jjtoren X B«kt* ^ & ALGAE OF THE TONGUE RIVER SYSTEM MONTANA AND WYOMING nrTURN KATE DOCUMENTS COLLECTION FEB. 191985 MONTANA STATS UBSARY 1515 E. &h AVE. ' HELENA, MONTANA 5962® Prep axed for Water Quality Bureau Montana Department of Health & Environmental Sciences Billings by Loren L, Bahls and Peggy A. Bahls 1032 Twelfth Avenue Helena, Montana 59601 December 28, 1977 ■ ; M- 1 V 1 9 2C0/1 0-*' JU*- T" \ INTRODUCTION This report describes the diatom and nondiatom algae in 4 plankton and 13 periphyton samples from 12 sites on the Tongue River system, Montana and Wyoming. Samples were collected "between September 8," 1975 and September 2k, 1977- Seven of the sites are on the Tongue River main- stem (one in Wyoming and six in Montana), three are on Tongue River Reservoir, one is on Hanging Woman Greek, and one is at the Decker Mine discharge. The samples are grouped according to their collection dates as follows! Group I. September 1975 ' i/OIOOA; Decker Mine outfall; periphyton; 9-8-75 /0115Bj Tongue River @ Birney; periphyton; 9-28-75 L'Tcr Simpson's index (Simpson, 19^9) » and the Shannon-Weaver function (EPA, 1973)- In addition, equitability (e) was calculated as advised by the Environmental Protection Agency (i973)» Computational formulas for these indexes are presented in Table 2. Of these indexes, the Shannon-Weaver function and equitability are the most widely used and recommended. In unpolluted waters Shannon-Weaver diversity usually ranges between 3 and k, whereas in polluted waters it is generally less than 1 (Wilhm, 1970 ). Equitability is thought to be even more sensitive to pollution; slight levels of pollution have been found to reduce equitability to below 0.5 and more severe degradation has reduced equitability to below 0.3 (EPA, 1973). Two diatom taxa are especially useful as pollution indicators. The PRA of Achnanthes species is thought to be roughly proportional to the concentration of dissolved oxygen in water. On the other hand, the PRA of Nitzschia species often correlates directly with the degree of nitrogenous pollution (Cholnoky, 1968). -3- RESULTS Nondiatom algae found in the samples from the Tongue River system are listed in Tahle 1. Altogether, 36 genera were identified in seven major algal divisions. Most of the nondiatom genera (l8) were green algae with the "blue-green algae also contributing a significant number of genera (lO). Tongue River Reservoir had six more nondiatom genera than the Tongue River mainstem, primarily on the strength of "both peri-' phyton and plankton collections in the reservoir as opposed to only periphyton collections from the river. (At least 10 of the nondiatom genera from the reservoir are considered strictly limnetic.) Hanging Woman Greek and the Decker Mine discharge each had a total of only three nondiatom genera. However, it should he kept in mind that these waters were represented by only one sample each, while the river was represented by 10 samples and the reservoir by 5 samples. • A total of 5>7&2 diatom cells was counted in the 17 samples, an average of 339 cells per sample. These individual cells were distri- buted among 173 distinct taxa and 33 genera. Forty-five percent of these 173 taxa were included in the genera Navicula (39 taxa) and Njtzschia (38 taxa). The PRA values of diatom taxa in each of the 17 samples are given in Appendixes A, B, G and D. : Table 2 lists values of selected diatom community parameters for each of the 17 samples. On the Tongue River itself, only two stations had diversity and equitability values showing some biological stress. These locations were immediately below the reservoir (l!7A) and at the river's mouth near Miles City (ll9A). Achnanthes spp. tended to be most plentiful along the middle river below the reservoir while Njtzschia spp. were consistently numerous throughout the length of the river with a slight depression in numbers immediately below the reservoir. Diversity and equitability values for the Tongue River Reservoir probably should not be compared with those from the river or with literature values for stream communities because of the vastly different habitats involved: lenitic on the one hand and lotic on the other. The reservoir samples had consistently low numbers of Achnanthes spp., which is not surprising considering that this taxon has a sessile growth Table 1. Nondiatom algal genera of the Tongue River system. Tongue River Tongue River Hanging Decker Mine GENUS DIVISION Mainstem Reservoir