aaa Mae, . oa oar Re La gt oec aa Be Mt, eee : G angh 8 Tasty ae ny ae aX. seh : She CONS ee r OF aa un Ne os ch Reg? Oh i, es ae Cam 6 stm ee, # a a hy Nags Bev ae a 9 ag es asa 5 a ey we ie J s ’ . “en Pout 3 - Sa : z be ? ‘ i "£ * . WITHDR! LEGISLATURE i geri | os ee "% 1; i vs ; es fe . wath an Te Bk ores ¥ x : - wt ’ 2 vr, he i & o *) ‘4 my £90M THE LigRARY, ALBERTA ALBERTA CATTLE AND HORSE BRANDS RECORDED DURING THE PERIOD FROM IST OF JANUARY, 1907, TO 31ST OF DECEMBER, 1913. Published by the authority of the Hon. Duncan Marshall, Minister of Agriculture, as a supple- ment to the Alberta and Saskatchewan Brand Pook. EDMONTON: Printed by !. W. Je fery, Government Printer 1914 PREFACE. This Brand Book is compiled from the Records in the Brand Recorder’s Office, at Medicine Hat. While the greatest possible care has been taken to ensure accuracy, it is quite possible, where so many thousand brands are involved, that mistakes have occurred. Where such are found, the Recorder will be glad to have them pointed out for correction, All transfers and changes recorded between the Ist of January, 1907, and 3ist of December, 1913, are included in this issue. Cattle brands are arranged separately from horse brands. The general scheme of arrangement followed is alphabetical and numerical. In every case the first letter or numeral of a brand determines the place of — that brand in the book, thus, a brand of which the first letter is “A? will be found under that letter, while a brand of which the first numeral is the figure 4” will be found under that numeral. For instance, the brand A 4 would be found under the letter A and among the two-character brands, while the brand 4 A would be found under the numeral 4. Single-character brands precede two-character brands in arrangement and two- character brands precede three-character. Brands of arbitrary design, that cannot be otherwise classified, will be found at the back of the horse and cattle sections, respectively. JAMES WILSON, Recorder of Brands. Office of the Recorder of Brands, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, MeprictnE Hat, ALTA. ABBREVIATIONS. To contract the matter of the book as much as possible, the following abbreviations have been used throughout: rt. for right w.a. for any part of 1. for left animal or whole r. _ for ribs animal si. for side n. for neck sh. for shoulder j. for jaw th. for thigh st. for stifle h. for hip f. _ for flank All communications in connection with the Brand Book should be addressed to RECORDER OF BRANDS, Department of Agriculture, Medicine Hat, Alta. ERRATA Page 14—Sinpson, Moses, should be Simpson. Page 183—Rijan & Fares, should be Ryan & Fares. Page 197—Hendrickson, Mrs. Emma, should be Mrs. Erma. Page 210—Seey, C. Mell, should be Seely. Page 240—Johnosn, Bert, should be Johnson. Page 296—Johson, Harry N., should be Johnson. Page 302—Sunderlaand, should be Sunderland. Page 376—Shauer, should be Shaver. Page 377—Stpehens, Geo W. & Samuel L. should be Stephens. : Page 424—Archibold, Jno., should be Archibald. PREFACE. This Brand Book is compiled from the Records in the Brand Recorder’s Office, at Medicine Hat. While the greatest possible care has been taken to ensure accuracy, it is quite possible, where so many thousand brands are involved, that mistakes have occurred. Where such are found, the Recorder will be glad to have them pointed out for correction. All transfers and changes recorded between the Ist of January, 1907, and 31st of December, 1913, are included in this issue. Cattle brands are arranged separately from horse brands. The general scheme of _ arrangement followed pach Mink SS, Ry I, BEE SET | To contract the matter of the book as much as possible, the following abbreviations have been used throughout: rt. for right w.a. for any part of 1. for left animal or whole r. for ribs animal si. for side n. for neck sh. for shoulder j. for jaw th. for thigh st. for stifle h. for hip f. for flank All communications in connection with the Brand Book should be addressed to RECORDER OF BRANDS, Department of Agriculture, Medicine Hat, Alta. RECORDED BRANDS. i1—Horse Brands recorded during the period January Ist, 3list, 1912. 1907, to December 2—Supplement, Horse Brands recorded during year 1913. }—Cattle Brands recorded during the period January lst, 1907, to December 31st, 1912. 4 —Supplement, Cattle Brands recorded during year 1913. 1—HORSE BRANDS. epee Jas. T., Lethbridge; = Parslow, Wm. M., Calgary; *]. h. vent brand on 1. h. ire A., Macleod; ie Alberta Securities Co., Lethbridge; rt. j. Chaney, C. C., Macleod; 1. st. Ltd., Renton, A. M., Sedalia; l. sh. Alford, Arthur Jas., St. Kilda; rt. th. Alford, Morris, Raymond; l. sh. Wood, A. V., l. sh. MacKinnon, Allan H., Battle Creek, Sask.; rt. th. Hardisty; gerbe Timothy, Calgary; . th Bronken, Alfred, Vegreville; aESGESEUCESEER TL. 3: Thomas, A. E., Stand Off; aie 2 Winthrop, E. S., Millarville; 1. th. Dutton, J. H. N., Caseleyville; rt. sh. Gooding, Fenton A., Thigh Hills; rt. j. a eho Olaf SPM zee bP PL» : Sas Bb Py rie 2h Pelton, A. D., Rosebud Creek; a a Alderson & Son, Ralph, Nor- ton; rt. j. Scoffield, A., Wainwright; ]. th. Sanders, Mrs. A. L., Fishburn; rt. sh. Smith, Percy A., Lundbreck; og aes Pt Robb, John C., Endon; Tt.:h. Thompson, Albert Leonard, Kinnondale; |. sh. Mills, Robert, Brant; 1. sh. Angel, H. B., High River; rt. sh. Fuller, Miss Hattie, Rosebud Creek; 1. th. Whitfield, Mrs. Agnes, Kipp; l. sh. La Roche, Mrs. Anna, Calgary; rt. h. Liliedahl, A. W., Usona; rt. sh. Alberta Wheat Growers Co., Stirling; rt. j. Rice-Jones, C., Graburn; Fish; Allan, W. H., Cayley; 1. sh. Culter, L. L., Sundial; ]. sh. Armstrong, Wm. A., Botha; ]. sh. Smith, Robert, Pincher Creek; rt. sh. Lincoln, Albert A., Langdon; 1.j. Pixley, W. E., Hill End; rt. sh. Wahl, Philip, Seven Persons; rt. sh. Anderson, Moses A., Cardston l. sh. Seodee Albert, Taber; Todd, Michael, Lethbridge; rt. sh. sak 79 Sete Alfred A., Carbon; . th. | o> ~ a ® et ct © bd rf =) jon w ° ) yr Hamblin, J. H., Whitla; rt. sh. Myers, Joseph, Reid Hill; rt. h. oe Marsh, Albert; Ewing; 1. sh. Deibert, Adam, Irvine; > rt. n. Anderson Bros., Consort; Dalgleish, Wm., Olds; rt. th. rt. sh. Green, R. B., Calgary; Atkinson Bros., Claresholm; l. sh. rt. sh. Baron, Adam, Fort Saskatch- Loewen, Abram I., Acme; ewan; rt. th. th. rt. Meera. Albert W., Content; Simmons, A., White Brush; rt. sh. 1. sh. Borg, Axel E., Seven Persons; Griffin, A. E., Taber; rt. sh. rt. Jj. Bouck, Alex, Neapolis; Wilcox, Isaac A., High River; ]. th. rt. h. Durrant, Mrs. Ysabel C. and Wm. F. E., Gillingham; |. th. (vent bar under) Fetting, Anton, Grassy Lake; Armitstead Bros. & Benson, Priddis; rt. th. Smith, Mrs. A. B., Brant; ]. sh. CO rt. 0. Bosche, August, Josephburg; Fouts, C. A., Monarch; ih: rt. sh. ik 1% Mrs. Alice B., Round Up; Hears James, Sedgewick; 1.h. . th. Addison Bros., Williston; Fournier, A., Stettler; 1. th. rt. sh. Blank, Arnold, Sweet Valley; Helton, A. F., Langdon; l. sh. Craig, Andrew, Minburn; ke Milton, Medicine Hat; th: . sh. Culbutson, A. J., Bassano; 1. sh. Brubaber & Sons, Medicine Hat; 1. sh. Beaton, Alexander, Curlew; Fleming, A. & H., Calgary; Tt;-sh. 1. sh. Grenville, Arthur C. B., Ghost Pine Creek; 1. sh. sak ee Alfred, Grand Prairie; . sh. pate Adam, Grand Prairie; . 8h. Curdnell, Alixis, Monvell; rt. sh. Capelle, Albert, Namur, Bel- . Haney, L. M., Bullocksville; gium; 1. th. rt. sh. Specks Gordon, Penhold; Haearas Albert, Josephsburg; rt. nh. . th. Slvisielel i Stel sloth alec >lela | >lelp TSP TMP EM? EB SIS Anderson, Charles, Sampson- ton; |. th. > 1 Hoding, Mrs. Harry, Carbon; oh ]. sh. Gilbert, Andrew, Erskine; Hyslop, Andrew, Strathmore; rt. sh. rt. th. oS) Curran, A. W., Medicine Hat; lj Leroy, Albert, Fedorah; j. ]. th. Hickman, W. H., Halley; rt. sh. Carbon, R., Amisk; rt. sh. Melrose, A. D., Glenview; rt. h. Dl > V/ >| > >> VV BabZeepeeePeEe ABE EPP EP Per. Dl >| > Pricili q Dionne, Albert, Cowley: Ith; > oO © re ct ee ies) Ky ro) =) jor ie) o i) ae ~I ——___—_—_ Heare & Bros., G. A., Nanton; A Lusk, Archie, Huxley; l. th. rt. sh. fe McLellan, H. A., Fox; Alpaugh, A. L., Stettler; 1. th. stole Hazel, John, Curlew; . Sn. Halverson, Alfred J., Pincher Creek; rt. sh. Fras, Linden, Annie, Brooks; Glendinning, Jas., High River; rt. sh. l. sh. (vent same 1. h.) McGuire, A. J., Pincher Creek; Aeragle, Jacob, Thelma; rt. th. Tt. th; Jones, Arthur E., Brunetta; McLeod, Archy, Nanton; 1. th. 1. sh. iggy Joseph, Spring Point; Weijers, A. J. J., Strathmore . sh. 1. th. Crower, J. A., Coronation; McLeod, Wm. A., Okotoks; >| >| > GREE rt. sh. rt. h B. jie Runk, Mary J., Mossleigh; McLeod, Wm. A., Okotoks; wv rt. sh. l. h. Amell & Caudwell, Strome; Murphy, Geo. A., Fieldholme; Nt rt. sh. Jacobson, Axel, Taber; Morris, Arthur, Gleichen; rt. sh. rt. sh. Miller, Jessie, Red Lodge; McElroy, Chas. A., Pine Lake; rt. sh. l. sh. Jacobson, Audrey, Elinor; McCain, Allison, Calgary; rt. th sh. yrs Otto, Nanton; Maynard, J. Albert, Cluny; rt. th McDonnell, Alex. N., Loug- head; rt. sh. Mathisen, Axel, Big Valley; l. sh. A Jones, A. W., Airdie; 1. sh. Johnson, Geo. R. W., Ghost Pine Creek; 1. h. “oer Mohl, Alexander, Hand Hills; Kershaw, Arthur, Harmattan; ]. th. rt. th. > V ae Smith & Goertzen, Sunnyslope; rt. th. Shas Andrew, Coleridge; en bes tae Andrew M., Stavely; McEwan, Mrs. W., Living- stone; rt. sh. Nelson, Alfred N., Gadsby; Armitage, Wardell, Calgary; rt. h. Kendall, A. J., Seven Persons; > fleas rt. sh. rt. sh. Leggatt, Andrew, Ghost Pine; Adams, Henry, Nanton; ]. th. l. sh. 9 Loiselle, A. O., Olds; Nason, A. A., Coutts; 1. th. rt. th. agape ng A. A., Cheadle; Nourse, Ara, Stettler; . sh. h l. sh. Carter, John E., Brownfield; Lantz, A., Millet; | Bs rt. sh. > D1 >| > AIAIV IW] >] pl >| bl > = SEDBSEUSNSEESUSEESEREREES Pee Liv OO | Ogilvie, Alext., Lochinvar; 1. sh. # Paquette, Eddie, Rosebud Creek; rt. sh. Pearse, Arthur R., Lethbridge; rt. sh. Petrie, Alex., Frank; bh; Patterson, Andrew ridge; rt. sh. Parsons, A. H., Norfolk (Big Stone), Alta.; 1. sh. Mackie, Mrs. George, Irvine; 1. sh. McRoberts, J. A., Edmonton; rt. th. Ringland, Arthur, Grand Prairie; 1. sh. Rhyason, Arthur, Bawlf; rt. sh. Redwond, Alfred, Pincher Sta- tion; | Swan, Alex., Gleichen; rt. th. Chamberlain, Joseph Ballard, Kimball; rt. sh. ee Allan R., Grassy Lake; ]. th. Schleppe, Adam, Crossfield; 1. sh. Sand, Anthony, Red Deer; rt. sh. Stronach, Alex., Delia; S rt. n. Stanley, Robert A., Kinnondale; rt. sh. Savard, Alex., Egg Lake; 1. th. i Anthony J., Sunnyslope; l. sh. Alberta Sheep Co., Ltd., Leth- bridge; |. th. bir Albert, Content; lh. Auld, Wm. T., High River; rt. sh. Alex., Thompson, Medicine Hat; rt. sh. apni, A. M., Rocky Coulee; ry. 2. ; Stephenson, Thomas, Walsh: rt. th. WP ENP SPER RE REE REP PPS C., Cole- Alberta Brand Book a Siac Bros., Gladys; sh. Bh osx Andrew, Elkwater; . sh. Sturm, Adam, Elkwater; 1. sh. Wirsch, August, Newburg; rt. sh. Wells, Arthur, Cayley; 1. sh. “ Johre, A., Carlstadt: lL. sh. Ramsum. Louie D., Wetaski- win; rt. sh. Davison, Wm., Bowell; rt. sh. Anderson, Wm. T., Marker- ville; rt. th. Simpson Bros., Hand Hills; Wynd, A., Nanton; ]. sh. Westergreen, A., Stirling; rt. J. —— A. J., Bowell; pe bs — Arthur Wm., Bowden; 1. h. Walker, W T. Arthur, Alsask, Sask.; rt. n. Wyman, Stephen A., bridge; rt. h. Coote, G. G., R. M. and Mary, Nanton; I. sh. A., Lake View; Leth- Iverson, rt. sh. Hodge, James M., Nanton; 1. sh. Yorke, Alfred, Mayton; Ficcb: Dillabough, Jos. more; rt. th. E., Strath- Burns, Leon, Bowville; l. sh. pee Smyth & Wells, Stettler; 1. sh. Colthrop, A. L., Winnifred; 1. th. Yuill, John, Elean; rt. th. Miller, Mrs. A. 8. F., Innisfail; 1. th. > Sly] PI>IPIVISIV SIS Sle] Sle] sl plAlvilvi Sl ri viv epee zlezlelekloe ei elele Alberta Brand Book 9 McKay, Wm. C., Medicine Hat; |. sh. a Bal EN bd a A A TIO) In Ae |e tre Murray, Angus J., Warner; Fe thi: Ackroyd, Smith, Magrath; 1. sh. Stephenson, A. A., Granum; ]. sh. Cope, A., Cardston; ka. Anderson, Car] P., Burnt Lake; 1. sh. Isaac, Abraham, Stern; Tte A, McCaig, Alex., Walsh; rt. sh. Williamson, Arthur, Medicine Hat; 1. h. > ak Stewart, John A., Burdette; rt. sh. > =m Welzbacher, Anton, Berry Creek; 1. sh. Atkinson, Wm,, Irvine; Lh: ; Atkinson, James, Irvine; rt. h. Aitcheson, Wm., Gilpin; l. sh. Ross, Hugh R., Innisfail; rt. sh. ~O Dodd, Arthur P., Trochu Val- ley; rt. sh. | A \§ Adam, Martin, Lethbridge; rt. h. \ Stolz, Fred, Twin Butte; i \ \f rt. th. Brown, D. P. & Wm. R., Erskine; rt. sh. : >|INi >] >|> BRBEES Alexanderson Bros., Simons Valley; 1. sh. Alderson, W. M., Black Dia- mond; rt. th. Barclay, Miss Jessie, Green Bank, Claresholm; |. sh. McCullough, Abraham, Card- ston; rt. sh. Carlond, A. C., Medicine Hat; rt. h. Hennan, A. A., Wiste; ee wick; 1. sh. Aitcheson, Archie G., Sedge-. h A G A of ABIES > Bd | ead| > > o| = Adal AP aK AD Goodbrand, Alex., Stoppington; rt. sh. Phillips, Alvah J., Irvine; rt: ‘sh: Colville, Dave, Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Clement, A. L., Calgary; rt. th. Carter, Albert, Innisfail; rt. sh. Sees Albert E., Nanton; - th. Little, A. A. C., Cleverville; rt. th. Campbell, Alexie, Beaver Lodge (Grand Prairie); rt. h. Anderson, Chris, Seven Per- sons; rt. sh. Anderson, Anthon, Curlew; 1. sh. Chapman, J. C. and A. B., Taber; rt. sh. Cordel & Sons, A. F., Notre Dame de Savoie; rt. th. Rogers, Andrew M., Lund- breck; 1. th. Clements, Albert, Vegreville; rt. h. Prowse, A. ©., Carbon; rt. sh. Dionne, Alphonse, Coleman; rt. sh. | Dainty, Albert, Lethbridge; Ti: th: Demnych, Henry, Summer- view; 1. sh. Medhurst, A. D., Grassy Lake; rt. sh. Sart Andrew Geo., Raymond; l. th. Danuede, Arthur, Medicine Hat; rt. th. Turner, Mrs.. A. D., Nanton; l. th. Marsden, H., Innisfail; rt. sh. Howell, Arthur O., Winning- ton; |. h. Mossom, John, Eyremore; rt. sh. Dahl, A. C., Redlow; rt. Sh. 10 Alberta Brand Book D McDonell, Alex. Th., Victor; . th. Davidson, Alex., Bowden; l. th. Deibert, Adam A., Hilda; rt. sh. Wight, A. E., Carstairs; l. sh. sy a Richardson, A. E., Haneyville; rt. sh. Elless, Mrs. Eliza, Innisfail; ]. th. - = Huxley; & a © i) 3 an = 9°) ie) im , Alex., £. Be Adcock, Ambrose, Cardston; rt. th. A F Richardson, A. E., Wilhelmina; ]. sh. ae Pl > m Gunn, Arthur, Grand Prairie; 1. sh. > © Graham, A. B., Gleichen; rt. sh. > © Grunenfelder, Anton, Joseph- burg; 1. th. Gay, Mrs. Archibald T., Per- > © beck; 1. sh. McPhee, Angus Hugh, Halkirk; Pt: thi Caron, Frank, Stavely; rt. sh. PEFZNZ Dy x le> Le Halper, Alain, Amisk; ]. th. zo 4 Henson, Albert, Cardston; l. sh. Beere, A. H., Brocket; 1th. >| > a5 > Bi Halversen, Anders, Ghost Pine Creek; rt. th. Fraser, A. H., Raymond; rt. th: Hood, Andrew, Hillcrest Mines; l. th. McNulty, Hugh, Lethbridge; Tt: “hi; Torrie, Albert, Taber; l. sh. ners aan: H. A., Stoppington; . th. Olsen, A. H., Queenstown; 1. sh. Entwistle, Albert, Lethbridge; Olson, Julius, Edberg; rt. th. Heller, Jacob, Walsh; ~ Eth. , L. Rex., Kimball; th. a bs 2 lo Carter, A. O., Talbot; 1. sh. Plante, Abraham, Lac Ste Anne; rt. th. > a0) | Purschke, Louis, Skaro; 1. th. > mh, Murphy, A. P., Warner; rt. sh. > Pruden, Alex., Saddle Lake; ]. sh. ae Pearce, Arthur, Medicine Hat; rt. th >|> Pinze, C. P., Yarrow; rt. sh. Page, A. D., Whitla; ]. sh. Poirier, Arthur, St. Paul des Metis; 1. sh. Price, Wm. A., Carlstadt; rt. sh. Parker, Andy, Walsh; rt. sh. bie og. Arlie A., Blackie; . sh. mien Andrew A., Airdrie; 1. h. Schroch, A. A., Weber; rt. th. Schoffner, Anton, Castor; Tt De Spanke, A. J., Brant; 1. th. Sandino, Mrs. Torey, Bellevue; rt. sh. Smith, Jr., Alex., Ensign; rt. sh. Sayers, .Mrs. Annie, Box Springs; 1. th. Anders Bros., Keoma; boa yet Augustin, Cowley; rt. h. Warner, A. A., Reid Hill: rt. th. Lap 5 sci Alphonse, Cowley: rt Alberta Brand Book 3 11 Valetsko, Steven,’ Stavely; rt. sh. oe Henry, Olds; a Jake, Nanton; sh. V Vander Burgh, Abel, Pearce; 1. sh. V [> PS) Fe) IP bel Brandley, Joseph S., Stirling; rt. th. OY James & Sons, Thomas, Coch- rane; rt. r. Traumweiser, Wm., Lineham; ea Wells, Geo., Stand Off; 5g ae Burton, Wm., Innisfail; re.23; Brown, B. F., High River; Ft-38 a Brand, Mrs. Magdaline, Seven Persons; |. j. Breckenridge, John, Calgary; rt. sh. 5 Betts, George, Medicine Hat; l. sh. Brown, James, McEwan; 1. sh. Buswell Bros., Flagstaff; rt. sh. Bell, J. W. L., Dorothy; l. h. 2a Ba oa Butler, E. P. M., Medicine Hat; 1. j. Culver, M. B., Bowden; rt. sh. Bird, Mrs. Mary A., Bergen ]. sh. Bone, John, Carlstadt; 1. sh. Bester, H., Ewelme; rt. th. 2 24 Robert, Millarville; Barrett, Peter, Berry Creek; l. th. Bird, John, Mountain View; rt. th. Bourque, Geo., Earling; rt. th. Buckerfield, Thos. H., Strath- more; rt. sh. Paterson, Robert, Lundbreck; rt. th. Charlton, Robt. G., Macleod; l. sh. ar ie die Wm., Suffield; . th. Blunden, Mrs. May, Granum; rt. th. Blance, Wm. S., Spring Coulee; tt.73: heeft) apap \_—_ i) Alberta Brand Book Belcourt, Jr., Benj., Lac St. Anne; |. sh. Bowden, H. J., Woolford; 8k: Shannon, W. J. & L. H., Medi- cine Hat; 1. sh Broken, Samuel, Vegreville; rt, 3. Dooney, Bernard, Evarts; Es: Babb, W. H., Medicine Hat; Pts: Barron, Ralph, Didsbury; 863; Barratt, Walter A., Raymond: I; th. Arlt, Edward H., Granum; rt. n. / Bradshaw, Rich. D., Magrath; ]. th. Becker; Frank, Grassy Lake: rt. 4h. Buckley, John C., Gleichen; rt. th. Burke, Cecil W., Lake. View; 1: 6h: Bridges, F. R., Strathmore; 1. sh. Ball, Wilfred J. B., Mossleigh; rt. sh. Lawrence, A. E., Medicine Hat; | eee Lussier, J. E., Medicine Hat; l. th. Baker & Sons, O., Vermilion; rtd, Brodock, C. F., Milnerton; Bh. Bunny & Sons, A. C., Battle Creek; rt. sh. Brehmer, Mrs. August, Win- nifred; 1. h. Palfrey Bros., Taber; Th bh: Berry, Thos. J., Aetna; jE Brunelle, A., St. Albert; rt. sh. Warner, Geo. Lee, Innisfail; l. th. celle seep e Pera Ppp rr Johnston, Wm. J., Nose Creek; l. sh. . Berge, P. L., Tilley; rt: 3 Bryant, Hart E., Claresholm; l. sh. if Baker, Harry, Claresholm; rt. h. ¥ Brewin, R. F., Taber; 1. th. Bramling, John, Diamond City; rt. th. Stuart, W. B., Nightingale: 1. sh. Batchelor, Martin, Millarville; l. th. Banister, Stephen E. W., Tal- bot; rt. sh. 4 Becker, Philip H., Pincher Sta- tion; |. sh. Burns, C. PB. Pe Mae Blackfalds; lok Pi? pie Brereton, Mrs. Margt., Glei- chen; 1. th. Cairns, Harold -M., Eagle Butte; rt. th. Lucas, Dave B., Chinook; rt. sh. Beatty James, Rosebud Creek; ]. sh. ’ : Wendelbae, Michael O., Elinor; Tt} 8 Body, Ernest, Cardston; Ex 4 Borden, E. P., Stettler; rt. sh. Eisermann, Bruno, Walsh; l. th. Van Brabant, Gentiel, St. Paul de Metis; rt. th. Beynon, Fred. W., Sask; 1. sh. Alsask, Ferguson, Ben, Richdale; l. sh. Buffalo, Joe, Pincher Creek; l. sh. Robinson, G. F., Carstairs; 1. th. sa Be gee John B., Battleview; sh. Botsford, H. E., Bowell; rt. j. Barrett, Edward H., Keoma, rt. sh. BER ELE P PE PEE athe Alberta oJ a = =) a w ° ) ar 13 Broadbent, Harold, Coutts; ]. th. Johnston, Wm., Coutts; rt. th. Hoback, Lloyd, Airdrie; rt. sh. Beegle, Harry S., Willows; | Hassard, J. & R., Eagle Butte; rt. th. Bohnet, Senr., John, Irvine; rt. sh. Beattie, John, Medicine Hat; l. h. Blackmer, John Russell, Coutts; 1]. sh. Blain, Mary J., Stettler; ioe Kaspari. Bros., Milk River; rt. sh. Kenney, Bennett, Raymond; rt. th. Bramsness & Kordahl, Rum- sey; l. sh. Karran, W. B., Hardisty; 1: th. Lightbown Bros., Evarts; rt. th. Shaw & Lumsden, Calgary; 1. th. Bianchi, T. & Leppa T., St. Kilda; rt. th. Brus, Theo. J., Wessington; rt. sh. Marsden, Benjamin, Cardston; rt. th. Badot & Marcule, Coleman; rt. sh. Bertrand, M., Athabasca Land- ing; 1. sh. Braemford, Matis, Irvine; rt. j. McKinlay, Percy, Little Plume; rt. sh. Byers, D. Walter, Rose Lynn; rt. sh. Prendergast, A. R., Hoskin; rt. sh. Jamieson, Robert, Curlew; rt. sh. eb E EEE SERR ERE Ber |e Percival, Geo. D., Priddis; l. sh. GR cK V alalaleloolelsta[taioe se at gs Jr., P. Booker, Macleod; Roberts Bros., Knee Hill Val- ley; rt. th. Allen, B. W., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Beswick, H. W., Spring Coulee; rt. sh. Hampton, B. W., Brooks; es Spink, J., Lineham; rt. sh. Morrow, J. B., Laird, Mont., U8. 3- rtth. Sa as Margt., Gleichen; l. sh. Bentley, Albert, Irvine; l. th. Brandley, Albert, Stirling; rt. sh. Barton, Bros., Taber; rt. th. Bates, Frank E., Strathmartin; l. sh. Biggs, Hiram, Cowley; rt. sh. Bonetti, Frank, Taber; 1. th. Belozer, A., Shepard; Teh. pag ulet, A. H., Turnville; Hellawell, John ia oe Butte; 1. sh. Eagle Armey, C. B., Raven; rt. sh. Bautch, Albert J., Seven Per- song; 1. th. Bishop, L. P., Mound; l. sh. Blotter Bros., Warner; In, Bertrand Bros., Lac St. Vin- cent; rt. sh. Birkett Bros., Cardston; 1 en: Blacklock Bros., Taber; rt. sh. Sheppard, E., Pekisko; ln. Cairns, Harold, Irvine; l, sh. puod te Alberta Brand Book Belyea, Ns & Jas. S., Shep- ard; 1. sh. Blaney, Dennis, Cochrane; rt. h. Penton, B. T., Pine Lake; rt. sh. Berry, R. W., Stettler; | aso Delmage, W. J., Trochu; rt. sh. Hargraves, Reuben, Leth- bridge; rt. h. Cooper, Beatrice, Stettler; rt. sh. Chane Benjamin, Chinook; ]. sh. Chalmers, Bert T., Brant; rt. sh. Bowler, Carl, Provost; 1. th. Bedker, John, Graburn; rt. sh. Brittor, F. H., Pincher Creek; l. sh. Burfield, Herbert E., Fraser- ton; rt. sh. Bowers, J. F., Eagle Butte; 1. sh. Ward, Bruce F., Stettler; rt. h : at eS Graf, Otto, Twin Butte; 1th; Gwathem, B. G., Lethbridge; l. h. ea) es) COLO so an ‘= Dyck, Abraham B., Neapolis; l. sh. Bagnall, E. C., High River; rt. sh. Hart, L. B., Carbon; 1. sh. Mason, L.L., Red Deer: rt. th. Hone, B. W., Lethbridge; rt. sh. Hambly & Sons, Irvine, Leth- bridge; 1. j. Heth, B. R., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. we] ATOR AO, ww, Qw Sefer [Shs Greenslade, Wm., Nanton; l. sh. B Buckley, Henry, Gleichen; 1. sh. am) BEE OIoOoDID] pil wIAIO So) dK Te) te BM BM W Dol wlAlow| ww] qm| a = SW |VIAIE I Irie l-zlK Brown, H. B., Cardston; 1. sh. Hawley, G. Basil, Vermilion; rt. sh. ; Pouscrye: Jacques, Blairmore; . sh. Brown, J. C., Granum; l. th. Brown, John, Innisfail; rt. sh. Jordan, Byron R., Mountain View; rt. j. Bolokoski, Joe, Lethbridge; ]. th. Sinpson, Moses, Bow Island; rt. h. Beck, Ad., Crossfield; I Black, James, Bowden; 1. sh. Kenney, Bert, Raymond; rt. sh. Brass Wm., Eagle Butte; . sh. ae ~ om ie) 5 . Bs ’ ee) — O Oo zie > eee: B. T., Lethbridge; Brooks, Wm., Eagle Butte; 1. sh. Larratt, W. B., Bowden; Fthe: Lamb Bros., Gopherhead; rt. te Badot, Joseph, Blairmore; rt. sh. Lea, B., Lille; rt. th. Sheffelmayer, Andreas, New- burg; 1. sh. Laing, Bruce, Red Willow; 1. sh. Benyon, Wm., Calgary; Ee Miller, B. J., Claresholm; Tt. 2. Miler, D. B., Spring Coulee; 1. sh. McKenzie, Mrs. Bessie, Cross- field; 1. th. Maxson, Benj., Fieldholm; rt. sh. > o ® ct = es) © re] for ie) ° °o yr Mills, Benson, Sweet Valley: rt. sh. Mowat, R. T., Parkland; rt. th. pols oe Ernest, Magrath; . th. PO) eis Simpson, Wm., Calgary; l. sh. Burgess, T. O., Carbon; rt. h. Boyd, James and Robert, Cal- gary; l.h Petter, H. B., Strathmore; lh: Purtle, Bernard, Taber; ri. Beauchem, Peter, Elkwater; +: Perkins & Son, B. A., Stirling; rt. Sh. B Re Ruel, Benjamin, Walsh ; 1. sh. coLoOOLG ew) Y OL.) O Beck, Louis, Stoppington; a th: Bransen, Henry J., Spring Lake; rt. th. Sesena, Eugene, Cochrane; rt. sh. Bittorf, George, Warner; ig Z (a*) ae oS | om 2 B. J., Calgary; mn, S. B., Nanton; 1. sh se Walter A., Red Deer; Smith & Sons, Benj., Dora; l. sh. Hoadley, Wm. Cecil, Okotoks; rt. sh. Bates, George S., Strathmore; 1. st. So] ow) Le] lee) lool low) Nok Bed RCS) le IH] StS clr nw 7 ok 5 Beatty, Geo. F., Stavely; rt. th. Tanner, C. B., Cardston; 1. th. Taylor, Bert, Calgary; rt. sh. Tennent, Barmly Milk River; 1. sh. C., Hughes, T. B., Irvine; rt. sh. RPQAICOLOTtS EREEE 15 | | Trayer, B., White Brush; ]. sh. - ag erie David T., Cayley; . th. é Talbot, B. C., Barr Hill; bth: Bowman, A. S., Taber; rt::j. Benson, S. A., Raven; rt. sh. we) Low) ESLaL Boyce, Geo. W., Crossfield; l. sh. Blosser, Wm., Curlew; i th: Workman, G. E., Spring Cou- lee; rt. th. a en we James, Spring Point; . sh. Imson, Burt, Irvine; l. sh. Bell, Thomas G., Dorothy; rt. th. Banting, Wm., Elkwater; l. sh. Bologna, M., Strassburg; rt. sh. ark W. C., Berry Creek; Campbell, Mrs. Mary §., Dor- othy; 1. th. Bella, John, Eagle Butte; rt. th. Myer, Mrs. J. H., Vermilion; l. sh. Io lalio|ty oe] lew, posite pers es Bryan, Wm. J., Red Deer; ]. th. Bradshaw, Wm. A.,, mings; rt. sh. Cum- Cool, Ben, Langdon; 1. sh. Briggs, M. W., Leavings; 1. sh. Bolan, P., Whitford; rt. sh. RB s Remain, John, Seven Persons; 1. sh. colwieal Src Beare, Cyrille, St.. Albert; l. h. Beierlein, Bertha, Seven Pere sons; l. sh. Wunsch, Henwick. Irvine; rt h. Se) feo) Lee, 5] 5|W Alberta Brand Book jam = Brazier, James, Bullockville; B q Blaine, A. O., Barons; Rae 1. th. Birch, Geo., Taber; Brady, James, St. Paul de rt. th. Metis; rt. sh. Bower, O. S., Raven; B Borman, Alex., Stavely; rt. th. f i. sh. Blakemore, Geo., High River; + B MeMillar, Dan, Wolf Creek; rt. sh. l. h. North, Bert, Erskine; : B + #7 Brady Bros., Collholm; mk | 1 bea rt. th. 47 Pauchot Bros., Edwell; ; Tt. sh. OIICOlCO| cool WI w | NEES LEA EE PND Bakkemo, Hans, Burdett; ]. sh. B we Bricker, John H., Aldersyde; rt;th. 4 Orton, W. H., Twin Butte; rt. sh. Monroe, D., Mosside; rt. n. cuce Trider, W., Medicine Hat; 3: Bare, Arthur, Warner; l. h. A ysl. sh. Burns,. Wm., Medicine Hat; fy Blank, Adolph, Sweet Valley; rt. h. rt. th. Burnie, James, Wahasto; pgs D. R., Battle River; . th. rt. sh. Brooks, Lewis, Milk River; Graham, Mrs. Lillian N., Sun- ]. sh. dial; 1. th. Johannson, B. Hans, Three Hills; rt. h. co Go te >be SI2|Sh4 aie ie John, Three Hills; Binning, Jeffrey, Magrath; ]. sh. # Beggs, Anthony, Gleichen; rt. h. a > Bodnarick, Beil, Lethbridge; weg Bare, Bert, Warner; rt. sh. rt: sh: Neuley, Alton B., Lethbridge; pe A. S., Warner; l. h. . sh. Anderson, Andrew B., Carbon; rt. sh. Galster, Binard, Hand Hills; rt. sh. Braams, Th. J., Cochrane; aes Nee 3) {>> p> Se) > La Pierre, J. B. R., St. Paul de Metis; ]. h. Klnidt, W., Elkwater; : , Bertha, Steveville; Sl > 4 ™o g rt. th. Brook, I. I., Gleichen; Blair, A. C:, Cluny; rt. th. B A rt. th. ) Badot, Adrian, Livingstone; rt. sh. Alwood, B. L., Loch Sloy; l. sh. Barkey, Arthur C., High River; l. sh. to a Ambler, Arthur C., Irma; rt. sh. Blair, William, Gleichen; rt; hh. Ramelis, Jerome, Irma; th. Bailey, A., Kevisville; Bell, W. J., Carstairs; rt: th: ]. sh. seed O21 So) ASS Roel bee bape be Raed Road a ae ROS] Bcd Ba Co] PI] NN SY St Oa Ga Ga] Gye— Baa Alberta Brand Book 17 Brown, John Richard, Dun- stable; 1. sh. Bochee, Jr., August, Joseph- burg; 1. sh. Bell & Donaldson, Lloydmin- ster; l. h. Dresser, Bertram W., Caroline; ¥0.:h: Iverson, Swan, Stauffer; l. sh. Buderberg, Carl Otto, Big Valley; rt. h Te, EpIaS co DB) MecGibbon, Robert, Lonebutte; l. sh. D ) Te) Elliott, Ben, Pincher Station; ]. th. Danielson Bros., Morrin; rt. sh. Board Bros., Schuler; 1. sh. oe) ) Sy, O Fo Bingeman, Ed., Alsask, Sask.; l. sh. Be we) rr Saar, Mrs. B. E., Strathmore; rt. h. oo Gacy Taylor, Alden O., Stauffer; 1. th. Bateson, Mrs. Mary L., La- combe; rt. sh. CO ™ Besse, Diana, Langdon; B EF l. sh. —- Burdge, E., Fieldholme; RB F rt. th. Ennis, B., Milk River; Loh. Bailey, Ernest, Vandyne; ]. sh. ws) lew) Field, F. W. B., Brant; rt. sh. co 7 Baptie, Arch’d, Cochrane; rt. h. Se, 7 Fralinger & Buchmer, Coutts; l. th. ww) 7 Bellevere, Farnis A., Chin; l. sh. K., Big Biggs, Miss Irene Valley; 1. th. B B aa] ma Greep, Wm., Hardiville; rt. th. Gurevitch, Ben, : rt. sh. Tolman; Burrard Grain Co., Ltd., Days- land; 1. sh. : Coglan, A. B., Clarinda; l. sh. y “wSJ - McKinnon, John A., Stavely; rt. sh. Goeson, Mrs. Army, Granum; Tt. x Johnson, Ole T., Warner; rth: Bjirkseth, P. H., Earling; l. th. BJ i Beswick, John, Olin Creek; rt. th. Carle, J. B., Big Stone; rt. h. ee Cy ( OU) Co ( are ca Jacob, Crossfield; BJ - i # Bennett, John H., Taber; : rt. sh. McBeath, Mrs. Ada C., Dor- othy; rt. h. wo Cy ) too I> Bechler, Christian, Hand Hills; ]. th. a te Arthur, Brownfield; erent, Mareo, Stauffer; . th. ime Banta, A. A., Bottrel; rt. th. ou) ze fay Boisvert, Noel, Dilegence; EAR: ev) a Bergeron, Napoleon, St. Paul de Metis; rt. th. CO Z| Bottcher, Michael, Irvine; ]. sh. Oe) Va iN Norris, Bert, Medicine Hat; Vy rt. sh. SNA Beaudet, Napoleon, Munson: B N rt. th. = Sims, T. Basil N., Longview: rt. th. Harpelle, Byrum, Seven Per- sons; |. sh. a Wigmore, Maggie E.,-Shepard; rt. sh. mes: sn. we a, © >\ Camille, Cowley; @ Bissell, H. S., Gilpin; ]. sh. Batson, Percy, Victor; l. sh. = Bauer, Peter, Stoppington; 1. sh. ep 18 Alberta Brand Book Peverley, Grover T., Warwick; 1. sh. Sykes, Benjamin J., Cardston: rt. th. Winchester, S. B., Taber; Ti: oh. Scott, Benj. D., Three Hills; rt. th. Beeman, Sam. D., Lamerton; rt. th. Simmermon, Bud, Wainwright; rt. th. Bugg, John, Coutts; l. th. Thiel, Fred A., Warner; rt. sh. Carr, Benj., Medicine Hat; rt. th. OJ Cc De Mille, Mrs. H. T., Millar- ville; 1. th. Burch, Elizabeth H., Wim- borne; 1. sh. COl, Clq ee R. P., New Dayton; . th. Qeree Clover Bar Coal Co., Ltd., B U Edmonton; |. sh. B \/ Vindere, Benj. Lucas, Medi- Oh cine Hat; rt. th. Inman & Hagan, Richdale; : B NAV, rt. sh. B Wood, Wm. B., Perbeck; rt. sh. Te) \\/ pow Mrs. J. F., Burdette; eer & Wyllie, Coaldale; . th. Washington, Benjamin, Grou- ant, Se River Settlement; Tt. th. Boyd, Wm., Innisfail; i-th: = =P<{cl Boyd, W., Gleichen; rt. th. a Beveridge, George, Dry Fork; Tt. sh, C Cameron, J. A., Medicine Hat; l. sh. = J. C., Blairmore; “a bis eter Curtis H., Vermilion; Saag — George, Sunnyslope; ji Davis, Albert J., Sundial; ee Jenkinson, T. B., Seven Per- ons; 1. th. Chartier, Noel, Brooks; res J. Collins, John B., Peace River Crossing; 1. sh. Chappell, James, Strathcona; rt: hh. Carson, D. J., Paddle River; l. th. Clowson, Allen, Raymond; rt. th. Hellevang, Sam. & C. A., Queenstown; rt. sh. Mike, St. Albert; Cassidy, rt. sh. Mir. Thomas, Endon; » ah Godfrey, rt. sh. Brock, Fishburn; a W., Lethbridge; .n. “ , Garfield, Lethbridge; ie sare cee P. W., Macleod; a SEGGEGE Alberta Brand Book _19 3ee J. G., High River; rt. Deltombe, Emile A., Vermilion; rt. sh. Merrick, Chester, ‘Flowerdale; ]. sh. Bates, C. H., Cardston; ys, Bellrichard, Albert C., Seven Persons; rt. j. Pingle, F. S., Medicine Hat; sat & Canadian Wheat Lands, Ltd., Suffield; 1. sh. Cochrane, G. C., Okotoks; PG ..4. Campbell, J. Roy, Hicksburg; AS Clark, Ida Noles, Calgary; Es. McCaig, John, Walsh; rt. sh. Cloutman, L. L., Gadsby; rt. sh. Coatsworth, Isaac, rt. J. Cochrane; Canley, Herbert J., High River; vat Cherrington, Miss Francis, Lamerton; 1. sh. Calder, Geo., Innisfail; rt. h. Collar, Joe, Macleod; rt. sh. Van Slyhe, J. W.,- Daysland; l. sh. Talbot, B. R., Lethbridge; 1. j. Miniszewsky, Vincent, Medi- cine Hat; rt. sh., vent bar over Chappell Bros, Bellevue; rt. sh. Runnalls, Oliver C., Huxley; rt. h St.Germain, Chas., Peace River Crossing; 1. sh. | | BETEEUUELETEECCEL i ELLE Casson, Leslie, Davisburg; l. sh. Clark, Mrs. W. D., Airdrie; rt. sh. Renner, C. E., Taber; ]. th. Jones, John S., Stoppington;: ]. sh. Clifford, H. B., Beaver Lodge; rt. sh. Cairns, Wm., Cochrane; 1. th. Campbell, Wesley, Sunnyslope; rt. th. Conning, ]. sh. Chas., Walsh; gare Clarence A., Innisfail; rt. t Dalton & Sons, J. T., Wheat Centre; 1. sh. Coates, A. W., Carbon: tt. h a aa F., Sounding Lake; Coghill, John, Lundbreck; rt. sh. Coghlin, John, Red Deer: rt. sh. Diamond Coal Co., mond City; 1. sh. Card, Geo. C., Magrath; 1. th. Ltd., Dia- Chadwick, F., Taber; rt: J. Sandstrom, August, Regina, ask.; rt. h. Watson, Aubrey C., Meadow Creek; 1. h. Carlson, August, Elinor; rt. sh. Smith, Chas. A., Trenville; rt. h Hawley, Nellie A., Oldham, Mont., U.S.A.; rt. th. Carrol, Jerry, Kipp; rt. sh. Peel, L. Moore, Livingstone; l. th. Hawley, Clark, Oldham, Mont., US A>: rt: th. Carter, A. G. St. -L., Leo: Et Carter, James, Raymond; rt. j. Anderson, Charles, Gros Ven- tre; l. th Walback, Henry, Gleichen# rt. th. SUSSDETTERUEDEEEEEEEEDEEE Alberta Brand Book Booth, Chas. E., Calgary; }.ah: Bell, C. H., Bow Island; FS ot Carter Bros., Stettler; Tt, sh: Boag, Chas. H., Pincher Station; rt. th. Bloxham, W. C., Sundra; Tb.3. C. R., Chinook; Brownell, rt. h. Jenion, Chas. E., Greenshields; rt. th Foreman, C. W. and Palmer, if. RR. Iemasel. x Curtis, Fred M., Stettler; Lh: Solberg, C. F., Taber; ]. sh. Fisher, Mrs. Bertha, Olds; rt. sh. Fitzsimons, Chas. J., Okotoks; rt. h: Caron, Fred, Red Willows; Pens . Clarkson Bros., Carlstadt; tees Hammarberg, Annie O., Leéth- bridge; 1. h Garlin, L. -C., 1 it Cochrane; Harper, Chas. R., ‘Pekisko; Sth: Bunny, Mary Rose; Gleichen; . 80. Herzog, Mrs. Jeanie, Cochrane; Lehre Thornton, John P., Springbank: Tbh. Lind, Oscar, Nanton; rt. sh. Mabel C., Jones, Mrs. Red Deer; |. sh. W., Christopher, J. Bassano; eetine Price, Robert Jas., Black Dia- mond; rt. j. Kevis, Chas. ville; 1. sh. Wm., Marker- Campbell, Colin E., Stopping- ton; rt. sh. tT lcs pl rite ttle 015s) im Gottschalk, Henry, rt. th. sa Ralph, Whitebrush; . sh. Granum; ct? Se seit Binh esi ei ht Livingstone, John Hartwell, Verdant Valley; rt. sh. at sg W. L., Carbon; Malcolm, Chas. H., Carbon; rt. sh. Miller, C.-W., Hardisty; ]. sh. os) Chas., Stettler; Norton, C. A, Stoppington; l. sh. . Allen, Mrs. Chas., Medicine Hat; rés2th. Stevens, C. R., Lundbreck; rt sh. Lindermann, John, Trochu: | rt. aes Charles, Willows; Clark, S. E., Erskine; rt. h. “agg eas Chester, Langdon; Porter, Jas. & Robert, Irvine; rt. sh. Congdon, Robert, Stettler; ]. sh. - Tate, Chas., rt. sh. mae & Dougall, Macleod; ie Calgary; Dornan, Charles T., Welling; rt. th. Cockrell, James, Little Plume; rt. sh. Cruickshank, Rev. W. Fieldholme; rt. th. Cook, W. H., Stettler; rt. sh. M., Colvin, Robert, Stettler; , ]. th. Rose, Robert, Queenstown; 1. sh. Carroll, Wm., Frankburg; l. sh. Harrison, C. W., Gleichen; rth: Martin, Walter L., Morrin; he th: Coyle Bros., Okotoks; rt. sh. Connah, Herbert, Chinook; rt. sh. Clarke, Sumner, Lamerton; 1. sh. S Conway, J. B., Parr; l. th. Clark, Hiram Alfred, Erskine; 1. sh. heared Mrs. H. J., Calgary; i Haigler, Chas. M., Big Sandy, Mont., U.S.; rt. sh a Conradi, W. T., Stainsléigh: Eh: 8 Stanford, Wm. Joseph, Medi- cine Hat; rt. th. Chapman, H. A., Bassano; l. th. —— C. C., Lake View; ] Cooper, J. A., Gleichen; 1. sh. Cochrane, John W., Sweet Valley; rt. sh. Munroe, Charles A., Calgary; rt. th. Hansen, P. C., Pincher Creek; keh. Crosby, Herbert A., Ewing; 1. sh. Allen, Georgina, Calgary; 1. sh. B Carson, J. E., Peace River Crossing; |. th. Calder, Hugh Alfred, Strath- cona; rt. n. Mehaffie Bros., Stettler; l. sh. Clarke, J. A., Auburndale; ]. h. Adams, Mrs. Cilena M., Brownfield; rt. sh. Adames, Mrs. Charley, Walsh; rt. th Cronshaw, Alfred, Pine Lake; rt. sh. Schnider, Chris and Alex., PETER TEEEEFEEEEECEEEELEG Beaver Hills; 1. h > bt io” @o Le | ct | a.) ia) rt) 20 for) bo fo) °o i COIQLALOLoefoesyOo CIC [CLOT GT a5 ie Bros., Magrath; Bottorff, Clyde G., Puffer; rt. sh. Beglan, Christian, Walsh; rt. sh. Bartlett, Chas. M., Magrath; rt. th. 2; CT Bosse, Conrad, Bassano; 1. th. C J Burnstad, Carl, Stettler; : l. sh. 3 B Chevalier Bros., Galahad; Tt. th: =e B Bergland, Carl, Content; rt. sh. Backhouer, C. C., Pekisko; # Bauer, Chas. W., Botha; C we. rt. sh. Crt Cole, Alf, Caseleyville; rt. h wes C. H., Riverside; Cook Bros., Taber; rt. h Agricola; e g Gillison Bros., 1. h. ; Balla, 1. sh, Caral, Medicine. Hat; ce 4 McLaughlin, git Mary, Brocket; OG pcapeke: Charles, Macleod; eh. Larkin, Alex. R., Bullocksville; rt. th. Calahasin, Charlie, Grand Prai- rie; 1. sh. Burrows, Alvin, Mountain View; rt. ]. aie W. C., Rocky Coulee; # Herman, Christian, Irvine; thy baba Chas. J., Williston; yk a Drumheller, 1. sh. Jack, Cayley; I9 Belles E. J., Duvernay; Mp 1s Campbell, Mrs. Wm., dale; 1. sh Flower- aE iw) bo > — o @ bar | ct Ss) ee) ae | = =} for ee) ° ° yr Cicero, R. D., Mound; rt. sh. Murrell, E. C. F., Mannville; i haan Chatelais, Mrs. Georgina, Lyn- don; 1. th. Hall, C. M., Brant; 1. sh. SIO TIO |] aged Bros., Mannville; Sien, C. F., Medicine Hat; . sh. h. rt. O Si Collett, Ruberi D., Taber; rt. th. Chisnall, C. A., Gleichen; rt. sh. Mork, Math., Endiang; l. sh. — C. E., Altorado; ee Harvey, C. S., Olds; tt. ta CX ale Cassils & Hodgson, Cowley; rt. th. = Winberg, C. A., Taber; ]. sh. Trimble, David, Medicine Hat; Beth: Cooper, Heber E., Calgary; 1. sh. Hughes, Chas. A., De Winton; rt. sh. Lewis, P. C., Calgary; rt. h. vent bar over brand. Campbell, James W., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Children, John, Okotoks; l. sh. Cyr, Dennis, Taber; ie th: Dancoisne, Clement, Diamond City; rt: h- Dawney, Chas. R.,° Strath- more; rt. sh. Johnson, R. A., Monarch;rt. sh. vent bar over. Johnson, C. E., Bow Island; iS Bh: CSTR er ke S O Malcolm, Wm., Innisfail; rt. th. Jerard, Conard M., Stewart- wyn; rt. sh. Albright, C. E., Grassy Lake; Cornell, Geo. J., High River; rt... tp: rt. th. Kane, C. E., Tinchbray; ' Clark, J. G., Calgary; rt. th. 1. sh. Holt, James E., High River; Reed, J. G., Fox Coulee; 1. sh. 1. th. Luno, Jr., Chas. E., Medicine Crawford, R. J., Carbon; Hatch: bh: l. sh. ; Luno, Chas. E., Medicine Hat; K a Kinsey, Chas., Raymond; rt. sh. rt. th. Kinniburgh, C., Calgary; 1. sh. 7 C. S., Didsbury; ne McElhone, James, Leo; ]. sh. Edgar, C. A., Wainwright; rt. sh. Covlin, Fred, Stettler; Larson, Christian M., Seven rt. sh. Persons; l. n. Sanderson, Helena, Macleod; Amphlett, Chas. E., Alix; l. sh., vent bar over brand rt. sh. Frye, Chas. F., Olds; Lawson, J. C., Gleichen; rt. h. }o-ah: QPEeEIPJLOEeIRIA HLOMIFEGIR ’ Coonfer, C. L., Langdon; rt. sh. Lally, C. T.,° Wainwright; 1. th. Fry, Cecil, Dog Pond; 1 sh. ©? or Flexhang, Christ, Manyberries; rt. sh. Lyons, Oscar B., Purple Grenier, Celina, Carbon; |. sh. Springs; |. sh. vent bar under. Alberta Brand Book 23 . Mathews, A. E., Claresholm; a M ih: peek. Rev. L., Cold Lake; McKinnon, Chas. H., Sunny- slope; 1. sh. = WN Masterson, C. C., Trochu ) Valley; 1. sh. \ Marose, Chas., Taber; ) M rt. sh. 0 Charles, Fox Coulee; . sh. een Claude, Didsbury; Casebeer, Willie, Carstairs; h. rt. Aman, Christian, Irvine; rt. sh. Hansen, M. C., Gleichen; ]. sh. Covlin, Nellie, Stettler; l. sh. McCorrister, Alex. I., Waba- mun; |. th. Collicutt, J. A., Blackfalds; rt. th. Oseen, Claus. F., Sundial; 1. sh. Price, C. Y., Wheat Belt; l. sh Pfeifer, Carl, Yarrow; ]. th. xia Chas. H., Medicine Hat; Te Pahl, Christian, Newburg; by Porter, Chas. A., Medicine Hat: rt: sh: Paulson, Carl, Leduc; 1. sh. CofC {Ee ]Ce old ie Huntington, Arthur J., Calgary; rt. sh. ae ea Wm. J., Lethbridge; . sh, — Chas., Lethbridge; © TCeTC A{214 Cranston Bros., Shepard; 1. sh. eR ae C. R., Millarville; a) = 4 2 4 Chas. R., Stavely; ¢ R Ripley, Calvin M., Olds; Tt: Richardson, C., Bowell; rt. th. Round, Lionel S., Prairie reek; 1. th. Currie, C. R., Winborn; rt. th. let: Bae Silk, Owen, New Dayton; l. th. CM we get Clara M., Carmangay; l. th. Shivar, Chas., Lundbreck; l. th. O1O cea Bar) =) Cc Smith, Carl L., Sundial; ]. sh. Smith, Chas. R., Calgary; 1. sh. Fulton, Somerville & Wendnell, R., Walsh; 1. sh. vent bar over. Pasdlinger, Chas. F., Magrath; King & Turner, H., High River; 1. sh. Talbot, Charles, Kimball; 1. th. Clark, S. E., Erskine; rt. sh. OOo Q esl : Smith, Charles, Medicine Hat; rt. h, Cov Turnbull, Jas. MeN. and Fred., Crossfield; 1. sh. Smith, Jas. M., Prairie Creek; rt. h. Campbell, Colin, Leavings; kek, Hildyard, Cecil T., Ingleton; 1. sh. Tweed, C. E., Round Up; 1h, Cox, Wm., Coutts; l. th. Coney, J. L., Cayley; rt. st. Shaver, Coburn, Calgary; rt. h. BEEGEEGGS a a John P., Lethbridge; ]. sh. Jock, Nicholas Anne; |. sh. H., Lac Ste O Urquhart, Wm., Crossfield; hth, © 24 Alberta Brand Book Wellman, Roy H., Mountain View; l. i Carlime, W. H., Stavely; 1. sh. — Duke, Mrs. C. S., Calgary: l. sh. ; ale a Cowlin, 1. sh. Charles, Lacombe; Cyr, er Peace River Dis- trict; rt. Williams, Mrs. Catherine, Brownfield; 1. th. Bradford, J. F., Medicine Hat; rt. th: Wyman, Clark, Magrath; rt. sh. Cofield, C. W., Battle View; l. sh. Wilfart, Chas., Ewing; rt:sh. Wenstrom, Carl L., Langdon; rt. sh. Wood, Chas. W., Coleridge; 1. sh. Zregenbien, C., Didsbury; ]. sh. Cutforth, Herbert, Queenstown; ]. sh. CG yap Arthur, Mound; Crievier, J. B., and Crist, Isaac Co.,; Cardston; l. h. Hyland, Chas., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. McLean, A. J., Lethbridge; Ee eoreeae Capel, Lundbreck; h. Stockwell, G., Midnapore; rt. sh. Hore, Mrs. C. H., Calgary; 1. th: Wilson, Thomas, J., Medicine Hat; 1. sh. Hale, Christian, Brooks; rt. sh. Bezzubiak, John, Mundare; th. -LEETEELEKE CK EEE EE i Hough, Charles, Pend-Oreilla; rt. sh. Jed Culp, Geo. N., Spring Coulee; rt. sh. e SERSEEGE Farrend, Charles H., Elean; rt. j, Althen, C. J., Medicine Hat; l. sh. Ltd., Cecil Contracting Co., Calgary; rt. sh. Robertson, Mrs. Euphemia, Pekisko; 1. sh. Jeskl, Christian, Newburg; rt. sh. ee: Henry, George, Graburn; 1. th. Davis, Albert J.; Macleod; l. sh. Jarvis, N. T., Okotoks; rt. sh. C-b Banner, J., Innisfail; rt. sh. Laing, Thos. B., Carbon; rt. th. New Day- Mahan, Cornelius, ton; Careless, E. J. & F., Heart Lake; rt. sh. - Searle, H. L., Magrath; l. th. Schmelzer, Herman, Medicine at; rt. sh. Meier, John, Walsh; rt. sh. OLO CRACIAC) Harris, Chas., Bassano; rt. th. wera: Chas., Big Valley; ]. sh. cS =f Coldwell, Wm. B., Taber; rt. sh. Bruels, Harry, Carbon; rt. sh. veh @) Tolley, Chas., Innisfail; rt. sh. Calhoun, D. G., Caroline; l. sh. Trt: th Calhoun, Caroline E., Cross- e o field; 1. th. De Gamage, Edwin, Leth- bridge; rt. h Ryan, Con., Fieldholme; Blain, Mrs. Jennie E., Stettler; l. sh. Fong oes: Medicine Hat; rt. sh Alberta ‘Brand Book Z 25 Crockett, Wm., Walsh; rt. h. i (Oe Cressman, Bruce, High River; l. sh. CJ O Grayson, Wm. B.& N.C., Gros Ventre; |. sh. ss 1 V Steiner, Emil, Hicksburg; 1. th. =<‘) Cook. William, Crossfield; rt. sh. oO + Dawson, Robt. White- brush; 1. sh Wacome, C. E., Macleod; rt. th. WwW; &) a Co ay McDougall, Colin, Langdon; 1. th. + CO Smith, Chas. J., Sundial; Tt: sh. Clarke, W. B., Warner; 1. sh. Roman Catholic Mission, Pie- gan Reserve, Brocket; rt. h. Farr, Wilburn J., Carbon; 1. sh. Cattley, Colin, Blackfalds; rt. sh. 5 * nxt (oe Johnston, Colin, Athabasca Landing; I. sh. — & Clayton, Carbon; . th. ©? erg ze Adams, C. E., Gladys; rt. sh. om Clement, Taber; Mabees- Alex., Youngstown; rt. sh. CI i SEL: McHugh, eS & Sree: Seven Person x< ie Charlie, Wetaskiwin; a C.P. Ry. Co. Branch of Animal Husbandry, Dept. Natural Resources, Calgary; |. sh. Taylor, Howard, Eagle Butte; rt. th. Co Chambers, J. W., Masinasin; rt. sh. Gobert, Cyrus, Acme; rt. sh. Clarke & Co., W. & T., sonburg; rt. sh. Law- Co pEOeeys Christie, Calgary; ee la; Hill, C. B., Raymond; rt. sh. Hunt, C. A., rt. th: Milk River; argon eg Bros., Hearnleigh; . sh. Harper, C. C., Airdrie; 1. th. Gi Seven Persons; Hansen, Carl, 1. th. Hopmeier, C. H., Trochu Val- ley; rt. sh. C2 iB (1) Meissharr, Christof, Irvine; rt. sh. Riffenburg, C. H., Lousana; rt. sh. C2 a ) Hansen, Clarence, Connors- ville; rt. sh. Craig & Bros., Wm. J., Bow- den; |. h. 1 Cay Jacobson, Chas., Calgary; rt. th Johnson, Carl, Stettler: iat Cully, John, Airdrie; rt. th. Lindmark, Arthur, Hamilton; 1. th. Levelle, Wm., Lethbridge; . sh. Molander, C. A., Erskine; l. h. Lucas, John Joseph, Didsbury; rt. sh. Coulombe, Delphis, Legal; rt. th Church, Allan, Calgary; ]. sh. 33 6 aha C. L., Queenstown; Coover, B. H., Coutts: ]. sh. Little, Clarence, Gaetz Valley; rt. sh. OQ -- Leckie, Campbell, Calgary; l. th. Larsen, Chris, Wainwright; ]. sh. C2 PERE Van Brocklin, C. A., Turin: l. sh. @) - Clark, Noah, Airdrie: rt. sh. o> bo 6 Alberta Brand Book Montgomery, C. E., Nanton; rt. th GN Oo — Charley, Irvine; Co Bh I] pa Cael: B., Spring Point; at QQ ZS Newport, Chas. S., Holmstead; St. 1) Huxley, F. L., Ghost Pine Creek; 1. h. Couch, C. C., Kinnondale; rt. th. QQ Ol|Z Coote, G. G., R. M. & Mary, Nanton; 1. th. Othen, Chas. R., Benton; rt. th GA O | Courtney Bros., Ohaton; rt. sh. CQO OO I] Fleury, Aug., Notre Dame de Savoie; rt. sh. Robinson, Calvin T., Knee Hill Valley; 1. sh. Riddeck, Clarence, Richdale; rt. sh. Richardson, C. H., Bowden; rt. sh. Seward, C. W., Magrath; rt. th. |! P| 2 Scott, John Clipton, Cayley; rt. sh: Santer, Charlie, Thelma, Elk- water; rt. th. II Stewart, Carl, Pandora; 1. sh. ) fav) ) Schweder, Carl H., Warner; rt. th. Q?2 oe ) Schlaht, Christian, Irvine; Bel se Q41Q Lal 3 Strand, C., Burdett; 1. sh. ( OQ NS Sproed, Chas., Milk River; l. sh. K Sturm, Chas., Whitla; O QR rt. th. Sears, C. T., Nanton; g ae rt. th. e. 4 i Thomas, C. A., Hand Hills; L.-th;: Thompkins, H. G. & C., Con- norsville; 1. th. ia Larkin, Geo., Bullocksville; rt. sh. CQ — bar ae see C. A., Grassy Lake; sighs GT: Ott, Cornelius, Warner; rt. h. €2 (IS Conrod, D. L., Lonebutte; 1. sh. Thompson, G. C. & M.5S., Pen- dant D’Orielle; 1. sh. Wells, Clement, Walsh; rt. sh. Bayo sad bean) Go ) Thompson, Geo. C., Pendant D’Orielle; 1. sh. Bartsch, Chris, Calgary: 1, th: 2 uae @) 3 @ wee Woodford, Chas., Curlew; rt. sh. | OQ Co Rocek, Joe H., Evarts; Ligh: peer H. H., Medicine Hat; . sh. ) Ca Murray, Jr., Walter, Peace River District; 1. sh. Proudfoot, L., Jackville; l. sh. @) CG. (1) ) Carruthers, R., Cayley; rt. n. - Robert, Crossfield; Cod Co me x Q 2 5 R Cox, John Walter, Huntsville; rt. sh. © x< )}| Doolittle, FE. G., Dorenlee; rt. sh. O * ) Christianson, C. J., Vulcan; l. th. Q2u x Hovey, C. E., Milk River; 1. th. alo Nx Zeh, Clark, Taber; rt. th. I] Biensch, John C., Barney; rt. th. Watkins, C., Stirling; rt. th. Hill, Geo. Edward, Burmis; 1. sh. Cisko, Joe, Lethbridge; rt. sh. Grimshaw, Z., Strathmore; l. sh. Winfield, Chas., Crossfield; 1. th. fT it Wambeke, Charles, High River: }. th. Alberta Brand Book 27 C Cox, J., Rawdonville; U_t rt. h. pend Bryce, Frog Lake; . th. Grant, W. L., Bowden; rt. h. Callicow, Louis, Grand Prairie; rt. sh. pneareon, Wm., Springbank; . th. cob es Otto, Irvine; C2 ao Piha J., Pincher Creek; MN 4 a Maggie, Talbot; rt. t @ xe) Luse, John W., Notre Dame De Savoie; I. "sh. 0 ep eine Jr., Wm., Walsh; Stewart, Mrs. Morey: J., Mea- dow Creek; n. Dick, Mrs. Ada, Pincher Creek; rt. sh. Donnelly, Wm. J., Medicine Bids. J. Schnider, Albert, Diamond City; i. j : Lastameltz, Dougan, Peace River Crossing; rt. sh. Despas, Madame A., Namaka; rt. sh. Dennison, R. A., Nanton; rt. j. Doherty, John F., Vallejo; rt. sh. Park, Geo., Elbow River; rt. sh. Donald, Mrs. A. S., breck; rt. sh. Lund- Nichols, Mrs. Minnie, Granum; rt. sh. McGillivray, John D., Bowell; T9: aye A. K., Medicine Hat; peraugh, Joseph, Bowell; J copesiey i aoonalan G., Cardston; BEGEENEUERSOEEE Threen, Mrs. Dollie A., High River; l. j. Callaghan, Thos. G., Blackie; Te: th; Dunn, Maurice, Cochrane; l. r. ( under saddle) Dehigolyk, Iwan, Mundare; rt. sh. Day, Mrs. A. P., Medicine Hat; 1. th. DeMuster, C., Raymond; rt th. Dixon, C. M., Spring Point; l. th. Perras, Emilien, Morinville: rt. sh. Scown, Wm. Chas., Carstairs; rt. th. Stewart, tohn A., Meadow reek; Dandliker, Chas. A., Gleichen; rt. sh. Carpenter, David, Dry Fork; Pt: th: Stronach, D. P., Halkirk; rt. sh. Dodd, Ernest, Lawsonburg; l. sh. Dicky, Samuel, Wessington; ite A., Buckhorn; sOnenecnnnnnnn Davidson, ]. sh. 28 ie bee Oe Alberta Brand Book Kirkham, Thomas, Knee Hill Valley; rt. th. MeDonald, Mrs. Stewart, Crossfield; rt. sh. Dawson & Dawson, E. F. 8. & W.J.S., Trochu; |. th. Kirkham, Geo. Henry, Milner- ton; rt. sh. McLean, Duncan, Calgary; rt... Quinton, James D., Cardston; - 82. May, D. M., Elnora; rt. sh. Steed, David M., Cardston; rt. sh. Jenkins, D. D., Taber; RE x S ., Macleod; = 08 og co 3 i) =] ™ Delacy, Miss Mariea, Coutts; rt. h. Dubeau, Adam, Bowell; rt. sh. Dendy, Harry, Bottrell; Tt: BD, Derrick, F. H. and K. A., and McArthur, A. N., Carlstadt; rt. h. Stineman, D. D., Stirling; rt. sh. Anderson, Drace, Spring Cou- lee; rt. th. Gardner, David, Taber; 1. sh. Bingham, David H., Magrath; rt. th. Dixon Bros., Pincher Creek; rt. sh. : Cawley Bros., Nevis; 1. sh. McColl, D. C., Chinook; Lh: Denton, C. G., Diamond City: ee Griffin, Alfred Thomas, Flowerdale; 1. h. Desaulnier, Frank, Brosseau; l. sh. Pound, D. F., Lethbridge; rt. th. ep rrat|= PsP ielerolatelsieteiojete Reehell, Mrs. D. A., Baronet; ee Frank, William, High Fiver; rt. sh. Weiss, Fred, Josephburg; 1. th. Daly, Frank J., Granum; rt. th. Dehoney, Geo. F., Mound; rt. sh. Hogaboam, David M., Maug- han; rt. j. Ryder, Francis, Pine Lake; l. sh. Dohl, Thomas, Stettler; 1. sh. Darling, Harry, Coutts; rt. th. Heard, T. N., Stand Off; ? ~4m Johnston, J. D., Bottrell; 1. sh. McKinnon, J. A., Nanton; rt, 4h: x eb foe le} /2)aeblellelai)ale| CH rie bho} carte Se Kenny, Brooks; 1. sh. ap ig Donald, Lundbreck; . th. li J. D., Macleod; J Lund, N. H., Stettler; l. sh. Logan, Wm. A., Carbon; rt); Larkin, Alex. R., Bullocksville; 1. sh. Saunders, E:, Crossfield; l. th. McMillan, Daniel, Tees; l. h. Gregory, Ed. J. & Arthur J., Irricana; |. sh. vent same on Collins, Howard H., Nanton; 1. j. Dixon, Norman, Medicine Hat; 1. sh. Gravelle, David, Medicine Lodge; rt. th. Rouma, Hubert, Coleman; rt. sh. Walker, A. K., Medicine Hat; l. sh. Wilson, Mrs. Annie W., Ens- leigh; 1. h ‘ Dakin, Wm., Irvine; rt. sh. Darneo, J. G., Ewing; 1. sh. 4 Woodruff, Jr., David P., Ewelme; rt. th. Lightizer, John, Laird; l. sh. Dawney, A. I., Strathmore; l. sh. 2 MeDonald, D. A., Pine Lake; rt. sh. ris, S. E., Talbot; . sh. se) — © < — 2 BEERESo D A a as aan D. H., Clover Bar; Rowls, W. G., Okotoks; rt. sh. Dixon Bros., Maple Creek, Sask.; rt. sh. a LP Beagle, Delbert J., High River; rt. sh. q Bosjilie, D., Trenville; \ ¢| l. sh. Tucker, D. B., Berry Creek; l. sh. Dickins, E. Allen, Lethbridge; rt. sh. Barkley, Dexter L., Round Up: we Se Bell, John D., Black Diamond; rt. th. Brown, David W., Ghost Pine Creek; 1. sh. Boetteger, Daniel E., Curlew; rt. sh. Davison, John, Three Hills; x Tee Churilar, Dmytro, Mundare; rt. sh. aes >) Fes. Wm. H., Trochu Valley; Campbell, Donald, Granum; rt. sh. OITO >) 6) menos & Cotton, Calgary; ae a MeIntyre, D. C., Nanton; ]. sh. Dupont, Charles, Stettler; Alexander, Dewitt C., Big Val- ley; 1. sh. 2a 4 _ Alberta Brand Book 4 q Fe ) DD DD | aD | B a) a CO 0 (an » 2, aa 7 CALCD Cy pa yey ref 29 Darrigan, Jacques, Millarville; inside of left fore leg. Scott, Wm., New Dayton; 1. oh: Carlyle, M. D., Calgary: rt. sh. Drennill & Cole, Bassano; rt. sh. . Greenwood, Wilbert R., Car- bon; rt. sh. Drake, D. W., New Dayton; 1. th. Davies, Daniel, Lone Butte; rt. sh. Freeman, I. C., Winnifred; ]. sh. Davis Bros., Cardston; F. thi de la Vergue, C. R., Glenbow; |e 3 Ferguson, Douglas, Lethbridge; bth, Fraser, Donald, Strathmore; rt. sh. Gilchrist, David, Irvine; l. sh. MacDonald, D. G., Granum; rt. sh. Malin & Carlson, Big Valley; rt. sh. De Graff, Dorr, Stavely; rt. sh. Henderson, Mrs. Mary, Oko- toks; rt. sh. Hyndman, David, Norton; tah: Dooney, Michael, Evarts; 1. sh. Johnson, D. D., Coutts; rt. sh. Sharp, Basset, Steveville; ae F Cyr, Dominie J., Pincher Creek; rt. sh. Dunck, John, Olds; ]. sh. Danskin, James V., High River; 1. sh. Doolittle, Mrs. Geo., Shepard; ee 4 James, D., Pincher Creek; rt. sh. (ow) 0 ~ a @ ar | ct © ee) 9 B ry se) 2) ) Kr Sebry, James E., Wheat Belt; ]. th. D K ar ts a, D. L., High River; aie Ne John R., Red Deer; . sb. q Dill, Mrs. Adelaide, Trochu Valley; rt. sh. qd [ Scragg, Richard, Greenshields; l. sh. Miller, D. L., Taber; rth. McColl, Dugald, Granum; Tt: t; Mogch, David, Olds; Tt}. ye) og go O MacKenzea, Ian D., Parr; 1. 4h. ewe Daniel, Garden Plain; . sh. McKenzie, Donald, Bassano; l. sh. Madill, J. D., Burdett; rt. th. GOTO bak Gide eres bare Masse, Denis, Mossleigh; lL, th. ey) M Doherty, James, Taber; rt. sh. og M Martin, Donald, Calgary; rt. th. Dunlop, Jas. M., Lethbridge; 18h: Dickenson, Wm. H., Brant; l. sh. Mills, David, Hearnleigh; rt. sh. Orcutt, D. D., Barr Hill; lth; Don, George, Calgary; rt. h, Shantz, Nathan, Dorothy; ]. sh. Pritchard, David, Coleman; es Ye ; Dewar & Patton, Coutts; Tito: Parsons, Daniel, rt. th. Morley; Peart, Daniel, Raymond; ]. th. Davidson & Phillips, Bellevue; rt. sh. BEEBSEESEoEO Phillips, Donald. Amfleet, Sask.; rt. th. Roper, C. T. C., Bittern Lake; rt. sh. : D | Rising, Dollie, Olds; rt. sh. eS) yall, D. H., Kinnondale; rt-th: Ross, Donald, Medicine Hat; 1. th. Ramsey, Donald M., Orbin- dale; J. sh. Ward, Leo & Oswald, Jumping Pond; rt. sh. SEO Le Dowson, Robert, Cochrane; rt. h pec Robertson, Donald, Macleod; rt. h. dd o R Ryan, George, Queenstown; rt. sh. a Dermie, Carlstadt; . . SA. Starleys & Twist, Black Dia- mond; 1. sh. Lemmerman, Henry, Okotoks; rt. sh., vent bar over Bawers, Milton, Okotoks; rt. sh. Dovey, C. E. & Sanley, W. D., High River; rt. th. Schmidt, P. H. and Dovey, C. E., High River; rt. th. we, Thomson, Donald, Grassy Lake; rt. sh. poe Frank P., Bow Island; . sh. ar & Mrs. Rosalie, Cowley; 1. sh. Pickett & Sons, A. V., Hastings Coulee; 1. sh. Therriault, Dennie, Pincher Creek; rt. sh. Bourne, Alex., Nanton; ]. sh. Thighe Bros., Carstairs; rt. sh. Ahrens, 1. sh. aig we E. Gray, Priddis; ) BR Ve Mrs. Lydia, Calgary; oO DIDTIAIAlw CTIOIVIaAIC oO Cc Nigel Gray, Priddis; (aia) Donald, U 1. sh. Alberta Brand Book 31 oe oe Dolphis, Morinville; ») rae Arthur E., Stirling; . sh. Sth. Johnson, Leonard, Magrath; 4 Milton, R. D., Calgary; Ll. sh. 1. sh. AIO <]> T Campbell, L. D., Lake View; Dorchack, Joe, Lethbridge; > ia 1. th. / Davis, John A., Chinook; Dickenson, S. M., Gleichen; oy cc) Ky ct +) bd i] ) Bb Q ie] ° i) yr Davidson, John, Calgary; rt. th. Hall, Mrs. Harry, Coutts; bth: Duce, Wm. & Geo., Cardston; £t. th: Hayden, D. S., Lesser Slave Lake; rt. sh. : Dallas, Alex., Innisfail; rt. sh. Boucher, Daniel, Seven Per- sons; rt. h. Baxter, James D., Medicine Hat; 1. sh. Cameron, Donald, Lakeview; i th: OO Fla] F] +] oI BREE E EEE Sturm, Dave, Josephburg; rt: nh. Cyr, Dennis M., Pincher Creek; '6:.8N:; hi ate Donald, Josephburg; . sh. DIC Davidson, D., Daysland; ]. sh. O 0 FE Eyben, H. A., Cummings; lth: Bryden, D. E., Victor; ]. sh. ae ‘ay Oo Eller, J. Dwight, Eveland; Eb. {sh Oo Ps Dodd, Ernest, Lawsonburg; rt. Sh. IPS BF, =i Dietride, Joseph, Cardston; lath: Reichenberg, Daniel, Irvine; rt. Fowler, Dan. P., Parr; Tb. Bit: O a . ee Davy, George, Leo; rt. th. wy, | De Delley, H. Louis, Vermilion; l. sh. 0 “T] De Foras, Count Barle, High River; rt. sh. Leicht, David, Olds; L.8h: Be, a es | Davies, Miss Susan, Leth- bridge; rt. th. Kennedy, Daniel F., Pollux; rt. th. Coulston, Walter, Coleridge; Tt 2: Coulston, Thomas Shaw, Elk- water; 1. th. : Morse, Douglas, Airdrie; rt. sh. Laughton, D. A., Granum; l. th. OLO ie 5 Predera Henry B., Kenex; . th. eo) oO a) p ¢ John, Beaver Lodge; 1. th. Proeless, Ude Frederick, Car- mangay; l. tb. 0 Z Q ° 5 ® = Sheppard, Melvin. Rimbey; Teh oi es David, Lucky Strike; . sh. Ritchie, David, Carbon: l. sh. lhe ba Pd] [| 2 Z a Shine, Daniel M., Cochrane: rt. sh. Donaldson-Selly, H. K.8., Milk River; rt. th. Oo U2 oy Robinson, D. S. Champion; rt. th. Oo | a Duns, Anton, Carbon; rt. sh. oO Sis Wilson, D. W., Medicine Hat; 1. th. , = Fike, D. K., Crossfield; rt. sh. D* Stevenson, John G., Ray- pi mond; I. sh. D ay Dudas, Mike, Stafford; rt. sh. Dorey, Harold, Landonville; rt. sh. Deitz, Albert, Major; rt. sh. ow 0 N Dougan, Wm. John, Mound; rt. sh. 0 ND Dendy, Lucy, Dog Pond; rt. sh. O Cn Dann, Joseph & Fred, Trochu; rt. sh. Dimma, Mrs. C. S., Kora; 1. th. Meacham, A. D., Parkland: 1. th. > ao oO Lj ct re) es) om ) 3 for td fo) °o yr me Ae Marshall, Hon. Dunean, Ed- monton; rt. sh. McLaughlin, Miss -E., Elk- water; |. th. ppuct. Wm. C., Innisfail; ah, Wilson, Ernest, Coleridge; l. j. Cook, Edward, Jumping Pond; rt. th. gece A. G., Cluny; Mountstevens, Walter S., Coch- rane; rt. j. Allen, Mrs. John, Macleod; rt. th. Miller, Geo. A., Cleverville; rt. sh. Wood, J. R., Knee Hill Valley; rt. sh. eS ATDeY, Joseph, Macleod; ] Richmond Live Stock Co., Bassano; !. th. me Edwards, Harry G., Midna- pore; rt. th. person, C. C., Mannville; » HE: Galloway, G. P., Woolchester; ]. sh. Harvies, E. G., Wimborn; lL. th. Wilton, Percy & Stearn, E., Rimbey; |. sh. Williamson, Ernest, Stand Off; tq; Holland, David H., Cardston; Ti}. Mann, Albert, Macleod; l. sh. Pawlett, Chas, H. A., Cowley; rt. th. Babcock, Eugene, Gleichen; rt. sh. Eaton, Emmett, E., Ewing; ]. sh. : . m BNOBOOLGG: Wigle, E. J., Calgary; rt. sh. Elliott, Chas. Henry, Castor; rt. th. Glasier, W. E., Stettler; l. sh. Edwards, Norman W., Stop- pington; rt. sh. Noble, Wm., Elkwater; aie sh. teal. Emil, Elkwater; Robinson, Mrs. Emma, Nan- ton; |. sh. Evans, Thos., Calgary; rt. th. Amundson, George E., Seven Persons; rt. j. Edwards, E. H., Avalon; rt. J. Scott, S. J. P., Millarville; rt. h. Nellis, W. B., Hindville; rt. h. Edwards, Alfred, Taber; rt. sh. Evans, Seemer, Pearce; 1. sh. Edge, W. H., Cochrane; ]. sh. Grain, C. W., Cochrane; l. n. Emmett, Robert H., Calgary; 1. j. Dimsdale, L. E., Fishburn; 1. sh. Sehr, Nick, Spring Lake; rt. sh. Erdman, Emil, Granum; th. Miller, B. C., Cayley; l. sh. Evans, Wm. Lloyd, Lillie; rt. th. Weaver, Abram C., Bassano; th. Eirikson, H. G., Markerville; rt. th. Alberta Brand Book Williams, Mrs. E., Cochrane; ]. sh. Paquette, Edeas, Rosebud Creek; rt. sh. Emery, Robert, Suffield; ]. sh. Mason, Ed., Nanton; l. st. Oliver, Edward, Didsbury; rt. sh. Edie, P., Brooks; Eo 3% White, E. B. T., Medicine Hat; 1. sh. Westin, E. A., Dalroy; rt. sh. Eckford, Herbert, Vermilion; th. Ethell, James, Mound; rt; th: Bigelow, J. Erle, Wimborn; rj bh 3 Rumbold, Walter G., Lyndon; ]. sh. St. Clair, Geo., Red Deer; rt. sh. Perry, J. E., Mountain View; l. th.; vent brand on rt. sh. Silby, Stewart, Boundary Creek Cardston; rt. th. Lougheed, Alfred E., Neapolis; ts}. McDermott & Co., Brocket; 1. sh. Evans, D.D., Rev. John, Strathmore; rt. sh. Hughes, Mrs. Evan, Vulcan; ]. sh. Johnson, H. M., Czar; bth th. Elder, E. & G., Queenstown; rt. sh. Ecker, Geo., Thigh Hill; MH. 'th. Paitson, E. & Shaw, W. A., -iaeued yl 1. sh. Colberg, E. J., Big Stone; rt. sh. S Anderon, EK. R., Beaver Lodge, Grand Prairie; rt. sh. Thompson, E. B., Cowley; rt. sh. TEREEERTREROEEEEEEEE tt 6 | Thompson, E. H. B., Calgary; 1. th. o3 e/3 Edge Bros., Cochrane; rt. th. Bremner, Edward, Monvil; rt. sh. t SAUnEEEEEEOEEEESOEEEEOE Barrows, E. E., Warner; 1. sh. Edey Bros.; Claresholm; rt. sh. Barnes, Mrs. W., Lethbridge; l. sh. Boultbee, Ed. T. & J. M., Coutts; l. sh. Burns, Mrs. Isabella, Content; rt. sh. Brunskill, C. W., Huxley; l. th. CH ——— Medi- cine Hat; ee Se Ernest, Brant; Capling, Ed., Earlville; rt. sh. Salen a Stettler; rt. eh. Denehaa ees Elk- water; rt. Anderson, Ed., Carbon; rt. n. Dickinson, Mrs. Ella A., Seven Persons; rt.- j. Eversfield, Mrs. S. T., Maple Creek, Sask. ; 1. sh. Davies, Elmer E., Chinook; rt. sh. Stewart, Edward & David, Chinook; rt. th. ne E. C, Lillico; _ sh. Dart, A. E., Barons; rt. th. Totem. Mrs. J. H., Calgary; l. sh. a pe E. S., Ryley; Ward, Mrs. E. T., Gleichen; rt. th. Filiatreault, Emmanuel, Stett- ler; 1. sh. Fitch, H. E., Bowell; lL: th: Alberta Brand Book 35 Wooters, E. M., Reid Hill; rt. sh. Fitzpatrick, Edward Cecil, Pin- cher Creek; rt. th. Hunt, G. L., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Harper, E., Twin Butte; rt. sh. bela Eugene, Lethbridge; Hagg, Eric, Mountain Mill; rt. th. Maricle, H. E., Vegreville; rt. sh. Bilquist Bros., Rife; 1. sh. Hancock, Ed., Lethbridge; rt. sh. Evans, James, Calgary; rt. sh. Johnson, Horace E., Thigh Hill; Borsith, J. E., Bittern Lake; 1. sh. English, J. F., Bow Island; BEEUESEEEOUUUD rt. th. Johnston, Goe. E., Carmangay; rt. sh. Sandberg, Olaf, Tolman; rt. sh. Kroesing, Ernest, Dry Fork; l. h. Knollys, Erskine, Priddis; Tt. sh. Roberts, Edwin L., Calgary; 1. th. Law, E. A., Cardston; ‘ine fe Evans, Lemuel J., Sunnyslope; Tic 3; Mort, J. Kenneth, Newburg; 1. sh. Lloyd, Helen A., Maycroft; rt. th. Mackin, Mrs. Martha, Stettler; 1. sh. Maxwell, L. E., Claresholm; h Ba GeEE ESE 1. sh. Mulraine, E., Talbot; rt. sh. Morrow, Ellis H., Crossfield; rt. Ss. slg te & Sons, S. W., Culham; . sh. Martin, Ernest, Lethbridge; 1. sh. Lawrenz, Max, Champion; ]. th. McKenzie, C. J., Perbeck; 1. sh. Morris, E. N. rt. sh. , Vermilion; Skelton, Ene, Webber; rt. sh. Budd, Geo. H., Raymond; ]. sh. art. J. Floyd, Trochu; .3. Pope, J. E., Flagstaff; Toon: Parker, E. B., Didsbury; 1. th. Parmenter, E. Tt; -8h: M., Three Hills; Pitzer, Wm. G., Nanton; ] . sh. Hee. Emil P., Stettler; ia fe Paquette, Edeas, Rosebud Creek; rt. h. Palmer, Sid, Burdett; l. th. Coughlin, R. H., Nanton; ]. sh. Evans, E. B., Carbon; rt. h Rees, Evan, Hardisty; | id Dice, E. R., Magrath; h rt. sh. Reinoehl, Frank E., Round Up; 1. sh. Weidenheimer, view; rt. sh. Robt., Long- Schmidt, Emelia, Morley; rt. sh. Middleton, Robert, Michel, Ray a Rodier, Edmond, Brooks; rt. th. Wilson, Mrs. E. M syde; rt. sh. Vian, E. E., Brant; l. sh. sa EDEDSODRRESEEGDEEEEE Alder- “ee Alberta as W ~~ Qe 3 td Wilson, Edward H., Priddis; l. sh. McMaster, T. A., Pekisko; rt. h. By Wade, Edward, Gleichen; Wright, Mrs. C. E., Cardston; rt. th. McElhone, J. E., Stettler; l.s. Evans, Wm. J., Calgary; rt. sh. Auger, Ailem E., Bowell; rt. th Meyers, Wm., Leo; rt. th Carr, E. C., Nanton; sth. ala Erickson, Edwd. A., Stirling: ]. sh. D’Arripe, Edward, Longview; l. sh. Aylwin, W. E., Vermilion; TOR: Appleton, Edwin E., Beaver Lodge; rt. th. Conrad, E. B., Ghost Pine Creek; 1. sh. Bartlett, aes H., Leth- bridge; 1. th. FE B evs Gites Rosebud Creek; Bushee, Edward, Hardisty; rt. h. Bell, Chas. E., Carlstadt; ae Boe, Ed., Hardisty; rtiish. Eilertson, Chas., Lillico; rt. eh: Bond, Alice E., Lonbutte; l. th. Baylor, E. E., Raven; ]. sh. Bryce, Mrs. Elizabeth Jane, Davisburgh; rt. th. Birch, E. H., Gleichen; l. th. Britton, Joseph A., Granum; J. sh. Erickson, Per Enock, rskine; l. th. ER as ro) =} Lo pL Lo oa a LJ ¥ , me © C5 say Pry cS Brown, Mrs. E. H., Macklin; Sask., rt. sh. Bulloch, Edwin, lowalta; 1. th. Brown, Edward, Kinnondale; rt. sh. Brown, Edward, Wheat Centre; rt. sh. Bossert, Ed., Carnforth; . $A. Binning, Ernest, West Wing- ham; rt. th. se Ernest, Medicine Hat; es, Cook, Edward W., Stettler; rsh: Coffin, O. E., Crossfield; rt. sh. Cole, Mrs. L. B., Medicine Hat; rt-35 ; Coover, C. E., Coutts; ]. sh. Clifford, Capt. E. §., Strath- more; rt. t aah te Edward, Gillingham; 1. th. Worby, C. E., Perbeck; rt. sh. Cantlon, Edward A., Botha; rt. h. my Cotton, E. E., Ewelme; Clark, Ellis, Carbon; rt. th. a E.W., Airdrie; l. Deltombe, Emile, Vermilion; rt. sh. Dyson, Ernest C., Crossfield; rt. th. Mantis, L., Eagle Butte: - 8. Smith, Senr., Edward, Ray-. mond; |. j. Downes, Arthur A., Innisfail; r. n. Day, Edward Austin, Welling; Ft. th. # Donald, Edward B., Calgary; l. s. Derry, E., Calgary; l. h. Dahl, Endre, Naughton Glen; ]. th. Sparks, E. E., Carlstadt; i sh. Edey, E. J., Passburg; rt. sh. Eddleston, Walter, Delia; Tt.-h. McGeorge, James, Coutts; ]. th. Ea iw Ellis, Wm., Jumping Pond; 1. sh. ae Evans Bros., Sounding Creek; rt. th. Porter, Mrs. Geo., Maycroft; 1. sh., vent, upright bar after brand. Ferguson, Edward C., Lake- view; rt. sh. Samuelson, E. G., Langdon; rt. sh. Hellawell & Hassard, Eagle Butte; 1. th. Greeno, Edw. A., New Dayton; rt. th. Carruthers, Edward M., Vul- can; |. sh. Crawford, Elmer, Pendant D’ Orrielle; rt. sh. Gurney, E. C., Seven Persons; rt. sh. Edwards, Rev. G. G., Waba- mun; rt. sh. Gehrmann, Emil C., Glenview; rt: th. Griffin, Earl, -Munson; l. th Hemme, E. F., Milk River; Howard, Ernest, Winborn; rt. th. Evans, John, Spring Coulee; 1. th. Ekiss, Fred, Nanton; l. sh. Henderson, George, high River; rt. sh. Rowell, Edward, Sunnyslope; l. sh. Harrison, Ernest, Castor; rt. sh. Hart, Mrs. Mary E., Clares- olm; 1. sh. LI flo io Pom foo bod LJ a Miron So ener issn mnmteimcnc Herrick, S. E., Magrath; rt. sh. Bc boo Suen Deal poe rt. th. CH Medicine Hat; MICO H]h Hamm, Elnora, Taber; 1. sh. ; aortas Sons, Joseph, Cremona; . th. ap oreo E. J., Coutts; an James, Walter L., Keoma; l. sh. Lae Li] or Jackson, John E., Coutts; rt. sh. «= Johnston, Alf. E., Okotoks; l. sh. Kendrick, Emil, Passburg; Leh: McKee, E. A., Killam; = Sh. é Ell, J., Grassy Lake; s bons bis Steer, Leopold Geo., Spring- sea Washington, U.S.A.; Tt. sh. Leavitt, Nellie, Cardston; Leth: Langwin, Eugene, Hill End; sh. Gautier, Mrs. Joseph E., Ewelme; rt. h. Loomis, E. J., l. sh. Flagstaff; Lalliot, Justin, Hillcrest; rt. sh. Peterson, G. E., Brazir; l. sh. a Visa] (a) Poa (a WA) (bel al Fe VBA Ke SEE He Lo Li ese (SS am Hister, Paul S., Coutts; ]. sh. Lane, Elsie, Calgary; lL. th, Litz, Elma, Gleichen; rt. sh. “. Livinspire, Earl L., Blackie; rt. h. SS a) (a five fe belt ood bs Charlebois, D. E., Carbcn; rt. sh. & Lyon, E., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Chamberlin, Edmond, Lanuke; rt. th. Johnson, Andrew, Macleod; 1. sh. CATED ICD bjt jl- ie) 8 Alberta Brand Book Ellis, John, Lacombe; 1. sh. Grieve,E.W.'Mackenzie, Innis- fail; 1. th. Maguussen, E., Earling; 1. sh. McCorbie, Edward, Walsh; - LI lm lot mi rmlraliitiat lit. IX IMI MIM RR Le ~m Sie ee a eae SPSS ER AAAs 0 rt. sh. McCarthy, Edward, Twin Butte; rt. th. Mantz, Emanuel, Hilda; lf th; Hallman, Miss Effie May, Acadia Valley; 1. sh. McCallum, C. E., Spring Point; 1. th. Mayhew, E. A., Vermilion; rt. sh. nce. Elizabeth, Milk River; 1. th. Menard, Eugene, Legal; rt. sh. rasta Emmet N., Flagstaff; . sh. EN Nougoier, Emil, Macleod; rt. sh. Galbraith Bros., Nanton; rt. 77; Knox, Wm., Milk River; rt. th. eaamnalt Gustave, Blayney; Nielson, Earl M., New Dayton; Pe th: McRae, John Howard, Pekisko; rt. sh. MacMillan, Alex., Carmangay; lL. th: Adams, Edwin, Cardston; e-sh. si Emil, Grassy Lake; Martin, W. W., Balermo; Ble z= O Ohrn, Erick, Ohrnville; l. sh. Mitchell, Chas. R., Medicine Hat: 1 th: Fream, Sidney P., Innisfail; ]. th. LJ a Poxon, Wilfrid, Carbon; rt. sh. d lw} Ula Ry 9 Mim |om LPL OO fp opted pu pL ym 4| afealea}5™yS™ Ws] > S|~] >] |x (ae) a] lee LPL Py PM |} t Jenson, Wm., Knee Hill Valley; rt. th. ‘ Philput, E. W., Medicine Hat; 1. sh. Jones, Perry, Stirling; 1s Pihloja, Andrew E., Chinook; rt. sh. Potinges E. H., Spring Bank; . sh. Bimpeets Harvey, Carmangay; Rowell, Emerson, Harmattan; 1. th. Reed, rt. sh Lowe, E. R., Milk River; 1. th, Shapcock, E. R., Fox Coulee; rt. th. . E., Caseleyville; Reads Everett, Sweet Valley; . sh. Rogers, James, Delia; 1. sh. Potter, J. W., Bow Island; Tt. 48; Reardon, R. E., High River; l. th. Still, Eugene E., Bow Island; rt. sh. Masciangelo, Giovaun, Hand Hills; 1. th Smith, Erle E., Gros Ventre; rt. sh. Seale, E. A., Battleview; l. sh. Shepler Bros., Dorothy; 1. th. Bowcott, E. T., Many Berries; Be Tillitson, J. E., Okotoks; rt. J. Thomas, A. A., Harland; rt. h. Reels, B., Black Diamond; . 8D, Knight, Thos., Erskine; rt. sh. Thoppees, Wm. E., Warner; . sh. Tudor, Edward, Olds; Tt; 8h. > bat o @o Lar | ct © is") | © 5 A s) ° ro} yr cL ™S Li} my cofbd fof perp ey ap ey Gd PU ef gf fede] | cof co] wf tata | MINI NINTX Pax | >< sis s Sl ™ > mM > as we John E., Glenview; eS Edwards, rt. th: Bashaw, rt. sh. Wm., Carbon; E., Lamerton; Bignoll, Edward H., Stettler; rt. th. Devoncourt, Evariste, Gilt Edge; rt. sh. Knowles, Richard, Elinor; ]. th. Parken, S. W., Carbon; Leth: Shaw, Mrs. E. B., Mecheche; rt. sh. Ambler, Elwin, Irma; rt. sh. Cornell, rt. sh. Sidney M., Ponoka; Robertson, Alex., Magrath; rt. th. Ellsworth, John, Bentley; lL. sh. Wright, Mrs. E. N., Fieldholme; 1. th. Holmes, ]. sh. J. E., L’Amoureux; Paquette, Edeas, Rosebud Creek; rt. sh. Smith, E. J., Gros Ventre; l. sh. Lewis, John, Mayton; TC -01. Dixon, Cecil, Nanton; rt. sh. Weatherby, Percy, Stavely; ]. sh. Dawson va fa 15 & Dawson, Trochu; Hills, Ellsworth, Daysland; rt. sh. Bowers, A. J., Raven; rt. sh. Bond, Robert A., Eastway; Tt tne Authenac, Dr. E., Ewing; rt. sh. Ballance, l. sh. R., Lethbridge; Coolidge, E. A., Warner; Tt: th. te oe > lo” 3 cr © ies) © 3 por ie) (2) oO wy , Edward A., Calgary; h. Adams, Edmund J., Three Hills; rt. th. Kessler Bros., New Dayton;. rt. sh. Engstrom, A., Airdrie; Lith; Dowsett, Edward & Alfred, Pakan: rt. sh. Carter, Ewen E., Lignite; rt. th. Carter, J. A., Lignite; l. th. Earl, Frank L., Meeting Creek; l. sh. Weiner, Espy Austin, Taber; 1. sh. Mm ay Hovey, Mrs. Etta A., Milk River; rt. th. ar tan Elof Wm., Bowden; 1. ine MeFarland, E. sons; rt. ‘th. Stoddard, A. E., Bassano; rt. sh. A., Seven Per- ET] ial mM 4 Boe Sad Richardson, S. 8., Seven Per- E A sons; : FA Evans, Andy, Livingstone; ]. sh. — Radford, Ebenezer, rt. sh. Jockern, A. E., Warner; rth. Macleod; a ) mM > F a EA Stashko, Elex, Whitford; . 1. th. ~or_- pac wgaestaet, Wm., Suffield; Hall, Elmer H., Bassano; ]. sh. [™] a Sampson, Ernest H. 8., Samp- sonton; rt. ra BA \ Lunn, Mrs. Emma. E., Lang- don; rt. sh. Li m™ | Ehlert, Emil, Magrath; rt. th. Bjordal, Ed. O., Milk River; rt. s. Douglass, E. W., Winnifred; 1. sh. Hawkins, Fenand E., Gleichen; rt. th. AEs Frost, Edward,Black Diamond; rt. sh. [T) Furman, Mrs. Elizabeth, Lethbridge; rt. th. jee a | ni ps Hamilton, Bassano; iT) nal Nimmo, Henry, Hand Hills; rt. sh. Fisher, E. L., Nanton; rich, (Ay ea i = ery ron Finckh, Mrs. E. R., Reid Hill; l. sh. | | bees Chas. I., Whitla; m mal Jobs, Jacob, Bright View; rt. sh. Ba at Falkner, W. E., Penhold; Tt; ga; Finn, Moses Edwilkt wood: 1. sh. m 7 i Arrow- Anderson, Petrus, Cadogan; rt. sh. Freeman, E. M., Innisfail; l. sh. aires & Co., R. D., Foreman; Irwin, Elridge F., Tolman; rt. th. Franklin, E. W., Olds; rt. sh. 71; =) ) Froggatt, E. L., Cochrane; . Sh. on Fry, E. F., Lonbutte; rt. th. Milnes, G. C., Langdon; l. sh. ss8 Gummer, E. W., Little Plume: s m DP Good, As Brownfield; rt. t Gardioey Eli, Manyberries; l. th. Gleson, J. E., Lethbridge; 1. sh. mil) ve Grant, rt. sh. Ebenezer, Grierson; m 0 we tare Mrs. Martin,Calgary; rt. G Earl, Edgar G., Norton; 1.38; [") ep) Alberta Brand Book rt. sh. Gibson, Percy, Warner; . sh. Gray, E., Medicine Hat; i th: Engelking, H. G., Manyberries; 1: th. Henton, F. E., Oxvyille; i rye Snow & Haycock, Stavely; 1. sh. Wellman, Frank L., Banff; ]. sh. Hidstrom, Ernst W., Carbon; 1. sh. orgie Carl A., Round Hill ]. h. Ham, P. M., Calgary; rt. sh. Hatton, E., Coutts; 1. sh. Halverson, Albert Edwin, Pin- cher Creek; 1. sh. Holstein, Ernest, Irvine; l. th. Hocking, Edmond, Magrath; orga H. E. G. H., Ena; . sh. Harris, F. E., Bassano; rt. sh. Blackburn, E. J., Twin Butte; l. sh. Joutras, Ernest, Rosebud, Creek; rt. th. Parsonage, Everett John, Battle Creek, Sask.; 1. th. Johnson, rt. h. mil, Grassy Lake; James, "Mrs. Emma, Elkton; l. sh. Welsh, E. J., Warner; rt. sh. Brown, Jr., Mrs. Emily, Hugh- endon; |. sh. Jacobson, Eli August, Coll- holme; rt. th. Johnston, E. A., Grassy Lake; rt. sh. James, Mrs. Elizabeth, Grassy Lake; 1. sh. Carter, E., St. Paul de Metis; ° 4 Ed Dre apereer: Christ, Crossfield; 4 Scott, Mrs. E.-J., Summer- view; |. sh. Arkens, E. J., Suffield; rt. h. Fy Corliss, Jesse E., Ferry Point; ttxih; Pa eC si Erick, Glen Banner; . sh. es Se John, Calgary; . th. Klautt, E., Hutton; l. sh. rr Pollett, E. W., Calgary; rt:th. ae Killingbick, E. B., Sounding ake; 1. h. King, D. E., Grassy Lake; rt. h. E Muckle, John, Stand Off; rt. sh. E K Carlson, Oscar, Lake Thelma; - I l. sh. Hh sei ax Samuel, Gilt Edge; . sh. bral ~ ) Bricker, Eph., St. Lina; rt. th. Ba rx Pelltier, E., Lethbridge; Pty: th. Hannigan, Rose E., Queens- town; 1. sh. Glidden, E. K., Vermilion; 1. th. Weston, T. E., Cardston; rt. th. Kelly, Edward, Crossfield; l . sh. K Kewley, Robert C., Wilhelmina; 1. th. Blackmore, James, Cardston; rt. h. 7 i} Morton, E. H., Calgary; 1. th. Ba < Morris, Samuel E., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Streff, E. M., High River; l. sh. Maulsby, Mrs. Nina, Lochin- var; rt. n. ASX Mayhew, H. E., Vermilion; rt. th. - ao co) A ct © td Le | io 3 Qu je) ° ° an M Meek, Wm., Perbeck; ]. sh. Miller, G. E., Taber; rt. sh. Morris, W. E., Bigstone; l. sh. Mitchell, Robert, Bellevue; TeoSh. Geo. E., Warner; Be C = Bartlett, Wallace, rt. sh. Martin, Jr., Dan., Rosebud Creek; 1. sh. Elean; mM es (\ m AG ( Maerz, Gottleib, Sunnyslope; rt. sn: ae a Moberly, Henry, Jasper House; rt. sh. ; Melladew, E., Millarville; 1. sh. EE Osborne, R. N., Cheadle; rt. sh. mM © Robins, E. T., Czar; l. sh. Frerichs, Henry, Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Osterloh, E. C., Suffield; ]. th. Oldford, J. E., Penhold; rt. th. O iS Be, a io) a te ct i=7 ’ 9 , [T)] ej ae 25 5 De Smidt, Edward Alfons, . Pashley; rt. h. Pulley, Mrs. E. 8., Diamond City; -l. h. Picard, Edmund, Mountain Mill ort th: Postlethwaite, A., Diamond City; 1. sh. Patzer, Emanuel, Garden Plains; rt. th. rel} Alpaugh, Ephraim, Conjuring Creek; rt. h qe J. E., Calgary; Pamplin, 1. sh. Sherring, E. W., Calgary; 1. sh. Westcott, Thomas, Eagle Butte; rt. h. Emeline, Solomon, Oldham, Mont., U.S.A.; lh Stanley, Walter M., Elbow River; 1. th. Benne Edward, Dry Forks; . sh. Mit) LQTUV2 Shipley, Robert E., Cardston; rt. th. Southwood, Mrs. Elizabeth, Crossfield; rt. sh. Spragg, Miss J., Crossfield; rt. th. Snowden, Ernest G., Big Prai- rie; rt. sh. Carte, Ernest, Warner; 1. th. = S Siewert, Emanuel, Richdale; ]. sh. c Ellis, Mrs. T. A., Provost; rt. sh. rt. th Spragg, A. H., Crossfield; rt: he Easterbrook, Mrs. E. 8., Cow- ley; 1. sh. Sovde, Erick, Irvine; S 1.-thi S Hopewell, Ed., Cardston; rt. sh. Sharkey, Emery, Duhamel; Ttoide Sander, Olaf E., Ponoka; l. h. Storey, Esther, Monarch; 1. th. Thomson, E., Bingen; ]. th. ™ C. H., Calgary; aa 4 2) is) B ~) Pp i Go. E., Yarrow; l. th Il M eee 2 Schenk, Ernest, Milnerton; Lth: Mim oa] fen Tose, Edward, Caroline; 1. th. (KC Tillotson, E. R., Lillico; 1. th. i") sae James J., Burdett; mM i" a iol — 5 o 5 4 apes, Thomas, } Whitebrush; . 8h. ™ Frith, I; Re Wharranton; Alberta Brand Book 43 | eee Eugenie, Vegreville; ~ th. T™ Be Cc me Kvale, Thorne, Minda; 1. th. J irae Gordon, Strathmore; \ . shi oo Adolph, Crossfield; m rT) so Geo. E. W., Hand Hills; . sh. aeebaren, Ernest L., Steveville; . th. < Bruce, Elvin, Okotoks; rt. sh. m AV, Thomas, Fred Jas., Fishburn; jg Walker, G. E., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. mim BE are Ernest, Provost; yo ™ <1< ; Venus, Edgar L., Hand Hills; l. sh. Rene De L’Escale, De Vabre, Innisfail; rt. sh. a Eisentrant, Rudolf, Botha; rt. th. “5 st a E. H., Acme; Ensign, Eugene, Whitla; rt. sh. Lu x< Young, J. E., Pollockville; 1. sh. [T] B (™) ae Young, E. H., Carbon; rt. sh. Young, Edgar, Dog Pound; 1. sh. ar ae Ernest L., Didsbury; . sh. Hewitt, J. J., Medicine Hat; rt. j. Young, W. E., Hardisty; 1t. sh. F Egy, Jonathan W., Stettler; 1. th; ™ ~< nl ae ua Eye, Mrs. Ada C., Langdon; rt. th. aa Thos. R., Claresholm; . sh. ich Plowman, Mrs. Cecilia, Spring Point; rt. sh. Browne, L Brady, Calgary; rt. sh. Mim NHN 7 Galbraith Bros., Nanton; 2d l. th. ne Henry L., Strathmore; Ayid Dis a a iN | Quesnelle, Dorcina, Cowley; rt. sh. ™ UJ ery aan Anna, Kinnondale; . sh. seh ay Dan, Grand Prairie; . th. Merrill, Austin, Camrose; 1. th. Clark Bros., J. B.. & E. A., Rosebud Creek; 1. sh. Bartlett, Fred, Notre Dame De Savoie; rt. sh. m A po nq Karren, Elish R., Magrath; 1. sh. m Cn Hunt, Ernest Chas., Longview; rt. th Ingram-Istvanffy, George and C., Parkland; rt. sh. Nowlin, Ernest L., Claresholm; l. th. Bruneau, Mrs. Jas. B., Blair- more; l. n. Copping, Fred. W., Taylor- ville; rt. th. Van Housen & Sons, F., Berry Creek; rt. j. | Fair. P. J., Furman; 1. sh. McClain, Mrs. F., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Tt: + Lockren, Oscar C.; Carlstadt; 1. th. Fraser, Russel, Hurley; 1. sh . So. Warden, J. F., Medicine Hat; Thee Miller, M. F., Granum; l. th. Sr sain: Jas. T., Lyndon; rt. th Hackett, Robt. L., Stand Off; 1.3: McAllister, J. G., Olsen Creek; E49: Sutherland, James F., Gleichen; rt. sh. SECORGHDE Landels, Andrew F., Nanton; bosh: Farrell, Mrs. F. M., Stettler; l. sh. Albright, F. E., Masinasin; Ith: Magersted, Frederick, Brooks; rth. Fingland, W., Curlew; rt. sh. mtoxs pales, Ewing; Herbert, rt. }. Frank, Olds; Vallance, Robert, Medicine Hat? rt, 3. Day, Joe. T., Medicine Hat; h., in conjunction with same brand on left jaw. Day, Joe. T., Medicine Hat; j., in conjunction with same brand on. l. h. McComb, Samuel, Meadow Creek; 1. sh Alward, A. H., Calgary; rt:.J: Miller, Mrs. Kate D., Cowley; l. j., vent bar under. Foster, Geo. R., Olds; rt. th S. L., Perbeck; Foster, l. sh. s ___ Alberta See Cousins, Gerald, Seven Persons; h. Coney Thomas, High River; . th: Friesen, G. S., Sunnyslope; ]. sh. sei Alfd. G. G., Gleichen; a se Walter S., Canta: Gretchel, A. F., Perbeck; LEEK Felch, J. H., Thigh Hill; rt. th. Walker, Geo., Cora Lynn; Tt: sh Fisher, Arch’d, Seven Persons; rt.:th Fletcher, rt. sh. M. C., Calgary; Smith, John G., Nanton; l. sh. he Francis M., Macleod; . sh. oy. Mrs. Albert, Haynes; PEOETEDEIED Curry, Albert, Haynes; rt. sh. — Rice, W. H., Mound; Tt Brazil, Mrs. F. E., High River; rt. h. Bernard, Frank W., Trochu Valley; rt. sh. Brown, Frank, Raymond; 1. h. Corrigan, Frank M., Pearce; rt. sh. Carlson, S. F., Chailey; rt. sh. Deehenaux, Jean B. T., Leve- land; 1. sh. Clark, F. J., Erskine; l. sh. Palmer, Annie M., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Cowan, Frank, Irvine; l. sh. Dawning, J. M., Curlew; 1. th. Davy, Frank, Calgary; rt. sh. Denic, Chas. F., Blackfalds; l. n. SOODIOOGEDODE ie Alberta Brand Book : 45 Fraser, Donald, Nanton; Men ee: John, Granum; . th. rt. n. Downer, Fred W. R., Leth- Kroestch, Ambrose G.,Hastings bridge; 1. sh. Coulee: rt. sh. apn da Fred, Hutton; gers Samuel, Olds; l. sh. Knoble, F. C., Coutts; Dunfield, J. F., Stettler; h. rt. sh. rt. paerest B. J., High River; Kennedy, Frank L., Medicine rt. sh. 1. th. Hat; Corbet, Harold, Lake Mc- Gregor; rt. h pean & Felive, Trochu; 1. th. Thomas, Simon W., Medicine Hat; l.s Furnell, Bert M., Coutts; 1. th. Wallenwein, Andrew, Thelma; Finlay, T. A., Medicine Hat; rt. th. ]. th. McWhirter, F. W., Camrose; Lobley, Ae and Bros’, Lob- l. sh. ley; rt. Green, Hartwick, Calgary; 2 hr aa Marcelle, Livingstone; PGB. . sh. ' Greenhill, Cyril W., Big Palmer, Ernest R., Hardisty; Prairie rt. sh. 1. sh. Fitzpatrick, Francis, Granum; Lynch, Walter G.,; Medicine l. th. at; l. sh. Whitney, F. L., Lethbridge; Mason, Fred, Brooks; l. th. l. th. Fowlie, Wm., Barons; Lynch, Walter G., Medicine ]. sh. Hatt). th: Gosling Bros., Langdon; Matheson, F., Granum; l. sh. rt. sh. Hanson, Fred G., Aetna; Noland, F. C., Nanton; | rt. sh. 3 a | Oliver, E. H., Calgary; Suelzle, Fred, Carbon; : rt. th. rt. s : Handley, T. F., Stoppington: bpoveshe se H. H., Cluny; rt. sh. rt. Hanns, Ernest F., Seven Per- Blackmer, Walter S., Coutts; sons; |. sh. ]. th. Farmer, H. W., Mihai Sutton, F. R., Calgary; Mont., U.S. A:: L rt. h. Harland, Thos. H., Namaka; Romeril, Fred W.,. Stirling; 3 ee rt. sh. Ferguson, Harry, Blooming Prairie; rt. th. Shirrow, J. F. H., Lakeview; rt. th. Rousbty. J. M., Carlstadt; Russell, Robt. H.,° Foreman; 1. sh. McBean, David, Gleichen; rt. th. Bao re a ie James, Brown- field; Jasman, Ferdrand, Grassy Robinson, Henry F., Bowden iBREG DA SSEEREGESEOEEUEE EEE eEHTESDCESENUEDHESUCCOMIEE Lake; rt. sh. rt. sh. | Dufloth, Christ, Laird, Mont., Stewart, Francis, Czar; | U-S.A.; rt. th. 1. sh. me Forsyth, Thos. M., Raymond; ]. th. Thomson, Frederick Henry, Brunetta; 1. th. Foster, Wellington J., Granum; rth: ® Terhaar, F. W., Spring Lake © 1 j we F Davis, Fred L., Pine Lake; rt. sh. Maunsell, Mark F., Macleod; l. sh. Watts, Allan F. C., Priddis; TE DS Wilmott, F. B., Calgary; 1. th. Williamson, Frank A., Calgary; rt. sh. a Fleet, J. Walter, Content; rt. th. Leffingwell, Frank S., Warner; 1. sh. Buchanan, Mitchell I.,; Inger- soll, Ont.; 1. sh. Speer SERRE byt Goodkey, Fred, Calgary; $ ]. sh. Forbes, James, Lethbridge; l. th. McArthur & Sons, W. H., Nan- ton; l. h. w Tharp, W. F., Warner; ]. sh. ¥ McMahon, Frank, Bowell; rt. j. ‘ Faucher, Mack., Pincher Creek; rt. sh. Saee Fraser, James, Flat Lake; rt. th Robinson & Sons, John, Nan- ton; rt. sh. Thompson, John T., Warner; rt. sh. Dupen, Mrs. G. E., Royal View, Lethbridge; |. sh. = Art, F. W., Mayton; rt. sh. Hargood-Ash, F. St. A., High River; rt. h. — ; eo Frank, Spring Coulee; . th. sea Wm. §S., Round Up: . th. BECSE0E ot fom © ct ss] es) ms ) = Q w ° i) yr Be Belcher, Filex, Logan; rt. h. Brierley, Frank, High River; rt. sh. Beglan, Fred, Walsh; rt. th. Burgess, Fred, Hicksburg; 1. sh. Boling, E. F., Medicine Hat; 1. th. Booth, Frank S., Calgary; 1. th. Foster Bros., Sanderville; rt. sh. Bauman, Fred, Josephburg; rt. th. Brown, Fred J. P:, Castor; 1. sh. Boice, F. G., Huxley; rt. th. Blaschek, Frank, Taber; rt. sh. Bates, Frank R., Raymond; 1. sh. Brady, Mrs. F. E., Leopold- ville; 1. th. Bollinger, Frederick, Irvine; l. sh. Flangan Bros., Bassano; rt. pee Fred, Josephburg; EB: Bateman, Fred, Okotoks; l. sh. Bohme, Fried., Spring Lake; rt. sh. Coats, F. A., Macklin; Sask. rt.}; Carroll, John J., Lethbridge; l. th. Coultry, F., Lethbridge; 1. sh. Clark, Alfred F., Langdon; - rt. th. THT TTS Lr flo fle fle yy ay ap af ae oo Poem Florence, Coleridge; Mi Er Crawshaw, Fred, Calgary; rt. th. = Campbell, Fred, Dry Fork, Pincher; rt. sh. Collins, F. W., Dorris; 1. th. “T?7 9ICDI Co “T7] aber Eeene Roe al Clark, F. G., Kimball; rt. th. is | F McCoum, F. L., Granum; & 1. sh. a Frudenthal, F. & Co., Calgary; C: x) l. sh. Dannatt, Fred E., Warner; Tt. McFadden, A. D., Big Valley; 1. sh. : a i, TN) CO Williamson, F. D., Perbeck; rt. sh. Edland, N. F., Burdett; rt. th. Healy, Frank E., Lake View; Tt. sh. Wiken, Hans F., Grassy Lake; | Fa Evans, Fred, Red Deer; rt. sh. Fee, Edward A., Pine Lake; 1. sh. Black, John, Puffer; rt. th. McCarragher, Wm. Jas., Bas- sano; |. th. Fano, F., Hand Hills; rt. h. French, Chas. O., Spring Cou- lee; 1. th. Feargue, Frank J., -Pincher Creek; rt. sh. Sd SEE OE Of ieear aja} api limi mim McFarland, Frank, Yarrow; l. sh. 77 Fischer, Frank Wm., Pincher; rt. n. TT “wy Furlough, Fred, Cheadle; 4th. i 35 | q F Wickson, Grace F., Cayley; 1. sh. 4 f pending. Harry H.,- Sundial; Finn, Ferdnant, Seven Persons; rt. sh. Fairbairn, F, W., Irricana; rt. th. ‘ ag gS aan ea Ingham, Frank, Harmattan; rt. sh. Fralinger, Louis, Coutts; rt. th. Bradbury, Ernest B., Black- falds; 1. h. Hogg, Francis, Arthurvale; rt. sh. Bergner, Mrs. I. M., Bashaw; 1. sh. Wagstaff, Chas., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. . Williams, Thomas & Phoebe, Lake Saskatoon; |. sh. Galloway, F. W., Champion; l. th. Steiner, Walter, Loma; rt. th. Owens, T. L., Brooks; rt. th Wagner, J. L. & M. J. & Scha-: ber, Chris & E. D., Cross- field; rt. sh. Ginther, F. M., Medicine Hat; Ll. th. Hamdlin, Fred, Whitla; rt. sh. Oler, John, Stirling; rt. th. Hutt, Frank H., Eagle Butte; rt. th. = Hink, Fred, Neuheim; 1: th. Baines, George, Olds; Tt. Hunter, G. R., Queenstown; rt. th: Hill, J. F., Provost; l. th. Heather, Fred, Irvine; ly-th; Frink, H. P., Yarrow; th. Johnson Bros., Lorraine; * Ray Johnson, Frank, Nanton; rt. sh. Flynn, J. C., Seven Persons; l. th. Fox, John, Calgary; l. sh. Hannan, F. J., Cowley; rt. sh. Jones, Mansfield T., Coutts; l. sh. Kotke, Fred, Scone; rt. sh. Kilgrow, Mrs. F. W., Grassy Lake; |. sh. J} 1 ms og 2p See eps) abe C Le ee: | 86 Alkerta Brand Bock ox iS) _— mM re) <* Cai Frank, Black Diamond; h. I ot i ~ Kirchoff, W. F., Nanton; rt. sh. McKenzie, F., Granum; rt. sh. rt. th. vent same under Kajewski, Leo, Eagle Butte; l. th. Lund, Fred, Mountain Mill; l. sh. © 4 er, Hope, Meadow Creek; > Shi: Quinton, Bert, Cardston; rt. sh: Patchell, F. J. L., Cremona; 1. sh. 5 Sa Lewis, Frank, Burdett; l. th. a Fyten, Nicholas, Rawdonville; rt. sh. FY] 0 Lumbard, Fred A.,Grassy Lake; l. sh. ty O Q So) = om ° =) ‘ . ’ +2 ’ eee: ce bats [- + a (qr) & fe Wood, Mrs. Lilly L., Macleod; ttn. fe Le Layton, Fred, Brant; rt. sh. ° Falkner, Mrs. Louise, Strath- more; rt. h. Ea) roe © Fraser, George R., Strathmore; rt. th. Mosedale, Fred, Warner; i ae RM Murdock, Frank L., Bergen; sD 8 EEL Murdock, ‘Fred, Stavely; rt. sh. Michalis, Fred, Warner; : ie Monk, Frank, Millarville;, Leach, Frank M., Granum; 1. sh. Mannix, Fred, Suffield; rt. sh. Morrison, French, Delia; 1. th. Murphy, Frank, Pincher Creek; rt. th. haa i Lamb, Brigham F., Cardston; Stafford, Frank Norman, Leth- bridge; |. h. . Noble, D. A., Taber; l. th. Page Bros., Pine Lake; rt. th. : p Potter, Fred H., Burdett; Tt. Paulson, Frank A., Carbon; l. sh. ] Poirier, Fred, Bayne Lake; rt. th. ’ Pearson, Oscar, F., Pincher Creek; 1 é preci Fred J., Cadogan; . sh. x 2 te) es) s S) =] am S) Qa D om’ ’ ’ m Rosenfelder, Fred, Josephburg; rt. th. : Parsonage, Fred R., Battle Creek, Sask.; 1. th. Rivington, F., Dorothy;, age Hee. Leonard, Wainwright; l. h. ; Underwood, Fred, Athabasca Landing; rt. sh. fom @ ae | ct & me.) Lar | rs) Ss Q wo ° ° yr Forster, J. C., Calgary; ]. sh. ; Ferguson, J. C., Lymdon; rt. sh. Findlay, John D., Noble; rt. sh. Griffin, F. H., Stavely; l. sh. Yay +]+ OO nN Ayer, W. W., Cairns; l. sh. Eat) Robinson, James W., Carbon: ]. sh. i oe Nelson, John, Brownfield; rt. sh. Schnider, Fred, Josephburg; rt. sh. 4) Ore bale Archer, Fred Wm.:, Innisfail; l. sh. Andrews, F. C. C., Nanton; rt. h. Frederickson, Anthony, Ham- ilton Lake; |]. th. Laing Bros., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. BED] Cusick, Jacob, Stettler; 4 G rt. h Hall, F D., Innisfail: De Pass, F. C., Strome; I; he re 9 CS Davies, C. F., Vermilion; l. sh. Ray, James A., Mayton; 1. th. Me Neill, Mrs. Dan; Lille; $8); Dalzell, F. R., Monarch; 3th: Daub, Fritz C., Whitla; ]. sh. Dunck, Frederick Theodore, Steveville; 1. th. Fountain, Harry, Fairy Hill; rt. sh. Daines, H., Cardston; ah: McDermid, Dan, Willows; I. th. Gleason, Roy F., Spring Point; rt. th. McIntyre, Thomas, High River; rt. th. | -2 Cas TV Ty Vek Ny (Za PD Bra we bis OG Sg 0 eal hea | | =r K Kirtley, Floyd R., Shepard; rt. h. ~ o Q 4 i =z 2, 8 5 ie! , ’ Kuehn, Frank, Warner; rt. sh. oT a i Buchal, Fred, Irvine; rt. sh. Walker, Frank A. K., Medicine Hat; rt. th. | Logelins Frank, Seven Persons; . sh. fe DN Ford, Chas. H., Brooks; It. sh. Fox, Francis, Onion Lake; Sask. — rt. sh. abort Frank D., Cheadle; . sh. Ohlhauser, Fred F., Carbon; rt. sh. i Boe a Ohlhauser, Fred, Carbon; rt. th. Cabamng, Frank, Strathmore; - Sn. Pock, Frank, Frank; l. h. McManus, Francis F., Medi- cine Hat; 1. sh. Petiot, Frank, Passburg; 1. th. Pilkington, G., Trochu Valley; l. sh. a be Pierre, Blairmore; sh. Pierson, Oscar L., Stirling; rt. th. Faleaer, Frederick, High River; l. th. ie —— Pambrum, Francis, Carbon; ]. th. Quinlivan, Simon F., Lund- breck; 1. sh. j Rockafellow & Son, Fred,Htigh River; 1. sh. FR Reeves, James, Penhold; l. sh. Rajcsaneji, Frank, Taber; rt. sh. Schmelzer, Fred, Medicine Hat; l. th. es YQ — Schaaf, Franz, Irvine; rt. h. = ao oO ct = to re 2 =} Pu w& ° 2) wr Weir, Mrs. Frank A., Plume; 1. th. Little a - C7 ieee Schultz, Fred, Coutts; rt: th..: a] C Swanson, Frank W., Bassano; te ni Y Swan, Frank, Pekisko; rt. th. Scott, Fred M., Cochrane; rt. h. a | Al ) ne UN eae Fawcett & Simkins, Vallejo; 1. th. i Sherman, F. H., Taber; 1. th. a ( Sugden, Frank E., Cheadle; 1. sh. a thy Ty] Wy Springer, Frederick F:, Puffer; : 1. th. Pee Frank S., Dorothy; Tonkinson, Frank, Strathmore; 1. sh. Telford, Chas. A., Berry Creek; rt. sh. Tremmell, F. M., Botha; rt. h. Turner, F. E., Grande Prairie; 1. th. Elwood, F. E., Taber; 1. th. fb LJ Andrew, S., Lacombe: 1. th. Baker, Frank, Trenville; 1. sh. “T Lawrence, Frank C., Little Plume; rt. sh. Vader, Fred, Scollard; l. th. \/ Vaughan, Fred C., Okotoks; rt. sh. Hall, F. H., Killam; rt. sh. . Sterfsrud, Olaf O., Black Dia- mond; rt. sh. Woitte, Fred, Warner; l. sh. Wetsch, Frank, Irvine; rt. sh. m Wilson, F. E., Lethbridge; ]. th. BRE Pal Michaclis, Fred W. & Ida, Milk River; rt. th. AG Foot, Frederick Harry, helmina; rt. th. Wil- T] Fleming Louis, Ponoka; rt. sh. McCulloch, Mrs. W. M., Nea- polis; rt. th. ae of ama W. A., Reid Hill; . th. Lr wolx cl oF ON Foot, James F., Vegreville; rt. th. a) bea Jarboe & Gravett, Medicine Hat; 1. sh. pee Casper, Warner; . th. ay Cn Ty) Furisk, John, Cardston; l. th. Ferguson, John W., Creek, Sask.; |. th. Fawcett, Ad. A., Clive; ]. sh. Maple Filgas, Jr., Joe, Taber; rt. sh. Johnson, 8. F., Mound; 1. sh. Fraser, John, Nanton; rt. sh. a Finnie, James, Olds; ]. sh. a aA) | Parkkari, John, Carlstadt; rt. sh. 7 ies ees Heinrich, Crossfield; 52 a f Alberta Gray, F. J., Medicine Hat; I; 4. Getts, G. F., Claresholm; rt. j. Greenwald, Geo. F., Warner; rt. n. Green, Chas., Vermilion; ig 18 Gale, Rev. G. E., St. Paul’s Mission, Macleod; 1. sh. # Vatten, Gustave, Penhold; zt. sh. Herring, John, Acme; rt. th Alexander, Basil G., Stewart- wyn; |. ‘sh. Gardiner, John, Macleod; rt. sh. Greenwood, H. H. , Trenville; Ttth. Gilmore, Ervin, Taber; 1, Coxon, George, Steveville; rt. sh. - Gardner, Wm., Leavings; rt. hh. Gallup, C. C. , Medicine Hat; rt. th. Gulmick, G. W., Purple Springs; rt. sh. Gibson, Isabel, Grassy Lake; rt. th. Gregory, E. J., Irricana; rt. sh. Geberdt, Christian, Pincher Creek; rt. th. Vellacott, Walter, F., Macleod; l. sh. Gibbons, Harry & Richard V., Lethbridge; rt. j. Griffin, J., Macleod; rt. sh. Grundy, Josiah, Leo; ]. sh. Green, Geo. M., Gleichen; FEET ETEEIEEESERETETERER rt. th Graham, Albert E., Wheat Centre; ee | 9) ORDER Brand ook a (G) nan of) SOREL G E ScanES Gory; Harold D., Cowley; ads : es Mrs. Joseph, Oko- toks; Gibson, James, Gleichen; l. sh. Desinnten| Geo., Gleichen; ay Spencer, G. M., Macleod; rt. sh. Henderson, Geo., Coutts; Tt. 3: Seoweal Geo. H., J McGregor, Mrs. John, Moun- tain Mill; rt. sh. Gries Chas., Cayley; It. Geddes, l. sh. Macleod; Edwin, Sunny Nook; Skraastad, O. T., Carlstadt; rt. sh. ; Sse, & Beer, Erskine; St. Paul de Garneau, Louis, Metis; l. h Gosche: William, Walsh; 1. h. Girard, M. E., Cluny; rt. sh. Giffin, J. W., Greensburg; EG: 5; Smith, George, Leavings; ]. sh. Powell, Percy, Bassano; rt. h. Taylor, Geo. F., Gleichen; rt. sh. Gaudet, John J., Peace River Crossing; 1. th. Grange, Nicklois, wright; 1. sh. H., Lea Park; R., Wain- Goivis, Jas. rt. h Martin, H..L., Cayley; 1. sh. Gouge, Jesse, Acme; rt. h. Alberta Brand Bcok 53 Ez * eee George, Macleod; ES we J. Edward, Perbeck; TF & pay: Sem Pine Lake; Gordon, Jack, Chauvin; rt. sh. Meyer, Geo. A., Rosenroll; rt. sh. Ferguson, Geo. P., Ponoka; rt. sh. Schimpf, George, Irvine; rt. sh. Swift, F. E., Consort; rt. th. Hoffman, Geo., Fox Coulee; rt. sh. Gordon, M. G., Lundbreck; rt. sh. Daubeney, Geo., Glenview; l. sh. Gilbrie, Albert, Delia; rt. n. Adams, Gottlieb, Mayton; rt. Good, Miss Agnes M., man; rt. sh. Anderson, Guss, Calgary; rt. sh. ees Pas a Coaldale; 4+ RB: ss abo A. E., Airdrie; 1) ss og ie Bros., Stettler; Bennie, Jas.S.& Graham, Thos., Warner; rt. sh. cor ya G., Tongue Creek; GCC Crow, George, Raven; ]. sh. ( a Chatham, G. L., Carstairs; rt. sh. g A one D. G., Edmonton; © rt. sh ae oe D., Innisfail; 4 Sate eae Georgé, Macleod; came A. K., Medicine Hat; Cole- Goddard & Sons, J. E., Carl- stadt; Bolstad, John J., Cleverville; rt. th. Frerks, G. A., Brant; beth: Fox, George, Crossfield; l. sh. Gray, Geo. W., De Winton; rt. sh. Bartsch, Kasper, Brant; 1. th. Glenn, Joseph, Indian Head, Sask.: rt. th. Bachellerie, Gabriel de La, High River; 1. sh. Hassard, Jas. R., Eagle Butte; rt. sh. Houston, D. G., Blairmore; jag Gaines, Henry, Erskine; 1. sh. Haas, George, Irvine; rt. n. Jones, George C., Caseley- ville; 1. j. § Gilpin, J. W., Kitscoty; 1. th. Gray, John, Carbon; rt. sh. Kuch, George, Irvine; rt. sh. Scott, H. H., Huxley; rt. th. Loquist, Gus. I., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. BE iF foe ead Bee G2] COT ates: Livingstone, George, Warner; ae Dick, George, High River; ]. th. Gs Lundene, Gabriel, Lucky Strike; ]. sh. MelIntosh, Geo., High River; rt. th G2 L- Leaman, George, Airdrie; l. sh. Gillis, W. S., Lethbridge; rt. sh. Scoun, Geo. S., Carstaixs; moIElolo Le |e |e rt. sh. Kissack, Harold R., Pincher Creek; 1. h. as ae = Lundgren, Gustaf., Ewing; |. 6a a al eng eg Allan Muir, Coutts; oO; O Laken, Geo. H., Winnifred; rt. sh. © L- Marchand, Gullavnd, Warner; rt. h. Muller, Gottfrid, Strathmar- tine; 1. sh. Moorhead, J. G., Irvine; 1. h. McFarlane, W. H., Elkton; rt. sh. McDonald, Geo. V., Macleod; Tt. th; Menke, Geo., Raymond; rt. th Matthews, Geo., Cardston; 1th. Newsome, F. C., Calgary; rt. sh. PQ] Pi] OE [O]O]E]e ZA Wl I<] ERIM Nightingale, Geo. I., High River; 1 Howe, Gilbert, Neapolis; rt. th. Nickel, Geo., Brooks; 16h. Plant, Gaspard, Lac. Ste. Anne; ]. sh. hie tis George, Lethbridge; 1 te Parker, W. George, Grassy Lake; 1. th. : Wallace, Hiram A., Calgary; 1. sh. Pfaff, G. H., Strathmartin; ]. sh. Poole, Geo. T., Furman; rt. th. Ralston, Geo. Robertson, Bul- locksville; rt. sh. Roberts, Gordon, Trochu; l. sh. R ah Son, Edwin, Steveville; Conroe, Grover R., Trochu Valley; 1. h. ee Geo. O., Gleichen; rt. sh. a) Hassard, Claude, Irvine; rt. sh. Ritchie, James M., Cochrane; rt. th. © py ee) fe) RiRISIS Raby, George, Cochrane; rt. sh. on wide Geo., Irvine; Russell, Geo. A., Miners Cou- lee; 1. sh. 7 Lusk, T. C., Cochrane; l. st. i as Se Gottlieb, Irvine; Gordon, Beaumont A., Hand Hills; 1. sh. sae 9 pf 2) * Q ve) Q =} wh Bs rt. sh. a es George, Nanton; = 2 Williams, John & Williams, Sr., Geo., Nanton; rt. sh. s Tetley, George, Gleichen; 1. sh. Thomson, Jr., George, Mag- rath; rt. th. Thompson, G. R., Warner; rt. sh. GITG? | Thomas, Geo., Fieldhome; l. th. Como & Mamini, High River; Co} io a rt. sh. . Thompson, Geo. H., Mann-- ville; 1. sh. ae Gregory, Percy, Twin Butte; t ]. th. Sargent, G. V., Calgary; 1. sh. Graham, Andrew, Lethbridge; rt. th. Watt, Geo., Nose Creek; Yt, th: bates Geo. W., Red Willows; . sh. \EGITG 2} Q) i ba 9 es Winser, Geo. C., Boundary Creek;, rt. sh. = Sheran, Ed. C., Lethbridge; rt. sh. Marshall, E. C., Reid Hill; rt. st. ir opal Wm., Dry Fork; . sh. Gray, Rev. Herbert B., Brad- field College, Berkshire, Eng- land; 1. sh. } G2 1G Weel of : Alberta Brand Book Gray, Samuel, Carbon; rt. sh. Zuepfle, Gottfried, Irvine; rt. th. Gibson, Wm. Jas., Carbon; rt. sh. Glover, J. A., Taber; rt. th. 4 as aa Geo., Strathmore; Lowe, George, Amisk; rt. sh. Gillis, W. C., Pozerville; ]. sh. Ta) ( C) Go ) NOTNTN TO NN) Mullen, George, Lethbridge; rt. sh. Gordon, R. D., Garden Plains; rt. th. O19? CN Gesmer, Simon, Claresholm; rt. sh. McGowen, Geo., Amisk; ]. sh. Bremner, Wm., Pincher Sta- tion; 1. sh. Gregiore, H., Millet; rt. sh. Mulloy, Geo. 8., Calgary; rt. sh. 20; ea Albert, Claresholm; « th. VECO d> d> CrEG) Bs Ae Gabert, Jacob, Tinchebray; rt. th. SP = Gross, J. I., Trenville; 1. sh. Goldthorpe & Son, H., Hick- burg; rt. sh. Gabert, Christ., Tinchebray; rt. th Giles, Geo., Delia; rt. sh. Bailey, Geo., Magrath; 1. th. qG> — Gallelli, Joseph, Crossfield; rt. h. G) —J Marshman Bros., W. & G. H., Carbon; |. sh. Wardell, Geo. W., Bassano; rt. th. G> ' Adamson, M. P., Dickson; rt. sh. Brown, Claude E., Stirling; tt8h, Oo -) vc c lel DIS S| sss © to Sc | to G> jw) a || | G2 wo | GD od | C > Coulthard, Bros., Walsh; I th. Von Schmidt, George E., Har- mattan; |. th. Allingham, George, Leo; rt. h. trong, Glenn, Yetwood; ]. sh. Anderson, Arthur, Barons; 1. th. Armitage, C. A., Whitlash; 1. sh. Girard, H. A., St. Paul des Metis; rt. sh. Armstrong, R. C., Priddis; ]. sh. Smith, S. G., Huxley; rt. sh. Boukey. Georges, Cowley; rt. th. Bebbington, C. H., Olds; l. sh. Bonne, Chas., Blairmore; 1. th. Goldsmith, Bros., Landonville; rt. sh. Bosh, George, Altorado; l. sh. Brohman, George, Lethbridge; rt. h. Barnard, George, Pincher Creek; 1. sh. Black, George, Dorothy; rt. th. so i Glen §., Comrey; ]. h. Biense. Lewis, Gleichen; esd Benjamin, C.,’Carlstadt; rt. sh. Brenchley, Chas. Edward, Scol- lard; 1. sh. Butler, Gordon, Grouard; rt. th Baker, Geo. Russell, Lac Ste. Anne; rt. sh. Burns, Geo. A., Solon; l. sh. Bender, John Geo., Irvine; 1. th. Gurevitch Bros., Stettler: ]. sh. 1 ey iP) Alberta Brand Book Bertagnolli, G. A., Stauffer; rt. sh. ) Baker, Chas. M., 1. sh. @ ville; Cote, Joseph, St. Paul des Me- tis; 1. th. IKE © C2 Claxton, Geo., Cochrane; Tt th. wee haa G. W., Calgary; pend de | CVC Gevaltney, H. 8., Mound; rt. hh: © WI Chamberlain, Geo. S., Puffer; rt. sh. Gilmore, E. 8S. & Crowder, J. J. Okotoks; |. sh. Gaskell, Clara T., Okotoks; l. sh. ©) EQ dy] ¢> DLR Lafferty, Chas., New Dayton; rt. ab: o> Cp Perey: Thos. G., Castor; . sh. alas EI £2 Cooper, George, High River; 1. sh. ) ( Gordon, Charles, rt. sh. s Gump, C. C., Airdrie; 1. sh. H., Warner; © ©2 ) <) oy Guard, David J., Milnerton ]. th. Duer, a De Winton; By ew) NS rt. sh TN. m Destrube, M. P., Rife; yp) l. sh. Ce D Drake, G. W., Magrath; 4 he ae sh. Dodds, Geo., Cochrane; rt. th. wi) Maguire, Dan, Cadogan; I ]. sh. © Ey, | Downey, George, Cochrane; rt. th. Davis, Gwynne O., Olds; l. sh. O Davison, Geo. W., Big Valley; l. h. Diller, ]. sh. George, Grand Prairie; G oO ) anil Campbell, Carmangay; ] Bulls Head; pce pre Fageeite Romeo, Belle- Dewey, George, Clarkville; £ : 2) iD ar Geo. A., Medicine Hat; . SA. ; Foster, Wm., Munson; 1. th. Gabourie, Euloge, St. Paul des Metis; rt. th. Banner, George, Stettler; rt. sh. aa a oO a E Elliott, Gordon, Sweet Valley;- rt; th. & F McArthur, G. E., Innisfail; FA 1. sh. Ellis, J. G., Carbon; rt. sh. Evans, Chas., Red Deer; - rt. th. > mm ) G21 SEER bias Gottfred, Hand Hills; rt. h. : see a: Gustav, Walsh; 8 Kingsburg Bros., Eyremore; rt. sh. Findlay, Gavin James, High River; rt. sh. a il aD) Davis, Fred, Irricana; 1. sh. Gordon, H. F., Warner; rt. sh. Firth, Geo. B., bridge; rt. sh. West. Leth- Folk, C. W., Carmangay; 1. sh. Gulby, Fred, Medicine Hat; rt. sh. ace as) ne igeerar ie: David B., Lethbridge; ] G2} S> * Davies, J. D., Heart Lake; 1. th. Groll, Geo. A., Magrath; ]. sh. G19 Christman, Henry, Walsh; l. sh. Therriault, Cliff, Pincher Creek; 1. th. : aEE Girard, Thaddie, St. Paul Rs Metis; 1. sh. Christensen, E. C. & Commentt, | Chas. D., Whitla; rt. sh. ©) © a | | | Alberta Brand Book 57 Gygi, G. L., Spring Coulee; 1. sh. Gray, George, Queenstown; 1. sh. Needharn, A. J., Sullivan Lake; rt. sh. male Hall, Stephen, Steveville; 1. sh. Muirhead, A.°W., Queenstown; 1. sh. Greaves, Geo. M., Queenstown; rt. sh. (C29) Horner, Reginald G., Hand Hills; rt. th. Hargrave, Geo. O., Suffield; rt. th. Hawey, Geo., Grouard; th: Hope, Geo. F., Sterlingville; rt. sh. Henker, C. E., Granum; 1. sh. | Hawkins, Chas., Acme; l. sh. EE ) Lingrill, Joseph P., Swallwell; Wg rt. sh. Holroyd, George, Suffield; 1. th. Morkeberg, H., Markerville;, ]. sh. =) ) Horn, Mrs. Chas., Manyberries; rt. sh. Hauer, C. E., Coralynn; ]. sh. 7D + E Gaub, Jacob, Walsh; rt. sh. G? sas) Johannson, Gestur, Marker- ville; 1. sh. ur Anderson, G. Joseph, Erskine; rt. sh. Ap: Johnston, George, Medicine Hat; 1. sh. ra. Cc Gaines, J. F., Fieldholme; rt. th. ey) Charters, J. N., Lloydmin ter Alta.; 1. sh. Jones, Geo. A., Hutton; 1. sh. le ) J Chak, Jacob, Thelma; at th. Ju cia Alvah T., Lethbridge; ion o Kt ct Bd se) 5 re) Bp for je) °o °o ae Heidecker, Henry and Kraus, August, Wetaskiwin; I. j. Goyne & Sons, N., Coal Banks; rich: Merriam, Brazil, High River; ]. sh., vent same 1. sh, Lloyd, H. W., Alix; ee Jenkins, Hugh L., Nanton; ]. sh. Howell, L. D., Pine Lake; rt: t. sh. Hadfield, James Henry, Card- ston; rt. th. Lewis, Harold, Pincher Station; rt. sh. Leslie, Howard, Masinasin; (th. Moritz, H. J., Macleod; ‘seit Danforth, Geo. W., Taber; Fish. McLeod, J. H., Granum; rt. n. Mitchell, Joseph F., Lethbridge; rt. th. Ducharer, Henry, Irvine; rt: sh. Moore, H. H., Macleod; ]. sh. Martin, Hugh, Gilpin; Leth: Corey, A. D., Carstairs; ty; Hunt, G., Vermilion; [oh Ootney, H. L., Gleichen; rt. th. % Nordhoff, H. G., Queenstown; rt. th. Poole and Cook, Furman; 1th: Cradduck, Phillip, Taber; rt. j. Maddeux, H. P., Winnington; rt. sh. McGonigal, Wm. A., Lacombe; l. sh. Greenwood, D. B., Mountain View; |. sh. eh M222 Fes spe pple ep Nelson, T. and F., Sunnyslope; . ha Plumb, H. A., Olds; rt. sh. Peterson, Hans, Stirling; rt. th. Huser, George G., Crosficisl: 1. sh. Parry, Hugh, Three Hills; rt. sh. Phillips, John H., Rocky Cou- lee; |. sh. Holgate J. H., Calgary; BR. hee J. H., Red Deer; Ses Harrison, John, Big Valley; 1. sh. Rayfield, Harry, Calgary; rt. sh. Roberts, H. O., Twin Butte; rt. sh. Sweet, Henry S., High River; 1. sh. Hill, Harold §., Milk River; rt. sh. Service, Hugh, Vermilion; rt: A: MacKinnon, Angus I., Battie Creek; Sask., 1. sh. fae Bert., Sunnyslope; . sh. Crawford, James, rt: th: Walsh; Villian, Henry, Pincher Creek; l. sh. , Esdras, Ewelme; 2) oc i Pe = ct Davis, D. J., Lethbridge; rt. sh. Zwick, Jacob, Irvine; rt. th. Vogel Bros., Carstairs; rt. sh. Waddell, S. Y., Mrs. Rosetta and Hazel Hileen, Elbow River; 1. sh. Potter, Jas. Harold, Pine Lake; rt. th. Webber, Fred G., Claresholm; rt. sh. Wills, Harold, Mossleigh; l. sh. Herman, Samuel, Josephburg; rt. th. ee aes eb ESS Here erp Meee Nichols, H. H., Raymond; 1. sh. Williams, Ira A., Winnifred; rt. h. Higginbottom, Jonathan, Lon- butte; rt. sh. George, H. A., Crossing; rt. h. Murphy, H. A., Lacombe; 1. sh. Peace River Hart, George, Whitla; rt. sh. Coons, H. M., Round Up; rt. th. Hannan, W. H., Cowley; rt. sh. io Alfred, Lethbridge; BESSEEEEE Johnston, Ranald, Macewan; 1. sh. Hassard, Albert, Eagle Butte; rt. th. Herman, Chas., Gleichen; rt. h. Nichols, D. H., Granum; rt. th. Kirkaldy, W. H., Saskatchewan Landing; 1. h. Baggs = A gry Henry, Castor; HA Arndt, H. M., Whitla; 448: Schierman, Peter and Hewitt J. J., Medicine Hat; rt. th. - —p c mi A Anderson, Henry, Elinor; rt. sh. Anderson, Henry G., Elkwater; rt. th. A a Beisiegel, Philip, Cayley; rt. th. Hudson, Albert, Brooks; rt. th. ae Pe Bausemer, Henry H., Coleman; rt. sh. Hawker, Sidney T. and Bab- bage, Wm., Stenville; 1. sh. Py Curtis, John, Irricana; rt. n. za i @. Craigie, Mabel, Calgary; rt. h. +C Hassard, Claude, Irvine; rt. th. Alberta Brand Book ey caleaas ote 63 Cotton, Henry R., Lundbreck; l. sh. Carmichael, Hugh Duncan; Monarch; rt. sh. Cooper, Harry Thomas, Grassy Lake; rt. th. aggre Horace, Spring Coulee; 1. th. Doolittle, J. D., Twin Butte; rt. sh. i SS OF C za! AE Dickinson, H., Curlew; Eh. Dean, Herbert, Wainwright; 1. sh. HD H E se su apes Halvor, Edmonton; Doane & Son, Ira, Medicine Hat; 1. sh. Ennis, H. G., Milk River; rt. th. Baker, H. E., Munson; ]. sh. fa LJ Read, F. J., Gleichen; Heatherington, Wm., Stettler; ]. sh. _ ‘Herman, Heinrich, Walsh; Li} rt. sh. = Ce Johnston, Harry E., Carman- C5 gay; rt. sh. a Fox, Alfred, Brooks; F rt. th. H ey €: ake Tn De Jong, W., Lethbridge; ig Be cL 5 Forrest, H., Cochrane; 1. sh. 8 H 4 Fuhrman, Henry W., Eagle Butte; 1. sh. ’ Harder, Henry, Wetaskiwin; rt. h. Mort, Miss Ethel, rt. th. Newburg; Field, H. M., Penhold; |-| <) Henry, Charles E., Vermilion; th. | za Creed, Herbert F., Fieldholme; rt. sh. ES Goodwin, Wm. H.,: Gleichen; ti s 6 6rrt. h. KH Hacker, Herbert, Lethbridge; H* rt. sh. H aris ad 7 a Sie ¥ L- ° eps nbbabey fe bn pred ee —— Alberta Bran1 Book ‘el Harrison, Joseph H., Chipman; ]. sh. ; Henderson, James M., Hastings Coulee; |. sh. Hodgson, John, Gopher Head; rt. sh. Hood, James, Williston; rt. h. Amey, Henry J., High River; 1. sh. Hackett, John, Grassy Lake; sh. King, Henry R., Brant; l. sh. Kohl, Hardenne;, Cochrane; l. sh. Kaye, Herschel, Livingstone; rt. sh. Hunt, L. A., Medicine Hat; l. th. Butzon, H. J., Seven Persons; ]. sh. Gillespie, F. H., Sounding Creek; |. sh. Luhr, Henry, Seven Persons; rt. sh. Loth, Hilton, Medicine Hat l. sh. McLellan, Hugh, Trochu Valley; 1. sh. Miller, Harry, Stirling; rt. th. Moore, J. S. H., Coleridge; TS th: Millman, Harry, Stettler; ]. sh. Hoven, Matt, Evarts; 1. Bx Lavridson, Mrs.. Anne, Gleich- en; 1. sh. Hanson, M., Calgary; ]. sh. Cosens, Ralph, Carstairs; rt. sh. Olson, Hans, Milk River; bth: Purmal, Henry, Medicine Hat; 1. th. House, Andrew, Seven Persons; ]. sh. Ober, H.. P., Stirling; 1. sh. Rawlins, Henry, Lakeview; l. sh. R Rains, E. H., Warner; rt. sh. Harvie, Margaret, Turin; ]. sh. Rycroft, Robert Henry, Spirit River; 1. th. to} Liar PH EbEe ae 1 Horace, Gillingham; . sh. ; DS Tolman, Mrs. Catherine, Hill Spring; rt. th. Smith, Henry W., Irvine; rt. n. Schmelzer, Herman, Medicine Hat; 1. th. Holmes, H., Bow Island; rt. sh. Stontenburg, Herbert, Cowley; tt. B: : Se ol oe Pale Staughton, H. B., Cochrane; rt. sh. 5 Va Gag eed feos baal Ge | BBBEREDUE Harbinson, Alex. N., Taber; ]. sh. Symond, W. H., Gleichen; l. th. Schmidek, Herman, Coleridge; rt. sh. : Thomas, H. E., Bullockville; eS : Tessier, Henry, St. Paul des Metis; 1. th. ; Hastings, Robert John, Curlew; rt. th. Hoskin, Thos. A., Red Deer; ]. sh. Hudak, Joe, Lethbridge; rt. sh. Ettinger, Henry, Olds; l. th. : Thomson, H. M., Dog Pound; rt. sh. Tafel, H., Carnforth; l. sh. Thompson, H. V., Queenstown; l. sh. Harrison, Albert, Airdrie; rt. sh. Wood, A. E.,: High River; rt. sh. Hill, E. G., Hill End; rt. th. fray Alberta Brand Book 65 | A Hughson Bros., Whitford; | 1. sh. i Hotze, Herman, Warner; ) | rt. sh. im Clark, Ernest G., Ghost Pine — Creek; rt. th. \/ x Dyke, Charles, Harker; / MG : \/ acweny H. W., Macleod; h-/ Williams, H., Cowley; / rt. sh. Wik, Hance A., Stettler; rt. sh. abba Seale New Dayton; sh, . oe N\ Hooper, W. H., Claresholm; 1. sh. Warren, E. H. F., Lethbridge; rt. h. etl Holland, George E., Macleod; aE x l. sh. Doering, Frank F., Purple Springs; 1. th. Munroe, W. A., Whitebrush; rt. sh. Holms, H., Cowley; 1. sh. Doering, Frank F., Purple Springs; 1. th. — Schimpf, Henry, Irvine; rt. h. aos Gordon, Hardisty; . Sh, et kf Brown, Herbert Alex., Brooks- ley; rt. th Holbrook, Chas. G., Pollock- ville; 1. sh, hey Harrison, N., Midnapore; 1. sh. Healy, Mrs. Francis M., Cal- gary; rt. sh. Hayne, Clifford B., Coronation; . sh. Terese KALA im 38 Sa H. P. E., Pekisko; nis NO by — ™ ay gai H We Hopps, John, Lacombe; 1. sh. { eign Alfred, Diamond City; . sh. pm eS a Mae Adams, Hugh, Coutts; 1. th. ) H L Oseen, Chas. Oscar, Iron 5; Springs; rt. r. Stonelake, B. A., Rimbey; rt. th. me Hornby, James, Calgary; rt. sh. Hunter, Sweet Valley; Hart, . sh. rt Ingle, Geo. H., St. Hilda; rt. th. Hunford, Barney, Markerville; rt. sh. Hovey, G. F., Raym nd; ]. sh. Watson, H., Enden; 1. sh. Smith, Harry, Brooks; rt. th Chaffee, C. C., Cayley; rt. sh. Henshaw, Ralph, Leo; rt. sh. The Alberta Land & Live Stock cee ages. aha Min., U.S.; rt. th. er rg Aaron W., Aldersv e; bh! Legge, Horace A., Spring Point; rt. sh. mee Eas SSPE ee Elleson, Herrold, Bowville; 1. sh. H 4 ye gp Jacob, Hand Hills; . th. Heather, Sue, ‘Elkwater; ]. sh. rae tes be DIOR ets + J. C., Freshfield; Thompson, H. J., Taber; rt. sh. Oo i iS Hoggan, Chas. Bruce, High River; 1. sh. Haynes, W. P., Killam; 7th: Wilson, Henry L., Elinor; 1. sh. Hoe, Robert, Stettler; rt. sh. Olson, Hans E., Stettler; rt. sh. Tees; Christiansen, H., l. sh. Lackey, Hyland, Hastings Coulee; |. sh. TEA ESE OlsS BBieaaee 66 Alberta Brand Book Hayes, Richards, Prairie River Settlement; rt. sh. ps a Pe) Fisher, H. Norman, Wiste; rt. th. Heemken, Jr., Henry, Innisfail; 1. sh. Greathouse, W. W., Hardisty; 1; th. Lyster, Henry N., Red Willow; rt. sh. Haughton, J. S., Bassano; ]. sh. Cressman, Harry B., Coch- rane; |. sh. —H Honens & Hutchins, Calgary; ]. sh. Hillmer, H. C., Magrath; ]. sh. Harvey, W. Rowe, Strathmore; rt. n. 2: B Hagel Bros., Crossfield; lah: BS Holmberg, H. F., Bawlf; rt. sh. Holms Bros., Mountain Mill; rt. th. Bardsley, Dth: H., Curlew; ag wW Bastian, Henry, Pincher Creek; 1. sh. os ww) Hurzler & Burton, Cardston; rt. sh. de oe) | an to Burk, Henry, Coleman; Leb: Bridgeman, Humphrey H., Midnapore; rt. th. Byrne, Henry, Aetna; ]. sh. Peni, W. H., Warner; at i SU) me Baron, H., Eyremore; : rt. sh. Harty Bros., Lucky Strike; rt. hi. i Se) zi i Su) aa eget Henry, Innisfail; 1. sh. Butler, A. H., Vermilion; rt. th. Hillary, J., Drumheller; rt. sh. ine Backes, Henry M., Lethbridge; 1. sh. iB Su) es Br, Harry O., Yetwood; . Sh. Browne, H. B., Medicine Hat; 1. th. Taylor, Hugh, Talbot; l. sh. Cummins, H. A., Carbon; 1. th. Cavan, Henry & Keally, Oswall W., Medicine Hat; 1. th. Hornberger, P. J., Macleod; 1. sh. mets cual Pea fs @z hvu) ive ive CQ]O2 ut B os Herbert C., Mecheche; . th. he Henry D., Lethbridge; . th. MacDonald, R. H., Prairie Grange; 1. th. H 4 Bushell, Albert E., Calgary; i - ]. sh. mb LJ Gi Farthing, Harry, Brosseau; rt. sh. Ficht, H. C., Nanton; 1. sh. i A Fisher, Harry H., Talbot; l. h, vine Frank H., Fieldholme; 1. th. Fleshman, H. L., Stettler; rt. th. | fae | al | | Hubka, Frank, Elinor; rt..8n. ols. or Hays & Sons, W. H., Carstairs; ]. sh. Wood, Henry Fisher, Medicine Hat; rt. sh. ( Havens, J. H., Sampsonton; 1. sh. Paul, Harry W., Shepard; 1. sh. 4 ae Frodrick, H., Optic; rt.-sh. mt a Harry, Belvedere; eo —c oe no ee BR ° P Hansen, H. Geo., Brooks; rt. sh. Gordon, Harry H., Black Diamond; I. sh. 7a ig DP Geron, Harry, Carlstadt; rt. th. | ‘e Car - H., Grassy Lake; _ Alberta Brand Book 67 Lightfoot, Harry, Raymond; rt. th. | (> Gardner, Owen, Keoma; rt. sh. Lumsden, H. M., Cochrane; (3 Galts, Henry, Coutts; 7 } ah; rt. sh. mae Graeme, E. H., Banff; Lewis, .W. H., Brownfield; 1. sh.- 1: sh. Giles, J. H., Stettler; Lemon, Geo. H., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. l. sh Hee | Ee tS The Hotze, O. H., Warner; rt. sh. a C Langley, H. A., Caroline; rt. sh. Graham, Wm., Medicine Hat 4 [x Wanamaker, H. L., Bowell; : ]. sh. 1. sh. a Medicine Hat; Longeway, H. H., Springbank; rt. sh. en) 2. ct an ) je en ’ rt. sh. Be) FO 212 | Akins, H. H., Mewassin; Locke, Wm. H. IL, Stavely; rt. 3 rt. sh. 5 Ea ais Hallman, Herbert, Alsask, Tas Somme, Harold, Crossfield; H H ask.; 1. th. Bp l. sh. Hallgewachs, H. C., Kinnon- M Morrow, H., Medicine Hat; dale; rt. sh. ed. 1. th. E Hartt, N. H., Mossleigh; Miller, Henry, Stettler; rt. sh. rt. t HM Pa iy oT Henkel, Henry, Bawlf; 4 M Morin, H., Manfred; Io rt. sh. pea l. n. Lt Houghton, Mrs. Clara, Cayley; BEE Milnes, Herbert, Medicine Hat; | rt. sh. Hb rt. sh. IK =). Johnson, Harry, Bowell; rare Muir, Henry B., Medicine Hat; 1. th. H M rt. sh. Jones, Harley, Oldham, Mont. U.S.A.; Earle, Henry, Calgary; acy Sh. sh. am qd, Ag nid H we a eg J. Harry, High River; Macleod, Hugh, Moose Jaw, sh. h. Sask.; rt. t aL. C, ‘ae Ke | Mohr, Henry, Fort Saskatche- wan; rt. sh. Jobson, H. J., Airdrie; rt. th. we Co Hoffman, Jacob L., Schuler; Gendre, L., Ewing; rt. sh. aes rt i Cc, EE ) Holmes, Wm., Tongue Creek; McManus, John, Mossleigh: l. sh ]. sh. a a4 Hamilton, A., Kipp; rt. sh. pa Ps ed AIO King Hymon, Hardisty; rt. th. li Kultgen, Henry; Goddard; Miller, L. E., Milk River; l. th l. sh. McFee Bros., Red Willow; rt. sh. Van Schaick, H. E., Green- lawn; 1. sh. B, Kuntert, Henry, Irvine; \ rt. th. pas PLES Leonard, H. W., Strathmore rt. sh. FUN Nicholls, H. F., Millarville; rt. sh. Landells, H. H., Islay; bi, l. sh. ef: Zz Lyons, H. J., Pine Lake; Paulson, Henry, Donalda; a rt. th. ]. sh. le Legg, Henry Edgar, Ewing; Chapman, Mrs. H. P., Red 1. th. Deer; 1. sh. Alberta Brand Book R Quimby, Henry R., Kimball; 1. sh. ee Ross, Henry A., Trochu; l. sh. LI R Rogers, H. H., Lundbreck; rt. h. 4 R ar George H., Coutts; ih. iB Trahan, Henry, Pincher Creek; I. sh. de —| Troyer, Harvey, Raven; Thanh: Thorson, Henry, Berry Creek; hth. AE oA Hamilton, Wm., Taber; ]. sh. Brown, W. S., Cremona; 1 sh. le "| Steed, Henry Thos., Reid Hill; l. sh. ft oa ) Human, Henry, Crossfield; l. h. — at, X ) Hagstrom, Nils J., Yule Mea- dow; lI. th. - II Warren, H., Calgary; rt. sh. MeVicar, Hugh, Cremona; . sh. Scheer, Harry G., Strathmore; 1. th. s Johnson, Hjalmar, Frankburg; rt. sh. au Ps Weiss, Henry, Irvine; ]. th. Barkley, J. H., Three Hills; i. eh ay az Jones, Herbert, Tongue Creek; rt. sh. j Dawson, John C., Mountain View, 1. sh., vent same in- verted on |. h. ¢. Iron, Eagle, Medicine Hat; 1. th. Mossop, Thomas, Medicine Hat; rt. j. "fe LH VV Henry, Jean M., Ingleton; rae rt. sh. t Walbersloh, Henry, Miner’s Coulee, Alta., or Gold Butte, Mont.; rt. th. Wiess, Hugo H., Raymond; l. sh. mS = Hiemstra, H., Keoma; 1. sh. Whiting, Harry, Magrath; ]. sh. Hoyem, Kaarl, Viking; rt. th Ss Adee, George, Crossfield; 1. th. Te H Hotze, Ef. G., Milk River; rt. sh. Hunter, Mrs. Mary A., Pincher Creek; |. h. Oborn, Joseph, Milk River; rt. th oH We N UK AR Ne. Brown, Wm., Calgary; rt. sh. ir wei: Hugh A., Crossfield; 1. sh. free Cn at Cn = 5 a re Jack, Little Plume; . th. i Hoff, John, Irvine; H 5 1. sh. Noble, H. A., Calgary; rt. sh. Hunter Bros., Spring Point; l. sh. Tessmer, Bernhard, Pashley; rt. th. oy 8 L Hirsche, Samuel, Sterling; O 1. th. ; Crawford, Wm. L., Okotoks; wh The Colville Ranching Co. Medicine Hat; rt. n., in con- junction with Q@ on rt. th. Jackson, Walter A., Macleod; 1. sh. EE fae Watson, Aubrey 'C., Meadow Creek; rt. th. . | | : eee Alberta Brand Book é 69 Cochrane, G. C., Okotoks; l. sh. vent bar under brand. Glaze, Nora H., Macleod; wick, Thos. Wash., U.S., above. M., Hellawell, J. H., Eagle Butte; in conjunction with = on 1. sh. Carruthers, Joseph W., Glen- view; r. n. Fa] LH ee panner, Joseph M., Cardston; J Jochem, J. A., Warner; reek. ox whem John, Taber; Ef : “Jl U a as John M., Eastway; . sh. Willcox, Jestus, Stirling; 1. th: Marshall, C.B., Meadow Creek; rt. sh. Smith, John H., Brooks; rt. sh. Knight Sugar Co., Raymond; 1. sh. Taylor, John E., Cardston; £6; 3; Brooks, James, McEwan; rt. sh. Tourond, Joseph P., Mountain ae? Be as Jarboe & dada Medicine Hat; rt Jaoo, © C, A., Medicine Hat; Day, Lester, Raymond; 1. th. Jarboe, Clyde Hat; rt. j. H., Medicine REREEEZOEID 1, sh. Taylor, Ed. E., Calgary & Tre- Spokane, l. sh. vent bar C.. Garnett, Richard, Pincher Creek; 1. sh. Brooks, John Maxwell, Sundre; rt. sh. be b as McLeod, John, Trochu; bth: Highton, J. J., Medicine Hat; Pe es Franz, Henry, Cowyle; ]. sh. Bateman, Joseph W., Cardston; rt. th. vent. bar under Walburger, S. J., Mountain View; rt. th. Hanskins, J. E., Strathmore; rt::i: Rose, John L., Medicine Hat; ERE Miller, Jean, Seven Persons; rt. th. ; Se Frank, Calgary; sh. Ford, Miss Kelsie, Nanton; ]. sh. Dilworth, W. J., Bullshead; tte}. McFarland, John J., Fishburn; rt. sh. Ferguson, H. A., Gleichen; rt. sh. Jones, W. C., Bow Island; rt. j. Melvin, James, Nanton; rt. sh. Searing, James,A. High River; eink Cochrane, SHTEEUEIETTEIEEEE Johnson, Osbourne; 1. sh. Alberta Brand Book Jeltes Bros, Ltd., Stettler; © ~] —) rt. sh. Lindsay, J. M. & M. B., Hand Hills; rt. sh. a Crawford, T. P. & J. W., Win- nifred; rt. h. McRae, J. C., Blooming Prai- rie; 1. sh. Wheaton, Mrs. Lotta, Vulcan; rt. th. Bremner, J. C., Stopping; 1. sh . Sn. Miller, John M., Dorothy; rt. sh. Stewart, Joseph, Bullocksville; L3. McLean, Jas. T., Cheadle; rt. sh. Jaucher, H. P., Grand Prairie; ]. sh. Young, J. H., Ghost Pine; FH. th. Elliott, W. J., Dinton; l. n. CY) Helwer, W. J., Calgary; le th, Deremore, Samuel, Nanton; rt. sh. si cl Oliver, Hicksburg; L.-ah. Warner, J. W., Prairie Creek; lh. Blyth, Miss J., Round Up; rt: th. Morrison, James J., Okotoks; rt. sh. vent bar through brand Swanson, J. W., Kipp; rt. sh. Acheson, Jas., Medicine Hat; h. rt. Richardson, James A., Halkirk; rt. sh. Atkinson, John H., Dog Pound; fth. Oxland, Ernest, Lethbridge; rt; th: McDonald, J. A., Monarch; ig Bag a Averill, J. S., Big Stone; ]. h. Andersick, John, Irvine; rt. th. os bbe he SP ieeprhiddtdp pps EETERERETTEREETTSO rrr Starks - _——— Medicine | Hat; 4 McDougall, Mrs. B., Crossfield rt. j. eee John, Cochrane; as Houger, M. L., Warner; ]. sh. Dausey, Reginald C., Mountain Mill; 1. sh. Coates, Milton R: & Bert, Al- sask, Sask.; 1. sh. Baird, Jas. A., Red Willow; 1. sh. Bond, John, Pincher Creek;- 4 rt. h. " pares John R., Lethbridge; . th. C. P. R. Irrigation Dept., Cal- gary; l. sh. Hemm, Mrs. Eleanor, Lec bridge; beds Chet John, Stettler; . Bt - Caan Joseph, Lethbridge; rt Cannon, J. C., Lacombe; rt. sh. Chenery, J. C., Lethbridge; l. sh. Loftus, A. A. & Truce, At Innisfree; rt. j. Campbell & Son, Jas., Ghost Pine Creek; rt. th. Collis, O. J., Spring Point; ]. sh. Dobson, Joseph, Gopher Head; rt. sh. t ¥ Hudson & Coleman, Magrath; 1. th. : De Saucy, Pierre E. F., Talbot; l. th. Dayden, V. D., Grassy Lake; rt. th. Megginson, John D., Pincher Creek; rt. sh. Devine, John, Bassano; rt. sh. Ibey, John, Mountain View; | ]. sh. | Jervis, Fred W., rt. sh. Gopher Haed; | Alberta Brand Book © 71 Brown, Julia E., Namaka; French, John, Minburn; h. ln. rt. Edwards, Mary E., Medicine Heninger, J. W., Magrath; Hat; rt. sh. rt. sh. Beeching, Geo., Hull, England; Ellison, Jas. E., Raymond; 1. th. ]. sh. vent brand on 1. th. Shimp, J. E., Nanton; Hutchinson, J: H., Okotoks; a Tt. sh. ca Elder, Jas. H., Calgary; Haywood, Van H., Gladys; rt. h. 1. th. Larsen, Julius, Stirling; Elder, John, Taber; kL. sh. rt. th Passmore, A. J., Cardston; rt. sh. Lindeman, John J., Irvine; rt. sh. aa. Joseph, Ingleton; Derry & Griffin, Cayley; » 2. 