MONTANA STATE This "cover" page added by the Internet Archive for formatting purposes RESULTS OF FIELD SURVEYS FOR ALLOTROPA VIRGATA IN THE BEAVERHEAD AND DEERLODGE NATIONAL FORESTS STATE DOCUMENTS COLLECTION JUL M993 MONTANA STATE LIBRARY 1515 E. 6th AVE. HELENA, MONTANA 59620 Prepared by: Jackie M. Poole Montana Natural Heritage Program State Library Building 1515 E. 6th Avenue Helena, Montana 59620 Order Numbers: 43-0378-2-0131 t LrUK!- !■■ '^^ rtc/Iii^ ^ This is an abridged report For the full report please contact: The Montana Natural Heritage Program 1515 E Sixth Ave Helena, Montana 59620 406-444-3009 DATE DUE ninvf - 1^ 7nn7 1992 Montana Natural Heritage Program This document should be cited as follows: Poole, J. M. 1992. Results of Field Surveys for Allotropa virqata on the Beaverhead and Deerlodge National Forests. Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, Montana. 11 pp. plus appendix TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 2 INTRODUCTION 3 SPECIES REVIEW 3 METHODS 6 RESULTS 7 DISCUSSION 8 CONCLUSION 8 LITERATURE CITED 10 FIGURE 1. Distribution of Allotropa virqata in Montana APPENDIX 1: New or verified occurrences of Allotropa virqata including maps and photographs APPENDIX 2: Areas surveyed with negative results EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this study was to search for and study new populations of Allotropa virqata on the Beaverhead and Deerlodge National Forests. During 11 days of surveying almost 3400 acres, four new populations (184 plants with 632 stems) were found on the Beaverhead National Forest, and two populations (176 plants with 560 stems) not seen since 1976 were relocated on the Deerlodge National Forest. Allotropa virqata is listed as Sensitive by U.S. Forest Service Regions 1 and 4. It is the only species within the genus, and has a disjunct distribution with the main range being in the Cascades and Sierra Nevadas of the western U.S. while an isolated, much smaller group of populations occurs in Montana and Idaho. Such disjuncts often contain substantial genetic differences as compared to the main part of the range. In Montana and Idaho the species occupies harsh sites, within subalpine f ir/beargrass or subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry habitat types dominated by lodgepole pine, occasionally with Douglas fir as a co-dominant. Stand age ranges from 80->300 years, and averages about 200. The species prefers well-drained, acidic, granitic-derived soils on southerly gentle slopes at moderate (5000-7800 feet) elevations. Allotropa virqata is quite distinctive with its red and white striped stems, resembling a candy cane. The species lacks chlorophyll, and is a mycotroph, a plant which obtains its nutrition from a photosynthetic host via a fungus associated with the roots. Any action which destroys the host (in the case of A. virqata. probably lodgepole pine and/or Douglas fir) will also kill A. virqata. Allotropa virqata may not surface above ground every year. An underground network of rhizomes with adventitious buds may use energy one year working on below ground strength to allow for the more energy-intensive production of sexual reproductive features the next. The species surfaces as early as June and as late as September, with peak flowering in July and August. Bumblebees are the primary pollinators. Deer, elk, and moose occasionally graze on A. virqata. but without serious damage. Allotropa virqata is threatened by timber harvest. Single-year clearance surveys are not always accurate as the plant may be in a subsurface phase. A Conservation Strategy needs to be written on a regional level to address species conservation and management concerns. Several large, healthy meta-populations should be permanently protected, and monitoring should continue to further elucidate the species reaction to various land use practices as well as critical factors in the long-term viability of the species. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank John Joy for pointing me in the right direction for locating Allotropa habitat. I would also like to thank Dan Svoboda for taking time out of his busy schedule to accompany me into the field for a day to observe and discuss Allotropa, and for agreeing to let me do field surveys when he really wanted management guidelines. Jeff Jones was kind enough to provide me a place to work and sleep at the Wisdom District. My greatest source of inspiration during this study was Quinn Carver. His in-depth studies and general knowledge of the habitat and the area were invaluable to me, and his boundless enthusiasm encouraged me to continue despite the monotony of the habitat. Finally I would like to thank my fellow botanist, Bonnie Heidel , for putting up with my endless rantings about Allotropa. INTRODUCTION Allotropa virgata was added to the U.S. Forest Service Region 1 list of Sensitive species in early 1991. At that time the relatively few known localities consisted primarily of small populations. Surveys were conducted in Montana and Idaho in the late 1980s and early 1990s (Roe 1992; Carver 1991; Kratz 1989; Lichthardt and Mancuso 1991) revealing the existence of many more populations (Figure 1. Distribution of Allotropa virgata in Montana (. Monitoring plots were established in 1990 in Idaho on the site of a proposed timber sale to investigate the effects of harvest on the species, and although the sale had not taken place, preliminary monitoring results were reported in 1991 (Lichthardt and Mancuso 1991) . On the Beaverhead National Forest in Montana in 1991, numbers of stems per site were compared to 1990 data, and monitoring plots were set up to more accurately track population demography (Carver 1991) . Data from the 1992 season was not available at the time of this report. Monitoring plots have also been established on the Bitterroot National Forest in Montana. A Conservation Strategy for the species for all of Region 1 was proposed as a 1992 Challenge Cost-Share project to be funded by several of the national forests involved; however funding was not available from all forests and the project was postponed. The purpose of this study was to search for additional localities of the Forest Service Sensitive species, Allotropa virgata , on the Beaverhead and Deerlodge National Forests. Areas were selected which appeared to be suitable habitat either according to Forest Service staff, or from topographic maps and/or aerial photographs. SPECIES REVIEW Allotropa virgata is the only species within the genus. The species is primarily found in the Cascades and Sierra Nevadas, from southeastern British Columbia to California (Lichthardt and Mancuso 1991) . The species was discovered in Montana in 1965, and in 1972 in Idaho (Steele and Stickney 1974) , These populations are disjunct from the main portion of the range by some 300 miles (Lichthardt and Mancuso 1992) . Little interest was paid to the species until the late 1980s. Shortly after this the species was listed by the U.S. Forest Service as Sensitive. There are now by over 70 populations in southwestern Montana (over 30; Figure 1) and adjacent Idaho (around 40; Lichthardt and Mancuso 1991) . The species is found in Beaverhead, Granite and Ravalli Counties in Montana on the Beaverhead, Bitterroot, Deerlodge, and Lolo National Forest, and in Idaho in Idaho County on the Nez Perce and Payette National Forests. In the disjunct portion of its range, Allotropa virgata occurs in harsh, low productivity sites. It grows on dry, acidic, sandy to gravelly, granitic soils which are shallow and well-drained. The plant also seems to require decaying logs or at least a two inch layer of humus (Carver 1991) . Charred wood, fire scars, and a relatively low amount of downed wood indicate fire history, but the frequency and intensity, with the exception of stand- destroying and thus A. virgata destroying blazes, necessary for the health of A. virgata. are not known. Understory vegetation is sparse (canopy cover 0-50%, Carver 1991), repetitive, and of low diversity. The overstory is fairly closed (40-80% canopy cover. Carver 1991) and dominated by lodgepole pine, with Douglas fir as an occasional co-dominant. Stand age varies from around 80 years to over 300 years, with an average age of about 200 (Lichthardt and Mancuso 1991; Roe 1992). However A. virgata has been observed growing in a "doghair" stand of lodgepole pine in Idaho (Lichthardt and Mancuso 1991) . Allotropa virgata is a component of the subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry or subalpine fir/beargrass habitat types, and subalpine firs when present are usually in the seedling or sapling stage. During the course of this study, two previously unreported species for A. virgata habitat were discovered. Alnus sinuata (Sitka alder) was found at the Gory Creek site on the Beaverhead National Forest, and Juniperus communis (common juniper) was located at the Meyers Creek site on the Deerlodge National Forest. The disjunct Northern Rocky Mountain populations of Allotropa virgata are found primarily between elevations of 5000-7800 feet. However one population in Idaho was found near 2300 feet, and at least one plant was seen in Montana around 8000 feet (Carver, pers. comm. , 1992). In the species' main range, the plants are commonly found at lower elevations. Although the species can be found on all aspects, it is generally prefers southerly exposures on lower slopes up to ridgetops. It occurs on almost level ground to moderately steep slopes, although it is perhaps most common on gentle slopes. In the past Allotropa virgata has been referred to as a saprophyte. However it is actually a mycotroph, a plant which obtains its sustenance from a fungus associated with its roots. The fungus is attached to a photosynthetic plant which indirectly provides nutrition to the mycotroph via the fungal intermediary. In Oregon the mycorrhizal fungus associated with A. virgata is Rhizopogon vinicolor (Castellano and Trappe 1985) . Whether the same fungus occurs with A. virgata in Montana and Idaho is not known. The photosynthetic species in the chain are most likely lodgepole pine and/or Douglas fir. Because of this co-dependency A. virgata is quite sensitive to loss of these trees whether through timber harvest or stand-replacing fire. However as long as a certain amount of live trees remain, populations of A. virgata can survive. A vigorous A. virgata has been observed within three meters of a clearcut (Carver 1991) , and at least one population occurs in a stand which was thinned. Allotropa virqata due to its underground perennating buds withstands ground fires which do not affect the overstory (Lichthardt and Mancuso 1991) . A large, live specimen of Allotropa virqata is an eye-catching plant. Undoubtedly one of the showiest members of the Ericaceae (Heath Family) , the common name for this plant, candystick or sugarstick, gives an instant picture. When alive the stem is red (sometimes pink to reddish-brown) and white (to off-white) striped like a candy cane. The species is achlorophyllous (lacking in chlorophyll) so there is not a hint of green in any part of the plant. Even though A. virqata is quite distinctive, there are at least two other species and one genus which can be confused with A. virqata . at least from a distance. Allotropa virqata is 2-18 inches tall, with small upward-pointed leaves held close to the stem, running from the base to under each flower. The flowers lack petals, are composed of five sepals, and stick straight out from the stem. Two other achlorophyllous members of the Ericaceae, pinesap (Hypopitys monotropa) and pinedrops (Pterospora andromedea) are frequently found in the same habitat as A. virqata . Hypopitys monotropa is usually yellowish overall, but can sometimes have a pinkish or brownish cast particularly late in the season. The flowers of H. monotropa are four-parted and have petals. The entire inflorescence is bent over during flowering but becomes erect during fruit development. Pterospora andromedea is often much taller (up to 40 inches) and has a deep reddish-brown, glossy, fuzzy appearance due to a covering of sticky, glandular hairs. The five-lobed corolla is pendulous from a short, slender stem. One other group of plants which from a distance resemble A. virqata is the genus Corallorhiza . These orchids are immediately identifiable on closer inspection, but the purplish to reddish- brown color of the entire plant often lures an investigator closer. Allotropa virqata begins surfacing as early as June, and continues into September. Plants may bear both new and old stems, or be composed entirely of either new or old stems. July and August are the peak flov/ering months, although plants may not flower (i.e. surface) every year (Lichthardt and Mancuso 1991). Theoretically this would allow the plant to partition resources to flowering and seed production one year and underground perennating buds the next (Lichthardt and Mancuso 1991) . The main pollinators are bumblebees (Psithyrus insularis and Bombus mixtus) (Roe 1992) . After fruit set, the plant eventually fades to an overall dark reddish-brown. Old stems may last over one