UC-NRLF 4 w LIBRARY OF THK University of California. Mrs. SARAH P. WALSWORTH. Received October, i8g4. Accessions No. S^y^rS^ Class No, 0 ■y, Digitized by the Internet Archive , ^^ in 2007 with funding from ^; IVIicrosoft Corporation http://vvww:archive.org/details/americaneditiono12nichrich ""^ '^^ '^*, ^^ - .^^--y ARTS & SCIENCES illustraledbj upwards ofl80degant Engravings PHILAI^ELFHIA / /^f /y^^^^^f ^/%^^ {:^///ii//y IVI Bi-owii Prin t er , ISIS AMERICAN EDITION OF THE BRITISH ENCYCLOPEDIA. OR DICTIONARY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. COMPRISING AN ACCURATE AND POPULAR VIEW OF THE PRESENT IMPROVED STATE OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE. BY WILLMM mCHOLSOJV, Author and Proprietor of the Philosophical Journal, and various other Chemical, Philosoi^cal, and Mathematical Works. ILLUSTRATED WITH UPWARDS OF 180 ELEGANT ENGRAVINGS. VOL. XII. SUR ZYG. THILADELPHIA : PUBLISHED BY mTCHELL, AMES, AND WHITR William Brown, Printer. I8;^l ^^•^ Of TBDI UHIVSRSITT] A£5 v,/;l ssytft SURGERY. likely to allay the constitutional irritation. He must then wait until the operations of nature have separated the sloughs caus- ed by the urine, endeavouring", however, to introduce an elastic catheter, where he should allow it to remain. Poultices, fomentations, and the warm bath, should be resorted to, if there are any appear- ances of inflammation ; and abscesses, or accumulations of urine, should be open- ed early and freely. Incontinence of vrine. Sometimes this fluid dribbles away without any sensation of the patient. Here paralysis of the bladder is the cause, and may be induced in various ways, as from injuries of the spine, over distension of the organ, &c. In the latter case, the urine should be carefully drawn off at regular intervals ; cold bathing, bark, blistering the sacrum or perineum, electricity, tincture of can- tharides internally, &c. will be of service. Sometimes the patient can hold his urine to a certain degree, when an irre- sistible propensity. to evacuate it comes on. Here irritability of the bladder is the cause, and may be induced by bad piles, fistula in ano, &,c. Opium, the \varmbath, fomentations, diluting drinks, &.C. may be resorted to when no obvious cause appears. Imperforate vagina. Sometimes the la- bia have their opposed surfaces grown together, leaving perhaps merely a small opening, through which the urine is im- perfectly discharged, but marked with a line, showing the proper distinction. This may be congenital, or the effect of disease. Sometimes a thia membrane closes both the meatus urinarius and va- gina in newly born children. In both these cases the use of the knife is neces- sary ; and lint should be interposed be- tween the divided surfaces. There is another form of the same mal-formation, in which the vagina alone is closed ; and no symptoms appear until puberty, when the menstrual discharge does not How. The uterus swells, and at last a kind of labour pains comes on. Here the mem- brane miist be divided to discharge the accumulated menses, and the edges of the cut kept asunder. Imperforate amis. The part may either be closed by a membrane, or be too con- tracted to allow the feces to be evacuated. It may be rightly formed at its outer ])art, but terminate in a cul desac; or tliere may be no vestige whatever of anus. In the first species, a divi.sion of the m^em- braneis the remedy ; and in the second, a dilatation of the contracted part by the VOL. VI. crooked bistoury. If an obstnietion should be discovered within the gut, it may be perforated with the trochar, in- troduced according to the course of the intestine. The latter species is attended with very httle hope of saving life. The surgeon may cut in the situation of the anus, and follow his dissection along the sacrum, in order to find the end of the gut, which, when found, should be punc- tured. Fistula in ano. Any formation of mat- ter near the anus is very likely to termi- nate in this complaint; the suppuration extends in the fat and cellular substance round the rectum, and sinuses form, hav- ing small external apertures, and seldom healing without an op'^ration. The com- mencement of the disorder may be a phlegnkonous abscess, attended with con- siderable sympathetic fever; or it may have a more erysipelatous character, spreading more widely, being more su- perficial, and attended with depression of the powers of the constitution. The former is seen in young, strong, and healthy subjects; the latter in weakened, intemperate, and unhealthy constitutions. The parts in the neighbourhood of the disease are often affected ; and henee re- tention of urine, strangury, j^rolapsus and tenesmus, piles, &c. are produced. The complaint sometimes begins in an indu- ration of the skin near tiic anus without pain. This hardness gi-aduajly softens and suppurates. The matter may either point in the buttock, at a distance from the anus, or near this latter part, or in the perineum. It muy escape from one open- ing, or from several. Sometimes there is not only an external aperture, but ano- ther internal one, communicating with the cavity of the intestine. A soft poultice and fomentations are the best means of treating these abscess- es ; which, if they are phlegmonous, should not be opened until the skin has become thin ; but, when they are of the erysipelatous kind, should be punctured immediately, to prevent any further ex- tension of the malady. The general treatment must correspond with the na- ture of the constitutional disturbance. In all abscesses about the anus, the incision should comjn'ehend all the skin covering the matter, as the cavity is then most likely to fill up from the bottom. The dressing should be small in quantity, light, and unirritating. If, however, the case passes into a fistula, it will be neces- sary to make it an open wound by cutting SURGERY hollow to the amiij. A probe having been introduced at the external opening of the fistula, serves as a vUrector for the prube-pointed knife, wliich will be felt in the rectiun by the surgeon's left fore finger. If the fistula should not have pe- netrated the gut, the bistoury should be pushed through its side. The probe may now be withdrawn, and the operation completed by bringing the knife out with its point applied to the finger which was in the intestme ; and thus all between the edge of tlie knife and the anus must be divided. A soft piece of lint should now be placed in the wownd, and remain un- til it is loosened by suppuration, and all the future dressings should be mild and unirritating. The callosities, of which surgeons have complained so much in these cases, arise from injudicious treat- ment, and particularly from the use of caustic and stimulating applications. Prolapsus aui. The internal coat of fhe gut may f>e protruded through the sphincter ; or a portion of the intestine with all its coats may descend. Causes which weaken the sphincter, and such as force the intestine downwards, contri- bute to this affection. Costiveness, te- nesmus kept up by hemorrhoids, as- carides, fistula in ano, stone, &c. are of this kind. I'he cause should be removed when that is practicable. The gut must be replaced, but previously clysters, fo- mentations and poultices, or leeches, and cold washes, are necessary. Horizontal posture, and avoiding costiveness, are very important points. A compress and bandage may be necessary to retain the replaced gut ; and astringent clysters have been advised. If the protruded part has become indurated, thickened, and painful, and will not admit of reduc- tion, it may be extirpated. Sometimes an introsusception, commencing at the caecum, has protruded at the anus. This case is quite beyond the powers of art. Prolapsus, inversion and retrovevsio uteriy are considered under the article Miu- WIFJERY. IITHOTOMT. The existence of a stone in the blad- der causes various symptoms in the blad- der itself, and others in neighbouring parts. The former are frequent incli- nation to void the urine, which some- times stops suddenly from the stone me- chanically obstructing its passage ; pain in making water, and particularly after the discharge, from the bladder contract- ing on the foreign body; mucus, and sometimes blood in the urine, and pain on exercise. The latter are an uneasiness and itching at the end of the penis, lead- ing the person to draw and elongate the prepuce ; sense of weight in the perineum; tenesmus ; numbness of the thighs, &c. These symptoms come on in fits. In order to ascertain the fact, a solid steel instru- ment, shaped hke a catheter, and called. a sound, is introduced into the bladder, where its point, meeting the stone, gives decided information to the surgeon. It must be moved in various directions after its introduction, as it may not immediate- ly or easily come in contact with the stone. The operation should never be performed, unless the stone can be plainly felt before the operation : the rectum should be pre- viously emptied, but it is more advanta- geous for the bladder to be full. The patient is to be placed with his pelvis at the edge of a table, and the staff intro- duced into the bladder. The thighs and legs are then bent so as to enable him to grasp the soles of the feet with his hands, and the limbs are retained in this position by broad garters, doubled and placed by means of a noose round the wrists, carri- ed over the back of the hand, and inside of the foot; then brought up again, and continued round the wrist and ankle, and firmly tied. The staff is shaped like a sound or catheter, and has a groove for conducting a cutting instrument into the bladder. An assistant standing on the patient's right side holds the handle ot the staff with one hand, making its con- vexity project in the perineum, and draws aside the scrotum with the other. An in- cision should be made through the integu- ments, commencing on the left side of the raphe of the perineum, just opposite to the membranous part of the urethra, and continued obliquely downwards and outwards for about three inches betweew the anus and ischium. The transversalis perinei should then be cut through, and the membranous part of the urethra free- ly opened, so as to expose the groove of the staf?". The beak of the gorget is now introduced into the groove, ami the ope- rator takes the handle of the staff into his left hand, holding the gorget in his right. He then thrusts the gorget into the blad- der, keeping its beak in close contact with the groove of the staff, and bringing the handle of the latter instrument downwards and forwards, in order to raise its point, and make its direction coincide with the axis of the bladder. The cutting edge of the gorget, by this mode of introduc- tion, divides the prostate gland and neck SURGERY. of the bladder. This instrument is used of various figures by different surgeons. The best perliaps is that in which the cut- ting edge of the instrument extends hori- zontally from its beak, from which it may be carried to the length of three quarters of an inch. A good anatomist may perform the operation with a scalpel, which nistru- ment will enable him to divide the parts with more exactness. The escape of the urine shows that the bladder is opened. The staff should now be withdrawn, and a proper pair of forceps passed along the concave surface of the gorget into the bladder, for the purpose of seizing and extracting the stone. This instrument is first employed as a probe to ascertain the position of the stone, which being accom- plished, the blades are to be expanded, and moved in such a direction as to grasp it ; and the instrument, very firmly held, may then be slowly withdrawn, being moved from side to side, in order to bring the foreign body through the wound. If the stone be very large, it may be expedi- ent to dilate the wound with a curved knife, or to break the stone in the blad- der, by means of forceps constructed for that purpose. In the latter case, and in instances where the stone is broken in the operation of extracting it, the bladder should be washed out with lukewarm wa- ter, to remove any small fragments. Careful examination with the finger is ne- cessary, to ascertain that nothing is left behind. A compress of lint, pledget, and T bandage, may be put on, but they are of little service, as the urine escapes through the wound. Since peritoneal in- flammation is the occurrence most to be feared after lithotomy, great attention to the state of the abdomen is required, and on the least indication of such a conse- quence, venesection, leeches, warm bath, warm fomentations, blisters, emollient clysters, and purgatives, should be resort- ed to, according to the symptoms. This mode of performing lithotomy is called the lateral operation ; it has been performed with an instrument called a li- thotome cache, instead of the gorget. This is a long narrow knife, concealed in a grooved instrument, which is passed into the bladder along the groove of the staff exposed in the way already describ- ed. A spring being then compressed, makes the knife rise out of the groove, and the instrument is withdrawn in this state, cutting the prostate and bladder as it recedes. In former times an opening has been made into the bladder above the pubes, particularly in young sub- jects ; this was called the high operation, but has long been disused. Spina bifida is a swelling situated on the spine of infants at the lime of birth. It consists of a sac, filled with an rqueous fluid, and composed of the integuments and the membranous sheath of the spinal marrow, protruding through a fissure caused by a deficiency in the bones. The subjects are generally weak; diarrhoea, paralytic state of the lower limbs, and ina- bility to retain the urine and feces, often attend. The tumour enlarges, inflames, and ulcerates, and then the patient dies ; but this occurrence takes place at differ- ent periods. No treatment has hitherto been of any service. Caries of the vertebrae. This is a disease of the spine, generally attended with a degree of curvature, and with a paralytic state of the lower limbs. It is most fre- quent in children, but not peculiar to them. The affection of the limbs is first observed. There is an unwillingness to move about, and the patient often trips and stumbles. The legs involuntarily cross each other. The power of directing the feet to any exact point is then lost, and the natural sensibility of the legs and thighs becomes much impaired. At this time there is usually a more or less mark- ed bending of the spine forwards, occa- sioning an angular projection of the spi- nous processes. The general hj. Uh be- comes much affected, and the urine and feces are discharged involuntarily. The cause of all these complaints is the dis- eased state of the vertebrae, which are softened, and more or less absorbed, affecting the inclosed medulla spinalis. In the progress of the disorder the bodies of three or four vertebrae may be entirely destroyed, so as to lay bare the front of spinal marrow. We are indebted to Mr. Pott for proposing the only treatment that has ever afforded relief in this affection, viz. that of making an issue on each side of the diseased portion of the spine. This can be best accomplished with the calx cum kali puro. Several pieces of sticking plaster are to be stuck together, and a hole should then be cut in the mass, corresponding to the size of the intended issue. This is applied on the back, and a thin layer of the caustic placed in the hole, and covered by another piece of plaster. In four or five hours the plastet* should be removed, and a poultice appli- ed until the eschar separates. The issue is then filled with peas or beans, confined by adhesive plaster, over which pressure should be made, by firmly binding on » SURGERY l^iece of sheet lead. The issues must be kepi- open until the complaints have en- tiiely disappeared. AMPUTATION. In whatever part this isperformpd, tl)e surgeon's object is tlie same, viz. to save enough of the surrounding soft parts to cover the extremity of the bone, and enough of skin to cover the wijolc The stump is always treated as a wound which should be united by the lirst intention ; its sides are therefore brought together, and retained in apposition by straps of adhesive plaster, and appropriate banda- ges. By this, which is the improved me- thod of modern surgery, introduced by Mr. Alanson of Liverpool, the wound made by removing a thigh is often agglu- tinated in forty-eight hours, and the pa- tient consequently escapes the dreadful pain and irritation, and vehement sympa- thetic affection of the constitution, which almost invariably attended the old prac- tice of dressing the stump with dry lint as an open wound, and consequently healing by means of granulation and cicatrization, instead of adhesion. In amputation of the thigh, surgeons used to cut at once down to the bone, and saw that through ; but in order to save more soft parts, and thereby to avoid the pro- jection of the bone, which commonly at- tended that method, the double incision was devised ; by which the skin and mus- cles are divided separately. More diffi- culty is experienced liere than in any other amputation, in saving muscles enough to cover the bone, which, in this particular instance, is especially desirable, from the the pressure which the end of the stump must experience in supporting the weight of the body. The soimd leg should be lied to the table, and the tourniquet ap- plied on the inside of the thigh. Tlie limb should be cut off as near to the knee as possible. A circular incision should then be made by the surgeon, standing on the Outside of the limb, through the skin and adipous substance. The integu- ments should be drawn upwards by an assistant, and any cellular connection that prevents their retraction should be divi- ded. A cut should now be carried through the loose muscles, at the part to which the skin has been withdrawn, and when they have retracted, those which are fix- ed to the bone should be divided at the point to which the former had retracted, i'lie latter may be separated from the surface of the bone, for a short distance, by a common scalpel, to alio v/ of the bone being sawed higher up than it could be otherwise. Tliis part of the operation sl)ould toliow, tiie surface of the wound being kept out of the way of the saw, by- means of a retractor, which is a piece of linen somewhat broader than the stump, torn at one end, in its middle part, to the extent of about eight or ten inches. It ia applied by placing the exposed part of the bone in the sUt, and drawing the ends of the linen upward on each side of the stump. Besides defending the surface of the wound from the teeth of the saw, the retractor will undoubtedly enable the operator to saw the bone higher up than he otherwise could do. The femoral ar- tery should be drawn out by means of a pair of forceps, and tied separately ; other large arteries should also be secured, without including any of the surroimding soft parts. Smaller branches must be taken up with the tenaculum. It is ne- cessary to slacken the tourniquet, in or- der to discover the vessels. The wound should then be thoroughly cleansed from all coagulated blood, by means of a soft sponge and water, and one end of each ligature removed. The skin and muscles are now to be placed over the bone, in such a direction that the wound shall ap- pear only as a line across the face of the stump, with the angles at each side, from which the ligatures should be brought out. The skin is supported by long strips of adhesive plaster, applied at right an- gles to the line of union of the wound ; the Tigatures are guarded by lint spread with spermaceti-cerate ; and a linen roller is carried round from above downwards, two cross pieces having first been put over the end of the stump. The dressings should not be moved for four days. In amputatijig the leg, the bones should be sawn through, about four inches below the patela. The tourniquet is applied in the lower part of the thigh. After cutting through the skin, which should be drawn upwards, it must be reflected from the flat surface of the tibia, and front of the leg, so as to cover those parts which could not be covered by any large muscle- The calf is then to be cut through, by an oblique incision slanting upwards ; the rest of the muscles, and the interosseous hgament, should be divided by a double-edged knifej called a catlin, and the bones sawn, after the previous application of a double tailed retractor. In ainputating the arm, or for e-aivn, we should preserve as great a length of the limb as the case will allow. SURGERY imputation of the shoiiUler-jvint has been done in various ways. An incision should 'be carried tltroup;^li the skin and deltoid Hiuscle down to the bone, i'vom the front of the joint, a little below the clavicle, ob- liquely downwards and outwards. The deltoid sliould then be turned up so as to expose the head of the bone, which must be brought entirely into view, by dividing tlje orbicular ligament all round. One cut of an amputating knife will then separate the limb. The axillary artery should be immediately tied. This vessel must be firmly compressed, by an assistant, above the clavicles, during the whole of the ope- ration. The fngers and toes should be removed at their joints. Make a circular incision through the skin, about one third of an inch below the articulation; draw the integuments up, and cut through one la- teral ligament of the joint, which you can then dislocate. The remaining connec- tions are easily divided. Bring the skin together over the end of the bone. Ifyou arnputate at the first joint, make two cuts, one at the back, and the other towards the front; these must meet when the bone is removed. It is sometimes necessary to tie the arteries. Paronychia, or irhitlotv, is an abscess oc- curring about the nails, or still more deeply under the soft parts of the fingers. 3n the latter case, swelling of the arm, in- flammation of the lymphatics, and con- siderable constitutional disturbance, fre- quently attend. The complaint is always very painful, attended with great throb- bing ; and often terminating in the loss of the nail. We should, if possible, prevent suppuration, by the employment of local antiphlogistic means. If these do not suc- ceed, a soft poultice may be used, and the collection should be opened as soon as pos- sible. Venesection. When a vein is to be open- ed in any part of the body, pressure must be made on the vessel, between the place where the puncture is to be made and the heart. This prevents the return of blood through the vessel, makes it swell, and become conspicuous. As the sup- ply of blood is still continued through the arteries, the vein bleeds freely when it is opened; but care must be taken, particu- larly in the arm, not to apply the ligature so tightly as to stop the pulse. The ban- dage should be placed a little above the elbow, and the most prominent and con- spicuous vein may be opened ; excepting that if equally convenient, one would avoid tlie vessel lying over the brachial artery. The vein may be fixed by placing the thumb of the lek hand a little bo'Tow the place where it is designed to introduce the lancet. That instrument should be pushed obliquely into the vein, and when its point is a little within the cavity, the opening may be rendered sufficiently large by carrying the front edge forward and up- ward, so as to bring it out of the part. In many cases, where we wish to make a sud- den impression on the vascular system, we make the opening longer than usual, that the blood may be withdrawn more sudden- ly, and cause fanUing. The stream may be accelerated, by pulling the muscles of the fore-arm into action. It stops when the ligature is removed, or, at least, if the sur- geon press with liis left thumb below the vein. The sides of the incision should be placed in contact, and maintained in that condition by a small compress of linen, bound on with the bleeding fillet applied in the form of the figure ofeiglit. In opening the external jugular vein, the pressure must be made with the surgeon's finger ; and the compress should be fas- tened by means of sticking plaster. The temporal artery may be opened by a sim- ple puncture ; and the bleeding may al- ways be stopped by a compress fastened by means of sticking plaster. The ope- ration of bleeding may be followed by various unpleasant consequences ; as ec- chymosis round the vein, inflammation of the integuments, absorbents, fascia, or vein itself. The former symptom generally disappears of itself in a week or ten days ; the others may be treated according to the general principles of surgical practice. PARTICULAR FIIACTUUES. We shall say a few words on the most common and important kinds of fracture. Fracture of the lower jcnv may be delect- ed by introducing a finger into the mouth and pressing on the front portion of the bone, while the fingers of the other hand are applied on the outside to the back of the bone. Alternate pressure in these situations occasions a very distinguishable crepitus. When the broken ends are adapted to each other, some wetted paste- board is to be applied along the outer surface and base of the bone ; and over this a bandage, with four tails, should be placed. The centre of this bandage is applied to the chin, the two posterior tails tied together at the top of the head, and the other two more posteriorly. The wet pasteboard adapts itself to the figure of the part, and constitutes, when dry, a splint exactly accommodateU to the tbrrn SURGERY, of the jav. All motion of the broken bone should be avoided : hence talking, chew- ing, Stc. are improper ; hence, too, the food siiould be soft, and introduced by a spoon. The fracture of the clavicle is attended with a displacement of the bone ; its sca- pular portion being drawn downwards and forwards. In order to restore it, let the slioulder be drawn backwards, and the arm raised ; tiien the surgeon should place the fracture in as even a position as he can, cover it with a piece of soap plas- ter, and keep the shoulder back by means of the figure of eight bandage ; the fore- arm and elbow being well supported by a string. A leather apparatus lacing be- hind, and having straps to pass in front of the shoulders, similar to the instruments used forgirls with the view of keeping the shouldeps back, is a more elfeclual mode of accomplishing the object. It is often difficult to detect /rac^wre of the ribs. By placing the fingers where pain is felt, or where the blow was receiv- ed, a crepitus can be distinguished in ma- ny cases, on making the patient cough ; yet, if the matter be doubtful, the sate.st plan is to treat the patient as if his ribs were broken. It will be readily seen how emphysema, extravasation of blood, &,c. may occur when the bone is displaced in- wardly. Our object is to keep the broken ends motionless. Hence, after a piece of soap plaster has been applied externally on the situation of the fracture, a broad roller should be put firmly round the chest, or we may apply an apparatus made ex- pressly for the purpose, consisting of a broad girth, with three or four buckles and straps, which may be tightened at plea- sure. Bleeding is proper, unless particu- lar circumstances contraindicate it. Ivt fractures of tlie os brachii, after re- storing the limb to its natural figure, and putting on a piece of soap plaster, apply a splint, lined with a pad of soft materials, from the acromion to tne external condyle, and another from the margin of the axilla to the internal condyle. Some add two others, one before and one behind. They must all be carefully fastened with tapes, and the fore-arm and hand should be well supported by a sling. There is always a distinguishable crepitus in fractures of the fore-arm. After a piece of soap plaster has been applied, two splints must be employ- ed ; one is to be placed along the inside, and the other along the outside, of the fore-arm. The limb is to be in the mid state, between pronation and supination ; ftnd the inner splint should reach far enough into the hand to support it, and prevent it from falling into the prone state. In fractures of the olecranon the elbow must be placed straight, to approximate as much as possible the broken ends, and the limb must be continued in that position until the patient has recovered. When the osfemoris is broken, there is severe local pain, an incapacity to move the limb, a distinguishable crepitus on mo- tion, and deformity of the part from re- traction of the lower portion. The lat- ter appearance will occur more readily, in proportion as the fracture is more ob- lique ; and it arises entirely from the ac- tion of the muscles which are fixed in the bone below the fracture, together witli the flexors of the knee. Besides the short- ening of the limb, produced by the re- traction of the lower portion of the frac- tured bone, there is another deformity arising from its being rotated outwards ; an eftect produced by most of the large muscles of the thigh. The higher the frac- ture, the more difficult is it to prevent displacement. When the neck of the thigh bone is broken, there is severe pain in the groin, much aggravated by motion of the part. The extremity is shortened, the limb turned out, and the trochanter higher than usual towards the pelvis. Yet the limb may be drawn down to its natu- ral length, in doing which a crepitus is sometimes perceived. In order to relax as much as possible the muscles which tend to displace the broken bone, a bent position of the thigh and leg was recom- mended by Mr. Pott. He recommended that the patient should lie on the side of the fracture, with the thigh bent on the pelvis, and the knee half bent. A broad splint well padded should be placed un- der the thigh, from above the trochanter to below the knee, and another should extend from the groin below the knee on the opposite surface. Narrower splints should occupy the intervals between those on the inside and outside of the thigh. The sphnts should be fastened as firmly as they can be borne, by means of leathern straps, A patient with a broken OS femoris should by no means be placed on a soft bed, as the trunk of the body depresses it into a hollow, and by slid- ing downwards increases tlie displace- ment. Fracture of the patella is generally caus- ed by violent exertion of the muscles, whose tendons are inserted into this bone, and not by direct violence. The upper end of the bo^ie is drawn upwards by the SURGERY, muscles, and a total inability to extend the leg is generally observed. The mus- cles should be relaxed, by extending the knee, and bending the thigh on the pel- vis : they may also be surrounded with a roller, a compress being placed just a- bove the upper portion of the broken bone. The newly-formed substance which unites the broken ends is of a liga- mentous or cartilaginous nature, and not bony. Fractures of the leg. If they affect both bones, there can be no doubt of the na- ture of the case ; but the symptoms are more uncertain, when the fibula alone is broken. The limb should be laid on its outside, with the knee moderately bent. Japanned iron, or wooden splints shaped to the part, and covered with soft pads, are employed. The leg having been placed in the above mentioned position, extension is made, if necessary ; and the under splint, covered with its pad, and having an eighteen-tailed bandage laid on it, is passed under the limb. Having ob- served that the ends of the bones are in exact contact, the surgeon places his soap plaster over the fractured portion, and lays down the bandage. Another soft pad is then put over the upper surface of the leg, and the other splint applied. The leather straps attached to the splints are fastened with sufficient tightness, to pre- vent any motion of the fractured part. M'^hen the pressure of the splints is pain- ful, soft pads are necessary. Ruptured tendo AchilUs. The large ten- don of the muscles of the calf of the leg is sometimes torn asunder by the violent exertion of those muscles. An inability to extend the ankle, and a consequent im- paired power of progression, follows. The ends of the tendon may be approxi- mated by straightening the ankle and bending the knee. The foot may be kept in this position by the assistance of bandages. The case requires about the same degree of confinement as a fracture. Some persons have not kept their bed for tliis accident, but have walked about with a high-heeled shoe. The tendon of the plantaris muscle is sometimes rup- jfurea, and the accident is attended with the symptoms as if the tendo AchiUis were torn. PARTICULAR DISLOCATIOSS. Lower ja-vo. This bone can only be lux- ated forwards, when the condyloid pro- cesses advance beyond the eminentiae arti- culares. In this case the mouth remains open, and cannot be shut ; there is pain ; impaired and almost destroyed articula- tion and deglutition, &c. One or both condyles may be displaced. To reduce it, the thumbs, well covered, should be intro- duced as far backward as possible along the grinding teeth. The surgeon then elevates the front of the bone with his fingers, and the palms of his hands, while he depresses the condyles with his thumbs ; and the latter prominences are thus forced back into the glenoid cavities of the temporal bones. Dislocations of the head and vertebra are probably imaginary occurrences, as we know hitherto of no well-attested ex- ample of their occun'ence. i'he OS humeri is probably luxated more frequently than any other bone. It may be displaced downwards, forwards, and backwards. In all these cases a vacancy is distinguishable under the acromion, in consequence of the absence of the head of the humerus from the glenoid cavity of the scapula. The head of the bone forms a preternatural tumour in some situations. The elbow cannot be carried close to the chest, nor can the limb be elevated, without extreme pain, to a line with the acromion. Great pain is caused by the pressure of the head of the bone in its unnatural position, particularly when it lies in the axilla. Our object is to dislodge the head of the os bruchii from its unnatural situation, in order to bring it on a level with the glenoid cavity of the scapula. To accomplisli this pur- pose, extension must be made ; that is, the limb must be drawn forcibly outwards ; and the bone itself should be made to operate as a lever, which can be best ef- fected by the surgeon's knee placed un- der it towards the head, v/hile he depres- ses the elbow at the proper time, so as to raise the head towards the glenoid cavity. The patient's body should be fixed, by placing a broad towel round the chest, and tying it to some immoveable point. The extension should be gradual, and kept up unremittingly, which can be best effected by means of pullies. The elbow should be bent, and the extending power applied just above the condyles of the humerus. When the surgeon finds that the head of the bone is drawn out of its unnatural position, he may allow the extension to be remitted, and depress the elbow. The arm should afterwards be kept quietly in a sling, a piece of soap plaster, and a spica bandage, being appli- ed to the shoulder. Elbcni\ Dislpcations at this joint are SUR sun very difficult to discover, from the swell- ing', which comes on so quickly. The radius may be displaced forwards ; and here the flexion of the elbow is almost entirely destroyed. The ulna may at the same time be driven backwards : it may also be pushed inwards, so as to occupy the place of the radius. AH these are easily reduced, when they are ascertained. Leeches and cold washes should be em- ployed afterwai'ds. IVrist. The distortion consequent on a displacement of the carpus is so consid- erable, that the nature of the case is ren- dered immediately obvious. The" reduc- tion is easy ; and after it has been accom- plished, the hand and fore-arm should be bound on a splint, and supported by a sling:. Thigh. The os femoris may be dis- placed downwards and inwards, so that the head rests on the obturator foramen ; upwards and outwards, when the head is towards the sacro-ischiatic foramen, and the trochanter forwards ; and upwards and forwards, so that the head rests upon the OS pubis. In the first case, the toes are turned out, and the limh elongated. In the second, the limb is shortened, the foot turned inwards, and the buttock more prominent. Great pain is excited by attempting to move the limb in all cases of luxation, and a vacuity is dis- cernible in the natural situation of the head of the bone. The patient should be placed on the side opposite to the acci- dent, and his pelvis should be fixed by means of a sheet passed under the perine- um. Extension may be made by fixing a broad towel, or the pullies, just above the condyles. When the head of the bone is on the dorsum ilii, the extension is to be continued until it has been brought to the acetabulum, into which the surgeon must guide it. In the dislo- cation on the obturator foramen, we should make a lever of the"" bone, by pass- ing a towel under the thigh, near the ti'O- chanter, and elevating it after a slight extension has been made, the condyles being at the same time depressed. The patella may be dislocated either in- wards or outwards. Its reduction is very easy, when the muscles inserted into it have been relaxed. Tlie knee hardly admits of complete luxation, without such injury of the parts as would render the loss of the limb ne- cessary. The nature of the accident must be obvious from the altered figure of the parts, and replacement is perfectly easy. Inflammation must be guarded a- gain»t afterwards. The a7ikle may be dislocated outwards, the fibulae being at the same time broken. This is generally a compound luxation ; the extremity of the tibia, when displaced from the astragulus, very often penetrat- ing the integuments. Formerly this ac- cident was considered as a cause of am- putation ; and many practitioners have been in the habit of sawing off the pro- jecting portion. Yet by replacing the bone, closing the wound, keeping the parts quiet, &c. the injury has been often recovered. Luxation may also oc- cur in the opposite direction, and for- wards. The latter is very diflicult to re- tain in place, as the muscles of tlie calf are so apt to move the foot. SUllIANA, in botany, so named in ho- nour of Joseph Donat Surian, a genus of the Decandria Pentagynia class and order. Natural order of Succulentse. llosacese, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx five- leaved ; petals five ; styles inserted into the inner side of the germs ; seeds five, naked. There is but one species, viz. S. maritima, a native of the sea coast of Soutli America, and the islands of the West Indies. SURRENDER, in law, a deed or ii:- strument, testifying that the particular te- nant of lands or tenements for life, or years, doth sufficiently consent and agree, that he whicli has the next or im- mediate remainder, or reversion thereof, . shall also have the present estate of the same in possession ; and that he yields and gives up the same unto him ; for every surrenderer ought forthwith to give pos- session of the things surrendered. Where a surrender is made in consequence of a fresh lease, and that lease turns out inva- lid, the surrender is considered as not valid, and the former lease is establish- ed. Surrender into the hands of the lord is the mode of passing copyholds, and a surrender to the use of a will is necessary, in order to pass them by a will. SURROGATE, one who is substitut- ed or appointed in the room of ano- ther ; as the bishop or chancellor's sur- rogate. SURSOLID, in arithmetic and algebra, the fifth power, or fourth multipUcation of any number or quantity, considered as a root. See Root. SuRSOui) problem, in mathematics, is that which cannot be resolved but by curves of a higher nature than a conic section, v. gv. in order to describe a re- gular endecagon, or figure of eleven sides in a circle, it is required to de- scribe an isosceles triangle oh a right SURVEYING, ilne given, whose angles, at the base, shall' be quintuple to that at the vertex ; which may easily be done by the in- lersectton of a quadratrix, or any other curve of the second kind. SURVEYING. This important art, however difficult its attainment may ap- pear, is nevertheless to be comprised within a very few general rules. The ac- curacy of the work must depend entirely on the correctness of the instruments em- ployed, the steadiness of the hand and eye of the operator, and the faithfully tracing the given lines and angles on the paper designed to exhibit the estate, or premises, under examination. The fol- lowing leading principles will give an in- sight into the mode of displaying the re- sults, whatever may be the means em- ployed for their computation. First. We are to reject the actual curvature of our globe, in all land surveys ; thafls, where no current of water, d^r the level of any fluid, is under consideration : such curva- ture amounts to about eight inches in every mile, either of latitude or of longi- tude. In brief, we consider the earth to be flat, instead of spherical. Secondly. We must ever carry in mind, that every triangle is equal to half a parallelogram ef equal base and altitude ; as shown un- der the head of Gkometby. Thirdly. That wherever there is a deviation from the horizontal, there will be a greater ex- tent of si^rface displayed on a scite than if the same were horizontal. To illustrate this, let an orange be cut through in the middle, and the flat part, i. e. the section, be placed on a level table : it is evident that the round surface of the half orange will oft'er more surface than|the fiat section which lays upon the table : but, if it were required to build on the semi-spherical surface, it would be found that no more houses, &c. could be raised thereon, than would stand on the extent of the flat sec- tion. The reason of which is, that no more perpendiculars can be raised on one than on the other. This shows how fallacious is the mode of purchasing what is called side-long, or hanging, land by the acre. The greater the deviation from the horizontal, the more is the base di- minished. Fourthly. The surveyor must recollect, that all planes, of whatever ex- tent or formi may be divided into, and be represented by, triangles of various forms and dimensions, whose aggregate will amount to the measurement of the area thus partitioned off": for, as'Euclid justly observes, " All the parts, taken together, are equal to the whole." It will be for- \ 01.. VI, ther seen, that every figiwre may, either directly or circiiitously, be commuved into a triangle, of corresponding area : but it may be necessary, at the same time, to observe, that the squaring of the circle has not hitherto been per- fected ; though we have ariiv-ed so near- ly to the completion of that object, as to leave no room for regret at -the want of absolute precision. These points being completely undejv stood, the learner may proceed to the ru^ diments of surveying; supposing him to be grounded in the few preliminary prob- lems which enable him to describe the ordinary figures : should he not have ob- tained any previous information on that subject, we recommend that he turn back to the heads of Gkometry and Mathe»- MATicAi insinanents ; under which he will find various items indispensable to- wards his progress. We shall submit a few propositions which the student may work with his compasses, plain scale, and protractor : when able to do all that may be need- ful on paper, he may then try his hand with one or other of the various instru- ments in use among surveyors. Proposition I. " To ascertain the con- tents of the square field ABCD, fig. 1. Plate XV. Miscel." Here litde is to be done ; one of the sides being measured, say 70 yards, and multiplied by itself, will give 4,900 square yards for the area ; or oue acre {i. e. 4,800 square yards) and 100 square yards. Proposition II. ". To survey the field ABCD, fig. 2." This figure having the sides AB and CD parallel, and at right angles to AD, add tlie lengths of those parallels, say 70 and 90 yards, together ; divide half their sum {i. e. 80) and multi- ply that half by the depth of xVD, say 70 j which being multiphed by the medium length, GF, gives an area of 5,600 square yards. The parallelogram, ABED, might have been computed by simply multiply, ing its length by its breadth ; and th^ triangle, BCE, might be taken separate- ly, thus : the depth, (or altitude) BE, 70 yards, to be multiplied by half CE, {i. e. 10 yards) this would give 700 ; and the produce of AB, which is 70, by BE, which is also 70, would be 4,900 ; making in ajl 5,600, as above sliown. Proposition III. " To sun'ey the in,- cliaed parallelogram ABCD, fig. 3." It . is to be observed that, in all inclined fi- gures, the altitude i^ ascertained by a per- pendicular from the base, as at C, to the parallel of that base, as at E, un tbe line T t ' ' ^ >^ Of THB ^ 'UF 17 BR SIT 7] sus. Proposition XL "To carry a line of Sight or a level, in the direction of AB, over the rising ground C." Ascertain where the line of sight strikes the hill at e; carry the instrument to that point, and, in'the exact direction of the former sight, take a second sight from e to a, or toany conveniejit spot, where a pole and target should be fixed. SccLevkls. As this survey for a canal is to be taken by means of a spint level, the exact altitude of each sight must be taken, by noting the height of the target from the plain, AB, at every sight, or by following up a regular succession of levels, each of which will be the height of the instru- ment above the last. Thus the hill will be ascended : the descent on the other side is effected by the inversion of the foregoing mode ; always taking the de- scending levels of the target for canals; but for roads, or for laying down a meridional line, when once the summit is gained, a long sight may be taken to a distant object: thissubject is pleasingly exemplified in a new work published by Longman and Co. e down from heaven, and assumed human nature, for the purpose of removing hell from man, of restoring the heavens to orde;*, and preparing the way for a new- church upon earth ; and that herein con- sists tthe true nature of redemption, which was effected Sjolely by the om- nipotence of the Lord's divine humanity. But Swedenborg declares, that this divine humanity is from the Father, and is in itself like unto its divinity, and not like the humanity of another man ; for, " with tlie Lord, the former forms, which were SWEDENBORGIANS. di from the maternal principle, were alto- etlur destroyed and extirpated, and iviue forms received in their place ; for the divine love doth not agree with any but a divine form ; all other forms it absolutely casts out ; hence it is, that tlu; Lord, when glorified, was no h)nger the Son of Mary." 3. They hold the notion of pardon ob- tained by a vicarious sacrifice, or atone- ment, as a fundamental and fatal error ; but that repentance is the foundation of the church in man ; that it consists in a man's abstaining from all evils, because they are sins against God, &c. ; that it is productive of regeneration, which is not an instantaneous, but a gradual work, effected by the Lord aloue, through charity and faith, during man's co-opera- tion. 4. That man has free-will in spiritual things, whereby he may join himself by reciprocation with the Lord. 5. That the imputation of the merits and righteousness of Christ is a thing as absurd and impossible, as it would be to impute to any man the works of creation: for the merits and righteousness of Christ consist in redemption, which is as much the work of a divine and omnipotent Be- ings as creation itself. They maintain, however, tliat tlie imputation, which really takes place, is an imputation of good and evil ; and that this is according to a man's fife. 6. That the doctrine of predestination and justification by faith alone is a mere human iavention, and not to be found in the word of God. 7. That the two sacraments of baptism and the holy supper are essential institu- tions in the New Ciiurch, the genuine and rational uses of which are now dis- covered, together with the spiritual sense of the holy word. 8. That the sacred scripture contains a threefold sense, namely, celestial, spi- ritual, and natural, which are united by correspondences ; and that in each sense it is divine truth, accommodated, re- spectively to the angels of tlie three hea- vens, and also to men on earth. 9. The Word is inspired, not only as to all the particular expressions, bat also as to all the particular small Letters which compose every expression, and thus as to the smallest dot and tittle, and inwardly in iiself, has stored up the arcana of hea- ven, which do not appear in the letter, when set in each of those things, which ^ the Lord himself spake when he was in the world, and which he before spake by the prophets ; there are things celestiat, and altogether divine, and elevated from the sense of the letter ; and this not only in each of the expressions, but also in each of the syllables of the expressions, and in each of the apexes of every sylla- ble. Hence the books of the word have an internal sense, and are the following : the five books of Moses, Joshua, Judges, Samuel, one and two. Kings, one and two, the Psalms, the Prophets, Isaiah, Jere- miah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Ro- sea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, ZeCharlah, and Malachi ; and in the New Testament, tli^ four Evangelists, Mat- thew, Mark, Luke, and John, and the Revelations. 10. That in the spiritual world there is a sun distinct from that of the natural world, the essence of which is pore love from Jehovah God, who is in the midst thereof; that the heat also proceeding from that sun is, in its essence, love ; and the light thence proceeding is, in its es- sence, wisdom ; and by the instrumenta- lity of that sun, all things were created, and continue to subsist, both in the spi- ritual and in the natural world. 11. They maintain, that there is not in the universal heaven a single angel, that was created so at the first, nor a single de- vil in all hell that had been created an an- gel of light, and was afterwards cast out of heaven ; but that all both in heavcR and hell are of the hunwn race ; in hea- ven such as had lived in the world in heavenly love and faith, and in hell such as lived in hellish love and faith. 12. That the material body never rises again ; but that man, immediately after his departure from this life, rises again as to his spiritual or substantial body, (which was inclosed in his material body, and formed for his predominant love, whether it be good or evil,) wherein ^e continues to live as a man in a perfect human form,. in all respects as before, save only the gross material body, which he puts off by death, and wliich is of no further use. 13. That the state and condition of man after death is according to liis past life in this world ; and the predomitiant love, which he takes with him into the spiritual world, continues with him for ever, and can never be changed to all eternity ; but if evil, he abides in hell to all eternity. 14. That true conjugal bve, which can only subsist between one husband and one wife, is a primary characteristic of the new church, being grounded in the marriage of goodness and truth, and cor- SWE SWI responding with the mai-riage of the Lord arid his church ; and therefore it is more celestial, spiritual, holy, pure, and clean, than any other love in angels or men. 15. That the science of corresponden- ces, (which has been lost for some thou- sands of years, but is now revived in the Theological Works of the Honourable Emanuel Swedenborg,) is the only key to the spiritual or internal sense of the holy word, every page of which is written by correspondences, that is, by such things in the natui-al world as correspond with and signify things in the spiritual world. 16. That all those passages in the scrip- tures, generally supposed to signify the destruction of the world by tire, Stc. commonly called the last judgment, must be understood according to the above science, which teaches, that by the end of the world is not meant the destruction of it, but the destruction or end of the present Christian church, both among Ro- man Catholics and Protestants of every description, and that this last judgment took place in the spiritual world in the year 1757. 17. That the second advent of the Loi-d, which is a coming, not in person, but in the spiritual or internal sense of his holy word, has already commenced ; that it is effected by means of his servant Emanuel Swedenborg, before whom he hath manifested himself in person, and whom he hath filled with his spirit, to teach the doctrines of the new church by the word from him ; and that this is what is meant in the Revelation by the new heaven and the new earth, and the new Jerusalem thence descending. These doctrines, to say the least of them, are ingenious. Many persons, in- deed, of great respectabiUty, and not a few men of learning and talent, even of the present day, believe that these doc- trines are something more than ingenious. It is, however, not a little extraordinary, that, although the Swedenborgians open- ly deny the commonly received doctrine of a trinity of persons in the Godhead, and believe, as they certainly do, that to assert that doctrine is nothing less than tritheism ; and when it is also considered that the system of the highly-illuminated baron has excluded that other orthodox doctrine of a vicarious sacrifice by the death of Christ, we say, under these con- sidemtions, it is not a little to be wonder- ed at, that there should be found any persons still in communion with our esta- blished church, who profess themselves members of the New Jerusalem church, as revealed by Emanuel Swedenborg. But the wonder increases much, upon the consideration, that some, even of the regular clergy of the EngUsh Church, are to be found among the disciples of the honouriible baron ! The present ve- nerable and respectable minister of St. John's, Manchester, the Reverend Mr. Clowes, is not only an open professor of the faith of the New Church, but is also the well-known translator of all the ba- ron's theological publications ! The for- bearing temper of many of our present ecclesiastical governors, and the liberal spirit of the times, are circumstances not a little honourable to the national charac- ter in general, and to our national clergy in particular. May this spirit and this forbearance continue to increase, until no discrepancy of mere opinion whatever, while unaccompanied by errors of con- duct, or depravity of heart, shall be made the foundation of hatred, or the pretext for exclusive civil and religious privi- leges ! SWERTIA, in botany, so named in ho- hour of Eman. Sweert, a genus of the Pentandria Digynia class and order. Na- tural order of^ Rotacex. Gentianse, Jus- sieu. Essential character : corolla wheel- shaped ; nectariferous pores at the base of the segments of the corolla ; capsule one-celled, two-valved. There are six si>ecies. SWIETENIA, in botany,, wahogany- tree, so named, in honour of the illustri- ous Gerard, L. B. a Swieten, archiater to Maria Teresa, Empress of Germany, a genus of the Decandria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Trihilatee. Meliae, Jussieu. Essential character : ca- lyx five-cleft ; petals five, nectary cylin- dric, bearing the anthers at the mouth ; capsules five-celled, woody, opening at the base ; seeds imbricate, winged. There are three species. The S. mahogani, mahogany tree, is very lofty, and spread- ing with a wide handsome head ; leaves reclining, alternate, shining, eight inch- es long, numerous on the younger branch- es; leaflets mostly in four pairs, quite entire, acuminate, bent in backwards, petioled, opposite, an inch and half long; recemes sub-corymbed, with about eight flowers in each, axillary, solitary, two inches long ; flowers small, whitish. The mahogany tree is a native of the warmest parts of America, and grows plentifully in the islands of Cuba, Jamaica, and His- paniola ; in these islands the tree grows to a very large size, so as to cut into planks of six feet breadth : those on the SWIMMING. Bahama Islands are not so large ; these, however, are frequently four feet in di- ameter, and rising to a greut heiglit, not- witJistanding they are generally found on the sohd rock, where there seems to be scarcely any earth for their nourishment. I'he wood brought from the Bahama Isl- ands has usually passed under the name of Madeira wood ; tliis the Spaniards make great use of for building ships ; it is belter adapted to this purpose than most sorts of wood yet known, being ve- ry durable, resisting gun shots, and bu- rying the shot without splintering. The excellency of this wood for all domestic purposes, has been long known in Eng- land. SWIMMING, the art, or act, of sus- taining the body in water, and of moving therein ; in which action the air-bladder and fins of fishes bear a considerable part. Some have supposed, that tlie motion of fish in the water depends principally up- on the pectoral fins, but the contrary is easily proved by experiment; for if the pectoral fins of a fisli are cut ofl', and it be again put into the water, it will be found to move forward or sideways, upward or downward, as -well as it did when it had them on. If a fish be carefully observed, while swimming in a basin of clear wa- ter, it will be foujid not to keep these pectoral fins constantly expanded, but only to open them at such times as it would stop or change its course ; this seeming to be their principal, if not their only use. The pectoral and ventral fins, in the common fishes of a compressed form, serve in the same manner in keep- ing the fish still, and serve in .scarce any other motion than that towards the bot- tom ; so that this motion of the fish, which has been generally attributed to their fins, is almost wholly owing to their muscles, and the equipoise of their air- bladder. That the use of the pectoral and ventral fins is to keep the fish steady and upright in the water, is evident from the consequences of their loss: if they are cut off, and the fish put again into the wa- ter, it cannot continue in its natural erect posture, but staggers about, and rolls from side to side.' The fins of tlie back and anus are also of great use to the keeping the creature in its natural posi- tion, as is easily seen by cutting them oflT, and observing the motions of the fi.sh af- terwards. Though a great deal depends on the motion of the muscles of the se- veral parts of the body, in the swimming of the fish, yet the tail, and those mus- cles which move; the lower part of the \ OL. A I. body, to which it is affixed, are the great instruments by which their swift motions in the water are performed. The mov- ing the tail, and that part of the body to which it adheres, backward and forward, or sideways any one way, throws the whole body of the fish strongly the con- trary way ; and even in swimming strait forward, the motion and direction are both greatly assisted by the vibrations of this part, as may be experienced in the motion of a boat, which, when im- pelled forward, may be firmly guided by means of an oar held out at its stern, and moved in the water as occasion directs. The dorsal muscles, and those of the lower part of the body, between the anus and tail, are the principal that are used in the motion of this part, and these are therefore the most useful to the fish in swimming. The muscles of the belly seem to have, their principal use in the contracting the belly and the air-bladder. They have beeji supposed of use to move the belly-fins; but there are too many of them for such a purpose, and these fins have each its peculiar muscle, fully suffi- cient to the business. The use of the tail in swimming is easily seen, by cut- ting it off, and committing the fish to the water without it, in which case it is a most helpless creature. BruteJs swim naturally, but men attain this art by practice and industry : it con- sists principally in striking alternately with the hands and feet ; which, like oars, row a person forward : he must keep his body a little oblique, that he may the more ea- sily erect his head, and keep his mouth above water. We shall here insert some maxims on the art of swimming that may be useful, and which are said to have been written by the late Dr. Franklin. 1. That though the legs, arms, and head of a human body, being solid parts, are specifically something heavier than fresh water, yet the trunk, pariicularlythe upper part, from its hoHowness, is so much light- er than water, as that the whole of the body, taken together, is too light to sink wholly under water, but some part will remain above, until the lungs become filled with water ; which happens from drawing water into them instead of air* when a person, in the fngbt, attempts breathing, wliile the mouth and nostrils are under water. 2- ihat the legs and arms are specifically ligliter than salt water, and will be supported by it, so that a human body would not sink in salt water, though the hmgs were fille lindrical; mouth terminal, without teeth or tongue, and furnished with a lid; body lengthen- ed, jointed, and mailed with many-sided scales ; no ventral fins. These fishes fre- quent the coasts of the sea, and subsist Aipon worms and insects, and tlie ova of fishes. There are eight species, of which \ve shall notice the following: S. acus, or the great pipe-fish, some- limes attains the length even of three feet, but is generally only fourteen inches long, extremely slender, and tapering to- wards the extremity. Its ova are found lying, in spring, in a longitudinal channel at the bottom of the abdomen, and the young are produced from this groove, completely formed. It is found in the ■seas of Europe. The S. hippocampus, or sea-horse pipe- fish, inhabits the sliores of the European and Indian seas, and is about ten inches long. When the head is bent downwards, it has a very considerable resemblance to that of a horse. S. fbliatus, or the foliated pipe-fish, is the most singular species of the genus, and this singularity consists chiefly in its possessing appendages, situated on very strong and rough spines, on the back, tail, and abdomen, of the shape of leaves, ami which might easily be supposed, by a cursory observer, the real leaves of some of the fuci tribe. In the one presented to Sir Joseph Banks, and engraved in Sliavv's Zoology, there are fourteen of these curious processes. This animal presents one of the most extraordinary objects exhibited by nature in the im- mense variety of her living productions. See Pisces, Plate VI. fig. 3. SYNOD, in astronomy, a conjunction, or concourse of two or more stars, or pla- nets, in the same optical place of the hea- vens. SYNODENDRON, in natural history, a genus of insects of the order Coleopte- ra ; antennae clavate ; the club lamellate ; thorax gibbous, muricate or unequal : tip filifarm, horny, palpigerous at the tip. There are four species. SYNODIC AL, something belonging to a synod ; thus, synodical epistles, are cir- cular letters written by the synods to the absent prelates and churches, or even those general ones directed to all the feithful, to inform them of what had pass- ed in the synod. For the synodical month, see the article Month, SYNOVIA, the name given to a liquid secreted within the capsular ligaments of the joints, to facilitate motion by lubri- cating these parts. The synovia of the ox is a viscid, semi-transparent fluid, of a greenish white colour, which soon ac- quires the consistence of jelly, and not long after becomes again fluid, depositing a filamentous matter. Synovia mixes with water, and renders it viscid. When this mixture is boiled, it becomes milky, and some pellicles are deposited on the sides of the vessel. Alcohol produces a precipitate when added to synovia. This precipitate is albumen. After this matter is separated, the liquid still remains viscid; but if acetic acid be added, the viscidity disappears, and it becomes transparent, depositing a white filamentous substance, which resembles vegetable gluten. It is soluble in cold water, and in concentrated acids and pure alkalies. This fibrous matter is precipitated by acids and alco- hol in flakes. The concentrated mineral acids produce a flaky precipitate, which is soon re -dissolved ; but the viscidity of the liqviid is not destroyed till they are so much diluted with water, that the acid taste is only perceptible. When synovia is exposed to dry air, it evaporates, and cubic crystals remain in the residuum, with a white saline efflorescence. The first are muriate of soda, and the latter carbonate of soda. This substance soon becomes putrid, giving out ammonia during its decomposition. By distillation in a retort, it yields water, which soon becomes putrid ; water containing a por- tion of ammonia, and an empyreumatic oil, with carbonate of ammonia : by wash- ing the residuum, muriate and carbonate of soda may be obtained. A small portion of phosphate of lime is found in the coaly matter. The constituent parts of synovia are the following : Fibrous matter 11.8 Albumen 4.5 Muriate of soda 1.7 Soda 0.7 Phosphate of lime .... Q.7 Water 80.6 100.0 SYNTAX, in grammar, the proper con- struction, or due disposition of the words of a language, into sentences, or phrases ; or the manner of constructing one word SYS SYZ with another, with regard to the differ- ent terminations thereof, prescribed by the rules of gi-amrnar. Hence the office of syntax is to consider the natural suit- ableness of words with respect to one another, in order to make them agree in gender, number, person, mood, &.c. To offend in any of these points, is called, to offend against syntax ; and such kind of offence, when gross, is called a solecism, and when more slight, a barbarism. Syn- tax is generally divided into two parts, viz. concord, wherein the words are to agree in gender, number, case, and per- son; and regimen, or government, where- in one word governs another, and occa- sions some variations therein. SYNTHESIS, the putting of several things together, as making a compound medicine of several simple ingredients, &c. Synthesis, in logic, denotes a branch of method opposite to analysis, called the synthetic method. SYRINGA, in botany, lilac, a genus of the Diandria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Sepiariae. Jasminex, Jussieu. Essential character : corolla four-cleft ; capsule two-celled. There are four species, with several varieties. The S. vulgaris, common lilac, is a shrub growing to the height of eighteen or twenty feet, dividing into many branches ; those of the white sort grow more erect than the blue ; and the purple, or Scotch lilac, has its branches yet more diffused. The hlac is very common in the English gardens, where it has been long cultivated as a flowering shrub. It is supposed to grow naturally in some parts of Persia ; but is so hardy as to resist the greatest cold of this country. SYRINGE, an instrument serving to imbibe, or suck in a quantity of any fluid, and to squirt or expel the same with vio- lence. SYRUP. See Phabmact. SYSTEM, in general, denotes an as- semblage or chain of principles and con- clusions, or the whole of any doctrine, the several parts whereof are bound together, and follow or depend on each other; in which sense we say, a system of philoso- phy, a system of divinity, S;c. System, in astronomy, denotes an hypo- thesis or supposition of an arrangement of the several parts of the universe, where- by astronomers explain all the phenomena or appearances of the heavenly bodies, their motions, changes, Sic. This is more properly called the systems of the w'orld. System and hypothesis have much the same signification, unless perhaps hypo- thesis be a uiore particular system, and system a more general hypothesis. The three most celebrated s}stems of the world are, the Copeinican, the I'tolemaic, and Tychonic. SYSTOLE, in anatomy, the contraction of the heart, whereby the blood is drawn out of its ventricles into the arteries ; the opposite slate to which is called the di- astole, or dilation of the heart. SYZYGY, in astronomy, a term equally used for the conjunctioji and opposition of a planet with the sun. On the jiheno- niena and circumstiuices of the syzygies, a great part of tlie lunar theory depends. For, 1. It is shown in the physical astro- nomy, that the force whicli diminishes tlie gravity of the moon in tlie syzygies, is double that which increases it in the quadratures : so that in the syzygies, the gravity of the moon, from the action oC the sun, is diminished by a part wiiich is to the whole gravity as 1 to 89,36 : for ia the quadratures, the addition of gravity- is to the whole gravity as 1 to 17b,73. 2. In the syzygies, the disturbing force is di- rectly the distance of the moon from the eartli, and inversely as the cube of the distance of the earth from the sun. And at the syzygies, the gravity of the moon to- wards the earth, receding from its centre, is more diminished than accoi-ding to the inverse ratio of the square of the distance from that centre. Hence, in the motion of the moon from the syzygies to the quadratures, the gravity of the moon to- wards the earth is continually increased, and the moon is continually retarded in its motion ; and in the motion from the quadratures to the syzygies, the moon's gravity is continually diminished, and its motion in its orbit accelerated. 3. Fur- ther, in the syzygies, the moon's orbit, or circle, round the earth, is more convex than in the quadratures, for which reason the moon is less distant from the earth at the former than the latter. When the moon is in the syzygies, her absides go backwards, or are retrograde. When the moon is in the syzygies, the nodes move in mUecedentia fastest : then slower and slow er, till tliey become at rest, when the moon is in the quadra- tures. Lastly, When the nodes are come to the .syzygies, the Inclination of the plane of the orbit is least of all. Add that these several irregularities are not equal in each syzygy, but all somewhat greater in the conjunction than in the opposition. TAB TAC T. f |1 Or t, the nineteenth letter, and fif- X y teenth consonant, of our alphabet, the sound whereof is formed by a strong expulsion of the breath through the mouth, upon a sudden drawing back of the tongue from the fore part of the pa- late, with the lips at the same time open. The proper sound of this letter is that in tan, tai, tin, &c. When it comes before i, followed by a vow^el, it is sounded like s, as in nation, potion, &.c. Wiien h comes after it, it has a twofold sound ; one clear and acute, as in thin, tUef, 8cc. the other more obtuse and obscure, as in then, thei^e, &c. TABBYING, the passing a silk or stuff under a calendar, the rolls of wliich are made of iron or copper, variously en- graven, which, bearing unequally on the stuff', renders the surface thereof unequal, so as to reflect the rays of light different- ly, making the representation of waves thereon. TABERN^EMONTANA, in botany, so named in memory of James Theodore, suniamed Tabernarmontanus, from Berg Zabern, the place where he was born ; a genus of the Pentandria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Con- tortae. Apocinae, Jussieu. Essential cha- racter : contorted ; follicles two, horizon- tal ; seeds immersed in pulp. There are nineteen species, among which we shall notice the T. cymosa, cyme-flowered tabernaemontana ; this is an elegant up- right little tree, or shrub, about six feet in height ; leaves acute, quite entire, scarcely waved, half a foot long- Cymes ample, handsome, convex, axillary ; flowers without scent, dirty white, or red- dish brown, about forty in a cyme ; tube of the corolla, quinquangular, ventricose at the base ; stamens in the enlarged base of the tube ; stigma margined at the base ; follicles oblong, very blunt, curved in, very large, reddish, with rust coloured spots ; one of each pair is commonly a- bortive ; the pulp is orange-coloured. It is found in the woods and coppices about Carthagena in New Spain, flower- ing in July and August. TABES dorsales, in medicine, a distem- per wliich, according to a late author, is a particular species of a consumption, the proximatecauseof which is a debility of the nerves. TABLE, in perspective, denotes a plain surface, supposed to be transparent, and perpendicular to the horizon. It is al- ways imagined to be placed at a certain distance between the eye and the objects, for the objects to be represented there- on, by means of the visual rays passing from every point thereof through the ta- ble to the eye ; whence it is called per- spective plane. Tablk, among the jewellers. A table- diamond , or other precious stone, is that whose upper surface is quite flat, and only the sides cut in angles ; in which sense a diamond, cut table-wise, is used in opposition to a rose-diamond. Table is also used for an index or re- pertory, put at the beginning or end of a book, to direct tlie reader to any passage he may have occasion for : tbus we say, table of matters, table of authors quoted, &c. Tables of the Bible are called con- cordances. Table, in mathematics, system of num- bei's calculated to be ready at hand for the expediting astronomical, geometrical, and other operations : thus we say, ta- bles of the stars ; tables of sines, tangents, and secants ; tables of logarithms, rhumbs, &c. ; sexagenary tables ; loxodromic ta- bles, &.C. TACC A, in botany, a genus of the Hex- andria Monogynia class and order. Natu- ral order of Coi'onariae. Narcissi, Jus- sieu. Essential character : calyx six parted ; corolla six-petalled, inserted in- to the calyx ; anther bearing ; stigma stellate ; berry dry, hexangular, many- seeded, inferior. There is only one spe- cies, viz. T. pinnatifida ; the root of w hich is tuberous, composed of many tu- bers heaped together, here and there emitting fibres ; radical leaf, subsolitary, petioled, ternate, or biternate ; leaflets la- ciniate pinnatified, acute, spreading', de- current a little along the sides of the pe- tiole, a foot in length; scape half a fathom in height, herbaceous, listular, grooved towards the top, erect ; umbel terminat- ing, sessile ; peduncles four to eight ; an- thers twelve, on short hiaments ; germs three, or one three-lobed ; styles three, short : stigma obcordate, tvvo-lobed ; ber- ry black ; seeds brown. It is a native of the East Indies, China, Cochin China, Banda, and the Society Isles. TAG TAG TACK, in a ship, a great rope, having a wale-knot at one end, which is seized or fastened into the clew of the sail ; so is reefed first through the chesse-trees, and then is brought through a hole in tlie ship's side. Its use is to carry forward the clew of the sail, and to make it stand close by a wind : and whenever the sails are thus trimmed, the main-tack, the-fore- tack, and mizen-tack, are brought close by the boai-d, and haled as much forward on as they can be. The bowlings also . are so on the weather-side ; the lee-sheets are haled close aft, and the lee-braces of all the sails are likewise braced aft. Hence they say, a ship sails or Stands close upon a tack, i. e. close by the wind. The words of command are, hale aboard the tacks, i. e. bring the tack down close to the chesse-trees. Ease the tack, /. e. slacken it, or let it go, or run out. Let rise the tack, i. e. let all go out. The tacks of a ship are usually belayed to the bitts, or else there is a chevil on purpose to fasten them. Tack about, in the sea-language, is to turn the ship about, or bring her head about, so as to lie the contrar>' way. In order to explain the theory of tacking a ship, it may be necessary to prenuse a known axiom in natural philosophy, " that every body will persevere in a state of rest, or of moving uniformly in a rigiit line, unless it be compelled to change its state by forces impressed ; and that the change of motion is proportional to the moving force impressed, and is made ac- cording to the right line in which that force is exerted." By this principle it is easy to conceive how a ship is compell- ed to turn in any direction, by the force of the wind acting upon her sail in hori- zontal lines. For the sails may be so ar- ranged as to receive the current of air ei- ther directly, or more or less obliquely ; hence the motion communicated to the sails must of necessity conspire with that of the wind upon their surfaces. To make the ship tack, or turn round with her head to the windward, it is therefore ne- cessary, after she has received the first impression from the helm, that the head- sails should be so disposed as to diminish the effort of the wind, in the first instant of her motion, and that the whole force of the wind should be exerted on the after sails, which, operating on the ship's stein, carries it round hke a weathercock. But since the action of tlie after sails, to turn the ship, will unavoidably cease when her head points to the wind- ward, it then becomes necessary to use tlie head-sails, VOL. VL to prevent her from falling off, and re- turning to her former situation. These are accordingly laid aback on the lee-side, to push the vessel's fore part towards the appointed side, till she has fallen into the line of her course thereon, and fixed her sails to conform with that situation. TACKLE, orTACKLiNG, among sea- men, denotes all the ropes or cordage of a ship, used in managing the sails, &c. In a more restrained sense, tackles are small ropes running in three parts, having at one end a pendant and a block ; and at the other end, a block and hook, to hang goods upon that are to be heaved into the ship jjv out of it. See Ship. TACTICS, in their general acceptation, relate to those evolutions, mancEuvres, and positions, which constitute the main spring of military and naval finesse : they are tlie means whereby discipline is made to support the operations of a campaign, and are, in every regular service, studitd. for the purpose of training all the compo- nent parts according to one regular plan or system ; whereby celerity, precision, and strength, are combined, and the whole rendered completely efficient. Of milita- ry tactics, the Romans may be considered the first nation whose military array could be termed regular, and whose forces main- tained that order, which rendered each inferior individual subject to the control of certain subaltern officers commanding small bodies, corresponding with our sec- tions ; which being again compacted un- der officers of a second class, formed small divisions, as in our platoons, or compa- nies ; and which divisions being collected under a third class of officers, constituted what we term battalions. The soldiers of ancient Italy were not only iimred to great hardships, as a part of their usual exercise, but were taught many evolutions suited to the modes of warfare in those days. Time has occasioned a considerable change in that particular ; for since the in- vention of gunpowder, our battles have frequently been decided by distant can- nonades ; and by no means resembled those arduous conflicts in which the he- roes of old used to engage, individually contending for the day, and causing the whole field to resemble an infinity of single combats. In this practice all bar- barous nations seem uniformly to agree j the sword, the tomahawk, the club, &c, being the chief instruments; though in some instances thejaveline, or spear^ or the bow and arrow, may be primarily re- Xx TACTICS. sorted to. Hence sucli warfere is far more sanguinary than that carried on witl» fire- arms; which rarely do much execution, unless when aided by artillery, and then only when at such distances as to be with- in reach of case-shot. It will no doubt surprise most of our readers, but is strict- ly true, that, taking the average quantity of musket ammunition expended, as a sum to be divided by the number of kill- ed and wounded, not more than one shot in fifty will be foimd to take eflfect. Thus, . after a batallion of 1000 men may have fired 20 rounds per man, making in all 20,000 discharges of musketry, ihey will have made terrible havoc if 400 of the ene- my be disabled. Hence we find, that the great featiu'es in derisive actions are few indeed; and they dependchieflyon tactics. Thus where a large force is brought to bear upon any particular point, while the enemy is kept in ignorance as to the object in view ; or where certain advantages of locality are gained, merely by dint of superior science in tlie art of conducting troops by the shortest means, and in the greatest order ; or where by certain evolutions a small force is made to supply the purpose of a larger, or to resist, independently of entrench- ments, &c. a more numerous body ; all these evince the presence of the man of taclics, and qualKy him for the designa- tion of " an able General.*' We have also another branch, which is in a degree secondary, because it depends greatly on the success of the former ; namely, the arrangement, or disposition, of a line, in such manner as may allow each description of force to act with ef- fect : this can be done only when the na- ture of the service to be performed is suit- ed to the nature of the troops by which it is to be attempted. In this we necessarily mean to restrict the operations of infantiy to storming parties, cavalry to champaign operations, and artillery to situations where it can be duly protected, while rendering essential service. Hence the able tactician always arranges his force in such manner, as to allow each to perform its duty without interfering with the evolutions of any other class; and, in what is called manreuvring his army, ne- ver fails to e.stimate the distances, and the time in which each may execute the as- signed duty ; so that the whole may coin- cide with one great intention, and insure success, by the accurate execution of its respective functions : were it to be other- wikc, tlie whole must be subject to disor- der ; one failure often leading to the most serious consequence ; the same as is caus- ed by the want of a cog, or tooth, of any \ wheel in a piece of machinery. From this ! it may be seen how great a superiority ; that commander must possess, who, by means of this science, fully comprehends ; the most ready arrangement of troops, where change of position becomes neces- ^ sary; and who has, in the first instance, so , disposed them as to be able to make those ■ changes (even under the disadvantages . ever attendant upon such necessity) with %; celerity, and in good order. : But, however skilful the commander, ] the whole of his good qualities will be ^ abortive, unless the materials wherewith t he is to perform his part be duly prepared i in every respect. It is indispensably re- ■ quisite, that every individual soldier should be so far trained, as to compre- | bend fully the general intention of every j internal service of the company of which i he is a part. He must have a complete knowledge of the parade duties, and con- | sider himself as a mere automaton, under j the guidance of a superior, or disposing, \ power : he must be cool, obedient, and • passive ; and he must possess a sufficient ; share of physical powers, and of activity, ] to enable his participating in the move- i ments of the company at large. This, which is assuredly a most impoj tant mat- \ lev, nevertheless has been only within a , few years properly attended to: it was j formerly considered fully sufficient if the 1 soldier could wheel, face about, and fire with correctness ; the conducting of a "\ regiment through its evolutions during an engagement being left entirely to its com- mander. It is true, the pageantry of home ''. duties was rather ostentatious, and won- ' drous pains were taken to go through a review with eclat ; but the drum and fife were considered indispensable ; without them, the soldier could not preserve the cadence ; he had no regulated length of ] pace — no regulated time for various evo- j lutions. Now, that we see how much the i whole depends on its parts, each indivi- | dual is trained systematically, and enters l the field fully quahfied to act without more instruction, at the moment, than is i needful to convey to the corps at large ! the general intention : this not only pre- ; vents confusion, but gives to each a cer- ■ tain confidence, both in his comrades and in himself. Habituated to certain regulat- ed paces, independent of musical bias, each soldier preserves his situation with ] correctness, and feels himself, in all situa- j tions, fully competent to fulfil the orders of his officer. TACTICS. We shall endeavour to explain, in as brief terms as the subject may ;idmit, the manner in whicli the British forces are now trained; commencing with the first stages of the recruit's tuition, and pro- ceeding, in a regular course, through the operations of companies, battalions, and lines ; whereby the cljuin of connection will be best preserved, and the whole be duly exhibited. The following preamble, taken from the " Rules and Regulations for Formation, Field Exercise, and Move- ments, of his Majesty's Forces," is so ad. mirably suited to our purpose, that we present it to our readers as the best pre- paration we can afford : " The great object in view is, one general and just system of movement, which, directing the government of great as well as of small bodies of troops, is to be rigidly conformed to, and practised by, every regiment in his Majesty's service. To attain this important purpose, it is necessary to reconcile celerity to order ; to prevent hurry, which must always pro- duce confusion, loss of time, unsteadiness, irresolution, inattention to command, &,c.; and to insure precision and correctness, by which alone great bodies will be able to arrive at their object in good order, and in the shortest space of lime ; to in- culcate, and to enforce, the necessity of military dependence, and of mutual sup- port in action, which ai-e the great ends of discipline ; to simphfy the execution, and to abridge the variety of movements, *s much as possible, by adopting such only as are necessary for combining e>'»irtions in corps, and that can be requii-^d or ap- plied in service, re'garding aU matters of parade and show merely as^econdary ob- jects ; to ascertain to all ranks the part each will have to act in every change of situation that can happen, so that expla- nation may not reL-M-d at the moment that execution shruld take place ; to en- able the commancJing officer of any body of troops, whether great or small, to re- tain the whoU relatively, as it were, in his hand an^ management, at every in- stant, so ?=> to be capable of restraining the bad effects of such ideas of indepen- dent and individual exertion as are vision- ary and hurtful, and of directing them to their true and proper objects, those of order, of combined effort, and of regulat- ed obedience, by the united force of all which a well disciplined army can only be defeated. The rules laid down will be found few, simple, and adapted In the under- standing of every individual ; but they will require perfect attention in all ranks. In the soldier, an equal and cadenced march, acquired and confirmed by habit, independently ot music or sound : in the officer, precision and energy of command; the preservation of just distances ; and the accurate leading of divisions on given points of march and formation. These circumstances, together wiih the united exertions of all, will soon attain that pre- cision of movement, which is so essential, and without which valour alone will not avail." After this, the work in question pro- ceeds to state : " Tlie recruit must be carried on progressively ; he should com- prehend one thing before he proceeds to another, and he should not be uselessly fatigued ; he is to be trained singly and in squad ; nor is he to be allowed to join in battalion until he may be confirmed in every requisite ; for one awkward man will frequently derange a whole line." The incipient pafts of insti-uction, however simple they may appear, are by far the most difficult to inculcate ; but they are of the mobt imperious conse- quence : wJ»*='» a good foundation is ob- tained, t'le work will proceed with ra- jpidity and firmness, and the pupil will, from being sensible how much he has ac- quired at the onset, move and act, til rough out the ulterior stages, with promptitude and confidence. Standing perfectly silent and motionless, fixing his eyes steadily eitlier to the front, or to the right or left, as may be ordered ; dressing up to the same line with others ; carrying his body erect, the toes turned out, the limbs firm, but pliant, erect, raised, and his weight rather borne on the fore than on the hind parts of the feet, are all matters tending greatly to his perfection. He learns to face to the light and left, or about; to move for- ward in a perfectly straight line, without losing squareness to the front ; to move obhquely to the right or left, under the same precaution ; and to murk time, to step out, or to step short ; to change feet when he does not move with the rest of the company ; to close, (or take room,) to the right or left, by the side step ; to change from quick to ordinary time, or vice versa, with unerring readiness ; to march in file ; to wheel either forward or backward ; and, in general, to acquire a habitude of acting in concert with his companions in arms, so as not only to avoid embarrassing them, but proving a firm support, and becoming a manageable tool in the hands of his officer. All tliese arc indispensably necessary to be fully TACTICS. acquired ; they must be so perfectly fa. miliar, as to seemrather the effect of in- stinct than of education. Thus much being duly attained, the re- cruit is instructed in the use of arms, in which he cannot be too perfect : the great difficulty is to impress him, in a sufficient manner, with the advantages of close motion, and of preserving the body from distortion, or change of po- sition, so far as relates to upright ness, squareness to the front, and un- deviating attention to dressing in line. For it is to be observed, that un- less very great strictness be observed on the part of the drill serjeant, the whole course will be perverted by the handling of the musket. It would not suit our purpose, nor could it be equal to the views of our readers, were we to enter upon all the details regarding the mo- tions of the firelock ; or what is called the manual exercise : in the present pos- ture of political affairs, such would be perhaps unnecessary; it having, within these few years, become the duty of ma- ny, and the amusement of all, to acquire some knowledge of that brancK of disci- pline : we shall therefore proceed to treat of the firings, which constitute a very prin- cipal part of the soldier's duty, and greatly interest both the officei-s commanding di- visions, and those in charge of whole bat- talions. We must, at the same time, ex- press our hope, that the frivolous prac- tice of expending so many rounds of light cartridges will be in time much curtailed; in order to make way for a more extend- ed practice with ball ; the propriety of enforcing a correctness of aim must be self-evident ; and is considerably enhanc- ed by the little execution done by mus- ketry, as has already been shown. Troops are drawn up in two or three ranks, according to the nature of the service on which they are to be em- ployed, or the enemy to which they are to be opposed. To resist the charge of cavalry, it is found that three ranks are preferable ; as is also the case where an enemy advances en masse, or bears down In column ; in this arrange- ment, the front being diminished one third, many objections may be urged under local circumstances, especially w len acting behind entrenchments, when covered by morasses, or when the e.iemy cannot advance with rapidity in Compact heavy bodies. The mode of drawing up in two ranks is peculiarly adapted to the foregoing, and on some occasions must be adopted, in spite of every adverse argument, ibr Uie pur- J pose of extending a front ; add to this, that both the round and the grape \ shots, from the enemy's artillery, do \ less execution among t\yo, than when ; three ranks are opposed to tliem. When ^ a battalion is drawn up in two ranks, ] the}'' both fire standing ; but when in J three ranks, only the two rear ranks fire, whilst the front kneels, and presents a \ formidable impediment to the charge I of an enemy, both by Its reserved fire, and by its line of sloped bayonets. According to our improved system of disciphne, one officer and one covering Serjeant perform all the evolutionary | duties of each company, when formed in line ; the rest being disposed of in the ! rear, for the purposes of keeping the . men to their duty, and of being in rea- diness to take command of those lesser | portions into which the companies occa- sionally break. By this arrangement the utmost precision is secured ; especially as select men are placed on the flanks of j all the companies, also of their sub-divi- j sions and sections, whose duty it Is to re- i gulate their wheelings, or changes of lo- cality, by constantly preserving the dis- J tances and alignements of their respec- i tive portions. i Perhaps among the greatest Improve- j ments of the day, we may count the mo- '\ dern method of marching by files ; for- ' merly this was effected in a kind of open ' order, the leaders gradually gaining dis- ! tance, so as to give a greater space be- i tweei. the files, under the apprehension ! of tread\v>g- on each other's heels ; but it is \ now the practice to make every soldier ' retain the saane distance on all occasions I from his neighbours; by which means, the right leg ot one crosses at the side of j the left leg of tht other, and vice versa. i It is obvious, that vliile the leaders were '< allowed to gain ground, so as to open the ' distances between the several files, some < time was required for the lear files to close up after the front had haf ed ; and that, ' if the battahon were to be ordered to \ front while in the act of marchfjig by files, : under the old system, it would appear of double its due extent: for they would ' be so distant as to allow space for an ad- ditional file between every man in the ' ranks. Our readers cannot fail to per- j ceive the high importance of keejnng | troops always to the same extent of front ; as when formed in line ; for if allowed to ] vary, from any inattention to regularity, ' it would be utterly impossible for the com- mander to perform his evolutions upon a ' TACTICS. g^iven scale ; or for any depenilance to be placed on the exertions of a line, (par- ticularly in resisting a charge,) of which the solidity, tliat is, the compactness, could not be ascertained. The extreme difficulty which prevails in the ordinary course of actual service, in keeping the due distances between marching files^ has in a great measure rendered that mode obsolete : besides, the facility with which troops move in small divisions, or even by whole compa- nies, in column, &c. whereby intervals are left between them, tending greatly to the convenience and ease of the men, certainly gives the latter mode every claim to preference, except under par- ticular local circumstances. But even in proceeding by files, it is best to march by fours, causing the files, to be doubled previous to stepping off. By this means, the whole corps is broken into ranks of four men each, with one space interval between tlie several ranks. A battalion, thus arranged, is formed in an instant, by the files resuming their places. Yet it cannot be said that this method is so ehgible as that of march- ing by divisions, especially when con- sisting of only two ranks : in such case the front rank moves on with perfect freedom, each man seeing the obstacles he is to surmount many paces before he arrives at them ; and the rear rank, keeping a well opened distance, is con- siderably liberated, in consequence of the great interval behind it. Add to this, the promptness with which the line can be formed either to the right or left, by the several divisions wheeling up ac- cordingly. We shall now proceed to show the operations of a body of men according to the existing regulations, illuslrating the several movements by means of figures, which will be found m Plate XV. Miscel- lanies : they will suffice to give a general idea of the evolutions of armies on a large scale, as well as of small parties, the principles of motion being the same in both. The first matter requiring considera- tion is the act of wheeling, which may be performed either to a given point, say to the right ; or on a given point, say on the left; in either case, the front will be to the right. But when a body of men has wheeled to the right, as A, in fig. 11, changing place to B, and that it be re- quired to wheel up into line, i. e. to the left, such body will have gained both to the right and to the front equally ; the intermediate ans^le being 90°, and the third position, C, standing ai an angle of 45° from the position, A. Consequently a succession of wheeling to the right and left alternately, will occasion the several positions, in succession, to represent an escalier, or flight of steps. It requires, therefore, but little demonstration to show the utility of wheeling backward on the left, in the first instai»ce, to proceed along an alignement, O Q ; because the troops, by wheeling to the left, would al- ways come up to the line of their left, hand pivots (or files.) Simple as it may seem, this precaution is not yet sufficiently un- derstood; or, at least, not invariably at- tended to ; whereby many oblique move- ments are made to remedy the error thus generated. But troops do not always make a full wheel, i. e. of 90°, in many instances, as in fig. 12 ; where an oblique position, D, is to be taken, the whole^line, F, wheels by small divisions, only an octavo, i. e. the eighth of the circle, corresponding with 45'', and thus show a succession of fronts, like the teeth of a saw, ail parallel to the new position of 45°. This is called eghelloii (a French term, signifying the steps of a ladder). Where the angle of the new position is more or less acute than 45°, the wheel may be made to cor- respond nearly therewith ; so that, when the different divisions march to their se- veral places in the new line, they may move fully to their fronts, and come up square into their places. Where the ground is bad, and that file marching is necessary, the line may wheel to the right in eghellon, to the requisite angle, to point the left flanks of the divisions to their proper situations in the new line, F, When the right or left flank of a corps is the pivot for the new direction, it be- comes a point cPappiu, and the division nearest thereto is arranged properly upon the new line, where it remains as a guide for the others, which, arriving in suc- cession, prolong the new front. The ep/ie//o7i movements may be considered pe- culiarly safe, at the same time that they are rapid and regular ; the line may be formed instantly, provided the leaders of the several divisions preserve their appro- priate distances. It is to be remarked, that eghellon movements may be made in any direction, whether to front or rear ; the divisions wheeling tt) front or rear accordingly; TACTICS. thus, in fig. 13, which represents a change of from G lo H, as the new direction runs through ihe old one, those divisions which are to be in front wheel forward, while those which are to be in the rear of the first position, G, face about, and wheel towards the rear ; observing that the whole wheel the same way, i. e. to the right. The two companies nearest the line, H, may be previously posted there- on to advantage, so as to be settled by the time the word is given for the others to march. When thosie of the rear have come to their places, they face about to the front, and dress. And here it is ne- cessary to remark, that the exterior flank of every company, after being settled in its post, becomes the point d'appni for the next which is to arrive, and to place itself on that flank ; but that the officer always looks from the point ifappui towards some object, such as a banneret, or a staff offi- cer, &c. fixed as a guide for the aligne- ment at that point, which is to be on the flank, as at S S in this example. The column, which is one of the most frequent and important figures of the tac- tic system, may be found in a variety of modes; the most ordinary is by wheeling, either wholly, or in eghellon ; but it is oft- en useful to form it by the march of divi- sions in files towards their posts, as shown in fig. 14. When this is done, three files (the leading ones) of each division turn towards their new stations, at which their several pivot-men are ready placed ; the whole, when ordered, march towards those men, and when the division, on which the column forms, is duly covered, each company, in succession, fronts in conformity with that division. This figure shows a battalion, &c. form- ing upon its sixth company, tlie left in front ; to effect this, the five divisions, on the right, file from their left flanks, and proceed to place tliemselves behind the sixth company ; while the two companies of the left file from their right flanks, to. wards the front, and cover. Our readers will perceive, that this is on the same principle as the change of front already described ; in fact, the formation of a co- lumn is tantamount thereto ; it being ob- vious, that the one unavoidably prepares for the other. In this we suppose the operation to be done in a proper manner ; for a column may be easily toimed, hav- ing its flanks reversed, so that, when or- dered to wheel up into line, the flanks of companies will all be misplaced; this is called, "clubbing a battalion,'* meaning that it is thrown into a state of coniusion. The column may, with great advantage, i be formed from the centre of a battalion, the colours moving forward, supported by \ the two adjunct companies, the residue i of each wing facing inwards, and follow- ; ing its respective leading company. Thus : the whole will exhibit a column of grand divisions, each of which is formed of a ' company from either wing. When the column is to be of only one company in width, the reserve leads off with the co- ^ lours, and the companies of either wing j follow alternately ; in this manner the tcR com])anie3 will all be separated. To form the line from such a column, it is usual either to face the whole outward, except- ' ing the leading division, and causing each to move out direct to the direct parallel of its place in line, order them respective- \ iy to front, and move up in succession : ' or upon the whole facing outward, they ^ may be led by files to their several sta- tions. When the column is in narrow hounds, from which it cannot deploy (or i unfold) in either of the above modes, the j centre must halt, or step short, while the - several divisions close up thereto, and I then wheel, or face, to the right and left, > according to the wings they may belong to, and countermarch along the rear until they arrive opposite to their respective ; stations in line. Fig. 15, shows the de- j ploy from a column of grand divisions ; the companies of the riglit wing proceed- \ ing straight forward to their parallels , the I companies of the left wing leading by file.s into line. Fig, 16, shows a column \ ot companies alternately from the right ! and left wings ; the right wing making a i half wheel into eghellon of whole compa- j nies, which as they arrive at the point \ d'appjd dress up into line ; the companies of tiie left wing not having space for de- ploying, move tip nearly to the rear of the j centre, wheel to the left, countermarch I along the rear of those divisions which pre- i cede them respectively, and arriving at the | poi?it d'appui, wheel to the riglit into *. line. The column of grand divisions cannot always proceed ; otherwise it would be by far the most eligible for the march of single battalions, in situations where the enemy's cavalry might make an attack ; \ the grand divisions should all close up to half distance, so that when ordered to { wheel up and fc»rm the square, they ' might leave no gap in either of the flank faces ; the two rear companies moving up i to the spot on which the grand division i immediately preceding them wheeled off, i right and lett ; the front companies halt- TACTICS. ing during the wlueel, and closing up to the centre as the reserve, wiih the co- lours, passes into their rear. When there are guns with a battalion, they move on such occasion to the angles most liable to be attacked ; Four pieces of cannon are needful to render a square perfectly safe; but, for their accommodation, it will be necessary for each face to move forward seven paces ; whereby the interior of the square will he greatly increased, and space given for the cannon to be served at the angles ; this evolution is exhibited under fig. 17. The column en patence^ that is, in form of a gibbet, is peculiarly deceptive ; es- pecially when that column is a close one, having no intervals between the compa- nies ; in this the whole form one solid mass. If discovered, the enemy will cer- tainly direct their artillery towards it; thereby doing great execution. The great object of this formation is, to push forward a strong force against some parti- cular point, so as to bear down whatever opposes it, or suddenly to form a flank where a charge of cavalry is expected ; in the latter case, the rear division of the column halts until there is space enough for it to wheel, (to the right, if to secure the riglit flank) and, as each division does the same in succession, it is evident aline is formed, at right angles with the front line, which keeps moving on until all the divisions of the column have wheeled. We have shown, in fig. 18, how this is done on the right flank ; while on the left we have shown an egliellon flank, which moves with more ease than the close co- lumn, and is not subject to so much mis- chief from the enemy's artillery ; but this is not so deceptive ; however, it affords the advantage of being ready either to form a flank, by wheeling backwards an octave, or to move forward into line ; which cannot be done from a close co- lumn without deploying. When a column is advancing towards an enemy, it is proper that its caimon should precede it, to clear the way by their fire; but when retreating, the can- non should be in the rear, to check pur- suit. The passage of rivers is generally conducted on the same principle ; advert- ing to one point, where a choice can be made ; xnz. always to cross at a re-enter- ing bend of the stream, as shown in fig. 19, by reference to which it will be seen, that in cro-ssing fi-om A to B, the passage cannot be flanked by the enemy; while it is defended by the troops which first cross : change the position, and cross from B to A, ^nd the enemy will flank the passage, which you cannot defend ; because they will enfilade whatever troops or cannon yo\i post for that pur- pose ; they having the command of a greater extent of front than yourself in the latter instance. One of the most arduous situations in which an officer can be placed is the covering, or conducting, of a convoy ; especially when heavy carriages are in question. A numerous convoy can rarely travel more tlian six or seven miles with- in the day, however favourable the roads may be ; unless it may be practicable to draw two or three carriages abreast, which can be practicable on plains only ; for whenever a pinch or defile might present itself, so as to occasion only one carriage to proceed at a time, though only for a few feet, as in passing a nar- row bridge, it would have the sinne ef- fect as if the whole day's journey were performed in singly trains : this' is not the case in campaign situations, because one column of waggons may keep mov- ing on while another is stopt ; and, if a carriage should break down, others may pass round it : in this way the columns should not be far distant. When we con- sider that a hundred waggons will cover a mile in length, we cannot but admire the frequent success of oflScers, perhaps with only four or five battalions under their command, in conducting convoys of many hundreds of heavy carriages, through an expo.sed country, from one place to another ; sometimes, indeed, for full an hundred miles. On such service it is highly necessary to have a body of cavalry ; else every little party of the enemy's horse would subject the convoy to perpetual danger and delay. When a general expects a convoy, he must favour its approach and safety by every possible means : one of the best devices is, that of threatening an attack, so as to prevent the enemy from detach- ing his cavalry. When the convoy is near, and it is suspected that an attempt will be made to cut it off by a sudden movement, the general must, if circum- stances admit, make one retrograde march with his whole force to meet it; or, if that be not practicable, he may send orders for it to follow such route as may be most under cover, or best remov- ed from the danger of assault. We often see instances of a campaign being decid- ed by the safe arrival, or vice versa, by the loss of a convoy. The utmost skill sometimes cannot oppose the overbear- TACTICS. itig prawess of superior power ; but, as we always suppose an army to place itself between its expected supplies and the enenny, it is evident, that if of equal force, every advantage is on its side ; for the enemy, having a greater distance to march, when about to attack a convoy, than the defenders have to proceed to its rescue, and any detached party being liable to destruction while passing round the flank, it is evident, that, by retaining the intermediate situation, we may gene- rally afford every necessary protection. When it happens otherwise, we com- monly find that the enemy are superior in cavalry, which they detach to a great distance to intercept the convoy, while their infantry remains in some strong position. In such case a retreat is indis- pensably necessary, and reliance must be placed in the commander of the convoy, (if he is warned of tlie enemy's approach) being able either to take refuge under the walls of some fortified place ; or on his taking possession of some village, or forming a barrier against the enemy, by drawing up his waggons, &c. to the best advantage : in such case he is virtually entrenched ; his cattle and troops being within an area impenetrable to cavalry, and furnishing an excellent cover for the keeping up a most destructive fire on the assailants. If he can command a sup- ply of water, he may do wonders ; at all events, he may easily hold out until relieved. A retreat, well managed, is usually more favourable than a dear earned vic- tory. To insure the means of retreating, without considerable loss, a second, or eVen a third, line may be requisite : at all events, a reserve of select troops, with a good park of artillery, chieft^' supplied with grape and case-shot, will be indis- pensable. The posting a reserve re- quires great judgment, both in regard to the enemy's designs, and the temper of your own troops. The celebrated retreat of Moreau, through the Black Forest, placed him, ipso facto, on a footing with the greatest conquerors of the day ; it tore from his opponent's brows those laurels which the latter claimed, in consequence of having urged the French general to quit the open country. In that instance, however, it may, perhaps, be said, and not without some show of justice, that the nature of the country was greatly in favour of the latter ; but, on the other hand, it must be taken into account, that, unless most skilfully managed, a retreat before a very superior force must have been peculiarly dangerous, especially to the cavalry : we may, indeed, admire that system of tac- tics, which enabled Moreau to save his artillery and baggage. To do this, it is evident he must have shown a firm front, so arranged, that his opponent dared not to ventuie an attack. The excellence of the manoeuvre consi.sted in the decep- tions practised ; for it was not until that movement, when Moreau had secured his baggage and artillery, and, as it were, buried his army among the wildernesses, that the Austrian general could believe it possible for the French to escape be- ing captured. The device used, was a feint to escape along the skirts of the forest, which occasioned a change of position in the Austrian camp, and left Moreau at liberty to push in the opposite direction towards a pass, scarcely, indeed, passable for carriages, and thus to defy pursuit ; however it answered his pur- pose, for he escaped with his whole army. We cannot close this article without showing how essentially a well chosen position contributes to success. Where an army is weak in cavalry, it should in- variably be parted so, that, at least, one of its flanks may be covered from the ene- my's horse. By this means, if its own cavalry be held in reserve, or nearly so, but with full powers to support the open wing, the enemy must be kept in sus- pense, as to the point to which it will direct its charge ; and be compelled, in many instances, to keep his horse divid- ed, for the purpose of opposing that charge on either flank. A flank may be securely covered by a town, duly defend- ed by infantry ; or by a river ; a morass ; a thick wood ; a steep hill, having a bat- tery duly posted; or even by broken ground. In some instances, a slight in- trenchment may be necessary. Tactics, naval, relate to those opera- tions in the management of a vessel, which enable her to attain any particular object, such as reaching a port, avoiding danger, gaining an advantage over an enemy, &c. In a more extended sense, they denote those manoeuvres, strata- gems, and deceptions, employed by the commander of a fleet, for the purpose of gaining a weathergage, cutting oflT any part of a line, or attacking any particular portion thereof, in such manner as may either defeat the views of a hostile fleet, or subject it to loss and discomfiture. The old system of tactics in this, as well as in the military branch, was burthened TACTICS. with ceremonies, and with received opinions, whicli were held to be inviola- ble -• the difference of one or two ships in favour of the enemy was considered a sufficient excuse for a variety of precau- tions, generally amounting- to forbearance from engaging the superior power ; and, although we certainly can count a num- ber of gallant exploits performed by our fleets when somewhat inferior to the enemy, it has been reserved for latter limes to exhibit what could be done by the British navy, even when oppos- ed to nearly double their own force. 'I'his wonderful change was introduc- ed by llotlney ; who, in the year 1782, engaged the French fleet under Count de Grasse ; when, by boldly cut- ting off a part of its rear, he compelled nearly half the enemy's force to-sur- render; the rest sought their safety in fiight. Since that date. Admiral Jervis, by a skilful manoeuvre, cut ofl' a large portion of a Spanish fleet, near Cape St. Vincent's, (whence the peerage bestow- ed on him received its designation ;) but the late Lord Nels4)n appears most con- spicuous in that mode of attack which, in general, secured a victory. The bat- tle of the Nile was doubtless a master- piece of tactical science ; it merits notice from its simplicity, and, if we may be so bold as to use the term, its infallibility. The manoeuvre he used was, to throw two of his ships upon every one of the weather-most of the enemy's line, by causing his fleet to divide as it approach- ed them, consequently including each French ship between two of oui'S. The residue, which were moored in a line ahead, fully expected to see ours range up their whole length, and oppose ship to ship. They saw their error when it was too late ; being to leeward, it was impossible for them to render efficient aid, and they fell in detail ; with the ex- ception of a very small portion, which escaped by putting out to sea, whither we were not in a condition to follow with any hopes of overtaking them. See fig. 20. fn the famous battle of Trafalgar, in uhicli the immortal Nelson quitted his earthly fraiiie, the combined fleets were drawn up in the form of a crescent, and awaited our attack, which was made in a double column, apparently bearing down upon their centre. I'his novel mode of coming into action kept tlje enemy com- pletely in suspense : it threatened every part of their line. If our two columns Had turned the same wav. thev would VOL. vr. have been able to do infinite datnage in that quarter, before the otlier wing of the enemy could come up to succour their overpowered friends : if the two columns should cut through the centre, they must destroy it, and effectiially se- parate the two wings, so as to leave them ignorant of each other's file. Such was the fact : the enemy, though superior in numbers, lost no less- than nineteen sail of the line. The reader may form some conception of that glorious event by a reference to fig. 21. Perhaps nothing can place a fleet in a more dangerous state, and render it less able to resist an attack, than making .sail before the wind, in a line of battle a-head, to avoid a pursuing enemy. In such a case, whenever tlie rear of that line can be brought to action, it becomes subject to an accumulating force, in consequence of the pui'suing fleet thickening upon it : while the van of its own line, being to leeward, nuist make many tacks, or at least two long ones, befcr.'e it can succour its rear. The disadvantage mtist be very great, even if all the ships on both siiles sail upon an exact equality ; but, as that is never the case, many of i!ie flying ships will be probably driven comiiletely to leeward, and never be able to afford the smallest assistance. YetBviiish sea- men, even when compelled to retire be- fore a very suj)erior force, generally ma- nage, by some well contrived ilevice, to intimidate their pursuers, or to put on so g'ood a face, as to convince them of the dear price at which the victory is to be bought. Oftliis we cannot quote a more appropriate instance than the escape of five sail of our ship.s, under the command of Admiral Cornwallis, from no less than nineteen sail of P'rench ships of the line : an escape resulting entirely from the manoeuvres of the Bi-itish Admiral, where- by he fully convinced the French that a large force was at hand. 'i'he present unparalleled state of dis- cipline, throughout our navy, would, of itself, give us the command of the ocean; but we are greatly indebted, at the same time, to an excellent code of signals, both for the day and the night, whereby every operation and manoeuvre may be direct- ed witii readiness and pers)>icuity. The day signals are, ifiv the most J)art, made by flags, jacks, and pennants ; the night sig- nals by lanterns, blue lights, maroons, &c.: in both, the firing of guns, either to windward or to leeward, occasionally is added. When fleets are large, or their duty expensive, especially in cruizing to Yv TACTICS. intercept a convoy of merchant vessels, &c. there are repeating frigates, which display the several signals made by the commander ; so that they may be com- municated to all the vessels : every sig- nal being kept flying, until answered by all ships to which they may relate. We shall now offer to our readers some minutia; relative to the fighting of a ship, under ordinary circumstances; observing, that under the head of Navigation much will be found to instruct the learner in ascertaining a vessel's course, way, he. ; and under the head of Quauiia>t, w hat relates to the common mode of taking observations, for the purpose of ascer- taining a vessel's locality. When orders are given to " clear shij) for action," the boatswain and his mates whistle, and call, at the various hatch- ways, to warn all who are between decks: the hammocks, or beds, are instantly un- hooked, packed, and sent on deck, to be put into the nettings on the waist, fore- castle, quarters, poop, he. where they serve as an excellent defence against muskeliy. While some of the seamen are thus employed between decks, others are aloft securing the yards in chain slings, so as to prevent them from falling, when the haul-yards may be severed by cannon shot ; materials for repairing the rigging are also placed in readiness; shot- plugs, for stopping holes near, or under, the surface of the water, are dispensed ; and every attention is paid to ascertain that the pumps are in order, so as to clear the hold in case of leaks. The decks are cleared of every incumbrance, by the removal of chests, &c. into tiie hold ; the various gun-tackles arc inspect- ed; and all the necessary implements, such as powder-ladles, worms, rammers, sponges, &c. ai-e duly supplied. All be- ing ready, the surgeon and his mate, to- gether with the chest of medicines, in- struments, bandages, he. are prepared in the cock-pit; that is, down the hatch- way, below the ordinary reach of the enemy's shot. The officers and men re- pair to their posts, the powder-room is opened, the hatches are all laid, the ma- rines drawn up on the forecastle, quar- ter-deck and poop, the guns are run out and levelled, and the courses, (that is, the lower sails,) are clued up, to prevent their being set on fire by the discharges from the cannon ; also to render the ship more manageable. The greatest attention is always paid to taking a good aim before a gun is fir- ed, that every shot may hit some part of the enemy's liull ; the nearer to the wa- ter's edge the better. The captain, mas- ter, purser, &c. remain on deck to fight the sliip, and to note down all occurren- ces, while the signal master attends to and answers whatever signals may be thrown out by the commander of the fleet or division. It is ever a primary object to place the ship in such a posi- tion as may annoy the enemy most ; yet, at the same moment, evade his principal defences : this is best done, by laying di- agonally upon her quarter, or bow, and especially across her stern, so as to rake her fore and aft ; whereby her guns will soon be dismounted, and the men driven from their quarters. This description of the mannerin which the battle is carried on by each ship, will serve as an illustration of the whole ; but it may be necessary to add, that the dis- position of a fleet must be suited to the position the adversary may have assumed. When an enemy opposes a direct line, opposite to that of his own fleet, the ad- miral rarely does more than make the sig- nal for line of battle abreast, perhaps a cable's length asunder, thus coming at once to close engagement, ship opposed to ship, or rather the two fleets intermix- ed alternately, their heads laying difler- ent ways : if they should pass each other, it is usual to put about, and resume the engagement in the same manner. When the enemy bear down in a line a-head, it it customary to receive them in the same manner, to prevent their cutting off a part of the line ; this depends greatly on the direction of the wind : but if it be on the beam, that is, full on the side, or in any direction affording the means of aiding your van, without delay, by a press of Sail, such a mode of attack will sub- ject the enemy to have his own line cut, as was done by Rodney ; or doubled up-, on, as in the battle of the Nile. During an engagement, the courses are commonly hauled up, as before stat- ed ; the top-gallant-sails and stay-sails are also furled. The movcTuent of each .ship is chiefly regidated by the mnin and fore- top siuls, and the jib, reserving the mizen to fill, or to be thrown aback, as an aid, either to accelerate the ship,or asacheck to prevent her passing the enemy. The frigates, tenders, and other small vessels, generally lay to, or hover about in the rear, to repeat signals, or to aid crippled ships. These, not being considered as ships of the line, are not attacked, ex- cept by vessels of their own class ; there- fore, when a fleet is not well manned, it 'X/' T^NIA. is common to take all the spare hands from such, to assist on board the fighting ships. When a fleet is superior in num- bers, it is proper to keep some of them in reserve, stationing them behind the weaker parts of the hue, to succour such as may, by the loss of masts, &c. become unmanageable, and to take advantage of any opportunity to chase, and lay aboard of whatever of the enemy's ships may quit the line for the purpose of escaping. In order to observe what is going on, the admiral generally removes to some fri- gate, on board which he hoists his flag ; near him should be some of the best sailing cutters, brigs, &c. to convey or- ders which could not be accurately deli- vered by signal, or by telegraph. Boarding is most commonly resorted to by privateers, in tlieir attacks upon mer- chant vessels ; but among ships of the line is rarely practised. Our commanders are perhaps more forward than those of any other nation, except the Turks, in this kind of enterprize, which is replete with hazard. The best mode of boarding, es- pecially if there be any swell, is to keep on the enemy's weather quarter ; now and then, if the sailing of your ship will allow, yawing, so as to throw your fire in- to her stern : when, by tins means, you have done any execution, it will be pro- per to pass close under the enemy's stern, raking her fore and aft, with your guns double shotted, and then lay her aboard upon her lee beam, having your tops well manned, to fire upon the ene- my's decks, on which also grenades, stink- pots, fire-balls, &c. should be discharged. Having grappled the ship to your adver- sary's chains, your boarders jump into her, under the cover of the fire of your small arms. In case of repulse, the at- tack to leeward is most favourable to tlie retreat of your men ; besides, it is far easier to cast off' from the enemy, than it would be if you were to windward of her. TiENI A, in natural history, tape-ivorm ; body flat, and composed of numerous arti- culations : head with four orifices for suc- tion, a little below the mouth : mouth ler- r«inal, continued by a short tube into two ventral canals, and generally crowned with a double series of retractile hooks or holders. Gmelin has enumerated almost one hundred species, besides varieties : he has divided them into sections. A. Those found in other parts besides the intestines, and furnished with a vesicle behind. B. Those found in the intestines only, and without a terminal vesicle. C. Those with the head unarmed with hooks. 1 he worms of the first section are found infesting Mammalia, reptiles, and fish. Those of the second section are found in the Mam- malia, in birds, and in fish ; and those of the third section infest Mammalia, birds, reptiles, and fish. This genus of worms are destined to feed on the juices of vari. ous animals, and are usually found in the alimentary canal, generally at the upper part of it. They are sometimes found in great numbers, and occasion the most distressing disorders. They have the power of reproducing parts which have been broken off, and are therefore removed with the utmost difficulty : they are oviparous, and discharge their eggs from the apertures on the joints. \Ve shall give a few of the more remarkable species. 1. T. visceralis, which is inclosed in a vesicle, broad in the fore part, and pointed in the hinder part ; inhabits the liver, the placenta uterina, and the sac which con- tains the superfluous fluid of dropsical persons. 2. T. cellulosa, which is inclosed in a cartilaginous vesicle, inhabiting the cellular substance of the muscles; is about an inch long, half an inch broad, and one-fourth of an inch thick, and is very tenacious of life. 3. T. dentata, has a pointed head ; the large joints are streak- ed transversely, and the small joints are all dilated ; the osculum or opening in the middle of both margins is somewhat rais- ed. It is narrow, ten or twelve feet long, and broad in the fore parts : its ovaria are not visible to tlie naked eye : and the head underneath, resembles a heart in shape. It inhabits the intestines. 4. T. lata, is white, with joints very short and knotty in the middle; the osculum is solitary. It is from eighteen to one hundred and twenty feet long ; its joints are streaked trans- versely ; its ovaria are disposed like the petals of a rose. 5. T. vulgaris, has two lateral mouths in each joint ; it attaches itself so firmly to the intestines, that it can scarcely be removed by the most violent medicines ; it is slender, and has the ap- pearance of being membranaceous ; it is somewhat pellucid, from ten to sixteen feet long, and about four lines and a half broad at one end. 6. T. truttae, which chiefly inhabits the livtr of the trout. 7. T. solium, has a margn^al mouth, one on each joint. 8. T. ovilla, found in the liver and omentum of sheep. 9. T. celebrulis, is aggregate ; numerous animalcules unit- ed by their base to a large common vesi- TJ5N1A. cle, distributed about the surface, and re- tract ile within it. Tliis is found in vast num- bers in the brain, or spinal maiTow, imme- diately beneatli t!»e brain oKsheep. These noxious animalcules occasion giddiness and stajjgeriiig-, and tlje disease known by the name otthe dunl or rickets : which, if the containing vesicle be broken, is incu- rable; for these minute worms, in size scarcely larger than a j^rain of sand, are each of them furnished with from thirty- two to thirty-six hooks on the head, by which they fix themselves firmly to the substance of the brain, or its coats. The structure and physiology of the tae- nia are curious, and it may be amusing as well as instructive to consider it with at- tention. The taenia appears destined to feed upon such juices of animals as are already animalized ; and is therefore most commonly foinid in the alimentary canal, and in the upper part, where there is the greatest abundance of chyle ; for chyle seems to be the natural food of the ta;nia. As it is thus supported by food which is al- ready digested, it is destitute of the com- plicated organs of digestion. As the T. solium is most frequent in this country, it may be proper to describe it more particu- larly. It is from three to thirty feet long, some say sixty feet. It is composed of a head, in which are a mouth adapted to drink up fluids, and an apparatus for giving the head a fixed situation. The body is com- posed of a great number of distinct pieces articulated together, each joint having an organ by which it attaches itself to the neighbouring part of the inner coat of the intestine. The joints nearest tlie head are always small, and they become gradually enlarged as they are furtiier removed from it ; but towards the tail a few of the last joints again become diminished in si^e. The extremity of the body is ter- minated by a small semicircular joint, which has no opening in it. The head of this animal is composed of the same kind of materials as the other parts of its body ; it has a rounded open- ing at its extremity, which is considered to be its mouth. This opening is continu- ed by a short duct into two canals ; these canals pass round every joint of the ani- mal's body, and convey the aliment, Sui-- rounding the opening of the mouth, are placed a number of projecting radii, which are of a fibrous texture, whose direction is longitudinal. These radii appear to serve the purpose of tentacula for fixing the orifice of the mouth, as well as that of muscles to expand the cavity of the mouth, from their being inserted along the brim of that opening. After the rounded extremity or head has been nar- rowed into the neck, the lower part be- comes flatted, and has two small tuber- cles placed upon each flaUedside; the tubercles are concave in the middle, and appear destined to .serve the purpose of suckers for attaching the head more dfec- tually. The internal structure of the joints composing the body of this unimal IS partly vascular and partly cellular ; the substance itself is white, and somewhat resembles in its texture the coagulated lymph of the human blood. The alimen- tary canal passes along each side of the animal, sending a cross canal over the bottom of each joint, which connects the two lateral canals together. Mr. Carlisle injected with a coloured size, by asingle push with a small syringe, three feet in length of these canals, in the direction from the mouth dow.nwards. He tried the injection the contrary way, but it seemed to be stopped by valves. The ali- mentary canal is impervious at the ex- treme joint, where it terminates without any opening analogous to an anus. Each joint has a vascular portion occupying the middle part, which is composed of a longi- tudinal canal, from which a great number of lateral canals branch ofl'at right angles. These canals contain a fluid like milk. The taenia seems to be one of the sim- plest vascular animals in nature. The way in which it is nourished is singular ; the food being taken in by the mouth, passes into the alimentary canal, and is thus mside to visit, in a general way, the different parts of the animal. As it has no excretory ducts, it would appear that the whole of its alimentary fluid it fit for nour- ishment ; the decayed parts probably dis- solve into a fluid vvhicli transudes through the skin, which is extremely porous. This animal has nothing resembling a brain or nerves, and seems to have no or- gans of sense but those of touch. It is most probably propagated by ova, which may easily pass along the circulating ves- sels of other animals. We cannot other- wise explain the phenomena of worms being found in the eggs of fowls, and in the intestines of a fa^us before birth, ex- cept by supposing their ova to have pass- ed through the circulating vessels of the mother, and by this means been conveyed to the foetus. The chance of an ovum being placed in a situation where it will be batched, and the young find convenient subsistence, must be very small ; hence the necessity TAL TAL wr Uieir being very prolific. If they had the same powers of being prolific which ihey now have, and their ova were after- wards very readily liatched, then the mul- tiplication of these animals would be im- mense, and become a nuisance tothe other parts of the creation. Another mode of increase allowed to taenia (if we may cull it increase) is by an addition to the number of then- joints. If we consider the individual joints as dis- tinct beings, it is so ; and when we reflect upon the |>ower of generation given to each joint, it makes this conjecture the more probable. We can hardly suppose that an ovum of a taenia, which at its full growtii is thirty feet long, and composed of four hundred joints, contained a young tae- nia, composed of this number of pieces; but we have seen young tjeni?e not half a foot long, and not possessed of fifty joints, which' still wereentire worms. Wehavealso many reasons to believe, that when a part of this animal is broken off from the rest, it is capable of forming a head for itself, and becomes an independent being. The sim- ple construction of the head makes its re- generation a much more easy operation than that of the tails and feet of lizards, which are composed of bones snd compli- cated vessels ; but this last operation lias been proved by tite experiments of Spal- lanzani and many other naturalists. TAFFETY, in commerce, a fine smooth silken stuff, remarkably glossy. See Silk. There are tafieties of all colours, some plain, and others striped with gold, silver, 8cc. others chequered, others flowered, &c. according to the fancy of the workmen. I'AGF/l'ES, in botany, murygold, a ge- nus of the Syngenesia Polygamia S.iper- Tlua class and order. Natural order of Compositae Oppositifolix. Corymbiferae, .Tussieu. Essential character : calyx one- leaved, five-toothed, tubular; florets of the ray five, permanent ; down witli firm erect chaffs; receptacle naked. There are four species, and several varieties ; the T. erecta, African marygold, is from three to four feet in height, divided from the middle into many branches, each bearing one large flower ; leaves long, pinnate; leaflets dark green; flowers yellow, from brimsto-nc to orang-e colour ; of this there are five varieties, all an- nuals. TALC, in mineralogy, is divided into three sub-species, viz. l.The earthy talc, which is of a greenish white colour, com- posed of glimmering ])early small scaly parts : it soils a liltle, and feels ratlier greasy. It occurs in the tin mines near Freyburg, in Saxony. 