 6-10 mm. in diameter, often confluent, dense, setae abundant. Perithecia, globose, 140-215 ^ in diameter. Perithecial appendages none. Surface of perithecium rough with low tubercles. Asci evanescent. Spores 4-septate, 43 by 15 At, obtuse, constricted at the septa. Mycelium dense, branching at acute angles, 7 n thick. Capitate hyphopodia numerous, opposite; stalk cell short, head cell nearly Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 35 oblong, regular. Ampulliform hyphopodia rare, opposite or alternate. Mycelial setae 500-600 fi long, straight, black, apex obtuse, sometimes quite sparse. Group number 31 12.4233. (See Pl. II, G; fig. 7, g-) On Pelea sp. Oahu: Olympus, June 24, nos. 669 and 726; Kauai: Waimea canyon, June 15, no. 434; Hawaii: Hamakua upper ditch trail, July 31, no. 1073; Kona, Keauhou, July 25, no. 988; Kilauea, July 14, no. 840 (type) ; Molokai : Pukoo Ridge, August, 1912, Forbes- Stevens, no. 411. On Pelea rotundifolia. Oahu : Wahiawa, June 30, no. 200. On Pelea barbigera. Kauai: Waimea canyon, June 15, no. 440. On Pelea elliptica. Oahu : Wahiawa, June 3, no. 203 ; Lanai : Munro in 1915 and 1916. On Pelea sandwicensis. Kauai: Waimea canyon, June 15, no. 449. On Pelea cinerea. Lanai: in 1913, Forbes-Stevens, no. 251; Oahu: in 1912, no. 1776, and Forbes-Stevens, no. 1328. On Cryptocarya mannii. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 506. This species appears to be more closely related to M, ludibunda than to other described species, but it differs from this in several characters. It agrees with none of the species described on the Rutaceae. Though this and M. juddiana both occur on Pelea, sometimes found even upon the same leaf (Forbes-Stevens no. 1328). The distinguishing characters are marked, particularly in that one has a setose perithecium and the other no such setae; one has opposite hypopodia and the other alternate. There are differences in the character of the mycelium. The two species do not intergrade. One specimen, no. 1073, was without setae and was of dense mycelium; but this was apparently due to heavy over- growth by a parasite. The distribution of these two fungi on many species of Pelea and on many of the islands is noteworthy. No. 48. Meliola sideroxyli Stevens n. sp. Fungus amphigenous more abundant above. Colonies 1-3 mm. in diameter, irregular, indefinite, and scattered, numerous, with few setae. Perithecia globose, small, 90^ in diameter. Surface slightly rough. Perithecial appendages none. Asci evanescent. Spores 4-septate, 40 by 18 /*, obtuse, constricted at the septa. Mycelium loose, straight or crooked, branching at acute angles. Capitate hyphopodia numerous, alternate or opposite; stalk cell short, head cell oblong. Ampulliform hyphopodia numerous, opposite, alternate or irregular, occurring in groups or scattered. Mycelial setae few, 460-600 a* long, simple, straight or somewhat crooked, black to straw color, gfi thick at base, apex obtuse, pale, translucent. (See fig. 8, a.) Group number 31 13.3213. On Sideroxylon sandwicense. Kauai: Kokee, August 28, no. 1160, 0. H. Swezey. Four species of Meliola, all of the formula 31 11, have been described on the Sapotaceae. The present form is nearest to M. callicarpae from which it differs in both perithecia and setae. 36 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin Figure: 8. — Meliola: a, Mcliola sideroxyli (No. 1160) on Sideroxylon sandwicensis, showing mycelium and setae; b, M. lyoni (No. 901) on Dodonaea viscosa — crowded mycelium with capitate hyphopodia and also a spore ; c, M. hawaiiensis No. 667 on Eugenia sandwicensis — mycelium and a setum, also section of a perithecium, showing its' thin wall ; d, M. morbosa (No. 452) on Claoxylon sandwicense — mycelium, capitate hyphopodia, and a setum; e, M. visci (No. 1149) on Viscum articulatum — mycelium and a setum; f, M. gregoriana (No. 2306) on Danella odorata — portion of colony, showing crowded mycelium with large angular, capitate hyphopodia and a setum; g, M. osmanthi (No. 513) on Osmanthus sandwicensis — mycelium and a setum; h, M. kauaiensis (No. 436) on Kadua knudsenii-^ mycelium and setal tips; j, M. dracaenae (No. 1393) on Dracaena aurea~~~ tips of setae; k, M. palmicola (No. 678) on palm — tips of setae. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 37 No. 49. Meliola lyoni Stevens n. sp. Fungus amphigenous. Colonies very small,' 1-2 mm. in diameter, scattered, numer- ous, dense, partially crustose. Perithecia abundant in the central regions of old colonies, globose, 150-215 M in diameter. Surface smooth. Perithecial appendages none. Asci evanescent, 2-3-4 spored. Spores 4-septate, 43-47 by 18-20 j*, obtuse, constricted at the septa. Mycelium dense, crooked, in older portions matted and crustose, quite thick (7.5 aO. Capitate hyphopodia numerous, opposite or alternate; stalk cell short, head cell nearly globular, about 14^ in diameter, regular, with promi- nent penetration pore. Ampulliform hyphopodia numerous', usually opposite, occur- ring in groups. Mycelial setae few, usually only 2-10 per colony, often absent, long (340 m), simple, straight or slightly crooked, apex obtuse. (See fig. 8, b.) Group number 31 13.4232. On Dodonaea viscosa. Hawaii: Kilauea, July 14, no. 843 (type), and July 16, no. 865; Hualalai, July 19, no, 901, by Chas. Judd; flow of 1855 below Hale Aloha, June 7, 1915, Forbes- Stevens, no. 754; Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 508; also Forbes- Stevens, no. 87. This fungus falls near M. abrupta Syd. and its close kin, but agrees with none of these completely. One species, M. cookeana var. major Gaill., described on Dodonaea from Brazil does not agree closely with our species. The most distinctive features of the fungus are its small, often crustose, colonies and the globular head cells of the capitate hyphopodia. Named in honor of Dr. H. L. Lyon of Honolulu in recognition of his work on Hawaiian fungi. No. 50. Meliola hawaiiensis Stevens 11. sp. Fungus amphigenous, more abundant above. Epiphyllous colonies 2-4 mm. in diameter, scattered, with numerous setae. Hypophyllous colonies smaller. Perithecia abundant, globose, 170-200 m in diameter. Surface rough. Perithecial appendages none. Asci evanescent, 2-spored. Spores oblong, 4-septate, 50 by 14 /a, obtuse, con- stricted at the septa. Mycelium dense, almost crustose, branching at acute angles. Capitate hyphopodia numerous, alternate ; stalk cell short, head cell nearly oblong. Ampulliform hyphopodia rare. Mycelial setae long, 185-310^, simple, curved or sickle-shaped, black, 9/*, thick at base, apex obtuse. Group number 31 11. 4221. (See fig. 8, c.) On Eugenia sandwicensis. Oahu: Olympus, June 24, no. 667 (type). Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 490. Maui: Kaluaaha, Aug., 1912, Forbes-Stevens, no. 315; collected also by Lyon in 1913 (Lyon no. 275); also in the Lyon collection as no. 60, which was reported by Atkinson as immature and possibly as Asterina crustosa. The fungus grows as dense, black, epiphyllous colonies. Beneath these is produced a distinct diseased spot of slightly larger area than that of the colony. On the lower side of the leaf these spots show plainly as definitely limited, brown regions in the normal green. Microtome sections through the diseased spots showed the protoplasts and chloroplasts disorganized, though it did not show the presence of any mycelium. Chemical alteration 38 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin was evident from the fact that the diseased region accepted stains more readily, also that the diseased epidermis was softer and tore apart much more readily than did the normal epidermis. Such extensive pathogenic changes as are here shown are seldom produced by any Meliola and in the absence of any mycelial invasion must indicate powerful toxic or enzymic action. This species differs markedly from the six described on Eugenia, also from M. densa, M. psidii, and M. laxa, the only forms at all closely related, among the many species recorded on Myrtaceae. Among species on other hosts those nearest to it are M. falciseta and M. didymopanicis, but it is clearly distinct from these. No. 51. Meliola morbosa Stevens n. sp. Fungus amphigenous. Colonies 1-3 mm. in diameter, scattered, with few setae. Perithecia abundant, globose, 110-190^ in diameter; surface smooth or slightly rough with conic protuberances. Perithecial appendages none. Asci evanescent, 2-spored. Spores 4-septate, 36 by 14 fi, obtuse, constricted at the septa. Mycelium slightly crooked, branching at acute angles. Capitate hyphopodia numerous, alternate; stalk cell short, head cell oblong, large ( 15-30 ^ long.) Ampulliform hyphopodia rare, scattered. Mycelial setae few, about 200-250 v> long, simple, straight, or somewhat curved, stiff, black, iijt* thick at base, apex abruptly acute. (See fig. S,d.) Group number 31 n. 4221. On Claoxylon sandwicense. Kauai: Upper Waimea canyon, June 15, no. 452. Very definite diseased spots somewhat larger than the colonies are produced. No. 52. Meliola visci Stevens n. sp. Colonies diffuse, often a centimeter in diameter, densely black, with numerous setae. Perithecia very numerous, globose, 110-215A1 in diameter. Surface slightly rough with low prominences. Perithecial appendages none. Asci evanescent. Spores 4-septate, 43-46 by 18 m, obtuse, constricted at the septa. Mycelium very black, dense and crooked, often matted, branching irregularly. Capitate hyphopodia numerous, alternate; stalk cell short, head cell oblong or somewhat irregular. Ampulliform hyphopodia few, opposite or alternate. Mycelial setae, 150-230 ^ long, simple, straight or somewhat crooked, black, 9 /u. thick at base, apex obtuse. (See fig. 8, e.) Group number 31 11. 4231. On Viscum articulatum. Oahu: Wahiawa, May 31, no. 167 (type); Maui: Olinda Pipeline, Sept. 5, no. 1149. This fungus was found on Viscum which was growing on koa infested with M. koae, and since to the unaided eye the colonies on koa and Viscum looked much alike, it appeared that the meliolas might be the same. Micro- scopic examination, however, shows them to be different, particularly as to the arrangement and form of the capitate hyphopodia. Two species have been described on the Loranthaceae, one on Loran- thus with forked setae, the other on Viscum (M. arcuata Doidge) with larger spores than the present form. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 39 No. 53. Meliola gregoriana Stevens n. sp. Fungus amphigenous, more abundant above. Colonies 2-5 mm. in diameter, scat- tered, numerous, with numerous setae. Perithecia rare, globose, about 200 1* in diameter. Surface smooth. Perithecial appendages none. Asci evanescent. Spores 4-septate, 47 by 18^, obtuse, slightly constricted at the septa. Mycelium varying from somewhat loose to closely matted, branching at acute angles, but often paralleling the veins. Capitate hyphopodia numerous, alternate; stalk cell short to long (15^), head cell pyriform to angular and irregular. Ampulliform hyphopodia numerous, opposite or alternate, often occurring in groups. Mycelial setae 620/* long, simple, straight, black, apex acute, absent on old weathered colonies. (See fig. 8,/.) Group number 31 11.4223. On Dianella odorata. Oahu : Kalihi valley, March, 1916; Forbes- Stevens, no. 2306. Named in honor of Herbert E. Gregory, Director of the Bishop Museum. Meliola gregoriana differs clearly from M. dracaenae in length and shape of setae and in size of spores, from M. hicumae in setae and hypho- podia, from M. roureae in mycelium. All previously described on Liliaceae are with dentate apices to the mycelial setae. No. 54. Meliola osmanthi Sydow, emend. Stevens Sydow, Ann. Myc. vol. 18, p. 157, 1918 Fungus amphigenous, more abundant below. Colonies 2-8 mm. in diameter, circu- lar or irregular, black, often blending to cover the leaf. Hypophyllous colonies with more abundant setae. Perithecia abundant, globose, 185 /j> in diameter. Surface smooth. Perithecial appendages none. Asci evanescent. Spores 4-septate, 40-43 by 18-21 m, obtuse, slightly constricted at the septa. Mycelium crooked, often very dense, branching irregularly; capitate hyphopodia numerous, alternate; stalk cell short, head cell rarely oblong, more often angular or irregular. Ampulliform hyphopodia numerous, often opposite and occurring in groups. Mycelial setae, often very numerous, 220-280 m, simple, straight or crooked, black, 9 At thick at base, apex obtuse. (See fig. 8, g,) Group number 31 11.4223. On Osmanthns sandwicensis. Oahu: Kuliouou, May 29, no. 146; Ahren's ditch trail, Wahiawa, June 8, no. 289; Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 513 (type). Six species are described on Oleaceae, none of which agrees with this. Of species on other families, it is closest to M. lacumae Stev., but from this differs markedly in colony character. No. 55. Meliola kauaiensis Stevens n. sp. Fungus amphigenous. Setae abundant. Perithecia abundant in the central region of old colonies, globose, 200/* in diameter. Surface slightly rough. Peri- thecial appendages none. Asci evanescent. Spores 4-septate, 43-47 by 18-20 p obtuse, constricted at the septa. Mycelium dense, branching at acute angles. Capi- tate hyphopodia numerous, opposite; stalk cell short, head cell nearly oblong. Ampulliform hyphopodia rare, usually opposite. Mycelial setae, 260-280 m long, 40 Bernice P, Bishop Museum — Bulletin simple, straight, black, 9/*, thick at base, apex two to several forked, branches, 7-30 A* long. (See fig. 8, h.) Group number 3132.4221. On Kadua knudsenil Kauai: Pipe trail, Waimea canyon, June 15, nos. 436 and 437. On Kadua sp. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 531 (type). No species on Rubiaceae even approaches this in specific characters. Its nearest kin among other meliolas appears to be M. hessii and M. cruci- fera, from which, however, it differs distinctly. No. 56. Meliola dracaenae Stevens n. sp. Fungus amphigenous. Colonies 1-4 mm. in diameter, somewhat elongated length- wise of the leaf, black, scattered, with numerous setae. Perithecia abundant in the central regions of large colonies, globose, very variable in size, 185-230^ in diameter. Surface very slightly roughened. Perithecial appendages none. Asci evanescent. Spores 4-septate, quite variable in size, 54-61 by 18-25 m, obtuse, constricted at the septa. Mycelium very dense, usually crustose, crooked, branching at acute angles. Capitate hyphopodia numerous, alternate unilateral or irregularly arranged ; stalk cell short, head cell pyriform or slightly irregular. Ampulliform hyphopodia scat- tered or clustered. Mycelial setae about 300/*, long, scythe-shaped, 9^ thick at base, apex toothed or with short and very irregular branches, or often simple. (See fig. ay.) Group number 3131.5321. On Dracaena aurea. Kauai: Pipe trail, upper Waimea canyon, June 15, no. 419 (type) ; Forbes-Stevens, no. 1393, 1909. Three species of Meliola have been described on the Liliaceae, all with divided apexes of the setae, but differing clearly from this form. No. 57. Meliola palmicola Win.t. Hedwigia, vol 26, p. 61, 1887. Group number 3 13 1.4223. On palm, Forbes-Stevens, no. 678. Three species of Meliola of the formula 3131 have been described on palms and two others of formulae 31 11, and 311 — . The present specimen is closely related to both M. furcata and M, palmicola, and appears to agree more closely with M. palmicola. This species appears to be widely distributed, being first described from Tonkin and later reported from America, India, and South Africa. (See fig*. 8, k.) No. 58. Meliola sp. ind. On Maba sandwicensis. Oahu: Kuliouou, May 29, no. 145, collected by Caum. The mycelium was dense, branching at acute angles. Capitate hyphopodia numerous, crowded, alternate; stalk cell short, head cell oblong, regular. Mycelial setae 600 At long, simple, straight or crooked, black. Further details could not be determined. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 41 On Suttonia sp. Oahu : Kuliouou, June 29, no. 143, collected by Caum. Mycelium branching at acute angles. Capitate hyphopodia numerous, opposite; stalk cell short, head cell oblong to pyriform. Mycelial setae 220 & long, simple, straight or crooked, black, jn thick at base, apex acute. 29. IRENE Theis. and Syd. Ann. Myc, vol. 15, p. 194, 1917 KEY TO HAWAIIAN SPECIES OF THE) GKNUS IRENE) Spores 3-septate. Perithecia with low conic prominences 59, I. exilis 2105.5230 Perithecia with conic prominences more than 12./* thick and usually less than 20 /* long 60, I. splendens 2201.5330 Perithecia with several conic protuberances more than 20 fi long 61, I. puiggarii 2201.4220 Spores 4-septate: Perithecium smooth to warty (warts not predominant or well differentiated) Mycelium not sinuous : 62, I. triloba 3201.4220 Mycelium sinuous : Spores' curved: 63, I. cheirodendronis 3101.6240 Spores not curved : 64, I. cyrtandrae 3101.4220 Perithecia with tubercles well differentiated -.65, I. inermis 3201.3230 Perithecium with setae more than 60 fi long -66, I. scaevolicola 3402.4230 No. 59. Irene exilis (Syd.) Stevens n. comb. Meliola exilis Syd. Ann. Myc, vol. 2, 170, 1904 Group number 2102.5230. On V actinium reticulatum. Hawaii: Kilauea, July 13, no. 821, Five species only of Meliola are described on the Ericaceae, one on each of five genera. The present form agrees closely with Sydow's description of M. exilis. It is noteworthy that all the species described on the Erica- ceae have 3-septate spores. This species though found on the same collec- tion, no. 821, with Meliola vaccinii, indeed on the same leaf, is very dis- tinct in many respects. (See fig. 9, a.) No. 60. Irene splendens Stevens n. sp. Fungus hypophyllous. Colonies' 1-6 mm. in diameter, circular to irregular, scat- tered, sparse or numerous. Perithecia abundant in each colony, globose, 250-300 p in diameter. Surface very rough with many conic protuberances about 15 fi high, but occasionally longer (50 m) and vermiform, 25 ^ broad at base. Asci evanescent, 2-spored, Spores 3-septate, 47-55 by 21-22 /u, obtuse, strongly constricted at the central septum, less so at the others, dark, wall brittle. Mycelium scattered, crooked, branching irregularly. Capitate hyphopodia few, alternate; stalk cell long, head cell irregularly angular. Ampulliform hyphopodia not seen. Mycelial setae none. (See fig. 9, b.) Group number 2201.5330. 42 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin Figure 9. — Meliolineae: a~g, Irene: a, I. exilis (No. 821) on Vaccinium reticulatum — mycelium with capitate hyphopodia and a perithecium showing surface roughening; b, I. splendens (No. 430) on Alphitonia excelsa — mycelium and a perithecium showing surface prominences, also a spore; c, I. puig- garii (No. 1029) on Rubus hawaiiensis — mycelium with hyphopodia and a portion of a perithecium showing appendages; d, L cheirodendronis (No. 1 165) on Cheirodendroti gaudichaudii — mycelium with hyphopodia, also a spore; e, I. cyrtandrae (No. 793) on Cyrtandra cordifolia — mycelium, spores and a perithecium with setae-like mycelium; /, /. inermis (Heller No. 2062) on Physalis peruviana — mycelium with hyphopodia, also a spore; g, I. scaevolicola (No. 160) on Scaevola chamissoniana — mycelium, hyphopodia, and perithecial appendages; h, Meliolina haplochaeta (Lyon no. 1) on Metrosideros collina polymorphs var., showing setae, some simple, some branched. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 43 On Alphitonia excelsa. Kauai: Upper Waimea canyon, June 15, no. 430. This exceedingly interesting form is in a group consisting heretofore of only three known species, M. natalensis in South Africa, which has smaller spores, M. ilicis, so imperfectly described as to be unrecognizable, and M, puiggarii (see next number) from which it differs markedly in spore shape and character of mycelium. The perithecia and asci are typically those of Meliola, but the spore, with its deep median constriction, and the mycelium with few hyphopodia, show kinship with genera such as Peri- sporium. M. acervata has been erroneously reported as on Alphitonia fonderosa in the Heller specimen in the Shaw gardens, but the specimen is clearly Phy salts peruviana. No. 61. Irene puiggarii (Speg.) Doidge, S. Africa Jour. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, p. 39, 1920. Meliola puiggarii (Speg.) Fung. Puigg. n. 228. Group number 2201.4220. On Rubus hazvaiiensis. Hawaii: Hamakua, Upper ditch trail, July 28, no. 1029. Maui: Pogue's ditch trail, Sept. 6, nos. 1155 and 1159 ; Olinda pipeline, Sept. 5, no. 1138. Of all meliolas M. pug gar ii is one of the most clearly marked in spe- cific characters. (See fig. 9, c.) Forms with three septa and those with larviform perithecial appendages are comparatively rare; forms combining these two characters number only five known species in the world, three from Africa and two from South America. The secondary character b afforded by the capitate hyphopodia are also quite distinctive. Considering all characters, this is readily separated from all other species. Comparison of the type specimen collected at Apiahay in Brazil in 1888 ( kindly loaned to me by Prof. Spegazzini) with my Hawaiian and Porto Rican specimens (Nos. 8270, 8892, 8650) and with three specimens collected by Miss Doidge in South Africa (Nos. 1574, 177 and an unnumbered specimen) show all of these specimens, of such distant origin, to be remarkably alike, indeed indistinguishable. In spite of the occurrence of this form on lands so far apart as Africa, Hawaii, Brazil, and Porto Rico, I believe them all to belong to one species. It is difficult to believe that this unique combina- tion of rare characters has arisen independently several times, and is more reasonable to assume that in some manner the species has been distributed from its place of origin. Owing to the inconspicuous character of the colonies this fungus often escapes observation, unless the hand lens be used ; it may well be that it is of more general distribution and grows on more hosts than the collections indicate. 44 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin No. 62. Irene triloba (Wint.) Stevens n. comb. Meliola triloba (Wint.) Hedwigia, vol. 25, p. 95, 1886 Group number 3201.4220. On Pipturus albidus. Oahu: Olympus, June 24, no. 713; Tantalus, June 22, nos. 608, 661. Hawaii: Wailuku river, July 8, no. 752; between Kona and Waimea, July 27, no. 1020; Puna, July 9, no. 760; between Hilo and Kilauea, July 10, no. 766; Keauhou, Kona, Bishop Estate road, July 25, no. 982. These collections are referred provisionally to this species on a basis of comparison with printed descriptions and with specimens on Pilea pre- viously so determined by me and by others. No. 63. Irene cheirodendronis Stevens n. sp. Fungus hvpophyllous. Colonies black, punctiform, circular, 1-2 mm. in diameter, scattered. Perithecia, one, rarely more, in the centers of colonies. At first dimi- diate, later globose, 280-420 M in diameter, smooth or slightly rough. No appendages. Asci evanescent, 2-spored. Spores 4-septate, 54-61 by 14-18 m, obtuse, thickest at the middle and tapering toward each end, very slightly constricted at the septa, slightly curved. Mycelium dense, coarse, almost crustose, very crooked, branching at acute angles' and irregularly. Capitate hyphopodia few, scattered, alternate; stalk cell short, head cell very angular and irregular. Ampulliform hyphopodia not seen. No setae. (See fig. 9, d.) Group number 3101.5240. On Cheirodendron gaudichaudii. Oahu : Tantalus, June 22, no. 641 ; Kauai: Alakai swamp, August 22, no. 1165 (type), O. H. Swezey. No non-setose form has been described on the Araliaceae. The shape of the spore is characteristic. No. 64. Irene cyrtandrae Stevens n. sp. Fungus amphigenous. Colonies 1-2 mm. in diameter, scattered, numerous. Peri- thecia few in the central regions of large colonies, globose, 150-170^ in diameter. Surface slightly rough. Perithecial appendages none. Asci evanescent. Spores 4-septate, 40-43 by 18 M, obtuse, constricted at the septa. Mycelium sinuous, usually bent abruptly at each hyphopodium, branching irregular. Capitate hyphopodia numerous, alternate; stalk cell short, head cell oval to pyriform or irregular and angular. Ampulliform hyphopodia opposite or alternate, often occurring in groups. Mycelial setae none. (See fig. 9, e.) Group number 3 101.4220. On Cyrtandra lessoniana, Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 481 (type). On Cyrtandra cordifolia, Hawaii: Kilauea, July 11, no. 793. This species is remarkable in that the mycelium, though usually with abundant hyphopodia, is occasionally found reaching out for long distances and devoid, or nearly devoid, of hyphopodia. Such filaments, often found in the central regions of a colony, resemble setae of peculiar type and might be mistaken for such. The characters of the mycelium and hyphopo- Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 45 dia are also distinctive. Only one other meliola has been reported on the Gesneriaceae, and that a setose one. No. 65. Irene inermis (Kalch. and Cooke) Theiss. and Syd. Ann Myc, vol. 15, p. 194, 1917 Meliola inermis (Kalch. and Cooke) Grevillea, vol. 9, p. 34, 1880 Meliola acervata EL and Ev. Bull Torr. Bot CL, vol. 24, p. 126, 1897 Group number 3201.3230. On Physalis peruviana. Hawaii : Keauhou, Kona, Bishop Estate road, July 21, no. 915; Kauai: Pipe trail, Waimea canyon, June 15, nos. 462 and 463; Oahu: Nuuanu valley, Sept. 14, no. 1164; collected also by Lyon, Tantalus, May 11, 1913, Lyon no ; and Lyon nos. 332 and 418. Also reported from Hawaii on Physalis peruviana in the Heller collection, and described by Ellis and Everhart as I. acervata. My fungus agrees more closely with the original description than with the description given by Ellis and Everhart. Though usually epiphyllous, it is also frequently found hypophyllous. The perithecia are very rough with many conic, translucent protuberances, usually about 30 ^ high, but sometimes 45 a. They also frequently exceed 200 ^ in diameter. The mycelium is very characteristically crooked, usually with a sharp bend, geniculation, at each hyphopodium. The head cells of the hyphopodia are nearly globular. (See fig. 9, /.) No. 66. Irene scaevolicola Stevens n. sp. Fungus amphigenous', colonies more abundant below. Epiphyllous colonies 1-3 mm. in diameter, scattered. Hypophyllous colonies 1-2 mm. in diameter. Perithecia, globose 190-260 ^ in diameter. Surface somewhat rough. Perithecial appendages consist of long, straight or crooked, translucent setae, which arise, several in number, around the base of the perithecium; obtuse, 300-380^ long. Spores 4-septate, 40-46 by 19 /a, obtuse, constricted at the septa. Mycelium dense, branching at acute angles. Capitate hyphopodia numerous, crowded, opposite; stalk cell short, head cell oblong or rarely globular. Ampulliform hyphopodia scattered. Mycelial setae none. (See fig. 9, g.) Group number 3402.4230. On Scaevola chamissoniana. Oahu: Wahiawa, May 31, nos. 160 (type) ; June 3, nos. 229, 234, and 243; Tantalus, June 22, no. 616; Olympus, June 24, no. 698; Hawaii: between Hilo and Kilauea, July 10, no. 774; Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, nos. 492, 497, 486, 502, and 510. On Scaevola glabra. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 472; Hawaii: between Hilo and Kilauea, July 10, no. 778. On Scaevola mollis. Oahu : Olympus, June 24, nos. 663, 696 and 703 ; Palolo Valley, June 10, no. 331, June 3, no. 251. Only two known species show a group number 3402, both of these described in my laboratory and both differing essentially from the present species. The only species that has been described on the Goodeniaceae — namely, M. scaevolae Syd. on Scaevola fructescentis in the Philippines, is 46 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin also quite different. The extremely hairy lower surface of the leaves of S. mollis do not appear to change at all the character of the Irene growth upon them. 30. MELIOLINA Syd. Ann. Myc, vol. 12, p. 553, 1914 No. 67. Meliolina haplochaeta Syd. Ann. Myc, vol. 15, p. 145, 1917 On Metrosideros collina polymorpha var. ? Oahu: Nuuanu Pali, Dec. 1, 1907, Lyon no. 1 (type); Kalihi valley, June 2, no. 176. Hawaii: Kealakekua, July 23, no. 965; between Hilo and Kilauea, July 10, no. 775. Molokai: Forbes-Stevens, Waialua ridge, Sept. 1912, no. 593. The colonies of this fungus are as described by Sydow, small and dis- tinct. In many specimens no diseased spots are visible from the opposite side of the leaf, but in some a small diseased area is evident. Though the setae are described by Sydow as simple, examination of this more extensive material shows that some of them are branched. The specimen, Lyon no. 1, was sent to G. F. Atkinson, who sent it to Rehm, who reported it back to Atkinson under a manuscript name that was never published. Rehm later sent the specimen to Sydow in whose hands it became the type as indi- cated above. (See fig. 9, h.) No. 68. Meliolina sydowiana Stevens n. sp. Fungus hypophyllous. Colonies 3-20 mm. in diameter, circular, often concentric to irregular, indefinite, black, with setae very numerous. Perithecia abundant, glo- bose, 300-340 M in diameter. Surface densely setose, setae similar to those of the mycelium. As'ci evanescent. Spores 3-septate, 54 by 15 M, obtuse, tapering to each end, much constricted at the septa. Mycelium loose. True capitate hyphopodia absent, occasional short branches sometimes found. Ampulliform hyphopodia none. Mycelial setae 420 p long, dichotomously or irregularly branched, black, about 5 p thick at base and uniform in diameter, except at the apices of the branches which taper and are pale in color, branches often 200 p long. Apex acute. (See fig. 10, a.) On Metrosideros macropus. Oahu: Olympus, June 24, no. 721; Kuli- ouou, May 29, Caum. On Metrosideros collina polymorpha var. incana Rock (155). Hawaii: Kilauea, July 11, 192 1, no. 788. On Metrosideros collina polymorpha var. ? Oahu : Tantalus, June 22, no. 639. Hawaii : Kealakekua, July 25, no. 976. Maui : Olinda pipe line, Sept. 5, 1921, nos. 1 144 and 1145. Two species of this genus, and closely related to the present form, have been described on Eugenia, viz., M. radicans, on £. xanthophylla and M. pulcherrima on £. jambolana, both from the Philippines. The present species is pronounced by Sydow as distinct from these. A large distinct diseased spot is produced, showing clearly from the opposite side of the leaf. Microtome sections show the fungus penetrating the cuticle at many Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 47 places and the entire mesophyll of the leaf in a diseased area is penetrated, though but sparsely, by the mycelium. Figure; io. — Meliolineae: a, Meliolinasyndowiana — setum showing branching, mycelium with vestigial haustoria, and mycelium within the host tissue; b and c s Amazonia: b, A. perrottetiae (No. 717a) on Perrottetia sandwicensis — mycelium with angular hyphopodia, also spores ; c, A. psychotriae (No, 610) on Wikstroemia, showing edge of a colony with free myce- lium bearing alternate hyphopodia. 31. AMAZONIA Theis. Ann. Myc, vol. 11, p. 499, 1913: vol 15, p. 421, 1917 MEUOASTER, Doidge, Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Africa, vol. 8, p. 123, 1920 KEY TO SPOOKS OF AMAZONIA Spores 3-septate .30 A. perrottetiae 2101,4220 Spores 4-s'eptate Colonies with solitary or few perithecia 31 A. psychotriae 3101.42 ?o Colonies with several perithecia 32 A. ohianus 3101.42 ?o No. 69. Amazonia perrottetiae Stevens n,. sp. Fungus epiphyllous. Colonies s~7 mm - in diameter, scattered, numerous. Peri- thecia few, dimidiate, about iSofi in diameter. Perithecial appendages none. Asci evanescent. Spores 3-septate, 43-47 by 11 v>, obtuse, only slightly constricted at the septa. Mycelium loose, slightly sinuous, branching at acute angles. Capitate hypho- 48 Bemice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin podia distant, alternate; stalk cell short to long (14 f 1 ), head cell irregularly several lobed. Ampulliform hyphopodia alternate, scattered. Mycelial setae none. (See Pi,. II, L; fig. 10, b.) Group number 2101.4220. On Perrottetia sandwicensis. Oahu: Olympus, June 24, no. 717a, (type), and no. 702; Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 474. The species is quite distinctive in character of mycelium, hyphophodia and spores. No species of Amazonia with 3-septate spores has been pre- viously recorded. Seven species of Meliola have been described on the Celastraceae, of which three have 3-septate spores; none has the group number 21 01. None has been described on Perrottetia. No. 70. Amazonia psychotriae (P. Henn.) Theis., Ann. Myc, vol. 11, p. 499, I9I3 Meliola asterinoides Wint. var. major Gaill Le Genre Meliola, p. 58, Paris, 1892. Meliola asterinoides Wint. var. psychotriae P. Henn. Hedwigia, vol. 43, p. 361, 1904 Amazonia polypoda Syd. Ann. Myc, vol. 15, p. 145, 1917 Group number 3101.4220. (See PL II, H; fig. 10, c.) On Straussia hazvaiiensis. Oahu : Wahiawa, June 3, no. 205 ; Olympus, June 10, no. 337. On Straussia kaduana. Oahu: Olympus, June 10, no. 335. On Straussia mariniana. Kauai : Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 535. Oahu: nos. 217, 244, 252; Ahren's ditch trail, June 8, no. 276. Collected also by Lyon, no. 96, on Tantalus, Sept. 9, 1909. On Straussia sp. Oahu: Tantalus, June 22, nos. 624, 617, 609; Olym- pus, June 24, no. 716; June 10, no. 335; and June 24, no. 715. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, nos. 476, 511, 483, 496, 505, 516, and 530; Pipe trail, Waimea canyon, June 15, no. 442. Hawaii: Puna, July 9, no. 757; between Kapapala and Kona, July 20, no. 895; Keauhou, Kona, Bishop Estate road, July 23, no. 962; July 25, no. 973; Puna, July 9, no. 755. On unknown dicotyledenous host. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 483. On Labordea sp. Oahu: Tantalus, June 22, no. 611. On Scaevola sp. Oahu : Tantalus, June 22, no. 634. On Scaevola glabra. Oahu : Tantalus, June 22, no. 640. On Alyxia olivaeformis. Oahu: Wahiawa, June 3, no. 239; Ahren's ditch trail, June 8, no. 985. On Euphorbia clusiae folia. Oahu: Wahiawa, June 3, nos. 202 and 212. On Wikstroemia elongata. Oahu: Tantalus, June 22, no. 610. On Wikstroemia foetida var. oahuensis. Oahu : Tantalus, June 22 , no. 635. Stevens— Hawaiian Fungi 49 On Wikstroemia phillyreae folia. Oahu : Tantalus, June 22, no. 629. On Wikstroemia sp. Maui: Halawa, August, 1912, Forbes-Stevens no. 479; Oahu: Castle trail, March, 1912, Forbes- Stevens no. 2148. On Clermontia multiflora. Oahu : Olympus, June 10, nos. 330 and 329. On Clermontia sp. Maui: Iao valley, Sept. 7, no. n 54. On Coprosma sp. Kauai: Pipe line trail, Waimea canyon, June 15* nos. 437, 444, 458 and 456; Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 523. On Lobelia sp. Hawaii : Keauhou, Bishop Estate road, July 25, no. 979. Figure 11.— Meliolineae: a, Actinodothis perrottetiae (No. 717) on Perrottetia sandwi- censis — the mycelium at the edge, also a stroma on a leaf, showing several locules and numerous places of cuticular penetration, and the mycelium within the mesophyll; b, Amazonia ohianus (No. 842) on Metrosideros polymdrpha, showing mycelium and hyphopodia; c, Actinodothis sutto- niae (No. 143) on Suttonia lessertiana, showing the mycelium at the edge of a colony, a portion without hyphopodia, and another portion with atypical hyphopodia. This form shows little or no differentiation on its many Hawaiian hosts. Some differences in hyphopodia in the series is noted, giving variation from almost globular to elliptical and oblong, also variation in the amount and character of the free mycelium, and it is possible that with sufficient study, 50 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin races or varieties might be here differentiated. The variation on a given host is, however, so great that I have referred all the collections as repre- senting A. psychotriae. In some specimens the free mycelium is more abundant than in others and in some is looser, but the differences on one host appear to be as great as on different hosts. In microtome section one cavity only is usually seen. The pseudoparenchyma surrounding the cavity is many cells thick, giving the stroma a dothideaceous character. Though certain collections show the slight differences mentioned by Sydow for dis- tinguishing his species A. polypodia, which is based on Lyon's no. 96, from A. psychotriae, these forms appear to me to intergrade with the others. All the specimens agree remarkably well in all details with the description of either M. asterinoides var. major or var. psychotriae, as given by Gail- lard; with the figure by Arnaud (3, vol. 16), and with the specimen of Ule (Mycotheca Braziliensis no. 55) and with Hennings (83, vol. 43, P- 36i). Our specimen agrees well with no. 2038 labeled M. asterinoides Wint. kindly loaned to me from the herbarium of Brussels. The fungus is widely distributed, being reported from the Congo region and South Africa, the Amazon region of South America, and from India. Its hosts previously reported are in the Rubiaceae. No. 71. Amazonia ohianus Stevens n. sp. Fungus epiphyllous. Colonies 2-3 mm. in diameter, scattered, sparse. Perithecia few in the central regions of old colonies, dimidiate and with an open ostiole. Perithecial appendages none. Spores 4-septate, 43-47 by 18-20 m, obtuse, constricted at the septa. Mycelium dense, branching at acute angles. Capitate hyphopodia numerous, alternate; stalk cell short, head cell ovoid or oblong-pyriform. Ampulli- form hyphopodia few, scattered. Mycelial setae none. (See fig. 11, b.) Group number 3101.42 ?o. On Metrosideros polymorpha (Ohia lehua). Hawaii: Kilauea, July 14, no. 842 (type) ; between Hilo and Kilauea, July 10, nos. 780 and 775 ; Hamakua, Upper ditch trail, July 31, no. 1065. No Meliola of the dimidiate type is described on the Myrsineae. Indeed the flattened character of the perithecium, and the well-defined ostiole, together with the colony character and hyphopodia are distinctive. 32. ACTINODOTHIS Sydow, H. and P. Phillip, Jour. Sci., vol. 9, p. 174, 1914 The only species previously placed in this genus — namely, A. piperis, — is regarded by Arnaud as co-specific with Meliola asterinoides Wint. Whether or not this be so, I regard the characters of the Hawaiian species, particularly the possession of a stroma many cells thick bearing several locules, the absence of free mycelium, and the presence of a considerable Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 5 1 hypostroma within the host, as being sufficient reason for separating these forms generically from other known forms. Since the perithecial cavities in the stroma are not enclosed in a clearly differentiated wall, the fungus might well be placed in the Dothedeales and this genus should be regarded as on the transition line between the Dothe- deales and the Microthyriales. KEY TO HAWAIIAN SPECIES OF ACTINODOTHIS Spores 4-septate 72, A. suttoniae 3100.63 ?0 Spores 3-septate 73, A. perrottetiae 2101.42 ?0 No. 72. Actinodothis suttoniae Stevens n. sp. Fungus amphigenous, but more abundant above than below. Colonies 1-3 mm. in diameter, scattered, densely black. Perithecia, one in the center of each colony, dimidiate with one or more loculi. Appendages' none. Asci evanescent. Spores 4-septate, 65 by 20-25 m, obtuse, constricted at the septa. Mycelium very dense, completely crustose. Capitate hyphopodia, ampulliform hyphopodia, and mycelial setae none. (See Pl. Ill A, B.D.; fig. 11, c.) Group number 3100.63 ?o. On Suttonia lessertiana. Hawaii: Hamakua, Upper ditch trail, July 31, no. 1088. Kealakekua, July 22, no. 980. Kauai: Forbes-Stevens, no. 267, Maui: Iao Valley, Sept. 7, no. 11 52. Oahu: Kuliouou, May 29, no. 143 (type), collected by Cauni; collected also by Rock, and by Mrs. C. S. Judd, Puu Huluhulu, July 17, 1921, no. 882. On Suttonia kauaiensis. Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 47. This fungus shows quite typical Meliola spores and mycelium, but differs essentially from the usual meliolas in that there are neither hypho- podia nor setae of any kind; but more particularly in that the plant body consists entirely of a disc composed of radiating and closely appressecl mycelial threads. Since all such threads in one colony are of approxi- mately equal length, there is no free mycelium. The condition is very much such as would be presented by Amazonia asterinoides deprived of its free mycelium and with several locules. The close appression of the mycelial threads may be the reason for the absence of hyphopodia. The cuticle under the mycelium was seen to be penetrated at very close intervals, at nearly every host cells length, by very fine haustoria. Their fate within the cells was not determined. No. 73. Actinodothis perrottetiae Stevens n. sp. Fungus amphigenous, but more abundant below. Colonies densely black, circular, scattered, 2-7 mm. in diameter. Perithecia several in each stroma, dimidiate or arising above the surface as true, globular perithecia. Appendages none. Asci evanescent. Spores 3-septate, 40-43 by 14 /*, obtuse, constricted at the septa. Myce- lium very dense, completely crustose. Ampulliform hyphopodia and setae none. Capi- tate hyphopodia numerous, alternate ; stalk cell short, head cell large (about 20 p 52 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin long) very irregular and angular, or in some colonies almost or entirely absent. (See PI. Ill, C, U; fig. ii, a.) Group number 2101.42 ?o. On Perrottetia sandwicensis. Oahu: Olympus, June 24, no. 717 (type). Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 474. Maui: Pogue's ditch trail, Sept. 6, no. 1 159. Hawaii: Waimea, July 30, no. 1055; also by Lyon no. 68. The colonies are so thick and crustose, as to have the general aspect of a dothideaceous fungus. The brown mycelium penetrates the cuticle in many places under the thallus, and extends fully half way through the leaf, though sparse. The stroma is many cells thick and somewhat lighter in color in the interior. CAPNODIACEAE 4 The family Capnodiaceae includes a large, difficult, and little known group of fungi that are very abundant in the tropics and sub-tropics, very much less so in temperate regions. The term "fumagine" of the French comprises sooty, black, superficial fungi mainly belonging to this family. The nearly equivalent term in German is "Russthau" or sooty dew; in Italian the terms "rhorfeau," "fumago," "nero" and "mal di cenere" are used. The sooty moulds present many difficulties of classification for diverse reasons : (1) They are often sterile, consisting merely of mycelium; and many, if sporiferous, bear only conidia, although many have perithecia with asci and ascospores. (2) They frequently grow in colonies which consist of more than one species of fungus, indeed it is not uncommon to have specimens that show as many as seven or more species within the limit of a low-power micro- scope field. In such specimens it is often difficult to distinguish which of the component parts of a colony are genetically connected and which distinct. (3) The morphologic structures, pycnidia, setae, mycelium and even perithecia are in many instances known to be remarkably variable. How variable others are is unknown. (4) In much of the literature, there is great uncertainty as to the taxonomic position of structures described, due to the causes above men- tioned. Thus we find described by Webber as Meliola, a fungus later regarded as Capnodium by McAlpine. This confusion intensifies the taxo- nomic difficulties. 4 The text regarding this family was prepared by Jose M. Mendoza under the guidance of F. L. Stevens and constituted part of a master's thesis submitted to the- graduate school of the University of Illinois. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 53 (5) The specimens are of such nature, usually composed of mixed colonies, that no ordinary specimen or even a given microscopic mount can serve as a type unless a very definite morphological unit on a given slide be so designated, and this is often impossible, because the perithecium — for example — must be ruptured in a water mount and the object may then be lost in making the mount permanent. (6) The fungi are extremely difficult to isolate in pure culture, thus practically precluding this means of study. Various classifications which differ radically from each other have been proposed for the Capnodiaceae. Three of the leading classifications are presented in the form of keys below : SYNOPSIS OF ARNAUD'S CLASSIFICATION OF CAPNODIACEAE A. Spheriacees dictyosporees B. Spheriacees phragmosporees a) g. Pleosphaeria Speg. a) g. Limacinia Neger Sub-gen. Pleomorfea Sub-gen. Eu-Limacinia " Eu-PIeosphaeria " Morfea b) g. Teichospora Fuckel " Leptocapnodium Sub-gen. Eu-Teicllospora b) g. Perisporium Fries " Capnodium c) g. Schenckiella Henn. " Limacinula d) g. Perisporiopsis Henn. " Teichosporina e) g. Zukalia Sacc. c) g. Ceratocarpia Rolland f) g. Scorias Fries d) g. Pleomeliola Sacc. g) g. Meliola Fries e) g. Teichosporella Sacc. h) g. Asteridiella MacAlp. Sub-gen. Tephrosticta i ) g. Asteridium Sacc. " Zukaliopsis KEY TO THE FAMILY CAPNODIACEAE, V. HOHNEL A. Hyphae only subcuticular, united into a membrane Kusanobotrys P. Henn. B. Hyphae free, superficial a) Spores muriform 1. Asci 8-spored Capnodium Mont. 2. Asci 8 to 16-spored Capnodaria Sacc. b) Spores 3 to several-celled 1. Spores brown a' Asci 8 to 16-spored Capnodaria Sacc. b' Asci 8-spored 1' Spores not cylindrical Limacinia Neg. 2' Spores cylindrical ,... Perisporina P. Henn. 2. Spores hyaline or sub-hyaline a' Hyphae sparse, not slimy Perisporiopsis P. Henn. b' Hyphae abundant, bundle-like, slimy Scorias Fr. c) Spores 2-celled 1. Mycelium in the matrix, spores' brown '. , _ Alina Rac. 2. Mycelium wholly superficial a' Asci single Balladyna Rac. b' Asci numerous' aa. Spores hyaline Dimerosporina v. Hohn bb. Spores brown Henningsiomyces Sacc. d) Spores i-celled Capnodiella Sacc. 54 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin It is to be seen that in the classification of Arnaud, stress is laid on the septation of spores. Secondary and tertiary are color of spores, arrange- ment of mycelium and shape of perithecia, while final distinction between genera rests chiefly on the structure of perithecia. Von Hohnel lays primary stress on the location of hyphae, and the final distinction between genera is based on the septation of spores, color of spores, and the number of spores in the ascus. Theissen and Sydow divide Capnodiaceae into two sub-families, Eucap- nodiaceae and Chaetothyrieae on the structure of perithecia; additional characters are: septation of spores, location of mycelium and perithecium and the presence or absence of setae on the perithecia. The final distinc- tions between genera rest chiefly on the mycelial structures, septation of spores, presence or absence of paraphyses and number of asci present. These differences in classification tend to large differences in the group- ing of the genera and even in the limiting of genera from each other. Moreover, differences in the application of rule of nomenclature lead to the employment of different generic names for the same morphological groups — for example, what is called Limacinia under one system becomes Chaeto- thyrium in another. For the purpose of classification of the forms encountered in the present studies which possess a mature ascigerous stage the system of Theissen and Sydow is followed inserting in their system such additional new genera as are needed to make place for the new forms encountered, also including those new genera already described by others. KEY TO FAMILY CAPNODIACEAE MODIFIED AFTER THAT OF THEISSEN AND SYDOW A. Perithecia stalked, at least vertically extended Eucapnodiaceae Theiss. & Syd. I. Spores only transversely septate i. Spores 4 or more celled a) Spores colorless (i) Mycelium perisporioid, interwoven, slimy Scorias (2) Mycelium dematioid, membranous Antennella (3) Mycelium dematioid, setose Antennellopsis b) Spores brown, ascus many-spored Capnodaria 2, Spores 3-celled, hyaline ^. Antennellina 3. Spores 2-celled, hyaline a) Spores cylindrical, tapering at one end ( 1 ) Mycelium perisporioid Scoriadopsis (2) Mycelium dematioid Parascoraas b) Spores filiform Doratospora II. Spores muriform 1. Spores colorless Paracapnodium 2. Spores brown Capnodium Stevens — Hazvaiian Fungi 55 B. Perithecia not stalked, globular, dematioid Chaetothynea© I. Mycelium and perithecia superficial, free a) Setae present I. Spores 2-celled, colorless' a' Perithecia naked, thin-walled, clear ; mycelium with long twisted setae Dimerosporina b' Perithecia soft, leathery, dark ; mycelium and perithecium with long rigid setae Chaetothyrina c' Perithecia thin-walled, dark, with only one apical setum ; mycelium setose Ceratochaete 2. Spores 2-celled brown a' Mycelium with hyphopodia i' Perithecia with single ascus , Bal ladyna 2' Perithecia with many asci ..Balladynopsis b' Mycelium without hyphopodia : ...Neohoehnelia 3. Spores 4 to many-celled, colorless a' Setae present about the ostiole only ; mycelium smooth ...Aithaloderma b* Setae present on mycelium or perithecium ,34. Chaetothyrium 4. Spores many-celled, colored Stella 5. Spores muriform, hyaline Treubiomyces 6. Spores filiform , Actinocymbe b) Setae absent 1. Spores 2-celled, colorless a' Paraphyses present Microtyle b' Paraphyses absent Calyptra 2. Spores 2-celled, brown a' Perithecia with single ascus BalladyneMa b' Perithecia with many asci Henningsomyces 3. Spores 4-celled, end cells hyaline .35. Limaciniopsis 4. Spores transversely many-celled, colorless a' Paraphyses present 36. Limacinella b' Paraphyses absent Limacinia 5. Spores transversely many-celled, brown 37. Phragmocapnias 6. Spores muriform, hyaline to rose or colorless 38. Phaeosaccardinula 7. Spores muriform, dark brown Coccodium II. Mycelium or perithecia immersed a) Mycelium subcuticular, perithecia free ; spores brown, 2-celled... Kusanobotrys b) Mycelium free with central foot immersed Adelopus Doubtful genera Spores 2-celled a) Ascus 8-spored Lizonia b) Ascus 16-spored , Pseudolizonia Spores' several-celled, brown Asteridiella 33. ANTENNELLINA Mendoza n. gen. Mycelium dematioid, straw-colored; perithecia globular to oval, stalked, brown to dark, ostiolate; asci ovate, aparaphysate, 8-spored; spores hyaline, cylindrical, 2-sep- tate ; pycnidia of many sizes and shapes ; pycniospores hyaline, oblong. No. 74. Antennellina hawaiiensis Mendoza n. sp. Mycelium dematioid, straw-colored to pale yellow, irregularly branched ; peri- thecia numerous, globular to oval, stalked or at least vertically extended, honey- yellow to brown, ostiolate, about 85 x 60 ^ ; asci ovate, numerous, aparaphysate, 8- spored, about 37 x 13 m ; spores hyaline, cylindrical, tapering toward one end, 2-septate, 56 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin about 12 x 3 M ; pycnidia numerous, honey-yellow to brown, ostiolate, of various sizes, and shapes, from long-cylindrical to almost oval, about 36-84 x 16-20 v> ; pycniospores numerous, hyaline, oblong, about 4x2^. (See PI. iv, 1-4.) On Mamgifera indie a. Oahu : Honolulu, June 14, no. 266. The characters of this fungus resemble closely those of Antennella,, Theiss. and Syd. except in the septation of spores. My fungus has 2-sep- tate spores while those of the genus Antennella has 3-septate spores. Numerous pycnidia with pyeniospores have been found in this fungus while in the description of Antennella pycnidia have not been mentioned This fungus is associated with another, probably Parascorias byrsoni- mae. The two fungi cover the upper surface of the leaf forming two layers or strata, Parascorias byrsonimae being uppermost. Antennella hazvaiiensis appears as a thin coating on the surface of the leaf, while the other has a black, thick, sooty appearance. They both cover the entire surface of the leaf and are strictly epiphyllous. 34. CHAETOTHYR1UM Speg., Fungi Guaran. vol. 2, no. 123, 1888. No. 75. Chaetothyrium straussiae Mendoza n. sp. Mycelium straw-colored, gelatinous, setose, in a mat-like weft, composed of twa kinds of cells, cylindrical and ovoid ; perithecia few, globular, ostiolate, setose, about 138/* in diameter; setae numerous', long and slender, with or without hyaline coating,, about 125 ^ long and 7M wide near the base; asci numerous, ovate, 8-spored, apara- physate, about 50 x 16 & ; spores ovate to elliptical, hyaline, 3-septate, about 21x8 (i k (See PI. iv, 20-23.) On Straussia mariniana. Oahu: Wahiawa, May 31, no. 157. The characters of my fungus agree with those of the genus Chaetothy- rium, but it differs from C. rickianum Theiss. in the size and shape of the spores which in C. rickianum are more nearly cylindrical and also smaller. It differs from C. guaraniticum Speg. and C. musarum (Speg.) Theiss. in spore size. The setae are very common in this fungus. Sometimes two setae are joined together at the tips, forming into one with two basal ends. The colonies are irregular in size varying from less than a millimeter to almost covering the whole surface of the leaf and are strictly epiphyllous. The fungus is abundant in many of the specimens examined. No. 76. Chaetothyrium hawaiiense Mendoza n. sp. Mycelium hyaline to ashy, irregularly arranged, polymorphic, varying from almost. beaded to cylindrical ; perithecia numerous, globular, gelatinous, brown to dark, ostio- late, setose, 101-160M in diameter; setae from 10 to 25 in number on a perithecium, t ashy to black in color, obtuse, septate, about 21 1* long and 5/* thick near the base,, absent on the mycelium; ostiole with no definite border, round; asci numerous, ovate, aparaphysate, 8-spored, about 87x24/^; spores hyaline, 3-septae, about 23x5^. (See PL iv, 24-27.) Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 57 On Morinda citrifolia. Oahu: Hakipuu, on Mr. A. F. Judd's prop- erty, June 19, no. 577. This fungus resembles Chaetothyrium Speg. sufficiently to warrant its inclusion in that genus. It differs from C. rickianum Theiss., because of the absence of setae on the mycelium and in the size and shape of spores. It also differs from C. guaraniticum Speg. in the absence of setae on the subiculum and in the shape and size of spores. C. musarum (Speg.) Theiss., has also 1 -septate spore. Comparisons were made between this fungus and C. peribebuyense (Speg.) Theiss.; C. hirsutum (Speg.) Theiss.; C. siuhlmannianum (P. Henn.) Theiss.; and C. punctiforme Rick, and it was found that it is quite different from all of them in size and shape of spores. The fungus described above is associated with another which appar- ently has numerous perithecia, but due to the absence of spores it cannot be identified. The two fungi form irregular colonies varying from less than a millimeter in diameter to almost covering the whole upper surface cf the leaf. They form a leathery, sooty mass which could be picked off easily with forceps. No. 77. Chaetothyrium magniferae Mendoza n. sp. Mycelium straw-colored to pale-yellow, in appearance gelatinous, forming a weft composed of two kinds of cells, cylindrical and ovoid; perithecia numerous, amber- colored to brown, globular, ostiolate, about 120 11 in diameter, sometimes' found bearing setae, sometimes without setae; setae few, from two to several on a perithe- cium, black, straight, acute, about 75/j* long and 6p thick near the base; asci numer- ous, ovate, 8-spored, aparaphysate, about 32x15/*; spores hyaline, 5 to 6-septate, trun- cate at one end and round on the other, about 18x5/*; pycnidia numerous, of many sizes and shapes from globular to cylindrical and long or short. (See PL iv, 28-33.) On Mangifera indica. Oahu: Honolulu, June 6, no. 267. This genus^ is based on Chaetothyrium guaraniticum Speg. as the type, a species that was originally described by Spegazzini as with 1 -septate spores. Theissen, however, states that the mature spores are 4-celled. The present species appears to resemble Chaetothyrium sufficiently to warrant its inclu- sion in that genus, though my fungus differs considerably from the species already referred to. Ch. rickianum Theiss. is characterized by the posses- sion of abundant setae on the subiculum with but few on the perithecia; the same is true of Ch. guaraniticum Speg. My fungus has no setae on subiculum. The shape of the spores and the presence of many pycnidia on this species also indicate that it is different from C. guaraniticum and C. rickianum. The colonies are irregular, varying from less than a millimeter in diameter to almost covering the whole surface of the leaf, mostly epiphyl- lous, but sometimes found on the lower portion of the leaf. 58 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin 35. LIMACINIOPSIS Mendoza, n. gen. Mycelium perisporioid; perithecia globular, ostiolate, without setae; asci 8-spored, aparaphysate ; spores 4-celled, brown with 2 end cells' hyaline. No. 78. Limaciniopsis rollandiae Mendoza n. sp. Mycelium perisporioid, hyaline, filiform; perithecia few, globular, amber-colored to dark brown, gelatinous, ostiolate, about 96-122 ^ in diameter; setae absent; asci numerous, ovate, paraphysate, 8-spored, about 67 x 21 ^ ; spores 4-celled, brown with two end cells hyaline, about 24x9^. (See PI. iv, 34-37.) On Rollandia racemosa. Oahu: Waiahole ditch trail, June 12, no. 407. This fungus is closely like Limacinia except for the presence of para- physes and the color of the end cells of the spores. The fungus above described is associated with a fllimentous blue-green alga. Colonies are more or less circular varying from about a millimeter to almost a centimeter in diameter. They are irregularly scattered and strictly epiphyllous. The alga is so closely attached to the fungus that it could be mistaken for mycelium. 36. LIMACIN1ELLA Mendoza, n. gen. Mycelium nearly cylindrical, hyaline, without setae; perithecia globular, asci numerous, paraphysate, 8-spored; spores cylindrical. No. 79. Limaciniella psidii Mendoza n. sp. Mycelium composed of more or less cylindrical cells, hyaline to straw-colored, radiating from the perithecia; perithecia globular, amber to reddish-brown, with a distinct ostiole, about 200/4 in diameter; asci numerous, paraphysate, ovate, 8-spored about 68x14 ^; paraphyses thready; spores hyaline, long, cylindrical, 7 to 9-celled, about 50x4^. (PL iv, 38-40.) On Psidium guayava. Kauai: Waimea, June 16, no. 542. This fungus resembles Limacinia in its transversely septate spores but differs in the possession of paraphyses and in the shape of spores which are long and pointed. The fungus described above is associated with many fungi. Chaetothy- Hum hawaiiense and Phaeosaccardinida morindae are also found in great abundance. The colonies appear as black, sooty, irregular patches, varying from a few millimeters to almost covering the whole surface. They are amphigenous, though more abundant on the upper portion of the leaf. 37. PHRAGMOCAPNIAS Theiss. and Syd. Ann Myc. vol. 15, p. 480, 1917 No. 80. Phragmocapnias smilicina Mendoza, n, sp. Mycelium dematioid, constricted, dark brown, irregularly branched; perithecia not stalked, globular, few, ostiolate, about 80-120/*. in diameter; asci numerous, ovate, aparaphysate, 8-spored, about 34 x 22 ^ ; spores ovate, hyaline when young, brown when mature, constricted, 3-septate, about 26x8/*. (See PI. iv, 41-44.) Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 59 On Smilax sp. Oahu: Olympus, June 24, 110s. 670 and 981. On Pelea sp. Oahu : Olympus, June 24, no. 670. The characters of my fungus resemble those of Phragmocapnias suffi- ciently to permit its inclusion in that genus. It differs, however, from P. betle Syd. and Butl, which is the type species, in having 3-septate spores. In the size of spores it also differs from Limacinia resinae Sacc. and Bress., L. crassa Patt. and L. callitris (McAlp.) Theiss., which were later put under the genus Phragmocapnias. P. juniperina (Cke.) Theiss. has cylindrical celled-mycelium, while my fungus has a beaded one. This fungus is associated with several fungi which were not determined, owing to the absence of ascigerous bodies. Plochmopeltidella smilicina is also found in abundance. The colonies appear as black, sooty, irregular patches varying from less than a millimeter to almost a centimeter in diam- eter and sometimes covering the whole surface of the leaf. They are strictly epiphyllous. 38. PHAEOSACCARDINULA P. Henn., Hedwigia vol. 44, p. 67, 1905 No. 81. Phaeosaccardinula morindae Mendoza n. sp. Mycelium hyaline to straw-colored, in a mat-like weft, composed mainly of ovoid cells' interwoven with long cylindrical cells; perithecia numerous, globular, gelatinous, greenish to dark brown, ostiolate, about 220 /* in diameter; ostiole with no definite border, more or less transparent; asci numerous, ovate, 8-spored, aparaphysate, about 44x30/*; spores muriform, hyaline, 4-septate either obliquely or longitudinally, about 27 x 10 n. (See PI. v, 45-48.) On Morinda citrifolia. Oahu: Hakipuu, June 6, Albert F. Judd's property, no. 572. This fungus agrees with the genus Phaeosaccardinula in characters, but it differs from Ph. diospyricola P. Henn. in the septation of spores and the absence of paraphyses and from other species in the size and shape of spores. Ph. roseospora v. Hohn. has very long cylindrical spores differing from those of my fungus. Comparisons made with the descriptions of P. ficina Syd., P. malloti (Rehm.) Theiss., P. butleri Syd., P. theae Syd. and But., P. samoensis v. Hohn., P. matrini (E. and S.) v. Hohn., P. cos- taricensis (Speg.) Theiss., and P. tahitiensis (Pat.) Theiss. showed that P. morindae does not agree with any of them in the size and shape of spores. The fungus is associated with several fungi, one of them probably a species of Chaetothyrium. The colonies appear as black, thin, leathery, sooty patches varying from less than a millimeter to almost covering the whole surface of the leaf and are usually epiphyllous, though sometimes found on the lower portion. 60 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin During the study many well-defined morphological forms such as myce- lium, setae, conidiophores, conidia and pycnidia were found, but without perithecia. Many leaves examined were densely coated with sooty mould that on examination proved to consist of mycelium only, or of mycelium and setae only, or again of only mycelium and pycnidia or pycniospores. In the early part of the study records were made by drawings and descriptions of such morphological forms with the hope that examination of additional specimens might reveal the perithecial connection. In some specimens, though not in all, the ascigerous forms have thus been found. It is deemed wise to present figures and descriptions of these definite morphological structures even though the ascigerous stage is as yet unknown, recognizing that many of the structures pertain to unknown ascigerous species, though it is quite possible that some — perhaps many — of these morphological units have lost entirely the power of producing perithecia. I do not deem it wise to assign names to those detached morphological forms and therefore refer to them by number only. A key to those forms is as follows: KE}Y TO MORPHOLOGICAL FORMS Mycelium A. Beaded i. Beads large a. Constricted, echinulate Form i b. Constricted, not echinulate Form 2 2. Beads small a. Constricted , - Form 3 B. Non-beaded 1. Straw-colored, cells cylindrical Form 4 2. Dematioid-membranous in a loose mat , Form 5 3. Cells dark cylindrical small, varying to large, finely reticulate Form 6 Setae A. Variable types arising from a closely woven, straw-colored mycelium Form 7 B. Borne only on the perithecia, colorless, cystidium-like, obtuse Form 8 C. Dark-brown, gradually tapering toward the end Form '9 D. Arising from a beaded-mycelium, sometimes with small branches at the end.... Form 10 Pycnidia A. Numerous', of many sizes and shapes . Form 11 B. Few, globular to oval 1. Borne on finely reticulate mycelium... Form 12 2. Borne on constricted, echinulate mycelium Form 13 3. Borne on constricted non-echinulate mycelium ..Form 14 Form i Fungus consists only of mycelium, composed of beaded, constricted cells ; irregu- larly many-branched. The mycelial branches taper toward the end, the cells becom- ing smaller and smaller. Mycelium varies greatly in length ; some threads short, others extremely; long overlapping one another ; individual cells' more or less irregular in shape ranging from oval to nearly spherical and in size 7-16X5-12^; the color Stevens' — Hawaiian Fungi 61 ranging from yellow to dark brown. This form is very common with the sooty moulds and is known to be the mycelial stage pertaining to several distinct ascigerous genera — for example, Parascorias and Phragmocapnias ; but most specimens of this form bear no spores. The type of pycnidium similar to those shown in Plate v, 14, is occasionally seen. (See PI. v, iA and iB.) FORM 2 Fungus consisting of mycelium, composed of cylindrical to beaded cells ; myce- lium yellow to brown in color; cells' echinulate, with small spines, 18-32 X 12-16 p in size. This form differs from Form 1 in the echinulation and arrangement of the cells. Form 1 is always found in great abundance forming a sooty coating on the surface of the plant while Form 2 is seldom found. No form of perithecium is ever found on this mycelium, but pycnidia evidently like that shown in Plate iv, 14, are occasionally found at the end of the branch. (See PI. v, 2.) FORM 3 Mycelium mat-like, irregularly branched, honey-yellow to almost green, composed of beaded cells 4-11 X 205 ^ in size. This form differs from Form 1, since it has smaller cells and more matted arrangement. Pycnidia of variable size and shapes such as those shown in Plate iv, 11, were occasionally found borne on this kind of mycelium. Antennellina hawaiiensis has a mycelium indistinguishable from this form. (See PI. v, 3.) FORM 4 Mycelium composed of short or long cylindrical cells, pale to yellow, irregularly branched, forming a loose weft. Cells are 12-21 X 3-7 &. This type of fungus is often found, especially in the Hawaiian material, and is always associated with the Form 1. The two mycelia form separate layers, the beaded one being on top. (See PL v, 4.) FORM 5 Mycelium dematioid, membranous, forming a close weft, crossed by long cylindri- cal cells, pale to honey-yellow ; ovoid cells 469 X 2-6 p ; mycelium sometimes setose ; setae black, stout, pointed at the end. This type of mycelium is often found and many times is associated with other fungi. In several of the fungi studied — namely, Phaeosaccardinula morindae, Chaetothyriutn straussiae and Treubiomyces pulchrimus the mycelial stage was similar to this form. (See PL v, 5a and 5b.) FORM 6 Decumbent portion of the mycelium composed of threads made up of small cylin- drical cells which branch, giving rise to threads of large finely recticulated, more or less beaded, cells. Decumbent mycelium yellow to dark-brown ; cylindrical cells about 11 X 4 A*; large beaded cells about 25 X 12 a*. The fungus appears like a tiny cobweb on the surface of the leaf. Occasionally a pycnidium borne at the tip of the myce- lium, like that in Plate v, 12, was found, but no spores. (See PL v, 6.) FORM 7 Setae apparently very similar to those under discussion have been described and figured in connection with two genera of the Capnodiaceae — namely, Chaetothyrium and Treubiomyces', in which the setae are borne either on a myceliel net-work or on perithecia or both. The chief character setting them off from ordinary setae, such for example as in Colletotrichum, Volutella, etc., is that they are averaging about 4^ wide near the base. 62 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin This form of setae varies in type, size, and mode of formation. It is generally black, stout, acute and usually, though not always, found coated with a layer of pale, straw-colored cells (Plate v, 7 a and 7b). It is often found in great abundance, many hundreds of them within an area of a millimeter square. They vary in size from 48 to 100 m long and 4 to 5 a* thick near the base. Sometimes the setae are divided into two o four apical forks (PI. iv, 7c and 7D.) This branchin form is found only on the mycelium. Setae of very similar nature are sometimes found constructed as though two setae have joined together at their apices (PL iv, Jt), that is to say, they possess two bases but no apical region. The whole structure is about 140 a* long. (See PL v, 7a, 7b, 7c, 7d and 7t.) FORM 8 Setae hyaline, cystidium-like, obtuse, only borne on the perithecia, from 20 to as many as 35 on a single perithecium, average about 45 At long and 10 ^ in diameter. This form is not very common with the sooty moulds. Doratospora guianensis, one of the fungi studied, bears the same setae on its perithecia. (See PL v, 8.) FORM 9 Setae dark brown to almost black, generally slender, gradually tapering at the end, acute, borne on the mycelium and on the perithecium, average about 132 a* long and Q v wide near the base. This type is not often found in the sooty moulds. (See PL v, 9.) FORM IO Setae dark brown to black, beaded, with two to four branches at the end, average size about 300 1*> long and 17 v wide near the base; branches about 16 A* long and 7 M thick, borne on a beaded mycelium. The mycelium that bears these setae is' dif- ferent from any of those beaded mycelia previously described. It has small, black, non-echinulated, non-reticulated cells. This mycelium rarely branches. (See PL v, 10.) FORM II This form of pycnidium sometimes occurs in great abundance. It is of indefinite shape. Although it generally varies from almost globular to cylindrical, yet it is sometimes found elongate to beak-like. The size varies from about 19 to 36 v long and 9 to 36 M in diameter. It is gelatinous and is provided with an ostiole surrounded by a fringe composed of cylindrical cells. This pycnidium is borne on a mycelium composed of beaded cells very much like that of Form 3. Antennellina hawaiiensis has also a similar mycelium. The spores are numerous, hyaline, oval, one-celled and about 2 X 1 a*. (See PL v, 11.) FORM 12 Pycnidia amber-colored to dark-brown, gelatinous, globular to oval, no ostiole, average about 70 X 40 a*. This type of pycnidium is rarely found and is borne on a mycelium like that of Form 6. It is' different from any of the pycnidia of Form 11, since it is of uniform shape while those in Form 11 are of variable shape. It also differs from Forms 13 and 14, since it is borne on a finely reticulated mycelium. Form 13 is borne on an echinulated mycelium and Form 14 is borne on a simple beaded mycelium. (See PL v, 12.) FORM 13 Pycnidia amber-colored to dark brown, gelatinous, globular to oval, no ostiole, average size about 60 X 36 m. This type of pycnidium is borne on a reticulated myce- lium similar to that of Plate v, 2. (See PL v, 13.) Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 63 form 14 Pycnidium globular to oval, amber-colored to dark brown, ostiolate, average size about 80 X 50 /*., borne on mycelium with beaded cells apparently like that in Form 1. (See PL v, 14.) ERYSIPHACEAE The representatives of this group, though commonly seen in the coni- dial stage, were in no instance found with perithecia, though special and careful search was made for these structures. This absence of perithecia was noted by me also in Porto Rico (179) and seems to be the normal condition in the tropics. Without perithecia it is impossible definitely to classify the mildews and they are therefore reported under the form genus Oidium with the Fungi Imperfecti. The following species are probably there represented. 39. MICROSPHAERA Lev. Ann. Sc. Nat. in, vol. 15; 154, 1851 No. 82. Microsphaera euphorbiae (Pk.) B. and C. 40. ERYSIPHE Hedw., Lev. in Ann. Sc. Nat- 15, 161, 1851 No. 83. Erysiphe polygon! DC. No. 84. Erysiphe cichoracearum DC. 41. SPHAEROTHECA Lev. Ann. Sc. Nat. in, vol. 15, 138, 1851 No. 85. Sphaerotheca humuli (DC.) Burr. No. 86. Sphaerotheca pannosa (Walk.) Lev. HEMISPHAERIALES Theis. Ann. Myc, vol. 11, p. 468, 1913 KEY TO HAWAIIAN FAMILIES OF THE HEMISPHAERIALES Perithecial covering radial Thallus filamentous Ascoma innate Ascoma subcuticular , Stigmataceae Ascoma superficial, hypothallus immersed Polystomellaceae Ascoma and thallus superficial , M icrothy riaceae Thallus membranous ._ ...Trichopeltaceae Perithecial covering not radial Hemisphaeriaceae Thallus both filamentous' and membranous Anomothallus STIGMATACEAE 42. AULACOSTROMA Sydow, Phil. Jour. Sci., vol. 9, sec. C, p. 176, 1914 No. 87. Aulacostroma osmanthi Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Amphigenous, colonies at first forming small spots, later often becoming con- fluent, I cm. in diameter. Perithecia irregular, straight to curved, .3-1.1 mm. by 64 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin 227 P>, black, margin brown; hyphae brown, 10 M thick, ceils of the epidermis only sparsely filled with mycelium. Asci 8-spored, spatulate, 25-30 X 100/*, paraphyses numerous, filiform, equalling the asci; no epithecium; spores inordinate, black, 1 -septate, 14 X 32-35 M, strongly constricted at the septum, and separating there. The two ends of the spores obtuse, and much darker than the median region. Differs from A. palowanense Syd. by having larger perithecia differently arranged, and larger asci and spores. (See PI. vi, a, b; fig. 12.) Figure 12. — Aulacostroma osmanthii: a, cross section of the perithecia showing asci and spores ; b, ascus and spores. On Osmanthus sandwicensis. Oahu: Waialae, June 21, 1921, A. F. Judd, collector. A superficial examination of the fungus would have placed it in the Hysteriales, but a careful study of the border of the perithecium revealed its radiate character, so that it falls clearly within the genus named above, which Theissen and Sydow (196, p. 403, 1917), place in an appendix to the Stigmataceae, though in earlier writings the same fungus was regarded as dothideaceous, or as belonging to the Hysteriaceae. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi POLYSTOMELLACEAE 5 KEY TO HAWAIIAN GENERA Ascoma superficial with an intramatricular hypostrorna. Perithecia round Polystomelleae Free mycelium lacking Hymenia under the same membrane, only separated by a hyaline plectenchyma tissue Paraphysate 43. Polystomel la Aparaphysate 44. Pluriporus 43. POLYSTOMELLA Speg. Fung. Guar., Anal Soc. Ci. Argent., vol. 26, p. 53, 1888 No. 88. Polystomella kaduae Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Stromata about 2 mm. in diameter, and 150^ thick, hyaline with a surface layer about 18-30 1* thick, dark. Hyphostroma of palisade structure and dark, filling the epidermis; mycelium in the mesophyll scant. Surface view shows many ostioles (50 or more) and that the cover is radiate. Asci 8-spored, long stalked (including stalk about 25 X no m) much thickened at the apex. Spores inordinate, oblcng or tapering very slightly toward the ends, obtuse, hyaline, i-septate, 7 X 22 [*>, not constricted, paraphyses filamentose. On Kadua glomerata. Hawaii : Kealakekua, July 25, no. 1005. In spore size and other marked ways this differs from P. pulcherrima on Rubiaceae from South America. Nearly always if a stroma is found on one side of a leaf, a corresponding one is found on the opposite side. In section the palisade-like hypostrorna in the epidermis is very evident. The constant coincidence of stromata on the two sides of the leaf suggests that the mycelium also penetrates the mesophyll. If so it is in very scant quantity for it is not seen. 44. PLURIPORUS Stevens and Ryan n. gen. Free mycelium lacking, asci aparaphysate, spores brown, 2-celled. Perithecia disk form, ostioles numerous. Asci separated in a single row. No. 89. Pluriporus gouldiae Stevens and Ryan n.. sp. Epiphyllous, perithecia 1-3 mm. in diameter, irregularly scattered, seldom con- fluent, numerous, black, carbonaceous, disk form, ostioles numerous, arranged in con- centric circles. Asci 8-spored, clavate, separated, 11-34 X 22-45 m, embedded in a single row, aparaphysate. Spores equally 2-celled, ovate, 1 -septate, brown when mature, 9-10X5-32 j*, broadly rounded at the ends. Intercellular hypostrorna present. (See PI. VI, E; fig. 13.) 5 The section on Polystomellaceae was written by Ruth W. Ryan and F. L. Stevens. 66 Bemice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin On Gouldia coriacea. Kauai: Waimea canyon pipe trail, June 15, 1921, no. 454 and no. 455 (type). The genus presents certain characteristics of both the Polystomellaceae and the Myriangiaceae. The radiate character and the arrangement of Figure; 13. — Pluriporus gouldiae: a, cross section of the perithecia showing the fungus to be superficial, the asci solitary, and the whole ascogonium to be cov- ered ; b, showing radiate character of the ascogonium ; c, asci and spores ; d, spores seen through the ostiole ; e, showing structure of the ostiole. the irregularly shaped ostioles place it in the family Polystomellaceae near Rhagdolobium, but the separated solitary asci show kinship with the Myriangiaceae. MICROTHYRIACEAE 6 The Microthyriaceae of the islands of Hawaii are numerous and con- stitute an interesting part of the fungus flora, though heretofore none appears to have been authentically reported from the Territory. These fungi are in distribution practically like the meliolas — that is to say are limited to native plants and to the higher and wetter altitudes, and appear therefore to be historically of similar relation. So little is known 6 The section on Microthyriaceae was written by Ruth W. Ryan and F. Iy. Stevens. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 6y of the Microthyriaceae to the east and to the west of Hawaii that no generalizations are yet possible regarding the origin of this group. Most of the genera found in Hawaii — Lembosia and Asterina, for example — are known elsewhere and are for the most part of world-wide distribution. Some of the species agree sufficiently with printed diagnoses to warrant the assumption that they are co-specific with previously described forms, and others must be regarded as new species or even as belonging to new genera. Certain of the new genera, such as Seynesiopeltis, are of ex- ceptional interest. The taxonomy of this group as based on the morphology of the forms previously known is summarized in two extensive articles, one by Theissen and Sydow (196, vol. 15, p. 413), and the other by Arnaud (3, vol. 16). Since these two students arrive at systems of classification somewhat at variance, it is deemed best to present both systems in so far as they pertain to Hawaiian forms. The system of Theissen, based as it is so largely on spore septation and color, is distinctly artificial in character, while that of Arnaud is based on more fundamental morphological charac- ters, though lacking of necessity in ease of application. The pertinent portions of both keys are reproduced here. KEY TO THE HAWAIIAN MICROTHYRIACEAE ADAPTED FROM TH£lSS£N AND SYDOW Free mycelium lacking Microthyrieae Sacc. & Syd. Perithecia round Spores i-celled, hyaline, aparaphysate 45 Peltella Rem. Spores 1 -celled, brown Perithecia single. 