or two (or perhaps more) winters, and appear dark reddish-brown to black and crumbly in comparison to the latest season's crop. The seeds are minute (perhaps less than 20 cells), numerous, and wind-dispersed. Due to their small size, they lack nutrient reserves, and probably must establish their mycorrhizal association immediately upon germination (Lichthardt and Mancuso 1991) . Although grazing does not present a serious threat, a few stems in most large populations are eaten. Moose were observed close to a plant which had four live stems grazed. Carver (1991) reported that elk and deer tracks were seen in stem groups which were heavily grazed. Population size in Allotropa virgata is quite variable. Of the 31 known sites in Montana, 29 have some population data. If an arbitrary population size category (small = <25 plants and/or 50 stems; medium - <100 plants and/or 300 stems; large = >100 plants and 300 stems) is used with some flexibility, about one-half (14) of the populations are small, one-third (10) are of medium size, and one-fifth (5) are large. A major problem in estimating populations of A. virgata is what to count: plants or stems. Much of A. virgata ' s growth goes on beneath the ground. The species is clonal, and spreads by rhizomes, bearing adventitious buds on its far-reaching root system (Lichthardt and Mancuso 1991) . When a bud develops into a new root crown, the connection with the old root crown is severed and a new "plant" although genetically identical to the "old" plant is formed (Lichthardt and Mancuso 1991) . Such ramets (independent individuals formed vegetatively from the same genetic individual) may be up to one meter apart (Lichthardt and Mancuso 1991) . Thus the problem of counting unique genetic individuals becomes realistically impractical. Usually stems or groups of stems are more or less separated in space, and can be considered "plants" for the purpose of tallying individuals. Probably for demographic studies, live stem counts are the most reliable with number of plants estimated as additional information, thus lessening investigator bias concerning the concept of what constitutes a "plant". METHODS The purpose of this study was to conduct field searches for additional populations of Allotropa virgata on the Beaverhead and Deerlodge National Forests. Areas of potential habitat were selected either by knowledgeable individuals (John Joy on the Deerlodge NF) or using a combination of aerial photographs, 7.5' uses topographic maps, and staff expertise (Quinn Carver and Jeff Jones on the Beaverhead NF) . Lodgepole pine-grouse whortleberry plant associations appear light and coarse-grained in aerial photographs, and are easy to discern from the other forest habitats (Carver 1991) . Also A. virgata occurs on more gently sloping, rounded topographic features rather than on features with steep and sharp edges, at least in the Bitterroot Mountains of the Beaverhead National Forest. Selected sites were surveyed during 13, 15-18 July 1992 on the Deerlodge National Forest, and 11-13, 31 August - 2 September 1992 on the Beaverhead National Forest. Random meander through such sites was used to reach areas of high quality habitat more rapidly. When Allotropa virqata was located, the area was searched until no more individuals were located, or the time constraints prevented further survey. For all Allotropa virqata populations, an exact tally of number of stems, both live and dead, as well as estimated number of plants, was obtained. For the purposes of the survey, a "plant" was considered to be any cluster of one or more live and/or dead stems within at least one foot of each other. For each plant, numbers of live and/or dead stems were recorded with the exception of the first population encountered on the Deerlodge National Forest before the methodology had solidified. RESULTS Four new sites for Allotropa virqata were discovered on the Beaverhead National Forest, and two populations not seen since 1976 were relocated on the Deerlodge National Forest (see Appendix for detailed population information, maps, and photographs) . This brings total number of sites on the Beaverhead National Forest to eight (this does not include Carver's 1992 data), while the total on the Deerlodge National Forest remains at three. A total of 184 plants with 632 stems (299 live and 333 dead) were observed on the Beaverhead National