2. Common Vene- tian talc is of an apple green, which passes on one side into greenish white, and even into silver white ; on the other, into asparagus green. It is massive, dis- seminated, and in extremely delicate, crystals. It is splendent and shining: feels very greasy, and is easy frangible. It is infu.sible before the blow-pipe, with- out addition ; and its constituent parts are. Magnesia 41- Silex 50 Alumina 6 100 This is frequently confounded With mica, from which it is, however, distin- guished by Wi'.nt of elasticity ; by its greasy feel, and colour. It is almost en- tirely confined to the primitive mountains, where it occurs in beds, imbedded in ser- pentine, and also in veins. It abounds in the mountains of Tyrol and Salzburg, hence it is brought to Venice, and on that account has obtained the name of Venetian talc. It is employed as a basis for coloured crayons, and for the finest rouge. o. Indurated talc is of a greenish gre}'' colour: it occurs massive; lustre shining, passing to gUstening, and is pearly, feels rather greasy. It occui-s in primitive mountains, where it forms beds in clay^ slate, and serpentine. It is thought to be an intermediate link between steatite and pot-stone, which see. It is found in the Alps, in Stiria, and in Austi'ia, and Hungary : also in some parts of Scotland : the constituent parts. are, Magnesia 38.54 Sihca o8.12 Alumina 6.66 Lime 0.41 Iron 15.02 9S.73 Loss 1.25 100.00 TALENT, money of account amongst the ancients. Amongst the .Jews, a talent in weight was equal to sixty maneh, or 113 lb. 10 oz. 1 dwt. 10 2 g^V. TALES, /. e. tales de circvmstaniilnia. bystanders, is used in law for a supply of rncn empannelled on a jury, and not ap- TAL TAM peftring, or on tliclr appearance chaUeng-- ed and disallowed, when the judge, upon motion, orders a supply to be made by the sheriff of one or more such persons as are present in court, to make up a full jury. TALLOW tree^ a remarkable tree, growing in great plenty in China ; so called from its producing a substance like tallow, which serves for the same purpose ; it is about the height of a cher- ry-tree, its leaves in form of a heart, of a deep shining red colour, and its bark very smooth. Its fruit is inclos- ed in a kind of pod, or cover, like a ches- nut, and consists of three round white grains, of the size and form of a small nut, each having its peculiar capsule, and within a little stone. This stone is encom- passed with a white pulp, which has all the properties of true tallow, both as to consistence, colour, and even smell ; and accorcUngly the Chinese make their can- dles of it ; which would doubtless be as good as those in Europe, if they knew how to purify their vegetable, as well as we do our animal tallow. All the pre- paration they give it is, to melt it down, and to mix a Utile oil with it, to make it softer and more pliant. It is true their candles made of it yield a thicker smoke, and a dimmer light, than ours ; but those defects are owing in a great measure to the wicks, which are not of cotton, but only a little rod of dry light wood, covei'- ed with the pith of a rush wound round it ; which, being very porous, serves to filtrate the minute parts of the tallow, attracted by the burning stick, which, by tliis means, is kept alive. See Tomex. TALPA, the mole^ in natural history, a genus of Mammalia, of the order Ferse. Generic character : six fore-teeth in the upper jaw, unequal, eight in the lower ; tusks solitary, in the upper jaw larger ; seven grinders in the upper, and six in the lower. There are four species. T. Europea, the European mole, is about six inches in length, without tlie tail. lis body is large and cylindrical, and its snout strong and cartilaginous. Its skin is of extraordinary thickness, and co- vered with a fur, short, but yielding to thai of no other animal in fineness. It hears with particular acuteness, and, not- withstanding the popular opinion to the contrary, possesses eyes, which it is stat- ed to be able to withdraw, or project, at pleasure. It lives partly on the roots of vegetables, but principally on animal food, such as worms and insects, and is extremely voracious and fierce. Shaw iciales, from Sir Thomas Brown, that a mole, a toad, and a serpent, have been re- peatedly inclosed in a large glass vase, and that the mole has not only killed the others, but has devoured a very consider- able part of them. It abounds in soft ground, in which it can dig with ease, and which furnishes it with the greatest supply of food. It forms its subterraneous apartments with great facility by its snout and feet, and with a very judicious refer- ence to escape and comfort. It produces four or five young in the spring, in a nest a little beneath the surface, composed of moss and herbage. It is an animal inju- rious to the grounds of the farmer, by throwing up innumerable hills of mould, in the construction of its habitation, or the pursuit of its food, and many persons in England obtain their subsistence from the premiums which are, on this account, given for their destruction. Moles can swim with considerable dexterity, and are thus furnished with the means of es- cape, in those sudden inundations to which they are frequently exposed. In Ireland, the mole is unknown. See Mam- malia, Plate XX. fig. 5. T. radiata, or the radiated mole, is very similar to the above, from which it is principally distinguished by a circle of radiated tendrils resembling the ray of a boot-spur, attaclied to the nose. It is a native of North America, See Mam- malia, Plate XX. fig. 6. The common mole of North America belongs to the genus Sorex : its specific name is Aquaticus, TALUS, in fortification. Talus of a bastion, or rampart, is the slope or dimi- nution allowed to such a work, whether it be of earth or stone, the better to sup- port its weight. The exterior talus of a work, is its slope on the side towards the country, which is always made as little as possible, to prevent the enemy's scalade ; unless the earth be bad, and then it is absolutely necessary to allow a considerable talus for its parapet. The interior talus of a work is its slope on the inside towards the place, TAMARTNDUS, in botany, tamarind tree^ a genus of the Monadelphia Trian- dria class and order. Nat«ral order of Lomentaceae. Leg'-minosac, Jussieu. Es- sential character: calyx four parted ; pe- tals three ; nectary of two short bristles under the filaments; legume pulpy. There is only one species, viz. T. indica, tamarind tree, which grows to a large size in those countries where it is a na- tive 5 the stem is very large, covered TAM TAN with a brown bark, dividing into many branches at the top, and spreading wide every way ; the Howers come out from the side of the branches, five, six, or more together, in loose branches ; the pods are thick and compressed ; those from the West Indies are from two to * five inches in length, containing two, three, or four seeds ; those from the East Indies are nearly twice as long, and contain five, six, and even seven seeds ; plants raised from both these are so much alike as not to be distinguislied; the difference in the size of the pods is probably owing to soil and culture. The calyx is straw-coloured ; the petals are yellowish, beautifully variegated with red veins ; peduncles half an inch in length, each furnished with a joint, at which the flower turns inward ; filaments commonly three ; they are purple, and the anthers are brownish. The timber of the tamarind tree is heavy, firm, and hard ; sawn into boards, it is converted to many useful purposes in building. The fruit is used both in food and medicine. In many parts of America, particularly in Curacao, they eat abundance of it raw, without any inconvenience. In Martinico also, they eat the unripe fruit, even of the most austere kind. TAMAUIX, in botany, tamarisk^ a ge- nus of the Pentandria Trigynia class and order. Natural order of Succulent?e. Portulaceje, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx five-parted ; petals five ; capsule one-celled, three-valved ; seeds pappose. I'here are four species : we shall notice the T. gallica, French tamarisk, which is a native of the south of France, Spain, Italy, Kussia, Tartary, Barbary, and Japan, v.'here it grows to a tree of a middling size ; in England it is rarely more than fourteen feet in height. The bark is rough, and of a dark brown colour; it sends out many slender branches, most of which spread out fiat, hanging down- wards at their ends ; thes^ are covered with a chesnut coloured bark, and gar- nished with very narrow, finely-divided leaves, of a bright green cojour, having small leaves or indentures, which lie over each other like scales of fish ; the flowers are produced in taper spikes, at the end of the branches, several of them growing on the same branches; tlie spikes are about an inch long; the flowers are set very close all round the spike ; they are small, and have five concave pe- tals, of a pale flesh colour, with live slen- dof stamina, terminated by roundish red ^hers; the flowers appear in July, and are succeeded by oblong, acute-pointed, three-cornered capsules, filled with small downy seeds, which seldom ripen in England. TAMf5AC, a mixture of gold and cop- per, which the people of SianihoUl more beautiful, and seta greater value on, than gold itself TAMBOUR, in architecture, a term ap- plied to the Corinthian and Composite ca- pitals, as bearing some resemblance to a drum, which the French call tambour. Tambouu is also used for a little box of timber-work, covered with a ceiling, within side the porch of certain churches, both to prevent the view of persons pass- ing by, and to keep off the wind. Sec. by metms of folding doors. « TAMUS, in botany, black bryony, a ge- nus of ihe Dioecia liexandria class and or- der. Natural order of Sarnientaceae. As- paragi, Jussieu. Essential character : ca- lyx six-parted; corolla none; female, style trifid ; berry three-celled, inferior ; seeds two. There are two species, viz. T. communis, common black bryony, and T. cretica, Creton black bryony. TANACBTUM, in botany, tansey, a genus of the Syngenesia Polygamia Su- peiflua class and order. Natui-al order of Conapositae Discoidcc. Corymbiferac, Jussieu. Essential character: calyx im* bricate, hemispherical ; corolla rays obso- lete, trifid, sometimes none, and all the flowers hermaphrodite ; down submar- ginate : receptacle naked. There are nine species, of which the T. vulgare, common tansey, has a fibrous creeping root, which spreads to a great distance ; the herb is bitter, possessing a strong aromatic smell. It is a native of Europe and Siberia, in high meadows and pas- tures, on the banks of rivers, and in swampy places, flowering from June to August. TANAECIU^?, in botany, a genus of the Didynamia Angiospermia class and or- der : Essential character : calyx cylindri- cal, truncate ; corolla tubular, almost equal, five-cleft; rudiment of a fifth fila- ment ; berry corticose, very large. There ai'e two species, viz. T. jaroba, and T. pa rasiticum, both natives of Jamaica. TAN AGRA, the tanag-er, in natural his- tory, a genus of birds of the order Piis- seres. Generic character : bill conic, somewhat inclining towards tlie point; upper mandible slightly ridged and notch- ed near the end. There are forty-four species, of which the following deserve tlie chief attention. T. jacapa, or the red-breasted tanager- TANGENT. is of the size of a spai-row^and abounds in various parts of America. It feeds on fruits, and frequents gardens. Its nest is of a cylindrical form, fixed to the hori- zontal branch of a tree, and the entrance is beneath. It is generally seen in pairs. The T. tatoa, or titmouse of Paradise, is nearly as large as a goldfiticii, is one of tlie most beautiful birds of the genus, adorned with the most brilliant plumage of scarlet, blue, green, and gold. It is found in flocks in Cayenne and Guiana, at the season when a particular, but im- describcd, fruit tree is in bearing, and is said to be found, in those countries, only in the immediate vicinity of these trees. It maybe confined, and fed on bread and milk; but has no powers of melody. TANtiENT, in geometry, is defined, in general, to be a right line, which touches any arch of a cuive, in such a mannei-, that no right line can be drawn between the right line and the arch, or within the angle that is formed by them. Tiie tan- geJitof an arch is a right line drawn per- pendicularly from the end of a diameter, passing to one extremity of the arch, and terminated by a right line drawn from the centre through the other end of the arch, and called the secant. And the co-tan- gent of an arch is the tangent of the com- plement of that arch. The tangent of a curve is a right line, which oidy touches the curve in one point, but does not cut it. In order to illustrate the method of drawing tangents to curves, let A C G, Plate XIV. Miscel. fig. 10, be a curve of any kind, and C the given point from whence the tangent is to be drawn. Then conceive a right line, m g, to be carried along uniformly, parallel to itself, from A towards Q ; and let, at the same time, a point, )!>, so move in that line, as to de- scribe the given curve, A C G ; also let m m, or C n, express the fluxion of A in, or the velocity wherewith the line, m g, is carried ; and let 71 S express the corres- ponding fluxion of Til p, in the position m C g, or the velocity of the point, p, in the line, m g : moreover, through the point, C, let the right line, S F, be drawn, meeting the axis of the curve, A Q, in F. Now it is evident, that if the motion of j&, along the line in g, was to become equable at C, the point, p, would be at S, when the line itself had got into the po- sition in S g ; becau.se, by the hypothesis, C n and n S express the distances that might be described by the two uniform motions in the same time. And iiiiv s g be assumed to represent any other po.si- tion of that tine, and * the conlensporary position of the point,/*, still supposing an equable velocity of ^ ; then the distances, C V, and V s, gone over in the same time by the two motions, will always be to each other as the velocities, or as C nto nS. Therefore, since C v : v s :: C n : n S, (which is a known pro])erty of similar tri- angles), the point, s, will always fall in the right line, F C S, (fig. 11) : whence it ap- pears, tjjat if the motion of the point, ji, along the line, in g, was to become uni- form at C, that point would then move in the right line, C S, instead of the curve line, C (i. Now, seeing the motion of /», in the dcscrij^tion of curves, must either be an accelerated or retarded one ; let it be first considered as an accelerated one, in which case, tiie arch, C G, will fall wholly above the riglit Hue, C D, as in fig. 10 ; because the distance of the pc/nit, p, from the axis A Q, at the end of any given time, is greater than it would be if the acceleration was to cease at C ; and if the acceleration had ceased at C, the point, p, woidd have been always found in the said right line, F S. But *if the mo- tion of the point, />, be a retarded one, it will appear, by arguing in the same man- ner, that the arcli C G, will fall wholly below the right line, C D, as in fig. 11. This being the case, let the line mg, and the point /j, along that line, be now supposed to move back again, towards A and m, in the same manner they proceed- ed from thence ; then, since the velocity of /> did before increase, it must now, on the contrary, decrease ; and therefore, as /», at the end of a given time, after repass- ing the point, C, is not so near to A Q, as it would have been, had the velocity contiiuied the same as at C, the arch, C k (as well as C G) must fall wholly above the right line, F C D : and by the same method of arguing, the arch, C h, in the second case, will fall wholly below F C D. Therefore F C D, in both cases, is- a tan- gent to the curve at the point, C ; whence the triangles, F in C, and C n S, being similar, it appears that the subtangent, m F, is always a fourth proportional to n S, the fluxion of the ordinate, C 11, the fluxion of the absciss, and C m, the ordinate ; that is, S n : n G :: in C : m F. Hence, if the absciss, A m = x, and tlie ordinate m p=:.i', we shall have m F= — ^ by means of which general expression, and the equation expressing the relation between x and y, the ratio of the fluxions, X and y will be found, and from thence the length of the sub-tangent, m F, as iw the following examples. TAN TAN 1. To draw a right line C T, a tangent to a given circle, (fig. 12) B C A, in a given point, C. Let C S be perpenflicu- lar to the diameter, A B, and put A B = «, B S = .r, and S C = ?/. Then, by tlie jjroperty of the circle, y"- (= C S^) = B S X A S (= X X " — ^) = a X — x"- \ whereof the fluxion being taken, in or- der to determine the ratio of x and i), we get ^ y y = a X — 2 x x; consequently X 2 ?/ V ... , . ,. , which multiplied by, 2x • = the sub-tan- yx gives — :- =- y ia — x gent, S T. Whence, O, being supposed the centre, we have O S (=^ a — x) : C S (=y) :: C S (== T/) : S T ; which is also found to be the case from other princi- ples, 2. To draw a tangent to any given point, C, (fig, 13) of the conical parabola, A C G, If the latus recium oi' the curve be denoted by a, the ordinate M C, by ?/, and its corresponding absciss, A M, by x ; then the known equation, expi'essing the relation of x and y, being ax =z y-, we have, in this case, the fluxion a xz=s2 y y ; whence — =.— ; and consequently, —=. iyLJLll, = 2 a: = M F. Therefore a a the sub-tangent is just the double of its corresponding absciss, A M, And so for finding the tangents of other species of curves. TANNING, the art of manufacturing leather from raw hides and skins. Before we detail the process, it may be proper to observe, that raw hides and skins being composed of minute fibres intersecting each otlier in every direction, the general operation of tanning consists chieHy in ex- piinding the pores, and dissolving a sort of grciisy substance contained in them ; and tlien, by means of the astringency and gummy resinous properties of oak bark, to fill and re-unite them, so as to give firmness and durability to the whole tex- ture. But this theory has been contro- verted by some cliemists, who suppose that tlie animal jelly contained in the skin is not dissolved, but unites during the process with the astringent principle of the bark, and forms a combination insolu- ble in water. The process of tanning varies consider- ably, not only in dilVerent countries, but even in different parts of the same coun- try, TheYollowing is the method most approved and practised in London and its vicinitv. The leather consists chiefly of N 01- VI, three sorts, known by the name of bultR or backs, hides, and skins. Butts are ge- nerally made IJom the stoutest and hea- viest ox hides, and are managed as fol- lows : After the lioiiis are taken oil", the hides are laid smooth in heaps for one or two days in the summer, and for five or six in the winter : they are then hung on poles, in a close room called a smoke- iiouse, in which is kept a smouldering fire of wet tan; this occasions a small degree of putrefaction, by which means the liair is easily gut ofT", by spreading the hide on a sort of wooden horse or beam, and scrap- ing it with a crooked knife. The hair be- ing taken ofl", the hide is thrown into a pit or pool of water to cleanse it from the dirt,,&c. which being done, the hide is again spread on the wooden beam, and the grease, loose flesh, extraneous filth, &.C. carefully scrubbed out or taken off"; the hides are then put into a pit of strong liquor called ooze or wooze, prepared in pits called letches or taps kept for the pur- pose, by iniusing ground bark in water ; this is termed colouring : after which they are removed into another pit called a scowering, which consists of water strong- ly impregnated with vitriolic acid, or with a vegetable acid prepared from rye or bar- ley. This operation (which is called rais- ing,) by distending the pores of the hides, occasions them more readily to imbibe the ooze, the effect of whic!) is to astringe and condense the fibres, and give firmness to the leather. The hides are then taken out of the scowering, and spread smooth in a pit commonly filled with water, called a binder, with a quan- tity of ground bark strewed between each. After lying a month or six weeks, tliey ai'e taken up ; and the decayed bark and liquor being drawn out of the pit, it is fill, ed again with strong ooze, win n they are put in as beibre, with bark between each iiide. They now lie two or three months, at the expiration of which the same oj)i;- ration is repeated ; they then remain four or five months, when they again undergo the same process; and alter being three months in the last pit, aie completely tan- ned, unless the hides are so remarkably stout as to want an additional pit or layer. The whole process requires from eleven to eighteen months, and sometimes two years, according to ihe .substance of the hide, anddiseretion of the tmuier. When taken out of the pit to be dried, they are hung on poles ; and after being cgmpress- Z" /, TANNING. cd by a steel pin, and beat out smooth by wooden liammers called beetles, the ope- raiion is complete ; and when thoroughly dry, they are tit tor sale. Uutts are chief- ly used for the soles of stout shoes. The leather which goes under the denomina- tion ot hides is generally made from cow hides, or the lighter ox hides, which are thus managed. Alter the horns are taken off', and the hides washed, they are put into a pit of water saturated whh lime, where they remain a few days, when they are taken out, and the hair scraped off on a wooden beam, as before described; they are then washed in a pit or pool of water, and the loose flesh, &c. being taken off, they are removed into a pit ot Weak ooze, where they are taken up and put down (which is technically termed handling) two or three times a day for the first week : every second or third day they are shifted into a pit of fresh ooze, somewhat stronger than the former ; till, at the end of a month or six weeks, they are put into a strong ooze, in which they are handled once or twice a week with fresh bark for two or three months. They are then removed into another pit, called a layer, in which they are laid smooth, with bark ground ve- ry fine, strewed between each hide. After remaining here two or three months, they are generally taken up, when the ooze is drawn out, and the hides put in again with fresh ooze and fresh bark; where, after lying two or three months more, they are completely tanned, except a few very stout hides, which may require an extra layer: they are then taken out, hung on poles, and being hammered and smoothed by a steel pin, are, when dry, fit for sale. These hides are called crop hides ; they are from ten to eighteen months in tanning, and are used for the soles of shoes. Skins is the general term for the skins of calves, seals, hogs, dogs, 8tc. These, after being washed in water, are put into lime-pits, as before mentioned, where they are taken up and put down every third or fourth day, for a fortnight or three weeks, in order to dilate the pores and dissolve the gelatinous parts of the skin. The hair is then scraped off, and the flesh and excrescences being removed, they are put into a pit of water impregnated with pi- geon dung (called a grainer or mastring,) forming a strong alkaline ley, which, in a week or ten days, soaking out the lime, grease, and saponaceous matter (during which period they are several times scrap- ed over with a crooked knife to work out the dirt and filth), softens the skins, and . prepares them for the reception of the ; ooze. They are then put into a pit of weak ooze, in the same manner as the hides, and being frequently handled, are by degrees removed into a stronger I and still stronger liquor, tor a monlh or j six weeks, when they are put into a very i strong ooze, with fresh bark ground very ! fine ; and at the end of two or three ] months, according to the substance, are ^ sufficiently tanned ; when they are taken ' out, hung on poles, dried, and fit for sale. | These skins are afterwards dressed and ] blacked by the currier ; and are used for the upper-leathers of shoes, boots, &.c. < The lighter sort of hides, called dressing bides, as well as horse hides, are managed i nearly in the same manner as skins; and \ are used for coach-work, harness-work, J &c. ] Having given some account of the pro- cess, as commonly used in this country, . we proceed to one recommended by M. Se- ' guin in France, who is supposed to have * done much towards simplifying and ren- ; dering perfect the art. In order to give ; currency to the knowledge which he had i obtained by a long course of experiments j and actual practice in the business, he ^ exhibited without reserve all that he had ■ discovered, and at the same time actually executed his processes on the large scale, ' furnishing gratuitously skins and tan, in order that others who were witnesses to , his plans might repeat for themselves, and at their leisure, the experiments they had | seen him go through. We shall give an I outline of his plan and reasoning on this i important subject. i Skins swell up, and become soft, by moisture, which renders them permeable to water. Hence they are easily destroy- ! ed by the putrid process which ensues, I and they become dry and brittle when the moisture is evaporated. Accident, no \ doubt, occasioned the discovery of the j means ofpreventing these inconveniences by the use of certain vegetable substan- j ces, particularly the bark of oak. It was seen that skins prepared with these sub- stances acquired new properties; that, ' without losing their flexibility, they be- i came less permeable to water , more firm, j more compact, and in some measure inca- pable of putrefaction. These observations j gave birth to the art of the tanner. This art, no doubt of high antiquity, because ■ founded on one of the earliest wants of man in society, comprehends a succession of processes which was executed by habit 3 TANNING. and imitation, without a knowledge of" the essential objects. The preparation of skins accordingly required several years, and frequently, in spite of the caie, ex- pense, and slowness of the operation, the tanning was incomplete ; the skin formed a soft and porous leather, which was soon destroyed by moisture. These defects essentially sprung from ignorance of the true principles of this operation, because no discovery had been made respecting the action of tan upon the skin, and the circumstances, or conditions, which might accelerate or retard the process. To arrive at this knowledge in an accu- rate manner, it is necessary to consider, first, the nature and properties of tan ; and secondly, the structure and composition of the skin. We shall not enter into the de- tail of such precautions as are requisite in the choice ot oak bark, the time and man- ner of separating it from the tree, preserv- ing it, or pulverising it. It will be suffi- cient for our object to remark, that water poured into a vessel upon tan acquires, af- ter some hours infusion, at the common temperature of the atmosphere, a brown colour, an astringent taste, and becomes charged with the most soluble substances contained in the tan ; that by drawing off the water, and adding a similar quantity to the tan repeatedly, the whole of the solu- ble parts may be successively extracted, the water ceases to acquire colour, and there remains in the tub a mere fibrous matter or parenchymatous texture, insolu- ble in water, and no longer adapted to promote the operation of tanning. This residue is therefore always rejected in the manufactories as useless. It is only used by gardeners for their hot-beds, but might probably be advantageously applied in the fabrication of coarse paper. It is therefore in the water of infusion, or the lixiviations of tan, that we must seek for the soluble substances which alone are efficacious in tanning. On examination of the water of the last fil- tration, it is found to be not only clearer, less impregnated, and less acrid than the water of the first Hxiviation, but likewise that it possesses all the proper- ties of the gallic acid. It reddens the in- fusion of tournsol, acts upon metallic solu- tions, and more particularly it precipitates a black fecula from sulphate of iron, &c. And it is also found, that a piece of fresh skin, divested of its fat and sanguine hu- mours, and macerated in this liqour, in- stead of becoming compact, is softened and swells up. The liquor of the first lixiviation exhi- bits a very difiercnt character. It is more coloured and astringent ; it not only ex- hibits the properties of tlie gallic acid, by the alterations it causes in the blue colours of vegetables, and the black pre- cipitate it forms with the sulphate of iron; but it likewise possesses the remarkable quality of forming, with animal gelatine, or glue, a yellowish abundant precipitate, insoluble in water, not putrescible, whicli becomes hard and brittle by drying ; and if a piece of skin properly prepai*ed be immersed in this fluid, it becomes gradu- ally more compact, and is converted into leather. Thei;e exist, therefore, in the same fluid, two very different substances : the one, which precipitates a black matter from iron, is the gallic acid or principle ; the other, which precipitates animal ge- latine or glue, is called the tanning prin- ciple, on account of its efficacy in the preparation of leather. To leave no doubt on this important point, it was proved, by a number of ex- periments easy to be repeated. 1. That the liquor of the last lixiviation, though coloured, and of an astringent taste, af- fords no precipitate with glue ; a fact, which seems to show that the gallic acid contained in the bark is less soluble thau the tanning principle. In fact, as has al- ready been remarked, when water is suc- cessively poured on the tan, an infusion is at last obtained, which no longer precipi- tates glue, though it precipitates sulphate of iron very well. 2. The liquor of the first lixiviation, after having been saturat- ed with glue or animal gelatine, and forming an abundant precipitate with that substance, is entirely deprived of the tanning principle. It no longer differs from the liquor of the last filtrations, and contains merely a portion of the gallic acid. Hence the addition of sulphate of iron affords a new precii)itate with this hquor. 3. As the tanning principle has a strong attraction to the animal gelatine, with which it always forms an insoluble precipitate, this property affords a very convenient re-agent to ascertain its pre- sence immediately in any fluid, and to de- termine with precision its quantity. Ac- cordingly, the infusion of tan poured in- to| milk, whey, serum, brotli, &c. forms, with these liquors, a precipitate more or less abundant, according to the quantity of gelatine they contain. This peculiar property of the tanning principle affords an application, which TANNING. n^ay become of great im])ortance in the art of treating diseases, to determine the nature of urine, and to ascertain some of its cliangcs. In the healthy subject, all whose fiujctions are duly exercised, the urine does not contain gelatine, nor af- ibrd a precipitate with the infusion of tan: on the contrary, in all the gastric affec- tions, the urine is more or less charged with gelatine ; and forms, with the infu- sion of tan, a precipitate more or less abundant. The same observation is ap- plicable to acute and chronical diseases, in which the assimilating or digestive forces are troubled, deranged, or per- verted. 4. The gallic acid, or, if other terms be preferred, the principle which precipitates the sul[)hate of iron, is often found alone, or at least without being ac- companied by the tanning principle. Thus, quinquina, crude or torrefied cof- fee, the roots of the strawberry- plant, scrofularia, milfoil, arnica, the flowers of Roman camv)mile, and all the multitude of plants vaguely comprised under the title of astringents, contaiji the gallic acid onl)-. All these form with the sulphate of iron a precipitate more or less colour- ed and abundant ; but none of them pro- duce the slightest change in the solution of animal glue. On the contrary, the taiming principle has never been found alone, but always united or combined with the gallic principle. It was long supposed to exist exclusively in the oak, the nut-gall, and sumac, the only sub- stances used at the tan-works ; but it is found more or less abundantly in the siliquastrum, the rose-tree, the larix, se- veral species of pines, the acacias, the lotus, the squill, the roots of bistort, of rhubarb, ofparella, and several other plants. We have also foimd this princi- ple in the products of distillation of dif- ferent vegetable substances, where it was in some measure formed during the operation. From these different considerations, founded on experiment, the following general principles may be deduced : 1, Every substance of which the infusion is capable of precipitating animal jelly, pos- sesses the tanning property. 2. Every substance which possesses the tanning property, likewise precipitates the sul- phate of iron black. 3. Every substance which precipitates the sulphate of iron, but not the solution of glue, does not pos- sess the tanning property. Upon M. Seguin's principle, a patent was some years since taken out by Mr. W. Desmojid, who obtains the tanning principle by digesting oak-bark, or other proper material, in cold water, in an ap- j)aratus nearly similar to that used in the sult-jjetre works. That is to say, the water which has remained upon the pow- dered bark for a certain time, in one ves- sel, is drawii oft" by a cock, and poured u\)on fresh tan. This is again to be drawn (jir, and poured upon other fresh tan ; and in this way the process is to be con- tinued to the lifth vessel. The liquor is then highly coloured, and marks, as Mr. Desmond says, from six to eight degrees on the hydrometer for salts. He calls this the tanning lixivium. The criteri- on to distinguish its presence is, that it precipitates glue from its ac|ueous solu- tion, and is also useful to examine how far otlier vegetable substances, as well as oak-bark, may be suitable to the pur- pose of tanning. The strong tanning liquor is to be kept by itself It is found, by trials with the glue, that the tanning principle of the first digester which re- ceives the clear water is, of course, first exhausted ; but the same tan will still give a certain portion of the astringent principle, or gallic lixivium, to water. The presence of this principle is ascer- tained by its striking a black colour when added to a small cjuantity of the solution of vitriol of iron, or green copperas. As soon as the water from the digester ceases to exhibit this sign, the tan is exhausted, and must be replaced with new. The gallic lixivium is reserved for the purpose of taking the hair off from hides. Strong hides, after wash- ing, cleaning, and fieshing, in the usual way, are to be immersed for two or three days in a mixture of gallic lixivi- um, and a thousandth part, by measure, of dense vitriolic acid. By this means the hair is detached from the hides, so that it may be scraped off with a round knife. When swelling or raisings is re- quired, the hides are to be immersed for ten or twelve hours in another vat, filled with water, and one five hundredth part of the same vitriolic acid. The hides be- ing then repeatedly washed and dressed, are ready for tanning ; for which purpose they are to be immersed for some hours in a weak tanning hxivium, of only one or two degrees; to obtain which, the latter portions of the infusions are set apart, or else some of that which has been partly exhausted by use in tanning. The hides are then to be put into a stronger lixivium, where, in a few days, they will be brought to the same degree of satu- ration with the liquor in which they are immersed. The strength of the liquor TAN TAN will b)' this means be considerably di- minished, and must therefore be renew- ed. When tlie hides are by this means completely saturated, that is to say, per- fectly tanned, they are to be removed, and slowly dried in the shade. Calf-skins, goat-skins, and the Uke, are to he steep- ed in lime-water, after the usual fleshing" and washing-. These are to remain in the lime-water, which contains more lime than it can dissolve, and requires to be stin'ed several times a-day. A fter two or three days, the skins are to be removed, and perfectly cleared of their lime by washing: and pressing in water. The tanning process is then to be accom- plished in the same manner as for the strong hides ; but the lixivium must be considerably weaker. Mr. Des- mond remarks, that lime is used, in- stead of the gallic lixivium, for such hides as are required to have a close grain ; because the acid mixed with that Uxivium always swells the skins more or less : but that it cannot, with the same convenience, be used with thick skins, on accownt of the considerable labour re- quired to clear them of the lime ; any part of which, if left, would render them harsh, and liable to crack. He recom- mends, likewise, as the best method to bring the whole surface of the hides in contact with the lixivium, that they should be suspended vertically in the fluid, by means of transverse rods or bars, at such a distance as not to touch each other. By this practice, much of the labour of turning and handling may be .saved. Mr. Desmond concludes his specification by observing, that in some cases it will be expedient to mix fresh tan with the lixi- vium ; and that various modifications of strength, and other circumstances, will present themselves to the operator. He affirms that, in addition to the great sav- ing of time and labour in this method, the leather, being more completely tan- ned, will weigh heavier, wear better, and be less susceptible of moi.sture, than lea- ther tanned in the usual way; that cords, ropes, and cables, made of hemp or speartery, impregnated with the tanning principle, will support much greater weights without breaking, be less liable to be worn out by friction, and will run more smoothly on puUies; insomuch tliat, in his opinion, it will render the use of tar in many cases, particularly in the rigging of ships, unnecessary ; and, lastly, that it may be substituted for the preservation of animal food instead of salt. The intelligent manufacturer will readily perceive, (hat this new method is grounded on two particular circjim- .stances, besides a more scientific ma- nagement of the general process than has been usual. Tjie first consists in the method of determining the presence and quantity of the tanning principle by the hydrometer, and the precipitation of glue: the second in applying this principle, in a concentrated state, more early in point of time than has, perhaps, been hitherto done. Our tanners, after the common previous processes, and unhairing by acids, by lime, or by piling- the hides, that they may heat and begin to putrify, apply the solution of tan, wliich they call ooze, in a great number of pits in the tan-yard* 'I'hey begin with the weakest solution which has been used, and is of a lighter colour than the other ; and they pass the hides, according to tlieir judg- ment and experience, into oozes which ai*e stronger and stronger ; imtil at last, in certain cases, tlie hides come to be buried, for a certain time, in a solid ma.ss of tan, or oak -bark. The oak-bark itself, in the pits, is not only the source from which the water extracts the tanning principle, but seems, likewise, in some measure, during the last stages of the process, to operate mechanically, by keeping the surfaces of the hides from touching each other. TANTALITE, in mineralogy, a metal- lic fossil of an iron black colour on the ex- ternal surface, but internally between bluish-grey and iron-black. It occurs imbedded, in masses of the size of a hazel nut, which have a tendency to the octahe- dral form. Externally it is smooth and glimmering ; internally it is shining, and its lustre metallic. Specific gravity is 7.95. Its constituent parts are, tantalium, iron, and manganese. It is found imbed- ded in quartz, in Sweden; its name is de- rived from the new metal denominated Tantalium, which see- TANTALIUM, a metal discovered by M, Ekeberg, in the mineral just mention- ed ; and in another named Ytrotantalite. From each he extracted by means of the fixed alkalies a white powder, which he ascertained to be the oxide of a peculiar metal ; to this he gave the name of tanta- lium. When this oxide is powerfully heated with charcoal, it yields a button moderately hard, which, externally, has- a metallic lustre, but internally it is black, and without any degree of brilliancy. The acids will reduce it again to an oxide, but they will not dissolve it. It melts before the blow-pipe with borax, or phosphate of soda, but gives no colour to either of them. Its specific gravity is about 6.5. TAN '.i^Vfk^-ffci*.*.^ TAP TANTALUS, the ibis, in natural histo- ry, a g-emis of birds of the order Grallx. Cieneric character : bill long- ; thick at tJ«e base, incurvaled ; face naked, a»)d sometimes all the head ; tongue broad and short ; nostrils linear and oval ; four toes, connected by a membrane at the base. There are nineteen sjKcies, of which we shall notice tlie following: T. loculator, the wood ibis, is of the size of a goose, and the length of three leet, and is found in Carolina, and in many coun- tries of South America, haunting, parti- cularly, those low tracts which are inun- dated during summer. These birds subsist on reptiles and fish, have little sa- gacity, and are often seen in cypress trees of extraordinary height, with their heavy bills reposing on their breasts. They are in use lor the table, though far from be- ing excellent. T. ruber, or the scarlet ibis, is found in America, and the neighbouring islands. "> Its plumage is of a most ardent scarlet, and it is one of the most beautiful birds of the genus. It subsists on insects, and the ova of fishes, for which, on the ebbing of the tide, it frequents the shores. It perches in trees, but lays its eggs on the ground. The old birds and the young keep in distinct Hocks. They do not at- tain the fall lustre and glow of plumage till their third year ; and in sickness and confinement lose almost all their brilliancy. T. ibis, or the Egyptian ibis, is more than three feet long, and as large as a stork. On the retreating of the Nile, it is Ibimd in Lower Egypt in great numbers, subsisting on insects and frogs. It perches on palm trees, and sleeps in an erect atti- tude, its tail touching its legs. It is sup- posed by some naturalists to be the ibis of the ancients, and is known to destroy and devour serpents. Others suppose it to be the ox-bird described by Shaw. For the blackheaded ibis, see Aves, Plate XIV. %. 2. TANTALUS'S cupy in hydraulics, a si- phon, so adapted to a cup, that the short leg being in the cup, the long leg may go down through the bottom of it. The bended siphon is called Tantalus's cup, fiom the resemblance of the experi- ment made with an image in the glass, re- presenting Tantalus in the fable, fixed up in the middle of the cup, with a siphon concealed in his body, beginning in the bottom of his feet, and ascending to the upper part of his breast ; there it makes a turn, and descends through the other leg, on which he stands; and from thence down through the bottom of the cup, \ where it runs out, and causes the water to subside in the cup ; as soon as it rises i to the height of the siphon, or to the chin , of the image, the water will begin to run i through the siphon concealed in the fi- gure, till the cup is emptied in the man- | ner explained under siphon, and repre- ■ sented more distinctly in the article Hy- j DRAULICS. TAPE worm. See Taenia. TAPESTRY. It has been supposed \ that the use of tapestry was introduced | into the various nations of Europe from i the Levant, by the princes and nobles who \ commanded in the different crusades un- i dertaken to recover the Holy Land from i the Saracens ; but this supposition seems i in a great measure to rest on the fact, that i the workmen employed in this pursuit in ' France were called Sarrassinois. We do ' not find, upon referring to the travels of J Bertrandon de la Brocquiere to Palestine, \ in 1432* any thing to support the asser- ; tion, neither do our modern tourists men- i tion tapestry as used by the present inha- | bitants of that country. Lempriere de- scribes the apartments of the Harem at Morocco to have been hung with rich damasks ; but as the same rooms had j European mirrors on the walls, it does | not appear quite clear that the hangings were not introduced by the same means. There is not a doubt that the Greeks \ used tapestry, as Homer frequently men- tions the labours of the loom in a manner j that proves the production of it could have been employed in no other way. Those countries which are subject to long ' and cold winters, made it necessary that the rich and powerful should adopt some ^ method to check its disagreeable effects i on domestic comfort; and besides, the feu- j dal system universally prevailing, their i residences were calculated for military purposes only : and every consideration i of internal convenience was sacrificed to i tiie means of defence from their jealous and envious neighbours of the same rank in the state; hence they constructed | their mansions with walls as solid and im- ' penetrable as those of a fortified city, in i which the windows were little better than \ loop-holes for missive weapons external- ; ly, whence they were widened inwards | to make the most of the little light and air they were capable of admitting. Cold and dreary as all their apartments were, every possible contrivance was made to temper the damp chill of the i walls ; for this purpose vast fire places ' were constructed, occupying aUnost one < TAPESTRY. side of Ihe s(iuare, and hangings were suspended to exclude from view tlie rough surface of the massy stones, and to confine the humidity in them from im- mediately attaching to the family. That which may have been used in Greece, in Palestine, and throughout Asia, for the double purposes of ornament, and for the convenience of easy removal during the warmth prevaiUng in those countries, where tapestry or hangings make the most pleasant partitions or separations of apartments, became necessary in the greatest part of Europe through a direct- ly opposite cause. Whatever was the nature of the origi- nal hangings in our quarter of the globe, and wherever they were Introduced from, it is very certain that the French have had the honour of giving them their present denomination, which is derived from ta- pisser, to line, and that from the Latin tapes. It is very probable that the ta- pestry of ancient times in England, and on the Continent, was equally rude and barbarous with the paintings of the same period, and perhaps more so; and in the present state of the country it is difficult to ascertain when it improved, or when attempts were made to introduce figures in the weaving of it. When the feudal system ceased, our castles and castellated mansions were gradually deserted, and their possessors, mixing more with the general population, began to admire the comforts of society, and to adopt some of the customs of those they had hitherto despised ; hence occurred a new mode of building, which, though it in some degree resembled that of their ancestors, was attended with infinite improvement. It Is in the residences thus produced that we are now to look for the tapestry once so necessary, but in the latter instance pre- served through a laudable family pride, and as objects of curiosity. At Hard- wicke Hall in Derbyshire, one of the seats of the Duke of Devonshire, built by a Countess of Shrewsbury, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, some very interesting tapestry and hangings of a bed are shown, which were worked by Mary, Queen of France and Scotland, during her long confiaement at that place, previously to her execution. As may be anticipated, from her mode of faith, and the circum- stances of her situation, the colours and subjects are of a sombre and melancholy cast, but sufficiently well done to excite approbation. Those it will be remembered are the product of the needle, and are therefore very different from that which adorns the walls of the House of Lords from the loom, and are nearly coeval vv iiii the per- formances of the royal captive ; the latter have long been celebrated as the only representations we possess of the de- struction of the Spanish Armada, but their age and the fadiiig of their colours have greatly lessened their interest. Ex- clusive of those, there are specimens of ancient tapestry at the Chai-ter House, placed there by the Duke of Norfolk in the reign of Elizabeth, and at St. James's Palace, which is tlie best in every par- ticular of all that has been mentioned. It will be perceived, that in each of these instances the dates nearly corre- spond, whence it may be safely conclud- ed, that very little use was made of tapes- try after the reign of James I. in England. Next to the English, the Flemings were most expert at weaving of rich hangings ; the French, who subsequently exceeded all other nations in this art, did not apply themselves to it till the reigi^ of their Henry IV, when an estabhsliment wa.s made in the year 1607 in the Fauxbourg St. Michael at Paris ; after the assassina- tion of that monarch, the manufactory was neglected, nor was it revived till the reign of Louis XIV. under the auspices of Colbert, who caused a receptacle for this work to be constructed, where two brothers named Giles and John Gobelins, had long before been celebrated as ex- cellent dyers, whence the name, wbicli an edict issued by Louis, confirmed undei* the title of Hotel Royal des Gobelins, As it was the intention of the luxurious monarch just mentioned to excel all Jiis contempoi-ary sovereigns of Eui'ope in the splendour of his palaces and establish- ments, the manufactory of the Gobelins was placed by him under a complete sys- tem of government, and it flourished, with some fluctuations of neglect and en- couragement, as a royal institution, till the late revolution, during which dread- ful period it Vvas consigned, to all ap- pearance, to irretrievable ruin ; but the subsequent consulship of Bonaparte, and his further elevation to the throne of France, has in a great degree recovered it, though the change in public opinion in the manner of decorating walls will prevent it from obtaining its pristine en- couragement. Tiie reader will forgive our enlarging on this subject, as the Gobelins is the only manufactory of taj)cstry remaining in Europe worthy of particular notice, and where paintings are imitated with all TAPESTRY. the strength and bearily of colouring of the pictures from which they are copied. M. Le Maistre, who visited Paris in 1802, mentions two pieces made about that time, one representing the assassination of Admiral Coligni, and tlie other the heroic conduct of tlie President Mole, of uncommon excellence. Ninety persons were then employed, and appeared to work with the utmost ease,though sis years apprenticeship and mucli attention and care are required to attain superior skill. Previously to the change in the govern- ment of France, the workmen were in a great degree slate prisoners, but such is the jealousy of rivalship, that they are stil] under the si)ecial care or surveillance of the police ; and the pieces manufac- tured were destined principally to orna- ment the favourite residence of St. Cloud, and some other public buildings. To this information we shall subjoin the still more recent account of Mr. l^inkerton in 1805. "In the ancient method," says that gentleman, " the workmen were obhged to stoop, which was found detri- mental to their health, and the pictures were destroyed, being cut in pieces in the width of the loom ; tlie figures were also reversed. Neilson, an intelligent foreman, contrived to save the pictures, in tracing them with oil-paper. Nor were the figures reversed as before, and the picture itself was placed behind the workman, that he might accurately ex- press the shades ancl tone of colour. Still the result could not be judged of, till each division was perfected in the loom. Vaucanson superadded an easy and in- genious mechanism, to examine with pleasure the progress of the work; but the manufacture continued to be guided by a servile routine." The last director introduced three im- provements, which cannot very well be explained, but the restdt has been of great advantage in the manner of weav- ing; and as more judgment has been evinced in the selection of pictures for copying, the style of colouring partakes more of the taste of each master than when it was the custom to make all the tints vivid and gaudy; besides, as they have ceased to use silk, the tapestry is much less subject to fade. " Yet," adds Mr. Pinkerton, "the colours are suffi- ciently bright and various to represent, ■with exquisite truth, all the fine tints of beautiful flowers. It is however to be regi'ctted that these splendid tapestries become so expensive, from the length of time required in the workcnanship, that even the rich tremble : and the sale to the government, which presents them to distinguished foreigners, aftbrds the chief if not sole consumption. The sum an- nually allowed, to support the manufac- ture in its greatest activity, is estimat- ed at one hundi-ed and fifty thousand francs." As it is not in our power to obtain the precise improvements made in the man- ner of weaving tapestry, we are com- pelled to describe the mode by which that now remaining in England was made, and which is undoubtedly the basis of the present method in use at the Gobelins. 'J'he loom employed for this purpose stands perpendicularly, and is composed of four principal pieces, two of which are long planks, and the others rollers or beams of considerable diameter ; the planks are placed upright, and the beams cross them at either extremity of the loom, the lower at about twelve inches from the floor; each have trunnions v, hicli suspend them on the planks, and they are turned with bars. The rollers are grooved lengthways, in which are fasten- ed long cylinders of wood with hooks ; the use of these is to fiisten the ends of the warp to, the latter of twisted woollen thread encircles the upper roller, and it is worked as fast as wove on the lower. The planks already mentioned are seven or eight feet in height, from four- teen to fifteen inches broad, and three or more in thickness ; their interior surfaces are pierced into holes the whole length, for the admission of thick pieces of iron with hooks at their ends, which are in- tended to support what is called the coat- stave ; those irons are also pierced to re- ceive pins, by which the stave is con- tracted or expanded at pleasure. The coat-stave, three inches in diameter, ex-, tends the whole length of the loom, and on it are fixed the coats or threads, and thus the threads to the warp cross each other, in this particular having nearly the same eflect witii the spring-stave and treddlcs in the conmion looms. The coats, as they are called, are threads fastened to each thread of the warp by a sliding knot ; those keep the warp open, and thus the broaches bearing the ma- terial for weaving are passed freely through, according to the will of the workman ; besides, the process is further facilitated by small pieces of wood, which are used to make the thread of the warp intersect each other, and that those may keep their due situation, a packthread is run among the threads above the stick- TAR TAR We will now suppose the loom pre- pared with the warp, the operator then proceeds to sketch the principal outUne on the threads composing it from the pic- ture or design to be copied, and this is done by placing the painting, or a car- toon, on the back of the intended tapes- try, and tracing it with a black-lead pen- cil ; after accomplishing the transfer, the original is rolled on a cylinder, and plac- ed behind the workman, who unrolls it in tlie same progression with which he weaves. Exclusive of the instruments already mentioned, a broach, a reed, and an iron needle, are required for introduc- ing the silk or wool of the woof amongst the threads of the warp ; the first is about two-thirds of an inch thick, and seven or eight inches in length, terminating at one extremity in a point, with the other form- ed into a kind of handle, and is made of hard wood ; this broach, as it is termed, serves as a shuttle, the silk, wool, gold, or silver thread, being wound on it. The reed is a kind of comb, made of wood, eight or more inches in length, and an inch thick at the back, tapering thence to ihe teeth, which vary in their distance from each other, according to the fine- ness of the tapestry. The needle varies from the common instrument of that name only in its size, and its use is to press the material close in those parts where any defect is observed. The most singular part of the weaving of tapestry is the position of the weaver, who works on the wrong side of the piece, and with his back to the picture he is to imitate ; con- sequently, he is frequently compelled to leave his position and pass to the oppo- site side of the loom, to ascertain whether he has been correct in his pro- ceedings. When he is about to put the material in the warp, he turns and ex- amines the original ; then having furnish- ed the broach with the colour required, fce introduces it amongst the threads of the warp, which he brings across each other with his fingers, through the as- sistance of the coats or threads secured to the staff, and this operation is repeated with every change of tint. After the wool or silk is placed, he presses it close with the reed or comb, and examining the picture, he makes the necessary amendments with the needle. Those subjects which are very large may be worked upon by more than one weaver at a time. The method we have describ- ed is called the high warp ; another, the low warp ; though rather different in the manner of weaving it, so nearlv resem- VOIa VI. bles the tapestry of the high warp, that it is unnecessary to describe it. TAPIR, in natural history, a genus of MammaUa of the order Belluae. Generic character : ten fore teeth in each jaw ; tusks in both jaws single and incurvated ; five grinders on each side in both jaws ; feet with three hoofs, and on the fore feet a false hoof. The only species is the T. Americanus. This is a native of South America, and, when perfect in growth, is about the size of a heifer. Its colour is a dark brown, and the male is distin- guished by a species of very short pro- boscis. The tapir is perfectly inoffensive, and considerably timid, seeking safety in flight, and often plunging into waters, in which he swims with great rapidity, and in which sometimes he proceeds for a long way, ranging at the bottom at a very great depth ; in this respect resembhng the hippopotamus. When resting, the tapir sits in the manner of a dog. In feeding, its trunk is employed in drawing into its mouth the vegetables which con- stitute its nourishment. In some parts of Guiana it has been domesticated, and, when taken young, is easily familiarized. Its flesh is not excellent for flavour or de- licacy, but is nevertheless used for food ; and its skin, which is of uncommon toughness, is converted to various pur- poses of usefulness. It is slow in its movements, sleeps during the greater part of the day, and is destroyed by the Indians, who decoy it by the imitation of its peculiar sounds, by poisoned arrows. It produces but one at a birth, in the care of which it is extremely assiduous and affectionate. TAR, a thick, black, unctuous sub- stance, obtained from old pines and fir trees, by burning them with a close smo- thering heat : it is used for coating and caulking ships, &c. and various other purposes, TARANTULA. See Aranea. TARCHONANTHUS, in botany, Afri- can Jlea-baney a genus of the Syngenesia Poly gamia .iEqualis class and order. Na- tural order of Nucamentacesc. Corymbi- ferze, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx one-leafed, commonly half seven-cleff, turbinate ; seeds covered with down ; receptacle villose. There are three spe* cies : these plants are all natives of the Cape of Good Hope. TARE, is an allowance for the outside package, that contains such goods as can- not be unpacked without detriment, or for the papers, threads, bands, &c. that iflclose or bind any ffoods imported looser 3 A :.>" OF THI? tAR TAR or, thoug-h imported in casks, chests, See. yet cannot be unpacked and weighed net. Several sorts of goods have their tares ascertained, and those are not to be al- tered or deviated from, in any case, with- in the port of London, unless the mer- chant, thinking himself, or the officers of the crown, to be prejudiced by such tares, shall desire that the goods may be unpacked, and the net-weight taken ; which may be done either by weighing the goods in each respective cask, &c. net, or, (as is practised in East India goods particularly) by picking out seve- ral casks, Sic. of eatih size, and making an average, compute the rest accordingly. But this must not be done without the consent of two surveyors, attested by tl»eir Ijands in the land-waiter's books ; and in the out-ports, not vv ithout the con- sent of the collector and surveyor. And as to those goods which have not their tares ascertained, two suneyors in Lon- don, and the collector and surveyor in the out-ports are to adjust and allow the same, in like manner. Sometimes the "basks, &c. are weighed beyond sea, be- fore the goods are put in ; and the weight of each respective cask, &c. marked thereon (as is usual for most goods im- ])ortcd from the British plantations,) or else inserted in the merchant's invoice ; in which case, if the real invoice be pro- duced, and the officers have satisfied tliemselves (by unpacking and weighing some of them) that those weights are just and true, they do then, after having reduced them to British weight, esteem them to be the real tares, and pass them accordingly. But the unpacking goods, and taking the net weight, being sup- posed the justest method, both for the crown and merchant, it is usually prac- tised in the port of London, in all cases where it can be done with conveniency, and without detriment to the goods. TARGIONIA, in botany, so named, in honour of Cypriani Targ^oni, M. D. of Florence, a genus of the Cryptogamia llt'paticac. Generic clniracter : calyx two- valvcd, compressed, containing at bottom a capsule nearly globular, many-seeded. There is only one species ; viz. T. hy- poph}lla, a native of Italy, Spain, Con- slantinofple, Flanders ; Saxony, about Dresden ; and England, near Dawlish, in Devonshire ; ilowering from March to May. TARTARIC acid, in chemistry, was firocured by Scheele in a separate state n the year 1770. The process which he foHowed was by bailing a quantity of the substance called tartar, or cream of tartar, in water, and adding powdered chalk till effervescence ceased, and the liquid no longer reddened vegetable blues. It was then allowed to cool, the liquor fil- tered, and a white insoluble powder re- mained on the filter, which was carefully removed and well washed. This was put into a matrass, and a quantity of sulphu- ric acid, equal in weight to the chalk em- ployed, diluted with water, poured upon it. The mixture was allowed to digest for twelve hours on a sand bath, stirring it occasionally with a glass rod. The sul- phuric acid combined with the lime, and fonned a sulphate of lime, which fell to the bottom. The liquid contained the tartaric acid dissolved in it. This was decanted off, and a little acetate of lead dropped into it, as a test to detect the sulphuric acid, should any remain; and if this be the case, it must be digested again with more tartrate of lime, to car- ry off what remains of the sulphuric acid. It is then to be evaporated, and about one-third of the weight of the tar- tar employed is obtained of concrete tar- taric acid. To purify this, the crystals may be dissolved in distilled water, and again evaporated and crystallized. It seems probable' that this acid exists in a state of purity in some vegetables. Yau- quelin found a 64th part in the pulp of the tamarind. Tartaric (or tarlarous) acid thus obtained, is in the form of very fine needle-shaped crystals ; but they have been differently described by dif- ferent chemists. According to Bergman, they are in the form of small plates, at- tached by one extremity, and diverging at the other. They have been foundby others grouped together in the shape of needles, pyramids, regular six-sided prisms, and square and small rhomboidal plates. The specific gravity is 1.6. This acid has a very shar]j, pungent taste ; diluted with water, it resenjbles the taste of lemon juice ; and it reddens strongly blue vege- table colwirs. Wlien it is exposed to heat, on burning coals, it melts, blackens, emits fumes, froths up, and exhales a sharp pungent vapour. It then burns with a blue flame, and leaves behind a spongy mass of charcoal, in which some traces" of hme have been detected. In the de- composition of the tartaric acid by heat, one of the most remarkable products which particularly characterizes it, is an acid liquor of a reddish colour, which amounts to one-fourth of the weight of the former. This was formerly known by the name of pyrotartarous acid. It TAS TAX has a slightly acid taste, produces a dis- agreciible sensation on the tongue, is strongly empyreumatic, and reddens the tincture of turnsole. But it has been found, by the experiments of Fourcroy and Vauquelin, to be the acetic acid im- pregnated with an oil. Tartaric acid is very soluble in water. Ihe specific gravity of a solution formed by Bergman, was found to be 1.2. This solution in wa- ter is not liable to spontaneous decompo- sition, unless it is diluted. While it is con- centrated, it loses nothing of its acid na- ture or its other properties. According to the analysis of Fourcroy and Vauque- lin, 100 parts of this acid are composed of Oxygen . . . . . 70.5 Carbon . . . . . 19.0 Hydrogen . . . . 10.5 100.0 Tartaric acid is not applied to any use, and but few of its combinations are em- ployed in the practice of medicine. TASTE, seme of. The senses of taste and smell are nearly allied to the sense of feehng ; indeed they may be considered as modifications of feeling. They how- ever are properly distinguished from it, because they have each a peculiar organ, and are each alFected by peculiar proper- ties of bodies. The chief organ of taste is the tongue ; and it is fitted for its office by the numerous extremities of nerves which are lodged along its surface, and particularly at the top and sides. Hartley considers this sense as extending to the other parts of the mouth, down the throat, the stomach, and the otlier parts of the channel for food. Taken in this compre- hensive sense, the sense of taste conveys to the mind sensations, not only of fla- vours, but of hunger and thirst. In order to produce the sense of taste, the nervous extremities of the tongue must be moistened, and the action of eat- ing generally produces aji effusion of a fluid from different parts of the mouth, ■which answers the purpose of exciting the taste, and of assisting digestion. The pleasures derived from taste are very considerable ; and the power of yielding pleasurable sensations accompanies the taste through the wljole of life. Hence it is reasonable to infer, that the pleasures of taste constitute one grand source of the mental pleasures, that is, those which can be felt without the direct intervention ot sensation. They leave their relics in the mind ; and these combine together, with other pleasures, and thus form feel- ings which often connect themselves with objects which have no immediate con- nection with i\\e objects of taste. To this source Hartley traces the principle origin of the social pleasures ; and there cannot be a doubt that the pleasures of taste are the chief original sources of the fiUal af- fection. It appears that one end of the long continuance of the pleasures of taste is, to supply continual accessions of vivid- ness to the mental pleasures; but doubt- less the principal object is, to make that a source of pleasure, which is necessary for self-preservation. The pains of taste are much less numerous than those of feel- ing. They are only such as are necessa- ry to prompt to avoid excessive abstinence or gratification, and to prevent the em- ployment of improper food ; and there- fore depend much more upon causes which man usually has under his own controul. TAUGHT, a term used in maritime bu- siness, to denote tl\e state of being ex- tended, or stretched out, and is usually applied in opposition to slack. TAURUS, the bull, in zoology. See Bos. Taurus, in astronomy, one of tite twelve signs of the zodiac, the second in order, consisting of forty-four stars, ac- cording to Ptolemy; of forty -one, accord- ing to Tycho ; and of no , less than one hundred and thirty-five, according to the Britannic catalogue. TAWING, the art of dressing skins in white, so as to be fit for divers manufac- tures, particularly gloves, &c. All skins may be tawed ; but those chiefly used for this purpose are lambs*, sheep, kids', and goat skins. TAX US, in botany, yew tree, a genus of the Dioecia Monadelphia class and or- der. Natural order of Coniferac. Essen- tial character : male calyx none ; corolla none ; stamina many ; anthers peltate, eight-cleft; female corolla none; style none ; seed one, in a berried calycle that is quite entire. There are four specie?: we shall notice the T. haccata, common yew-tree, which has a straight trunk, with a smooth, deciduous bark; the wood is hard, tough, and of a fine grain; leaves thickly set, linear, smooth, ever green ; flowers axillary, enveloped with imbricate bractes ; the male on one tree, sulphur-coloured, whhout a calyx; the female on another, with a small green cp« lyx, sustaining the oval flattish seed. TEA TEC which calyx at length becomes red, soft, full of a sweet slimy pulp. The yew-tree is a native of Europe, North America, and Japan ; its proper situation is in mountain- ous woods, or more particularly the clefts of high calcareous rocks, England for- merly possessed great abundance, and it is now not very uncommon, in a wild state, in some parts of the country. Of planted trees there are yet several in church yards. Mr. Evelyn mentions a yew-tree in the church-yard of Crowhurst, in Surrey, which \»as ten yards in com- pass ; another in Braburne church-yard, not far from Scot's Hall, in Kent, being fifiy-eight feet eleven inches in cir- cuniference, or nearly twenty feet in dia- meter. TEARS, a name for the limpid fluid secreted by the lachrymal glands, and "flowing on the surface of ihe eye ; either in consequence of local irritation, or the emotions of grief. Some part of this aque- ous fluid is dissipated in the air ; but the greatest part, after having performed its office, is propelled by the orbicular mus- cle, which so closely constringes the eye- lid to the ball of the eye as to leave no space between, unless in the internal an- gle, where the tears are collected. From this collection the tears are ab- sorbed by the orifices of the punctae lach- rymalise ; from thence they are propelled -through the lachrymal canals into the la- chrymal sac, and flow through the ductus nasalis into the cavity of the nostrils, un- der the inferior concha nasalis. The tears have no smell, but a saltish taste. The uses of the tears are these : 1. They continually moisten the surface of the eye and eye-lids, to prevent the transparent cornea from drying and becoming opaque, or the eye from concreting with the eye- lids. 2. They prevent that pain which would otherwise arise Irom the friction of the eye-lids against the ball of the eye from continually winking. 3. They wash away dust, or any thing acrid, that may have fallen into the eye. This liquid is transparent and colom-less, has no per- ceptible smell, but a saline taste. It com- municates to vegetable blues a perma- nent green colour. When it is evaporat- ed nearly to dryness, cubic crystals are ibrmed, which are muriate of soda. So- da is in excess, because vegetable blues are converted by it to a green colour. A portion of mucilaginous matter, which be- comes yellow as it dries, remains after the evaporation. This liquid is soluble in water, and in alkalies. Alcohol pro- tluces a white flaky precipitate, and when it is evaporated, muriate of soda and so- da remain behind. By burning the resi- duum, some traces of phosphate of lime and of soda are detected. The compo- nent parts of tears are, therefore, Water, Mucilage, Soda, Muriate of soda. Phosphate of limcj Phosphate of soda* The mucilage of tears absorbs oxygen from the atmosphere, and becomes thick, viscid, and of a yellow colour. It is then insoluble in water. Oxymuriatic acid produces a similar effect. It is converted into muriatic acid, so that it has been de- prived of its ox>gen. The mucus of the nose consists of the same substances as the tears ; but being more exposed to the air, it acquires a greater degree of vis- cidity from the mucilage absorbing oxy- gen. TECHNICAL, expresses somewhat re- lating to arts or sciences ; in this sense we say technical terms. It is also parti- cularly applied to a kind of verses, where- in are contained the rules or precepts of any art, thus digested to help the memo- ry to retain them ; an example whereof may be seen in the article Memory. TECTONA, in botany, a genus of the Pentandria Monogynia' class and order. Natural order of Vitices, Jussieu. Essen- tial character : corolla five-cleft ; stigma toothed ; drupe dry, spongy, within the inflated calyx ; nut three-celled. There is only one species ; viz. T. grandis, teak wood, or Indian oak ; the trunk of this tree grows to an immense size ; bark ash- coloured ; branches cross-armed, numer- ous, spreading ; young shoots four-sided ; leaves opposite, above scabrous, beneath covered with soft white down ; the leaves on young trees from twelve to twenty- four inches long, and from eight to six- teen broad ; petiole short, thick, laterally compressed ; panicle terminating, very large, cross-armed; divisions dichotomous, with a sessile fertile flower in each cleft : the whole covered with a hoary farinace- ous substance ; flowers small, white, ve- ry numerous, fragrant; nectary very small; nut exceedingly hard, four-celled. It is a native of the large forests in Java and Ceylon, Malabar, Coromandel, Pegu, Ava, the confines of Cochinchina, and Cambo- dia, &c. The wood of this tree has by long experience been found to be the most useful timber in Asia ; it is light, easily worked, and at the same time both strong and durable ; for ship building the teak is reckoned superior to any other sort TEL TEL of wood. A durable vessel of burthen can- not be built in the river of Bengal, with- out the aid of teak plank ; some of the finest merchant ships ever seen on the river Thames have arrived from Calcut- ta, where they were built of teak timber. TEETH. See Anatomy. Teeth have been analyzed by Mr. Pepys, who has found the constituent parts of teeth of dif- ferent ages to be, in different proportions, phosphate of lime, carbonate of lime, and cartilage. According to Fourcroy and Vauquelin, the enamel is composed of Phosphate of lime . . 72.9 Gelatine and water . . 27.1 TELEGRAPH, a word derived from the Greek, and which is very properlyigiv- en to an instrument, by means of which information may be almost instantaneous- ly conveyed to a considerable distance. The telegraph, though it has been gene- rally known and used by the moderns only for a few years, is by no means a modern invention. There is reason to believe, that amongst the Greeks there was some sort of telegraph in use. The burning of Troy was certainly known in Greece very soon after it happened, and before any person had returned from thence. Now that was altogether so tedious a piece of busi- ness, that conjecture never could have supplied the place of information. A Greek play begins with a scene in which a watchman descends from the top of a tower in Greece, and gives the informa- tion that Troy was taken. " 1 have been looking out these ten years (says he) to see when that would happen, and this night it is done." Of the antiquity of a mode of conveying intelligence quickly, to a great distance, this is certainly a proof. The Chinese, when they send couriers on the great canal, or when any great man tra- vels there, make signals, by fire, from one day's journey to another, to have every thing prepared ; and most of the barbar- ous nations used formerly to give the alann of war by fires lighted on the hills or rising grounds. It does not appearthat the moderns had thought of such a machine as a telegraph, till the year 1663, when the Marquis of Worcester, in his "Century of Inven- tions,'* affirmed that he had discovered ** a metliod by which, at a window, as far as eye can discover black fi-om white, a^ man may hold discourse with his coitcs- pondent, v/ithout noise made or notice taken ; being according to occasion giv- en, or means afforded, ex re nata, and no need of provision before hand ; though much better if foreseen, and course tak- en by mutual consent of parties." This could be done only by means of a tele- graph, which, in the next sentence, is declared to have been rendered so per- fect, that by means of it the Correspon- dence could be carried on *• by night as well as by day, though as dark as pitch is black." About forty years afterwards, M. Amon- tons proposed a new telegraph. His me- thod was this : Let there be people plac- ed in several stations, at such a distance from one another, that, by the help of a telescope, a man in one statioh may see a signal made in the next before him ; he must immediately make the same signal, that it may be seen by persons in the sta- tion next after him, who are to communi- cate it to those in the following station, and so on. These signals may be as let- ters of the alphabet, or as a cypher, un- derstood only by the two persons who are in the distant places, and not by those who make the signals. The person in the second station making the signal to the p,erson in the third the very moment he sees it in the first, the news may be carried to the greatest distance in as little time as is necessary to make the signals in the first station. The distance of the several stations, which must be as few as possible, is measured by the reach of a telescope. Amontons tried this method in^ a small tract of land, before several persons of the highest rank at the court of France. It was not, however, till the French revolution that the telegraph was applied to useful purposes. Whether M. Chappe, who is said to have invented the telegraph first used by the French about the end of 1793, knew any thing of Amonton's invention or not, it is impossible to say ; but his telegi'aph was constructed on principles nearly si- milar. The manner of using this tele- graph was as follows : At the first station, which was on the roof of the palace of the Louvre at Paris, M. Chappe, the in- ventor, received in writing from the Com- mittee of Public Welfare, the words to be sent to Lisle, near which the French ar- my at that time was. An upright post was erected on the Louvre, at the top of which were two transverse arms, movea- ble in rJl directions by a single piece of TEL TEL mechanism, and with inconceivable rapi- dity. He invented a number of positions for these arms, whicli stood as signs for the letters of the alphabet ; and these, for the greater celerity and simplicity, he reduced in number as much as possi- ble. The grammorian will easily con- ceive that sixteen signs may amply supply all the letters of the alphabet, since some lettei's may be omitted, not only without detriment, but with advantage. These signs, as they were arbitrary, could be changed every week ; so that the sign of B for one day might be the sign of M the next ; and it was only necessary that the persons at the extremities should know the key. The intermediate ope- rators were only instructed generally in these sixteen sigmds ; which were so distinct, so marked, so different the one from tlie other, that Uiey were easily re- membered. The construction of the machine was such, that each signal was uniformly giv- en in precisely the same manner at all times : It did not depend on the opera- tor's manual skill ; and the ]josition of the arm could never, for any one signal, be a degree higher or a degree lower, its movement being regulated mechanically. M. Chappe having received at the Louvre the sentence to be conveyed, gave a known signal to the second station, which was Mont Martre, to prepare. At each station thure was a watch tower, where telescopes were fixed, and the per- son on watch gave the signal of prepa- ration which he had received, and this communicated successively througli all the line, which brought tliem all into a state of readiness. The person at Mont Martre then received, letter by letter, the sentence from the Louvre, which he repeated with his own machine ; and this vas again repeated from the next height, with inconceivable rapidity, to the final station at Lisle. Various experiments were in conse- quence tried upon telegraphs in this country ; and one was soon after set up by government, in a chain of stations from the Admiralty office to the sea- coast. It consists of six octagon boards, each of which is poised upon an axis in a frame, in such a manner that it can be either placed vertically, so as to appear with its full size to tiie observer at the nearest station, or it becomes invisible to him by being ])lacecl horizontally, so that the narrow edge alone is exposed, which narrow edge is from a distance invisible. Six boacds make thirty six changes, by the most plain and simple mode of work- ing ; and they will make many more, if more were necessary : but as the real su- periority of the telegraph, over all other modes of making signals, consists in its making letters, we do not think that more changes than the letters of the alphabet, and the arithmetical figures, are neces- sary; but, on the contrary, that those who work the telegraphs should avoid communicating by words or signs agreed upon to express sentences ; tor that is the sure method never to become expert at sending unexpected intelligence accu- rately. This telegi-aph is, without doubt, made up of the best number of combina- tions possible ; five boawls would be in- sufficient, and seven would be useless. It has been objected to it, however, that its form is too clumsy to admit of its be- ing raisjed to any considerable height above the building on which it stands ; and tliat it cannot be made to cliange its direction, and consequently cannot be seen but from one particular point. Seve- ral other telegraphs have been proposed to remedy these defects, and perhaps others to which the instrument is still Hable. The dial-plate of a clock would make an excellent telegraph, as it might exhibit one hundred and forty-four signs, so as to be visible at a great distance. A telegraph on this principle, with only six divisions instead of twelve, would be sim- ple and cheap, and might be raised twen- ty or thirty feet high above the building without any difficulty : it might be sup- ported on one post, and therefore turn round ; and the contrast of colours would always be the same. TELESCOPE, an optical instrument, which is used for discovering and viewing distant objects, either directly by glasses, or by reflection. Telescopes are either refracting or reflecting ; the former con- sist of different lenses, through which the objects are seen by rays refracted by them to the eye ; and the latter, of spe- cula, from which the rays are reflected and passed to the eye. The lens, or glass, turned to the object, is called the object glass ; and that next the eye, the eye-glass ; and when the telescope con- sists of more than two lenses, all but that next the object are called eye-glasses. The principal effecls of telescopes depend upon this maxim, " that objects appear larger in proportion to the angles which they subtend at the eye : and the effect is the same, vvlietherthe pencils of rays, by which objects are visible to us, come directly from the objects them- TELESCOPE. selves, orfrom any'place nearer to the eye, where they may have been united, so as to form an iniage of the object ; because they issue again from those points in cer- tain directions, in tlie same manner as they did from the corresponding points in the objects themselves. In fact, there- fore, all that is effected by a telescope is, first to make such an image of a distant object, by means of a lens or mirror, and then to give the eye some assistance for viewing that image as near as possible ; so that the angle which it shall subtend at the eye may be very large, compared with the angle which the object itself would subtend in the same situation. This is done by means of an eye-glass, which so refracts the pencils of rays, as that they may afterwards be brought to their several foci, by the natural hu- mours of the eye. But if the eye had been so formed as to be able to see the image with sufficient distinctness, at the same distance, without an eye-glass, it would appear to him as much magnified, as it does to another person who makes use of a glass for that purpose, though he would not, in all cases, have so large a field of view. Although no image be actually formed by the foci of the pencil without the eye, yet if, by the help of an eye-glass, the pencils of rays shall enter the pupil, just as they would have done from any place without the eye, the visual angle will be the same as if an image had been actually formed in that pJace. Telescopes are of several kinds, dis- tinguished by the number and form of their lenses, or glasses, and denominated from their particular uses, &c. such are the " terrestrial, or land telescope," the ** celestial, or astronomical telescope ;" to which may be added, the " Galilean, or Dutch telescope," the " reflecting te- lescope ;" the achromatic telescope," &c. We shall proceed to describe some of these, in order to illustrate the principle. The " astronomical telescope" consists of two convex lenses, A B, K M, Plate XVI. Miscel. fig. 1. fixed at the two ex- tremities of a tube, that consists, at least, pf two parts, that slide one within the other, for adjusting the focus in propor- tion to the distance of the objects that are to be seen through the telescope. P Q represents the Sc mi diameter of a very distant object, from every point of which rays come, so very little diverging to the object lens, K M, of the telescope, as to be nearly parallel : pq'i^ the picture of the object, P Q, which would Be Tonti- ed upon a screen situated at that place: Beyond that place, the rays of every sin- gle radiant point proceed divergingly upon another lens, A B, called the eye- glass, which is more convex than the for- mer, and are, by this, caused to proceed parallel to one another, in which direction they enter the eye of the observer at O. The two lenses of this telescope have a common axis, O L Q ; L 7 is the focal dis- tance of tiie object lens, and.E g is the fo- cal distance of the eye lens. An object viewe ; or as the distance, g E, is to the distance, g L. This teles- cope is mostly used for astronomical ob- servations : for, as it inverts the objectj^ the representation of terrestrial objects through it would not be pleasant. It is evident, from the above explanation, that if the two lenses of this telescope have equal focal distances, the telescope will not magnify. It also appears, that, with ^ given object lens, the shorter the focus of the eye lens is, the greater will the mag- nifving power be. But when the dispro- pokion of the two focal langths is very great, then the aberration, arising from the figure of the lenses, and from the dis- persive power of glass, becomes so very- great as to do more damag-e than can be compensated by the increased magnifying power. Hence, in order to obtain a very great magnifying power, those telescopes have sometimes been made very long, as,, for instance, of 100 feet, or upwarfls : an* as they were used for astronomical pur- TELESCOPE. poses, or mostly in the night time, they were freqftfently used without a tube, viz. the object lens was fixed on the top of a pole, in a frame capable of motion in any required direction, and the eye lens was fixed in a short tube that was held in the hand of the observer. The distance, as well as the direction, of the two lenses, was adjusted by a strong cord stretched between the frame of the object lens and the tube of the eye lens. In this construc- tion, the instrument has been called an " aerial telescope." Its use is evidently incommodious ; but it was with such a telescope that five satellites of Saturn, and other remarkable objects, were disco- vered. The object, which appears inverted through this telescope, will appear up- right and distinct, if two more convex eye fflasses be subjoined to it, at a distance irom each other, which is equal to the sum of their focal distances ; and when their focal distances are equal, the object will be magnified as much as without those additional glasses ; but through them it will appear upright, and not in- verted. Hence this telescope has been mostly used for viewing terrestrial ob- jects, and is therefore called the " ter- restrial telescope." The " Galileaji telescope" consists of a convex object lens, and a concave eye lens, and derives its name from the great Galileo, who is generally reckoned the inventor of it. Fig. 2 shows, that the dis- tance between the two lenses is less than the focal distance of the object lens ; viz. instead of the convex lens situated be- hind the place of the image, to make the rays of each pencil proceed in a parallel direction to the eye, here a concave eye lens is placed as much before that image ; and this lens opens the rays of each pen- cil that converged lo q and p, and makes them emerge pai-allel towards the eye ; as is evident by conceiving the rays to go back again through the eye lens, whose focal distance is E q. The eye must be placed close to the concave lens, in order to receive as many pencils as possible ; and then supposing an emerging ray of an oblique pencil to be produced backwards along A O, the apparent magnitude of the object is mea- sured by the angle, A O E, or its equal, 9 E />, w hich is to the angle, q Ij p, or Q L P, as 9 L to g E, viz. as in the astro- nomical telescope. It is evident, that in this telescope the objects appear erect, for the rays of light do not cross each other, The field of vidw, or quantity of objects that are taken in at once in this telescope, does not depend upon the breadth of the eye lens, as in the astronomical telescope, but upon the breadth of the pupil of the eye ; because the pupil is less than the eye lens, A B, and the lateral pencils do not now converge to, but diverge from, the axis of the lenses. Upon this account the view is narrower in this tiian in the preceding telescope; yet the objects through It appear remarkably clear and distinct. ** The night telescope" is a short tele- scope, viz. about two feet long, which re- presents the objects inverted, much en- lightened, but not much magnified. Its field of view is also very extensive. This telescope, in consequence of those pro- perties, is used at night mostly by navi- gators, for the purpose of discovering ob- jects that are not very distant, but which cannot otherwise be seen, for want of sufficient light ; such as vessels, coasts, rocks, &c. On account of its extensive field, and great light, this telescope has also been advantageously used, by astro- nomers, for discovering some celestial objects, whose situation was not exactly known, or for viewing at once the rela- tive situation of several stars and other objects. This telescope has a pretty large and simple object lens, whence it derives its great light ; for as the rays which pro- ceed from every single point of the ob- ject fall upon the whole lens of a tele- scope, and are thence refracted to a fo- cus, it is evident that the larger that lens is, the greater number of rays will be thrown upon that focus, and of course the brighter will the image be. In this tele- scope, large lens may be used, because the telescope is not intended to magnify more than about four or six times in Uneal extension. Within this telescope a second lens is often used for shortening the focal length of the object lens. The eye lens is some- times single, but mostly double, (viz. a combination of two plano-convex lenses placed at a little distance from each other) and pretty large : hence is derived the extensive field of view, which in some of those telescopes exceeds six or seven de- grees. We may observe, once for all, that in every telescope the distance between the object lens and the other lens or lenses must be alterable, in order that the focus may be adjusted according to the distance of the objects. Hence, every telescope TELESCOPE. consists at least of two tubes, one of which, viz. that with the eye lenses, sHdes within the other. To the same telescope several eye tubes, with a shallower or deeper lens, or with a ditfereiit number of lenses, may be adapted successively, in order to give them different magnify- ing powers, suitable to the clearness of tlie air, of die objects, &c. as also for con- verting them into astronomical or terres- trial telesc>)pes. We now proceed to the reflected tele- scope, winch is likewise called the New- tonian telescope ; for if not the original projector. Sir Isaac Newton is, at least, the first person who executed a telescope of this sort, which consists of reflecting and refracting parts. The gejieral principle of this telescope is the same as that of the dioptric or re- fracting telescope. In the latter, the rays which come from a distant object are, by the action of the convex object lens, col- lected to a focus, and beyond that focus the rays of every single radiant point are rendered again parallel by the action of the eye lens or eye lenses. This is other- wise expressed, by saying that the object lens forms an image of the object, which image is viewed by the eye lens. In the former, viz. in the reflecting telescope, the rays which come from a distant ob- ject are, by the action of a concave re- flector, sent back convergingly to a focus, where they form an image, which is view- ed through the eye lens. There are se- veral varieties of this telescope ; we shall content ourselves with the description of one only, viz. the Gregorian telescope, which is represented in iig. 3. The large concave specidum, B B, of this telescope, is perforated with a hole quite through its middle. Within the tube of the tele- scope, a small concave speculum, x y, is supported by the arm, H, directly facing the large speculum, B E. Two tenses, w X and ti o, are contained in the eye tube, and the observer apphes his eye to a small hole at P, in order to view a mag- nified distant object. The large reflector, B E, receives the rays, ac/bd, from the distant object, and reflects them to its focus, e, where they form the inverted image, or where they cross each other, and then fall diverging- ly upon the small reflector, xi/, whose focus is at/,- viz. a little further than the focus, e, of the large reflector : hence the rays are reflected back upon the lens, ■w X, not in a parallel, but in a converging manner ; and that convergency is increas- ed by the action of that lens, so as to \Q\.. VT. come to a focus, or to form a second image, li S, much larger than the former, and erect like the object. Lastly, this image is viewed through the eye lens, 71 Q ; or, in other words, the rays from every single point of the object, after this second crossing, fall diveigingly upon the eye lens, which sends them nearly paral- lel to the eye at P, through a very small hole. Sometimes the eye len», n o, is dou- ble, viz. it consists of two lenses, which perform the office of a single lens. If the first lens, iv x, were removed, the image would be formed somewhat larger at z ; hut the area or field of view would be smaller and less pleasant. At the place of I he image, II S, there is. situated a cir- ctilar piece of brass, called a diaphragm, with a hole of a proper siz,e to circum- scribe the image, and to cut oflf all super- fluous or extraneous light, in order that tiie object may appear as distinct as pos- sible. The magnifying power of this telescope is computed in the follgwing manner : If this telescope consisted of the two reflec- tors only, and these were situated so that e were the focus of each reflector ; then the rays which came parallel from the dis- tant object to the large reflector, and di- vergingly from that to the small reflector, would, after the second reflection, go parallel to the eye at P, and of course the object would appear magnified in the pro- portion of the focal distance of the large reflector to the foeal distance of the small reflector ; so that if the focal distance of the former be to that of the latter as six to one, then the object would be magni- fied six limes in diameter. But since ihe first image is magnified into a second image much larger, which is viewed thiough the eye lens, Uierefore the whole magnifying power is in a proportion com- pounded oUle to ex, and of 2x, to Z o. If the former proportion be as six to one, and the latter as eight to one, then the object will appear forty-eight {viz. six by eight) times larger in diameter through the tele- scope than to the naked eye. The fourth species of reflecting tele- scope goes under the name of" Cassegrai- nian Telescope." It difters from the pre- ceding, in having the small reflector con- vex, instead of concave ; in consequence of which the small reflector must be plac- ed nearer to the large reflector than the focus of the latter; then the rays from the large reflector fall convergmgly upon the convex small reflector, and are by it sent back convergingly upon the lens, -vx, &c. The chief ditterence be- TB TELESCOPE. iwecnlhis and the preceding telescope is, that ill this the object apj>ears inverted, l>ecause in it there is no image formed, or the rays do not cross each other, between tl>e two reflectors. Also with the same roagnilying- power, Sec. this lelescope is shorter than the Gregorian, by twice the focal length of the small speculum. To both those telescopes a long wire is fixed all along the outside of the tube, at the end of which there is a screw which works into an external projection, g, of llie internal arm, H, and serves to n»ove that arm with the small speculum nearer to or further from the large speculum, in order to adjust the focus of the instru- ment, according to the distance of the ob- ject. The action of this wire is easily un- ^derstood ; for it passes through a hole at F, where it is prevented going forwards or backwards by two shoulders, which are indicated by the figure : hence, when the observer looks through the hole, P, he turns with his hand the wire by the nut, Q, which screws the projection, g, of the arm nearer or further, &c. until the object appears very distinct. The largest reflecting telescope now existing, was constructed by that excel- lent astronomer, Dr. Herschel. Is is a tele- scope in which the observer looks through an eye lens down upon the largt* reflector, whose polished surface is forty-eight in- ches in diameter, ks focal length is about forty feet. There are however two useful appen- dages to telescopes, which deserve to be briefly described. A finder, viz. a short telescope. A, fig. 3, is generally affixed to the tube of a large telescope, for the pur- pose of finding out an object expeditious- ly. Thi.s finder does not magnify the ob- ject more than four, six, or eight times ; but it has a great field of view, so that through it a great part of the heavens may be seen at once. In the inside of its tube, and exactly at the focus of the eye gla-is, there are two slender wires, which cross each other in the axis of the lele- scope. Now the finder is adjusted by means of screws upon the tube of the great telescope, in such a manner as that when an object, seen through the finder, appears to be near the crossing of the above-mentioned wires, it is at the same time visible through the great telescope : hence, when the observer wishes to view a small distant object, as a star, a planet, &c. he moves the instrument to one side or the other, imtil, by looking through the finder, he brings the object nearly to coincide with the crossing of the wires ; and when that takes place, he immediately looks through the large telescope, &c. A micrometer is an instrument, which is used with a telescope, for the purpose of measuring small angles. A great varie- ty of micrometers have been contrived by various ingenious persons ; and they are more or less complicated, more or less ex- pensive, as also more or less accurate. See Micrometer. «* Achromatic Telescope," is a name given to the refracting telescope invented by Mr. Jo!>n Dollond, and so contrived as to remedy the abei ration arising from co- lours, or the diflerent refraiigibility of the rays of liglit. The improvemenl made by Mr. Du.lond in his telescopes, by mak- ing two object-glasses of crown-glass, and one of flini, which was tried with success when concave eyeglasses were used, was completed by his son Peter Dollond ; \yho, conceiving that the same method might be practised with success with convex feye glaiin^s, found, after a few trials, that it might be done. Accordingly he finish- ed an object glass of five feet focal length, with an aperture of 3^ inches, composed of two convex lenses of crown-glass, and one concave of white flint glass. Wut ap- prehending afterward that the apertures might be admitted still larger, he com- pleted one of 3^ feet focaf length, with th^ same aperture of 3^ inches. In the 17 inch improved achromatic telescope, the object glass is composed of three glasses, viz^ two convex of crown-glass, and one concave of white flint-glass : the focal distance of this combined object- glass is about seventeen inches, and the diametejt* of the aperture two inches. There are four eye glasses contained in the tube, to be used tor land objects ; the magnifying power with these is near fifty times ; and they are adjusted to different sights, and to different distances of the object, by turning a finger screw at the end of the outer tube. There is another tube, containing two eye-glasses that mag- nify about seventy times, for astronomical purposes. The telescope may be direct- ed to any object by turning two screws in the stand on which it is fixed, the one giving a vertical motion, and the other a horizontal one. The stand may be in- closed in the inside of the brass tube. The object-glass of the 2^ and 3^ feet telescopes is composed of two glasses, one convex, of crown-glass, and the other concave, of white flint glass; and the di- ameters of their apertures are two inches and 2| inches. Each of them is furnished with two tubes ; one for land objects, TEL TEM containing four eye-glasses, and another witli two eye-glasses for astronomical uses. They are adjusted by buttons on llie outside of the wooden tube : and the vertical and horizontal motions are given by joints in the stands. The magnifying power of the least of these telescopes, with the eye-glass for land objects, is nearly Hfiy times, and with those for as- tronomical purposes, eighty times; and that of the greatest for land objects is nearly seventy times, but for astronomi- cal observations eighty and a hundred and tliirty times; for tliis has two tubes, either of which may be used as occasion re- quires This telescope is also moved by a screw and rack-work, and the screw is turned by means of a hook's joint. We must now say something of the spe- cula of telescopes, having referred to this place from the article Speculum. The metals of reflecting telescopes are gene- rally composed of thirty-two parts of cop- per and fifteen of grain tin, with the addi- tion of two parts of arsenic, to render the composition more white and compact. It has been ascertained, by a variety of ex- periments, that if one part of brass, and one of silver, be added to this composi- tion, and only one of arsenic used, a most excellen\ metal will be obtained, which is the whitest, fjardest, and most reflective. The first composition is, however, tor inexperienced persons, the best, as the easiest to cast, to grind, and polish. When this IS employed, the copper and tin siioiild be melted, and when mixed toge- ther should be poured into cold water, whicii Will separate the mass into a num- ber of small particles. These small pieces of metal are tlien to be collected and put into the crucibJe, along with the silver and brass : after they have been melted together in a separate crucible, the pro- pej- quantity of arsenic is to be added, and a little powdered rosin thrown into the crucible before the metal is poured in- to the flasks. For the particular method^s of grinding and polishing, we refer to Brewster's edition of Ferguson's Mechan^, ics, vol. i. TELEPHIUM, in botany, a genus of the Pentandria Trigynia class and order. Natural order of Portulaceae, Jussieu. Miscellaneae, Linnaeus. Essential charac- ter : calyx five-leaved ; petals five, in- serted into the receptacle; capsule one- celled, three -valved. There are two species, viz. T. imperati, true orpine ; and T opposhifohum, both natives of Barbary. TELLER, an officer of tke Exchequer, in ancient recoixls chilled tuUier : there are four of these officers, whose duty is to receive all sums due to the king, and to give the clerk of the pells u bill to charge him therewith. They likewise pay all money due from the king, by war- rant from the auditor of the receipt, and make weekly and yearly books, botli of their receipts and payments, which they deliver to the lonl-treasurer. TELLINTA, in nattiral history, a genus of the Vermes Tcstacea class and order : animcd a tethys : shell bivalve, generally sloping on one side ; in the fore part of one valve a convex ; of tke other, a con- cave fold ; hinge with usually three teeth, the lateral ones smooth, in one shell There are about eighty species, divided into sections. A. ovate and thlckish. B. ovate and compressed. C ssiborbicular. We shall notice one or two only. T. gari : shell oval, with transverse recurv- ed strix ; lateral teeth obsolete ; it in- habits the Indian ocean : the fore part is. inflected and very rough, with transverse wrinkles, crossed in the middle by per- pendicular strix ; sometimes cinereous, with brown rays ; sometimes bluish, spot- ted with white, and white and red rays. T. cornea : shell globular, glabrous, horn- colour, with a transverse groove. This, Mr. Pennant has described in the British Zoology : it inhabits the ponds and fresh water of Europe : it is not larger than a pea. The shell is pellucid, very finely striate across; within bluish white ; with- out white, or pale or bluish-ash, with transverse black curves, one of which is more distinct ; lateral teeth of the hinge elongated, hardly any middle ones, TELL-TALE, in music, a moveable piece of ivory, or lead, suspended in the front of a chamber-organ, on one side of the keys, by a string; one side of the keys, being attached to the bellows within, rises as they sink, and apprizes the pei-tbrmer in what degree the wind is exliausted, TELLURIUM. SeeSi-iVAx. TEMPERAMENT, in music, the ac commodation or adjustment of the imper- fect sounds, by transferring a part of their- defects to the more perfect ojies, in order to remedy, in some degree, the false in=. tervals of those instruments, tlie sounds of witich are f^ed ; as the organ, harp., sichord, pi*; no forte, &.c. TEM PERIiXG y tlie ad- versary ; for when a ball strikes tlie tam- bour, it varies its direction, and requires some extraordinary judgment to return it over the line. The last thing on the right-hand side is called the griil, where- in, if tlic ball is struck, it is also 15, or a certain stroke. The game of tennis is played by what they call sets ; a set of tennis consists of six games : but if they play what is called an advantage-set, two above five games must be won on one side or the other successively, in order to decide; or, if it comes to six games all, two games must still be won on one side to conclude the set; so that an advantage-set may last a considerable time ; for which kind of sets the cour. is paid more than for any other. We must now describe the use of the chaces, and by what means these chaces decide or interfere so much in the game. When the player gives his service at the beginning of a set, his adversary is sup- pos«d to return the ball ; and wherever it falls after the first rebound untouched, the chace is called accordingly ; for ex- ample, if the ball falls at the figure 1, the chace is called at a yard, that is to say, at a yard from the dedans : this chace remains till a second service is given ; and if the player on the service-side lets the ball go after his adversary returns it, and if the ball falls on or between any of these figures or chaces, they must change sides, there being two chaces ; and he who then will be on the hazard-side must play to win the first chace ; which if he v/ins by striking the ball go as to fall, after its first rebound, nearer to the de- dans than the figure 1, without his ad- versary's being able to return it from its first hop, he wins a stroke, and then pro- ceeds in like manner to win the second chace, wherever it should happen to be. If a ball falls on the line witli the first gallery door, second gallery, or last gal- lery, the chace is likewise called at such or such a place, naming the gallery-door, &c. When it is just put over the line, it is called a chace at the line. If the player on the service-side returns a ball with such force as to strike the wall on the hazard-side, so as to rebound after the first hop over the line, it is also called a chace at the line. The chaces on the hazard-side pro- ceed from the ball being returned either too hard or not quite hard enough ; so that the ball after its first rebound falls on this side of the blue line, or line which describes the hazard-side chaces ; in which case it is a chace at 1, 2, &c! pro- vided there is no chace depending. When they change sides, the player, in order to win this chace, must put the ball over the fine any where, so that his adversary does not return it. When* there is no chace on the hazard-side, all balls put over the line from the sei-vice- side, without being returned, reckon for a stroke. As the game depends chiefly upon the marking, it will be necessary to explain it, and to recommend those who play at tennis to have a good and unbiassed marker, for on him the whole set may depend : he can mark in favour of the one and against the other in such a man- ner, as will render it two to one at start- ing, though even players. Instead of which the marker should be very at- tentive to the chaces, and not be any way partial to either of the players. This game is marked in a very singu- lar manner, which makes it at first some- what difficult to understand. The first stroke is called 15, the second 30, the third 40, and the fourth game, unless the players get four strokes each ; in that case, instead of calling it 40 all, it is call- ed deuce ; after which, as soon as any stroke is got, it is called advantage ; and in case the strokes become equal again, deuce again, till one or thtj other gets two strokes following, which win the game ; and as the games are won, so they are marked and called ; as one game love, two games to one, 8cc. to- wards the set, of which so many of these games it consists. Although but one ball at a time is played with, a number of balls are made use of at this game to avoid trouble, and are handed to the players in bas- kets for that purpose ; by which means they can play as long as they please, without ever having occasion to stoop for a ball. TENON, in building, &c. the square end of a piece of wood, or metal, di- minished by one third of its thickness, to be received into a hole in another piece, called a mortise, for the jointing or fastening the two together. It is made in various forms, square, dove- tailed for double mortises, and the like. TEN TER TENOR, or Tenore, in music, the first mean or midflle part, or that which is the ordinary pitch of the voice, when neither raised to a treble, or lowered to a bass. The tenor is commonly marked in thorough bass with the letter T. This is that part which almost all grown per- sons can sing ; but as some have a greater compass of voice upwards, others down- wards, others are conhned to a kind of medium, and others can go equally high or low ; hence musicians make a variety of tenors, as a low, a high, a mean, a na- tural tenor, to which ntay be axlded, a violin tenor. Sic. for instruments. TENSK, TisiE, in grammar, an inflec- tion of verb.s, whereby they are made to signify or distinguish the circumstance of time, in what they affirm. TENSION, the state of any thing stretched, as a line, &c. Thus animals sustai 'nd move themselves by the ten- sion Or cheir muscles and nerves : a chord, or musical string, gives an acuter or deeper sound, as it is in a greater or less degree of tension, that is, more or less stretched. TEN'I', in surgery, a roll of hut work- ed into the shape of a nail, with a broad flat head. TENl ER, a machine used in the cloth manufacture, to stretch out the pieces of cloth, stuff, &c. or only to make them even, and set them square. It is usually about four feet and a half high, and for length exceeds that of the longest piece of cloth. It consists of several long pieces of wood, placed like those which form the barriers of a manege ; so that the lower cross piece of wood may be raised or lowered, as is found requisite, to be fixed at any height, by means of pins. Along the cross pieces, both the ui)per and under one, are hooked nails, called tenter hooks, driven in from space to space. TENTHREDO, in natural history, saw- fiy, a genus of insects of the order Hyme- noptera : mouth with a horned curved mandible, toothed within, the jaw straight and obtuse at the lip, the lip cylindrical bihd ; four feelers, unequal filiform ; wings tumid, the lower ones less ; sting composed of two serrate laminae, and al- most secreted. There are aboiit one hun- dred and fifty species, in divisions, dis- tinguished by the antennae. A. antennae clavate ; 13. antennae inarticulate, thicker at the tip ; C. antennae pectinate ; in D, they are filiform, with from seven to nine articulations ; in E, they are filiform, with numerous articulations. The larv?e of the insects of this genus feed on tjie leaves of various plants; the female ] uses her sting in the manner of a saw, hence the common name. It cuts out j spaces in the twigs or buds of trees, *■ for the purpose of depositing her eggs. - \ The larvae resemble tl)ose of the order ' Lepidoptera, or real caterpillars, from which they may be distinguished by their \ more numerous feet, wiiich are never j fewer than sixteen, though they are sometimes found with as many as twen- ty-eight. It feeds on the leaves of 1 plants, and when touched, rolls itself I up spirally. 'I'he pupa is folliculate ; ' the eggs increase in size every day till l the larvae burst from them. The larvae \ of the smaller species are often injuri- ous to different kinds of esculent vege- tables. ; TENURE, the manner whereby lands i or tenements are holden, or the service that the tenant owes to his lord. Un- ; der the word tenure is included every '■ holding of an inheritance; but the sig- \ nihcation of this word, which is a very I extensive one, is usually restrained by \ coupling other words with it ; this is j sometinjes done by words, which de- - note the duration of the tenant's estate : j as if a man hold to himself and his j heirs, it is called tenure in fee-simple. | At other times the tenure is coupled \ with words pointing out the instrument \ by which an inheritance is held: thus, ' if the holding be by copy of court roll. j At other times this word is coupled > with others, that show the principal ; service by which an inheritance is held; j as where a man held by knight's ser- vice, it is called tenure by knight's ser- vice. TERAMNUS, in botany, a geniie of the Diadelphia Decandria class and j order. Natural order of Papilionaceae, ; or Leguminosx. Essential character : \ keel very small concealed within the calyx; stamina alternate, five-barren; stig- ma sessile, headed. There are two spe- i cies, viz. T. volubulis, and T. uncinatus, j both natives of Jamaica. , TEREBELLA, in natural history, a ge- \ nus of the Vermes MoUusca class and or- ; der. Body oblong, creeping, naked, I often inclosed in a tube, furnished with • lateral fascicles or tufts, and branchiae, mouth placed before, furnished with lips, without teeth, and protruding a clavate proboscis ; feelers numerous, ci- | hate, capillary, seated round the mouth. i There are eleven species. j TEREDO, in natural history, ship-woi^^ I a ffenus of the Vermes Testacea class 1 TER TER and order. Animal a terebella, with two calcareous hemispherical valves before, and two lanceolate outs behind; shell tapering-, nexuotis, and capable of" pene- trating- wood. There are three species. T. navalis, shell very thin, cylindrical, smooth ; found in the sides and bottonis of ships, and the stoutest oak pales, which have remained some time under water, and was imported from India. The destruction which these worms effect under water, is almost equal to that of the Termes, or white ant, on land. (See Termes.) The shell is more or less twisted, rather obtuse at the tip, and from four to six inches long. They will appeal-, on a very httle con- sideration, to be most important beings in the great chain of creation, and pleas- ing demonstrations of the infinitely wise and gracious Power which formed, and still preserves, the whole in such won- derful order and beauty; for if it was not for the rapacity of these and such animals, tropical rivers, and indeed the ocean itself, would be choked with the bodies of tress which are annually car- ried down by the rapid torrents, as many of theni would last for ages, and probably be productive of evils, of which, happily, we cannot in the pre- sent harmonious state of things form any idea; whereas now, being consum- ed by these animals, they are more easily broken in pieces by the waves; and the fragments which are not de- voured become specifically hghter, and are consequently more readily and more effectually thrown on shore, where the sun, wind, insects, and various other in- struments, speedily promote their entire dissolution. These animals are only found in salt water, TERM, in geometry and algebra, is the extreme of any magnitude, or that which bounds and limits its extent. Thus the terms of a hne, are points; of a superficies, lines; of a solid, su- perficies. The terms of an equation are the several names or members of which it is composed, separated from one another by the signs -f- or — . Thus the quantity az-\-2dc — 3az^ consists of three terms, a z and 2 6c and oaz"-. In an equation, the terms are the parts which contain the several powers of the same unknown letter or quantity : for if the same unknown quantity be found in se- veral members in the same degree or pow- er, they pass for one term, which is called compound, in distinction from a simple or single term : thus in fhe equation .t3 -|- are x3 and " acx ssz 63, the four lejms — o b. a-* and a ex and b3 : is of which the second term a — 3 b compound, and the other three are sim- ple terms. The terms of a product, or of a fraction, or of a ratio, or of a pro- portion, kc. are tlio several quantities employed in forming or composing them: thus the terms of the product a b are a and 6 : — ^ of the fraction 1 they are 7 and 9 : — of the ratio 8 : 9 they are 8 and 9 : and of the proportion a-.b: : x -.y, the terms are a, b, x, and y. Teem in the arts, or Term of art, is a word which, besides the literal and popu- lar meaning which it has, or may have, in common language, bears a further and pecuhar meaning in sonve art or science. Term, in logic. A proposition is said to consist of two terms, i. e. two princi- pal and essential words, the subject and the attribute. Terms, are those spaces of time in which the courts of justice are open for all that complain of wrongs or injuries, and seek their rights by course of law or action, in order to their redress, and during which the courts in Westminster- hall sit and give judgment, &c. But the high court of Parliament, the Chancery, and inferior courts, do not observe the terms ; only the courts of King's Bench, Common PJeas, and Exchequer, the high- est courts at common law. Of these terms, there are four in every year, viz. Hilary Term, which begins the' 23d of January, and ends the 12th of February, unless on Sundays, and then the day after ; Easter Term, which begins the Wednesday fort- night after Easter-day, and ends the Mon- day next after Ascension-day ; Trinity Term, which begins the Friday after Tri- nity Sunday, and ends the Wednesday fortnight after ; and Michaelmas Term, which begins the 6th, and ends the 28th of November. There are, in each of these terms, stated days, called days in bank, that is, days of appearance in the Court of Com- mon Pleas, called usually bancum, or com' mune banctim, to distinguish it from ban- cum regisy or the Court of King's Bench. They are generally at the distance of about a week from each other, and regulated by some festival of the church. On some of these days in bank, all original writs must be made returnable, and therefore they are generally called the returns of that term ; the first return in every term is, properly speaking, the first day in that oC TER fER term; and thereon the court sitSi to take essoins, orexcuses, for such as do not ap- pear according- to the sinnmons of tlie writ : wherefore this is usually called the essoin day of the term. But the person summoned hath three days g-race beyond the return of the writ, in wiiich to make feis appearance ; and if he appear on the fourth day inclusive, quarto die post, it is sufficient. Therefore, at the beginning of each term, the court doth not sit for dispatch of business till the fourth day ; and in Trinity Term, by statute 32 Hen- ry Vltl. c. 21. not till the sixth day. Tkbms, Oxford. Hilary, or Lent Term, begins on January 14, and ends the Sa- turday before Paliii Sunday. Easter Term begins the tenth day after Easter, and ends the Thursday before Whit Sunday. Trinity Term begins the Wednesday af- ter Trinity Sunday, and ends after the act, sooner or later, as the Vice Chancel- lor and Convocation please. Michaelmas Term begins on October 10, and ends December 7. Terms, Cambridge. Lent Term begins on Jamiary 13, and ends the Friday be- fore Palm Sunday. Easter Terms begins the Wednesday after Easter week, and ends the week before Whit Sunday. Trinity Term begins the Wednesday af- ter Trinity Sunday, and ends the Friday after the commencement. Michaelmas Term begins October 10, and ends De- cember 16. Terms, Scottish. In Scotland, Candle- mas Term begins January 23, and ends February 12. Whitsuntide Term begins May 25, and ends June 15. Lammas Term begins July 20, and ends August 8. Martinmas Term begins November 3, and ends November 29. Terms, Irish^ are the same as those in London, except that at Michaelmas, which commences October 13, and ad- journs to the beginning of November. TERMES, in natural history, a genus of insects of the oider Aptera. Mouth with two horny jaws; lip horny, four-cleft, the divisions linear and acute ; four-feel- ers, equal, filiform ; two eyes. There are ten species, in two sections : A. an- tennae moniliform ; B. antennae setaceous. T. fatalc, or white ant, is brown above ; tJiorax with three segments ; wings pale, with a testaceous rib. A most curious and wonderful account of this jnsect is given in the Philosophical Transactions, of which we shall notice a few particulars. The ani- mal of this extraordinary communit}^ far exceeding in wisdom and policy the bee, the ant, or beaver, are inhabitants of East fndia, Africa, and South America. They build pyramidal structures, ten or twelve feet in h^-ight, and divided into appropri- ate apartments, magazines for provisions, arched cliambei's, and galleries of com- munication. These are so firmly cement- ed, that they easily bear four men to stand upon them, and, in the plains of Senegal, appear like the villages of the natives. With such wonderful dexterity and rapi- dity they destroy focxl, furniture, books, clothes, and timber, of whatever magni- tude, leaving a mere thin surface, that in a few hours a large beam will be eaten to a mere shell, not thicker than writing paper. Larva small, about a quarter of an inch long; six-footed, pale, with a roundish testaceous head ; eyes none i mandibles short, strong, and tootJied ; antennae as long as the thorax, and ovate abdomen. These only are the labourers, who build the structures, procure provi- sions for tlie males and females, and take care of the eggs : they are the most nu- merous. Pupa larger, about half an IkkU long, with a very large ovate polished testaceous head ; eyes none ; mandibles projecting as long as the head, forked, without teeth, sharp and black ; thorax and abdomen palish. These never work, but act as superin- tendants over the labourers, or as guards to defend their habitations from intrusion and violence. Wlien a breach is made in the dwelling, they rush forward and de- fend the entrance with great ferocity ; some of them beating with their mandi- bles against any hard substance, as a sig- nal to the other guards, or as encourage- ment to the labourers ; tliey then retire, and are succeeded by the labourers, each with a burthen of tempered mortar in his mouth, and who diligently set about to repair whatever injury has been stis- tained. One of these attends every »x or eight hundred labourers who are building a wall, taking no active part himself, but frequently making the noise above mentioned, which is constant!) answered by a loud hiss from all the ki- bourevs, who, at this signal, evidently re- double tlieir diligence. The mule and female are alike, and furni.shed with four long horizontal wings; head small, brown ; mandibles short, acute, toothed-? antennae yellowish; eyes globular, prominent, black ; tliorax with three brown or didl testaceous margined segments; abdomen ovate; the back brown, witli wliite streaks ; legs palish. These are extricated from the pupa state, and fly abroad in the night ; but • TER TES soon after sun-rise, the wings become dry, and they fall on ti)e ground, and are de- voured by birds, or sought after by the inliabitants, who roast and eat them with -great avidity. A few that survive, are collected by the labourers, or larva;, and inclosed by pairs in apartments made of clay, the apertui'e of which is narrowed so ihat they cannot migrate, and where they are diligently fed and attended by the labourers, whose bodies are small enough to admit an easy entrance. After impregnation, the abdomen of the female grows to a prodigious bulk, exceeding the rest of her body nearly two thousand times ; it is then vesicular and white, with transverse brown spots, and an undulate or slightly lobed margin. In this state it contains an immense num- ber of small round brown eggs, which are protruded to the amount of eight thousand in twenty-four hours. These are instantly taken up by the labourers, and conveyed to separate chambers, where, after they are hatched, the young are attended and provided for till tiiey are able to shift for themselves, and take their share in the labours of the commu- nity. T. pulsatorius, is a very small insect, frequently found during the summer months in houses, particularly where the wainscot is in any degree decayed, and is remarkable for continuing a long con- tinued sound, resembling the ticking of a watch. It is very common in collec- tions of dried plants, which it injures ve- ry much. It is of so tender a frame as to be easily destroyed by the slighest pressure, and is an animal of very quick motions. When this insect is first hatch- ed, it bears a complete resemblance to a common mite, but after awhile casts its skin, and ondergoes a complete change. TERMINALIA, in botany, a genus of the Polygamia Monoecia cUiss and order. Natural order of Elxagni, Jussieu. Es- sential character : calyx five-parted ; co- rolla none ; stamens ten ; hermaphrodite, style one ; drupe inferior, boat-shaped. Tliere are six species, natives of the East and West Indies. TEtlNSTROEMIA, in botany, so nam- ed in memory of Ternstroem, known by his travels into China, a genus of the Po- lyandria Monogynia class arid order. Na- tural order of Columniferae. Aurantia, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx five- parted ; corolla one-petalled, wheel-shap- ed, with the border bell -shaped, five or six-parted ; anthers thick at the tip ; berry juiceless, two-celled. There are five species. TERELLA, an appellation given to a load-stone, when turned into a spherical figure, and is placed so, that its poles and equator, 5tc. correspond to the poles and equator of the world; as being a just representation of the great magnetical globe which we inhabit. TERRIER, a book, or roll, wherein the several lands, either of a private person, or of a town, college, church, &c. are described. It should contain the number of acres, and the scite, boundaries, te- nants' names, &c. of each piece or par- cel. TEST, in metallurgy, a vessel of the nature of the coppel, used for large quantities of metals at once. See Assay- ing TESTACEA, in natural history, an or- der of the class Vermes in the Linnean system. It is described as a Mollusca, that is, a soft animal, of a simple struc- ture, covered with a calcareous habitation or shell. There are in this order thirty - six genera, in sections. A. Multivalves : shells with many valves Chiton Pholas Lepas B. Bivalves : shell with two valves. Anomia Mytillus Area Ostrea Cardium Pinna Chama Solen Donax Shondylus Mactra Tellina Mya Venus. ;. Univalves, with a regular spire. Argon auta Murex Buccinum Nautillus Bulla Nerita Conus StrombuB Cyprsea TrochuB Haliotis Turbo Helix Voluta. ). Univalves, without a regular spire. Denialium Sabella Patella Teredo. Serpula TESTES. See Anatomy. TESTUDO, the tortoise, in natural l)is. tory, a genus of Amphibia of the ordet Reptiles. Generic character : body tail- ed, covered above and beneath, defcndetJ TESTUDO, by a bony covering, covered by a horny, scaly, or coriaceous integument ; a bony mouth, without distinct teeth, and the up- per mandible closing over the lower. These animals feed on sea-weeds or on worms, are extremely prolific ; but in the state of eggs, and while very young, are the prey of various animals. Their move- ments are slow ; they are capable of be- ing tamed, and will in that state eat al- most any thing presented to them. They exist long in such air as would be de- structive to other dnimals of the same size, and have such tenaciousness of life, that it is stated they will exhibit convulsive movements for several days after their bodies have been opened, and even after their heads have been cut ofi'. In cold la- titudes, the land tortoise is torpid during the winter. There are thirty -five species, of which we shall notice the following. T. Graeca, or the European tortoise. The weight of this animal is three pounds, and the length of its shell about seven inciies. It ah;mndb in the countries surrounding the Mediterranean, and particularly in Greece, where the inhabitants not only eat its tiesh and eggs, but frequently swaSlow its warm blood. In September or October it conceals itself, remaining torpid till February, when it reappears, la June it lays its eggs, in holes exposed to the full beams of the sun, by which tliey are matured. The males will fre- quently engage in severe conflicts, and strike then* heads against each other with great violence and very loud sounds. Tortoises attain most extraordinary lon- gevity, and one was ascertained to have lived in the gardens of Lambeth, England, to the age of nearly 120 years. Its shell is preserved in the archiepiscopal palace. So reluctant is the vital principle to quit these animals, that Shaw informs us, from Redi, one of them lived for six months after all its brain was taken out, moving its limbs, and walking as before. Another lived twenty-three days after its head was cut off, and the head itself open- ed and closed its jaws for a quarter of an hour after its separation from the body. It may not only be tamed, but has in seve- ral instances exhibited proofs in that state of considerable sagacity, in distinguish- ing its benefactors, and of grateful at- tachment in return for their kindness, notwithstanding its general sluggishness and torpor. It will answer the purpose of a barometer, and uniformly indicates the fall of rain before night, when it takes its food with great rapidity, and walks with a sort of mineing and elate step. It ap- appears to dislike rain with extreme aver- sion, and is discomfited and driven back only by a few and scarcely perceivable drops See Amphibia, Plate li. fig- 4. T. lutaria, or the mud tortoise, is com- mon both in Europe and Asia, and parti- cularly in France, where it is much used for food. It is seven inches long ; lays its eggs on the ground, though an aquatic animal ; walks quicker than the land tor- toise ; and is often kept in gardens, to clear them from snails and various wing- less insects. In fish-ponds it is very de- structive, biting the fishes; and when they are exhausted by the loss of blood, drag- ging them to the bottom and devouring them. T. ferox, or the fierce tortoise, is found in several parts of North America, and is eighteen inches long. It is rapid and vi- gorous in its movement, and will spring on its enemy with great elasticity and vio- lence. Its flesh is thought extremely good. It is found in the muddy parts of rivers, concealing itself among the weeds. It will also dart with great celerity on birds. But those of this genus most com- monly used as. food in the United States, are the T. concentrica, (Terrapin,) and theT. serpentaria, (Snapping Tortoise.) The sea tortoises, or turtles, are dis- tinguished from the former, by having ve- ry large and long feet, in the shape of fins, the claws of some of the toes not being visible, but inclosed. T. mydas, or the common green turtle, is not unfrequently five feet long, and of the weight of 500 pounds ; and is denomi- nated green, from a shade of that colour assumed by the fat when the animal is in its perfect state. In the West Indies it has been long in the highest estimation for the table, and within sixty or seventy years it has gradually been advancing in reputation in this country for food, and is at present considered as furnishing the highest gratification of epicurism. It is imported into England in vast numbers. It feeds on sea grass called turtle grass. It is taken sometimes after being watched to its haunts ; and being thrown on its back, is unable to rise again on its feet ; sometimes it is struck in the water with a long staff, armed with iron at the end. The markets of the West Indies are sup- plied with the flesh of these animals as those of Europe are with mutton and beef; and before they were much sought as ar- ticles of exportation, forty sloops were employed by the inhabitants of Port Roy- al in catching them. They are seldom seen on land but at the season of laying TET TET their eggs, which they do at several times, after intervals of fourteen days. Tbey are occasionaliy found, probably in conse- quence of tempests , on the coasts of Europe. T. imbricata, or the imbricated turtle, or hawksbill, is so called from its shells lapping one over another, hke tiles on the roof of a house. It is about three feet long ; is found in the seas both of Asia and America, and sometimes also in the Mediterranean ; and is said to have been seen even ot 600 pounds weight. Its flesh is in no estimation ; but its lamina are manufactured into that elegant material, known by the name of tortoise-shell, which has been applied by human inge- nuity to innumerable purposes both of use and ornament. The thickness of the plates varies in reference to the age and size of the turtle. Those of a very young one are of no value. A large one will supply ten pounds weight of valua- ble scales, which being softened by heat, and lapped over each other by means of pressure, become effectually united, so as to constitute one piece of considerable extent, and without any perceivable trace of their separation. This article was well known to the Greeks and Romans, and was an important material of luxury and commerce. Various articles ot' furniture, and even beds, were inlaid with it. The Egyptians exported large cargoes ot it to Rome for these purposes; and in China, as well as Europe, it is at present in very high demand for elegant and ornamental manufactures. Test u DO, in the military art of the an- cients, was a kind of cover or screen, which the soldiers, e.gr. a whole compa- ny, made themselves of their bucklers, by holding them up over their heads, and standing close to each other. This ex- pedient served to shelter them from darts, stones, &c. thrown upon them, especially those thrown from above, when they went to the assault. Testudo, was also a kind of large wooden tower which moved on several wheels, and was covered with bullock's hides flead, serving to shelter the soldiers when they approached the walls to mine them, or to batter them with rams. TETHER, a string by which horses are held from ranging too far in pastures, &c. In figurative language, we say to go the length of one's tether ; to speak or act with as much freedom as circumstances will admit. • 'I'ETHYS, in natural history, a genus of the Vermes mollusca class and order: body detached, rather oblong, fleshy, without peduncles ; mouth with a termi- nal, cylindrical proboscis, under an ex- panded membrane or lip; two apertures on the left side of the neck. There are two species, viz. T. leporina, which in- habits the Mediterranean; and T. fiuibria, found in the Adriatic. TE TRACERA, in botany, a genus of the Polyandria Tetragynia class and or- der. Natural order of Rosaceae, Jussieu. Essential character ; calyx five or six- leaved ; corolla four or five-petalled ; filaments widening above ; and anther bearing on each side ; capsules four, open- ing on the side ; seed arilled at the base. There are twelve species. TETRACHORD, in the ancient music, a concord consisting of four degrees or intervals, and four terms or sounds ; called also by the ancients diatessarron, and by us a fourth. TETRADYNAMIA, in botany, the name of the fifteenth class in the Linnsean system, consisting of plants with herma- phrodite flowers, having six stamina, four of which are longer than the rest. There are two orders in this class, viz. the sili- quosae, those that have long pods, as stocks, rockets, &c, ; and the siliculosse, or those that have short round pods, as scurvy-grass, candy-tuft, &c. TETRAEDRON, or Tetuahediiox, in geometry, one of the five regular or plato- nic bodies or solids, comprehended under four equilateral and equal triangles. It is demonstrated by mathematicians, that the square of the side of a tetraedron is to the square of the diameter of a sphere, wherein it may be inscribed, in a subsequilateral ratio : whence it follows, that the side of a tetraedron is to the di- ameter of a sphere it is inscribed in, as ^2 to the ^3, consequently they are incommensurable. TETRAGONIA, in botany, a genus of the Icosandria Pentagj'nia class and or- der. Natural order of Succulentae. Fi- coideje, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx three to five-parted ; petals none ; drupe inferior, inclosing a nut from three to eight-celled. There are eight species, chiefly natives of the Cape of Good Hope. TETRAGYNIA, in botany, the name of an order in certain classes of the Linnaean system, consisting of plants, which, to the classic character, add the circumstance of having four styles. TETRANDRIA, in botany, the name of the fourth class in the Linnaean systeen, consisting of plants with hermaphrodite flowers, which have four stamina of equal length. In this last circumstance con- TET TET slsts tlie main difference between the tetranclria and the didynamia, in which the four stamina are of unequal length, two of them being longer than the other two. There are tliree orders in this class, founded upon the number of styles. TETRANTHUS, in botany, a genus of the Syngenesia Polygamia Segregata class and order. Natural order of Capitatx. Ci- narocephalae, Jussieu. Essential charac- ter : calyx common, four-flowered ; peri- anth proper, one-leafed ; seeds crowned. There is but one species, riz. T. littoralis, an annual plant, and a native of Hispaniola. TETRAO, in natural history, a genus of birds of the order GaUina:. Generic cha- racter : near each eye a spot, which is na- ked, or pai)illous, or slightly covered with feathers. Birds of this genus, which, according to Gmelin, comprehends the grouse, the partridge, and the quail, fol- low the dam immediately on being hatcli- ed, and before the shell is wholly detach, ed from them ; their bill is strong and convex, and their flesh and eggs form an exquisite repast. Tiiere are seventy- three species, of which the following are best de.serving of notice. T. urogallus, or the cock of the wood, is of the size of a turkey, and is found from Russia to Italy, preferring the ele- vated and mountainous parts of temper- ate countries, as it delights in a cold tem- perature. Its eggs are deposited on moss, and whenever left by the female, who is unassisted in the process of incubation, are covered over with leaves. The males and females hve sepai-ate, except during the months of Februaiy and March. Their food consists of various plants and grains, and of buds of trees. The seeds of the pine and fir they are particularly fond of. The sound of the male resem- bles not a little the whetting of a scythe. The.se birds are in high request for the table, and are sometimes sent from Pe- tersburg to London, in a very rigorous winter, arriving, it is said, in good condi- tion. T. tetrix, or the black grouse, is larger than a common fowl, and abounds in the British islands, particularly in the north- ern districts. In winter these birds shel- ter themselves in low situations. On the return of spring they withdraw to the mountains, and contests occur between the males, which are carried on with ex- treme violence and fury, and during which they are so agitated by rage, that they may be approached without obser- vation, and knocked down with a club. The birds of this species, and of the last, do not pair like other birds, and the male is generally seen with several females in his train. They subsist on seeds and her- bage, and are jjarticularly fond of the seeds of the birch and Siberian poplar, T. Canadensis, or the spotted grouse, is thirteen inches long, abounds in the neighbourhood of Hudson's Bay, and feeds upon juniper berries, and the cones of spruce. These birds are eaten by the natives, both in summer and winter, dur- ing the latter season being hung up by the bill, and preserved by the frost. They are extremely stupid, and will scarcely make an effort to evade danger. T. lagopus, or the ptarmigan grouse, is fourteen inches long, and inhabits tlie north of Europe. It is not uncommon in the Orkneys and the Hebrides, and is sometimes found in Cumberland. These birds subsist on seeds, fruits, and berries, and are, like the last, silly and inadvertent to danger. T. perdix, or the European partridge, is thirteen inches long, and abounds in the temperate regions of Europe, It is unable to sustain rigorous cold, or intense heat. It feeds on green corn and other plants, and almost every species of grain ; but the eggs of ants constitute its favour- ite food, and are almost essential for the nourishment and preservation of the young ones. Experiments have been re- peatedly, but ineffectually, made, to in- duce the breeding of this bird in con- finement; its eggs, however, are fre- quently introduced into the nest of a common jjen, and are thus matured, and the young are treated affectionately by that bird, and may be brought to per- fection, if provided with their appropriate food. The attachment of the male and female partridge to their offspring, is highly interesting. They both sit cover- ing (hem frequently at the same time, and, when danger approaches, will ex- pose tliemselves to its direct attack, in order to decoy the attention of the ene- my from those whose security they pre- fer even to their own existence. They pair early, build with dry leaves upon tlie ground, and the young run after their parent as soon as they are extricated from the shell. They breed in England only once a year, and Uve to the age of twelve years. They are highly valued for food. T. coturnix, or the quail, is between seven and eight inches long, and inha- bits almost every country of the old world, but is not found in America. It is mi- gratory, and moves in spring towards the TET TEU colder climates, returning southerly in autumn. In these progresses quails fly in immense multitudes, and are taken ii\ tlie islands of the Archipe)a^40 in such numbers as for a short time to be the principal ariicle of food for the inhabit- ants, and to constitute an important source of income and revenue. Within a few miles along- the coasts of Italy, a hundred thousand are said to have been taken in a single day. Latham informs us, that they used to be an article of impor- tation from France to England, in cages formed with several divisions, and con- taining about a score of birds in each, and that he had often seen these cages filled with them, and attached to the stage coaches between Paris and London. They breed, however, in that country, and though manyjmigray any of the three conic sections, e. gr. this; that if a right line cut two asymptotic parabolas, its two parts terminated by them shall be equal, THEORY, in general, denotes any doc. trine which terminates in speculation alone, without considering the practical uses and application thereof. THERMOMETER, an instrument for measuring the degree of heat or cold in any body. The first form of this instru- ment for measuring the degrees of heat and cold, was the air thermometer. It is a well known fact that air expands with heat su as to occupy more space than it does when cold, and that it is condensed by cold soastooccupy less spacethan when warmed, and that this expansion and con- densation is greater or Itfss according to the degree of heat or cold at)plied. The principle then on which the air-thermome- ter was constructed is very simple. The air was confined in a tube by means of some coloured liquor; the liqour rose or fell according as the air became expand- ed Of condensed. What the first form of the tube was, cannot now pei iiaps be well known; but the following description of the airthennometer will fully explain its nature, it consists of a glass tube, B E, (Plate Miscel. XVL fig. 4.) connected at one end with a large glass ball. A, and at the other end immersed in an open ves- sel, or terminating in a ball,DE, with a narrow orifice at D ; which vessel or ball contains any coloured liquor that will not easily freeze. Aqual'ortts tinged of a fine blue colour with a solution of vitriol or copper, or' spirit of wine tinged with co- chineal, will answer this purpose. But tiie ball, A, must be first moderately warmed, so tliut a part of the air contained in it may be expelled through tlie orifice, D; and then the litpior pressed by the weight of the atmosphere will enter the ball, D E, and lise, for example, to the middle of the tube, at C at a mean temperature of the weather ; and in this stale the liquor by its weigiit, and the air included in the ball. A, 8tc. by its ehisticity, will counter- balance the weight of the atmosphere. As THERMOxMETEU. the surrounding air becomes warmer, the uirin Mie ball and upper part of" the tube, expanding by lieiil, wiil diive the li- quor ml.) tlie lower ball, and conscqutnily its surface will descend; on the coiiuar), as the ambient air becomes colder, that in the ball is condensed, and the liquor, pressed by ihe weight of the atmosphere, will ascend ; so thai the liquor in the tube will ascend or descend n'ore or less ac cordin.i^ to the state ot'tite air contiguous to the instrument. 