Author: Bishop, L.L. Title: The Allegheny national forest Place of Publication: Harrisburg Copyright Date: 1925 Master Negative Storage Number: MNS# PSt SNPaAg049.6 LAN: eng <2072239> *OCLC* Form:mono 2 InputiFMD 008 ENT: 980224 TYP: s DT1: 1925 DT2: 035 (OCoLC)38420227 037 PSt SNPaAg049.6 $bPreservation Office, The Pennsylvania State University, Pattee Library, University Park, PA 1 6802-1 805 090 20 IVIicrofilm D344 reel 49.6 $cmc+(service copy, print master, archival master) 100 1 Bishop, LL 245 14 The Allegheny national forest $bwhy, what and where $cL. L. Bishop, forest supervisor. 260 [Harrisburg $bPennsylvania Dept. of Forests and Waters $c1925] 28 leaves $c29 cm. "September 1 925"-p. 28 Caption title. Typescript. Microfilm $bUniversity Park, Pa. : $cPennsylvania State University $d1997. $e1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. $f(USAIN state and local literature preservation project. Pennsylvania) $f(Pennsylvania agricultural literature on microfilm). Archival master stored at National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD : print master stored at remote facility. This item is temporarily out of the library during the filming process. If you wish to be notified when it returns, please fill out a Personal Reserve slip. The slips are available in the Rare Books Room, in the Microforms Room, and at the Circulation desk. 650 0 Forests and forestry $zPennsylvania. 651 0 Allegheny National Forest (Pa.) 710 1 Pennsylvania. $bDept. of Forests and Waters. 830 0 USAIN state and local literature preservation project. $pPennsylvania. 830 0 Pennsylvania agricultural literature on microfilm. 300 500 500 500 533 590 590 FILMED WHOLE OR IN PART FROM A COPY BORROWED FROM: STATE LIBRARY OF PENNSYLVANIA SOME PAGES IN THE ORIGINAL CONTAIN FLAWS AND OTHER WHICH APPEAR ON FILM \/ ^ «".'.^ ' >■. >■ — *. yty.i.^ 5AII0HAI. PORSST - Po^ , Vbx, IhAt and WlMr* I. L. Birtiop, Forest Supeiriior, toTur domiiUBit !• hmr p«opl«'s vaatOB vMte of thoir BaWral 9«>^i«iil*r]j tholr t^wmtm^ and if «» asd iHMdifttllr ] r«for«atatlon» 8b« will not onlj bankrupt tha w«rU* • So « lazig* aH(>«« this statoMD ijca «i3r a«rtaln Statoa aaro aoquirlaf 9tw#» ftv«iti Fadorml Qoromflwnt la toagrlBf land for ^•^ >«lit¥^4lk> Lonal Fbvoata la tho last* a fow of mm d«l«fl«;' M to our tl^or atatte avat. App««xiMtol7 «/4tW«t tte - Tlijfln tliftor of tlio ooimtxx Hmm b««n uaad or doatrojad; m ara uainf tliibor prodnata aboxrt six tiva aa ftot aa anoh pw. ***^rtBII^ J«*«ae«d by growths PsnnsylTaaia. «hj Awtod tho llat of tifli»or produolog stataa now •tanda SOth and prodaoaa hat l/cth of tha amnmt naad within •tata* A/5%hm now ooaos from ontaido aooroea. PmniVlTtUiii rag:airom«nta iBaraaalaf, tten^t (1) ' &« •>.««^kik. ^^ J^ «» t» ha* lyt » with th« r«8alt that th« luabtr Industzy • oa l«aTiii« in its wale* araas of daaelatioa and ahan&ozwA sattlcmenta* Daring tha past fdrortasn jaars tha GoTamasBt has ba«i aarxyln^ forward a forest land parohass program that looks toaards tha astablishnsnt of a systsM of Batlonal Ibrasts thr»««fM>at Sastoxn Tft<ad Statos. Tvalra saah Vivrasts hara IproalaiMod and /aarly «lk«lfttft tlUBMd^ t]M as^isiti9& of additlaaal lands* Ona of tha tvalra Sastam Vatioaal Itaravtft^ "AIla^«n7*» is loaatod in Paan^rlvania* Ftra ftuim CaaaoBOTaalth of PoBaaylrania iaritod tha Vtdaral satabliA a ftoraat within tha Stata nd thas Jaii ths Go laaalth in tha rital work of forost aansarratiss* Ibr tha loaatlon of tha lational r«roat pxajaat, it was naaaasary to find a looalitj