Forest during this study. The following table provides a more detailed explanation. For site specific data, refer to Appendix 1. # of plants # of live stems # of dead stems 79 163 61 162 44 136 171 299 total live stems 333 total dead stems 184 total plants 632 total stems The two relocated populations on the Deerlodge National Forest had a total of 176 plants with 560 stems (200 live and 360 dead) Of these 176 plants, 65 had only live stems, 93 had only dead stems, and 18 had both live and dead stems on the same plant. For the first population surveyed on the Deerlodge National Forest, a count was not made of number and type of stems per plant. For more detailed information concerning each site, refer to Appendix 1. A total of 3355 acres were surveyed, Allotropa virqata was found on 205 acres, or slightly over 6% of the area surveyed. However of the acreage where A. virqata was not found, the species may occur there. As has been previously mentioned. A, virqata does not surface every year. Thus areas surveyed with negative results may require an additional survey before actions are undertaken which could harm the species. See Appendix 2 for areas which were surveyed with negative results. DISCUSSION Although Allotropa virqata often occurs in harsh, low productivity sites, these sites still provide stands of harvestable timber. Removal of canopy trees upon which A. virqata depends through its mycorrhizal fungal associate for survival, extirpates A. virqata from that site. The same is true of a stand-destroying fire. Although a few trees may be selectively removed from a stand (such as the aforementioned thinning on the Beaverhead National Forest) without apparent impact on the population, the exact number of trees which may be extracted is not known. Due to Allotropa virqata ' s more or less biennial flowering schedule and its rhizomatous root system with perennating buds, the above ground stems may be few or none in number. Although this may permit the plant to partition energy resources to vegetative reproduction one year and sexual the next as well as allow the plant to escape ground fires, it does not help field staff in determining whether or not the plant is present at a particular site. CONCLUSION Allotropa virqata should continue to be categorized as Sensitive by the U.S. Forest Service in Regions 1 and 4. Although the plant is now known from many localities in Montana and Idaho, the total area covered by this disjunct group of populations is still rather small. It is possible also that this disjunct group represents a different genotype as compared to those plants in the main part of the range. The Montana Natural Heritage Program will rerank this species as G4S2S3. This intermediate rank represents the high population numbers (S3 - found locally in a restricted range) , but is moderated by the threat of timber harvest to these populations (S2 - vulnerable to extinction within the state due to threat) . Because Allotropa virgata does not always appear above ground in any given year, a single-year clearance survey will not always be an accurate representation of the extent or even presence of the species at a site. Sites judged as good potential habitat should be surveyed during two consecutive years to determine population extent and species presence. A Northern Rockies Conservation Strategy should be written for Allotropa virgata to address all populations in both Montana and Idaho. Data should be gathered from all sources, including each forests' surveys, monitoring plans, biological evaluations, etc. This plan should present information concerning critical requirements of the species, and give guidelines to managers to help them make decisions about impacts to the species and its habitat. Several representative sites with large, healthy meta-populations should be set aside and protected from any current or future threats. These sites should comprise large enough tracts to encompass many small sub-populations, avoid edge effects, provide additional suitable habitat for future colonization, and ameliorate the effects of large-scale habitat disturbance such as stand-destroying fire. Monitoring should continue and be expanded to investigate the long-term viability of the species which should be the basis of any conservation effort. Population age structure, growth, recruitment, size, and distribution both spatially and temporally, are extremely important in determining abundance and distribution of the species, and will be the ultimate means of theorizing how these populations will react to changes in their habitat. LITERATURE CITED Carver, Q. 1991. Sensitive Plants Final Report 1991. Beaverhead National Forest, Wisdom Ranger District, Wisdom, Montana. 