'I'o the lube is affixed a scale of the same length, divided up- \vards and d(iwnwards from the middle, C, into 100 equal parts, by means of which the ascent and descent of the li- quor in the tube, and consequently the variations in the cold or heat of the atmo- sphere, may be observed. The air bei'>j; found improper for mea- suring' with accuracy the variations of heat and colel, according lo the form of the tliermometer which was first adopted, another fluid was proposed about the middle of ihe seventeenth century by the Florentine Academy. This fluid was spirt of wine, or alcohol, as it is no a gene- rally named. The alcohol being colour- ed, was inclosed in a very fine cylindri- cal glass tube previously exhausted of its air, having a hollow ball at one end, A, (fig. 5.) and hermetically sealed at the other end, D. The ball and tube are filled with rectified spirit of wine to a convenient height, as to C, when the wea- ther is of a mean temperature, which may be done by inverting the tube into a vessel of stagnant coloiued spirit, under a receiver of the air-pump, or m any other way. When the thermometer is j)roper- ly filled, the end D is heated red hot by a lamp, and then hermetically sealed, leaving the included air of about one-third of its natural density, to prevent the air which is in the spirit from dividing it in its expansion. To the tube is applied a scale, divided from the middle, into 100 equal parts, upwards and downwards. As spirit of wine is capable of a very con- siderable degree of rarefaction and con- densation by heat and cold, when the heat of the atmospiiere increases the spirit dilates, and consequently rises in the tube ; and when the heat decreases, the spirit descends, and the degree or quantity of the motion is shown by a scale. This was evidently an improvement on the air-thermometer, but was itself not free from objections. The liquor could noteasilybe obtained ofthe same strength, and hence different tubes filled witli it, vvlien exposed lo the same degree of heat, would not correspond. Another defect was, the want of some fixed guide as a standard lo commence the graduation. Philosophers soon saw that some fixed and unalterable p(Mnt must be found, by which all thermometers might be accurately adjulsed. Dr. Halley propos- ed that thermometers should be gra- duated in a deep pit, where the tempera- ture in all seasons was nearly the same. Tiiib however could not generally be prac- tised. He thought of the boiling jjoint of water, of mercury, and of spirit of wine, preferring the latter, on account of the freezing of water, not knowing that this was fi.xed and uniform. At length Sir Isaac Newion determined this important ],oint, on which the accura- cy and value of tlie thermometer depends. lie chose, as fixed, those points at which water freezes and boils ; the very points whicfi the experiments of succeeding philosophers have determined to be the most fixed and convenient. Sensible ofthe disadvantages of spirit of wine, he tried another liquor which was homogeneous enough, and capable of a considerable rarefaciion, several times greater than spirit of wine. This was linseed oil. It has not been observed to freeze even in very great colds, and ii bears a heat very much greater than water before it boils. With these advantages it was made use of by Sir Isaac Newton, who discovered by It the comjiai alive degree of heat for boiling water, melting wax, boiling spirit of wine, and melting tin; beyond which it does not appear ihai this thermometer was applied. The method he used for adjusting the scale of this oil-thermome- ter was as follows j supposing the bulb, when immerged in thawing-snow, to con- tain 10,000 parts, he found the oil expand by the heat of the human body, so as tp take up one thirty-ninth more space, or 10,256 such [)arts ; and by the heat of water boiling strongly Is ',725 ; and by the heat of meUing tin 11,516. So that reckoning the freezing point as a common limit between heat and cold, be began his scale there, marking it 0, and the heat of the human body he made 12° ; and consequently, the degress of heat be- ing proportional to the degrees of rare- faction, or 236 :725:: 12:34, this num- ber 34 will express the heat of boiling wa- ter ; and by the same rule, 72 that of melt- ing tin. This thermometer was con- structed in 1701. To the application of oil as a measure of heat and cold, there are insuperable objections. It is so vis- cid, that it adheres too strongly to the THERMOMETER. &ides of the tube. On this account it as- cends and descends too slowly in case of a sudden heut or cold. In a sudden cold, so great a portion remains adhering to the sides of the tube after the rest has subsi- ded, that the surface appears lower than the corresponding temperature of the air requires. An oil thermometer is there- fore not a proper measuie of heat and cold. All the thermometers hitheito proposed were liable to many inconveni- ences, and could not be considered as ex- act standards for poniting out the various degrees of temperature. This led Reau- mur to attempt a new one, an account of which was published in the year 1730 in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences. This thermonieter was made witli spirit of wine. He took a large ball and tube, the dimensions and capacities of which were known ; he then graduated the tube, so that the space from one division to ano- ther might contain 1,000th part of the li- quor; tlie liquor containing 1,000 parts when it stood at the freezing point. He adjusted the thermometer to the freez- ing point by an artificial congelation of water ; then putting the ball of his thei-- mometer and part of the tube into boiling water, he observed whether it rose 80 di- visions ; if it exceeded these, he changed his liquor, and by adding water lowered it, till upon trial it should just rise 80 di- visions ; or if the liqour, being too low, fell short of eighty divisions, he raised it by adding rectified spirit to it. The li- quor thus prepared suited his purpose, and served for making a thermometer of any size, whose scale would agree with his standard. At length a difl'erent fluid was proposed, by which thermometers could be made free from most of tlie de- fects hitherto mentioned. This fluid was mercury, and seems first to have oc- curred to Dr. Halley, but was not adopted by him, on account of its having a smaller degree of expansibility than the other fluids used at that time. The honour of this invention is general- ly given to Fahrenheit of Amsterdam, who i)resented an account of it to the Royal Society of London in 1724. That we may judge the more accurately of the propriety of employing mercurj', we will compare its qualities with those of the fluids already mentioned, air, alcohol, and oil. Air is the most expansible fluid, but it does not receive nor part Avith its heat so quickly as mercury. Alcohol does not expand much by heat. In its ordinary stale it does not bear a much greater heat tlian 175° of Fahrenheit ; but when highly rectified, it can bear a greater degree of cold than any other liquor hitherto employed as a measure of temperature. At Hudson's Bay, Mr Mac- nab, by a rtiixture of vitriolic acid and snow, made it to descend to 69° below 0 of Fahrenheit, There is an inconvenience, however, attending the use of this liquor » it is not possible to get it always of the same degree of strength. As to oil, its expansion is about 15 times greater than that of alcohol ; it sustains a heat of 600°, and its freezing point is so low that it has not been determined ; but its viscosity renders it useless. Mercury is far superior to alcohol and oil, and is much more manageable than air. 1. As far as the experiments al- ready made can determine, it is, of all the fluids hitherto employed in the construc- tion of thermometers, that which mea- sures most exactly equal differences of beat by equal differences of its bulk : its dilatations are, in fact, very nearly pro- portional to the augmentations of heat applied to it. 2. Of all liquids it is the most easily freed from air. 3. It is fitted to measure high degrees of heat and cold. It sustains a heat of 600° of Fahrenheit's scale, and docs not congeal till it fall 39 or 40 dcgi-ees below 0. 4. It is the most sensible of any fluid to heat and cold, even air not excepted. Count Rumford found, that mercury was heated from the freezing to the boiling point in 58 seconds, while water took 2 minutes 13 seconds, and common air 10 minutes and 17 se- conds. 5. Mercury is a homogeneous fluid, anfl every portion of it is equally dilated or contracted by equal variations of heat. Any one thermometer, made of pure mercury, is, Cccieris paribus, pos- sessed of the same properties with.every other thermometer made of pure mer- cury. Its power of expansion is indeed about six times less than that of spirit of wine, but it is great enough to answer most of the purposes for which a ther- mometer is wanted. The fixed points, which are now universally chosen for ad- justing thermometers to a scale, and to one another, are the boiling and freezing water points. Tlie boiling water point, it is well known, is not an invariable point, but varies some degrees, according to the weight and temperature of the atmosphere. In an exhausted receiver, water will boil with a heat of 98° or 100®; whereas, in Papin's digester, it will ac- quire a heat of 412°. Hence it appears, that water will boil at a lower point, ac- cording to its height in the atmosphere,. THERMOMETER. or to the weight of the column of air which presses ii|jon it. In order to en- sure uniformity, tlierefore, in the con- struction of thermometers, it is now agreed, tliat the bulb of the tube be plunged in the water wiien it boils vio- lently, tiie barometer standing at 30 En- glish inches, and tiie temperature of the atmosphere 55^. A thermometer made in this way, with its boiling point at 212°, is called, by Dr. Horsley, " Bird's Fahren- heit," because Mr. Bird was the first person who attended to the state of the barometer in constructing therm.ometers. As artists may be often obliged to ad- just thermometers under very different pressures of tlic atmosphere, philoso- ]}hers have been at pains to discover a general rule, wiiich might be applied on all occasions. M. de Luc, from a series of experiments, has given an equation for the allowance on account of this differ- ence, in Paris measure, which has been verified by Sir George Schuckburg; also Dr. Horsley, Dr. Maskelyne, and Sir George Schuckburg, idapted the equation and rules to EngUsh measures, and have reduced the allowances into ta- bles, for the use of the artist. Dr. Hors- Jey's rule, deduced from De Luc's, is this: 99 _-ll — log. z— 92 804 =h. WTiere A denotes the heiglitof a thermo- meter phinged in boiUng water above the point of melting ice, in degrees of iVird's Fahrenheit, and z the height of the barometer in lOths of an inch. From this rule he has computed the following table, for finding the heights to which a good Bird's Fahrenheit will rise, when plunged in boiling water, in all states of the barometer, from 27 to 31 English in- ches ; which will serve, among other uses, to direct instrument-makers in mak- ing a true allowance for the effect of the variation of the barometer, if they should be obliged to finish a thermometer at a time when the barometer is above or be- low 30 inches ; though it is best to fix the boiling point when the barometer is at that height. EaUATIOX OF THE BOILISG POIXT, Barometer. Equation. Difference. 31.0 -f 1.57 0.78 30.5 + 0.79 0.79 30.0 0.00 0.80 ' 29.5 — 0.80 0.82 29.0 — 1.62 0.83 28.5 — 2.45 0.85 28.0 — 3.31 • 0.86 27.5 — 4.16 0.88 27.0 — 5.04 The numbers in tlie first column of this table express heights of the quicksilver in the barometer, in Englisii inches and decimal parts : the second column shows the equation to be apphed, according to the sign prefixed, to 212° of Bird's Fah- renheit, to find the true boiling point for every such state of the barometer. The boiling point, for all intermediate states of the barometer, may be had, with suffi- cient accuracy, by taking proportional parts, by means of the third column of difterences of the equations. The method of constructing Fahren- heit's thermometer, which is now in gene- ral use in this country, is the following : a small ball is blown on the end of a glass tube, of an uniform width throughout. The ball and part of the tube are then to be filled with quicksilver, which has been previously boiled to expel the air. The open end of the tube is then to be her- metically .sealed. The next object is to construct the scale. It is found, by ex- periment, that melting snow, or freezing water, is always at the same temperature. If, therefore, a thermometer be immer.s- ed in the one or the other, the quick- silver will always stand at the same point. It has been observed, too, that water boils under the same pressure of the at- mospliere at the same temperature. A thermometer, therefore, immersed in boiling water, will uniformly stand at the same point. Here, then, are two fixed points, from which a scale may be con- structed, by dividing tlie intermediate space into equal parts, and carrying the same divisions as far above and below the two fixed points as may be wanted. Thus, thermometers constructed in this way may be compared together ; for if they are accurately made, and placed in the same temperature, they will always point to the same degree on the scale. The fluid, as we have seen, employed is quick- silver, and it is found to answer best, be- cause its expansions are most equable. The freezing point of Fahrenheit's ther- mometer is marked 32° ; and the reason of this is said to have been, that this artist thouglit that he had produced the great- est degi'ee of cold, by a mixture of snow and salt ; and the point at which the ther- mometer then stood, in this temperature, was marked Zero. The boiling point, in this thermometer, is 212°, and the inter- mediate space, between the boiling and freezing points, is therefore divided into 180°. This is the thei-inometer that is commonly used in Britain. There are three other thermometers employed in different countries of Eu- THERMOMETER. rope, which differ from each other in the number of degrees belween the freezing and boiling" points. Ueaunuir's thermo- meter was generally used in France be- fore tlie revohitioii, and is still employed in different couiitries on the Onninent. The frtezing- point, in this thermometer, is marked Zero, and the boiling- point 80°. lo convert the degrees of Reau- mur's thermometer to those of Fahren- heit, the following is the formula. Reaum. ^ -f 32 = Fahr. that is, multiply the degrees of Reaumur by 9, divide by 4, and add 32. This gives the correspond- ing degrees on F'ahrenheit's scale. The thermometer of Celsus has the space be- tween the freezing and boiling points di- vided into 100°. The boiling point is 100°, and the freezing pcjint Zero. This thermometer is used in Sweden. The "thermometre centigrade," now used in France, has the scale divided in the same way. To convert the degrees of this ther- mometer into those of Fahrenheit ; Cel. ^ + 32 = Fahr. In Delisle's thermo- meter, which is used in Russia, the space between the boiling and freezing points is divided into 150° ; l^iit the degrees are reckoned downwards. The boiling point is marked Zero, and the freezing point 150°. To reduce the degreesof this ther- mometer under the boiling point to those of Falirenheit; Del. ^ — 212 = Fahr. X 6 And above the boiling point. Del. — r- -f 212 == Fahr. Such, then, are the principles and mode of construction of the thermometer; an instrument which has been of the utmost importance in enabhng us to discover many of the properties and elfects of ca- loric, as by it only we can ascertain, with accuracy, the relative temperatures. In meteorological observations, it is necessary to attend to the greatest rise and fall of the thermometer; and therefore attempts liave been made to make them mark tiie greatest degree of iieat and cold, in the absence of the ob- server. We will notice one, jntended to show the greatest degree of heat. Ali, fig. 6, is a glass tube, with a cylindrical bulb, H, at the lower end, and capillary at the other, over which there is a fixed glass ball, (/. The bulb, and part of the tube, are fdied with mercury, tlie top of which shows the degrees of heat. The tipper pTirt of the tube, above the mer- cury, is filled with spirit of wine ; the ball, C, is likewise tilled with the same liquor, almost lo the top of the capilhuy tube. When the mercury rises, the spirit of wine is also raised into the ball, C, which is so made that the liquor cannot return into the tube when the mercury sink*; of course, the height of the spirit in the ball, added to that in the tube, will give the greatest degree of heat. To make a new observation, the instrument must be in- clined till the liquor in the ball cover the end of the capillary tube. In 1782, Mr. Six proposed another self- registering thermometer. It is properly a spirit of wine thermometer, though mercury is also employed for supportmg an index : a b (fig. 7) is a thin tube of glass si.Kteen inches long, and five-six- teenths of an inch cahbre : c de, and/^>- h, are stnaller tubes, about one-twentieth of an inch caUbre. These three tubes are filled with highly rectified .spirit of wine, except the space between dund g, which is filled with mercury. As the spirit of wine contracts or expands in the middle tube, the mercury falls or rises in the outside tubes. An index, such as that represented in fig. 8, is placed on the surface, within each of these tubes, so light as to float upon it : A? is a small glass tube, three-fourths of an inch long, hermetically sealed at each end, and inclosing a piece of steel wire nearly of its own length. At each end, / m, of this small tube, a short tube of black glass is fixed, of such a diameter as to pass freely up and down within either of the outside tubes of the thermometer, c e or fh. From the upper end of the index is drawn a spring of glass to the fineriessof a hair, and about five-sevenths of an inch long ; which being placed a little oblique, presses lightly against the ijuicr surface of the tube, and prevents the index from descending when the mercury desg;ends. These indexes be- ing in.serted one into each of the out- side tubes, it is easy to understand how they point out tlie greatest heat or cold that lias happened in the observer's ab- sence. When the spirit of wine in the middle tube ex^pand.s, it presses down the mercury in the tube, hf, and conse- quently raises it in the tube, e o ; conse- quently, the index on the left hand tube is left behind, and marks the greatest cold, and the index in the right hand tube rises, and marks the greatest heat. The common contrivance for a self-ix.- gi.stering thermometer, now sold in most of the iiondon shops, consists simply of THI THI two thermometers, one mercurial, and the other of alcohol, (fig. 9) having their stems horizontal ; the former has for its index a small bit of magnetical steel wire; and the latter a minute thread of glass, having its two ends formed into small knobs, by fusion in the flame of a can- dle. The magnetical bit of wire lies in the vacant space of the mercurial tiiermome- ter, and is pushed forward by the mercu- ry whenever the temperature rises, and pushes that fluid against it ; but when the temperature falls, and the fluid re- tires, this index is left behind, and con- sequently shows the maximum. The other index, orbit of glass, lies in the tube of tlie spirit thermometer immersed in the alcohol : and when the spirit re- tires,! ^y depression of temperature, tiie index is carried along with it, in appa- rent contact with its interior surface ; but, on increase of temperature, the spi- rit goes forward and leaves the index, which therefore shows the minimum of temperature since it was set. As these indexes merely lie in the tubes, their re- sistance to motion is altogether inconsi- derable. The steel index is brought to the mercury by applying a magnet on the outside of the tube, and the other is du- ly placed at the end of the column of alcohol, by inclining the whole instru- ment. THERMOSCOPE,an instrument show- ing the changes happening in the air with respect to heat and cold. The word thermoscope is generally used in- differently with that of thermometer, though there is some difference in the literal import of the two; the first signi- fiying an instrument that shows, or ex- hibits, the changes of heat, &c. to the eye ; and the latter, an instrument that measures those changes ; on which foun- dation the thermometer should be a more accurate thermoscope, &c. THESIS, a general position which a person advances, and offers to maintain. In colleges it is frequent to have placards, containing a number of them, in theolo- gy, in medicine, in phllosopliy, in law, kc. THESIUM, in botany, a genus of the Pentandria IVIonogynia class and order. Natural order of Vepreculce. Elieagni, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx one- leaved, into which the stamens are insert- ed ; nut inferior, one seeded. There are nineteen species, almost all of which are found at the Cape of Good Hope. THIMBLE, an instrument made of brass, silver, iron, &c, put on the finger to thrust a needle through any cloth, silk, &c. used by all seamstresses, tailors, &.c. The common thimbles are generally made of sliruff and old hammered brass. This they melt and cast into a sort of sand, with which and red ochre are made moulds and cores. They are cast in double rows, and, when cold, taken out, and cut off with greasy shears. Then the cores being taken out, they are put into a barrel, as tliey do sliot, and turned round with a liorse till tliey rub the sand one from another : from thence they are carried to the mill to be turned, first on the inside, and afterwards on the outside: then some saw-dust, or filings of horn combs, are put half-way into each thimble, and U]jon it an iron punch ; and then with one blow against a studded .steed the hol- low of the bottom is made : after this, with an engine, the sides have the hollow made ; this (lone, they ai-e again polished on the inside; then liie rim is turned at one stroke; and lastly, they are turned in a barrel with saw-dust, or bran, to scour them very bright. Thimblk, in naval afl'airs, a sort of iron ring, the outer surface of which is hollow throughout its whole circumference, in Older to contain in the channel or cavity a rope, which is spliced about it, and by which it may be hung in any particular situation. Its use is to defend the eye of the rope which surrounds it from being injured by another rope which passes through it, or by the hook of a tackle which is hung upon it. THHtPS, in natural history, a genus of Insect of the order of Hemiptera : snout obsolete, secreted within the mouth ; an- tenn?e fihform, as long as the thorax ; bo- dy linear ; abdomen bent upwards ; fom- wings straight, incumbent, narrower than the body, and slightly crossed. There are eight species. T. physapus is accu- rately described in the Linn?ean Trans- actions : it is found frequently in compo- site flowers, and in the spikes of wheat and rye, to which it is said to be exceed- ingly destructive, though others deny the fact. It may be often seen in the flowers of the dandelion ; it wanders from petal to petal, descending to the bottom of the florets, occasionally emerg- ing at intervals, and often skipping from place to place . in performing this action, it is observed suddenly to turn back its abdomen, so as nearly to touch the thorax with its tip. The larva, in some respects, resembles the complete insect : it is, however, yellow, and six- THI THO footed : the antennae and head black and white, pupa whitish, with black eyes. THISTLE, carduusy in botany. See Cakduus. TmsTiE, order of the, or of St. Andiiew, a military order of knighthood in Scot- land, the rise and institution whereof is variously related by different authors : Leslej', Bishop of Ross, reports, that the nig-ht before tlie battle between Athelstan, King of Northumberland, and Hungus, King of the Picts, a bright cross, in form of that whereon St. Andrew (the tutelar saint of Scotland) suffered martyrdom, ap- peared to Hungus, who, having gained the victory, ever after bore the figure of that cross on his banners. Others assert, that Achaius, King of Scotland, first instituted this order, after having made the ftimous league, offensive and defensive, with Charlemagne, King of France. But al- though the thistle had been acknowledg- ed as the symbol of the kingdom of Scot- land from the reign of Achaius, yet some refer the beginning of this order to the reign of Charles VII. of France. Others place the foundation of it as low as the year 1500. The chief and principal ensign Is a gold collar, composed of thistles and sprigs of me interlinked with amulets of gold, hav- ing pendent thereto the image of St. Andrew with his cross, and the motto, NEMO ME IMPUNE EACESSET. The ordinary or common ensign worn by the knights is a star of four silver points, and over them a green circle, bor- dered and lettered with gold, containing the said motto, and in the centre is a thistle proper ; all which is embroidered on their left breast, and worn with the collar, with a green ribband over the left shoulder, and brought under the right arm ; pendent thereto is the image of St. Andrew, with his cross, in a purple robe, within an oval of gold enamelled vert, with the former motto : but sometimes they wear, encircled in the same manner, a thistle crowned. About the time of the reformation, this order was dropped, till James II. of Eng- land resumed it, by creating eight knights: however, the revolution unsettled it again; and it lay neglected till Queen Anne, in 1703, restored it to the primi- tive design, of twelve knights of St. An- drew. King George I. in the first of his reign, confirmed the statutes signed by Q ieen Anne, with the addition of several more, among which was that of adding rays of glory to surround the figure of St. Andrew which hangs at the collar : and though from the reformation to George VOL. VI. I. both elections and instalments had been dispensed with, his majesty ordered that chapters of election should, for the future, be held in the royal presence ; to which end he ordered the great wardrobe to provide the knights brethren, and of- ficers, with such mantles as the statutes of the said order appointed. THLASFI, in botany, bastard-cress, a genus of the Tetradynamia Siliculosa class and order. Natural order of Sili- quosse or Cruciformes. Cruciferae, Jus- sieu. Essential character : silicle emar- ginate, obcordate, many-seeded ; valves boat-shaped, margined and keeled. There are fourteen species. THOA, in botany, a genus of tlie Mo- noecia Polyandria class and order. Na- tural order of Urticse, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx and corolla none ; male, stamens numerous, at the joints of the spike ; female, germs two, at the base of the male spike, one on each side, sessile; stigma three or four cleft : seed in a brit- tle shell, covered with a bristly web. There is only one species, viz. T. urens. THOLES, in marine affairs, small pins driven perpendicularly into the gunwale of a boat, and serving to retain the oars in that space which is called the row-lock; sometimes there is only one pin to each oar, as in boats navigated in the Mediter- ranean Sea : in that case, the oar is re- tained upon the pin, by means of a strop, or of a cleat, with a hole through it, nail- ed on the side of the oar. THOUINIA, in botany, so named in honour of Mons. Andre Thouin, fellow of the National Institute, and professor of Horticulture in the French Museum, a genus of the Pentandria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Convolvuli, Jussieu. Es.sential character : corolla one-petalled, bell-shaped, inferior, his- pid on the outside ; style simple ; drupe. There is but one species, viz. T. specta- bilis, a native of Madagascar, where it was found by Commerson. THONSCHIEFER, in mineralogy, slate, is divided into three sub-species : 1. The common argillaceous schistus, which is composed of silex, alumina, oxide of iron, and proportions of carbonated lime and magnesia : it is used for covering houses, and the straight-foliated bluish-grey va- rieties are employed as writing slates : the softer and more compact varieties are made into slate pencils. See Schis- TU.S, also Slate. 2. Hone slate, called by Kirwan novaculite : its colour is a greenish-grey, or smoke-grey, passing to olive and mountain-green. It occurs in mass, and has a glimmering lustre : its fracture in the great is slaty ; in the small, o E THUNDER. Now it is generally observed, that from the month of April, an east or south-east wind generally takes place, and continues with little interruption till towards the end of June. At that time, sonieiimes sooner and sometimes later, a westerly wind takes place ; but as the causes pro- ducing the east wind are not removed, the latter opposes the west wind with its whole force. At the place of meeting, there is naturally a most vehement pres- sure of the atmosphere, and friction of its parts against one another ; a calm en- sues, and the vapours brought by both winds begin to collect, and form dark clouds, which can have httle motion either way, because they are pressed al- most equally on all sides. For the most part, however, the west wind prevails, and what little motion the clouds have is towards the east : whence the common remark in this country, that " thunder- clouds move against the wind." But this is by no means universally true : for if tlie west wind happens to be excited by any temporary cause before its natural pe- riod, when it should take place, the east wind will very frequently get tJie better of it ; and the clouds, even althougii thimder is produced, will move west- ward. Yet in either case the motion is so slow, that the most superficial ob- servers cannot help taking notice of a considerable resistance in the atmo- sphere. When lightning acts with extraordina- ry violence, and breaks or shatters any thing, it is called a thunderbolt, which the vulgar, to fit it for such effects, sup- pose to be a hard body, and even a stone. But that we need not have recourse to a hard solid body, to account for the effects commonly attributed to the thunderbolt, will be evident to any one, who considers those of gunpowder, and the several che- mical fulminating powders, but more eepe- cially the astonishing powers of electri- city, when only collected and employed by human art, and much more, when directed and exercised in the course of nature. When we consider the known effects of electrical explosions, and those pro- duced by lightning, we shall be at no loss to account for the extraordinaiy ope- rations vulgarly ascribed to thunderbolts. As stones and bricks struck by lightning are often found in a vitrified state, we may reasonably suppose, with iieccaria, that some stones in the earth, having been struck in this manner, gave occasion to the vulgar opinion of the thunderbolt. Thunder-clouds are those clouds which are in a state fit for jjroducing lightning and tliunder. From Beccaria's exact and circumstantial account of the extern-al appearances of thunder-clouds, the follow- ing particulars are extracted. The fir.st appearance of a thunder storm, which usually happens when there is hitle or no wind, is one dense cloud, or more, in- creasing very fast in size, and rising into the higher regions of the air. 'I'he low- er suiface is black, and nearly level ; but the upper finely arched, and well de- fined. Many of these cloufls often seem piled upon one anotiier, all arched in the same manner ; but they are continually uniting, swelling, aiid extending their arches. At the time of the ri.sing of this cloud, the atmosphere is commonly full of a great many separate cloud.s, that are motionless, and of odd whimsical shapes. All these, upon tJie appearance of the thunder-cloud, draw towards it, and be- come more uniform in their shapes as. they approach ; till, coming very near the thunder-cloud, their limbs mutually stretch towards one another, and they immediately coalesce into one uniform mass. These he calls adscititious clouds, from their coming in to enlarge the .size of the thunder-cloud. But sometimes the thunder-cloud will swell, and increase very fast, without the conjunction of any adscititious clouds ; the vapours in the atmosphere forming themselves into clouds wherever it passes. Some of the adscititious clouds appear like white fringes, at the skirts of the thunder- cloud, or under the body of it, but they keep continually growing darker and darker, as they approach to unite with it. When the thunder-cloud is grown to a great size, its lower surface is often rag- ged, particular parts being detached to- wards the earth, but still connected with the rest. Sometimes the lower surface swells into various large protuberances bending uniformly downward ; and some- times one whole side of the cloud will have an inclination to the earth, and the extremity of it nearly touch the ground. When the eye is under the thundercloud, after it is grown larger, and well formed, it is seen to sink lower, and to darken prodigiously; at the same time that a number of small adscititious clouds (the origin of which can never be perceived) are seen in a rapid motion, driving about in very uncertain directions under it. While these clouds are agitated with the most rapid motions, the rain commonly falls in the greatest plenty; and if the TIA TID sgitation be exceedingly great, it com- monly hails. While the thunder- cloud is swelling, and extending its branches over a large tract of country, the lightning is seen to dart from one part of it to an- other, and often to ilhnninate its whole mass. When the cloud has acquired a sufficient extent, the lightning strikes be- tween the cloud and the eartli, in two op- posite places, the path of the lightning lying through the whole body of the cloud and its branches. The longer this lightning continues, the less dense does the cloud become, and the less dark its appearance ; till at length it breaks in different places, and shows a clear sky. These thunder-clouds were sometimes in a positive as well as a negative state of electricity. The electricity continued longer of the same kind, in proportion as the thunder-cloud was simple and uni- form in its direction : but when tiie light- ning changed its place, there commonly happened a change in the electricity of the apparatus over which the clouds passed. It would change suddenly after a very violent flash of hghtning ; but the change would be gradual when the light- ning was moderate, and the progress of the thunder-cloud slow. See Priestley's History of Electricity. THYMBRA, in botany, a genus of the Didynamia Gymnospermia class and or- tler. Natural order of Verticillatse or Labiatae. Essential character : calyx sub- cylindrical, two-hpped, scored on eacii side with a villose line ; style semibifid. There are three species. THYMUS, in botany, thyme, a genus of the Didynamia Gymnospermia class and order. Natural order of Verticillatae or Labiatae. Essential character: throat of the two-lipped calyx closed with villose hairs. There are twenty-two species. THYNNUS, in natural history, a genus of insects of the order Hym'enoptera : mouth horny, with an incurved mandible, the jaw short and straight; lip longer than the jaw, membranaceous at the tip, and trifid, the middle division emargi- nate ; tongue very short, involute ; four feelers, equal, filiform ; antennae cylindri- cal, the first joint thicker. There are four species : three of New Holland, and one of Africa. Specimens of them all are to be found in Sir Joseph Banks's mu- seum. TIARELLA, in botany, a genus of the Decandria Dig) nia class and order. Natu- ral order of Succulentae. Saxifragae, Jus- sieu. Essential character: calyx fiVe-part- ed; corolla fivepetalled, inserted into the calyx; petals entire; capsule one-celled, two-valved, with one valve larger. Tiicre are two species, viz. T cordifolia, heart- leaved liarella, and T. trifoliata, three- leaved tiarella, both natives of the north- ern parts of America and Asia. TIDES, two periodical motions of the watersof the sea, called the flux and re- flux, or the flow and ebb.. The cause of the tides is the attraction of the sun and moon, biit chiefly of the latter; the waters of the immense ocean, forgetful, as it were, of their natural quietus, move and roll in tides, obsequious to the strong at- tractive power of the moon, and weaker influence of the sun. See Astronomy. That the tides may have theirfull motion, the ocean in which they are produced ought to be extended from east to west 9i>°, or a quarter of a great circle of the earth, at least; because the places where the moon rises most, and most depresses the water, are at that distance from one an- other. Hence it appear.s, that it is only in the great oceans that such tides can be produced; and why, in the large Pacific ocean, they exceed those in the Atlantic ocean; hence also it is obvious, why the tides are not so great in the tomd zone, between Africa and America, where the ocean is narrower, as in the temperate zones on either side; and from this, also, we may understand why the tides are so small in islands that are very far distant from the shores. It is manifest, that, in the Atlantic ocean, the water cannot rise on one shore but by descending on the other; so that, at the intermediate distant islands, it must continue at about a mean height between its elevation on the one and on the other shore. As the tides pass over shoals, and run through strcights into bays of the sea, their motion becomes more va- rious, and their height depends on a great many circumstances. The tide that is pro- duced on the M-cstern coast of Europe corresponds to the theory above describ- ed: thus, it is high water on the coa.st of Spain, Portugal, and the west of Ireland, about the third hour after the moon has passed the meridian: from thence it flows into the adjacent channels, as it finds the easiest passage. One current from it, for example, runs up by the south of England, and another comes in by the north of Scot- land: they take a considerable time to move all this way, and it is high water sooner in the places to which they first come; and it begins to fall iji those places, while the two currents are yet going on to others that are further in their course As they return, they are not able to raise TID TIL a-tick; because tlie water runs faster off than it returns, till, by a new tide propa- gated from the ocean, the return of the current is slopped, and the water begins to rise agtuii The tide takes twelve hours to come tiuiii tlie ocean to London bridge; so that, \vh(;n it is high water there, a new tide is alreiidv come to its iieight in the ocean; and, in some intermediate place, it miist be low water at the same time. In channels, therefore, and narrow seas, the progress ot the tides maj be, in some resj)ects, compared to the motion of the waves of tne sea. It may be observed, that when Uie tide runs over shoals, and flow s upon iiat shores, the water is raised to a greater height than in the open and deep oceans that have steep banivS; be- cause the force of its motion cannot be broker., upon these level shores, till the water i-ises to a greater height. If a place communicates withtvvo oceans (or two dif- ferent vvays with tiie same ocea^i, one of v;hich is a readier and easier passaj;>) two tides may arrive at that place in ditto rent times, which, interfering with each oiher, may produce a greater variety of pheno- mena. An extraordinary instance of this kind is mentioned at Bathsha, a port in the kingdom of Tonquin in the East Indies, of northern latitude 20° 50^ The day iiv which the moon passes the equator,' the water stagnates there without any motion: as the moon removes from the equator, the water begins to rise and fall once a day; and it is high water at the setting of the moon, and low water at her rising. This daily tide increases for about seven or eight days, and then decreases for as many days by the same degrees, till this motion ceases when tlie moon has return- ed to tiie equator. When siie has passed the equatoi', and declines tov.'ards the south pole, the water rises and falls again, as before; but it is high water now at tlie rising, and low water at tlie setting of the moon. Tide tables, are those which set forth the times of high water at sundry places, as they fall on the days of the full and change of the moon. These are common in many almanacs, particularly in White's Ephemeris, Nautical Almanac, 8cc. Tide ivaitei^s, or I'iDEs.'ttKN, are ii>ferior officers belonging to the custom-house, whose employment it is to watch or attend upon ships, until the customs be paid: they get this name from their going on board ships, on their arrival in the mouth of the Thames or other port, and so come up with the tide. TIERCE, or Teihce, a measure of liquid things, as wine, oil, &,c. containing the third part of a pipe, or forty -tv*o gallons. TiEitCED, tierct;, in heraldry, denotes the shield to be divided by any of tlie partition lines, as party, coupy, tranchy, or tailiy, into three equal parts of different colours or metals. TIGER. See Felis. TILE ore, in mineralogy, a species of the copper genus, divided into two sub- species, viz. the earthy and indurated. The earth is of a hyacinth-red colour, passing through various .shades to a red- (hsh brown: it is intermediate between friable and solid, and occurs massive, dis- seminated, and incrusting copper pyrites. It slightly soils, is almost coherent, and some varieties incline to solid. It is found in veins, and is usually accompanied with native copper and malachite, and some- times with red copper ore. The indurat- ed tile-ore is in colour between a hya- cinth-red and brownish red: it occurs massive and disseminated, internally glim- mering. Before the olow-pipe it becomes black, but is infusible without addition: it C()i\taiiis from ten to fifty per cent, of copper: it occurs in veins, and is usually accompanied With copper pyrites, tibrous malachite, and iron ochre. It is found in many parts of Germany, in the copper works in Norway, in Siberia, and in Chili. The red varieties contain the greatest quantities of copper, and the brown the greatest quantity of iron. It occurs in al- most every place where red copper-ore is found: its name is derived from its colour, and the name of the sub-species from its state of cohesion. TILIA, in b(;tany, lime-tree, a genus of the Polyandria Monogynia class and or- der. Natural order ot Coluinnifera:. Ti- liaceas, Jussieu. Essential character: calyx five-parted; corolla five- petalled; capsule coriaceous, globular, five-celled, five-valv- ed, opening at the base, one-seeded. There are four species, among which is the T. Europsea, European lime-tree, or linden, is a tall upright tree, with smooth spreading branches, thickly clothed with alternate, heart-shaped, smooth serrate leaves, pointed at the end, obhque at the base, glaucous beneath, and the veins, where they branch off from the nerve, being furnished with a tuft of glandular wool, as in the laurustinus; the flowers, which are delightfully fragrant, especially at night, come forth in July, in umbels or cymes, on long axillary peduncles; calyx green, with a downy edge; petals yellow- ish, concave; stamens filiform; stigma five- ^ TIM •HM cleft; germ villose, depressed; capsule smooth, with from four to eight unequal angles, commonly one-celled and one- seeded. TILL^A, in botany, so named in ho- nour of Michael Angelo Tilli, professor of botany at Pisa, a genus of the Tetran- dria Tetragynia class and order. Natural order of Succulentjc. Sempervivse, Jus- sieu. Essential character : calyx three or four-parted ; petals thi-ee or four, equal ; capsule three or four, many seeded. There are eight species. TiLLKH of a sliip, a strong piece of wood fastened in the head of the rudder, and in small ships and boats called the helm. In ships of war, and other large vessels, the tiller is fastened to the rudder in the gun room : and to the other end there are ropes fastened, which pass upwards to the quarter-deck, where the ship is steered by means of a wheel. TILLANDSIA, in botany, so named in memory of Elias Tillandsius, professor of physic at A boa, a genus of the Hexan- dria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Coronaria;. Rromelije, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx trifid, perma- nent ; corolla trifid, bell-shaped ; capsule one-celled ; seeds comose. There are sixteen species, TILT boat, a boat covered with a tilt ; that is, a cloth or tarpaulin, sustained by hoops, for the sheltering of passengers. TIMBER, includes all kinds of felled and seasoned woods. Of all the different kinds, known in Europe, oak is the best for building; and even when it lies expos- ed to air and water, there is none equal to it. Fir-timber is the next in degree of goodness for building, especially in this country, where they build upon leases. It differs from oak in this, that it requires not much seasoning, and therefore no great stock is required before hand. Fir is used for flooring, wainscoting, and the ornamental parts of building within doors. Elm is the next in use, especially in England and FraiKe ; it is very tough and pliable, and therefore easily worked ; it does not readily split ; and it bears driving of bolts and nails better than any other wood ; for which reason it is chiefly used by wheel-rights and coach-makers, for siiafts, naves, &c. Beech is also used for many purposes ; it is very tough and white when young, and of great strength, but liable to warp very much when ex- posed to the weather, and to be worm- eaten wJu^j used within doors ; its great- est use is for planks, bedsteads, chairs, and other household goods. Ash is like- wise a very useful wood, but very scarce in most parts of Eui-ope ; it serves in buildings, or for any other use, when screened from the weather ; handspikes and oars are chiefly made of it. Wild chestnut-timber is by many esteemed to be as gootl as oak, and seems to have been much used in old buildings ; but whether these trees are more scarce at present thafi formerly, or have been found not to answer so well as was imagined, it is cer- tain this timber is now but little used. Walnut-tree is excellent for the joiner's use, it being of a more curious brown co- lour than beech, and not so subject to the worms. The poplar, abel, and aspen trees, which are very little different from each other, are much used instead of fir ; they look well, and are tougher and harder. The goodness of timber not only de- pends on the soil and situation in which it stands, but Ukewise on the season wherehi it is felled. In this people disagree very much; some are for having it felled as soon as its fruit is ripe, others in the spring, and many in the autumn. But as the sap and moisture of timber is certain- ly the cause that it perishes much sooner than it otherwise would do, it seems evi- dent that timber should be felled when there is the least sap in it, viz. from the time that the leaves begin to fall till the trees begin to bud. This work usually commences about the end of April in Eng- land, because the bark then rises most freely ; for where a quantity of timber is to be felled, the statute requires it to be done then, tor the advantage of tanning. The ancients chiefly regarded the age of the moon in felling their timber ; their rule was to fell it in the wain, or four days after the new moon, or sometimes in the last quarter. Pliny advises it to be in tlie very article of the change, which happen- ing to be in the lust day of the winter sol- stice, the timber, says he, will be incor- ruptible. Timber should likewise be cut when of a proper age ; for when it is ei- ther too young or too old, it will not be so durable us when cut at a proper age. It is said that oak should not be cut under sixty years old, nor above two hundred. Timber trees, however, should be cut in their prime, when almost fully grown, and before they begin to decay ; and this will be sooner or later, according to tlie dry- ness or moistness of the soil where the tim- ber grows; as also according to the size of the trees ; for there is no fixed rules in fieliing of timber, experience and judgment must direct here as in most other cases. TIMBER. After timber has been felled and saw- ed, it must be seasoned: for whicli pur- pose some advise it to be laid up in a very dry airy place, yet out of tlie wind and sun, or at least free from the extremities of either; and that it may not decay, but dry evenly, lliey recommend it to be daubed over wiili cow-dunj^. It must not stand upright, but lie all along-, one piece over another, only kept apart by short blocks interposed, to prevent a certain mouldiness, which they are otherwise apt to contract in sweatinj? on one another ; from which arises frequently a kind of fungus, especially if liiere be any sap- py parts remamini^. Others advise the planks of limber to be laid for a few days in some pool or running stream, in order to extract the sap, and afterwards to dry liiem in the sun or air. By this means, it IS said, they will be prevented from ei- ther choppmg-, casting-, or cleaving, but against shrinking there is no remedy. Some again are for burying them in the earth, others in a heal ; and some for scorching and seasoning them in fire, es- pecially piles, posts, &c. which are to stand in water or earth. 1 he Venetians first found out the method of seasoning or charring by fire ; which is done after this manner : tiiey put the piece to be seasoned into a strong and violent flame; in this they continually turn it round by means of an engine, and take it out where it is every wliere covered with a black coaly crusi : the internal part of the wood is thereby so hardened, that neither earth nor water can damage it for a long time afterwards. To measure round timber, let the mean circumference be found in feet and deci- mals of afoot: square it, m)iUiply this square by the decimal 0.079577, and the product by the length. Exan^ple. Letthe mean circumference of a tree be 10.3 feet, and the length 24 feet. Then 10.3 X K^-"^ XO.O79.5r7 X 24 -= 202.615, the nuniber of cubical feet in the tree. The founda- tion of this rule is, that when the cncum- terence of a circle is 1, the areais 0.079- 5774715, and that the areas of circles are as the squares of their circumferences. But the common way used by artificers for measuring round timber differs much from this rule. They call one fourth part of ilie cn-cumference the girth, which is by them reckoned ti»e side of a square, whose area is equal to the area of the section of the tree; tiierefore they square the girth, and then mvuiiply by the length of the tree. According to their method, the tree of the last example would be computed at 159.13 cubical feet only. In speaking of the strength of timber, or of several kinds of wood, Mr. Kmerson ' says that, from experiments which he has i made, a piece of good oak, an inch square ] and a yard long, supported at both ends, I will bear in tlie middle for a short lime ! about SSOlbs. avoirdupois, but will imme- \ diaiely break with a greater weight. Such j a piece, he adds, ought not in practice to be trusted for any length of time with ' more tiian one-third, or j)erhaps one- fourth, part of tiic weight; he then gives a table of the diffiirent degrees of strength j of several sorts of wood. Other writers, ] who have entered at large on tiie subject, - have Cfjnsidered the strength of matel-ials, i timber, &c. as subject to four different kinds of strain. 1, As they may be torn ' asunder, as in the case of ropes, stretch- ] ers, king.posts, tye-beams, &.c. 2. As i they may be ci ushed, as in the case of pillars, posts, and truss-beams- 3. As i they may be broken across, as happens i to a joist or lever of any kind. 4. As they may be wrenched or twisted, as in the ; case of the axle of a wheel, the nail of a I press, &,c. It would carry us much be- i yond the Hmits of this work to enter at ! large on these several subjects, we shall therefore confine ourselves to some obser- 1 valions on the strains upon timber, which ] may be practically useful. j With regard to the cohesion of wood, \ we may premise, 1. that the woodimmedi- ; aiely surrounding the pith, or heart, of the \ tree is the weakest, and its inferiority is ; so much more remarkable as the tree is older. This at least is asserted by Mus- j chenbroek as the result of experiments ; but M. Buffon says, that his experience ; has tauglit him that the heart of a sound tree is the strongest; but he gives no in- ^. stances. It is certain, from many observa- ; tions on very large oaks and firs, that the j heart is much weaker than the exterior I parts. 2. The wood next the bark, com- monly called the white or blea, is also \ weaker than ihe rest; and the W(»od gra- dually increases in strength as we recede ! from ilie centre to the blea, 3. The wood 1 is stronger in the middle of the trunk than at the springing of the branches, or at the ] root; and the wood of the branches is j weaker than that of the trunk. 4. The \ wood of tiie north side of all trees which i grow in our European climates is the ; weakest, and that of the south-east side ;s ; the strongest ; and the difference is most '': remarkable in hedge row trees, and such TIMBER. as grow singly. The heart of a tree is never in its c ; re, but always nearer to the north side, and the annual coats ot" wood are thinner on that side. In confor- mity with this, it is a general opinion of carpenters, that timber is stronger whose annual plates are thicker. The trachea, or air-vessels, are weaker than the simple ligneous fibres. These air vessels are the same in diameter and number of rows in trees of the same species, and they make the visible separation between the annual plates. Therefore, when these are thicker, they contain a greater pro- portion of tile simple ligneous fibres. 5. All woods are more tenacious while green, and lose very considerably by drying after the trees are felled. The only au- thor who has put it in our power to judge of the propriety of his experiments, is Muhchenbroek. fie has described his me- thod of trial minutely, and it .seems unex- ceptionable. The woods were all formed into slips fit for his apparatus, and part of the slip was cut away to a parallelopiped of one-fifth of an inch square, and therefore one-twenty -fifth of a .square inch in section. The absolute strengths of a square inch were as follow : lbs. Locust tree . . . . 20,100 Jujeb 18,500 Beech, oak ... . 17,300 Orange . . . . • 15,500 Aider 13,900 Elm 13,200 Mulberry 12,500 Willow 12.500 Ash 12,000 Plum 11,800 Elder 10,000 Pomegranate .... 9,750 Lemon 9,250 Tamarind 8,750 Fir 8,330 Walntit 8,130 Pitch pine 7,650 Quince 6,750 Cypress 6,000 Poplar 5,500 . Cedar 4,880 M. Muschenbroek has given a very mi- nute detail of the experiments on the ash and the walnut, stating the weights which were required to tear asunder slips taken from the four sides of the tree, and on each side in a regular progression from the centre to the circumference. The numbers of this table corresponding to these two timbers may threrefore be AOL. vr. considered as tlie average of more than fifty trials made of each ; and he say.s that all the otiters were made with the same care. We cannot therefore see any rea- son for not confiding in the results ; yet they are considerably higher than those given by sonte other writers. JNI. Pitot says, on the authority of his own experi- ments, and of those of M. Parent, that sixty pounds will just tear asunder a square line of sovmd oak, and that it will bear fifty with safety. This gives 8,640 for the utmost strength of a square inch, which is much inferior to M uschenbroek's valuation. \\q may add to these, Ivorv 16,270 Bone 5.250 Horn 8,750 Whalebone .... 7,500 Tooth of sea-calf . . 4,075 The reader will surely observe, that these numbers express something more than the utmost cohesion ; for the weights are sucli as will very quickly, that is, in a minute or two, tear the rods asunder. It may be said in general, that two-thirds of these weigiits will sensibly impair the strength after a considerable while, and that one-half is the utmost that can re- main suspended at them without risk for ever ; and it is this last allotment that the engineer should reckon upon in his con- sti'uctions. There is, however, consider- able difl'erence in this respect. Woods of a very straight fibre, such as fir, will be less impaired by any load which is not sufficient to break them immediately. According to Mr. Emerson, the load which may be safely suspended to an inch square, is as follows : Iron 76,400 Brass 35,600 Hempen rope . . . 19,600 Ivoiy 15,700 Oak, box, yew, plum- tree 7,850 Elm, ash, beech . . . 6,070 Walnut, plum .... 5,360 Red fir, holly, elder, plane, crab .... 5,000 Cherry, hazle .... 4,760 Alder, asp, birch, willow 4,290 Lead 430 Freestone ..... 914 He gives ns a practical rtile, that a C^l linder whose diameter is <^ Inches, loaded to one-fourth of its absolute strength, Will carry as follows : 3F TIMBER. cwt. li-ou 135 Good rope 22 Oak 14 Fir 9 Experiments on the transverse strength of bodies are easily made, and according- ly are very numerous, especially those made on timber, which is the case most common and most interesting. But in this great number of experiments, there are very few from which we can draw much practical information. The experiments have in general been made on such small scantling^, that the unavoidable natural inequalities bear too great a proportion to the strength of tlie whole piece, Accord- ingly, when we compare the experiments of different authors, we fir.d them differ enormously, and even the experiments by the same author are very anomalous. The completest series that we have yet seen is that detailed by Belidore in his " Science des Ingenieurs." They are contained in the following table. The pieces were sound, even-gi-ained oak. The column b, contains the breadth of the pieces in inches ; the column d, con- tains their depth ; the coUimn /, contains their lengths; column />, contains the weights (in pounds) wliich broke them when hung on their middles ; and m is the column of averages or mediums. JV. 18 18 /». 406 608 The ends lying loose. The ends firmly fixed. 18 805 Looige. 18 ri570- ^1580' C1590 1580 Loose. 36 18r Looscv 36 283 Fixe<}. 36 1585 Loose. 36 1660 Loose. By comparing Experiments 1 and 3, the strength appears proportional to the breadth. Experiments 3 and 4, show the strength proportional to the square of the depth. Experiments 1 and 5, show the strength nearly in tlje inverse proportion of the lengths, but with a sensible defi- ciency in the longer pieces. Experiments 5 and T, show the strengths proportional to the breadths and the square of the depths. Experiments 1 and 7j show the same thing, compounded with the inverse TIMBER. proportion of the length ; llie deficiency relative to the length is not so remark- able here. Experiments 1 and 2, and Ex- periments 5 and 6, sliow the increase of strength, by fastening the ends, to be in the proportion of 2 to 3. The theory gives the proportion of 2 to 4. But a dif- ference in the manner of fixing may pro- duce this deviation from the theory, which only supposed them to be held down at places beyond the props, as when a joist is held in the walls, and also rests on two pillars between the walls. We shall here give an abstract of M. IjJuf- fon's experiments. He relates a great number which he had prosecuted during two years on small battens. He found that the odds of a single layer, or part of a layer, more or less, or even a different disposition of them, had such influence, that he was obliged to abandon this me- thod, and to have recourse to the largest beams that he was able to break. The fol- lowing table exhibits one series of expe- riments on bars of sound oak, clear of knots, and four inches square. This is a specimen of all the rest. Column 1, is the length of the bar in feet clear between the supports. Column 2, is the weight of the bar (the second day after it was fell- ed) in pounds. Two bars were tried of each length. Each of the first three pairs consisted of two cuts of the same tree. The one next the root was always found the heaviest, stiffest, and strongest. In- deed, M. BufTon says, that this was inva- riably true, that the heaviest was always the strongest ; and he recommends it as a sure rule for the choice of timber. He finds that this is always the case when the timber has grown vigorously, forming very thick annual layers. But he also ob- serves, that this is only during the ad- vances of the tree to maturity; for the strength of the different circles approach- es gradually to equality during the tree's healthy growth, and then it decays in these parts in a contrary order. Our tool- makers assert the same thing with re- spect to beech ; yet a contrary opinion is very prevalent ; and wood with a fine, that is, a small grain, is frequently prefer- red. Perhaps no person has ever made the trial with such minuteness as M. Buf- on, and much deference is thought to be due to his opinion. Column 3, is the num- ber of poimds necessary for breaking the trce in the course of a few minutes. Co- lumn 4, is the inches which it bent down before breaking. Column 5, is the time at which it broke, 1 2 3 4 5 7 C 60 \ 5^ 5350 5275 3.5 4.5 29 22 8 C 68 \ 63 4600 4500 3.75 4.7 15 13 9 C 77 \ 71 4100 3950 4.85 5.5 14 12 10 C 84 i 82 3625 3600 5.83 6.5 15 15 12 UOO I 98 3050 2925 7. 8. Mr. George Smart, well known for his practical knowledge of mechanics, in al- most every department, says, that after making many experiments on timber, and comparing them with those of Belidore, Buffon, Seethe differences were so great, that it would be wasting time to enume- rate them. He therefore mentions some useful observations necessaiy to be known by all those mechanics who use timber ; and points out some evident errors in a table of Belldore's, supposed to be the result of the best set of experiments ever produced in transverse strains. He tells us, that a bar of wood, thirty-six inches long, and one inch square, supported at the ends by two props, will break with a weight of 187 pounds on the middle, if it is loose at the ends ; but if the ends are firm- ly fixed, it will require 283 pounds to break it. "This appeared to me," says Mr. Smart, ** so great an error, that I was induced to put little or no confidence in many of his experiments; and, in consequence, I made two laths of fir, of the same dimensions, one with a strong shoulder at each end, to prevent it bending, which having firmly fixeil in a frame, it carried a weight more' than ten times greater than that which was loose." The fibres of timber requiring so great a force to tear them asunder in a vertical direction, and being easily broken by a transverse strain, when compared to that of a rope carrying nearly an equal weight in all directions, opens a wide field for useful experiments. All timber trees have their annu^il circles, or growths, which vary greatly according to the soil and exposure to the sun. The north-east side of the trees (beingmuch smaller in the grain than the other parts which are more TIM TIM exposed to Uie sun) is strongest for any column that lias a weiglit to support in a vertical direction ; because its hard cir- cles, or tubes, are nearer each other, and the area contains a greater quantity of tliem ; nor are they so liuble to be com- pressed by tiie weight, or to slide past each other, as when they are at a greater distance. On the other hand, this jjart of the tree is not fit for a transverse strain ; because the nearer the haixl circles are to each other, the easier tlie beam will break, there being so little space between them, that one forms a fvdcrum to break the other upon ; but that i)art of a tree, the tubes of which are at a greater dis- tance, or of a larger grain, is more elas- tic, and requires a greater force, to break it; because the outside fibre on the con- vex side cannot snap till the next one is pressed upon it, which forms the fulcrum to break it on. It is generally observed in large timbct-s, such as masts, that th.e fracture is seldom on the convex, but usually on the concave side ; which is owing to the fibres on the concave side being more i-eadily forced past each other, and those on the convex being so difficult to be torn asunder, that they cannot snap, in consequence of the large- ness of the segment of the circle they describe when on the strain. The curve described by the inner layers of the wood being so large, and indeed little less than a straight hue, cannot form a fulcrum to break the outer ones upon ; and as the convex side, or that on which the fibres are extended, ought to be al- ways free from any m(n*tise or incision on the outside, the strength decreases as it approaches the centre. Mr. Smart has, in a paper in the " Repertory," given di- iiections how to cut and join timber so as to have the greatest strength, and to turn to the greatest advantage, of having the best part of the tree in the place where the hardness and strength are most want- ed, viz. in the corners which form the abutments ; whereas the same tree, squared into a parallel beam, would have been much smaller, and the soft or sappy parts of the wood exposed to the action of the air and moisture. In flush framing it is observable, that the failure of all tini- ber in old buildings has commenced much sooner than they otherwise would have done, owing to the sappy wood be- ing at the corners of the principal beams, which soon decays, as its spongy quaUty attracts the moisture ; whereas the heart, especially of oak, will be as sound as the first day it was used. As all beams take their weight horizon- tally, or on any transverse bearing, have their principal strain on the upper and lower surface, every workman ought to guard against having sap in beams, be- cause, if they do not innnediately decay, they shrink, so as to let loose all the framing, and soon cripple the building or machine ; but on My. Sniart's plan, lht> .sappy part of the wood is excluded from what would cause its decay, and the tim- ber increased in quantity is considerably more than the extra labour and expense. Tj.MUKHfree*, in law, are properly oak, ash, and elm. In some particular couii- tries, by local custom, other trees being commonly there made use ol for building, are considered as timber. Of these, be- ing part of the freehold, larceny cannot be committed ; but, if they be severed at one time, and carried away at another, then the stealing of them is larceny. And by several late statutes, the stealing of them in the first instance is made felony, or incurs a pecuniary forfeiture. For the better preservation of roots, shrubs, and plants, it is enacted, by 6 George HI. c. 48, that every person convicted of damag- ing, destroying, or carrying away any timber-tree, or trees, or trees hkely to become timber, without consent of the owner, &c. shall forfeit for the first of- fence not exceeding 201. with the charges attending ; and on non-payment shall be committed for not more than twelve, nor less than six months ; for the second ofience, a sum not exceeeing 30/. and on non-payment shall be committed for not more than eighteen, and not less than twelve months; and for the third ofiPence, is to be transported for seven years. All oak, beech, chesnut, walnut, ash, elm, cedar, fir, asp, lime, sycamore, and birch trees, shall be deemed and taken to be timber trees, within the true meaning and provision of this act. Persons con- victed of plucking up, spoiling, or taking away any root, shrub, or plant, out of private cultivated groimd, shall forfeit, for the first offence, any sum not exceeding 40«. with the charges ; for the second of- fence, a sum not exceeding 51. with the charges; and for the third offence, are to be transported for seven years. A power is given to justices of the peace to put this act in execution. TIME, a succession of phenomena in the universe ; or a mode of duration, marked by certain periods or measures, chiefly by the motion and revolution of the sun. The idea of time, in the gene- ral, Mr. Locke observes, we acquire by TIM TIN considering' any part ofinfinite duration as se". out by periodica! measures : the idea of any pariicvilar time, or length of diira- ti(ur, &.c. we acquire, iirst, by observing certain appearances at regxilar, and, seemingly, at ecprulistant periods. Now, by i>eiiig able lo repeat those lengths or measures of time, as of- ten as we will, we can imagine duration, where nothing really endures or exists ; and thus we imagine to-morrow, next year, &c. Some of the latter school-phi- losophers define time to be the duration of a thing, whose existence is neither without beginning nor end ; by which time is distingished from eternity. Time is distinguisiied into absolute and rela- tive. Absolute time, is time considered in itself, and without any relation to bo- dies, or their motions. Tliis flows equal- ly, i e. never proceeds faster or slower, but glides on in a constant, equable tenor. Relative time, is the sensible measui'e of any duration, by means of motion. For, since that equable flux of time does not affect our senses, nor -is any way imme- diately cognizable thereby, there is a ne- cessity for calling in the help of some nearly equable motion to a sensible mea- sure, whereby we may determine its quantity by the correspondency of the parts of this with those of that. Hence, as we judge those times to be equal which pass while a moving body, proceeding with an equable velocity, passes over equal spaces ; so we judge those times to be equal, which flow while the sun, moon, and other luminaries, perform their revo- lutions, which, to our senses, are equal. But since the flux of time cannot be ac- celerated, nor retarded, whereas all bo- dies move sometimes faster and some- times slower, and there is, perhaps, no perfectly equable motion in all nature. It appears hence to follow, that absolute time should be something truly and real- ly distinct from motion. But, according to Lucretius .- from the motion of the uvivenly bodies, without any other regard. Time civil, is the former time accom- modated to civil uses, and f<.JT;icd and distinguished into years, months, days, &c. TiMK, in music, is an affection of .sound, whereby we denominate it long or short, with regard to its continuance in the same degree of time. TIN, in mineralogy, a genus of metal.s, of which tliere are three species: 1, iin-py rites; colour intermediate between steel-grey and brass yellow ; but n.sually more inclined to the first; it occurs mas- sive and disseminated; internally it is gli.stening, sometimes shining, and seldom passing into splendent ; its lustre is me- tallic ; it is brittle, and the specific gra- vity is somewhere between 4.3 and 4.8. Before the blow-pipe, it gives out a sul- phureous odour, and melts easily, with- out being reduced, into a black scoria. It communicates a yellow or green colour to borax. It consists of Tin 34 Copper 36 Iron 3 Sulphur 25 Karth 2 100 It is found at Wheal-rock and St. Ag- nes in Cornwall, where it occurs in a vein about nine feet wide, accompanied with copper pyrites and brown blende. 2. Tin-stone, which is hard, brittle, and very heavy, the specific graviiy being from 5.8 to 6.9 or 7. Before the blow- pipe it decrepitates, becomes paler, and, where it rests on the charcoal, is reduced. When roasted, it is converted into a grey oxide. A specimen, analysed by Klap- roth, contained " Time, of itself, is nothing, but from thought Receives its rise ; by labouring fancy wrought From things consider'd, whilst we think on some As present, some as past, or yet to come. No thought can think on time, that's still confest. But thinks on things in motion, or at rest.'* Time astronomic aly is that taken pnrely Tin ... . . . 77.50 Iron .... . . 0.25 Oxygen . . , . 21.50 Silica . . . . . J5 100.00 It occurs only in primitive rocks, as granite, gneiss, mica-slate, and clay-slate, and is said to be the oldest of all the me- tals. It occurs either disseminated in the rock, or in beds, or veins. It is Usoially TIN. accompanied with quartz, mica, Sic. and isali!-. found in great quantities in alluvial land. The greater part of the English, much of the Spanish, and the greater proportion of that from India, occurs in , that situation. Tin is not found in mftny countries ; but where it exists at all, it is in very considerable quantities. In Europe there are only three tin districts : the fii*st is in Saxony and Bohemia; tlie second in Cornwall; and the third is that of Galli- cia, on tlie borders of Portugal. It is found in many parts of Asia, and in South America. It is worked as an ore of tin, and from it all the tin of commerce is ob- tained. Its name is derived from the quantity of tin which it affords, and its unmetallic aspect. 3. Cornish tin-ore, or wood tin ; which, like the last, is very heavy; before the blou'-pipe it is infusible ; it consists of about 63 parts of tin, with iron and arsenic. It has hitherto been found only in Cornwall, and there in alluvial land. It is very like brown hematite, from which it is distinguished by its colour, its rolled pieces, greater hardness, and higher spe- cific gi'avity. We now turn to tin, in a chemical view. Tin is a metal of a silver-white colour, very ductile, and malleable, gives out, while bending, a crackling noise, is fusi- ble at a heat much less tiian that of igni- tion, is soluble in muriatic acid, and, by dilute nitric acid, is rapidly converted in- to a white oxide. Tin has been known from the earliest ages. It was much em- ployed by the Egyptians in the arts, and by the Greeks as an alloy with other me- tals. Pliny speaks of it under the name of white lead, as a metal w^ell known in the arts, and even applied in the fabrica- tion of many ornaments of luxury. He ascribes to the Gauls the invention of the art of tinning, or covering other metals with a thin coat of tin. The alchemists were much employed in their researches concerning tin, and gave it the name of Jupiter, from which the salts, or prepara- tions of +in, were called jovial. Since their time, the nature and properties of tin have been, particularly investigated by many chemists, and it has proved the subject of some important discoveries in ciieraical science. Tin exists in nature in three different states. 1. It is found native ; 2. In the state of oxide ; and, 3. In that of sulphurated oxide Native tin is in brilliant plates, or regidarly crystal- lized. The native oxide of tin, which is the most comiTwn ore of this metal, ex- isJts under a variety of forms. It is gene- rally fwuid crystallized. The sulphuret of tin is of a pale, or dark-giey colour, and, when pure, has some resemblance to an ore of silver. To obtain the metal fi-om its ores, they are firet roasted, and then treated with a flux, to reduce the metal. After the ore is roasted, it fuses readily with three times its weight of black flux, and a little decrepitated mu- riate of soda. In the humid way, native tin may be dissolved in nitric acid, which readily oxidates, and reduces it to the state of white powder, which is an oxide of tin ; and if it contain iron and copper, these two metals remain in the solution. Tin is of a white colour, nearly as bril- liant as silver. The specific gravity of tin is nearly 7.3. It is one of the softest of the metals. It is extremely flexible, and so malleable, that it can be easily beaten out in plates to _ i part of an inch, which is the thickness of tinfoil. It llias little elasticity or tenacity. A wire of this metal, about one-tenth of an inch in diameter, supports a weight of about thirty pounds, without breaking. Tin is susceptible of very considerable expan- sion, by means of caloric, and on this ac- count it has been proposed to employ it as a pyrometer. Tin is one of the most fusible of the metals, and melts at the temperature of 442° ; but it requires a very high temperature to i-aise it in va- pour. If it be allowed to cool slowly, and when the surface becomes sohd by pouring out part of the liquid metal, ciystals are formed, composed of a great number of small needles. Tin is a good conductor of electricity. It possesses a peculiar odour, which is communicated to the hands by friction. It has also a per- ceptible taste. When this metal is ex- posed to the air, it is soon tarnished, and assumes a greyish white colour ; but it undergoes no further change. When it is melted in an open vessel, it is soon co- vered with a greyish pellicle, which is the commencement of the oxidation of the metal. When this pellicle is remov- ed, another forms, and so on successively, till the whole is oxidated. By continuing the heat, and by agitation, the process goes on more rapidly, and the metal is converted into a whitish powder. This oxide contains about twenty parts of oxy- gen in 100 of the metal. With the addi- tion of lead, to promote the oxidation, this oxide is the putty of tin. It contains about two parts of oxide of lead, and one part of oxide of tin. But when tin is strongly heated, it is converted into a fine TIN. white oxide, which, during the process, gives out a vivid white flame. This ox- ide is condensed in the cold, and crystal- lizes in shining, transparent needles. Tin combines witli two proportions of oxygen, thus forming two oxides. The yellow oxide, which has the smaller pro- portion of oxygen, may be prepared by dissolving tin in nitric acid diluted with water, without the aid of heat. By pre- cipitating the oxide with pure potash, it is obtained in the form of a yellowish powder. Its component parts are. Oxygen 20 lia 80 100 By dissolving tin in concentrated nitric acid, with the assistance of heat, the whole is converted with effervescence into a white powder, which falls to the bottom of the vessel. The component parts of this oxide are 28 oxygen, and 72 of tin. Phosphorus combines very readily with tin, by projecting bits of phosphorus on melted tin in a crucible. A phosphuret of tin is thus obtained, which crystallizes on cooling. This compound is of a silvery white colour, may be cjit with a knife, and extended under the hammer, but soon separates into plates. Sulphur com- bines very reatlily with tin, by adding the sulphur to the metal while in a state of fusion. This compound forms a grey- ish or bluiish matter, which has a metallic lustre, a lamellated structure, and crys- tallizes in cubes, or in octaliedrons. It is decompo.sed by acids witji effervescence. The component parts are, according to Bergman, Tin . . Sulphur 80 20 100 If equal parts of oxide of tin and sul- phur be fused together in a retort, sul- phurous acid, and some sulplmr, are dis- engaged, and there remains in the vessel a compound of a brilliant, golden colour. It crystalhzes in six-sided plates. It is not acted on by the acids. When it is strongly heated, it gives out sulphurous acid and sulphur, and thet-e remains behind a black mass, which is sUlphuret of tin. This compouiKl, which is a sulphurated oxide of tin, was formerly distinguished by the name of aui-um, musivum, musi- cum, or mosaicum. The component parts of tliis sulphurated o.\ide of tin are, Oxide of tin 60 Sulphur 40 100 Tin enters into combination with many of the metals, and forms alloys with them, some of which are of great import- ance. It also combines with acids, and forms salts. Of the alloys, the most important is that of tin and copper, with some other addi- tions, which forms bronze, bell-metal, spe- culum metal, &.c. The alloy of tin and lead, in equal parts, forms plumbers* sol- der. The alloy of tin, lead, and bismuth, in the proportions of 3, 5, and 8, forms a compound that melts in a heat somewhat less than that of boiling water. The amal- gam of mercury with tin is used in sil- vering of mirrors. Pewter is an alloy of tin and lead, which was formerly very much used, more so than any other me- tallic alloy, being the common material for plates, dishes, and other domestic utensils. Its use now is almost universal- ly superseded by pottery, m hich is light- er, more readily kept clean, and mucli cheaper, though certainly less durable, on account of the brittlene.ss of the latter. The name of pewter has been given to any malleable white alloy, ii.to which tin largely enters ; and its com])osition is so various, that hardly any two manufactur- ers employ precisely the same ingredi- ents, and the same' proportions. The finest kind of pewter contains no lead whatever, but consists of tin with a small alloy of antimony, and .sometimes a little copper, and in all the superior kinds of pewter, the tin fwms by far the greater part of the mixture. Pewter may be used for vessels containing wine, and even vi- negar, provided there be from 80 to 82 parts of tin in the alloy, without the smallest danger ; hence its u.se as a mea- sure. The specific gravity of a mixture of tin and lead is less than the mean spe- cific gravity of the two metals separate- ly- Tin is much used, particularly in the state of very thin leaves .- it is then called TIP TIP tin-foil. This is mude from the finest tin, first cast into an ingot, then laminatetl to a certain extent, and afterwards beat out with a hammer Tin is userl for tinning copper, iron, &c. and the salts of tin are employed in dying. Tis plate, tinning. Tin combines with imp, and adheres strongly to its surface, forming a thin covering. This is one of the most useful combinations of tin, for it renders the iron fit for a great many valu- able purposes, for which, otherwise, on account of its strong tendency to oxida- tion, or rusting, it would be totally inap- plicuble. This is well known by the name of tin-plate, or while iron. The process of tinning iron is the following: th-e plates of iron being reduced to the pro- per thickness, are cleaned by means o\ a weak acid. For this purpose the sur- face is first cleaiied with sand, to remove any rust that may have formed. The v are then immersed in water, acidulated with a small quantity of sulphuric acid, in •which they are kept for twenty-four hours, and occasionally agitated. They are then well rubbed with cloths, that the surface may be pei-fecLly clean. The tin is fused in a pot, the surftxce of which is covered with an oily or resinous matter, to prevent its oxidation. The plates of iron are then immersed in tlie melted tin, and are either moved about in tl^e liquid metal, or are dipped several different times. They are tlien taken out, and rubbed with saw -dust or bran, to remove the impurities from the surfice. TINCTURR, is commonly understood to be a coloured infusion of any substance in alco'nol. It is a preparation much em- ployed in Pharmacf, with many articles of the Materia werfica (whicli see), par- ticr.lariy vegetable barks, aromatics of all kinds, and many of the resins and gum resins, which yield to alcohol, by infusion, tlmt part of their .subsUince in which most of the medicinal virtue resides. TixcTuirE, in heraldry, the hue or co- lour of any thing in coat armour, under which denomination may also be includ- ed the two metals, or anxl argent, l>ecause they are often represented by yellow and white. TIPHT\, in natwral history, a genus of insects of the order liymenoptera. Moutli with a membrauaceous roinided jaw, the mandible arched and acute ; no tongue ; four feelers, filiform, uneqiial, and' inserted in the middle of the lip ; antenn?e filiform ; short, convolute ; sting concealed within the abdomen. There are about twenty-^even species, in two divisions : A. jaw vaulted ; Up membra- naceous, emarginate. B. jaw rounded; hp horny, three-toothed. TIPULA, in natural history, a-ane-fy, a genus of insects of the oixler Dij/Lem. Mouth with a very short niembranaceous proboscis, tlie back grooved and receiv- ing a bristle ; two feelers, incurved, fili- form, and longer than the head ; the an- tennae are mostly filiform There are near- ly one hundred and fifty species, in two sections, distinguished by their wing^. The insects in the division A have their wings expanded ; those in H have Uiem incumbent. Most of the insects of this genus are very like the gnat : thev feed on various substances : the larvae itre without feet, soft, and cylindrical, with a truncate toothed head ; and feed on the roots of plants : the pupa is cylindrical, two-horn- ed before, and toothed behind. The larg- est of the European tipulae isT. rivosa ; it is found frequently an inch and half in body, and is distinguished by the colour of its wings, which are transparent, with is.gc dusky undulations, intermixed with white towards the rib, or upper ed^e. This insect proceeds from a greyi.sh lar- va, found beneath the roots of grass in meadows, gardens, &.c. and in the months of July and August it chang-es into a lengtliened chrysalis, out of which, in September, proceeds the complete ani- mal. This is known by the title of long- legs, and is frequently seen in houses during autumnal evening.s, when, if it be possible, it will destroy itself by flying into the flame of a liglited candle. This propen.sity is common to many insects. T. tritici of Europe is aver}- minute in- sect. The antennae are moniliform, lon- ger than the thorax ; legs very long. The larva is found in the ears of wheat, to which it is very injurious. The Hessian fly belongs to this Lin- n?ean genus : it hiis been described by T. Say, in the Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, under the name of Ce- cidomyia destructor. TITA^^vlU.M, is a metal of a copper red colour, very difficult of fusion, solu- ble in muriatic acid, from which it may be precipitated by a tincture of galls. This metal was discovered in 1793, by Klaproth. He obtained it from ould be banished from the stage, or admitted only in ex- treme cases, becatise the terror and the pity which such 'sights inspire are min- gled witii a feeling of horror, at which human nature revolts to the main story, so as not to be sup- pressed without injury to it ; otherwise it must necessarily constitute an inde- pendent action of itself, and the unity of the subject would be bi'oken. The exposition, or opening of the fa- ble, was assigned by the ancients to the prologue ; with the moderns it is com- prehended in the first act. This act should form the basis of the rest, both with regard to the main action, and to the episodes, so that no actor should enter in the subsequent acts, who has not been introduced or mentioned in the first. By the intrigue is meant that concate- nation of facts or incidents, whose per- plexity arrests for a time the progress of the action. Thus, the difficulties at- tending a principal per-sonage in the tra- Of the rules for the composition o^j gedy constitute what is properly called tragedy, the most important are those qf the unities. (See Dra^ia.) By the uni- ties of time and place, it is meant, that the story should comprehend no longer a period of time than the representation, or, at most, that it should not exceed four and twenty hours ; and that the place of action should never be supposed to change. These rules are insisted on, as necessary to preserve the illusion of the scene ; but in many cases they must obviously tend to destroy it. In order to contrive the incidents of a fable to pass within the time prescribed, many im- portant scenes must be related, instead of being represented ; and to bring all the persons concerned in the drama to one spot, during that time, many viola- tions of probability must be made. Hence it is, that the regular tragedies of the French school are so barren of incident, and so replete with tedious declamation. The choice of a subject is there control- led by the laws of time and place ; where- as the observance of those laws should be regulated by the nature of the sub- ject. Perhaps there ,is not a more genu- ine tragedy than Shakespeare's "Lear;" yet how vain would be the attempt to new model it by the rules, and render it equally sublime and aftecting. The pow- ers of the Immortal author himself would be inadequate to such a task. The unity of action alone is in all cases indispensable. A. tragedy is something more than a history : it is a tissue of events not merely succeeding each other, but arising out gf each other. It is one whole and entire action, developed by a series of incidents which sustain it to the enil, and which concur all to the same point. If an episode or underplot is in- troduced, it must be rendered auxiliary the intrigue ; and it is this whicli keeps the spectator in suspense, and gradually raises his curiosity to the highest pitch, by the variety of emotions, interests, and passions which it involves. For instance, in the tragedy of "Othello,'* the cir- cumstances attending the Moor's jea- lousy strengthens his suspicions by de- grees, and render him " perplexed in the extreme." Here lies the intrigue of the piece. The denouement is the unravelling of the intrigue. It ought to arise naturally from what precedes, and should be quite unforeseen, because all interest is sus- tained by the uncertainty of the mind, between fear and hope. There are in- stances, however, where the denouement, although foreseen, is nevertheless inte- resting. With regard to what is called poetical justice, we may observe, that although It may be most grateful to be- hold virtue triumphant and vice dis- graced, yet the drama, to be a picture of human life, must sometimes exhibit the reverse ; in these cases it will not be without its use, if it direct our view to " something after death." The division into acts is purely arbi- trary, and seems to have been unknown on the Grecian stage. Aristotle makes no such distinction ; he speaks only of the duration of the piece, which has na- turally only three parts, a beginning, a middle, and an end. Horace in.sists, that there shall be neither more nor less than five acts ; and to this rule most of the mo- derns have adhered. Of the style best adapted to tragedy, it were trite to say, that it should be ap- propriate to the characters. It may be lofty, it may be elegant, but it must al- ways appeal directly to the heart. The TRA TRA most pathetic scenes of our tragic poets are written in language very little elevat- ed above the dialogue of real life ; and to this language Shakesjjeare has, by a combination and a phraseology peculiar to lujnself, imparted new powers, for he has expressed in it some of the subhmest concc [)tions of human genius. TKAGIA, in botany, so named in me- mory of Hieronymus 'i'ragus, a genus of the Monoecia Triandria class and order. Natural order of Tricoccse. Euphorbia, Jus.sicii. Essential character : male, ca- lyx three-parted ; corolla none ; female, calyx five-parted; corolla none; style trihd ; capsule tricoccoiis, three-celled ; seeds solitar}'. There are eiglit species, natives of the East and West Indies. TltAGOPOGOX, in botany, ffoats- beard, a genus of the Syn-^enesia Poly- gamia iEqualis class and order. Natural order of Composite Semiflosculosae. Ci- choracea:, Ju.s.sieu. Essential charac- tel' : caly.x simjjie; down ftathered: recep- tacle naked, 'i'hereare fourteen species. TRAJECTOlfY of a comet, is its path or orbit, or tlie line it describes in its motion. This path is supposed, by He- vehus, to be nearly a riglJt line. Dr. Halley assumes it to be a very eccentric ellipse; but says, it may often be com- puted on the supposition of its being a parabola. Sir Isaac Newton shows how to determine the trajectory of a comet from three observations. See " Princi- pia," book 3, Prop. 41. TRAIN, the attendance of a great person, or the trail of a gown, or robe of state. In falconry, it denotes the tail of a hawk. Traix is likewise used for the number of beats which a watch makes in an hour, or any other certain time. Traix is also used fov a line of gun- powder, laid to give fire to a quantity thereof, in order to do execution by ijlovving up earth, works, buildings, &c. Thaix, or Trailt. of artilleri/, includes the great guns, and other pieces of ord- nance, belonging to an army in the field. See Canxojv. Traix oil, the oil procured from the blubber of a whale by boiling. See the articles Oil. Traix bands, or Tratned bands, a name given to the militia of England. TRAINING, or Tuacixg, in mineralo- gy, a term used by the miners, to ex- press the tracing up the mineral appear- ances on tiie surface of the earth to their head, or original place, and there find- ing a mine of the metal they contain. VOL. VI. TRAMEL, an instrument or device, sometimes of leather, more usually of rope, fitted to a horse's legs, to regulate his motions, and form him to an amble. It is also taken in many places for an iron moveable instrument in chimnies, to hang pots over the fire. Tramel ?iet, is a long net wherewith to take fowl by night, in champaign coun- tries, much like the net used for the low bell, both in shape, bigness, and mashes. To use it, they spread it on the ground, so as the nether, or further end, fitted with small plummets, may lie loose there- on ; then the other part, being borne up by men placed at the fore ends, it is thus trailed along the ground. , At each side are carried great blazing lights, by which the birds are raised, and as they rise un- der the net they are taken. TRAMMIiLS, in mechanics, an in- strument used by artificers for drawing ovals upon boards. It consists, on one part, of a cross with two grooves at right angles ; the other is a beam carrying two pijis which slide in those grooves, and also the describing pencil. Engines in general, intended for turning ovals, are constructed on the same principles with trammels : the only difference is, that in the trammels the board is at rest, and the pencil moves upon it : in the turning en- gine, the tool which supplies the place of the pencil is at rest, and the board moves against it. See Lathe and Turxino. TRANSACTIONS, philosophical, a kind of journal of the principal things that come before the Royal Society of Lon- don. See SociETr. It appears, that the printingof these transactions was always, from time to time, the single act of the re- spective secretaries of the Society, till the publication of the 4rth volume,' in 1753; notwithstanding it has been the common opinion, that they were published by the authority, and under the direction, of the Society itself The truth is, that the So- ciety, as a body, never did intere^ them- selves further in their publication, than by occasionally recommending the revisal of them to some of their secretaries, when, from the particular circumstances of their affairs, the transactions had happened for any length of time to be intermitted; and tliis seems principally to have been done with a view to satisfy the public, that their usual meetings were then continued for the improvement of knowledge, and benefit of mankind, the great ends of their first institution; but the Society being of late years greatly enlarged, and their communications more mfTnerou?. TRA TRA tli€y thouglit it advisable, tliat a commiL- tee of their members should be appointed to reconsider the 'japcrs read before them, and select out of them such as they should jud.ge j)roper for publication in the future transactions, which was ac- cordingly done upon the 26lh of March, 1752. The transactions are now usually pub- lished in half volumes twice a year, and each member is entitled to receive one copy gratis, of every part published after his admission into the Society. The vo- lumes have lately been abritlged by Dr. Hutton and others Those pubhshed be- fore the year 1^50, were abridged in eleven volumes, quarto, by Mr. Jones, Mr. Eames, and Mr. Mart} n. TliANSCENDEXTAL, or Tkaxscen- DAJTT, something- elevated or raised above other things; which passes and transcends the nature of other inferior things. Tran- scendental quantities, among geometri- cians, are indeterminate ones, or such as otinnol be fixed or expressed by any con- stant equation: sucli arc all transcendantal curves, which cannot be defined by any algebraic equation ; or which, when ex- pressed by an equation, one of the terms tht-reof is a variable quantity. Now whereas algebraists use to assume some general letters or numbers, for the quan- tity sought in these transcendental prob- lems, Mr. Leibnitz assumes general or indefinite equations for the lines sought ; e. gr. putting x aiwl y for the absciss and ordinate; the equation he uses for a line sotight, I'i a-\-b X -\- c y -\-e X y -\-f^ ^ -\- ff y yy &c.=:o, by the help of which in- definite equation he seeks the tangent; and by comparing the result with the given properly of tangents, he finds the value of the assvmied letters, a, b, c, d. Sec. and thus defines the equation of the line sought. If the comparison above-mentioned do not proceed, he pronounces tlie line sought not to be an algebraical, but a transcendental one. This supposed, he goes on to find the species of transcen- dency : for some trahscendentals depend on the general division or section of a ra- tio, or upon the logarithms ; others upon tlie arcs of a circle ; and others on more indefinite and compound enquiries. Fie therefore, besides the symbols, a- and j^, assumes a third, as v, which denotes the transcendental quantity ; and of these three, formsa general equationforthe line sought, from wliich he finds the tangent, according to the diifcrential method, which succeeds even io transcendental quantities. The result he compares with the given properties of the tangent, and so discovers, )iot only the values of a, 6, c, f/, &c. but also the particidar nature of the transcendental quantity. And though it may sometimes happen, that the several transcendentals are so to be made use of, and those of difterent natures too, one from another ; also, though there be transcendents of transcendentals, and a jirogression of these in injinitwn ,- yet we may be satisfied with the most easy and useful one ; and for the most part, may have recourse to some peculiar artifices for shortening the calculus, and redifting the problem to as simple terms as may be. This method being applied to the busi- ness of quadratures, or to the invention of quadratics, in which the property of the tangent is always given, it is manifest, not only how it may be discovered, whether the indefinite quadrature may be alge- braically impossible ; but also, how, when this impossibility is discovered, a trans- cendental quadratrix maybe found, which is a thing not before shown. So that it seems, that geometry, by this method, is carried infinitely beyond the bounds to which Vieta and T>es Cartes brought it ; since, by this means, a certain and general analysis is established, which extends to all problems of no certain degree, and consequently not comprehended within algebraical equations. Again, in order to manage transcen- dental problems, wherever the business of tangents or quadratures occurs, by a calculus, there is hardly any that can be imagined shorter, more advantageous, or more universal, than the diiferential cal- culus, or analysis of indivisibles and infi- nites. By this method we may explain the nature of transcendental lines, by an equation ; e. g)'. let a be the arch of a cir- cle, and .r the versed sine : then will S dx ti/ Ix- -XX the cvcloid be ij, S dx and if the ordinate of then will ?/ = y/ 2x — X X .. i which equation per- V 2 a,- — XX fectly expresses the relation between the ordinate, ?/, and the absciss, x, and from it all the properties of the cycloid may be demonstrated. Thus is the analyticnl calculus extend- ed to those lines uhich have hitherto been excluded ; for no other reason, but that they were thought Incapable of it. TRANSCRIPT, a copy of any original writing, particularly that of an act or inr TUA TRA strimient inserted in the body of ano- ther. TRANSrEIi, in commerce, &c. an act whereby a person surrenders his riglit, interest, or property, in any thing- move- able, or immoveable, to another. 'I'lie term transfer, is cliieHy used for the as- signing and making over sljares in the stocks, or pubUc funds, to such as pur- chase them of the proprietoi-s. TKANSFOKMA'riON,in general, de- notes a change of form, or the assuming a ne\r form diflerent from a former one. The chemists were a long time seeking the transformation of metals; that is, their transmutation, or the manner of changing them into gold. See Traksmutation. TuAxsFouMATiox of cqiiatioHS. The doctrine of the transformation of equa- tions, and of exterminating their inter- mediate terms, is thus taught by Mr. Mac Laurin. The affirmative roots of an equa- tion are changed into negative roots of the same value, and the negative roots into aHirmative, by only changing the signs of the terms alternately, beginning witlj the second. Thus t4ie roots of the equation, x•^ — x3 — 19 a:- -j- A9 x — 30 =0, arc -+- 1, -}- 2, -j- 3, —5; whereas the roots of the same equation, having only the signs of the second and fourth terms cliangcd, viz. .r4-{-.v3— 19 x^— 49 x —30 =tO, are— 1,-2,— 3,-1-5. To understand the reason of this ntlejet us assume an equation, as x — a X ^ — '^ ^ X — c X -^—si X •£ — &,c. = 0, whose roots are -f a, + Z>, -f- c, -\- er, are gieater than the fourth. 2. The two diagonals of any tra- pezium, divide it into four proportional triangles. 3. If two sides of a trapezium be parallel, the rectangle under the ag- gregate of the parallel sides and one half their distance is equal to that trapezium. 4. If a parallelogram circumscribes a tra- pezium, so that one of the sides of the parallelogram be parallel to a diagonal of the trapezium, that parallelogram will be the double of the trapezium. 5. If any trapezium has two of its opposite angles, each a right angle, and a diagonal be drawn joining these angles ; and it' from the other two angles be drawn two per- . pendiculars to that diagonal, the dis- tances from the feet of these perpendicu- lars to those right angles, respectively ta- ken, will be equal. 6 If the sides of a trapezium be each bisected, and the points of bisection be joined by four right lines, these lines will form a parallelo- gram, which will be one half of the tra- pezium. 7- If the diagonals of a trape- zium be bisected, and a right line joins these points, tlie aggregate ot the squares of the sides is equal to the aggregate of the squares of the diagonals, together %yith tour times of the square of the right line joining the point of bisedion. 8. In any trapezium, the aggregate of the dia- gonals is less than the aggregate of four right Imes drawn from any point (except the intersection of the diagonals) within the figure. TRAVELLER, in naval affairs, one or moi'e iron thimbles, with a i-ope spliced round them, sometimes forming a kind of tail, but more generally a species of ^om- met, and u.sed on various occasions. TRAVERSE, or TiiAssvE USE, in gene- ral, denotes something that goes athwart another ; that is, crosses ami cuts it ob- liquely. Hence, to traverse apiece of ordnance, among gunners, signifies to turn or point it which way one pleases, upon the platform. In fortification, traverse denotes a trench, with a little pai^apet, or bank of earth, thrown perpendicularly across the moat, or other work, to prevent the ene- my's cannon from raking it. These tra- verses may be from twelve to eighteen feet, in order to be cannon proof; and their height about six or seven feet, or more, if the place be exposed to any eminence. Traverse, in navigation, is a compound course, whei-ein several different succes- sive courses and distances are known. To w ork a traverse, or to reduce a com- pound course to a single one, 1. Make a table of six columns, marked, coui'se ; distance ; N. S. E. W. beginning at the left hand, and write the given courses and distances in their proper columns. 2. seek the given courses and distances in the traverse table, and let the correspond- ing differences of latitude and departure be written in their projjer columns in the table made for the question. 3. Add up the columns of northing, southing, east- ing, and westing ; then the difference be- tween the sums of northing and southing gives the whole difference of latitude, which is of the same name with the great- er ; and the diiference belv/een the sums of easting and westing will be the whole departure, which is likewise of the same name with the gTeatcr. 4. The whole difference, latitude, and departure to the compound course being found, the direct course and distance will be found by Case IV. of plain-sailing. See Navigation, &c. Thaveiisk, in hiw, signifies sometimes to deny, sometimes to overthrow or undo a thing, or to put one to prove some mat- tcj- ; much used in answers to bills in chancery ; or it is that which the defen- dant pleads, or says in bar, to avoid the plaintiff's bill, cither by confessing and TRE TRE avoiding", or by denying and traversing" the maierial parts thereof. Tiaversc is also to take issue upon the chief matter, and to contradict or deny some point of it. To traverse an otiice, is to prove that an inquisition made ot lands or goods, by escheator, is defective and untruly made. 1 REASON, in law, is divided into hig-h treason and petty treason, iiigh treason is defined to be an otience comniitted against the security of the King or king- dom, whether it be by imagination, word, or deed ; as to compass or imagine the death of the King, Queen, or Prince, or to deflower the King's wife, or his eldest daughter unmarried; or his eldest son's tvife ; or levy w ar againsi the king in his realm, adhere to his enemies, counterfeit his great seal, privy seal, or money, or wittingly to bring false money into this realm, counterfeited like the money of England, and utter the same; to kiil the King's Chancellor, Treasurer, Justices of eitlier bench, Justices in Eyre, of Assize, or of Oyer and Terminer, being m their place doing this office ; forging the King's sign manuel or privy signet, privy seal, or foreign coin current here, or diminish- ing or impairing current money. In case of treason, a man shall be drawn, hanged, and quartered, and forfeit his lands and goods to the King. 25 Edward 111. TnKASON, /;e/«V. Whenever a wife mur- ders her husband, a servant his master or mistress, or an ecclesiastic a prelate, or to whom he owes obedience, every one of these offences is petit treason. As every petit treason implies a mur- der, it follows that the mere killing of an husband, master, or prelate, is not always petit-treason ; for if there are not such circumstances in the case of killing one of these persons, as would have made it murder in the case of killing ajiy other person, it does not amount to this ofience. There can be no accessary in high treason. And it seems to be always agreed, that what would have made a Bian an accessary before the fact in any other felony, makes him a principal in high treason. As the person of his Majesty was ima- gined in imminent danger, it was thought jiecessary to enact two late statutes, viz. 36 George III. c. 7, and 36 George 111. c. 8 ; the former to enlarge the clauses in the statute 25 Edward HI. for the greater safety of his Majesty's person; the latter for the preventing seditious meetings. But on account of the too great length of the acts we are obliged to refer the reader to them. There is nothing s« dangerous, in a constitutional point of view, as what are called constructive trea- sons, by which persons are held guilty of treason, upon something constructively deemed dangerous to the safety of the King. TREASURE trove^ is where any money or coin, gold, silver, plate, or bidlion, is hidden in the eartli, or other private place, the owner thereof being unknown ; in which case, tlie treasure belongs to the King, or some other who claims by the King's grant, or by prescription. But if he that hid it be known, or afterwards found out, the owner and not the King is entitled to it. If it be found in the sea, or upon the earth, it doth not belong to the King, but to the finder, if no owner appear. TREASURER, an officer to whom the treasure of a prince or corporation is committed to be kept, and duly disposed of. The Lord High Treasurer of Great Britain, or first Commissioner of the Trea- sury, when in commission, has under his charge and government all the King's revenue, whicli is kept in the Exchequer. He holds his place during the King's plea- sure, being instituted by the delivery of a white staff to him : he has the check of all the officers employed in collecting the customs and otiier royal revenues ; and in his gift and disposition are all the offices of the customs in the several ports of the kingdom ; escheators in ever> county are nominated by him ; he also makes leases of the lands belonging to the crown^ There is, besides the Lord Treasurer, a- Treasurer of the King's Household, who is of the Privy Council, and, with the Comptroller and Steward of the Marshal- sea, Ixas great power. To these may be added the Treasurer of the navy; as also the Treasurer of the King's Chamber, and of the wardrobe ; and most corporations throughout the kingdom have treasurers, whose office is to receive their rents, and disburse their common expences. The Treasurer of the Coimty, is an officer that keeps the counly-stock, in which office there are two in ever}^ county, who are chosen by the major part of the justices of the jieace at Easter-sessions. They ought to have certain estates in lands, or to be worth 150/. in personal estate, and are to continue in their office only for a year, at the end whereof, or within ten days after the expiration of the year, they . must account to their successors, under certain penalties. Tiie county-stock which this officer has the keeping of, is raised TRE TRE by rating every parish annually ; and the same is from time to time disposed of to charitable uses, towards the relief of maimed soldiers and mariners, prisoners in the county goals, paying the salaries of governoi-s of houses of correction, and relieving poor almshouses, &c. TUEKS. Set liMBKtt. TREMOLITE, in mineralogy, is a spe- cies of the TalcgL nus, of wiiich there are three sub-species, viz. the asbestos, tlie common, and the glassy ; the colours of the last arc yellowish, reddish, grey, and green ; it occurs massive and crystallized ; it is easily frangible, and not very heavy ; Us constituent parts are. Silica 65.00 Magnesia 10.33 Lime 18.00 Oxide of iron 0.16 Water and carbonic acid . 6.50 99.99 It is said to emit a phosphoric hght when rubbed in the dark. Before the blow-pipe it melts without addition into a cellular white coloured scoria. It is found principally in primitive mountains, and is there usually imbedded in limestone ; it is foimd in many parts of Germany, in the Shetland islands, and in the basaltic rock on which the castle of Edinburgh is built. TRENCHES, in fortilication, are ditches cut by the besiegers, that they may ap- proach more securely to the place attack- ed ; whence they are also called lines of approach. The tail of the trench is the place where it was begun, and its head is the place where it ends. 1'he trenches are usually opened, or begun, in the night-time ; sometimes within musket shot, and sometimes within half or whole cannon shot of the place. They are car- ried on in windiiig-lines, nearly parallel to tiie works of tlie fortress, so as not to be in the view of the enemy, nor exposed to the enemy's shot. The workmen em- ployed in the trenches are always sup- ported by a number of troops, to defend them against the sallies of the besieged; the plcncers sometimes work on their knees, and are usually covered with mant- lets or faucissons ; and the men who suj)- port them lie flut on their faces, in order to avoid the enemy's shot. TRESPASS, is any transgression of the law, vmder treason, felony, or mi.sprision of either. Trespuss. signifies going beyond What is lawful ; hence it follows, that every injurious act is, in the large sense of thi« word, a trespass. But as many injurious acts are distinguished by particular names, as treason, murder, rape, and other names, the legal sense of the word trespass is con- fined to such injurious acts as have not acquired a particular name. Some tres- passes are not accompanied with any force ; a trespass of this sort is called a trespass upon this case; and the proper remedy for.the party injured, is by an ac- tion upon the case. Other trespasses are accompanied with force, cither actual or implied. If a trespass, which was accom- panied with either actual or implied force, iiave been injurioirs to the public, the proper remedy in every such case is by an indictment, or i>y information. And if a trespass that was accompanied with an actual force, have been injurious only to one or more private persons, the offender is in every such case liable to an indict- ment, or to an information; for although the injury has in such case been only dt)ne to one or more private person.s, as every trespass accompanied with actual force is a breach of the peace, it is to be , considered and punished as an offence against the pubhc. A man is answerable for not only his own trespass, but that of his cattle also. And the law gives the party injured a double remedy in this case, by permit- ting him to distrain the cattle, thus doing damage, till the owner shall make him satisfaction. And in either of these ca- ses of trespass committed on another's land, eitlier by a man himself or his cat- tle, the action that lies is the action of trespass, with force and arms; for the law always couples the idea of force with that of intrusion upon the property of ano- ther. In some cases trespass is justifia- ble ; or rather entry on another's land or house shall not in these cases be account- ed trespass ; as if a man came there to demand or pay money there payable, or to execute in a legal manner the process of the law. To prevent trifling and vexa- tious actions oi' trespass, it is enacted, bv 43 Eliz. c. 6, 23 and 23 Charles II. c. 9', and 8 and 9 Wiiiiani c. 2, that where a jury who try an action of trespass give less damages than 40.9. the plaintiff shall be allowed no more costs than damages, unless the judge ehall certify on the back of the record, that "Ihe freehold or title of the land came chiefly in question. But if it shall appear, that lire trespass was wil- ful and malicious, the plaintifl' shall have his full co.sts. And every trespass is wilful, where the defendant has been forewarn- TRI TRI cd ; and malicious, where the intent of the defendant a])pears to be to harass or in- jure the plaintiff'. TRET, in commerce, an allowance made tor the waste, or the dirt, that may be mixed with any commodity, which is always four pounds in every one hundred and fo»ir poands weight- See Tare. TRE\Mffr, in botany, a genus of the Monoicia Polyandria class and order. EfSser.tial clvaracter : calyx three-leaved, superior ; corolla none ; capsule tricoc- eous. There is only one species, t/z. T. nudiflora ; tliis is a lofty tree, with a thick trunk, covered wiih an ash-coloured bark; leaves on long round petioles, oblong, ovate, cordate, attenuated at the point ; dusky green on the upper surface, but brigiiter on the lower ; flowers on round pale green peduncles, axillary, of an her- baceous colour, void of scent. Native of the East Indies. TRIAL, the proceeding of a court of law, when the parties are at issue, such as the examination of witnesses, &c. to ena- ble the court, deliberately weighing the evidence given on both sides, to draw a true conclusion, and administer justice accordingly. TRIANDRIA, in botany, the name of the third class in the Linnaean system, consisting of plants with hermaplu'odite flowers, which liave tiu-ee stamina or male organs. There are three orders in this class, derived from the number of styles. TRIANGLE, in geometry, a figure of three sides and three angles. Triangles are either plane or spherical. A plane triangle is contained under three right lines ; and a spherical one is a triangle contained under three arches of great cir- cles of the sphere. Triangles are denomi- nated, from their angles, right, obtuse, and acute. A right-angled triangle is that which has one right angle. An obtuse- angled triangle is such as has one ob- tuse angle. And an acute-angled tri- angle is that which has all its angles acute. In every triangle the sines of the sides are proportional to the sines of the oppo- site angles ; also the sine of all the tliree angles is equal to two right ones ; and the external angle, made by any side produ- ced, is equal to the sum of the two inter- nal and opposite angles. Triangles on the same base, and having the same height or place, between the same paral- lels, are equal ; also triangles on equal bases, and between the same parallels, are equal. If a perpendicular be let fall upon the base of an oblique-angled triangle, the difference of the squares of the sides is equal to the double- rectangle imder the base, and the dis- tance of the perpendicular from the mid- dle of the base. The side of an equilate- ral triangle, inscribed in a circle, is in power triple of the radius. The sides of a triangle are cut proportionably, by a line draw n parallel to its base. A whole triangle is to a triangle cut off' by a right line drawn parallel to the base, as the rectangle" under the cut sides is to the rectangle of the two other sides. In a right-angled triangle, a line drawn from the right angle at the top, perpendicular to the hypolhenuse, divides the triangle into two other right-anj^led triangles, which are similar to the first triangle, and to one another. In every right-angled triangle, the square of the hypothenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides ; and, in general, any fi- gure described oti the hypothenuse, is equal to the sum of two similar figures described upofi the two sides. In an isos- celes triangle, that is , a triangle having two of its sides equal, it a line be drawn from the vertex to any point in the base» the square of that line together with the rectangle of the segments of the base, is equal to the square of the side. If one angle of a triangle be equal to 120°, the square of the base will be equal to the squares of both sides, together with the rectangle of those sides ; and if those sides be equal to each other, then the square of the base will be equal to three times ti.e square of one side, or equal to twelve times the square of the perpendi- cular from the angle upon the base- If any angle of a triangle be bisected, the bisecting line will divide the opposite side in the same proportion as the legs of the angle are to one another. Every tri- angle is one lialf of a parallelogram of the same base and height. The area of any triangle n^ay be had by adding all the three sides together, and taking half the sum, and from that lialf subtracting each side severally, and multiplying that half sum and the remainder continually into one another, and extracting the square root of the product. See Trigonome- try. Triangle, in astronomy, one of the forty-tight ancient constellations, situated in the northern hemisphere. There is al- so a southern triangle, in the other he- misphere. According to the British c^ta- TRI TRl logue, there are sixteen stars in the north- ern ; and in Sharp's catalogue there are five in ihe southern triangle. TlllANGULAIl compasifeSf are such as have three legs, oi- feet, wliereby to take off any triangle at once; much used in the construction of maps, giobes, &.c. Triangllar imnibers, are a kind of pnljgoiial numbers, being the sums of aritlinietical progressions, tlie diflference of whose terms ib 1. Thus froiri tlte arithmetical numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, are formed the triangular numbers, t, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21. The sum of any number n of the terms of ll»e said tri- , , . 71 n-\-\ n 4-2 angular numbers is = r- x — ' — X ■ if ?z be 5, tlie sum will be o5y which is al- so equal to the sum of the number of shot in a triangular pile of bulls, the number of rows, uv the number in each side of the base, being ?j. The sum of the reci- procals of the triangular series infinitely continued, is equal to 2 = 1 -j- 1 + i -f- 1 Stc ^ TIT' Triangular canon, the tables of arti- ficial sines, tangents, secants, Stc. Triangular quadrant, is a sector furnished with a loose piece, whereby to make it an equilateral triangle. Tl»e calendar is graduated thereon, with the sun's place, declination, and other useful lines : and by the help of a string and a plummet, and the divisions griiduated on the loose piece, it may be made to serve for a quadrant. 'litlANTHEMA, in botany, a genus of the Decandria Digynia class and order. Natural order of Succulents. Portula- cea;, Jussieu. Essential character: calyx mucronate below the tip ; corolla none ; stamina five or ten ; germ retuse, cap- sule cut round. There are seven spe- cies. TRIBOMEfER, a term applied by Muschenbroek and others to an instru- ment invented for measuring the fric- tion of metals. It consists of an axis formed of hard steel, passing through a cylindrical piece of wood ; the ends of the axis, which are highly polished, are made to rest on the polished semicircular cheeks of various metals ; and the degree of friction is estimated by means of a weight suspended by a fine silken string or ribband over the wooden cvlinder. TUIBULUS, in botany , co/Zro/Js, a genus of the Decandria Monogynia class and or- der. Natural order of Gruinales. Ruta- cex, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx live-parted ; petals five, spreading ; style \0L. VI. none ; capsule five, gibbous, spiny, many- seeded. There are four species. TlilCERA, in botany, a genus of the Monoecia Tetrandria class and order. Natural order of Tricoccae. Euphorbias, Jussieu. Essential ciiaracter : male, ca- lyx four-leaved ; corolla none ; filaments ovate ; female, calyx five-leaved ; corol- la none ; styles conical ; capsule three- horned, three-celled. There is only one species, viz. T. Isevigata, a native of Ja- maica, in mountain coppices in the wes- tern parts of the island, flowering in the spring months. rRlCIlECUS, the -walms, in natural history, a genus of Mammalia of the or- der Bruta. Generic character : no fore- teeth in the full grown animal, above or below ; tusks in tlie upper jaw solitary ; grinders with wrinkled surfaces; body oblong ; lips doubled ; hind feet stretch- ed, uniting into a fin. These animals are all natives of the sea, and feed on sea- weeds and shell-fish, but are never known to eat flesh. There are three species, of which the principal is T. ros- marus, the arctic walrus, or the morse. This is an animal of a very inelegant structure. It has a small head to a vast body. Its under lip is covered with bris- tles nearly of the thickness of a ccow- quill. In its upper jaw it has two large tusks from one to two feet in length, and weighing from three to twenty pounds. The walrus sometimes grows to the length of eighteen feet, and the circum- ference, about the thickest part, of twelve. It is principally found in the high latitudes of the Northern Ocean. These animals are gregarious, and are of- ten seen upon floating masses of ice, in immense numbers, the greater part sleeping, but some always on the watch, to give notice of approaching danger. They are harmless when not provoked ; but some accounts represent them as highly formidable in a state of irritation, the efforts of many being combined a- gainst the enemy, and fastening with their teeth against boats to make holes in them, or draw them to the bottom. Others represent them as less agitated by the fury of passion, and as inclined more to flight than revenge, adding, that they are terrified by the slightest flash, and even the pointing of a musket will drive them in a moment out of sight. Their tusks serve the purposes of aiding their movements upon the ice, into which they are stuck, and on which they thus se- cure their hold, and sometimes drag on their unweildv bodies. The tusks are 3K TRl Till convertible to the purposes of ivory, and these animals are destroyed for the pro- fit derivable partly from these tusks, but principally for the sake of tlieir oil, of which a full grown walrus will yield a butt. The skin may be manufactured in- to a very strong leather. The alfection between the female and its young one, for it has seldom more than one at a birth, is such that they are said never to separate, and that when one is killed the survivor refuses to quit the dead body, and is considered by the hunter as his se- cure prey. The wahnis has been called, with little resemblance to justify the name, the sea horse ; it is more similar to a cow, but most of all to a seal. See Mammalia, Plate XXI. fig. 3. T. borealis, or the whale-tailed mana- ti, inhabits the seas between Kamtschat- ka and America. These animals live in families, generally consisting of a male and a female, and two young ones of dif- ferent ages ; and the attachment of the male to the female is so great, that he will defend her when attacked to the last extremity ; and if s!ie happens to be de- stroyed and dragged to the shore, he will' swim for some days off the fatal and detested spot. The manati approaches very nearly to the' cete tribe, and its feet are little more than pectoral fins. It at- tains the immense length of twenty-se- ven feet, and the weight of four tons. In winter it is extremely lean, and its ribs may be distinctly numbered. It will, when pierced with the harpoon, some- time adhere to rocks with its feet with uncommon tenacity, and when forced from them by a cord drawn by thirty men or more, is foimd to have left part of the skin of the feet behind. When any individual is harpooned, otiiers are stat- ed to swim to its aid, endeavouring, some to overturn the boat, others to break the cord, and others again, by blows with their tails, striving to dislodge the harpoon. Their sounds somewhat re- sembling the snorting of a horse. They are never seen on land. TRICHILTA, in botany, a genus of the Decandriu Monogynia class and or- der. Natural order of Trihilat?e. Mehse, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx most- ly five toothed; petals five; nectary toothed, cyliiuh'ical, bearing the anthers at the top of the teeth ; capsule three- celled, three-valved ; seeds buried. There are twelve species, TRICHIURUS, the trichiureyxn natu- ral history, a genus of fishes of the order Apodes. Generic character : head length- ened ; tlie gill-covers lateral ; teeth ensl- \ formed, and hooked on one side ; gill membrane seven -rayed ; body compress- , ed and ensiform ; tail subulate and with- ; out fins. Tliere are two species. T. ar- \ genteus, or the silver ti-ichiure, is about \ two feet and a half long, and inhabits the : lakes and rivers of South America, and ■ of some parts of Asia. Its colour of a '. bright silver; its body tapers gradually, and terminates in an absolute point ; its ; dorsal fin extends nearly through the j animal's whole length. It is a fish re- ! nmrkable for its voracity, and has been ' known to leap into boats in quest of j prey. It is used for the table. The T. i electricus is of the same size witli the \ former ; but differs in several circumstan- j ces relating to the teeth, jaws, and tatl. ; It is supposed to possess an electrical | power. TIllCHOCARPUS, in botany, a genus ' of the Polyandria Digynia class and or- i der. Essential character : calyx four or j five-parted; corolla none ; styles two, bi- \ fid ; capsule bristly, four-valved, many- \ seeded. There is only one species, viz. T. laurifolia, a native of the woods of Gui- \ ana. i TRICIIOCEPHALUS, in natural his- ■ tory, a genus of the Vermes Intestina j class and order. Body round, elastic, and ■ variously twisted ; head or fore part ; much thicker, and furnished with a slen- '\ der exsertile proboscis ; tail or lower i part long, capillary, and tapering to a ; point. There are six species enumerated, \ and named from the animals in which ! they are found : T. hominis inhabits the intestines of sickly children, generally ( the coeciim, and in considerable nuni- ^■ hers ; it is usually about two inches long, ; and in colour it resembles the ascurides. i The head is obtuse, and furnished with a ,; very slender proboscis, which it can eject I or retract at pleasure ; tail, or thinnei- \ part, twice as long as the thicker end, ; and terminating in a fine hair-like point. \ T. equi found in the intestines of the , horse ; there are others found in the hi- j testines of the boar, fox, mouse, &c. ' TRiCHODA, in natural history, a ge- \ nus of the Vermes Infusoria. Worm in vi- ■ sible, pellucid, hairy, or horned. There i are seventy or eighty species in sections. \ A. haii-y. B. furnished with cirri. C. '{ horned. TRICHOMANES, in botany, a genus ^ of the Cryptogamia Filices class and order. \ Natural order of Filices or Ferns. Gene- ; ric character : fructifications inserted in- ' to the margin of the frond, separate ; in- ' TRI TRI volucres urn shaped, iiudivided, opening outwards ; columns extending- beyond the involucres, like styles. 'I'here are twenty-seven species, chiefly natives of the West Indies. * TRICHOSAN'l'HES, in botany, a ge- nus of the MonoeciuSyng-enesia class and order. Natural order of Cucurbitacex. Essential character: calyx five-toothed ; corolla live-parted; ciliate ; male, fila- ments tln-ee ; female, style trifid ; pome oblong. There are seven species. TRICOSTEMA, in botany, a genus of the Didynamia tiymnospermia class and order. Natural order of Verticillatae or Labiata;. Essential character : corolla, up- per lip sickle shaped ; stamina very long. There are three species, TRIDAX, in botany, a genus of the Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua class and order. Natural order of Compositae Oppositifoliae. Corymbiferx, Jussieu. Es- sential character : calyx imbricate, cylin- drical ; corollets of the ray three-parted ; down many rayed, simple ; receptacle chaffy. There is only one species, viz, T. procumbens. TRIENS, in antiquity, a copper money of the value of one-third of an as, which on one side bore a Janus's head, and on tlie other a water-rat. TRIENTALIS, in botany, a genus of the Heptandria Mcnogynia class and or- der. Natural order of Rotacese. Lysima- chize, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx seven-leaved; corolla seven-parted, e- qual, flat; berry juiceless. There is but one species, viz. T. Europcsa, chick- weed winter green. TRIPOLI UM, in botany, trefoil, a ge- nus of the Diadelphia Decandria class and order. Natuj-al order of Papilionaceae or Leguminosae. Essential character : flow- ers in a head; legume scarcely longer than the calyx ; nectary opening, decidu- ous. There are fifty-one species. T. of- ficinale or melilot, has naked racemous pods, dispermous, wrinkly, and acute, with an erect stalk. It grows in corn- fields, and by the way sides, but is not common. The stalk is erect, firm, striat- ed, branched, and two or three feet high ; the leaves ternate, smooth, obtusely oval, and serrated ; the flowers are small, yel- low, pendulous, and grow in long close spikes at the tops of the branches ; the pod is very short, turgid, transversely wrinkled, pendulous, and contains either one or two seeds. The plant has a very peculiar strong scent, and disagreeable, bitter, acrid taste, but such, however, as :s not disagreeable to cattle. The flowers are sweet scented. It coitimunicates a loathsome flavour to wheat and other grain, so as to render i^t luifit for making brt ad. T. repcns, white creeping trefoil, or Dutch clover, has a creeping slaik, its flower gathered into an umbellar head, and its pods tetraspermous. It is very. common in fields and pastures. It is well known to be excellent fodder for cattle ; and the leaves are a good rustic hygro- meter, as they are always relaxed and flaccid in dry weather, but erect in moist or rainy. T. pratense, purple, or red clo- ver, is distinguished by di.-n§e spikes, unequal corollas, by bearded 3tij>ula.s, as- cending stalks, and by the calyx having four equal teeth. The red clover is com- mon in meadows and pastures, and is the species which is generally cultivated as food for cattle. It abounds in every part of Euro])e, in North America, and even in Siberia. It delights most in rich, moist, and sunny places, yet flourishes in those that are dry, barren, and shady. See HfSfiAMJRT. TRIGLA, the gumardy in natural his- tory, a genus of fishes of the order Tho- faciei. Generic character : head large, mailed, and marked with rough lines ; eyes large; nostrils double: gill covers spiny; gill membrane seven-rayed; be- fore the pectoral fins of most species there are articulate processes, somewhat like fingers. There are fourteen species. T. gurnard us, or the grey gurnard, varies in length from one to two feet ; feeds on worms and insects ; inhabits tlie seas of Europe, and is considered by many as ex- cellent lor the table, though generally not in high estimation. T. volitans, or the flying gurnard, is found in the Indian, At- lantic, and Mediterranean seas. It is about a foot in length, and its pectoral fins are of an extraordinary size, and great transparency. Bv tfiese it is ena- bled to sustain short Rights out of the water, when hardly pressed byits varioufi enemies. TRlGLOeHIN, in botany, arroiv grass, a genu? of the Hexandria 'i'rigynia class and order Natural order oi' Tripeta- loideae. Junci, Jussieu. Essential cha- racter : calyx three-leaved ; petals three, calyx form ; style none ; capsule opening at the base There are tliree species. TRIGONELLA, in botany, fmu-greek, a genus of the Diadelphia Dccandria class and order. Natural older of Papi- lionaceae or Leguminosa:. Essential cha- racter: banner and wings nearly equal, spreading in form of a three-petalled CO? roUa, Xhere are twelve species. TRIGONOMETRY TRIGONIA, in botany, a genus of the Diadelpliia Uecuudria class and order. Natural order of Malpighize, Jussieu. Es- sential cliaractcr : calyx five-parted ; pe- tals five, unequal, uppermost fbveolate at the base within ; nectary, two scales at the base of the g'erni ; filaments, some barren ; capsule leguminose, three-cor- nered, llu'ee celled, three-valved. There are two species : viz. T. viilosa, and T. Isevis; both natives of South America. TRIGONOMETRY The business of tliis important science is to find the angles whtre the sides are given ; and the sides of their respective ratios, when the an- gles are given; and to find sides and an- gles, when sides and angles are partly given. To efi'ect this, it is necessary not only that the periplieries of circles, but also certain right lines in and about cir- cles, be supposed divided into certain numbers of parts. The ancients, feeling the necessity of such a pre-division, por- tioned the circle into 360 equal parts, which they called degrees ; each degree was again divided into 60 equal parts, called minutes ; and each minute com- prised 60 equal parts, calltd seconds. Tiie moderns have improved upon this division by the addition of a nonius, or vernier, which may be carried to any ex- tent, but is usually limited to decimating the seconds ; noimg each tenth part thereof. It would have been found a con- siderablc convenience in mathematics, if the circle had been divided into centisi- mal parts, particularly in trigonometrical operations ; thus making every quadrant to consist of 100 degrees, each degree of 100 minutes, and each minute of 100 se- conds : there can, indeed, be no doubt but all the arithmetical calculations relating lo the periphery, as well as to the se- cants, sines, tangents, radii, chords, and complements, would b> this reformation have been simplified. We shall be brief on ibis head, because it would require more space than could be allotted to any one branch of science, were we to follow the whole ev-ent of trigonometry in this place. The toliowlng definitions will be found useful : 1. The complement of an arc is the difference thereof irom a quadraiu ; thus, ii an arc measures 60°, the complement is 30°. 2. A chord, or subtense, is a right line drawn from one to the other end of an arc. 3. The sine, or right sine, of an arc, is a perpendicular falling from one end of an arc to the radius drawn, at right an- gles thereto, towards the other end of the arc. Hence it is clear that an arc of 60° must have its secant, its radius, and its chord, all of the same length, forming an equilateral triangle. The secant and ra- dius both proce« d from the centre ; but all sines are parallel to a vertical line passing through the centre, and invaria- bly fall upon a diameter, drawn perpendi- cular to that right line. See Dialling, Geometry, and Mathematical in- struments; under which various explana- tions will be found, whereby the student may perceive the necessity for such refer- ence. Tlie solution of the several cases in plane trigonometry depend upon four propositions, called axioms, which cannot be too perfectly understood, and ought ever to be adverted to. ^xiom I. In any right-lined plane trian- gle, if the hypothenuse (or longest side) be made the radius of a circle, the other two sides, or legs, will be the sines of their opposite angles ; but if either of the legs, including the right angle, be made radius, the other leg becomes the tangent of its opposite angle, and the hypoUienuse tliQ secant of the same angle. For in the tri- angle ABC, (fig. 21. Plate XV. Trigo- nometry,) let A B be made the radius of a circle ; and with one foot of the com- passes on A or B describe a circle : it is plain that the leg B C will be the sine of the angle A, and A C the sine of the an- gle B : but if A C becomes radius, B C will be the tangent to the angle A, and B A the second thereto. Again, by mak- ing B C radius, A C will be tangent, and A B the secant of the angle B. Hence it is plain that the different sides take their names according to Uiat side which is made radius. Remark, that to find a side, any side may be made radius : then say, as the name of the side given is to the name of the side required ; so is the side given to the side required. But to find an angle, one of the given sides must be made ra- dius : then, as the side made radius is to the other side; so is the nameof the first side (which is always radius) to the name of the second side ; which fourth propor- tional must be found among the sines, or tangents, &c. to be determined by the side made radius : against it is the re- quired angle. In a right-angled triangle you must always J)ave two sides, or the angles and one side given, to find the rest. Axiom II. In all plane triangles, the sides are in direct proportion to the sines of their opposite angles. Thus, ** if two angles and one side be given, to find ei» TRIGONOMETRY. ther of the other leps." In fig. 22, the angle BCD is 101° 25', the angle C B D is 44° 42^, and the given leg B C is equal to 76 of the scale assurntd: to find the sides CD and BD. To find D. As the sine B D 65 . « 1.8129J rs to the angle C 31° 49' So is the side B C 105 9.72198 2.02531 To find UQ, As the sine angle D 101° 25' 9.99132 To sine angle D 120* 43' Is to the side BC 76 . . . . 1.88081 ' ^ ^ ^,^^ So is sine angle B 44« 42' . . 9.84720 ^ . , 7\-d.^ ° As suie angle C 31° 49' . 11.72801 9.99152 Is to the sme B D 65 . . So is sine angle B 27.28 To the side DC 54.53 . . . 1-73669 The foregoing is worked by logarithms, thus: add the logarilhm of" the second and third terms together, then deduct the logarithm of the first term, and the re- mainder is the logarithm of the fourth term, or number sought. When an an- gle is greater than 90=", the sine, tangent, and secant of the supplement, (/. e. of the number of degrees wanting of 180°,) are to be used. " Two sides, and an angle opposite to one of them, being given, to find the other opposite angle, and the third side, fig. 23." The side BC 10.6, DB 65 miles, and the angle B C D 31° 49' given, to find the angle B D C obtuse, and the side CD. To the sine D C 56.88 11.74729 1.81291 9.93438 9.72198 1.81291 9.66392 11.47683 9.7-n98 1.75485 Jlxiom III. In every plane triangle it will be as the sum of any two sides is to their difference ; so is the tangent of half the sum of the angles opposite there, to the tangent of half their difference. Which half diff"erence, being added to half the sum of the angles, gives the greater ; but if subtracted, the remainder will be the lesser angle. *' Two sides, and their contained angle given, to find either of the other angles, and the third side, fig 24." The side B C 109, B D 76 leagues, and the angle C B D 101° 30' being given, to find the angle B D C, or B C D, and the side C D. The side BC . BD . . 109 . . . 76 . . . 185 Diff". . 109 . . . 76 . . . 33 . . . Half . . 180° 0' . 101° 30' Sum .... 78° 30' sum of the two angles , 39° 15' To find the angles D and C. As the sum of the sides BC and BD = 185 2.26717 Is to the diff'erence 33 1.51851 So is the tangent of half the sum of angles C and D 39° 15' ... . 9.91224 11.43075 2.26717 To the tangent of half the difference of the angles C and D 8° 17' . 9.16358 TRIGONOMETRY. 1\) half the sum of the angles D and C . 39^ 15' Add half the difference of the angles C and D •. . . 8° 17' Gives the greater angle D 47° 32' But if subtracted (from 39° IS^) gives the lesser angle 30° 58' ^ Having the two angles, the side is found according to Axiom II : for it will be. To Jind DC. As the sine angle D 47° 32' 9 86786 Is to sine B C 109 2.03743 So is sine angle B 101° SCy 9 99116 12.02862 9.86786 To the side D C required 144.8 2.16076 Axiom IV. In any plane triangle, as the segments be added to half their sum, it base, or greater side, is to the sum of the will give the greater segment ; but if sub- other two sides; so is the difference of traded, the remainder will be the lesser the sides to the difference of the seg- segment. The triangle being thus cut, roents of the base, made by a perpendi- becomes two right angled triangles ; tlie cular let fall from the angle opposite to hypothenuses and bases of which are the base : and if half the difference of the given to find the angles by Axiom I. Three sides given to Jind tlui angles. The side B C 105, B D 85, and C D 50 miles, being given to find the angles B D C BCD, andCBD,fig. 5. B D = 85 C D = 50 The sum of the two shortest sides 135 The difference of them 35 The proportions will be As the side BC 105 — 2^2119 — 52^ the half of great side. Is to the sum of the sides BD and DC 135 — 2.13033 -- 22§ half diff. of segment. So is the diff. of the sides BD and DC 35 — 1.54417 75 the greatest segment. 