that offarad an apportanity to aagiiaira , at zaasanabla priaas , a larga and wall oaasalidatad prodnstiTo fOraat land aaoordanoo fadaral statota aakins prarisioa for tho work, tha foroats wars trW tba haadvitars of nari^bla at Mntx Aa* within tha stata wara alraaily haias daralapat bsr tha CoHBoawaalth throng tha porOhaaa of foraat land far Stai loroats, two and a (jtiartar niUion aoras hariag haan aavOrad pWPJ/Oi It was not dasirabla that tha Fadaral Ck>Twn- t antar a laaalitx whara tha Stata was alraadj at werlu (8) / . livxythiag oonai&«r«A no otlMV pla«« •••atd to iPoqjilreiMiito noarly so well as tbs aroa whioh hm slsoo ooas to bo tbo Allocs ony Vational Airost* Four TOOTS ooxk withiB tho obossB looollty boo boon pzodaetlro of Tozx gratlf^rins progrooo* ffho Itoost iBoluaoft larts of fowr lorllMOotsan PmiSTlTaaia oovntios as £»llowBt souttisostoni ¥0900^ vootom HsKoon, wostsm Slk and all tut tho roxoot Oouxitx* Tho in^so a>oa of tho fOarost is flA^M aoros, OBtlxoly vlthin tho hoaAsotor Anofi^ony RlTor* -/ ^ . ♦ •O*'*' '•• ■' •■*' r •,*•*• !Dho prlnolpal trlbutozj strtsBs affMtoUPt Clarion aiTor» Tlonoota CroJc (ntlroly witkin t&o Itiittti 'I .' . * ! TTinsna Oroelc. Th ovibo4 as fOllovat bouQdaxy of tho Forest nsgr ^ bvlofljr Ao«* BosizmiBff at Warren sn tho tlTghsny RiTor, thonoo soath with the rirer to liooosta^ th«ioo ooot to tho town of liBirieaTlllo, thenoo south to tho Clarfton Bifor oi tho torn of Cl&ringten, thonoo np tho riror to ^o Bovoo^ 9t Ridgway, thenoo north to tho oity of Bradford and tte Bov Tork Stato llp*» thonoo west with tho state lino and tho sonth iMoniaij of liv Ifert lllogtaniy State Park to tho AlloghOBy RiTer» thonoo dnM thi ilwor to warren, the point of beginning* Br»a aanj stand^ints tho hiotozy of tho AUs^^iitny Bat- ional Forest region is of great interest. Ct^iMaftaaj^ t% io a portion of tho i^palaohian Platoaa* the stroan dissootions of this platoon giro the region tho ridgo and rallsy \ff of topo- graphy* The ridges are in the nmin broad sad oosvaratirOly (B) / ^^^^ mk tfy* Mast or th« n^llMjm axiv«? tf Pittsbuzc^ and bajond* Tha Tast stands af haaOsslt ikiih sf alsthad tha ragion fsznad tha prinsipal fdr a graat niu*ar ot tannarias liiiah wera IssataA hsvs ss as ts ba naar that soussss fit IMf » witldJt a fsv ailas of lAat is nsw Hm Olsgbwj Vational Forast oil was disacravad istesti^f fofondad. irodaaing >brss% lf^ (1980-S6) aotion will b« talna vp«ii about r&«000 a«r«8 vhioih ar« A«flBit«ly tuider ooasldtratlan* Th« first tra«t o£fiiz»A f»r m1« to tlit TJkltod Statos In PonnsylTanla was an arsa of aK,000 a«ro« of outoTov lauA owBOi. Iqr tbo Contxal PoarnqrlTaala Xniifcor rnipoojr of *fnit— jftrt. PoflUTlTaala* Tbo traot wos ooqiilz«4 ait tho pxloo of |t«M Ibo arozo^ prloo of tlio Ur,000 oovoo l,r. ai^provod for pirohaso has l»o«i |9«M por aoro, ov a t»ttt flC| ■oro ttuB |6T0»000* Iho ran^ adT priooo ham hma to |10«00 por &oro« Iho pzloo lo flaeod ia oooorOoao* w|^ Urif ooadltlon of tho laztd^ that ls« whothor or not It has Aaaa^^od I7 foroot flroo» and vtiothor or not tho Int Thno tBT the poU^ adranooA tlM»or growth. hOOB to TOSX largolj rootrlot pwrohoaoo to tho aiioopor olaooMi of laai* ^ doing it is poooihlo to noro 9110107 aoctond tho Iwflii— of tho work ofor a largo aroa and to hoild up a praotloahlo aid ooanonioal adninlitratlTO and proteotlro unit in tho Aortoot aiAitlon to tho porohaso prloo of tho land tho QoTommont io put to oMWidomhlo oaq^onoo in oonnootion with oarrylQg tlio Tariouo tradoo throng to oonaaanatlin* All lands