46 Seynesia Sacc. Perithecia 2-5 in a thallus, setose..-— 47 Seynesiopeltis Stev. and Ryan Free mycelium present i Asterineae Perithecia round Spores hyaline Spores i-celled 48 Calothyriella v. Hohn Spores 2-celled 49 Calothyrium Th, Spores 6-celled 50 Beelia Stev. and Ryan Spores brown Spores i-celled —.51 Calothyriopeltis Stev. and Ryan Spores 2-celled Hyphopodiate Mycelial conidia 4-celled 52 Clypeolella v. Hohn Mycelial conidia 1 -celled or lacking .....53 Asterina Lev. Non-hyphopodiate 54 Asterineila Th. Perithecia linear Asci 8-spored, spores 2-celled, brown Hyphopodiate Paraphysate 55 Lembosia Lev. Non-hyphopodiate Aparaphysate —56 Echidnodella Syd. and Th. Paraphysate _ 57 Echidnodes Syd. and Th. Asci 8-spored, spores hyaline, aparaphysate—. 58 AuJographum v. Hohn 68 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin KEY TO THE HAWAIIAN MICROTHYRIACEAE ADAPTED FROM ARNAUD Tribe I. Microthyriees' Speg. (not Sacc. and Syd) . Polystomellinees Th. and Syd. (emend Arnaud) . Perithecia large, several locules, external mycelium often lacking. Locule round. Paraphysate, ostioles round, spores 2-celled, hyaline.. Polystomella Speg. Aparaphysate, ostioles numerous ..Pluriporus Stev. & Ryan Wardinees Asci in a rosette with a crown of peripheral tissue Mycelium without stigmopodia Spores brown, 2-celled Asterinella Th. Spores hyaline, 2-celled Microthyrium (Calothyrium) Desm. Spores hyaline i-celled t Calothyriella v. Hohn Mycelium with stigmopodia Spores brown, i-celled Calothyriopeltis Stev. and Ryan Eu-wardinees Asci in parallel arrangement External mycelium without stigmopodia Spores dark, 6-celled Beelia Stev. and Ryan External mycelium with hyphopodia Asci embedded in paraphysate tissue Asterina Lev. Asci aparaphysate, embedded in a jelly, perithecia gelatinized, spores 2-celled, brown Questieria Arn, (Clypeolella v. Hohn.) Seynesiellinees' Perithecia unilocular, united by a common internal mycelium Asci parallel, paraphysate Setose Seynesiopeltis Stev. and Ryan Not setose (Seynesia) Seynesiella Arn. Asci hidden in a rosette and converging toward the center Spores i-celled (Peltella) MyiocoprcXn Speg. Tribe n. Hemihysteriees Speg. (Emend. Arn.) Perithecia elongated, stroma unilocular, in general united on a common internal or external mycelium. Morenoellines Arn. Mycelium external Stigmocysts terminating the special lateral branches Asci 8-spored, spores brown, 2-celled. Hyphopodiate and paraphysate Lembosia Lev, Non-hyphopodiate Paraphysate --, Echidnodes Th. Aparaphysate Echidnodella Th. Morenoinees Mycelium internal Aulographum v. Hohn. 14 One key is adapted from the keys scattered through Arnaud (3, vol. 16) and the other from keys by Theissen (196, vol. 15, p. 420). Both Arnaud and Theissen treat eight of the genera found in the Hawaiian species. Three other genera Theissen describes but no reference to them or any indication of a place for them can be found in Arnaud's key. From the descriptions of the genera given by Theissen and from the study of Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 69 them, they have been inserted in Arnaud's key. The three new genera have been inserted in both keys. The genus Myiocopron in Arnaud includes Theissen's genus Peltella, from which it differs in the character of its spore color. Seynesiella includes Seynesia. As the fungi are not well known, Arnaud does not separate them. Calothyriopeltis n. gen. is like Calothyriella but has brown spores instead of hyaline. Investigations later may show that the species of Calothyriella were immature specimens of Calothyriopeltis. Seynesiopeltis n. gen. differs from Seynesia by having several perithecia attached to the center of a disk shaped, radiate thallus. It is also setose. Pleuriporus n. gen. is near Polystomella. It is aparaphysate and has numerous ostioles. The genus Microthyrium in Arnaud's key includes Calothyrium, which Theissen sets up as a new genus, distinguished from Microthyrium by having an external mycelium. The genus Aulographella is included in Aulographum by Arnaud. He makes no distinction on its having a free mycelium, 45. PELTELLA Sydow, Ann. Myc, vol. 15, p. 237, 1917 No. 90. Peltella freycinetiae Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Perithecia 28 M in diameter, carbonaceous, ostiolate, margin fimbriate. No free mycelium. Asci 55-60 X 29-26/*, spatulate, aparaphysate. Spores 1 -celled, hyaline, 5-7X12-17/*, spatulate. On Freycinetia arnotti. Oahu: Wahiawa, June 3, 1921, no. 977 (type). 46. SEYNESIA Sacc. Syll. Fung., vol. 2, p. 668, 1883 No. 91. Seynesia atkinsonii Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Perithecia 120 A 1 in diameter, ostiolate, margin fimbriate, free mycelium lacking. Asci cylindrical, 29-24X60-94/*, abundant, aparaphysate. Spores brown, 2-celled, cells rounded on the free ends, heavy walled, 12X22 /v On Freycinetia arnotti Oahu: Palolo valley, Mt. Olympus, June 16, 1921, no. 300 (type) ; Tantalus, collected by Lyon, 1909, nos. 87, 92. A packet bearing the inscription Seynesia freycinetiae Atk., was com- pared with our material on Freycinetia, and the two fungi were deter- mined to be identical. A diligent search revealed no description of the fungus by Atkinson. We herewith present our description of the fungus as Seynesia atkinsonii. 47. SEYNESIOPELTIS n. gen. Stevens and Ryan Fungus body a nearly crustose radiate colony, bearing one to several perithecia. Free mycelium lacking. Spores 2-celled. Colony setose. 70 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin No. 92. Seynesiopeltis tetraplasandrae Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Epiphyllous, colonies 1-2 mm. in diameter, irregularly scattered, often confluent, numerous. The fungus body circular, composed of radiating hyphae, septate, branch- ing, olive-green, 5 n thick, bearing black, disk-shaped perithecia, 113-227^ in dia- meter. Asci 8-spored, spatulate, non-paraphysate, 169-180 X 36-45 /*. Spores green- brown, ovate, one septate, 21-43 X 12-18 m, the lower cell about one and one-half times as large as' the upper. Colony bearing black setae, 5 X 90-1 19 fx. (See PI. VI, F; fig. 14, a,) Figure: 14- — Asci, spores and cross section : a, Seynesiopeltis tetraplasandrae — an ascus and spores; b, Beelia suttoniae — asci and spores, c, Calothyriopeltis scaevolae — asci and spores ; d, Bchidnodes pisoniae — cross section of peri- thecia showing asci, paraphyses, and spores. On Tetraplasandrae meiandra. Oahu: Wahiawa, July 31, 1921. — Maui: Kenohuau, 1908, in Forbes collection. On Tetrasplasandra hawaiiensis. Hawaii : Hamakua, upper ditch trail, May 31,1921 no. 1089 (type). The fungus resembles Seynesia, but differs from it in having- one to several perithecia in one fungous body, and bearing setae. It differs from Seynesiopeltis in not having immersed perithecia. In the specimens studied no ostiole was observed. 48. CALOTHYRIELLA v. Hohn. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges., vol. 35, p. 251, 19x7 No. 93. Calothyriella osmanthi Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Hypophyllous, perithecia, 90 m in diameter, irregularly scattered, forming con- fluent, numerous, black, round colonies. Asci 8-spored, clavate, 18X10 At aparaphy- sate. Spores 1 -celled, hyaline, 3-9 X 1-2 m, rounded at the ends. Free mycelium pres- ent, 3 a* thick. (See PI. vi, g.) On Osmanthus sandwicensis. Oahu: Maunalua, May 29, 1921, no. 135 (type). This species is smaller than Calothyriella pinophylla. 49. CALOTHYRIUM Theis. Ann. Myc, vol. 10, p. 160, 1912 KEY TO SPECIES OF CAIvOTHYRIUM Spores hyaline, 2-celled. Spores not appendaged; non-hyphopodiate Perithecia 79-217/*, spores 9 X 27 /". 94 C. suttoniae Perithecia 75-180 M, spores 1X7-9^ 95 C. osmanthi Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 71 No. 94. Calothyrium suttoniae Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Perithecia black, carbonaceous, often confluent, forming a colony 397-700 v, single perithecia 79-217 /* in diameter. Free mycelium brown, $v> thick, slightly branched, septate, non-hyphopodiate. Asci ovate, 39-45 X 27-30 M, embedded in the matrix, aparaphysate, 8-spored ; spores hyaline, 2-celled, 9 X 27 ^, the lower cell larger and more rounded, heavy walled. On Suttonia sandwicensis. Hawaii: Hamakua, upper ditch trail, July 31, 1921, no. 143 (type). No. 95. Calothyrium osmanthi Stevens and Ryan n. sp. "Perithecia black, carbonaceous, round, 75-180/* in diameter. Free mycelium present, brown, branching abundantly, 3 M thick, non-hyphopodiate. Spores' hyaline 2-celled, 1-3X7-9^ thin walled. On Osmanthus sandwicensis. Oahu : Ahren's ditch trail, June 8, 1921, no. 290 (type).— Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, 1921. 50. BEELIA Stevens and Ryan n. gen. Fungus forming colonies on the surface of the leaves. Perithecia black, radiate, ostiolate, on a free, brown, septate, branching mycelium. Asci globular, aparaphy- sate, embedded in the matrix; spores straw-colored, 6-celled. Named in honor of M. Beeli in recognition of his work on fungi. No. 96. Beelia suttoniae Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Colonies 1-1.6 cm. in diameter, having scattered perithecia, 90-227/* in diameter, on a free, brown, branching, septate, non-hyphopodiate mycelium, 5 M thick; peri- thecia ostiolate, radiate, round, carbonaceous. Asci 72-63 X 45-39 P, 8-spored, nearly globular, aparaphysate; spores hyaline, 6-celled, when mature straw colored, spores' 36-32 X 14-12 At. Young perithecia show the radiate character of the perithecia around the edge. Later on becoming gelatinized, it is not so easily perceived. (See fig. 14, b.) On Suttonia lanaiensis. Lanai, no. 421. Collected by Munro. 5 1 . CALOTHYRIOPELTIS Stevens and Ryan n. gen. Perithecia round, free mycelium present, hyphopodiate, spores brown, i-celled, aparaphysate, asci scattered. This genus' resembles Calothyriella but has brown i-celled spores. KEY TO SPECIES OE CALOTHYRIOPELTIS Spores brown, i-celled Perithecia 90-330 v, spores 7-9X 12-16 ^ 97 C. scaevolae Perithecia 270 ^ in diameter, spores 9X14^ .:.. — -99 C. metrosideri Perithecia 90X170M, spores 9X18-21^ 98 C. clermontiae No. 97. Calothyriopeltis scaevolae Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Perithecia black, radiate, often confluent, 90-331 p in diameter. Free mycelium present, 5 ^ thick ; hyphopodia 2-celled, lobed, the upper cell with a hyaline spot ; asci 25-27 X 22 m, aparaphysate; spores 7-9 X 12-16 ^, zoned. (See fig. 14, c.) On Scaevola sp. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, 1921, no. 476 (type) ; no. 473. J2 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin No. 98. Calothyriopeltis clermontiae Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Perithecia round, black, radiate, often confluent, 90-170/* in diameter. Mycelium 7 /w. thick, hyphopodia 2-celled, alternate, cylindrical, often lobed, 5-7 X 12-14 **• Asci 21-29X31-38 /a, 8-spored. Spores' brown, i-celled, 9X 18-21 v, heavy walled, apara- physate. On Clermontia oblongifolia. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, 1921, no. 478 (type). No. 99. Calothyriopeltis metrosideri Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Perithecia black, round, radiate, forming carbonaceous colonies 3-5 mm. in dia- meter, ostiolate, 270 /* in diameter ; free mycelium, black-brown, branched, 5 /* thick ; hyphopodia alternate, i-celled, lobed, 4-5 x 8-12 m. Asci oval, 23-30 x 32-38^, apara- physate; spores brown, smooth, i-celled, 9X 14 fi. On Metrosideros sp. Oahu: Tantalus, June 22, 1921, no. 636 (type). On Lobelia sp. Hawaii: Kealakekua, July 25, 1921, no. 979. This species is larger than Calothyriopeltis scaevolae, the spores are not zoned, and the hypophodia are smaller and differently lobed. The spe- cies on Lobelia agrees with that on Metrosideros in all the measurements,, but is grey-green rather than brown in color. 52. CLYPEOLELLA v, Holm. Sitzungsber. K. Acad. Wiss. Wien^ Abt. 1, vol. 119, p. 403, no. 478, 1910. No. 100. Clypeolella clermontiae Stevens and Ryan 11. sp. Perithecia round, carbonaceous, 86-90 j* in diameter; free mycelium present,, brown, septate, much branched, 5 m thick, hypophodia 2-celled, lobed, 7X14^, alternate... Asci ovate, aparaphysate, 36-45 X 27-30 m. Spores brown, 2-celled, smooth, 9- 13X21-19 ^ On Clermontia sp. Maui, Iao Valley, Sept. 7, 1921, no. 1154 b (type). 53. ASTERINA Lev. Ann. Sci. Nat. 3rd ser., vol. 3, p. 59, 1845 K£Y TO SPECIES OF ASTERINA Euasterina Perithecia without a basal membrane, asci on colorless, branched hyphae with erect paraphyses, hyphopodiate Hyphopodia 2-celled, asci clavate — - -107 A. lobeliae Dimerosporium Perithecia without a basal membrane, aparaphysate, asci arising from branched hyaline hyphae. Hyphopodia typical Hyphopodia opposite 106 A. suttonia Hyphopodia alternate Hyphopodia 1 -celled Hyphopodial margin regular, at least not regularly lobed. Hyphopodia cylindrical to club shaped Spores 9-18 X 1621 ft 104 A. clermontiae V , Spores 18-22 ix 108 A. rickifc Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 73 Hyphopodia round, oval or short and broadly cylindrical. Spores 13 m long 110 A. aspiddit Spores 15-22 ijl long Perithecia 45-240 M in diameter 101 A. gouldiae Per ithecia 100-140 m 109 A. delitescens Hyphopodia lob ed Perithecia 80-120 /*, mycelial hyphae 3 ^ thick 102 A. ildefonsiae Perithecia 100-140 m, mycelial hyphae 9 /* thick 103 A. kauaiensis Perithecia 48-99 ^, mycelial hyphae 1-2 a* thick 105 A, phyllostegiae No. 101. Asterina gouldiae Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Amphigenous, perithecia black, radiate, 45-240 ^ in diameter, round, forming colo- nies 5-9 mm. in diameter. Free mycelium present, hyphopodia 1 -celled, round, sessile, 10-12 /* broad ; mycelium brown, 7 ^ thick ; hyphae of perithecia 3 /* thick. Asci 63-72 X 27-39 ^> ovate, aparaphysate ; spores 2-celled, brown, 7 X 16 £*, equal. On Gouldia coriacea. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, 1921, no. 494(type). The perithecia and asci are larger than those of Asterina delitescens,- while the spores are smaller. No. 102. Asterina ildefonsiae (Rehm) Theis. Hedwigia, vol. 34, p. 101, 1895 On Cloaxylon sandwicense. Kauai: Waimea pipe trail, no. 448. Fungus on Claoxylon sandwicense answers the description of A. ilde- fonsiae, except that the asci are slightly larger in the material examined. No. 103. Asterina kauaiensis Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Perithecia black, radiate, 144," in diameter; free mycelium brown, gp thick, hyphopodia 2-celled, lobed ; asci 32-36 /*, aparaphysate ; spores 9 X 18 v, brown, 2-celled. On unknown host. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, 1921, no. 479 (type). No. 104. Asterina clermontiae Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Perithecia black, ostiolate, round, 90-180^ in diameter. Free mycelium browm 5 M thick; hyphopodia alternate, cylindrical, 3-5 X 1 1-16/"-, occasionally lobed. Asci ovate to rounded, 21-32 X 36-45 m, aparaphysate. Spores brown, 2-celled, 9-18 X 16-21 m, smooth, tapering at the ends. On Clermontia sp. Maui: Iao valley, Sept. 7, 1921, no. 1154 (type). No. 105. Asterina phyllostegiae Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Perithecia black, disk form, diameter 48-99^; free mycelium present, brown, 3^ thick, much branched; hyphopodia 2-celled, slightly lobed. Asci globose to ovate, 10-12 X 21-32 m, aparaphysate; spores brown, 2-celled. On Phyllostegia sp. Oahu: Olympus, June 24, 1921, no. 718 (type). This species is near Asterina ildefonsiae, but differs from it in being much smaller. 74 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin No. 106. Asterina suttoniae Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Perithecia black/disk form, diameter 79-384 ^, amphigenous ; free mycelium pres- ent, brown, hyphopodia opposite, 2-celled, 7-91* long, the upper cell with a hyaline spot. Mycelium g^ thick, spores brown, 2-celled, verrucose, 9X 18 fi. On Suttonia sp. Oahu: Kuliouou. Collected by Caum, May 29, 1921, no. 143 (type). Near Asterina elmeri, but is much smaller. No. 107. Asterina lobeliae Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Perithecia black, radiate, often confluent, 216 ^ in diameter, epiphyllous. Free mycelium present, hyphopodia 2-celled, lobed and curled; hyphae 5^ thick; asci parphysate 9-14 X 39-54 ^, spores 3-5 X 12-14 m. On Lobelia sp. Kauai: no. 1063 (type). This fungus is smaller than Asterina pemphigoides; asci are clavate rather than ellipsoid, and the spores are smaller. No. 108. Asterina rickii Theis. Dec. Fung. Brasil. 68, 1910 Material studied falls under the description for A. rickii given by Theissen. On Meterosideros sp. Oahu: Kuliouou, May 29, 1921, no. 142 (type), collected by Caum, also by Stevens: Olympus, June 24, 1921. — Hawaii: Hamakua, upper ditch trail, July 28, 1921. — Kauai: Waimea pipe trail canyon, June 15, 1921. No. 109. Asterina delitescens Ell. and Mart., Am. Nat., vol. 17, p. 1381, 1883 Material studied agrees with the description as given. On Vaccinium sp, Hawaii: Kilauea, July 14, 16, 31, 1921 ; Oahu: Tantalus, June 22, 1921, no. 820 (type). No. no. Asterina aspidii Theis. Hedwigia, vol. 43, p. 141, 1904. On Maba sandzvicensis. Oahu: Kuliouou, May 29, 1921, no. 145 (type). Collected by Caum. No. in. Asterina fimbriata Kalch. and Cooke, Grevillea, vol. 9, p. 33, 1880 The material examined agrees with the description for A. fimbriata. This fungus is hypophyllous. On Lobelia sp. Kauai: no. 1063 (type). 54. ASTERINELLA Theis., Ann. Myc, vol. 10, p. 160, 1912 Perithecial context, smoky brown to black Asci globose or ovate-elliptical Spores smooth Spores 12-16 X 27-32 (i 112 A. humiriae Spores 8 X 16-18^ - 113 A. intensa Spores 5 X 12 ^ 114 A. mabae Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 75 No. 112. Asterinella humiriae (P. Henn.) Theis. Broteria, vol. 10, p. 121, 1912 This fungus agrees in all particulars with the description given by Theissen. On Byronia sandwicensis. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, 1921, no. 493 (type). — Oahu: Tantalus, June 22, 1921 ; Palolo valley and Mt. Olympus, June 10, 1921. — Hawaii: Hamakua, upper ditch trail, July 31, 1921. — Maui: Olinda pipe line, Sept. 5, 192 1. This fungus is also in Forbes collection: Kauai, 1909, no. 212, and Maui, 1909, no 459. No. 113. Asterinella intensa (Cooke and Mass.) Theis. Broteria, vol. 10, p. 120, 1912 This fungus agrees in all details with the descriptions given by Theissen. On Osmanthus sandwicensis. Oahu: Makaleha valley, July 8, 1922. Collected by E. L. Caum. No. 114. Asterinella mabae Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Perithecia epiphyllous, black, radiate, ostiolate, 162 /* in diameter; free mycelium brown, much branched, 5 m thick ; asci ovate, 23 X 36 as 8-spored, aparaphysate. Spores dark brown, i-septate, 5 X 12 a*. On Maba sandwicensis. Oahu: Makaleha valley, 1914, no. 1995. On Maba hillebrandii. Oahu : Makaleha valley, June 8, 1922. This fungus is closely related to Asterina intensa, but is much smaller. 55. LEMBOSIA Lev. Ann. Sci. Nat., 3rd ser., vol. 3, p. 58, 1845 No. 115. Lembosia eucalypti Stevens and Dixon n. sp. Spot amphigenous, usually arranged concentrically around a scale nipple, 1-2 X .5-75 mm. black, cleft throughout the whole length ; margin distinctly radiate. Asci 8-spored, 4-6 X 34 ^, borne in regular rows with an epithecium. Spores dis- charged from the base of the as'cus, 2-4 X 11-14M, hyaline, i-septate, not constricted at the septa. The spore gradually tapers at the ends, which are rounded, and slightly narrower than the middle of the spore. On Eucalyptus sp. Hawaii: Kilauea, July 16, 1921, no. 874 (type). 56. ECHIDNODELLA Theis. and Syd. Ann. Myc, vol. 15, p. 422, 191 7 Spores brown, 2-celled, aparaphysate Perithecia 500-650 /* long 116 E. cocculii Perithecia 397-227 At long 117 E. mabae Perithecia 72-63 v long 118 E, raillardiae j6 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin No. 116. Echidnodella cocculi Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Epiphyllous, scattered, colonies small, seldom confluent. Hyphae septate, fus- cous', slender, 1.8 /* thick, branching abundantly, non-hyphopodiate. Perithecia gre- garious, round when young becoming linear when mature, 500-650 X 200-284 /*. Straight, curved or forked, dehiscing by a longitudinal slit almost the length of the perithecium. Asci 8-spored, aparaphysate, spatulate, sessile, rounded at the apex and having a thickened cap, 9/*. Asci 14-18 X 36-41 /*. Spores, inordinate, brown when mature, heavy walled, 2-celled, 7-9 X 21-23/*, cells approximately the same size. Microtome sections show the fungus as entirely superficial. A few setae were observed. (See PI. vn, A.) On Cocculus ferrandianus. Hawaii: Kealakekua, July 21, 1922, no. 998a, and July 25, 1921, no. 989; Hilo, July 10, no. 767. — Oahu: Nuuanu valley, Jan., 1912. (Forbes no. 1729.) It differs from £. hypolepides in not being effuse nor occurring along the midrib, seldom confluent, hyphae more slender, perithecia larger, asci spatulate rather than elliptic-ovate, spores larger, cells equal. No. 117. Echidnodella mabae Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Epiphyllous, perithecia carbonaceous^ scattered, 227 X 397 /*, splitting by a longi- tudinal slit, radiate. Free mycelium branched, dark brown, 3.6 /* thick ; asci 33 X 54 /*, embedded in the matrix, aparaphysate, and non-hyphopodiate. Spores 2-celled, dark brown, lower cell round, upper cell ovate, 7X21.6/*. On Maba sandwicensis DC. Oahu : Makaleha valley, Jan. 8, 1922, O. A. Sweezy, collector. No. 118. Echidnodella raillardiae Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Ephiphyllous, perithecia linear, 63-72 v long, radiate, irregularly scattered, numerous, black, carbonaceous, ostiolate. Free mycelium present, brown, 3.61* thick. Spores ovate, 1 -septate, brown when mature, 3.6 X 8 /*. On Raillardia sp. Hawaii: Kilauea, July 15, 1921, no. 853 (type). Asci were not observed as the material for study was not plentiful. If the fungus proves to be aparaphysate there is no question of it belonging to Echidnodella. On the other hand if it is paraphysate it will go to Echid- nodes. 57. ECHIDNODES Theis. and Syd. Ann. Myc, vol. 15, p. 422, 1917 No. 119. Echidnodes pisoniae Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Amphigenous, mostly epiphyllous, forming black colonies 5-9 mm. in diameter, often numerous, seldom confluent. Hyphae septate, brown, 3-5 /* thick, irregularly branching, often fasciculated, anastomosing, non-hyphopodiate. Perithecia irregularly scattered, occasionally confluent, numerous, carbonaceous, oblong ellipsoid, straight, curved or forked, 120-125 X 200-500 m. Asci clavate, thickened at the apex, 20-21 X 43-50/*. Paraphyses' numerous, filiform, longer than the asci, with smoke colored, enlarged globose tips. Spores ovate, 1 -septate, obtuse, constricted, brown when mature, 7 X 15-18/*, the upper cell larger and more broadly round. Microtome sec- tions showed the parasite superficial, bearing setae. These latter, however, were not observed in the other preparations of the material for identification. (Plate vi, D; fig. 14, d). Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi yy On Fisonia umbellifera. Oahu: Ahren's ditch trail, June 8, 192 1, no. 288; 1917, no. 2494 O; and by Swezey in Makaleha valley, Jan. 8, 1922. Hawaii: mountain near Kilauea, collected by Forbes, October, 1916, no. 537-H. On Pisonia sandwicensis. Oahu: Tantalus, June 22, 192 1, No. 651 (type). 58. AULOGRAPHELLA v. Hohn. Ann. Myc, vol. 15, p. 367, 1917 No. 120. Aulographella baumeae Stevens and Ryan n. sp. Amphigenous, perithecia black, linear, radiate, 100 X 400 m ; free mycelium lack- ing. Hyphae of the perithecium 3^ thick; asci obtuse, 10-14X25^; paraphyses indistinct. Spores 2-3 X 9 fi f i-septate, hyaline. On Baumea meyenii. Oahu: Waiahole ditch trail, June 12, 1921, no. 390 (type). This species is smaller than A. epilobii. 59. QUESTIERIA Arnaud, Ann, ficole Nat Agr. Montpelier. 7 vol. 10, p. ig6, 1918. No. 121. Questieria euphorbiae G. Arnaud n. sp. Colonies brown, circular, usually 3-4 mm. in diameter, hyphophyllous ; mycelium superficial, light brown, 6-7 v thick, branching, at first at acute angles. Hyphopodia i-celled, round to oval, 8X 12/*, forming haustoria in the epidermis similar to those of Meliola and of Asterina puiggarii (Speg) Th. Perithecia visible only with a lens, and then appearing black, variable in size, 50-100^ in diameter for the perithecia bearing mature spores, formed from the septation of a hyphopodium. Structure at first radiate, rapidly becoming membranous, gelatinous and swollen, slightly colored, with an ostiole. Irregularly hemispherical as in all the species' of the genus. Asci globular, or somewhat ovoid, 25-35 P long ; 8-spored ; generally 2-6 asci in a perithe- cium; aparaphysate. Spores 2-celled, ovoid elongate, slightly constricted at the septum; at first hyaline, later light brown, 10-15X20-25/*. Ascospores germinated on the leaf are dark brown and bear on the lower cell a hyphopodium and a germ tube. The upper cell bears 2 or 3 germ tubes. (Plate vn, B). On Euphorbia clusiaefolia. Kauai: Waimea canyon pipe trail, June 15, 1921, no. 393 (type). The genus Questieria Arnaud (3, vol. 16, p. 186) is probably identical with the genus Schiffnerula v. Hohn. I (87, vol. 118, p. 867; vol. 119, p. 412), (196, p. 469) previously described, this last genus which has been wrongly placed in the group Englerulacees (whose value is very doubtful), while the Questierias are incontestibly microthriaceous neighbors of Englerulaster and Asterina, etc. The genus Clypeolella v. Hohn., appears also to be a neighbor, but it has never been characterized in a convenient manner (3, vol. 16, p. 185). T Description, discussion and illustrations furnished by Professor G. Arnaud. 78 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin The interest of the systematic mycologist strongly urges the abandon- ing of the law of priority for the genera or species badly described and classified. Questieria euphorbiae appears to be a neighbor of Schiffnerula secunda v. Hohn. (87, vol. 119, p. 412); but the latter has not shown conidia or bubilles, organs which exist in all the other species. TRICHOPELTACEAE ■ Theisen, Centr. Bakt, Abt. 2, vol. 39, p. 625, 1913 The mycelial cells of the fungi of this family, instead of remaining distinct from their lateral neighbors and forming the usual fungous fila- ments, remain always in contact with the lateral cells, united to them, thus forming a cell plate, one cell thick, instead of mere separate filaments. These cell plates assume various forms, strap-shaped, circular, whorled, etc., according to the mode of division and growth of the cells. In general they present a striking resemblance to the cell plates of the Hepaticae, and thus constitute a unique group. (See PI. viii; figs. 15-19.) Certain areas in the cell plates become thickened by the addition of one or more layers of cells below the primary layer, leading to the develop- ment of pycnidia or perithecia. Later, apparently from the pressure developed internally, one cell, followed by others, becomes ruptured at the top of the structure, producing a place of exit for the spores, a lysigenous pseudo-ostiole. (See figs. 16, a-b.) Spore cavities may be recognized very early, long before the break appears, by a slight darkening due to the increased thickness from the added layer or layers of cells. (See PI. viii ; fig. 16.) Certain forms appear to be devoid of spore cavities and the function of reproduction is performed by conidia-like setae. The first known representative of this group was described by Montagne (124, vol. 14, p. 328) in 1840 under the name Aster oma labecula and later transferred by him to the genus Asterina, (125, p. 255) and still later was transferred to the genus Trichopeltis of Spegazzini by von Hohnel (87, vol. 119, p. 456) who, recognizing the unique characters of these fungi, brought together into one group, under the name "Trichopel- teen," the genera Trichopeltis, Trichopeltella, and Brefeldiella, leaving them, however, still in the Microthyriaceae. He says that Asteroma labecula Mont, and Trichopellis pulchella Speg. belong to the same genus, and that Brefeldiella "ist ganz ahnlich gebaut." Theissen (194, vol. 11, p. 468) in 1913 very properly proposes the estab- lishment for these forms of a new family, the Trichopeltaceae, which he formally presents in 1914 (195, p. 625). Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 79 Theissen then proceeds, with only eight species in hand and with the material often immature, to distribute these forms in six genera, three of them new, and based, in the main, on the artificial distinctions of spore septation and color, together with that of thallus form. In my own studies, with large collections available, I find that spore septation within the same perithecium is variable and that thallus form is also variable. These facts lead me to reject the genus Trichopeltina and to present the following classification for the Hawaiian forms: KEY TO HAWAIIAN GENERA OE TRICHOPELTACEAE THEIS. As'ci present, spores hyaline Sporesi-2 septate 60. Trichopeltis Asci absent Trichopeltaceae imperfecti Thallus setose 62. Trichothallus Pycnidia present 61. Enthallopycnidium 60. TRICHOPELTIS Speg. Bol. Acad. Nac. Ci. Cordoba, vol. ii, p. 571, 1889 This genus is characterized by Spegazzini as follows: Mycelium fibris pro ratione majusculis membranaceo-applanatis vittaeformibus non costatis dendritico-ramulosis prosenchymatico-contextis' efformatum; perithecia superficialia v. fibris tecta dimidiato-scutata parvula ostiolata ; asci octispori ; sporidia 2-septata hyalina. Genus nobilissimum, cujus Trichopeltis reptans, (B. et C.) Speg. (Cub. Fung. n. 734, sub Asterina) est. The description of Asterina reptans (B. and C.) Cuban Fungi no. 734, as given (17, p. 373) by Berkeley, reads: Stromate tenui subreticulato, peritheciis minutis e cellulis radiantibus constructs obsito ; asci clavatis' ; sporidiis oblongis, subfusiformibus uniseptatis. On leaves of Piper. Habit of a young epiphyllus Collema. Some of the perithecia contain minute allantoid-spermatia. The specimens are young; so that the sporidia will not come out of asci, and therefore cannot be measured accurately. The reference in the above description to "peritheciis-racliantibus" renders it qu' f ~ certain that the fungus described as Asterina reptans in the Sylloge is ^t the same as that described by Spegazzini as the type of his genus Trichopeltis. Indeed, examination of specimen no. 734, Fungi Cubenses Wrightiana, which — bearing the original label "Asterina reptans B. & C. on Piper coll. C. Wright" — was very kindly loaned to me by Dr. Spegazzini, shows that it consists of some five or more leaf fragments all heavily covered by fungi. On microscopic examination these fungi prove to consist of several distinct species and even of several distinct genera. It therefore appears to me that though the genus Tri- chopeltis is based on Fungi Cubenses Wrightiana, no. 734, labeled in Spegazzini's collection, Asterina reptans, it is not really based on that 8o Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin fungus, but on another fungus in the same packet. It may also be noted that the specimen issued by Ule as "no. 65 Myc. Braz." under the label "Asterina reptans cf r. B. & C." though without spores, is in the thallus characters quite a different species from any at present under discussion. Theissen and Sydow (196, vol. 15, p. 427), state that the specimen of Trichopeltis reptans referred to above, is immature and generically doubt- ful, and they therefore reject it as the type of the genus Trichopeltis, accepting instead the one other species known to them, T. pulchella Speg. Figure 15. — Trichopeltis: a, T. pulchella, redrawn from Spegazzini's figures on his packet no. 2365 — thallus, asci, and spores ; b, T. chilensis, redrawn from Spegazzini's figures' on his packet labelled "Trichothyrium chilensis;" c, T. reptans (No. 1054) on Straussia sp. showing general type of thallus, cell arrangement, and location of perithecia. This procedure I regard as unwarranted, since the generic descriptions given by Spegazzini is adequate and the fungus on which it was founded is recognizable in Spegazzini's specimen. I therefore regard T. reptans as the type species of the genus, accepting Spegazzini's characterization and I give herewith a photomicrograph (PL ix, A) of a portion of a thallus from Spegazzini's specimen of F. C. no. 734, which I regard as the fungus intended by him as the type of this genus. I give also a photo- graph (PI. ix, B) of the whole specimen. Trichopeltis pulchella, the type specimen of which was also kindly loaned to me by Spegazzini, is clearly Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 81 cogeneric with T. reptans. A photomicrograph of Spegazzini's type speci- men is given (PL ix, C), also a reproduction of his laboratory drawings from the cover of his packet (fig. 15). T. chilensis Speg. is similarly shown in Plate ix, d, and in figure i$,b. Trichopeltina was proposed as a new genus by Theissen (195, p. 630) who distinguished it from Tri- chopeltis solely by the fact that the spores in Trichopeltis are 2-septate, while those of Trichopeltina are 1 -septate. Since in my material I find spore septation very inconstant, both 2 and 3-celled spores occurring in the same perithecium, I regard this as a character insufficient for generic distinction, and regard all the species heretofore recorded as belonging to Trichopeltina as being of the genus Trichopeltis. KEY TO SPECIES OF TRICHOPELTIS Spore cells firmly articulated fc 122. T. reptans Spore cells not firmly articulated 123. T. rhyacoides No. 122. Trichopeltis reptans Speg. op. cit. Not Asterina reptans B. & C. On Pelea kauaiensis. Oahu: Tantalus, June 22, nos. 627 and 638. On Pelea sp. Oahu: Palolo valley, June 10, nos. 297a and 346a; Olympus, June 24, nos. 670a and 682 ; Tantalus, June 22, no. 632. — Hawaii : Kilauea, July 13, no. 812; Waimea, July 29, no. 1137; Kealakekua, July 23, no. 986a, also collected by Fullaway and Giffard in 1919. On Metrosideros polymorpha. Oahu: Tantalus, June 22, no. 633. — - Hawaii: Hilo, flow of 1881, July 8, no. 740; between Hilo and Kilauea, July 10, no. 777; Kealakekau, July 25, nos. 983 and 976; Hamakua, upper ditch trail, July 28, no. 1027 and July 31, nos. 1059 and 1071. On Kadua glomerata. Hawaii : Kealakekua, July 25, no. 1005. On Straiussia sps. Oahu: Waiahole, June 12, no. 400; Tantalus, June 22, no. 628. — Hawaii: Puna, July 9, nos. 755, 757, 758; between Hilo and Kilauea, July 10, no. 770; Kealakekua, July 23, no. 962; Waimea, July 30, no. 1054. On Psidium guayava. Hawaii: Hilo, flow of 1881, July 8, no. 742. On Clermontia multiflora. Oahu: Palolo valley. June 10, no. 330; Maui: Iao valley, Sept. 7, no. 11 54. On Clermontia sps. Oahu: Palolo valley, June 10, nos. 329 and 338. On Cyanea sp. Hawaii : Kealakekua, July 25, no. 1012. On V actinium reticulatum. Oahu: Tantalus, June 22, no. 637. On Suttonia lessertiana. Oahu: Palolo valley, June 10, nos. 339, 356. — Hawaii: Kealakekua, July 25, no. 980; Hualalai, July 19 (Chas. Judd) no. 903. 82 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin On Alyxia olivaeformis. Oahu: Palolo valley, June 10, no. 334. — Hawaii: Kapapala ranch, July 18, no. 888. On Piper omia sp. Hawaii: Kealakekua, July 25, no. 1000. On Smilax sandwicensis. Oahu: Wahiawa, June 3, no. 258; Olympus, June 24, nos. 687, 642, 643. — Maui: Iao valley, Sept. 7, no. 1154a. On Vincentia angustifolia. Hawaii: Kilauea, July 11, no. 791. On Baumea meyenii, Hawaii: Between Kilauea and Hilo, July 10, no. 784. On grass. Hawaii: Kealakekua, July 25, no. 1010. On Elaphoglossum sp. Oahu: Wahiawa, June 3, no. 250. Figure 16. — Trichopeltis reptans (No. 1054) : a, b> on Straussia sps. showing differ- ent stages of development of the ostiole ; c, a still younger ostiole than the specimen shown in a; d, showing detail of cell arrangement, the . central rows of cells parallel to the axis of the band, with other cells developing at right angles to the axis ; e, showing a thallus band without lateral extension; f, showing shape and septation of ascospores. Though growing on a great variety of hosts and showing much varia- tion in vegetative form, there appears no sufficient reason for separating the species into varieties or distinguishing any of the varieties from, T. reptans. The thallus is sometimes found to be composed of long, narrow lobes (See PL vm, b, c, d, t, tf) sometimes of lobes shorter, thicker and more rounded (See PI. vin, a), and again with the lobes so coalescing as to form a solid plate, often circular and 3-4 mm. in diameter (PI. vm, a, b, #). At times a pronounced central band is seen, running lengthwise of the thallus with marginal growths reaching at right angles on both sides, (fig. 16, d) closely resembling the published figures of Trichopeltis pulchella (196, vol. 15, p. 425 ic. fig. 3a). In other stages of development the same fungus may be quite devoid of the lateral outgrowing hyphae (fig. 16, e). The lateral outgrowth just beginning on a band previously without them is shown in figure 17, c. A Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 83 whirled thallus type is shown in figure 17, a, leading to close resemblance to Brefeldiella as figured by Theissen. All of these thallus types show perithecia, asci, and spores indistinguishable in character. Occasionally a marked, abrupt change in type of thallus is seen, the component cells that were previously parallel and orderly becoming irregularly arranged (fig. 17, d). No antagonism of colony for colony, such as is so common among growing colonies of fungi, is seen and two neighboring colonies, or branches of colonies, continue to grow toward each other until they meet, Figure 17. — Trichopeltis reptans: a, a circular thallus with no development of bands; b, (No. 637) on Vaccinium reticulatum, showing how lobes of two thalli react on contact with each other; c, showing (on specimen No. 1054) a simple band that is changing to the type with lateral development ; d, (No. 1054) on Straussia sp. — a thallus in which the growth habit sud- denly changed from the parallel, regular cell arrangement to an irregular arrangement; e, (No. 637) on Vaccinhtm reticulatum, showing how the thallus grows around a circular trichome; f, (No. 251) a thallus with the setum . of another species' of fungus growing through it. their points of juncture being marked by a definite sharp line. (See fig. 17, b.) Thalli stripped from a leaf bearing smooth trichomes — from Vaccinium reticulatum for example — show holes marking the position of the trichomes, around which the advancing growth flowed as a stream around an island (fig. 17, e). Occasionally fungi of the genus Chaeto- thyrium, or near kin to it, growing with T. reptans, may send its setae through the thalli, making it appear as though the thalli of T. reptans bore the setae (fig. 17, /). The perithecia are usually from 60-140 /x in diameter, though often smaller. The ostioles are roughly circular to elliptical and ragged of edge {fig. 16, a,b). The 8-spored asci are about 29-36 by 10-11 /x, with the 8 4 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin spores inordinate. The spores are about 1 1 by 3 fx, slightly larger at one end than at the other, and usually with one septum dividing the spore unequally, the septum being near the large end of the spore. Quite fre- quently, however, the spores are two-septate. (See fig. 16, /.) No para- physes were seen. On breaking open the perithecia, it is seen that the secondary thallus layer here present resembles the primary layer in all ways, except that it is Figure 18. — a, Bnthallopycnidium gouldiae (No. 1073a) on Gouldia sp. — thallus show- ing mode of cell arrangement; b, Trichothallus hawaiiensis (No. 492) on Scaevola, showing the general shape of thallus; c, showing the ragged irregular edge of the thallus. hyaline and of somewhat less regular cell arrangement. The cells of the vegetative thallus vary somewhat in size and shape, but are usually rectan- gular and about 7-14 fi long, 3 ^ wide (figs. 16, a, b, c; 17, c). No. 123. Trichopeltis rhyacoides Stevens n. sp. Ascopores 1-2 or 3-septate shorter and thicker than T. reptans, 7-8 X 3.5 or 5.5 X 3.5 ^, and often breaking apart at the primary septum, obtuse hyaline. Thal- lus bands long, spreading, narrow, usually no more than 45-60/* wide. Cells com- monly 18-25 fi long by 3 ^ wide. Perithecia frequently wider than the thallus, causing it to broaden out. (See PI. vm, G.) On Alyjcia olivaeformis. Hawaii : Kealakekua, July 25, no. 985. The specific name is derived from the Greek word rhyax, a lava flow, on account of the similarity of the thallus bands to flowing lava. This and the preceding are very distinct species in shape and size of spores and in septation as well as in character of the thallus. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 85 61 . ENTHALLOPYCNIDIUM Stevens n. gen. Thallus that of the Trichopeltaceae. Pycnidia only known. Pycnio- spores 1 -celled, linear, hyaline. No. 124. Enthallopycnidium gouldiae Stevens n. sp. Thalli 1-3 mm. in diameter, almost circular, consisting of a complex plate result- ing from the coalescence of branch thalli; cells usually short (6/^). Pycnidia small (40 a*) to large (90 a*). Ostiole as in Trichopeltis. Spores linear, hyaline, i-celled, 7-7.5 by 111. (See fig. 18, a.) On Gouldia sp. Hawaii: Hamakua, upper ditch trail, July 31, no. 1073a. In type of thallus, size of its cells, and in the possession of pycnidia only, does this differ from all others of the Trichopeltaceae. The conidia resemble those of T. hydycaryae Th. but the thallus does not agree with that species. 62. TRICHOTHALLUS Stevens n. gen. Thallus of the Trichopeltaceae. No perithecia or pycnidia present. Thallus setose. Figure 19. — Trichothallus hawaiiensis: a, (No. 1163) on Smilax, showiing the setae; b, (No. 492) on Scaevola, showing the dimorphism of setae; c, (No. 492) showing the mode of origin of a setum from the thallus cell ; d, on Metrosideros, showing contrast between Trichothallus hazvaiiensis (Y) and Trichopeltis rep tans (X) in cell size, shape and arrangement. No. 125. Trichothallus hawaiiensis Stevens n. sp. Thallus strap-shaped, irregular, edges erose. Thallus cells about 10- n/* long by 4-5-5-5 /* wide, rectangular, parallel, not diverging at right angles on the margins. Setae numerous, but distinct from each other, simple, consisting of many cells (about 86 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin g), 90-100 M long by 7 At wide, thickness greatest some distance above the base and the setum, tapering toward each end; apex obtuse; cells not constricted at the septa. Setae dimorphous; sometimes, though in a small percentage of cases, thicker (11 ^) and with more numerous cells (14) and with an acute apical cell. (See figs. 18 b — 19, a — d.) On Strausskt. Maui : Iao valley, Sept. 7, no. 1054. On Scaevola sp. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 492 (type). Hawaii : Kealakekua, July 25, no. 1012. On Pelea sp. Maui: Olinda pipeline, Sept. 5, no. 1137. Hawaii: Kealakekua, July 25, no. 986a; also collected by Fullaway and Giffard in 1919. On Metrosideros polymorpha. Hawaii: between Hilo and Kilauea, July 10, no. 777. On Phyllostegia floribunda. Hawaii: Forbes-Stevens, no. 647, 191 5. On Rubus hawaiiensis. Hawaii: between Hilo and Kilauea, July 10, no. 773. On Broussaisia sp. Hawaii : Kilauea, July 16, no. 862. On Clermontia. Maui: Iao valley, Sept. 7, no. 1154a. On Alyxia olivaeformis. Hawaii : Kealakekua, July 25, no. 985. On Smilax, no. 1163. On Vincentia an gus.ti folia. Hawaii : Kealakekua, July 25, no. 1007. On Sedge. Hawaii: Kealakekua, July 25, no. 998. On Elaphoglossum. Oahu : Tantalus, June 22, no. 662. On Freycinetia arnotti. Oahu: July 24, no. 674. This fungus is distinguishable from all other Trichopeltaceae by its thallus alone, even without consideration of the setae. The setae make it remarkably different from all other fungi. It is probable, though not demonstrable, that the setae, particularly the large, thick forms, function as conidia or as chlamy do spores, and that this efficient evolution has ren- dered unnecessary the pycnidia and perithecia. This fungus is present in considerable abundance in the packet bearing the type of Trichopeltis reptans (see p. 80) and doubtless was seen by Theissen (195, p. 634), who, despite the striking dissimilarity between the forms of the thalli of these two species, regarded them as belonging to one species. The sterile, conidial thallus of this fungus was also noted by Spegazzini as is shown by his drawings. HEMISPHAERIACEAE Theis., Ann. Myc, vol. 11, p. 469, 19 13 K£Y TO HAWAIIAN SUB-FAMIUES OF H£MISPHA£RIAC£A£ Perithecial covering pseudoparenchymatic Asci covered - Thrausmatopeltineae Asci naked Gymnopeltineae Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 87 THRAUSMATOPELTINEAB Theissen (194, vol 11) MICROTHYRIELLA On the hibiscus in Hawaii there occurs, both upon young vigorous leaves and on old yellowed and dying leaves a fungus, which, owing to its general and microscopic resemblances to the so-called fly-speck of apples, may well be called the hibiscus fly-speck. This fungus was found to be very common in almost all localities where the host grew, though it varied greatly in abundance, sometimes being so prevalent as nearly to cover every leaf on the plant, while at other times only scattered colonies on a few leaves were seen. To the unaided eye the fungus appears merely as a number of small, black dots about a millimeter in diameter on the upper leaf surface. These dots are usually in roughly concentric arrange- ment, so that some seven or eight circles of dots give a group of perhaps a centimeter in diameter, (see PI. ix, ~E, F), the whole group consisting of hundreds of dots ; thus in a group 3 millimeters in diameter there were 80 fully developed specks and three times as many young ones. Numbers of such groups on one leaf may by enlarging and coalescing lead to the occupation of the whole leaf surface by the groups, though the distance between dots was so great, averaging about 150 /x, that but small portion of the leaf surface was covered by the dots themselves. The gen- erar appearance of the groups suggests that each group originates from a central point and spreads radially, equally in every direction, on the plane of the leaf surface. No deleterious effect of the fungus upon the leaf was observable. The fungus was frequently found covering a comparatively young, vigorous, green leaf with no signs of injury. It seemed more common on older leaves that had begun to turn yellow, but the apparent abundance may have been in reality due to the fact that the specks are more conspicuous on a yellow than on a green leaf. Then, too, the yellowed leaves, being older, had given longer time during which the fungus might develop. The particular interest of the fungus lies not in its relation to any disease condition of the hibiscus, but in its striking resemblance to the apple flyspeck, the latter being a fungus which rarely produces spores and the true relationship of which is consequently uncertain. Microscopic examina- tion of the Hawaiian hibiscus flyspeck shows the relation to apple fly- speck to be more than superficial, and since I was able to secure asci and spores from it, I present a complete description of the fungus here. 88 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin 63. MICROTHYRIELLA v. Hohn. Fragments zur Mykologie no. 6. Sitz. d. kais. Ak. d. wiss. Wien. Math.-nat. KL Ab. i, vol. 118, p. 371, 1909 No. 126. Microthyriella hibisci Stevens n. sp. Fungus epiphyllus. Perithecia numerous, roughly concentrically arranged, irregu- larly circular, usually 140-170 ^ in diameter, with a distinct ostiole about 20 p in diameter, which has a slightly dark border. Covering membrane brown, pseudo- parenchymatous, composed of irregularly angular, mostly 5-sided cells, about 3-5 ^ large. Edge irregular; center distinctly raised. Asci globular or ovate, 18-36 by 14-16/*. Spores 11 by 2/*, oblong, hyaline, obtuse, i-septate with the septum near one end. See PL ix, E, F, G; fig. 20.) On Hibiscus cult. Oahu: Beretania St., Honolulu, May 18, no. 5; Honolulu, June 2, nos. 189 and 193. Figure 20. — Microthyriella hibisci (No. 100) on Hibiscus: a, an ascus ; b, spores'; c, perithecium showing the numerous ostioles. Occasionally two or three primary ostioles may be in the same perithe- cium, perhaps due to the coalescence of two forming perithecia, while in old perithecia very numerous minute secondary ostioles, mere holes about 3 ju, wide, develop apparently in the same manner that the primary ones devel- oped. No reason for the concentric arrangement of perithecia was found. No surface mycelium whatever was seen, nor did microtome sections show any evidence of effects on the host tissue. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 89 The systematic position of this fungus is not quite clear. It certainly belongs to the Hemisphaeriales and in this order to the Hemisphaeriaceae, sub-family Thrausmatopeltineae ; except for its ostiole it agrees fully with the generic description of Microthyriella. Fifteen species are listed by Theissen (193, vol. 12, p. 93) as members of this genus, of which M. rickii (Rehm v. Hohn) is the type. This type species is described as being without an ostiole, the whole surface of the perithecium fragmenting and thus freeing the spores. The generic description also notes this char- acter, which is also exhibited by several, though not by all of the species now placed in the genus. M. hibisci does possess an ostiole, but it shows also numerous secondary ostioles thus deviating somewhat from the useful perithecium with one well-developed ostiole. GYMNOPELTINEAE Stevens and Guba 11. sub. fam. Thallus that of the Thrausmatopeltineae, asci solitary, naked, without a covering membrane. 64. HEXAGONELLA Stevens and Guba n. gen. Mycelium superficial, branched, forming a close, net-like, flat, round thallus. Asci 8-spored, thick walled, solitary in hexagonal cell meshes, not in perithecia.. Paraphyses absent. Spores 3-celled, brown. No. 127. Hexagonella peleae Stevens and Guba n. sp. Fruiting thallus epiphyllous, dark brown. Asci solitary, scattered in hexagonal cell-meshes, 17 by 16 n in diameter. Spores with thick walls', brown, 3-celled, 12 by 5 m, ellipsoid or oblong, obtuse, the lowest cell the broadest and nearly spherical. (See PL ix, H; fig. 21.) On Pelea rotundifolia. Oahu: Wahiawa, June 3, no. 248. The peculiarities of the fruitinf thallus of this fungus raise many ques- tions as to the disposition of the genus among the fungi. By a study of other groups, however, with characters in some ways similar to those of Hexagonella — namely, the families Ascocorticiaceae, Myriangiaceae, Sac- cardiaceae, and Hemisphaeriaceae — it appears probable that it is most closely related to the last named family, as the following discussion will show. The fruiting thallus of Hexagonella is very small (PL ix, H), flat, cushion-like, superficial and free, with very slight cuticular connection with the host. The major part of the thallus consists of a disk composed of a layer of closely woven mycelium, which is differentiated into fertile and sterile cells (see 21, a). Surrounding the central disk is a somewhat irregular periphery of sparsely interwoven and loosely branched, spreading. go Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin hyphae, which terminate somewhat loosely and irregularly. The asci are borne in a single layer and are not in perithecia, and are not covered, each ascus resting in a space between the sterile cells which present a mesh-like appearance. (See fig. 21.) The walls of the hexagonal cell meshes are quite thick and are formed of strands of hyphae. Each ascus contains 8 ascospores. The ascospores are 3-celled, and with thick walls (fig. 21, c). The thallus of Hexagonella is dark brown. The asci are prominent due to the dark color of the spores. The periphery of the thallus and the loose hyphae spreading therefrom appear almost hyaline. Figure: 21 .—Hexagonella peleae (No. 248) on Peleae: a, surface view of the fruiting thallus showing the solitary asci arranged irregularly among hexagonal cell meshes and the periphery of densely interwoven mycelium with loosely branching and spreading marginal hyphae ; b, surface view of two ascus cavities showing naked and solitary asci, the mycelial character of the walls of the ascus cavities, and the arrangement and position of the ascospores'; c, ascospores. In the Ascocorticiaceae we have a suggestion of a possible relationship with Hexagonella in the flat, indefinite membranous thallus formed of floccose interwoven hyphae, bearing a compact layer of naked asci in a compact hymenium. Hexagonella, however, differs from the Ascocortici- aceae in that the asci are not arranged in a close, thick, erect palisade, but are solitary, and separated from each other by sterile hyphae. In the sub-order Eumyriangieae of the Myriangiales the characters of the fruiting stroma are in some respects like the fruiting thallus of Hexago- nella. This group is characterized by a cushion-like, erumpent stroma Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 91 bearing the asci solitary, but unstratified, in irregularly arranged cavities. The Myriangiaceae and the Saccardiaceae occur in this sub-order. In the Myriangiaceae the asci arise individually and at different depths. These form several layers throughout the stroma and become exposed through the progressive upward growth of the stroma and the wearing away of the uppermost layer. Haxagonella resembles the Myriangiaceae in that the asci in the cavities are solitary, but is quite distinct from them in possessing no stroma. In the Saccardiaceae the ascus cavities are solitary and in a single layer in a stroma. It is in this family that we have the closest analogy to Hexagonella in the Myriangiales, but, unlike this group, Hexagonella lacks the stroma characteristic of the Myriangiales, its ascus cavities being arranged in a single-layered thallus. While the possession of naked and solitary asci is a striking feature of Hexagonella, the type of thallus is still more striking. This flat, thin, soft thallus shows no relationship whatever with any of the groups discussed above, and if it were considered without its asci, would find relationship only with the Hemisphaeriaceae. The thallus considered without its asci, indeed, agrees precisely with the Hemisphaeriaceae. In assigning this fungus to its position, therefore, I consider that this character is the one of greatest importance and accordingly place Hexagonella in this family. Theissen and Sydow (196, vol. .15) record the Hemisphaeriaceae in three sub-families- — namely, the Dictyopeltineae, characterized by a net-like, blue-green covering membrane ; Thrausmatopeltineae with a brown, pseudo- parenchymatic membrane; and Plochmopeltineae with a meandering, plecty- matic covering membrane. Of these three sub-families, the one most nearly in agreement with Hexagonella in type of thallus is the Thrausma- topeltineae, yet the solitary naked asci present characters showing a very significant difference between Hexagonella and all members of the Thraus- matopeltineae. Recognizing, therefore, the kinship of Hexagonella with the Hemisphaeriaceae and its difference from the sub-families now in that family, I suggest for the reception of this genus the new sub-family Gymno- peltineaeae given above. 65. ANOMOTHALLUS Stevens n. gen. Fungous body mainly consisting of cell plates, but partially of cell filaments. Asci borne in globular, setose perithecia. (See Pis. ix, / and X, A-B, C. fig. 22.) No. 128. Anomothallus erraticus Stevens n. sp. Thalli superficial, black, usually 1-5 mm. in diameter, very irregular in outline, scattered over the upper surface of the leaf, consisting of brown cells, some arranged in simple regular filaments, others in regular cell plates made of adjacent cell rows; as a rule the cells branch in very irregular manner and give rise to cell plates of complicated and irregular pattern. Perithecia globular, not radiate, borne on the 92 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin thalli, ostiolate, setose around the ostiole, 46-92 m in diameter. Perithecial setae few, about 30 /* long, acute, black. Asci and spores not seen with certainty; spores probably 2-celled, dark, 11 by 3.5 A*. On Rubtis hawaiiensis. Maui: Olinda pipeline, Sept. 5, no. n 38; Pogue's ditch trail, Sept. 6, no. 1155. Figure: 22. — Anomothallus erraticus (No. '1 155) on Rubus, showing cell arrangements and a setose perithecium (/>). This very remarkable fungus was found only on the one species of Rubus, though other species of Rubus in the neighborhood of it were examined carefully. To the unaided eye, or even with aid of a hand lens, the spots somewhat resemble ordinary rose bronze or the rose black spot, Stevens— Hawaiian Fungi 93 and it was not until a compound microscope was used that the presence of a fungus was made certain. On clearing the leaves, by boiling in weak potash or in alcohol, the black region is seen to consist of an intricately- formed thallus (See Pis. in, F; ix, /; andx,/4-C). This thallus frequently consists of bands composed of more or less regular, parallel hyphae, while very rarely a filament consisting of a single row of cells was formed. (See fig. 22.) The major part of the thallus, however, was made up of cell plates, generally somewhat oval in outline, and about 30 by 45 fx in size, composed of very irregular cells. The name erraticus is given in view of the very erratic behavior of the cells, which sometimes form simple, straight hyphae of considerable length (as many as 14 straight, regular cells are sometimes found), sometimes bands of parallel regular cells, but which may suddenly change in character, resulting in most fan- tastic forms. The bands are found frequently radiating from a center (see PI. x, A) and also often following along the smaller veins, though as a rule they refuse to cross them. (See PI. ix, /.) Thus many thalli are limited to the areas between veins. The relationship of this fungus is very uncertain. Regarding the thallus alone it appears to be kin to the Trichopeltaceae, or perhaps a transition form between them and the superficial filamentous brown fungi, but the perithecium has none of the characters of the perithecium of that group, and being spherical and setose, resembles the Perisporiales, except for the presence of an ostiole. Hypocreales KEY TO HAWAIIAN GENERA Stroma filamentous, not fleshy Hypomyceteae Stroma not filamentous Perithecium not immersed Conidiophores not stilbum-like With or without stroma Nectrieae Spores not filiform Spores 2-celled Nectria Spores 2 to many-celled Gibberella Spores filamentous Ophionectna Conidiophores stilbum-like Sphaerostilbe Perithecia immersed in a fleshy stroma, spores filamentous Clavicipiteae HYPOMYCETEAE 66. TORRUBIELLA Boud. Rev. Myc. vol. 7, p. 221, 1885 No. 129. Torrubiella sp. On Omiodes accepta (adult moth). Unpublished record by O. H. Swezey. 94 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin NECTRIEAE 67. NECTRIA Fries, Summa Veg. Scand.,.p. 387, 1849 No. 130. Nectria subcoccinea Sacc. and El. 8 Michelia, vol. 2, p. 570, 1882 Oahu: Waiahole ditch trail, June 12, no. 384. It grows parasitic on scale insects. No. 131. Nectria subquaternata Berk, and Br. 8 forma farinosa, in Jour. Linn. Soc, vol. 14, p. 116, 1875. On Aleurites. Oahu : Tantalus, June 20, no. 585 ; Manoa valley May 24, no. 81. No. 134. Nectria sps. On Saccharum officinarum (cane). "Undetermined species reported saprophytic from Hawaii." Caum. 68. GIBBERELLA Sacc. Mich. vol. 1, p. 43, 1877 No. 133. Gibberella lagerheimii Rehm, Hedwigia, vol. 34, p. 163, 1895 On Freycinetia arnotti Molokai : Oct. 21, 1913, L. D. Larson, Lyon no. 70. No. 134. Gibberella pulicaris (Fries) Sacc. Michelia, vol. 1, p. 43, 1878 On dead fruit of Solanum sp. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 551. Both the perithecial and the fusarial stage are present and agree with the descriptions. (See fig. 23, a.) 69. OPHIONECTRIA Sacc. Michelia, vol. 1, p. 323, 1878 No. 135. Ophionectria coccicola (El. and Ev.) Bed. and Vogl in Add. I.-IV, Syll. Fung., p. 218, 1886. On Lepidosaphes beckii. Hawaii: Hilo, 1912. Unpublished record by O. H. Swezey. 70. SPHAEROSTILBE Tul. Sel. Fung. Carp., vol. I, p. 130, 1861 No. 136. Sphaerostilbe coccophila Tul. Sel. Fung. Carp., vol. 1, p. 130, 1861 On Lepidosaphes beckii. Collected by Lyon in 1916, also by C. W. Car- penter (29, Rep. 1919). CLAVICIPITEAE 71. CORDYCEPS Fries, Syst. Myc, vol. 2, p. 323, 1823 No. 137. Cordyceps (sterile) On Perkinsiella saccharicida and Siphanta acuta. Recorded by A. T. Speare (172). 8 Determined by Sydow. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 95 Sphaeriales K£Y TO HAWAIIAN GROUPS Perithecium free and without stroma or superficial on a stroma Perithecium with circular ostiole Sphaeriaceae Spores i-celled 72 Rosellinia Spores 3- to many-celled 73 Melanomma Perithecium not with circular ostiole Lophiostomataceae Perithecia without stroma and immersed in the substratum, or immersed in a stroma. No stroma present Perithecia neither prominently beaked nor clypeate Paraphyses absent Mycosphaerellaceae Sporesi-2 celled Spores hyaline Spores i-celled Spores allantoid Perithecia minute sub-epidermal. 75 Massalongiella Perithecia very large and deeply sunken76 Lage'niforma Spores not allantoid 77 Guignardia Spores 2-celled 78 Mycosphaerella Spores dark 2-celled 79 Phaeosphaerella Spores several celled 80 Sphaerulina Paraphyses present Pleosporaceae Spores not muriform Spores hyaline .81 Metasphaeria Spores colored 82 Leptosphaeria Spores muriform 83 Pleospora Perithecia either prominently beaked or clypeate Perithecia prominently beaked Gnomoniaceae Spores i-celled 84 Glomerella Spores 2-celled 85 Gnomonia Perithecia clypeate Clypeosphaeriaceae Stroma present Stroma of fungus and host elements Vafsaceae Stroma of fungus elements Spores small, bent Diatrypaceae Spores otherwise Conidia superficial Xylariaceae Stromata crustose Conidia at first covered 90 Nummularia Conidia at first free Stroma at first fleshy 91 Ustulina Stroma not fleshy... 92 Hypoxylon Stromata stalked Stromata branched T 93 Xylaria Stromata not branched.... 94 Penzigia SPHAERIACEAE 72. ROSELLINIA de Not. Giorn. Bot. Ital., vol. 2, p. 34, 1847 No. 138. Rosellinia citriformis Stevens and Weedon n. sp. g6 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin Perithecia scattered, 0.5-1 mm. in diameter, globose, smooth, erumpent, black. Asci numerous, 8-spored, 126-144 by 14-18^; paraphyses linear. Spores monostichous, dark brown, lemon-shaped, 18-25 by 10-14 m. (See fig. 23, b.) On dead twig. Molokai : Oct. 20, 19 13, L. D. Larsen, Lyon no. 75. According to generic characters and the characters used in the keys, the perithecia in this genus are superficial. In the present species they are immersed and only become partially superficial by the wearing away of the overlying tissues. However, many species of Rosellinia are cited in the Sylloge Fungorum of Saccardo as being subepidermal or erumpent, and the present form is therefore referred to this genus. Figure; 23.— a, Gibberella pulicaris (No. 551) on Solanum, showing ascospores and four comdia; b, Rosellinia citriformis (Lyon no. 75), asci and ascospores. The typical lemon-shape of the spores is thoroughly characteristic of this species. Of the species of Rosellinia noted in the Sylloge Fungorum, there is only one in which the citrus-form of spore is mentioned, viz. : R. groedensis. However, the shape of the spores in that species greatly varies, being ellipsoid, fusiform, citriform or oval. Moreover, that species is recorded as growing on lichens. Other species agreed as to size and color of spores, but differed in that the perithecia were papillate and verrucose. 73. MELANOMMA Nitschke and Fuckel, Symb. Myc, p. 159, 1869 No. 139. Melanomma clypeatum (Sacc. & Pa v.) Berk. On Freycinetia. Lyon no. 87a. Determined by Rerun. LOPHIOSTOMATACEAB 74. XENOLOPHIUM Syd. n. gen. 9 Perithecia discreta, superflcialia, atra, carbonacea, ostiolo compresso anguste rimoso ; asci octospori, paraphysati, tenerrimi, tunica diffluente ; sporae fusoideae, phaeodidymae. 9 The description of this genus and the two species and also the discussion of them are by H. Sydow. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 97 No. 140. Xenolophium leve Syd. n. sp. Perithecia plus-minus dense distributa vel solitaria, atra, carbonacea, plerumque subostreiformia, circiter 1 mm. longa, Y^Y^ mm. alta vel lata, levia, fragilia, ostiolo magnq longo valde compresso acutiusculo. levi hysteriformi ; asci tenerrimi, octo- spori, tunica facillime diffluente, parte sporifera 65-80 At longa 10-13 1^ lata; paraphyses copiosissimae, hyalinae, septatae, ramosae longissimae, circiter, 1 v< cras'sae ; sporae distichae fusoideae, rectae vel leviter inaequilaterales, fuscae, medio septatae, semper distincte constrictae quaque cellula 1-2 guttulata, 18-23/* longae, 4-5^ latae, utroque apice appendicula minuta hyalina vel subhyalina auctae, loculis facile secedentibus. (See fig. 24, a.) On dead bark of Metrosideros. Hawaii: Keatthou, Kona, Bishop Es- tate road, July 23, no. 953. Figure 24. — Xenolophium: a,X. leve— -six perithecia seen from different sides (x), three perithecia seen from above (2), and four spores (3) ; b, X. verru- cosuw — one perithecium seen from above (4), two perithecia in side view (5), and four spores (6). No. 141. Xenolophium verrucosum Syd. n. sp. Perithecia plus-minus dense distributa, sed semper discreta, atra, carbonacea, plerumque globosa vel ovato-globosa, i>2-2mm. alta, i^-i^mm. lata, ubique (ostiolo excepto) verrucis humilibus obsita, fragilia, ostiolo quam in praecedente breviori sed latiori parum compresso obtuso longitudinaliter tenuiter striato rima angustissima percurso; asci tenerrimi, octospori, tunica facillime diffluente, parte sporifera 65-70 a& longa, 10-13 At lata; paraphyses copiosissimae, hyalinae, septatae, ramosae, longissi- mae, circiter 1 At crassae ; sporae distichae, fusoideae, rectae vel leniter inaequilate- rales', fuscae, medio septatae, fere semper distincte constrictae, quaque cellula 1-2 gut- tulata, 17-21 At longae, 3-4 ^ latae, subinde uno vel utroque apice appendicula minuta subhyalina auctae, loculis facile secedentibus, plasmate subinde ad septum contracto et tunc sporae 4-cellulares evadunt ut in icone nostra depictate. (See fig. 24, b.) 98 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin On rotten wood (Metrosideros). Hawaii: Keauhou, Kona, Bishop estate road, July 23, no. 955. In gross appearance the new genus at once indicates that we have to do with a member of the Lophiostomataceae, with a very curious one, how- ever, for, although having made numerous microscopic slides of both species described, I was unable to find perfect asci. Large masses of spores are formed, and the eight spores of each ascus are well seen lying together as in the ascus, but the membrane of the asci could not be detected. The membrane must be a very delicate one, and must soon dissolve. I am inclined to think that the asci are at first short-pedicelled with spores densely crowded and measuring about 65-70 fx in length so far as the sporiferous part is considered. Later, however, they are considerably extended, reaching up to 100 fx in the sporiferous part. The genus is readily separated by the characteristic behavior of the asci and the numerous much-branched paraphyses from other members of the family. Although both species described are quite similar under the micro- scope, yet they differ much in their external appearance. The perithecia of X. leve are for the most part not so high as they are long ; they are entire- ly smooth, with a very long, smooth, and much compressed ostiolum. Those of X. verrucosum, however, are generally higher than long and with the exception of the ostiolum equally verrucose, the ostiolum is much shorter and only little compressed, hence considerably broader than in the former species, obtuse and distinctly longitudinally striate. The crown of the left perithecium in our figure 24, 5 has been drawn somewhat too large, while that of the right perithecium is correctly drawn. MYCOSPHAERELLACEAE 75. MASSALONGIELLA Speg. Anal. Soc. Ci. Argent., vol. 9, p. 180, 1880 No. 142. Massalongiella canavaliae Stevens and Young n. sp. Perithecia black, scattered, 120-200 ^ in diameter. Asci fasciculate, clavate, ends slightly thickened, 45-55 by 9-1 1 ft. Spores i-celled, hyaline, granular, oval, 10-16 by 5-7 M. Paraphyses' absent. On dead stems of Canavalia sp. Oahu: Honolulu, April 16, 1913. Lyon no. 312. 76. LAGENIFORMA O. A. Plunkett n. gen. 10 Perithecia sunken deeply within the host, opening to the outside by a long ros- trum, globose, or flattened at the bottom, black; asci 8-spored, spores allantoid, hyaline, i-celled. No paraphyses. ' Description and discussion are by O. A. Plunkett. Stevens— Hawaiian Fungi 99 No. 143. Lageniforma bambusae Plunkett n. sp. Perithecia without a stroma, borne singly or in groups of two or three, sunken in the host tissue and connecting to the outside by a long rostrum, globose or usually slightly flattened at the bottom, black, coriaceous, ostiole protruding, 320-420 by 560-670^ perithecial wall 20-25 thick; asci thin-walled, minute, clavate, stalked, 8-spored, 18-20 by 4-5^; spores allantoid, hyaline, i-celled, 4-5 by m. (See figs. 25, 26, a.) Saprophytic on stems of Bambusa. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 21, no. 489. o r.r Figure; 25. — Lageniforma bambusae on Bambusa: a, diagrammatic s'ection of bamboo showing formation of perithecia deep within the host tissue, with a long rostrum reaching to the surface, an indistinct clypeate covering, and dark lines bounding the affected region; b, section of two perithecia having a common rostrum, showing the thick perithecial wall and the large hyme- nial region; c, asci. On dead canes of bamboo the fungus described above gives the surface a blackened and roughened appearance due to the protruding beaks. In cross section the large perithecial cavities are quite easily seen with the naked eye. In section, under the microscope, there is no evidence of a stroma or stromatic layer. There is, however, a dense mass of black mycelium filling several layers of cells near the surface. This layer is con- tinuous between the protruding ostioles connecting them with each other. ioo Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin In some cases this mycelium leaves the surface layer and wanders deeper into the cortex, forming a black line, as may be seen from the diagram- matic drawing Figure 25, a. This black line is usually quite narrow and unbranched, although it may sometimes branch and wander. In rare instances the mycelium wanders for short distances away from the peri- thecial wall into the host cells, but in this case it never forms a black line. There is often formed above the perithecia a blackened area resembling a clypeus. (See fig. 25, b.) The perithecia are peculiar in that they are situated at practically the same level, deep within the host tissue. Sometimes they are grouped together in twos or threes (fig. 25, &) without evidence of a stroma con- necting them. It has been observed that when two perithecia lie side by side they usually have a common rostrum and ostiole. The development of the perithecium is worthy of some note since it proceeds from the top downward. The protruding rostrum is formed first, followed by a down- ward growth of the mycelium forming the outline of the perithecial wall and rostrum. (See fig. 25, a.) The host cells within these boundaries are then dissolved away during the development of the perithecium. The stalked asci are borne on a prominent lining which occupies the entire perithecial wall (fig. 25,6.) These minute hyaline asci have very thin walls which might easily be overlooked and the fungus taken as at a conidial stage. The presence of the globose, distinct walled perithecium and the absence of any superficial mycelium indicates that the fungus belongs to the Sphaeriales. The absence of a distinct stroma, the sunken perithecia and the fasciculate asci place it in the Mycosphaerellaceae, since the clypeus- like structure over the perithecia is not constant and distinct enough to be called a true clypeus. The greatest objection to placing the fungus in this family is the thickness of the perithecial wall. The Mycosphaerellaceae are characterized by having thin-walled perithecia. The walls in this genus, while quite thick, do not appear to be thicker than those of Guignardia and other genera of this family. The fungus has a number of characters in common with several genera of this family, but cannot be said to belong to, or have a close affinity with any of them. In the key to the genera of the family Mycosphaerellaceae in Engler and Prantl's Natiirlichen Pflanzen- familien, this new genus would be placed between Massalongiella and Guig- nardia. It differs from Massalongiella by having the perithecia borne deep within the host, instead of under the epidermis, by having a rostrum, and clavate, instead of cylindric asci. It differs from Guignardia in having a rostrum and allantoid spores. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 101 On account of the resemblance of many of the perithecia to Florence flasks, I have called this new genus Lageniforma. 77. GUIGNARDIA Viala and Ravaz, Bull. Soc. Myc. France, p. 63, 1892 No. 144. Guignardia alyxiae Stevens n. sp. Spot white, irregular, 2-7 mm. in diameter, border narrow, distinct, raised, purple. Perithecia black, 138-170 /* in diameter, epiphyllous, immersed, ostioles distinct. Asci 8-spored, 65 by 14/*, strongly thickened at the apex. No paraphyses. Spores i-sep- tate, hyaline, long, cylindrical, not constricted, 22-25 by 4^. obtuse. (See fig. 26, b.) On Alyxia olivaeformis. Oahu : Wahiawa, June 3, no. 199 ; Palolo valley, June 10, no. 308. No. 145. Guignardia jussiaeae Stevens n. sp. Spots circular, small, 1-2 mm., center dead, brown, border purple, definite. Perithecia few, globular, immersed, ostiolate, 90-125 n in diameter. Spores oblong, obtuse, i-celled, hyaline, 14 by 5 v. On Jussiaea villosa. Oahu : Tantalus, Sept. 5, 1909, Lyon no. 86. No. 146. Guignardia musae Stevens n. sp. Spot occupying large marginal areas of the leaf, blanched. Mycelium coarse, black. Perithecia densely black, 107-140 m, ostiolate. Asci 47 by 11 /*, thin- walled, 8-spored. Spores hyaline, i-celled, obtuse, 11 by 4^. On Musa (banana). Oahu: Hakipuu, June 19, no. 565. 78. MYCOSPHAERELLA Johans. Oefv. K. Vet.-Akad. Forh., vol. 41, p. 163, 1884 No. 147. Mycosphaerella artocarpi Stevens and Young n. sp. No definite spots produced. Fertile areas' amphigenous, sooty or gray, 1-4 mm. in diameter, with indefinite margins. Perithecia minute, globose, 35-75 P in diam- eter; ostiole distinct. Asci clavate or irregular, 18-33 by 7~9^- Spores i-septate. hyaline, 9- 11 by 3-4 p.. On living leaves of Artocarpus incisa. Oahu: Hakipuu, Mr. Albert F. Judd's garden, June 19, nos. 579c and 566. This fungus is a saprophyte, found in the gray areas of spots killed by Phyllosticta artocarpi. No. 148. Mycosphaerella cyaneae Stevens and Young n. sp. Very numerous, minute, black perithecia; densely gregarious, forming circular or irregular fused spots, 2-10 mm. in diameter, or covering most of leaf; margin indefinite. Perithecia mostly hypophyllous, 50-90/* in diameter, ostiole distinct. Asci clavate or elongate, with acute apex, 25-36 by 3-6^. Spores fusiform, i-septate, 10-13 by 2-3 m. On leaves of Cyanea angustifolia. Oahu: Honolulu, May 23, no. 723. 102 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin No. 149. Mycosphaerella dianellae Stevens and Weedon n. sp. Spots elliptical, 1-2 cm. long, centers ashen- white, bordered by a reddish-brown band about 1 mm. wide ; border definite. Spot characters visible from both sides of the leaf. Perithecia, numerous, erumpent, epiphyllous, circular or oblong, black, ostiolate, 140 by 155 to 230 by 310 m, Asci about 50 by 11^, thick walled in the upper portion. Spores' hyaline, i-septate, oblong, obtuse, 12-14 by 3/^. (See PI. x, B; fig. 26, c, d, e.) On Diamella odorata. Oahu: Wahiawa, June 3, no. 253; Waiahole ditch trail, June 12, no. 405; Kauai: Waimea canyon, June 15, no. 421 (type) ; Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 528; Maui: 1920, Forbes no. 1999. c ^> Figure; 26. — Ascospores and asci : a, ascospores of Lageniforma bambusae on bamboo ; b, of Guignardia alyxiae (No. 199) on Alyxia olivaeformis; c-e, asco- spores and asci of Mycosphaerella dianellae on Dianella odorata— c, a sin- gle ascus ; d, a group of asci ; e, four ascospores. No. 150. Mycosphaerella eugeniae Rehm, Hedwigia, vol. 44, p. 4, 1905 On living leaves of Eugenia sandwicensis. Oahu: Palolo valley and Mt. Olympus, June 10, no. 321 ; Tantalus, June 22, no. 658. On Eugenia sps. Molokai : Halawa, Aug. 191 2, Forbes no. 477. The characteristics of this specimen differed slightly from the descrip- tion in that the center of the spot was white; the asci and spores larger, and the spores were cylindrical rather than fusiform. The spores from specimen Forbes no. 477 were wider than those of the printed description. In the light of these differences, it is possible that the fungus on the above specimens represents a new species. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 103 No. 151. Mycospliaerella freycinetiae Stevens n. sp. Spots irregularly elliptical, visible from both sides of the leaf, tan colored, dead. Margins definite. Centers thickly studded with perithecia which are black, ostiolate, 150-200 fi in diameter. Asci numerous, 8-spored, 65-80 by 18 At, thickened strongly at apex. No paraphyses. Spores inordinate, hyaline, i-septate, 18-21 by 3:3 P, cylin- drical, straight, obtuse, not constricted. (See fig. 27, a.) On Freycinetia arnotti. Oahu : Kalihi valley, Dec. 1908, Forbes no. 3. No. 152. Mycosphaerella hawaiiensis Stevens and Young n. sp. Spots none, or consisting only of slightly lighter areas. Perithecia numerous, hyphophyllous, scattered, 150-225 fi in diameter; ostiole distinct. Asci short, oval to somewhat clavate, 30-37 by 10-14/*. Spores oval to fusiform, 2-celled, 12-16 by 2-3^ fi. On living leaves of Gunnera petaloidea. Maui : Olinda pipeline,, Sept. 5, no. 1143b. Figure 27. — Asci and spores: a, of Mycosphaerella freycinetiae (Forbes no. 3) on Freycinetia arnotti; b, of Sphaerulina cibotii (No. 545) ; on Cibotium menziesii; c, spores. This fungus differs from Sphaerella gunner ae Speg. in which species the perithecia are epiphyllous and the spores are only 8-9 p long. No. 153. Mycosphaerella hedychii Stevens and Young n. sp. Spots large, brown, 3-10 cm. in diameter, margin brown, indistinct. Perithecia minute, scattered, black, globose, 65-90^ in diameter, ostiole distinct. Asci 25-35 by 5-8 A*, clavate. Spores i-septate, hyaline, sometimes tapering towards one end, 8-11 by 2fi. On living leaves of Hedychium coronarium. Hawaii: Wailuku river, July 8, no. 744. No. 154. Mycosphaerella kaduae Stevens and Young n. sp. Spots several on each leaf, circular or somewhat irregular, center white or brown, i-iomm. in diameter, margin black, sharply raised. Perithecia several in each spot, epiphyllous; black, shining, globose, 90-250 ^ in diameter, ostiole large. Asci clavate, thickened at tip, 60-80 by 15-20/*. Spores hyaline, i-septate, 20-25 by 2-3 v. On living leaves of Kadua sp, Oahu: Konahuanui, no. 112, Col- lected by Bergman. 