3.67440 2.02119 30 the lesser segment. Difference of the segment of the base,^ ^51 55321 "^ <»• great side . 5 ' leaving divided the right-angled trian- gle into two right-angled triangles, the hypotlienuses and bases of which are given, to find the angles by Gunter. 1. The extent from 105 to lo5 will reach from 35 to 45 on the line of sines. 2. The extent from 85 to 75^ on tie line of num- bers, will reach from radius to 61° 56% the angle B D A on the line of sines. 3. The extent from 50 to 30, on the line of numbers, will reach from radius to angle A D C 36° 53', on the line of sines. TniGONOMETRr, spherical, relates to tri- angles, or figures which are reducible to TRIGONOMETRY. triangles, whose sides are segments of circles. Thus if we describe a triangle on any spherical body, say a globe, it is evident that all the sides must be com- posed of curved lines; and it is the same in the case of a series of circles, or of or- bits, intei-secting each othei'. When two equal circles intersect, they will give a parabolic spindle ; more or less acute, according us the centres of tlie two cir- cles may be more or less distant. When three circles mutually intersect, there will be formed a great variety of spherical triangles, of which the areas and the pro- perties could not be ascertained by plane- trigonometry, but come under consider- ation as parts of spherical surfaces. The follov.'ing definitions should be clearly un- derstood; they are simple in the extreme, but highly important: 1st. The poles of a sphere are two points in the siiperficies of tlie sphere, that are the extreme of the axis. 2d. The pole of a circle in a sphere is a point in the superficies of the spliere, from which all riglit hnes that are drawn to the circumference of the circle are equal to one another. 3d. A great circle ill a sphere, is that whose plane passes through the centre of the sphere ; and wliose centre is the same as that of the sphere. 4t]i. A spherical triangle is a figure comprehended umler the arcs of three great circles in a sphere. 5th. A -spherical angle is that which, in the su- perficies of the sphere, is contained under two arcs of great circles ; and this angle is equal to the inclinations of the planes of the said circles. It is particularly to be held in mind, that although we can, upon any actual sphere, describe triangles at pleasure, which may nearly embrace the whole circumference, yet that such can- not be laid down, so as to be represented on paper; for every side of a spherical triangle is less than a serai- circle. With respect to spherical triangles, the learner may generally entertain a correct opinion of their value, if he considers that every arc or segment of a circle may have a chord drawn from one to the other ex- tremity; and that the triangle which can be contained within such arc or segment, taking the chord for a hypothenuse, will determine how much of that circle has been cut off, and is included between the extremes of the segment. It is utterly impossible to produce any two measura- ble segments taken from two different circles, which, having chords of equal length, will contain the same angle. A semicircle, having the diameter for its chord, will give a right angle ; for if to any point within that semicircle two lines be drawn, from the ends of the chord res- pectively, their union at such assumed point will form a right angle. In pro- portion as the chord is less than a diame- ter, so must tlie segment be a less part of the whole circle, aitd the angle contained therein will be more acute. Spherical triangles may be acute, right-angled, or obtuse, the same as on plane-trigonome- try. In all rigiit-iujgied spherical crian- gles, the sign otthe hypothenuse: radius:: sine of a leg : sine of its opposite angle. And the sine of the leg: radius :: tangent of the other leg: tangent of its opposite angle, in any right-angled spherical tri- angle, ABC (fig. 25,) It will be as radius is lo the co-sine of one ie'^, so is the co- sine of tile other leg to the co-sine of the hypothenuse. Hence, if two right-angled spherical triangles, AB C, Cli D (fig. 26,) have the same perpendicular, BC, tJie co- sines of their ii> pothenuses will be to each oth.r directly as the co-sines of their ba- ses. in any spherical triangle it will be, as radius is to tiie sine of either angle, so is the co-sijie of the adjacent leg to the co-sine of the opposite angle, lience, in right-angled spiiericul triangles, having the same perpendicular, the co-sines of the angles at the base will be to each other, uirecily, as the sines of the vertical angles. In any right-angled spherical triangle it will be, as radius is to the co- sine of the hypotiienuse, so is the tangent of either angle to the co-tangent of the other angle. As the sum of \he sines of two unequal arches is to their difference, so is the tangent of half the sum of those arches to the tangent of half their differ- ence : and as the sum of their co-sines is to their difference, so is the co-tangent of half the sum of the arches to the tan- • gent of half the difference of the same arches. In any spherical triangle, ABC (fig. 27,) it will be, as the co-tangent of half the sum of the angles at the base is to the tangent of half their difference, so is the tangentof half the verticle angle to the tangent of the angle which the per- pendicular C D makes with the line C F, bisecting the vertical angle. The following propositions and remarks concerning spherical triangles, will render their calculation perspicuous and free from ambiguity. 1st. A spherical trian- gle is equilateral, isocelar, or scalene, ac- cording as'it has its three angles all equal, or two of them equal, or all three unequal. 2d. The greatest side is always opposite the greatest angle, and the smallest side opposite the smallest angle. 3d. Any two TRI Till sides, taken together, are greater llian the tlurd 4ih. If the three angles are all a- cute, or all right, or all obtuse, the three sides Will be, accordingly, all less than 90°, or 90°, or greater than 90°. 5th. If troin the three angles A, B, C, of a trian- gle ABC (fig. 23), as poles, there be described on the suiface of the sphere, three arches of a great circle DE, DF, FE forming by their intersections a new spherical triangle DEF ; each side of the new iriangie wiil be the supplement of the angle at its pole; and each angle of the same triangle will be tiie supplement of the side opposite to it in the triangle ABC. 6lh. In any triangle ABC (fig. 29), or A ^ C, right-angled in A : 1st, The angles at the hypoLhenuse are always of tl>e same kind as their opi>osite sides. 2dly. Tlie hypothenuse is greater or lesser than a quadrant, according as tlie sides, mciud- ing llie right an^rle, aie of the same, or diiferent kinds ; that is to say, according as the same sides, are either both acute, or both obtuse: or, as one is acute, and the other obtuse. And vice versa: 1st. The sides including the right angles, are always of the same kind as their opposite angles. 2dly, The sides, including the right angles, will be of the saoie, or different kinds, according as the hypothenuse is less, or more, than 90° ; but, one at least «l them will be of 90°, if the hypothenuse is so. Considering it impossible to give a po- pular idea of this highly important branch of mathematics, in any brief form, we must refer those readers, wlio wish to be- come proficients therein, to the various excellent treatises published on that sub- ject ; particularly tliose by Simpson, Bo- nycastle, h'ayne, Stc, TIUGUEKA, in botany, a genus of the Pentandria Monogynia class and order; Natural order of Luridse. Solanese, Jus- sieu. Essential character: corolla bell- shaped, with an unequal bolder ; nectary short, five toothed, surrounding the germ ; filaments inserted into the nectary ; berry four celled, with two seeds in each cell. There are two species ; viz. T. ambrosia- ca, and T. inodora : these are both annual plants, and natives of Andalusia in Spain. TUILIX, in botany, a genus of the Poly and ria Monogynia class and order. Essential character : calyx three-leaved : corolla three-petalled ; berry five-celled, many seeded. There is only one species ; xriz. T. lutea, a native of Carthagena, in America, TRILLION, in arithmetic, a billion of billions. See Arithmetic, Numeua* TION. THILLIU.M, in botany, a genus of the llexandria Trigynia class and oidtr. Na- tural order of Sarmentaces. Asparagi, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx tiiree- leaved : corolla three petalled ; berry three-celled. There are three species. TRIM of a 6-hip, her best posture, pry- poriion of ballast, and hanging of her masts, &c. for sailing. To find the trim of a ship, is to find the best way of making her sail swiftly, or how she will sail best. Tiiis IS done by easing ot her mas\s and shrouds ; some ships sailing much better when they are slack, than when they are taught, or fast ; but this depends much upon experience and judgment, and the several trials and observations which the the commander and other officers may make aboard. TRIMMKRS, in architecture, pieces of timber framed at right angles to the joints, against the ways for chimneys, and well- holes for stairs, TRINGA, the sand-piper, in natural history, a genus of birds of the order Grallx. Generic character: bill round, straight, slender, and about the length of the head ; nostrils small and linear : tongde slender ; toes very slightly, if at all, connected at the base by a membrane; hind-toe weak. There are thirty-seven species, of which the following are thef principal : T. pugnax, or the rufF, is twelve inches long, 'I'he male is distinguished by a ruli, dilfering in colour on almost every bird, composed of long leathers, standing out in a peculiar manner, and constituting an appearance somewhat resembling the i'ashionable neck ruff of the age of Queen Eliiabetl). These feathers are not acquir- ed till the second year, and continue only dui'ing the season of spring; after which, also, the caruncles which previously rise on the face of the male shrink back and disappear. The males of these birds are thought far more numerous than the fe- males. Freipient conflicts between the for- mer are occasioned from this circumstance; and in the commencement of spring, a male sand-piper is said to take his station near some water, and run round a par- ticular spot such a number of times, that at length he bares a circular path upon the herbage. On the appearance of a fe- male near this spot, the males engage in the most animated and ferocious contests, and occupied solely by the idea of tri- umphing over their rivals, they suffer TRI TRI themselves to be taken by the net of jhe fowler, who avails himself of these oppor- tunilies for their destruction. In England tliey are migratory, and are found fre- quently in Lincolnshire and the Isle of Ely, where after being taken, they are fed for sale, till ihey at lenjjth become nearly a mass or nnarrowy substance, and are sent to the nnaikeis of the metropolis. T. vaiiellus, (jr the lapvviug, is thirteen inches lon^-, and of the weigiit ot eiglit ounces. It remains in England the whole year ; lays its eggs on the ground ; and the female bird exercises various arts to attract the attention of mischievous and depredating school boys from the disco- very of her nest, and is said, with this view even to pretend lameness, to direct their pursuit to herself hi winter these birds appear in Hocks ofseveral hundreds, and are caught in great numbers, being high- ly esteemed for food. They live chiefly upon worms, which appear to constitute theirdelicious banquet, and are sometimes familiarised, and kept in gardens to clear them of slugs and worms, in search for which, both in the morning and evening, they are extremely assiduous. T. hypoleucos, or tiie common sandpi- per, breeds in England, but soon with- draws after the summer. It is about eight inches long, and is distinguished by its piping note. It is found in France and Siberia. The T, canutus is about ten inches in length, and weighs four ounces, and fre- quents the coasts of Lincolnshire, Eng- land, where it is taken in considerable numbers, and fattened for the London market. By some these birds are prefer- red to the ruW. TRINITY house, a kind of college be- longing to a company or corporation of seamen, who, by the King's charter, have power to take cognizance of those persons who destroy sea- marks, and to get repara- tion of such damages ; and to take care of other things belonging to navigation. At present, many in the first rank of society are members of that community. The master, wardens, and assistants of the Trinity House, may set up beacons, and marks for the sea, in such places, near the coasts or forelands, as to them shall seem meet. By a statute of Queen Elizabeth, no steeple, trees, or other things standing as sea marks, shall be taken away or cut down, upon pain that every person guilty of such offence, shall forfeit 100/. and if the person offending be not possessed of the value, he shall be deemed convict of outlawry. VOL. VI. TRINOMIAL, orTuiNOMiAL roQ/, fo mathematics, is a root consisimg ol three parts, connected together by the sigii,-l- or--,asa: -j- i/+ =, or a -j- 6 — e. Sue Bi- nomial and Hoot. TltlO, in music, a part of a concert; wherein three persons smg; or more pro- perly a musical composition CDUsisiing of three parts. Trios are the finest kinds of composition, and these are what please most m concerts. TRIOPTEKIS, in botany, a genus of the Decandria Trigynia class and order. Natural order of Trihilatae. Malpighite, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx five- parted, with two honey pores at the base on the outside ; petals roundish, clawed filaments cohering at the base; capsules three, one-seeded, three or four-winged. There are eight species, TRIOSTEUM, in botany, a genus of the Pentandria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Aggregatje. Caprifolia, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx length of the corolla; corolla one-pelalied, almost equal; berry three-celled, inferior ; seeds solitary. There are three species. TRIPARTITE, something divided into three parts, or made by three parlies, as in- denture tripartite. TRlrtjE time, in music, a time consii^- ing of three measures in a bar ; the two first of which are beat with the hand or foot down, and the third marked by its elevation. TRIPLARIS, in botany, a genus of tile Triandria Trigynia class and order. Natu- ral order of Polygoneje, Jussieu. Essen- tial character : calyx very large, three, or six-parted; corolla three-petailed, or none : nut three sided, within the ovate base of the calyx. There are two species, viz. T. Americana, and T. ramiflora. TRIPLICATE ratio, the ratio which cubes bear to one another. This ratio is to be distinguished from triple ratio, and may be thus conceived ; in the geo- metrical proportions 2, 4, 8, 16, 3% as the ratio of the first term (2) is to the third (8) duplicate of that of the first to the se- cond, or of the second to the third, so the ratio of the first to the fourth is said to be triplicate of the ratio of the first to the se- cond, or of that of the second to the third, or of that of the third to the fourth, as be- ing compounded of three equal ratios. See Ratio. TRIPOLI, in mineralogy, a species of the Clay genus, is of a greyish colour: it occurs massive, is soft and friable, feels meagre, and does not adhere to the tongue. It occurs in veins and beds in ST. TRI TRI iloe(Z',rocJp5, and perhaps in alluvial land. It ifl fbutid in beds in the coal works of Thurinj^ia : in Derbyshire, it occurs in veins: in Tripoli, whence its name is derived, it also forms veins. It is alsfffbiind in liussia, Westphalia, Flan- ders, Hessia, liolicmia, and Switzerland. When reduced to powder, it is employ- ed for polisiiing" metals, marbles, and other minerals, and likewise for polish- ing glass. Formerly it was supposed to be a volcanic production, wliich has been long since disproved, and it appears to be an extremely line mixture of clay and sand. TRIPPANK, in mineralogy, is of an apple-green, or greenish wliite It oc- curs in mass, is moderately hard, and easily frangible. Specific gravity is 3.21, Before the blow-pij>e it becomes yellow, and sphtsinto thin plates, and then melts into a thin transparent glass. It has hi- therto been found in Sweden, in veins of quartz and mica. TRIPPING, in heraldry, denotes the quick motion of all sorts of deer, and of some other creatures, represented witli one foot as it were on a trot. TRIPSACUM, in botany, a genus of the Monoecia Triandi-ia class and order. Natural order of Gramina, Graminex, or Grasses. Essential character : male, ca- lyx glume four-flowered ; corolla glume membranaceous : female, calyx glume with perforated sinuses ; corolla glume tfpjQ-valved ; styles two ; seed one. There are two species, viz. T. dactyloides, and T. hermaphroditum. TUlSECriON, or Trissectiox, the dividing a thing into three. The term is chiefly used in geometry, for the divi- sion of an angle into three equal parts. The trisection of an angle geometrically, is one of those great problems, whose solution has been so much sought by mathematicians for these two thousand year.s, being, in this respect, on a foot- ing with the quadrature of the circle, and the duplicature of the cube angle. TRISPAST, in mechanics, a nuichine with three ])ullies, or an assemblage of tliree pullicsfor raising of great weights. TRlTlCUM, in botany, ivheat, a ge- nus of the Triandrla Digynia class and order. Natural order of Gramina, Gra- niinese, or Grasses. Essential character : calyx two-valved, solitary, subtriflorous ; corolla blunt, with a point. There are nineteen species. T. aestivum, or spring wheat, has four flowers in a calyx, three of which mostly bear grain. The ca- lyces stand pretty distant from each other, on both sides a flat smooth receptacle. The leaves of the calyx are keel shaped, smooth, and they terminate with a short arista. The glumes of the Howers ai-e smooth and bellying, and the outer leaf of three of the glumes in every calyx is terminated by a long arista, but the three inner ones are beardless. The g-rain is rather longer and thinner than the common wheat. It is supposed to be a native of some part of Tartary. The farmers call it spring- wheat, because it will come to the sickle with the common wheat, though it should be sown in Fe- bruary or March. T. h/bernum, winter or common wheat, has also four flowers in a calyx, three of which are mostly productive. The calyces stand on each side a smooth fiat receptacle, as in the former species, but they are not quite so far asunder. The leaves of the calyx are bellying, and so smooth that they appear as if polished, but they have no arista. The glumes of the flowers too are smooth, and the outer ones, near the top of the spike, are often tipped with short aristze. The grain is rather plumper than the former, and is the sort most general- ly sown in England; whence the name of common wheat. T. turgidum, thick- spiked or cone-wheat, is easily distin- guished from either of the former ; for tliough it has four flowers in a calyx, after tlie manner of them, yet the whole ca- lyx, and the edges of the glumes, are covered with soft hairs. The calyces, too, stand thicker on the receptacle, and make the spike appear more turgid. Some of the outer glumes, near the top of the sj)ike, are terminated by short aristx, like those of the common wheat. The grain is shorter, plumper, and more convex on the buck than either of the former species. Its varieties are nume- rous, and have various apj)ellations in difterent counties, owing to the great af- fi^nity of several of them. TRITOMA, in natural history, a genus of insects of the order Coleoptera. An- tennas clavate, the. club perfoliate; lip emarginate ; anterior feeieiMj hatcliet- shaped ; shells as long as the body. There are ten species, found in diflerent parts of the world. T. bipustalata is black ; shells with a lateral scarlet spot. It in- habits England, and is found on tree fungi. The glabra is found in Sweden, under the bark of trees. TRITON, in natural history, a genus of the Vermes Mollusca class and orrler. Body oblong ; mouth with an involute spiral proboscis ; tentacula twelve, six TliO TRO uu each side, divided nearly to the base, the hind ones cheliferous. T. Uttorens, inliabits Italy, in cavities of sub-marine rocks, and may be seen in various species of Lepas, particularly the anatefera. It is fully described in the " PhilosophiciU Transactions of London," vol. 50. TRITURATION, in |)harmacy, the act of reducing a solid body into a subtle powder ; called also levigation, and pul- verization. TRIU.VIFETTA, in botany, a genus of the Dodecandria Monogynia class and or- der. Natural order of Columniferae. Ti- liaceae, Jussieu. Essential character : ca- lyx five-leaved ; corolla hve-petalled : capsule hispid, opening in four parts- There are eleven species. TRIXIS, in botany, a genus of the Syn- genesia Polygamia Necessaria class and order. Natural order of Compositae Op- positifoliae. Corymbifers, Jussieu. Es- sential character : corollets of the ray trihd ; seeds hairy at the tip, without any down ; receptacle chaffy. There are three species, all natives of the West Indies. TROCHAIC vei-se, in the Latin poetry, a kind of verse, so called, because the trochees cliiefly prevail, as the iambus does in the iambic. It generally consists of seven feet and a syllable ; the odd feet, for tJie most part, consist of troches, though a trybraches is sometimes admit- ted, except in the seventh foot : these two feet are likewise used in the other places, as is also the spondzetis, dactylus, and anapaestus. Tiie following is an ex- ample. 12 3 4 5 6 Suius 1 aut vex I aut po I eta I 11021 qiioi\amm\ T h TROCHE, in pharmac}'^, a sort of me- dicine, made of glutinous substances into little cakes, and afterwards exsiccated. TROClilLUS, the humming bird, in na- tural i list ory, a genus of birds of tiie or- der Pi ere. Generic character : bill slcn- def and weak; nostrils minute ; tongue long, constituted of two united cylindi-ic tubes, and missile; tail of ten feathers; legs weak. The bills of some are curved, and of others strait, whicli forms tlie g-raiul division of the genus. Tliere are sixty species enumerated by Latiiain, and Gmelin has sixty-five. The birds of this genus are the smallest of all birds. They subsist many of them on the juict^s of flowers, whicii they extract fike bees while on the wing, fluttering-^ over theit delicate rei)ast, and niJfkinga considera- ble humming sound, from which they derive their designation. They are gre- giu'ious, and build their nests with great neatness and elegance, hniiTg them with the softest materials they .can possibly procure. T. colubris, or the red-throated hum- ming bird, is rather more tiian three inches long, and is frequent in various parts of North America. . Its plumage is highly splendid and vjyying ; it subsists on the nectar of flowers, ])articularly those of a long tube, like the convolvulus or tulip. They will suffer themselves to be approached very nearly ; but on ob- serving an effort to seize tliem, dait off with the rapidity of an arrow. A flower is frequently the subject of bitter conflict between two of these birds; and tiiey will often enter an open windofw, and after a short contest retire. They sometimes soar perpendicularly to a considerable lieiglit, with a violent scream. If a flower whicii they enter furnishes them with no supply, they pluck it, as it v/ere in pun- ishment and revenge, from its stalk. They have been kept alive in cages* for several week.s, but soon ])erish for want of their usual food, for whici> no adequate substi- tute has yet bt-en found Lailvam, how- ever, mentions the curious circumstance of their being preserved alive by Cap- tain Davies for four niontlis, by the expe- dient of imitaiing tubular flowers with paper, ap])ropriate]y painted, and filling tiie bottom of the tubes with sugar and W^ater as often as they were emptied. They then took their nourishnic nt in the same manner as when ^inoonflned, and soon appeared familiarized and happy. They lived, however, only four mouths. These birds generally build on the ujiddle of the brunch of a tree, and lay two eggs in an extremeh^' small and admirably construct- ed nest. This is the mii}'^ species of the genus known to evist in the UiiliedState.s. T. miniir.us. This is the smallest of all the spccie.s, and is said, when just killed, to weigh iKty more than twenty grains. Its total •iengtli is ad inch and a quarter. It is found in the West Indies and South Americn^ and is exceeded both in Wf ig])t ami magnitude by several species of bees. . ' For the ainctfeystine 'humming-bird, «ee Avts, Plate XlV. fi,^-. 3. • 'IMfOCHLEA, one of the mechanical powers, usually called a pulley. See Mechamcs. 'liltOCliOlD, in geometry, a curve TRO TRO more generally known by the name of cycloid. See Cycloid. TROCHUS, in natural history, a genus of the Vermes Testacca. Animal a Umax ; shell univalve, spiral, more or less conic ; aperture somewhat angular or rounded, tiie upper side transverse and contracted, pillar placed obliquely. There are about 150 species, divided into sections. A. Erect, with the pillar perforated. B. Imper- forate, erect, the unil^ilicus, or navel, clos- ed. C. Tapering, with an exserted pillar, and falling on the side when placed on the base. Of these we may notice T. teles- copium : shell imperforate, striate, with a spiral pillar. It inhabits the Indian ocean, and is about four inches long ; the shell is tapering, hke a telescope when drawn out ; brown liver colour, or black- ish, tiie first whorl generally barred -with white ; pillar a little prominent, with a tooth or plait in the middle ; whorls flat- tish. TROGON, the airucui, in natural his- tory, a genus of birds of the order Picje, Generic character : bill short, thick, and convex, serrated at the edges ; nostrils covered with stiff bristles ; toes, two be- fore and two behind; tail of twelve fea- thers. Birds of this genus chiefly inhabit South America, live solitary in moist places, and in pathless overgrown vvoofls ; make short flights, and subsist principally on insects. There are seven species. 1'. curucui, the red-bellied curucvii, is an inhabitant of Cayenne, and is al>out as large as a nuigpie. These birds are not gregarious, and are never seen but alone, or in pairs. They lay their eggs in the holes of trees upon the rotten dust, pre- paring no nest, I'he male is mute, un- less in spring, and then has a plaintive and monotonous note. The young, when first hatched, are bare of feathers, and have a head very disproportionately large to the body ; they are fed with insects and caterpillars till able to provide for them- selves, and then left by their parents, who return to their sequestered haunts, and in September are engaged with a second brood. When confined, they refuse all food, and, consequently, soon perish. TROLLIUS, in botany, globe forcer, a genus of the Polyandria Polygynia class and order. Natural order of Multisiliqux. Ranunculacex, Jussieu. Essential charac- ter : calyx none ; petals about fourteen ; capsules numerous, ovate, many-seeded. There are two species, viz. T. Europieus, European globe fiowcr, and T. Asiaticus, Asiatic globe flower. TRONAGE, the mayor and comaaon- alty of the city of London, are ordained keepers of the beams and weights for weighing merchants' commodities, v/ith power to assign clerks, porters, &c. of the great beam and balance ; which weighing of goods and wares is called tronage. TROP.EOLUM, in botany, Indian cress, a genus of the Octandria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of TrihilatK. Gerania, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx one-leafed, with a spur ; petals four, unequal ; nuts three, coriaceous. There are five species. TROPE, in rhetoric, a kind of figure of speech, whereby a word is removed from its first and natural signification, and ap- plied with advantage to another thing, which it does not originally mean ; but only stands for it, as it has a relation to, or connection veith it : as in this sentence, God is my rock. Here the trope lies in the word rock, which being firm and im- moveable, excites in our minds the no- tion of God's unfailing power, and the steady support which good men receive from their dependence upon him. TROPHIS, in botany, a genus of the Dioecia Tetrandria class and order. Natu- ral order of Calyciflorae. Essential charac- ter : male, calyx none ; corolla four-petal- led : female, calyx none ; corolla none ; style two-parted ; berry-one seeded. There is but one sj)€cies, viz. T. Ameri- cana, the ramoon tree, which is a native of Jamaica and other islands in the West Indies in dry exposed situations. TROPHY, among the ancients, a pile or heap of arms of a vanquished enemy, raised by the conqueror in the most emi- nent part of the field of battle. The tro- phies were usually dedicated to some of the god.s, especially Jupiter. The name of the deity to whom they were inscribed, was generally mentioned, as was that also of the conqueror The spoils were at first hung upon the trunk of a tree ; but instead of trees, succeeding ages erected pillars of stone, or brass, to continue the memory of their victories. To demolish a trophy was looked upon as a kind of sacrilege, because they were all conse- crated to some deity. TROPICS, in astronomy and geogra- phy, are two circles supposed to be drawn on each side of the eqtiinoctial, and paral- lel tliereto. That on the north-side of the line is called the tropic of cancer, and the southern tropic has the name of Ca- pricorn, as passing through the begliming of those signs. They are distant from the equinoctial 23° 29'. Two circles TRU TRU drawn at the same distance from the e- quator on the terrestrial globe, have the €aine names in geography, and tliey in- clude that space or part of the sphere, which is called the torrid zone, because tlie sun is, at one time or other, perpen- dicular over every part of thiit zone, and extremely terrifies or heats it. TROVER is the remedy prescribed by the law, where any person is in posses- sion otthe property of another, which he unlawfully detains. Previously to com- mencing this action, a demand of the pro- perty so detained must be made in writ- ing, by some person properly authorised by the owner of the property; and upon refusal to restore it, tlie law presumes an unlawful conversion, and the party is en- titled to this action, and will recover damages to the value of the property de- tained. In trover, the smallest damages will carry costs. A similar action may be brought for the unlawful detention of any property, on which the specific articles, so detained, may be recovered, which is called detinue ; but as the articles de- tained must be precisely stated in the declaration, and it is attended with some difficulty, this action is very seldom brought. TROY -weighty in commerce. See Weight. Troy weight, formerly called Trone weight, is supposed to be taken from a weight of the same name in France, which was taken from the name of the town of Troyes. The original of all weights used in England, was a grain of wheat, taken out of the middle of the ear, and, when well dried, thirty-two of them were to make one penny- weiglit : twenty penny- weights one ounce : and twelve ounces one pound. Afterwards it was thought sufficient to divide the penny-weight into twenty-four equal parts, called grains, which is the least weight now in common use. TRUCE, in the art of war, denotes a suspension of arms, or a cessation of hosti- lities between two armies, in order to settle articles of peace, bury the dead, or the like. TRUCKS, amonggunners, round pieces of wood, in form of wheels, fixed on the axle-trees of carriages ; to move the ord- nance at sea, and sometimes also at land. TRUFFLES, in natural history, a kind of subterraneous vegetable production, not tinlike mushrooms, being a genus of fungi, which grows under the surface of the eartii. TRUMPET, in music. See Musical imtrwncnis. TarMPET, speaking, is a tube of consi- derable length, viz. from 6 feet to 12, and even more, used for speaking witli to make the voice heard to a greater dis- tance. In a trumpet of this kind the sound in one direction is supposed to be increased, not so much by its being pre- vented from spreading all round, as by the reflection from the sides of the trum- pet. Tlie figure best suited for the speak- ing trumpet is that which is generated by the rotation of a parabola, about a hue pariillei to the axis. Tlie trumpet used at sea is represented by fig. 10. Plate XVL Miscel. It is an hollow instrument of cop- per, or of tinned iron plates. It is open at both ends, and the narrow end, A is shaped so as to go round the speaker's mouth, and to leave the lips at hberty within it. The edge of this narrow end, A is generally covered with leather or cloth, in order that it may more ettectually prevent the passage of any air betv/een the trumpet and the face of the speaker. The words which are spoken through a speaking trumpet may be heard much further and louder, but not so distinc^tly, as without the trumpet. A speaking trumpet has been applied to the mouth of a gun or pistol, by which means the ex- plosion has been rendered audible at ai vast distance. Such contrivances it has been thought might be used as signals in certain cases. TRtr.MPKT, kecringy is an instrument to assist the hearing of persons who are deaf. Instruments of this kind are formed of tubes, with a wide mouth, and terminat- ing in a small canal, which is applied to the ear. The form of these instruments evidently shows how they conduce to assist the hearing-, for the greater qviantity of the weak and languid pulses of the air being received and collected by the large end of the tube, are reflected to the small end, where they are collected and con- densed ; thence entering the ear in this condensed state, they strike the tym- panum with a greater force than they could naturally have done from the car a- lone. Hence it appears, tliat a speaking trumpet maybe apjjlied to the purpose of a hearing trumpet, by turning tiic wide end towards the sound, and the narrow end to the car. TRUNCATED, in general, is an appel- lation given to such things as liuvc-, or seem to have, their points cut off: thus we say, a tnmcated cone, pvramid, leaf, &,c. TRUNCHEON, a short staff, or bat- toon, used by kings, generals, and great ofticcrs, as amark of their commuiKi. TUB TUF TRUNDLE, a sort of carriage witli low wheels, whereon heavy and cumbersome burdens are drawn. TRUNNIONS, or TttUNiOKs of a piece of ordnance, are tliose knobs or bunches of the gun's metal, which bear her up on the cheeks of the carriage : and hence the trunnion-ring is the ring about a can- non, next before the trunnions. TRUSS, a bundle, or certain quantity of hay, straw, &c. A truss of hay is to contain fifty-six pounds, or half an hun- dred weight ; thirty-six trusses make a load. In June and August the truss is to weigh sixty pounds, on forfeiture of eighteen shillings per truss. Tiirss, in naval affairs, a machine em- ployed to pull a lower yard close to its mast, and retain it firmly in that position : it is rarely employed except in flying top gallant sails. It is a ring or traveller which encircles the mast, and has a rope fastened toils after part, leading down- ward to tiie top or decks ; by means of which tlie truss may be straitened or slackened at pleasure. Truss is also used for a sort of bandage or ligature, ?Tiade of steel, or the like matter, whsrewith to keep up the parts, in those who have hernias, or ruptures. TliUST, is aright to receive profits af land, and to dispose of the land in equi- ty ; and one holding the possession, and disposing thereof at his will and pleasure, are signs of trust. A trust is but a new name given to an use, and invented to evade the statute of uses. By statute 29 Charles II, c. 3, all declaration or creation of trusts shall be manifested by some writ- ing signed by the party, or by his last will in writing, or else shall be void. And by section 9 of the saine act, assignments of trusts shall be in writing, signed by tiie party assigning the same, or by his last will, or else shall be of no effect. By 29 Charles 11. all declarations of trusts were to be niacle in writing : but in the said act there is a saving with re- g-ard to trusts resulting by implication of law, which are left pn the footing where- on they stood before tlie act ; now, a bare declaration by parol before the act would prevent any resulting trust. If a man purchase lands in another's name, and pay the money, it will be a trust for him that paid the money, though there be no deed made declaring the trust thereof; for the statute of frauds and perjuries extends not to trusts raised by opLi'iu'iors of law. TUB, match, in naval affairs; the half of a cask, having notches sawn in its edges, in which the lighted matches are placed during action, the bottom being covered with water to extinguish any sparks which may fall from the match. TUBE, in general, pipe, conduit, of canal; a cylinder hollow withinside, either of lead, iron, wood, glass, or other matter, for the air, or some other fluid, to have a free passage, or conveyance, through. Small silver or leaden tubes are frequently used, by surgeons, to draw off blood, matter, or water, from the differ- ent parts of the body : they are made of various sizes and shaj)es. Tube, in astronomy, is sometimes used for a telescope, or more properly, for that part thereof into which the lenses are fit- ted, and by which they are directed and used. We have now certain articles in domes- tic use, as toasling-forks, &c. made on the principle of telescope tubes. TUBULAUIA, in natural history, a ge- nus of the Vermes Zoophyta class and order. Stem tubular, simple or branched, fixed by the base ; animal proceeding from the end of the tube, and having its head crested with tentacula. Twenty-six species have been enumerated, T, mag- nifica : tube simple, whitish ; tentacula very numerous, variegated with red and wliite. It is found in tlie West Indies, ad- hering to rocks ; and is by far the largest and most splendid of its genus : like the rest of its tribe, it has the power of with- drawing its tentacula within the tube, and the tube within the rock on which it re- sides. It connects, as it were, the genera tubularia and amphitrite, having the an- nulated wrinkled tube of the one, and the retractile tentaculated body of the other. T. fistulosa inhabits the European, Medi- terranean, and Atlantic Seas ; about three inches long, and as tliick as common packthread, TUCK of a ship, the trussing or gather- ing up the quarter under water; which if she lie deep, makes her leave a broad, or, as they call it, fat quarter, and hin- ders her steering, by keeping the water from passing swiftly to her rudder ; and if this trussing lie too high above the wa- ter, she will want bearing for her works behind, unless her quarter be very well laid out. » TUFA, in mineralogy, is calcareous, and of a yellowish-grey colour. It occurs solid, but generally porous, and marked with impressions of reeds, moss, and other Vegetables : it is soft, easily frangible, and not much heavier than water : it effer- vesces with acids, and is little else than TUN TUN carbonate of lime. The more compact kinds are employed in building". T17LBAGIA, in botany, a genus of the Hexundria Monog'ynia class and order. Natural order of Spathacex. Narcissi, Jussieu. Essential character: corolla fun- nel-form, with a six-cleft border ; nectary crowning llie aperture, three-leaved ; leaflets bifid, the size of the border; cap- sule superior. There are two species ; 7!iz. T. alliacea, narcissus-leaved tulbagia; and T. cepacea : both natives of the Cape of Good Hope. TULIPA, in botany, ttiiip, a genus of the Hexandria Monogynia class and or- der. Nattiral order of Coronariae. Lilia, Jussieu. Essential character : corolla six- petalled, bell-shaped ; style none. There are five species. TUN, or Tos, originally signifies a large vessel or cask of an oblong form, biggest in the middle, and diminishing towards its two ends, girt about with hoops, and used for stowing several kinds of merchandize, for convenience of car- riage ; as brandy, oil, sugar, skins, hats, &c. This word is also used for certain vessels of extraordinary bigness, serving to keep wine in for several years Tus is also a certain measure for li- quids ; as wine, oil, &c. See Measure. Tun is also a certain weight whereby the burden of ships, &c. is estimated. TUNE, or Tone, in music, is that pro- perty of sounds by which they come un- der the relation of acute and grave. If two or more sounds be compared to- gether in this relation, they are either equal or unequal in the degree of tune; such as are equal, are called unisons ; the unequal constitute what are called inter- vals, which are the differences of tone between sounds. Sonorous bodies are found to differ in tone : 1st. According to the different kinds of matter : thus the sound of a piece of gold is much graver than that of a piece of silver of the same shape and dimensions. 2d. According to the different quantities of the same mat- ter in bodies of the .same figure ; as a solid sphere of brass, of one foot diame- ter, sounds acuter than a sphere of brass of two feet diameter. Rut the measures of tone are only to be sought in the rela- tions of the motions that are the cause of sound, which are most discernible in the vibration of chords. Now, in general, we find that in two chords, all things being equalexcepting the tension, thelhickness, or the length, the tones are different; whicn difference can only be in the veloci- ty of their vibratory motions, by which they perform a different number of vibrations in the same time ; as it is known that all the small vibrations of the same chord are performed in equal times. Now the frequenter or quicker those i^ibrutions are, the more acute is the tone ; and the slower and fewer they are in the same space of time, by so much the more grave is the tone. So that any given note of a tune is made by one certain measure of velocity of vibrations, that is, such a cer- tain number of vibrations of a chord or string, in such a certiiin space of time, constitute a determinate tone. TUNGSTATE. See Tongstic ncid. , TUNGSTEN, in mineralogy, is usually of a yellowish and greyish white : it oc- curs massive, disseminated, anc^ very fre- quently crystallized : it sometimes occurs in large, coarse, and sniiiil granular dis- tinct concretions, with streaked and shining surfaces. Its specific gravity is from 4.3 to 6. It is infusible, without ad- dition, before the blow-pipe. It melts with borax, but scarcely changes its co- lour. When pulverized and digested with nitrous m- muriatic acid, it leaves a yellow residue, which is the oxide of tjingsten. The mineral contains, accord- ing to Scheele, Yellow oxide of tungsten . 65 Lime .31 Silica ....... 4 This specimen was obtained in Sweden ; a specimen from Cornwall, analyzed by Klaproth, yielded Yellow oxide of tungsten 75.25 Lime 18.70 Oxide of iron .... 1.25 manganese . . 0.75 Silica 1.50 T^oss 97.45 2.55 100 It occurs in primitive mountains, and be- longs to the oldest metalliferous forma- tions. It is usually accompanied with tinstone, wolfram, quartz, mica, steatite, fluor-spar. Sec. The Cornish tungsten is accompanied with iron-stone and hema- tite. It is found in Cornwall, Sweden, Saxony, and Germany. It is distinguish'- ed from tinstone by its octahedral crys- tals, the intensity of its lustre, its hard- TUN TUN ness, and its greater specific gravity. When Bergman analyzeil this mineral, he conjectured that the basis of the acid might be a raetalUc substance. This me- talHc substance has been only found in the state of iciil, in combination with lime, iron, mangan'.'se, and lead. When it is coml'ined with lime, ills the tungsten of the Swedes ; and in combination with iron, it is called wolfram. To obtain tiiis metal from the acid, it is mixed with char- coal in a crucible, and exposed to a veiy strong heat. By tliis process the metal was obtained ia the form of a small but- ton at the bottom of the crucible, in the first experiments which were made upon it by the German chemists This crumb- led to j)ieces between the fingers ; and wlien it was f^xamined with a magnifying glass, it was found to consist of a number 6f metallic globules, none of which were larger than a pin head. The colour of this metal is a steel grey. The specific grav'ity is 17.6, or, according to othei*s, 17.22. Ii is one of the hardest of the metals. It is also one of the most infusi- ble, requiring a temperature of 170° Wedgwood. It crystallizes on cooling. When it is heated in the open air, it is readily con- verted into a yellow oxide, whicii after- wards, by a stronger heat, becomes of a black colour ; and then by combining with a greater proportion of oxygen, it assumes the character of an acid, namely, the tungstic acid, whose properties and combinations with alkalies and earths will be presently described. Tungsten combines with phosphorus, forming a phosphui'et, the properties of which are unknown. It also combines with sulphur, forming a sulphuret of a bluish black colour, and which may be crystallized. There is no action between this metal and sulphuric, nitric, or. mu- riatic acids. It is only acted on by nitro- muriatic acid at a boiling temperature, and nitrous gas is disengaged. Nothing therefore is known of tlie combinations of tungsten with the other acids. This metal combines with the other metals, and forms alloys with them. TUNGSTIC flaV/. In the year 1781, Scheele and Bergman, in investigating the nature of tung.sten by the Swedes, discovered that it is composed of lime combined with a peculiar acid. Their discovery was afterwards confirmed by several chemists, who detected the same acid in the mineral called wolfram. This acid always exists in combination with lime and iron. It may be obtained by reducing the former to a fine powder, and treating it with nitric or muriatic acids, which unite with the lime; and then by alkalies, which dissolve the acid. The alkaline solution is to be precipitat- ed by t!ie nitric or muriatic acid ; the precipitate is to be carefully washed and dried, which is the tungstic acid in the solid state, 'i'he tungstic acid thus pre- pared, is in the form of a white powder, which has an acid and metallic taste, changes the colour of vegetable blues into red, and has a specific gravity, ac- cording to Bergman, equal to 3.6. Heat- ed before the blow-pipe, the tungstic acid becomes first yellow, then brown, and at last black; it afibrds no smoke, and gives no sign of fusion. When it is Ciilcined for some time in a crucible, it is deprived of the property of dissolving in water. Exposed to the air it suffers no change. It is soluble in twenty parts of boiling water, but it is partially separated on cooling. This solution has an acid taste, and reddens the tincture of turnsole. Heated with charcoal, it is reduced, but with difficulty, to the metallic state. With sulphur and phosphorus it becomes of a grey colour, but without reduction. The acids do not dissolve the tungstic acid in the form of white powder, but they change completely its properties. The sulphuric acid changes it to a blue, and the nitric and muriatic acids convert it into a fine yellow colour. In this state it has lost its taste and solubility, has be- come specifically heavier, and has ac- quired the property of forming salts with the same bases, distinctly different from those formed with what was called the white acid. The compounds which it forms with the alkalies, earths, and me- talhc oxides, are a species of neutral salts; but the chemical combination is not fully completed to hide the alkaline properties of the former. In forming these com- pounds, it is the only property in which it agrees with the acids. The compounds are denominated tungstatts, TUNNAGE is used for a custom or im- post, payable to the crown, for goods and merchandize imported or exported, and is to be paid after a certain rate for every tiui thereof. This duty, as well as that of poundage, was first granted for life to King Charles II. and has been continued in the same manner to his royal succes- sors, down to his present majesty King George III. TUNNEL net, a net for taking par- tridges, which should not exceed fifteen TUR TUR ieet in length, nor be less than eighteen inches in breadth, or opening, for the en- trance. TUPIPORA, in natural history, a genus •f the Vermes Zoophyta ; animal a ne- reis ; coral consisting of erect, hollow, cylindrical, parallel, aggregate tubes. Tliere are ten species, of which we no- tice T. musica, with fasciculate connect- ed tubes, and transverse, distinct, mem- branaceous dissepiments. It inhabits the Indian and American seas, fixed to rocks and other corals : it is of a bright scarlet colour, consisting of an assortment of ' upright parallel tubes, rising over each other by stages like cells of an honey- comb, divided by common transverse partitions. The Indians use it in cases of stranguary, and wounds inflicted by venomous animals. TURBITH mineral. If sulphuric acid and mercury, namely, three parts of acid and two of mercury, be exposed for a longer time to the action of heat, a great- er proportion of sulphuric acid is de- composed, and the mercury combines willi a greater proportion of oxygen. Tiie salt thus obtained possesses different pro- perties from the former. It crystalUzes in small prisms, and when it is neutral- ized it is of a dirty white colour ; but if it be obtained in the dry state, it is pure white, and in this state it is combin- ed witli an excess of acid. It is then de- liquescent in the air ; but in the neutral state it undergoes no change. When hot water is added to this salt, it is converted into a yellow powder, which has been long distinguished by the name of tur- peth mineral. TURBO, in natural history, ivreath ,- a genus of the Vermes Testacea class and order : animal a hmax ; shell univalve, spiral, solid ; aperture contracted, orbi- cular, entire. This is a very numerous genus, divided into sections. A. pillar- margin of the aperture dilated imperfo- rate. B. solid imperforate. C. soHd perforated. D. cancellate. E. Tapering. TURDUS, the thrush, in natural histo- ry, a genus of birds of the order Pas- seres. Generic character : bill straitish, upper mandible somewhat bending, and notched near the point ; nostrils oval, and half-covered with a small membrane, or naked ; mouth ciliated with a few bristles at the corners ; tongue jagged. There are one hundred and twenty-two species enumerated by Latham, and one hundred and thirty-five by Gmelin, of which we shall notice the followincr: VOL. vr. T. yiscivorus, or the missel-lhrUsh, This bird is well known throughout Eu- rope, and some think confined to it. In England it is stationary, in some other countries migratory. It builds its nest of moss and leaves in low trees, or rather shrubs, and lays four e^^. It feeds on the berries of holly, huwtliorn, and other trees, and on catcrj>illars and insects. It is valued for food, but far more for that melody, which ought ever to be its se- curity from the gun of the sportsman, and wijich it frequently commences so early as the very beginning of the year, ani- mating the dulness, and softening the ri- gour of the season by its delightful song. T. musicus, or the throstle, is nine inches long, and weiglis three ounces, being considerably less than the former. It breeds so early as the beginning of April, and sometimes again in each of the two following months. Its nest is made of earth, straw, and moss, and plastered inside with clay. It is never seen in companies in England, where it remains through the whole year: in France it is migratory. Its song com- mences early in the season, and continues for nine months ; and its notes are so rich and various, that, in the language of Milton, they can " charm all sadness but despair." T. pilaris, or the field-fare, is ten inches long, passes the winter in Eng- land, when the season is extremely ri- gorous, in immense flocks, but in small parties when the winter is mild. These birds are said to have been much esteem- ed for the table by the Romans. In Swe- den they build in high trees. They sub- sist principally on various sorts of ber- ries. ■ T. merula, or the black bird, is ten incheslong, and found generally through- out Europe. It is fond of sohtude, and never, or very rarely, seen in flocks. In summer it haunts orchards and gardens. In winter it secludes far from human so- ciety in the recesses of the woods. It builds in the same situation, and with the same materiajs, as the thro.stle, and may be easily reared, tamed, and taught to imitate a variety of tunes, and to articu- late words and phrases. But its natural song is far superior to all its efforts of imitation, and when listened to from a moderate distance, for its sound is very strong, has a most cheering and trans- porting effect. T. cinclus, or the water-ouzel, is ra- ther less than th^ former, is soUtary, and TUR TUR mti* with ill various parts of England, subsisting" not only upon insects but fish, which it procures by diving, and walking or running afler them at the bottom of the wacer. It is said to have been taken by a line and hook, having snatched at the bait intended for fish. It is able to sustain extreme cold, and does not quit its watery haunts till the streams are fro- zen. It builds in the banks of rivers. The musician thrush is four inches long, and a native of Cayenne, whei'e it subsists principally on ants. It never quits trees but to procure its sustenance. It is called in Cayenne the musician, by way of eminence. It is said to deUver first seven notes of the octave, and then to whistle various airs in different tones, sometimes resembling the flute, at others the human whistle ; and when it displays its most skilful efforts, it is preferred by some even to the nightingale. Its habits are solitary. T. migratorius, or the red breasted robin, is a common and familiar bird in almost every part of North America. TURKEY. See Mileagris. • TURMERIC, a root which is cultivat- ed largely in the East Indies ; consists of a large oval bulb, from which spring two or three tortuous processes, three or four inches long. It has a fragrant smell, and an aromatic taste. The yellow colour which It exhibits is easily extracted, both by water and alcohol, and is sometimes used as a dye, which is very fugitive ; therefore when employed in dyeing, it h chiefly to give a finishing gloss to the more solid colours, which soon fades a- way. The yellow of turmeric is render- ed paler by the acids, but is changed to a brick-red by the alkalies : hence its great sensibility to alkaline tests. To ap- ply it to this purpose, either a spiintuous tincture or a watery infusion may be used ; or, still niore simply, a fresh cut surface of the entire root may be wetted with distilled water, and by being rubbed dn white paper a visible yellow mai'k will Jbe made, on which a drop of tlic liquor to be examinefl may be dropped. If the quantity of alkali be very small, it re- quires a few minutes to produce the full change. TURNERA, in botany, so named in memory of William Turner, M. D. a ge- nus of the Pentandria Trigynia class and order. Natural order of Columniferae. Portulacese, Jussieu. Essential charac- ter : calyx five-cleft, funnel-form, exteri- or two-leaved ; petals five, inserted into the calyx ; stigmas multifid ; capsule one- celled, tliree-valved. 'I'here are nine species. TURNING, in mechanics, a very in- genious and useful art, by which a great variety of articles are manufactured, by cutting or fashioning them while they re- volve upon an axis or line, which in most cases remains immoveable. Every solid substance in nature may be submitted to this process, and accoi'dingly we have articles turned in the metals, in wood, in pottery, in stone, in ivory, Etc. so nume- rous, and so universally in use, that it would be superfluous to enumerate or point them out. In the present article we shall describe the art in a general way, sufficient to show its principles, and may be of utility in practice. The simplest process of turning is that of the potter, who, in the first stage of forming his ware, sticks a piece of hu- mid clay upon a wheel, or flat table, while it revolves horizontally ; and in this state of rotation of the clay, he fashions it with the greatest facility into vessels of every description. But in most operations of the an, the revolving body is cut or shaved by applying a chissel, or other suitable tool, to its surface, while in mo- tion ; a condition that requires firmness in the axis of rotation, and also that the tool itself should be steadily supported. The instrument or apparatus for these purposes, is called a Lathe. See the arti- cle. Among the gi-eat varieties of lathes, it is indispensably required, for circular turning, that the work should be sup- ported by two steady centres, or by parts equivalent to two centres, at a distance from each other in the axis of rotation, and that the tool should be supported by a steady bar, or piece, called the rest. The mechanism for causing the rotation has been described in the article just referred to. A great number of turned articles ei- ther have, or will admit of, a perforation through their axis. All wheel-work, and most of the articles turned in wood, are of this description. Clock and watchma- kers accordingly use a very cheap, sim- ple, and portable lathe, called a turn- bench, consisting ofa straight bar of iron, about five inches long, with two cross bars or heads, about two inches long, one fixed at the end of the long bar, and the other capable of being shifted by means of a socket and screw. In each of these heads is a centre -pin, terminating in a point at one end, and in a central hole at the other, like the centre-pin in the poppet head of any other lathe ; the TURNING. use of which is td afford point-centres when the points are turned towards each other, or hole-centres when the contrary is the case ; and lastly, there is a small rest with its support, slidable and adjust- able along the bar, as in another latlie. These instruments, which cost live or six shillings at the watch tool shops, will therefore support any piece of four or five inches long, and three inches diame- ter between the centres, and the method of producing the rotation is by passing the catgut string of a bow once or twice round the work, and drawing the bow backwards and forwards with one hand, while the other is employed in applying the tool. The turn-bench itself is held steady in a vice fixed to a bench or stand. Such pieces as have a hole through the centre are drawn tightly upon an arbor or mandrel, having a pulley or feml fix- ed upon it, to carry the gut or bow-string, and the mandrel itself is turned between the centres upon its own pointed extre- mities. There are mandrels fitted up in different ways for holding the work firm- ly, and if flat, at right angles to the mo- tion ; but we cannot consistently with brevity enter upon a description of them, which will immediately be understood by inspection in a workshop. The common lathe of the turners in wood, called the pole-lathe, is the same thing as the watchmakers' turn-bench, but upon a large scale, and a little varied. Instead of the horizontal bar it has two long stout bars of wood, called sheers, forming what is called the bed of the lathe, and its two poppet-heads are up- right blocks of wood, mortised in be- tween the sheei-s, above which they rise and carry the centre screws, and between which they are moveable, and may be wedged firmly at any required distance from each other. The work itself is ei- ther put between the centres, or upon a wooden mandril, and it is made to re- volve by a string or band, proceeding from a long springing pole at the ceiling or roof of the shop, round the work, and thence to a treadle or foot-board, which acts by alternate pressure from the foot, while the workman applies the cutting tool with his hands. In these, and all similar lathes, the ro- tation is made backwards and forwards ; and there are some kinds of work in which such a motion is advantageous ; but in general it is much preferable that the work should constantly revolve the same V, as shown in the lattip described im- der that article, usually known by the name of the foot-lathe. In the regular foot-lathe, work is very seldom turned between the opposite centre.s, though this method certainly affords great truth and precision. The mandrel' is here an essential part of the apparatus, which is always used. It has been shown that it is supported by a centre on tlic left hand, called the back centre, and by a steel collar in the middle poppet-head ; and that the right hand extremity, or nose of the mandrel, terminates in a screw, ei- ther convex or concave, the latter of which is preferred in the best lathes. The various description of pieces screw- ed upon the nose of the mandrel, for holding or carrying work, are called chucks, probably because the work is mostly fastened by being driven, jammed, or choked into them. When work is to be turned between centres by the foot-lathe, a centre-chuck, or steel-piece, carrying a projecting point, is screwed on the nose of the man- drel ; and as this piece is not harder than blue, and may not always screw home to exactly tiie same bearing, accurate work- men are in the habit of turning or shav- ing the point in its place, so that it shall be truly centered. The opposite centre is afforded by the moveable poppet-head, and ought to be truly in the axis ; and the mandrel is made to carry the work round by an arm and pin, or by any other ready method of connection. Work, which is not to be turned be- tween centres, is usually fastened to, or fixed in, a block or wooden chuck screw- ed on the mandrel. As it would be al- most impossible to screw a w^ooden chuck upon the convex nose of a man- drel, and take it off as occasion required during the process, without altering the position, it is found much best that the screw of the mandrel should be hollow, and a brass chuck screwed therein, hav- ing its projecting screw to receive the wooden chuck ; because, by this means, the work may be taken off repeatedly, if needful, without ever separating the brass and the wood ; and the brass and the steel will take the same position when screwed together again. Metallic or other work may be fasten- ed to a wooden chuck by cement, or by glue, or by turning a cell in the wood, and driving the work gently and careful- ly into it till fixed. The stronger, the firmer, and the bet- ter the workmanship of a lathe, the easi- er it will be to perform work with expe- TURNING. dition and truth ; but a f Qod \vork\nan will make trtie and excellent work with a very indilVerent lallie, by takint:: care to cut so little at a time that the parts oi" the engine may never be shaken out of their contact. Metallic lathes, it ever so strong-, have an elastic tremor, which makes it difficult to cut brass and bcil- metal as firmly and smoothly as in w»)()d- en lathes, but the structure of the former admits ol' greater precision and truth. In a well constructed lathe, tiie back cen- tre, the centre ot the collar, and the fore centre, or centre ottbe moveable poppet- head, ought to be in one line, parallel to the bed or sheers. To prove this by trial, set the moveable poppet-head as far to the right hand as possible, and screw a stick of wood into the nose of the man- drel : into the middle of the right hand end of the stick, or nearly so, drive a pin or other projecting ])oint, and by .gen- tle, blows against the stick, cause the point to remain steady in the axis, while the mandrel is turned round. If the cen- tre point of the moveable poppet be truly opposite to this revolving point, the three centres are in a line ; and if the same con- tinues to be the case when the face of the moveable poppet is reversed, it is a proof that the hole in the poppet is bored pa- rallel to the bed : and if the same adjust- ment continues when the stick is shorten- ed, it shows tbat the bed is straight and parallel to the axis of work. If the col- lar and back centre, and the chamfer and point of the mandrel, in a lathe, be truly formed, and set square, the rotation slowly made by hand, when the back centre is rather firmly set up, will be equally stiff in every part, and the wear- ing parts when examined, will have the same aspect, slope, and grain, in every part of their surfaces. The velocity of rotation may be ex- tremely swift in wood, slower in brass and bell-metal, still slower in cast iron, and slowest of all in forged iron or steel. The reason for these limits appears to he, that a certain time is requisite for the act of cutting to take place, and that the tool itself, if heated by rotation, will instantly become soft, and cease to cut. Steel and iron require to be kept, wetted. For rough work in wood the guage is a good tool, and after that the chisel, with its edge a little convex, rather than strait lined. The graver is commonly used for metal ; and for strong rough work, the hook tool, which is of excellent advan- tage, even in small work, on account of its extreme steadiness. When steel is to be cut extremely clean, a sharp hard tool may be useful ; but for the most part, in metallic work, even of steel, (if anneal- ed,) the hook tool, or graver, need not be harder than purple, or even blue. But to cut steel work or chill cast iron cylin- ders at a high temper, the tool must be very hard, the angle of edge obtuse, (say seventy degrees,) and the motion slow. Hitherto we have spoken of plain tiu'n- ing, which is indeed the most useful and most univenally practised. But many other nice and very ciu'ious operations are performed by this art. If the poppet- heads, supporting the mandrel, be made regularly to move from side to side, dur- ing the rotation, or the rest be made to approach to, and recede from, the work, any number of times in a turn, the cuts will not be circular, but undulating, in- dented or waved in any curve that may be required. Work of this kind, which is chiefly done in watch cases, snuff boxes, and trinkets, is called rose-work. The motion is commonly regulated by certain round plates of brass fixed on the man- drel, called roves, which have their edges waved, and are called roses. Another deviation from regular turning is effected by causing the chuck, which carries the work, to recede crosswise from the centre of the mandrel, back and forward during the rotation. The eflisct of this is, that the diameters of the work are not all equal to each other. It is practicable to produce a variety of curves in this way, but in our art the pro- cess is confined to turning ovals ; and the chuck, by which the work is made thus to slide back and forward, is called an oval chuck. Numerous geometrical figures are pro- duced by turning, by an apparatus upon the principle of the geometrical pen of Suardi, in engines which have been made for curiosity, arKl at great expense. Medallions, and other similar pieces, are produced by regulating the action of the tool in its advance to, or recess from, the face of a piece exposed to its ac- tion. If the mandrel of a lathe be made to advance and recede in the line of the ax- is, once in each turn, the cut will not be in a plane at right angles to the axis of the work, and the line traced upon the work will be an ellipsis, produced by the oblique section of a jcylinder. This kind of work is called swash-work, and may be seen in some old balustrades, where its effect is far from beii»g pleasing. The nature of the cOrve thus described, which TUR TUR we have called an ellipsis, will manifestly vary according to the law of the alternate motion in the mandrel. When the man- drel moves uniformly forward, the cut will be the common helix or screw ; and the motion is used to make screws, though not very frequently, because good turnei s can easily make them by a notch- ed cutting tool, called the screw. The act of turning is so extensively ap- plicable, that it would require a volume to describe its uses, and the methods of practising it. Every round thing which is made by human liands may be referred to this art, us one of its products. The largest columns, the most ponderous ar- tillery, and the minutest pivots of watch- work, with all wheel-work, rotatory ma- chines, vessels, &c. are worked in this method. TURNSOLE. See Litmus. TURPENTINE. See Resins. Turpentine, of which there are various kinds, are all products of some of the species of the pin us. From this genus are obtained not only turpentine, but resin, pitch, tar, &c. which are employed so ex- tensively in ship-building, and in the rig- ging also : likewise in varnishes. There are three varieties of pine tur- pentine, commonly known under that name in Europe : namely, 1. The com- mon turpentine, obtained chiefly from the pinus sylvestris (Scotch fir). 2. The Strasburgh turpentine, yielded by the pi- nus picca (silver fir). And, 3. The Ve- nice turpentine, procured from the pinus larix (larch). Of the three first mention- ed turpentines, the Venice is the thinnest and most aromatic ; the Strasburgh the next in these qualities; and the common is the firmest and coarsest. The two form- er are often adulterated by a mixture of the common turpentine and oil of turpen- tine; and it is to be observed, that the terms Venice and Strasburgh turpentine are not now appropriate, as they are pro- cured from various countries. Common turpentine is obtained largely in the pine forests in the south of France, in Switzerland, in the countries on the north of the Pyrenees, in Germany, and in many of the southern States of North America. The greater part of what is consumed in this country is imported from North America. The method of obtaining it is by making a series of in- cisions through the bark of the tree, from which the turpentine exudes, and falls down into holes, or other receptacles at the foot. The process is described very accu- rately by Duhamel and others, as pracli*' ed in the south of France. The fir is generally allowed to remain untouched till it is thirty or forty years old. WheD it is to be worked, which is early in the spring, a small hole is first made in the ground at the foot of the tree, the earth of which is well rammed, and serves as a receptacle for the juice. The coarse bark is then stripped off from the tree, a little above the hole, down to the smooth inner bark, after which a portion of the inner bark, together with a little of the wood, is cut out with a very sharp tool, so that there may be a wound in the tree about three inches square, and an inch deep. Immediately afterwards the tur- pentine begins to exude in very transpa- rent drops, which escape chiefly from the wood immediately under the inner bark. The hotter the weather is, the greater is the supply of resin ; and to facilitate the supply, the incisions are enlarged every three or four days, by cutting oft' thin slices, till at the end of the year it is about a foot and a half wide, and two or three inches deep. The whole time during which the turpentine flows is from the end of February to October. In the win- ter it entirely ceases, but in the ensuing spring a fresh incision is begun a little above the former, and managed in the same manner. This practice is continued annually for about twelve or fifteen years in some parts, and in others a shorter time, on the same side of the tree, till the later incisions are so high as to be out of reach without the assistance of steps ; af- ter which the contrary side of the tree is begun upon, and worked in a similar manner for as many years, during which time the first incisions are grown up, and are fit to be cut afresh. In this way, a healthy tree, in a favourable soil, may be made to yield from six to twelve, or more, pounds of turpentine annually, sometimes for a century ; and even the timber is not soon injured by this constant drain. The flow of turjjentine discontinues altogether about October, and the liquid resin col- lected during the year, from each tree, is put together for further purification. But a considerable quantity of tiie resin has concreted during that time around the in- cision, particularly as the heat declines ; and in the winter, when it has hardened considerably, it is scraped off', and forms what is technically called barras, or in some provinces galipot, which differs from the more liquid turpentine in consist- ence, and probably contains a less pro- portion of essential oil. The galipot is TUll TWI much used In making flambeaux when mixed with suet; but the greater part of it, as well the hquid turpentine, is subject- ed to further processes. The Slrasburgh turpentine, the produce of the silver fir, is the most fragrant of all the pine turpentines, and only inferior to the true Chio ; but it is not often seen in the shops. It is obtained by rude incision of the bark by the peasants in the vast pine forests on the western Alps. Tiie first cut is made as high as the hatchet will reach, and these arc renewed annually from above downwards to within a foot of the ground. But the finest kind of tur- pentine yielded by this tree, is that which exudes from soft tubercles, or swellings of the inner bark. The peasants carry with them a large cow's horn, with the point of which they pierce these tuber- cles, and collect the juice in its hollow. The true Venice turpentine, or resin of the larch, is obtained from the Tyrol and Savoy, and also from Dauphiny, by boring holes about an inch in diameter, with a gentle descent, in the most knotty parts of the tree. To these are adapted long perforated pegs, which serve as gutters to convey the juice into troughs placed be- neath. It is yielded during the whole of the summer, and is simply purified by straining through hair sieves. A full grown larch will sometimes yield seven or eight pounds of turpentine annually for forty or fifty years. TURQUOISE. The colour of this sub- stance is pale sky-blue, passing into indi- go-blue, and pale apple-green. It occurs in mass, or disseminated. Its fracture is even. Its hardness is nearly equal to that of glass; it is difficultly frangible. Specific gravity 3.12. Before the blow- pipe its colour changes to greyish-white, and it becomes friable, but it does not melt. It is soluble in nitro -muriatic acid, and the European varieties are so in nitric acid; this menstruum, however, has no action on the Persian turquoises. It is composed, according to Bullion la Grange, of Phosphate of lime ... 80 Carbonate of lime ... 8 Phosphate of iron, with a") g trace of manganese . 3 Phosphate of magnesia . 2 Alumina 1 Water 6 Loss 1 100 Turquoise is generally considered as fossil-bone, or ivory penetrated by oxide of copper; it appears, however, from the/ above analysis, that the colouring matter is phosphate of iron. The oriental tur- quoises are found near Meched in Persia, also in Mount Caucasus, in Egypt and Arabia. The occidental ones are found in Languedoc in France, and in Hungary. Turquoise was formerly in some estima- tion for rings and other articles of per- sonal ornament ; but its value has greatly declined in modern times. The colour of turquoise changes gradually by exposure to the air, from blue to green : when it arrives at this state, its commercial value is wholly extinct. TUKRITIS, in botany, toioer-mustard, a genus of the Tetradynamia Siliquosa class and order. Natural order of Sili- quosse, Cruciformes, or Cruciferx. Essen- tial character : silique very long, angular; calyx converging, erect; corolla erect. There are eight species. TURRiEA, in botany, a genus of the Decandria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Trihilatse. Melise, Jus- sieu. Essential character: calyx five- toothed ; petals five ; nectary toothed, cylindrical, bearing the anthers at the mouth between the teeth ; capsule pen- tacoccous ; seeds two. There are five .species. TUSCAN 07^dei\ m architecture, the first, simplest, and most massive of the five orders. TUSSILAGO, in botany, colfs-foot, a genus of the Syngenesia Polygamia Su- perflua class and order. Natural order of Compositae Discoidex. Corymbiferae, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx scales equal, as long as the disk, somewhat membranaceous ; down simple ; recepta- cle naked. There are fourteen species. TWILIGHT, that light, whether in the morning before sun-rise, or in the even- ing after sun-set, supposed to begin and end when the least stai-s that can be seen by the naked eye cease, or begin to ap- pear. By means of the atmosphere iH Imppens, that though none of the sun's direct rays can come to us after it is set, yet we still enjoy its reflected liglit for some time, and night approaches by de- grees ; for after the sun is hidden from our eyes, the upper part of our atmos- phere remains for some time exposed to its rays, and from thence the whole is il- luminated by reflection. But as the sun grows lower and lower, that portion of the atmosphere which is above our hori- zon, becomes enlightened till the sim has TWI TYC got eighteen degrees below it; after which it ceases to be illuminated thereby, till it has got within as many degrees of the eastern side of the horizon ; at which time It begins to illuminate the atmo- sphere again, and in appearance to dif- fuse its light throughout the heavens, which continues to increase till the sun be up. Hence it is, that during that part of tlie year in which the sun is never eighteen degrees below our hoi'izon, there is a continued twilight from sun- setting to sun-rising. Now tliat part of the year in the latitude of London is, while the sun is passing from about the fifth degree of Gemini to the twelfth of Cancer ; that is, from the middle of May to the middle of July. As the twilight depends on the quan- tity of matter in the atmosphere fit to re- flect the sun's rays, and also on the height of it (for the higher the atmosphere is, the longer will it be before the upper parts of it will cease to be illuminated,) the duration of it will be various. For instance, in winter, when the air is con- densed with cold, and the atmosphere upon that account lower, the twihght will be shorter ; and in summer, when the li- mits of tiie atmosphere are extended by the rarefaction and dilatation of the air of which it consists, the duration of the twilight will be greater. And for the hke reason, the morning twilight, the air be- ing at that time condensed and contract- ed by the cold of the preceding night, will be shorter than the evening one, when the air is more dilated and ex- panded. The beginning and end of twilight has been variously stated, by different ob- servers ; but, in our latitude, it may be said to begin and end when the sun is about eighteen degrees below the hori- zon : hence, when refraction is allowed for, the atmosphere must be capable of reflecting sensible light at the height of about forty miles. The duration of twi- light is greater or less, as the sun moves more or less obliquely with respect to the horizon : hence it is shortest near the time of the equinoxes, because the equi- noxial intersects the horizon less oblique- ly than any lesser circle parallel to it. Dr. Long has calculated the duration of twihght, in different latitudes, and for the several different dechnations of the sun : the result he laid before the public in the following table, where the letters c d sig- nify that it is then continual day ; c n con- tinual night ; and 70 n, that the twilight ksts the whole night : 3 1 S 9 OC a-. W KD 03 C^ OC * 0 0 ^0tOH*H*tOlOtO3 0:. — oowootooP ^ H- H- H- H- H- H- ^ F* 00 0 H-t— H-H*H-H-tOp* 0 (--h-H-H*H-t3K)?' Ot.^*t^4^O»H-03 3 *>- c7>H**>.<:n60C^3 • 8 to wtoiOio ^ ^ 9" H* ^D g Or ^^^o^o^^to^ ^ P" Ot § .a.C0tO03^ ^ ^ P' Oi 01 00 3 3 S ? 8J OH-COi^^ 0 0 P" to 00 ^ H- ^ ^ 3 0 vOH-c^^^oor' ^3 •-' _ ^ ^ 3 -^lO*n of a naval armament, or that part wlvch leads the way to battle, or advances first in the order of saihng. / VANDELLIA, in botany, a genus of the Didynamia Angiospermia class and order. Natural order of Personatse. Scro- phularix, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx four-parted ; corolla ringent; fila- ments the two outer from the disk of the lip of the corolla ; anthers connected by pairs ; capsule one-celled, many-seeded. There are two species, viz. V. diffusa, and V. pratensis. VANGUEIIIA, in botany, a genus of the Pentandria Monogynia class and or- der. Natural order of Aggregatae. Ru- biaceae, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx five-toothed ; corolla tube globu- lar, with a hairy throat ; stigma bilamel- late ; berry inferior ; four or five-seeded. There is but one species, viz. V. edulis, supposed to be a native of Ciiina. VAPOUR, in meteorology, a thin hu- mid matter, which, being rarefied to a certain degree by the action of heat, ascends to a particular height in the at- mosphere, where it is suspended, until it returns in the form of dew, rain, snow, kc. On this subject we refer our readers to the articles Evapoiiation and Metkoii. OLoor, and sliall make a few additional observations on dew, which is a pheno- menon proper to clear weather. It be- gins to be deposited about sun-set, is most constant in vailics, and on plains near rivers, and other collections of wa- ters, and abounds on tliose parts of the sui-face which are clotiied with vegeta- tion. It is often suspended when rain is approaching, as likewise in windy wea- tlier, and before thunderstorms; an un- usually copious deposition however some- times precedes rain. The following is said to be the usual appearance in the valley through which the Thames passes. After a clear warm day there is gradually formed on the horizon a continuous haze, rising sometimes to a considerable height, and often tinged by the setting sun with a fine gradation of red and violet shades. This is the precipitated water become faintly visible in its descent. Dew is al- ways to be found on the grass by the time that this haze has become conspi- cuous, and its abundance is proportioned to the density and permanence of the latter. The following facts are deserving of notice. In this country the dew is observed more copiously in the mornings of spring and summer than at other times in the year. Sometimes, however, in autumn and winter, an abundant dew is deposited in the night. In countries nearer the equator, the dews are generally observed in the morning throughout the wliole year ; and in some places they are so very copious as in a great measure to supply the deficiency of rain, which sel- dom falls in those places. The conden- sation of the vapour which forms the dew mostly takes place while the sun is below the horizon ; the greatest deposi- tion taking place soon after the setting of the sun. In cloudy weather there is little or no dew deposited : the most considerable quantity is observed in a morning, subsequent to a clear, still, and cool night, which has followed a pretty warm day. The lower parts of bodies that are exposed to the ambient air are first covered with dew\ The most singu- lar circumstance is, that dew is not depo- sited upon all kinds of substances indis- criminately : it falls upon certain bodies much more abundantly thfin on others, and upon some even not at all. The drops of dew attach tliemselves to glass, crystals, and porcelain, much more rea- dily than to other bodies ; next to these come the leaves of vegetables, wood, especially when varnished, and common earthen warej but the dew adheres least VAR VAR of all to all sorts of metallic bodies. We may now notice Mr. Dalton's observa- tions, which are the result of a variety of well conducted and very accurate expei'i- me^ts on this subject. 1. That aqueous ^vapour is an elastic vapour svi geiieris, diftusiblein the atmospliere, but forming no chemical combination with it. 2. That temperature alone limits the maximum of vapour in the atmosphere. 3. That there exists at all times, and in all places, a quantity of aqueous vapour in the atmo- sphere, variable accortling" to circum- stances. 4. That whatever quantity of aqueous vapour may exist in the atmo- sphere at any time, a certain tempera- ture may be found, below which a por- tion of that vapour would unavoidably fall, or be deposited, in the form of rain or dew, but above which no such dimi- nution could take place with chemical agency. This point may be called the extreme temperature of vapour of that density ; and 5. That whenever any body colder than the extreme temperatiu'e of the existing vapour, is situated in the at- mosphere, dew is deposited upon it, the quantity of which varies as the surface of the body, and the degree of cold be- low the extreme temperature. The reader may be referred to an excellent and elaborate article on this subject in Br. Rees's New Cyclopedia, a work, of ■which it may be fairly and honourably said, that as it advances in its progress, it increases in merit and reputation. VARIABLE quantities, in geometry and analytics, denote such as are either con- tinually increasing or diminishing ; in op- position to those which are constant, re- maining always the same. Thus, the ab- scisses and ordinates of an ellipsis, or other curve line, are variable quantities, because they vary or change tlieir magni- tudes together. Some quantities may be variable by themselves alone, while those connected with them are constant : as the abscisses of a parallelogram, whose ordinates may be considered as all equal, and therefore constant. The diameter of a circle, and the parameter of a conic section, are constant, while their abscisses are variable. Variable quantities, (see FtuxToss,) are usually denoted by the last letters of the alphabet z, y, x, while the constant ones are denoted by the first letters a, b, c. VARIANCE, in law, signifies any alter- ation of a thing formerly laid in a plea, or where the declaration in a cause diffei*s from the writ, or from the deed upon which it is grounded. If there be a vari- ance between the declaration and the writ, it is error, and the writ shall abate ; and if there appear to be a material vari- riance between the matter pleaded and tbe manner of pleading it, this is not a good pica, for the manner and matter of pleading ought to agree in substance, or there will be no certainty in it. Cro. Jac. 479. VARIATION of curvature, in geometty, is used for that inequality or change, which happens in the curvature of all curves except the circle ; and this varia- tion, or inequality, constitutes the quality of the curvature of any line. Sir Isaac Newton makes the index of the inequality or variation of curvature, to be the ratio of the flu.xion of the radius of curvature to the fluxion of the curve; and Mr. Maclaurin, to avoid the perplexity that different notions, connected with the same terms, occasion to learners, ,has adapted the sam? definition ; but he sug- gests, that this rat'o gives rather the vari- ation of the ray of curvature, and that it might have been proper to have measur- ed the variation of curvature, rather by the ratio of the fluxionof curvature itself to the fluxion of the curve: so that the curvature being inversely as the radius of the curvature, and consequently its fluxion as the fluxion of the radius itself directly, and the square of th<^ radius in- versely, its variation would havt been di- rectly as the measure of it, according to Sir Isaac's definition, and inversely, si«'the square of the radius of curvature. VAniATioiy of the needle, in magnetism. Although the north pole of the magnet in every part of the world, when sus- pended, points towards the northern parts, and the south pole to the southern parts, yet it seldom points exactly north and south. The angle, in which it devi- ates from due north and south, is called " The variation of the needle," or, " The variation of the compass," and this varia- tion is said to be east or west, according as the north pole of the needle is eastwai*d or westward of the meridian of the place. This deviation from the meridian is not the same in all parts of the world, but is different in different places, and it is al- most perpetually varying in the same place. When the variation was first ob- served, the north pole of the magnetic needle declined eastward of the meridian of London, but it has since that time been changing towards the west ; so that in the year 1657, the needle pointed due north and south ; at present, it declines towards the west between 24° and 25°, VAR VAR and it seems to be still advancing west- ward. VARIEGATION, among botanists and florists, the act of streaking or diversify- ing the leaves, &.c. of plants and flowers with several colours. Variegation is either natural or artificial. Of natural va- riegation there are four kinds ; the first showing itself in yellow spots here and there, in the leaves of plants, called by gardeners the yellow bloach. The se- cond kind, called the white bloach, marks the leaves with a great number of white spots, or stripes ; the whitest lying next the surface of the leaves, usually accom- panied with otlier marks of a greenish white, that lie deeper in the body of the leaves. The third, and most beautiful, is where the leaves are edged with white, being owing to some disorder or infection in the jidces, which stains the natural complexion or verdure of the plant. The fourth kind is that called the yellow edge. VARIGNON (Petek,) in biography, was born at Caen in 1654. He was the son of an architect, and intended at an early age for the church. Accident threw into his way a copy of Euclid's Elements, which gave him a strong bias towards Uiathematical learning. So intent was he in the pursuit of science, that he abridged himself of tlie necessaries of life, to pur- chase books to aid him in the pursuit. From his relations he met with much op- position, because they imagined that geo- metry and algebra would ill accord with the course of theological studies. While he was at college he became acquainted with the Ahh6 St. Pierre ; and in their application to learning, they were mutu- ally serviceable to one another. The abbe, to enjoy more of V^arignon's com- pany, determined to lodge with him ; and sensible of his merit, he i-esolved to give him a fortune, that he might fully pursue the bent of his genius, and improve his talents; and out of only 1800 livres a year, which he had himself, he conferred 300 of them upon Varignon. The abb6, persuaded that he could not do better than go to Paris to study philo- sophy, settled there in 1686, with M. Va- rignon, in the suburbs of St. Jacques. There each studied in his own way ; the abbe applying himself to the study of men, manners, and the principles of go- vernment ; whilst Varignon was wholly occupied with the mathematics. •' I," says Fontenelle, " who was their countryman, often went to see them, sometimes spending two or three days with them. Thev had also room for a couple of visitors, who came from the same province. We joined together with the greatest pleasure. We were yoiuig, full of the first ardour for knowledge, strongly united, and, what we were not then perhaps disposed to think so great a happiness, little known. Varignon, who had a strong constitution, at least in his youth, spent whole days in study, without any amusement or recreation, except walking sometimes in fine weather. I have heard him say, that in studying after supper, as he usually did, he was often surprised to hear the clock strike two in the morning ; and was much pleased that four hours rest were sufficient to refresh him. He did not leave his studies with that heaviness which they usually create ; nor with that weariness which a long ap- plication might occasion. He left off gay and lively, fill d with pleasure, and impa- tient to renew it. In speaking of mathe- matics, he would laugh so freely, that it seemed as if he had studied for diversion. No condition was so much to be envied as his ; his life was a continual enjoyment, delighting in quietness." In the solitary suburb of St. Jacques he formed, however, a connection with many other learned men ; as Du Hamel, Du Verney, De la Hire, &.c. Du Verney often a.sked his assistance in those parts of anatomy connected with mechanics : they examined together the positions of the muscles, and their directions ; hence Varignon learned a good deal of anatomy from Du Verney, which he repaid by the application of mathematical reasoning to that subject. At length, in 1687, Varignon made him- self known to the public by a treatise on new mechanics, dedicated to the Acade- my of Sciences. His thoughts on the sub- ject were, in effect, quite new. He dis- covered truths, and laid open their sour- ces. In this work he demonstrated the necessity of an equilibrium, in such case.s as it happens in, though the cause of it is not exacly known. This discovery Varignon made by the theory of com- pound motions, and is what this essay- turns upon. This new treatise on mecha- nics was greatly admired by the mathe- maticians, and procured the author two considerable places, the one of geometri- cian in the Academy of Sciences, the other of professor of mathematics in the college of Mazarine ; to this honour he was the first person raised. Varignon catched eagerly at the sci- ence of infinitesimals as soon as it appear- ed in the world, and became one of its VAll VAR most early cultivators. Severe and unre- mitted study injured his health veiy much, and in 1705 he had a dang^erous illness, which confined him to his bed many months, and the effects of wliich he did not recover for three years. Indeed it can scarcely be said that he ever per- fectly regained the vigour which lie had formerly enjoyed. He could not lay aside his stucUes, and these were deemed in- compatible with his health. He died in 1722 : by Fontenelle he is described as an excellent man, not apt to be jealous of the fume of others ; he was as simple in Lis manners as his understanding was su- perior. He was at the head of the French anathematicians, and one of the best in Europe. He was apt to be over hasty when a new object presented itself; and too impetuous towards those who oppos- ed him. His works, wliich were published separate!}^, were " Projet d'une nouvelle Mechaniciue," 4to. " Des nouvelles Con- jecture sur la Pesanteur." " Nouvelle Alechanique ou Statique." Besides a vast number of sepai-ate memoirs. VARNISH. Lac varnishes, or lacquers, consist of different resins in a state of so- lution, of which the most common are, mastich, sandarach, lac, benzoin, copal, amber, and asphaltum. The menstrua are either expressed or essential oils, as also alcohol. For a lac varnish of the first kind, the common painter's varnish is to be united by gently boiUng it with some more mastich or colophony, and then di- luted again with a little more oil of tur- pentine. The latter addition promotes both the glossy appearance and drying of the varnish. Of this sort is the amber varnish. To make this varnish, half a pound of amber is kept over a gentle fire in a covered iron pot, in the lid of which there is a small hole, till it is observed to become soft, and to be melted together into one mass. As soon as this is perceived, the vessel is taken from off the fire, and suf- fered to cool a httle ; when a pound of good painter's varnish is added to it, and tJie whole suffered to boil up again over the fire, keeping it continually stirring. After tiiis, it is again removed from the fire ; and when it is become somewhat cool, a pound of oil of turpentine is to be gradually mixed with it. Should the var- nish, when it is cool, happen to be yet loo thick, it may be attenuated with more oil of turpentine. This varnish has al- ways a dark-brown colour, because the amber is previously half-burned in this operation ; but if it be required of a bright colour, amber-powder must be di-s- solved in transparent painter's varnish, in Papin's machine, by a gentle fire. As an instance of the second sort of lac varnishes with ethereal oils alone, may be adduced the varnish made with oil of turpentine. For making this, mas- tich alone is dissolved in oil of turpentine by a very gentle digesting heat, in close glass vessels. This is the varnish used for tlie modern transparencies employed as window-blinds, fire-screens, and for other purposes. These are commonly prints, coloured on both sides, and afterward coated with this varnish on those pai-ts that are intended to be transparent. Sometimes fine thin calico, or Irish hnen, is used for this purpose ; but it requires to be primed with a solution of isinglass, before the colour is laid on. Copal may be dissolved in genuine Chio turpentine, according to Mr. Shel- drake, by adding it in powder to the tur- pentine previously melted, and stirring till the whole is fusetl. Oil of turpentine may then be added, to dilute it sufficient- ly. Or the copal in powder may be put into a long-necked matrass with twelve parts of oil of turpentine, and digested several days on a sand-heat, frequently shaking it. This may be diluted with one fourth or one fifth of alcohol. Metallic vessels, or instruments, covered with two or three coats of this, and dried in an oven each time, may be washed with boiling water, or even exposed to a still greater heat, without injury to the var- nish, A varnish of the consistence of thin turpentine is obtained for aerostatic ma- chines, by the digestion of one part of elastic gum, or caoutchouc, cut into small pieces, in thirty-two parts of recti- fied oil -of turpentine. Previously to its being used, however, it must be passed through a linen cloth, in order that the undissolved parts may be left behind. The third sort of lac-varnishes consists in the spirit -varnish. The most solid re- sins yield the most durable varnishes ; but a varnish must never be expected to be harder tlian the resin naturally is of which it is made. Hence, it is the height of al^surdity to suppose that there are any incombustible varnishes, since there is no such thing as an incombustible re- sin. But the most solid resins by them- selves produce brittle varnishes : there- fore something of a softer sub.stance must always be mixed with them, whereby this brittleness is diminished. For this purpose, gum elemi, turpentine, or bal- VARNISH. sam of capaiva, are jemployed in proper proportions. For the solution of these bodies the strongest alcohol ought to be used, which may very properly indeed be distilled over alkali, but must not have stood upon alkali. The utmost simplicity in composition, with respect to the mim- ber of the ingredients in a formula, is the result of the greatest skill in the art; hence it is no wonder, that the greatest part of the formulas and recipes that we meet with are composed without any principle at all. In conformity to these rules, a fine co- lourless varnish may be obtained, by dis- solving eight ounces of gum sandarach and two ounces of Venice turpentine in thirty-two ounces of alcohol by a gentle heat. Five ounces of shell-lac and one of turpentine, dissolved in thirty-two ounces of alcohol by a very gentle heat, give a harder varnish, but of a reddish cast. To these the solution of copal is undoubt- edly preferable in many respects. This is eftected by triturating an ounce of pow- der of gum copal, which has been well dried by a gentle heat, with a drachm of camphor, and, while these arc mixing to- gethei", adding by degrees four ounces of the strongest alcohol, without any diges- tion. Between this and the gold varnish there is oidy this difference, that some substances that communicate a yellow tinge are to be added to the latter. The most ancient description of two sorts of it, one of which was prepared with oil, and the other with alcohol, is to be found in " Alexius Pedemontanus Dei Secreti," Lucca, of which the first edition was published in the year 1557. But it is better prepared, and more durable, when made after the following prescription : Take two ounces of shell lac, of arnatto and turmeric of each one ounce, and thir- ty grains of fine dragon's blood, and make an extract with twenty ounces of alcohol in a gentle heat. Oil varnishes are commonly mixed im- mediately with the colours, but lac or lac- quer varnishes are laid on by themselves upon a burnished coloured ground: when they are intended to be laid upon naked wood, a ground should be first given them of strong size, either alone or with some earthy colour, mixed up with it by levigation. The gold lacquer is simply rubbed over brass, tin, or silver, to give them a gold colour, Pere d'Incarville has informed us, that die tree wliich affords the varnish of Clii- na is called tsichou bv the Chinese. This tree is propagatc'cfby offsets. When tlie cultivator is desirous of planting it, he takes a branch, which he wraps up in a mass of earth, by means of flax. Care is taken to moisten tiiis earth ; the branch pushes out roots, and is then pruned and transplanted. This tree grows to the size of a man's leg. The varnish is drawn in spring. If it be a cultivated tree, it affords three ga- therings. It is extracted by inci?ions made in the spring; and when the var- nish, which is received in shells, does not flow, several hog's bristles, moistened with water or saliva, are introduced into the wound, and cause it to run. When the tree is exhauiited, the upper part of it is wrapped in straw, which is set on fire, and causes the varnish to precipi- tate to the bottom of the tree, where it flows out of perforations made for that purpose. Tho.se who collect the varnish set out before day-break, and place their shells beneath the apertures. The shells arc not left longer than three hours in their place, because the heat of the sun would evaporate the varnish. The varnish emits a smell, which the workmen are very carefid to avoid res- piring. It produces an effect which they call the bud of the varnish. When the varnish issues from the tree it resembles pitch. By exposure to the aip, it gradually becomes coloured, and is, at last, of a beautiful black. The juice which flows from incisions made in the trunk and branches of the rhus toxicodendron possesses the same properties. It is a white milky fluid, which becomes black and thick by the contact of the air. To make the varnish bright, it is eva- porated by the sun ; and a body is givea to it with hog's gall and sulphate of iron. The Chinese use the oil of tea, which they render drier by boiling it with orpi- ment, realgar, and arsenic. To varnish any substance, consists in applying upon its surface a covering of such a nature, as shall defend it from the influence of the air, and give it a shining appearance. A coat of varnish ought, therefore, to possess the following properties : 1. It must exclude the action of the air; be- cause wood and metals are varnished to defend them from decay and rust. 2. It; must resist water ; for otherwise the ef- fect of the varnish could not be perma- nent. 3. It ought not to alter such co- VAR VAT lours as are intended to be preserved by this means. It is necessary, tkerefore, that a var- nish sliould be easily extended oi- spread over the surfiice, without leaving pores or cavities; that it should not crack nor scale ; and that it should resist water. Now resins are the only bodies that pos- sess these properties. Resins, consequently, must be used as the bases of varnish. The question which of course presents itself must be, then, how to dispose them for this use ; and for this purpose they must be dissolved, as minutely divided as possible, and com- bined in such a manner, that the imper- fections of those which might be dis- posed to scale may be corrected by o- thers. Resins may be dissolved by three agents : L By fixed oil. 2. By volatile oil. 3. By alcohol. And accordingly we have three kinds of varnish : the fat or oily varnish, essential varnish, and spirit var- nish. Before a resin is dissolved in a fixed oil, it is necessary to render the oil dry- ing. For this purpose the oil is boiled with metallic oxides, in which operation the mucilage of the oil combines with the metal, while the oil itself unites with the oxygen of the oxide. To accelerate the drying of this varnish, it is necessary to add oil of turpentine. The essential varnishes consist of a so- lution of resin in oil of turpentine. The varnish being applied, the essential oil flies off*, and leaves the resin. This is used only for paintings. When resins aie dissolved in alcohol, the varnish dries very speedily, and is subject to crack ; but this fault is correct- ed by adding a small quantity of turpen- tine to the mixture, which renders it brighter, and less brittle when dry. The coloured resins, or gums, such as gamboge, dragon's blood, &c. are used to colour varnishes. To give lustre to the varnish after it is laid on, it is rubbed with pounded pumice- stone and water ; which being dried with a cloih, the work is afterward rubbed with an oiled rag and tripoli. The surface is, last of all, cleaned with soft linen cloths, cleared of all greasiness with powder of starch, and rubbed bright with the palm of the hand. Varnish also signifies a sort of shin- ing coat, wherewhh potter's, ware, delft- ware, china-ware, &c. are covered, which gives them a smoothness and lustre. Melted lead is generally used for the first, and smalt for the second. See Enamelling. Varnish, among medalists, signifies the colours antique medals have acquired in the earth. The beauty which nature alone is able to give to medals, and art has never yet attained to counterfeit, en- hances the value of diem ; that is, the colour which certain soils in which they have a long time lain tinges the metals withal ; some of which are blue ; others with an inimitable vermilion colour ; others with a certain shining polished brown, vastly finer than Brasil figures. VARRONIA, in botany, so named from Marcus Terentius Varro, a genus of the Pentandria Monogynia class and or- der. Natural order of Asperifolise. Bor- raginex, Jussieu. Essential character: corolla five-cleft ; drupe with a four-celled nut. There are nine species. VAS, a vessel either for mechanical, chemical, culinary, or any other uses. lo- anatomy, all the parts which convey a fluid are called vessels, as the veins, arte- ries, and lympliatics. VASA concordi(e, among hydraulic au- thors, are two vessels, so constructed as that one of them, though full of wine, will not run a drop, unless the other, being- full of water, do run also. VASE, a term frequently used for an- cient ves^els dug from under ground, or otherwise found, and preserved in the ca- binets of the curious. In architecture, the appellation vase is also given to those ornaments placed on corniches, sochles or pedestals, representing the vessels of the ancients, particularly those used in sacrifice ; as incense pots, flower-pots, &c. They serve to crown or finish fa- cades, or frontispieces ; and hence called acroteria. The term vase, however, is more particularly used in architecture to signify the body of the Corinthian and Composite capital; otherwise called the tambour or drum, and sometimes the campana or bell. VATERIA, in botany, so named from Abraham Vater, professor of medicine and botany at Witteberg, a genus of the Polyandria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Gutliferse, Jussieu. Es- sential character : calyx five-cleft ; corol- la five-pelalled; capsule three-valved, one- celled, three seeded. There is only one species; viz.Y. indica. VATIC A, in botany, a genus of the Do- decandria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Guttiferae, Jussieu. Es- sential character : calyx five-cleft; petals five } anthers fifteen, sessile, four-celled. i VEG VEG There is but one species, viz. V chinen- sis, a very rare plant, and as yet scarcely known. VATICAN, a ma.^nificent palace of the Pope, in Rome, which is said to consist of several thousand rooms ; but the parts of it most admired are, the grand stair- case, the Pope's apartment, and especial- ly the library, v hich is one of the richest in the world, boih in printed books and manuscripts. VAULT, in architecture, an arched roof, so contrived that the stones which form it sustain each other. V^aults are, on many oi:casions, to be preferred to soffits, or flat ceilings, as they give a great- er heigiit and elevation, and are besides inore firm and duraule. VECTOR, or Radius Vector, in astrono- my, is a line supposed to be drawn from any planet moving round a centre, or the focus of an ellipse, to that centre, or fi .. cus. It is so called, because it is that line by which the planet seems to be car- ried round its centre ; and with which it describes areas proportional to the times. VEblR, a sea term, variously used. Thus veering out a rope, denotes the let- ting it go by hand, or letting it run out of itself. It is not used tor letting out any running rope except the sheet. VEGETABLE. See Botany, Plant, &c. A vegetable is composed of a root, stem, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds ; and when all these different parts are ful- ly developed, the vegetable is said to be perfect. When any are deficient, or at least less obvious, the vegetable is said to be imperfect. The root is that part of the plant which is concealed in the earth, and wiiich serves to convey nourishment to the whole plant. The stem, which commences at the termination of the root, supports all the^ther pals of the plant. When the stem is large and solid, as in trees, it is denominated the trunk, which is divided into the wood and the bark. The bark constitutes the outermost part of the tree, and covers the whole of the plant from the extremity of the roots to the termination of the branches. The bark is composed of three parts, naniely, the epidermis, the parenchyma, and cor- tical layers. The epidermis, which is a thin transparent membrane, forming the external covering of the bark, is compo- sed of fibres crossing each other. When the epidermis is removed, it is reproduc- ed. The parenchyma, which is immedi- ately below the epidermis, is of a dark- green colour, composed of fibres crossing VOL. VI. each other in all directions, and is succur lent and tender. The cortical layers which constitute the interior part of the bark are con.pos- ed of thin membranes, and increase i\\ number with the age of the plant. The wood immediately under the bark is com- posed of concentric layers, which increase with the age of the plant, and may be se- parated int thinner layers, which are composed of longitudinal fibres. The wood next the bark, which is softer and whiter, is called the alburnum The in- terior part of the trunk is browner and harder, and is denominated the perfect wood. In the middle of the stem is the pith, U'hich is a soft, spongy substance,: com- posed of cells. In old wood this part en- tirely disappears, and its place is occu- pied by the perfect wood. The leaves are composed of fibres ar. ranged in the form of net-work, which proceed fiom the stem and footstalk, by which they are attached to the branches. These fibres form two layers in each leaf, which are destined to perform different functions. Tlie leaves are covered with the epidermis, which is common to the whole of the plant. Each surface of a leaf has a great number of pores and glands, which absorb or emit elastic fluids. Flowers are composed of different parts. The calyx or cup is formed by the exten- sion of the epidermis ; the corolla is a con» tinuation of the bark, and the stamina and pistilla, the internal parts of fructifica- tion, are composed of the woody fibres and pith of the plant. Fruits are usually composed of a pulpy, parenchymatous substance, containing a great number of vesicles, and traversed by numerous ves- sels. Seeds are constituted of the same utricular texture, in the vesicles of which is deposited a pulverulent or mucous sub- stance. These cells have a communica- tion with the plants by means of vessels, and by these is conveyed the necessary nouristtment during germination. Plants contain different orders of ves- sels, which are distinguished from each other by their course, situation, and uses. Lymphatic vessels serve for the circulation of the sap. They are chiefly siiuated in the woody part of the plant. The pecu- liar vessels which generally contain thick or coloured fluids, are placed immediate- ly under the bark ; they are smaller in number than the sap vessels, and have thin interstices filled up with utriculi or cells, with whieh they form a communi- 3 0 VEG VEL cation. Some of these proper vessels are situated between tlie epidermis and ilie bark, which are readily detected in \he spriui?. Some are situated in the interior part of the bark, forming oval rings, and filled with the pecuhar juices of tlie plant. Another set of proper vessels is placed in the alburnum, nearer the centre of the stock or trunk, and sometimes in tiie perfect wood. The utricidi or cells constitute another set of vessels, which seem to resemble a flexible tube, slightly interrupted vvitii ligatures at nearly equal distances, but stiil preserving a hee com- munication through its w'hole length They vary inform, colour, and magnitude, in different vegetables, and exist in the roots, the baik, leaves, and flowers. The trachea, or spii al vessels, which are readi- ly detected in succulent plants, appear in the form of fine threads, and may be drawn out to a considerable length with- out breaking. These vessels are very numerous in all plants, especially under the bark, where tl)ey form a kind ot ring, and are disposed >ii distinct bundles, in trees, shrubs, and stalks of herbaceous plants. Vegetable ac/Ws, in chemistry. The acids which exist in many vegetables are at once recognized by their taste. These acids were formerly denominated es.sen. tial salts of vegetables, and it was sup- posed, that all essential salts were the same, and were composed of tartar, or . vinegar. But Scheele's discovery of the citric, malic, and gallic acids, which pos- sessing distinct properties from those of tartaric and acetic acids, proved the con- trary. Some vegetables contain only one acid, as oranges and lemons, which con- tam citric acid only. In other vegetables two acids are found, as in gooseberries and currants, the malic and citric acids ; and sometimes three, as the tartric, citric, and malic acids, which exist together in the pulp of the tamarind. As the acids which exist in vegetables have been al- ready described, under their respective heads, it is now only necessary to enume- rate the vegetable acids, specifying at the same time some of the plants from which they are obtained. Acetic acid has been discovered in the sap of some trees, and in the acid juice of cicer ariclinum. Oxalic acid exists in combination with potash, in the leaves of the oxalis acetosella, or wood-sorrel. In other species belonging to the same ge- nus, and in some species ofruniex, it is in the state of accidulous oxalate of potash. Oxalate of lime has been found in the root of rhubarb. Citric acid is found in the juice of oianges and lemons, in the berries of Iwo species of vaccinium, See. ?»Ialic acid exists unmixed with other acids, in ifie apple, the barberry, plum, sloe, elder, Sec In the gooseberry, in the cherry, strawberry, currants, and some other fruits, malic and citric acids are fcnmd nearly in equal proportions. Malic acid has been found n)ixed with tartaric acid in the agave Americana, and in the pulp of tamarinds, along with citric acid. Vauquelin found it combined with lime, formijig a malate of lime, in the semper- vivum tectorum, or house-leek. Gallic acid is found in a great number of plants and in them it exists chiefly in the bark. Benzoic acid is found in benzoin, balsam of ToUi and Peru, liquid styrax, cinna- mon, and vanilla. Fourcroy and Vau- quelin suspect that it exists in tiie anlhox- anthum odoratum, or sweet-scented grass, which communicates the aroma- tic flavour to hay. Frussic acid has been found in the leaves of the lauro-cerasus and peach, in bitter almonds, in the ker- nels of apricots, and it is stipposed that it exists also in the ken els of peaches, of plums, and cherries. It is obtained from the kernels of apricots, by distilling wa-, ter off them with a moderate heat ; and if lime be added to the concentrated infu.sion of bitter almonds, a prussiate of lime is formed. Phosphoric acid has been found in different parts of pla^.ts ; but it is gene- rally combined with lime, forming aphos-, phaie of lime. VEIN, in anatomy, is a vessel which carries the blood from the several parts of the body to the heart. The ve ns are composed principally of a membranaceous a vasculous, and a musculous tunic : but these are vastly thinner than in the arlcr ries. See Artery. VELESIA, in botany, so named from Christoval Velesitis, examiner, first phy- sician, and demooblrator of botany, in the College of Apothecaries at Madrid, a ge- nus of the Fentandria Digynia class and order. Natural order of Caryophyllei. Caryoph) Ilea:, Jussieu. Essential charac- ter : calyx filiform, five-toothed ; corolla five-petalled, small ; capsule one-celled; seeds numerous, in a single row. There iti but one species, viz. V. rigida, a native of the Soutli of Europe. VELLA, in botany, a genus of the Te- tradynaniia Siliculosa class and orde/. Natural order o! Sil qnosa or Cruciiormes, Crucifera:, Jussieu. Essential character : silicle with a partiiion twice as large as the valves, ovate on the outside- There VEL YEN are two species, viz. V. annua, annual vella or cress rocket; and V. pseudo cytisus, shrubby vella. VELOCITY, swiftness, or that afiec- tion of motion whereby a moving body is disposed to run over a certain space in a certain time. In the doctrine of fluxions it is usual to consider the velocity with which magni- tudes flow, or are generated. Thus, the velocity with which a line flows, is the same as that of tiie point, which is suppos- ed to describe or generate the line. The velocity with which a surface flows, is the same as the velocity of a given right line, that, by moving parallel to itself, is supposed to generate a rectangle, always equal to the surface. The velocity with which a solid flows, may be measured by the velocity of a given plain surface, that, by moving parallel to itsell, is supposed to generate an erect prism, or cyinider, always equal to tlie solid. The velocity with which an angle flows, is measured by the velocity of a point, supposed to describe the arc of a given circle, which subtends the angle, and measures it. All these velocities are measured at any term of the time of ihe moiion, by the spaces which would be desci ibed in a given lime by these points, lines, or surfaces, with their motions continued uniformly from that term. The velocity with which a quantity flows, at any term of tlie time while it is supposed to be generated, is called its tiuxion. See Fluxions. Velocity of bodies muving in curves. According to Galileo's system of the tall of heavy bodies, which is now universally admitted among pjiilosophers, the veloci- ties of a body falling vertically are, at each moment of its fall, a.s the square roots of the heights from whence it has faUeii; reckoning from the beginning of the descent. And hence he inferred, that if a body descend along an inclined plane, the velocities ii has, at the difl'eient limes, will be in the same ratio : for since its ve- locity is all owing to its fall, and it only fells as much as tliere is perpendicular height in the inclined plane, the velocity should be still measured by that height, the same as if tfie fall were vertical. The same principle led him also to conclude, that if a body fall through several conti- guous inclined planes, making any angles with each other, much like a stick when broken, the velocity would slill be regu- lated after the same manner, by the ver- tical heights of the dii!'erent planes taken together, considering the last velocity as the same that the body would acquire by a fall through the same perpendiculai- heigiit. 'I'his conclusion continued to be acqui- esced in till the year 1672, when it was demonstrated to be false, by James Gre- gory, who shows what the real velocity is, which a body acquires by descending down two contiguous mclincd planes, forming an obtuse angle, and that il is difl'erent from the velocity which a body acquires by descending perpendicularly through the same height ; also that the velocity in quilling the first plane, is to that will) which it enters the second, and in this latter direction, as radius to the co- sine of the ai>gle of inclination between the two planes. This conclusion, however, it is observ- ed, does not apply to the motions of de- scent down any curve lines, because the contiguous parts of curve lines do not form any angle between them, and conse- quently no part of the velocity is lost by passing from one part of the curve to the other; and hence he infers, that the Velocities acquired in descending down a continued curve line, are the same as by failing perpendicularly through the same heiglit. Tliis principle is then applied, by the author, to the moiion of pendulums and projt-ciiles. Varignon too, in the year 1693, follow- ed in ihe same track, showing that the velocity tost in passing from one right lined direction to anolher, becomes in- deflnitely small in the course of a curve line; and that therefore the doctrine of Galileo iiolds good tor tlie descent of bo- dieso the velveting, of this stuff, is formed of apart of ihe threads of the warp, which tile workman puts on along nanow-chunnelled rtiier or needle, which he afierwaids cuts, by drawing a sha'p steel tool along the channel of the needle to the ends of the warp. VEXEl'.L'ilNG, 01- Vaxeering, a kind of inlaying, whereby several thin slices or leaves of line woods, of diflierent kinds, are applied and fastened on a ground of some common wood. Tliere are two kinds of inlaying; the one wluch is the most comuKm and moie ordinary, goes no fur- ther than the making of compartments of VEN- VEN different woods; the other requires much more art, in re|)resenting' fiovvers, birds, and the like figures. The first kind is properly called veneering ; the latter is more properly called marquetry. The wood used in veneering is first sawed out into slices or leaves about a line in thick- ness : i. e. the twelfth part of an inch. In order to saw them, the blocks, or planks, are placed upright in a kind of sawing press These slices are afterwards cut into narrow slips, and fashioned divers ways, according to the design proposed ; then the joints luiving been exactly and nicely adjusted, and the pieces brought down to their proper thickness, with se- veral planes for the purpose, they are glued down on a ground or block, with good strong glue. The pieces being thus join- ed and glued, the work, if small, is put in a press ; if large, it is laid on a bench co- vered with a board, and pressed down with poles on pieces of wood, one end of which reaches to the ceiling of the room, and the other bears ontheboard. When tlie glue is thoroughly dry, it is taken out of the press and finished; first with little planes, then with divers scrapers, some of which resemble rasps, winch take off the dents, &c. left by the planes. After it has been sufficiently scraped, they polish it with the skin of a sea-dog, w ax, and a brush, or polisher, of shave grass ; which IS the last operation. VENTER, is used in the law for the children by a woman of one marriage. There is a first and second venter, &.c, where a man hath children by several wives. VENTILAGO, in botany, a genus of the Pentandria Monogynia class and or- der. Essential character : calyx tubular; corolla scales protecting the stamens, which are inserted into the calyx; sa- mara winged at the top, and one seeded. There is only one species, viz. V. made- raspatana. VENTILATOR, a macliine by wliich the noxious air of any close place, as an hospital, jail, ship, chamber, &,c. may be chan^vv'fi for fresh air. VENl RE inspicieiido, a writ to search a woman that saith she isMvith child, and thereby withholds lands from the next heir. As if a man, having lands in fee-simple, die, .^n.l his widow soon after marry again, Hi.d say she is with child by her for,i)er husband ; in this case, this writ de -Jicntre rnsplciendo lies for the heir against her; by wliich writ the sheriff is cororoanded, that in' presence of twelve iftejj, a«id as many women, he cause exa- mination to be made, whether the wo- man is with child or not ; and if with child, then about what time it will be born ; and that he certify the same to the justices of the assize, or at Westminster, under his seal, and under the seals of two of the men present. Cro. Elizabeth, 506. This writ is now granted, not only to an heir at law, but to a devisee, whether for life, in tail, or in fee. VENTRILOQUISM, an art of speak- ing, by means of which the human voice and other sounds are rendered audible, as if they proceeded from various different places; though the utlerer does not change his place, and in many instances does not appear to speak. It has been supposed to be a natural peculiarity, be- cause few, if any, persons have learned it by being taught ; and we have had no rules laid down for acquiring it. It seems to have been in consequence of this no- tion, that the name ventriloquism has been applied to it, from a supposition that the voice proceeds from the thorax or chest. It has seldom been practised but by per- sons of the lower classes of society ; and us it does not seem to present any advan- tages beyond that of causing surprize and entertainment, and cannot be exhibited on an extended theatre, the probability is that it will continue amongst them. Mr. Gough, in the Manchester Me- moirs, and in various parts of Nicholson's •fovirnal, has entertained the opinion, that tlie voice of ventriloquists is made to pro- ceed, in appearance, from different parts of a room by the management of an echo. But the facts themselves do not support this hypothesis, as a great and sudden variety and change of echoes would be required ; and his own jridicious remark.s,. in the same work, on the facility with wliich we are deceived as to the direc- tion of sound, are adverse to his theory. From numerous attentive observations, it appears manifest that the art is not pe- culiar to certain individuals, btit may with facility be acquired by any person of accurate observation. It consists merely in an imitation of snuuds, as they occur in nature, accompanied with approjiriate action, of such a description as may best concur in leading the minds of the ob- servers to favour the decepti(m. Any one who shall try, will be a little surprisedto find how easy it is to imitate the noise made by a saw, or by a snuff- box wlien opened or shut, or by a large hand-bell, or a cork-cutter's knife, a watch while going, and numberless other inanimate objects; or the voices of ani- i VENTRILOQUISM. mal.s in their various situations and neces- sities, such as a cat, a dot^, or an hen en- raged, intimidated, confined, &c. ; or to vary the character of'the human voice by shriHucss or depth of tone, rapidity or dmwling of execution, and distinctness or imperfection of articulating, which may be instantly changed by holding the mouth a little more open or more closed than usual, altering the position of the jaw, keeping the tongue in any determi- nate situation, &c. And every one of the imitations of the ventriloquists will be rendered more perfect by practising them at the very time the' sounds are heard, instead of depending on the me- mory. The leading condi^'on of per- formance isi that the voices and sounds of the dramatic dialogue to be exhibited, should succeed each other so rapidly that the audience should lose sight of the pro- bability that one actor gives effect to the wliole, and that where the business is simple, the aid of scenery or local cir- cumstance should be called in. We have seen an eminent philosopher of our own time, who had no previous practice of this art, but when speaking on the subject in a mixed company, took up an ha', and folding the flaps together said, by way of example, " Suppose I had a small monkey in this hat;" and then cautiously putting his hand in, as if to catch it, he imitated the chatter of the supposed struggling animal, at the same time that his own ellbrts to secure it had a momentary impression on the specta- tors, which left no time for them to ques- tion whether there was a monkey in it or not : this impression was completed, when, the instant afterwards, he pulled out his hand as if hurt, and exclaimed "he his bit me." It was not till then that the impression of reality gave way to the diversion arising from the mimic art; and one of the company, even then, cried out, " Is there really a monkey in the hat ?" In this manner it was that, at the be- ginning of the last century, the famous Tom King, who is said to have been the first man who gave public lectures on ex- perimental philosophy in this country, was attended by the whole fashionable world, for a succession of many nights, to hear him " kill a calf." This per- formance was done in a separate jiart of the place of exhibition, into which the exhibitor retired alone ; and the imagi- nation of his polite hearers was taxed to supply the calf and three butchers, be- sides a dog who sometimes raised hi». voice, and was checked for his unnecessa- rv exertions. It appears, from tradition- al narrative, that the calf was heard to be dragged in, not without some efforts and conversation on the psu-t of the butchers, and noisy resistance from the calf; that they conversed on the qualities of the animal, and the profits to be expected from the veal ; and tliat, as tlie} proceed- ed, all the noises of knife and steel, of suspending the creature, and of the last fatal catastrophe, were heard in rapid succession, to the never-failing satisfac- tion of the attendants ; who, upon the rise of the curtain, saw tliat all these imaginary personages had vanished, and Tom King alone remained to claim the applause. A similar fact may be quoted in the person of that facetious gentleman who has assumed and given celebrity to the name of Peter Pindar. This great poet, laughing at the proverbial poverty of his profession, is sometimes pleased to en- tertain his friends with unexpected effu- sions if the art we speak of One of these is managed by a messenger an- nouncing to the Doctor (in the midst of companv) that a person wants to speak with him ; he accordingly goes out, leav- ing the door a-Jar, and immediately a fe- male voice is heard, which, from the na- ture of the subject, appears to be that oF the Poet's laundress, who complains of her pressing wants, di a ^pointed claims, and of broken promises, no longer to be borne with patience. It is more easy to imagine than describe the mixed emo- tions of the audience. The scene, how- ever, goes on by the Doctor's reply, who remonstrates, promises, and is rather an- grv at the time and pl.-ice of this unwel- come visit. His antagonist unfortunately is neither mollified nor disposed to quit her ground. Passion increases on both sides, and the Doctor forgets himself so far as to threaten the irritated female ; she defies him, and this last promise, very unlike the former ones, is followed by payment ; a severe slap on the face is heard; the poor woman falls down stairs, with horrid outcries ; the company, of course, rises in alarm, and the Doctor is found in a state of perfect trunquillity, apparently a stranger to the whole trans- action. A very able ventriloquist, Fitz James, performed in public, in Soho Squai-e, about four years ago. He personated va- rious characters by appropriate dresses j VEJN YEN and by a command of the muscles of llie fuce he could very much alter his iippear- ance. He imitated many inanimate noises, and among others, the repetition of noises of the water-machine at Marli. He con- versed with some statues, which replied to him; and also with some persons sup- posed to be in the room above, and on the landing- place ; gave the watchman's cry, gradually approaching, and when he seemed opposite the window, Fitz- James opened it, and asked what the time was, received tlie answer, and dtir- ing the proceeding with his cry, Fitz- James shut the window, immediately up- on which the sound became weaker, and at last insensible. In the whole of his performance it was clear that the notions of the audience were governed by the auxiliary circumstances, as to direction, &.C. This mimic had, at least, six differ- ent habitual modes of speaking, which he could instantly adopt one after the other, and with so much rapidity, that when in a small closet, parted off in the room, he gave a long, confused, and im- passioned debate of Democrats (in French, as almost the whole of his per- formance was) ; it seemed to proceed from a multitude of speakers : and an in- accurate observer might have thought that several were speaking at once. A ludicrous scene of drawing a tooth was performed in the same manner. These examples, and many more which might be added, are sufl^cient, in proof, that venti-iloquism is the art of mimicry, an imitation applied to sounds of ever}' de- scription, and attended witii circumstan- ces which produce an entertaining decep- tion, and lead the hearers to imagine that the voice proceeds from different situa- tions. When distant, and consequently low voices are to be imitated, the articu- lation may be given with sufficient dis- tinctness, without moving the lips or al- tering the countenance. It was by a sup- posed supernatural voice of this kind, from a ventriloquist, that the famous musical small-coal man, Thomas Britton, received a warning of his death, which so greatly aflected him that he did not sur- vive the aflFright. VENUE, the neighbourhood from whence juries are to be summoned for trial of causes. In local actions, as of trespass and ejectment, the venue is to be from the neighbourhood of the place, where the lands in question lie ; and in real actions the venue must be laid in the county where the thing is for which the action is brought ; but in transitory ac- tions, for injuries that may have hai)pened any where, as debt, detinue, slander, or the like, the plaintive may declare in what county he plea.ses, and then the trial must be in that county in which the de- claration is laid. Though if the defendant will make affidavit that the cause of ac- tion, if any, arose not in that, but in ano- ther county, the court will direct a change of the venue, and oblige the plaintiff to declare in the proper county. And the court will sometimes move the venue from the proper jurisdiction (especially of the narrow and limited kind), upon a suggestion duly supported, that a fair and impartial trial cannot be had therein. With respect to criminal cases, it is or- dained by statute 21 James I. c 4, that all informations on penal statutes shall be laid in the counties where the offences were committed. VENUS, the most beautiful star in the heavens, known by the names of the morning and evening star, likewise keeps near the sun, though s!)e recedes from him almost double the distance of Mer- cury. She is never seen in the eastern quarter of the heavens when the sun is in the western ; but always seems to at- tend him in the evening, or to give no- tice of his approach in the morning. The planet Venus presents the same pheno- mena with Mercury : but her different phases are mtich more sensible, her os- cillations wider, and of longer duration. Her greatest distance from the sun varies from 45° to nearly 48°, and the mean du- ration of a complete oscillation is 584 days. Venus has been sometimes seen moving aci*oss the sun's disc in the form of a round black spot, with an apparent diameter of about 59^'. A few days after this has been observed, Venus is seen in the morning, west of the sun, in the form of a fine crescent, with the convexity turned toward the sun. She moves gra- dually westward with a retarded motion, and the crescent becomes more full. In about ten weeks she has moved 46° west of the sun, and is now a semicircle, and her diameter is 26.' She is now station- ary. She then moves eastward, with a motion gradually accelerated, and over- takes the sun about 9| months after hav- ing been seen on his disc. Some time after she is seen in the evening, east of the siui, round, but very small. She moves eastward, and increases in diameter, but loses of her roundness, till she gets about 46° east of the sun, when she is again a semicircle. She now moves westward, increasing in diameter, but becoming a YEN VER crescent like the waning moon ; and, at last, after a period of nearly 584 days, comes again into conjunction with the 'sun with an apparent diameter of 59". She does not move exactly in the plane of the ecliptic, but deviates from it several degrees. Like Mercury, she sometimes crosses the sim's disc. The duration of these transits, as observed from different parts of the earth's surface, are very dif- ferent: tliis is owing to the parallax of Venus, in consequence of wiiich different observers refer to diflerent parts of the sun's disc, and see her describe different chords on that disc. In the transit which happened in 1769, tlie difl'ercnce of its duration, as observed at Otaheite and at Wardhuys in Lapland, amounted to 23 minutes, 10 seconds. This difference gives us the parallax of Venus, and of course her distance from the earth during a conjunction. The knowledge of this parallax enables us, by a method to be afterwards described, to ascertain that of the sun, and consequently to discover its distance from the earth. Tiie great vari- ations of the apparent diameter of Venus demonstrate that her distance from the earth is exceedingly variable. It is largest when the planet passes over the surface of the sun. Her mean anparent diameter is 58". Venus, as we have already observed, is occasionally seen in the disc of the sun, in form of a dark round spot. This hap- pens when the earth is about her nodes at the time of her inferior conjunction. These appearances, called transits, hap- pen but very seldom. During the last century there were two transits, one in June, 1761, and the other in 1769 : no other will occur till the writers and most of the present readers of this Dictionary shall be no more, viz. in 1874. Excepting such transits as these, Venus exhibits the same appearances to us regularly every eight years ; her conjunctions, elonga- tions, and times of rising and setting being very nearly the same, on the same days, as before. From the transit of Venus in 1761 was deduced tlie sun's parallax, and of course his distance from 'the earth with very great accuracy. See Philosophical Transactions, vol. li. and lii. On the day of the transit, when the sun was nearly at his greatest distance from the earth, the .parallax was found to be 8" 52'" ; there- fore, at his mean distance it will he 8" 65'". Whence, by logtuithms, wc have ia;000, &c— 5.622 (sii^e of 8" 65"')=, 4.376=23882.84, the number of scmi- diaraeters of die earth contained in its dis- tance from the sun. This last numbei', multiplied by 3985, the number of miles in the earth's semi-diameter, gives 95,173- 122 miles for the mean distance of the earth from the sun. This being obtained, we easily, by calculation, find the dis- tances of all the other planets. Other ob- ser\'ers made the parallax somewhat dif- ferent, but it was generally admitted that this distance is somewhere between 9.5 and 96 millions of niiles. Vknus, in natural history, a genus of the Vermes Testacea class and order. Animal a tethys ; shell bivalve, the frontal mar- gin flattened with incunibent lips ; hinge with three teeth, all of them approximate, the lateral ones divergent at the tip. There are nearly two hundred species, in sections. A. Shell somewhat heart- shaped. B. Orbicular. These are found in different parts of the world. V. verru- cosa inhabits the MecUterranean, Ei^glish, and Antilly coasts : thick, two inches long, and as much broad ; sometimes marked with a few brown spots and rays. V. mercenaria, or clam, is the species which abounds in the bays of the United States ; is edible, and is brought to mar- ket in great quantities. VERATRUM, in botany, a genus of the Pol} gamia Monoecia class and order. Na- tural order of Coronuriae. Junci, Jussieu. Essential cliaracter : calyx none ; corolla six-pet ailed ; stamina six : hermaphro- dite, pistils three ; capsule many-seeded : male, rudiment of a pistil. There are four species. VERB. See Grammau. VERUASCUM, in botany, vmllien, a genus of the Pentandria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Luridae. So- laneae, Jussieu. Essential character : co- rolla wheel-shaped, a little unequal ; capsule two-celled, two-valved. There are nineteen species. VERBENA, in botany, ven'ain, a ge- nus of the Diandria Monog^'nia class and order. Natural order of Personatse. Vitices, Jussieu. Essential character: corolla 'funnel-shaped, almost equal, curved ; calyx one of the teeth truncate ; seeds two or four, naked, or very thinly arilled ; stamina two or foiii-. There are twenty-three species. VERBESINA, in botany, a genus of the Syngenesia Polygamia SuperHua class and order. Natural order of Compositx Oppositifolise. Corymbiterse, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx a double row; florets of the ray about five ; pappijii av.'ned ; receptacle chaffy. Therfe are twelve species. VER VER VERDICT, the answer of a jury made upon any cause, civil or criminal, com- mitted by the court to their examina- tion; an(l this is two-fold, general or spe- cial. A g-eueral verdict is that which is given or brought into tlie court in hke general terms to the general issue; as, giiilty or not guilty generally. A special verdict is, when llie}- say at large that such a tiling they find to be done by the defendant, or tenant, so declaring the course of the fact, as In their opinion it is proved ; and as to the law upon the fact, they pray the Judgment of the court : and this special verdict, if it contain any ample declaration of the cause from the begiiwiing to tlie end, is also called a ver- dict at laVge. A special verdict is usually found where tliere is any difficulty or doubt, respecting tlie laws, when the jury state tlie facts as proved, and pray the advice of the court thereon. A less expensive ai>d more speedy mode, how- ever, is to hnd a verdict generally for the plaintiff, sul)ject, nevertheless to the opinion of the judge, or the court above, or a special case drawn up and settled by counsel on both sides. VEUDITER, a kind of mineral sub- stance, sometimes used by the painters, &c. for a blue ; but more usually mixed with a yellow for a green colour. YEUDOY, in heraldry, denotes a bor- dure of a coat of arms, charged with any kinds or parts of flowers, fruits, seeds, plants, &c. VERGE, signifies the compass of the King's court, which bounds the jurisdic- tion of the Lord Steward of the House- hold ; and which is thought to have been twelve miles round. The term verge is also used for a stick or rod, 'whereby one is admitted tenant to a copyhold estate, by holding it in his hand, and swearing fealty to tlie lord of the manor. VER(JERS, certain officers of the courts of King's Rcnch and Common Pleas, whose business it is to carry white wands before the judges. There are also vergers of cathedrals and collegiate churches, who carry a rod tippe«l with silver before the bishop, dean, Sec. VERGETTE, in herakhy, denotes a pallet, or small pale ; and hence a shield, divided by such pallets, is termed ver- gette. VERIUICE, a liquor obtained from ' grapes or appks, unfit for wine or cyder ; or from sweet ones, whilst yet acid a]|d unripe. Its chief use is in sauces, ragouts. &c. though it is also an ingredient in sonro medicinal compositions, and is used by the wax-chandlers to purify their wax. VERMES, in natural history, the last class of the animal kingdom, according to the Linnaean system. 