aro oarofallj ozaainod, nappod cmd raportod upon, aftor tho Vational Forest Bosorration Coanlssioa approroo thoir ohaso» an aooorato 9Qrr9f is do and tho tltloo avo Toiqr thorooghly iarostigatod and a ooaploto ahotraot of titlo proparad* (t) lUIovlng a P0II07 or Inqrlag first the ohaap lands te« > going, that aaount of stompsge will be sold ea«h i that oan be sold erery year. If the Forest ooots to bo mdo «» growth half / tiller; thedthere oould be sold eaoh azid 125,000,000 feet of logs* This fifty noidber of wood workix^ itorisl enough s* Iho plan •toavago oasih yoar. SaiCLl oontinoous l moouzagoAi (U) import ano# of proODiolxig anA maklog ^1 oontlxnums xra]d>er d«p«Qdaat terial 1 •p« looated within op adjaotnt to th« Ibireat soorM or InflMtrlal plants i mA m , fomlturo ftetorlM . swr milH no, ohomloal plants, handlo flaotorlM^ planing ■1-11^ anA tht llkt. Tha mora of tht longar tlia planka tlMaa planta W a aapplj. naoaaaary thatt wa grow alX an& in ad&itlon nalca tha vary baat xuia of wliat w now h«ra shall ha ahla to pzodnoa« Tha idaal tovarda whlob tha Foreat Sarrlaa worte tha praaanaa throughout tha Foraat of as ma^ panMoi' nltlaa and aattlars as tha raglon nd T^aovmm will aupport. It ia narar daairabla to dapopulafea tha Pi ara naadad to aid in tha pzoteatlan and daralopMat of tha ara* and to work up tha matarial grown. RaAidant labor ii BQOh •«tiafkatt:qr< Soring tha pariod batwaan tha tlaa that tha land ia purahaaaA and tha harraating of a orop of t labor pr aarrlng manj ia(portant, thou^ inaidantal, porpoaaa of tha prinoipla banafita will ba nwntlonad* A f aw Zha ralationahip batwaan Ibraats and atr& flow ia at daimdation affeots of a forestod watarahad mj ba aunaad ut in a f aw worda (1£) / mm t^JJiMmmt A forest oover means more water in streams taring IMT vater sta^^oa, less water In them during flood sand, gxavel and debris oarrled Toy ^^ streams. sediment A forest iamatore kind eatehment ^e dest root ion i.s largely re- sponsibls for the ooourrenoe of disastrotui floods dur li» wet fUlurs Mmt. flow of tb* rirer will We» Allsghwy lEsiifinnB* The proteetion of watersheds is iaperts&t aet oO^ oi aeooxint of flood oonditiona, hot also in eoimestlon wi^ proTiding an ample and satisfaotory viater stipply i and onnioipal xise* Water taken from a fbrested stls is eseler* palatable than that obtained trpm ]ioa-fi»restsA oatohmait fl*v Dnoi Usar oities and draw hatf I s supply oomss fjrom Morrison Ran irixioh is «atir«ly within ths Alle«h*i7 lational FOrest.^ufciS^^'' t'^ BraATor^ Ths latter oms and pretests its watershed and ^?ffliff lamuiiy safecoarded Ihile puzpes »e admirably A fbrested laling % (16) \ \\ WltliiB tlM Tbrest are to b« foond maxgr beaut ifal and Inter* Mtl^f jUt For example Rerolt Springa, Ia£f ttborger Hill, Kixizu) The TirgiB white pine and hemlook foreat, ''Hearts Cozttent"* in the tteeler Doaenbuzy remaining aaoiplea ef old growth pine and heaXook in the whole East. wonderAilly iamgttiag sl«ht AT T ag^h^ry State llM near Corjdon, passing Kinsia, Warron^ IiAi««t# to Tionesta, thenoe np Tionesta Creek to Sheffield aai to is one of the most beautifol in imeriea* The route o«n b« varied at points, and durii^ the dry portion of the jmot^ wmJ2^ from April to H07 ember, the trip ortant reoreational area. Withii^ radixM of 125 miles of the Vational Forest there resides a popolatioa esti- mated at 8,000,000. The oitieo of Cleveland, Wheeling, (IT) It \\ ■al» of tfe« » Pitts burgh » Barrls^org, Blmlra, Ithaoa, Roohestor* ^ 9nttw3» «i4 Toronto, togothor