Woman Greek Discharge Anabaena BG X X Ankistrodesmus G X X Aphanizomenon BG X Audouinella R X Chlorella G X Cladophora * G X X Glosteriopsis G X Closterium * G X Cosmarium . G X X Cryptomonas U X Dichothrix - BG X Dinobryon G X Euglena I X Gloeocystis- G X Lagynion G ?X Lyngbya BG X Merismopedia BG X Microcystis BG X Mougeotia ■ G X X . X Oedogonium G X Oscillatoria BG X XX Pandorina G X Pediastrum G X X Peridinium / P X Phormidium BG X X X Planktosphaeria G X Rhodomonas U X Rivularia BG X Scenedesmus G X X Schroederia G X C! ^pirogyra G X X Stigeoclonium G X X Tolypothrix BG X Ulothrix G X -5- w Table 1. Continued. Tongue River GENUS DIVISION Mainstem Vaucheria Zygnema Total Genera G G 20 Tongue River Hanging Reservoir Woman Creek Decker Mine Discharge 26 EG G E G "blue-green alga (Cyanophyta) chrysophyte (Chrysophyta) euglenoid (Euglenophyta) green alga (CHlorophyta) P = pyrrophyte (Pyrrophyta) R = red alga (Rhodophyta) U = an alga of uncertain systematic position -6- TONGUE RIVER MAINSTEM 362A 363A 117A 364A 11 5A 115B 116A 116B U6C H9A Table 2. Values for selected diatom community parameters, Tongue River system, Montana and Wyoming. PARAMETER Total Taxa 48 50 32 55" 68 62 ' 6l 64 45 55 Taxa Counted 38 42 18 ■ 33 4l 37 44 36 33 33 Frustules Counted 325 3^5 355 320 3^6 327 332 319 358 324 Diversity Margalef (l) 6.40 7. 02 2.90 5-55 6.84 6.22 7.41 6.07 5-^ 5>5^ Simpson (2) .889 .92? .670 .897 .916 .866 .911 .866 .868 .703 Shannon-Weaver (3) 4.01 4.38 2.55 ^.00 4.3^ 3.78 4.22 3.76 3.68 2.97 Equitability (4) : O.63 0.7^ 0.44 0.70 0.73 0.54 0.6l O.56 O.58 0.33 Percent Relative Abundance Achnanthes spp. 1.5 2.3 0.3 20.0 21.7 25.1 3.1 31.6 7.6 4.0 Nitzschia spp. 19.9 21.8 8.7 12.7 29.8 15.2 26.6 17.5 25-5 16.1 (1) (S-i)AogN (Hairston, 1959) (3) l^N log10N ^ V^IO ni) (m,l973) (4) I (EPA, 1973) (2) 1-2. ( 'iV (Simpson, 1949) M S i-l\N/ ( ( r Table 2. Continued. HANGING DECKER MINE PARAMETER TONGUE RIVER RESRVOIR WOMAN CREEK DICHARGE 218A 227A 227B 227C 227D 118A lOQA Total Taxa 55 19 30 11 14 ' 7*4- 45 Taxa Counted % 5 23 ' 3 11 56 19 Erustules Counted 377 3 15 345 34 1 323 345 365 Diversity ' Margalef (l) 5.90 0.70 3-76 0.34 1.73 9.41 3.05 Simpson (2) .745 .133 .713 .283 .556 .959 .676 Shannon-Weaver (3) 3-09 0.46 2.43 0.72 1.52 5.07 2.25 Equitabillty (4) 0.33 0.40 0.30 O.67 O.36 0.89 0.32 i Percent Relative Abundance 00 1 Achnanthes spp. 1.3 t 0.9 0 0.3 1.4 48.5 Nitzschia spp. 24.5 1.0 2.6 0 0.6 39.4 11. 3 (1) (S - l)/logeN (Hairston, 1959) (3) § (N log^N -^ log^) (EPA, 1973) s / S (2) 1 - 2. M2 (Simpson, 1949) (4) f (EPA, 1973) 2L. Ii 1=1 \ Ni I habit and is rarely found in the plankton. Nitzschia spp. was found in considerable numbers only in the one periphyton sample taken from the reservoir (02l8A), The single sample from Hanging Woman Creek (0118A) had' the highest equitability and diversity values and the highest number of taxa of any sample analyzed in this study. Curiously, it also had the greatest relative abundance of Nitzschia spp. and one of the lowest relative abundances of Achnanthes spp. The diatom community occupying the Decker Mine discharge on the date it was sampled indicated a moderate amount of stress in terms of its equitability and diversity values. However, the PRA of Achnanthes spp. was very high, implying that dissolved oxygen probably was not a problem. -9- c DISCUSSION The algae identified from the Tongue River system generally indicate a moderately enriched, hard-water environment with tendencies toward eutrophication when impounded and excessive sediment and salinity near the lower end of the river. The "stress" noted "below the reservoir is probably thermal in nature. Diatom yulgare, which accounted for 55 '5 percent of the diatoms at this location (OU7A), is a winter dominant (Lowe, 197*0 and probably responds favorably to the consistently cool water discharged from the dam. The drop in PRA Nitzschia spp. below the dam may reflect a de- pletion of biologically available nitrogen in the reservoir. The stress documented at Miles City is probably of a different nature. The sample from this location ( 119A) was dominated by Anrphipleura pellucida, which accounted for 52.8 percent of the diatoms. This, taxon is free living, meaning that it can maintain its position on an aggrading, silt-covered bottom. It is also characteristic of eutrophic and hard or even slightly brackish water (Lowe, 197^. Patrick and Reimer, 1966). The plankton flora of Tongue River 'Reservoir is relatively simple when