5+ pp. Castellano, M. A. and J. M. Trappe. 1985. Mycorrhizal associations of five species of Monotropoideae in Oregon. Mycologia 77:499-502. Kratz, A. 1989. Allotropa virgata: Summary of 1989 Fieldwork. Lolo National Forest, Missoula, Montana. 2 pp. Lichthardt, J. and M. Mancuso. 1991. Report of the Conservation Status of Allotropa virgata (candystick) on the Nez Perce National Forest. I. Field Survey and First- and Second-year Monitoring Results. Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Boise. 16 pp. plus 10 appendices. Roe, L. S, 1992. Status Review of Allotropa virgata on the Bitterroot and Deerlodge National Forests, Montana. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena. 46 pp. Steele, R. and P. F. Stickney. 1974. Allotropa virgata (Ericaceae) , First Records for Montana and Idaho. Madrono 22:27. 10 APPENDIX 1 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORDS LOCATIONS ON 7 . 5 • USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS PHOTOGRAPHS OF SPECIES AND HABITAT 11 Figure 1 . Occurrences of Allotropa virgata in Montana Allotropa site Scale = 1:700,000 MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Allotropa virgata Occurrence 001 Survey site name: EO rank: EO rank comments: HELM CREEK B MODERATELY LARGE POPULATION WITH MORE THAN A THIRD OF THE STEMS LIVE; ADJACENT TO CLEARCUT WHICH MAY AFFECT THE PLANTS IN THE FUTURE, BUT PROTECTS IT FROM FURTHER CUTTING, County: GRANITE USGS quadrangle: MAUKEY GULCH Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 005N 016W 21 NE4 Survey date: First observation: Last observation: 1992-07-18 Elevation: 6640 -6800 1976 Slope/aspect: 30% / EAST 1992-07-18 Size (acres) : 20 Location: EAST FLANK OF SAPPHIRE MOUNTAINS, ON THE EAST SLOPE OF AND 1.8 AIR •MILES SOUTHEAST OF MOUNT EMERINE PEAK. FROM THE JUNCTION OF FS RDs ?I5060 AND 5070, GO NORTH CA. 3 MILES. SITE IS ON WEST SIDE OF ROAD, ABOVE CLEARCUT. Element occurrence data: 1992: 83 PLANTS TOTAL: 11 WITH LIVE AND DEAD STEMS; 33 WITH LIVE STEMS ONLY; AND 39 WITH DEAD STEMS ONLY (274 TOTAL STEMS, 99 LIVE AND 175 DEAD) . 90% IN FLOWER, 5% IN FRUIT, 5% IN BUD. 4 DEAD STEMS HAD BEEN GRAZED. 1976: SINGLE PLANT. General site description: OPEN PINUS PONDEROSA-VACCINIUM SCOPARIUM COMMUNITY, CA. 25% BARE GROUND; SILTY, GRAVELLY, GRANITE-DERIVED SOIL, WITH XEROPHYLLUM TENAX, CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA, HYPOPITHYS MONOTROPA. Land owner/manager: DEERLODGE NATIONAL FOREST, PHILIPSBURG RANGER DISTRICT Comments : Information source: POOLE, J. M. 1992. [FIELD SURVEYS TO SAPPHIRE AND ANACONDA RANGES, DEERLODGE NATIONAL FOREST, OF JULY 13, 15-18.] MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Allotropa virgata Occurrence # 028 Survey site name: MAY CREEK RIDGE EO rank: BC EO rank comments: SMALL POPULATION WITH WIDELY SCATTERED INDIVIDUALS, SOME HUMAN DISTURBANCE. County: BEAVERHEAD USGS quadrangle: ELK CREEK Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 002S 018W 23 NW4NE4,NE4NW4 Survey date: 1992-08-11 Elevation: 6480 -6720 First observation: 1992-08-11 Slope/aspect: 0-20% /E AND PREDOMINANTLY S Last observation: 1992-08-11 Size (acres): 35 Location: BITTERROOT MOUNTAINS, RIDGE NORTH OF MAY CREEK AND WEST OF MAY CREEK CAMPGROUND (CA. 18 MILES WEST OF WISDOM ON HIGHWAY 43.) FROM CAMPGROUND, TAKE TRAIL ACROSS CREEK AND HEAD UP RIDGE. ^lament occurrence data: IN 1992, THERE WERE 28 PLANTS (12 WITH 22 LIVE STEMS, 7 WITH 15 DEAD STEMS, AND 9 WITH 33 LIVE AND 38 DEAD STEMS), 108 TOTAL STEMS (55 LIVE AND 53 DEAD STEMS) ; 99% IN FRUIT, 1% IN FLOWER, 4 OF THE DEAD STEMS HAD BEEN GRAZED. General site description: PONDEROSA PINE - GROUSE WHORTLEBERRY PLANT ASSOCIATION; DRY, GRAVELLY, SANDY SOIL ON MIDSLOPE OF ROLLING UPLANDS; PARTIAL SHADE EXPOSURE. MANY DOWNED TREES, SOME BARE GROUND, CANOPY SOMEWHAT OPEN; FIRE-SCARRED AND BLACKENED TRUNKS. WITH CAREX GEYERI , ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI, CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA, LUPINUS SERICEUS, BERBERIS REPENS , HYPOPITYS MONOTROPA, CORALLORHIZA MACULATA, ARNICA