with all tho soallor IntorroDiag oltlos, aro within a ono dajs notor trip of tho Forest. with tho fiLxthor oztonslon of tho highway OTStomo and tho oonplotloi of tho Alloghony purohaoo program Inoroaslng thoossnao will •nmially ooek tho roglon horo to find ploaoant and irtioloooao out of door rooroatloB* It Is tho poUoy to o&oonrago tho aooroatioBal ua« of tho For oats* Suoh uoo dooo not prooludo tho groviag ot m t labor* Booroatlonal uHo - hunting, fishing, tho otootora - lo/ono uoo that atiyono, rlob or poor, 7orost« for thoflo who wish to oamp3>ut pnblio propairod* Two saoh oltoo aro now In iiao on tho AUoghomr* Ono at 3andotono Sprlog botwoen Warron and xldlouto, tho othor at Lolota, soTon alios ooul^ of Marlonrllle • In oooporatloB with tho Stato Oaao Coanlsslos and tho 3tato Buroao. of Flohorlos, ^o hnntlng and flshlag within tho Foroflt lo bolng laprorod* It lo a wall rooognlsod foot that with but fow oxooptlons tho forest is tho naltteal homo of wild ^ Mid that but little In the wegr of wild life em persist after Avast eonditiona disappear* In Rational Forest adminis- tration f iah and gazne asre oonsidered forest resoturees and plsns are made for their con^ervaf/'on and pzopa^^tion* While the Forest is fanetioning as a timber prodaoin^; property^ as a protection to watersheds and as a recreational \ area^ it will at one and the same time be serrijqg another y^Tj xiooful porpooo. Sooner or later » and hero In tho Saot sooner. ■s (It) fliV9«ta]r lormotloes nnst b« appli*& to all forest lands If oar national timber raqtiiramcBta ar« to bo proTl&od tor* Fbrestxy in Amarloa la ono of tha navor aolanoaa* Tbare yot roaalna a raat amount of aKparlmantiQ. and reaaaroh work to ba doaa* On aoooont of tha length of timo raqalrad to pzo- SBai9% a forest suoh work moat of naaaaalty aorar a apa& of jeam Thna It ia imtpmrtant that aone organlsatloB that gaaranteaa oomtiaEiiltj oonoexn Itaelf with tha vorking out of fovastix problems. Ho a^mnoj ia better fitted to do tMM thtm im tM it € Kkm 7ML*ral QoTtrxuMnt • It eannot be 03cp«ot«d that tht «0T«ndL Stat F«d«ral GkyrerxiBMnit will ^tbt oome to avn aoff loitnt ImUI W pxvTlda Tar tha tliAar needs of the r]atio2i# Xepeeiall^ is this trae as regards the Eaetem tiaber regleB# The latieaal Forests of the East^ few in number and oomparat iyely small in size^ will serre tbsir greatest iiseAxlness as experimental forests p proTing grotuids for forestry praotioes^ and demon* stration assess of what has been determined to be best ia ths managemant of wood lands # Aotiaal examples are the most effeotire I The Allegheny Forest is oliaraot oris tie of a rery lacs» fmsmmt region andJBrhat is found to be best for this (Forest ean be spplied elsewhere. Sonie of the thiqgs that must be worked out are: Thinnings - liien, idiere and what sort are praetloable? How ean white pine repro duet ion be enoouraged? What hardwood spool es are most desirable and how ean the per oent of these be inoreasedt White pine blister xust oontrol • Salrage of bli^^ted ohestnat • (If) 11 Inoreased yl»ld -> Planting - whtn, irtiere, Ijoir and speolas t Batter and oaore aoonoaioal flra potaotlon - Thara ara oartaln thii^a that oan prarmt the oarry. Ing out of the program whloh baa baan atartad on tha Allaghany Should no mora funds ba available for buying land, op should no Bore land be offered for aale, tha projeat would be aerloualy handlo^ped. It la not probable, howarer, that auoh oondltlona will obtain. Tha oheatnut bli^t dlaeaaa Is rery sapldJIgr isnUUL^ the region and