'I'he aninials in this class are not merely those commonly known by the name of worms, but like- wise those which have the general cha- racter of being " slow in motion, of a soft substance, extremely tenacious of life, capable of re-producing such parts of their body as may have been Uiken away or destroyed, and inhabiting moist places.** There are five oi-ders in this class, viz. the Infusoria Intestina Moliusca T<'stacea Zoopliyta These atiimals are generally considered as the lowest in the scale of animiuetl be- ing. The simplicity of their form, the humility of their station, and the low de- gree of sense and motion which they seem to enjoy, have rendered them objects of but little attention to mankind in general, excepting as they contribute to the sup- ply of their wants, or to render them- selves formidable, by the pain and distress which they occa.sion to those bo is the length of 1°, in pth parts of an inch. But as every degree contains n times such parts, therefore n = 0.01745329 X RXp. VOL. VT The most commodious perceptible di- vision is 3 or — - of an inch, o lU Example. Suppose an instrument of 30 inches radius, into how many convenient parts may each degree be divided .-' how many of these parts are to go to the breadth of the vernier, and to what parts of a degree may an observation be made by that instrument ? Now, 0.01745 X R = 0.5236 inches, the length of each degree : and if p is supposed about — of an inch for one divi- o sion ; then 0.5236 X p == 4.188 shows the number of such parts in a degree. But as this number must be an integer, let it be 4, each being 15' ; and let the breadth of the vernier contain 31 of those parts, or 7-^°, and be divided into 30 parts. 1 1,11 Here;i=-;m = 3-;then-X3^j- = — of a degree, or 30^, which is the least part of a degree that instrument can show. If n = -, and m =: ^r^-; then -Xtt-= 5 36 5^36 of a minute, or 20'', 5 X 36 VERONICA, in botany, speedwell, a ge- nus of the Diandria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Personatae, Pe- diculares, Jussieu. Essential character : corolla four-cleft, wheel-shaped, with the lowest segment narrower ; capsule supe- rior, two-celled. There are fifty- seven species. VERSED sine of a7i arch, a segment of the diameter of a circle, lying between the foot of a right sine, and the lower extremity of the arch. VERT, in heraldry, the term for a green colour. It is called vert in the bla- zon of the coats of all under the degree of nobles ; but in coats of nobility, it is called emerald ; and in those of kings, Venus. In engraving, it is expressedby diagonals, or lines drawn athwart from right to left, from the dexter chief corner to the sinister base. A'^ERT, or Greex hue, in forest law, any thing that grows and bears a green leaf witmn the forest, that may cover a deer. This is divided into over-vert and nether- vert ; ovef-vert is the great woods which, in law-books, are usually called hault- bois ; nether-vert is the underwoods, otherwise called sub-bois. We sometimes also meet with special vert, which de- notes all trees growing in the king'.s woods within the forest ; and those which 3 V YES TIB "April 26th, in the evening-, at nine o'clock, true time, I succeeded in effect- ing the measurement of Vesta, with the same power of 288, by means of the thirteen feet reflector, with which that of Ceres, Fallas, and Juno, had been made ; and when viewed by this reflector, it also appeared exactly in the same manner. Of several illuminated discs, of 2.0 to 0.5 decimal lines, which I had before made use of for measuring the satellites of Saturn and Jupiter, the smallest disc only of 0.5 lines could be used for this purpose ; by it the rounded nucleus of the planet Ve.sta, when the disc was at the distance of 611.0 lines from the eye, appeared almost of tlie same size, and I must even estimate its diameter as one- sixth smaller. If, therefore, we attend, not to the full magnitude of the projec- tion, but the estimation just mentioned, it follows, by calculation, that the appa- rent diameter of the planet Vesta is only 0.488 seconds, and consequently, only half of what I have found to be the appa- rent diameter of the fourth satellite of Saturn. This extraordinary smallness, with such an intense, radiant, and un- steady light of a fixed star, is the more remarkable, as, according to the preli- minary calculations of Dr. Gauss, there can be no doubt that this planet is found in the same region between Mars and Ju- piter, in which Ceres, Pallas, and Juno, perform their revolutions round the sun; that, in close union witli them, it has the same cosmological origin ; and that, as a planet of such smallness and of so very intense light, it is comparatively near to the earth. This remarkable circumstance will no doubt be ])roductive of important cosmological observations, as soon as the elements of the new planet have been sulTiciently determined, and its distance from the earth ascertained by calcula- tion." Much of what is said of Vesta is appli- cable to the other small planetary bodies referred to in this article. VESTRY, a place adjoining to a church, where the vestments of the minister are kept ; also a meeting at such place, where the minister, churchwardens, and princi- pal men of most parislies, at this day, make a parish vestry. On tlie Sunday be- fore a vestry is to meet, public notice ought to be given, either in the church, or after divine service is ended, or else at the church door, as the parishioners come out, both of the calling of the meeting, and also the time and place of the assem- bling of it ; and it is reasonable then also to declare for what business the meeting IS to be held, that none may be surpri.5ed, ; but that all may have fud time before, to consider of what is to be proposed at the j meeting. i VESUVIAN, in mineralogy, a species j of the Flint genus ; it is of a dark olive- ' green, which passes into a blackish green, j h occurs massive, often crystallized. ^ Specific gravity about 3.5. Before the ' blow-pipe, it melts without addition, into ! a yellowish and faintly translucent glass. ; It is found among the exuvise of Vesu- ■ vius, in a rock composed of mica, horn- ' blende, garnet, and calx spar, which Wer- ' ner imagines to constitute part of the pri- ; mitive mass on which that volcanic moun- -\ tain rests. It has also been found in Sibe- ria, and in Kamtschatka. At Naples it is ^ cut into ring stones, and is sold under ; various names. Two specimens have been * analyzed by Klaproth ; the results are as 4 follow : * Vesuvian of Vesuviu s. Silica 35.50 j Lime 33.00 1 Alumina 22.25 i Oxide of iron .... 7.50 Oxide of manganese . 025 Loss ... 1.50 100.00 i Vesuvian of Siberia. Silica 42.00 Lime 34.00 Alumina . ... 16.25 Oxide of iron . . . 550 Loss . . . 2.25 100 00 VESUVIUS, a famous volcano, or burning mountain, situated only six miles east of the city of Naples, in Italy. See Volcano. VIBIIATION, in mechanics, a regular reciprocal motion of a body, as, for exam- ple, a pendulum, which, being freely sus- pended, swings or vibrates from side to side. Mechanical authors, instead of vi- bration, often use the term oscillation especially when speaking of a body that thus swings by means of its own gravity or weight. The vibrations of the same pendulum are all isochronal ; that is, they are per- formed in an equal time, at least in the same latitude ; fbr'in lower latitudes they are found to be slower than in higher ones. See Pendulum. In our latitude, a pendulum 39i inches long vibrates se- conds, making 60 vibrations in a minute. ; VIB VIC The vibrations of a longer pendulum take up more time than those of a sliorter one, and that in the siib-dupllcate ratio of the lengths, or the ratio of the square roots of the lengths. Thus, if one pendu- lum be 40 inches long, and another only 10 inche!> long, the former will be double the time of the latter in performing a vi- bration ; for v' 40 : v/ 10 :: v/ 4 : v/ 1, that is, as 2 to 1. And because the num- ber of vibrations, made in any given time, is reciprocally as the duration of one vi- bration, therefore tlie number of such vi- brations is in Ihe reciprocal subduplicate ratio of the lengths of the pendulums. Vibrations of a stretched chord, or string, arise from its elasticity ; vhich power being in this case similar to gravi- ty, as acting uniformly, the vibrations of a cliord follow the same laws as those of pendulums. Consequently the vibrations of the same chord, equally stretched, though they be of unequal lengths, are isochronal, or are pertbrmed in equal times ; and the squares of the times of vibration are to one another inversely as their tensions, or powers by which they are stretched. The vibrations of a spring, too, are proportional to the powers by whicii it is bent. These follow the same laws as those of the chord and pendu- lum ; and consequently are isochronal, which is the foundation of spring-watches. Vibrations are also used in physics, &c. and tor several other regular alter- nate motions. Sensation, for instance, is supposed to be performed by means of the vibratory motion of the contents of the nerves, begun by external objects, and propagated to the brain. This doctrine has been particularly illustrated by Dr. Hartley, who has extended it further than any other writer, in establishing a new theory of our mental operations. The same ingenious author also applies the doctrine of vibrations to the explanation «f muscular motion, which he thinks is performed in the same general manner as sensation and the perception of ideas. For a particular account of his theory, and the arguments by which it is supported, see his " Observations on Man," vol. 1. : see also Belsham's « Elements ;" and " In- troductory Essays to Hartley," by Dr. Priestley. VIBRIO, in natural history, a genus of the Vermes Infusoria class and order. Worm invisible to the naked eye, very simple, round, elongated. There are twenty species, described by Adams, and other authors on the microscope. VIBURNUM, in botany, laumstiiuta, a genus of the Pentandria Trigynia class and order. Natural order of Dumosx. Ca- prilolia, Jussieu. Essential character : ca- lyx five-parted, superior; corolla five- cleft ; berry one-seeded. There are twen- ty three species. VICAR, one who supplies the place of another. The priest of every parish is call- ed rector, unless the przedial tithes iwe appropriated, and then he is stiled vic;ir ; and when rectories are appropriated^ vi- cars are to Siupply the rector's place. For the maintenance of the vicar, tliere vvat then set apart a certain portion of the tithes, commonly about a third part of the whole, which are now what are called the vicarial titlies, the rest being reserved to the use of those houses whicij, for the like reason, are termed the rectorial tithes. VICARAGE. For the most part vicar- ages were endowed upon appropriations j but sometimes vicarages have been endow- ed without any appropriation of the parson- age ; and there are several churches where the tithes are wholly impropriated, and no vicarage endovv^ed ; and there the impropriators are bound to maintain cu- rates to perform divine service, &c. The parsons, patron, and ordinary, may create a vicarage, and endow it ; and in time of vacancy of the church, the patron and ordinary may do it ; but the ordinary alone cannot create a vicarage, without the patron's assent. VICE, in smithery, and other arts em- ployed in metals, is a machine, or instru- ment, serving to hold fast any thing they are at work upon, whether it is to be filed, bent, riveted, &.c. To file square, it is ab- solutely necessary that the vice be placed perpendicular, with its |chaps parallel to the work-bench. Vice, hcmd, is a small kind of vice serving to hold the lesser works in, that require often turning about. Of these there are two kinds : the broad-chapped hand-vice, which is that commonly used ; and the square-nosed hand-vice, seldom used but for filing small round work. Vice is also a machine used by the glaziers to turn or draw lead into flat rods, with grooves on each side to receive the edges of the glass. Vice is also used in the composition of 3ivers words, to denote the relation of something that comes instead, or in the place of another; as vice-admiral, vice- chancellor, vice-chamberlain, vice-presi- dent, &c. are officers who take place in the absence of admirals, &c. See the ar- ticle Admiral, &c. VIE VIE VICIA, in botany, vetch, a genus of the Diadelphia Decantliia class and order. Natural order of" Papilionaceae, or Legu- minosx. Essential character : stigma transversely bearded on tlie lower side. There are twenty-hve species. VICINAGE, in law, common of vici- nage IS, where the inhabitants of two townships, which lie contiguous, have usually intercommoned with one another, the beasts ot the one straying mutually into the other's fields without, any moles- tation from either. This, indeed, is only a permissive right, intended to excuse what, in strictness, is a trespass in both, and to prevent a multiplicity of suits ; and therefore either township may inclose and bar out the other, though they have intercommoned time out of mind. Neither has any person of one town a right to put his beasts, originally, into the other's common ; but if they escape and stray there of themselves, the law does not pun- ish trespass. VIET ARMIS, ivith force and arms, in law, are words used in indictments, de- clarations, &c. to express the charge of forcible and violent committing any crime or trespass ; but on appeal of death, on ^ killing with a weapon, the words vi et ar- rr.is are not necessary, because they are implied ; so in an indictment of forcible entry alleged to have been made mamt forti, &c. VIET A (Francis,) in biography, a very celebrated French mathematician, was born in 1540, at Fontenai, a province of France. Among other branches of learning in which he excelled, he was one of the most respectable mathematicians of the sixteenth century, or indeed of any age. His writings abound with marks of great originality, and the finest genius, as well as intense application. His appli- cation was such, that, it is said, he has sometimes remained in his study for three days together, without eating or sleep- ing. His inventions and improvements, in all parts of the mathematics, were ve- ry considerable. He was in a manner the inventor and introducer of specious alge- bra, in which letters are used instead of numbers. He made also considerable improvements in geometry and trigono- metry. He gave some masterly tracts on trigonometry, both plane and spherical, which may be found in the collection of bis works, published at Leyden in 1646, by Schooten, besides another large and separate volume in folio, published in the author's life time, at Paris, in 1579, con- taining extensive trigonometrical tables. with the construction and use of the sanae. To this complete treatise on trigonome- try, plane and spherical, are subjoined several miscellaneous problems and ob- servations, such as, the quadrature of the circle, the duplication of the cube, 8tc. Computations are here given of the ratio of the diameter of a circle to the circum- ference, and of the length of the sign of one minute, both to a great many places of figures; by which he found that the sine of one minute is between 2908881959 and 2908882056 also the diameter of a circle, being 1000, &c. that the perimeter of the inscribed and circumscribed polygon of 393216 sides, will be as follows, viz. the 11415926535 Perimeter of the inscrib- ed polygon Perimeter of the circum- ) «, . , coo<:cTr scribed polygon .. ^31415926537 and tliat therefore the circumference of the circle lies between those two num- bers. Vieta was also a profound decypherer, an accomplishment that proved very use- ful to his country. As the different parts of the Spanish monarchy lay very distant from one another, when they had occa- sion to communicate any secret designs, they wrote them in ciphers and unknown characters, during the disorders of the league : the cipher was composed of more than 500 different characters, which yielded their hidden contents to the pe- netrating genius of Vieta alone. His skill so disconcerted the Spanish councils for two years, that they published it at Rome, and other parts of Europe, that the French King had only discovered their ciphers by means of magic. He died at Paris, in the year 1603, in the sixty-third year of his age. VIEW, in law, is generally where a real action, or an action of trespass, is brought in any of the Courts of Record at Westminster, and it shall appear to the court to be proper and necessary that the jurors should have a view, they may or- der special writs of distringas or habeas corpora, to issue, commanding the sheriff to have six of the first twelve of the ju- rors therein named, or of some greater number of them, at the place in question, &c. This is done where it is of any im- portance to the determination of the cause, to be acquainted with the local VIN VIN situation and actual state of the place in* jured VILLAIN, or Villein, in our ancient customs, denotes a man of servile and base condition, viz. a bondman or ser- vant : and there were anciently two sorts of bondmen or villains in England: the one termed a villain in gross, who was immediately bound to the person of his lord and his heirs ; the other a villain re- gardent to a manor, he being bound to his lord as a member belonging and an- nexed to the manor whereof the lord was owner ; and he was properly a pure vil- lain, of whom the lord took redemption to marry his daughter, and to make him free ; and whom the lord might put out of his lands and tenements, goods and chattels, at his will, and beat and chastise, but not maim him. VINCULUM, in algebra, a mark or character, either drawn over, or including, or some other way accompanying, a fac- tor, divisor, dividend, &c. when it is com- pounded of several letters, quantities, or terms, to connect them together as one quantity, and show that they are to be multiplied, or divided, &c. together. Vi- eta first used the bar or line over the quan- tities for a vincuKim, thus a -\- b; and Albert Girard the parenthesis, thus fa -{- 6J ; the former way being now chiefly used by the English, and the lat- ter by most other Europeans. Thus a -f- 6 X c, ov fa -\- bj X c, denotes the product of c and the sum a -\- b con- sidered as one quantity. Also ^ a-{- b, or ^ fa -{- bj, denotes the square root of the sum a -\- b. Sometimes the mark : is set before a compound factor, as a vinculum, especially when it is very long, or an infinite series : thus 3a X : 1 — 2x -f 3x^—43:3 -f 5xS,&c. VINE. See Vitis. VINCA, in botany, perhmikle^ a genus of the Pentandria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Contortae. Apo- cine?e, Jussieu. Essential character : con- torted ; follicles two, erect ; seeds naked. There are five species. VINEGAR is a liquor of an agreeable smell, a pleasant and strongly acid taste, and of a hue varying from light-red to brown-straw colour; and is prepared by fermenting any substance or compound ■which has already undergone the spiritu- ous fermentation. Vinegar, therefore, may be made immediately from any wine, malt liquor, cyder, &c. ; or from the juice of the grape and other fruits ; from infu- sion of malt, or any saccharine liquid, through the intermedium of vinous fej- mentation. Both these methods are ac- tually practised with complete success. To make vinegar out of a liquor contain- ing suitable materials, it is only necessa- ry, 1st, to allow some access of air to the vessel in which it is kept ; and 2d to keep it in a temperature rather higher than that of the atmosphere in this climate, that is to say, about 75° to 80°. It is also al- most essential, where a liquor already fer- mented is employed, to add a porticm of yeast, or any other ferment ; for though any fermented liquor, if kept in a mode- rate temperature in an open vessel, will spontaneously run sour, or become chang- ed to vinegar ; this change is too gradual to produce this acid in perfection, and the first acetified portion turns mouldy before the last has become sour : but where the substance employed has not yet under- gone fermentation, the whole process of the vinous and subsequent acetous fer- mentation will goon uninterruptedly with the same ferment which at first set it in action, which happens, for example, in the making vinegar from malt, or from sugar and water. In this country vinegar is chiefly made from malt. The follow- ing is the usual process in London : A mash of malt and hot water is made, which, after infusion for an hour and a half, is conveyed into a cooler, a few inches deep, and thence, when sufficient- ly cooled, into large and deep fermenting tuns, where it is mixed with yeast, and kept in fermentation for four or five days. The liquor, (which is now a strong ale without hops) is then distributed into smaller barrels, set close together in a stoved chamber, and a moderate heat is kept up for about six weeks ; during which the fermentation goes on equally and uniformly till the whole is soured. This is then emptied into common barrels, which are set in rows (often of many hun- dreds) in a field in the open air, the bung- hole being just covered with a tile, to keep off the wet, but to allow a free ad- mission of air. Here the liquor remains for four or five months, according to the heat of the weather, a gentle fermenta- tion being kept up till it becomes perfect vinegar. This is finished in the following way : Large tuns are employed, with a false bottom, on which is put a quantity of the refuse of raisins, or other fruit, left by the makers of raisin and other home- made wines, called technically rape. These rape-tuns are worked by pairs ; one of them is quite filled with the vinegar from the barrels, and the other only VIR VIS three-quarters full, so that the fermenta- tion is excited more easily in the latter than the former ; anJ every day a portion of the vinegar is laded from one to the olher, till Ihe whole is com])letely finish- ed, and fit for sale. Yineg-ar, as well as Fruit- wines, is often made in small quanti- tiiy for domestic uses, and the process is by no means difficult. The materials may he either brown sugar and water alone, or sugar with raisins, currants, and especial- ly "ripe gooseberries: these should be liiixed in the proportions which would give a strong wine, put into a small bar- rel, which it should fill about three- fourths, and the bunghole very loosely stopped. Some yeast, or, what is better, a toast sopped in yeast, should be put in, and the barrel set in the sun in summer, or a little way from a fire in winter, and the fermentation will soon begin. This should be kept up constant, but very mo- derate, till the taste and smell indicate that the vinegar is complete. It should be poured offcl&ar, and bottled carefully; and it will keep much better if it is boiled for a minute, cooled, and strained before bottling. Vinegar contains a considera- ble quantity of colouring extractive mat- ter, from which it can only be fieed by distillation; the process of which will be clearly understood by a reference to the article Distillation. See also AcET I c acid. When vinegar is long kept, especially exposed to the air, it becomes muddy, acquires a mouldy, unpleasant smell, loses its clear red colour and all its pioperties, and finally, is changed to a slimy mucilage and water. VIOL, in music, a stringed instrument, resembling in shape and tone the violin, of which it was the origin. VIOLA, in botany, violet, a genus of the Syngenesia Monogamia class and order. I^atural order of Campanacex. Cisti, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx five- leaved ; corolla fivepetalled, irregular, horned at the back ; anthers cohering ; capsule superior, one-celled, three- valved. There are forty-three species : some of these plants are highly esteem- ed, particidarly the V. odorata, sweet, violet, for its fragrance ; it is a native of every part of Europe, in woods, among bushes, in hedges, and on warm banks, flowering early in the spring. VIOLIN. See Musical iiistrmneiits. VIOLONCELLO. See Musical instm- meiits. VIPER. See Colubkr. VIRECTA, in botany, a genus of the Pcntandria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Rubiaceoe, Jussieu. Es- sential character: calyx five-toothed, with teeth interposed ; corolla funnel-form ; stigma two-parted ; capsule one-celled, many-seeded, inferior. There are two species, viz. V. bi flora, two-flowered vi- recta ; and V. pratensis. VIUGO, in astronomy, one of the signs or constellations of the zodiac, and the sixth according to order. It is marked thus irp, and in Ptolemy's catalogue con- sists of thirty-two stars, in Tycho's of thirty-nine, and in the Britannic of eighty- nine. VIIlTUAL/oc?«s, in optics, is a point in .the axis of a glass, where the continuation of a refracted ray mehs it. VIS, a Latin word, signifying force or power ; adopted by physical v/rit{ rs to express divers kinds of natural powers or faculties. Vis impressa is defined, by Sir Isaac Newton, to be tiie action e.xercised on any body, to change its state, either in resisting, or moving uniformly in a right line. This force consists altogether in the action, and has no place in the bo- dy, after the action is ceased. See Iner- tia, &c. VISCUM, in botany, misseltoe, a genus of the Dioecia Tetandria class and order. Natural order of Aggregatae, Linnaeus. Caprifolia, Jussieu. Essential character : male, calyx four-parted ; corolla none ; filaments none ; anthers fastened to the calyx: female, calyx four-leaved, supe- rior ; corolla none ; style none ; berry one-seeded ; seed cordate. There are twelve species. VISIBLE, something that is an object of .sight or 'ision, or something whereby the eye is affected, so as to produce a sensation. The Cartesians say that light alone is the proper object of vi.sion. But accord- ing to Newton, colour alone is the proper object of sight ; colour being that pro- perty of light by which the light itself is visible, and by which the images of opaque bodies are painted on the retina. Philosophers in general had formerly taken for granted, that the place to which the eye refers any visible object, seen by reflection or refraction, is that in which the visual ray meets a perpendicular from the object upon the reflecting or the refracting plane. That this is the case with respect to plane mirrors is univer- sally acknowledged ; and some experi- ments with mirrors of other fonns seem to favour the same conclusion, and thus aftbrd reason for extending the analogy to all cases of vision. If a right line be VIS VIS held perpendicularly over a convex or concave mirror, its image seems to make one line with it. The same is the case with a right line held perpendicularly within water ; for the part which is with- in the water seems to be a continuation of that which is without. But Dr. Bar- row called in question this method of judging of the place of an object, and so opened a new field of inquiry and debate in this branch of science. This, with other optical investigations, he published in his Optical Lectures, first printed in 1674. According to him, we refer every point of an object to the place from which the pencils of light issue, or from which they would have issued, if no reflecting or refracting substance intervened. Pur- suing this principle, Dr. Barrow proceed- ed to investigate the place in which the rays issuing from each of the points of an object, and that reach the eye after one reflection or refraction, meet; and he found that when the refracting surface was plane, and the refraction was made from a denser medium into a rarer, those rays would always meet in a place be- tween the eye and a perpendicular to the point of incidence. If a convex mir- ror be used, the case will be the same ; but if the mirror be plane, the rays will meet in the perpendicular, and beyond it, if it be concave. He also determined, according to these principles, what form the image of a right line will take when it is presented in different manners to a spherical mirror, or when it is seen through a refracting medium. M. Bouguer adopts Barrow's general maxim, in supposing that we refer objects to the place from which the pencils of rays seemingly converge at their entrance into the pupil. But when rays issue from below the surface of a vessel of wa- ter, or any other refracting medium, he finds that there are always two different places of this seemingconvergence: one of them of the rays that issue from it in the same vertical circle, and therefore fall with different degrees of obliquity upon the surface of the refi'acting medium ; and another of those that fall upon the surface with the same degree of obliquity, entering the eye laterally with respect to one another. He says, sometimes one of these images is attended to by the mind, and sometimes the other ; and different images may be observed by different per- sons. And he adds, that an object plunged in water affords an example of tliis duplicity of images. From the principle above illustrated, vol.. M several remarkable phenomena of vision may be accounted for : as — That if the distance between two visible objects be an angle that is insensible, the distant bodies will appear as if contiguous : whence, a continuous body being the result of several contiguous ones, if the dis- tances between several visibles subtend insensible angles, they will appear one continuous body; which gives a pretty illustration of the notion of a continuum. Hence also parallel lines, and long vistas, consisting of parallel rows of trees, seem to converge more and more, the further they are extended from the eye ; and the roofs and floors of long extended alleys seen, the former to descend, and tlie lat- ter to ascend, and approach each other ; because the apparent magnitudes of their perpendicular intervals are perpetually diminishing, while at the same time we mistake their distance. Sec Priestley's Light and Colours. The mind perceives the distance of vi- sible objects, 1st, From the different con- figurations of the eye, and the manner in which the rays strike the eye, and in which the image is impressed upon it. For the eye disposes itself differently, according to the different distances it is to see ; viz. for remote objects the pupil is dilated, and the crystalline brougiit nearer the retina, and the whole eye is made more globous ; on the contrary, for near objects, the pupil is contracted, the crystalline thrust forwards, and the eye lengthened. Again, the distance of vi- sible objects is judged of by the angle the object makes ; from the distinct or confused representation of the objects ; and from the briskness or feebleness, or the rarity or density of the rays. To this it is owing, 1st, That objects which ap- pear obscure or confused, are judged to be more remote ; a principle which the painters make use of, to cause some of their figures to appear further distant than others on the same plane. 2d, To this it is likewise owing, that rooms whose walls are whitened, appear the smaller ; that fields covered with snow, or white flowers, appear less than when clothed with grass ; that mountains covered with snow, in the night time, appear the near- er: and that opaque bodies appear the more remote in the twilight. The magnitude of visible objects is known chiefly by the angle contained be- tween two i-ays drawn from the two ex- tremes of the object to the centre of the eye. An object appears so large as is the angle it subtends ; or bodies s^en under 3Q VIS VIS a greater tuigle, appear greater; and those under a less angle, less, he. Flence the same thing appears greater or less, as it is nearer the eye or further off'. And this is called the apparent magnitude. But to judge of the real magnitude of an object, we must consider the distance : for since a near and a remote object may apptiar under equal angles, though the magnitudes be different, the distance must necessarily be estimated, because the magnitude is great or small according as the distance is. So that the real mag- nitude is ill the compound ratio of the distance and the apparent magnitude ; at least when the subtended angle, or appa- rent magnitude is very small ; otherwise, the real magnitude will be in a ratio com- jwunded of the distance and the sine of the apparent magnitude, nearly, or nearer still itstangent. Hence, objects seen under the same angle, have their magnitudes in the same ratio as their distances. The chord of an arc of a circle appears of equal magnitude from every point in the cir- cumference, though one point be vastly nearer than another. Or if the eye be fixed in any point in the circumference, and a right line be moved round so as its extremes be always in the periphery, it will appear of the same magnitude in every position. And the reason is, because the angle it subtends is always of the same magnitude. And hence also, the eye being placed in any angle of a regular polygon, the sides of it will all appear of equal magnitude ; being all equal chords of a circle described about it. If the mag- nitude of an object directly opposite to the eye be equal to its distance from the eye, the whole object will be distinctly seen, or taken in by tlie eye, but nothing more. And the nearer you approach an object, the less part you see of it. The least angle under which an ordinary ob- ject becomes visible, is about one minute of a degree. The figure of visible objects is estimat* ed chiefly from our opinion of the situa- tion of the several parts of the object. This opinion of the situation, &c. ena- bles the mind to apprehend an external object under this or that figure, more justly than any similitude of the images in the retina with the object can ; the images being often elliptical, oblong, Sec. when the objects they exhibit to the mind are circles or sfjuares, &c. The laws of vi.sion, with regard to the figures of visible objects, are, 1. That if the centre of the eye be exactly in the direction of a right line, the line will appear only as a point 2. If the eye be placed in the direction of a surface, it i will appear only as a line. 3. Ifabody j be opposed directly towards the eye, so i as only one plane of the surface can ra- \ diate on it, the body will appear as a ; surface. 4. A remote arch, viewed by \ an eye in the same plane with it, will ap- '• pear as a right line. 5. A sphere, view- 1 ed at a distance, appears a circle. 6. ] Angular figures, at a distance, appear j round. 7. If the eye look obliquely on \ the centre of a regular figure, or a cir- ■. cle, the true figure will not be seen j but -; the circle will appear oval, &c. ^ VISION, is the act of seeing or of per- i ceiving external objects by the organ of ' sight. As every point of an object, A B ■ C, (Plate XVI. Miscel.fig. 11.), sends out . rays in all directions, some rays from | every point on the side next the eye, j will fall upon the cornea, between E and .* F, and by passing on through the humours ] and pupil of the eye, they will be con- j verged to as many points on the retina, or ■; bottom of the eye, and will thereon form | a distinct inverted picture, c b a, of the ! object. Thus the pencil of rays, qr s, that flow's from the point. A, of the ob- ject, will be converged to the point, rt, on the retina ; those from the point, B, j will be converged to the point 6; those from the point, C, will be converged to ' the point c ; and so of all the interme- ', diate points, by which means the whole i image, abcy is formed, and the object ' made visible, although it must be owned ' that the method by which the sensation i is carried from the eye by the optic nerve ^ to the common sensory in the brain, and| there discerned, is above the reach of ourl conception. Tliat vision is effected in^ this manner may be demonstrated expe-| rimentally. Take a bullock's eye, while | it is fresh, and having cut off the three'f coats from the back part, quite to the j vitreous humour, put a piece of whitCi paper over that part, and hold the eye tO' wards any bright object, and you will see an inverted picture of the object upon the paper. The diameters of images at the bottom of the eye are proportional t the angles which the objects subtend a( the eye, the same as in a lens, and are reciprocally as the distances of the sann object viewed in different places. Th* eye is in reality no more than a earner; obscura; for the rays of liglit flowing from all the points of an object, through the pupil of the eye, do, by the refractior of its humowrs, paint the image thereo! jn the bottom of the eye ; just so it is i* the camera obscura, where all the myt refracted bv a lens in the Avindovv-^hut f VISION. ler, or passing through a small hole in it, paint tlie im;«ge on the opposite wall. Some properties of the eye are these : the eye can only see a very small part of an object distinctly at once. For the col- lateral parts of an object are not repre- sented distinctly in the eye ; and there- fore the eye is forced to turn itself suc- cessively to the several parts of the ob- ject it wants to view, that they may fall neai* the axis of the eye, where alone distinct vision is performed. When any point of an object is seen distinctly with both eyes, the axis of both eyes are di- rected to tluit point, and meet there ; atid then the object appears single, though looked at with- both eyes ; for the optic nerves are so framed, that the cor- respondent parts in both eyes lead to the same place in the brain, and give but one sensation, and the image will be twice as bright with both eyes as with one. But if the axis of both eyes be not directed to the object, that object will appear dou- ble, as the pictures in the two eyes do not fall upon correspondent or similar parts of the retina. The best eye can hardly distinguish any object that sub- tends at the eye an angle less than half a minute, and very few can distinguish it when it subtends a minute. If the dis- tance of two stars in the heavens be not greater than this, they will appear as one. Though men may see distinctly at differ- ent distances, by altering the position and figure of the crystalline, yet they can only see distinctly within certain limits, and nearer than that, objects appear con- fused. But these limits are not the same in different people. A good eye can see distinctly when the rays fall parallel up- on it, and then the principal focus is at the bottom of the eye ; a man can judge i.t a small distance, with a single eye, by frequently observing how much variation is n>ade in the eye to make the object distinct, and from this a habit of judging is acquired. But this cannot be done at great distances, because, though the distance be varied, the change in tlie eye becomes then insensible. But a man can judge of greater distances with both eyes, than he can with one. For the eyes being at a distance from one another, as long as that distance has a sensible pro- portion to the distance of the object, one gets a habit of judging, by the position of the axis of the eyes, which are always directed to that point. For different dis- tances require different positions of the axis, which depend on the motions of the eyes, which we feel. But in very great distances no judgment can be made from the motion of the eyes, or tlie ir internal parts. Therefore we can only guess at the distances from the magnitude, co- lour, and the position of interjacent bo- dies. Dimness of sight generally attends old people, and this may arise from two causes. 1. By the eyes growing flat, and not uniting the rays at tlie retina, which causes indistinctness of vision ; or, 2. By the opacity of the humours of the eye, which in time lose their transparency, in some degree ; from whence it follows, that a great deal of the light that enters the eye is stopped and lost, and every object appears faint and dim. Hence the necessity of spectacles. If objects are seen through a perfectly flat glass, the rays of light pass through it from them to the eye, in a straight direc- tion, and parallel to each other, and con- sequently the objects appear very Uttle either diminished or enlarged, or nearer, or further off', than to the naked eye ; but if the glass they are seen through have any degree of convexity, the rays of light are directed from the circumference to^ wards the centre, in an angle proportion- al to the convexity of the glass, and meet in a point, at a greater or lesser distance from the glass, as it is more or less con- vex. This point, where the rays meet, is called the focus, and this focus is nearer or further off", according to the convexity of the glass ; for as a little convexity throws it to a considerable distance, so, when the convexity is much, the focus is very near. Its magnifying power is also in the same proportion to the convexity ; for as a flat glass scarcely magnifies at all, the less a glass departs from flatness, the less of course it magnifies ; and the more it approaches towards the globular figure, the nearer its focus is, and the more its magnifying power. People's diff'erent length of sight depends on the same principle, and arises from more or less convexity of the cornea and crystalline humour of the eye ; the rounder these are, the nearer will the focus or point of meeting rays be, and tlie nearer an ob- ject must be brought to see it well. The case of short-sighted people is only an ov^-roundness of the eye, which makes a very near focus ; and that of old people is a sinking or flattening of the eye, whereby the focus is thrown to a great distance; so that the former may ])roperly be called eyes of too short, and the latter eyes of too long a focus. Hence, too, the remedy for the last is a convex glass, to supply the want of convexity in the eye VIS tiT itself, and brings the rays, to a sTiorter focus : whereas a concave glass is need- ful for tlie first to scatter the rays, and prevent their coming to a point too soon. The nearer any object can be brouglit to the eye, the larger will be the angle un- der which it appears, and the more it will be magnified. Now, that distance from the naked eye, where the gene- rality of people are supposed to see small objects best, is about six inches; consequently, when such objects are brought nearer than six inches, they will become less distinct ; and if to four or three, they will scarcely be seen at all. But by the help of convex glasses we are enabled to view things clearly at much shorter distances than these ; for the nature of a convex lens is to render an object distinctly visible to tiie eye at the distance of its focus ; wherefore the smaller a lens is, and the more its con- vexity, the nearer is its focus, and the more its magnifying power. Now, it is evident from the figure, that if either the cornea, or crystalline humour, or both of them, be too flat, their focus will not be on the retina, where it ought to be, in order to render vision distinct, but be- yond the eye. Consequently those rays which flow from the object, and pass through the humours of the eye, are not sufficiently converged to unite, and there- fore tie observer can have but a very in- diitinct view of the object. This is re- meuied by placing a convex glass, of a proper focus, before the eye, which makes the rays converge sooner, and imprints the image duly on the retina. If either the cornea or crystaUine humour, or both of them, be too convex, the rays that enter in from the object will be con- verged to a focus in the vitreous humour, and by diverging from thence to the re- tina, will form a very confused image thereon; and so, of course, the observer will have as confused a view of the object, as if his eye had been too flat. This in- convenience is remedied by placing a concave glass before the eye, which glass, by causing the rays to diverge between it and the eye, lengthens the focal dis- tance, so that if the glass be properly chosen, the rays will unite at the retina, and form a distinct picture of the object upon it. VISMEA, in botany, a genus of the Dodecandria Trigynia class and order. Natural order of Onagrse, Jussieu. Essen- tial character : calyx five-leaved, inferior ; corolla five-petalled ; stigmas five ; nut two or three-celled, half inferior. There is but one species, r-iz. V. mocanera, a native of the Canary islands. VISUAL, in general, something be- longing to vision. Thus, rays of light, coming from an object to the eye, are called visual rays ; and the visual point in perspective is a point in the horizon- tal line, wherein all the visual rays unite. VITAL «/r. See OxTGKisr ^as. VITEX, in bot-Am, chaste-tree, VL genus of the Didynamia Angiospermia class and order. Natural order of Personatae. Vi« tices, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx five -toothed ; corolla-border six-cleft ; drupe one-seeded ; a four-celled nut. There are fourteen species. VITIS, in botany, the vine, a genus of the Pentandria Monogynia class and or- der. Natural order of Hederaceae. Viti- ces, Jussieu. Essential character : petals cohering at the top, shrivelling ; berry five-seeded, superior. There are twelve species, and many varieties. The most important species of the vi- tis is V. vinifera, or common vine, which has naked, lobed, sinuated leaves. There are a great many varieties ; and all the sorts are propagated either from layers, or cuttings ; the latter method is said to be preferable, though the former is much used in this country. The uses of the fruit of the vine for making wine, &c. are well known. The vine was introduced by the Romans into Britain, and appears formerly to have been very common. From the name of vineyard yet adhering to the ruinous scites of our castles and monasteries, there seem to have been few in the country but what had a vineyard belong- ing to them. The county of Gloucester is particularly commended by Malmsbu- ry, in the twelfth century, as excelling all the rest in the kingdom in the number and goodness of its vineyards. In the earlier periods of our history, the isle of Ely was expressly denominated the isle of Vines by the Normans. Vineyards are frequently noticed in the descriptive accounts of Doomsday; and those of England are even mentioned by Bede, as early as the commencement of the eighth century. Doomsday exhibits to us a particular proof that wine was made in England dur- ing the period preceding the conquest ; and after the conquest, the bishop of El.y appears to have received at least three or four tons of wine annually as tithes, from the produce of the vineyards in his VIT VIT diocese, and to have made frequent re- servations in his leases of a certain quan- tity of wine for rent. A plot of land in London, which now forms East Smith- field and some adjoining streets, was withheld from the relig-ious liouse wiihin Aldgate by four successive consiables of tlie tower, in the reigns of Rufus, Henry, and Stephen, and made by them into a vineyard, which yielded great emolu- ment. In the old accounts of rectorial and vicarial revenues, and in the old re- gisters of ecclesiastical suit cou' rning them, the tithe of wine is an article that frequently occurs in Kent, Surry, and other counties. And the wines of Glou- cestershire, within a century after the conquest, were little inferior to the French in sweetness. The beautiful re- gion of Gaul, which had not a single vine in the days of Caesar, had numbers so early as the time of Strabo The south of it was particularly stocked with them ; and they had even extended themselves into the interior parts of the country ; but the grapes of the latter did not ripen kindly. France was famous for its vine- yards in the reign of Vespasian, and even exported its wines to Italy. The whole province of Narbonne was then covered with vines ; and the wine-merchants of the country were remarkable for knavish dexterity, tinging it with smoke, colour- ing it (as was suspected) with herbs and noxious dyes, and even adulterating the taste and appearance with aloes. And as our first vines would be transplanted from Gaul, so were in all probability those of the AUobroges in Franche- comtc. These were peculiarly fitted for cold countries. They ripened even in the frosts of the advancing winter; and they were of the same colour, and seem to have been of the same sjiecies, as the black muscadines of the present day, which have lately been tried in this isl- and, and found to be the fittest for the climate. These were brought into Bri- tain a Httle after the vines had been car- ried over all the kingdoms of Gaul, and about the middle of the third centuiy, whcM the numerous plantations had gra- dually spread over the face of the lat- ter. VITMANNIA, in botany, so named in honour of Abbe F. Vitmann, professor at Milan, a genus of the Octandria Monogj'- nia class and order. Essential character r calyx four-cleft; corolla four-petalled ; nectary a scale at the base of each fila- ment; nut semi-lunar, compressed, one seeded. There is but one species, r-zz. V. elliptica, a native of the East Indies. M'lUlOL., iiatiiralt in mineralogy, a species ot fossil salts, divided into Uiree suD-species. 1. iron vitriol. 2. Copper vitriol. 3. Zinc vitriol. The iron vitriol is of an emerald and verdigris green, sometimes bordering on sky-blue ; sometimes on grass gi-een. It occurs massive, tuberose, stalactitic, and crysiallized. It occurs usually with iron pyrites, by the decomposition of wnicli it is formed. It is found in many parts of Germany, Italy, Sweden, and in many of the English mines, in Tenerilie, and Greenland. It is emjiloyed to dye Yyncn yellow, and wool and silk black ; it IS also of use in the manufacture of ink, of Berhn blue, for the precipitation of gold from its solution ; and sulphuric acid can be obtained from it by distilla- tion, and the residuum, called calcothar of iron, is used as a red paint, and when washed, for polishing steel, glass, &c. Copper vitriol is of a dark sky-blue co- lour, which sometimes approaches to ver- digris green. It occurs massive, disse- minated, stalactitic, dentiform, and crys- tallized. If a plate of iron be inserted in a solution of copper vitriol, it soon be- comes incrusted with metallic copper. With ammonia its solution acquires a blue colour. It is found in many parts of Ger- many, Sweden, and Siberia, in the cop- per mines of Ireland, and in Anglesca in Wales. It is used in cotton and linen printing, and the oxide is separated from it, and used as a pigment. Zinc vitriol is of a greyish colour, and found also in Germany and Sweden. VITRUVIUS (Marcus Vitruvius PoiLTo,) in biography, a celebrated Ilo- man architect, of whom however nothing is known, but what is to be collected from his ten books " De Archilectura,'* still extfint. In the preface to the sixth book, he writes, that he was carefully in- structed in the whole circle of arts and sciences; a circumstance which hespeaksi of with much gratitude, laying it down as certain, that no man can be a complete architect, without some knowledge and skill in every other branch of knowledge. And in the preface to the first book he informs us, that he was known to Julius Cxsar ; that he was afterwards recom- mended by Octavia to her brother Au- gustus Cxsar; and that he was so favotired, and provided for, by this emperor, as to be out of all fear of poverty as long as he might live. It is supposed that Vitruvi- VIV VIV us was born either at Rome or Verona ; butitisnot known which. His books of ar- chitecture are addressed to Augustus Cee- sar, and not only sliow consummate skill in that particular science, but also a very uncommon geiiius and natural abilities. Cardan ranks Vitruvius as one of the twelve persons, whom he supposes to have excelled all men in the force of ge- nitis and invention ; and woirid not have scrupled to have given him the hr.st place, if it could be imagined that he had delivered nothing but his own discover- ies. Those twelve persons were, Euclid, Archimedes, Apollonius Pergaeus, Aris- totle, Archytas of Tarentum, Vitruvius, Achindus, Mahomet Ibn iMoses, the in- ventor or improver of Algebra, Uuns Scotus, John Suisset, surnamed the calcu- lator, Galen, and Heber of Spain. The best edition of the arcliitecture of Vitru- vius is that of Amsterdam in 1649. Per- rault gave an excellent French transla- tion of the same, and added notes and fi- gures: the first edition of which was pub- lished at Paris, in 167.^, and (he second, much improved, in 1684. Mr. William Newton, too, an ingenious architect, pub- lished in 1780, &c. curious commentaries on Vitruvius, illustrated with figures ; to which is added a description, with fi- giu-es, of the military machines used by the ancients. VIVERRA, the iveasel, in natural his- tory, a genus of Mammalia, of the order Ferae. Generic character : si.\ fore-teeth, rather sharp ; tusks longer : tongue in some smooth, in others aculeated back- wards ; body of a lengthened form. Gme- lin separates the Viverra from the Mustela genus, and includes the Lutrae, or ot- ters, under the latter. Mr. Pennant unites the two first, and forms the Lutrse into a distinct genus. I'his arrangement appears preferable to the other, is adopt- ed by Shaw, and will be followed here. There are forty-five species, of which the following arc 'principally deserving of notice: V. ichneumon, or the ichneumon, of which there are two varieties, the Indian and the Egyptian. Tiie Egyptian iclineu- mon is nearly three feet and a half in full length, and of a pale reddish grey colour. It bears a mortal enmity to rats and snakes, and other offensive animals, with which Egypt is infested, and is domesticated fre- quently in that country for the sake of its services on this account. With the ancient Egyptians it was not only in high estima- tion, but obtained the reputation of a sort of dcily, and Wivs thougiit entitled to a de- gree of adoration. Its movements are ra- pid and agile in the extreme. In ap- proaching its prey it often moves upon its belly hke the feline tribe, or rather in the manner of a serpent; at others, it pur- sues it with rapid boundings. It is able to swim, and to dive also for a considera- ble time, and frequents chiefly the bor- ders of rivers. The Indian ichneumon is considerably smaller, but is equally useful and esteemed. It attacks without terror, and even with the extreme of fierceness, the most formidable and venomous ser- pents, particularly the cobra de capello, and destroys them without difficulty. They are both formidable to animals much larger than themselves, fastening upon them with immoveable firmness, and sucking their blood till they are ab- solutely gorged with it. V. striata, is a native of Mexico, and discriminated by five longitudinal stripes of white on its back of chocolate colour. When irritated by fear or anger it emits a vapour extremely fetid, in comparison with which every other odour, generally deemed repulsive and disgusting, is pro- nounced to be the most exquisite peHume. Even the dogs engaged in the pursuit of these creatures are stated to be compelled to abandon the course by this intolerable fetor, and if but a small drop of it should attach to the person or clothes of a human being, it is said to require the ablutions of several days to rid him of the nuisance, and prevent his being any longer avoided with disgust and horror. V. civetta, or the civet, is a native of the warm territories of Asia and Africa, and above two feet long, exclusively of the tail. It subsists on smaller quadrupeds and birds. This animal is distinguished for its perfume, for which it was well known to the ancients, who considered it as one of the most powerful stimuli, and for which it is kept in a state of confine- ment in Holland at the present day, as well as in the East. 'I'he drug produced by the civets is formed in a glandular re- ceptacle, and is taken from it by its keep- er several times in the course of a week ; the quantity generally procured from each civet at a time being about a drachm, but varying with the state of the animal's health, and the nourishing quality of its food. It is in its original state of a yellow colour and an unctuous appearance, and is extremely pungent, and indeed disagree- able. Every part of the animal is pene- trated by its eftluvia, and the effect of be- ing- shut up in a room with one of these VIVERRA. creatures in a state of high irritation is nearly intolerable. V. genetta, or the genet, is to be met with in Syria, Tiu-key and Spain. These animals are about the size of a small cat, of a more lengthened form in head and body, and of a longer tail. They are distin- guished by an agreeable perfume, some- what similar to musk. They are gentle, easily tamed, exceedingly active and cleanly, and in Constantinople and other places are frequently domesticated, and accomplish all the objects effected by the common cat. Their colour is a tawny- red, spotted with black. V. foina, or the martin, is of a black tawny colour, and about eighteen inches long. It is the most elegant of the weasel tribe, with a small head, elegant shape, and animated eyes, agile, and graceful in its movements, capable of being reared, when taken young, to great familiarity and sportiveness, yet ever addicted to abandon the full supplies of confinement for the pleasures of freedom, however al- loyed these may be by occasional indi- gence or destitution. It is an inhabitant of the woods, living upon small birds and other animals, and breeding in the holes of trees. It produces no disagreeable effluvia, but is strongly perfumed. Its fur is highly valued. V. martes, or the pine martin, is dis- tinguished from the former by its yellow breast. It is not frequent in England, but in Germany, Sweden, and North America, it is easily met with, particularly in woods of pine trees. Its fur is preferred con- siderably to that of the last. It confines itself to woods and fields, never entering the habitations of man, and breeds often in the nest of the squirrel, the buzzard, and the wood-pecker. V. zibelhna, or the sable, is about the same size as the martin. Its general colour is a deep shining brown, and the hair is ashcoloured at the roots, and black at the tips. It is found in the Arctic regions, and its fur is a most valuable article of commerce, when of a particular extent and beauty, being sold for firom twelve to fifteen pounds. This extraordinary price for the skin of so small an animal induces the robust and hardy natives of the north to hunt sables amidst the rigours of winter with unwearied assiduity and presever- ance. These make their progress over regions covered with snow, and in the most intense severity of winter, marking the trees as they advance, that they may recognize their direction for return, and sometimes, after spreading a net before the entrance of one of the burrows of a sable, waiting often even two whole days for tlie animal's appearance, and some- times of course waiting in vain. These men, during the extreme hunger which they sometimes experience, find .some al- lay to it by pressing on their stomachs, with tightened cords, thin pieces of board. The furs are most valued w l»ich are taken between November and February. The hunting in Siiieria was formerly conducted by criminals banished to that country, and by soldiers sent to it for this particular business, and who were stationed there for several years, and both were obliged to furnish a certain number of skins. Sables are extremely active and lively by night, but spend the greater part of the day in sleep. They subsist on squirrels and small birds, which they pursue from one tree to another with the most elastic agility. Rats, pine tops, and fruits, are also eaten by them. They are stated also to be fond of fish, and to be capable both of diving and swimming. They live in holes in the banks of rivers, and under the roots of trees. See Mammaha, Plate XVI. fig. 5. V. putorius, or the pole-cat, bears a very striking resemblance to the martin, is possessed of extreme nimbleness and activity, and climbs trees, and even creeps up walls, with great rapidity. It devours the smaller animals without discrimina- tion, and pigeons, poultry, and rabbits, experience from it most fatal havoc. Dur- ing winter its necessities urge it to fre- quent, if possible, not only the barn, but also the dairy. It is stated, on respecta- ble authority, tliatin some instances pole- cats have been observed to feed on fishes, particularly eels, which they have drag- ged from rivulets at a distance to their habitation, repeating their labours many times in the course of a single night, and consequently accumulating a great num- ber of these fishes for their subsistence. This animal has been known in winter to attack bee-hives, and devour the honey. It is extremely fierce, and will defend it- self with astonishing spirit, even against dogs. It is distinguished for the most disagreeable odour, which, however, is not retained in the skin long after the ani- mal is killed, this being dressed with the fur on it, and being held in considerable estimation. Tlie female produces, in sum- mer, five or six young ones, which require the attentions of the parent only for a short time, and are trained to suck the blood of the animals procured by her for their support. Inhabits North America. V. furor, or the ferret, resembles the VIV VIV pole-cat both in form and manners. It is a native of Africa, whence it is stated to have been imported into Spain for the destruction of the rabbits, which had niultiphed in that country to the most in- jurious excess. Jt was tlience introduced into other European countries, but is ill adapted to endure the rigours of a northern winter, being particularly susceptible of cold. It maybe tamed, but appears iitile capable of gratitude or attachment, and has such a diirst for blood, that ii has been known to grasp at the throats of infants in the cradle, and suck them till it has been completely gorged. It breeds twice a year, and will occasionally devour its young as soon as they are produced. In confinement it must be kept in a box provided with wool, or other warm mate- rials, and may be fed with bread and milk. Its sleep is long and profound, and it awakes with a voracious appetite, which is most highly gratified by the blood of small and young animals. Its enmity to rats and rabbits is unspeakable, and when either are, though for the first time, pre- sented to it, it seizes and bites them with the most phrensied madness. When em- ployed to expel the rabbit from its bur- rows, it must be muzzled, as otherwise it will suck the blood of its victim, and in- stantly fall into a profound sleep, from whi«h it will awake only to the work of destruction, committing in the warren, where it was introduced only for its ser- vices, the most dreatlful waste and havoc. It is possessed of high irritabihty, and when particularly excited, is attended with an odour extremely offensive. See Mammalia, Plate XVI. fig. 4. V. vulgaris, or the common weasel of England, is about nine inches long, includ- ing the tail,is elegant in its appearance, and light in its movements, but unpleasant by the odour which accompanies it. It dwells under the roots of trees,and subsists on field mice, small birds, and even young rabbits. It is also particularly fond of eggs. It is often fatal to the hare itself, winch ap- pears to entertain for the weasel extreme terror, and to be overwhelmed at the sight of it into a complete incapacity for resistance. It is a more formidable ene- my to rats and mice than even the cat it- self, as it has greater facility for pursuing them to their retreats, and on this account it is much valued and encouraged by the iarmer. Its bite is said to be almost cer- tainly, though not always immediately, fa- tal. Its teeth are extremely sharp, and generally first fixed on the nead of its ene- my, which often lingers in stupor, but scarcely ever regains soundness. It com* ' mences its depredations in the evening, ] and when it has produced its young, | ranges with extreme intrepidity and ra- ' pacity. It is frequent near corn-mills, and ; wherever rats and mice are abundant, ; and always retires with its prey to its , burrow, instead of devouring it on the spo,t where it was killed, preferring it in ! a state of putrefaction. Dtiring confine* ] ment, it appears highly agitated and rest- , less, and has by many been supposed un- i tameable, but Madamoiselle de Laistre ] has given an interesting and full detail of ' the manners of one which she undertook ) to protect and instruct, and which repaid ; her assiduity by the most sportive vivaci- * ty, the most harmless conduct, and even ; the most grateful attachment. For the ; stoat, see Mammalia, Plate XVI. fig. 3, ' Vol. iv. 4 yiVIANI (VixcKNTio,) a celebrated ^ Italian mathematician, was born at Flo- ? rence, in 1621, some say 1622. He was j a disciple of the illustrious Galileo, and ' lived with him from the 17th to the 20th i year of his age. After the death of his great master, he passed two or three years more in prosecuting geometrical studies witliout interruption, and in this ;( time it was that he formed the design of ■ his Restoration of Aristeus. This ancient geometrician, who was contemporary with Euclid, had composed five books of prob- lems, « De Locis Solidis," the bare pro- positions of which were collected by Pappus, but the books are entirely lost ; which Viviani undertook to restore by the force of his genius. He broke this work off before it was 1 finished, in order to apply himself to ano- ■ ther of the same kind, which was, to re- | store the fifth book of Apollonius's " Co- | nic Sections." While he was engaged j in this, Borelli found, in the library of the j Grand Duke of Tuscany, an Arabic M. S. | with a Latin incription, importing that it, i contained the eight books of Apollonius's Conic Sections ; of which the eighth was not found to be there. He carried this I MS to Rome, in order to translate it with the assistance of a professor of the oriental languages. So unwilling, how- ever, was Viviani to lose the fruits of his i labours, that he refused to receive the smallest account from Borelli on the sub- ject. At length he finished the work, j and published it in 1659, with the title " De Maximis et Minimis geometrica di- vinatio in quintum conicorum Apollonii j Pergaei." He was called by the state to I undertake an operation of great import- ULM UNE lince, viz. to prevent the innundations of the Tiber, in which Cassini and he were employed for some length of time. On account of his great talents he' received a pension from Louis XIV. In 1666 he was honoured by the Grand Duke with the title of the first mathematician. He resolved three problems which had been proposed to all the mathematicians of Europe. In 1669 he was cliosen to fill, in the Koyal Academy of Sciences, a place among- the eight foreign associates. This circumstance, so honourable to his repu- tation, gave new vigour to his exertions, and lie published three books of the " Di- vination upon Aristeus," in 1701, which he dedicated to the King of France. Vi- viani acquired a good fortune, which he laid out in building a magnificent house at Florence ; here he placed a bust of Galileo, with several inscriptions in ho- nour of that great man. He died in 1703, aged 81. VIVIPAROUS, in natural history, an epithet applied to such animals as bring forth their young ahve and perfect, in . contradistinction to them that lay eggs, which are called oviparous animals. ULEX, in botany, fitrze or fforse, a genus of the Diadelphia Decandria class and order. Natural order of Papilio- nace?e, or Leguminosx. Essential cha- racter: calyx two leaved ; legume scarce- ly longer than the calyx ;' filaments all connected. There are three species. ULLAGE, in gauging, so much of a ca.sk, or other vessel, as it wants of being full. See Gauging. ULMUS, in botany, the elm, a genus of the Fentandria Digynia class and order. Natural order of Scabridse. Amentaceae, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx fire- cleft, inferior permanent; corolla none ; capsule membranaceous, compressed, flat, one-seeded. There are seven species, two of which are natives of Jiritain, viz. the campestris, .common elm ; and the montana, or wych elm. All the sorts of elm may be,either propagated by layers, or suckers, taken from the roots of the t)ld trees, the latter of which is generally practised by the nursery gardeners. The elm delights in a stiff strong soil. It is observable, however, that here it grows comparatively slow. In light land, espe- cially if it is rich, its growth is very rapid ; but its wood is Ught, porous, and of little value, compared with that which grows upon strong land, which is of a closer, •onger texture, and at the heart will ve the colour, anrl almo.st the heaviness y OT,: \\ and the hardness of iron. On s\ich soils the elm becomes profitable, and is one of the trees which ought, in preference to all others, to engage tli£ planter's atten- tion ULTRAMARINE. This precious co- lour, so remarkable for its beauty and durability, is a pure deep sky blue. It is capable of bearing a low red heat with- out mjury, and it is not sensibly impaired by the action of the air and weather. It is the coloviring matter of the mineral al- ready descri^ ed under the name Lazuk- STEIN, and appears, according to an ana- lysis by Klaproth, to consist of little else than oxide of iron. ULV A, in botany, a genus of the Cryp- togamia Algse class and order. Generic character : fructifications are small glo- bules, dispereed tiirough a pellucid mem- branaceous or gelatinous substance, or frond. UMBELLIFEROUS /»/m, viz. a^-\-4: cO b -^- 6 a* A^ -f- 4 a Zr3 -|-. b^^ iJie uncix are 4, 6, 4 ; being the same with Mhat others call co-efficients. See Binomial, Ai.gk- BRA, &c. UNDECAGOX, in geometry, is a po- lygon of eleven sides. If .the side of a regular undecagon be 1, its area will be 9.36564 nearly = — x tang, of 73 JL degrees ; and therefore, if this number be multiplied by the square of the side of any other regular undecagon, the pro- duct will be the area of that undecagon. UNDER currents, currents distinct from the upper or apparent currents of the seas. Some naturalists conclude that there are in divers places under^currents, which set or drive a contrary way from the upper current, whence they solve the remarkable phenomena of the sea's set- ting strongly throug^the Streights into the Mediterranean, with a constant cur- rent twenty leagues Inroad ; as also, that running from the Euxine through the Bosphorus into the Hellespont, and thence into the Archipelago ; they con- jecture that there is an under current whereby as great a quantity of water is carried out as comes in. To confirm this it is observed, that between the North and South Foreland, it is either high or low water upon the shore three hours before it is so off at sea ; a certain sign, that though the tide of flood rujis aloft, yet the tide of ebb runs under foot, or close by tlie ground. Yet Dr. Malley soi\es the currents setting in at the S>treights widiout overflowing the banks, from the great evaporation, without sup- posing any under ciurent. UNDERSTANDING, or Juogmknt, in the Hartleyan acceptation of the term, is that faculty by wliich we contemplate mere sensations and ideas, pursue truth, and assent to, or dissent from, jn-oposi- tions. In this article, and in Words, we shall, as we proposed in PniLosornY, mental, § 104, lay before our readers a view of the highly important principles ■ of Hartley respecting the understanding, ] occasionally making in his statements i such alterations as will best adapt them to our object. j Whatever be the precise nature of as- ' sent and dissent, they must class with t ideas, being only those very complex in- ; ternal feehngs which are connected by as- ] soeiation with those groups of words, I wliich are called propositions in general, : or affirmations and negations in particu- ^ lar. — Assent (and consequently its oppo- t site, dissent) may be distinguished into j two kinds, rational and practical. Ration- .' al assent to any proposition may be de- 1 fined a readiness to affirm it to be true, ; proceeding from a close association of the ideas suggested by the proposition, with J the idea or internal feeling belonging to j the word truth; or of the terms of the ., proposition with the word truth. Ra^ ) tional dissent is the opposite to this. — i Practical assent is a readiness to act in i such a manner as the frequent vivid re- } cun-ency of the rational assent disposes^ us to act ; and practical dissent the con- trary. Practical assent is then the natural con- sequence of rational assent, when suffici- ^ ^ntly impressed. It must, however, be | observed, first, that some propositions, mathematical ones for instance, admit on- ly of a rational a.ssent, the practical not being applied to them in common cases: secondly, that the practical assent is some- times generated, and arrives at a high de- gree of strength, without any previous ration.'d assent, and by methods which || Jiave little or no connection with it ; yet ^i\ still is in general much influenced by it, 'I and, conversely, exerts a great influence ! upon it : thirdly, practical assent may be ^' in opposition to rational assent, and iu '] consequence of its having been long and <'» firmly cidtivated, may altogether pre- j vent the latter from influencing the eon- i duct. Let us next inquire into the causes of | rational and practical assent, beginning, I 1. with that given to mathematical con- \ clusio?is. — Now the original cause that a \ person affirms t!ie truth of the proposi- | tion, twice two are four, is the entire co- i incidence of the visible or tangible idea j of twice two, with that of four, as impress- j ed upon the mind by various objects, j We see every where that both are oidy | different names for the same impression ; and it can only be in consequence of as*, soeiation, that the word truth, its defini- tion, or ijitcrnal feehng, becomes appro-'' UNDERSTANDING. piiated to this coincidence. — Where the numbers are so lurge tliat we cannot form any distinct visible ideas of them, as when we say 12 times 12 are equal to 144, rational assent is founiled (if not on the authority of a table or a teacher) on a co- incidence of words arising- from some method of reckoning up 12 times 12, so as to conclude with 144, and resembling the coincidence of words whicli attends the before-mentioned coincidence of ideas in the simjjler numerical proposi- tions.— The operations of addition, sub- traction, multipUcation, division, and ex- traction of roots, with all the most com- plex operations relating to algebraic quantities, considered as the denotements of numbers, are no more than methods of producing this coincidence of words, founded upon and rising above one ano- ther. And it is merely association again which appropriates the word truth, &c. to the coincidence of the words or sym- bols which denote the numbers. This coincidence of terms is considered as a proof that the visible ideas of the numbers under consideration would coin- cide asmuci) as the visible ideas of twice two and four, were the former equally distinct with the latter ; and indeed the same thing may be fully proved, and of- ten is so, by experiments with counters, lines, 84c. And hence, thinking persons, who make a distinction often unthougiit of, between the coincidence of terms and that of ideas, consider the real and abso- lute truth to be as great in complex nu- merical propositions, as in the simplest. Now as it is impossible to gain distinct vi- sible ideas of different numbers, where at least they are.considerable, terms de- noting them are a necessary means of dis- ^tingisliing them one from another, so as ". cO reason justly respecting them. In geometry there is a like coincidence of lines, angles, spaces, and solid con- tents, tn prove them equal in simple ca- ses. Afterwards, in contplex cases, we substitute the terms whereby equal things are denoted i'ov each other, and then the coincidence of the terms to de- note the coincidence of the visible ideas, except in the new step advanced in the proposition : and thus we get a new qua- ' lity, denoted by a new coincidence of terms ; and this in like manner we em- ploy in order to obtain a nev*' equality. This resembles the addition of unity»to any number in order to make the next, as of 1 to 20 in order to make 21. We have no distinct visible idea of 20 or of "21 ; but we have of the difference be- tween them, by fancying to ourselves a confused heap of things, supposed or call- ed twenty in number, and then further fancying one thing to be added to it. By a like process in geometry we arrive a.t the demonstration of the most complex propositions. — The properties of num- bers are applied to geometry in many cases, as when we demonstrate a line or space to be half or double of any other, or in any other ratio to it. — And as in arithmetic words stand for indistinct i'ieas, in order to help us to reason about them as accurately as if they were distinct ; as also cyphers stand for words, for the same purpose ; and letters for cyphers, to render the conclusions less particular; so letters are put for geometrical quanti- ties also, and the agreements of the let- ters for those of the quantities. Thus we seethe foundation upon which the whole docti'ince of quantity is built; for all quantity is denoted either by num- bers, or by extension, or by letters de- noting either one or the other. The co- incidence of ideas is the foundation of ra- tional assent in simple cases ; and that of ideas and of terms, or of terms alone, in complex cases. Ti)is is upon the suppo- sition that the quantities are to be proved equal ; but if they are to be proved un- equal, the want of coincidence answers the same purpose. If they are in any numerical ratio, this is only introducing a new coincidence. — Tiius it appears that the use of words, (either as visible or as audible symbols,) is necessary for geo- metrical and algebraic reasonings, as well as for arithmetical. Also tl^at association prevails in every part of the processes hitherto described. But these are not the only causes of giving rational assent to matiiematical propositions. Tiie recollection of having once examined and assented to each step of a demonstration, the authority of an approved writer, &c. are often sufficient to gain our assent, though we understand no more than the import of the proposi- tion ; nay, even though we do not pro- ceed so far as tiiis. >Jow this again is a mere transfer ()f association ; tiie recol- lection, authority, &c. being In a great number of cases assocVatc-d witii tlie be- fore-mentioned coincidence of ideas and terms. — Bat here a new circum.stance arises ; for memory and authority are sometimes found to mislead ; and the re- collection of such experience puts the mind into a state of doubt, so that some- times truth, sorrtetimes fsd.sehood, will re- ctir', and unite itself with the ptoposition UNDERSTANDING. Under consideration, according as the re- collection, authority, &.c. in all their pe- culiar circumstances, have been associat- ed with truth or with falsehood. Thus tlie idea belonging to a mathema- tical proposition, with the rational assent or dissent arising in the mind, as soon as it is presented to it, is nothing more than a group of ideas united by association, and forming a very complex idea (§ 53). And this icYea is not merely the sum of the ideas belonging to the terms of the proposition, but also includes the notions or feelings, whatever they be, which be- long to the words equality, coincidence, and truth, and, in some cases those of utility, imj)ortance, &c. — For mathemati- cal propositions are, in some cases, at- tended with a ])ractical assent, in the pro- per sense of these words; as when a person takes this or that method of exe- cuting a projected design, in conse- quence of some mathen)atical proposition assented to from his own examination, or from the autiiority of others. Now the train of voluntary actions denoting the practical assent, is produced by the fre- quent recurrency of ideas of utihty and importance. These operate bj' associa- tion, and though the rational assent be a previous requisite, yet the degree of the practical assent is proportional to the vi- vidness of those ideas ; and in most cases they strengthen the rational assent by reaction. II. Propositions concerning natural bo- dies are of two kinds, vulgar and scienti- ficul. Of the first kind are, " milk is white," " gold is yellow," " a dog barks," Sec These are evidently nothing more than forming the terms denoting the whole or some component parts of the complex idea, into a proposition, or em- ploying those denoting some of its com- mon adjuncts in the same way. The as- sent given to such propositions arises from the associations of the terms as well as of the ideas denoted by them. In scientifical propositions concerning natural bodies, a definitum having been made of the body from its properties, another property or power is joined to them as a constant or common associate. Thus gold is said to be soluble in the nitro-muriaticacid. Now to persons who have made the proper experiments a sufli. cient number of times, these words sug- gest the ideas which occur in those experi- ments, and conversely are suggested by them, in the same manner as the vulgar propositions above mentioned suggest, and are suggested by, common appearan- ces. But then, if they be scientific per- sons, their readiness to afllirm tliat gold is soluble in this acid universally, arises also from the experiments of others, and from their own and other persons' obser- vations on the constancy and tenor of na- ture. They find it to be a general truth, that almost any two or tliree remarkable qualities of a natural body, infer the rest, being never found without them ; and hence arises a readiness to aflSrm respect- ing all bodies possessing those two or three leadnig qualities, whatever may be affirmed of one. The propositions formed respecting na- tural bodies are often attended with a high degree of practical assent, arising chiefly from some supposed utility and importance, and which is no way propor- tioned to the foregoing or similar acknow- ledged causes of rational assent. And in some cases the practical assent takes place before the rational ; but then, after some time, the rational assent is generat- ed and cemented most firmly by the pre- valence of the practical. This process is particularly observable in the regards paid to medicines ; that is, in the rational and practical assent to the propositions con- cerning their virtues. The influence of the practical assent over the rational, arises from their being united in so many eases. And the vivid- ness of the ideas arising from the suppos- ed utility, importance, &,c. produce a more ready and closer union of the terms of the proposition. 111. The evidences for past facts are a man's own memory, and the authority of others. These are, under proper restric- tions, the usual associates of true past facts, and therefore produce the readiness to aftirm a past fact to be true, that is, the rational assent. The integrity and compe- tency of the witnesses biding the principal restriction or requisite in the accounts of past facts, become principal associates to the assent to them ; and the contrary qualities to dissent. If it be asked, how a narration of an event supposed to be certainly true, or to be doubtful, or to be entirely fictitious, differs in its efTect upon the mind in these circumstances respectively, the words ia which it is narrated being the same in case ? it may be replied, first, in having the terms true, doubtful, or fictitious, with a variety of ideas usually associated with them, and the corresponding internal feel- ings of respect, anxiety, dislike, See. con- UNDERSTANDING. H€cted with them respectively ; whence the whole effects, exerted by each upon the mind, will differ considerably from one another. Secondly, if the events be of a very interesting nature, the related ideas will recur oflener, and thus ai^itate the mind the more, in proportion to the supposed truth of the event. And it con- firms Uiis, that the frequent recurrence to the mind of an mteresting event, suppos- ed to be dotibtful, or even fictitious, by degrees makes it appear like a real one. Tlie practical assent to past facts often produces the raii(mal assent, as in the other cases before spiken of. IV The evidence for future facts is of the same kind with that for the proposi- tions concerning natural bodies, being, like it, taken from induction and analogy. This is the foundation of the rational as- sent. The practical depends upon the re- currency of the ideas, and the degree of agitation produced by them in the mind. Hence retleclion makes the practical as- sent grow for a long time after the ratio- nal is arisen to its height ; or, which is of- ten the case, if the practical assent arises, in any considerable degree, without the rational, it will generate the rational. Thus the sanguine are apt to believe and assert what they hope to be true ; and the timo- rous what they fear. V. There are many speculative abstract propositions m logic, metaphyscis, ethics, controversial divinity, &c. the evidence for which is the coincidence or analogy of the abstract terms, in certain particular applications of them, or as considered in then* grammatical relations. This causes the rational assent. As to the practical assent or dissent, it arises from the ideas of importance, reverence, piety, duty, am- bition, jealousy, envy, self-interest, &c. which intermix in these subjects, and thus in some cases, add great strength to the rational assent, in others destroy it, and convert it into its opposite. On the whole it appears, that rational assent has diflTerent causes in propositions of different kinds, and practical assent in like manner: that the causes of rational are also diflTerent from those of practical; that there is, however, a great affinity and general resemblance in all the causes ; that rational and practical assent exert a perpetual reciprocal influence on each other ; and, consequently, that the ideas belonging to assent and dissent, and their equivalents and relatives, are highly complex, unless in the cases of very sim- ple propositions, such as mathematicaj ones. For, besides the coincidence oj- ideas and terms, they include in other ca- ses, ideas ol utility, importance, respect, disrespect, ridicule, religious affections, hope, fear, &.c. and bear some gross ge- neral proportion to the vividness of these ideas. It follows from the preceding state- ments, that vicious men, that is, all per- sons who want practical faith, must be prejudiced against the historical and other foundations for rational faith in re- vealed religion. Further, it is impossible any person should be so sceptical as not to have the complex ideas denoted by the words assent and dissent associated with a great variety of propositions, in the same manner as in other persons ; justaa he must have the same ideas in general affixed to the words of his native language as other men have. An universal sceptic is therefore no more than a person who va- ries from the common usage in his applica- tion of a certain set of words, viz. truth, certainty, assent, dissent, &c. We shall close this article with the very important remarks on evidence, given by Hartley, in proposition 87 ; referring to the original those readers, who wish to see how he illustrates or proves them by the employment of simple mathematical expressions, and who are disposed to en- ter into his important observations re- specting the ascertainment of truth and the advancement of knowledge. 1. If the evidences for any proposition, fact, &c. be dependent on each other, so that the first is required to support the second, the second the third, and so on; that is, if a failure of any one of the evidenr ces renders all the rest of no value, the separate probability of each evidence must be very great in order to make the pro- position credible ; and this holds so much the more, as the dependent evidences are more numerous. 2. If the evidences for any proposition, fact, &c. be independent on each other; that is, if they be not necessary to support each other, but concur, and can each of them, when established upon its own pro- per evidences, be applied directly to esta- blish the proposition, fact, &c. in question, the deficiency in the probability of each must be very great, in order to render the proposition perceptibly doubtful, and this holds so much the more, as the evidences are more numerous. 3. The resulting probabinty may be sufficiently strong in dependent evidences, and of little value in independent ones, according as the separate probability of each evidence is greater or less. Timfe UND UNI the principal facts of ancient history are not less probable praclicall}' now, tban ten or fifteen centuries ago; nor Less so then, than in tl«e times immediiitely suc- ceeding, because the diminution of evi- dence in each century is imperceptible. And for the same reason a large number of weak arguments prove little. 4. It appears likewise, that the inequali- ty of the separate evidences does not pro- duce much alteration in these remarks. In like manner, if the number of evidences, dependent or independent, be great, we may make great concessions as to the va- lue of each. Again, a strong evidence in dependent ones can add nothing, but must weaken a little ; and after a point is well settled by a number of independent ones, all that come afterwards are in one sense useless, because they do no more than remove the imperceptible remaining deficiency ; on the other hand, however, as evidence produces different effects on different minds, it is ot great moment in all points of genei al importance, to have as many satisfactory independent eviden- ces as possible brought into view ; that if one fail in its effects, from peculiar cir- cumstances, another may supply its place. And it will be of great use to pursue these and such like deductions, both mathe- matically, and by applying them to pro- per instances selected from the sciences, and from common life, in ord^M* to remove certain prejudices, which the use of general terms and ways of speaking, with the va- rious associations with them, is apt to in- troduce and fix upon the mind. It can- not but assist us, in the art of reasoning, thus to analyze, recorapose, and' ascer- tain our evidences. UNDULATIOxV, in physics, a kind of tremulous motion or vibration observable in a liquid, whereby it alternately rises and falls like the waves of the sea. Thus unduiatory motion, if the liquid be smooth and Hi vest, is propagated in concentric circles, as most people have observed upon throwing a stone, or other matter, upon the surface of a stagnant water, or even upon touching the surface of the water lightly with the finger, or the like. The reason of these circular undulations is, that by toucliing the surface witli your finger, there is produced a depression of ti)e water iu the plact? of contact. By tills di^pressjon, the suhjacep.t parts are moved succ^issively out of tliei^ place, and the other adjacent parts thrust up- wards, which lying successively on the descending liquid, follow it; and thus the parts of tile liquid are alternately iuiscu aiKi uepressed, and that circular- ly. When a stone is tlirown into the li- quid, the reciprocal vibrations are more conspicuous : here the water, in the place of immersion, rising higher by- means of the impulse, or rebound, till it comes to fall again, gives an impulse to the adjoining liquid, by which means that is hkewise raised about the place of the stone as about a centre, and forms the first undulous circle ; this falling again, gives another impulse to the fluid next to it, further from the centre, which rises likewise in a circle ; and thus successively greater and greater circles are produced. UNGUL.\, in geometry, the section of a cylinder cut off by a plane passing obliquely through the plane of the base and part of the cylindric surface. UNICORN, an animal famous among the ancients, but looked upon by the moderns as fabulous, denominated from its distinguishing characteristic of having one horn only, which is represented as five palms long, and growing in the middle of the forehead. The unicorn is one of the supporters of the British arms. It is represented, by heralfls, passant, and sometimes ram- pant. When in this last action, as in the British ai-ms, it is properly said to be sail- lant. Argent, an unicorn sejant sable, armed and unguled, or, borne by the name of harding. UxicouxjifsA. See Moxonox. UNIOLA, in botany, a genus of the Tri- andria Digynia class and order. Natural order of Gramina. Graminese, Jussieu. Fissential character : calyx manyvalved; spikelet ovate, keeled. There are three species. UNONA, in botany, a genus of the Poliandria Polyginia class and order. Na- tural order of Coadunatse. Anonze, Jus- sieu. Essential character : calyx three- leaved; petals six; berries two or three- seeded, jointed like a necklace. There are four species. UNISON, in music, the effect of two sounds which are equal in degree of tune, or in ])oint of gravity and acuteness. UNITARIANS, in church history, are those who believe that there is but one God, the supreme object of religious worship ; and that this God is the Father only, and not a Trinity consisting of Fa- tiicr. Son, and Holy Ghost. Tiie Unitarians having been frequently confounded with the old Socinians, it is but justice to observe, that a very mate- rial difference exists in some parts of the UNITARIANS. religious faith of these two sects. The Socinians believed that Jesus Christ, though a human being, was advanced by God to the government of the whole cre- ated universe, and was, therefore, the proper object of religious worship. On account of tlieir essential deviation from the doctrine of Socinus, in this and some .othei respects, tlie modern Unitarians disclaiiu ihe appellation Socinian, as inap- plicable to their views of religious faith and worship. This term is, however, very comprehensive, and is a]>plicable to a gre:it variety of persons, wiio, notwith- standing, agree in this one common prin- ciple, that there is no distinction in Uie divine nature. The appellation of Unitarian may be considered as a generic term, including in it a number of specific diH'erences. In- deetl, all those who reject the doctrifie of the Trinity, and pay divine worsliij) to the Father only, may with propriety be called Unitarians. As it is a principle among this body of Christians, that the most unbounded liberty ougiit to be gi-anted to every individual to understand and explain the doctrines of the Scrip- tiu'es according to his own particular views, it has long been divided into a number of parties, differing on various subjects not immediately affecting the leading doctrine of the Divine Unity. Though the ancient Arians appear never to have adopted this appellation, yet most of their successors of the present day assert, that they have a just claim to the title ; because, they say, that they pay divine adoration to the one God and Father onl) , and not to Jesus Christ, or to the Holy Ghost. If this be admitted, it will appear that the Unitarian doctrine is of very ancient date. Indeed, they profess to derive their f.ith solely from the sacred Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. Soon after the Nicene Council, when the Christian world had wearied itself with religious wars and disputes concet-ii ing doctrines and government, and the Papal power had, apparently, converted the kingdom of Christ into a kingdom of tjiis world, the subjects of religious con- troversy ceased, in a great degree, to agitate the minds of men, until the me- morable peiiod of the Keformation. Then again did the flame, which lia>l been long sniothering, burst out ; and the grea't and leading maxim, of the right of pri- vate judgment in matters of n ligion, on which the Reformation was founded, once more gave liberty to the powers of the human understanding. How far those powers were exerud ag.iinstmany of the doctrines of the Church of Rome, we have already described in the articles PllOTKSTANTS and RKrORMATIOJT. Tiiough Luther and his adherents had done much towards eflccling a complete re- formation in rehgion, it was thought by many persons of great learning and piety, that much still remained to be cleared away, before the religion of Jesus Christ could again assume its native lustre and purity. Among the number of those who were of this opinion, was a learned and eminent physician of Spain, common- ly called Michael Servetu.s. This gen- tleman, conceiving that the ideas gene- rally maintained concerning the Trinity, and some other popular doctrines, were false and dangerou.s, discovered and pro- pagated what he conceived to be a more rational theory; the leading features of which related to the doctrine of the Tri- nity, which he flatly denied ; at least in the manner in which it was tUen com- monly undei-stood. On this subject he published his fa- mous book, entitled "De Trinitatis Er- roribus ;" with vvliich, as Oecolampadius, writing to Bucer, observes, the reform- ers at Berne were very much offended. At the same time he remarks, that the churches woukl be very ill spoken of, unless their divines would make it their business to " cry it down." '* We know not,^' he continues, " how that beast, (Servetus) came to creep in among us ; he wrests all passages of Scriptuie to prove, that the Son is not co-eternal and consubstantial with the Father, and that the man Christ is the Son of God." Now it was, tliat the feai-s of Melanc- thon began to be reahzed. In a letter to Joachim Cameraper, this reformer thus expresses himself: " You know that 1 was always afraid, that these disputes about the Trinity would break out some time or other. Good(jod! what trage- dies will tliis question jjroduce among posterity ; — whether the Logos be asub- stance or a person." To alleviate, in some measure, these fears, this meek re- former wrote a letter to the Popish Se- nate at Venice, be.seeching them to tise their utmost endeavours to prevent the spread of the errors contained in Serve- tus's book. It was, however, reserved forthe zeal of Calvin to convince the re- ligious world, that the reformers, witli a^I their zeal against popery, had not learned to shake off a spirit of tiery persecution against those whom they chose to accoui.t UNITARIANS. heretics. Not content with calling Ser- vetus " the proudest knave of the Span- ish nation," " a vlllanoiis, obscene, barking dog, a bh)ckhead and a beast," this furious bigot, with ail the abominable cant with which the genius of his reli- gious creed could amply supply him, ca!i<;('d the unhap])y Servetus to be burnt at the stake as a heretic, after having ha- rassed and tormented him in every possi- ble way that the most determined vil- lainy and artful hypocrisy could suggest. Thus died the first Unitarian martyr after the Reformation ; «nd thus was he treated by one of the principal i-eforniers ! It was probably from the books of Mi- chael Servetus, that lixlius Socinns, and many other Italians, first imbibed tiieir anti-trinitarian opinions. From the pa- pers of Laelius Socinus, his nephew, Faustus Socinus, was afterwards led to the study of tjieology. He improved on the system of his uncle; and was the cause of the Unitarian doctrine spreading itself over a great part of Europe. In Poland, in particular, this sect made astonishing progress. By them was published the famous Racovian Catechism ; and the writings of the Polones Fratres, in six large folio volumes, entitled "Biblio- theca Fratrum," are replete with learning and great biblical knowledge. The lead- ing doctrines maintained by the Polo- nian brethren are as follow: That the Holy Scriptures are to be un- derstood and explained in such a manner, as that their doctrines shall be strictly agreeable to the true principles of rea- son. In consequence of this leading point in their theoh)gy, they maintained that God, who is infinitely more perfect than man, tliough of a similar nature in some respects, exerted an act of that power by which he governs all things ; in Conse- quence of which, an extraordinary person was born of the Virgin Mary. That per- son was Jesus Christ, whom God first translated to heaven by that portion of his divine power called the Holy Ghost. So cinus and some of his followers entertain- ed this notion of Christ's having been, in some unknown time of l)is life, taken up personally into heaven, and sent down again to the earth, by which they solved these expressions concerning him : •' No man has ascended to heaven but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of Man which is in heaven," (John lii. 13 ) Thus Moses, who was the type of Christ, before the promulgation of the law, as- cended to God upon Mount Sinai. So Christ, before he entered on the office as- signed him by the Father, was, in conse- quence of the divine council and agency, translated into heaven, that he might see the things he had to announce to the world in the name of God himself Be- ing thus fully instructed in the knowledge of his counsels and designs, he sent him agam into this sublunary world, to promul- gate to mankind a new rule of life, more excellent than that under winch they had formerly lived, to propagate divine truth by his ministry, and to confirm it by his death. That those who obey the voice of this divine teacher (and this obedience is in the power of every one whose will and in- clination lead that way) shall one day be clothed with new bodies, and inliabit eternally those blessed regions vthere God himseh immediately resides. Such, on the contrary, as are disobedient and re- bellious, shall undergo most terrible and exquisite torments, which shall be suc- ceeded by annihilation, or the total ex- tinction of their being. Faustus Socinus supposed that, in con- descension to human weakness, in order that mankind might have one of their own brethren more upon a level with them, to whom they might have recourse in their straits and necessities. Almighty God, for his eminent virtues, had confer- red upon Jesus Christ, the Son of Mary, some years after he was born, a high di- vine power, lordship, and dominion, for the government of the christian world only ; and had qualified him to hear and answer the prayers of his followers in such matters as related to the cause of the ■gospel. The chief foundation on which Socinus foimded the opinion of Christ's being an object of religious worship, was the declarations in the scriptures con- cerning the kingdom and power bestow- ed upon him. The interpretation which he put on those passages which speak of angels and heavenly powers being put under him, and worshipping him ; his having a knowledge of the secret thoughts of men imparted to kim, and the like, which, with some presumed instances of" the fact, of prayer being actually made to him, he maintained to be a sufficient though indirect signification of the divine will, that men should invoke Christ by prayer. But he constantly acknowledg- ed that there was no express precept for making him an object of religious wor- ship. UNITARIANS. Socinus allowed that the title of true God miglit be given to Christ ; though all he meant by it was, that he had a real divine power and dominion bestowed upon him, to qualify htm to take care of the concerns of cliristians, and to hear and answer their prayers, though lie was originally nothing more than a human ^creature. There were some among the early Socinians who disapproved and rejected the worship paid to Christ, as being without any foundation in the Holy Scrip- tures, the only rule of Christian faith and worship. • Tliis is a general outline of tlie doc- trines of the Socinians. Tl)e Unitarians, of the present day, are principally divided into Arians and Huma- nitarians, or believers in the simple hu- manity of Christ. For an account of the first of tliese two classes, see the article AuiANs. The summary of doctrines held by modern Unitarians is as follows : The capital article in the religious sys- tem of this denomination is, that Christ was a mere man. But they consider him as the great instrument in the hands of God of reversing all the effects of the fall; as the object of all the prophecies from Moses to his own time ; as the great bond of union to virtuous and good men, who, as christians, make one body in a peculiar sense ; as having communications with God, and speaking and acting from God, in such a manner as no other man ever did, and therefore, having the form of God, and being the Son of God in a man- ner peculiar to himself; as the mean of spreading divine and saving knowledge to all the world ol" mankind ; as, under God, the head of all Ihitigs to liis church; * and as the Lord of life, having power and authority from God to raise the dead, and judge tlie world at the last day. They suppose that the great object of the whole scheme of revelation v/as to teach men how to live here so as to be happy hereafter ; that the particular doctrines they taught, as having a connection with this great ob- ject, are those of the unity of God, his universal presence and inspection, his placability to repenting sinners, and the certainty of a life of retribution after death. They suppose, that to be a chris- tian implies nothing more than the belief that Christ and his apostles, as well as all preceding prophets, were commissioned by God to teach what they declare they received from him ; the most important article of which is the VOL. VL doctrine of a resurrection to immortal lite. This denomination of Christians argue against the divinity and pre existence of Christ in the following manner : the scrip- tures contain the clearest and most ex- press declarations that there is but one God, without ever mentioning any excep- tion in favour of a Trinity, or guarding us against being led into any mistake by such general and unlimited expressions, Exod. XX. o : " Thou shalt have no other God but me." Deut. vi. 4, Mark xii. 20. 1 Cor. viii. 6. Ephes. iv. 5. It is the uni- form language of the sacred books of the Old Testament, that one God, without any assistant, either equal or subordinate to himself, made the world and all things in it, and that this one God continues to direct all the affairs of men. The first book of Moses begins with reciting all the visible parts of the universe as the work and appointment of God. In the ancient prophetic accounts, which preced- ed the birth of Christ, he is spoken of as a man, as a human creature highly favour- ed of God, and gifted with extraordinary powers from him, and nothing more. He was foretold, Gen. xxii. 8. to be of " the seed of Abraham," Deut. xviii. " A pro- phet like unto Moses.'* Psal. cxxvii. 11 : '* Of the family of David,'* &c. As a man, as a prophet, though of the highest order, the Jews constantly and uniformly looked for their Messiah. Christ never claimed any honour nor respect on his own account, nor as due to himself as a person only inferior to the most high God; but such as belonged only to a prophet, an extraordinary messenger of God, to listen to the message and truths which he delivered from him. He in the most de- cisive terms declares the Lord God to be one person ; and simply, excluyive of all others, to be the sole object of worship, lie always prayed to the one God as his God and Father. He always spoke of himself as receiving his doctrine and pow- er from him, and again and again dis- claimed having any power of his own. John v. 19 : " Then answered Jesus and said unto them, verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing of himself/' John xiv. 10: "The words which I speak unto you, 1 speak not of myself ; but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works." He directed men to worship the Father ; and never let fall the least intimation that himself or any other person whomsoever, was the object of worship. (See Luke xi. 1, 2. Matt. iv. 3 S UNI 10.) He says in John xvi. 23, " And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Veri- Iv, verilv,' I say unto you, whatsoever ye stiall ask the Father in ray name, he will give it you." Christ, they say, cannot be that God to whom prayer is to be offered, because he is the high priest ot that God, to make intercession for us. (Acts vii. 25.) And if Christ be not the object of prayer, he Cannot be either God, or the maker and governor of the world under God. The aposiles, to the latest period of their "writings, speak the same language, re- presenting the Father as the only true God, and Christ as a man, the servant of God, who raised him from the dead, and gave him all the power of which he is pos- sessed, as a reward for his obedience. In Acts ii. 22, the apostle Peter calls Christ «* a man approved of God," &c. ; and in Acts xvii. the apostle calls him " the man whom God has ordained." 1 Tim. ii. 5 : ** There is one God, and one Mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus." Had the apostle Paul considered Christ as being any thing more than a man with respect to his nature, he could never have argued with the least propri- ety or effect, ** that as by man came death, ^o by man came also the resurrection of the dead ;" for it might have been repli- ed, that by man came death ; but not by man, but by God, or the Creator of the world under God, came the resurrection from the dead. The apostles directed men to pray to God the Father only: Acts jv. 24. liom. xvi. 27, 8tc. This denomination maintain, tiiat re- pentaiTtce and a good life are of them- selves sufficient to recommend us to the divine favoiu* ; and that nothing is neces- stiry to make us in all situations the ob- jects of his favour, but such moral con- duct as he has made us capable of. That Christ did nothing by his death or in any other way to render God kind and merci- ful to sinners ; or rather, that God is of his own accord disposed to forgive men their sins, without any other condition than the sinner's repentance, is declared by the Almighty himself constantly and expressly in the Old Testament, and ne- ner contradicted in the new. Isaiah Iv. 7 : " Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts ; and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon." See also Ezek. xviii. 27. This most im- portant doctrine of the efficacy of re- pentance alone on the part of the sinner. UNI as sufficient to recommend him to pardon with God, is confirmed by Christ himself. Matt. vi. 12: "If ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you." But above all, the beauti- ftil and affecting parable of the prodigal son, (Luke xv.) is most decisive, that re- pentance is all our heavenly Father re- quires to restore us to his favour. The Unitarians of all ages have adopt- ed sentiments similar to those of Pela- gius, with respect to human nature. Of late years, the Unitarians have been very much upon the increase. They have several societies, in various parts of the country, for the promotion of their principles by the publication of books. In London they have two large and flour- ishing public societies — The one called " The Unitarian Society for promoting Christian Knowledge and the practice of Virtue, by the distribution of books." This society has lately published "An improved version of the New Testament upon the basis of Archbishop Newcome's new translation, with a corrected text, and notes critical aud explanatory." Among the members of this society are to be found some men of high literary and political character. The other soci- ety, established in London, is called the " Unitarian Fund, for promoting Unita- rianism by means of popular preaching." The objects of which are stated to be : " 1. To enable poor Unitarian congrega- tions to carry on religions worship. 2. To reimburse the travelling and other expenses of teachers who may contribute their labours to the preaching of the gos- pel on Unitarian principles ; and 3. To relieve those Christian ministers who, by embracuig Unltarianism, subject them- selves to poverty." This society has now several missionaries in various parts of the united kingdom ; and its funds are said to be in a flourishing state. This denomination is now spreading it- self in America. There are also some so- cieties in France, and other parts of the Continent, of Unitarian Christians. UNITY, in poetry. In the drama there are three unities to be observed, viz. the unity of action, that of time, and that of place. In the epic poem, the great, and almost only unity, is that of the action. Some regard, indeed, ought to be had to that of time ; that of place there is no room for. The unity of character is not reckoned among the unities. The unity of the dramatic action consists of the unity of the intrigue in comedy, and that of the danger in tragedy ; and this not only in the plan of the fable, but also 4 UNI UNJ .11 the fable extended and filled with epi- sodes. UNIVALVE shefls, in natural history, a term used to express one of the three Ifeneral orders of shell-fish ; the other two being the Bivalves and Multivalves. See CoxcHOLOor, Shells, &c. UNIVERSALISTS, in church history, were originally those reformers who ^aught a kind of middle doctrine, be- tween the systems of Calvin and Armi- nius. They were denominated hypothe- tical Universulists, because they main- tained, that God is willing to shew mercy to all mankind ; and because they held, that faith in Christ is a necessary condi- tion, to render them the objects of the divine mercy. These opinions were in- tended to be opposed to the harsh and cruel notions of Calvin, concerning elec- tion and reprobation, on the one hand ; and to the opinions of Pelagius, concern- ing the merit of good works, on the other. The doctrines of the hypotheti- cal Universalists were propagated with success by John Cameron ; and were fur- ther illustrated and defended by Moses Amyrant, a man of great learning and sagacity. The opinions he maintained, and which produced no small changes in the doctrine of the reformed in France, are briefly summed up in the following propositions .* That God desires the happiness of all Oien ; and that no mortal is excluded by any divine decree from the benefits that are procured by the death, sufferings, and gospel of Christ: That, however, none can be made a partaker of the blessings of the Gospel, and of eternal salvation, unless he believe in Jesus Christ : That such, indeed, is the immense and .i.niversal goodness of the Supreme Be- ing, that he refuses to none the power of beheving ; though he does not grant un- to all his assistance and succour, that they may wisely improve this power to the attainment of everlasting salvation : And that, in consequence of this, multitudes perisli through their own fault, and not from any want of goodness in God. It does not, indeed, appear, how this mitigated view of the doctrine of predesr tin'ation can effectually destroy the heart- appalling thoughts, occasioned by tlie more open and direct notions of Calvin and his adherents ; but such were the opinions taught by the hypothetical Uni- vei^salists; and they were not without their good effect, in softening dowii many of the rigours of high Calvinism. But the term Universalists has now ob- tained a far more extensive signification ; as it is used to designate those Christians who hold the doctrine of the future re- storation of all men to eternal life and happiness. This sentiment was embrac- ed by Origen in the third century; and, in more modern times, by the Chevalier Ramsay, Dr. Cheyne, Dr. Hartley, and others. The most popular advocates for this doctrine, were Dr. Chauncy and the late Rev. Elhanan Winchester. Dr. Chauncy held, that as Christ died, not for a select number of men only, but for all men universally, that therefore all men shall finally partake of the benefits of his death ; if not in this state of ex- istence, yet in another. He held, that, as a mean, in order to man's being meet for salvation, God will, sooner or later, bring them all to a wiUing and obedient subjection to his moral government. This doctrine is maintained by many, not so much, as they say, because it ap- pears to be indicated by some passages of Scripture ; but because it is strictly agree- able to the spirit and genius of the dis- pensation of universal goodness displayed in the Gospel of Christ. They contend, that the doctrine of eternal punishments is not only a cruel and hateful doctrine, but subversive of all proper ideas of the benevolent and wise character of the Al- mighty, as well as destructive of the true use and design of all punishment. And as. punishment cannot proceed from a vindictive spirit on the part of the Al- mighty, it must be designed so to correct the offenders against his moral laws, as to destroy the necessity of eternal pun- ishment, and restore the sinner to obe- dience, and a desire after reformation ; which reformation, when effected, must render all further punishment both un- merciful and unjust. In defence of this reasoning they say, that tlie scriptural words rendered everlastings eternal, for ever, and for ever and for ever, are fre- quently used to express things of limited duration ; and that, when they refer to the future state of punishment^ they are always to be so understood; because to interpret these words otherwise, would be to reason contrary to the analogy of faith, the ideas of the divine goodness, the design of the Gospel, and the plain. dic- tates of right reason. This doctrine, has to boast of having, among its advocates and defenders, the names of Origen and UNIVERSITY. lus discipks ; of many of the German Baptists, prior to the reformation ; and, in latter times, of Petitpiere, a learned Swiss ; of Dr. Rust, Bishop of Dromore, in Ireland ; of Archbishop Tillotson ; as well as of Bishops Burnet and Newton. This doctrine is also g-enerally main- tained by those Christians who profess the Unitarian faith, whether Arians or Humanitarians. It has, however, been ably opposed by many learned men ; though the controversy is now pretty much at rest. UNIVERSITY. This term signifies the establishment of many colleges in one particular situation, all of which are subject to the same general government, and which are formed by the residence of numerous professors in every branch of science, who teach them to students as- sembled from all parts of Europe, and particularly the countries possessing those seats of learning. So many centuries have elapsed since the introduction of this mode of instruc- tion, that each university is desirous to profit by the oblivion involving their origin, in claiming the priority : thus the members of the two universities of Paris and Boulogne assert that they were the first established; nor are those of Oxford and Cambridge less desirous of maintaining their real, or supposed, rights on this head. As this is not the proper place to en- ter into an historical accou!it of these vast seminaries of learning, we shall refer our readers, for further informMion in this particular, to works written expressly on the subject. We shall now proceed to explain the various component parts of an university; and to accomplish this correctly and mi- nutely, we have had recourse to the Cam- bridge University calendar, compiled by Mr. Raworth, who says, " The university of Cambridge is a society of students in all and eveiy of the liberal arts and sci- ences, incorporated (13 Elizabeth) by the name of the chancellor, masters, and scho- lars. The frame of this little common- wealth standeth upon the union of sixteen colleges, or societies, devoted to the stu- dy of learning and knowledge, and for the better service of the church and state." Every college is in itself a corporate bo- dy, and governed by its own statutes, which must, however, concur with the general laws of the university, formed by Elizabeth on previous privileges, and con- firmed by Parliament, consequently they are the basis of all modern regulations. Each of the colleges send deputies, both for the executive and legislative branches of the government, and the place of their meeting is termed the senate house. Masters of arts, doctors in divinity, ci- vil law, and physic, who have their names iiiscribed on the college boards, and are resident at Cambridge, possess votes in the above assembly ; and of those there were, in the year 1802, about 940. Tiie senate consists of two classes, which are called regents or non-regents, with a view to some particular offices assigned by the statutes of the university to the junior division. Masters of arts of less than five years standing, and doctors under two, form the regent, or upper house : and it has besides the term of white-hood house, from the circumstance of the members having their hoods lined with silk of the above colour : the remainder constitute the non-regent, or black-hood house : doctors of more than two years standing, and the public orator of the university, are entitled to vote in either of those houses at pleasure ; exclusive of which there is a Caput, or coimcil, composed of the vice chancellor, a doctor of each fa- culty, and two masters of arts, who are representatives of the houses already mentioned. The vice chancellor being a member of the Caput by virtue of his office, his election to the former only takes place annually, on the foiu'th of November, when the senate choose him from the masters of the sixteen colleges; but that of the Caput occurs after the same interval on the ISth of October, in the fallowing manner : the vice chancel- lor and the two proctors severally nomi- nate five persons, and from the fifteen thus prcposed the heads of colleges and doctors select five, general]}' preferring the vice chancelloi''s list. The officer just mentioned calls the meetings of the senate by a printed no- tice, wliich specifies the cause, and must be suspended in the halls of the several col- leges three days previously tothe time ap- pointed. A congregation of the members thus summoned may proceed to business, and a congregation consLsts of any num- ber above twenty-six, including the pro- per officers of the Senate, who are com- pelled to attend on oath, personally, or by their legal deputies. Exclusive of these casual meetings, there are statuta- ble congregations, for conferring degrees, electing officers, ike. he. which are held without notice. "Every member has a right," says Mr. Raworth, " to present any proposition, or grace, to the consi- UNIVERSITY. deration of tlie Senate ; but previously to its being voted by the two houses, it is to be read and approved by tlie Council, or Caput ; each member of whicii has a ne- gative voice. This custom has seldom been observed, unless something mani- festly absurd, or obviously derogatory to tlie credit of the university, is proposed ; insomuch, tiiat nothing" has been more common than for a person to give a pla- cet in the Caput, and a non-placet to the same in the body, upon the idea that the Caput should be considered in ll>e light of a committee to prepare the graces in point of form for the subsequent voting ; as without some such regulation it miglit be difficult to take the sense of the Senate upon the real merits of the question." When a grace has passed the Caput, one of two scrutators read it in the non-regent house, and in the other it is read by the senior proctor, after which the vice chan- cellor di.ssolvesthe congregation ; the ce- remony of reading is repeated in a second congi-egation ; and if a non-placet does iiot occur, it becomes a statute ; on the contrary, if a non-placet is put in by a member of either house, it is put to the vote there, and a majority decides the question. The senatus consultum decree, or grace, of this learned assembly has the same force and effect as an act of the le- gislature of Great Britain, which fact is supported by the opinion of the best council, and, "in cases where nothing is enacted in opposition to the laws of the land, neither the statutes of Ehzabeth, nor the mandatory letters of succeed- ing kings, although their authority be apparently strengthened by uninterrup- ted submission, can stand against the determination of this respectable assem- bly." A degree cannot be conferred without y)assing of a grace for the purpose, which is done with the same formality as if a new law was to be made. This is, how- ever, dispensed with in the single case of a bachelor of arts, as this requires reading in one congregation only, when it is term- ed a supplicat, and must be signed by the pr?elector, who thus becomes responsible tor the truth of its contents, besides the penalty of being deprived of his privilege of voting in the Senate for two years, or bearing any office in the university, upon discovery of any false assertions in it. De- gi-ees are never conferred, unless the persons receiving them previously sign a declaration, that they are bona fide mem- l>ei's of the Church of England, as by law established. All the officers of the uni- versity, forming the executive part of it, are chosen by the Senate, the principal of whom is the chaiicellor, who presides in all cases, and to whom is confided the; sole power of governing, excepting iu cases of mayhem and felony ; he is, be- sides, expected to protect and preserve all the rights and privileges of the insti- tution, and to see that strict and impartitd justice is administered in every case to the members; and that all this'may be be insured, the office has lately been en- trusted to noblemen of the highest i-ank. Other parts of his official duty are, the convoking of assemblies, the sealing of diplomas, letters of degrees, provisions, &c. given by the university. The high steward is the next officer in consequence to the chancellor, and to him is granted the power to superintend the trial of students accused of felony, within the limits of the jurisdiction, which is one mile in every direction from the suburbs of the university : he is also empowered to hold a leet, according to the establish- ed charter and custom, and is permitted to have a deputy. The vice chancellor's office is explain- ed by his title ; but he acts as a magistrate for the university and county, and must be the head of some college. The re- gents elect two proctors, who are officers of the peace, and superintend the beha- viour and discipline of all the pupils, and may search for and commit to prison those abandoned females who contribute to corrupt the morals of the students at the university. Exclusive of these pur- poses, the proctors are appointed to at- tend the congregations of the Senate, when they stand in scrutiny with the chancellor or vice chancellor, to take th6 open suffrages, verbally, and written, which they read, and finally pronounce the assent or dissent : the graces are read by them in the regent house, where they take the assents and dissents secretly, but afterwards openly declare them. Al- though there are some particular parts of the duties of these officers which may be considered very unpleasant, yet they must be masters of arts, and are regents by virtue of their office, and are enabled to determine the seniority of all masters of arts at the time of their taking that de- gree ; besides which, they may nominate two moderators, who are then appointed by a grace of the Senate. Those persons act as the substitutes of the proctors in the philosophical schools, and alternately superintend disputations and exercises UNIVERSITY. there, and the exartiinations for the de- gree of bachelor of arts. Other officers are termed taxors, scruta- tors, a public orator, a commissary, a re- gistrar, esquire bedells, and librarians. The taxors, similar to the moderators, are masters of arts and regents by virtue of their office, which is to regulate the mar- kets, the assize of bread, the exactness of weights and measures, by the different standards, and to summon all offenders in- to the commissary's court : the scrutators are non -regents, and their functions are to attend at every congregation, to read the graces in the lower house, where tliey collect the votes secretly or openly, in scrutiny, when they publicly pro- nounce the assent or dissent of that house. The public orator holds an office which is considered as one of the most honour- able in the university ; he is, in fact, the medium of the senate upon all solemn oc- casions, reading and recording all com- munications to and from the senate, and presenting all honorary degrees, accom- panied by a suitable speech. The com- missary holds his office under the chan- cellor, and officiates as assessor, or assist- ant, in the vice-chancellor's court ; be- sides which, he holds a court of record, where all causes are subject to the statute and civil law and custom of the universi- ty ; and the persons for whom it is held are all privileged, and scholars under the degree of master of arts. The registrar attends himself, or by deputy, all congre- gations, to give directions, if necessary, for the correct wording of such graces as are propounded, and to di*aw up any^that the vice-diancellor may appoint ; to re- ceive them when passed through both houses, and to register them in the ar- chives of the university ; exclusive of which, his office requires h'un to record tile seniority of those who proceed an- nually in the arts or faculties, agreea- bly to the schedules furnished to him by the proctors. The esquire bedells attend the vice- chancellor during all public solemnities, preceding him with their insignia of sil- ver maces : they attend, besides, the doc- tors when present in the regent house, by bringing them to open scrutiny, there to deliver their suffrages, either by word or writing, according to the order of the statute ; and to receive from the vice- chancellor and the rest of the Caput the graces, which they deliver to the scruta- tors in the lower house ; when, if granted, Ij^ey convey them to the proctors in the other. Previous to a meeting, they pro. ceed to every college, with an open sum. mons, eitlier to the senate, or whatever else place may be appointed under the regulations of the university ; and, final- ly, they attend the professors and respon- dents in each faculty from their several colleges to the schools, collect penalties and fines, and summon all members of the senate to the chancellor's court. "We have now mentioned the different officers of an university in England, with as much brevity as the nature of the sub- ject will permit ; at the same time we must observe, that none can be more im- portam in a state, or can more deserve explanation. There are two courts of law in the university of Cambridge ; the first of which is the consistory court of the chancellor, where that officer, or in his absence, the vice-chancellor, assisted by some of the heads of colleges, and one or more doctors of the civil law, preside, and administer justice demanded by any member of the university, or afford it to those who conceive themselves injured by them in the cases cognizable by this par- ticular court; there all pleas and actions personal, originating within the jurisdic- tion of the university, to which a privi- leged person is a party, and not relating to mayhem or felony, is decided accord- ing to the usual course of civil law, by citation, libel, &c. When the cause re- lates to the sale or purchase of victuals, the chancellor is directed by the charters and customs of the body he governs ; and in case they are silent upon the subject, the statutes of England are his guide. The decisions of this court are not abso- lute, as an appeal may be made to the se- nate, which appoints three or five doc- tors, or masters of art, who. are empower- ed to examine, confirm, or reverse the decree complained of. The other court is the consistory court of the commissary. The commissary, a doctor of the civil law, acts under the authority and seal of the chancellor, and sits as well in the university, as at Mid- summer and Stirbitch fairs, there to take knowledge, and to proceed in all causes " ad instantiam et promotionem partis ut supra," the parties, or one of them, being privileged : saving that within the Uni- versity all causes or suits whereunto the proctors, or taxors, or any of them, or a master of arts, or any other of superior degree, is a party, are reserved solely and wholly to the jurisdiction of the chan- cellor or vice-chancellor. The manner of proceeding in this court is similar to UNIVERSITY. that of the preceding, which has a regist- rar, procurators, and advocates, and a yeoman bedell, as is required in the con- sistory court. Appeals are also allowed, but in this case it must be made in the first instance to the higher court, and may from thence be removed to the Senate, and the three or five delegates appointed by that body. The University possesses the right of sending two members to the imperial parliament of the united kingdom, who are chosen by the collective body of the senate, A council, termed the Universi- ty council, appointed for various pur- poses, is composed by a grace of the se- nate, and a solicitor is nominated by the vice-chancellor. The syndics, chosen from the members of the senate, conduct all special aft'airs, such as framing laws, regulating fees, and inspecting the library, the printing, buildings, 8cc. &c. Those of the Univer- sity press cannot proceed to business un- less the vice-chancellor and four others are present in the parlour of the office. All the professors of the sciences are al- lowed stipends, which are derived from various sources, composed of the Univer- sity chest, sums from government, or from estates appropriated for that pur- pose : the whole income of the Universi- ty being about eleven thousand pounds per annum, including fees for degrees, profits of the printing-office, &c. Of tliis sum eight thousand pounds is ex- pended annually to officers, professors in the library and schools, the press, in taxes, and charitable donations, the whole under the management of the vice-chan- cellor for the time being, whose accounts are audited by three persons appointed yearly by the senate. The Book of Statutes was printed in the year 1785, copies of which are pos- sessed by the vice-chancellor and the proctors, and one is deposited in the pub- lic and in the libraries of each college ; it consists of the ancient statutes, those of Henry VIII. Edward VI. and those of the first and twelfth years of the reign of queen Elizabeth ; " Liters Regiac ad Aca- demiam datse ; Interpretationes Statuto- nim ; Senatus consulta sive gratiae decre- ta prsefectorum ; Juramenta et Formu- lae." Mr. Raworth says, " the statutes of the twelfth of Elizabeth, and the Senatus Consulta, are those which are chiefly re- spected at this time. Many of the old statutes, decrees, interpretations, &c. are looked upon as obsolete, some as ridicu- lous, and others unnecessary in the pre- sent establishment ; yet what Dr. Rentley observed of Trinity College statutes, dur- ing his disagreement with the fellows of that society, might be urged concerning these : " Some are my club, and others my rusty sword, which I can draw upon occasion." The terms are three in number, Mi- chaelmas term commences on the tenth of October, and terminates the sixteenth day of December ; Lent term begins January thirteen, and is concluded on the Friday immediately preceding Palm Sunday ; Midsummer term begins one week after Easter day, and ends on the Friday following commencement day, wiiich is invariably the first Tuesday in July. Upon the decease of a member of the senate during the term, and withia the University, application is made to the vice-chancellor, and the bell of the Uni- versity is tolled for one hour, term in- stantly commences for three days, and for that period lectures and disputations cease. Most of the statutes made for the go- vernment of the sixteen different col- leges dictate that the members or fellows of them shall be exclusively Englishmen, and some even prescribe that they must be natives of particular counties and dis- tricts; hence an invidious distinction is created between the residents of the northern and southern parts of this island, which, though united for a long time past in political matters, are most completely separated in the pursuit of knowledge ; and it is too much to be feared that this circumstance is the real cause of the affected contempt of the degrees and academic honours granted by seminaries of learning in Scotland and Ireland. It is singular that the indivi- duals who founded the colleges at Cant- bridge and Oxford, should have concur- red in this narrow and illiberal conduct almost universally, as they each had a strong sense of religion, which ho\vever does not appear to have taught them the best principle of it, brotherly love. As a few of the colleges admit of general com- petition for fellowships, and the members of the two Universities seem sensible of the injustice and impolicy of such dis- tinctions, we may venture to hope some method will be devised ere long to obvi- ate or remove them. The following re- gulation ajjplies to all the colleges at Cambridge. " Whosoever hath one Eng» lish parent, although he be born in ano- ther country, shall be esteemed as if born in that county to which hrs Englilsh UNIVERSITY. parent belonged. But if both parents are English, he shall be reckoned of that county to which his father belonged." The colleges are thus constituted : The head, by which odd term the master is designated, who is generally a doctor of divinity ; but Caius college may be go- verned by a doctor of physic, and Trini- ty must have a doctor of laws ; the prin- cipal of King's is styled provost, and of Queen's president. The fellows are ge- nerally bachelors of divinity, bachelors or masters of arts, and others are bachelors and doctors of law and physic, particular- ly at the two colleges of Trinity -hall and Caius. There is a distinction between the fellows, who are divided into classes, called regular and bye ; the latter are considered as merely honorary, never succeeding to college preferment, nor having any concern whatever in the af- fairs of it, but are allowed an inconsider- able sum annually by their respective colleges, which act as trustees for them; they are denominated Perse Wortley, Yorkshire, Coventry, Piatt, Dixie, and Tiverton. Clergymen, who are termed conduits, are employed in the several in- stitutions as chaplains, and perform some of the duties belonging to that office. There are noblemen graduates, doc- tors in the different faculties, and bache- lors of divinity (who have been masters of arts,) whose names are on the boards, ^ and are all members of the Senate ; they reside in the University occasionally, but have no further claim upon a college than the general respect due to their rank in the honolu's of the former ; their charges are inconsiderable for keeping their names on the boards, being about four pounds per annum. Graduates, neither members of the Se- nate, nor in statu pupillari, are bachelors of di\inity, and denominated four and '^ twenty men, or ten-year men. These arc generally clergymen that procure the dignities of the university in addition to their wealth and preferment at an easy rate, without the formalities of an educa- tion within its jurisdiction. Oxford does not permit this method of partaking of academic titles, and indeed the posses- sors of them enjoy but little reputation derived from such at Cambridge. They are tolerated by the statutes of Elizabeth, which allow persons who are admitted at any college, when twenty -four years of age, and upwards, after ten years (dur- ing the last two of which they must re- side the greater part of three several terms) to become bachelors of divinity, without taking any prior degree. Bacfjelors of law and physic sometimes put themselves to the unnecessary ex- pense of keeping their names upon the boards till they obtain the distinction of doctors; bachelors of arts, on the contra- ry, who are in stiitu pupillari, and pay for tutorage, whether resident or non-resi- dent, generally keep their names on the boards to evince their desire of becom- ing candidates for fellowships, or mem- bers of the Senate ; they may, however, erase their names, and save the e.xpen- ses of tutorage and college detrimenta, and take the degree of A. M. after the usual time, by inscribing their names a few days before their incepting, and pay- ing a quarter's tutorage; some of thes^ are called bachelors commoners, as thejr are allowed to dine with the fellows, and when under graduates they were fellow commoners. The fellow commoners are almost uni- versally the younger sons of titled per- sons, or the sons of men of ancient fami- lies and property; the denomination of those most probably originated from the privilege they enjoy of dining with the fellows. There are some i'ew exclusive rights attached to the rank of fellow com- moners, but they chiefly apply tO the usages of the hall and chapel, besides which their academic habits are orna- mented with gold or silver. Pensioners and scholars j^ay for their rooms, com- mons, &c. Those who enjoy scholar- ships read the graces, lessons in the ri- tual, 8s,c. Of the sizars it has been observ- ed, they are generally men of inferior fortune, though frequently by their me- rit they succeed to the highest honours in the University. They usually have their commons free, and receive various emoluments, by which means they are enabled creditably to proceed through their course of education. Most of our church dignitaries have been of this or- der. Such is the general outline of an Eng- lish University, a constitution the work of ages, with numerous perfections, and with very few errors ; our confined limits will not permit us to enlarge as we coidd wish, upon the forms adopted in the^ar- duous undertaking of teaching the sci- ences and a taste for. polite literature united, but we may safely say they seem such as are best calculated for the final purpose, and to excite emulation ; and we are supported in this assertion by the fact, that no other Universities have excelled those of England and Great Britain, in the aggregate, in ttie production of ex- cellent philosophers and respectable di- UNI vol vines. Superficial knowledge is held iu no kind of estimation at either of our great seminaries, the very essence and causes, as well as effects, must be explor- ed to satisfy the expectations of the vaii- ous professors, formed by long experi- ence and unexhausted assiduity ; a young man must therefore study vigorously, and without relaxation, for two years and one quarter, ere he ventures to appear in a pubhc exercise before the University. The first year is occupied by lectures from Euclid, with the first six books of which he must be thoroughly acquauited, and the principles of Algebra, plane tri- gonometry, and conic sections. Difler- ent colleges have their peculiar systems, but mechanics, hydrostatics, optics, flux- ions, and a part of Newton's Principia, with the method of increments, differen- tial method, and similar miscellanea, are the pursuits of the second year ; to the third belongs astronomy, the Principia already mentioned, spherical trigonome- try, the most difficult and important parts of fluxions, algebra, and geometry: his last term, or the first term of tlie fourth year, requires all the energies of his mind ; he is now more deeply engaged in the arduous conflict of the schools with all his rivals, and preparing himself for the Senate-house examination. Having completed this course of natu- ral philosophy, we shall next turn our at- tention to the mode adopted in the se- cond head of academical studies, or the course of moral philosophy in the attain- ment of this branch. The first year is de- voted to Locke and logic, and the two following to Paley, Hartley, Burlamagni, Rutherford, Clarke on the Attributes, and other authors whose writings are of a si- milar tendency, and those are made the subjects of various orders of lectures in the different colleges; lectures on the chronology, geography, laws, reUgious tites and customs of the nations which are mentioned in the Old and New Tes- taments, in some degree derived from Bausobre, but partly from other sources, are also given to promote an accurate knowledge of the foundation of our faith. Unfortunately, although these methods cf promoting the studies of the pupils were wisely conceived, and are general- ly executed with great ability and advan- tage, there have been instances of neg- lect and very slight attendance. The third head includes the belles let- ires, or classics, and this, of all the varie- ty of pursuit, seems the most successful in VOL. VI. each of the colleges, as every term hag an appropriate selection of the best fot the lecture room, when extracts from the most approved authors of antiquity, judi- ciously commented on, and compared with similar passages from modern wri- ters, forms a source of entertainment highly grateful as well as useful. Besides the exertions of the tutor in this particu- lar, the students deliver, either written, or vive voce, compositions in their respec- tive chapels weekly, which may be in the Latin or English languages. The author of the little but valuable work before mentioned very properly observes, that emulation of an honourable kind is excit- ed by prizes and rewards in most of the colleges, and this emulation is not of the dangerous nature too often perceptible in inferior seminaries, as the first man in each year feels his inferiority to those a few years older than himself, and the pre-eminence over his own year in his own college, may receive a most violent check in the collision with the rival heads of his own standing in fifteen other col- leges. UNXIA, in botany, a genus of the Syn- genesia Polygamia Superflua class and order. Natural order of Composite Dis- coideae. Corymbiferse, Jussieu. Essen- tial character : calyx five-leaved ; leaflets ovate ; florets of both disc and ray five ; seed-down none ; receptacle naked. There is but one species, viz. U. cam- phorata, a native of Surinam. VOICE. The parts employed in the production of the voice are, the trachea, or wind-pipe, by which the air passes to and from the lungs : the larynx, which is a short and cyhndrical canal at the head of the trachea ; and the glottis, which is a small oval chink between two semicircu- lar membranes, extended horizontally from the entering side of the larynx. The trachea so much resembles a flute, that the ancients attributed the for- mation of the voice to the trachea, as much as the formation of the sound to the body of the flute ; and till the commence- ment of the last century, it was generally imagined that the trachea had at least a considerable part in the production of the voice. M. Dodart has established the contrary. He observed, that we nei- ther speak nor sing in drawing in our breath, but only when we expel that which we have inhaled ; and that the air thus expelled from -the lungs passes through vessels, which increase in size a? their distance from the lungs increases; and finally, through the traphea, whic^ i& •? T VOICE. the most capacious oi' any : so that the air, instead of being there confined and increasing in velocity, loses it. But the opening, denominated the glottis, being very narrow in comparison. with the size of the trachea, the air can never pass through it without acquiring a consider- able degi'ee of velocity : so that the air thus compressed and forced on, commu- nicates, as it passes, a vibratory motion to the particles of the two lips of the glottis, which produces that efltct on the air which we call sound. The sound thus formed, passes into the cavity of the mouth and nostrils, where it reverbe- rates ; and Dodart proves that this rever- beration is what principally gives the ef- fect to the voice. The different parts of tlie mouth, each in its turn, contributes to these reverberations, and modifies them ; and it is this mixture of different reverbe- rations, well proportioned to one another, which produces in the human voice a har- mony which no instrument can equal. When the parts are defective, much of this pleasure is lost. It is, then, the cavi- ty of the mouth, &c. that more properly answers to the body of the flute ; the tra- chea only furnishes the air, like the sound-board of the organ. The glottis, by means of different mus- cles, can be extended or shortened, can be dilated or contracted ; and it is these changes which produce all the variety of tone. I'he narrower the opening the greater the rapidity with which the air passes, and the more acute the sound : hence those who wished to give their voice a very high tone, would suffocate themselves ifthey continued it sufficiently ]ohg; for, as they almost entirely close tlie glottis, very little air can issue ; and they are in a similar situation with those whose respiration is stopped by hanging, drowning. Sec. But if the opening of the glottis be too much dilated, the air will pass too easily to produce any vi- bration : hence those who wish to give t^eir voice too deep a tone, cannot pro- duce any sound. This power of contraction and dilatation is, perhaps, the most wondertiil part of the mechanism of the voice. The dia- meter of the glottis never exceeds .ji_t!i of an inch : now, suppose a person capa- ble of sountling twelve notes (to which the voice easily reaches), there must be the difference of -jl^th part of an inch for each note. But if we consider the stibdivision of notes of which the voice is capable, the motion of the sides of the glottis appears still more minute ; for if of two chords, so stretched as to be ex- actly in unison, one be shortened the ^ii th part of its length, a correct ear will perceive the difference of the two sounds ; and a good voice will sound the difference, which is only -^-^^th part of a note. But suppose that a voice can divide a note into 100 parts, it will follow that the different openings of the glottis will be 1200 in the -^^th of an inch, each of which will produce a sound perceptible to a good ear. But the movement of each side of the glottis being equal, it is necessary to double this number, and the side of the glottis actually divides the -Jg-th of an inch into 2400 equal parts j that each vibration is ^_i^^th part of an inch. As yet we have simple, unarticulated sound ; such as when we sing the notes of a tune without words. Speech is made up of articulated voice ; that is, voice modified by the action, not of the lungs, the trachea, or the larynx, but of the throat, palate, teeth, tongue, and lips. Every variation in tone, however, is pro- duced by a variation in the glottis ; and in strength, by the action of the lungs : so that all the parts of this complicated mechanism are continually employed. Articulation begins when the voice has passed the larynx. The simplest articu- late sounds are those which proceed from an open mouth : they are so little modified, that they arc called in some other languages by the term voice; and in our own, from a derivative of the same word. In transmitting these, the aper- tures of the mouth may be pretty large, or somewhat smaller, or very small ; which produces one set of the variations of vowel sounds : besides, in passing through the open mouth, the voice may be gently acted upon by the lips, or by the tongue and the palate, or by the tongue and throat : and hence another source of variation ; and thus nine sim- ple vowel sounds are produced. When the voice, in its passage through the mouth, is totally intercepted, or strongly compressed, there is formed a certain modification of articulate sounds, which is called a consonant. Silence is the ef- fect of a total interception ; and indistinct sound, of a strong compression : hence a consonant is not of itself a distinct ar- ticulate voice ; and its influence, in va- rying the tones of language, cannot be perceived, unless it be accompanied with an opening of the mouth, that is, by a vowel sound. p VOL Such is the nature of the mechanism of the human voice ; so complicated, yet so simple : and when we consider the great variety of motions necessary to be per- formed by every one who speaks with common fluency, instead of surprize that children are so long- before they can arti- culate, and express a chain of ideas by words, we shall see ground for admira- tion, that this most invaluable acquisition is made so early. The fact appears to be, that the powers of imitation are at that period the principal source of improve- ment ; and the organs being then more capable of the requisite variation of flex- ure than in the later periods of life, sounds are acquired (not indeed without much trouble, and almost incessant exer- tion), which at the age of manhood baffle the best-directed exertion. VOIDED, in heTsAdry, is understood of an ordinary whose inner or middle part is cut out, leaving nothing but its edges to show its form, so that the field appears through it. Hence it is needless to ex- press the colour or metal of the voided part, because it must of course be that of the field. The cross voided, diflTers from the cross fimbriated, in that the latter does not show the field through it, as the other does ; and the same obtains in other ordinaries. VOIDER, in heraldry, one of the ordi- naries whose figure is much like that of a flask of flanch, only that it doth not bend so much. VOLANT, in heraldry, is when a bird in a coat of arms is drawn flying, or hav- ing its wings spread out. \OhCANlC formations. The products of volcanoes are ejected stones and ashes ; lava and water mixed with ashes, of a slimy consistence : the first order comprehends the ejected stones and ashes ; the second, the different kinds of lava ; and the third, the matter of muddy eruptions. The stony ejections are those which are always thrown from the summit of the volcano : they accumu- late and form the crater, wliich is a fun- nel shaped hollow. Mineralogists have enumerated among ejected stones : 1. Granular lime-stone, which is said to con- tain tremolite, pistacite, olivine, augite, Vesuvian, melanite, sommite, and horn- blende ; 2. Granite ; 3. Mica-slate ; 4. Green-stone ; and, 5. Sand-stone. Lava consists of two sub-species, viz. slag- lava and foam-lava : these do not extend far, having in general flowed, in streams of considerable height, into hollows, and gradually consolidated during its ©curse. VOL Matter of muddy eruptions comprehends volcanic-tuff, which is composed some- times of ashes, sometimes of vesicular lava, and probably some particular che- mical formations. See Volcanoes. VOLCANOES, mountains which emit ignited matter and smoke through aper- tures, communicating with cavities in the depths of the earth, where eternal fires are situated, that burn wiih more or less force, as they are influenced by causes which it is impossible should ever be explained by actual observation, but that may be conjectured with tole- rable success from experiments. Such have been made by many naturalists (who deserve every praise for their assiduity and research), though not with an accu- racy that distinguishes those of the cele- brated Abbe Lazarro Spallanzani, profes- sor of natural history in the university of Pavia : this gentleman, though far ad- vanced in life, acted with a vigour and hardihood seldom found even in youth, and braved danger and death, in a thou- sand horrid forms, in pursuit of his fa- vourite object, the elucidation of the phenomena of volcanic fires. To whom, then, can we with more propriety have recourse, in our attempt to explain their causes and effects .