1. sh. Millie, Chas. A., Gleichen; Jefferson, Jr., John, Coutts; l. sh. 1. th. Olson, Axel, R., Didsbury; Hellawell, J. H., Eagle Butte; h rt. sh. rt. sh. Bowden, Mrs. Rhoda A., Taber; Jones, John Evans, Granum; 1. th. rt. sh. Johnson, F. J., Lacombe; Desjardine, George, Gleichen; sh. 1. sh. fs oe ep iy Francis J., Slide Out; Rickett, Jay, Granum; a aa Kingsworth, Mrs. Jessie, Clares- Fulton, John, Millarville; 1. sh. holm; 1. n. sag Clair, W. A., Nanton; Kays, R. J., Cheadle; J: 1. sh. Deshman, W. H., Lineham; Kohl, Jean, Cochrane; rt. sh. h. rt. t “raging Annie, Taylorville; Jenkins, Kate, Medicine Hat; xv. . sh. lage John, Josephburg; Kirby, James E., High River; rt. th Frayn, Edmund J., Spring McKenzie, James, Macleod; ] Bank; 1. sh. _ sh. McChesney, Ezekiel, Stavely; Walburger, Thos., Orton; rt. th. toh Jarvis, J. A., Red Deer; Hudson, Geo. L., Lloydminster; rt. sh. rt. sh. Neilson, John H., Manyler- ries; rt. sh. Farr, John T., Airdrie; re. Lussier, J. E., Medicine Hat; rt. Lane, James A., Stettler; rt. sh. Fregin, John, Walsh; M4 7 ° re th Baby Joseph, Vulcan; rt. th Flynn, A. J., Glenbanner; Nafziger, Joe, Brant; rt. th. Lh oes my John, Reid Hill; Montowt, Eugen Von, Bear- . sh. berry; rt. sh. SHODOUNSODOREFOESEITODOUS aaeee eR cE ERE OROEORRRaE Alberta Brand Book Moffat, James G., Bowell; rt. st. Metricks, John; Sion; I. th. Spece, Mrs. Jane, Brooks; rt. th Sibbald, J. B., High River; - rt. h. Wilson, N. B., Parkland; hohe Wolfe, J. H., Berry Creek; 1. sh. EuGeeeo Barrett, L. W., Aldersyde; ie F IS Paisley, J. S., Kinnondale; rt. sh. Parker, R. J., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Porter, James, Medcine Hat; rt. sh. Parkinson, J., Diamond City; tt. 3. Johnston & Patterson, Stirling; Peterson, J. C., Lucky Strike; rt. sh. sp W. J., Iowalta; artis Rich, Jerome, Pincher Station; . sh. Rickett, J. L., Granum; BGs: Rohrer & Son, J. N., Stettler rt. n. Webster, H. P., Coutts; lesth: Boon, J. R., Gopher Head; 1. sh. Dunn, Wm., Sunnyside; rt. th. Stippa, Joseph, Big Valley; rt. sh. : Brewster, Florence, Macleod; rt. sh. Earle, 8. John, Acme; rt. j. Oneill, Joseph Vincent, Garden Plains; 1. sh. Walker, John, Walsh; rt. B. REL ale et tpl t= Webster, J ohn, Carbon; if \ BSEZER 7 J. Arthur, Macleod; _ Rs +6 g = B 7 S) = 5 wa = =a co | a mR Wag Welker, J. A. K., Medicine Ha rt. sh. Hextall, J., Calgary; 1. sh. ! Bowlen, J. J., High River; | rt. sh. Jensen, James C., Aetna; 1. sh. Hunter, Robert Walker, Cal- gary; I. sh. “J A Hilts, J. A., Haneyville; ; tt : Reoux, Joseph Alfred, Duver- nay; l. n. ’ - Thompson, Arthur W., Spring! bank; |. & rt. sh. Brissard, Marcell, Leduc; l. sh. J Johnson, Andrew, Lake View; rt. h. Dunlap, John W., Bowden; 1. sh. Ashcroft, John, Summerview; rt. h Anderson, John W., Barnwell; rt. sh. Anda James F., Warner; rt. h. Janz, August, Irvine; rt. sh. Aldridge, James, High River; rt. sh. Adams, Julius, Leo; rt. h. i ELON Johansen, J. A., Cardston; ]. th. Atkins, John, Carmangay; : 1. th. Bush, J. N., Olds; 1. sh. Johnston Bros., Warner; 1. th. Birchall & Sons, John, Glen- bow; rt. sh. | Peace, J. B., Garden Plains; a3. | Bishop, John, Taber; rt. h. | false coe yh ah al sflslsteep pete] fatale sf Alberta Brand Book 73 re Peoban. J., Vegreville; ) a legion Jerome, Medicine Hat | 1) McDonell, J. B., Pearce; rt. sh. Phillips, James B., Irricana; 1. sh. Jenkins, Bernard M., Lake; 1. sh. Borel, J. A., Gopher Head; rt. sh. Lowden Johnson Bros., Calgary; rt. th. Bowen, J. E., Brant; l. sh. Barrett, J. F., Crossfield; rt. sh. Brandham, Jabez, Beazer; l. sh. Craig, John, Medicine Hat; rt. j. Clark, Catharine Emily, Crow- ae rt. sh.vent brand on rt. h. Milner, Geo. Wm., Okotoks; vg h, vent bar »ver McLeod, John C., Seven Per- sons; rt. n. 2 gem Jack < Prydi, Ivan, Mundare; rt. ob: ae ch fe) io) onl fo) DM o) uo) o en) be sa] bey) 5 a c -t be ’ “¢ < Johnson, C. C., Bow Island; 1. th. Henderson, Jas., Reid Hill; rt; shi g a Kuykendall, Loss, Trenville; Trt. J. Dakin, Mrs. Violet J., Irvine; 1. sh. Andrews, John, Gros Ventre; rt. sh. Johnson, Kunte, Spring Cou- lee; rt. th. iM cLavennas C., Cardiff; Kennard, Elsie A., Eagle Butte; rt. ). Killoram, F. V., Macleod; rt. 3: J aekean Olof, Altorado; i Kelly, Wm. Geo., Innisfail; rt. th. | ie oes ee | peeeEnUE Ball, Kenneth, M., Priddis; rt. th. Alberta Brand Book 81 Kitto, F. C., Pine Lake; 1. th. Kerwin, Philip, Bowden; rt. sh. Peenedy, Olive, Medicine Hat; at Morrison, Alex. D., Pine Lake; 1. sh. end. J. A., Carstairs; ae co) mM ® < re) =} rg ro) hej Da ° =] & pOrSOQEDOOUGEEESEEEEEEEIO zi 's Qu. 7) rt. j. Jeffers, W. H., Innisfail; rt. n. Exhe. Albert, Pekisko; side >) MS aaa )x Kelly, Jack, Yarrow; 1. sh. Tremble, A. E.. Red Deer; rt. th. Carver, C. D., Didsbury; rt. sh. or K Knudson, Mrs. Knud;Marker- s ville; 1. th. McKay, Mrs. Edmond, Medi- cine Hat; l. h were, Geo. L., Sunnyslope; HK Borg, S. A., Elinor; rt. sh. Kay, F. H., Tinchebray; 1. th. Kranvig, G., Tilly; rt. th. Carter, B. A., Brant; 1. sh. Kidder, D. M., Cheadle; 1. sh. Kerstens, A. P. P., Strathmore; rt. sh. Kerstens, Bernardus M. T., Strathmore; rt. h. BUORESEER! Ma Kempling, H., Calgary; 1. th. poms: & Redfern, Carmangay; . th. ep Kuneman, Henry, Bassano; rt. sh. Kuhn, W. F., Carlstadt; rt. h. Knott, Anton E., Stettler; rt. sh. Kuck Bros., Innisfail; rt. sh. Block, Sydney C., Cut Bank; rt. th. Buckley, H. A., Bassano; 1. th. Beauchard, K., Carbon; rt. h. McKenzie, M.D., D. C., Belle- vue; rt. j. Kelly, Daisy K., Dorothy; 1. th. Elaszchuk, W., North Leth- bridge; rt. sh. Lings & jEeks mond; |. sh. Black Dia- Oklof, Pete O., Claresholm; ley; 1. h. Gunn & Sons, K., Paradise Val- rt. sh. Hammond, J. K., Cochrane; l. sh. Gallaway, G. P., Woolchester; rt. th. Kimbrough, Joseph, Seven Per- sons; rt. sh. Klumb, Gus, Wetaskiwin; 1. sh. Boiston, Reginald, Knee Hill Valley; rt. sh. Crewe, Fred J., Irvine; rt. t Crewe, Mrs. F. J., Irvine; ]. sh. Hellawell, J. H., Eagle Butte; 1. th. S McKay, J. R., Calgary; rt. sh. Knight, M. A., St. Hilda; 1. th. Milner, N. K., Many Berries; 1. th. Napier, K. R., Willows; l. h. Kilgour, Robert, Flowerdale; . 8h. Menuce, Mrs. M., Willows; rt. sh. Hetherington, John W. & Robt. W., Macleod; 1. th. bar "hg Abraham, Swalwell; . sh. é 8) 2 Alberta Brand Book e Moran, Felix, Nanton; rt. th Caldwell, W. H., Dorothy; 1. sh. x ay Kast, Wm. H., Lethbridge; rt. sh. oo W.S., Lethbridge; 1. th: rt. sh. rt. sh. King, Augustus, Leavings; og a2 Kaes, Christian, Irvine; rt. sh. Coppock, Hubert W., raine; 1. sh. Ya Clement, Arthur, Mossleigh; rt. en: Clemmons, Alva A., town; Vaughan, Q. D., Macleod; 1. h, rt. sh. McIntyre, John, Claresholm; Ft:.8: Goertz, C. H., Carstairs; rt. th. Bruce Bros., Airdrie; Lai: Kolosky, F. M., Black mond; rt. th. ter; rt. h. OSS ES EN es Ee fag l. sh. tot ae Halifax, John R., Calgary; th, Shuell, E. W., Alix; in: Jephson, Wm. J., Calgary; rt. th. Kearns, John, Macleod; rt. sh. Kenny, James, Leo; ]. sh. Johannson, Kristjan, Tindstoll; Murdock, Wm. J., High River; McDonald, John R., Macleod; [th McDonald, Wm. E., Macleod; i Par Lor- Queens- Dickson, W. H., Little Plume; Dia- Hagen, Christ. O., Woolches- Hannah, Thos. F., McLaughlin; PN oN mT aN o>, aN z - MISS wll Be Psy GB Se SN Bika q Bia Bie a _ Y ae) Vin NI rlo Christiansen, Christ., Green- lawn: Church, Edwin, Bowville; 1. sh. Carran & Kennaugh, Langdon; rt. sh. Kuba, Mrs. Philipine, Gleichen; — 1. th. Kochler, R., Claresholm; rt. th. Wood, R., Talbot; rt. sh. Atkinson, T. J., Gladys; 1. sh. Kusler, Karl, Irvine; rt: sh. Klone, Albert, Brightview; 1. th. Mayberry, C. R., Irvine; rt. th. Pulkrobek, Theo. J., South Bend; rt. sh. Waddell, Robt. S., Honeyville; 1. sh. Knappen, A. J., Coutts; rt. sh. Weir, Douglas, S , Coutts; rt. sh. Mcllivenna, W., Crossfield; 1. sh. Kostilnik, Mike, Stafford Vil- lage; rt. sh. Keating, Melville, Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Miller, Ken. 8., Vermilion; rt. sh. : Kidder, Sarah, Carstairs; rt. sh. Worth, Wm., Medicine Hat; 1. sh. Rider, Mrs. Catharine S., Hig- gins; 1. sh. sapsige = Karl A., Spring Coulee; rt. bh. Kemp, Mrs. Robert H., Car- stairs; rt. sh. Smith, Percy King, Queens- town; rt. th. Bernard, H. E., Brownfield; i sh. Summerfedt, Ferdinand, Kim- ball; 1. sh. > o © ct & es) a | = 5 a es) ° re) Kr 83 | Sulz, Karl, Irvine; rt. th. aN Horner, C. M., Provost; l. sh. —~- a ™ Rose, Bros., Kimball; rt. th. McKinnon, James, Cayley; l. sh. SN aN a|4 K Mort, Joseph, Elkwater; rt. th. Knight, Oshert R., Wimborne; i te aN |e Little, Herbert G., Little Plume; rt. th. Robinson, Luke, Carbon; 1. th. Kilgrow, J. W., Grassy Lake; rt. sh. Keiner, Martha G., Sunny- slope; rt. sh. me ee LN < McKinney, Bucher, Puffer; 1th, <>< Curtiss, J. C., Shepard; 1. th. Scott, Thos. S., Cheadle; 1. th. > wg Lecky, H. McC., Rosebud Creek; 1. sh. Perrett, Albert, Stirling; 1. sh. Moore, Bros., Lethbridge; rt. sh. Kroesing, E. E. R., Dry Fork; rt. th. A |< |X >-|<|< “<< Killinbeck, Mrs. Vida, Sound- ing Lake; 1. th. eS IN Zaworski, Kamer, Veillette; rt. sh. ¢ Kent, M. 8., Daysland; rt. hi: MTN he WN f) nat Edwin J., Langdon; . th. King, Joseph G., Carstairs; Eth; AN CN Kirkby, Geo. W., Kanata; rt. sh. Kamlah, Karl, Foreman; 1. sh. KL NL ee ay Henry, Pandora; 1. th. King, Adam H., Lochend; rt. sh. Kirbs, Henry, Irvine; 1. sh. fa Kanzig, W. L., Bassano; ]. sh. ee Kincheloe, C. F , Magrath; rt. he Kruger, John, Pincher Creek: ]. th. Henry, Pete, Ghost Pine Creek; l. sh. Schrump, Wm., Okotoks; rt. sh. Klein, John, Irvine; rt. h Kaplan, I., Tolman; rt. th. Kelly, John F., High River; rt. sh. ac aes Gilbert, Calgary; .h. Kays, George, Didsbury; 1. sh. Kendall, E. W., Rosebud Creek; l. th. Rushfeldt, John A., Vulcan; l. sh. Ox hoe EN LENE ESS SSE viry McKinnon, Wil- lows; 1. th John Allen, KA Anderson, Robert, Eagle Butte; rt. sh. Otsuki, K., Cheadle; ete: Pe pA >| > McKay, Lewis B., Trenville; rt. sh. Burroughs, Edward A.,, Valley; rt. sh. Big Krom, Adam, Calgary; rth: Kemp, Arthur, Strathmore; 1. sh. Adair, John, Coralynn; ]. sh. (hee YF aa SERRE N A Douglas, L. A., Vulcan; sh. Haslett, Joseph, Carbon; l. sh. Brokofsky, Karl, Hilda; rt. th. elect a eso ha Ben, Eagle Butte; 84 Alberta Brand Book Butchart, A. Bruce, Hayter; . sh. Borzo, K., Shepard; 1. sh. Bates, Clarence, Springs; 1. th. ——- Michael, Crossfield; Purple Beuchler, Mrs. Katie, Walsh; rt. th. King, David, Lethbridge; | rt. h. Deines, John, Langdon; rt. th; Doherty, A. F., Whitla; rt. sh. Delrome, Killeck, Brooks; loth; Deg, Christina, Walsh; lth. vly low! Kraft, Daniel, Irvine; rt. th AD Woosey, David, Medicine Hat; rt. sh. se O m| Davies, James, Islay; rt. 8 Doering, Rudolph, Hilda; 1. th. 2 ey pipiber’ Daniel H., Innisfree; th. rt. Demoust, H., Red Cliff; rt. sh. Enders, Mrs. K., Boundary KE Creek; 1. th. Anderson, Axel G., Cessford; rt. sh. Braunberger, Fred, Beiseker; reth. Evans, Joe, Livingstone; rt. sn; Kringer, Michael, Irvine; lth: Fink, Johannes, Irvine; rt. th. Nelson, A., Langdon; l. sh. Friesen, Mrs. Anna H., Sunny- slope; rt. sh. Iowa Farming Co., Stirling; 1. th. » F Jensen, Herbert F., Magrath; th. FE Hyvomen, Ilmari, Eckville; rt. th. 8 =) — H. & W. L., Halkirk; . sh. F McKey, Mrs. F., Tudor; Lee 1, hi: ia oa r] Gardener, Alex. D., Elkton; rt. th. ~ oe) —— Churchill, Joe R., Brownville; rt, 22: vo Childs, J. W., Manyberries; 1. sh. i> O Stokes & King, Lineham; rt. h. a Goldthorpe, Jack Kirk, Arrow- wood; |. th. i ney J. H., Fourways; Best, H. C., Strathmore; l. sh. XX Hatton, J. A., Macleod; l. sh. H Houck, Adam, Josephburg; PU 1. th. Hurtubise, Alphonse, St. Paul de Metis; 1. th. C1 LNG Ny NA sie John, Irvine; zen) po (a zo Hovey, Edward, Coutts; 1. th. Rall, John, Castor; rt. sh. aac eas John, Sunland; is J. C., Drumheller; . sh. spre C. W., Olsen Creek; . th. SY King, J., Carbon; as Jackson, Issac, Seven Persons; rt. sh. Clirk, John, Beaver Lodge; l. th. Kropinack, John, Frank; re. th, Kienzle, Johan, Irvine; rt. sh. : Cramin, Unifred, Taber; . @” l. sh. - Deniers Jacob, Crossfield; > lou @® bar | ct oo © =} a is) 2) ) Kr 85 Kreil, Jacob, Minda; rt; th. =~ cd — ) Kennedy, John H.; Batten- burgh; I. th. > C4 ) soe a John, Neuchatel; sh. Be eh < Tothill, Mrs. Ventre; |. sh. Lincoln, C. O., Erskine; rt: th. Kate L., Gros A Brydges, Jas. T., Medicine Hat; rt. th. Hikkila, John, Minda; rt. Heslop, J. Wm., Twin Butte; @ rt. th. Be Fn e Strohmaier, Friedrich, Trochu; 1. th. Helmbolt, Thomas, Castor; rt. sh. Steward, O. J., Carmangay; 1. th. Leslie, Bertram, Langdon; rt. th. Kempken, Peter, Castor; rt. th. a a Krystal, John, Grand Prairie; 1. sh. By fi C ) Idaho Farming & Live Stock Co., Ltd., Gleichen; rt. sh. te Rae ) Cameron, Neil, Lonbutte; rt. th. AL ( Olshaske, M. J., Creek; rt. sh. ‘Boundary a Re Kalineth, Alex., Munson; 1. th. Keller, John P., High River; rt. th. bb Bs Pye ID Meeres, Thomas, Red Deer; rt. sh. ee < Frownfelter, Geo. H., Brooks; l. sh. Py ae peal s< |< Cozens, W. E. E., Rosebud Creek; rt. sh. ‘ae 9 io” ie?) 5 ’ “= ’ wa ~< be i") 5 ss se Serge tre. S. K., Eagle Butte; . sh. John & Sons, A., Erskine; rt. sh. ax ND |! Watson, Edward, Ewing; rt. sh. > |X Cif a ae Oe James, Midnapore; . th. Stevenson, Geo. W. C., Innis- fail; rt. h ee ee sEEETTEPEEERUELEL Li Ea4: > o 5 ct © ie") 2 Bp for ow ° ° yr oa J Lymch, Mrs. W. G., Medicine Mace, S. M., Pekisko; Hat; 1. th. l. sh. Skuce, Sid., Drumheller; Hereford Ranch Co., Raymond; rt. J. rt. th. Mills, F., Pashley; Mackie, George, Irvine; i oe l. sh. Landels, Alex. F., Calgary; Lewis, Francis, Bellevue; Ii“n. j rt. j. — Barars Arthur, Stand Off; Caldwell, H. T., Hand Hills; i a Rice-Jones, Cecil, Coulee; Lowe, James, Gadsby; Tt, th. 1. sh. Haniford, Louis, Sheerness; Blackmore, Geo. W., Calgary; rt. sh. 1. sh. Lee, J. W., Raymond; Lee, Mrs. Ida, Stauffer; rt; 1: l. n. Oldenburg, R., Champion; Holmes, Henry, Raymond; h rt. sh. 1. sh. Moore, Langley A., Gleichen; th. The Applegate jae & Imp. Co. rt. Gleichen; Simms, Harry R., Coutts; Oliver, T. C., Airdrie; 1th. l. sh. McLaughlin, Fred G., Elkwater l. sh. vent bar under Kemmis, Arthur C., Pincher Creek; 1. th. Rowe, Leroy, Sounding Lake; Murphy, Jas. J., Brant; | ost 1. th. Pohonigt. F., Craig; Linton, Alex., Bow Island; ] rt. sh - OD Lane, Richard, Livingstone; i Lane. J. M., Hand Hills; Ft. j. Schmidt, Peace. Grassy Lake; : Kennedy , Joseph Wm., Medi- cine Hat; 1. th. Ferguson, R. J., Halkirk; Lamar, Viola, Raymond; PGT: l. th. Lane, Mrs. J. M., Hand Hills; Lahd, John, Carlstadt; rt. th. rt. h. Arnell, Geo. E., Shepard; Manning, L. W., Calgary; rt. sh. ]. sh. Leavitt, T. O., Cardston; Cladwell, H. C., Caldwell; Eth. ]. sh. Johnson, William, Minda; Lorce Bros., Nanton; rt. th. 1. th. Lewis, S. R. & M. L., Dog Harris, Lewis J., Taber; Ry Pound; rt. r. te Linsegraf & Sons, H. T.,Killam; rt. sh. Link, R. A., Camrose; rt. sh. Laybourne, Wm., Innisfail; |e Lindeman, Jakob, Josephsburg; rt. sh. L) EHEEEEAISIESEEAIEEZIENR Alberta Brand Book Lundblad, Joseph, Nanton; rt. th. Johnston, J. J., Hill Spring; l. sh. ee Leo J. F., Jumping Pond; Lang, Emanuel, Granum; t rt. sh. Harden, Mrs. F. W., Bow Is- land; 1. sh. Harden, F. W., Bow Island; rt. sh. Williams Bros., Calgary; 1h; Lansdell, G. R., Blackfalds; rt. j. Ellerby, Albert, Throne; l. sh. Larson, Wm. B., Tilly; Tt: h: eight F. J., Bow Island; rt. sh Morris, Mrs. Lillie, Medicine Hat; rt: th. Lynch-Staunton, Emma, Gil- lingham; 1. th. - Voie, James A., Onoway; ven Littleton, Josceline W., napore; rt. sh. Mid- g Lynes Bros., Altorado; ]. th. Bone, Mrs. Wilda, Vlucan; rt::th: Nesbett & McKinnon, Bassano; rt. sh. Hanson, Lewis L., Brant; rt. th. harap Joshua, Elkwater; rt. t McDonald, Norman §., Innis- fail; J. sh. Lavander, W. A., Frankburg; rt. h. Heijot, Loine, Stavely; rb... Akers, Dell. Pincher Creek; rt. sh. Barclay, L. N., Medicine Hat; J Late Bassarmany, Louis, Milk River; rt. th. : MESRUGERRRUZCECECCESEEEEE Crowson, L., Macleod; 1. th. Campbell, Elizabeth, Gleichen; rt: th. Davies, John, Lethbridge; ]. th. Davies, W. L., Talbot; rt. sh. Dunbar, J. M., Brooks; rt. h. Beaddle, Percy, Peace River Crossing; rt. th. Lewis, Ivor, Cochrane; rt. h. Longshore, O. L., Leo; rt. sh. Burrington, F. G., Pine Lake; rt. sh. * Fedeli, Lewis, Pekisko; l. h. se GS J. H., Medicine Hat; Anderson, L. H., Calgary; rt. sh. a Medicine Hat; t.)B Helwig, Chas. L., Spring Cou- lee; 1. sh. Holdworth, Marshall, Curlew; rt. h. a Ro R. C., Airdrie; eee Green, Robert L. Stettler; 1. sh. ma yer John P., Queenstown; . sh. Johnson, W. L., Medicine Hat; 1. sh. eur Robert W., Stettler; . th. Gardner, Chas. A., Cayley; rt. h. Peary: Frank, Medicine Hat; rt. BR. _ & Fleming, High River; zo: Linder Bros., Battle Creek, Sask.; rt. sh. Bull, L. Ned., Hastings Coulee; . rt. th. Wollersheim, Philip, Coutts; rt. th. gAREENAEEODODEBEEEEETETB Alberta Brand Book 89 [- 10505 ( / Valley; 1. j. stone; l. j. oe G. E., Stand Off; Richardson, Less, Hat; rt. th. Riley, Clodie, Macleod; ]. th. 2 Rear, L. C., Mayton; rt. th. Dick Bros., High River; rt. sh. Lloyd, Lewis T., Lakesend; rt. th. Peacock, J. L., Medicine Hat; 1. sh. Wallace, Annie E., Blakice; rt. sh. Young, Allan Y., Castor; rt. sh. Sholter, Raith, Stettler; rt. sh. Laisney & Co., Jules, Stettler; rt. th. Olsen, J. L., Mossleigh; 1. h. Stewart, Wm., Staunton; rt. h. Ross, Mrs. J. P., Granum; 1. sh. Adams, Fred S., Crossfield; ]. th. Ayotte, Levie, Yetwood; 1. sh. PEE RTs de iat| McKnight, Mrs. Anna, Bergen; rt. th. Miller, John G., Cheadle; rt. th. pe OF [COP > Moir, Alexander, Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A.; 1. h. Sick, Fritz, Lethbridge; rt. th. - Sr aia Lars T., Wetaskiwin; sh. so a Lillie A., Ponoka; v9) Le Barge, Georgilena, Strath- martin; rt. sh. be Berar. John, Strathmartin; . sh, ae 5 ee aay (22) Peers, Lester Irving; Acadia Peel, Lawrence Moore, Living- Medicine | aro" alta J. J., Carmangay; $B. L Butler, Levi, Mannville; rt. n. Brown, L. H., Czar; Te th. Logan Bros., John L. & Harry, Jumping Pound; |. th. Buxton, Lisle, Carlstadt; Th. Gurr, Charles, Hand Hills; rt. h. Cooper, Lillian B., Talbot; rt. sh. Carrick, L. S., Pine Lake; rt. h. Holder, J. G., Macleod; rt. th: Rhinhart, G. C., Lashburn; l. sh. Sutherland, L. D., Red Willow; leh Brynildsen, J., Pine Lake; rt. th. Duncan, L. B., New Dayton; rt. th. Dittbenner, Ludwig, Milk Ri- ver; l. th. Le Duce, Prosper C., Milk River; rt. sh. Duncombe, Lowell B., Taber; rt. sh. Leffiingwell & Egan, Warner; | is La Clair, A. T., Nanton; rt. th. Garden, Jas. M., Stand Off; 1. sh. Lyons, T. E., Neapolis; Le. Fulton, Issac L., Strathcona; l. sh. Fraser, Montie, L., Millarville; rt. h Lambert, W., Ernest, Castor; tii Lehr, Fred, Calgary; rt. th. CE ae AO Pe ee EE LE Beate Lp ee se Ez ) G to ES Feargue, Lynden, Spring Ridge; l. sh. i E emeageheret: Christ., Beisiker; . th. ve) 0 p on © Ky ct & to om ro) 3 jor ie) °o ° yr LG eae bY maces fe ee sc ee © ies — Goche, Louis, Grand Prairie; rt. h. Harle, Oswald, Vermilion; th. Boomer, Geo., Blackfalds; ith. Minnick, C. E., Tees; rt. sh. Gwinn, L. J., Three Hills; i 1 Gillotson, Benj. L., Okotoks; tt}. Hansen. L. O., Erskine; 1) an. Hobbes, Jonathan L., Bow Is- land; rt. sh. Lynn, Harry, Erskine; rt. sh. Holder, M. R., Monval; rt. h. Lavington, Harry, Kimball; rt. th Meyer, Frank, Uptonburgh’ 1. sh. Long, John, Warner; =. tt: 8p: Ley, John E., Bow Island; ]. h. Jacobson, Severn L., Holden; rt. sh. Johnston, Leo L., Carmangay; 1. sh. Keefer, Bernard, Taber; ]. sh. Maneely, G. J., Bassano; l. sh. Eckersley, Albert, Calgary; 1. th. Lowell, Issac, Trochu; rt. th. Lovendahl, 8. M., New Dayton; th. Davies, W. J., Claresholm; th: Lafranboise, Ellen, Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Bliss, R. L., Olds; rt. sh. Holden, G. J., Scona; 1. sh. McMann, Chas., Carbon; rt. h. HP ee eee iW LSI SIS] Ic] Sfelejelcl|e DID] Va VEP LT PISOlolfefololo OE ZN ZS VR CEE RS 1S Morrison, Louis, Brunetta; 1. th. Mears, Louis E., Livingstone; Tt. 3; Minor, Leslie, Bassano; rt. sh. Hamilton, James, Arrow-Wood; rt. th. Miller, J. C. & Lee, Minda; 1. th. . Moreau, Louis, St. Paul de Metis; 1. sh. Norton, L. O., Raymond; rt. sh. rio eter Hugh, Keoma; Wilhart, Henry, Brant; rt. th. MeNeill, Hugh, De Winton; Tb. Ks. sae ae iste: O., Medicine Hat; . sh. Lawson, Jr., Thomas, Gleichen; 1. th. Callison, John R., Glenview; rt. sh. pee sae Raymond, Stand Se ere Hot Gun Man, Medicine Hat; 1. th. : Minnich, W. D., Fieldholme; rt. ths: Oakes, Louis, Claresholm; 1. th. Lyons, Oswald, W., Granum; l. sh. Olson, Mrs. Lizzie, Harker; rt. sh. Poirier, Leopold, Lae St. Vin- cent; rt. th. Lensman, Peter, Mayvrille; rt. sh. Pace, La Pay, Arthurville; . th. Roen, Lars Pen, Seven Persons; rt. th. Person, Lars F., Yale Meadow; rt. h. Renner, Lawrence, Taber; l. h. Roy, Louis, Parkland; rt. th. — = — Alberta Brand Book 91 weeeg Robert; Langdon; L . th. | sl Robinson, L. E., Round Up; 1. sh. Rutledge, Luther B., Langdon; rt. th. Clarke, L. G., Clarkville; 1. sh. Lutz, Rudolf, Irvine; 1. th. Robarts, Samuel Leslie, Jeth- son; rt. th. Lewis, E., Lineham; 1. sh. a fa) Strabins, L., Brooks; Tt. .J. Staneley, Lewis Edward, Lan- donville; 1. j. pesealt, Wilber S., Red Deer; =o: Lomey, Thos. H., Airdrie; rt. sh. Stiles, Mrs. Lena, Queenstown; rt. sh. oS et es Ps. Ee MIRTH LrRItw wee (NF Smith, Emily A., Hill Spring; l. th. Selthon, Louis B., Rosenroll; rt. sh. Sykes, Mrs. L., Lamerton; rt. 8 Schleiper, Hubert, Curlew; 1. sh. Tibbits, Leonard, Gleichen; rt. sh. Thumbert, Lenhart, Castor; rt. th. CE la ee fthaLo fe Long, enjamin, Stavely; rt. sh. ae (— Bossler, Louis, Mayvrille; l. h. Galleberg, Hans, Big Valley; l. sh. Lippert, John, Irvine; 1. sh. ae — 3 aaa Lippert, Jacob, Irvine; rt. sh. Sannes, O. E., Bowden; Toei; fae Larson, J. A., Riverbow; / rt. sh. |W We W Bs \ a bettie SLs Pos LY Oa ae Rech eae’ i N L S te) pi ec: ieee ee ee CF Pe SE vy Te volo w Wiltse, Charles L., Valejo; 1;‘8h. Wilson, F. L., Stand Off; l. sh. Warren, L. N., Stavely; l. th. Fleming, J. H., Maple Creek, Sask.; It. sh. Schierman, Peter, Josephsburg; 1. sh. Huggard, Geo. A., Calgary; l. th. Lewis, Thomas, Trenville; rt. sh. De Chauny, Louis M., Trochu Valley; I. th. Zaczkowski, L. F., Spring Lake; l. th. Ziemblick, Lois, Olds; rt. sh. Letourneau, J. K. & Leo, Loch Sloy; 1. sh. Lawrie, W. G., Calgary; ]. sh. MecLeay, Frank P. N., Irvine; l. h. Lawrence, Irwin, Milo; l. th. Ranton, Thomas, Walsh; l. sh. Bodenan, Luella C., Calgary; rt. sh. Goldman, Louis, Loveland; rt. sh. Gilbert, Spencer, Cowley; rt. h. Linton, Alex, Bow Island; rt. sh. Laboucane, Moise, Camrose; Ib, Williams, Lewis D., Brooks; rt. sh. Le Clair, A. F., Nanton; rt. th. Smith, Albert D., Curlew; rt. sh. Helfer, L. B., Three Hills; rt. th. Litchfield, H., Gladys; l. th. Littlepage, Wm. L., Glen Ban- ner; rt. sh. ie) bo Alberta Brand Book Latimer, J. S., De Winton; ]. sh. Low, John, Calgary; 1. th. Litchfield, Wm., Raymond; rt. th. ae eee J}o°|°c i = Lamonte, Hector, Stavely; 1. sh. Taggart, John, Loma; l. h. Ls —J Neary, Lou, Mound; rt. sh. Lavender, J. H. Stettler; eth: at ~ Foster, Richard, Carbon; rt. B. ~ Keetley, D., Forres, Sask.; rt. sh. Brooke Co., P. & R., Castor; rt. sh. Walton, J. H., Calgary; rt. sh. Lortz, Leonard, Stirling; 1. sh. Hill, Leslie, Medicine Hat; ith: Dore Bros.,.Dorenlee; rt. sh. Martinel! & Sons, A. M., High River; 1. sh. penude, Robert, Lethbridge; Richardson, G. A., Cardston; rt. th. ry Link, Bert, Strathmartin; rt. sh. Jackson, H. G., Brooks; 1. th. Lee, Chris, C., Stirling; 1th: Lust, Crhistian, Josephsburg; Tt. sh. Glines, A. L., Warner; rt. sh. McDowell, Luther, W. Cross- field; 1. sh. citar Lester J., Shepard; wo pie Piet Bes ft fee LICJLIJO[c Irie |alc|—o TiS} + ]4]eq4+ KIKI clo lo] s]-sfegfooJt py Leville, Joseph, Ferry Point; rt;cth:; bese na E. B., Olds; ON ele = BE Hole, Lewis H., Calgary; 1. th. McFadden, A. R., Macleod; a El > “eA rt. th. 5 aN Hirondelle, Joseph L., Egg aif Lake; rt. sh. | Loff, Axel, Stettler; -_f 1. sh, Hampton, L. A., Knee Hill Val- ley; rt. sh. m@ Quimby, W. C., Haneyville; ]. sh. 53 > | Lashmore, G., Drumheller; ri Bre io | > Laberge, Arthur, Lae St. Vin- cent; |. sh. ( — Alexis, Lac Ste Anne; rt. h. ( —— Andrew, Vermilion; - . sh. Adolus, John C. M., Faith; 1. sh. Rullens, Augusta, Frank; rt. sh. Anderson, Louis, Olds; _ rt. sh. Lille, near Cabana, Oscar, Brocket; rt. sh. L = a (~ Lemke, Karel, Usona; t MacConnal, Leslie, Lake View; rt. th. 3 Campbell, I. L., Round Up; 1. sh. Creal, Lewis A., Gladys; rt. h mm Church, W. L., Delia; l. sh. Ee Chapman, L. H., Ensign; rt. th. Corn, Little, Medicine Hat; rt. sh. bos Cp |— Q “ae Cote, J. L., Edmonton; 1. sh. ©2 ) Lindquist, Christopher, High River; rt. th. - GQ () mam Minor, L. C., Magrath; ( 1. sh. - ( Cuilleriet, Jr., L., Brosseau; rt. th: Q ( Lacombe Home, Midnapore; ~ - rt. sh. ' wh AS Alberta Brand Book 93 Canning, J. T., Macleod; h. rt. t Cote, Miss Annie, Dry Fork; Bruneau, Louison, St. Paul de Metis; 1. sh. Dahl, Lars, Camrose; rt. sh. Dietrich, Lewie, Wanda; 1. th. Barnum. L, O., Kora; rt. sh. Ebie, J. L., Queenstown; 1. th. Robinson, Hugh L., Jumping Pound; rt. h. Hughes, D. E., Strathmore; 1. th. Thibodeau, Lewie, Veillette; 1. sh. Walter, L. A., Wanda; l. sh. Leavitt, John, Cardston; rt. th. McFarland, Jessie S., Medicine Hat; 1. th. Boisjolie, Leo,. Trenville; rt. sh. Dudley, F. L., Rosa Lynn; rth. Leacht, Fred, Irvine; rt. sh. Fandug, John, Thelma; l. h. Kennedy, D. D., Milk River; rt. sh. Le Banc, E. N., Copeville; 1. sh. Edgar, L. L., Raven; ww l. th. a E Mackie, Lizzie, Bellwere; TeoN; “NT Crosby, Lee H., Rusylvia; rt. sh. ‘a ss ir se Ed., Shaftesbury; . sh. ro ‘Oa ) Luther, M. E., New Norway; Th. th. on 1 a We a Lauchlin, Walsh; . sh. | = = Powell, L. F., Warner; rt. sh. Erwin, Mrs. L. F., Lyndon; ]. th. Fillmore, Lewis, Lundbreck; ro: th. Fisher, Mrs. Lizzie J., Carl- stadt; 1. sh. Spang, Mrs. Flora B., High River; rt. th. Fleet, Mrs. L. A., Hand Hills; rt. sh. Girard, Leonard, Brosseau; rt. sh. Boag, Lawrence J., Pincher Station; rt. sh. 1 hoes ee Cree) meee Lizarr, Tolman; {fiat sy McFarland, Joshua L., Medi- cine Hat; rt. sh. Blake & Cunnington, Calgary; rt. sh. Hibbert, John A., Pine Lake; rt. th: Hurd, Leslie S., Hill Spring; l. th. Baillie, Jr., Robert, Warner; rt. th. Vs wae Py Pa ies Heakter, Hat; 1. t zk Roderick, Medicine h. (|| Hale, Leslie, Sedgewick; rt. sh. Heald, Alva L., Daysland; ]. th. Se a ( Re ( Hegwy, F., Amisk; rt. th. a 2 Be a Hans A., Daysland; . th. Es 4 Hadwin, Henry, Sanderville; rt. th: mK Holfling, Louis, Castor; 1. th. Houghland, Halvor, Elk Point; rt. th. No) 4 > on © ef ct © to A ee = for wd ° ° Kr Hardy, H. Lewis, Irma; 1. th. Schmaltz, Ludwig, Crossfield; rt. sh. i aA Ball, H. J., Medicine Hat; 1. sh. Jeffries, Geo. H., Pekisko; rt. sh. Lucas, John Wm., Didsbury; rt. th. Kennedy, D. L., Vermilion; rt. sh. Huxley, W. L., High River; rt. th. Lindland, T., St. Kilda; rt. sh. Lloyd, F. H. & K. E., Hutton; » SD. L kK Lemire, Remi, Macleod; rt. HK Kehoe, L. L., Vermilion; 1. sh. ) Bell, A. J., Shepard; rt. h. La Pointe, Henry, St. Paul de Metis; rt. sh. Ross, J. A., Cadogan; rt. sh. Cox, Mrs. Lue, Lethbridge; 1. th. Ree 1 SB AN |X K em UES ae I Lewis, John L., Stettler; 1. sh. oe — Burroughs, L. W., Sarcee; Tt. OR: 0 a Llewlyn, Wm., Grassy Lake; rt. th. a aa Newport, Allen, Wianwright; 1. sh. a — Leckrom, G. O., Bow Island; rt. h. - [- Moran, Mrs. Mary, Jethson; rt. th: Martin, Alice, Rosebud Creek; rt. th. [- a Schier, L., Parrella; rt. sh. Pinkerton, L. F., Strathmore; tt. th. Theroux, Noe, Wetaskiwin; ]. th. Lindeman, W. L., Milk River; rt. th. — c Pinkerton, L. F., Strathmore; rt. th. be wd |. N Nichol, Mrs. Russell, Three -1 Hills; rt. h. S N Nethercott, Lloyd & John, Abilene; 1. sh. Craig, Joshua, Morrin; rt. th Mulligan, John D., Peace River Crossing; 1. sh. Allan, Robert A., Dalroy; rt. th. aa Peters, Joe, Burmis; 1. sh. McIntosh, James N., Hamilton Lake; rt. th. air 9s Nise: Martha, Cardston; sh. McDonald, Mrs. M. L., Sum- merview; 1. sh. a a Piss, Pad ae Ross, Hugh, Beaver Lodge; rt. th. Makers Theodore, Morinville; rt. B: F Bothamely, W., Sunnyslope; rt. sh. Lisemer, C. R., Neapolis; 1. sh. ee Boe, Le DPS, Wilson, A. E., Pincher City 1. sh. ee eo) Robb, Mrs. W. L., Cairns; 1. sh. iK Selleck, E. M., Greencourt; rt. sh. Maek H. L., Gladys; in wR = Smith, Lorne, Gaetz Valley; rt. h Doggua, J. W., Kimball; 1. sh. TR Strobel, Leopold, I., Coutts; l. sh. Duchesneau, Louis, St. Paul des Metis; rt. th. a thr ee thn McCord, Theodore M., Elinor; ]. th. Livingstone & Sons, John, Cal- gary; rt. sh. eae tT Silversides Bros., Curlew; rt. sh. Ladds, Philip S., Calgary; th. ES ) _ Alberta Brand Book ~ Dorsey, L., Suffield; 1. th. Soderstrom, Axil L., Viellette; rt. sh. Lang, Sr., Frederick, Beiseker; Tt.:h. Larson, Anton, Scona; rt. sh. 2 Schmidt, Ludwig, Irvine; l. h. MacDonald, John A., Cheadle; rt. th. Silverthorn, R. L., Aidrie; rt. sh. CN Tai, Sang, Raymond; 1. th. Lyledale Stock Farm, J. L. Clark, Sedgewick; rt. th. WV IWR Taylor, Wm. E., Content; l. sh. L— —| Towle, L. T., Bowell; rt. sh. | Thompson, Lewis Henry, Tro- chu; rt. th. bats Taylor, Mrs. Louisa, Cochrane; l. sh. Sinclair, Francis Herbert, Ew- ing; Waddams, D. M., Muirhead; rt. th. p= Birdsall, W. E., Blackie; If l. sh. - ep = be | Ls 4 kK Howse, Ben, North Bank; 1. sh. [— — Harford, H., Elbow River: 1. th. < \ / Baden, Hugh & John L., Hearn- leigh; rt. sh. a Laing, Andrew, Redlowe; rt. th. Roberts, Henry L., Brant; rt. sh. Mackenzie, Francis, Peace Riv- er Crossing; rt. th. Davis, John, Red Deer; . sh. eo Henry, Battle Creek; Lamoureux, E., Lac La Biche; ith. Me Moe, Mrs. Sarah, Trenville; l, sh. V Eola - a i eg, Se aK VV a ( L [- = NITIN 95 Lajeunesse, Edward, Beauval- lon; rt. sh. Larson, Sylvester, Rumsey; rt. sh. Blanton, B. R., Bassano; ES th. Louden, Harry, Big Valley; ]. th. Lewin, John C., Sarcee; l. sh. Vaughn, Walter R., Bottrel; rt. sh. Harris, Joseph Allan, Taber; Th th: Hunter, Alex., Mecheche; l. th. Heizman, Frederick; Schuler; rt. sh. Ferguson, Mrs. T. R., Marker- ville; rt. h. Linde, Walter, Taber; rt. sh. Watson, Lee, Ponoka; bath. Woodcock, David R., Warner; rt. h. Davis, L. W., Innisfail; 1. th. Vannice, R. L., Stavely; rt. sh. Roberts, W. W., Taber; rt. th. Williams, Lulaha, Radway Cen- tre; rt. sh. Lees, Herbert W., Edmonton; 1. th. Hardie, W. D. L., Lethbridge; rt. sh. Luscombe, Wm., New Dayton; rt. th. Lehr, Wm., Walsh; 1. th. Crepin, Jean, Trochu Valley ]. th. Plowman, Frank, Spring Point; rt. sh. Zuberbier, Mrs. Lena; Whitla; rt. h Sanders, E. C., Baronet; rt. sh. rey Louis, Lake Demay; l. h, 96 Alberta Brand Book dee Mrs. Matilda, Talbot; . sh. McRae, Andrew Burns, Pekis- Son Of 43thi Larsen, G. F., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. . NO Lee a ms Na C. W., High Hills; ae Laycraft, Ella Jane, Veteran; 1. sh. ct ON Stager, Morris, Calgary; rt... ar ene David, Winnifred; eh McClellan, L. K., Red Deer; rt. sh. Clarke, M. E., Brant; ia He Manning, Wm., Coutts; ey; Monroe, A. M., Sask.; 1. sh. Bic Alex., Macleod; Maple Creek, Voisey, Guy E., Stavely; rt. sh. Meadi, Wm. H., Chinook; 1. sh. Miller, Mrs. Hugh, Irricana; 1. th. asa te tama M., Sedgewick; 1. j Metzger, C. H., Stirling; h. rt. 8 Matkin, Heber J., Cardston; rt. th: M Miller, George, Cravath Cor- ners; 1. sh. I CUBEETEETT GLEE: a Morrison, John MeNicoll, Man- M ville; rt. j. Mallor, Adolphus,- Lac St. M Anne; rt. th. | < EERE Lb Lamb, O. I., Bowden; rt. sh. as a pec: A. G., Calgary; — Pb m5) Curlew; Crosby, G. R., Vermilion; cee mae ort. th. Marshall, A., Milnerton; 1. sh. Smith, Jim, Cardston; ‘ rt. sh. Meiklejohn, J., Medicine Hat; 1. sh. McDonald, Duncan, Brant; rt. 3 Haney, Harry M., Bowyville;> 1. th. Mills, Wm., Taber; rt. sh. Morgenson, Morres, Red Wil- low; 1. sh. Mather, Alexander, Alix; rt. th. Peterson, M. F., High River; Re Maxwell, Wm., Doley; rt. sh. Moriglan, B., Stauffer; 1. sh. Mifflin, John, Leavings; | Bias Roberts, arg Ellen, § Frank- burg; r ae oa Jas. Wilton,Slide Out; ‘ | | Mason, John, Queenstown; | rt. th. 1 Rickett, John & Milton: Loma: . th. Alberta Brand Book Martin, Chas. E., Livingstone; | ops Mallory, Grant C., Lawrence; 1. sh. Mills, Mrs. Margt. A., Calgary; rt. sh. Morrison, Geo., Medicine Hat; Tbe 3. Magnard, M., Trochu Valley; rt. sh. Renke, David M., sons; rt. j. Seven Per- Orton, D. W., Kinnondale; 1. sh. Mooney, J. M., Nateby; 5 oe we Williams, M. G., Fort Pitt; A J. Moxley, Frank, Dorothy; rt. sh. Meek, Kenneth, Medicine Hat: rt. th. McPherson, Ad., Black Dia- mond; I. sh. McLosky, Edgar, Vermilion; Bre Maris, Fred. J., Chinook; 1. th. NeClosky, John, Rosalynn; rt. n. Macomber, Geo., L. Queens- town; rt. sh. Graham, J. M., Calgary; 1. sh. McMahon, M. J., Bassano; rt. th. Marland, J., Bellevue; rt. sh. Munroe, Mrs. Mary E., Milo; ]. sh. Percevault, M. A., Colernan; rt. h. er; 1. th. rt. sh. Nvwée McCann, John, Coaldale; Ti tP. M\ Allred, Marlin, Raymond; 1 PX 1. th. SHEECECOUIEEEESODESHIEIID Potter, Frank, Milnertown; rt. sh. Giesler, Henry J., Brant; l. sh. vir a Bros., Calgary; Baughman, O. H., Blayney; rt. J. McBride, James M., Granum; rt. n. Hatt, Mrs. Mary, Holding; Ly. Ballard, Marshall, Carlstadt; rt. sh. Nortenson, M. C., Doley; I. th. Walton, Wm., rt. th. Cochrane; McClung, John, Nanton; l.n, se nel Magnus, Pakan; Grenier, Mrs. Morace, Carbon; rt. sh. Dundas, James, Sunnyslope; Ll. h. Minor, T. H., Magrath; rt. th. Driscoll, Mattie, Carstairs; rt. sh. Christensen, Andrew, Suffield; | ae oe g tk Mary E., Innisfail; rt. Hambleton, W. E., Brooks; rt. sh. Evans, Wm., Coleman; l. n. Friesen, Martin, Lone Pine; Tt}: Hunter, M. E., Rawdonville; . St. Michell, E. B. D., Gillingham; l. sh. Masse, Joseph, Calgary; rt.’sh. Brown, T. M., Spring Point; rt. th. McFarlane, Walter, Morley; l. h. Mitchell, rt. sh. Alfred, Bow Island; eo) 8 Alberta Ferguson, Dr. H. J., Irvine; ]. sh. Mansfield, L. Tt: }. M., Bowell; Fraser, D. Tuman, Sundrie; | ABS Miama Farming Co., Ltd., New Dayton; I. th. MecEathron, H. W., ]. sh. Okotoks; Magee, James, Davisburg; rt. sh. Homulos, Mike, Lethbridge; l. sh. Mason, Harry, Carmangay; 1. sh. Meer, John, Warner; rt. sh. Mattack, Joseph, Stettler; rt. h. Moskier, John, Coaldale; rt. sh. Morgan, John, Dog Pond; ]. sh. 3 McColl, John A., Didsbury; rt. th. wc hs ee J. M., Brownfield; oh: Murdoch, John, Hicksburg; l. sh. McKenzie, C:. J., Perbeck; rt. sh. McRae, Mrs. F. B., Blairmore; ne McClelland, Kellog D., Barons; 4 oe Bs Knights, Richard, Millarville; sh. Kinsch, Michael R., Bow Is- ® jand; rt. sh. Miller, H. L., Beiseker; rt. sh. Suehok, Mike, Coutts; th. Mullholand & Son, D., Elinor; are Lauterbach, Martin, Red Wil- low; rt. sh Lewis & Middleton, Lineham: 1. h. Carson, Mrs. S. L., Calgary; 1. sh. ePEETTTEUTLEELELEEEEL (50 ¢ ie) i) © 38 ; Qu < ee) ° ° yr ae. & Rhodes, Cochrane; rt <4 aie eee: M. R., Geatamst Moon, J. R., Calgary; rt. sh. The Monmouth Ranch, Grasem Lake; 1. n. Mercier, Romuald, Vermilion; rt. sh. J McArthur, G. D., Curlew; rt. th. Fuller, Annie E., Elean; 1. th. f McClennan, John, Lethbridge; rt. sh. Behe us Martha A., Yarrow; bee James, Medicine Hat; rt McInenly, Wm. Henry, Moss- leigh; rt. th. aes John A., Garden Plains 2 | Mellvride, Wm., Tolman; ~ rt. sh. McPherson, D., Erskine; ]. th. ‘ Trueman, A:, Hoskin; rt. sh. Clarkson, W. J., Irvine; 1. thi. } Austin, Millard, Trenville; — a Mills, Albert, Tristram; ]. sh. Mos Joseph, Lethbridge; q Weech, Wm., Claresholm; 4 rt. fl. FH # Bosch, S., Lethbridge; + rt. sh. Bower Mike, Pincher Creek « DB F Low w% M. B., Fieldholme; rt Montgomery, 8S. H. & R. ES Moline; rt. sh. Beckhuson, Martin H,, Trocht 1. th. 4 < SHECEERIIESEEEEEEESOGEE Mortensen Bros., Delia; ~~ : rt ; ie s on © 4 ct © ty rs me =) Pu w ° ° Kr Barland, Miss Mary, Medicine Hat; rt. sh. paceuae & Brazil, High River; 1. sh. Christensen, Morris, Pincher reek; 1. j. McLean, Malcolm, Neapolis; rt. sh. McFarlane, Mrs. Mabel, Cal- gary; l.h Carpenter, Mrs. Magdalena A., Dry Forks; rt. sh. Conner, M. J., Warner; 1. sh. Calderwood, Mary, Macleod; rt. th. Chenger, Mike, Lethbridge; rt. sh. McCaig, Wm., Walsh; l. sh. Cardell, Maurice G., wright; |. th. Wain- 4 ea Moses, Rumsey; ae McDonald Bros., Brant; Fe. }. Jackson, Mrs. Maud, Gleichen; rt. h. MeDonald, Arch. E., Bassano; 1. th. McCuaig, Duncan, Fieldholme; rt. sh. Marshall, Mrs. A. E., Spring- ridge; rt. th. Sinclair, A. C., Rose Lynn; rt. sh. McDonald, J. A., Copeville; 1. sh. Burton, Alfred M., Lyndon; rt. sh. vent same on rt. h. Marshall, F. P., Spring Point; sh. Maddock, George, High River; ]. sh. Gabert, Michael, Williston; 1. h. Gleeson, M. J., Berry Creek; rt. sh. Greguszies, Martin, Taber; rt. th. Gates, Sr., Mike, Taber; l. sh. re < bere Hare we = elle [lala K ai ES EEG: (a RE bn PG (po hy tm 4d PP M te << BU) ra)

2 o a! ct © td ¥ +] 5 for w& ° i) Fr Silvermann, Martin, Blayney; ]. th. Slawson, Melisa, Burdett; rt. th. Maxwell, Joseph, Brocket; ]. sh. Taylor, Harry M., Cochrane; l. h. Tiffen, F. M., Three Hills; rt. th. mm Mc Inroy, Thomas, Edwell; 1. sh. Taylor, Michael, Calgary; rt. sh. Man Tong, High River; 1. h. Miller, Tony, Red Lodge; l. sh. Trimble, May, Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Toy, Matt., Grassy Lake; rt. sh. Middleton, Theodore, Shepard; 1. sh. Warkes, Margt. M. T., Pine Lake; r. h. Gilgan, Norman A., Mayton; rt. sh. Mowat, George E., Cowley; ]. sh. Noble, H. M., Harmattan; rt: 3: Whyte, M. I., Alix, rt. sh. i< = MecMeehan, Wm., McEwan; l. sh. M. A., Bassano; Maclean, I: Ny i McRorie, James, Provost; { cs sh. Burrett, M. R., Brooks; 1. sh Findlay, Myron L., Noble; rt. th. Gy CS OES O1O Matthews, W. A., Strathmore; 1. th. Mathison, Andrew C., Strath- more; rt. sh. McGowan, C. E. & W. R., Kil- lam; rt. sh. re — mak +- O “<< +. Menzies, 8. H., Provost; l. sh. Hutton, J. R., Bentley; tak: Gogarty, Maurice G., Red Deer; sf Miller Bros. milion; 1. h. ar 4 & Wilson, Ver- WAV A Diement, Mark P., Stavely; rt. sh. Drews, Mrs. M., Spring Point; 1. sh. Hanagan, D. E., Mossleigh; rt. sh. Murray, Louisa, Elnora; rt. th Eliasen, Marius, Dickson; rt. sh. Fouth, Mike, Altorado; l. sh. ax a | 3S | | x 7 pa ae \-< F ak - < - | ee - Tad bes ERS es z)2|= McFayden, Mrs. Matilda, Cal- gary; rt. sh. : Murray, Fred. W., Walsh; 1. sh. Macfarlane, Mack, Stettler; rt. th. Maley, A. F., Brooks; rt. sh. Fanero, Michael, Bellevue; l. sh. Foien, Mahlon N., Hutton; ]. sh. Fischer, Mathew, Burdette; l. sh. Hibler, S. M., Nanton; l. sh. Harwadt, Martin, Walsh; rt. sh. Hunt, Mrs..Mary A., Carbon; rt. sh. Larson, Martin, Halkirk; rt. sh. mm Lewis, Milton, Grassy Lake; rt. th Loomis, Margt. E., Lakesend; hosh. Bjorustad, Carl, Champion; 1. th. Wright, John P., Wiste; rt. sh. Macleod, Murdo P., Cadogan; 1. sh. Morris, Bernard Howard, Kew; rt. th. Lemm & Co., Math., Holden; rt. th. Neve, Millicent, Iron Springs; rt. sh. Nathorst, Mrs. H., Pincher Station; rt. sh. Gilgan, Wm. E., Mayton; l. h. Moser, Ludwig, Irvine; ]. th. Moffatt, Joseph, Carstairs; l. sh. Monroe, John & Adelbert, Mos- side; rt. th. Miller, Peter, Winnington; s §6j. th. Reay, Matthew, Lamerton; rt. sh. —t f—) bo Alberta Brand Book Rieger, Mathew, Gros Ventre; rt. sh. Rasch, Michael, Irvine; rt. sh. MR E Sarcon, Mike, Haneyville; rt. sh. S wn Sproat, Q. M., Seven Persons; rt. th. Anderson, Mark A., Stavely; 1. th. Show, Walter, Fraserton; 1. sh. Anderson, Mark A., Stavely; 1. th. Stewart, Maitland E., Field- holme; |. sh. Wilson, J. H., Wimborne; lh. Saulsberry, A. D., High River; Tt. sh. a Te) Slattery, Mikel, Bowell; l. th. Muncaster & Sons, Priddis; ]. sh. RS ie | S Mackay, John P., Warner; rt. h. Merriam & Son, Wm. N., Milk River; 1. th. M S Mackay, John P., Magrath; rt. th. rE ki th Spencer, Sam A., Macleod; 1. sh. M {: Adamouski, Mike, Killam; l. sh. Dia. Castlein, Andre, Monvyel; rt. sh. sat ric Julius, Bentley;. Maddrell, John T., New Hill; rt. sh. McLean, Justus H., Calgary; rt. sh. Maxwell, Frank A., Warner; rt. th. ss Fe 4, Max, Cheadle; ae x Wahlund, Mange, Sedgewick; rt. th. Lloyd, Ambrose, Carlstadt; rt. sh. Wd Ae N Irving & Cooper, High River; 1. sh. Cavan, Henry & Kealy, Os- wald W., Medicine Hat; rt.h. vent bar under. Neff, Chas. E., Medicine Hat; Tid: Sheepwash, N., Fishburn; rt. r., under back band. Nicholson, 8. W., Faith; rt. n. Bell, John Avery, Okotoks; ef Sprague, T. G., Seven Presons; l. th. Hassard, James, Eagle Butte; rt. sh, 7% 5 a ) Rit iN mee Carruthers, W. T., Erskine; rt. h. i—V Gwartney, Joseph N.; Field- holme; !, th. Nixon, J. A., Lignite: rt. sh. se Berryman, Qtis Ernest, Stave ly; 1. th. : Smith & Co., Mary, Vanday, Peace River; rt. sh, Pearson, Robt. D., Arthurdale; Tti3; rane; rt. sh. McLean, Neil, Shepard; 1. th. SEEEEEE Bacon, Ernest McG., Coch- Se » log ® rt ct & iss) rt 9 =) fu is) io) 2) ae 103 Delloca, Noel, Gleichen; Te. th. Ne Noah, Neapolis; Bs a, Lee, edntae J Rittenhouse, G. L., High River; Weneele W. H., Fieldholme; Ni B Dennis, N. E., Irvine; XI rt. sh. Tb. th. ar Dixson, H. F., Lucky Strike; Erickson, N. E., Erskine; ‘ rt. sh. rt. sh. Sisaot John W.S., Little Plume; sv biae \ we TA. Harris, Beatrice & neetore VA. Maple Creek, Sask.; 1. ie = D. W., Minda; Bateman, Geo. D., Brant; rt. th. A age Frank, Cardston; Ekelund, Mrs. M. IL. Twin Butte; Rg os 5 mm P. L.; Lethbridge; Marsh, C. G., Granum; rt. th. aa W.O., Pincher Creek; Murton, E. H., Mill River; 1. th. Ness, O. M., Raven; Newman, Fred, Irvine; i m. l. sh . sh. Landale, A. C., Millarville; 1. th. & sh. (vent same inver- ted on 1. sh.) Fernstrom, Mrs. N., Coronation bee Hampshire, George, Ewing; ft. th. Newman, A. L., Dorothy; te Uh. Loughi, G., Strathmore; rt. sh. Nicholls, B. 8., Ryley; l. sh. Hayes, Stanley Nial, Lloydmin- ster, Sask.; 1. th. eres Mrs. John, Fox Cou- lee; h. Whittock, J. W., Suffield; Jackson, Norman, Bowell; oe fs a Norris, Ethel D., Crossfield; Young, W. T., Blairmore; rt. j. rt. J. Campbell, H. N., Grand Prai- Burkholder, C. E., Chimney rie; rt. j. Rock; 1. h. Clarke, Bros., Lochend; ]. sh. Harrison, Norman, Sunnyslope: rt. h rt. th. Calder, N. B., Cardston; Wheeler, Geo. A., Berry Creek; rt. sh. rt. sh. Shellabarger, D. M., Seven Per- MeNéeil, T., Lethbridge; sons; l. j. rt. th. Noffsinger, C. H., Lesser Slave Agee John, Arthurvale; Lake; 1. th. 6: 3 Robinson, Wm. High River; Scott, Huggard + McKeen, Lac rt. sh St. Anne; rt. Nay Bros., Cardston; Bird, E> Noel, Lloydminster; rt. j. rt. th. \ B Burgoyne, N. C., Trochu Val- Little, N. W., Heaton Moor; ee = soley; I. n rt. th. a Gallivan, V.S., M. V.,- Leth- bridge; rt. j. VERULSSERUUGEUGEESSEEOTET Dix, Nicholas, Suffield; eB Alberta —_ 04 Brand Book Newman, Butta, Coleridge; rt. sh. Hilts, Nelson, A., Didsbury; 1. th. Mack, D. B., Stavely; Green, P. N., Medicine Hat; 1. sh. Peterson, Nels, Claresholm; rt. sh. McFadden, Samuel, Tapscott; Lith. White, Wm., Carbon; rh: hk: Rogers, N. B., High River; rt. sh. Remington, N. B., Milk River on. Robinson, G. N., Tolman; l. sh. Ferguson, N. D., Fieldholme; eee Rocan, Max, rt. Netzer, Andro, Granum; ]. th. nington; rt. sh. Townshead & Bonnyman, Langdon; 1. th. iS Gilchrist, W. F., Ten Mile; 1. th. Stimson, Percy W., Plume; 1. th. Johnson, Neil W., Reid Hill; l. sh. Watson Bros., Summerview; I Bae ae a eS eee SEs Calvert & Son, Nanton; rt. n. Colla l,j ie e2 rd, Nelson, Pine Lake; NC Winnipeg, Man. Nottage, Thos. Hingston, Win- Bebout, W. E., Garden Plains; ee Little C Crippen, Norton B.; Erskine; 1. th. Clark, Neil, Brooks; 1. th. Dwigans, J. N., Brant; rt. sh. . Galloway, Frank H., Calgary; rt. th. ZLZNZATZ Se i Walter J., Stoppington; - SD. Hotchkiss, N. E.,Gleichen; l. sh. a Nathaniel, Nanton; Bandella, Richard, St. Paul de Metis; rt. sh. Namaka Farm Co., Ltd., Na- maka;.rt. sh. Neff, E. C., Medicine Hat; 1, sh. Fadorek, Nick, Mundare; | 1. th. . ’ as is Te N. Geo., Sundial; ae Hodges, N. M., Goddard; 1. th. Nowak, Joseph, Warner; rt. th. McGree, N. J., Fieldholme; l. sh. Johnston, Nels, Edensville; ]. th. Nelson, Martin, Irvine; rt. sh. Snideman Bros., Eagle Hill; rt. sh. es 99 Mrs. Eleanor, Okotoks; . th. Nolan, C. A., Rosebud; rt. h. ea Stewart Bros., Fieldholme; McLean, Nephi L. Purple VA A . sh. Springs; rt. sh. Sheffield, Geo., Macleod; Beauchemin, Napoleon, Glei- VA aN rt. sh. chen; rt. th. Spane, J. B., Reid Hill; Malcolm, H. A., Innisfail; VA B l. sh. 1. th. Cunningham, Napoleon, St. Newman, F. E., Pincher Creek; N G Albert; rt. th. rt. sh. Oliver, W. F., Didsbury; l. th. i Pas Poth Wa NG Fs Faas SES Pa ae at De PE PE Magee, Nellie, Caseleyville; e » ob. = V\ V\ A Alberta Brand Book Pearson & Kettleson,. Millar- ville; 1. sh. Moore, Harry N., Mayville; \M ioe Nanson Bros., Bow Island; rt. th. Thurston, J. land; 1. sh. Newton, Frank L., Edmonton; Tb. ji. W. F., Bow Is- Oxley, Thos. B., Calgary; l. th. Newton, W. E., Lethbridge; 1. sh. Phelps, Nathaniel, Cochrane; rt. sh. Poulsen, Niels C., Magrath; 1 PS a yg Noble M., Innisfail; Fg ee Ross, Norman M., Milk River; rt. sh. Winter, Noel R., Jumping Pond. 1. sh. Ruel, Napoleon, Medicine Hat; 1. th. Hart, N.F.F., Lac St. Anne; ro: Sheepwash, N., Fishburn; rt. fl Carry, Robt. L., Champion; ]. sh. Seward, N. B., Magrath; rt. sh. Dahlstrom, Nels, Cottonwood; rt. th. Sokvitne, N. L., Reid Hill; 1. th. Lockard, H. J., Taylorville; rt. sh. Night (Indian), Medicine Hat; ]. th. Noble, Mrs. Tryphina, Consort; 1. th. McClain, N. T., Didsbury; 1. sh. Tanner, N. W., Aetna; rt. th. Augesten, Hjalmar, Earline; rt. h. a Eeeeperd, G. E., High River; . th. lh ZIPIZIZAIZ IIB IAA AIS 2 IZZIE elise ke oI FE IAAT TI IE om aOloala NIN] -clelel< Lehr, John, Irvine; rt. sh. ve Moore, W., Acme; l. th. Pg eke No Ohio-Alberta Farming Co., Wt Gia Lethbridge; rt. sh. Sarcbley & Rhodes, Cochrane; . sh. Mrs. O. B., Meche- Murdock, che; |. sh. Stephenson, J. H., Curlew; 1. sh. O # Rhoads, 8., Cochrane; Tt: }. tO CD) 1< Thompson, Ole, Trenville; rt. sh. # Sanderson, T. I., Halkirk; rt. sh. Hughson, H. A., Lundbreck; l. n. Harris, R., Milk River; rt. th. Crawford, Robert, Ferry Point; rt. sh. Benson, O. H., Lethbridge; l. th. Osbourne Bros., Taber; rt. th ples, Oliver, Richdale; Culham, Douglas, Bassano; 1. th. Cartier, Omer, Stettler; l. sh. Oo. Mitchell, Mrs. Kate;-Okotoks, 1. sh. Read & Swinburn, Eagle Butte; 1. sh. Bewley, R. L., Calgary; rt. sh. Harris, C. C.,-Copeville; l. th. @1 ke Oo sAUETOEEHET Jones, O., Medicine Hat; l. th. Day, Aubrey, Bowell; rt. sh. McDowell, Robert T., Calgary; eat Arkinstall, Chas. F., Sedgewick; l. sh. Fulton, Chas. O., Brant; O F 1. sh. Fenske, Otto, Seven Persons; rt: sh. OF 3 Sinclair Bros., Tolman; Va Fitzmaurice, O., Milk River; rt. th. CEES a} T) Duncan, T. L., Comrey; ]. th. 2) 2) : Alberta Brand Book Grigg, Oliver, Fieldholm; rt. sh. Gurney, Orin, Magrath; rt. th: Mogvist, O. C., Brooks; rt. sh, Graham, O. J., Grassy Lake: rt. th. 3 McLean, J. W., Berry Creek; rt. th. Hahn, Otto, Caseleyville; 1. th. Hill, Oliver D., Lesser Slave ake; 1. sh. Hunt & Sons, John, Stettler; rt. th. Holman, Osear, Big Valley; 1. th. Huot, O., Sturgeonville; rt. th. Hefty, Olaus, Taber; 1. sh. Malin, Louis J., Big Valley; 1. sh. COPECO ECD FC I BOO TO Johnson, Olger T., Bentley; rt. sh. Jensen, Ole E., Seven Persons; rt. th: Fitch, Alfred L., Medicine Hat; ih. Barnes, Mrs. John, Islay; — a i Beagle, C. R., High River; l. sh. Olmstend, Wm. J., Erskine; rt; th. ™ Walker, Geo. R., Trochu; 1. sh. me Tricker, Mrs. W. H., Carbon; =: A [AX YR Bell, A. R., Innisfail; rt. n. OLOLTO ~ LX Elliott, Thos., Islay; ey Lunder, C. R., Winnifred; rt;.hi: O’Leary, James, Liberty; ii ah: Leighton, Chas. W., Calgary; ]. th. Langevin, Oliver, Hill End; rt. sh. OO TOITO Lot HEAL Morgan, J. L., Three Hills; 1. sh. O’ Malley, Middleton, Cowley; l. sh. Johnson, Mrs. Jannie, Czar; rt. sh. Johnson, O. P., Czar; 1. th. hg Smith, W. A., Reid Hill; rt. n. Stimson, Geo. P., Little Plume; Sturtevant, Fred, Warner; rt. th. Sleen, Otto, Tinchebray; rt. sh. Sorum, O., Winnifred; ]. sh. O’Lary, Sijmott, Gleichen; rt. th. Thoma, Antoine, Lesser Slave Lake; rt. sh. Tracey, Omer, Trenville; l. th. ae ce Schantz, Austin T., Didsbury; l. th. Purser Bros., Moyerton; rt. j. Wigmore, Nellie, Carbon; l. sh. Burns, Patrick, Calgary; l. th. seg pe, Wesson G., Langdon; sh. Case, Thomas, Burdette; rt. h. Stauffer, S. C., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Cc) Ni Spragg, G., Crossfield; l. h. Gabler, G. L., Stauffer; rt. sh. Johnson, John, Greenlawn; rt. th preen’ W. R., Edmonton; Oligher, John, Fox Coulee; rt. th. an O. E., Strathmore; . ta. eae John A., Springbank; l. sh. OLO};O OO TO ANT lt [FO oto pamene. Elizabeth, Big Valley; rt. sh. Clark & eereete & Co., Stett- ler; l.s Adsit, W. N., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Wilson, Allen, Lamont; rt. sh. Kane, Bert, Langdon; l. th. Russell, Bowden S., Sundre; rt. th. nwt Wm., Innisfail; eh. Wood, Thos. C., Hardisty; Ft. sh. Francis, Milton W., High iver; 1. sh. Ringdahl, Richard, Berry Creek; : Harris, L. R., Irvine; l. sh. Sahlen, Peter, Granum; 1. sh. Miller, Geo. S., Winnifred; rt. th. Mendenhall, lee T., Ray- mond; Jensen Bros., Dickson; rt. sh. a ae ge W., Valejo; pean Wilson, Hearnleigh; CQ rt. MF eee, 8 H., Hutton: Ohlhauser, Jacob; Carbon; rt. sh. paren. John, Strathmore; yt pone. "ain Josephsburg; Fox, Leland W., Oakesdale, Wash., U.S.A.; 1. sh. Hough, Otto V., Okotoks; 1. th. Cardwell, J. D., Taber; rt. sh. Pickard, John, Irvine; 1. sh. Orr, Frank, Stavely; 1. sh. Alberta Brand Book 109 Anderson, Oscar N., Noble; I. sh. O Akins, O. R., Shepard; 1. th. © Brown, W. rt. th. A., Queenstown; Odegard, Anton, Kinnondale; rt. sh. Osmond, Anthony, Fieldholm; rt. sh. OfpC | OC O > Yale, Kent, Berry Creek; ]. sh. Pacy, John C., Pendant de Oreille; rt. th. > 1B C O > Jamieson, O. O., Bassano; 1. th. ¢ CD > Quellette, Philorum, Bonny- ville; 1. sh. Anderbure; QO. P., Sweet Valley; 1G Ohms, A. H., Cluny; 1. sh. Boges, ( Ne A., Daysland; rt. sh Olshaskie, John, Cardston; 1. sh. oO > ( ee O. C., Seven Persons; Camire, Omer, Trochu; rt. th. Curtis, C. J., Hardisty; rt. sh. Courthill, Oliver, Grouard; rt. sh. C2 Cavalier, Leopold, Britain; rt. sh. 0.C ,| Deering, Otto, Irvine; @) D rt. th Doran, C. H., Solon; rt. th. Donovan, John J., Dorothy; rt. th. Stewart & Son, Andrew, Metis- kow; rt. th. Harbison, Joseph, Botha; rt. th. nt tu Geo., Lethbridge; l. sh. Eliason, Oscar, Usona; rt. sh Anthony, George, Pendant D’Oreille; 1. n. a — jo) > a ® - ct © wo | 9 3 a w © 2) ae McFarland, A. O., Medicine Hat; sh. es Nick, Claresholm; ]. sh. Mitchell, Pincher Creek; Burdge, Oliver E., Fieldholm; rth, James A., © aa Everson, Jim, Seven Persons; 1. th. Davies, E. H., Minda; @ Me ( ace ge Adam; Crossfield; Loh © ™ O’Neil, Garnet, Crossfield; rt. sh. Crawford, J. D., 1. sh. O @ Strathmore; © ) © @ Gunther, Herman O., Medicine ; Hat; 1. h. Fowler, J. W., 1. th. i Mellowdale; 2) es | nee ty Ole O., Stirling; h . 8. 38 G> ) Wells & Sons, O. G., Hardisty; 1. sh. © G)? Crull, O. G., Langdon; rt. th. Cc) Gibson, O. L., Langdon; 14h. © Overton & Gill, Airdrie; l. sh. Going, Ollie May, Mountain View; 1. sh. @ Kortgaard, Otto, Haneyville; rt. sh. Kaster, P. J. W. & O. C., Coch- rane; |. sh. Broadhurst, A., Calgary; rt. sh. Lind, Ole, Warner; 1. h. a Hamm, Albert, Wheat Centre; . th. ) aoa tes Olof, Wetaskiwin; . th. oe fe op cet hi Albert, Nilram; O’ Neil, Louis,, Haneyville; 1th. ie | Mills, Jas. S., Biggs, Oregon, J.S.A.; 1. th. © MK! Mondville, Olisnie, Richdale; rt. th. Stromsmoe, Olaf M., Pen. d’ Oreille; 1. th. E © iv, McKay, James, Hillsdown; rt. sh. Housdahl, W. & Mosthof, Chas, Rimbey; rt. sh. Jamieson, John A,, Kelvin Grove, Calgary; rt. th. oa L., Milk River; . sh. Oneal, M. H., Nanton; 1. th. © 2% ( ae We CP) =| | OPe ze | Niles, Arthur, Big Stone; 1. sh. “ee Mrs. E. H., Okotoks; i . th. House, Glenn C., ATrOwRGg: rt. sh. OFO Ro Oscar, Champion; . sh. Nelson, Ole, Queenstown; rt. th. O’ Neil, W. M., Lillico; ]. sh. © Norling, Andrew, Faith; rt. th. J — & Pelham, Maybutt; - SD. © ez C vA Stier, Mrs. Jacob, Okotoks; rt. sh. Kinkade, J. W., Red Deer; 1. sh. : Cc) Heyler, T. M., Big Stone; rt. h. fe >) MeTavish, Hugh, Lethbridge; l. th. me) & Ofrim, Almer, Camrose; rt. sh. Anderson, A. B., Magrath; ]. sh. | @ © Russell, Charles Creek; rt. th. Cheavins, J. W., Chinook; 1. th. E., Berry Salter, Bert, Carbon; rt. th. as Horace A., Strathmore; 1. th. Baker, Ben., Markervyille; rt. sh. Alberta Brand Book 111 gee Williams, Herbert A., Carman- ~o gay; |. sh. Bunnell, Ed., Raymond; 1. th. Caron, J. L., Aldersyde; l. sh. Brown, Dickinson, Blairmore; rt. th. Macdonald, Mrs. Jessie, Belve- dere; rt. sh. Olson, Oliver, Airdrie; rt. th. Coffey, John S., Stettler; rt. sh. Olson, Mrs. Clara, Granum; l. sh. O’Neil, Frank M., Warner; 1. th. Romeo, Sr., J. R., Peavine; rt. sh. Olson, Mrs. Iver, Morrin; 1 th; Lamb, Archibald, Foreman; lth: Payne, O. A., Brownfield; L-sh. Parsons, Walter S., Vermilion; . sh. Dee Pevey, Jerry, Duhamel; rt. sh. Parsons, Wesley J., Vermilion; rt. sh. Paul, Philip, Duhamel; 1. sh. Hutchinson, Clara, Spring Ridge; 1. sh. Portius, Clarence O., Reist; ]. sh. Pyne, Sr., Joseph, Warner; . sh. Peterson, Oscar A., Glencurrie; rt. sh: Rudy, Herbert, Stoppington; 1. th. Mackey, Odo Richard, Baronet; 1. sh. Robertson, James, Knee Hill Valley; rt. sh. Williams, E., Elcan; l. sh. Olson, Oluf R., Seven Persons; rt. sh. Reay, Albert N., Strathmore; rt. sh. © Pe () O’Rielly & Sons, Eli, Bellshill; rt. sh. Mark, Oscar Roy, Paradise Val- “<5 ley; rt. sh. Robinson, Mrs. Isabel, crest Mines; |. sh. @ wa ) ey, Hill- Be By Schueler, Otto, Daysland; rt. sh. Stronestad, Mikkal, Curlew; rt. sh. ool proule, Oliver, Penhold; rt. sh. © (CM? wD a eae Olof, Stoppington; . sh. Cor Coa Ce: Armstrong Bros., Evarts; 1. sh. CS O’Donnell, H. B., Nanton; 1. sh. () Reed, Duncan, Delia; 1. sh. OFO Ce West, Bert, Comrey; ]. sh. ( Barby, O., Glenn Banner; rt. th. © < McLaren, J. M., Walsh; rt. sh. © e| Anderson, Otto, Frankburg; l. sh. Bigurstrom, J. D., Many Ber- ries; | Nelson, John, Carbon; rt. th. Fodness, Halstein, Holden; . sh. McNab, Peter, Jumping Pond; rt. sh. Hubbell, Perry, Edensville; th. Smith, Oleha V., Keoma; l. th. Q —o * © S = ; ane, Wilson R. W., Alix; sh. OLO FO Romeo, Jr., J. R., Peavine; rt. sh. oO < ()) Vossler, Jr., John, Newburg; ]. sh. Oo < Kisch, Martin, Brownfield; rt. sh. O Ee Davis, T. M., Vulcan; 1. sh. OV. ( pd —" bo Alberta Brand Book Howatt, T. A., Copeville; 1. sh. V Walker, Thos. F., Lawsonburg; 1; O Howie, Jas., Steveville; 1. th. O < Sou a James, Camrose; ie We ee Thos. A., Copeville; . th. il Edgar, Henry, Medicine Hat; rt. th ae x< Bailey, Earl A., Red Willow; rt. sh. © >< Kininmouth, J., Dorothy; Tt th: Rogers, Asa, Tofield; rt. th. H O >< ( -_ Pion Carbon; fi >< Riddle, Leonard, Copeville; rt. she OX Bishop, Roy E., Calgary; 1. sh. © a Hugh O., Lac St. Anne; WIS ~< Meee & Sons, C. J., Kew; . th. 2) N Gibb, Jesse, Raymond; rt. th. Inman & McFarlane, Veteran; rt. sh. . Inman & Krohn, Veteran; rt. sh. O oe) ) 4 Pegg, T. C., St. Kilda; 1. th. Pierce, James & Wm., Brooks; rt. th. vent bar above Poutra, Maxiens, Peace River Crossing; rt. th. Smith, Rankin P., Bassano; Pon: Playle, Arch. Henry, Living- stone; rt. sh. Porter, G. P., Te. 2. Grassy Lake; were Lonergan, Wm. P., Ewing; rt. sh. Pyrah, Samuel, Magrath; sap Pfeifer, Melton H., Lochend; ag Fae Binder, Philip, Bow Island; oe rt Parker, Ben, Kinnondale; 1. sh. DERE Shannon, W. J. & L. H., Medi- cine Hat; oe Porter Bros., Leo; lah. Hutton, P. G., Gleichen;; Betts, Peter F., Raymond; 1. sh. McPherson, P., Nanton; rt. sh. Hines, Howard, Strathmore; 1. th. Carter, Leslie L., Bullockville; l. sh. Sundberg, Albion, Tolman; 1. th. Peck, Wm. J., Fourways; rt. th Pain, W. S., Stettler; 1. sh. Pitts, T. W., Bowville; _ rt. sh. aGREERGUEE . ELCEECEETTTETELEEEEE Alberta Brand Book Peterson, Frank J., Erskine; kth. Plant, Mrs. Wilhehmina, Beau- mont; 1. sh. Pennington, James G., Wain- wright; rt. th. Hoaglin, Paul W., Taber; rt. sh. Pattullo, W. T., Talbot; 1. th. S Patterson, James, Cochrane; rt. h Proctor, E. B., Clive; 1. sh. Pawsey Bros., Edgerton; Vth: i alarig C. L., Magrath; 1 Peters, James M., Kennex; rt. th Peterson, Ben, Raymond; ]. sh. ae hig G., Hand Hills; . th. Pfeifer,-Gottleib, Walsh; rt. sh. Purtu, Mrs. J. M., Brooks; rt. sh. Perry, Miss M. J. L., Grassy ake; h. Anderson, P., Parkland; rt. sh. Peterson Bros., Spring Coulee; rt. h Brown, Peter, Hutton; rt. sh. Gatley, Alfred P., Huxley; 1. th. Breeding, W. P., Willows; rt. h. Brewster & Moore, Banff; rt. sh. Cyr, Paul M., rt. sh. Pincher Creek; aye ag Philip O., Gleichen; . sh. Vander Doorn, Antonius E., Minda; rt. h Dean, Peter A., Daysland; rt: th. Dumont, Pascal, Duhamel; rt. sh. pHTEEEOGOOMEAEFFEOSOGRITE we oh moi David P., Stettler; di ayes, Soren A., Stettler; i Palmer, Jas. T. F., Lethbridge; HH: sh. Gregson, James, Taylorville; rt. th. Ferber, Peter J., Calgary; rt. sh. Sabey, Isaac Magrath; l. th. LeGuen, P., Innisfail; rt. sh. Poch, Wenzel, Frank; kh: Addy, Harold, Taber; rt. h. Haslam, P. J., High River; l. sh. Hampson, Phyllis, Meadow Creek; 1. j. Hallam, Percy, Irricana; rt. th. gett George, Didsbury; . th. Payne, Joseph, Mountain View; rt. th Stevenson, George, Mt. Plea- sant, Calgary; !. r. Stone, Rede, Grand Prairie; 1. sh . Sn. agiee: Robert, Grand _ Prairie; . th. Mundell, John, Okotoks; TU, ti. Owsley, Dock, Barons; l. h. Leonard, Percy, Sidney and Vernie, Seven Persons; rt. j. ves aaa O. P., Hicksburg; . sh. Mills, Preston, Gleichen; rt. sh. Miller, Peter, Content; 1. BR: McKay, Peter, Lobley; . sh. Patnaud & McMillan, Stettler; ]. sh. am Marshall, Melbourne P., East- way; r es 14 Alberta Brand Book Pay, Jacob, Seven Persons; rt. th McNeil, Thomas, Macleod; 1. th. Menoite, Phillip, Airdrie; rt. sh. Day, Herbert A., Lacombe; 1, th. West, J. A., Carbon; 1, sh. Ragan, Paul, Stettler; rt. sh. silat Preil, Robert M., Calgary; l. h. Robinson, Pettit, Macleod; rt. th. oR Rayko, Paul, Bellevue; 1. th. Sanderson, Alfred P., Sunny- slope; 1 Hendrickson, P. T., Cardston; ]. sh. Vain, Peter, Gleichen; . §. Patterson & Wiper, Stirling; ]. sh. Puddicombe, Wm., Medicine Hat; rt. sh Deman, Peter, Granum; Te 6h. Walscott, E. P., Raymond; l. th. Wheatley, P. V., Taber; 1. th. Page, Wilford, Maple Creek, Sask.; 1. sh. Hall, Frederick D., Calgary; 1. h. Perkins, Mrs. Henry, Lochend; l. sh. Darblay, Pierre, Tinchebray; rt. sh. Paquette, Tobaldo, Rosebud Creek; rt. h. Raynor, R., oye 4, eae Montana, P.O; Abby, P. H., Sunnyslope; rt. th. -TEERTEEERUEETE test Atkinson, Pauline, Taber; Lsab. Besson, Baptist, Grandi Prai- rie; 1. sh. “UTU o}-0| 0] 2 am aad hoo) HEE Buchring, Paul C., Winnifred; rt. sh. Baldwin, Percy, Queenstown; rt. sh. Bodener, Peter, North Bank; rt. h. Beck, Peter, Dry Fork; rt. th. ee Bros., Frank; Pe Byrne, Peter, Suffield; Ir-she Oo SU) Connie Pacifique, Coutts; tae Collins, P., Cochrane; rt. sh. a: Geo. Herby, Granum; Tet: Henry Chas., Leavings; . sh. Durieux, Charles, Ewing; rt. sh. Chatlain, Perrie, Grand Prai- rie; 1. sh. oe) ie) rs ee hee ae CIQIRFAIAIO Cote, Philias, Morinville; rt. sh. Coleman, Philip & Eda, Big Valley; 1. sh. P QR Carter, Parley P., Magrath; 1. sh. Doeny, Peter, Warner; l. h. Bowlen, Patrick D., Elkwater; rt. sh. Anderson, Andrew -P.; Bittern Lake; 1. th. Erickson, P. E., Erskine; rt. sh. Pot Preece, Ernest C., Livingstone; ]. sh. Barton, Ira D., Big Stone; 1. sh. Hashes: Chas. W., Parkland; Fuhrman, Peter R., Elkwater; l. sh. x Fitzgerald, J. P., Stittsville; rt. th. mgoe.. J. P., Macleod; Pentenens & Sons, Foreman; . sh, Alberta Brand Book 115 Porter, Frank, Okotoks; Parker, W. B., Brant; l. th. Telski, Paul, Lethbridge; Lumsden, Henry, Lowden | _— rt. sh. Getty, A. C., New West; 1. h. Gebhardt, Philip, Irvine; ro:.h. Gazeley, P. J., Creek; rt. sh. House, Paul, Garden Plains; tithe. Dog Pound McPhee, Horatio, ‘Crossfield; i. th. rH oa gg A. P., Taber; TT Br” P. H., Strathmore; 1. Horth, Peter, Irvine; rt. sh al: Henker, Paul, Granum; ae 1. sh. Henry, Paul, Ghost Pine Creek; 7; th. Hiebert, P. H., Namaka; ]. th. iv) sie (om ea] Holstein, Peter, Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Halzworth, P. H., Berry Creek; re. th. Husar, Paul, Taber; l. sh. Jepson, Christ., Pine Creek; ]. sh. Cy Johnson, Frank R., Bearberry; rt. th “UO C. Plantier, Jean, Lorraine; sh. Piggot, Jack, Granum; Is th. _ Pollock, Allan & Clyde, Irvine; 1. sh. Kneeshaw, Percy, Pine Lake; 1. h. ~O * ee bce Ped aS Kohl, Pierre, Cochrane; rt: ‘th. Kelly, P., Diamond City; l. n. Pancoast, E. W., Bowell; rt. sh. Lawrence, Ed., Lake View; J.n, SO b eS Fi Dot Se ar) Ge a a) RD Bye One, CI TNR 4c aE Lake; rt. th Lovelace, Perrie, Delia; sh. tna Harry E., Bowden; Miller, Miss Pearl, Seven Per- sons; rt. sh. a Nicol, Colin V., Calgary; i. sh. vent bar above. Palmer, Fred. J., Carbon; t-$h. rey Peter James, Ranfurly; aye Maguire, Patrick, Passburg; rt. th Empey, M., Calgary; l. sh. Nelson, Peter, Chinook; l. sh. Nelson, Peter, Gleichen; rt. sh. Nielson, N. P., Cochrane; rt. sh. Nanta, John B., Granum; rt. h. Petersen, J. J., Gleichen; ]. sh. Chesnay, Ed., Stauffer; st at . Herman, Mrs. Frank, Lund- breck; rt. sh. Miles, P. S., Brownfield; l. sh. Pearson, Geoffrey, Eagle Butte; l. th. Queckborner, P. W., sons; rt. sh. Seven Per- Rusten, Petter P., Seven Per- sons; |. th. Robson, Leslie S., Gleichen; rt. sh. Schacher, Phillip, Irvine; l. n. Smitton, Peter, Namaka; rt. sh. Patterson, J. C., Macleod; l. sh. B Schafer, Henry, Josephsburg; rt. th. — 16 Alberta Brand Book Strain, P., Macleod; McNeill, Hugh, De Winton; 1. sh. rt. sh. Schneider, P., Irvine; Poole, Garnet, Lacombe; . sh. - Sh. Poole, Wm. J., Carbon; l. th. [O22 rar Sirr, Percy Clarence, Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Pb Springer, Pearl, Spring Coulee; Ivie, Paul, Stirling; 1. th. l. sh. Switzer, P. A., Lacombe; Price, Mrs. Annie, Lyndon; rt. th. rt. sh. t.s abe Toews, Peter W., Stern; Hjalmson, P., Markerville; l. th. 1. th. “9 | Brown, Frank A., Nanton; rt. sh. i Peterson, Andrew, Chinook; rt. sh. Meer, Mrs. Pauline, Goddard; bid wo P. O.,Winnifred; l. th. . sh. Davie, John, Crossfield; Farrell, Chas. R., Coutts; l. th. rt. sh. Vincent, Peter, Diligence; ]. sh. Patton, W. T., Coutts; l. th. Patzer, John, Garden Plains; 1. th. ar Ss. Fred, Innisfail; Pierson, Anton, Cheadle; Walden & Sons, N. B., Stavely; rt. sh. l. h. Lather, P. L., Ingleton; Porter, John R., Grassy Lake; ]. sh. rt. sh. Patterson, Andrew, Caldwell; Porteous, W. A., Taber; l. h. 1. sh. Hargreaves, James, Lethbridge; ee Paul A., Pine Lake; l. h. . Sh. Hanson, Peter, Daysland; rt. th. Alberta’ Grain Raising Co., Taber; rt. th. | sd] ae On Me2] baw h mame e paw, yee Sana 5 2% TO PLOT Se [f> 1 > -O} 09 —! Lahaye, Peter John, Lloyd- minster; 1. sh. Pattison, J. W., Crossfield; rt. th. Plastow, Geo. A., Locksloy; rt. th ae bo CROP MAok Paer hao hws ae Gwe fae eno. NIN INMTX PX Stevens, Mrs. J. R., Cayley; ]. th. SU Strangeways, Edward, Clares- olm; 1. sh. ea) ce Tal C.. Maire, Emiliene, Vermilion; 1. sh. ()) Gale, Dougan & Webber, Rosebud; |. sh. WA Co es jee laws S. P., Kinnondale; . th. AVA td a raga S. W., Trenville; : . th. 2 Judson, Thomas, Taber: 1. th. wae ee) >< >< Knox, Robert S., Steville; l. h. Hibbert, A., Knee Hill Valley; rt. th. Martz, Clement, Fribourg; rt; &ns A se Howard, Rumsey; 1. h. WY »< Stewart, Wm., Evarts; rt. sh. Mitchell, J. R. & Morrison, Robert, Medicine Hat; lh. Wild, Samuel J., Coutts; l. sh. ~ Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Sarah, Pin- cher Creek; 1. h. Odaker, Mrs. E. A.,, Pound; rt. sh. w NI Dog CU Montgomery, Edward, Foun- tainstown; rt. th. are W.L., New Dayton; MG i (\7 E a Hist es Walter, High River; l. h. Cook, Mrs. Emma; Boundary Creek; 1. sh. Tuggy, John, Medicine Hat; 1 ef Putnam, Wm. M., Gros Ventre; op Turner, Thos. Jas., Ewelme; ln. Thorne, W., B. Aldersyde; 1. th. Gaskell, C. A., Okotoks; iP rt Trist, H. C., Livingstone; rt. sh! Cavin A. J., Claresholm; . sh, Robertson, Chas. Hills; rt. sh. B., Three fe ee |e Topley, John, Lone Pine; rt; }. Hallquist, A. J., Burdett; rt. th. — a Smith, Sidney S., Nanton; 1. th. Pyle, W. G., Castor; l. th. =) ae Alberta Brand Book 135 Frandish, John A., Fishburn; 1. sh. Triplett, Geo. B., Cardston; ia ees =e Catharine, High River; ot Torgerson, Ole, Sev en Persons; oe eB Turner, Mrs. Arthur, Cards- ton; l. j. f Tanner, H. S., Cardston; by. Fleming, Nancy O’B., Granum; i}. Jones, Geo. T., Gleichen; ti3: Miller, Harmon W., White- brush; rt. sh. Folander, E. E., Macleod; rt. sh. } Telsrow, Julius, Hairy Hill; ft; Diy ) Brownfield, Chas. D., Brown- field; rt. h Cowan, Thos. H., Irvine; 1. th. Jackson, Joseph L., ‘Tinche- bray; 1.j. Tatham, Cyril H., Stauffer; rt. sh. Brown, John J., Cowley; En: a Turner, F. E., Cardston; by: “aig Samuel A., Peskis‘o; ab § Smith, ee Hat; 1. Theelman, Bill, Brooks; this Allison, Medicine @ Tyson Bros., Fraserton; rt. sh. A Anderson. Walter, Comreyv: 1. sh. Mclean, Mrs. M. J., Macleod; rt. sh. @ Doering, John, Mayton; rt. th. y Jarrett, H. T., Bottrell;: Inglis, Mrs. F. W., l. sh. Langdon; anna Lb? pEEEEESREEE sae fr za Gould, Frank; ee Thos., Millarsville; Brown, A. B., Harmattan: rt. sh. # Reidel, J. W., Lorraine; 1: sh. McPhee, Elroy J., Olds; 1. th. McGillivray, A. J., Vermilion; rt. sh. Burt, John A., Furmen; rt. sh. Price, Wm.; & Wilkins, Wilfred, Erskine; l. sh. = Oddie, Thos. H., Grassy Lake; rt. sh. a Tharle, . 8h. A. H., Arrowwood; # Thompson, A. H., Strathcona; rt. th. g McWilliams, Andrew, Edmon- ton; l.n. Hindmarsh, Thos.F., Maughan; bh: Johnston, L. A., Calgary; rt. sh Smith, Bros., Nanton; l. h. Johnston, R. C., Acme; rt. th. Choate, Geo., Lake View; rt. sh. Brant, Matilda, Josephsburg; l. th. Brant, Emma, Josephsburg; Th. sh. iy de D. F., Namaka; , ies Emery, Raymond; l. n. f Waltham, Thos. H., Grassy Lake; ]. th. # Todeseo, G., Irricana; rti-th. Tolman, L. G., Tolman; rt. sh. Jamieson, Tom, Millarville; l. th. Taylor, N. Y., Raymond: rt. sh. Tarr, Mrs. C. A., Olds; rt. sh. =" 36 Alberta Brand Book = ;| Tye, Harold H., Passhurg; 1. j. Taylor, Wm., Markervitie:. rt. th. Turrittin, W. R., Lucky Strike; 1. th. Tillotson, Marshall, Fertility; rt. j. Bouchard, Joseph, Legal; 1. sh. Tomfohr Bros., Milk River; rt sh. : Thornton, James, Gleichen; . sh. Tease, Ambrose, Strathmore; rt. sh. McLeod, John H., Granum; rt. h. Armistead, Cecil, Onaway; 1. sh. Peterson, Thomas, Olds; rt. sh. Thomas, John Wm., Macklin, Sask.; 1. h Thomson Bros., Grassy Lake; rt: y: Rangen, A. T., Lacombe; l. h. Barrows, John, Macewan; rt. h. Sells & Sons, J. A., Alix; 1. th. Guibout, Andre, Notre* dame de Savoy; rt. sh. Anderson, Tom M., Bassano; rt. sh. Monsty, Aime, Lille;- rt. sh. Tench, Bart, Stettler; rt. h. Brown & Tailyour Bros., Chiny3 rt. sh. Marshall, Tom, Calgary; rt. sh. Banthillier, Harvey, Cowley; rt. h. Trotter, John, Cowley; l. th. Chambers, Thos., Lethbridge; rtd. Campbell, H. J., Granum; l. th. Bab Epil bp pp piitsd pp lefoletole SEER SE EE EME HEH Err tap y2]/2 Curtis, Tom, Stettler; rt. sh. Rush, Chas. T., Edson; rt. th. Nibbs, Cecil, Calgary: 1. sh. Marshall, Wm. J., Calgary; rt. sh. Foster, Theo., Calgary; rt. th. . —— T. H., Grassy Lake; oe Tillotson, Fred, Garden Plains; rt. n. Frayer, Thomas, Blairmore; rt. sh. Phillips, G. E. G., Gladys; 1. sh. Travis, Samuel, Granum; 1. sh. Schnell, Christian, Irvine; ]. sh. Hurst, A. L., Glen Banner; ]. sh. Priest, Thos., Dog Pound; rt. sh. Thorne, Horace, Ewing; rt. sh. Bowles, Gilbert, Stettler; 1. sh. : Timms, Wm. Henry, Erskine; rt. th. Dutcher, Homer, Mountain Mill; rt. th. Jones, Thomas, Amisk; ]. sh. Lister, John M.., Lethbridge; rt. th Thecieroa=a Carl, Coutts; 1 ees Chamberlain, John P., Leth- bridge; rt. th. Lusk, T. C., Cochrane: rt. h. Levins, T. G., Calgary; . sh, Larson, Theodore, Tilly; rt. h. Bonsen, Peter, Castor; L. th: Black, Harriet L., High River; rt. sh. Alberta 137 Reycraft, George, Bowville; ao McDonald, T. A., Calgary; yY 1. sh. rt. h. a ba Sharkey, Wilfred, Duhamel; 4 F Timoshkevich, Thomas, Glen ‘= 1. sh. Banner; rt. sh. Tinsley, A. J., Taber; , McLaughlin, F. S., Brocket; heh rt. sh. ips Brooks, Bert, Clive; . St. Armstrong, Joseph, High River; is l. sh. Cochrane, W. R., Leavings; rt. h. >) Thiem, Reinhold, Coleridge; re rt. sh. He T | Ross, J. T., Magrath; Tremaine, T. H., Dorothy; 1. th. A te |e ey G., Stirling; J Taylor & Borwick, Carstairs; rt. sh. Tibbitts, John A., Brant; l. sh. Bryden, T. M., Lethbridge; aI l. sh. 4 Studdy, Robert F.’ Barton, Priddis; rt. h. Allwood, D. E., Cayley; rt. sh. Benson, 8. T., Mountain House; rt. h. Trockstad, Edwin, New Day- ton; rt. sh. Muir, Walter, Garrington; Taylor Bros., Ingleton; rt. sh. vent brand on rt. h. : rt. th Thompson, Th., Markerville; rt. sh. Barker, Thomas, Calgary; PGiik Darblay, P., Tinchebray; Bailey, Mary E., Ewelme; rt. sh. l. sh. Skelding, George, Macleod; eee: Murray H., Stavely; iSgy . th. De Mott, Fred., Delia; rt. sh. Caldwell, Chas., Namaka; rt. n. Read, John, Eagle Butte; rt. th. & O. on 1. j. vent in- verted rt. sh. Ward, John, Brooks; in; Cook, W. T., Ponoka; l. sh. Todd & Carey, Claresholm; I. th. Collins, Troy H., Lake View; 1. sh. Clarke, Thomas, Macleod; rt. th. MeDougall,Duncan C., Pincher Dunlop, Robert, Nanton; Creek; rt. sh. ; rt. th a ey el tee Pirie, John, Comrey; Tt. n. oo R. L., Rosebud; so Thomas A., Stettler; ]. sh. Patterson, E. D., Calgary; rt. sh. Kinsey, T. M., Curlew; ‘ l. h. vent bar through brand. Dalzell, A. T., Carbon; rt. sh. Campbell, A. B., Priddis; rt. th. 4A] Saad Westbrook, Minnie, Grassy Lake; 1. n. Tulleken, J. B. A., Stettler; ]. sh. a Christie, Victor B., Cardston; rt. sh. TA Wilcox, A. E., Gleichen: Towner, Ernest, Midnapore; rt. sh. . th. 1. th Prichard, R. R., Ewing; rt. sh. Pape Ashdown, T. J., Bellevue; rt. h. Sete peep iEP Poe a 138 Alberta Brand Book Hughes, E. F., Stoppington; ]. sh. Taber, Mrs. Minnie, Calgary; Tt: thy Taylor, Francis Joseph, Lang- [— b don; 1. h. c Gatley, A. P., Huxley; rt. th. Gray, Thomas, Airdrie; l. sh. Biden Bros., Stettler; Grekul, T., Langdon; rt. sh. Cadman, T. G., Calgary; l. sh. Gavol, Theodore, Brant; rt. th. Mitchell, James, Medicine Hat: rt. sh. vent bar under. Stevenson, Mrs. Minnie E., Calgary; 1. sh. f— Lomow, Alex., Irvine; ]. sh. H Schneff, Henry, Gleichen; rt. sh. Henderson, Wm. A., Hastings Coulee; rt. th. Warner, F. H., Langdon; l. sh. Wick, Samuel, Dorothy; ]. sh. Walker, Thos. H., Woolchester; 1. th. Johnson, T. M., Cayley; h. rt. Tasse, Joseph, Leslieville; rt. sh. Lowry, M. A., Taylorville; rt. th. ES Bennett, Thos. J., Calgary: rth. i i Thos. L., Merna; be ce Lennon, J. T., Hicksburg; rt: Sh: es Arthur, Curlew; Miller, Warren C., Langdon; rt. sh. McLennan, Willis D., Airdrie; rt. th: eT el ee Ted Tillesen, Martin, Ingleton; rt. sh. Whyte, John, Lethbridge; 1. sh. Fleming, Leslie, Gros Ventre; 1. sh. Theismeyer, Louis, Reid Hill; rt. sh. Hassard, Claud, Irvine; l. th. Martin, Thomas, Comrey; rt. shy Moss, Thomas, Carbon; rt. sh. Madden, T., Lunbreck; rt. th. Monaghan, Thos., Prairie Creek; 1. sh. Moore, Thomas, Pendora; ]. th. Moore, Thos. J.,Pincher Creek; Shi Clattenberg, Nathan, Calgary; rt. sh. Fowie, Mrs James, Lundbreck; - Sn. age esc: Theodor, Mundare; l. th. Fsgang, Gustave, Ledue; rt. sh. Casebeer, Henry, Carstairs; rt. th. Kent, W. F., Davsland; rt. sh. a Thos., Medicine Hat; l. sh. Paton, Thomas, Elnora; rt. th Parry, Thos., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. A/ale]o|o ye le A]H 3|- > ao ro) 4 ct ro) Le] A .) 3 for w °o ° an 139 Ridsdale, T. S., St. Paul de Metis; l. th. pptohing, Thos. W., Magrath; Cadwell, R. E., Erskine; rt. sh. 4 Be, ne Howse, Tom, Steerford; 1. sh. Moore, T. Q., Content; Mitchell, John T., Castor; 1. sh. l. sh. + Ritchie, Thomas, Flagstaff; rt. sh. Stimson, Geo. P., Littie Plume; . th. - ta 5|—] A] Martin, Arthur J. J., Wain- . Ross, Thomas, Coutts; rt. th. wright; |. sh. Ad a at Martin, James, Gleichen; rt. sh. ~ : Trenholm, R. §., Minda; = 1. h. Stimson, Mrs. G. P., Little Rollag, Theodor O., Maybutte; . sh. Plume; rt. th. rt Rivert, Rene, Lowden Lake; Sk D- eo peeks Jr., Peter, Josephsburg; . th. -|>]> ]. sh. ~ Ritchie, A. Steven, Carbon; Varty, Wm. & T., Gladys; rt. sh. rt. sh. Robinson, N. J., Mossleigh; ° Ingram & Mount, Medicine L R th. Hat; l. th. Squire, Alfred, Sunnyslope; Gardner, T., Taber; 1. sh. l. sh. C op McFarlane, W. G., Grand Prai- Armstrong, Robert M., Rum- Stal evi rie; 1. th. worth; rt. h. Tarrant, Elrie Viola, Calgary; Hastie, Alex. D., Trochu Valley; 1. sh. V/ l. sh. Tyson, Thos. B., Fishburn; Cameron, W. &. J., Pincher l. n. 8 VV Creek; |. th. Mort, Miss M. L., Newburg; McInnis, C., Whitebrush; ty th. rt. sh. Mitchell, Thomas, Brownfield; Beers, Thos. H., Burdett; rt. th. Tiffin, Tom, Coleman; Wearmouth, Thos., Glenbow; rt. sh. Tosh. Swanson, Mrs. C. W., Willows; Wilson, Thomas C., Spring [: - rt. sh. = 5 W Point; 1. sh. Brooks & Sons, B. D., Spirit River; |. th. Kimball, Farnham, Kimball; per (pad, (Laan me Ra Soderberg, Alex. L., Stettler; rt. sh. Wilson, James A., Millarville; ee 4 rt. sh. rt. th. 3 | Hanson, H. H., Waterton Mills; Greenwood, W. H., Carbon; ' Ny 1. sh. 1. sh. Zimmermann, Christopher, Seven Persons; rt. th. Stewart, O. P., Reid Hill; 1. sh. Thompson, Alfred, Spring Point; rt. sh. >< Leb Hewson, Allan, Gleichen; rt. sh. >< Ch cr Reinoehl, Geo. Albert, Round Up; rt. sh. Hayden Bros., Nanton; l. n. an Peterson, Thomas, Olds; tJele|o |e Terry, J. T., Calgary; 4] Cc rt. th. ]. sh awe Jones, John, Minda; Welch, Richard, Langdon;> — 40 Alberta Brand Book Martin, Thos. S., Taber; rt. th. Williams, John, Brant; rt. sh. Wyatt, W. T., Reid Hill; rt. th. Boulton, Geo. C., Spring Bank; l. sh. Thomson, J. S., Bow Island; rt. sh. Shields, W. T., Langdon; 1. sh. Snowden, Thos. Wm., Grassy Lake; l. th. Wilson, Wm., Three Hills; rt. sh. ey tae mast aoa Oe — > Wilson, Charles, Westward; l. sh. Smith, Jr., O. H., Hardisty; 1. sh. j Zeiders, Thos. G., Stavely; rt. h. me, George, Reid Hill; .n. Zeagler, Theodore, Irvine; i hh. Brown, F. A., Gilpin; l. sh. Thomas, E. H. & Thompson, R. W., Okotoks; rt. th. Ray, George, Taber; rt. th. Tabert, Wilhelm, Olds; rt. h. Matzen, August, Calgary; l. sh. Sweetnam, Albert C., Pincher Creek; rt. h. Biggs, R. M., Trenville; ]. sh. Weiss, Ferdinand, Josephs- burg; 1. sh. Lewis, Mrs. Emma J., Clarks- ville; rt. sh. Tifft, A. P., Irricana; Th ta Habock, C. A., Airdrie; rt. sh. ser ig A. T., Whitebrush; © . sh. ho Alf., Vallejo; © rt. ee ho AlAIalAlt{e|AlafAlalole —~ a oe So g Joba & Michand, Ewing; 1. sh. me: We Martha, Barrie, Ont.; . th. | BAe) Tamney, D. D., Hardisty; 1. sh. = xD Sundquist, Axil, Stavely; 1. sh. May, Mrs. beck; 1. sh Margt. Anne, Per- Clarke, Mrs. Catherine, Brant; Lae : Redd, Wm. A., Raymond; ]. th. Fowler, George, Crossfield; ~ ]. sh. oo Wnm., Josephsburg; : tb, Marlow, H. T., Calgary; rt. th. SIoiclee — ox Ritson, Thos. F., Macleod; - ]. sh. McKay, David J., Red Willew; rt. sh. 4 Bb —— Fred C., Bluff Centre; 3})<]4 S|C}|> Arndt, Wm., Magrath; rt. th. s, Stettler; mM D8 @>- — mM oo © oO a2 Truble, John, Brant; 1. sh. Deman, Isadore W., Granum; rt. sh. cae beast bea Ob © oe Thome Joseph R., Botha; . SN. Henderson, Thomas R., To- field; 1. sh. wa tar aser, George J., Walsh; es 7 s 5 ae Taylor, J. C., Medicine Hat; 1. th. is! > Bailey, T. H., Vulcan; 1. sh. Brooks, Thos. David, Purple Springs; rt. sh. Ball, Thomas, Trenville; 1. th. McBeath, T. W., Gleichen;. rt. sh. : wo B Brost, Christian, Walsh; .. 1. sh. eis Alberta Brand Book 141 Buckley, John Wall, Olds; rt. th. Sargeant, T. B., Warner; 1. sh. ) Baker, Theodore, Stettler; - ]. sh. Broadbent, Tom, Hand Hills; . sh. 6 Thomas, Red Leer; Ehlert, Thes., Magrath; ]. sh. Palle, Thos. T., Innisfail; Sanderson, Otto, Tolman; l. sh. Coutts, Alex. G., Kitscoty; rt. h. Cole, M. J., Langdon; rt. sh. Fader, Thomas W., Donalda; rt. sh. Tyler, T. H., Woolchester; l. sh. ama, T. A., Gleichen; Carolan, Thos. F., Mossleigh; rt. sh. Haurahan, Thomas, Altorado; ]. th. Kilburn, B., Killam; 1. sh. ee, Thomas, Calgary; rt. nh. Kambaetz, Thomas, Grassy Lake; rt. sh. Bowden, Mrs. Elizabeth E., Cardston; rt. h. Simpson, Thomas, Eagle Hills; l. sh. Riley, T. K., Magrath; bth: Railey, H. W., Dinton; rt. sh. Edwards, T. W., Flagstaff; 1. sh. Hewer &[Sons, J. J., Hairy Hill; 1. th. Kriller, Theo., Daysland; 1. sh. SAP Tackaberry, Robert, Noble; rt. sh. = “| fi] Alalabaalalakelobsldaddliaiatalallisisielisisha|gisile Trebble, Tom, Medicine’ Hat; rt. th. Miner & Thompson, Crossfield; rt. h. Milkulecky, Thomas, Camrose; L. th. Gray, T. M., Stauffer; 1. sh. Marley, T. H., Crossfield; rt. sh. McKown, T. E., Twin Butte; rt. th. Barber, J. D., Steerford; rt. sh. Stamford, T. B., Stavely; ]. sh. Narish, T., Stettler; ris th. Lount, F. A., Beiseker; rt. sh. Thompson, Octavius I., Cal- gary; |. sh. Qsler, T. F., Dorothy; rt. sh. Tracy, W. O., Fieldholme; l. th. Smith, Thomas, Gopher Head; 1. sh. Owen, Thomas, Michel; ]. sh. Johnson, Isaac, St. Kilda; rt. sh. Caswell, Thomas, Stettler; rt. sh. Hinnigar, R. H., Carmangay; l. sh. Orgu, T., Macleod; ]. sh. Quinton, F. J., Cardston; rt. th. Rowland, Thomas, Gaetz Vale ley; 1. sh. Roebuck, Theo., Lethbridge; 1. sh. Ramey, R. T., Trenville; l. sh. Swanby, Thomas, Carlstadtg rt. th. Smith, Fred T., Raymond; 1. th. Hoare, Thomas §S., Pincher Creek; rt. sh. ory te bo Alberta Brand Book SIS SSnShig] asp sAi asa sisliig GEESE Sang, Tai, Cardston; 1. th. Thompson, Foster C., Foun- tainstown; rt. th. Gummo, T. B., Coleridge; 1. th. Scott, Jas. Alex., Curlew; rt. sh. Trentham, Wm. T., Three Hills; rt. th. Gooch, Marshall H., Queens- town; rt. sh. Taylor, Tom, Hillcrest Mines; rt. sh. Worden, Hiram G., Calgary; rt. sh. Davidson, Joseph, Flagstaff; 1. th. Erwin, Milton, Lyndon; 1. sh. McKenzie & Campbell, Grassy Lake; 1. sh. sie iggy Lily M., Leavings; rt. as ar a Trefie, Saddle Lake; ee Thomas V., Rimbey; Bit Glacier, Ernest, Wiste; l. sh. The Washington Alberta Land Co., Ltd., Crossfield; 1. th. as a Nala Chas. S., Gadsby; + oR. U Vallance, Joseph, Calgary; 1. th. vent bar through, Lokier, Thomas I., Medicine Hat; .tTt.3 Bates, W. J., Homeglen; fb. 1. The Western Horse Ranches, Ltd., Cluny; 1. th. Blaine, Joseph, Okotoks; rt. sh. IS555 tC > SINR Eel SSE Johnston, Thomas; Carstairs; rt. sh. Yumpolsky & Blaekerman, Scollard; rt. th. Fraser, Thos. G.; Taber; 1. th. ce eee Walter J., Bassano; . sh. Thomson, Robert & James, Namaka; rt. sh. Claber, Harry, Meadow Creek; rt. th. Thomson, E. B., Three Hills; rt. sh. Tateson, George, Cochrane; Tt. th. Clemons, M. T., Major; l. sh. Anderson Bros., Strathmore; rt. sh. Field, T. R. & G. B., Langdon; l. th. Johnson Bros., Whitlash,Mont., | US. .ths Theroux, M. §S., Duvernay; rt;:th. Taylor, J. Raymond, Vermilion; 1. th. Bills, James T., Rumsey; bth; oe Amandus, Crossfield; Spencer, Philip & Taylor, Coutts; rt. th. Reid, John E., Eagle Putte; rt. sh. North Dakota Farm Co.,, Calgary; |. sh. Gray, Leonard, Meadow Creek; - Oz Logan, F. W., Strathmore; 1. sh. Alberta Brand Book 143 -f)- U olojojoleel>qatopcpjo Ylec}icfePocededcdajolele 7 Hurt, Wilfred, Lineham; rt. sh. Muirhead, Peter, Seven Per- sons; l. j. Smith, Chas. A., Medicine Hat; Tt. J. ers E. R., Medicine Hat; 2 4. Sonb, Fred., Medicine Hat; ae fi Bethune &{Son, Dan, Penhold; rts 3: Paitson, Ernest W., & Shaw, W. A., Champion; rt. sh. Broad, W. A., Bathgate; rt: 3, Burrows, Ezra F., Mountain View; 1. j. Eagles, Chas. E., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Hunt, W. O., Medicine Hat; Lj. Stubbs, O. W., Foreman; rt. sh. Collins, R. F., Medicine Hat; 1. sh. Erasmus, Peter, Gleichen; rt. th. Masters, David, Medicine Hat; ee Miller, J. J., Hand Hills; rt. sh. McBroom, Robt. C., Innisfail; rt. th. Caton, G. L., Evarts; Tt. tb: Bishop, Jesse, Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Gardiner, Clement, Pirmez Creek; |. sh. Pearce, Henry E., Nanton; Tt. sh. Moore, Mrs. R. B., Queens- town; |. sh. Denbigh, A. G., Medicine Hat; 1. th. Unwin, S. J., Banff; rt. th. Hagerman, J. D., Parkland; 1. sh. ‘phen, G. A., Brunetta; Sispusisisncisic|is|s|5] o/s [9] 3] 2|]5i/5)6/5)5 2 Berry, R. H., Calgary; ]. sh. Sheppard,EE. N., High River; 1. sh. Eone, Edgar, Vulean; rt. sh. Peddlesden, Augustus, Calgary; rt. sh. Ames, A. E., Carlstadt; ]. sh. Perkinson Bros., Stettler; 1. th. Crigill, Joseph, Raymond; rt. sh. Sturm, Freda, Josephsburg; tt. th: Murray, Robt. & Murray Valley; Windham, Chas. Ashe, Upton- burg; l. j. Archibald, rt. th. Smith, J. J., Sunnyslope; ]. sh. Ivarson, Carl G., Peace River Crossing; rt. th. Chaffin, Mrs. Emma M., High River; 1. th. Peace, Ewell, Sounding Creek; -rt. sh. Culling, Robert T., Bottrel; l. n. Reeves, N. E., Lacombe; rt: n. Bick James, Long View; oy Law, Archie, Pekisko; rt. sh. MeDavitt, C. J., Talbot; Tt. sh. Cliver, O. W., Barons; l. sh. ee Bros., Altorado; sh. Johnsen, Bernard, Lethbridge; bs AP 8: McMullen, Wm., Greenlawn; | Rae As Ruppel, Fred., Nanton; Pt; to: Lea, W., Gleichen; rt. sh. Underwood, Elmer A., Kruger 1. sh. —" 44 Alberta Brand Book eid 1 CHDOICHClLOre ei eCietLoiciDT Syste SISMUE|PIE TE] 2/s|5 |g las |SlziSlalalalabds|s|sis lac Binney, A. R., Cremona; rt. sh. Fleming, Robert, Penhold; rt. sh. Monroe, A. A., Brownfield; ]. sh. wero 3 J. S., Chimney Rock; . th. Hill, Norman, Strathmore; tte: Bannerman, J. A., Red Deer; l. h. Crookston, Daniel, Magrath; l. sh. O’Neil, Jas. R.,” Crossfield; rt. sh. O’ Neil, Mrs. Jas. R., Crossfield; rt. th. Ennis, J. J., Lake View; rt. th. Henderson, W. J., Penhold; rt. sh. Nye, John, l. sh. Cowley; Nelson, Andrew, Willows; rt. th. Hubbard, Mrs. I. 8., Sunny- slope; rt. sh. Huffman, Bert, Langdon; 1. sh. Davies, Ivan, Claresholm; l. th. Young, Arthur, Little Plume; rt. h. Gooch, Alfred, De Winton; rt. sh. Postman, John, Monarch; rt. sh. Arnold, Isaac C., Webber; }. sh. Fletcher, Richard, Bowden; 1. sh. Robson & Sons, Charles, Reid Hill; rt. sh. Bond, John A., Vallejo; rt. sh. Hogan, Geo. C., Longview; : rt. th. Duncan, A. P., Cleverville; 1. sh. Motter, Geo. W., Calgary; 1. th. =) C(O DIC SEES Cie fom baw: 3 St TihiESBEEESEGEREEEEEEEEEES Patterson, J. H., R¢wdonville; ~ rt. sh. Siebert, Wm. E., Noelton; rt. sh. Stott, Luke, Cardston; 1. th. Schultz, Mrs. John W., Lamont; rt. sh. ; Cook, J. H., Irvine; Lh. Porter, James E., Irvine; rt. sh. sense eae E., Copeville; Tt. th. Stevens, John R., Cayley; rt. th. Ross, Thomas, De Winton; rt. sh. Cranston, N. S., Strome; ]. sh. Krauss, J. W., Taber; 1th: Rice, John A., Stettler; rt. sh. i John A., Perbeck; sh. McRae, Edward, Stavely; 1. th. Fenton, John & Wm., Wool- chester; rt. th. Sharpe, W. H., Grainland; l. sh. Dingle, John W., Calgary; l. th. Beach, Mrs. Lizzie, Erskine; rt. sh. Sykes, Godfrey J., Red Lodge; rt. th. Williams, C., Twin Butte; 1. th. Limpert, Orion, Wainwright; 1. th. Timmer, Jr., Louis, Ingleton;. ]. sh. Foster, Chas. L., Macleod; 1. h. Chisholm Bros., Winnifred; rt. th. Strang & Sons, Jas. P., Clares- holm; 1. th. Robertson, Peter & Wm. N., High River; rt. th. é Alberta Brand Book 145 tl+le| Jolclalefefelele|eleicicle}c|s|sle|aielaie iq CIC] ENA ZIN ISIS LO] HBB] MM] OOM NMININ] I<] x] < 'U Robinson, J. S., Cowley; ). th. Bargholz, John, Brownfield; 1. th. Callaway, E. J., Cochrane; rt. sh. Marks, R. J., Innisfail; 1. sh. Olive, W. H. T., Carbon; rt. th. Marston, R. S., Calgary; rt. sh. Hay, Walter, Carbon; rt. sh. Keith, John W., Claresholm; 1. sh. Kendrew, Mrs. C. E., Edwell; rt. sh. Buzza, Wm., Medicine Hat; 1. sh. Cooper, W. G., Warner; rt. th Baker, Wm. Walter, Lakeview; 1. h. Bernard, Frank W., Trochu; 1. sh. Going, John E., Mountain View; 1. th. Savage Bros., Delia; rt. n. Walker, E. S., Calgary; rt. sh. Ledoux, John, Rosebud_Creek; 1. sh. Uswell, Christ., Barons; rt. sh. Bartley, Mrs. Maggie, Calgary; l. th. Green, E. H., Edensville; l. sh. iy de M., Kelowna, B.C.; Fh: Smith & Jacobs, Knee Hill Valley; 1. sh. MeNeill, Mrs. H. B., Sand- stone; 1. sh. — John, Macleod; * Palmer, Bert, High River; l. sh. Hauser, John, Bowville; Ith: ons CC ~s ee_ledsilsiiselie|siscisislallS|SIZISIS|isiSisibuls|s\o Walsey, John, Taylorville; l. th. Skidmore, C. L., Vallejo; ]. sh. Moore, Frank, Beiseker; €t. th: Rich, H. C., Brownfield; l. sh. spelen W. H., Carmangay; rt. h. Dawson, Geo. C., Winnington; rt. th. Glaude, Urban, Grand Prairie; l. sh. Owen, John, Munson; 1. sh. MeNeill, Donald, Tongue Creek; 1. sh. Martel, Ubald, Diligence; l. sh. Cowling, Carl N., Tongue Creek; rt. sh. Robertson, Jr., Robert, Onion Lake, Sask.; rt. sh. Herbig, R. F., Dalroy; l. th. sss soa Donald, Calgary; . th. Clark, R. B., Burdett; rt. th. Clark, John, Burdett; 1. th. Benedict, E. P. & B. J., Parr; 1. th. be aia Frank, Hardisty; . sh. Smith, John R., Harker; l. th. Rethune, Alex. l. sh. D., Penhold; Flack, Chas. R., Lyndon; rt. sh. Barton, J. G., Taber; 1. th. Bennett, Henry W., Puffer; 1. th. Adair, W. V., Hearnleigh; - 1. sh. Ogilvy-Wills, Jas. R., Vegre- ville; 1. sh. — Mrs. Mary, Swalwell; ° . sh. Alberta Brand Book UX UX UX UX UX DENSSSSARGGBBRLGS Goodwin, B., Greencourt; rt. sh. Cevaer, Jean L., Dog Pound; Tt: th: Bullington, Ernest LeRoy, Stettler; 1. sh. Hanses, George, Rawdonville; ]. th. MeNicol, A. D., Brownfield; l. sh. V Armstrong & Mort, Joseph:- burg; 1. j. Mitchell, Chas. R., Medicine Hat; 1. h., vent same inverted 1. sh. Collins, Harry C., Bottrel; l. sh. Van Verdegham, John, butte; rt. sh. a I. V., Grand Prairie; . th. Lon- Messenger, V. W., Endon; rt. j. Walburger, a , John, Mountain View; 1. t Newman, Fred, Medicine Hat; = TER Williamson, Edgar B., Lang- don; rt. sh. Vent, Chas., Pincher Station; ]. sh. Mackie, George, Irvine; l. th. The Southern Alberta Land Co. Ltd., Medicine Hat; 1. sh Webb, Charlie, Coaldale; rt. j. Keeton, Mrs. Carrie J., Lignite; rt. sh. Wigmore, Elinor, Carbon; us John R., Lethbridge; es Peake, Arthur, Dorothy; rt. sh. REE ce Ol | eas oQ souseEeno0eS Reid, A. P. & B. B,, Cremona; Lb th: Baker, C. F., Langdon; I: h, Allred, L., Caldwell; 1. sh. Achenbach, “A. J., rt. th Elk water; Hilkes, Henry J., Peace River Crossing; rt. sh. ns in Jacob, Gleichen; oe Shouldice, James, Calgary; ]. sh. 2 Russell, James E., Stand Off; 1. sh. Willard, George, Queenstown; ; By. Van Patten, R. B., Greenlawn; rt. sh. Still, Mrs. Mary Ann, Vegre- ville: 1. sh. Pearson, S. G., Priddis; rt4: Vanderburg, J. E., Daysland; l. sh. Wilcox, Miss Bertha Marie, Lonbutte; 1. j. Vogt, Henry, Lone Pine; rt. }. Turnbull, John M., Fieldholme; Ty th. Best, Mrs. Fred, Cardston; l. sh. Schrempp, Fred, Twin Butte; rt. sh. Vickery, Geo. A., Caldwell; rt. }. Hust, J., Brooks; l. th. Lindquist, Arthur, Bow Island; l. th. Spratt, V. C., Tinchebray; 1. sh. Alberta Brand Book 147 2] 3] 3] 9/1 [/a]5|5]5)515|5| oO O}OGO© Stevens, Clara P., Raymond; rt. sh. Smith, A. V., Peace River Crossing; rt. th. Brown Lawrence M., Cardston; rt. th ase Arthur, High River; Ferguson, George, Nanton; rt. sh. Woolley, Archibald H., Cal- gary; l. sh. Walker, H. V., Spring Point; rt. j. Caleutt, Harold & Harris, John, Morley; 1. th. Hansen, H. A., Walsh; 1. th, Verburg, M. C., Coutts; l. sh. Von Dewark, W. B., Flagstaff; li}: The Southern Alberta Land Co. Ltd., Medicine Hat; 1. th. Van Oerle Bros., Strathmore; rt. th. Dennis, N. E., Irvine; rt. th. Vanderburgh, P., Pearce; l. sh. Clarke, Thomas, Crossfield: 1. sh. Cleve, W. J., Nanton; rt. sh. Orsburn, Mrs. Alma L., Sunny- slope; 1. th. Forbes, H. B., Simons Valley; 1. sh. Houcher, D. D., Czar; 1. th. Von Wurstemburger, Franz, Lineham; rt. sh. ood te M. T., Eagle Butte; Brown, J. W., Seven Persons; rt. 3) Witting, Geo. W., Lethbridge; rt. sh. Dakin, Violet J. H., Irvine; rt. th. Heydlauff, Mabel, Medicine Hat; |. sh. a] | |<|<|/l < >+1<|< ElISISISIS e14] 3 [5 [5/5 /5]S lonls [2 [s/s] ${s/2]s15 Smith, V. F., Ferrybank; l. sh. McPhee, rt. sh. Wm. H.,§ Gleichen; Henderson, Robert, Pincher Creek; 1. sh. Lyndon, W. A., Lyndon; |. sh, vent brand onl. th, — Johnson, Victor, Lethbridge; ]. sh. Higginbottom, L., Perbeck; rt. sh. Menuce, Robert, Stavely; 1. th. Beeton, Oswald, Medicine Hat; ]. sh. Chandler Bros., Medicine Hat; l. sh. Lancons, Vernon, Cochrane; lo h. Symington, A. McL., Erskine; rt. sh. Barcus & Wilson, Stettler; rt. sh. Starks & Burton, Medicine Hat; l. sh. vent bar under brand Burroughs, Harry S., Calgary; rt. sh. McAlpine, D., Walsh; l. h. Hawke, Wm. R., Medicine Hat; 1. sh. Suliet,. Vincent L., Cochrane; ch, Scott, John L., Lethbridge; ]. sh. Smith, Vernon W., Camrose; 1. sh. Smith, C. F. V. R., Calgary; rt. sh, McKeage, Thos. J., Gladys; lh. Hedstrom, Chas. J., Carbon; 1. sh. Kyes, F. W., Coutts; rt. th. Brophy, W. T., Burdett; Ln: Adshead, Edwin W., Big Val-~ ley; rt. th. Simpson, Victor, Yarrow}. | a ee <|< idl ew ol al pk|= |= |F |S NN AN Carmichael, Geo. H., Eagle Butte; 1. th. Holman, David Alonzo, Clever- ville; 1. sh. Currie, Robert, De Winton; rt. sh. Darby, Alfred, Spring Coulee; rt. Lambert, W. D., Trochu; ré;-sh. Steed, F. O. & A. M., Stirling; 1. th. Cornish, Vivyan, Little Plume; rt. sh. Garrett, Harry, Gleichen; rt. h. Boyce, J. J., Medicine Hat; ]. th. Barnhardt, Victor, Airdrie; l. sh. Phillips, A. F., Millarville; l. sh. Bermejo, V. T., Priddis; rt. sh. Le Sueur, Edward Payn, Coch- rane; Hanson, H. A., High River; rt. sh. Alcock, Victor A., Seven Per- sons; rt. th. Van Sickle Bros., Airdrie; ]. sh. Burnett, J. H., Nanton; i-th. Bowler, Vincent, Provost; rt. sh. Van Brunt, E. W., Namaka; ]. th. Ragan, Paul, Stettler; rt. sh. Betton, V. H. S., Queenstown; 1. sh. Van Dellen, L., Granum; rt. sh. Vanderberg, W., Pearce; rt. sh. De Delly, Victor, Vermilion; 1. sh. Dick, James Ward, High River; rt. sh. Scown,’ Samuel, Carstairs; rt. sh. eee <|< << th] t( < VS ISMISISISHEISISISeIS |S lle Ul <= ksiSiisisisbsloloisl < Burkinshaw, E. E., -Berry Creek; 1. th. Gabb, Vincent W., Trochu; rt. sh. McFaul, Samuel, Queenstown; rt. sh. a bp C. F., Mountain House; eee & Fecitt, Strathmore; . sh. Conell, rt. sh. Clarke, Geo., Cochrane; rt. sh. Gustaf, Red Willow; Ernest, Maillot, Ewing; rt. sh. Ross, Alex., Airdrie; rt. sh. Bird, S. F., Okotoks; 1. sh. Pylypow, Wasyl, Star; rt. hy. Prigge, A. J., Cochrane; rt. sh. Vroom, Mrs. Harold P, Eeaver Mines; rt. sh. Stevens, A. A., Cayley; l. sh. Smith, Marshall, Olds; 1; th. Anderson, Ernest, Trochu : Valley; 1. th. Wooters, W. L., Reid Hill; 1. sh. Smith, Wm., Lethbridge; l. sh. Varstad, Sven, Schuler; 1. th. Sigler, Vilhelm, Carbon; 1. th. Doherty, W., Bowden; 1. th. Parker Bros.,; Hopkins; 1. h. Browner, Shirley E., Lacombe; 1. th. Van Winkle, Abe, High River; rt. sh. Backnes, S. O., Calgary; rt. sh. a Walter, Beaver Lodge; . th. ‘ Alberta Brand Book wy v Von Wald,. Carl, Altorado; rt. th. Williams, Geo. V., Brownfield; rt. sh. Anderson, B. R., Twin Butte; 1. sh. McCullough & Smith, Cards- ton; rt. th. Ww Heap, Thomas, Pincher Creek; 1. sh. Walter, Grant, Cardston; ja Wake: Mrs. E. J., Bowell; Bs Wilson, Maurice S., Living- stone; l. n. Wilson, Maurice S., Living- stone (vent on 1. h.) 1. sh. am tacts F. W., Medicine Hat; pas Whittaker, I. J., Hand Hills; rt. J. Bassett, Mrs. Isabella, Medi- cine Hat; 1. th. Owen, Sam, Warner; Fyn Waters, R. O., Rumsey; T6.)3: Weaver, Chas. Riley, Wabasca; rt. sh. Williams, Wm. Wells, Seven Persons; rt. th. Greenhill H. F. Willoughby, Cremona; I. j. Lowe, C. E. D., Livingstone; rt. h. Lee tps: N. R., Grassy Lake; A: Britain, Mary, Suffield; Tt. Cox, A. Noel, Gillingham; rt. sh. vent, brandinverted on rt. r. Taylor, W. L., Killam; Tt. J. SISI5 NJ + abaletelelE ——T (= = wp eC) eeee Westin, A., Stoppington; 1. th. Amblie, I. N., Bow Island; rt. h. Day, C. R., Lawsonburg; 1. sh. Wolfer, Adam, Hilda; rt. n. Marshall & Watson, Strath- more; rt. n. sac te Sensi: W. W., Taber; a Bs Whitford, Mrs. Mary, Kanota; rt. th. Webb, L. V., Macleod; rt. th. Ableson, W., Calgary; rt. sh. McCarthy, J., Vallejo; rt. h. Hastings, Wm., Wetaskiwin; fii: Walker, F. W., Coleridge; 1. th. McMaster, T., High River; 1-3: Whitfield, John Wm., Coch- rane; l. sh Watson, J. Russell, Macleod; he: Weaver, Albert, Macleod; 1. sh. Wrolson, Wm., Daysland; (W) 1. th. wes E. F., Gleichen; ay re “ Warren, W., Banff; rt. sh. Wall, F. J., Macleod; 1. sh. McPherson, Wm. J., Nanton; rt. h. Alberta Brand Book 151 BBECKKRE WwW sEPERETEEDL ii itit Walker, Stevenson, Nanton; 1. sh. Wicknes, Thomas, Cayley; 1. th. Whyte, Wm., Midnapore; 1. sh. Whittaker, Ronald R. J., Brooks; rt. st. Winsor, Mary, Cardston; Bas McLeod, H. H., Ghost Pine Creek; rt. th. Greene, C. W., Milk River; 1. sh. Walker, Joshua, Fdmontcn; th: Topley, Wm. Henry, Calgary; rt. th. Wadstein & Sons, Prownfield; rt. sh. Charles, Wilson, Albert Allen, Trochu Valley; rt. j. Mercer, Walter, Bottrel; rt. th Almon, J. E., & Eagar, M. W., Bright Bank; |. n. Alder, Wm., Grassy Lake; rt. th Mrs. Sarah M., rt. sh. Gardner, Pekisko; Wallace, Maurice J., Calgary; rt. h Wheeler, A. W., Crossfield; Tt. n. Wright, J. E., Pincher Creek; l. th. Reard, Mrs. H. W., Gleichen; rt. th. Faker, iki Joseph, Mountain Mill; Peard, H. W., Gleichen; 1. n. Peard, H. W., Gleichen; rt. n. Wm., Eigger, Calgary; Tt. J. Chapman, W. O., Stettler; 1. th. Taley, Percy, Evarts; , | 1. sh. \ Cochrane; Dean, William, 1. sh. ssnoReSEACOSSOOUGCOOON bos Ca a Percival, Langdon; rt. h. Cudmore, Edwine, l.n. Fraserton; ae W. D., Mountain Mill; McElroy, W. W., Calgary; rt. sh. Farris, S. I., Milk River; 1 3 0 Feeney, Wm., Medicine Fat; rt. sh. ies Sa Wnm., Morley; Wiggins, R. A., Manor; rt. sh. # Gunderson, Charles, Milk River; rt. th. Hall, Willard, Steveville; rt. th. Hall, W. B. S., Okotoks; l. sh. Heath, W., Macleod; Wallington, W. H., Aukurndale; rt. th. Hanson, Walter C., Olds; rt. th. Pall, William, Coutts; rt. sh. Wood, Jas. C., De Wintcn; rt. sh. Jcnes, Wm. W., Granum; rt. th. Wayant, S. J., Brant; ]. sh. a William, Gleichen; Axtell, Willard, Cayley; rt. th Kindness, Wm. A. T., Red Willow; rt. n. Murray, Walter, Regina, Peace River, Sask.; 1. sh. x Wilbur, Lethbridge; Riegle, H. A., Saco, Mont.,U.S., renee Frenchman’s Creek: .t Woodley, W. A., Lashburn, Sask.; 1. sh. W. G., Gatjens, Fieldholme ; ]. sh. 152 Alberta Brand Book be] 5) 8] S aziae] £15] 8] 54) A] 2) #oe]en] 5 [3] 5] 5] 3) 3 [oe] 8] | McKay, Wm., Cochrane; rt. th. Leonard, Will T., Lethbridge; rt. th. Le Bow, Wm., Claresholm; 1. n. Wolbeck, Wm., Spring: Lake; rt. sh. Perry, W. H., Cochrane; lh, Rittenhouse, Geo., High River; l. sh. Reid, W. F., Mountain View; Len: Clark, John Hallet, Glenbow; inside of right fore leg. Clark, John Hallet, Glenbow; rt. ribs. Raisbeek, Wm., Grassy Lake; rt. sh. Williams, W. R., White Brush; 1. sh. Martin, Mrs. T. N., Calgary; rt. th. Staack, Peter M., Stettler; l. sh. Graham, Thos. H., Masinasin, Coutts; 1. sh. Thomas, Wm. I., Fox Coulee; rt. sh. Crockford, Mrs. Wm., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. 7 W., Calgary; 8 Townsend, Wm., Dorothy; rt. sh. Wheeler, Tom, Acme; rt. sh. Adams, Walter, Brooks; rt. th. Adams, Wm., Red Deer; rt. h. as 9 W. A., Lethbridge; Pinkerton, Wallace A., Rich- dale; 1. th. Bolick, W. W., Standard; rt. th. Wilton Bros., Kneehill Valley; rt. sh. Ball, Wm., Edmonton; ]. sh. VW NM = se 513) 51 515] 5 omere|s] 5 S| 5 onoscs| S13] S| 3] mare Holt,"W. B., Airdrie; rt. th. Wreis & Brown, Fieldholme; Chisholm, W. C., Stainsleigh; rt. th. Connelly, Wm. I., Gillingham; 1. sh. Carey, W. T.,° Taber; rt. th. Chase, C. S., Cluny; 1. sh. Carson, W. R., Parvella; P th: Cellihoo, Wm., Grand _ Prairie; rt. sh. c pipet Walter H., Solheima; . sh. Cyr, Willie M., Pincher Creek; rt. th. Pilger, Otto, Heatherbrae; 1. sh. Carpenter, H. W., High River; 1th; Woolford, John, Kimball; l. sh. Drinkall, Wm., Lethbridge; rt. th. Dean, H. S. & W., Cowley; rt. sh. Dennis, Wm., Calgary; rt. sh. Braden, Wm. Dale, Three Hills; 1. th. Downie, W. A. H., Airdrie; ith. Ebbert, W. C., Macewan; 1. th. Forster, Wm., Hillcrest Mine:; l. h. Mark, Alex., Sunnyslope; rt. sh. Cornstock, Fred, Nanton; l. sh. Tolley, Wm. F., Mountain View; 1. th. : Franklin, Walter, ster, Sask.; l. sh. Robson, W. F., Cluny; l. sh. Northmin- Walman, F. O., Elinor; rt. sh. Alberta Brand Book 153 FERRE EEE REE E SERRE YEEE PETER Fowler, Wm., Brant; 1. th. Green, Wm., Daysland; rt. th. Graham, Wm. Jas., Elbow River; 1. j. High, Mary Ann, Crossfield; rt. sh. Baxter, Frank R., Gillingham; Tt; }. Hipp, Wm., Taber; oe Hartwick, W. J., Trenville; 1. sh. eter Mary, Elkwater; rt. t. Hall, William, Redcliff, Medi- cine Hat; rt. th. Hague, W. A., Calgary; ]. th. Wilson, Ww. Rs rt. th. eam O. O., Landonville; . sh. Innisfail; Wenz, Jacob, Irvine; 1. n. Cassidy, W. J., Chin; rt. j. 2 Sy Wm., Millarville; ae ee Te Wm. R., Valley City; . sh. . Johnson, Wm., Ghost Pine Creek; rt. h. Thomas, W. H., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. _Kantz, Wm. F., Langdon; rt. th. Kenny, Wm., Curlew; rt. sh. Weeks, W. F., Seven Persons; rt. th. Harrington, Catherine, Cross- field; rt. sh. Larkin, Wm., Mayton; ]. sh. Weidner, rt. sh. Fred, Granum; May, Chas. L., Killam; 1. sh. Linton, N. W., Cowley; l. sh. = =|= =| =/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/= =/=/=/=/=/= aBfigoSBSREAAAEROREESEE "2 ce Henderson, Wm. Wallace, Pin- cher Creek; rt. sh. ie aga Wm., Hand Hills; . sh. Mather, Wm., Ingleton; 1. th. White, Manford, Taber; rt. sh. Wilson, Geo. M., Nanton; rt. th. Newton, Willoughby | M., Mound; |. h. Pickering, Wallace T., Red Willow; 1. sh. Parkinson & Sons, J., Grassy Lake; 1. h Price, Joseph, Black Diamond; rt. th. sis Seales Wm. J., Suffield; a 8 Pattinson, William,Heart Lake, Stettler; rt. sh. Withers, Phoebe, Pollockville; 1. sh. Woodbridge, P. P., Calgary; rt. th. Richardson, Wm., Stavely; rt. sh. Randall, W. C., Calgary; ]. sh. Roberts, Wm. H., Magrath; l. sh. Glover, W. R., Cardston; rt. sh. Rose, Wm., Taber; ie re Russell, W. J., Big Valley; rt. th. Riley, Wm., Frankburg; rt. sh. marenole, Wm. A., Lethbridge; Benefield, A. J., Granum; ]. th. Smart, William Wallace, Milk River; 1. th. Lockren, A. S., Carlstadt; 1. sh. : Tuthill, W. F., Battleview; 1. th. Watson, Thomas, Castor; rt. sh. — vl Ww Alberta Brand Book = =|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=/=/=/|= = BERBER EEEEERE EE SARReSeee Taylor, W., Hillcrest Mines; rt. sh. Martin, William, Taber; rt. sh. Schnaidt, Jacob, Irvine; 1. th. Vernon, Eliza Jane, Didsbury; rt. th. Vere, Walter, Taber; rt. sh. Van, Wm. John, Crowfoot; rt. h. Jones, Walter, Trenville; l. sh. Walker, J. W., Grassy Lake; rt. th. Garrett, J., Carbon; rt. sh. Wiest, Worth, Rosemead; rt. sh. Meyer, Geo. F., Blackie; rt. th. Miller, Wm. S:, Whitebrush; 1. sh. West, Wm. E., Vermilion; 1. sh. Young, W. G., Walsh; rt. sh. Young, John G., Walsh; rt. h. Zeigler, W. O., Cleverville; rt. sh. Brittain, Wm. L., Lost Lake; 1. th. Sherd, W. S., Lethbridge; rt. th. Wetherilt, James E., New Day- ton; 1. th Watt, Wm., Magrath; rt. MeNarland, Wm., Rocky Coulee; rt. sh. Stroyan, William, Perbeck; 1. th. Watkins, E. W. & F. M., Edgerton; |. sh. Heron, W. A., Macleod; rt. h. Wallace, William, Cochrane; sh. Whyte, James Bowie, Taber; 1. th. Rete] 5/2) SS )eaz| sida W|H SS SIS Sl SESS 1S Warrall, Alfred J., Seven Per- sons; rt. sh. Walsh, Geo., High River; l. th. Fraser, Wm., Coleridge; rt. th. Isaac, Wm., Barons; 1. sh. Williams, John W., bg gee na bs Irricana; Whitson, Stanley, Partridge Hills; 1. th. Jervis, Walter, Gopherhead; rt. sh. i Thomas, 8S. S., & Sons, Alto- rado; l. sh. Witt, Reginald, Chinook; rt. th. Warenboldt, Julius, Fieldholme; rt. sh. Wilcox, N. D., Eveland; rt. th. Watson, Jas. S., Calgary; rt. th. Wahl, Otto, Walsh; rt. sh. Whiteside, William, Penhold; rt. th. Hagley, John Wm., Pincher Creek; 1. sh. Anderson, W. A., Lonbutte; 1. th. Mitchell, Wm. A., Talbot; 1. th. Arnos, Wm. A., Seven Persons; rt. sh. Walker, A. R., Brooks; 1. th. Watt, John & James R., Victor; 1. th. Wilson, Alice J., Irricana; 1. th. Walker Bros., Gleichen; 1. sh. Raird, Wm., Calgary; rt. t Welsh Bros., rt. sh. Warner; Wolsey Bros., Taylorsville; ithe Rostock, W., Coleridge; rt. h. Alberta Brand Book 155 WB WB ras WB m™ WB a WB WB WB Ww WB 4 WB WB WB WB WB WB WB WB Wwe wa wa WE WE WE WE WE oN WE “vw WE Burton, Wm., Brooks; 1. th. Singleton & Wing, Shepard; rt. sh. Bixby, W. I., Raymond; ish: World, Wm., & Brown, T. P. C. Medicine Hat; rt. th. Wagner & Sons, A. L., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Ward, Benjamin, Wilhelmina; 1. sh. Willson Bros., Red Deer; rt. sh. Blackwood, Wm. §&., Talbot; 1. sh. Nicholson, W. B., Medicine Hat; rt. th. Baker, Wm., Raymond; rt. sh. Scott, Wm. Amos, Stavely; 1. sh. Hinton, C. L., Irricana; ]. th. Wilfle, Jacob, Irvine; rt. th. Bebarodka, Mike, Skaro; 1. sh. Berry, Stephen, Minda; rt. th. Rodman, Wm. B., Carlstadt; 1. th. Davies, Wm., Wildunn; ]. sh. Burningham, H., Elnora; rt. sh. Warnbold & Dodd, Crossfield; rt. sh. Edinger, W. C., Quarrel; rt. th. Weddle, N. E., Cowley; 1. sh. Weener, J. J., Pendant D’ Orreille; rt. sh. Wickre, E. J., Seven Persons; rt. th. Eby, Wilson E., Airdrie; l. sh. Hames, W. A. W., Bassano; rt. th Jones, W. D., Hutton; 1. sh. WE WE NV WE WE VUE WE WF UF WE —N WF WF Wo Wo Wo WG We “NN Wd Wo Wo WG we WH WH YUH Whittaker, H. A. W., Bon Accord; rt. th. Eddleston, Wm. Henry, Stauf- fer; 1. sh. Wilcox, Mrs. E., Claresholm; rts hk Welch, Ed., Gleichen; 1. sh. Chapman, Wm., Milk River; rt. th. Empey, Wm. Howard, Gilpin; 1. sh. Fuller, W. W., Whitla; rt. th. Flett, John, Burnt Lake; rt. th. Maxmund, Mrs. Mary L., Lethbridge; rt. sh. Hainsby, F. W., Paradise Valley; rt. th. MeFall, W. K., Faith; Th th: Field, W. L., Penhold; rt. 6h; Goodkey, William, Calgary; rt. th. Goeller, Wm., Mosside; rt. sh. Gollan, Wm., Bellshill; 1. sh. ns Wm. J., Mecheche; l.s se D. W., Little Plume; Gardner, Mrs. Walter, croft; rt. sh. May- Grenville, W. J., Sarcee; sh. Grant, Wm., Minburne; 1. th. Campbell, W. R., Frankburg; rt. sh. Glanville, Walter, Lonebutte; 1. th. Giles & Sons, W. H., Munson; lah; Higginbotham, Wilfred, Pincher Station; 1. sh. Hunter, W. H., Sweet Valley; l. th. Walker, Thomas, Innisfail; ]. sh. — Or oo Alberta Brand Book = = =5 iB a a pa \EEEBEE REEL EBREBESEEEES vie’. Wm. Howard; Ewing; « th. Hastie, Wm., Trochu; 1. th. Woodward, Harold W., Vegre--. ville; 1. th. Herron, W. J., Lawsonburg; 1. sh. . Hogg, J. W., Sundre; 1. th. Read & Sons, W. H.., Nanton; ]. sh. Harvie, Wm., Lethbridge; h 1. sh. se Harold R., Namaka; Selby, W. 8. & H. H. G., “Milk River; 1. th. McKinney, W., Suffield; sie rt. sh. Jack, Wm., Calgary; rt. th. R Kosier, W., Carlstadt; a 1. sh. . Kent,-Wm. E., Fraserton; , 1. th. zat Reddikipp, Wm. slope; rt. th. Phillips, W. R., Cayley;- 1. sh. W.,; Sunny- Sutherland, Wm. K., Mecheche; 1. th. Keith, Wm. W., Peace River Crossing; rt. h. Busby, W. H., Gleichen> 1. th. : MeRETIEn, Wm., Nightingale; 1. th. Lee, ie Henry Wm., Gleichen; rt. ae Christ., Mayton; Ah: Walter, H. A., Spring Coulee; rt. sh. Lee, espe John, Grassy Lake; 1. th. Larnbertson, Wm. N., Grain- land; 1. sh. Sureman, Henry, Elkwater; rt. sh. Redecliff; Lakes, Wm., 1. th. = = , EESEESEEE aaa SH2EASROUES 256 Logan, Wm., Lakeview; “> rt. sh. se Landells, Wendell, Islay;* 1. th. Ma Willems, M., Strathmore; 1. sh. sae t Horn, W. V., Many Berries; 1. th. 7 Scott, Wm. A., Leo; rt. sh. Leehae. Wm., High Prairie; . th. Lowe, Wm., Red Deer; - rt. sh. Hobart, W. M., Bassano; rt. sh. : Murray, Wm., Cremona rt. sh. Watson, Thomas, Chinook= rt. sh. : sr aha “Wm., Metiskow; : Woolley, Norman E., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Frank, W. M., Grabuiti: % Tt. sh. s ¥ Nixon, Jr., Wm., Lillieos ; 1. sh. < |< |S | KI x | LK | x | x | x S21 3e [se [Sele] 3x | >< oS] fox mle [7575 [525] los |S] | od] ES I Anderson, T. & G. J., Twin Butte; rt. th. Christofferson, S., Forshee; rt. n. Byler, Warren J., Chinook; 1. sh. — Geo. W., Big Valley; Rh: Morrisroe, E., Solhimia; rb. h. Johnson, Henry, Belvedere; rt. sh. Noteboom, Gustav, Coutts; rt. sh. Walker, Robert, Perbeck; rt. h. Loudenback, L. R., Cheadle; ]. sh. Rider, Ellen, Hastings Coulee; rt. th Radford, R. P., Macleod; rt. sh. Fink, John W., Pincher City: rt. th. De Graff, Mrs. Lucy, Ewing; rt. th. Traquair, James, Millarville; rt. sh. Trekolski, Mrs. A., Irvine; rt. n. Birkenshaw, Joseph, Arthur- vale; rt. h. Green, Mrs. H. F., Cowley; 1. sh. Ly he ge Wm., Crossfield; Welsh, J. P., Ferry Point; rt. sh. Riley, John, Munson; rt. sh. Conrad Circle Cattle Co., Lethbridge; 1. th. Morris, Elmer W., Caseleyville; rt. h. Carlsen, James, Lundbreck; 1. th. 3 Uttley & Son, J., Lowden Lake; rt. sh. prone, Alfred, Mountain Mill; Baker, rt. C. K., Coutts; th. < |S | <1 OK |e 1 |S | RT NIN |C]>|>|~«1=/S1> ,, | |xX >< | >< | >< | XX x< >< |< pops] 12 [onl 31315] 8] a] a] dS [a= Papillard, Edgard, Trochu Valley; rt. th. Watkins, Joseph, Crton; ]. sh. Withington, Rex M., Wiste; rt. th. Dunfield, H. G., De Winton; h rt. sp. Latus, Vincent, Nanton; l. sh. Mills, Frank, Calgary; rt. sh. Caseman, L. A., Bowville; rt. sh. Cotte, P. M., Cowley; rt. th. Hardy, Robt. Wm., Calgary; Svenby, Nels, Carlstadt; rt. sh. Quinton, Eliz. Ann, Cardston; l. th. rag a James, Clsen Creek; sh. Spragge, C. H., Gleichen; tt. A: Korstad, T., Gamrose; rt. sh. sie >a Nunham, Stavely; sh. Bewley, A. J., Calgary; rt. sh. Penny, G. H., Lloydminster; ite, Duck, Frank P., Innisfail; rt. th. Bond, Thos. J., Percival; l. sh. Dodds, Alex., Acme; 1. th. Benedict, Roy, Wimborne; l. th. Cockburn, Arthur S. B., Stett- ler; rt. th. Jones, Mrs. John, Evarts; 1. th. Greenwood, Russell H., Mun- son; rt. sh. Myers, F. A., Beiseker; 1. sh. Miner, Fred E., Beiseker; rt. h Alberta Brand Book EEBBEEERBE —C ofeho}-|-C|-<] «| <|~<|-+<]> « SERESEOEEGSRERSENOSIOSERIN Frank, George, Granum; 1. th. Dwigans, Wm. E., Brant; 1. sh. Holmes, Thos., Taber; rt. sh. — Mrs. Alice, Taber; Runciman, Sir Walter, New- castle on Tyne, Eng.; 1. sh., vent same lI. h. Steffes, Mrs. Georgiaina; Coutts; 1. th. MeNeil, John, Ewelme; 1: th: McNeil, W. J. B., Stand Off; rt. th. MeNeil, Alf, Macleod; 1. sh. Pyle, Miss Pearl, Dorothy; rt. th. Russell, John A. St. M., Dorothy; 1. th. Yuill Bros., Medicine Hat; 1. sh. Wightman, John, Rocky View; rt. th. Conrad, Yules, Cochrane; 1. sh. Davis, Chas. E., Three Hills; ]. sh. Devitt, Wm. Edmund, Flag- staff; 1. sh. Eyrnundson, Hannes, Evarts; rt. th. Seney, John, High River; rt. sh. Young, Wilson & James A., Medicine Hat; |. sh. Henius, Harry, Okotoks; 1. th. Heaton, J. M., Lonbutte; Eh: Haywood, A., Foreman; rt. sh. Johnson & Co., Eagle Hill; rt. h. Young, Wm., Calgary; rt. sh. Kirby, Mrs. Kittie, Carbon; 1. sh. Murray, Thomas J., Nanton; rt. th. _ [=r bo Alberta Brand Book ~<{-C]>-|-<]| «| K|>—|>-| >| <]-c] | K]} +] c]~«|>-|< |-<|~|~|~«|>|~«]~<|~< SISSIES E/E) 3] Be] PSS SOS MIS [e le ico je jo Owens, William, Fieldholme; 1. th. L’Hirondelle, J. B., Egg Lake; l. sh. Todd, George, Thigh Hills; rt. sh. Hornberger, John F., Vermilion; rt. sh. i Johnston, D. C., Springbank; Walker, Chas. A., Stettler; 1. th. Littlefield, Sam, Eagle Hill; 1. sh. Myram, James, Bottrell; rt. th. Wightman, H. W., Brant; rt. h. Williamson, F. D., Bassano; rt. th. Link, Mrs. Fred, Mountain Mill; rt. th. Bennett, Mrs. Mary, Calgary; rt. th. Towers, George, Cochrane; rt. sh. Hervey, Harcourt, C. A., Calgary; rt. sh. Kraft, Frank J., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Jacobsen, H., Stewartwyn; 1. sh. Mott, Chas. J., Ewing; 1. th. Esplen, Robert John, Nanton; rt. th Kilgour, Andrew, Langdon; 1. th. Wilson, Robert, Three Hills; 1. sh. Stewart, James D., Ferry Bank; l. th. Woolford, Ambrose, Cardston; h l. sh. Stephens, Geo. W. & Sam. E., Barons; 1. h. Galliher, A. A., Wimborne; rt. sh. Gordon, Hugh; Crossfield; rt. sh, Sweder, Frank, Trochu Valley; rt. h >~|~<]-c]-<]>-|[~«ly |-<]< -[-<]~«|~«|-<]~|«]<|<|/« BREE MEERISRESEEESRESeRS Lynch, Mrs. W. F., Mountain Mill; rt. sh. McCuaig, Duncan, Talbot; 1. sh. a eS Arthur, Big Valley; . sh. Younggern, Franz, Brooks; rt. sh. Corbett, Mrs. Thos. L., Medi- cine Hat; 1. sh. Wall, Frank, Claresholm; rt. sh. Dawson Bros., Cardston; rt. th. Turville, G. H., Stettler; rt. sh. Cowan & Rivington, Lone Butte; rt. th. Howie, Frank A., Rusyliva; l. sh. ee Oscar E., Red Deer; » th. Cameron, A. I., Sampsorton; rt. h. Brower, Mrs. Nora, Oldham, Mont., U.S.; 1. h. Orton, A. E., Rumsey; rt. th. Hester, Leo. S., Medicine Eat; 1. th. Barnhill, Stanley, Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Hester, Mrs. L. A., Oldham, Mont., U.S.A. & Sage Creek, Alta.; 1. j. Whissen, C. rt. sh. M., Langdon; Thompson, Harry, Langdon; 1. sh. Muir, Thomas, Rocky[Coulee; 1. sh. McDowall, W. D., Mountain Mill; 1. h. Grosland, Chris, Holden; rt. sh. Meers, E. W., Innisfail; rt. sh. Musgrove, Cyril F., Eagle Butte; rt. h. Wood, Thomas, Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Wunsch, Gustav, Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Alberta Brand Book 163 for) Alberta Brand Book ie tae Alex., Carbon; Hebe Nels, Steveville; Tt. s Blott, Wm. H., Happyland; Bowie, John, Claresholm; rt. sh. rt. sh. Stinson & Presley, Macleod; rt. sh. Quail, J., & Day, A. P., Medicine Hat; 1. sh McElroy, G. M., Calgary; 1. th. Johnston, James, Irvine; 1. th. Manely, James J., Fourways rt. sh. Johnston, Hugh, Brooks; rt. sh. Zeigler, Adam, Schuler; Lilliedahl, Seth, Donalda; 1. sh. rt. sh. Innes, David, Macleod; Ragan, Wm., Olds; rt. sh. : rt. sh. Bennett, Harvey, Leslieville; Apow, Joshua, Morley; i sh. i Tt. sh. McHargue, Thomas, Clares- Arnold, Nelson, Mannville; holm; rt. sh. Tt. sh. NEARS Morrison, A., Raymond; rt. th. McFarlane, H., Cochrane; rt. sh. Rintoul, R. A., Bassano; rt. th. N > Schram, Mrs. T. Lillie, Medi- cine Hat; rt. sh. - ol Bezanko, Jacob, Bowell; oo Michael, Pekan; 1. th. >Re Z § Merrill, John B., Hill Springs} rt. sh. Ranby, J. G., Keoma; 1. sh. Wis Berlinquette, Z., Warwick; 1. th. Brost, Adolph, Gros Ventre; ZH ZJ ZJ ZJ ZJ ZA. ais ZL ZM ZM ZM Zé ZM ZN ZO ZO Feilitzsch, Baron Hans, Night- ingale; rt. sh. ZB rt. sh. 4 o. * Binnie, James, High Prairie; Jones, Thomas, Red Lodge; | Zz B rt. sh. rt. th. 2S, Eadie, Malcolm, Big Prairie; Callison, G. A., Trenville; Z E rt. sh. 1. sh. ; Donahue, J. E., Whitlash, Morneault, Levite, Carstairs; Z E ont.; rt. h. Zz O 1. sh. Canoe Paul, Eagle Butte; _ N - Farr, A. A., Airdrie; 7b. Bo. Rare, Mrs. Annie, Cowley; rt. sh. Swartz, Frank, Blackie; rt. sh. Mair, John, Olsen Creek; rt. sh. N Tn N A) | I est a Francis Wm.; Macleod; . sh. N n NIN th|” Ferber, C., Duvernay; 1. sh. N \| 6 Hennel, Joseph, Stettler; Miller, Wm., Manyberries? rt. h. 1. sh. N ps Halley, L. B., Rosebeg; Peters, Bert, Taylorville; , rt. sh. 1. th. a »~ es 8S. R., Consort; ] seal ss threes John H., Clark Manor; . th. NIN ak Spackman, R. B., Black «Din Horner, Frank, Kinsella; , mond; rt. th. rt. sh. NIN |< Hoffman, Henrick, Hilda; Moore, W. Russell, Langdon; rt. th. rt. h. N ~< Alberta Brand Book 167 wens, T. C., Elean; rt. t Anderson, Andrew M., Whit- lash, Mont.; 1. sh. Lainer, T. S., Lethbridge; rt. h. Rhodes, A. I., Bowden; 1. sh. Caldwell, W. A., Bassano; rt. sh. Riley, W. J., Calgary; rt. n. Mitchell, Joseph, Strathmar- tine; rt. h McFadden, John, Brant; 1. sh. Grey, Miss Mearle G., Medicine Hat; 1. j Pines, W. N., Crossfield; rt. sh. O’Brien, James A., Raymond; rt. th. McGregor, Blair, Vermilion; rt. th. Baron, Henry, Calgary; rt. sh. Myer & Sorrenson, Wainwright; rt. h Hemming, Jas. S., Red Lodge; rt. sh. Rose, Melvirn, Beazer; 1. sh. Watson, J. W., Altadorevale; rt. h. ser ha Wm. A., Spring Point; . sh. Smith, James, Shephard; rt. t Shackle, Guy, Midnapore; rt. th. Bragg, John, Gleichen; ]. sh. Ehrman, John, Irvine; rt. sh. ee my NIN NI ZZ Z2 SHGSGERIOITG % Goddard, Ralph P. H., Batten- burg; rt. sh. se as Andrew, Granum; Harrington, Lewis O., Turner, Oregon, U.S.; rt. sh. Sergeant, Rev. Jas., Warner; rt. th. Dick, John, Three Hills; 1. th. Goundrey, Wm. J., Okotoks; rt. sh. Ringold, Thomas, Strathmore; rt. sh. — Arthur F., Calgary; . sh. scl as Jas. H., Shephard; . sh. at Allen N., Fieldholme; . th. Carruthers, Robt. A., Cayley; rt. j. car ik aa W.B., Medicine Hat; . Sh. Parker, Harold S., Brant; rt. th. Robinson, C. S8., Springdale; 1. sh. : Cowan, John W., Irvine; rt. sh. Ingleby, Clement R., Strath- more; 1. sh. Aarsky, M. J., Cereal; rt. sh. Nelson, Lee A., Veillette; l. th. Eade, Thomas, Claresholm; rt. th. som wore Jr., S., Chipman; 1. sh. Drake, Arthur C., Lethbridge; rt. sh. — jor) CO Alberta Brand Book Bs RoINO| NO] Zi DST DS] Pr TRE Tp] pot ps i) MTN TOTP RSET DS Ths royenfen] EYE] fea] 5] 8183/3] 2) ps fer) 2S) [os SS) mS Bickley, John,}Red Deer; rt. th. Wright, Miss Eliz., Bottrel; rt. sh. Van Orman Bros., Taber; 1, sh. Best, Edwin A., Carbon; 1. sh. Terrill, Mrs. Wm. R., Twin Butte; rt. sh. Hinchliff, George, Diamond City; 1. sh. Grant, Walter, Talbot; rt. sh. Johnson, Harry E., Raymond; rt. sh. Johnston, James, Milk River; 1. sh. Christensen, James, Stirling; rt. th. Boese, Samuel, Sunnyslope; 1. sh. Secrist, C. L., Sundial; rt. sh. Sinclair, Lauchlin, Walsh; rt. sh. Passey, Wm. T.,. Magrath; rt. th. Roney, H. A., Cardston; rt. sh. Sabee, Wm., Magrath; rt. h. Shannon, W.fH. & A.,"Carbon; rt. sh.€ Pitcher, David A., Cardston; rt. th. O’Donnell, Walter, Chimrey- rock; rt. sh. Keast, Robt. E., Gadsby; 1. th. Sparrow, Wm.