will beyond tha poaalbUlty of a d«abt kill the oheatnut* iThla la not aerloua beaanae of tha ttmt that oheatnut la not here one of the moat Important apaalas* Sk are relatively few oheatnat treea on tho Foreat, and aa thaj dla other klnda will at onoe take tiielr plaoe. On iuoh lan^ aa tha Govemramt now owna the polloy la to aoll the oheatnut atumpaga aa rapidly aa possible. A ohaatnut salvage operation la new In progreaa. Iha white pine bllater ruat has been found In a oounty adjoining the Vatlonal Foreat. Ihla dlaeaaa is oartaln death to tha tAlta pixM unless all gooae-berry and oarrent plants, both oultiwateA and wild, are deatroyed within or near the pine tlriber. Suoh eradloatlon haa been proven to be pxaotloable. Howaver, white pine doea not In this region make up a large part of tha seoond growth tlnber and a valuable forest oould be produoad If no pine at all was grown. In t:.e original foreat of the region white pine and hemlook were the predominating spaaies. These raaohad vary rala*. L henloolc speolos as beoolt, biroh, maple, oherry, aah and. oueoniber, sill of irtiloh grew to largo size and have boon oxtonslvoly usod for tho produotion of high grado liaobor* In tho originaL foroot irtilto pino troos woro found 0 foot in diaaotor and aoro than 1#6 foot tall» maplo troos XOO foot tall and 4 In diaaotor growth of tho roglon is Yorj high# Ihoroaa tho Tlrgin stand was largoly ooavcood of OTorgroon troos ^ in tho sooond growth forosts^ tho stands mado up almost entirely of tho hardwood spooioSt boooht ^iMllf isaplOt ohorry, ash, otootora* It appears that tho reasons whoy a pino and hoalook stand when oat off Is followed hero by a hardwood stand are: There are present in any stand soao hardwoods* Hardwoods sprout from stuxsps and roots , sending up a groat naxdbor of sprouts Just as soon as the mature tinbor is roooTod* neither pino nor homlook is oapablo of produoing sprouts Hardwood trees, and henilook as well, prodaoo seed oaoh juatm Pino tiroes bear seed only onoe in eaoh three to fiwo years • Hardwoods and hoalool: seedling oan surrire when shaded by other growth, pine osnnot* One fire kills praotloallx one Inm&red peroent ot pine and healook reprodaotion, haz^taroods at onoe sprout and tlms surrire the fire* (21) 1 V90% Kf lhll« the oh««tziat blight and tb« white pii» bllatar mHotm •n0Bl«« of th« Avat , and there mj derelope other tvaagtiM and Inaeot pests, the one aid aroh eae^ of fbrests is FIRS, If the Allegheny Hatlonal Forest does not oone to be \ ^ a faetor in reduolng floods and the eanserratioB of mter It will be beeause of forest fires* If the Allegh«D7 Vational l^est dees not a national play piaoe, aa area offerteff eneptioml adrantages, good hnnting, fishing, esaplag, tsariac it will be beoaase of rootirrent forest fires. If the AUe^eny Bational Ibr est dees n*t t« b« t»%« national examples If this region does not prodace eaeh year thotisands of oords of wood and alllions of board feet of tiiA>er upon «hi«ai to base Industrial progresf , it will be beesase of A>rest fires stflida In other words - to a Tory large degree the projeet taSLlM dependant upon our abilitr to mwrMt mia v^RVVMS forest fires. throughout the Co many Peim^lTania. Exoept for past fires, all cutorer Imds would vonderfol ssoond growth stands ^« of vsrtiuaitable staggering (28) 1 5^1 vr«r«it *«1X ^9mk Hi* Inflastrlal derelopaant ot thl» state. At an •lAnrtmi *•*• •• *»▼« ^••n bamlng up the ftitare. PennagrlTan ia has long Isd amoms the states in tbs natter of forestry. The State