compared to the periphyton floras of the reservoir and other waters in the Tongue River system. Of the blue-green algae found in the re- servoir plankton, two genera — Aphanizomenon and Microcystis — are capable of producing intensive and potentially toxic blooms. Hanging Woman Creek had exceptional diatom diversity; no single taxon accounted for more than 10 percent of the total number of cells counted. Even so, the diatom flora of this stream indicated higher nutrient and salinity values than for stations on the mainstem of the Tongue River. The Docker Mine discharge sample was dominated by Achnanthes 2.1 minutissima (48.5 %) and Cymbella affinis (28.2 %) . These taxa probably indicate a hardwater discharge with a relatively warm temperature, yet with more than adequate dissolved oxygen. There is no evidence of any toxic materials in this discharge. -10- LITERATURE CITED Cholnoky, B. J. 1968. The Ecology of Diatoms from Inland Waters. J. Cramer, Lehre. Environmental Protection Agency. 1973 • Biological Field and Laboratory Methods for Measuring the Quality of Surface Waters and Effluents. National Environmental Reseach Center, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hairston, N. G. 1959 • "Species abundance and community organization." Ecology, ^0:^0^-416. Lowe, R. L. 197^. Environmental Requirements and Pollution Tolerance of Freshwater Diatoms. U. S. EPA Environmental Monitoring Series, EPA- 67O A- 7k- 005. Patrick, R. and G. W. Reimer. 1966. The Diatoms of the United States. Volume 1. Monograph No. 13, The Academy of Natural Sciences of . Philadelphia . Simpson, E. H. 19^9. "Measurement of diversity." Nature, 163:688. Wilhm, J. L. 1970* "Range of diversity index in benthic macroinvertebrate populations." Jour. Water Poll. Cant. Fed.. k?X5) :221-22^. ,._■ -11- APPENDIX A. Percent relative abundance of diatom taxa from the Decker mine outfall and the Tongue River, September 1975. -'' 0100A 0115B 0H6B 0119A Achnanthes af finis Grun. A. clevei Grun. A, clevei var. rostrata Hust. 0.3 0.3 A. lanceolata (Breb.) Grun. t A, lanceolata var. dubia Grun. t t 0.3 A. linearis (W. Sm.) Grun. t t A. minutissima Kutz. UQ.5 2^.8 31.0 k,0 Amphipleura pellucida Kutz. 52.8 Amphora ovalis var. affinis (Kutz.) V,H. ex DeT. t A. ovalis var. pediculus (Kutz.) V.H. 0.6 1.2 0.3 A, perpusilla (Grun.) Grun. A, veneta (Kutz.) Hust. Anomoeoneis vitrea (Grun.) Ross comb. nov. 0.6 Asterionella formosa Hass. 0.3 Bacillaria paradoxa Gmel. Caloneis amphisbaena (Bory) Gl. t t t G. bacillum (Grun.) Gl. t t C. hyalina Hust. G. lewisii Patr. t G. limosa (Kutz.) Patr. comb. nov. G. ventricosa var. truncatula (Grun.) Meist. t G. sp. Cocconeis pediculus Ehr. G. placentula Ehr. G. placentula var. euglypta (Ehr.) Gl. Cyclotella meneghiniana Kutz. G . sp . Cymatopleura elliptica var. nobilis (Hant.) Hust. C. solea (Breb. & Godey) W. Sm. t t t Cymbella affinis Kutz. 28.2 0.9 0.3 0„3 G. cistula (Ehr.) Kirchn. t t G. cymbiformis Ag. 0,3 G. mexicana (Ehr.) Gleve t G, microcephala Grun. 1.1 t 0,3 G. minuta Hilse ex Rabh. t 0o6 t G, muelleri Hust. 0.3 23.8 11.9 0.3 3.7 0.3 5.8 2.5 0.3 1.5 0.6 0.9 APPENDIX A. Continued Cymbella prostrata (Berkeley) Cl. . G, prostrata var. auerswaldii (Rabh.) Reim. comb. nov. C. pusilla Grun. G, sinuata Greg. C. tumida (Breb.) V.H. Benticula sp . ' Diatoma elongatum var, minor Grun. D. tenue var. elongatum Lyngb. D. vulgar e Bory Diploneis puella (Schum.) CI, Entomoneis alata (Ehr.) Ehr. E. paludosa (W, Sm.) Reim. comb. nov. Epithemia adnata (Kutz.) Breb, E. adnata var. proboscidea (Kutz.) Patr. comb. nov. E. adnata var. saxonica (Kutz.) Patr. comb. nov0 E. sorex Kutz. E„ sp. Fragilaria brevistriata var„ inflata (Pant.) Hust. F6 construens var. venter (Ehr0) Grun. F. crotonensis Kitton. F. vaucheriae (Kutz.) Peters F. virescens var. capitata 0str. Frustulia weinholdii Hust. Gomphoneis herculeana var. robusta (Grun.) CI. Gomphonema acuminatum Ehr. G. affine Kutz. G, angustatum (Kutz.) Rabh. G. angustatum var. sarcophagus (Greg.) Grun. G. dichotomum Kutz. G. intricatum Kutz. G. olivaceum (lyngb.) Kutz. G. olivaceum var. calcarea (Cl.) Cl, G, parvulum Kutz. G. subclavatum (Grun.) Grun, G. sp. 0100A Q155B Q116B 0119A t 0.3 1.9 0.6 0.9 0.3 2.8 2.2 0.9 t 0.3 t 0.9 0.3 0.3 t 0„3 0.6 0.3 t t 1.5 t 0.3 **.0 7.8 0.9 APPENDIX A. Continued Gyrosigma spencerii (Quek.) Griff. & Henfr. Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehr.) Grun. H. amphioxys fo. capitata Hust. Mastogloia smithii Thwaites ex W. Sm. M. smithii var.. lacustris Grun. Melosira granulata (Ehr.) Ralfs. M. granulata var. angustissima Mull. M. varians Ag, Navicula anglica Ralfs. N. anglica var. suhsalsa (Grun.) Gl. N. capitata Ehr. N, capitata var. hungarica (Grun.) Ross N. cincta (Ehr.) Ralfs. N. cincta var. rostrata Reim. N. circumtexta Meist. ex Hust. N. cryptocephala Kutz. N, cryptocephala var. veneta (Kutz.) Rahh. N. cuspidata (Kutz.) Kutz. N. decussis 0str. N. elmorei Patr. N. cxigua var. capitata Patr. N. hamhergii Hust. N. hou fieri Grun. N. houfleri var. leptocephala (Breb. & Grun.) Patr. N. lanceolata (Ag.) Kutz. N. minima Grun. N. minuscula Grun. N. mournei Patr. N. notha Wallace N. pelliculosa (Breb. ex Kutz.) Hilse N. peregrina (Ehr.) Kutz. N. protracta Grun. N. pupula Kutz. N. pupula var. capitata Sfcv. & Meyer \^^ N. pygmaea Kutz. N. radiosa var. parva Wallace 0100A Q115B Q116B Q119A 0.6 0.3 0.3 ' 0.3 t t 1.2 t 0.6 t 0.3 kA 1.5 6.6 . 5.6 t 2A 3.1 1.5 t t . t t t 1.2 0.9 t t 0„3 t 0.3 APPENDIX A. Continued 0100A 0115$ 0116B 0119A Navicula radiosa var. tenella (Breb. & Kutz.) Grun. N, rhynchocephala Kutz. N. rhynchocephala var. germanii (Wallace) Patr. comb, nov. N. secreta var. apiculata Patr. ■N, symmetrica Patr. N. tenelloides Hust. N. tripunctata (0. F. Mull.) Bory N. viridula (Kutz.) Kutz. N0 viridula var. avenacea (Bret). & Grun.) V.H. N„ viridula var. rostellata (Kutz.) CI. N. sp. Neidium dubium (Ehr.) Gl. N. iridis var. ampliatum (Ehr.) Gl. N. sp. Nitzschia acicularis (Kutz.) W. Sm. N. acuminata (-W. Sm.) Grun. N0 amphibia Grun. N. angustata (¥, Sm.) Grun. N. angustata var. acuta Grun. N. apiculata (Greg.) Grun..', N. bulnheimiana (Rabh.) H. L. Sm. N, capitellata Hust. N, clausii Hantz. N, communis Rabh. N. denticula Grun. N. dissipata (Kutz.) Grun. N, epiphytica 0. Mull. N. filiformis (W. Sm.) Hust. N. fonticola Grun. N. frustulum Kutz. N. frustulum var. subsalina Hust. N. gracilis Hantz. N. holsatica Hust. N. hungarica Grun. N. kutzingiana Hilse N. linearis (Ag. ex V. Sm.) W. Sm. 0.3 t 0.3 1.2 1.2 0.6 t 0.3 t t 1.5 3.1 1.8 t 0o3 t t 7.7 t t 1.8 t t 2.2 6.1 5o3 ^3 t t t t o„3 0o3 0.3 2.2 0.9 2.2 1.5 0.3 0.9 APPENDIX A. Continued '\mr Nitzschia longissima var. reversa Grun. N. microcephala Grun. N. palea (Kutz.) W. Sm. N, paleacea Grun. N. recta Hantz. N^ romana Grun. N. sigma (Kutz.) W, Sm. N. sigmoidea (Ehr,,) W, Sm. N0 sublinearis Hust0 N0 tryblionella Hantz. N0 tryblionella var, debilis (Arnott) A. Mayer N, tryblionella var„ levidensis (W. Sm.) Grun. N. tryblionella var. victoriae Grun. H, valdestriata Aleem & Hust. N, vermicularis (Kutz.) Hant. N. sp. Pinnularia borealis Ehr. v-_^ P. kneuckerii Hust. P. sp. Pleurosigma delicatulum W. Sm. Rhoicosphenia curvata (Kutz.) Grun. Rhopalodia gibba (Ehr.) 0. Mull. R. gibba var. ventricosa (Kutz.) H. & M. Perag. R. musculus (Kutz.) 0. Mull. Stauroneis sp. Ehr. Stephanodiscus astraea (Ehr.) Grun. S. minutus Cl. & Moll. S. niagarae Ehr. Surirella angustata Kutz. S. iowensis Lowe S. oval is Breb. S. ovata Kutz. S. tenera Greg. Svnedra acus Kutz. *■*' S, cyclopum Brutschy 0100A 0H5B Q116B 0119A 0.3 1.4 4.9 4.1 4.6 t t 0.6 0.3 0.3 1.2 t 0.3 1.8 0.6 t 0.9 0.3 1.8 6.6 806 0„9 0„3 0.6 0„3 0.6 t t t t t APPENDIX A. Concluded Synedra delicatissima W. Sm. S. fasciculata var. truncata (Grev.) Patr. S. goulardi Breb. S, mazamaensis Sov. S. radians Kutz. S, rump ens Kutz. S. ulna (Nitz. ) Ehr. S, ulna var. contracta Jostr. S. ulna var. spathulifera (Grun.) V.H. S. sp. OlOOA 0U5B 0116B 0119A t t t 0.6 0.3 t 0.3 0.3 0.3 t .^y APPENDIX B. Percent relative abundance of diatom taxa from Hanging Woman Creek and the Tongue River, October 1975* 0117A 0118A 0115A Q116A Achnanthes af finis Grun. v^A, clevei Grun. A. clevei var. rostrata Hust. . ^ A, lanceolata (Breb.) Grun, ' . ' A. lanceolata var. dubia Grun. . t * '" ' A. linearis (W. Sm.) Grun. -. 0.3 A. minutissima Kutz.' .; 0.3 1,4 21.7 ' 21.8 Amphipleura pellucida Kutz. 2j,.j Amphora ovalis var. affinis (Kutz.) V.H. ex DeT. 0.3 A. ovalis var. pediculus (Kutz.) V.H. 0.9 0.6 t A. perpusilla (Grun„) Grun0 A. veneta (Kutz.) Hust. ,. t Anomoeoneis vitrea (Grun.) Ross comb. nov. Asterionella formosa Hass. . t t 0.3 Bacillaria paradoxa Gmelo . 0.6 Caloneis amphisbaena (Bory) CI, 0.3 0*3 t C. bacillum (Grun.) CI. 0.3 C. hyalina Hust. 0.3 ^^ C„ lewisii Patr. C0 limosa (Kutz.) Patr. comb. nov. t C. ventricosa var, truncatula (Grun.) Meist. C. sp. Cocconeis pediculus Ehr. 1,4 4,6 3.3 ■ C. placentula Ehr. 0.9 C. placentula var. euglypta (Ehr.) CI, . 