§G.,” Melfort, Sask.; rt. sh. Bakos, Steve, Lundbreck; rt. th. Browne, C.EC., Innisfail; rt. sh. Gobbett, Geo. A., Little Plume; rt. sh. Chudleigh, N. P., Rosebeg; 1. sh. Benedict Bros., Mayton; rt. th. Nw Nh PEP EPETRPERETPEED No a NEN No ERS No Ul Ward, Samuel 8; Reaeeae 1. th. Whitely, John, Olds; Tt. sh. Van Wagoner, Parley, Ray- — mond; 1. sh. Whiteside & McGillivray, May vrille; rt. h. Wilke, C. F., Cayley; 1. sh. Woods, A. T., Twin Butte; rg ee Erickson, Edd., Gleichen; “rt. th: Fadden, Mrs. Elsie, Trenville; . th. McCracken, Nathan, Carlstadt; rt. sh. } Stewart, W. B., Drumheller; 1. sh. 4 Brierly, C. J., Gleichen; : 1. th. i McLean, Dan, Medicine Hat; 1. sh. : Campan, Fortuna, Nanton; ~ rt. sh. Dow, Guy T., Champion; }. Sa Gray, W. H., Carlstadt; rt. sh. Kemp, Sam, Bowell; rt. sh. Montijambert, C. T., Living. stone; 1. sh. : he Henry Warne, Cochrane; . sh. Breitzke, Mrs. Tillie, Big Stone; rt. sh. Gould, George, Fort Saskatehe- wan; |. sh. Hanson, Peter, Bellshill; rt. th. Duff, J., Olds; Tt. j. Hendry, Julia, Vulcan; 1. sh. Phelps, M. J. & G. W., Norton; rt. th. Reid, Oriek A., Reid Hill; rt. sh. Hancock, Chas., Raymond; 1, th. Alberta Brand Book 169 F2 Ea Fleming, Wm., Walsh; 1. sh. Knight, Raymond, Raymond; rt. th. Gillies, Angus, Cremona; rt. sh. Sommus, P. O. Champion; rt. h Macdonald, A. E., Nanton; rt. sh. Barry, Dollie, Livingstone; 1. sh. Bishop, Dell, Winnifred; rt. sh. Dobson, Robt., Chinook; ré. his Campbell, Geo. Adam, Nanton; l. sh. Boyd, Fred., Drumheller; rt. th. George, W. B., Gull Lake, Sask.; rt. sh. Dunn, Ernest, Carbon; rt. th Christie, Victor, & Kidd, John, Cardston; |. sh. Hiles, John, Dora; 1. sh. oe Samuel, Nanton; . sh. Bennett, D. C., Whitebrush; rt. sh. . Louchart, L., Summerview; rt. sh, Martin, John, Glenview; 1. sh. or Josiah, Acadia Valley; . sh. Kuyvett, W. G., Strathmore; rt. sh. ae etone, Vincent S., Carbon; Crenshaw, rs. Mattie, Gala- had; 1. th. ASS SSR i) ON Z 2 Ni NI Gall Gallon Gs I NS aN FHINSINS nll SSSI: Site Doyle, W. B., & Phillips, Frank, Medicine Hat; 1. sh. McAllister, E., Penhold; rt. sh. Sherburne, M., Holden; kc th: James, David, Flagstaff; rt. th. Bish, A. W., Hastings Coulee; 1. th. Stoney, Jas. Butler, Lethbridge; l. sh. McCleary, G., Curlew; rt. sh. Laindeborg, C. O., Drumheller; th. rt. Sawyer, Fred. S., Pine Lake; . sh. Rudd, T. E., Medicine Hat; l. th. que: 3 R. I., Grassy Lake; rt. s Burne, Harry W., Gleichen; i: th. Lee, Arthur, Taber; 1. sh. Colebank, A. J., Springdale; ]. th. Frye, Wm. R. L., Clark Manor; l. th. Bohannon, Fred. C., Alsask; rt. h. Meldrum, Parley, Raymond; tt. th. Holmberg, Fridolf W., Bawlf; k. th. Roseberg, August, Yule Mea- dow; |. sh. Rosenberger, O., Airdrie; rt. sh. Saxby, John L., Pine Lake; 1. sh. _ 70 Alberta Brand Book 1 IOC OOOO) m}oo]o\4 59164] 31 3] efor Davis, Albert J., Sundial; rt. j., vent bar over. Read, Henry, Medicine Hat; rt: }. - Whiffen, Horace E., Medicine Hat; rt. th. Conrad Circle Cattle Co., Lethbridge; 1. n. Beaton, Neil, Simons. Valley; 1. sh. Warden, John C., Reid Hill; 1. th. ; Wood, Joseph, Langdon; rt. sh. Gervais, Alex., Pincher Creek; rt. sh. Young, George, Cowley; rt. 8 Ogan, C. E., Sundre; 1. sh. Smith, Walter B., Didsbury; rt. th. Whitney Bros., Lundbreck; rt. th. Gamache, Mrs. Edward, Moun- tain Mill; 1. hb. Spurlin, J. M., Lake View; 1. th. Smallecombe, E. H., Queens- town; rt. sh. Warren, J. T., Calgary; rth. Whitney Bros., Gillingham; 1. sh. Burke, J. S., Islay; rt. th. Harrington, Jerry, Connors- vilee; rt. sh. Patterson, John, Taber; ki th. Lee, Fred C., Collholm; rt. sh. i ae Geo., Medicine Hat; . sh. ). CNICN] ONT ON ND }ON | Ot lon NO}]ON | Ot} Gn} Out} No] Ov Gy | On BSERSESReZeSoRREREEEES Robertson, Fred., Pincher Creek; rt. sh. Hogan, Wm., Galahad; l. st. McDougall Bros., Round Up; 1. sh. Currie Bros., Sarcee; rt. th Burnham, Byron, Sundial; rt. sh. Hills, Sask.; rt. sh. O’Connor Bros., Little Plume; rt. sh. . rer me Mrs. Ela W., Leavitt; . SB. ; ; : Musgrove, C. F., McDonald 3 Baker, E. R., Pekisko; rt. sh. Stafford, Matilda Elizabeth, Pincher Creek; 1. n. Kent, Arthur E., Content; 1. sh. Le y rd . King, Richard, Sterlingville; — 1. sh. be McCaul, Thomas, Cochrane; 4 Campbell, Albert A., ial rt. h. Honeywell, Clarence E., Trochu Valley; 1. sh. | Lock, Harry, Okotoks; l. sh. . Evans, Edward, High River; 1. sh. McIntosh, James, Stettler; rt. sh. Noble, B. F., De Winton; rt. sh. McKenzie, James, Little Plume; I. th. Newland, F. C., Penhold; rt. sh. Baerg, Peter, Sunnyslope; 1. th. Alberta Brand Book 171 51) , Onl oe CN ™ SERSESSZERSE Morrison,- Geo., Woolchester; rt. th. Jaques, Charles, Minda; rt. sh. Graham, Wm. T., Stettler; rt. sh. le Jacob W., Sunnyslope; . sh. McGlenning, Talmage, Sum- merview; rt. sh. Roberts, P. H., Tinchebray; Tt. th. Stauffer, N. B., High River; l. sh. Lonsdale, Claud, Millarville; 1. sh. Isaac, John F., Sunnyslope; rt. t Walter, Albert E., Copeville; rt. sh. McAdam, R., Hill End; rt. sh. Layton, Ben, Cardston; rt. sh. Ewing, Chas. P., Hand Hills; 1. th. ae Ed. Payne, Cochrane; Schantz, Arthur B., Didsbury; 1. th. Reid, Chas. H., Lethbridge; 1. th. Wiedmer, Andreas, Walsh; rt. th. Erne, Abr. L., Medicine Hat; Wellman, C. V., Mountain View; |. th - 5 Vincent, Twin Butte; -J Wixom, D. W., Cardston; rt. th. Mitchell, Mrs. Belle, Mountain Mill; rt. sh. Ruby, J. A., Didsbury; rt. th. Shoap, Isaac, Nanton; Cogelow, Chas. F., Claresholm;. rt. sh. aoe, E. M., Eagle Butte; Co ON}| GN] No] On +/+ [Nol | o On| Ot} On 08 Onl, Or SSR SEES ESBEEESSEREREERS Burns & Co., Ltd., Patrick, Calgary; 1. sh. Murphy, Jas. Wm., Wessing- ton; rt. sh. Parker, M. R., East Clover Bar; 1. sh. McDougall, W. I., & Edna A. S., Round Up; 1. th. Andrews, C. G., Exsham; l. h. Kathan, A. W., Round Hill; rt: th. Andrews, C. F., High River; 1. sh. Knox, Hialmer A., Thigh Hill; rt. sh. Reinert, Wm., Wood Mountain, Sask.; rt. j. Palmer, Wm. M., Raymond; rt. th. Wilson, Lynn, Whitebrush; rt. th. Holmes, Ed., Taber; 1. th. Wilson, John, Milnerton; 1. sh. Hearonemus, Harry, Monvel; l. sh. Jackson, Robert, Spring Point; rt: h. Swinburn, Wm., Eagle Butte; Lith. Short, Jas. L., Okotoks; rt. sh. Shaw, R. A., Penhold; rt. sh. Parish, Wm. Geo., Hicksburg; rt. h Cholowski, Steffiin, Beaver Hills; rt. sh. Newton, R. A., Langdon; rt. sh. Jacques, J., Calgary; rt. th. Montague, R. E. C., Burdett; 1. sh. Drake, H. E., Woolford; rt. sh. Noble, T. J., Morley; rt. sh. Hardman, J., Stirling; 1. sh. Alberta Brand Book SPAT <| Io Sal EGGGGE I a ny I epepalelelet shale) Hatcher, W., Calgary; rt. sh. Eikermann, Wm., Battle River; rt. th. Jeannot, Fred, Olds; ]. sh. Hare, Frank S., & Penn, Harry A., Nanton; 1. sh. Scheer, T. C., Strathmore; l. sh. 4 Prosser, Albert Edward, Field- holme; rt. h. wa SE dai W., Medicine Hat; nk > Tompkins, Frank, Walsh; rt. sh. as ig W. G., Raymond; Stonehocker, Joseph, Lavoy; rh. 3: Gordon, R. J., Lethbridge; 1. sh. Ross, Frances, Pine Lake; rt. th. Carrol, Jas. T., Alix; rt. st. Beere, C. H., & McLaughlin, F. L., Brocket; 1. j. Robertson, Wm. G., Pincher City; rt. j. Oscar, Wm., Bassano; l. h. ce John, Caldwell; an fs Robertson, M. & C., Bowell; rt. ). Williamson, D. H., Medicine Hat; 1. th. Murray, Wm. W., Macewan; ]. sh. Metzger, Lewis, Stirling; ig ae White, Albert, Cardston; rt. j. 4) Labuan, Guillaume, Ferry Point; 1. sh. Hoskyn, Jethro, Calgary; : l. r., under saddle. ' Lumley, Frank, Greenlawn; — rt. sh. Jackson, Mrs. Robt., Spring Point; rt. th. Tielebein, Fred., Millet; rt. h. Cudlip, J. R., Millarville; Leth; Meh eer Chas., Claresholm; nat B Oliver, F. K., Westcott; rt. sh. Zemp, C. J., Cardston; 1. sh. Brown, M. E., Warwick; 1. th. Wilde, Wm. J., Medicine Hat; rt. th. Wood, Robert, Caseleyville; rt. h. Erickson, Alif, Stirling; 1. th. Sampson, Jas. E., Dalroy; rt. sh. Walker, J. W., Stavely; rt. sh. Hornett Bros., Penhold; ~ rt. th. Dunnigan, Wm. Good, Red Willow; 1. sh. Sexsmith, G. A., Blackie; ]. sh. Olsen, Royal F., Mossleigh; rt. h. Vp Jeremiah, Caldwell; 1. th. Schonert & Son, Mary, Bow Island; rt. h. Paterson, Mrs. Francis F., Battle Creek, Sask.; rt. th. Alberta Brand Book 173 es ohare fr + | ele EER] ElelEl =| EE ppl S|S |S peor erpe py Blo Chalmers, A. M., Macleod; rt. sh. Lee, Mrs. Mary Ann, Gilling- ham; 1. sh. Harrison, B. H., Didsbury; 1. th. —. Bros., Dorothy; Roseley, Mrs. Francis A., Livingstone; rt. th. Hoge, Francis H., Granum; rt. t Miller, Jr., Mathew, Coleridge; rt. sh. Nickelson, August, Brant; l. sh. Down, Lilian, Macleod; rt. n. Peacock, R. S., Crossfield; 1. sh. Jones, John M., Dalroy; 1. th. Moore, Henry, Langdon; rt. sh. Ferguson, Robert, Lethbridge; 1. sh. Naslund, P. J., Alix; rt. sh. aaa Bros., Calgary; . sh. Heber, Geo. F., Lundbreck; 1. th. Schultz, Geo., Irvine; l. sh. Dennis, Chas., Red Willow; rt. h. Neil, Joseph, Bow Island; ]. sh. Coombes, Thos. mond; rt. th. John, Ray- Johnson, Jacob S., Barons; rth: Kelly, Cornelius, Sweet Valley; Nelson, John M., Stirling; koh Pollard, W. C., Chipman; rt. sh. Haigh, Oscar J., Walsh; rt. sh. pects aibert, Stauffer; . sh. a ae a a ir ee eee By (oad wah ot ehotelelele tele ls x 2] 8] ]R| |= S|] lor E [EE |S] toe es 5/5] 2 S/S Mason, C. D., Ensign; ]. th. Mavor, John, Daysland; rt. hi Skippen, Melvin, Delia; rt. sh. McLeary, Stewart, Lethbridge; rt. th. A Seating Grassy Lake; Riley, James, Lundbreck; rt. th. Reesor, W. F., Walsh; 1. sh. Adshead, Albert G., Big Valley; rt. th. Baldwin, S. E., Markerville; l. th. Evans, T. M., Carstairs; ]. sh. Smith, 8S. J., Gaetz Valley; rt. th. Hammel Bros., Carbon; 1. th. Taylor, F. W., Lethbridge; rt. sh. Nichol Bros., Trochu Valley; rt. sh. wsir >. Pe G., New Dayton; . th. Nichol, Mrs. Daniel, Trochu Valley; rt. sh. Coxson, De Witt F., Macleod; rt. sh. Brandley, Henry, Stirling; 1. th. Moorehead, W. F., Provost; 1. sh. Barrier, Wm. C., Fraserton; 1. sh. Ives, Albert E., Lethbridge; rt. th. Bauman & Wood, Bassano; Pith: McBride, James M., Youngs- town; rt. sh. a iy Carl R., Round Up; » th. English, Henry, Thelma; rt. h. tie Chas. F., Edgerton; 1. h. —_ ~J —_ Alberta Brand Book £ elelelels fils Spee SE SSIS [ere S]ELELEIS Ie 6) N U1 Rosehill Bros., -Lobley; rt. h. White, H. R., Medicine Hat; rt. n. Smith, Wallace, rt. bh. Camrose; Moore, Thomas, Lyndon; l. th., vent 4 1. sh. Hunter, W. W., Olds; rt. sh. Pringle, rt. sh. Chas. R., Erskine; Pejean, Emile, Gurneyville; l. sh. Dahl, Arthur, Raymond; 1. th. Babb, W. H., Medicine Hat; Eh: Buelow & Sons, C. W., Lamer- ton; rt. sh. White, M. W. & R. W., Hicks- burg; 1. sh. Buck, W. E., Stauffer; 1: th: Rose, Nelson P., Strathmore; 1. th. Erricson, John F., Trochu Valley; 1. th. Summer, A. B., Macleod; rt. sh. Selman, Chas., Raymond; rt. sh. ) Jobery, B. H., Hand Hills; rt. j. Graham, James, Champion; rt. sh. Noad, Thos. H., Olds; 1. th. McKay, Alex. R., Cochrane; rt. fT. : oe Johnson Co., Cowley; 1. th. Hill, Wm., Gleichen; l. th. FUE IO lan S/F I+ elf ie leit ltleiciec BESS RSEREESEESRS BESEeS Stimson, E. C., Midnapore; 1. sh. oa John, Saltaux; Wilson, L. R., Calgary; ]. sh. Pe E., Midnapore; s Jones & Millar, Macleod; rt. th Carson, Jeff, High River; 1. sh. Rife, D. E., Crossfield; rt. sh. Duval, Mrs. Mary B., Stettler; 1. sh. Galdthorpe, George, Stettler; rt. th. Moore, Richard, Lyndon; rt. sh. Claeys, Chas., Erskine; rt. sh. athe Gottlieb, Ingleton; Snider, Albert, Langdon; 1. sh. Wright, E. F., Nanton; rt. sh. Lee, H. L., Priddis; rt. sh. Hodge, Wm., Innisfail; 1. sh. McKinnon, J. W., Meadow Creek; 1. j. Johnston, A. C. Cooper, Lund- breck; 1. th. Paege, O. F., Chipman; 1. sh. ae sais Lorne, Bowell; Be Swanson, Ben, Bowell; l. sh Boffey, Elfrida, Bowden; 1. th. Alberta Brand Book 175 Ol On On O1 On | S)sisisla Wels 1s 1s S/S] mS/S A ooo Wood, Mrs. Florence A., Mac- leod; 1. sh. Lindsay, Roy, Stettler; rt. sh. Schwahn, Jr., Wm., New Nor- way; l.s Hawatt, S. A., Carbon; Nees pee John Telfer, Sheerness; rt. h. Brown, H. J., Cardston; rt. th. Bellanger, G., Sullivan Lake; tj. McLeay, Sadie M., rt. sh. Stillwell, Wm., High River; rt. sh. Mutard, Chas. H., Calgary; 1. sh. Irvine; Dodd, Ernest, Rainbow; 1. sh. Hyde, Geo. T., High River; 1. sh. Cope, A., Cardston; rt. th. English, Albert Robt., Eagle Butte; rt. th. Ettenger, N. H., Culham; 1. th. Whipple, Frank, Masinasin; Re Se Barron, Arch’d, Nanton; 1. sh. Doane, E. M., 1. sh. Airdrie; Harper, Walter A., High River; 1. sh. Noble, Cardston; rt. sh. Hamilton, J. H., Red Deer; rt. h Henry, Jensen, M. A., Brant; 1. th. Davis, John B., Sandstrom; rt. sh. Erickson, Arthur E., New Dayton; 1. th. Kearne, Patrick, Bow Island; rt. th. Hickmore, William, Winnifred; Tt. th O1y,Or On) Ot] OFF On} Ot} On} O11} OF) Gt Gn | Ot | O11 | OT 1978) On | Ot 101 1 On [Ont [Orton fin BES BEBE BSE RR EBB ean oeSeAaee Crowe, Ralph R., Barons; rt. sh. Perras, Jos. G. H., Morinville; rt. McDermand, C. C., Alix; 1. sh. MelIntyre, A. C., Brant; rt. sh. Adshead, Edwin W., Big Val- ley; rt. th. Plante, T., Coleman; 1. sh. Burr, Henry S., Raymond; 1. th. McLeod, Alex., Halley; 1, sh. Martin, Angus, Calgary; 1. sh. Cooper, Mrs. Mabel R., Medi- sh. cine Hat; Moore, Willard, Tolman; rt. sh. Welton, O. G., Clive; rt. th. Wirsch, Jr., rt. th. August, Newburg; Kelly, Ebenezer, Markerville; rt. th Swinney, Homer, Fishburn; rt. h. Swinney & McKoun, Fishburn; rt. sh. Gales, Peter, Cardston; 1. sh. Pack, L. Lambert, Raymond; 1. th. Main, A.exr., Stettler; Eh. Wood, Geo. B., Hand Hills; 1. sh. Gounine Wm. R., Langdon; Liesemer, John E., Didsbury; l. sh., vent same rt. sh. Hayes, Wells, Gleichen; rt. sh. Butcher, Jessie C., Bittern Lake; rt. sh. England, E., Granum; 1. sh. Coulthard, George J., Bowell rt. th. Alberta Brand Book | o +O {on onlenlon| ol] oo] oi BERR RBESSeeREE lela} [8/9] 9 Frink, Mrs. Clara: F., Pincher Creek; rt. sh. Steed, A. A., Strathmore; 1. th. Hayes, R. B., Gleichen; rt. sh. Marr, C. A., Parkland; rt. h Jardon, Peter, St. Paul de Metis; 1. sh. Cuddington, E. O., Winnifred; rt. sh. Parton, Arthur, Coutts; 1. th. Cooknell, Ernest, Cowley; 1. sh. Hemsley, John M., Grassy Lake; |. h. Clark, W. E., Little Plume; 1. sh. sas Samuel G., Crossfield; . sh. Pell, W. N., Sumner weer BS Becker, Herman H., Hand Hills; 1. h. Royer, Jerry, Brant; rt. sh. 6 Russell, Alex., Pincher Creek; 1. sh. vent same |. h. Spett, Chris., Pincher Creek; rt. sh. vent bar over brand Rerry, Bert, Pincher Creek; je}. McAlpine, Wm., Walsh; rt. h. Lowther, C.W., Lethbridge; 1. th. Brown & Gunnell, Lacombe; rt..3: The Pacific Cartage Co., Ltd., Calgary; |. sh. Peynon, Wm., Cochrane; rt. h. Oy) Oo 2} I AIS IS ISIS |S] SHDPSlta [SAS epparplele Hagen, N. T., Sundre; 1. sh. Jarvis, John H., Lamerton; 1. th. Coates, George, Crossfield; Devins, J. J., Carstairs; r. sh. M 5 Arthur, Medicine Hat; Girard, M., Brosseau; rt. th Lang, G. J., Medicine Hat; rt. th. Hayes, Norman N., Gleichen; l. th. Bishop, J. W., Cochrane; l. sh. Neilson, Lars P., Hill Spring; l. sh. Shantz, Henry C., Aldersyde; ]. sh. Stewart, E. E., Willows; 1. h. Bateman, John T., Cardston; rt. th. Jones, Edward J., Orbindale; Tt, 2. Dart, Angus, Hand Hills; ye Swanson, Charles, Stewartwyn; rt. sh. Wilson, Miss Helen, Medicine Hat; 1. th. Smith, Herbert, Cochrane; rt. sh. Reymond, A., Rosebud Creek; 1. th. Joberg, A. F., Dorothy; rti-d: Serviss, Mrs. Mary E., Okotoks; rt. sh. Folsom, Henry,G., Cardston; 1. th. Alberta Brand Book 177 = BEEEEEREERZRERSERBCooeSsS o~| & rr} tr - Cahill, John J., Carlstadt; l. sh. Hogaboam, A., Tide Lake; rt. J. Bowlen, Michael, Baronet; rt. th. McClean, Sam. L., Delia; 1. sh. Swallow, Rowland, Hardieville; rt. th. Miller, H. V., Bickerdike; rt. sh. Walker, Arthur, Carbon; rt. h. Lynch, H. H., Medicine Hat; l. sh. Appleyard, Henry, Carbon; rt. th. Liggins, W. B., Purple Springs; l. th. os pera John & Mary, Cay- ley; l.s Knight, E. H., Gaetz Valley; rt. sh. ee George, Pincher Creek; l. h. Peters, Joseph, Cardston; rt. sh. Nelson, Jesse, Whitla; 1. sh. Todd, Louie, Whitebrush; ]. sh. McComb, Lorn, Arthurville; rt. sh. Murray, J. B., Seven Persons; rt. sh. Douglas, Wm., Penhold; rt. th. Lane, Edward, Crossfield; t= th. Girdley, Mrs. Iva, Big Valley; l. th. Blackburn, W. F., Fishburn; l. sh. Mercier, Joseph, Legal; rt. sh. Whitney, Grant D., Olds; l. sh. Spencer, Robert, Kimball; l. sh. Sharpe, Harry W., Granum; rt. sh. +/+) |S |> | | ) = Orlo~] ox] os] os] | O81 Lor Or] lo BERESERERRSREZECERERRERRSEBE Bleriot, Michel, Carbon; rt. sh. Wynn, P. Howard, Knee Hill Valley; l. sh. Whitehead, Isabella, Moyie, ©). ae Hart, Andrew C., Calagry; rt. sh. Ross, Frank W., Knee Hill; PGB. McClean, A. J., Hand Hills; 1. sh. Cooper, Charles, Calgary; 1. th. Blake & Miles, Livingstone; l. sh. vent bar over brand Hirsche, Clayton, Stirling; rt. th. Emmett, Riley, Saltaux; rt: sh; Brogan Bros., Innisfail; 1. sh. Hamilton, J. J., Carbon; rt. sh. separren James, Calgary; sh, Bowls, Fred, Edberg; rt. sh. Seymour, Fortunal, Cluny; rt. sh. Riggs, M. A., Dog Pound; EE Meneice, Lewis, Willows; rt. sh. Logan, C. E., Jumping Pond; rt. McGlynn, Barney, Stand Off; NG. J; Barr, Wm., Pincher City; l. sh. Averill, B. W., Wessington; l. sh. Walroth, W. I., Crossfield; 1. th. Sibley, F. O., Talbot; rt. th. Toote, Edward, Millarville; rt. h. Neil, Robt. V:, Kimball; ]. sh. Hicks, Martin W., Reazcr; rt. th — ~] OO Alberta Brand Book BOEGE 1 ~x< aa GF 6F bu 6L, 6L SEESSESIE Crittensen, A. J., Perbeck; rt. sh. Miles, Anna M., Raven; }. sh. Johnston, Chas. Samuel, Oko- toks; rt. th. Smith, Ethelbert A., Leo; l. st. Reynolds, John, Seven Persons; rt. sh. Wathen, H., Okotoks; l. th. Dike, Snow & Dike Coaldale; rt. th. Morrish, Wesley J. Page, N. Dakota, U.S.; rt. sh. Tarilicki, Mike, Lethbridge; Lh: ae, Fred, Norton; . sh. Hardisty, J. F., Cleverville; 1. th. The Lineham - Lumber Ltd., Okotoks; |. th. Co., Adams, Louis E., Raven; Tt. sh. ‘s MeMillan, R. L., High River; l. th. Buxton, Joseph, Canmore; rt. n. Mowlin, Thomas W., Clares- holm; 1. sh. McRae, Hector, Battle Creek: 1. th. aac oe 4 Robert, Medicine Hat; . sh. Brown, E. W., Cooking Lake; rt. sh. Watson, Angus, Strathmore; rt. sh. Souter, Alex., Crossfield; 1. sh. Lowry, John, Carbon; rt. th. Sins 5 zqRSaS Re ]3])2>)o) eho Alberta Brand Book 179 BMH SETS kosfsclsfertag| > fs SI} ~N Cnt2 SI IN AIS Ferguson, Robert W., Nose reek; 7 Bolster, George, Delia; 1. sh. Dunham, M. C., Hearnleigh; rt. sh. McIntyre, Thos., High River; 1. th. Martin, Annie, Rosebud Creek; rt. sh. Gladue, John, Breedens; 1. sh. Handasyde, J. R., Lundbreck; 1. th. Jackson, 8S. .A., Cardston; 1, th. Steenson, Miss Clara J., Lash- burn; |. j. Sullivan, H. J., Vermilion; ]. sh. Stoddart, A. S., Brant; rt. th. Sibbald, J. B., High River; rth: Gervais, Romain, Hicksburg; rt. sh. Watson, M. G., Medicine Hat; rt. th. Read, John, Eagle Butte; l. sh. Roe, Frank, Hardisty; I. th, Ford, C. N., Willows; ith: Shafer, Fred:, Stirling; 1. th. “epi I. B., Stettler; Baker, Frank M., Pincher Creek; rt. sh. Ball, G. C., Calgary; ]. sh. Bourne, Elijah, Magrath; rt. h. Costley, S. D., Raymond; 1. th. Sutherland, Mrs. Agnes, Dry orks; 1. sh. Belanger, O., Entwistle; l. sh. Davis, W. L., Stirling; 1. th. sJjdyiysiw AIAN IN YIN {Tt} x jGy Gy tt | aA J Cut ee eS SS Sa a MNIMID|AlAl] api SIS|ZlZlelelRIix Campbell, Mrs. M. H., Cam- rose; 1. sh. eu Wm., Westcott; Oswald, Joe, Staffordville; 1. sh. Frank, Heber C., Frankburg; rt. sh. Sorgard, George, Lethbridge; rt. h. Johnston, Richard, Dowling Lake; 1. sh. Champney, H. C.,-Cardston; rt. h. McDonald, Ranald A., Stavely; 1. sh. Arnold, Jacob E., Irvine; 1. th. Burns & Co., P., Calgary; l. sh. Castle, Robert, Coutts; rt. th. Hubbard, Charley, Lavoy; 1. sh. West, Robert, Strathmore; rt. sh. Walsh, Henry J., Bassano; l. sh. t Leary Bros., Round Up; l. th. Baearbah, John, Josephsburg; rt. sh. Slade, H. R., Gleichen; l. sh. Nowlin, J. W., Claresholm; 1. th. Peterson, Lewis, Stirling; l. th. Purtee, J. M., Shepard; rt. sh. as 4 Arthur R., Taber; Ralston, Henry, Calgary; 1. sh. Cuddy, R. J., Pine Lake; rt. sh. Jardine, 8., Elnora; rt. sh. Shannon, L. J., Carbon; ], th. Babcock, Mat. H., Stavely; 1. sh. Alberta Brand Book Yi STS TNIN TS INSISTS TSS INSTNSTNSIN TNT STIS SINS INSITN TS IS TS [EE MUNA | 7 17 (Or |Our Gj] FIL |W] Gp Nh i-c [> |< [>< [os EKA Rowles, J. A., Gladys; rt. th. Lokier, Thomas J., Medicine Hat; |. th. Stone, Harry, Raymond; rt. sh. be a rae W.S., Calgary; Brown, Wm. L., Calgary; rt. sh. Ward, John F., Milnerton; sg A Taylor, David, Stand Off; rt. th. Armstrong, James, Emo, Al- goma; |. sh. Huddlestone, Mrs. M. D., Elk- water; 1. sh. Bellmont, Fred, Olds; rt. th. Stevenson, Robert ' Gordon, Pine Lake; rt. sh. i i Wm., Eagle Butte; Bingham, F. M., Magrath; rt. th. RE onnge Bros., Little Plume; Soper, Gold, Brant; rt. h. Johnson & Poole, Spirit River; ]. sh. Sherk, Ralph, Reid Hill; l. sh. Ray, Rufus, Westcott; rt. sh. Sawyer, Lyle V., Medicine Hat; rt. th. ae G. H., Berry Creek; A Ryan & Fares, Winnipeg, Man.; l, th. Guynn, E. H., Rawdonville; l. sh. Shearer, John R., Brunetta; rt. t Huth, L. R., High River; rt. th. Smith, Mrs. Helen, Pincher Creek; rt. sh. Suen Lambert, Stand Off; ]. sh. SIN INI FIN NIN SICK IN IN ~ WS]2 SSIS IS aealla oe Pees Thomas, Tapscott; . sh. Swingle, G. R., Didsbury; rt. sh. Dempster, John, Eagle Butte; 1. th. Smith, Sam, Strathmore; 1. sh. Menem J. R., Strathmore; Karnagel, R., Sunnyslope; rt. th. Ross, Donald A., Morley; rt. sh. Sharp, Alfred S., Calgary; rt. sh. Vent same on 1. sh. Smith, Oliver Milton, Evarts; 1. th. Kavanaugh, M. P., Nanton; 1. sh. Geneau, Albert, Redcliff; rt. sh. Bragg, John, Gleichen; 1. th. Needham Bros., Crane Lake, Sask.; 1. th. Anderson, Andrew, New Day- ton; rt. sh. Rogers, Philip L., Milk River; rt. h. Taylor, Leroy F., Taber; rt. sh. Renae Chas. John, Macleod; .h. Laughren, Hugh, Gleichen; rt. th. Reid, R. S., Big Prairie; ]. sh. Johnson, R. W., Leslieville; . sh. Blain, Jay C., Stettler; 1. h. McCallum, Joseph, Beaver Lake; rt. n. Telford, Mrs. George, Millet; rt. sh. Wilson, Thomas L., Leavitt; rt. th. Scott, John H., Nanton; 1. th. Garbutt, Newman, Hamilton Lake; rt. sh. Alberta Brand Book 181 = / ia 3A 80) EX) Kennerley, L. H., Glenbow; rt. sh. : Johnston, W. S., Medicine Hat; rt; h. 8 Gaisdios, W. A., Lesser Slave Lake; rt. h. Carroll, Abe B., Content; rt. th. Pestel, A. J.,. McEwan; rt. sh. Burns, J. F., Calgary; l. th. Dowling, Hiram, Wainwright; Chamberlain, Walter, Medicine Hat; 1. sh. Hockny, Geo., Little Plume; rt. sh. Wisdom, R. N., Perbeck; rt. sh. Marshall, F. A., Kinnondale; rt. th. White, David A., Calgary; 1. sh. ee E., Knee Hill Valley; . th. McCorresta, Henry, Peace River Crossing; 1. h. Jackson, Ira J., Cardston; 1. th. Butler, Geo. D., Peace River Landing; 1. sh. Scaman & Sons, Albert, Seven Persons; rt. n. Beaton, Adam, Victor; rt. h. a ce aa David, Nanton: . sh. Hamil Ranche, Beiseker; 1. sh. ee A. J., Berry Creek; Rasmussen, J.T. E., Sedalia; 1. sh. 77 7+ c9 | S94 0R BQ | 09 | 09 | 0A | OQ/ CA] SQ | 89 | OQ | OO | Og /9Q | OQ | 9Q 160 ~Q | 091 09 9}NIN TO} OIF] lw IN IN IN bx [c(t Perry, W. G., Claresholm; rt. th. Bac a Duncan, Langdon; . sh. Biering, G. W., Brunetta; rt. th. Isham, Howard W., Brooks; 1. sh. Gardner, Idries J., Taber; 1. th. Hunter, Ernest & Stephen, Spring Point; 1. th. Galbraith, D. Harcourt, Nan- ton; rt. sh. McCaig, Lorne, Walsh; rt. sh. Senin Ithamer, Livingstone; sh. Moffat, George, Airdrie; 1. sh. Viles, S. H., Nanton; rt. h. McGhee, Sr., W. W., Tapscott ; btn: Page, A. B., Bow Island; 1. sh. Winkler, J. G., Taber; ]. sh. McGregor, A. & K., Granum; rt. sh. MeVeigh, Chas. H., Calgary; rt. sh. Christie, Ernest J., Stavely; 1. th. Clark, Mrs. Duncan, Crowfoot; rt. sh. Gregg, J. J., Prairie Creek, Athabasca River; rt. th. Lynch, W. A., Acme; l. sh. McKee, Hugh, Lillico; rt. sh. Johnson, I. M., Stettler; 1. sh. Alberta Brand Book Huntling, Harry H., Talbot; rt. st. g Cochlan, Sidney, Stavely; a rt. th. eee Josiah K., Carbon; 8H ee sf- Ea Rogers, H. M., Calgary; Tt; hh: Calgary; rt. h. Mieback, F. W., Barons; rt. th. DeForrest, Harold, Meadow Creek; 1. j. Taylor, John, Carbon; Tt23; Sample, Charles, Springbank; rt. h. " Vine, W. H., Nanton; Rs Garson, A. I., Cochrane; 1. sh. Butler, Mrs. J. H., Seven Per- sons; l. j. Parke, Chas. W., Red Deer; 1. sh. Eash, W. E., Vulcan; 1. th. Murray, Robert, Medicine Hat; rf. th, Madge, Richard, Berry Creek; rt. sh. Neth, Fred, Irvine; rt. th. Walsh, Redmond & Harry J., High River; rt. sh. Enzenauer, Peter, Loma; l. sh. Buckley, Alex., Gleichen; rob. Geitzen, F. L., Sampsonton; rt. sh. Staple Bros., Stettler; rt. h. Rogers, H. M. & Guyon, A. B..,. GZ SQ “OQ 1~O/ 59) ~9 [9 | ~9 Q/ OQ} 0 Q | ~O [~9 | ~9 /~O | ~9 RESSESUANSaSSseeseo a ee W. T., Strathmore; Hunt, Michael, Stavely; rt. th. Weatherby, E., Sedgewick; rt. sh. Haynes, John, Eva; rt. sh. Ewing, S. J., Jackville; rt. sh. Hocking, Geo. A., Magrath; 1. th. anes & Patrick, Livingstone; Teeling, M., Bowden; 1. sh. Crichton, Henry, Carbon; 1. th. King, W. G., De Winton; 1. sh. Bray, Mrs. J., Medicine Hat; Tt. J. Rach, Mrs. Elizabeth, Samp- sonton; |. h. Ep erates a W., Twin Butte; . th. Vezzoni Bros., Gillingham; l. th. Webster, Gerald, Kew; l. th. oF get agg aan Bros., Blairmore; . th. Drummond, F. E., Ponoka; 1. sh. Wilson, David, Calgary; 1. sh. Dobson, Sam. H., Milverton; rt. sh. Moore, Thomas, Claresholm; l. th. Harris, F. D., Jumping Pond; rt. th. Alberta Brand Book 183 t2 a EE EERDUSSOIESEEoR Clifford, W. P., Pine Lake; rt. sh. Moore, Stephen, Airdrie; tah, Wright, B. C., Camrose; 1. sh. Lockwood, Joseph, Ewing; rt. sh. Torney, John, Lakesend; 1. th. Patton, Albert B., High River; 1. th. Evangelestie, Louis, Lost Lake; 1. sh. Jacobson, F. A., Brooksby; l. sh. Schafer, Fred., Mayton; 1; thi Rogers, Bros. (David & Wm.), Calgary; rt. th. Lundymore, George, Cross- field; rt. sh. Van Bieskirk, Wm., Sounding Lake; rt. sh. eels, D. J., Arrowwood; . sh. Miniszewsky, V. P., Medicine Hat; rt. th. ARBITRARY SIGNS Garbough, Harris B., Eagle . Butte; rt. sh. Franklin, John, Macleod; 1. th. Storm, Charles, Elkwater; rt. th. Campbell, John Issac, Stavely; rt. sh. Henderson, Thos., Gleichen; rt. sh. Bassett, Mrs. Isabella, Medi- cine Hat; 1. th. Barrett, Henry, Nanton; l. th. ppphar, Frank, Harmattan; . sh. Reed, Chas. E., Crossfield; l. sh. Caxon, Richard Calvert, Glen- bow; h. Rijan & Fares, Winnipeg, Man.; l. th. Glass, Mrs. Susan, Macleod; rt. J. Mayberry, George, Irvine; rt. th. Starks & Burton, Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Coxon, Jas. E., Castor; l. sh. ESOUREEECSSRELNS) pe amet, Pincher Creek; . sh. Blake, Adam Thos., McEwan; 1; th: peers, M. J., Brooks; eis Breveneee, Alex., Claresholm; 1. sh, Walton, Geo. A., Gleichen; 1. th. McConkey, J. H., Cayley; jy th: rap Mahan P., Gleichen; ]. sh. Garson, John, Cochrane; rt. sh. : Smith, George, Denwood; 1]. th. Busselle, A. W., Macleod; 1. th. peales. W. J., Rouleau, Sask.; af? gi y, Adam, Nanton; -J Williamson, D. H., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. The Jensen Ranching Co., Magrath; 1. th. Hornett Bros., Penhold; rt. sh. alates alo|e 41S MPsofl Xe ste] 6]¢ 1c | Alberta Brand Book Moore & Sons, W. H., Brooks; rt. sh. va a soa Robert, Cochrane; - |. sh. ee. Norman, Vermilion; . sh. Scott, John J., Curlew; 1: sh. Willdigg, T. S., Cowley; rt. sh. Snowdon, Kenneth J., Pekisko; rt. sh. Peaeni Anton, Sunnyslope; the nberine Ranche Co., Calgary; ka ob es J.& R., Eagle Butte; . th. Williamson, R. G., Creek, Sask.; 1. sh. Brewster & Moore, Banff; rt. sh. Shillam, P. S., Carbon; ray, Day, W. H., Medicine Hat; ]. th. and sh. Kearney, John C., Robt. R., & Geo. F., Maple Creek, Sask.; 1. sh. : Riddle, Douglas M., High River; 1. sh. Schaeht, Carl, High River; Tt;-th. Maple Stenson Bros., Macleod; 1. th. George & Abel, Lloydminster; rt. sh. Green, John A., Brant; rt. sh. Fisher, Herbert B., Harmattan; rt. th. Lawrence, Jos. Chas., High River; rt. sh. McHugh, Armstrong & Stavely, Seven Persons; 1, th. | Sharp, Walter D., Nanton; l. sh. McDonald, Chas. M., Olds; rt. sh. Mackie, George, Irvine; rt. th Argo, Alex., Cochrane; rt. th. spleplsHrprto/y ©|[> Q Wd 4 Cowan & Benham, Edmonton; Fane he Bi E. M., Stirlingville; an: Rea, rval W., Medicine Hat; Tt. }. J Thorne, E. J., Aldersyde; 1. th. Reed, R. W., Caseleyville; 1. sh. Le Tous, Jean, Summerview; rt. h Buckler, Eric W., Black™Dia- mond; 1. sh. Colquhoun, Ernest, Coutts; rt. th. Gs) af cite George, Irvine; Ss Laver, A. E., Carbon; ]. sh. Dowling & Co., W. H., Skib- bereen, Sask.; |. th. Saunders, D. Victor, Cochrane; rt. th. Warren, Mrs. E. E., Strath- more; l. n. McIntyre, Wm., Magrath; rt. sh. Sibbald, C. E., Morley; rt. th. Wishart, Mary, Namaka; rt. n. Taylor, John M., Taber; 1. sh. Hodgson, Misses, Calgary; rt. sh. Dragoo, J. A., Taber, 1. th. MeFaul, Jas. G., Granum; Tt. ek: Bridges Bros., Gladys; 1. sh. Ballard Bros., G. Herbert, Cal- gary; |. th. Lake, Guy Judson, Cochrane; rt. th. Lee, Oscar E., Wetaskiwin; l. th. Melundy, Galon, Langdon; 1. th. Paynter & Sons, W. H., Pro- vost; |. th. gba) el 91914 fats] 3] 014) | | olcledo}elal <[olok) ge ee D. C. F., Airdrie; ae Austin, A. G., Calgary; rt. th. Finnis, P. R., Strathmore; rt. th. Davies & Morton, Lavoy; rt. n. a Carl C., Acme; oh — Dan, Coaldale; re oo Joseph, Macleod: n. Key, George Heriot, Sander- ville; 1. sh. Wait, G. H., Calgary; rt. th. White, Mrs. Margaret A, Cochrane; |. th. The Mountain View Ranching Co., Ltd., Springbank; Hanson, Helmer, Comry; rt. th Miles, Geo., Brant; 1. th. Strathmore Farm Co., Ltd., Strathmore; 1. sh. Hegarty, Denis O., Calgary; rt. sh. Bradford & Smith, Medicine Hat; rt. th. Fleming, R. B. C., Sunny- slope; rt. th. Harris Bros., Phillips; 1. sh. Murrey, Geo. Wm., Seven|Per- sons; |. sh. Murray, Alex. Randolph, Seven Persons; King Bros., Cochrane; rt. sh. Louden, James, Medicine Hat; rt. sh. English, Henry, Thelma; rt. th. — Robert, Ranfurly; l. h. Schier, J. L., Parvella; rt. th. Coore, Conrad, Macleod; l. s. Alberta Brand Book 187 IS) 5 || CK i , + ete Dia! Stewart, James A.,3East Cal- gary; |. th. epost. Ed., Bow Island; 1 1% Tucker, H. W., Redlow (Ver- milion); rt. sh. Howerton, M. J., Champion; 1. th. Pah, Jr.. H. M., Orton; ae Moore, Geo. W., Cluny; 1-ah, Day, C. Reid, Munson; 1. sh. Crossweller, Henry Francis, Victor; rt. th. Robb, P. A., Edson; l. h. sti ty Henry E., Medicine Hat; ere Henry, Carmangay; rt. 8 Taylor, A. M., Wolford; 1. sh. shin em Wilmer C., Calgary; rt. |v) +1915 Ofc ak ot wr { fF Preston, Fred, Shepard; rt. sh. Wipahte A. W., Pincher Creek; as Searles, G. W., Chinook; rt. h. udelta, J. H., Ewings; oe Zumwalt, P. T., Burnt Lake; 1. st. Molloy, Michael, Lethbridge; l. th. McDonnell, Duncan A., Alix; 1. th. Davies, Aubrey, Trochu Valley; 0.23: Brede, Herman, Stettler; rt. h. ste ae a David, Okotoks; l. sh. Williams, J. M., Sundial; rt. sh. Holman, L. R., Lonbutte; rt. sh. HOOF MARKS AND EAR TAGS Q)} QO) Or > ESRERMEEE Litourneau, Alphonse, St. Hip- polyte, Sask.; 1. front hoof Bailey, John F., Bergen; left front hoof Rea, Chester J., Pincher Creek; left front hoof Vance, E. C., Seven Persons; right front hoof Barrows, Wm. & Thos., Bow Island; left front hoof Hubbard, Frank, Millet; right front hoof. Heighes, George, Coaldale; left front hoof. Snapp, George B., Warner; right front hoof. Grymonprez, H., St. Albert; left fore hoof. Rhodes, H., Long Coulee; right front hoof. Stratton, Hubert, Whitla; right front hoof. Williams, J. A., Millarville; left front hoof, Ditto, J. H., Stavely; left front hoof. Johnston, John W., Orbindale; right front hoof. Duhl, Margaret, Vegreville; left front hoof. Stone, Levi, Greenlawn; right front hoof. Brennon, L., Red Deer; right front hoof. Matchett, Thomas, Pincher Creek; right front hoof. 188 Alberta Brand Book Beach, Mrs. Myrtle, Morning- side; left ear tag. Johre, A., Carlstadt; right front hoof. Munns, M., Calgary; right front hoof. Edwards, J. E., Blackie; left front hoof. Alberta Co-operative Farming Co., Nightingale; right front Pearce, Francis J., Lethbridge; right front hoof. Sisters of Charity, St. Albert; right front hoof. Rutter Bros., Sylvan Lake; right front hoof. hoof. Conrad, Joe, Spring Lake; White, Fred L., Ethelwyn; right front hoof. b right front hoof. . RIE BEBBE HORSE BRANDS SUPPLEMENT RECORDED DURING 1913 em x[> [212] ¥/ [oa] > >)>| ‘Department HORSE BRANDS SUPPLEMENT FOR ALBERTA Recorded during the vear 1913 of Agriculture, idmonton; |. sh. under Pound Districts Ordinance; vent: immediately below brand. ~ Department of Agriculture (un- der Estray Animals ‘Orid- nance), Edmonton; l|.h. vent immediately below brand. Anderson, Will, Masinasin; rt. sh. Christensen, Arthur, Whitla; rt. j Schnarr, Mrs. A. R., Macleod; rt. sh Craddock, Mrs. Jane, Carbon; 1. th. Snell, Wm. H., Barons; rt. sh. Fraser, Alex, Carmangay: rt. th Halkett, David, Peace River Crossing; Il. sh Hilsabeck, A. L., Lonebutte; ]. th. Graves, Mrs. Nellie, Mound; l. sh er, Andrew, Macleod: . th. Lafferty, Dr. Jas. D. & Allhusin, Wilten, Calgary; rt. sh. > 5] 2 ]p>] 5] &] Sov] Bosh? > Ross, Allan, Hillcrest; rt. sh. Thurn, Arthur, Walsh; eo ah Witt, Z. C., Coronation; 1. sh. McDonald, Alex M., bridge; rt. th. Church & Layzell, Calgary; rt. th. Archibald, J. H., Sunnyslope; rt. th. Leth- Burns, C., Bowville; rt. sh. Abelene, Andrew, Irvine; rt. sh. Bright, Alfred, Redcliff; rt. sh. Boesvert, Alfred, Cluny; FU th: Capelle, Albert, Cochrane; 1. th. Coover, Alfred E., Coutts; 1. sh. Dawbin, Mrs. A. L., Strath- more; rt. th. — eo) bo Alberta Brand Book >| >| > A|>|> >/A}DS|> EET EF ER PEER eee Doeny, Andrew, Warner; rt. th Berg, Abraham L., Stern; rt. th. Fink. A. A., Cowley; 1 Sb: Hyde, Arthur G., Cessford; ]. sh. Noad, Arthur E., Olds; 1. th. White, A. L., & Wemyss, J. L., Vermilion; ]. sh. Martin, Mrs. A., Sunnyslope; ]. th. Anderson & Sicklesteel Bros., Tripola; 1. s Taylor, Albert, Hillcrest; rt. sh. Armitage, John A., New Day- ton; 1. th. Wood, Alfred A., Nanton; rt. th. Munro, Alex, Rosslyn; 1. th. Ibbotson, Alleyne, Head; rt. sh. Gopher eee Alexander, Schuler; . sh. ar C. E., Bowell; - Sh. Anderson, John P., Nightingale; rt. sh. B Brooks, Mid, Brant; Ln Bullen, Percy, Medicine Hat; rs a Rinehart, Benjamin, Vulcan; rt. th. Brugeyroux, T. P., Tinchebray; rt. sh. Black, Geo. B., Cardston; I th. Brotherton, R. A., Berry Creek; rt. sh. AC AC oN Ac Ac Ac AE AE AH AH AO AP AP AP AS —N AV AY Sonor —— WFH., Priddis; Campbell, A. M., Lacombe; rt. sh. Charters, A. A., Munson; rt. th. Chane Dids- bury; rt. sh. McKinnon, Alex C., Crowath Corners; 1. th. Anderson, Einer, Vermilion; rt. sh. Espeseth, Alfred, Winnifrid; rt. sh. Hills, A. J., Daysland; 1. th. Hogarth, A. E. & T., Delano; rt. th. McKenzie, Stella C., Nighting- gale; l.s Pyle, Mrs. Annie, Hand Hills; 1]. th. Cousins, Robert W. K., Har- disty; rt. th. Bergeron, A. J., Bow Island; 1. th. Vent same inverted I. sh Studd, Alfred John, Hutton; 1. th. Roth, Adolph, Bawlf; 1. sh. Larsen, Axel A., Standard; l. th. McMullin, B. R., Taber; rt. j. Brandt, Mrs. eee Little Plume; Blum, E. H., Youngstown; rt. th ae John H., Rosyth; 1. sh. Burnett, C. rt. sh. S., Carbon; Bensted Bros., Tudor; l. th. Alberta Brand Book 193 © QFE] RHO BSE Cn/-9)S DIA AMA AAlAlAlDID aa ESE ese cles esha eddies Berger, Andrew N., Parkland; rt th. Tolley, Charles, Innisfail; 1. th. Bernard, F. C., Trochu; rt. th. Kinley, M. B., Brooks; rt. sh. Clark, Joe C., Shepard; rt. sh. Hinshaw, Mrs. Carrie, Leigh- ton; 1. }. Woudstra, L. 8., Cummings; rt. th. Blake, Arthur R., Eagle Butte; ]. sh. Bain, Alexander, Rosebeg; 1. th. Bossert, Ben, Sterling; 1. th. Archibald, John, Champion; ]. sh. Blomfield, C. H. & R. C., Rum- sey; rt. sh. Gillette,. Bert B., City; 1. th. Chalmers, Bert T., Blackie; rt. th. Ellert, J. B., Milk River; Tt. sh. Diamond Harris, Geo. L., Woolford; l. th. Henderson, James B., Ray- mond; rt. th. Billow, Harry A., Hutton; rt. th. Linkous, James B., Raymond; 1 Gh. De Blaquire, Maurice, Dorothy;; ; Ball, Mathew, Trenville; rt. th Robson, C. I., Cluny; rt. sh. McDonald, Brown, Champion; l. sh. Baudon, A., Cowley; rt. h. Ross Bros., Taber; rt. sh. Somerset, B. G., Camptell Lake; rt. sh. welled Need fede nalts: BIS SPS PSS Sapa mor Bens SPS S19 Ble lows. Barclay,|Dr. H. B., Strathmore; 1. st. Bell, James H., Vermilion; rt. sh. Besse, Willis, Langdon; rt. sh. Blanc, Elisa, High River; rt. sh. Bragg Bros., Taber; ]. th. Retina: Mrs. Clara B., Pearce; 1. th. Hart, Bert N., Whitla; 1. th. Wells, B. B., Glencurrie; rt. sh. Bottoms, Mrs. Mary A., Rosa- lynn; rt. th. Berreth, A., Schuler; 1th: Brown, Alexander, Erskine; rt. th stor Adolph, Youngstown; ]. th. Lodson, N. P. & R. B., Sterling- ville; rt. sh. Breuer, J. A., Puffer; rt. sh. Blais, Adam, Cowley; rt.-th. Watson & Son, Brodie, Big Valley; rt. h. FPelcourt, Julian, Lac Ste. Anne; rt. sh. Elder, Cecil B., Cochrane; rt. th Fritz, Mrs. Elsie Brand, Twin Butte; rt. sh. Fox, Bert, Wainwright; Tts.Bs Trotter, D. W., Calgary; ]. sh. Black Bros, Consort; rt. sh. Boissevain & Son, D. F., Strath- more; rt. th. Gale, Bertha E., Sunnyslope; Rushton, Nicholas, Eudiang; rt. th. : car Bros. & Gery, Bassano; . th. ; es — co i Alberta Brand Book : se BIISSID Zoe ASS SE se TL Pre apa Bowman, Peter, Mound; rt. sh. Clipsham, A. H., Calgary; 1. sh. Burrows, James Guy, Blair- more; 1. th. Bjarnason, ville; 1 oe G. A., Rosebud Creek; . th. Johann, Marker- Brown, J. D., Raymond; ]. th. Alchin, Ben., Maughan; 1. sh. Brunton, B. I., Milk River; ]. sh. che ig A. B., Grassy Lake; . sh. C Coffey, R. R., Ewelme; 1. sh. Rice, Miles H., Winnington; 1. th. Clark, Hugh, Calgary; rt. th. Bellrichard, Albert C., Seven Persons; |. th. Countryman, Geo. H., Milk River; 1. sh. Cousins, R. W. K., & Foreman, C. W., Irma; 1. j. Hoblit, Perey W., Seven Per- sons; l. sh. Leavell, P. C., Major; rt. th. Stevens, Mrs. Katharine, Lang- don; Crabb, Mrs. E. M., Barnwell; rt. n. Hankel, Carl, Hutton; rt. th. Wyatt, Sidney, Blackie; l. th. Congalton, Clem & Elsie, Com- rey; rt. th. BS BU BU BV Bé Bé Be | PSHSATSASSTSE Sykes, Arthur H., Cardston; Fit: Trimming, J. E. & B., Mar- wayne; rt. th. Carpenter & Co., W. M., Big- stone; l. h Boutry, Achilk, Bellevue; rt. th. — Jacob, Spring Lake; | + th: 1 Bransen, Joseph H., Spieal Lake; rt. th. a] Bronts, John, Irvine; 1. sh. — Walter, Carbon; . th. Donald, Chas., Hutton; l. sh. Baptist, L. P., Spring Coulee; Eth: Bailey, John L., Faith; l. sh. Clark, Teresa, Clarinda and Frankie, Clarinda; rt. sh. Flynn, Charley A., Lonbutte; rt. th. noe Chas. W., Lonbutte; sh. erie M. J., Red Willow; l. sh. Miller, C. A. E., Nilrem; l. th. : Roberts, Charles, Red Lodge; rt. sh. Cole, M. R. D., Consort; 1. sh. Williams, F. C. B. A., Gleichen;’ rt. sh. Cay, Chas. D., Tofield; rt. sh. Carte, Richard, Pekisko; 1. sh. Alberta Brand Book 195 De De Re be OH fe Zobrat, Leslie T., Hinton; rt. h: Corbett, Chas. A., Lonbutte; 1. sh. La Roche, Warren, Eye Hill; rt. sh. Romer, A. H., Lineham; ay 8 Careless, E. J., Heart Lake; rt. sh. Cowley, Roger B., Castor; 1. sh. Bejaul, Arthur, Corsort; rt. sh. Clayton, John, Carbon; 1. th. Cutts, C. M., Aldersyde; rt. th. Pirebam, C.G.S8., Eagle Butte; . sh. ‘Haase, Edward Charles, Seven Persons; 1. th. Hughes, C. J., Aden; 1. th. D Daily & Sons, Lemuel, Tofield; rt. n. Decker, rt. sh. John E., Carlstadt; Ostrom, “Chas:, Elbow Hives: rt. sh. Budd & Co., Ltd., W. J., Cal- gary; rt. sh. Ewing, David, Commerce; rt. th. Hull, Mrs. A. D., Nugent; th: Hansen, Robert, Castor; Te. tht: Harnack, William, Comrey; ]. sh. Anderson, Duncan A., Bru- netta; rt. th. Christie, David, Cairns; rt. th. aD Coultis, E. O., Steveville; 1. th. Keith, Williard A., Kimba!]; rt. sh. Johnson, Carl i Hillerest; rt. sh. Low, C. K., Consort; ]. sh. Coad, G. S., Wastina; 1. th. Rauer, Christoph, Walsh; rt. th. Goodyear, 8. T., Burdett; l. sh. Tracy, D. J., Monarch; rt. th. Thompson, Miss Cassie, Faith; 1. sh. oa Aen Mary E., Beaver Mines; sn. Coulter, Charlie §., Hanna; rt. sh. Dennett, David, Swalwell; ]. sh. De Champ, Charles, Blackie; rt. sh. Rodney, Ed., Didsbury; rt. sh. Grant, Ralph A., Walsh; 1. th. Jackson, Donald E., Minda; rt. th. Kiddie, David, Endiang; rt. sh. Draudson, John, Josephsburg; 1. sh. MeMillen, Erwin D., Dorothy; rt. th. McColl, Donald, Stavely; rt. th. McIntyre, Peter, Reid Hill; rt. sh. hon Ke) =~) Alberta Brand Book JEREER Qa =—{ De. ce BIBS | ore Preparer hr ae Dudley W., Stettler; . sh. Parslow, Richard, Vulcan; rt. sh. Smith, Alex. B., Chipman; 1. sh, Morrison, Neil D., Collholm; ]. sh. ‘pf sg Grace, Norton; . M Williams, David P., Clares- holm; |. th. Whitney, L. F., Sundre; rt. th. Parker, B. H. & Johnson, Carl, Rumsey; |. s Jones, Evan Davis, Bottrell; 1. sh. Duncan, Francis C., Parvella; 1. sh. Burger, D. H., Vermilion; ]. sh. Finkbine, E. C. & W. O., Hussar; rt. th. Burdekin, Ernest R., Raven; rt. th. sad A. H., Medicinr Hat; 1. sh. Dempsey Bros., Bassano; rt. th Coutts, James D., Hughenden; rt. sh. E Elliott, J. C., Olds, Alberta, & Glencoe, Ont.; rt. th. a amas E, C., Dunmore; a Be Robinson, Mrs. Emma, Dover- court; 1. sh. England, Eric, Strathmore; rt. sh, Seitz, Jacob, Little Plume; 1. th. Ashley, A. D., Strathmore; 1. sh. S| mille lala TAPPTHETIA [1a m Coutts, D. R., Hughenden; rt. sh. Redwood, James, Dunstable; rt. th. a Mrs. Harry, Carbon; . th. Ellis, J. D., Ghost Pine; l.*sh. : Laurason, James, Norton; l. sh. Hedlund, David, Ranchville; rt. sh. Haskell, Wm., Coutts; rt. sh. Lamb, Dale, Metiskow; 1. th. Diehl, H. H., Bowden; 1. th. Arthur, Douglas, Walsh; ]. th. Howe, A. G., Didsbury; rt. sh. Dwyer, Patrick, Fort Sas- katchewan; rt. th. Dickeau, Carl, Wetaskiwin; rt. sh. Desjarlais, James, Peace River Crossing; |. th. McCallum, Daniel, Empress; l. sh. Walters, Charles, Tilley; 1. th. Travis, Egbert, Viking; rt. th. Erickson, Levar, Stirling; l. sh. Winslow, - E. W., Springs; |. th. Jackson, Miss Bertha C., Medi- cine Hat; rt. sh. Vent bar over brand. pi Appleyard, Frederick James, Walsh; 1. th. Alberta Brand Book 197 Daigle, Edmund, Beaver Mines; 1. th. Herndrickson, Elizabeth, Hill Springs; rt. th. Hagerman, Edgar, Taber; 1. sh. Ekeluna, Eric Twin Butte; rt. th. Alvin, Moore, Geo. R., Erskine; rt. h. Mackenzie, Edith Anne, Kits- coty; 1. sh. Thomson, Mrs. Zelda A., Three Hills: rt. sh. + |u| Cn | MM) om| WW BRSASE Veiner, E., Mossleigh; ]. sh. Woollard, E. J.. Wabamun; 1. th. Holm, Edward, Kipp; 1. th. Taylor, Samuel E., Vulcan; rt. th Mirgeaux Emile, Cowley;. rt. th. Erickson, Per Enock, Erskine; 1. th. Baird, Ernest ,E., Twin Butte; Too by Beck, Robert T., Hand Hills; 1. sh. Dalton, Colin Ernest, Whitla; 1. th. Bedard Bros., E. T. & E..L., Box Spring; |. th. Hunter, Isaac E., Seven Per- sons; l. sh. Hendrickson, Mrs. Emma, Hill Spring; 1. sh. aye sania Eric, Didsbury; Ede Lees, Edmund, Mosside; 1. th. Nelson, C. E., Beaver Mines; 1. sh. Rose, Erle B., Carlstadt; rt. th. Torgrimson, Emil, Dalroy; rt. th. EK EO EO EO EO Bs Er Thomson, Hans E., Namaka; 1, th. - tn ( Westover, Geo. E., Connors- ville; 1]. th. Wo or aes Ernest, Champion; 1. sh. Pestell, M. E., Nanton; rt. sh. Tilley, Charles, Lundbreck; sh. rt. Looney, Mrs. Mary E., Glei- chen; rt. th. Ellison, Joseph, Bellevue; 1. th. Erickson, E., Donalda; ]. th. Long, Edwin, Aldersyde; l. th. Dittberner, E. R., Asker; rt. sh. Quinsey, Edgar F., Noble; Tt; th: Freeman, Mrs. Elizabeth, Red- cliff; rt. th. Good, Emanuel, Didsbury; rt. th. Johnson, Wm., Millarville; rt. th. ah a Eloi, Killarney Lake; . th. Harvey, Edith A., Milk River; Tt. sh. Ironmonger, Chas. E., Hill- crest Mines; !. sh. Dase Bros., E. M., Taber; 1. th. Quist, David E., Claresholm; 1. sh. Duell, E. B., New Dayton; rt. sh. — Mrs. Elizabeth, Irvine; . sh. Pitman, O. E., Loyalist; rt. sh. Ekman, Andrew, Lake Thelma; rt. th. Johnston, Robert F., Chinook; 1. sh. Powell, C. R., Viking; 1. sh. Payne, Mrs. Bessie, Trenville; rt. th. Sorensen, Elizabeth, Irwinville; l. sh. & Mrs. ( Mulligan, Mr. Ed. Keoma; 1. sh. Alberta Brand Book O}g|ppap=|a1 aE, [ea [Delon Bal BCE Howarth, John Edward, Rain- bow; |. sh. Ernst, Henry W., Loma; 1. sh. Evans, J. B., Sundial; rt. sh. Ryan, J. M., Eastway; 1. sh. Emery, J. H., Butte, Mont., U.S.A. rt. sh. F Foster, Abraham F., Tide Lake; Te}; Fuenfgeld, Geo. A., Olds; Tt. Manweiler, F. G., Halkirk; rt. th. Cowling, Fred, Vandyne; rt.4. Fondrick, Gottleib, Thelma; rt. sh. Maullet, F. J., Solberg; ]. sh. Elliott, J. H., Shandleigh; 1. th. Field, Reginald F. & Blyth, Charles, Calgary; 1. th. Hesp, Forest, Throne; 1. th. Rossler, Fred, Olds; 1th Schall, Herbert F., Taber; rt. sh. Fetaz, Francois, Notre Dame de Savoie; rt. th. Almquist, F., Throne; 1. sh. Fuller Bros., Barnwell; 1. th. Bennett, B. F., Thelma; 1. sh, Bertschy, Fred N., Blackie or Major; 1. th. Leader, Mrs. Mary, Clares- holm; |. th ities EY I Mm UW we) ei |co NANA = ele] [em APA CN| < Adams, Ernest, Throne; rt. th. Wolf, Andreas A., Burdett; rt. th. Anderson, Adolph, Mountain View; rt. th. oe Ernest, Granum; . th. Douglas, Frank, Verdant Val- ley; 1. sh. Davis, Frank R., Acme; rt. sh. Markham, John, Brooks; ]. sh. Liliedahl, F. E., Wetaskiwin; rt. th. Gustafson, F. O., Okotoks; 1. sh. Hiller, Friedrich, Walsh; rt. sh. arate Fred C., Bowell; Hathaway, Medicine Fei Hat; 1. th. Findlay, Isadore, Hinton; rt. sh. Brown, Norman, Black Dia- mond; rt. sh. Rutten, — Maryetta, Vul- ean; |. t Rutten, F. M., Vulcan; rt. th. Racher, F. 8., Champion; ]. sh. Nitsch, Wm., Brooks; rt. sh. Whitelock, J. F., Innisfail; rt. th. Goodwin, H. T., High River; rt. sh. Mountain View Stock: Farm, Ltd., Cardston," Alta.; 1. ‘sh. Alberta Brand Book 199 ne € G 9 5 Sapa walahOloles Felgate, Clifford S., Killam; 1. sh. Parrish, Ernest, Mountain View; |. th. Graham, Thomas, Big Prairie; rt. sh. Dunkin, F. G., Vermilion; rt. th. Klaudt, Fred, Walsh; rt. th. Jockober, Fred, Schuler; rt. th. oe ee Frank, Wildunn; . sh. G mee Hugh, Spring Point; Gray, I. E., Yetwood; 1. th. Gilmour, Geo. E., Mines; rt. sh. Beaver Christian, Charles, Rusylvia; rt. sh. Clark, G. E. & A. E., Coch- rane; l. th. Cavan, W. D., Dunmore; rt. th. Gordon, Mrs. Isla Mae, Schu- ler; 1. j. Greenwood, Margaret Jane, Trenville; 1. th. Golds, G. W., Munson; 1. sh. Ritchie, G. A., Coleman; 1. sh. Graham, Mrs. Isabella, Eccle- fechan, Scotland; rt. sh. Alexander, R. G., Purple Springs; rt. th. Gois, Albin, Lundbreck; rt. sh. Bent, George, C. Whitla; Rb eths Girletz, Adam, Midnapore; rt. sh. DA DA DA OB 2B GB exe oC Skuce, Frank, Beiseker; rt. th Johnston Bros. (Fred & Sidney) Burnt Lake; rt. th. Rosin, Fred, Hanna; rt. sh. Ulrih, Fred, Irvine; rt. th. Rancier, W. H., Killam; rt. th. Walsh, Joseph N., Consort; 1. sh. ak as W. J., Lonbutte; . sh, Marler, Lucinda E., Grassy Lake; Hinchey, W. G., Vermilion; rt. sh. Maggs & Son, Geo. J., Coyote Valley; rt. sh. Wallen, John, Cremona; 1. sh. Hogan, G. 8., Hutton; 1. sh. Johnston, R. A., Calgary; rt. sh. Golden, W. W., Sundre; l. sh. Salmon, Geo. A., Monvel; both: Gamache, Arthur, Brosseau; rt. sh. Crabb, Mary A., Magrath; rt. th. Beattie, George, Carlstadt; rt. sh. Barby, C. A., Glenbanner; 1. sh. Brogdich, George, Thelma; rt. th. Cohoon, Geo. R., Macleod; l. th. Cornwell, George, Crossfield; rt. th. Alberta Brand Book Clissold, John, Bellshill; rt. sh. Cropley, Charles, Mewassin; rt. sh. Care Ce. Douglas, Ethelwyn; . th: Daniel, C. R., Lethbridge; rt. sh. Clark, David, Parkland; rt. th. Dowsett, F. G., North Bank; 1. sh. Dell, Christian, Little Plume; 1. th. sg Carl, Wellsdale; 1. sh. Jewell Bros., Hairy Hill; rt. sh. Rorabeck, George E., Grassy Lake; 1. sh. Derrig, Hugh, Kinsella; rt. th Couper, Mrs. Geo. V., Bru- netta; 1. sh. Bertrand, Mrs. Gertrude, Brant; 1. sh. Falconer, Jos. G., Empress; l. sh. Felstrom, C. J., Ponoka; rt. sh. Taft, Mrs. Guy H., Heath; rt. th. Gailey, Herbert, Major; ]. sh. . Graves, Geo. G., Hartshorn; 1. th. Clutton, J. G., Mayton; l. sh. Henchel, Geo., Bow Island; 1. th. Haggard, G. J. & Ewart Max, Ranfurly; 1. th. Henrikson, C., Donalda; rt. sh. Bamhill, H. C., Clive; rt. th. Johnson, George, Dowling Lake; rt. sh. Coulombe, Jos., Chauvin; l. sh Chipps, Mrs. Katharine ae Cardston; 1. sh. VDiOyO x Tolley, Jesse P., Orton; 1. th. MeDill, J. H., Standard; rt. th. Holton, J. A., Grassy Lake; 1. th. Miller, James T.,Pincher Creek ; rt. sh. Johnson, Rarus, Rosebud; 1. th. Melvin, James, Milk River; rt. th. Jones, L. E., Talbot; 1. sh. Gariepy, John, Halley; rt. sh. ar Norman, Twin Butte; . sh. Kite, Zerulda E., Hillspring; rt. th. Knalson, Fred, Irvine; rt. th. De Kort, John, Strathmore; rt. th. Roy, Geo. Adolphus, Leth- bridge; 1. th 765 bi Bi A. J., Sounding Lake; ee : Draudson, Medicine at; Mills, Edward J., Veteran; rt. sh. Chris., Kyllingstad, E., Carmangay; 1. th. McKenzie, Frank & John, Greenlawn; rt. sh. Matterson, S. K., Eagle. Butte; rt. th. Kaffler, Mike, Prospy; rt. sh. sa ae Norman, Millarville; . sh. Durkan, John F., Gopher Head; rt. th. 1) Alberta Brand Book SPE DRS ii peat wiley = PS SG SASS p |X m)m all AP 40> SP elle 4 4 | n| 5 | m| m oe a 9] (Olas leleol? Hawkes, Mrs. John W., Gran- um;l.s. Anderson, W. L., Claresholm; rt:th: Armstrong, Ivis H., Lethbridge; rt. sh. Morton, Kingsley A., Hand Hills; rt. sh. Neil, James, Eagle Butte; kth, Pareet Bernhard, Vandyne; Fen: Baches, Louis P., Redcliff; rt. h. Dickhaut, Karl, Irvine; l. sh. Hinnman, Byron D., Carman- gay; rt. sh. nee On Donald, Walsh; ]. th. McColman, John, Cairns; rt. th Dernan Bros., Viking; rt. sh. Hanna, Chas. N., Ewing; 1. sh. Kalmbach, Miss Eaty A., Ir- vine; 1. sh. Eliik, John, Schuler; rt. th. Knowles, Edward E., Barons; rt. sh. Beringer, Fred, Schuler; rt. th. Fordyce, Mrs. croft; 1. th. Feleski, Moses, Hilda; rt. sh. C. H., May- Falkenberg, Gotthilf, slope; rt. sh. Foy, Kenneth C., Hat; rt. th. Sunny- Medicine Allen, Frank, Delano; rt. sh. Belley, L. G., Calgary; 1. sh. King, Harry, Cluny; rt. sh. Davidson, W. G., Morrin; ]. th. Krisher, Wm. & Cheny, Elias, Woolchester; rt. sh. = Toi Na 7} | Cy x pes ek PS pa ~~ = >I ges pi4 x vU MS ~ CONSlSUSlpxzk Z\Z 0/0 (|< ~~ 5 | ~~ A) Kruger, Herman, Turin; rt. th. Laurence, Mrs. W. H., Eck- ville; 1. th. Koch, T. J., Strathmore; ~ rt. th. Dingle, J. R., Dalroy; rt. th. Keddie, Jack, Nanton; rt. sh. Jacobson Bros., Vulcan; ]. sh. Lincoln, C. O., Erskine; rt. th. Meston, Hugh P., Langdon; ]. sh. Moyer, John K., Bassano; rt. sh. McCuaig, Angus D., Czar; 1. sh. Mark, John, Lundbreck; rt. sh. Kennedy, Jr., John, Lethbridge; rt. sh. Nix, Kenneth R., Round Up; rt. sh. Knight, Arthur W., Cereal; rt. th. Knight, Harry, Castor; 1. sh. Niskanen, Peter John, Eckville; 1. th. Nyburg, Mrs. M., Provost; rt. th. Barniko, W. L., Medicine Hat; l. sh. Hulme, Harry & Page Elijah, Kew; 1. Koole, John, Pearce; 1. sh. Osmond, Mrs. Kate Matilda, K., Oyen; rt. sh. O.K. Farming Co., Raymond; 1. sh. Pushor, Forest, Bittern Lake; 1. sh. Poelman, R. Granum; rt. sh. a, Jr., Joseph, Macleod; . sh. a ne Wainwright; . sh. Alberta Brand Book 207 y |x] ly ly 4A} All ta&n D D eee John, \Lougheed; 1. sh. Boulton, Robert, Ttenville; rt. sh. Russell, Arlie, Magrath; l. h. Reid, Mrs. Katharina) Acme; «GS Johnson, Jas. C., Grand Prairie; rt. th. John, Richard, Magrath; 1. th. Schock, Jack, Thelma; 1. th. Shaw, David W., Standard; rt. sh. Hruska, James A., Milk River; 1. th. Joe sme Chas. K., Gadsby; . sh. Page, T. G., Queenstown; rt. th. L Warwick, Robt. O., Medicine Hat; 1. sh. Vent bar under. Benson, Lily N., Vermilion; rt. sh. Irwin, Lewis C., Cravath Cor- ners; I. j. Arnold, Carlyle H., Longview; rt. th. ae #y Timothee, Pincher Greek = Bradford, Wm. H., High River; l. sh. Vent same on |. h. Ellerby, Albert, Throne; ]. sh. Leverett, A., Queenstown; l. th. Currie, John A., Diamond City; rt. sh. Draudson, Edward, Medicine Hat; 1. sh. Wreggit, Wm. Eliha, Talbot; rt. sh. A Cc | > 4 a ae p> A 4 Ital enl Poe KCSIIZIZIKE x ° BRS domes Kubyn, Anton, Ryley; ]. th. Miyashito, Keizo, Strathmore; 1. th. Kleinknecht, Emanuel, Minda; rt. th. Bruins, D. K., Royal View; ]. sh. Van Keekem, B. J., Medicine Hat; 1. h. Bryant, Alfred Harold, Jump- ing Pond; 1. th. Kasten, Henry, Irma; ]. th. Kaster, Phil, Cochrane; 1. sh. Keefe, John L., Blakesville; Tt. sh. Ayling, Reg., Cummings; ]. sh. McKivor, Henry, Standard; rt. sh. McCune, C. E., Red Deer; rt. sh. Lepine, Prosper, Duhamel; l. th. Vent bar under. Lappenbush, Mrs. A. J., Chip- man; rt. sh. Ross, Roy L., Airdrie; rt. th. Cochrane, Mrs. Ellen, Millare ville; rt. th. McLaughlin Bros., Mannville; rt. th. Boomer, E. 8., Nanton; 1. sh. Logan, John, Jumpimg Pond; l. th. Erickson, Lafey M., Blakes- ville; 1. th. Harris, Mark, Eyremore; ‘ap P —_— Alberta Brand Book choice tech eal ee ae ae PCA LE: Ay c L 7 Coolorlley lw in| llr ¢ glilajal)>P>|> SIcFE SIS IN| = |u| S/S O’Neil, Larry, Mirror; rt. sh. Lewis, Samuel, Macleod; rt. t McKenzie, F. A., Zoldovara; rt. th. Lukacs, John, Lost Lake; 1. th. Lloyd, Wm., Irvine; rt. sh. Larson, Adolphe, Knappen; ]. sh. Main, James N., Airdrie; rt. sh. Berg, Lars B., Champion; rt. th. Fox, Mrs. Lula, Yule Meadow; l. th. Wood, R. 8S. Acme; rt. sh. Adlam, Mrs. Myra, Lundbreck; rt. sh. Lavail, August, St. Paul de Metis; 1. sh. Le Prete, Alexander, Peace, River Crossing; |. th. Larsen, Peter, Dalroy; rt. th Clark, Laurence, Morley; 1. th. Chapman, Mrs. Lillian, Spring Coulee; 1. th. Lower & Dunsmore, High River; rt. sh. Inman, T. E., Sounding Creek; rt. sh. Ingram, J. L., Reid Hill; ]. sh. The Le Bar Ranching Co., Ltd., Strathmore; 1. th. Allan, John B., Lethbridge; l. sh. Coombes, Frank D., Many- berries; 1. sh. Larson, A. M., Yule Meadow; 1. th. Sutherland, T., Major; rt. sh. Green, Lewis, Lake Geneva; rt. sh. Ladonseur, David, Athabasca Landing; rt. th. C15. Peel 056 aps tO x} Cir Dl volo kSPsb ) LAIR Foyt | by CO C sy Bat only HIPs Ps KS1SKE|15 | Slltac Huston, Herbert, Pincher Creek | Bao Guenette, L. A., Onoway; - 1. sh. Goble, Mrs. Lillian S., Glen- woodville; rt. th. Felger; Lewis, Magrath; ]. sh. Lacquement, F., Nilrem; 1. sh. McPherson, D., Flagstaff; 1. sh. Marshall, D. L., Lethbridge; rt. th. Marsden, L. H., Cardston; ]. sh. Luchak, Olexa, Sacred Heart; 1. sh. Laplante, Oliva, Beauvallon; © ]. sh. Le Baron, Wm. F., Barnwell; l. sh. Perkins, R. L., Brownfield; 1. sh. Bowser, L. R., Brooks; l. sh. Seyer, Fred, Botha; rt. th. Young, C. A., Perbeck; rt. th. Trantmann, Mrs. Wm., Irvine; rt. sh. Walker, Mike, Fleet; rt. th. Lebow, Mrs. Wm. J., Clares- holm; rt. th. ; Davies, Lewis, Talbot; 1. th. Willi, Mary Louise, Purple Springs; rt. th. Wade, Bernard L., Strathmore; l. th. Mecham, Mrs. Sina W., Taber; rt. sh. Penn, Bryan L., Nanton; l. sh. McDougall, Chas., Penhold; rt. sh. Drage: Thomas, Ohaton; Robson, Leslie S., Gleichen; : rt. sh. ee Alberta Brand Book 209 L6 L6 Fake stesso ualaala|s|s Gilbert, Gladys,\ Roy, Russell, & Leslie, Cowléy; rt. th. Lynch, T. N., Carstairs; rt. sh. Price, H. E., Irvine; 1. sh. Butler, Margaret, Castor; 1. th. Mayhew, G. A., Rusylvia; 1. sh. MeFee, H. J., Coralyun; rt. th Mortimer, F. G. C., Gleichen; 1. sh. McIntosh, H., Ethelwyn; rt. J. Luhrs, Martin, Milk River; rt. sh. Moore, H. J., Vandyne; 1. th. Comparino, Marcello, Blair- more; rt. sh. Mitchell, James, Leslieville; 1. th. Hanna, Morton H., Brunetta; rt. sh. Johnson, Mrs. Mary, Reid Hill; l. sh. Cleland, Michael, Cowley; rt. th. Marsden & Sons, Munson; 1. th. Mary M.; Van Maarion, Pete, Stavely; rt. n. Tovery, Chas. W., Coutts; rt. sh. McMillan, Jno. W., Steveville; 1. th. Stephens, Mary, Macleod; rt. th. ore Medus J., Barrhill; . sh. e Benson, Mark, Medicine Hat; Tt.h. ——— L$ “- = oh z zi> rta Brand Book 215 B Se SAR ee |S) 31813) cee alel ely) |All Sevier, Wm., Spring Coulee; rt. sh. Stafford, Ashbury Pugh, Czar; rt. th. Strong, Wm., Coutts; re. th. Struthers, James, Coralynn; l. sh. Spurr, Archibald H., Gleichen; rt. th Sheppard, Wm., New Brigden; rt. sh. Smith, Archibald B., Grand Prairie City; 1. sh. Finnson, S. S., Dickson; rt. th. Sept, Fred., Walsh; rt. th. Stuart, J. G., Milo; 1. th. Starleys & Twist; Black Dia- mond; rt. sh. Currie, J. A., Diamond City; rt. j. Horn, Jesse, Manyberries; 1. th. Bulovilzky, S. A., Curlew; rt. sh. Shand, Robert, Lakesend; 1. sh. Sather, Bastian, Czar; 1. sh. The Simms Carrier Co., Ed- monton; 1. sh. Swayne, Stephen C., Carlstadt; l. th. Curran, 8S. D., Gleichen; rt. sh. Dahl, Sumner L., Redcliff; rt. th. Durant, Harry C. & Sannes, Ole B., Trochu; 1. sh. Smith, J. S. & Johns, T. J., Veteran; 1. sh. Stapleford, Jno. Wm., Medi- cine Hat; 1. th. Kolesar, Steve, Commerce; rt. th Machell, S., Cereal; l. sh. peneneee. Soren, Wainwright; 1. sh. 3} 02} N35} Oy] O3} 931 S Os} ta 23) 55]5°|52| | |S onlpstes| 5/8 5 S i+ CA | UA} (OA! Oy] ta} 02 [ta,| 2) eal ta 10 | Ou o(ks|l6 dllaalataKe He 8 Astley & Shackle, Calgary; l. sh. Peddicord, W. S., Kessler; 1. sh. Schlessger, Paul, Maycroft; rt. sh. Soukup, Peter, Rumsey; l. sh. Robertson, Jno. Cameron, Fod- derty, Scotland; rt. th. McDonald, A. S., Cochrane; l. sh. Stahl Bros., Cousins; l. sh. Wickham, Sidney, Vermilion; Fi. th. Bordeaux, 8S. A., Ewing; l. sh. Sanderson, Jos., High River; l. ‘sh. Sevior, R., Taber; rt. th. Schneider, H., Bowville; rt. th. sae ai Mrs. F. M., Cardston; l. th. Martin, Smith F., Magrath; rt. sh. Danas rare: J., Prairie Creek l. sh. Colon, Edward, Strathmore; rt. sh. Smith Bros. (H. E. & W. R.), Airdrie; 1. th. Steffin, Ben, Ryley; rt. sh. Brown, 8S. Fairfax, Elkton; | a Schmidt, Mrs. Milla M., Czar; rt. th. Crawford, Simon, Doran; rt. th. Snowden Bros., Goddard; rt. th. Glasgow, Sid., Knappen; rt. sh. Lloyd, Paul, Hopkins; rt. sh. Parenteau, Sam, Hopkins; rt. sh, Anderson, Edward, Scollard; rt. sh. Alberta Brand Book Lindblod, S. A., Coaldale; rt. sh. Sullivan, E. E., Pincher Creek; rt. sh. Egy, Edgar S., Stettler; rt. sh. Scott, Henry, Lethbridge; rt. th. Cyr, Mrs. Felicit, Chauvin; l. sh. Sharp, George, Big Valley; rt. sh. Lennox, Stuart G., Medicine h. Hat;:1-% Gerritz, A., Sullivan Lake; rt. sh. Grenville, S. P., Sarcee; rt. th Schnieder, Henry, Josephsburg; rt. th. Sonberg, Chaves, Taber; l. th. Johnson, R. A., Steveville; ]. sh. Spanke, Sr., Herman, Reid Hill; l. th. Stepchuk, Michael, Mundare; rt. sh. Smith, Jos. R., Beazer; l. sh. Pisony, Joseph, Passburg; 1. th. Scott, Thos. H., Leslieville; 1. th. —— Sam., Kipp; rt. sh. Kendrick, Samuel, Bellshill; rt. th. Schribe, August, Pearce; rt. sh. Sackman, John, Walsh; rt. th. Pederson, S. M., Warner; rt. th. Sumner, A. M., Consort; rt. th. Michael, Stanley, Wimbourne; 1. th. Noble, Samuel R., New Day- ton; 1. th. Sando, Oliver O., Websdale; rt. th. SN SN SN SR SR SS ae SS ST ST su Su SU SU SU SY SU SU Sx Sx Ox Ox Sx Sx 5x ev Mallar, Betsy, Lac St. Anne; 1. sh. Booth, Sewell N., Dodds; rt. sh. ; Sanderson, Stanley S., Irma; rt. th. Robinson, 8. E., Lake View; rt. sh. Sharp, H. W., Veteran; l. sh. Bendixen, A. G., Irwinville; rt. th. McAlpine, Joe, Claresholm; rt. th. Spencer & Sons, Jas. S., Lae La Biche; rt. th. Showalter & Tracht, Coaldale; l. th. . Miller, Jacob J., Buffalo Head, Sask.; h. Smith, W. A., Irricana; ttth: : Suggitt, H. A.; Coaldale; l. th. Stankiewich, Ignt., Huxley; rt. th. Shrively, Mrs. Almeda, Faith? rt. sh. Springer, Fred, Hilda; rt. th. Stumpf, Joe, Milo; 1. th. Rafuson, Thomas, Markerville; rt. sh. Bevans, Jr., F. E., Cardston; rt. th. Sherwood, S. O., Magrath; isth: Salzawedel M. H. F., Buffalo; rt. th. Scotton, George, Cowley; 1. th. Haffner, Geo. J., Coutts; rt. th. Smith, J. E., Daysland; rt. th. Haugen, S. A., Edberg; l. sh. Stetson, Jas. S., Taber; rt. th Sprages, Albert, Sunnyslope;’ . sh. 2 Alberta Brand Book 217 Snider, J. H., Bassano; S3 1. th. Sullivan, H. J., Lakesend; rt. sh. + Gunn, H. A., Brocket; L sh. Vent same Abramenko, Sabil, Three Hills; rt. th. inverted Gray, Gordon, Macleod; rt. th Tuckwood, Mrs. C. H., Lon- butte; rt. th. Armstrong, John, Stavely; l. sh. . Robertson, Chas. B., Hills; rt. sh. Behner, Robert, Olds; The I: Mortimer, Fred. G. C., Glei- chen; |. sh. Three Seifken, August, Veteran; l. sh. Kirkwood, Ole, Calgary; rt. th. Thompson, G., Bow Island; rt. sh. a sie rea T. R., Purple Springs; . th. Thomson, W. E., Hinton; rt. th. Thompson, Andrew A., Coutts; rt. sh. Healy, Oliver Thos., St. Kilda; 1. th. Tomkins, Mrs. L. A., Enilda; rt. n. Bamelis, Jules R., Wainwright; 1. th. peers John, Lethbridge; ae baer John C., Vermilion; rt. sh. Boulton, T. E., Nobleford; 1. sh. 2 PEPPER TR RRET EF eEE Ce ssa dets 5 Robert, Wimborne; rt. sh S9 Chapman, Thomas, Sweet Val- ley; r Tofield Coal Co., Ltd., Edmon- ton; rt. sh. Donovan, Thos. J., Goddard; rt. sh. Ainge, D. W., Edwell; ]. sh. Williamson, Bros. Irricana; rt. sh. Taylor, T. H., Vermilion; rt. sh. Tepman, Joseph, Stettler; Eth} Hazel, Arthur F. & Wilson, A., Curlew; l. h Williams & Co., J. Fisher, Acme; 1. th. Marriot, T. W., Gleichen; rt. sh. Pawson, Jr., W., Coaldale; . Sh. - Mish, Paul, Coutts; rt. th. Fitzsimmons, Chas. J., High River; rt. sh. Monkman, Wm. I., Nanton; 1. th. Bergos, Peter, Sarcee; rt. th. Wetherelt, Thos. H., One Four; ac Chi: Sutherland, Kenneth, Battle Bend; rt. th. Lillico, J. S., Brockett; rt. sh. Romper Henry, Bow Island; 1. sh. “gh Ayotte, Theodore, St. Paul de Metis; 1. th. 3/4 /e} 3/3) e 3/4] iaye lye 4 cOPPELEPETEE TETERGET : : | | bo hd GO Alberta Brand Book TB Af TF T™ TO aS TR ies T3 acer 8 AOI Tubb, John J., Blackie; rt. th. Johnson, Ludwig, New Norway; rt. sh. Fitchett, Geo., Swalwell; rt. th. Fliteroft, Tom, Cardston; 1. sh. Manning, D. E., Kleskun Hill; 1. th. Turner, Arthur, Munson; rt. sh. Ross, Thos., Coronation; rt. th. Robbie, T., Turman; 1. sh. Short, T. G., Lethbridge; rt. sh. Swan, Thos. C., Nilrem; rt: 8h: U Staples, Frank, Redcliffe; 13; De Noblens, Barnard, Alder- syde; rt. sh. Barfield, Wilfrid J., Okotoks; rt. th. Barrie, Frank, Empress; rt. sh. Ames & Son, A., Mannville; rt. th. Weber, Mrs. Ed., Didsbury; 1. sh. Sturm, Fred, Thelma; rt. th. MeNeice, John, Lake View; l. sh. Kay, Geoffrey, Provost; rt. sh. oe Howard G., Webber; . th. Osborne, W. T., Calgary; L . sh. TS + TT TX J Y- To VY, T4 T5 Té Cre clD> A|~o}7 Si nol >< m a JJ S a UX UY Greenwood, Elmer I., Munson; rt. sh. Worden, Hiram G., Calgary; rt. sh. Theall, Delbert T., Keoma; rt. sh. Harrison, Harvey, Munson; 1. th: Iverson, Peter, Bawlf; rt. sh. Robarts, Jesse, Jethson; rt. sh. Groat, Thos. A., Hinton; rt. sh. Bacon, J., Rosebud; ]. sh. Thorburn, Mrs. Harry M., Car- bon; 1. sh. be or Mrs. Christina, Taber; . th. Ritchie, Stanley, Consort; l. sh. Bernard, Louis G. & Henry R., Trochu; 1. sh. Brady, John L., Mannville; rt. th. Bere ie Jr., Andrew, Noble; Ursenbach, O. F., Raymond; rt. sh. Unland, M. Hugo, Chesterwold; rt. th. Adams, C. F. H., Calgary; rt. th. Comstock, L. W., Standard; rt. th. sip Fred, Sage Creek; ih. Weiss, Senr., John, Newburg; rt. sh. se F. H. & H.S., Langdon; Alberta Brand Book _ 219 Messenger, Mrs. Erema, En- don; rt. j. Taprell, Chas. D., Calgary; 1. sh. Calcutt, J. H. H. & Martinez, Joaquin, Morley; 1. th. Kreis, Henry G. & Martin, D. L., Taber; 1. sh. ope ileal Jas. D., Aldersyde; . sh. Hansen, Mrs. Olga C., Walsh; |e ar Anderson, Vic, Calgary; Vent bar above brand. Toews, Henry L., Sunnyslope; 1. th. Stevens, Blanche, Ranchville; 1. th. Pilling, Valentine, Spring Cou- lee; 1. sh. a Mrs. Oliver, Standard; ee Smyes, A. Vivian, Bassano; 1. sh. Chatwood, Mrs. Craig; rt. sh. Lucinda, 2s oo Chas. L., Rosalynn; . sh. Vennum, V., Lucky Strike; rt; th. Gray, James, Granum; 1, sh. Ww Wareberg, M. H., Knappen; 1. sh. sche elie George, Reid Hill; . th. < Hodgson, Thos. V., Moyerton; rt. h. Bushell, Albert L., Sedalia; l. sh. Eastman, Roy, Favor; rt. sh. a a te, Rowland, Vandyne; . sh. Norris, James, Crossfield; ]. sh. Scott, Geo. C., Munson; rt. sh. Shunn, Vic., Oyen; ]. sh. Sharpe, Mrs. Carry, Jethson; 1. sh. Stevenett, Allison, Innisfail; rt. sh. Vine, V. F. H., Calgary; 1. h. ces i eg F. L., Midnapore; ba Welsh, Vincent, Nanton; Li the Verrier, Wm. S., Crossfield; rt. th Joackim, Adam, Hinton; rt. th. Swenson, Luvern, Granum; l. sh. Ish: . X Cooper, A. W., Didsbury; a eg F Shank, Lewis, Nanton; 1. th. Cole, A. L., Puffer; rt. th. Baird & Haag, Calgary; rt. th. arte a Anthony, Stettler; . sh. YUU ESERESSEE ae x< | xX aft i pe T. W., Pashley; Schultz, W. E., Brant; 1. th. Riddell, W. I., Major; 1. sh. Cridland, Walter, Brocket; rt. th. Wuebbenherst, Martin A., Rose Lynn; |. sh. Wacker, Mrs. J., Walsh; rt: th. Wood, T. C., Lignite; rt. sh. White, James, Ranfurly; ths Harvey, D. W., Wildum; rt. th. Woychik, Joe, Purple Springs; rt. th. Wheatley, Fred., Tilley; rt. sh, Smith, Prest & Hunt; .Mann- ville; rt. sh. Cooper, Hy., Lake View; rt. sh. Jenson, Mrs. Artie Macey, Purple Springs; rt. th. Palmer, Mrs. Bert, Eyremore; rt. sh. rk Frank, Spring Point; . th. Labdell, Wm. F., Lakeview; rt. sh. i) i) 2 Alberta Brand Book BZSRESSREREMMSSESRES eh ¥ Bubna, Countess Irene Mary, Kingsbury, England; rt. th. an Be A. J., Cardston; es Hall, Mrs. Hattie, Ewelme; rt. sh. hep ape Fred’k, Tofield; rt. t. peor & Boddy, Lyndon; . sh. Blefgen, T. F., Coleman; rt. th. ' Young, Andrew L., Brooks; 1. sh. Kasper, R. C.,: Clark Manor; 1. th. Strohl, Mrs. J., Knappen; rt. th McBride, James, Granum; Lt: McBain, A. T., Cochrane; rt. sh. Desjardine, Leon, Lonbutte; l. th. Hardwicke, H. W., & Young, G. H., Bottrel; 1. sh. Flathers, R. E., Nanton; rt. th. Nr a Chester W., Langdon; 1. th. Thom, Andrew, Calgary; l. sh. Reimann, Henry, Irvine; rt. th. McCulloch, Alex., Lundbreck ; ]. th. Gallup, G. N., Medicine Hat; ]. sh. Thompson, Ed. H. B., Victor; l. sh. Haeberle, Chas., Britain; l. th. Park, Andrew, Cochrane; 1 th. ~<1;<|<¢||~<})~<] <¢|--< PAL RAAPS SSIS IS SISSIES SIDS DSI KAKI Arkell, A. D., Cluny; rt. sh. Frederickson Land Corporation, Ltd., Fleet; rt. th. Anderson, Dr. W. G., Steve- ville; 1. sh. Smyth & Laing, Tarves; rt. th. Dutel, ]. sh. A., Cluny; Tomlin, Mrs. A., Strathmore; rt. th. Billwiller, P. W., Sheerness; rt. sh. wear, Henry, Josephsburg ; . th. Bussion, Mrs. L. 8., Noble; 1. th. Cae E. T., Purple Springs; I. th. Dawson, Mrs. Albert, Hand Hills; 1. th. Davies, Wm. Owen, Furman; rt. th. Dunn, Harry, Nightingale; rt. sh. Damen, Mrs. M., Strathmore; rt. th. Denhart, Paul, Tilley; 1. th. Doyle, M. J., Nanton; rt. sh. Ackroyd, Marion, Magrath; 1. sh. Diddlebach, Fred., Tarvis; l. th. Emhan, Jacob, Rosebeg; rt. sh. Erickson, August & Tindell, * Peter, Flowerdale; rt. sh. Ewing, Mrs. H. T., Kew; l. sh. Robison, D. W., Carbon; rt. sh. Alberta Brand Book 223 IESE: ree} olin | bales Gia C, ( Cy | Y Y YI Yt ue YI YI Y: Y Y Ye Y ~< | 3 <1.~<| <7) ON TLE x oe a oF Siz SL spe Hb ave Rigg, Stanley, Pekisko; J. sh., vent same inverted on 1. h. Thompson, F. H., Leduc; 1. sh. Arbuckle, Lawrence, Macleod; rt. h. Fife, 3 L., rt. th Lanuke; 4 Stenson, Chas., Hastings Cou- lee; 1. sh. Archibald, Michael H., Glen- woodville; 1. th. Crothers, Frank Albert, Mac- leod; rt. sh. Connolly, W. C., Macleod; 1. sh. Phillips, R. N., Beaver Mines; 1. sh, McMillan, Donald Jas., Taber; rt. sh. Hall, Alex., Gurneyville; ]. th. Procter, Geo., Throne; rt. n. ) Haywood, Mrs. Lylace, Irma; rt. sh. AVERY: pales, Ethelwyn; x Canadian Cultivation Co., Ltd.. Calgary; 1. sh. Good & Sons, Vermilion; rt. th. Hockett, H. G., Verdant Valley; rt. sh. ho Riley I., Macleod; rt Paisley, i. Jerry, Spring Point; White, George, Youngstown; rt. sh. Sewall & Thill, Faith; rt. th. Mountain View Stock Farm, Ltd., Cardston; 1. sh. Meeker, Cecil E., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Fike, J. L., Crossfield; 1. sh. Whitney, J. R., Consort; rt. sh. Bole, Wilhelm H., Bassano; Teens. Susie, Stavely; 7 Ee 50 | TIN oO! : | BSERESES 2 YOON Alberta Brand Book 227 apy i Chas. E., Calgary; . sh. Eaglesham, Wm., Cayley; ]. sh. Campbell, Angus, Nanton; 1. sh. 6 Crawford, Mrs. H. M., Hanna; 1. th. Palfrey. H. C., Purple Springs; rt. th. Bell, Jr., R. F., Meadow Creek; rt. th. Baxter, David, Cluny; rt. sh. Cooper, A. F., Cardston; rt. th. Swingle, Leroy Victor, Dids- bury; l. s obey. Adolphus, Hinton; . sh. — H. H., Cochrane; ef 7 Robertson, John C., Fodderty, Scotland; rt. j. Prudden, A. F., Wetaskiwin; 1. sh. Woods, Fred. Geo., Langdon; rt. th. Nicholls, W. A., Ryley; rt. sh. Webb, B. A., Medicine Hat; rt. th. sci & Haag, Calgary; Shaw, Aeneas A., Nanton; Tt. sh. IO ID re | oO (XS }O a aes is gist Fred. O., Taber; ie) Jacob, Sue Imlay, B. F., Strathmore; 1. sh. Wonsmos, B. P., Carstairs; 1. th. Blackbourne, J. A., Gleichen: 1. sh. Hopkins, Frank, Redcliff; rt. sh. McCallum, ‘apiads W., Beaver Lake; 1. t Healy, R. J., Lethbridge; tt. sh. Bruce, Wm. D., South Edmon- ton; rt. sh. Clennins, Wm., Bawlf; rt. sh. Tarkelson, Nils, rt. th. Grauman, A. M., Ethelwyn; 1. sh. Stettler; Windsor, J. Alfred, Bashaw; 1. sh. Mitchell, Peter, Huxley; 1. sh. eng John F., Czar; rt. t. Holman, Lester E., Taber; 1. th. 228 Alberta Brand Book 7 7VV Lansdell, G. R., Blackfalds; TJ Rents Mrs. J. K., Okotoks; 1. sh. Morton, John C., Gleichen; 7O Reve Elisha, Auburndale; 1. th. Galloway, James, Hardisty; Vi Wi, ae Charis, Dalroy; ]. sh. Co pock, rag C., Tongue ; Moberly, Wm., Hinton; reek; rt. th <> rt. th. Sundgard, Ole P., Sundial; } Wiseman, Harry, Grainland; L. th. 93 ia Reavley, E., Steveville; Christa, Ernest J., Stavely; rt. th. 07 ion Gordon, Samuel, Gadsby; Dame, Jno. Wesley, Maleb; rt. sh. QQ 1. sh. Moore, Ray O., Jarrow; 1. th. a Rogers, Heary Mathew, Cal- g b Megredy, Mrs. Lucy, Picture gary; rt. Butte; rt. j. Purdy, Walter P., Medicine a ek Pda Boundary Creek; at; 1. j. be 7 Statter, F. J., Milk River; Motreaets Mrs. Florence N., rt. th. g > Bassano; rt. sh. Moore, Thomas, Claresholm; rt. h. ARBITRARY SIGNS Lambarde, T. B., Alix; Clark, Walter, Fertility; 1, sh. 2. p | sh. Jaques, Norman, Castor; Marty, Oscar, Suffield; Te a mE Alberta Brand Book 229 >. Susinoto, K., Raymond; ~ MacLaine, W. B., Lethbridge; Me iF > rt. sh. Faweett, John L., Macleod; am Fogarty, Martin, Carmangay; rt. L Walker, Andrew K., Carbon voley. Alex. R., Gleichen; . th. rt. sh. Wray, Mrs. H. H., Irricana;; Cyr, Levite B,, Gleichen; i ie rt. sh. Dominion Parks gra Poe of Interior, Banff; ened R. F., Bottrel; Watson, John, Calgary; 1. sh. Bubna, Countess Irene Mary, Kingsbury, England; I. j. Barker, Geo. A., Granum; Jacques, H. Percy, Ingleton; I. sh. 1. sh. Athawes, Wm. F., Calgary; Boyd, Albert, High River; 1. sh. rt. sh. McIntyre, R. B., Magrath; Trenaman, J. C., Hanna; 1. th. , 1. th. career Pate, W.H., Winnipeg, Man.; Day, ay ee: Medicine . sh. dat; .8 SEZ HOOF BRANDS AND EAR TAGS ©} Dickerson, Jackson, Scollard; left front hoof. Ss Briscoe, F. 8, Big Valley; right front hoof. Kinch, Thos. E., Wellsdale; right front hoof. ac Aalberg, Erik, Oxville; N right front hoof. = i el OE am, at 4 a y iy BUY fll aye Pages Pages Pages Sin oe 3 229 Akers, Dellc ee nc% leak 88 Alward, Arnold......... il POU re orcic oe a's 167 Aang "On Re ats Aes 109 Alward, eg 6 ye een ae at 44 eee 114 Akias, A Mie side yea 67 BIWOOd, Bui leah «tre kasd 16 . Soe 191 Alakavish, Joseph..... 106 Aman, Christian........ 23 Sei ars 185 Alberta Co-operative Ambler, Andrew Geo...160 2. Se 161 Farming Co....... 4,188 | Ambler, Arthur C...... 16 EES ear age 150 Alberta Grain Raising Ambler, Js W .76. 0003. 161 Joseph NS Seage oa Gis oo 5 6s cade sed 116). “Ambler Dot oo Ae 16 ramenko, Sabil. . 217 | Alberta Securities Co., Ambler, Elwin..... Paper ‘Acheson, Jas........... 0) Se PRR Baier Pate Sighs nS 3 | Ambler, Frederick..... 184 Achenbach, A. J....... 146 | Alberta Sheep Co.,Ltd...8 | Amblie, I. N.......... 150 Al royd, Marion...... 222 ea he Transfer Co. i Amell & Caudwell....... 7f Ackr kroyd, Mmith......... 9 St ss 6c Ris hs ee OS | a, Be TE oes os 0 te 143 Acton, Thomas........ 202 ays hed Wheat Growers Anes & Sons, A........ 218 4 eS eres Rep Uel-ek. COO, sl auc waked ehh Meears Amos, JamesH........ 74 H Ae, Cee A ae 145 Fe alee A.T. & BE. L..4 Amphlett, C. E...... 3:22 ‘dam, Martin.......... 9 Mibright. Che's. ss5 a5 22 Amundson, Geo. E...... 33 E , oq Paatiee.. .21 Wibright; FP. Bios cse ss 44 | Amey, Henry J......... 64 SOR. wi isls F< 0°, 4 | Alchin, Ben,.......... 194 | Ancelle, Leon.......... 73 : ike... ... .102 Aloook, Ag di sts cae 107 Anderburg, O. P....... 109 i _L Spe Shap areas 25 Aleock, H. W.S........ 60 Anderson, E. R......... 34 Wumams, C.F.H....... 218 | Alcock, Mrs. Mary....184 | Andersick, John........ 70 Adams, Edmund J...... 40 Alcock, Victor A....... 149 Anderson, Adolph..... 198 / Adams, Edwin......... 38 Alder Win ik 3 oh scese sce 151 Anderson, Andrew B. .: .16 Biss of fcr 198 Alderson, Wm. M...9, be Anderson, Andrew..... ‘180 Ns ees 78 | Alderson & Son, Ralph. . Anderson, Jr. Andrew. .218 Br exrohy one piss 89 Aldridge, James....... 79 ‘| Anderson, Anthon.......9 ears ste tis 53 Aldridge, Walter H....184 Anderson, Archie......160 DWE pte. 6865-6 65 Alexander, Basil G...... a Anderson, Arthur....... 55 ae, a rape 7 | Alexander, Dewitt C. Anderson, A. A..........4 Se eee 72 Alexander, R. G....... “199 Anderson, A. B........ 110 g ON OR Aare 178 Alexander, Samuel T.. .132 Anderson, Anna B..... 118 s, Mrs. Cilena M. .21 Alexanderson Bros...... ‘9 Anderson, Andrew M...167 20320 Alfke. JOND isis ems 5 Anderson, Andrew P...114 ERR ear. Ses 185 Alford, Arthur Jas....... 3 Anderson, Axel G....... 84 OE eae area 152 Alford, Morrisiiis. candice sic 3 Anderson, B. R........ 150 TR cer 152 Allan, John B.........208 Anderson Bros........142 re eect ars 55 Allan, Robert.........119 Anderson, Carl M......58 stn 10 Allan, Robert A........94 Anderson, Carl P........9 Fe ae ere 4 Allan. W. Bi4 4 ceeen eo Anderson, Charles. ...6, 19 Ry ee 6 Allard. Lowis.,; is 0s 2 hace Anderson, Chris.........9 OE Ae 113 Alleger,-DiGs (0) cse:0j0% ie DO Anderson, Drace.......28 RE eee 68 Alten. BB. Wi5 vicseiiesate Anderson, Dunecan.....195 el eg 208 Allen, Frank.......... 206 Anderson, 1s. - scam con 160 ee ie ilaie. ou «"s 148 Gr aA! Pectin’? kale siueweo Anderson, E. D. aiuee PAS sais 63h 63 Allen, Georgina........21 Anderson, Edward. .. . .215 pre: «as 92 len)! DD). Sis e ke eweo Anderson, Einer.......192 ae 173 Allen, Mrs. Chas.......20 Anderson, Elof Wm.....40 ead, Edwin W . 148,175 Allen, Mrs. John....... 33 Anderson, Enoch........ 4 “Sa a ae 46 Allen, Ray M......... 118 Anderson, Ernest...... 149 °F RE ae Oa 7 | AT COOd, ws etrcd de etal 147 Anderson, Fred........ 123 Be Sa? reve 6-3) 109 Allingham, Geo......... 55 Anderson, FY? As... eines 3 Remats rata /s Co Ailved, Diiieersia dss 346 Anderson, Guss.........53 ture, Department Allred; Marlin.......... 97 | Anderson, G. Joseph... .57 Potiipio eset 191, 191 Allwood, D. E.........1387 | Anderson, G. R........59 0 a eee S| pulp. Martin... cs ce 225 | Anderson, Hans G.....132 7 epg 30 | Almon, J. E. & Fager, Anderson, Hattie...... 202 OSs er 217 IM OW igen SS aisle ae Anderson, Henry. ......63 An (OS RE aera aes 3 Alma ust, Mics: << :c:ais-ses 198 | Anderson, Henry G..... 63 ‘“Alrsley, W.J....... «o0483 | Alpaugh, A. Tes. . oo see es 7 | Anderson, Rev. inane vw dd ey, Richard........119 | Alpaugh, Ephraim...... 42 | Anderson, James F. 42 ....223 | Alridge, Walter H..... 148 | Anderson, John P.... , 192 G......9 | Altberg, Peter:...... 75,77 | Anderson, John W......72 geanaice-| | Adthen, Crd voiiciis ds er Anderson, L. H......... 88 li Alberta Brand Book Pages Pages Pages Anderson, Louis........92 | Armstrong, J. A......... el Backhouer, C. C..... Raps +: Anderson, Martin...... 224 Armstrong, Malcolm. . Backness, 8. O........ 149 Anderson, Mark A. 102, 102 Armstrong, R. C....... 78 Bacon, Ernest McG ...102- Anderson, Misloe...... 106 Armstrong, Robert M. .139 Bacon; J..u eee 218 Anderson, Moses A...... 5 Armstrong, Thos....... 76 Baden, Hugh &JohnL. . 95 Anderson, Neils J...... 106 | Armstrong, Wm.A...... 5 Bader, Emanuel....:.. 160 Anderson, Nils F...... 210 Armstrong, G. A. & M. Badot, Adram.....9 ses 16 Anderson, Norman...... 99 = ei sg So ones aa aay Ra 148 | Badot, Joseph.......... 14 Anderson, Oliver....... 70 Armstrong & Mort.....146 | Badot & Marcule....... 13 Anderson, Oscar N..... 109 ATNGE, TR We iota ewes 63 Baerg, Peters :s 3s 335 170 Anderson, Otto........ 111 Axidt, Wim. 2 2h eae 140 | Baerbah, John........ 179 Anderson, P's sh cues 113 Arnell, Geo snc ree 210 Bagnall, E. C..:.... ...14 Anderson, Petrus....... 40 Arnell, Geo. By se3 eens 87 Batley, Ay iy2 eee 16 Anderson, Robert....... 83 Arneson, Henry... aad 61 Bailey, Albert......... 148 Anderson, Jr:; S....... 167 | Arnold, Carlyle }: See 207 | Bailey, Ernest.......... 17 Anderson, Thorvald L..163 | Arnold, Howard G..... 218 | Bailey, Earl A........ .112 Anderson, Tom M..... 136 | Arnold, Isaac C....... 144 | Bailey, Geo............ 55 Anderson, Vic..... 219,185 | Arnold, J.D..... Pella 211 | Bailey, H. Wii... J peek Anderson, Walter...... 135 Arnold, Jacob E....... 179 Bailey, John F........ 187. Anderson, W.A....... 154 Arnold, Nelson........ 166 Bailey, John L........ 194 Anderson, Dr. W. G...222 | Arnold, Stilwell........ 130 | Bailey, Mary E...... .137 Anderson, W.L....... 206 Arnos, Wm. A......... 154 Bailey, Ralph. ..... 26.4 20, Anderson, Will........ 191°) Art, FW. soa ee 46 | Bailey, T. Mis. « .140 Anderson, Wm......... 27 Arthur, Douglas....... 196 | Bailie, Jas. D. 3 BE pee Anderson, Wm. T....... 8 | Asheroft, John......... 72 | Baillie, Jr., Robert......93 Anderson, T. & G. J. ..159 Ashdown, PERS eve 137 Bain, Alexander. Sse tate 13193 Anderson Bros...10, 6, 142 ‘Ashley, As Doone. aces 196 | Baines, George.........47. Anderson & Sicklesteel Ashmore, James....... 204 | Baird, Ernest E....... 197. Be ees eee 192 Askew, Milton.......... 6 Baird, James A......... 70 | Andrews, C. F........ 171 Asplund, Olaf A......... 3 Baird, Wis on ote 154 Andrews, C.G.+...... 171 Astley & Shackle...... 215 Baird & Campbell. ..... 56 Andrews, Chas. W....... 4 Athawes, Wm. F...... 229 Baird & Haag..... 221, 227 Andrews, F.C. C....... 50 Atkins, Arthur. ....... 147 Baker, Ben, 20iene0ee 110 Andrews, John......... 80 Atkins, Herbert W.....205 | Baker, Chas.M........ 56 Andrew, 8...........:. 61... |- Atkins, John. aa; 324 72 | Baker, C. F........ .. -146— Angel, FH. Bes eG 5 Atkins, Joseph oi, Ss 204 aker, C. Kyo. 0.4. 6k bD Angell, W. F.......... 220 Atkins, R.-P ieee es 18 Baker, Ed. A..........61 Annabell, He Re S268 Atkinson, D. H......... 29 Baker, E. R...... « aeiaeaeea Anne, George ee ed 123 Atkinson, James......... 9 Baker, Frank 220/-4ge8 51 Ansell, Fred. C........ 211 | Atkinson, Jas. T......... 3 | Baker, Frank M.......179 Anth, ‘Harry Ap hee Ea 116 | Atkinson, John H....... 70 | Baker, Franklin....... .75 Anthony, George...... 109 Atkinson, Pauline...... 114 Baker, Geo. Russell. .... 55 Apow, Joshua......... 166 Atkinson, Robert D... .123 Baker, Harry.......... 12 Appleton, Edwin E..... 36 Atkinson; Fe deat 82 Baker, By oes «682 Appleyard, Frederick Atkinson, Wm.......... 9 | Baker, Theodore....... 141. games.’ s eee ees 196 | Atkinson Bros........... 6 | Baker, Walter.........138 Appleyard, Henry..... 177 || Atwood; J-Poei 005: 117 | Baker, William........ 155 Arbuckle, Lawrence... .226 Atwood, Stephen N....130 Baker, Wm. Joseph...:151 _ eae John Ogil- Auger, Atle 2 80, 36 | Baker, Wm. Walter. .. . 145 : SET See nig 158 | Augesten, Hjalmar.....105 Baker, F. H. & H. S.. ‘218 divonad. Jr); Aliveds oo 353: 5 Auld, Was Pies Gs 8 Baker & Sons, O........ 12 Arend, Wm............. 5 | Austin; An Git oo. a 186 | Bakkemo, Hans........ 16 Archer, Fred. Wm...... 50 Austin, Lee®...). 2.2.0. 103 Bakos, Steve. ........% 168 © Archibald, John....... 193 Austin, Millard......... 98 Baldwin, Perey........ 114 — Archibald, J. H........ 191 | Austin & Harper......106 | Baldwin, S. E......... 173 © Archibald, Michael H..226 | Authenac, Dr. E........ 389 | Ball, GO vanes ekg) 179 Argo, Blea aks. yeas’ 184 | Averill, B.W......... 177 Ball,.H: 3s See 94, Arick; Dan... Sal IF32 4 186 . Averill, DSi iss OMT 70 Ball, Kenneth M....... 80° Arkell, A.D. ......... 222 Avery, Walter..¢...... 226 Ball, Mathew pa TK Arkens, He: hoi ore 41 Awe; G.i Wise ca yore 40 Ball, Thomas......... 140° Arkinstall, Chas. F.. ...107 Axtell, Willard........ 151 Ball, Wilfred J. B....... 12 Arlt, Edward.H........ 12 Ayling, Rei on Pave adke 207 Ball, Wm)..3 teks 151, 152. Armey, Adam......... 183 Aylwin, W. BE... 20.2... 36 Balla, Carales is vas Jeera 21 memey:, CSBs s 52) 72 ae 13 Ayer, (Wi We reset 50 ! Ballance, R....... ev Armistead, Cecil....... 136 | Ayotte, Levie.......... 89 Ballard, Marshall.......97 Armitage, C..A.. 20.60. 55 Ayotte, Onesime....... 211 Ballard Bros., G. Her- ; Armitage, John A...... 192 | Ayotte, Theodore...... 217 bert. ....6./: cee 186 Armitage, Wardell. ...... 7 Baus Jules R.. .217, 124 Armitstead Bros.&Ben- B Bamhill, Hi; :C. 35. 0a 200 — BON: 25S ee Pp enes 6 Bandella, Richard. .... 104 Armstrong Bros....... 111 Babbpw:. He. 326%: 12, 174 Banderob, Hugh....... .90- Armstrong, Geo. M....185 Babkie, Mrs. Rosa..... 124 Banks, § ..... sa. eueeaan at | Armstrong, Glenn...... 55 Babcock, Eugene....... 3 Banner, George........ ‘ Armstrong, Grover...... 11 Babcock, Mat. Hi... ....179 |. Banner, J... cee ae 24 Armstrong, IvisH...., 206 Bachellerie, Gabriel de Bannerman, J. A......144 Armstrong, James..... 180 BiB AA Ee te nee 53 | Banister, StephenE. W..12 Armstrong, John... 217, 204 Baches, Louis P....... 206 Banta, A. A. ..4:s0eeceeee Armstrong, Joseph..... 137 | Backes, Henry M....... 66 Banthillier, Harvey .. . 136 Alberta Brand Book arc ay, Miss Jessie Barratt, "Walter A Barrett, Edward H Barron, Archibald Baskorvilic, ae Pages Bassarmany, Louis...... 88 Bassett, Mrs. Isabella ba steheererentidins 123, 150, 183 Batalden, S. x eae ae 130 Batchelor, Martin...... 12 Bateman Aro h. oet se. ss 120 Bateman, Fred......... 46 Bateman, Geo. D...... 103 Bateman, John T...... 176 Bateman, Joseph W.....70 Bateman, Wm........ 107 Bate, Arthur C.......... 4 Bates, Clarence........ 84 Bates. Ge So ae 19 Bates, Frank E......... 13 Bates, Frank R...:..... 46 Bates, Geo. S.......... 15 Bates, Mrs. Nellie F. ..210 GOES Wb sors sce ass 142 Bateson, Mrs. Mary L...17 Batsford, Waa. oe se 11 Batson, Perey.......... 1¢ | 5GEG, SOD ir aevetan 132 Bandon, A: o3o. 37 ae 193 Bauer, Adolph........ 193 Bauer, Chas. W........ 21 Bauer; Peter. os ss ese s 17 Baughn, Rush......... 120 Baughman, O.H....... 97 Bauman, Fred.......... 46 Bauman & Wood...... 173 Bausemer, Henry H.... .63 Bautch, Albert J....... 13 Bawers, Milton......... 30 Baxter) Davids 5 227 Baxter, Frank R....... 153 Baxter, James D........ 32 Bayer, de We rs 123 oo 2 Ce ga OPO DR as ale teeta 36 Beach, Mrs. Lizzie..... 144 Beach, Mrs. Myrtle... .188 Beaddle, Percy......... 858 Beagle; CC: Ror eos. 108 Beagle, Delbert J ...... 29 Beales, Oliver......... 107 Beard, Mrs. H. W..... 151 Beard, H. W...... 151, 151 Bearss, Jerome......... 73 Beaton, Adam......... 181 Beaton, Alexander....... 6 Beaton, Neil.......... 170 Beattie, Geo. ......... 199 Beattie, James......... 75 Beattie, John.......... 13 Beatty, Geo. F......... 15 Beatty, James.......... 12 Beaubier, J. N. & E....210 Beauchard, K.......... 81 Beauchem, Peter....... 15 Beauchemin, Napoleon. 104 Beaudet, Napoleon..... 17 Beaudry, Oscar........ 117 Beaves, Albert W...... 106 Bebarodka, Mike...... 155 Bebbington, C. H....... 55 Bebout, W. E......... 104 Bechler, Christian...... 17 Bechtel, Noah......... 106 Bechthold, Jaecob....... 17 Bechtold, Henry....... 222 BO OR ay bids Bare Ort ul wee 14 BOG AG Ci Gi ei sales ate 14 Heck, Louis sh ie 1 Beck, Peter yi. aibieek 14 Beck, Robert T....... 197 Becker, Bertha......... 16 Becker, Frank.......... 12 Becker, Bosc sii. se 126 Becker, Herman H..... Becker, Philip H Beckhuson, i gteas H. Bedard Bros., | OPE ig © E. L Boccia Harry S Beeman, Sam. D Beggs, Anthony Beglan, Christian Beglan, Johannes Beierlein, Bertha Bell, John Avery. . aw Bell & Sons, Sia Bell & Donaldson Bellamy, Mrs. C. B.... Bellemare, Mrs. Aug.... Bellevere, Farnis A . 61 Bellingham, Albert.... .224 ee ey Belsheim, Lars T 89 Belyea, David & Jas. 8. .14 Benbridge, Henry.......60 Bendek, Herman A.... Bender, John Geo 168 Benedict, E. P. & B. J..145 131 Benghardt, w.A iv _ Alberta Brand Book Pages Pages . Pages Bennett, B. F......-.. 198 | Bethune & Son, Dan.. .143 | Black, James....... 14, 143 Bennett, D. C......... 169 | Betton, V.H.8....... 149 | Black, John....... Or ge Bennett, David T...... 15 | Betts, Geo.....:.. ;:2.:;11. |- Black Bross; Pare &! te Bennett, Harvey...... 166 Betts, Potet Petes s 112 | Black & Dougall........ 20 Bennett, Henry W..... 145 Beuchler, Mrs. Katie... .84 Black & Sons, John T. .205 Bennett, John H....... 17 | Bevan, Mrs. Jack...... 126 | Blackbourne, J. A.....227 © Bennett, Mrs. Mary. . .162 Bevan, Re Pee eee 229 Blackburn, E.J........ 41 Bennett, R: H.........119 | Bevans, Jr., F. E..... 216 | Blackburn, W. F.. | _.177 Bennett, 8. 8.......... 131 | Beveridge, Geo...:..... 18 | Blackfoot Indians.. 124, 124 Bennett, Thos. J....... 138 Bewley, A. J...... eee 759 Blacklock Bros. ........ 4 Bennett, WiCs. 2. «45. 220 | Bewley, R: L.......: ..107 |-Blackmer, Walter §.- Bennie, Jas. S. & Gra- Beynon, Wm......... :176 Blackmer, John lay a DAM EHOS ss «ase eerie vs ac 53 | Beynon, Fred, W....... 12 Blackmer, John R...... 70 Bennison, Ernest....... 15 | Bezanko, Jacob........ 166 Blackmore, Geo. W..... 7 Benson, H. W.......... 61 | Bezgubiak, John........ 24 | Blackmore, James...... 41. Benson, Lily N........ 207 Bianchi, T.& Leppa T..13 Blackwood, Wm.S....155 Benson, Mark......... 209 Bickley, JORD «s-< cutee 168 | Blaine, A: O....... 7. 16 Benson, O03. Fi.4555 <0 107 | Biddle, John.......... 147 Blaine, Joe. 3. rs ee 142 © Benson, 8. A........... 15 | Biden Bros........... 138 | Blain, JayC.......... 180 Benson, 8. T.........- 137 | Biegler, Frank.......... 49 | Blain, Mrs. J.E........ 24 Bensted Bros.......... 192 Biensch, John C. ...... 26 | Blain, Mary J.......... 13 Bent; Geo: -Cii 4264. «5 199 Bierback, Sam........ 131 Blair, A.C. 36. saa 16 : Bentley, Albert......... 13 | Biering, eRe peony eae 181 | Blair, Wm. oo ae 16 Bentley, James C...... 184 | Bigelow, J. Erle........ 34 | Blais, Adam.......... 193 Benwell, Ernest G...... 60: | Bigger, Wiens vs. aeane 151 | Blake, Adam Thos..... 183 — Benyon, i EO a ee ee 14 | Biggs, Hiram........... 13 | Blake, Arthur R....... 93 — Berg, Abraham L...... 192 | Biggs, John Wm........16 | Blake, Mrs. Margu. erite 125 — Berg, Lars B..o.-3 465 528 208 Biggs, Miss Irene K.....17 Blake & Moneta eS Se Betee. Vis boards onc 12 Biggs, Hol epaiciscs 140 Blake & Miles... . .158, 177 Berger, Andrew N..... 193 | Bignoll, Ed. H...:..... 39 | Blakeley, W.J..:..... 163 Bergeron, A. J..... 79,192 | Bigurstrom, J.D...... 111 | Blakemore, Geo...... we Bergeron, Napoleon..... 17 | Billings, Wm.......... 165 | Blakley, Albert.......... 4 Bergland, Carl......... 21 | Billow, Harry A. ..... 193 | Blanc, Elisa........... 193 Bergman, Henry....... 163 | Bills, James T......... 142 | Blance,Wm.S......... 11 Bergner, Mrs. I. M..... 47> | Billa, John. cscucess ce 172 | Blaney, Dennis......... 14 Bergos, Peter......... 217 | Billwiller, P. W........ 222 | Blank, Adolph......... 16 Bergquist, Wm........ 220 | Bilquist Bros........... 35 | Blank, Arnold........... 6 Beringer, Fred . .-206 | Binder, Philip......... 112 | Blanton, B.R..:....:.. 95 Berkovich, Philip. ..... 117 | Bingeman, Ed.......... 17 | Blaschek, Frank. ....... 46 Berlinquette, James F..213 Bingham, C. G. 8......195 Bledsoe, Lewis. ........ 55 Berlinquette, Z........ 166 | Bingham, David Mee 28 | Bleigen, Zoe. +2222 4 Bermejo, V. T......... 149 | Bingham, F. M........ 180 | Bleriot, Michael....... 177 Bernard; BiGiy ; <6 a. 193 | Binnie, James......... 166 | Bliss, pS rea a+ 90 Bernard, Frank W..44, 145 | Binning, Ernest........ 36 | Block, Sydney C....... 81 Bernard, H. E.......... 82 Binning, Jeffery........ 16 Blodgett, W, Bos ine 108 Bernard, Louis G. & Binney; A. BR... 05% sa: 3 144 Blomfield, C. H. & R. Henry, R........... 218 |. Birah. Bicsanuiechs xs 36 | .- Cll. to ee -163 4 Rearnith, Aes hacca ce. 193 | Birch, George.......... 15 | Blondell, Freman W.. ..49 Berreth, Adam........ 110 | Birchall & Sons, John...72 | Blosser, Wins; 98 ne 15 | Berreth, Michael....... 83 Bitd, BoM sc23.0 ss ws 103 Blott, Wm. j S aR ie. .166 © Berreth Bros........... SB: 1 Bar Pee Oe iene cde 11 | Blotter Bros... 17177! 133 Berry, Bert .........%. 176 | Bird, Mrs. Mary A..... 11 | Bloxham, W.C......... 20 Berry, Robert......... 120 | Bird Abas: isc ns 149 | Blum, E.H........ ...192 Bory: Bi Fa cee 143 | Birdsall, W. E....... ..95 | Blunden, Mrs. May.....11 — Berry, Be Wowckiwwess 14 | Birkenshaw, Joseph. ...159 | Bly, Harry O........_.66 Berry, peeks 4 othicn ews ~ Birkett, Geo. W....... 201 | Blyth,C. A. ..........21 Berry, Thos. J........; Birkett Bros....:.....- 13 | Blyth, MissJ....... 204 Berryman, Otis Ernest.. i02 Bink, An W iwhickscctown 169 Boag, Chas. H......... 20° Berscht, J. Vi... s.0.0.0 Bishop, A....... aero 210 | Boag, Lawrence........93 Bertagnolli, G. A....... 756 Bishop, Delhi cess sisibis 169 | Boak, Wm...... ooo snend 4 Bertagnolli, Mareo...... 17 | Bishop, Jesse:......... 143 | Board Bros. Apes vf Bertrand, M........... 13 | Bishop, John........... 72 | Bochee, Jr., August..... 17 Bertrand, Mrs. G...... 200 | Bishop, J. W.......... i76 | Boden, Leslie W...... 221 Bertrand Bros.......... 13. | Bishop, L. P........... 13 | Bodeman, Luella C.....91 Bertschy, Fred. N..... 198 | Bishop, Roy E. ...112 | Bodener, Peter..... .. 114 Bertwell, S. C......... 127 Bishop, Samuel R. sieve 131 Bodnarick, Beil... . oa Besse, Diana........... 17. |, Bisel “HB. tect ies 17 | Body, Ernest........ euil Besse, Willis.......... 193 | Bittorf, Geo... 1.2222! 15 | Boe, Ed. . lee » see Besson, Baptist........ 114 | Bitz, Jacob............ 77 | Boehlke, Reinhold ...,, Best, Edwin A........ 468° |} Deitie Woks on cing eee 155 | Boese, Samuel... ... ae att Fos 3. Seawcic 84 | Bjarnason, Johann..... 194 | Boesvert, Alfred... .. ..191 Best, Mrs. Fred....... 146 | Bjirkseth, P. H......... 17 Boetteger, Dame cap i Best & Sons, Wm......213 | Bjordal, Ed. O......... 40 | Boffey, Elfrida..,.....174 Bester, AH. fasts aia ge il Bjorustad, Carl........ 101 Boggs, C. A. vciece. ...109 Beswick, H. W......... 13 | Black, George.......... 55 | Bohannon, Fred C,.... 169 Beswick, John.......... 17 | Black, Geo. B......... 192 | Bohme, Fried.......... 46 Bethune, Alex. D...... 145 Black, Harriet L.......136 Bohna, Jas. C....2.... 163. ® Vv ages Pages Pages 1 ae eae 187 Boulton, Fred......... 185 Bramling, John......... CS eee 46 Boulton, Geo. C.......140 Brammar, Henry........ “eee ned ae 39 Boulton, J. T. B.......211 Bramsness & Kordahl. . MCR eases 93 Boulton, Robert. ......207 Brand, Mrs. -Magdaline.. ii vain & Son, D. F.193 | Boulton, T. E......... 217 | Brandham, Jabez....... 3 m, Reginald....... 81 Bourgois, Cyrille....... 15 Brandley, Albert....... 13 Were Oe asec 17 Bourne; Alexi. 04 oi 30 Brandley, Henry...... 173 Pea OPES .'s 5 «6 13 | Bourne, Elijah........ 179 Brandley, Joseph S..... 11 See BRS inser sk Bourque, George.......11 Brandt, Mrs. Christina. 192 duc, Medus J...... 209 Boury, Camille......... 17 Bransen, Henry i Fes 5 Oe S152 Boutry, Achilk........ 194 Bransen, Jacob........ 94 OE SES ae 46 Boutry, Nestor........ 124 Bransen, Joseph H..... 194 anger, “Frederick... .. 46 Boweoth oie: Dae cisiatcs os 38 Brant, Emma......... 135. eee, sits 15 Bowden, H ap Seog o Brant, Matilda. .......135 Bee wits sath 14 haga Mrs. ee. Brasha, JE FONE EE MoeOnM ys. 38. 73) Sa ERS) Wee Reese mee GI BO Bratton, Gob) oj 06s 130 cS eS ae 179 nas Mrs. Rhoda A. i Braudry, Oscar........148 pea en 86: | Bowe, Mra. Jo Pan eee. 18: | Braun; Jacob... =f... 63; 227 ond, Catherine....... 135 | Bowen, C..H.......... 202 Braunberger, Fred. 37 2 84 Oo ge Nrsee a 70°. | Bowen, J: Gee aes 73 | Braunberger, Christ... ..41 Se ees 144 Bowen, Samuel.........45 Bray, Henry E........ _187 md, Robert A........ 39° | Bower, Len D......... 68° b Bray, Je Mees ct aes 76 homas H...... 178 Bower,-0)-S525. Ge cons 16 Bray,-Mrs.Je es eres 182 BASSES erate 159 Bower, W..A.......-.+ 49 Bray, Mrs. Margaret... .13 DBR hase 143 Bowers, Arthur E.... ..224 Brazier, James.........16 eee 11 Bowers, A. J.......-++-39 Brazil, Mrs. F. E.......44 me, Mrs. Wilda....... 88 Bowers, -JoPos eve kahve 14 Breckenridge, John..... 11 onehill & Spencer....126 | Bowhay, R.C........- 120 Brede, Herman........ 187 Bonertz, Anton........ 163 Bowie, John.......--- 166 Bredo, Herman.....;.. 185 Bonetti, Frank.........13 Bowie, Mrs. James..... 138 Breeding, W. P........ 113. Bonne, Chas........ ,..55 | Bowlen, Michael....... 177 Breeze; OT) Ft 165 onnieman, John....., 164 Bowlen, Fides cates news 72 Brehmer, Mrs. August... 12. Bes, eee 136 Bowler, Carl............14 Breitzke, Mrs. Tillie. . .168 op ey ae 207 | Bowler, John J........130 | Bremner, Ed...........34 Gay grat wok 90 | Bowler, Vincent.......149 Bremner, J.C... 2.3... @ CS a 72 | Bowles, Gilbert........136 Bremner, Wm... .......55 pat et Bhi gs wpeeO Bowlen, Patrick D.....114 Brenchley, Chas.Edward 55 Booth, Chas. E......... 20 ' Bowls, Fred.......-+:- 177 | Brennon, L........... 187 Pa PTR Ss, 2 46 Bowman, A. E.......-- 53 Brereton, Mrs. Margaret i ooth, Sewell N....... 216 | Bowman, A.S........-: 15 | Bresnaham, John E..... 39 Bordeaux, 8. A........ 215 | Bowman, Peter......-- 194 | Bresnahan & Stewart. .204 1S eye eee 12 | Bowman, W. H......-.. 145 Breuer; dsA vse 193 WERE ECS cee 105 Bowser, LY Rei’. oo. es 208 rawr Hors er oe 12 eM sleet cco 73 | Boyce, Geo. W.......--15 | Brewster, Florence......72 See Sea fe eire 6 Boyes, J. discs coe te eee Brewster, James. ......185 Gee C Les yaw st 81 | Boyce, John Janes......77 Brewster & Moore.....113 Borman, Alex.......... 16 | Boyd, Albert.......... 229 | Brewster & Moore..... 184 Borodula, John........ 204 | Boyd, Fred.........-- 169 | Bricker, Aaron W....... 65 TSE 68 Oe BO) Bowe. Wetec ant as 18 | Bricker, Eph.........-- 41 Bort, Venzel........... OL | Boyd Wun. os eves cess 18 | Bricker, John H....-..- 16 ee 84 Boyd, Jas. ‘& Robert... .15 Bridge, John W....... 123 Bosby, Albert J......... 4 Boytinch, ig 9 Tee tba 3 3 Bridge, Orson.......-- 158 oO Se aa Rene as 98 Braams, Th. J. ......-- Bridges Bo es a 12 - Bosche, August....... eae Brace, Henry. pte it ee 163 Bridges Bros......-- 8, 186 - Boschee, Rudolph..... 124 Disease Ws AS oe ce bee 160 | Bridgeman, Humphrey a Bosh, Geo....... Yew as sO Brackman, Efe acon 164 Meee rork. ss io vi pie oe Omni 66 | MBosiilice, D.:........ a Oe radoury, Ernest B..... 47} Brierly, C.J... . esses 168 Bosse, Conrad.......... 21 | Braden, Wm. Dale..... 152 | Brierley, Frank yop iat F 46 _ Bossert, Ben.......... 193 | Bradford, J. F.......+-- 24 | Briggs, M. W.......--: 15 (@msossert, Ed... ......... Bradford, Wm. H...... 207 | Bright, Alfred........- 191 _ Bossert, Richard....... 118 | Bradford & Smith..... heee py Prat, WR. oa os cy 61 Bosster, Louis.......... 9 radley & Son........ 117 | Briscoe, F.S........-- 229 _ Bostock, W........ -..154 | Bradshaw, John F...... 7 Brissard, Marcell....... 72 Boston, Ira L..........80 | Bradshaw, Richard D. Britain, Mary.....---- 150 Bothamely, Wm........ es Bradshaw, Wm. A...... 15 Brittain, W. L........154 Botsford, H. H......... Brady Bros. ......-++. 16 | Britton, Joseph BASS cae 36 Bottoms, Mrs. Mary A. in Brady, James........-- 16. | Brittor, F. H...2.....-. 14 _ Bottorff, Clyde G....... 21 | Brady, John L........ 218 | Broad, W.A......-++- 143 . Bottcher, Michael...... 17 Brady, Mrs. F. E....... 46 Broadbent, Harold...... 13 _ Bouchard, Joseph...... 136 | Brady, Wm.S.......... 46 | Broadbent, J.S.....--: 77 Boucher, Daniel......_. 32 | Braemford, Matis...... 13 | Broadbent, Tom....... 141 Bouck, Alex............. Brager, We le ce 208 | Broadhurst, A....... 4,110 _ Bouck, Sydney........ 147 Bragg, John. ...77—167-180 Brockhoff, Henry. ....-- 66 - Bougerolie, Jacques. |_|, 14 | Bragg, Bros........... Brodock, C. F......-+-: 12 _ Boukey, Georges....... 55 Braithwaite, C........ 178 Brogan, Bros........-+ 177 Boultbee, Ed. T. & J. Braley; We Bes. ear c 66 Brogdich, Geo......... 199 Reese ee Ss ws .+...34 | Bramley, Walter....... 194 | Brohman, George....... 55 Alberta Brand Book a vi Alberta Brand Book Pages Pages Pages Broken, Samuel........ Brown, T. Most eas 97: | Bull, L. Ned. ..c eee 88 Brokofsky, Karl........ 83. | Brown, Wace Bullen, Percy......... 192 Bronken, Alfred......... 3 | Brown, W.A..... 109, 185 roe Ernest Le Bronts, John.......... 194 rown, Wm.'G,. 2... .5. (220° | (Roy. 33 soe. wee eee 14 Weeok, 15 1. ceive 6 | Brown, Wm.‘L........ 180 Bulla Mrs. Minnie212 Brooke Co., P. & R..... 92 | Brown, Wm. Lee.:.... 211 Bulloch, Edwin......... 36 Brooks, Berti cash vcuke 137: | Brown, W.8; 2 20665555 Bullock, Mrs. Harry . ..196 Brooks, James's... k5:ate 69 | Brown, D. P.& Wm. R...9 a BUA. aca 215 Brooks, John Maxwell. .69 rown & Gunnell...... 1 unnell,. Wd. io. teed 111 Brooks, J.:1.< sists eee 185 | Brown & Sons, F. E....158 | Bunny, Mary Rose..... 20 Brooks, Lewis......-.-- 16 Brown & Tailyour Bros. 136 Bunny & Sons, A. C 12 Brooks, Mid.........- 192 | Browne, C. C.......64 168 Bur, Charles.......... aoe Brooks, RB. eae sees 214 | Browne, H. Bio. 20584 66 | Burdekin, Ernest R....196 Brooks, Thos. David. . .140 Browne, L. Brady...... 43 Burch, Elizabeth H..... 18 Brooks, Wm. .....-- 14-14 Brownell, C. R......... 20 Burdge, Fe. icv te tag 17 Brooks & Sons, B. D.. .139 Browner, B. F.......... 9 Burdge, Oliver E...... 110 Brooks & Wyllie........ 18 Browner, Shirley E....149 Burdge, Samuel....... 127 Brophy, W...'2o<:cxcie te 148 | Brownfield, Charles D. .135 Burfield, Herbert E..... 14 Brosseau, John.......-- 16 | Browns, Cark Alcea 223 Burford, Geo Wises as 159 Brost, Adolph........- 166 Brubaber & Sons........ 6 Burg, Severt.......... 131 Brost, Christian......- 140 Bruce, Elvin........... 43 urger, As.:..sasn sue Brotherton, R. A...... 192 Bruce, John. 00033 teet 132: | Burger, D-H 196 Brouwers, Henry A..... 61 ruée,; Win. D : 42k 227 | Burgess, Fred.......... 6 Brower, Mrs. Nora...-.162 | Bruce Bros...........-. 82 | Burgess, Harry......... 49 Brower, W oA bitign- sie 49 | Bruchlman, J.8........ 77 | Burges, T20, 4.5.08 15 Brown, Alexander . -193 | Brucker, Adolph....... 160 | Burgoyne, N.C....... 103 BLewn; As Bis aieees 135 Brucker, Jos. E......... 77 urk, Henryiaie cio Se Brown, A; © ooio3 v5 + 160 | Brules, Chas.......... 158 | Burk, John A......... 178 BPO AT ee weal oc 196 Brules, Harry.......... 24 urk, John M.......... Brown, Addison Lee....93 | Bruen, Nathaniel...... 104 urke, Cecil W......... 12 Brown, Albert W........ 6 | Brugeyroux, T. P. ....192 | Burke, J.S........... 170 Brown By Meson snk il Bruins; Di. Baan 207 Burkholder, C. E...... 103 iether Catharine Mar- Bruneau, Mrs. Jas. B.. .43 urkinshaw, E. E...... 149 waret.s <5 < su chicecws 125 | Bruneau, Louison....... 93 | Burne, Harry W....... 169 Brown, Claude E....... 55 | Brunelle, A............ 12.: |; Burne, J. Beas eatceaee 77 Brown, David A....... 105 Brunner, R. W........ 214 Burnett; GC; eS eeeuscnes 192 Brown, David W....... 29 Bruns; Fred is. pees sls Burnett, J: i. tata 149 Brown, Dickinson.....111 Bruns, John H......... 77 urnham, Alf......... 140 Brown, Edward........ 36 | Brunskill,C.W........ 34 | Burnham, A.8......... 16 Brown, Edward........ 36 | Brunton, B. I... :..... 194 | B am, Byron...... 170 Brown; i Woes sicewes 178.. |: Beas; Theo, Jscnse ade cn 13 Burnham, John P....... Brown, Frank.......... 44 | Bryan, Wm. J.......... 15 | Burnie, James.......... 16 Brown, Frank A....... 116 | Bryant, Alfred Harold. . ax! Burning - ee See 155 Brown, Fe Asd..03. «s2% 140 | Bryant, Hart E......... Burns, Gi eaysosoee vee 191. Brown, Fred. J. P...... 46::.| Bryant i. bisesos sos. Burns, Geo. A.......... 55 Brown, George L...... 165 Bryce, Mrs. Elizabeth Burns, J=# << Gonder “ee Brown, Harry E....... 164 PONG 6 Ga hig a Aetaaipis views Burns, Mrs. Isabella. ...34 Brown, Herbert Alex... .65 Bryden, D. E.......... 32 Burns, Leon . osscsacaeee 8 rowel, FB... c.3, oe wes 14 Bryden, Te Mss ss 137 Burns, Patrick........ 108 BEDWD SE. Oct asnws 175 Brydges, es ie, stealer, 85 Burns, Wms 2 2igen8 ben Brown, Harry James....61 | Brynildsen, J........... Burns, A. R. & McLean BTOW. Fi. sees 157 | Bubna, aan - Rg oi se as Se ae ESPOWD), SACK sf oie. s0ee ties 75 2,229 | Burns, C. P., B. P., & Brown, James........-. 11 Buchacker, Wm....... 157 oilers stale wieduhe aig tae Brown, John........ 14,70 | Buchal, Fred........... 50 | Burns & CoP inweacee POW I ores co were aves 14 Buchanan, Gilbert...... 83 Burns & Co., ’ Ltd., Pat- - Brown, J. Dice eas 194 Buchanan, Mitchell I. ..46 TIGK, ....... 77 Burnstad, Carl....2.... 21 Brown, James Hall..... 74 a PRU e. 625 114 Burnstad, John......... Brown, John J........ 135+]; Buok,:W. Biss: cvs cae 174 | Burnstad, Martin...... 184 Brown, John Richard. . .17 Buckerfield, NS ag CP ahs oS Burr, Henry: $2.2 soe 175 Brows: Js Wes sues 147 | Buckler, Eric W....... ‘186 urr, Robert L........ 110 Brown, Lillie A......... 89 | Buckley, Aer sane otha aha 182 | Burrard Grain Co., Ltd. M7 Pere La TD. Cee ce irk ont 89 Buckley, Henry........ 14 Burrett, M = ae ey 101 Brown, Lawrence M 147 Buckley, H. A.......... 81 Burrington, F.G....... Brown, Mary......... 128 Buckley, John Wall. ...141 Burt, John Avs, sscs +: Carter, 3s Ay 6. eee es 40 Cantlon, Ed. A......... 36 Carter, John By... 'e0' 5's 3 Capelle, Albert...... 6, 191 Carter, Leslie L....... 112 Capling, Edward....... 34 Carter, Mrs. M. os vaaes 78 Carbon, Reser ee Seek 6 | Carter, Parley P.. ..114 Card, George C........ 19 | Carter, Percy W....... 212 Cardell, Maurice G..... 99 Carter, Bross vine use 20 Cardiff, George MceDou- Cartier, Omer......... 107 AS 5 i et com ee 168-1) Carver. C. "Di 3s orks 81 Cardwell, B SEY Oe 109 | Case, Thomas......... 108 Careless, Sad oe oe 95 Casebeer, Henry....... 138 Careless, E. J. & F...... 24 | Casebeer, Willie........ 23 Carey, W. To. i weds 152 Caseman, L. A........ 159 Carlberg Bros...... ...-201 | Cashman, John V. R.. .163 Carles Ss Be ove a en iy 17 Casteel Henry & George 203 é Carlime, W. He ieee. 24 Castiglione, Vincent 8.169 i Carling, Mrs. Annie C..165 | Castle, Robert......... 179 -Callihou, Adam Carlond, A. C........... 9 | Castlein, Andre........ 102 I Carlsen, James........ 159 | Cassidy, Mike.......... 18 : een John R, Carlson, August........ 19 | Cassidy, W. J......... 153 Carlson, Heber......... 74 Cassils & Hodgson...... 22 Carlson, Oscar......... 41 Cassin. Ce As i Si 645' : Carlson, eB aut deen 4 | Casson, Leslie.......... 19 eo Donald..... Carlson & Sons, Mrs Caswell, Thomas...... 141 BONA 6 C6 ace 120 | Catlow & Clayton...... 25 Ceptyle, Mi Doi oe ock 20) "') + Catan Cre Tas: ie rstee'se 143 ‘Carlyle Bros........... 22 Cattley, Colin.......... 25 Cameron, Jack A.. Carman, C. W........ 134 | Cavalier, Leopold...... 109 Vili Alberta Brand Book Pages Cavan, Henry & Kealy, Oswald. W....... , 102 Cavan W. Dicakis aig 199 Cavanagh, Thomas... .225 Caventry, Thomas G... .56 Cavill, George Douglas. :200 Cawiezel, F. 49 se eee ewes Cawiezel, Wie ghia dears 105 Cawley Broei. genes 28 Cawsey Bros........... 53 Caxon, Richard Calvert 183 Cay, ag Ti Dee ees 194 Cebuli ee Gelihos Wie te as 152 Cevaer, Jean L........ 146 . Chadwell, Charles...... 24 Chadwick, A. T....... 158 Chadwick, F......5..2: 19 nanee, CoG s attests ind 65 Chattin; J: 8 2. sec. cs 144 Chaffin, Mrs. Emma M 143 Chak; Jacob. tidak ook 57 Challenger, Alfred E. & Harvey, Richard... .125 Chalmers, A. M....... 173 Chalmers, Bert T....... 14 Chalmers, Bert T...... 193 Chambers, E. C....... 196 Chambers, George H... . 209 Chambers, Joseph...... 70 Chambers, J. W........ 25 Chambers, Thomas... .136 Chamberlain, Arthur. . .192 Chamberlain, George 8S. .56 Chamberlain, John P.. .136 Chamberlain, Joseph B...8 Chamberlain, Walter. . .181 Chamberlin, Edmond... .37 Champney, H.C...... 179 Chandler Bros......... 148 Chancey, C2Gs tt bo sees 3 hapman, Le Neg Pe 42 Chapman, G. W........ 56 Chapman, H.A........ 21 Chapman, John Andrew165 Chapman, J. C. & A.B... Chapman, L. H........ 92 Chapman, Mrs. H. P.. Chapman, Mrs. Lillian .208 Chapman, Thomas... ..217 Chapman, William... ..155 Chapman, W.0O....... 151 Chappell, James... .159, 18 Chappell Bros.......... 19 Chapple, Myron J...... 59 Charlebois, D. E....... 37 Charlton, Humphrey. ..210 Charlton, Newton M...210 Charlton, Robert G..... 11 Charlton, Star......... 131 Charter, Henry D....... 66 Charters; A. AS ceo: 0c 192 Charters; EN: cankieet 57 Chartier, Noel.......... 18 Chase, Albert E....... 107 Chase CoS 2 eae ess 152 Chase, Horace A....... 110 eee Van R. & Hallie re Chatelais, Mrs. Georgina 22 Chatham, G. Lei... 66. 53 Chatlain, Perrie....... 114 Chatterton, D......... 163 Chatwin, Wm. James. . .57 Chatwood, Mrs. Lucinda 219 Pages Cheadle, Berkshire aia 01 Cheavins, J. W........ 110 Meek. CNG case seis ot Cheesman, John........ 70 Chenery, J:iG@ ee a. tents 70 Chenger, Mike......... 99 Cherry, Benjamin....... 14 Cherrington, Miss Francis 19 ‘ Chesnay, Ed.......... or Chevalier Bros......... Chidley, John E:....... 78 Children, John......... 22 Children, Stanton E.. ..126 Childs,’ J; "W524 sass 84 Chipps, Mrs. K.J..... 200 Chisholm, W.C....... 152 Chisholm Bros......... 144 Chisnall: CA. i3aiitaes 22 Chiswell, Sidney S..... 133 Choate, George........ 135 Cholowski, Steffin..... 171 Choumand, Charles. . . . 200 Christa, Ernest J...... 228 Christensen, Andrew....97 Christensen, Arthur... .191 Christensen, E. Commentt, Chas D. . .57 Christensen, James... ..168 Christensen, Morris. .... 99 Christian, Charles..... 199 Christiansen, Christ... .. 82 Christiansen, H......... 65 Christiansen, Ole...... 185 Christianson, C. J...... 26 Christie, David........ 195 Christie, Ernest J...... 181 Christie, Victor B...... 137 Christie, Victor & Kidd. 169 Christman, Henry ¥ oss. % 56 Christman, William. ...140 Christofferson, S....... 159 Christopher, J. W...... 20 Chudleigh, Albert E.. . .158 Chudleigh, N. P....... 168 Church, Allan.......... 25 Church, Edwin......... 82 Chatch bs iicer. & sai 201 Church, Henry........ 165 Church, James. ....... 201 Charch, Jobis.4.3).% <2 212 Charch; Wii Gasyveik dest 92 Church & Layzell...... 191 Churchill, Joe R........ 84 Churilar, Dmytro....... 29 Chute, Gilbert-S:......127 Cicero, Ri Dee ce oss 22 Cinko; JOG 8s 8: eles 26 Claber, Harry......... 142 Cladwell, H. Co. ....... 87 Claeys, Charles........ 174 Clark, Alfred F......... 46 Clark, Catharine Emily .73 Clark, David 2. vss 200 Clark, Edwin J......... 83 Clark, Bolles. Sa se Fae 36 Clark, Ernest G........ 65 Clark, 1). Wives vie shan 36 Clark. Fi G. verte ke has 47 Clark, F 5 cls auRahwk i peal 44 Clark, Asa Herby.. .114 lark Ge Beker cad 30 Clark, Hiram Alfred . Cl ark, H By Wo. oti atecae Clark, Hugh... si...4. 194 Clark, Ida Noles...... Pages — Clark, John...... Sn ig ae Clark, Joe' Ci. ce3 . 193 Clark, JG 2.23 ee 2 Clark, John Hallet 152-152 Clark, Lawrence....... 208 Clark, Mrs. Duncan....181 — Clark. Mrs. W.Di 58 19 Clark, Neil. ....... pices | Clark, Nosh :e%es eo 25 Clark, Royauk ee 119 Clark, BR. Bat Seana 145 Clark, Simeon Mathew.131 Clark, Stewart........ 125 Clark, S2B ae 20, 23 Clark, Teresa, Clarinda Frankie Rei Ae Aye 194 Clark,.Walter......... 228 Clark, W2Ac 2. 322 3 157 Clark, W./@ei os goteces 21 Clark, 'W. Wie = 3334 176 Clark Bros., J.B.&E.A. ian Clark, G. E. & A. E.. Clark & Barrette & Co. 100 Clarke, Charles......... 21 Clarke, Clifford N..... 106 Clarke, George........ 149 Clarke, Herbert C...... 66 Clarke, J. As; 4s 221 Cousins, R K. & Collier, Wm........... 220 | Cooper, Harry Thomas. .63 Foreman, C. W. .194 Colling, Robert......... 26 Cooper, Heber. Bi. v.35 22 | Cousinian, Pacifique. . 114 Collings, Hubert B.....202 Coopers. Ast as ab wees 21 Coutts, ‘AlexGs 3a ce 141 emma BW yo 6.e co se 8s a6. + Coaner, 3. Bisco cas 178° :|. Coutts, Dy Rea ae 196 Collins, Harry C....... 146 Cooper, Os Los ni catia 123 Coutts, James D...... 196 Collins, Howard H...... 28°} Cooper, J.P osc. ee wa 168- |. Coutre, GO. Aa. week 194 Collins, John B......... 18 | Cooper, Leslie......... i Covlin, Bred. 7h ssatks 3 22 ae ii aces 4S wis 114 Cooper, Lillian B....... Covlin, Nellie..........23 Baad is e/a 143 Cooper, Mrs. Mabel R. ins Cowan, Frank..........44 oS Se 58 Cooper, Reggie........ Cowan, John W....... 167 Collins, Samuel........ 131 Cooper, Thomas........ sf Cowan, Thomas H..... 135 ae POY ER 52.265 ois, 137 Cooper, WG sep res 145 Cowan & Benham..... 186 | ee Sree 70 | Coore, Conrad........ 186 | Cowan & Rivington...162 2s a ies 215 Coore, Jessamine. .....185 Cowser, J. li ore oa e225 Saar 186 yeaa G.G., R. M., & Cowley, Mrs. H. J......21 Col n ARRAS Sin oi 55m PRA REY oe ccte atiee ok 26,8 | Cowley, Roger A...... 195 Colville, Dave........... 9 Gicawer: Alfred E...... 191 | Cowlin, Charles........ 24 _ Colvin, Robert...... sana | Coover, B. H. cs:bewces' 25 | Cowling, Carl N....... 145 MUEMOMOCL, J... .. ee eee 209 | Coover, C. B........0:- 36 | Cowling, Fred......... 198 _ Comer, Ralph P....... ed One Ano. ak aleik 9,175 | Cox, A. Noel.......... 150 _ Comfort, Ithamer...... 181 Copeland, Thomas..... 118 Cox, Charlie. (0.64435 25 _ Como & Mamnini....... 54 | Copland, James....... 100 | Cox, Charles Wm...... 147 _ Camparino, Marcello. ..209 Copping, Fred. W...... 43 COR Wo heed 27 Re gate aco Coppock, Hubert W....82 Cox, Josep as wetes 158 Comstock, L. W....... 218 | Coppock, Ralph C..... :228 | Cox, John Walter....... 26 Conell, Gustaf.........149 | Corbet, Harold......... 45 Cox, Mrs. Lue......... 94 MED. oa sock. 23 | Corbett, Chas. A...... 195 | Cox, Mrs. Rhoda...... 119 Alberta Brand Book x Pages Pages Pages ee ie ts eee 23 | Crookston, Daniel..... 144 | Cyr, Paul M.......... 113 Coxon, George.........- 52 | Cropley, Charles....... 200 | Cyr, Vietor..:<%.2s0 es 24 Coxon, James E....... 183 Grosby; Go elses; 96 Cyr, Willie M......... 152 Coxson, De Witt F....173 | Crosby, Herbert A...... 21 Coyle Bros... 57ers 21 | Crosby, LeeH......... 93 D Cozens, W. E. E........ So |. Oroka, rad 32% 2 ae 157 C. P. R. Irrigation Dept.70 | Cross,J............... 77 | Dahl, Arthur....i..... 174 C.P.R. Branch of Animal Crossley, Chas. W..... 211 Dahl, A. Coie hee ae 9 Husbandry........-- 25 Crossweller, Henry Fran- Dahl, A. E.... +... See 158 Crabb, Mary A........ 199 GG. sa84hccueee tee 187 | Dahl, Endre........... 37 Crabb, Mrs, E.M.....194 | Crothers, Frank Albert.226 | Dahl, Lars............. 93 Craddock, A= wieve ces 8 4 Crouch, J. oe 163 Dahl, Sumner L....... 215 Craddock, Mrs. Jane...191 | Crouch, Mrs. M.A..... 58 | Dahle, Andrew Geo...... 9 Craddock Bros......--- 23 | Crow, George.......... 53 | Dahlstrom, Nels....... 105 Cradduck, Phillip....... 62 | Crow, Mrs. A.G...... 201 | Dahms, Fred, & Knoll Craig, Andrew.....---:; Crowder & Malong-Bros 200 Ted .2 34 535% ste Craig, John.......-++:+: 73 Crowe, Ralph R.......175 Daigle, Edmund....... 197 Craig, John W......-- 220 Crowell, John T....... 130 Daigle, Joseph .........73 Craig, Joshua....-+-+-++- 94 Crower).J. Aj oS vee 7 Daily & Sons, Lemuel. .195 Craig & Wilson......-- 148 Crower; W: Js i5.325% 204 Daines, Tees 62s tees 50 Craig & Bros., Wm. J...25 | Crowson, L............ 88 | Dainty, Albert..... Reet, Craigie, Mabel.....---- 63 | Croxall, Mark Y....... 100 | Dakin, William......... 29 Craine, G. B......-.--:: 31 Cruickshank, Rev. W. M.20 Dakin, Violet J. H.80, 147 Cramer & Mukel......- 5S. | Oral OG si sear, 10 | Daley, Percy:.......+. 151 Cramin, Unifred .....-- 84 | Cuddington, E. O...... 176 | Dalgarno, Arthur E..... 4 Cranmer, Levi K.....-; 86 MY, RSs 5 seats 179 | Dalgleish,Wm........-. 6 Crandall, Chas. E...... 227. |. Cudlin, J:.R. Dept. of Interior.....229 | Driscoll, George........ 54 | Dutton, J.H.N......... 3 Don, George’... ..03-..:; 30 | Driscoll, Mattie........ 97 | Dutton, Thomas A... .137 Donahue, J. E......... 166 | Drolet, Arthur........ 133 | Duval, Mrs. Mary B...174 Donald, Charles....... 194 | Drumheller, Jack....... 21 | Duvall, Chas. W..... .184 Donald, Ed. B......... 36 Drummond, F. E...... 182 Dwigans, Je Nis ania ..104 Donald, E. Gray....... 30 Dubeau, vy, eh aR RC 28 wigans, Wm. E.......161 Donald, Mrs, A. 8...... 27 | Dubia, Dolphis......... 31 Dwyer, Patrick..... -.-196 Donald, Nigel Gray..... 30 Dubois, Ludger........ 204. Dyck, Abraham B.. Donaldson Jack........ 76 | Duce, J. Edgar........ 214 Des Nathoniel & Donaldson, John J...... 76 | Duce, Wm. & Geo...... 32 | -- Simoniinee eee peti Donaldson, S.......... 165 | Ducharer, Henry....... 62 Dose yon Ci wiiicagen Donaldson-Sely, H. K.8. 32 Duchesneau, Louis... ... 94 Donaldson, William....221 | Duck, Frank P........ 159 E Donnan, Hugh........ 121 Dudas, Mikesorn. sass 32 Donnelly, Wm. J....... 27: | Dudley;-B. Lovin i iners 93 | Eade, Thomas....... . .167 Donovan, John J...... 109 | Dudley, Joseph S...... 204 | Eadie, Malcolm........166 Donovan, Thomas J. . .217 Dudley, Sandford H...224 | Eagles, Chas. E. 143° Doolittle, By Gita 26 boat Bi Bo ineitey seats 197 Eaglesham, Wm.. 6 Sa eee Doolittle, George H,..4433. | ‘Duer ivi ea ewes 56 Earl, Edgar G....... wien Doolittle, Ida Jane... .204 Duran, Esdras.......: 62 Earl, Frank L...... ..--40 Doolittle, reel & Degree teins eos A 63 Peete Soh cok eee ote 168 Earle, Henry :.<:iw Ree Doolittle, Mrs. George. .29 | Duffa, Jakob........... 31 | Earle, S. John....... PO Dooney, Bernard....... 12 Dufloth, Christ......... 45 ash, W. E.... «sexe scene Dooney, Michael....... 29 Dugette, B ba": Bee rete tr 31 Eason, John........ wis dO WrOran vO He ae 109 Duguid, John R....... 214 East, Thomas.........141 Doran, Mrs. Sarah J... 204 Duhamel, Francis M....44 Easterbrook, Mrs. E. S. .42 Dorchack, Joe.......... 31 Duhl, Margaret Ee wal ele 187 | Eastman, Roy...... +2 219 Dore, Bross ok 92 Duke, Christopher 8 ...185 Eaton, Emmett E......33 Dorey, Harold... .... 2... 32 Duke, Mrs. C: S........ 24 Eaton, Walter.........149 Dornan, Charles T...... 20 Dule of Sutherland... ..130 Ebbert, W.C...... -. 152 ne Alberta Brand Book ages : | Ebdale, Sidney E...... 131 ON! By ot a 93 by, Wilson E........ 155 mel Noah. .....>--. Eckenfelder & Feline... .45 Ecker, George.......... Eckersley, Albert....... 90 ekert, James R....... 19 ‘kford, Herbert....... 34 ldleston, Walter...... 37 Idleston, Wm. H..... 155 Se 51 Edenloff, H. M........ 210 ES Sea 37 | Edey, Bros...........- 34 Siidgar, C. A..........-. 22 Edgar, Henry........- 112 iidear, Db. L..:....-..-: 93 | Edge Bros...........-- 34 ES 8: Eater ara 33 0 ee 34 RerooW 2... wie os 155 OS eee _ Edmonston, Mrs. G. P .209 wards, AAT POC is bs wo wards, Arthur J.. " Edwards, A. G..... 33, ids _ Edwards, E.H......... - _ Edwards, Rev. G.G. Edwards, Harry G...... aS Edwards, Re eee 39 seawards, J. B:......-. 188 Edwards, Mary E gl _ Edwards, Norman W... .33 _ Edwards, Orion....... 04 . Edwards, T. W........ 141 _ Edwards, 1) ne cea elas 39 ¥ Eggerstedt, Wm.:...... 40 ‘Egle, John. ........---; 78 SP IGMEAT US |. 's'c 5-08 5 216 4 - Epy; Jonathan W....... 43 waahlert, Hmil........... 40 Ehlert, Milos Seebi. 6S 141 maunrman, Jonn........ - 167 Hikermann, Wm...... 172 Hilertson, Chas:........ 36 Hisentrant, Rudolf...... 43 Kirich, George pitied cies 39 Eirixson, "OS Cee reer 33 Eisermann, Bruno...... 12 _ Ekeluna, Eric Alvin... .197 _ Ekelund, Mrs. M. I....103 Ekiss, ae ee 37 Piandrew.<..). 63's 197 Elaszchuk, W.......... 81 Elder, Cecil B......... 193 Bilder Re ees. es 121 Le Oar a © ee 34 Elder, James H......... 71 pret ES Bale a ae 71 » Eldridge Bros.......... 61 » Elford, John........... 78 a Eliasen, i ee 101 * ep bo 2a eee ae 109 Eee aac r eae 37 mkins, AcB o.oo ii. os: 11 etier, J. Dwight........ 2 - Ellerby, Albert ee. 88, 207 SUBS SOBRE ee 193 Elleson, Herrold........ 65 ‘Elless, Mrs. Hliza....... 10 malik, John....:....... 206 Elliott, Beni was ees 17 Elliott, Chas. Henry 33 - Elliott, oo ENA id 56 Mmnott, 3. C.....5....% 196 : - Elliott, y i de Bai aio 198 . . Pages Pilliotts Thos? o2.5.c.5045 108 Blhott, | Wied << at Sac 70 Ellis, Alan Me ol TER Bee 4 Se es Ces See 196 Billie Silanes. hen 56 Wig FODw Gs oh Rees plalels 38 Bilis, Mra. Doak... 42 Bilis, Wir. 3 aroha eee 37 llison, Halvor......... 63 Ellison: Jas: Biwi. 6 ties Ellison, Joseph........ 197 Ellsworth, John........ 3 Elson, Robert......... 178 Biwood. Pe Biswiere scat 51 Empree, Melton J...... 78 emery, do bisrscds-.< $43 198 Emery, Robert......... 34 Emeline, Solomon...... 42 Emhan, Jacob......... 222 Emmett, Kiley........ 177 Emmett, Robert H..... 33 Banpey, Mio. ee eee es 115 Empey, Wm. Howard. .155 Emrich, Wm. C........ 33 Enaulth, Seka ss sts ate 39 Enders, Mrs. K........ 84 Enderle, Nicolaus...... 106 Endicott, JaN vs 2tanwns 78 Bigel) John co Si 78 Engelxing, H G......... Al ngen, Anton......... 134 Engen, John...:.....+.- 73 Miiolandysti. os eae 175 Engiand, Hric......... 196 Engiand, Cnas & Co..... 4 Engtisn, Aloert Rovert .175 Engtish, Henry... .173, 136 Engiisn, James ‘Andrew. rer Engiish, Ue eatin orec ata states 5 Engstrom, Hrick....... 131 Engstrom, A........... 40 DEST UE ¢ by aula a SP aa Bearer 17 OR OS TAM s Bh Ce ogi Greer 63 Lire tc ae OuB Ruse aigraprse ceeenrae 144 Enquist, ALired ic vsc-s tia 4 Ensign, Hugene......... 43 Enslea, Joho........-. 224 Ensminger, Simon..... 131 Entwistle, Aloert....... 10 Enzenauer, Peter...... 182 Erasmus, Peter........ 143 Erdinan, Hmil.......... 33 Erdinan, Gustave....... 33 Erdman, Kooert....... 121 Ericxson, Arthur E....175 Erjexson, Alif . 5 2. ssceie% 172 Erickson, August & Tin- del, Peters s:.\.5 222 Erickson, H.........0465 197 Ericxson, tidd......... 168 uricxson, tdwd. A...... 36 Ericxson, Chas......... 39 }uricxson, Larey M..... 207 Ericxson, Levar:...... 196 Kricxson, Martin...... 213 ricxson, N. +) DE Rtavakal mo Eric«son, P. K........ Ericsson, Per Enock 36, 197 krnst, Altred Ernst, Henry W....... iss Erricson, vonn F...... 174 Ersson, voxob H........ 78 Erwin, Mrs. L. F....... 93 Erwio, Milton......... 142 Esgang, Gustave...... 138 Bshein, HH. Vie ees 61 Eskeland, voe O....... 121 Eslinger, Christ....... 155 P Espeseth, Alfred....... 192 Esplen, Robert John... 162 Eszliger, Samuel....... 127 Ethell, James. ........% 34 Ethridge; Jere iS: 78 Ettenger, N. H........ 175 Ettinger, Henry..... dig EY Evangelestie, Louis. ...183 Evans, Andy.......:4.. 40 Hvans; Chas: (2G) S503 56 Bryans: Be cine eee 35 Evans, Edward........ 170 Bvans: Pred. sie: 47 Evans, James.....,.... 35 Bvansid. Ber yee: 198 ESVGNS: JOG 5 wee CS 84 vans) Johnie. cy pea 73 Evans. dohn ite, eee 37 Byans; John 2 eee ess 3 Evans, D.D., Rev. Jno. .34 Evans, Lemuel ras Hes 35 Evans, Sr., Martin...... 39 Evans, Seemer Sk eee 33 Evens nT EM ees 173 Evans, Thosy i230: 33 Evans, Thomas, J. ....178- Evans, Thomas R...... 43 Hvans; Wine 2583585 ein 97 evans; Wine Jen) sue Ss. 36 Evans, Wm. -Lloyd..... 33 Evans Broseks Sei pe 37 Evanson, J. Evan...... 78 Evashkwech, Ale#s ees 10 Eve; Saints os cs bes 127 Evenson, Albert......... 5 Everett, Chas. J........ 78 Eversfield, Mrs. S. T.. . .34 Everson, Hdward Everson, Jim.......... 110 Ewing,-Chas. P........ 171 Ewing, David......... 195 Ewing, Mrs. H. T..... 222 Bwing,:8. Jie 69% 182 Ewing, Wm. Howard...155- Hyben, Hi: Ais: b So 32 Bypen Sd eee 78 Eye, Mrs. Ada C....... 43 Eyrnundson, Hannes... .161 F Fadden, Mrs. Elsie... .168 Fader, Thomas W..... 141 Fadorek, Nick......... 104 Hair, Prank. (dee 49 Baie Pik rei Goes 44 Pair: Robert (22a arcu 119 Fairbanks, Frank....... 49 Fairbairn, F.W........ 47 Fairfield, W. 8S. .6..... 82 Falconer, Frank V..... 163 Falconer, Joseph G....200 Patio PFO et Ova ere 73 Falkenberg, Gotthilf . ..206 Falkner, Mrs. Louise....48 Falkner, W.-E.......... 40 Fandrick, Jno......... 163 Fandug; Johnie oi.s vee Fanero, Michael. ...... 101 Hanoy Pei Ce acee es 47 PAPC WEL S255 veces 229 Faris, Jr. James........ 49 Farmer, Chas. Q...... 213 Parmer: Hii Wiis 45 Farniss, Lewis.......... 49 Parr; A. Ass Cee oes é.k 166 Warr Go oe vai id 158 Xiv Alberta Brand Book — Pages Pages Pages Uitte Tde ooo es ch ee 137 | Rey Bak, seen 226 | Fleming, R. B. C......186. Veet; Jom. Ss 7. sin kita 71 Pike: DBs cs. de eis 32 | Fleming, Samuel G....176 rr LB. eek ses 132 ic ae vin's GA e EOE 226 | Fleming, William....... 49 Farr, Wilbur J........ 25 Filgas, Jr., Joe... ....... Bk Fleming, Wm...... Pete a) ee Farrell, Chas. R.......116 Filiatreault, Emmanuel. .34 | Fleshman, H. L........66 Farrell, Mrs. F. M...... 44 Fillirer, Anthony Terenas 163 Fletcher, Arthur........ 24 Farrell, Thos. E....... 158 Fillmore, Lewis.....2 0.4% 93 | Fletcher & Sons, Duncan 48 Farrer, James. «sc s#i» 8 Fincher, Herbert J..... 133 Fletcher, Edward. ..... 184 Farrend, Charles H..... 24 Finckh, Mrs. E. R...... 40 | Fletcher, M.C......... 44 Farries, Robert........ 214 Findlay, Gavin James. . .56 Fletcher, Richard...... 144 Farthing, Harry........ 66 Findlay, Isadore....... 198 Flett, John<-s2i1 seeesn 155 Barns, John... i¢4a2 4 49,73 | Findlay, John D..... .. 0 | Flett, Mrs. Mildred 119 Faucher, Mack......... 46 Findlay, Myron L..... 101 Fiett,-T. C.n.322 ae 49 Faughty, J. M......... 45 | Findley, John.......... 71 | Fleury, Aug... vee 26 Fawcett, Ad. A-iesic 535% 51 Fingland, ‘Ws..0 3 9se8 44 Flexhang, Christ........ 22 Fawcett, John L....... 229:. | Fink, A. An «208 we 192 | Flint, Henry Warne... .168 Faweett, Norman...... 210 Fink, Johannes. ....5..% < Fliteroft, Tom... ewe 218 Fawcett, William...... 220 Fink, John Wee ee. Sau Flood; J- Psi ves2 wget Fawcett & Simkins..... 51 | Finkbine, E.C. & W.O. 180 Fluebach, Casper.......51 Vawell;.d\.: dis 5 Sade cs 3 | Findlay, Ray.......... lynn, Aud ..:= oeceeeee oe Fawns, Arthur. Bi s9..3 60 31 Findlay, 7: As. Sees rt: Flynn, Charley A...... 194 Feargue, Frank J....... 47 | Findlay, Wm.. 2.25. .64 179 Br Pe se a 47 Feargue, Lynden....... 89 Finley, John H......... 78 Fodness, Halstein......111 Fechiner, Gottfred...... 56 | Finn, Ferdnant......... 47 | Fogarty, Martin....... 229 Fedeli, Lewin sae tvgen 88 Finn, Moses Edwin..... 40 Foien, Mahlon N......101 Fee, Edward A......... 47 Finnie, James.......... 51 Folander, E. E........ 135 Feeney, Wh 5h. Fs ie es 151 Finnis, P. R.. 0. 660 3% 186 Foley, Patrick...... ey | Fegan, Hugh.........- 20. Finnson, 8. 8.......... 215. | Folk, C. W...5, scsseen 6 Feilitzsch, Baron Hans.166 | Firth, Geo. B.......... 56 | Folsom, Roy L........ 123 Felch, J. SERN 44 | Fischer, August........ 224 | Folsom, Henry Go ahs 176 Feleski, Moseay. O55 sei 206 Fischer, Frank Wm..... 47 Fondrick, Gottleib. .... 198 Felgate, Clifford S..... 198 Fischer, Mathew...... 101 Fong, Chong Siete 24 Felger, Lewis.......... 208 Fisher, Arch’ a ee eee 44 Foot, Frederick Harry.. .51 Fellers, Albert........... 4 Fisher, Chas. Wrisi.iht< 114 | Foot, James F........-. 51 Fellers, Julian, . 5... sis 49° |: Fisher, Bs Dis -scosi ce eet 40 | Forbes, James.........- 46 Felstrom, C. J.......-. 200 Fisher, F. Poa uicsash. eos 127 Forbes, James......... 148 Pelton, 0. iss. n «Sash 209 | Fisher, Harry H........ 66 | Forbes, H. B.......... 147 Hendall. Brog.% v.05 +025 49 Fisher, H. Norman..... 66 Forcade, Eugenie.......43 Fenton, John & Wm...144 | Fisher, Herbert B..... 184 | Ford, G.. Hi... ase 61 Fenske, Otto.......... 107 Fisher; Jones 204 Ford,’ G2: Ness Aka 179 Fenske, OELONS «io beter 211 Fisher, Johnie tess 49 | Ford, Chas. H.. Dees Kesher, ©) ie v suine ies 166 | Fisher, Mrs. Bertha..... 20 | Ford, Miss Kelsie. ..... .69 Ferber, Peter J........ 113 | Fisher, Mrs. Lizzie J... .93 Fordyce, Mrs. C. H.. ..206 Ferdais, Joseph......... 78 | Fisher, Mrs. Mary Eliza- Foreman, C. W & Palmer Ferguson, A. B.......-. 163 ORD oh oie rae Said gk Os 157 Ei: Roos. eee 20 Ferguson, Ben.......... 12 |. Fisher, Sami. oe 221 | Foreman, Herbert 8S... ..61 Ferguson, Douglas...... 29 Fitch, Alfred L........ 108 | Forester, Andrew E......4 Ferguson, E.S......... 34 Fiteh, He Biocy evrias 34 | Forgues, Oscaf........ 126 Ferguson, Edward C... .37 Fitchett, Geo......... 218 | Formoe, Oscar......... 49 Ferguson, George...... 147 Kitger, Be Roost. aun 143 Forrest, He vi.oi: a oars 63 Ferguson, Geo. P....... 53 Fitton; Wa noes i0' 220 | Forrest, Thomas....... 158 Ferguson, Harry........ 45 Fitts, — : Sil Dai partie 43 Forsch, Henry.........223 Ferguson, H. A......... 69 Fitzgerald, J. P.. oi... 114 Forster, J. G.3 chev Ferguson, Dr. H. J..... 97 FitzGerald, hee: R. M..49 Forster, Wm.........+ 152 Ferguson, James T...... 44 Fitzmaurice, O........ 107 Forsyth, Hi-H..; asses 45 Ferguson, J. C.....5s.. 50 | Fitzpatrick, "Edward Cecil Forsyth, 8: Ri occa ‘ a Ferguson, J.C........ 163 ‘ 35 Forsyth, Thomas M... .46 Ferguson, John W...... 51 | Fitzpatrick, Francis..... 45 | Fosmark, Ole......... .-211 Ferguson, Mrs. T. R 95 | Fitzpatrick, James or Foster, Abraham F... ..198 Ferguson, N. D....... 104 PREY. a > ETO a 78 | Foster, Carl C......... Ferguson, R. J........: 87 | Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Sarah 134 | Foster, Chas. L........144 Ferguson, Robert. ..... 173 Fitzsimons, Chas. J..... 20 | Foster, Geo. R....... ..44 Ferguson, Robert W...179 | Fitzsimmons, Thomas. .163 | Foster, Hamilton....... 40 Fernand, Marcelle...... 45 Fitzsimmons, Chas. J...217 Foster, Harry L....... 224 -Fernstrom, Mrs. N....103 | Flack, Chas. R........ Foster, John......... 3 Ferrier, James........... 6 Flake, Christian........ 49 Foster, Richard...... «92 Fetaz, Francois....... 198 Flangan Bros.......... 46 Foster, S. L....... oe ees Fetaz Bros, 5 iicscds tiene 49 Flathers, R. E......... 222 Foster, Theo....... .. 136 Fetting, Anton....... =a hone grt a rec oscpath -60 | Foster, Wellington J....46 Fiala, Edward S........ 49 Fleet, J. Walter........ . 46 Foster, William......... 56 ROE EE, CO Oe sie sh 5 le cs Fleet, Mrs. L. =i vee 93 Foster. Bice se Miele Wo WB iss ee ck 17 Fleming, Ay Bare 6 | Foubert, J.C. de vete ory gti ts Cae pee nd Hemming, J: Bien sat-ek 91 Fountain, Harry.. Cian ee “UF TES 5 Ge.) Dianne uber one Fleming, Le Roy...... 165 Fournier, Ai... ..0s% ase 3 3 Reninaid F, ia oe Fleming, Leslie. .... .. 138 Fouth, Mike...... st OE Blyth, Charles...... 198 Fleming, Louis......... 