Departiaent of Pb zests and Waters astntains a state wiOs forest proteotlon oi^anisatloa whloh has to a marked degree altlgated the owes of forest fires HowsfTer, nntll the general publlo beoooss f oreat-alnAod , and realises the seriousness of fires In the woods, sad dees ita part to prerent and suppress them, the ammal forest fire Xees will he Te3y great, Praotleally all flree la Peansylrsala and thtts preventable. It Is aooh no re eoftnosdeel fires than to put them out onoe they se': started* The aeet oonsMB oaoses of fires are: Smokers dropping lifted mterlsl* Campers leaving oamp fires. Brush burners letter fire eseape* Engines Improperly soreened. Hunters smoking out game or bees* Within the Alloj^eny National Forest ^ery few flree ;nallolously set* Oooaslonally fires are oaused by lightning ■riry truly good oltlzen will see to It that he does n»t •auw a Hivest fire and will take a oonstroetlTO Interest la seelag that others ezerolse the oare that is neeeesary to pze<» teet otir fdreats* In the planning of the sork on the Vatlona). FOzest proteetioa Is glren priori^. Within the me«is aTsilable, the \i degre( Lookout towers are built so that the fires may be promptly dlsoorered and looated. throoj^iout (29) aad erery effort \ is VMMh all fires qaloUj l««st aMoont of axpanse and loss. Imllt th« most reaota aaetiozis so as to oat down traral tlaa, Tbm objaetiTa of tha Fozaat Sarriaa 1b fira oontrol work la that not to OKoaad an arara^a of l/lO of 1^ of tha forast Tmm ©top aaoh jaar. Sorlne tha past taa yaara thara l*ad IxmiaA aravaga att an tha AUaj^axqr latlonal Fbrast, this out of an 170,000 asras. This Is an arara^a of l/2 aX 3^, ehjaatlra* t _ Ona of tha prlnolpal Forest 39rrt99 astlTltiaa Ut* to do with ^e daralopmait of puhlla sentloant a^palast fttvask It is ohaapar and more oonstructiTa to fi^t fires before thqr start, in other words keep thea froa atartinc* This Is aaeoBpliahed throogh rarlous means of pablieity, exhibits at fairs, printed folders, newspaper artioles, signs and posters. plotares, tallcs It is grati- f^'ing. Indeed, ta k^ow that saoh edTforts are pxoduolng resalts and «9««^«& that forest fires will ■ore aid mare m- hsBMa L fewer* It is noteworthgr that a Sorope Is SB almost mhsard of uoa* Th«re thej would no mo: born than thear would a wheat long raaohad tha time when thegr hare to grow all tha timber thaj hare to u Share are few aroM within the Alli^ei^ I^tlanal that have bean ao often nd serarelj burned that tka/ will a«t IB4I •atllf^fltill/ vestoolc tSxttms^lrvi natnrallj if prote«t«d flr« la the future. Th* mil fertility and olimatie oon&itiena of the region are aueh aa te rewilt In Teiy great reeoperattre oapaoitj and hlch snaiuitivii:*. wuld 'Itar* la. neat atural ireprodaetlon Th« Aliegfaanx National For eat » ene of UT In ttte irtiloh nBd»r th* adalnlstratioa Bapartaant of i^rioolt^ira JAiimiMVP rational Forest a that gi f B«]ta vy t^ haadauartera at Waahlncrten. D. 0- headfoarters and osgaai n Wanen im th* haadquartera for the Alleghenj Foreat er d at preaant ia made np of a Foroat Superriaor* !»