1.7 3.6 Cyclotella meneghiniana Kutz. 2.6 0.3 0.6 C . sp . Cymatopleura elliptica var. nobilis (Hant.) Hust. C. solea (Breb. & Godey) W, Sm. 0.9 t Cymbella affinis Kutz. 8.4 2o0 t 0.3 C. cistula (Ehr.) Kirchn. . , . 0. cymbiformis Ag. t 0, mexicana (Ehr.) Cleve t 0,3 C,, microcephala Grun. C0 minuta Hilse ex Rabh. ,• 1.2 0.9 0.3 C. muelleri Hust. 0.3 APPENDIX B, Continued Cynbella prostrata (Berkeley) Cl, C. prostrata var. auerswaldll (Ra"bh.) Reim. comb. nov. C. pusilla Grun. G. sinuata Greg. • ...-.' - G. tumida (Breb.) V.H. Benticula sp.' . Diatoma elongatura var. minor Grun. D, tenue var. elongatum Lyngb. D. vulgare Bory ; Diplonels puella (Schum.) Gl, Entomoneis alata (Ehr.) Ehr. E. paludosa (W. Sm.) Reim0 comb. nov. Epithemia adnata (Kutz.) Breb. E. adnata var. prqboscidea (Kutz.) Patr. comb. nov. E. adnata var. saxonica (Kutz.) Patr. comb. nov. E. sorex Kutz. E„ sp. Fragilaria brevistrlata var. inflata (Pant.) Hust. F„ construens var. venter (Ehr„) Grun. F. crotonensis Kitton. F. vaucheriae (Kutz.) Peters F. virescens var. capitata J3str. Frustulia weinholdii Hust. Gomphoneis herculeana var. robusta (Grun.) Gl. : Gomphonema acuminatum Ehr. G. affine Kutz. G. angustatum (Kutz.) Rabh. G. angustatum var. sarcophagus (Greg.) Grun.. G. dichotomum Kutz. G. intricatum Kutz. G. olivaceum (Lyngb.) Kutz. G. olivaceum var. calcarea (Gl.) Cl„ G. parvulum Kutz. G. subclavatum (Grun.) Grun. G . sp . 0117A 0118A 0115A 0116A t 55-5 7o0 t '-..*"- t 1.5 t t ': 0.3 : 3.2 0.9 3.5 t 1.2 0.3 0o3 t 6.1 0.3 0.: 4.5 0.6 t 2.0 0.6 0.6 1A 3.6 0.3 2.7 t 3.2 5.U. APPENDIX B. Continued Gyrosigma spencerii (Quek.) Griff. & Henfr. W Hantzschla amphioxys (Ehr.) Grun. H. amphioxys fo. capitata Hust. •■',{'' "' Mastogloia smithii Thwaites ex W. Sm. M. smithii var. lacustris Grun. Melosira granulata (Ehr.) Haifa. M. granulata var. angustissima Hull. M, varians Ag, Navicula anglica Ralfs, N. anglica var. subsalsa (Grun.) Cl. N. capitata Ehr. - N. capit ata var. hungarica (Grun.) Ross ; N. cine; a (Ehr.) Ralfs. N. cincta var. rostrata Reim. N. circumtexta Meist. ex Hust. N. cryptocephala Ruiz, N. cryptocephala var. veneta (Kutz„) Rabh. N, cuspidata (Kutz.) Kutz. N, decussis Pstr. N. elmorei Patr. N. exigua var. capitata Patr. N. hambergii Hust. N, heufleri Grun. N. heufleri var. leptocephala (Bret).. & Grun.) Patr. N. lanceolata (Ag.) Kutz. N. minima Grun. N. minuscula Grun. N. mournei Patr. N. notha Wallace 3T, pelliculosa (Br eh. ex Kutz.) Hilse N. peregrina (Ehr.) Kutz. N. protracta Grun. N, pupu] a Kutz. N. pupula var. capitata Skv. & Meyer N. pygmaea Kutz. '- ' N. radiosa var. paxva Wallace 0117A" 0118A 0115A 0116A 0.3 0.3' 0.3 t 0o6 0.6 . 1.4 0.6 1.7 t t 0.3 0.3 t 2„0 t 0.8 1.2 .6.1 1.1 5o2 8.1 5.8 t * 0.9 3.3 0.6 0.3 0.6 APPENDIX B. Continued Navicula radiosa var. tenella (Breh. & Kutz.) Grun. N. rhynchocephala Kutz. N. rhynchocephala var. germanii (Wallace) Patr. comb. nov. N. secreta var. apiculata Patr. , . ".. . ; • .;^-' " ■■, N. symmetrica Patr. • -. N. tenelloides Hust. N. tripunctata (0. P. Mull.) Bory N. viridula (Kutz.) Kutz. N. viridula var. avenacea (Bret). & Grun.) V.H. N. viridula var. rostellata (Kutz.) Cl. N. sp. Neidium duhium (Ehr.) Cl, N. iridis var*. ampliatum (Ehr.) Gl. N. sp. - Nitzschia acicularis (Kutz.) W. Sm. IT. acuminata (W. Sm.) Grun. . ;> N. amphibia Grun. N. angustata (W. Sm.) Grun. N. angustata var. acuta Grun. IT. apiculata (Greg.) Grun..'. , N. hulnheimiana (Rahh.) H. L. Sm. N. capitellata Hust. N. clausii Hantz. N. communis Rahh. N. denticula Grun. N. dissipata (Kutz.) Grun. N. epiphytica 0. Mull. N. filiformis (W. Sm.) Hust. N. fonticola Grun. N. frustulum Kutz. IT. frustulum var. suhsallna Hust. N. gracilis Hantz. N. holsatica Hust. IT. hungarica Grun. N. kutzingiana Hilse N. linearis (Ag. ex W, Sm.) W. Sm. 0117A ' 0118A 0115A 0116A 3.9 0.6 2.0 ;• 0.9 1.2' 0.3 2.3 0.6 2.6 -2.3' 0.6 t 0.3 t t 0.6 0.9 0.3 ' t :- . t ?,2 0.? '7.2 0.9 1.2 0,3, • t t 0.3. «i 2.0 0.6 0.3 2.0 10.7 9.k t t 5.8 t t 7.8 0.6 0.9 2.0 0.6 2.0 1.5 s vJ 0.9 1.2 0.6 APPENDIX B. Continued 0117A 0H8A 0115A 0116A Nitzschia longissima 'var. reversa Groin. N, microcephala Grun. N, palea (Kutz.) W, Sm. ' N, paleacea Grun. ;';." . ".:;■. N, recta Hantz. N. romana Grun. ' N. slgma (Kutz.) W. Sm. ■N. sigmoidea (Ehr.) W. Sm. N„ sublinearis Hust. N0 trybllonella Hantz. * N. trybllonella var. debilis (Arnott) A. Mayer N, trybllonella var. levldensls (W. Sm.) Grun. N. trybllonella var. victoriae Grun. N. valdestriata Aleem & Hust. N. vermicularis (Kutz.) Hant. N. sp. - • Pinnularia