104 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin On Kadua grandis. Oahu: Tantalus, May 25, no. 93. On living leaves of Gouldia sp. Oahu : Tantalus, June 22, no. 602. The spots of this fungus are identical in character with those of Septoria gouldiae, and it is probable that these forms are connected. No. 155. Mycosphaerella metrosideri Stevens and Young n. sp. Spots circular, 2-4 mm. in diameter, center white, margin raised, brown to black, surrounded by a brown, discolored area. Perithecia epiphyllous, 45-100/*, immersed; ostiole distinct. Asci clavate, sometimes irregular and curved, 40-55 & by 18 p. Spores hyaline, 1 -septate, 20-25/* by 3~6 P, tapering towards one end. On living leaves of Metrosideros polymorpha. Oahu: Wahiawa, May 31, no. 159; Kalihi valley, June 2, no. 183; Olympus, June 24, no. 716; Hawaii: Kohala, July 2, 1919, Lyon no. 481. No. 156. Mycosphaerella rosigena (El. and Ev.) Sphaerella rosigena El. & Ev. Jour. Myc, vol. 3, p. 45, 1887 On Rosa sp. (cult.). Hawaii: Kealakekua, July 23, nos. 931 and 932; Waimea, July 27, no. 1025. In these collections the asci were thin walled, 4-spored, 22 by 7 /x ; spores hyaline, i-celled, cylyindrical and slightly curved, obtuse, 14-18 by 2 fi. No. 157. Mycosphaerella scaevolae Stevens and Young n. sp. Spots brownish-white, 2-5 mm. in diameter, circular or slightly irregular, margin distinct and slightly raised, or indistinct. Perithecia black, amphigenous, 35-115/* in diameter, ostiole definite. Asci clavate, 30-90 by 10-15/*. Ascospores granular, two- celled, 10-20 by 3-5 ^, oval, slightly tapering at one end. On living leaves of Scaevola chamissoniana. Oahu: Tantalus, June 22, no. 660 (type), also no. 614; Olympus, June 24, nos. 707, 722, 724, and 700; Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 522. On Scaevola mollis. Oahu: Wahiawa, June 3, no. 215; Konahuanui, November 3, 1912, Lyon no. 166; Tantalus, June 22, nos. 615, 646. On Scaevola glabra. Oahu : Wahiawa, June 2, no. 204. A Phyllosticta, which may be a pycnidial form of the Mycosphaerella, was found in scant quantity associated with it. Pycnidia 75-100 jx in diameter, ostiolate. Conidia 2-3.5 by 1.5-2 /a. It is therefore distinct from Phyllosticta scaevolae E. & E., the conidia of which are 10-12 by 2.5-3/*. Perithecia with asci were observed only on specimen no. 660, but the leaf spots and fruiting bodies on the leaves of the other collections listed appear to be identical with those on the type specimen. No. 158. Mycosphaerella striatiformans Cobb "On dead cane leaves in Hawaii." Caum. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 105 79. PHAEOSPHAERELLA Karst. Symb. Myc. Fenn., vol. 26, p. 28. No. 159. Phaeosphaerella dianellae Stevens n. sp. Spots the same as those of Mycosphaerella dianellae. Perithecia small, 30-60/*, black, ostiolate, erumpent, hypophyllous. ' Asci 65-72 by 14/*, thin-walled, 8-spored. No paraphyses. Spores inordinate, 1, or rarely 2-3-septate, brown, obtuse, 14-18 by 3.5 M, slightly constricted. On Dianella odorata. Oahu : Wahiawa, June 3, no. 253 ; Waiahole ditch trail, June 12, no. 405; Kauai: Waimea canyon, June 15, no. 421 (type); Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 528; Maui: 1920, Forbes no. 1999. No. 160. Phaeosphaerella mangiferae Stevens and Weedon n. sp. Spots definite, bordered by a dark line, irregular, beginning at the edge of the leaf and extending to the midrib, or at the apex and extending toward the base; visible from both sides of leaf, underside tan to brown, upper side gray to brown; older regions thickly studded with perithecia which are sub-epidermal, brown, 140- 230 fi in diameter, ostiole 10 ^ in diameter. Asci numerous, 8-spored, 61-82 by 12-21 P, thick-walled, aparaphysate. Spores light brown, 2-3 celled, not constricted, 18-21 ^ by 7 fi, cylindrical, obtuse. On Mangifera indica (mango). Oahu: Hakipuu, June 19, no. 583. No. 161. Phaeosphaerella hawaiiensis Stevens and McMunn n. sp. Perithecia solitary on stem, slightly raised, rounded, black, 300-336^. Asci numerous, 8-spored, 89-109 by 9-11^, straight to slightly curved, apex rounded. Base somewhat tapering. Spores uniseriate or slightly overlapping. Paraphyses none. Spores i-septate, 12-18 by 9-1 1 /*, ellipsoid, light brown. On unknown dicotyledonous host. Hawaii : Waimea, July 30, no. 1040. P. hawaiiensis differs from P. maculosa in color, size and arrangement of spores, also materially from all others described in Saccardo's Sylloge Fungorum. 80. SPHAERULINA Sacc. Michelia, vol. 1, p. 399, 1878 No. 162. Sphaerulina cibotii Stevens and Guba n. sp. Spots yellowish brown, mottled with black, indefinite and irregular. Perithecia epiphyllous, small, sphaerical, black, 90 v in diameter. Asci fascicled, hyaline, 8-spored, sub-cylindric to ovate, thickened at the apex; 43 by 16 M, with prominent pedicels. Asci opening by a longitudinal pore in the thickened apex. Spores 4-celled, hyaline, elongate to ovoid-oblong or fusiform, 15 ju by 3-5/*. (See fig. 27, b.) On the pinnae of Cibotium mensiesii. Kauai: Waimea, June 17, no. 545; Hawaii: Kealakekua, July 25, no. 1003. No. 163. Sphaerulina ipomoeae Stevens n. sp. Perithecia immersed, globose, dark, 70-80 ^ in diameter, ostiole dark bordered. Asci 8-spored, oblong, 43 by 14-18 m. Spores hyaline, inordinate, 1-3 septate, 18-20 by 4/*; no paraphyses. io6 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin On Ipomoea bona-nox (moonflower). Hawaii: Kealakekua, July 21, no. 908. Associated with a Colletotrichum and Ramularia ipomoeae (see p. 150.) PLOEOSPORACEAE 81. METASPHAERIA Sacc. Syll. Fung., vol. 2, p. 156, 1883 No. 164. Metasphaeria cumana (Sacc. and Speg.) Sacc. Syll. Fung., vol. 2, p. 177, 1883 Leptosphaeria cumana Sacc. and Speg. Michelia, vol. 1, p. 394, 1878. On dead parts of leaves of Sedge. Kauai: upper Waimea canyon, June 15, no. 467. No. 165. Metasphaeria hawaiiensis Stevens and Young n. sp. Spots numerous, irregular, brown or white, 1-8 mm. in diameter or by con- fluence forming larger spots, margin raised, red or black. Perithecia epiphyllous, not numerous, 1 10-190 At in diameter. Ostiole distinct. Asci 75-90 j" by 12-15^, slightly clavate; paraphyses' filiform. Spores hyaline, 3-septate, 16-25/* by 2.5-4 ^, constriction deep at the middle septum, less at the other two, ends rounded. On living leaves of Metrosideros polymorpha. Hawaii : Kilauea, July 13, no. 826. 82. LEPTOSPHAERIA Ces. et De. Not. Comm. Soc. Crit. Ital., vol. 1, p. 60, 1863 No. 166. Leptosphaeria dracaenae S. Cam. in J. V. D'Almeida. Contrib. a la Mycoflore du Portugal, p. 26, 1903 On Dracaena aurea. Kauai: pipe trail, upper Waimea canyon, June 15, no. 419a. This species agrees closely with the description of the above-named species in all respects except that spores are commonly 3-septate, rarely 4-septate. The perithecia are closely associated on the same spots with the pycnidia of Coniothyrium dracaenae (see p. 135), and are probably geneti- cally connected. No. 167. Leptosphaeria proteispora Speg. Anal. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, p. 282, 1889 On stems and more sparingly on leaves of Paspalum conjugation. Hawaii: Kapapala Ranch, July 18, no. 886. No. 168. Leptosphaeria sacchari v. Breda, Rood Rot., vol. 2, p. 25, 1892 On Saccharum officinarum (cane). Kauai: Lihue, L. D. Larson, 1912. " Attacks cane leaves in Hawaii." — Caum. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 107 No. 169. Leptosphaeria sp. "Parasitic on cane leaves in Hawaii. Apparently a new species on this host." — Caum. 83. PLEOSPORA Rab. in Herb. Mycal. Edit. 2, n. 547 No. 170. Pleospora scaevolae Stevens and Young n. sp. Perithecia 170 M in diameter, in center of mesophyll. Asci 45-70 by 9-12^. Spores 10-16 by 7-8 v with 3-4 cross and 1-3 vertical septa. Paraphyses numerous. On living leaves of Scacvola chamissoniana. Oahu : Tantalus, June 22 y no. 660. GNOMONIACEAE 84. GLOMERELLA Schrenk and Spauld. Science, new ser., vol. 17, p. 750, 1903 No. 171. Glomerella cingulata (Atk.) Schrenk and Spauld. Gloeosporium cingulatum. Atk. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 49, 1892 On Mangifera indica (mango). C. W. Carpenter (29, Rep. 1918). On Persea gratissinm (avocado). C. W. Carpenter (29, Rep. 1918). No. 172. Glomerella gossypii Edgerton, Mycologia, vol. 1, p. 119, 1909 On Gossypium eult (cotton). C. W. Carpenter (29, Rep. 1918). 85. GNOMONIA Ces. and De. Not. Comm. Soc. Crit. Ital., P. 57, 1863 No. 173. Gnomonia iliau Lyon, H.S.P.A. Exp. Sta. Bull. no. 11, p. 28, 1912 On cane, "A sheath parasite, endemic to Hawaii and known for many years." — Caum. CLYPEOSPHAERIACEAE 86. CLYPEOSPHAERIA Fuckel, Symb. Myc, p. 117, 1869 No. 174. Clypeosphaeria stevensii Syd. n. sp. 11 Perithecia sparsa vel plus-minus dense distributa, quod magnitudimem variabilia, juniora 300-400 ^ diam., matura 500-800 m diam., applanata, clypeo epidermali aterrimo stromatiformi valde evoluto tecta, solitaria vel hand raro 2-3 sub clypeo communi sita, pariete coriaceo-carnosa, ostiolo pertusa. Asci cylindracei, obtusi, crasse pedi- cellati, 90-1 10 At longi, 10-13 At lati, octospori. Sporae recte vel oblique monostichae, anguste ellipsoideae vel oblongae, 3-septatae, non constrictae, 4-guttulatae, fuscidulae, 11 H. Sydow. 108 Bernice, P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin 20-25 A* longae, 8-10^ latae. Paraphyses copiosissimae, distinctae, ascos multo superantes, filiformes, hyalinae, 1 & crassae. Ad caules Freycinetiae. Hawaii : Keauhou, Kona, Bishop Estate road, July 25, no. 992. VALSACEAE 87. DIAPORTHE Nitschke, Pyr. Germ., p. 240, 1870 No. 175. Diaporthe phaseolarum Cook and El. Grevillea, vol. 6, p. 93, 1878 On Bean. Oahu: Wahiawa, C. W. Carpenter, 1918, no. 242. 88. LYONELLA Syd. n. gen. lla Stroma nullum, Perithecia innato-erumpentia, tandem saepe fere superficialia, primitus clausa, in maturitate irregulariter disrumpentia, in sicco profunde patellifor- miter collapsa, membranaceo-coriacea, grosse parenchymatice contexta. Asci fusi- formes, 4-spori, haud paraphysati. Sporae cylindraceo-allantoideae, continuae, hya- linae. No. 176. Lyonella neurophila Syd. n. sp. Perithecia praecipue in petiolis et in nervis primariis evoluta, plus-minus dense dis'tributa, maculis nullis, mox erumpentia tandemque fere supeficialia, 250-300 1* diam., atra, primitus clausa, in maturitate irregulariter disrumpentia, in sicco pro- funde collapsa, contextu membranaceo-coriaceo, atro-olivaceo, cellulis 14-18 & diam. Asci fusoidei, membrana tenuissima praediti, 4-spori, parte sporifera 20-22 /<«. longa, 9-10 /* lata; paraphyses nullae. Sporae subparallelae, cylindraceae, plus-minus allan- toideae, continuae, hyalinae, 16-16. w longae, 1Y2.-2 & crassae. Ad folia emortua vel subemortua Straussiae. Hawaii: Keauhou, Kona, Bishop Estate road, July 23, no. 971. Without stroma. Perithecia developed especially on the petioles and the main ribs of the leaves, less numerous on the leaf blade, amphigenous, more or less densely distributed without discoloring the host, soon erumpent and at last nearly superficial, at first closed, at maturity probably irregularly broken off, and when dry deeply patellate, black, about 250-300 ^ large. Context membranaceous-coriaceous, black-olivaceous, of large cells measuring 14-18^ in diameter. Asci fusiform with a very delicate, evanescent membrane, without paraphyses, containing four spores only. Spores' nearly parallel, cylindrical, more or less allantoid, one-celled, hyaline, 13-16 f* long, 1^-2 n thick. I place this genus among the Diaportheae, although it bears some resem- blance to the Valseae. It might perhaps best be considered to take an intermediate position between these two families. Von Hohnel (89, p. 631) has published a system of the Diaportheae and Valseae, but there is no genus given that might be adapted to our fungus. I dedicate the new genus to Harold Lloyd Lyon, the well-known pathol- ogist of the Experiment Station of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Associa- naBy H. Sydow. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 109 tion, who has rendered valuable service regarding the fungus exploration of the Hawaiian Islands. DIATRYPACEAE 89. DIATRYPE Fries p.p. Nitsche, Pyr. Germ., p, 64, 1867 No. 177. Diatrype princeps Penz. and Sacc., 12 Malpighia, vol. 11, p. 501, 1897 On Metrosideros polymorpha. Oahu: Castle trail, Lyon no. 164. 1912: Palolo, Lyon 89, 1909; Maui: Kailau, Lyon no. 30. 1908: In Atkin- son's list as determined by Rehm; Wahiawa, June 3, no. 237. Forbes no. 594. Collected by Albert Judd, June 21; Olympus, June 24, no. 725. Hawaii: Keauhou, Kona, Bishop Estate road, July 25. XYLARIACEAE 90. NUMMULARIA Tul. Sel. Fung. Carp., vol. 2, p. 42, 1863 No. 178. Nummularia guaranitica Speg. Anal. Soc. Ci. Argent., vol. 16, p. 77, 1883. On Acacia koa. Maui: Kailua, 1908, Lyon no. 7, L. D. Larson. Oahu: Tantalus, 1909. Atkinson's list as determined by Rehm. No. 179. Nummularia mauritanica Berk, and Cooke, Grevillea, vol. 12, p. 6, 1883 On Metrosideros polymorpha. Maui: Kailua, Lyon no. 31, 1908. At- kinson's list as determined by Rehm. 91. USTULINA Tul. Sel. Fung. Carp., vol. 2, p. 23, 1863 No. 180. Ustulma zonata (Lev.) Sacc. 13 Syll. Fung., vol. 1, p. 352, 1882. On wood; Oahu: Manoa valley, May 24, no. 77. 92. HYPOXYLON Bull. Hist. Champ. Fr., vol. 1, p. 168, 1791 No. 181. Hypoxylon annulatum (Schw.) Mont. Syll. Crypt, p. 213, 1856 On Acacia koa. Hawaii: Kilauea, July 15, no. 851. Collected also by C. Judd, June 11, no. 376. Forest below Pau. June, 1915, Forbes nos. 866 and 550; also Tantalus, Oct. 5, 1913, Lyon no. 396. No. 182. Hypoxylon effusum Nitschke. Pyren. Germ. p. 48, 1867 On Mangifera indica. Forbes no. 555. 'Determined by H. Sydow. 'Determined by H. Sydow. no Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin No. 183. Hypoxylon archeri Berk, Fl. Tasm. vol. 2, p. 280, Lyon no. 55a of Atkinson's List. No. 183a. Hypoxylon marginatum (Schw.) Berk., Jour. Limi. Soc., vol. 10, Cuban Fungi, p. 385, n. 830. 1886, Atkinson's list no. 107. No. 184. Hypoxylon placentiforme Berk, et Curt. Jour. Linn. Soc, vol. 10, p. 383, 1869. Oahu: Manoa valley, Dec. 1909. Forbes no. 24. No. 185. Hypoxylon rubiginosum (Pers.) Fries, Summa Vig. Scand. p. 384, 1849, Hawaii, Keauhou, July 21, T. White, no. 1017. No. 186. Hypoxylon sandwicense Reich. Krypt. Haw. (153, p. 6.) On rotten wood. Wawra, 1831, 1832. 93. XYLARIA Hill Hist. PL, p. 62, 1773 No. 187. Xylaria schweinitzii Berk, and Curt. Oahu: Olympus, Feb. 191 1, Forbes no. 18; Manoa valley, May 24, 110s. 75, 79; Waiahole ditch trail, June 12, no. 378. Also Forbes no. 418, on Aleurites. No. 188. Xylaria apiculata Cooke. Hawaii: Keauhou, Kona, Bishop Estate road, July 25, no. 996. No. 189. Xylaria curta Fries, Nova Act. Soc. Sci. Upsal. 3rd ser., vol. 1, p. 125, 1851. On rotten Aleurites. Maui : Wawra, no. 1964. No. 190. Xylaria gigantea (Zipp. & Lev.) Fries, Nova Act. Soc. Sci. Upsal, 3rd ser., vol. 1, p. 127, 1851 Lyon no. 2. Atkinson's list. No. 191. Xylaria hypoxylon (L) Grev. Fl. Edin., p. 335, 1824 On rotten wood. Maui: Wawra, 1838. Also Atkinson's list, Lyon no. 50. No. 192. Xylaria morchelliformis Rehm, Ann. Myc, vol. 9, p. 371, 191 1 Lyon no. 55 of Atkinson's list. No. 193. Xylaria multiplex (Kuntz & Fries) Berk, and Curt., Cuban Fungi no. 795, 1869 Oahu: Wailupe, 1909, Lyon no. 73, Atkinson list. No. 194. Xylaria rhopaloides Krs. Mont. Ann. Sci. Nat. 4th ser., vol. 3, P. 99, 1855 Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi in On Acacia koa, Hawaii : Keauhou, Kona, Bishop Estate road, July 21, no. 918 and Forbes no. 400. No. 195. Xylaria tuberosa (Pers.) Cooke, Grevillea, vol. 11, p. 88, 1883 Sphaeria tuberosa Pers. Gaudichaud-Beaupre, Voy. Freye. Bot, p. 180, 1826 94. PENZIGIA Sacc. Myc. Malac. p. 20, 1888 No. 196. Penzigia tuberiformis (Berk.) Rehm. Xylaria tuberiformis Berk, in Hooker's Fl. Nov. Zel., vol. 2, p. 204, 1855 Xylaria anisapleura Mont. Syll. Crypt, p. 688, 1856 Lyon no. 49. In Atkinson's list as determined by Rehm. No. 197. Penzigia globosum (Fries) Rehm. Hypoxylon globosum (Fries) Syst. Myc, vol. 2, p. 331, 1823 On Metrosideros. So reported by Rehm in Atkinson's list ; also re- ported by Wawra (153, p. 6), no. 2150. LABOULBENIALES The few species of Laboulbenia here listed are taken from Thaxter (191). The hosts 14 are all species of Hawaiian Carabidae. Of the 34 species listed, 5 occur on Kauai, 7 on Oahu, 11 on Maui, 6 on Molokai, 2 on Lanai, and 3 on Hawaii. 95. LABOULBENIA No. 198. Laboulbenia cauliculata Thaxter : Colpocaccus lanaiensis Shp. Lanai, Maui, Molokai. " marginatus. Shp. Kauai. Atelothrus depressus Shp. Lanai. " constrictus Shp. Molokai. Mesothriscus hawaiiensis Shp. Hawaii. " altemans Shp. Kauai. " muscicola (Blkb.) Oahu. Metromenus fraudator Shp. Molokai. and other undetermined specimens. No. 199. Lauboulbenia cauliculata var. prolixa Thaxter : Mesothriscus tricolor Shp. Maui, Molokai. " collar is Shp. Molokai. Metromenus aequalis Shp. Oahu. No. 200. Laboulbenia cauliculata var. spectabili Thaxter : Metromenus caliginosus (Blkb.) Oahu. " mutabilis (Blkb.) Oahu. " latifrons Shp. Molokai. 34 For the list of hosts I am indebted to Mr. Otto H. Swezey. 112 Bemice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin No. 201. Laboulbenia disenochi Thaxter Disenochus fractus Shp. Maui. " aterrimns Shp. Kauai. " sulcipennis Shp. Kauai. Anchonymus agonoides Shp. Maui. Br os cony mus optatus Shp. Oahu. No. 202. Lauboulbenia hawaiiensis Thaxter Atelothrus erro Blkb. Maui. " gracilis Shp. Maui. Mauna frigida Blkb. Maui. Colpodiscus lucipetens Blkb. Maui, Hawaii. Colpocaccus tantalus Blkb. Oahu. " hawaiiensis Shp. Hawaii. " lanaiensis Shp. Lanai, Molokai, Maui. " posticatus Shp. Kauai. Mesothriscus muscicola Blkb. Oahu. " tricolor Shp. Maui, Molokai. " alternans Shp. Kauai. Mecyclothorax pusillus Shp, Maui. " ovipennis Slip. Maui. " montivagus Blkb. Maui. Bembidium. Numerous undetermined specimens. No. 203. Laboulbenia sphyri Thaxter Metromenus caliginosus Blkb. Oahu. " epicurus Blkb. Oahu. " latifrons Shp. Molokai. BASIDIOMYCETES Uredinai.es (The Rust Fungi) Thirty-nine species of rust fungi, five of which are new, occurring on forty- four hosts are herein enumerated. Of these only seven appear to have been mentioned in print or to have been distributed as specimens. Seventeen others are found in previous collections, while fifteen are addi- tions to the Hawaiian rust flora as previously known. Seven of the rusts are endemic, thirty-nine are known to occur elsewhere. Twenty of the rusts are on hosts known to have been introduced since the advent of the white man to the Hawaiian Islands, and three others are found on hosts probably of recent introduction. Many of the introduced forms were brought to the islands with the voluntary introduction of such hosts as the carnation, rose, corn, sorghum, alfalfa, peach, blackberry, bean, wheat, oats, or Bermuda grass. Others were doubtless introduced by accident, e.g., dandelion, cocklebur, etc. Eighteen (41%) of the host species may be regarded as indigenous; eleven of these (25% of all the hosts) as endemic; four of the hosts are of unknown history on the islands. On six of the endemic hosts, Acacia koa, Stevens — Hazvaiian Fungi 113 Wikstroemia, Alyxia, two Euphorbias, and Vaccinium, there was no well established infection, only a few isolated sori. Rusts known to have been introduced with their hosts flourish as they do elsewhere; indeed I think that, in general, they are more abundant, more generally present over the leaf surface of an infected plant than they are in the country from which they came. Illustrations of this are afforded by rust of peach, alfalfa, Bermuda grass and many others. It is therefore obvious that there is nothing inimical to rust growth in the insular conditions. It may well be that the weak development of rust on the endemic host indicates a comparatively recent, and as yet incomplete, adaptation of the parasite to a new host. It is further noticeable that of the six endemic rusts five are found on six endemic hosts and the fifth on an indigenous host. The scant number of rusts as compared with those to be found in the Continental sub-tropics or sub-tropical continental islands is striking. Porto Rico lies relatively near to continental land in a climate closely approxi- mating that of Hawaii, has an area of 3606 square miles and an elevation of only about 3,700 feet. Hawaii, with 6,455 square miles of area and an elevation reaching to 13,825 feet, and a consequent range in temperature from 96 ° F. to 18 F. in summer, also has a much greater range in annual rainfall, from 549 inches on Waialeale, Kauai, to 7.9 inches at Puu Kea on Hawaii. In temperature, rainfall, and elevation Hawaii gives greater range than does Porto Rico. Comparisons of the Hawaiian rust flora with that of continental areas are made in the following table: TABL^ II. — SHOWING PROPORTION OF RUST FLORAS TO VASCULAR PLANTS NUMBER OF SPECIES OF NUMBER OF VASCULAR RUSTS KNOWN RUST RATIO plants known Species . Genera Species Genera Hawaii 999 a 39 9 -039 - 00 9 Porto Rico 2250 175 19 .077 .008 Indiana 2339 172 26 .073 .011 Wisconsin 2099 202 21 .096 .01 a This number I select from Hillebrand's Flora of the Hawaiian islands rather than from a more recent census; it gives a fairer ratio, as the fungus census is, at present incomplete* My collections of the Hawaii fungi are not exhaustive, but I believe, nevertheless, that the above comparisons are legitimate and that the con- clusion is forced that the scarcity of rusts is due solely to the geographic isolation of the Hawaiian islands which lie more than 1,000 miles from any considerable land body. 114 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin The absence of aecial forms (one only being found and that an intro- duced species) is more likely to be linked with paucity of species than with any ecological suppression of aecial stages, since aecia are found plentifully in Porto Rico. It appears to me probable that the rusts have not come w T ind-borne, separate from their hosts, to Hawaii — if so more rusts would be found there — but rather that rust and host must arrive together, which condition, being subject to greater accident liability, renders successful, natural, rust immigration extremely difficult. In the list of Hawaiian rusts on page 176 the symbols e, i, r, signify respectively, endemic, indigenous (introduced prior to the advent of white men) and recent (introduced since the advent of white men). The hosts bearing endemic rusts are starred. Similarly in the list showing approxi- mate sources (p. 176) e signifies endemic, r, recent, and * neither recent nor endemic, that is, probably, though by no means certainly, indigenous. Probable eastern (American), origin, according to such evidence as we possess regarding rust distribution, is indicated by the letter E; western origin by the letter W and a possible eastern or western origin is indicated by the letters ew. This list shows that aside from the endemic and recent rusts, there are ten which occur upon plants of the original flora, but which are also known elsewhere in the world. Of these rusts six are known to occur only in the East (America), one in the West (Australia, Japan, etc.), and three both in the East and the West. It is possible that more complete knowledge of the rusts of South America and of the land west of Hawaii may change the evidence, but at present it appears that the Hawaiian rust flora on indigenous plants shows more influence from America than from the Far East. Family, COLEOSPORIACEAE 96. COLEOSPORIUM Lev. Ann. Sci. Nat., 3d sen, vol. 8, p. 373, 1847 No. 204. Coleosporium paederiae Diet. Ann. Myc. vol. 7, p. 355, 1909 Lit. Syd., Monog. Ured., vol. 3, p. 637, 1915 On Paederia foetida. Oahu : Tantalus, June 22, no. 648 ; Nuuanu val- ley, May 27, no. 119; Palolo valley, June 10, no. 317; Kalihi valley, June 2, no. 174. Collections were also made by Lyon in 1907 and 1909 in Nuuanu and Manoa valleys (Lyon nos. 1 a and 42). The rust is very common on the host, usually present wherever the host is found, often seen in great abundance on the leaves, almost covering them. It was previously recorded from Japan on Paederia tomentosa. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 115 Family, MELAMPSORACEAE 97. PUCCINIASTRUM Otth, Mitth. Nat. Ges. Bern, 1861, p. 71. No. 205. Pucciniastrum myrtilli (Schum.) Arth. Result. Sci. Congr. Bot. Vienne, p. 337, 1906. Lit. Arth. N. A. F., vol. 7, p. 109, 1907; Syd. Monog. Ured., vol. 3, p. 462, 191 5 On V actinium reticulatum. Hawaii :Kilauea, July 13, no. 818. The fungus was very sparse and inconspicuous, occurring only as iso- lated sori. Previously recorded on Gaylussacia and Vaccinium; widely distributed throughout the United States and in Europe, Greenland, and Asia. No. 206. Pucciniastrum wikstroemiae Arthur n. sp. II. Uredinia hypophyllous, in small groups' of two to six or solitary, causing little or no discoloration, bullate, roundish or oblong, large, 0.6-1 mm. across, epidermis rupturing irregularly and remaining overarched ; peridium delicate, colorless ; peridial cells imbricated, with walls less than 1 v thick ; uredinospores oblong, obovate or globoid, 15-18 by 18-26 as wall colorless, 2-3/* thick, sparsely echinulate. III. Telia unknown. On Wikstroemia uva-ursi. Hawaii : Kapapala ranch, July 18, no. 892. The fungus, consisting of but single, scattered sori, was very inconspicu- ous, though the upper leaf surface adjacent to a sorus was slightly yellowed. Though collected in only one locality, it may be wide-spread and have been overlooked because so inconspicuous. 98. UREDINOPSIS Magn. Atti. Gongr. Bot. Genova, p. 167, 1893 No. 207. Uredinopsis pteridis Diet, and Holw. II. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges., vol. 13, p. 331, 1895. Lit. Syd. Monog. Ured., vol 3, p. 498, 1915 On Pteridium aquitinum. Collected by Lyon. Maui: July 19, 1909, Lyon no. 92. Arthur (4) speaks of this collection as notable for its very coarsely verrucose spores. Previously recorded from western North America and Florida. Family, PUCCINIACEAE 99. RAVENELIA Berk. Gard. Chron., p. 132, 1853 No. 208. Ravenelia siliquae Long, II. Bot. Gaz., vol. 35, p. 118, 1903 Lit. Arth., N. A. P., vol. 7, p. 135, 1907; Syd. Monog. Ured., vol. 3, p. 240, 191 5 On Acacia farnesiana. Oahu: Hillebrand gardens, Honolulu, May 22, no. 54. Also collected by Lyon on Oahu at Honolulu, Aug. 31, 1912, Lyon no. 157. Previously recorded on the same host from Mexico. u6 Bemice P. Bishop Museum— Bulletin 100. TRANZSCHELIA Arth. Result. Sci. Congr. Bot. Vienne, p. 340, 1906 No. 209. Tranzschelia punctata (Pers.) II Arth. Result. Sci. Congr. Bot. Vienne, p. 340, 1906. Lit. Arth. N. A. F., vol. 7, p. 151, 1907. Syd. Monog. Ured., vol. 1, p. 484, 1904 On Prunus persica (peach). Hawaii: Keauhou, N. Kona, Bishop Estate road, July 21, no. 911; Kukuihaele, August 2, no. 1107. Kauai: pipeline, Waimea canyon, June 15, no. 424. Maui: Olinda pipeline, Sept. 5, no. 1 142. Also collected by Lyon in 1908 on Hawaii at Hilo in August, 1914, on Oahu at the Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station at Honolulu, and at Wahiawa in 19 12. Reported also by Heller. Apparently present wherever the host occurred. Previously recorded as occurring throughout the United States and Eastern Canada, in the Canary Islands, the West Indies, Central and South America, Europe, Africa, and Australia. Often recorded under the name Puccinia pruni-spinosae. 101. PHRAGMIDIUM Link, Ges. Nat. Freunde Berlin, Mag. vol. 7, p. 30, 1816 No. 210. Phragmidium disciflorum (Tode) James, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb., vol. 3, p. 276, 1895. Lit. Arth. N. A. F., vol. 7, p. 171, 1912. Syd., Monog. Ured., vol. 3, p. 115, 1915. On Rosa (cult.) Oahu: Honolulu, April 16, 1913, Lyon no. 315 and Jan. 7, 1916, Lyon no. 450. Collected also by Heller, no. 2802, above Wai- mea on Kauai, Sept. 9, 1895. Previously reported as found on roses throughout North America and also in Madeira Islands, Europe, Western Asia, Africa, South and Central America, Australia, and Hawaii. Phragmidium subcorticum listed by Hel- ler in his Hawaiian collection is very probably this same form. 102. KUEHNEOLA Magn. Bot. Cent., vol. 74, p. 169, 1898 No. 211. Kuehneola uredinis (Link) Arth. II, N. A. F., vol. 7, p. 186, 1912, or Result. Sci. Congr. Bot. Vienne. 1905. Lit. Syd. Monog. Ured., vol. 3, p. 315. On Rubus villosus. Maui: Olinda pipeline, Sept. 5, nos. 1147 and 1134. Previously reported from eastern United States and Pacific Coast and in Europe on many species of Rubus. This rust was present in great abundance on all plants of the host species in the only locality where the host was seen. The diseased branches grew over a large area interlocked with another Rubus (R. mcraei). Close search failed to reveal any infec- Stevens — Hawaiian Fancji 117 tion of this native species. The host is listed in no Hawaiian flora and is not in the herbarium of the Bishop Museum, and appears to have been of quite recent introduction. 103. UROMYCES Link, Gesell. Nat. Freunde Berlin, Mag., vol. 7, p. 28, 1816 No. 212. Uromyces alyxiae Arthur n. sp. III. Telia hypophyllous and petiolicolus, on brownish or blackened, somewhat thickened spots, irregularly roundish, 0.3-0.8 mm. across, crowded and sometimes coalescent, prominent, soon naked, light cinnamon-brown, becoming cinereous by ger- mination, ruptured epidermis inconspicuous; teliospores oblong, broadly ellipsoid, or obovate, obtuse or rounded above and below, 14-16 by 23-30/*; wall pale cinnamon- brown, thin at sides, 1 /* thicker above, 3-7 V*, smooth ; pedicel pale-yellowish, slender, once to twice length of spore or more. On Alyxia olivaeformis. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, nos. 519 and 520 (type). Hawaii: Keauhou, Kona, Bishop Estate road, July 25, no. ion ; Hamakua, upper ditch trail, July 28, no. 1026 and July 31, no. 1081 ; collected by O. H. Swezey, Alakai Swamp, August 22, no. 1167. Although this rust was collected on the two most widely separated islands, Kauai and Hawaii, it was found nowhere in more than very scant quantity. Hundreds of the host plants were examined and showed no rust, and when it was present, it was in very inconspicuous quantity, only a few scattered sori on single leaves. In extremely rare instances only was a leaf found showing many sori. No. 213. Uromyces appendiculatus (Pers.) Fries, Summa Veg. Scand., p. 514, 1849. Lit. Arth. N. A. F. vol. 7, p. 357, 1920. Syd. Monog. Ured., vol. 2, p. 120, 1910 Collected on bean (Phaseolus) by C. W. Carpenter in 1918. On Vigna cat] an g.- Oahu: Sugar Co. plantation, July 23, 1919, Lyon no. 488. Previously reported in the United States, West Indies, Europe, Africa, Asia, Japan, Australia and South America. No. 214. Uromyces caryophyllinus (Schr.) Wint. in Rab. Krypt. FL, vol. 1, p. 149, 1881. Lit. Arth. N. A. F., vol 7, p. 246, 1912. Syd. Monog. Ured., vol. 2, p. 210, 19 10. Collected by Lyon on carnation (Dianthus). Oahu: Honolulu, March 10, 1913, Lyon no. 294. Previously reported from North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Japan and Australia. n8 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin No. 215. Uromyces koae Arthur n. sp. II. Uredinia amphigenous, irregularly grouped on indefinite yellowish spots, or covering the whole surface of hypertrophied shoots, soon naked, applanate, cinna- mon-brown, pulverulent, ruptured epidermis scarcely noticeable; urediniospores broadly fusiform or fusiform-oblong, 16-23 by 32-45 v ; wall light golden-brown, or yellowish, uniformly 2.5-3.5 y> thick, closely and prominently verrucose, the pores 6, distinct, equatorial. III. Telia similar to the uredinia, but usually confined to the phyllodia and on more definite reddish spots; teliospores broadly ellipsoid or oblong-obovate, 16-20 by 26-35 M, obtuse or rounded above and below; wall golden-brown or yellowish, 1-2^ thick at sides, much thicker above, 7-12 m, irregularly roughened above with blunt conical tubercles increasing in size toward the apex ; pedicel colorless, slender, half length of spore or shorter, fragile, deciduous, or partially so. On Acacia koa. Oahu: Ahren's ditch trail, June 8, no. 291. Maui: Pogue's ditch trail, Sept. 6, no. 1158. Collected also by Lyon on Oahu, July 19, 1919 (Lyon no. 4) and on Hawaii, October 10, 1913 (Lyon no. 416); by Swezey on Kauai; by Hosmer on Maui, Honokahua, July 17, 1913, (Lyon no. 359) ; by North on Oahu, Tantalus, Lyon no. (?) (type). Also collected by Lyon at Kaimuhonu, Oahu, no. 212 (Lyon.) This rust seems to be generally distributed on the islands wherever the host occurs, sometimes forming conspicuous enlargements, but more often causing only yellow spots with inconspicuous sori. No. 216. Uromyces leptodermus Sydow, Ann. Myc, vol. 4, p. 430, 1906. Lit. Arth. N. A. F., vol. 7, p. 224, 1912. Syd. Monog. Ured., vol. 2, p. 334, 1910 On Panicum barbinode. Oahu: Between Diamond Head and King street, Honolulu, May 18, no. 16; Manoa valley, May 24, no. 66; Tantalus, May 25, no. 105; Wahiawa, May 31, no. 162. Kauai: Waimea, June 17, no. 544. Hawaii: Wailuku river, July 8, no. 749; Kona, July 25, no. 972. Also collected by Lyon on Oahu at Hawaii Agric. Exp. Sta., Honolulu, April 21, 1913, Lyon no. 318; April 3, 1913, Lyon nos. 307 and 301. Common where the host occurred. Previously reported on the same host from Florida, Cuba, Guatemala, and India. No. 217. Uromyces medicaginis Pass. II. Thum. Herb. Myc. Oecon., p. 156, 1874. Lit. Arth. N. A. F., vol. 7, p. 256, 1912. Syd. Monog. Ured., vol. 2, p. 116, 1910 On Medicago sativa (alfalfa). Oahu: Honolulu, May 20, nos. 28 and 377. Collected also by Lyon in 1921. Common where the host occurred. Previously reported from Dakota to Massachusetts and southward, also on the Pacific Coast in the United States, in Mexico, Europe, India and South America. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 119 No. 218. Uromyces proeminens (DC) Pass. Rab. Fungi Eur. Exsic. l 795> 1874. Lit. Arth. N. A. F., vol. 7, p. 259, 1912. Syd, Monog. Ured., vol. 2, p. 158, 1910 On Euphorbia serpylli folia. Oahu : Honolulu, June 4, nos. 270, 271, 274 and June 2, no. 188; Ahren's ditch trail, Wahiawa, June 8, no. 295. Hawaii: Kukuihaele, August 2, no. 1099. Maui: Iao Valley, Sept. 7, no. 1 154. Both aecial and uredinial forms were common where the host occurred. This is notable as the only aecial form collected in the Hawaiian Territory. Previously reported from Connecticut to Minnesota and Vancouver Island and southward through the United States, Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, also South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. No. 219. Uromyces rhyncosporae EL, Jour., Myc, vol. 7, p. 274, 1893. Lit. Arth. N. A. F. vol. 7, p. 232, 1912. Syd. Monog. Ured., vol. 2, p. 302, 1910 On Rhyncospora lavarum. Oahu: Kalihi valley, June 2, nos. 170 and 180; Palolo valley, June 16, no. 349; Wahiawa, June 3, no. 216; Tantalus, June 24, no. 683. Hawaii: Kilauea, July 16, no. 863. Collected also by L. D. Larsen on sedge. Molokai: Oct. 21, 1913, no. 49. Previously reported in the eastern United States and Canada, and in the Bermudas, Brazil, and the West Indies. No. 220. Uromyces scirpi (Cast) Burr. II Bot. Gaz., vol 9, p. 188, 1884. Lit. Arth. N. A. F., vol. 7, p. 233, 1912. Sydow. Monog. Ured., vol. 2, p. 302, 1910. On Scirpus paludosus. Oahu: Honolulu, between Diamond Head and King street, May 19, no. 8. Collected also by Lyon at Kapiolani Park, April 16, 1913, Lyon no. 311. Very abundant where the host occurred. Previously reported from Montana to Nova Scotia and southward, also in Central California and in Europe. 104. PUCCINIA Pers. Tent. Disp. Fung., p. 38, 1797 No. 221. Puccinia callaquensis Neger. Anal, de la Univ. Santiago de Chili, 1896, vol. 93, p. yyy. Lit. Sydow, Monog. Ured. vol. 1, p. 465, 1904. Collected by Forbes on Geranium arboreum. Maui : Haleakala, July, 1919, Forbes no. 697. Previously known only on Geranium berteroanum in Chili. 120 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin No. 222. Puccinia cenchri Diet, and Holw. Bot. Gaz. vol. 24, p. 28, 1897. Lit. Arthur, N. A. F. vol. 7, p. 294. Sydow, Monog. Ured. vol. 1, p. 743, 1904 On Cenchrus hillibrandianus. Oahu: School street, Honolulu, May 28, no. 131; between Diamond Head and King street, Honolulu, May 19, no. 20; Maunalua, May 29, no. 141. The rust was common where the host occurred. Previously known on several other species of Cenchrus from southern United States to Panama, also the West Indies and Brazil. No. 223. Puccinia chrysanthemi Rose II Bull. Soc. Myc. d. France. 1900. Lit. Sydow, Monog. Ured, vol. 1, p. 46, 1904 Collected by L. D. Larson. On Chrysanthemum indicum -.(cult). Oahu: Waialae, Oct. 10, Lyon no. 402. Previously reported on cultivated Chrysanthemum in Europe, Japan, and North America. No. 224. Puccinia clematidis (DC) II, III. Lagerh. Tromso Mus. Aarsh. vol. 17, p. 54, 1895. Lit. Arthur, N. A. F. vol. 7, p. 333. (P. triticina Erkiss.). On wheat (Triticum). Oahu: Wahiawa. Collected by L. D. Larson, July 15, 1910. Isolated wheat plants resulting from scattered seed, wherever found, were usually rusted heavily. Previously known throughout North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. No. 225. Puccinia conoclinii Seym. II Bot. Gaz. vol. 9, p. 191, 1884. Lit. Sydow, Monog. Ured. vol. 1, p. 85, 1904 On Ageratum conyzoides. Oahu: Wahiawa, Ahren's ditch trail, June 8, no. 281, and May 31, no. 168. Collected by L. D. Larson, Tantalus, Sept. 17, 1909. Reported as Puccinia compositarum from Kauai by Heller, no. 2789. The rust was usually present in abundance where the host occurred. Previously reported on two species of Eupatorium from Illinois and Louisiana, but much more widely distributed in North America. No. 226. Puccinia cynodontis Lacroix. II. in Desmar. PI. Crypt. II. p, 655, 1859. Lit. Arthur, N. A. F. vol. 7, p. 315. Sydow Monog. Ured. vol. 1, p. 748, 1904 On Capriola dactylon. Oahu: Honolulu, May 19, no. 22 and May 20, no. 30 ; between Diamond Head and King street, Honolulu, May 19, no. 10, Stevens — Hazvaiian Fungi 121 Hawaii: Puna, July 9, no. 761; Waimea, July 27, no. 1023 and July 30, no. 1045; Kilauea, July 13, no. 816 and July 12, no. 796. This rust, though very inconspicuous, was found wherever the host occurred. Previously recorded on this host only in the southern United States,. Guatemala, Panama and West Indies, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Japan. No. 227. Puccinia epiphylla (L.) Wettst. Verh. Zool-Bot. Ges. Wien. p. 541, 1886. Lit. Arthur, N. A. F. vol. 7, p. 327. Sydow, Monog. Ured. vol. 1, p. 795, 1904 On Poa annua. Hawaii : Kilauea, July 12, nos. 797 and 827. The rust is quite inconspicuous and may well be of much more general distribution than the one collection indicates. Previously recorded on members of several genera of grasses in North America, Europe and Japan. No. 228. Puccinia esclavensis Diet. & Holw. II. Bot. Gaz. vol. 24, p. 29, 1897. Lit. Arthur, N. A. F. vol. 7, p. 292, Sydow, Monog. Ured. vol. 1, p. 772, 1904 On Panieum nephelophilum. Kauai : Pipe trail, Waimea canyon, June 15, no. 423. The host was found only once and was then heavily rusted. Previously known on several species of Panieum from Texas, New Mexico, and south to Guatemala. No. 229. Puccinia geranii-silvatici Karst. Enum. Fung. Lapp. or. 220, 1866. Lit. Sydow, Monog. Ured. vol. 1, p. 465, 1904 On Geranium glabratum. 