51 Fouts, C: Asc oee oe Hates Field, T. R. & G. B....142 Fleming, Nancy O’B...135 Fowler, Dan P.........d2- Field, Wide da oyekie ts. 155 Fleming, Robert....... 1144 Fowler, George. .......140 Alberta Brand Book XV Pages Pages Pages Mees ios oe 110 Frost, Edward.........40 Gallup, Frank M.,....119 eae 153 Frost & Johnson Co... .174 Gallan,: Gui as 222 aera 45 Frownfelter, Geo. H... .86 Gallup, Ro AeA cies 49 Meera e's Gea 48 Fruburger, Mable Anetta Gallup, W. EB... 22... 157 rigs e's 2s 63 223 Galster, Binard.........16 ee orks 193 Frudenthal, F. & Co... .47 Galts, Henry...........67 on ae 50 Pry Cegeioxty.. «la eegs ‘22 Galwey, Richard M....118 Bee ais 26568 Fy, Babies Bee Gamache, Arthur. .....199 ME cig o's ki 47 Pry; debns 62.4 85-55 73 Gamache, Mrs. Ed... ..170 Brae: 109 Frye; Chas. Boece 5.9:. 122 Gamble, James. .......163 oe 208 Brye Wan. Reiss oi Fee: 169 Gano, Richard M......130 Me sf wks. 126 Fuenfgeld, Geo. A.....198 Garbough, Harris B... .183 Sie 48 Fuhrman, Henry W.....63 Garbutt, Newman.....180 yy Cee 206 Fuhrman, Peter R..... 114 Garden, James M....... 89 lin ger, Hous. fs. :: ae Fuller, Annie B........- 98 Gardener, Alex D....,.. 84 i nge: ~ Buchmer....17 Fuller, Miss Hattie. .....5 Gardiner, Clement. .... 143 cis Bene ees 3s 65 Fuller, W. W.......... 155 Gardiner, John......... 52 Bice é 109 Fuller Bros..........-.198 Garding, Matthew. ....100 (pie 135 | Fullerton, Frank S......51 Gardipee, Mrs. B......201 Rn cess 161 Fullerton, Jake........ 202 Gardiper, Bliss a. 5. 50% 40 ater sa 179 | Fulton, Chas O........107 | Gardner, Bros.........163 Baie sr) 3. as 78 | Fulton, H. & W.L......84 Gardner, Chas. A.......88 ee 156 Fulton, Isaac L.......-- 89 Gardner, David........ 28 «oe 28 | Fulton, John...........71 Gardner, Idries J......181 ae 210 | Fulton, Sommerville and Gardner, Owen.........67 eee 136 Wendnell, R.........23 Gardner, Mrs. Sarah M 151 es 92 | Fulton, Bros...... Sirs eee} Chander Totes os aay 139 Bi. We tc ee 40 Pursk; John.) 0085 51 Gardner, Mrs. Walter. .155 OS a 183 Furlough, Pred? i. eee 47 | Gardner, William....... 52 Ser re 152 | Furman, Mrs. Elizabeth.40 | Gardner, W. R........127 Ga Pic os 69 Furnell, Bert M. .......45 Gariepy, John.........205 Dearie iin so 6 191 | Fyten, John.......... 204:) 5) Garin, 2 Os Cee a 20 Bea akse 167 | Fyten, Nicholas........48 | Garneau, Louis.........52 Re a's oss g ia 10 Garner, Chas. Wm......61 eens 2 29 G Garnett, Richard.......69 eee 45 Garrett; Bisse mayne 98 | Gabb, Vincent W......149 | Garrett, J............154 fe He 48 Gabert, Christ.........55 Garrett, Harry........149 Sean e sca 46 Gabert, Jacob. ......... 55 Garrison, John......... 57 ae 51 Gabert, Michael........ 00) Garrod: GW 220 Rea 3%: 2 73 | Gabler, G. L..........108 | Garson, A.I..........182 Fae ie 89 Gabourie, Euloge.......56 Garson, John..........183 eos 202 | Gabrian, J.D..........31 | Gascoyne, J. B........201 Miwa crs ss o%e's 44 | Gabriel & Beer......... 52 | Gaskell, Clara T........ 56 Ee ie bai eels ee). Cae Se Bic Sass ae Sa 76 Gaskell, Cr Ae ae 134 Tay ea 5803 142°) Gage:-C. Dis. is ees 77 Gatjens, We Gresieem 151 Fraser, Wm. Donald...129 | Gagnon, Eloi.......... 197 | Gates, Sr., Mike........ 99 eae s ks ses 154 | Gagnon, Joseph........78 | Gatley, Alfred P.......113 Diy edn 136 | Gailey, Herbert.......200 | Gatley, A. P..........188° are way 71 | Gaines, Henry..........53 | Gaub, Fred...........143 aa aoe 38 Gaines, Jas. C.......... 73 Gaub, Pred.i3o0 see 218 Scere es 161 Gaines, J) -Best Seren 8 Gaub; Jacob «ce eo6F lerickson, Anthony . .50 Gairdner, William...... 31 Gaudet, John J......... 52 lerickson Land Cor- Gaisdios, W. A........ 181 Gaulin, "JORs hides 204 Ms ee 222 Galarneau, G. P....... 201. | Gaurelink, Nekafar....106 es meereoas. L. 6... 40 Galbraith, D. Harcourt 181 Gautier, Mrs. Joseph E. .37 g Freeman, aS ee 40 | Galbraith, D.L........ 61 | Gautier, Stephen...... 125 pec es 8's 29 Galbraith Bros...... 38, 43 Gavol, Theodore....... 138 n, Mrs. Elizabeth Galdthorpe, George....174 | Gay, Mrs. Archibald T. .10 é 197 | Gale, Bertha E........ 108°:7. Gay, John. o.. 6 2 53- Be Mame: 68 71 Gales, Peter... 2.05. . eh: Gazeley, G.M......... 78 | » Brench, Chas.O........ 47 Gale, Rev. G. E........ Gaszeley; Pai J... 05% 115 @eeeench, Jobn........... 71 Gale,Dougan & Webber ist Gearsley, Thomas...... 44 rerichs, Henry........ 42 Gallagher, Darie eset 200 | Geater, Thos. N....... 106 eerms, G. As... 6... 53 Gallagher, E. J........ 204 | Geberdt, Christian...... 52 1 ulin, Anthony... 221°! Gallands be Jie... heed 220 | Gebhardt, Philip...... 115 Friese G, _ ee 44 | Gallaway, G. P......... 81 | Geddes, Edwin......... 52 ‘ : fiesen, Martin ........ 97 | Gallaway, James...... 201 Geerte, Mrs. M........ 200 _ Friesen, Mrs. Anna H.. .84 Galleberg, Hans........ 91 Geertsma, O%.. 0... ieee 61 OLE US SAR ea 47 Gallelli, Joseph......... 55 Geervert, P. C......... 58 PMOSODR oo 4 oes 71 Galliher, A. A......... 162 |- Gehrmann, Emil C.....37 , Mrs. Pilara Be 7G Gallivan, V.S. & M. V 103 Geiger; Fs.C. Sein 130 , ne | TRL Ee SS ea 42 Galloway, C. W........ 96 Geigle, Rinold.... ....58 ems FLA... ew. 160 | Galloway, Frank H....104 | Geitzen, F.L......... 182 ritz, Mrs. Elsie Brand .193 Galloway, F. W........ 47 Gelinas, Mrs. J. D..... 200 ft 1: OR GERSON 66 Galloway, G. P......... 33 Gelinas, Omer......... 211 ae aN. Sr oo 40 Galloway, James......228 Gellatly, James......... 73 3 mm, Gustav... 5 56 | Gallup, C.C.:.. 2.22.04 2"-" Gendre; Lis>. he Pew 67 xvi Alberta Brand Book Pages Pages Pages Geneau, Albert........ 180 Girard: Mi WG ara Goodkey, Mrs. Martin. .40 Gengler, Hannah....... 59 Girard, Thaddie........ 57 | Goodkey, William.....155 Gentiles, A... 6.04. a2 129 Girdley, Mrs. Iva...... 177 Goodwin, Bi 4.-peeeae 146 George & Abel........ 184 | Girletz, Adam......... 199 | Goodwin Bros......... 105 George, H. A........... 3 Gislason, H....... jus oko Goodwin, H. T....4, 4% 198 George, Mrs. Hazel..... 31 Glacier, Ernest........ 142 Goodwin, William H....63 George, W.B......... 169 Gladstone, Mrs. Geo....49 | Goodword, Joseph...... 73 Germain, B..C........ 201 Gladstone, Wm......... 54 Goodyear, "Albert........ 5 Geron,. Harry.......... 66 Gladue, Alfred.......... 6 Goodyear, 8S. T........ 195 Gerrits; A... <4 veg pet 216 Gladue, John.......... 179 Gordon, Beaumont A. . .54 Gervais, Alexs........ 170 Glanville, Walter...... 155 Gordon, Charles H...... 56 Gervais, Romain...... 179 Glasgow, Sid.......... 215 Gordon, Cs€@ see 33 Geschke, William. ...... 52 Glasier, W. E.......... 33 Gordon, Harry H...... 66 Gesmer, Simon......... 55 Glass, Mrs. Susan..... 183 Gordon, Hugh......... 62 Getman, Chas. L...... 219 Glaud, Ferdinand........58 Gordon, Hobs. so ae Getts,:G. Beste eos 52 Glaude, Urbans3 aitcs 145 Gordon, Mrs. Irene A. .121 Getty, Ay Ci 255. Anes 115 Glaze, Norah H........ 69 Gordon, Mrs. Isla Mae 199 Gevaltney, H.S........ 56 Glaze, Robert: G. 5,440 121 Gordon, Jack.........- 53 Giachino, Batsita Romeo 56 Glave: ENOS fi. seat 59 Gordon, -Mutisceis goa 53 Babb D: We. itis eeees 155 Gleason, Roy F........ 50 Gordon, By; Dv osanee ene 55 Gibb, Jesse........ we k]2 Gleeson, Mi:J v.05 biwoe 99 Gordon, ‘Reeds ose oe 172 Gibbons, Harry & Rich- Glendenning, W. A. ...220 ordon, Samuel....... 228 POV) hos wake ecenats 52 Glendinning, James...... 7 Gordon, Wm. L....... 118 Gibbs, S. Me 5 ssi eeai nit 131 Glenn, Joseph.......... 53 Gorrill, Wm. W....... 5 Gibson, C. F. & F. H. .202 Gleson, J Bis escuehs tebe 40 Gorry, Harold D....... $2 Gibson, Geo. M....... 158 Glidden. Hh. Ke; 5 oat 41 Gosling: Brosiiie, sasame 45 Gibson, Isabel.......... 52 Glintes; Astibs-5 onenttemak 92 Gostick, John T.:...... 76 Gibson, James.......... 52 Glover. J}-Aso. sv eseoaks 55 Gottschalk, Ohasc cs 59 Gibson: Oates 110 Glover, BV SES anata Ga 15 Gottschalk, Henry. ..... 20 Gibson, Percy........-. 41 Goad, Reginald B. & E. Gouchere, Paul........ 212 Gibson, Samuel........ | 7.3 a Wie). SARs eae ag ck EPO BS Rie Gouge, Jesse........... 52 Gibson, Wm. James..... a Gobbett, Geo. A....... 168 Gough, Alfred G........ 56 Si Ay OE a aie ia 6, disiees 133. | Gobert, Cyrus.........- ae Gould, Alvah T........ 57 Gier, John & Kuch , Jno 117 Goble, Mrs. Lillian S.. Gould, Frank; Price Wm Giesler, Henry J........ 97 | Goche, Louis........... x & Wilkins, Wilfred. .. 135 Giesler, John L........ 205 Goddard & Sons, J. E. . .53 Gould, George......... 168 MD. IG Wowie Chiao 52 | Goddard, Ralph P. H..167 | Goulet, W.S.......... 00 Gifford, Fred.......... 201 | Godfrey, Brock......... 18 | Goundrey, Wm. J..... 167 Gilbert, Andrew......... 6 Godfrey, Jeremiah...... 78 Gow, Mrs. Geo........ 160 Gilbert, Gladys, Roy, Godson, Wm. J........ 155 owdy, W.-). fake Cxspobees auee ed 88 Hardy, H. Lewis....... 94 Harvey, Mrs. Mary A. .224 Hammarberg, Annie O. .20 Hardy, Robt. Wm..... 159 Harvey, Ruffus......... 60 Hammel Bros......... 173 Hardy, Ws...) teutees 157 Harvey, W. Rowe...... 66 Hammond, J. K........ 81 Hare, Shrek S. & Penn, Harvie, Margaret....... 64 Hammond, Thomas... .160 BIT AO aca te 172 Harvie, Wits asses 1 Hampshire, George. . ..103 Hartord,. Ho spas 95 Harvies, E. G:.......-« 33 Hampson, Phyllis...... 113 Hargood-Ash, F. St. A. .46 Harwadt, Martin...... 101 Hampton, B. W........ 13 | Hargrave, Geo. O....... 57. | Haskell,Giee.s: foi.c0auee 60 Hampton, §), Ais isis 92 Hargrave, James...... 124 Haskell, Ws 2% sin diese 196 Hanagan, D. E........ 101 Hargrave, J. H. & Haslam, Py di og tectoee 113 Hancock, Chas........ 168 Mek... 5 ap taaaee 125 Haslam, Same... janis -131 Hancock, Ed.........:. 35 Hargraves, Reuben.....14 Haslett, Joseph......... 83 Handasyde, J. R...... 179 Hargreaves, Heber..... 163 Hassard, Albertiicctcas 63 Handley, T. F.......... 45 | Hargreaves, James..... 116 Hassard, Albert......... 6 FHariegan, 3. Bivscees ok 86 Hargreaves, Jesse....... 76 Hassard, Claud........ Hanegan, John J...... 164 Harker, Mrs. Attena....60 Hassard, Claud. 31, 63, 54 Haney, Harry M....... 96 Harland; Aj S25 00s Sai 61 Sean ha Eee eae 6 Harland, Thos. H....... 45 Hassard,, Hi: Mises 171 Haniford, Louis........ 87 Harle, Oswald.$ ues 90 Hassard, James........ 102 Hankel, Carl. oss ccs 194 Harnack, William...... 195 Hassard, Jas.Kiiiscce ae 53 Hankinson, Harry. ....203 Harpelle, Byrum....... 17 Hassard, J. & R..184, 13 Hanna, Chas. N....... 206 Harper, Chas. R........ 20 Hastie, Alex D........ 139 Hanna, Hugh Noris..... 6 Harpers: Norss digs a bias 25 Hastie, W mis. va a oan 156 — Hanna, Morton H..... 209 Harnett. Bis: . 5 oats was 35 Hastings, Robert Jno... .64 Pesta CSO eee et 123 Harper, Walter A...... 175 Hastings, Wm......... 150 Hannah, Thos. F....... 82 Harnet We ds ate. wha 74 Hatcher; Weiiseel.wkon 172 Peeavan, 2. abs cae eee 47 Harrad, Arthur........ 223 Hathaway, F. H....... 198 Batman, W..H occ .d eek 63 Harrington, Catharine. . 153 Hatt, :Maryecure es ae 185 Hannigan, Rose E...... 41 Harrington, Jerry...... ey Hatt, Mrs. Mary.......97 Haolin: GoW 3 ceo 60 Harrington, Lewis O.. .167 Hatton,: 6 acnecs cs eee 41 Hanns, Ernest T. ...... 45 Harris, Beatrice & Ma- Hatton. J. Aw. tesseens 84 Hanesman, J. H........ 74 JOTES 545s <5 a0 Serre} 103 Hauer, C. E....... are se: Hansen, Carl. ....:6..4% <5 252"|:: Harris? Chask cgae << as 24 Haugen, S. A.......... 216 Hansen, Carl A......... 41 Harris, C. C..% +. 107 Haughton, J. S.. re Hansen, Clarence....... 25 | Harris, Fred Geo.......161 | Haurahan, Thomas... .141 Hansen ys Avs)... es 147 Harris, F. D......... 182 Hauser, John.......... 145 Hansen, H. George... ..66 Parris, Boi aie ecremnie 41 Hausken, Christopher C, rf Hansen yi es hS 212 Harris, Geo. L........ ri Havens, J. Hivsa teen Hansen: (Osos ccc es 90 Harris, voseph Allan... .95 Havens, W. L...... ‘ “350 Hansen) M.Geo. 3c ck 23 Harris, Lewis J......... 87 Hawatt, S. A.......... 75 Hansen, Mrs. Olga C. .219 Harrigs iB 4: gc das © 109 Hawey, Geos. sks swe 5 hansen rs Coo os as seae 21 Harris, Mark..... igen ape ff: Hawke, J. Ais wun ae 202 Hansen, Robert....... 195 Harris, Melvin E...... 225 Hawke, Wm. R.. .148 Hanses, Geo... 26.0565 < 146 Harris, Be igs bie geared 107 Hawker, Sidney T. &om Hanskins, J. E......... 69 Peerriss Sob vcccnioathaiele 151 Babbage, Wm........ 63 Hanson, Andrew........ 92 Harris Bros........«... 186 Hawkes. Mrs Jno. W..206 Hanson, Fred G........ 45 Harrison, Albert........ 64 Hawkins, Chas...... PN Hanson, Helmer....... 186 Harrison, Arthur...... 162 Hawkins, Fenand E..... 40 Franson, Bs A. sic sh 149 Harrison, B. H........ 173 Hawkins & Snail. .... .213 Hianeon, Hs devs és cui 61 Harrison: ©. wie 20 Hawley, Clark.........19 Hanson, H. Helis. oe 139 Harrison, Ernest........ 37 Hawley, G Basil...... .14 Hanson, Lewis L....... 88 Harrison, Harvey...... 218 Hawley, Nellie A.......19 TRANROG NE. oto 64 Harmison; Asics tines 185 Hay, Alex... diss eeu Hanson, Peter......... 116 |! Harrison, John.........62 Hay, Geo. Cissineeceee 60 Alberta Brand Book 61 Tne Edwin A. .225 127 | ; Haves Besley Nial.. ywood, A 161 ead a rns = ong 138 1 Arthur F. & Wil- 217 o Healy, Mrs. Francis M. Healy, Oliver Thomas. "217 Healy, R. J 227 Heare & Bros., G. A. 3 learonemus, Harry. . 3 eae, Vernon R. & Hedstrom, Alfred A F aceon, Je, hee ed amen Frederick Helland, Lars.......... 60 Hellawell & Hassard....37 Hellawell, J. H.13, * 71; 1,81 Hellel, Jacob. .......... 74 eller; JxCOD ese 3s eke 10 Hellevang, Sam & C. A..18 Hellmer, Sherwood...... 31 Helmbolt, Thomas... ... 85 Helton, et PRR ey 6 Helwercwid. tech cas 70 Helwig, Chas i... ...¢.. 88 Hemeonson, Mat...... 209 Hemm, Mrs. Eleanor... .70 Fhemm6,- Batt ohc 7k. tase Hemming, an Si ws SZ. Hemple, Agr Peeacites. os 145 Hempseed, Richardson .132 Hemsley, John M...... 176 Henchel, Clarence. ....202 Henchel, GbosKor ssseeiee 200 Hendersott, Aiiiss sie 4 Henderson, Albert....... 4 Henderson, Albert G..... 3 Henderson, Chas. A... .132 Henderson, F.J........ 88 Henderson, George...... 37 Henderson, George...... 52 Henderson, James...... 80 Henderson, James B . ae Henderson, James M... .64 Henderson, J. J........ 61 Henderson, Leona A. ...39 Henderson, Mrs. Mary. .29 Henderson, Peter....... 60 ony epee STi; meses is" Henderson, Robert.. 143 Henderson, R. F....... 39 Henderson, Samuel. ...131 Henderson, Mrs. Sarah a Henderson, Thos. R...140 Henderson, Thomas. ...183 Henderson, Wm. A....138 Henderson, Wm. babes Henderson, W.J...... 144 Hendrickson, Elizabeth 197 Hendrickson, Mrs. Erma Hendrickson, H. T..... 203 Hendrickson, P. T..... 114 Hendrie, Murray...... 147 Hendry, Adam........ 185 Hendry, Alex |. ¢ is os. 38 49 Hendry, George....... 140 Hendry, Julai... 6 eee 168 Hendy; CPs hae 100 Heninger, John T....: eG Heninger, J. W......... 71 Henius, Harry......... 161 Henkel, Henry......... 67 Henker-C. cena 57 Henker; Pautse2 0 tks 115 Henman, Albert........ 60 Hennan, A. Assi ei ooe. 9 Hennel, Joseph........ 166 Hepp, Peter........... 223 Henrikson, CC... 00... 200 Henry, Charleson isi 8% 60 Henry, Charles E....... 63 Henry, Mrs. Clara..... 106 Henry, George......... 24° Henry, Jean M......... 68 Henry; Paul < 2.6:005,5% 115 Henry, Petes S205 es aus 83 Henshaw, Ralph 41 Heodghirinson, Samuel ri F Hereford Ranch Co Herman, Christian Herman, Mrs. Frank... Herman, Fred J Herman, Heinrich Herman, Samuel Hervey, Harcourt C. Pos 162 Herzog, Mrs. Jennie. 198 Hester, Mrs. L. A. 49, ts Hetherington, Jno. W.& ol . Sons Age 9 avkins Fred & Smail, 125 72 Heydlauff, Mrs. Mabel. 147 Heydlauff, Mabel ee Heytens, Eugene Hezlet, Josiah K 3 Hibbs, David John..... i 101 Hickman, W. H Hickmore, William.. Hickson, J : Fergus Beas: Hiebert, E Ernst W Hissinbotton, J reubosiss > Higginbotham, Sam 59 Higginbotham, Wilfred a4 Hldoea James 8 Hildyard, Cecil T Alberta Brand Book eg Friedrich Hillman, ye Hindmasch, "iho F. <1 Hinchliff, George Hinnman, Byron D... Hinstel Mrs. Carrie. . Hieedelle Ff oseph L a: ; Hirsche, Clayton. . Hoadley, Wm. Cecil... Hoaglin, PaulW..... Hoare, Thomas § Hobbs, Charles H..... Hoblit, Percy W.. 226 Hockin, Mrs. Mary Ann. ot Hocking, Edmond Hocking, Geo. A Hodge, James M Hodge, Mrs. Mary L.... 74 Hodges, Mrs. Helen ir 4 Hodgson, Bruce J Hodgson, Misses Hodgson, Thos. V..... Hoding, Mrs. Harry .. Hoffman, Henrick.. . Hoffman, Henry . . Hoffman, Jacob L Hogaboam, David M.... 14 Pages Hogan, William....... 170 Hogaboam, A......... 177 Hogarth, A. E. & T....192 Hogarth, Robert....... 121 Hoge, Francis H....... 173 Hogg, Francis.......... 47 Hogg). Wises geass 156 OeG; Re TGs oes 109 Oe; RS rie wh ees 121 Hogg, William........ 223 Hoggan, Chas. Bruce... .65 Holbrook, Chas. G...... 65 Holden, G: Jos: case oe 90 Holder: MAR cic.cces 90 Holder, J: GAs. cca 9 Holdworth, Marshall 88 Hole, Mrs. James....... Hole, Lewis H.......... 92 Holfling, Louis......... 93 Holgate, J.:H 2s. Sue 62 Holland, Chas. W.....194 Holland, David H...... 33 Holland, George E...... 65 Holland, Henry N..... 105 Holliday, Robert...... 214 Hollies, Samuel........ 129 Hollihan, C. E......... 22 Hollinger;)Ro3< cieackin 213 Hollings, Richard...... 119 Holm, Andrew........ 203 Holm, Edward........ 197 Holm:: Peter: . 0.222225 31 Holman, David Alonzo 149 Holman, Lester E..... 227 Holman, Ui. Rossa ees 187 Holman, Oscar........ 108 Holmberg, Andrew... ..123 Holmberg, Fridolf W..169 Holmberg, H. F........ 66 Holmes, Mrs. Alice... .161 Holmes, Edies:8cas son 171 Holmes, Henry......... 87 Holmes; Bes hes see Holmes, Jas. S........ 223 Holmes, J}: Be aie. Holmes; J.B cht 61 Holmes, Thomas. + fLOR Holmes, William........ 67 Holms, TR ere 65 Holms Brosi-s.a hs 66 Holroyd, George........ 57 Holroyd, GoW 200.34). - 201 Holstein 6 eo rs: 163 Holstein, Ernest........ 41 Holstein, Peter........: 115 Holt, Harry Stele ke cde 67 Holt, James E....0...... 22 olt, W. B..oe. 152 Holton; dU. Aset.3 2 ak 205 Holton, Samuel K..... 131 Holton, William....... 204 Holway, Horace........ 64 Homulos, Mike ........ 98 Hone. Be Ws ccs 14 HONG) du DB. sce ea 163 Honens & Hutchins..... 66 Honey, James M....... 5 Honey, Sid........... 32 Honeywell, C. E....... 170 Hood, Andrew......... 10 Hood, JAMOBS.Chitelixoke 64 Hooper, Ji: a eos ay 74 Hooper, Wi He ois 65 Hope, Geo. F........:. 57 Hope, James........... 79 Hope; John icici 2s ee 131 Hopewell, Ed.......... 42 Hopkins, Frank....... 227 Pages aed amesW.&Wm. Hopkins, J. W........ 48 Hopkins, Robert Rus. .163 Hopmeier, C. H........ 25 Hoppins, William....... 61 Hopps, Joanie cule cokes 5 ore, Mrs. "©eHic. wien Hore, i: 3 2 ksi ae 130 Horn, Mrs. Chas....... 57 Horn, Hazel V 7. sc sass 220 Horn, Jesse 23 0e ae 215 Horn, .W:: Voxsik. sskoe 156 Hornberger, John F....162 Hornberger, P. J....... 66 Hornberger, Ray...... 117 Hornby, James.....;...65 Horne; Geos ssc ca eee 61 Hornet, C Mi. 358. ok Horner, Frank........ Horner, Koller & Beles "3 Horner, Reginald G.....57 Hornett; AvS 540055 127 Hornett Bros. .183, 172 Hornum, Mrs. Linna.. .2 Horth, Peter. 2a 115 Horton, Samuel....... 126 Hoskin, ::inicon 64 Hoskins, Jesse. 5. aa 78 Hoskyn, Jethro........ 172 Hotsenpiller Bros....... 31 Hot Gun Man, 235 se 9 Hotchkiss, N. E....... 104 Hotze, BE. Gickn sacs Hotze, Herman......... 65 Hotze, O:: He. tiie 7 Houcher, D. D........ 147 Houck, Jr., Peter...... 139 ouck, Adam: ioc 4.salass Hougeér;. Mis boy toe 70 Hough, Charles......... Hough, Otfe-¥..csie- 109 Houghland, Hal vor..... 93 Houghton, Mrs. Clara... 67 Houghton Bros........ 173 Housdahl, W. & Mosthof, has; 3.3. ee i10 House, Andrew......... House, Mrs. C......... House, ©. Bisse sccadee House, Mrs. Ficeeson * House, Glenn C....... iio House, :Paulic.s 4% aeee 1 Houston, D. Gish 53 Hoven, Matt........... Hovey, Bros. .........- 60 Hovey, Co-Brs sas a hities 26 — Hovey, GiF isa ok ses 65 Hovey, Edward. ......; 84 Hovey, Mrs. Etta A....40 Howard, Chas. H...... . 202 Howard, Ernest ........ 37 Howard & Gallihier ... .203 Howard, Robert. ...... 184 Howard, R. M......... 61 Howarth, J. E.. 2 ene. 198 Howatt; TA.) ae5kan 112 Howe, A..Gis sac eee 196 owe, C.. Bie wake 60 Howe, Gilbert.......... 54 Howe & Gray... ..v.:5.- 59 Howe, J. Wik. eee Howe, Lincoln L...... 210 Howe, Robert G....... 214 Howell, Arthur O........9 Howell, L. Dini ciiaes 62 Howells, John... ... o. 223 Alberta Brand Book XX1 = Pages Pouce ; : Pages i Howerton, MES wees 187 Hunter, Mrs. Mary A.. Irwin, Lewis C......5... 207 meeriowick, D.S......... 131 Hunter;-M.-Bo. ee eS. 97 Isaac, Abraham......... 9 } Howie, Frank A....... 162 | Hunter, Robert Walker.. a Isaac, John F......... 171 Owie, James......... 112 Hunter, Robert........ Isaac, William......... 154 y Howlett, John H...... 166 | Hunter, W..H......... 38 Isaac, William......... 220 ” ieiowss, Andrew........ 60. | Hunter,,W. Wi. 2 esc. 174 | Isaacson, Arthur F....... 4 1) Howse, Ben............ 95 | Huntington, Arthur J...23 Isham, Howard W..... 181 ‘ Batowse, Joe...:....... 160 | Hunting, Harry H..... 182 | Ivarson, CarlG....... 143 Howse, Tom.......... 139 | Huntrod Bros.......... 60° 4 ‘Evereon; A 220i eS 8 “Hoyem, Kaarl.......... 68 | Huot; O00... 108 | Iverson, Peter........; 218 9 ene 106 | Hurd, Alfred........... 65 | Iverson, Swan.......... 17 ruska, James A...... 207 | Hurd, Leslie S........ 4,93 | Ives, Albert E......... 173 S Hubbard, Charley..... 179 Hurst, -Ai i, artes. 1SG Eva). Paul: 5 ee es 116 ie: ubbard, Prank!) (05... 187 Hurst, A: W Os 2a 202 _ Hubbard, Mrs. I. 8S 144 Hurst, James........... 49 J meiupbel,,A. W.......... 61 Hurt, Wilfred ......... 143 ’ Hubbell, Perry........ 111 | Hurtubise, Alphonse....84 | Jack, ober’ Peony ee 185 - Hubka, Frank.......... 66 | Hurtubise, Romeo..... 992 4) oack, Was. eee 156 memtudak, Joe........:.-- 64 Hurzler & Burton....... 66 J ackson, “Miss Bethe: C.196 _ Huddlestone, Mrs. M. D Husar,:Paul... 2.2.2... 115 | Jackson Bros.......... 205 se 180 | Huser, GeorgeG....... 62 | Jackson, Donald E.....195 pa Huddlestun, SA 182.2}. Fast,-J.:..3:):. 3 eevee 146 | Jackson, Frank......... 69 _ Hudson, Albert......... 63 | Huston, Herbert....... 208 | Jackson, Frank......... 73 z papeason, Arthur F..... 167 Huston, Meredith S..... 74 sackson, GW. .-cneiee 184 _ Hudson, George L...... 71 Hutchinson, Clara..... 111 Jackson, BH. Gils eek 92 _ Hudson, George L..... 121 | Hutchinson, James.....164 | Jackson, Ira J......... 181 _ Hudson, James H....... 60 | Hutchinson, J.H....... 71 Jackson, Issac... 01.6.4 84 z feudosn, Jd. A.........5 160 | Hutchison, George..... 107 | Jackson, John.......... 78 Hudson, By e Phy Sant sett 126 | Hutchison, Harry....... 60 | Jackson, John E........ 37 Beerudsen;, T. RR... we. S17 1 Heth, L. Rea 180 | Jackson, Joseph L..... 135 _ Hudson y Celentiian Sea's 70 | Hutt, Frank H......... 47 | Jackson, Mrs. Maud... .99 RUSS PP re ‘202 | Hutton,-B.:P. .....0.. 223 Jackson, Norman...... 103 Metiut, Ray..........6% 213 | Hutton, H.E......... 127 | Jackson, Olof.......... 80 _ Huffman, Bert...... #144 ‘| Hutton, J. Ro... 101 | Jackson, Robert....... 171 . Huggard, F.G........ 185 | Hutton; P.G......... 112 | Jackson; Mrs. Robert. .172 Huggard, Geo. A....... 91 Huxley: Foes ss 26 | Jackson, 8. A..... 6.0% 179 _ Hughes, Charlie........ 86 Husley, J.-B ei. eae 223 Jackson, Walter A...... 68 _ Hughes, Charles W..... 60: |- Huxley, ‘W..L. 2. os 94 | Jackson, Wm......... 153 _ Hughes, BA eS: 22 | Hyde, ArthurG....... 192 | Jacob, John R.......... 80 Hughes, C.J... 065%... 195 Hyde, Fred............. 61 Jacobey, A. D......... 106 Hughes, D. BE... 2.6 e: 93 Hyde, Geo. T.......:. 175 Jacobs, William........ 74 Hughes, Mrs. Evan..... 34 Hyland, Chas...../..%. 24 Jacobsen, Ha. 2300. 0S 162 Hughes, BE. F......... 138 | Hyndman, FE. J........ 211 | Jacobson, Axel.......... 7 Hughes, J... 8 204 | Hyndman, David....... 29 | Jacobson, Audrey........ 7 Hiughes,-R. J.....0.. 6: 119 | Hyslop, Andrew......... 6 | Jacobson Bros......... 206 2ST SS 2 Tea 15 Hyvomen, Ilmari....... 84 Jacobson, Chas......... 25 Hughson Bros.......... 65 Jacobson, Eli August... .41 Hughson, H. A. .107 : I Jacobson, F. A........ 183 Hulbert, Daniel Biowiand 84 Jacohson, Lars L....... 79 Hull, Mrs. A. D....... 195 Ibbotson, Alleyne... ...192 Jacobson, Severn L..... 90 ull, “Oe. Se Oe oe 60 Ibey, Mrs. Annie...... 184 Jacques, H. Percy..... 229 Hullman, Adolf......... 61 They; John. v0 6 Sa 70 PROMUESS Ds tah eres 171 Hulme, Harry & Har- Idaho Farming & Live James, David......... 169 greaves, Elijah...... 206 Stock Co., Limited... .85 VANES; I) is See 29 Human, Henry......... 68 Imbree, George........ 170 | James, Mrs. Elizabeth.. .41 Hunford, Barney....... 65 Imlay, B..F oo) sy eee 227 James, Mrs. Emma..... 41 Hunkler, Albert......... 4 Imson, -Burt:. 03. eon 15 | James & Sons, Thomas. .11 Stunt, Arthur. ;...°. «% 0! 88 Ingham, Frank..... 47, 183 James, Walter L. ...... 37 Hunt, ee aS ane 25 | Ingraham, O. R....... 211 Jameson, Reginald..... 119 Hunt, Ernest ix agi 43 Tripram, Joie eee 208 Jameson, Roger. ...... 121 Hunt, BS iia Siow ee a4 Ingram & Mount...... 139 Jamieson, John A...... 110 Ge SO ran eae 62 Ingle; Geo) Eo ie a 65 Jamieson, Mrs. Martha.107 meaaunt, GL. .......66.. 35 Ingleby,:Clement R....167 Jamieson, O. O........ 109 SOS OD 64 Inglis, Mrs. F. W...... 135 | Jamieson, Robert....... 13 y Hunt, Mrs. Mary A....101 Ingram-Istvanfiy, George Jamieson, Thos........ 135 ; Hunt, er PURE AES 182 @ CO. ES EE 43 Jamieson, Tom........ 135 me dunt, W.O....6...6.. 143 Inman & Hagan........ 18 Jamieson, Jno. C...... 74 es Hunt) & Sons, John. ...108 Inman & Krohn....... 112 Jamison, William...... 157 Seasunter, Alex... .....:.. 95 | Inman & MeFarlane . {412 | Janes, Now's vans cede 106 Hunter, A. E UA padtace oie 184 Inman,:T. Bi... ele. 208 Janke; Carl... eet 76 = fiunter Bros..........:. 68 | Innes, David.......... 166 | Janke, Reinhold....... 214 eS atunter, ©. 8..:....... 224 Towa: Farming Co....... 84 Janosik, Jakon......... 76 _ Hunter, DavidS....... 61 Irish, Mrs. Alice B....... 6 Jans, August A...s...... 5 _ Hunter, Edward A..... 163 Irish, Delbert W........ 86 Jansen, William........ 79 Hunter, Ernest & Stephen Iron, Hagle:: 2... 0 eves 68 Janz, August.........5. 72 7 181 | Ironmonger, Chas. E...197 | Jarboe,C.A........... 69 € Hunter, 2 aes eee 47 | Irving & Cooper....... 102 | Jarboe, Clyde H........ 69 _ Hunter, Isaac E....... 197 Irwin, Eldridge F....... 40 Jarboe & Gravett... .51, 69 XXii Alberta Brand Book Pages Pages Pages eran 9 23 Wi -Sicaalt sae 179 | John & Sons, A......... 86 Johnson, V. J.......... 80 sardon; Peteri a. 3;. es 176 | John, Richard......... 207 Johnson, William...... 153 Jarrett, H. T.......... 135 Johnsen, Bernard...... 143 Johnson, William....... 87 Parvie: cA sce es 71 Johnsen, Bros........... 77 Johnson, William...... 197 Jarvis, John H........ 176 | Johnsen, John..... siStahplace 79 Johnson, William R....153 Sarvigc (Ne Pj 3533 nehes 24 Johnson, Albert......... 5 Johnson, Wm. Fredk. . .220 Jarvis, Robert......... 214 Johnson, Andrew....... 37 Johnson; W. Lewis 88 Jasman, Ferdrand..:...45 Johnson, Andrew....... 72 Johnston, Alf. E........ 37 Jaques, Charles........ 171 | Johnson, A. W........ 220 | Johnston, A. C. Cooper 174 Jaques, Norman....... 228 | Johnson, Bert......... 165 Johnston Bros.......... Jaucher; Fu Pos cise 70.1 Johnson, Bross. 250% 73 Johnstone Bros (Fred & Jauke, Gottlieb........ 174 | Johnson Bros.......... 47 Sidney) j2.coess cae 199 Jeannot, Fred......... 172 | Johnson Bros......... 106 | Johnston, Chas. Samuel 178 werers: sonic Soe aise 204 | Johnson Bros......... 142 | Johnston, C. W........ 84 Jeers W Hiss ick cas 81 Johnson, Carl.......... 25 Johnston, Colin. ....... 25 Jefferson, Jr., John...... 71 | Johnson, Carl L....... 195 | Johnston, D. C........ 162 Jefiory; WEE ois dake es 30 Johnson, Chas. E...... 164 Johnston, EZ. A......... 41 Jeffries, Geo. H......... 94 | Johnson, C. A......... 124 | Johnston, Geo. E....... 35 Jehoich, Alex........... 86 | Johnson, C. C.......... 80 | Johnston, George....... 57 Jeltes Bros, Ltd........ 70 | Johnson, C. E......6.-% 22 | Johnston, Harry E......63 Jenion, Chas. E........ 20 | Johnson & Company. ..161 Johnston, Hugh...... , 166 Jenkins, Bernard M..... 73 | Johnson, D. D......... 29 | Johnston, James....... 166 Jenkins, Chas. G...... 127 | Johnson, Edgar P...... 132 | Johnston, James....... 168 Jenkins, D. D........-+ Johnson, Emil......... .31 | Johnston, Jr., James A 158 Jenkins, Hugh L........ 62 Johnson, Erick......... 41 Johnston, John........ 174 Jenkins, John Thomas...78 | Johnson, Frank......... 47 Johnston, J. Harry...... 7 Jenkins, Kate.........- 71 | Johnson, Frank R..... 115 | Johnston, John W. eeas 187 Jenkinson, T. B........ 18 |} Johnson, F.Jo5 cscs 71 Johnston, J. D...5. vee 28 Jenkinson, Joshua. ..... 88 | Johnson, George......-. 76 | Johnston; J2J.s 2i. scene 88 Jennings, Clarence Wiecege Johnson, George....... 200 Johnston, J. T. H...... 147 Jennings, Mrs. Maggie. 158 Johnson, George R. W....7 | Johnston, J. W......... 99 Jennings, Wm. H....... 76 Johnson, Harry........ 163 | Johnston, Leo L........ 90 Jensen Bros........--- 109 | Johnson, Harry.........67 | Johnston, L. A........ 35 — Jensen, Mrs. Christina.218 | Johnson, Harry E..... 168 | Johnston, Malcomb..... 97 Jensen, Hans S........ ge at Johnson, Henry...*...159 | Johnston, Nels........ 04 Jensen, Herbert F . -84 Johnson, Horace E...... 35 Johnston, N: A........ 211 Jensen, James C........ 72 | Johnson, Hjalmar....... 68 | Johnston, R. A........ 199 Jensen, J.C........+++: Johnson, H. M......... 34 | Johnston, Richard..... 179 Jensen, M. A.......... 175 | Johnson, Isaac........ 141 | Johnston, Ranald....... 63 | he FR ere 105 | Johnson, I. M......... 1 , Johnston, R. C........ 135 Jensen, Ole E......... 108 | Johnson, JacobS...... 173 | Johnston, Robert F....197 Jensen, Peter.......... 201 | Johnson, James C...... 207 | Johnston, R. H........ 214 Jensen, Stema......... 185 Johnson, James F....... 78 | Johnston, R. W....... 120 Deen ss ba, 5 oe 163 | Johnson, Mrs. Jannie...108 | Johnston & Patterson. ..72 Jensen, Geo. R......... 57 Johnson, John......... 108 | Johnston & Ross....... 75 Jenson, Mrs. James....127 | Johnson, Jonas......... 76 | Johnston, Samuel......132 Jenson, Mrs. Artie Macey Johnson, Joseph........ 78 | Johnston, Sydney C....128 221 Johnson; J. Witt... ese 73 Johnston, Thomas..... 142 Jenson, Nels.......... 105. 4 Johnson, 3s es o2.c5 55s 75 | Johnston, Wilmer C.. ..187 Jenson, William........ 38 Johnson, J. M:......... 78 J ohnston, Wm estes 3 Jephson, Wm. J........ 82 | Johnson, J.S.......... 128 | Johnston, Wm. J....... 12 Jepson, Christ......... 115 | Johnson, Kunte........ 80 | Johnston, W.S........ 181 ‘Jerard, Conard M...... 22 Johnson, Leonard....... 31 Johnstone, Mrs. Ada H 205 J erburgh, RR. BoVei se 163 Johnson, Ludwig...... 218 Johnstone, Robert..... 127 Jerred, James.......... 73 Johnson, Mrs. Mary. ..209 Johre, A. :-. -cweecees 3 Jervis, Fred W......... 70 Johnson, Mike......... 78 Jolliffe, Rivsscue. oven 214 Jervis, Walter......... 154 | Johnson, Neil W....... 104 | Jolly, Clement........ 165 Jeskl, Christian......... 24 Johnson, Nelson P..... 165 Jones, Albert A.........- 4 Jesperson, John........ 77 Johnson, Ole T......... 17 | Jones, Arthur E......... 7 Jésse, Pred... 5. 28%. 178 | Johnson, Olger Y...... 108 ones, A. P.......:...223 Jewell Bros. 258 200 Johnson, Osbourne...... 69 Jones, A. Risseseeeeeuue 5 Joackim, Adam........ 219 Johnson, Oscar F...... 158 Jones, A. Wise cicdeea wae 7 Job & Sons, Philip J....77 Johnson, Ottos,..!.'...\@5.8 83 Kropinack, John........ 84 Kruger, Herman.......206 Kruger; Johns <2. 8s 83 Krutop, Woibu......... 83 Krystal,‘ Johns... 3°. 230. 85 Krythe, Andrew. ...... 191 Kuba, Mrs. Philipine., . .82 Kube, Albert........... 81 Kubyn, Anton..... mae 4 Kuch, George...... Fa S853 Kuck Bros......... 34, 281 Kuck, Fred ......¢. yin cOO Kudelka, J. H......... 187 Kuehn, Frank.......... 50 Kuehntopp, R. E...... 119 uhh, ‘Geo: Fira 59 Kuhl, John iii d ods. 204 Kuhn, MiB. oo 99 Kuhn; Wi Petes 81 Kulpas, Anton.......... 5 Kultgen, Henry........ 67 Kuneman, Henry....... 81 Kunkle, Nick......... 106 Kusler; Karl 233002 Oe Kuntert, Henry........ 67 Kuykendall, Loss....... 80 Kuyvett, W. G........ 169 pecs Phorne 25.32%, ': 43 Pe, Soe ear Toes es 48 Kyilingstad, 5D Ra Siar se 205 L Laberge, Arthur........ 92 abdell, Wm. F....... 221 Laboucan, Edward.. foe Laboucane, Adelard..... Laboucane, Isaac...... ist Laboucane John B..... 74 Laboucane, Moise......91 Labuan, Guillaume. . ..172 Lackey, Hyland........ 65 LaClair, 2p UTR eRe ie 89 Lacombe Home........ 92 Lacquement, F........ 208 Ladonseur, David... ..208 Ladds, Philip S......... 94 Lafferty, Chas.......... 56 Lafferty, Dr. Jas. D. & Allhusin, Wilten..... 191 La France, P.::....... 249 Lafranboise, Ellen...... 90 Lahaye, Peter John... .116 Lahd, John’. ¢ 23s 30.52%. 87 : Pages Lainer, T.-82) 406s 05 167 Laing, Andrew......... 95 Laing Bros............. 50 Laing, Bruce::.:..s. def 14 Laing, RiS. ice ae 214 Laing, Thos. B......... 24 Laisney & Co., Jules. ...89 Lajeunesse, Edward..... 95 Lajat, Rev. Father.....131 Lake, Guy Judson..... 186 ake, Robert.......... 2 ake, Stanley G....... 132 Laken, Geo. H......... Lakes, William........ 156 Lalliot, Justin. .......2. 37 Lally, eM PmEOGHi wht 22 Lamar, Viola.......... .87 Lamb, Archibald...... 111 Lamb, Brigham F...... 48 Lamb, Bros.........- ..14 Lamb, Dales...; 4.626 196 Lamb, Judson H.......74 Lamb, 0. 4..2-232 ice 96 Lambarde, T. B....... 228 Lambert, W......:....89 Lambert, W. D........ 9 Z 4 Lambertus, James P....79 Lambie, George... ....200 Lamden, John.......... 79 Lamonte, Hector. ...... 92 Lamoureaux, E......... 95 Lacons, Vernon..... ...148 Landale; A. C......... 103 Landells; BB. 67 Landells, Wendell...... 156 Landels, Alex F........ 8 Landels, Andrew F 44 Landis, Arthur......... 17 Lane, Chas. C......... 204 Lane, Edward......... 177 Lane, Elsie... .: 0.32... 37 Lane, George. ........- 184 Lane, George J......... il Lane, James A......... 71 Lane, 5... Mi on. 5 ee ee 87 Lane, Mrs. J. M........ 87 Lane, Richard.......... 87 Lang, Emanuel......... 88 Lang, Sr., Frederick. ....95 Lang, G. 320555 ee ..176 Lang, Jacobs. ie. ciiices 224 Langdon Bros......... 200 Langdeau, Oswald..... 205 Langel, John. ... ...:0658 60 Langevin, Oliver....... 108 Langlais, E. S......... 107 Langley, H..A.s...... 220 L’Hirondelle, J. B..... 162 Lawrence, Ed......... 115 Legg, Henry Edgar..... 67 Liebergall, Jakob....... 79 _ Lawrence, Frank C. .49,51 Leggat, James B. ...... 74 Liedle, Emil; ..2.csfei 33 | Lawrence, Irwin........ 91 Legge, Horace A........ 65 Tien, Jobn:...2. 2 ean 204 Lawrence, Jos. Chas...184 | Leggatt, Andrew........ 7 | Lieske, Albert......... 161 feorrence, Sheridan... .132 Legott, Rev L538 2% 23 Liesemer, John E...... 175 we ROOD aS: 59 PeGuen) Fert ees ae 113 Liggins, W. Be Rains 177 wrence, Mrs. M. J 4 Le Halper, Alain....... 10 Lightbown, Bros........ 13 NEAR tS oS 8 Lehane, Elizabeth..... 109 Lightfoot, Charles Joseph wrie, Mrs. Illa R 118 be-Heun Ga, ieee 7 107 oS Site ae 91 Pehr,: Mred: 0. ic ee ert 89 Lightfoot, Harry....... 67 toh ea Ie 22 Debt, Joanne): i327 Lightizer, John.........29 EES igs ena 78 Lehr, William. ....50.<3 95 DCO POs Se ae 217 awson, Robert....... 217 Leitht, David.......... 2 Pai, Se heh. ase 8 117 awson, Jr., Thomas 90 Leigh, Oswald ee 132 EMiOdabh, AW Ss kbd iene 5 Win. fs 00k. 87 Leighton, Chas. W..... 108 Lihedanie! Bas ocr 198 as 128 Leiske, Daniel......... 1 Lilliedahl, Seth........ 166 yeraft, Ella Jane..... 96 Leiske, Samuel........ 164 | Limpert, Orion. ....... 144 AY ae aks 5 Lemire, Remi.......... 94 Lincoln, Albert A........ Beale ela trees 76 Lemke, Karel..........92 Lincoln, C. O......85, 206 Bret cine ei 76 Lemm & Co., Math....101 Lindblod, 8. A........216 ei eg ae i! 171 Lemmerman, Henry.....30 Tuind,:- Oscar:.¢ .a.i45 43420 Pao 103 Lemon, Geo. Hy... 456%, || Tand, Ole. issued BH Sh Sot 48 Hen, Daniel... Si etueten Linde, Walter..........95 A. & Hardy, POON). hes tai ees 138 Lindeman, Jakob....... 87 | RET Se aaa in tee i 220 Lennox, James......... 77 Lindeman, John J...... 71 prvell, A.G. 2... i.e: 96 Lennox, Stuart G...... 216 Lindeman, W. L........94 BRED EN wists os 0 Cee ova 14 Lensman, Peter........ 90 | Linden, Annie.......... Yi fea, Wowie cei. 143 ‘ Lentz, Jack........... 224 | Linder Bros............ 88 XXV1 Alberta Brand Book Pages Pages Pages Lindermann, John...... 20 Lomas, James......... 160 Lunder, C. R.........108 Lindeborg, .C: O.:..2.. 169 Lomey, Thos. H........ 91 Lundgren, Gustaf....... 54 Lindgren, Olof........ 110 Lomis, George.......... 86 | Lunn, Mrs. Emma E....40 TANnGiand. "1 Ti tee 94 Lomow, Alex.......... 138 Lunn, Stephen........ Lindmark, Arthur...... 25 Londot, Pierfe......... 50 Luno, Chas. 1.43% seus Lindquist, Arthur. ......146 Lonergan, i! Peo: 112 Luno, Jr, Chas. Bia. gens 22 Lindquist, Christopher . .92 Lohes: 8 oS Se ae 99 | Marsden, Benjamin. . sii gah aon, BGs fie 4 is Bk 100 | Marsden, Henry... .86,187 | Mason, Fred........... 45 Pies <\3 105 | Marsden, H. Rowland. .203 | Mason, Harry..........98 re 202 | Marsden, H.............9 ason, John...........96 eNO cc 3 98 | Marsden, L.H........208 | Mason, L. L...........14 “Gat ees 04 | Marsden & Sons, Mary M. Masters, David........143 . 44 209 | Masterson, C. C........ 23 aan ages, SE SRS eee 39 Marse, John A........ 144 | Matchett, Thomas..... 187 gs & Son, George J.199 | Marsh, Albert........... 6 | Mather, Alexander...... 96 oe BOSS aaa 97 | Marsh, Anthony....... 223 Mather, Peter A...... . 85 Beek, . tis 38 Marsh; C- Gi eeresSi03 Mather, William.......153 pir eae tals 56 | Marsh, John Henry....203 | Matheson, F...........45 Aaguire, Patrick...... 115 | Marsh, Walter......... 61 Matheson, M. R........ 98 Mahaffey, Stewart..... 128 Marshall, Prey askesre oe 96 Matheson, Peter....... 212 ahan, Cornelius....... 24 Marshall, Mrs. A. E....99 Matheson, Roderick.. . .122 Ss eee 100 | Marshall, S “ Ee Ege Ba" 69 | Matheson, W. H....... 59 aillot, Ernest........ 149 Marshall, D Biba ies wate 208 | Mathews, A. E......... 23 Pa el RE 75 | Marshall, Hom ‘Doneaws 33 | Mathews, Grover......178 ‘eee We 18 | Marshall, E.C.........54 peotiegns ARSE sir see es wore it's 08 | Marshall, F. rf De Ae PS, t 99 | Mathison, Andrew C.. SEMOWIG Sao 20's oie 224 | Marshall, F.A........ 181 | Matkin, Heber J....... 196 | Maine Aineie Land Co 132 | Marshall, Henry G. ae Matson, Geo. E........ 42 pemiair; John... ... 2.6... 3: 166 Marshall, James H.... .167 Matson: Ole fii s2 care os 57 | Maire, Emiliene....... 134 | Marshall, John........ 105 | Mattack, Joseph........ 98 | Maisonneue, Mathias. .209 | Marshall; Melbourne P 113 | Matterson, 8. K....86, 205 Majou, eee 132 | Marshall, Robert......:. 4 | Matthews, Geo......... 54 colm, Charles H... .20 Marshall, Wai viewers 137 | Matthews, J. W....... 220 Lig Die a ea aaa 104 Marshall, Mrs. 8. J..... 75 Matthews, W. A....... 101 RED Na kh 22 Marshall, Tom........136 | Mattock Bros........-101 St ae aes 101 Marshall & Watson....150 | Mattoon, Wilbur M....221 eee 29 | Marshall, William J... .136 Mattrass, DW oo ees saa eet 108 | Marshall, W. B........167 Matzen, August.......140 peta 216 Marshman Bros., W. & Maud, John A.........98 Crh dies 96 GH 63 eee ee Maudsley, J Fe. suas eee wae Aes 97 Marston, R.S.........145 Maullet, F. ees eee OA 5 RRA ae 64 | Martel, Ubald ........145 Maulsby, Mrs. Nina. ...41 MEE co Sas 225 Martin, Alice: 324 Maunsell, Mark F..... | 46 stat etes 85 Martin, Angus........17 Mavity, William........99 nchester, Eugene W 160 Martin, Annie.. Sats 179 Mavor, John.......... BCR ONS sci. Ss 100 Martin, Arthur J. J. .139 awson, R....... 119 ,121 | Maneel, Walter........ 100 Martin, Mrs. 7 Sa Oc 192 | Maxey, W. 8... 2030.3. 97 _M aneely, © Rit Fee ere 90 Martin, Chas. E........ 97 Maxmund, Mrs. Mary ae an pncly, James J...... 166 Martin, Daniel......... 30 Maxon, 7 PRG S 129 Maney, James......... 158 Martin, Jr., Dan....... 42 Maxson, Benj.......... 14 2 apt tatea 33 Martin, Mrs. Dan. ....164 Maxwell, Frank A.....102 pe wakes 218 Martin, Donald........30 Maxwell, Frank A.....210 rap aE Nee 87 Martin, Ernest.... ....35 Maxwell, Joseph.......100 Pri eat 96 Martin, Hugh..........62 Maxwell, as ey Sie ere Reet dechenils 48° | Martin, Hoes) op, 82 Maxwell, William. ......96 toe eek st 98 Martin, James........189 Maxwell, William......100 107 | Martin, John........... 69 Ma? Ts BS ela ee 153 eee 75 Martin, John..........169 by Seek ee agli REE Bal oj eer Sart 36 Martin JH sooo tac ats May Janis i0I Ser astro: 38 Martin, Oscar H........60 May habe ko tos ee De Reh, 198 Martin, Robert A..... Mie May, Mrs. Mrgt. Anne. 140 Be weet ke 100 Martin, Ronald H..... May, Mrs. Ruby L... .225 Bry ae art 224 | Martin, Smith F.. 130, 215 May, Samuel J....... 182 . 64 Martin, GA 0 2oo Mayberry, Chas. R....184 -121 Martin, Thomas....... te Mayberry, C. R........ 82 ath eis oe 3 Martin, Thos. 8.......140 Mayberry, George. 183, 186 Alberta Brand Book Meacham, A. D Mecham, Mrs. Sina W 208 Mecklenburg Bros Medhurst, A. D Meecham, Raymond. . Men Joseph P Meeker, Cecil E Meer, Mrs. Pauline . Meeres, Thomas Megredy, Mrs. Lucy. . Lr capi John D Meissharr, Christof Meldrum, Parley Melundy, Galon Malin” William Mendenhall, Thos. i bale Meneice, Robert Menuce, Mrs. M Moe: Robert Mercer, Mrs Margaret a Mercier, Ramuald Meredith, Jas.& Percy.80 Merino Ranche Company Merithew, R. C Merkel, Jacob F, Merriam & Son, Wm. N. os Phil A Messenger, Mrs. Erema ay Messenger, V. W Pages Meston, Hugh P....... 206 Metcalf, Wilber S..... aA Metcalfe Wm. H......157 Metricks, John......... 72 Metzgar, Claude........ 23 Metzgar, John........ 100 Metzger, C. H......... 96 Metzger, Lewis........ 171 Meyer, Frank.......... 90 Meyer, Geo. A......... 53 Meyer, Geo. F........ 54 Meyer, J. NE ice 204 Meyer, Paul 2.000.566 85 Meyers, Wm. Leo...... 36 — Farming peor Michaci, Stanley...... 216 Michaclis, Fred W. & Ida 51 Michaelis, Mrs. Augusta. 99 Michalis, Fred......... 48 Michel, 1's. oss aes 42 Michell, E. B. D....... 97 Middleton, Jr. Alex...... 5 Middleton, Robert...... 35 Middleton, Theodore. ..100 Mieback, F. W........ 182 Mieback, H. E........ 128 Mifflin; John eieeoes eee 96 Milburne, Ralph....... 118 Miles, Anna M........ 178 Miles, George......... 186 Miles, Joseph.......... 77 Miles, JsA\s kee eee 75 Miles, Po8. 2 shore ees 115 Miles, William......... 4. Milliken, SCs29s Secs 131 Milikowsky. A........ 100 Milkulecky, Thomas... .141 Millar, F. Arthur....... 97 Millar, Wesson, G..... 108 Miller, Amandus...... 142 Millér, A™Roaisk cee: 225 Miller, Mrs. A. S. F...... 8 Miller Bros. & Wilson. .101 Net By Cre ee poet oe 33 Miller, B. C. & Sears, WSS. cts Seis haa 210 Miller; BoWaweee 2 ces 1 Miller, Chas. R......... 23 Miller, C, A. E........ 194 Miller, Go ic a Matler: GoW... 5. 25 Miller, Daniel F....... 225 Maller, Ds Bo Fe 5 ter Miller. Dea) ee it Sos 59 Mollet, 3, one ors 30 Miller, George... ..... 39 Miller, CJO0TROS hos SSa5 96 Miller, Geo. A.......... 33 Miller, Geo. 8......... 109 Miller, G. Bees. aks Miller, Harmon W..... 135 Miller, Henry .......... Miller, Mrs. Hugh...... 96 WEEE Hi Ss ae ae MOP Es Vos She ene 177 Miller, Jacob J........ 216 Miller, James T....... 205 Miller, Jean. .* $e '.<: 5%, 69 Miller, Jessie.. .......... 7 Miller, John G......... 89 Miller, John M......... 70 a a | BRE Soe ee oe 164 iller, J “C. & .90 er, J. P Seyaisas 143 Miller Mrs. Kate D....44 Miller, Ken 8.......... 82 Millhaem, J. Stanley. . Millhaem & Son Ce ee orm ¥ Minch, Herman Miner, James Ho: Miner & bt am. I ye ee ee Emile Mitchell, Alfred Miche Mrs. Falls Mitchell, James. Mitchell, James Mitenell, Mrs. Kate oid Mitchell, Robert.. Mitchell, Robert 8.: Mitchell, Stephen T. Mitchell, Ww Mitchell, Wilam ete illiam Boni Beats _ Miyashito, Keizo.. 207 . Moars, John..... te a 00 Alberta Brand Book Xxix Pages Pages Pages reel Moran, Felix........... 82 Moss, Thomas........ 138 Petite ss 142 Moran, Mrs. Mary..... 94 Mossom, John........... 9 it gee 228 More, Peter James... ..115 Mossop, Thomas. . .68 Mester secs; 121 Moreau, Louis.........90 Mossop, G iss cohen Seepeartin J. .: 35... 85 | Morgan, Albert R...... 85 Mosterz, J. J... 2028. .130 Ee ae arene 100 Morgan, Edwin....... 211 Mott, Chas. J........ .162 Seog 95 | Morgan, E.G.........100 ! Motter, Geo. W.......144 |) SOS 211 Morgan, John......... 109 Moulding, JOS eee . 223 Beetles 132 Morgan, John..........98 Mountain View Stock Bits itv 181 Morgan, Joseph. . Rise! a at Farm, Ltd: ies, 226, 198 UE aeaaangr 72 Morgan, J. Le. oa. ess, -108 Mountsteyens, Walter 8.33 snot aht Speen 101 Morgan, William......220 Moutchoginis, Jimmie. . .75 Mares 6's 30 Morgenson, Morres..... 96 Mowat, George E...... 100 YS te 108 Moriglan, B............ 96 Mowat: Riv Bis ite ae 15 HSE aaa Gree 7 Morin, Heiss ae Mowlin, Thomas W....178 Ee Eee EN cr g Morison, Jr. W........; 99 Moxley, Frank... 97 = Aa ae 89 Moritz, H.J...........62 Moyer, John K........206 | eee 25 Mork, Math........... 22 Mubbell, Jay.......... 160 Pee ts 187 Motkeberg, Be eo cnc b8 Muckle, John..........41 sae be] Morland, Geo:......... 57 Mueller, Jacob. ....... 14 ee 200 | Morenault, Levite.....166 Mueller, John J.......106 Mo Be crt. 110 | Morrant, Chas........ 100 | Muhlbach, Henry.....- 85 p SY OE eae ee 48 Morris, Arthur.......... < Muir. Cras 9 aie 200 Monkman, William J...217 | Morris, Bernard Howard Muir, Gordon P....... 183 \. Se aa 144 101 Muir, Henry Bit: eck 67 - ME ape ack 96 Morris, Chas. W........ 59 Muir, Thomas.......:. 162 7 OO aS eae 16 Morris, Elmer W...... 159 Meair;; Walters) ies ces 137 S Jobat Adelbert Morris, HeoNvcs. 66 sn es 35 Muir, William......... 164 4 101 Morris, Mrs. Lillie...... 88 Muirhead, A. W......:. 57 Monsty, Aime......... 136 Morris, Mary A.......134 Muirhead, Peter,...... 143 ontague, Se Oa ane YB | Morris, Samuel E....... 41 Mulgrave, G. W....... 100 fontgomery, Edward. . 134 Morris, Scott J........ 126 | Mulik, Dymtro......... 31 Montgomery, C. E...... 26 Mortia: (Bods eo, 165 Mullen, George......... 55 Montgomery, 8. H. & Morris, William....... 210 | Muller, Adam A......... 5 ae _R. eee 98 Morris, W. Bue. iene es 42 Muller, Gottfrid........ 54 _ Montijambert, C. T....168 Morrish, Wesley J..... 178 Muller, Mrs. Wm.. . 205 /~ Montney, L.G........ ..224 | Morrisroe, B.......... 159 | Mullholand & Sons, D..98 Miontowt, Egen Von....71 | Morrison, Alex D....... 81 | Mulligan, Mr. & Mrs. M oodie, William.. .129, 129 Morrison A Soe siss 166 TUG ese td ete ae 197 Moody, John.......... 203 Morrison, French....... 48 Mulligan, John D....... 94 Pies: 603 +++.98 Morrison, David.......187 Mullingan, David......130 a Sey 97 Morrison, Geo.........171 Mullins, Jr., Wm.......27 ag Saad eves 33 945 85 Morrison, Geo.......6... 97 Mulloy, Geo. S......... 55 ET er rane 83 | Morrison, James J......70 | Mulraine, E............35 iN ah aa ae 0 Morrison, John McNicoll 96 Muncaster & Sons.....102 Be Bs Ua wl 145 Morrison, Louis........90 Mundell, Wm. G. R.. ..220 BEM a eda 53 Morrison, Neil D......196 Mundi & Fecitt.......149 e's Pra rg Morrison, Rowland... .219 Mundell, John........113 ....187 |. Morrison, Samuel...... 209 Miunns,. Miri. ee ccieee 188 Gare sata ate 105 Morrison, Susie........128 Munro, Clarence A.....19 Cem ets 173 Morrison, William.....118 Munroe, Alex.........192 ee Ber A ay She 62 Morrow, Ellis H........ 35 Munroe, A. Ty ....606% 140 PNG ee 5, 209 Morrow, ‘Het 2S 0s is ee Munroe, Charles A......21 .133 Morrow, dé. eee on 13 Munroe, John R....... 130 Bi ekg ote Morrow, R. O.........122 Munroe, Miss Mary E. .97 Rtiiranate 87 Morse, Douglas........32 Munroe, W.A........ 65 Baraat 145 | Morseth, John P.......88 Munsch, Christ... ......85 BPs ol gis 211 Mort, Miss Bessie. ....165 Munson, James B......59 MeFi bie. as 28 Mort, Miss Ethel. ......63 Munson, Wm..........85 aaieaiees 174 Mort, Joseph.........++83 Murdie, John.........100 22 Se Rip 143 Mort, J. Kenneth....... 35 | Murdoch, John......... 98 BR ita ate 183 Mort, Miss M. L......189 Murdock, Frank L......48 ds ereapigs 174 Mortensen Brothers. ....98 Murdock, Fred.........48 "RT igaes 138 Mortimer, Fred G. C...217 Murdock, Mrs. QO. B...107 Je 182,228 Mortimer, F. G. C.....209 Murdock, Wm........ 223 BME shia dobicas a 138 Mortimore, 8......... 132 Murdock, Wm. J....... 82 Bhs ea & oak 5 Mortinson, Hans....... 85 Mardy de Se Scanek 75 .. 2.2... 110 Niskanen, Peter John. 508 McRae, John Howard.. .38 Nelson, Peter......... 115 Nitsch, William....... 198 McRae. Ji Che ees 70 Nelson, Peter......... 115 Nix, Kenneth R....... 206 McRae, Murray H.....137 Nelson; Ti & F.c hes « 62 Nixon; 3 AS tees 102 MeRae, Moor eere Seas 99 Nesbitt & McKinnon... .88 Nixon, Jr., Wm...:...156 MeaRae, Mo Dect seek 123 Néss, Arne2o)2) Ree -106 Noad, Arthur E....... 192 McRoberts, J. A......... 8 Ness, G. Gain 2 2) eee 106 Noad, Thomas H...... 174 McRorie, James....... 101 65s; 0. MESbs 3 ee 103 Nobert, Theodore....... 94 McTavish Brothers... .133 Neth, red <2 30 3ciaese 182 Nobel: Bros: 34:22:55 106 McTavish, mieag Saas 110 | Neth, John 32 013 weyers 79 oble, Bik 5.5.55 ae 170 MeVeigh, Chas. H..... 181 Nethercott, Lloyd & John Noble, Dv AGA ae “48 MeVicar, Hugh......... 68 94 Noble, Henry ......... 175 MeWhirter, F. W....... 45 Netten, Pieter.;:........ 86 Noble; H.-A os oe ae 68 MeWilliams, Andrew. . .135 Netzer, Andro......... 104 Noble, H.. Moi 88- 100 Neulcy, Alton B.:...... 16 Noble, James. ......... 79 N Neuman, W. O. ....... 103 Noble, Samuel R...... 216 Neutzling, Mrs. J. B....77 Noble, 2.ahai. ees aee 171 WNadiné Ho ono een 203 Neve, Millicent........ 101 Noble, Mrs. Tryphina. . 105 Nafziger, Joe........... 71 Neve, Millicent........ 210 Noble, Wiis. 2x, ae 33 Nafziger, Joseph........ 71 Nevins, Paul M....... 211 Nochren, Criss........ 201 Naismith, RoGi: eo. 103 Newby, James........ 105 Noel; Louis 035 Va 210 Naismith, Robert...... £22 Newcomb, H: G........ 60 Noffsinger, C. H....... 103 Namaka Farm Co., Ltd 104 N ewcombe, 5 3 A Seer tie 15 Noll, Frank, Wm. & Joseph Nanta, Jno. B......... 115 Newcomen, A. Gleadowe 58 164 Nanson Bros?) ci... 352% 105 Newland, F. C........ 170 Nolan, ‘Cec Ae soo 8 104 Napier: 1 Ris. ace 81 Newman, Ae Bye ioe 103 Nolan, John A........ 204 Warish: ViSsao ase 141 Newman, Butta....... 104 Noland; Fir@s... 332 eee 45 Nasadyk, Alik....:.... 164 Newman, Fred........ 103 Nordhoff,: H.-G. tees 62 Mashind Po Is oe iS: 173 Newman, Fred......... 146 Nordin, Charley + ae a 26 Nasmyth, Dr. W. W.. .204 Newman, F. E........ 104 Nordtret, Oscar ....... 110 Nason,” Aj Al: sige ies 4 Newport, Allen......... 94 Norling, ‘Andrew....... 110 Nate, Wm.G...+..... 173 Newport, Chas. 8S... 26 Norman, Mrs. M. P... .99 Nathorst, Mrs. H...... 101 Newsham, A. R....... 103 Norman, Ole........... 211 BN Y DPOS: 046. as ces 103 Newsome, F.C......... 54 Normandine, Andre 210 Naylor, Jas. A. & Thomas Newton, Frank L...... 105 Norris; Bertsoces (ose 17 76 Newton, John.......... 75 Norris, Ethel DD: ....... 103 NGMIOR 02 Bose OF25 204 Newton, Be Ave. 2.45. ee Norris, Jameés... . 0.5 219 Neal, Joseph.......... 204 ' Newton, 8. M.. 147 | North, Bertos: ceeds 16 Neary; Lot .ce 92 Newton, Willoughby ™M 153 North Dakota Farm Co., Needham Bros........ 180 Newton, W. EB. ....... 105 Ltd. eee Needham, Ralph...... 122 Nibbs, Cecil... 2. ...... 136 Northam, Wm........ 164 Needharn; A.J. 22 le? 57 Nicefor, Pietro & Malapee Northcott, Chas. J..... 165 Weel, Js Maes. feet 39 106 Northcott, George..... 105 Neff, Chas. Eo... 102 Nrohal Bros: oc gees 173 Northcott, Wm........ 156 Nem EE. Ciuc tae Leek 104 Nichol, Mrs. Daniel... .173 Nortenson, M. C....... 97 Neher, John J.......... 75 Nichol, Mrs. Russell... .94 Norton, .©,:Ays o4 See 20 Neil, James.....:... 79, 206 Nichols, Die et 61, 63 Norton; a O43 eee 90. Weil, Joseph. {s05 6 bai 173 Nichols, He He 8 e208: 3 Noteboom, Gustav..... 159 Neil-Bros: 53625 perl7e Nichols, Mrs. Minnie... .27 Nottage, Thos. Hingston Neil, Robert V........ 177 Nicholls, BeS.. 62.0%. -103 104 Neilson, Gordon. ....... 6 Nicholls, 1 SON RES peer Pete 67 Nougoier, Emil........ .38 Neilson, James C....... 79 _| Nicholls, W.A........ 227 |. Nourse, Aras.c Wises es yi Neilson, James O....... 79 Nicholson & Sons, Jno. S Novlesky, Alex........ 210 Neilson, John H........ se 185 Nowak, Joseph. ....... 104 Neilson, Lars P........ 176 | Nicholson, Joshua...... 76 Nowlin, Ernest L.......43 Neilson, Ralph C...... 120 Nicholson, 8. W....... 102 | Nowlin, J.W......... 179 IOMIS. West i aan 33 |. Nicholson, W. B....... 155 Nugent, Thos...... ete Nelson, Alfred N.......; 7 Nickelson, August. :...173 Nulson, Joseph A....... 79 Nelson, Alonzo........ 103 Nickiforeak, Stefan... .212 Numiller, Geo.......... Nelson, Andrew M....... 7 | Nicklassen, Edward....211 Nyblett, R. M.. 2.2... 119 Nelson, Andrew....... 144 | Nickle, Geo............ 54 Nymburg, Mrs. M..... 206: IWGIBOD, “AL iis ei ee 84 | Nicol, Colin V......... 115 Nye, John +s; f... ck. 38 Osmond; Anthony see NES i DOD Ub oy AS ore ae 34, 143 meayistad, Iraac.......... 107 Osmond, Mrs. Kate Ma- Palfrey Brothers........ 12 oH O.K. Farming of: Saree 206 tilda K Bik kaa o)eheea- a’ ene 206 Palfrey, jg BSE eae 227 bi Mklof, PeteO.......... &1 Otenson, HW.cA... ee 10 Palmer, Annie M....... 44 — Olan, ‘George Le Ra 177 OaRterlphe 8.03. 5. < en es 42 Palmer, Bert.......... 145 ‘Oland, DouglasG...... 27 | Ostignay, Nap........ 211 | Palmer, Mrs. Bert..... 221 Oldaker, Jr., Geo...... 223 | Ostrom, Chas......... 195 | Palmer, Mrs. Dulina. . .204 Iidenburg, R.......... 87 | Ostrom, Jakob......... 77 | Palmer, Ernest R....... 45 dfield, Wilson....... 109 ‘| Oswald, Joe........... 170° | Palmer. dy oe ceaaces 49 ; 4 Idford, 1D (ap ara 42 Othen, On AES 2 eae 26 Palmer, Frederick...... 50 Oldham, os eee 179 OPES Ie eaiis's ees aos 83 Palmer, RPO dg cc eek 115 Oldroyd, Robert M....160 | Ottewell, W........... 156 | Palmer, George......... 58 Sa Seater 47 || Ott; Cormelius.......... 26 Palmer, James T. F....113 3 = ha eeerece 108 Otto Brothers.......:.161 Palmer, R Bg oe Ce. ihe Sr SEA a 145 Ouellette, TR ge a ae eos 212 Palmer, Samuel....... 132 Oliver, Edward.........34 || Ovard, Geo........... 109 | Palmer, Sid........-..- 35 Mer ns ay 45 Overton & Gill........ 110 | “Palmer, Wm. M....... 171 GOO Saves cio. to 172 Owen, Avis Ft... 209 Palo, Shee i aR patie hae 5) 99 weever, HONG. .......... 48. Owen, SORES | eee aie, 145 Pambrum, Francis. ..... 50 Beha a 183 Owen, Sam...........150 Pamplin, eee ae. Rises toa 106 Owen, Thomas........141 Pancoast, EF. W.......115 Been TE She. 143 Owens, David..........:32 Panko, Mike..........101 BE Wn e tose. 6 129 | Owens, R. H...........60 | Papillard, Edgard.. ...159 RNG aha ie oS. 0i'sss 87 Owens Tse ae Paquette, Eddie.........8 Biswas 104 Owens, Wm...........162 Paquette, Edeas.34, 35, 39 eect Rov Saeed .124 | Owens, Mrs. Wm...... 212 | Paquette, Tobaldo..... 114 Sai 08 | Owsley, Dock.........113 |-Parenteau, Sam.......215 ECS See 10 Oxford, §-W .. ks ekes Parenteon, Pete, Lone <7 Aging 160 | Oxland, Ernest.........70 | Paris, Louis............95 "Le gaan Seer 75 Oxley, Mrs. Frank. ....213 Paris, West S.........130 2 ae 89 | Oxley, Thos. B........105 | Parish, Wm. George... .171 Isen, Mrs. Madge 101 | O’Brien, James A...... 167 | Park, Andrew......... 222 Sy fe eee 09 O’Connor Bros... .170, 180 Park. Chas: Be Sages alate Wnt lane 172 O’Connor, Wm. T.....220 Park, George: iss lnk _27 SLAP aetna 85 | O’Donnell,H.B...... 311 Parke, Chas. W.......182 eS s-« 109 | O’Donnell, Walter.....168 | Parken,S Choke ES onan ana 71 | O'Hara, Philip........116 | Parker, Andy..........10 PIR eee 201 | O’Lary, Sijmott.......108 ! Parker, Ben...........112 A Ca A 60 | O’Leary, James........108 | Parker Brothers.......149 Spates 111 O’ Malley, Middleton. . .108 Parker, eRvaa ee or carne Gertie cee Oe | 0 Neal. Ce. cen 34 | Parker, Fred......:... Piers cea 65 O’Neil, Frank M......111 Parker, Harold S......167 Re erhe ue 111 O’Neil, Garnet... . ....110 Parker, Jess.....3. 0+: Rap biaPabhi ok wea 10 OP Neil Jaa Reo oad cca eee Parke:, John W........75 RS pes 60 O’Neil, Mrs. Jas. R....144 Parker, B. H. & Johnson, Sraeduer gid 90 O’ Neil, Pe ee BLY, Se are Scene bie oes 163 | O’Neil, Larry.........208 Parker; My Foc sates scene ae os : patett eae ae |: O'Neil; Lows... 02... TO} Parker, Re Jc. ii Love 72 My OUTER. oes 111 O'Neil, We es cs crates 110 Patker: PoiGe oo. bee 58 | BOOMER. see. 111 APNG Hed. ee bcs 203 Parker Wi bes ok aos 115 mison, Oscat. 0.6.63... 59 CUNO, INOS ee ees 204 Parker, W. George...... 45 XXXIV Alberta Brand Book Pages PAT KINSON, Jus Fo ee 72 Parkinson & Sons, J... .153 Parkkari, John........ S51 Parliment, Wms Fre: 153 Parmenter, By VE es ba 35 Parrish, Ernest........ 199 Parrott, Do docs. 3 see 45 Parry, Buh so" es 62 Parry, Thomas........ 138 Parsiow, Richard...... 196 Parslow, Wm. M..... 3, 60 Parsonage, Everett Jno. .41 Parsonage, Fred R...... 48 Parsons; AB eso fk: 8 Parsons, Daniel........ 30 Parsons, Ks oes 225 Parsons, Thomas...... 180 Parsons, Walter S..... 111 Parsons, Wesley J. ra BE Pascoe; Cyril i saat 225 Passey, Wain Ts st LOS Passmore, A. J........- 71 Patchel: B-Jobeae os 48 Patching, Chas. C..... 116 Patching, Thos. W.....189 Patereon, 1. oe is 6 et 212 Paterson, Mrs. Francis F 172 Paterson, Jessie S...... 212 Paterson, Robert....... 2 Patience, THOS 72th te OS Patnaud & McMillan.113 Paton, Thomas........ 138 Patterson, Andrew C..... 8 Patterson, Andrew..... 116 Patterson, E. D....... 137 Patterson, G. W....... 116 Patterson, James...... 113 Patterson, FAS RON Ses 85 Patterson, JOON PSG es 170 Patterson, JGi 7s: 115 Patterson, J. He. 144 Patterson, Ray es ee3s 119 Patterson & Wiper..... 114, Pattisor, J.W.......- 116 Pattinson, William..... 153 Patton, Albert B...... 183 Patton, Jonn: 0% acces 164 Patton, WT 6345355 116 Pattullo, James......... 75 Pattullo: Wi T sees 113 Patzer, Emanuel ....... 42 Patzer, Gottlieb....... 117 Patzer, John.......... 116 Pauchot Bros.......... 16 Paukschen, R.A...... 133 Paul, Harry BNE a eg 66 Paul, Jon Wises kee en 75 Paul, Pisligs5 xi tae 111 Paulin, MrasG. Reet, 201 Paulson, August B..... 225 Paulson, Car Suse s 23 Paulson, Frank A....... 48 Paulson, Henry......... 67 Paulson, Ole. ......... 163 Pawlett, Chas. H. A....33 Pawsey "Brows ee ‘113 TAWBHON, IT Wis seco 217 PRY, aCOD. Ss. vee eee 114 Payne, Mrs. Bessie... ae Payne, James W....... 157 Payne, Joseph......... a Payne sOe as 50 ee Paynter & Sons, W. H. 186 Peace, Ewell.......... 143 PORRG: Nee cries We ces 72 Peachy, Frank....:.... 88 Peacock, Charles......116 Pages Peacock, George........ Peacock, John......... 148 PPR COCK sks koe acces 89 PORCOCK: Russ ota nek 173 Peale, J OSB. ven teins bo 4 Peake, Arthur.....:... 146 Pearce, Att Dr ee 10 Pearce, Francis J...... 188 Pearce, Henry E....... 143 Pearman, Francis M...223 Pearse, Arthur R........ 8 | Pearse, Jas. M.. 2.06... 225 Pearson, F. W.....<3.. 150 Pearson, Geoffrey...... 115 Pearson; BBs as 202 Pearson & Kettleson. . cer Pearson, Oscar F_ ...... 8 Pearson, Robert D.....102 Pearson, Stanley....... 116 Pearson, 8. Gs. 23 eas 6 146 Pearson, W. To s..ceus 220 eart, Daniel). $2.55. 30 Pesk, J. Howvkt eo erekes 84 Peck, Wiad. sae 112 Peckham, Ke NES orgs 121 Peddicord, W Bey = Pat Ap rine 215 Peddlesden. Augustus. . 143 Pederson, 8S. M........ 216 Peebles, David........ 212 Peel, LL. Moore... 3.3% 19 Peel, Lawrenée Moore. . .89 Peers, Lester Irving..... 89 Peet, dno. Gis s von ssk 113 Pegg, 2s: Goes ie en ok 112 Peirce, Aliéé iis, 2 ose ved Pejean, Emile......... 174 Pelltzer: 36. coss wae ke Al Pelton, Acc) ges eilci ce te 5 Pemberton, James D...185 OR: Woo. 5 sae a: isr 225 Pender, We eos. clei sie 165 Pendergast, S......... 128 Penfold, Stephen F....128 Penland, W.R.......; 158 Penn, Bryan L........ 208 Pennington, James G.. .113 Pennock, Fred........ 116 Penny: Gee oe wos oss 159 Pentacost & Sons. ..... 114 PONnton, een Poth ai oacs he 14 Peppard, John F....... 75 Percevault, M. A....... 97 Percival, Geo. D........ 13 Perkins, Alfred........ 212 Perkins & Son, B. A.. ..15 Perkins, Mrs. Harry. ..114 Perkins, R-b-7 ss. 208 Perkinson Bros. .:;..... 143 Perrault, Jr., Joseph. . .206 Perras, Emilien......... 27 Perras, Jos. G. H...... 175 Perrett, Albert. ........ 83 Perry, Arthur R....... 179 Pebty J: Weta ne cack estas 34 erry, Miss M. J. I. 113 Perry, W.G: 81 Petty Wei Be ovis 6.45 oe 152 Person, Lars F......... 90 Pestel, Ay ids ieo se cae 181 Pesta Po Go ae 107 Pestell, M. BE... ... 63... 197 Peters, Berta cee 166 Peters, James M....... 113 Peters, Joseph......... 177 WOLCTS, SOG. Saas oes .72 Peterson, Leroy.......204 Peterson, Lewis........ 179 Peterson, M. F.......4. 96 Peterson, Nels......... 104. Peterson; NWoC@: isa 213 Peterson, Olof....... Ba | Peterson, Olaf A..... rea ek Peterson, Oscar A. q net Peterson, Soren A. 113: Peterson, Thomas. 136, “139 Petiot, Frank 50 Petrie, Alewe sacs ck oa Be Petrie Brothers........ 114 Petrowits, i. «+ .:s2 sawn 75 Petter, Boos S.-i 15 Peverley, Grover T . -18 Pevey, Jerry so cena “V1 Piafi;, GH: i oe oe Pfeifer, :Cark: egies Pfeifer, Gottleib....... 113 Pfeifer, Melton H...... 112 Phelps, M. J. & G. W. 168 Phelps, N rare ie eiboae 105 Philippe, Sam.. ......216 Philipps Bros......... 213 Phillips, Alvah J... :9, 184. Phillips, As esses ae 149 Phillips Brothers....... 116 Phillips, Donald........ 30 Phillips, Dudley W 196 Phillips, G. E. G....... Phillips, James B.......73 Phillips, John H........ 62 i lips, . ieee eae 226 Phillips, Wo Rea - 5282s 156 Philput; ie Wess aomscen 38. Phipps, Vincent J......126 Phipps; Ws'd:. it aman 220 Pickering, 8. H........ 31 Pickering, Wallace T...153 Picard, Edmund..... . 42 Picard, J.:34.5 .3'ss ae 79 Pickard, IGBH ccs sick ee 109 Pickard, Eric W....... 225 Pickett & Sons, A. V....30 Pickett, Fred O....... 1227 Pickett, I. I. & Walsh, P. D e*eevere eeeeveevevee 4 Pickrem, H. L......... 212 Pieper, William........ 157 Pierce, Jas. & William. .112 Pierce, Roger (Rye sissies 122 Pierce & Company, R. D.40. Piern, Buelle ‘du Chini.120 Pierson, Alma. sic. sks ae 116 Pierson, Anton........ 116 Pierson, Oscar L.. ...... Piertz, John..... 0. Reger? be Pietz, G: Gogels sen Piggot, Jack........ << eee Piggott, George.........58 Pigl, Mathew > kp oja, Andrew E..... 38 Pilger, Otto. .6.s5.- 0s Pye; Ronald a0. os 22 a =e : Powelk ta Bis crease Oa Pye, Samuels. os. 133 on, Wallace A. .152 Powell, Perey ia. as ss 62 Pyle, Mrs. Annie...... 192 er so 10 Powell, Robert........122 Pyle, Miss Pearl.......161 i peer 224 Powell, Thomas....... 120 Pyles WW Ge ete watene 134 Ries Sock = ieee 116 Pow, David S.........132 Pylypow, Wasyl.......149 Petes e's ss 137 Powers; ©... sci aicsa cobb Pyne, Sr., Joseph......1114 + Saree 216 POWOTS Or bac osc cisie trie 117 Pyper, Mrs. N. J...... 130 mae... 168 Poxon,; - Wilfrid &.. sec e< vs 38 Pyrah, Samuel........ 112 eee... LOT Pratte, Arthur W...... 117 Mera. sols se 112 Prebble, JOSCDE: sche ss, oe Q Beard oie. s 3 ha rea pba 1 8 aa | 2 rare redis, Stephen........ 5 i Mrs. Margaret J. cy Preece, Ernest C...... 114 ear Sct Ris P.. i a ’ Henry oe Preil, Robert M.......114 Queal, L. Rex ean." * t, Gaspard. ........ 54 Prendergast, A. R...... 13 Queckborner, P. W....115 nt, Mrs. Wilhehmina Prendergast, Henry B. . .32 Quellette, Philorim. 380 Fz : 113 Prentice, John G....... 58 Quesnelle, Dorcina...... 43 nte, Abraham....... 10 Presant, Mrs. Fred.. ...128 Quick, Gordon W...... 117 Beas. os 5 175 Preston, Fred......... 187 Quick, Mrs. Gordon W117 ea 115 Preston, R..... seer ees 122 Quilter, Arthur 161 lastow, Geo. A....... 116 Prestwich, Percival R. H. Quimby, Henry Ron eee é Seat We..:..-..-s 39 213 Quimby, W.C:........ 92 “eq 1S Sn eae 112 Price, Mrs. Annie...... 116 Quine, John 105 le sted, Andrew... wee 167 PrISGC rs L a:0 ce kee ate 23 Q nian Jr., : Jno. igre ny Nae: 213 low man, Mrs. Cecilia. .43 Prige, Fravk’.y. o55°. vas 116 Quinlivan, Bian Bees 50 b Pranic: ss. 95 Price, Harry YBa AEE peng: 212 Quinn, Harry J... .. LET u | Sage ae 62 Ppa Py agin os oe ae 209 Quinsey, Edgar F...... 197 lum ay SS See 85 | Price, James....,....... 75 Quinton, Bert 48 ummer, John H.....223 PeriGG SGU soo jae cea 116 Q nfctod. Tlixh. Ati, the mi wenzel. ....,.... 113 Price, John M......... 223 Quinton, , ae eT eer PR GAS te 95° sen Price, fae ih <9 Sit Soxck aes Quinton, James D... . oa Boas S38: ae bean a Lie! AR No om pa gvneotoe Mrs. MaryEtiss tae ese yc rice, Robert James..... RO NG PSE Oe Braieeta 2 90 Price, Robert M.......212 Quist, David E........197 J re 173 Price, Samuel H.......133 i ape ea 41 | Price, William A........10 R 0 ett, John & James -| Price, William H....... 29 = MUYMPOAD es se 223 Prichard, Ri Rees. ee 137 Raab, Jr., Fred....85, 85. “Pollock, Aas & Clyde.115 Priest, Thomas........ 136 Raby, George.......... 54 Pollock, Robert....... cre) riggs, A. 3. ook ks ous 149 Rach, Mrs. dlizabeth. .182 Poole, Mrs. or eae 213° | Primrose, E.S......-. 128 Racher, F.S.........- 198 Poole, Garnet......... 116;\.. Pringle, Chas, Reco... 174 Racicot, E. B.........., 118 oe Baas 54 Pringle, John.......... 212 Radford, Ebenezer...... 40 oole, William J. ..... 116 Prints oT be cai cy ae 212 Radford, Ji) acen Caen 120 ee ttaae 6 Prismall, Albert J..:...225 Radford, J. eh 5. a ees ees Bees avs ees > 35 Pritchard, WAVIG <6 os %icnae Radford, Rh... Py ic een eee rt Seen gaN 116 Proberts, tat Bees ue ie Rading, Mrs. Clara B. .193 ee 112 Proeless, Ude Frederick .32 Ree; James. 6.2% cicadas ee cre | 23 Procter, Geo..........226 Rae, Job Gey ose AES er 165 Proctor, Bi. Boys ansurek be Rae: Po Minin: jwcnck ed pee 115 Prosser, Albert E......172 Raethke, Charles......126 5 Paper 160 Proudioot, James. ......75 Rafuson, be ea Pernt i ts: ike eae 112 IPPOURIOOG, an Pe on cree Ragan: A. Dis saiee). i) ee Mrs. Geo........ 37 Prowse, AC ee oe 9 Ragan, Paul...... 114, 149 r, James H....... 144 Prowse; JOBN, .iicosc.s z Ragan, William....... 166 nS aos aie 76 Prudden, A. Peo 222 Ragor, George..........58 BiaNevprcisy stare 72 ruden, Alex. vee oe ceaekO Raimann, Rudolph... ..122 James & Robert PPV, AVAD eons vets 80 Rainey, EXdwin........ 120 20, 120, 122 ear asia MV TDS salen 114 Hains. By Bo. cn eas as 64 ey ae 116 Pugh, J = sess stg Chee Raisbeck, Andrew.....118 (3 eae 223 Pulkrobek, Theo. J....82 Raisbeck, Luxe........ 164 us, Clarence ...... 111 Pullan, William....... 212 Raisbeck. William..... 152 Michael SPalecht ats 223 Pulley, Mrs. #.S....... 42 Rajesaneji, Frank....... 50 MEE Ce Sioncig so dL (Pain Gey Ws yie-5 56.0 wore 156 Raldar, ham. vac aie 23 ombabroeie ae .42 Purdy che re ars 85 Mall, JOR. 4's carcess ors 84 Ae 144 Purdy, Walter P.......228 Ralston, Geo. Robertson. 54 ar, Edward A....:. 40 urmal, Henry......... 64 Ralston, Henry........ 179 1 SN Gh Purtee,: J. Mi. oo. se Sea hdd Ramberg, Carl........201 einai « eieraie Purtu, Mrs. J. M......113 Rambo, Laughie.......123 James Harold...62 | Purtle, Bernard......... Ramelis, Jerome........ 16 +: Spey SPI Nia . 88 Purser Brothers.......108 Ramey, Reo. 5. 228% aaa stalave 38 Purschke, Louis........10 Ramey, R. T..........141 i hia a. XXXV1 Alberta Brand Book Pages Pages Pages Ramsay, Donald M.....30 | Reeve, James......... 118 | Rice-Jones C....:. 0... 5 Ramsay, Hugh........ 123 Reeve, Sidney........ 123 Rice-Jones, Cecil....... 87 Ramsdell, Iido........ 117 Reeves, James.......... 50 ich, HH: GC. ciawe eae 145. Ramsum, Louie D....... 8 | Reeves, N. E:......... 143 Rich, Jerome........... 72 Ranby3 Ji:G sss) oes 166 Reeves, W. H......... 213 Rich, Mrs. Mary Belle. 125 Rancier, W. He visi 199 Reich Bros. & Gery. ...193 Richards, Arthur... 'csac8 126 Randal; Eric B........ 122 Reichenberg, Daniel... . .32 Richards, George...... 210 Randall, F. Bios 4 158 | Reid, Jr.,Alex..... 166 Richards, George & Cock- Randall,S N......... 124 Reid, A. P. & B. B.. ...146 rane, Wits ie bs. ek 158 Randall, W. Gies 2 153 Reid: (Chas. ies 72 he. 171 Richards, James....... 118 andle, George........ 165 Red; Bverett 2.25 os 38 Richards, John M...... 75 Rangen, A. Te. i55. 136 | Reid, George.......... 206. | Richards, William..... 119 Rankert, Henry........ 86 Reid, JaMCS el 86 Richardson, A. E....... 10 Ranton, Thossi57 5 2. 91 Reid, POUR Gee oe oa 60 Richardson, A. E....... 10 Rare, Mrs. Annie...... 166 Reid; John Be... 3e ee 142 Richardson, Miss Beatrice — Rasch, Michael........ 102 Reid & Sons, Joseph... .37 Bo 2255 Ge 118 Rasmussen, Andrew... .120 Reid, Mrs. Katharina . . 207 Richardson, C.......... ye Rasmussen, Henry..... AAS Reid, Mrs. Oliver...... 219 Richardson, Charles A..158 — Rasmussen, J. C....... 120 Reid, Oniek Ar. tw. 168 Richardson, C H.......26 Rasmussen, J. T. E....181 Ret a Bic ae 180. | Richardson, F.C...... 124 Rasmussen, M. J. &G eo. Reid & Roe........... 122 Richardson, G. A....... 92 a orale DRUNESHER Gl ore eeyen es 124 Raid, William.........165 Richardson, G. L......119 Rathwell, Mrs. John...103 Reid, We ae 152 Richardson. Irvin...... 119 Rauer, Christoph...... 195 Reidel, SWE eer ea 134 Richardson, James..... 178 Rawleigh, Charles D...201 Heidt, Johns 3.2 ese 123 Richardson, James...... 45 Rawlins, Henry........ 64 Reiger, Andrew........ 118 | Richardson, James A... .70 Rawlins, Vincent...... 171 Re yy ING2 22. Selves cere 75 Richardson, John Ray. 164 Rawlinson Brothers. . ..107 Reimann, Henry....... 222 Richardson, J. D...... 164 Ray, George.......... 140 Reimer, Henry H ..... 213 Richardson. Less....... 89 Ray, James A.......... 50 Reimer, Jacob W...... 171 Richardson, 8S. S........ 40 Way, Rutter ey So es 180 | Reimgen, Geo......... 123 Richardson, William. ..153. Raycroft, Robert...... 123 | Reinert,Wm.......... 171 | Richardson, W.G..... 118 Rayfield, Harry........ 62 Reinhart, Ree Bee ae rae 62 Richart, Co Weisiesens, sere 58 Raytuse Wises. sores 15 Reinoehl, Frank E...... 35 Richmond, J. Vesna 118 Rayko; Pauli nisi 114 Reinoehl, Geo. Albert ..139 Richmond Live Stock Co An Raynor, R253 ee 114 Remington, fee! «inher 147 Richter, Jacob........121 Rea, Chester J........ 187 Remington, N. B...... 104 Richter; Sam... 25 sseeta 121 Rear Jas: FG ees 77 Remner, John......... 214 Rickett, John & Milton.96 es; Orval Wiis. sae 186 Rempfer, Mathias... .. 120 Rickett,. Ia9. .. aceasta ee 71 Read, Henry. ....0..... 170 Rempfert, George....... 58 Rickett, Fi feet Fete eames aa. 2.79 Meat, John 823s. 179 Rene, DeL’Escale, De - Rickmyer, Walter R. ..122 Read, John 2280s. ee 137 Vabres< i220. se 43 Riddeck, Clarence...... 26 Read, Roberti Ss 119 Renke, David M....... 97 Riddell, John Telfer... .175 Read, Smithy o ess 120 | Renke, Joseph......... 119 Riddell, R AM Cees calgneaie 123 Read e etc con he Piss 107 | Renner, C. E.........°. 19 Riddell, Wi hii 221 PORE Oe2: aicaise ee ne 63 Renner, Lawrence...... 90 Riddle, "Douglas M....184 ead & picks W.. H.. ..156.. | Renton Ay Moros... rs 3 | Riddle, Leonard.......112 Reade, Geo. B.......... 58 | Renwick,W.......... 120 | Rider, Mrs. Catharine 8.82 Reade, Richard §. B...133 Reoux, Jos. Alfred...... 72 Rider, Clifford H...... eats hye Ge ERs ees 89 | Repp, Peter........... 127 | Rider &-Cloutman..... 1 Reardon, R. E......... 38 | Ressler, Carl R........ 173 | Rider, Ellen........... 1 Rreaviey, 1.55 06,502.55 228 | Reuther, Joseph P..... 123 | Rider, Norman..... se Reay, Albert N........ 111 BW Ee ree 5c ans 115 Ridsdale; Pe Biw visions 139 Reay. Matthew........ 101 Reycraft, George...... 137 | Rieger, Mathew....... 102 Record, B. M.......... 91 | Reycroft, Thomas..... 123. | Riegle, Ho Ait. cee 151 Redd, William A...... 140 | Reymer, H.H....... ..227 | Riep, Mrs. Jessie M....118 Reddikipp, Wm. W....156 Reymond, 2 to See 176 | Rierson, Thedor....... 106 Redding, ©: Doi. eee 58 | Reynolds, A.J. 532s 223 Rowe; Sr.;. Hes. s 160 Rowe; J. dase owas 210 Rowe, Leroy........... 87 Rowell, Edward........ 37 Rowell, Emerson....... Rowell, Herb. S........°. Rowland, Jas. Jackson a3 Rowland, Thomas..... 141 Rowles, 5B Baan ee 180 Rowles, Mrs. J. K..... 228 Rowles, Mary W.....: 117 Rowles, Wesley........ 185 Rowley, Geo. Wm..... 119 Reowis, W. Gate. eRees Roy, Geo. A.........- 205 Rigg, Tus: |: awe ee eas 90 Royal Collieries, Ltd.119 Rovers Jerry. 2s20i8 ees 176 Rozemn, R. F......... 119 Rubenok, Mike........ 209 RONG is wie eels 171 Hilde {RB ati sda 169 Rudd, Wm. Thomas. . .157 Rudneff, Maxviwe rhe 223 Rudy, Herbert. ....... 111 - Ruel, Benjamin........ 15 Ruel, Napoleon........ 105 Rueschler, Andreas. ...124 Rot, Adolph 3/295 vases 223 Rufenacht, John. . S207 Ruff, Christ ens chara tere ig 85 Rule, Mrs. Jasper...... — Rullens, Augusta....... Rumberg, Alewe Ass sos Rumberg, John......... 75 Rumbold, Walter G.... .34 Runciman, Sir Walter. .161 Rund, Edward P...... 121 Rink Mary: Feasts 2503S ¥ Runnalls, Oliver C...... 19 Ruppel, Fred ......... 143 Rupio, Charles......... 20 Patek Wa SPR a 122 Rush, Chas. (EP aiteseik. 136 Rushfeldt, Jno. A....... 83 Rushmer, William..... 220 Rushton, Nicholas..... 193 RUBE WAL FEB ys 18 Rusler; Geo. Jes eves 57 Russell, Alex. ......... 176 Russell,Arlie.........5 207 Russell, Bowden S..... 109 Russell, Chas. E....... 110 Russell, Clarence F..... 48 Russell, Dermie. ....... 30 - Russell, Douglas H.. ..224 Russell, Geo. A......... 54 Russell, G. W......... 120 Russell, James E...... 146 Russell, Mrs. Jane..... 118 Russell, John A....... 161 Russell, Robert H...... 45 Peussell | Bid 2k ks 127 Russell, William J..... 220 Russe WwW. Rita ohetenh n Rusten, Peter P....... 115 Rutherford, Will....... 118 Rutherford. W. J...... 199 Rutherford, W. W..... 150 Pages Rutkay, Gabriel. ....... 58 Rutledge, Luther B..... 91 Rutten, Fo kok 98 Rutten, Mrs. Maryetta 198 Rutten, Mike. .... E20 Rutter Brothers Aer 18 utter, Samuel........ 133 Rutten, Mrs. Mary..... 99 a Jot Wee 118 . Ryall Dr Aes 30 Ryan, Cone re 24 Rian & Panik: 165, 180,183 Ryan, George.,......... 30 Ryan, J. M2 ee 198 Rycroft, Robert Henry. .64 Ryder, Francis......... 28 Ryning, Henry W..... 160 Ss Saar, Mrs.-B.B 2.0 17 Saat Re Pore aeae 121 ar W x Css. . paieaee 157 Saat, Wins eee 157 Sabee, William........ 168 Sabey, Isaac.......... 113 Sackman, John........ 216 Safberg, Albin......... 127 Sahlen, Eugenia....... 211 Sahlen, Peter.......... 109 Salaman & Cohen....... 4 Salberg, Peter......... 117 Salembier, Henry...... 211 Sallenbach, R......... 122 Salmon, Alex de N....130 Salmon, George A..... 199 Salt, Ernest) 28/2704 228 Salt, William M....... 129 Salter) Bertie? 110 Salway, Noelii io. 22 2% 133 Salzawedel, M. H. F...216 Sammons, H.E....... 125 Sample, Chasse 55 2 182 Sampson, Ernest H. §...40 Sampson, Jas. E....... 172 Sampson, Peter........ 117 Samuelson, E. G........ 37 Sanber, Henry........ 133 Sanborn, Frank........ Sand, Anthony.......... 8 Sandberg, MRE os. he ES 35 Sandeman, David P....125 Sandeman, Thos. L... | 223 Sander, Olaf E......... 42 SanderP in Sees ee 116 Sanders, Mrs. A. L......5 Sanders, C. W......... 126 Sanders, E. C saee7 0... 95 Sanders, John.......... 75 Sanders, :P): Dies pees 158 Sanders, W.Ji $3 058% 130 Sanderson, Alfred P....114 Sanderson, F. L....... 219 Sanderson, Helena...... 22 Sanderson, Jos........ 215 Sanderson, Oscar...... 129 Sanderson, Otto....... 141 Sanderson, Stanley S.. .216 Sanderson, T. I ....... 107 Sandino, Joe.......... 133 Sandino, Mrs. Torey....10 Sando, Oliver O....... 216 Sandstrom, August..... 19 Sang Tai sess 142 Sanves, OCB FS ec: 91 Santer, Charlie......... 26 Sarcon, Mike.......... 102 Sardino, Jim. Ltercasbana eG 132 i ~ Pages ES Sargeant, T B........141 Sargent, ees wes Sargeant Parker & Par- Ker. 0. 035. sp ee Sarvis;'G. G2. a0. es08 Pip Ate Sather, Bastian........ 215 Sather, Henrv......... 203. Sather, Lars P........ 21%— Satterlee, W. A........ 156 Salusberry, A. D...... 102 Sanders, D. J. & D. V..147 Saunders, D. Victor... .186 Saunders, E..... 272 ges Saunders, Geo..... Rae. Bone Saunders, W. E........164 Savage Bros.......... 145 Savard, Alexc3.4%5 ese > Se Sawyer, Fred 8: S22 169 - Sawyer, Lvle V.:.....- 180. Saxby, John L....... .169 Sayers, Mrs. Annie..... 10 Scales: Hus. fits auenoee 127 Seales, Robert......... 122 Scaman & Sons, Albert. 181 Searbery, J. W. ...... 133 Searfe, Aubrey........ 127 Scarfe, Mrs. H........ 13%: 3 Scarlett, Samuel....... i ae Schaaf, Franz........-: Schaber, Emanuel..... 200 Schacher, Phillip...... 115, Schaeht, Carle........ 115 Schafer, Fred...... ox Schafer, Hemry........ 115 Schaffer, Gottlieb....... 54 Schall, Herbert F...... 198 Schalon, Rinehart... ..133 Schantz, Arthur B,....171 Schantz, Austin Y..... 108 Schaufele, W. F....... 225 Scheer, Arthur. ........ 87 Scheer, Harry G........ 68 Scheer, T2903. yeahs 172 Schell, W. A.......... 157 Schenk, Ernest......... 42. Schielke, William...... 157 Schier, J; 2% 2.200008 186 Schier, Liss 2oaee eee 94 Schierman & Hewitt....63 — Schierman. Peter....... OFS Schimpf, George........ 53 Schimpf, Henry........ 65 Schiodte, M. R........ 213 Schlaht, Christian. ..... 26 Schlaht, John: ........ 193% : Schleiper, Hubért. 220% 91 Schleppe, Adam......... 8 Schlessger, Paul....... 215° >" Schma!tz, Jos.......... 76 Schmaltz, Ludwig...... 94 Schmelzer, Fred........ 50 Schmelzer, Herman. .24, 64 Schmidek, Herman..... 64 Schmidek, John. ....... 75. Schmidt, Edward....... 42 Schmidt, Emelia........ 35 Schmidt, Fvs os seeae 87 Schmidt, Gustave....... 87 Schmidt, Ludwig....... 95 Schmidt, Mrs. Milla ae Schmidt & Montowt.. eit P.H.& Dovey, pe ey Schmidt, Stephen. . i233 Schmitema, G......... . 201 Schnaidt, Jacob... ee .. 154 Schnarr, Mrs. A. R....191 j ‘ ‘ ‘ ea ee Ye CS ee ee hy Fe ee, ee aN 224 Alberta Brand Book 13 Ser Chris & Alex. 5 : 0 ehenmaier, Jacob. ck oettle, Gottlieb Sch Jack 0 chalet H. #. G. H. .41 nae phe & Son, Mary. 172. ‘ am, Mrs. T. Lillie. . 166 Seeker. Gustave 3c hultz, Mrs. Jno. W. ed Schulz, G. Gottfried .. humers, Louis & pete “Boot, Ds eg D tt, Huggard & Me SUS 6 Sw OS eee sees Pages Scoun;:Geo: §.i3. 6.6 Pe. 53 Scown, Samuel........ 149 Scown, Wm. Chas...... 27 Scragg, Richard........ 30 Seudder Brothers...... 158 Scurman, Edith....... 220 Séacoy shoe oy ck 127 - Seager; JeAcs <4 S254: 130 Seales Pi cA ses ou fon ee 38 Seale, John Wm....... 157 Seale IAW eee 156 Searing, James A....... 69 Searle, Hoes oes: 24 Searles, G. W.....7... 187 Sears; Cord oc Se te 26 Sears; Thomas W...... 132 Sebry, James E......... 30 Seerist; CDi, aos 168 Sedgewick, Mrs Lillian.185 Seely, John Calvice....125 Seely, Mell. .:....0..° 210 Sebr, Nick.) 4:35 23s 33 Seibold, Peter.......... 86 Seifken, August........ 217 Seitz, Jacobi Aaa 196 Selby, W. 8S. &H. H.G.156 Selk, Henry G......... 137 Selleck, EZ. M........... 94 Sells & Sons, J. A...... 136 Selman, Chas......... 174 Selthon, Louis B........ 91 Semple, Hugh......... 125 Semple, Robert........ 122 Semran, Herman...... 134 Seney, John........... 161 Bents Hrodis i et ais 215 Sept, Jacob 8. 77 Sept, Johannes......... 77 Sergeant, Rev. Jas..... 167 Seright, Robert........ 122 Service, Hugh.......... 62 Serviss, Mrs. Mary E. See Sesena, Eugene......... Sevenson; Ernest...... ios Sevier, William........ 215 DGVAOTS dos ca eee 215 Sewall & Thill......... 226 Seward, Co W..cis. 3: 26 Seward, Ni Bese is 105 Sewell Brothers heed e688 131 Sexsmith, G. A........ 172 Seyer, Fred........... 08 Seymour'Cs Fer ses oh Seymour, Fortunal..... 177 Seymour, F. E......... 6 Shackle, Guy.......... 167 Shafer, Fred. ......... 179 Shakerley, Arthur C.. .125 Shand-Harvey, J...... 215 Shand, Louie D. & Wm. | VEE ena is oe PE eae ee 31 Shand, Robert........ 215 Shand, William........ 131 Shanders, Rudolph... ..133 Shandro, Stephen...... 131 Shane, Hugh. teal averice ae 127 Shank, Lewis.......... 221 Shannon Brothers...... 99 Shannon; Dio Bs ere 33 125 Shannon, Godt icaos 179 Shannon, W. H. & A...168 Shannon, W. J. & L. H. 122842 Shantz, Henry C...... 176 Shantz, Nathan........ 30 Shapcock, E. R......... 38 Shapley, W.E........ 125 Share, Geo: G......... 131 ry 42 Serene Wilfred...... pad Sharp, Walter D Ss R Sharpe, Mrs. Carry .. Sharpe, Harry W Shaver, Coburn........ 23 Shaver, Henry J Shaw, sc aceaag Pa er Ne 227 2 Shaw, Couns Shaw, David W Shaw, Mrs. E. B Shaw & Lumsden Shaw, Wm. Henry Shearer, John R Sheffelmayer, Andreas. - , 04 Sheffield, Herbert T... Sheffield, Royal D Sheilo, Mrs. Jas. G. Shellabarger, D.M. Shenfield, rice E ; 119 Shepard, Samuel A... ef : 9 Shepherdson, Tyler... . erred a Wg Shepler Brothers Sheppard, Melvin Sheppard, glare 5 1 Sherman, Mrs. A. M... Shermerhorn & Anderson 127 Sherritt, ee. M Shine. Daniel M Shipley: J. Avard 171 Shoenenberger, W. L.. .13 xl Alberta Brand Book Pages io wa Pages Pages — Sholter, Raith. .....:... 89 Sinclair, Wm. S. & Suther- Smith, Emily A...... nO S Shond, James J........ 126 _land, Robert. ....... 129 Smith: Erle: Bai FeGees 38 Shoop, Ira W......... 128 | Sindlinger, Chas. F..... 23 Smith, Ethelbert A....178 © Share; Al D.< eels. 8 127 | -Singer, Peter.......... 133 | Smith, E. E.......... ABB: 3 Short & Fleming........ 8 Singleton, Mrs. M. H. .133 Smith, F.:d ..icet. see 389 Short, Herman B...... 214 | Singleton & Wing...... 155:. | Smith, Fredii2.4ssiuee 48 Short, James L........ 171 Sippola, Herman....... 203 Smith, Fred T......... 141 Short; TG: : nile 218 | Sirr, Percy Clarence....116 | Smith, Fred Parker... -210 | Shotwell, Chas. A...... 127 | Sisters of Charity...... |.188 | Smith, F.C......... eee : Shouldice, James. ..... 246. 1: Bitton: Nee, cos 133° | Smith, Foti aee. hen $2054 Shouldice & Sons, D. G.125 Skeen, SW: 2 See aes 130 Smith, PeMbes 3 shoes 130. - Shoultz, Herman......131 Skeith, Robert........ 122 | Smith, Mrs. F. M......215 _ Gow, Alero sc. Swe 127 | Skelding, Geo..... 137,185 | Smith, George.......... 18. Show, Walter......... 102 | Skelton Brothers......127 | Smith, George.......... 52 | Showalter & Tracht....216 | Skelton, Ene........... 35 | Smith, George......... 183 Shrively, Mrs. Almeda. 216 Skelton, Sim ....:....%. 132 Smith, Gilbert:C:. 22.2.4 59. 4 Shuell Eo Wises oak ce 82 Skidmore, C. L....... 2. 145 Smith & Goertzen....... <= Shinn, View 22 sas255 219 Skidmore, J. F........ 185 Smith, Geo. B......... 126 — Shurmer & Sons, J..... 133 Skippen, Melvin....:..173 Smith, George A. Larne. 59 Sibbald; G2 Biv 255 Foe 186 Skjaveland, Sam....... 128 Smith, ‘Geo. N...... ...59 Sibbald, J. B... ....72,179 Skjersven, John K...... 86 Smith, Geos Wiss sieeks -86 Sibley, Fi Gs. 4/6338 4 17 Skousen; L,..P... -oa508. 131 Smith, Harry....... Byer 37 Hee Siek, Prité: ooo ees 89 | Skraastad, O. T........ 52 | Smith, Mrs. Helen. .... 180 | Sicotte, Napoleon...... 210 kriver, P. Peccige dc, ose 132 Smith, Henry W........ 64 Siebert, Wm. E........ 144 | Skrock, Adam.......... 86 | Smith, Herbert....... .176 Siely, Geo; Bek. es 58 Skuce, Frank. ... 52... 199 Smith, Hugh: 355 ee 128 Bien, Cah ise. gt 22 Skuce, Sidney...... 87, 129 Smith; H. Biwsseaceus 124 Siewert, Emanuel rp eu Lite 42 Stack, deb Pit ae Smith; BH: 33a 126-4 Sigler, Vilhelm........ 149. | Slade, H. Res. a8. 179 | Smith, H.J........... 125 Sigstad, Martin O. 214. | Slade, Jobn A 22423 2oiz 148 | Smith’& Jacobs........ 145 Silbernagle, J oseph. . .139 Stater; C.. Weiss wastes 201 Smith, Jim.-<5.5 ssa) eee 96 Silby, Stewart.......... 34: |- Slater, Go... 25: oo 180 | Smith, James......... 167 Silcox, John........... 123° |. Slater, -Ru:&. Deno 45 129. | Smith, James Alfred. . .225 Rg Sn a 23 | Slattery, Mikel........ 102 | Smith, James M........ 23 Sillars, John.......... 128 | Slawson, Melisa....... 100. | Smith, J. Boo.) cerns 203, Sillib, James.......... 213. | Sleen, Otto... o. 5.0.5. 108. |- Smith, J, 34. - scans 2363 Silverberg, Oscar E....162 | Sleighter, Mrs. Helen...123 | Smith, J. HB Ziky anaes 4 Silvermann, Martin....100 | Slinger, R.J....:..... 130 | Smith} Jd... oS j Silversides Brothers. .... 94 | Slones, Hugh.......... 199 | Smith, J.S. & Johna, T. J. bis : Silverthorn, A......... 133 Slugzett, CaS : SASS 77 | Smith, J. W........... 131 Silverthorn, R. L....... 95: +: Shy, dirs: be se as 75 | Smith, John R........ 145 Silverthorne, Bruce ....125 | Small, Mis eB Le a6 100 | Smith, John Coutts 133 Silvester, 8... ........ 127 | Smalleombe, E. H.....170 | Smith, John A........ 108 Ba EE Ado as os ois 107 | Smart, Wm. Wallace. ..153 | Smith, John Ham...... 74 Sim, Walter W........ 125 | Smibert, Mrs G. H....107 | Smith, John H...... ..-69 Simister & Sons, William Smidt,J.D.H........ 223 .| Smith, John G...2 ssc PRD e Vad edhe cals Smiley, J. W..........129 | Smith, John S.....:....75 © Simmermon, Bud....... ae Smith, Albert D........ 91° | Smith, Jos Ro. 25 aoe 216 Simmonds, Chas. H....133 | Smith, Alex B......... 196. | Smith, Karl A.......... 82 Bipmona; As i 8s. seas 6. | Smith, Jz; Alex. 2.2: 10 | Smith; Kathleen........86 Simmons, Chas....... 126 Smith, Dr. Allison... _. i35 | Smith, Lorne........... 94 Simms, Harry R........ 87 | Smith, Anthony J.:..... g | Smith & Co., Mary....102 Simms, Robert........ 120 | Smith; Archibald B.. | ‘215 Smith, Marshall.......149 _ Simonds, Herbert...... 125 | Smith, ArthurD...... 126 | Smith. M.P.......... Simons, W.O......... 214 Smith, Mrs. A.B... Je... Smith, Oleha V........ Simpson, Benjamin D.. .31 Smith, Asse aes hae 75 Smith, Oliver Milton, 180 Simpson Brothers........ 8 Smith: Ao Ves oe 147 Smith, Jt., O| Hex ecaee 140 — Simpson, EF. M........ 128 Smith Brothers... 7.... 126 | Smith’ & Over...... +3. dea Simpson, George....... 106 Smith Brothers........ 135 Smith, Percy A. ....s.sseme Simpson, Harvey....... 3 Smith Bros. (H. E. & Smith, Percy King......82 — Simpson, John D....... 79 Wie dt aes ate eens 215 Smith, Prest & Hunt...221 Simpson, Moses........ 14 Smith & Sons, Benjamin.15 Smith, Rankin P......112 Simpson, Thomas...... 141 Smith, Carl Liss Se 23 Smith, Robert. ..... se cmaee Simpson, Victor....... 148 Smith, Charles A. ..19, 143 Smith, Jr. Re Ditwes - 122” ‘Simpson, Wm.........; 15 Smith, Charles 60). ick 23 Smith & Rowell.......128° Sims, David B....... .160 Smith, Charles: eit Ax 59 Smith & Saar...... os kG pms, lima. coves 130 Smith, Charles........ 129 Smith, Samuel Chas.. .131 — Sims, Mrs. Minnie..... 132 Smith, Chasiah «er. ages 25 Smith, 8... wie «von yaiea Sims & Sons i203. Se 126 Smith, Chass Re... s as 23 Smith, Sam: 5.2 \3ce 129,180 — Sims, T. Basing 0% sie 17 Smith, Chas. R........ 124 Smith, Samuel R.......76 — Sinclair “Awe: }, 22.8 99 Smith & Cain......... 128 Smith, are os S....aG Sinclair, A.M: interes 5 Smith, Clinton........ 124 Smith, 8. G. .. ss sais eee Sinclais, AS Ma oe ak 5 MD CoH: ecko ss Sas 192 Smith, S.J . 3 sey at Sinclair, BOvb tke aes 5 Smith, C. F..V:-R.. 148 Smith, Thomas. So ele cts ar Sinclair Brothers...... 107 Smith; DOA . viii cs 185 | Smith, Thomas..... os ds Sinclair, Francis H...... 95 Smith} DD. Bie esc 144 Smith, ore We eee Sinclair, Lauchlin. . .93, 168 Smith, Sr., Edward..... 36 | Smith, V oa side Sea ; Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth. .197 Smith, Wallace 00 fed Alberta Brand Book xli Pages Pages | Pages OT ith a sue 125 Southwood, Mrs. Eliza- Stange, John.......... 163 eran 15 ate Neagle Stanger, James.........79 Bee eae. 170 Sovde, Erick...........42 Btenger, J. Wess... 48e Bee 59 Spackman, R. B.......166 Stankiewich, Ignt......216 ‘Srare as tn JOO Spane, Ju B......... 104 Stanley, James........130 orb ie hs 125 | Spang, Mrs. Flora B....93 | Stanley, Robert A.......8 pectixa igs 44 223 | Spanke, A. J...........10 | Stanley, Walter M......42 Sprit ha «os 149 | Spanke, Sr., Herman...216 | Stanton, W.H........192 | eee 216 Sparks, 30:30... cn. weak Stapel, Gustaf.........201 nyt pa eee 108 Poumon Saree iasig Staple Bros... .-2.. 3.4 * $82 es lee Saas 201 Sparling, F.... .. 2. 48 Stapleford, John Wm.. .215 Be Pach oi 8x 132 Sparrow, Wm. Gc’. $e Staples, Frank . .218 .H....60 | Spece, Mrs. Jane....... 72 | Stapleton, M.J....... 183 2 eA 78 Speck, Gordon..........6 | Star Ranching Co., Ltd. a ES ai 80 Speers, Fred H........202 184, 185 as, Deane 128 Speers, Joseph...........7 Siar 2 Wa ee ee es: gue 132 '! Speers, Mrs. W.J.....127 | Starch, John.......... 129 ee 115. | Spencer, G.M.........52 Starke, Geo... ... iat PETAL ies ssn 219 | Spencer, James......... 76 | Starks & Burton 7, 148, 183 A) Ee Oe 129 Spencer, J. A.......... 128 Starleys & Twist. . .30, 215 DN gk sin. o> 222 | Spencer & Sons, Jas.S..216 | Starling, Cave J....... 132 .--158 | Spencer, Mrs. Margaretta Stashko, Elex.......... 40 Poe es Gia sid 8 161 Statter, Fo3. osc. 238 Sy eee 127 Spencer, Philip & Taylor142 | Stauffer, N. B......... 171 ARE ee 187 Spencer, Robert.......123 Stauffer, Oliver W.....128 | Ee eee 214 Spencer, Robert....... EEG Stauffer, 8:.°C 0 108 SES ee 129 Spencer, Sam A.......102 | Stauffer, William......214 a 191 Spengler, Jacob........ 132 | Staughton, H. B........ 64. oe ae 174 | Spett, Chris...........176 | Stauth, Ernest........130 gears; 131 Spicer, Thomas........130 Stearns, Se emcee DS cot 217 NAM Bo 5555 en a ok oe td: | Steed, A.iA......5...2 176 pan ear So eae 129 Sponholz, Henry.......225 | Steed, David M........28 B otiek¢'s-« 104 | Spooner, Charles.......157 | Steed, F.O. & A.M...149 2 ey a 157 Snorage Aa os 8). anceps 42 Steed, Joseph E........ 73 eee 41 Spragg,G............108 | Steed, Henry Thos......68 “RS ere 131 Spragg, Miss J......... 42 Steel, Robert........... 16 ease 130 Spragge, C. H.........159 Stele, JF 8 ates Se ahsiigie 215 Spraggs, Albert........216 She Wid a rts. le an 156 wden, Ernest G..... 42 | Sprague, S. W......... 125 | Steenson, Miss Clara J.179 Mowden, Kenneth J...184 Spracue, VT; Ge... oss 102 Steever, Fred......... 106 owden, Thos. Wm...140 | Spratt, V.C.......... i Steer, Leopold Geo.. |... 37 ere 3 Springer, Frederick F . Steffes, Mrs. Georgiaina 161 Bees ani ais 138 Springer, Fr ae Steffin, Ben..........215 meyder, JACK. «3.0 es. % 75 Springer, Pearl........ 116 Beonenn, Boi. vce ec. 38 Snyder, Norman B.....106 | Sproat, Q.M.......... 102 | Stehr, Johannes........ 77 Snyder, Samuel S...... 129 | Sproed, Chas........... 26 | Steigel, Jacob......... 128 Sockett, James......... 77. | Sproule, A.C. ........ 133 | Steiner, Emil........... 25 Soderberg, Plex Lies: 3. 139 Sproule, Mrs. Emma D.125 | Steiner, Walter......... 47 + Soderstrom, Axil L...... 95 | Sproule, Oliver........ 111 | Steinhoff, Wm. C...... 157 Sogge, John........... 133: | Spurlin, D.iA. fo..c23. 126 | Stenble, Joseph Bile at tae 130 ue a ree 125 Spurlin, Be Oe aah 170 | Stenberg, John........ 128. Beeaierat a: 105 Spurr, Archibald H....215 Stenson, Bros.........184 ee ee a's Ne 20 Squire, Alfred.........139 Stenson, CHAS, ooo s5.0 ee is: eee 73 St. Clair, Ernest L......43 Stenson, Lillian L..... .223 Recta lobes 126 | St. Clair, eater oe ope di Gee Stensrud, I. H.........127 hand 193 Sti Clair. Wei Aa rs aed Stensrud, Olaf O........51 Somerville Bert N..... 133 | St. Germain, Chas...... 19 | Stepchuk, Michael. .... 216 i SS Renee 86 PtP ONT ath. are oes 128 Stephen, S. F io pe let 131 aeaeeery ©? § St. Pair, Joseph....... 132 Stephens, Geo. W. & Sam © Rp e ee 67 St. Peter Bros.........126 Bysshe, a 3ommus, PEO EI 6 5 soe 169 Staack, Peter M....... 152 Stephens, Mary...-.... 209 Somville, Louis........ 164 Stachofski, August... ..129 Stephenson, A. A........ 9 "Sonberg, Chas........ 216 Stacker, Neil M....... 105 Stephenson, Baldur....160 Wey aes, choo 213 Stackhous, Luella E... 2125 Stephenson Brothers. ..125 © RL eae eles 180 Stafford, Ashbury P....215 Stephenson, G......... 125 Sorensen, Elizabeth... .197 Stafford, Frank Norman.48 Stephenson, J: H...107,;126 ‘Sorensen Stock Co., Ltd 214 Stafford, Matilda E....170 Stephenson, Thomas..... 8 ' Sorenson, Henry...126,132 | Stafford, Norman...... 106 Stetson, Jas.S........ 216 SS Ss ea a ep 133 Stager, Morris.......... 96 Stevenett, Allison...... 219 renson, Soren. ..125, 215 Stagg, John C......... 124 Stevens, Allan R........ 8 orgard, George....... 179 Stahl Broskc . os-ccnte vias 215 Stevens, A. A......... 149 i 2p Rae 133 Stainforth, Robert A. 223 Stevens, Blanche...... 219 Sortland, Rasmus R....122 | Stainsleigh,H......... 202 | Stevens, Clara P....... 147 : lee Scents 108 | Stalley & Nicoll....... 133 Stevens, Chester........ 20 BE slr Stars 215 Stamford, T. B........141 Stevens, C. R..........20 ish reaps 178 Staneley, Lewis.........91 Stevens, J. R..........144 alec atat: Uae! bad 129 Stanford, Nunham..,...159 Stevens, Mrs. J. R.....134 Stanford, Wm. Joseph... 21 Stevens, Mrs. Katharine 194 . Sal xii Alberta Brand Book Pages : - Pages Pages Stevenson, Alex....... 134 | Stonelake, B:A........ 65 ~| Sullivan, H. J.....179, 216 — Stevenson, Alex....... 183.: | Stones; F323 seo ee 48 | Sullivan, John...... Rs i ee Stevenson, Jr., George...59 | Stoney, James Butler. .169 - Sullivan: Jos, a4 7 "128 Ce Stevenson, George Kemp 74 | Stoneystreet, Joseph. ..127 Sans : b ea a ice Ae 205 4 Stevenson, George..... 113 Stontenbursg, Herbert. . .64 UlZ, JACOD...+.4.4.-..131 Stevenson, Geo. W. ..86 | Stopp, Alvin'C:... 2... -132 Salz, Karli..is054 3 Oe Stevenson, Harvey..... 131 Storey, Esther, .... 5... 42 | Sulz, William.......... 128 — Stevenson, JohnG...°.. 32 | Storm, Charles........ 183 | Summer, A. B......... We Se Stevenson, Mrs. Miewnt “ Py on oe bet eee 144 Summerfedt, Ferdinand..82 tots, Johns sos oe 129 4 5c grae Stevenson, Ralph...... 123 Stout, Mrs. N.S...... 126 Sumner, A.M......... 216 Stevenson, Robert G. ..180 Stovel BCre oy ee 124 Sundberg, Albion...... 112 Stevenson, William ...59° |; Strabins; D2 91 Sundgard, Ole P.......228 Stevenson, W.S....... .129 | Strachan, I..... Rr ear 75 | Sundquist, Axil........ 140 Steward, O: J: 052.4." 85 | Strain, P..........:..116 | Sungren, Mrs. Hester..126 — Stewart, Alex & Jas....124 Straka, Ludwick....... 132 | Sureman, Henry....... 156 Stewart & Son, Andrew . Strang & Sons, Jas. P. .144 Sureman, Jr., Henry. ..202 109 | Strangeways, Edward ..134 | Sureman, Mary Get 53 Stewart Brothers...... 104.-'| Strarid- Coe ea 26 | Sutherland, Mrs. Agnes. _ Stewart Broths:s...... 133 | Strand, Hartvige A...... 5 | Sutherland, James F. Stewart omens ence Strange, Albert E...... 223 | Sutherland, Mrs. John.. “138 e Stewart, Carl: 2205.42. Strathmore Farm Co., +e Sutherland, Kenneth. ..217 _ Stewart, Tatsenaed & David,’ 186 Sutherland, L. D....... 89 Sibation: Hubert...... 187 | Sutherland, T:........ 208 Stewart; ©. 253.4555 176 Stratton, Roy......... 124 | Sutherland, Wm. K 156 Stewart, Francis........ 45 | Straubt. John.........; 59 ution; GoW... case 133 Stewart, James A...... 187. |. Birause; J. Resse 122 Sutton, F. Be. Ahi 45 Stewart, James......... 79 | Street, D.M.......... 127: |. Sveinson,.J &. Voss wan 129 Stewart, Jas. D........ 162. | Stref, BE: Me a 41 Svenby, Nels.......... 159 Stewart, Jack......... 125 |.Stringman, Geo. L..... 126 | Swallow, Rowland.....177 Stewart, John A........ 27 | Strobel, John G........ 57 wan, Alex |. 3... Jo fey 137 | Treyvand, Hipbert ae cis 122 | Urquhart, William...... 23 capper, Ge Ae oS 143 Tricker, Mrs. W. H....108 Ursenbach, O. F...... .218 MIAO, ven es 86 Tricker- We Ve. 147 Uswell, Christ......... 145 eupe?, Frank... ooo cs ons 49 TRACE ee a Foye es 16 Uttley, & Son, Jo. 54 159 Tod, Robert Smith... ..125 Trimble, David......... 22 P Todd & Carey... 7% 137 Trimble, May......... 10 V Todd, George. ......... 54 | Trimble, H.M........ 185 Todd, George......... 162 Trimming i. Roo 214 Vader, Fred. 2 eee 1 ‘Codd, Joba’ P = 2 o0 355 185 Trimming, J. E.-& B.. .194 Vadnais; Re d15 ae ee 120 Todd, Lotte... ook 177 | Triplett, Geo. Bees aed :135 | Vadnais, Richard...... 185- Todd, Michael. ........4 5 Tesh, Lee oe 134 Valentine, P. W........59° BPUCBBIOY Gis on sae efit 135 | Tritten, Samuel....... 129 | Vaile, C. BL. loo 147_ Toews, Henry L....... 219 Trockstad, Edwin...... 137 Vain, Peter... -3.0. eee Toews, Peter W....... 116 Prone; A eee a ee 164 Valetsko, Steven........ 1l Tofield Coal Co., Litd.: 217 Trotteau, Frank. :..... 116 Vallance, Joseph. ...... 142 Ee Dae aR aR fe 161 (ft Trotter, DoW 2. east 193. | Vallance, Robert...... 44° Tolley, Charles..... 24, 193 Trotter, JONN. vs. tee. 136 Van, William John... .. 154 Tolley, Jesse P.....:.; 205 Trottier, Andrew........ 8 yo Bec: Mrs. There- — Loulev; Bod vncioe eee 128 Trottier, Bo eo. 129. SIS Tolley, Wms Boi 152 Troyer, Harvey......... 68 Van Beiskirk, Wm. ....183_ Tolman, Mrs. Catharine. 64 "Erie: JODN ce. eee k tk 140 Van Blorcon, CDs. orad Bonen; eG he 135 Proeman, Aveo eso 8: 98 Van Brabant, Gentiel . Tomfohr Brothers. .... 136 Tschritter, Jacob. ...... 79 Van Brocklin, C. A... .. = Tomkins, Mrs. L. A... .217 Pups. pOun 2. Sie 218 Van Brunt, E. W...... ia Tomlin,. Mrs. Av... . 222 Tucker, De Ree: 29 Vance, B.. Ci. teas 87. Tomlinson, H. W....... 65 | Tucker, Elwood L...... 76 | Vance; Jol... 3.35. .58 147— Tompkins, Frank...... 172 muGKer, fh Wess 20 oe 187 Van Delinder, R....... 147— Tonkinson, Frank...... 51 "Pucker? Jone: Oi eee 79 Van Dellen, L.. <2. ..2. 149 Toone, Geo. Ernest..... 59 Tucker, John C... .201, 217 Van de Mote Mrs. P.. ..85 Toote, Edward........ 177 | Tucker, Norman....... 184 | Vanderberg, W........ 149° Topley, John. ......... 134 Tucker-Bs Ma: 120 Vanderburg, J. E...... 146 Alberta Brand Book ee se eee n Schaick, ‘an Sickle Bros....... 149 x r Verdegham, Jno. .146 fan Wagoner, Parley.. a ‘an Wart, E. H ee Shin Pred: O00. 51 Bepan, AR 2 BSI eee 82 ee ee ey ee Fill eneauve, a Cane an 6 ince “i ACME Sy. 8 5. OL, 116 Baere, Benja. Lucas... 18 Garitoae 203 dats wes 148 ape GR ae ,39 od. Robert H..... 160 Brothers......... 62 2S Bare OS le 146 cS naa ee 96 n Schmidt, Geo. E.. at ror om, 2 ‘an Wart, Geo. T..... 212 ‘ ur Winkle, 5 27 ia 149 ‘Augustin. .10 2 ewark, W.B.... 7 Gabe, “30 in SW irstemburser. aie 00) Gy Ty 2 os 80 osburgh, Ernest L..... 43 ( Peed ODN (3/545 111 fe} 159 room, Mrs. Harold P. .149 Miss Marion. . .106 Toom, Mary E....... 195 room, Ralph E....... 120 ; Pages Vruland, James A...... 201 Ww Wacker iG Wr eiwes 9 Wacker, Mrs. J........ 221 Waoker Winks oie Wacome, cise ie hateD Waddams, D.M....... 95 Waddell, S. Y, Mrs. Ros- etta & Hazel, Eileen. .62 Waddell, Thos. G...... 201 Waddell, Robert 8. ..... 82 Wade, Bernard L...... 208 Wade, Edward......... WSOP, Se Bers Seen ere aon Wadman, Frank........ Wadstein & Sons, Chas. ist Wadstum, William..... 157 Wagner & Sons, A. L..155 Wagner, Edward...... 219 Wagner, J. L. & M. J. & Schaber, sy Dalat D. 47 Wagner, William . .157 Wagstaff, Chas......... 47 BV anil, Otto. rips ae 154 AV abl Philip 24 ee: 58 Wahlund, Mange...... 102 Wainwright, George... .219 Tk wa CD og Neerle le terse 186 Wake, Walter......... 134 Wakelyn, Wm.S...... 129 Walback, Henry........ 19 Walbersloh, Henryiisvee% 68. Walburger, Jr., John. ..146 Walburger, S. Sot. Se 69 Walburger, Thos....... ral Walden & Sons, N. B..116 Walezah, John......... 80 Walker, Andrew K.....229 Walker, Arthur........ 177 Walker, A.. K..27, 28, 53 Walker, Ao Rese le 154 Walker Brothers....... 154 Walker, Chas. A..7..2. 162 Walker, Christ........ 201 Walker, D. @isx ts Walker, Mrs. E. J..... 150 Walker, 'E. 8i.438 53 33% 5 Walker, Frank A. K Bea Walker, Bo -W os Gi 50 Walker, George......... 44 Walker, Geo. R.......108 Watker, 'G.Byois h yen 43 Walker, Gordon........ 74 Waker FW: doce 147 Walker, James........ 112 Walker, James H...... 220 Walker, John’.’.25 cos 72 Walker, Joshua........ 151 Watker, JOA KK 2 ee 72 Walker, J. Ws 2008 [ay 154 Walker, JW. ic ed 172 Walker, Mike......... 208 Walker, Robert........ 159° Walker, Samuel E..... 126 Walker, Stevenson..... 151 Walker, Thomas....... 155 Walker, Thomas F..... 112 Walker, Thomas H.. ..138 Walker, W. T. Arthur....8 Walker, W. L. & Ward, ms di a py sao Wall, Cre Ta sens ia Ses 39 Wall, i psec 6h | PRR iene 3 162 Wall, A CATES TER al cape ae Mae gee 150 Wall, Maurice......... 164 Wallace, Alex R....... 229 Pages Wallace, Annie E....... 89 Wallace, JACM cusk te Wallace, Hiram A...... 54 Wallace, John. ........ 161 Wallace, Joseph H...... 80 Wallace, J. M.......... 80 Wallace, Jibs se aay 80 Wallace, Maurice J....151 Wallace, R. W........ 106 Wallace, William...... 154 Wallen, John.......... 199 Wallenwein, Andrew... .45 Waller, Wm. H........ 100 Wallen, Joll............ 76 Wallington, J. C........ 80 Wallington, W. H...... 151 po laret: 01 te am O Deer ime ate 152 Walmsley & White... . .225 Walmsley, William... ..220 Watlrothy= Wi Esco csi 177 Walscott, BE. P........ 114 Walsey, John......... 145 Walsh, George........ 154 Walsh, George......... 163 Walsh, Henry J....... 179 Walsh, Joseph N...... 199 Walsh, Redmond & Harry » LES seen oar tuners eS 182 Walshe Hide soc oie 39 Walter, Albert E...... 171 Walter, Grant......... 150 Walter As 2.043 £48 156 Walter 5A. 2 cee 93 Walters, Charles....... 196 Waltham, OS (EE 135 Walton, Geo. A....... 183 WV BICONE ee cree 2 Walton, William........ 97 Walz, Mrs. Geo 7733 59 Wambeke, Charles...... 26 Wanamaker, H. L...... 67 Ward, Benjamin.......155 Ward, Brothers........ 128 Ward, Brothers........ 220 Ward, Bruce Poss ees 14 Ward, By Be aes 150 Ward, Mrs. E.T... .... 34 Ward, James E......... 78 Ward, Jones. ceo 137 Ward; JOH Bsus ie nsus 180 Ward, H Ret palebent eae ales CN 76 Ward, Leo: Jes era: Ward, Leo & Oswald... .30 Ward, Norman........ 106 Ward, Samuel S....... 168 Wardell, Geo. W....... 55 Warden, F.. Fi. oc ae. 44 Warden, John C....... 170 Wareberg, M. H....... 219 Warenboldt, Julius... ..154 Warkes, Margaret M.T ae Warlin, W. A oes. Warnbold & Dodd. .... 155. Warneke, Fred.....:... 49 Warner: Av AUsint pice 10 Warner, FH ne 138 Warner & Son, Fred M. .59 Warner, Geo. Lee....... 12 Warner, J. W.......5.. 70 Warner; Po. Os ous ne 116 Warnock & Bolster. ...107. Warrall, Alfred J...... 154 . Warren Brothers...... 201 Warren, Mrs. E. E.....186 Wiarréen, 15, Fie e583 65 Warren, Mrs. Falkland. .39 Warren, Hel i oi aes 68 Warren, John Rogers...118 xlvi Alberta Brand Book Pages Pages 4 Warren, Jha ident. 17 Weidner, Fred......... 153 Wheeler & Sons, E. r “TST 7 Warren, 1. Novice.) es 91 Weijers, Avda ee 7 Wheeler, Geo. A....... | Warren, W::3222. 33% 150 Weiland, K. J:..22035.5. 86 Wheeler, Orville C..... 126 — Warrender, James...... 80 | Weiler, Ferdinand. .... 178 | Wheeler, Tom......... 152 © Warth, Adam K........ 86 Weiner, Espy Austin....40 | Wheelwright, S. A..... 129 © Warwick, R. OF ee ees Weinbon, JRCOD 5c 2.254% (224 Whibert, John....:..... 76 Warwick, Robert O....207 | Weiners, J............. 80 | Whidden, R.S8........ 1 Washington, Benjamin. .18 Weir, Douglas S........ 82 Whiffen, Horace E..... 170 Waters, Ralph........ 221 Weir, Mrs. Frank A.....51 Whipple, Edwin. ...39, 185 — Waters, R023 eal 150 Weir, John W.S.. . 61, 103 | Whipple, Frank....... 175 3 Waters, 8. Giessen Weir, IN: Ante Ooo ae eg 106 | Whissen, C. M........ 162 Waterstreet, C. C...... 157 Weiss, Jr., Christian. 4 White, Albert......... 172 Waterstreet, J. C...... 205 eiss, dward........ -129 White, Arthur R....... 119 Wathen, H. sisi ae 178 Weiss, Emmanuel W....39 wae A. L. & Wemyss, © Watkins; Chas. F.>..:: 173 Weiss, Ferdinand...... 140 | 2 Joh. AS eee } Watkins: © yo issewnr: 26 Weiss, Fred. . 2.35855 28 white, Barclay M..... 160 — Watkins, E. W. & F. M154 Weiss, Henry......>... 68 | White, David A....... 181 Watkins, Joseph.......- 159 Weiss, John de UiSarasaes 76 | White, E. B. T..... inte «Oe Watrin, Gi ieee) 106 Weiss, Sr., John..:.... 218 White, Fred L......... 188 — Watson, Angus. ...:0.: 178 Welch; Bdiacss freee 155 White, George...... <5 cee il Watson, Aubrey 'Ci:.<. 68 ' Welch, Richard........ 139 White, Boise 174 Watson, Aubrey-C...... 19 Wellington, James & Al- -White, James......... 221 Watson Brothers...... 104 com, Miss Maud..... 76 | White, Jobaiz 3. 237%. va 3 Watson & Son, Brodie. .193 Wellman, C.. V2.5 171 White, J. Arthur........ 72°34 Watson, Edward........ 86 Wellman, Frank L....:. 41 ite, J. Mie etre Watson, Ernest W..... 185 Wellman, Mrs. F....... : ‘White, J. Ress 7k oe 122 Watson, Fred M....... 209 Wellman, Roy H....... 24 White, Manford....... 153 LE | Eee aeree 65 Wells & Sons, O.G....110 | White, Mrs. Margaret A. Watson, James S...... 154 Wells, Arthur. (i383 3 8 1 Watson, John.......... 80 Wells, George.......... 11 White, M.W.&R.W..174 | Watson, John......... 229 Wells, Clement. ........ 26 | White, Perey C........ 178 Watson, J. Russell. .... 150 Wells, B23. 193 White,.S: Aj :K 23456 185 Watson, J. Vigres ee 148 Welsh Brothers........ 154 White, Wm............ 104 — Watson, J: Wess cs 167 Welsh, Eu 32s). cee 4{ White, William........ 220 Watson, Lees .2. ces: 95 Welsh, Go 'D22 ase 59 Whitbread, Mrs: haga 52 Watson, ME Gee oe fares 179 Welsh, Johbniic 3233.5 80 Whitehead, Isabella....177 — Watson, Richard...... 214 Welsh, Js: Pier wae 159 Whitehead, Wm. M....157 — Watson, Thomas...... 153 Welsh, Mrs. Katherine . .86 Whitehorn, Elsworth N.106 Watson, Thomas...... 156 Welsh, Vincent........ 219 Whiteley, Jno......... 168 Watson; W.G. sees 31 Welshimer, BE Ses 220 Whitelock, Frank...... 145 © Watt, Geoi sis cee 54 Welton, 0. G.t. i.e... 175 Whitelock, 00. WEE ae 59 Watt, JORN sigseaaue. f4i 80 | Welzbacher, Anton...... 9 Whitelock, B Bis oes er 198 Watt, John & =o ames R. .154 Wendelbae, Michael O...12 Whitesel, Geo. Heeraskee 59 Watt, William......... 154 Wenk, J. Rudolph..... Whiteside & McGillivray - Watts, Allan F.C...... 46 | Wenstrom, CaflL...... 24 168 | Watts, Ny: Gus aoe os Wenz, Jacob.......... 153 Whiteside, William.. ...154 — Wattum, Emil......... 38 | Wenzel, George......... 59 | Whitfield, Jno. William 150 — Wayant; 8: Je. ines 151 Wenzel, W. H......... 103 | Whitfield, Mrs. Agnes....5 — Wearmouth, Thos.....139 | Werdner, H........... 148 | Whitfield, Robert...... 220 Weatherby, 5 Eee SS 182 Werner, Fred......... 221 Whitford, Mrs. Mary. .150 Weatherby, Percy...... 39 "Wieet Berga 2 oe 111 Whiting, Harry......... 68 Weaver, Abram C...... 33 West, Frederick pees AEE 49 Whitney, A. J....5.... 184 _— Weaver, Albert........ 150. | West, John.........0.. 6 | Whitney Brothers...... 170% Weaver, Chas. R...... 150 West, Hi Sy prt Eee 114 | Whitney Brothers...... 170 Weaver, Riley. ...:.... 212 West, Robert......... 179 Whitney, F. L ..45, 161 Webb, Arthur Wm....... 8 | West, William E....... 154 Whitney, Grant D..... 17 Webb, Bes eae 227 | Westbrook, Minnie....137 | Whitney, J. R......... 226 Webb, Chee ee olsen -146 | Westcott, Thomas...... 42 hitney, L. F......... 196 Webb, iV ie 150 | Westergreen, A.......... 8 | Whitson, Geo. H...... 100 Webb, Samuel A...... 135 | Western, Thomas...... 157 | Whitson, MS Sys 153 — Webb, Si dceniers sea Sf Westin g A S562 2% sey 150 Whitson, Stanley...... 154 © Webber, Fred G@..3shes 62 | Westin, BE. A.........., 34 | Whittaker, H. A. W....155 | Weber, Mrs. Ed....... 218 Weston, Ts Bt 23. es 41 Whittaker, I. J........ 150 © Webster, Dick & Wm..165 | Westover, Edward...... 39 Whittaker, Ronald R. J.151 ly Webster, EllisG....... 185 | Westover, Geo. E...... 197 | Whittaker, S. W....%.. 134 Webster, Gerald. ...... 182 | Wetherall, F.S........ 130 | Whittock, J. W........ 7103 Webster, H. P.......... 72 | Wetherelt, Thos. H....217 | Whyte, James Bowie...154 Webster, John.......... 72 | Wetherilt, James E....154 | Whyte, John.......... 138 — Webster, Reginald G...121 | Wetmon, Wallace H...202 | Whyte, M.I.......... 100 — Webster, R. M......... 76 | Wetsch, Frank......... 51 Whyte, William....... 151 e Weddick; Chas........ 201 | Wetzel, Guy. .......0.: 60 | Wick, Samuel......... 138° 3 Weddle, N. E......... 155 Oper NE sco Fo 10 Wickersham, Olin B..212- Weech, William........ 98 | Weymark, J. H........ 220 | Wickham, Sidney...... 215 | Week, C. Gilbert. ..... 158 | Wheatley, Fred........ 221 | Wicknes, Thomas, ....151 _ Weeks, Oscar D........ 39 Wheatley, P. V........ 14 he areigel | Dee reat ee 155 | Weeks, W. F...:...... 153 | Wheaton, Mrs. Lotta....70 | Wicks, A. John....... 147 # Wegner, J..J....0...%. 155 | Wheeler, A. W2.....-. 151 | Wickson, Grace F......47_ 4 Weidenheimer, Robert.. .35 Wheeler, D. A..... 2... 225 Wickstrand, J. E. 2 Ai ae 39° a Alberta Brand Book _xivil Pages Pages ae RNR eso oyun 8 49 Williamson, Arthur......9 Winslow, E. W........196 Si. aero 49 Williamson Bros.......217 Winson, William John. am ety Rieke 221 Williamson, D. H..172, 183 Winsor, J. Bios. sete Sen 171 Williamson, Edgar B.. .146 Winsor, Mary......... ist SNe agrten 65 Williamson, Ernest......33 Winter, Frank R.....:.48 Bee er ens 157 Williamson, Ernest... . .197 Winter, Noel R........105 eer nats ies 68 Williamson, Frank A... .46 Winters, John.........220 SR 154 Williamson, F. D.......47 | Wintermute, S........225 St Ree TOR eee 213 Williamson, F. D......162 Winthrop, E. 8..........3 RE 2 BAR 151 Williamson, R. G......184 Wirsch, August..........8 MN Bicis bad 10 Willoughby, Wm......220 Wirsch, Jr., August. ...175 HER waa 162 Wills, Fred............49 Wirsh, Donald.........32 Bicoas 161 Wills, Harold..........62 Wisdom, R.N........181 en ce tis 28 Wills, Wm. Percival... .151 Wise,. J. Weise 80 OR aaa oem 33 | Willson Brothers......155 | Wiseman, Harry.......228 Bs wellbeain 146 Wilmott, F. B..........46 Wishart, Mary........186 os Wilson, Mrs. Agnes....185 Withage, Godse sc eo, 58 oS pean 108 Wilson, Albert Allen. .151 Withers, Phoebe.......153 egg icsiet 65 | Wilson, Alice J........154 | Withington, Rex M....159 warren, Hans F...:..... 47 | Wilson, Allen......... 109 Witt, Reginald....... .154 NSE. Dee 137 Wilson, Mrs. Annie W..28 Watta ts o2uictiicn, aaa 191 Vilcox, Mrs. Bertha M.146 Wilson, Az EB: 2a 94 Witting, ge We ceeth 147 Gleox, Mrs. E........ 155 Wilson, Charles....... 140 Wixom, (Di Wei. 608 17 pate o's 99 | Wilson, Chas. E.......204 Wockintz e's Sons, Albert eR cote 6 Wilson, Curtis H.......18 157 Barrie oe Woolgar, George........ bo +1 Wyatt, J. Bio cs.che 120 Young; WisGe.} ore «oe lL 54” Woollard, HE. J........ 97 Wyatt, Sidney......... 194 Young, W.S..... 23532230 Woolley, ‘Archibald H. a Wyatt; Wed... eee 140 | Young, W. T..... ves es tom Woolley, Grace........ 196 | Wyman, Clark......... 24 | Younggern, Franz.....162- Woolley, Lloyd A....... 31 Wyman, Stephen A...... 8 Yuill Brothers.........161 — Woolley, Norman E....156 nd, Bi et ae Yuill, Joa. //c.ic35eaese 8 Woosey, David......... 84 Wyndham, C.W...... 185 Yumpolsky & Blaeker- 7 Wooster, Harold BR... .156 Wynn, Chas.......... 1 MAN 4 Sage i oe 142 Wooters, Charley R....127 | Wynn, P. Howard..... 177 3 Wooters, E. M......... 35 q Wooters, W.L........149 Y Z : Worby, C.. Because 36 3 Worden, Hiram G .142,218 | Yager, Mrs. Nora Lu..163 | Zaczkowski, L. F.......91 Workman, G. E....15,127 | Yale, Kent............ 109 | Zaremba, John........ 165 Workman, Mary E....220 Yancey, Stanley A..... 134 Zauka, John: 0. eee 76 Workman, Mrs. Mona..210 | Yates; J. W........... 163 | Zaworski, Kamer....... 83 - Workman, Riley I..... 226 Yeager, Fredi.22iii [23% 163 Zeagler, Theodore. ....140 World, Wm. & Brown, Yellow Face........... 163 Zech, Theodore........ 224 — £.P. C... ae 155 | Yeomans, A.G........ 160 | Zeh, Clark). .2. su... 22 26 | WWorth,; Pred 33. 6b sie 49 York Brothers......... 122 Zeiders, Thos. G.......140 Worth, William........ 82 | York, Gut aailt ase 21 Zeidyk, William....... 165 Woudstra, Bo eticiked bse 193 York, Jr., Wallace..... 157 Zeigler, Adam........ . 166 Woychik, Joe......... 221 Yorke, Alfred 424 53.04 Zeigler, W. O52. 5 eee 154 . Wragg, Joseph......... 76° | Young, Allan Y........ 9 | Zemp, CJ.9 eas eee 172 Wiay, 12 ae. cus ok 202 Young, Andrew L...... 222 Ziegenhazel, Geo. ss: 224 Wray, Mrs... Aloo... 229 Young, Arthur........ 144 Ziemblick, Lois......... 91 = Wreggit, Wm. E....... 207 | Young Brothers....... 161 | Zilla, Praak. 3.2 165 © Wright, Mrs. A. E..... 223 Young, Charles.. ......163 Zimmermann, Christopher Wright, AW si Sore: 187 Voung,:-C. Awcs645 Sess 208 139 Wright, BiG esa 183 Young, Edgarii5 oi 202. 43 Zoeteman, John.......224 © Wright & Brown....... 152 4 Young, Wea 43 Zohrat, Leslie T.......195 — Wright, Mrs. C. E...... 36 Young, George......... 59 Zold, Joun ss. 235 eae 224 Wright, DOA Go ae 31 Young, George........ 170 Zook, Joseph..... « site Oe ae Wright, Edwin......... 39 Young, Hugh......... 178 Zregenbien, Se. eee Wright, Mrs. Eliz...... 168 | Young, James.......... 6 | Zuberbier, Mrs. Lena... 195 WRI BE iu ss Sele xe es 86 | Noung, Johiiers. sb. 604 76 ubick, Geo... 2.32.03 165 Wright, Seo oy ees 174 Young, John G........ 154 Zuepfile, Gottfried....... 55 | Wright, Mrs. E. N...... 39 OUNR; Js Bocce Boks «aes 43 | Zumwalt, P.T........ 187 © Wright, Jno. Po: os 5.2 101 WOUnK, dy dae tot cames 70 Zwick, Jacob.......... .62 4 FS : i= 5 % = bade ita tk eit at 2 t : \ me, | ae Vang " y ‘ dp / nu ia | hm , | st AMD , ea * j ; {RECORDED DURING THE PERIOD FROM — | Ist JANUARY, 1907, TO 31sr : j DECEMBER, 1912 > is { A xa A | >< B e AC ee AD KE Es ya A Ad mie ! CATTLE BRANDS 4 beat vent, Atkinson, Jas. bridge; rt. r. inverted rt. r. Alberta Securities Ltd., Leth- bridge ;' rt. j. 5 dle R. J., Eewelme; }, hi same Amphlett, Chas. E., Alix; Py Shh Whaley, Alex., Sundre; Ft. sn; Anderson, A. den; rt. r. Barnett, A. C. & C. A, lays) 1. a. A., Hughen- Is- Campbell, Wm., PAY. Bowden ; Vent bar over. Andrews, bY ae W., Kinnon- dale; rt. Cummings, A. P., Grouard; Feith: cakes Armand, Foreman; La Deargom, A. E., Brosseau; en: Wellman, Mrs. F. L., Banff; Laesh: Everson, Edward, Comrey; Ft.'sh. Alberta Co-Operative Farm ing Co., Nightingale; rt. h. Hovey, Arthur L., Seba; Pe. Sn: Gessinger PASAe stds ce RREG Deer; rt. h. Vent bar un- er. Jones & Co., W. A., Bow Island; rt. sh. Leth- | b > JERE ERCHSEREEEERZE ~% Recorded during the period from 1st January 1907 to 31st December 1912. phe ee Robert, Winnifred ; yah F rad John A., Lethbridge: l, oh. Kulpas, Anton, Lethbridge ;. Tt. Alfke, John Cochrane; Tt. if Dean LeRoy A.,, Hicksburg ;. x eet Ee LaRocque, Alex., Milk River ;. i: see | Sangster, A., Innisfree; i osh. Mitchell, Wm., Eagle Butte; l. r., vent bar over. The Alberta Wheat Growers Cos otiring. . Orie ae Brockie, Alex. Medicine Hat; Bay Armitstead Bros. & Benson, Priddis; rt. n. Collins, Arthur T., minster, Sask.; rt. r. Moore, Mrs. R. M., Milner- 125 | Pm i RD & 4 Lawrence, Mrs. M. J., Medi- cine. Hat +: rt 3; Lloyd- Engler, A. R. Garrington; rt. Twin Vent bar un- Williams, Christopher, Butte; 1 r. der. Goodhand, A. A., Bright- view; |. an. phe rian Adam, Martins ;, ce ede Sle ed bo OO bo Alberta Brand Book Ao PEBEEBEED > Q ol BSI Salada McLellan, H. A., Fox; FEM: 3% Murray, Alick, Mannville; rts ms Nelson, Alfred N., Gadsby; rt. sh. Walker, A. P., Alix; » wears 3B McDonald, Mrs. Annie, Ba- shaw; rt. sh. Davison, Wm., Bowell; rt. h., vent bar over brand. Bettington Fobn He Gs Maple Creek, Sask.; |. rn, vent bar under. Hodge, James, Nanton; patty. hy Carlond, A. C., Medicine Hat; re.) hi Hennan, A. A., Wiste; ae Anderson, Moses ston.) die A., Card- Brown W.. A., Queenstown; BN oi Little, A. A. C., Nanton; rt. h. Anderson, Andrew M., Whit- lash, Mont.; 1. sh. Hart, J. E., Eagle Butte; sh. Cummings Bros., Cummings; pin: 8 Ayers & Chester, Brosseau; LPs, Coutu, P. A., Brosseau; rt. sh. Smith, Thos. D., Nanton; lsh. Cave, Henry Arthur, Raven; rt. sh, Tinney, Beatrice Ima, Medi- cine (Hats) rt. cr, Crockett, Barney, Walsh; RY sh: Dill, Mrs. A., Trochu Val- ley; hor. Dakin, Adrian A., Three Hills; lr. Dillabaugh, J. E., Strath- more; rt. h. Davies, Arthur Ge Ghost 0., Pine Creek; rt. sh. > 2} 2c2(2) 212 SIZdel2) EXE dy] S| yb | > *| | | | > x AH- ERE Dennison, R. A., Nanton; rt. sh. Davidson, Alex., Creek; rt. r. . Pincher Lundblad, Alfred, Amisk; Lash: Craig, S. L., Athelmere, B. erties BGs Williams, C. M., Maple Creek, Sask.; 1. r. Laliberty, Mrs. C. A., Leéth= bridge; 1. r. Wm. F., Tapscot; Kays, A # Farrow, Alfred, Lillico; Lik Ferrier, rt. sh. aes Milton, Medicine Hai; -l. sh. James, Sedgewick; Fettig, Anton, Grassy Lake; op US Flinn, W. A., Mound; Pt. Ai Caron, Frank, Stavely; lh: LeHalper, Alain, Amisk; bot Melcher, 1 Re A. ‘EL, Crary Barbeer, Jas. M., Tolman; rt. sh. Hlerold, Alex., Spirit River; rt. sh. Fisher, Holmes, rt. sh. McKie, Alex. M., Sedgewick; FUSS, Sunnyslope; King, Aubrey, High River; Lawn Luchia, Albert, rt. Johnson, H. E., Thigh Hills; rt. sh. Kelso, Alex., Leavings ; Blackfalds ; ty Moorhouse, Arthur, Foun- tainstown; rt. sh. Kershaw, Arthur, Harmat- Cams: Tha 'o2. Bouck, Henry, Siebertville; ee ‘ ea © F | = > D (\3|>)|2>12) > l= 2)|2 20 |B) 2)|2) > D ' A * (2) TEESE N= | (| Alberta Brand Book 233 Sanderman, Herman, Dids- bury ; Garneau, Alex., St. Paul ‘de Metis; rt. r. Dalgarno, Arthur FE., War- hot OR OND McAnally, Mrs. Fannie, Crossfield; rt. h. Lincoln, Albert E., Langdon; rt. sh. Norman, Arthur, Spring- bank ; : rt. ‘r: Klassen, David W., Raw denville; 1. h. Shillinglaw, Allan, Duxbury; rt ¢shi: Mortgomery, Angus, Tees; rt. sh. Malott, E. E., Tees; rt. h. Victor; Hansen, Thomas, Dtishy Hammond, Albert, Pincher Station; rt. r. Harwood, Arthur, Twin Butte; Ll. r. Davis Bros., Pekisko; 1. h, Lee, Albert L., Three Hills; rt. h. Williams, Amy R., Leavitt; RE Roach, A. C., Galahad; PRR ox Robinson, A. A., Brooks; at OR al Ross, Alex., Didsbury; rt, Williams, David P., Clares- holm; Lr. Wilkerson, F. R., Big Prai- rie; rt. r. Jones, Joseph, Evarts; l. sh. ¥ Hubbell, Charles, Edensville; 5 eR ol Hartman, F. V., Acme; reich; raga Alex., Ingleton; Tt.''s Nicholson, A., Kinsella; Ht; F, BeeeeSS €- ) Tenilier, Auguste, Legal; re. ‘Sh. Thomson, Arch., Lake ;. rt. r. Wavey Villeneauve, Augustina, Cow- ley; Lor. Geo., Hampshire, Big Val- ley ss rtecr. Altizer, Hella, Red Hill; rt. h. Haatt, Aleck, Williston; l. sh, Kunkel, Louisa, Pincher Creek; rt. h. Lindeburg, August, Ewing; st Ray 3! Abbey, Perry H., Didsbury; a Tac Adshead, Edwin W., Ewing; rey: Teel, Archie, Medicine Hat; Ee ih, Marion, Louis J., Leth- bridge; l. r. Auld, Wm. T., High River; Lh, Arnold, H., Black Diamond; TELE: *, W., Mayton; Boch, Carl L. J., Tapscot; bfeiy ah Smith, Charles, Medicine Bag shirts. Elliott, J. G., Lacombe; ie CD Schwartz, Anton, New Hill; i: shy Forster, William, Hillcrest; LAr Caton, G. L., Evarts; rtsart Chennells & Johnson, Cou- lee, Sask.; 1. r. Strachota, W. P., Killam; rt. h. Mallett, Ambie, Hastings Coulee; 1. sh. Jerstad, A., Meeting Creek; OS Kask, Alex., Red Deer; sd Sah oA Alberta Brand Book ed >! pl >) Dil st [b-l>-|> [fea eae aa peer «i 4) 5 MacInnes, Alex. Wm., Islay; rte sh: Wells, Arthur, Cayley; Wa Sandino, Mrs. Tony, Belle- vue; rt. sh. Burrows, Alvin, Mountain View; Il. rx. Sigurdson, G., Markerville; EES, Robson, R. B., Gleichen ; a SA ene: Alex., High River; 1, h. Alexander, Wm., Elinor; Pi McEwen, Arthur O., Arthur- vale; rt. r. Walker, A. R., Brooks; | Ae Turner, Mrs. A. D.,' Nanton; Ere Gray, Harris L., Eagle Butte; rt. r. McMillan, D. Oe) Se: AS ae Granum; |. h Coote, G. G., R. M. & Mary, Nanton; rt. sh. Morton, J. W., Tofield; Ftx.7r. Axtell, Willard, Cayley; rt; ‘r, Dodds, Alex., Acme; of AD Paul, Mrs. Annie, Kinnon- dale; 1. sh. Workman, Joseph W., Spring Coulee; 1. r. Ainsley, Wm. Geo., COD) are. \Xy Lamer- Redmond, W. Frank, Edger- ton; rt. h. Young, Allen T., Red Wil- low; 1. h. Adams, A. D., Marwayne; l. h Jacobs, Lloy C., Lowden Lake; rt. r. Smith, Geo. | —( t: > N || >| (2)> Kl (coPN > cK zlzKz Ke |= Swan, John, Wessington; rt: J. ng Wyman, Stephen A., Leth- bridge; rt. r. Aarbo, Tom, Mannville; PE, -.