■' The Abbe observed, in the course of his various examinations of craters, that volcanoes emit vast quan- tities of gas ; and he found that stony sub- stances were invariably, when complete- ly heated by the subterraneous fire, ra- rified, inflated, and rendered cellular, by their elasticity ; which effect is observ- able in numbers of lavas, glasses, and en- amels, ejected during eruptions : and he discovered, in addition, that their vio- lence continually i-aised the liquified matter from the interior of the craters to their very borders, over which it flowed at each impulse. He was at the same time equally atten- tive to the nature and force of the fire which acts in the bowels of volcanic mountains ; and, in the course of his re- searches, discovered that Vesuvius, iEt- na, the Eolian Islands, and Ischia, are immense mountains, composed of rocks tlmt have been liquified, and even vitri- fied, by the violence of the subterraneous conflagration. "What fire," he ex- claims, " can we produce equivalent to tliese effects !" Humble, however, as all experiments appear with our limited means, this venerable philosopher justly thought imperfect knowledge of volca- noes preferable to contented ignorance, and, undismayed by the magnitude of the VOLCANOES. object, proceeded tp ascertain, as far as •possible, what man is permitted to know on this tenific subject. "1 have," he observes, " discovt red, that the fire of the glass-furnace will completely refuse the vitrifications, enamels, pumices, sco- riae, and lavas, of these and other volcanic countries. The same will, in like man- ner, vitrify rocks congenerous to those from which these mountains have origin- ated, by the means of subten-anean con- flagrations. A less intense fire, on the contrary, produces no such effect on any of these substances. Determined to ex- ercise the most rigorous research, and to ascertain, with the greatest possible pre- cision, the exact degree of heat requisite to produce the above effects, he had re- course to the pyrometer of Wedgwood, which he compliments and praises, by saying nothing could be better adapted for his purpose. The terrific appearance of a volcano in eruption is so appalling, so grand, and altogether so wonderful, that it is by no means astonishing the world should sup- pose the vast volumes of smoke, ignited matter, and stones, hurled into the air with inconceivable violence and rapidity, exclusive of the torrents of liquified sub- stances which roll down its sides in so- lemn and destructive majesty, were caus- ed by more powerful fires than those man has been permitted to kindle ; in saying the world, we wish to be understood as meaning those who have seen or read of eruptions without examining the subject further. Of natural philosophers, there were many who coincided with this ge- neral opinion ; and others have maintain- ed the direct contrary supposition, as- serting, that volcanic fires are extremel}' feeble in their operations : following the example of Spallanzani, we shall give the substance of the arguments of each, in order that the reader may draw his own conclusion. It is evident that we must have recourse to the same rule for ascer- taining the intensity of volcanic fires, which we make use of in measuring the effects of our fires when in activity on bodies immersed in them ; and we have already mentioned, that Wedgwood's pyrometer answers for the purpose, as nearly as the nature of the pursuit will permit : but long before the invention of this instrument, attempts were made to attain the object in question, particularly by the academicians of Naples, who, at the time of the great eruption in the year 1737, made an experiment on the Uva near the Torre del Greco, in a valley where it had accumulated ; and though it had ceased its motion several days, yet retained a heat equal to that of red-hot iron. They formed a piece of lead, weighuig two ounces, in a conical shape, v/hich they placed on the red-hot surface of tlie lava ; the metal became soft in two minutes and a half, and in one minute more it was completely melted ; another piece of lead, in every respect exactly similar, was then deposited on a plate of red-hot iron, rendered so by burning coals beneath it, when they found that it required six minutes and a half to soften, and seven and a half to liquify it. Water placed on the lava, boiled furiously in three minutes, and on burning coals, one minute later. Judging from these facts, the academicians concluded that lava, though exposed to the external air for some days, and consequently far less in- tensely heated than when first issuing from the crater, was much mere fiery in its nature than red-hot iron or burning coals : but this conclusion is obviously in-, correct ; because the plate of iron, be- ing surrounded by air, could not acquire all the heat whicii was applied to it ; nei- ther was it fair to rest an opinion of this description upon a result produced by means so unequal, as a vast depth of ig- nited matter opposed to a thin plate of iron. Prince Cassano, a member of our Royal Society, produced an instance of the vio- lent heat of the lava which issued from Vesuvius, to that learned body, which seems more to the purpose than that of the Academicians : the torrent of lava al- luded to, approached a convent of Car- melites; every combustible article was immediately consumed, even before the mass came into contact with it ; and the, heat was so excessive, that the glasses standing upon a table in the refectory, were instantly reduced to shapeless pieces of that useful material : this cir- cumstance produced an experiment, at- tended with the same consequences, which was the fastening of a fragment of glass to the end of a long stick, and hold- ing it near the lava, when, at the close of four minutes, it became a mere paste. A fact of the same nature is mentioned by Professor Bottis, in his account of the eruption of Vesuvius, in the year 1667. Now, though this effect may be produc- ed by suspending a piece of glass in the air of a glass furnace, it must be admitted, that this being in a state of full activity, and the heat excited to the utmost, by every human means, is nqt a just compa- VOL([JANOES. rison with a body of lava far removed from tlie spot where it acquired its heat, which must, without doubt, be at that spot ten times greater ; hence it appeal's decidedly cJear, that the internal fires of Vesuvius far exceed that of our glass- furnaces. Bottis seems to have been oniB of the first naturalists who obsei'ved the rapidi- ty with which the fire of Vesuvius causes fusion ; that gentleman mentions, in hii description of the eruption of July, 1779, that he saw a small hill, composed of po- rous lava and scoriae, inclosing an inconsi- derable gulph, that produced a noise like that of oil or fat, ia the act of boiling or simmering over a fire ; this appearance induced him to examine it, when he found it contained matter in fusion, which im- mediately heated red-hot, and then melt- ed fragments of lava or scoriae, thrown in- to it. As Spallanzani acknowledges that his efforts to melt similar substances required half an hour, we must admit, that this is another proof of the superior heat of volcanic fires. A still further evidence of their extreme heat is, the great length of time which lavas retain it. In the year 1737, some labourers were employed to remove the lava which had crossed a road, and although a month had elapsed from the period of the eruption, they were compelled to desist, as the heat softened their tools beyond the pos- sibility of using them. Sir William Ha- milton also found it very great, and, drop- ping some pieces of wood into the fis- sures of a mass, situated four miles from the volcano, they immediately took fire ; but Spallanzani illustrated this fact more decidedly, by passing a body of lava near the upper crater of ^tna, visibly red hot, even in full day-light, which had flowed from the mountain eleven months before. It is supposed, that the volcanic fires of Iceland are very active and powerful, which is inferred from the incompetency of the blow-pipe to fuse the glass issuing from them. Vallisneri, describing a new volcanic island, which rose from the sea in the year 1707, near Santorine, asserts, that the sea in its vicinity became so vio- lently heated, that vast numbers offish pe- rished, and were actually boiled ; and it is well known that the same cause melted the pitch in the seams of ships' bottoms, and occasioned their leaking : this modern fact is corroborated on the authority of Strabo, who declares, that the sea was observed to boil for four days, between Thera and Therasia. The complete fluidity of lava is another convincing proof of the excessive heat prevailing m the centre of volcanoes. M. IJottis produces two instances derived tVom Vesuvius in 1771 and 1776, which demonstrate that thisjfiery mass assumes a state of liquidity, almost equal to water: the Professor men- tions four hills to have arisen suddenly in the first case near the aperture whence the larva proceeded, and from three of those in the shape of cones, issued streams of the melted matter, exactly re- sembling fountains of water. During the eruptions of the latter year, fresh lava, rushing from the crater, fell upon that of 1771, and rebounding from it into the air, there congealed in various figures capri- ciously ramified, and terminating in thin sharp points like needles. A circum- stance observed by Sir William Hamilton, Count de Wilzeck, Cardinal Herzan, and the Archduke Maximilian of Austria, iu the year 1775, seems to establish the fact, that the fluidity of the lava has been such at times, as to sepai'ate into portions, which, being thrown up from the crater, fell again near it, in a state so soft, that a guide who assisted in conducting these illustrious visitors, perceiving a fragment, passed his stick tJirough it, and present- ed it thus to the prince, who ordered both to be deposited in his private museum ; this, however, seldom occurs, at least the indefatigable Spallanzani never discover- ed these fragments flattened or indented, as if they li^d fallen on some hard sub- stance when in the consistence of paste. With respect to the rapidity of its mo- tion, this must greatly depend upon the quantity ejected, as well as tlie intensity of its heat : when an opportunity happens for attentive observation, the lava has been known to rise suddenly to the sum- mit of the crater, and as suddenly over- flowing its boundaries, rush down in va- rious rivulets of fire ; indeed Bottis com- pares it to " a liquor which boils in a ves- sel, and rises and overflows the edges of that vessel from the violence of the heat." The lava from Vesuvius, issuing in 1751, flowed over the space of twenty-eight palms in one minute ; in 1754, it pro- ceeded in two branches, at the rate of thirty feet in forty-five seconds, and after- wards uniting, at thirty -three feet in fifty seconds : to these facts may be added the testimony of Sir VVilham Hamilton, who thought its velocity in 1765 equal to that of the Severn, at the passage near Bris- tol. It may, however, be necessary to observe, that the fluidity of the matter does not always alone occasion its motion, which may be accelerated by a great de- VOLCANOES. scent, OF tiie violent pressui-e of fresh la- va constantly issuing- from the source, particularly as lavas are known to harden when actually moving, so as to produce a sound when struck, and to bear stones thrown on their suiface ; but to place this fact beyond a doubt, Sir William Hamilton informs us, that himself and others, following the example of Mr. Jai- mineau, British consul at Naples, actually crossed a moving mass above fifty feet in breadth ; yet, even thus circumstanced, those di-eadful rivers of fire have been known to reach the sea eighteen, twen- ty, and even thirty miles from their com- mencement. The arguments used to establish an idea, that tires excited and maintained by human means exceed those of volcanic origin in force, lie in a very small com- pass indeed ; they are derived from ob- serving, that some furnaces " vitrify lavas more decidedly than volcanoes, and melt schorls which remain perfect in the for- mer." Dolomieu places this supposition in a clear point of view, in a memoir pub- lished by him of basaltes. " I shall again repeat," observes this celebrated French naturalist, " what cannot be too frequent- ly inculcated, that lavas are not vitrifica- tions ; their fluidity is similar to that of metals reduced to fusion ; it does not change the order and manner of being, of the constituent parts of the lavas. When they cease to flow, they resume, like metals, the grain, texture, and all the characters of their primitive base ; effects which we cannot produce upon stones in our furnaces, since we know not how to soften them by fire, without changing the manner in which they are aggregated. The fire of volcanoes has not that inten- sity which is supposed, and produces its effects rather by the extension and dura- tion of its action than by its activity." Arguing upon these various facts, and remarks of his own leading to the same point, Spallanzani candidly acknowledges, that he had been more than once inclined to believe, that our fires possessed more energy than those of volcanoes ; a num- ber of experiments, however, induced him to say, that " these facts prove, first, that it is not always true, that volcanic fires are insufficient for the fusion of shorls ; secondly, by the vitrification of the garnets, they confirm the powerful activity of those tires ; thirdly, that those fires operate in a manner in some measure unknown to us ; since, at the same time that they vitrify the garnets, they leave the base in which they are included in a state perfectly recognizable, notwith- standing that the former are refractory to the fire of the furnace, while the latter is easily fusible." It has been a generally received assertion, that volcanoes emit flame during eruption, and that flowing lavas are attended by the same accompa- niment of fire ; this supposition is errone- ous, as may be proved by referring to the works of Serao, Father Torre, Bottis, and Sir William Hamilton, all of whom will be found to have omitted the observation of flames. The first expressly says of the lavas of Vesuvius, ** that when seen by night, at any distance, they emit a light, not shining, like a bright flame, but of a dead kind, like that of red-hot substances which burn without flame ;" and the last mentions, that he has " observed upon mount Vesuvius, that soon after a lava has borne down and burned a tree, a bright flame issues from its surface ; otherwise 1 have never seen any flame at- tending an eruption :" adding, that the light reflected on the smoke, as it rises from the crater, by the raging of the fire in the gulph beneath, is frequently mis- taken for flame. Spallanzani confirms the opinion of these accurate observers, and declares he never saw flame in, or proceeding from, any ot the craters he examined. Faujas thought it not improbable that fire united with water may produce some of those combinations of which we know not the origin ; he says on this subject, " 1 almost incline to be of opinion, that the aqueous fluid, raised to a degree of ebullition and jncandessence, of which our feeble furnaces can give us no idea, sometimes concurs with the inactive and concentrated fire which exists in the im- mense volcanic caverns, and that from this concurrence results a multitude of combinations hitherto unknown to us, which take effect on the stones and earths that remain perhaps whole ages in these burning gulphs, where the fire, intent to destroy, has for its adversary the water, which incessantly creates and opposes to it all the tomis and modifica- tions of which the matter is suscepti- ble." It will now be necessary to mention some of the effects of gas in the opera- tions of these fierce internal fires : it is well known that their violent efforts to reach the surface of the liquified masses contained in craters causes it to rise sud- denly from the bottom, completely filling their whole circumference, and at length forcing it oTer the sides in destructive VOLCANOES. streams, which overwhelm in their pas- sage every object, either natural or arti- ficial. Spallanzani made ten distinct ex- periments, in order to obtain some idea of the nature and effects of gas as exhibited by volcanoes ; for this purpose he made use of different lavas, enamels, and glas- ses, ejected from them, and the conse- quence was, a conviction that the bub- bles and inflations of various dimensions, observable in these substances, are not produced by the action of any permanent gas, •' but by that of an aeriform fluid, produced by the excessive attenuation of those same products, in consequence of heat." Dr. Priestley made similar expe- ments, which differed in some degree from those related by the above celebra- ted Italian naturalist. The doctor fused 4 J ounces of lava from Iceland in a sand- stone retort, and obtained twenty mea- sures of air, half of which, at the com- mencement of the process, was carbonic acid gas, and the remainder, in purity 1.72. extinguished a candle; between the interstices of this lava was a sand, which the operator could not separate from it. Five ounces and a half of Vesuvian lava produced thirty measures of air, with a slight appearance of carbonic acid gas, the rest was azotic gas, from the degree 1.64 to 1.38, with respect to what came last. On cooling, the residue broke the retort by its excessive inflation. Without entering into an examination of the difference of opinion existing be- tween these philosophers, we shall give an extract from the works of Spallanzani, that fully illustrates this part of our sub- ject ; *' I shall," he observes, " now pro- ceed to enquire what part this aeriform vapour acts in the eruptions of volcanoes. Where it exists in the depths of a volcan- ic crater, abundantly mixed with a liquid lava violently urged by subterranean con- flagrations, I can easily conceive, that by its energetic force it may raise the lava to the top of the crater, and compel it to flow over the sides and form a current. Art can imitate this grand operation of nature on an infinitely less scale. I plac- ed in a glass furnace a cylindrical cruci- ble, one foot high, and two inches and a half in breadth, which 1 filled half full with one of those volcanic products which most inflate and boil in the fire. After some hours, I observed that the liquid matter began slowly to rise, and after- wards to rise higher, until it at last overflowed the edges of the crucible, forming small streams down its sides, which, when they reached the plane on which the crucible stood, gave origin to small currents, if that plane was at all inclined. When I pat more of the same product into the crucible, the currents became larger. If the plane was then ta- ken from the surface, and the small cur- rents, thus produced, examined, they were found full of minute bubbles, as was like- wise the matter which remained in the crucible. This curious experiment I made with several glasses and volcanic enamels, as also with a variety of cellu- lar lavas, and always with the same suc- cess." Judging from the result of the above trial, it cannot be doubted that a similar elastic vapour, collecting in vast quanti- ties under the surface of the earth, must, upon meeting with resistance in its pas- sage, produce loud noises resembling thunder, and local tremblings of the sur- rounding earth, besides forcing its way upwards through super-incumbent lava: other experiments made by Spallanzani, however, seem to prove that it must be another cause which expels the fiery mat- ter with violence out of craters, as the mattrasses he used broke without noise, and without ejecting or scattering the substance; and particularly, as the escape of gases has been frequently ascertained by the hissing sounds attending eruptions; unfortunately, though those vapours offer themselves to examination, it would be impossible to collect any part of them without exposing the life of the expe- rimentalist to almost certain destruc- tion ; we must therefore admit their ex- istence, and conjecture must supply the rest. It will be recollected that all volcanoes, at present in a state of activity, are sur- rounded by, or situated very near, the sea, hence it appears clear, that the agency of that body is extremely powerful in pro- moting the violence of their eruptions, by rushing at uncertain intervals, and from unknown causes, through the caverns of the earth, upon the ever enduring fires there existing; and this supposition is supported by the fact, which has been rej peatedly observed, of the sudden retiring of the sea immediately preceding a violent explosion from a crater, the certain con- sequence of a rapid diminution of water on the shore. Little need be urged to prove the immediate and vehement sepa- ration that takes place upon the collision of fire and water, and of the force of steam thus produced ; one instance, how- ever, may be safely cited, which will place this supposed collision m a true light, and VOLCANOES. is extracted from tlie fourth volume of the ** Memoirs of the Academy at Bologna." A bail of enormous dimensions had been ordered to be cast at Modena, and pre- parations of the usual description were nuide under a spacious portico. After the metal had been completely melted, it was led into the mould, si. uated at a small depth under the pavement, through a small channel ; the burning fluid had no sooner entered the mould than a dreadful explosion took place, which resembled in every particular the horrid effects of springing a mine ; a deep hole was sunk in the earth, the metal, the mould, and every material of the portico above it, were scattered in the air, and several jier- sons were killed and severely wounded ; if such were the immediate consequences of a trifling degree of moisture remaining in the sand which composed the mould, it may be naturally inferred, that a bt)dy of water, meeting with subterraneous fires, is capable of producing eruptions and earthquakes. It seems, however, ex- tremely probable from experiments, that this efiect principally arises from the in- sinuation of water under or below the surface of the sides of those fires, as it has been ascertained that water thrown upon fire evaporates without much violence, and yet, if the vapour thus generated is confined by super-incumbent earth, or rocks, its struggles for a vent must occa- sion the violent disruption of those parts ; the event is difierent on pouring water on melted tin, which is the only metal that is separated by this means, so as to ren- der it a dangerous operation to the expe- rimentalist. Spallanxani concludes many curious and interesting observations derived from experience, by saying, " from this series of experiments I think we are authorised to conclude, that when a quantity of wa- ter falls on the burning crater of a volca- no, it has not the power of producing ex- plosions ; but that the latter on the con- trary are very violent when the water pe- netrating below, reaches the conflagra- tion ; when suddenly reduced to vapour by the heat, it finds no room tor its dilata- tion ; or when it insinuates itself laterally among the liquified matters ; of which we have a satisfactory proof in the explosion of the lava, violently forced from the con- taining vessel, on the introduction of wa- ter into a cavity made in it." From what has been already said, a to- lerable conception may be formed of the probable causes of volcanic eruptions: it now remains for us to add a concise nar- rative of their visible phenomena, and for this purpose we find ample materials fur- nished by Spallanzani, whose ascent of Stromboli deserves every praise for its courage, though we cannot help con- demning him for the exercise of very dar- ing temerity. The visit we allude to was made m 1788, when the appearance of the mountam was bifurcated, and the crater situated at some distance from the sum- mits, from both of which the operations within it are distinctly visible, and from those the height of the ejections may be ascertained, with tolerable accuracy. Du- ring violent internal agitation the matter appears to ascend halt a mile and more, but when the mountain is in actual erup- tion, the scattered fragments prove, that the impelling force is very greatly increas- ed. After having attentively examined the crater from the summit above alluded to, Spallanzani approached the crater, where he found that the explosions suc- ceeded each other so rapidly, that they might almost be said to occur without any intervals of quiet; but they varied in their force; the matter, is some instances, not rising more than fifty feet, and falling agam into the crater ; and in others it was elevated half a mile ; the sounds, conse- quently, are proportionably loud, or the reverse, and resemble a hissing noise ; the fragments ot lava were actually fluid during their progress, which was evident from their globular shape, and becoming hard before they fell upon the sides of the mountain, that form is preserved. The exhalations exhibited a thick cloud several miles in extent which were strong- ly impregnated with sulphur ; this cloud was impenetrabiejby the'beams of the sun, and appeared very black in the midst, but white on the edges, and was, in all proba- bility, a mile in depth. The vapour thus floating from the mountain was derived from three distinct sources, though doubt- lessly produced by the same cause in the first instance : when an ejection of lava, took place, it was always accompanied by a cloud of grey smoke from the crater; to the west of that spot were a number of obscure apertures, each of which sent forth a volume of similar vapour ; and to the east, a vast cavern emitted a column at least twelve feet in diameter, extremely black and dense. " Not satisfied with the observations I had already made," observes Spallanzani, *' my curiosity impelled me to attempt further discoveries. From the pointed rock on which I stood, I could only see the edges of the inside of the crater. I consider- VOLCANOES, ed, tljererore whether it might not be poi>sible to obtain a siglit ot'tlte lower parts likewise ; and looking round me, I perceived a small cavern hollowed in ihe rock, very near the gulph of the volcano, into which the rock above prevented the entrance of any burning stones, should they be thiown so far. li was likewise so elevait'il, that from it the crater was open io my view, 1 therefore hastened to take my station in this cavity, taking ad- vantage of one of the very short intervals between the eruptions. To my great satisfaction, my expectations were com- pletely fulfilled ; 1 could here look down into the very bowels of the volcano, and truth and nature stood as it were unveil- ed before me." Thus situated in proba- ble safety, the intrepid Spallanzani saw the following wonders. The crater he found to be of a circular form, with edges composed ot a chaos of sand, scoriae, and lava ; atid he imagined the circumlerence to be about three hun- dred and forty feet. Similar to all other craters, that of Stromboli assumes the shape of a truncated inverted cone, the sides of which, from east to south, were gently inclined, but the remainder very steep. Many parts of this internal de- scent appeared to be incrusted witii yellow substances, which he supposed to be the muriate of ammonia (sai ammoniac) or ^ulpiiur. Fluid lava, resembling melted brass, red-hot, aiid liquid, filled the crater to a certain height, and this matter appeared to be influenced by two distinct impelling powers, the one whirhng and agitated, and the other upwards ; at times it rose rapid- ly, and when the surface had reached within thirty feet of the edges of the cra- ter, an explosion took place hke a short clap of thunder, and at the same instant a portion of the lava was hurled with in- conceivable swiftness into the air, which was as instantaneously separated into nu- merous fragments, and those were accom- panied by a copious discharge of sand, ashes and smoke. Immediately before the eruption occurred, the lava appear- ed inflated, and large bubbles, some se- veral feet in diameter, rose and burst, the detonation followed, and the lava sunk, till a repetition of this operation was com- menced ; during the rising, a sound issu- ed from the crater like that produced by a hquid boilip.g violently in a cauldron. Many of the eruptions were so inconside- rable, that their effect could not be visible at a small distance from the mountain ; in those the fragments constantly fell back vol.. YI. into the gulph,. with a sound, on their collision witji ii»e great mass of nrjUer, similar to that produced by water vvhefll forcibly struck with flat slaves : in liie grtaiei explosions, many of the pieces 'e- turned into the cralei , some falling on the sides and rolling dow n, but manj. descend- ed a precipice, formed by one side ot the mountain, to the sea. The pieces of scoriaceous lava as they moved in the air, retained their red-hot ap- pearance, though the sun shone clear; many of them came in contact during their progress, and, according to the degree of heat they possessed, they adhered or were broken. The smoke seemed to befbieign to the lava, as none attended the fiag- mcnls thrown into the air, and that which escaped passed through fissures, and at the moment the lava burst. According to Spallanz-ani's conjectures, the crater may be about twenty-five or thirty feet in depth, when the lava is raised to its great- est height, and upon its subsiding, forty or fifty. There are no visible marks of its ever having overflowed so as to de- scend like tiiose of-^Etna and Vesuvius. " Though the ejections of the larger and heavier stones have sliort intermis- sions, those of the lesser and lighter have scarcely any. Did not tlie eye perceive how those showers of stones originate, it would be supposed that they fell tVom the sky : the noise of the more violent erup- tions, resembling that of thunder, and the darkness occasioned by the mounting cloud of smoke, present the image of a tempest. ♦ While this naturalist was employed in intense observation, the eruption suddenly ceased, the lava sunk to a greater depth than usual, and remained thus depi'essed ; the fierce light subsided, and at the same instant the various streams of smoke, is- suing before silently from the apertures west of the crater, began to rush forth with a loud hissing noise, and the aper- tures to shine with a bright colour of fire. *' I know nothing," says Spallanzani, " to which the sound produced by the issuing of these fumes can be more properly com- pared than the blowing of large bellows in- to a furnace by which me als are melted; such as I have seen at Zalatna, in Transyl- vania, and Schemnitz and Kremmtz, in Hungary, except that those volcanic bel- lows roared a hundred times louder, and almost deafened the ear." We cannot conclude this article more properly than by giving an account of the crater of iEtna, as it was examined by the above author, to which he ascended wife 3 U VOLCANOES. equal danj^er and difficulty, and where he Was conipeiled to sit. nearly two hours ere he could commence his observations : he then says, " I viewed with astonishment the configuration of the borders, the in- ternal hides, the form of the immense ca- vcrn, its bottom, an aperture which ap- peared in it, the melted matter which boil ed within, and the smoke which ascended from it. The whole of this stupendous scene was distinctly displayed before me ; and I shall now proceed to give some de- scription of it, though it will only be possi- ble to present the reader with a very feeble image, as the sight alone can enable him to form ideas at all adequate to objects so grand and astonishing. The upper edges of the crater, to judge by the eye, are about a mile and a half in circuit, and form an oval, the longest diameter of which extends from east to west. As tilt ' are in several places broken, and cm bled away in large fragments, they appear as it were indented, and these in- dentations are a kind of enormous steps, formed of projecting lavas and scoriae. The internal sides of the cavern, or crater, are inclined in different angles in different places : " on the west the inclination is gentle ; on the north the steepness increa- ses ; and from this point to the south east the descent becomes more sudden, till, where the observer stood, they were al- most perpendicular. The funnel,shape, however, still prevails, as in every other instance, and the surface was extremely rugged, and strewed with concretions of an orange colour, which proved to be the mu« riate of ammonia ; and it is very probable that the numerous stripes of yellow on the nearly horizontal plain at the bottom may be the same substance. " In this plain, from the place where I stood, a cir- cular aperture was visible, apparently about five poles in diameter, from which issued the larger column of smoke, which I had seen before I arrived at the summit of ^tna. I shall not mention several streams of smoke which arose like thin clouds from the same bottom, and differ- ent places in the sides. The principal column, which, at its origin, might be about twenty feet in diameter, ascended ra- pidly in a perpendicular direction while it was within the crater ; but when it had ri- sen above the edges inclined towards the west from the action of a light wind ; and when it iiad risen higher, dilated into an extended but thin volume. This smoke was white, and being impelled to the side opposite to that on which 1 was, did not prevent my seeing within the aperture ; in which, T can affirm, I very distinctly per- ceived a liquid ignited matter, which con- tinually undulated, boiled, and rose and fell, without spreading over the bottom. This certainly was the melted lava, which had arisen to that aperture from the- bottom of the iEtnean gulph." Being favourably situated for observing the effects of external violence on the li- quid matter within the aperture, the abbe rolled large fragments of lava down the side, which, entering the opening, pro- duced a sound resembling the sudden immersion of a heavy substance in a thick tenaceous paste. In performing this ex- periment, the effect was multiplied by the stones loosening others in their pas- sage, some of which fell on the plane ; those rebounding, even when very large, caused a sound extremely different from , the others that struck the liquid lava: this circumstance proves, that, though the bottom may be a comparatively thin : covering of the gulph, it is capable of great resistance. We shall proceed with a short notice of i Volcanoes m the moon. As the moon has on its surface , mountains and valleys .' in common with the earth, some modern astronomers have discovered a still great- er similarity, viz. that some of these are really volcanoes, emitting fire as those on earth do. An appearance of this kind was discovered some years ago by Don Ulloa in an eclipse of the sun. It was a small bright spot, like a star, near tlie margin of the moon, and which he at that time supposed to have been a hole, with the sun's light shining through it. .Suc- ceeding observations, however, have in- duced astronomers to attribute appear- ances of this kind to the eruption of vol- canic fire ; and Dr. Herschel has particu- larly observed several eruptions of the lunar volcanoes, the l:ist of which he gives an account of in the Philosophical Trans- actions for 1787. "April 19, 10^36%, sidereal time. 1 perceive (says he) three volcanoes in different places of the darlv part of the new moon. Two of them are either already nearly extinct, or other- wise in a state of going to break out ; which perhaps may be decided next lunation. The thiixl shows an actual eruption of fire or luminous matter. I measured the disance of the crater from the northern limb of the moon, and found it 3' 573'^: its light is much brighter than the nucleus of the comet which M. Mechain discovered at Paris the 10th of this month. " April 20, lOi" 2™, .sidereal time. The VOL vo:r volcano burns with greater violence than last night Its diameter cannot be less than 3 , by comparing it with that of the Georgian planet : as Jupiter was near at hand, 1 turned the telescope to his third '«atellite, and estimated the diameter of the burning part of the volcano to be equal to at least twice that of the satellite : whence we may compute, that the shining or burn- ing matter must be above three miles in diameter. It is of an irregular round figure, and very sharply defined on tlie edges. The other two volcanoes are much fur- ther towards the centre of the moon, and resemble large, pretty faint nebulae, that are gradually much brighter in the mid- dle ; but no well defined luminous spot can be discerned in them. These three spots are plainly to be distinguished from the rest of the maiks upon the moon ; for the reflection of the sun's rays from the earth is, in its ])resent situation, suffici- ently bright, with a ten feet reflector, to show the moon's spots, even the darkest of them ; nor did 1 perceive any similar phenomena last lunation, though I then viewed the same places with the same instrument. " 'i'he appearance of what I have called the actual lire, or eruption of a volcano, exactly resembled a small piece of burn- ing ciiarcoal when it is covered by a very thin coat of white ashes, which frequently adhere to it when it has been some time ignited ; and it has a degree of brightness about as strong as that with which such a coal would be seen to glow in faint day- light. All the adjacent parts of the vol- canic mountain seemed to be faintly illu- minated by the eruption, and were gra- dually more obscure as they layatagreat- er distance from the crater. This erup- tion resembled much that which I saw on the 4th of May, in lheyearl783, butdifler- ed considenibly in magnitude and bright- ness ; for the volcano of the year 1783, tliough much brigltter than that which is now burning, was not nearly so large in the dimensions of its eruption : the former seen in the telescope resembled a star of the fourth magnitude as it appears to the naked eye ; this, on the contrary, shows avisible disc of luminous matter very dif- ferent from tlie sparkling brightness of star light." VOLKAMERIA, in botany, so named in memory of John George Volkamer, physician at Nuremburgh, a genus of the Didynan)ia Angiospermia class and order. Natural order of Personatx. Vitices, Jus- sieu. Essential character : calyx five- cleft ; corolla segments directed Uie same way ; drupe two-seeded ; nuts two-celled. There are eight species. VOLITION. See Will. VOLUNTARY, in music, is an extem- pore performance upon, or a composition written for, the organ, and serving to re- lieve and enibeUish divine service. VOLVOX, in natural history, a genus of the Vermes Infusoria class and order. Worm invisible to the naked eye, simple, pellucid, spherical. There are nine spe- cies. V. sphaerula is, as its name denotes; spherical, with similar roundedmolecules. It is seen in stagnant waters. Body com- posed of about si.xty pellucid homogeneous transparent or greenish-yellow points, moves slowly about a quarter of a circle from right to left, and then back ag^n from left to ri^ht. VOLUTA, m natural history, a genus of the Vermes Testacea class and order. Animal a hmax ; shell one-celled spiral ; aperture without a beak, and somewhat eflTuse ; pillar twisted, or plaited, gene- rally without hps or perforation. There are nearly two hundred species in sec- tions. A. aperture entire ; B. subcyhndri- cal emarginate ; C. oboval etl'use emargi- nate ; D. fusiform ; E. venlricose ; spire papillary at the tip. In the first section is V. auris midae ; shell contracted^ oval, oblong, with rugged spire; j)illar two- toothed. It inliabils India, in marshy woods and swamps, and very much re- sembles an helix : about four inches long ; shell brown, soHd, wrinkled, or striate; sjiire large, with from six to nine whorls, each tcrminate«l by a granulated band^ tlie outer ones cancellate ; aperture long, wider beneath. In section D. we may notice V. episcopalis; shell emarginate, smooth ; margins of the whorls entire ; lip denticulate ; pillar with four plaits. It inhabits India. The inhabitant, or fish, is said to be of a poisonous nature, if eaten, and to wound those who touch it with a kind of pointed trunk. The na- tives of the island of TanTia fix the shells in handles and use them as hatchets. VOLU rE, in architecture, a kind of spiral scroll, used in the Ionic and Com- posite capital, whereof it makes the pria- pal characteristic and ornament. VORTICELLA, in natural history, a genus of Vermes Infusoria class and or- der. Body contractile, naked, and fur- nished wTth ciliate rotatory organs. There are about fifty or sixty species in sections. A. Seated on a pedicle, or stem. B- Fur- nished with a tail. C. Without a tail. V, anastatica is compound, bell-shaped, with an obhque mouth and scaly rigid stem.. VOT VOT It inhabits fresh waters, forminj^ clustei'S branched out in various directions ; ova- ries seated on the stems in tlie form of bulbs, which detach themselves from the stems, and fix themselves to other sub- stances, producing a new cluster. V. na- suta is cylindrical, wiih a projecting point in the middle of the cup. It is found in stagnant water, invisible to the naked eye, pellucid, changing its form perpetu- ally, quick in motion, and having a rota- tory organ surrounding the middle of the body. VOSSIUS (Gerard Johjt,) in biogra- phy, one of the most learned and laborious writers of the seventeenth century, was ofa considerable family in the Nether- lands, and was born in 1577, near Hei- delberg, at a place where his father, John Vossius, was minister. He first learned Latin, Greek, and Philosophy, at Dort, where his father had settled, and died. In 1595, he went to Leyden, where he further pursued these studies, joining mathematics to them, in which science he made a considerable progress. He be- came Master of Arts and Doctor in Philo- sophy, in 1398 ; and soon after Director of the College at Doit ; and, in 1618, Professor of Eloquence and Chronology in the academy there, the same year in which appeared his " History of the Pela- gian Controversy." This history procured him much odium and disgrace on the Continent, but an ample reward in Eng- land, where Archbishop Laud obtained leave of KingCharlesI. for Vossius to hold a prebendary in the church of Canterbu- ry, while he resided at Leyden. This w^as in 1629, when he came over to be in- stalled, took a Doctor of Laws degree at Oxford, and then returned. In 1633, he was called to Amsterdam to fill the chair of a Professor of Histo- ry ; where he died in 1649, at seventy- two years of age : after having written and pubhshed as many works as, when they came to be collected and printed at Amsterdam in 1695, Sec, made six vo- lumes folio. VOTES. The decision of any ques- tion by an assembly of persons, being in its own nature impracticable in the case of dissent by one or more of the indi- viduals, it becomes an object of practical necessity to provide for that cascj in most instances, by some expedient. In our English law, the determination of twelve men upon a jury is rendered unanimous by annexing the condition, that they shall not delay longer than it shall be possible for them to subsist without the necessaries of life. Upon almost any other occasion it has been established, that the wish of the majority shall be taken as the sense of the whole This last rule is, however, capable of many modifications, one of the most strik- ing is that which is used in all arrange- ments of delegation. In order to insure the possession of knowledge, fidelity ,diligence and dispatch, it is usual in society to per- form the business of the pubhc by dele- gates, in successive order of |)Ower and re- sponsibility. Thus, a large and mixed multi- tude, possessing very little political knowledge, liable for the most part to be misled by prejudices or corruption, incapable, on many accounts, of pursu- ing objects with steadiness, and from their number absolutely unable to deli- berate or decide, with the smallest de- gree of efficacy, may nevertheless be very capable of determining the single question, who shall be their delegate in a less numerous assembly of wise and vir- tuous men ; and this last assembly may give power to their chairman and their committees to perform many acts which could scarcely be effected by themselves in their entire mass. These proceedings, however, are sup- posed to have the determination of single questions in view at a time ; but there are questions of vote which in their own nature possess a degree of complexity. Into these our limits will not allow us to enter, but there is one relating to per- sonal elections, which Borda, in his Me- moirs of the French Academy, has point- ed out, and is entitled to our notice. It relates to the choice of one out of a number of candidates, which is made simply by taking him who has the majo-' rity of voices, but which may not coin- cide with the wish of the electors, and may even be that which is the most oppo- site to that wish. The example is, suppose these candi- dates, A, B, and C, had twenty-one electors ; then if A have eight votes, B seven, and C six, A will be elected. But tlie truth here manifested is, that eight voters out of twenty-one give the pre- ference to A beyond B and C, and it is not known in what order of preference those voters place these two last. A like observation may be made as to the other sets who have voted in preference for B and C. So that if the seven voters forB had possessed the means of showing, and had declared their preference of C to A, C would have had thirteen votes, and prevailed against A ; and there is notliing^ i UPU URA in this cause of election which can show that this would not have been the result. Mr. B. proposes that this should be re- medied by each voter giving in a list of the order of merit in the candidates, and he shows at length, by mathematical rea- soning, the true indication to be deduced from such hsts. But as this practice might probably be too remote from vul- gar apprehension to be much approved, it may be sufficient to refer the reader to the Memoir, and to remark that, in order to be certain that an election, made io the common way, is really the wish of the majority, it is necessary that the num- ber of votes obtained by the successful candidate shoidd be to the whole num- ber of electors, in a greater ratio than the number of candidates by one to their total number. VOWEL, in grammar, a letter which affords a complete sound of itself, or a letter so simple as only to need a bare opening of the mouth to make it heard, and to form a distinct voice. See Gram- mar. The vowels are six in number, 7'tz. A, E, I, O, U, Y, and are called vowels in con- tradistinction to certain other letters, which depending on a particular applica- tion of some part of the mouth, as the teeth, lips, or palate, can make no per- fect sound without an opening of the mouth, that is, without the addition of a vowel, and are therefore called conso- nants. UPRIGHT, in heraldry, is used in re- spect of sliell fishes, as crevices, &c. when standing erect in a coat. UPUPA, the hoopoe, in natural history, a gentis of birds of the order Picx. Ge- neric character : bill long, slender, and bending ; nostrils in the base of the bill ; tongue obtuse, entire, and triangular; middle toe of the three toes before con- nected in some degree to the outermost. There are eight species, of which the fol- lowing deserve the chief notice. U. epops, common hoopoe of Europe ; this weighs three ounces, and is a foot long ; is found in Europe, Asia, and Africa ; but, even in the warmest countries of Europe, is said to be migrator}-. In Eng- land it is by no means abundant. It is devoted to soUtitde, and rarely seen even in pairs. At Cairo, however, in Egypt, these birds appear in small flocks, and build on the terraces of houses fronting the bustle and noises of the street. They seldom perch on trees, confining them- selves almost entirely to the ground. When agitated by strong passion, whe- ther of surprise or anger, of fear or at- tochment, they erect their crests and spread their tails with great fullness and intensity. They feed upon insects, and give them to their young; and their nests are, for the want of that cleanly management for which birds are gene- rally distinguished, intolerably disgusting to the smell, in cortsequence of the pu- trid remains of this species of food. In confinement they will live on bread and cheese, or raw meat. See Aves, Plate XIV. fig. 4. U. promerops is about four feet long, but the body is little larger than that of a pigeon. Its plumage is of the most va- rious, beautiful, and brilliant colour, and strongly reminds the observer of the bird of paradise, to which, indeed, it is considered as allied. It is found in New Guinea, and employed by the natives as one of the most striking personal embel- lishments. URAN, in mineralogy, a genus of ores containing three species. 1. " Pitch ore," of a velvet black colour, inchning to iron- black ; it occurs almost always massive and disseminated : specific gravity be- tween 6.3 and 7.5. It is completely in- fusible, without addition, before the blow- pipe. W^ith soda, or borax, it forms a grey, slaggy globule ; with phosphoric salts a transparent green bead. It dis- solves imperfectly in sulphuric and muri- atic acids ; but is nearly dissolved in ni- trous and nitro- muriatic acids. It con- sists of Uran 86.5 Oxide of iron .... 2.5 Sulphurated lead . . . 6.0 Silica 50 100.0 It occurs in veins, in primitive moun- tains, with lead and silver or^s ; and is usually accompanied with lead glance, copper pyrite-s, iron ochre, &c. It is found in Saxony and Norway, and is dis- tinguished from brown-blende by colour, specific gravity, fracture, and streak ; from wolfram by its streak and fracture. The chief colour of the second spe- cies, uran-mica, is grass-green : specific gravity 3.1. It dissolves in nitrous acid without effervescence, and communicates to it a lemon yellow colour. It consi.sts of an oxide of uran, with a slight admix^ ture of copper. It occurs in ironstone veins, in Cornwall, Germany, and URA URE France. It is not like mica, to which it has a great resemblance, elastic. The third species is uran-ochre, which is of a straw-yellow colour: it occurs usually as a coating- or efflorescence on pitch ore. From the ore we have URANIUM, in chemistry, a metal dis- covered by Klaproth in the year 1789. It was then announced as a metal more dif- ficult to be reduced than manganese, ex- ternally of a grey colour, and internally of a clear brown, of considerable lustre, and middhng hardness, that it might be scratched and hied, and that its oxide gives a deep orange colour to porcelain. It has been obtained from three different minerals. The first is in the state of sulphuret, of a blackish colour, and of a shining fracture, and sometimes lamel- lated. In this state it is sometimes com- bined with iron and sidphurated lead. The uranium is in the metaUic state. The second ore from which this metal is obtained, is the native o.xide of ura- nium. It is always in the state of yellow powder, on the surface of the sulphuret. The specific gravity is 3.24. When it is of a pure yellow colour it is then a pure oxide. The third ore of the metal is the native carbonate of uranium. Of this there are two distinct varieties, the one of a pale green, and sometimes of a silvery white colour. This contains but a small quan- tity of the oxide of copper, and is very rare. The other is of a sinning deep green, which is the green mica, or gUra- mer, of mineralogists. Klaproth suppos- ed that it contained an oxide of uranium, mixed with the oxide of copper ; but it has been since discovered to have carbon- ic acid in its composition. It is crystal- lized in small square plates, and some- times, though rarely, in complete octahe- drons. The process by which Klaproth reduc- ed this metal is the following : he mixed the yellow oxide of uranium, precipitated from its solutions by an alkah, with lin- seed oil, in the form of a paste, and this being exposed to a strong heat, there re- mained a black powder, which had lost rather more than one-fourth of its weight. It was then exposed to the heat of a por- celain furnace, in a close crucible, and the oxide was afterwards found in a coherent mass, but friable under the fingers, and reduced to a black shining powder. It decomposed nitric acid with effervescence. This black powder, covered with calcin- ed borax, was for the second time exposed to a still stronger heat, by which me- tallic mass was obtained, consisting of ve- ry small globules adhering together. The colour of uranium is of a dark grey, and internally of a pale brown. It has little brilliancy, on account of the spongy mass, in which state it is obtained. It may be scratched with a knife, and is extremely infusible. The specific gravi- ty is 6 4. When uranium is exposed to a red heat in the open air, or when it is acted on by the blow-pipe, it undergoes no change. Tlie yellow oxide of uranium does not melt. It acquires a brownish- grey colour when it is long heated in the air, but it has not been ascertained whe- ther It gains or loses oxygen. The oxide of uranium is reduced by means of char- coal, when it is exposed to heat. The yellow oxide, when mixed with common enamelling Hux, tinges porcelain of a deep orange colour. URANIA, in botany, a genus of the Hexandna Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Musae, Jussieu. Essen, tial character : calyx none ; corolla three- petalled ; nectary two-leaved, with one of the leaves bifid ; capsule inferior, three- celled, many««eeded ; seeds in two rows, covered with an aril. There is only one species, viz. U. speciosa, a lofty tre€, growing naturally in the marshy places of Madagascar URANOSCOPUS, the star-gazer, in na- tural history, a genus of fishes of the or- der Juguiares. Genej ic character : head large, depressed, rough ; mouth with an internal cirrus ; gill membrane with six papillous-toothed rays ; gill-covers edged with a membranaceous fringe. U. scaber, or the bearded star-gazer, is a native of the Mediterranean, and frequents deep places near the shores, feeding on aquatic insects and small fish- es, which it decoys within its reach by waving the long citrus of the mouth in various directions. The smaller fishes mistake these for worms, and in endea- vouring to seize the supposed food are themselves caught, and devoured by the star-gazer, whicii lays imbedded and un- observed in the mud or gravel of the bot- tom. URENA, in botany, a genus of the Mo- nadelphia Polyandria class and order. Natural order of Columnifera:. Malvaceae, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx dou- ble, outer five-cleft ; capsule five-cleft, di- visible into five parts, with the cells clos- ed, and one seed in each. There are eight species. URE URI URETHRA. See Anatomy. UREA, in chemistry. The nature and properties of urea have been chiefly investigated by Fourcroy and Vauquehn. It is obtained from urine. It may be ex- tracted by the following process : If a quantify of human urine, which has been passt-d a few hours after taking food, be evapoiaLed with a gentle heat, to the con- sistence of a thick syrup, and allowed to cool, ii concretes into a crystalline mass. Add to this mass, in separate portions, four times its weight of alcohol ; with the application of a gentle heat, great part is dissolved, and what remains consists of different sahne substances. Separate the solution from the undissolved part, and introduce it into a retort. Uistil with the heat of a sand bath, and contuuie the boil- ing till the liquid is reduced to the form of a thick syrup. The matter which re- mains in the retort crystallizes as it cools. The crystals thus formed are urea. Urea, which is prepared by this pro- cess, is crystallized in the form of plates, crossing each other. It is viscid, resem- bling thick honey, and of a yellowish white colour. It has a strong acnd taste, and a fetid alliaceous smell. It deliques- ces in the air, and by attracting moisture is converted into a thick brown liquid. It is very soluble iit water, and also in alco- hol. The solution in water concentrated is of a brown colour. This solution is gradually decomposed, air is emitted, ■which is partly composed of ammonia, and acetic acid is formed in the liquid. If the solution in water be boiled, and as the evaporation goes on fresh portions of wa- ter be added, the iM'ea is decomposed; carbonate of ammonia is disengaged, while acetic acid is formed, and charcoal pre- cipitated. The component parts of urea, therefore, are supposed to be Oxygen "9.5 Azote 32 5 Carlson 14.7 Hydrogen .... 13.3 100.0 The caustic fixed alkalies readily dis- solve urea, and disengage from it ammo- nia ; and tiie solution contains the benzo- ic, acetous, and carbonic acids, united with the alkali employed. The urea al- most entirely disappears from urine dur- ing certain diseases, and a very large cjiiantily of saccharine matter is produced, which, when evaporated and clarified, xt- sembles Muscovado sugar. URIC acid This acid was discovered by Scheele in the year 1776. It was at til St called lithic acid. It constitutes ono of the component parts of urinary calculi, and is also found in human urine. 'I'here is one species of calculus which is almost entirely composed of this substance ; it is that species which rescnibles wood in ap- pearance and colour. This acid is insi- pid, hiodorous, almost insoluble in cold water, and soluble only in about 360 parts of boiling water. Ii separates ivum this when It cools, into small yellowish crys- tals. The solution in water reddens the tincture of turnsole. Tliere is scarcely any action between the uric acid and the sulphuric and muriaiic acids. It is solu- ble in the concentrated nitric acid, to w hich it communicates a red colour. It would appear il\at in this change of co- lour the nature of the acid is also chang- ed, for part of it is converted into oxalic acid. Oxymuriatic acid very readily acts upon uric acid, either by suspending a calculus in the liquid acid, or, which is easier, by passing a stream of oxymuriatic acid gas through water, at the bottom of which is placed the uric acid in powder. Its colour becomes pale, the surface swells up, it softens, and is at last convert- ed into a jelly. This part disappears, and is soon dissolved, giving a milky colour to the liquid. There is extricated, by slow efferverscence, small bubbles of car- bonic acid gas. The liquid by evapora- tion gives muriate of ammonia, acidulous oxalate of ammonia, both crystallized, muriatic acid, and malic acid. Thus the oxymuriatic acid decomposes the uric acid, and converts it into ammonia, car- bonic, oxalic, and malic acids. Various facts show that uric acid is a compound of a very peculiar kind, formed of azote, of carbon, of hydrogen, and oxygen, and susceptible of a great number of difierent changes by chemical agents, URINE. The properties of urine vary considerably, according to the constitu- tion and health of the body, and the pe- riod when it is voided after taking food. The urine of a healthy person is of a light orange colour, and uniformly transparent. It has a slightly aromatic odour, in some degree resemblinj^ that of violets. It has a slightly acrid, s^iline, bitter taste. The specific gravity varies from 1.005 to 1.033. The aromatic odour, which leaves it as it cools, is succeeded by what is called the urinous smell, which latter is converted to another, and, finally, to an alkaline URS URS odour. Urine converts the tincture of turnsole into a green colour, from which it is concluded that it contains an acid. No less than thirty different substances have been detected in urine by chemical analysis ; viz. a great variety of salts, acids, ammonia, &c. Urine is much disposed to spontaneous decomposition. The time when this pro- cess commences, and the rapidity of the changes which take place, depend on the quantity of the gelatine aud albumen. When the proportion ol" these substances is considerable, the decomposition is very rapid. This is owing to the great number of substances, and the united force of their attractions overcoming the existing affinities of the different compounds of which fresh urine consists, and especially to the facility with which urea is decom- posed. This substance is converted dur- ing putrefaction into ammonia, carbonic acid, and acetic acid. Hence the smell of ammonia is always recognized while urine is undergoing these changes. Part of the gelatine is deposited in a flaky form, mixed with mucilage. Ammonia combines with phosphoric acid, and the phosphate of lime is precipitated. It com- bines also with phosphate of magnesia, and forms a triple salt. The other acids, the uric, benzoic, the acetic, and carbon- ic acids, are all saturated with ammonia. See Physiology. URS US, the bear, in natural history, a genus of Mammalia, of the order Fera;. Generic character; six front teeth both above and below, the two lateral ones of the lower jaw lobed, and longer than the others, with smaller or secondary teeth at the internal bases ; tusks solitary ; five or six grinders on each side, the first ap- proaching the tusks; tongue smooth; snout prominent ; eyes furnished with a nictitating membrane. There are ten species. U. arctos, the brown bear, is met with in almost all the northern territories of Europe and Asia, and lives solitary in re- mote forests, subsisting principally on fruits and other vegetable substances, and occasionally devouring animals It is par- ticularly fond of honey, and is said to pos- sess great sagacity in discovering it ; and will ascend high trees to obtain it. It frequently resides in the hollows of trees, and sometimes fixes its habitation in the banks of rivers, for the sake offish, which it sometimes takes and devours. To- wards the close of autumn, it retires to its habitation in a state highly fleshy and fat, and remains for weeks together with- out food, and almost without motion. The female withdraws to the most ob- scure recesses at the same time, to pro- duce her young, which are in general no more than two, extremely small, and in form little resembling the future full- grown animal. During the first month these are blind ; for four months they are attended by the dam with such vigilance and tenderness, that she almost abstains from her own necessary nourishment. After a certain period, the female returns to the den of the male with her young, which it was necessary for a time to se- crete from him, lest he should devour them ; and in spring they quit their ca- vern, and range with great voracity, after their long confinement, in pui-suit of food. « They will climb trees with great alacrity, and strip tlicm almost com- pletely of their fruit. The date tree is a particular favourite with them. These animals are often taken young-, and sub- dued to a great degree of tameness and docility, and taught a variety of tricks and dances : but the discipline of torture is applied to produce these effects ; and the extreme cruelty requisite to accom- plish these creatures for the usual exhi- bitions they are instructed to make, are a disgrace to civilized society, and worthy of the interference of legislation. Bears were formerly common in Greece ; and even in this country they once existed, and were guarded with jealousy by the forest laws, as beasts of chace ; and after their extermination they were imported for the diversion of baiting them, which was an entertaiimient displayed in honour of nobles and princes. They were ex- hibited, from Africa, in the grand specta- cles at Rome. See Mammalia, Plate XXI. fig. 4. U. Americanus, or the American beaz*, has a long pointed nose, and is generally smaller than the above species. It a- bounds in the northern territories of America, and is said to hve exclusively on vegetable food, extreme hunger only being able to induce it to eat the flesh of animals. These bears reside in trees, mounting and descending them with great alertness. Their skins form an im- portant anicle of merchandize ; their fJesh, when young, is thought delicious ; and their fat is thought an admirable ap- plication for sprains and bruises. They are taken frequently by setting fire to the trees which they inhabit. U. maritimus, or the Polar bear, is near- ly double the size of the common bear, and is stated to have been .seen of the URS URS length of twelve feet. It is completely white. Its principal residence is on the shores of Greenland and Hudson's Bay, and it inhabits only the coldest regions of the world. It possesses the most formi- dable strength and ferocity. The sailors of Barentz, in his voyage in quest of a north-east passage to China, were as- saulted in their boat by these animals, carried off, and devoured within tlieview of their companions. They will attempt to board armed ships, and, defying every obstacle with the most fearless energy, have sometimes only with the greatest difficulty been prevented. They subsist on fishes, seals, and whales, at sea ; and by land devour birds, hares, deer, and va- rious other animals ; and will also eat berries and various other vegetables. In Greenland they sometimes surround the habitations of the natives, allured by the strong smell of the seal oil, and attempt to break through to commit their depre- dations ; but are reported to be effectual- ly repelled by the smell of burnt feathers. In winter they ingulph themselves in the snow, or immure themselves in some ca- vern, where they pass in torpor the Polar night, making their egress only with the re-appearance of the sun : in summer they are often found on lar^e masses of floating ice at sea, ahd, swimming with great excellence, they pass from one of these to another with much facility ; they are sometimes, however, carried to vast distances from land, and perish for want of the means of subsistence. They produce generally two young ones at a birth, and the attachment between these and the dam is one of the strongest exhi- bited in the whole animal creation. The natives of Kamtschatka always avoid fir- ing at a young bear if the dam be present, as the rage of the latter to revenge the injury is active and unbounded, and she rushes to the spot from which the attack was made with almost irresistible rapidi- ty and fury : she, moreover, deplores the destruction of her cubs by sounds and ges- ticulation, indicating the most violent and heart-rending sorrow, folding them, though lifeless, to her bosom, attempting to recover them back to animation, and continuing by them long after the last spark of life has been extinguished in them. The fondness of the young for the parent is little less strong and impressive. These creatures are hunted by the natives of Kamtschatka with great skill, intrepidity, and success : if the bear should not in- stantly fall by a musket-^ot, or be dis- abled from running, he rushes towards his VOL. VI. antagonist, animated with the completest spirit of vengeance ; and, should he not, in this instant, be received upon the spear, which is dexterously prepared to transfix him at the critical moment, the death of the hunter is almost the certain and immediate consequence. Fatal re- sults have hot unfrequently attended tlie sportsmen in these conflicts. These ani- mals have considerable sagacity, and are stated, upon respectable authority, to ascend rocks with extreme caution, to avoid the observance of a herd of bareins, feeding beneath, and which, on account of the speed of the latter, they could not openly approach : from these summits, however, they will loosen and roll do\s u large stones, and thus destroy or mutilate their prey beneath, descending after- wards to enjoy the rich reward of their stratagem and toil. The inhabitants of Kamtschatka are reported to pride them- selves in imitating the movements of the bears in their dances, and to acknowledge themselves highly indebted to them for the application of various simples for wounds and diseases. The morse is one of the most formidable enemies of the bear, and generally triumphs from the advan- tage of its lengthened and formidable tusks. See Mammalia, Plate XXI. fig. 5. The U. gulo, or glutton, is about three feet long, exclusively of its tail, which is one foot in length. It is met with in the northern regions of America, Europe, and Asia. Its name is characteristically derived from its habits, as it preys with extreme voracity on almost every species of animal food, in its fresh or putrid state- It is said to lay wait in trees, and to spring on a variety of animals passing unsuspect- ingly beneath, and, after exhausting them, by sucking their blood, to tear them in pieces and devour them. It produces from two to four young once a year. Its strength and ferocity are such, that it sometimes contends for its prey, » victoriously, even with tlie wolf or the bear. The skin of this animal is an arti- cle of commerce, and it is most esteemed as such in proportion as its colour ap- proaches to a peifect blackness. U. luscus, or the wolverene, is suppos- ed to be merely a variety of the former. It has been brought into this country from Hudson's Bay, about twice the size of a fox, and was, in this instance, perfectly tame and inoffensive. U. lotor, or the raccoon, is a native of America and the West Indies, of a grey colour, and with a head shaped Uke that of a fox, and of the length of between 3X UKS USE two and three feet without the tail. Its natural food consists of fruits, young su- gxir-cancs, and unripe maize ; and also, it is thought, of eggs and poultry. It is nocturnal, and seldom quits its hole by day ; and during the rigours of vyinter, it continues there in a state of abstinence and perhaps of torpor. It may be do- mesticated with great tacihty, and is seen in this familiar state in many houses in America. It is agile and sprightly, as- cends trees with great ease, is particular- ly fond of vegetable sweets, and averse from acid substances, and, while taking its food, generally uses its fore feet as hands, sitting on its hind ones;. It is said to have an admirable tact at opening oys- ters and other shells, and is extremely cleanly in all its habits. Its fur is highly useful in the manufacture of hats. U, meles, or the common badger of Europe, is about two feet from the nose to the tail, and is found in almost all the temperate regions both of Europe and Asia, living In subterranean habitations, which its feet are admirably aaapt«d for preparing. Its food consists of fruits and roots, frogs and insects ; and the resem- blance of its teeth to those of beasts of prey, makes it probable that it destroys lambs and larger animals, which it is stated to do ; in a domestic state it pre- fers raw flesh to every other species of food. It will attack bee-hives, to obtain the honey contained in them. It sleeps much ; passes the winter, or the greater part of it, in its burrowecl residence, in a state of lethargy and torpor ; and in sum- mer produces, generally, three young ones at a birth. These animals are inof- fensive in their manners ; reluctant to at- tack, but well prepared by nature for de- fence, which they conduct with an alert- ness, intrepidity, and perseverance, truly admirable. To afford a spectacle of these qualities to the populace of several coun- tries, the badger is frequently baited with dogs, which, from the looseness of the badger's skin and the coarseness of its hair, are prevented sometimes from pe- netrating to his flesh with their teeth, and almost always, from so fastening him by their bite as to preclude his turning in various directions for their annoyance. The strength of his jaws, and the sharp- ness of his teeth, enable him to deal the most painful and destructive wounds ; indeed, his bite almost uniformly brings with it the flesh, as well as the blood of his antagonist. He is at length overpow- ered by numbers, but seldom without having inflicted a severe and fatal rcr venge. His agility of movement in th© conflict gives a most important advantage, as his blow is, as it were, struck while the enemy is only preparing for the attack. The badger is particularly cleanly in his habits ; and his flesh, prepared like that of the hog, is said to be equally valuable and well-flavoured. U. horribilis (of Mr. G. Ord) the Qriz- ly Bear. This animal, says Mr. Bracken- ridge, is the monarch of the country which he inhabits. The African lion, or the tiger of Bengal, are not more fierce or terrible. He is the enemy of man, and literally thirsts for his blood. So far from shunning, he seldom fails to attack ; and even to hunt him. The colour is usually such as the name indicates, though there are varieties, from black to silvery white- ness. He is not seen lower than the Mandan villages. In the vicinity of Roche Jaune, and of Little Missouri, they are said to be most numerous. They do not wander much in the prairies, but are usually found in points of wood, in die Tipif^lihniivboqd of large streams. URTICA, in botany, nettle^ a genus of the Monoecia Tetrandria clas and order. Natural order of Scabridse. Urticje. Jus- sieu. Essential character : male, calyx four-leaved ; corolla none ; nectary cen- tral, cup-shaped : female, calyx two-leav- ed ; corolla none ; seed one, superior,. shining. There are fifty -nine species. URTICULARIA, in botany, bladder- loortf a genus of the Diandria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Cory- dales. Lysimachix, Jussieu. Essential character : corolla ringent, spurred ; ca- lyx two leaved, equal ; capsule one-cell- ed. There are thirteen species. USANCE, in commerce, is a determi- nate time fixed for the payment of bills of exchange, reckoned either from the day of the bills being accepted, or from the day of their date ; and thus called, because regulated by the usage and cus- tom of the places whereon they are drawn. See Exchange. USE, in law, is a trust and confidence reposed in another, who is tenant of the land, that he shall dispose of the land, ac- cording to the intention of cestuy que use, or him to whose use it was granted, and suffer him to take the profits. By statute 27, Henry VIII. c. 10. com- monly called the statute of uses, or the statute for transferring uses into posses- sion, the cestuy que use is considered as the real owner of the estate; whereby it is enacted, that when any person is seised of lands to the use of another, the person i usu i^ntitlcd to the lise in fee-simple, fee-tail, for life or years, or otlierwise, shall stand and be seised or possessed of the land, in the like estate as he hath of the use, trust, or confidence. And thereby the act makes cestuy qiie iise complete owner both at law and in equity. This is one of the most important statutes in the law respecting conveyances, and it is as it were the hinge, upon which all the sys- tem of conveyancing turns. It is extreme- ly difficult to explain its effect in this dic- tionary, but it may be important to say, tiiat in any conveyance which operates under the statute of uses, it is necessary to declare a use, as to say the estate is given to A B, to the use of A B, without which the use, that is, all the interest in the estate, results to the donor. A trust is now what a use was formerly. See Trust. USHER, an officer, or servant, who has the care and direction of the door of a coui't, hall, chamber, or the hke. In the king's houshold there are two gentlemen ushei-s of the privy-chamber appointed to attend the door, and give entrance to persons that have admittance thither ; four gentlemen-ushers, waiters ; and eight gentlemen-ushers, quarter- waiters in ordinaiy. Usher also signifies an officer of the Court of Exchequer, of which there are four, who attend the barons and chief offi- cers of that court at Westminster, as also juries, sheriffs, &c. at the pleasure of the court. There is also an usher of the Court of Chancery. USHER of the Black Rod, the eldest of ihe gentlemen-ushers daily waiters at court, whose duty is to bear the rod be- fore the King at the feast of St. George, and other solemnities : he has also the keeping of the chapter-house door, when a chapter of the order of the garter is sitting, and in time of parliament attends the house of peers, and takes delinquents into custody. He wears a gold badge, embelhshed with the ensigns of the order of the garter. USTERIA, in botany, a genus of the Monandria Monogynia class and order. Essential character: calyx fonr-toothed, with one segment much larger than the rest ; corolla funnel-form, four-toothed ; capsule one-celled, two-seeded ; seeds arilled. There is but one species, viz. U. guineensis, a native of Guinea. USURY, in a strict sense, is a contract upon the loan of money, to give the lend- er a certain profit for the use of it, upon all events, whetlier the borrower made any advantage of it, or the lender suffer- VUL ed any prejudice for the want of it, or vyhether it be repaid at the appointeil time or not ; and in a large sense, it seems, that all undue advantages, taken by a lender against a borrower, come un- der the notion of usury. The statute 12 Anne, c. 16, enacts that no person, upon any contract which shall be made, shall take for loan of any money, wares, &c, above the value of Si. for the forbearance of 100/. for a year ; and all bonds and assurances for the payment of any mioney to be lent upon usury, where- upon or whereby there shall be reserved, or taken, above five pounds in the hun- dred, shall be void ; and every person who shall receive, by means of any cor- rupt bargain, loan, exchange, shift, or in- terest, of any wares, or other things, or by any deceitful way, for forbearing, or giving day of payment for one year, for their money or other things, above 51. for 100/. for a' year, &c. shall forfeit treble the value of the monies or other things lent. But if a contract, which carries inte- rest, be made in a foreign country, our courts will direct the payment of interest, according to the law of that country in which the contract was made. Thus, Irish, American, Turkish, and Indian in- terest have been allowed in our courts, to the amount of each 121. per cent. For the moderation or exorbitance of interest depends upon local circumstances ; and the refusal to enforce such contracts would put a stop to all foreign trade. It may be considered as a general rule, that whatever is taken for interest can by no trick or contrivance be so concealed as to evade the general words of this sta- tute. It is a question in politics, whether the laws against usury are good for any thing, except to afford government a mo- nopoly in the borrowing of loans. Where advantage is takea of ignorance or distress, equity would reheve in all cases. But surely it is hard to prevent men from making the fair price of the loan of mo- ney. A maximum is always injurious. The real price of interest is not well set- tled, and usurers are compelled to be ex- orbitant to indemnify themselves of ex- traordinary risks. UVARIA, in botany, a genus of the Po- lyandria Polygynia class and order. Na- tural order of Coadunatae. Anonse, Jus- sieu. Essential character: calyx three- leaved ; petals six ; berries numerous, pendulous, four-seeded. There are ele- ven species, VULGATE, a very ancient Latin trans- yuL uvu Istionof the bible, and the only one the church of Rome acknowledges authentic. SeeBiBLK. The ancient vuIgatc- oftlie Old Testament was translated almost word for word from the Greek of the LXX. The author of the version is not known, nor so much as guessed at. Vulgate of the J^Te^'j Testament. This the Romanists generally hold preferable to the common Greek text, in regard it is this alone, and not the Greek text, that the council of Trent had declared authen- tic. Accordingly that church has, as it were, adopted this addition. The priests read no other at the altar, the preachers quote no other in the pulpit, nor the di- vines in the schools. vulture; the vuUure, in natural his- tory, a genus of birds of the order Accipi- tres. Generic character : the bill strait, hooked at the point ; the head without feathers ; the skin on tlie fore part na- ked ; tongue bifid ; neck retractile ; legs and feet covered with great scales ; claws large, little hooked, and very blunt. These birds are repacious to an extreme degree, and sometimes feed in the midst of cities unterrified. It is observed that they prefer, universally, tainted meat to what is fresh, and seldom destroy animals when they can procure a sufficiency of carrion. Their scent is in the highest de- gree acute, and they are supposed to perceive the effluvia of carcases at the distance even of miles. They are found most numerous in the warmest chmates, and must be regarded as a race of bir^ls eminetftly useful in clearing the surface of the globe from putrid remains, which might infect the air, and produce all the ravages and mortality of pestilence. There are seventeen species, of which we shall notice the following. V. gryphus, or the condur vulture, is found particularly in South America, and from point to point of its wings is of the width of twelve feet. The feathers of its back are of a brilliant black. Its quill fea- thers are more than two feet and a quarter in length, and are half an inch in diame- ter. V. harpyia, or the crested vulture, is ratlier larger than a turkey, and is di- tinguished b) a crest of four feathers on its head. Its strength is extraordinary, and with a single stroke of its bill it is reported to be able to cleave down the scull of a man. It is found in Mexico and Brasil. V. aui-a, or the carrion vulture, is of the same size as the last, is common both in North and South America, and feeds on carcases and on snakes. Its odour is particularly rank. It is far from being ferocious and dangerous, may be easily reared tame, and is considered in the West Indies as highly useful in destroy- ing reptiles, vermin, and carrion, inso- much that the killing of them is prohi- bited by law. They roost together at nights in considerable numbers, in the manner of rooks, V. Sagittarius, or the sepretary vulture, is distinguished by the extraordinary length of its legs, and, when standing upright, is a yard high. It is found in Africa, and in the Philippine Islands. It principally lives on hzards and rats, and various species of vermin. It strikes with its feet forwards, and never the contrary. It takes up tortoises in its claws, and dashes them with great force on the ground, and will repeat this pro- cess till these animals are completely killed. For the king vulture, see Aves, Plate XIV. fig. 5. UVULARIA, in botany, a genus of the Hexandria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Sarmentacex. Lilia, Jussieu. Essential character: corolla si.x-petalled, erect ; nectary hollow at the base of each petal ; filaments very short. There are six species. W. w orw, is the twenty-first letter of ^ our alphabet, and is composed, as its name implies, of two v's. It was not in use among the Hebrews, Greeks, or Romans, but chiefly pecuUar to the \ northern nations, the Teutones, Saxons, | Britons, &c. But still it is not used by • the French, Italians, Spaniards, or For- j WAF WAI tiigaese, except in proper names, and other terms borrowed from languages in which it is originally used, and even then it is sounded like tlie single v. This let- ter is of an ambiguous nature, being a consonant at the beginning of words, and a vowel at the end. It may stand before all the vowels except w, as toatet\ ivedge, rointer, tvonder : it may also follow tlie vowels, a, e, o, and unites with them into a kind of double vowel, or diphthong, as in saiv^ few, cow, &.c. WACCE, in mineralogy, a species of tlie clay genus, of a greenish grey co- lour, of various degrees of intensity ; it occurs sometimes massive, sometimes vesicular,' and the vesicuise are either filled when the compound is denominated amygdaloid, or empty. It is not very heavy, and it is the characteristic of it that it falls to pieces in the open air. It belongs to the floetz trap formation; where it occurs in beds which generally lie under basalt, and above clay. It is found in veins, and generally forms the basis of amygdaloid. It frequently con- tains imbedded crystals of mica and ba- saltic hornblende, but does not, hke ba- salt, include augite or olivine. It is found in many parts of Germany, and in Sweden, Werner considers it as interme- diate between basalt and clay. When basalt contains mica, it is passing to wacce. Near Joachimstal there is an im- mense rent filled with wacce, in which whole trees are found imbedded. WACHENDORFIA, in botany, a ge- nus of theTriandria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Ensatse. Irides, Jussieu. Essential character: corolla six-petalled, unequal, inferior ; capsule three-celled, superior. There are five species, all natives of the Cape of Good Hope. WADD, or Waddixg, is a stopple of paper, hay, straw, or the like, forced into a gun upon the powder, to keep it ' close in the chamber ; or to put up close to the shot, to keep it from rolling out. WAFERS are made thus : take very fine flour, mix it with glair of eggs, isinglass, and a little yeast ; mingle the materials; beat them well together, spread the batter, being made thin with gum water, on even tin plates, and dry them in a stove ; then cut them out for use. You may make them of what colour you please, by tinging the paste with brazil or Vermillion for red ; indigo or verditer, &c. for blue ; saffron, turmeric, or gam- boge, Sic. for yellow. WAFT, in naval language, a signal displayed from the stern of a ship for some particular purpose, by hoisting the ensign, furled up together into a long roll, to the head of its staff, or to the mizen-peek. It is particularly used to summon the ship's boats oft' from the shore. WAGBiR of law is a particular mode of proceeding, whereby, in an action of debt, brought upon a simple contract between the parties, without any deed or record, the defendant may discharge himself by swearing in court, in the pre- sence of compurgators, that he owes the plaiiitifi" nothing, in manner and form as he has declared, and his compurgators swear, that they believe what he says is true. And this waging his law is some- times called making his law. It being at length considered, that this waging of law offered too great a temptation to perjury, by degrees new remedies were devised, and new forms of action intro- duced, wherein no defendant is at liber- ty to wage his law, as in assumpsit and trover. Also when a new statute inflicts a penalty, and gives an action of debt to recover it, it is usual to add, in which no wager of law shall be allowed. Wagers. In general a wager may be considered as legal, if it be not an incite- ment to a breach of the peace, or to im- morality, or if it do not affect the feel- ings or interest of a third person, or ex- pose him to ridicule ; or if it be not against sound policy. See iNsuHAjfCE, Wager, Poijct. WAIFS, are goods which are stolen and waved by a felon in his flight from those who pursue him, which are forfeit- ed ; and though waif is generally spoken of goods stolen, yet if a man be pursued with hue and cry as a felon, and he flee and leave his own goods, these will be forfeited as goods stolen ; but they are properly fugitive's goods, and not for- feited till it be found before the coroner, or otherwise of record, that he fled for the felony. See Estrays. WAIST, in ship-building, that part of a ship which is contained between the quarter-deck and forecastle, being usu- ally a hollow space, with an ascent of se- veral steps to either of those places. When the waist of a merchant ship is only one or two steps of descent from the quarter-deck and forecastle, she is said to be galley built ; but when with six or seven steps, she is called frigate- built. WAISTERS, in naval afl^airs, people stationed in the waist in working the WAL WAL ship. As their business requires only strength without art or judgment, they are commonly selected from the strongest landsmen and ordinary seamen. \VAI VER, signifies the passing by of a thing, or a refusal to accept it : some- times it is applied to an estate, or some- thing conveyed to a man, and sometimes to plea, &c. and a waiver on disagree- ment as to goods and chattels, in case of a gift, will be effectual. WAKE of a shipy is the smooth water astern when she is under sail. This shows the way she has gone in the sea, where- by the mariners judge what way she makes. For if the wake be right a-stern, they conclude she makes her Way for- wards ; but if the wake be to leeward a point or two, then they conclude she falls to the leeward of her course. When one ship, giving chase to another, is got as far into the wind as she, and sails di- rectly after her, they say, she has got into her wake. A ship is said to stay to the weather of her wake, when, in her staying, she is so quick, that she does not fall to leeward upon a tack, but that when .she is tacked, her wake is to the leeward ; and it is a sign she feels her helm very well, and is quick of steerage. WALE, or Wales, in a ship, those out- ermost timbers in a ship's side, on which the sailors set their feet in climbing up. They are reckoned from the water, and are called her first, second, and third wale, or bend. Wale knot, a round knot or knob made w ith three strands of a rope, so that it cannot slip, by which the tacks, top-sail sheets, and stoppers are made fast, as also some other ropes. Wale reared, on board a ship, a name the seamen give to a ship, which, after she comes to her bearing, is built straight up. This way of building, though it does not look well, nor is, as the seamen term it, ship-shapen, yet it has this advantage, that a ship is thereby more roomy within board, and becomes thereby a wholesome ship at sea, especially if her bearing be well laid out. WALES. By statute 27 Henry VIII. c. 26, and other subsequent statutes, the dominion of Wales shall be incorporated with, and part of the realm of England ; and all persons born in Wales shall enjoy all liberties and privileges as the subjects in England do. And the lands in Wales shall be inheritable after the English te- nure, and not after any Welsh laws or customs ; and the proceedings in all the law courts shall be in the English tongue. A session is also to be held twice a ycai* in every county, by judges appointed by the King, to be called the Great Sessions of the several counties in Wales, in whicii all pleas of real and personal actions shall be held, with the same form of process, and in as ample manner, as in the Court of Common Pleas at Westminster; and writs of error shall lie from judgments therein to the Court of King's Bench at Westminster. But the ordinary original writs, or process, of the King's courts at Westminster, do not run into the princi- pality of Wales, though process of exe- cution does, as also all prerogative writs ; as, writs of certiorari, quo minus, man- damus, and the like. Murders and felo- nies in any part of Wales may be tried in the next adjoining English county; the judges of assize having a concuri'ent ju- risdiction throughout all Wales, with the justices of the grand sessions. All local mattei-s arising in Wales, triable in the King's Bench, are, by the common law, to be tried by a jury, returned from the next adjoining county in England. No sheriff or officer in Wales shall, upon any process out of the courts at Westminster, hold any person to special bail, unless the cause of action be twenty pounds, or up- wards. 11 and 12 William, c. 9. WALL, in architecture, the principal part of a iDuilding, as serving both to in- close it, and support the roof, floors, &c. See Building. WALLENIA, in botany, so named in honour of Matthew Wallen, a genus of the Tetrandria Monogynia class and or- der. Essential character : calyx four-cleft, inferior; corolla tubular, four-cleft ; berry one seeded. There is but one species, viz. W. laurifolia, a tall tree growing na- turally in Jamaica and Hispaniola. WALLIS (Dr. John), in biography, an eminent English mathematician, was the son of a clergyman, and born at Ashford, in Kent, November 23, 1616. After be- ing instructed, at different schools, in grammar learning, in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, with the rudiments of logic, music, and the French language, he was placed in Emanuel College, Cambridge. About 1640, he entered into orders, and was chosen Fellow of Queen's College. He kept his fellowship till it was vacated by his marriage, but quitted his- college to be chaplain to Sir Richard Darley : after a year spent in this situation, he spent two more as chaplain to Lady Vere. While he lived in this family he cultivated the art of deciphering, which proved very useful to liim on several occasions: he WAL WAP met. with rewards and preferment from the government at home for deciphei'ing let- ters for them; and it is said, that the Elec- tor of Brandenburg sent him a gold chain and medal, for explaining for him some letters written in ciphers. Academical studies being much inter- rupted by the civil wars in both the Uni- versities, many learned men from them re- sorted to London, and formed assemblies there. WaUis belonged to one of these, tiie members of which met once a week, to discourse on philosophical matters ; and this society was the rise and begin- ning of that which was afterwards incor- porated by the name of the Royal Society, of which WaUis was one of the most early members. The Savilian professor of geometry at Oxford being ejected by the parliamentary visitors, in 1649, WaUis was appointed to succeed him, and he opened his lectures there the same year. In 1653, he publi- shed, in Latin, a Grammar of the English Tongue, for the use of foreigners j to which was added, a tract " De Loquela seu Sonorum formatione," &c. in which he considers philosophically the formation of all sounds used in articulate speech, and shows how the organs being put into certain positions, and the breath pushed out from the lungs, the person will thus be made to speak, whether he hear him- self or not. Pursuing these reflections, he was led to think it possible, that a deaf gperson might be taught to speak, by be- ing directed so to apply the organs of speecli as the sound of each letter requir- ed, which children learn by imitation and frequent attempts, rather than by art. In 1657, he collected and published his mathematical works, in two parts, en- titled "Matliesi^ Universalis," in quarto ; and, in 1658, *' Commercium Epistolicum de Questionibus quibusdam Mathematicis nuper habitum," in quarto ; which was a collection of letters written by many learned men, as Lord Brounker, Sir Ke- nelm Digby, Fermat, Schooten, Wallis, and others. Upon the Restoration he met with great respect ; the King thinking favourably of him on account of some services he had done both to himself and his father, Charles I. He was, therefore, confirmed in his places, also admitted one of the King's chaplains in ordinary, and appoint- ed one of the divines empowered to re- vise the Book of Common Prayer. He was a very useful member of the Royal Society, and kept up a literary corres- pondence with many learned men. In 1670, he published his " Meehanica; sive de Alotu," quarto. In 1676, he gave an edition of " Archimedis Syracusani Arenarius et Dimensio Circuli ;" and, in 1682, he published from the manuscripts, ** Claudii Ptolemzei Opus Harmonicum," in Greek, with a Latin version and notes ; to which he afterwards added, " Appen- dix de veterum Harmonica ad hodiernam comparata," &c. In 1685, he published his " History and Practice of Algebra," in folio ; a work that is full of learned and useful matter. Be- sides the works above mentioned, he published many others, particularly his " Arithmetic,of Infinites," a book of genius and good invention, and perhaps almost his only work that is so, for he was much more distinguished for his industry and judgment, than for his genius. Also a multitude of papers in the Philosophical Transactions, in almost every volume, from the first to the twenty-fifth volume. In 1697, the curators of the University press at Oxford thought it for the honour of the University to collect the Doctor's mathematical works, which had been printed separately, some in Latin, some in English, and published them all together in the Latin tongue, in three volumes, fo- lio, 1699., Dr. Wallis died at Oxford the 28th of October, 1703, in the eighty-eighth y ear of his age, leaving behind him one son and two daughters. We are told, that he was of a vigorous constitution, and of a mind which was strong, calm, serene, and not easily ruffled or discomposed. He speaks of liimself, in his letter to Mr. Smith, in a strain which shows him to have been a very cautions and prudent man, whatever his secret opinions and attachments might be. He concludes ; " It hath been my enr deavour all along, to act by moderate principles, being willing, whatever side was uppermost, to promote any good de- . sign, for the true interest of religion, of learning, and of the public good." WALRUS. See Tbichecus. WALTHERIA, in botany, so named in honour of Augustin Frederic Walther, Professor of Medicine at Leipsic, a genus of the Monadelpliia Pentandria class and order. Natural order of Columniferae. Tiliacex, Jussieu. Essential character: calyx double ; outer lateral three-leaved, deciduous ; petals five ; style one ; cap- sule one-celled, two-valved, one-seeded. There are six species. WAPENTAKE (from the Saxon), the same with what we call a hundred, and more especially used in the northern \ WAR WAR counties beyond the river Trent. There have been several conjectures as to the original of the word ; one of which is, that anciently musters were made of the ar- mour and weapons of the inhabitants of every hundred ; and from those that could not find sufficient pledges of their good abearing-, their weapons were taken away, and given to others ; whence, it is said, this word is derived. WARD (Dr. Seth), an Engn.sh prelate, chiefly famous for his knowledge in ma- thematics and astronomy, was the son of an attorney, and horn at Buntingford, Hertfordshire, in 1617 or 1618. From hence he was removed and placed a stu- dent in Sidney College, Cambridge, in 1632. Here he' applied with great vis^our to his studies, particularly to the mathe- matics, and was chosen fellow of his col- lege. The civil war breaking out. Ward was involved not a little in the consequences of it. He was ejected from his fellowship for refusing the covenant ; against which he soon after joined, with several others, in drawing up that noted treatise, which was afterwards printed. Being now ob- liged to leave Cambridge, he resided for some time with certain friends about Lon- don, and at other times , at Aldbury, in Surry, with the noted mathematician Ovightred, where he prosecuted his ma- thematical studies. He had not been long in this family be- fore the visitation of the University of Ox- ford began ; the effect of which was, that jnany learned and eminent persons were turned out, and among them Mr. Greaves, the Savilian professor of astronomy. This gentleman laboured to procure Ward for his successor, whose abilities in his way were universally known and acknow- ledged ; and effected it ; Dr. Wallis suc- ceeding to the geometry professorship at the same time. Mr. Ward then entered himself of Wadham College, for the sake of Dr. AVilkins, who was the warden ; and he presently applied himself to bring the astronomy lectures, which had long been neglected and disused, into repute again ; and for this purpose he read them very constantly, never missing one reading day all the while he held the lecture. In 1654, both the Savilian professors did their exercises, in order to proceed doctors in divinity ; and when they were to be presented, Wallis claimed prece- dency. This occasioned a dispute ; which being decided in favour of Ward, who was really the senior, WaUis went out grand compounder, and so obtained the precede nc}'. In 1659, Ward was chosen president of Trinity College, but was obliged at the Restoration to resign that place. He had amends made him, however, by being presented, in 1660, to the rectory of St. Laurence, Jury. The same year he was also installed precentor of the church of Exeter. In 1661, he became Fellow of the Royal Society, and Dean of Exeter ; and the year following he was advanced to the bishopric of the same church. In 1667, he was translated to the see of Sa- lisbury ; and, in 1671, was made Chan- cellor of the order of the Garter; an ho- nour which he procured to be perma- nently annexed to the see of Salisbury, after it had been held by laymen for above one hundred and fifty years. Dr. Ward was one of those unhappy persons who have had the misfortune to survive their senses, whicli happened in consequence of a fever ill cured : he liv- ed till the Revolution, but without know- ing any thing of the matter; and died in Januai-y, 1689, about seventy-one years of age. He was the author of several Latin works in astronomy and different parts of the mfathematics, which were thought excellent in their day, but their use has been superseded by later im- provements and the Newtonian philoso- phy. WxVRDMOTE, a court kept in every ward in London, usually called the ward- mote court : and the wardmote inquest has power every year to inquire into, and present, all defaults concerning the watch and constables not doing their du- ty ; that engines, &c. be provided against fire ; persons selling ale and beer be ho- nest, and suffer no disorders, nor per- mit gaming, &c. ; that they ^ell in lawful measures ; and searches be made for va- grants, beggars, and idle persons, &c. who shall be punished. WARE, or Weak, in naval affairs, to cause a ship to change her course from one board to the other, by turning her stern to the wind. Hence it is used in the same sense of veering, and in oppo- sition to tacking, in which the head is turned to the wind, and the stern to the leeward. WARNING piece, in the military art, is the gun which is fired every night about sun-set, to give notice to the drums and trumpets of the army to beat and sound a retreat or tattoo, which is like- wise called setting the watch. Warnisc Tvheel, in a clock, is the third or fourth, according to its distance from the first wheel. WARP, in the manufactures, is the WAR WAR thi-eads, whether of silk, wool, linen, hemp, &c, that are extended leng^thvvise on the weaver's loom ; and across which the workman, by means of his shuttle, passes the threads of the woof, to form a cloth, ribband, fustian, or other matter. For a woollen stuff to have the necessary qualities, it is required that the threads of the warp be of the same kind of wool,, and of the same fineness through- out ; that they be sized with Flanders or parchment size, well prepared, and that they be in sufficient number with regard to the breadth of the stuff to be wrought. To warp a ship, is to shift her from one place to another, when the wind and tide ■will permit it without danger. WARRANT, a praecipe, under hand and seal, to some officer, to bring any of- fender before the person granting it ; and warrants of commitment are issued| by the Privy Council, a secretary of state, or justice of peace, &c. where there has been a private information, or a witness has deposed against an offender. Any one under the degree of nobility may be arrested for a misdemeanor, or any thing ' done against the peace of the kingdom, by warrant from a justice of the peace ; though if the person be a peer of the realm, he must be apprehended for a breach of the peace by warrant out of the King's Bench. A general warrant to apprehend all persons suspected, without naming or particularly describing any person in special, is illegal and void for its uncer- tainty : for it is the duty of the magis- trate, and ought not to be left to the offi- cer, to judge of the ground of the suspi- cion. Also a warrant to apprehend all persons guilty of such a crime is no legal warrant ; for the point upon which its authority rests, is a fact to be decided on a subsequent trial ; namely, whether the person apprehended thereupon be guilty or not guilty. A warrant may be lawful- ly granted by any justice, for ti'eason, fe- lony, prxmunire', or any offence against the peace ; and it seems clear, that where a statute gives any one justice a jurisdic- tion over any ofllence, or a power to re- quire any person to do a certain thing or- dained by such statute, it impliedly gives a power to every such justice to make out a warrant to bring before him any one accused of such offence, or compel- led to do any thing ordained by such sta- tute ; for it cannot but be intended, that a statute which gives a person jurisdic- tion over an offence, means also to give him the power incident t« all courts, of YOh. Vt compelling the party to come before him. But in cases where the King is not a party, or where no corporal punish- ment is appointed, as in cases for servants' wages, and the like, it seems that a sum- mons is the more proper process ; and for default of appearance, the justice may proceed ; and so indeed it is ofteji direct- ed by special statutes. A warrant fron? any one of the justices of the Court of King's Bench extends over all the king- dom, and is tested or dated England; but a warrant of a justice of peace in one county must be backed, that is, signed by a justice of another county, before it can be executed there : and a warrant for apprehending an Enghsh or a Scotch of- fender may be indorsed in the opposite kingdom, and the offender earned back to that part of the united kingdom in which the offence was committed. This is also now extended to Ireland, upon a proper certificate of an indictment or in- formation filed in either country. Warrant of attorney, is an authority and power given by a client to his attor- ney to appear and plead for him ; or to suffer judgment to pass against him by confessing the action, by nil (licit, non mm infortnadis, &c. and although a warrant of attorney given by a man in custody to confess a judgment, no attorney being; present, is void as to the entry of judg- ment, yet it may be a good warrant to appear and file common bail. A warrant of attorney to confess a judgment affords the best personal security that a creditor can have, and if together with it a sale- able lease is pledged, it is perhaps the best security that can be had. WARRANTY, a promise or covenant by deed, made by the bargainer for him- self and his heirs, to warrantor secure the bargainee and his heirs against all men, for the enjoying any thing agreed on between them. Warranty is either real or personal ; real, when it is annex- ed to lands or tenements granted for life, &c. and this is either in deed, as by the words " I waiTant," expressly ; or in law, as by the word dedi, " I have given," or some other amplification. Personal, whicli either respects the property of the thing sold, or the quality of it. War- ranties in their more general divisions are of two kinds : first, a warranty in deed, or an express wai*ranty, which i^ when a fine, or feoffment in fee, or a lease for life, is made by deed, which has an express clause of warranty contained in it; as when a conusor, feoffer, or les- sor, covenants to warrant the land to the WAS WAT coniisee, feoffee, or lessee ; secondly, a warranty in law, or an implied wan-aiity, which is when it is not expressed by the party, but tacitly made and implied by the law. A warranty in deed is either lineal or collateral. A lineal warranty is a covenant real, annexed to the land by him who either was owner of or might have inherited the land, and from whom his heir lineal or collateral might possibly have claimed the land as heir from him that made the warranty. A collateral war- ranty is mada by him that had no right, or possibility of right, to the land, and is collateral to' the title of the land. On a sale of goods, the seller by implication warrants that he has a good title to them, ^ee Insurance. WARREN, a franchise, or place privi- leged, either by prescription or grant from the king, to keep beasts and fowl of warren in ; as rabbits, hares, partridges, pheasants, &c. WASH, among distillers, the ferment- able liquor used by the malt distillers. WASP. SeeVESPA. WASTE, is the committing any spoil or destruction in houses, lands, &c. by tenants, to the damage of the heir, or of him in reversion or remainder ; where- upon the writ or action of waste is brought for the recovery of the thing wasted, and damages for the waste done. There are two kinds of waste, voluntary or actual, and negligent or permissive. Voluntary waste mny be done by pulling down or prostrating houses, or cutting down timber trees : negligent w^aste may be, by suffering an house to be uncover- ed, whereby the spars or rafters, planch- es, or other timber of the house, are rot- ten, or by not properly repairing. A writ of waste, to punish the offence after it has been committed, is an action partly founded upon the common law, and part- ly upon the statute of Gloucester ; and may be brought by him that has the im- mediate state of inheritance in revei'sion or remainder against the tenant for life, tenant in dower, tenant by the courtesy, or tenant for years. This action of waste is a mixed action ; partly real, so far as it recovers land ; and partly personal, so far as it recovers damages ; for it is brought tor both those purposes ; and if the waste be proved, the plaintiff shall recover the thing or place wasted, and also treble da- mages, by the said statute- 6 Edward I. c. 5. The writ of waste calls upon the tenant to appear, and show cause why he has committed waste and destruction, in the place named, to the disherison of the plaintifl'. And if the defendant make de- fault, or do not appear at the day assign- ed him, then the sheriff is to take with him a jury of twelve men, and go in per- son to the place alleged to be wasted, and there enquire of the waste done, and the damages, and make a return or re- port of the same to the court, upon which report the judgment is founded. The more common remedy is now by an ac- tion upon the case for damages only. A tenant at will is not liable for permissive waste, nor a tenant from year to year. WATCH, in the art of war, a number of men posted at any passage, or a com- pany of the guards who go on the patrol. At sea the term watch denotes a mea- sure or space of four hours, becat/se half the ship's company watch and do duty in their turn, so long at a time ; and they are termed starboard watch and larboard watch. Watch is also used for a small porta- ble movement or machine for the measur- ing of time, having its motion regulated by a spiral spring. Watches, strictly ta- ken, are all such movements as show the parts of time ; as clocks are such as publish it, by striking on a bell, &c. But commonly, the name watch is appropriat- ed to such as are carried in the pocket, and clock to the large movements, whe- ther they strike or not. SeeCHRONOME- TEU, Clock, Horology. The several members of the watch part are, 1. The balance, consisting of the rim, which is its circular part; and the verge, which is its spindle, to which belong the two pallets, or levers, that play in the teeth of the crown wheel. 2. The potence, or pottance, which is the strong stud in pock- et watches, whereon the lower pivot of the verge plays, and in the middle of which one pivot of the balance-wheel plays ; the bottom of the potence is called the foot, the middle part the nose, and the upper part the shoulder. 3. The cock, which is the piece covering the ba- lance. 4. The regulator, or pendulum spring, which is the small spring in new pocket watches, underneath the balance. 5. The pendulum, whose parts are the verge, pallets, cocks, and the bob. 6. The wheels, which are the crown-wheel in pocket pieces, and swing wheel in pen- dulums, serving to drive the balance or pendulum. 7. The contrate-wheel, which is that next the crown-wheel, &c. and whose teeth and hoop lie contrary to those of other wheels ; whence the name. 8. The great or first wheel, which is that the fusee, &c. immediately drives : after WATCH. wliich are the second wheel, third wheel, &c. 9. Lastly, between the frame and dial-plate is the pinion of report, which is that fixed on the arbor of the great wheel, and serves to drive the dial-wheel as that serves to carry the hand. Plate Watch represents the parts of a watch the proper size: fig. 1, is a plan of the wheel work, the upper plate (fig. 2) being removed to expose them ; fig. 2 is the upper plate, the cock, F, (fig.5) being taken away to show the balance ; fig. 3, the wheel work beneath the dial ; fig 4, a detached part ; fig. 5, a general eleva- tion of the whole, being supposed to be set out at length to show the whole at one view ; fig. 6, the great wheel ; fig. 7, the under side of the fusee ; fig. 8, the main- spring, barrel, &c. Tlie essential difference between a clock and a watch consists in two par- ticulars : first, it is moved by a spring in lieu of a weight ; and, secondly, its motion is governed by a balance instead of a pen- dulum. The balance is a small wheel, w, (fig. 2 and 5, Plate Watch) fixed on an arbor, or axis, called the verge, and turn- ing freely upon pivots at the ends of the arbor. To the axis of the balance the in- ner end of a very elastic spiral spring, p, called the pendulum spring, is fastened, and the outer end of the spiral is made fast to some fixture, r.- in this state the balance will have a position of rest, which will be when the spiral spring, o, is in,that position which it would assume when de- tached from the balance, and perfectly at liberty : now if the balance is turned round on its pivots by any external force in either direction, it will wind up or unwind the spiral spring, which will (when the exter- nal force is removed) return the balance to its state of rest ; and as this is done with considerable velocity, the momentum the balance acquires by its motion will carry it beyond the point of rest on the other side. This again alters the spring, which returns the balance, throwing it beyond the point of rest t and in this manner the balance will vibrate, until the friction of the pivots and the resistance of the air destroys the original impulse. All vibrations of such a balance, which pass througli eqnal spaces, will be performed in equal times. This simple apparatus is all which is required for measuring time, the other mechanism of the watch being devoted to two objects : first, to give a small impulse to ihe balance at each vibration, to over- come the friction and resistance of the air, and cause the balance to describe equal arcs : and, secondly, to register the num- ber of vibrations the balance has made. The first of these objects requires a power which shall be in constant readi- ness to act upon the balance. This is accomplished by the re-action of a spiral steel spring, A, (fig. 8) which when at rest and liberty assunnes that position and size ; it is coiled up closer, and put into a brass box, a, called the spring barrel ; a small hook which is at the outer end of the spring being put through a hole in the side of the box, a, small arbor, B, is put into the centre of the box, and the cover or lid of the box, D, is shut in : the arbor has a hook projecting from it, which en- ters a hole in the inner end of the spring A : its pivots project through the barrel at each side, and enter holes in the two plates EE, (fig. 5) which forms the frame of the watch ; the lower pivot passes through the plate, and has a small rachet wheel, 6, (fig. 3 and 5) fixed upon it, a click entering the teeth thereof pre- vents the arbor turning round ; a small steel cham is hooked to the spring-bar- rel, a, (fig. 1 and 5) ; at one end it passes round the barrel several times, then round the fusee, is a small piece ot metal, call- ed the cuib, having a notch in it to re- ceive the spring : tlie acting part of" the spring is from p to the cenire ; and as the cuib,/», is moveable, the acting length can be altered : the curb is cut into teeth, and turned by a pmion, q, (fig. 4) which represents the piece, s s s s s, detached from the plate, E, and turned up : the pi- nion, q, has a small dial, divided into thir- ty, fixed to its arbor on the upper side of the plate, s s, by which it can be set so as to regulate the watch to the utmost nicety : 1 1 1 1 (fig. 1^ are four pillars, by which the two plates, E E, of the watch are held together ; and t ttt (fig. 2) re- present the heads of the same pillars coming through the upper plate, and small pins put through to keep the plate down. WATER, a transparent fluid, without co- lour, smell, or taste, in a very small degree compressible ; when pure, not liable to spontaneous change ; liquid in the com- mon temperature of our atmosphere, as- suming the solid form at 32° Fahrenheit, and the gaseous at 212°, but returning unaltered to its liquid state on resuming any degree of heat between these points; capable of dissolving a greater number of natural bodies than any other fluid what- ever, especially of those known by the name of the saline; performing the most important functions in the vegetable and animal kingdoms, and entering largely into their composition as a constituent part. Water is formed of hydrogen, combined with oxygen, in the proportion of 14.42 to 85.58. Water is assumed as the standard, or unity, in all tables of spe- cific gravity. A cubic inch of it weighs, at thirty inches of the barometer, and 60° thermometer, 252,422 grains. Water does not enter the list of materia medica of any of the colleges ; but it is so impor- tant, both as an article of diet, and as an agent in the cure of diseases, that a brief account of its varieties and properties cannot but be proper in this place. The purest natural water is melted snow, or rain, collected in the open fields. That which falls in towns, or is collepted from the roofs of houses, is contaminated with •oot, animal effluvia, and other impuri- ties ; altliough, after it has rained for gome time, the quantity of these diminishes so mucl), that Morveau says, it may be ren- dered almost perfectly pure by means of a little barytic water, and exposure to the atmosphere. Rain water, after it fiills, either remains on the surface of the earth, or penetrates through it until it meets with some impenetrable obstruc- tion to its progress, when it bursts out at some lower part, forming a spring or well. The water on the surface of the earth either descends along its declivities in streams, whic'i, gradually wearing channels for themselves, combine to form rivers, which at last reach the sea ; or it remains stagnant in cavities of considera- ble depth, fornning lakes or ponds, or on nearly level ground, forming marslies. Although the varieties of spring waters are exceedingly numerous, they may be divided into, 1. The soft, which are suf- ficiently pure to dissolve soap, and to an- swer the purposes of pure water in gene- ral. 2. The hard, which contain earthy salts, decompose soap, and are unfit for many purposes, both in domestic econo- my and manufactures. 3. The saline, \rhich are strongly impregnated with soluble salts. When spring waters pos- sess any peculiar character, they are called mineral waters. See Waters, mineral. River water is in general soft, as it is formed of spring water, which, by expo- sure becomes more pure ; and running surface water, whicli, although turbid from particles of clay suspended in it, is otherwise very pure. Lake water is similar to river water. The water of marshes, on the contrary, is exceedingly impure, and often highly fetid, from the great propor- tion of animal and vegetable matters con- stantly decaying in them. So early as the year 1776, an experi- ment was made by JVlacquer to ascei tain what would be the product of the combus- tion of inflammable air, or liydrogen gas. He accordingly set fire to a bottle full of it, and held a saucer over the flame, but no soot appeared upon it as he expect- ed, for it remained quite clean, and was bedewed with drops which were found to be pure water. Various conjectures were now formed about the nature of the pro- duct of the combustion of oxygen and hy- drogen gases. I3y some it was supposed the carbonic acid gas ; by others it was conjectured it would be the sulphurous or sulphuric acid. The latter was the opinion of M. Lavoisier. Such were th» WATER. experiments and opimoiis of the French chemists previously to the year 1781. About the beginning of that year, Mr. Warltire, a lecturer in natural philosophy, had long entertained an opinion that tl)e combustion of hydrogen gas with atmo- spheric air, might determine the question, whether heat be a heavy body. Appre- hensive of danger in making the experi- ment, he had for some time declined it, but was at last encouraged by Dr. Priest- ley, and accordingly prepared an appara- tus for the purpose. This was a copper \'essel properly fitted, and filled with at- mospherical air and hydrogen gas, which was exploded by making the electric spark pass through it. A loss of weight of two grains was observed after the com- bustion, A similar experiment was re- peated in close glass vessels, which, though clean and dry before the combus- tion, became immediately wet with mois- ture, and lined with a sooty matter. This sooty matter. Dr. Priestley afterwards supposed, proceeded from the mercury which had been employed in filling the vessel. During the same year Mr. Ca- vendish repeated the experiments of Mr. Warltire and Dr. Priestley. He perform- ed them several times with atmospheric air and hydrogen gas, in a vessel which held 24,000 grains of water, and he never could perceive a loss of weight more than one-fifth of a grain, and often none at all. In all these experiments not the least sooty matter appeared in the inside of the glass. To examine the nature of the dew which appeared in the inside of the glass, he burnt 500,000 grain measures of hy- drogen gas, with about two and a half times that quantity of common air ; and in this combustion he obtained one hundred and thirty-five grains of water, which had neither taste nor smell, and when it was evaporated, left no sensible sediment: It seemed to be pure water. In another experiment, he exploded, in a glass globe, 19,500 grain measures of oxygen gas, and 37,000 of hydrogen gas, by means of the electric spark. The result of the experiment was thirty grains of water, which contained a small quantity of nitric acid. The experiments of Mr. Cavendish were made in the year 1781, and they are undoubtedly conclusive with regard to the composition of wa\er. It would appear that Mr. Watt entertained the same ideas on this subject. . When he was informed by Dr. Priestley of the result of these experiments, he observes, <' Let us consider what obviously happens in the deflagration of hydrogen and oxy- gen gases. These two kinds of air unite with violence, they become red hot, and when cooling totally disappear. When the vessel is cooled, a quantity of water is found in it equal to the weight of the air employed. The water is then the only remaining product of the process ; and water, light, and heat, are all the products, unless there be some other matter set free, which escapes our senses. Are we not then authorised to conclude, that water is composed of oxygen and hydrogen gases, deprived of part of their latent or elementary heat ; that oxygen gas is composed of water, deprived of its hydrogen, and united to elementary heat and light ; and that the latter are contained in it in a latent state, so as not to be sejisible to the thermometer or to the eye ? And if light be only a modifi- cation of heat, or a circumstance attend- ing it, or a component part of the hy- drogen gas, then oxygen gas is compos- ed of water deprived of its hydrogen, and united to elementary heat." Thus it appears that Mr. Watt had a just view of tlie composition of water, and of the nature of the process by which its com- ponent parts pass to a liquid state from that of an elastic fluid. Towards the end of the same year, M. Lavoisier had made some experiments, the result of which surprised him ; for the product of tlie combustion of the oxygen and hydrogen gases, instead of being sulphuric or sul- phurous acid, as he expected it, was pure water. This led him to procure an ap- paratus, with which the experiment might be performed on a large scale, and with more accuracy and precision. Ac- cordingly the experiments were perform- ed on the twenty-fourth of June, 1783, in presence of several academicians, and also of Sir Charles lilagden, who was at that time in Paris. A similar experiment was afterwards performed by M. Monge, with the same result ; and it was repeat- ed again by Lavoisier and Meusnier, on a scale so large as to put the matter beyond a doubt. The conclusion, therefore, from the whole was, that water is com- posed of oxygen and hydrogen. Water exists in three different states ; in the solid state, or state of ice, in the hquid, and in the state of vapour or steam. Its principal properties have already been detailed, in treating of the effects of calo- ric. It assumes the solid form when it is cooled down to the temperature of 32°. In this state it increases in bulk, by which it exerts a prodigious expansive force. WATERS, MINERAL. wliich is owing to the new arrangement of its particles, which assume a crystal- line form, the crystals crossing each other at angles of 60° or 120°. The specific gravity of ice is less than that of water. When ice is exposed to a temperature above 32°, it absorbs caloric, which then becomes latent, and is converted into the liquid state, or that of water. At the temperature of 42^°, water has reached its maximum of density. According to the experiments of Lefevre Gineaux, a French cubic foot of distilled water, taken at its maximum of density, is equal to 70 pounds, 22o grains French, equal 529,452.9492 troy grains. An English cubic foot at the same temperature weighs 437,102.4946 grains troy. By Professor Robinson's experiments it is ascertained, that a cubic foot of water, at the tempe- rature of 55°, weiglis 998.74 avoirdupois ounces, of 437.5 grains troy each, or about li ounce less than 1000 avoii-du- pois ounces. When water is exposed to the temperature of 212°, it boils ; and if this temperature be continued, the whole is converted into an elastic invisi- ble fluid, called vapour or steam. This, as has been already shown, is owing to the absorption of a quantity of caloric, which is necessary to retsun it in the fluid form. In this state it is about 1800 times its bulk when in the state of water. This shows what an expansive force it must exert when it is confined, and hence its application in the steam engine, of which it is the moving power. Waters, mineral. The complete and accurate analysis of mineral waters is one of the most difficult subjects of chemical research, and requires a very extensive acquaintance with the properties and ha- bitudes of a numerous class of substances. Such minuteness, however, is scarcely ever required in the experiments that are subservient to the ordinary purposes of life, a general knowledge of the compo- sition of bodies being sufficient to assist in directing the most useful applications of them. Instead, therefore, of giving a very ample detail of all the methods pointed out by Kirwan and others, we shall describe the means which are most generally useful in researches of this kind. Before any proceeding is made in the analysis of a water, it is proper to in- quire into its natural history, and to ex- amine attentively its physical characters. The temperature of the water must be carefully observed, and the quantity in- quired into, which it yields in a given time. The sensible qualities of taste, smell, degree of transparency, &.c. are also best entertained at the fountain- head. The specific gravity of the water must also be found. See Gravity, sftecijic. The readiest way of judging of the con- tents of mineral waters is by applying tests or re-agents, the chief of which are the following : Lifudon of litrmis is a test of most un- combined acids. If the infusion redden the unboiled, but not the boiled water, we may infer, that the acid is volatile, and most proba- bly, the carbonic. Sulphuretted hydrogen gas, dissolved in water, also reddens lit- mus, but not after boiUng. To ascertain whether the change be produced by carbonic acid, or by sulphu- retted hydrogen, when experiment shows that the reddening cause is vola- tile, add barytic water. This, if carbonic acid be present, will occasion a precipi- tate, which will dissolve, with efferves- cence, on adding a little muriatic acid. Sulphuretted hydrogen may also be con- tained, along with carbonic acid, in the same water ; which will be determined by the tests hereafter to be described. Paper tinged with litmus is also redden- ed by the presence of carbonic acid, but regains its blue colour on drying. Infusion of Litmus reddened by Phospho- ric Acid, — Tincture of Brazil-ivood, — Tincture of Turmeric , and Paper stained -with each of these three Substances, — Tinc- ture of Red Cabbage. — All these different tests have one and the same object. Infusion of htmus, reddened by phos- phoric acid, or litmus paper reddened by it, has its blue colour restored by alkalies and earths, and by carbonated alkalies^ and carbonated earths. Turmeric paper and tincture are changed to a reddish- brown by alkalies, whether freed from carbonic acid or not; by earths, freed from carbonic acid, but not by carbonated earths. The red infusion of Brazil-wood, and paper staii^ed with it, become blue by- alkalies and earths, and even by the lat- ter, when dissolved by an excess of car- bonic acid. In the last mentioned case, however, the change will either cease to appear, or will be much less remarkable, when the water has been boiled. Tincture of cabbage is, by the same causes, turned green ; as is also paper stained with the juice of the violet, or with the scrapings of radishes, WATERS, MINERAL. Tincture of galls.