15 Hawaii: Waimea, July 29, no. 1037. Previously known in Europe, Asia, South America, and India on sev- eral species of Geranium. No. 230. Puccinia heterospora B. and C. Jour. Lin. Soc. vol. 10, p. 356, 1868. Lit. Sydow, Monog. Ured, vol. 1, p. 472, 1904 On Abutilon molle. 15 Oahu: Hillebrand gardens, Honolulu, May 23,. no. 44; School street, Honolulu, May 28, no. 127; Kalihi valley, June 2, no. 177. Hawaii: Keauhou, Kona, Bishop Estate road, July 21, no. 907; and July 22, nos. 923 and 924 ; Puna, July 9, no. 753 ; Kukuihaele, Aug. 2, no. 1098. Maui: Iao valley, Sept. 7, no. 1151. Collected also by Lyon at Hana, Maui, March, 1909; at Pahala, Hawaii, Feb. 17, 1916, Lyon no. 454,, and by Swezey at Kaala, Oahu, Nov. 20, 1921. The rust was present wherever the host was found. 15 Determined at Kew and name communicated by W. R. Maxon. 122 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin On Abutilon incanum 1 ®. Oahu: Kaimuki, Dec. 1921. Collected by Swezey. Previously known on many Malvaceae in North America, Mexico, Hon- duras, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentine, Antilles, Africa, India, Australia, Philip- pines, and China. No. 231. Puccinia huberi P. Henn. II. Hedw. Beib. vol. 39, p. 76, 1900. Lit. Arthur, N. A. F. vol. 7, p. 287. Sydow, Monog. Ured. vol. 1, p. 771, 1904 On Paspalum orbiculare. Oahu: Manoa valley, May 23, nos. 65 and 72; Nuuanu pali, May 27, no. 114; Palolo valley, June 10, nos. 323 and 348; Hawaii: Kilauea, July 11, no. 786. The rust was usually found in scant quantity on the infected plants. Previously known in the West Indies, southern Mexico and northern South America, on several species of Panicum. No. 232. Puccinia hydro cotyles (Link) Cooke II. in Grev. vol. 9, p. 14, 1880. Lit. Sydow, Monog. Ured. vol. 1, p. 388, 1904 On Hydrocotyle verticillata. Oahu : Tantalus, June 22, no. 647 ; Olym- pus, June 24, no. 666. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 515. Hawaii: Kilauea, July 16, no. 855; Hamakua upper ditch trail, July 28, no. 1031. Reported also by Heller. The rust was usually found to be present where the host occurred and often in considerable abundance. Previously known on many species of Hydrocotyle in Europe, southern United States, South America, and Africa. No. 233. Puccinia oahuensis E. and E. Bull. Torr. Bot. CI. vol. 22, p. 435> i895- Lit. Sydow, Monog. Ured. vol. 1, p. 771, 1904, On Syntherisma pruriens. Oahu: Makiki, March 21, 1895, Heller no. 1976 (type); Honolulu, June 16, 1916, no. 13735; and Halfway House, Tantalus, June 24, 1916, no. 13862, Hitchcock; Nuuanu pali, May 27, nos. 121 and 124; Tantalus, June 20, no. 590; Kolekole pass, June 27, nos. 731 and 732. Hawaii: Kukuihaele, Aug. 2, no. 1105. Usually present in quantity where the host occurred. Reported by Heller as no. 1976 on "unknown grass" ; by Sydow as above. Known only in Hawaii. No. 234. Puccinia polygoni-amphibii Pers. Syn. Fung. 227, 1801. Lit. Arthur, N. A. F. vol. 7, p. 381. Sydow, Monog. Ured. vol. 1, p. 569, 1904 On Polygonum sp, Hawaii: Waimea, July 30, no. 1052; Hamakua, 18 Determined by S. F. Blake. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 123 upper ditch trail, July 31, no. 1056. Collected also by Lyon on Polygonum glabrum at Kaunakakai, Molokai, December 21, 1913, Lyon no. 20. The rust was present in but scant quantity. Previously known on many species of Polygonum in North and South America, Europe, Africa, India, China and Japan. No. 235. Puccinia purpurea Cooke. II. Grev. vol. 5, p. 15, 1876. Lit. Arthur, N. A. F. vol. 7, p. 284. Sydow, Monog. Ured. vol. 1, p. 803, 1904. On Holchus halepensis (cult). Oahu: Hillebrand gardens, Honolulu, Aug. 18, no. 1 131; Oahu: May 22, no. 33; Manoa valley, May 23, no. 69. Collected also by Lyon on Johnson grass, at Round Top, Oahu, May 11, 192 1, Lyon no. 333 and also on "J erusalem corn," Hawaii, Sept. 19, 1910, and on sorghum by L. D. Larson, Wahiawa, Oahu, May 23, 1913, Lyon no. 339. The rust was usually very abundant, both on cultivated and wild hosts. Previously known on various sorghums in the southern United States, West Indies, Central America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Hawaii, India and Java. No. 236. Puccinia rhamni (Pers.) Wettst. III. Ver. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. 35, p. 545, 1886 P. coronata Cda. Lit. Arthur, N. A. F. vol. 17, p. 313. Sydow, Monog. Ured. vol. 1, p. 699, 1904. On Notholcus lanatus. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 527; Pipe trail, Waimea canyon, June 15, no. 488. Hawaii: between Hilo and Kilauea, July 10, no. 579 ; Kilauea, July 16, no. 852. Maui : Olinda pipe- line, Sept. 16, no. 1 140. On Avena sativai (oats). Oahu: Wahiawa, June 3, no. 219; Kolekole pass, June 3, no. 730. Collected also on oats by Lyon at Honolulu, Hawaii, Agr. Exp. Sta., April 21, 1913 (Lyon no. 317) and Feb. 4, 1913 (Lyon no. 265) ; on Hawaii at Glenwood, March 13, 19 13, by L. D. Larson (Lyon no. 295). Previously known in North America to Southern Mexico, West Indies, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa on many genera of grasses. No. 237. Puccinia taraxaci (Reb.) Plowr. Monog. Ured. p. 186, 1889. Lit. Sydow, Monog. Ured. vol. 1, p. 164, 1904 On Taraxacum officinale. Hawaii : Waimea, July 30, no. 1043. This rust was abundant on the few dandelions seen. Previously known in Europe, North America, and Japan. No. 238. Puccinia velata (E. and E.). Arth. II. Am. Jour. Bot. Vol. 5, p. 472, 1918 On Euphorbia\ multiformis. Oahu: Ewa, collected by O. H. Swezey, 124 B entice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin Jan. 29, 1922. Reported as Uredo veiata on Euphorbia cor data by Heller, no. 2027. On Euphorbia hookeri. Oahu: Waihole ditch trail, June 12, no. 396. No. 239. Puccinia versicolor Diet. & Holw. II. Bot. Gaz. vol. 24, p. 28, 1897. Lit. Sydow, Monog. Ured. vol. 1, p. 724, 1904 On Heteropogon contortus. Oahu : Maunalua, May 29, no. 133 ; Tan- talus, May 23, 1909, Lyon no. 94. Hawaii: Puna, July 9, no. 762-3. Previously known from Mexico and Argentine. No. 240. Puccinia xanthii Schw. in Syn. Fung. Carol, p. 73, 1822; Sydow, Monog. Ured. vol. 1, p. 184, 1904 On Xanthium italicum. Oahu: Between Diamond Head and King street, May 19, nos. 14 and 23; Honolulu, May 28, no. 128. Kauai: Wai- mea, June 17, no. 541 ; also reported by Heller. Collected also by Lyon on Oahu at Waialua; at Honolulu, March 9, 1910 (Lyon no. 127) and by Forbes at Kaimuki, Feb. 191 5 (Forbes no. 2285); also by Swezey, Kaala, Nov. 20, 192 1. This rust was abundant wherever the host occurred. Previously known in North America on various species of Xanthium and Ambrosia. 105. UREDO Pers. in Usteri n. Ann. vol. 9, p. 16 No. 241. Uredo hawaiiensis Arthur n. sp. Uredinia hypophyllous, somewhat grouped or solitary, linear, 0.2-0.3 mm. broad by 0.5-6 mm. long, rather tardily naked, cinnamon or chestnut-brown, somewhat pul- verulent, ruptured epidermis evident; urediniospores globoid or broadly ellipsoid, 18-23 by 21-27 ^; wall golden or chestnut-brown, thick, 2-5^, sparsely echinulate, the pores 3-5, evident, sometimes in the equator, more often scattered. On Car ex oahuensis. Hawaii: Kilauea, July 17, no. 880. No. 242. Uredo stevensii Arthur n. sp. Uredinia amphigenous, in circinnating groups 3-5 mm. across, on somewhat larger discolored areas, roundish or elongate, large, 0.3-0.8 mm. across, soon naked, dark cinnamon-brown, pulverulent, ruptured epidermis noticeable; urediniospores obovate or oblong 15-23 by 28-32 fi; wall cinnamon -brown, 2.5-3.5^ thick, rather sparsely and prominently echinulate, the pores 3 or 4, equatorial, distinct. On Euphorbia clusiaefolia. Kauai: Pipe trail in Waimea Canyon, June 15, no. 428 (type). On Euphorbia sps. Oahu : Ahren's ditch trail, June 8, no. 278. These specimens have been carefully compared with the Mexican mate- rial of Puccinia veiata described by J. C. Arthur and, he remarks, that this new species "is well characterized by the equatorial pores and other charac- ters, and is wholly unlike any form known to me." Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 12$ USTILAGINALES (THE SMUT FUNGI) The smut flora of Hawaii is most remarkable in that, aside from four smuts of cultivated cereals and clearly introduced by white men, there are only three smuts known on the islands. Sorosporium paspali is on Paspa- lum orbicular e, which is regarded as a native grass ; Sphacelotheca monili- fera was reported by Heller; Entyloma crastophilum has been reported on Holcus. Corn has long been grown on the islands, since in 1844 is included in Wyllie's Notes a reference to corn as among the chief productions of the islands, while under date Jan. 11, 1813, in Marin's Journal is reference to "Maise" plantings, 17 yet careful search has as yet failed to show the pres- ence of corn smut there. The absence of this and of other grass smuts presents an argument of some weight against theories postulating wind- carriage of fungi to the islands. 106. SOROSPORIUM Rud. Linnea vol. 4, p. 116, 1829 No. 243. Sorosporium paspali McAlp. The Smuts of Australia: 180, 1910. 18 Sori involving the entire inflorescence (occasionally destroying the lower spikes with the upper free, or with the rachis and base of the spikelets' only infected), more or less hidden by the enveloping leaf sheaths especially at first, linear, 4 to 9 cm. in length, with prominent, false, whitish membrane gradually flaking away and revealing dusty brown-black spore mass and evident remains of rachis as the columella ; hyaline sterile cells of false membrane adhering rather firmly together, but with pressure separating somewhat into threads, chiefly oblong (or rounded with age), smaller than the spores (narrower but often as long as the spores) ■; spore-balls according to McAlpine "dark-brown, globose to oblong or irregular, 30-40 m in diameter or 30-50^ long, at first firm, but afterwards readily separating" ; spores dark reddish-brown, subspherical to oval, or irregularly polygonal through pressure, apparently smooth but with minute granular scales showing under an immersion lens, 13-18/*, rarely 20 £& in length. On Paspalum conjugatum. Oahu, Tantalus ridge, Sept. 5, 1909, no. 79, Collected by H. L,. Lyon. On Paspalum orbicular e. Hawaii: Kilauea, July 11, no. 786 and July 16, no. 867; Kukuihaele, Aug. 2, no. 1097; between Hilo and Kilauea, July 10, no. 786; Wailuku river, July 8, no. 743; Rainbow falls, July 24, no. 1 1 15; Hilo, Aug. 6, no. 11 19. Maui: Pogue's ditch trail, Sept. 6, no. 1 1 57. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 507. Oahu: Tantalus, June 22, no. 657, and May 25, no. 103; Palolo valley and Mt. Olympus, June 10, no. 322; Kalihi valley, June 2, no. 179; Maunalua, May 29, nos. 137 and 17 Letter tmder date Dec. 12, 1921, from Thos. G. Thrum, communicated by Albert F. Judd. 18 Description and notes of Sorosporium paspali are by G. P. Clinton. 126 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin 138; Nuuanu Pali, May 27, no. 120; Wahiawa May 31, nos. 154 and 161, June 3, no. 220; October 21, Lyon; Waiahole ditch trail, June 12, no. 392. Type locality: Queensland (Bailey) on Paspalum scrobiculatum. Dis- tribution: Hawaii, Philippines, Queensland. This species was sent to the writer some years ago by Prof. Atkinson of Cornell, the specimen having been collected by H. L. Lyon, no. 79, on "Paspalum conjugatum Berg, Tantalus Ridge, Oahu, Sept. 5, 1909." At that time on comparing the specimen with the other known smuts on Pas- palum, eleven in number, we decided that it was different and a prelimi- nary description of it was written under the name of Sphacelotheca hawaii- ensis. Recent comparison of this with specimens listed by Prof. Stevens show that they are all the same though the hosts are given as different species of Paspalum. Since this first determination, a description of McAlpine's Sorosporium paspali was received on still a different host-species, Paspalum scrobicu- latum. As the spore measurements of this agreed fairly well with our species, the writer sent for specimens of this fungus on this host. Mrs. Patterson, of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, kindly sent a specimen collected by E. D. Merrill, no. 9717, at Luzon, Philippine Islands, May, 1914. This agrees with our Hawaiian specimens including the presence of the sterile hyaline membrane enclosing the spore mass, though the sterile cells are more gelatinized. Through the kindness of botanists, C. T. White of Brisbane and C. C. Brittlebank of Melbourne, we also received a frag- ment of the co-type of McAlpine's species collected by Bailey (no. 582) in Brisbane, Queensland. Except for the absence of a sterile membrane, men- tion of which is not made by McAlpine, and the somewhat more definite indication of spore-balls, this specimen also agrees with ours. The speci- men is too fragmentary, however, to show the membrane, even if originally present. Everything considered it does not seem best to consider our species distinct. As to the three species of Paspalum on which the fungus has now been reported, we have merely taken the determinations of the different collectors. Personally the writer is inclined to believe that the smut is more likely a species of Sphacelotheca than a Sorosporium, as the signs of spore-balls are not very evident in the Hawaiian and Philippine specimens, and more or less obscure in the Queensland specimen. The so-called spore-balls could very well be merely spores mechanically adhering together in small groups, as they frequently do with Sphacelotheca, thus making distinction from those sorosporiums having a false membrane difficult. However, sections of young material may be necessary to decide this point. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 127 The writer has seen no specimens of Ustilago paspali thunbergii P. Henn. from Japan. Sorosporiuni paspali is quite different from the speci- mens on Paspalum the writer has seen, especially from Ustilago holwayana of N. America which has somewhat smaller but evidently echinulate spores and no false membrane. 107. SPHACELOTHECA de Bary Vergl. Morph. Pike, p. 187 No. 244. Sphacelotheca monilifera (E. & E.) Clint. Jour. Myc. vol. 8, p. 141, 1902 Ustilago monilifera Ell. and Ever. Bull. Torr. Bot. CI. vol. 22, p. 362, 1895. Sphacelotheca monilifera Clint. Jour. Myc. vol. 8, p. 141, 1902. Ustilago andropogonis-contorti P. Henn. in herb. Holway. See Jour. Myc. vol. 8, p. 141, 1902. On Heteropogon contortus. Reported by Heller. No. 245. Sphacelotheca reiliana (Kuehn) Clint. 19 On Sorghum. C. W. Carpenter, May 14, 1917. C .W. C. no. 125. No. 246. Spacelotheca sorghi (Lk.) Clint. 19 On Sorghum. Oahu: Wahiawa, May 23, 1913. L. D. Larsen. Lyon no. 341. 108. USTILAGO Pers. Syn. Fung., p. 224, 1801 No. 247. Nstilago avenae (Pers.) Jens. On Avena sativa (oat). Oahu: Honolulu, Hon. Agr. Exp. Sta., May 6, 1913. Lyon no. 327. No. 248. Ustilago hordei (Pers.) Kell. and Sw. On Hordeum sativum (barley). Oahu: Honolulu, 1913/ Lyon no. 324. 109. ENTYLOMA de Bary Bot. Zeit., p. 101, 1874 No. 249. Entyloma crastophilum Sacc. 20 On Notholcus lanatus (Holcus lanatus). Hawaii: Kilauea, no. 856. FUNGI IMPERFECTI Though a considerable number of fungi, apparently merely saprophytes, are here listed, no effort was made to collect such. Attention on collecting trips was given primarily to obtaining actual parasites. The number of "Determined by G. P. Clinton. 30 Determined by H. Sydow. 128 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin saprophytes therefore can easily be very greatly augmented. The number of parasitic Fungi Imperfecti in Hawaii is very small. Such genera as Septoria, Phyllosticta, Cercospora, encountered in abundance elsewhere, are in Hawaii comparatively rare, and, if consideration be focused upon the native flora, their rarity becomes much more evident. KEY TO ORDERS OF HAWAIIAN FUNGI IMPER^ECTI Conidia in pycnidia Sphaeropsidales Conidia not in pycnidia Conidiophores' innate within the matrix Melanconiales Conidiophores somewhat superficial Moniliales Conidia unknown - Myceliasterilia Fungus of unknown affinity... Graphiola Sphaeropsidai.es KEY TO EAMIUES AND GENERA HERE REPRESENTED Pycnidia sphercial, carbonaceous Sphaerioidaceae Conidia uniform Conidia i-celled, hyaline Hyaiosporae No stroma present Not on Erysiphaceae Conidiophores not much branched Spores less than 15 y> On leaves 110. Phyllosticta On stems.... HI- Phoma Spores more than 15 v -112. Macrophoma Conidiophores much branched 113. Dendrophoma On Erysiphaceae.. .114. Cicinnobolus Pycnidia in or on a stroma 115. Fusicoccum Conidia i-celled, dark Phaeosporae Conidia small 116. Coniothyrium Conidia larger Pycnidia pale 117. Harknessia Pycnidia dark 118. Sphaeropsis Conidia 2-celled, hyaline .......Hyalodidymae Conidia 2-celled, dark Phaeodidymae Conidia several-celled, hyaline Hyalophragmlae Conidia several-celled, dark Phaeophragmiae Conidia filiform Scolecosporae Pycinidia not clypeate On leaves 123. Septoria On stems 124. Rhabdospora Pycinidia clypeate 125. Clypeoseptoria Conidia diform 126. Phomopsis Pycnidia spherical, bright colored Nectrioidaceae Pycnidia flattened, dimidiate Leptostromataceae Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 129 SPHAERIOIDACEAE-HYALOSPORAE 1 10. PHYLLOSTICTA Pers. in Fr. Syst. Myc, vol. 2, p. 527, 1822 No. 250. Phyllosticta aricola. Bubak, Bull. Herb. Boiss. 2 ser. vol. 6, p. 404, 1906 On Pothos sp. Oahu: Waikiki, May 18, no. 3; Honolulu, May 20, no. 25. The spots are considerably larger than called for in the description, being 2-4 mm. in diameter, and often coalescing to form areas 5-8 by 10-15 cm. or larger. No. 251. Phyllosticta artocarpi Speg. Mycet. Argent. V. in Ann. Mus. Buenos Aires, vol. 20, 330, 1910 On living leaves of Artocarpus incisa. Oahu: Hakipuu, June 19, nos. 566 and 579a. Spegazzini says that this species tends towards Gloeosporium. Our spe- cies % seems clearly to be a Phyllosticta with spores not quite so wide as those of the printed description. No. 252. Phyllosticta casimiroae Stevens and Weedon n. sp. Spots ash color, borders tan, visible from both sides of leaf. Pycnidia amphige- nous, 108 by 97-180/* in diameter; ostiole present, 36-46^ in diameter. Spores hyaline, i-celled, 7 by 2-3 v, ovoid. On Casimiroa edulis, tree no. 176, Hawaii Agric. Exp. Sta. Lyon nos. 329 and 320. The disease appears to begin at the tip of the leaf and to extend down both sides of the mid rib. Sometimes one entire half of leaf is killed. No. 253. Phyllosticta circumscissa Cooke Grev. vol. II, p. 150, 1883 On Prunus per sic a (peach). Kauai: Waimea pipe trail, June 15, nos. 424-425. Hawaii: Kealakekua, July 21, no. 911. No. 254. Phyllosticta codiaei Stevens and Young, n. sp. Spots' circular, 8-15 mm. in diameter, light brown, margin distinct, brown, raised. Pycnidia epiphyllous, numerous, black, 75-160^ in diameter; ostiole definite. Conidia elliptic-fusiform, 7-10^ by 1.5-2/*, ends acute, slightly green tinted. On living leaves of Codiaeum moluccanum. Oahu : Honolulu, May 20, no, 31. No. 255. Phyllosticta colocasiophila Amy G. Weedon n. sp. Spots circular, 1-1.5 cm. in diameter, or by coalescence 4 by 6 cm., or larger; buff to dark brown; surrounded by a dark discolored zone; centers rotted, thickly studded with pycnidia which are amphigenous, subepidermal, light brown, 126 by 140/* to 136 by 158 /n, ostiolate. Spores hyaline, 7-1 1 by 1.8 At, oblong, obtuse, two guttulate. (See PI. x, F; fig. 28, a.) 130 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin On Colo casta sp. (taro). Hawaii: Keauhou, Kona, Bishop Estate road, July 23, no. 943 ; Kilauea, July 16, no. 873. This fungus appears to be of wide distribution on the islands, and its ravages cause such havoc that the leaves are largely or quite destroyed. Since the taro plant is of such high food value in the Hawaiian islands, this disease is of special interest, and it may prove to be of serious economic importance. Figure 28. — Pycnidia and spores: a, of Phyllosticta colocasiophila — section showing pycnidia; b, of Harknessia gunnerae (No. 1143a) on Gunner a petaloidea — spores as seen from three different viewpoints. — c-d, of Stagonospora erythrinae (No. 1019) on Brythrina monosperma; e, pycnidia within the areolae between veins; d, three spores showing shape and septation. The spots on the leaves vary from 1 cm. or less in diameter to large irregular regions occupying the major portion of the leaf surface. The younger spots are buff ; the older are dark brown, and about them are pale marginal zones some 3-4 mm. wide. The diseased area becomes rotten, and frequently the centers of the spots drop out. In the regions not entirely rotted away, concentric circles of lighter and darker shades are seen. The veins do not limit the spreading of the fungus, the spot of which freely crosses them. The spots are visible equally well from both sides of the leaf. Leaves heavily infested become yellowish over their whole area, and fall to pieces because of the rotting of so many areas of their surfaces. Leaves with only one or two spots are still green, and the rotten areas are bounded by a pale green ring. The pycnidia, though amphigenous, are more abundantly hypophyllus than epiphyllous, and are gregarious. Sections show them to be thin-walled, and to lie just beneath the epidermis. The Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 13 l conidiophores were not seen. Very rarely large spores with one septum are seen. Two other phyllostictas have been reported on Colocasia. Von Hohnel (87, vol. 116, p. 142, 1907) reports that P. colocasiacola does not form spots on the leaf. It is described as having pycnidia 100-120 /x in diameter, and the spores 10 by 5-6 /*, and with short conodiophores. Von Hohnel (op. cit.) states that P. colocasiae produces amphigenous brown spots with fur- rowed zones, 3-7 mm. in diameter ; spores are 3-4 by 1 fi with short conidio- phores. The present species is quite obviously distinct from both of these in character of spots and in spore dimensions, and it is therefore proposed as a new species. The ability of this Phyllosticta to cause distinct rotting of leaf tissue, a rot in character much like the soft rots caused by bacteria, is especially noteworthy, since such rotting is not commonly caused by either Phyllosticta or Phoma. A Cladosporium is also present on the diseased leaves, causing dark brown, regular spots, 2-16 mm. in diameter; visible from both sides of the leaf. (See the dark circular spots in fig. PL x, F.) The conidiophores are brown, 50-180 /x by 8 ft, swollen at the tip. Spores brown, one or two- septate or non-septate, not catenulate, 14-21 by 7-10^, 3 guttulate. No. 256. Phyllosticta draconis Berk. Hedwigia, vol. 35, p. 47, 1896 On living leaves of Dracaena draco. Oahu: Nuuanu valley, Sept. 14, no. 1 168. No. 257. Phyllosticta erechtitis Stevens and Young n. sp. Spots' irregular, 0.25-2 cm. in diameter, white to brown, margin slightly raised and white or indistinct. Pycnidia mainly epiphyllous, 65-175 /* in diameter, black; not numerous in a single spot. Ostiole definite. Conidia hyaline or slightly green tinted, oval, 4-7 /a by 1.5-2 a* ends obtuse, straight or slightly curved, with guttulae in each end. On living leaves of Ere chutes sp. Kauai: Waimea, June 15, no. 543. No. 258. Phyllosticta hawaiiensis Caum. Haw. PL Rec. vol. 20, p. 278, -1919 "Parasitic in the leaf sheath and rind of the sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum) in Hawaii." — Caum. No. 259. Phyllosticta heliconiae Stevens and Young n. sp. Spots large, 15 cm. or more in diameter, white to brown with concentric lines towards edge, margin irregular, distinct, brown. Pycnidia epiphyllous in central part of spot, following in definite concentric lines, 110-175/* in diameter, ostiole distinct. Conidia oval to ovate, 10-15 by 4-5-5^ ends mostly acute. On living leaves of Heliconia sp. Oahu: Hakipuu, June 19, no. 574. 132 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin No. 260. Phyllosticta marantaceae P. Henn. Fungi Amaz. IV. Hedwigia, vol. 44/ p. 69, 1905 On living leaves of Maranta dichotoma. Oahu: Honolulu, May 22, no. 51, and May, 1919, Lyon specimen. The characters of the specimen examined differ slightly from the de- scription of the above species in that the ostiole does not protrude, the pycnidia are larger, and the spot covers the whole end or side of a leaf. No. 261. Phyllosticta musae Stevens and Young, n. sp. No definite spot produced. Pycnidia very numerous, black, erumpent, mostly epi- phyllous, scattered singly or in groups of two or more, often fused, 50-225 [i in diameter, ostiole small, distinct. Conidia hyaline, straight or sometimes curved, elongate, guttulate, 10-18 by 2-2.5 m, tapering toward the ends which are blunt. On living leaves of Musa sp. (banana). Oahu: Honolulu, Manoa valley, May 24, no. 76. Phyllosticta musae differs from Phyllosticta musicola in that the former produces no distinct spots and the spores are longer and have blunt ends. It differs from Phoma musae Carpenter in that the spores of the Phoma are oval and have a gelatinous coat. No. 262. Phyllosticta musicola Stevens and Young n. sp. Spots very large, nearly white, margin irregular, brown or black, not raised. Pycnidia epiphyllous, scattered thickly near margin, 130-225 /^ in diameter, ostiole distinct. Conidia 5-9 by 2-2.5/*, ends mostly acute. On living leaves of Musa sp. (banana). Oahu: Honolulu, May, 1919, Lyon specimen. No. 263. Phyllosticta nerii West. Kick. J. Flore Crypt, d. Flandr. vol. 1, p. 148, 1867 On Nerium oleander. Oahu: Honolulu, May 19, no. 24. The spots deviate somewhat from the description as published and the spores are not guttulate, yet they agree so closely in size that I refer the specimen to the above mentioned species. No. 264. Phyllosticta pithecolobii Esther Young, Mycologia, vol. 7, p. 145, 1915 On living leaves of Pithecolobium saman. Hawaii : Kukuihaele, August 2, no. 1 104. No. 265. Phyllosticta pothicola Amy G. Weedon n. sp. Spots irregular, 3-4 cm. in diameter, or by coalescing 5 by 2.5 cm., light brown, surrounded by a sharply demarcated margin. Pycnidia arranged in concentric rows, amphigenous, sub-epidermal, dark brown, ostiolate, 216-277^ in diameter. Spores hyaline, thick walled (1-1.8/*), granular, continuous, irregular, oblong or ovate, 18-25 by 9/*. Stevens- — Hawaiian Fungi 133 On Pothos sp. Oahu: Waikiki, May 18, no. 3; Honolulu, May 20, no. 25. No. 266. Phyllosticta scaevolae El. and Ev. Bull. Torr. Bot. CI. vol. 22, p. 436, 1895 On Scaevola chamissoniana, Heller's collection. No. 267. Phyllosticta cordylinopMla. P. A. Young n. sp. Spots' circular, 1-7 mm. in diameter (mostly 2-4 mm.), brown with raised, definite, dark, red-black margin, surrounded by a brown or purple, discolored area. Pycnidia black, amphigenous, 90-160^ in diameter, generally fewer than 25 in one spot; ostiole small but definite. Conidia hyaline, 7-11/* by 5-7 p, dilute chlorine colored. On living leaves of Cordyline terminalis (the Hawaiian ti plant). Oahu: Haw. Sugar Planters' Sta., Sept. 1921, no. 1132 (type); Honolulu, Manoa valley, May 23, no. 63; Honolulu Aug. 18, no. 1133. Saccardo in his "Sylloge Fungorum," gives three species of Phyllosticta on Cordyline, none of the descriptions of which agrees with P. cordylino- phila 1. P. cordylines Sacc. & Berl. differs in that the spots are vague, becoming pale, pycnidia crowded, epiphyllous; spores oblong, 2 guttulate, 4-5 fx by 1 /a, hyaline ; P. maculicola Halst. differs in that the spots have pale centers and red to purple margins surrounded by yellow areas; spots larger than those of P. cordylinopMla; P. draecenae differs in that the spores are 5-7 ^ by 2-2.5 /*> pycnidium with protruding pore. No. 268. Phyllosticta zingiberis Stevens and Ryan, n. sp. Spots large, white, margin irregular, brown, not raised. Pycnidia epiphyllous, gathered near the center of the spot, 1 14-125 ^ in diameter, ostiole distinct. On leaves of Zingiber zerumbet. Oahu: Olympus, June 24, nos. 655 and 961. Hawaii: Kealakekua, July 23. 111. PHOMA Fr. emend Desm. Notice sur PI. Crypt, de France 13, p. 6, in Ann. Sc. Nat. Paris, Emend Saccardo Mich, vol. 2, p. 4, 1880 No. 269. Phoma agapanthi (Thiim) Sacc. Syll. Fung. vol. 3, p. 158, stel., 1884 Sphaeropsis agapanthi Thiim Contr. Myc. L,usit. no. 319. On dying leaves of Agapanthus umbellatus. Hawaii: Kealakekua, July 21, no. 927. The size of conidia of the fungus on the specimens examined agreed closely with those in the printed description. Pycnidia 90-800 ^ in diam- eter, deeply immersed, erumpent, with rather long, papillate ostiole. A black mycelium radiates from the pycnidia. 134 Bernice P. Bishop Museum— Bulletin No. 270. Phoma barringtoniae Cooke and Mass. Grevillea. vol. 17, p. 79, 1889 On living leaves of Barringtonia asiatica. Oahtt : Honolulu, Hillebrand garden, June 22, no 42. On fruit. Oahu: Honolulu, Hillebrand garden, June 22, nos. 55 and 56. The pycnidia, which were densely gregarious in spots with indistinct margins, were 100-160 \l in diameter, subepidermal and globose. No. 271. Phoma henningsii Sacc. Syll. Fung. vol. 10, p. 139, 1892 Phoma acaciae P. Henn. Fungi Africani, p. 368, 1891. Spots gray or not discolored, 0.5-3 mm- in diameter, margins indistinct. Pycnidia black, very numerous, 35-125 u in diameter, subepidermal, ostiole definite. Conidia 3-7 1* by 2-3 m, hyaline or green tinted, eguttulate, oval. On dead pods of Albizzia lebbek. Oahu: Honolulu, May 19, nos. 21 and 38. Slight differences which may be noted between this fungus and P. hen- ningsii, as described, do not warrant the erection of a new species. No. 272. Phoma herbarum West. Exs. 965, Consp. gen. fung. Ital. Michelia vol. 2, p. 92, 1880 On Stachytarpheta dichotoma. Hawaii : Keauhou, Kona, Bishop Estate road, July 2$, no. 934; Kukuihaele, August 2, no. 1106. No. 27^. Phoma macularis Desm. 22, not. p. 7, op. cit. On dead stems of Hibiscus sabdariifa. Hawaii: Honolulu, Apr. 21, 1913, Lyon no. 321. This fungus is apparently a saprophyte and is placed tentatively in the above species. The characters of this specimen were: Pycnidia numerous, scattered, conidia fusiform, 6-10 by 2-2.5 P- No. 274. Phoma musae Carpenter, Hawaii Agr. Expt. Sta. Rept. 1918, pp. 36-40. On living leaves of Musa sp. (banana). Oahu: Honolulu, Manoa val- ley, May 24, no. 76. Reported also by Carpenter (29, Rept. 1920). Spores of this fungus were found on only one leaf of the many col- lected. The rest of the mature pycnidia found on the banana leaves con- tained the elongate spores of Phyllosticta musae , S. & Y. 112. MACROPHOMA (Sacc.) Berl. and Vogl. Atti. Soc. Veneto-Trentina, p. 172, 1886 No. 275. Macrophoma smilacina (Pk.) Berl. and Vogl. op. cit. Sphaeropsis smilacina Pk. Rept. 33, p. 24, N. Y. St. Mus. 1880. Phoma smilacina Pk. Sacc. Syll. Fung. vol. 3, p. 160, 1884. On Smilax sandwicensis. L. D. Larsen, Kaala, 191 3, Larson no. 32. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 135 No. 276. Macrophoma cattleyicola P. Henn. Hedwigia, vol. 44, p. 173, 1905 On leaves of Cattleya sp. Oahtt : Honolulu, May 23, no. 7^. This fungus resembles a Phyllosticta. However, since it is probably saprophytic and agrees in spore size with Macrophoma cattleyicola it is placed tentatively in this species. 1 13. DENDROPHOMA Sacc. Mich. vol. 2, p. 4, op. cit. No. 277. Dendrophoma gouldiae Stevens and Plunkett, n. sp. Spots irregular, brown or white, 3-6 mm. in diameter, margin raised, red or blaek. Pycnidia numerous, scattered, epiphyllous, globose, black, 1 12-170 p in diameter, ostiole distinct. Spores hyaline, oblong, with obtuse ends, 14-20 m by 2.5 v. Conidio- phores hyaline, simple or with two or three branches, 12-20 fi by 2-3 v*. On living leaves of Gouldia coriacea. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 499. 1 14. CICINNOBOLUS Ehrenb. Bot. Zeit. vol. 11, p. 16, 1853 No. 278. Cicinnobolus cesatii de Bary Morph and Phys. d. Pilze, p. 71, 1866 On mildew on Verbena sp. (cult.). Oahu: Round Top, Lyon no. 334, 1913. 1 15. FUSICOCCUM Corda In Sturm Crpt. Fl. vol. 2, p. in, 1829 No. 279. Fusicoccum canavaliae On Canavalia ensiformis. Reported by Lyon (115, vol. vm, p. 288, 1913). Author of the species and place of publication not given. SPHAERIOIDACEAE— PHAEOSPORAE 1 16. CONIOTHYRIUM Corda Icon. vol. 4, p. 38 emend, Sacc. Mich. vol. 2, p. 7, 1840 No. 280. Coniothyrium dracaenae Stevens and Weedon n. sp. Young spots red with yellowish centers, older regions white, both bordered by heavy, dark, red lines; visible from both sides of leaf, 8-10 by 12-20 mm., or by. coalescing forming irregular regions 10 by 2 cm. or larger. The diseased areas extend from 5 mm. to 2 cm. beyond the pycnidia. Pycnidia dark brown, 108-288 ,«- in diameter, sub-epidermal, amphigenous. Spores olive brown, unicellular, ellipsoid, 3-$ by 2-3/^, obtuse. As'sociated with Leptosphaeria dracaenae (see p. 106). On Dracaena 'aurea. Kauai: Pipe trail, upper Waimea canyon, June 15, no. 419a (type). 136 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin 1 1 7. HARKNESSIA Cooke Grev. vol. 9, p. 85, 1881 No. 281. Harknessia gunnerae Stevens and Young, n. sp. Spots very large, tan colored, circular in outline, rotten, bordered by a yellow band about 5 mm. wide. Pycnidia hypophyllous, 100-170/* in diameter, in the meso- phyll, opening irregularly. Conidia brown, 9-14 by 5-7 p, oval flattened. On living leaves of Gunner a petaloidea. Maui : Olinda pipeline, Sept. 5, no. 1143a. This fungus produced large rotten regions in the leaf, which were densely set with black spots ; these on microscopic examination proved to be masses of spores overflowed from the colorless pycnidia. The shape of the spore is characteristic and unique. From one viewpoint it is elliptical, while in other views it is as is shown in Figure 28, b. No. 282. Harknessia hawaiiensis Stevens and Young, n. sp. Spots brown, very large, up to 12 by 4 cm., margin irregular, sharp, brown, raised. Pycnidia hypophyllous, scattered, 225-250 ^ in diameter, rupturing irregu- larly. Conidia mostly sphaerical or slightly oval, brown, thick-walled, often guttulate, 7-1 1 ^ in diameter. On living leaves of Eucalyptus robusta. Oahu: Waipio, July 1, 1919, Lyon no. 124. This fungus is distinct from Harknessia eucalypti, Cke., which has cylindrical, pointed conidia twice as large as those of H. hawaiiensis. 1 18. SPHAEROPSIS Lev. in Fung, in Demidov Voyage, p. 112, 1842 No. 283. Sphaeropsis gouldiae Stevens and Plunkett n. sp. Pycnidia numerous, hypophyllous, superficial, black, ostiolate, globose, 96-180 ^ in diameter. No aerial mycelium. Spores dark brown, one-celled, oval to oblong, 14-18 by 7-1 1 m. On living leaves of Gouldia sp. Hawaii: Kohala Mt, Waimea, Sept. 191 1, Forbes no. 500. This fungus in all respects, with the exception of being superficial is a Sphaeropsis, therefore it has not been thought necessary to make a new genus to account for this single character. SPHAERIOIDACEAE— HYALODIDYMAE 119. DARLUCA Cast. Cat. PL Marseille Suppl. p. 53, 1851 No. 284. Darluca filum (Biv.) Cast. On Uromyces leptodermus on Panicum barbinode. Oahu : Wahiawa, May 31, no. 162. On Puccinia versicolor on Heteropogon contortus. Oahu : Tantalus,. May 2^ 1909, Lyon no. 94. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 137 On Uromyces rhyncosporae on Rhynchospora lavarum. Oahu : Kalihi valley, June 2, no. 170. There are only 13 species of Darluca described in Saccardo's Sylloge Eungorum, setting aside the species with more than 1 septum namely : Darluca inters eminata, and Darluca arcuata, and also Darluca genistalis, because no spore measurements of this species are given. The remaining species may be separated into three groups based on spore length. Group I consists of two species: Darluca longisita and D. ammophila, with spores about 30 /x long. Group II consists of three species: Darluca bubakiana, D. australis, and D. ascochytoides, with spores ranging up to 18 /*. or longer. Group III consists of five species: Darluca mucronulata, D. sorghi, D. bivonae, and D. australis, var. phyllostictoides, and D. filum, which fall very closely together in spore measurements and in all other characters, ranging from 12 to 16 /x in spore length. The spore measurements of the Darluca on Uromyces leptodermus were 13-16 by 3.6-5.4.^; of the Darluca on Fuccinia versicolor 12-13 by 3.5-4 JUL. The species on Uromyces rhyncosporae afforded no spores, although pycnidia were observed which resemble the pycnidia of the other two specimens examined. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, this specimen is reported as being of the same species as the other two. It thus appears that four species agree closely in description with our speci- mens which we report under the name D. filum, though recognizing that determination as either of the three would perhaps be equally tenable. SPHAERIOIDACEAE— PHAEODIDYMAE 120. DIPLODIA Fries. Summa Veg. Sand. p. 416, 1849 No. 285. Diplodia opuntiae Sacc. Mich. vol. 2, p. 267, op. cit. On Opuntia sp., C. W. Carpenter (39, Rept. 1918). SPHAERIOIDACEAE-HYAEOPHRAGMIAE 121. STAGONOSPORA Sacc. Mich. vol. 2, p. 267, op. cit. No. 286. Stagonospora erythrinae Stevens & Young, n. sp. No typical spot produced. Pycnidia in the mesophyll, amphigenous, scattered singly or in groups, limited to spaces between vemlets, globose, 100-160 /*. Conidia very abundant, 1-3 septate, granular, 25-40 /* by 5-7 p, sticky, adhering in dark masses on the leaf. (See fig. 28, c, d.) On dead leaves of Brythrina monosperma. Hawaii: between Kona and Waimea, July 27, no. 1019. 138 Bemice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin SPHAERIOIDACEAE— PHAEOPHRAGMIAE 122. HENDERSONIA Berk. Supp. p. 208. t. xi, /, g. No. 287. Hendersonia nitida El. and Ev. Bull. Torr. Bot. CI. vol. 22, p. 436, 1895 On Myrsine sp. Heller's collection no. 2305. SPHAERIOIDACEAE— SCOLECOSPORAE 123. SEPTORIA Fr. Syst. Myc. vol. 3, p. 480, 1829 Emend. Sacc. Mich. vol. 2, p. 6, 1880 No. 288. Septoria bataticola Taub. Phytop., vol. 4, p. 320, 1914 On sweet potato. Hawaii : Hamakua, 191 7, C. W. Carpenter (29, Rept. 1917). No. 289. Septoria canavaliae Lyon in Sydow Fung. Exot. no. 191, 21 1913 On Canavalia (cult.) Oahu: Honolulu, H. S. P. A. nursery, May 22, no. 32; also Lyon no. 264, 1913. No. 290. Septoria cerastii Rob. and Desm. Not. 17, p. 21, in Ann. d. sc. Nat. vol. 11, p. 21, 1849; and Sacc. Mich. vol. 1, p. 260 On Cerastium sp. Oahu: Nuuanu Pali, May 27, nos. 116a and 543. No. 291. Septoria clermontiae Stevens and Young, n. sp. Spots irregular, 1-7 mm. in diameter, margin brown, raised. Pycnidia subcuticu- lar, erumpent, black, shining, epiphyllous, 55-145/* in diameter. Conidia 1-2 septate, 10-20 m by 1 a*, hyaline, slightly curved, ends acute. On living leaves of Clermontia sp. Oahu : Tantalus, June 22, no. 659. On Clermontia kakeana (?). Oahu: Tantalus, May 25, no. 98. No. 292. Septoria gouldiae Stevens and Young, n. sp. Leaf-spots definite, surrounded by a sharp, black line, raised above the surface on both sides of the leaf, the discoloration extending about 1 mm. away from the lines. Spots' one to several on each leaf, center brown to white, 3-5 mm. in diameter. Pycnidia in mesophyll of leaf, 90-115 m in diameter, slightly or not at all erumpent, opening on upper surface of leaf, numerous and scattered, most abundant at edges of spots. Spores filiform, hyaline, 50-90 M by 2 v, curved, ends obtuse, no septa seen. On living leaves of Gouldiae lanceolata. Oahu: Tantalus, June 22, no. 602. Also no. 613. On Kadua grandis. Oahu: Tantalus, May 29, no. 93. 