¥ 5 Alex., reer Gervais, Pincher Creek; Berdan, Nathaniel, Nanton; 9 al 8 Thrun, Dollie A., High Riv- er; Yate Wells, William, Stettler; rtl 4s. Lait, Mrs. Lillian, Medicine at; Stigings, J. Stanley, Dick- son 3) seh Ainsley, W. J., Rouleau, Sasks3" rtoh: Franklin, John, Macleod; Ls: Hall & Wood, Brant; cy ey Aldridge, Wm., Cardston; rt.. ft Keen & Gibson, Nanton; FE Gaisdois, W. A., Slave. Lake; rt. r. Morris, Alfred, Raymond; 1, sh. Lesser Ellithorpe, Ralph C., West- ward Ho; rt. h Olson, John A., Markerville ; rahe Hastings, -O. A., Coulee; 1. r. Bell, Harry, Lethbridge ; bas Hastings Carnell, W. C., Strome; eh) P Adams, Mrs. C. R., Little Bow; LEE 2 Pyle, A. N., Ingleton; } ay. : E., New Wetherelt, Jas. Dayton; I. h. Lavender, J. H., Stettler; lh . Davies, Arthur, Agricola; Tick; Alberta Brand Book 235 i 4 tha Ge | te ORS hy ee eee pew PE TY yee = 7 apy ars Coulin, Arch., Innisfail; a Steed, A. A., Calgary; los, White, M. W. & R. W., Hicksburg; rt. r. Huhtald, Abram, Evarts; 5 Lefley, J., Trenville; Br. Stolz, Fred, Lethbridge; mee Daub, W. H., Red Willow; rte. Mi McIntosh, Hugh, Vermilion; BE Walden & Sons, N. Stavely; 1. h. B., B Burton, Wm., Innisfail; AR Breckenridge, John, Cal- gary; Il. r. Bowman, W. H., Carmangay ; rte, Bridges, F. R., Strathmore; l. sh. Bunny & Sons, A. C., Battle A AEA Becker, Philip H., er Station; 1. sh. Davis, Albert J., Sundial; l. r. vent bar over. Wendelbae, Michael O., Eli. BOr sure +3. Botsford, H. E., Bowell; 7: Bedwell, Administratrix of I. R., Erskine; 1. n. Karran, W. B., Hardisty; 1 3th Braemford, Matis, Irvine; 7 taal Bertrand, M., Athabasca Landing; Il. sh. Pinch- to | Pe LO} Miller, David L., Taber; oP Lust, John, Mayton; hy Py Williams, Albert T., Olds; ih: Aune, George, Sunnyslope; ee Robinson, W., Hastings Cou- lee; : Shaw, C. F., Camrose; rt: or. Hyde, Mrs. Sarah A., Card- SEOs FGFs Beadon, Richard R. A. C., Hamipure, India; rt. r Ross, Francis, Pine Lake; ] tks Byers, D. Walter, Rosalynn; rt. sh. Reed, Jr., P. B., Macleod; l. sh. Spink, J., Lineham; rt. h. Gillies, Allan R., Clover Bar; rt. j. Baker, B. S., Nanton; rt. n. : Beauchene, Elkwater ; Yt. j. Peter, Bettorf, Geo., Warner; ae Bell, Thos. G., Dorothy; rt. h. Desmond, H. J., Alsask., Sass) J: sh: Ambler, D. R., Battle View; w. a. Depencier, Isaac, Bowden; W. a. : Moss, Sidney H., Bieseker; Ww. a. Graham, Mrs. dial; w. a. Lillian, Sun- ~“ Alberta Brand Book Bertram, Alfred, Dog Pond; . r. Flood, J. J., Leduc; Ww. a Kennedy, Arthur, Didsbury; W. a. Isabella, Con- Burns, Mrs. tent; w. a. Harrington, L. O., Langdon; 1. ¥ Kidder, Mrs. Sarah, Car- Stsdirss i rt. os. Burnham, Mrs. Ambrose S&., Milk River; 1. sh. Berger, Andreas N., Stavely; ae Pearson, G., Eagle Butte; 1 P s Galster, Bernard, Hand Hills; rt, ish: Beggs, Anthony, Gleichen; 1 RS! we Bredin, Anna B., Lesser Slave Lake; rt. h Burwood, A., Gleichen; l, sh. Acrea, A. B., Ingleton; ae Bathgate, Abercrombie, Dry Fork; h. Becker, Miss Bertha, Steve- ville; 1. n. Bronken, Alfred, Vegreville; rt. sh, Anderson, Andrew B., bon; rt. r. Car- Bailey, Albert, Mountain House; rt. aps: Adolphus, Edmonton; Ae Britts, Jas. A., High River; oh Ham ol Crosby, Mrs. A. C., Three girlies): (x. Adley, C. B., Flagstaff; ete ry Boshee, prs August, Joseph- burg; 1. sh. Bosche, August, Joseph- burg; 1. r. Ambrose, Byron, Olds; ]. h. 2 SSS SUS SSE SE SS) | ot | Bremer, Mrs. M. A., Ba- shaw; rt. sh. Biron, Mrs. _ Alexandrine, Mountain Mill; rt. r. Brown, Alex., Erskine; ECD: ' McNeil, Blakely & Alfred, Wilhelmina; 1. sh. Bowie, Flora ee Medhurst, A. D., Grassy Bateson, Mrs. Mary L., La- Lake; rt. sh. ae: combe; Butler, David, Stettler; Brubaker & Sons, Bullshead; rts. : rt. Brown, David A., Big Val- ley, 5 .rt-/h, Besse, Diana, Langdon; rt; G3] G 0) loll c UO} — Simpson, B. D., Pine Creek; 16H: Day, L. R. & F. W., Atha- basca: ‘Landing Lor Crawford, Bryce, Frog Lake; 1; shi Duncan, B. C., Botha; Taylor, Alden O., Stauffer; l. sh. pines! Bert, Edgerton; fae art Wm. O., Raven; Boyles, Frank, Bathgate; oO rt. sh. Ttr: Bedker, Jno., Graburn; Burdge, E., Fieldholme; 5h tk eee rt. he: Pa] [ra la rn fen Pal ral mI PBB ole |G Ske Brown, R. E., Gilpin; i r. Dresser, Bertram W., Caro- BE line; rt. Darley, Rbt: B., High River; a eo ei: F. E., Stettlerg Lass ie Clark, J.-B. & E. Ay Rove bud Creek; l. r. Hereford, B. E., Stauffer; l, h. Brecht, John, Okotoks; Tite : Davis, Cora H., Talbot; hye, “BE AS BE BE Dunsmore, B. B., Evarts; re ex Faton, Alfred J., Peace Rn- er Crossing ;-rt. h. Tucker, D. B., Berry Creek; Bailey, Ernest, Vandyne; le shy ibe @ Gamble, D. B., Crossfield ; ih; Biering, Henry, Nanton; 1 Joh. oS S/S) Danielson Bros., Morrin; Bertsch, Christian, Mayton* rt. sh. h. a) Dillinger, J. B., Therian; of ee a a B., Milk River; ae BD Alberta Brand Book 239 Evans, Mrs. Jno., Magin; Pts: 8, ioe hae S. F., Chailey; th; Brown, Jared E., Cummings; rt. h. Brittor, F. H., Pincher Creek; LSD: Fralinger & Buehmer, Coutts ; 1% &. Brawn, F., Millarville; Bal 0% Burkart, Frank J., Galahad, Tesi Bredin, W. F., Lesser Slave Lake; rt. r. Biggs, Henry F., Big V1'- ley; rt; bh. Belcher, Filex, Logan; Lor Biggs, Mrs. Valley, Bard, Mrs. F., Monarch; ris ht Kate M., Big h. Baptie, Achd., Cochrane; Pig! te Brodersen, F. O., Stettler; ri. h. Fisher, H. B., Didsbury; | hat os Bonetti, Frank, Taber; PET. Bauman, Fred., Josephburg ; rt... Bentley, Frank, Part be 5. Highland Farrell Bros., Gillingham ; 1. h, Farr Bros, Halkirk; rears Bohme, Friedrich, Spring Lake's rt." hh. Fetaz Bros., Notre Dame de Savoie; Ward, B. F., Stettler; rt. z Beland, ville ; Beglan, Fred., Walsh; i Penk, Sturgeon- Bartlett, Fred., Notre Dame de Savoie; rt. r. WoO DIO) Gla hoe BSS Sl ol ol olive Ww eats Ey eSyi5y) ay) SOY Fs (% Brandle, Frank, Taber; rt,: At Braithwaite, Geo., Waba- mun; |. sh. Stevens, Alonzo A., Cayley; Lh: Good, B. P., Ethelwyn; Tt. Sh; Green, B. H., Harland; Shook, Bourque, ing; rt. Coglan, A. B., Clarinda; LS Sh: ae S. A.,— Earl Perkins & Son, B.. A., Stirl- ing; ; Craine, G. B., High River; i ed os Bell, Geo., Sunnyslope; rt. h, poems. Gottlieb, Mayton; oF) Wyllie, Geo. B., Taber; ape Backus & Son, Geo. H., Cay- ley; 1. xr. Brown, Geo., Olds; 2 a oA Gwatkin, B. G., Lethbridge; | ee Gabrielson Bros., Dorenlee; | ae Brink, Geo., Pine Lake; TU, it. Bauer, Gottlieb, Sunnyslope; i Berroyez, Guislain, Burnt Lake; l. r. Gardner Bros., Stavely; oh: McKinnon, Jno. A., Stavely; Ree ike Goeson, Mrs. Amy, Granum; Tt. °hg Beddoes, G. H., Lockhart; aoe ge Granger, Geo. B., Loveland; aap 7 Belanger, G., Sullivan Lake; ru. Betts, Geo., Medicine Hat; l. h. Alberta Brand Book Gould, Rowland B., New Norway; rt. r. Hagel Bros., Crossfield ; sins Herron, Mrs. Peter, Pincher Creek; ier: Burk, Henry, Coleman; tea Brookhart, H. H., Erskine ; Fteish: Berry, L. H., Bassano; rt. r. Baron, Harry, Calgary; 1a ey Briscoe, Henry, Calgary; eae an 3 «i Hunt, Samuel, Medicine Hat; Tete Bastian, Henry, Pincher Creek; 1. h. Hansen Bros., Coulee, Sask ; rt. sh, Hone, B. W., Lethbridge; TE) ux Wunsch, Henrich, Irvine; ¥t““h: Burton, H., Mewassin; h 4 Sn. B. S., Okotoks; the Hall, W. rast a Johnson, H. B., Trochu; 1. h, Bishop & Hawksworth, Ver. milion; rt. sh. Brindle, Henry, Lamerton; inter Holmberg, H. F., Bawlf; rt. Bh; Hambly & Sons, Irvine, Leth- bridge; J. sh. one F. H., Vermilion; vee) Bris oe Mrs. Belle, Galahad; we McLaughlin, Mrs. C. W., Bo- sua; rt. sh. Hacker, Mrs. Bessie, Har= disty; rt. r. Beagle, Mrs. L. A.,. Jligh River; rt. h. Bratton, H. H., Seven Per- sons; l, r. im woe Be (| 83] ty het 09) Sef ele(Saeas pepe Gd | Go Jel oo ic, 2 GI) GG) oJ cy q, | | Bu Bu BU : Bronwers, Henry A., Haney- ville; rt. r. : Bassett, C. H., Mound; Ex Hullman, Adolph O., Bow Is- land 3.rt x Barrett, Ed. H., Keoma; l. sh. Hardenne, G. B., Cochrane; yor Belder, Henry, Cardston; Lath Fallding, H. B., Eagle, Hills; rt. sh. Hood, Byron, Stettler; ane Hubka, Frank, Elinor; rt. F \ Young, W. S., Stettler; er. Biluk, Huat, Mundare; l. h, Dadd, S. C., Manville; rt. Jacklin, Benjamin, Vermilion ; l. sh, Barrows, Jno., McEwen; ] Se Baldwin, Jno., Arthurvale; oh Bourque, Joseph, Earling; rt. sh. McBeath, J. P., Perciville; Fis ox Beegle, Harry S., Nanton; © rt. h, A ' Beacth, Jno., Calgary; Li sh: ; a Beeley, Jno. H., Rimbey; Mi Tee: Brown, Jas., McEwan; l. h. 4 F Beswick, Jno., Olin Creek; f rt. sh. jvonosn, Bert, Strathmore ;) : ¥ ee Se? a R Burn, Jno., Sedgewick; ¥ Stik, a Bowie, Mrs. Jas., Lundbreck; At 34 Buehler, Jno. B., High River; FE ies > rom © — cae se os a ca) a ag ol 25 9s aaa = ~* ‘7 Se a = wea Ee Sats ba lta) Io Od ool OL olts ERR EEE ERR REE EGEr Alberta Brand Book 241 a C, i Johnston, Bruce B., Lorraine; 1a Johnston, Bruce B., Lorraine; a Aa Morris, Bernard H., Kew; l. sh. Beaudin, Julien, St. Paul de Metis; 1. h. Brackney, J. R., Mirror; rt., sh. Bennett, Jno. H., Taber; VG... T. Bougerolle, Blair- Jacques, more; rt. h. Bell, J. H., Vermilion; l. sh, Brady, J. D., Halkirk; al Brosseau, Jno., Three Hills; fae Borodale, Jno., Hanna; rt. sh. Jamieson, Rob, Trochu; rer. Burrell, Jas. J., Irma; rth: Bechthold, Jacob, Crossfield ; nigh Brasha, Jr., Jno., Cardston, Cp RD 5 Carle, J. B., Bigstone; rt on Douglas, Henrietta, Hast- ings, Neb., U.S.A.; 1. r. she ahi Joe, Lethbridge; Meeker, J. B., Steveville; rt. sh. Blum, Jacob, Martins; bs Aa Haise, Hubert J. B., Pen- hold; rt. h. Madoche, Alphonse L., Dids- WEY Soke e Black, James, Bowden; Ea 0 Badot, Joseph, Blairmore; rt. sh, Nash, H. M., Spring Ridge; | SES Wallace, Wm., Bowden; ex Bu WG) G ICH ell Bechler, Hills ; Christian, Hand 1a Kelsey, B. L., Bassano; ee Butterwick, Mrs. A. J., Leth- bridge; rt. r. Burrows, Ezra F., Mountain View; l. ry. Gris er Michael, Gadsby; 1, sh. kKrinke, Mrs. Ben, Highland Park's:rt: ik Gon Chandler, Dickson; oes Bertagnolli, Marco, Stauffer; ri. ish: Kingsbury Bros., Taber; tT ; ees Benedickt, Strome~* ie oi io hie Arthur, Brownfield; Lutkehams, Bernard, Dids- bury; 1. sh. Wesner, Wm. Anthus, Goph er) Head's liv.r. ste Wisi Baxter, Denwood; Goldman, Louis, Loveland; rt. sh. Boissounault, Louis, Morin- ville; rt. Leeper, Bert, Barons; be Shs Longacre Bros., Cayley; 12 tae, Levi, Langdon; Black, Alex. D., Acme; Fat St Bentley, B. F., Cayley; got Burzloff, Albert, Flagstaff ; Tt ch: Greenwood & Dilworth, Mac leod; l. r. Ludewig Bros., Stettler; iS Charron, Pierre, St. Paul de Metis; 1. z. Lamb Bros., Gopher Head; a Mee @! Alberta Brand Book bd iN bo Burrows, Lambert, Stand Off ; ey tom ee Bert C., Stave-- ] ae v3 ss Miller, Jno. G., Cheadle; Boyce, Miss Mary, Meadow Pa Creek; h. Borden, Lee, Stettler; Bedea, W. M., Hastings Cou rt. h, lee; rt. r. Blize, L. D., Millet; McNair Bros., Elkton; 1. h. ? ri. Lapierre, J. B. R., St. Paul de Metis; rt. r. Bradesko, Maht., Battle Creek, Sask.; 1. sh. Learmonth, roa bake J., Lund- vara Michael, Lawton, breck; rt. h. 1, McGorman, Albert B., Innis- Lamon Bros., Cowley; l fail; 1 oh Es Brodersen, M., Stettler ; Larratt, W. B., Innisfail; Roe ry. Lagunodiere, J. B., Touch- wood Hills, Sask.; rt. h. Hagen, N. T., Sundre; lh. Badot & Marcelle, Cole- man; rt. h. Mowat, R, T., Parkland; _ Lash: Bowler. Miss Millie, Provost; Watkins, Jno., Gaetz Valley; 1. sh. La ies G Miller, Mrs. Blanche, Lang- Morigean, B., Stauffer; r: don}. 27805 raed cic aitsiits (APR IEYE) Byer, Morris, Morinville ; McRae, Mrs. Fred. B., Blair- ® rt. more; lL. w) McCarty, Bert, Three Hills; rt. sh: Lowe, M. B., Fieldholme; | E+ B 2 x Boyer, M. D., Raymond; 4 ee 35 Bowden, Mrs. Mabel L., Cardston; rt. r. Matlock Bros., Reid Hill; rt: he Stromstad, Mikkal, Curlew; rt.¢ h: Bz! Bowler, Miss Madge, Pro- Baker, Montague, Hill End; vost; 1. sh. 1 a Bemis, Mrs. Margt., Line Scott, Wm., Stirling; ham $1. ir, Ih, Banta, A. A., Sampsonton; McKenzie, Mrs. Bessie, $ rt; Sn Crossfield; I. h Bogotay, Martin, Graburn; May, Ben, Cardston; Yt. \ Sr: rte A Miller, B. J., Claresholm ; rtf. Bergeron, Napoleon, St. Paul de Metis; rt. h Brown, B. F., High River; Boisvert, Noel, Diligence; a oo Bares ef Brown, Mrs. Maggie, High Bressey, Norman E?, Green River; 1. r. Court; rt. sh. Bebb, Mrs. Mary, Hardisty; rex North, Bert, Erskine; ro.4e cS bard id cal fa a ba x McDougall Bros., Round Up; Nay Bros., Cardston; Beg h, rt. Marsden, Benjamin, Card. ston; rt. r. GJ SYS 1S 1S SS Sy Sy SS pepene Sc SBR BREE SN eabaee “BM B Burger, A., Macleod; RS rs x a IS IEN ENE aE S(KSKSKE |S) 2) z eye’ ae x4 ri “N rs \ Alberta Brand Book 243 pac = . G O BEREERG “ss Bo Adolph, Henry, Castor; ig ee Beeton, Oswald, Medicine ark? yr. Maillet, L. H., Lac St. Vin- cent; 1]. h. Burke, Norman, Delia; rt. sh. Beaudet, Napoleon, Fox Cou- lee} rt. r. Bottcher, Michael, Irvine; 1 Norris, Bert, Medicine “Hat; ie vhe Adamson, N. B., Forshee; Piel, oe Noble Bros., Elkwater; oh ae Backman, N. O., Edensville; Ft. i: Harpelle, Byrum, Seven Per- sons; l. r. Hughes, L. B., Irvine; rt. sh. Wigmore, Maggie E., Shep- ard; rt. =F; Bliss, Orley D., Stand Off; \ ae i Culshaw, Thurston, Holms- town; F Osbourne & Bro., J. E., Ta- ber; rt. r. Bjorgum, Ole, Kingman; EE Bayer, Oscar, Mayton; ie Otterhohn, Geo., Edgerton; 1 ES Bole, R. J., Daysland; rt, r. Benghardt, W. A., Lougheed ; RGe 8: Brutzke, M rs. Tillie, Stone; l. sh. Big ETRE, Bruce, Lafond; Wi Bamsey, P. R., Innisfail; 1, h, Brick, Peter, Spring Lake; tis .Siis Finnigan, Fred A., Gleichen; ee yl oy P 3P (a) 0) 0)/0)/ 09/0) Poitras, Pierre, Camrose; Ytah: : Benson, Peter, Trochu Val- ley 5 hor Ballantine, Peter M., La- combe; h. Brooke Co., P. & R., Cas- GOL so tha. Sis Piggett, Ben, Calmar; Ti AF. Pittman Bros., Warner; rt. Pawsey Bros., Edgerton; |e r Buehring, Paul C., Winni- fred; rt. r. Peachey Bros., Bentley; 8 Gi EI eS R. L., New Dayton; sh, Peverley, wick ; Grover: T., War- i send A. B., New Dayton; Bert, High River; Palmer, Ets % Bodener, Peter, North Bank; rt. - hi Bauer, Peter, Stoppington; 1, sh, Ruel, Benjamin, Walsh; Lr. she Bros., Rawdonviille ; a + Purtle, ¥ty Yr: Bernard, Chin; Peace, J. B., Garden Plains; BEA. Bissell, H. S., Gilpin; kh: Pritchard, Bert, Bawlf; rt. hi Batson, Percy, Victor; l. sh. areeaen Bros., Wetaskiwin; Bowie, Robt., Wetaskiwin; te ee ae, Price, Brock, Hindville; FE! ub: Reid & Breckenridge Bros., h. vermilion; ]. s iw) 44 Alberta Brand Book _ aed ERBEEEEREEESES G a a) Read, Robt., Lloydminster ; a Robbins, Geo. Bt 0 Bandella, Richd., St. Paul de Metis; rt. sh. Kearns, Robt. H., Maple Creek, Sask. ; rt. r. Bailey, Wm., House; rt. Roe, Bruce,, Thigh Hill; 1. sh. Mountain Balderson, Roy, Acme; Ltt Sar ta B. R., Lethbridge; FS 3 Reno, Bert, Raven; Tt... oSH: Johnson, J. M,, Erskine; TE: Rochon, Will B., Stettler; rh RS a sArauiah N., Bellevue; BY Brady, C. J., Leopoldville; Feowts rd R. C., Milnerton; Pt oi Roberts Bros., Knee Valley; oh aE Percival, Geo. D., Priddis; l. sh, Bransen, Jacob, Spring Lake; lI. r. Me Warsiete W..R., Whitebrush ; Ross Bros., Taber; rt’ ‘sh: Bransen, Henry J., Spring Lake ott Brown, R. A., Spring Lake; rt. h, Johnston, W. W., l, sh. Metiskow ; Babki, Rosa, Harmattan; 1H Robertson Bros., Three Hills; ach Richardson, G. B., Hairy Hill 3) r6ur. Pearce, Albert E., Edmon- ton, rt. B., Flagstaff; Wyi@ Lt moor) BIS Blackwood, Wm. S., Talbot; % Te Rasmussen, M, 2° & Geo. A., Magrath; 1. Barrie, Robt. D.,° St de Metis; rt. r. Rollog & Sons, Stirling ; rt. h, J Paul Riley, Wainwright; Blevins, Ta Brux, Paul Marie, Belevue; je Boert, Reme, Legal; pa Sy Stern Bros., Bawlf; l. sh. Smith, R. D., Cleverville; ir: Smith & Sons, Benj., Dora; A he Stirling, Wilbert B., Brant; rt she Barton, Stellman D., Car- bon; rt. r. Sunderland, Mrs. Julia, Co- dogan; rt. Beeman, Sam D., Lamerton; ]. sh. Brown, Samuel, High River; Lonky Snapp, Geo. B., Warner; Lhe Bligh, S. J. O., Taber; pf ee Simpson, Mary A. B., Card- ston; rt. Fr. Smith, Sidney B., Daysland; rh Six Bros., Stettler; i WS Brausen & Sehr, Spring Lake; rt. Fr. Simpson Co., David B., Boun- dry Creek; Lr. Staples Bros., Stettler; TCA es : Sunderman, Bernard, Spring Lake?) @. Selthon, Louis B., Rosenroll; a Brodie, Andrew S., Content; rti/'r. a: a CERES 8 ae at ee Eine et fy o>. a a <2: tae BSg eee RR a! = Sat oo MESA (Utes Alberta Brand Book 245 it ibs eee _ Te eRe ee ee ee ee. hs wl en age DERI S G s G AN E OE EN, _ a = . f ; < ( Schmidt, ville; rt. Scott, Benj. D., Three Hills; I ¢. tit Rawdon- en Walter A., Red Deer; Bigelow, S. S., Mayton; aes Winchester, S. B., Taber; rt. h. , Sather, Bastian, Hardisty; Ae ts cies a Bros., Hand Hills; Beh: Schjifloe, Birger, Castor; ¥ts F, Sykes, Benjamin J., Card- ston; rt. Trockstad, E., New Dayton; l. sh. McBeath, T. W., Gleichen; ae Thompson, G. R., Warner; Leh. Brown & Tailyour Bros., Cluny; rt. sh. Fenkell, Chas. E., Raven; rte Clifford, W. J., Ribstone; rt. h, Bickford, T. H., Red Deer; Lash: Bates, Geo. L., Strathmore; Tor Bamsey, Thos. E., Innisfail; 1M 8 Toepfer, R. L., Alix; res Si. Ball, Thos., Trenville; rh ie eh Bazley, Thos., Lloydminster ; rti7h, Taylor Bros., Ingleton; vs, ane ge Gummo, T. B., Coleridge; ia oh Beatty, Geo. F., Stavely; 1. sh, Brown, Thos., Red Deer; bigs ITNENE ch | | yyy yy 8 ht (GI IG th a i ah Fred., Spring Lake; Bennett, Henry T., Pincher Creek; rt. r. Becker, W. T., Bismark; rt. h. Bywaters, Thos., Strathmore; ES shy eens TM: Alix} ae) og 2 Nene Otto, Garrington; Thompson, Rts.3, Beckett, Irma; Toews, H. L., Sunnyslope; rth; RATEER T. B., Warner; aay 6 Bradley, Abe T., Olds; l. h, Brodie, Thos., Stettler; Petts Marr, Mrs. T. B., Brunetta; l. sh. Am ee Theodore, Stettler; Taylor & Borwick, Carstairs; rty/sh, Henson) ./\S.) Ee, House; rt. h. Macdonald, Roderick B., Vulcan; 1. sh. Mountain Thiel, Fred. A., Warner; 10 we ya api G. F., Carstairs; Peters Bros., Ft. Saskatche- wan; rt. sh. Leay, Mrs. A. E., Round Up; a SN a Benson, Mrs. T., Nanton; rt. ha Carr, Benjamin, Medicine Hat); irt.h! Bloxham, Ray D., Olds; } a AA a Atkins, R. P., New Dayton; ], sh. Clover Bar Coal Co.,. Ed- monton; lL. h Binney, A. R., Cremona; s 4 le a bo Alberta Brand Book : hes) | as << bi} <|< BV BV BY dh EEEEEEEEBEREEZE - Toews, Peter W., Stern; rt‘ h. Buckerfield, Thos. more; rt. sh. Brown, David, Red Deer; l, sh, Burnett, J. H., Nanton; he Bush. Fred., Bergen; rtsK Van Sickle Bros., Airdrie; Ly p. Bromley, Robt. V., Penhild; rtysh: Betton, V. H. S., Queens- town; rt. r. Graff, Fred., Highland Park; Trt. Bayly, V. G., Stauffer; [vrs Bowman, A. S., Lethbridge; rt 73) Butler, Mrs. Chas. urvale; rt. r. Viger Bros., Stettler; Lech; Vallet, Ben, Cowley; l. h. Benson, S. A., Raven; a mmeS vr Bokenfohr, Albert; .1 sh. Inman & Hagen, Richdale; dary Brown, W. A., Lethbridge; Pc hy Wood Bros., Weste Rose; rt. sh. Elkton; Banting, LEeoE Wm., Witherley Bros., 7 Wood, Geo. tiger 5 2 Bambrick, Wm., Lacombe; Te: Williams Bros., Calgary; h, Waddy, B. A., Strathmore; rt. sh. Bowe, J. F., Burdett; ThT, H., Strath- F., Arth- Wilhelmina, St. Brownfield ; B., Hand Hills; | a | ts PERE EEEe a wy S = Gib! € S| ee s\isi< Bw Bw Bygrove, W. R., Shepard; tf; "hi: ee Bros., Gleichen ;. fe 0 Woolford, Miss ball; rt. xr. Betty, Kim- Innisfail ; Beattie, Wm. R., ay 2 Wood, Wm. B., Perbeck; iy ap bh ps ex Baillie, Vermilion; Baker, J. J. & Welch, O) S., Coronation; rtdr: Winters, D. B., Vermilion; rts Hs: eh alta W. W., Logan; Biddlecome, B. W., Talbot; ig Pa 6 fa Whittred, Bassett A., Medi- cine Hat; rt. h Hove: Wm., Innisfail; Washington, Benjamin, Grou- ard 3 rt. 1x: Workman, G. E., Spring Cou- lee; 1. r. Middleton, Henry D., Naugh- ton Glen; Il. h. Boyce, G. A., Kinsella; rt. sh. Panchot Bros., 1 ae Blades, Mrs. ville; l. r. Edwell ; Lucy, Stirling- Imson, Burt, Irvine; Ti Berg, Robert, Suffield; 1 he Bertschy, Fred., Blackie’ l. h. Bengry, J. H., Cardston; l, sh. ae ines F. E., Red Deer; 1B: Bologna, M., Strassburg, Sask. ; rt. sh; North West Live Stock Co., Ltd., Kitscoty; Ler Davey, Geo., Leo; Sy Ee Alberta Brand Book . 247 Johnston, D. C., Springbank ; Lr. Carpenter, Byron, side; rt. r. Morning- C Cowdry & Maunsell, Mac- leod ; : Rutherford, Allan J., Olds; en Jenkinson, T. B., Seven Per- Sores j/ ME 4: Canadian Wheat Lands Ltd., Suffield; 1. r. Miniszwiski, Vincent, Medi- cine Hat; rt. r. Vent bar over. Callaway, Geo., Cochrane; ‘gy Fiabe Coates, A. W., Carbon; rt. r. Countryman, Geo. H., Milk River; rt. h. Bates, Frank R., Purple Springs; br Warwick, A. M., West Wing- ham; rt. sh. Sandstrom, August, Regina, Sask.; rt. h. Vent bar un- der. Bloxham, W. C., E aiesak rt. j. Bolma, Mrs. Carrie, Sunny- slope; .rt n. Foreman, C. W. & Palmer, E. ae Armas rt.’ hi Steen, Wm. John, Blairmore; Vey: McLean, Kenneth, High Riv- er; rt. h. Vent bar under. Vaughn, C. W., tei 9: Wharranton; Roberts, Chas. A., Belve- dere; |. n. Adams, Mrs. Cilena M., Brownfield; rt. n. rt. n, OTTER ET TLE CER LR AIAJIAJQAAIAIAIAA|O an Brownell, Charles, Mannville ; sapeiabi ih Delbert, Mosside; B4 Cawsey Bros., Stettler; i es Gillison Bros., Agricola; Ek: Holt, C. L., Stettler; it Ba 2 Fe Johnson,.R. A., Monarch; rt. sh. Vent bar over. Chandler, E., Ranfurly; i hag Sanderson, Helena, Macleod; 1. h. Vent inverted under brand. Fry, Cecil, Dog Pond; | <7 as Finley, C. R., Maybutt; Li Grenier, Celina, Carbon; 1. sh. Vent bar under. Rice, Mrs. B., Bullocksville; l. n. Thornton, John P., Spring- bank jv) n, Trimble, David, Medicine Hat; |. th. Vent bar over. CH PL ke! Ry: Farm, Demonstration Strathmore; rt. r. Ripley, Calvin, Olds; 9 ge P ala Ai 0 McDonald, Wm., Gilpin; Te": Stevens, C. R., Lundbreck; rt. sh, Pilger, Otto, Heatherbrae; l. r. Vent bar under. Browne, W., Fey A. Pine Lake; Fletcher, Arthur, Mound l. r. ‘Vent bar through. Ziegenbieu, C., Didsbury; bn) Or AIAICA SOS ao Alberta Brand Book Gao ay S oim nN CY_ICAI east anes ee SO | 4 | 50 G C C > SUIS) DIO ISAK eS apelo) Althen, C. J., Medicine Hat; es Cecil Contracting Co., Ltd., Calgary; rt. sh. Hart, C., Hughenden; rt. he Consneau, A. C., Puffer; |W Drumheller, Jack, Cayley; bs Lister, Chas. A., Springbank ; W. a. Burns & Co., P., Calgary; lr. Vent bar under. Pinze, C. P., Yarrow; ]. sh. C. P. Ry. Branch of Anima!] Husbandry, Dept. of N. R., Calgary; rt. r. Bennett, Henry W., Puffer; sie Blake, John, Livingstone; W. a. ony John, Pine Lake; 1 « Clark, Teressa C. & Frankie, Clarinda; rts sh. Sindlinger, Chas. F., Ma- grath; rt. sh. Clarridge & Clanville, Ver- milion; rt. h. ; Hansen, Carl, Seven Per- sons; rt. r. Heald, Chas. D., Daysland, rt. sh. Gunderson, Chas., Milk Riv- er; rt. sh. Lindmark, Arthur, Hamilton Lake; 1. h. McCullough, James, Gladys; lyr. Irvine, Chas. Marshall, Hux- ley, rt. sh. Walton, Wm., Cochrane; rth. Moore, Henry, Langdon; rt..r. Curtis, Thomas, Stettler; rt. h, Cyr, C. N., Cowley; rt. sh, Huxley, F. L., Ghost Pine Creek; 1. h. ala z\>( IDSp QO A) aR Bl @" 3) LTCAIA 4 |= C2 + PSPS OQ q eT eu OO . ( C = e(K Zi a (Clee) O Cc Ae Bea Nelson, Carl, Trochu; rt. sh. ie Mrs. Cora, Vermilion; Schmidt, Wm. H., Blackfalds; rte Cranston, Geo. & Matthew, Shepard; 1. sh. Cox, Mrs. Rhoda, Summer- VIEW); FEE Carbertt, Wm. J., Irvine; Nd Crosbie, R. F., Three Hills; I. sh. hor a Chas., Didsbury; Zimmerman, Christopher, Sev- en Persons; I. r. aia Charles, Daysland; 2 shi Thompson, G. C. & M. §S., Pen D’Oreille; rt. r. Campbell, J. Roy, Hicks- burg; rt. sh. Cholowski, Steffin, Beaver Hills; rt. r. cane Norman A., Mewassin; Clarke Bros., Lochend; ra) ag a Cook, Ray, Taber; rth} Carrico, T, M., Olds; ba, Bs oo Swanwick, Geoffrey, Ghost Pine Creek; |. h. Wells, Chas., Logan; Feats Lynch, H. H., Medicine Hat; b BS Meeks, Chas., Mannville; rt. sh. Riffenburg, C. H., Pine Lake; rt. r. Edwards, Mary E., Medicine Hat. ovtox. Humes, Miss Gladys, May- ton; I. sh. Bailey, Harry W., Denton; l. h, Sillars, Jno., Roundup; |e ee ae ee ae ee ce ——— = Alberta Brand Book 249 icCY Campbell, Colin Y., Hast- Hartley, S. Chas., Wellsdale; Cc V Ptr: ¢ V Sillars, Jno., Roundup; NE C WW ‘ade yar a Chas. F., Edgerton; rt. Cox, Jno. W., Lethbridge; eh. rt. CX SS Cx Roppell, Geo., Erskine; XS yf Saur, Christian, Hand Hills; Mt SB. ings Coulee; rt. r. Devost, Chas., Edgerton; rt. sh. Dahl, Carl, Meeting Creek ; ret y ef CAIOCA Collins, Isaac, Gopher Head; l. sh. Hopmeier, C. H., Trochu Val- ley; rt. sh. S| Long, Mrs. Sara, Fernie, B. BETS a oc a2 x oF Knight, I., Airdrie; 9 A Ape < cs Koys, Richard J., Cheadle; | Pa Frankel, Joseph H., Pincher Greek }/ ‘xt. r. Weiss, John A., Thelma; NWSI IK >t. Mitchell, James, Medicine 1 aS ee Archer, C. E., Eagle Butte; 58 CAS ol Sullivan, Timothy O., Cal- gary; r CVICY SS D Cartwright, E. A. & Thorp J., Pekisko; lr. & h. Vent bar under both ds. McMillan, J. D., Ray; aes “ Hawley, Claude, Vermilion; od aa Aledo Coldwell, Wm. B., Taber; ig ie Liebert, Chas. R., Inga; door. Chappell, Minnie, Macleod; Ears Tolley, Chas., Innisfail; rth: Clements & Son, Vegreville; rt. h McWilliams, Geo. A. & Wm. E. A., High River; rt. r. Sankey, L. W., Ponoka; rt. h. Wetthuhn, Chris., Daysland; re:-'s; Bonertz, Anton, Twin Butte; tt, +. Luse, John W., Notre Dame de Savoie; 1. sh. Clark, Hugh, Calgary; 2g tae 8 O’Kelly & Son, H. R., High River; l. r. Hansen, P. C.,_ Pincher Creek; 1. h. Spohen, Peter, Strome; l. sh. Wreggett & Clemens, Red Willow; l. r. Taunchill, C. A., Grassy Bake’; \ 1.x: Sneidmiller, Henry, Mayton; bo, ea Free, R. G., Stavely; bts Schleppe, Adam, Crossfield ; | Fae McKenzie, D., Trenville; rt ni McDonnell, Aubrey W., Loug- . head; l. j Share, Geo. G., Mundare; Pei 250 Alberta Brand Book ‘ D > =, viol lvLAgivialululdlo sO | 9 CR ESEEE BEB ERERERABRARES Davidson, Geo. A., Stettler; FRY: Barkmann, C. C., Bow Is- land; h. Eldridge Bros. Live Stock Co., Cardston; 1. sh. Vent same l, Duke, E. O., Suffield ; nt: Pound, D. F., Turin; re nh: Deane-Freeman, B., Nanton; rt. r. Vent inverted rt. h. Gregory, Ed. J. & Arthur J., Nanton; 1. h. Vent same as 2 Wilson, Mrs. Annie W., En- sleigh; rt. r. The Horse Track Cattle Co., Ltd., Langdon; rt. r. Vent bd. on rt. h. & r. ear crop’d Riddell & McLeay Bros., Brooks; l. r. Vent brand on 1, h. wattle on 1. sh. Freemon, J. C., Winnifred ; | ARS 8 Lyndon, W. A., Lyndon; rt. r. Vent same on rt. sh, Doolittle, Hannah E., Shep- ard; l. h. Vent bar under brand. Johnson, D. D., Coutts; Tt sh. Emerson, R. C., Trenville; WK Landis, H. D., Brownfield; a tip se Schmidt, P. H. & Dovey, C. E., High River; rt. r. Dovey, C. E., & Saulcy, W. D., High River; rt. rt. Ahrens, Mrs. Lydia, Calgary; rt. sh. Vent bar under. Walker, D. C., Tees; rt. j. Franklin, John, Macleod; h. Vent same_ inverted hehe Dixon, A., Greenlawn; l, h. Dixon, Jos., Sask?) ‘Ths, der. Day, Doc. B., Oldham, Mont., Ut Sart. Mrs. Hazel, Mun- h. Maple Creeek, Vent bar un- George, son; rt. Davidson, A., Buckhorn ; Ep okie John F., Red Deer; - iv, Starley, Frank E. & Perey _M., Black Diamond; roe Eldridge Bros. Live St Co., Cardston; I. r, teu Same on ]. sh, Randall, D. M., Innisfail ; Tie S04 Constable, Re ae i ond; 1. sh. vent Bape ving, & Cee High Riv- ers) Toe; ent inverte - er brand. By Bradley & Son, W. A., Stet- tler; w. a. Cooper, Samuel J., Maple Creek, . Saslt.;) oPams Wont bar over. Urch & Patterson, bridge; w. a. Molloy, Michael, Iron Springs; w. a. Leth- Wakes Geo., Cora Lynn; a Whiteside, E. M., Zenith; W. a. Davies, Aubrey, Trochu Val- ley.;. rt..-sh: Anderson, Duncan, Olds; l. sh, McDonald, D. A, Lakes:rt: sh: Pine Alleger, D. G., Edmonton; rt. sh, Boudurant, Mrs. J., Three Hills; 1. h. McRae, rte 7: D., Nanton; Eyben, H. A., Cummings; Lin. Swanson, A. K., Erskine; ea Fullerton, D. W.,-Lethbridge;, McGinnis, D. F., Stauffer; {ia Koster, Daniel, Cochrane; ré.: hi; Houcher, D. D., Czar; l. sh. Black, Alex., Pine Lake; rt: h. Demers, Honoreus, Bonny- ville; rt. sh. \ CA A ar _ CaS og Alberta Brand Book 251 ae ory Como, Hector D., Riviere Qui Barre; rt. Holman, D. A., Champion; l. sh. Liesemer, Peter, Didsbury; Lic i Crooks, G. E., Nanton; oe Heidenger, Fred., Little Plume; rt. sh. Lent, D. H., Mewassin; toh: McDonald, David H., Whitla; eS Ross, Roderick, Airdrie; "ae Dougan, Wm. J., Mound; = ie Balke, Daniel, Egremont; Ft. McIntosh, Alex. J., Willows; 1 as eere Robt., Three Hills; Lok Dumont, Mrs. P., Content; ip 2 Darnell, C. H., Knee Hill Valley; rt. r. Maxwell, Dugald, Maughan; rte it, spt ad David, Olds; Seite Dunn, Maurice, Cochrane; rt. sh. Street, D. M., Hardisty ; eh. McIntyre, D., Kanata; rt. Sh: Davidson, D. M., rt. sh. Kinsella ; McLean, David, Penhold; l. sh. Thomson, L., Delburne; fi su) Daniop,- Jas... Ms ‘Leth- bridge; 1. r. Moore, David, Tofield; TE, Th de seats D., Bowden; ae # Marten, Daniel, Garden Plains; 1. yr, D PIE o"Seeyoye shy TBE Oe) Syoy2 LL Tle e- os) (e(|d €- im Price, Jr., Geo., Black Dia- mond; rt. r. Wixom, D. W., Cardston; oe ge Hampshire, Geo., Ewing; tig ND ot Griswald, Doraus ‘Butler, Sundre; rt. Bowen, Mrs. Lena D., Caro- line; 1, x. Armstrong, Dave, Camrose; EES .rt. xr: Munroe, Alex. S., Leo; Sted Blackburn, ~ E. J., Creek; 1. sh. Snider, Albert, sate Pincher Langdon; LE aaa E. J., Alix; Foch: pe pp Jakob H., rt. sh. Grouard ; Harper, E., Twin Butte; gd on: Jones, A. E., Livingstone; Phy he. James, Mrs. Emma, Elkton; ] ie Cuncannon, J. B., Didsbury; Etick: Parsonage, Everett Jno., Battle Creek, Sask.; 1. r. Ekstrom, Chas. M., Airdrie; rts | mM Xl Rl xl RI RPE PE pEpajad alaage ga Maa alae (alae de ede Belisle, E. J., Duvernay; l. sh. Brown, Mrs. Emily J., Hugh- enden; |. r. Wowedvaski, Gottlieb, Ul ster; l. h, Johnson, Edmund _ Arnold, Grassy Lake; rt. sh. Halverson, Anders, Ghost Pine Creek; rt. h. Emslie, Major Jno., Belve- dere; 1. sh. Day, Lester, Raymond; 1 Irvine; Johnson, J. E., l. h. Thompson, E. J., Coutts; rt. sh, Hovey, Edson, Innisfail; Fah AG Mumert, Ulysses G., Seven Persons; rt. Reid, Edwin G., Cremona; sD: Meyer, Frank, Yarrow; 14x; Braunberger, Christ., Cross- field; 1. h. Scott, Mrs. E. J., Summer- view; rt. sh. Jarvis, Jno. A., Ena; rg ee Welsh, E. J., Warner; rt. h. Johnson, Erick, Glen Banner; lets Park, Chas. H., Medicine Pat's by he Cyples, A. E., Flagstaff; tee al Corliss, Jesse E., Point; rt. h. Ferry Martwich, Peter, Dalroy; RG Bassett, Kenneth W., Cal- Sary. slr. Kerber, Edward, Bismark; leh. Erickson, Peter, Milk River; rt. sh. Pollitt, by ee E. W., Calgary; Alberta Brand Book aN EK } ~~ EK Gray, T. M., Stauffer; Ih. Maez, Gottlieb, Sunnyslope; rt. sh. Murray, Peter, Trenville; Fite 3 Alberta Brand Book ~ EN —~ EN -_— EN aay, ma JEN Menard, Eugeune, Legal; rt. h. Marr, Elmer, Crossfield ; ] Pet McLeod Bros., Cremona; l, h. Westman, C. M., Mound; Lest. icy ee E., Millarville ; HEA: ink jeer ae Thos., Gainford; . sh. Hillmer, l. . H. C., Magrath; ari Wm., Macleod; Nicholson, Edward, Medicine Hat? rt. 'sh, Scott, Jno., Innisfail; rt. FT. Hillyard, Mrs. F., Medicine Pato tt. oh, Northurp, E. A., Okotoks; l, sh. Melville, Wm., Mossleigh; | ae al Paull, Wm., Innisfail; l, h. Nelson, Andrew, Glen Ban- ner; rt. sh: Needham, Ralph, Lake View; rt. x. Ludwig, Otto, Irvine; Beh: Swisher, E. N., Flagstaff; Ea Winkles, Wm. H., Stettler; Et. 23 Anderson, E. R., Lodge; rt. r. Beaver Mongoier, Emil, Macleod; 1s Murton, E. H., Milk River; L sh': Mowlin, Ernest L., Clares- holm; 1. r. Neelin, E. P., Calgary; j Wes Daly, E. N., Munson; rt. sh. Moorey, E. C., Ewelme; rt. x. Rinchart, ‘G. L., Crossfield; rt. h, Newer, E. E., Calgary; eS Riaclen A. M., Warner; Walter, ‘ A., Spring Cou- lee’; rt. gph Niels P., Stirling ; ge sic a Clyde E., Innisfail; mage’ Mattice, Elisha A., Knee Hill alley; rt. r. Engesath, N., Markerville; Ti; wee J. Russell, Macleod; a Hed Mrs. H., Carbon; Main, E. H., Lakeview; rti¥. : Nichol, Mrs. Russell, Three Hills2°-rt-2h, Lackey, Myland, Hastings oulee; 1. sh. Osterbauer, Ed., Nanton; gh Fawcett & Simkins, ty; Ohrn, Erick, Ohrnville; terre Hardis- Hinkley, W. D., Hardisty; Tt te O’Neil, Mrs. fred; l. sh. Chapman, Chas., Pekisko; Late Ella F., Winni- Palmer, Parley P., Barnwell; li Patzer, Emanuel, Garden Plains; rt. r Frerichs, Henry, Medicine Hat tice Cameron, A. A., Rosenroll; kip 2 Olson, Lizzie, Red Willow; rt) 4X: Delessalle, L., Vermilion; Tt. Crawford, Sr., Mrs. Agnes; Okotoks; Ll. r. ‘Alberta Brand Book 263 Ice, Martin, Ingleton; eek Fellers, Julian, Leopoldville; Linki Russell, John, Leo; eu Fs Toews, C. F., Stern; rt. ch: od haiti E. P., Rosythe; Bb De Smidt, Ed. Alfons, Pash- ley 3>xt. h, eens Ed., Sullivan Lake; cond set Royal F., Mossleigh; Maillot, Ernest, Ewing; A East, Edward T., Vermilion; rt, Hi: eS aaa E., Midnapore; McAllister, E., Penhold; Pe) T, Pilkie, A. E., Vermilion; 1, sh, Evans, Mrs. Elcie P., Three Hills; lr. ; Baa Wilfred, Carbon; Panter, Alex., Vermilion; Tish, Partington, J. F. Edge, Hills- down; rt. r. Patterson, E. D., Calgary; ye Prill, Robt., Mannville; l. sh. wit iat Fred., Innisfail ; La sp ROA, Mike, Lethbridge; Paiement, A., Morinville ; rt. sh. Herron, C. M., Mayton; 4 ae Patton, Mrs. A. E., Laur- ence, rt.vho ae Ernest W., Calgary; Ket, Person, Emanuel, Wetaski- win; rt. Y “7 —N == oN EP NN EP aN EP “NN EP| “aN. EP EP EP EP EP nN EP ~Z EP a EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP EP ER |ER Leishman, Ada, Cardston; th 3 ae Herbert E., Lochend; ay Persson, Ed., Pine Creek; l, sh. Alpaugh, E., Conjuring Creek; 1. r. Edinger, Paul, Bismark; l. h. Perras, Emilien, Morinville; rt. sh. Putney, C. E., Macleod; a ot Palo, M. A., Strathmore; Feel. Pabst, F. E., Major; l. sh. Rund, E. P., Stettler; leex. Pattullo, W. T., Talbot; gs eo Nelson, Peter, Gleichen ; Ft. sh; Rose, Emil P., Stettler; Tt. f Cawiezel, F.: 1s m e (SKEIS) m = m = (KEK de Vabre, Rene de | ’Escale, Innisfail; rt. sh. Van Wart, E. H., Acme; Ets Ts Dufresne, Ed., Peguis; rt. h. Wirth, Emil, Irma; l. sh. ub dang Everard H., Priddis; + Wood, E. H., Olds; l. h, Weaver, C. E., Raven; Thai Be Warren, Mrs. Falkland, Leth- bridge; rt. h Welshmer, E. B., Langdon; sh: Winthrop, E. S., Millarville; Ey. Lane, Harvey, Little Plume; The Woolard, Mrs. Emma, Web- ber; rt. sh. Lowe, C. E. D., Livingstone ; Tee Ts Wilson, Edward, Pembina; bh eo Woodsend, H. E., Lamerton; ir. Walshe, Ed.,-Macleod; rt. ©. Wiers, E. W., Mound; FU.) Ts Ebbert, W. C., MacEwan; ier, Buck, W. E., Stauffer; AP: Wickstrand, J. Plains; rt.r. Ward, Mrs. Edmund, Hux- ley; rt. h. E., Garden Williamson, E., Stand Off; | Mi Montney, E. W., Innisfail; lL. h. Wolsey, Edward, Taylors- ville; rt. r: ' Stackhons, Luella E., High River; rt. White, Mrs. Eva, Sullivan Lake; lr. Alberta Brand Book Walker, R. E., Dewberry; 1. h. Witt, Ernest A., Rawdon- ville; rt. r. Wright, Mrs. E., Frank; rth: Wilson, Chas., Westward Ho; Li Wiggins, Mrs. Ellen, Puffer; © Res aks Price, Wm. H., Trochu Val- ey; Lor. Thomos, C. A., Hand Hills; | abi sb Schneller, David, Cayley; rt. sh, Walburger, Henry, Mountain View; rt. r. Crowther, R. P., Wessington; rt. h, Prevette, W. R., Trochu; sh. Prone. L. Brady, Calgary; iy bi ii A., Nanton; . h, McLennan, Donald, Lund- breck; rt. r. Lund, Nicholas H., Red éer;)-Lr. Knox, William, Milk River; Pb. 7, Ellis, C. P., Nanton; yd ae ot ma heres Daniel G., Stettler; Las Je mie rou, Alex., Shepard; fash Pulley, Mrs. Ed. S., Diamond Cityiselouh: Ekiss, Fred., Nanton; Peers Koch, Philip, Trochu Valley; rt. h, pene R. E., Gleichen; Rees aa yee Ed., Taylorville ; ved sk Ingram-Istvanffy, Geo. & C., Parkland; rt. r. Maloney, A., Viking; rt. bh, (lsat m ma ( Gs mim <|X< ease Sepeap Mm rg nim ee ee m * mM ~< m ~< Mm ~< WW) Wow) a Dowker, Eli, Lakesend; Le recent Ed. A., Comrey; uh, Hopewell, Ed., Cardston; Etunk. Hallett, Edith M., Edgerton; rt. h, eats: E., Kinnondale ; ey Were Mrs. E. F., Gleichen; Merriman, C. E., Riverbow; FEE Bowcott, E. T., Manyberries ; rth: Boseem W. M., Landonville ; ae Lock, R. S., Hillsdown; | Pao Younggren, Franz, Brooks; rt. sh. Kyle, Wm., Medicine Hat; ea as: eS Mills, David, Hearnleigh; rt. h. Chambers, Mrs. E. M., Puf- fer; lr. Young, W. E., Stand Off; l. h. Babcock, Eugene, Gleichen; reves Perkins, Henry, Lochend; rt. h. Pickering, Noah, Wessing ton sk a; Zaiser, Emanuel, Irvine; rti-x Smith, W. J., Talbot; + ik Young, Edgar, Dog Pound; | Lah Preston, M. F., Frankburg; Lim Schulte, Joseph, Strome; 1. Sh: Alfrey & Morrison, Little Plume} rt. F. Schlag, Christian, Trochu; — Valley; rt. h. Assam, M., St. Paul de Met- iss) 'Liz. Alberta Brand Book 269 St. hey Ernest L., Dids- bury ; Lockwood, Jno. H., Ewing; 1 he Young, W. E., Hardisty; rt), press Ellen, Macleod; he Smith, A. E., Ribstone; Lk, Lalliot, Justin, Hillcrest; EOF: Ployart, J. L., Hand Hills; et hi Evans, Thos. holm; 1. r. Rees, Clares- Fey, Jonathan W., Stettler; GS 0 Eye, Mrs. Ada C., Langdon; rt. h, Fitts, Henry L., Strathmore; lh. Legge, Geo. A.,. Eagle Butte; rt. r. Vent bar over. Bishop, Joseph H., Calgary; l, sh. Breach, Frank E., Holden; Fee hy Kant, Ivan, Calgary; rt. e rue S. D., Red Deer; igh a F Porter, James, Medicine RLAb te Chapman, A. B., Content; rt. 31 Fletcher, M. C., Lineham; rt. h. Curry, Mrs. City; kK: 3. Albert, Valley Curry, Albert, Haynes; 4 pak 8 Rice, W. A., Mound; Waa 2 M™M)),™ A\4l|( ) 48). Ol (orlen leak q N st | Smith, F. ati, Hi Duport, Henry, Loveland; Ets Es Engen, Anton, Sunnyslope; Ties sh Ewing, Frederick, bridge; rt. r. Leth- Dunning, A. R. C., Nanton; Let, Richardson, Chas. A., Moun- tain Mill; rt. r. Hughes, Chas. A., ton; rt. h. De Win- Evans, Chas., Gleichen; PU. Fe Southern Alberta Land Co., Medicine Hat; rt. r. aces Thomas, High River; G3) Ross, C. C. A., Trochu Val- ley; rt. 4. Park, A. B., Medicine Hat; £: rt. Bulgin, Wm. H., Calgary; ba ae Perkinson & Shaw, Stettler; LV 8. Wilson, M. R., Lethbridge; tech, ; Hartley, Mrs. Mary nisfail; L sh, E., : In- Day, A. P., Medicine Hat; a Robinson, Henry F., Bow- den; rt. h. O., Woodglen; Beirbach, Fred., Josephs- burg; lI. h, Coates, F. A., Macklin, Sashes! Tha! 3. Pierce, James & Mary, Leth- bridge; rt. h. Vent same inverted rt. h. Fischer, Frank Wm., > Pinch- er; rt. n. NS ~J i) Alberta Brand Book Sen = -c = haidel Hel ED ss eG s] Hink, Fred., Neuheim, Sask. ; el Baines, George, Olds; toy Flynn, J. C., Seven Persons; BY Poynter, F. W., Provost; toe Vigar, Jr., Frank, Rosebud reek; 1. sh. West, Frederick, Vermilion; Brower, W. A., Comrey; Esk. Been, Ross, Qarlstadt; rt. sh. McDiarmid, F. E., Carlstadt; rt. sh. McClymont, James, Line- hams -rt:=r. Forry, Charles, Ethelwynn; hur: Robson, John, Crossfield; iE Lefingwell, F. S., Warner; 1. h. Parrish, Ernest, Mountain View; l. r. Scudder, Fred’k., Medicine ats Tt, 8) Rutherford, W. J., High River; 1. r. The Southern Alberta Land Co., Ltd., Medicine Hat; Ww. a. Lawson, Thomas, Gleichen; W. a. Frederickson, cies Ham- ilton Lake; ] Johnson, Arthur F., Mound; l. sh. Lount, F. A., Beiseker ; rt. sh. Vaneouver Prince Rupert Ranching Co., Ltd., Van- couver, B.C.; 1. h. Laing Bros., Medicine Hat; se SAB 2 oh Collins, F. W., Lake View; rtsh: Como, Francis, Riviere Qui Barre; rt. sh. Green, Frederick, Trenville; rt. sh. 1 — Ds O ) Tn O Tt Oo a 9 O (aKa) ayn (Papa O FD -FF y “TI n “—T a a\n THT YD Calder, Graham F., Bawlf; rt. sh, McFadden, A. D., Big Val- ley; lL. sh. aha Fred., Irricana; Degon, F. P., Medicine Hat; TEENS De Delley, H. Louis, Ver- milion; 1, r, Cramshaw, Fred., Calgary; Donovan, Mrs. Francis, Mossleigh; rt. r. Fe atin. B. F., Raven; oa oh DePass, FC Shnomes. rt. sh. Ohlhauser, Fred F., Carbon; Tse: Ray, Jas. A., Mayton; THRs Dalzell, F. R., Monarch; rth. Kdnasteec Wm., Dog Pound; ame Petrin, Felix, Riviere Qui Barre; rt. sh. Fitaz, Frank, Stettler; rt. sh. Richardson, Andrew G., High © River; 1. r. Sess Bros., Langdon; a Ooene Fuller, Ethel Emelia, Coal. City; rt. sh. : Carruthers Bros., Strome; lh, Handley, T. F., Stoppington ; | Pte S53 ’ Ferguson & House, High | River; 1. h. 7 Bayer, Frank L., Morrin; l. sh. , a Collingwood, G. W., Foun- tainstown; rt. sh. Heaman, Mrs. H. A, na down; l. r. Wake, bist, J., High Riv- er; rt Recher W. F., Nanton; rt. sh Alberta Brand Book 271 TN NNN, | Te) Dye lsc Bhapaeda(Bdaqz Miller, F. H., Blackfalds ; rt. h. Kotke, Fred, Scone; rtial. Kruchton, Frank, Spring Sake sy, Tt Fs Logelin, Frank, Seven Per- sous); rt, x. Kitto, F. O., Pine Lake; by ard 1 Gaetz, James F. & eran W., Red Deer; rt. sh. Joseph, Fred, & Stenson, Thos. F., Macleod; rt. r. Meek, F. G., Daysland; 1, sh. Simister, Jr., Chas., Living- ee Stom:. | Grundry, Florence M., Card- ston; rt. sh. Mearns, Frank, Curlew; EF. Chapman, F. M., Stavely; _rt. sh. West View Ranche Co., Ltd., Carbon; 1. r. Nichol, Herman F., Pine Creek; 1. sh. Tims, W., Calgary; l. sh. Casey, Hephzibah C., Eagle Mase eth Martin, John, Rosebud; Ler. Frink, Joseph, Ingleton; Lay 8 Fraedrich, H. J., Spring ake; h. aes & Allen, Gleichen , he piper: Felegine, Legal; l. h. Monsty, Aime, Lille; Device Stevens, Jno. Riley, Cayley; rt. Be Beatty & Sons, Jno. D., Medicine Hat; l. r. oe Fred. A., Alix; Rutki, Frank, Royal View; row “] N-i-| 2-7) 2 Fy ice tall) 39 Fa 6 ogy 1 ls Ble nN tA a 4 TUT) Hy) Ty TS) | lele | lel SiPpspaps] 4944 Ford, Chas. H., Brooks; oases Taylor, Mrs. Christibell, Po- zerville; 1. h. ‘aha Poni S. H., Daysland ; Ose Riggall, Fred. H., Twin Butte; 1. h. Rosenfelder, Fred., Joseph- burg; rt. sh. Lawrence, Joseph C., High River; l. r. Romeril, Fred. W., Stirling; rt. sh. Rakestraw, Frank, Hardisty; FU Te gait W. F., Cluny; sp ernets Fred., Lethbridge; Snoxell, G. F., Dalroy; Ty Be Skidmore, Frank, Medicine Prat fi lece, Schaaf, Franz, Irvine; rt. sh. Sherman, F. H., Taber; 2 EE = Franke, Leo H., Blooming Prairie; r. sh. Townsend, F. W., Kinsella; rt. sh. Anderson, Otto, Tolman; 1M 5 Talbot & Co., Geo., Leth- bridge; rt. r. ieee Frank, St. Albert; Wo Gough, Joseph T., Big vVal- ley; rt. sh. Selby, Stuart, Mountain View; rt. r. Thomas, G. E., Ghost Pine Creek; 1. r. Gilbertson, Sylvester, Mound; Sa Allred, Frank F., Twin Butte; rt. r, Brady, Wm. S., Round Up; rts D. Forkner, G. W., Wessington; 1 on. Alberta Brand Book ‘ Reimer, Neapolis ; rt. sh. Jacob, Feddema, Lawrence, Strome; bob; Fournier, Augustin, Stew- artwyn; rt. h Stuart, Wm., Innisfail; Ligh Foat, Philip, Carstairs; 1 Sed 0 Hargood-Ash, F. St. A., High River; rt. r. ) Falla, Andrew T., Killam; rtiihy Anderson, F. A., Pine Lake; I oN Flake, Christian, Gros Ven- Vie coseeginn ig uaey W aener lM, JL! serine & Schaber, hore & E. DB” Crossfield ; Smith, srl a Bowden; rt McDougall & McDonald, Medicine Hat; 1. r. Mills, William, Taber; ARR Twin Anderson, Mabel A., Butte; rt. r. Bentley, H. D., Wetaskiwin; rt. h. Darling, Fred H., Grainland; Jet: Kinchelve, C. F., Magrath; Ft a) Ward, Frank, Gladys; i aye Douglas, Jno., De Winton, aN Barrett, Jno., Crossfield; eR: Bolton, Homer, Delia; 1th Woitte, Fred, Warner; Lek, Young, Frank, Trochu; Tesh: Fred, Galahad; Vincett, THT. Stensrud, Olaf, Lineham ; rt; sh; Hall, rt. h F. H., Killam; pial ay Frank, Loma, rt. sh ; Silcox, Fred., Trochu Valley; re. 2. gS othe Edward, Nanton; r pase, Se Hand Hills; rt. hy nr onl F. A., Beiseker ; SUG: Fred M., Stettler; Porter, Kt ers Frank, Okotoks; Fitzgerald, Chas. Deers oxtix, ., Red Cameron, F. E., Vermilion; rt ik; ee D. C., Langdon; Naat o ee Wiess, Carbon; aihenie Ficht F., Vegreville ; Sutton, F, R., Calgary; 1 ie Pine Allen, Mrs. Fannie, Bake Lin Bok Fred. W., Bowden; Forsythe, Mrs. Agnes C., Three Hills; 1. h. Foster, Geo. R., Olds; rts: Bauman, Amos §S., Mayton; l. h. Hamil Ranche, Beiseker; Lie High Richardson, Henry, River; lr. Jarboe & Gravett, Medicine Hats bee Hendry, Alex., Didsbury; rt. h. Logan, W. A., Carbon; Tt. 0 Fournier, Jean, Pincher Creek; 1. r. Simms, Wm., Edwell; a tate Petterson, E. R., Carbon; ie rt; h. : Alberta Brand Book O76 “~ Reid Wildes * ali Zaczkowski, L. F., Spring ts , , Lake; lL. h Li Ni Dea SES] SHB BZA EBEBEEEE | ta ta| M | 2 ae we Graham, Lillian N., Canyon; rene. Skene, John J., Mountain Te The Ye Parkkari, John, Carlstadt; rt. sh. Shannon Bros., Mannville; rt. h Maxham, Mrs. Sarah L., Cooking Lake; rt. sh. Ficht, H. C., Nanton; (Sa Tarilicki, M., Lethbridge; 1. h. G Green, Charles, Vermilion; rt, Downing, John Manley, Cur- lew; l. r. Vent same 1. sh, Gillrie, Albert, Delia; iba Bennie, Jas. S., & Graham, Thos., Warner; rt. r. Huber, Gottlieb, Irvine; Pe -ASn: Jones, George C., Cascley- ville; rt. n. Thompson & Sons, C. S., Stettler; ‘rt. x... Vent) bar through 1. May, G. W., Perbeck; ig 2 Richardson, G. L., Puffer; Sti ny Rose & Son, Edwin, Steve- ville; 1. h. Schmitke, re 6 Raster, 2.3) JW eesos,, C.} G., Camrose; Cochrane; 1. h. Vent same inverted 1. sh. Tillotson, James E., Oko- toks; l. r. Vent same _ in- verted rt. h. Thomas, Geo. Edward, Bul- locksville; rt. n. FF? > FP FL & ISIS gig > IS} Fraser, S. L., Stavely,; rt. sh. Powell, L. F., Warner; rth. Fry, Dan S., Carstairs ; | Doak se ais N. F. F., Lac St. Anne; Tremmel, Frank M., May- vrille; rt. h. Denis, Valentine, Crossfield ; 1 op Kindopp, Heinrich, Cross- eld; 1. Von Schmidt, Geo. E., Har- Inattan:; } 3. Armitage, C. A., Whitlash, Mont.; 1. sh. Drake, A. C., Cardston; a 3 Aitcheson, Archie G.,+ Sedge- wick; Il. h, Girard, H. A., St. Metis; rt. sh. Paul de Gillund, bry al Adolph, lIowalta; Pihooya, h. August, Gilby; rt. ? Craig, Andrew, Minburn; Eilts Cordel & Sons, A. F., Notre Dame de Savoie; 1. h. Allingham, Geo., Leo; rt, sh, Applebee, Albert, Rg Erskine ; Ham, C. A., Bruce; tte hy ak ieee Albert, Macleod; Sian Christofferson, Hold- (32 REED fh Anton, bo Prid- Armstrong, dis ik ox, Geilhorn, Alfred, Gold Butte, Mont. ; h. Smiut, S. G., Huxley; rt. sh, Gale, Austin, Ingleton; rte ir. Gunner, Albert, Gwynne; rt: A: Cardinal, Abraham, White- fish Lake; 1. sh. Cote, Albert, Pincher Creek; 1 ee 9 Gould, Alvah T., Lethbridge ; Ath; Ashmore, Mrs. C., Reid Hails rtsech, Griffin, Alfred Thos., Flower- dale; 1. r. Calder, Alex., Standoff; Eh Bitzon, Geo. W., New Day: ton; l. sh. Geo., Hastings Cou- lee; l. sh. Blain, Mrs. Georgina, Elk- 5 06 Rtas Pad Bledsoe, Lewis, Gleichen; Woh} C. . -Carlstadt: Benjamin, rt. sh. Bishop, Geo. N., Edgerton; PESUX, Brownell, C. R., Chinook; rts: A. Charles, Blairmore; Bonne, l. sh, Copeville ; 3auman, Gottlob, l ote Berscht, George, Didsbury ; l. h, Bouhey, Georges,’ Cowley; h rt...6A, Britt, High Prairie ; id Ae ¥ George, iS G d Od d to ob) eS) ley EN ) G > @) YO) ,O},O/ cy @),/c C)),.¢c> saarets a eaPaPreies ales | | KS) O | © od) C OC vc )C Bauer, C., Vermilion; rt. h. Bepbingreas C.. H., Olds hs Brown, Claud E., Stirling; rts. Bie Gordon, Grouard; Anes Bryson, Grant P., Wiste; rt. ft. Black, Geo. B., Cardston; l. sh. ee Robt. G., Macleod; Bertagnolli, G. A., Stauffer;- rt. sh. Coombs as Warner; Cg em Chevalier Bros., Galahad; rt. he Geo., Butler, Macleod ; Leth Blyth, 'C> Hy Calgary; Eb Fe Bird, Fe at Walter G., Strome; Giachino, Batista R., Belle- VG ree se ies: Geo. A., Solon; wr ake F. G., Didsbury; arial Baker, Lac Ste. Geo. Russell, Anne; rt. h. BGHe Jno. Geo., Irvine; Ae Buckler & Gibson, Black Diamond; |. h. Baker, C. H., Mannville; EE; Goodkey, Christie, Calgary; i sh: Miller, B..C., Cayley; OP ie Chapman, G. W., Calgary; Lh: Cudmere, J. G., High River; rt. sh. Godbeeson, C. C., Erskine; rt. N Calvert, Carles, Perbeck; rt... h.* : Alberta Brand Book 275 58 Q¢ Cook, C. E., Pine Lake; ], sh. Dunham, M. C., Hearnleigh; lr. Cline, veo. W., Red Willow; BB Crone, Mrs. Maggie, Talbot; rt. sh. Gribble, Chas., Cayley; he Chamberlain, Geo. S., Puffer; re. Giffen & Barclay, Strath- more; l. r. Cote, Joseph, St. Paul de Metis; rt. r. Gilmore, E. S., & Crowder, fee} Okotoks) i-r. Lafferty, Chas., New Day- ton; rter. Gump, C. C., Airdrie; ]. sh. McGrandel, D., Innisfail; ee Cook, C. A., Hardisty; Wega Halbgewachs, ‘Harry C., Kinnondale; rt. sh. Culp, Geo. W., Spring Cou- bees rt. y. Cota,. Chas. F., Langdon; rt. h. Griffith, C. C., Bentley; be de taka ies Chas., Nightingale; | sas 2 Fe Clark, Hiram Alfred, Er- skine; rt. sh. Caaman, T. G., Rosebud Creek; rt.'r. Clampitt, G. K., Leopold- ville; 1, r. Gordon, Chas. H., Warner; The Coventry, Thos. G., Castor; 1 PA Crawford, J. C., Medicine PLAC 's (yes Ut: i tape te Maurice P., Rife; + sh. QO] 1} | Oy] © SSS Siteitiits) oe ty | e) d) RES See SIE Guard, David J., Milnerton; l. h, Deeter, Glen, Stettler; rt. sh. Duer, C., De: Winton; Tty Ty Dodds, Geo. E., Vermilion; Th. Bi Miles, Geo. D., Edgerton; l. sh, Dufloth, Christ., Laird, Mont.; 1. xr. Anderson, Geo. D., Black- falds; 1. h. Gregory, Dave, Erskine; rt. sh, Crenshaw, D. H., Galahad; rl E Dewey, Geo., Clarkville; Tt i. Maguire, Dan, Cadogan; Ets Duquette, Zoel, Lac la. Biche; rt. r. Dean, Chas. A., Ponoka; Kier Dupont, Chas., Stettler; 19 Se Gilbert, D. M., Content; Lz sh? careen Realty Co., Carbon; Pe Butler, G. D., Peace River Landing; |. h, Dandliker, Chas. Alfred, Gleichen; rt. r. Elgey, C. D., Mound; rt. h. Dunn, Geo. A., Medicine Hats) ler: pune Dan, Grande Prairie; Despas, Madame A., Nama- Rant. oie: Park, Geo., Elbow River; Ft: f: Gordon, R. D., Garden Plains; rt. h. Davidson, Geo. W., Big Val- ley'* “Er B: ; RORo re Ig) Davidson, T. S., Clive; Gold, Jr., J. Hyrum, Moun- Lick tain View; rt. r. w) boa. | or) Alberta Brand Book [rls mM ey ) LT BEBE miler dy] O) |10 m ym im mR qd) Et = =F Ole © © 7 ISO In 7 T ein ral ites |e 9 d) —< SD 1 oS) 9 ) Old) n/7 QF UF OF OF oF Fr a Fraser, Geo. R., Strathmore; ab Fechiner, Gottfred, Hand Halls 3\"rt. hy; Frey, Gustav, Ft. Sesiaceied wan; 1, sh. Bracken, Chas. F., Big Prairie; |. r, ei ow Geo., Hardisty ; Seay & Pritchard, Be hae Hes Te Sterrenberg, J. F., Vallejo; rt. h, Vine Frank J., Rosythe; ee Fowler, J. W., Mellowdale; rth Bye eth Callender, Cowley; ey siigriah Geo., Hardisty; Ne Field, T. R. & G. B., Lang- don; Baye «Th Firth, Geo. B., Lethbridge; rt. sh. Goddard & Sons, J. E., Carl- stadt + .7t.r Boice Frank, Lake View; rt. Johnson, Fred’k. Chas., kisko; lr. Pe- Fleming, G., Champion; Ytoer: ‘sulby, Fred., Medicine Hat; rt h Brebber, Geo. Forbes, Wit- tenberg; Lor. Goldsworthy, J. F., Carbon; ae Gordon, H. F., Warner; Pty Ce ‘ Frank, Cecil, Mannville; rt. Fletcher, Geo., Meadow Creek; lL. r. Manuel, Fred., Alix; 1, h, McFetridge, G. H., Castor; rt. h. Plant. Gaspard, Lac St. Anne; |. sh. OO 22 | d) le Alberta Brand Book 277 : H Po | Gould, A. J. Vegreville; Getman, Chas. Lewis, Nan : ; con's; Lr: UU rt. h, i) <) | Girard, Thaddie, St. Paul Boring, C. C., Landonville; LN Coleman, Chas. F., Ponoka; Te. Ty, C., Glen- Gehrmann, view; rt. Ole O., Stirling ; Emil Grover, l. sh. Gough, Geoffrey, Caldwell; tas Livingston, Geo. H., Warner; bese Gulmick, G. W., Purple Springs; rt. sh. Cockrell, A. C., Gopher Breas) Ftv: Campbell, C., castop- Colin pington; rt. Zubach, Geo., Lethbridge; 17h Ohlhauser, Fred, Carbon. Pei. Tx Muller, Felix G., Milk River: aS Ohlhauser, Gottlieb, Carbon: hg iene a Gauld, Geo., Gadsby; I. sh, Graves, Geo. G., Hartshorn: i Cofield, C. W., Battleview ; Een. Giles, Geo., Delia; rt. \ sh. Adams, C. E., Gladys; Pi Christian, Chas., Landon- h. ville; rt. Baly, Hamilton, Grea Court; 1. sh. Gainsby, Geo., Priddis; Re) Christensen, E, C., & Com- met, Chas. D., Whitla; rei Christman, Henry, Walsh; RES Christiansen lawn; | , Christ, Green- Cox O's Big Valley ; Dee ake de Metis; Ll. sh. vahgag Geo. G., Hartshorn; Ao oe Sait Ezra G., Carlstadt; Theriault, Cliff, Pincher Creek; rt. r ? Thies, Henry C., Granum ; A Sh ig eat: Geo., Graburn; hag Needham, A, Lake; 1. h. a IB, Sullivan Houston, Geo. T., Mountain Touse; rt. sh. Holden, G. J., Scona; eo Sien, C. F., Medicine Hat; rt. h, Ganshirt, Harry, Gadsby; l. sh, Muirhead, town; |, A. W., Queens- i Halsten, Geo., Provost; jE Greaves, Geo. town; rt. rx. M., Queens. Smith, Geo. H., Innisfail ; rt. h. Hassard, Claude, Irvine; Teh Ross, Herbert, Duhamel; i SE Haase, Gottfried, Beiseker ; ] sae 3 Horner, Reginald Geo., Hand Hills; rt.-r. Markeberg, H., Markerville ; l. sh, Hillman, Geo., Hastings Cou- lee; lr. Horn, Mrs. Ches., Manyber- ries; rt. sh. Herman, Henry G., Siebert- ville; rt 4. Haas, George, Irvine; op rt Gilday, Creek ; Harold, Rosebud sh, Alberta Brand Book ~J CO 2 2 Pi i Galts, Henry, Coutts; iba. i cS sa Gulman, John, Minda; - He ONO 2 Heater Albert C., Provost; strokes John G., Suffield; Smith, Harry Creighton, Haneyville; rt. r. McHeffey, Arthur, Tofield;; caine John, Schuler; Pa cM John, Calgary; Graf, John, Twin Butte; Hall, Stephen, Steveville; l. sh. rt. Sh: Hodgson, Francis J., Beau- Jones, Geo. I., Vermilion; mont; l. r. rt t. od) Cc, Hawey, Geo., Grouard; Cummins, H. A., Carbon; l. h. h. rt aaa ena ek Hardwick, R. C., Sheerness; Pay ES © Cc, Geran. John, Carmangay; de Ss . 1d) Auburn, Chas., Daysland; Jenson, Geo. R., Taber; rt. h l oats yQ\2c pe ie Cae a a Bhs Ome Holroyd, Geo., Suffield; Cairns, J. J., Lamerton; 1, sh, lh, 9) Hawkins, Chas., Acme; Johnstone, Geo., Czar; ber. h. rt. s TA J) im Garrison, John, Altorado; Lingrill, Joseph P., Swal- - be eat well; rt. r Jones, Geo. H., Hutton; l. sh Yen> Jas. '‘H., Lea Park; . sh. : rt, Bats J. C., Claresholm ; Cooper, John, Hardisty; | Bae Gleeson, J., Berry Creek; Gray, J. B., Carlstadt; | 6 rt. sh, Winkler, J. G., Taber; Gerrard, John, Lundbreck; rhtk, rt. Yr. Mura, Johan, Gilby; Mahar he John, Wainwright ; rt. Ph. rt. h. O!d Chok, Jacob, Thelma; J ceive, Glen D., Stettler; LB: aie Charters, Jno. N., Lloyd- minster; l. r. © ighiss na Jas., Ranfurly ; Chatwin, Wm. Jas., Medicine Hater ae ©) ide 4 Gus B., Evarts; Gulman, Jno., Minda; Gyorgy, Jgozef, Lethbridge; rt. sh. ePran: 3 Klein, Christian, Hastings Gaines, J. F., Fieldholme; Coulee; 1. sh. rte is, © Lake, Guy Judson, Coch- Kindig, Geo. E., Bowell; Taney Kel at. Sur, Q) Giebelhaus, John, Martins; or Chas., Raven; Tay pass J) } Garman, John, St. Paul de Kvanvig, G., Tilly; Metis; rt. r. h rt. sh. © Kroetsch, Ambrose G., Hast- ings Coulee; rt. r. ag 4 od eI yu | J YJ J au )K )K yK K )K Genge, John, Eyremore; | aie dy Alberta Brand Book 279 Konshuck, Conrad, Schuler ; h Hollenbeck, C. M., Red Deer; rt. h. a Boxe l. sh. Gee, Robert, Kingman; | Sep Hoopfer, Albert, Gadsby; li h: Griffith & Kelley, Trenville ; rt. sh. OP Ie Frink, Gale K., Yarrow; 2 ee oS) a leqelele) Kitchen, Curtis, Hastings Coulee; rt. Kello, Geo., Stewartwyn; Ft. -. Bakkie, Chas., Vermilion; Lop: King, Geo. Jas., Chauvin; Et 1. King, Geo., Cochrane; a Klaus, Geo., Stettler; rt. r. Klumb, Gus, Wetaskiwin; That, Lund, H. G., Wainwright; -shi Gillotson, Benj. L., Okotoks; bs Tap Littlefield, G. E., Brooks; l. h, Lowry, Geo., Content; rt. sh. Goldsmith Bros., Landon- ville; rt. r. Lloyd, Leslie M. & Guy R., Strathcona; rt. h. Cillen, Dan, Macleod; } «- $2. Lane, Joseph G., Clareés- holm; 1. r. Francis, Geo. L., Crowfoot, pg 16 Livingstone, Jno. .H., Verd- ant Valley; rt. sh. Lambert, Geo. D., Olds; rt | ( Poe ISIN QVLILNVES Lowry, Wm. T., Erskine; rt,’ hy, Littke, Mrs. Cora M.,° Na. maka: 1; rf. Martin, G. L., Cremona; Ptah McLean, Alex., Youngstown; bn VE A Lambie, Geo., Walsh; l,, sh, Linfield, C. J., Campsie; by Pigl, Mathew, Pashley; rt. sh. Colville, John, Mannville; oe Loades, G. A., Viking; rt. Powers, C. L., Magrath; Wels Larson, G. F., Medicine Hat; FON: Lee, Geo., Kinsella; l. hy Ridshaw, Thos., Bawlf; l, sh, Lemp, Carl, Vermilion; Terk: Featherston, John, — Cross- field; rt. h. McClean, Rich. H., Delia; h ish: Miller, George, Morinville; Evita Mercier, Alex., Lac St. Vin- cent; > Menzies, Geo., Belvedere; rteush: McCullough, Frank L., High River; rt) yr. Griguszies, Martin, Taber; Ptah: Marks, Frank T., Stopping- ton; |. sh. Morland, Geo., Berry Creek; kor, Crumley, J. M., Hughenden; NB Matson, Ole, Minda; Flickr, Moore, Geo. R., Erskine; AN o Garlick, Mrs. M., Vermilion; r. Martin, Miss Gladys A., Lon- butte; rt. r. Alberta Brand Book ( oe iS EEK d) (22 ) 2 Cz w < ROD RRoy SI Dp BpVVpAp3i9 © Zz © i | id) -_ Chas. Morris, 1p Oe a W., Dorothy; Masciangelo, Giovann, Hand Hilise dice: Moore, C. N., High River; 1. h. Crouch, Mrs. M. A., Clares- holm; rt. sh. Mudge, Chas,, Lake View; PEE, Morton, Geo., Little Deer; rt. h. Red Masse, Gideon, St. Paul de Metis; 1. sh, Gray, Alex. M., Minburn; | Wee 2 Groat, Geo. C., Spruce Grove Centre ;'1. h. MacDonald, A. H., Acme; rt. sh. Morley, Geo., WilheJmina; h, rt. Cranmer & Meekel, Munson; l. sh. Milne, David S., Lakeview; | Bay 3 McDonald, ). A., Copeville ; l. h. Mitchell, Geo. S., Czar; ia ae MacCormack, Glenview; rt. Mr ss.eis re Goettler, Anthony, Ok>toks; J. sh. Murray, T. W., Warner; l, h. Murphy, Charlie, Redcliff ; EE shi Millhaem & Son, Warner; rUAry Carruthers, way; rt. h. Jno. M., East- Guneau, Nels, Box Springs; sh, Collard, Harriet, Pine Lake; Iota Covlin, Nellie, Stettler; | RN Newall, Geo. B., Bawlf; rt. sh, Wigg, C. & N., Lewisville; ote Norby, Carl, Ferry Point; na 2 Newcomen, Col. A. G., Ft. Saskatchewan; |. sh. in, C. H., Spring Coulee; %, Bellemore, Mrs. Aug., Bon- nyville; 1. h, Neumiller, Geo., Hilda; rt. sh. McCracken, Nathan, stadt >) .ttice Carl- ar eee Carl M. A., Delia; eS ah Mickelson, N. P., Flagstaff; aes Neameyer, 6, Be Lake; 1. h. Spring Gregoire, Napoleon, -Trochu; Pg OED as Ogden, Jno., Macleod; dF, hh fc Charley, Irvine; Nelson, Mary C., Kimball; rt. sh. Ogan, Guy R., Sundre; ], sh. Griffin, F. F., Olds; Lites Gorrell, T.-C., Castors ale: Cunningham, Mrs. C. O,, Po- noka; rt. r. Othen, Chas. R., Benton; rt. Glaud, Ferdinand, Walsh; os Gellaug, Ralf, Irvine; l. h. Corrothers, Helen M., Hal- kirk; rt. r. Gordon, O., Tolman; rt. h. Collins, R. R., Ewing; 1. Yr. Hogg, R. H:, Hutton; rt. h. Griffiths, Jno. Thos., Lille; - l. h. Rolls, Ensleigh ; rt. Geo., Alberta Brand Book 281 Withage, G. J., Noble; Geervert, P. C., Tudor; rtish: h rt. sh, Pinsky, Geo., Cold Lake; Galloway, G. P., Woolches- l, sh, fi ter3i 1h Pooley, Charley, Ewing ; Gullion, W. E., Pakan; Ref. res, RRS BEE Sol Coc acl ay Be Parker, W. George, Grassy ah: Pietz, G. G., Irvine; Lake; rt. h Piggott, Geo., Barons; Ross, George, Eagle Butte; rt. sh. i rr, Carter Ranching Co., Lloyd- Taylor, G. P., Langdon; t tty) t. minster; 1. sh. ft Glaze, Robt. C., Gleichen; Robinson, Geo., Alix; rt. l ook Prentice, Jno. G., Beaver: Meriam, Frank R., Dorenlee; Mines; 1. sh. vy ts Gafky, Philip, Vegreville; Ralph, Fred’k., Raymond; 10. rt. sh. @ By Pritchard, David, Coleman; 1. h. Pawsey, P. G., Edgerton; rt. sh, Clark, Clarence P., Airdrie; Pt FT Gamroth, Peter, Grainland; rt. h. Parker, P.. C., Crane Lake, Saske} rein Patience, Thomas, Griffin Creek; |. sh. Pegs, et Ci tc ent it Phillips, C. A., Langdon; leh, Perry, Geo. M., Olds; h rity, Sn. Pietz, Adam, Olds; Tie te Pearce, Geo. S. W., Bearber- PY So Ftoch, McLean, P. C., Lakesend; | ap Phillips & Mason, Langdon; Ly he Peterson, Harry C., High River; rt. sh. Pfeifer, Gottlieb, Walsh; Bee Ty Hutchinson, Clara, Spring Ridge; l. r, Chapman, Patrick D., Hind. ville; 1, h, OR OR| UR oR oR SF OR OR Heber, Geo, F., Livingstone; KEN Randall, Geo., Didsbury; h. ic, Rae, Jno. G., Irma; l. sh. Reynolds, Chas. S., Lochin- vars Eat, Coaker, Richard, Pine Creek: Ban’ Robinson, G. R., Medicine Hat: rt: sh ; Ross, Geo., Irvine; Toes: Rudd, A. C., Ohaton; rt kh. Richardson, C. H., Bowden; bith oe Redding, C. D., Copeville; PES Fi Roeder, Christian, Reist; Eis Chapman, R. F., Rosyth; Thocke Rhome, Geo., Leduc; l. sh. Nelson, C. R., Leo; |g Rowe, Jas. G., Reid Hills ; hike Ryan, G. D. C., Eastway ; rt. sh. Raikes, A. €., Pine Lake; rt. y. . a Alberta Brand Book Roth, Geo., Thelma; rt. on Carrell, Joseph, Fribourg; l. sh. Rutkay, Gabriel, Stavely ; l. h. Crayford, Rowland, Gilling- ham; rt. r. Carr, J R., Innisfail; rt. h. Richart, C. R., Munson; 1: Veh: Rempfert, George, Irvine; ] Ross & Sons, Chas. D., Suf- field; rt. r. Riley, Jno. C., Castor; rt. h. Roth, Gottlieb, Gros Ventre; l. sh. Geigle, Rinold, Thelma; ey NF Snyder, G. E., Brunetta; Tes: MacLean, R. G., Beaver Lodge; rt. h. Sahlin, Gust Adolv., Meet- ing Creek; |. sh. Kuhl, Geo. F., Warner; l. sh. Sotnikow, Leon, Hand Hills; a Steffes, Mrs. Georgianna, Coutts; 1. h, Sharpe, G. Harold, Hardis- ty; rt. sh. Gwaltney, H. S., Mound; EL AX, Sutherland, Geo., Westward To 3° th Schott, C., Gadsby; I 1, sh, Storch, Geo., Tolman; Let, Szarka, Geo., Lethbridge, 1. h. Stevenson, Jr., Geo., Innis- tail’ rtsen Stevenson, Wm., Innisfail; rt. h Spurr, Geo. Walker, Hast- ings Coulee; 1. r. Coffey, H. S., Hughenden; bg eh oda a L. M., Cowley; te Greip, Wm., Hardieville ; oye 9 Schmidt, F. G., New Sarep- ta; Ll. sh. ; Stephenson, C. E., Mann- ville; lor. paue: Glenn, Pleasington; Smith, Geo. N., Medicine Hat: rtisht Campbell & Somerville, En- diang; rt. r. Sandino, Joe, Bellevue; rt. h. Sorenson, Gilbert, Viking; = Sherman, Mrs. C. B., Can- yon; lL. hh. Sage, Geo. H., Claresholm; rt. sh. Service, Hugh, Vermilion; rt... Scnider, ~--rist, Sunnyslope; rth; Scheer, Harry G., Strath- more; |. r. Stonelake, Guy, Killam; Bec Gesmer, Simon, Claresholm; rt. sh, Schuler, Jacob, Schuler; Ft ES Shea, Chas. G., Three Hills; h. rt. Schoettle, Gottlieb, Little Plume; l. r. seen. Chas., Royal-View; Leh: Smith, Geo. H., Calgary; Tiors Galbraith & Tolley, Wells- dale; rt. h. Guy, ie Claresholm ; ] . SQ. pay: Frank, Earlville; ay Peete eae GC Car: bon; Alberta Brand Book 283 Sears, C. F., Nanton; rt. sh. Morrow, G. W., & Thomp- son, G. H., Kinsella; rt. r. Taylor, G., Stavely; ti h. cane Charley, Keoma; Sh; m4 a Thomas, Daysland; ee Gaudet, Jno. P., Peace Riv- er Crossing; 1. h. Crow, Thos., Dalroy; rt. sh. Crawford, Thos., Innisfail; bin a oe Taylor, G. R., Wetaskiwin; rt: h: Huistel, Rupert, Warner; lez Gray, Thos., Freshfield; TULF. Glaze, Thos., Olds; et. 5. Taylor, G. N., Wittenburg; YeNSh, Goodbrand, Thos., Stopping- ton; ; Hansen, Nels. C., Balermo; bg ge sh Thumlers, Conrad, Castor, rth. Eldridge Bros., Gleichen; l, sh. Gislason, Th., Markerville; Lok Graham, Thos., Big Prairie; tors Christofferson, Thos., Frank- burg; rt. h. Matheson, W. H., Drumhel- ler; 1. h. Como, Capt. G., & Mamini, Capt. G., High River; rt. rc. Hoffman, Geo., Fox Coulee, petal: b att tec Thos., Strathmore, l. sh. Fensston, G. T., Coronation ; Toone, Geo. Ernest, Clares- holm; rt. sh. © 5) |e) S) | Od) YIVLIL Sy eh 2ej2j ALpApeneeceaereey el Leischner, Gottlieb, Mayton; bof TD Tisdale, G W.. Lacombe; Fk: Anderson, Henry, Elinor; rty x. Olson, Oscar T., Bassano; as 8 Taylor, Mv-s. Florence, Pin. cher Station; rt. r. Scoggins, E. L., Mannville; Fes 5. says Preston, Gleichen; Cady, L. A., Trochu Valley; of FE oh HetUet, Otis E., Tapscot; ¥. enn ton, Jno., Rumsey; mAceo? Percy, Twin Butte; rg Bare Thornton, Reid Hill; Brooks, Jno. Maxwell, Sun- area rts f Munson, Jas. B., Reid Hill; Lao Anderson, Anders, Edens- ville ; : Ward, Mrs. Geo. H., We- taskiwin; rt. r. Upton, George, Big Valley; ren, Clubine, P. W., Grande Prairie; 1. r. Miller, S. & I., Daysland; l. h. Updike, Claud W., Halkirk; rih: Battorff, Geo. F., Czar; ih. Griffiths, sa Ida W., Cal- gary, Lawrence & Sons, Gopher Head; Il. r. Graff, Victor, New Norway; l, h. Gottschalk, Chas., Granum; Tt. sh. Goodwin, Harold, Felix- holme; rt. r. bo Oo Hoe Alberta Brand Book <|'s|'<|'< i¢>| eb << OW dy. 1] 4! Iliad 2)/S/2/2/RI eae < d) Cy) Cry] 01] SiBISISEHISEIBBSK Voysey, Geo., Zenith; he a Chapple, Sask. ; Myron J., Alsask, l. h. Graham, Andrew, Leth- bridge; rt. r. Chase, Van R. & Hallie S., Irricana';\ rt. ‘hi Clement, James, Ewelme; | age Valentine, P. White- W., brush; rt. r. bs tit G. H., Vegreville; Taylor, G. W., Calgary; 1, sh. Mate George, Zenith; ax Wikoff, Isaac, Bentley; l, h. White, John, Erskine; rt ish, Green, Geo. W., Gleichen; rt Wilfart, Charles, “wing; Tt hk Whitelock, George, Puffer; 1. sh, Just, Gustav & Walter, Whitebrush; l. r. James, C. W., Halkirk; 13h, Green, E. W., Copeville; rts'shhs Wainwright, Geo., Reid Hill; Dt ag os Wormley, Charles, Olson Creek; rt. h. Miller, C. W., Hardisty ; he tx Hendrickson, Geo. W., Hili Spring; rt. r. Leazenley, Geo. W., Lon butte; I. r. Williams, Mrs. Brownfield; 1. r. Geo., Catherina, Waterston, Ridge; lL. h. Angus Welty, G. M., Stettler; rt. h. Weber, Gottlieb, Endiang; lr. © < Ww q) SILI LPSPSIEKS DY { © ~< o ae Warner & Son, Fred. M., Warner; rt. h. Mihi te G. T., Onoway; Wilson, Geo., Seven Persons; rt. sh. Richard Dinwoodie Lavoy; rt. h. ates Geo. B., Gleichen; pie: Estate, vn pede Chas. G., Didsbury; tae ak Comrie Bros., Muirhead; 1 gL eae Colby, Geo., Vegreville; iP es Cole, C. C., Puffer; ba a aes G: A., Blackie; ah 8 Dam, Christ, Standard; NaS Young, Wilson & James A, Medicine Hat; 1. sh. Howe & Gray, Dalroy; rt. sh. Syms, Geo. Kinnon- dale; rt. h Zufelt, Geo. H., Raymond; 5 Se oe Lloyd, Geo. ter; Henry; W., Lioydmins- Perkins, P. C., Millet; Tt. Frederick, W. P., Strath- more; Lr. Patzer, Gottlieb, Irvine; jigs Ritchie, Jas. M., Cochrane; TtA¥s Breeding, W. P., Willows; Re Gaskell, S. & J., Irvine; 3 EN Lundgren, Gustaf, Ewing ; l. sh. Lumbard, Fred. A., Grassy Lake; 1. h. Gano, Mrs. Innis fails \ rts Frankie, Gordon, Robt., Spring Lake; Rik > omy mT mad: > Alberta Brand Book 285 ee aire 5 Crow, Geo., Raven; bk, aR ha G. T., Bawlf; rt. h, Seppert, Gottfried, Mayton; Lowe, Geo., Amisk; ys ay Py Soy Schrieber, Gustave, Ft. Sas- Stevens, ‘Albert, Pine Lake; katchewan; |. h 1. sh - $f. O-1O 2ILC <4 Overman, O. H., Airdrie: reeks un -C Cy | H rs 4, Ni? vi So apk Mrs. Ora, Rosedale; aig ch) —C Grant, Miss Alice, Leduc; erepard. James, Round Hill; 1th, nae 1 7 Thomsen, Henry, Cochrane; ay C. J., Lacombe; rt. A Lt, e : McDonald, hens: EGY Ber Clarke, Mrs. Catharine, : Brant; 1. h. w4 beck ; Miller D. J. Ena 2 Bremner, Wm., Pincher P rt. sh. , BS Ss Pacific Cold Storage Cc., Tacoma, Wash., U.S. A., Lan. hy gia Gabert, Jacob, Tinchebray; Dik 3 LU DEr og INPRINK BOOSOEE BG 7 LS 4 McLaren, Mrs. Hattie, Cow- ley; rt. sh. Merriam & Smith, High Riv- Orsitt. th Reighley, Benedict J., Ev arts}. rte 'T. bi Trefoil Ranch Co., Gleichen; rt. sh. & h. Vent same on ot... f Hardwick, E. D. - Dae: (0 Gleichen ; 1a “h. Vent FY). sh. Hull, Wm, R., Calgary; neha Vent st, sO ken: Parslow, Wm. M., Calgary; l. r. Vent same on |. sh. ee ye H., Maple Creek, Fleming, John H., Maple Creek, Sask.; rt. r. Vent bar under. Davies, John, Macleod; tt. n arnt George, Calgary; lL h. Heckinger, Guy, Little lume; 1. r. Talbott, Miss Neva M., Bow: ville; 1. r. eg) On @) SQ PRIECOSSEE Partington, Jas. F. E., Hills- down; rt. r. Maxwell, John, Stettler; rt. sh. Campbell, John Lorne, Round Chie ty st Site Colvin, James A., Sedgewick ; LD «4 Haskell, George, Grainland ; ny, Hamilton, L. B., Stauffer ; Eee we Hulbert, R. A., Strathcona; ies Hamlin, Fred P., Lloydmin- StER yt Gs Davison, J. H., Passburg; lon. Ryder, Francis, Pine Lake; lr. Vent same 1 Hunter, Douglas W.,. Stet- tler; lL sh. Sibbald, Wilfred H., Jumping Pond; rt. sh. Vent brand inverted r. j. had ii O,, Shandleigh ; ae bo +s alte) Sc 5] ea 1 a © Pp cq iy. xrcjyry ryt hae BERBER BEEREEE oe Cc TI dine vipat H. L. F., Stettler; th. . Alberta Brand Book Baker, Edward A., Hill End; Was Brown, Harry Jas., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. see as Howard, Masinasin; 1s Werets Henry, Irvine; ho Waters, J. H., Clarinda; rt. sh. Hagensen, Mrs. Mate J., Ids; l. r. Armstrong & Mort, Flikwa- ter; ttt Ven Vo dex De Jong, W., Lethbridge ; Pe a, Gordon, Harry Hi, Diamond; Il. r. Black OLDS Henry, Belvedere; rt. sh. Robinson, ville; Lon. Wm. H., Mann- Rycroft, Robt. Henry, Spirit River; 1. h. Schmilzer, Mrs. Maudie, Medicine Hat; rt.'r. Stelfox Bros., Battle Creek, Sask.; 1. n. ‘Stratton, Hubert, Whitla; shh: Hawkins, Fred, & Smail, E C., Bassano; rt. r. West, Harden L., Mountain View; 1. n. Warren, E. -H. FE.) ‘Leth- bridge; rt. r. Holbrook, Chas. G., Pollock- ville; 1. n. Gaetz Bros., Red Deer; rt.;h. wee Hugh A., Calgary; Pm Thompson, Homer J., Grassy Lake; rt. sh. Hayes Bros., Nanton; wie Jensen, Stenia, Aetna; We ahi Honens & Hutchings, Cal- gary; l. r. Honens, H, H., Calgary, rect, LICL iL Si=LI=x£ UIN!; Cc; c ing ClyelalalTwl[aojlmn = Ol & ) Q | oo rj >| 2 = (El BE > BS almPSP a i i DIET la) Wyndham, Alex., Acme; W. a. Grafton, Thos. gary; w. a. Harvey, W. Rome, more; \*; Tt: Wesley, Cal- Sirath- Huffman, Bert, Langdon, ree: Moorhead, W. F., Provost; rt. h. r. & sh. in conjunc- tion. Hongestol, Anund O., Cam- rose; rt. r. Benedict, Roy, Wimborne; l. r. Spencer, John, Coutts; is ‘ Keetley, David, Walsh; WwW. a. Heavers Bros., De Winton; W. a. Bunny, Mary R., Bassano; Ww. a. Shannon, Annie L., Twia Butte; w. a. Doane & Son, Ira, Medicine Hat; lh Robinson, Harry A., Col’ holme; rt. sh. Haecker, Harry C., Rib- stone; | Hoe, Robert, Leo; rt: sh. Hodges, A. B., Eagle Butte; 9 eo Charter, Henry D., Leth- bridge; 1. sh. Gruel, Ella M., Acme; rts Oldenburg, Sarah, Nanton, je Scuffham, Ray, Leduc; 1, sh. Hutchison, Harry, Belvedere; l. sh. Hermann, Chas., Gleichen, l. h, Foster, Hamilton, Bassano: rt. sh. ‘ « Hehn, J. H., Neapolis; l. h, Alberta Brand Book 287 Foster, E. H., Taber; rt. sh. Birch, Geo., Taber; Et, 1s Houghton, Mrs. Clara, Cay- ley. 1.\ n. Gordon TIronside & Fares Co., Ltd., Winnipeg, Man.; TRuP Hart, Henry, Red Deer; l. sh. Keast, Theodore, Gadsby; ¥ Kearl, Mrs. =| JA -JA SPY <—S. C, SKIS DHS Ackermann, J. cona} 1. x. F., Strath- Johnson, Geo. A. W., Ghost Pine Creek; 1. h. Andersick, Jno., Irvine; rt. sh, Crower, J. A., Haneyville; Ste, aoe Jno., Summerview; Tien. Johnson, Andrew, Lake iew; 1. sh, Ponuare, J. D., Bottrell; mee gaan Jno. A., Innisfail; Clemens, J. A., Didsbury; bm Ses an Ashman, J., Pine Lake; rt.ih: cei A. J., Kinnondale ; oe Brand, Jno. A., Irvine; THF Adam, J. B., Lake St. cent} Frew Vin- Johnson, Axel, Camrose; hur - mote. Mary, J., Mossleigh; . sh. Isaac, Abraham, Stern; hers Anderson, James F., War- ner; | ; Anderson, J. I., Daysland; rt. sh. Adamson, Jno. H., Lacombe; riyit, Quick, Ambrose J., Penhold; Ft Barss, J. A., Orbindale; 1. sh. ‘Anderson, Jno,, Pine Lake; Lor r Blomgren, Jno. ASS Point; 1. h. Ferry Jans, August A., Irvine; rt. sh. Doherty, Joseph, Vallejo; 6 ie a McCaw, Jno. A., Innisfail; r et 5, Alberta Brand Book 291 iN ) ttt] ey | ay Ney Nes) al call call ll al ID EPSPSPSYSDSis(scsqsds Mayer, Jas., Vermilion; 1. sh. Anten, L. J., Namao; Le, Jones, A. B., Medicine Hat; by sil Alderdice, Jas., Leopoldville ; rt. sh, ‘Jones, Arthur, Okotoks; TL ¥5 Bettez, A., Wainwright; 5, Pattulo, Jas. A., Clyde; l. sh. Anderson, Jno. L., Didsbury; ty: Allen, W. S., Lawton; 1, h. Aitkens, Mary Jane, Calgary; rt. sh. Hilts, J. A., Haneyville; EL. if. McIntosh, J. A., Three Hills; rth Hi; apo Joseph; Legal; . sh, Bruns, Jno. H., Pincher Creek; 1. r. Neutzling, Mrs. J. B., Man- Cs ian a red ; Burk, Jno. M., Carbon; rt. sh, Bailey, Jno. F., Bergen; eee Barrus, Jno. N., Spring Cou- h. lee; rt. Bohnet, Sr., Jno., Irvine; I Sh. ; Bipby, P. J., Vallejo; +E, ge Jno., Pincher Creek; Boseley, Jno., Stirling; rt. sh, Brandham, Jabez, Beazer: 1 Te Buzzell, J. F., Huxley; ¥t..-F. wertsehh Jesj325) Brane nS y Beckley & Son, J. R., Rib- stone; 1. sh Janse Bros., Tompkins, pask>s 1: ir, is ay Jno. W., Leavings ; na sb Brooks, Jas., McEwan; rt. sh: Bishop, Jno., Taber; ri: f. McLeod, J. B., Flagstaff ; fee ii: Bastin, Jas., Trenville; l. sh. Beales: Robt. T., Elnora; ore Bonclin, Joz., Diligence; lh, BPS Te J. S., Calgary; Tt. sh. Johnsen Bros., Okotoks; 9 op oe McKay, Wm., Medicine Hat; rt. h. Bayley, Josiah Castree, Strathmore; |. sh. Burnstad, Jno., Ewing; Re i Becker, Jno. L., Olds; Ih. Bisson, Jno., Wainwright; it. shy Binning, Jeffrey, Magrath; rt. r. Bird, Jno., Innisfail; rt. h. pee Bros., Lorraine; ! sn, Erown, Jas., Whitford; hf Baron, Jas., Hunterville; Lh, Birchall & Sons, Jno., Glen- bow: rt. sh. Belcourt, J. B., Lac St. Anne; rt. h. Bruchlman, I. §S., Penholl; tt. 3, Baley; N. A., Reuby; cake @ Bellamy, J. H., Didsbury; Beglan, JoReanca’ Watan: rt. f. q, dy ley al alta fey lean yy Ie nA Pas i ee Be eect Biel elalte GO ODOOOls S e J a J J J J. 13) J. U J 3) J J J JU. J. J J J J J J J U S Alberta Brand Book A Hallallailallallialallalialialialialls! fig] al al al a] ea] Cay] al Cay ail ay a] t i Cc, ee ISIS IIIS ISVS McBeath, Mrs. Ada C., Doro- thy 5 rts Athabasca Johnston, Colin, Landing; 1. sh. Clark,°f.."G.;\ Calgary; Lx; Culing). Thos: )-JoccB; Pound; 1. h. Dog Costells, J. J., Strathmore; rt. sh. Copeland, Jas., Battle Creek, Sask, 3 -rt. 7. Cranston, Jno., Olds; tt ibe Clark, Jno., Bankview ; l. sh. Hill, J. H., Seven Persons; ae Carlson, J. A., Asker; l. h. Craig, Joshua, Sunnyslope; rt. sh. Johnston, I. C., Stettler; FEU. Schole, Herman A., man; rt. h, meree D. J., Belvedere; rt Chip- Langley, J. C., Raven; a Say Coatsworth, Coch- rane’;-(t. 7. Isaac, i Carl, Stettler; je Campbell, Jno., High River; Ligh, ETE Me J. C., Leavings; a Jenkins, Chas., Nanton; Sh: Core & Son, Jarrett, Bawlf; rt. sh. Claussen, Jno., Bow Island; Pit. Iredale, R. C., Pakan; rt. h. Cooper, Jno. Cecil, Cowley; l. sh, ities Thos. W., Bowden; ae par aeeae J. A., Blackfalds ; 1. aPapAPapaladaaiadadadSKaks d, Ca Cc, Sllell cll Cc, Cc, tits heiil= = SI Cc, EE o'S Cressenan, Joseph, Cross-_ field ; rt. sh. Cornelissen, Jacques, Round | Up itt Colbert, Jno., Mannville; ih Sig 2 Coulombe, Joseph, Chauvin; l. sh, ; .Carlstrom, Jno., Trochu Val- ley's° o's; Johnson, Chas., Taber; Lh: Colak, Jno., Lethbridge; Tt Sh: Chenery, J. C., Lethbridge; q AG ot Jameson, Chas. W., Ponoka; TEs Christopher, J. W., Bassano;/ a Se Crittenden, A. J., Calgary; Lr Cooper, Mrs. E. M., Dids- § bury; 1. h. ¥ .| Clarke, Jas. L., Sullivan Lake; rt. sh. Claxton, J. A., Cochrane; rt. r. McCready, J. C., Ewing; rt. h, Burns, Patrick, Calgary; hy te Lindsay, J. B., Little Plume; 1h, Dallamore, J. H., Dunstable; rt. sh. Jaques & Dubois, Foreman; rt. Ir. Durand, Albert, Sundial; gs Hazel, Jno. D., Curlew; l. sh, Davidson, Jno. McD., Coak — dale; lr. . Lindsay, Harry, Little Plume; ‘ Dalton, Joseph, Villeneuve; x rt. sh, | Kibblewhite, David J., Cal gary; rt. r. Dew, Jno. G., Nanton; rt. h. AE eR OT Re te a a ep, ply, x Alberta Brand Book 293 Cc; = ae =i Cc, d, JD i JD - JD oN JID ~™ JID uD JD uD JD JD WD JD JD JD JD D JUD JD JD ID JE gare David J., Lake View; ie Th Dalzell, Jas., Carbon; rt. r Davidson, Jno., Calgary; a pestle ae Jno., Eagle Butte; eo Douglas, = hd J.j. Landen- ville; 1. sh. Cranston, Adam, Elbow Riv- ers lr. get ate Joe, Lethbridge; Deagle, J. D., Consort; rt. sh. Dobson, aa oh Joseph, Innisfail; Behrens, J. D., Erskine; eB Dunck, Jno., Olds; ]. sh, Quinton, Jas. D., Cardston; : Decker, A. J., Warwick; ]. h, Dubois, Ludger, St. Paul de Metis; rt. sh.f Dowker, Jno. W., Talbot; Ticks Danielson, Jacob, Pretty Hill; rt. h. Diack, Jas., Curlew; a Goodman, Ghost Pine Creek ; J. h. Deslippe, J. O.,-Garrington; rt. sh. Dannewald, Jacob, Stettler; Yi: t, Dyvig, J., Medicine Hat; Yt, vhs Dean, Wm., & Jackson, Hy., Cowley ; Lr, Dorman, J. S., Trenville; l, h, Waterman, Jno. D., Alix; bh A James, David, Flagstaff; rt. h, Elliott,, J. H, & W. Strathcona; 1. sh. Lee se. Se SAGER) SIS aoa re ro hr ll el rll Se ad J. E., High River; A Evans, Wm. J., Lloydmin ster oh Evanson, J. Evan, Taber; rt. sh, Elder, Jno., Taber; TOY Ti Elford, aes Knee Hill Val- ley; rt. h. Hosford, J. E., Lewisville; shy Adams, Francis H., Millar- ville; J. x. Embree, Melton J., Ingle- ton; |. h, Eskeland, Joe O., Optic; ytiish, . Egle, Jno., Reid Hill; FES Kr; mbar Jno. E.. C., Calgary: Ewing, Jno., Verdant Valley; ye She . Calder, Jno., Langdon; ME Egbert, J. W., Calgary; al <> Esslinger, Jno., Mayton; rt. sh. Gooder, Jno. E., Sunnyslope Buesits Eckert, Jas. W., Foreman; — rt. h, Elliott, Jno. M., Wittenburg ; 1, sh. Eggen, Jno., Caseleyville ; At Everett, Chas. J., Three Mis ssi he Hansen, Jno. E., Wanda; h rt. sh. Lusk, Harry M., Lineham ; bf ED «8 Earle, Jno. S., Noelton; rt. h, Martin, J. H., Trochu Val- ley; lr. Johanson. C. J. E., Red Deer; rt. r. Bedier, Frank L., Chauvin; Livare 3S as Alberta Brand Book ) Ca) alae SSSI SHS ISHS SAT SSH] SA SAT SPSS DADS ISG acer Eugen, Jno., Sunnyslope; bg lige Evans, Jas., Hastings Cou- lee; 1. sh: Astley, Jno., Innisfree; Ltr Bradbury, H. J., Trochu; 1. h, BA ad aes Fraserton ; sh. rt. Fisher, Jno., Nanton; Pears Eyben, J. J., Cummings; rt. h. Loree, Joseph, Wiste; l. sh. Cooper, J. E., Didsbury; Vey Dec eens Joseph, Dog Pound; Erlandson, Miss Julia, Ma- Sinasin; rt. sh. Gazeley, G. M., Dog Pound; rt; iz. Fauccett, Mrs: J: W.; °° La- combe; rt. h. Fischer, Joseph, Three Hills ; l. sh. Hollinshead, Jno.) [heeoeed Willow; l. r. sich sen 2 Jno. F., Wanda; Soi: Frank, Jno. W., Frankburg ; rt. sh. Munro, R. H., Merna; BEX. Flowers, Joseph, Wavy Lake; rt. h. Juneau, Frank, Medicine Hats "1 sh. Baker, Wm. J., Mountain Mill; 1. r. eC Jas., Red Wil- low; Farr, Jno. T., Airdrie; rt: sh, Jasman, F., Grassy Lake; ThAL, McRae, J. F., Ray; Pe. Hy Flaig, Jacob, Curlew; sg pel « Ap basen, Jr., Jas. F., Taber; ait, Foubert, J. C., Taber; TO6 53, Falters Jno., Millarville ; Reef Finner, T. J., Burnt Lake; Chidley, Jno. E., Castor; l, sh, Fronks; Jas. F., Wessington; HO Fletcher, Jno. R., Taber; l. h. Brown, A. J., Strome; rt. sh. Kelley, J. F., Stettler; Ft.-T.. Palmer, Jas. I. (eee bridge; rt. h. Fleischmann, Johann, Raven; shy Jackson, Frank, Medicine Hat soe Frank, Joseph, Lethbridge; 1, h. Finley, Jno, H., Cadogan; rt. sh. Harris, F. J., Strome; Th. as Moore, J. Fred., High River; Pon. Saar, R. F., Strathmore; l, sh. ; Fink, Jno. W., Pincher; Lt. Fowell, J., Carbon; l. h. Fugima, Frank J., Pincher; rt. sh, Ure & ° Macmillan, Lund- breck 4. Thiet Fortin, J. C., Langdon; Eh he Paul, Harry W., Shepard; - teh, Sumpster Bros., Tees; Pa Jones, Mansfield T., Coutts; l. h. Fry, J. E., Lonbutte; rt. sh. 1 Bape Sie eT eS ee nd <= Alberta Brand Book 295. Lassila, Jno., Evarts; ae Forran, Jas. R.,: Magrath; rt. h. Gardner, bank; 1. h Clement, Spring- & x: { } 4 Gilder, Po cAe Granum; I, :si. Giles, J. W., Vermilion; | ae as tana J. W., Vermilion ; kh, Graham, J., Macleod; etx: Johnsoa, Gilbert, Evarts; ct. °h. Gauthier, Joe, Morinville; 1. sh. Setatly, Jas., Innisfail; te Gwinn, L. J., Olds; hit, Carrigan, Jno., Nanton; Ptr. Peters, J. Gus, Dry Fork; rech. gr Jas., Bowden; me ee Good, J. H., Pincher Creek; 1 AS Gray, A. J., Daysland; ae Gervais, Joseph, Morinville; Tt: 7; ‘ Graham, Jno. A., Coutts; "sh; Gardner, Idries J., T-aber; EST: ig ei a J. G., Ewing ; Greif, F. Joseph, Rimbey; rt. sh, Sheils, Mrs. Jas. G., Nea- polis; rt. r. Goodword, Joseph, Stettler; rt. h. Gebhardt, Jno., Hilda; l. sh, 1 Fela J. L, Trenville; tig: Giles, .Jno..R:, Islay; Tihs | | cP d, SOISISISISISI SSS SSSI SES “aidan de tet Ske Ganderton, Jno., Heath; Et.) shi Johnston, Mrs. Geo. E., Lit- tle Bow; rt. r. Jacobson, G., Leavings; Tie Greeno, J. E., New Dayton; l, sh. puis, Joseph, Macleod; Mie A Joba, C., Ewing; ale Carr, Je Taber ; Ttish: Gran, J. Hilmer, New Sarep- 1 SMA ol ; Gagnon, Joseph, St. Paul de Metis; rt. h. Hopkins, J. W.. & W. G,, Trenville; 1. r. McGraham, Jno., Garring- ton; 1..h. Gilson, Mrs. J. W., Cross- field; rt. r. Harrison, . Jno.’ B., Battle- view; 1. sh. Archibald, Jno. H., Sunny- slope; l. 1. Jennings, Wm. H., Didsbury; Be Jacobs, E. H., Hardisty ; rt. sh. Haworth, J. W., Raven ree Hedges, Sebert J., Namaka; pt. Hi. Bowering, J. H., Wetaski- win; 1. sh. Connolly, Jas. H., Lamont; Boy; Mitchell, J. H., ‘Pine Lake; Eh. Hare, Jno. R., Tolman; rt. sh. Hay, Alex., Carbon; EES Ti Hood, Jas., Williston; rt. h. Hill, Jas., Grainland.;° l, sh. Hughes, Jas., Kansas; 1 Bay aos ai 296 Alberta Brand Book — Spanke, A. J., Brant; pes tgcn97, Jacob, Granum; 2 aeer ¢, ft 2 a as ia Ja iY a x = Hutton, W. W., rt. sh, Comfort, Jno. H., Red Deer; Th. ae Mabee, M. B., Carbon; it. ‘h. Hutton, Daniel, Olds; l. sh. pS ehseab ic Chas. J., Carbon; a sid ren J.. W., Ingleton; Hibbert, Jno. A., Pine Lake; rte eh: Hoskins, Jesse, Stettler; rts, Hall, J. E., Strathcona; rt. h. Henderson, Joe, Coulee; 1. r, Jas. pas H., Pine Lake; rt cr a Saiened Medicine Hat; Hewitt, Jno. S., Carbonado, Be Maciek be ik Johson, Harry N., ty; l. sh. Hardis- ag aly Jno. F., Spring Lake; sec ten H., Nanton; Hart, J. M., Penhold; rt. sh, Jelliff, L. H., Spring Coulee; Thee. Perras, yes. G. H., Morin- ville: rt, Hill, Jno., Barney; l, sh. iy eutie jJ., Pine Lake; Cae Hiles, Jno., Dora; l. h, Hutchinson, Jno., Lafond; rt. sh, Howard, Jno., Arthurvale; Ltetk Jones, Harry, Ghost Pine Creek: rt. h. Hastings , C, |oeayel ele IGillaia, Ca] pa] Oy a] Oy] a , J J J J J J ¢, EE] EIS Soleo [e] a1 & ews ine, Us re Ns A... Warner ; Aa Jas. J., Vegreville; Tt. sh. Jones, J. A., Galahad; Bat a Read, Jas. J., Fishburn; 1g Sal 5 Laughanser, Jacob, Ft. Sas- katchewan; 1. sh. scm Jno. M., Mound; See sb ax or Jno., Lethbridge; i heen ss S., Elkton; rt. sh Gatenby, Jno. J., Lamerton; heirs Bailey, J. W., Mannville; rt. h. Zanka, Jno., Lethbridge; HH ok Jacques, J., Gleichen; rt. r. : Hughes, Jno. Ii, Ponoka; ire Borseth, J. J., Parks stan Jacobs, Geo., 1, sh, Highland Bawlf; Johnston, R. J., Parkland; 7. Jensen, Jas. C., Aetna; 1. h, Donaldson, Jno. J., Masinas- in; rt. sh. Miller, J. J., Huxley; rte: Jordan, Jas. H., Reid Hill; rb. Ds Jensen, Jno. M:, Aetna; l. sh. Daniels, Martin, Trochu; | eee McKinnon, J. C., Kinnon- ale; z Hedlind, Anders Jensoa, Ga- lahad; rt. sh. a rele Tl a: Pi Pg se Si we oe ™ aa o> ye =~ Alberta Brand Book 297 Jenkins, Jas. H., Bon Ac- cord” :-rt, r. Jacobson, J. C., Lacombe; rt. Hi: Johnson, Thos., Grainland; 1, sh. Judy, J. B., Wetaskiwin; La xt Jimmerson, J. M., White- brush; 1. Lucas, J. J., Fox Coulee; rt. sh. Johnson, Jno., Spring Point; vg ae Latta, Jno., Airdrie; rt. h. Lindeman, * onetipd Josephs- sh, burg; 1 McDonough, Jessie E., Holmstead; l. r. Goad, Reginald B. & E. W., Cowley ; 5 Passmore, A. J., Cardston; rt. sh. Taylor, Jno. E., Kimball; Ete ils Hinton Bros., Saltaux; ¥t. Grant, James, Cornucopia; j ak Keefe, Jno. L., Warner; Shy ; Kneeshaw, Percy, Pine Lake; Mig cig Percy J., Arthurvale; Kolka, Jno., Stettler; rt. sh. Kent, Jas. C., Lacombe; Te Fs Kaser, J., Camrose; rt, Killoran, Jas., Vegreville; l. sh, Day, Jno. F., Galahad; ee) Kinley, Jas., Iowalta; | aie Knudsvig, Jno., Bergen; rt. sh, Jensen, Christ, Stettler; ERAT: i a eer 288 a ¢, * 1 C, A Q |G Gy Gpee Al ) HS IRI ISI SUSI ASSIS ISS) Hill, J., Beds, England; Tis: hi Pree J. R., Mossleigh; eer Mrs. Tk Kendrew, J. Gertrude, Edwell ; a ia Jno. A., Irvine; oes Kempf, Jacob, Stettler; Tt. Fs Ressel, Jacob, Hand Hills; Li /sh, eos J:;D:, StandsOff; wt Krautz, M. J., Strome; Lh. Henningsmoer, Nils, Bloom- ing Prairie; rt. sh. Kreil, Johannes, Josephs. burg; rt. r. Buhler, Chas., Raymond; a dal Kemp, Jessie M., Hutton; l, sh. re Sieg J. H., Eckville; Ba oh Killins, R. J., Mannville; fhe pa laa M., Hutton; rt. sh, Muir, J. K., Lockhart; 1 PRD ays Kent, Arthur J., Lacombe; Fe he Keen, Joseph, Ferintosh; l. sh. Kenny, Jas., Leo; He Bergstrom, Jonas, Evarts; ie a Christensen, Nels, Carbon; rt. sh. Kahl, Jno., Red Willow; PET, Kitto, J. C., Pine Lake; rt. h, Klemck, Jno., Dewberry; i SH, Jones, Mabel Catherine, Red ‘Deer; Lr dias ad Geo., Trochu; Alberta Brand Book Cla let fa! PFS CSC CCS aaa File (clei ele leleleysPsps i Baker, J. H., Content; rt. sh. Keila, Jno., Trochu;: > ae es Twombly, C. F., Lodge; rt. h. Levy, Wm. H., Round Up; l. sh. Beaver hi Jno., Innisfail ; ay pire J BEB ee 1, Lake Lussier, J. E., Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Lye, Arthur P., Beazer; Tt. 3k: Larson, Mrs. Ada, Stirling; rt. h. Lewis, Jno., Mayton; Lesh; viene Jno., Gilpin; af. ISAS OR: L. A., Calgary; aia Ji Depts Leg- al’; rt.. ish, Lenner, Jno., Cea Lake; ve Loewen, Jno. R., . Sunny- slope; rt. h. SE OF: Jas. W.,; Erskine; Be Lofquist, Gus I., Medicine THatecrt or Lamden, Jno., Erskine; LE ie: Lee, Mrs. J., Rocky Coulee; PS ake Lair, Jas. L., Erskine; l. sh. Jackson, Lewis, .Hardisty; ] ae area Jens, Bently; 1, h, Blaeser, Lake; Jno. ‘L., ‘Spring rt. sh. Long, Jno., Warner; 5 PR 9 Liebergall, Jacob; Bellevue ; rt. h, ons od} L., Killam ; L: JL JL JL. Jl JL. Sls Sie Jl: Jic Jk Ji, Jl. JL ab JL Je Jl JM JM JM JM! JM JM JM JM JM ESPs J. L., Cowley; ie eirkkee Jno. P., Daysland; Lamb, Joneens Garden Plain; rt. sh. Larson, Jno., Red Deer; be Ma Lutz, Jno., Egg Lake; rth: Johnson, Nels, Edensyille ; 1. sh. Heudop, J. H., Landonville; Mes Lahane, ee Elizabeth, Er- skine; 1 hayieye Jno., Amisk ; rt. sh Jacobson, Lars L., Holden; 9 Lockett, J., Livingstone; h. Ff Hall, Jesse D., Stirling; get: i. Watkins, F. M. & E. W., Ed- gerton; l. r. : Loughlin, Jas., Gilpin; Eh. McLaughlin, Jno., MeLaugh- lin rt. ‘sh: Lewis, Jno., Milk River; T.< ¥, 7 Webster, Jno. L., Bentley; rt. h. Michand, Jean B., St. Paul de Metis; |. sh. Martin, Jno., Taber; i ES vite Es M., Taber; Mathewson, Jno., Morinville; rt. sh. McBain, Jno., Dog Pound; io Ay Martin, J. W. E., ‘Tees rt. h. Moyor, Joseph, Hardisty; 1. sh, Clemons, J. M., NE \ Ibey, Mrs. Cardston; 1. h Brownfield : Margaret Ci bd =" en . Satay OWN Ee eee tees Sv ae ee i Alberta Brand Book 299 Metricks, Jno., Zion; McMahon, Joseph, Stettler; TET: Jamesson, M. M., Vermilion; 9 oe ce Von Montowt, Eugen, Bear- berry; 1. r. Moskier, Jno., Coaldale; EG, McQuarrie, Jno., Lakeview; Oe ot Morgan, Jno., Dog Pound; ate Miner, Jas. H., Minburn; l. sh. sae Jno. H., Bow Island; Pa chess, Jno., Battenburg; MacKenzie, Jno., Langdon; rU.. SB. Marchand, ton pire T. Jno., Pleasing- Meckler, Jacob, Ingleton; Tt. i; Miles, J. A., Raven; + Sie Mohler, Hill; 1 Jr:, Jas:,. Round x. i var thy M. J., Warner; Malmas, Jno., Wetaskiwin; rt. sh. Moran, M. J., Ribstone; Ft. 1. Macnab, Jno., Lacombe; rte hi. Muir, Jno., Pine Lake; l. sh. en J. W., Lethbridge; a Murdy, J., Airdrie; Merkel, Jackob F., Irvine; Fu si Mewton, Jno., Woolchester; rir. Melvin, Jas., Nanton; rt. h. Molsness, Louis, Bergen; I. sh, C,, C,/C, jC, )¢, C, oR | oF cS = C SSS Sls? Ee FEE ISI sisisisl =) = =z =a Sq ou ees J. S., Mundare; tis Mulholland & Son, D., Eli- nor; MclInenly, pao. B., Moss- leigh; r. sh. McAlister, Jno., Stettler; Teer: Sissons, Fred J. S., Valley City; rt. h. Robitaille, Jr., Jos. N., Durlingville; 1. sh. Zierke, J. A., Highland Ranch; tr. Jackson, Mrs. Maud, Glei- chen; 1. h. Carlson, Mrs. Casper, La- voy; rt. sh, Lindsay, Jo -M:: -& Ms +B; Hand Hills; rt. r. Williams, Mrs. N. J., White Brush; rt. h. Norton, C. A., Stoppington; 1. “sh. Clark, Ida N., Calgary; Lee Naylor, Jas. A. & Thos., Gleichen; 1. h. Sheperd, J. N., Calgary; Tt csh: King, M. B., Cranbrook, B. WAR inte $ Good, J. N., Seven Persons ; 4 eS Nielson, Jans, Seven Per- sons; 1. sh. Johnson, Nels, Highland Park <1.) r: Nielson, Jas C., Stirling; Lh Neff, J. H., Sedgewick ; rt. sh. Nelson, J. P., Scona; Tite. f- Daly, J. N., Didsbury ; Ft.h: Nesbitt, J., Walsh; l, sh. Noble, Jas., Penhold; ie Newinger, Mrs. Kate, Lam- erton; | sal — = Alberta Brand Book SiskS | Cc, ae | ee =| | a] ¢, HISISiSSd S Qe, lalidlial clollolidlolicolioPa2pPzpPzPz\z Ca) yay] ay] Cat] atl Cay ¢, ra) SISIISiI Monahan, P. J., Daysland; rt. sh. Neth, Jno., Irvine; rt) ay Nelson, Jno., Hastings Cou- lee; rt. h. Burgoyne, Jas., Elkton; ROR: Johnsen, Jno., Bowville; rt. 5 Newland, J. G., Bergen; Weg} Dow, Jas., Vermilion; Tt ies Neher, Jno. J., Carbon; Lars Neil, Joseph, Bow Island; l. h. Hall, J. B. S., Pine Creek; ss SAGO oe McLean & Sons, Jas., Ferry Bank; rt. h. Bewley, A. J., Calgary; hick, Burnie, Jas., Wahasto; fii; McGree, N. J., Fieldholme a Sy a8 Marnoch, Joseph, Camrose; rt. h. Johnston oe s., Whitlash, Mont.; 1. sh. Olsen, J., Lethbridge; irs Johnson, Otto, Nanton; 1. h. Jones, J. H., Hastings Cou- lee; rt. sh. O’Meara, Joseph, Black- falds; rt. r. Oper, Daniel J., Red Deer; rt. h. Ferdais, Joseph, Stand Off; ], sh, Jesperson, Jno., Taber; s Nie Marcoll, Jno., Evarts; Ab Austin, P. S., Ranfurly; rt. sh. Oldford, Jno. E., Penhold; rt. 1%. -JO d, | oe al Ss an ‘S ie i mat at ed (S (Si (S (iS = SYS) )) =) o) Hameister, M. brush; rt. h. J., White-— bie: Geo. W., De Winton; ne Ouellette, J. A., Beaumont; — by Sa aiciwees Jno. J., Daysland ; pi Otto, Joe, Dora; rte: % Parent, Joe, Taber; l. sh, Bradshaw, Robt., Cummings; ats athe i: DJ... Beazer Honey, Jas. M., Williston; rts, | Obert, Jno., Cochrane; Bi rt. h, | Downie, Jno., Viking; | 1 Wie Cooke, Mrs. J., Burdett; Pans Paquette, Jno., Durlingville; rt. sh. . Otterbine, Mrs. J. C., Elk-_ LOD; TUS } Johnston, no. W., Orbin- d dale; rt. j Heffernan, Mrs. J. C., Linds-_ ville; 1. r, } Jones, Oswald, Shepard; q l, h. Ohlhauser, Jacob, Carbon; 2a Hl, oe Vann, Joseph, Medicine Hat; rt. h. Healy, Jas., Cremona; Les Edwards, May J., Alix; l. h, Scott, Jno. R., Red Deer: rt. Tf. Joutras, Rosebud Ernest, Creek : Sy eta ae Plantier, Jean, Lorraine; l, sh, Patzer, Jno., Garden Plains; RE 7 Jepson, Chris, Pine Lake; EASY Alberta Brand Book 301 J iJ ee, alts Petrie, Mrs. Isabella, Frank; eE ST. Paul, Jno. W., Calgary; | Sep : Purvis, "Jno. .J., Blairmore; Eh: Jones, Perry, Stirling; l. sh. Burnham, Jno. P., Leth- bridge; l. r. Parker, M. J., Three Hills; Ba cf Griffiths, J. P., Elkton; rt. sh. Prowse, Jno., Calgary; ft.0r: Johnson, P. P., Olds; rt Petrowitz, H., Josephsburg; DK Parkinson & Sons, J., Grassy Lake; -rt. or. Preston, Jno., Three Hills; ee Pleming, Jno. E., Wessing- SON ety Te Peters, Johann, Talbot; 1, sh. Johnson & Rool, Spirit Riv- ender Purtee, J. M., Shepard; Fh Piper, J., Lethbridge; PE,5/50; Pelter, Jay, Rosenroll; TET. Elford, Edward, Knee Val- ley; rt. h. Pennock, J. A., Perbeck; l, sh. Jardon, Peter, St. Paul de Metis; lL. r. Miller, J. Peter, Eyremore; l. h. Peterson, R. J., Steveville; rsh, Davidson, Jas. P., Pine Lake; rt. r. Rempel, Johann P., Dids- bury; rt. h. Brant, Fred’k. P., Belvedere; l, sh. ns W. A., Carstairs; Te ved a W. T. D., Lineham; Picken, John, Sullivan Lake; rt. sh, Pattullo, Jas., Airdrie; THF. Ferber, Peter J., Calgary; rt. h, Pederson, J., Holden; l, sh. Proctor, E. B., Clive; Rae ep et Jno., Red Willow; h. Payn, Phillip J., Mannville; fish: Parranto, Joseph, Dilegence; a he we Ruste, Johan, Wainwright; rt. h. Reuther, Jno., Spring Lake; 1, sh, Rose; . Jno. L., Fragen iy xy Medicine Rea, Jas. F., Willows; ea Reilly, Jas., Mannville; rt. sh. Ragan, Joseph L., Stettler; Biwi is Johnson, J. H., Calgary; rt. h. Repsher, Jno. B., Willows; NO lee Richardson, Irvin, Gleichen; get ; Ricker, J. W., Flagstaff; Lr Richards, Jno. M., Talbot; rt. sh. Rollis, Mrs. R. J., RUS 5 Pty ky Quinlan, J. R., Lake View; rt. h. Three Rogers, J. -R:;' St Métis; rt. r. Paul de Roberts, Joseph, Sunnyslope; BONES Roneche, Jacob, Gleichen; WA ok oo i=) bo Alberta Brand Book JR JR JR JR SR JR JR JR JR JR JR JR 3 = J J J J J a J Js J Sales rs | =)? =5)’0| D4 wo 4 204) Wyatt, J. R., Aldersyde ; A Rosin, Jno., Hand Hills ; l. sh, Sumin, ee B pam): S Moss- leigh; Jarvis, Robt., Knee Hill Val- ley; 1 Reaume, Jas., Highland Ranch; rt. sh. Swan, Jno. R., Cheadle; a Wilson, R. J., High River; rt. h. Reeve, Jas. B., Bottrel; l. sh . sh, Ross, Jno., Trochu Valley ; ]* 3; Rimbey, J. U., Rimbey; l, h. Roeszler, Jacob, Hand Hills; 5g Met Sk Flag- Rittenhouse, Isaac, staihs inter Ritchie, Jas., Trochu Valley; rt-h: Ross-Jones_ Bros., Vallejo, book, Richter, Jacob, Crossfield ; ree Rohrer & Son, J. N., Stet- tler; l. h. Reinhart, Jas., Ribstone; Ttior: Ross, Jno. W., Trochu Val- ley; rt. h. Fair, P. J:, Lyndon; a Rock, P. J., Calgary; l. h. Rocek, J. H., Eckville; rt..r. Jolliffe, Mrs. R., Medicine Hat;-2t.h Geiger, J. C., Lethbridge; l. sh. Scott & Sons, J. B., Edger- tony x, Johnson, Sam, « Highland Park; ‘ Smith, J. W., Highland Park ; h ft.) SD. Summerton & Sons, Jno., Stettler; rt. r. Sallenbach, Jacob, Brant; rt. h. Smith, Jas., Milk River; l. sh. OMB es Janet G., Cardston; wi Bes ee Julius F., Elinor; oim, Jno. B., Namaka; Then: Saunders, Jas. F., Pincher Creek; rt. -r. Sly, Mrs. J. H., Hardisty; rte ' Sunderlaand, Geo., Cadogan; rt. n. ; Spady, Jno., Stony Plain; © | Maes i ; Schochenmaier, Jacob, Stet- ‘tler; rt. r. Reyeee J. S., Granum ; Aer Schwerdel, Jacob, Lougheed; | {t..%: yes Jee G., Sunnyslope; — Sidenfaden, Jno., Calgary; | Ls q Samac, Jno., Monvil; a Lh; 4 Strouckel, Jno., Irvine; ‘ rt. sh, Johnson, Squire, Noelton; + rts. Te * Scott, Jas., Parkland; rt. 3 + * § Size, John H., Daysland; ; ]. sh. a Schneider, Jno., Irvine ; ae Srbaren: Jacob, Spring Lakes l. h. ¥ Sullivan, H. J., Vermilion; 5 rt. sh. ‘ Marshall, Mrs. S. J., Cam wary. Tts ie = Stotz, Jno., Irvine; Tt. h. Spohn, Jno., Strome; 1 sh. Alberta Brand Book 303 Stringer, Jas., Trochu; Las Steele, J H., Nanton; 1h. Sampson, Jas. E., Dalroy; rt. sh. Stephenson, J. H., Curlew; | CW Simister, Mrs. J. H., Living- stone; rt. h. Short, Jno., Legal; 1, sh. Streitmatter, Joseph, Tren- ville; 1. r. Jackson & Son, W. J., Stet- tler; 1 Scholefield, Harry Jas., Crossfield; rt. sh. Grange, ‘Ed. B., Harmattan; rts) £. Schroter, Jno., Hortonburg ; Tt. Sucee, James, Innisfail; 1 of RAE fs Tannehill, J. M., Grassy Lake; 1, sh. Weiss, Ferdinand, Josephs- burg; l. r. Warren, J. T., Calgary; jorh; Sadon, J. J. S., Orbindale ; rt. sh, Lund, De Loss, Raymond; BE, Ts Johnson, T. M., Cayley; rt. h. Teynor, Jno., Elkton; sty Thompsen, Jno., Olds; cits Parker, D. L., Edwell; rh: Tyson, Jas., Cremona; rt. sh. Taylor, Janet, Macleod; i OH McLean, J. T., Cheadle; Ft. du El 7 alk = Sih race Isaac, Brant; Med Lennon, J. T., Hicksburg; Yhyite Tylawski, Jno., Bawlf; l. sh, Ceiska Jas. J. D., Innisfail; nar, Le J. T., Erskine; Teynor, J. A., Elkton; rt. sh, ‘Stapleton, T. J., Macleod; Rive Kerr, Jno. F., Mannville; Tien! Johns, Tom, Brant; l. sh. BRE TESOAS Geo. B., Parkland; Fr: Thompson, J. S. & W. W., Wetaskiwin ; Perrie, Miss Jeannie, Pinch- ex \City 3° rt x: Trawbridge, i no. F., Lowden Lakescrt: Bills, Jas. T., Rumsey; 1. sh. Talbot, John, Carbon; bss; ugar ee Jno. T., Calgary; feb ante Thos., Carstairs; rt. sh. Teegarden, Jno. S., Mac- Ewan; rt. r. Thomas, J. B., Mannville; rt. h. Tuma, John, Perbeck; l. sh. Tucker, JRo., Lethbridge; Oe Tilson, R., Landonville ; l, h. Hildreth, Jas. S., Castor; 3 aN Thompson, Jno., Strathcona; rt. h. Barrows, Wm., McEwan; Ls SR: Brus, Theo. J., Wessington; Jackson, Albert, Josephs- rtcz, : JU burg; lL. r. Ww © a CSS GG Ieee felfelic| C, = Cc, = Cc, c= Ql lal fa! oe nd ag band SS SS SKSKSIS Syn Syl» oy Alberta Brand Book ' Marsh, Jas., Carlstadt; 1. h. Batt, Jno. H., Perbeck; sg Me < Barnes & Sons, Jas., Mann- ville; rt. h. Gillies, Donald, Olds; ]. sh, Davies, Ivan, Claresholm ; Lt; Seotty David. C;..) Fy mbittle ow; ; Hall, J. D., Flagstaff ; rt. sh, < Roberts, J. R., Edmonton; rae oh Crook, J. M., Lamerton; rt. h. Johnson, W. L., Medicine Rates Te Vali, Jak, Evarts; Ft. (3; Driver, Wm., Bowville ; oe Christiansen, Jno., Brant; TU, te Picard, J. B., Macleod; ES cs Nulph, Jas. G., Grainland; ne Guttridge, Jno., Three Hills; Bae McIntyre, Joseph, Castor; t.38D. Bly, Jno., Killlam ; TL) 0c Sawyer, M. J., Tees; rt. h. Hope, Jas., Lakesend; l. sh. . Arnoldgy Jacob E., Irvine; Wed oe Masters, Medicine Hat: 1 Johnston, V. J., Suffield; h rt. sn. David, Powell, Harold, Ghost Pine Creek; rt. r. Hewitt; Wm. J, Castor; rt. h. Tipman, Joseph, Stettler; et <|l< < << S< Brickman, Jos. + Jackson, Olaf, Altorado; | gf pats Augustus, Granum; «ls Knott, Anton E., Stettler; rt. Ds Boiston, Reginald, Knee Hill Valley; rt. sh. Crewe, Fred. J., Irvine; i thy. aaa Robert, Flowerdale ; . sh, Birosh, John, Eagle Butte: Th sh: ent bar through brand. Johannson, Kristian, Tin- dastoll; rt. sh. Burns, Wm. Wallace, Dry Fork; rt. h. Vent same Xt.iS Sivinney, E. L., Yarrow; Lee 2 King-Smith, Percy, Queens- town; rt. h. Marsden, Robert, Pheasant Forks, Sask.; w. a. Pollock, Arthur, Knee Val- ley; w. a. Thompson, Arthur Geo., Stavely; rt. r. Conner, H., Fort Saskatche- wan; wW. a. Lees, Charles, Maple Creek, Sask.; w. a. DVD | >| > ra AA AA HA HA HA MA Jas. Westcott, rt. h. Dahms, Fred, & Knoll, Fred, Wetaskiwin; rt. n. Alberta Brand Book 307 Jy fogee’> J. tL, ‘aber, JY Er Y H. P., Yarrow; JY prea Jno. B., Puffer; JY merer Jno., Daysland; Peet, Jno., Brownfield ; JY : Serna be Frank, Tol- eee Jno., Carstairs; JY Meredith, & Percy, 2 Eh o 4 Bem ee JY J / Ausenhus, Karl, Castor; oy egy Peters, Joseph, Cardston ;. Pts en: Gentes, Peter, Carstairs; Coe: Otsuki, K., Cheadle; Lhe Wallis, H. Cecil, Priddis; EE3 Ts Rushfeldt, Jno. A., Vulcan; l, sh, Morris, David, Livingstone > l pare Nelson, Andrew, Willows; av Kidd, Arthur A., Lake View; Et Tf. Durkan; ) Jno... sR, Head; rt. h. Gopher Ree, Arthur, Strathmore; oye Hones, Arthur M., Ponoka;. ip Tregloan Bros., New Day- ton; | Burroughs, Ed. A., Big Val- ley’s rt.) r. Krom, Adam, Calgary; rts Keyes, Wm. A., Bow Island; er: Anderson, Robt., Butte; rt. r. Eagle Alberta Brand Book | ~~ >(>U> SIPs |> viv ix | y VIS yi yl wld lal wal Sela KSlGlGl Ge) SS lléllallslloialaliall alle po Be Ragan, Jno. M., Stettler; Lats Hines, August M., Stettler; eye 8 r Arcand, Joseph, St. Albert; Lh: Armour, Thos., Chauvin; ia sf Adair; Jno., Cora Lynn; a Kendall, sons; YS Ot rt).sh: Seven Per- Douglass, L. A., Vulcan; l. h. Butchart, A. Bruce, Hayter; sh. Burkard, .Jake J., Spring Lake; h, Kyler, Byron E., Morning- side; rt. sh, Kinnel Bros., Ribstone; rer: Kerstens, Tt bh B., Strathmore; Neil, Jas., Eagle Butte; ae 9 Kenyon, A. B., Edgerton; |e et Bramsness & Kordahl, Rum- sey; rt. r. Kennedy, Daniel & Michael, Stettler; rt. h. Barzo, K., Shepard; kur } Brokofsky, Karl, Hilda; rg) TRE is Bellomy, Jas., Chailey; ye: 2 Bauer, Karl, Wetaskiwin; ie: King Bros., tt. sh. Cochrane; Bart, Arsene, Legal; rt, 7. Baker, rt. OF ie Coutts: Berreth, Michael, Crossfield; lh. Buechler, Mrs. Kate, Walsh; rt. h Bates, Clarence, | Purple Springs; l. h paladana’ ae rx | ea ANATA | YS C2 ~ ‘@' bf (2 A. i. Ma { x Q ( te ex ( eh Cd I) ~ O eee O x oe l Pax Oo y ~ O A\A) 0/10 (K ~z O C ; C & Kirtley Bros., Shepard; TEE: er ian J. W., Elkwater; Storey, rt. rt. Wm., Hillsdown; ta cn T. J., Edgerton; Carnell, Maud A, Twist Butte; 1. sh. si ha ee Robt., Stettler; as ah eA C. H., Hicksburg; Callion, Felix, Clarkville; rt. Ts Peppard, Jno. F., Cochrane; rt. h, Clemmons, 1. Alva A., Queens- town; |. h. Kessel, Christ, Hand Hills ; re UR Clement, Arthur, Mossleigh; rt. h. Coombes, mond; | Thos. Jno., Ray- Be Heinke, Chas., Lakesend; Th. ra Christian, Stoppington; Kindt, Mrs. Caroline, Seven Persons ; rte. Carmichael, Hugh Duncan, Monarch; rt. h. Parker, C. A., Wellsdale; Vt. Fs ar esa & Presley, Macleod; ie Rogers, 5 i H. H., Lundbreck; Westergaard, N. C., Marker- ville; rt. r. Kane, C. M., Knee Hill Val- LEYS) TU Linville, J. D., Carstairs; He Knight, H. D., Stettler; 4 eu at Gooch, Alfred, De Winton; rt. h Hultgren, Chas., Crossfield; Lr: Alberta Brand Book 309 ictal pe Pesta er aE Ta — a ee oO 0 nN nt “ae! AD AT 7 moa | ba Fe mipyi ow a |e Mm Mm Noonan, Dennis, Vermilion; Hegel ee ponents: A. F., Whitla; rt. Sl. McKenzie, Duncan, Rawdon- ville; rt. r. Darby, Alfred, Spring Cou- lee; rt. h. Deg, Christian, Walsh; Oe Woosey, David, Medicine Hat; rt. sh. Kraft, Daniel, Irvine; rt. r. Kennedy, Douglas M., Brant; rt. h, Deines, Et fT: John, Langdon; Doering, Rudolf, Hilda; l. h, Davies, Jas., Islay; Ft: i The Connalta Farms Co., Catgary: rt. 'h Davis, Jno. M., Talbot; Love, McColl, D. C., Chinook; l, h, Kline, Daniel, Mayton; PU te Hulbert, Daniel K.,._ Innis- free; rt. Demorest, H., Redcliff; pia a Dennis, Albert Edwin, Stet- tler; rt. r. Dumont, Patrick, Onion Ake, (Sask: ort, 72, Kendrich, Emil, Passburg; Lit, Pane C. E., Tinchebray ; i Figp es Anderson, Axel G., Cessford; Pg aD Jennings, E. T., Edmonton; Teh, Kewley, Robt. C., Wilhel- mina; l, sh. Hanna, Jas., Erskine; Teh: Krein, Ezra, Peace River Crossing; rt. sh. ~~ Mm . lm Y m ) mn ~ Mm ) pe Ae 4 mim { ae Mm < A z ({ ea fea n/n 1) mw. | | Bb Tq pf Tn pa Be 4 =] 9 | >. T => Tl | ~ vly Ql |] PAIS TN J) | x J) * Hval, Hans, Medicine Hat; VOX, Strath- Evans, Rev. Jno., more; rt. Kain, Francis E., Suffield; risir. Mills, Mrs. SCORES Beles iit: Wheat Kreuger, Michael, Irvine; Bat Evano, Joe, Linigstone; h Et Keast, Ernest, Lea Park; I hs Glock, Edward, Irvine; reir: Yearsley, Thos., High River; oy gh Pearcy W. M., Lundemo; ae Suiste, Albert J., Eagle Butte; +1. r. eee A., Langdon; at re Friesen, Mrs. Anna H., Sun- nyslope; rt. sh. Borg, S. A., Elinor; 58 De Fink, Johannes, Irvine; it A 3 Fulton, 4H. kirk; 1. sh &)) Wi 2 + oak Ford, Mrs. H. C., Langdon; Lag Jensen, Hubert. F., © Ma- grath; |. h. f Hyvonen, Ilmari, Eckville; rt. h. Iowa Farming Co., Stirling; eur Ford, Kelsie, Vulcan; l. h, McKey, Mrs. F., Tudor; 1, h, Childs, J. W., Manyberries; ape ts) CMs Goldthorpe, Jack Kirk, Ar- rowwood; l. h. Churchill, Jos. R., Brown- field; rt. sh. Gordon, Wm., Innisfail; Ft ww Alberta Brand Book - , x Y S| 4) 5 lajile lala x Bs aA as ae cherhinds a 5 DiI AIA oka] ) A As (!) ta a | 7H | ma ee | aes a Be Al pe A 0 ~Gardener, Alex. Kroetsch, Geo., Wanda; toh Knowles, Geo., Bellevue ; l, sh. ectey Chas., Daysland; Lhe Stokes & King, Lineham; rt x. D., Elkton; » OE; sFi pei Con, Medicine Hat; Gt hy McRae, R., Lineham; ice: Bevans, Mrs. Juliet Ki; Cardston; rt. r. Davis, Jno. B., Sandstone; rt. h, Campbell, M. A., Macewan; 1.68 ae ae Lars, Winnifred; dase Fodness, K. H., Holden; 1, ihe Best, 1. H. C., Strathmore; sh. Schafer, John, Sunnyslope; rt Ths Kruse, H. H., Ensleigh; 1. sh. Hazlett, Margaret, Carbon; r. Hannah, Thos. F., McLaugh- hn Ah: Hailstone, Allan §S., Talbot; To. . Glendining, ja ae a H., Claresholm ; Houch, Adam, Josephburg ; Bre Koll, Henry, Sedgewick ; leh, Fisher, Harry H., Talbot; ds hate: yt Peck, J. H., Fourways; vf ee Hoer, Fred., Seven Persons; Br Keys, Herbert, Harmattan; rte ©. Lock, Harry, Okotoks; L's. —N AH a * Hurtubise, Whittles, Herbert Percy, Ir- ma; l. h. Kingsep, Henry, Eckville; Tut. Hepburn, Rg H., Hux- ley 38 Alphonse, St. Paul de Metis; 1. h. Heacock & Son, A. E., Bat- tle Lake; 1. r. Hovey, Edward, Coutts; |B «i Herman, Jno., Irvine; Eoin: Kuntert, Henry, Irvine; rt; jn: Koch, T. J., Strathmore; l, sh. - King, Jno. C., Dowling Lake; inne 4 Johnston, C. W., Olsen Creek; 1. h Kruschel, Julius, Bowden; rt. sh. Keller, Joseph, Valley; rt. r. Northern Rall, John, Castor; rt. oh. Knight, J. C., Drumheller; ee, R cates, Joseph, Macleod; 5h. Kienzle, Johan, Irvine; h rt. sh. Jackson, Isaac, Seven Per- sons; rt. Fr. McCarty, Jas. S,., Lawson- burg; rt. h. O’Neil, J. P., Altorado; Fa aye v4 Knowles, Jno., Neuchatel; l, sh. Lawrie, Jno. P., Namaka; a Kennedy, Jno. burg; | Kreil, Jacob, Minda; rt. h, Keiran, ner >) Lom Davis, Jas. M., Nanton; Nae: ‘ H., * Batten- © Joseph, Glen Ban-— =—,.h hh Uh | ee Alberta Brand Book 311 oe RRs ee a eee) — 2 Os aA PN Kn Johnson, Fred. bake? rt;-x, Mok, Jno., Walsh; pes .b: K., Burnt Haeberle, Jacob, Halkirk; rh; Krauzler, Jacob, Crossfield; ay hh. Cramin, Unifred, Taber; RE. 5: Kropinaek, Jno., Frank; rt. ch: Winslow, Geo., Pen d’Orielle ; Bes \¥d Ihly, Nicholas, Irvine; a Weatherby, EU0F, Durand, Edward Wood, Pine Bake.” kf Percy, Stavely ; Mayberry, C. R., Irvine; Ftyirs Stafford, C. C., Crossfield; hve biewadsen,“*Ki, - Markerville’: ih Lumsden, Henry, Lowden Lake; rt. h. Kaufman, John, Foreman; j RB Kuhn, Kaspar, Brant; Fez hi chp Herbert, Willows; Aa mp H., Cummings; - cir, Himmelreich, Thos.,T., Car- Stairs; rt. r. D., Dids- Carver, Clarence bury; 1. sh. ube, Albert, Pekisko; he. Kabi, Wm., Cornucopia; rt. sh, Wood, ft ‘Yr: R., Talbot; Knipe, Chas., Innisfail; Ft. i. 3 Smith, W. T., Olds; jaa ox Kelly, Jas. D., Hand Hills ; Thor: wl uly Ie | vl dy AK | Braithwaite, Robt., Dewber- ry jt Et. Atkinson, T. J., Gladys; IRS ge Carran & Kennaugh, Lang- omy rt r: Kuhn, Mrs. Philipine, Glei- chen; l..r. Anderson, Adolph, Mountain View; rt. r. McCoy, Anthony M., Milk River; 1. sh. Braunberger, Fred., Carbon; ae Erikson, Isak & Johan, High Praitte = 7th: Steward, O. J., Carmangay; 1 ee Wadell, Robt. S., Haney- ville ; h, Lindholm, C. V., Burnt Lake; | of et 9 Hikkila, Jno., Minda; rt. h. Strohmaier, Friedrich, Tro- enw 3) lor: McKenzie. Lawrence, Tren- ville; rt. r. Helmbolt, Thomas, Castor; teh; Pulkrobek, Theo. J., South Bend; rt. r. Kempken, Peter, Castor; WOE. Koffsky, L., Airdrie ; 1, sh. Krystal, Jno., Grand Prairie; Roh. Idaho Farming & Live Stock Co., Ltd., Gleichen; rt.-r. Cameron, Neil, Lonbutte; rt. h. ei hi Frank, Burdette; Te Kalenith, A., Munson; Teh: Olshaske, M. J., Boundry Creek; rt. r. pera ee J. E., Nanton; Keller, Jno. P., High River; rt. sh, Alberta Brand Book Aw AM Brydges, James T., Medicine Hats) rt. ir. T.. Ge, Red Schonemann, Deer; rt. 'r. Ball, Kenneth M., Priddis; l. h, McLean, Hugh, Lone Pine; rt. sh, Griffiths, Geo., Oldham, Mon- tana’; bi a: McLaughlin, Mrs. S., Medi- cineu Hats) Mitchell, Jas., Medicine Hat; 1, Purdy & Varder, Stettler; et of Moen, Knut, Stoppington; l, sh, Mason’ Bros., Warner; Lire A ae dae Wm., Warner; ie Meeres, Thos., Red Deer; h rt. sh. Isaman, Emmet M., Botha; 2 of ARES op McKlosky & Wife, Lundbreck; rt. h. Martin, Moore, A. R., Claresholm; ]. sh. Maneely, G. J., Bassano; as Muhlbach, Henry W., AI- sask, Sask.; lh Van Der Meer, Mrs. P., Ra- ven; rt. sh. King, Mason Geo., Wiste; rt. h. Moe, Martin J., Steveville; rey. Mather, Pete A., zz [bS) ~ a |2|2I pa ig 2 = w waa 4 IZ|Z\|SII =z ae Jackob, . Irvine; ih See RHE “i: Christ, Crossfield; Meier, Fred. K., Thelma; sig aah Mailer Bros., Cairns; biite Moore, Thos. O., Lyndon; Ht. Tz HO SEe> Mary L., Macleod; a3 N i et A., Milnerton; AS $ na ea eats, Erik, Code A 3 Snideman Bros., Eagle Hill; Tt. She Pickett, A. 3 a Coulee; rt. r. Hastings eee’, Jas., Boundry Creek; Bore eae Bros., High River; ere Sims, Dugald, Eagle Butte; rt. x Knowles, Frank, Endiang ; rth: Radomske, John, Strome; 5 gi a fe Nyberg, Mrs. M., Provost; rt. h, Clviehy S. H., Langdon; ssate Storm, Jacob, Namaka; 1. h, Nelson, Nikoli, Lonbutte; bg ME McKnight, gen; rt. Me ia, Anna, Ber- Swihart Bros., Maple Creek, SASH. Slee McKinnon, H. W., Keoma; Lhe Morgan, Albert R., Kinnon- dale; rt. r. Kindt, J. O., Nanton; rt. McDonell, Green- glade; Il. r. Perry, Scarlett, Samuel, Nanton; rei xt “ j EE a oe ee ee es Alberta Brand Book , BI8 Ferguson, Ben, Richdale; i Hingston, G., Cranmer; t,. T. McNiven, Daniel, Brant; |B ot Kaplan, I., Scollard; rt. sh, Hines, Howard & Willis, Strathmore; rt. h. McCallum, T. D., Macklin, Sask. 3. 1. sh. Kirbis, Jno., Ewing; rt. h. Orton, A. E., Rumsey; | Fao 3 Macpherson, Jno. H., La- mont ; . Taylor, Phillip, Hamilton Pierce, F. A., Lillico; De Lg Patterson, Hugh A., Battle- view 3 rt.'F. Peat ane Peter, Leduc; Shs Pearson & Kettleson, Mil- larville; 1, LAT shad P., Lowden Lake; 1. h. Pederson, P. H., Camrose; 1. sh, Peeneys L. P., Glenbow; AEs Peterson, A., Hardisty; rt. sh, Pocha, Jane Mary, Nugent; rt. h, Pugh, J., Dorothy; Kee ty Lake; 1 oP RES SACU ea gata cape tees gale Morris, Henry J., Curlew; Porteous, Herb, Cravath apg ie : Corners; |. sh wv wl SZ}, | I OO HOHOPZ Jeffers, W. H., Innisfail; Plumley & Earl, Medicine TEs. hi, aa tb Hat; l. h Potter, Fred H., Grassy Berreth Bros., Crossfield; Bs Lake; rt. sh. | nv Poole, Wm. H., Curlew; Peterson, Chas., Cremona; l, sh. ; rt. ~ 5 Peacock, Geo., Lethbridge; Reming ton, Ke: Ey Cogttss: Heke dh Pas ae y > Powell, Barnard, Vermilion; peuentes J. G., Carlstadt ; be hy, ys 5 =e ae | Blake, G. K., Camrose; a ra a Kuefler, Peter, Duxbury; rt. sh: m4 aT | Henry, Peat, Ghost Pine Coville, Geo., Nanton; Creek; rt. r. rhs Mw 1 Going, Philip S., Mountain Perace, Arthur, Medicine ; View; l. yr. fats rt. hb MM} Pahara, Mike, Lethbridge; Cranmer, Levi K., Flagstaff; Lesh. h, rt. ie Wm., Medicine Hat; Townsend, Wm., Dorothy; ae | a3 MacPherson, Kenneth, Nan- Rambo, Reuben, Garrington; ton ; Pty Xe Maguire, Patrick, Passburg; rt. sh, Jenkins, H. D., Beazer; ete Kidder, W. M., Cheadle; l. sh. AP Raskin, Louis, Rumsey; ts | Kerstens, A. P. P., Strath- Reid, Jas., New Dayton; more; rt. h. Eon. Raab, Sr., Fred., Gros Ven- Pribble, Joseph, Cornucopia; AS tre {Fi Sh: Alberta Brand Book Rankert, Henry, Keoma; hb Kretchman, Rich’d., Sedge- wick ; Rosenfelder, Jacob, Gros Ventre; rt. sh. Raab, Jr., Fred, Gros Ven- tre; Thy sts Harper, Mrs. Noble, Black Diamond; l. r. Ruff, Chris, Hilda; rt. ©. Riley, Mrs. C, A., Castor; 1, sh. Hewitt, Robt., Pitcox; Taha Knowles, Mrs. Richard, Hut- h ton; rt. sh. Powell, Robt., Richdale ; jag eit Rhodes, Herbert, Cochrane, shi Sanderson, Alfred P., Sunny- slope; 1. h. Schmaltz, Jos., Crossfield; Wes Swift, Sr., Sam’l., Magin; Leh, Smith, Kathleen, Pekisko ; rt. sh. Schreyer, Johan Anton, Rad- way Centre; rt. Fr. Kirkeberg, H. S., Michel, B. SA 3 a a King, Solomon, Stirling ; a Si Skroch, Adam, Webber; Yah ohh Marsden, Henry, Carman- gay; ! Sorenson, Cris M., Ferry Point; rt. h. Carle, Richard P., Pekisko; Ls sy Kent, Percy J. J. J., Rosa- lind; 1. h, , Keim Bros., Acme; as Rose Bros., Kimball; aint: Korstad, H. M., Creek; rt. h. Meeting ALA Cle I aw A & + AT ou Kd t (Ga Darcy, Frank P., Bow Is- land; 1. sh. Kendall, E. W., Rosebud Creek; 1. r. Stipe, Mrs. Matilda, Car- bon; Ternes, Karl, Beiseker; rt. sh. Kidd, T. J., Battleview; Ft;- 03 Tingley, Gordon, Curlew; Ten. Thomson, Hepburn, Red Lodge; rt. r. Telning, Jno., Edberg; rt. h. BN at O., Daysland; Ey oe Theodorowtens Carl, Coutts: Rcd & Hagen, Theo. _J., Ferry Point; I. h. Tucker, Sam., Suffield; Tt" be Tait, H. P., Whitebrush; EON. Tiedmann, rt. h. Ed., Neuheim; Gregory, Ed. J. & Arthur Acs Nanton; 1. r. Taylor, Ed. E., Calgary, & Trewick, Thos. M, See kane, Wash.; U.S.A., L ho~™ Ayers, Reuben, Wimborne; rh Inglis, Mrs. F. W., Langdon; a oy 2 Klammer, Adolf, Bruder- heim ; h. Kent, M. S., Daysland; rth: Muir, Wm., Camrose; Tt as He ayer Jas., Cayley; i 3 is ee Jas., Pine Lake; Castiglione, Mrs. V. S., Car- © bon; rt. r. King, Hyman, Hardisty; rt. h. ——————— rr hh lh ree Alberta Brand Book 315 Klein, Jno., Irvine; EAT: Moos, C., Eckville; ]. h Horth, Peter, Irvine; Vg OR ae Ross, W. F., Mound; Psi Armstrong, F. W., Vermilion; Ft. ji. L., mts Aye: Adams, Fred. S., Crossfield ; Ms Medicine Morrical, A. L., Lacombe; an Belsheim, Lars, Lea Park; 1 EG Sick, Fritz, Lethbridge; rt. at, Leeds, Chas. ley; 1. sh. Martin, Madison D., Milner- ton; rt. n. Pe ee: iL. ve burg, Sask.; 1. h. F..A., New Ox- Gravel- Hole, Lewis H., Calgary; rt. h, Mildon, Wm. L., Irma; had 8 Lindner Bros., Battle Creek, Sask: 3!) rt. ry Vent.\‘same eh 6 McLean, Daniel, Medicine Hat; |. h. Vent bar un- der. Peterson, L. J., Wenham Valley; 1. j. Stone, Levi, Greenlawn; ya Evans, T. J., Fieldholme; {ae a Oakes, David R., Milnerton; | bid ey Littlepage, bk Gh L., Glen Banner; |. sh Denton, Beene! G., Calgary; rt. th. Vent same side- ways rt. h. Menzies, Arch’d., Provost; rt. h. Bartsch, Chris, Gleichen; lor. Vent bar over. Ladell, Butcher & Standefer, Bittern Lake; rt. r. Byford, James, Ridge; w. a. Angus 8 b jhe Sr., Ed., Raymond; rey Hurst, A. L., Glen Banner; l. th, Porter, J. & R., Irvine; lor. Vent bar under. Hassard, James, Eagle Butte; lr. Vent bar through. City Meat Market, Cardston; WwW. a. Needham, Hiram, Crane Lake, Sask.; l. r. Vent bar through. Ryan, A., Haneyville; W. -a. Nomeland, Mrs. Hilga, Pret- ty Hill; w. a. Fulton, Somerville, Walsh; a Cousins, A. V., Bawlf; Ww. a. Enzenauer, Peter, Loma; ]. sh. Colthorp, Albert L., Winni- fred; 1. r. Bish, A. W., Hastings Cou- lee; 1, hi; Carbon, R., Amisk; £t. Alberta Brand Book , 319 sh lng Ti Macleod; r Anderson, Earl, Nigniewie’ ae Christensen, Leonard H., Raymond; l. r Ludwick, Charles, Chipman; bd oD Larum, Thorlief, City-;..l.-r. Pincher Bruneau, Louison, St. Pas! de Metis; rt. r. aenes Adelard, Maugh- ans? rt: Cote, Miss Annie, Dry Fork; ], sh. Lynch, Christina, Brant; j By 5A Chaoman; I. Jork | sBso Be, Huxley; 1. h. Chamberlain, Edmond L., La- nuke; rt. sh. Heelin, Charles, Chauvin; ik Clements, Albert, Vegreville; rt. h. Levesley, James, Calgary; 1, sh. Cates, Robt. M., Berry reek; 1. Cuilleriet, Jr., seau; rt. r. Ghiord,> Har); Lodge; rt. h. Louis, Bros- Beaver mac J. L., Edmonton; Cronshaw, Alfred, & Ross, yt: Francis, Pines. bakes TE Canning, J. F., Macleod; rt. h. Dennis, A. L., Rosh Burdge, D. H., | vat Innisfree ; Berry Creek; Drake, H. E., Cardston; |e Larratt, Daniel, Innisfail; rt. sh. Dubeau, Adam, Bowell; rt. ¥: Pion, Bros., Pincher Creek ; Ft Rhinhart, Geo. »C., - Lash- burn, Sask.; 1. r. Ducker, Harris, Seba; Techie Ferguson, David, Halkirk ; rt. sh. Davis, J. F., Erskine; Etr. Deekelow & Sons, more; rt. A. Strath- Arcplegate Land & Improve- ment Co., Gleichen; rt. r. Akers, Dell, IG 5 Pincher Creek ; Mcdmay, Mrs. Duncan, Pine Lake; 1. h. Dahl, Lars, Donalda; rt. sh, McLean, Duncan, Calgary; re kr. Donovan, M., Bluff Centre; rt Drews, Mrs. M., Spring Point; 1. h. Duncan, L.- B., New Day- ton; rt. sh. Dallyn, Jno., Ribstone; Die id Diehl, H. H, Bowden; Ete: o Tacourrege, Ad., Moose Creek; 1. r. Dittbenner, Ludwig, Mix River; 1. h. Lloyd & Devine, Lethbridge, rt. sh. Doran, Mrs. C. A, Garden Plains ; The: Enquist, Alfred, Abilene; 1, h. Dingley, H., Bottrel; 2 OD AI Gairdner, Wm., Hobbema; rt. h, ~ Kelsey, Burritt E., Red Deer; 1. sh. sve mel Wm. C., Mayton; rt. h, George, W. B.,: Gull. Lake, Saskt srt Kh Towner, Ernest. Midnapore; ESF Alberta Brand Book Leavitt, Jno., Cardston; h 1. sh. Lowe, E. R., Milk River; Paes McFarland, Jesse Lee, Medi- cine Hat; Lh Eckmier, Jno., rt. sh. Glen Banner, Martin, D. F., Sturgeonville; rt. r. Howard, Frank Vernon, Mannville; rt. bes uigt ae: Lewie, Veillette; l. sh. Evans, Mrs. Lulu, Field- holme; 1. r. Warneke, Fred., Crossfieid, l. h. Ferguson, Jas. T., Lyndon; rt. sh. Evans, Mrs. L. E., Three Hills .rt. x. Barnum, L. O., Kora; rt. h. Kennedy, D. D., Milk River; Be Edin, H. E., Asker; rth. Payne, Fred., Mountain View; l. r. Dufour, Mrs. ry Oe e A., Landonville ; Roberts, E. L., Manyberries; l. sh. ween”) D. E., Strathmore; Tit 2 Miller, L. E., Milk River; Livh; Ewing, Mrs. Lula, Han Hills; rt. sh. New Nor- Luther, M. E., way; rt. nh. Litz, Elmer, rier. Gleichen; Le Blanc, E. N., Copeville; ]. sh. ca om Edward, Daysville; Rie 9 Lamb, R. E., Tolman; l. h. Crosby, Lee H., mbes Hex rt. sh, 2a CLC Ve Blieiie IF IS Sall ‘alfa “al “ Tal dks an Cg] Fa] ) Fa} ny ent| en] en fn] em] en] Sef Lunn, 1 ah oF Emma E., Langdon; Baity, Enoch A., Sundre; rt Leverington, Ed., Shaftes- bury; 1. sh. Enright, J. L., Lethbridge; Lior: cheb ee John, Thelma; 1 ER cb Mackie, Lizzie, Bellevue; re seh, Leacht, Fred., ag ab Irvine ; Edgerton, L. L., Mecheche; rt. h. Lanyon & Bice, Aldersyde; ag Brown, dale; rite Lea, Coal- Thompson, C. A., Nateby; rte ¥. Dudley, F. L., Rose Lynn; rt./h. Hudson, R. C., Arrowwood; 3 Aa eM Bowman, C. B., Lethbridge; rth. Nish, Alma W., Kimball; Ft; Fisher, Mrs. Lizzie, Carl- stadt; 1. sh. . Tillotson, Fred., Garden Plains; l. r. Lowary, Frank, Spring Banx; l. h. Fellows, Alfred J., Delia ; rt. sh. Bittman, H. F., ton; rt. r. Stopping- Fuller, Lewis H., Tinchebrav; bg ay Flint, H. W., Cochrane; l. sh. Dell, Fred’k. T.,° Optic; Lor Leicht, David, Olds; 1. h. Foster, W. A., Cadogan; Tesies Locker, Frank, Lethbridge; rt. h. Alberta Brand Book 321 L— 9 6 © gse | 71 sal) [n)|n) 5, ms or 9 ( qn ( 2a eee Le a) a ee I ee Se <5)? -y] ? ) es oS) i oS) a wy Sinclair, Lauchlin, Walsh; as Grifin & Lo., J. Y., Edmon- ton; lr. White, Fred, L., Ethelwyn; ry Bes fe Finn, Ferdnant, Seven Per- sons; l. r. Britain, F. L., Suffield; it ite Poe Fred. L., Sedgewick ; . sh. Namaka Farm Co., Ltd., Na- maka; |. r. Fouth, Mike, Altorado; 1, h, Foster, A. J., Bergen; 7) RS oe Falkner, yi Louise, Strath- more; rt. Oe Chris C., Stirling; ar or Fred., Sunnyslope; Hubbard, Frank, Millet; aes jX : Frankish, T. H., Grassy Lake; rt. h. sin ta David, Gleichen; tes Fountain, Henry, Ferry Point; 1. h. Lumley, Frank, Greenlawn, bs Ae 7 Lepard,. Frank A., Edmon- tony ft: ‘h: Wellman, Mrs. Flora E., Mountain View; l. r. cha. ie F. L., Milk River; Fleshman, H. L., Stettler; b oh oats off Follett, L. L., Cardston; 2 Teg a aN, J. R., Erskine; sees Boag, Lawrence J., Pincher Station; 1. r. ieee Leonard, Brosseau; Gafheld, H. L., Talbot; r. rt. C 5 ea me Gurr, Charles, Hand Hills; Et, A. Poole & Cox, Furman; Lae. Goldman, Lizarr, Tolman; leh Lansdell, G. R., Blackfalds; gs Cooper, Lillian B., Talbot; rt. h, Rhinhart, L. D., Durling- ville; lr. Campbell, Mrs. Julia, Buck- horn; |. h. Morse &. Fetherston, Nan- ton; rt. r. Campbell, Chas. C., Buck- horn; rt. McClung, John, Nanton; rt. h, Ganshirt, Mrs. Laura T., Gadsby; 1. h. Blake & OCunnington, Cal- gary; rt. r. Aldridge, Mrs. Charlotte, Wainwright; rt. h. McFarland, Joshua, L., Medicine Hat; rt. h. Campbell, Geo. H., Lloyd- minster ; h. George & Abel, Lloydmin- ster; rt. sh. Gray, Dr. Herbert B., Berk- shire, England; |. r. Turnbull, Jas. McN. & Fred, Crossfield; rt. r. Kelly, John F., High River; L$) Smith, Geo., Trenville ; Fes: 2 Patterson, John, Crossfield; ret Weir, Douglas S., Masinasin; rt. r, Harden, Ross, Purple Springs; |. sh. Horner, Miss M., Dorothy; Con Praphes: Francis, Trochu Valley; I. h. Hescott, Miss Annie, Pinch- er Creek; rt. sh. Alberta Brand Book Millen, Francis B., Gaetz Valley’,; irt. x: Bailie, Jr., Robert, Warner; FEGK: Current, D. N., Comrey; lsh. Harland, Arthur :S.,.Whitla; | Fiagt Hansen, L. O., Erskine; 1. h. Heureux, Alfred L., Bonny- ville; rt. sh, Hogg, Alex., Elnora; rh we: Harris, R., Milk River; Tieekh: Leonard, H. W., Strathmore; i Mage 24 Harrington, Anna, © Field- holme; rt. r. Hiles, Percy C., Elkwater; He & Hall, F. L., Gleichen; BSS Fs Hoffman, Jacob L., Schuler; l. sh. Olsen, Anton H., ) Queens- town; l. r. ide See Henry, Daysland; sph: 8 Highbaugh, R. L., Lawton; rt. sh. Adam, Roy, Reid Hill; ct. Yr. Holden, Jno. E., Seven Per- sons; rt. Hardy, H. Lewis, Irma; l. sh, Metcalf, A. H.. & S. L, Gopher Head; 1. r. Hoefling, Louis, Castor; l, h. Haughland, Halvor, Elk Point; rt. sh. Henderson, Holt, ri..r, Daysland ; Heddon, Henry,’ Rumsey; rth. Lohner, Hans At} Daysland; }, sh. LEMP Stes j. L.;* Dry. Fork; . kT. ety *e, Alva L., Daysland; Hegwy, F., Amisk; rt. sh, Hale, Leslie, Sedgewick ; 2h ar Helfer, L. B., Three Hills; rt un: Petter, Harry B., Strath- more; 1, sh. Haigh, Ross H.,; Walsh; hrs Menzies, -Mrs. L. H., Pro- vost; |. h. - Hadwin, Henry, Sanderville ; rt. sh. Lynn, Harry, Erskine; a Beisiegel, Minnie A., Cayley; rt. h. 4 Shouldice, James, Calgary; SP Willis, B. L., Innisfree; l. sh. Heakter, Roderick, Medicine Hat? 15% Evenson, Jno. J., Comrey; lh, Leonard, J. J., Yetwood; rt. sh. Lapointe, J., Lafond; Rta: Jensen, J. C., ‘Sweet Val- ley; rt. h. Mashon, Henry A., Dorothy; , aad oe r Lucos, Jno. H., Reid Hill; Bp Lewis, Jas. E., Innisfail; 1. h. Lockhart, M. J., Jarrow; rt. sh. Hart, L. J., Calgary; T-fy Harland, Thos. H., Namaka; rt. h. Lissotte, Jean, Ft. Vermil-— 10M $i Tbe: Summers, J. L., Mannville: Bayt Holfling, Jno., Castor; Tee. ; ee Le “ Pete « en a ; Alberta Brand Book 323 Syke eee ee cat a | clcohecic,| tek SSH ISIS HI BS SoH Sl] Sel sell le ytesa,CeKe,Mefep/o1aIe,> Langlois, Joseph, Grouard; l. sh. Hauskin, Christopher C., Coutts; lr. Bey 0° E., Bow Island; Allan, Jno. J., Pincher City; rt. h. ai. Hefling, J. L., Czar; Lh Lockerby, Jno., Chigwell; rt. Lee, Harriet, Tofield ; rt. h mend, Jas., Cummings; Laing, Jas. A., Killam; rt. h. Abrahamson, Jno. L., Eck- ville; 1. h, Ball, H. J., Medicine Hat; l. sh. aera HY T.,. Talbot: es ait: Sa John, Big Valley; Knoppen, A. J., Coutts; rt. sh. Lamb, Otto I., Bowden; Ptr: Laughy, Mrs. Katie I., Hugh- enden; rt. h. Lings & Kyrke, Black Dia- mond; 1. sh. Riegle, H. A., Saco, Mont., LE EEOAE RI Ula Hawkshaw, Mrs. K,, Strath- more; |. h. Castle, Robert, Erskine; rt.