CORDIFOLIA, EPILOBIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM, PINUS ALBA, PSEUDOTSUGA MENZIESII, VACCINIUM SCOPARIUM, PINUS CONTORTA. Land owner/manager: BEAVERHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, WISDOM RANGER DISTRICT Comments : MYCORHIZAL SYMBIOSIS, EVIDENCE OF GRAZING BY MAMMALIAN HERBIVORES. Information source: POOLE, J. M. 1992. [MTNHP FIELD SURVEY TO BITTERROOT AND PIONEER MOUNTAINS OF AUG. 11-13, 31 AND SEPT. 2.] MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Allotropa virgata Occurrence # 029 Survey site name: EO rank: EO rank comments: GORY CREEK C SMALL POPULATION ABOVE THINNED PINUS PONDEROSA STAND, SURROUNDED BY CLEARCUTS . County: BEAVERHEAD USGS quadrangle: ISAAC MEADOWS Township: Range: Section; TRS 003S 017W 09 SE4 Survey date: : 1992- -08 -12 First observation: : 1992- -08 -12 Last observation: : 1992- -08 -12 TRS comments: SE4SE4, 16NW4SE4SE4 Elevation: 6800 -6900 Slope/aspect: 30% / SOUTHEAST Size (acres) : 10 Location : BITTERROOT MOUNTAINS, NORTH OF ISAAC MEADOWS, WEST OF RUBY CREEK AND SOUTH OF GORY CREEK, CA . 2.1 AIR MILES NORTHWEST OF 1120 RANCH. FROM FS RD ?J9451 BELOW GORY CREEK, HEAD THROUGH THINNED PINUS PONDEROSA ^ STAND NORTHWEST UP SLOPE. Element occurrence data: 34 PLANTS (15 LIVE PLANTS WITH 34 STEMS, 13 DEAD PLANTS WITH 2 3 STEMS AND 6 PLANTS WITH 21 LIVE AND 13 DEAD STEMS) ; 91 TOTAL STEMS (55 LIVE AND 36 DEAD) , ALL IN FRUIT. 1 LIVE STEM GRAZED. General site description: PINUS PONDEROSA-VACCINIUM SCOPARIUM ASSOCIATION; DRY, GRAVELLY, SILTY SANDY SLOPES, OPEN TO FAIRLY DENSE CANOPY, LITTLE BARE GROUND. SOME DOWNED TREES AND EVIDENCE OF PAST FIRE, WITH CALAMAGROSTIS RUBESCENS, LUPINUS SERICEUS, SPIRAEA BETULIFOLIA, PTEROSPORA ANDROMEDA, ALNUS VIRIDIS, HYPOPITYS MONOTROPA, CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA, HIERACIUM ALBIFLORUM, PSEUDOTSUGA MENZIESII, EPILOBIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM, PYROLA ASARIFOLIA, ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI. Land owner/manager: BEAVERHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, WISDOM RANGER DISTRICT Comments : Information source: POOLE, J. M. 1992. [FIELD SURVEYS TO SAPPHIRE AND ANACONDA RANGES, DEERLODGE NATIONAL FOREST, OF JULY 13, 15-18.] MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Allotropa virgata • Occurrence # 030 Survey site name: BOBCAT LAKES TRAIL EO rank: C EO rank comments: SMALL POPULATION WITH WIDELY-SCATTERED INDIVIDUALS; SOME PLANTS BESIDE TRAIL. County: BEAVERHEAD USGS quadrangle: ODELL LAKE Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 003S 013W 02 S2NE4, 3S2NE4 Survey date: 1992-08-31 Elevation: 7020 -7760 First observation: 1992-08-31 Slope/aspect: 5-45% / S-N, MOSTLY EAST Last observation: 1992-08-31 Size (acres) : 30 Location : PIONEER MOUNTAINS, CA . 14 AIR MILES EAST OF WISDOM AND CA . 2.3 AIR MILES NORTH OF LOWER SKULL CREEK MEADOW. GO UP THE BOBCAT LAKES TRAIL FROM ITS JUNCTION WITH THE LACY CREEK TRAIL; SITE IS IN TRAIL VICINITY ^ CA. 0.2-1.0 MILES FROM JUNCTION. Element occurrence data: 20 PLANTS (3 WITH 11 LIVE AND 7 DEAD STEMS, 8 WITH 12 LIVE STEMS AND 9 WITH 27 DEAD STEMS) ; 57 STEMS (23 LIVE AND 34 DEAD) , 95% IN FRUIT, 5% IN FLOWER, 4 LIVE STEMS GRAZED WITH MOOSE OBSERVED NEARBY. General site description: PARTIALLY TO VERY OPEN PINUS PONDEROSA-VACCINIUM SCOPULARUM ASSOCIATION, MUCH DEAD WOOD AND LITTER IN SOME AREAS; DRY, SILTY OR GRAVELLY-SILTY SOIL, WITH SHEPERDIA CANADENSIS, SPIRAEA BETULIFOLIA, CALAMAGROSTIS RUBESCENS, CAREX GEYERI , HIERACIUM ALBIFLORUM, ARCTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI, HYPOPITYS MONOTROPA, LUPINUS SERICEUS, AND ABIES LASIOCARPA. Land owner/manager: BEAVERHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, WISE RIVER RANGER DISTRICT Comments : Information source: POOLE, J. M. 1992. [FIELD SURVEYS TO SAPPHIRE AND ANACONDA RANGES, DEERLODGE NATIONAL FOREST, OF JULY 13, 15-18.] MONTANA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Allotropa virqata Occurrence # 031 Survey site name: STEVENSON CREEK TRAIL EO rank: AB EO rank comments: MODERATELY LARGE POPULATION ALONG HEAVILY-USED ERODING TRAIL; CLEARCUTS NEARBY. County: BEAVERHEAD USGS quadrangle: ELK CREEK Tov/nship: Range: Section: TRS comments: 002S 018W 24 S2NW4,NE4SW4,E2SE4 Survey date: 1992-09-02 Elevation: 6600 -7400 First observation: 1992-09-02 Slope/aspect: 5-25% / W-N, MOSTLY NW Last observation: 1992-09-02 Size (acres) : 60 Location: BITTERROOT MOUNTAINS, SOUTH OF MAY CREEK CAMPGROUND. FROM WISDOM GO WEST CA. 18 MILES ON HIGHWAY 43 TO STEVENSON CREEK TRAIL; SITE IS FROM CA. 0.2 TO 1.0 MILES SOUTHEAST OF CAMPGROUND. jpiement occurrence data: 102 PLANTS (26 WITH 71 LIVE AND 113 DEAD STEMS, 44 WITH 95 LIVE STEMS, AND 32 WITH 107 DEAD STEMS), 376 STEMS TOTAL (166 LIVE AND 210 DEAD). 