-— Tincture of galls is employed for discovering" iron, with which it produces a black tinge. The iron, however, in order to be detected by this test, must be in the state of a red ox- ide, or, if oxydized in a less degree, its elfects will not be apparent, unless after standing sonae time in contact with the air. By applying this test before and after evaporation, or boiling, we may know whether the iron be held in solu- tion by carbonic acid, or by a fixed acid ; for, 1. If it produce its effect before the application of heat, and not afterward, carbonic acid is the solvent. 2. If after, as well as before, a fixed and vulgarly called mineral acid is the solvent. 3. If, by the boiling, a yellowish pow- der be precipitated, and yet galls continue to strike the water black, tJie iron, as often happens, is dissolved, both by carbonic acid gas and by a fixed acid. Sulphuric Acid. — Sulphuric acid disco- vers, by a slight effervescence, the pre- sence of carbonic acid, whether uncom- bined or united with alkalies or earths. 2. If lime be present, the addition of sulphuric acid occasions, after a few days, a white precipitate. 3. Barytes is precipitated instantly, in the form of a white powder. 4. Nitric or muriatic salts, in a dry state, or dissolved in very little water, on adding sulphuric acid, and applying heat, are decomposed ; and if a stopper, moistened with solution of ammonia, be held over the vessel, white clouds will appear. For distinguishing whether ni- tric or muriatic acid be the cause of this appearance, rules will be given here- after. Oxalic Acid and Oxalates. — This acid is a most delicate test of lime, which it se- parates from all its combinations. 1. If a water, which is precipitated by oxalic acid, become milky on adding a watery solution of carbonic acid, or by blowing air through it from the lungs, by means of a quill or glass tube, we may in- fer, that lime (or barytes, which has never yet been found pure in waters) is present in an uncombined state. 2. If the oxalic acid occasions a preci- pitate before, but not after boiling, the lime is dissolved by an excess of carbonic acid. 3. If after boiling, by a fixed acid. A considerable excess of any of the mineral acids, however, prevents the oxalic acid from occasioning a precipitate, even though lime be present; because sorne acids decompose the oxalic, and others, dissolving the oxalate of lime, prevent it from appearing. (Vide Kirwan on Waters, page 88.) The oxalate of ammonia, or of potash, are not liable to the above objection, and are preferable as re-agents, to the un- combined acid. Yet even these oxalates fail to detect lime when supersaturated with muriatic or nitric acids; and if such an excess^ be present, it must be satu- rated, before adding the test, with am- monia. A precipitate will then be pro- duced. The quantity of lime, contained in the precipitate, may be known, by first ignit- ing it with access of air, which converts the oxalate into a carbonate ; and by ex- pelling from this last the carbonic acid, . by a strong heat, in a covered crucible. According to Dr. Marcet, 117 grains of sulphate of lime give 100 of oxalate of lime, dried at 160° Fahrenheit. Fluate of ammonia is also a most deli- cate test of lime. 'Barytic Water. — 1. Barytic water is a very effectual test for detecting the pre- sence of carbonic acifl, with which it forms a precipitate, which is soluble with effervescence in dilute nitric, or better in muriatic acid. 2. Barytic water is also a most sensible test of sulphuric acid and its combinati- ons, which it indicates by a precipitate not soluble in muriatic acid. jyietals. — Of the metals, silver, bismuth, and mercury, are tests of the presence of hydro-sulphurets, and of sulphuretted hy- drogen-gas. If a little quicksilver be put into a bottle, containing water impreg- nated with either of these substances, its surface soon acquires a black film, and, on shaking the bottle, a blackish powder separates from it. Silver leaf and bis- muth are speedily tarnished by the same cause. SulphatCy JVitrate, aud Acetate of Sil- ver.— These solutions are all, in some measure, applicable to the same pur- pose- They are peculiarly adapted to the discovery of muriatic acid and of muri- ates, with which they form a white pre- cipitate. A precipitation, however, may arise from other causes, which it may be proper to state. The solutions of silver in acids are precipitated by carbonated alkalies and earths. The agency of the alkalies and earths may be prevented, by previously saturating them with a few drops of the same acid in which the silver WATERS, MINERAL. is dissolved. The nitrate and acetale of silver are decomposed by the sulphuric and sulphureous acids ; out this may be prevented, by adding-, previously, a few di-ops of nitrate or acetate of barytas, and after allowing the precipitate lo subside, the clear liquor may be decanted, and the solution of silver added. Should a preci- pitate now talce place, the presence of muriatic acid, or some of its combina- tions, may be suspected. To obviate un- certainty, whetlier a precipitate be owing to sulpiiuric or muriatic acid, a solution of sulphate of silver may be employed, which, wlien no imcombined alkali, or earth, is present, is allected only by the latter acid. The solutions of silver are also preci- pitated by sulphuretted hydrogen, and by hydro-sulphurets ; but the precipitate is then reddish, or brown, or black ; or it may be at first white, and afterwards be- come speedily brown or black. It is so- luble, in great part, in dilute nitrous acid, which is not the case if occasioned by muriatic or sulphuric acid. The solutions of silver are precipitated by extractive matter; but in this case also the precipitate iias a dark colour, and is soluble in nitrous acid. Acetate of Lead — Acetate of lead is a test of salpiiuretted hydrogen and of hy- dro-sulphurets of alkalies, which occasion a black precipitate ; and if a paper, on which characters are traced with a solu- tion of acetate of lead, be held over a portion of water containing sulphuretted hydrogen gas, they are soon rendered vi- sible, especially when the water is a little warmed. Muriate^ J\/'itratey and Jlcetate of Barytes. — These solutions are all most delicate tests of sulphuric acid and of its combina- tions, with which they give a white pre- cipitate, insoluble in dilute muriatic acid. They are decomposed, however, by car- bonated alkalies ; but the precipitates, occasioned by carbonates, are soluble in dilute muriatic or nitric acid, with effer- vescence, and may even be prevented by adding previously a few drops of the same acid as that conUiined in the barytic salt, which is employed. One hundred grains of dry sulpliate of barytes contain (accoixiing to Klaproth, vol. i. p. 168.) about 45^ of sulphuric acid, of the specific gravity 1850 : accord- ing to Clayfield, (Nicholson's Journal, 4to, iii. 38.) 33 of acirl, of specific gravity 2240; according to Thevnurd, after calcination, about 25; and according to Mr. Kirwan, after ignition 'P.o.^ of real acid. The VOL. VI same chemist states, that 170 grains of ignited sulphate of barytes denote 100 of dried sulphate of soda ; while 136.36 of the same substance indicate 100 of dry sulphate of potash ; and 100 parts result from the precipitation of 52.11 of sid- phate of magnesia. From Klaproth's experiments, it ap- pears that 1000 grains of sulphate of ba- rytes indicate 595 of desicated sulphate of soda, or 1416 of the crystallized salt The same chemist has shown, that 100 grains of sulphate of barytes are produced by the precipitation of 71 grains of sul- phate of lime. jPrussicUes of Potash and of Lime. — Of these two, the prussiate of potash is the mo.st eligible. When pure, it does not speedily assume a blue colour, on the ad- dition of an acid, nor does it immediately precipitate muriate of barytes. Prussiate of potash is a very sen.sible test of iron, with the soludons of which in acids it produces a Prussian blue pre- cipitate, in consequence of a double elec- tive affinity. 'J'o render its effects more certain, however, it may be proper to add, previously to any water suspected to contain iron, a little muriatic acid, with a view to the saturation of uncombined al- kalies or earths, which, if present, pre- vent the detection of very minute quan- tities of iron. 1. If a water, after boiling and filtra- tion, does not afford a blue precipitate, on the addition of prussiate of potash, the solvent of the iron may be inferred to be a volatile one, and probably the carbonic acid. 2. Should the precipitation ensue in the boiled water, the solvent is a fixed acid, the nature of which must be ascei'- tained by other tests. In using the prussiate of pota.sh for the discovery of iron, considerable caution is necessary, in order to attain accurate re- sults. The prussiate should, on all occa- sions, be previously crystallized ; and the quantity of oxide of iron essential to its constitution, or at least an invariable ac- companiment, should be previously ascer- tained in the following manner : Expose a known weight of the crystallized salt to a low red heat in a silver crucible. After fusing and boiling up, it will become dry, and will then blacken. Let it cool ; wash oiF the soluble part ; collect the rest on a filler; dry it, and again calcine it with a little wax. Let it be again weighed, and the result will show the proportion of oxide of iron ])resent in the salt which iias been examined. This varies from 22 to 30 and 3 Z L WATERS, MINERAL. upvrai'dS pei* cent. When the test is em- ployed for discovering iron, let a known weight of the saU be dissolved in a given quantity of water : aeld the sokition gr:t- dually ; and observe how rnucii is ex- pended in eflTecting the precipitation. Before collecting the precipitate, warm the liquid, which generally throws down a further portion of Prussian blue. Let the whole be washed and dried, and then ignited with wax. From the weiglit of the oxide obtained, deduct that quantity, which, by the former experiment, is known to be present in the prussiate tiiat has been added ; and the remainder will denote the quantity ofoxide of iron pre- sent in the liquor which is under exami- nation. Succinate of Soda and Succinate of Am- monia are also tests for iron. In applying these agents it is necessary not to use more than is sufficient for the purpose ; because an excess of them re- dissolves the precipitate. The best mode of proceeding is, to heat the solution con- taining iron, and to add gradually the so- lution of succinate, until it ceases to pro- duce any effect. A brownish precipitate is obtained, consisting of succinate of iron. This, when heated with a little wax, in a low red heat, gives an oxide of iron, con- taining about seventy per cent, of the metal. The succinates, however, precipitate alumine, provided there be no considera- ble excess of acid in the aluminous salt. On magnesia they have no action, and hence they may be successfully employed in the separation of these two earths. Phosphite of Soda. — An easy and valua- ble method of precipitating magnesia has been suggested by Dr. Wollastan. It is founded on the property which fully neu- tralized carbonate of ammonia possesses ; first to dissolve the cai'bonate of magnesia -formed, when it is added to the solution of magnesian salt. For this purpose a so- lution uf carbonate of ammonia, prepared with a portion of that salt which has been exposed, spread on a paper, for a few hours to the air, is to be sidled to the so- lution of the magnesian salt sufficiently ^ concentrated ; or to a water suspected to contain magnesia, after being very much reduced by evaporation. No pre- cipitate will appear, till a solution of phosphote of soda is added, when an abun- dant one will fall down. Let this be dried in a temperature not exceeding 100° Fah- renheit. One hundred grains of it will indicate nineteen of magnesia, or about sixty -four of muriate of magnesia. Muriate of Lime. — Muriate of lime \% principally of Uf5e in discovering the pre- sence of alkaUne carbouutes, which, though they very rarely occur, have sometimes been found in mineral waters. Of all the three alkaUne carbonates, mu- riate of lime is a sufficient re-agent; for those salts separate from it a carbonate of lime, soluble, with efi'ervescence, in mu- riatic acid. With respect to the discrimination of the diflFercnt alkalies, potash rnay be de- tected by muriate ofplatina. Carbonate of ammonia may be discovered by its smeU ; and by its precipitating a neutral salt of alumine, while it has no action ap- parently on magnesian salts. To estimate the proportion of an alka- line carbonate present in any water, satu- rate its base with sulphuric acid, and note the weight of real acid which is required. Now 100 grains of real sulphuric acid saturate 121.48 potash, and 78.32 soda. Analysis of waters by evaporation. — The reader, who may wish for rules for the complete and accurate analysis of mineral' waters, will find in almost every chemical work a chapter allotted to this subject. He may consult Kirwan's " Essay on the Analysis of Mineral Waters," London, 1799. Before evaporation, however, the ga- seous products of the water must be col- lected, which may be done by filling with it a large glass bottle, or retort, capable cf holding abotit fifty cubic inches, and furnished with a ground stopper and bent tube. The bottle is to be placed up t« l its neck in a kettle filled with brine, J which must be kept boiling for an hour J or two, renewing, by fresh portions of hot | wjiter, what is lo.st by evaporation. 'Hie^lj disengaged gas is conveyed, by a bent^ tube, into a graduated jiu*, filled with, and inverted in, mercury, where its be determined. On the first imp the heat, however, the water will be ex-"" panded, and portions will continue to es- ,j cape into the graduated jar, till the water'^y has obtained its maximiun of temperature, i This mr>st be suffered to escape, and its*, quantity to be deducted from that of the J water submitted to experiment. 'fi In determining, with precision, the ,| quantity of gas, it is neces.sary to attend ^ to the stale of the barometer and thermo,- '^ meter. V; The gases most commonly found in 'fy mineral waters, are carbonic acid ,• si/lphu'i retted hydrogen; nitrogen,- oxygen gas,-, and, in the neighbourhood of volcanoes^f) on]y,eulphjireons acid gas. v with, and'Jfl ibulkisto^ >ression of' WATERS, MINERAL. To determine the proportion of the gases, constituting any mixture obtained Ironj a mineral water in the foregoing manner, the following experiments may be made. If the use of re-agents has not detected the presence of sulphuretted hydrogen, and tijere is reason to believe, from the same evidence, that carbonic acid forms a part of the mixture, let a graduated tube be nearly filled with it over quicksilver ; pass uj) a small portion of solution of potash, and agitate this in contact with the gas; the amount of the diminution will sh.ow how much carbonic acid has been absorbed ; and, if the quan- tity submitted to experiment was an ali- quot part of the w hole gas obtained, it is easy to infer the total quantity present in the water. The unabsorbable resi- duum consists, most probably, of oxygen and azotic gases ; and the proportion of these two is best learned by the use of Dr. Hope's evidiometer. If sulphuretted hydrogen be present, along with carbonic acid, the separation of these two is a problem of some diffi- culty, Mr. Kirwan reconmiends, that a graduated glass vessel, completely filled with the mixture, be removed into a ves- sel containing nitrous acid. This instantly condenses the sulphuretted hydrogen, but not the carbonic acid gas. It seems to be a more eligible mode to condense the sulphuiettcd liydrogcn by oxymuri- atic acid gas (obtained from muriatic and hyper-oxymuriate of potash,) adding the latter gas very cautiously,as long as it pro- duces.any condensation. Or, perhaps, a better pla i of el^ucting the separation is the following, recommended by Mt. Hen- ry : half fill a graduated phial vvitii the mixed carbonic acid and sulphuretted hy- drogen gases, and expel the rest of the water by oxymuriatic acid gas. Let the mouth of the bottle be then closed with veil ground stopper, and let the mix- c be kept twenty-four hours. Then withdraw the stopper under water, a quantity of which fluid will immediately rush in. Allow the bottle to stand half an hour without agitation. The redun- dant oxymuriatic acid gas will thus be absorbed ; and very little of the carbonic acid will disappear. Supposing that, to ten cubic inches of the mixed gases, ten inches of oxymuriatic gas have been added, and that, after absojption, by standing over water, five inches re- main, tiie result of this experiment shows that the mixture consisted of equal parts of svilphuretted hydrogen and carbonic acid gus^s. Whenever this complicated admixture of gases occurs, as in the llarrowgate, and in some of the Cheltenham watei-s, it is advisable to operate separately on two portions of g:is, with the view to deter- mine, by the one, the quantity of carbo- nic acid and sulphia-etted Ip.drogen ; and that of azote and oxygen by the other. In the latter instance, remove both the absorbable gases by caustic potash, and examine the reinainder in the manner al- ready directed. Nitrogen gas sometimes occurs in mi- neral waters, almo.st in an unmixed state. When this happen.s, the gas will be known by tiie characters already describ- ed as belonging to it. Sulphureous acid gas may be detected by its peculiar smell of burning sulphur, and by its discharg- ing the colour of an infusion of roses, which has been reddened by the smallest quantity of any acid adequate tp the ef- fect. (a) The water should next be evaporat- ed to dryness The dry mass, when col- lected and accurately weighed, is to be put in a bottle, and highly rectified alco- hol poured on it, to the depth of an inch. After having stood a few hours, and been occasionally shaken, pour tiie whole on a filter, wash it with a little more alcohol, and dry and weigh the remainder. (b) To the undissolved residue add nine times its weigiit of cold distilled water; shake the mixture frequently; and, after some lime, filter ; ascertaining tiie loss of weiglit. (r) Boil the resitlunm, for a quarter of an hour, in something more than five hundred' times its weight of water, and afterwards filter. (d) The residue, which must be dried and weighed, is no longer soluble in wa- ter or alcohol. If it has a brown colour, denoting the presence of iron, let it be moistened with water, and exposed to the sun's rays for some weeks, I. The solution in alcohol (a) may con- tain one or all of the following salts : mu- riates of lime, magnesia, or barytes, or nitrates of the same earths. Sometimes, also, the alcohol may take up sulphate of iron, in which the metal is highly oxy- dized, as willappear by its reddish-brown colour. 1. In order to discover the quality and quantity of the ingredients, evajjorate to drynes:s ; weigh the residuum ; add above half its weigiu of strong sulplmric acid; and apply a moderate heat. The muri- riatic or nitric acid will be expelled, and will be known by the colour of their WAT WAT fumes ; the former being white, and the latter orang-e-coloured, 2. To ascertain whether lime or mag- nesia be the basis of the salts, let the heat be continued till no more fumes arise, and let it then be raised to expel the ex- cess of sulphuric acid. To the dry mass, add twice its weight of distilled water. This will take up the sulphate of magne- sia, and leave the sulphate of lime. Tlie two sulphates may be separately decom- posed, by boihng with tliree or four times their weight of carbonate of pot- ash. The carbonates of lime and magne- sia, thus obtained, may be separately dis- solved in muriatic acid, and evaporated. The weight of tlie dry salts will inform us how much of each the alcohol had taken up. Lime and magnesia may also be se- parated by the use of phosphate of soda. 11. The watery solution (b) may con- tain a variety of salts, the accurate sepa- ration of which from each other is a prob- lem of considemble difficulty. 1. The analysis of tins solution maybe attempted by crystallization. For this purpose let one half be evaporated by a very gentle heat, not exceeding 80° or 90°. Should any crystals appear on the surface of tlie solution, while hot, in the form of a pellicle, let them be separated and dried on bibulous paper. Tbe^e are muriate of soda, or common salt. Tlie re- maining solution, on cooling very gradu- ally, will perliaps alford crystals distin- guishable by their form and other quali- ties. When various salts, however, are contained in the same solution, it is ex- tremely difficult to obtain them suffi- ciently distinct to ascertain their kind. 2. The nature of the saline contents must therefore be examined by tests, or re-agents. Tlie presence of an uncombined alkali, as well as uncombined acids, will be dis- covered 'by the stained papers, and tests already pointed out. The vegetable al- kah, or potash, may be distinguished from the mineral, or soda, by muriate of platina. If neutral salts be present in the so- lution, we have to ascertain both the na- ture of the acid, and that of the base. This may be done by attention to the rules already given for the a}>p]ication of tests, which it is unnecessary to repeat in this place. Ill The solution by boiling water con- tains scarcely any thing besides sulphate of lime. IV. The residuum (J) is to be digested in distilled vinegar, whicU takes up mag- nesia and lime, but leaves, undrssolved alumine and highly oxydized iron. Eva- porate the solution to dryness. If it con- tain acetate of lime only', a substance will be obtained which does not attract mois- ture from the air ; if magnesia be pre- sent, the mass will deliquesce. To sepa- rate the lime from the magnesia, proceed as in I. The residue, insoluble in acetous acid, may contain alumine, iron, and silex. The two first may be dissolved by muria- tic acid, from which the iron may be pre- cipitated, first by prussiate of potash, and the alumine afterward by a fixed al- kali. Water ordeal, or Trial, among our ancestors, was of two kinds, by hot and by cold water. 'I'rial, or purgation, by boiling or hot water, was a way of prov- ing crimes, by immerging the body, or the arm, in hot water, with divers reli- gious ceremonies. In the judgment by boiling water, the accused, or he who personated the accused, was obliged to put his naked arm into a cauldron full of boiling water, and to draw out a stone thence, placed at a greater or less depth, according to the quality of the crime. This done, the ann was wrapped up, and the judge set his seal on the cloth, and at the end of three days they re- turned to view it, when, if it were found without any scald, the accused was de- clared innocent. The nobles or great personages purged themselves thus, by hot water, and the populace by cold water. The trial, or purgation, by cold water, was thus: after certain prayers and other ceremonies, the accused was swaddled, or tied up, all in a pelotoon or lump, and thus cast into a river, lake, or vessel, of cold water, where, if he sunk, he was held criminal, if he floated, inno- cent. Water bailiff, is an officer in sea-port towns, appointed for the searching of ships; and in London, the water bailiff hath the supeivising and search of fish, brought thither ; and the gathering of the toll arising from the Thames ; his of- fice is likewise to arrest men for debt, &c. or other personal or ciimiiial matters, upon the river Thames. W^ATKR Rpovi, an extraordinary me- teor, most frequently observed at sea. It generally begins by a cloud, which ap- pears very small, and which is called by the sailors the squall : this augments in a little time into an enormous cloud of a cy- lindrical form, or that of a cone on its apex, and produces a noise like the roar- WATER SPOUT. mg of an agitated sea, sometimes accom- panied with thunder and lightning, and al- so large quantities of'rainor hail, sufficient to invmdate large vessels, and cai'ry away in their course, when they occur by land, trees, houses, and every thing that op- pose their impetuosity. Sailors, dread- ing the fatal consequences of water spouts, endeavour to dissipate them by firing a cannon into them just before they ap- pi-oach the ship. We shall give an ac- count of one as described by M. Tourne- fort, in his Voyage to the Levant. ** The first of these," says this traveller, " that we saw, was about a musquet-shot irom our ship. There we perceived the water began to boil, and to rise about a foot above its level. The water was agitated and whitish ; and above its surface there seemed to stand a smoke, such as might be imagined to come from wet straw be- fore it begins to blaze. It made a sort of a murmuring sound, like that of a torrent heard at a distance, mixed, at the same time, with a hissing noise, like that of a serpent: shortly after we perceived a column of this smoke rise up to the clouds, at the same time whirling about widi great rapidity. It appeared to be as thick as one's finger ; and the former sound still continued. When this disap- peared, after lasting for about eight mi- nutes, upon turning to the opposite quar- ter of the sky, we perceived another, which began in the manner of the for- mer: presently after a third appeared in the west ; and instantly beside it still an- other arose. The most distant of these three could not be above a musket-shot from the ship. They all continued like so many heaps of wet straw set on fire, that continued to smoke, and to make the same noise as before. We soon after per- ceived each, with its respective canal, mounting up in the clouds ; and spread- ing, where it touched the cloud, like the moutli of a trumpet ; making a figure, to express it intelligibly, as if the tail of an animal was pulled at one end by a Vv eight. These canals were of a whitish colour, and so tinged, as I suppose, by the water which was contained in them ; for, pre- vious to this, they were apparently emp- ty, and of the colour of transparent glass. These canals were not straight, but bent in some parts, and far from being per- pendicular, but rising in their clouds with a very inclined ascent. But what is very particular, the cloud to which one of them was pointed happening to be driven by the wind, the spout still continued to follow its motion without being broken; and passing behind one of the others, the spouts crossed each other in the form of a St. Andrew's cross. In the beginning they were all :ibout as thick as one's finger, except at the top, where they were broader, and two of them disappeared ; but shortly after the last of the three increased considerably, and its canal, which was at first so small, soon became as thick as a man's arm, then as his leg, and at last thicker than his whole body. We saw distinctly, through this transparent body, the water, wlach rose up with a kind of spiral motion; ^nd it sometimes diminished a little of its thick- ness, and again resumed the same ; some- times widening at top, and sometimes at bottom; exactly resembhng a gut filled with water, pressed with the fingers, to make the fluid rise or fall ; and I am well convinced that this alteration in the spout was caused by the wind, which pressed the cloud, and compelled it to give up its contents. After some time its bulk was so diminished as to be no thicker than a man's arm again, and thus swell- ing and diminishing, it at last became very small. In the end, I observed the sea, which was raised about it, to resume its level by degrees, and the end of the ca- nal that touched it to become as small as if it had been tied round with a cord ; and this continued till the light, striking through the cloud, took away the view. I still, however, continued to look, ex- pecting that its parts would join again, as I had before seen in one of the others, in which the spout was more than once broken, and yet again came together ; but I was disappointed, for the spout ap- peared no more." In the Philosophical Transactions we have descriptions of several ; their effects, in some instances, are probably much ex- aggerated. One at Topsham is said to have cut down an apple-tree, several inches in diameter : another, we are told, seemed to be produced by a concourse of winds, turning like a screw, the clouds dropping down into it : it threw trees and branches about with a gyratory motion. See Philosophical Transactions, vol. xxii. and xxiii. One in Deeping Fen, Lincolnshire, was first seen moving across the land and water of the fen : it raised the dust, broke some gates, and destroy- ed a field of turnips : it vanished with an appearance of fire. Dr. Franklin sup. poses that a vacuum is made by the rota- tory motion of tlie ascending air, as when w-ater is running through a fuimel, and that the water of the sea is thus rais- WAT WAV ed. But Dr. Young says, no sacli cause could do more lliaii produce a slight ra- I'ctaction of the air, much less raise the water to the heig-ht of thirty or forty feet, or more. Professor Wolke describes a water spout wiiich passed immediately over the ship iu which he was sailing, in the Gulph of Finland ; it appeared to be twenty-five feet in diameter, consisting of drops about the size of cherries, 'i'he sea was agitata ed round its base, through a space of about one hundreit and thirty feet in dia- meter. One of the latest accounts of the phenomenon of a water-spout is that read to the Royal Society in the year 1803, from a letter written to Sir Joseph Banks, by Captain Uicketts, of the ro}'al navy : " In the month of July, 1800, Captain Ricketts was called on deck, on account of the rapid approach of a water-spout, amoiig the Lipuri islands. It had the ap- pearance of a viscid fluid, tapering in its descent, proceeding from the cloud to join the sea. It moved at the rate of about two miles an hour, with a loud sound of rain. It passed the stern of the ship, and wetted the after-part of the main-sail; hence it was inferred, that water-spouts are not continuous columns of water; and subsequent observations confirmed the opinion. In November, 1801, about twenty. miles from Trieste, a water-spout was seen eight miles to the south ; round its lower extremity was a mist, about twelve feet high, somewhat of the form of an Ionian capital, with very large volutes, the spout resting obliquely on its crown. At some distance from this spout the sea began to be agitated, and a mist rose to the height of about four feet : then a projection descended from the black cloud that was impending, and met the ascending mist abotit twenty feet above the sea: the last ten yards of the distiince w- ere described w ith ve- ry great rapidity. A cloud of a liglit co- lour appeared to ascend in this spout something like quicksilver in a tube. The first spout then snapped at about one-third of its height, the inferior part subsiding gradually, and the superior curling upwards. Several other projec tions from the cloud appeared, with cor- responding agitations of the water be- low, but not always in spots vertically under them : seven spouts in all were formed ; two other projections were re- absorbed. Some of the spouts were not only oblique but curved : the ascending cioud moved most rapidly in those vvhicli were vertical; tliey lasted t'rom three to five minutes, and their dissipation was attended by no fall of rain. WAVE, in physics, a volume of water elevated by the action of the wind, &c. upon its surface, into a state of fluctua- tion, and accompanied by a cavity. The extent from the bottom or lowest point of one cavity, and across the elevation, to the bottoni of the next cavity, is the breadth of the wave. Waves are consi- dered as of two kinds, which may be dis- tinguished from one another by the names of natural and accidental waves. The na- tural wa%'es are those which are regular- ly proportioned in size to the strength of the wind which produces them. The acci- dental waves are those occasioned by the wind's reacting upon itself by repurcus- sion from hills or high shores, and by the dashing of the waves themselves, otherwise of I lie natural kind, against rocks and shoals ; by which jmeans these waves acquire an elevation much above what they can have in their natural state. Mr. Boyle proved, by numerous expe- riments, that the most violent wind never penetrates deeper than six feet into the water; and it seems a natural conse- quence of this, that the water moved by it can only be elevated to the same height of six feet from the level of the surface in a calm ; and these six feet of elevation being added to the six of excavation, in the part from whence that water so ele- vated was raised, should give twelve feet for the utmost elevation of a wave. This is a calculation that does gi*eat ho- nour to its author; as many experiments and observations have proved that it is very nearly true in deep seas, where the waves are purely natural, and have no ac- cidental causes to render them larger than their just proportion. It is not to be understood, however, that no wave of the sea can rise more than six feet above its natural level in open and deep water; for waves vastly higher than these are formed in violent tempests in the great seas. These however are not to be accounted waves in their natural state, but as compoiind waves formed by the union of many others ; for in these wide plains of water, vvlien one wave is raised by the wind, and would elevate it- self up to the exact height of six feet, and no more, the motion of the water is so great, and the succession of waves so quick, that while ihi.s is rising, it receives into it several Qtlier waves, each of which WAV WAX would have been at the same height with itself; these run into the first wave one after another, as it is rising; by which means its rise is continued much longer than it naturally would have been, and it becomes accunui luted to an enormous size. A number of these complicated wav( s rising together, and being conti- nued in a long succession by the conti- nuaijoii of the storm, make the waves so dangerous to ships, which the sailors in their plirase call numntains high. »*The Motion of the Waves" makes an article in the Newtonian philosophy ; thfe author having explained their mo- tions, and calculated their velocity from mathematical principles, similar to the motion of a pendulum, and to the reci- procation of water in the two legs of a bent and inverted syphon or tube. See Principia. "Stillhig Waves by means of Oil." This wonderful property, thougli well known to the ancients, as appears from the writings of Pliny, was for many ages either quite unnoticed, or treated as fa- bulous by succeeding philosophers. By means of Dr.,Frat)klin, the subject again attracted the attention of the learned ; though it appears from some anecdotes, tliat seafaring people have always been acquainted with it. Mr. Pennant, in his British Zoology, vol. iv. under the ariicle Seal, takes notice that when these animals are devouring a %cry oily fish, which they always do urtder water, the waves above are remarkably smooth ; and by this mark the fishermen know uhere to find them. Sir Gilbert Lawson^ who served long in the army at Gibraltar, assured Dr. Frank- lin, that' the fisliermen in that place are accustomed to pour a little oil on the sea, in order to still its motion, that they may be enabled to see the oysters lying at its bottom, which are there very large, and which they take up with a proper instru- }nent. A similar practice obtains among fishermen in various other parts ; and Dr. Franklin was intormed by an old sea-cap- tain, that the fishermen of Lisbon, when about to return into the river, if they saw loo great a surf upon the bar, would empty a bottle or two of oil into the sea, wliich would suppress the breakers, and allow them to pass freely. The doctor having revolved in his mind all these pieces of information, be- came impatient to try the experiment iiimself At last, having an opportunity uf obser\'ing a large pond vciy rough with the wind, he droj)ped a small qmm- tity of oil tipon it But having at first ap- plied it on the lee-side, the oil was dri- ven back again upon the shore. He then went to the windward side, and poured on about a tea-spoon full of oil ; this pro- dnced.an instant calm over a space seve- ral yards square, which spread amazing- ly, and extended itself gradually till it came to the leeside; making all that quarter of the pond, perhaps half an acre, as smooth as ghi.ss. This experiment was often repeated in dilferent places, and always with success. WAVFD, Wavy, or Wavet, in heral- dry, is said of a bordure, or any ordina- ry, or charge, in a coat of arms, having its outlines indented in manner of the rising and falling of waves : it is used to denote, that the first of the family in whose arms it stands, acquired its honours for sea-service. WAX. There are two or three sub- stances which resemble each other so closely as to have received the name of wax. The first, and by fur the most im- portant, is bees' wax, which is consumed in such vast quantities for giving fight ; and is also used for a variety of other pur- poses. Another kind of wax is the myrtle wax, which is extracted pretty largely in Louisiana, and some other parts of Ame- rica, from the myrica ceriferaf Another substance very sirnilar to wax is the pe la of the Chinese, the product of an insect, the exact species of which is not known ; and the white matter which yields the laccic acid has also a strong resemblance to wax. The properties which all these substances have in common arc, fusibili- ty at a moderate heat; when kindled, burning witli much fiame ; insolubility in water, solubility /m alkalies, and also in alcohol and ether. In these two latter properties ail the species of wax dilftr ' from the concrete oils, with which, in otlier respects, they have a very strong resemblance. Bees' wax is the substance, excreted from the body of the bee, of which these insects construct their eel's, both those for containing honey and for the lodgment of their young. It is col- lected for the use of man wherever bees are kept. A young hive will yield at the end of the season about a pound of wax ; and an old hive about twice as much. The colour of wax when fresh from the bee, is nearly white, but it .soon grows considerably yellow in the hive, or if very old is of a dark brown. The wax winch is the ordinary bees' wax of the shops, is a pale yellow substance, of an agreeable honey-fike smell, soft, and somewhat unctuous to the toiJch,but witJi- WA\ WEA out sticking to the fing-ers, in winter be- coming consideral)ly hard and tough, and melting at about 142° This yellow co- lour and the smell of wax are entirely taken away by exposing it, wlien divided into thin lamina;, to the united action of the ligiit and air, and by this means it be- comes perfectly white, scentless, some- what harder and less greasy to the touch, and in this state i« is employed for can- dles and many other pur|)oses. Bleacli- ed wax burns with a very pure white light, and gives no offensive smell, and very little smoke compared with tallow, lieing less fusible than tallow it re- quires a smaller wick, lileached wax melts at about 155", or 7° higher than tlie unbleached. Its specific gravity is less than that of water, being about .96. Alcohol has no sensible action on wax wh^n cold, bui on boiling it dissolves ra- ther less fhan l-20th of its weight of wax, the greater pan of which separates when cold in t!iL' form of white flocculi, and what remains in solution is entirely pre- cipitated by water. Wax is soluble abundantly in the fixed oils ; but very sparingly in the essential oils. It is usual- ly supposed that the wax is the pollen of of flowers, which the bees visibly collect on their thighs, and afterwards elaborate in some unknown way. The great dif- ference between wax and this matter which the bees collect, has however been long remarked. When examined by the microscope, this little mass of pollen is obviously composed of a number of hard grains compressed together, and if it is laid on a hot plate, it does not melt as wax would do, but smokes, dries, and is reduced to a coal, and if kindled it burns without meltmg. Some late very curi- ous experiments of Huber, one of the most celebrated apiarists in Europe, has further sliown that the pollen has no share whatever in the formation of wax, but that this latter substance is produced indiscriminately from honey, sugar, or any other saccharine matter which serves as food for the bees. WAY, a passage (jr road. Thf Roman ways are divided into consular, praeiori- an, military, and public ; and of these we have four iemaik;ible ones in England: fir-, Watliug-stre^r, or Wathelinti- used to cross anotlier's ground ; for this m»me- morial usage implies an original grant. A right of way may also arist b\ act and operation of law ; h)r if u man grant to another a piece of ground m liif middle of his field, he at the same tmic tacitly gives him a way to come at it; for where the law gives any thing to any person, it gives implied whatever is necessary for enjoy- ing tlie same. Way, 7nilky. See Galaxy. Way of a ship, is sometimes the same as her rake, or run forward or backward: but this term is most commonly under- stood of her sailing. Thus when she goes apace, it is said, that she hath a good way, or makes a fresh way. So when an an account is kept how fast she sails by the log, it is called keeping an account of her way ; and because most ships are apt to fall a little to leeward of their true course, they always, in casting up the log b(jard, allow something for her leeward way \\' AY of the rounds, in fortification, is a space left for the passage of the rounds between the rampart aiul the wall of a fortified town. This is not now much in use ; because the parapet, not being above a foot thick, is soon overthrown by the enemy's cannon. ^\k^THEli, rules for jud^inff of 1, The rising of the mercury presages, in gene- ral, fair weather ; and its falling foul wea- ther, as rain, snow, high winds, and storms. When the surface of the mercu- ry 18 convex, or stands higher in the mid- dle than at the sides, it is a sign the mer- cury is then in a rising state ; but if the surface be concave or hollow in the mid- dle, it is then sinking. 2. In very hot weather, the falling of the mercury indi- cates thunder. 3. In winter, the rising- presages frost ; and in frosty weather, if the mercury falls three or four divisions, there will be a thaw ; but in a continued frost, U" the mercury rises, it will be cer- WEA WEA iu\u\y snow. 4. When foul weather hap- pens soon after the depression of the mercury, expect but little of it ; on the con- trary, expect but little fair weather when it proves fair shortly after the mercury has risen. 5. In foul weather, when the mer- cury rises much and high, and so con- tinues for two or three days before the bad weather is entirely over, then a con- tinuance of fair weather may be expected, 6. In fair weather, when the mercury falls much and low, and thus continues for two or three days before the rain comes, then a deal of wet may be expected, and probably high winds. 7. The unsettled motion of the mercury denotes unsettled weather. 8. The words engraved on the scale are not so much to be attended to, as the rising and falling of the mercury ; for, if it stand at much rain^ and then rises to changeable, it denotes fair weather, though not to continue so long as if the mercury had risen higher. If the mercury stands at fair, and falls to changeable, bad weather may be expected. 9. In winter, spring, and autumn, the sudden falling of the mercury, and that for a large space, denotes high winds and storms; but in summer it presages heavy showers and often thunder. It always sinks lowest of all for great winds, though not accompanied with rain ; but it falls more for wind and rain together, than for either of them alone. 10. If after rain the wind change into any part of the north, with a clear and dry sky, and the mercury rise, it is a certain sign of fair weather. 11, After very great storms of wind, when the mercury has been low, it cammonly rises again very fast. In settled fair weather, except the barome- ter sink much, expect but little rain. In a wet season, the smallest depressions must be attended to ; for when the air is much inclined to showers, a little sinking in the barometer denotes more rain. And in such a season, if it rise suddenly fast and high, fair weather cannot be expect- ed to last more than a day or two. 12. The greatest heights of the mercury are found upon easterly and north-easterly winds ; and it may often rain or snow, the wind being in these points, while the ba- rometer is in a rising state, the effects of the wind counteracting. But the mercu- ry sinks for wind as well as rain, in all other points of the compass. WEAVING, the art of making threads into cloth. This art is of very ancient oriein. The fabulous story of Penelope's web; and, still more, the frequent allu- VOL. VI. sions to this art in the sacred writings, tend to show, that the constructing of cloth from threads, hair, &,c. is a very an- cient invention. It has, however, like other useful arts, undergone an infinite va- riety of improvements, both as to the ma- terials of which cloth is made, the appa- ratus necessary in its construction, and the particular modes of operation by the artist. Weaving, when reduced to its original principle, is nothing more than the insertion of the weft into the web, by forming sheds ; but this principle has been so extensively applied in almost eve- ry country, and the knowledge of its va- rious branches has been derived from such a variety of sources, that no ot^e per- son could ever be practically employed in all its branches ; and though every part bears a strong analogy to the rest, yet a minute knowledge of" each of these parts can only be acquired by experience and reflection. We will, however, en- deavour to give the reader as comprehen- sive an idea of the history and progress of this ancient and invaluable art as the nature of the thing, and the limits to which we are necessarily confined will permit. The history of this art is very little known, and its great antiquity necessarily involves the earlier seras of it in the most perfect obscurity. Enough, however, is known, to prove that none of the species of it originated in Britain. The silk ma- nufacture was first practised in China, and the cotton in India. Both the woollen and linen were borrowed from the conti- nent of Europe, and all improvements in them, in this country, were first introduc- ed by foreign artificers who settled amongst us. To the present day, our su- periority in point of quality is only uni- versally acknowledged in the cotton ma- nufacture ; whilst in those of silk, wool- len, and linen, it is still disputed by other countries. But it should be understood, that we are here speaking more particu- larly of the art in its more advanced and improved state. For, when it is consi- dered, that as the wants of mankind are nearly ihe same in all countries, it is not improbable that the same arts, however varied in their operations, may have been invented in different countries. It is not, however, certain, that the art of making cloth is one which the Britons invented. It is more probable, that the Gauls learn- ed it from the Greeks, and communicated the knowledge "of it to the people of Bri- tain. And it is certain that the inhabi- 4 A WEAVING. tants of the southern parts of Britain were well acquainted with the arts of dressing, i-pinniiig and weaving, both flax and wool, when they were invaded by the Ro- mans. The art of making linen, which was probably the first species of cloth invent- ed, was communicated by the Egyptians, the inliabitants of Palestine, and other eastern nations, to the Europeans. By slow degrees it found its way into Italy ; and it afterwards prevailed in Spain, Gaul, Germany, and Britain. The Belgae ma- nufactured linen on the continent ; and when they afterwards settled in thi^ is- land, it is probable they continued the the practice, and taught it to the people among whom they resided. "Whatever knowledge the Britons might possess of the cloihing arts, prior to the invasion, it is very certain tiiat these arts were much improved amongst them after that event. It appears from the Notitia Imperii, that there was an imperial manu- iaclory of woollen and linen cloth, for the use of the Roman army then in Britain, established at Yenta Belgarum, now call- ed Winchester. In Bishop Aldhelm's book, concerning *' Virginity," written about A. D. 680, it is remarked, ♦' that chastity alone forms not a perfect character ; but requires to be accompanied and beautified by other virtues." This observation is illustrated by the following simile, borrowed from the art of figure-weaving : " It is not a web of one uniform colour and texture, without any variety of figures, that plea- seth the eye, and appears beautiful ; but one that is woven by shuttles, filled with threads of purple, and many other co- lours flying from side to side, and forming a variety of figures and images in differ- ent compartments with admirable art.'* Perhaps the most curious specimen of this ancient figure-weaving and embroidery, now to be found, is that preserved in the cathedral of Bayeaux. It is a piece of li- nen, about 19 inches in breadth, and 67" yards in length, and contains the history of the conquest of England, by William of Normandy ; beginning with Harold's em- bassy, A. D. 1065, and ending with his death at the battle of Hastings, A. D. 1066. This curious vkrork is supposed to have been executed by Matilda, wife to William, Duke of Normandy, afterwards King of England, and the ladies of her court. Although it is certain that the art of figure-weaving was then known in Bri- tain, it must be owned, that the piece of tapestry just mentioned owes most of its beauty to the exquisite needle-work with which it is adorned. About the close of the eleventh centu- ry, the clothing arts had acquired a con- siderable degree of improvement in this island. About that time, the weavers in all the great towns were formed into guilds or corporations, and had various privileges bestowed upon them by royal charters. In the reign of Richard I. the woollen manufacture became the subject of legislation ; and a law was made, A. D. 1197, for regulating the fabrication and sale of cloth. The number of weavers, liovvever, was comparatively small, until the policy of the wise and liberal Ed- ward HI. encouraged the art, by the most advantageous oflers of reward and en- couragement to foreign cloth-workers and weavers who would come and settle in England. In the year 1331, two wea- vers came from Brabant, and settled at York. The superior skill and dexterity of these men, who communicated their knowledge to others, soon manifested it- self in the improvement and spread of the art of weaving in this island. Many weavers from Flanders were dri- ven into England by the cruel persecu- tions of the duke of D'Alva, in the year 1567, who settled in different parts of the kingdom, and introduced, or promoted, the manufacture of baizes, serges, crapes, and other stuffs. About the year 1686, nearly 50,000 ma- nufacturers, of various descriptions, took refuge in Britain, in consequence of the revocation of the edict of Nantz, and other acts of rehgious persecution com- mitted by Louis XIV. These improve- ments, &c. chiefly related to linen weav- ing. The arts of spinning, throwing, and weaving silk, were brought into England about the middle of the fifteenth century, and were practised by a company of wo- men in London, called silk-women. A- bout A. D. 1480, men began to engage in the silk manufacture, and the art of silk- weaving, in England, soon arrived at very great perfection. The civil dissentions which followed this period, retarded the progress of this art; but afterwards, when the nation was at rest, the arts of peace, and, among others, that of weaving, made rapid ad- vances in almost every part of the kingdom. It has been generally suppos- ed, that silk-weaving, particularly that of figure-weaving, has never been brought WEAVING. to that perfection in England, to which it has attained in other countries. Our silk- weavers, however, seem at length deter- mined to remove this reproach. For this purpose a most magniHcent undertaking is at this time begun by the weavers in Spitalfields, London ; the object of which is "to remove those prejudices which have long prevailed in favour of foreign manufactures.'* This object is intended to be accomplished by the " weaving of certain flags, for public exhibition, on which are to appear figures, flowers, and other devices," interwoven with various coloured silks. After considerable labour and expense, this design is now begun to be put into execution, under the superintendance of a committee, who are appointed to re- ceive subscriptions, and conduct the execution of the plans, &c. Mr. William Titford, of Union-street, Bishopsgate, has been appointed treasurer by the commit- tee, and the undertaking is now making advances towards its final accomplish- ment. The weaving of the first flag is begun, and about twelve or fourteen inches of it completed. The designs for this flag are curious and well executed. They represent, within a large oval, " a female figure, with a dejected aspect, re- clining on a remnant of brocade." Two figures, representing Enterprise and Ge- nius, appear to encourage the dejected female. In the back ground is the Tem- ple of Fame, on the top of which is a flag bearing the weaver's arms, to which Ge- nius is directing the attention of the re- clining figure. The four corners of this design, which are intended to be correct- ly engraved, are ornamented with appro- priate emblematical figures of Peace, In- dustry, &c. It is two yards wide ; and the figures in the body of the design are drawn nearly as large as life; but the silks, being all dyed fast colours, have not that brilliant appearance, in the work, which could have been wished. What makes this piece of work more curious, and will convey an extraordinary stability to its texture, is, that it has a satin ground, and is brocaded on both sides exactly alike. The threads of the web, or porry, are upwards of 48,900, the lead attached to the harness weighs upwards of 500 pounds, and the shuttles constantly in use, amount to upwards of 500. Two men are employed in the weaving, who are able to make, upon an average, about three -quarters of an inch daily. The expense of this stupendous under- taking, with respect to the first flag on- ly, will he not less than one thousand guineas. The admirers of art, and the friends of our national manufactures, will not think this information trifling ov unnecessary ; the correctness of which the writer of this article has been at con- siderable pains to ascertain : nor ouglit we to omit to mention, that the idea, and much of the design, of this piece of fi- gure work, originated principally with Mr. Samuel Sholl, an ingenious silk- weaver, to whom the Society of Arts, a few years ago, gave a silver medal and thirty guineas, for the construction of an improved loom for weaving slight silks. For some account of the silk manufacture, see the article Silk. The art of cotton-weaving, in its pre- sent improved state, has not been long known either in this or any other coun- tr3^ W^herever it originated, it is cer- tain that most of our manufactures, in this respect, are unequalled in any part of the known world ; and were it not for the many commercial restrictions, by which the present war is so unfortunately dis- tinguished, there is every rational pro- spect that our cotton trade would be still further improved and extended. Having briefly traced the history of this art in Great Britain, we proceed to a description of the manner in which it is practised in this country ; confining our observations chiefly to the art of cotton weaving. The apparatus necessary in the art of cloth-weaving consists, chiefly in the loom, shuttle, reed, and heddles, or har- ness, the form and use of which are here described. There are several kinds of looms for cloth-weaving, the most common of which is that delineated on Plate Loom, (fig. 1 and 2) which represents the com- mon silk-loom. In this plate. A, (fig. 1) is the yarn-beam ; B, the cloth-beam, or breast-roll ; D E, the treddles -,(1(1,6 e, the heddles, or harness : G, the lay, or batten ; M, the seat-board ; and T T, the rods. Fig. 2 is a view of the lay, or bat- ten and reed ; which, to shew the reed more distinctly, is represented without the lay-cape, being a long piece of wood, having a groove running along its lower- most side, for the purpose of sustaining the upper edge of the reed. The lay- cape is that part of the machine on the middle of which the weaver lays hold with his left hand when in the act of weaving. F, the lay-pole ; G G, the lay- swords ; H, the shuttle-race ; I 1, the boxes which receive the shuttles; kk WEAVING. the peckers; tf, the pecking-peg, or handle, and li, tlie reed. When tlie weaver has received his warp from the vvarping-mill (for an ac- count ofw'liich see Manufacture of Cot- ton), Ills first care is to wind it upon the beam in u proper manner. Having ascer- tained the number of half-gangs, or beers, and the breadtli of the web, he passes a small shaft of wood through the inter- val formed by the last of the lower pins upon the v/arping-mill, and a small cord tied to tliis shaft through that formed by the first. This gives him the lease for beaming, and keeps the half-gangs dis- tinct. When this has been done, and the cord made fast at both ends of the shaft, the knotting left by the warper is cut, and the warp stretched to its proper breadth. An instrument, or utensil, called a ravel, is then to be used. Ravels are somewhat like reeds, and are also of different di- mensions. One proper for the purpose being found, every half-gang is placed in an interval between two of the pins. The upper part, or cape, is then put on and secured, and the operation of winding the warp upon the beam commences. In broad works, two persons are employed to hold the ravel which serves to guide the warp, and to spread it regularly upon the beam ; one or two to keep the chain, or chains of the warp, at a proper degree of tension, and one or more to turn the beam upon its centres. The warp being regularly wound upon tlie beam, the weaver prepares to take it through the heddles, and this operation is called drawing. Before the operation of drawing com- mences, two rods are inserted into the lease formed by the upper-lease pins on the warping mill; the ends of these rods are tied together, the twine by which the lease vs as secured is cut away, and the warp stretched to its proper breadth. The beam is then suspended by cords be- hind the heddles and somewhat higher, the w^arp hanging down perpendicularly. The weaver then places himself in front of the heddles, and another person is placed behind. The former opens every heddle in succession, and it is the business of the latter to select every thread in its order, and deliver it to be drawn through the open heddle. The succession in which the threads are to be delivered is easily ascertained by the rods, i\s every thread crosses that next to it. The warp, after passing through the heddles, is next drawn through the reed by an instrument called a sley, or reed-hook, two or more threads being taken through every interval. These operations being finished, the cords or mounting which move the hed- dles are applied; the reed is placed in the lay, or batten, and the warp is divided in- to small portions, whicli are tied to a shaft connected by cords to the cloth beam. When the weaver has finished these tv\ o operations of beaming and drawing, he proceeds to dress his warp. And here it should be remarked, that the operation of dressing applies principally to cotton. The same practice, when used upon silk, has a very destructive tendency ; which is that of injuring the colours of the silk ; and when used, as it sometimes very im- properly is, by weavers of white satin, the injury done to the work is irreparable. In cotton, the operation of dressing is indis- pensable ; in silk, this is by no means the case. Dressing is justly esteemed of the first importance, in the art of weaving warps spun from flax or cotton ; for it is impossi- ble to produce work of a good quality, un- less care be used in dressing the warp. The use of dressing is, to give to yarn sufficient strength or tenacity, to enable it to bear the operation of weaving into cloth. It also, by laying smoothly all the ends of the fibres, which com[>ose the raw mate- rial from which the yarn is spun, tends both to diminish the friction during the process, and to render the cloth smooth, and glossy, when finished. The substance in common use for dressing, is simply a mucilage of vegetable matter boiled to a consistency in water. Wheat flour, and sometimes potatoes, are the substances, commonly employed. These answer sufficiently well in giving to the yarn both the smoothness and tenacity required; but ' the great objection to them is, that they are too easily and rapidly affected by the operation of the atmosphere. When dressed yarn is allowed to stand exposed to the air, for any considerable portion of time, before being woven into cloth, it al- ways becomes hard, brittle, and compara- tively inflexible. It is then tedious and trou- blesome to weave, and the cloth is rough, wiry, and uneven. This eflrect is chiefly re- marked in dry weather, when the weavers of fine cloth find it indispensably necessary to have their yarn wrought up, as speedily as possible, after being dressed. To counteract this inconveniency, herring or beef brine, and other saline substances, which have a tendency to attract moistiire are sometimes mixed in small quantities with the dressing : but this has not proved completely and generally successful, pro- bably, beause the proportions have not WEAVING. been sufficienly atten weight in a heavier fluid than in a lighttr one, and therefore it weighs more in a lighter fluid than in a heavier one. The weig\,t of a cubic foot of water is 1000 ounces, o. 62^/6. avoirdupois ; this, multipUed by 32,gWes 2000M. the weight of a ton : hence eight ^ubic feet formerly made a hogshead, and r«ur hogsheads a ton, in capacity as well as in weight. Measures for corn, coals, and other dry articles, were constructed on the same principle. A bushe\ of wheat, assumed as a general standard for all sorts of grain, weighed 62^16. eig^ of these make a quarter, and four quartets, or 32 bush- els, a ton weight. Coals were^old by the chaldron, and supposed to we\>;^|i a ton, Aipugh in reality it weighs muc. more'. Hence a ton weight is the common J*and- ard for liquids, wheat, and coals, ive^j this analogy been adhered to, the coii fusion which is occasioned by different local weights would have been avoided. To regulate the weights and measures of a country is a branch of the sovereign's prerogative. For the public conveni- ence, these ought to be universally the same throughout the nation, the better to reduce the prices of articles to equiva- lent values. But as weight and measure are things in their nature arbitrary and uncertain, it is necessary that they be reduced to some fixed rule or standard. It is, however, impossible to fix such a standard by any written law or oral pro- clamation, as no person can, by words only, give to another an adequate iilea of a pound weight, or foot rule. It is there- fore expedient to have recourse to some visible, palpable, material standard, by forming a comparison with which all weights and measures may be reduced to one uniform size. Such a standartl was anciently kept at Winchester; and we find in the laws of King Edgar, nearly a century before the conquest, an injunc- tion that this measure sliould be observ- ed throughout the realm. Most nations have regulated the stand- ard of measures of length from some parts of the human body : as the palm, the hand, the span, the foot, the cubit, the ell, (ulna, or arm) the pace, and the fa- thom. But as these are of different dimen- sions in men of different proportions, an- cient historians inform us, that a new standard of length was fixed by our king Henry the First ; who commanded that the ulna, or ancient ell, which answers to the modern yard, should be made of the exact length of his own arm. See Mea- SUUE. The standard of weights was originally taken from grains or corns of wheat, whence our lowest denomination of weights is still called a grain ; thirty-two of which are directed, by the statute call- ed " compositio mensuraruin," to com- pose a penny-weight, twenty of which make an ounce, and twelve ounces a pound, &c. Under king Richard the First it was ordained, that there should be only one weight and one measure through- out the nation ; and that the custody of the assize, or standard of weights and measures, should be committed to cer- tain persons in every city and borough ; from whence the ancient office of the king's ulnager seems to have been de- rived. These original standards were called pondus regis, and mensura domini regis, and are directed by a variety of subsequent .statutes, to be kept in the' eXr "hequer chamber, by an officer called the c^M'k of the market, except the wine gal- lon, which is committed to the city of Londo., and kept in Guildhall. The Scot- tish stan^v'irds are distributed among the oldest boroj^hs. The elward is kept at Edinburgh, *Jie pint at Stirhng, the pound at Lanai^, and the firlot at Lin- lithgow. Tile two principal weights established in Great Britain, are troy weight and avoirdupois weight, as before mentioned. WEIGHTS. Under the head of the former it may fur- weigh, tod, stone, and clove ; tlie propor- ther be added, that a carat is a weight of tions of which are as below ; viz. four grains ; but when tlie term is applied to gold, it denotes the degree of fineness. The sack containing ... 2 weighs, Any quantity of gold is supposed divided The weigh 6^ tods, into twenty -four parts. If the whole The tod 2 stones, mass is pure gold, it is said to be twenty- The stone 2 cloves, four carats fine ; if there are twenty- The clove 7 pounds. three parts of pure ^old, and one part of alloy or base metal, it is said to be twen- But these weights differ in almost every ty-three carats fine, and so on. Pure country where dealing^ in wool are car- gold is too soft to be used for coin. The ried on largely. standard coin of this kingdom is 22 carats », ,r, , , i .n^o fine. A pound of standard gold is coined Also 12 sacks make a last, or 4368 into 44^ guineas, and therefore every pounds. guinea should weigh 5 dwts. 9|9 grains. Kr,^^\ , , , ^n ,r u A ««.i«i *• I P ^^11 56 lb. of old hay, or 60 lb. new hay, A pound of sdver for coin contains 11 oz. «,„ir^ „ 4.^., J c^^ t ,.„„ ^ 2 dwts. pure silver, and 18 dwts. alloy ; "^^^^ * ^'^"''- ^^^ ^ "^''• ^nlf wl'lnl^^^'n Ji'ili^^ ''7''^' ^7% In order to show the proportion of the silver, with one ounce alloy. A pound of • • ^ . j ^i u * i? standard silver is coined into 62 shillings, several weights used throughout Europe, and therefore the weight of a shilhng Z' !, "i '^'- ^ ^f^^^^" ^* '^Tx T^ should be 3 dwts. 2011 grains. ^ standard, v:z. the London and Amster- T- 1 , , 3 1 p , . , dam pound. Lnderthe words avoirdupois and troy i. Proportion of the weights of the will be found an account ot those weights; principal places of Europe, here we may add a small table from Mr. * * • ' Ferguson, which gives a more enlarged The 100 lb. of England, Scotland, and comparison between these two weights. Ireland, are equal to 1 75 Trov pounds are equal to 144 avoir- ni °q' r * * j t» • e d.ipois pounds. ^ ^1 8 of Amsterdam, Pans, &c. 175 Troy ounces are equal to 192 avoir- l^ ^ «J Antwerp or Brabant. dnpois ounces. ^ ,^? 0 of Rouen, he viscounty weight. 1 Troy pound contains 5760 grains. ^^^ ^ ""S u^","'',, '''^^' '^'''^^'^' 1 Avoirdupois pound contains 7000 .^^ ,? of Rochelle. ™,jjij^3| ' 107 11 of Toulouse and Upper Langue- 1 Avoirdupois ounce contains 437i n« n r»?^* -n « gj-j^ji^g*^ ^113 0 of Marseilles or Provence. 1 Avoirdupois dram contains 27.34375 ^J I "f ^'^neva. gr-Ains ^^ ^ of Hamburgh. ITrov pound contains 13 oz. 2.651- ^l ^ «^ f>"^f°i^' ^^• 428576 drams avoirdupois. , ^^ J ^J! J^^eipsick, &c. 1 Avoirdupois lb. contains 1 lb. 2 oz. \% .f ♦•?^T' 11 .W 16,.. troy. I53 U of Mifa^' Therefore the av(,irdupois lb. is to the \f, .J! °( J^"?^^' lb. troy as 175 to 144, and the avoirdupois ^i% \^ f-« ?H?r..1,V &r oz. is to the troy oz. as 437* is to 480. , ^^ ,^ "rl*" 'V f ' ? ' The moneyers, jewelleri, &c. have a ^^t ^l ""l^-T.^ particular class of heights for gold and ^.l % of Sa precious stones, wz. carat and grain; and 3" for silver, the penny-weight and grain. 107 ^^f of Sweden. The moneyers have also a peculiar subdi- 89 ^ of Denmark, vision of the troy grain : thus, dividing We shaU now show the correspond- The gi-ain into 20 mites, ence bet»reen English weights and some T'lie mite into 24 droits, modem weights in France and other The droit into 20 periots, cou^itries, which will be very usefiil in The periot into 24 blanks. r<:ading works on statistics and chemistry, as well modern as those that have been The dealers in wool have likewise a long published, and become standard particular set of weights : viz. the sack, books. WEIGHTS. ENGLISH WTilGHTS. Troy Weight. lb. oz. drms. scruples, grains. grammes. 1 = 12 =3 ro — 2oo = 5760 =s 3f 2.96 1= 8= 24= 480= 31.08 1 = 3 = 60 = 3.885 1 = 20 =• 1.395 1 = 0.06475 Avoirdupois Weight. lb. oz. drms. grains. grammes* 1 = 16 =3 256 = 7000 = 453.25 1 = 16 = 437.5 = 28.32 1 = :^7.975 = 1.81 CoiTespondence of Ejiglish -weights toith those used in France bej'ure the revolution. The Paris pound, poids de marc of Charlemagne, contains 9216 Paris grains*: it is divided into 16 ounces, each ounce into 8 gros, and each gros into 72 grains. It is equal to 7561 English troy grains. The English troy pound of 12 ounces contains 5760 English troy grains, and is equal to 702 Paris grains. The English avoirdu|)ois pound of 16 ounces contains 7000 English troy grains, and is equal to 8538 Paris grains. To reduce Paris grains to En-"^ glish troy grains, divide by ! . 21 go To reduce English troy grains (" to Paris grains, multiply by J To reduce Paris ounces to En-"^ glish troy, divide by 1 1.015734 1 o reduce Eng. troy ounces to f Paris, multiply by J Or the conversion may be made by means of the following tables. 1. To reduce French to English troy weight. The Paris pouT^d = 7561 "^ „ ,. , The ounce = 472.5624 1 ^"^^'^ The gros =* 59.0703 f ^^^^ The grain = .8204J S^ams. TABLE, Sho-wing the comparison bet-iceen French and English grains. (Foid de JMiarc.) 2. To reduce EngUsh troy to Paris -weight. The Eng. troy pound? __ yr^cy^ of 12 ounces . . S — ^^^^- "\ The troy ounce . . . . = 585.0893 The dram of 60 grains = 73.1354 The pennyweight, or ^ 909^.1 denier, of24 grains 5 =^ 29.2541 The scruple of 20 grs. = 24 3784 The grain = 1 2189J 3 3. To reduce Eug. avoird. to Paris •weight. TJie avoirdupois poimd ^ "^5 of 16 ounces, or 7000 C -.., 8538. I 2. troy grains 3 1 (^ The ounce ..,..., =533.6250j 3 French grs* = Eng. grs. Eng. grs. = = French gnr. 1 0.8203 1 1.2189 2 1.6407 2 2.4378 3 2.4611 3 3.6568 4 3.2815 4 ^.B>757 5 4.1019 5 6.0947 6 4.9223 6 7.3136 7 5.7427 7 8 5325 8 6.5631 8 9.75X5 9 7.2^5 9 10.9704 10 8.203 10 12.189 20 16.407 20 24.378 30 24.611 30 o6.56^ 40 32.815 40 48.757 50 41.019 SO 60.947 60 49.223 60 73.136 70 57.427 70 85.325 80 65.631 80 97.513 90 7o.Q35 90 •109 704 100 82.03 100 121.89 200 164.07 200 243.78 300 246.11 300 365.68 400 328.15 400 487.57 500 410.19 500 609.47 600 492.23 600 731.36 700 574 27 700 853.25 800 656 31 800 975.15 900 738.55 900 1097.04 1000 820.3 1000 1218.9 2000 1640.7 2000 2437>8 3000 2461.1 3000 3656.8 4000 3281.5 4000 4875.7 5000 4101.9 5000 6094.7 6000 4922.3 6000 7313.6 7000 5742.7 7000 8532.5 8000 6563.1 8000 9751.5 9000 7-3i^S.5 9000 10970.4 10,000 8233.0 10,000 12189.0 GERMAN. 71 lbs. or grs. English troy = 74 lbs. or grs. German apothecai'ies weight. 1 oz. Nuremberg medic, weight = 7 dr. 2 sc. 9 grains English. 1 mark Cologne = 7 oz. 2 dwt. 4 gr. English troy. DUTCH. 1 lb. Dutch = 1 /6. 3 oz; 16 dwt. 7gr English troy. 787^ /6s. Dutch = 1038 /*«.EngUsh troy. WEI WEI SWEDISH WEIGHTS, Used by Berg^man and Scheele. The Swedish pound, which is divided like the English apothecary, or troy pound, weighs 6356 grains troy. The kanne of pure water, according to Bergman, weighs 42250 Swedish grains, and occupies 100 Swedish cubical inches. Hence the kanne of pure water weighs 48088.ri94'14 ?'-nghsh troy grains, or is equal to 189.9413 English cubic inches ; and the Swedish longitudinal inch is equal to 1.238435 English longitudinal inches. From these data, the following rules are deduced : 1. To reduce Swedish longitudinal inches to Englisli, multij)ly by 1.2384, or divide by 0.80747. 2. To reduce Swedish to English cubi- cal inches, multiply by 1.9, or divide bv 0.5265. 3. To reduce the Swedish pound, ounce, dram, scruple, or grain, to the corresponding English troy denomina- tion, multiply by 1.1382, or divide by 8.786. 4. To reduce Swedish kannes to Eng- lish wine pints, multiply by .1520207, or divide by 6.57804. 5. The lod, a weight sometimes used by Bergman, is the 32d part of the Swed- ish pound : therefore, to reduce it to the English troy pound, multiply by .Qo557i or divide by 28.1156. Umvei'sal Standard for Weights and Mea- sures. This is an object of vast im.portance, could it be attained : we fear, however, that, like a project for universal peace and good-will among men, it is a thing rather to be desired than expected, in the pre- sent state of things. Philosophers may speculate on the importJince and excel- lence of such a scheme, but statesmen busy in projects of ambition, have not leisure to attend to any thing that does not augment their power, extend their influence, and render them rather a ter- i-orto mankind, than the objects of their praise and veneration. It behoves us, however, to give, in few words, a sketch of what has been attempted with a view to an universal standard for weights and measures through the whole world. The plans laid down iiuve been deduced from philosophical principles. After tlie inven- tion of pendulum clocks, it occurred that the length of a pendulum which should vibrate seconds, would be proper to be made a universal standard for length, whatever the denomination should be fixed on, whether yanl, or any thing else. It was however found, that it would be difficult in practice to measure and deter- mine the true length of such a pendulum, that is, the exact distance between the point of suspension and the point of oscil- lation. Another cause of inaccuracy was afterwards discovered, when it was found that the second's pendulum was of differ- ent lengths in all the different latitudes, owing to the spheroidal figure of the earth, (see Eakth,) which is the cause why places, in different latitudes,- at dif- ferent distances from the centre, and of course the pendulums, are acted upon by different forces of gravity, and therefore require to be of different lengths. In the latitude of London this is found to be 39A- inches nearly. The Society of Arts, &c. have offered ]iremiums for a plan that might accom- plish this great object : and among other devices then brought forward was one by Mr. Hatton, which consisted in measuring the difference of the lengths of two pen- dulums at different times of vibration, which could be performed more easily and accurately than that of the length of one single pendulum. This method was put in practice, and fully explained and illustrated by the lute Mr. Wliitehvu-st, in his attempts to ascertain an universal standard of weights and measures. The same kind of inaccuracy of measurement obtains in this way, though in a smaller degree, as in a single pendulum. Another method has been proposed, on observing very accurately the space that a heavy body falls freely through in one second of time. Here absolute accuracy is almost unattainable ; besides, the form of the earth introduces difficulties, owing to the different distances from the centre, and the consequent diversity in the furce of gravity by which the body falls. This space, in the latitude of London, has been found 193 inches, of course it is different in other latitudes. The metliod of late years, proposed by the French, is that of measuring a degree on the earth's sur- face, at the latitude of 45 degrees, and from this to deduce an universal measure of lengths, which would be easily appli- cable to weights also. WEIGHTS and MEASURES, in law. The standard of measures was originally kept at Wincijester, which measure was, by the law of King Edgar, ordained to be WHA WHE observed throughout the kingdom. By statute 35 George HI. c. 102, the justices in quarter sessions, in every county, are required to appoint persons to examine the weights and balances within their re- spective jurisdictions. These inspectors may seize and examine weights in shops, &c' and seize false weights and balances ; and the offender, being convicterl before one justice, shall be fined from five shil- lings to twenty shilhngs. Persons ob- structing the inspectors, to foifeit from five shillings to forty shillings. Inspectors to be recompensed out of the county rate. Standard weights to be purchased by the sessions out of the county rate, and pro- duced to all persons paying for the pro- duction thereof. Informations to be with- in one month. WEINMANNIA, in botany, so named in honour of .loh. Wilh. Weinmann ; a genus of the Octanth'ia Digynia class and order. Natural order of Saxifrage, Jus- sieu. Essential character: calyx four- leaved ; corolla four-petalled ; capsule two-celled, two-beaked. There are six species. WELDING. Welding is that intimate union produced between the surfaces of two pieces of malleable metal, when heat- ed almost to fusion and hammered. This union is so strong, that wiien two bars of metal are properly welded, the place of junction is as strong, relatively to its thick- ness, as any other part of the bar. Only two of the old metals are capable of firm union by welding, namely platina and iron ; the same property belongs to the newly discovered metals, potassium and sodaum. WERNERITE, in mineralogy, is of a colour between yellow and green ; it oc- curs crystallized ; specific gravity is about 3.6. It intumesces before the blow- pipe, and melts into a whitish enamel. It is found in the iron mines in Sweden and Norway. WESTRINGIA, in botany, so named in honour of John Peter Westring ; a genus of the Didynamia Gymnospermia class and order. Natural order of Yerticillatae. La- biatae, Jussieti. Essential character: calyx half, five-cleft, five-sided ; corolla revers- ed, with four segments, the longest erect, cloven ; stamens distant, the two shorter, or lowest, abortive. There is only one species, viz. W. rosmariniformls, a native of New South Wales, near Port Jackson. WHALE, See BALinvA. WHAi.i6jisfieri/. See Fishery, WHARF, a space on the banks of a haven, creek, or hithe, provided for the convenient loading and unloading of ves- i sels upon. The fee paid for the landing j of goods on a wharf, or for shipping them i off, is called wharfiige ; and the person ■ who has the direction and oversight of the \ wharf, receives wharfage, &.c, is called the , wjjartinger. WHEAT. See TniTicuM. WHEEL. This is one of the six powers j of mechanism ; and without doubt, con- I tributes more than any of the other five ta \ the general convenience of mankind, by ; the wonderful variety of purposes, from a mill to a watch, wherein it is employed. , It is our intention, however, in this place, ' to confine ourselves to the wheel as ap- ! pertaining to vehicles in general, refer- i ring the readers to the articles Mill worfr, • Watch -worky Clock work, &c. for the ap- i plication of such wheels as come withia '. those brandies of the arts, ^| Of carriage wheels, in general, we shall J then treat ; observing, that any attempt to prove that a carriage is more easily drawn upon wheels than upon sledges, would be an affront to the understanding of the reader. But whether high, or low, wheels are fitted for the purpose, has been a sud- ject of dispute, even among persons of skill. Reason and experience, however, seem perfectly to agree in this, that wheels, whose centres are on a level with the moving power, will be easiest drawn along a level plane ; and that the higher a wheel is the more easily will it get over the obstacles it may meet with, provided the moving power be not below the centre. It seems to follow, therefore, that I carriages drawn by horses, or oxen, '| should have wheels whose centres have ] the height of the draft line ; that is, of the i shoulders of the horses, or the yokes of -^ the oxen. This is true, however, only in ^ the case of a horizontal road ; in going up *. hill the distance of the line of draught from I the road is somewhat less; because, when a. man, or any other animal, is standing^ upon the side of aslope, his height is in- ] clined to that slope ; or rather the slope is .■ inclined towards him, where he stands 'i perfectly perpendicular. This being the : situation in which cattle labour most, it is ^ necessjiry to proportion the draft, so as to ) render it as light as possible while draw- 1 ing up hill ; therefore, it is irsual, and i higldy proper so to proportion the height \ of the axle, especially in carts with two ^ wheels, lo the point of draught, that the : line drawn from the centre of the wheel *. to that point should rise at an angle of ^ about tv\ clve or fourteen degrees ; thus, } when tlie horse is labouring up hill he will ' WHEEL. come nearly to a level with the wheel's centre, and draw to the greatest advan- tage. This may serve as a general rule ; but where local circumstances prevail of a different tendency, and also in particular cases, the height of the wheels must be suited to meet such. We reckon that in ordinary work, and where the liorses do not exceed the height of fifteen hands and a h.i'.f, the wheels should be from four feet eighi inciies to five feet two. Yet the immense loads drawn in the coal carls at Glasgow, on wheels more than six feet high, and other instances of a like kind, prove that very great powers are gained by using high wheels ; under due con- struction and application the difference of the wheel's weiglit will not prove any material drawback. In ascending, high wheels will be found to facilitate the draught in exact i-atio with tiie squares of their diameters; but in descending they are liable to press in the same proportion. An admirable device was produced by Lord Somerville, for throwing the weight behind the centre in going down hill, by cocking the fore-part of the body of a cart ; so that while the shaft may incline downwards, in proportion to the line of dechvity, the bottom of the cart's body should remain horizontal ; this construc- tion is now common in Devonshire, So- mersetshire, &c. Wheels are commonly made with what is called a dish ; that is, the spokes are set at an angle into the nave, or centre- piece ; so that, w])en the interior end of the nave is placed on the ground, the wheel may appear to be dished, or hol- low, in the centre. Experience has shown, that when wheels have been made cylindrical, and not with the conical hol- lov/just described, so that the spokes stood at right angles with tlie centre of the axle, numberless inconveniences arose; the dirt taken up by the wheel used to fall in between the nave and the axle, so as to choak and wear it considerably. Such wheels also required to stand wider apart, anddemanded greater road way; be- sides they were very apt to be wrenched when pressed by any exterior resistance, and the spokes were forced back in the mortices. According to the present plan of dishing wheels, usually lo about four inches in five feet of diameter, the ex- terior resistances are avoided ; the axle being so turned down at its ends, as to cause the lower spoke, vv hich bears up the load, to stand perpendicularly under the centre ; thus occasioning the upper parts of tbc two wheels on the same an- gle to spread from each other ; while the lower parts converge in the same propor- tion. Cylindrical wheels, that i.s, such as are not dished, would answer, provided the carriage were always on a perfectly horizontal plane ; but they would subject the nave to be loaded with mud, and pinch the load, when consisting of light articles rising above the body of tiie carriage. ' The spokes should be set so far from the outer end of the nave, that a perpen- dicular from the sole to the under side of the axle may fall, between an inch and two inches, between the bushes. liy this, the pressure will be somewhat greater on the outer than on the inward bush, when the wheels are on a level. This ought to be so; for the inner part of the axle arm being much bigger than the outer, it has more friction, therefore should have less pressure ; besides, every sinking- of the wheel, more than the other, causes it to pinch the inner bush. 'I'he best mode of placing spokes in the naves» is to mortice them in two rows, alternate- ly ; this does not weaken the centre so much as when all the spokes are in one row, or band, and gives a greater degree of resistance outwards. The tire, or iron binding of a wheel, must be so laid on, whether in one or more bands, as to form the frustrum of a cone ; but in heavy wag- gons it is usual to make the middle of the tire rise considerably, so as to bear the whole weight on hard road.s, whereby the carriage will move lighter than if the frus- trum were rectilinear; this form likewise causes stones, &c. to slij) aside ; but in soft soils it is apt to occasion much sink- ing. The axle arm should be taper, in order that it may give the wheel rather a disposition to slide off; otherwise it would be apt to close inwardly, aMl cre- ate excessive friction; hence the necessity for good iron wasters exteriorly, and sub- stantial linch-pins. There is a common practice of setting the wlieels forward; that is, giving them a slight inclination towards each other, whereby they are perhaps an inch nearer at tlieir front than at their backs; this is done to make the v.'heel run more even on its sole, or bear- ing part, and to prevent its gaping for- ward ; but it is evidently a distortion, which prevents the wheel from running exactly at right angles with the transverse section of the carriage. The nave of a heavy wheel, that i.s, for our ordinary cart for field purposes, need not be more than twelve or fourteen inches in length ; if too short, the wheel will wabble, unless fitted very tight on the axle ; while too WHEEL. long a nave is apt to catch the dirt from the upper part, and to project too mucli beyond tiie outer fuce of the fellies; the above length is exclusive of the pan at the outer end. The proportions of wheels must be es- timated according to the purposes to which they are to be applied ; thus wag- gons have in general large hind-wheels, while in timber carriages the four are usually of the same height, or nearly so ; the London common stage carts have large wheels, while the drays used by brewers have very low ones. The reason is obvious ; waggons and carts load be- hind ; bui timber carriages and drays load at the s,des; therefore, in such, large wheels, however much they might favour the draught, would be extremely incon- venient; indeed incompatible. Wheels, whatever their si?:e, should be made of well-seasoned tough wood, perfectly free from blemish ; the naves are generally of elm, the spokes of oak, aiid the fellies of elm or of ash : such are found to answer best for all carriages attached to the ord- nance department; in which the following are considered as the regular standard heights. All the horse-artillery carriages, lim- bers, and waggons ; the heavy six-pound- ers, and long three-pounders, and their limbers ; the carriage of a six-pounder battalion gun ; of a light five and a half inch howitzer ; and the hind wheels of an ammunition waggon, five feet. The lim- ber to a light six-pounder, and five and a half inch howitzer ; the carriage of a me- dium twelve-pounder, four feet eight inches. The limber of the latter four feet six inches. A sling-cart, five feet eight inches. The fore-wheels of an am- munition waggon, four feet. A pontoon cari'iage has the fore- wheels three feet, and tlie hind ones five feet six inches. The cai'riage of an eight inch howitzer, five feet; the limber, four feet. A ball ammunition cart, five feet. We are disposed to recommend these proportions to the consideration of read- ers concerned in the construction, or in the use of wheel carriages ; they being the result of innumerable experiments, submitted to unequivocal proof under every variety of locality and of burthen. We tnink it necessary, at the same time, to observe, that a correspondent of the Agri- cultural Magazine, formerly published by Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, of Paternoster-row, has, in the eleventh number of that work, given, what ap- pears to be, an excellei^t rule for the proportions of wheels in waggons. It would not be admissable for us to give the whole of the reasonings of that cor- respondent, as contained in various num- bers ; but from that which we have parti- cularized, we have the pleasure to furni.sh the following extract ; or, at least, the sense of it. " If the fore-wheel be four feet four inches in height, and the line of traction (draught) be drawn at an elevation of twelve degrees from the centre of iis axle, the point where that fine cuts the circum- ference of the wheel in ils fi-ont gives that height from the plane on which the carriage stands, that will dett-nnine the radius of the hinder wheel. In this in- stance,the hind-wheel would liave a radius of two feet nine inclies, giving Of course five feet six inches for its diametc r." A view of the plate given in that work, not only will illustrate the above explana- tion, but will satisfy a person respecting the justness of the proportions above de- tailed ; when tempered by the following cautions, we consider the instruction ■ given to be admirable. " The fore-wheel ought to be as nearly level with the point of draught, that is, where the shdft is suspended by the gear, as may be conve- nient ; observing, that an angle of twelve degrees is to be given, on accoinit of the difference between the horse's height as he stands at rest, and the real altitude of the point of draught from the ground, when he is in a slate of exertion. During* great efforts, horses lose very considera- bly of their standard, and thus bring the shaft to nearly a parallel with the plane on which they move. Attention must be paid to keeping the wheel within such limits as may not trespass on other mat- ters, often of more consequence even than ease of draught ; loading, turning, weight, expense, Stc. must always form a part of the calculation." WuKEt Tvork. Of all the modes of com- municating motion, the most extensively useful is the employment of wheel-v.ork, which is capable of varj'ing its direction and its velocity without any hmit. Wheels are sometimes turned bv sim- ple contact with each other ; sometimes by the intervention of cords, straps, or chains, passing over them; and in these cases the minute protuberance of the surfaces, or whatever else may be the cause of friction, prevents their sliding on each other. Where a broad strap runs on a wheel, it is usually confined to its situation, not by causing the margin of the wheel to project, but, en the con WHEEl^ WORK. ti'ary, l)y making- the middle prominent ; the reason of this may be luwlerstood by examining- the manner in which a tiglit strap running on a cone would tend to run towards its thickest part. Sometimes also pins are fixed in the wheels, and ad- mitted into perforations in the straps ; a mode oiily practicable where the motion is slow and steady. A smooth motion may also be obtained, with considerable force, by forming the surfaces of the wheels into brushes of hair. xVIore com- monly, Jiowever, the circumferences of the contiguous wheels are formed into teeth, impelling each other, as with the extremities of so many levers, either ex- jnctly or nearly in the common direction <^ the circumferences; and sometimes an endless screw is substituted for one of the wheels. In forming the teeth of wheels, it is of consequence to determine the curvature which wdl procure an equable communication of motion, with the least possible friction. For tlie equa- ble communication of motion, two me- thods hare been recommended ; one, that the lower part of the face of each tooth shoidd be a straight hne in the di- rection of the radius, and the upper a portion of an epicycloid, that is, of a curve described by a point of a circle rolling on the wheel, of which the diameter must be half that of the opjiosite wheel ; and in this case it is demonstrable, that the plane surface of each tootJi will act on the curved surface of the opposite tooth, so as to produce an equable angular motion in both wheels ; the other method is, to form all the surfaces into portions of the involutes of circles, or tlie curves describ- ed by a point of thread which has been wound round the wheel, while it is un- coiled ; and this method appears to an- swer the purpose in an easier anem. Hence it is that black papt-r is sooner in- flamed by a burning-glass, than white ; and hence also, black clothes, hung up in the sun by the dyers, dry sooner than white ones. WHITEHURST, CJohn,) in biogra- phy, an ingenious English philosophei', was born at Congleton, in the county of Cheshire, the lOih of April, 1713, being the son of a clock and watch-maker there. On his quitting school, where it seems the education he received was very de- fective, he was bred by his father to his jwn profession, in which he soon gave hopes ot his future eminence. At about the age of twenty-one, his eagerness after new ideas carried him to Dublin, having heard of an ingenious piece of mechanism in that city, being a clock with certain curious appendages, which he was very desirous of seeing, and no less so of conversing with the ma- ker. On his arrival, however, he could neither procure a sight of the former, nor draw the least hint from the latter con- cerning it. Thus disappointed, he fell upon an expedient for accomplishing his design ; and accordingly took up his resi- dence in the house of the mechanic, pay- ing the more liberally for his board, as he had hopes from thence of more readily wbtainin^the indulgence wished for. He was accommodated with a room directly over that in which the favouiiie piece Was kept Carefully locked up ; and he had not h)ng to wai't for his gratification : for the artist, while one day employed in examing his machine, was suddenly call- ed down stairs ; which the young enqui- rer happening to overhear, softly slipped into tlie room, inspected the machine, and presently saiisfynig himself as to the se- cret, escaped undiscovered to his own apartment. His end thus compassed, he shortly after bid the artist farewell, and returned to his father ii England. About two or three years after his re- turn from Ireland, he lelt Congleton, and entered into business for himself at Derby, where he soon got into great employment, and distinguished himself very much by several ingenious pieces of mechanism, both in his own regular line of business, and in various othtr respects, as in the construction of curious thermometers, barometers, and other philosophical in- struments, as well as in ingenious contri- vances for water-works, and the erection of various larger machines : being con- sulted in almost all the undertakings in Derbyshire, and in the neighbouring counties, where the aid of superior skill in mechanics, pneumatics, and hydrau- lics, was requisite. In this manner his time was fully and usefully employed in the country, till, in 1775, when the act being passed for the better regulation of the gold coin, he was appointed stamper of the money weights; an office conferred upon him, altogether unexpectedly, and without solicitation. Upon this occasion he removed to Lon- don, where he spent the remaii:der of his days, in the constant habits of cultivating some useful parts of philosophy and me- chanism. In 1778, Mr. Whitehurst publishttd his Inquiry into the Original vState and For- mation of the Earth ; of which a second edition appeared in 1786, considerably enlarged and improved -, and a third in 1792. This was the labour of many years ; and the numerous investigations necess.iry to its completion, were in them- selves also of so untoward a nature as, at times, though he was natin-ally of a strong constitution, not a little to preju- dice his health. When he first entered upon this species of research, it was not altogether with a view to investigate the formation of the earth, but in part to ob- tain such a competent knowledge of sub- terraneous geography, as might become WHI WIL subservient to the purposes of human life, by leading mankind to the discovery of many valuable substances which lie con- cealed in the lower regions of ihe earth. Mav the 13th, 1779, he was elected and admitted a Fellow of the Royal So- ciety. Before he was admitted a mem- ber, three several papers of his had been inserted in the Philosophical Transac- tions, viz. Thermnmelrical Observations at Derby, in vol. 57; An Account of a Machine for raising Water, at Oulton, in Cheshire, in voi. 65; and Experiments on Ignited Substances, vol. 66 : which three papers were printed afterwards in the collection of his works in 1792. In 1783, he made a second visit to Ire- land, with a view to exan»ine the Giant's Causeway, and other northern parts of that island, which he found to be chiefly composed of volcanic matter : an account and representation of which are inserted in the latter editions of his Inquiry Dur- ing this excursion he erected an engine for raising water from a well, to the sum- mit of a hill, in a bleaching ground at Tuliidoi, in the county of Tyrone, which is worked by a current of water. In 1787, he published An Attempt to ward obtaining Invariable Measures of Length, Capacity, and Weight, from the Mensuration of time. Mis plan is, to ob- tain a measure of the greatest length that conveniency will permit, from two pendu- lums whose vibrations are in the ratio of 2 to 1, and whose lengths coincide nearly with the English standard in whole num. bers. The numbers which he has chosen show much ingenuity. On a supposition that the length of a second's pendulum, in the latitude of London, is 39| inches, the length ofone vibrating 42 times i" * minute", must be 80 inches ; and of ano- ther vibrating 84 times in a minute, must be 20 inches; and their difference 60 inches, or five feet, is his standard mea- sure. By the experiments, however, the difference between the lengths of the two pendulum rods, was foimd to be only 59,892 inches, instead of 60, owing to the error in the assumed length of the second's pen- dulum, 39.1 inches beii^g greater than the truth, which ought to be 59|. very nearly. By this experiment, Mr. Whitehurst ob- tained a fact, as accurately as may be in a thing of this nature, viz. the differ- ence between the lengths of two pendu- lum rods whose vibrations are known : a datum from whence may be obtained, by calculation, the true lengths of pendulums, the spaces through which heavy bodies fall in a given time, and many other par- ticulars relating to the docli ne of gravita- tion, the figure of the earih, &c. Mr. Whitehurst had been at times sub- ject to slight attacks of the gout, and he had for several years felt himself gradu- ally declining. By an attack of that dis- ease in his stomach, after a struggle of two or three months, it put an end to his laborious and useful lite, on the 18ih of February, 1788, in the 75th year of his age, at Ins house in Boll Court, Fleet- street, being the same house wheie ano- ther eminent seif-tuughi philosnpher, Mr. James Feigti-son, had immediately before him lived and died WiLKlNS (Dr. Johx), in biography, a very ingenious and learned Enghsh bish- op ami mathematician, was the son of a goldsmith at Oxford, and born in 1614. After being educated in Greek an.; La- tin, in which he made a very quick pro- gress, he was entered a student of New Inn in that university, when he was but thirteen years of age ; but after a short stay there, he was removed to Magdalen Hall, where he took his degrees. Hav- ing entered into holy orders, he first be- came chaplain to WiUiam Lord Say, and afterwards to Charles Count Palatine of the Khine, iwith whom he continued for some time. Adhering to the Parliament during the civil wars, they made him warden of Wadham College about the year 1648. In 1656 he married -the sis- ter of Oliver Cromwell, then lord protec- tor of England, who granted him a dis- pensation to hold his wardenship, not- withstanding his marriage. In 1659, he was by Richard Cromwell made master of Trinity College in Cambridge ; but ejected the year following, upon the res- toration. He was then chosen preacher to the society of Gray's Inn, and rector of St. Lawrence Jewry, London, upon the promotion of Dr. Seth W^ard to the bish- oprick of Exeter. About this time he be- came a member of the Koyal Society, was chosen of their council, and proved one of their most eminent members. He w as afterwards made dean of Kippon, and in 1668 bishop of Chester ; but died of the stone in 1672, at fifcy-eight years of age. Burnet writes, that " he was a man of as great a mind, as true a judgment, as eminent virtues, and of as good a soul, as any he ever knew ; that thougli he mar- ried Cromwell's sister, yet he made no other use of that alliance, but to do good offices, and to cover the university of WIL WIL Oxford from the sourness of Owen and Goodwin. At Cambridgf , he joined with those who studied to propagate be'ter thoughts, to take men off from being in parties, or from narrow notions, from su- perstitious cpnceits, and fierceness about opinions. He was also a great observer and promoter of experimental philoso- phy, which was then a new thing, and much lookc-d after. He was naturally ambitious, but was the wisest clergyman I ever knew. He was a lover of mankind, and had a delight in doing good." Of his publications, which are all of them very ingenious and learned, and many of them particularly curious and entertaining, the first was in 1638, when he was only twenty-four years of age, viz. '* Tlie Discovery of a New World ; or, a Discourse, to prove that it is probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concern- ing the Possibility of a Passage thither." In 1640, *' A Discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove that it is pro- bable our Earth is one of the Planets." In 1641, *• Mercury, or, the secret and swift Messejiger ; showing how a man may with privacy and speed communi- cate his thoughts to a friend at any dis- tance ;" 8vo. In 1648, " Mathematical Magic ; or, the Wonders that may be performed by Mathematical Geometry ;" 8vo. All these pieces were published entire in one volume, 8vo. in 1708, under the title of "The Mathematical and Philosophical Works of the Right Rev. John Wilkins," &c. To this collection is also subjoined an abstract of a larger work, printed in 1668, folio, entitled *• An Essay towards a real Character and a philosophical Language." WILL In the Hartleyan acceptation of the term, the will is that state of mind which is immediately previous to, and causes those express acts of memory, imagination, reasoning, or bodily motion, which we term voluntary ; corresponding to the common acceptation of the term volition. In the more customary use of the term, it comprehends the whole class of feelings by which volition is produced, (for an account of which, see Mental Philosophy, § 63—99). It would be an interesting and very important inquiry, how far volition may become connected with and regulate the trains of thought and feeling, and the state of mind which we call attention; but this would lead us into a field which neither our limits of time, nor of space, would allow us to survey even cursorily. That such connection can be formed in var ous instances, there is no room for doubt ; and were it otherwise, man would be merely tht creature of external cir- cumstances : that, on the other hand, there are limits to such establishment, is also indisputable; and weie it not so, man might become the creator of his own mind, and all thu benefits arising from the intellectual and social powers de- pend upon caprice. Bui we must con- tent ourselves with laying bctbre our readers some of Hartley's valuable prac- tical remarks respecting the will. "The will appears to be nothing but a desire or aversion, sufficiently strong to produce an action that is not automatic, primarily or secondarily (§ 101). The will is therefore that desire or aversion which is strongest for the present time ; for if any other desire were stronger, the muscular motion connected with it by as- sociaiiim would take place, and not that which proceeds from the will, or the vo- luntary one. *' Since the things which we pursue do, when obtained, generally afford plea- sure, and those which we fly from affect us with pain, if they overtake us, it fol- lows that the gratification of the will is generally associated with pleasure, the disappointment of it with pain. Hence a mere associated pleasure is transferred upon the gratification of the will ; a mere associated pain, upon the disappointment of it : and if the will were always gratified, this mere associated pleasure would, ac- cording to the present frame of our na- tures, absorb, as it were, all our other pleasures ; and thus, by drying up the source from whence it sprung, be itself dried up at last ; and the first disappoint- ments, after a long course of gratifica- tion, would be intolerable. Both which circumstances are sufficiently observable, in an inferior degree, in children that are much indulged, and in adults, after a long series of successful events. Grati- fications of the will without the conse- quent expected pleasure, and disappoint- ments of it without the consequent ex- pected pain, are particularly usetul to us here: and it is by this, amongst other means, that the human will is brought to a conformity with the divine; which is the only radical cure for all our evils and disappointments, and the only earnest and medium for obtaining lasting happi- ness. " We often desire and pursue things which give pain rather than pleasure. Hire it must be supposed that at first WILL, they afforded pleasure, and that they now give pain on account of the change in our nature and circumstances. Now, as the Continuance to desire and pursue such objects, notwithsianding the pain arising from them, is the effect of the power of association; so the same power will at last reverse its own steps, and free us from such hurtful desirt-s and pursuits. The recurrency of pain will at last render the object undesirable and hateful ; and the experience of this painful process, in a few particular instances, will at last, as in other cases of the same kind, beget a habit of ceasing to pursue things, which we perceive by a few trials, or by ration- al arguments, to be hurtful to us on the whole. " A state of desire ought to be plea- sant at first, from the near relation of de- sire to love (§ 71), and of love, to plea- sure and happiness ; but in the course of ^ long pursuit, there intervene so many fears and disappointments, apparent or real, with respect to the subordJnaie means, and so many strong agitations of mind passing the limits of pleasure, as greatly to chequer a state of desire with misery. For a similar reason, states of aversion are chequered with hope and comfort." Will, freedom of. There are, per- haps, tew topics of mquiry which have more than this perplexed the understand- ings and irritated the passions of man- kind. From the continued conflict of opinion which has existed on the subject, in every age since the operations of the mind of man became a frequent subject of investigation, it might be almost pre- sumed to belong to those questions which furnish abundant matter for dis- cussion, but none for conviction ; which sharpen ingenuity, without resulting in certainty; and serve to display the human intellect in all its strength and weakness, in all its pride and humiliation. Philosophical free-will, it must ever be remembered, is something totally differ- ent from external liberty. The latter is possessed by every man who has the pow- er of doing as he pleases ; that is, of car- rying his volitions into execution. But whether volitions be free or necessitated ; whether, in forming these, the mind ex- ert a self-determining power, or be uni- formly and irresistibly influenced by mo- tives, is a question perfectly unconnected with the circumstances of freedom or control, relating to their execution. The will may be bound, though the conse- quent act be unimpeded ; and, on the other hand, the exercise of ihe self-de- termining power, in volition, may be pre- vented, by numberless restraints, from being followed up in act. The point in discussion belwt en the advocates o( phi- losophical free-will and their opponents is, whether man be invariably and ne- cessarily influenced by motives ; or, whether he possess a self-governing, seUdetermining power, which he may exert by acting either according to motives, in opposition to motives, or without any motives at all. And though some of the defienders of liberty differ from others in the extent of the exer- cise of this power, many hiniting it to acts of mere dehberation, and others connecting it with every actual and pos- sible instance of volition, the controversy between them and the necessarians has no reference to these differences, but is circumscribed by the single question, whether, in any case whatever, a volitioa can originate independently of motive ; or, in other words, whether the mind be capable of acting differently, previous circumstances continuing in every re- spect the same. In support of philoso- phical liberty, its supporters make their first appeal to consciousness. With re- spect to various volitions, it is observed, we are not only insensible to an overpow- ering and resistless influence of motives, but are positively conscious of choosing without any motive, and often even in opposition to the strongest. And were it not that the mind possessed this para- mount and independent faculty — this li- berty of determining differently in the same circumstances, whence could arise those feelings of approbation or blame^ which ever attach to yolitions of high im- portance and moral consequence ? Could censure reasonably be applied to any act that was inevitable i" or is there any ade- quate ground of applause for what could not possibly have been unperformed ? Are not the feelings of individuals, and the consent of nations, on tliis subject, perfectly decided and coincident ? The repentant sinner is overwhelmed with remorse for that deUnquency which he feels it w'as no less within his power thaji his duty to have avoided : the abandoned criminal, who has lifted his murderous arm against his neighbour, falls an unpi- tied victim to the laws of his country. Upon what principle is remorse felt in the one case, and execution inflicted in the other, but on that which naturally presses conviction on every human bo- WILL. som, that the offender, instead of being hurried on to guilt by irresistible destiny, was merely the ready tool of appetites which he might have controuled ; the willing slave of passions which he might have corrected. The lunatic incendiary is regarded as no proper object of pu- nishment, frenzy having usurped the throne of reason, and the exercise of ra- tional free-will being precluded by the paroxism of disease. And, on similar grounds, the destroyer of life by mere accident, is exempt from the vengeance of human laws, which point their thun- der only against those who are both ca- pabje of distinguishing right from wrong, and of avoiding the crimes into which they voluntarily plunge themselves. If, there- fore, any conclusion whatever can be justly inferred from the almost instinctive feelings of mankind, which even those uniformly act upon who systematically controvert and ridicule them, how pow- erful must the argument, hence derived, be considered in favour of that liberty of will, without which the agonies of re- mote appear only the gratuitous self-in- flictions of folly ; and the most essential acts of legislation, seem the most execrable operations of tyranny ? The moral and re- ligious consequences, considered as aris- ing from the system of necessity, are re- garded by the advocates for free-will as of a nature so repulsive to the interests of virtue, so incompatible with moral dis- cipline, so full of palpable absurdity and extreme impiety, that these alone are deemed sufficient to justify the rejection of a doctrine, from which they appear es- sentially and decidedly to flow. Can that system, it is asked, be true, which saps the foundations of virtue, by ascribing every act and thought, every feehng and wish, connected with moral character, to imperious and resistless impulse ? wMch constitutes man a mere machine, guilt- less even in the extreme of wickedness, and worthless in the maturity of benevo- lence ; because in both cases, equally compelled by circumstances to good or evH, and equally destitute of moral qua- lity with the quickening sun or the de- vouring tempest ? If every sentiment and deed of every human individual be the result of preceding situations, which si- tuations themselves are only links in an interminable series of processes, equally compelled and necessitating, how vain are all the popular and presumed means of operating upon the mind, to reclaim from vice, or to guide to virtue ? Can VOL. VT. there be any stimulus to exertions decid- edly fruitless ? or can there be any pe- nitence for inevitable crime P or can there be any justice, human or divine, in the punishment of offences committed, in- deed, by choice, yet committed through necessity? With what disgust will be viewed the imputation thrown by this system on the Supreme Being (who is considered by it to be not only the'sove- reign, but the sole agent, in the uni- verse), as the origin of all existing evil ! Under what character is the Divine Be- ing represented by this doctrine, but un- der that of a bafiling tyrant, and a de- riding fiend ; exhorting men to what they cannot accomphsh, and torturing them for what they cannot avoid, and, under tlie designation of the God of truth, uttering a tissue of the most ma- lignant falsehoods ? With what horror must we contemplate a Deity, who is ex- hibited as the very author of what he pro- fesses to hate, the performer of what he punishes, and the source of every pol- luted thought, every tormenting passion, and every evil work ; whose chosen in- struments and objects appear to be, ha- tred and uncharitableness, guilt and ter- ror, confusion, pain, and death ; who ia displayed, in short, as the introducer of all moral evil, and the scourge of all mo- ral nature ? It is by no means surprising that ob- servations, or arguments, such as these, should have operated strongly on the ma- jority even of persons in some degree habituated to reflection. The moral man has trembled for the interests of virtue ; the pious man has recoiled from the dreaded charge of blasphemy; and so coincident is the misapprehended sys- tem of liberty with the feeUngs of indis- criminating and unreflecting minds, that it would be truly extraordinary if the op- posite doctrine had not to encounter from such, prejudices the most violent and hostile. General consent, however, and presumed consciousness, are no more sufficient to establish the doctrine of philosophical free-will, than the appear- ance exhibited by the sun and stars of revolving round this terraqueous globe, and the universal conviction once enter- tained of the reality of this appearance, can be considered to have been irrefi*a- gable evidence of this popular philoso- phy. And with regard to the interests of virtue, and even the honour of the Deity, the man who refrains from the discussion of important topics, from a 4D WILL. trembling apprehension lest these should be injuriously involved in the result of his investigation, displays inexpressibly more of fastidious sensibility than of vi- gorous intellect. If discussion can pos- sibly evince that virtue is detrimental or worthless, instead of being extolled as the best source of hope, and the only guide to happiness, let it be instantly ex- posed to the aversion and avoidance of mankind. And if the most acute and profound speculation can possibly dis- connect from the Supreme Being those qualities of wisdom and goodness, of power and perfection, which have hi- therto only appeared the more clearly to belong to him the more his attributes have been investigated, let the veil be, at once, rent from the imagined sanctuary, and let detestation or contempt be sub- stituted for joyful devotion and humble imitation. These delicate scruples, and fearful doubts, and awful hesitations, have too long retarded the march of the hu- man mind in its pursuit of the ends and means most, worthy of its researches. They have been in every age supports, as, indeed, they are results, of supersti- tion : they have aided the views of civil tyranny, and inquisitorial bigotry; and until the operations of thought be unim- peded by these morbid tremours, any rapid advance to the maturity of social institutions can be expected only in vain. In opposition, then, to the doctrine of free-willj so tenaciously maintained, and so ardently advocated, it may be observ- ed, that upon the only sound principles of philosophy, upon the very basis of all human speculation and conclusion, the imagined liberty of man will appear equally unsupportable, as any change in the arrangements of material nature with- out a corresponding change of pre-ex- isting circumstances. If vohtions, in any case, start up in the mind uncaused, as well may it be presumed, that the uni- versal system of nature sprang into ex- istence without any previous and opera- tive energy. All inquiry into causes is vain ; all reference to circumstances is absurd : conclusions, the most opposite, may, with equal propriety, be inferred from the same premises ; or, rather, the only conclusion to be formed is, that of one immense and universal chaos, in which processes, both of mind and mat- ter, are incipient without cause, and ope- rative without effect. If, on the other hand, man be uniformly and imperiously influenced by motives, volitions are as definitive, in definite circumstances, as the movements of palpable mechatiism ; and the determinations of the mind are equal- ly decided and inevitable, as the inclina- tions of the balance. The most animated display of evils, imagined to result from the system of necessity, will scarcely in- duce any vigorous and unprejudiced mind to surrender the only basis on which inference can be formed and inquiry in- stituted. But the principles of religion are equally adverse to free-will with the axioms of philosophy ; and it is curious to observe, that the doctrine of liberty, under consideration, meets with its de- struction in what may be regarded, possi- bly, as the very source of its existence. Sentiments of religion, unquestionably, suggested the expediency of human freedom, to screen the character of Deity from imputation on the ground of natural and moral evil ; and man was thus invested with a paramount and mysterious faculty, by which, in circum- stances precisely the same, he is capable of performing any action, or its opposite. By a fallacy, more reverential than inge- nious ; by a sophism, such as in ordinary life would expose its employers to instant detection and ridicule, this pre-eminent power, though admitted to be communi- cated, is considered as the efficient cause of all that evil which it was regarded in- decorous and blasphemous to ascribe to Deity. The responsibility on this subject, which was conceived to reflect severely on tlie character of God, by this accom- modating invention, was imagined to be easily and happily removed. But if piety has, upon this curious ground, con- tributed to establish the belief in human free-will, it has no less decidedly main- tained the doctrine of divine omniscience: yet to unite these articles in the same creed, must be regarded by the unbiassed inquirer as absolutely and eternally im- possible. How can it be within the power of man to avoid doing what God foresees he will perform ? or how can that remain undone which is foreknown, and unquestionably, therefore, certainly will be accomplished ? What becomes of that boasted liberty, which is incapable of being exerted, and the exercise of which, though strangely denied to be precluded by necessity, it must be at least admitted, has to encounter the most indubitable and decided certainty ? And how is the diffi- culty which, on every other system, pres- ses from the consideration of existing evil, at all mitigated by an hypothesis, which merely transfers the charge from the principal to the agent : from the WIL WIL Creator to the creature; from the be- stower of the faculty of freedom, who must be aware of all its possible applica- tions and consequences, and who there- fore, in the eye of reason, intends all the effect, of the pi'inciple he thus communi- cates, to the frail possessor and foreseen abuser of it ? Witli respect, moreover, to moral discipline, how can any system, which has this object in view, be at all applicable to beings, whose merit and perfection are supposed to consist in a total superiority to motive ; who can re- sist the strongest applications of menace or conciliation, of remuneration or pen- alty ; with whom caprice alone is princi- ple, and chance direction ; and an inde- finable, unintelligible power of self-deter- mination, without the aid of motive, or even in diametrical opposition to the strongest, is the substitute for all steady object and rational inducement ? With re- gard to virtue, in this system, its maturity consists not in useful tendencies and affec- tions, so confirmed by habit as to have acquired almost an incapability of effec- tual counteraction, a definition founded on the only correct theory of the human mind, and which presents the most ad- mirable and impressive lessons of morali- ty, but in an imagined principle or facul- ty which has no perceivable connection with character, habit, or affection ; and in proportion to the degree in which any intelhgent agent can be supposed to act from this unmotived faculty, in that pro- portion must he be presumed less capable of forming those fixed and almost inde- structible associations which are tlie sole security of moral excellence. Free-will, then, thus appears to be in irreconcileable hostihty with the fundamental principle of human discussion and investigation, on every subject moral or material, that every tiling which begins to be must have a cause : its complete operation ex- cludes man from the possibility of virtu- ous habits, as these can result solely from his definite impressibility by definite cir- cumstances : it prevents any consistent application of threats or exhortation, of reward or punishment ; because, to a mind unguided and ungovernable by mo- tive, these are equally useless as expos- tulation with a storm, or advice to a con- flagration. Finally, from the character of God it snatches that attribute, without which Providence must be supposed to be any thing rather than what the term naturally implies. Instead of a superin- tending Deity, foreseeing every event, aifected by no surprize, and subject to no disappointment, we are presented with a governor at the helm of Nature, who, iu the impressive language of scripture, *' knows not what a day may bring forth:" his arrangements may be frustrated by human folly ; his happiness may be im- paired by human hostility : man, that is a worm, may baffle the views of Divine in- teUigcnce, and counteract the energies of Almighty power ! Will and Testatmei^t, is tha^ disposi- tion of property which is made by a per- son to take place after his decease. Every person capable of binding himself by con- tract, is capable of making a will. Also a male infant of the age of four- teen years and upwards, and female of twelve years or upwards, are capable of making a will respecting personal estates only. But a married woman cannot make a will, unless a power be reserved in a marriage settlement ; but wherever per- sonal property, however, is given to a married woman, for her sole and sepa- rate use, she may dispose of it by will. If a feme sole make her will, and after- wards marry, such marriage is a legal re- vocation of the will. WUls are of two kinds, written and verbal : the former is most usual and secure. It is not absolutely necessary that a will should be witnessed ; and a testament of chattels, written in the testator's own hand, though it have neitlier the testator's name nor seal to it, nor witnesses present at his publication, will be good, provided sufficient proof can be had that it is his hand writing. By statute 29 Charles IT. c. 3, all devises of lands and tenements shall not only be in writing, but sliall also be signed by the party so devising the same, or by some other person in his pre- sence, and by his express direction, and shall be witnessed and subscribed in the presence of the person devising, by three or four credible witnesses, or else the de- vise will be entirely void, and the land will descend to the heir at law. A will, even if made beyond sea, be- queathing land in England, must be at- tested by three witnesses. A will, however, devising copyhold land, does not require to be witnessed : it is sufficient to declare the uses of a surrender of such copyhold land made to the use of the will. The party to whom the land is given becomes entitled to it by means of the surrender, and not by the will. A codicil is a supplement to a will, or an addition made by the person making the same, annexed to, and to be taken WIN WIN as part of the will itself, being for its ex- planation or alteration, to add something to, or take something from, the former disposiiioii, and which may lilso be either written or verbal, under the same restric- tions as regard wills. If two wills are found, and it does not appear which was the former or latter, both will be void ; but if two codicils are found, and it cannot be ascertained which was th^ first, but the same thing is de- vised to two persons, both ought to di- vide ; but where either wills or codicils have dates, the latter is considered as va- lid, and revokes the former. See Admi- snsTUATOH, Executor, Legact. WILLICHIA, in botany, so named in honour of Christ. Lud. Willich, a ge- nus of the Triandria Monogynia class and order. Essential character: calyx four- cleft ; corolla four-cleft ; capsule two- celled, many-seeded. There is only one species ; viz. W. repens, found by Mutis in Mexico. WILLUGHBEIA, in botany, so named in memory of Francis Willughby, F. R. S. a gentisof the Pentandria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Contortae. Apocineae, Jussieu Essential character: contorted ; corolla salver-shaped ; stig- ma-headed ; fruit a one or two-celled berry or pumpkin. There are two spe- cies ; viz. W. acida and W. scandens, both natives of Guiana. Wixii. See Meteorology. Wind gag-e, in pneumatics, an instru- ment serving to determine the velocity and force of the wind. See Anemometer, Anemoscope. Dr. Hales had various contrivances for this purpose. He found, that the air rushed out of a smith's bellows at the rate of 68f feet in a second of time, when compressed with a force of half a pound upon every square inch lying on the whole upper surface of the bellows. The velocity of the air, as it passed out of the trunk of his ventilators, was found to be at the rate of 3,000 feet in a minute, which is at the rate of 34 miles an hour. The same author says, that the velocity with which impelled air passes out at any orifice, may be determined by hanging a light v'alve over the nose of a bellows, by pliant leather hinges, which will be much agitated and lifted up from a perpendicu- lar, to a more than horizontal position, by the force of the rushing air. M. Bouguer contrived a simple instru- ment, by which may be immediately dis- covered the force which the wind exerts on a given surface. This is a hollow tube, A A, B B, (Plate XVI. Miscel. fig, 13.) in which a spiral spring, C D, is fix- ed, that may be more or less compressed by a rod, FS D, passing through a hole Avithin the tube at A A. Then having ob- served to what degree different forces or given weights are capable of depressing the spiral, mark divisions on the rod in such a manner, that the mark at S may indicate the weight requisite to force the .spring into the situation, C D: afterwards join at right angles to this rod at F, a plane surface, C F E, of any given area at pleasure ; then let this instrument be opposed to the wind, so that it may strike the surface perpendicularly, or parallel to the rod ; then will the mark at S .show the weight to which the force of the wind is equivalent. The following Table will give the dif- ferent velocities and forces of tJiu wind, according to their common appellations. Velocity of the Perpendi. wind. cular force _ Miles = feet on one sq. foot ill in one in one averdupois hour. second pounds. 1 1.47 .005 2 2.93 .020 3 4.40 .044 4 5.87 .079 5 /.33 123 10 I4.6r .492 15 22.00 1.107 20 29.34 1.968 25 36.67 3075 30 4401 4.429 35 51.34 6.027 40 58.68 7.873 45 66.01 9.963 50 73.35 12.300 60 88.02 17.715 80 117.36 31.490 100 146.70 49.200 « Common appella- tions of the wind. Hardly per- ceptible. ^ Just percepti- 5 blc. ^ Gentle plea- 5 sant wind. ') Pleasant brisk 5 gale. i Very brisk. I High winds. Very high. A storm or tempest. A great storm. A hurricane. A hurricane that tears up trees and car- ries buildings, he. before it. 1 The force of the wind is nearly as the square of the velocity, or but little above it in these velocities. But the force is much more than in the simple ratio of the surfaces, with the same ve- locity, and this increase of the ratio is the more, as the velocity is the more. By accurate experiments with two planes, the one of 171 square inches, the other WIN WIN of 52i which are nearly in the ratio of 5 to 9. Dr. Hutton found their resistances, with a velocity of 20 feet per second, to be the one, 1.196 ounces, and the other, 2.542 ounces ; which are in the ratio of 8 to 17, being an increase of between one- fifth and one-sixth parts more than the ratio of the surfaces. WINDLASS, a machine used to raise heavy weights withal, as guns, stones, anchors, &c. It is very simple, consist- ing only of an axis, or roller, supported horizontally at the two ends, by two piec- es of wood and a pulley : the two pieces of wood meet at top, being placed diagon- ally, so as to prop each other ; the axis, or roller, goes through the two pieces, and turns in them. The pully is fasten- ed at top where the pieces join Lastly, there are two staves or handspikes go through the roller, whereby its is turned, and tiie rope which comes over the pul- ley is wound oft* and on the same. Windlass, in a ship, is an instrument in small ships, placed upon the deck, just abaft the foremast. It is made of a piece of timber, six or eight feet square, in form of an axle-tree, whose length is placed horizontally upon two pieces of wood at the ends thereof, upon which it is turned about by the help of handspikes put into holes made for that purpose. This instru- ment serves for weighing anchors, or hoisting of any weight, in or out of the ship, and will purchase much more than any capstan, and that without any dan- ger to those that heave ; for if in heaving the windlass about, any of the handspikes should happen to break, the windlass would pall of itself. WINDMILL, a kind of mill, the inter- nal parts of which are much the same with those of a water-mill ; from which, however, it differs, in being moved by the impulse of the wind upon its vanes or sails, which are to be considered as a wheel on the axle. Plate, Windmill, is a verti- cal section of a windmill of that kind, which is called a smock-mill, i. e. when the building, the mill, and machinery are fixed, and the head of the mill support- ing the axis of the sails turns round upon it. A A are the walls of the mill-house, which is longer one way than the other, and the section is through the shortest side ; in this direction it will but just con- tain the machinery, and leave a passage ; in the other direction the house is longer, and is used as a warehouse to stow the corn and flour. The roof of the house is framed of large beams, a flooring is laid on these beams, and then the whole is covered with sheet lead. Eight long up- right beams, B B, are framed into the roof of the house, and disposed round in a circle; at the upper angle they support a circu- lar kirb, D D ; the eight uprights, B B, are braced by cross pieces framed be- tween them, so as to render the whole building very staunch; the outside is covered with weather-board, just to shoot off* the rain, but open enough to admit the wind to pass freely through the house. Upon the upper fixed kirb, D D, thirty-six rollers are placed (two of them are seen in the section;) these rollers turn in mortices, cut through a circular ring of wood, which keeps the thirty-six rollers in their places, and at their proper distances from one another. The rollers support another cir. cular wooden ring, a a, on which the head of the mill is framed. This framing consists of two beams, b, halved into the ring, parallel to the main axis of the sails, and including the great cog wheel be- tween them, only one of them is shown in the figure, the other being taken away in the section. Two cross beams, d and e, bolted upon b b, supports the bearings for the main axis, and another cross beam, /, bolted to the under side of b, to sus- tain the upper bearing for the vertical axis. We now come to speak of the machi- nery : H H, are two of the four sails seen edgeways ; the broad part of the sails, which is covered with cloth, is set oblique to the plane of the sails, motion, and the axis of the sails is set in the di- rection of the wind ; it is by the action of the wind upon the oblique sail, that it is made to revolve on its axis ; the wind acts constantly as a wedge upon the sails, and thus drives them round. The four sails are firmly bolted to an iron cross, e, cast in one piece with the main : a b c defg- is a wooden pole fixed on at the intersec- tion of the four sails, and forming a con- tinuation of the axis ; four ropes are ex- tended from the end of the pole to the end of the sails, and hauled tight by a block of pulleys, by these the sails are stiffened, and prevented from bending by the action of the wind upon them : h is the main cog wheel, fixed upon the iron axis, and turning round with it ; it has a flexi- ble ring of wood, composed of five seg- ments, and jointed together by iron hing- es, and compassing it ; one end of this ring of wood, called the brake, is fastened by a joint to the under side qf the beam, b ; WIN WIN the other end comes round nearly to the same point, and is fastened to a long le- ver, i, called the brake lever. When this lever is lifted up, the brake is lifted off from the wheel, and does not touch it on any part, and the wheel and sails can turn ; but when the lever is suffered to fall down, the brake closes round the wheel, and prevents the wheel and sails from turning. The brake lever is lifted up by a rope, k, which hangs down in reach of the miller when standing on the stage, 1 1, built round the mill for the purpose, as also for clothing or unclothing the sails. When the brake is to be held up for any length of time, while the mill is at work, the brake rope is hooked on a hook driven into one of the uprights, BB. The head of the mill can be turned round upon the thirty-six rollers, to set the sail round in the proper direction to meet the wind. The fixed kirb, D D, has a ring of cogs all round its outside, which work with a pinion on a spindle, /, turning in a socket fixed by iron braces. To the moveable head of the mill, on the upper end of the spindle, /, a crown wheel is fix- ed, which is turned by a small pinion on the same spindle, with a wheel, ?«, round which an endless rope runs, and which hangs down in reach of the miller when on the stage, I. By pulling down one side of the endless rope he turns the wheel, m, and by the pinion the crown wheel, and its pinion, which acting against the teeth in the kirb, D, turns the head round upon the thirty-six rollers, and puts the sails in any position according to the wind : o is a roller turned upon an iron pin fastened to the under side of the beam, 6, and acting against the inside of the kirb ; another similar roller is fixed to the other beam, which is parallel to b ; their use is to keep the head steady upon the rollers, otherwise the head might be thrown backwards by the action of the wind upon the sails. The upper part of the head is light framing and thin boards, covered with copper just to exclude the rain. The main cog-wheel, //, turns a trundle, K, on the upper end of a long vertical shaft, LI,, which comes down to the ground, and turns in a socket support- ed on Masonry at M : /» is a crown wheel of fifty-six teeth turning another wheel of seventeen teeth on horizontal, which has riggers, ^, on it to turn bolting mills and di-essing machines in the upper room. In the lower room a large spur-wheel, t, of .seventy -two teeth, is fixed, and turns a nut on each side of it, one of twenty-eight, the other of twenty-six teeth, on the spindles of their respective mill-stones, v and s. The construction of the mill for grind- ing flour is well explained in the article Mill, to which we refer our readers. Wind «ai7s,in a ship, are made of the common sail cloth, and are usually be- tween twenty-five and thirty feet long, ac- cording to the size of the ship, and are of the form of a cone ending obtusely : when they are made use of, they are hoisted by ropes to about two-thirds or more of their height, with their bases distended circu- larly hoops, and their apex hanging down- wards in the hatchways of the ship ; above each of these one of the common sails is so disposed, that the greatest part of the air rushing against it, is directed into the wind-sail, and conveyed as through a funnel, into the upper parts of the body of the ship. WINDAGE o/o^Tm, the difference be- tween the diameter of the bore, and the diameter of the ball. WINE. See Fermentation, &c. All wines contain an acid, alcohol, tartar, ex- tract, aroma, and a colouring matter. The presence and nature of each of these principles may be ascertained in the fol- lowing way. 1. Acid. All wines, even the softest and mildest, redden litmus, and therefore contain an acid. This abounds, however, chiefly in the thin wines of wet and cold climates, where the grape juice or must contains but a small portion of sugar. When wine has been boiled to extract the brandy, the liquor that re- mains in the still, and is thrown away as useless, is a sour nauseous fluid, with an acrid and burnt flavour. When filtered and allowed to remain at rest for a time, it deposits a good deal of extractive mat- ter, becomes covered with mould, and then contains a notable quantity of ace- tous acid, which may be separated by distillation. The acid is, however, not en- tirely acetous, at least not till after stand- ing a considerable time, for it precipitates and forms an insoluble salt with lime water, and with the soluble salts of sil- ver, lead, and mercury, and appears to be the malic acid mixed with a little ci- tric, both of which are converted into vi- negar by spontaneous decomposition. The wines that contain the greatest quan- tity of these acids yield the worst brandy, nor is there any method yet known of se- parating or neutralizing the acid without materially injuring the quality, or lessen- ing the quantity of the ardoit spirit. 2. WIN wl^ Alcohol. The existence of ihis principle and mode ofextraction by distillation has been fully described under the article brandy. The quantity of alcohol varies prodigiously. The strong", rich, full-bo- died wines of the warmer vine countries will yield as much as a third of ardent spirit ; whilst the thin light wines will often give no more than about one-six- teenth of the same strength. 