+r; Lucas, Jno. Wm., Didsbury; ry ABT Tothill, Mrs. Kate L., Gros Ventre; l. r. Kennedy, D. L., Ferry Point; 2) Se Wellman, Ray H., Mountain View's ‘ler: Relat, L. L., Vermilion; Poy eis, John, Viking; Ic 5 BEE ESEEEEEERREGEEES Ross, J. A., Cadogan; by A A Bell, A. J., Shepard ; rt. h. Loyd, Frank H. & K. E., Hutton; 1. h, Lapointe, Paul Henry, St. de Metis; rt. sh. Lemire, Remi, Macleod; rt. h Lindland, T., St. Kilda; be Huxley, W. L., High River; rt. h, Kennedy, D. L., Vermilion; tie tT. Liddle, Hanrice, Wainwright; 1. sh, Pisyd, Helen A., Mayerft; Die La Long, Mrs., Elbow River; Baga «88 Smith, Chas. E., Hastings Coulee; Anderson, Archie, Little Plume; rt. r. Lloyd, A. E., Islay; rt. h, Newport, Allan, Wainwright; l. sh, Ellison, Jas. E., Raymond; ox. Manning, Wm., Coutts; jae Ss Grassy Llewelyn, bis , Lake; rt. sh Wishart, Esther E. & Mar’gt. 1: Namaka; rt. Lyght, Frederick F., Cow- léy:;" rts h. Knight, Raymond, Raymond; Lier’ Jones, Mrs. Emily, Calgary; FIST Hicks, Martin W., Beazer; her: Lloyd, Helen A., Maycroft; ye at Elnora; Johnston, Wm., l. sh. Kinsey, D. H., Raymond; Er ” 3 bo us Alberta Brand Book C C C a c- — L Li E Trae Ve EDE] KEENE) (edhe eKEKEKE | i L\!) C Let; L- ~ la] Ip ee es — Corey, A. D., Carstairs; l. h. Lindeman, W. L., Milk River; rt. sh. Webster, Arch’d., Swalwell; Tink, Crisall, Frank, Medicine , Hat rth: Heslop, J. Wm., Twin Butte; bE Pearce, L. L., Olds; Diy Pinkerton, L. F., Strathmore; Ths: McDonald, Geo. Vincent, Macleod; rt. r. Thomas, Arthur W., Medi- cine, Hat; rt. h. eucth Belknap, Queenstown; Mi McGregor, John, Mountain Mill; 1. h Adams, Louis E., Raven; rt. sh. Hetley, J., Suffield; rt. r. Martin, Alice, Rosebud Creek; rt. h. Letourneau, J. K. & Leo, Loch Sloy; 1. r. Schier, L., Parvilla; ru OR Moran, Mrs. Mary, Jethson; rt. sh. Cole, A. F., Puffer; Ptr Lee, Lott, Iola; Tt. Hi. Farrell & Wilson, Gadsby; Stk. Estate of A. F. Mock, Elk- water; 1. Goodwin, Alfred H., Alder- syde; l. h Leach, Frank M., Granum; 1. sh. McKenzie, F., Sedgewick; kik Menzies, Geo. P., Provost; Hay: Lund, Matt, rt. sh. Hughenden; ity cM cM My L™ LM LM LM LM hy LM LM Macdonald, H. A. L., Ethe wyn; rt. r. | 5 i; Watt, Mrs. Mary, Freshfield — rt. BS 3 Hovland, Lewis Michal, Ea ling ; 1. sh. Miami Farming Co., Lt New Dayton; Il. r. St. Mars, Louis, Acme; Fe hs 2 May, rt. sh Adams, A. M., Hardisty; f Thor Mohl, Alexander, Hand Hill: rt. ap D, Cummings ; Loomis, Margaret E., LakFy send; l. r. 1 McDonald, Jackson, AlsasP™ Sask, 4ixtee ae te H. L., Beiseker; We < Harwadt, Martin, Walsh; Sine Murphy, Mrs. D. A. cP. Strathcona; 1. sh. Bjornstad, Carl, ] Champion Ry AS iyo M. L., Warner; Aa Mitchell, John, Czar; rt. sh. Moxley, Lloyd, Dorothy; rt. if; Miller, Henry,. Stettler; rth Minter, Leonard, Wain- BS wright; 1. sh. iy a Dunbar, J. M., Brooks; © Evh, ee Mo Lenning, Mrs. Macie, Steve ville; rt. sh. wy McComb, L., Lakeview; © 8 te) Minor, Leslie, Bassano; rt. i LaPard & Marston, Strath: more; 1. sh. McLeod, J. M., Durlingville* ; a Mohr, Henry, Ft. Saskatche wan; rt. ‘Alberta Brand Book 325 ee | nc ge ‘s = PK lL ax 4 |SISIEIK — Zz te T|F > es ace (ae (oe SKkz DI DIE 5 ck Laughlin, Mrs. Mary A., Ver- milion ; ¥ Mears, Louis E., Living- stone; rt. h. Miller, J. C. & Lee, Many- berries; l. h. A cia W. E., Gadsby; 7's: Oyler, H. V. F., Innisfree; rt. h Mulligan, John D., . Peace River Crossing; 1. sh. Nowlin, Geo. W., holm; 1. r. 9 ala D. I., Puffer; Clares- Nelson, J. L., St. Kilda; rt. sh. Cairns, W., Cochrane; Vy Ps Callison, Jno. R., Glenview; rt. h, Nethercott, Lloyd & Jno., Abilene; 1. sh. Eavele, Jr., Thos., Gleichen ; r Doolittle, Mrs. Ida, Doren- lee; 1 Wells, Mabey & Newport, Greenshields; rt. r. Ahlwardt, A., Olds; rt. h./ Campbell, H. N., Grand Prai- rie; lr. McNeill, Malcolm, Erskine; gs an ach eam H. A., Fishburn; Ma 2 Gibean, TE... T: McDonald, Mrs. M. L., Sum- merview ; 1. r. Nobert, Theodore, VOLES i Ft, T. Oliva, Gleichen ; Morin- Spece, Mrs. Jane, Brooks; rt. iehe Mary, Gleichen; es ; Anderson, Earlin, Strath- more; rt. r. Ross, Hugh, Beaver Lodge; th. sar) | Se Cc j,c” sis Ep ie = zPzl\z24o° fe) LO LO LO LO LP LP Ss |Z ae Sig “5 = “4 ee Martha, Cardston; . sh. Atlan, Robert A., Dalroy; © Pte Xs Miles, Anna M., Raven; Ft... Peters, Joe, Burmis; (ge McIntosh, Jas. N., Hamilton Lakes rty:r. Neil, James, Eagle Butte; - rir, Needham, Mrs. A., Crane Lake, Sask.; lr. Needhan, Mrs. Martha, Crane Lake, Sask.; lr. Doering, Fred, Mayton; ksh. . Clauson, Mrs. Huldah M. M., Innisfail; 1. h. Horodizki, Louis, Rumsey; rt. sh. Hill, Hugh, Sask.; 1]. h. Lloydminster, Phillips, Harry, & Liscombe, Wm., Kitscoty; rt. h Pettie, L. L., Castor; l. sh. Poch, Frank, Frank; yes Woodrow Bros., Angus Ridge; lh Leavell, P. C., Nanton; rt. sh. Harrison, B. H., Didsbury; io et Parent, Alvina, Ranfurly ; rt. Pemberton, Fred., Pincher City; 1. sh. Cairns, Harold M., Eagle Butte; 1. r. Hamn, R. C., Airdrie; 1. h. Peterson, H. F., Olds; rt. sh. Fielding, Percy, Mannville; rt. YX. Roen, Lars P., Seven Per- sons; rt. Jackson, S. A., Cardston; koe. ee “5 Re ( = aba Lae a = a oy yl Eic “y‘ Cie VV apg)? Osa AN i~ Hol all! my) DD A - A eel R. H., Namaka; ey a Hougsten, Arthur, Tees; 3 Ee Powers, J. L., Okotoks; l. sh sir shies Ben, Kinnondale; car ny gira: Morris, Dickson; Prout, A. T., Olds; rh x Putnam, Philitus, Furman; . sh. Peterson, Lewis, New Day- tong hin saci a a Hector, Stavely; 4. . Peers, Lester Irving, Acadia Valley; rt. sh. Morelock, J. P., Olds; sy Tagte Wahl, Philip, Seven Persons; rte ne i as Irl. F., Pincher Citv; nee shit ena Joseph, Bawlf; Pearson, Thos., Red Deer; TERT, gene Peter A., Daysland; rt. Becker, P. Mont.; l. r. J., Whitlash, he Bros., Standard ; , ss dare Michael, Lethbridge; wy a Fuller, R. R., Brooks; r. sh. Hayes, Richard, High Prai- rie; l. r. Rerauay N. D., Fieldholme : Lutz, Rudolph, Irvine; sh, Russell, Lewis, Ena; PES et Link, R. A., Camrose; rt. h, [So E| [Sa AO} AD]! xn = QD C A Plrsits 1 le =| )| | P| So] = V ) ores 5 eae Ay) A { mit Alea AC lei My | ay ay} 394] ay"| "| Sg] Go| Sy che eile 3 ae 6 Alberta Brand Book ) Hettler, Joseph P., Brown- Rabb, Lewis, Talbot; Yi! -LP field; rt. r. l. sh. Rhodes, Herbert, Long Cou- lee; ‘lor. se (esas Louis, Hawkeye; Randebaugh, Alvin L., Car- bon; rt. sh. F Alderson & Son, Ralph, Nor- ton; rt. r. Underwood, Fred., Athabas- ca Landing; rt. h. hips. R. D., Nanton; \ 4 is Hunter, Robert, Mecheche; rt. F; Witeor A. E., Pincher City; hee Lindsay, ‘Roy, Hand Hills; o! Dake Laughton, Wilbert R., Gra- num ; r Rey B., Red Deer; | l. h. Lymbury, R., Content; 4 a Ryall, D. H., Kinnondale; = Bt. Pk Lamont, Robert, Rose Lynn; 1. sh. ‘Ross Bros., Altorado; by AS hy es Robb, Mrs. Wm. L., Cairns; FO) 2. Lalor, Richard, rt. “Ra; Innisfail ; j Rendle, Arthur, Halkirk; | l. sh. Wickson, Lester A., Cayley; » he ‘ Liesemer, C. R., Neapolis; | de hy | a Racicot, E. B., St. Paul ad Metis; rt. r. ’ Linfield, Reginald, Campsie; > rt (RS Lambie, Robert, Landonville 55 l. sh. Py] Tanner, Mrs. Luella M., Ens.) leigh; rt. r. ’ Lorraine ; Hansen, Robt., h. rt. Alberta. Brand Book 327 t Se 5 ~—” axis Frank A., Nanton; ree Hy Ly Gladys: Selleck, E. M., Greencourt; rt. sh. Stenson, A. W., Hastings Coulee; rt. r. A., Chead- Macdonald, Jno. le; rt. h. Barone Sam, Puffer; ne sari aga L. P., Gleichen; Loiney, Thos. H., Airdrie; 7¢, 0, Duchesneau, Louis, St. Paul de Metis; rt. r. Livingston John, & Sons, Calgary ; rt:h. Duggua, J. W., Kimball; Lox Jackson, Thos., Delburne; Ft) 3. McKinnon, J. A., & McPher- son, P., Nanton; |. r. Shaver, R. L., Innisfail; rt r. anes S. O., Strathmore; Wb eA apc R. L., Airdrie; Lyledale Stock Farm, Sedge- wick; rt. h. Smith & Saar, Bassano; | bet pasa, Ludwig, Irvine; Larson, Anton, Scona; rt. h. we Be L., Suffield ; Be? Soderstrom, Axel Veil- lette; rt. r. Smith, Chas. R., Fleet; rt. h. L}; ac upeae Philip S., Calgary; Bib nore Bros., Lorraine; Lang, Sr., Friedrich, Beisek- Or} re he LT 2 4 = Bodman, Luella C., Calgary; rt. sh, Alspaugh, Henry O., Olds; rt. sh, Smith, Emily A., Hill Spring; yt aad ge eens Swan, Didsbury; a a ves ss Taylor, Halkirk ; J She Matthews, PERE Se des XG H. T., Medicine a, Thomas, Ponoka; Turton, A., Content; h rt. sh. Bennett, Thos. Jas., Cal- gary; rt. r. Curlew; Hilts, ~Thomas, Pte Fy Lambert, T. E., Chauvin; 1. sh, ra J. T., Magrath; ab Thauvette, Joseph, Vegre- ville; 1. h Tremblay, Isay, Villeneuve ; Tthesn: McDevitt, C. J., Talbot; ert: F: Tolman, L. G. ,Tolman; rt. h. perane: T., Masinasin ; ae Fe Thorson, Henry, Berry Creek; rt. r. Thompson, Leo C., Galahad; rt. fr. Hagen, Thomas, Lea Park; lh. Teare, Ambrose, Strathmore’ rt. sh. Thomson, H., Vegreville; re. kT, Glei- Thompson, Lawrence, chen; rt. h Lynch, T. N., Carstairs; , 1, h. Trail, Angus, Edgerton; Ttait. Waddams, D. M., Muirhead > Pt. ake ee) bo CO Alberta Brand Book BRE el p5K Lj t- al C = : Ge |S || Cee Cc He flellel| = ai EI) ES Cc a4 4 Taylor, Ross, Galahad ; OE ¥, Taylor, Coch- rane; Mrs. Louisa, 4 Tatham, Cyril H., Stauffer; Tt. r. Larson, Theodore, Tilly; rt. h. Morrison, Wm., Little lume; l. r. Bartsch, Chris, Gleichen; Fe: Bellamy, Wm. A., Didsbury; a The Southern Alberta Land Co., Ltd., Medicine Hat; Ler Smith, Thomas DS, ville; rt. r. Marker- Matchett, Edward T., Eck- ville ; sh. Fedeli, Lewis, Pekisko; a oa: Eckenfelder & Feline, Tro- chu :rt:-¥, Galleberg, Hans, Big Val- ley 3.1L sh, ees Ben, North Bank; ae Nichol, Mrs. D., Trochu Val- ley; rt. r. Cruikshank, Rev. W. M., Fieldholme; rt. h. McConechy, John, Living- stone; l. r. Scott, Alex., Stoppington; “gh VAS: Thompson & Sons, Coutts; rt. h. Vanorman Bros., Taber; BE et tehedy Joe, Staffordville ; er Hutchison, Jno. H., Rumsey; rth: Warner, A.'A., Reid Hill; Like Umphrey, Mrs. Isaac, Lang on; rt. h. Crawford, Jas., Fox; rt. h. Evans, Edward, High River; rt. r. Me lel |e fey ele eee l ae gk > - < > cle Eke c < fed Eee LV Renton, R., Calgary; Fg oe Garlough, Harris, Eagle Butte; rt. r. Langille, L. V., Oxville; Esbiee os Bros., Hopkins; Remington, J. L., Round Up: ‘rtshs -Lindgren, Victor, Hughen- ot Win A. 5 MacKenzie, Francis, Peace River Crossing; rt. h. Vitmeier, L. T., Lacombe; lL sh. i is A. A., Ferry Bank; McGowan, Jno. H., Bow Is- land; rt. sh. Falk, J. J., Sunnyslope; Tht. Clifton, Harry, Pine Lake; rt. h. Davies, John, Red Deer; oe ag Len Jno. C., Sarcee; 1. sn. it genta Bros., Scollard; oe Pierson, Anton, Cheadle; rt. sh. Van Housen & Sons, F., Ber- ry Creek; rt. r. Harris, Joseph Allan, Taber; rt. h. Hunter, Alex., Mecheche; i Reagl Fredrich, Schuler; Heizman, rir Louden, Harry, Big Valley; rt. h. Larson, Chas. V., Landon- ville; 1. sh. Venus, Geo. E. W., Hand Hills; lr. Blanton, B. R., Bassano; thet Larsen, Sylvester, Rumsey}; rt..'shi Laing, Andrew, Redlow; rt. h. ty Alberta Brand Book — x< C0) {c— EBSEEEEERBBBER SEE aa ~< a x< Pee reUs, E., Lac la Biche; i epee Mrs. Sarah, Trenville; Lajeunesse, Edward, Beau- vallon; rt. su. Whitehead, Wm. M., Clares- holm; 1. sh. Lewis, Chas., & Woods, Richard, Edgerton; 1. h. Wrigglesworth, L. J., Dids- bury; rt. r. Ferguson, Mrs. T. R., Mark- erville; rt. h Watson, Lee, Ponoka; rt. n. molerk. J. G., Suffield; ee Beton, Wm. B., Tilley; Woodward, Jack, Creek; rt. r. Pine Wyse, Lawson, Castor; rt. hh eer W. W., Taber; eee Vannice, R. L., Stavely; Et, Shi Lehr, Wm., Walsh; Tt: '¥ Stettler Meat Co. Ltd., Ster- tler; 1. sh. Robinson, James, Joseph- burg; lr. B., Walsh; Coulthard, Thos. rth: Wight, L. A., Purple Springs ; is Bhai ERs McEvoy, W. L., Rimbey; 4 ae a Piaget Philip, Bow Island; Hammond, Thomas, Pincher Station; l. h Hanson, H. F., Medicine Mats rt: y: nares Sri. Fox) Coulee: rt. h, prevents A. A., Cayley; se Bowers, Arthur, Raven; ag Pe 2 ; . 52 aes Aes ele ye elc =| << ql] 545] {te Im 6 ( i aa ~ LZ — LG Lg TA IK 329 Spragge, Chas. H., Fraser ton br Buelow, Ed. W., Lamerton; a a a Fromm, Gustav, Walsh; Pr. a wi Max, Champion; Kieran, Mrs. Eleanor, Ok»- toks; rt. r. Zuberbier, Mrs. Lena, Whit- LC Wie Gg wiry 3 Mayland, A. H., Nanton; l, h, Mooney, Alex., St. Paul de Metis; rt. h. a a hes Neil, Taber; Steiner, Chas. G., Hicksburg; Tir. Seward, J. W., Carstairs; l. h. Youag;)L,. ., 1 pn Fay) t. Laferty, Alfred, Copeville; rth: Bassett, Mrs. Isabella, Medi- cine Hat; lL. r. McDougall, Chas., Penhold; ae Davenport, R. J., Rimbey; rt. h. Parker, Ed. P., Didsbury; Tuy. Mertz & Medsker, Elnora; 4 3th Connelly, Mrs. Kathleen, Gil- lingham; rt. r. Smith, A. D., Curlew; bg aD ft Stewart, Wm. A., Medicine Hat; ht. sh. McLean, John, Strathmore, Ro esh: McDirmid, .Hugh Colin, Springbank; l. r Keller, Gertrude, Cayley; Ee Cyr, Levite B., Bowville; a pep " Anderson, Andrew G., Hawk- eye; 1. sh. ow) >> “~ ~ _— = = >| L— ? = L >) Is Lit Sis ay sy IE eS >) al As L L- “A M. Mitchell, Wm., Eagle Butte; et Walter, Macleod; Green, rt. r. Berg, Alfred, Ferry Point; rf ia Metz, Geo., mt, huat, Didsbury ; Gedlaman, Hannah, Car’- ston; fe 15] 1Sp5)S|5 454 Sao? |D|! SE: SPzpPz\z' Moe, Olaf, Tolman; ttn ay HET W., McEwan; . Sh. Soya, M. C., Gleichen; Sor Matson, Mat P., Evarts; rt. sh. Taylor, M..W., High River; tp Sa ie! Sims & Sons, Islay; Pins tort T. H., Vermilion; Rakoz, Michael, Lake; rt. sh. Miller, E. W., Lobley; 1S ck Spring Rice, Mrs. M., Wimborne; (me Rasch, Michael, Irvine; rt. sh: Reiger, Mathans, Gros Ven- tre; ‘1, sh. Gladstone, Mrs. Mary A, Mountain Mill; 1. h. heb Michael, Cowley; McDowell, Robt., Gleichen; 3 a Mercier, Romuald, Vermilion ; 1. /r, Moore, C. W., Tolman; rt. & Mackie, J. R., Alix; L he Schultz, Wilhelm, Manfred; rt. sh. Main, Alex., Alix; Tt Miner Cross- field ; Tifin, F. M., Three Hills; rt. & Thompson, l. sh. MacLeod, Thos., Pine Lake; l. h. Thomas, Mark E., Namao; 1, h. Stoppington; Bell, Wm., Pe 3 P Millen, Thos., Hillsdown ; rt. sh. Alberta Brand Book 333 Z-|z|R = le) eakshsis S(KSiSbeist McRae, Mrs. A. L., Lake- view; rt. Fr. 4 Castelein, O., Monvel; Lh. McHardy, John, Coal Bank; Ree. Xn Martin, Arthur, Lac Ste. Vin- cent; rt. h. Peete, S. S., Clover Bar; AES Lumsden, H. M., Cochrane; sol ee Umphrey, Mrs. M., Hawk- eye; |. sh. Kanngiesser, Simon, La- combe; Cook, Matthew, Lamerton; | ay Milne, Robt., Sunnyslope; rt. F. Hill & Sons, Wm., Queens- town; |. r. Irwin & Sons., Mrs. Alice, Boundary Creek; rt. r. Bernard, F. C., Trochu Val- ‘Koa i ad Meller, Max, Cheadle; l. h. Meneice, Lewis, Willows; Ets 3 Mix, Jno. B., Vermilion; Tey Marshall, Jno., Castor; rt. h. Beatie, Alfred, Coutts; Ey N Sprague, T. G., Medicine aticuks ¥: Dixson, H. F., Avalon; rt. h, Nattrass, D. W., Minda; SB Norris, Ethel D., Crossfield ; rt. sh. and j. 331) 3 ==] j a —C : a ~C MY W WW Sl aiile ka W Sly 3} BEER ) W ni > x “ a ae ba Frank, Lakesend; “ai Marsden & Son, Mrs. M., Fox Coulee; 1. r. McFarlane, Mrs. M., €al- gary; l.r. mai Percy, Knee Hill; anes Mancell, Walter, Carbon; hat and Ernest, Bruderheim ; Michalis, Fred., Warner; Lite Millar, Alix, Wainwright; 1. h. Bridges & Gaylor Ranching Co., Pincher Creek; rt. r. 8 yet A. E.; Leavings ; Be Greene & Frost, Claresholm; E's Herbert, M., Trenville ; Lr: Todd, Joseph, Alix; l. sh, ee W. D., Graburn; i sn. Lill, Jno. Marriott, ROE FtEEs Harts- Neth, Fred., Irvine; 9 Bit Maclean, M. A., Bassano; Ly sh: Armstrong, J. C., Nanton; aa a «A Burgoyne, N, C., Elkton; ig Scott, Huggard & McKeen, Lac Ste. Anne; rt. sh. Ewing, W. S., Three Hills; Tees Alberta Brand Book z : 3] 5] 23] opera 3) 2] t on No], <1 z we) Cc, = cE Netzly, Floyd W., Brant; TR: Green, P. N., Medicine Hat; 1. sh. Frayn, Edmund J.; bank; 1. n. Spring- J Nolan, C. A., Standard ; Tin. Crippin, Norton B., Erskine ; mau Bell, John Avery, Lineham ; Fh Stewart, N., Fieldholme; 4 a bs Day, John F., Medicine Hat; tt. sh. Vent same invert- ed under Noble, Mrs. Tryphena, Con- sort; ; Wilson, N. R., Grassy Lake; lon. Golley, Wm., Garden Plains; aes Anderson, Mrs. Anna S., Bit- tern Lake; l. r. Clarke, C. N., Gleichen ; £t,;) bh; Ford, Miss Kelsia, Nanton; NGS A Walback, Henry, Gleichen; rth .7. Smith, John Henry, Airdrie; Bee gt Nichol & Sons, Thomas, Va- nesti; rt. h. Wilson & Sons, Jamés, Gra- burg sh Fe (T. MecDorald, John D., Walsh; Ua sa Gibson, Thomas, Calgary; WwW. a. Wheeler, Orville Ww. a. Hopkins, G. F., Lethbridge; pe Ci, Oldss Penland, W. Medicine Hat; w. a. R., Armstrong & Mort, Elkwater ; her Bolton, M., Lundbreck; W. a. Gier, John, & Kuch, John, Midnapore; 1. h z > Z oa a ZlZcl7Z|,ZIZSZ\ I= Z| 2 2¢¢Z Z| 2/21 PZ] ZS ACA ISI WN A Pos 4 S43 [>> [15 | Neti: Richard, Fishburn; . . , Anderson, Nephi, Cluny; rt. sh. es at Joseph, Raymond; oe See Nunn, Alden H., Dog Pound; Fi Fa Albert, Nicholas J., ‘Berry. Point; rt. sh. Bonertz, Louis C., Yarrow; — rt. h. Nelson, Martin, Irvine; Tbs. te Dix, Nicholas, Suffield ; rt. h. Spicer, Mrs. M. A., Coch- rane; Smith, Neil C., Olds;- rt. sh. Nicholls H. F., Millarville;_ McBride, Willard, St. Paul de Metis; rt. r. Bartsch, Jno. J., Gleichen; 3 lh. 2 x Fernstrom, Mrs. N. C., g Moose Jaw, Sask.; rt. r. % Buckmaster, Frank, Durlings ville; rt. h, - Anderson, T. & G, Iwi Butte; 1. h. 3 Blunden, Mrs. Chas., Gri num ; rt. r. Feldt, Nels A., Taber; rt. Cassidy, Th..8. Little Bow Tohnson Bros., l ee Neurinl, Tits Hawkins, W. /jf., Lake; l. r. Harold, Pine Lake Harrison, N., Midnapore ;. rt. h, Neffsinger, C. H., Le Slave Lake; lr. Nichols, H. H., Raymon rt. h, Mostertz, J. J., Carbon; em a he i Alberta Brand Book 335 Nelson, Nels H., Stirling; rt. sh, Hodges, N. M., Goddard; gf Op A Gregson, James, Taylorville; by ae McIntyre, A. C., Brant; gy ol Schmierer, Peter, Mayton; lh, Lincon, Chas. O., Stettler; ot A Kemsley, N. M., Glenview; bd Fae Gorrill, Wm. W., Dorothy ; rts: Hall, Mrs. Anna, Kinnon- dale; 1. h. Reid, John, Wainwright; rest. Henry, Charles, Vermilion ; Ly ie Hanna, L. H., Nanton; Sy Smith, G. A. & L., Gaetz Valley; rt. h. O’Malley, Middleton, WCow- Reyes ker: Madsen, Nels, Olds; | ad McLean, Neil, Shepard; Loe: : McConaughy, N., Puffer; by F McLaren, Robt. Alex., Air- drie; rt. r. Malcolm, Mrs. Nettie, Car- bon; l. r. McIntyre, Mrs. Peter, Brant; of lh Hopkins, J. W., Bow Island: Pte: Heighes, George, Coaldale; 1, sh. Norton, C. C., Okotoks ; lh. Simpson, Geo., Bowell; Beata Heine, I. C., Huxley; rt bh: Foreman, Herbert S., Fore- man; rt. sh. Norlund, Nils, Laford; rt. h, Henderson & Parker, Card- ston; 1. sh. Ea ha Wm., Eagle Butte; Pa Henderson, Albert G., Card- ston; rt. r. Neven, Nehemias, St. Paul de Metis; rt. h. nh rg las Norman, Brooks; Hodgkinson, Geo., Dora; rt. sh, McEwen, Mrs. W., Living: ston; lr. Ross, Neil, Edmonton; Tis) fe Nasmyth-Miller, J. V., Am- ask sho x: hae a John, Huxley; Rockstad, A. N., Camrose; rt. hy Smith, Chas. R., Calgary; Ie)'B; Schultz, Gustif, Manfred; 1, sh, Greene & Frost, Claresholm; Vey. Neidig, Jno. August, Leth- bridge; rt. h. ny de Sk Henry, Nanton; Dunbar, Frank G., Three Piilbs: ste wy Augusten, Hjalmer, Earling, rt. h. gt open Bros., Trenville; Nae Smith & Co., Mary, Vonda, paskis) Ee x: McCullouch, Alex., | Leth- bridge; rt. h. Gan, Peter, Spring Lake; Rost. Kennedy & Sons, Dan’l. F, Stettler; 1. r. Nicolenko, Tohdor, Mundare, sa Saag s Towers, Henry, Red Deer; FE’ Nis Alberta Brand Book aie aE oA Z\pz ie EIECECKEIE DIE | Zz IEPe a i eke x Henry A., Didsbury, Hanson, Peter, Bellshill; LCs Aspinue, Olof A., Taber; oa 2 Cree Bert, Cardston; bee Nap, Eyremore; Ald Noe Geo. M., Lamerton; Asquith, Mrs. Geo., Dry Fork; rt. r. Miller, Harmon W., White- brush; 1. h. Edmonds, Wm. W., Hairy Halls mts y. Gordon, Harry H., Lineham; rt. ‘h. Nixon, Harvey A., Crossfield; Be Solberg, C. F., Taber; 1h, Stager, Morris, High River; re AE Ledoux, ohn, Rosebud Creek; I. r. Clark Barrette & Co., Stet- tléervs'21, oh, Stenble, Joseph, Lethbridge; rt. sh. Ness, Arne, Harmattan; rt. Lindsay, H., Carstairs; eto h: Anthorn, Fred, Josephburg; YE, Pr. Suites eh C. S., Penhold; rt. Londot, Pierre, Lille; Riad Martin, C. C., Lacombe; ra ei rs Fodness, H., Holden; TUE, Lyon, Alfred, Granum ; rt. h. Wilde, R. J., Ribstone; rt ew McKoy, W. H., Stettler; Lt, Winter, W. H., Olds; ie Stirling, Herbert L., Stony ~ Plain; 1 Tolson, Mrs. Gertrude, Vic- toria, Texas, U.S.A.; rt. r. Tyson Bros., Fraserton; rt. h, ik H. J., Willows; Mie od Griffin, Robt., & Reek, Frank J., Neapolis; rt. r. Anderson, Ernest, Trochu Valley; 1. r. Wiggins, R. A., Manor, ask shoe Doucet, Nicholas, Chauvin: rt. sh, : McRae, M. D., Mound; 1. h, Rumsey, Fred, Okotoks; 1 sh? Malcolm, H. A., Innisfail; ], h. ple a Geo., Nanton; rt. sh. ap Pes D., Vermilion ; Gray, Walter S., Strathcona; rt. h. Nelsen, Matt., Sundial; ek: Jewell, D. M., Lamerton; rt. sh, Jewell, Isabella C., Lamer- ton; rt. Walton, Mrs. Frances j., Medicine Hat; 1. h. Bartch, Christian, Gleichen; rth, Stonelake, B. A., Rimbey; rt.-h. Mitchell, Wm., Eagle Butte; 7 1, h. ; Stimson, Percy W., Little : Plume; 1. r. ; Lane, Edward, Crossfield; lh. - Rierson, Thedor, Sedgewick; © a ; Dunn, E., Carbon; Lbs : Alberta Brand Book 337 Stewart, James D., Ferry Bank» ‘1: r. “~~ Wallace, Robt. W., Ewing; Y/N le: Watson Bros., Summerview ; McKenzie, W. E., Vermilion, Lite iN bt O INS AE OTL Hinman, Andrew, Cardston; Maceo vent. ont -} Burns ‘& Co., Ltd., P.;Cal gary; 1. r. Vent z onl. sh Both ears split. is = ay W. W., Strathmore; Mansfield, Thos. D., Fish- burn; rt. h, Peake, Arthur, Dorothy ; zt. n. in conjunction with . U tt. x: * Morier, O. J., Daysland ; rt. j. Alcock, A. J., Seven Persons ; ete on. Blodgett, W. R., Edmontoi;. rt. hk Russell, Bowden S., Sundre;3. Tt. h. Good, Jacob, Josephsburg FS rth; O;O REED Wyndham, Alex’r., Carbon; rt. h. Vent same rt. sh. Rogers, H. M., & Guyon, A. B., Calgary; 1. rump. Vent OIL with O over I. Hyde, Allan G., Red Deer River; rt. h. Vent bar un- der. Miller, Mrs. Kate D., Cow-. ley ;-L.r. Archibald, Thomas, Card ston; rt. r, | } BE =) Bremer, O. F., Strathmore; en; OQ Critchley & Rhodes, Coch- Ohio Albe ti Farming Co.,. rane; l. r. Lethbridge; 1. sh. Pilling, James H., Aetna, Hiller, Jacob, Walsh; Ee, rt. r Vent o above ‘brand. Bpebspn: H, A., Lundbreck; | nok Arndt, H. M., Whitla; a Quellette, Rev. J. A., Bonny- Mountain View Ranching 4 ville; rt. sh. Co., Spring Bank; rt.h & Xe Oleson, Ole E., Innisfail: Osmond, Anthony, Field- ln. holme; rt. r. iy Pete hws Vow te Bjerkseth, O. C. A., Earling ieee tee rgd over. Franklin, Mrs. Ursula L., P Or. Macleod: 1. h. Vent same a ae Jae ee Pendant d’Or }'sh: mA Barnes, Mrs. John, Islay; Alexsanderson Bros., Simons. | Fis - Valley; Ll. r. Leighton, Chas. W., Calgary; ra a S. A., Carbon; 1 h aa vi Moore, Oliver P., Meeting Anderson, Anthon, Curlew; OA OA oy OA oy OA OA OA OA OA = Creek; lon rt. r. W h W. T., Huxley, be haieg Ua bas ‘threes McArthur, D. A., Carlstadt; brand rt. 2. Hull, Wn. R., Calgary. lr & h Vent inverted O Pd naghapick A. R., Raven; pee we) ots Co Alberta Brand Book Or) olo bs SlighiGislisisisisisisigisibeheholodelek | © 2) “ O G Olshaski, Jno., Cardston; es pay Kent, Berry Creek; Alix, Lowden Bogdanowicz, Lake scrip Ohms, A. H., Cluny; Pak 3 Boggs, O. A., Daysland; jeg wal Alexander, A. O., Lakesend ; rt. h, Jamison, O, O., Bassano ; je « Anderberg, O. P., Sweet Val- ley; 1. sh. Olsen, Mrs. Andrew, Moss- leigh; 1. h. Atkinson, Robt. O., Nateby; rt. h. Bahm, Oscar, Elkton; l. sh. C/Bdied, Jas. A., Raymond ; ee Benson, O. H., Lethbridge; Wel Baker & Sons, O., Vermilion ; rt:)'sh. Baines, Olney, Lacombe; The ide Burgess, I. O., Carbon; re. Bowlen, Michael, Baronet; 1. sh. Bailey, Albert, Lundbreck; Try Barr, Thos. O., Stanger; l. h. Bjelland, Oliver, Flagstaff; Kose, Bannenger, Rudolph, Loug- heed; rt. h. McBrady, Jas., Gilt Edge; Bangs Byrne, Henry, Aetna; bg Fg Bauer, Philip, Curlew; aN Greenwood, Ada M., Roches- oot GAR URNS: OUR ol Sale Brown, Chas. H., Mound; baie ‘TT Oo olololololo O ) O ISisisigie| gieigieisiedgdgcskeslgrgnlenlg) ak oN hss O., Stettler; vt Bugler, Jos., Warner; l. h. Burns, Frank, Talbot; Ties Braley, W. H., Warner; rich: Beales, Oliver, Richdale; Ley: Cotte Bros., Cowley; rescr. Bedell Edd., Clover Bar; Beattie, Jas. N., Lake View; gt rt Bohme, Oscar Max, Sundre; Tt Worthing, Mrs. M., White- brush; 1. sh. Creighton Bros., Red Wil- low; l. r. aoe Geo., Crossfield ; Runnalls, Oliver C., Huxley; te IT, Curtis; Cy J, Hardistes se 6 Cartier, Omer, Stettler; l. sh. Clyne, D. Forrest, Holm- stead; l. r. Oldham, R. C., Neapolis; Lh: Courthil, Oliver, Grouard; rt. sh. Clark, Chas. A., Sedgewick; ga ; R., Trochu Conroe, Grover Valley; rt. h. Crow, Benjamin, Cremona; lor. Gabler, G. L., Stauffer; TELAT, Fleury, Aug., Notre Dame e Savoie; 1. r. Cavalier, Leopold, Notre Dame de Savoie; rt. r. O’Connell, Donal, Calgarv? 7 l. sh. - ie Cadzow, T. F., Vegreville; 7 | a 4.0 Alberta Brand Book O BEEREEEEEEEEEEERRRReeEERae Clark, Geo. H., Granum; 1, h, Coggins & Sons, Jas., Lock- Hare ptt. ‘Ke Crosby, Herbert A., Ewing; rt. h, Cameron, Donald, Little Plume; I. r. Carlson, Oscar, Lake Thel- ma; h. Campbell, Robt. J., Hisls- down; rt. r. Clark, Sim., Erskine; of sae i) Charters, Alex. M. & Mary Ann, Munson; l.r. Carroll, Mrs. Mary, Tinche- bray; 1. h. Courtney Bros., Ohaton; ed aS Mahan, Cornelius, New, Day- ton; rt. Caron, Fred., Red Willow; ox: : Cooper, Thos., Innisfail ; l. h, Castle & Son, Markerville; rt. Davies, Daniel, Lonbutte; ], sh. Desmiliner, i Frank, Lafund; nate Herbert, Sundial; 1, h. Drake, E. O., Edmonton; rt. sh. Doolittle, I. H., Twin Butte; raw x8 Coates, W. D., Cochrane; Stn: Deweese, N. G., ville; 1. r. Rawdon- bes a Mrs. C. S., Kora; Doran, C. H., Solon; rt. sh, Anderson, Truls, White- brush; rt. r. Dancoisne, Clement, Dia- mond City; rt. h. Renee Andrew G., Raymond; tht 6! O 0} ,O0i\OyOyOyO MANA VlaiomehsbsladsckekSieisis1o191S\si 339 Covlin, Fred., Stettler; rt. r. Deering, Otto, Irvine; Tt Re Campbell, Wm. J., Clark- ville; lor. Day, A. M., Bowell; 1. h, Dayton, L. R., Wetaskiwin; oe Ducloy, Chas. E., Content; Pe Th recess David, Lucky Strike; Eh, Demuelenaere, O., Coutts ; ie A Delahunty, Jas., Hewitt’s Landing, Sask.; rt. h. ns Ak eh Jno., Amisk; Stewart & Sons, Andrew, Me- tiskow; rt. h. Anderson, Drace, Springs; 1 Purple Sheppard, Melvin, Rimbey; A ee Donovan, Jno. J., Dorothy; Ht hy, Anthony & Peterson; Seven Persons; L r. Everson ? Jas., Seven Per- sons; ‘ Eliason, Oscar, Usona; ‘rt. sh. Schooley, Geo., Leo; Stok Hill, P. N. & O. P., & Mate sen, Ren., Medicine Hat;. PL Wn Womacks, T. O. & E. E.,. Gwynne; 1. sh. Arkinstall, Chas. F., Sedge-. t Ri wick; Chaney, C. C., Macleod; Ji hy, j Evans, Owen Ap Owen, Puf- SOPs) TEST Burdge, Oliver E., Field- holme; rt. wet eh Otto, Duxbury; a Ovard, Geo., Lethbridge ; ie ae TSG © Alberta Brand Book mim OjO mim OE OE OE OF OF OF McFarland, A. O., Medicine Hat? , Wroe, Percy, Cadogan; rely Moser, A. E., Daysland; Tin, Taitinger, Nick, Claresholm ; Tyr . Eaves, R. O., Stirling; Pee 4 ace Adam, Crossfield ; hehe Mitchell, Jas.) -A., “Pincher Creek; 1, sh. Forster, Wm., Eagle Hill; l. sh. JYamieson).=. Jas... dlastiie's Coulee; I. r. Felton, O., Millarville; hs Fellers, Albert, Leopoldville ; rte or Forester, Mary A., Milner- tOny i et: : Fraser, Miss Rose, Irvine; hae Fawcett, Robt. M., Innisfail; Jan: Foster & Son, R., Pine Lake; The. Ferguson, Jno. C., Lyndon; rt: h, Fox, C., Hastings Coulee; | ae os Foden, Francis H., Hardisty; rte Jacobsen, R. D., Bathgate; ee Findlater, A. C., Alix; rt. xi Flynn, Patrick J., Kew; 1 sh Fraser, Fred., Battenburg; l. h. Foote, Mrs. Flora J., Raven; PL Fe Fors, Carl, Burnt Lake; £t. 50. Foster, N. R., Erskine; by tale a Sinclair, Jas., Edwin J. W., ~ Thos. C., Tolman; rth: ool ololololosoloolo-lo ISallelS| alalalalalPalg oe © v if D by oy yD aha) 9 H a H H m4 H O}} 21} 2}O4/9}/0)/,0},o},O],0} ofo,Jo Fenske, Otto, Seven Persons; Fiat Crapo, Fred. M., & Kattie E., Cadogan; rt. h: Dick, Alex., Ewing; er. Gibeau, Oliva, Gleichen; Lesh: Fowler, J. W., Mellowdale; OE Crawford, J. D., Strathmore; Loh. Goddard, Chas. W.). Pesbaeee Danks Gladstone, Louisa, Dry Fork; ee ee O’Neil, Garnet, Crossfield ; Re es Gibson, Jash High River; ja Graham, O. J., Grassy Lake; TGs. Mogvist, O. C., Brooks; Teh; Geiger, Armin, Lethbridge; His Gilmour, Allan M., Coutts; Tee? Olsen, Grant, Mossleigh; h. HG Loisviere, Odislas, & Paul Gauthier Co., Redlow; 1 h. Caskey, Oran A., Casley- ville; rt. h. Chopin, Jas. Garfield, Milk River; - Crull, A. G., Langdon; RL. Fi Gardner, Owen, Keoma; rt. Hoff, Oscar, Belvedere; 1, sh. sa Whe Hugh, Cummings; Mr ye Hair, Geo., Ribstone; Le Hefty, Olans, Taber; rt. sh. Hunt, Chas. H., Lacombe; | rt 3 — Hanzen, Abraham, Coch- © rane; rt. ‘ Bi * i at de L<"% ey Tea SS re a hd c ES LAT a, Sy » aa ela QO; O ) =| x pe 2 ee SEEESSREEEESEESS Pg: Alberta Brand Book 341 ISHZHLLIIS Tas ae O;O a gas Paet O yt 2 Hoeven, Matt, Evarts; l. sh. is id Otto, Spring Lake; rr. Butzon, sons; H. J., Seven Per- NS Hunt & Sons, Jno., Stettler; re. fr. Ochey, H. R., Cardston; rt. h. ii agg M., Calgary; pie Fred., Homan, Rumworth ; Tt..F, ’Hall, Orson, Magrath; Er. Olsen, Hans, Milk River; eee Ober, H. P., Stirling ; l. sh, Carlsen, P. H., Erskine; i Peres Jno. C., Red Deer; Hobbis, W. P., Vermilion; rt. sh, Davis, W. L., Talbot; Pt. fr: Olver, W. H., Belvedere; Ei 0s O’Hara, Phillip, Faith; l. sh. Hastings, M. W., Hastings Coulee; |. r. Hehe Otto, Caseleyville; ig Holmen, Oscar, Big Valley; Yt: h: Herzog, Arthur C. R., Coch- rane) >sh. Haag, O. W., Didsbury; Peaks Wilton, Mrs. Hattie, Huxley; PU, Hanson, Peter M., Gopher Head; Il. r. ata T. F., Stauffer; Hinchliffe, Diamond City rt Geo., Me uaeenn, Floyd, Williston; rh r O J ~ O K Orosz, Julia, Stafford Vil- lage; 1. sh. Ford, Arthur, Caroline; Ap = Lindsay; “Jas! Bi, Lake, Sask.; 1. h, Huseby, Hans Ollsen, ing; rt. sh. Jones, Hugh Oswald, Lac Ste. Anne; rt. r. Onion Earl- Johnson, O. T., Bentley; rt. h, Hannan, J. O., Cowley; Liste ar Jno., Bawlf; xX. hit Jno. A., Beazer; a Anderson, Hugo, Edensville; rt. sh. Johnson, Ole, Carbon; St apg Jansen, Mrs. Henry, Ray- h. mond; rt. Jones, T., Chigwell; Ek Jacobson, Chas., Calgary; rt. F: Swainston, Jesse, Stettler; Abe Smith, Joseph C.,; Gadsby; Aah r Johnsrud, Ole, Harmattan; 1 She Morgan, Jno., Amisk; rt. be. Se ae Jos., Lethbridge; jee} ’ Todd, Jas., St. Paul de Met- ae Orbell, J., Edgerton; Ft. 2. Jones, R. G., Dalroy; rei, Oberg, I. A., Edensville; rt. h. Oberg, I. W., Edensville; Tt. A. Nelson, Christina, Stettler; l. sh. Coppock, Hubert W., Lor- raine; l. r. Alberta Brand Book Murphy, H. A., Lacombe; 1. h, Moore, G. J., Markerville ; rt. sh, Olsen, Knud, Earling ; of eS Motter, Geo. W., Calgary; rt. ‘ Manchenko, Taros, Little Plume; 1. sh. Reed, R. W., Caseleyville ; | Wen Bateman, Mrs. H. K., Brant; EAB; Klein, Otto, Didsbury; Tb, ir, Burford, Geo. W., Big Val- ley; rt. h Knoblih, Martin, Josephburg ; pane Kinney, Beecher M., Puffer; bre Knight, Osbert R., Arthur- vale; rt. 4r. McGregor, ain & K., Gra- num; |. s Quaschneck, Sam, Mayton; rt. h. Klaeson, Oscar, Brant: l. sh, Bell, A. R., Innisfail; rt. sh. Herman, Peter, Red Deer; Pt. 0% Kortgaard, Otto, Haneyville ; 1s a Rogers, Earl P., Pine Creek; rt, bh; Swanson, O. L., Sedgewick; Loy Martin, Oscar H., Tilly; Tier Brownell, Cornelius, Medicine Hat; «rth Pierson, Oscar L., Stirling; a a os Laferriere, Octavien; Morin- ville; 1. sh. Fulton, Mrs. Thos. A., | Ir- vine; l. r. asf kis Louis, Haneyville ; O;O a ane 2) C ) © McCaig, Lorne, Walsh; rt. r. Lowe, Wm. H., Grand Prai. rie; rt. h. Paris, Louis, Lake Demay; l. sh. ae Roy E., Penhold; er Larson, Seven Per- Melvin, sons; 1. Webster, O. L., Ferry Bank; | rtir. ; Christensen, Alfred L., Ches- terwold; rt. h. berate: W. D., Fieldholme; Cah cd Nielson, Niels, Olds; Tore. Teughtie, L: O., Islay; Saf: Loveland, Jas. H., Neapolis; Ttur Francis, Milton River; 1. sh. W., High Ee Alex., Puffer; Ser oe O. P., Winnifred; Ward, O. W. & Leo jf., Jumping Pond; rt. r. Lepers, Leon, Hillsdown; rtoikk: Linderee, Olaf, Wetaskiwin; te seis R. H., Lethbridge; Lind, Oskar, Ewing; rt. ty Langevin, Alphonse, Glei- chen; l. r. } i orennay Albert, Nilram; Lensegraf & Sons, H. T.,7 Killam; rt. sh, Ns Ross, Wm. D., Amisk; rt. oxy McLaughlin, Jno., Tolman; Ytian; Myer, Lloyd, Wainwright; ~ " Be Hamm, Elmer L,, Wheat Centre; 1. h. “a Alberta Brand Book 343 Love, H. W., Irma; TWs)/ 0% Miller, Johnston, Edmonton; l. sh. Mills, Jas. S., Belvedere; | Uae McClaren, Mrs. H. A., Rim- bey; McGonigal, Fred, Lacombe; rt. sh, Morgan, J. L., Three ‘Hills; oh MS af Morrison, Geo., Medicine Pat; rth Housdahl, W., & Mosthof, C., Rimbey; 1. r. Monroe, J. W., Grainland; I) h. Ouilette, Martin, Lesser Slave Lake; rt. r. McClinton, Wm. H., Vermil- ion; rt. Meech, Wm., Red Deer; SS Millar, Jas., Ena; | ig oe Mondville, Olisme, Richdale; Fie: Martel, Ubald, Diligence; l. sh. Moffat, Joseph, Carstairs; pee Weijers, A. J. J., Strathmore; he te Gearhart, Ed., McEwan; Ft../E5 Moser, Ludwig, Irvine; js ar McConkey, Oswald, Cereal; bere Morloch, Christian, Castor; 1S McKay, Jas., Hillsdown; ets tr: Lane, J. M., Hand Hills; ate tis Martel, Onias, Bonnyville; UES Stromsmoe, Olaf M., Pen d’ Oreille; 1. h. Hamilton, Jas., Arrowwood; EG... Fe 1OM TOM |OM = LON ION 1ON ION ON ON [ON ON ON ON ON @) (QO QISIO9))>> McKernan, M., Flagstaff; rt. h, ig eee: Murdo, Coronation; Mathieu, H., Mannville; rt. h. Burr, Robt. L., Milk River; l, sh, f ; ehh G. A., Trenville; vor, arp N. C., Calgary; Case, Thos., Burdette; rt. sh. Nysetwold, Ole, Dina; YRGK. A Dick, Philip, Langdon; (oa) se Nibs, Arthur, Big Stone; l. sh. Parker & Ironside, Morden, Mange Vir; Da Ad sei A. L., Dorothy ; Loughi, G., Strathmore; rt. (sh. Huth, L. R., High River; Te. By Halla Bros., Ferry Point; BE. Laboute, Chas., Lac St. Vin- cent) Er: Norman, Ole, Norbo; ay AS House, L. C., Gleichen; ie Nicholls, B. S., Ryley; r. rt. O’Neil, W.'M., Lillico; |e Chambers, P. H., Carstairs; 1s Park, Fred. N., Nanton; Fg eae Oland, Harold, Spring Cou- h6e so Tbh) Ws Johnson & Pelham, May- butt; Ll sh, Niklon, Ostav, Stettler; |S 9 Birkness, Henry,’ Bawlf; l. h. vo Alberta Brand Book 9199 ie O Z EESESREEREREEREREE O}7O}0 (OKKOI6 Nicholson, Nelson, Gopher Head. ort, Norling, Andrew, Faith; ben, Nelson, Ole, Queenstown; ng aE ck Beis Mike, Glen Banner; Nelson, O. H., Galahad; pea rapa « ie euseber J. W., Red Deer; Be Brodin, Seven Per- sons; | Olson, O. P., Ferry Bank; rt. sh. 2 tae Sa Blenkhorn, Wesley, Wini- borne; rt. r. O’Neel,. E, C., Lillico; refhi Mere Albert, Culham ; wars Bautch, Albert J., Seven Per- sons; |. h. Cameron, Robt. Sutherland, Harker; rt. sh. Doan & Quantz, Innisfail; Tt, Xe Sexton, Mrs. Bessie, Bowell; Dich, Martin, Orang, Sundre; i Nichols, Chas. 'O., Seven Persons; rt. r. Horner, C. M., Provost; Ft, 2x. Olson, Mrs. Iver, Morrin; l. sh. Olson, Alfred O., Cremona; | Dek oe O’Neill, Frank M., Warner; Bee 0 Romeo, Sr., J. R., Peavine; rt. sh. Chisholm & Son, Alex., Lor- rane; rt. 2, McGee, R. F., Rimbey; rt. McTavish, Leth- Hugh, bridge; 1. h. Olson, Oliver, Airdrie ; XE. UN Oooo 10110 1,0 O° W1SASHO|B|B|SIS|SISIS SSSI Si SI SI Sl SI SIPSpSisSScks Coffey, Jno. S., Stettler; Tt Ds ssieiar ht Thos. W., Minburn; Kennerley, L. H., Glenbow; Theoky Brown, Dickinson, Blairmore ; ie ips J. P., Innisfree; Ni Osborne, Thos. it. r. R., Edwell; Peet, Jno. G., Hand Hills; I. sh. tei Percy, Galahad; Rs os aie ei, Claud, Emsburg; Hoffman, Ed. O. P., Medicine Hats Yteshi Price, O. G., Dowling Lake; TH ks Potter, H. C., Bawlf; rt. h. Parsons, ion; l. s ya S., Vermil- Favlgar Paul, Daysland ; fe eHelD as Nathaniel, Cochrane; sae uni Peter, Earling; Tt. sh. Braglien, P., Holden; ge et Palmer, Frederick, Hicks- burg; rt. h Bie tg. PL ':C.; “Nanton: ers Peterson, Oscar W., Stettler; Th x; Person, C. A., Red Deer; | Pee 8 Potter, Warren D., Daysland; rte. Fe Povser, Jas. F., Medicine Hat; 1 sh. Kiemele, Jno., Cardston; Lor Latter Thos., Vegreville; / 1, h. Pontius, Clarence O., Reist; rt. sh, , : a ‘ 3 * 7 2 3 Alberta Brand Book 345 a Paterson, Alfred, Lougheed; rt. \h. Pyne, Sr., Joseph, Warner; Leh: Price, C. Y., Wheat Belt; | A Pelletier, Hermidas, Legal; l. h. Peterson, Oscar A., Glencur- rie; rt. sh. Odegaard, P. O., Creek; rt. r. Cath., Big Val- Meeting Perry, Mrs. ley; rt. h. Lorelace, Perrie, Delia; | eek Bp eer, Fred., Crossfield; Leh. Folsom, H. G., Hill Spring; nts; Conners, P. O., Fieldholme; rt. fh. Paul, Phillip, Duhamel; l. sh. House, Paul, Garden Plains ; bit: Patching, Thos. W., Ma- grath; |. h. Parsons, Wesley J., Vermil- ion’; xts-sh: Rooney, M., Daysland; l, sh. A Fannie, High River; Richards, H. C., Calgary; 1 rt. sh. Robertson, Jas., Knee Hill Valley; rt. r. Rasmussen, H. rt. O., Edberg; Rooney, Peter, Calgary; l. sh, sad Axel R., Didsbury; Be ie BN eg Geo., Bullocksville ; Rutherford, Geo. L., ton 5tte-F. Ingle- Ross & Sons, J., Red Deer; rest Ns Reinke, Christ, Bowden; rt. Fr. ( O O O O10] 01,0105 05105] oy05) 2 22] Al Sl Bl call all al SpSp5] 34 59 G9 S4S] |<] ps/>]9] 2 Cameron, Little Plume; | Donald, Riley, W. J., Iowalta; Tt: Burton, F. C. & E. D., Lyn- on; lr. Vent same _ in- verted 1. r. Rusk, W. J., Sedgewick; re i}; Gros Rieger, Ven- tre >5..rt Andrew, Blackburn, R. P., Ryley; rt. h. cit pea ac R., Eckville ; 1. h. Reynolds, Geo., Steer Ltrs Lloydmin- Jameson, Reginald, Acme; he the Roon, Oscar, Stewartwyn ; aan Rooney Reinbold, Endiang; Bell & Sons, J. T., Medicine Hats rt r. ae C. R., Millarville; Lloyd, R. C., Livingstone. l. sh. Vent same Laughton, Ross, Granum; PEE Porter, Robt. & James, Ir- vine; rt. r. Vent bar on rt. sh. Potter, Robert, Innisfail; En. Ramsay, Hugh, Trenville; r. rt. Ray, A. H., Dolcy; rt. a Riou, Rev’d. J., Gleichen; rasan & Nicholson, R. J., Alsask, AS area Aa Needham, Robert, Maple Creek, Sask.; lor. Vent same |. sh. A) = =] UNI AY (DBS) BI A)Sl SAD AaHA| AMG] SGSKS S/H DH |15 Rud, Markus, 1g ag oh Wetaskiwin; awe Mrs. A., Airdrie; Rook, Mrs. Althea, Ponoka; rt. sh. Powell, Thos., Purple Springs; rt. r. Dolphin, A., Raven; l, sh. Jamieson Jas., Content; rts. (Sas Hard, Roy Archibald, Tol- man; rt. r. Holmberg, Andrew Peterson, Hallock, Minn., U.S.A.; rt. sh. Bennett, R.) Hi, . Grassy Lakes rts Campbell, R. J., Flowerdale; l. sh, Coe, Fred. R., Zenith ; sg ee Chambers, Rich’d. T., Ros- enroll; rt. sh. Craig, Rich’d. L., Vermilion; Tes. Chambers, Francis, Odin; 1 eh: Copeland, R., Perbeck; l, sh, a a Roy, Carstairs; GAs Edwards, R. C., Big Valley’ Th. ti: Foster, Richard, Carbon; rd: sary G. W., Monvel; Rajcsanye, Frank, Taber; rt. sh. Brewster, C. R., Lamerton; re eT McCullough Bros., High Riv- er; rt. sh. i ay Tig: - ¥, e433 Alberta Brand Book 351 EN) gi id (Iq B =) Sais (ARS | SMe I AD | A9¢| (9 | 3 Le jb) LEK ) eo R. A., Round Hill; Craemer, Roy, Stettler; rte 2: Hilborn, R. B., Rimbey; ie7sh: Richardson, F. C., Vegre- ville ; Northcott, H. J., Valley City s\-xt. nr. Henderson, Jr., Richard A., Raymond; 1. sh. Richardson, Wm., Stavely; rt. sh, Rottenfusser, Jno., Stettler; Fes 7: Hughes, Roger, Olds; l, sh. Plester, James, Olds; ir, Cipperly, Geo. H., Olds; rt. h. Gardiner, R. J. E., Macleod; Lr. Rawlins,. Henry, Lake View; ¥to'r. ts: ta ok Roy F., Vermilion; pepneon, C. A., Moyerthorpe; pees Parley P., Magrath; he. Rogers, M. H., Talbot; ti Stor: McLachlan, Robt., Living- stone; l. r. Kinmond, Robt., Garden Plains; rt. r. ores Robt. W., Stettler; Porat Roberts, P. H., Tinchbray ; et. 0b: Robby, Louis, Markerville ; Tta tT; Reuschler, Andreas, Cross- eld; . Driscoll, Mattie, Carstairs; rt. h. Has Ernest, Lethbridge; ee McLean, Robt., Taber; l, sh. A» (5 vif a ai ®» | wD =) DS} y-3| (AD) -D| DIA USS} alps) SUSUSKSID IS US pS 3 3)/3)| ieee Set Geo., Cadogan; be Dy Miller, Robt. A., Elkwater; ksi Miles, Dick, Wainwright ; ish. Matheson, gary; Lh Grange, Nicklois R., Wain- wright; rt. sh. Rogers, Mrs. W. P., ley; 1. sh. Nixon, Ralph §S., Lillico; rt. sh. Roderick, .Cal- Cow- Miller, Henry, Maple Creek, Sask.'} rt. r; Rocan, Max, Man. ; rt. h. Winnipeg, Reid & Roe, Calgary; rt. sh. Reid & Sons, Geo., ville; 1. sh. Mann- Zamorski, Kamar, Veillette; | a Wark, Richard, Ft. chewan; l. r, Saskat- Rees, G. w., Innisfail; boa: Beazer, Royal M., Beazer; a 98 Ramsay, R. W., Airdrie; Eon: Roberts Bros., Sullivan Lake; l, h. Swallow, R., Hardieville; rt. Silecox, Jno., Brooks Station; ir. Russell, Robt., Medicine Hat ;. rt. r. Dale, C. H., Blackfalds; EET. Tarzwen, Robt., Edwell; Mats "Elder Bros., Stettler; by Aue 2 Tod, Robt. S., Mannville; 3 ay «1 Dexter, Ned., High River; 1 ae ris J. L., Pine Lake; Alberta Brand Book Bat) Cc oN~ ru Ru RU RU RV SY RV “aN RX rx atl rex al Ix “~ | a *«| >< Skuce & Moore, Rosebud; ee Reuspies, Martin, Saltaux; 2 tae 2 Boulton, Miss Beatrice, Lit- tle Plume; l. r. Ritchie, A. Stephen, Carbon; ea Sse Peta Ralph, Cochrane; i 3 a rt Otto, Loveland; 1. h. Rees, Perry R., Knee Hill Valley; rt. r. Ronee Fred., Little Plume; se Ray R. C., Kansas; Rie os Renner, Lawrence, Taber; rt. r. Lewis, Charles, Calgary; Lr, ua dang John, Sunnyslope; Snell, Miss Rosa A., Moss- leigh; 1. x. Dunlop, Robt., Nanton; Tat, re es Robt., Lethbridge: Hels sh etch Ralph T., Cowley; Harman, R. T., Erskine; Tt: Rodney, N., Didsbury; E 7 Sh: Orr, Richard C., Orton; lL. h, Ross, Robt. J., Willows; rte Webb, Jas. F., Erskine; Phot. Shuttleworth, E. J., Gaetz Valley; 1. h. Bastien, Frank, * Morinville; l. h. Young, Robert, Airdrie; BY Ge B =) —C Rochon, C. G., Stettler ; rt. sh. Reay, Christopher, Red ~ Deer; 1. r. Richardson, W. G., Nanton; 5 a; Bae 2 Jenkins, Chas. H., Medicine ats ab tr Pte A! vi Jno., Trochu; Rumbold, Walter G., Mea- dow Creek; l. r. fs Eos Wm. C., Mayville; Ree Albert, Stettler; Lund, N. H., Dowling Lake; Thi as Roach Bros., Huxley; she ; Weiser, E., Camrose; TO Peller & Dupee, Coutts; as Reesor, W. F., Walsh; fee Risinger, Roi W., New Day- ton}: (ft re matenedy Wm., Eagle Butte; Y Holman, Levi, Lonbutte; rt.) 3; she Albert D., Bowden; . sh, Morneault, Levite, Carstairs; rt; shi Hagerman, John F., Park- land; rt. r. Greene, Ralph, Castor; rt. h, Cyr & Co., L. B., Bowville; 1h Bridge, John W., Olds; rinse Sleighter, Mrs. Helen, Pinch- er Station; rt. h. Adshead, Albert G., Big Val-_ ley; rt. sh. I> lalb Gordon, Mrs. M., Hicks- urg; lr. Ridgeway, A. G., Haney- ville; rt. r. Adshead, Albert G., Big Val- — ley; rt. sh. =) icf Brown, T. M., Spring Point; Rat j MMS PP] SBS a) ={ Alberta Brand Book 353 A SC6- ee Harry O., Big Val- SIS Bete ae Bros., Gleichen; wide woke A os] spaiojore wh tn ee, eo |e | S| a S Day, J. Ford, Medicine Hat; rt. h. Vent same rt. sh. Scott, Walter W., Curlew; rt. n. Stonehocker, Belle, Lavoy; rt. j. Sutherland, A. M., Vermil- ion; rt. n. Shaver, Henry J., Brocket; rt. sh. Sprague,S. W., Medicine Hat; s¥3 Waters, S. G., Bon Accord; 3) ee Bushaw, Sam, Vermilion; i ae: Trantman, John, New WNor- way; : Springer, Chas. S., Calgary; rte B: Shaw, Hugh Murray, Nan- ton; lr. Vent bar over S. The Vancouver Prince Rup- ert Ranching Co., Ltd., Vancouver; rt. r. & h. Wheeler, Orville C., Olds; tt. J. Stokoe, Harrison, Daysland; Yeon. Burns, P., Calgary; l. r. & sh. Vent same |. h. Rich, Mrs. Mary Belle, Pin- cher Station; |. & rt. sh. r. & h. Becker, H., Pincher Station; Ie” Sorts: sia.: r. & Te, Smith Bros., Macleod; eh. Duke, Christopher S., Spring- bank; 1. r. Vent same side- ways over brand. Scarfe, Aubrey, Innisfail; 1. sh. Stephens Bros., Elinor; rt. n McIntyre. Alex’r., Reid Hill; Phi je Jenson, Hans §&., Lake; rt. n. English, Jas. Andrew, Eagle Butte; I. r.. Vent brand sideways under brand. ag Geo. O., Lethbridge; ame Wavy Jenkins, Chas. T., New Day- ton; rt. sh. ort Geo. O., Lethbridge; = 5; Alexander, Sam’l. T., High River; 1. h. Vent brand on l. r. Burns, Patrick, Calgary; rt. h. Vent brand inverted sp a Smith, Thos., Irvine; rt. Lyster, Reginald. .C. 4 Stettler; 1.r. Vent bar over brand. Mears, S., Cairns; rt... ba i aie Henry j:,; Islay; Speidel, Louis, Ohaton; }h jm. Shankey, M., Rosalynn; 1A Smith, M. P., Lougheed ; Fer. Weiss, Edward, Elkwater; rt. sh. Stearns & Sons, C. S., Innis- free; rt. Landells, Alex. F,, Calgary; rt.r. Vent — over brand. ’ McCuish, Rufus A., Dowling Lake; rt. sh. Vent bar ov- er. Stedmon, A., Trenville; rt. ‘sh. Sutherland, Duke of, K. G., Brooks; lh. Alberta Brand Book nN 1 ZZ By BBB Sif Downie & Sons, Simon, Car- Stairs; think: Alexander, Samuel S., Spring Lakes i sh, Annett, Sam., Williston; Lox ; bates Samuel, Garrington; Awe, H. S., Harker; rt. sh. Vreeland, Brose, Innisfail; Por Shearer, R. A., Claresholm; rt: R: Chamberlain, Joseph B., Kimball; 1, sh. Lavridson, Mrs. Anne, Glei-' chen} °l.-r. ec aga Sabil, Royton; Sitron, Abe, Loveland; rt. sh. Smith, Jno. R., Harker; no) Ra Place,; Marg ’t...J., | Calgary; Oy Archer, Fred. S., Amisk; be AR Sammons, H. E., Coutts; jak Smith, Alban, Red Deer; a RLS 5 Skelton, Arnold, Innisfree; . sh, Sheffield, Amos, Macleod; Lior, Shore, A. D., Gleichen; Eh Bulowizky, S. A., Curlew; rt. sh, Stronach, Alex., Delia; Ciorks Amund, Serenus, Millet; 5 ee Richards, Arthur, Mannville; sh. Young, Sidney A., Warwick; Lies Stevens, Alice H., Erskine; 1, h. Smith, Arthur A., Donalda; rt. sh, Wn SI] Savard, Alex., Egg Lake; rh x. Marris, Thos. Arthur, Maug- han'} x6;5h: Ambler, Jas., Simons Valley; l. sh, Schaffner, Anton, Castor; ar Alcock, H. W. S., Leighton; lh, Saar, Alex., Stettler; 2 MS A Allen, Samuel, Pincher Sta- tion; rt. h. sis ene Stephen, Leavitt; ee Aetna Mrs. S. A., Brant; Hornett, A. S., Irricana; rt. sh Salmon, Alec. de N., White- brush; rt. r. Leonhardt, Heinrich, Cal- gary; rt. h. Black, Wm. W. S., Mann ville; 1. sh. Beathour, Sam’l., Winnifred; r se Gra S. A., Carbon; Bishop, Samuel R., Carbon; rt. sk Bud., Wain- Summermon, wright; rt. r. Size, Benjamin, Daysland; ] Ras Bonehill & Spencer, Innis fail; 1. h. Stephens Bros., Carmangay; rt. sh. Bott & Sons, J. M., Pitcox; Tt Shaw Bros., Vegreville; ae Bellamy, Mrs. C. B., Keoma; Ee Burke, J. S., Islay; 12h, Bierbach, Sam, rt. sh. Bliss, H. S., Crossfield; l. h. Newburg; Alberta Brand Book 350 ta] talta.|ta, alPSpspel Sag taj| ta allal isc Ez 3¢ Ee EATESTES FFAS QHATAHAHIA tn} tr Cy} Mit |tay|m tny| tal ta al Aa |r P| O { Stutzman, Milo D., Tofield, rt. sh. Sewall Bros., Faith; a meectsos, S., Markerville ; Skousen, L. P., Raymond; 4 Ne ot Burg, Stevert, St. Paul de Metis; rt. h, Hellevang, S. & C. A,, Queenstown; 1. sh. 2 ert Samuel L., Seba; Det Smythe, C. C., Priddis; 1, hh. Sheets Bros., Altorado; rt. sh. Colliee:, Samuel, St. Paul ‘de Metis; rt. r. Schmidt, Carl, Odin; rt. h, Chiswell, Sydney S., Brown- field; 1. a asad Charlie, Cayley; My 3 Campbell & Sons, Jas., Ghost Pine Creek; 1. h. Robin tae Dei Si Champion; rt. sh. ‘ Schmeder, Carl H., Warner; La Cipperleys, S. ) at nee Stanley, Arthurvale; hy 2 Sorensen, H., Markerville; Peale sina H. A., Hand Hills; rob SJ SJ SJ ag Franz, Jacob R., Eckville; ae ; Hair & Sons, Wainwright; l. sh, sf psa Henry J., Gleichen; ake Head, Frank S., Minda; sae permite A., Pashley; rt. 'S Stenson, Henry, Hastings oulee; rt. r. Smith, J. W., Mundare; rt. h, Hungerbuhler, H., & Man- uel, H., Nanton; 1. sh. Hovatk, D.. S., Carbon; i Be Pickering, S. H., Bellshill; Lh, Hope, Jno. J., Vermilion; rt. sh. Swainston, Henry, Stettler; rts rr: Shoultz, rts: bi) Herman, Curlew; Sharlow, Harry, Wetaskiwin ; bie wate Henry, Medicine Hat; Hoedghkinson, Samuel, Pine Lake; rt. sh. Henry, Paul, Ghost Pine Creek; rt. r. Smith, H. J., Clover Bar; rt. h, Huther, Simon, Beiseker ; eh mina, Daten A., Veteran; Lok: Hiller, Hilldus, Morrin; rt. sh. Sim, H. C., Fraserton; a od Hanson, Hans, Edgerton; rt:.h Smith, Jno. S., Toronto, Ont. ; 1, sh. Saar, Jno., Stettler; Pity St. Pair, Joseph, St. Edou- ard; rt. sh. Alberta Brand Book talitn ralralcabslea lesley leila, Tested ell a, Henderson, S. J., Ranfurly; 1g Wi oH , Steppa, Joseph, Big Valley; Ft:th: Johnson, Martin S., Ft. katchewan; 1.. sh. Little, Jesse E., Talbot; 1s Sas- Arik Naan Jacob, Stettler; Stehr, Johannes, Irvine; rt. sh. Snell, T. J., Brooks; ss A ah Johannson, Sigtriggur, Mark- erville; rt. h. SHaaepS Ls Jt; + Carbons es Richardson, Jas. A., Halkirk; 7 FR ah se gars Joseph, Gwynne; kee Hewitt, Mrs. J. S., North orks rtsr, Skjersven, Christ J., Pul- lockville; 1. -sh. Spence & Sons, Jas. A,, Munson; l. r. Smith, Jas., Saltaux; Lah; Johnson, Jno. S., Wealthy; rt. h. Seah, Jno. G., Nanton; ony x Stevens, Henry Jno., minster; rt. h. Lloyd- Mer epre a Jas. H., Gleichen; ay Hensel, W. R., Dewberry ; }a$h; ag eae, S. M., Sheerness; ar. Kraus, Jacob, Irvine; Ba! McKenzie, Harvey, Bow Is- land; rt. sh. Farr, T E.. Airdrie; vg Se Sulz, Karl, Irvine; re. Smyk, Hettie, Coutts; Livy, en] ta ALA SL SL: Si SL Sl OL tn a —~—-—-— sha ¢ Alvin C., Bassano; Kornlowich, Ler. Lowden Lake; rt. s Sardeno, rt. h. Jim, Bellevue; rane: Thos., L’amoureur; sar ig Joseph K., Beazer; gs gern, Sam., Rumsey; rt. rot), S., Cochrane; t. Johnson, Edgar P., Garriad ton; L sh. Shaler: Fred., Langdon; Ler Sam’1L, Cremona; . sh. Sangeet Jas., Irvine; Sans ee Z. H., Medicine Hat; Lawrenee, Sheridan, Ft. Ver- milion; rt. sh, Landels, Andrew, Nanton; re Steeves, Harry L., Olds; rth; Sears, Thos. low; l. sh. W., Red Wil- Palmer, Samuel, St. Kilda; te An H. H., Nanton; l. h, Lewis, J. H. S., ‘Garden Plains; rt.r. Sorensen, Henry, Strathmore; rt. h, Lewis, Samuel, Macleod; ] eee Laing, R. S., Granum; 1g AR et Lourdel, rh. Es Graham, J. L., Warner; l, sh. Simeon, Scollard; Maire, Moise, Vermilion; a a Bleriot, Michael, Carbon; .r. Vent same lh Alberta Brand Book 359 Landry & Stafford, Chimney Rock; I. h. Honey, Sid., Lonbutte; #t.: Shi: ae Ah aha Steven, Denisville; » oh EE 1 Lyall, Thos., Priddis; TBs Neild, Wm. S., Gleichen; Ft Fi Lillidahl, Seth, Norbo; rt. h. Sarjeants Limited, Bawlf; Su: eaefosine, Jno. O., Dorothy ; Nb Smithson, Irving, Halkirk; heh. Spengler, Jacob, Stirling; rAd Pe renee G., Willows ; Et, Scott, Jas. L., Knee Hill Val- ley; 1. r. Maine Alberta Land Co., Ke- oma; l. h. Hempseed, Richardson, Car- bon; rt. h Maxwell, Joseph, Brocket; 1..csh. Morris, Mrs. Malvina, Spring Point’; .1.- 5. ’ Moench, ‘Stephen, Hand Hills; 1. h. Sarcon, rt. sh. Mike, Haneyville; Skippen, Melvin, Delia; Lo, ae Mahler, Jno. F.,~Milk River; Tt McBride, S. H., Bassano; ]. sh. Strathmore Farm Co., Ltd., Strathmore; l. r. pies & Moore, Langdon; Shaw, H. H., Gleichen; rt. sh. Mark & Son, Sam’]., Oxville; Pt Renke, David M., Seven Per- SONS); (FE. ta 3 2 /| CQ) TCAl tal TA} Witr Gb 4 Kc dS bcd bc dG Cn] U1) Ca =] 3X pepe sel Z| Morrison, Susie, Hand Hills; iM Miles, rt..3% Sam’l., Raven; Merriam & Son, Wm: N., Milk River; 1. r. Milbank, S. W., Stauffer Ter. Sproat, Q. M., Seven Per- sons; l. r. ote Samuel, Gleichen ; Schlaht, Jno., Irvine; rt. /r. Sanderson, Ed., Warner; rt. May, Samuel J., Cremona; Eesh: Miller, J. H., Raven; |S Millhaem, J. Stanley, War- ner; | Sims, Mrs. Minnie, Milk Riv- oe aR 9 Sas oP Majou, Samuel, Ft. Saskat- chewan; rt. Mossom, Jno., Eyremore; ] Atal Henderson, Chas. A., Mack- lin, Sask.; 1h Koleszar, Mrs. Simon Mari, Diamond City; rt. sh. Michaelis, Mrs. Augusta, Milk River; rt. r. Athabasca Smith, W. F., Landing; rt. h. Sorkilmo, P. M., Aldersyde; | a Skelton, Sim, Webber; ly h. Mobbs & Stitt, Raven; Ta oka Fincher, Herbert J., Comrey; Tt. Silverthorn, A., Cheadle; | FRR Rogers, Jas., Delia; 1B ce Stacker, Mrs. Neil M., Gras- sy Lake; rt. sh. Newcom, Samuel T., Olds; ae Alberta Brand Book an z SSS | > WwW = ) SED S Z|Z AASB EReaeet O ol O wh ° | ~— y | UY a | vn) ae Monk, S., Millarville; Ttias pants Almeda, Loch Sloy; Nb 7 Snow & Dike, Coaldale; Lon, Singleton, Mrs. M. H., Leth- bridge; rt. sh. Pye, Samuel, Penhold; rt/ T. Nanta, Jno. B.,. Granum ; rt. h. Meridew, S., Aetna; 1 Smith, Jno. Coutts, Cravath Corners; 1. Schreifels, Nick, Angus Ridge; rt. sh. Webb,’ S. J., Beaver Lodge; Es aE 6 eee N. H., Claresholm; iy Winberg, C. A., Elcan; Leh; Nehans, Steve, Spring Lake; Ft. 3; Stroman, Wm., Altorado; l. sh. McDonald, N. S., Innisfail; iW Somerville, Bert N., Kinnon- ale; : aid & Nicol, Belvedere; Sauber, Henry, Rumsey; lier. Oseng, Simon, Milk River; Lan; Saville, Robt., Irwinville; rt. sh, Statton, Samuel, way; rt. r. New Nor- Oxford, S. W., Hardisty; rt. h, Schelert, Otto, Duxbury; a RM of Preston, §., Ponoka; Kesh. Sather, Miss Maret, Hardis- tess Lop, Spelman, S. G. & B. C., Pin. cher Creek; 1. h. Schlessger, Paul, Lethbridge; rt. sh. Rogers, Harry G., Brown- field; rt. r. Salberg, Peter, Bow Island; rg aig oA Saucy, Pierre D., Castor; l, sh. Pawsey, Philip Sidney, Edg- erton; 1. r. Petersen, J. J., Gleichen; We Ponch, Steve, Lethbridge ; rt. sh, Peterson, P. S&., Lake Mc- Gregor; rt. r. Brown, Mary, Three Hills; rt. h, Sargent, A, P., Tristram; C: ( Parker, Harold S., Brant; Ug NY fy ; Peyto & Sons, S. J., Coch- rane; I. r. Provis, Mrs. Coutts? irae: Annie M., Satterlund, O. E., Lacombe; l. sh. Papineau, Mrs. Welt (ae L. S., Wan- erm Peter M., Gilpin; Sather, Lars P., Czar; Ha Patton, David R., Huxley; TLRs Peddicord, W, S., Puffer; Tle ae Smith, Mrs. Paulina, Twin Butte; Lh ; Shuck, Raymond M., Roy- dale; Ll. r. meres i G. R., Eyremore; l. h, Montgomery, S. H. & R. J., Moline, Ill., U.S.A.3 rt. sh Schalow, Rinehart, Carman- gay; rtr. Semple, Robt., Rosebank; py ae Shand, Robt., Lakesend; 1, sh. ~wih’ - Alberta Brand Book 361 Mirriam, Richard, & Brazill, Frank, High River; lr. ayer etne, R. G., Holden; - Stopsen, Rudolph, Eckville; ‘rt. sh. z Moorey, H., Ewelme; TG its Shandera, Rudolph, Hand Hills; rt. h peprsier, R. E., Egremont; ‘pe ol Richter, Sam, Walsh; 0 ap Grant, Roy, Walsh; a Scragg, Richard, Green- shields; rt. r. McFarren, Mrs. Raussie, Ferry Point; 1. r. Russell, Geo. S., Wetaski- win ; Ricketts & Son, Garden Plains; rt. sh. Bushfield, S. R., Calgary; re—-7: Paukschen, R. A., Gadsby; rt.) h, : ee S. R., Milverton; Oh a; oa Rasmuss R., Czar; Sproule, A. C., Orbindale; rt. sh. Sharp, W. R., Suffield; tick, Storev, Ralph L., Hillsdown; rth; : Giddy, C. R., Irricana; Lies Reade, Richard S. B., Par- vella; rt. sh. Redmond, S. C., Edgerton; Th. Ba Slater, Irving E., Mannville; Ei) Ti Dovey, Mrs. Rose, High Riv- er; Lor. Stanyer, J. R., Dolcy; rt.. sh, Singer, rb; Ty Peter, Thelma; SR Ralston, B. S., Kitscoty; oo rt. h. ee $s Silvestee, S., Sundre; l, sh. cgi Robt. §S., Mossleigh; ai iy teay Mrs. S., Cardston; Simmonds, Chas. H., Win- nington; rt. sh. Stewart, Alex. & Jas., Carl- stadt ;)rt. r. May, J. H., High River; rt. h. Stirling, Mrs. R. Lawton; l. sh. Fey ens R. B., Gleichen; mat Mable, ewig Bros., Bassano; Spang, Mrs. Flora B., High River; rt. r. Stout, M. §., Olds; ris, che iy Sam, Shepard; ee Shannon, W. H. & A., Car- bon; rt. r. pares, Thos.., Cochrane; Yr. 4 Smith, Dan A., Mannville; Freeh Moore & Sons, Jno., Red Deer; 1. sh. Stone, H. C. & J. M., Coyote Valley; lr. kh Christ, Killam; Drolet, rt. sh. Arthur, Brosseau; Stephenson Bros., High Riv- er; rt. r. Shoop, Isaac, Nanton; rt. h Schultz, August, Pincher reek; lr. Scarbery, J. W., Warner; 1th b McTavish Bros., Daysland; rt. sh. Schoenenberger, Walker L., Hamilton Lake; rt. r. oo Alberta Brand Book 62 ES ss ss ss ss Smith, Selwyn, Kinsella; rt. h, Shurmer & Sons, J., Cairns; Leh; perdi ite Sarah, Macleod; see Scaman & Sons, Albert, Sev- en Persons; 1 Silverthorn, Bruce, Medicine Hat; rt. sh. McRae, Gordon, Lakeview; Th 2. Stocks, Samuel, Hardisty; rt. h Sumner, Silas D., Hardisty; rt. sh. Schneider, Jno. S., Hilda; l. sh. Call, W. S., Olds; Len. Slater, J. S., Ponoka; tin. Sather, Andrew, Czar; Thewks Stearns, Charley -F. Purser, S. E., Moyerton; rt. h Markell, Geo. I., Red Deer; 1, sh. Reinoehl, Geo. A., Round Tosi rt, x. Stigsen, Niels, Foreman; rt. sh. Stewart, A. M.,. Evarts; Fred. Stewart, O. P., Reid Hill; Lich, Walkey, Henry H., Aetna; 9 ae Lampert, rt: h, tiga P. T.; Loveland; jx. Geo., Content; Handasyde, T. R., Lund. breck; 1. h. Lee, Henry W., Gleichen; Eth} King, L. W., Bawlf; how: aes Albert, Penhold; l, h, McSpadden, sd Wage’ a slope; rt. r. Sunny: Siebken, Marx, Stettler; Pty si * si F. T., Raymond; ee x res lags Alfred, Ponoka; Biggs, R. M., Trenville; ae ER ERCIGE Le 31\4 val bas Th “oN TA TE EEE 11/9 I> Hl fo > I Smith, Mrs. Florence, Lund- breck; 1 Walker, Leslie, Evarts; a 8b Mitchell, Washingto a Mountain Mill; 1. h. Glenn, G. C., Gleichen; Pot EDR § Fisher, C. W., Cochrane; rt. h, by chante L., Earling ; a ees Donald, Lakeview; Wood, J. R., Knee Hill Val- ley; rt. sh. 2 Tillesen, Martin, Stettler; ¥te Xe i ha Wm. E., High River; Sutherland, Kenneth, Leo- poldville; 1. h. Stewart, Wm. A., Earlville; rte Snowdon, Thos. W., Grassy Lake; rt. h. aay Albert, Innisfail; RY. Workman, Isaac R., Ray mond; rt. Myers, Wallace, Huxley; Rt; ate Cornelius C., Loma; Ceuztion, Louis, Wetaski- win; rt. sh. Barclay, Mrs. Wm., Mountain Mill; rt. h. Mans, Wm., Pine Lake; le stk Weber, ley; 1 Iddings, T. A., Rimbey; Tt She ar Trochu Val- Thompson & Lillebo, Strome; bg eae Crofts, Truman W., Leth- bridge; rt. h. beget: L., Cold Lake; ake Shee Adolph, High River; Ran a) ~J i) Alberta Brand Book } / | j PF aa LA om Be La LA bx 74 Ex ~~ LA Tae. A ook La Pk ae UA Y Y Y ib Le L L L LL Th TY oN T TY LY 28 We aa <\( ( eVee|e —( )K t- = Relea N ai fe J. M., Calgary; Quilter, Arthur, Tinchebray ; rt. © Sherman, N. T., Canyon; rth: Farguson, Sr., Wm., Cam- rose; lr. Schneider, Peter, Spring Lake; 1. h. Zmpolsky & Blackermann, Stettler; rt. r. Langwin, Leonce, Lac St. Vincent; rt. Gould, H. R., Trochu Val- ley:3Li yr: Lyons, Charlotte O., Maple Creek, Sask. ; 1. h. Morden, Mrs. Dora L., La- combe; rt. h. Carmichael, Geo. H., Eagle Butte; Ll. r. , Doubt, W. W., Mountain Mill; 1. h. Hall & Horner, Stettler; RU. ky Miller, M., Wetaskiwin; Ape Acme; Balis, Frederick, l. sh. Farmer, C., Camrose; rt Thayer, Wm. H., Raven; "of REN Svenson, John, Markerville; Fis) Ke Harrison, R. S., Red Willow; RAS Smith, Jr.,;O. H., Hardisty:; Lox Bowles, Gilbert, Stettler; ] ps Hurd, Alfred, Diamond City; keh: Pearse & Palmer, Alix; rid Raa: Bignell, John, Stettler; rt. Sh. Manuel, mond ; vee N. C., Bawlf; John C.. Blesk Dia- r. RAGIN PND pda kal Fille ARR SO] SSIISSSGI? TS ( ==) o Eelele le — »}| (‘= Ul Logan,=Miss Mary, [amoiane Pond; rt. r. Ostlund, Albin, Stirling; Tt. x. Burns & Co., Ltd., P., Cal- ary. Tok. Sweetnam, Albert C,, Piuclier Creek; rt. r. Shaw, Jessie, Long View; The ix, Mallock, W. C., Airdrie; rtiir, Gillies, Angus, Cremona; Fiz: Kininmonth, Jas., Dorothy; ae SB) Boyles, rt. r. F. W., Bathgate; Gregory Bros., Irricana; rt... ste Bros., High River; bia tes Israel, Edensville; sh, Frost, Mrs. C. B., Bowell; tt. DR! Baker, Alfred, Seven Per- sons; rt. xr. Girard, Donat, Morinville; rt) h: Erickson, John E., Edberg, Alta.:s rte Gordon, Alexander, Medicine Fiat ort. ae, Chouinard, Sylvio, Vegre- ville ; h. eis, Howard, Camrose; l, h. Losie, James E., Stettler; is isi Anthony, G. A,, Medicine Hats/4; 3h: Hoback, C. E., Calgary; Ties 7. Hanh Wm. G., Lineham; RY? aa Geo. T., Stettler; Arndt, bt We a William, Magrath; King, Joseph, Carstairs; Lr, - ——— Alberta Brand Book 373 awe Herbert, T., Trenville ; £d.).0h TH Poirier, Arthur, St. Paul de a Metis; rt. r. ry Hawley, Clark, Oldham, TP Montana; 1, r. TP Truscott, Walter, Lloydmin- aie ster, Sask. ; ‘rt: h. Tracy, Omer, Trenville; 2? T ia Roy, C. W., Strome; l, h. ~ c 2 Spurr, Chas. A., Hastings a Coulee; rt. h. A J; Campbell, Richard, Murray Valley; 1. r. The Pacific Cold Storage Co., oe Sagi Wash., U.S.A.; Ba Fletcher, Edward, Stettler; i ae Plaxton, Aaron, Homestead; ABS Peels: Jos., Crossfield ; eS } SEGRE Moorish, Henry, Calgary; rs ay ofl ae » Crossfield ; Ge ae Miller,“ Amandus, abn By Hodson, G. C., Sask.3 ‘ct: h: Pyle, Walter G., Lh; Lloydminster, Ingleton; Calvert & Son, Nanton; Le Sims, Harry R., Coutts; FL. fr, pene y: G. C., Langdon; CK ~ | a ekelelel Dowthwaite, Eagle Joseph, Eiht ir, og —) U Sewell, John S., Calgary; a) rt. th, Vent bar through. meer E. R., Medicine Hat; Lag | ° ie —_— Nicholson & Wallace, Leth- bridge; rt. h. KiK 3/5 de a Charles, Macleod; S| Thibault & Sons, Notre Dame de Savoie; rt. h. iy C., Crossfield; Be j ond = Welch & Sons, Wm. A., Stet- tler; rt. r. Cx|y 349 kiya John A., Fishburn; Bao Dixon, Oscar E. G., Lang- don; 1. r. Rea, Cree Tere Maree J., Pincher | &- ong re ic James, Red Deer; . sh. Dohl, FU.3; Thomas, Stettler ; EK Lewy. M. A., Taylorville ; Pap 7 Cc Cc > Fowler, Mrs. Sarah C., Crossfield; rt. r. Cle ome (ong aie M. A., Taylorville ; Abe ww” LY Green, Thomas, Brant; Roe PEAS, bned Schmidt, Gustave, Grassy By \f ake; 1: r. bu Hapa D., Nanton; LY Newton, Willoughby M., Mound; rt. r. oa McArthur, eee) West- ML ward Ho; h. “aN Haneline, F. E., Stettler; VOL rt. h, Western Horse Ranches Ltd., Calgary; I. r. Muirhead, Peter, Seven Per- sons; 1. j. iow) ~J _ Alberta Brand Book } ia i BERIERSSSCHSECE O Cash, W. S., Vermilion ; eat Bi Collins, R. F., Medicine Hat; ]. h, North Dakota Farm Co., Ltd:, Calgary Lcshe eg on Jas. E., Cowley; a Reid, John E., Eagle Butte; rt. r. Vent inverted under brand. , Deaey A. G., Little Plume; 1. h, McKinnon, L., Langdon; ih: : Black, James, Long View; lh. Cranston, N. S., Strome; rt. sh. Keith, J. R., Champion; |e Rogers, Alfred & Harry, Lethbridge; l. r. & j. Vent inverted 1. sh. Chisholm Bros., Winnifred ; rts. D. Callaway, &. J., Cochrane, rt.. a. Young, Urban, Stirling ; aa Skidmore, C. L., Vallejo, i ae Burns & Co., Ltd., P., Cal- Cary scl iz: Olin, Harvey, Pincher Creek ; W. a. Armstrong, J. W., Nanton; | at John M., Grassy W. a. Hemsley, Lake; Rich, H. C., Brownfield; Ft 225 Crawford, John G., High River; w. a. Ross, Chas., Clive; Ww. a. Von Stralendorff, U. F. A. & R. J. G., Millarville; rt, r. Watts, Ernest O. & John H., Jumping Pond; rt. r. Gellhaus, Wm., Lowden; Ww. a. Ross, Wm. E., Clive; WwW. a. : UST Berge a J. Blair, Innisfail ; Kenney, Ed., Calgary; WwW. a. Zimmer, Jr., Louis; Ingleton; b oShe Lea, W., Gleichen; rt. sh. Sheppard, G. E., High River; r. rt. NPE Joseph, Coutts; AN 2 Stredwick, Ernest & Arthur, Graburn; rt. r. Ritchie, Thos. K., Plagstaff; tt. x Day, R. J., Cowley; Ss i | Seely, J. R., Big Valley; l. h. “ ae Arthur B., Harker; a: Bros., Gladys; ge Stewart, Joseph, Czar; rt. h. Stewart, Archgbald, arch *4c- 3 Endersby, Jno. G., Medicine Hat}. xt.08 Mon- Irving, Alex., Vermilion; rt Don, Geo., Calgary; Eo we Johnson, A., Mannville; l. h. Ure, Chas., Gaetz Valley; Xt, =. Be 4 Charley, Stettler; j ge) 18 — Levi, Tristam ; ee Parker Bros., Brownfield; TS. a. Fleming, Robt., Penhold; rt. -X. Watson, F. W., Strathmore; 7 r. Brewer, J. C., Kora; rt. sh. McFarland, Jno. H., Loma; rt. r. 4 a 4 4 : - _ Alberta Brand Book 375 Sue ee -UH =) (SS ies) = ae riz (| ( Payne, F. G., Talbot; rt. kr: Evans, Mary Jane, Nanton: heh Chaffin, J. S., Willows; Pei. X< Schrempp, Fred., Twin Butte; 1, h. Mansfield, L. M., Bowell; rt. h. Hawkes, C. W., Calgary; Far. Sept, Johannes, Irvine; aa Williams, Alfred, Lloydmin- ster; l. r. Putnam, L. Dexter,’ Three Hills; rt. h York, Dr. O., Hardisty; kor, Hatt, Augustus W., Meadow Creek; rt.-r. Lockwood, H. N., Provost; mh Hawkins, Robt. A., Bowden; ib: Rulens, Cesar, Evarts; PG oOK Harvey, Rufus, Noelton; hacks Burton, W. C., Pine Lake; |e Heyland, Wm. M., Clares- holm; rt. r. Rouma, Hubert, Coleman; Tit. Creed, Herbert F., Field- holme; rt. r. Stewart, Clifford, Cowley; leet ys ear he Edmund, Coutts; Lah, Shaw, Frank, Vulcan; Teer ks Unland, M. Hugo, Chester- wold; rt. h, France, J. W., Cummings; eet oS Young, Arthur, Little Plume; Ptr f: Tomfohr Bros., rt. sh. Milk River; =|. CE>pSSS Le Hay, Annie, Lakeview; rt. h. Herrick, A. R. & O. F., Brooks Station; rt. r. rae Walter, Cardston; INS yi as C. A., Winnifred ; onee ty, Mrs. K., Bowden; He Cook, Emma Adeline, Boun- dry Creek; rt. h. a W. N., Medicine Hat; Southern Alberta Land Co., Ltd., Medicine Hat; rt. r. Hill & Sons, Wm., Queens- town; lL. r. Marshall, Tom & Roy, Rose- bud Creek; rt. r. Jenkins, George, Bate rts Medicine pies ane Stock Co., Killam; As of Jorgens, C. H., Lawrence; Lers Smith, J. Harmon, Trenville; jn, a ot Meneice, Robt., Willows; | FE Cowling, Carl N., Tongue Creek; 1. h. Heard, Thos. N., Stand Off; VN SN McDonald, David, Winnifred ; ttix. Marston, R. S., Calgary; bi) RE Henderson, Rawdon- ville; rt. r. Wm., Hetherington, Geo., Namao; ie Cully, land; Clarence W., Days- Noble, Thos.,' Daysland; FEY SEs Goldthorpe & Son, H., Hicks- burg; rt! r. en Chas. W., Macleod; CARNE {rvine,' J. W., Red Deer; rt. Yr. Alberta Brand Book a CVS CAC cypencrcicicic SIS4SHSHSIS) SNS PSPSIS ISS ISIS Iles [43 | 3? Sherwood, Henry L., Willis- ton; ‘rt. A. Moore, A. E., Tees; l. h. Nugent, Medicine Thos., Hati;)- rich. Hartney & Conner, Langdon; Lor. McCliment, David, Coal Creek, B.C. ; 1. h. Pringle, Chas. R., Erskine; reeks Herbig, R. F., Langdon; ir. Gordon, Mrs. Irene A., Ry- ley; rt. r. McCullough, Thos., Boyne BGS Mia Burdett ; Clark; RY B:, IE Smith & Sons, W. H., Grand Prairie; 1. sh. Weatherill & Crown, Tees; TEST, Greig, Wm. J., Nanton; Tt. w, Coram, Geo. A., Red Deer; rt. h. Thompson, Wm. S., Lawton; hy Schneider, Harry, Daysland; rt. h. Knaeuss, J. W., Taber; Luh; Fay, W. E., St. Paul de Met- aS STE Es Durieux, Charles, Ewing; rt. h Adams, Margaret, Cross- field ;> rt. -r. Fenton, Jno. & Wm., Wool- chester; 1. r. iene Geo. W., Tabet pha Penderghast, TOR: 5). TTS McMann, C. G., Calgary; rt. h. Howard, May: Williams, Christopher, Twin Butte; lL. r. Goodwin, Harry, Taylors- ville; rt. h. enc Meer, Mrs. Paulina, ney ;/1, x, Blay- Sedgwick, Mrs. Lillian, Cow- ley; rt. h, Bey eorets Wm., Red Deer; Byrns, M., Kelowna, B.C.; ee GaEve, O., Brosseau; Ane Rehard, Wallace L., Innis- fail; 5 Tabert, Wilhelm, Olds; i ae Worth, H. ‘E., Vegreville: rt. hy McBean, A., Airdrie ; l. h, ht Forest, Coutts ; rt. Openshaw, Mary A., Spring Point; 1. h. Limpert, Orion, Wainwright; r aha Coburn, Calgary; Morrison, Alex. D., Pine Lake; rt. h ’ Winsky, A. C., Hastings Cou- lee; 1. h. Lobdell, Wm. F., Arthurvale; rt. h, Bethe) Mrs. Pauline, Olds; Ate Dousiee, Wm., Calgary; Harland, M. S., Tht, Dry Fork; Thompson, Frank, Mannville ; Lt Dixon, Mrs. E. S., McEwan; 1, Yr. McLean, Archibald, Bowden; rt. sh. Strang & Sons, Claresholm; 1. h. Smith, Jno. R., Donalda; Reo tls Jaseene., Freestone, Wallace A., Cado gan; rt, r. McLaren, D. A., Vermilion; rt. h EE Alberta Brand Book 377 Ziebell, A. G., Loveland; RH cA Summers, Geo. C., Mann: ville ; Sanders Bros., Boundry Creek; rt. r. Day, J. W., Oldham, Mont. ; hey Ogilvey-Wills, Jas. R., Veg- reville; 1. n. Gano, Richard M., Stettler; ft. 7 Thompson, Geo., Trochu Val- ley; rt. r. Evans, Lemuel J., Sunny- slope; rt. h. McKinnon, Jno. Allan, Stavely; rt. r. Winter, rts. Macdonald, Sundre; Wood, Chas. T., Mountain House; rt. h ide Robt. A., Claresholm ; Hazel, A. F., Curlew; Ft. t. Unzicker, R., Lavoy; obey Stone, F. A., Lyndon; Loh: Prestlien, Simon, Puffer; rT Johnson, Isaac, St. Kilda; rt. sh, Cevaer, Jean L., Dog Pound; rt. Yr. Carpenter, Edwin, Islay; rt; Henderson, Robt., Pincher Creek; I. r. { son elias E. L., Stettler; es D. _M., Grassy Lake; He a : ie S., Raven; a jl pe Gilbert, Lloydminster ; Sat, cag a H. & R., Gleichen; sake Thompson, Lorue, Ponoka; rtsih) ele\/y/cy oI Gil GaGele>] | ma Cri C- iC cSdScd¥c cic «|< 21/5) >)/,C],C Zll2|21pSpSp ain sag er i A., Sedgewick; ag pte Sok Robt., Hardisty ; Gay, Arch’d. T., Trenville; Pe Long, Robt., Little Bow; TE h: Rutlidge, W. W., Bowden; l, sh, wie Jerome, Tofield; bi isl Sar Chas. H., Bent- ley; rt. Ingle, John, Lorraine; J. sh. Bernard, Frank W., Trochu Valley; rt. r. Noteboom, Gustav, Coutts; Row Shield ¥. & Fleming, Stauffer; Greenhill, H. F. Willoughby, Cremona; rt. h. Simister, Jr., Chas., Living- stone; 1. h. Stpehens, Geo. W. & Sam- uel L., Barons; rt. h. Stipe, T. H., Carbon; hy Tyn:, Wm., Stettler; rt. sh. Olsen, Sivert, Earling ; bs Thomas, E. H., & Thompson, R. W., Okotoks; 1. r. Going, John E., iew; 1. r. Bernard, F. W., Trochu Val- ley seh ¥ Froehler, land; rt. Kenzig, Wm., Fieldholme; 2 Sip Gordon TIronside & Fares Co., Ltd., Winnipeg, Ma>.; gee) Hoch, Jacob B., High Riv- . er; 1. sh. Wyndham, John, Dorothy; Tht. Mountain HIGBES J., Days- ie tet W. M. G., Cayley; rt. w Alberta Brand Book = Cc oo Sci2\ai(l3|<4S iii BRRBEREERRRSRERS Chandlar, A., Craig; rt. sh, Bolstad, ville ; Grose, John C., Erskine; a Meeets A. J., Taber; aie 3 John J., Clever- sh, Hall, Alba W., Olds; rt... Plaskett, Robert H., Spring Point. rtf. V Spencer, John, Coutts; lL yr. & h. Vent same inv’d. 1. sh. Marks, downcut dewlap. Gardiner, Clement, Pirmez Creek; 1. r. Vent bar un- der. Vogt, Henry, Lone Pine; rt. ‘J. Still, Mary Ann, Vegreville; rt 2 Walker, A. V., Spring Point; rt: Van Roggin, Johannes, Stet- tler ;_rt. n. Knight, Robert, Lochend;. rt. n. Chatwood, Mrs. Craigs sp. Ironsides, R. G., Blood Re- serve, Macleod; 1. h. Lucinda, Emrich, Wm., Innisfail; | Dae 1 Grenier, Joseph V., Carbon; l, n. White, Wm., Winnipeg; Man: sia. Bell, John A., Lineham; rt. h. Smith, Vernon W., New Haz- elton; I. r. Mayberry. George, Irvine; rt. r. Vent bar over. Adler, N. B., Stirling; rt. 4- < m Gladik, Anton, Wetaskiwin; rt: 4; skis tra: Leslie V., Bassano; Fraser, R., Huxley; Lh McElroy, Andrew M., Cal- gary ss: Stirling, Isaac, Maple Creek, Sask. thi Jenkins, Chas. H., Medicine Hat; rt. r. Vent bar ov- er. Day, S. Victor, Medicine Hats\ts Dixon, John & Isaac, Maple Creek, Sask, ; rt. Vent bar under. McHugh, Ed., Grassy Lake; l, r. Vent same 1. sh. Riddell, McLeay & McLeay, Brooks; rt. r. Anderson, Fred, High River; 2 et Reid, John E., Eagle Butte; rte Hayden Bros., Nanton; ee Boyce, John James, Butte; lL si. Williams, E. E., Crane Lake; Sask.}° Lovr: Eagle Stewart,’ E. E., Nanton; ) Eig ak DeRenzy, Sam, Macleod; Tt Burns, Wm. Wallace, Dry Bork} “rtd, Krebs, Martin, Didsbury; rt. ir. McKinnon, Allan H., Battle Creek, Sask.; rt. r. Ramsum, Louie D., Wetaski- win; 1. sh. Alberta Brand Book vi > S/Sd(SISDIS)/F SS SI) P., Strath- more; 1 Diemert, a pe Mark T., Stavely; Law, I. V., High River; l, sh. Alridge, Walter H., Trail, B. Coser: Jensen, Vilmer, Calgary; rt. sh. Wadstein & Son, Chas., Brownfield; rt. r. Symington, A. McL., Erskine; Te he Woods, O. H., Airdrie; Pou Te ; Stapel, Gust, Morinville; Tt hh Varcoe, rtA Tt: Tom, Carbon; Carolan, aes. F., Moss- leigh; rt. Lanux, M., Olsen Creek; 7 A Johanson, Victor, Edens- ville; 1. sh. Bachelor, Martin, Millar ville; rt. r. Bigelow, J. Erle, Wimborne; Lar Ww Alberta Brand Book dee) 12 § = nN Jones, W. D., Hutton; 1, h, Wills, W. P., Langdon; rts. Hames, W. A. W., Bassano; rt. h. Eddleston, Wm. Henry, Stauffer; 1. r, Almon, J. E., & Eagar, M. W., Bright "Bank; es Enford, W. F., Gleichen; rt. ©. Whittaker, H. A., Bon Ac- cord; rt. h. Welch, Ed., Gleichen; L sh. Wilcox, Mrs. E., Claresholm ; | Ba Chapman, Wm., Milk River; rt. sh. Shapley, W. E., Taber; rt ih. Watson, Archie, Ft. Saskat- chewan; l. r. Wentworth & Sons, C. F., Dorenlee; | Woodhouse, Fred., Trochu; rt. sh. Weeks, W. F., Seven Per- sons; rt. r. Wall, F. J., Macleod; rt. h. Malcolm, W. F., Leslieville ; Loe: Williams, Mrs. F. F., Cross- eld; 1. h. Waxmund, Mrs. Mary L., Lethbridge; rt. sh. Harris, S. I, Milk River; 12 MMe Williamson, F. D., Bassano; rt. h. Come eo Fred., Nanton; . ©. Ward, Felix, Flat Lake; hi Ke Fowler, Wm., Mossleigh; The ie ee Wm., Westcott; oe Wilson, Fred. W., Sunny- slope; rt. r. Hainsley, F. W., Paradise Valley; rt. h. ‘ Monster Fred H., Reid ill; McFall, W. R., Faith; « rt. h. Feeney} Wm., Medicine Hat; Ny 92 Forrest, W. H., Grouard; ga 2 Franklin, Walter, Northmin- ster, Sask. ; Gollam, Wm., Bells Hill; l, sh, sh Wm., Medicine Hat; is Hinkley, Geo., Ponoka; 1. h. Neu Wm., Mosside; rt. sh. Rintoul, W. N., Keoma; date Graham, ages: J., Elbow Riv- er pert: Grierson, R. W., Edmonton; l. sh, Eon: Wm. T., Killam; Mey of Pitzer, W. G., Nanton; Loh: ae ee H., Lethbridge; rt. sh. Wodham, Mrs. Chas., Medi- cine Hat; rt. r. Green, Wm., Daysland; rt. h. Sooar Wm., Calgary; Ry Gibbard, Wm., Marsden, Saks: St20: Crees C. S., Cluny; Wi oe Gardner, Mrs. Walter, May- eroft; rt. r. ma thos W. J., Sarcee; ay Sra 4 Moses, Rumsey; Wright, A. W., Gopher Head; rt. r. Grant, Wm., Minburn; rt. h. Alberta Brand Book 385 Marshman Bros., aap S Carbon; “oi Wada A., Ponoka; Goad, W. M., Ethelwyn; rt. sh. Gilbert, Wm., Minburn; rts ft. Greenslade, W. H., Bassano ; rt. h. Giles & Sons, W. H., Mun- son; l. r. Isham, Howard W., Brooks; 1, sh. Heatherington, Wm., Stet- tler; l. r. McNamara, P. H., Landon- ville; 1. h. Hannan, Wilfred E., Elnora; rt. sh. Webb, Mrs. W. H., Coch- rane; rt. ©. Wiper, Henry, Brant; Ft. hy Hagenhofer, Mrs. Mary T. V., Nanton; 1. sh. et hentai W. B., Ohaton; A yt wen Hugo H., Raymond; Whitfield, 1. rt. sh. H., Cochrane; Waslington, H., Dorenlee; rt. :¥. ; Hatcher, W., Calgary; rt ; PR i , Leonard R., Calgary; r. Harris, W. A., Gilt Edge; rt. ¥. Hall, Willard, Steveville; r. Hagley, Jno. W., Pincher Creek; 1. sh. i Wm., Duxbury; He D Bik W. H., Galahad; Henshall, Wm., monton; rt. sh. Holmes, Wm., Amisk; FE; 5. North Ed- WH WH WH WH WH WH WH WH Wu Wd Wud We We Wo We Hastie, Wm., Trochu; rt. h, Herron, W. J., Lawsonburg; 1, sh, Hanerslen, Martin, ville; lr. Mann- Woodward, Harold W., Veg- reville; 1 Hole, Jno., Burdette; rt. sh. Hawley & Mogridge, Cope- ville; rt. r. Hurt, Wilfred, Lineham; rt. h. Walter, W. H., Daysland ; 1. sh. ira wi Harry, Stettler; a 2 naire abe Wm. H., Tofield; Hogg, J. W., Sundre; rt. sh. Read & Son, W. H., Nanton; > Hes MacFarlane, W. H., Elkton; rt. nh. Hodgson, Wilford B., Lon- butte; 1]. sh.- an igh Mrs. W., Haneyville ; Ae are Wm., Lethbridge; Selby,)W. S. & H. H. G., Milk River; rt. sh. Wooster, Harold R., Nama- eds ah a ae Hazzard, Wm., Wavy Lake; rth. Bennett, W. J., Creek; 1. sh. Mueller, Jacob, Walsh; lor. Pincher sa W. J., Cowley; Jones. Walter J., Viking ; rt. sh, Bryan, W, J., Red, Deer; Ets) te Worrall, Alfred J., Persons; rt. h. Tabor, W. J., Delia; 1, sh. Seven Alberta Brand Book White, M. J., Cluny; Hee Donovan, J. W., Bluff Cen- tre; 1. h. Davidson, W. J., Inga; Po Phe Wenz, Jacob, Irvine; rt. Whittaker, I. J., ake 1. x: Waunch, Mrs. J., Ohaton; ie a oe Dowling Wakey, Jno., Innisfail; Nha oA Connor, Wm. J.,: Vallejo; ELrd, Winning, W. J., Winnington ; l, sh. Anderson, Wm. j., Creek; 1. r. Berry ba ge aceeley hie Jno., Chipman; Junk, W., Ft. Saskatchewan ; rt. sh. Walsh, Jas. J., Vermilion; rt= 7. Adams, Wm. J., Millarville; Fie: Dorchester, W. J., Wetaski- win; 1. sh. Weodn ee Jas. C., Cluny; Prk Johnson, Mike, Keoma; 20: Wragg, Joseph, Parr; rt. -F. Le tai W. D., Stettler ; Todd, Mrs. W. rtisr; J., Nanton; Griffin, W. J., Claresholm ; Tits t. Krutop, Woibu, Seven Per- sons; I. sh, MenPary Wm., Suffield; aR SOP nALS. Wm., Lamerton; Koepnick, W. F., Granum; rt, Ti Kautz, Wm. Fred., Langdon; rt. TEES Eales s\jSie RIES * ) = (SUSE SS BERRA BABBREBE ‘Lee, Phillips, W. R., Cayley; izvsh; bi Hance A., Stettler; ee ae Kosior, W., Carlstadt; lh. Kulka, Wm., North Bank; rt. sh, Jack, Wm., Calgary; tisk: Kennedy, Mrs. Wm., Islay; rth; Rese Wm., High Prairie; ars Murray, Walter, ers hate Kindon, W. E. F., Fraserton; 1. sh. Kessell, Wm., Saski5 Lex, Keith, Wm. W., Peace River Crossing; rt. r. Welsh, ‘Mrs. Katherine, Milk River; rt. h. = Siem | W. H., Gleichen ; Bes a Wycollar, Koryczuk, Wasy]l, Butte; rt. r. Knight, W. L., Standard; rt. Shy Eagle sae eS Wm., Nightingale; 1. h. Kelly, Wm. Geo., Innisfail; rib: Lunch, W. A., Acme; l. sh. nuit & Weil, Calgary; He) Stevens, Wm. & Louis, Rim- bey; 1 Jr., Henry W., Glei- chen; rt. sh. Borden, W. L., Stettler; rt. % Webb, Lewis M., Grassy Lake; rt. h Misensol, W. L., Warner; ]. sh. Lambertson, Wm. N., Grain- land; 1. h. Lewis, Jas., Dickson; rt.Sh. Peace Riv- © Alberta Brand Book 387 = jw WE acs WL as A WL “NN WL WL WL WL WL, WL. WL WL WL Wo a WM Mh WM wo WM wn wo UM Wwe Wun Gilbert, W. L., Chinook; rE...F Suremann, Henry, Elkwater; rt. h. eee & La Mere, Stavely; Our: ag Wm., Redciff ; Eh: Lindsay, Wm., Strome; ee Loudon, W. A., Calgary; re. h sg aa Wendell, Islay; Hom, W. V., Manyberries ; Scott, Wm. A., Leo; et Hill, Jas. H., Harlan, Sask. ; rt.*h. ay i Wm., High Prairie; Willems, M., Strathmore; rh, ¥y Williams, David, Wainwright; rt. h. Mansell, Willie, Hutton; l, sh. eset Mary, Ponoka; bie mrres W., Tapscot; Matthews, Wm., Orbindale; rt. sh, McBride, Wm., Gopher Cad s xty 4: Weatherhead, Melville S., Dog Pound; rt. h. ng a ab Wm., Lavoy; A Se Muncaster, Wm., Green: shields; 1. r. McPherson, Wm., Hand Hills ; 1. h, Millar Bros. & Wilson, Ver- milion; rt. sh. Mott, W. R., Gaetz Valley; Sy os Malcolm, Wm., Revelstoke, Gis €tech! Morgan, David W., Hastings Coulee; 1. r. B = Sie 3 |$=/27/2 S/2-\-S|-e s|= 2 S]} = = S s BERBBBBREBE Martin, Donald, Calgary; FE X.. Milton, Edith Eleanor, Mun- sone Lr. Mcllvride, Wm., Tolman; rior Miller, Mrs. W. J., Parr; l. sh, bik a" teh Wm., Bawlf; si | ae ha Wm., Dolcy; Murray, Wm., Cremona; Pte sh; Matthews, W. A., more; rt. r. Woodward & Morgan, milion; rt. h. Strath- Ver- Miller, Wm. E., Lockart; Li. ¥. Dixon, V. M., Fieldholme; EE Mountain & Son, J. M., Ver- milion; rt. r. Macdonald, Wm., Loma; l, h. Wright, Mrs. M., Pound; rt. r. Marshall, Wm. Henry, Cum- mings; rt. h. Dog Marshall, Wm., Namaka; ty Mosier, Chas. We ae Lynn; | McNulty. Patrick W., Cas- LOF 5... TON Williams, M. D., So. Edmon- ton > :r0i. ei, Erbe, Roy, Crossfield ; IeF. Nolan, Mrs. Margaret, EI- bow River; 1. h. Watson, Thos., Chinook; rt. sh. Minnick, W. R., Edgerton; re McNearin, W., Gilt Edge; a ae: Needham, Mrs. Walter, Gop- her Head; l. r. Weir, Norman A., Ohaton; lL. h, Alberta Brand Book “ye Biss ziiZiz oN WN m WN fe WN WN WN WN wo Wo | | WO Wo WO Wo wo a Wo wo WP wr Ww | Nelson, Wm. R., Cornucopia; rt. sh. Northcott, Wm., Metiskow ; rtf; Noyes, Wallace, Noyes Crossing; rt. h Merriam, Jr., Wm. N., Mas- inasin; 1. r. Needham, Adam W., Gopher Head; rt. r. Newman & Sons, W., Pros- pect Valley; 1. r. Woolley, Norman E., Medi- cine, Hat); ‘rt. rx: Frank, W. M., Graburn; Fg ag A Nixon, Jr., Wm., Lillico; Lit, pra W. B., Hindville ; Dean, Wm., Cochrane; | Ea ok Puncke, W., Gopher Head; rt. sh. Ottewell, W., Cardston; 6h, ON Wm., Fieldholme; Bateman, Wm., Dalroy; gay Hewko, Wasyl, Vegreville; rt. h. Wright, R. O., Leslieville; l. h, Wiancko, A., Earlville; RG, its Wilson, Frederic Brownfield; rt. A. W./W., Mas- Wnm., Goulding, inasin; 1. Wore Jas. A., Perbeck ; aye wr bitedi W. §S,,. Elkton; mA Vk Pickering, Wallace T., Red Willow; 1. h. Parkins, W. R., Red Deer; rt. sh, Pitts, T. W., Bowville; rt. r; Palmer, W. C., Brant; Fish. AE BRE BE Dilip) PDI DI -g]' =| = 2} 5 1F SySySye fet alee be =} 0/0 SS (SSS SPS) SHES us cS|c = |= 1/S| SSS | ‘a, Perrin, Wm., Macleod; ae 1, sh, ‘+ Wood, Peter, Talbot; 7 Le: 4 Poch, Wenzel, Frank; 9 l. h. * » i Parliament, Wm. J., Suffield; rt. sh. ; Price, Jas., Claresholm; age of Peters, Wm., Trochu;’ rt. h. Fee Wnm., Erskine; ee 3 Price, Joseph, Black Dia- mond; rt. r. e coe P. W., Brownfield; By Percy & Wife, Wm. H., Gras- — sy Lake; rt. r. wh hae Wm. G., Ryley; Any Lillie, S. J., Warner; Loh Prest.n, Wm. M., Irma; rt. sh. Prudden Mercantile Co., tha’; -rtisr:; Payne, W. R., Gleichen; Pin: Bo- | Paine, Wm. S., Stettler; | Bae at 4 Wright, Jno. P., Wiste; | fe Withers, Phoebe, Pollock- — ville; rt. h. The Western Packing Co., Calgary s.iLon. Walsh, P. D., Pincher City; rt. Williams, Percy R., Lea Park; rt. h. Cousins, Joseph, Innisfail; St Ee Plahn, W. F., Creek; rt. h. Rutherford, W. W., Taber; l. sh. Meeting Robertson, Wm., Vermilion; at Reid, Wm., Carbon; 1. h. Alberta Brand Book 389 s\g)S S155 15> (FL alte = a 7? S15 | s 2 (12 (\< nips A a) Ww Wheadon, Roland, Killam ; rt x. : Sandercock, Walter J., Red Deer; rt. h. Watson, Robert, Lacombe; l, sh, Reber, Hiram, Bawlf; Ls, Randall, W. C., Calgary; 1. h. Whitfield, Robt., Bottrell; h ¥b< Sek Greig, Geo. R., Nanton; 5 ae os Glover, W. R., Cardston; v9 aA Ce Raho, Mikle, Stettler; | baller Ramsdell, Ildo, Evarts; ttor: Ruzicka, Jno. W., Wavy Lake; 1. r. Westbrook, Mark R., Cado- Cen; srt. /2. Reynolds, W. J., Heath; lish: Watson, Robt., Edgerton; ja a Richardson, Wallace F., Rumsey ; i Moore, W. Russell, Lang- Bons xt: ¥; Robson & Sons, W. W., Hearnleigh; rt. h. Russell, Wm., Lacomhe; Ty: is tay ah W. H., Strathmore ; 1, h. Johnston, -R. W., Medicine Paty rt. 2.5: Hawkshaw, Wm. R., Nama- Oiee g Rutherford, W. D., Killam; 1. h, Richmond, W. E., Longview ; Dg Hee el Roberts, Walter land; |. r. Seed. ‘W. J, Vermilion; 1, sh. G., Days- anne F. W., Rimbey; . Fr =|s ta |! WsS- ) tA eve S=) s,s}, =1)8|/,S1SlSl8 = lean Per) tent Sense ben) en BEREEEEEEE Stanford, W. J., Medicine Bat; Tbs Steinhoff, W. C., Harker; rt. sh. Alfred W., Showell, Killam ; sk ARS Starrs, Wm., Grainland; Kt, Saar, Wm., Strathmore; ], sh. i at W., Haneyville ; Ap 2) ich % W.-H., Didsbury; Seale, J. W., Raley; rt) 7shi Starr, Wm. P., Olds; Thor. Shand, Wm., Talbot; rt. h. Peal, Wm., Ethelwyn; ES a Smart, Wm. Wallace, Milk River; rt. -r. : Spooner, Chas., Wilhelmina; rer: Wheelwright, S. A., Bigstone; ], sh. Bream, W. C., Holden; P ee Pere, W. H.; Daysland; Sutton, Joseph Wm. W., Bar- res eh of 2a wy Mountstevens, W. S., Ccch- rane; rt. h: Smith, Wm., lee; I. sh. . Hastings Cou- eh Warren H., Ponoka; ‘aco’ O. H., Raymond; Stevenson, Wm. Henry, Cal- gary; |. sh. Schielke, Wm., Czar; rt. sh. Stewart, Wm., Evarts; fy BR Schuare, Wm. E., Falun; rt. h. Watson, Thos., Sanderville; yh ¥ Alberta Brand Book Tuthill, W. F., Battleview; Price &. Walls, Claresholm ; pepe tt. fr. | Weger & Turner, Lyndon; Martin, Wm., Taber; l. h. bg te S Cc cS || Tertin, Wilfred, Legal; h. Riley, Wm., Elkton; Senae l. sh. Sle 1c Turner, W. S., Fox Coulee ; rt. r. Taylor, Wm. W., Kimball: Die Brockman, A. W., Rocky Mountain House; Lh, Von Dewark, W. B., Flag- staff; 1 ish: Telford, W., Vermilion; Pees Victor, Airdrie; 1. sh, Supa McKenzie, Gilbert, Stauffer; ih pate, Jacob, Irvine; | Eas em McLennan, W. T., Strath- cona; lL. h. Von Wald, Carl, Altorado; rt. sh. WwW ee Tom §S., Cowley ; Messenger, V. W., Endon; rt. sh ToT; 1 =H SN SHS Elk Taverner, L. W., Sedgewick ; 1 aaa ap yore C. W., Flagstaff; rts hy e|\|e 2G ia, < Coleman, Harry Alfred, Puf- ] Western, Thos., Stoppington; eo! Ser ieeaes s|\sisige BEBEEEEEHE Tomlin, Walter, Medicine 2 ; Covert, Wm. Henry, Mann- h. at; ville ; rt. S — Lid inane Thomas, Innisfail ; ae W. V., Rawdonville; gt ara White, y Saga Ribstone: Wants W., Blackfalds; . sh, gee —) 4714 = | Wadsteia, Wm., Brownfield, eee W. A., Landonville ; ei sbi WwW He ages Thos., Heath; Mebane” Wm., “Cochrane; SSH r/Sy Fisher, Mrs. Mary Eliza- pce” bis ps Winfield, Lavoy; beth, Cadogan; rt. r, WU Efs as Jones, Wn. T., Ponoka; AERO a bahia G. W., Huxley; rt my ae Hermann, F. J., Lake Mc- ar arg ea a Brown, Jno. W., Provost; rt. h. if) WW Gregor; rt. h. WW Thornton, Wm., Twin Butte; Ws bie dios Jno., KimBaits lL, h. me James & Sons, Thos., Coch. Ware Ju.) Brsokns Trane; rt. r. ee Wenander, Albert & Axel, Taylor, W. L., Killam; Sota Wee rt. re ; : Wallace, Wm. H., Viking; Treece, David Wm., Purple , Springs; 1. h. yu Ww rt. sh. Waterstreet, C. C., Granum; Ween W. J., Bowden; Ft: hh: Ins we i hields ; Pussell. Ira W., Zenith: wae ee A., Greenshields we Lake; pend, Wm. Thos., Tudor; ee J. W.s Graseaiemee Wu W We WU WW Wy WW wv wv clyelPS P55 44 Alberta Brand Book see Wl Wilcox, W. J., Round Up; Gr. Whyte, Wm., Midnapore; “Xt, F: West, Wm. E., Vermilion; ], sh. ila ha M. C., Dolcy; ae Granger, Wm. W., Grain- land; Wallace, Wm., Campsie; Tish. Sloan, W. W., Reid Hill; ety FX. Watt, Wm., Magrath; rt. Walker, Wm. E., Irma; rt, Wolfe, Herbert A., Trochu; ], sh. Weiler, C. W., Olds; 9 ae 5 Wenzel, W. H., Fieldholme; | Pag 3 Gaar, swe -C., rt. sh. ‘ Clark, PP; S.;> Leavings; Re: Strathmore; Ward, Raymond L., Lang- don; rt. r. Brown, H. T., Woolford; rt. h. McCrary, J. W., Woolford; l. sh, X Rockafellow & eu Fred , Blackie; 1. h. Borrigaard, L., Penhold; rt. n, Brown, J. W., Seven Per- SONS} 4d GC) Vie BURT E. Daley, James, Leavings; Lhe The Horse Track Cattle Co., Ltd., Langdon; rt. r. Vent brand on rt. Williams, Ross, Keoma; lh. Lancaster, W., Cochrane; rt. sh. Wocknitz & Sons, Albert, Magrath; rt. r. Ward, Jean F., Langdon; rt B: Brucker, Adolph W., Glei- chen; rt. r. Ward, L. L., Langdon; Tir Hardy W., Didsbury ; Heye® Wm., Stavely; Wheeler & Sons, E. F., Na- maka; rt. r. Wanyandie, Adam, Lac Ste. Anne; rt. h. Trego, W. D., Gleichen; 1. h. 2 ens J. R., Rose Lynn; ie Tracy, W. A., Gleichen; FLAY: Weaver, Chas. Yardley; Edmonton;.]. h. Payne, Jas. W., \Cheadle; Tt hi. Clark, W. A., Czar; rt. sh. Roberts, James, Olds; in Ay Oe Read, Miss Mary C., Eagle Sosa rt. r. Vent bar un- er. Taylor & Purcell, High Riv- er; 1. sh. Walton, J. E., Dorothy; rt. th. Porter, Frank, Leo; hia Alberta Brand Book {4 >< xix SEINE < | x eyes i Cc C3 x > 4 x< HW 25 Panna Call aH RP (|< cir Trekofski, rt. a. Mrs. A.; Irvine; ~ The Horse Track eked Co., Ltd., Langdon; ], r, Gordon, Ironside & Fares Co., Ltd., Winnipeg, Man. ; l, th. Vent bar through. Johnson, Oscar F., Vegre- ville ; rt. r. . Hefner, Adam, Jumping Pond; rt. h. Duck, Frank P., Innisfail; rt. Coxon, Stadia Calvert, Glen- bow; Best, Harry C., Tudor; rt. Xi Howse, John Robt., Wimble- Gon sl.) ¥ Sutherland, Mrs. Agnes, Dry Forks ; Lh. Child & Sons, Wm., Prague; rt. h Beas C. G., Priddis; Cutforth, town; rt. Cardiff, Geo. McDougall, Calgary; rt. h. White, Robt., l, h. naeeas: Queens- Lacombe; Church, Henry, Foreman; rt. sh. Farthing, Harry, Brosseau; Eton Hamm, jno. & Ralph, Whit- 1a$) We ee Fike, A. L., Carstairs; rt. h. Cyr, Damas J., Pincher Creek; 1. r. Pontifex, Arthur C., Tren- ville; 1. sh. Hovey, G. F., Stirling; rt. h. Hall, Harry E., Coutts; a MT Hills, Jas., Mannville; We Bazalgette, Coie Db ks Chas., Chas. I., Hardis- Hulbert, rt. h. Wetaskiwin ; < |< >< x XL XL XI XM XM XM XM XM XM XN XN NES 1Z ene Wm.; Talbot; Tagge & Hunter, Calgary; rt. h, Lane & Climie, Ingleton; rt. r. Catnach, Hugh, Olds; rt. h, Spare, W. C., Calgary; rt. h. Connah, Charles, Provost; tt:.-h; Keiver, Mrs. Martha G., ’Sunnyslope; rt. h. ; Thiesmeyer, Louis, Reid Hill; rt. 3 5 Frank M., Lewis, Langdon ; 1, h. : John, Sunnyslope; Maerz, lh. McBride, H. D., Stettler; Len; Severs, ‘'Geo., Rexborough; rt ot. McLeod, Wm. A., High Riv. Cl s Phenke Wrolson, Wm., -Daysland; eae Stuver, Fred., vei Hat: rt. sh. Dixon, Robt., Paxbaee TT ck Hoerle, Geo., Queensiowr l. h. Stiles, Mrs. Lena, Que2:ns town; rt. r. Graham, J. M., Calgary: 1, h. Chambers, Thos., Leth- bridge; rt. r. Chambers, Jose Leth- bridge; rt. h. Clark, Peter, Stewartwyn ; re. ¥. Mahaffey, Henry L., Stettler sg Sh 25 Hall, Daniel S§., Chester wold; 1. h. LaRose, George, Monvel ; bs} he Fisher, Archibald, Seven Pe: sons; rt. rr. Alberta Brand Book 393 fa xT] aX T Ke |e1e> — < c Pecleccle- ec x< Cc Wolsey, Luther M., Taylors- ville; rt. r. Alberta Farm & Live Stock Co., Ltd., Rosenroll; 1. h. Chudleigh, Albert E., High River; rt. sh, i Wm. I., Markerville ; lauk. Challenger, Alfred E., Edg- erton; rt. h. Rosbury, W. H., Chimney Rock; 1. h. Falk, Gustaf, Odin; rt. h. Webber, Fred. G., Clares- holm; rt. r. De Gruff, Mrs. Lucy, Ewing; Ft hi Forrest, Thos., Raven; es Ward, A.; Chimney Rock; a ab oe Chute, Gilbert S., Stettler; rid ime § ist Wed Walter C., Stettler; l. h. Cathow & Clayton, Carbon; bab ae Elgin, Jas. A., Claresholm; ier. Nicholl, Fred. P., Three Hills; rt. r. Gerber, Noah, Mayton; we. Dy Haugstad, Gilbert, Ferry Point ;\.k) fr: Kirbs, Henry, Irvine; ry ae Purschka, Chas., Skaro; rt. he nig iN Henry, Botha; oie Cary, Jesse, Stettler; Pd a Pulsipher, G. H., Leth- bridge; Il. yr, Snell, Susan A., Lethbridge; rt. h. ee bas Son, A., Mannville; . sh, Hart, 0) a Wm., Morningside; >< >< |>< }>< -L><}1><1>< 11 >< 1]\ ><] >< 1s 1 ><] Ml ISCKSI|S epee < p) ~< =< Cl< x x< C x x | x ~< <1 at > — | x< x|> ed Ge x we C\< x ~ Markstad, C. J., Vermilion; rt. h. Clay, J. H., Stettler; Tos mba J. J., Prairie Creek ; Carlson, -Jas., Lundbreck; ss aa Perfect, Chas. M., Cayley; ¥ty is wa besten < Jno., Hughenden ; . sh, Violette, Thos., Macleod; rt. h. Berry, D. B., Raven; rt. h. Braden, W. D., Three Hills; ao Bullock, Ernest mond; l, r. Alberta Farm & Live Stock Co., Ltd., Rosenroll; rt. h. Shank, Lewis, a Ae K., Ray- Macewan; Christiansen, Earil, Water- ton Mills; rt. h. Walker, W. L., & Ward, W. F., Lineham; rt. sh. Cuttor, Hiram, Rimbey; l. sh. McClean, Russell B., Delia; rt. sh. pearela, H. G., De Winton; rt. h. Neilson, M. G., Olds; Te Dh: Huggard, F. Gordon, Cal- KATY 5) FRR. ’ Y., Raymond; Taylor, N. 1 aa Casement, L. A., Bowville; og ap Wills, Mrs. Henry, Sunny- slope; l. r. Labbi, Arthur, St. Paul de Metis; 1. h. Smith, Rowland, Toronto, Ontei::rts 08: Blogden, Philip, Glenbow; Ftn. Daun, Fred. & Joseph, Tro- chew 3! Lx: ey) Alberta Brand Book Stone, Alf., Raymond; bs WoO Prickett, Richard, Trenville; 5 a Walburger, S. J., Mouhtain iew; 1. r. Imblon, Gus, Content; + 35 PD art Pascal, He. Lh, Tapseott : rth: Erickson, Edd, Gleichen ; Fhe es Y Ambler, Andrew Geo., Salt- eaux; l. r. Fournier, Joseph, Pincher Creek; 1. r. Aubertin & Snowden, High River; 1]. h. Vent same 1. sh Ferguson, H. A., Gleichen; h & rt. h, r. Vent same Tt. sh; Howard, Robert, Cochrane; AR oe : Hatch, Miss Judy, Leth- bridge; rt. th. Buchanan, Gilbert, Calgary; h. Vent same l. sh. Gregg, W. B., Battle Creek, Sask. ots rhe oh: Silverberg, Oscar E., Red Deer; |. sh. Wilkinson, O. D., High Rivy- er; 1) sh. Hester, Leo. S., Oldham, Mont, “OS Ans ho Burn, H. St. G., Gillingham; l. r. Vent brand on |. h, Geschke, Wm., Walsh; 1 Aer es Cer enred: W., Gleichen ; pars Turville, Geo. H., Stettler; 5 at OES Songhurst, Edwin, Hill End; ee 2 ~< —~ Or -] || Aldes, Albert H., Leavitt; Big a Raedar, Chas., Lethbridge; l. h. Taylor, Hugh, Stettler; Ytats Tracy, Wm., Trenville; rth: Tiffany, Mrs. Alma H., Ed- ensville ; h. Le Sueur, Sydney G:, ‘Tal- bot; lr. Trentham, Albert, Three Hills; rt. r. Triebwasser, Wm., Cross- field; 1. h. Kaye, Herschel, Livingstone ; Shy of Wrhieler, A. W., Crossfield; ] or: Kraft, Frank J., Seven Per- sons} rt. Fr. Brown, David M., Mayorville ; rt. h. Gurevitch Bros., Stettler; Th. Williams, Christopher. K., Twin Butte; 1. r. Lamb, Alex., Rimbey ; ]. h. Connelly, Alfred A., Pincher ; rt. Lucas & Houston, Clyde; Li it Harvey, Thomas C., Strath- more; l. r. Brett, Martin, Stavely; ig me ’ Webb, urs. Annie, Cochrane; rt, Schmunk, John, Irvine; Vale a McLeod, Mrs. Geo., Cross- field; rt. r. Hall, Albert L., Ewing; ], sh. Jardine, A. T., Delia; ; War ache Geo. H., Taber; Le aes Geo., Talbot; es >>} > | > = p25 P5 123] Pies soe Gn Ab HHH] HR I eI HHL el Wilcox, Chas., Onaway; rt... Trahan, Henry, Pincher Creek; Lr. Bhai: H., Chip- Harrison, man; McDonald, Capt. D., °° Ed- monton; rt. Spmlrocte Bros., Lockhart; Carrier, Mrs. Mary, Pincher Creek; rt. r. Roger, D. & W., Calgary; rt. h. Esplen, Robt. Jno., Nanton; Tt. br. Bij wr A. A., Milnerton; ats Binet, Robt. E., Crossfield; Ath Bia, Isaac L., Strathconi; Horner, Koller & = Kelly, Hand Hills; Ll. r. Abs « Harold, Mossleigh; Wasson & Laudrum, Carbon; ie oh Wildermaa, W. H., River; rt. r. * High Weisser, Matt, Camrose} Lior : Tabor, Mrs. Lulu L.; Min-) burn; 1 Riedel, J. W., Ingleton; Tt". Monigar, Augusta, Eagle Hill: rt. h Ressler, Carl R., Round Up; 1. \ Goodenow & McLarty, Bruce; h. ; Shields, W. T., Langdon; rt. tT. Pruden, Walter, Talbot; Tey es Wilson, Robert, Three Hills sm Hosea Alfred A., Cac# bon; Sillak, Mrs. burg; rt. h. Anna, jae) j Alberta. Brand Book 49] Ei TU ote Luft, John, Schuler; rt. h. - McGowan, G. T., Hairy Hill; i at Holt, N. I., Neuchatel; rt. Dp. Brown, H.. E., Hand Hills; nu Y. Reichert, Mathias, Hilda; rt. sh. Eingleson, P., Taber; St... McCulloch, Alex., Lundbreck ; Ft. sh, Bentz, J. C.,. Olds; Li sh: Ss Lawson, J. C., Gleichen; 0 73 Schnider, C. & A., Beaver Hills: :}yvth..- Hodgins, T. T., Hairy Hill; rt. sh, Sweder, Frank, Trochu Val- ley 3. 'rtz.r. Green, Wm. F., Lamerton;_ rt. Brown & Sons, W. H., Har- mattan; rt. r. Adair, L. H., Stettler; bi A * Wilson, Wm., Bowden; Lek Roussell, Jno., Content; 1. h. Schimpf, Geo., Irvine; ae Zuepfle, Gottfried, Irvine: $t.90. Webb, Samuel A., Pekisko; ues Hemple, A. P., Taber; keh, Stephens, Mrs. Laura, Card- ston; rt. r. Kaustrup, Jno., Macleod; rth. ; a Rocher, Mrs. -F., Nanton; eg a Sherman, Albert, Kansas; rt. h ae Memeyts, W. H., Erskine; Yr. ; Ladell, A. H., Bittern Lake; jn “9 McCuaig, Duncan, Talbot; Pty °x. Cooper, -C. A., Red Deer; rte, Pamburn, Francis, Carbon} Ieee Mecham, Frank M., Kansas; bye a La Clair, A. T., \Nanton; rt. h. Ness, O. M., Raven; eg 8 i.Clarke oP hal yh sata Clarke- ville; 1. Purmal, Henry, Medicine HMatertr: Noyes, Porter, Stavely; ra Paulson, Carl, Leduc; La Bis bai L. C., Markerville; Chalmers, Bert T., Brant; rt. h. Harrison, Arthur, Ewing ; dB a Parsons, Newton, Marker- ville ; ‘ McDonald, H. C., Mayton; rt. fh. Van Verdeghem, Jno.; Hut- piso cts ish: : Collins, Harry E.,; Bottrell ‘ iat Tuck, Frank, High River; Wes: Walburger, Jr., Jno., _Moun- tain View; 1, r. ' Lewis, Ivor, Dog Pond Creek; rt; ri. Olsen, Mrs.. Madge, Moss- leigh; ¥t. hi: ; Sy Scheerschmidt, C: F., Stet- tler; rt. h. : . Man, Wm. J., Crowfoot; hi he © Yr _ Rider & Cloutman, Stettler; EGas Te Ingram, C, :E., Lethbridge; 1d A Sec Alberta Brand Book Harford, H., Elbow River; 1. h, Johnson, Hugh, Nanton; i es Hanson, H. A., High River; eh: Moga, Val A., Coutts; lth Routhier, Urlick, Trenville ; Tht Hayden, Jno. D., Nanton; oe: Howie, Frank A., Coyote Valley >> & McCulloch, W. M., Lone Pine 3 ots ti Silverberg, Carl, Red Deer; ath Greathouse, W. W., Provost; lx. Moodie, A. G., Calgary; 1, h. Helmer, M. J., Raven; |B Thompson, Mrs. Augusta, Spring Point; rt. r. Duncan, Mrs. Mary, Neap- olis 3 Li¥: Sturgeon, R., Claresholm; r. Patterson, J. H., Rawdon- ville; 1. Miiler, Warren C., Langdon; ys a Foster, Clare L., Stavely; a Thompson, Freeman, Field- holme; rt. r. Alovar, Martin Stettler; ly: Wilcox, Mrs. A. T., Queens- town; l. r. Mannville ; Young, James, tt. 6h. Yeats, A. & E,, Haneyville; CE. Ks Allen, Henry R., Lineham ; = ear a Cram, Wm., Vegreville; 1, sh. Saunders, W. E.,; Calgary; | eee sa esibss pestis es pa rd eS re © —c| |] Pr SISO = > TA TA vA YA TA YA i bat Sab ihe | >" /" > lal Weteey Mrs. P. A., Cowley; - Romane, W. A., Talbot; bg se cn Topp & McCain, Creek; 1. sh. Pincher Wess W. L., Medicine Hat; Whissen, C. M., Langdon; pA Caswell, Thos., Stettler; rts he Dickisson, Mrs. Ella A., Sev e7 Persons; l. r. Redmond, Alfred, Creek; rt. r. Pincher Arthur, Wm. J., Bowell; jae Ferdall Bros., Crossfield ; rent: Preil, Robt. M., Calgary; brs ; Pehrson, Pehr, Battle Riv- er; | Redding, C. D., Hand Hills; sat Bink oe Adamthwaite, Wm., vrille; rt. Miller, A., Nanton; | RS : May- Lane, A., Tolman; Led; Lindquist, Christopher, High iver; rt. r. Pryor, Wm. W., Ferry Point; ron, Johnson, David, Carbon; Tats Miknlecky, John, Odin; Tt. dh. Leiske, Daniel, Crossfield; 1. h. Gervais, Romain, High Riv- er Jie Orchard, Miss Fork; rt. r. Nellie, Dry Hornberger, J. F., Vermilion ; 1 ae Murphy, Grant, Nanton; rt. sh. Moodie, A. G., Calgary; re. —__ ee ay | Alberta Brand Book 403 a oe | als [Sins [Pac 1G PY ul SN >| chet! 7] ie | eS rae -|Os > e a ers »~ A Robinson, Henry G., Glei- chen; 1. sh. Eslinger, Chris, Mayton; Deak Bird, F., Mound; Th¥i Standish, F. C., Priddis; } Henkelman, Martin, New Sa- repta; rt. Kneeshaw, Percy, Pine Lake; je Hickmore, W., Lethbridge; Et. f: Brookes, W. A., Ribstone; Pee Leiske, Sam’l., Crossfield ; iiv’h, Riddell, D. M., Macleay, R. R. & Macleay, Alex. Brooks; rt. r. Saunders, David V., Jumping Pond; rt. sh. id Vaughn, Walter R., Bottrell; rt. x: Becker, R. C., Medicine Hat; ivr Honeywell, W. D., Stettler; bap 5 Mounkes, A., Okotoks; 1 Big The Southern Alberta Land .Co., Ltd., Medicine Hat; Str, Logan Bros., Cochrane; Sf, Gregory, Ed. J., Calgary, & McDaniel, Dorsey P., Car- stairsi;-J.-r, McLeary, Mrs. L. M., Car- stairs; h. Holmes, Rev. Robt., Peace River Crossing; rt. h Kraft, Frank J., Seven Per- sons cE or: Smith & Sons, Grande Prai- i h. rie, 1. s Frakes, Robt. W., Westcott; rt..oh; Kavanaugh, M. P., Nanton; Fl Cans 94 Griffith, A. L., Calgary; h, Ft. Anderson, J. E., Rimbey; rt. h. Se A ut Ol ( {> Co =p O>|O% ( > % ons x 286 <| K esis a€ Sle “ > Morgan, Robt., Pine Lake; rt. h. Biagle, Frank E., Coutts; rx: McClean, A. S., Hand Hills; 1, sh. Thornton, Wm. & Mary, Twin Butte; rt. r. Bare, John A., Cowley; be Phas #- Lavington, Henry, Big Val- ley’; Tih: Yarborough, Capel Cooke, Lundbreck ; rt. r. Whitelock, J. F., Innisfail; Fy Se es Aunger, Wm., Stettler; rt. h. Manning, L. W., Calgary ; Lash Beaton, D., Loma; Vix McMillan, Dan’l., Tees; YE 8 is deriad Samuel S., Didsbury ; os ? Sook Joseph, Nanton; ee Turner, Clayton, Barons; rt. h. Ferguson, Robt. W., Nose Creek; 1. r. Morey, F. E., Olds; Lisi: Lutz, Frank, Talbot; he Peirson, Percy F., Lineham ; rel sy: : ‘Curtis, Tom, Stettler; es Duguette, J. M., Brosseau; Tite Tk Henderson, Jos. M., Hast- ings Coulee; lr... Larson, Chris, Bottrel; | Laboucane, Moise, Camrose; rt. 7. badd George, Harmattan; RAs Williams, Miss Annie, White- brush; rt. r. 404 Alberta Brand Book ” / N)IN> | j SEEM RETE TEES NIN >| > {NIN IDii>il Plumb, H. ag BR od? A., Olds ; Z McKinnon, Angus D:; Battle Creek, Sask; dir. Card, George ee Magrath. lh. Vent inverted « 1, Demarest, rt. AW, Catches: Page, Reginald, Langdon? rt. sh, Bec yiy Wm., Caseleyville : MacKid, Dr. H. G., Calgary ; sg AR Webster, . Dick & . -Wn., Thompson; 9 ay ol Carling, Mrs. Annie. C., Cochrane; |. sh. Vent in- verted under brand, Fleming,’ James, Maple Creek, Sask.; rt, rT, Vent, e4/ Cox, A. Noel, Gillingham; rt. 2 McElroy, G M.,: Calgary: rt. h. Zeigler, Adam, Schuler: l. sh McDougall, Alex. pion; Lr S., Cham- bb hae H., Strome; Innes, David, Macleod, zt; Sake Andrews, Benjamin 8., Fil) Spring , rt. h Al'an 1. Bros., Lacombé; sh. Arnold, Nelson), Mannville; Tt. §s Apow, Joshua,: Morley’, rt. r Anderson, Carl A., Raven; rt. r. Rintoul,, R. A., Bassano; L. sh: ae Git 3 s N im N Q N q NININ lallalies Zc ZC Ae ZD [NEN] Nolte J anke, Gottlieb, Stettler ; th Campbell, Albert A., Del- burne; rt. h: Schram, Mrs. Tillie, Medi- cine Hat; rt. h. Becker, Herman H., Hand Hills; 1. h. Brost, Adolph, Gros Ventre; et Buzzard, F. M., Saco, Mont. ; rt.-7T, Binnie, James, High Prairie; rt. sh. Cox, Arthur, Mannville; l. sh. Clifford, Alex. A., Ribstone; Or, Rumer, C. E., Taber; oe et pig sign P. M., Bawlf; Tit McCallum,’ C. E., Spring Point; rt. r. Barrie, Nils Christopher, Carlstadt; rt. h. Doering, Daniel, rt... Hand Hills; Deriz, Alfred, Bonnyville; rh n: Porter, David, Leo; Bie prneire Dolphis, Morinville; Ai ve Holm, Ed., Earling; l. h, Eadie, Malcolm, Big Prairie, roy Donahue, Jno. Edward, Whitlash, Mont.; rt. h. Jessie, Mrs. E. H., Lamer- ton; h. Foster Bros., Sanderville; ], sh. ———E — Alberta Brand Book 405 Isaacson, Arthur F., Evarts; ae CY: Zilla, Frank, Lille; age Feilitzsch, Baron Hans, Nightingale; rt. sh. Bremer, Fred., Stettler; ae Fullerton, H. A., Medicine aa t= rt; "hb Smith, Geo., Walsh; Rr: Farr, A: A., Airdrie; rt. sh. Freeman, J. H., Hindville; rt. hi: Ford, James W., Nanton; oe 2 Dunn, Francis Wm., Mac- leod; 1. r. Fenstid, John, Pen D’Oreille; rt. h. Moore, Mrs. T, O., Lyndon; LA vs Simpson, Fred. M., ‘Steve- ville; rt. h. Ferber, C., Duvernay ;; iy. Harvie, Robert, Turin; sh. Tlicks, S., Cadogan; Cochlan, Sidney, Stavely; bisa & Hatley, L. B., Roseberg; Bes Howlett, Jno. H., Clark Manor; 1. h. Cox, Arthur, & Humphrey, Fred., Mannville; rt. sh. Hunt, C. A., Milk River; i Ge 8 Akins, H. H., Mewassin; Stn: Hennel, Joseph, Stettler; rta'f: Hoff, John, Irvine; Th ot: NIN INN YN TN llega elo Kx N q, Ni or IN-LINE INENTNIEN GIN cUelle ric Re, N NI Nz ZI ZM Hodgson, Wm. R., Lonbutte ; Lege ye Hoffman, Henrick, Hilda; Tie bi: Johnson, Frank, Bowden; | aS 8 Bowie, John, Claresholm; st Bs of Johnson, R. H., Landonville; rt. h. McKinney J. A., Stettler; 6 Milligan, John, Verdant Val- ley; rt. r. Laeerneets Jac, Botha; an Johnston, James, Irvine; Bux: Johnston, Hugh, Brooks; rt. sh. Betts, Mrs. Effie A., . Ray- mond; rt. r. Luchok, Mike, Coutts; j ONE Linden, J.. O., Brooks; Tork Sanders, E. C., Baronet ; vl aay Ragan, Wm., Olds; rtach: manatee Harvey, Leslieville; sg SH Johnston, Malcolm, Spirit iver; |, sh, Meyer, Louis J., Gopher Head’; +1, r. Zahn, Gottlieb, Mayton; aN Montizambert, C. T., Living- stone; rt. r. Mathews, R., Sheerness; Pty hy McFarlane, Herbert, Coch- rane; h, Morrison, Alex., Raymond; id ae Sackrider, C. M., Medicine Haes\ rts h: McHarque, Thos., Clares- Horner, Frank, Kinsella; h. holm; rt. r. rt. N = Morris, J. A., Hartshorn; sh. ba) ary PAs ZH ak po tear Nels, Steveville; ph ; N < i Alberta Biaad Book NITN N N Noi NoiNal eo PN LNTEIN TENG NUN & I> [> SI AI sll oe 2 a ~ ] | Ol O| on I> iz =| >| Slik» Grumez, Michael, Pekan; kab Merrill, Jno. B., Hill Spring; rt. fT. Bateman, J. W., Vulcan; ae Mrs., Zatuprusky, Eagle Butte; rt. r. Ranby, J. G., Keoma; Fen: Moore, Mrs. M. A., Lyndon; 1, r. Nelson, Alonzo, Stirling; rhe Yr, Johnson, Rarus, Rosebud Creek; I. r. Lochhead & Sons, C. J., Kew; 1. sh, Mead & Sons, F. E., Ver- milion; 1. r. Jones, Thos., Red Lodge; rt. h. Hanne, Phillip, Vegreville; [Sas 9 ‘Thompson, Ed- Joseph A., monton; l. h. Peterson, Mrs. holm; rt. r. Nels, Clares- ei tae Paul, Eagle Butte; seri Sutee Henry, Sanderville; es & Sons, Irvine; aye Bailey, Joseph, Meadow reek; J. r. Basilici, Robert, Millarville ; Sic? es Reichenberg, Daniel, Irvine; rt. h, Roberts, Peter, Haneyville; sh. Robinson Bros., Macleod; es Ny/N cl}4 N tT NINIPN TN NaN SIS PNUPN LER oa ea ea EST] STS I N x< I Sxl z z N IN | X< WIN Rare, Mrs. Annie, Cowley; re;|l ¢3| 23° No ay| 0 — 2N > NO a) Eberhardt, Hockin, Mrs. Mary Ann, Fountainstown; rt. r. Rowland, Ascot, Bowden; rt. sh. Terrill, Mrs. Butte; rt. r. Wm. R., Twin Blondell, Freeman W., Gads- bye hn Gray, J. W., Lakesend; Tt. tk, Gardner, W. Pte. 3 R., Reid Hill; Herman, Mrs. Frank, Lund- breck; rt. r. Gustave, Hand PARES 4 PET. Gall, John W., Hand Hills; Be NSn. Laycock, Elijah, Raymond; rty To Nelson, Wm., View; rt. r. Mountain Jaques, Chas., Minda; Ft: 1 8. Scheidegger, Fred, Bawlf; Th Y. Stoney, James B., Leth- bridge; J. h Raethke, Charles, Three Bilis: Ea McCleary, Geo., Olds; rt. h, Robson, J. W., Bentley; tion, Smiths Mrs. Nellie, Cowley; bit. Macintyre, Mrs. D. L., Tees; ty HD Wood, J. H., Tofield; rt. h. McBlane, Jr., Alex’r., Medi- cine Hat; A Bauman, A. M., Mayton; Forhi fa oO ee) Alberta Brand Book ae SS SSE SHEBE No Vv IK A N ECEECHICE wo ale WN < x Frye, Wm. R. L., Clark Man- ey apie Wey 60 Fleming, Wm., Irvine; 1. h. Berdan, Colburn, Nanton; To: Gibbs, Bgl 4 Peden, C. W., Red Willow ; rt. W. W., Garrington; Starks, R. E., & Burton, W. A., Medicine Hat; lh Newtson, N. A., Carstairs; rhish; Findlay, Chas. View; rt. r. Dodd Bros., Hand Hills; Pt k: H., Mountain Christie, Victor, V., & Kidd, John, Cardston; rt. r. 3 Burns. & Co., Ltd., Py wCaly gary; 1. sh. Smith, Walter B., Didsbury ; 5 a Whitney Bros., Lundbreck ; Tt. oi: Weaver, Abram C., Bassano, l. h. Whitney Bros., Gillingham ; Wao oh Sandberg, Olaf, Tolman; rt. sh. Gray, Revd. Herbert B., Bradfield College, Berk- shire, Eng.; rt. r. Vt. .bar under. é Riddle, David M., Carstairs ; Lit McRoberts, Andrew, Pine Lake; I. n. Jack, Richard, Fishburn ; WwW. a. Buxton, Lisle, Carlstadt; a Lang, Hugo C., Knee Hill Vatieys) rh = 2: F2 -F2 Simson, W. S., Springbank; rr: Newman, Fred E. & C,, Mountain: Mill; 1. h. Crocker, Howard A., Pine Lake }..rt: dh. Aune, Andrew; Ghost Pine Creek ; Beach, Mrs. Myrtle, Morn- ingside; rt. sh. Ae = 5 Rosenberger, Osia, Airdrie; rsh _* Nanton; Deremore, Samuel, rt. Yr. Moore, William, Gleichen; rt. h. 2 Collins, Carter, Morningside ; rt. h. ; ‘ H., Winnipeg, Vent 3x3. Fares, W. Man.;: 1. 4. Frankal, Creek ; Joseph hn Oe Pincher rt. r. Maeda Medicine Hat; ‘rt Shelton & Jensen, Magrath; 1 BBR ms Riddell, R., & Macleay, Alex. Brooks; rt. r. Day, lor D. M.; Macleay, R. N., Cook, rior: William, Crossfield ; McCullough, Wilson, High River; lr. Atkinson, Mrs. Agnes, innis- fail 5. rts t. Salmond, James, weer ter; 1.4. ; Peecock, R. S., Crossfield ber, A. P., Medicine Hat; Merriam & Brazil, Hugh Riv- ” 5 er5 Xt. Ts Alberta Brand Book 409 roll ee ee Webb, Thos. Bae fT te yk R., Medicine Cannon, J. C., Lacombe; | ie Evans, Martin, Sr., Living- stone; l. r. King, Richard, Sterlingville ; 5 pe Garson, Andrew, Grand Val- ley; rt. r. McChesney, ay Sch Be Wilson, Arthur L., Olds; Fai oe Ezekiel, Nan- Comfort, Alanson, Living- stone ; Crumrine, David S., New Norway; rt. r. Baker, C. F., Langdon; eae Kenney, Burt, Raymond 5 The ate Gray, Samuel, Carbon; rt. x. Langley, H. A., Raven; Teh, West View Ranche Co., Car- bon; |. r. Gordon Ironside &. Fares Co., Ltd., Winnipeg, Man. ; Rr, McLaren, John B., Cross- -field; 1. r. Fisher & Sons, Acme; bef, Heare, Frank L., & Penn, Harry A., Nanton; lr. Morrison, Wm., Littlé Plume; Lor \gehg Wm. A., Vegreville ; STB; Chamberlain, John P., Leth- bridge; rt. r. Karklin, Wm. C., - Joséph- burg; rt. r. Dellaire, Frank, Burnt Lake; rt. r. The Horse Track Cattle Co., Ltd., Langdon; rt. r. Dixon, H. C., Maple Creek, Sask. ; tax. Weil, Simon, Lexington, Ky., TBA ss PR) AGREE Ol G ON | no|)ho] Mo ae lel ; Ol <\< NN Ot) Ol —C |X ees p WN} OS Os} O& a Ot (SI Ol S re ‘Bassett, Mrs, okie Louis M., Hardisty; Ee oe Isabella, Mea- cine’ Hat 3:1.‘ r. ‘ Fisher, Tilly F., Vallejo; PAL ol op ical g Royal D., Calgary; Or ached Aiex, Maycroft; ey. Sickler, B. E., Coutts; SM Naa James, Cowley; pare Repp, Peter, Midnapore; Ft. /r. Se ia ea August, Stavely; ge ; Trider, W. S., Medicine Hat; Pee oh Barrett, Henry, Nanton;:. ae Garlough, Harris B., ee Butte; rt. r. Bassett, Haury: Hats Medicine fee Sy, Williams, J. M., Sundial; Sgt Sa 8 Bisey Geo. E., Crossfield; Do Ruby, J. A., Didsbury ; bai FED wt Hoskyn, Jethro, Calgary; bf See op Little, Herbert G., Little Plume; rt. r. . Pi ptelete Lewis, Stavely; _ eg Courtourillie, Louis, Pearse : rt. sh. Kathan, A. W., Ronnes ‘Hill; ae Paar & Co., P., Calgary ;. ot eo tiahe C. W., Gelichen; Katy Holt, J. L., Ingleton; Mah Peeens John, Bowden; 7a 8 mer anne Bros., Innisfail; il Oe a Alberta Brand Book onl - + ON ||> fe mM BISoE0o Ly 4. Harvie, Mrs. Margaret N., Turin; rt. sh. Wilson, Lynn, Whitebrush; aS Roper,’ W. Trevor, Bittern Lake }/7G ar! Bryan, Dan O., Strathmar- tin? dvr! Downie & Sons, S., Car- stairs s3 et. F; Becker, E. A., Irvine; rte: Bragg, John, Gleichen; ) aso Traver, H. L., Bowden; rt.ik. Holowitink, Paul, Round Hill; Lie: Johnston, Samuel, Carstairs; bay A ge Dupee, Joseph, Coutts; ea Garson, Jno. A., Cochrane; isi A McFarlane, Geo. J., Ghost Pine Creek; 1. r. aes tem J. S., De Winton; A Hodges Bros., New Norway; re, signee Wm., Bassano; aA ey: A. P., Medicine Hat; Hm, Macleod; h. Vent same |. sh. McLeary, Stewart, Whitlash, Mont., U.S.A.; rt. n. Baldwin, S. E., Markerville; l. sh. Down, Lillian, ir. ae Jase Ws, Vent same rt. Lobley ; Lineham ; sh, Ings, rt. h, Rosehill, Martin, rt: a ae No ~~ mre ho} + THU Os} Os ale. ela a (ai No} TT Ra »| + 4, AR 4 fe S&S mM E/E) sl sy on} |e) 0 i+ Hogarth Robt., Cochrane; . sh. Bernard, D., Vermilion; ig wiley Frye, Chas. F., Olds; rt. r. Callaghan, Thos. G., Blac- kie; 1. r. L., New Nor- Wibray, Thos. way; rt. h. Newton, R. A., Langdon; Fiat: Russell, Mrs. ton; lor. W. G., Nan- Voisin, Louis, Carbon; rthors bere. Harley J., Zenith; Bae 2 Loney, Thomas, Norbo; NSE a Thompson, Geo., Little Plume; l. r. Parry, G., Calgary; rt. Tielebein, Fredk., Millet; rt. h. Z Moore, Thos., & Hardwick, Cyril D., Lyndon; 1. r. Vent 4 on |. sh. Both ears over slope. White, H. R., Medicine Hat; rt. h. Senner, Peter W., Hastings Coulee; rt. n. Medicine Babb & McLean, Hat’ -1. h: Johns, A. D., Grouard; 9 heat oF McHugh, Armstrong & Stavely, Seven Persons; Ww. a. W alter A. K., Medicine Hat; Vent bar over. Amphlett, Chas. E., Calgary; hg Ae Sickler, B. E., Coutts; re Alberta Brand Book 411 Jeske, Christian, Newburg; rt. r. Tolman, Katie, Cardston; FE; 205 Davis, Mrs. Eliz’th. Jane, In- nisfail; 1]. h. Strasser, Otto, Fieldholme; Tti) hb. Hornett, Mrs. Jane, & Hor- nett Bros., Penhold; 1. h. Paitson, Ernest W., & Shaw, Wellington A., Champion; Ree T. Benning, Wm., Camrose; rae rt » Hall, Mrs. Mary, Rimbey; i OS 3 Meneice, Miss Lydia, Wil- lows; rt. r. Meneice, Mrs. M., Willows; es 2 Van Dyke, Charles, White- brush = lx; Klassen, Abraham, Swalwell; ih: Courtney, F. W., Gleichen; FEAT. > Griffith, S. M., McEwan; LY: ert Christ, Tinchebray ; ates a i Jas. Edw., Endiang; jae 2 Goodrich, Mrs. Gertrude C., Airdrie; rt. r. mir sd & Kunzli, Coutts; a Graf, Otto, Twin Butte; | a 8 McKenzie, James & Walter, Milnerton; 1. sh. Courtney, F. W., Gleichen; It. Buchanan, Mitchell T., Ing- ersoll, Ont. ; Bradford, W. H., High Riv- er; rt. h. Sparks, T. H., Milnerton; rt. sh. Burles, Thos. W., Cowley; rt. Yr. Smith, Seymour B., Wm. C. Jr., John S., & Frank R., Mountain View; rt. r. ES + £ 2 wl Wie A I}. Ale PS EPle Py lS = A allo S||SP3] > 33|)35| 23°] 55 !| al] Co a ( > P| Zil/5 Stimson, Alice Maud, Eagle Butte ; rt.’ r. Gibson, Isaac, Lacombe; ees Crewe, Fred J., Irvine; Isr. Spence, James, Calgary; rt. aF. Orsburn, Wm. J., slope; Il. r. Neil Bros., Grassy Lake; bg, ipa #3 Sunny- Edler, Fred Wm., Didsbury; rt. h. Hanson, Peter, Daysland; Tt0a5 Schafer, Henry, Josephburg; sh: Patterson, James C., Mac; leod; rt. r. Bottomley, Mrs. M. M, Gadsby; rt. r. Hendrickson, Benjamin T., Nanton; rt. r. Summers, James, Erskine; Ti“k, Baxter, Frank R., Gilling- ham; 1. r. COrenes Claud, Claresholm ; Robinson, Edmund, Stauffer; htr: Knight, Geo., Norton; Eoish, Rogers, Andrew M., Lund- | breck; rt. r. Dav, Addison P., Medicine Hats) kx Archer, C. E., Eagle Butte; a . Tessier, George D., Calgary; Lr Kingler, Thomas, Coutts; ge East, Thomas, Red Deer; pA a oe Farriel, Mrs. Charles, Gil- lingham; rt. r. Anderson, Andrew J., Bent- i (digg Pea ce pe oh viper John J., Lethbridge; r { (a . Alberta Brand Book Ives, Albert E., Lethbridge; rt. h. Mark, Anton, Cremona; 1s Stapleton, M. J., Brooks; Teor) i Stirling, Robt. L., Creek, ‘Saskojaliiz: Battle Robinson, Ernest A., Doro- thy ete Hunt Brothers, Endiang; Dg We) ae Brothers, High River; Norman, Mrs. Minnie, Dick- son; rt. < is ns i Patrick, Macleod; phar gach ty Annie, Macleod; “hl Mackie, Geo., Medicine cat Sat: Ibey, Mrs. Annie, Mountain View; rt. r. Fraser, John, Nanton; vig a os Smith, Frank O., Daysland; a Pope Lambert, Moses, Ohaton; Lhe Sirr, Percy C., Medicine Hat; Wire Vilac-Guilbert, Mrs. Stainsleigh; 1. r. Louise, Garlough, Harris B., Eagle Butte; 1. r. Vogel Brothers, Carstairs; TEs Watmough, Miss Lethbridge; 1. sh. Stevens, A. T., Erskine; bg PD Annie, S Watson, Aubrey C., Meadow Creek; 1. j. pila lala aie NS Tl ar E4 pg ae ate CARAT ~ ) “+ | Robertson, J. H., Frank; Fg Oe Robinson, Mrs. F, S., Black Diamond ; rts; k; Courtney, Philip O., Glei- chen $\ rt.r: Hunter, Ernest, | Spring. Point; 1. r. 4 eae Wm. Roper, Calgary; Farrell, Annie, Lundbreck; ei Sh: f Skuce, Sid, Rosebud; ol ° Armey, Adam, Nanton; Bie Galdthorp, Geo., Stettler; ss ae Lowery, John, Carbon; ToT ; Lee, Elif, Vermilion; Tt. Barker E. J., Red WiHow; hs Schoemacker, Peter, May- ton Fhe Tannehill, C. A., Grassy Lake: hin Higgs, C. A., Red Deer; bo a Granlin, Ole J., Claresholm; h. rt Maughan, R. W., Holmstead; 5g UW oh Bigelow, O. O., Meadow Creek; 1. r. Knox, H. A., Nanton; l. h. Blain, Mrs. Jennie E., Stet- tler; lor. cea: C. H., Loveland; mS Alberta Brand Book 413 /s nN ( Doane, E. M., Airdrie; Tue. Ingham, Frank, Harmattan; rt. r. Vent bar under. vis od gare Bruce J., Cowley; Butcher, Jessie C., Bittern Lake}: rf.) ¥: Liesemer, John E., Didsbury; rt. h, Vent same rt. sh. Schnell, Christian, Irvine ; LB gs Wood, Thos. C., Calgary; Er: : Vent same rt. h imal Oscar D., Cardston; o. ® Wallace, James H., ridge; w. a. Leth- agar Simon, Lexington, Ky., AL Ste hip: Anderson, Albert E., Nan- ton; | Gregory, E. J., Irricana; rt. h. Chadwell, Chas., Big Valley; Se a : Ward, Samuel S., Reid Hill; ae Tae Cyr, Wm., Pincher Creek; by Oe ai oS Robert, Okotoks; Shand. Louie D.: & Waid. Dog Pound; 1. r. Michell, stone; lI. r. ourey Chas. R., Cardston; Ay 4 Wood, Mrs. Florence A., Macleod; rt. h. Anderson, Wm. M., Okotoks; rt: Bi: Barron, ji a Archibald, Nanton; nie odes S., Sedgewick; lee si E. J., Medicine Hat; at ha L. C., Cochrane; Si, 9 Gravitt, Rudolph §S., ford: rti-y. Steer- Ue = Sa DP I Scat Cnisorl cn | Or 41 -9 Icy F\0 y (Gy) 210. o) S PID On Norton, C. J., Content; Tt; B i seubh Jas. M.,. Gleichen; se Belway, Thos. J., Spring- bank rt.’ r. Madge & Son, Paul, Milk River; l.*r. Sutherland, Roger, Eagle Butte; 1. r. Grein, Adolph, Sunnyslope; Ft; Brown & Gibson, Vermilion ; ae ; Adams, Jean, Optic; LP 3 Simpson, Harry O., Big Val- ley; 1. r. Bateman, John T,, Card- ston; rt. r. Francis, H. P. E., Pekisko; l. sh. Lockwood & Richards, Ew- ing 3? 3, xs Jones, Ed. John, Mannville; rt.) h: ‘ako iyi Alex., Halley; riley Mackay Bros., Claresholm; le sh Malin, Louis J., Big Valley; gy fign 6 Moore, Willard & Herbert, Tolman; rt. r. Boaz, Thomas, Lineham; hx Richards, Geo., & Cochrane, Wm. R., Granum; rt.rn . Southern Alberta Land Co., Ltd., The, Medicine Hat; nr Frink, Mrs.. Clara C.,~ Pinch- er Creek; rt. r. Frink, E. H., Fishburn; up Redmond Live Stock Co., The, Bassano; 1. r. sae 2 A. L., Perbeck; Nay bis ii W. H.. Olds; Ae i Smith, Clarence B., mond; lL. r. Ray- 14 Alberta Brand Book Cooknell, Ernest, Cowley; haa €5- F5- Sims, H. R., Coutts; 1A Freeman, C. E., Lethbridge; | 6 Russell, Alex’r., Pincher Gteres l. sh. Vent same l. h. Klug, Fred., Yarrow; rt. h. Vent bar over brand. Putnam, Chas., Gros Ventre; lL. h. Wilson, Miss Helen, Medi- cine} Hats) doch: Wynn, Percy Howard, Knee RGN «he ere Girdley, Mrs. Iva, Big Val- ley; 1. sh. McIntosh, D. S., Willows; lr. Vent bar through. Conrad Circle Cattle Co., Lethbridge; 1. r. Riggs, M. A., Dog Pound; RAF: Stone, Marshall, Lake; w. a. Richards, A. T., Ewing; Ww. a. Beaver 6S ik shes Isabella, Moyie, Cashier. Cio ry sy H. H., Medicine Hat; a oA ) Alen, Edmond, Lundbreck; Tt s. & ae Smith, Walter, Raymond ; 1 ee Thompson, W. B., Edmon- ton 5Ttser Coughlin, H. P., Nanton; lr. Peron, B., Livingstone; Heppaets Jno. R., Nanton; 1. h. lee ap. John, Lethbridge; ae ef : Smith, Reed, Airdrie; ig 7 ti: Knight, E. H., Gaetz Valley; ek: Wuerch, Daniel, Newburg; . HM Oakes & Murdock, Didsbury ; rt. sl. Cornell, Sidney M., Ponoka; ir Ellingson, J. W., New Nor- way; rt. r. Richards, Walter, Nanton; rt. %. 7 Morrish, Wesley J., Page, NDS rte McTavish, Mrs. James, Dids- bury 3) rhe Merino Ranche Co., Calgary; l. sh. Bradshaw, John F., Magrath; i Bars Vetter, A., Leduc; l. sh. Gray, John, Carbon; Sy: Ash, E. J.,, Perbeck; AR ; Peters, Joseph, Cardston; rt-o8 Bodgener Bros., Macleod; Dese Day, A.~P., Medicine Hat; Lor. Clark Bros., Hohnstown; rt ir: Harwood, R., Grainland; Tesiiks Laisneg & Co., Jules, Stet- tler ; rt.-r. ’ i — Alberta Brand Book 415 6 © oO} > myott, Gordon, Didsbury; Lith vw ~ gla Joseph S., Stirling ; un Hulme, W. E. C., Millerville ; Te. Te Altmann, Albert, Didsbury; he ‘sh. Walter, Percy W., Tees; et Miller, Peter, Content; rity Roberts, Henry, Grand Prai- rie; l. thigh. Northcott, George, Tapscott; 3 Bs oe ler. Henry C., Bentley ; Blois, H. S., Noelton; it sh: Gregoire, Hormisdas, Millet; By. Klaholt, John, Carstairs; Tt x: Bruce, James, Eweline; dy ¢é hos & Lund, Hillsdown; ne McCaig, Dugald, Medicine aes Tt. 5. Coxson, DeWitt F., Macleod; | Ake al White, Chas. E., Perbeck; TteT: Bowles, Fred., Ferintosh; 5 4 ook # Robison, Jas. W., Carbon; rt. sh. Dawson, H. S., Lyndon; rt. sh. Young, Laura Pearl, Cal- gary} ren Gallagher, Richard, Car- stairs; ]. h. Fox, Leland Wesley, Oakes- dale,~ Wash.,' U.S.A, 3° rt../r. Brewster & Moore, Banff, bg Aaah og Rowden, C. M., Knee Hill Valley; rt. r. ate A. P., Medicine Hat; Bah Fete. H. L., Magrath; ato Guagoeh, Menno, Mayton; Jarboe & Gravett, Medicine Hats rt. ir Jefferies, Charles, Neapolis; reir: Young, James S., Daysland; racine Weestra, Arry, Leavings; 1 ME 9 Lang, Emanuel, Granum ; l, r. Greig, James, De Winton; Loh; Fletcher, Frank, Morley; pees hy Davy, Wilfred, Airdrie ; Ha Hubbell, C. H., Red Willow; Lg tape # Green, Mrs. H. F., Lund- breck; 1. h. Mitchell, Wm., Eagle Butte; y. Semple, Andrew, Landon- ville; 1. sh. Legg, L. J., Ewing; Yt YF: Elder, James H., Calgary; TE. Xe Armstrong, Robt., Stettler; Tt, 4%. Richards, Wm., Lundbreck ; Pts kT. Baert, T., Legal; Bet Stone & Son, H. G., Red Deer; rt. r. Hill, David P., Fountains: town; rt. Ir. Steckle, A. H., Milk River; | ie Nielson, James O., Cardston; ie Martin, Ovila, St. Paul de Metis; 1. sh. Reynolds, John, Seven Per- sons; l. r. a 16 Alberta Brand Book | “I “| yes x aa ia 5 Bcc: S U SJ] NE NENU NY NU ENE SEEN PS BRBRENSEEE Lokier, Jett & Co., J. B., Taber; sh. Vent same _ inverted SAS} Lewis, D. R. & M.:.L., Dog Pound; 1. sh. Loftus & Dickson, rinistyes': eS E: J., Calgary; MF ek Sibbald, J. B., Victor; rt: A. Johnson, August, Sylvan Lake; rt. n. Watson, M. G., Medicine be Mia g all Wyndham, John Stuart, Glen- view; Il. h. Vent bar through. Belanger, Onesime, St. Edon- Ara erty on. Gray, Maggie, Stettler; HEN A McPherson, Everett, Nanton; TGon. Thos. I., Mats iy, Medicine Dunham, ‘M. M., Vegreville; rt. h. gan ih W. E., Springbank ; Spencer, John, Coutts; l, r. Vent bar over. Stevenson, Robt. G., Pine Lakes «rer. Bellmont, Fred., Olds; Ttcsh, Murray, Rob. & Arch’d., Murray Valley; l. r. Sawyer, Lyle Prats re. El Slater, Geo. H., Berry Creek; 1. j. Gordon, Ironside & Fares Co., Ltd., Winnipeg, Man. ; lor & h., and rher: Sharp, Alfred S., Calgary: rt. h. Vent same under brand. V., Medicine ~ C) Geneau, Albert, Redcliff; rhcshe French, Edw’d. N., Evarts; rt: h: Smith, F.-P., Calgary; 2 eas 1 Seymour M.,’ Hand Taylor, Hills; w. a. Garlough, Mrs. Susan J., Eagle Butte; w. a. Bragg, John, Gleichen; rt. r. McPherson, Andrew, Youngs- town; rt. r. Williams, R. G., Swift Cur- rent, ‘Sask. -rt.