6 LIVE STEMS AND 1 DEAD STEM GRAZED. 10% IN FLOWER, 90% IN FRUIT. General site description: OPEN TO VERY OPEN PINUS PONDEROSA-VACCINIUM SCOPARIUM ASSOCIATION WITH A SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF PSEUDOTSUGA MENZIESII. MUCH OPEN GROUND, LITTER AND DEAD WOOD; DRY SILTY SLOPING RIDGE, EVIDENCE OF PAST FIRE, WITH LICHENS, SPIRAEA BETULIFOLIA, CALAMAGROSTIS RUBESCENS, VACCINIUM GLOBULARE, CAREX GEYERI , HYPOPITYS MONOTROPA, CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA, ANTENNARIA SP., XEROPHYLLUM TENAX AND EPILOBIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM. Land owner/manager: BEAVERHEAD NATIONAL FOREST, WISDOM RANGER DISTRICT Comments: Information source: POOLE, J. M. 1992. [FIELD SURVEYS TO SAPPHIRE AND ANACONDA RANGES, DEERLODGE NATIONAL FOREST, OF JULY 13, 15-18.] APPENDIX 2 AREAS SURVEYED WITH NEGATIVE RESULTS Deerlodge National Forest George Lake area - 13 July 1992 T4N R14W SECTION 18 NE^iNW^,, E^SE^NW^ T4N R14W SECTION 7 NW^SW^sSW^i T4N R15W SECTION 13 N'-sNW^SE^, SE^4SW^NE^, NW^SE^sNE^, W'^NE^NE^^ T4N R15W SECTION 12 S'iSE^4SE^, NE^4SE^SE^ Big Spring and Dexter Creek area - 15 July 1992 T4N R15W SECTION 23 SWiSE^iNE^, NW^NE^SE^, E^jSW^NE^SE^ , SE^^NEJjSE^,, NE^SE^SEJj, E^2SEi5SE^4SE^ T4N R15W SECTION 24 ]/^hSV}hSVI\ T4N R15W SECTION 26 S^SW^SE^ T4N R15W SECTION 25 ^/^hUV^hli^^h , NE^SW^NW^ T4N R15W SECTION 35 NW^^NE^, N^sSW^NE^, NE^SE^NW^, E^2NE^4NW^ Meyers Creek area - 16 July 1992 T3N R16W SECTION 3 E^^SE^^NEJ? T4N R16W SECTION 35 W'iSW^4SW^ , NW^SWij, NW^^NE^SWij, E^SE^NW^, NW'4SW^4NE^, NWJjNE^, NW^NE^NE^ T4N R16W SECTION 26 SW^NE^ Whetstone Ridge area - 17 July 1992 T3N R16W SECTION 6 S^jSE^SEij, SW^SE^, SE^SW^?, N?^SW^SW^4, S'jNW^SW^, NW^iNW^SW^i, W^SW^iNW^ , SWijNW^NW'i, NW^NW^SE^ T3N R16W SECTION 7 NEiiNW^^NE^, T3N R17W SECTION 1 E^jNE^SE^, E^jSE^NE^ Helm Creek area - 18 July 1992 T5N R16W SECTION 33 NWijNW^, NEJ^SE^^iNWJi T5N R16W SECTION 28 W^-^SE^, SE^SW^jNE^, NW^SE^^NE^, E^^NEJiNE^ T5N R16W SECTION 21 W^sSE^jSE^, W^sNE^SE^, SE^4NE^ , SE^, SEiiNW^NE^, Sl^NE^NE^ BEAVERHEAD NATIONAL FOREST Ridge north of Sawpit Ridge, Badger Ridge, and ridge between - 12 August 1992 T3S R17W SECTION 15 W^^NW^, T3S R17W SECTION 16 SE'iNEJ?, S^^^NE^^NE^, NE^NE^NE^ T3S R17W SECTION 9 SE^SE^SE^, N55SE?^NE^4, SW^NE^NE^?, E!5NW^NE^4, NW5}NW^4NE^ T3S R17W SECTION 10 NW^NW^ 12 T3S R17W SECTION 4 SW^sSW^SE^, SE^4SW^, NE^SW^SW^-^, NE^NW^SW^SW^, SWJ^NWJ^SW^,, SE^NE'^, NJjSW^NE^, SJ^NW^NE^, NE^NW^, NJsNW^iNW^ T3S R17W SECTION 5 W'-jNE^NE^, EJjNW^NE^, NW^SE^^NE^^, E^jSW^NE^, S'iSW^NE^, N^sNE^^SE^ T2S R17W SECTION 33 SW^SW^4SW^ T2S R17W SECTION 32 S^sSE^SE^,, SE^SWJjSE^? Ridge north of Butler Creek - 13 August 1992 T2S R17W SECTION 27 E^sNE^NE^, SE^NE^, SE^SE^SW^, W^^SW^^SE^,, S^jNW^SE^?, WJ^.NE^SE^ T2S R17W SECTION 28 SE^SEh, N^sSW^SE^, S^^NW^SE^, NE^^SW^, Ei^NW^SW^ T2S R17W SECTION 33 NE^NE'5NE^4NEJ5 T2S R17W SECTION 34 NWJsNWi; , NW^NE^NW^^ Bobcat Lakes trail - 31 August 1992 T3S R13W SECTION 2 NW^^NW^SE??, NE^^NE^SW^ T3S R13W SECTION 3 S'jSW^NE^, S'^NW^s Swamp Creek road. Twin Lakes Campground and road, Big Lake Creek pack trail 1 September 1992 T5S R17W SECTION 26 W^SE^, S'iNE^SW^, N^^SE^SW^, T5S R17W SECTION 10 NW'4 T5S R17W SECTION 9 N^jNE^,, N'-sNW^ T5S R17W SECTION 8 NE'iNE^ Stevenson Creek trail - 2 September 1992 T2S R18W SECTION 24 SE^SW^4SE^, SW^SW^SE^SE^4 , NW^4SW^4NW^, SW^NW^NW^, T2S R18W SECTION 2 5 NE^4NE^ 13 REPORT SLIDES DEERLODGE NF «hi dtfZ. j;»A<« M. Ai/<_ AUtiyf* "'C?"^ .^02. ^ 7//0/fZ. 4/l*h*p* \fi'y'^^ ^'' ;7>«it/< M. /We. J^/ltfr*/) * •"f^*^ <'<' 2. ^tf»p< >f>^^ **' (TiHi.* *«. A«/» cr«i,# /»«• >i#/« 7itt/ll. BEAVERHEAD NF 4Uihtf< "'ff*''* W/ :T»tAH.u-hU* A/U-tr,0* firj*f^ Oil t/lLllt- U»t.i" l-Atic Alh-ffp*. \/if4 */• <»JP TiU* *. /v./"* ^ UrH Ainu tfindnt ^ (y^c/^ie /^- fool^ : f\Hcrhrcpa. vir^t^M. oe>l c^^/^/^. A/e Oo ^^ ^ § ^ o^ ^ XJa.dc^t/V.Poblt. /^llo-hrop^ /('O'^tT^ 031 N^ ^ i Vi,a^:t /^. PooU MONTANA STATE This "cover" page added by the Internet Archive for formatting purposes