borealis Ehr, (^, P. kneuckerii Hust. P. sp. PI euro slgma dell cat ulum Vf. Sm. Rhoicosphenia curvata (Kutz.) Grun. Rhopalodla gibba (Ehr.) 0. Mull. R. gibba var. ventricosa (Kutz.) H. & M, Perag, R. musculus (Kutz.) 0. Mull. Stauroneis sp. Ehr. Stephanodiscus astraea (Ehr„) Grun. S. minutus Cl. & Moll. S. niagarae Ehr. Surirella angustata Kutz. S. iowensis Lowe S, ovalis Bret). S. ovata Kutz. S. tenera G^eg. Synedra acus Kutz. W' S. cyclop urn Brutschy k.z kA 6.9 10.9 . t 2.3 i.ff- t *".3 0.3 . • 0.3 0.9 0.6 t t t 0.9 t 0.3 t 0o3 t 0.3 0.8 fc.l t 0.9 0.8 0.6 2.0 0.6 - 0.3 1.2 5.6 0.6 0.9 0.3 0.6 9.6 iA 5-» 0.6 0.3 2o3 t t 3.8 t t APPENDIX B. Concluded Synedra delicatissima W. Sm. S. fasclculata var. truncata (Grev.) Patr. S. goulardi Bre"b. . ■-' !.""*•. ?■:■ S, mazamaensis Sov. >, .' S. radians Kutz. S. rumpens Kutz. S. ulna (Nitz. ) Ehr. ;. S. ulna var. contracta 0str. S. ulna var. spathullfera (Grun.) V.H. S . sp . OH7A 0118A 0115A 0U6A 0.6 1.4- 1.1 0.6 t 0.3 2.0 J 0.3 t 0.3 t 5.9 0.3 APPENDIX C. Percent relative abundance of diatom taxa in periphyton (0218) and plankton (0227) samples from Tongue River Reservoir, 19?6. 0227A • 0227B 0227C 0227D 0218A Achnanthes af finis Grun, W' A, clevei Grun. A. clevei var. rostrata Hust, . • . A. lanceolata (Breb.) Grun. 0.3 0.3 A. lanceolata var. dubia Grun. .' A. linearis (W. Sm.) Grun. A. minutissima Kutz.' t 0.6 1.3 Amphipleura pellucida Kutz. _; Amphora ovalis var. affinis (Kutz.) V.H. ex DeT. A. ovalis var, pediculus (Kutz.) V.H. 0.3 A. perpusilla (Grun0) Grun. A. veneta (Kutz.) Hust. „ Anomoeoneis vitroa (Grun.) Ross comb. nov. Asterionella formosa Hass. s t 8.7 15«2 Eacillaria paradoxa Gmel. * Caloneis amphisbaena (Bory) Gl. C0 bacillum (Grun.) Gl. G. hyalina Hust. ^"^ C„ lewisii Pair, C0 limosa (Kutz.) Pair. comb. nov. C. ventricosa var. truncatula (Grun„) Meist. C„ sp. Cocconeis pediculus Ehr. C. placentula Ehr. 0.6 C. placentula var. euglypta (Ehr.) Gl. Cyclotella meneghiniana Kutz. : 0.6 t t 0.8 G. sp. 0.3 t Cymatopleura elliptica var. nobilis (Hant.) Hust. Go solea (Breb. & Godey) W. Sm. Cymbella affinis Kutz. '0.3 G. cistula (Ehr.) Kirchn. G. cyabiformis Ag, G. mexicana (Ehr.) Gleve G. microcephala Grun. C„ minuta Hilse ex Rabh. lei G. muelleri Hust. APPENDIX C. Continued 0227A 0227B 0227C 0227D 0218A Cymbella prostrata (Berkeley) Gl. ; C0 prostrata var. auerswaldii (Ra"bh.) Reim. comb. nov. C. pusilla Grun. . ■■ ",.■_."" C. sinuata Greg. ■■* ; ■ -•- . C. tumida (Breb.) V.H. ~- 0.3 Denticula sp.' . - ■ . t . t Diatoma elongatum var. minor Grun. D. tenue var. elongatum Lyngb. t D. vulgare Bory . t 0„9 Diploneis puella (Schum.) Gl. Entomoneis alata (Ehr.) Ehr. E. paludosa (W. Sm.) Reim„ comb. nov. Epithemia adnata (Kutz.) Breb. E. adnata var. proboscidea (Kutz.) Patr. comb. nov. _ . E. adnata var. saxonica (Kutz.) Patr. comb. nov. E. sorex Kutz. 0.3 E. sp. Fragilaria brevistriata' var. inflata (Pant.) Hust. F. construens var. venter (Ehr„) Grun. t F. crotonensis Kitton. t 3^5 83 o3 58.5 ^7<5 F. vaucheriae (Kutz.) Peters 0.3 F. virescens var. capitata ^str. Frustulia weinholdii Hust. Gomphoneis herculeana var. robusta (Grun.) Gl. Gomphonema acuminatum Ehr. t G. affine Kutz. G . angustatum (Kutz . ) Rabh . G. angustatum var. sarcophagus (Greg.) Grun. t G. dichotomum Kutz. t G. intricatum Kutz. G. olivaceum (Lyngb.) Kutz. t G. olivaceum ^ar. calcarea (CI.) Gl„ G, parvulum Kutz. t G. subclavatum (Grun.) Grun. G . sp . : APPENDIX C. Continued 0227A 0227B 0227C 0227D 0218A 1.5 ; t 0.6 2A t t Gyroslgma spencerii (Quek.) Griff. & Henfr. ^"••tfantzschia amphioxys (Ehr.) Grun. H, amphioxys fo. capitata Hust. Mastogloia smithii Thwaites ex W. Sm. ' '...-. M. smithii var. lacustris Grun. '. Melosira granulata (Ehr.) Ralfs. M. granulata var. angustissima Mull. 0.6 ^.1 M, varians Ag, Navicula anglica Ralfs. N. anglica var. subsalsa (Grun.) CI, N. capitata Ehr. t t • N. capitata var. hungarica (Grun.) Ross If. cincta (Ehr.) Ralfs. ... 2.9 N. cincta var. rostrata Reim. , t 1.6 N. circumtexta' Meist. ex Hust. If. cryptocephala Kutz. - t 0.6 -2.9 N. cryptocephala var. veneta (Kutz.) Rahh. 0.6 11 2 N'. cuspidata (Kutz.) Kutz. „■ t N„ decussis Pstr0 t N. elmorei Pair. N. exigua var. capitata Patr. N. hamhergii Hust. H, heufleri Grun. 0.3 N. heufleri var. leptocephala (Breb„ & Grun.) Patr. N. lanceolata (Ag.) Kutz. N, minima Grun. N. minuscula Grun. 0.3 t N. mournei Patr. t N. notha Wallace If. pelliculosa (Breh. ex Kutz.) Hilse N. peregrina (Ehr.) Kutz. N*. protracta Grun. If. pupula Kutz. N. pupula var. capitata Skv. & Meyer f ,f° pygmaea Kutz. N. radiosa var. parva Wallace APPENDIX C. Continued ■ 0.3 0.3 nov. ■ . v : . i '.'"