-5. McKay, Wm. E., Medicine Hats it' 2 Smith, W. Cunningham, Prince Albert, Sask.; 1. r. Melnyk, John Star: Et Dunn, Mrs. Arthur, Dorothy; rt. sh. Phelps, B. P., Hillsdown; sg Mes Brewster, Florence, Macleod; rt. Walton, Joseph E., Verdant Valley; 1. r. Steed, Joseph E., Cardston; v8.7. Ball, Geo. C., Calgary; FEE. Bartch, Chris, Brant; Lin Mayberry, Thos., Medicine Fiat 5 £tieks Eckersley, Albert, Calgary; Wat Borup, Christ 8., Lethbridge; ses oe Page, R. M., Medicine Hat; | Pie 4 i Alberta Brand Book 417 a Marchant, H., Cowley; Eten 3. Leary Bros., Round Up; Hts Wilson, Thos. L., Leavitt; EY; Beierback, John, Walsh; $4.7 Sh. Anderson, Hans C:;, Hawk- eye; Lr. Gordon, Ironsides & Fares Yes Ltd., Winnipeg, Man. ; By Day, John F., Medicine Hat; | ie Lawrence, F. ‘C., «Little lume; l. r. Brann, John H., | Spring Lakes 1. r. ohnston, James, Leth- bridge; rt. r.° Shantz, Nathan, Dorothy; gdh Shantz, Nathan, Dorothy; rt. r. Forhan, Oswald, Evarts; rt. sh. Mudie, Harry, Eagle Butte; Bear: Bays A. P., Medicine Hat; ie, Kirby, Kittie, reek; l. r. Rosebud Bis asi’ & Co. Ps s@alzary:; Henning, Gray, Hastings Coulee; rt. h. Tucker, Norman, Vermilion; db eh ea H. A., Walsh; 2%, Beaudry, Oscar, Pekisko; l. sh. Mythaler, rt.. T- George, Nanton; Ingram, Wm., Lethbridge; re. 7, ss Bentley. Emerson D., Medi- cine Hat: |.«r. Wynnyczuk. Hryeko, Vegre- ville; rt. h. Charlebois, D. E., Carbon; bs i = 1 o™ > i ~) A es A Cole, Earl D., Stettler ; rt, Bivens, R. G., Flagstaff ; TEs Garlough, - Harris, Eagle Butte; Lr. Diebel, F.,-Neapolis; reo; Donnan, John R., Bowville; RAY: Sanders, P. D., Calgary; EGE Xe Kidner, Jas. W., Red. Deer: rt. sh. Hastings, C. A., Hastings Coulee; 1. r. Blaschek, Frank, Taber; 1g : Palmer, Annie Maud, Medi- cine Hat; rt. r. Clark, W. E., Little Plume; rt. r. Stringam, Geo. L., Glen- wood; lL. r. Hayes, Robert, Lundbreck; Ber; McDonald, J. R., Strath- more; l. r. Bales, Joel, Carstairs; rt. Ds Burns & Co., P., Calgary; ] ot. Koekn, Andreas, Sunnyslope; Cty Xs Young, Hugh, Ribstone; Ee McNabb, Duncan, Langdon; ‘e Whitney, Grant D., Olds; ], sh. Southern Alberta Land Co., Medicine Hat; 1. r. Tuttle, Tomas, Rimbey; ee Lyall. Charles F., Strome; rt. Turis, A., Carstairs; rt. h. Furgason, G. H., Stettler; is piwee Robert D., Mound; ey — ee “Pye Alberta Brand Book Gem BNE 1] ta] ™ ‘Q x a Grey, A. J., Nanton; ee = 8 Coppock, RoC.) & the oa Tongue Creek; rt. h. Vent same rt. sh. McClellan, L. K., Red Deer; I? 98 Mills, Ephraim, Wainwright; hah Marshall, F. Fty; A., Kinnondale ; =, Shead, Alice L., Yarrow; rt. mn. Bray, Mrs. J., Medicine Hat; l.r. Vent bar through. Webster, Gerald, Kew; J5%: Moore, Stephen, Airdrie; 1x: Delinicks, Joe, Swift Cur: rent; w. a. Walker, A. K., Medicine Hat; as Day, A. P., Medicine Hat; McDermott, W. N., La- combe; w. a. Reid, Tohn, Eagle Butte; Tt. Ty Riddell & Macleay Bros., Pe- kisko; 1]. r. Kays, George, Three Hills; tte: Scheesschmidt, Albert E., Stettler; 1. r. Elliot,. James, Airdrie; Woh ‘S| ma ae oO 7 4 Pe Pas [phe AY SHU Melle (I GE | O Mm Q SP) oll lay Mend McCorresta, Henry, Peace River Crossing; Hassard, Claude, Eagle Buice; Yr. Huntting, Harry H., Talbot; rt. sh, Robinson, Noble M., den; w. a. Bow- Mullins, Jr., Wm., Walsh; rt, “7 Viney, Henry, Hunterville; lh. Tennant & Sons, H., Coutts; ], hh. Arnold, Albert, Crossfield ; ]. sh. Smith, Samuel R., Innisfail; l, sh. Ewing, S. J., Jackville; rt. he Campbell, M. A., McEwan; . sh. : Harrington, Lewis O., Tur- ner, Oregon, U.S.A.; lL. r. Muller, Gottfrid, Strathmar- tine; Ter, Armstrong, Geo. M., Elk- water; lI. r. Hunter, Henry A., Medicine Hat) yar Palmer, Robert W., Stettler; rt. sh. Smith, Gaetz Herbert & Lorne, Valley; rt. sh. Alberta Brand Book 419 a oe i Ps os a) a ” “iF 9 +910 ,]-9,]49\)-0;1-01-0,1-0,1 9-0 | — (2 NY) | a le eC 36 ry 5! a of aia Ss) t Hough, Otto V., Okotoks; | SSeS Walton, J. H., Calgany; rt. hi: Durrant, Mrs. Durrant, Wm lingham ; Lr. Bradshaw, John F., Magrath; 5 ae “oe E., & Bsa} 'Gil- King, W. G., De Winton; bi. Steeve, Robt. H., High River; 1. r. Ralph, Mrs. High River; rt. Louhana, h, eee, James, Innisfail; ges ae ere, John, Stettler; Yee James F., Willows: » Rea, ky Faulkner, pret E., Conjur- ing Creek : rth: Day, A. P., Medicine Hat; Pp a a Hogbin, Rev. G. Hi Gal: Bary). x, Larkin, Alex. R., Bullocks- ville; 1. h. The Horse Track poe Co., Ltd., Langdon; 1. h. Malin & Carlson, Big Valley ; rt. h. ARBITRARY McInenly, Daniel J., Arrow- wood; lr Nawlin, ee W., Clares- holm; 1. h, Dunbar, Hubert S., Three Hills; rt. h. Garlough, Harris B., Eagle Butte; rt. r. Vent bar. Prince, Raymond, Calgary; l, sh. Vent same under brand. McDonald, Angus §., Pound; | .h. er, Dog Vent bar un- Th 98 SAID bo i=) Alberta Brand Book CCC =) ))) [3 )@)>| I+ 2 ne REET THE Franklin, John, Macleod; ].h. Vent bar through Left ear cropped close to. head. Walton, Geo. A., Verdant Valley; 1. h. Vent bar un- der brand. Denton, Frank G,, Calgary} l. r. Vent bar under. Gunn, Mrs. Edith K., Living- stone; 1. r. Vent brand in- verted 1, h. Lee, Alice Mary & Florénce Louise, Millarville; 1. th. Riddell, Douglas, High Riv- er; l. r. Vent same invert- ed 1, h. Gray, Dr. Herbert B., Berk- shire, Eng. ; 1. h. Vent bar through brand. Gordon, Ironside’ & Fares, Co., Ltd., Winnipeg, Man. ; 1. h. Vent same 1. sh. Henderson, Thos., Gleichen; rt: r. Vent same rt. sh. Rankin, Cam, Twin Butte; 1. sh. Vent same inverted on : sg & Smith, Cowley; ae Wallace, Richard A., High River; 1. th. Boyce, John James, Eagle Butte; |. r. fac eas a Vic., Calgary; Hunter, Ano ae Meadow ae: lh. Vent samé Patshy Shackle, Guy, Midnapore; rt. r. Vent brand with half circles top and bottom. Eckford, A. H., High River; Lr & hip. Shaw, L. C., Lethbridge; rt. h. Vent same _ inverted Pe Sh. Todd, John P., Okotoks; rt. sh. Vent ( with three half circles under. Simple, James, ale a Chauvin ; and I on 1. sh. Ironside, L., Winnipeg ; Tere Duthie, R., Pincher Creek; lr. Vent same _ inverted on l. h. Wattle 1. cheek. Carbon; Wigmore, Elinor, l. th. Vent same onl. sh. Ambler, John J., Wetaskiwin; ' Vent bar above brand. McMillan, Robert L., High River; I. h. Vent same 1, sh. Campbell, John I., Stavely; rr ZeueUPERHEREOESEODOAZGOIGN Mepauses Bros., :Carstairs;_ oA . Malo, E., Taber; lr. Vent same 1. h. Bartlett, Roger G., Huxley; rte r: : Gullekson, b Gay: Wi Wetaski- win; rt..r. & rt. h, Dean; A: 'H:; Okotoks; rt. neck. Merino Ranche Co.,-Gak gary; l. jaw. Gilbert, John, Pincher Sta- tion; rt. neck. i he McDonald, Chas. M., Olds; l. jaw. Tricker, Mrs. W. H.} Car bon; rt. jaw. Wenat, H. F., Daysland; l. jaw. aa ite a l. neck Mannville; Bartsch, Chris, Brant; on nose. E. E., Strath- ]. neck. Robinson, G. N., Tolman; rt. neck. Warren, Mrs. more; McLaine, Mrs. Warren,. Lethbridge; rt. neck. Coon, Conrad, Macleod; rt. jaw. Dawson, John C., Mountain View; l. yr. Vent same in- verted 1. Brede, Hermann, Stettler; rt. h Davies & Morton, Lavoy; ah McHugh, Armstrong & Stavely, Seven Persons ; irs Tank, Anicl, Pincher Creek; l. sh. Macdonald, Allan J., Lyn- on; lr. Rosenroll, A. S., Wetaskiwin ; ee Young, B. S., Raymond; py See 8 Riddle, D. M., High *River; 1. h. Palmer, Bruce, Gleichen; ae ie ERA Sn ny Ee eS ee a eS a MaRS 4 PEE “eyes a [cox cox a eB Alberta Brand Book 421 S}o] P11) ofS ine Gi far] <4 © ee > a :Roy, -C.— We BL, Royton; rt. sh, Knight, Charles, Calgary; Te Ff. Poynter & Sons, W. H., Pro- Wosts ly; M-Cormick, Mike, Bowell; t D. rr, Rice, R., Ranfurly; rt. h, Key, Geo. Sander- ville; 1. r. Heriot, Schier, J. L., Parvella; tte h: soi hecho A. J., Nanton; a eepncers P.. D., Calgary; r. fa as Norman, Vermilion; Strand, William, Seven Per- sons; rt. r. Tucker, H. W., Redlow; rt. h. Tangen, Henry, Dolcy; 1, sh, Stewart, J. A. G., East Cal- gary; Lr. SMES OECOoses CATTLE Hoof Marks and Ear Tags Cox, A. N., Gillingham ; tag in right ear. Cox, A. N., Gillingham ; tag in left ear. Spilsted & Son, Charles, Spilsted; tag in right ear. Brebner, Mrs. Emily, Spruce Grove Centre; tag in right ear. Anderson, P. B., Bardo; tag in right ear. WHOS me Crosweller, Henry Francis, Victor; rt. h. Bonltce, Fred., Little Plume; Hoehn, Frank L., Dolcy; rt. h. Reed, Chas. E., Crossfield; a Fe Marsden, Henry Carman- gay; rt. r. Le Tous, Jean, Summerview; rt. sh. Alcock, Mrs. Mary, Endon; rt. h. McConkey, Jas. H., Cayley; ore oe Wright, A. W., Pincher reek; 1. h. Schoch, Benno, Monval; 1. h, sc oy a A. W., Macleod; Haxris, Howell, Lethbridge; . ¥. Wilson, T. G., Livingstone; rt: & Lr: Blake & Miles, Pincher Creek; Ll. r. Winslow, J. E., Woodbend; right front hoof. Beard, H. W., Gleichen; tag in left ear. Mair, W. H., Chipman; tag in left ear. Brelsford, Fred, Alsack, Sask.; left front hoof. ie 7 » at tame tes SES > CATTLE BRANDS SUPPLEMENT — RECORDED DURING 1913 sf eye lear Sat Ags Sar cake tr ee Se * ca Sy -e a ea ee a ene Seen eae »olptol Le] 8 [x] Ree ele] 8|>]> > — — CATTLE BRANDS SUPPLEMENT FOR ALBERTA Recorded during the Year 1913 Department of Agriculture Pound Districts Ordinance, Edmonton; |}. sh., vent immediately below brand. Department of Agriculture, Fstray Animals Ordinance, Edmonton; 1. h., vent immediately below brana Dereaty: Amelia, Millet; l.s dar rege F A., Blackie; 1 Ingraham, Amos L., Calgary. rt Lafferty, Dr. arid Allhusin, Wil- ton, Calgary: rt. sh. Jefferies, D. J.. Meadow Creek; ]. Tr Stewart, A M., Priddis: rt. sh Anderson, Andrew, Medicine Hat: 1. sh Alexander. Alfred. Stettler: lh Abelene. Andrew, Irvine: rt. sh Culbertson, A. J.. Bassano: 1. sh Fraser. Albert W., Iron Springs: rt n Leroy. Albert, Fedorah. Lh MacKenzie. Harvey, Faith: lr Mathisen. Axel, Scollard: Tt. r Postlethwaite. A.. Diamond itv: l.h Wood, Alfred A.. Nanton: rt. h La Adolph. Knappen; fe: > AC AD AF iS) AK AL AP AP AP AR AR AR AS AT AU AV AX AX Ax Huser, Geo. H., Crossfield; 1. sh. Dean, Jacob, Lake Saskatoon; 1, sh, ht fe, Angus T., Throne; a Janke, Adolph, Walsh; rt. h. Aker, Alexr., Cadogan; ~ ]. sh. Alchin, Ben, Maughan; rt. h. Piper, Mrs. Annie, Brooks; rt. sh. Sa abhi A. P., Flat Lake; Cousins, Robt. W. K., Hardisty; rt. r. Roskin, Aaron, Rumsey; 1. sh. Reske, August, Leduc; rt. sh. Rogers, E., Rumsey; rt. fr. Sanderson, Alex., Winnjfred; rt. sh. Beck, rt. h Baker, Wm. H., Clive; rt. r. Allan, Glenview; Ambler, Mrs. Mary A., Irma; rt. sh. - Martin, A. H., Kitscoty; rt. sh. Munro, Alex., Rosglynn; 1. sh. Albert, Max, Beiseker; rt. sh. a bo nse Alberta Brand Book SERBREECES tj] Co >| = I e}5 Gi | tt.) Gi |G OS Bester, Henry, Ewelme; rt. 2. Bourget, Joseph, Beauvallon; rt. }. > - Berge, P. L., Tilley; Tb.(% Archibold, John, Champion; l. sh. Ellert, J. B., Milk River; rt. h. Billow, Harry A., Hutton; rt. ©. Johnston Bros., Langdon; Tek. Rogers, Senr., George, Car- stairs; rt. r. ie Bert -N., Whitla; Bubna, Countess Irene Mary, The Cottage, Kingsbury, near London, Eng.; |. r. Bauer, Adolph, Youngstown; rt. sh. Berreth, A., Schuler; rt. h. Bunnell Bros., Mirror; rt. r. ree Thos. L., Lindville; me Aginias, Benjamin, Aljex., Lac © Ste. Anne; |. sh. Blaine, Joseph B., Okotoks; rt. sh. Booth, Chas. E., De Winton; rt. sh. Budden & Coombes, Stauffer; 1. sh. Blais, Adam, Cowley; rt. h. Brodigan & Co., Rosebud Creek; 1. r. Dodson Bros., Rocky Rapids; rt. sh. Brodie, Watson & Sons, Big Valley; rt. r. GH td bi EES Karte 1S PPS CASS Pea ead hem m™ [ral PSPS bie eats T. B., Chin; . .T. Breuer, J. A., Puffer; rt. sh. Bowen, Art E., Merna; 1. sh. ae Ernie, Crossfield; » I. Brown, E. C., Raymond; rt. r. Bossert, Ed:., Carnforth; 1. sh. Fritz, Mrs. Eric Brand, Twin Butte; rt. sh. Bowey, Jno., and Evans, Ed- mund B., Munson; I. r. Belcourt, Julian, Lac Ste. Anne; rt. sh. Elder, Cecil B., Cochrane; rt. sh. Fisher Bros., Hutton; 1. sh. MecMerramin, B. F., Taber; rt. sh. Trotter, D. W., Calgary; rt. sh. ae Bros., Consort; Yr. Boissevain & Son, D. F., Strath- more; rt. sh. Burrard Grain Co., Ltd., Days- land; l.r. Berg, John, Mirror; rt. sh. Cleats A. H., Calgary; . sh, et Bros. & Gery, Bassano; A} Bowman, Peter, Mound; rt. sh. Browns Harbow B., Strathmore; . 8h. Bagshaw, Harry, Wahstao; rt. sh. Alberta Brand Book 425 BM IBN eel lex bs bi IESEESESE Berard, Honore, Durlingville; Tc. 3s Bowman, Jas. H., Minburn; . sh. Johnston, Jas. Alex., Dalroy; rt. sh. Bjarnason, Johann, Marker- ville; 1. sh. Brown, J. D., Raymond; 1. sh. Booker, Mary, Airdrie; rt. sh. Coulture, G. A., Rosebud Creek; 1. sh. ay eae Gavin, Gilt Edge; Lucas, Jas. H., Vulcan; PEAT! < Bodnarick, Beil, Hardieville; 1. sh. Beal, Wm. J., Vermilion; 1, sh. Benson, M. H., Nightingale; rt. sh... Burmei, Mytro, Mundare; rt. sh. Manown, W. B., Strathmore; rt. sh, de Blaguire, Maurice, Dorothy; 1. sh. Ball, Matthew, Trenville; rt. sh. Brotherton, I. N., Landonville: 1. sh. Brunton, B. I., Milk River; 1. sh. Maxwell, Bert, Amisk; rt. h. Dy i "Caine B. M., Merna; Briggs, Mrs. Nellie, Riddellvale; rt. sh. Brennan, H. J. Veteran; I. h. and F. A., Bodenman, John, Garden Plains; 1. sh. Tyson, G. B., Trochu; 1. h. Proberts, A. B., Grassy Lake; ]. sh. Patterson Bros, Leslieville; rt. sh. Dy) 1D] I] I |B (| -)o Go PEA PS )?53 594234 Do 63 ») by Pa} wy G ts] 5 G3] G3] bd SMIRISISI BSS] Sy SpseciSie Bengin, A. & Pihen, M., Monvel; rt. sh. Benoit, P. F., Crossfield; 1. sh. Brett, Ronald, Canyon; 1. sh. Ray, Geo., Stoppington: it. sh. Bowman, R., Islay; 1. sh. Brown, Robt. P., Kinsella; rt. h. Sykes, Arthur H., Cardston; rt. h, Taylor, Bert, Halkirk; rt. sh. Brooks, Mrs. T. D., Purple Springs; |. sh. Tessier Bros., ress ip es Bowles, Jno. Thos., Veillette; 1. sh. ie yebiens M., Heath; Ce ela Thos., Islay; Trimming, J. E. & B. M., - Marwayne; I. h. Carpenter & Co.,.W. M., Big- stone; Bachoffer, Valentine, Therien; r: Boutry, Achilk, Bellevue; rt. sh. se Oe W. H., Greenshields; . sh. sans spine Harold, Didsbury; aT. Wells, B. B., Glencurrie; rt. sh. Begoon, C. J., Castor; rt. r. Barr, Wm., Vermilion; l. h. Ball, Chas., Lougheed; 1. sh. ssa et Adolphe, Monvel; Belanger, Joseph E., St. Paul de Metis; !. sh. 7 ae Jules R., Wainwright; Ho 26 Alberta Brand Book Baxter, Jas., Erskine; ee! as rskine BY Baily, Louis and Arthur, Brooks; 1. sh. C Cairns, Norman Dods, Coch- rane; rt. r. So ge sic George, Lloydminster; AG » bse, A. E., Victor; Cousins, R. W. K., & Foreman, C. W., Irma; rt. h. Becker, R. C., Webber; 1. sh. Crabb, Mrs. E. M., Barnwell; rt. n. Cyr, Levitte B., Gleichen; rt. r. vent same Tt. sh., Marks double wattles under throat. Post, Clare B., Bergen; rt. r. Cole, Manley R. D., Consort; 1. sh. Arthur, Consort; SSBHeSE Bejaul, ; C-C Cutts, C. M., Aldersyde; rt. r. Wallace & Co., J. H., Leth- bridge; 1. side. sir cee Wm., Nanton; Fee on A) On O | < D Daily & Sons, Lemuel, Tofield; Tt. n. be er Fred., Elkwater; 2 i ay C. C., Hutton; - DO. E Y Hiakely, John, Cummings; es n, Hans C., Stettler; Re Scott, Claud H., Dalroy; 1. sh. Cleland, Michael, Cowley; rt. sh. & Comparino, Marcello, Blair- . more; 1. sh. Johnson, Alex. Robt., Rodino; rt. sh. oes Claud Cecil, Coralynn; oT. on Miss Kassie, Faith; Tr. erg & Son, Enock, Irwinville; Brooks, B. D., Spirit River; rt. sh. Walstrom, Carl, Stettler; rt. r. ae in Joseph, Gopher Head; . sh. Clayton, John, Carbon; rt. h. '* i Ironside & yout oe P com Geet Ralph A., Walsh; GS th. lam Maal Ian D., Parr; a> McColl, Donald, Stavely; Alberta Brand Book 427 peace Dudley W., Stettler; Smith, Alex. B., Chipman; l. n. Finkbine, E. C. & W. O., Hussar; rt. r. Fetroe, Edwin M., Strathmore; Fir. Burns, A. P., & McLean, N. V., Medicine Hat; rt. r. Smyth, Francis P., Crossfield; WwW. a. Doering, Udolf, Mayton; rt. sh. MeWilliams, Albert E., High River; rt. r. French, J. D.,- Mannville; . rt. sh. Rattary, John, Cremona; rt. sh. Haskell, Wm., Coutts; ]. sh. Laub, Dale, Metiskow; 1, h. Nolele, H. A., & Dining, Wm. H., Hillcrest, Calgary; rt. r. Deblois, Moise, Bonnyville; rt. sh. MelIntyre, Peter, Reid Hill; rt. sh. rates Ny Hector, Summerview; rt. h. E MeWilliams, Albert E., High River; 1. n. Eley, Mrs. Lena D., Buckhorn; rt. h. Mackenzie, Edith Anne, Kits- coty; l.r. Rodier, Edmond, Calgary; rt. h. Wade, Edward, Gleichen; ]. sh. Taylor, Samuel E., Vulcan; rt. th. O 2 1 “t= SU DU DU DU DU DV NN DV DX DX Dx DX m—N DY D7 aH) oda Reed, D. V., Leavitt; 1. sh. pres Geo. F., Vermilion; Ors Woodruff, Mrs. A. H., Ewelme; rt. r. ss & Bass, Chin; ch Ditto Bros., A. G., O. C. & Irl, Stavely; rt. r. Dickeau, Carl, Wetaskiwin; rt. h. Deford, C. T., Vermilion; teh; Doty, A. V., Black Diamond; rt. sh. sg a Thos. Noble, Acme; Desjarlais, James, Peace River Crossing; 1. n. Douglas, J. B., Cayley; rt. sh. McCallum, Daniel, Empress; 1. sh. Dahl Bros., Standard; rt. sh. Parker, B. H., & Johnson, Carl, Rumsey; I. r. Clennin, Wm., Bawlf; rt. sh. Humphreys, J. C., Knappen; rt. r. Evans, Earl L., Leslieville; l. th. Grice, Edward W., Donalda; rt. h Wallace & Co., J. H., Leth- bridge; rt. h., vent bar under. Hart, Edwin W., Vermilion; rt. h. Hunter, Isaac E., Seven Per- sons; I. sh. nS bo (02) ae eet Alberta Brand Book WW mM ius} m RB eri oe es aa 7 i EA EA aN EB EB EB EB EB EB Eb EB EC EC ED EE EE Ed Ev EO ED Eo can EH ek ee Eric, Didsbury; ]. h. Sicha neg & Sons, Waddington; rt. BR. " Rose, Erle B., Carlstadt; rt. h. ele igay Hans E., Namaka; bake Edwin, Aldersyde; aes Hodgson, Ernest A., Dewberry; rt. sh. Elliott, Albert, Kitscoty; rt. sh. Bogardus, E. H., Munson; ]. sh. McFetridge, Fred. Lacombe; I. r. Thos., Espedahl Bros., Cadogan; rt. sh. Edey Bros., Carmangay; l. sh. Baird, Ernest E., Twin Butte; rt. sh. Brown, Ernest W., Cooking Lake; rt. sh. Bahme, Emel, Mound; 1. sh. Brown, Ernest D., Calgary; rt. sh. Careless, E. J., Heart Lake; 1. sh. Janse, E. C., Wetaskiwin; Té. 0: Drury, Edward, Edgerton; l. sh. Tilley, Chas., Lundbreck; rt. h. Jabs, Jacob, Bright View; rt. sh. Griffin, A. E., Taber; rt. sh. Harvey, Edith A., Milk River; rt. sh. ab eke: E. A., Wildunn; Ironmonger, Chas, E., Hillcrest Mines; 1]. sh. Grabell, Maud E., Fraserton; rt. sh. . Spencer, Burton B., Lethbridge; rh or. mim |e, m™ »~ MIM LM jlo} mM I!) mim 3 1 O GIOKS Pes PK re ) ry tJ 4 MM) UU 1p) A ER Lij tM Cleak, J. Elwood, Medicine Hat; rt. r. erie RS Ernest H., Maughan; . sh. | Jensen, Hans E., Tripola; rt. sh. as 4 John, Strathmore; Jahnke, Mrs. E. A., Dalroy; rt. sh. Dase Bros., E. M., Taber; rt. sh. - ew! David E., Claresholm; — . sh. Duell, E. B., New Dayton; rt. sh. evr W. H., Provost; sr Farrell, Ed., Campbell Lake; 1. sh. Lang, E. Blake, Chauvin; rt. sh. Beazley, Ernest W. & Lily, Beaver Mines; 1. sh. by Mahan, Jas. E., Vermilion; ]. sh. Nigh, Chas. Ed., High River; 1. sh. Nonesses Eliner, Blackie; . sh. rt Neidham, Ralph, Lakeview; rt. I. Ekman, Andrew, Lake Thelma; rt. r. Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth, Irvine; l. sh. Beane O. E., Loyalist; me Jones, T. E., Cairns; Fin; Powell, C. R., Viking; l. sh. Peterson, A. E., Chauvin; rt. sh. Pierce, Mrs. Ed. C., Seven Persons; rt. r. Cuthbertson, Norman, Brown- field; rt. r. Shepler Bros., Dorothy; 1. th. mee Wallace; Shandleigh; © t. sh. Alberta Brand Book 429 teil lah oo T= — cia) 3 2] Fc] a) ) C “TI > Theroux, Els, Duvernay; rt. sh. Burns, A. P. & McLean, N. V., Medicine Hat; 1. r. Roberts, Wm. Smith, Vermilion; rt. sh. Binning, Henry, Bowden; rt. r. Heinemann, Ernest, Northern Valley; rt. sh. Pamerlean, Emile, St. Paul des Metis; 1. sh. Edwards, Mrs. Nell, Cheadle; ]. sh. Mulligan, Mr. & Mrs. Ed., Keoma; 1. sh. Howarth, Jno. Ed., Rainbow; 1. sh. : Hurst, Mrs. Ida E., Kinnondale; rt. sh. F Cowling, Fred., Vandyne; nye Fuller, J. D., Chin; rt: hk Lobley & Bro., Fred., Lobley; n. rt. Basken, F. Jordon, Carlstadt; tay. Markham, John, Brooks; | Hiller, Friedrich, Walsh; rt. sh. Neumann, Fred., Irvine; 1. th. Smith, Fred. C., Suffield; rt. sh. Wilson, Frank S., Merna; | Oe Nitsch, Wm., Brooks; rt. sh. Morton, Thomas, Innisfail; W.A. Ackerman, C. F., Spring Lake; rt. sh. OH }.7 m mM NP IZ) ZIPs Px s IKE Ernest, Henry W., Loma; 1. sh. Ryan, J. M., Eastway; rt. sh. Wilber, E. W., Olds; ** Yt sh: naa E. A., Sunnyslope; Manhart, E. D., Alix; Fb: Ekiss, Chas., Nanton; Tt: ds eee J. E., Butte, Mont.; - 8a, Adains, Ernest, Throne; rt. sh. McDuffee, E. N., Hutton; bg ae 0 Tinney, T. H., Medicine Hat; Ft..iX Almquist, F., Throne; . sh. Ford, Arthur, Milk River; rt. sh. Leader, Mrs. Mary, Claresholm; rt. r. Shelton, F. D., Bruce; l. sh. De Gruchy, John- Francis, Saltaux; |. sh. Day, H. F., Viking; rt. sh. Felix, Frank, Greenshields; 1 sh. Galloway, F, W., Champion; mAD 3: Hellen, F., Vandyne; l. sh. Russell, Chas. O., Fountainse town; rt. sh. 5 Jackober, Fred., Schuler; rt. sh. Porter, Fred., Hardisty; ]. sh, a ot) i) BR as O10) ,O} OU) Oley C) 1 OO 11 M11 D1 @ SEEEESEEESEEBREERSS Alberta Brand Book eo a Parsonage, Fred. es Battle Creek, Sask.; 1. r Sivacow, Fred., Botha; rt..r. Schmolke.: Steed: Holden? rt. h. a Skuce, Frank, Beiseker; rt. sh. G — John, Mannville; it Gordon, Frank W.; Bassano; rt. r. Clark, Geo. E. & A. E., Cochrane; 1. h. auyon, John E., Acme; Rs Bent, Geo. C., Whitla; rt. h. Jones, Gordon J., Big Valley; rt. r. Hogsn, G. 8., Hutton; ov. Mathews, G. C., Peace River Crossing; I. r. Chapman, J. C., Hutton; rt. sh. Algot, G. J., Angle Lake; l. sh. Afseth, Christ, Holden; rt. sh. Chartier, Alex., Heath; rt. r. pane Arthur, Cummings; rt. Gant, Allen, Sedgewick; 1. sh. Banners Geo. A., Monvel; Se ace C. A., Sunnyslope; Gamache, Arthur, Brosseau; rt. sh. Cooper, A. D., Edgerton; rt. ©. TN a DA GB JB ob QB OB OB oB oB oB 0B Qe YE OC Dye OC SYe OG Snell, Forest E., Youngstown; Tt. 2. , are nee eee Ursenbach, O. F., Raymond; rt. sh. pres ewe a A., Stettler; Atkinson, Fred., Fort Sas- katchewan; rt. T. “ Crabb, Mary A., Magrath; rt. h. Beattie, George, Carlstadt; rt. sh. Biorge, Hans E., Ferry Point; avs Bi ey Bros., ele oe Belcourt, Gabriel, Lac Ste Anne; rt. sh. Barton, Geo. B., Vermilion; 1. sh. es Beckner, H. C., Barnwell; rt. sh. Bodington, Jno. V., Wellsdale; rt. r. Garnett-Botfield ler Osa Lean, Decker Hill; 1 Bryant, A. G., Avalon; rt.ah. Barley, C. A., Glenbanner; rt._f. Cohoon, Geo. R., Macleod; 1. sh. Clissold, John, Bellshill; rt. h. Cleveland, Grant, Abilene; l. sh. Carpenter, Mrs. B. C., Big Stone; lL. h. Chatten, Geo., Amisk; rt. sh. Blomfield, C. H. & R. C., Rumsey; rt. h. oxi, Geo. Douglas, Ethelwyn; et Be eign “si Alberta BrandjBook 431 a a ip ei ie CG Ye Ye SD 1D )D D D YD yD YD D )D )D E ry erry Sir 2) X ae . ee 2 es 2 by 2 2 5 3 9) S 9) 2) v 9) OE DE vE SE dE QE DE QE VE DE DE OE Griffin, Mrs. Christina, Brown- field; l.h. ~ Cropley, Charles, Mewassin; rt. sh. McCall, C. B., Morrin; rt. h. Chatwood, Jno., Provost; rt. sh. George, Dougall, Kinsella; 1. sh. eee Coutts, D. R., Hughenden; ‘ rt. sh. Daniel, C: R., Lethbridge; rt. r. Clark, David, Parkland; tb... Dowsett, F. G., North Bank; 1. sh. ig Christian, Little Plume; oe, oe Carl, Wellsdale; Clark, D. E., Munson; 1. sh. ; Jewell Bros., Hairy Hills; te Cameron, David B., Hutton; rt. sh. Clay, Elmer, Paradise Valley; 1. sh. Englund, Eric, Strathmore; rt. sh. Chambers, E. C., Dunmore; rt. sh. Warham, Ed. Geo., & Bonistal, Chas. E., Lavoy; 1. sh. Hathaway, E. G., Standard; rt. sh. Cote, Edward, St. Edward; 1. sh. a tg as Joseph, Durlingville; Cofield, Mrs. Alice E., Battle view; rt. sh. Cope, E. E., Minburn; rt. h. Los Mrs. Geo. V., Brunetta; . Bh. Eggers, Ernest, Mewassin; Derrig, Hugh, Kinsella; rt. sh. ISISlp © 7 ©], n\7 ee] eX] 4 oP Pq}? aa] 14] || 14 01.2] A] 1,0] O11 O10], O]O O10 (Q))9)) ps East, C., Greenlawn; rt. h. Bertrand, Mrs. Gertrude, Brant; 1. sh. sg 7 ape Geo. F., Talbot; Mohler, Geo., Holden; rt. r. : German, C. G., Hanna; rt. h. McGowan, Fred. J., Killam; l. sh. Frank, C. E., Frankburg; rt. sh. Farquhar, G. M., Telfordville; rt r. Pickering, F., Czar; 1. sh. Ganderton, Fred., Heath; 1. sh. se aes Fred., Lucky Strike; Folk, C. W., Carmangay; rt. sh. Ashmore, Mrs. C. F.,° Knee Hill Valley; 1. sh. Clark, Fred. C., «Denne rt. sh. Frederick, Chas., Bruce; 1. sh. Felstrom, C. J., Ponoka; rt. sh. Taft, Mrs. Guy H., Heath; rt..r. se eet Herbert, Major; Wade « McGregor, Jas., Sedgewick; rt. sh. Clutton, J..G., Mayton; rt. sh, England, Chas., Carlstadt; rt. r. Cay, oo. D., Tofield; rt. sh Gettig, Jno. F., Bassano; rt. sh. McCormick, = G., Spring Bank; rt. Henrikson, C., Donalda; rt. sh, Hinecker, Christopher, Mann ville; rt. sh. Alberta Brand Book » YO} 0} O} OO O (EKEPxPx| x x4 x Harrington, Geo. A., Edmon- ton; Hall, Mrs. Fanny C., Bon Aceord; rt. sh. Bamhill, B. C., Clive; rghit e Coe Harry T., Lonbutte; . SD. Cotton, J. A., Killam; l. sh. Chester, Jno., Brosseau; eh Chipps, Mrs. Katharine J., Cardston; I. sh. Garbutt, J. H., Nanton; rt. sh. Murray, Alex., Medicine Hat; Thad: Clark, F. G., Taylorville; ey Gaulet, W. S., Wainwright; tsar. Mertgen, Phil A., Namaka; Lee; Kisch, Geo., Brownfield; rt. r. a aeage D. J., Vegreville; we a Grenier, Josephat A., Carbon; rt. sh. Hartoon, Geo., Castor; fut. Reckinger, Gaston, Cork; rt. Coates, Fred. J., Milk River; ] . Fr: Crawfoed, Calvin C., Pendant D’Orreille; rt. r. Crowder & Malone Bros., Claresholm; I. r. Gelinas, Mrs. J. D., Ewelme; rt. sh. Crockett, H. U., Crossfield; Pt. b. Schabor, Emanuel, Beiseker; A Be Choumard, Charles, Dog Pound; rt. h. Hughes, C. L., Lougheed; 1. sh. Hall, Chas. H., Dalroy; rt. sh. Lester, W. C., Keoma; rt. Fr. Van Brocklin, C. A., Turin; 1. sh. Johnson, Carl, Turin; 3 rt. sh. Heureux, Gustave L., Innis- free; rt. r. Langdon Bros., Ohaton; rt. h. Lohrke, Chas. F., Beiseker; 1. sh. : pari ek L. C., Wainwright; Golding, Jas., Masinasin; rt. sh. Gallagher, Dan, Viking; Et. Malcher, Chas., Water Glen; rt. sh. Kapiak, Mike, Northern Valley; 1. r. “ Geerts, Mrs. M., Strathmore; l. sh, Kline, Jas. W., Dog Pond; rt. x. Geraghty, M., Vegreville; rt. sh. perberh Mrs. C. A., Lonbutte; a : Moncrieff, G. H., High River;: rt. n. Mack, Cornelius, Leo; rt. Nicholls, Chas. F., Ryley; rt. r. Geo. Clyde, Seven Persons; rt. r. Northey, C. L., Red Deer; rt. h. Noehren, Criss; Didsbury; rt. T. Carlberg Bros., Cayley; rt. he Bichon: Francis, Cayley; oe Be ny Mrs. Christina, Taber; Greenwood, H. H., Trenville; rt. h. ~ McClaren, M., Cairns; r. Alberta Brand Book 433 d) ISISISipSpe A>} ¢5 | [ Olo18|2 BDO [QO Gifford, Fred., Pincher Station; rt. r. Munro, Helen Christie, Dalroy; rt. h. : Gordon, Jas., Strome; 1. sh. Th “tp Co-operative Farming ., Champion; |. sh. Pelland, Gilbert, Bonnyville; rt. sh. “temp Geo., Cochrane; ys Crow, Mrs. A. G., Dalroy; sd ae Church, Jas., Wainwright; ]. h. Cotte, Pierre Marius, Cowley; 1. sh. eh a & Sons, O. G., Rosyth; Coles, T. J., Ribstone; rt. T. Invernay Stock Farm, Days- land; rt. h Cole, A. B., Spring Lake; rt. r. Coad, G. S., Wastina; 1. h. Taylor, F. J., Langdon; Fes7; ang A. P., Brunetta; for. Hutton, P. G., Gleichen; rt. Yr. ; wp © obit Pat, Duhamel; eas, De Griselles, P. E., Warner; 1. sh. Poorman, Bird E., Riverbow; rt hy Pennock, G. H., Perbeck; ]. sh. Rehm, G., & Prickett, J., Airdrie; rt. r. Dupont, Gaston, St. Paul des Metis; rt. h. Cornwell, Pat, Crossfield; 1. sh. pre Geo., Throne; kes Potter, Carson, Bowden; rt. sh. Cuthbert, Robert, Stanley - Road; I. r. Ritchey, Mrs. R. C., Brant; tt. sh. Romesen: Geo., Lafond; i Rawleigh, Chas. D., Pollock- ville; rt. sh, cg bone Geo., Barons; ; oD. Robson, C. I., Cluny; rt. r. Stach, George, Botha; rt. r. Showman, G. M., Leopoldville; rt. sh. : Smith, G. F., Airdrie; 1. sh. Schmitema, G., Pearce; l. sh. Secretan, Chas., Kimball; ]. sh. Sarvis, G. G., Redcliffe; rt. sh. Simenson, Carl, Mecheche; rt. h ou Thos. A., Big Valley; ae Gonids T. H., Raymond; >? Tate, Geo., Camrose; rt. sh, fe Nirrg Geo., Wildunn; ae Tangen, Carl, Barrhill; rt. sh. Gillard, T., Throne; l. sh. oer D. N., Monarch; ee 2 kr an Geo., Tudor; Sa Comeau, Albert, Rivierre Qui Barre; 1. sh. Graham, Jno., Calgary; rt. sh. Planger, Cordula, Cowley; 1. sh. 7 Gillrie, Russell E., Highland: rt. sh. Fetchett, Geo., Swalwell; rt. r. Alberta Brand Book Gilbert, Fred., High River; i Fes Galarneau, G. P., Hutton; rt. r. Caswell, Geo. T., Munson; ins Carruthers, T. T., Vulcan; rt. ©. con F. O., Okotoks; aS Coote, G. G., R. M. & Mary, Nanton; rt. r. . Chessum, Joseph, Okotoks; rt. h. peers Geo. T., Claresholm; ae A REO: Hugh J., Lavoy; Galarneau, Don J., Hutton; rt. h. Gates, H. B., Carmangay; ] er. Smith, Jr., W. C., Hill Spring; rt. sh. Brain, T. G., Rainy Hills; rt. ©. Carter, David, Chauvin; rt. h. Pauline, Mrs. C. R., Holden; Ur Ss aaa John C., Vermilion; 1. h. Grove & Son, Addison B., Airdrie; rt. r. Gill, Thos., Wildmere; rt. h. Van Horne, W. E. & G. H., Lethbridge; 1. sh. Brinton, C. W., Vegreville; rt. h. Wolf, Geo., Foremost; 1. sh. Slater, C. W., Lonbutte; rt. sh. Crawford, Mrs. H. M., Hanna; low, le epi Albert G., Milk River; e Geo., Walt, Stewartwyn; l. h. Vasey G. R., Meeting Creek; aso SPRPEq SI SKQK| @)1@10,| 2] WS1SS/L ¢)| ,C)|,© SSS] s © = O,|O © VY, O,ololo]e Y sPsPs/Ps|sisisjsis(s|s ipo cces Chas. O., Taber; rt. r. mig ee ee ef ltt! Saale, | ea ears Grauman, A. M., Ethelwyn; ; 16521. Graham, Mrs. Margaret, Hugh- — enden; l. r. er Chas., Lougheed; Hening Bros., Vermilion; rt. h. ; earn ak Chester W., Langdon; | ee a Chas. H., Granum; Hendrickson, Elizabeth, Hill Spring; rt. r. Wynn, Chas., Carmangay; Sy Gihrke, Wm., Delburne; 1. sh. Gullroa, Joe W., Irma; rt. sh. Wallis, H. Cecil, Priddis; rt. r. Comstock, W. H., Stauffer; ]. sh: Cong Wilbur, Lougheed; Walker, Christ, Hilda; rt. sh. Connolly, W. C., ._Macleod; EU. 23 Warren Bros., Warner; rt. h Gilson, Wm., Crossfield; 1. sh. a Mrs. W. G., Hutton; Or, gree Geo. W., Warner; rt. sh Webber, Carrie E., North Fork; rt. r. Williams, Roy C., Meeting Creek; rt. h. Grace, A., Monitor; 1. sh. are Chas. W., Hutton; a st as Chas. W., Duxbury; — Birkett, Geo. W., Cadogan; rg.\r. Alberta Brand Book 435 Grant, H. A., High River; 1. sh. ee ane - o, MEN (SP sihancerl Gottlob, Magrath; rt. sh. Gardner, C. A., Cayley; 1. sh. eat serket G. W., Warner; Cooper, A. W., Didsbury; rt. r. Holmes, Geo., Trenville; rt. r. Elgie, Geo. A., Minburn; ]. sh. B., Empress; Gardipee, Mrs. i Pe pipreeks G. F., Lougheed; Howard, G. H., Ethelwyn; rt. r. abe ii Carl C., Acme; hy oe Evans, Geo., Erskine; ]. h. Cheadle Berkshire Farm, Cheadle; rt. r. KORLLLIDJOIO)/O) es ena Duncan, Gleichen; oy © x Church, E. F., Raley; rt. r. ow Chas., Puffer; oF SOF <1>< ) Gray, Thos., Lethbridge; ps eae aS ORE “See 5) ~< ~_ = Bendixen, Chas., Irwinville; c) v4 Tt. h e “~~ - a eae, Jno. C., Chin; Ri @ “< | es gta Jas., Hardisty; © —< is i aoa el set egal Jr., Wm., Macleod; ga Es ss tg G. W., Irma; ae Aw <> 41,0] ¢)1 101.4) /¢)-1-| 69 QO} O/¢ Cropley, Jno. L., Berrymoor; rt. h. Gerritz, F. J. H., Sullivan Lake; 1. sh. Ceres Bryan, Lake View; see Cyr, J..H., Lundbreck; rt. sh. Cattley, Colin, Wainwright; rt. Yr. paneer Jas. G., Aldersyde; aS a oad Jas., Consort; oe; Gardner, F. W., Dalroy; Teer Hayman, Mrs. A. G., Macleod; han. Crowe, Ralph R., Barons; rt. h. 24 ag Geo. P., Trout Creek; re McGrath, D. C., Tolland; rt. h. ee Chas. A., Scollard; ZT: Gray, Ambrose, Onoway; tt. Chao Carley C., Major; eS Consort; Bartlett, Roger, rt. h. agin F. C., Lamont; Jansen, Wm. E., Hillsdown; 5a Miller, C. W., Lacombe; rt. sh. sia "ana H., Alsask, Sask.; a Is ese het cea H., Medicine t3 t,t ) Alberta Brand Book ‘ iia pal eae 436 Harding, W., Wheat Belt; rt. n. Ellis, H. H., Standard; rt. fT: Hansen, H. E., Innisfree; rt. sh. Honens, J. A., Strathmore; Th Ts Smith, H. I., Strathmore; rt. r. Jurney & Sons, Vulcan; rt. j. ares Howard, Bowell; ]. h. Magee Bros., Stettler; rt. r. Sureman, Jr., Henry, Josephs- burg; l. r. ae Patrick, Stettler; a oy eres Por aber ae Holland, Geo. E., Howie; 1. sh. 3/7 [42 0H ia] a] S]] 21 HA/@ Lyon, H., Airdrie; rt. r. Walters, R. C., Lucky Strike; 1 t c Twidale, Percy, Acme; W. a. Johnston, H. M., Stettler; Dare Stainsleigh, H., Hussar; 1 IS Halkett, David, Peace River Crossing; 1. sh. Stewart, Neil, Ghost Pine } VY Creek; 1. h. O’Brien, Chas. M., Macleod; r, rt per, & Hubbs, Crossfield; or ICU ane hey Henry, Pleasington; . sh. —~— Brown, Harold B.,¥Medicine cy ahd Son Humphreys, W. M., Knappen; a Ps 7 ae Henry, Medicine Hat; re Monkman, Wm. I., Nanton; l. r. and rt. r. a Hodgson, John, Cairns; ¥, ra ee H. H., Islay; Jr: r| HM Miller, Mrs. Tillie, Edberg; aesseaie rt. sh. er Coone, D. M., Czar; H N 1. sh. a R Logan, Wm., Lakeview; —Y rt. h H U Hughes Bros., Leighton; SY rt. sh. Ww Hutchins, Fred., North Edmon- H U ton; rt. sh. ae Castell, Harry & Geo., Kessler; H WW rt. r. H Ww Walton, J. H., Claresholm; Pea rt. r. bun High, J. H., Coronation; i 4 rt. sh. i 5 McDonald, John G., Cochrane; Tt Ra. Cavan, Henry, & Keally, Os- wald, Medicine Hat; rt. r. oo a Fogarty, Martin, Carmangay; se P pW N) Hornby, James, Calgary; l. sh. L A. Brooks, Edwin, Sundre; rt. sh. Bremner, Geo. L., Drumheller; rt. h., vent bar over. » Addeman, Frank, & Moffat, Wm. J., Langdon; 1. r., vent bar under. V3 Coe Alberta Brand Book 437 au oF GH PRPS ERRRSEh J McBride, rt. h. McAloney, R. F., Bow Island; rt. n. ai John J., Barons; l=h. Martin, Vermilion; Selkirk, John, Maughan; rt. h. Jackson, L. C., & Anne, Ole, Munson; rt. sh. a gia J. B., Lashburn, Sask.; oF. Gordon, Ironside & Fares Co., Ltd., Winnipeg, Man.; rt. h. Palmer, Mrs. Dulina, Scollard; rt. n. Gent, John Z., St. Lina; ]. sh. Kirby, James, Gadsby; 1. sh. McKenzie, Wm. A., Cochrane; rt. h. Neal, Joseph, Irvine; l. h. 5 eee J. B., Wellsdale; Jensen, Wilhelm, Carmangay; rt. r. Pelter, Ella, Bittern Lake;- Te Ts McLean, J. C., Irma; rt. h. Jon R. Paul, Lucky Strike; 2 Nasmyth, W. W., Youngstown; rt... Shanan, John, High Prairie; rt. r. Draudson & Smith, Medicine Hat; 1. h. $i, aoa J. C., Morrin; raf es Bertha E., Sunnyslope; Mh Ss RS ER (CP SPS SSO SSS Z0 KO PolalPs ls Slade, J. Harcourt, Lougheed; rt. r. Dunham, 8S. 8S. & Leffler, J. J., Coaldale; rt. r. Keast, Jacob, Victor; ec Molds, J. L. P., Jarrow; Tt. I: O’Rourke, J. A., Irma; 1, sh. Phillip, James B., Irricana; rt. r. Dove, J. H., Innisfree; ]. sh, McDonald, Duncan J., Ensign; rt. sh. Cope, John, Okotoks; rt. sh. Cross, John E., Huxley; l. sh. Mol BNENeys J. E., Clemens; l. h. Gelfand, Joseph, Tolman; Mss rt Lewis, Jeremiah, Milk River; rt. r. Newby, James, Viking; ]. sh. Abramoff, J. H., Wilhelmina; rt. sh. Coward, J. H., Borradaile; 1. sh. Jones, Jno. R., South Ferriby; rt. sh. Johnson, Jno. Peter, Taber; rt. sh. hater gs Jonas Olai, Donalda; . sh. Julien, Miss Rosebelle, Rosebud Creek; rt. sh. Robinson, Jos., Lafond; 1. sh. Jack, Robert, Dewberry; rt. sh. as Alberta Brand Book A hel Sded Sips il << SASSI SdSkSlS SI [5 ~~ Black & Sons, Jno. T., Hope Valley; rt. sh. Thompson, James, Lethbridge; rt. sh. Phillips, J. W., Campbell Lake; rt. sh. Edinger, J. L., Asker; 1, sh. Van Tighem, Joseph, Strath- more; rt. sh. Johnstone, Mrs. Ada H., Granum; rt. sh. Proudfoot, Jas., Saltaux; l. sh. Vair, James, Medicine Hat; rt. sh. ipa see John, Drumheller; . sh. Williams, James, Ranfurly; rt. sh. Anderson, Jno. P., Nightingale; rt. sh. Patterson, John, Cardston; rt. sh. Burt, James, Tring; 1. sh. Beckett, John, Innisfail; rt. sh. K b Kinch, Thos. E., Wellsdale; sh. rt. McCarthy, Kyrl O., Innisfail; rt. n. Langdeau, Oswald, Chipman; rt. n. Koffler, Mike, Prospy; rt. Ts Arkell, A. D., Cluny; rt. sh. Aalboug, Erik, Oxville; rt. sh. Hawkes, Mrs. Jno. W.,, Granum; 1. sh. Armstrong, Ives M., Leth- bridge; rt. sh. : SINS Sk SSIS Sh SISppS Sc J one Clyde M., New Dayton; . sh. y E McDill, J. H., Standard; rt. sh. Holton, J. A., Grassy Lake; l. sh. Johnson, Joseph, Saltaux; rt. sh. Powers, J. J., North Edmonton; 1. sh. : Martin, Jno. H., Dalroy; rt. sh. Wallin, John, Bawlf; 1. sh. > Fetterly, J. W., Beiseker; 1. sh. 7 Mae Mary Ellen, Sundre; mag oF $ Drouch, Joe, Heath; rt. fr. ° ney H. E., Bawlf; os Melvin, James, Milk River, rt. h. — Weaver, J. I., Cayley; 1. sh. Anderson, W. L., Claresholm; rt. r. Hanka, D., Taber; rt. h. Aikins, A., Amisk; rt. h. Morton, Kingsley A., Hand Hills; rt. Brunelle, John, Lafond; 1. sh. Rockwell, B. B., Lonbutte; rt. sh. oes Bernard, Vandyne; is Batterbee, R. H., Chin; rt. h. Me Alberta Brand Book 439 Kenny, B. B., Raymond; S29. ¥. Baring, H. H., Puffer; rt. I. Baches, Louis P., Redecliff; tt. h Cameron, A. K., Richdale; rt. sh. Klingsell, Chas. J.. New Nor- way; l. Cornock, Mrs. Kathleen, Jump- ing Pond; rt. r. Rellner, D. F., Kingman; rt. h. Bacque, Daniel, Therien; 1. sh. ae, John, Josephsburg; ac Y. Dickhaut, Karl, Irvine; ]. sh. ; Dunham, .David M., Stanley Road; 1. sh. Dwernyezuk, Thos., Smoky Lake; rt. sh. : Hinnman, Byron D., Carman- gay; rt. sh. McColman, John, Cairns; rt. h. Dernan Bros., Viking; rt. sh. Gorgiezuk, Efteine, Island Lake; 1. sh. Ellik, John, Schuler; rt. sh. Kalmbach, Miss Eaty A., Irvine; |. r. mollingsted, E., Carmangay; . sh. Ekelund, Mrs. Mary I., Twin Butte; rt. r. Erikson, E. J., Edgerton; rt. h. Knowles, Ed. Evelyn, Barons; rt; 33 Moore, O. B. & E. A., Lacombe; rth: og te Augustus, Bawlf; Beringer, Fred.,* Schuler; rt. h. Kilgrow, Mrs. Frances W., Grassy Lake; rt. sh. © =~ a Te > 4 p> a a SESS Sd (|< Da» 4 Bo bc le.) Frank, Heber C., Frankburg; rt.:t: Knoble, Sloyd C., Coutts; rt. r. Kienast, F. J., Duhamel; rt. r. Feleski, Moses, Hilda; rt. r. Heffner, F. M., & Mason, Fred., Brooks; rt. h. ra nea Frank, Britain; Falkenburg, Gatthilf, Sunny- slope; rt. sh. Allen, Frank, Brooks (Delano); rt. sh. Foy, Kenneth C., Medicine Hat; rt. h. Belley, L. G., Calgary; ]. sh. King, Harry, Cluny; rt. h. Hing, Jno. A., Lloydminster; Davies W. G., Morrin; Krisher, Wm., & Cherry, Elias, Woolchester; rt. h. Kruger, Herman, Turin; rt. h. Frencken, Henri, Round Up; 1. sh. Laurence, Mrs. H. W., Eck- ville; 1]. r. Maughan, Keith A., Maughan; rt. r. Hinman, Kate, Consort; rt; he Haker, Henry, Mundare; rt. r. es H. J., Red Deer; ay, Kennedy, Mrs. Rose, Wildunn; 1. sh. Dey J. R., Dalroy; or. Johnston, H. R., Stirling; rt. sh. Keddie, Jack, Nanton; rt. r. Jacobson Bros., Vulcan; rt. sh. Alberta Brand Book Ma Ma x ) Kjorsvik, K., Olds; 1. sh. Knutson, Knute L., Killam; rt. sh. McKay, Robert, Oxville; rt. sh. Hobles, G. F., Picture Butte; rt. sh. Tenng, Karl, Holden; eS Hankel, Carl, Hutton; rE, hh; Atkins, Herbert W., Standard; rt. fr. Kaster, Miss Maude J., Cochrane; 1. r. Gardner, Mrs. Maggie, Cayley; rt. sh. Manning, Frank, Amisk; rt. h. Miller, M. C., Beiseker; ]. sh. os ete, Hugh P., Langdon; ee Miller, A. R., Rosebud; rt. Tr. Stokmoe, Iver, Morrin; rt. h. Moyer, Jno. K., Bassano; rt. sh. Mullowney, Miss Kate B., Langdon; rt. r. McCuaig, Angus D., Czar; 1. sh. Marke, John, Lundbreck; rt. sh. Martin, D. L., & Kreis, H. G., Taber; rt. h. pre a Wm. Albert, Endiang; rt. h. Chappell, Jacob, Boyne Lake; 1. sh. Knight, Arthur W., Cereal; rt. sh. sy Bi Harry, Castor; Knight, Norman, Twin Butte; Lg eR a gige Peter Jno., Eckville; Knudson, John, Wavy Lake; rt. bh. i> MM} SZ Nz alte lollofallollo 4 © My, Al ) M A) ) Abramenko, H. P., Morrin; 1. sh. 3 — Wm., Bellevue; ae avd W. L., Medicine Hat Koole, John, Pearce; 1. sh. Osmond, Mrs. Kate M. F. Oyen; rt. r. Owen, Mrs. Katheryn M., Chin; 1. h. n; O.K. Farming Co., Raymond 1. sh. | abe ir; Forest, Bittern Lake Poelman, R., Granum; rt. Tr. Perrault, Jr., Jos., Macleod rt. sh. Peebles, David, Strathmore; bs ae ee eis R. K., Viking; Reid, George, Wainwright; rt. r. Russell, Mrs. Katherine M. Lonbutte; 1. r. Radford, Preston, Olds; rt. Tr. 2 ae R. C., Clark Manor os Rusnak, Mike, Duvernay; rt. Fr. Runck, Jacob, Duxbury; 1. sh. pane om James, Lousana; Ar ei ee A. E., Stavely; Richardson, C. H., Rumsey TL. ft. Rufenacht, Jno., Lougheed; 1. sh. Boulton, Robert, Trenville; rt. sh. Russell, Arlie, Magrath; rter. “¢ — Richard, Magrath; Rogers, I. J., Cluny; rt. sh. a Alberta Brand Book 441 Og a ee ae ~ wae 4 24) 4 4 and aR, [Z| SN ZIKE/S|| 2e Reidt, Mrs. Katharine, Acme; rt. r. Johnson, Jas. C., Grande Prairie; r. h Hicks & Son, Jno. A., High” River; 1. sh. Stevens, Mrs. Katharine, Lang- don; rt. r. soe: Jack, Thelma; p, Shaw, David W..,” Standard; rt. sh. Rose Bros., Kimball; rt. r. Tallin, Peter, rt. sh. Dorenlee; Torkelson Bros., Glendon; Ft ts oo Jas. A., Milk River; me Kaster, J. T., Spring Bank; rt. r. Kielty, Thos. T., Islay; 1. h. Lepine, Prosper, Duhamel; rt. r. [~ Hanson, Lars, Edberg; 1. sh. Cot: Despine, Louis Nap, Brosseau; Tt}: Harris, Mark, Eyremore; Lis Lott, Nelson O., Medicine Hat; a Burns, A. P., & McLean, N. V., Medicine Hat; l. h., vent bar under. Lloyd, Wm., rt. h. Walker, Mrs. Lucretia, Airdrie; Roa: Fawcett, Wm., Medicine Hat: W. a. yPaPalatia 5 Irvine; OR Bh me Tetreau, Philias, Vegreville; tt. h ses saiges Albert, Therein; = = Anderson, Jno., Lac Ste Anne; ba Lavail, August, St. Paul de Metis; Se Albrecht, Philip, Martins; rt. r. D LD =s D od SB oe Jen} Mm }) Le Prete, Alexander, Peace River Crossing; 1. r. me Mm Larsen, Peter, Dalroy; rt. r. Brown, Lewis, Milk River; rt. sh. Evans, L. B., Ponoka; rt. r. Bovay, F. H., Coronation; rt. r. Lofthouse, Bella, Cowley; rt. sh. Lyons Bros., Hope Valley; 1. sh. Baptist, L. P., Spring Coulee; 1. sh. ' Brooks, R. L., Jackville; rt. sh. Seige Mrs. W., Maycroft; . sh. Besse, Lewis, Langdon; rt. sh. Champagne, Mrs. Lea, South Edmonton; 1. sh. an J. L., Didsbury; : Cro, Jno., New Dayton; * .T. Peneeee C. T., Seven Persons; . sh. 3 Pabonte. Frances, Hillcrest; Se Sutherland, L. D., Gadsby; 1, sh. Dubeat, Adam, Bowell; aie re Dare A. J., Sounding Lake; ME 2 Hooper, Alfred, Daysland; TU.-T: ab eK Mrs. L. D., Hanna; air, Hall & Dalton, Langdon; rt. r. Inman, T. E., Sounding Creek; rt. h. Carl, R. M., Greenshields; rt. sh. Henderson, Albert G., Moun- tain View; l. r. Lee, Mrs. Alma, Olds; 1. sh. Allan, Jno. B., Lethbridge; rt. sh. Elliot, Grieve, Loma; rt. r. is Sed Harold, Spring Bank; Fournier, Albert, Lethbridge; rt. sh. Feargue, Jas., Spring Ridge; rt. sh. : Harding, L. G., Acme; 1. sh. Green, ‘Lewis, Lake Geneva; rt. sh. pi Frank D., Many- Coombes, berries; 1. sh. : Larson, A. M., Yule Meadow; ae 8 ita ti B., Burmis; ots vag tore. Elijah, Magrath; ~ “a Ce ce hcicy E{elele> - ro) _ sh -IC air y rics] Ci coded det ale Cada dlalte, ram Fo da, Alberta Brand Book 443 Sutherland, T., Major; L E Hemeonson, Mat., Shurness; rt. sh. “ee 1. sh. Large, E., Brownfield; VY Larson, Lewis, Oxville; lv h. 1. sh. Ladonceur, David, Athabasca Landing; rt. r. Huston, Herbert, Pincher Creek; Il. r. is Gam Louis A., Onoway; Goble, Mrs. Lillian §S., Glen- woodville; rt. sh. Dunbar, Bert, Curlew; 1. h. is va ge L. J., Earling; r. Laidlaw, Miss Jean R., Brocket; rt. sh. Johnson, J oander, Airdrie; rt. r. —— Jas., Calgary; sh. Lahaye, Peter Jno., Lloyd- minster; I, r. McLean, Malcolm J., Hope Valley; 1. sh. sg ag Dr. N. J., Calgary; ae McLaughlin, J., Bassano; rt. sh, Hughes, J. L., Dalroy; rt. r. Large, Jas. R., Killam; 1. sh. Moss, Thos., Carbon; rt. r. McKenzie, F. A., Zoldovara; rt. h. Felger, Lewis, Magrath; rt. sh. Workman, Annie E., Hill Spring; 1. r. Lacquement, F., Nilrem; 1. sh. McPherson, D., Flagstaff; 1. sh. Marshall, D. L., Lethbridge; rt. sh. Furgason, M. , Magrath; rt. h. McKivor, Henry, Gleichen; rt. r. eg (ee St 140. (C. LM LM LM LM LM LM oe: NN : LN LN UN ae LO. LP: “N {,P Willson, Frank C., Whitebrush; 1. sh. wie Mrs. Lula, Yule Meadow; eS ar emer Willie, Durlingville; oo MeNanent: J. F., Dewberry; er. sy Albert L., Frankburg; sh. rt. Langley, Mrs. Minnie, Barn- well; 1. sh. ip Mrs. Myrtle L., Beazer; OP. Moger, L. A., Queenstown; rt. sh. Larsen, Martin, Castor; rt. r. see Martin, Milk River; ae Gibson, C. F. & F. H., Green- shields; 1. h. Marsden, L. H., Cardston; 1. sh. a 8 Alvin E., Beazer; Yr. Luchak, Olexa, Sacred Heart; 1. sh. ei as sa Oliva, Beauvallon; nya; econ & Blair, Airdrie; Pepper, Lester, Dodds; rt. sh. Lawritsen, Pete, Olds; rt. h. Price, Richard, Stettler; 1. sh. Plante, Hercule, St. Edouard; Tt. sh. Lip»a, Antona, St. Kilda; ]. sh. Pearson, Emil, Ryley; rt. r. Perkins, R. L., Brownfield; rt. h, Jones, L. E., Talbot; l. sh. Alberta Brand Book Cle ich. ‘ce fapSPSP Uy} 2 L L Cle at | Rasmussen, Loui L., Killam; rt. r. Ross, Roy L., Airdrie; rt. sh. ae a L. R., Vermilion; Richards, Mrs. Louisa M., Dalroy; rt. sh. Laughton, Ross, Granum; rt. sh. Bowser, L. R., Brooks; Lssy; Lyon, Robert, Amisk; kh, Lawrie, R. H., Namaka; rt. sh. Spende, Louis, Oxville; 1. sh. Simpson, Leland, Provost; rt. r. Smith, Lawton, Nilrem; rt. fr. ; Shaw, Lewis W., Paradise Valley; 1. h. Semiond, Lucien, Bonnyville; Tht) Thompson, Garfield S., Gar- rington; l. r. Munro, L. T., Rosalynn; 1. sh. Gee, D. K., Strathmore; 1. sh. ike Alexis, Durlingville; Moles. Jno., Granum; ~ l. sh. Lumsden, Alex., Ranfurly; rt. sh. Leduc, Isaic, Greenshields; rt. r. wore Lewis, Masinasin; a Labonte, Hector, Heath; rt. r. Patterson, Mrs. Laura A., alsh; rt. r. Thomson, Mrs. Zelda A., Three Hills; rt. r. Roberts, Fredk. Leroy, Cham- pion; l. r. sie RN Leo L., Woolford; Ke 9 an le Pepe CH) ChycpLcpcicye sP< x< |< yr tit Liliedahl, F. E., Wetaskiwin; rt. rT. ‘. Louchart, Mrs. Malvina, Pin- cher Station; rt. h. rte. E. C., Millet; aa sisi Leon, Gleichen; T Bensted Bros., Tudor; rt... Hughes, Joseph, Lavoy; 1. sh, Walker, Mike, Fleet; rt. sh. Lewellen, J. V., Carstairs; 1. sh. Lawson, Leslie R., Czar; rt. h. Rowe, J. L., Ferry Point; 1. sh. Lebow, Mrs. Wm. J., Clares- holm; rt. h. Davies, Lewis, Talbot; rt..T. Willi, Mary Louise, Purple Springs; rt. h. Willson, Mrs. Lizzie, Seven Persons; rt. h. bid gine B. L., Strathmore; ee Micham, Mrs. Sina W., Taber; Teh, Rennie, Jas. H., Tudor; 1. sh. Last, H., Elkwater; rt. sh. Miller, L. A., Ponoka; 1. sh. Lamarsh, Peter, Winnifred: rt. sh. roa Gottlib, Thelma; se : Kendrew, Mrs. Chas. E., Ed- well; rt. r. oS Creek Cattle Co., Coutts; .r. Philbrick, D. L., Myrnam; rt. Fr. Hi L. C., Langdon; -. nih of 8K Jno. D.,. Nanton; Alberta Brand Book 445 L. »4 Hardy, Geo., Vermilion; rig Roy A., Milnerton; rt. r. ad r X Blackwood, Alec. S., De Fagan, E. D., Olds; Winton; rt. h. rt. h. 7-o- Lye, Chas., Walsh; Lehto, Mrs. Lydia, Barrhill; LY 1. ‘sh. 1. h, sh a W. H., Rosalynn; Smith, Maggie H., Lac Ste Ls Y Anne; Ll. r. rt. & Y Devore, Estate of W. H., Law, Madeline, B., Glenwood- L Raven; I. r. ville; 1. h. Y Y Miller, Lizzie E., Nanton; Fensham, H. L., Sedgewick; i rt. r. rt. h. ma Lane, F. J., Vermilion; Lewis, J. G., Gilt Edge; LY Exe: rt. h. York, Lute F., Hastings Coulee; Taylor, Joseph, Cochrane; rt.r. E's: Smith & Fares, Winnipeg, Man.; rt. r. ie, LY LY LLY LY LY IR Jj+ sty Mrs. Hilda, Stettler; . sh. Folie M cage eh B. H., Cooking e; 1. sh. Bearisto, Mrs. F. M., Wet- askiwin; rt. sh. Cox, Manson, Bashaw; rt. ee” Robert, Warwick; McCrindle, Hector K., Calgary; rt. h., vent same on rt. sh. wae" epee S. A., Pine Creek; . 8h. McDonald, Ed. H., Nateby; ox: Johnston, J. W., Taber; }. th. Fs EEO Gibbons, Harold & J. M., Maleb; rt. r. os am Fred. Geo., Langdon; wie McKenzie, J. & W., Wimborne; rt. h. Laing, Archie A., & Maclean, Duncan, Staunton; lL. h. Hall, Lewis, Hill End; rt. T. ee is MeBENE eo Geo. A., Granum; . Benson, Mark, Medicine Hat; MeNair, John, Islay; «Tt. h. l. sh. = 52s le Medus J., Barrhill; McNaughton, H. P., Standard; Tt. TF. ons ee Melville, Rowley; . 82. se i T. M., Big Prairie; ]. sh. MeDonald Bros., Brant; 1. sh. is Pena Thos., Strathmore; ao roman, Mary, Macleod; Sige Chas., Galahad; . sh. rt. sh. Mitchell, W. A., Czar; Real, Murisce, Mirror; rt..r. je MN MR. MU MU M A ™M > | Se ae eZ j Z Z\{ Z| .Z|,2z|/2|/=— a me PA Hs allalpsps\S] 3 /F 51 5)5/2] 2/810 Lindeborg, Mrs: Mary, Drum- heller; |. h sere Bros., Brownfield; . 8h. Maxwell, Frank A., Lethbridge; rt. sh. N Mackinnon, Wallace E., Battle Creek, Sask.; 1. r. Janson, Peter, Wainwright; rt. T. Newlands, D. & W., Green Court; I. r. Boucock, Wm., Carstairs; rt. r. es Oi Louis, Beauvallon; aS Ness, N. K., Merna; rti3. Wilson, Geo. A., Lethbridge; rt. h. Charlton, Humphrey, Pine Lake; |. h., vent bar above. TNS Otho T., Lethbridge; ee ia & Sears, Nanton; iP pasar: James, Tofield; I. Anderson, Nils P., St. Kilda; ]. sh. Nelson, James A., Langdon; rt. sh. Normandine, Andre, Green- shields; rt. r. — C. H., Cardston; McCausland & Patterson, Pincher Creek; 1. sh. rex Gy m2 = 4 - 446 Alberta. Brand Book ‘a aa ee & Vanderzyl, Clive; ese ez James, Coalhurst; . sh. g Moves Geo. E., Cowley; pier Avis, E., Stirling; E yg Main, Jas. N., Airdrie; — pigeon. 2. A: Wharrantor heir Wm. J., Tougheed satis ae Norman, Lethbridia Longeway, Ernest R., Sprin Bank; i N rite & Huston, Stavely; Ts Mickle, Chas. Wm., Cochrane rtia. eae Newton M., Caza Nattrass, D. W., Minda; l. sh. Neddo, Mz A., Mannville; rt. sh. Boe Norman M., Milk Rive .T. Riley, Neil, High River; a Strachan, Norman, Chauvir re: ch: = Walker, Archie R., Cayley; Tt. Tr. ; Veer M. H., Knappen; -t. Searle, Mrs. Julia E., Magrath rt. sh. , McKeen, C. Milton, Lac 8t Anne; rt. sh. ; Squire. Howard, Garringtor a: “ \ Pieter, iy 5c Wee eT UAE bus Ta y ’ NEY - ; Alberta Brand Book 447 a [Cg O Orr, Wiley, Seven Persons; ]. sh. abs apes Edward, Standard; Miller, H. R., Kitscoty; rt. n. ih i eiten J., Vandyne; Russell, Bowden S., Sundre; # To, T. Hyndnam, E. J., Bowville; 1. sh. Wyndham, M. H., Acme; rt. h., vent same on rt. sh. Rogers, Henry M., Calgary; l.rump, vent OIL, circle over. Oro, John, Stettler; Eh: Stratte, Ole A., Amisk; rt. sh. Johnston, N. A., Sedgewick; 1. sh. Ayotte, Onesime, St. Paul de Metis; rt. j. Rivet, Robert, Gillingham; Sy Overgard, Bernt, Mound; rt. sh. sar ar Oliver B., Standard; ner I. B., Lake Saskatoon; a Brower, Ova & Martin, Sage Creek; 1. r. Eee Wesley, Ryley; Lees Bros., Edgerton; rt. h. Olson, Mrs. Christena, Hard- isty; l. s Crawford, John M., Manyber- ries; rt. sh. Harris, C. C., Hanna; ba a Cole ) ™ O};O mM Serna Rel Ox O O19 ON OD QD “NS OH OH OH OH Hood, David, Chauvia; 1. sh, Ringdahl, eas W., Flower- dale; l. s Donner, Ernest, Innisfail; rt. r. Edwards, Orion, Cheadle; 1. sh, Engen, O., Morrin; 1 a is a J. D., High River; English, John, Calmer; rt. h. Jones, Oliver P., ~ Bags cir 5 Steveville; rt. sh Clarke, Julian F. & Jas. M., Hanna; rt. r. Leroux, Joseph, St. Paul de Metis; rt. h. i a he Einer, Stirling; wale hry gcaibate O. E., Carlstadt; sg Rebar Fred., Killam; L's Wels Herbert, New Dayton; Se Hae Ole, Purple Springs; As Gelinas, Omer, Cowley; ]. sh. Gibson, John O., Tinchebray; Tt. r. a ek, Chas. W., Rusylvia; 8 Fulton, Jas. Bates, Lindsville; rt. r. Howie, ts me Jennie, High River; 1. sh. Ni Bi H., Czar; tf Osborne, Hannah, La Pearl; rt. sh. Alberta Brand Book Oc O,|,010 312 [Qlecele oN OK OL OL OL oyu OM OM OM OM TN OM oN ON ON ON ON ON ON ON Howard, Chas. H., Cayley; ]. sh. wes ge ests Bros., Gopher Head; ey Leary, Jas. O., Major; Kh? Miller, Orson J., Dorothy; The Baker, J. A., Nanton; l. sh. King, N. O., Irricana; rt. sh. erat W. O., Granum; ots Hubbard, Chas., rt. sh. Lavoy; Oakes, Harry, Milnerton; sf Fe Albert, Miss Julia, Beiseker; 1. sh. Olson, Isaac, Holden; rt. sh. Brager, Thos., Ohatan; 1. sh. Rodwell, Wm., Ranfurly; 1. sh. Ouiment, Leopold, Bonnyville; rt. r. Meurin, D., Chauvin; ]. sh. Olsen, Mike, Daysland; rt. sh. Massige, Adolph, Hutton; rt. sh. ee Hans O., Seven Persons; . sh. Montgomery, McQueen, Ltd., Edmonton; |. r. Malec, Frank, Frank; 1. sh. Nelson, Otto W., Angus Ridge; rt. sh. Wilson, Mrs. Margaret J., Keoma; rt. sh. Ostigny, Nap, Bonnyville; rt. sh. Mohr, Geo. F., Ranching; rt. r. Haggard, J. C., Ranfurly; 1. sh. vee E., Hearnleigh; ee PI SIIISHAPSISeLHs/Q1Si,.9l ohh gB4B].g]S}OH9 Eikland, Nils O., Donalda; 3 rt. sh. Es ee “7 Logan, W., Donalda; ~ rt. fr. ¥ Rg. Frank C., Veerevillal ame gi ie Archibald, Gadsby; a Gillbank, Jno. W., Stettler; | rt. h. bcs Chas. A., Czar; r. Se hers Owen M., Magrath; De Minear, Orange, Minburas =a rt. h. Clements, Frank, Galahad; Tbk. Pearson, J. Oscar, Daysland; rt. sh. Currie, R. W., Stoppington; Yt: Griffen, P. O., Hardisty; Tt.2: Rosendahl, Olle, Camrose; rt. n. ss aw L. M., De Winton; ods ss Wm. Lee, Keoma; Rodwell, Percy, Ranfurly; ]. sh. oo Wm. E., Shandleigh; ]. h. Ramstad, Lars O., Ferry Point; 1. sh. —— Elizabeth, Sundre; a. a Ingraham, O. R., Gleichen; Eee a Eugenia, Granum; Moan, Andrew, Bawlf; rt. sh. Scatter, Mrs. R. H., Cardston; 1. sh. — R. B., Sundre; a Matt, Omness, Islay; rt. sh. Thomas Orville, Holden; Tt. sh. Alberta Brand Book 449 O 1 QQ IQ) € | 2 [2100 ER QKQ/SpeKeke OV 2 - apes Honen, Tabiah, Rumsey; 1. sh. Parkinson, J., Diamond City; ]. sh. Munson, Geo. Curtis, Stettler; 1. sh. Pringle, H. H., Erskine; rt. r. Fleshman, Robert C., Lowden Lake; rt. r. aes D. J. A., Vermilion; tT. Edmonson, Mrs. G. bow; rt. r. an ie J. P., Coaldale; Ei P., Rain- Bur, Chas., Dalroy; rt. r. Garbutt, Newman, Neutral Valley; rt. h. Hughes, Jno. G., Mannville; Te. Gresl, Joe, Calgary; rt. sh. * Nevins, Paul M., Reid Hill; 1. sh. io et Sa D. V., Youngstown; Van Winkle, F. L., Hughenden; rt. r. Leonard, Odias, St. Paul de Metis; I. h Vos, Reinard, Spring Lake; ]. sh. aig pak Ed., Namaka; Remington, C, E., Masinasin; rt. h. Watson, O., Shepard; rt. sh. Willitt & Son, Oswald H., Wel- lington; rt. h eo W. J., New Norway; rt. r. Woldum, O. H., Strathmore; 1. sh. O S|5>|S> O},O1,0 |O IO O| O}O Ax] xlPsis ( re oy wn }ta| Cal tal tal Calta) tay! Cay talua mi mr Sm[Sn|Sm|en} | rmlPes | Alberta Brand Book Steffin, Ben, Ryley; rout: Sanders, Edward G., Lloyd- minster, Sask.; rt. h. Stinn Bros., Strathmore; 1. sh. Schmidt, Mrs. Milla M., Czar; rt.h: Boone, S. M., Nilrem; 1. sh. eee Mrs. F. M., Nilrem; a Calon, Edward, Strathmore; rt. sh. Sechwingeler, Mrs. Ida, Killam; rt. sh. Cole, Wm. Spoor, Czar; rt. fr. Sullivan, Dan, Czar; ep of se oa Dan, Sunnyslope; Avy nag tue Sid, Knappen; ret BD Parenteau, Sam, Hopkins; Trt. sh. Curran, S. D., Gleichen; rt. h. mia Edward, Scollard; of. Anderson, Edward, Scollard; rt. r. Lindblad, 8. A., Coaldale; rt. sh. Sandercock, E. J., Vegreville; 1. sh. Seal, E. E., Champion; t Ket Eggen, Hans, Oxville; rt. sh. per C. 8., High River; ais ro S. E., Queenstown; Sparks, R. E., Steveville; rt. sh. Sullivan, E. E., Pincher Creek; rt. r. Engels, D., Le Goff; l. h. Smith’s Livery, Milk River; rt. sh. S Robinson, 8. E., Lake View; — Ti Rae : Spurgeon, A. E., Namaka; rt. sh. Stevens, E. E., Chauvin; rt; i: Dawson, Fred. S., Content; l. sh, ~ Bartesash, F. S., St. Paul de Metis; rt. sh. Stephenson, Arthur F., Vee dant Valley; 1. r. ear Mrs. Jno. G., Nanton: fr. ‘e f Fisher, F. P., Hill Spring; ~ rt. sh. Humfrey & Sons, R. W., Tring; rt. Yr. 2 Seni Maurice, Landonville; rt. Stevenson, Mrs. Fred. &., Nightingale; rt. sh. ss Mrs. F. E., Irricana; Packer, Seth w:, Castor; rt. h. Shantz, G. G., Sangudo; 1. sh. Murphy, M., Granum; 1. sh. Seeger, G. J., Kinmundy;_ rt. sh. Scott, Henry, Lethbridge; rt. h. Gardner, Samuel, Taber; rt. r. Cyn, Mrs. Felicit, Chauvin; =r. Sharp, Geo., Big Valley; rt. sh. Copeland, Seth, Perbeck; rt. h. Smith, Geo., Hastings Coulee; rt. sh. Crossley, S. B., Strathmore; rt. h. 2 Lennox, Stuart G., Medicine ate bits Gerritz, A. H., Sullivan Lake; rt. sh. mat Grenville, S. P., Sarcee; rt. sh, re Alberta Brand Book 453 1th i talen ee AS als Tehal daesin yep taltn a |X PP wea ee ey a ie me wy ~» tn tn A > eas < C OPale se, Haslam, S. H., Calgary; 1. sh. Sonberg, Chas., Taber; ]. sh. Schneider, Henry, Josephsburg; rt. th. Smith & Johns, Veteran; 1. sh. i a see John, Curlew; Schafer, John, Champion; rt. sh. Spaulding, John, Daysland; rt. r. tubes. A. S., Rosebud Creek; . sh. Southwick, E. J., Leduc; 1. h. Sharkey, Joe, Donalda; rt. sh. Soukup, James, Rumsey; tt. r. Sheriffs, Jno. R., Daysland; 1. sh. : Dais, John, Beiseker; Ee, Saunders, J. W., Lafond; rt. sh. Johnson, Mrs. Sofie, Lougheed; rt. r. Jacobson, Severin L., Holden; rt. h. Suckling, James, Oxville; rt. sh. Jessup, Stanley, Bruce; rt. h. Stepchuk, Michael, Mundare; rt. sh. Spanke, Sr. , Herman, Reid Hill; rt. r. Pisony, Joseph, Passburg; l. sh. Posy eh. David A., Cheadle; oT: vars Kenneth, Saltaux; Rept, Thos. H., Leslieville; Philippe, Sam, Kipp; rt. sh. Kendrick, Samuel, Bellshill; rt. h. then Th Ht Kh > r- eer TWN aga Be ey ibe eel taltalta lta.) taltn.|&21 [tal taltn z\22"lo"Kolo?| = ta PUBS QD ZZ ) IZ oC Skribe, August, Pearce; rt. sh. Sackman, John, Walsh; Th: T Lee, Samuel B., Dickson; rt. sh. Halebt, Frank E., Lonbutte; Shs Sorenson Stock Co., Ltd., Calgary; rt. r. cel, Mathew, Dalroy; . sh. < Stickland, James, Holden; rt. sh. Schlosser, Joseph, Stavely; rt. sh. Tully, J. J., Didsbury; 1 Cross, H. Alden, Olds; rt. bh. Shoults, Mrs. Minnie, Hand Hills; 1. sh. Sumner, A. M., Consort; rt. sh. Schmaltz, Mathew, Beiseker; rt. sh. Michael, Stanley, Wimborne; 1. sh. Schofer, Marion, Tudor; 1. sh. Pederson, 8S. M., Warner; rt. sh. Smithson, W. J., Edgerton; ¥y.T: cori Noble, Raymond; A Shirreffs, H. S., & Morrison, H. G., Daysland; 1. r. Smart, I. N., Langdon; rt. sh. Sestrap, Mart, Gilby; rt. sh. Booth, Sewell N., Dodds; rt. r. Sanderson, Stanley S., Irma; rt. h. ses hee Hugh §8., Tudor; Yr. ‘ McClain, Perera, Ferguson Flats; rt. h. oe Kia Soren, Wainwright; : ap ' Alberta Brand Book tT ~~ talta ae >? SR SR SR OK ok $3 Smeltzer, Robt. J., Clive; Fes Peterson, P. 8., Wetaskiwin; rt. sh. Springer, P. A., Magrath; Tb.:T; Spencer, Herbert, Vermilion; rt. h. Pendleton, H. E., Ponoka; jf ai Smith, P. A., Granum; Pe ; Sykes, Mrs. Messina P., Card- ston; rt. sh. Stafford, Asbury P., Czar; rt. fT. Smitton, Peter, Namaka; r: Rust, 1. sh. Samuel, Parr; Read, Samuel Thos., Blooming= ton Valley, Edgerton; 1. sh. Sharp, H. W., Veteran; ]. sh. Robertson, J. S., Queenstown; ]. sh. Davis, Samuel R., Ponoka; jee Stone, Mrs. Annie, Empress; rt. sh. Smith, W., Kinsella; 1. sh. Spencer & Sons, Jas. 8., Lac la Biche; rt. sh. Olsen, Clarence, Beazer; 1. sh. Hobbs, 8. T., Standard: rt. sh. Shea, Mrs. T. J., Beaver Mines; rt. sh. Atkinson, Thos., & Samuel, A., Bottrell; 1. sh. Patton, Thos. 8., Erskine; at Miller, Jacob J., Buffalo Head, Sask.; 1. h. Reinhart, Frank J., Chauvin; 1. sh. Berry, Thos. J., Spring Coulee; rt. T. 5 Millman, Mrs. H., Stettler; i ye tal talon (ta li02) Cau tal calea tal tata, WOaltay talonl tn tr-| CALM Ky ‘Sks S\s =| a JEP eKele << <[po IE Pc By ed eVckKe ve pe Bevans, Jr., F. E., Cardstone a i A we Smith, W. A., Irricana; Tt P Suggitt, H. A., Coaldale: rt. sh. Sanders, Raymond A., Boun- dary Creek; rt. r. . Stankiewich, Ignt, Huxley; rt. h. Springer, Fred., Hilda; rt. sh. Shively, Mrs. Almeda B., Faith; POLTs : page Joseph, Milo; ae se H. S., Raymond; Lae Rafuson, Thomas, Markerville; rt. 'T: Sloan, Thomas, Elkton; rt. h. Sperling, Phillip, Rosenheim; “Prteshs Scott, Wm., Strome; 1. sh. Merritt, S. R., Throme; rt. sh. sige S. R., Sundre; ae Sn Sam, Lea Park; Toh: Stillwell, W. pA R., High River; Hansen, Jeppe, Strathmore; TE: Crawtord: S. V., Vanesti; Ten; Smith, Wm., Saltaux; ]. sh. Sutley, S: “W., Mirror;-— rt. sh. Campbell, N. 8S. & Wm., East- way; rt. sh. Henderson, Wm. &., Elean; rt. sh. Bowden, Mrs. Wm., Taber; rt... Seritsmier, W. G., Vegreville; 1 hi: = Skelton, W. R., Munson; rt. sh. ah, do 4 gs +e range Alberta Brand Book 455 NIN Se <6 ce i eS a, x 7 aX HECCHEERE \ f Seale, Wm. Jno., Battleview; rt. Tr: Smith, Wm. F.,~ Elnora; rt. h. zi Spencer Bros., Dolcy; ]. h. Sylvester, Rudy, Verdant Val- ley; rt. r. Srolovitz, M., Scollard; int. Sherwood, S. O., Magrath; l. h. Savell, Sydney, High Prairie; Tt..r. Salzwedel, M. H. F., Buffalo; h rt. h. Scotton, Geo., Cowley; lh. Snoxell, W., Dalroy; £%,-¥. Haffner, Geo. J., Coutts; TG: i Smith, J. E., Daysland; rt. sh. Haugen, 8S. A., Edberg; ]. h: _ Behner, Mable Irene, Olds; i Tp Gunn, H. A., Brocket; l. r., vent same inverted |. h. Groff, Isaac B, Stettler; rt. h Powelson, John, Raymond; ik Powelson, Gilbert, Raymond; rt. r. Mortimer, Fred. G. C., Gleichen; 1. n. Johnston, R. C. & L. A., Sunny- slope; rt. r. Hayes, Mrs. Edwin A., toks; rt. r. Oko- Paaer John, Lethbridge; wate tal UF sx ) ta on Cay 1/ C0 1/02) Un ERE I ty AE Oy }00 oe at glalt]4l- SRREINESE Stetson, Jas. S., Taber; tad Smith, Alex., rt. h. Ensign; Sutley, Seth, Mirror; 1. sh. Sibley, E. J., St. Kilda; bor: Sales, A., Calgary; ih; Ackroyd, Smith, Magrath; ] ie Sanders, Miss G. A., Castor; l. h. Harper, Mrs. Stanley, Battle- view; l. h. dagen Alfred, Hastings Coulee; rt. sh. Stones, Hugh, Spring Point; it, Cummins, Samuel A., Mayton; Lr: Pinchak, Mrs. Steve, Stafford Village; rt. sh. Tucker, John C., Vermilion; rt..D. Horse ‘Track Cattle Co., Ltd., Langdon; rt. r., rt. r. & h. and l. r., vent same rt. sh. Ayotte, Theodore, St. Paul de Metis; l. j. Simpson, Thos. E., Innisfail; rt: n. be. Mrs. Nellie, Carstairs; 5 rt. h. Theroux, Honore, Duvernay; Fee nt Claypool, A. B., Swalwell; rt. r. Travis Jones & Co., Viking; “rt..r. Taylor, Albert, Hillcrest; rt. sh. : Alberta Brand Book : rere Raletad Sd ovens Reid Hill; Johnson, Ludwig, New Norway; rt. h. Brown, Thos. E., Redcliff; rt.:k. Newton, Geo. D. C., Acme; £0.75 chen Wm., Elnora; 2s Evans, Thomas, Camrose; rt. h Taylor, Francis, Wainwright; ]. sh. Thome E. E., Strathmore; tT. Hogen, Theodore, Eye Hill; rt. sh. Wallace, John, Garden Plains; ig eS Lie lee Harvey, Munson; Willson, Andrew A., Bashaw; Fe. Ts Burns, A. P., & McLean, N. V., Medicine Hat; 1. h. Rowe, G. P., Reid Hill; rt. h. Turmelle, Theade, St. Paul de Metis; 1. h Kirkwold, Ole, Calgary; 1. sh. U Trautman, A. A., New Norway; rt. r. Barrie, Frank, Empress; rt. sh. Fares, W. H., Winnipeg, Man.; lr. & 1. h. Mcllroy, Wm. Henry, Diamond City; rt. r. poe” Geo. A., Stettler; Ape Ellison, J. F., Cardston; rt. r., vent ‘same T2 y a & or TU TU TV LV TX TX Smith, Thomas, Gilt Edge; _ ; Cochrane, Mrs. Ellen, Millar ville; 1. Graves, Mrs. Nellie, Mound; F rt.k Ravnont Jr., W. H., Coaldale; — ay > Taylor, John, Carbon; rt. sh. Silvester, George, Kew; rt. r. Beattie, John, Burnt Lake; rth Fitzsimmons, Chas. J., High River; rt. : Thomson, Robt. & James, Namaka; 1. sh. Bro Clement P., Brocksley;- Fulton, Mrs. Annie, Irvine; Thats Hurst, Jack, Brooks; rt. Fr. Robertson, Chas. B., Three Hills; 1. r. Curtis, Mrs. J. E., Greenlawn; Fin. Dunning & Blake, Nanton; Tt. Tr. — Robt., Lloydminster; ; tan ees Fred., Irvine; Hethesnae: J. W. & R. W., Macleod; 5 Bellest,.Ed., & Forjonnel, Jean, Erskine; rt. h. - , cs mE L., Langdon; Bubna, Countess Irene Mary, The Cottage, Kingsbury,near London, England; 1. r. a ToRTG Alberta Brand Book Tschirren, Adolph, Duhamel; rt. sh. Marcil, Aurele, Fraserton; 1. sh. UU Baker, Miss M. A., Knee Hill Valley; rt. sh. (S EE Se rh. V Horse’ Track Cattle Co., Ltd., Langdon; rt. h. Harris, Calcutt ?& ‘ Martinez, Bow View; I. th. Anderson, Vic, Calgar - l. h., vent bar a heb sprees .Wm., Clyde; ip Bela Burns, A. P., & McLean, N. V., Medicine Hat; l. r : Draudson, Chris., Medicine Hat; w. a, Vennum, V., Lucky Strike; rt. r. sh & Ransom, Nanton; rit De Delley, Victor, Vermilion; ig hy 3 Vallois, Joe, sTinchebray; rt. r. pasragyen, H. V., Round Up; . sh. Hatch, Victor, Blackie; 1. sh. W Beeman, Wm. N., Beiseker; rt. sh. Fitton, W. G., Brooks; rt. r. Hazel, A. F. & W. A., Curlew; Workman, Mrs. Mary E., Hill Spring; 1. sh. Basnett, Mrs. M. J. M., May- croft; 1. sh. x ws ‘Gia “> peaaNys Louis G., Trochu; eh hh Leslie V., Bassano; Viasak, Anton J., Wessington; rt. h. braced: M. J., Round Up; . sh, Huijben, Franz, Round Up; rt. sh. Maigret, M. Vital, Nilrem; rt. h. iba, James, Crossfield; eae Reish, I. V., Tudor; Tt; Ri: Shunn, Vic, Oyen; ]. sh. Wood, Albert S., Rosebud Creek; I. h. Torsell, V., Keoma; rt. sh. Van Der Vilde Bros., Langdon; rt. sh. : < < Ss KSIS HEA SASS ASIS IK re teh Victor, Daysland; Anderson, B. R.,j, Twin Butte; rt. sh. Hardy, W. H. & Layeell, A. Calgary; rt. r. Visiter: Jas. H., Raymond; 457 ~ on QO Alberta Brand Book Pe Sc Sl Se -S SE lE = = = ShShishehhoins: S55 SI SPSISISIEIEKS $5 |5 EIS © 8/5 Lundy, Mrs. W. T., Heath; Tt. 8p. Bolick, W. W., Standard; rt. h. Kerr, Wm. Bruce Cunningham, Ranfurly; rt. n. Telford, Wm. O’D., Heather Brae; 1. Wolf, Andreas A., Burdett; 1. sh. Wilson, Harvey A., Vermilion; Trt. sh. Brown, Wm., Lethbridge; rt. Yr. Wraight, W., Veteran; rt. r. Whitmore, Behm, Bowden; 1. sh. Baker, Wm., Walsh; rt, sh. Bennett, W. C., Sion; rt. r. Baxter, W., Lougheed; ]. sh. ees W. B., Vermilion; oes Buckwalter Co., Ltd., Calgary; rt. sh. Goodacre, W. B., Langdon; 1. sh. er Wm., Cadogan; aS Clark, Wm., Erskine; rt. r. a i W. H. E., Sullivan Lake; oT. a Wm. Jno., Ashmont; De Witt, Walter, Pleasington; 1. sh. Diglow, W. F., Magrath; rt. sh. Davies, Wm. A., Rosyth; 1g a Schroeder, W. D., Tofield; 1. sh. = Wm., Heart Lake; Mb a J. M., Campsie; White, Devereux, Belvedere; rt. sh, a WE WF WE Wr ww WF WF WF UF WF WF = m° = m> mim mm | slsjshshelsds = || 7 Aas Diets Mrs. Florence, Blackie; — rt. Db. Brown, David W., Ghost Pine Creek; 1. sh. Bruce, Wm. D., South Edmon- — ton; rt. sh. Seer W. E., Vermilion; ie ae ip Levar, Stirling; ae Evans, L. W., Sundial; rt..f. Williams, Mrs. Annie E., Dids- bury; I. sh. Eastmead, Wm., Caseleyville; — 1. sh. é Webber, Thos., North Fork; rh. Ts Hayward, E. W,, Lloydminster; sg ee eas KH. W., Bawilf; Tae Leary, Mrs. Abbie A., Cora- yon; Everett, Wm. F., Stettler; rt. r. Watson, Fred’k Marshall, Strathmore; 1. sh. Fairbairn, F. W., Irricana; . sh. ae eas: Wm., Medicine Hat; ae Walsh, Joseph N., Consort; 1. sh. Bruning, F. W., Botha; Tahki Weir, F., Streamstown; rt. sh. Ferguson, Mrs. W. A., Metis- kow; rt. sh. Feclun, Wasyl, Mundare; rt. sh. Fleming, Wm., High River; rt. h. AE Wm. F., Calgary; me Wittie, Fred., Barnwell; rt. sh. Johnston, Wm., Fred’k, Walsh; rt. r. Ferguson, W. R., Ferguson Flats; rt. h. a a lh “ Alberta Brand Book 459 ms WH Wu. Wwe Wu Wu WJ WJ Wu Wo Wo Wu Ainscaugh, Wm. Geo., Wool- ford; 1. sh. Amundson, W. G., Rosyth; rt. sh. Womacks,§A. M., Camrose; rt. sh. Irvin, W. J., Dalroy; rt. r. Dawkins, Walter, Strangmuir; rt. r. oT “Gees W. H., Mannville; Galland, L. J., Nanton; 1. sh. Connor, Wm. T., Sundial; 1. sh. Sle RR cell H. W., Champion; sci W. F., Barnwell; Isaac, Sain Stoppington; Weymark, J. H., Dorothy; rt. sh. h rt. sh. Garbutt, Wm., Gwynne; sh W. J., Strangmuir; Fees erate es Wm., Wilhelmina; Sharer A. W., Walsh; rt. h. rt. sh. Cunningham, Wm., Tees; Williams, F. C. B. A., Gleichen; 1. sh, rt. r. ant Walter, Fertility; Sy a ee Jno., Vermilion; i . sh. Sree Wm. C., Pearce; McKay, Jr., Wm., Medicine pee ae Connors, Wm., Rimbey; Russell, Wm. J., Pincher Creek; rt. sh. tt.?: Greenwood, Wm., Kinsella; Winnik, Jno., Chipman; rt; Tr. rt. h. wets Christ W., Carbon; ve W.L., Cravath Corners; rt. bh. Re 5 Connor, W. H., Lundbreck; rt. Fr. Lewis, W. H., Calgary; iy et ye Davidson, Augusta, Edson; Hallum, Wm., Sedgewick; 1. sh. ]. sh. Legault, M.- W. A., Pincher Creek; rt. sh. oe Albert Alfred, Calgary; rt. D. Wagstaff, Jno., Huxley; rt. sh. ; 12> 28 ||2 Eps pspslScdSdEck=Ek Jones, Wm., Lloydminster; rt. sh. Lane, W. C., Taber; =|e shat ey Wm., Landonville; zt; ]. sh. Moore, W. J., Rosalynn; Wik T. & Palm, A., Durling- 1. sh. ville; rt. r. Sener er H. J., Ewing; Leathart, Wm., Carbon; ab : , rt. h Willard, Jno. T., Taber; Horn, Hazel V., Manyberries; rt. sh. lez: r Murray, Walter S., Paradise Wilson, Clark, Vermilion; Valley; 1. sh. rt. h Rhea, J. W., Spring Coulee; Williams, Wm. H., Edmonton; 1. sh. : rt. sh. = ae W. J., Hardisty; ae Mary, Erskine; Ay . sh. = hes ag James, Perbeck; re ee Wm., Mannville; o Me A v4 = L L; Lb ti UM M Ww M uM 2 Alberta Brand Book 460 Ww Woodall, Mrs. Maude, Bowden; Ww R ear vpcieee. Wm., Vermilion; yum rt. sh. re : Mattie, Adolph W., Macleod; a Reishus, Edw., Viking; - WM 1. sh. ; WER 1. sh. WM Moyer, Walter, Sundre; ~ Rogers, J. W., Fenner; py rt. sh. UU R lr. VN Bergguist, Wm., Strangmuir; tee Roebuck, W., Islay; sh. | WUe@ orth | McDonough, W. N., Ryley; WR Rachar, Wm., Brownfield; Tht; -\ 1. sh. 3 Walmsley, Wm., Big Valley; [Te Rushmier, Wm., Medicine = Pant s|,s) sls | =)\shs S BEES Fae eeee AGES ae A) Werner, Fred., Beiseker; Woldum, Nels, Strathmore; rt. sh.’ Nicholls, W. A., Ryley; Tt..f. Boden, Leslie W., Reid* Hill; rt. h. AERO. Wilbur, Nilrem; Péetermans, Wm., Throne; rt. T. Needles, W. P., Daysland; Th as Owens, W. R., Hunterville; 8 . 8 be Wm, Bay Widmer, Daniel, rt. h. Magrath; Walsh; Donaldson, Wm., Nanton; l. sh. Bishets Sam., Purple Springs; ES Mey Bevs, Me d.: Rusylvia; Hall, C. W., Bassano; rt. sh. Peck, W. J., Fourways; ~ 1, sh. Bil ac psn P. H., Redcliff; . sh. Prest; W., 1. sh, eg sap ce Wilfred, St. Edouard; Mannville; piped, F. W., Lonbutte; , e Wells, Ray, Berry Creek; rt. sh. wi wT sof WT | WT WU WU WU YUU Swan, Mrs. Wilhelmina L, Leighton; 1. r. i ar Wm., Weninatiee a Wabasca Supply Co., Atha- basca; rt. r. Scott, Wilbert W., Summers view; rt. h Smith, Wm. C., Lafond; 1. sh. "Smith, Wm., Didsbury; a8 Mackie, Wm. S., Stettler; rt. fF. Sweet, Wm., Dewberry; rt. h. ii a, W. S., Calgary; Williams, T. F., Chailey; rt. I. Goodall & Phillips, Kitseoty; rior: Thorne, Walter W., Dalroy; 1. sh. aut Wm. T., Rimbey;_ or. secs Willett, Mannville; Gowdy, W. T., Shepard; 1. sh. Thomas, W. N., Puffer; rt. T. Waters, Ralph, Endiang; 1. sh. Hooper, W. H., Claresholm; rt. sh. Moore, Thos., Lyndon; rt. f, Theron, Wm., Kinsella; rt. h. fe ee Alberta Brand Book 461 e|e Sc = Ips) YU V YUV Daniel, T. W., Pashley; rt. sh. ee: A., Sylvan Lake; Ae ics Schultz, W. E., Brant; jb: Allsop, C. W., Swalwell; rt. r. Riddell, W. I., Major; 1. sh. Cairns, W. B., Islay; 1. h. Westbrook, Minnie, THF: Cridland, Walter, Brocket; rt. h. Burdett; Wuebbenhurst, Martin A., Rose Lynn; |. r. Walker, Mrs. J., Walsh; rt. h. Messenger, Mrs. Erema, Endon; rt. r. Vollans, W. H., Youngstown; 1. sh. Weaver, Isaac, Cayley; 1h: Aitken, Wm., Paradise Valley; rt. h. aoe Mrs. W., Ribstone; ae Walker, Walter, Vermilion; 1. sh. Witwer & Weicker, Three Hills; 1. r. ars ag Ernest W., Dewberry; Weaver Bros., Mannville; 7. Green, W. H., Auburndale; rt. sh. Woueaey & Whyte, Lougheed; at Pee Wm. D., Vermilion; e|= Wood, R. W., Seven Persons; rt. r. hr eae R. W., & A. J., Olds; a ir . be oe Wm. A., Mazeppa; ae McCabe, Wm. J., Queenstown; rt. r. Wood, T. C., Lignite; rt. h. Day, Wm. J. Stanley, Clares- holm; rt. r. Harnack, Wm., Comrey; rt. h. bi 3 Arthur J., Strathmore; . sh. Wary W. J., Paradise Valley: doh > Wallenwein, Andrew, Thelma; tt. h Wray, H. H., Irricana; l. sh. Wray, Mrs. H. H., Irricana; jig Harvey, D. W., Wildunn; rt. sh. Purdy, W. P., Medicine Hat; Tt. F. bie wis James, Ranfurly; gs Hayes, Wm., Vermilion; l. h. Yauch, Willis, Langdon; PG. dis Mt eka Wasy!, Lanuke; Young, W. T., Burmis; l. h. Wheatley, Fred., Tilley; rt. sh. Woychik, Joe, Purple Springs; rt. h. Witherett, Mrs. Mary A,, One Four; 1 me a tt). pte 62 - Alberta Brand Book tN Christensen, E. J., Redcliff; Catlow, John, Carbon; 1. sh. rt..%: ; Ba Christian, Irvine; erent: J. S., Kanata; ye rt. h. Warren, Mrs. Ernest M., Milk Cameron, Geo. J., Daysland; River; rt. j. 1. sh. Mills, Jno. Thos., Munson; rt. sh. — Frances Annie, Veteran; . sh. Hotes Mrs. James, Nanton; AS Massie Bros., Ltd., Midnapore; rt. h. Iig, E. A., Carstairs; rt. sh. XK [pS 1K | HS |S Sue eee Harper, C. C., Websdale; rt. sh. Y - Burns, Patrick, Calgary; Brandt, Mrs. Christina, Little Y l.r. Vent ~ under Plume; 1. r. Reimann, Henry, Irvine; Frederickson Land Corp., Ltd., Y FI yas Fleet; rt. h. cote ba Frank A., Rimbey; ae A., Mannville; ats . ° < <= on rans Peter, Blackfalds; Sg ren Irving, Ranfurly; .?. : rt. s < eee 3 Fred., Auburndale; Anderson, ih W. G., Steve- . sh. é ville; 1 Borsert, August, Stirling; Smyth & Laing, Tarves; lz. rie He: Carson, Arthur, Oxville; Dutel, A., Cluny; rt. h. 1. sh. Meier, Arnold, Botha; Tomlin, Mrs. A., Strathmore; 1. sh. rt. h. Bye, Andrew, Hanna; rt. fr. pret Andy W., Lonbutte; ut SIS|SI SIS Bleriot, Michael, Carbon; rt. r. bee rig Bros., Rumworth; . sh. & > Anderson, Jno., Lindsville; Byrd, Edgar H., Carstairs; eS rt. sh. 15 McDonald, A.ex. F., Lake Billeviller, Paul W., Sheerness; Saskatoon; 1. sh. Tt. 75 7 wif > ae hie a -v ~<|_<] <|<|< RSI RIK) ie S| S Sie Alberta Brand Book (Xd Sia D/O |= |S <|)<|<,|x« J p= let Beth IRE ps <|< 80 eee] Efi a= poe pS I oS si ag J. H., Gurneyville; Hay, Roy W., Zoldovara; * rt. h. Harsch, Jack, Rumsey; 1. sh. Hogg, Wm., Endiang; rt. r. Hinchey, Mrs. C., Vermilion; rt. h. . Moss, Harry, Heath; rt. sh. Harrison, J. V., Cheadle; Yr. Hutton, B. P., Calgary; Tt; hy Hayes, A. R. Olds; l. sh. Hatchall, Rex, Mossma; r. Hay, Sr., Jas., Carbon; rt. r. Ramey, R. H., Innisfree; rt. h. Hagel, Jacob, Beiseker; ]. sh. Hobbs, Fred., Caroline; er. Hepp, Peter, Castor; Le Hockley, Henry, Big Valley; rt. r. Harrad, Arthur, Brocket; TG. ans Taprell, Chas. D., Calgary; rt. h. EORAEs Jas., Gleichen; a Joly, Phydime, Metis; rt. r. St. Paul de os a Jas., Rosebud; ae Jurgenson, Henry, Verdant Valley; rt. sh. Young, Julius W., Vermilion; rt. r. Johnston, Daniel, Cadogan; rt. h. play Jno. A., Wildmere; Ey, Bppriceon, Johnson, Stettler; ae AREER SSRERRS nes oS ee Joseph, Carbon; a im Jeglum, H. E., Wetaskiwin; Jobson, H. J., Freshfield; rt hi Lopierre, Jeremie, Duvernay 1. sh. Young, J. G., Chauvin; rt. h. Holmes, Jas. S., Sturgeonville 1. sh. Jones, Mrs. E. M., Ranfurly; rt. h. arte Eugene, Rosebud Creek; Ps Newt: Andreas, Dorenlee; Long, Harry, Beiseker; ]. sh. Morrison, J. L., Merna; Ih: Anderson, Einer, Vermilion; rt. Fr. Taylor, J. Stopford, Vermilion; rt. h. Murray, Wm., Wallace, Nan- tons oF; Lashes: Jno., Laird, Mont. Moody, Jno., Rosyth; 1. sh. May, Jno., Spring Lake; rt. Fe a Angus, Innisfail; Die Moses, Mrs. Martha, Ranfurly; rt. r. ay Peter, Coronation; Tt. Miller, R. L., Donalda; Thaiks Waeore Harry, Grainland; we Miller, Mrs. Hugh, Irricana; rt. sh. Moffat, Jas. Geo., Wainwright; Thits McDougall, A., Cowley; 1. sh. i R. J. & J. B., Trenville; » Te Alberta Brand Book 465 ——— 3 Sissies Zz Sz [Sz mE 4 Fo PH fare, SO ee Ys i OU SUS G2 < |= YN YN YN YN 1] K z\i2 ee James, Leslieville; Miller, Phillip, Consort; rt. sh. Murdock, Wm., Crossfield; rt. r. a aes Max, Wimborne; oe si a Chas. A., Brooks; Miller, Raymond, Langdon; rt. sh. McElhoes, Mrs. Patience A., Strathmore; rt. r. sy eg: Dora, Taber; o's sis Marion T., Minburn; Minch, Herman, Mundare; rt. r. Vankley & Mulder, Taber; rt. h. she ag Thos., Ponoka; McCollister, E. A., Dalroy; rt. sh. 1 a aoe end, R. H., Langdon; Nash, Jno. F., Cluny; rt. sh. Cleven, Nels O., Killam; rt. r. Platt, Thos., Brant; Lat Young, Andrew L., Brooks; rt. r. pepishend. J. L., Claresholm; pe pees Mrs. Henry, Cardston; ae Fennessey, Albert, Calgary; rt. h. = & Nielson, Taber; =r. Stinson, Lillian L., Altorado; rt. h. Wright, Mrs. A. E., Berry reek; 1. Vroom, Mrs. Ruby, Beaver ines; |. r. er Se Oliver, Chauvin; 2) O/1O ae O)}'O YC YC As YF re re Yt YF —<|{| Uy) O10} P] SSI oF r. Young, Wm. Stuart, Seymour; rt. sh. Simonin, Mrs. L., Ouellette- ville; rt. r. Hockley, Sylvester, Big Valley; _ t Tt. ©. Bye & Sons, Henry, Lucky Strike; rt. h. Smith, Wm., Delburne; rt. r. Shy tesic Albert E., Claresholm; . Te P Bare eee Hyman, Rumsey; Stainforth, Robt. syde; l. Sandeman, Thos. L., rt. r. gery bon Carl A., Tudor; A., Alder- Okotoks; Smidt, J. D. H., Nanton; rt. sh. esos, Philip E., Bergen; ek poe H. A. & B. A., Ponoka; Templeton, McLean, Gilt Edge; rt. sh, <\e-<|xs1-k —S =¥u <) 3: aah ~| > (14 se Sal Jr., J. C., Gleichen; tS Brandley, Henry, New Dayton; sox apa Henry, Big Valley; es Earl, Hyrum W., Mountain View; lL. r. <2 3s aa Jno., Dewberry; ae. W. D., Bowyville; soF% Leidberg, E. J., Whitebrush; rt. r. Ferguson, Alex., Keoma; rt. h. Z Muskett, Fred. Jas., Peerless; rt. 3s sis Otho T., Lethbridge; Anderson, E. A., Ryley; ae. Shermerhorn & Anderson, Rose- bud Creek; 1. r. Habstritt, bey Fe # ZT ZU ZU ZU ZV ZV Zw WIS N ~< jo wate 8., Innisfree; ae Sas shay Jas. A., Claresholm; Ae Schaufeli, W. F., Strathmore; aK Goodall, T. B., Tring; Tt. h. Pollitt, Mrs. Harriet, Bow Island; rt. r. Taylor, Mrs. E., Hillcrest Mines; rt. h. Zech, Theodore, Diamond City l. sh. Thede, Ezra, Didsbury; 1]. sh. Tewinkel, Harmon, Tripola; 1. sh. Let a aphi, W. L, Leavitt; Bennett, Herbert R., Gleichen; Tbe Ts ee oes Robt. A., Gleichen; % Eeieys Thos., Claresholm; 5b Hankinson, Harry, Glenbow; rt. r. — F. O., Langdon; 9s Woodworth, L. C., Summer- land, B.C.; rt. r. Bauman, W. M., Eyremore; . Fi say sala J. A., Gleichen; aes Roberts, Jno. Theo., Magrath; Ti: F. is Wei Albert, Talbot; 1 A Miller, Aug., Mortons; ich, paar ei Henry, Josephsburg; . sh. McKinnon, J. W., Meadow Creek; 1. r. vas & Sons, Wm., Claresholm; /f. = Cora, Cayley; Be Cay W. J., Chin; «Ps a ee | a 470 Alberta Brand Book ~~ 3 tN: Fraser, Alec., Carmangay; vy rt. h. Z 7 rs wes Bros., Medicine Hat; ~ Pascoe, Cyril, Namaka; Zz: Y rt. r. 2 McGregor, Blair, Wildmere; rt. h. es W. A., Pincher Creek; Horse Track Cattle Co., Ltd., Langdon; |. sh., vent same inverted underneath, Sy ie Mrs. Effa G., Cousins; 2 Cc , a A Peterson, Aug., Holden; rt. r. Fife, S. L., Lanuke; rt. r. 3 Canadian Cultivation Co., Ltd., Calgary; 1. sh. MacMillan, Donald, High q ; River; l. r. 7 3 —E Wilson, Chas. E., Erskine; J Ee rt. f5 Baker, F. H. & H. 8., Langdon; rt. r. Husted, H. P., Blacktail; ee 3% Faulkner, Ora B., Battle Creek, Sask.; rt. r. Crockett, Wm., Walsh; A ee H. Percy, Ingleton; 1. sh. Christensen, James, Stirling; rt. sh. Moore, Thos., Claresholm;_ rt. h. Smith, Rich’d, Magrath; rt. h. Bresnahan & Stewart, Elk- water; rt. r. ; he aM Melvin E., Raymond; Jacques, Norman, Castor; rt. r. Currie, Chas. Robert, Wim- borne; 1. sh. Sillib, James, Wisdom; EY: Semple, James, Chauvin; bes Barnet, Mrs. P. I., Cowley; | Dore Jno. C., Gleichen; eS a Robert, Olds; a ' a eee ee ee ai Alberta Brand Book 471 aa ol { SPE ee ee ee I ee eee LST oe Archibald, Michal H., Glen- woodville; I. h. Whitney, J. W., Stettler; rt. ©. Smith & Sons, C. D., Hopkins; ft.h. Dudley, Jos. Smith, Hill Spring; rb.'h. Moorhead, Mrs... Nellie, Provost; rt. r. Coonce, John F., Czar; 1. sh. 5 Bell & Sons, J. T., Medicine Hat; 1. h. Peterman, F. B., Vulcan; rt. r. A seighings. Jake, Calgary; a i Powell, Claud Albert, Bowden; rt. r. 6 Bell, Jr., R. F., Meadow Creek; rt. r. Rey l.j Martin, Albert Ed.,. Youngs- town; rt. sh. er, H. H., Cochrane; Bubna, Countess Irene, Kings- bury, London; 1. sh. aoe Albert, Chauvin; er ot Ward, P. I., Neapolis; ]. h. Lashmore, Geo., Drumheller; rt. tf; - Robertson, John Cameron, Fodderty, Scotland; rt. h. ht parm J. A., Millarville; Yr. Decker, Jacob L., Olds; TG. Ts Se pia Bertha L., Vermilion; eri Redford, Mrs. Almira, Leavitt; rt. r. Jeu Ouesime, Gleichen; rh Kraft, Wm., Alix; hi Sepaer Wm. J., Eagle Hills; Sloane, G. D., Cayley; Tt. r. Lyttle, Jas. A., Calgary; rt. r. 472 Alberta Brand Book __ q Beesley, Mrs. Elizabeth, Moni- Hs Johnson, Chas. 8., Okotoks; <6) tor; rt. r. : io) rt. r. ie Wm. G., Lacombe; LAYS terse B. P., Carstairs; Eliason, Jr., N. L., Stirling; Lr. 7 Windsor, J. Alfred, Bashaw; 7 P Burns, A. P. & McLean, N. V., Xe 1. h. od, Medicine Hat; I. r. wal Morton, John C., Gleichen; Kirby, Eugene, Rosebud Creek; 7TVV rt.r. -/ Ee SS oe ad Prendergast, H. B., Kenex; Tt Hansen, Mrs. Olga C., Walsh; 74 as a Ve a aa Arnold, Carlyle H., Longview; Tarkelson, Nils, Stettler; TE; rt. h. 5 . 7 dt roi: 8 Coppock, Ralph C., Tongue ee Samuel Alex., Bound ‘ ; rt. h., vent same rt. 4 Z Creek; 1. h., vent bar uncer sh. Reavley, E., Steveville; Como = ann C.,4Tongue rt. 0. - 8 Zo rt. 5 Moore, Thomas, Claresholm; Faganbush, C. E., Ponoka; 9G Lh. &r. a Lr. Salt, Ernest, Boundary Creek; ]. r., vent bar over. eb Michael, Carbon; fF. port ad John, Lowden Lake; rt. we MacGregor, Mrs. ele N., Bassano; rt. r. Milles, Fred., Ponoka; Nate Leonard, Viking; tr. vs : 01 W/o rae ore ee we Alberta Brand Book ABRITRARY SIGNS Lambarde, T. B., Alix; Lr., vent 1. th. Marks: double dewlap. is I Geo. A., Granum; Wallace, A. R. & Waltén, J. E., Gleichen; |. h., vent bar under brand. Rankin, J. B. & Campbell, Twin Butte; rt. h., vent bar under. i Aa R. F., Bottrell; Bubna, Countess Irene Mary, The Cottage, Kingsbury,near London, England; 1. j. Carmichael & Boulton, Willows; ay _ HOOF MARKS Ce] Ellithorpe, Mrs. Clara, Weste ward Ho; l. ear. Hayes, W. J., Olds; 1, ear. Pyatt, Chas. S., Puffer; rt. r. Hardwick, Cyril D., Lyndon; rt. ir. Jensen, Chas. A., Aetna; rt. r. vent same inverted, rt. r. Bartlett & Gatby, Consort; TG; Te Day, Chester Reid, Lawson- burg; l. sh. Campbell, Wm. B., Dorothy; l. h., vent bar through. AND EAR TAGS OLE HAUGEN METH $ Ere: Haugen, Ole, Meeting Creek; l. ear. Smith & Johns, Veteran; l. ear. INDEX TO CATTLE BRAND OWNERS” Pages Pages Pages : Adolph, Henry........ 243 Alexander, Samuel 8 .. .354 ne: tee 438 Adshead, Albert G.352, = Alexander, Wm........234 [gt ey ae 234 ye me Edwin W Alexanderson Bros. . .. .337 ie was 233 | Adsit, W OR Bes Alfke; John’ 33.5.0. shake . Salta eae 423 Aeihele, Jakob........290 Alfrey & Morrison... ..268 eit Wester Al sss 381 Afseth, Christ....2.. 0 .:. 430 Alford, Chas. B....... 346 if : RES he Piss 3 449 Aginias, Benjamin Alex .424 AlgoteGisle vee ieee 430° ; Abrahamson, John L.. .323 Agriculture, Dept. of. . .423 Almberg; He oa cee 447 iF tte 354 Agriculture, Dept. of. . .423 Almon, J. E. & Eager, ~ Rare 440 Ahrens, Mrs. Lydia... .250 Mot eS ae 384 ¥ eee 437 | Ahlwardt,A.......... 325.) Allanch, Aires Tale 462 “3 \bremenko, Wm. F.. ..381 Atenas Ae es Res. 438 Allan, Ales seca 363 Ackerman, C. F....... 499) | Ainge:-Di Weise. :383 Allan Brose. Ata 404 aa He Ackermann. J.F....... 290 | Ainscaugh, Wm. Geo...459 Allan; James: cua 368 © ' Sie t 463 Ainsley, Wm. Geo... . .234 Allan, John’B..... ):. 4422 S eee 1 Naar Sta 455 AMNSICYo Wield cile sae ts 234 Allan John dies uae Sad BO ee ictal ety » 236 Ainsworth, Francis..... 465 Allan, Robert A....... 325 (ea ee cs ne 308 | Airey, Richard........ 264 Atlan Wises os sacl oe 397 Seto ete. 401 Aitcheson, Archie G....273 Alleger,; D? Gecv sy. 2250 eee ae 349 Aitcheson, Geo........274 Allen dete sak dee dS arena ds 354 Aitken, Wm... .......461 Allen, Edward.........320 “s Meds pace werk 290 | Aitkens, Mary Jane... .291 Allen, Mrs. Emma C.. . 252 ; Mine. 2 A OOo Aor: Alesse. to Sa. 423 Allen, Mrs. Fannie... ..272 i Lee ee See) Akers, Dells shies. ey $10. 4 Alien, Frank-30). 6000: 439 y lams, Mrs. A........ 350 Akins: PELs & Mie ee 405 Allen, Heury Ris sone. 402 it fa Re 234 Akroyd, Fred. W......365 Allen, Joseph oe SAO it fe rer 324 Akroyd, earners ages, Allen, Roy M.........365 Adams Bros........... 252 | Alakavish, Joseph . . 334 Allen, Samuel......... 354 _ Adams, Charles L. .261 Albert, Miss Julia... .. 448 Avien: We Woke ai ves 385°: eeicoe Mrs. -Cilena Albert, i Ee eee trae eas 423 Allen W,. Sass Gees 291 | SS ee eee ones: 247 Albert, Nicholas. ...... 334 Burood, J+ Bis ot eee 379 Ross evs chabas 277 | Alberta Co-operative Allingham, Geo........273 vw A 234 Farming Co......... 231 | Allison, Edwin........ 253 Adams, Edmund...... 253 | Alberta Farm Live Stock Allison, Sanford W..... 330 ae mee 253 Ce es ccs Be. b Allred, Prank Fe. eee Fee ec, 429 Alberta Land & Live Allsop, C. W..........461 i Pere See 317 Rbaek Cg es: 393. | Almauist, Fo... 2.60. 4297 Shae HI iy Se 293 | Alberta Securities, Ltd. 231 Alovar, Martin........ 402 eH Sie Reta e eG 449 Albertson, A. T. and E. Bly CHAS yan re ee 318 o)) aydehee's 239 Dit citar a he oe LOD Alpaugh, Andrew L,...318 — iy SiSStE bie vege 370 Albrecht, G. F........485 Alpaugh, E...2.......263 i Pel aya 372 Albrecht, Philip. ......442 Alridge, Walter H.. ...252 DUE fag Saee 288 |. Albright, ©. EB...) 2.257 Alspaugh, Henry O....327 FAdams, AGON a hoa GS ' 413 Alchin, Ben........... 423 mln 1 GGE ose sea leselvie 248 Adams, Keener W..... 315 ALCOCK Ped ve fe tehdiretes 5 337 Altizer, Hella......... 233 je Adams, LouisE....... 324 Alcock Bros........... 266 Altmann, Albert....... 415 ‘Adams, Mrs. Mable... .252 | Alcock, H. W.S....... 354 | Alton, Robert......... 251 Adams, Margaret...... 376 | Alcock, Mrs. Mary... .421 Alwood, B. L......%.. 236 Adams Mrs. Russell... .318 alg ae yeaa 378 | Alwood, Mrs. D. E....467 Ac ) pe reece 365 | Alder, Wm........... 253 | Aman, Christian....... 398 PIFISSUW Te 0. oc he 381 Alderdion, JRMOBR OS. 8 291 Ambler, Andrew Geo. . .394 it Adamson, C E........ 318 Alderson & Son, Ralph. .326 Ambler,“ DARE 4S. 2s 235 ; Adamson, John H.....290 | Aldes, Albert H....... 400 | Ambler, Fred......... 365 1 Adamson, N.B........243 Aldous; Jonny s.:; Sse). 318 Ambler, James........ 354 A thwaite, Wm..... 402 | Aldridge, Mrs. Charlotte Ambler, John J......%. 420 Eye aS dhe Sal aha. Re ae el (nea ie ae or la te ea 321 Ambler, Mrs. Mary AC .423 ree WI, Osu... 8 s 436 Aldridge iE Re kee cm 370 Ambrose, Byron....... 236 -Addeman, F.......... 253 | Aldridge, Walter H....379 Amery & Hubbs....... 436 Addi ee = 369 Aldridge, Wm......... 234 Ames & Son, A........ 393 Addison Bros.......... 236 | Alen, Edmond......... 414 | Amos, Wm, A......... 381 Adelam, Mrs. Myra....381 | Alexander, A.O....... 338 | Amphlett, Chas. E..... 231 A a hts epee eames uate Alexander, Alfred...... 423 Amphlett, Chas. E..... 410 TORS ca vie# 236 Alexander, De Witt C. .381 Amund, Serenus....... 354 | EAR 348 ! Alexander, Samuel T.. .353 Amundson, W. G......459 li Alberta Brand Book | Pages Anderberg, O. P....... 338 Andersick, John....... 290 Anderson, Adolph . 311 Anderson, Albert Bos "413 Anderson, Albert M....252 Anderson, Andrew J...411 Anderson, Andrew..... 423 Anderson, Andrew B. . .236 ‘Anderson, Andrew G.. .329 Anderson, Andrew M. .232 Anderson, Andrew P. ...365 Anderson, Anders...... 283 Anderson, Anna B..... 236 Anderson, Mrs. Anna §.334 Anderson, Anthon..... 337 Anderson, Archie...... 323 Anderson, A. A........ 231 Anderson, Axel G......309 Anderson, Bert........ 365 Anderson, B. R......-. 457 Anderson, Carl A...... 404 Anderson, Chris....... 253 Anderson, Drace.......339 Anderson, Duncan..... 250 Anderson, Earl........ 319 Anderson, Earlin...... 325 Anderson. Edward..... 452 Anderson, Edward..... 452 Anderson, Edwin...... 254 Anderson, Einer....... 464 Anderson, Elof........ 381 Anderson, Enoch...... 253 Anderson, Ernest...... 336 Anderson, E. A.......-. 467 Anderson, E. R........ 262 Anderson, Fred........ 378 Anderson, F. A.......-. 272 Anderson, Forsythe & MoK sy aiatin Seas « 441 Miideraon, Geo. D..... .275 Anderson, Guss........ 366 Aviderson, G.-dates i sae's 285 Anderson, Hans C..... 417 Anderson, Henry...... 283 Anderson, H. H....... 358 Anderson, Hugo....... 341 Anderson, Rev. Isaac.. .318 Anderson, Irvine...... 462 Anderson, J. E........ 403 Anderson, James F.. .. .290 Anderson, John........ 290 Anderson, Jno.......-- 462 Anderson, John........ 442 Anderson, J. L........ 291 Anderson, J. I......2.. 290 TANCGYSON JP aiaie bie oo 368 4 Anderson, Jno. P...... 438 Anderson, Louis....... 318 Anderson, L. He. ..). 6 441 Anderson, Mable A... .272 Anderson, Moses A... .232 Anderson, Nephi...... 334 Anderson, Nils P...... 446 Anderson, Otto........ 271 Asidersony Poe tiaswaase 263 Anderson, Petrus...... 257 BMOSTSON, Ze «Basie aa ae 421 Anderson, Robert...... 307 Anderson, Sam........ 454 Anderson, Truls....... 339 Anderson, T. & G.....334 Anderson, Victor...... 347 Anderson, Vic....420, 457 Anderson, Wm........ 381 Anderson Dr. W. G....462 Anderson, Wm. M..... 413 Anderson, W.A....... 381 Pages Anderson, Wm. J...... 386 Anderson, W. L....... 438 Andrews, Benjamin B. .404 Andrews, Chas. W..... 231 Andrews, F. C. C...... 467 Andrews, Those. ves, 288 Andrews, Thorvald L.. .394 Andrews, W. E........ 416 Angel Bic... uneasy 318 Angell, W. F.......... 381 Angle, Sie ie elas 253 Anhorn, Fred......... 336 Anhorn, Michael...... 241 *Annablex He Fs 52d 436 Annett, Sam.......... 354 Anning, Oka. Ceyeee ee oe 463 Ansley, J.N.......... 368 Ante, Tid sissies Anton, Mrs. E. W.....467 Anthony, G. A......./372 Anthony, Peterson..... 339 Autrobus, HHs.s so poe 404 Apow, Joshua......... 404 Applebee, Albert...... 273 Applegate Land & Im- provement Co....... 319 Arcand, Joseph........ 308 Archer, cee oe 249,411 Archer, Fred S........ 354 Archibald, John....... 424 95 Archibald, Michael H . .471 Archibald, Thomas... .337 Ardley, Alfred......... 365 Arkell; A.-Die. Seat. ih 438 Arkinstall, Chas. F. .. .339 Arlt, Mrs. Lydia S424 318 rmey, Adam......... 2 Artimey,- As Boe. ce en. 337 Armitage, C. A 273 Armitage, F. D........ 318 ae es Bros. & Ben- Peis "THOS. Cues Fe 308 Armstrong, Mrs. Annie 253 Armstrong, Chas. E....276 Armstrong, Dave...... 251 Armstrong, F. W...... 315 Armstrong, Geo. M....418 a ada G. A. & M. Armstrong, Ives M....438 Armstrong, James.....306 Armstrong, Joseph. ... .366 Armstrong, J. C....... 333 Armstrong, J. W...... 374 Armstrong & Mort aaa itame eles 286, 334, 364 Armstrong, P. R....... 289 Armstrong, Robt...... 415 Armstrong, Robert C.. .274 Armstrong, T. J....... 365 AvndtaHe Mis. es cos Arndt, Wiis. ehee. 372 Arpell G60 Fi oko 35 kaN 3 Arneson, Edward...... 346 Arnold, Albert........ 418 Arnold, Carlyle A oietanee 472 Arnold, is » soheee Arnold, Jacob B....... 304 Arnold, A Ya tee ay i 447 Arnold, Nelson........ Arnold, Willet. < sa. ' ... 0. 459 Clark: Wine see 458 Clarks “WosA. sine oe 391 CAST le VV tie a han en 417 Clark & Babeock...... ay Clarke:& Bros. i00 2%. 248 Clarke, Mrs. Catharine. 285 CABTKB ON, Sten ie 334 Clarke, Frank J....... 276 Winrke dass Los eos eas. 292 Clarke, Julian F. & Jas. M 447 Ce 255 Clarridge & Clanville. .248 Clauson, Mrs. Huldah. .325 Claussen, John........ 292 CHACON Gi sic eines oak 292 Clay Mlmer. ae: 431 EN) Mh Moreira eee ioe 258 RY eee eit eh ke 355 lav, Ht Woke cone 459 Clay 32H eect 93 Claypool, A. B..<..... 455 Clayton, John......... 426 Cleak, J. Elwood...... 428 lege, Mi BE esi pea eae 95 Cleland, crea Clement, James.... Clements, Albert...... Clements, Arthur Clements, Frank Clements, Percy Clements & Son Coan Alva A Coad. Grant Cliord Alex. A DD: Clover Bar Coal: Com- ee ee Coaker, Richard Coatsworth, Isaac Cochran, Mrs. A. G.... Cochrane, Mrs. Ellen.. 4 Cochlan, Sidney Coe, RE Eleanor S.. ffin, O. E Cofield, haan Alice E.. Conginas & aie Jas. “Coldwell, Wm. B sae ner et ae x Pages Pages Cole, Manley R. D....426 | Cook, Mathew...... ..333 | Coulthard, Thos. B. Cole & Slater.......... 407° ‘| Cook, Ray. 23 pee 248 | Coulture,G.A....... Cole, Wm. Spoor...... 452 | Cook, William........ 408 essere uc Geo. H.. .24 Coleman Bros......... 237 Cook Win ANees 369 Counts, W. P..... g aes et Coleman, Chas. F...... 277: + Cooke, Mra J2./o0. 75.5 300 Couper, Mrs. hohe . 4 Coleman, Harry Alfred. ri Cooknell, Ernest....... 414 | Court, Geo. E.........2! Coleman, Oscar J.. .468,| Coot Ben.s. i. ftticd 396 | Courthil, Oliver...... 2 Coleman, Philip....... 395 GO Bey Sw OR Rae 238 Courtney Bros . © 3% Colerick, R. E......... 264 | Cooledge, E. A.. ..253 | Courtney, F. Ww. sili 4 Ooles,T. Fo: eee 433 | Coombes, Frank D.....442 Courtney, Philip Ox Collard, Harriet....... 280 Coombes, Thos. Jno.. . .308 Courtourille Louis. . Collard & Sons, W. H. .419 Coombs Bros.......... 274 Cousineau Pacifique. Collard, Wm. R....... 383 Coombs, Mrs. Ella W. .255 Cousins, A... V ator en Collicutt, J. A..... 2... 292 ‘| -Ooone, DM: 225 ake 436 | Cousins, Joseph. Collingwood, G. W.....270 | Coone, John F. 471 Cousins, J. Hefti Collins, Arthur T...... 231- | Coore, Conrad. a0 Cousins, Robt. W. es Collins, Carter........ 408 Coonfer, Colinievcane ee 370 Cousins & Foreman. . Collins; BW 270 Coonrod, D-Lhori emeto Coutta Ras : Collins, Harry E....... 401 | Coonrod, Zora M...... 463° |. Goutu, P. As, -acee oe Collins, Isaac... 2..2.. 249 | Cooper, Arthur........ 394 | Coventry Thos. G.....27 Collins, John B........ 383° | Cooper, A: Deo tise: 430 | Covert Wm. Henry... .39 Collins, Mrs. Mary. ...395 | Cooper, A.W......... 435 | Coville, Geo..........3 Collins, R. Bo c.6iss. 1 374 | Cooper, Beatrice....... 237 | Covlin Fred......... 33! Coélins “Re Recor gon 280 | Cooper, Bryan. ..435 | Covlin, Nellie.........4 Collins, Samuel........ 355. 1 Cooper Cs Aviovers vas 401 | Cowan, Alice E.. BL Colp, Py hese sese e 255 Cooper Mrs. E.M....292 Cowan, Ho: Sena 2. 45 Colthorp, Albert L..... 317 | Cooper, John.....278,292 | Coward, J.H........- Colville, John... ...°..: 279: 1° Cooper, J) Et. cab. ss 294 Cowdry_ & ‘Maaweaeel Colvin, James A....... 285 | Cooper, Lillian B...... 321 | Cowen Thom H...... Colvin, Robert........ 266 | Cooper, Samuel J...... 250 | Cowger, T..Cir. eee Comeau, Albert....... 433 | Cooper, Thos......... 339 | Cowley, Thos. E...... Comer, James......... 330 | Cooper, Wm.......... 320 | Cowling, Carl N.......37 Comfort, Alanson...... 409 Gooper! WG ere ne 380 Cowling, Fred........ 42 Comfort, Jno. H....... 296 oote, G. R. M. & hb Cox, Arthurs, 34.2 Commas, DON Conte 278 Mary <3). eer 234, 434 Cox Archur &Hamphrey, Como, Francis........ 276. | Cope, ft; Be cee ny eee we 431 ‘Pred’! 0. oe See Sens, Capt. G. & Mar- Cope, John; ste ee 437. | Cox, A. Nock: jest eee , PTS pate ORAS conten 283 Copeland, Jas.........292 5%, AN ik ace e: Ga: Hector D....... 251 | Copeland, R.......... 350 | Cox Bros., J. M. & T. as Comparino M........ 426 | Copeland, Seth........ 452 Comrie Bros.......... 284 | Coppock, Hubert W....341 | Cox Bros.......... ih Comstock, Fred....... 384 Coppock, Mrs. Mary...254 | Cox, C.......... ne Comstock, R. J........ 346 | Coppock, RalphC. 279, 472 | Cox, Joseph.......... 343, Comstock W.H...... 434 | Coppock, R. C. & H. W. Cox Jno. W oss is30%9 24 Congdon, Robt........ 308 418 Cox, Mrs. Lula........4 Connah, Chas......... 392 | Coram, Geo. A........ 376 ox, Manson........2 Connell, Geo. J........ 266 | Corbett, Mrs. C. A....432 | Cox, Mrs. Rhoda..... Connelly Alfred A.....400 Cordel & Sons, A. F.. ..273 Cox, Wilsoni2e3 res 3 Connelly, Ernest E.. ..261 Core & Sons, Jarrett ...292 Coxon, Jas. Edw. : Connelly, Mrs. Katharine Coreyc Ar cena 324 Coxon, Richard C: .39 329 Corliss, Jesse FE... ..... 259 Coxon, De Witt Ri fon Li Connelly, Mrs. Lizzie ..318 Cornock, Mrs. K...... 439 Coyle; Fob cvocas ag ONNeT Ee ee ee 07 Cormode, E, M........ 254 Cozens W. E. E...... Conner."M.. J.0e62 6 sabe 299 Cornelissen Jacques. . .292 C. P. R. Branch of Ani Conner, Thos. W...... 292 Cornell, Sidney M..... 414 Hushandry:; 2. Shee Conners, P. O.. .....4. 345 Corner, Otis E........ 283 CoP. -Ry Demonstrati Connolly, Jas. H....... 295 Cornford, Pik sews 255 tc re 14 Connolly, W: Gave 2% 434 Cornwell; Pat e232355% 433 Crabb, Mrs. E. M.....42 Connor, Mrs. Effa G. . .470 Corrothers, Helen M. ..280 Crabb, Mary A...... . 43 Connor; Ws 0.2 407 Cosens, Ralph......... 287 | Crabtree, E. C........46 Connor, Wimiwd) uae 386 CYostels,' Fede ek cad 292 Craemer, Roy.........39 Connor, Wm. T....... 459 Ota. Cues. fs Peres 275 Craig, Andrew....... 27, Connor, W. Hesir eke 459 Cote Alberts 2240455 274 Craig, Davide) ian: me a Connors, John......... 278 | Cote Mrs. Annie...... 190 | Craig, Elizabeth. ......44 Connors, Wm......... 459 Cote, Edward..:...... 431 Craig, pete So ea 29 Conqurrgood, R....... 238 Cote, Joseph. .... 02... 275 Craig, Richard L..... .32 Conrad Circle Cattle Co. Cote desi or Se 319 Craig, Sc... eee 23 414 Gots Philias. ¥.cy.anar 365 Craigie, Mable fe Conroe, Grover R..... 338 Cotte: Bros. iis. ce 338 Craine, G2Bo.% ae x Consneau, A. C........ 248 | Cotte Pierre Maruis. .433 | Craemer, Roy........ Constable, R.S........ 250 Cotton, Jo A oo Sae oe 432 Cram, Wm. 7 cn CO A pea rtd 275 Cotton & Sanderman..355 | Cramshaw, Fred .. OS Wag OA) DRS tea Soe 275 Coughlin: Py si ee3 414 Cramin, Unifred.......31 GOK, LG We ots ss 5 Coughlin, Wilbur...... 434 Cranmer, Levi K...... 1 Cook, Emma Adeline. . 375 Coulin, Arch... .....% 235 | Cranmer & Meekel. Cook, Henry. Foe 2: <>. Coulombe, Joseph..... 292 | Cranston, Adam....... Cook; Mrs Es 22 8. Coulthard Bros........ 265 | Cranston, Geo. & Mat. Cook, Mrs. Maret pene 441 Coulthard, Geo. J... ..265 hew=- 4205 sak eee 4 a] ’ Alberta Brand Book .383 F Raver. Wm. Hopper. _ Crawford, Sr., Mrs. panes a. 2, Mtrawtard, A. J. .....: 367 ' Crawford, Bryce....... 238 ' Crawford, Calvin oe .432 " Crawi ord, Elinor . 1255 _ Crawford, eee 255 _ Crawford, Harry T....432 ieorawiord, Jas.......:. 28 - Crawford, John G?.... 374 - Crawford, John M..... 447 Crawford, J.C........ 275 eCrawiod, J.D... .:... 340 t ‘Crawford, Mrs. H. M: .434 -Crawi ord, — Bes B56 b. Picrawiord, S:V. 2.63. | 54 Crawford, Thos. . oa 283 BCrawford, T.P.& J. W 289 Crawford, A ha epee 458 Crawford, Mrs. W. I... .288 _Crawson, L PE Le tee 319 Crayford, Rowland. . . .282 Creed, note ies B75 -Creeden, P PS Siler 404 Creighton Bros. ies: 338 Crenshaw, Bese eat 275 mress, John........... 442 _Cressenan, Joseph 292 Bioretin, Henry.:........ 467 eCrewe, Fred.......... 289 Crewe, Fred J..... 307, 411 Crichton, Chas. F..... 60 See Henrys. 5°): 368 ‘Cridland, Walter...... 461 Crippen, Norton B.....334 -Crisall, Frank......... 324 3 [hl OIA ee ee ee 466 -Critchle & Rhods.....337 _Critten CR Ao de he 292 ocker, Howard A... .408 Crockett, Barney...... 32 Crockett, H. U........ 432 { Crockett, Walter...... 375 ockett, Wm....:..... 70 ofts, Truman W 371 Cromarty, Magnus 398 Crompton, J.H....... 466 Mrs. Maggie 275 Cronin, James......... 409 *Cronin, David......... 8 onshaw, Alfred & Bros. Bole) ods wie) 305 5 ih 7 Pes apa 304 merooks, G. EH. ..>..0... 251 RE HOS: 6. ow 5 le 367 Bpley,-Chas.. ...<°)2.. 431 ‘opley, John L....... 435 Broabie, Ru Foo. hee. 248 osby, Mrs. A. C..... 236 sby, Chas. W...... 447 Sn CIR Sar ae 0 osby, Herbert....... 339 a oe : Saeeenee 320 mroskell; R; Hoses... 287 oss, H. Alden....... 453 GH. ese. 437 oss, Wm. D.. | 330 BSHey, 9) Boss... oe 452 rossweller, Henry 421 1 RES 3 Sa eee 395 ouch, Mrs. M. A 280 ouder & Malone Bros. 432 Pages Crow, Mrs. A. G...... 433 Crow, Benjamin....... Crow; Geo oe oa 284 Crow, Thomas..... s. +283 Crowe, Ralph R....... 435 Crowe, Walter........ 383 CrOWET Us ie ho aes 290 Crower, Wm. J........ 471 Crowther, i. bs ou. 20s 268 Croxall, Mark Y....... 331 Cruickshank, Rev. W. M 328 Cru Anes eo ec 340 Craniiy bel VE sents sess 279 Crumrine, David S... .409 Cudmere; J. Gs... 22.4 274 Cuilleriet, Jr., Louis. .319 Culbertson, A. J....... 23 Cuthani Wok es 463 Culling, Thos. J. F.....292 Caltum, Sie. i ese 355 Cully, Clarence........ 875 G5) ES Beer a ee See 463 RTL EV yy WR od Gace aslo: 451 GulpsGeow Wess ee 275 Culshaw, Thurston . .243 Culver MB a5 eo 37 Cummings, A. P....... 231 Cummings Bros. 232 Cummins, H. A. ..278 Cummins, Samuel A. ..455 Cuncannon, Holland & BONA esse ee ees 256 Cuncannon, J.B. . 259 Cunningham, Mrs. C. O. 280 Cunningham, Napoleon 255 Cunningham, Wm.....459 COrratiyS.c bas ones 452 Currence, Claud....... 411 €iirrent,’D; Nu. Soe 322 Currey, Jas. Elliott... .259 Currie, Chas. Robt... ..470 Currie, Fred “W...5.. 5. 382 Curries Sete se a 441 Curries Ra Woe 448 Carry Alberts 2% 269 Curry, Mrs. Albert... . .269 Curtice, Jno. M....... 383 Curtis, Neus Be eke ee 430 Curtis, oF oo ae 338 Curtis, Fred M....2.... 272 Curtis, Jno. 2 erences 55 Curtis, Mrs. J. E.7....456 Curtis, Thomas.. . .248, 403 Curtiss, Mrs. J. C.....316 Cusick, Jacoby... . 3: . 804 Cutforth, Herbert...... 392 Cuthbert, Robert. .....433 Cuthbertson, Norman. .428 Guttor,/eivam 2s: ec 393 Cutts (Ce Mire tele. 426 Vples) AS oceaie Bels 259 Cyr; OSE eee 248 Cyr, DamasiJo .o.553: 392 Cyr, Mrs. Felicit...... 452 Cyn, Henry estes 436 Chyt Jenne ore ore Levitte B... .329, 426 Gyro Coir. By Sag Cyr & Smith........ .. .420 Cyr; Wie ee tee eee 413 D add Bi: Geum sins Oo 240 Dahl: Bros yecisrss oe Goes 427 Dahl Lats tiesto. ees 319 Pages Dahl Carl, i cos Mikes. 22% 321 Frey, Gustav. ae sae ‘ . : Plant. W + ee 2 Howellial ...; cane 294 Pridunh Aas, Space Flitton, Geo. T........ 434 Fowler, J. W...... 276, 340 | Friedland, Mrs. Ya ROO al. oc 236 Fowler Mrs. Sarah C. Be Friesen, Mrs. Anna H. Flowers, Joseph. ......294 Fowler, Wim) oc .n om Friesen, P, AL cree Flynn, Angus T....... 423 Fowler, Win cs322 seo a Frink, Mrs. Clara C.. Hiv. JOC aoe 270 Box, 6 hoi ae 340 Frink, Ei af: ee Flynn, Patrick J....... 340 Fox, Ernest W.......; 257 Frink, G.Kes See Oat; (An Cis eee 347 Fox Francis Rael see e 396 Frink, FP 7 Poat; Philipeas eacee os 272 Pox G; os ee 397 Frink, Joseph. ....... Fobes, (H.ALé sincere 366 | Fox, Leland Weeley.: . 415 Frisch, Peter. . : Foden, Francis H......340 Fox, Mantiny s%- ay se 348 Fritz, Mrs. Eric B. ee Fodness, Halstein.-.... 347 Foxwell, A. E......... 463 Froehler, Henry J..... Fodness;.. Fe ee 336 Foy, Kenneth C....... 439 romm, Gustav..... . 329% Fodness, ‘K. He oer ac: 310 | Fraedrich, H. J........ 271 | Frondorf, Philipp. .....463 Fogarty, Martin....... 436 | Frakes, Robt. W...... ..403 | Frost, Mrs.C.B...... Folander, E. E........ 257 Fralinger & Buehmer.. . 239 Frost, Ba So ees Hole. Cl WE So eee eae 431 Brance, §Wee'-> 375 Frulling, Ei Bek See Poulet; Ts. Tiss ee tats 321 Francis, Chas. H...... 260 Fry, Ceci’. Re Holsom?H GAs wee wee 345 Francis, Geo. L........ 279 | Fry; Dansd..> cee Fondtick; Gish eos 444 Francs, y. PR ek 413 LY, SoMa ee Say ae Fone, Peder, ........... 468 | Francis, Milton W..... 342 a Bins ee Heot, Jas. cae 272 Frank, Heber C....... 439 Brye; Chas. Pi =a ee Foote, Mrs. Flora J... .340 Frank, Gecil 3205 se 276 rye; Wim: Re i eee Forbes, James......... 370 o') Rrank © 2 Risener 431 Fugima, Frank J...... { Forcade, Eugenie... ...265 Frank, John W........ 294 Fuller Bros's.00 tae ‘>. Pord: Arthur 4) 52 341 Frank, Joseph......... 294 Fuller, Ethel SS enna ; oa ) Bord, Arthur. es a 429 Prank, Wins sae 348 Fuller, Miss Hattie. Ford; Chas. Ao! ows 271 Frank,.W. Mi a2s 5. 388 Fuller, J. D. ade eH ON os Chae oy abe Hrankal, JH Aaeses on: 408 Fuller, Lewis H....... i Ford, Mrs. Hee acy 309 Franke; Leo..H:.. .. =. 271 Fuller, Mrs. M Cc AO ae Ford, Mrs. James.. .462 Frankel, Joseph H..... 249 Fuller, RoR. 37 F249 020m Ford, James W... 53.6. 405 F rankish, Jonni A ous 373 Fullerton, D. W....... 250 Ford, Miss Kelsie..309, 334 | Frankish, T. H........ 321 Fullerton, H. A....... 405 Foreman, C.W.& Palmer, Franklin, Jobu. . 234, 250 Fullerton, Jake. ....... ahs OS oe San a ee 247 4 Fulton, Mrs. Annie . f Foreman, Herhert S....335 Franklin, Mrs. Ursula L. On Bros: 337s. hee Forester, Mary A...... 340 337 | Fulton, H. & W.L..... 3 Forhan, Oswald....... 417 Franklin, Walter. ..... 384 ulton, Isaac L.. @orener; Gi. Wes so5 Sa 435 | George, W. B......... 319 Gilruth, David......... 370 \ Gard 5 Saha 239 Geraghty, M.>........ 432 Gilson, Mrs. J. W.....295 _ Gardner, Clement...... 295 Gerbera Do Bee ts ee 251 Gilson, “Wien. 2 eee 434 @ Gardner,C.A......... 435 | Gerber, Noah......... 393 | Ginger, A.......... .. 467 396 | German, C.G......... 431 Gingrich, Menno...... 47353 A ee 435 Gerrard, John.........278 Girard; Donatz.. 53. 0. 1oee ee freee 295 Ceertitey A Th 4b Girard, Felegine.......271 Iner, Mrs. Maggie. .440 GEerticn, ig Wl. be sa. 435 Gitard, FY. Ay ee eee ner, Owen........ 340 Gervais, Alexander... . .234 Girard, Leonard....... 321 I r, Samuel....... 452 Gervais, Alexis........ 380 Girard, Mie oe es 396. diner & Sons... | 428 | Gervais, Joseph....... 205. | Ginard, PUB Je peae es 258 \ a arin, EAS Se es 366 Gervais, Romain....... 402 Girard, Thaddie...... BY i (ac: _ Gardner, ag Walter. .384 Geschke, Wm........: "394 Girdley, Mrs. Iva...... 414 .« Gardner, W.R........ 407 | Gesmer, Simon........ 282 Girvan; Wi. D.c.oek 356 easaraner, WoT... 365 Gessinger, SAR Bes hog os 231 Gish, Ezra G......2.-. 277 ® Garlick, Mrs. M....... 279 Getman, Chas. Lewis.. .277 Gislason, "Dh Aeeeee 283 -Garlin, A ee oe 3 Gettig, (aS Aaa 431 Gladik, Anton......... 378 | _Garlough, Harris, 328, 412 Getts, Gardo.......... 258 Gladstone, Louisa...... 340 409, 417, 419 Giachino, Batista R....274 Gladstone, Mrs. Mary A. | ‘3 Garlough, Mrs. Susan. 416 Gibbard, Wm......... 384 332 ayHian ORNs: 278 Gibeau, Oliva..... 340, 325 Gladue, Jerome........ ryt ise * Garneau, BlOL rs ee 235 Gibbons, Harold & J. M. Glasgow, Sid... .. 2.00. 452) 4 _ Garneau, Mrs. Eleanor. 257 45 | Glaud, Ferdinand... ...280 Garnett Botfield, Wm.430 | Gibbs, W.W.......... 40 8 Glaze, Norah H....... 288 Garnett, Richard...... 34 Gibson, C. F. & F. H. .443 Glaze, Robt. C......5 281 eR EM 357 Gibson, David M......306 Glaze, Thomas........283 ERS 380 Gibson, Isaac.........411 Gléeson,.J%.<. oe. 2 2208 ear ee 349 Gibson, James.........340 Glendinning, H........310 eae ak ey Gibson, John O........447 Glenn, ee a ea ra alae 278 Gibson, Percy.........258 Glennie, Alex..........274 SD aeee 409 Gibson, Thomas. .... ..334 Glennin, Wm..........427 Pa te es 410 Giddy, GR Set hor oe Gleson, J. E...........238 Ae re Mos 284 Giebelhans, Adam.... .231 Glock, Edward........309 She es 296 Giebelhaus, John. .....278 | Glover, W.R.........389 meetrates, H; B......... 5. 434 GIET Uc Mats Sethe. ae eae 298 Goad, "Reginald B. & Ee TAS te ea ena 357 Gier.& Kuoh, 0.0... 3". fi ROT, Oi ek Oe al es ae am ee en eae | Gatiene, Mrs. W.G....434 | Giffen & Barclay...... 275 Goad, Wea Ie acess 385 we iii Alberta Brand Book Pages Goble, Mrs. Lillian S. “143 Godbeeson, 274 Goddard, Chas. W.340, 382 Goddard & Sons, J. E. .276 Goddard, Ralph H..... 406 Godsal & Powlett...... 253 Goebel, Charles........ 310 Goeller, Wm.......... 384 Goeson, Mrs. Amy..... 239 Goettler, Anthony..... a Going, John E......... Ee Going, Philip S........ 313 Goins, JamesH....... 278 Gois, Albin- (shee. 274 Gold, Jr., J. Hyrum. .275 Golding, JaIMOB I Tee 432 Goldman, Lizarr..:.... 321 Goldman, Lows Sec 241 Goldman, Moses....... 384 Goldsmith Bros........ 279 Goldthorpe & Son, H.. .375 Goldthorpe, Jack Kirk..309 Goldsworthy, J. F..... 276 Gollam, Wm.......... 384 Golladay, Sam W...... 357 Golley, Wm.) 05.0555. 334 Gooch, Alfred......... 308 Goode BPs cece 239 Good, Jacob. 26045-28.. 337 Pero roles lei a Waseiedite te 2b chat 295 OOO DEIN sil kia kenues 299 Goodacre, W.B....... 458 Goodall & Phillips..... 460 Goodall, J.D: rete. eae 469 Goodbrand, Thomas. . .283 Goodenow & McLarty..400 Gooder, John E.......293 Goodhand, A. A....... 231 Goodkey, Christie ..... 274 Goodkey, Mrs. Martin .257 Goodkey, Wm......... 384 Goodman, J........... 293 Goodrich, Mrs. G. C...411 Goodwin, Alfred H.....324 Goodwin Bros......... 335 Goodwin, Harold...... 283 Goodwin, Harry....... 376 Goodward, Joseph..... 295 Gordon, ‘AYoxo oo Orne 372 Gordon, Beaumont A. .356 Gordon, Chas.H...... 275 Gordon, Daniel R...... 366 Gordon, Frank W...... 430 Gordon, aay. H. .336, 286 Gordon FB aa 276 Gordon, Mrs. Irene A. ae Gordon, James........ 433 Gordon, Mrs. M....... 352 Gordons One hncu me 80 Cordon, Be 8 A ym 275 Gordon, Robert....... 284 Gordon, Thos. A....... 396 Gordon, Wm.......... 309 Gordon, Ironsides & Fares toa 273, 287, 316, 33 331, 364, 368, 377, 392, 409, 426, 416, 417, 420, 437 Gorgiezuk, E.......... 439 Gorrell, T.. C...e ieee, 280 Gorrill, der We 335 Gosling Bros.......... 27 es et Chas. . 283, 379 7a OA Oo eT 25 Gough, Joseph T...... 271 Gough, Geo ef Bs Sr Sa 277 Gould, Alvah T....... 274 Gould, Aida ha siaaee es 77 Pages — Gould, Elizabeth Agnes 276 Grounds Hessen ede Gould, Rowland B..... 240 Gould, "Thomsass hiss ce 283 Gould, Thomas A...... 433 Gould, oi Nata oc (hen seems etdar «S Goulding, A. W. W 388 GowdyeW.: Fone cent 460 Gowland, Wm......... 59 Grabell, Maud E...... 428 ° Graces As eos see 434 Grd SOnR: fac ieee 278 Gtat Otto scoot 411 Graff, Wred .a6<3 ues 246 Graff, Viotor. 2.5 255 ces 283 Grafton, Thos. Wesley .286 Graham, Andrew...... 284 Graham, Jas. E........ 374 Graham, John......... 433 Graham, John A....... 295 Grats dd. ntsc ee 295 Graham 3. Dc eee 358 Graham: J. Mijpes5 fe5 392 Graham; 35: Shee 462 Graham, J Win eos oe os 295 Graham, Mrs. Lillian N. 235, 273, 364 Graham, Mrs. Marst.. .434 Graham, 00:3, ee 340 Graham, Sam... . 500% 357 Graham, Thomas...... 283 Graham, Wm......... 270 Graham, Wm......... 384 Graham, Wm. J....... 384 Grainger Bros......... 430 Grainger & Sons, Frank Wie eiorecc cates eed cere 330 Gran, J. Hilmer....... 295 Grange, Ed. B......... 303 Grange, Nicklois R.. ..351 Granger, Geo. B...... ~, 239 Granger, Wm. W...... 391 Granlin; Ole Ji ..e. 2. 412 Grant, Miss Alice...... 285 Grant, Edward........ 276 Grant, PE A br ee 435 Grant, JAMES. Se ak 297 Grant, Ralph A....... 426 Grant; Roy. 2.35 61 COPaT WT, eee aes 384 Grant, Mrs. Wm. H.. . .331 Grauman, A.M....... 434 Graves, Geo. G... .277, 277 Graves, Mrs. Nellie... .456 Gravitt, Rudolph 8... .413 Gray, Alex. M........ 280 Gray, Ambrose........ 435 FAW: Au oh ees et 295 EM, Mere tada ey. ke ra 258 Gray, Geo. .......2... 266 Gray; Geos Wy o. Ska. 300 Gray, Harris.L........ 234 Gray, Dr. Herbert B., 321, . . 408, 420 Gray; Jamedinck.. Gs saa 357 Gray, Jobnet as occ ces 414 POS We Dacca can hare oon 278 Grave TW ek 407 Gray, Maggie......... 416 Gray, Samuel......... 409 Gray, Thomas......... 283 Gray, Thomas......... 435 Tay, Ls Mee cee 261 Gray, Walter S........ 336 BEY NV Ae ng oa ied 382 Greathouse, W. W..... 402 Greaves, Florence...... 257 | Gregory, Ed. J. + ee eee eae re ey Green, Geo. W... "984 Green, EO rey tee Green, Walter. . ; Green, Wm ...25. 3.42. 4 Greeno, J. He... nce +. 295 Greenwood, Ada M....4 33, Greenwood & Dilworth} Greenwood, H. H...... Greenwood. Win: see Greenslade, W: Weel Greer & Ransom..... 2 Gregg, Ji3 327.755 Grege, W. Boe Gregoire, areasgek 2 Gregoire, Napoleon. . Gregory Bros.......... "39 Gregory, Dave........ 275° Gregory, Bi. Joss eee 413 ed aniel, Gregory, Percy. . 283 Gregson, James........ a Greif, F. Joseph. . .288, 295 Greig, Geo; Roi 2 cea 89 Greig, James. ........ * Greig, John.......... 283 Grenier, Celina. ....... Y Grenier, Josephat A.. Grenier, Joseph V... + ‘ Grenier, Mrs. Morace.. eee wee er see eee 8 oo er es re Alberta Brand Book 4 Bee gonsice, Martin 3 -Grisbrecht, Mrs. E.. 4 Griswald, Doraus Pha e ai ae dl Rd Be Gross, J. I 295 ~ Grove & Son, Addison, B 434 Grove,.Chas. Ww 295 undy, Capt. Josiah . .366 yD 275 ‘Z Gueisinger, Frank be - Guenette, oe A 4 - Guirand, j pexerg 9900¢ é 7 Eun erson, Chas Beuttman, Samuel. . _ Guttridge, John q Hacker, Mrs. Bessie.. Pages Haeberle, Chas........ 304 Haeberle, Jacob....... 311 Haecker, Harry C.....286 Hafiner, Geo. dnc. 455 Haffner, Wm. A....... 365 Hagel Bros...... Ri ee 240 Hagel, Emanuel....... 258 Hagel, Jacob.......... 464. Hagel Peter. 33s Se. 468 ABEL ET DOSA i si.'5 Sede oe 466 PTH ROS coef os ees 258 BEAR OW SINS Ties pcr tace eters 242 avon, Oles sss. 0 es 447 Hagen, Theo. J.:......314 Hagen, Thomas....... 327 Hagenhofer, Mrs. Mary SON Le rts ieee arc 38 Hagensen, Mrs. Mate J = Hagermen, John bo Se a Oa ile er 307 Hagrards i. Ona os os 448 Hagley, Jno. W....... 385 Hagstrom, Nils J...... 287 Beas OUGOr so os os ee are 341 Haigh, ROSS Mag oot 322 Haight, Brarnkeby yd 3. 453 Hailstone, Allan S..... 310 Bg Pa Bs sicte ete fetes 05 Hain, Alfred Aj.:..3.. 394 Hainsely, F. W........ 384 TERT EGON .e ba, orcas 40 der ta (8) 01s Oe ee Ra 357 Haise, Hubert J. B.....241 Haker, Henry......... 439 Halbert, Robt......... 251 Halbgewachs, Harry C .275 Hale, Christian........ 318 Pale: Leslie 20. tava e 325 Faligus C0 aki a ae 467 Halkett, David........ 436 Hall; Alba W....... ‘..378 Hall, Albert G........ 441 Hah Albert Lio oear. is. al Alex, a, crea aes 362 Hall, Mrs. Anna....... 335 Hall, Mrs. Camilla F...258 Hall Chas it (i Fins. 432 Hall, ONE ain Meena 460 Hall,Daniel.S........ 3 6 392 Hall & Dalton.;..... . 442 PEGS DS Wid sae es ek ec St Hall, UN bcoyc) og! pie gaan 256 de UNE Shs Sao, ne a a 258 Hall, Mrs. Fanny C....432 Hall, re ee aici ¢ 322 Pell, Pi ek 72 Hall; Harry: Boo... 392 Hall, Mrs. Hattie...... 465 Hall & Horner........ Halle FiSs eo oa 397, 357 Hall, Jesse D.......... 29 i Po Peas! © eat eae me a 300 BUG are ED cc oxe wee sagt x 304 ALES Bid G0 Ue ie pen eae a 296 Hall, Jabus 8. . 467 Hall, Dewisiinisess ose 445 Hall, Mrs.-Mary....... 411 ROOM 7.05", Xo SUER 341 Hall, Stephen......... 278 Soa WHET hs) a8 ie 385 & WO00Gs ese as 34 Hall, WW Baim oso ee 240 Halla Brose 1 Ae: 343 Hallam;Ben.) 21.0 50%. 68 Hallett, Edith M...... 268 Hallman, 1 Chae a baa 435 Hallquist, Albert No a 306 Hallquist, A. J........ 364 Hambly & Sons, ‘Irvine . 240 3 Hames, W. A. W Hamilton, Sam J 342 Hamm, Jno. & Ralph. .392 Ux ®. 325 Hammond, Albert Hammond, mes <8 Hampshire, Geo. . 3 Hanegan, Mrs. M. E... 373 Hanerslen, Martin Hankinson, Harry ‘ 341 Hannan, Wilfred E.... Hanigan, Rose E Hanseman, J. H Hansen, Carl A Hansen, Charley Hansen, Hans C Hansen, Hans P Hansen, John E Hansen, Thomas 233 Hanson, Andrew, 260, 318 j 39 Hanzen, Abraham Hanzin, Mrs. Annie. . Hard, Roy Archibald. . +350 XX Pag Hardie, Mrs. Mary E. 258 Harding, L Harding, We. 0) 6 Se Hedlind, Anders Jenson Hedstrom, Chas..J. 58 Hedstrom, Ernest W. Heelin, Charles. ..... Hefferman, Mrs. J.C... 300 i in: Joseph . ....44 Hevea = M. & Masop ee ee ew eee Heidecker as ‘Krauss. ; Heidenger, Fred. . . Heidmiller, Thos. . Alberta Brand Book xxi i: Pages Pages Pages | Heighes, George....... 335 | Herbert, M........... 333 | Hill, P. N. & O. P., and Se 2: oe 335 Herberts Pos. oe = cen 373 Matson, ts a oe 339 Heinemann, Ernest... .429 PISTOI, eRe ak ee 376 FAW WM oe Se a ees 338 Heinke, Charles....... . 308 Herder, Reuben A... ..347 Hill & enue Wm. 333, 375 Heisler, Martin........ 366 Hereford, B. E........ 238 Pana Pela a hse 348 Heizman, Frederick. . . .328 Heriot, Michael....... 472 Hillborn, Ae Se 351 TES Bee ae ere 322 Herman, Christian. 367, 386 Hillenberg, Chas....... 287 Helland, Lars......... 310 | Herman, Fred......... 321 Hiller, Friedrich.......429 | LE RRL Sa ine ae Pee 429 Herman, Mrs. Frank. . “407 Hiller, Hilldus......... 357 Heller, Geo. H........ 365 | Herman, Heinrich.....258 | Hiller, Jacob.......... 337 Beeler, SORT... sos. « 396 | Herman, HenryG..... 5a EN Bo i RS reer ay ae 331 Hellevang, 8. & C. A...355 | Herman, John......... 407 | Hillman, Geo.......... 277 Helmbolt, Thomas..... 311 Herman, John......... 310 | Hillmer, H.C......... 262 Rgolmer; M:. Jeo. 00s 402 Herman, Peter........ 342 Hillyard, Mrs. F....... 262 Helmer, Sherwood..... 352 Hermann, Charles..... 286 Hills, Jamesiz: sic s oc 392 Helmig, Otto.:........ 341 Hermann, F. J... .468,390 | Hiltbrand, Jacob...... 318 elsing, Simon........ 366 Herold, Alex.......... 232 Hilts, J. Mee 291 lembling, Sydney E...356 | Heron, J.C........... 349 | Hilts, Thomas......... 327 emeonson, Mat...... 443 Herrick, A. R. & O. F. eee ae T. 311 Hemeycr, Ww. 6 pe wee ae 401 375 Hinchey, ... 464 emken, Emil........ 259 Herridge, Edmund..... 259 | Hinchliffe, Geo ATCA 1341 BPGINGL TAS Bias oss 3 35 401 Herrold Bros.......... 287 Hind, Cyril ns). ss Seat 420 Hempseed, Richardson .359 srerraid, 6. C.2 5 es 65 357 | Hindmarsh, Thos. F. . .364 Hemsley, John M...... 374 Brerrvon=:C ato sone 263 Hinecker, Christopher.431 Hendel, Casper J. .369 Herron, Mrs. Peter. ...240 Hines, August M...... 308 ¥ Henderson, Albert G., , 335 PICELOD LW od ones ek 385 Hines, Howard & Willis. 313 442 Hersey, C.' As. 0. ss 365 Hingston, G........... 313 Henderson, A. J....... 367 Herzog, Arthur C. R..341 ink: Bred) 2250. ag oe 270 Henderson, Chas. A... .359 Hescott, Miss Annie. . .321 Hinkley, Geo.......... 384 Henderson, Holt....... 322 Heslop, J. Wm........ 324 Hinkley, W.D........ 262 Henderson, Joe........ 296 Heslop, Roy F........ 351 Hinman, Andrew...... 337 Henderson, John F... .289 Hester, LeoS......... 394 Hinnman, Byron D....439 Henderson, Joseph M . .403 Hetherington, Geo..... 375 Hinman, Kate......... 439 Henderson, Leona A. ..253 Hetherington, J. W. & Hinton-Bross i253 fade 297 Henderson, Mrs. Mary .288 Fed Winn ena elie ek 456 Hives Bros... ek itaks . 260 Henderson & Parker. . .335 PROVO, So. Ses as os 324 Hielter, John........ - 468 Henderson, Robert... . .377 Hettler, Joseph P...... 326 Hoadley, John. . .380 Henderson, Jr., Richard A. Heureux, Alfred L..... , 322 Hoar; Gee. As Ses ees 267 350 Heureux, Gustave L. : .432 Hoare, Mrs. Clarice Eva Henderson, Roy F..... 253 | Hewer & Sons, J. J....367 255 : Henderson, Mrs.Sara E. 357 Hewko, Wasyl........ 388 | Hoback, C. E......... 372 _ Henderson, 8.J....... 358 | Hewitt, John S........ 906: + Hopum, WeeP oa. cs,< 3 341 : ienderson, Thomas. ...420 | Hewitt, Mrs. J.S...... 358 | Hobbs, Chas. H....... 434 = Tenderson, Thos. R.. . .364 Hewitt, Robert........ 314 | Hobbs, Fred.......... 464 enderson, Wm....... 375 Hewitt, Wm. J........ 304 Hobles, G. F.......... 440 Henderson, Wm. A....367 | Heyland, R: B........ 406 | Hobles,S. T.......... 454 Henderson, Wm. S..... 454 | Heyland, Wm. M...... 375 | Hoch, JacobB........ 377 MPOTOUIIE, WA 5 wad se eas 341 Heyler, T. M......... 348 Hockett; C28 ci7e0 5: 336 Hendrickson, Benjamin grey vor. Wm........376 | Hockin, Mrs. Mary Ann tg RES ioe ee ME ie eet; aos oe oe one 444 407 fendrickson, Elizabeth 434 Hibbert, Fonn Ano 2355 296 Hookin, Wi G.2 288 Hendrickson, Geo. W..284 | Hibbs, David J........ 293 |. Hockley, Henry....... 464 Jendrie, Murray...... 397 es pa Wi ecn 403 | Hockley, Sylvester..... 466 Hendry, Alex......... Stat ees, By ais Paleo 382 pala August. ... .367 Hening Bros..... erie 434 Hicks & gon’ John A. .441 ochstein, Mrs. A..... 367 Henkelman, Martin... .403 Hicks, Joseph R....... 306 Hodel, Ernest......... 258 = *Fienker, W.O......... 448 PUGKS Ae oc eee 444 Hodge, James......... 232 c, Henman, Albert C..... 278 Hicks, MartinW...... 323 Hodge, Mary L....... 3i2— = dennan, A. A.......-° Beer RUOKS, Bs oo. Gees ek ns 405 | Hodges, A.B......... 286 -_ Hennel, Joseph........ 405 | Higginbottom, Louis. . .367 Hodges Bros.......... 410 r Henning, Gray a 0k att eM, OA 5% ny aes 412 | Hodges, Mrs. Helen M.331 _ Henningsmoer, Nils. . . .297 Highbaugh, R.L...... 322 Hodges, N. M......... 335 ' Henrickson, C......... Ma PE, Os Foss fu Fa vids 436 | Hodgins, Hiram H..... 397 ’ Henry, Charles........ 335 Highton, Robert....... 397 Hodgins TT: ein 2ou8 401 Bear stenTY, GOO. v6ioc occ ate. Hiklola,' John . vs 311 Hodgkinson, Geo. .335, 366 oe setry, Paul... coca 357 | Hildreth, Jas. S........ 303 Hodgson, Bruce J...... 413 Henry, Peat.......... 313 | Hiles, Wb Pe tes 8 296 | Hodgson, Ernest A.....428 4 BRMAREI AE A o>. tii bie sk e 341 Hiles, Percy. C........ 322 Hodgson, Francis J... .278 ensel, W. R......... 358 | Hill, David P......... 415 Hodgson, John........ 436 4 Henshall, Wm......... 385 Hill, RI coe eos ois 325 Hodgson, Wilford B....385 Henshaw, J. E........ 397 Hil, wames 20% % os a8 295 Hodgson, Wm. R...... 405 _ Henson, Wm.......... 392 Hill, James Hi. . . .: 387 Hoding, Mrs. H...... . 262 _ Henton, Frank E...... 258 | Hill, John... 3... S: 296 | Hodson, G.C......... 373 : Hepburn, Delmont H. .310 Hill, Joseph. 8 wees 348 Hoe; Roberti... 286 : Hepp, Peter........... Ba Be 0 ae ees ene 297 Ce ager | Samuel. 357 _ _Heppler, Jno. R....... 7G. Sa WS A: Bik a, Cp nu Sapna 305 Hoefling, Louis........ 322 Heppner, Valentine and pT Fae BG: lire ce 292 Hoehn, Frank 9 IS 421 MOODY 56). oe ee 304 BI Ne ke eae e 397 Hoehn, Jacob......... 468 Alberta Brand Book XXi1 Pages Pages Broery Pred. iss 310 Honeywell, Mrs. Anna vy, Hoerle, George......-. 392 467 EE POD 2 ore ete hes 405 Honeywell, Wi Dees 403 — RPT ADECAT. <5 (5°¢ «nso, 5055 340 | Hongestol, Anund O...286 | Howard, Chas........ . 288 Hoffman, Ed. O. P... ...344 Hood Bryon.......... 