21 The type material of this fungus was sent by Lyon to Sydow in a letter, with a suggestion as to name. The description was made and published by Sydow in his Fungi exotica exsiccati. Stevens— Hawaiian Fungi 139 Saccardo gives no species of Septoria on Gouldia, though there are 14 species occurring on the Rubiaceae. The spores of S. gouldiae are larger than any of those with two exceptions : ( 1 ) S. melandrii Pass. var. andri- jevicensis on Melandryum nemoralis reported from Montenegro, which is unlike S. gouldiae in that the spores of the former are 60-82 /x long and with 1-6 transverse septa; (2) S. romana D. Sacc. in leaves of Sherardia arvensis, reported from Rome, which is unlike S. gouldiae in that its pyc- nidia are hypophyllous, erumpent, 90-120 //, in diameter, and the spores are straight or subundulate, many nucleated, acute at both ends, and 100 n by 2-3 fi (generally 60-75/*). Perithecia indistinguishable superficially from the pycnidia (see p. 104) were found on the spots and the two may be connected. No. 293. Septoria graminum Desm. Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. 4, vol. 18, p. 339, 1843 In Heller's collection. No. 294. Septoria poa-trivialis Cocconi Mem. R. Ace. Bologna p. 153, 1896 On Poa annua. Hawaii : Kilauea, July 16, no. 859. The present fungus is found on Poa annua and although it varies somewhat from the brief description given by Saccardo (165, vol. 14, p. 980), since it agrees in host it is considered as the same fungus. The measurements in this case were found to be both shorter and longer than the original, and ranged from 0.7-1.2//, wide. No. 295. Septoria hawaiiensis Stevens and Plunkett, n. sp. Spots irregular, 1-3 mm. in diameter, dark. Pycnidia epiphyllous, subcuticular, erumpent, shining, 25-40 ^ in diameter. Conidia guttulate, 14-18 by 2-2.5/*, hyaline, straight, ends obtuse. On living leaves of Gouldia sp, Hawaii: Kohala Mts., Waimea, Sep- tember, 191 1, Forbes no. 500. No. 296. Septoria lycopersici Speg. Fung. Argent. Pug. 4, 1882 On Lycopersicum esculentum (tomato). Oahu : Wahiawa, nos. 212 and 289, 1918. C. W. Carpenter (29, Report 1917), also no. 173, 1917, Honolulu. No. 297. Septoria apii Chester, Bui. Torr Bot. CI. vol. 18, p. 371, 1891. On Apium graveolens (celery). Oahu: Wahiawa, Lyon 1918; L. D. Larsen, Luakaha, 1913, Lyon no. 28. Hawaii: Glenwood, C. W. Carpen- ter; Volcano House, Carpenter no. 92, 1917. No. 298. Septoria rostrupii Sacc. & Syd., Sacc. Syll. Fung. vol. 14, p. 973, 1890 Septoria chrysanthemum. E. Rostrup, Bot. Tidsskr., p. 48, 1897, 140 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin On Chrysanthemum indicum. Oahu: Honolulu, June 4, no. 273. Ha- waii: Kealakekua, July 22, no. 929. The description of this species as given in the Sylloge Fungorum is as follows: "Spots orbicular, epiphyllous, cirri white, slender; spores fili- form, subflexuous, 40-50 by 2 microns." The fungus of collection no. 273 is as follows: Spots brown, irregular, 0.5-2 cm. long by 0.5-1 cm. wide. Pycnidia epiphyllous, dark colored, 45-70 microns in diameter, ostiole definite. Spores 15-40 by 2-3 ^, 1-3 septate, green tinted, straight or slightly curved, ends acute. Although our specimen differs from the description given by Saccardo in that the spores of the latter are shorter and thicker, green tinted, and septate, it is not thought best to give this fungus a new specific name. No. 299. Septoria rollandiae Stevens and Young, n. sp. Leaf spots' definite, surrounded by a white-brown line, 5-20 mm. in diameter. Pycnidia numerous in center of spot, opening on both surfaces' of the leaf, subepider- mal, 55-110 microns in diameter; ostiole definite. Spores extruded in yellow cirri, hyaline or slightly green tinted, straight or slightly curved, 7-16 (generally 9-14) microns by 1-1.5 microns, 1-2 septate and without guttulae, or 3-5 guttulate and with no septa, and with one end of spore wider than the other ; ends mostly acute. (See PL x, D.) On leaves of Rollandia crispa. Oahu : Olympus, June 24, no. 706. Saccardo gives 11 species of Septoria the spore lengths of which agree approximately with that of the above species. However, their host genera are not of the Lobeliaceae. He gives 10 species on 5 genera of the Lobeliaceae, in only two of which are the spore lengths near those of the above species. These are: (1) S. lobeliae Peck, which differs from S. rollandiae in that the spores of the latter are shorter and the margin of this spot is light colored. (2) S. phyteumatis Siegm. which differs from S. rollandiae in that the spores of the latter are shorter than those of the former. Septoria rollandiae is of special interest because it causes a rotting of leaf tissue. The pycnidia are borne only near the centers of the spots. This fertile area is surrounded by a region which is at first translucent and rotten. Later the fertile part falls out, and finally the whole of the involved area drops out, leaving a hole. No. 300. Septoria salviae-pratensis Pass. Fung. Gall, novi in Jour, d* Hist. Nat. No. 4, p. 16, 1885 On living leaves of Salvia coccinea. Maui: Iao valley, Sept. 7, no. H 53- The description of the material examined differs slightly from the printed description in that the conidia are 25-40 by 2 ^ and the pycnidia are one or few in each spot. Further characters not given by Passerini are: Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 141 spots gray or white, 0.5-2 mm. in diameter; margin raised, pycnidia epi- phyllous, 35-80 [x in diameter; conidia few-septate. 124. RHABDOSPORA Mont, in Fl. Alg. Bot. p. 592. Emend. Sacc. Mich. vol. 2, p. 26, 1880 No. 301. Rhabdospora pittospori Stevens & Young n. sp. Pycnidia numerous, black, 400-800 /* in diameter, ostiole large. Conidia abundant, filiform, hyaline, straight or curved, obtuse, 1 to few-septate, 12-22 by 21*, conidio- phores 15-18 M long. On dead capsules of Pittosporum sp. collected by C. N. Forbes, no. 21. Hawaii: Kona, July 23, 191 1, 125. CLYPEOSEPTORIA Stevens and Young, n. gen. Pycnidia clypeate. Conidia filiform. No. 302. Clypeoseptoria rockii Stevens and Young, n. sp. Spots 2-5 mm. in diameter, white-brown, entire spots raised 0.5 mm. above upper surface of leaf; margin brown, indistinct. Pycnidia with a heavy black clypeus, sub- epidermal, epiphyllous, irregular, 135-225 /* in diameter ; ostiole definite. Conidia hyaline, variously curved, 90-125 ^ by 0.75-1 ^, filiform, continuous, ends tapering, but obtuse. (See fig. 29.) Figure; 29. — Pycnidia of Clypeoseptoria rockii (Lyon no. 286) on Platydesma cam- panulata, each covered by a clypeus. On living leaves of Platydesma campanulata. Maui : Honomanu, May, 191 1, J. F. Rock, Lyon no. 286. The pycnidia, in the possession of a thick covering, show some resem- blance to the imperfect stage of Dothidella flava Stevens (180, vol. 69, p. 250, 1920). They are often angular and somewhat irregular, and typi- cally are not globose. The wall, except that portion occupied by the 142 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin ciypeus, is thin and light colored. The clypeus is composed of black hyphae which fill the epidermal cells over the spore cavity. Extensive mycelium was seen in the leaf tissues. This genus resembles Septoria in its spores, but differs from it in other characters. 126. PHOMOPSIS Sacc. Ann. Myc. vol. 3, p. 166, 1905 No. 303. Phomopsis achilleae (Sacc.) v. Hohn Fr. 3, Myk. in Sitz. d. k t Akad. Wissen. in Wien. vol. 115, p. 32, 1906 On dead stems of Dahlia sp. Oahu: Honolulu, Sept. 18, 1913, Lyon no. 378. On Hemerocallis sp. Hawaii : Kukuihaele, August 2, no. 1094. No. 304. Phomopsis vexans (Sacc. and Syd.) Harter Jour. Agr. Res., vol. 2, p. 338, 1914 Phoma vexans. Sacc. and Syd., Syll. Fung. vol. 14, p. 889, 1890. On Solatium melongena (egg plant). Oahu: Wahiawa, 1918, C. W. Carpenter (29, Rept. 1918) no. 211. NECTRIOIDACEAE 127. ASCHERSONIA Mont. Syll. Cryt. no. 929 No. 305. Ascheronsia marginata E. and E. Bull. Torr. Bot. CI. vol. 22 f p. 436, 1895 On Psidium in Heller's collection as reported by Ellis. LEPTOSTROMATACEAE Conidia hyaline 128 Leptothyrium Conidiadark 129 Pirostoma 1 28. LEPTOTHYRIUM Kunze and Schm. Mykol. hefte allgembot. Anz. p. 79 — emend Sacc. Mich. vol. 2, p. 114, no. 955, 1880 No. 306. Leptothyrium sidae Stevens and Young, n. sp. Spots mostly white, 2-5 mm. in diameter, margin brown, raised, definite. Pyc- nidia numerous in concentric circles (often attached in groups of 2 or 3), amphige- nous (mostly epiphyllous), light brown, dimidiate, 60-150/* in lateral diameter, opening by tearing off the covering membrane. Conidiophores simple, borne in a flat basal layer. Conidia elongate-oval, continuous, hyaline (or ochraceous)) 6-9 by 2/x with guttulae in the ends. (See fig. 30, a, b.) On living leaves of Sida spinosa. Hawaii: Kealakekua, July 21, no. 912; Maui: Iao valley, Sept. 7, no. 1152. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 143 A few immature, subepidermal pycnidia of very different character, with definite ostioles, were found in one of the spots bearing the Leptothyrium, Figure; 30. — Pycnidia of Leptothyrium sidae (No. 912) on Sida spinosa: a, view from above; b, section showing spores. No. 307. Leptothyrium pothi Amy G. Weedon n. sp. Spots definite, irregular in shape, 0.5 by 1 cm. to 8 by 3 cm., or by coalescing occupying almost half of the leaf area, limited by the mid-rib, visible from both sides of the leaf, ashy to white. Pycnidia more abundant near the edge of the spot, gregarious, in areas about 2 by 5 mm. to 8 mm. in diameter, arranged in a somewhat concentric manner; hypophyllous, black, subepidermal, 133-180 by 136-198^. Ostiole lacking, but the pycnidial cover thin at the center. Spores hyaline, with two large guttulae, almost filling the spore, occasionally found with many small guttulae, continuous, oblong, a trifle broad at one end, and slightly pointed at the other, 14-16 by 7 a*. On Pothos sp. (cult). Oahu: Honolulu, May 20, no. 26; Hawaii: Kapapala ranch, July 18, no. 883 (type). This species appears clearly to belong to the genus Leptothyrium, though the pycnidial covering under the cuticle is very thin, and the whole structure with merely superficial study might readily pass for an acervulus. No. 308. Leptothyrium gleicheniae Stevens and Young n. sp. Spots brown or black, 2-10 by 2-4 mm. in diameter. Pycnidia epiphyllous', black, subepidermal, inconspicuous, 225-600 m wide, 35-55 /"- thick. Conidia oval or oblong, hyaline, 1 -celled, 2-3 by .7-1 v>. On living leaves of Gleichenia longissima. Oahu: Wahiawa, May 31, no. 153. On Gleichenia sp. Maui : Pogue's ditch trail, Sept. 6, no. 1 1 58. 129. PIROSTOMA Fries. Summa Veg. Syst. vol. 2, p. 395, 1849 No. 309. Pirostoma dianellae Stevens and Young n. sp. Spots light colored, indefinite. Pycnidia hypophyllous, dimidiate, dark colored, closed at first, later rupturing by large, oval or lacerate opening, mostly scattered, 144 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin 200-700 M in diameter. Mycelium dark. Conidia i-celled, olivaceous, oval, 6-10 by 2-3 m>, ends' rounded or slightly acute. On leaves of Dianella odorata. Hawaiian Islands, 192 1. MEIvANCONIAIJES KEY TO HAWAIIAN GROUPS Conidia hyaline, i-celled Hyalosporaa Conidia dark, i-celled Phaeosporae Conidia hyaline, several-celled Hyalophragmiae Conidia dark, several-celled.. Phaeophragmiae HYALOSPORAE 130. GLOEOSPORIUM Desm. and Mont, in Ann. Sc. Nat. Ser. 5, vol 4, p. 295, 1849 No. 310. Gloeosporium affine E. and K. in jour. Myc. vol. 1, p. 113, 1885 In Heller's collection. N0.311. Gloeosporium barringtoniae Stevens and Young n. sp. No distinct spot formed. Acervuli scattered along veins or grouped in circular areas, white, 100-200 ju in diameter. Conidia oblong, non-septate, 11-18 by 3-3.5^. On living leaves of Barringtonia asiatica. Oahu: Hillebrand gardens, Honolulu, June 18, no. 42. No. 312. Gloeosporium canavaliae Sydow, Fung. Exot. no. 145. On Canavalia sp. (cult) Reported by Lyon (115, vol. 8, p. 287, 1913). No. 313. Gloeosporium cerei Passer. Diagn. d. Funghi nuovi. No. 47, 1891 On Cereus sp. Oahu : Honolulu, June 5, no. 262. The description of the material examined differs slightly from the printed description in that the acervuli are mostly linear and not flexuose, and that the spots are dark. No. 314. Gloeosporium musarum Cooke and Mass. Grev. vol. 16, p. 3, 1887 On living leaves of Musa (banana). Oahu: Hakipuu, June 19, no. 565. No. 315. Gloeosporium peleae Stevens n. sp. Acervuli numerous, dark, 90-110 ^ in diameter, subcuticular, erumpent. Conidia hyaline, i-celled, 11-16 by 4^, obtuse at one end and usually tapering at the other. On galls caused by the psyllid Hevaheva perkini on Pelea. Oahu: Tantalus, June 22 y no. 632. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 145 The spores, somewhat variable in size and of quite characteristic shape, as well as the unique habitat, are distinctive. No. 316. Gloeosporium sp. A "Gloeosporium-like fungus" is also reported by C. W. Carpenter (29, Rept. 1918). On Per sea gratissima (avocado), Musa cavendishii (banana), cassava, Coffea sp. (coffee), fig, Fsidium guayava (guava). Litchi chinensis (litchi), Mangifera sp. (mango), star-apple and vanilla. 131. COLLETOTRICHUM Corda in Sturm Cr. Flora, vol. 3, p. 41, 1837 No. 317. Colletotrichum artocarpi Delacroix. Bull. trim. Soc. Myc. de France, vol. 21, p. 198, f. 12, 1905 On living leaves of Artocarpus incisa. Oahu: Flakipuu, June 19, no. 576. No. 318. Colletotrichum dianallae Stevens and Young n. sp. Acervuli elongated with veins, brown to black, up to 1200^ long and 100 ft wide, setae brown, 50-70 by 4 fi, ends acute. Conidia not numerous, 25-32 by 3-5 (i, straight or somewhat curved, ends' acute. On living or languid leaves of Dianella odorata. Kauai : Waimea Can- yon, June 15, no. 447. No. 319. Colletotrichum dracaenae Allesch. Rab. Krypt. Flora v. Deutsch, vol. 1, part 7, p. 560, 1903 On dead stems of Agapanthus sp. Hawaii: Waimea, July 30, no. 1039. The characters of the fungus on this specimen agree fairly well with the printed description, yet, because of the fact that this fungus is a saprophyte and that the host genus is not known definitely, this determination is uncertain. No. 320. Colletotrichum falcatum Went. Het. Rood. Snot, p. 7, 1893. "A parasite in cane sticks. Hawaii." Caum. No. 321. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz. in Mich. vol. 2, p. 450, 1882 On Citrus aurantium (orange). Oahu: Honolulu, Lyon 1912; Wa- hiawa, Lyon no. 235, 1912. No. 322. Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (S. and M.) B. and C. Hed~ wigia, vol. 22, p. 127, 1883 On Phaseolus vulgaris (bean). C. W. Carpenter (29, Rept. 1917, 1918 and Bui. 8). No. 323. Colletotrichium malvarum (A. Br. and Casp.) Southw. Jour. Myc. vol. 6, p. 116, 1890 On living leaves of Sida sp. Hawaii: Kealakekua, July 21, no. 913. 146 Bernice P. Bishop Museum— Bulletin The description of the material examined differs slightly from the printed description in that the setae are 20-65 by 4ju, long, and the conidia are 10-15 by 5-6/*. No. 324. Colletotrichum passiflorae Stevens and Young n. sp. Acervuli black, numerous, 90-225 v- in diameter. Setae brown, 50-75 by 5 p. Conidia granular, cylindrical, 10-18 by 3.5-6 p. On fruits of Passiflora laurifolia. Hawaii: Kealakekua, July 21, no. 914. On living leaves of Passiflora edulis. Kauai: Pipe trail, June 15, no. 465. A thin brown, mycelial plate is formed at the base of each acervulus. No. 325. Colletotrichum peregrinum Pass. Diagn. d. Funghi nuovi IV, p. 14, 1890 On living leaves of Nothopanax sp. Oahu : Honolulu, Hillebrand garden. May 22, no. 40. The spores from this specimen are a little larger than those described by Passerini. No. 326. Colletotrichum phyllocacti E. & E. Jour, of Myc. vol. 8, p. 65, 1902 On living leaves of Phyllocactus sp. Oahu: Honolulu, Jan. 28, 1913, Lyon no. 260. PHAEOSPORAE 132. MELANCONIUM Link, in Willd. Sp. pi. Fungi. Ed. 4, vol. 2, p. 91, 1810 No. 327. Melanconium iliau Lyon. Haw. PL Rec, vol. 3, p. 148, 1910 On Saccharum officinarum (cane). "An imperfect form of Gnomonia iliau Lyon." — Caum. No. 328. Melanconium pandani Lev. in Ann. Sc. nat. Bot. ser. 4, vol. 20, p. 66, 1845 On fruits of Pandanus, Lyon no. 5. Palmyra Island, collected by Joseph F. Rock (154), reported by H. L. Lyon. No. 329. Melanconium sacchari Mass. Ann. Bot. vol. 7, p. 515, 1893. On Saccharum officinarum (cane). "Saprophytic or possibly very weakly parasitic in nearly all sugar- growing countries. Thought by Masse to be a form of Trichosphaeria sacchari Mass." — Caum. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 147 HYALOPHRAGMIAE 133. SEPTOGLOEUM Sacc. Mich. vol. 2, p. 11, I. c. No. 330. Septogloeum arachidis Racib. Zeitsch. f. Pflanzenkr. vol. 8, p. 66, 1898 On Arachis hypogaea (peanut). C. W. Carpenter (29, Rep. 1918). PHAEOPHRAGMIAE 1 34. PESTALOZZIA De Not. Micr. ital. novi vel. minus cog. no. 9, 1856 No. 331. Pestalozzia sps. Numerous collections of this genus were made on the following hosts: Antidesma platyphyllum, Baumea meyenii, Dianthus sp. (cult.), Acrosti- chum sp., Eucalyptus globulus, Eugenia malaccensis, Musa sp. (cult.), Vincentia angustifolia. MoniIvIai.es KEY TO FAMILIES AND GENERA Conidiophores separate Conidiophores and conidia hyaline Moniliaceae Conidia i-celled hyaline Moniliaceae-amerosporae Conidiophores much like the mycelium Oosporeae Mycelium within the host ., —....135 Monillia Mycelium superficial 136 Oidium Conidiophores clearly different from the mycelium Conidiophores but little branched Cephalosporieae Conidia straight 137 Trichoderma Conidia curved 138 Al lantospora Conidiophores much branched Botrytideae Conidiophores not erect 139 Sporotrichum Conidiophores erect 140 Botrytis Conidia 3- to many-celled Moniliaeeae-phragmosporae Conidia cylindric ovate 141 Ramu laria Conidia obovate 142 Piricularia Conidiophores and conidia both dark Dematiaceae Conidia oxogenous Conidia i-celled..... Domatiaceae-amerosporae Conidiophores much like the mycelium Toruleae Conidiophores clearly different from the mycelium Conidia not catenalate Trichosporieae Conidia catenalate , Haplographieae Conidia 2-celled Dematiaceae-d idy mosporae Conidia 3- to many-celled ..Dematiaceae-phragmosporae Conidia solitary 147 Helminthosporium Conidia whirled 148 Acrothacium Conidia muriform Dematiaceae-d ictyosporae Conidia filiform Dematiaceae-scolecosporae Conidia endogenous Dematiaceae-endoconideae 148 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin Conidiophores fascicled or tuberculate Conidiophores in a synema or coremium ■. ...Stilbaceae Conidia hyaline Hyalostilbeae Conidiadark, i-celled Phaeostilbeae-amerosporae Conidia dark, several-celled Phaeostilbeae-phragmosporae Conidiophores in a sporodochium Tuberculariaceae Hyaline, spores several-celled Mucedineae-phragmosporae Dark, spores i-celled Dematieae-aimerosporae Dark, spores muriform Dematieae-dictyosporae MONILIACEAE-AMEROSPORAE 135. MONILIA Pers. Emend Sacc. Mich. vol. 2, p. 17, 1880, op. cit. No. 332. Monilia aureofulva C. & E., in Grevillea, vol. 8, p. 12, 1879 Atkinson's list, Lyon no. 49a. No. 333. Monilia sitophila (Mont.) Sacc. in Mich. vol. 2, p. 359. On Saccharum officinarum. Lyon no. 109. "A saprophyte growing over cane stubble in Hawaii." Caum 1. c. 136. OIDIUM (Link.) Emend Sacc. Mich. vol. 2, p. 15, 1880 (See also Erysiphaceae, p Since no perithecia were found, definite determination of the species cannot be made. No. 334. Oidium (probably of Microsphaera euphorbiae Pk. B. and C.) On Euphorbia sp. Hawaii: Keauhou, Kona, July 22, no. 926. No. 335. Oidium (probably of Erysiphe polygoni DC.) On Cassia occidentalis. Oahu: Honolulu, Hillebrand gardens, May 22, no. 27- Hawaii: Kukuihaele, August 3, no. n 17. No. 336. Oidium (probably of Erysiphe dehor aiearum DC., possibly of Sphaerotheca humuli (DC.) Burr). On Xanthium italicum. Oahu: Honolulu, School street, May 28, no. 130. Hawaii: Kukuihaele, no. 1095. On Dahlia (cult.). Hawaii: Keauhou, Kona, Bishop Estate road, July 2^ f no. 930. Maui: Olinda pipeline, Sept. 5, no. 1146. On Zinnia (cult). Oahu: Honolulu, June 4, no. 272. No. 337. Oidium (probably of Sphaerotheca pannosa (Wallr.) Lev. or Sphaerotheca humuli (DC.) Burr). On Rose (cult.). Hawaii: Waimea, July 30, no. 1037; Wailuku, Sept. 5, no. 1 150. Also collected by C. W. Carpenter on Oahu, Rept. 19. No. 338. Oidium (probably of Sphaerotheca humuli (DC.) Burr.) On Erigeron sp. Hawaii: Waimea, July 30, no. 1044. On Coreopsiss Hawaii: Waimea, July 30, no. 1041. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi *49 MONILIACEAE-AMEROSPORAE-CEPHALOSPORIEAE 137. TRICHODERMA Pers, Disp. fung. p. 12, 1797 No. 339. Trichoderma lignorum (Tode) Harz, Einige neue Hypho. Ber- lin u. Wien, 1871 On Sacchantm officinarum. "On dead cane in Hawaii." Caum. 138. ALLANTOSPORA Wakk. Arch. v. de Java Suikerindust, 1896 No. 340. Allantospora radicicola Wakk. op. cit. On Sac char um officinarum, "Parasitic on young roots in Hawaii. Also a general cane saprophyte in Hawaii." — Caum. MONIUACEAE-AMEROSPORAE-BOTRYTIDEAE 139. SPOROTRICHUM Link, uber die Gattung Sporotrichum in Link Jahrbiicher der Gewachskunde Bd. 1, 1818, pp. 163-183 No. 341. Sporotrichum sp. On Perkinsiella saccharicia. On Semnoprepia, Genophantis and other caterpillars. 22 140. BOTRYTIS Mich. em. Link. Sp. PI. vol. I, p. 53, 1924 No. 342. Botrytis grassi (?) On Adore tus sinicas, Anomala orientalis, Pseudolus hospes, Calandra remota, Stenommatus musae, Scolytids. 23 No. 343, Botrytis sp. Conidiophores thick, 393-1244 by 10-18 ja, branched; branches geniculate, straw- colored, granular, tips smooth. Conidia borne near the apices' of branches, globose to ovoid, straw-colored, 9- 11 by 6-7 n. See fig. 31, a. On Passiflora sp. Hawaii: Keauhou, Kona, Bishop Estate road, July 23, no. 941. This species of Botrytis could not be cultured, and therefore could not be determined satisfactorily. It causes actual rotting of the Passiflora leaves. 32 Unpublished record of O. H. Swezey. 23 Unpublished record by O. H. Swezey. i5o Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin MONILIACEAE-PHRAGMOSPORAE 141. RAMULARIA Ung. Exanthem. d. Pflanz. p. 169, 1833 Emend. Sacc. Mich. vol. 2, p. 20, 1880 No. 344. Ramularia ipomoeae Stevens n. sp. Spot 5-15 mm. in diameter, indefinite, roughly circular, yellow and later brown and dead. Fungus amphigenous. Conidiophores hyaline, very short, barely emerging, crowded in large numbers in the stomata. Conidia hyaline, cylindrical, straight or crooked, obtuse, 1-3 septate, 20-60 by 2-3.5 n. On Ipomoea bona-nox (moonflower, cult.). Hawaii: Kealakekua, July 21, no. 908. Associated with Sphaerulina ipomoeae (see p. 106). No. 345. Ramularia nephrolepis Stevens n. sp. Spots dark, dead, definite. Fungus hypophyllous emerging as white or pink clusters. Conidiophores' hyaline, profusely and irregularly branched, emerging from the stomata. Conidia of two kinds: a, ovate to elliptical and obtuse, 7-14 by 31*; b, longer, and falcate or straight, continuous or several septate. (See fig. 31, &.) On Nephrolepis exaltata. Hawaii : between Kapapala ranch and Kona, July 20, no. 896; Oahu: Palolo valley, June 10, no. 311, Ahren's ditch trail, June 8, no. 287. Figure 3 1. —Conidiophores, conidia, and spores: a, of Botrytis sps. (No. 941) on Passiflora; b, of Ramularia nephrolepis (No. 896) on Nephrolepis exal- tata — conidiophores and two kinds of conidia. The fungus when fresh in the field is conspicuous on the lower sides of the dead spots, as either white, or vivid red, clumps of conidiophores. The vividness of the color is largely lost in dried material. The conidio- phores branch more than is usual and the variation in spore shape also is much more than is common in Ramularia. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 15 1 No. 346. Ramularia microlepiae Stevens n. sp. Spots dead, brown to black. Fungus hypophyllous, conidiophores simple, hya- line, short (about 18^ long), crowded in great numbers in the stomata. Conidia whip-shaped, tapering, hyaline, many septate, 40-80/* by 3/*. On Microlepia sps. Oahu: Wahiawa, May 31, no. 169; Kalihi valley, June 2, no. 175; Wahiawa, June 3, no. 255; Ahren's ditch trail, June 8, no. 282; Palolo valley, June 10, no. 336; Waiahole ditch trail, June 12, no. 391 ; Tantalus, June 22, no. 606 ; Kolekole pass, June 2j, no. 729. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 500. Maui: Pogue's ditch trail, Sept. 6, no. 1 155. Pycnidia apparently of a Phoma, was abundant on some of the dead spots, substomatal small (45-60/*), black, spores, 9 by 3.5 v>, obtuse, hyaline. No. 347. Ramularia tulasnei Sacc. Michelia, vol. 1, p. 536, 1879 On Fragaria sp. (strawberry). Hawaii: Kapapala ranch, July 18, no. 884. 142. PIRICULARIA Sacc. Mich. op. cit. No. 348. Piricularia grisea (Cooke) Sacc. Mich. op. cit. On Oryza sativa (rice). C. W. Carpenter (29, Rept. 1918). DEMATIACEAE DEMATIACEAE-AMEROSPORAE-TORULEAE 143. MONILOCHAETES Ell. and Halsted in Bui. 76, N. J. Agr. Exp. Sta. 1890 No. 349. Monilochaetes infuscans E. and H. On Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato). Kauai: 1917, C. W. Carpenter; Oahu: Honolulu, 1916, C. W. Carpenter. Also reported by Carpenter in 1917 (29, Rept). DEMATIACEAE-AMEROSPORAE-TRICHOSPORIEAE 144. BASISPORIUM Molliard, Bull. Soc. Myc. d. France, vol. 18, p. 167, 1902 No. 351. Basisporium gallarum Moll. On Saccharum officinarum (sugar cane). "A saprophyte on living cane leaves. Hawaii." — Caum. DEMATIACEAE-AMEROSPORAE-HAPEOGRAPHIEAE 145. HORMIACTELLA Sacc. Syll. Fung. vol. 4, P- 3 11 * l88 4 No. 352. Hormiactella sacchari Johns. Johnston, Jour. Dep. Agr. Porto Rico, vol. 1, p. 224, 1917 152 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin On Saccharum officinarum "Johnston believes that this fungus has been reported from Hawaii." — Caum. DEMATIACEAE-DIDYMOSPORAE 146. CLADOSPORIUM Link. Sp. PI. Fungi vol. 6, p. 39, 1824 See under Phyllosticta colacasiophila, pp. 129-132. DEMATIACEAE-PHRAGMOSPHOREAE 147. HELMINTHOSPORIUM Link. Berl. Mag. vol. 3, p. 10, 1809 No. 352. Helminthosporium cibotii Stevens and Weedon n. sp. Spots 3-7 mm. in diameter, irregularly circular, center tan-colored, shrunken, thin, surrounded by a densely black border 1-2 mm. wide, which shades off into a pale zone. Fungus hypophyllous. Conidiophores crooked, emerging through the stomata often several from one stoma, simple, short (70 m), black, 7 m thick at base, dark at base, pale at tip. Conidia dark, very crooked, many septate (to 8), 36-55 by 5/*, often attenuated at one end. (See fig. 32.) On Cibotium sp. Oahu: Mt. Olympus, June 10, no. 346. Figure 32. — Conidiophore and three conidia of Helminthosporium cibotii (No. 346) on Cibotium sp. This species is of the same general type as H. gleicheniae, but differs from it in many details as to conidia and conidiophores, and particularly in the character of the spot formed on the host. No. 353. Helminthosporium gleicheniae Stevens and Glick, n. sp. Spots amphigenous, irregular in size, sometimes occupying the whole pinnule. Conidiophores hypophyllous, very dark, erect, thick, stiff, with irregular swellings', fasciculate from the stomata, apex rounded, hyaline, 219-265 by 7-8 m. Conidia dark brown, subclavate, geniculate; 5-9 septate (mostly 8) ; 27-42 by 7-9 /^. Mycelium pale- brown, irregularly branched. (See fig. 33, a.) On Gleichenia dichotoma. Oahu: Ahren's ditch trail, June 8, no. 283; Wahiawa, June 3, no. 223; Olympus, June 24, no. 673; Palolo valley and Mt. Olympus, June 10, no. 371. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 509. The septation and dimensions of the conidia are given in Table III : Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 153 TABLE III. — SHOWING SEPTATION AND DIMENSIONS OF HELMINTHOSPORUM CONIDIA SEPTATION OF CONIDIA Septa 0123456789 Frequency .... 2 1 2 1 5 9 22 49 8 1 Total 100 CONIDIAI, MEASUREMENTS (iN MICRONS — LENGTH) Microns 27 29 32 35 36 37 40 42 47 Frequency 213181573 Total 32 CONIDIAL MEASUREMENTS (iN MICRONS — WIDTH) Microns 789 Frequency 18 3 II Total 32 No. 354. Helminthosporium ravenelii Curt, and Berk. North. Am. Fung, no. 368. On Sporobolus elongatus. Hawaii: Kilauea, July 13, no. 802; Waimea. July 27, nos. 1022 and 1038. 148. ACROTHECIUM Preuss, Ueber. unt. Pilze. Hoyersw. in Linnaea, vol. 24, p. no, 1851. Emend. Sacc. Mich, vol. 2, p. 29 No. 355. Acrothecium lunatum Wakk. Ziekt. Suik. p. 196, 1898 On Sac char um officinarum (sugar cane). "A saprophyte on cane leaves in Hawaii." — Caum. DEMATIACEAE-DICTYOSPORAE 149. ALTERNARIA Nees. Syst. d. Pilze, p. 72, 1817 No. 356. Alternaria solani (Ell. and Martin.) Jones and Grout, Bull. 72, Vt. Agr. Exp. Sta. 1899 Macrosporium solani. Ell. and Mart., Amer. Nat. vol. 16, p. 1003, 1882. On Solanum tuberosum (potato). Oahu: Honolulu, Oct. 9, 1917, C. W. Carpenter no. 171, also seen at Mokuleia. Also noted by C. W. Car- penter as on Maui and Hawaii; and as prevalent in the territory. No. 357. Alternaria sonchi Stevens n. sp. Spot definite, angular, limited by the veins, brown, dead, border purple. Conidio- phores pale brown, issuing from the stomata, usually solitary, rarely two or three, geniculate, usually about 90-100 /* long, 7 p thick, thicker at the base. Conidia dark brown, muriform, 70 by ita*, catenulate, beaked when mature. 154 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin On Sonchus oleraceus. Oahu: Honolulu, May 19, nos. 6 and 12; also May 20, no. 20; Tantalus, May 25, no. 104; Wahiawa, June 3, no. 221. Kauai: upper Waimea canyon, June 15, no. 420. The fungus appears to be truly parasitic and the cause of the dead spots. The solitary conidiophores from the stornata are characteristic. DEMATIACEAE-SCOLECOSPORAE 150. CERCOSPORA Fres. Beitrage 3, p. 91, 1863 No. 358. Cercospora arctii Stevens n. sp. Spots definite, angular, limited by the veins, at first brown, later ashen to white. Fungus amphigenous. Conidiophores brown, septate, geniculate, simple, fascicled from the stornata, about 70-90 a* long. Conidia pale, long, whip-shaped, many septate, obtuse, 30-90 by 3/*. On Arctium lappa (cult.). Hawaii: Kukuihaele, Aug. 2, no. 1096. No. 359. Cercospora agerati Stevens n. sp. Spots indefinite, irregular, pale above. Fungus hypophyllous, gray to smoky. Conidiophores light brown, septate, irregular, geniculate, much branched, lax, appear- ing in fascicles from the stornata. Conidia linear, hyaline, continuous or often 1- septate, obtuse, 18-33 hy 3-4 y>. On living leaves of Ageratum conyzoides. Hawaii: Wailuku river, July 8, no. 750; Kealakekua, July 23, no. 944. No. 360. Cercospora althaeina Sacc. Mich. vol. 1, p. 269, 1879 On Mediola caroliana. Hawaii : Waimea, July 29, no. 1024, O. H. Swezey, also July 30, no. 1047; Hamakua, upper ditch trail, July 31, no. 1082. No. 361. Cercospora beticola Sacc. Fung. Veneti. Ser. 5, p. 189, 1878 On Beta vulgaris. Oahu: between Diamond Head and King street, Honolulu, May 19, no. 18. No. 362. Cercospora coffeicola Berk, and Curt. Grev. vol. 9, p. 99, 1881 On Coffea arabica (cult.). Hawaii: Kealakekua, July 23, no. 939. Also reported by C. W. Carpenter. No. 363. Cercospora bolleana (Thiim) Speg. in Mich. vol. 1, p. 475, 1879 On Ficus carica (fig)'.- Oahu: C. W. Carpenter (29, Rept. 1919). No. 364. Cercospora echinocystis Ell. and Mart. Amer. Nat. vol. 16, p. 100, 1882 On "Chinese cucumber." Oahu: Waialua, October 10, 1913, L. D. Larson, Lyon no. 405. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 155 No. 365. Cercospora megalopotamica Speg. Fung. Arg. Pug. 3, no. 342, 1881 On Bidens leucantha. Hawaii: Kukuihaele, August 2, no. 1100. No. 366. Cercospora nicotianae Ell. and Ev. Proc. Acad. Sc. Phil, p 170, 1893 On Nicotiana tabacum (cult.). Hawaii: Kealakekua, July 22, no. 925. No. 367. Cercospora pipturi Stevens and Glick n. sp. Spots hypophyllous, diffuse, indefinite, fuscous, 2-5 /* in diameter. Conidiophores long, lax, fasciculate from the stomata, branched, septate, straw-colored; conidia obclavate, 4-7 septate, 40-100 by 5-8/*, slightly bent or often curved, granular, fuscous. (See fig. 33,6.) On Pipturus albidus. Kauai: Kalalau trail, June 16, no. 538; Hawaii: between Hilo and Kilauea, July 10, no. 766; Kapapala ranch, July 18, no. 894; between Kona and Waimea, July 27, no. 1020; Maui: Olinda pipeline, Sept S, no. 1 140; Oahu: Olympus, June 24, no. 713. Figure) 33.— Conidiophores and conidia : a, of Helminthosporium gleicheniae, showing single spore, germinating; b, conidia and conidiophores of Cercospora pipturi on Pipturus albidus. This species is very close to C. ferruginea FcL, and C. belly nckii (West) Sacc, but since it differs somewhat in conidial measurement and occurs on a host of very different family, we regard it as a distinct species. No. 368. Cercospora plantaginis Sacc. Mich. vol. 2, p. 268. On Plantago sp. Kauai: Upper Waimea canyon, June 15, no. 433. No. 369. Cercospora tectoniae Stevens n. sp. Spots 2-3 v. in diameter or by confluence larger, angular, definite, border reddish brown, center ashen-white. Conidiophores brown, usually solitary or few, geniculate, 100-150 ^ long by 3.5 At wide. Conidia whip-shaped, tapering, hyaline, septate, about 90/* long, curved. 156 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin On Tectonia grandis. Oahtt: Honolulu, Hillebrand gardens, May 22, no. 52. No. 370. Cercospora sacchari v. Breda d. Haan. Mededeel Striker, 1892 On cane leaves in Hawaii." — Caum. No. 371. Cercospora sagittariae Ell. and Kell. Jour. Myc. vol. 2, p. 1, 1886 On Sagittaria sagittifolia. Oahtt: Between Diamond Head and King street, Honolulu, May 19, no. 7, also May 28, no. 129. No. 372. Cercospora alabamensis Atk. Cere. Ala. Jour. Elisha Mitchel Soc. 8, 51, 1891 On Ipomoea pes-caprae. Oahtt: Honolulu, May 19, no. 11; Kauai: Waimea, June 17, no. 540. No. 373. Cercospora vaginae Krug. Ber. Zttck. vol. 2, p. 249, 1896 On Saccharum officinarum (cane). "Parasitic on the sheaths, probably in Hawaii/' — Caum. DEMATIACEAE-ENDOCONIDEAE 15 1. THIELAVIOPSIS Went. De Ananaziekte Archief. Java Sttikerindustrie, p. 8, 1893 No. 374. Thielaviopsis paradoxa (de Seyn) v. Hohn. Hedw. 43, p. 295, 1904 On Saccharum officinarum (cane). "A wound parasite in Hawaii. Said by Massee to be a form of Tricho- sphaeria sacchari." — Caum. 152. EXCIOCONIDIUM O. A. Plttnkett 22a n. g. Fertile hyphae, erect, dark septate, conidia hyaline, septate, cylindric, born inter- nally in fertile hyphae. No. 375. Excioconidium cibotti O. A. Plunkett, n. sp. Fertile hyphae, arising from a subcuticular mass of mycelium, dark, erect, cylin- drical to clavate, septate at base, tips inflated, when mature 90-225 by 6.5-10-5 v>. Conidia separate, hyaline, elongate, cylindrical, 4-8-celled, slightly constricted, ends rounded, 31-42 by 5-7 M, borne singly in the interior of fertile hyphae and discharged at the tips. (See fig. 34.) Saprophytic on stems of Cibotium chamissoi. Hawaii: Kilattea, July 13, no. 810. l2a The section on Excioconidium was prepared by O. A. Plunkett. Stevens — Hazvaiian Fungi 157 The fungus described above seems worthy of special mention on account of the fact that the conidia are produced internally. This character is rather rare among the Dematiaceae, and, to my knowledge, exists in only six genera listed in Saccardo's Sylloge Fungorum. The genera previously listed as bearing conidia internally are Conioscypha, Chalara, Thielaviopsis, Thielavia, Cirromyces, and Sporoschisma. These genera are scattered throughout the different divisions of the Dematiaceae. Lindau has brought several of them together under one sub-family, and it seems that the single d e Figure 34. — Hxcioconidium cibotii (No. 810) on Cibotium chamissoi: a, showing four conidiophores arising from a small tubercular base; b, two conidiophores showing conidia emerging; c, showing conidiophores; d, conidia; e, coni- diophores viewed from another aspect. character of endo-conidial production is sufficient to warrant the bringing together of all these scattered genera into one division or group. The fungus Excioconidium cibotii, described above, does not agree closely enough in some of its essential characters to place it in any of the existing genera mentioned. Considerable difficulty arises in trying to determine its proper position in any of the systems. In view of this fact and the fact that it should at least be associated with the other endoconidial fungi of the Dematiaceae, I propose that all the endo-conidial fungi of this family be 158 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin placed in a new section to be known as the Endoconideae. The following from Rabenhorst (146) is a suggested key to such a classification: KEY TO GENERA OF ENDOCONIDEAE Conidia hyaline or colored one- to several-celled, arising within the hyphae Conidia one-celled, hyaline, or dark Conidia solitary, dark Hyphae branched ; the dark conidium at first enclosed in a vesicle from which it escapes at the apex Conioscypha Conidia in chains, hyaline Conidia of two kinds ; microconidia borne inside fertile hyphae Macroconidia short, cylindric with a thick, brown wall ; borne in a series of three to six on hyaline branches Thielavia Macroconidia catenulate, ovate, thin walled 151 Thielaviopsis Conidia of one kind only Conidia in simple chains Chalara Conidia conglutinate, in a long curl .Cirromyces Conidia several celled, hyaline or dark Conidia solitary Fertile hyphae erect, septate, dark ; conidia pluriseptate, hyaline, cylindrical, obtuse. 152 Excioconidium Conidia usually catenulate Fertile hyphae simple, erect ; conidia pluriseptate,dark, cylindrical, truncate Sporoschisma Excioconidium cibotii gives to the surface of the dead stems of Cibo- tium a smoky appearance scarcely noticeable to the naked eye. This is due to the brown conidiophores scattered over the surface, grouped together in fascicles of from 4 to 9. (See fig. 34, a.) The fertile hyphae vary in length and in the number of basal cells. The yellowish sac-like apical cells of the hyphae contain but a single spore at one time. (See fig. 34 a, b.) It seems probable, however, that a hypha produces more than a single spore. From the difference in the number of basal cells in the various conidiophores and the appearance thereof, one might assume that the con- tents of these cells undergo a change, from time to time, and become spores. (See fig. 34, b, c.) The conidia are hyaline, slightly granular, and usually 8-celled; however, 4- and 5-celled conidia have been observed. The basal mass of mycelium to some extent resembles a tubercle but it is not thought distinct enough to place the fungus in the Tuberculariaceae. STILBACEAE HYALOSTILBEAE 153. ISARIA Pers. Tentam Dispos. Meth. Fung. 1797 No. 376. Isaria saussurei Cooke (?) On Polistes sp. (H. S. P. A. Bui. 12, 1912.) Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 159 PHAEOSTILBEAE-AMEROSPORAK 154. GRAPHIUM Corda. Icones fung. vol. 1, p. 18, 1837 No. 377. Graphium dubautiae Stevens and Weedon n. sp. Spots viewed from above are with white centers 1-2 m.. in diameter, surrounded by a broad, 2-3 mm., dark purple border. Spots from below are tan-colored. Fungus hypophyllous. Synemata few on each spot, sterile, basal portion either short (60 m), or long (310 m), by 20 M thick. Base dark, shading to nearly hyaline at the top. Synema separating toward the upper third of its length into the component filaments, which are about 3.5 ^ in diameter and sometimes free for a distance of 100 11. Conidia acrogynous, hyaline, continuous, cylindrical, obtuse, 8-18 by 3.5 ^. (See fig. 35.) On Dubautia laxa. Oahu : Tantalus, June 22, no. 650. No. 378. Graphium sp. "Undetermined species occur on cane leaves in Hawaii/' — Caum. Figure: 35. — Coremia of Graphium dubautiae (No. 650) on Dubautia laxa; a, b, d, detail of the conidiophore apex and the conidia; c, habit sketch of a coremium. PHAEOSTILBEAE-PHRAGMOSPORAE 155. ISARIOPSIS Fr. in Sacc. Mich. vol. 2, p. 33, 1880 No. 379. Isariopsis griseola Sacc. Mich. vol. 1, p. 273, 1879 On Phaseolus vulgaris (cult). Hawaii: Kapapala ranch, July 18-19, no. 885; Oahu: Honolulu, C. W. Carpenter (29, Rept 1918) Maui: Kula, 1917. i(5o Bemice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin TUBERCULARIACEAE MUCEDINEAE-PHRAGMOSPORAE 156. FUSARIUM Link. Bed. Mag. vol. 3, p. 10, 1809 No. 380. Fusarium coeruleum (Lib.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. vol. 4, p. 705, 1884 On Solatium tuberosum (potato) (29, Bui. 45, 1920; Rept. 1918). No. 381. Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht. Fl. Berolinensis, vol. 2, p. 139, 1824 On Solanum tuberosum (potato). Maui: Waiakoa, 1916, 1917 by C. W. Carpenter. Oahu: Honolulu, 1916, C. W. Carpenter (29, Rept. 1917). No. 382. Fusarium radicicola Wollenweber Journ. Agr. Res. vol. 2, p. 257, I9H On Solanum tuberosum (potato. Maui: Waiakoa, 1916, C W. Carpen- ter (29, Repts. 1917, 1918, and Bui. 45, 1920). On Roselle. Maui: Lahaina, 1916, Haw. Agr. Expt. Sta. Rept. 1918. C. W. Carpenter. On Persea. Oahu: Honolulu, 1916. C. W. Carpenter. No. 383. Fusarium solani (Mart) Sacc. Mich. vol. 2, p. 296, 1880 On Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato). Kauai: 1917. C. W. Carpenter. Also Haw. Agr. Exp. Sta. Rept. 1917. No. 384. Fusarium vasinfectum Atk., Alabama Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 41, p. 19, 1892 On Musa sp. (banana). Reported by Carpenter (29, Rept. 1917). DEMATIEAE-AMEROSPORAE 157. STRUMELLA Sacc. Mich. vol. 2, p. 36, 1880 No. 385. Strumella sacchari Cke. Grev. vol. 19, p. 45, 1890 Melanconium sacchari Mass. "On Saccharum officinarum (sugar cane)." — Caum. DEMATIEAE-DICTYOSPORAE 158. SPEGAZZINIA Sacc. Mich. vol. 2, p. 37, 1880 No. 386. Spegazzinia ornata Sacc. Mich. vol. 2, p. 172, 1880 On Meliola sp. Lyons list no. 60a. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 161 MYCELIA STERILIA KEY TO GENERA HEREIN NOTED Tubercle-like Tubercles connected by fibrils 159 Rhizoctonia Tubercles not connected by fibrils 160 Sclerotium Cobwebby Adpressed, creeping, dendritic ; 161 Hima'ntia Cespitose interwoven 162 Rhacodium 1 59. RHIZOCTONIA Kiihn, Krankheiten der Kultur Gewachse p. 224, 1858. No. 387. Rhizoctonia solani Kiihn, Krankheiten der Kulturgewachse, p. 224, 1858 On Solanum tuberosum (potato). Oahu: Honolulu, 1916 (29, Bui 45, 1920). Also reported in 1918. Said to be in all fields seen (29, Rept. 1917). No. 388. Rhizoctonia sp. "On cane roots in Hawaii/' — Caum. On Brassica rapa (turnip). C. W. Carpenter (29, Rept. 1918). 160. SCLEROTIUM Tode. Fung. Meckl. Sel. 1790 No. 389. Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. in Ann. Myc. vol. 9, p. 257, 191 1 On Sac char um officinarum (sugar cane). "A sheath parasite in Hawaii." — Caum. On Arachis hypogaea (peanut). Oahu: Hawaii. C. W. Carpenter. On Solanum tuberosum (potato). Honolulu in 1913, Larsen. Also C. W. Carpenter (29, Bui. 45, 1920). On Colocasia antiquorum (taro). (29, Rept. 1918.) No. 390. Sclerotium sps. On Saccharum officinarum (sugar cane). "Several undetermined species parasitic in Hawaii." — Caum. 161. HIMANTIA Pers. Tent. Disp. Meth. Fung. p. 42, 1797 No. 391. Himantia stellifera Johns. Jour. Dept. Agr. Porto Rico, vol. i, p. 188, 1917 On Saccharum officinarum (sugar cane). What is apparently this same fungus has been reported from Hawaii." — Caum. 1 62 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin 162. RHACODIUM Pers. Synop. meth. Fung. p. 701 No. 392. Zasmidium tropicum (Mont.) Reich. Reichardt, H. W. Miscellen 19, Beitrage zur Pilze flora von Niederostereich, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien. vol. 17, 1867 The genus Zasmidium Fr. is given by Saccardo as synonymous with Rhacodium, A Zasmidium as named above was reported from Hawaii by Reichardt. FUNGUS OF UNKNOWN AFFINITY 163. GRAPHIOLA Poit. in Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. p. 473, 1824 No. 393. Graphiola phoenicis (Mong.) Poit., op. cit. On Phoenix dactylifera. Oahu: Honolulu, June 4, no. 275; Kapiolani Park, 1913, Lyon no. 263. HOSTS OF HAWAIIAN FUNGI AND THE FUNGI ON THEM HOST FUNGUS Abutilon incanum Puccinia heterospora menziesii - . Puccinia heterospora Acacia farnesiana .Ravenelia siliquae koa L,ophodermium intermissum Hypoxylon annulatum Meliola koae Nummularia guaranitica Uromyces koae Xylaria rhopaloides Acrostichum sp Pestalozzia sp. Adoretus sinicus . .Botrytis grassi Metarrhizium anisopliae Agapanthus sp r .„. Colletotrichum dracaenae umbellatus Phoma agapanthi Ageratttm conyzoides Cercospora agerati Puccinia conoclinii Albizzia lebbek Phoma henningsii Aleurites (rotten) Xylaria curta Xylaria schweintizii Nectria subquaternata var farinosa Alfalfa, see Medicago Alphitonia excelsa ......Irene splendens ponderosa Hyalocurreya sandicensis Alyxia olivaeformis Amazonia psychotriae Guignardia alyxiae Meliola alyxiae Trichothallus hawaiiensis" Trichopeltis reptans Trichopeltis rhyacoides Uromyces' alyxiae Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 163 HOSTS OF HAWAIIAN FUNGI AND THE FUNGI ON THEM— Continued HOST FUNGUS Ananas sativus Pythium butleri Anchonymus agonoides Laboulbenia disenochi Anomala orientalis Botrytis grassi Metarrhizium anisopliae Antidesma platyphyllum Pestalozzia sp. Apium graveolens Septoria apii Arachis hypogaea ... Septogloeum arachidis Sclerotium rolfsii Arctium lappa Cercospora arctii Artocarpus incisa Colletotrichum artocarpi Mycosphaerella artocarpi Atelothrus constrictus Laboulbenia cauliculata depressus Laboulbenia cauliculata erro Laboulbenia hawaiiensis gracilis Laboulbenia hawaiiensis Avena sativa Puccinia rhamni Ustilago avenae Avocado, see Persea Bamboo, see Bambusa Bambusa Lageniforma bambusae Banana, see Musa Barringtonia asiatica Gloeosporium barringtoniae Phoma barringtoniae Baumea meyenii Aulographella baumeae Meliola cyperi Pestalozzia sp. Trichopeltis reptans Bean, see Phaseolus' Beet, see Beta Bembidium sps. Laboulbenia hawaiiensis Beta vulgaris Cercospora beticola Bidens leucantha Cercospora megalopotamica Brassica campestris Albugo Candida rapa :. .' Rhizoctonia sp. Brosconymus optatus Laboulbenia disenochi Broussaisia sp Trichothallus hawaiiensis Bryonia sandwicensis Asterinella humiriae Calandra remota Botrytis grassi Canavalia ensiformis Fusicoccum canavaliae Gloeosporium canavaliae Massalongiella canavaliae Septoria canavaliae Cane, see Saccharum Capriola dactylon Puccinia cynodontis Carex oahuensis Uredo hawaiiensis Carnation, see Dianthus Casimiroa edulis Phyllosticta casimiroae Cassava, see Manihot Cassia occidentalis Oidium Cattleya Macrophoma cattleyicola Celery, see Apium Cenchrus hillebrandianus Puccinia cenchri Cerastium sp Septoria cerastii Cereus sp Gloeosporium cerei 164 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin HOSTS OF HAWAIIAN FUNGI AND THE FUNGI ON TllJ&M— Continued HOST FUNGUS Cheirodendron gaudichaudii Irene cheirodendronis "Chinese cucumber" , Cercospora echinocystis Chrysanthemum indicum Puccinia chrysanthemi Septoria rostrupii Cibotium chamissoi Exioconidium cibotii Yoshinagella nuda Y. polymorpha var. pauciseta menziesii Sphaerulina cibotii Yoshinagella polymorpha sp Helminthosporium cibotii Citrus aurantium Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Claoxylon sandwicense Asterina ildefonsiae Meliola morbosa Clermontia kakeana Septoria clermontiae multiflora Amazonia psychotriae Trichopeltis reptans oblongifolia Calothyriopeltis clermontiae sandwicensis Asterina clermontiae Amazonia psychotriae Asterina clermontiae Meliola lobeliae Septoria clermontiae Trichothallus hawaiiensis Trichopeltis reptans Cocculus ferrandianus Clypeolella clermontiae Echidnodella cocculi Codiaeum moluccanum Phyllosticta codiaei Coffee, see Coffea Coffea arabica Cercospora coffeicola Gloeosporium sp. Colocasia antiquorum Sclerotium rolfsii sp _ Phyllosticta colocasiophila Phytophthora colocasiae Pythium sp. Colopodiscus lucipetens , Laboulbenia hawaiiensis Colpocaccus hawaiiensis' ...Laboulbenia hawaiiensis lanaiensis .Laboulbenia cauliculata Laboulbenia hawaiiensis marginatus Laboulbenia cauliculata posticatus Laboulbenia hawaiiensis tantalus Laboulbenia hawaiiensis Coprosma sp * *^/.ir./™~.Actinodothidopsis coprosmae "Amazonia psychotriae Coreopsis sp Oidium (Sphaerothecahumuli) Cordyline term^nalis""^ cordylinophila Cortaderia argentea Apiospora montagnei Cotton, see Gossypium Cryptocarya manii Meliola peleae Cyanea angustifolia Mycosphaerella cyaneae Cyanea sp t Trichopeltis reptans Cyrtandra cordifolia ..Irene cyrtandri lessoniana Irene cyrtandri Dahlia Oidium (Erysiphe cichoracearum) sp Phomopsis achilleae Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 165 HOSTS OF HAWAIIAN FUNGI AND THE FUNGI ON THEM-Continued HOST FUNGUS Dianella odorata Colletotrichum dianellae Meliola gregoriana Mycosphaerella dianellae Phaeosphaerella dianellae Pirostoma dianellae Dianthus Pestalozzia sp. Uromyces caryophyllinus Dicotyledon Trabutia minima Amozonia psychotriae Phaeosphaerella hawaiienses Disenochus aterrimus Laboulbenia disenochi fractus' Laboulbenia disenochi sulcipennis Laboulbenia disenochi Dodonaea viscosa _ Meliola lyoni Dracaena aurea Leptosphaeria dracaenae Meliola dracenae Coniothyrium dracaenae . draco Phyllosticta draconis Dubautia laxa Graphium dubautiae Egg plant, see Solanum Elaphoglossum Trichothallus hawaiiensis sp . Trichopeltis reptans Eragrostis variabilis , Phyllachora graminis Erechtites sp Phyllosticta erechtitis Erigeron sp Oidium ( Sphaerotheca humuli) Erythrina monosperma Stagonospora erythrinae Eucalyptus JEuligo septica Eucalyyptus globulus Pestalozzia sp. robusta , Harknessia hawaiiensis' sp Lembosia eucalypti Eugenia malaccensis "Pestalozzia sp. sandwicensis Meliola hawaiiensis ^Mycosphaerella eugeniae sps Mycosphaerella eugeniae Euphorbia clusiaefolia ....Amazonia psychotriae Questieria euphorbiae Uredo stevensii cordata . Puccinia velata hookeri , Puccinia velata multiformis... Puccinia velata serphyllifolia Uromyces proeminens S P , .'Oidium ( Sphaerotheca humuli) Uredo stevensii Fern Fuligo septica Ficus carica Cercospora bolleana _ Gloeosporium sp. Fragana sp „ Ramularia tulasnei Freycinetia arnotti Clypeosphaeria stevensii Gibberella lagerheimii 'Melanomma clypeatum Mycosphaerella freycinetiae Peltella freycinetiae Phyllachora freycinetiae Seynesia atkinsonii Trichothallus hawaiiensis 1 66 Bernice P. Bishop Museum— Bulletin HOSTS OF HAWAIIAN FUNGI AND THE FUNGI ON THEM— Continued HOST FUNGUS Gahnia gaudichaudii ."Meliola cyperi leptostachya Meliola cyperi Genophantis sp Sporotrichum sp. Geranium arboreurn Puccinia callaquensis glabratum Puccinia geranii-silvatici Gleichenia dichotoma Helminthosporium gleicheniae longissima Dasyscypha ulei Eeptothyrium gleicheniae sp Eeptothyrium gleicheniae Gonocephalum serialum Metarrhizium anisopliae Gossypium „ Glomerella gossypii Gouldia coriacea . r Asterina gouldiae Dendrophoma gouldiae Meliola sandwicensis Pluriporus gouldiae elongata .'. Meliola sandwicensis lanceolata .Meliola sandwicensis Meliola kaduae Septoria gouldiae macrocarpa Meliola sandwicensis sp Enthallopycnidium gouldiae Meliola kaduae Meliola sandwicensis Mycosphaerella kaduae Septoria hawaiiensis Sphaeropsis gouldiae terminalis Meliola kaduae Meliola sandwicensis Grass .Apiospora montagnei Fuligo septica Scirrhia lophodermioides Trichopeltis reptans Gttava, see Psidium Gunnera petaloidea Harknessia gunnerae Mycosphaerella hawaiiensis Harknessia gunnerae Cortaderia argentea _ Apiospora montagnei Hedychium coronarium Mycosphaerella hedychii Heliconia sp ..Phyllosticta heliconiae Hemerocallis sp - Phomopsis achillea Heteropogon contortus Puccinia versicolor Sphacelotheca monilifera Hibiscus cult. ..'., Microthyriella hibisci sabdariffa Fusarium radicicola Phoma macularis Holchus halepensis Puccinia purpurea Hordeum sativum Ustilago hordei Hydrocotyle verticillata Puccinia hydrocotyles Ipomoea batatas .Fusarium solani Monilochaetes infuscans Rhizopus nigricans Septoria bataticola bona-nox ..Ramularia ipomoeae Sphaerulina ipomoeae Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 167 HOSTS OF HAWAIIAN FUNGI AND THE FUNGI ON THEM— Continued HOST FUNGUS Ipomoea insularis Albugo ipomoeae-panduranae pes-caprae Cercospora alabamensis Jussiaea villosa , Guignardia jussiaeae Kadua glomerata Polystomella kaduae Trichopeltis reptans grandis .Septoria gouldiae Mycosphaerella kaduae knudsenii . Meliola kauaiensis Meliola sandwiceusis' sp .Meliola kaduae Meliola kauaiensis Meliola sandwicensis Mycosphaerella kaduae Kai choy, see Sinapis Koa, see Acacia Labordea sp Amazonia psychotriae Lepidosaphes beckii Ophionectria coccicola Sphaerostilbe coccophila Litchi - Gloeosporium sp. Lobelia sp Amazonia psychotriae Asterina fimbriata Asterina lobeliae Calothyriopeltis metrosideri Lycopersicum esculentum Septoria lycopersici Phytophthora infestans Maba sandwicensis , Asterina aspidii Asterinella mabae Meliola sp. ind. Echidnodella mabae hillabrandii . Asterinella mabae Mangifera indica Meliola sp. ind. Antennellina hawaiiensis Chaetothyrium mangiferae Glome rella cingulata Hypoxylon eflusum Phaeosphaerella mangiferae sp -Gloeosporium sp. Mango, see Mangifera Manihot , .'Gloeosporium sp. Maranta dichotoma Phyllosticta marantaceae Mauna frigida ....Xaboulbenia hawaiiensis Mecyclothorax montivagus , Xaboulbenia hawaiiensis ovipennis Xaboulbenia hawaiiensis pusillus Laboulbenia hawaiiensis Medicago sativa Pseudopeziza medicaginis Uromyces medicaginis Mediola caroliana Cercospora althaeina Meliola sp Spegazzinia ornata Mesothriscus alternans ...Xaboulbenia cauliculata hawaiiensis collaris ;... cauliculata var. prolixa hawaiiensis cauliculata 168 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin HOSTS OF HAWAIIAN FUNGI AND THE FUNGI ON THEM— Continued HOST FUNGUS musicola hawaiiensis cauliculata tricolor cauliculata var. prolixa hawaiiensis Metromenus aequalis ~ cauliculata var. prolixa ealiginosus > cauliculata var. spectabili sphyri epicurus sphyri fraudator cauliculata latifrons cauliculata var. spectabili sphyri mutabilis ■. cauliculata var. spectabili Metrosideros polymorpha Amazonia ohianus Arcyria cinerea Diatrype princeps Metasphaeria hawaiiensis' Mycosphaerella metrosideri Nummularia mauritanica Trichopeltis reptans Trichothallus hawaiiensis collina polymorpha var (?) Meliolina haplochaeta collina polymorpha var incana Meliolina sydowiana sp Asterina rickii Calothyriopeltis metrosideri Penzigia globosum Xenolophium leve X. verrocosum Microlepia sps Ramularia microlepiae Monocrepidius exsul - Metarrhizium anisopliae Morinda citrifolia Chaetothyrium hawaiiensis Phaeoscaccardinula morindae Musa sp Fusarium vasinfectum Gloeosporium musarum Guignardia musae Pestalozzia sp. "Phoma musae Phyllosticta musae musicola Pythium sp. Myrsine sp Hendersonia nitida Nephrolepis exaltata Ramularia nephrolepis Nerium oleander Phyllosticta nerii Nicotiana tabacum - ...... Cercospora nicotianae Notholcus lanatus Puccinia rhamni Entyloma crastophilum Nothopanax sp. Colletotrichum peregrinum Oat see Avena Oleander, see Nerium Omiodes accepta Torrubiella Opuntia sp Diplodia opuntiae Orange, see Citrus Oryza sativa ...Piricularia grisea Pythium butleri Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 169 HOSTS OF HAWAIIAN FUNGI AND THE FUNGI ON THEM— Continued HOST FUNGUS Osmanthus sandwicensis Asterinella intensa Aulacostroma osmanthi Calothyriella osmanthi Calothyrium osmanthi Meliola osmanthi Paederia foetida ~ Coleosporium paederiae Palms , Meliola palmicola Pandanus odoratissimus' . Schizochora pandani sp Melanconium pandani Panicum barbmode Uromyces leptodermus nephelophilum Puccinia es'clavensis Pantomorus fulleri ... Metarrhizium anisopliae Paspalum conjugatum Leptosphaeria proteispora Sorosporium paspali orbiculare Puccinia huberi Passiflora edulis Colletotrichum passiflorae laurifolia -Colletotrichum passiflorae sp Botrytis sp. Peach, see Prunus Peanut, see Arachis Pelea . - Phragmocapnias smilicina (on galls)...., Gloeosporium peleae barbigera Meliola peleae cinerea Meliola juddiana cinerea ^ M. peleae clusiaefolia Meliola juddiana elliptica juddiana peleae hawaiiensis juddiana kauaiensis Trichopeltis reptans parvifolia .Meliola juddiana rotundifolia Hexagonella peleae Meliola juddiana peleae sandwicensis juddiana peleae sp juddiana peleae Trichopeltis reptans Trichothallus hawaiiensis Perkinsiella saccharicida Cordyceps (sterile) Entomophthora sp. Sporotrichum sp. Perrottetia sandwicensis Actinodothis perrottetiae Amazonia perrottetiae Persea gratissima Fus'arium radicicola Gloeosporium sp. Glomerella cingulata Phaseolus (cult. ) Uromyces appendiculatus Colletotrichum lindemu- thianaum Diaporthe phaseolarum Isariopsis griseola Phoenix dactylifera Graphiola phoenicis Phyllocactus sp Colletotrichum phyllocacti 170 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin HOSTS OF HAWAIIAN FUNGI AND THE FUNGI ON THEM— Continued HOST FUNGUS Phyllostegia floribunda Trichothallus hawaiiensis sp Asterina phyllostegiae Physalis peruviana Irene inermis Pineapple, see Ananas sativus Piperomia sp Trichopeltis reptans' Pipturus albidus Cercospora pipturi Irene triloba Pisonia umbellifera Echidnodes pisoniae sandmicensis Echidnodes pisoniae Pitheoolobium saman Phyllosticta pithecolobii Pittosporum sp Rhabdospora pittospori Plantago sp Cercospora plantaginis Platydesma companulata . Clypeoseptoria rockii Plusia chalcites ,., Metarrhizium anisopliae Poa annua Puccinia epiphylla Septoria poa-trivialis Polestes sp Isaria saussurei Polygonum glabrum Puccinia polygoni-amphibii Potato, see Solanum Pothos sp Leptothyrium pothi Phyllosticta aricola pothicola Prosopis* juliflora ._. Rhytidhysterium prosopidis Prunus persica - - Phyllosticta circumscissa Tranzschelia punctata Pseudococcus sacchari ..., Aspergillus parasiticus Entomophthora pseudococci Pseudolus hospes Botrytis grassi Psidium guayava Aschersonia marginata Gloeosporium sp. Iyimaciniella psidii Trichopeltis reptans Pteridium aquilinum Uredinopsis pteridis Puccinia versicolor Darlucafilum Raillardiasp Echidnodella raillardiae Rhabdocnemis obscura Metarrhizium anisopliae Rhynchospora lavarum Uromyces rhyncosporae thrysoidea Mehola cypen Rice, see Oryza Rollandia crispa Septoria rollandiae racemosa Umaciniopsis rollandiae Rosa sp Mycosphaerella ros'igena Phragmidium disciflorum Oidium (Sphaerothecapan- nosa or S. humuli) Roselle, see Hibiscus Rubiaceae Meliola sandwicensis Rubus hawaiiensis Anomothallus erraticus Irene puiggarii Trichothallus hawaiiensis villosus , Kuehneola uredinis Saccharum of f icinarum Acrothecium lunatum Allantospora radicicola Basisporium gallarum Stevens — -Hawaiian Fungi 171 HOSTS OF HAWAIIAN FUNGI AND THE FUNGI ON THEM— Continued HOST FUNGUS Saccharum officinarum Cercospora sacchari vaginae Colletotrichum falcatum Gnomonia iliau Graphium sp. Himantia stellifera Hormiactella sacchari Leptosphaeria sacchari sp. Lophodermium sacchari Melanconium iliau sacchari Monilia sitophila Mycosphaerella striatiformans Nectria sps. Phyllosticta hawaiiens'is Pythium butleri Rhizoctonia sp. Sclerotiurn rolfsii sp. Strumella sacchari Thielaviopsis paradoxa Trichoderma lignorum Sadleria sp Dasyscypha sadleriae Sagittaria sagittifolia - Cercospora sagittanae Salvia coccinea Septoria salviae-pratensis Scaevola chamissoniana Irene scaevolicola Mycosphaerella scaevolae Phyllosticta scaevolae Pleospora scaevolae glabra Amazonia psychotriae Irene scaevolicola Mycosphaerella scaevolae mollis Irene scaevolicola Mycosphaerella scaevolae Scaevola sp Amazonia psychotriae Calothyriopeltis scaevolae Trichothallus hawaiiens'is Scale insects Nectria subcoccinea Scirpus paludosus .. Uromyces scirpi Scotytids ,.., Botrytis grassi Sedge , Metasphaera cumana Trichothallus hawaiiensis see also Carex Semnoprepia sp Sporotrichium sp. Sida sp Colletotrichium malvarum spinosa - Leptothyrium sidae Sideroxylon rhynocospermum Pauahia sideroxyli sandwicense - Meliola sideroxyi Sinapis cernua Albugo Candida ^ Siphanta acuta Cordyceps' (sterile) Smilax Phargmocapnias smilicina Trichothallus hawaiiensis S. sandwicensis Trichopeltis reptans Macrophoma smilacini 172 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin HOSTS OF HAWAIIAN FUNGI AND THE FUNGI ON THEM— Continued HOST FUNGUS Solanum melongena Phomopsis vexans sp Gibberella pulicaris tuberosum Alternaria solani Fusarium coeruleum oxysporum radicicola Phytophthora infestans Rhizoctonia solani Sclerotium rolfsii Sonchus oleraceus Alternaria sonchi Sorghum Sphacelotheca reiliana sorghi Sporobolis elongatus Helminthosporium ravenelii Stachytarpheta dichotoma Phoma herbarum Star-apple Gloeosporium sp. Stenommatus musae Botrytis grassi Straussia hawaiiensis Amazonia psychotriae kaduana Amazonia psychotriae Meliola kaduae mariniana , Amazonia psychotriae ^ Chaetothyrium straussiae sp t Amazonia psychotriae Meliola kaduae Trichopeltis reptans Trichothallus hawaiiensis Strawberry, see Fragaria Lyonella neurophila Suttonia kauaiensis - Actinodothis suttoniae lessertiana Actinodothis suttoniae Trichopeltis reptans lanaiensis Beelia suttoniae Oligostroma suttoniae sandwicensis .'Calothyrium suttoniae sp Asterina suttoniae Meliola sp. ind. Sweet potato, see Ipomoea Syntherisma pruriens' Puccinia oahuensis Taraxacum officinale Puccinia taraxaci Taro, see Colocasia Tectonia grandis Cercospora tectoniae Tetraplasandra hawaiiensis Seynesiopeltis tetraplasandrae meiandra... Seynesiopeltis tetraplasandrae Tobacco, see Nicotana Tomato, see Lycopersicum Triticum (cult.) Puccinia clematidis' Turnip, see Brassica Uromyces leptodermus Darluca filum Uromyces rhyncosporae Darluca filum Vaccinium reticulatum Irene exilis Meliola alyxiae vaccinii Pucciniastrum myrtilH Trichopeltis reptans sp Asterina delitescens Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 173 HOSTS OF HAWAIIAN FUNGI AND THE FUNGI ON THEM— Continued HOST FUNGUS Vanilla Gloeosporium sp. Verbena sp. Xicinnobolus cesatii Vigna catjang Uromyces appendiculatus Vincentia augustifolia Lophodermium arundinaceum Meliola cyperi Pestalozzia sp. Trichopeltis reptans Trichothallus hawaiiensis Viscttm articulatum Meliola visci Wikstroemia elongata Amazonia psychotriae foetida var. oahuensis Amazonia psychotriae phillyreaefolia Amazonia psychotriae S P ■ * Amazonia psychotriae uva-ursi .Pucciniastrum wikstroemiae Wood Fuligo cinerea var. escorticata septica Hypoylon sandwicensis Iyycogala epidendrum Rosellina citriformis Stemonitis splendens Ustulina zonata (rotten) „ , Xylaria hypoxylon Xanthium italicum : Oidium Puccinia xanthii Zangiber zerumbet - Phyllosticta zingiberis Zinnia — — Oidium (Erysiphecicho- racearum) 174 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin HOSTS OF HAWAIIAN MELIOLAS BY FAMILIES Rutaceae : Pelea barbigera, cinerea, elliptica, rotundifolia, sandwicensis, and Pelea species'. , M. peleae Pelea cinerea, clusiaefolia, elliptica, hawaiiensis, parvifolia, rotundifolia, sandwicensis, and P. species M. juddiana Celastraceae : Perrottetia sandwicensis Am. perrottetiae Perrottetia sandwicensis Ac. perrottetiae Rhamnaceae : Alphitonia excelsa I. splendens Sapindaceae : Dodonaea viscosa M. lyoni L,eguminosae : Acacia koa. ; M. koae Rosaceae : Rubus hawaiiensis I. puiggarii Myrtaceae : Eugenia sandwicensis.. M. hawaiiensis Meterosideros collina polymorpha „ Me. haplochaeta Meterosideros collina polymorpha Me. sydowiana Meterosideros polymorpha Am. oahianus Araliaceae : Cheirodendron gaudichaudii I. cheirodendronis Rubiaceae : Coprosma species; Straussia hawaiiensis, kaduana, mariniana and Straussia species Am. psychotriae Gouldia coriacea, elongeata, lanceolata, macrocarpa, terminals and G. species, Kadua knudsenii, K. species M. sandwicensis Kadua knudsenii, Kadua sps M. kauaiensis Gouldia terminalis, Gouldia lanceolata, Gouldia sp., and Kadua sp., Straussia Jcaduana and Straus'sia species M. kaduae Lobeliaceae : Clermontia multiflora, C. species, L,obelia sps -Am. psychotriae Clermontia sp M. lobeliae Goodeniaceae : Scaevola chamissoniana, glabra, mollis, S. species,.... Kscaevolicola Scaevola glabra, S. species : Aim. psychotriae Vacciniaceae : Vaccinium reticulatum M. vaccinii Vaccinium reticulatum I- exilis- Vaccinium reticulatum M. alyxiae Ebenaceae : Maba sandwicensis M.sp. ind. Sapotaceae : Sideroxylon sandwicense M. sideroxyli Myrsinaceae : Suttonia lessertiana, Suttonia kauaiensis Ac. suttoniae Suttonia sps M.sp. ind. Stevens — -Hawaiian Fungi 175 HOSTS OF HAWAIIAN MELIOLAS BY TAMIWES-Continued Loganaceae : Labordeasp Am. psychotriae Apocynaceae : Alyxia olivaeformis - M. alyxiae Alyxia olivaeformis Am. psychotriae Oleaceae : Osmanthus sandwicensis M. osmanthi Solanaceae : Physalis peruviana - I. inermis Gesneriaceae : Cyrtandra cordifolia, lessoniana I. cyrtandri Eauraceae : Cryptocarya mannii M. peleae Thymelaeaceae : Wikstroemia elongata, foetida, phillyreaefolia and W. sp Am. psychotriae Loranthaceae : Viscum articulatum M. visci Euphorbiaceae : Euphorbia clusiaefolia - Am. psychotriae Claoxylon sandwicense M. morbosa Urticaceae : Pipturus albidus I. triloba LiHaceae : Dianella odorata .....M. gregoriana Dracaena aurea M. dracenae Palmaceae : Palms M. palmicola Cyperaceae : Rhynchospora thyrsoidea, Baumea meyenii, Gahnia leptostachya, gaudichaudii, Vincentia angustif olia M. cy per i 176 Bemice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin HOSTS OF HAWAIIAN RUSTS INDICATING THE ENDEMIC (e), THE INDIGENOUS (i), AND THE RECENT (r) An asterisk indicates that the rust also is endemic a Acacia farnesiana (r) Acacia koa * (e) (i) Abutilon incanum (e) (i) Abutilon menziesii (e) (i) Ageratum conyzoides (r) Alyxia olivaeformis * (e) (i) Avena sativa (r) Capriola dactylon (r) Carex oahuensis * (e) (i) Cenchrus hillibrandianus (e) (i) Chrysanthemum indicum (r) Dianthus (cult.) (r) Euphorbia clusiaefolia * (e) (i) Euphorbia cordata * (i) Euphorbia hookeri * (e) (i) Euphorbia serphyllifolia (r) Geranium glabratum (i) Geranium arbor eum (i) Heteropogon contortus (r) Holchus halepensis (r) Holchus' sorghum (r) Hydrocotyle verticillata (i) Medicago sativa (r) Notholcus lanatus (r) Paederia foetida (r) Panicum barbinode (r) Panicum barbinode Paspalum orbiculare (i) Phaseolus (cult.) (r) Poa annua (r) Polygonum glabrum (i) Prunus persica (r) Pteridium aquilinum (i) Rhynchospora lavarum Rosa sp. (r) Rubus villosus (r) Scirpus paludosus (i) Syntherisma pruriens (i) Taraxacum officinale (r) Triticum (cult) (r) Vaccinium reticulatum (e) (i) Vignacatjang (r) Wikstroemia uva-ursi * (e) (i) Xanthium italicum (r) a See p. ..'J.i SPECIES OF HAWAIIAN RUSTS INDICATING THE APPROXIMATE SOURCE (e) ENDEMIC, (r) RECENT, (E) PROBABLE AMERICAN ORIGIN, (W) PROBABLE WESTERN ORIGIN, (ew) UNCERTAIN ORIGIN alyxiae Uromyces (e) appendiculatus Uromyces (ew) (r) callaquensis Puccinia (E) (*) caryophyllinus Uromyces (ew) (r) cenchri Puccinia (E) (*) chrysanthemi Puccinia (ew) (r) clematidis Puccinia (e w) (r) conoclinii Puccinia (E) (r) cynodontis Puccinia (e w) (r) disciflorum Phragmidium (e w) (r) epiphylla Puccinia (e w) (r) esclavensis Puccinia (E) (*) geranii-sylvatica Puccinia (e w) (*) hawaiiensis Uredo (e) heterospora Puccinia (e w) (*) huberi Puccinia (E) (*) hydrocotyles Puccinia (E) (*) koae Uromyces (e) leptodermus Uromyces (E) (r) medicaginis Uromyces (E) (r) myrtilli Pucciniastrum (e w) (* oahuensis Puccinia (e) paederiae Coleosporium (W) polygoni-amphibii Puccinia (e) proeminens Uuromyces (ew) (r) pteridis Uredinopsis (E) (*) punctata Tranzchelia (ew) (r) purpurea Puccinia (e w) (r) rhamni Puccinia (e w) (r) rhyncosporae Uromyces (E) (* scirpi Uromyces (E) siliquae Ravenelia (E) (r) stevensii Uredo (e) taraxki Puccinia (ew) (r) uredinis Kuehneola (E) (r) velata Puccinia (e) versicolor Puccinia (E) (r) wikstroemiae Pucciniastrum (e) xanthii Puccinia* (E) (r) a For explanation see pp. * Probably indigenous. Stevens — Hawaiian Fungi 177 LITERATURE CITED This bibliography was prepared at the Bishop Museum and verified by Miss Helen Purdy in 1924, except those marked with the asterisk (*), which were later verified by the author. 1. Adanson, Michel, Families des plantes, vol. 2, p. 7, 1763. 2. *Almeida, J. V. d', and de Souza da Camara, M., Estudos mycologicos: Rev. Agronomica 1, p, 26, 1903. 3. Arnaud, G., Contribution a l'etude des Fumagines: £cole Nat. Agr. Montpellier, Ann., new sen, vol. 10, pp. 211, 328, 191 1; Les Asterinees: vol. 16, pp. 185, 186, 1918. 4. * Arthur, J. C, Sci. Congr. Bot. Vienne, Result., pp. 337,- 340, 1906. 5. Arthur, J. C, Uredinales: North American flora, vol. 7, pp. 109, 135, 151, 1907; vol. 7, pp. 171, 186, 224, 232, 233, 246, 256, 259, 1912; vol. 7, pp. 284, 287, 292, 294, 313, 315, 327, 333, 357, 381, 1920. 6. Arthur, J. C, Uredinales of Guatemala based on collections by E. W. D. Hol- way: Am. Jour. Bot., vol. 5, p. 472, 1918. 7. Atkinson, G. 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Index to Fungi INDEX TO FUNGI 185 A Page Acrothecium lunatum - 153 Actinodothidopsis coprosmae 19 Actinodothis perrottetiae 51 suttoniae -~ 5 1 Albugo Candida 8 ipomoeae-panruranae 9 Allantospora radicicola 149 Alternaria solani J 53 sonchi x 53 Amazonia ohianus 50 perrottetiae - 47 polypoda, see Amazonia psychotriae. Psychotriae 48 Anomothallus erraticus - 9 1 Antennellina hawaiiensis' - 55 Apiospora montagnei 21 Arcyria cinerea 7 Aschersonia marginata 142 Aspergillus parasiticus 13 Asterina aspidii -— 74 clermontiae 73 delitescens" 74 fimbriata 74 gouldiae 73 ildefonsiae 73 kauaiensis 73 lobeliae 74 phyllostegiae 73 rickii 74 suttoniae 74 Asterinella humiriae 75 intensa - 75 mabae - - - 75 Aulacostroma osmanthi 63 Aulographella baumeae 77 B Basisporium gallarum 151 Beelia suttoniae ..- 71 Botrytis grassi 149 sp 149 C Calothyriella osmanthi 70 Calothyriopeltis clermontiae 7 2 metrosideri .. '.. 72 scaevolae 7 1 Calothyrium osmanthi 71 suttoniae , - 7 1 Cercospora agerati 154 alabamensis 156 althaeina 154 arctii - 154 beticola 154 bolleana 154 coffeicola 154 Page echinocystis 154 megalopotamica 155 Cercospora nicotianae 155 pipturi 155 pantaginis 155 sacchari ._ 156 sagittariae 156 tectoniae 155 vaginae 156 Chaetothyrium 56 hawaiiense 56 mangiferae 57 straussiae 56 Cicinnobolus cesatii 1,35 Cladosporium sp 131 Clypeolella clermontiae 72 Clypeoseptoria rockii 141 Clypeosphaeria stevensii 107 Coleosporium paederiae 114 Colletotrichum artocarpi 145 dianellae 145 dracenae 145 falcatum 145 gloeosporioides 145 lindemuthianum 145 malvarum 145 passiflorae 146 peregrinum 146 phyllocacti 146 Coniothyrium dracaenae 135 Cordyceps (sterile) 94 Curreya. See Hyalocurreya. sandicensis. See Hyalocurreya Cystopus. See Albugo, candidus. See Albuo. ipomoeae-panduranae. ipomoeae-panduranae. D Darluca filum 136 Dasjscvpha sadleriae 18 ulei : 18 Dendrophoma gouldiae 135 Diaporthe phaseolarum 108 Diatrype princeps 109 Diplodia opimtiae 137 E Echidnodes pisoniae 76 Echidnodella cocculi 76 mabae 76 raillardiae 76 Enthallopycnidium gouldiae 85 Entomophthora pseudococci 10 sp 9 Entyloma crastophilum 127 Erinella longispora 12 i86 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin Pace Erysiphe cichoracearum 63 polygon! 63 Excioconidium cibotii 156 E Fuligo cinerea var. excorticata 7 septica 6 Fusarium coeruleum 160 oxysporum 160 radicicola 160 solani 160 vasinfectum 160 Ftisicoccum canavaliae ..." 135 G Gibberella lagerheimii 94 pulicaris 94 Gloeosporium affine 144 barringtoniae 144 canavaliae 144 cerei 144 gingulatum. See Glamerella cin- gulata. musarum 144 peleae 144 sp - 145 Glomerella cingulata 107 gossypii 107 Gnomonia iliau , 107 Graphiola phoenicis 162 Graphium dubautiae 159 sp 159 Guignardia alyxiae 101 jussiaeae 101 musae 101 H Harknessia gunnerae 136 hawaiiensis . 136 Helminthosporium cibotii 152 gleicheniae 152 ravenelii 153 Hendersonia nitida 138 Hexagonella peleae 90 Himwitia stellifera 161 Horrniactella sacchari .... . 151 Hyalocurreya sandicensis 23 Hypoxylon annulatum 109 archeri no effusum 109 globosum. See penzigia globosum. marginatum no placentiforme - no rubiginosum no sandwicense no Irene cheirodendronis 44 cyrtandri 44 exilis 41 inermis , 45 puiggarii . 43 Pacu Irene scaevolicola 45 splendens 41 triloba t 44 Isaria saitssurei 158 Isariopsis griseola 159 K Kuehneola uredinis 116 Laboulbenia cattliculata in cauliculata var. prolixa in var. spectabili m disenochi 112 hawaiiensis' 112 sphyri 112 Lachnum longisporum. See Erinella longispora. Lageniforma bambusae 99 Lembosia eucalypti 75 Leptosphaeria. cumana. See Metasphaeria cumana dracaenae 106 proteispora 106 sacchari 106 sp. 107 Iveptothyrium gleicheniae 143 pothi 143 sidae , 142 Limaciniella psidii 58 lyimaciniopsis rollandiae 58 Lophodermium arundinaceum 12 intermissus 12 sacchari _, 13 Lycogala epidendrum 7 Lyonella neurophila 108 M Macrophoma cattleyicola 135 smilacina 134 Macrosporium solani. See Alternaria solani Mas'salongiella canavaliae 98 Melanconium iliau.. 146 pandani 146 sacchari 146 Melanomma clypeatum .„ 96 Meliola acervata. See Irene inermis. alyxiae 30 asterinoides. See Amazonia Pshy- chotriae. cyperi 32 dracaenae ; 40 exilis. See Irene exilis. gregoriana 39 hawaiiensis 37 inermis. See Irene inermis. juddiana 32 kaduae 30 kauaiensis 39 Index to Fungi i8 7 Page Meliola koae 34 lobeliae 29 lyoni 37 morbosa 38 osmanthi 39 palmicola - 40 peleae ; 34 puiggarii. See Irene puiggarii sandwicensis 3 2 sideroxyli - 35 sp. ind 40 triloba. See Irene triloba vaccinii 30 visci 3o Meliolina haplochaeta 46 sydowiana 46 Metarrhizium anisopliae 10 Metasphaeria cumana 100 hawaiiensis IQ 6 Microsphaera euphorbiae 63 Microthyriella hibisci 88 Monilia aureofulva I 4% sitophila x 4o Monilochaetes infuscans ~ 151 Mycosphaerella artocarpi 101 cyaneae II0 dianellae I02 eugeniae - : - I02 fragariae. See Ramularia tulasnei. freycinetiae I0 3 hawaiiensis I0 3 hedychii - I0 3 kaduae .-. I0 3 metrsideri .... 104 rosigena I0 4 scaevolae I0 4 striatiformans 104 N Nectria subcoccinea 94 subquaternata 94 Nummularia guaranitica 109 mauritanica 109 Oidium (Erysiphe cichoracearum) .... 148 (E. polygoni) 148 (Microsphaera euphorbiae) .. 148 (Sphaerothea humuli.) 148 S. Pannosa 148 Oligostroma suttoniae 22 Omiodes accepta Ophionectria coccicola 94 P Paras'corias byrsonomae Pauahia sideroxyli 17 Peltella freycinetiae 69 Penzigia globosum in tuberiformis - - m Pestalozzia sp - 147 Page Peziza gelatinosa ; ..., n ulei. See Dasyscypha ulei Phaeosaccardinula morindae 59 Phaeosphaerella dianellae 105 hawaiiensis — - ----- 105 mangiferae -- 105 Phoma acaciae. See Phoma henningsii. agapanthi '. 133 barringtoniae 134 henningsii 134 herbarum 134 macularis 134 musae - 134 smilacina. See Macrophoma smi- lacina. vexans. See Phomopsis' vexans. Phomopsis achilleae 1 A 2 vexans J 4 2 Phragmidium disciflorum 116 Phragmocapnias srnilacina 58 Phyllachora freycinetiae 22 graminis - 22 Phyllosticta aricola - 129 artocarpi 129 casimiroa 129 circumscissa 129 codiaei I2 9 colocasiophila 129 cordylinophila 133 draconis I3 1 erechtitis I3 1 hawaiiensis I3 1 heliconiae I 3 1 marantaceae 132 musae *3 2 musicola 132 nerii 132 pithecolobii 132 pothicola 132 scaevolae *33 sp zingiberis -- 133 Phythium butleri 8 Phytophthora colocasiae 9 infestans 9 Piricularia grisea I5 1 Pirostoma dianellae -. 143 Pleospora scaevolae 107 Pleuriporus gouldiae - 65 Polystomella kaduae 65 Pseudopeziza medicaginis n Puccinia callaquensis 119 cenchri 120 chrysanthemi 120 clematidis 120 conoclinii 120 coronata. See P. rhamni cynodontis 120 epiphylla 121 esclavensis 121 geranii-sylvaitici - 121 i88 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin Pags Puccinia heterospora 121 huberi 122 hydrocotyles 122 oahuensis 122 polygoni amphibii 122 purpurea . 123 rhamni 123 taraxaci 123 velata - 123 versicolor 124 xanthii 124 Pucciniastrum myrtilli wikstroemiae Pythium butleri 6 Q Questieria euphorbiae 77 R Ramularia ipomoeae 150 microlepiae I5 1 nephrolepis 150 tulasnei 151 Ravenelia siliquae 115 Rhabdospora pittospori 14 1 Rhacodium Rhizoctonia solani 161 sp l61 Rhizopus nigricans 9 Rhytidhys'terium prosopidis 12 Rosellinia citriformis 95 Schizochora pandani ^ 20 Scirrhia lophodermioides 21 SQlerotium rolfsii ...: 161 Sclerotium sp ...... I0 i Septogloeum arachidis 1 A7 Septoria apii *39 bataticola - x 38 canavaliae *38 cerastii : *38 chrysanthemum. See Septoria rostrupii. clermontiae J 3^ gouldiae 138 graminum 139 hawaiiensis 139 lycopersici 139 poa-trivialis 139 rollandiae - 140 rostrupii 139 salviae-pratensis 14° Seynesia atkinsonii 69 Seynesiopeltis tetraplasandrae 70 Sorosporium paspali 125 Spegazzinia ornata 160 Sphacelptheca monilifera 127 reiliana - - I2 7 Pags Sphacelotheca sorghi 127 Sphaerella rosigena. See Macosphae- rella rosigena. striatiformans. Sphaeria tuberosa Pers. See Xylaria tuberosa. Sphaeropsis agapanthi. See Phoma agapanthi. Smilacina. See Macrophoma smi- lacina. Sphaeropsis" gouldiae 136 Sphaerostilbe coccophila 94 Sphaerotheca humuli 63 pannosa ..: 63 Sphaerulina cibotii - 105 ipomoeae 105 Sporotrichium sp 149 Stagonospora"erythrinae 137 Stemonitis splendens 7 Strumella sacchari 160 T Trabutia minima 18 Thielaviopsis paradoxa 156 Torrubiella sp Tranzschelia punctata 116 Trichoderma lignorum 149 Trichopeltis reptans 81 Trichopeltis rhyacoides' 83 Trichothallus hawaiiensis Trichosphaeria sacchari. See Thiela- viopsis. U Uredinopsis pteridis Uredo hawaiiensis 124 stevensii 124 Uromyces alyziae 117 appendiculatus 117 caryophyllinus 117 koae 118 leptodermus 118 medicaginis - 118 proeminens 119 rhynocos'porae 119 scirpi 119 Ustilage andropogonis-contorti. See Sphacelotheca monilifera. avenae - 127 hordei 127 monilifera. See Sphacelotheca monilifera. Ustulina zonata 109 X Xenolophium leve 97 verrucosum 97 189 Page Xylaria anisapleura. See Penzigia tu- beriformis. apiculata no curta no gigantea no globosum. See Penzigia globosum. hypoxylon no morchelliformis no multiplex no rhopaloides ,... no schweinitzii no Pagb Xylaria tuberosa no tuberiformis. See Penzigia ttt- beriformis. Y Yoshinagella nuda , 16 Yos'hinagella polymorpha 14 var. pauciseta .... 16 Z Zasmiditim tropicum 162 M*' ■:;**. W-. ,.j :4 , *"■■!■* '"''.*¥* *' : tf' ■■'■■#* **•> '■: V- ' ■'* , ' - ■ <*; •;vi- I) # F G H YOSHINAGREEA ON CIBOTHTM : A, Y. POLYMORPH A ( \(>. 0Q4 > >>N ^ PORTION OF A FROND ()V CIROTII'M MENZ1ES11, SHOWING ABUNDANCE AND .RELATIVE SIZE OF T'HIC STROMATA; B, SEVEN SliTOSE STROM ATA ; €, SEVERAL STROM ATA OE Y. POLYMORPH A VAR. PAUCH SETA ON CilXWHSM CHAMISSOI, SHOWING IRREGULAR SHAPE AND IRREGULAR ARRANGEMENT OF SETAE.* )>, Y. NUPA, SIMILAR TO C, SHOWING, VARIATION IN SIZE OF STROM ATA," K-E, SINGLE STROM ATA OE Y. POLYMORPH A, SHOWING ARRANGEMENT OF SETAE AND CHAR-, ACTER OF STROMATA .MUCH ENLARGED; G. PHOTOMICROGRAPH OF A SECTION OP A STROMA OF Y. POLYMORPH A WITH MATURE ASCI; H, Y. NUDA, SHOWING GENERAL D1STRI HUTION OF THE STROMATA ON THE LEAF, ALSO THE IRREGULAR SHAPE AND SIZE OF THE STROMATA. (NO. i6'U ox isn. -i/A) '■'***.-,* w *. .fii» i-, t a » f j f - # *<**' : * "'fit** k •% *£'**£* V ''" * * ' : : " #*¥' ?** ■<*JVJ^ Vi ■ ,|| % ^y^S^k m as 2 .-) As-" 3 * 10 21s 2k 26 ■-■" m 22 ■A.1va> 32 34 €S§P ,* -■•;>. 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