• L. Biahopf a Fova^ Mary Bxaslna I a /nalor Fbreater, V. I. 3t«raaa| • A* Rlenari a Fo»«t Sanc«r» S« 1 The ahot* Conarras and a Tranaitaan, L. R. Striokenbazg* •1X)mmm muxw wider Clrll Serrioa appaintMnta* Ihaycra »il%«i ^ MSh temporary aaaiataata aa fire goarda, tovi lailAMVy red man, aze amn, eong^aasman and othara aa an leaaary. The Warren offiooa of the Foreat Serrlaa oaanpy flaora of the Piaroe Bnildla^, 304| Arexsia* •arroTlng and n^^lnf general oharge of the porehaae of landai tte calradt tka prateatia9i» (M) I ■tall 111 ill tlMi and d«v«lopB»nt or aoqolred land; and tte auiaiA «Bl«i«ioa of foroatxy knovlod^ and praotloo, Th« Forest Cleric is an offioo aasistant haying ohar^ of the flloa, aoootints and offioo rooorda* Iho JaaiOY Ibrastor oonAtiots fUftd iacaaiBatioas oT and raporta upon tha Ian da whlah ara oonaidarad for purohaaa* mt Rai^par^a firat daty la lA o« National Ibraat land ficom fira* ftaaftians ganaral field wiparintendant aa ta all fl»ra«k tm^Xi^tm. Bwih amojp !• maetkm tk* porehi •ereeattnta ioepaated protaatloB of the forest from flra* Zt ia the work of the «tt tha Hie ffetti eeoperatlt Surveja mark en the crreond, and deteraine the aerea^ of all la; » apprered for porehaae. Working under his direetien Tranaitaen* ftnrlBc seaaona of fire danger fire lookout tovera are stvenMn •taoft diatelx te Raqger, or apeelal Fire Qaarda readineea to take a orev of tralai/Lj Mn to any fire disoerered. One of the ia^rtaat atepa in ^e land pnrohase «#sk has to do with the vaaination of the tit lea to the areaa that ere to he aoquired. XT. S« Title Attorney H* ▲. Lmpr^, aaaiated Abetraetor work OA the «p«rtiMzit of Aj^oxiltixr*, Their hMid- 4...% 9at9 Wmxrmkt tn% muth of their work mmt nooouarilj bo AoBo *t too Taxiouo oount?* ooatOf Ri&gingr» lionoota and Saetli- port* Jm la all QoreTaamt wark« groat iaportanoo it plaood vpoa abMlatt oafoty of titlo to tho Imte aoviiMd* Ao tho oroa and work of tho Alloghoogr TOroat oxpando it vlll bo Booooaary froa tiao to tlao to inoroaao tim foroot fiiroe* Wlttaia a fow yoars thoro «ill» a* doxdbt^ bo TOpTiiJ a porooanol aao^ largor thoa tlie proaoat* In a Tory doflaito mj a Akt&ooal fl»roat, fii9 ^QtMtal Bational Horoot , la pablio proportj* It is o«ioi by tlM^aHgl tholr tax Bono7 vaa aaod to boy tho laid nd ia boii« mmi'i$C • protoot and dorolopo it. It ia intended that tti btaofltc tho forest shall aooroo to tho pqblio. «q^ooto4 thiB tho goooral pablio* Bxoopt ouoh benefit io broa^t i^bout thoro is nothing to oesDMBd tho projoot sad it onst tf nooossity fidl* fho Boro that the pablit kaova about » is iatorestod la, aad tttos adraatago of* tho latlonal Tbrost, the greater will bo its uaofU.' lavortaat Mloghaiy la othor wsgr will dor«lepo it. wsaiblo to satisfaetorilj protoot aad 10 oTorago oitison ooaes to realiao that a bomiag up his property, sad that ^•ponaiblo fbr fire ia tho woods is not oaly flalltj (tf) iBfll«tiiis iBjwqr «|i9 kiB •» wfmrg r I&IX ^ realised %m tlw a}>horrent tlUn^ it !•• ]teti*nal Ibreat ia ymtr forest » l)e«*t l«t it A ^om vyl ' Bii*^ ir Ood'« eovBtzjflndr '• / lb a recent iseae of the S&torOiqr Irenias Btst the Xditeriel Writer said i& pert, "Tedej eeaaervatioB of foreat prodaeta ia one of the ehiaf naeaaaitiea ef lattftnal lifa* A nation eanaot aarrire whieh vaataa it a latsHiPif tauB»««h tfiear eazeleaaneaa* If thera ia aagr taat •r eharaater it ia aMlity to rmintaia the natwal OoHMBvealth* If we oazmet do that our p3*aa «l tiae to peeplea that hare at laaat tha xvAlHiBta jear tha eaatroX of fire beaaaaa a aera serlaaa piiliXMU 4 aolatiaik miat he found before aaaar aara yeara hagai paaaHi aatare ef the solatieB will ahov mp the etufr of wliA tte iBerlMBi people «ra aade"« Tha AUai^awy latlenal Fcurest ia 7«ara to aae aiUL em^agr ^t lAt ua applj ia ita uae that aenae that will aaaaa f^tare giiaaratioBa te oall thia one "hlaased"* . ■ * mnon! forest pirxs Jvt additi«ial inforaatioa adteeaa • Pereat 3iip«eTiaer earren^ Pa« SfptMkev Itat (2t) • .