240 | Howard, Chas. H...... 448 — Hoffman, Geo......... 283 | Hood, Chas..........: 287 | Howard, Frank........ 320 Hoffman, Henrick.....405 | Hood, David.......... 44 Howard, G. H...... va e435 Hoffman, Henry....... 396 Hood, James...... 295, 332 Howard, John......... 296 Hoffman, Jacob L.....322 Hooper, Alfred....... 442 Howard, Robert....... 39 Hogaboam, A......... 381 Hooper, J. Fis ai25". + ook 307 Howarth, John Ed.. Se 429 Hogan, Mrs. Belle..... 240 Hooper; B2es a wees 361 Howatt, Me see alt eae ‘o Hogan, G.8.......... 430 | Hooper, W. H......... 460 | Howe & Greys. caer 284 Hogarth, Robert....... 410 Hoopfer, Albert....... 279 Howe, Huss. Aex eae 365. Hogbin, Rev. G. H... .419 Hope, James.......... 304 Tew: Arthur -D...... 394 | Hogen, Theodore...... 456 |. Hope, John... cca 357 | Howell, Ed........... 60 Boog, Alex 20s a 322 opewell, Ed......... 268 | Howels, Henry...... BOT "4 Hogg & Morris........ 370 | Hopfe, Geo........... 370 | Howick, D. 9. me yee Hove. J, Wi. cee an 385 | Hopkins, E.S......... 258 | Howie, Frank A..\_... 402 Hogg, Wm. =: 2 ade oo 464 | Hopkins, G. F......... 334 | Howie, James.....)... AT Hogg, R. H... 6. .0..-. 280 | Hopkins, J.W........ 335 | Howie, Mrs. faman: 447 Holappa, Abraham... . .365 Hopkins, J. W. & W. G.295 Howells, John..... = ' "397 a Holbrook, Chas. G..... 286 Hopkins, Richard. . .3880 | Howlett, John H...:..405 — Holden, Arthur M..... 307 Hopkins, Robert Rees. . 396 Howse, Andrew........ 366 % Holden, Gud ene. veer 277 Hopmeier, 03s 5 Bets 249 Howse; Ben. 2.2 - see 328 Holden, John E....... 322 Hoppins, Wm......... 363 | Howse, John Robert. . .392 ‘ Holdsworth, Marshall. .332 Horn, Mrs. Chas...... 277 Howse, Robert A...... 396 Holdsworth, Thos. D. . .396 Horn; Hazel V5) se sea 59 | Howse, Thomas.....:. coe 3 Hole, James....2.45... 296 Hornyalesse tacos eo 450 Hruska, James A... :.441 Hole, John... seers 38d Ah eLorn “Wis Vers altnceeren 387 Hubbard, Chas. . . 448 Hole, Lewis H......... 317 Hornberger, J. F...... 402 Hubbard. Frank....... 321 : EPO J ODD esha oe 322 Hornberger, Ray...... 466 Hubbell, Charles. tS ; Holladay, W.B.......385 | Hornby, James........ 436 | Hubbell. C. H....... (1416 Holland, Geo. Ofer ats 436 Hornby, Robert....... 370 Huber, Gottlieb. ......273 Holland, Henry N... 1.308 | Horne, Geo........... 287 | Hubka, Frank......-.. 240 Hollar, Ollie.......... 449 | Horner, C.M......... 344 | Huculat, Matons......287 — Hollenbeck, C. M...... 279 | Horner, Frank........ 405 | Hudson, R.C......... 320 Holliday, Roberts. .3.. 450 Horner, Koller & Kelly. ay Huffman, Rert........ 286 - Hollinshead, John F 294 | Horner, Miss M....... 321 | Huffman, Edward..... 463 AMO TUG SNE asp sais Fs 404 | Horner, Reginald Geo..277 | Huggard, F. Gordon. ..393 — Brolman, DAs ea... 251 Hornett, ASS hates hs sees 354 Hughes Rros.:......:. »,4386 7 Holman, John A....... 396 Hornett, Mrs. Jane & ‘ Hughes, Chas. A..... 269 Holman, Levi......... 352 Hornett Bros........ 411 | Hughes; C.L...... inte veers: Andrew Peter- Hornum, Mrs. Linna.. .465 Hughes, D. E......... 320 — tbs BALE See Oe es 350 | Horrell, Fannie. beet v3 OAD Hughes, FE. F. 2... 26. ..259.5 Beigiberg: i 5 Be ee ork si Horodizki, Louis....... 325 | Hughes, Francis....... Holmen, Oscar........ B41 Horse Trach Cattle Co. ae Hughes, James...... . 295, Holmes, David Charles. 397 A i's open gt 470, 457, 455 | Hughes, John G....... 449 Holmes, Geo.......... 435 Horth, Peters nce ae 315 Hughes, John J........ 296 | Holmes, Jas.S........ 464 | Horton, Samuel....... 357 | Hughes, Joseph........ 444, Holmes, John......... 288 | Hosford, J. E......... 293 | Hughes, J.b....... 443 SLOUNCS, S54 Kees 296 | Hoskins, Jesse. . . .296 Hughes, 3 WW, its.ceia eee 296 Holmes, Rev. Robert.. .403 Hoskins, Thos. ¢ ees 366 ughes) sBe Gussie cap 243 © ames, Wm. 2. ees 385 | Hoskvn, Jethro.. .409 | Hughes, Roger 351 _ Holmquist, Ed.........258 | Hotchkiss, Newel Eugene Hughes; Rod. 35 5i4sh 345 Holowitink, Paul...... 410 257 Hughson, H. A..... ‘a ote Holroyd, Geo......... 278 Hotsenpillar, Wm. M...367 Huhtald, Ahram....... ® Holroyd, Geo. W...... 434 Hotze, neta .. 265 Huijben, Franz... ..., 457 © Holstein, Cx init Aas 395 | Houch, Adam......... 310 | Huistel, Runert........ 283 | Holstein, Peter........ 349 | Houcher, D. *D by pveibes 250 | Hulbert, Chas........- 392 — MoltfAcE: 23%. sat Oke 254 | Houck, Jr., Peter...... 370 | Hulbert, Daniel K.....309 Bott eC: Ts fsa aes 247 | Houger, M..L......... 324 | Hulbert, R. A......... 285 — WOE, FE Soe ieee 371 | Hough, Otto V..:.368,419 | Hull, Wm. Roper. .331, 412 Holt, James E......... 261 Houghsten, Arthur... . .326 Hull; Wms Rises 285, 337 Be ae VR ae we 409 | Houghton, Mrs. Clara. .287 | Hullman, Adolph O.. ..240 a Ao A Bee Benner Org 401 Housdahl, W. & Mosthof, Hulme, W. E. C.. 348, 415 ole, We Bs.\ ese 382 Rae os ak I ies 343 Hultgren, Chas........ 308 4 Holton A: 5 ahi ee 438 House, Re Ca eee 396 Human, Henry........ 287 Holton, Samuel K..... SOT Biommee ©. Be ek Se as 379 Humes, Miss Gladys. . . 248 Homan, Fred... 2. ...°. S4b~ 1 Houses. GC). cee oak 343 Humfrey & Sons,-R. Ws Honen, Tabiah........ 449 House; Patil. et jhe tx 345 eromor. Ae PhD" 55 S088 394 House; R: Boos eee 8 Humgerbuhler, H. & Man- Homulos, Mike........263 Houseman, Floyd...... 341 wel; 82H. o Aust eae 357 RG RAs Vn Case, dA 4 ae 240 | Houston, Geo. T......277 | Humphrey Bros....... 328 MOONEE, MTR a8) 3 286 | Hoven, Matt.......... 341 Humphrey & Son, C. F. 369. Honens & Hutchings...286 | Hoveland, L. J........ 443 | Humphreys, W. M.....436_ Hlonens, J. Ads. oe 436. |. Hover; Carks 7.35 as 346 Humphreys, J.C... 4 487 Honey, James M.....: 300 Hover, Arthur L.....:.281 Hunkler, Albert. ......237- Honey Sid (5 sees ie, a 359 Hovey, Edson......... 259 Hunt Bras......... a ALS Alberta Brand Book xxiii Pages Pages Pages Hunt, Chas. H........ 340 | Ingle, John......... _..377 | Jacobsen, R. D........ 340 oa a a 405 | Inglis, Mrs. F. W...... 314 | Jacobson Bros........- 439 EG Piece an. s 413 Ingraham, Amos L.....423 Jacobson, Charles...... SAE eS Peant, Panny.:.-...... 357 | Ingraham, O. R....... 448 | Jacobson, G........ 2v 295 Hunt & Sons, John... .341 Ingram, ©. Bs Se. 401 | Jacobson, J. C........-297 je SA eae 357. Ingram, Wm. 2 417 Jacobson, Lars cess 298 Hunt, Samuel...... a aa Ingram & Mount...... 369 Jacobson, Severin L... .453 Weunter;-Alex. 0 Se 328 Ingram-Istvanffy, Geo. & Jacques, H. Percy.....470 mrunter,cA. tu... PQA [er a ocak Peewee 268 Jacques, Pe es posi 296 err ruernter, ©. 8... 0. 468 | Ings, Jas. W..:....... 410 | Jacques, Norman...... 470 Hunter, Douglas W. .. .285 Inkster, H. & R....... 877 | Jahnke, Mrs. BE. A..... 428 Hunter, Mrs. Ellen. ...258 Inmans bos erase 442 | Jahnke, Frank......... 306 Hunter, Ernest........ 412 Inman & Hagen....... 246 James CO OWis oe ee 284 Hunter, Fred L........ 321 | Inman & Krohn....... 449 | James, David........- 293 Hunter, Henry A...... 418 | Inman & McFarlane...449 | James, Mrs. Emma... .259 Hunter, Isaac E....... 427 | Innes, Alex Lee........ 370 | James, Frank S........ 398 unter, Mrs. Mary A..397 | Innes, David.......... 404 | James & Sons, Ss -399 unter, Robert....... 326 | Innocent, John........ 398 | Jameson, Chas. W..... 292 Hunter & Wife, Thomas 399 Invernay Stock Farm. .433 Jameson, Riginald..... 350 Hunting, Mrs. Frances .356 | lowa Farming Co...... 309 | Jamesson, M.M......299 Huntting, Harry H....418 Tredale; RoCGt inl = 292 Jamieson, Alex........ 268 Hromicy, PF. =) >. 419 Irish, Delbert W....... 315 Jamieson, James....... 340 PiardssAtired: "=... 5.... 372 Ironmonger, Chas. E...428 | Jamieson, James....... 359 Hurley, ee tet Ay eee 2 488 “lwornids; boss sero “490 Jamieson, Johnson. .. :.464 OSE Se epi 317...) Tronsdes; Rz Gs =-73.': 378 | Jamieson, Robert...... 241 Hurst, Mrs. Ida E..... 429 | Irvine, Chas. Marshall.248 | Jamison, 9.O........ 338 SR ET a aaa 456 | Irvine, David......... 379 | Janke, Adolph........ 423 Hurt, Wilfred......... Beas) aevihiepl. Wie oe foe 375 | Janke, Carl........... 306 Hurtubise, Alphonse...310 | Irvin, W.J........... 459 | Janke, Gottlieb........ 404 Huseby, Hans Ollsen. .341 Irving, Alex........... 374 | Janosik, John......... 296 Huscrop, Ralph....... 318 | Irving & Cooper....... 250 | Jans, August A........ 290 Huser, Geo. He. 2c 423 Irwin & Sons, Mrs. Alice Janse Bros.........++« 291 ie Pivistod, MH. Pee Sine, 470 333 Janse, ‘Eh: Orasiti 255, 428 - Husted, W. H......<.. 406- | Irwin, POR. 3 22). 306 | Jansen, Mrs. Henry... .341— Huston, Herbert....... 443 | Isaac, Abraham....... 290 | Jansen, Wm. E........ 435 Hutchins, Fred........ 436 | Isaac, John F......... 419 | Janson, Peter......... 446° Hutchinson, Clara..... 2at | ddaae, Win, op Soo: 459 | Jaques, Chas.....:.... 407 ~ Hutchinson, James.....398 | Isaacson, Arthur F.... 405 Jaques & Dubois. . 292 Hutchinson, John...... 296 , Isaman, Emmet M.....312 | Jarboe & ae 272, 415 _ Hutchinson, John H. . .328 Isham, Howard W.... .385 Jarboe, Clyde H.. 280 re Hutchison, Harry... ...286 Islay, John As. the 464 Jardine, Ay T ©: AS 400 Hutchison, Robert. .... 290 Iverson, Swan......... 363 Jardon; Peter ii£:. en 301 EG Me yea ees ee 343 | Ives, Albert Mee ine es 412 | Jarvis, ‘John A. ine 209. Hither, Simon.....:;. 357 | Ivie, Paul.: ..°)0..¢o > 466 | Jarvis, John H....... -, 398 . PiuGbOn. 1s Pees 3. va ss: 464 Jarvis, Robert..... . 4 2802 Hutton, Clifton... . 449 J Jasman, Fl) Sosare ee 2046.3 Hutton, Daniel........ 296 Jefferies, Charles...... 415 Hutton, P.G......).. 433 | Jabs, Jacob........... 428 | Jefferies, D. J......... 423 BYUUEOT Ss Le sco ete 355 Jack: Alex... ise, 380 Jeffers, W. H... .c88s Bloeee Fratton; Weds). is 20. 459 Jack, Richard......... 408 Jeffrey, W. Hit tse 346 Peutson;, We Woo 3 296 Jack, Robert...> 23572. 437 Jeffries, Glen D. 3, SIS Peeeey, Bs La... 2 a 248 | Jack,Wm............386 Jeglum, H. Bos. ae. 464 Huxley, J. Edward.....396 | Jacklin, Benjamin.....240 Jehoich, Alexander’ wii EOF Papanioyy, W.L...t ee. 323 | Jackober, Fred........ 429 Jeke, Gus 'B,. : 5 ees 278 tVvaltians. 2 2). 3 42": 309 Jackson, Albert........ 303 Jelliff,-b) He ear *,2068 © e Hyde, AllanG. SOOT Jackson, Arthur....... 396 Jelts, Bros., Ltd....:.. 289 myae. Geer esa : Vo,287 Jackson, Mrs. A. H... .237 Jemmings, John....... 365 Hyde, Leonard R...... 385 Jackson, Frank........ 294 Jenion, Chas. E....... 254 Hyde. Mrs. Sarah A. ..235 Jackson; BG es. 260 | Jenkins, Charles. ...... 292 ; Hyndnam, E. J.......: 447 Jackson, Isaac......... 310 Jenkins, Chas. H ..352, 378- Hyvonen, Ilmari...... $309 Jackson, Ira L.:;:.... 306 Jenkins, Chas. T......353 P Jackson, John M...... 306 Jenkins, George. ..... 375 } I Jackson, J. M.C...... 406 Jenkins,-H: Di. satSy 313) al Jackson, Lewis........ 298 Jenkins, Hugh L...... .316 Ibey, Mrs. Annie...... 412 Jackson, L. C. & Anne, Jénkins, Jas. H.:... 207 Tbey, Mrs. Margt. C. :.298 Oles is bin) aeteety 437 Jenkinson; T. Bo: 2.0% 247 1S Re OD ge reamed 382 | Jackson, Mrs. Maud...299 | Jennings, B.T........ 309 _ ice, Martin........... 263 | Jackson & Marston....306 | Jennings, Wm. H. : 200% “295 7 Idaho Farming & Live Jackson, Olaf......... 307 Jensen Bros...... 0... 348 Stock Co., Ltd...... 311 | Jackson, S.A......... 325 | Jensen, Mrs. Christina. 432 r paeings, TA i. es 3871 Jackson, Thomas...... 327 Jensen, Chas. A. ..:)2. 2 A473 q Te} Nicholas........ “2811 Jackson & Son, W. J. . .303 Jensen, Christ... ¢: 1997 a x or a ‘462 Jacob, John R......... 306 Jensen, Hans E..... +, 1428 regia 5 Nel TU ee Be 3894 Jacobs, j eae s Gueaaneee Bibs tye, 295 Jensen, Hubert: F. 23. 309 2) _ Imson, Burt: ke 246 Jacobs, Geo... 5.0... “296 Jensen investment. Co.,) i mroion; Gus 3! es 394 Jacobs, Lloy C..... fy 284 bt ae ee Vee Ingersoll, O. W........ 287 Jacobs, Martin :...°0°2¢% 306 | Jensen, James C:......299 3 [Thgam, Frank. ....381, 413 Jacobs, W: D..-... 4886 Jensen, John M... «+. 296 ) Alberta Brand Book XXIV Pages Pages ; Pembon Ss. Coss hacene 322 | Johnson, Joander...... 443 | Johnston, R.C........ Jensen, N. L.......... 406 | Johnson, John......... 297 Johnston, R. C. Jensen, Stenia......... 286 Johnson, John Peter. . .437 449, ’ eee te = Ee ee Oe ae 306 | Johnson, John 8.......358 | Johnston, R. H........450 Jensen, Vilmer........ 379 Johnson, Jonas Olai....437 | Johnston, R.J........ 296 Jensen, Wilhelm....... 437 | Johnson, Joseph....... 304 | Johnston, R.W..... «389 Jensen, George R...... 278 | Johnson, Joseph....... 438 | Johnston, Samuel......410 Jenson, HansS........ 353 Johnson; JD cafes 290 Johnston, Thomas..... 303 _ Jenson, Mrs. Jas....... 356 | Johnson, J. E......... 259 | Johnston, Victor.......457 © Jenson, Nels.......... 363 | Johnson, J. H......... 301 | Johnston, V.J........ 304 Jepson, Chris... 0... 300 Johnson,d.a1Ms Kienast,.PoJes 2 ee 439 meenitne A. 311 Kemp, Jessie M .. .297, 297 Kienzle, Johan... ... 0 310 Kalmbach, Miss Eaty A Kemp, Mrs. Robt. H.. ae Kieran, Mrs. Eleanor.. .329 439 Kemper.J) yo iss 459 Kilgour, Robt. ........ 307 Kambaetz, Thomas... .367 Kempf, Jacob......... 297 Kilgrow, Mrs. F. W... .439 SES Sal Dele ge meer , 809 Kempken, Peter....... 311 Killick, J... ince 297 eeO Se eS Siew es 308 Kemsley, N. M........ 335 Killingbeck, E. B...... 260. Kanngiesser, Simon... .333 Kendall, A. G......... 308 Killins, Re... 2440 297 © POR AVE Os sik cats 269 Mendals Be Wo. so ues 314 Killoram, Jas.........- 297 Kapiak, ea nin tiers 432 | Kendrew, C. E.& B...369 | Kimle, Wm........... 349 — Kaplan, I Sty Gt ay a 313 Kendrew, Mrs. J. G... .297 Kimsey, Geo. E....... 409 Karklin, Wm. C....... 409 Kendrew, Mrs. Chas. E. Kinch, Thos. E........ 438 Karney, veers es eS 436 444 Kinchelve, C. F....... 272 mettran, Wc: = 6a 235 Kendrich, Emil........ 309 Kindig, Geo. E........ 278 WEMBGDL Isc tis dices wees 297 Kendrick, Samuel...... 453 Sha seg Wm. A.T...381 Penske Alex. oesi.on 233 Kenepp, Louis H...... 367 Kindon, W. E. F...... 386 menener, 1. Cy .6. 603.0 « 440 Kennedy, Arthur...... 236 Kindopp, Heinrich-.... 273 Kasten, Henry........ 441 Kenendy & Sons, Daniel Kindt, Mrs. Caroline. .308 ne bee Gea 441 Kindt, Js Ouse 312 Kaster, Miss Maud J.. .440 ws ek Daniel & Mich- King, Agnes A........ 397 — Kaster, P.J.W.&0.C.273 | acl... ...ccccccccue: 3 King, Alfred E...... . -260 Kathan, A. W......... 409 peeve Douglas M.309 ing, Aubrey......... 232 Kaufman, John....... 311 Kennedy, D. D........ 320 King, Augustus........ 307 Kaustrup, A 2h ee a ee 401 Kennedy, D. L....323, 323 King Bros: 373 en4 308 Kautz, Wm. Fred...... 386 Kennedy, John. ....... 44 King, George.......... 279 © Kavanaugh, M.P..... 403 Kennedy, John H...... 310 King, Geo. Jas....... 279 Kaye, Herschel........ 400 | Kennedy, J. R....297, 321 King, Harry 3 6.3 Se 439 Kaylor, Henry........ 880 | Kennedy, R. K........ 4 King, Hyman......... 314 Kays, George.......%: 418 Kennedy, R. M....... 255 King, H: J.ise.nch pee 439 WeavS. WM Fos. aces 232 Kennedy, Mrs. Rose.. .439 King, John A......... 439 1 ACE or eal RE Sie eterno 80 | Kennedy, Mrs. Wm... .386 King, John Gi 43 steak 310 Kearl, Mrs. Ann pica cee Kennerley, fee dS tae Piers 344 King, Joseph.......... 372. = Kenney, Burt......... 409 King, L, W*. 2330p 371 Kearney, Joseph....... 310 Kenney, Rdward, 289, is King, Mason Geo...... 312 Kearns, Rob. H....... 244 450 | King, M. B.wicc. seiean 299 Keast, Theodore....... 287 Wenhy, alsesd see ete 439 King, N: OS 255 Satie 448 Keast, Ernest......... 309 Kenny, James......... 297 King, Richard......... 409 east, SACO. <<... 0 437 | Kenny, Mrs. L. L...... 315 | King-Smith, Percy..... 307 MROAT RISOBS. «Sines pws os 348 Kent, Arthur J........ 297 King, Solomon........ 31 Keay, Win Ie Fs IPT AS ga6 | Kent,-A. ts os. heen: 30 | King, Thomas......... , 367 Kebel, Christ......... 361 | Kent, JamesC........ 297 | King, W. Gi. 2s ie 419 Keddie, NSGhs: fits: ce 439 ents We Se lice 314 King, Wim. Bont ose 253 Keefe, John L......... 207 | went; Percy J.:35 66.2 > 314 Kingler, Thomas....... 411 Keen & Gibson........ 234 BG We case ewe sie 368 Kingsbury Bros. ..241_ Keen, Joseph.......... 297 | Kenway, Wm......... 1 Kingscote & Boddy... .. 441 meen, Wim Hee. ees - 468 meenyvan, Aj Bi. 6.5 is 308 Kingsep ,Henry....... 310 peney, .-P. oo ic cek% ss 313 Kenzig, Wm.......... 377 Kingshot, Wo Hs a Pe 459 Keetley, Dayid........ 286 | Keplan, Sam.......... 8 Sa a RR Jas...... 372 ae SES ERE 323 Kepphard, Wm........ 386 Kinkade, J. W........ 344 BAM 2 Ss os vine a be hee 373 | Kerber, Edward....... 259 Kinley, caer oS eileen 297 Keila, John........... 298 Kergan, Robt........ 397 Kinmond. Robert...... 351 Keillor, Chandler...... 241 OE Dede Eee, nates aa 16 Kinnel Bros........... 308 aim, Brow. s,s scas ss 4 | Kerr, Geo. O...... 353, 353 Kinney, Beecher M....342 Keiran, Joseph........ 310. | Kerr, John... ...00.%.. 301 Kinniburgh, David... .316 PUM Ds 20 056 owe bs 374 | Kerr, John F.......... 303 | Kinsey, C. H.......... 441 Keith, Robt. W....... 351 Kerr, Wm. Bruce C 458 | Kinsey, D.H......... 323 Keith, WHI. Wee etot ate 386 Kershaw, Arthur...... 232 Kinsey, T. M......... 364 Keiver, Geo. E........ 260 | Kerstens, A. P.P...... 13 | Kintley, Mrs. W. T 315 Keiver, Mrs. Martha G. Kerstens, B......... . 308 Kirbis, John.......... 313 392 Kessel, Christ......... 308 Kirbs, Henry.......... 393 Alberta Brand Book Pages Kirby, Eugene. .. .464, 472 erry Gi Wie vistas es 50 Kirby. JAMES! oe Kite Andrew L.. 367 Kirkeberg, H.S....... 314 Kirkeby, Bert A....... 364 Kirkwold, Ole......... 456 Kirstein, Ww. ; Spee ey 441 Marti Wins ts eae eee 315 Kirtley Bros ieAgess 308 Kisch, George......... 432 Kisch, Martin......... 347 Kissinger, John........ 305 Kitchen, Curtis........ 279 Kitchen, Samuel....... 260 Bitley, ’G..E iui pete 260 Kittelson, Ole......... 367 Hitto; Fs Oe hit cee 271 KMattoyd. Cro. he Sees 297 FOTAVIK, Kan fa See 440 | Klaeson, Osear.....:.. 342 ina enol, don .°. cys 415 Klammer, Adolf....... 314 Klassen, Abraham.316, 411 Klassen, David W..... 333 eisns: Geo iis. siacwe ies 279 Helautts Bs aL 260 Klein, Christian... .._ | 278 Klein, (fel rh « ap mean peor 315 atlein.- Onto ics, Wares. 342 Kleinknecht, Emanuel. .441 Klemck, John ops Let at oy 297 Kleskin Cattle Co... ...382 Klinck, Daniel........ 315 Kline, James W....... 432 Kline; Vaniel.. yi. 3. 309 Klingsell, Chas.:J) 032. 439 Klone, Albert......... 397 POMOHG AON cps os ccs 323 Klouse, Villim......... 379 idee dred. 54a 4 te! 414 Klumb, Gus. oo o3-2.:.. 279 Knaeuss, J.W........ 376 Knechtel, Edward..... 260 Kneeshaw, Percy. .297, aes 440 Knight, Arthur Wye Knight, Mrs. A. H..... 349 Knight, Chas......... 421 Honieht, oH os fs Aa Knight, George... 20.2. 411 Knight, Harry. . .440 ETT Gl ea o BES B pene tar et 308 GTR 1 tun ERA ottieteneae ® Dealer 249 Manrrhtied. C205 fae 310 Knight, Norman.....-. 440 Knight, Osbert R.:.... 342 Knight, P. Sta ... 441 Knight, Raymond..... 323 Knight, Robert........ 378 Knight, Thomas....... 265 eomoht WW. Te. wate eu 386 Knights, Ernest....... 260 Knights, Richard....-. 332 Knipe, Chas..........311 Knoble, Lloyd C...... 439 moble; Ray C. ...0.5... 468 Knoblih, Martin. .....; 342 Knodel, John A...... .297 Knoppen, A. J......., 323 Knott, Anton E....... 307 Know sles, Ed. Evelyn. ..439 ‘Knowles, Frank....... 312 ‘Knowles, Geo......... 31° Knowles, John......... ‘Knowles, Mrs. ‘Richard 314 Pages KNOX, Ee AG eheesta et ie 412 Knox, R-Be ego mae 315 MOX LW Te 205 las eal ee eS Knudson, John........ 440 Knudsvig, John....... 297 Knutson, Knute L..... 440 Knyvett, W. G Pop ae es 315 Koch, Hee Sisk 397 Koch; Philip.....4,...050.. 268 Koch, Samuel ieee 362 och, AA By cope ape mage =) 310 Kockn, Andreas....... 417 Koelland, Wnts vee 315 Koepnick, CRAB. ess 467 Koepnick, W.F....... 386 Koffler, Mike......... 438 Koffgky;, 250s. hae as 311 Koleszar, Mrs. Simon M 359 Kolka John: 5:5: tke 297 ols benry sof es .3810 Konschuck, Conrad. . . .279 Koole, J ohn ica. ae 440 Kornlowick, Simon... .358 Kortad soe. ie, 26 14 Kortgaard, Otto....... 342 ~ Koryezuk, Wasyl...... 386 Rogor.W. v<223k Lae 86 Kothlow, CEE catia Wed 308 Kotke,, Préds- 3 Sea eee povaitucnats eee 249 Kraft, Daniel. ........ 309 Kraft, Frank J... .400, 403 Kraft, Win Es ou eet, 4 Kraft, Wii cawccmasee 471 Kraus, Jacobiics. cave es 358 Kraute> Weed... ica 297 Krauzler, Jacob.......311 Kravik,. Ole. 4544 ae 315 Krebs, Martin......... 378 Krell, Jacoby. ene oe 310 Kreil, Johannes........ 297 Krein, Wzvrg 33s eee 309 Kreller, Bernard....... 438 Kreller, eos ite: 5.3 316 Kretchman, R......... 314 Kreuger, Michael. ..... 309 Krinke, Mrs. Ben...... 241 Krisher, Wm. & Cherry, aS eo pata ae 439 Kroesing, John........ SOD Kroetsch, Ambrose G. .278 Kroetsch, Geo......... 310 rom, Adam nr, Ae 307 Kronsert, Lawrence G.349 Kropinack, John....... 311 Kruchton, Frank....:. 271 Kruckenburg, We Dicick th 317 Krueger, O. A....7-... 348 Kruger, Ezra..... tox Kruger, Herman....... 439 ruger, Wm....: SS ort 381 Krutop, Woibu........ 386 TOS = Be s ae Rise 310 Kruschel, Julius....... 310 Kryger, Peter......... 397 Krystal, John..:...... 311 Kube, Albert. ......... 311 Kufler :Peter. vocncos.. 313 Kuehntopp, Risa 264 Wouhl Geo: Esc. case oo 282 Kuhn, Kasper......... Sli: Kuhn AM) Bis oe 260 Kuhn, Mrs. Philipine.311 . Kulbeck Bros......... 365 olka Wins oe wanes 386 Kulpas, Anton........ 231 Kulyn, Anton....°.... 441 © a . W _ Kyler, Byron E..... . 308 3 Kyllingstad, E. + +439 I L F Labbi, Arthur. ........ 393 4 Labelle, Ernest. ....... 253 4 Laberge, Arthur....... 318 =~ a Blanc, Joseph...... 368 Labonne, Frances...... a Labonte, Albert....... 442 Labonte, Héctor ’.533.7 444 | Laboucan, Edward.....468 _ Laboucane, Adelard. . ..o105 3 Laboucane, Moise.....403 — Laboute, Chas......... 343 © Labree, Edward....... 264; =n Lackey, Andrew....... 260° =a Lackey, Myland....... 262° *@ La.Clhair, As Test ore 401. 4 Lacourse, Steven...... 3359s 3 Lacquement, F........ 443 Ladds, ye Bee eas 327 adel) Al Hi os> See bene aes & Sindee ae OF ta lin ae ee f Ladonceur, David. are Laferriere, Octavien. . . O82 Laferty, Alfred........ 329. - G Lafferty, Chas......... 275 Lafferty, Dr. & Allhusin, __ TW oo icgice aaa eesti fen ae 423 Lagore, Jas. W........298 Lagunodiere, J. B......242 Lahane, Mrs. Elizabeth 298 Lahaye, Peter Jno.....443 — Laidlaw, Miss Jean R..443 Laing, Andrew........ 28 + Laing, Archie A. & Mac- lean, Duncan........ Laing: Bros: ...:). (22030. 240m Laing, Jas. A.......... Laing, RuiSzas aoe Laing & Taylor........ 327 paren 5 Wine Seige 307° aird, Henry.......... Laird, Jn0y <0. nns eee Laisneg & Co., Jules. .414 _ Lait, Mrs. Lillian. 234, 407 - Lajeunesse, ndenie "329 5 Lake, Guy Judson.... . 278. 4 Lake, Stanley G. . m +, 30908 Laliberty, Mrs. C. A...232 — Lalliot, Justin.~....... 269. La Long, 6 ea gre, uae S20 sa Lalor, Richard... ve2 326: 3 Lamarche, hates co ae 298 Lamarsh, Petef........ 444.- Lamb, Alex........... 400 — Lamb, Archibald. . .'. » 443 Lamb Bros......-:.:.- 241 Lamb, Joseph........ 293" 3 Lamb, Judson H..*.....290 Lamb, Otto I. .:.%....323 — amb, R. Ev. 2.1463 se eee Lambarde, T, B.... ...473 Lambert, Geo. D.-. « Lambert, Moses, .... ve ALZ = Lambert, TE: Tie Lambertson, Wr. Ne {386 , ~ Jie Alberta Brand Book XxVil Pages Pages Pages Lambie, Geo.......... 279 Varson, A.-M... gost: 442 ‘| Leary, Mrs. Abbie A. . .458 ~ Lambie, Robert....... 326 Larson, Chas. Ve. ',3828 DOSTY DLOS sco or yy eae eembier, oA... .....351 Larson, Chris....... --..403 | Leary, Jas.O......... 448 Lamden, Jno.......... 208 sl Charaonmes Axe cc tere oe 375 | Leathart, Wm......3.. 459 Lamon Bros.........- 242 Parson, 6. Wess Sin ae 279 Leave, BoG.ce Jo 325 Lamont, Robt......... 326 | Larson, Henry......... 322 Leavitt, Jeremiah. ... . .349 - Lamonte, Hector...... 326 Larson, Jno........... 298 | Leavitt, Jno.......... 320 Lamouréux, E......... 329 Larson, Jens. .....2) 2% 298 | Leavitt, Nellie........ 261 Lampert, Geo......... 371 Larson, Lewis......... 443 Leay, Mrs. A. E....... 245 \ Lancaster, W... 6.3. 391 Larson, Ludwig....... 264 Esasaniee: Geo. W..... 284 Lancons, Vernon....... 370 Larson, DVB se es 348 | Le Blanc, BE. N........ 320 Landells, Alex F....... 353 Larson, Melvin........ 342 Lebold, F. K.......... S15 * Pandenewts Foe. 2 436 «| barson, N--Gig oo 318 Lebow, Mrs. Wm. J... .444 sandells, Wendell......387 | Larson, Theodore...... S328. 1) Benett, Fos Seco Ose a 289 Landels, Andrew......358 | Larson, Wm.B........ 329 | Ledoux, John......... 336 Landis, Arthur........ 241 | Larum, Thorlief....... 319 |. Ledue, Isaie. 03% 5. 444 Landis, $5 a ee SiN a: 5s 250 Lasell, Earl........... 260 Lee, Albert. L..31 40% 233 — os SESS el oP 298 Lasell, Grover G. 20/554 441 Lee, Alice Mary & Flor- eae sie A Stafford Es ODO Lashmore, Geo........ 471 ence Louise......... 42 OT ee ES ae 402 Lassila, JRO. S34.2 Se. Pee Lee, Mrs. Alma........ 442 — Lane & Climie........392 Thast, Pie ee 444 Lee, Chris: C..7.s- oee 321 Lane, Edward......... 336 iathton, Otho T. .446, 467 | Lee, Eli........... agp Cea, LTE ARE ae oe 445 WRENNET OAL Terese. 288 Lee, Geos ae eee 279 Lane, George..:....... 285 Latimer; Joris Pees 410 Leé, Geo: He. 400 Lane, Harvey......... 267 Patta Ono. saan cs. 297 Lee, Harry... .... sees 466 Lane, Joseph G........ 279 Path, Wale ne: ani. vas 427 Lee, Harriet... 5.05 323 | LCC 5 Fie 343 Lauder, John.......:.. 472 Lee, Henry, W..... 2.371 ~ Lane, Richard.........316 Laughanser, Jacob. ....; 296 | Lee, Jr., Henry W......386 Lane, W.C...... eee 459 | Laughlin, L. O... 02. 343° | Rees Ide. 23, 2 ee 316 00S oat Oras tate, ladle eae 276 Laughlin, Mrs. Mare A 335 Tee; Mire. Js/ 35 Se "29322 Lang, Emanuel........ 415 Laughton, Ross... .350, 444 Lee, Lott. oc es 32 Lang, E. Blake........428 Laughton, W.R....:.. 326 Lee, Samuel B...... +.) Os Lang, Sr., Friedrich. . . .327 Laughy, Mrs. aera 1.323 | Leeb, Joseph..... 4a pag 289 Lang, Hugo C.........408 | Laurence, Mrs. H. .439 Leech; John: 23,0 294 266 Miangy, SAGO: .)). 350 sos 468 Lauthier, Herman..... 366 Leeds, Chas. F. A... .317% Langdeau, Oswald..... 438 Dare Kose hast Seton ok 366 Leedholm, J. Av... 2.03 318 : Langdon Bros......... 432 Lavail, August........ 442 Leeper, Bert........ _. 241 : Langdon, E. B;...... 261 Lavallee, Martin...... 316:;:|~ Lees Bros... 232 see 447 _- Langevin, Alphonse... .342 Lavander, W. R...:...316 Lees, Charles...... 1. 2800 ‘ angle. .-V oo... 328 Lavender, J. H. 3.2... 234 Leew, Alexander... >. & pe = Langley, E.A......... 261 Laver, Thomas........ 261 Lefebvre, Albert....... SAP 5 | a Langley, FH At ek 409 Lavington, Henry... ..403 Lefferson, W. B..... ae q Langley, 320s. e606. 292 La.Voie, James A.. 816 | Leffingwell & Egan... ..370- a Langley, Mrs. Minnie. .443 Lavridson, Mrs. Anne. . 354 Leffingwell, F.S....... 27H , Langlois, warey LUM a ee 323 PAW iaiArss cle 260 Wehey, Josie see 236.95 { Langmaid, A.P....... 317 Law, Madeline B...... 445 Metsrud; Ines) kc. oak 29 3 : Langwin, Alphonse . . . .288 J P20 Ea ale Ge ere oa gee 379 Legault, M. W.A.....45' 2 7 Langwin, Leonce...... 372 Lawes, James.......:. 348 Mego Ld oe ya Pt A415 — 4 Lansdell, G. R........321 Lawhead, Baxter...... 241 Legge, Geo. A......... 269 7 Lanux, Meise A orn 379 | Lawley, se eae ae 298 Leggett, Arthur.......317 y Lanyon & Bice........ 320 Lawrence, F. C.. .....417 Gerott,sEecus aie. coe 371. La Pard & Marston... .324 | Lawrence, Geo. M..... 346. 1. Le Guen, Pn... ee 348 o-aeapierre, J. BR... 7. 242 Lawrence, Joseph C... .271 Le Halper, Alain.. ».... 7 q Laplante, Oliva........ 443 Lawrence, Mrs. M. J.. .231 Le Heup; G. G4. 5s 2 } j Lapointe, Henry....... 323 Lawrence, Sheridan... .358 Lehr, Wm : wt keen 329 - j MISDOIIEO. Wicca ihe ss 322 Lawrence & Sons...... 283 Lehto, Mrs. Lydia...... 445 | _ Laposechuk, Costentine 318° | Lawrenz, Max.....:... 329 Leicht, David. ........ 320 Hy 9 Maprade deft 7355.3. 468 | Lawrie, Jno: P......,... 310 Leidberg, ES. i3:. See 7 Laree, P. C. & H. G: . .349 Lawrie, Hi Bis, 3 fee ek 444 Leighton, Chas. W..... 337- Me eat G: Bye os ns. lanes 443 Lawritsen, Mike N... .265 Leischner, Gottlieb... . .283 Large, Jas. R.. ci... 443 Lawritsen, Pete....... 443 Leishman, Ada........ 26 E Rarkin, Alex. Ris i% 2s. 419 | Lawson, Hoe eee 401 | Leishman, Jas......... rr ’ La Roeque, Alex...... 231 Lawson, Leslie R...... 444 Leiske, Daniel.........40. La Rose, George. . Rats 1°) Lawson, Mary......... 325 Leiske, Sam’l.......... 403 q Larose, Joseph........256 ewsOns Lhosw ss). So 270 Lemire, Remi........ :323 r Larosee, Dae ere ene ae 336 | Lawson, Jr., Thos.....325 | Lemke, Karel.:....... ols 3 La Roy, C. W., & B: L. 421 Lawton, Wayne....... 396 Lemmermann, Henry . .315 LaRoy,; Hy Tb.) ok 287 Laycock, Elijah....... 407 Renn, Carl: '33.anven ee 279 . = JLarratt, Daniel......., 319 | Layher, Chas......... 369 | ELenner, Jno.....)...5)4 298 % Larratt, W.B......... 242 | Layzell & Co., A...... 468 | Lenning, Mrs. Macie.. .324 : Larsen, Axel A........ 467 Lea, Mrs. Hannah..... 330 Lennon, C. F.. 2.0.0... 363 - -“Isarsen Bros... 003... 326 | Lea, - Ric ceca 382 |. Lennon, J.T... 2.2205 303 | ) Larsen, Martin........ 443 MERE OWN, pss eae oa ate lety 374 Lennox, Stuart G...... 452 | s Larsen, Peter... ....... 442 cd FrankeM eo. 324 Lensegraf & Sons, H.T.. f Larsen, Sylvester... ... 328 | Leacht, Fred.......... SPO ee ets aia tate ete 342 | 4 Larson, Mrs. Ada.. . .298 Leader, Mrs. Mary. .:..429 Hent, DA aN ces 251 ~Larson, Adolph... .... 423 Learmonth, Andrew J. .242 Lenz; Jonas. .........; ae Larson, Anton......... 327 \ Learmouth, Alex.......342 | Leonard, H. W........ 322° >. Se eee 2 = 3 XXViii Alberta Brand Book Pages Pages Pages SMONOTG, I. S03 ius oi os 322 Lindblad, 8. A........ 452 | Lofstrand, P. E -261 | Leonard, Odias........ 449 | Lindbloom, Carl....... 260 | Lofthouse, Bella....... 442 Leonhardt, Heinrich... .354 | Lindeborg, Mrs. Mary..446 | Loftis, J. L........... 298 Lepard, Frank, A......321 Lindeburg, August... .. 233 Loftus & Dickson... ...416 Lepers, Leon...........342 | Lindeman, Jackob..... 297 | Logan Bros........... 403 Lepine, Prosper........ 442 | Lindeman, JohnJ..... 252 | Logan, Charles........ 369 Leple, Anton.......... 317 | Lindeman, W.L....... 324 an, Fred iis. 2, usa 264 Le Prete, Alexander....442 | Linden, J.O.......... 405 | Logan, John.......... 467 Leroux, Joseph anase ed 447 Lindermann, Jno...... 352 | Logan, Miss Mary. ....372 Leroy, Albert. ......... 423 Lindgren, Olaf........ Logan, Mathew....... 369 sage, Wm: os v.40. se: 387 Lindgren, Victor....... 328 an. Wil, Sor, aa as 436 Leslie, Howard........ 286 | Lindholm, C. V........ 311 gan, W256 45s ee 448 Leslie, Thos. L........ 364 | Lindland, T........... 323 | Logan, W.A.......... 272 Lester, W. Co. 2.354... 432 Lindmark, Arthur..... 248 Logelin, Frank........ 271 Le Sueur, Sidney G.....400 | Lindner Bros..... 287-317 | Lohner, Hans A aan Letourneau, K. & Lindquist, Andrew G,.317 | Lohrke, Chas. F....... 432 Lees. dee 324 Lindquist’ Christopher 402 | Loiney, Thos. H..... 827 Le tanga TORR pare pee 421 Lindquist, |). 5 eee 28 | Loiselle, A: O19 2.555 395 Letaer, 005 vita spe 289 | Lindsay, Bios Rees y 292 | Loisviere, Odislas & | Leung, Karl........... 440 | Lindsay, H........... 336 Paul Gauthier Co... .340 Leutz, Jr., Gottlieb... .260 Lindsay, Jae: Beas eae ~.841 |: Lokes, Wm. 387 Levasseur, Alexis... ... 444 | Lindsay, J.B......... 292 | Lokier, Thos, I........ 416 Leverington, Ed....... 320 | Lindsay, J. M. & M.B. Lomas, Geo........... 316 Levesley, James....... 4 0 eae Bea eee RC ea pa 280 299 | Lomow, Alex.......... 318 Levesque, Jean........ 468 | Lindsay, Dr. N.J...... 443 | Londot, Pierre........ 336 Leveck, Samuel....... 358 | Lindsay, Roy......... 326 | Lones, 8.0.0... 327 Levin, Jno, P.......... 298 | Lindsay, Wm......... 387 | Lonesdale, Sam........ 3 Vy Wim BE ee isis 298 | Lindstrom, Jno........ 317 | Loney, Thos........... 410 Lewellen, J. V......... 444 | Linfield, C.J.......... 279 | Long, Edwin.......... 428 ewin, John C........ 28 | Linfield, Reginald. ... ..326 ng, Harry... 5.00. 464 Lewin, BONG CS ites 381 | Lingrill, Joseph P...... 278 |. Long, Ine. ove Lewit; A. Ay aaa 261 en & Kyrks..:<.. = 323° 1. Long, Rout... c.ccoeas Lewis Bros. 3,55... vse 0 316 » Pe Aicheres prams 26 ng, Mrs. Sara....... Lewis, Charles......... Tinkhart, tr iia Sales Ses 449 | Longacre, Arther & wis, Chas. & Woods, Linville, J. D......<... 308 ~BIOwn os 5 cosas 26 Lt NS Berane pa Lippa, Antona........ 443 | Longacre Bros........ 241 wis, D. R. & M. L...416 | Lissotte, Jean......... 322 | Longeway, A.J....... 318 Lewis, Mrs. Emma J.. .260 Lister, Chas.-Av ss sen. 248 Longeway, E. R....... 446 Lewis, Frank.......... 311 | Littke, Mrs. Cora M.. 229 Longshore, Clarence E. Lewis, Frank B........ 318 | Little, A. A.W: A 2808 oP en tee ee Lewis, Frank M....... 302-4: Little; A.A“ Oi 28 535 Longshore, Orlando L. Bwis, PVF. 3, sb ovince 01 | Little, Herbert G...... A09° |. ces Sag eeee eee eae 16 Lewis, Jas............ 386 | Little, Jesse E......... 358 | Loomis, Almond L.....317 — Lewis, Jas. E.......... 32 Littlefield, G. E....... 279 | Loomis, Clarence C....370 _ Lewis, Jeremiah....... 437 | Littlepage, Wm. L..... 317 | Loomis, E. J.......... 365 IB, DOO: 6 x6 es hd os 298 | Litz, ee eae ee 320 | Loomis, Margaret E. . .324 EIOWNB SIO: y 6'5:0% visa oo 298 | Livingston & Sons, John Lopierre, Jeremie...... 464 Fe Ae OS ee en 445. & . Vikpac eee eas 3 Lord, Oliver B........ 447 ewis, J. H. 87.0550, 358 | Livingston, Geo. H...277 | Lorce, Joseph......... 294 Lewis, L. J.C. 6... 6c 306 | Livingstone, Jno. H..279 | Lorelace, Perrie....... 5 Lewis, Milton......... 2 Llewelyn, Wm........ 323 | Losie, James E........ 372 wis, Samuel......... 358 | Lloyd, A. E........... 323 | Lott, Nelson O........ a Lewis, W. Ho. 0. ses: 365 | Lloyd & Devine....... 319 ouchart, Mrs. Malvina 4 Lewis, W.o3H i cca een 459 -| Lloyd, Geo. W..........s2RE fr a 0 Oe ee ne as aera ee ee EG, U0, Way ae ch-4 MeN 323 | Lloyd, Helen A... .323, 323 Louden, Harry........ 328 L’Hirondelle, J. B..... 298 | Lloyd, Leslie M. & Guy Louden, Robt....... ..330 Liberg, Herman....... 288 Math Siu ea aay acts 279 | Louden, W. A 387 Libergall, Jacob....... 308. ‘|. ‘Libogd tt GS os 350 | Loughi,-G.cc3 sey aaee iddle, Hanrice........ 323 loyd; Wm . 2-3. cess 442 | Loughlin, Jas Liebert, Chas. R....... 249 | Loades, G. A.......... 279 | Lount, F. Ay ic Liebesherr, Jac.........405 | Lobdell, J oseph A..... 330 | Lourdel, Simeon Liedle, Emil cceoteoye Labdell, Wm. F....... 376 Love, Mrs. Cora Liesemer, C. R........ 326 | Lobley & Bros., Fred.. .429 ve, H. Wea pes eee Liesemer, J. E......... 413 | Lockhead & Sons, C. J. Loveland, L. A Liesemer, Peter........ I Ne ER aS AE SRS 406 | Loveland, Jas. H Liesinger, Robt........ 347 | Lochrem, A.S......... 362 | Lovett, E. H.......... Lightbown, Bros....... 318 | Lock, Harry.......... 310 ovig, CAO... scans Beptiser, Jobin. oc ase 464 aE 8: Re Deane 2 Low, Martin W Liliedahl, F. E.........444 | Locker, Frank...:..... 320 | Lowary, Frank Lill, Jno. Marriott. .... 333 | Lockerby, Jno......... 323 | Lowe, C. E. D Lillidahl, Seth......... 359_| -Lockett,.J . <0. steele ss Lowe, E. R.......+06% Se Se 388 Lockhart, M. J........ 322 Lowe, Geo... saw aa Limpert, Orion. ....... 376 | Lockwood, H.N....... 375 We; JAS... ccnp een Lincoln, Albert E...... 233 | Lockwood, Jno. H..... 269 | Lowe, M.B........... Lincon, Chas. O....... 335 | Lockwood & Richards..413 | Lowe, Wm. H Ee 6 Se 308 Loewen, Jno. R........ Lowery, John, Lind, Oskar........... Loff, Axel... tsxocoes 317. | Lowry, Geo. . << ss.5's he Lind, Thos. L..... 937-404 Lofquist, Gus .I....... 298 ' Lowry, M.A...... Alberta Brand Book Pages Lowry, Wm. T........ 279 Loy, Quon You........ 316 Loyd, Frank H. & i. ae a 1323 Lucas, Henry A....... 336 Lucas & Houston......400 Tritas, Ja8e Hes cb es 425 Lucas, Jno. Wm....... 323 1 TNE lp ES San a ges 297 Lucas, Thos. Wm...... 364 Luchak, Olexa......... 443 Luchia, Albert........ 232 Luchok, Mike......... 405 PCOS; NON. cscs. 322 Ludewig Bros......... 241 Ludwick, Chas........ 319 Ludwig, Otto......... 262 ITE OUM ess be 401 Luhrs, Martin. .443 Lukens, F.C....... .371 Lumbard, Fred A...... 284 Lumley, Andrew....... 317 Lumley, Frank........ 321 umsden, Alex........ 444 Lumsden, Henry...... 311 Lumsden, H.M....... 333 Lumsden, Martha 325 Hanon, W. A; oot eee 86 Lund, De Loss........ 303 esters FAs GEE'S sialon oe 279 POME, AS; ose oc: occ teas 323 Mapes MAGS. oo sat ee 324 Lund, Nicholas H . 268 Hund, N. He.) :.. 352, 380 jundblad, Alfred...... 232 Lund a 7 CE al Cee 306 _ Lunder, Boies ee 342 -- Lundgren, Gustaf...... 284 Lundy, Sylvester C.....255 Lundy, Mrs. W.T..... 458 Lunn, Emma E....... 320 Luse, John W......... 249 usk, H RE es 293 Lussier, J. E...... 298 HeGSt FOUN «i's sos oc 235 Lutes & Weil.......... 386 Se iutgen, ©. BH... a... 2s 256 futher, M.B........- 320 Lutkehams, Bernard .. .241 uta Prank... . 0... 403 OSS ra 298 Lutz, Rudolph........ 326 wenspire, Karl L..... 260 Hive; COnas, Bo ovo ses 417 ea ae RITIORS o>) 5 ks pense lose 359 Lye, Arthur P.......:..298 Pe pCOAS. 6:6 6% ois eos 445 - Lyght, Frederick F....323 : ivindale Stock Farm. ..327 WUHOUE GEG sa sc o0.0,8s 0 326 Lynch, Christina...... 319 Lynch, ... 414, 248 OVE STON o'c-s ee ces 327 Lyndon, W. A......... 250 nn EIAITY. 6 csp s cee 322 ynn, Wm...... Sette 377 » Lyon, Alfred.......... 336 2 ODE. ..2 cs Siete .436 Lyon, Robt........ -. 444 Lyons Bros......3<2. 442 Lyons, Charlotte on i. 872 Pages Mabee, M.B......... 296 MacConnal, Leslie. .....255 Meee Mrs. Macdonald, Allan J:...420 Macdonald, Arthur. ...40S Macdonald, = E. M. . .407 Macdonald, A. H...... 280 Macdonald, H.A.L. . .324 Macdonald, Ian....... 368 Macdonald, John A... .3827 Macdonald, M.S...... 468 Macdonald, Roderick pee Macdonald, R. H...... 468 Macdonald, Wm....... 387 Macdonnell & Pearce.. .331 Mare; SaMaeciei: con 0 Macfarlane, Mack..... 331 Macfarlane, W.H..... 385 Macfie, D. J. A MacGregor, Mrs. Flor- ENON eee So eas 472 MaclInnes, Alex Wm. ..234 MaclIntyre, Mrs. D. L..407 Mack, Cornelius....... 432 Mackay, Angus....... 464 Mackay Bros......... 413 Mackenzed, Ian D..... 426 Mackenzie, D. W...... 383 Mackenzie, Edith Anne eae Cory Son mane 427 Mackenzie, Francis... .328 Mackenzie, Harvey .. ; 423 Mackenzie, John. 299 MacKid, Dr, H. re eae 404 Mackie, George....... 412 Maekie: J. fotos, *. 332 Mackie, Lizzie........ 320 Mackie, Wm.S........ 460 Mackinnon, Wallace E..446 Mackintosh, Wm...... 441 Maclean, Ellen.........269 Maclean, R.G........ 282 Maclean, M.A ....... oao Macleod, Thomas...... 332 Macmillan, Donald 470 Macnab, John......... 99 Macnab, Peter........ 347 Macomber, Geo. L..... 332 Macpherson, Finlay... .331 Macpherson, John H.. .313 Macpherson, Kenneth. .313 Madge & Son, Paul... .413 Madge, Richard....... 349 Madoche, Alphonse L. .241 Madsen, Nels......... 335 Maerz, Carl........... 332 Maeresldon tink ac. 468 Maerz, Gustave....... 379 Maerz, John.......... 392 Maetche, Edward...... 256 Maez, Gottlieb........ 261 Magee Bros..... EP eI 436 Magee, Nellie......... 398 “Magginson, John...... 287 Magoon, Fred......... 266 Maguire, Dan......... 275 Maguire, Patrick...... 313 Mahaffey, Henry L.....392 Mahan, Cornelius...... 339 Mahan, Jas: B........ 28 Mahler, 3 “gs PEPE 59 ee ee) Pages Maillot, Ernest........ 263 Maine Alberta Land Co. Se aera aie ino Re 359 Main, Alex. oes sjace 332 Main BF reer 262 Main, James N........ 446 Main, Lewitt is iti 9 Main, Louis J). ae: 413 Mair, Johny vviis acu 406 Mair Wn oo 421 Maire Bros........... 393 Maire, Moise.......... 358 Maisey, Arthur J...... 368 Majou, Samuel........ 359 Malcher, Chas........ 432 Malcolm, H. A........ 336 Malcolm, Mss, Nettie. .335 — Malcolm, Wm......... 387 Malcolm, W. F........ 384 Malec, Frank......... 448 _ Maley; Av Bo 2h 331 Malin & Carlson....... 419 Malin, Louis J........ 413 _ Malmas, John.-........ 299 Mallett, Ambie........ 233 Mallock, W.C........ 372 Mallott & Son, D. E...318 Malmberg & Sons, O. F. pated wesve Sh, GOR eee Malo; 16 os bee ee 420 Malone, H:. J.56. 35.558 336 Maloney, A........... 268 — Malott, bobs 2 233 -- ee sd F. & Newall, Muttan Chas sek BBY fig Mancell, Walter....... 333 | Manchenko, Taros.....342 — Maneely, G.J......... 312 Manhart, E. D........ 429 — Mann, Albert......... Mann, Fred A......... 27 Mann, R. J. & J. B 464 Manning, Frank....... 440 Manning, L. W........ 403 — Manning, Wii oso 323 Manning, Wm........ 387 Manown, W. B........ 425 Mappin, Thos. H...... 367 Mans, Wm. sae ee Mansell, Willic........ S87 es Mansfield, Henry J....398 Mansfield, L. Mea 375: > Mansfield, Thos. D....337 Mantz, E. A....... vip Ok Manuel, Fred......... 276 Manuel, John Cons essen Mappin, Thos. H...... 367 Marble, F. M........ <— Marchand, Gullavnd. . .396 Marchant, ‘417 Marchand, John.......299 Marcil, Aurele........ 457 Mareoll, Johns sik eees 3 Marconi, Pred... Swe 463 Marion, Anna....... -al9 Marion, Louis J...... .233 Mark, Anton......... 412 Mark, Oscar Roy...... 345 Mark & Son, Samuel. . .359 Marke, John.......... 440 Markeberg, H......... 277 Markell, Geo. I........ 371 Markhan, John.... 429 Marks, Frank T....... 279 Markstad. C. J..... 1589. Marles, James.........373 - Marlow, H. T......... 323. . Alberta Brand Book XXX Pages : Pages Pages Marnoch, Joseph...... 300 | Martwick, Peter....... 259 | Maylea, James........ 315 Marr, Elmer.......... 262 | Marty, Clement....... 363 Maynard, ae ee ge 3: ee, Marr, Mrs. T. B....... 245 | Marz, Jackob..:...... 312 | Mead & Sons, F. E....406 — Marris, Thos. Arthur. . .354 Masciangelo, Giovann. . 280 Mead, Scere 356 Marsden, Benjaman.. . .242 Mashon, Henry A...... 322 Mearns, Frank ....... 7 Bs Marsden, Henry.......314 Mason Bros....... ees 5 tg Louis E........ 325 Marsden, Henry...... ,421 Mason; C.D: 2 Seana 368 Mears, 8 ao cana eee ee 353 Marsden, L. H.......: 443 Mason; dss... 3 sesae 261 Macharn. Hisha: 246 261 Marsden & Son, Mrs. ~- | Masse, Gideon........ 280 | Mecham, Frank M.....401 _ DVN cra tax foe ieee 333. |. Masse, Joseph......... 331 Meckler, Jacob........ 299 Marsden, Robt........307 Massie Bros. Ltd...... 462 | Medhurst, A.D....... 238 Marsh, Dora......... 465 Miastle: Mi) ou to neen 398 Meech, Wm...2....,.. ; Marsh, James......... 304 Massige, Adolph....... 448 Meehan, Joseph....... 469 Marshall, A... 6... 205.55 312 |. Mast Fred 2-2. ake 260 eek, FP’; Gi, sone i271. Marshall, A, B........468 Masters, David........ 304 Meek, Wiiin bsawse ee & ZO am Marshall, Hon. Duncan Masters, Sidney T.....362 Meeker, J; Bos a, co. ak 247 Pee, a Seana 252, on Matchett, Edward T.. .328 Meeks, Chas..........248 Marshall, D. L......:. 443 Mather, Peter A....... 312 Meer, Mrs. Paulina 6-3 Marshall, F. A........ 418 Mather, Wm.......... 366 Meers, Thomas........ 312.5 Marshall, Frank P..... 468 Matheson, Roderick... .351 Me @ Bros. sce 3 ee 258 - = Marshall, Heslam...... 379 | Matheson, W. H....... 283 | Meier, Arnold......... 462. Marshall, Hiram....... 366 | Mathews, G.C........ 430 | Meier, Fred K........ 312° 4 Marshall, John........ 333 | Mathews,R.......... 405 -| Meirs, J.A.........-.000ueE Marshall, M. P........ 332 Mathewson, John..... ,298 Mekkelborg, Elling. ....260 Marshall, Robt........ 231 Mathewson, John...... 397 Melbourne, Ralph... .. 450. Marshall, R. W....... 407 | Mathisen, Axel........ 422 | Melcher, gin; Wenhtyge ies 23255 Marshall, Mrs. 8. J....302 | Mathieu, H........... 343 Meldrum, Parley:. .. <<. 397 Marshall, Tom & Roy. .375 | Matlock, Bros......... 242 | Melendy, G.C........ 2 4 Marshall, Wm......... 387 Matney, Tasae.. eee 398 Melladew, E.......... 262-4 Marshall, Wm. Henry..387 | Matson, Axsal......... 399 | Meller, Max.......... 333 Marshman, Bros....... 385 Matson, Geo. E.:..... 261 Melnyk, John......... 416 Marston, Mary Ellen. .438 Matson, Mat. P....... 332 Melville, James...... ..399 Marston, R.S......... 375 Matson, Ole? . 2. ..... 279 Melville, R. J......... 231 ~ Martel, Onias......... 343 | Matterson, S. K....... 316 | Melville, Wm......... 262 Martel, Ubald......... 343 | Matthews, Annie E....261 | Melvin, James....299,438 — Marten, Daniel........ 251 Matthews, H. T....... 327 Menard, Eugeune...... 262 “4 Martens, Peter........ 464 Matthews, Wm........ 387 Meneice, Lewis.. 333,409 Martenson, Hans...... 312 | Matthews, W. A....... 387 | Meneice, Miss Lydia...411 Martensen, M.C...... 391 | Mattis, Fritz.......... 468 | Meneice, Mrs. M......411 — Marth, Mrs. Ida....... 312 | Mattice, Elisha A...... 262 | Meneice, Robt. ....... 3875 Marthoz, Chas.. 467 Mattie, Adolph W..... 460 Menzies, Rroeahi: SOLE Martin, Albert Ed.....471 | Mattoon, Wilbur...... 460 | Menzies, George....:...279 Martin, Alice......... 324 | Mattul, Ernest W.....461 Menzies, George P.....324_ Martin, Arthur........ 333. | Matz, Adolph ideas ccaats 331 Menzies, Mrs. L. H....322 — Martin, Arthur J. J....369 | Matzen, Mathias P....331 Mercer, Mrs. Marg’t. ..468 — Martin, A. E.......... 261 | Maud, John A........381 | Mercier, Alex......... 279 - Wiis: A Shy, ees 422 Maughan, Keith A... ..439 Mercier, Romuald..... 332 Martin, Mrs. A. J.....398 | Maughan, R. W....... 412 | Meredith, Jas. & eertas 307 | Martin, Chas. E....... 312 | Maulsby, Mrs. Mina. . .261 Meriam, Frank R .. .281 Dinttine ©. OC... eee 336 Maxham, Mrs. Sarah i: Meridew; ‘823 29.4.4 « Martin, J?.; Daniel 32 340750 io tikes eae ieee aoe 273 | Merino Ranche Co Martin, Mrs. Dan. ....398 Maxson, Frank........ 333) "A> jaieateoe Pca 8 Martin, Donald. ..387 | Maxwell, Bert......... 425 | Meriot, Micheal....... Marting 202. cers 312 Maxwell, Dugald... ... 251 Merkel, Jachob F...... Martin: D. Bick) fcc wa 2 Maxwell, Frank A..... 446. |) Merkel, J. (a. ys aoe Martin, D. L., & Kreis, Maxwell, John........ 285 Merkley, Eheabeth By oe kena Maxwell, Joseph.,..... 359 Merrill, Isabella E..... Martin, Ernest. . 261 | Maxwell, J. S. & W. V. Merriman, vie aaa Martin, Fredinand E...349 | . cesses ceeeces sees 261 Merriam, Jr., Wm. N. Martin, Miss Gladys A. Maxwell, L. E......... 253 Merriam & Brazil...... Rae apps Saree Rees cr tek hy At 279 Maxwell, Wm.........387 Merriam & Smith...... Martin; Gorissen as 279 May.nA Dee oes ted 324 Merriam & Son, Martin, John.......... 271 May Benes «3.7. eels 949. >" Nied aek e Martin, John.......... 208: ‘) May, GOW. 6 Svinte 273 | Merrick Bros......... Martin, John UH. May, John..........4. 464 | Merrill, John B........ ES 293, 299, 438. . WET TE is > -pochelen Merritt, 8:.R. s.2).oceae Martin, J. W. yaaa ake 298 May, Mrs. Roda A 394 Merry, 8.435 toca 3 Martin, Madison D....317 | ‘May, Samuel J........ 35 Mersereau, Ed..... pee Martin, Oliva......... 415 Mayberry, C. R....... 311 Mertger, Phil A...... Martin, Orang........ 344 Mayberry, George..... 378 Mertz & Medsker...... 329. Martin, Oscar H....... 342 Mayberry, Thomas... .416 Messenger, Mrs. Erema Martin, Thomas....... 362 |: Mayer, H. & Iduvinger, Rpt ee a - 461 Martin, Wm.......... 0 CPs se ee ; Messenger, V. W...... Martin, Wm. W....... 259 |. Mayer, Jas........... 1 | Messenger, O. W..... Martin, W. A.........348 | Mayhew, H.E........ 261 | Messuer, John F...... Martinell & Sons, A. M. Mayhew, James....... 398 | Meston, Hugh P....... SHS chose arate ie Meee 330 | Mayhew, M.J........460 Metcalf, A. H. & 8. L.. Martinson, Beko oss 312 | Maylan SER eis 329 Me Rs ON Se Aer lt eS eT ee ee ee ae Alberta Brand Book mA XXXi1 Pages Pages - Pages Metricks, John........ 299 | Miller, Joseph....... , 898 }| Misner, Harmon....... 287 MUBCNEOO.. cys k ss cae 330. | Miller, J. C: & Lee.. ..325 | Mitchell, Alfred....... 367 Metzgar, Chiud AER Dslr: S30 4 Millers S.A ty. 359. | Mitchell Bros......... 446 Mreutin, 1.5 5. See 448 Mallets 0. Toe se ae 296 Mitchell, F. B.......; 261 Meusinger, Fred H.....384 | Miller, Mrs. J. J 306 | Mitchell, Geo. S.......280 Mewton, John......... 299 Miller, J. Peter........ 3 Mitchell, Henry....... 398 Meyer, Albert.......... 370 Millar J.P. fs.0 24 344 Mitchell, James....... 249 Meyer, Ambrose J..... 306 Miller, Mrs. Kate D. . .337 Mitchell, James.......312 Meyer, Louis J...... 405 Miller, Lizzie E....... 445 Mitchell, James.....-. 465 Meyer, Paul.>........ 312 Miller; L. Anco. fS%. 444 Mitchell, Jas. A....... 340 Meyers, Mrs. Bry eee Miller, L. Bt 5. ci. 320 | Mitchell, John. ee Meyers, Wallace . 371 iller, M..... yas Pultos 372 | Mitchell, John T...... 370. Meyr. Frank.......... 259 | Miller, M.C........7. 440 | Mitchell, J. H........ me Mezener, A. E........ 264 | Miller, Orson J........ 448 | Mitchell, Robt....... -.261 Miami Farming Co Ltd. Miller, Peter.......... 415 Mitchell, Wm....... eeBonee EE, tek Pe Hh goatee as 324 Miller, Peter. . ... 3898 Mitchell, Wm........ . 288. Michalis, Fred........ 333 Miller: Philip's e002); 465 Mitchell, Wm........-. 330 — Michael, Stanley...... 453 Miller, Rainhold....... 465 Mitchell, Wm......... 335 Michaelis, Mrs Aug- Miller, Raymound..... 465° | Mitchell, Wm...... ~ 888. of) Deh Se ara 359 Miller, Robt. A........ 351 Mitchell, Wm......... 22. 352 Micham, Mrs. Sina W. .444 Millon’. Dir rs cas hs 464 Mitchell, Wm...... pS Michand, Jean B.......298 Miller,S & I. ......... 283 Mitchell, Wm. A...... 381 “ope Willie..<.... 443 Miller & Sears......... 446 Mitchell, WAR eee 45 Michel Ab... 2 ee: 261 Miller, Mrs. Tillie Pe eS 436 Mitchell, Washington Ja Michelmore, Thos. R...265 | Miller, Warren C...... 408: | 2 ie ee Michell, E. B.D... “i418 : Miller, Wark ooo ane: 254. Mix, Edwin Stephen. . 31s Michie, Wm.....,.... 459. | Miller, Wm........... 406 Mix, John’ Bus. tases 383’ Michiel, Thos. J....... prt! Miller, Wm. E........ 387 | Miyashita, Keizo...... AAT Mickle, Chas..Wm......446 | Miller, Mrs. W. J 387. | M.L. Ranch Co.......33F Mickelson, N. P....... 280 Miller, W.S. 302 Moan, Andrew........448 — Middleston, Robert. ...370- | Millhaem, J. Stanley. . .359 Mobbs & Stitt....:.... 359 _Middelton, Henry D.. .246 Millhaem & Son....... 280 M ock, A. F., Estate of Middleton & Lewis. . . .332 Milligan, James....... ATO? Pee ait a ee Middleton, Theodore. .331 Milligan, John........ 405 Moench, Stephen. 6 Kage iffen, Mrs. ears .398 Willtken; 8. Coe. 265 Moe, Martin J........ ps 3 hee Miknlecky, John. .402 Millman, Harry....... 385 Moe, Olaf sia seen 2. .8382- Milbank, 8. W........ 359. | Millman, Mrs. H...... 454 Moe, Mrs. Sarah...... 329: Miles, Anna M........ 325 Miliner, He Bees 261 Moen, HansO........448 Wes. Dick. i Fi... .... 351 Mills, Albert......¢... 331 Moen, Knut.......... a1Zs: Miles,.J.A. oo... ee. 299 | Mills, David.......... 268 | Moffat, Jas. Geo....... 464 — Miles, Geo, D: . ... 5. +. 275 | Mills, Ephraim........ 418 | Moffatt, Chas. Wm... .253 Miles, Samuel......... 359 Mills, Mrs. E. J... 23. 3 Moffatt, Joseph at Aoteee . 343 Milk River Cattle Co. Mills, Fredric H....... 261 | Moga, Val. A....... 4020 Mare foes Sia ls woe cule 407 ills, BRAVE Gk 3s shat s 256 Mogek, David:........ 256 SUC ee Th ee Reger’ Wooo WEST AB Ase Fs oe 343 Moger, L.A’. 2 . 287 Miniszowiski, Mime es case 419 Monroe, David T......367. Miller, Harmon W..... 336 Milnnich, W. Sas 342 Monroe, Delbert....... 247 Miller, Henry......... 324 Minnick, W. R........ 387 Monroe, E. H. ....... 397: Maltor, Henry. o olais 351 Minor, Lamia ioc. % 324 Monroe, John......... 330 — Miller, Hubert........ 397 Minor, Bo erate ey 306 Monroe, J. Wisse. 25 8 343 Miller, Mrs. Hugh..... 464 Minor; Orton. 8S30.'¥. 398 Monsty, Aime......... 271 Remedy The Tp SVs ops Minter, Leonard....... 324 Montgomery, Alex.....363 — Mater. Es Roy ie cales 447 Mintern, Wm......... 440 | Montgomery, Angus... .233 WEUGOD VIN. Vij s sora a 317 Mirriam, Richard & Montgomery, S. H. & Miller, Jacob J........ 454 Brazil, Frank....... SOL SR: dance eee Miller, Johnston....... 343 Misensol, W. L........ 386 Montgomery, McQueen Miller, John G......... 242 st Mish, Paulos ceo 371 ee ee | Alberta Brand Book XXX : Pages Pages Montizambert, C. T...405 | Morris, Mary A....... 362 | Muirhead, Peter....... 3 Montney. E. W....... 67 | Morris, Mrs. Malvina. .359 | Mulgrave, G. W.. oodie, A.G..... 402,402 | Morris, Samuel E...... 264 he tigre & Son..... 299 Moody, Chas. A....... 465 | Morrish, Wesley J..... 414 , Dymtro........ 347. Moody, John.......... 464 | Morrison, Absolom.....368 | Mullen, TGhnti agers 397 Mooney, Alex......... 29 Morrison, Alex. D..... 376 | Muller, Felix G........ 277 Moore, A. Bice 376 Morrison, Alex........ 405 Muller, Gottfrid.......418 — Moore, A. Rie 312 Morrison, George...... 343 Muller, Heinrick...... re Moore, Charles........ 365 | Morrison, J.E........ 261 i r rs. Ed. Moore, C. N.......... 280 | Morrison, J.L........ 464 Moore, C. W.......... 332 Morrison, R. H........ 450 | Mulligan, John D...... tt Moore, David. ........ 251 Morrison, Susie........ 359 | Mullins, Jr., Wm...... 418 Moore, Ernest R...... 331 Morrison, Wm........ 328 | Mullowney, Miss Kate B Moore, Geo. R........ 279 | Morrison, Wm........ Moore,.Gid.otsia ose 342 seas G. W. & Thomp- Mumert, Ul G 259 oore, Henry......... 248 NS GHA. ves sek 83 uncaster, Wm. base Moore, Harry C....... 398 Mores & Fetherston. ..321 Muncaster & Sons..... 398 Moore, J. Fred........ 294 | Morseth, John P...... 306 | Munch, Mrs. Kate 368 oore & Sons, John. ..361 Mortimer, 7 NER sea 331 unro, Alex.......... 422 Moore, Mrs. M.A..... 06 | Mortimer, Fred G. C...455 | Munroe, Alex. S....... 259 Moore, Oliver P....... 337 Morton, George....... 280 Munroe, E. H......... Moore, O. B. & E. A...439 | Morton, qatar C..470, 370 | Munro, Helen Christie.433 Moore, Mrs. R. M..... 231 472 | Munroe, John......... Moore, Stephen....... 418 Morton; J. Ws 43255 234 unroe, Mrs. Mary E..261 Moore, Thomas....... 460 Morton, Kingsley A... .438 Munroe, W. A........ Moore, Thomas...472, 470 | Morton, Thomas...... 439° | Munro, bi Pecan. Moore, Thomas O..... 312 Moscov, John......... 380 Munro, R. H...<:...... Moore, Mrs. T.O..... 405 Mosedale, Jr., Fred....398 | Munsch, Christ........ 312 Moore, Thos. & Har- Moser, A. E........... 340 Munson, Geo. C....... 9 wick, Cyril D....... 410 Moser, Andy W....... 462 Munson, Jas. B....... 283 Moore, Willard & Her- Moser, Ludwig........ 343 Munson, Wm......... 312 6 Eee ees oF 413 Moses, Mrs. Martha...464 Mura, Johan. ......... 8 Moore, Wm........... 408 | Mosgrove, James...... 252 | Muralt, Ernest........ OS Se 87 Mosier, Chas. W...... 387 Murdoch, Alex F...... 398 MooteawW. J 2c 59 Moskier, John......... 299 Murdock, Wm........ 4 Moore, W. Russell. .... 389 Moss, Harry.......... wardy, datcact cera Moore, 2815...55235..)503 Moss, Sidney bs Seren oe 235 Murphy, Charlie...... Moorey, E. C......... 262 oss, Samuel......... 59 Murphy, Mrs. D. A. C.324 BMioorey,F. os oes a 361 Moas, ‘Thos: vsiceescs Murphy, Grant........ 402 Moorey, Sidney T..... 362 | Mossman, D.I........ 325 | Murphy, H.A........ 342 Moorhead Bros........ 470 Mossom, John......... 359 Murphy, John J...... ,330 Moorhead, Mrs. Nellie.471 Mosterts,-J3 5. 2sas0% ss 334 urphy, Moo aes es 452 Moorhead, Wm........ 251 Mott. WeoRSs Seas 387 Murphy, Martin....... 332 Moorehead, W. F...... 286 Motter, Geo. W....... 342 Murphy, Patrick C .347 Moorehouse, Arthur... .232 Motter, G: Wes ieee ia 346 Murray, Alex......... 432 Moori h, Henry....... 373 Moulding; Jicdicic eos os 398 Murray, Alick......... 232 Deemer ee cca 315 Mounkes, A..........% 403 urray BroBis sxis:< 00> 469 Moran, Mrs. Mary... ..324 Mountain & Son, J. M. 387 Murray, James........ 446 Moran, M. J.......... 299 Mountain View Ranching Murray, James........ Morden, Mrs. Dora L. ue COs. eis Cree eae ae 337 Murray, J: Fe iascenane 3 Morelock, J. P........ 326 | Mountstevens, W. S...389 Murray, Mark........ 398 Moreno, Eddie........ 261 Movold, Lewis........ 444 Murray, Peter......... Morey, FE... ..6 6c. ce 403 Movold;“Bsse sick sire 327 Murray, Robt. & Arch .416 Morgan, Albert R..... 312 Mowat, Geo. E........ 446 Murray, T. W........- Morgan, David W.....387 Mowat Rik. tbs one: Murray, Walter....... Morgan, Daueson...... 332 Mowlin, Ernest L...... 262 urray, Walter S..... 459 Morgan, John.....299, 341 Moxley, Lloyd........ 324 Murray, Wm.......... Morgan;J. Loi 2s. ose Moyer, John K........ 440 Murrell, E. C. F....... 365 Morgan, Robert....... 403 Moyer, Walter........ 460 M » Wm. Wallace.. .464 Morgan, R. E......... 868 Moyer, Joseph........ 298 Murtland, R.........- 451 Woreta O03) ea eee aie 337 Mudge, Chas.......... 280 Murton, E. H..... 6.8% 262 Morigean, B.......... 242 Mudie, Harry......... 417 Musgrove, C. F....... Morland, Geo......... 279 Mueller, Mathew...... 398 Muskett, Fred Jas..... 467 Morland Bros......... 450 | Mueller, Jacob........ 385 utard;.€> Hyicadwtbs 412 - Morley, Geo.......... 280 | Muhlbach, Henry W...312 Myer, Mrs. Christie... .468 Morloch, Christian... ..343 MoahllyoM is ated 31 yer, Jno. © . iach ks 466 Morneault, Levite..... 352 Muir, Gordon P....... 330 Myer, Lloyd........%. 342 MormealAi:L.. 2% 17 Muir, Henry B: Asis 287 yors;, Av Ji. cnet eae Morris, Alfred......... 234 gy taal Wie 5 pment oS ae ate 297 vers, EAs Saieiaeen 272 Morris, Bernard....... 241 Muir; John .3.5.254. 0.0% 299 Myers, Ro. Cease 466 Morris, Chas. W....... 280 Muir; Jobn:A > 325 65206 231 Myram, James.......- 355 Morris, David......... 307 Muir, Walter.......... 3 er, Gbor i tei eas 417 Mortis, Hascc kk a. 253 Mair, Wigan css nes 314 Morris, Edward....... 290 Muir, Wie eaex M Morris, Henry J....... 313 | Muirhead, A. W....... 277 © Morris, John. ........: 398 Muirhead, James...... 330 Meorris, JAS ss is ae 405 | Muirhead, J. L........ 465 | McAllister, John....... 299 Morris, Mrs. Lillie E. . .261 Muirhead, Peter.......252 McAllister, Mrs. Ada C.292 7 fi at — ee ll oe Salie 2 A'berta Brand Book XXXxiij ange - Pages Pages “Saeed neagpet 4 MoColl, BD: C. ... tees 309 McDonald, Wm....... 247 McAllister, E......... 363 McColl J. AG awe 304 McDonell, Perry...... 312 McAllister, Samael R. ore McCollister, E. A...... 465 McDonnell, Aubrey W.249 McAllister, S.......... 413 McColman, John...... 439 McDonnell, Wm. 383 McAlo ost 1 Mis OES eerie 437 MeComb, 1.2.05 i050 0ks 324 MeDonnell, D. & Van cAlpine, D.......... 370 McConaughy, 1 ee er 335 Viett, B. Foo... cet 252 [eAlpine, W. D....... 467 McConechy, John W...328 McDonough, Jessie. ...297 fecAlpine, W. B....... 458 | McConkey, Florence...396 | McDonough, W. N....460 cAmbler, Chas. 0... .434 McConkey, Jas. H..... 421 McDougall, A......... 464 [eAnally, "Mrs. Fannie.233 pe crash Oswald....343 | McDougall, Alex. S....404 McArthur, D.......... 260 McCormack, A. D..... 255 McDougall Bros.......242 McArthur, W.B...... 458 | McCormick, C. E...... 383 | McDougall Chas....... 329 McArthur, D. A....... 337 McCormick, J. G...... 431 McDougall, Jas........ 467 MeArthur, G. E....... 276 McConmick, Mike..... 421 MeDougall, Mrs. May K. McArthur, Murdoch .. .373 McCorresta, Henry ....418 3 McArthur, Robt. A....469 McCoum, F. L........ 379 | McDougall & McDonald MeAtee, Hugh........ 340 | McCoy, Anthony M...311 272 McBain, John......... 298 | McCracken, G.W..... 435 | McDowell, Burwell. ...315. Mrompan, "As. soc. c...... 378 McLean, David....... 251 McLean, Dan.. .. .317, 265 McLean, Duncan...... 3 McLean, Ed.......... 6 McLean, Hugh........ 312 McLean & Sons, James.300 McLean, John......... 299 McLean, John......... 329 MeLean, 3.-Gi 8 Saree 437 MeLeah;ids Pvt s ans ates McLean, Kenneth..... 247 McLean, Malcolm..... 379 McLean, Maleom J... .4438 McLean, Neil......... 335 MeLeant Ph Cie ks = 281 McLean, Robt........ Sod MeLean, Ru Ji se 267 McLeary, Mrs. L. M...403 McLeary, Stewart..... 410 MeLellan, He A). 5.3 232 McLellan, Hugh....... 370 McLennan, Donald... .268 McLennan, Peter...... 346 MeLennan, Willis D...331 McLennan, W. T...... 390 McLeod, Alex. ........ 413 McLeod Bros......... 262 McLeod, Geo......... 364 McLeod, Mrs. Geo... ..400 McLeod: 3). Bs. ches: 291 McLeod, J. M.:....... 324 McLeod, Wm. A....... 392 MeMahon, Francis... . .369 MeMahon, Joseph..... 299 McMann, C. G McManus, Francis P... McManus, John H.... .287 McMath, James....... 278 McMeekan, W........ 332 McMerramin, B. F....424 MeMillan & Allen..... 271 MeMillan, A.......... 253 MeMillan, Daniel...... 403 MeMillan, D. S. & A. G. 234 MeMillan, J. Blair. 288, 374 MeMillon, J. D 249 eee ewes McNabb, Dunean... Pht pits McNair Bros........ .. 242 MeNair, John......... MeNally, J. H........ 396 McNamara, P. H eae McNaught, J. F....... McNaughton, H.......368 McNaughton, H. P.... McNaughton, John... .283 McNaughton, Maloolea, 398 MeNearin, W......; McNeese, Hugh S. MecNeight, Jas. A... ... oo McNeigbt, John L..... 267 MeNeai, Mrs. Fanny B.441 Lg McNeil, Blakely & Alfred MeNeill, Malcolm. MeNeill, R. E. & W. See McNish, Thos. ........ a F McNiven, Daniel. ..... MeNulty, Patrick W.. 337 MeNurty, Mrs. M. a . 393° McPhee, Albert L. .:. :443 McPhee, A. M........ 288 McPherson, Andrew. . .416 McPherson, Colin . . 260 McPherson, Davey. D..463. McPherson, D......... 443 McPherscn, Everett.. McPherson, Jabez B McPherson, Phil....... McPherson, Wm...... MePike, Thos. ........358 McPoland, Peter. .....313 McQuarrie, John...... 299 © McQuillan, Robert..... McRae, ae I re McRae, Gordon .. see eee news McRae, Me Dike 38 MoRae, Raisins he eee McRoberts, Andrew.. MecRorie, James 8. ....331 McSpadden, T. E...... 7 McTavish Bros. . McTavish, Hugh.. McTavish, James...... 16, McTavish, Mrs. James.414 MeVean, James....... 450 MeVicar, Mary Jane. . . 30: MeWilliams, Albert z. E> a MeWilliams, Andrew. . MeWilliams, Geo. A. Wm. BE. A see et Nadin, H.. .. 49 Nagle, Mrs. “Clara J... .26 Naismith, D. M.. eee < . Naismith, Robert...... 36 Namaka Farm Co., Ltd. g Alberta Brand Book © XXXV = Pages Pages Pages ‘Nanta, John B........ 360 Nelson, Wm. R........ 388 Niklon, Ostav......... 343 Nasadyk, Alix......... 398 Nesbitt, Alexdr. & Mc- Nilson, August........ 467 S98 SE Saar 241 Kinnon, Chas....... 316 Nish, Alma W......... 320 SDS oil eae ee 465 INOSDIGU sw cee eee 299 Niskanen, Peter J no... .440 Nasmyth, W. W....... 437 Ness, WANG sce otek 336 Nitseh; Wmte i255 6.3 429 eer, Is N 2800 INGER ING ae cite ne 446 Niwa, Joseph . ts tic eee Nathal, John... .. 2... 398 Ness-Ov Me 4 Ee 401 Nixon, Harvey A...... 336- Nathorst, Helene...... 316 Neth Pregs ois: 333 Nixon, Ralph S........ 351 Nattrass, D. ae . .3833, 446 Neth; 000.5. soo oes 300 Nixon, Jt, Wm. 3 6 388 ae PHOS Weston 419 Nethercott, Lloyd & Jno. Nobert, Theodore...... 325 INAS COS. Seed. os 242 325 Noble Brosis.-., .).cv8 243 Naylor, Jas. A. & Thos. 299 Netten, Pieter......... 315 Noble, Mrs. Henry... . .465 Bareeal, JOSEPH... 2.6. -s 437 Netzly, Floyd W...... 334 Noble, Hugh A........ 286 | Neameyer, C. B....... 280 Neufeld, Jacob........ 396 Nobles Beith ci ae Sak Bo weddo, M.A....2..... 446 Neumann, Fred....... 429 Noble; Jade oe. .8 299° Needham, Adam W....388 Neumiller, Geo......... 280 Noble; Thos 332 t¢2naes 375 _ Needham, Mrs. A... ..325 Neurinl, Harold....... 334 Noble, Mrs. Tryphena.. ee - Needham, A.J...... Reed Neutzling, Mrs. J. B...291 Noehren, Criss......., Needham, Hiram...... 317 Neven, Nehemias...... 335 Noel, Louis'iis: fone 6 - Needham, Mrs. Martha Neville & Huston...... 446 Nokleby, Ole Meo 366 . 325 Nevins, Paul M.-...... 449 Nolan, C; Aviat 334 | Needham, Ralph...... 262 Newall, Geo. B........ 280 Nolan, Mrs. Margaret. .387 - Needham, Robert...... 350 Newby, James........ 437 Nolele, i A. & Dining, ; Needham, Mrs. Walter. 387 Newby, Leonard....... 472 Wm. Hoe ie ene 427 me Needles; W..P.... 22... 460 Newcom, Samuel T....359 Noll, Prank, William & ES Se Be! Seen 266 | Newcomen, Col. A. G..280 Joseph |). Biron 398 mo Neclin, BP... e285. 262 Newcomer, E. E....... 262 Nomeland, Mrs. Hilga. .317 | 8) ibid a Se aan 299 Newinger, Mrs. Kate. . : 299 Noonan, Dennis....... 309 — ' Neffsinger,C. H....... 334 Newland, J.G........ 300 Norby, Carl... 3.275253 280 — _ Negard, Andreas....... 464 Newland, R. B......-. 315 Nordin, Charley....... 280 ‘ Neehans, Steve........ 360 Newlands, D. & W... .446 Nordlund, Earek...... 368 = Neher, Jno. J......:.. 300 Newman, A. L.......-.. 343 Norgard, Eliner....... 428. _ Neidham, Ralph.. .428 Newman, Mrs. Frank G. Norling, Andrew....... 344° Neidig, Jno. August. . .335 395 Norland} Nilsen 35 ae ro) eee MT INGH BEOSs. 0! . eee es 411 Newman, Fred E. & C. .408 Norman, Arthur.......2383 __ «Nel, James........ 308, 325 Newman & Sons, W.. ..388 Norman, Mrs. Minnie..412 ~ Bee IN eil, i Fasc) 2S Serena 300 Newport, Allan........ 323 Norman; Ole. ......... 343 — = Neud, Wm.8S......... 359 Newton, Geo. D. C....456 Normandine, Andre... .446 — _ Neilson, Gordon....... 419 Newton, it. Ast2 fin 410 Norris, Beft.25. este 243 ' Neilson, John H....... 289 Newton, 8. M......... 267 Norris, Ethel D. . 333 be. Neilson, M..G......... 393 Newton, Willoughby. . .373 Norris, James......... 457. = Neilson, Neil.......... 329 Newtson, N. A........ 408 North, Bert... io tireen 242 ' Neilson, Peter......... 368 Neyrinck, Joseph... ... 441 North Dakota Farm Co., = Neis, Geo. M.......... 336 Nibs,-Arthar scot: 343 1 io etree arse 2 374 me NWollis, W..B.. oso. .< 388 Nichol, Mrs. D....:... 328 North West Live Stock ' Nelmes, Harry T...... 287 Nichol, Herman F..... 271 Co. ; Ltd: eee 6 = Nelsen, Matt......... 336 | Nichol, Mrs. Russell ....262 Northcott, George..... 415 ' Nelson, Adolvh........ 371 Nichol, Robt.......... 451 |, Northcott, H.J........ 351 5-3 Nelson, Alfred N...... 232 | .Nichol & Sons, Thomas oe Northcott, Wink, aurconhin 388° ' Nelson, Alonzo........ 406 | Nicholl, Fred P........ 393 | Northey, C. L....¢.... 432 f Nelson, Andrew....... 307 Nicholls, Chass (P32: 432 Northurp, E. A........ 262 — - Nelson, Andrew....... 262 N icholls, | ate Maer ee 343 Norton; Cs» At. eee 299 ME NCISOR AS. i eee 309 | Nicholls, H. F,....:...3834 | Norton, C.C....... 2.3835 - m& Nelson Bros-.......... 312 Nicholls, Thos. T...... 369 Norton, C.J. so eee 413 et. Nelson, Carl. ........, 248 Nicholls, W. A........ 460 Norton, Mrs. Pauline. .376— _ Nelson, Christina......341 | Nichols, Chas. O......344 | Noteboon, Gustav..:... 377 meer Nelson, Coo)... ees 367 Nichols; BRA 35). 3268 334 Nowlin, Geo. W....... 325 —: | Proton OE. ost iv oes 446 Nicholson, A.......... 233 Noyes, Porter.:....... 401 PMGISON; Gr AU oa ipe cue 281 Nicholson, Chas. H....287 Noyes, Wallace........ 388 Seveison, FB. .O-. 4 33. wea 469 Nicholson, Edward... ..262 Nugent, Thos......... 376. ’ Nelson, Herbert....... 311 Nicholson, Nelson. ....344 Nulph;, Jas: Gis eee 304 Nelson, James A....... 446 Nicholson, R. J........ 350 Nunn, Alden H........ 334 BNOIBON; Ue rev 3 stew oles 278 Nicholson & Wallace. ..373 Nyberg, ‘Olaf: 0.5. ae 449 = Nelson, Jno........ «2300 Nickel, Henry......... 397 Nyberg, Mrs. M....... 312 Bee aveisone dd. L. .. 6 vee 325 Nickiforeak, Stefan... .450 Nysetwold, Ole........ 343 iy GLE Tey BRS Jae) Sg 299 Nicklassen, Edward... .447 » Nelson, Jesse.......... 316 Nickle, R...... siete Nie ae 451 O ~ Nelson, Martin........ 334 | Nicol, Colin V......... 349 | Nelson, Mary C....... 280 | Nicolenko, Tohdor..... 335 | Oakes, David R....:.. 317 @ Nelson, Nels H........ 335 Nielson, Carl M. A,...280 Oakes, Mrs. Geo. F....380 | Nelson, Nels Peter..... 469 Nielson, James C...... 299 Oakes, Harry......... 448 ig Nelson, IMEROU S00 acinar 312 | Nielson, James O...... 415 | Oakes & Murdock..... 414 | BewONS IN. Cr. ek 372 Nielson, Jans.. ......,.299 Oakes, Roy A.........445 i= - Nelson, Ole........... 344. | Nielson, Niels......... 342 ‘1: Ober, FP. oun swctian 341 | Nelson, Otto W.......448 | Nielson, N.C......... 343: | Oberg. 1A. cee BE} E> Nelson, O. H......,... 344 | Nielson, Peter......... 460: | Oberg, To -Wi woo oes 341 Hi Nelson, Peter ot ss 263 Nigh, Chas. Ed........ 428 Oere, JNO ie as eae 300 _ Nelson, William.......407 Nightingale, Geo. J... .305 Shurne, C.F. ean, 397 XXXVi Alberta Brand Book Pages | * : Pages Pag Obray, Jno, A......... 341 | Orsburn, Wm. J....... 411 o Rourke, J. A eee ce 2 Oehey,.HoR . 554.5593 341 | Orton, A: E.....%...%. 313 | O’Tatt t, OF... Lg ew hPOEE Ockey, Be. Beer otic 413 rton, oA. vets a 395 : eee Odegaard, P. O........ 345.) Orton, ly. MM... ..45 260s 448 P Odegard, Anton....... 264 Osborn; DZV oh) ss sie 49 eee go (See rey ie" es reveragders, ponueh Peace 447 (1 ‘Pahet; Fo Wisc teas eden, Jno’ v3 Sot ate sborne, Thos. R...... 344 Pacifa b 1 Ogilvey-Wills, Jas. R. Osborne, W. J......... SAQETE So. ioe 3 cls : Ti Sios Co. “ihe 2% jae ae eee ae 377 | Osbourne & Bros., J. E. Packer, Seth F......... i athe tom & Campa 5 ots ees ay fhe eed 243 acy, Ind: Gece ell, Wm 2<...050% Ontars Wiis. s.40) eek 410. age, Keginald........ Obiio | Alberta Farm- Oseen, Chas. O........ 258 ape, H.Mia orkid sues e Coy. ue 33 Oseng, Simon......... 360 | Page, T. G...........- 441 Obihcuesr Pred 2% 277 Osmond, Anthony..... 337 Paget Bros........ Saree Ohlhauser, Fred F......270 Osmond, Mrs. Kate Pahara, Mike. 19°55 Ohlhauser, Gottlieb... .277 1 ee aren 40 | Pahl, Christian........ = Ohlhauser, Jacob...... 300° | Ose, Mike: Veo Jes 344 Paiement, p. Beep! 63 Ohms: A. By. cie eee 338 | Osterbauer, Ed........ 262 | Paine, S. B:.........2 Obrn, Erick, 2.57.3. 262 | Osterloh, Henry Bape pa: 436 aine, Wm.S8......... O. K. Farming Co..... 440 Ostigny, Nati Sons 448 | Paisley, Mrs. J Oland, Harold......... 343 | Ostlund, is Pee aes 372 | Paitson, Ernest & Oldaker, Mrs. E. A. ...363 | Ostlund, Finer... ..... 447 Shaw, Wellington A. aa Oldenbury, Rudolph. ..289 Ostrom, Jacob......... 296 | Paitson, E. W. & Shaw, Oldenbury, Sarah...... 286. |: Oswald; Joel... es 328 Wee aa eee Oldford, John E....... 300 | Othen, Chas. R....... 280 | Palachek, Philip....... Oldham: Fo Bisse ae ry ila Nea Cz wot a pa «Geli as 3 Palfrey, Thou: Sete OldhamiiR: Cr xcs 338 Otterbine, Mrs. J. C. Palfry Bros........... Oleson, Ole E......2.. 337 Otterhohn, Geo........ Sor Palfry Bros........... Olin, Harvey.......... 374 | Ottewell, W........... 388 alm N.Asis.ce. pee Olsen, Anton H....... $22" | Otto, JOG cs hela Glee 300 | Palmer, Annie Maud.. Olsen, Mrs. Andrew... .338 Ouellette, H..........449 Palmer, Bert.......... Olsen, Clarence........454 | Ouellette, J. A........ 300 | Palmer, Bruce......... Olsen: Cre Sas ee 280 Ouilette, ‘Martin....... 343 Palmer, Mrs. Dulina Olsen, Grant.......... 340 Ouiment, Leopold... ..448 Palmer, Ernest R...... Olsen, Hans........... 1 Ousdahl, Peter........ 344 | Palmer, Fredrick. ..... Wiser Jl wae 300 Outzen, Pater oe es 288 Palmer, Jas. T. F...... isén, Knud 4552s 8 342 Ovard Ks —* Everett J.. Parsonage, Fred R _ Parsons & Ensey Partington, J. F | Patterson, Hugh A.. » Patterson, ve - : _ Patterson, Mrs. fy | “ae 444 see ere eee ese eesene os ateer, Gottlieb ; Paukschen, R. A - Paul, Mrs. Annie 243 Pawsley, Philip Sidney . fe wo S Pages Parnes Be Ger 6 Sea 375 Payne, Fred.......... Pavia Sab. OW cai, e csc 391 PONG. Wee Pees 3 se he hake 388 Peace, Ewell.......... 398 PCAGO ees cess $22 43 Peachey Bros......... 243 Peacock, Gavin........ 425 Peacock, AO Sr es 313 Peacock, (ad Weeder 317 Peak Jette eaaceces. . 288 Peake, Arthur......... 37 Pearce, Albert E....... 244 Pearce, Alexr.......... 364 Pearce, Francis J...... 255 Pearce, Geo. S. W..... 281 Pearcébyisin 230 324 Pearman, Francis M .. .465 Pearse, Jas. M........ 469 Pearse & Palmer....... 372 Pearson, Emil......... 443 Pearson; Gis cs o's a tee 236 Pearson, J. Oscar...... 448 Pearson & Kettleson .. .313 Pénrson, -F hoe.. st ee 326 eek. ds He ou 310 BOCK? Witdas sii ee 460 Peddicord, Wea Sic ey 360 Peden, C. We 408 Pederson, A. Po tis. 423 Pedersony.wka. ors ce ee 301 Pederson, P. H........ 313 Pederson, 8S. M........ 453 Pedler, Herbert E..... 263 Peebles, TDPATI se) cee: 440 PeCencks Wiss awe 408 Peel Toa Mis ee es 282 Peel, Laurence M...... 253 Peers, Lester Irving... .326 Peet; Jno: Gi vs seers | 344 Peets, Garis Bae 288 Peever, Alex.......... 399 Peer NEC. oat 281 Pehrson, Pehr......... 402 Peirson, Pecry F....... 403 Pejean, Emil. ......... 442 Pelland, Gilbert....... 433 Pelletier, Hermidas 345 Petter TN et wks 437 PEN, JAY... 80 6% oe us 301 Peltier, Hmil 3... 2... 260 Pemberton, Fred...... 825 Pemberton, Jos. D..... 419 Penderghast, Howard. .376 Pendleton, H. E....... 454 . Penfold, Stephen F.. ..263 Pengelly, O. R........ 845 Penland, W.oK 2s... 30: 334 Pennington, E.W..... 465 - Pennock, Fred........ 263 Pennock,:G,’ Ho e255 433 Pennock, JisAs or ese ss 301 Pentacost & Sons...... 369 Pantene orgs ack 237 Peppard, Jno. F....... 308 Pepper, Harold........ 442 Pepper, Lester........ 443 Pepper, Wm.G....... 388 Perace, Arthur........ 313 Percival, Geo. D....... 244 Percevault, M. A...... 261 Perfect, Chas. M...... 393 Persia; Vreds ico! ner uc 349 Perkins, Alfred........ 349 Perkins & Son, B. A...239 Perkins, Henry........ 268 Parkins; Ps'C ws. os 284 Pérking, Re eee ee: 443 Perkinson & Shaw Perras, Jos. G. H Perrault, Jr., Jos poet Wilfred es Person, Emanuel Petermans, Wm Petersen, Jno. C Petersen, Niels P....... Peterson, Alfred Peterson, Chas. K Peterson, Edward Peterson, Edward Peterson, Harry C Peterson, Henry SG bitty et C Peterson, Minnie H.... Peterson, Morris 3 Peterson, Mrs. Nels... . 469 Peterson, Oscar A Peterson, Soren A Petrie, Mrs. Isabella. Petter, i. B Pfeifer, Gottlieb 344. Phelps, M. J. & G. W. .407 Philben Nathaniel 4 Hina, Phillips, Dudley Ww. Phillips, Harry & Alberta Brand Book j / / X XXVU1 7 Pages Pages | . Pages Phillips, J. W.......... 438 |: Ployart, J. L...:...... 269 || Prestlien, Simon. ......37% Phillips & Mason...... 281 lamb, Ho Ansa 404 | Preston, John.........301 Phillips & Sons........ 406 | Plumley & Earl....... 313 | Preston, M. F.........268 Phillips, W. R......... 386 | Plummer, John H..... 465 ae Philput, E. W...... 64. 253-40 Poch, ‘Wrank-s..., oe: fe 25 38 Phipps, W. J... 2. oa 459 | Poch, Wonka: ....3838 | Prevette, W. ype .. 268 Picard, Edmund....... 263 | Pocha, Jane Mary..... 313 | Pribble, Joseph........2 Picard Al. Bick. oe 304 | Podgarny, Mike....... 419 | Price, Brock....... ee Pich, Nick 2. se ae 441 Poelman, R...... peat 440 rice, C. tele ae Pickard. Eric W.......469 | Poirier, Arthur........ 373 -| Price, Forest... ...45 3 Picken,: Jno: Sceeeee 301 Poitras, PiCrTre ae. 243 Price, Jr., George. .....2 Pickering, F.......... £31, | Potitt EOW:.s Ses 259 | Price, Harry A fe Pickering, Noah....... 68 Pollitt, Mrs. Harriet... .469 Priée, James... oe oe Pickering, Wallace T.. .388 Pollitt, John & Jas. B. as Price, Jno..M > 5 .sgee Pickering, S. H........ SHY Pollitt, ThHOMas «25 oe Price, Ji oes nee se tee Pickett, A. V>i..5 skins :312 | Pollock, Allan & Clyde. 549 Price, J . Floyd eA, awe Pickett, Irl F. .. -026 Pollock, ATtRUr ses 307 rice, 0; Ge ob y Pierce, ‘Mrs. Ed. C.....428 Pollock, Geo.......... 351 Price, Richard....... Pierce, EF. "A. eee wee 313 Ponch, Stave. he 360 Price, RObett ye Pierce, James & ae . 269 Pontifex, Arthur C.....392 rice; : Wm He Pierce & Co., R. D.. | 257 Pontius, Clarence O....344 Price; Was i5.0 tee Pierce, Thos:stuei acne 369 Poole &Cox........... 321 Price & Walls...... Pah? Pierce, W. FE... 2.2... 383 | Poole,Wm.H......... 313 | Prichard) Ro Poe re! Pierson, Alma......... 349 Pooley, Charley....... 281 Prickett, Richard. ... Pierson, Anton........ 328 | Poorman, Bird E...... 433 | Prill, Robt... .; 2,08 Pierson, Oscar L....... 342 Porteous, Herb........ 313 Prince, Raymond. ..... 5 Piste, “Adat a? . -fgae Pilger, Otto........... 247 | Porter, Robt. & James. 350 | Proctor, E.B.........301 Pilko; oA; eas Gis. s yas hee 263 Potter “VAs ners 465 | Proctor, W.C...... Pilling, James H....... 37 Portfors;He-A cae!s ieee 428 Procunier, Geo........ illman, Richd. L..... 288 Portnoy, Arsenty...... 251 Prosser, Be Es. fcaneeee Pim: ernst: Wes ooo. 263 Post; Glare Bs 42a 426 Proudfoot, Jas........ Pinchak, Mrs. Steve...455 | Postman, John........ 315 | Prout, A. ORME 6 Pinkerton, TeBeeees ais 324 Postlethwaite, A....... 423 Provis, Mrs. Annie M. “360 PUNE, OOO Fa ons 281 Potter, Carson........ 433 | Prowse, Jno........ ree Pee Gi ear ccd a rolanat 248 Potter) sd7.A. cies ene 253 Prudden, Alex... Piper, Mrs. Annie..... 423 Potter, Francis Jno.....382 Prudden Bros......... Pe Th BR ae te ae 66 | Potter, Fred H........ 313 | Prudden Mercantile “Go,” PRCT es ck ti eke a 8 301 Potter, HeC a ieee 344 Pirerts chen: crisis 369..|. Potter; Jas. Els. 0 os 296 Pruden, Walter. . Pirie, ase ener 364 Potters Robt ose: uns ss 350 Pryor, Sydney ae ao Pisony, Joseph. ....... 453 Potter, Warren D...... 344 Pryor, Wm. W....... <4 Pitcher, San ANS ese 266 Pound, Soe case ae cscs 250 Puckette, Geo. W..... .348 | Pitman, O .428 Pow, Davidhiat cis 358 Pugh; 0.3.8 ee eee Prtman Bros... inccdeene 243 Powell, Barmardec so. 313 Pulkrobek, Theo. J. PURE WS soe ecac Shes tees 88 Powell Gakic cee sy cle: 28 Pulley, Mrs. Ed. S..... 268. Pitzer, W.. GG... 660% 384 Powell Claud Albert,..471 | Pulsipher, C.M....... 97 Place, Marg't J........ 354 Powell, Harola? oickis 304 Pulsipher, G. H....... 93 Place, Simon A........ 399 Powell, 1 Wen SS, Ee eae 273 Puncke, W.w0.. 2 eee 8 Plage, (Henry. ora ac os 469 POW IRGDG. tas eso dace 314 Pushor, Forest........ if Miatine W Ane ce ake 88 Powell, Thornton. ..... 283 Purdy & Varder....... Planger, Cordula...... 433 Powell, Thos. .... ac OOO PurdyiiWwe bn eee BL Plant, Gaspard........ 76 Powelson, Gilbert... ...455 Purmal, Henry........ ‘Ol Plante, Hercule........ 443 | Powelson, John........ 455 Purschka, Chas....:... 3 Pilavite, THORS way ace 346 Powell (Co R yea cis dos ass 428 Purser Bros...........806 Plantier, Jean......... 300 Powers, Os Tae sia wees 279 Purser, S.-H... 3. 0e Plaskett, Robt. H. .3878 POWELS, Js. cde wees See 438 Purtee,; J: Mel sss Sines Plaston, Geo. A....... 263 Powers;. J. Th. oon; eigen 26 Purtle, Bernard........ Platt, Albert D........ 352 | Poxon, yates aitesar aie ire 263 | Purves Bros. & Co Mabe. DL)... > acre ati en 370. ‘tT Poynter, Fh Win asics 270 | Purvis, Jno. J2.< is. Pinte, Phos... ould 465 | Poynter & Sons, W. H..421 Putnam, Chas....... Plaxton, Aaron........ 373°.1 Poynter, W. 2 os. 428 | Putnam, L. Dexter. Plaxton, Geo.......... 316 | Poyser, Jas. F......... 344 | Putnam, Philitus. Plaxton, Frank........ 316 Praeker, Herman...... 465 Putney, C.. Ein. aes PTARGON GCOL. 6.6. Ske 366 Prather, Bruce........ 243 Pyatt, Chas. S...... Pleming, J.B. .......: 301 Preece, Ernest C...... 256 Pye, Samuel.......% Plester, James......... 351 Prealy RObtoM ask oe os 402 Pyle, A. Ni anne Lhe Plike; Davids. wt-.s i... 267 Pregitzer, Goce a cee 348 Pyle, B.C eee Plouhead, F.W....... 60 | Prendergast, H. B..... 472 | Pyle, Mrs. ae ae 4 Plowman, Mrs. Cecilia. oF Prentice, Jno. G....... 281 Pyle, Walter G.. us Plowman, Frank....... Prost: Wo aces vere cae 4 e, Sr., Joseph we 4 Alberta Brand Book XXX1X Pages Pages Pag Q Rattary, John Ss ear Reidt, Mrs. Katharine.. ati Rattray, Jas. T........ 306 Reiger, Mathans....... 332 Quaschneck, Sam...... 342 Ratzlaff, Gerhard......396 Reighard, Robt. T..... 267 Quellette, Rev. J. A... .337 Ravenshaw Bros.. ; + 469 Reighley, Benedict J... 285 Quesnell, | Sale SARE Ae 347 Rawleigh. Chas. D. 272433 Reilly) td x. :% eee vae 466 uick, Ambrose J...... Rawlins, Henry....../.351 RVG Ys Vase ee ae 301 uick, Gordon W...... 349 Rawlins, Vincent .'...°. . .363 Reimann, Henry....... 462 Quilter, PeRGt Chats 372 Ray Aer ae sa tOOU Reimer, Jacob......... 272 uimby, W.C........ Bid. | ‘Ray; Prank H.oo) a. 465 | Reinhart, Frank J.....454 TIT oe bs. ce bea 301 ters Gece sia aa wate 425 Reinhart, Jas......... 302 COUN SS Saige 346 RA SOSA Ge pare ea UR 270 Reinke, Chilat.o8 0% 345 luinton, Bert......... 336 Sr FONG Cae ee 352 | Reinoehl, Geo. A...... 371 uinton, Jas. D....... 993: |. Raymer, B.. 222.5... 326 Reinoekl, Frank Be. 264 duisberg, Thos. J...... 346 Rea, Chester J........ 373 Reish, 2 Vee oe oe 457 - Quist, David E....:... eae) Fen ae Pees ah oe 419 Reishus, Edw......... 460 Hea asec). Pikes 301 Reist Alcs seme ee 466 R Ripa; lass: Seiwdt steels 469 Reist, Samuel H....... 369 FUGA. DAS hohe ates 296 Rellnéer De As eae 439 Raab,Sr., Fred........ 313. | Read, Miss Mary C... .391 Remington, C. E...... 449. Raab, Jr., Fred... 2... 314 Regd. Robe hh s es 244 Remington, J. L....... 328 Rabb, Lewis.......... 326 Read Robt: Su... 35.284 361 Remington, K. E....., 313 err, fivivs. Fo 348 Read, Samuel Thos... .454 Remp2l, Johann P..... 301 gtachar, Wi. 2.6. oe 264 Read & Son, W. H.....385 Rempfert, George...... 282 Rachatr, Wim...) os 0 | Reade, Richard S. B...361 Rendle, Arthur. ....... 326 Racicot, Fi Bos cass. 326 Ready, Lewis E....... 315 Renke, David M...... 359 Radford, Preston...... 440 Real, Murisce......... 445 Renner, Lawrence..... 352 Radomske, John....... 312 Mesa Os ey oy eta: S17 Rennie, Jas. H......>. 444 Rae, John G .o.c.. oo. 281 Reardon, Robt. E..... Bos. 4: Reno, Berts) i252 othe 244 meee: Moar. oie lS 369 Reaume, Jas.:.... av) 802 Renton Reve eae 328 Raedar, Chas......... 400 PER VIG, Tce Sees 472 Reoux, Joseph A 289 Racthke, Charles...... 407 Reay, Albert Norton. .345 Repo Peterie eee 409 Rafuson, Thomas...... 454 Reay, Christopher..... 352 Repsher, Jno. B....... 301 Ragan, John M....... 307 Peper iram ts 389 Reske, August......... 423 Ragan, Joseph L......301 Reckinger, Gaston..... 432 Ressel, Jacob.......... 297 apan Win. esc. ck 405 Records Ss 14 ween ae Ressler, Carl R........ 400 Rahn, Mrs. Emily..... 264 Redcliffe Hotel. ....... Reuspies, Martin...... 352 sho, IVET RIGS ees Stes 89 Redd Ranch, Ltd...... i50 Reusehler, Andreas. ...351 HUGE CS AGO Os aes 281 Redding, C. Di. 281, 402 Reutcher, Jno.......:.301 Rairdan, Albert....... 352 Redfern. Mrs. Mary J. .399 Reycroft, G20..... +. 433 Rajesanve, Frank...... 350 Redford, Mrs. Almira. .471 Beymer, Bete aes 471 Rakestrau, Frank...... 271 Redford, Mrs. E. E....256 Reynolds, Chas. S.....281 Rakoz, Michael....... 332 Redmond, Alfred...... 402 Reynolds, Geo. ....... 350 Ma Ons =o... se 310 | Redmond Live Stock Co. Reynolds, John........ 415 Ralph, LL Ry eae 281 : 413 Reynolds; J. Es res 303 ' Ralph. Louhana. .419 Redmond, 8. C....:... 361 Reynolds, J. S......... 302 quaiston, Bb. 8 6 se. 361 Redmond, W. Frank. . .234 Reynolds, W. J........ 389 Ralston, Geo.......... 345 Redwood, James....... 331 Rbea, J Ws ie ee 459 Rambo, Reubin....... 313 Reed, Chas. E.. ..7... 421 Rhinhart, Geo. C...... 319 eesMeyv Rs Hee 464 Eats Hk B23 UR Re ee penee ean 27 Rhinhart, LL.D... Sea ae mamey: He L.. 3s es 0k 398 Reed, Ernest A........ 264 Rhoadas, Friend E..... a 3 Ramsay, Donald M... .399 Reed, POWs See N eet. 45 Rhodss, Auf. 3 eee 290 Ramsay, Hugh........ S500 t Reed: Viyubiob. vee «406 HSesOr WW oe eS 352 Rice & Flanders....:.. 451.2; Randall, D..M 2. 28 250 Reeve, Jas. B......... 302 Rice, ‘Krank 5 6 kes 396 ~ Randall, Grace C:..... 369 Reeves, Lilburn....... 266 Rice, Miles} Heoei eas 466 Randall, Geo.......... 281 Rehard, Wallace L..... 376 Rice, Mra. M.. oo uye 332. Randal, W.C .. 2240). 389 | Rehm, G. & Prickett, J..433 | Rice, Robert M.......465 pee ay a Alvin L. .326 | Reich Bros. & Gary... .424 Te ey eon aah Randle, Thos. W...... 368 | Reichenberg, Daniel....406 | Rice,W.A..........,. 26 Rankert, Henry....... ee Reichert, Mathias. ....401 Rice-Jones, Cecil .. 362 Pane, Cam >. 670,72! 420 | Reid & Breckenridge Bros. Rich; Heo: . cee 74 Rankin, J. B. ries ws 243 Rich, Jerome: , )...4'=8 289 473 Reid, EdwinG........ 259 Rich, Mrs. Mary Belle. 353 REPO: IP eee), 368 Reid, George.......... 440 Richard Dinwoodie Es- Raper, Arthur C....... 399 Reid & Sons, Geo...... 351 tate. ou na ree ee 2 are, Mrs. Annie...... 406 Reid, Geo: Boo... 0. 58 Richard, Wm......... 415 Rasch, Michael........ 332 Reid; Guwe ers 368 Richards, Arthur...... 354 Raskin, Louis......... Reid; JAG out cient, 313 Richards, Ax 226 ae 414 Rasmussen, H.O...... 845 Reig Ss JON. ots, MODE 335 Richards, Frank A... .462 Rasmussen, Loui L.. ..444 Reid, SOHNE AS. eee: Richards, George & Coch Rasmussen, M. J. & Geo. Reid, John E..... 374, 378 rane; Wim. Ry. cee 413 “SS Ae CPR 244 Reid, JOSE liek era Richards, H. C.......:345 Rathwell, Mrs. John...261 | Reid & Roe........... 351 Richards, Jno. M...... 301 ena ts Sena 460°" Reid; Wm), 667200... 388 -Rathwell, M Richards, Mrs. Louisa M.444 - Alberta Brand Book _ x! Pages Pages Richards, Walter...... 414 | Ritchie, Thos. K....... 374 | Robinson, Pettit Sey Richardson, Andrew G.270 | Riteland, Lewie....... 468 inson, aes Richardson, Chas. A...269 Rittenhouse, Isaac. .... 302 | Robinson, Wm.. Richardson, C......... 264 — Land & Stock Robinson, Wm Richardson, C. H. :281;440: \~ =Cows bc Gs eee eee 2 Robinson, W..... hive Richardson, F.C...... 351 Riewaide Stock Co....375 | Robison, Jas. W Richardson, G. B...... 244°:| Roach A. Cy aero , 233 bison, J. W.. Richardson, G. L...... 273 Roach Bros........... 352 Robison, Thos... Richardson, Henry.....272 | Robb, Mrs. Wm. L 326 | Robitaille, Jr., 1pm N..299 Richardson, Irvin...... 301 Robbie, Those. fs -5.24 466 Robeson, C.d-; 33. eas Richardson, James..... 394 Robbins, Geo. B....... 244 Robson, John. . Richardson, Jas. A..... 358 | Robby, Louis......... 351 Robson, J. W.. Richardson, J. D...... 399 | Roberge. F. B........ . 266 Robson, R. B......... Richardson, Melville. . .445 Roberge, Pierre 4 obson, W. F. Richardson, R. H...... 370 | Roberts Bros...... 351, 244 obson & Sons, W. W Richardson, 8. S....... 54 Roberts, Chas. A...... 247 ocan, Max....... Richardson, Wallace F.389 | Roberts, E. L......... 320 | Rocek, J. H......... Richardson, Wm...... 351 | Roberts, Fredk. aor. .444 ochan, Will B........ Richardson, W. G.....352 ame he Gordon & Dur- Raley, C. Bi, es Richart; C:( Ras sass Ay Big Regia! | preipee peer iane ton: kai 8 Rt pete ee Richmond, W.E...... 389 Sahat. Henry........ 415 Rockafellow & Son, Fred Richter, Jacob. ....... 302 Roberts, Henry L...... 356 ; Richter, Otto......... 352 Roberts, H. EB. oe. os 264 Rockstad, A. N........ Richter, Sam.......... 361 Roberts-H: 0. - sess 315 | Rockwell, B. B........ Ricker, J. W..50s. 9500 301 | Roberts, James........ 391 | Rodehoun, Allen...... "261 3 Rickett, Jay.......... 289 | Roberts, John B....... 306 | Rodgers, A. E........ Ricketts, J: Liss. e 289 | Roberts, John Theo....469 | Rodier, mae . 253, 427 : Ricketts & Son........ 361 | Roberts, Joseph....... 301 | Rodman, Wm. B...... 4 Riddell, Douglas....... 420 | Roberts,J.R...... 111304 | Rodney, Ed...........255 Ga 3 D. M. MacLeay, Roberts, Mary E...... 263 | Rodney, Nii. .5.see8 R.R. & Mila Alex. Roberts, Peter........ 406 | Rodwell, Percy........ Rae: 403,408 | Roberts, P. H.........351 | Rodwell, Wm......... Riddell & Mattses Bros. Roberts, R. T......... 449 | Roe, Bruce..... Sq cet 418-378-250 | Roberts, Mrs. S. E.....264 Roe, Frank Riddle, Thos.......... 427 | Roberts, Walter G..... 389 | Roebuck, W.......... Riddell, W.I......... 461 | Roberts, Wm. Smith...429 | Roeder, Christian...... Riddle, David M...... 408 | Roberts, W. W........ 329 | Roedler, B. E.H...... Riddle, D. M......... 420 | Robertson & Austin....467 | Roedler, Louis........ Riddle, Leonard....... 348 | Robertson Bros....... 244 | Roemer, Samuel L Rider & Cloutman..... 401 | Robertson, Chas. B....456 | Roen, Lars P... Ridgeway, A.G....... 352 | Robertson, E.C....... 264 | Roenicke, Wm. A. idsdale, T, 8......... 399 | Robertson, Fred....... 447 | Roeszler, Jacob........ Ridshaw, Thos........ 279 | Robertson, James...... 345 | Roger, D. & W........ Riedel, Fi Wesssk cas bk 400 | Robertson, John....... 335 ogers, Alfred & Harry. rr rs Rieger, Andrew........ 350 | Robertson, John Cameron Rogers, Andrew M. Riegle, Ho 'Avss ae 323 471 ogers, AS&......e.0-- Riep, Mrs Jessie M....345 | Robertson, J. H....... 412 | Rogers, Earl P........ 342 Rierson, Thedor....... 336 Robertson, J. S........454 O@OTS, 1.5 ssc Hed wakes _ Riffenburg, C.H...... 248 | Robertson, R. Roy.....345 | Rogers, Sr., Geo Riggall, Fred H..... eel Robertson, Wm. ..388,460 | Rogers, Shae Riggins, Elijah........266 Robertson, Wm .. 368 Rogers, Harry G TE fay Wares wae 264 | Robin, Louis M. ...... 409 | Rogers, Henry M Riggs, Mo Ata veces 414 | Robins, E. T.......... 264 ‘| Rogers, H. E..5. eine = Riggs, Otha........... 450 | Robinson, Mrs. Alice. ..304 i we H. M. & Guyon, Riley Bros... o:......% 466 | Robinson, Amos O..... 5 A. B ities 337 Riley, Mrs. C. A...... 314 Robinson, A. A........ 233 Rogers, | PEE ce Riley, So: Cis bees 282 | Robinson Bros........ 406 ogers, Jas..... ey, Mary Ex o.05 0s 289 | Robinson, D.S........ 355 | Rogers, JR vi-scueee Riley, Neils 25. Sk 446 | Robinson, Ed......... 362 Rogers, do. Wen nkeee Riley. Ry: ee 251 Robinson, Edmund... .411 ogers, M. H........ My SW ih e's 53 Ss Se 390 | Robinson, Emma...... 264 | Rogers, Mrs. W. P reo Wd 8% 5 ein ee 3 Robinson, Ernest A... .412 ae & Son, J. N Rimbey, J. Wir... ek ce 302 Robinson, Mrs. F. 8. ..412 , Adan Stan nzsieue mbey, Bo N sca cavcek BS Robinson, Geo........ 433 Rollefstad, Chas.... Rinchart, G. L........ Robinson, G. F........ 245 Rollinson, "Jomo Ringdahl, Richard W. a7 Robinson, G. N....... 420 Rollis, O. J : Ringuette, Elie........ 264 Robinson, G. R........ 281 Rollis, Mrs. R 3 ets Hamtoul ROA sss 404 Robinson, Geo........ 281 Rollog & Sons. . sake FUUBEOUL ONIN: « 352 | Ruste, Johan..........301 Sanderson, Helena... ..247 R ..251,419 | Rusten, Peter P....... 349 | Sanderson, Robt....... 399 Ross, Roy i Bae orcas 444 | Rutherford, Allan J....247 | Sanderson, Stanley S...453 Ross & Sons, J........ 345 | Rutherford, Geo. L....345 | Sandino, Joe.........- 282 Ross, Thomas......... 450 | Rutherford, Robert....399 | Sandino, Mrs. Tony... .234 Ross, Wm. D..... 342,449 | Rutherford, W.D..... 389 | Sandstrom, August.....247 — Ross, Wm. F...... 253, 374 | Rutherford, W.J...... 270 | Sangster, A.....cssee 231 Se SSS 346 | Rutherford, W. W..... 388 | Sangster, Jas.......... 358 a Be eee 315 | Rutkay, Gabriel...) 1) 282 | Sankey, L. W......0.. 249 — ‘Rossell, Wm.......... 268 | Rutki, Frank.......... 271 Sarcon, Mike.......... 359 Roth, Geo. oi... be.ce: 282 | Rutlidge, W.W....... 377 | Sardeno, Jim.......... 358 Roth, Gottlieb........ 282 | Rutten, Mike......... 264 | Sargent, A. P......... 360 Rothwell, Andrew.....380 | Rutter, Samuel........ 451 | Sargent, G. V..c. 2s. 00 258 -Rottenfusser, John..... 351 | Ruzicka, John W...... 389 .| Sargeant, Parker & Parker Rouma, Hubert....... 875 Ryall, ag ERA 326 315 Roussell, John......... BOY 1 RYBRVAS. S222. oooh as 317 | Sargent, T. B......... 245 Rousthorn, John B.....347 | Ryan, G.D.C........ 281 | Sarjeants, Ltd......... 359 Routhier, Joseph.......466 | Ryan, J.M........... an Sarles, Levi.........0. 374 Routhier, Urlick....... wee | yen, hoses 05s eee. 344 | Sarvis,G.G.......... 433 Rowbottom, David H. 909 Rycroft, Robert Henry.286 | Sather, Alfred......... 455 Rowden, C. M........ 415 | Ryder, Francis........ 285 | Sather, Andrew........ 362 MowelG. Pos... ses. s 456 | Ryning, Henry W..... 265 | Sather, Bastian........ 245 ROWE Els vce. e+ 329 Sather, Henry......... 357 Rowe, Jas. G..... Ete eek! Sather, Lars P......... 360 LN eS i ne 444 Sather, Miss Maret... .360 Alberta Brand Book xlil- - Pages Pages Satterlee, W.A........ 259 Schmidt, Mrs.-Milla M i52 Scott, Jas. G... Satterlund, O. E....:.. 360 | Schmidt, P. H. & Dovey, tt, Jas.. Sauber, Henry........ 360 C. Boies anew gie ae 250 | Scott, Jas. L Saucy, Pierre D....... 360 | Schmidt, Stephen...... 362 | Scott, John Saulsberry, A. D....... 399 Schmidt, Wis bbe: 248 Scott, John H Saunders, David V.....403 Schmierer, Peter.......335 | Scott, John R. Saunders, Mrs. E. T. ..264 Schmilzer, Mrs. M..... 286 | Scott & Sons, . Saunders, Geo......... 346 Schmitema, G......... 433 Scott, Robt. D. Saunders, Jas. F....... 302 | Schmitke, G. 2.00%. 273 | Scott, R. N.. | Saunders, J. W.......; 453 Schmolke, Fred........ 430 Scott, Mrs. S.J. P | Saunders, Otto O...... 346 | Schmuland, Ferdinand. ries Seott, Thos. H... Saunders, P. D........ 421 | Schmunk, John........ Scott, T. H... Saunders, W. E........ 402 Schnaidt, Jacob....... BOB Scott, Thos a Saur, Christian........ 249 | Schneider, Carl........ 355 cott, Walter. . Sauter, Gottfried. ..... 394 | Schneider, Henry...... 453 Scott, Walter W.... Savard, Alex. ..:..2....354 Schneider, Harry...... 376 Scott, Wilbert W.. Savell, Sydney........ 455 Schneider, Jno......... 302 Scott, Wm.... bee Saville, Robt..-....... 360 | Schneider, Jno. S...... 362 Scott, Wm. .... ... Sawyer, Lyle V:......:416 Schneider, Peter. . .266, 372 Scott, Wm....... Sawyer, Me J cme saree 304 | Schnell, Christian. .... .413 Scott, Wm. Amos. Saxby, J. .ie eet 351 Schneller, David? 5 vce 268 Scott, Wm. A. Sayers, H. BR: oye ys 363 | Schnider,C. &A.*..... 401 Scott, W. A. « W Scaman & Sons, Albert. 362 Schneider, Jacob....... B58:- 4 aC sears eee Scarberry, J. W....... 361 Schoch, Benno........ 421 Scotton, Geo.’. Scarfe, Aubrey...:.... 353 Schochenmaier, Jacob. .302 Scragg, Richard Scarfe, Mrs. H........ 357 Schoemacker, Peter... .412 Scribner, Mrs. F. 50) Scarlett, Samuel....... 312 Schoen, Ernest........ 397 Scritsmier, W. : Scatter, Mrs. R. H.....448 Schoenenberger, W. L. .361 Scudder, Fredk... Schaaf, Franz......... 271 Schoettlo, Gottlieb. .... 282 Scuffham, Ray. Schaber, Emanuel..... 432 | Sehofer, Marion....... 53 Seacoy, F. B....... Schafer, Henry........ 411 Schole, "Herman A-.... 292 Al, Wet sz es : Schafer, John......... 310 Scholefield, Harry J... .303 Seal, Wm........ Schafer, John......... 453 Scholefield, H. E. G. H.259 6) Dc Wate oe Schaffer, FE. J.........+: 265 Schonemann, T. G.....312 Seale, Wm. Jno Schaffer, Gotlieb....... 356 Schooley, Geo...:..... 339 Seamans Bros..... Schaffner, ATGOR, 2 si0 iis 354 Schooling, L. P........ 327 Searing, James A. Schalow, Rinehart..... 360° ‘Schott,’ Coase ee ee 282 Searle, EB. A. ... .: Schambron, Albert E.. .253 Schouert & Sons, M....345 Searle; Hs Tai. vc pew Schambron, August E. .264 Schram, Mrs. Tillie... .404 Searle, Mrs. J. E. Schantz, Austin T..... 347 Schreifels, INTGbES, secant 360 Sears, CR eenn Schares, Jacob......... 302 ike Fred ..<- 345 375 Sears, Thos. W.. Scharte; Eis saw aie 463 Schreyer, Johan Anton .314 Seay & Pritchard . Schartner, John....... 352 Schreiber, Gustave... .. 285 Secretan, Chas. Schaufeli, W. F........ 469 Schrock, Jack......... 441 gwick, Mrs Scheer, Harry G.......282 Schroeder, Wabi or zat 458 See, Claud J. & J. Scheerschmidt, C. F.. . .401 Schroeder, Sarah...... 362 5. Wet es ae Scheesschmidt, Albert E.418 Schroter, Jno.......... 303 Seeger, G. J... 6... Scheidegger, Fred...... 407 Schuare, Wm. E.......389 Seely, Geo. L.. Schelert, Otto. ......45 360 | Schueler, Otto......... 346 Se Schell, W. A........ ..267 | Schuler, Jacob....... + - 282 Schier, Jiidvesak vemotete 421 Schulstad, E.C....... 356_ Schier 17. 2 Gwen 324 Schulte, Joseph........ 268 Schielke, Wm......... 389 Schultz, August....... 61 Seibold, ‘Petar, Schilling, Harry A..... 287 Schultz, Gustif........ 335 | Selby, Stuart...... Schimpf, Geo.......... 401 Schultz, Herman...... 366 Selby, W.S. & H. | Schimpf, Henry....... 288 Schultz. He Als: aks 397 Schinke, Jno.......... 466 Schultz, Wilhelm...... 332 | Selk, He ede 2 Schjifloe, Birger....... 245 Schultz, W.-Be: .kes.: 461 Selkirk, John. Schlag, Christian...... 268 Schuman, F. A........ 356 Selleck, E. M. Schlaht, Christian... ...365 Schunemann Bros... ..395 Selstrom, Oscar... Schlaht, JNO", Mectinueaate 359 Schwabe, August...... 265' | Selthon, Louis Schlauch, JNOi%. 0. Sea 453 Schwartz, Anton....... 233 emiond, Lucien. Schleppe, Adam....... 249 Schweitzer, A. L.....-. 446 Semple, Andrew. Schlessger, Paul....... 360 Schwerdel, Jacob. ..... 302 Semple, James... Schlines, Otto......... 290 Schwingeler, Mrs. Ida. .452 Semple, Robt... Schlosser, Jos......... 453 Senider, Christ........ 282 Semran, yaa: Schmaltz, Jos......... 314 | Scoggins, E.L. ....... 282 Senior, F 3 Schmaltz, Ludwig.... . .260 Scott, Allen Cees 345 Senior, Schmaltz, Mathew..... 453 COG HAIOR os in 64, 328 Senner, Peter W Schmeder, Carl H...... 355 | Scott, Benji. D.......- 5 | Seppert, a ae Schmidt, Carl....!....355 Scott, Claud Be ass 426 Sept, Johannes. . oe Schmidt, Edward...... 264 cott, David C. F.....304 Sergeant, Rev. : Schmidt, F. G.. ....... 282 Scott, lau Nie cchy ke eats 356 Seright, Robt... chmidt, Herman...... 245 Scott, Mrs. Essie J.253, 259 Service, Hu as Schmidt, Gustave...... 373 | Scott, Frank S........ 356 | Serviss, Elizabeth As Schmidt, Henry H..... 363 Scott, Haave ates Peps LO get 452 Sesena, Eugene.. ite Sehmidt, Ludwig...... 327 Sestrap, Mart. a Schmidt & Montowt.. .469 Scott, Huggard & Mc- Koen in'oos a apenas 333 Severs, George. tees a. of Alberta Brand Book re ree eecton Mrs. Bessie. . ro C. Fred pnand, Louie D. & tides mine aids ele) oe) @ ale © ee oe Shantz, Henry C Shantz, Nathan. Shapcott, emery. ' Sheffield, Royal D Sheils, Mrs. Jas. G Ueto D. Grantley... F.D 429 ‘Shelton t Jensen Shepherdson, T. N Shepperd, Nielyin ber Sheridan, T. F.. . 366 Sherk, Ross M....... 345 Sheriffs, Br 0 OO 9 ee eed a 453 Sherlock, Katherine H..365 Sherman, Alr?rt.. ‘401 Sherman, Chas. E.....364 Sherman, Mrs. C. B...282 Sherman, F.H........ 271 Sherman & Gralapp....288 SHetimanyNe Los Sse B72 Shermerhorn & Anderson 67 Sherwood, D.D., Mathew sD OME ie OR ee lee 451 Sherwood, Henry L....376 Sherwood, 8. O........ 455 Sherwood, Wm.C..... 382 Sherring, Ed. Wit Bak 264 Shields & a ape Paw Sinelds) Wis o 219 shan 400 Shillam, rank panel 265 Shillinglaw, PU Va eS 233 Shine, Daniel M....... 355 Shantest, Alisa 350 Shipley, Ellen J....... 356 Babies cI tOy Wares sh in. 305 “rae H.S. & Morrison, Pe aE ures ine : Shivelly, Mrs. A. B....454 Shoop, ene eto ie 361 SHGre Ad Po cece ok 354 Shortc anos eee vee 303 Shotwell, Chas. A.....: 356 Shouldice, James......322 Shoults, Mrs. Minnie. . .453 Shoultz, Herman...... 357 Showel|, Alfred W..... 389 Showman, G. M....... 433 Shrigley & Sons, Jas. .379 Schroeder, J. H...... ¥. 306 Shuck, Raymond M.. . .360 Shue, Glenn........... 282 Sitti: Vics tere ot; 6 457 Shurmer & Sons, J... . .362 Shuttleworth, E....... 346 Shuttleworth, E. J..... 852 POLE TOTAN Gs Bs Sl SIRE Snes 416 Sibbald, Wilfred H.....285 RIN EVio tuted te? vs we sroe ane 455 SIGK,. HIAbaa Ui: tage ag YF Sickler, Benjamin... ...379 Sickler, B. E...... 410, 409 Sicotte, Eugenie....... 356 Sidenfaden, Jno....... 302 Siebken, Marx........ 371 Bien, Coby.) pacar aes 277 Siewert, Daniel........ 355 Siewert, Emanuel...... 265 Sigler, Villhelm........ 380 Sian ars Sey erties a 451 Sivardsene Gis. eae. s 234 Silbernagle, Jos........ 373 Silberstein, Hyman. . ..466 BUOOS: PREDL en Bou 272 Bilnoxedvo core saan on 351 Sillak, Mrs. Anna...... 400 Silara;IHOn . 525s 248, 249 Sillib, James.......... 470 Piulton, Ne ebs daacweee ow 360 Silverberg, Carl........ 402 Silverberg, Oscar E.. .. .394 Silverthorn, A......2.. 359 Silverthorn, Bruce..... 362 Silverthorn, R. L...... 327 Silvestee,S........... 361 Silvester, Geo......... 456 Bim tt, © oe vote aes 357 Sim; sno; Bs. faecue 302 Serer Mrs. J. H. Simister & Sons, W. LW 397 Simmermon, Bud Simmonds, Chas. H.. Simmons, Edward Simmons, he Edwin. ee Simonin, Ares: L Semper AUGURLE «5: vic Sirnpan: Fred M. 335 Simpson, Harry O .413, 353 Simpson, Harvey 263 Simpson, Janet G Simpson, Leland Simpson, Mary A.B... Simpson, Moses 369 Simpson, Thomas coor Thos. E.. cree Mrs. Minnie Simson, Douglas C. ... 452 Sa Jas. "Edwin, J. W. os 340 Sinclair, Lauchlin Sindlinger, Chas. F....2 Singleton. Mrs. M. H Singleton & Wing Sissons, Fred J. 8 Se etie Peter Skidmore, Frank Skippen, Melvin Skjersven, Christ J.....3 es BF Slade, J. Harcourt Slater, Edgar, F Pages Pages Slater, Geo ope gr aay ea ue a aay eek ve ace Bae pl e og Stee Slater, Irving E....... mith, Het. 3,39 mith, unningham 41) Slater, Jonathan....... 205: Snuth, Hig ea 357-1} Smith, WA... 3448s Slater; J: Biso7 oF 362 | Smith, Jack P......... 451 | Smith, BF siccynn Sinttery, Mig6e ies as 367 Smith, SRSA Ge eee 469 | Smith, W. H......... Sleen, a | Bey Enger.....264 | Smith, James......... 358 | Smith & Sons, Sleighter, Mrs. Helen.. .352 | Smith, J. AMES.......... 302.1 Smith; W. Bb. ocse Slinger, Rid... 2.5% 346° +) Smith, dine oS ica 266. | Smith, W. J.. Sloan, Thomas........ 454 Smith, J an Cine .360. 4. Smith, Wm 22 27... es Sloan, W.-W 0.5.55. 391 Smith & Johns. .453, 473 Smith, W..T >.c2358 Sloane, G. D.......... 471 Smith, Mrs. Jno. G....452 Smithson, Irving...... Sluggett, J. H........: 290 | Smith, JohnG........ 358 | Smithson, W. J........ Sly, Mrs. J. Hens s5e 5 302 Smith, John H........ 304 Smitton, Peter....... Sly, Mrs. Eugene...... 451 | Smith, John Henry....334 | Smorlie, Ole......... Smart, Bi. ois. 0s sates 356 | Smith, John R........ 354 | Smuthers, Miles L.... Smart, To Ni: os eooes 453 | Smith, John R........ 376 | Smyk, Hettie........ Smart, Wm. Wallace. ..389 | Smith, John S......... 357 | Smyth, Mrs. A.C.... Smeltzer, Robt. J...... 454 | Smith, John S......... 363 | Smyth, David A..... ty Smidt, J.D. eee 466 | Smith, John W........ 305 | Smyth, Francis P...... Smiley, J. W. sc... 363 | Smith, Joseph C....... 341 | Smyth & Laing....... Smith, Alban.......... 354 Smith, Joseph K....... 358 | Smyth, Mrs. Nellie. . Smith, Alden B........ 366° 4 Smith. J. Be ae 437 | Smythe, C.C......... Smith, Alex. \y.asse0% 455 Smith, Fal Deak ee eee 455 | Snapp, Geo. B....... Sa Smith, Alex B......... 427 | Smith, J. Harmon..... 375 | Sneidmiller, Henry. . Smith, Anton J........ 380 | Smith, J. W... 2.26. 6. 357 Snell, Forest E........ Smith, Arch, Bios. sess 451 Smith, J. W........... 302 Snell, John R..... Se = Smith, Arthur A....... 354 } Smith, Kathleen....... 814 nell, Miss Rosa A.....352 Smith, Ac Diee ose sas 329 Smith, Lawton........ 444 Snell, Reba see ee ABI Smith; A. Eos cass 269 Smith’s Livery....... 452 Snell, Susan A......... Smith & Sons, Benjamin Smith, Maggie H...... 445° | Snelly Tu 3.2.) e eee 358 244, 244 Smith & Co., Mary... .335 Snideman Broge-: see 12 Smith Bros....... 353, 451 mith, -P. ey yl 5 Snider, Albert......... Smith;}:Chas;? fs. 2i0es0 282 Smith, N oble.s ker 45 Snider, Smith, Chas.......... 233 Smith, Ned Os. ees 334 | Snider, Smith, Chas. E........ 323. | Smith; Jr., O: H. 255.8: 372 | Snider, 39° Smith, Mrs. Chas. J....355 | Smith, Olena V........ 347 | Snow & Haycock...... Smith, Chasy Resokt; 327 Smith, Oliver Milton... .346 Snow; 02 Agecs cutie ae Smith, Chas. R........ 335 | Smith & Over.........346 | Snow, Mrs. Maud..... Smith; Chas. W....... 379 Smith, Mrs. Paulina. ..360 | Snow, O. H........... 389 Smith, Clarence B..... 413. | Smith, PA. . Scie 8 454 | Snowden Bros......... 355 — Smith & Sons, C. D....471 Smith, Reed......... 414 Snowden, Ernest G. . Smith, Dan A......... 361 Smith, Richards. = 470 | Snowdon, Thos. W..... Smith, Di Girsees eit. 272 | Smith, Richard E...... 272 | Snoxell, G. Foss. .ace 271 Smith, HGtl iy. seerece 2 266 Smit th, Re Dis kes 3 244 Snoxell, Wicss nck ceen Smith, Scluet | PE RA tae 261 Smith Re? we es a 419 Snyder, GoB.W. svG. <8 Smith, Sr., Ed......... 317 Smith, Ne Sidaee Rae S,: 393 | Snyder, IbraS........ Smith, eo Elizabeth. .428 | Smith & Saar......... 327 | Snyder, Samuel S...... Smith, Emily A....... 327 | Smith, Babin evans ones 361 | Soderberg, A. L...... Smith, Ethelbert A....264 | Smith, Samuel Chas....355 | Soderstrom, A. L..... 827 Smith, E. Becit..c uo: 257 | Smith, Samuel R...... 418 | Soetaert, Remi........345 ~ Smith; FP). i625 eee 416 | Smith, Selwyn......... 362 | Sogge, John........... 362 Smith & Fares........ 445 Smith, Seymour B., Wm. Sohns, Henry........ Smith, Mrs. Florence.. .371 C., Jr., John §. & Frank, | Solberg, CP... Sk ae Smith, Frank O....... 412 Be Aihcd ween ees cares Somerville, Bert N..... Smith, Frances Annie. .462 | Smith, Sidney W..... “330 Somerville, Milo...... Smith, Fred C......... 429 | Smith, Sidney B....... 244 | Somerville, 8. P....... 363 © Smith, Fred T......... 362 Smith & Sons......... 403 | Sommer, Andrew...... 3870 Snir FC. 435 | Smith,8. E.H........ 264 | Sommerfelott, erie 315-4 Smith, Mrs. F. M...... 451 Ditg hse cates 274 | Somville, Louis........ 399 bis, PO), 22, se ee 269 Smith, Theo. C........ 362 nbe Smith; Gales te 433 Smith, Thossii:..-..6 23 266 Sones, Edd.-L......... Smith, Geo....:...... $21 Smith, Thos.......... 456 nghurst, Edwin...... Smith, Geo eo eee. tks 405 Smith Chess uet se 353 Sorensen, Henry....... Smith) Geo. oo. as 52 Smith, Thos. D:....... 328 Sorensén, H..c. Saree mith, Geo. A. & L 335 Smith, Thos. D........ 232 Sorensen, Soren....... Smith, Geo. A......... 234 Smith, Vernon W...... 378 Sorenson, Cris M...... Smith, Geo. H......... 282 | Smith, Vil. cuckoee ces 379 | Sorenson, Gilbert...... 282 Smith, Geo. H......... 277 | Smith, Walter......... 414 | Sorenson Stock Co., Ltd a Smith, Geo. N......... 282 Smith, Walter A..s.... 245 | Sorgard, Geo.......... Smith, Geo. W........ 815 Smith, Walter B....... 408 | Sorkilmo, P. M........ Smith, Henry Curtis. ..355 Smith, Warren H...... 389 So ‘ Smith, Harry Creighton 278 Smith, Wms oases 466 Sotnikow, Leon........ Smith, Henry......... 266 | Smith,Wm..... eae pep oF 460 | Soukup, James....... .453 Smith, Henry A....... 357 Siaith,- War ss.o sees 454 Sounne, Harold........ Smith, Hethert Biri 345 Smith, Wm. A.....;:.. 346 Southern Smith, Herbert & Lorne Smith, Jr., W. C....... 434 Co., 270, 328, 403, 413, 8,418 | Smith,Wm.C......... 460 Snakthe, Asan tee ot 406 Smith, Wm. E,........ 455 | Southwick, E.J..... _ Alberta Brand Book xlv Pages Pages Pages Sovde, Erick.......... 265 | Standish,C.G........ 392 | Stevenson, J. H....... 303 Spac <2 er 406 Standish, F.C... 2... 403 Steppa, Joseph........ 358 8 eee 302 Standish, Jr., Wm..... 253 Stern: Brog. ss sac ie 244 Spang, at Flora B.. .361 Stanford, Munham....348 | Sterrenberg, J.F....... 276 Spanke, A. J.......... 296 | Stanford, W.J........ 389 | Stetson, Jas.S........ 455 Spanke, ca .. Herman..453 | Stange,Wm.......... 261 | Stettler Meat Co., a 329 Spomre, W.e,........- 392 | Stankiewich, Ignt...... 454 | Stevenett, Allison......363 Sparks, FE. E......:... 256 | Stanley-Ireland, Henry.366 | Stevens, Albert........ 285 Sparks, R. E.......... 452 | Stanley, Maurice...... 452 | Stevens, Alonzo A..... 239 Sparks, T. H.......... 411 | Stanton, Jas. J........ 296 | Stevens, Alice H....... 354 Spaulding, Jno........ 453 | Stanyer,J.R......... 361 | Stevens, A. A......... 329 Spaulding, W. H...... .389 | Stapel, Gust.......... 379 | Stevens, A. T.......04 412 Spece, Mrs. Jane...... 325 | Stapleford, John W....451 | Stevens, E. E......... 452 — Speers, oa ind beeing Serta [| taples Bros.......... 244 | Stevens, Charlie....... 355 ' Speidel, Louis......... 353 | Stapleton, Patrick..... 412. | Stevens, C>R.....:6s 247 Spelman, 8. "G. & B.C. > Stapleton, M. J........ 412 | Stevens, Henry John. ..358 Spence, James......... Stapleton, T.J........ 303 Stevens, Jno. Riley....271 - Spence & Sons, Jas. A. 358 Stan Bt io. os wk * 358 | Stevens, Mrs. J. R..... 363 Spencer Bros.......... Starch, John.......... 363 | Stevens, Mrs. Katharine Spencer, Burton B..... 498 Stark & Walls......... 363 bo Spencer, Herbert...... 454 | Starke, Geo. H........ 356 | Stevens, Wm. & Louis.386 — Spencer, Jas.......... 305 | Starks, R. E. & Burton, Stevenson, Mrs. Fred 8.452 Seannee, 2 ee (SS Aas Se eee Stevenson, Geo........ 349 286, 331, 416 | Starkin, Swan...... |! 327 | Stevenson, Jr., Geo. ...282 Spencer, John......... 367 | Starley, Frank E. & Percy Stevenson, Geo. 260 Spencer, J. W......... 308 CR aa eel 250 | Stevenson, Harry...... 357 Spencer & Sons, Jas.S. .454 Starling, Cave J....... 355 Stevenson, Jno.G..... 252 Spencer, Mrs. Fanny.. . 330 SiGe Wace cass 7 Stevenson, Mrs. Minnie Spende, Louis......... 444 Starry, Werk sy. van os acs 389 Bas cas alveesaoetee ; Spengler, Jacob........ 359 | Starrs,Wm........... 389 | Stevenson, Ralph...... 352 Sperling, Phillip....... 454 | Stashko, Elix.......... 254 | Stevenson, Robert G...416 — Speth, Frank.......... 255 | Statton, Samuel....... 360 | Stevenson, William. ...282— Spicer, Mrs. M. A..... 334 | Stauffer, Menno....... 267 | Stevenson, Wm. Henry .389 Spicer, Thos.......... 361 tauffer, Oliver W....... 345 | Steward, O.J......... 311 Spilsted & Son, Chas. ..421 Stauffer, BiG, sao ste oe 346 Stewart, Alex. & Jas. .361 SS a ap 234-4 Gresd, ALA... - i. Stewart, Archibald..... 374 Spitzer, A.M......... 346 | Stearn, Ed. & Wilton P. Stewart & Sons, A..... 339 Spohen, Peter......... 249 363 Stewart, A. M.....423, 371 spe Og ob ee 02 Stearns, Charley A....362 Stewart Bros.......... 451 Sponholz, Henry....... 469 Stearns & Sons, 353 Stewart Bros.......... 4 Spooner, Chas.........389 | Steckle, A. H.......... 415 | Stewart, Clifford.......375 OSS Sa 265 | Stedman, W.C........ 389 | Stewart, Ed. & David. .253 le ¢ eee 346 | Stedman, A........... 353 | Stewart, EB. A......... Spragge, Chas. H...... ae” Frteed. AeA soos as 235 | Stewart, FE. E......... 378 Sprague, T. G......... 333 | Steed, Joseph E....... 416 | Stewart, E.C......... Sprague, NE i 353 | Steel, Mathew......... 453 Stewart, Miss Georgie. . 252 ' Springer, Chas. S...... 353 | Steel, Robert.......... 316 | Stewart, Geo. P....... 435 ' Springer, Fred......... 454 1) CORT eels capa eae 303 Stewart, Herbert...... 363 | Springer, P. A......... 454 | Steen, Wm. John...... 247 | Stewart, James D...... 337 Springsteen, Ed 265 SOW Wh ts abs 252 Stewart, John A....... 363 e Sproat, Q. M...:...... 359 | Steer, Leopold Geo... ..264 | Stewart, Joseph....... 374 & Sproule; A.C oo... ks 61 Steeves, Hobts tex ss 419 Stewart, J. A. G....... 421 - Sproule, Oliver........ 346 | Steeves, Harry L...... 358 | Stewart & Sons, M.....362 _ Spurgeon, A. E........ 452 Steffes, Mrs. Georginna. ied Stewart, Neil.......... 436 ' Spurr, Archd. H 451 Stein, Ben... > a5 ss Stewart, Ni... ..y aye ' Spurr, Chas. A........ 373 Stehelin;- Bio sis Bsa 387 Stewart, O. P......... 371 purr, Geo, Walker... .282 | Stehr, Johannes....... 358 | Stewart, Peter M...... 360 Spurrier, R. E......... ..861 | Steiner, Chas. G....... 329 | Stewart, Wm.......... 389 ' Squire, Howard....... 446 Steiner, Walter........ 467 Stewart, Wm. A....... 371 F Srolovitz, M.......... 455 | Steinhoff, W.C........ 389 | Stewart, Wm. A....... 329 t+. Clair, Ernest L..... 269 Stelfox Bros........... 286 Stewert, Ernest........ 356 : St Germain, Chas. . . -.255 Stenble, Joseph........ 336 Stickland, James...... 453 - St. Mars, Louis........ 324 Stenson, A. W......... 327 Stickney, ‘Frank....... 362 ' St. Pair, Joseph....... 357 Stenson, Henry........ 357 Stigings, J. Stanley. . ..234 Staack, Peter M....... 348 | Stenson & Presley..... 308 Stigsen, Niels......... 371 Stack, Ce aE ES 433 Stensrud, Olaf......... 272 Stiles, Mrs. Lena...... 392 Stacker, Mrs. Neil M. .359 Stepchuk, Michael..... 453 Still, Mary Ann....... 378 - Stackhons, Luella E. ..267 Stephens Bros......... 353 Stilwell, W. R........ 454 Stackofski, August..... 362 Stephens Bros......... 354 Stimson, Alice M...... 411 Stafford, Asbury P.. 454 Stephens, George W. and Stimson, Percy W..... Stafford, Wika Seca il BY Vlas oer enecat 3 Stinn Bree. cies ea ree 452 _ Stafford, Norman...... 335 Stephens, H. N........ 357 Stinson, Lillian L...... 465 Stager, Morris......... 336 Stephens, Mrs. Laura. .401 Stipe, Mrs. Matilda... .314 DPS ESSES Ea ei ee ie 356 Stephens, Mary....... 45 Stine, Fn, ca eee 307 Stainforth, Robt. A.. .466 | Stephenson, Avehias F. .452 Stirling, Herbert L..... 336 Stainsleigh, EAR PA oe 436 | Stephenson Bros....... 361 Stirling, Isaac......... ey & Nicol........ 3 Stephenson, C. E...... 282 Stirling, Robt. I....... 412 ig a Sg Ca Te 265. | Stephenson, Mrs. Frans.265 | Stirling, Mrs. R....... 361 xlvi . Alberta Brand Book P Stirling, Wilbert B..... Stockes, Chas........ Stocks, Samuel....... Stockton, John W..... Stokes & Kin Stoddard, Mrs Stokmoe, Iver........ Stokoe, Harrison....... Stone, Marshall. Stonehocker, Belle... Fale, Stonelake, B. A. Stonelake, Nee paths Stones, F Stones, Hugh. . Stoney, James aS Stoneystreet, J csp me Stopher, F. S Stopp, AlvmC....... Stopsen, Rudolph...... Storch, ‘Geo: 7): Storey, Ester......... Storey, Ralph L...... Storey, Wm.......... Storm, Jacobian ses Stormont, Jno. J..... j Stott, FE Stotz, Jno Be Ne tea Stoutees Sera Stowell, Claud @.. .. Norman.... Strachota, W. P...... Straight, R. W. & A. J. Strain, Mrs. Eleanor J.. Strachan, Strain, L. C Stokes, Thos. Henry. , ie, Sle he ee ENP 6 ee ee Strand, Wiha Strange, Albert E..... 466 Strange & Sons, Jas. P. 376 Strangways, Ed....... 363 Strasser, Otto......... 411 Strathmore Farm Co., Bo SO or aa aaa 359 Stratte, Ole. A. nae 447 Stratton, Hubérti.. 20): 286 Stratoon, Robt........ 316 Siray;, AUG eee 355 Stredwick, Ernest & Arthurs <45' 314 Van Der Meer, Mrs. Tolson, Mrs. Gertrude.. 336 Puggy, SObn es gests aes 367 Vander Doorn, Anton) Tomfobr Bros. ........ 375 Tugwell, Thos. C...... 369 | arene ee &-2 vo ae Tomkins, Mrs. Lydia A. 364 Fully.) d<.teshaskeee 453 | Vander Plaats, hes ; Tomlin, Walter........ 390 TuMS, JONN. ouetedsiees 303 Vande, Saut, John.....: Tonkin, “Hi: 2 shies oo 371 Turcotte, Colbert C....282 Vander Vilde Bros. . Tonrtellotte,O. E..... 447 Turcotte, Phillipe...... 466 Vanderveer, Jas. ce - a Toone, Geo. Ernest... .283 Puris; “A, sence dane 417 Van Dyke, Chas......+ A Topliss, Geo. E........ 265 Turmelle, Theade......456 Van Dyke, E....... | Topp & McCain....... 402 | Turnbull, Geo......... 69 | Van Horne, W. E. "'& G Torkelson Bros........ 441 Turnbull, Tan Me. .& Ls Bp ee Torkjelin, Israel....... 372 vat Bip ores Aaa 321 Van Housen & Sons, # 3: Torney, John......... 419 Turnbull, Wm. 6 Sig ae 383 | Van Keekem, B. J.....: OTSOLD VEN eae os 457 Turner, Mrs. A. D..... 234 Vankley & Mulder.. Tose, Edward......... 265 Turner, Mrs. al is ses 364 Van Loon, W. R..... Tothill, Mrs. Kate L. ..323 Turner, Clayton. ...... 403 Van Maarion Jan......3 Towers, Henty 05 Turner, Philip EB ah aaa aa 466 ‘on Towner, Bean 319, 364, Turner, W Ss raat Sed ras 390 a ACES eal eet Malena Re Aas rts ee eOer Townsend, F. W....... 271 Turville, Geo. H....... 394 Townsend, Wm........ 313 Tuthill, W. F......... 90 ma ees & Bonny- Tuttle, Thomas,....... 417 Van Sickle Bros. .... o + aces bal ap gee eee Tweed, Claude E......364 Van Slyhe, J. W.. Vewhehent Re Hewes 465 Tweedale, Wm........ 365 Van Tighem, Soesnal xe Trace, Jas. KBR» pe i 303 Twidale, Percy........ 436 Van Ve em, John. 4 ayTaCy. DIN As hc he eee 433 Fwombly, C. Fo. us. 298 Van Wart, a tacy, Omer. 282 373 Tye, Frank Wy. <..%..0 348 Van Winkle, F. Ge ns facy, Wms wkce sine 400 Tylawski, John........ 303 Varcoe, Tom ant ees racy, WA. ee 391 Tymezszyn, Jusko..... 406 NTs hikewit 2 ae racy, Ws Oi. oo. Gee 346 Tyndall, David........ 252 Varney, Lato Fee ae Trahan, Henry........ 400 | Tyson Bros........... 36 | Vasey, me 4 mreil, ANGUS... .<..s cet 27 ‘Tyson,"G. Bie es eas on 425 Vaughan, ; Piso. dae Trantman, John sey 353 yson, James......... aughn, |C..W..... «ss Trautman, A. A....... 456 aughn, Walter es Pre REWER, EPs. es eee hoe 410 U Veillette, Treffie Travis, Jones & Co... .455 Veillette, Mat washes Trawbridge, John F... .303 Ulfsten; sb sense) . 280 Wiggins, Mrs. Ellen... .268 Wiggins, R.A......... 336 (| SE tO Se ea 329 Wightman, John . 394 Wigle, E.J.......-.--. 416 Wigmore, Elinor.. 420 Wigmore, Maggie E....243 Wigmore, T. Richmond ae Wik, aa 1 ae INE: Wik, T . & — ad .. 459 Wikoff, anne, 284 ilber, E. .429 Wilcox, Mrs. A. T..... 402 Wilcox, Chas..........400 Wilcox, Mrs. E........ 384 | UUNT ROSES al. Ea eae ae 253 MCG K Ite Or aisice sss 381 DN COKs WV cod on < «sete 391 aches Fin dail c's fiesee os 336 Wilderman, W.H. .400 Wialfart; Chas: ... 00... 284 PE Wailfle, Jacob. : ....4-.- 382 SE RP Be ti eee 461 Wwalhite; Ray... .s.6:.- 367 Wn, VESbe ti kaj e 288 Wilkerson, F. R....... 233 Wilkinson, O. D....... 394 ON esa cae anata ays 381 Willard, Jno. T.. . .459 Willdegg, Tom. as tee 390 Willdig, Arthur J...... 461 Willems, M.. . 2.02. -%: 387 PIVEN «Edie ) cause ede © eas 316 Willey, L.S....;...--. 381 Willi, Mary Louise.... .444 Williams, OErt h «as sco Williams, Alfred....... Ber Williams, Alfred Jas-. . .381 Williams, Amy R...... 233 Williams, Miss Anna. . .381 Williams, Miss Annie.. .403 Williams, Mrs. Annie E. 458 Williams, Anthony... .. 4 " Williams Bros......... ; ; Williams, Mrs. Gtevian ne sie eee ees eee ewes eens Williams, seit VP ES ees 376, 400 ‘Williams, 6! xt, Palinnds <0) Williams, ANIC ula! 387 ) Williams, David P..... 233 Williams, D. A........ 362 ‘Williams, LTE ra 378 Williams, F. C. B. A.. .459 Williams, Mrs. F. F... .384 OA CULE OT Ba 5 Gaara 332 Williams, James....... 438 Williams, Jas. A....... 305 | Williams, Jno......... 305 Williams, Jno. & Wil- * liams, Sr., Geo....... ool Williams, Zamorski, Kamar...... 351- ea, Sie a oa a 457 Zanka; JHO.; 313 Yarborough, Capel Zeigler, Adam......... 404 Worthing, Mrs. M..... 338 Cookes a ans 403 eigler; Hd. . os sc « ecu 468 Woursell & Co......... 82 Yates, S,:Wiit oo yee 399 | Zeigler, Wm. O........ 347 Wowedvaski, Gottlieb. .259 Yauch, Willis......... 461 Zeigler & Whitcomb.. . .349_ Woyehik, Joe......... 461 Yearsley, Thos........ 309 Zeigenbieu, C......... 247 Wragg, Joseph........ 386 Yeates, Hubert........ 399 Zemmer, Daniel....... 467 PASNEW ee Cea eee 58 Yeats, Ava ee lc: 402 Ziebell, As Gas vck net 377 Wrage Fo fens. Yeavick, hs a aap ea 396 Ziegenhazel, 00.3 ec 468 Wray, Mrs. H.H...... 461 Yellowlees Bros........ 462 Zierke; JoAc.s.00 th eee Wreggett & Clemens. . .249 Yerburgh, R. E. V..... 380 a, Frank..... yey Wrigglesworth, L. J... 329 | York, Lute F......... 445 | Zimmer, Jr., Louis. .... 374 Wright, Mrs. A. E..... 65 York; Dr One ..375 | Zimmerman, C ph- : Wright, A. W..... 384, 421 Worke; Alfred. 330%. 3. 865 | elses sath kee rete ~Swrignt.& Brown...... 364 Young, Allen T........ 234 Zoeteman, John....... 468 Wright,B. eR pyre ee 3866 | Young, Andrew L...... 465> | Zold; Johns. ...-... 4.8 Wright, [dwin........ 253 Young, Arthur........ 375 k, Joseph. 255. s san 403. Wrights. 4 ores ses 315 | Young, Mrs. A. P...... 399 Zreser, John......+++- Wright, Irs. E........ 268 | Young Bros........... 374 | Zubach, Geo.......... WrightJohn.......... 414 Moun BS. aes peck 420 Zuberbier, Mrs. Lena.. "329° WrightJno. P........ 388 | Young, Chas. E....... 255 | Zuepfle, Gottfried...... 401, WrightMrs. M....... 3887 | Young, Edgar......... Zufelt, Geo. H........- | Wrigh'R. O......... 388 Young, Frank......... 272 Zumpolsky & Blacker- Weal 8: Ts. case ace 380 ! Young, Geo.G........ 465 MANN s ssc +.4 ee ’ : ’ : ; £ ¥ J\__LIBRAR it fas: ae oe hy Seip iar: c aia nt eee =. OPS Xe y 7 a oe: 5 eee Pia ¢ Wetted. 4 ih ag alias gar? o. ws - Lagat shy 2 on uaa eT 7 at de