■■ t .0.3 :..;:. . ' ..,,.-.;' i t 0.3 ,■ t 0.9 0.3 0227 A 0227B 0227 G 0227D 0218 A • . — — — Navicula radiosa var. tenella (Bret*. & Kutz.) Grun. N. rhynchocephala Kutz. N„ rhynchocephala var. germanii (Wallace) Patr. comh. nov. N. secreta var. . apiculata Patr. -AK-.\ ■'-■■ • ■ N. symmetrica Patr. N. tenelloides Hust. N. tripunctata (0. F. Mull.) Bory N. viridula (Kutz.) Kutz.- ; N. viridula var. avenacea (Br eh. & Grun.) V.H. 0.9 N. viridula var. rostellata (Kutz.) Cl. N. sp. - Neidium duhium (Ehr.) Gl. • N„ iridis varl ampliatum (Ehr.) Gl. N. sp. " ■ , - it 0.3 Nitzschia acicularis (Kutz.) W. Sm. " t 0.3 N„ acuminata (W. Sm.) Grun. _ N. amphihia Grun. N. angustata (W.- Sm.) Grun. N. angustata var. acuta Grun. N. apiculata (Greg.) Grun..'. N. hulnhelmiana (Rath.) H, L. Sm. N. capitellata Hust. N. clausii Hantz. IT. communis Rabh. N. denticula Grun. N. dissipata (Kutz.) Grun. . t 1A 0.3 N. epiphytica 0. Mull. N, fillformls (W. Sm.) Hust. N. fonticola Grun. N. frustulum Kutz. N. frustulum var. suhsalina Hust. 0.3 N. gracilis Hantz. t 't N. holsatica Hust. t N. hungarica Grun. N. Jcutzingiana Hilse if, linearis (Ag. ex W. Sm.) W. Sm. - - • 1.1 0.3 0.8 0.3 0.8 2.9 0.5 3.2 1.6 ii t APPENDIX C. Continued 0227A 0227B 0227C 0227D 0218A Nitzschia longissima var. reversa Grun, w N, microcephala Grun, • .-. N. palea (Kutz.) W„ Sm. N. paleacea Grun. ..' .'■./'.•.;. N. recta Hantz. N. romana Grun. N. sigma (Kutz.) W. Sm. N. sigm'oidea (Ehr.) W, Sm. ,' N„ sublinearis Hust. N„ tryblionella Hantz. N„ tryblionella var, debilis (Arnott) A. Mayer N. tryblionella var. levidensis (W. Sm.) Grun. N. tryblionella var. victoriae Grun. ' N. valdestriata Aleem & Hust. N, verm icul arts (Kutz.) Hant. If. sp . Pinnularia borealis Ehr. C P. kneuckerii Hust. P. sp. Pleuroslgma delicatulum W. Sm. Rhoicosphenia curvata (Kutz.) Grun. Rhopalodia gibba (Ehr.) 0. Mull. R. gibba var. ventricosa (Kutz.) H. & M. Perag, R. musculus (Kutz.) 0. Mull. Stauroneis sp. Ehr. Stephanodiscus astraea (Ehr0) Grun. S. mlnutua Gl. & Moll. S. ni.agarae Ehr. Surirella angustata Kutz. S. iowensis Lowe S. ovalis Breb. S. ovata Kutz. S. tcnera Greg. Synedra acus Kutz. ^,3. cyclopum Brutschy l.o 0.6 t - o„3 10.6 ... o-5 : 0o5 0.3 0.3- -t ■0.8 0.5 *K8 35o6 ' t 31.3 0.3 93.0 38 = 6 t 1.9 0.3 APPENDIX C. Concluded Synedra delicatissima W. Sm. S. fasciculata var. truncata (Grev.) Patr. S. goulardi Bret>. . .. S, mazamaensis Sov. . S, radians Kutz. S. rumpens Kutz. S. ulna (Nitz. ) Ehr. S. ulna var. con tract a 0str. S. ulna var. spathulifera (Grun.) V.H. S. sp. 0227k 0227B 0227G 0227D 0218A e.3 APPENDIX D. Percent relative abundance of diatom taxa from the September 1977* Achnanthes af finis Grun. 'W'A, clevei Grun. A. clevei var. rostrata Hust. A. lanceolata (Breb.) Grun. A. lanceolata var. dubia Grun. A. linearis (W. Sm.) Grun'. A. minutissima Kutz.' Amphipleura pellucida Kutz.. Amphora ovalis var. af finis (Kutz.) V.H. ex DeT. A. ovalis var. pediculus (Kutz.) V.H. A, perpusilla (Grun.) Grun. A. veneta (Kutz.) Hust. L. Anomoeoneis vitrea (Grun.) Ross comb. nov. Asterionella formosa Hass. Bacillaria paradoxa Gmel. Caloneis amphisbaena (Bory) Cl. C, bacillum (Grun.) Cl. C. hyalina Hust. , C„ lewisii Pair. G„ limosa (Kutz.) Patr. comb. nov. G. ventricosa var. truncatula (Grun.) Meist. C„ sp. Cocconeis pediculus Ehr. C. placentula Ehr. G. placentula var. euglypta (Ehr.) Cl. Cyclotella meneghiniana Kutz. C . sp . Cymatopleura elliptica var. nobilis (Hant.) Must. C. solea (Breb. & Godey) W. Sm. Cymbella af finis Kutz. : G. cistula (Ehr.) Kirchn. G. cymbiformis Ag, C. mexicana (Ehr.) Cleve G. microcephala Grun. C„ minuta Hilse ex Rabh. G. muelleri Hust. xa from the Tongue River, O362A 0363A 036^A 1.2 2.8 0116G t • ■ 0.3 t t 1.2 ■ 6.6 0.6 0.3 2.0 9A t ' 7.0 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.9 9A 0.6 1.5 0.9 0.3 t 0o3 0.6 0.6 25.3 6.2 0.3 0.9 20.^ 2.2 APPENDIX D. Continued Q36gA 0363A 03&-A 0116C t t 0o3 " t h.9 7=8 0.6 Cymbella prostrata (Berkeley) 01. C. prostrata var. auerswaldii (Rabh.) Helm, comb. nov. 0.3 * G. pusilla Grun. J. .' ./ ^ ^ ^ ^ G. sinuata Greg. G. tumida (Breb.) V.H. Denticula sp.' . Diatoma elongatum var. minor Grun. D. tenue var. elongatum Lyngb. D. vulgare Bory Diploneis puella (Schum.) CI. Entomoneis alata (Ehr.) Ehr. E. paludosa (W. Sa.) Reim, comb. nov. Epithemia adnata (Kutz.) Breb. E. adnata var. proboscidea (Kutz.) Pair. comb. nov. E.' adnata var. saxonica (Kutz.) Patr. comb. nov. E. sorex Kutz. E0 sp. Fragilaria brevistriata' var. inflate (Pant.) Hust. F„ construens var. venter (Ehr.) Grun. 0.6 0. F. crotonensis- Kitton. ^ ^ ^ ^ F. vaucheriae (Kutz.) Peters F. virescens var. capitata patr. Frustulia weinholdii Hust. Gomphoneis herculeana var. robusta (Grun.) Gl. Gomphonema acuminatum Ehr. G. affine Kutz. G. angustatum (Kutz.) Rabh. G. angustatum var. sarcophagus (Greg.) Grun.. G. dichotomum Kutz. G. intricatum Kutz. G. olivaceum (lyngb.) Kutz. G. olivaceum var. calcarea (Gl.) Gl. G. parvulum Kutz. . G. subclavatum (Grun.) Grun. ° 0.3 t 0.9 ^va G. sp. 0.,9 1.& t t t 28.0 15.9 i.2" I'6*8 0.3 0.9 0„3 t APPENDIX D. Continued 0362A O363A 036^-A 0116G ^jyrosigma sjiencerii (Quek.) Griff. & Henfr. Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehr.) Grun, H„ amphioxys fo. capitata Hust. Mastogloia smithii Thwaites ex W. Sm. M. smithii var. lacustris Grun. Melosira granulata (Ehr.) Ralfs. M. granulata var. angustissima Mull. M, varians Ag. , Navicula anglica Ralfs, N. anglica var. suhsalsa (Grun.) Cl. N. capitata Ehr. N. capitata var. hungarica (Grun.) Ross N. cincta (Ehr.) Ralfs. N. cincta var. rostrata Reim. N, circumtexta Meist.. ex Hust. N. cryptocephala Kutz. N. cryptocephala var. veneta (Kutz,) Rahh. v-'N, cuspidata (Kutz.) Kutz. N0 decussis Pstr„ N. olmorei Patr. N. cxigua var. capitata Patr. N. hambergii Hust. N0 heufleri Grun. N. heufleri var. leptocephala (Bre"b„- & Grun.) Patr. N. lanceolata (Ag.) Kutz. N. minima Grun. N. minuscula Grun. N. mournei Patr. N. notha Wallace N. pelliculosa (Breb. ex Kutz.) Hilse N. peregrina (Ehr.) Kutz. N. protracta Grun. N. pupula Kutz. N. pupula var. capitata Sjcv. & Meyer N. pygmaea Kutz. N. radiosa var. parva Wallace > 0.6 0.3 0.6 t t 0.3 t 0.3 2.5 1.2 0.6 t t 0.3 0.6 t ^.9 10.7 3 A 0.8 M 3.5 4.1 5-3 t 0.3 0.3 0.3 11.2 APPENDIX D. Continued 0362A 0363A 0364A 0116C Navicula radlosa var. tenella (Breb. & Kutz.) Grun. N. rhynchocephala Kutz. N0 rhynchocephala var. germanii (Wallace) Patr. comb, nov. N. secreta var. apiculata Patr. N. symmetrica Patr. - - - N. tenelloldes Hust. N. tripunctata (0. F. Mull.) Bory N. viridula (Kutz.) Kutz. N. viridula var. avenacea (Breb. & Grun.) V.H. N. viridula var. rostellata (Kutz.) Cl. N. sp. Neidium dubium (Ehr.) Gl. N. iridis var. ampliatum (Ehr.) Gl. N. sp. "' ' Nitzschia acicularis (Kutz.) W. Sm. ND acuminata (W. Sm.) Grun. N0 amphibia Grun0 IT. angustata (W. Sm.) Grun. N. angustata var. acuta Grun. N. apiculata (Greg.) Grun..", N. bulnheimiana'(Rabh. ) H. L, Sm. N. capitellata Hust. N. clausii Hantz. N. communis Rabh. N. denticula Grun. N. dissipata (Kutz.) Grun. N. epiphytica 0. Mull. N. filiformis (W. Sm.) Hust. N, fonticola Grun. N. frustulum Kutz. 3T. frustulum var. subsalina Hust. T. gracilis Hantz. IT, holsatica Hust. if, hungarica Grun. N. Rut zing I ana Hilse N. linearis (Ag. ex W. Sm.) W. Sm. t 1,2 0.3 • 0.6 1.2 t 0.6 0.3 5.8 0.3 ^.3 3.5 1.6 0.8 5-2 0.6 0.6 t t 0.3 0.9 0.3 0.6 0.3 2.0 1.5 o„3 0.3 6.8 k.l 7.z 3.6 0.6 0.9 0.3 2.0 0.6 0o6 1.2 12.5 3.^ 17.9 0.; w APPENDIX D. Continued 0362A 0363A 0364A 0116G fitzschia longlssima var. reversa Grun. N. microcephala Grun. N. palea (Kutz.) W. Sm, . "..'• N, paleacea Grun. N. recta Hantz. N. romana Grun. N. sigma (Kutz.) W. Sm. N. sigmoidea (Ehr.) W. Sm. N. sublinearis Hust. N. tryblionella Hantz. N„ tryblionella var. debilis (Arnott) A. Mayer N. tryblionella var. levidensis (W. Sm.) Grun. N. tryblionella var. victoriae Grun. N. valdestriata Aleem & Hust. N. vermicularis (Kutz.) Hant. N. sp. °innularia borealis Ehr. P, Icneuckerii Hust. P. sp. PI euro sigma deli cat ul urn W. Sm. Rhoicosphenia curvata (Kutz.) Grun. Rhopalodia gibba (Ehr.) 0. Mull. R. gibba var. ventricosa (Kutz.) H. & M. Perag, R. musculus (Kutz.) 0. Mull. Stauroneis sp. Ehr. Stephanodiscus astraea (Ehr.) Grun. S. minutus Cl. & Moll. S. niagarae Ehr. Surirella angustata Kutz. S. iowensis Lowe S. oval is Breb. S. ovata Kutz. S, tenera Greg. Synedra acus Kutz. S. cyclopum Brutschy 0.3 0c3 8,3 3o5 1.2 0.6 1.2 0.3 0o3 1.4 0.3 o„3 1.* t t 4.0 0.9 3.8 1.4 0.3 t 0;6 1.2 t 4.3 2.6 0.3 2o0 APPENDIX D. Concluded Synedra dellcatissima W. Sm. S. fasciculata var. truncata (Grev.) Patr, S. goulardi Breb. , . S, mazamaensis Sov. S, radians Kutz. S. rumpens Kutz. S. ulna (Nitz. ) Ehr. S. ulna var. contracta pstr. S, ulna var. spathullfera (Grun.) V.H. S, sp. 0362A 0363A Q36^A 0116C 7.1 1.2