3, Tartar. This substance has also been fully de- scribed in its proper place. Tartar is not altogether a product of the fermen- tation of wine, since it is contained in must, though in small quantity. 4. Ex- tract. Must contains an abundance of extractive matter, which materially as- sists the fermentation, and is afterwards found, in part at least, in the lees, but another portion may be obtained from the wine by evaporation. It is also extract that mixes with and colours the tartar. By age the quantity of extractive matter diminishes. 5. Aroma. All wines pos- sess a peculiar and grateful smell, which would indicate a distinct aromatic princi- ple, but it has never been exhibited in the form of essential oil, or condensed in any smaller quantity by distillation or any other mode. To give wine all its aroma it should be fermented very slowly. 6. Colouring matter. The husk of the red grape contains a good deal of colour, which is extracted when the entire fruit is pressed, and becomes dissolved in the wine when the fermentation is complete. Many substances will separate the co- lour. If lime-water is added to high-co- loured wine, a precipitate is formed of ma- lat of lime that carries down with it all the colouring matter, which cannot again he separated either by water or alcohol. Hut if wine alone is evaporated gently to dryness, and the residue treated with al- cohol, the colouring matter dissolves therein. We may add too, that the tia- tural colour of wine is entirely and speed- ily destroyed by the addition of hot well-burnt charcoal in pretty fine pow- der. The colour of red wine in the state in which we receive it is not entirely that of the grape, but is given by other co- louring substances, which, however, are quite innoxious. WINGED, in botany, a term applied to such stems of plants as are furnished all their length with a sort of membrana- ceous leaves, as the thistle, &c. Winged leaves, are such as consist of divers Uttle leaves, ranged in the same direction, so as to appear only as the same leaf. Such are the leaves of agrimony, acacia, ash, &c. Winged seed.s, are such as have down or hairs on them, which, by the help of the wind, are carried to a dis- tance. WINGS, in heraldry, are borne some- times single, sometinaes in pairs; in which case they are called conjoined. When the points are downward, they are said to be inverted ; when up, elevated. Wings, in military affairs, are the two flanks or extremes of an army, ranged in form of a battle ; being the right and left sides thereof. Wings, in fortification, denote the longer sides of horn-works, crown-works, tenailles, and the Uke out-works ; includ- ing the ramparts and parapets, with which they are bounded on the right and left from their gorge to their front. WINTERA, in botany, so named from Captain William Winter, who brought the bark of this tree from the Straits of Ma- gellan, a genus of the Polyandria Tetra- gynia class and order. Natural order of jVlagnolise, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx three-lobed ; petals six or twelve ; germs club-shaped ; styles none ; berries four or eight, obovate. There are three species. WIRE dra-wingy the art of drawing out long bars of metal, by pulling it through holes in a plate of steel, or other fit me- tallic compound. In order that a wire may be drawn, it is requisite that the metal should have considerable tenacity. Gold, silver, iron, steel, copper, and their compounds, are most commonly used in the arts. The process is of considerable simplicity. A number of holes, progres- sively smaller and smaller, are made in a plate of steel, and the pointed end of a bar of metal being passed through, one of them is forcibly drawn by strong pinchers, so as to elongate it by the pres- sure arising from the re-action of the greased hole : this is the wire ; and it is again passed in like manner through ano- ther hole a little smaller ; and, by conti- nuing the process, the wire has its length increased, and its diameter diminished, to a very great degree. The largest wire may be nearly an inch in diameter, and the smallest we have seen was about one- thousandth part of an inch ; but we are assured that silver wire has been made one-fifteen-hundredth of an inch in dia- meter. The size of these small wires may be ascertained from the weight of a known measure of length, and the speci- fic gravity of the metal. Or, less correct- WIT ly, the wire may be wound round a pin, and the number of turns counted which make a given length. Wires are drawn square, and of other figures in their sector. In particular they are drawn grooved, so that any small part will form the pinion of a clock or watch work. As the violent action of the drawing plate renders the wires hard and brittle, it is necessary to anneal it several times during the course of drawing. Very small holes are made by hammering up the larger, and the point, in very thin wire, is made by rolling or crushing the end by a smooth burnishing tool upon a po- lished plate. It is baid that soft steel is as good for the wire drawer's plate as that which is hard, or as the compound material which comes from France in wire plates, and is highly esteemed. This has not been yet chemically examined. W I RE 0/ Lapland. The inhabitants of Lapland have a sort of shining slender substance in use among them on several occasions, which is much of the thickness and appearance of our silver wire, and is therefore called, by those who do not ex- amine its structure or substance, Lapland wire. It is made of the sinews of the rein-deer, which being carefully separat- ed in the eating, are by the women, after soaking in water, and beating, spun into a sort of thread, of admirable fineness, and strength, when wrought to the small- est filaments ; but when larger, is very strong, and fit for the purposes of strength and force. Their wire, as it is called, is made of the finest of these threads, covered with tin. The women do this business, and the way they take is to melt a piece of tin, and placing at the edge of it a horn with a hole through it, they draw these sinewey threads, cover- ed with the tin, through the hole, which prevents their coming out too thick co- vered. This drawing is performed with their teeth : and there is a small piece of bone placed at the top of the hole, where the wire is made flat, so that we always find it rounded on all sides but one, where it is flat. This wire they use in embroi- dering their clothes as we do gold and silver ; they often sell it to strangers, un- der the notion of its having certain magi- cal virtues. WIT, a faculty of the mind, consisting, according to Mr. Locke, in the assembling and putting together of those ideas, with quickness and variety, in which any re- WIT semblance or congruity can be found, in order to form pleasant pictures and 8 agreeable visions to the fancy. This fa- culty, the same author observes, is just the contrary of judgment, which consists in the separating carefully from one ano- ther, such ideas wherein can be found the least difference, thereby to avoid being misled by similitude and affinity, to take one thing for another. It is the metaphor and allusion, wherein, for the most part, lies the entertainment and pleasantry of wit, which strikes so lively on the fancy, and is therefore so acceptable to all peo- ple, because its beauty appears at first sight, and there is required no labour of thought to examine what truth or reason there is in it. The mind without looking any further, rests satisfied with the agreeableness of the picture, and the gaie- ty of the imagination ; and it is a kind of affront to go about to examine it by the severe rules of truth or reason. Wit is also an appellation given to the person possessed of this faculty ; and here the true wit must have a quick succession of pertinent ideas, and the ability of arrang- ^ ing and expressing them in a lively and entertaining manner ; he must at the same time have a great deal of energy and de- licacy in his sentiments ; his imagination must be sprightly and agreeable, without any thing of parade or vaqity in his dis- course : bur it is not, however, essential to thecharacter of a wit, to be ever hunt- ing after the brilliant, studying sprightly turns, and affecting to say nothing but what may strike and surprise. WITENA-7«o/, or Whiten a gemote , among our Saxon ancestors, was a term which literall^'^ signified the assembly of the wise men, and was applied to the great council of the nation, of latter days called the parliament. WITHERINGIA, in botany, so named in honour of William Withering, M. D. F. R. S. a genus of the Tetrandria Mono- gynia class and order. Natural order of Luridsc. Solanese, Jussieu. Essential character : corolla subcampanulate, with four bumps in the tube ; calyx very small, indistinctly four-toothed ; pericarpium two-celled. There is only one species ; viz, W. solanacea, a native of South Ame- rica. WITHERITE, in mineralogy, a species of the genus Barytes : it is commonly of a light yellowish grey colour, usually mas- sive, but sometimes crystallized : specific gravity about 4.3. It melts without ad- dition before the blow-pipe into a white r WOA ejiamel. It dissolves with effervescence 311 acids: it consists, according^ to Klap- roth, of Carbonate of barytes . Carbonate of stronLian Alumina Willi iron . . . Carbonate of copper . . 98.246 . 1.703 . 0.043 . 0.008 100 000 But, according to other chemists, it consists of Barytes 74 5 Carbonic acid 25.5 100.0 woo WOLF. See Canis. "WOLFRAM, in mineralogy, is a spe- cies of stone of an intermediate colour between dark greyish black and brown^ ish black, sometimes inclining to velvet black. It occurs massive, and also crya» tallized ; specific gravity soinewhere be- tween 6 and 7. U decrepitates before the blow-pipe, and is infusible even with bo- rax. Specimens have been analyzed by several chemists : according to Klaproth and Vauquelin, it consists of Klaproth. Molybdic ac'td .,..,. 46 9 Oxide of Iron 31.2 Loss 21.9 100.0 It occurs in veins, heavy spar, lead glance, blende, and calamine, and is found in Lan- cashire. It is a very active poison, but com- bined with muriatic acid, it may be used with great caution in cases of scrophula. WlT^iESS, in law, one who is sworato give evidence in a cause. If a man be sub- pcEiijed as a witness upon a trial, he must appear in court on pain of 100/. to be forfeited to the king, and 10/ together \vith damages equivalent to the loss sus- tained by the want of his evidence to the party aggrieved. But witnesses ought to nave a reasonable time, that their attepassing over the ear, must raise up trains of visible and other ideas, by the power of association. Our next inquiry must be concerningthe words which denote either intellectual things, or collections of other words. Tenthly, the words wliich relate to the several passions of lo\e, hatred, hope, fear, anger, &c. being applied to the child when he is under the influence of these passions, get the power of raising up the ideas of those passions, and also the usual associated circumstances. The application of the same words to others helps also to annex the ideas of the asso- ciated circumstances to them, and even of the passions themselves, both from the infectiousness of our natures, and from the power of associated circumstances to i-aise the passions. The words, however, denoting the passions, do not, for the most part, raise up in us any degree of the passions themselves, but only the ideas of the associated circumstances. We are supposed sufficiently to under- stand the continued discourses into which these words enter, when we form true notions of the actions, particularly the visible ones, attending the feelings de- noted. Eleventhly, the names of intellectual and moral qualities and operations, stand for a description of these quaUties and operations ; and therefore, if dwelt upon, excite such ideas as these descriptions in all their particular circumstances do. But the common sentences into which these words enter, pass over the mind too quick, for the most part, to allow of such lielay. They are acknowledged as fami« liar and correct ; and suggest certain as- sociated visible ideas, and nascent inter- nal feelings, taken from the description of these names, or from the words which are usually joined with them in discourses and writings. Twelfthly, there are niany terms of art in all the branches of learning, which are defined by other words, and which, therefore, are only compendious substi- tutes for them. The same holds in com- mon life in numberless instances. Such words sometimes suggest the words of their definitions, sometimes tlie ideas of these words, sometimes a particular spe- cies comprehended under the general term, &c. But whatever they suggest, it may be easily seen, that they derive the power of doing it from association. Lastly, there are words used in abstract sciences which can scarcely be defined or described by other words, such as idettiity, existence^ &c. The use of these must therefore be learned, as that of the particles is. Indeed children learn their first imperfect notions of all the words considered in this and the last three pa- ragraphs, chiefly in this way ; and come to more precise and explicit ones only by means of books, as they advance to adult age, or by endeavouring to use them properly in their own deliberate compositions. From the foregoing train of reasoning, the following inferences may be drawn. 1. Including under the head of defini* tion, description, or any way of explain- ing a word by other words, excepting that by a mere synonymous term ; an3 t AVORDS. excluding from the head of ideas the vi- sible idea of the character of a word, and the audible one of its sound, and also all ideas Which are either extremely faint or extremely variable -, words may be dis- tinguished into the four following classes: 1. Such as have ideas only ; 2. Siicli as have both ideas and definitions; 3. Such as have definitions only ; 4. Such as have neither ideas nor definitions. It is difficult to fix precise limits to these four classes, so as to determine ac- curately where each ends and the next begins ; and if we consider these things in the most general way, there is per- haps no word which has not both an idea and a definition ; that is, which is not oc- Ciisionally attended with some one or more internal feelings, and whicl\ may not be explained, m some imperfect manner at least, by other words. How- ever, the following are some instances of words which have the fairest right to each class. The names of simple sensi- ble objects are of the first class. Thus while, sweety &c. excite ideas, but cannot be ; defined. Words of this class stand only for the stable parts of the respective ideas, not for the several variable parti- cularities, circumstances, and adjuncts, which here intermix themselves. The names of natural bodies, animal, vegetable, or mineral, are of the second class ; for they excite aggregates of sen- sible ideas, and at the same time may be defined by an enumeration of their pro- perties and characteristics. Thus like- wise geometrical figures have both ideas and definitions. The definitions, in both cases, are so contrived as to leave out all the variable particularities of the ideas, and also to be more full and precise than the ideas generally are in tlie parts which are of a permanent nature. Algebraic quantities, such as roots, powers, surds, &.c. belong to the third class; and have definitions only. The same may be said of scientifical terms of art, and of most abstract general terms, moral, metaphysical, and vulgar. How- ever, mental emotions are apt to attend some of these even in passing slightly over the ear, and these emotions may be considered as ideas belonging to the re- spective terms. Thus the very M'ords, gratitudey mercy y cruelty , treachery y Sec. separately taken, affect the mind; and yet, since all reasoning upon them is to be founded on their definitions, it seems best to refer them to this third class. Lastly, the particles, the, of, to, for, but, &c. have neitlier definition nor ideas, as we have limited those terms. 2. It will easily appear, from the ob« servations here mafle upon words, and the associations which adhere to them, that the languuges of different ages and nations must bear a great general resem- blance to each other, and yet have con- siderable particular differences ; whence any one may be translated into any other, so as to convey the same ideas in general, and yet not with perfect precision and exactness. They must resemble one: another, because the phenomena of na- ture which they are all intended to ex- press, and the uses and exigencies of hu- man life to which they minister, have a general resemblance. But then, as the bodily make and genius of each people, the air, soil, and climate, commerce, arts, sciences, religion, &c. make consid£rable differences in different ages and nations, it is natural to expect that the languages should have proportionable differences in respect of each other. In learning a new language, the words- of it are at first substitutes for those of our native language ; that is, they are as- sociated, by means of these, with the proper objects and ideas. When this association is sufficiently strong, the mid- dle bond is dropped, and the words of the new language become substitutes for, and suggest directly and immediately objects and ideas ; also clusters of other words in the same language. In learning a new language, it is much easier to translate from it into the native one, than back again ; just as young chil- dren are much better able to understand the expressions of others, than to express their own conceptions. And the reason is the same in both cases. Young chil^ dren learn at first to go from the words of others, and those who learn a new lan- guage, from the words of that language to the things signified. And the reverse of this, viz. to go from the things signified to the words, must be difficult for a time, from the nature of successive associations. It is to be added here, that the nature and connections of the things signified, often determine the import of sentences, though their grammatical analysis is not understood; and that we suppose the person who attempts to translate from a new language, i.s sufficiently expert in passing from the things signified to the corresponding words of his own language. The power of association is every where conspicuous in these remarks. 3. It follows also from the foregoing reasoning, that persons who speak the same language cannot always mean the same things by the same words, but must WORDS. Sometimes mistake each other's meaning. This confusion and uncertainty arise from the different associations transferred upon the same words by the difference in the accidents and events of our lives. It is, liowever, much more common in discourses concerning abstract matters, where the terms stand for collections of other terms, sometimes at the pleasure of tlie speaker or writer, than in the com- mon and necessary affaii-s of life ; for here frequent use, and the constancy of the phenomena of nature, intended to be expressed by words, have rendered their .-.ense determinate and certain. However, it seems possible, and even not very diffi- cult, for two truly candid and intelligent persons to understand each other upon any subject. That we may enter more particuiarly intothe causes of this confusion, and con- sequently be the better enabled to pre- vent it, let us consider words according to the four classes above mentioned. Now, mistakes will happen in words of the first class, viz. such as have ideas only, where the persons have associated these words with different impressions. And the method to rectify any mistake of this kind is, for each person to show with what actual impressions he has asso- ciated the word in question. But mis- takes here are not common. In words of the second class, xiz. such as have both ideas and definitions, it of- ten happens that one person's knowledge is much more full than another's, and consequently his idea and definition much more extensive. This must cause a mis- apprehension on one side, which yet may be easily rectified by recurring to the definition. It happens also sometimes in words of this class, that a man's ideas are not always suitable to his definition; that is, are not the same with those which the words of the definition would excite. If tlien this person should pretend, or even design, to reason from his definition, and yet reason from his idea, misapprehen- sion will arise in the hearer, who sup- poses him to reason from his definition merely. In words of the third class, which have definitions only and no immediate ideas,' mistakes generally ari.se through want of fixed definitions being muttially acknow- ledged and kept to. However, as imper- fect fluctuating ideas that have little re- lation to the definitions, are often apt to adhere to the words of this class, mis- takes must arise from this cause also. As to the words of the fourth class, or those which have neither ideas nor defi- nitions, it is easy to ascertain their use by inserting them in sentences where irnjxnt is known and acknowledged, this being the method in which children learn to decypher them ; so that mistakes could not arise in the words of this class, did we u.se moderate care and candour. And, indeed, since children learn the uses of words most evidently without having any data, any fixed point at all, it is to be hoped that philosophers and candid per- sons may learn at least tt) understand one another with facility and certainty ; and get to the very bottom of the connection between words and ideas. 4. When words have acquired any con- siderable power of exciting pleasant or painful feelings, by being often associat- ed with such things as do this, they may transfer a part of their ple;isures and pains upon indifferent things, by being at other times often associated with such. This is one of the principal sources of the several factitious pleasures and pains of human life. Thus, to give an instance from childhood, the words s-weety goody pretty, fine, &c. on the one hand ; and the words bad, ugly, f tight fid. Sec. on the other, being applied by the nurse and at- tendants in the child's hearing, almost promiscuously, and without those restric- tions that are observed in correct speak- ing ; the one set to all the pleasures, the otlier to all the pains, of the several sen.ses, must by association raise up ge- neral pleasant and painful feelings, in which no one part can be distinguished above the rest ; and when applied by further associations to objects of a neu- tral kind, they must transfer a general pleasui'e or pain upon them. 5. Since words thus collect ideas from various quarters, unite them together, and transfer them, both upon otlier \yords and upon foreign objects, it is evident that the use of words adds much to the number and complexity of our ideas, and is the principal means by which we make mental and moral improvement. This is verified abundantly by the observations which are made upon persons born deafi and continuing so. It is probable, how- ever, that these persons make use of some symbols to a.ssist the memory, and fix tl)e imagination ; and they must have a great variety of pleasures and pains transferred upon visible objects, from their associations with one another, and with sensible pleasures of all kinds ; but they are very deficient in tliis, upon the whole, through the want of the associa- WOR WRE tions of visible objects and states of mind, &c. with words. Learning to read must add greatly to their mental improvement ; yet still their intellectual capacities can- not but remain very narrow. Persons blind from birth must proceed in a manner different from that before described, in the first ideas which they affix to words. As the visible ones are wanting, tlie others, particularly the tan- gible and audible ones, must compose the aggregates which are annexed to words. However, as they are capable of leai*ning and retaining as great a variety of words as others, and can associate with them pleasures and pains from the four remain- mg senses, they fall little or nothing short of others in intellectual accomplishments, and may arrive even at a greater degree of spirituahty and abstraction in their complex ideas. 6. Hence it follows, that when children, or others, fii*st learn to read, the view of tfie words excites ideas only by tlie me- diation of their sounds, with which alone their ideas have hitherto been associated. And thus it is that children and illiterate persons best understand what they read by reading aloud. By degrees, the inter- mediate links being left out, the written or printed characters suggest the ideas directly and instantaneously; so that per- sons who are much in the habit of reading, understand more readily by passing over the words with the eye only ; since this method, by being more expeditious, brings the ideas closer together. How- ever, all are peculiarly affected by words pronounced in a manner suitable to their sense and design ; which is stUl an associ- ated influence. WORKING, in harvest. A person may go abroad to work in harvest, carrying with him a certificate from the minister, and one churchwarden, or overseer, that he hath a dwelling-house or place, in which he inhabits, and hath left wife and children, or some of them there, (or otherwise as his condition shall require) and declaring him an inhabitant there. WORMS. See Vehmes. Worm, in gunnery, a screw of iron, to to be fixed on the end of a rammer, to pull out the wad of a firelock, carabine, or pistol, being the same with the wad-hook, only the one is more proper for small arms, and the other for cannon. WoR.-M, in chemistry, is a long, wind- ing, pewter pipe, placed in a tub of water, to cool and condense the vapours in the distillation of spirits. Worm, a cable or hawser, in the sea VOL. VL language, is to strengthen it by winding a small line, or rope, all along between the strands. WORSTED, a kind of woollen thread, which, in the spinning, is twisted harder than ordinar^^. It is chiefly used either wove or knit into stockings, caps, gloves, or the like. WREATH, in heraldry, a roll of fine linen or silk (Uke that of a Turkish tur- ban) consisting of the colours borne in the escutchon, placed in an atchievement between the helmet and the crest, and immediately supporting the crest. WRECK, such goods as, after a ship- wreck, are cast upon the land by the sea, and left there within some county ; for they are not wrecks so long as they re- main at sea, being within the jurisdiction of the Admiralty. Various statutes have been made rela- tive to wreck, which was formerly a per- quisite belonging to the King, or by spe- cial grant to the lord of the manor. It is now, however, held, that if proof can be made of the property of any of the goods or lading which come to shore, they shall not be forfeited as wreck. By the 3 Edward, c. 4. the sheriff* of the county shall be bound to keep the goods a year and a day ; that if any man can prove a property in them, either in his own right, or by right of represents- tion, they shall be restored to him without delay. By statute 26 George II. c. 19, plun- dering any vessel, either in distress or wrecked, and whether any Uving creature be on board or not, or preventing the es- cape of any person that endeavours to save his life, or putting out false lights to bring any vessel into danger, are all de- clared to be capital felonies ; and by this statute, pilfering any goods cast ashore, is declared to be petty larceny. See Iksu- RA7«^C£ salvage, WREN (Sin Chkistopheh,) in biogra- phy, a great philosopher and mathemati- cian, and one of the most learned and eminent architects of his age, was the son of the Rev. Christopher Wren, Dean of Windsor, and was born at Knoyle, in Wiltshire, in 1632. He studied at Wad- ham College, Oxford, where he took the degree of Master of Arts, in 1653, and was chosen fellow of All Souls College there. Soon after he became one of that ingenious and learned society, who then met at Oxford for the improvement of natural and experimental philosophy, and which at length produced the Royal So- ciety. 4 F WREN. When very young, he discovered a sur- prising genius for the mathematics, in whicli science he made great advances before he was sixteen years of age. In 1657 he was made professor of astronomy in Gresham College, Loudon ; and his lectures, which were much frequented, tended greatly to the promotion of real knowledge. He proposed several me- thods by which to account for the sha- dows returning backward ten degrees on the dial of King Ahaz, by the laws of na- ture. One subject of his lectures was upon telescopes, to the improvement of which he had greatly contributed : an- other was on certain properties of the air, and the barometer. In the year 1658 he read a description of the body and different phases of the planet Saturn ; which subject he proposed to investigate, while his colleague, Mr. Rook, then pro- fessor of geometry, was carrying on his observations upon the satellites of Jupi- ter. The same year he communicated some demonstrations concerning cycloids to Dr. Wallis, which were afterwards published by the Doctor at the end of his treatise upon that subject. About that time also he resolved the problem pro- posed by Pascal, under the feigned name of John de Montford, to all the English mathematicians ; and returned another to the mathematicians in France, formerly proposed by Kepler, and then resolved likewise by himself, to which they never gave any solution. In 1660, he invented a method for the construction of solar eclipses; and in the latter part of the same year, he, witli ten other gentlemen, formed themselves into a society, to meet weekly, for the improvement of natural and experimental philosophy ; being the foundation of the Royal Society. In the beginning of 1661, he was chosen Savilian professor of astronomy at Oxford, in the room of Dr. Seth Ward ; where he was the same year created Doctor of Laws. Among his other accomplishments. Dr. Wren had gained so considerable a skill in architecture, that he was sent for the same year from Oxford, by order of King Charles the Second, to assist Sir John Denham, surveyor-general of the works. In 1663 he was chosen fellow of the Royal Society, being one of those who were first appointed by the council after the grant of their charter. Not long after, it being expected that the King would make the Society a visit, the Lord Brounker, then president, by a letter, requested the advice of Dr. Wren, concerning the ex- periments which might be most proper on that occasion : to whom the Doctor recommended principally the Torriceihau experiment, and the weather needle, as being not mere amusements, but useful, and also neat in their operation. In 1665 he travelled into France, to ex- amine the most beautiful edifices, and curious mechanical works there, when he made many useful observations. Upon his return home, he was appointed archi- tect, and one of tiie commissioners for repairing St. Paul's cathedral. Witliin a few days after the fire of London, 1666, he drew a plan for a new city, and pre- sented it to the King ; but it was not ap- proved by the Parliament, In this model the chief streets were to cross each other at right angles, with lesser streets between them; the churches, public buildings, &c. so disposed as not to interfere with the streets, and four piazzas placed at proper distances. Upon the death of Sir John Denham, in 1668, he succeeded him in the office of surveyor-general of the King's works, and from this time he had the di- rection of a great many public edifices, by which he acquired the highest repu- tation. He built the magnificent theatre at Oxford, St. Paul's cathedral, the Monu- ment, the modern part of Hampton Court, Chelsea College, one of the wings of Greenwich Hospital, the churches of St. Stephen Walbrook, and St. Mary-le-Bow, with upwards of sixty other churches and public works, which that dreadful fire made necessary. In the management of which business he was assisted in the measurements, and laying out of private property, by the ingenious Dr. Robert Hook. The variety of business in which he was by this means engaged requiring his constant attendance and concern, he resigned his Savilian professorship at Ox- ford in 1673, and the year following he received from the King the honour of knighthood. He was one of the commis- sioners who, on the motion of Sir Jonas Moore, surveyor-general of the ordnance, had been appointed to find out a proper place for erecting an observatory, and he proposed Greenwich, which,was approved of; the foundation-stone of whicli was laid the tenth of August, 1675, and the building was presently finished, under the direction of Sir Jonas, with the advice and assistance of Sir Christopher. In 1680 he was chosen president of the Royal Society ; afterwards appointed ar- chitect and commissioner of Chelsea Col- lege; and in 1684, principal officer or comptroller of the works in Windsor castle. Sir Christopher sat twice in Par- W«T WRI Jiament, as a representative for two dif- ferent boroughs. While he continued surveyer-general, his residence was in Scotland-yard ; but after his removal from that office, in 1718, he lived in St. James's street, Westminster. He died the twen- ty-fifth of February, 1723, at ninety -one years of age ; and he was interred with great solemnity in St. Paul's Cathedral, in the vault under the south wing of the choir, near the east end. WRIGHT (Edward,) in biography, a noted English mathematician, who flou- rished in the latter part of the sixteenth century, and beginning of the seventeenth. He was contemporary with Mr. Briggs, and much concerned with him in the bu- siness of the logarithms, the short time they were published before his death. He also contributed greatly to the improve- ment of navigation and astronomy. He was the first undertaker of that difficult but useful work, by which a little river is brought from the town of Ware in a new canal, to supply the City of London with water ; but by the manaruvres of others he was hindered from completing the work he had begun. For the improve- ment of the art of navigation he was ap- pointed mathematical lecturer by the East India Company, and read lectures in the house of that worthy knight, Sir Thomas Smith, for which he had a yearly salary of fifty pounds. This office he discharg- ed with great reputation, and much to the satisfaction of his hearers. He pub- lished in English a book on the Doctrine of the Sphere, which is very scarce and dear, and another concerning the con- struction of sun-dials. He also prefixed an ingenious preface to the learned Gil- bert's book on the load-stone. He pub- lished other works, and died in the year 1615. WRIT is the King's precept, whereby any thing is commanded touching a suit or action ; as the defendant or tenant to be summoned, a distress to be taken, a disseisin to be redressed, &c. And these writs are diversely divided ; some, in re- spect of their order or manner of grant- ing, are termed original, and some judi- cial. Original writs are those that are sent out for the summoning of the defen- dant in a personal, or the tenant in a real action, before the suit begins, or rather to begin the suit. The judicial writs are those which are sent out by order of the court, where the cause depends, upon occasion, after the suit begins. Original writs are issued out of the Court of Chancery, for the summoning a de- fendant to appear, and are granted before the suit is begun, to begin the same : and judicial writs issue out of the court wliere the original is returned, after the suit is begun. The originals bear date in the name of the King, but the judicial writs bear teste in the name of the chief jus- tice. Writ of inquiry of damages y a judicial writ that issues out to the sherifl", upon a judgment by default, in action of the case, covenant, trespass, trover, &c. command- ing him to summon a jury to inquire what damages the plaintifFhalh sustained occa. sioiie preemtssorum ; and when this is re- turned with the inquisition, the rule for judgment is given upon it, and if nothing be said to the contrary, judgment is there- upon entered. A writ of inquiry of damages is a mere inquest of office, to inform the conscience of the court ; who, if they please, may themselves assess the damages. And it is accordingly the practice in actions upon promissory notes and bills of exchange, instead of executing a writ of inquiry, to apply to the court for a rule to show cause why it should not be referred to the mas- ter, to see what is due for principal and interest, and why final judgment should not be signed for that sum, without exe- cuting a writ of inquiry : which rule is made absolute on an affidavit of service, unless good cause be shown to the con- trary. WRITER of the tallies^ an officer of the Exchequer, being clerk to the auditor of the receipt, who writes, upon the tallies, the whole letters of the teller's bill. See the articles Tally, Excheq.uer, &c. WRITING, origin of alphabetical. The history of the origin and progress of writ- ten languages is, in most of its stages, less enveloped in obscurity than that of oral language. Difficulties attend it in common with every inquiry into antiquity; but the data are more numerous and pro- gressive than the fleeting nature of audible signs would admit. The rudiments of the art of writing are very simple ; its advances towards the present state of im- provement, slow and gradual. Visible language first used marks as the signs of things ; and we can trace it through all its stages, from the simple picture, to^ the arbitrary mark for the elements of sound. The rudest species of visible commu- nication was, the variously coloured knot- ted cords of the Per'.ivians, called the quipos. They have been represented by WRITING. some authors as rcg-iilar annals of the em- pire ; but they might have some signifi- cancy by agreement; it is probable that without oral interpretation they would denote nothing more than that something was to be remembered, like the twelve stones in Joshua, iv. 21, 22. Robertson, with more probability, supposes that they were a device for rendering calcula- tion more expeditious and accurate ; that by the various colours, different objects were denoted ; and by each knot a dis- tinct number. This is rendered siill more probable by the circumstance, that picture-writing was used by the Peruvians; and, as the names of numbers must be denoted by arbitrary signs to render cal- culation at all extensive, this species of arbitrary sign might be more convenient for their rude arithmetic than any other. Picture-writing, such as was adopted by the Mexicans, is the first step of the pro- gress towards letter- writing. The sim- plest species was a mere delineation of the object to be denoted. Thus the North American Indians, when they went to war, painted some trees with the fi- gures of warriors, often of the exact number of the party ; and if they went by water, they delineated a canoe. Thus, too, the Mexicans, at the arrival of the Spaniards, sent large paintings on cloth as dispatches to Montezuma. The Mexicans had made some progress be- yond simple delineations; but of these their paintings are principally composed, and by a proper disposition of their fi- gures, they could exhibit a more complex series of events in historical order. Some very curious specimens of this picture- writing are preserved : the most valuable one has been ptiblished, and may be found in Purchas's " Pilgrim," or in Thevenot's *' Collection of Voyages." It is divided into three parts : the first is a history of the Mexican Empire ; the second is a tribute-roll ; and the third, a code of their institutions. The defects of this mode of communi- cation must have been early felt. Where applicable, it was tedious, and was con- fined to objects of sense. The human in- tellect, stimulated by the necessity of im- provement, would have proceeded through the same course in the New World as in the Old; but a stop was put to this progress by the destruction of the most cultivated empires. Picture writing, then the sim- ple hieroglyphic, then the symbolical hie- roglyphic, then the arbitrary character for words, and, lastly, for letters, was the evident progress of the mind. The aNfe^i- cans had actually, in some instances, pass- ed through all the intermediate stages ; though the short duration of their empire prevented them from extending these rudiments to a regular system. In the simple hieroglyphic, the principal part or circumstance of a subject is placed for the whole. In the historical painting be- fore mentioned, towns are uniformly de- noted by the rude delineation of a house, to which was added some distinguishing emblem : these emblems were denote- ments of their names, which were general- ly significant compounds. Kings and ge- nerals were in like manner denoted by heads of men, with similar emblematic marks conjoined. They also used the symbolical hieroglyphic to denote a con- queror : they placed a target with darts between the characters, for the king, and the cities which he had subdued. Their marks for months and other portions of time, for the air, the earth, &c. were sym- bolical ; and their cyphers are arbitrary characters : they painted as many small cu-cles as there were units to 20, which had its proper mark ; by the successive addition of these marks, they denoted numbers to 20 times 20, or 400, which again had its proper mark ; then by the successive addition of these, they denoted as far as 20 times 400, or 8000, which had a new character. Whatever their advan- ces, however, annals so conveyed must have been very imperfect ; and according- ly they took great pains to instruct the young to supply the deficiencies, and to remove the ambiguities, by means of tra- ditionary explanations. See Robertson's « America," vol. iii. p. 173—180 ; from whom, and Clavigero, this account is de- rived. Picture-writing and its contraction, which is denominated the simple hiero- glyphic, must be very inadequate for the purposes of communication. The figura- tive hieroglyphic would soon be adopted; for oral language must have made some progress, before the use of permanent vi- sible communication would be found ne- cessary, and, consequently, must have given metaphorical meanings to the names of sensible objects. We here speak of hieroglyphics as intended for the purposes of communicating, not of conceal. ing knowledge. It was long thought that the latter was the first and only purpose. Warburton has proved that this was not their first use, but that which was made of them in a later period, particularly WRITING.. •vhen the invention of letters had ren- dered the former purpose unnecessary. The simple hieroglyphic was, where the delineation of part of the object or action represented the whole. Thus the an- cient Egyptians painted a man's two feet in water, to denote a fuller; smoke as- cending, to denote fire ; two hands, one holding a buckler, the other a bow, to de- note a battle. The figurative hierogly- phic was of two kinds : one, v/here the instrument, real or supposed, was used to denote the performer, or the thing per- formed : the other, where one object was used to represent another, which had some real or supposed resemblance to it. Egyptian examples of the first kind are, an eye and a sceptre, to signify a king; a sword, a bloody tyrant ; the mouth, to denote speech or voice ; the sun and moon, as a symbol for succession of time; an eye placed in an eminent position, for the omniscience of God. Examples of the second are, a dog's head (as among the Chinese, a dog's voice), to denote sorrow ; dew falling from heaven to de- note science. To these may be added, as a mixed example, the inscription on the temple of Minerva at Sais ; where are found, engraved on the vestibule, the figures of an infant, an old man, a hawk and a fish, and a river horse ; the hawk and fish were the symbol for hatred, and the river horse for impudence : so that the literal translation would be, " young and old hate impudence," or still more literally, *' old man, infant, hatred, im- pudence." The Scythian king sent to Darius, a mouse, a frog, a bird, a dart, and a plough : if he had sent their deUnea- tions, it would have formed a similar spe- cimen of the hieroglyphic. Hieroglyphics would frequently be founded on the figures to which use had given currency in oral language. The procedure of the mind is the same in both ; and they would mutually influence each other. With respect to the simple hieroglyphic, as that was a mere con- traction of the full delineation in picture- writing, the only similarity we must ex- pect to find in language is the contrac- tion of words. Both were intended for the purpose of facilitating communica- tion, by increasing its rapidity. The first use of hieroglyphics was, to preserve the memory of events and insti- tutions ; such symbols, therefore, would first be adopted as were of obvious inter- pretation ; viz. those which were found- ed on prevailing opinions ; as, the hyena, for a man bearing his distresses with for- titude, and rising superior to them, be- cause the skin of that animal was suppos- ed to render the wearer dauntless and invulnerable ; on those founded on oral language, which would be intelligible, when the analogies which gave rise to them were forgotten. By degrees they were employed for the more refined pur- poses of philosophy ; and the analogies on which they were founded, would re- quire an acquaintance with the sciences from which they were deduced. Still nothing was done for concealment : at last superstition appropriated their use ; and after the invention of letters, they were employed to keep the mysteries of the priesthood from the eyes of the pro- fane vulgar. Their symbols were now formed of far-fetched resemblances ; a cat was used to denote the moon, from the sup - posed contraction or dilatation of the pu- pil of her eye, at different parts of the lunation. In common hieroglyphics, E- gypt was denoted by a crocodile ; in the sacred, by a heart on a burning censor. One animal, or other sensible object, was used to denote a variety of quahties ; and the same idea was denoted by various hieroglyphics. This has attached to the whole hieroglyph ical system the charac- ter of mystery : when we trace the pro- gress of the Chinese language, we shall have additional proofs of the injustice of this opinion. The exact manner of delineation would be tedious and voluminous. The more use was made of visible communication, the more we may expect to find the cha- racter, originally significant, become a mere arbitrary mark. In the early stages of the Egyptian hieroglyphics, considera- ble attention was paid to the outline and fining up of their figures. Afterwards a rude outline was sufficient ; and this was changed, for the convenience of the writer, till it lost every resemblance to the object it originally represented. Many changes in our own written charac- ter might be adduced, illustrative of this change from the dehneation to the cur- sive hieroglyphic. The mark for and, for instance, was once the correct pic- ture of et ; some forms show its origin, SiS & ; at present, in writing at least, it bears no features of rcsemblanae to its original. The use of the cursive hiero- glyphic would take olFthe attention from the symbol, and fix it upon the thing sig- nified : a progress which we equally ob- serve in oi-al language, where words, ori- ginally denotements of sensible objects, became the names for mental qualities WRITING. bearing some resemblance to wbat they before signified, and in many instances have been appropriated to the mental quality, without any reference to the ori- ginal meaning. Visible characters having become arbi- trary marks for ideas or words, two pro- cesses were pursued by different dis- tricts of Asia and Africa : the one was, to consider these characters as signs for sounds, and, by their intervention, of ideas ; the other; as signs for ideas with- out any reference to sounds. The latter was the procedure of the Chinese ; the former, of all nations who used alphabeti- cal characters. Oil the Chinese Language. "We come now to the consideration of a language singular in all its parts, and possessed of such peculiar features that it well deserves our attention. The writ- ten, language of the Chinese has passed through all the gradations which we have described : and from their pictures, char- acters have become mere arbitrary marks; these are employed, not as signs for sounds, but for ideas ; and their combi- nations and changes have no correspond- ing combinations and changes in the spo- ken language of China. Before the time of their first emperor, Folii, the Chinese are supposed to have employed knotted cords, like the Peruvians. Fohi intro- duced in their place horizontal lines ; (see Plate Miscel. fig. 14.) some whole, others divided ; and by their combination in threes, formed tlie text of the most an- cient Chinese work, called " Ye King." On these trigrams numerous commenta- ries have been written, some as early as 1100 years before Christ: they are sup- posed to contain, in afev/ lines, the most sublime truths, and are employed in di- vination ; but they are still unintelligi- ble. By Xin-nung, the successor of Fohi, sixty-four hexagrams (like those in fig. 15), were invented, which are supposed to contain the whole circle of human knowledge. It is thought that these characters were taken from the knotted cords, and it seems to us probable that they expressed no more. The time of their invention (which is carried back to the age of Noah), and their apparent in- adequacy to represent more than num- bers, renders it highly improbable that they were intended to denote the mys- teries of philosophy. The present nu- merals of the Chinese have an equal right to be esteemed the mysterious denote- ments of science. Whatever be the just- ness of this idea, it is certain that these trigrams and hexagrams are not the ori- gin of the present Chinese character. In numerous instances, the progress can be traced from pictures or symbols to the present form ; in some the connecting steps are lost, but the general inference is still a just one. The present form sel- dom presents any traces of its original. Tien (fig. 16), heaven, has no longer a natural or symbolical resemblance to the object ; but it was first represented by three curved lines (as in fig. \7), and, through the various changes in fig 1 8, it has arrived at its present form. Several other examples are given in the Philos. Trans, vol. fix. Before we advance further respecting the written language of the Chinese, it will be proper to attend a little to their oral language. This, as was observed in Language, is entirely monosyllabic ; and all the words may be expressed by an European consonant and a vowel, with the exception of about one-third, which end with «, either simple or nasal. A mo- nosyllabic language cannot be copious; and we expect to find it less so when the number of simple sounds are small. The Chinese have not the b, d, and r, of the Europeans ; and the number of their words is only 330. The capabilities of their oral language are, however, much extended by the variation their words undergo, by means of tone and other in- flexions of the voice. These changes re- quire a very discriminating ear to per- ceive, and very flexible organs to ex- press them ; but we know the power of habit, and can readily admit that thus the meaning of their words may be ex- tended, without confusion, even to things very opposite in their nature. When, liowever, we find (as Hagar informs us), that the same word often answers to six hundred different significations, accord- ing to the tone witli which it is pro- nounced, the place which it occupies, or the character by which it is expressed, we must suppose it impossible to avoid frequent ambiguity. Notwithstanding, however, all their changes in tone, &c. they have not more than 1,500 distinct sounds. Most nations liave improved their oral languages ; the Chinese have directed all their atten- tion to the improvement of their written language, and they have formed combi- nations in their characters without any corresponding combinations in their sounds. Their changes are totally inde- WRITING. pendent of each other ; and the former are understood, where the sounds corre- sponding to them are different from those o>' the Chinese. In this respect they may be compared to the arithmetical cyphers, &c. The character for tsai, calamity, is an example of tiiis independent combina- tion ; it is composed o^mien, a house, and boy fire. Our process is to join the oral words expressing the ideas we wish to combine ; and we should use mieiibo. We cannot easily and fully 'enter into this inde- pendency of character or sound, because all our words are more or less pictures of sound, and are so strongly associated with sound, that it is difficult to separate them completely, even in imagination. The Chinese, on the other hand, have no immediate connection between their words and their characters, so that it can- not be necessary in using their characters, to use the sounds at all. All the Chinese characters are compos- ed of 214 clefs or keys. These represent the most obvious and simple ideas ; and by their combinations are produced ex- pressions for the more refined and com- plex ideas. All these clefs were probably simple paintings, or symbols, and hence the whole written language may be fairly considered as deducible from the more obvious writing of the Mexicans and Egyptians. Indeed the resemblance be- tween the ancient Chinese characters and the Egyptian hieroglyphics is so striking, and this in cases where the analogy on which both were founded is not an obvi- ous one, that De Guignes considers them as certainly derived from the same source. These keys are at present formed from six simple strokes ; a horizontal line, two perpendicular (the one pointed, the other blunt at bottom) a point, a line curved to the right, and another to the left. The greater part of the keys have from two to seven strokes ; six only of one, and some have sixteen or seventeen. We are not however to suppose that the inventors of the Chinese characters fixed upon these six elements, and composed from them methodically. As the characters lost their correctness of delineation, the object was to faciliate the labour of writing. Art by degrees reduced all the characters to the simple strokes we have mentioned. These keys are either employed alone as a character serving to express an idea ; or differently combined in a group, form- ing a phrase expressive of the idea it is in- tended to communicate. Thus the cha- racter for night is composed of three cha- racters ; one signifying darkness, another the action of covering, the third signifying man, wnich, rendered literally, signifies darkness covering man ; a phrase per- fectly expressive, and similar to the lan- guage ol poetry. Both in fact issued " from the cradle of the human race.*" Fi- gurative language of this kind is much em- ployed in the scriptures : we admire it ; for it •' comes home to our business and our bosoms." It paints to our minds, and calls up their conceptions forcibly and correctly. Hence, though the offspring of necessity, it is justly esteemed a beauty, and wherever the language of feeling is employed, will generally be found a pre- vailing trait. We might suppose that, all the charac ters being thus composed, nothing more would be necessary, in order to under- stand them, than to know the elemen- tary characters ; but the analogy on which the composition is formed is of- ten extremely obscure, and often errone- ous. Their ancient principles of philoso- phy fufnished wide scope for combination; but these were generally ill founded. Other combinations acquire a knowledge of their ancient customs and popular su- perstitions. Hence the ease which we should in theory expect in understanding a language so regularly formed vanishes ; and an acquaintance with their whole round of physical and religious dogmata, with the fleeting customs and opinions of preceding ages, is necessary for a tho- rough acquaintance with the Chinese characters. This is not, however, entirely peculiar to the Chinese language. In order to trace the origin of words, the same re- ferences are often necessary ; but we have more frequently the requisite data. Can- didate signifies a person who offers him- self to fill a lucrative or honourable situ- ation ; the original meaning of the Latin Candidatus is a person dressed in white. The two ideas seem to have no connec- tion. The difficulty vanishes, however, when we learn that among the Romans all candidates wore white robes. In a si- milar manner we see no connection be- tween running, and wrapping up the feet; but pao, the Chinese character for run, is composed of two, one for the act of wrapping, the other for feet. The pro- bable connection is ascertained by the circumstance, that the savages of Louisi- ana, when about to undertake long marches, wrap up their feet to prevent their being torn. In the Chinese dictionaries the keys are placed in an invariable order, which soon becomes familiar to the student. The L ^VRITING. dHferent compounds each follow one another according to the number of strokes of which each consists. The meaning and pronunciation are given by means of two words in common use. When no one common word expresses the exact sound, it is communicated by two connected, with marks to show that the consonant of the first word and the vowel of the second, joined together, form the precise sound wanting. Thus, to ex- press the sound pien, pa and mien would be joined, with marks to denote the elision of the a and the m. ■ If the spoken language be scanty, this is not the defect of the written language. Their characters amount to 80,000. A considerable part of them, however, may be considered as synonima ; thus age may be expressed by a hundred different characters, and happiness may be traced into as many forms in expressing the ge- neral wish for it. Different sects have llieir own characters ; so that when a pro- per allowance is made, about 10,000 are sufficient for reading the best books of eacli literary period of their language. In alphabetical writing words may be read without the least knowledge of their meaning; in the hieroglyphical, the sound is less imimately connected with the visi- ble sign, and the character is studied and best learned by becoming acquainted with the ideas attached to it. But the terms of pliilosophy have been formed on that philosophy, so that a knowledge of the latter is necessary to a complete acquaintance with the former. These ideas we must call to mind when we hear that their most learned men are not ac- quainted with more than half of them. The knowledge of the whole round of Chinese science and literature must sure- ly be sufficient to occupy the life of the longest liver. Transitioit to Letters. Upon the principle that we ought not to suppose divine interposition, merely from the difficulty of accounting for a phenomenon, we should argue a priori that no divine interposition took place in the origin of alphabetical writing. As, tiowever, some presumptive arguments in favour of the affirmative side of the question liave been advanced by men of the first eminence, we shall state the most important of them, and after endea- vouring to lessen the difficulty they may present to our admission of the human origin of letters, we shall point out what appears to be the most probable ac- count of their invention. 1. It is urged that in order to give any plausibifity to the hypothesis of the hu- man invention of letters, it must be shown to be simple. Now if it were simple and obvious, it is highly probable that we should find instnnces of independent in- vention. But the fact is, that alphabeti- cal writing may be traced to one source. Two answers may be given to this ar- gument. First. There is' such a great dis- similarity among the Asiatic alphabets, that they cannot be proved to have issued from the same source. It must, however, be remarked, that the variations which we know to have taken place in numer- ous instances would destroy the fyrce of any objection that might occur from this decided dissimilarity,' if positive argu- ments were adduced to establish their identity of origin. But though these are apparently sufficient to render it proba- ble, yet this probability is not great enough to give much weight to the argu- ment in question. But even admitting its certainty, we may observe, secondly, that this can prove no more than the high antiquity of the invention. That it origi- nated before mankind were much separa- ted from each other ; and that the ground- work, laid by those who had made the greatest advances in cultivation, was built upon in different ways by those who af- terwards penetrated to the remoter parts ot the Continent. But it is urged, 2. That we not only have no instance of independent discovery, but have even the example of a nation which had no communication with those among whom it was first known, remaining in total ig- norance of it, and employing a procedure which now incapacitates them for the adoption of alphabetical writing. And the force of this objection is materially increased by the circumstance, that their writing, equally with the alphabetical, originated in the hieroglyphics, and ac- tually went through the same stages, viz. from the simple picture to the arbi- trary mark. The grand weight of the controversy appears to rest here. The difficulty this argument presents, may probably be obviated by the following considerations : First, The written language of China was cultivated more for tlie purpose's of literature and philosophy than for those of common life ; the combinations were formed by the literati, and it probably would not have been in tlieir power to WRITING. have carried these combinations into the oral language of the vulgar. Tliey might indeed have invented an oral language corresponding to their characlers ; but the genius of the Chinese seems rather to direct them to study than to conversa- tion. Tn order to render probable a transition from hieroglyphics to letters, we must suppose the spoken and the written lang-uage to have been connect- ed with each other, and to have had si- milar combinations. Now we may ob- serve, Secondly, That the spoken language of China did not at all favour the plan of making their characters representative of sound, for being all monosyllables, and not very numerous, there would not be the same call for attention to the elemen- tary sounds ; and what would still more prevent this direction of the attention, they did not vary the articulation but the tone, in order to express a variation of meaning. Add to this. Thirdly, 'I'he great extent of the em- pire of China and its dependencies, would cause a great variety in the dia- lect. This would contribute to increase the attention of their hterati to their written language, since this (as we have seen it actually is) might be understood independently of their words. Fourthly, If we admit the very proba- ble hypothesis of De Guignes, that the Chinese characters were brought from Egypt, and that they had originally no connection with the spoken language of the country into which they were im- ported ; — that, in fact, they were applied to denote names different from those with which they had been before con- nected ; — we shall perceive at once the reason why the combinations of the cha- racters were originally unaccompanied with corresponding combinations of sounds. After this there is no difficulty in admitting that the written must con- tinue independent of the spoken lan- guage, especially among people so little addicted to innovation as the Chinese. 3. It is urged that the invention of let- ters is ascribed to the gods by several of the ancients; that Pliny asserts the use of letters to have been eternal ; and that the Jewish doctors maintain that God created alphabetical writing. We say, in reply, that the Jews had no other records than our own. The an- cients were accustomed to ascribe to a divine origin every thing for which they could not account. As for Pliny, he ex- VOL, VI pressly says, that the Phenicians were famed as the inventors of letters. It must be remarked that these facts are adduced to prove that no records of the invention remain ; indirectly, there- fore, they favour the hypothesis of the divine origin of letters. If, however, the transition were simple and gradual, per- haps the era of invention could not have been fixed even by the nation in which it occurred. We have no more reason to expect records of the invention of letters than of the Egyptian hieroglyphics, or of the Chinese characters. The arguments a priori for the divine origin of letters, remain to be consider- ed. These are, the difficulty of the in- vention in any stage of human progres.«, and its antiquity, which very much in- creases the improbability of its human origin. 1. As to the difficulty of the invention, it is urged that we are to suppose that the inventors of letters decomposed the sounds of words not only into syllables, but into letters; that observing the com- ponent parts of syllables, and denoting them by appropriate marks, they used these marks for those elementary sounds in the visible representation of other words into which those sounds entered. This dissection of the articulate sounds of man, tracing them through all their various combinations, and denoting them by a few simple marks, whose combina- tions might express every possible com- bination of sound, supposes a habit of patient experimenting, of discriminating examination, and of exact classification, which ill accord with the uncultivated state of human intellect in the early pe- riod of society. But, 2. When we consider the antiquity of the use of letters, and find them in a state of perfection so early as the time of Mo- ses, this difficulty appears insuperable. We must admit that men, in the earliest ages, stepped at once from a tedious arid awkward, and frequently unintelligible mode of communication, to one which answers every purpose in the shortest way, and that, unlike all other Inven- tions, it was brought at once to such a state of perfection, that no succeeding alphabet has any real superiority over the ancient Hebrew. With respect to the difficulty of the in. vcntion, the objection loses all its force when a simple and easy procedure, pro- bable in the given circumstances, can be pointed out. To obviate the difficulty arising from the apparent perfection cif 4G WRITING. the most ancient alphabets, we may ob- serve, First, That in a perfect alphabet every letter should represent only one definite sound, and every kn9wn sound in the gi- ven langHage should have a correspond- ing letter. Now we have no instance of a perfect alphabet among modern lan- guages, and have therefore no reason to suppose that the first alphabet was per- fect. But even admitting that some of the ancient alphabets which have been trans- mitted to us were perfect, yet it must be observed. Secondly, Th'at no known alphabet, however ancient, is in the state of its ori- ginal invention. Cadmns, who was born in the east, carried with him into Greece sixteen letters only ; the least copious al- phabet we are acquainted with has twen- ty-two. It is not probable that Cadmus introduced fewer than he possessed; it is more probable that he invented new ones to express sounds which he found among the aborigines. It has generally been supposed of late, that alphabetical writing was formed from hieroglyphics ; but we have met with no one, except De Guignes, who has stated the steps of the transition in a satisfactory manner. " Perhaps," says this writer, " we have done too much honour to the inventor of letters, whoever he were, in supposing that be dissected the voice into two parts, and invented marks of two kinds, some to represent consonants, and others vowels." The following is, with some variations, the hypothesis of this writer. Hierogly- phics, with their exactness of delineation, lost their original significancy. This must first be the case with words of most fre- quent recurrence, and which entered most into combinations with oflier words; become simple denotements of sound, they were employed to express their respective sounds in combinations of other monosyllabic words, which, in like manner, had lost their original significan- cy. Hence, by degrees, they became re- presentative of the component parts of all words into which their respective sounds entered. They were always words, but very simple, consisting only of a consonant and a vowel. Variation in the pronunciation of the vowel would occur m different dialects, and hence these marks would be regarded as con- sonants capable of being diiferently mo- dified by simple vocal sounds. Letters, at first monosyllabic words, then became marks for the component parts of dissjl- labic or polysyllabic words ; and then for the unchangeable part of those syllables, that is, for consonants. In the most an- cient state of the oriental languages, vowel sounds had no distinct marks. In the latter, marks were joined to the con- sonants to express the different sounds witli which the radical consonant was in- vested. Among the western nations, u different procedure was adopted. In some cases they used the mark which they had received from the oriental na- tions for an aspirate and vowel, for the vowel itself; and having once commenc- ed the use of distinct marks for vowels, the procedure was continued, and nev, marks adopted to express noticed varia- tions of vocal sounds. In support of this statement, may be adduced the following observations : 1. We have seen that hieroglyphics did become significant of sounds ; and (see Language) that words, originally significant of one class of ideas, being ap- plied to a second, lost their connection with the former, and became directly sig- nificant of the latter. 2. We have reason to believe that words were originally monosyllabic in those nations where alphabetical writing was invented, and that the combination of old sounds, or the use of them, uncom- pounded to express new ideas, was the mode employed to extend the capabilities of their language. Hence the same word would frequently occur in combination, and though its different significations must originally have been represented by dif- ferent hieroglyphics, yet, as these los^ their significancy, they would easily be- come as extensive in their meaning as the sounds themselves. And it is obvious that the most simple of those hierogly- phics which were used for the same sound, would be employed to represent the sound. 3. It has been shown to be highly pro- bable, that originally every consonant had its vowel sound. Hence all syllables might be represented by two, or at most three, European letters. This circumstance would materially diminish the varieties of syllabic sounds. 4. The probability of the theory ad- vanced depends greatly upon the hypo- thesis, that originally letters were syllabic. The following facts appear to prove this : The ancient oriental alphabets had no de- notements for vowels, and even if tills be disputed, it must be admitted that they had many words into which none of the supposed vowel marks entered. The WRITING. Ethiopian alphabet is entirely syllabic. The simple letters denote a consonant and a short a, and marks were added io them to denote other vowels where used. What is doubly singular, they have in many cases added marks to these syllabic characters, to denote they have no vowel belonging to them. In the Coptic and Arabic there are syllabic characters. The alphabets of the eastern Asiatics are prin- cipally syllabic, some with 6, others with S, joined to a consonant. These circum- stances render probable the account here given of the transition from hieroglyphics to letters. The following observations more completely ascertain its high proba- bility. 5. The letters of some of the ancient alphabets have so great a resemblance to the hieroglyphical characters ; indeed are such exact transcripts of them, that a sim- ple inspection is sufficient to convince us that hieroglyphics were the origin of let- ters. I'his, however, proves little as to the invention of alphabetical writing, ex- cept that it was subsequent to the use of hieroglyphics. But, 6. These characters, in many instances, retained their original significancy, which proves them to have been, asDe Guignes supposes, denotements for words. We must not expect to find this significancy in all words of which they form compo- nent parts ; but in such only in whose visi- ble representation the original hierogly- phic formed a component part. Now we must observe, first, that the names of several of the oriental letters are still by themselves significant, and that some of these letters are similar to the Chinese clefs, which have the same signification. Thus the ^ yod signifies the hand. Its form, in some alphabets, resembles the Chinese character for hand. The i daleth of the Hebrews, Phenicians, and Ethi- opians, signifies a gate, and the action of opening. The hieroglyphic which among the ancient Chinese represented a gate, is exactly similar to this letter. The £) phi of the Hebrews and af of the Ethi- opians signify the mouth. The Chinese characters for the mouth all resemble it. The p ain signifies the eye. The Phenici- ans and the Cliinese employed the out- line of the eye as a denotement of the ob- ject. The ij? shin in Hebrews signifies the teethy and its figure is still found among the Chinese with the same signification. The D *""« signifies -water. I'he corres- ponding Samaritan and Ethiopian cha- racters have a strong r#semblance to the Chinese hieroglyphic for water. Lastly, the N aleph (originally perhaps signifying ox) signifies nnrVj/, the action of conducting , pre-emiTience. The Phenician form of this exactly represents the Chinese character for on£, and every action by luhich ive are at the head of others. But these letters are not only significant by themselves, but secondly in combinations. Thus ^ was expressed by the monosyllable ya, ye, or you ; to this another monosyllable, which had equally a signification relative to the figure, being added, formed a word of two syllables. For instance, instead of the present denomination of *i daleth, we may reasonably suppose its original sound to have been da. The word n^ yada, hiero- glyphically represented by a gate and a handy is found in the Hebrew with a signi- fication derived from that of the letters composing it ; to cast out (as we might say, hand him to the door), to extend. Add to this the word y ain (originally probably sounded ho), which signifies the eye, and we have ^ad.y be stamped after the exe- cution, on payment of the duty and ten pounds penalty only, for each skin there- of: but in case it 'shall be' satisfactorily proved to the Commissioners of stamps, that the same hath been so ingrossed ei- tlier by accident or inadvertency, or from urgent necessity, or unavoidable circum- stances, and without any intention of fraud, the Commissioners are authorized to stamp the same within sixty days after the execution, to remit the penalty in part, or in all, and to indemnify persons so ingrossing the same* WULFENIA, in botany, so named from the Rev. Francis Xavier Wulfen, a genus of the Diandria Monogynia class and order. Essential character : corolla tubular, ringent, with the upper lip short, entire, the lower three-parted, with the aperture bearded ; calyx five-parted ; capsule two-celled, four-valved. There is only one species, viz. W , carinthiaca, a native of Carinthia, on the highest Alps. WURMBEA, in botany, so named in, honour of Frederick Baron Van AVurmb, a genus of the Hexandria Trigynia class and order. Natural order of Coronariae. Junci, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx none ; corolla six-parted, with a hexangu- lar tube; filaments inserted into the throat. There are three species. WYTE, or WiTE, in our ancient cus- toms, a pecuniary penalty or nmlct. The Saxons had two kinds of punishments, were and xvi/te ,- the first for the more grievous ofT'ences. The wyte was for the less hei- nous ones. It was not fixed to any cer- tain sum, but left at liberty to be varied according to the nature of the case. Hence also wyte, or wittree, one of the terms of privilege granted to our sportsmen, signi- fying a freedom or immunity from fines or amerciaments. X. Xor T, is the twenty-second letter of 3 our alphabet, and a double conso- nant. It was not used by the Hebrews or ancient Greeks ; for as it is a compound letter, the ancients, who used great sim- plicity in their writings, made use of, and expressed this letter by its comi)onent letters cs. Neither have the Italians this letter, but express it by ss. X begins no word in our language but such as are of Greek original, and is in few others but what are of Latin derivation, as perplex^ reflexion, defluxton, &c. We often express this sound by single letters, as cks in backs, necks ; by ks in books, breaks ; by cc in access, accident ,- by ct in action, mic- tion, &c. In numerals it expresses 10, whence in old Rom. n manuscrips it is used for denarius ,- and as such seems to be made of two V's placed one over the other. When a dash is added over it, thus XJ it signifies ten thousand. XANTHE, in botany, a genus of the Dioecia Syngenesia class and order. Es- sential character : flowers dioecious ; ca- lyx five, six-parted, permanent; corolla five, six-petalled ; males with one fila- ment, bearing five anthers, collected into a shield-shaped head ; females with five barren anthers; capsule globose, crowned with tlie stigma, five -striated, five-valved ; seeds very many, involved in the pulp. There are two species, viz. X. quapoya, and X. panari. XANTHIUM, in botany, a genus of the Monoecia Pentandria class and order. Na- tural order of Compositse Nucamentaceae. Corymbiferze, Jussieu. Essential charac- XIP XYL ter : male, calyx common, imbricate ; co- rolla one petalled ; five-cleft, funnel-form ; receptacle chafFy; female, calyx involucre, two-leaved, two-flowered ; corolla none ; 4rupe dry, riuricated, two cleft ; nucleus two-celled. There are five species. XANTHORHIZA, in botany, a genus of the Pentandria Polyg-ynia class and or- der. Natural order of Ranunculace3e, Jussieu. Essential character : calyx none; petals five ; nectary five, pedicelled ; cap- sule five, one-seeded. There is only one species, viz. X. apiitolia, a native of North America. XANTHOXYLUM, in botany, a genus . of the Dioecia Pentandria class and order. Natural order of Hedei-acese. Terebinta^ ceae, Jussieu. Essential character: calyx five-parted ; corolla none ; female, pistil five ; capsule five, one-seeded. There is but one species, viz. X. clava herculis, tooth-ache tree ; it grows naturally in Pennsylvania and Maryland. XERANTHEi\IUM, in botany, a genus of the Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua plass and order. Natural order of Com- positae Discoideae. Corymbiferae, Jussieu. Essential character: calyx imbricate, ray- ed, witii the ray coloured ; down brisde- shaped; receptacle chafTy. There are twenty-seven species. XIMENIA, in botany, so named in ho- nour of the Rev. Father Francis Ximenes, a Spaniard, a genus of the Octandria Mo- nogynia class and order. 2\' atural order of Aurantia, Jussieu. Essential character: calyx four-cleft; petals four, hairy, rolled back; drupe one-seeded. There are three species. XIPHIAS, the s~iVord-Jishy in natural history, a genus of fishes of the order Apodes. Generic character : head with the upper jaw ending in a sword-shaped snout ; mouth without teeth ; gill-mem- brane eight-rayed ; body roundish, with- out scales. There are three species ; X. gladeus, or the common sword-fish, is of the length of twenty feet, and is particu- larly distinguished by its upper jaw being stretched to a considerable distance be- yond the lower, flat above and beneath, but edges at the sides, and of a bony sub- stance, covered by a strong epidermis. It is a fish extremely rapacious, and finds in the above instrument a weapon of at- attack and destruction able to procure it the most ample supplies. It first trans- fixes its prey with this snout, and then devours it. It is found in the .Mediterra- nean, chiefly about Sicily, and is used as food by the Sicihans, who preserve it for a long time by salting it in small pieces. See Pisces, Plate VI. fig. 5. X. platypterus, or the broad-finned sword-fish, is found in the Northern, At- lantic, and Indian Seas, and is considered as one of the most fatal enemies of the whale tribe. Its strength is so great, that it is said to have pervaded with its snout, or sword, the plank of an East Indiaman % and a plank and snout in attestation of this circumstance, the latter closely driven into the former, are to be seen in the British Museum, having been communi- cated to Sir Joseph Banks by an East India Capiain, of honour and veracity. When young this fish is used for food, but not after it exceeds four or five feet in length. XIPHlDIUM,in botany, a genus of the Triandria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Ensatse. Irides, Jussieu. Essential character : corolla six-petalled, equal ; capsule superior, three-celled, many-seeded. There are two species, viz. X. album and X. cseruleum. XYLOCARPUS, in botany, a genus of the Octandria Monogynia class and order. Essential character : calyx four-toothed ; corolla four-petal led; nectary eight-cleft ; filaments inserted into the nectary: drupe juiceless, large, four or five-grooved ; nuts eight or ten, difForm. There is but one species, viz. X. granatum, a native of the East Indies. XYLOiVlELUM, in botany, a genus of the Tetrandria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Proteae, Jussieu. Essential character : ament with a simple scale ; petals four, staminiferous ; stigma club-shaped, obtuse. This is one of twenty new genera from the South Seas : the characters of which are given by Dr. Smith. XYLON. See Gosstpium. XYLOPHYLLA, in botany, seaside lau- rel, a genus of the Pentandria Trigynia class and order. Natural order of Tricoc- cae. Euphorbias, Jussieu. Essential cha- racter : calyx five-parted, coloured ; co- rolla none ; stigmas jagged ; capsule three-celled ; seeds two. There are se- ven species. XYLOPIA, in botany, bitter-w6od, a ge- nus of the Polyandria Polygynia class and order. Natural order of Coadunatsc. Anonae, Jussieu. Essential character: calyx three-leaved ; petals six ; capsule one or two-seeded, four-cornered, two- valved ; seeds arilled. There are three species. XYLOSMA, in botany, a genus of the Dioecia Polyandria class and order. Es- sential cliaracter ; calyx four or five-part- ed; corolla none, biit a small annular crenulate nectary surrounding the sta- YAR YEA mens: male, stamens twenty to fifty ; fe- male, style scarcely any ; stigma trifid ; berry dr}', subbilocular; seeds two, three- sided. There are two species, viz. X. suaveolens and X. orbiculatum. XYRIS, in botany, a genus of the Tri- andria Monogynia class and order. Natu- ral order of Ensatae. Junci, Jussieu. Essential character : coroUa three-pe- talled, equal, crenate; glumes, two-valved in a head ; capsule superior. There are four species. Y TOr 5', the twenty-third letter of our ^alphabet : its sound is formed by ex- pressing the breath with a sudden expan- sion of the lips from that configuration by by which we express the vowel u. It is a consonant in the beginning of words, and placed before all vowels, as in yard, yields youngy &c. but before no consonant. At the end of words it is a vowel, and is sub- stituted for the sound of /, as in tryy descry^ &c. In the middle of words it is not used so frequently as i is, unless in words de- rived from the Greek, as in chyle, empy- real, &.C. though it is admitted into the middle of some pure English words, as in dy^'^gi fyi''^^S* ^c. Y is also a numeral, signifying 150, or, according to Baronius, 159 ; and with a dash a-top, as Y, it signi- fied 150,000. YACHT, or Yatch, a vessel with one deck, carrying from four to twelve guns. YARD, a measure of length used in England and Spain, chiefly to measure cloth, stuffs, &c. See Measure. Yard land is taken to signify a certain quantity of land, in some counties being fifteen acres, and in others twenty ; in some twenty-four, and in others thirty and forty acres. Yards of a ship, are those long pieces of timber which are made a little taper- ing at each end, and are fitted each athwart its proper mast, with the sails made fast to them, so as to be hoisted up, or lowered down, as occasion serves. They have their names from the masts to which they belong. There are several sea terms relating to the management of the yards ; as, square the yards; that is, see that they hang right across the ship, and no yard-arm traversed more than another: top the yards; that is, make them stand even. To top the main and fore yards, the clew- lines are the most proper ; but when the top-sails are slawed, then the top-sail- sheets will top them. Yard arm is that half of the yard that is on either side of the mast, when it lies athwart the ship. Yards also denotes places belonging to the navy, where the ships of war, &c. are laid up in harbour. There are, belong- ing to his Majesty's navy, six great yards, ■w/z. Chatham, Deptford, Woolwich, Ports- mouth, Sheerness, and Plymouth ; these yards are fitted with several docks, wharfs, launches, and graving places, for the building, repairing, and cleaning of his Majesty's ships ; and therein are lodged great quantities of timber, masts, plaiks, anchors, and other materials : there are also convenient store-houses in each yard, in which are laid up vast quantities of cables, rigging, sails, blocks, and all other sorts of stores, needful for the royal navy. YARE, among sailors, implies ready or quick ; as, be yare at the helm ; that is, be quick, ready, and expeditious at the helm. It is sometimes also used for bright by seamen : as, to keep his arms yare ; that is, to keep them clean and bright. YARN, wool or flax spun into thread, of which they weave cloth. YEAR, the time that the sun takes to go through the twelve signs of the zodi- ac. See CHRONOLOGr. Year and Day, is a time that deter- mines a right in many cases ; and in some works an usurpation, and in others a prescription ; as in case of an estray, if the owner, proclamation bein^ made, challenge it not within the time, it is for- feited. So is the year and day, given in case of appeal ; in case of descent after entry or claim ; if no claim upon a fine or writ of right at the common law ; so if a villain remaining in ancient demesne ; of a man YEA YES sore bruised or wounded ; of protections'; essoigns in respect of the King's service ; of a wreck, and divers other cases. Years, estate for. Tenant for term of years is, where a man letteth lands or te- nements to another, for a certain term of years agreed upon between tiie lessor and lessee ; and when the lessee entereth by force of the lease, then he is tenant for term of years. If tenements be let to a man for term of half a year, or for a quarter of a year, or any less time, this lessee is respected as tenant for years, and is styled so in some legal proceedings, a year being the shortest term which the law in this case takes n(3tice of. Generally, every estate which must ex- pire at a period certain and prefixed, by whatever words created, is an estate for years, and therefore this estate is fre- quently called a term, because its duration or continuance is bounded, limited, and determined. For every such estate must have a certain beginning and certain end. If no day of commencement be named in the creation of this estate, it begins from the making or delivery of the lease. A lease for so many years as such an one shall live, is void from the beginning, for it is neither certain, nor can it ever be re- duced to a certainty, during the continu- ance of the lease. And the same doc- trine holds, if a parson make a lease of his glebe for so many years as he shall continue parson of such a church, for this is still more uncertain. But a lease for twenty or more years, if the parson shall so long live, or if he shall so long con- tinue pai-son, is good ; for there is a cer- tain period fixed, beyond which it cannot last, though it may determine sooner, on the parson's death, or his ceasing to be parson there. An estate for yeare, though never so many, is inferior to an estate for life. For as estate for life, though it be only for the life of another person, is a freehold ; but an estate, though it be for a tliousand years, is only a chattel, and reckoned part of the personal estate. For no estate of freehold can commence in futtivoy be- cause it cannot be created at common law without livery of seisin, or corporal possession of the land ; and coi-poral pos- session cannot be given of an estate now, which is not to commence now, but here- after. And because no livery of seisin is necessary for a lease for years, such a les- see is not said to be seised, or to have true legal seisin of the lands. Nor, in- deed, doth the bare lease vest anv» estate in the lessee, but only gives him a right of entrv on the tenement, which right is called his interest in the term ; but when he has actually so entered, and thereby accepted the grant, the estate is then, and not before, vested in him, and he is pos- sessed, not properly of the land, but of the term of years, the possession or sei- sin of the land remaining still in him who has the freehold. YELLOW earthy named by Werner, gelberde, is of a yellow ochre colour, of various degrees of intensity. It is mas- sive, soft, and friable : it adheres strongly to the tongue, and feels greasy. It oc- curs in beds with iron-stone in Upper Saxony, and is employed as a yellow pig- ment. Yellow, JVaples, a fine pigment, so called from the city in which it was long prepared. It has the appearance of an earth, is very friable, heavy, porous, and not altered by exposure to the air. The preparation is kept a secret, but by ana- lysis it is found to be a metallic oxide. A similar pigment may be produced by mixing twelve parts of ceruss ; three of diaphoretic antimony, and of alum and sal-ammoniac one part each ; heat thera for some time to a temperature below redness, and afterwards in a red heat for three hours longer, after which the mass will have acquired a beautiful yellow colour. YEOMAN, is defined to be one that hath fee land of 40^. a year ; who whs thereby, heretofore, qualified to serve on juries, and can yet vote for knights of the shire, and do any other act where the law requires one that is probus et legalis homo. Below yeomen are ranked tradesmen, ar- tificers, and labourers. YEST, Yeast, orBARM, a head, or scum rising upon beer or ale, while working or fermenting in the vat. See BnEwise, FKRMEIfTATTOy, &C. It is used for a leaven or ferment in the baking of bread, as sening to swell or puff it up very considerably in a little time, and to make it much lighter, softer, and more delicate. When there is too much of it, it renders the bread bitter. See Bakixo and Bread. Yeast consists of gluten, sugar, and mucilage, with some alcohol, and a por- tion of malic, acetic, and carbonic acids ; but the essential parts of yeast are gluten mixed with a vegetable acid ; and there- fore dried yeast, which must have lost some of its component parts, is fit for fer- mentation equally with that which is fresh and new. ZAN YEW. SeeTAxtTs. YTTRIA. See Itthta. YUCCA, in botany, Adam's needlcy a ge- nus of the Hexandria Monog-ynia class and order, Natural order of Coronariae. Lilia, Jussieu. Essential character : co- rolla bell-shaped, spreading ; style none; capsule three-celled. There are four species. YUNX, the Tvrt/.neck, in natural history,^ a genus of birds of the order Picae. Ge- neric character; bill somewhat round, slightly incurvated and weak; nostrils bare and rather concave; tongue long, slender, and armed at the point ; tail of ten flexible feathers ; feet formed for climbing; toes two before and two be- hind. There is only one species. Y. torquilla, or the wry -neck, is allied in some respects to the wood-pecker, and in others to tlie cuckow. It is about the size of a lark, and its colours, though not glaring, are mingled with extreme neat- ness, and even elegance. It makes no nest, but lays eight or ten eggs on the bare wood in hollow trees. In E.igland it is a bird of passage, generally appear- ing about ten days befL" e the cuckow. Its food consists chiefly of ants, which, during incubation, the male may be ob- served carrying to the female. The young on experiencing any annoyance, utter a hissing noise, which excites the idea of some venomous reptile, and has fre- quently proved their security from de- struction. At the end of summer the wry-neck is extremely plump and fai, and is considered by some as little infe- rior to the ortolan for the table. It is never seen in flocks, and in pairs only during the spring and summer, after which each individual has its solitary, haunt in that country, and withdraws un- accompanied in its flight in its winter mi- gration. z. ZOr z, the twenty-fourth and last let- 9 ter, and the nineteenth consonant of our alphabet ; the sound of which is formed by a motion of the tongue from the palate downwards, and upwards to it again, with a shutting and opening of the teeth at the same time. This letter has been reputed a double consonant, having the sound ds ,- but some think with very little reason ; and, as if we thought other- wise, we often double it, as in puzzle, muzzle^ &c. Among the ancients, Z was a numeral letter, signifying two thousand, and, with a dash added a-top, Z signified two thousand times two thou- sand, or four millions. In abbreviations, this letter formerly stood as a mark for several sorts of M^eights : sometimes it signified an ounce and a half, and, very frequently, it stood for half an ounce ; sometimes for the eighth part of an ounce, or a dram troy weight; and it has, in earlier times, been used to ex- press the third part of one ounce, or eight scruples. ZZ were used by some of the ancient physicians to express myrrh, and at present they are often used to signify zinziber, or ginger. ZAFFER. See Cobalt. ZAMIA, in botany, a genus of the Ap- pendix Palmac class and order. Natural order of Palm ae. Filices, Jussieu. Essen- tial character : male, ament strobile-.shap- ed ; scales covered with pollen under- neath : female, ament strobile-shaped, with scales at each margin ; berry solita- ry. There are five species. ZANNICHELLIA, in botany, so named in honour of Giov. Jeronymo ZannichelR, a genus of the Monoecia Monandria class and order. Natural order of Inundatsc. Naiades, Jussieu. Essential character: male, calyx none ; corolla none : female, calyx one-leafed ; corolla none ; germs four or more ; seeds as many, pedicelled; stigmas peltate. There is only one spe- cies, viz. Z, palustris, horned pondvveed, a native of Europe. ZANONIA, in botany, so named in me- mory of Giacomo Zanoni, prefect of the botanic garden at Bologna, a genus of the Dioecia Pentandria class and order. Na- tural order of Cucurbitaceac, Jussieu. Essential churact-r : calyx three-leaved ; corolla five-parted : female, styles three ; berry three-celled, inferior ; seeds two in ZEN ZEN each cell. There is but one species, viz. Z. indjca, a native of Malabar. ZEA, in botany, a genus of the Monoe- cia Triandria class and order. Natural order of Gramina or Grasses. Essential character : males in distinct spikes ; ca- lyx glume two- flowered, awnless; corolla glume two-flowered, awnless : female, ca- lyx glutiie one-flowered, two-valved ; co- rolla glume four-valved ; style one, fili- form, pendulous; seeds solitary, im- mersed in an oblong receptacle. There is but one species, viz. Z. mays, Indian corn, or maize, and several varieties. The Indians in New England, and many other parts of America, had no other vegetable but maize, or Indian corn, for making their bread. They call it weacliin, and in the United States of America, there is much of tlie bread of the country made of this grain, not of the European corn. In Italy, Germany, Spain, and Portugal, maize constitutes a great part of the food of the poor inhabitants. The ear of the maize yields a much greater quantity of grain than any of our corn-ears. There are commonly about eight rows of grain in the ear, often more, if the ground is good. Each of these rows contains at least thirty grains, and each of these gives much more flour than a grain of any of our corn. The grains are usually either white or yellowish ; but sometimes they are red, bluish, greenish, or olive-co- loured, and sometimes striped and varie- gated. This sort of grain, though so es- sentially necessary to the natives of the place, is yet liable to many accidents. It does not ripen till the end of September ; so that the rains often fall heavy upon it while on the stalk, and birds in general peck it when it is soft and unripe. Nature has, to defend it from these accidents, co- vered it with a thick husk, which keeps off slight rains very well; but the birds, if not frightened away, often eat through it, and devour a great quantity of the grain. ZEBRA. See Eautis. ZENITH, in astronomy, the vertical point ; or a point in the heavens directly over our heads. The zenith is called the pole of the horizon, because it is ninety degrees distant from every point of that circle. See Pole and Hem zoir. Zj:t(iTH-distance is the complement of the meridian altitude of any heavenly ob- ject ; or it is the remainder, when the meridian altitude is subtracted from nine- ty degrees. ZENO, in biography, a Greek philoso- pher of considerable eminence, was born VOL. VI. in the isle of Cypi-us. He was founder of the Stoics, a sect which had its name from tliat of a portico at Athens, where Zeno was accustomed to deliver his dis- coui-ses. The father of our philosopher was a merchant, but readily seconded his son's inclinations, and devoted liim to tl>e pursuits of literature. In the way of bu- siness he had frequent occasion to visit Athens, where he purchased for his son, several of the most renowned works of the celebrated Socratic philosophers. These Zeno read with avidity, and deter- mined to visit the city where so much wisdom was found. Upon his first arri- val in Athens, going accidentally into the shop of a bookseller, he took up tlie commentaries of Xenophon, with the pe- rusal of which he was so much delighted, that he asked the bookseller where he might meet with such men. Crates, the cynic philosopher, was at that moment passing by ; the bookseller pointed to him, and said, follow that man. He im- mediately became his disciple, but was soon dissatisfied with his doctrine, and joined himself to other philosophers, whose instructions were more accordant to his way of thinking. Zeno staid long with no master ; he studied under all the most celebrated teachers, with a view of collecting materials from various quar- ters for a new system of his own. To this Polemo alluded when he saw Zeno coming into his school ; " I am no stran- ger," said he, " to your Phenician arts, I perceive that your design is to creep slily into my garden, and steal away the fruit." From this period Zeno avowed his intention of becoming the founder of a new sect. The place wliich he chose for his school was the painted porch, the most famous in Athens. Zeno excelled in that kind of subtle reasoning which was in his time very popular. Hence, his followers were very nurtierous, and from the highest ranks in society. Among these was Antigowus Gonates, king of Macedon, who earnestly solicited him to go to his court He possessed so large a share of estw^em among the Athenians, that, on account of his integrity, they deposited che keys of their citadel in his hands : they also honoured him with a golden crown and a statue of brass. He hveJ to the age of 98, and at last, in con- sequence of an accident, voluntarily put an end to his life. As he was walking in his school, he fell down and broke his finger, by which, it is said, he was so much affected, that, striking the earth, he exclaimed, « Wliv am I thus impor- 4H ZEU ZIN limed ? I obey thy summons," and imme- diately went and strangled himself. In morals, the principal difference between tlie cyiiics and the stoics was, that the former disdained the cultivation of na lure, the latter affected to rise above it. In physics, Zeno received his doctrine from Pythagoras and Heraclitus, through the channel of the Platonic school. See AcAj)E]MiEs, Cynics, &c. ZEOLITE, in mineralogy, a species of the flint genus, divided into five subspe- cies, viz. the mealy, fibrous, radiated, fo- liated, and cubic zeolite, distinguished from each other by fracture, hardness, and lustre. The mealy is yellow, or red- dish-white, is found in Iceland, Ferro islands, Sweden, and in some parts of Scotland, particularly in the isle of Skye ; it consists of Silica 50 Alumina 20 Lime 8 Water 22 100 The other sub-species vary in their proportions of the same substances. The cubic intumesces like borax before the blow-pipe, and melts readily into cellular glass, and during fusion emits a phospho- ric light. With acid it forms a jelly. It occurs in rocks of the newest floetztrap, (see Rock) as amygdaloid, basalt, wacce, porphyry, slate, and greenstone. All the different sub-species of zeolite are found in Scotland, and in the neighbouring islands. They are also met with in great perfection and beauty in Iceland, the Ferro islands, and in several parts of Swe- den ; and in many parts of Germany, and in the East Indies. ZEUS, the dory^ in natural history, a genus of fishes oi* the order Thoracici. Generic character: head compressed, sloping down ; upper lip arched by a transverse membrane ; tongue in most species subulate ; body compressed, bi'oad, somewhat rhomboid, thin, and of a bright colour, gill-membran^ with se- ven perpendicular rays, the lowest trans- verse; rays of the first dorsal fi^ fila- mentous. There are eight species, of whicli the following are the principal. , Z. faber, or the common dory of Eu- rope, has a large oval dusky spot on each side of the body, and is generally about thirteen inches lon^, though often far iQuger, and even weighing ten or twelve pounds. It is found in the Northern, Mediterranean, and Atlantic Seas, is ex- tremely voracious, and subsists on in- sects, smaller fishes, and ova. It is in the higliest estimation for the table in Eng- land, but was little used before the mid- dle of the last century. See Pisces, Plate VI. fig. 6. Z. insidiator, or the insidious dory, in- habits the fresh waters of India, and is distinguished by its mouth being more lengthened than that of any other species The lower lip is said to be at pleasure contracted into a tube, through which this fish darts the fluid it takes in at the gills at various insects near the surface, thus embarrassing their wings, and sus- pending their flight, under which circum- stances they easily become its prey. ZIERIA, in botany, so named in me- mory of John Zier, a genus of the Tetran- dria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Rutacese, Jussieu. Essential cha- racter : calyx four-parted ; petals four ; stamina smooth, placed on glands ; styles simple ; stigma four-lobed ; capsules four, united ; seeds arilled. This is one of the twenty new genera from the South Seas, the characters of which are gpiven by Dr. J, E. Smith. It is distinguished by having each of the stamens inserted into a large gland, and consists of shrubs with oppo- site, ternate leaves, and white flowers. ZINC, in chemistry and mineralogy, a metal unknown to the ancients,though they were acquainted with calamine, one of its ores, and the effect which this had in con- verting copper into brass. Zinc has usu- ally been ranked among those metals, which, from their imperfect ductility and malleability, were long denominated semi- metaJs. It was known, that by uniform pressure zinc might be extended into thin plates, and more lately, it has been dis- covered, that, at a certain temperature, it has so much malleability and ductility, that it can be lamellated, and drawn into wire. For this invention a patent has been obtained by Messrs. Hobson and Sylvester, to the latter of whom this work has been indebted for certain articles. See the PaEFACE. The temperature at which zinc pos- sesses these properties is between 210® and 300° of Fahrenheit, and by keeping it in an oven at this heat, it may readily be extended. By annealing, it retains this tenacity as to be easily bent. At a higher temperature it is brittle, so as to fall to pieces under the hammer. Zinc is of a white colour, with a shade of blue ; in u fresh fracture it is possessed of considcra- ZINC. h]e lustre. It is hard, and not easily cut with a knife. The specific gravity is nearly 7.2. The ores of zinc are cala- mine and blende. See Calamixahis. Ca- lamine is an oxide, frequently with a por- tion of carbonic acid ; blende is a sulphu- ret, containing also some iron, and other extraneous matters. The ores of zinc are found in many countries, and in a number of mines in this country. The metal is obtained from the ore by distillation. Zinc is melted by a moderate heat, and the fused mass, on cooling, forms regular crystals. Though scarcel)- altered by ex- posure to the air at a low temperature, yet it is rapidly oxydized by one amounting to ignition. When kept in a degree of heat barely sufficient for its fusion, zinc, becomes covered with a grey oxide. But when thrown into a crucible, or deep earthen pot, heated to whiteness, it sud- denly inflames, burns with a beautiful white flame, and a white and light oxide sublimes, having a considerable resem- blance to carded wool. This oxide, how- ever, when once deposited, is no longer volatile ; but, if exposed to a violent heat, runs into glass. Zinc readily dissolves in sulphuric, nitric, and muriatic acids. With nitric acid, it yields nitrous gas, if the acid be concentrated ; or nitrous oxide, if diluted. Sulphuric and muriatic acids, diluted with water, evolve, during their action on this metal, hydrogen gas ; and the gas, when obtained, holds in combi- nation a portion of the metal. A stream of it has been found, if recently prepared, to occasion the fusion of the platina wire, though the pure gas is destitute of this property. This hydrogen gas, holding zinc in solution, may also be obtained by a process of Vauquelin. A mixture of the ore of zinc, called blende, or calamine, with charcoal, is to be put into a porce- lain tube, which is to be placed horizon- tally in a furnace, and, when red-hot, the vapour of water is to be driven over it. The gas that is produced, however, is a mixture of carbonic acid, carburetted hy- drogen, and hydro-zincic gas. The zinc is deposited on the surface of the water, by which this gas is confined ; but, if burned when recently prepared, the gas exhibits, in consequence of this impreg- nation, a blue flame. The solution of zinc in sulphuric acid shoots into regular crystals. This salt is readily soluble, and its solution is not precipitated by any other metal. The muriate of zinc yields, when evaporated, an extract of thick consistence, having the viscidity of bird- lime. Zinc is nxvdized al.so, when boiled with solutions of pure alkalies; and a por- tion of the oxide is retained in solutiofi. It is oxydized when mixed with nitre, and projected into a red-hot crucible. In this case a violent detonation ensues. . Zinc combines with almost all the me- tals, and some of its alloys are of great importance It may be united to gold in any proportion by fusion. The alloy is the whiter and the more brittle, the greater quantity of zinc it contaijis. An alloy, consisting of equal parts of these metals, is very hard and white, receives a fine polish, and does not tarnish readily. It has therefore been proposed as very proper for the specula of telescopes. One part of zinc is said to destroy the ductility of one hundred parts of gold. Platinum combines very readily with zinc. Tiie alloy is brittle, pretty hard, very fusible, of a bluish-white colour, and not so clear as that of zinc The alloy of silver and zinc is easily produced by fu- sion. It is brittle, and has not been applied to any use. Zinc may be combined with mercury, either by triturating the two metals together, or by dropping mercury into melted zinc. This amalgam is solid. It crystallizes when melted, and cooled slowly into lamellated hexagonal figures, with cavities between them. They are composed of one part of zinc, and two and a h^If of mercury. It is used to rub on electrical machines, in order to excite electricity. Zinc combines readily with copper, and forms one of the most useful of all the me- tallic alloys. The metals are usually com- bined together by stratifying plated of copper, and a native oxide of zinc com- bined with carbonic acid, called calamine, and applying heat. When the zinc does not exceed a fourth part of the copper, the alloy is known by the name of brass. It is of a beautiful yellow colour, more fusible than copper, and not so apt to tar- nish. It is malleable, and so ductile, that it may be drawn out into wire. Its density is greater than the mean. It ought to be by calculation 7.6y but it actually is SA nearly, so that its density is increased by about one-tenth. When the alloy contains three parts of zinc and four of copper, it assumes a colour nearly the same with gold, but it is not so malleable as brass. It is then called pinchbeck, prince's me- tal, or Prince Rupert's metal. Brass was known, and very much valued, by the ancients. They used an ore of zinc to form it, which 'they called cadmia. Dr. Watson has proved that it v as to brass Of TBM ""^ u'niriTBRSITT' ZIZ ZON that they gave the name of orichalcum. Their xs wass copper, or rather bronze. It is very difficult to form au alloy of iron and zinc. Malouin has shown that zinc may be used instead of tin to cover iron plates, a proof that there is an affi- nity between the two meials. Tin and zinc may be easily combined by fusion. 'I'he alloy is much harder than zinc, and scarcely less ductile. This alloy is often the principal ingredient in the compound called pewter. ZINNIA, in botany, so named in ho- nour of John Godofr. Zinn, a genus of the Syngenesia Polygamia Superliua class and order. Natural order of Compositae Op- positifolix. Corymbiferae, Jussieu. Es- sential character : calyx ovate, cylindri- cal, imbricate ; florets of the ray five, permanent, entire ; seed down, with two erect awns; receptacle chaffy. There are five species. ZIRCON, in mineralogy, the name of a genus, containing two species, viz. hya- cinth and zircon: the former will be found in the alphabetical ari'angement; we therefore proceed to the species zircon, the chief colour of which is grey ; but it occurs through all the varieties of green, blue, red, yellow, and brown. It is found commonly in roundish angular pieces, which have almost always rounded angles and edges. It is likewise crystallized. Specific gravity about 4.6. The constitu- ent parts are, according to Klaproth, Zirconia^ 69.0 Silica .' 26.5 Oxide of iron 0.5 Loss 4.0 100.0 It is infusible without addition by the blow pipe ; with borax it forms a colour- less glass. It is found in Ceylon, in the sand of a river, accompanied by crystals of spinelle, tourmahne, ceylanite. It is also found in America; Mr. Solomon Con- rad of Philadelphia discovered' it near Trenton, New Jersey. It is frequently cut as a precious stone, and employed for various purposes, particularly as an orna- ment in mourning dress. When it is cut it exhibits, though in a very faint degree, the play of colours of the diamond. Some of the varieties are frequently used by watchmakers in jewelling watches. ZIZANIA, in botany, a genus of the Monoecia Hexandria class and order. Na- tJu-al order of Gramina. Graminese, Jus- sieu. Essential character: male, calyx none ; corolla glume two-valvcd, awnless, mixed with the females ; female, calyx none ; corolla glume two-valved, cowled, awned ; style two-parted ; seed one, clothed Willi the plaited corolla. Tiiere are two species ; viz. Z. aquatica, and Z. terrestris. ZIZIPHORA, in jjotany, a genus of the Diandria Monogynia class and order. Natural order of Verticillatse. Libiatx, Jussieu. Essential character ; calyx fili- form ; corolla ringent, with the upper lip bent back and entire ; seeds lour. There are four species. ZODIAC, in astronomy, a broad circle, whose middle is the ecHptic, and its ex- tremes two circles, parallel thereto, at such a distance from it, as to bound or comprehend tiie excursions of the sun and planets. The sun never deviates from the mid- dle of the zodiac, *. e. from the ecliptic, but the planets all do more or less. Their greatest deviations, called latitudes, are the measure of the breadth of the zodi- ac, which is broader or narrower, as the greatest latitude of the planets is made more or less ; accordingly some make it sixteen, some eighteen, and some twenty degrees broad. The zodiac, cutting the equator obliquely, makes an angle there- with of about 23^°, which is what we call the obliquity of the zodiac, and is the sun's greatest declination. The zodiac is divided into twelve por- tions, called signs, and those divisions or signs are denominated from the constel- lations which anciently possessed each part ; but t!»e zodiac being immoveable, and the stars having a motion from west to east, those constellations no longer correspond to their proper signs, whence arises what we call the precession of the equinoxes. ZOEGEA, in botany, a genus of the Syngenesia l*olygamia Prustraoea class and order. Natural order of Compositse Capitatae. Cinarocephalse, Jussieu. Es- sential character : calyx imbricate; corolla of the ray ligulate ; dow« bristle-shaped ; receptacle bristly. There is but one spe- cies, viz. Z. leptaurea, a native of the Le- vant. ZOISITE, in mineralogy, is of a grey- ish colour. It occurs massive, and in crystals, which are imbedded. It occurs in primitive mountains, principally in quartz with mica. This fossil is placed between the axinite and pistazile, and connects both species together. ZONE, in geography and astronomy. zoo zoo a division of the terraqueous globe, with respect to the different degrees of heat ibund in the different parts thereof. A zone is the fiflh part of the surface of the earth, contained between two parallels. The zones are denominated torrid, frigid, and temperate. The torrid zone is a band surrounding the terraqueous globe, and terminated by the two tropics. Its breadth is 46'^ 58'. The equator running through the middle of it, divides it into two equal parts, each containing 23° 29^. The ancients imagined the torrid zone uninhabitable. The temperate zones are two bands, environing the globe, and con- tained between the tropics and the polar circles : the breadth of each is 43° 2^. The frigid zones are segments of the sur- face of the earth, terminated, one by the antarctic, and the other by the arctic cir- cle. The breadth of each is 46° 58^ ZONITES, in natural history, a genus of insects of the order Coleoptera : anten- nae testaceous ; four feelers filiform ; jaw entire, longer than the feelers ; lip emar- ginate. There are eight species, found chiefly in \»arm countries. ZOOLOGY, constitutes that branch of natural history which relates to animals. Various methods of arrangement have, by different naturalists, been devised to render this branch of study easy of com- prehension, and familiar to the minds of those who wish for a general view of ani- mated nature. We shall, in this article, give an outline of the Linnaean system, which has, in the various departments of the British Encyclopedia, been adopted, as most generally approved by philoso- phers of all countries. Linnaeus divides the whole animal king- dom into six classes, the characters of which are taken from the internal struc- ture of the being treated of. It may be observed, that a considerable portion of the bulk of animals is composed of tubu- lar vessels, which originate in a heart : the heart propels through the arteries, with the assistance of their own muscu- lar powers, either a colourless transpa- rent fluid, or a red blood, into the ex- tremities of the veins ; through which it again returns to the origin of motion. Insects and worms have their circulating fluids a little warmer than the surround- ing medium, and in general it is colour- less ; but insects have legs furnished with joints, and worms have nothing but sim- ple tentacula at most, in place of legs. Fishes have cold red blood, which is ex- posed to ihe air contained in water by means of their gills. Amphibia receive the air into their lungs, but their blood is likewise cold, and in both fishes and am- phibia the heart has only two regular ca- vities, while that of animals wiili warm blood has four. Of the latter, the ovipar- oiis are birds, and are generally covered with feathers ; the viviparous are either quadrupeds or cetaceous animals, and are furnished with organs for suckling their young. See Physiology. Each of the classes of animals is sub- divided by Linnaeus into different orders: for a scientific account of these orders, and also of the classes from whence they spring, the reader is referred to the seve- ral heads of the Dictionary in the alpha- betical order : and here we shall take a cursory view of the subject, in order to give, in a short compass, a sort of outline of the science. The first class, denominated Mamma- lia, from the female's suckling its yoimg, comprehends all viviparous animals with warm blood. These, with very few ex- ceptions, have teeth fixed in their jaw bones; and from the form and number of these teeth, the orders are distinguished, except that of cetaceous fishes, which is known by the fins that are found in the place of feet. The distinctions of the teeth are somewhat minute, but they ap- pear to be connected with the mode of life of the animal, and they are tolerably natural. The first order, Primates, con- tains man, monkeys, and bats : the second, Bruta ; among others, the elephant, the rhinoceros, the ant-eater, and the orni- thorynchus, an extraordinary quadruped, lately discovered in New Holland, with a bill hke a duck, and sometimes teeth in- serted behind it; but there are some sus- picions that the animal is oviparous. The order Ferae contains the seal, the dog, the cat, the lion, the tiger, the weasel, and the mole, most of them beasts of prey ; the opossum and the kangaroo also belong to this order, and the kangaroo feeds on ve- getables, although its teeth are hke those of carnivorous animals. The fourth or- der, Glires, comprehends beavers, mice, squirrels, and hares : the fifth, Pecora, camels, goats, sheep, and horned cattle. The sixth order, Belluze, contains the horse, the hippopotamus, and the hog. The cetaceous fishes, or whales, form the se- venth and last order ; they reside in the water, enveloped in a thick clothing of tat, that is, of oily matter, deposited in cells, which enables their biood to retain its temperature, notwithstanding the ex- ternal contact of a dense medium consi- derably colder. ZOOLOGY Birds are distinguished from quadru- peds by their laying eggs ; they are also generally feathered, although some few are rather hairy, and instead of hands or fore-legs, they have wings. Their eggs are covered by a calcareous shell ; and they consist of a white, or albumen, which nourishes the chick during incuba- tion, and a yolk, which is so suspended within it, as to preserve the side on which the little rudiment of a chicken is situa- ted, continually uppermost, and next to the mother that is sitting on it. The yolk is, in great measure, received into the abdomen of the chicken a little before the time of its being hatched, and serves for its supj)ort, like the milk of a quadruped, and like the cotyledons of young plants, until tlie system is become sufficiently strong for extracting its own food out of the ordinary nutriment of the species. Birds are divided, according to the form of their bills, into six orders : Acci- pitres ; as eagles, vultures, and hawks. Picse; as crows, jackdaws, humming birds, and parrots. Anseres ; as ducks, swans, and gulls. Grallje ; as herons, woodcocks, and osti'iches. Gallin about the year 1713. ARIANS. For defence of low Anan- ism, read, defence of Arianism. ASTROXOMY. In the fourteenth page of tliis article, near the top of the first column, read, instead of what is there found, " The diameter at the poles is r,893 EngUsh miles ; at the equator it is 7,928 miles." CAULIS is referred to from Acaulosk ; the reference should have heen made to the article Botany. CONCHA. Instead of this, the refer- ence should have been to Shell. Cork laws is referi'ed to from the arti- cle BouNxr ; the reference should have been to the article Conx trade. COUTCHOUC. Head Caoutchouc CYCLE is referred to from Calkndaii, but the reference should have been made to Chronologt, where an account of the several cycles will be found. EQUA TONAL. Read EauATORiAL. FISHING Jlies have been referred to from the article Angling, and being omit- ted in the alphabetical order, we add in this place, that a fishing fly is a bait used in angling for various kinds offish. The fly is either natural or artificial. The chief of the natural flies are the ** stone fly," found under hollow stones at the sides of rivers, between April and July ; it is brown, with yellow streaks, and has large wings; the " gi'een drake," found among stones by river sides; it has a yellow body ribbed with green, it is long and slender, with wings like a butterfly, and is common in the spring: "the oak fly," found in the body of an oak or ash, is of a brown colour, and common during the summer months: tl)e "palmer fly," or worm, foimd on the leaves of plants, when it assumes the fly state from that of the caterpillar ; it is much used in trout fishing : the " ant fly," found in ant hills from June to September: the "May fly" is to be found playing at the river side, especially before rain : and the " black flvj" which is to be found upon every hawthorn after the buds are off. VOL. VI. There are two ways to fish with natural flies, either on the surface of the water» or a Uttle underneath it. In angUng for roacli, dace, &c, the fly should be allowed to glide down the stream to the fish ; but in very still water the bait may be drawn by the fish, which will make him eagerly pursue it. There are many sorts of artificial flies to be had at the shops ; they are made in imitation of natural flies, and the rules fot using them are as follow. Keep as far from the water's edge as may be, and fish down the stream with the sun at your back ; the line must not touch the water. In clear ri . ers the angler must use small flies with slender wings, but in muddy waters a larger fly may be used. Aftet rain, when the waters are muddy, an orange coloured fly may be used with advantage : in a clear day, the fly must be light coloured, and in dark waters the fly must be dark. The line should in ge- neral be twice as long as the rod : but, after all, much will depend on a quick eye and active hand. Flies made for catching salmon must have their wings standing one behind the other. This fish is said to be attracted by the gaudiest co- lours that can be obtained ; the wings and tail should be long and spreading. FRANKS, or frankijig letters, which ought to have been included in the article Post-Office, is a privilege that has been enjoyed by members of parliament from the first institution of the post-office. Tlse original design of this exemption was, that they might correspond freely with their constituents on the business of the nation. For many years it was sufficient to frank a letter or packet, that any member of parliament subscribed his name at the bottom of the cover. By degrees, how- ever, this privilege was so much abused, that it was enacted that no letter should pass free, unless the whole direction was in the hand writing of the member, and his subscription annexed : a subsequent act obliges the member to write not only the full direction, but to note the town at which the office is where the letter is sent from. A member of parliament can 41 CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. frank only ten letters on each day, and receive fifteen free of postage : each of which must weigh less than one ounce. GAURS. This word having been re- ferred to, it is necessary to mention tliat the Gaurs are an ancient sect of magicians in Persia, where they are employed in tlie meanest offices, and vilest drudgery. They are said to be harmless in their manners, zealous in their opinions, rigo- rous in their morals, and exact in their dealings. They profess the worship of one God alone, the belief of a resurrec- tion and a future judgment, and utterly detest all idolatry. Ihey perform their acts of worship in the presence of fii'e, for which they have much veneration, regarding it as the most perfect emblem of the living and invisible God. They exhibit the same marks of respect for Zoroaster that the Jews have for Moses, esteeming him as a prophet sentfrom God. GUIAC. Read Guaiacum. HOWITZ, or Howitzer, in miUtary affairs, a kind of mortar mounted upon a field carriage like a gun. The difference between a mortar and a howitzer is, that the trunnions of the first are at the end, and of the other in the middle. The in- vention of howitzers is of mucli later date than that of mortars. The construction is various, but the chamber is always cy- lindrical. They are distinguished by the diameter of the bore. A battery of howitzers is formed in the same way as a gun-battery, only the embrazures are at least a foot wider, on account of the short- ness of the howitzer. JESUITS. In this article, for Loyoly and 1738, read Loyola and 1538. LINARIA has been referred to from LiNKET, which is a species of Fuingilla, and under that article the description will be found. MUSTELA has been referred to from Feuket, &c. but the reference should have been to Viverua, where the princi pal species are described. NAZARENES, in church history, has been referred to from the article Ehio- NiTES ; and being omitted in its pi'oper place, we may observe here, tliat it was a name originally applied to Christians in general, as followers of Jesus of Naze- reth; but was afterwards restrained to that sect, who endeavoured to blend the institutions of the mosaic law with those which are peculiar to the gospel. NECROMANCY being referred to, we define the term^s a species of pretended divination, performed by raising the dead, and extorting answers from tliem. PERSICA was referred to from Necta- rine, but the reference should have been to Amigdalus, of which genus the per- sica, or nectarine, is only a species. PRINTING, stereotype. In the second paragraph, for by the Jesuits, read say the Jesuits. See Steueotype. STAMP duties, a brand) of the piiblic revenue, raised by requiring that all deeds or documents, in order to be valid, shall be written on paper or parchment bear- ing a public seal, for which a tax is pa\d. This mode of taxation was introduced into England in 1671, by " an act for laying an imposition on proceedings at law ;" but the act in 1694^ibr imposing several du- ties upon vellum, parchment and paper, may be considered as the commencement of the present Stamp Office, as a particu- lar set of commissioners was then ap- pointed for managing the duties. These duties at first were to continue only for a limited period, but about the year 1698 several new ones were granted, to conti- nue for ever, to which, additions, almost without end, have, at different .times, been since made, as will appear from the following statement. The total gross produce of the stamp duties, in the year 1713, was 107,779/., the charges of ma- nagement of which amounted to 14,296/., leaving a nett produce of only 93,483/. In 1723 the nett produce had increased to 130,409/. ; and it seldom exceeded this amount till 1757, when some new stamp duties were imposed, by which the total nett amount of this revenue was increased to 267,725/.: In 1766 it amounted ti> 285,266/. ; and no material additions were made till towards the conclusion of the American war. In 1782, a duty was im- jiosed on fire-insurances, which, though not actually collected by means of stamps, was classed with the stamp duties. In 1784, additional duties were laid on gold and silver plate. In 1785, duties were laid on post-horses, quack medicines, game licenses, attorneys' licenses, and pawnbrokers; all of which were deemed stamp duties, and considerably augmented the annual amount. But a far greater in- crease took place in the course of the war which began in 1793, during which new- stamp duties were imposed on receipts, bills of exchange, attorneys' articles, sea-r insurances, licenses to wear hair-powder, horse dealers' hcenses, legacies, hats, stage-coaches, deeds, armorial bearings, small notes, medicines, and several other articles, which soon increased this branch of the revenue to more than double its former amount ; and it is a mode of tax- CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. atiojl, which it is in general so difficult to evade, and is attended with such a com- paratively small expense in collecting, that there can belittle doubt that it will be extended as far as possible. The total produce of stamp duties of Great Britain the year ending in January, 1806, was 4,194,285/. 12*. lO^d. This sum was subject to some deductions, but when these were made, the produce was little less than four millions sterling. The expense of collection amounts to 3^ per cent, on the gross revenue. The follow- ing are some of the principal stamp duties in which the public are most interested, payable after the 10th of October, 1808. RECErPTS, BILLS OF EXCHAJTGE, &C. /. 8. d. Seceipt for the payment of mo- ney amounting to 21. and under 10/. 0 0 2 To 10/. and under 20/ 0 0 4 To 20Z. and under 501 0 0 8 To 50Z. and under 100/. .... 0 1 0 To 100/. and under 200/. ... 0 2 0 To 200/. and under 500/. ... 0 3 0 To 5001. or upwards 0 5 0 In full of all demands 0 5 0 N. B. Any general acknowledgment of the settlement of any account or debt, where the amount is not specified, is liable to the duty of 5s. Inland Bill of Exchange^ draft, or order for payment to bearer, or order, on de- mand, or otherwise : /. s. d. Amounting to 40s. and not ex- ceeding 51. 5s 0 1 0 Above 51. 5s. to 30/ 0 1 6 Above 30/. to 50/ 0 2 0 Above 50/. to 100/. 0 3 0 Above 100/. to 200/ 0 4 0 Above 200/. to 500/ 0 5 0 Above 500/. to 1,000/ 0 7 6 Above 1,000/. to 3,000/. .... 0 10 0 Above 3,000/. 1 0 0 N. B. Every species of order or receipt, which, oeing given as a consideration for money, enables the payee to receive the sum expressed therein from a third per- son, is considered as a bill of exchange ; excepting drafts to bearet^ on demcmd,drsiwn on any banker residing witliin 10 miles of the place where the same is drawn, pro- vided the ])lace be specified thereon. Bank bills and bank post bills, and bills drawn for wages, &c. of navy and army, are exempted from the duty. Foreign Bill of Exchange^ if drawn sin- gly, the same duty as the inland bill. Drawn in sets : for every bill of each set not /. 8. d. Exceeding 100/ 0 1 0 Above 100/. to 200/. 0 2 0 Above 200/. to 500/ 0 3 0 Above 500/. to 1,000/ 0 4 0 Above 1,000/ to 3,000/ 0 5 0 Above 3,000/ 0 10 0 Promssory JVote to bearer on demand, (intended to be re-issued :) Is. d. Not exceeding 1/. Is 0 0 4 Above 1/. Is. to 2/. 2s 0 0 8 Above 2/. 2s. to 5/. 5s 0 1 0 Above 51. 5s. to 20/. 0 1 6 Above 20/. to 30/. 0 3 0 Above 30/. to 50/. 0 4 6 Above 50/. to 100/ 0 7 6 Promissoi^ JVote in any other manner than to bearer on demand, (not re-issua- ble:) /. s. d. Amounting from 40s to 51. 5s. 0 1 0 Above 51. 5s. to 301. 0 1 6 Above 30/. to 50/ 0 2 0 Above 50/. to 100/. 0 3 0 Promissory j\^ote, either to bearer on de- mand, or in any otlier manner, (not re- issuable :) /. s. d. Above 100/. to 200/. 0 4 0 Above 200/. to 500/. 0 5 0 Above 500/. to 1,000/. .... 0 7 6 Above 1,000/. to 3,000/. .... 0 10 0 Above 3,000/. 1 0 0. PROBATES OF WILLS, OB LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. /. S. Above tlie value of 20/. and un- der 100/. 0 10 Of lOO/.and under 200/. .... 2 0 200/ 300 5 0 300 450 8 0 450 600 11 0 600 800 15 0 800 1,000 22 0 1,000 1,500 30 0 1,500 2,000 40 0 2,000 3,500 50 0 3,500 5,000 60 0 5,000 r,500 75 0 7,500 .... 10,000 90 0 10,000 .... 12,500 .... 110 0 12,500 .... 15,000 .... 135 0 CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. 15,000/. and under 17,500 . . 160 0 the twopenny post,) and in Edinburgh, 17,500 20,000 . . 185 0 21. 20,000 . . . • . 25,000 . . 210 0 In any other city, borough, or town 25,000 30,000 . . 260 0 corporate, or in Manchester, Birming- 30,000..... 35,000.. 310 0 ham, or Sheffield, 10s. In any other place, 35,000 40,000 . . 360 0 5s. 40,000 45,000 . . 410 0 For exercising the trade of a pawn- 45,000 50,000 . . 460 0 broker: 50,000 60,000 . . 550 0 In London or Westminster, or two- 60,000 70,000 . . 650 0 penny post district, 10/. in any other 70,000 80,000 . . 750 0 place, 5L. 80,000 ..... 90,000 . . 850 0 By postmasters, or persons letting to 90,000 100,000 . . 950 0 hire horses, for travelling post, by the 100,000 125,000 . . 1,200 0 mile, or from stage to stage, or for a day, 125,000 150,000 . . 1,400 0 or for any less period than 28 days, for 150,000 175,000 . . 1,600 0 drawing carriages used in travelling 175,000 200,000 . . 2,000 0 post, 5s. 200,000 ..... 250,000 . . 2,500 0 By persons keeping pubhc stage 250,000 ..... 300,000 . . 3,000 0 coaches or carriages, for each carriage 300,000 350,000 . . 3,500 0 so kept : 350,000 400,000 . . 4,000 0 If carrying 4 inside passengers, Ss. 400,000 500,000 . . 5,000 0 More than 4 and not more than 6, &s. 500,000 or upwards 6,000 0 More than 6 and not more than 8, 7s. More than 8 and not more than 10, 8s. Probates, &c. of seamen, marines, or More than 10, 9s. soldiers, exempted. Children in lap are excepted from the several numbers. lEGACIES. PKOCEEDINGS IX THE COURTS. All legacies, pecuniary or speeific, out ^^^'^'es on Im-w Proceedings, in the of personal estate, or charged on real courts, to be paid m respect of every skm, 3Slate ; and all residues of personal estate, s^ieet, &c. except where they are imposed whether devised by will, or accruing by according to the number of words, or succession, and all shares and residues otherwise expressly charged, arising from the sale of real estate under a will. If the value amounts to or exceeds miscellaneous. ^^ , CO/, a duty per cent, as follows .- As fellow of the College of Physicians, To children of the deceased, or their in England or Scotland, 20/. d,escendants, 1/. By licence from the College of Physi- To a brother or sister of the deceased, cians to practise within seven miles of the or their descendants, 21. lOs. metropolis, lOZ. To a brother or sister of the deceased's Matriculation in any university in Great father or mother, or their descendants, 4/. Britain, 10s. To a brother or sister of the deceased's To the degree of bachelor of arts in or- grandfather or grandmother, or their de- dinary course, ol, scendants, 51. By special grace, royal mandate, or no- To any collateral relation, or to a stran- bility, or otiierwise out of ordinary ger in blood, 10^. course, 51. The husband or wife of the deceased is Any other degree in the ordinary exempt from the above duties. course of the university, 6t. Out of the ordinary course, 10/. ANNUAL LICENCES. To tlic degree of M.I), in either of the universities of Scotland, 10/. licence to appraiser (not a licensed Advertisements in the London Gazette, auctioneer) annual, 6s. or any public newspaper, 3s. To any banker, &c. who shall issue any Agreement^ or Memm. of Agreement, promissory note payable on demand, and made in England under hand only, or in be re-issuable, 20/. Scotland without any clause of registra- For selling medicines, &c. liable to du- tion, and not otherwise charged nor ex- ty under said act, 44 George III. c. 98, pressly exempted in the schedule ; the (usually called quack medicines .) matter thereof being of the value of 20/. In London or Westminster, (or within or upwards, and containing not more than CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. 1,080 words, includii^g- any schedule, &c. 16s. Containing- more than 1,080 words, 1/. 10s. And farther, for every 1,080 words beyond the first 1,080, 11. Alma7iack or Calendar for the year, or less, Is. If for more years, then for each year for wliich it sliall serve. Is. Perpe- tual Almanack, 10s. Calendars or perpetual almanacks, in bibles or prayer books, excepted. AppraisevieiU of estate, real or personal, in any case wliatsoever, except appraise- ment by order of an admiralty court, amount not exceeding- 50/., 2s. 6(1. — Ex- ceeding 50/. to 100/., 5s. — Exceeding- 100/. to 200/., 10s.— Exceeding 200/. to 500/,* 15s — Exceeding 500/., 1/. Articles of Apprenticeship and Clerkship. Any profession or trade, &c. except at- torneys and otliers specifically charged, where the premium does not amount to /. s. d. 30/ 0 15 0 30/. and under 50/. . 1 10 0 .50/ 100/. . 2 10 0 100/ 200/. .500 200/ 300/. . 10 0 0 300/ 400/. . 15 0 0 400/ 500/. . 20 0 0 500/ 600/. . 25 0 0 600/. .... 800/. . 30 0 0 800/. . . . 1,000/. . 40 0 0 1,000/. or upwards . . . 50 0 0 Bond in England, and per.sonal bond in Scotland, as security for a definite sum : /. 8. Not exceeding 100/ 10 Exceeding 100/. to 300/. 1 10 .... 300/. . 500/. 2 0 .... 500/. . 1,000/. 3 0 . . . 1,000/. . 2,000/. 4 0 . . . 2,000/. . 3,000/. 5 0 . . . 3,000/. . 4,000/. 6 0 . .• . 4,000/. . 5,000/. 7 0 . . . 5,000/. . 10,000/. 9 0 ... 10,000/. . 15,000/. 12 0 ... 15,000/. . 20,000/. 15 0 .... 20,000/ 20 0 Where the total amount of the money secured, or to be ultimately recoverable, shall be uncerfain, being for money to be iiereafter advanced, or to become due on account current, 20/. Cerlificate to be taken out yearly, by at- tornies, solicitors, or proctors, in Eng- land ; and by writers to tlie signet, soli- citors, agents, attornies, or procurators, in any of the courts in Scotland ; notaries public in England and Scotland ; and also by every sworn clerk, clerk in court, and other officer, who shall act in any of the above capacities for any other emohiment than the regular emolument of the office : when residing within the limits of the two-penny post in England, or within the city or shire of Edinburgh, and if he shall have been admitted 3 j'earsor upwards, 10/. Or if not so long admitted, 5/. When residing elsewhere, and admitted for three years, or upwai'ds, 6/. Or if not so long admitted, 3/. Conveyance (whether grant, assignmenV transfer, renunciation, or of any other de- scription whatever) on the sale of any lands, rents, or other property, real or personal, heritable or moveable, or of any right, title, interest, &.c. in the same ; for the principal or only deed whereby such property shall be granted or conveyed to or vested in the purchaser, Sic. Where the purchase- money (which shall be truly expressed tlierein) shall not amount to 50/., 15s. To /. ^. 50/. and not to 150/. 1 0 150/. . . 300/. 1 10 300/. . . 500/. 2 10 500/. . . 750/. 5 0 750/. . . 1,000/. 7 10 1,000/. . . 2,000/. 10 0 2,000/, . . 3,000/. 20 0 3,000/. . . 4,000/. 30 0 4,000/. . . 5,000/. 40 0 5,000/. . . 7,500/. 50 0 7,500/. . . . 10,000/. 75 0 10,000/, . . . 15,000/. 100 0 15,000/. . . . 20,000/. 150 0 20,000/. . . . 30,000/. 200 0 30,000/. . . . 40,000/. 300 0 40,000/. . . . 50,00.0/. 400 0 50,000/. or up wards . . . 500 0 Grant of the dignity of a Duke, 200/. ; Marquis, 200/.; Earl, 200/.; Viscount, 150/. ; Baron, 100/. ; and Baronet,. 50/. Of a conge d'elire, 20/. Of the royal as- sent to the election of Archbishop or Bi- shop, 20/. Grant under the great or privy seal from the civil list, &,c. (not part of annual supplies or voted by Parliament) : Under 100/ . . . 100/. and not 250/. . . . 250/. . . . 500/. . . . 500/. . . . 750/. . . . 750/. . . . 1,000/. 1,000/. or upwards, fop every 100/. thereof . . . Of any annuity or pension, Under 100/. per annum . . . 100/. and not 200/. /. s. 1 10 4 0 10 0 20 0 30 0 5 0 1 10 4 0 CORRECTIOiSS AND ADDITIONS. Inder 200/. . . . 400/. /. . 10 s. 0 400/. . . . 6001. . 20 0 600/, . . . 800/. . 30 0 800/. . . . 1,000/. . 40 0 . . . 1,000/. or upwards . . 50 0 But in cases of renewal only, 1/. 10s. Grant, of any office or employment, by letters patent, deed, or other writing, the salary, fees, &c. not amounting to /. s. 501. per annum .... 1 10 50/. and not 100/. ..30 100/. . . . 200/. ..50 200/. . . . 300/. . . 10 0 300/. . . . 500/. . . 20 0 500/. . . . 7501. . . 30 0 750/. . . . 1,000/. . . 40 0 1,000/. . . . 1,500/. . . 50 0 1,500/. . . . 2,000/. . . 75 0 2,000/. . . . 3,000/. . . 100 0 3,000/, per ann. or upwards . 150 0 Mortgage, condiiionvL] surrender byway of mortgage, &c. wadset, conveyance in trust, defeasance, or other deed, intend- ed as a security by way of mortgage, where the same shall be made, as a se- curity for tlie payment of any definite sum of money, advanced or lent at tlie time, or previously due and owing, or forborne to be paid, being payable. /. s. Not exceeding 50/ 0 15 Exceeding 50/. to 100/. 150/. 300/. 500L 1,000/. 2,000/. 3,000/. 4,000/. 5,000/. 10,000/. 15,000/. 100/. 150/. 300/. 500/. 1,000/. 2,000/. 3,000/. 4,000/. 5,000/. 10,000/. 15,000/. 20,000/. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 15 20,000/. ... .20 This ad valorem duty is chargeable only on one part of the mortgage deed, the other being liable as a common deed. It is not cliargeable on mortgages made merely for further as.surance, in cases where the ad valorem duty has been paid ovi other deeds. JSTewspopers, (For every half sheet doa- ble demy, or sheet of single demy) 3^d. Famphleis, of half a sheet or less, ^d. not exceeding a sheet. Id. Fampldets exceeding 1 sheet, and not exceeding 6 sheets, in octavo, (or on a lesser page) 12 sheets quarto, or 20 sheets folio. For every sheet contained in one copy, 2s. Acts of parliament, proclamations, or- ders of council, form of prayer, and acts of[ state, ordered to be printed by the King ; printed votes of parliament, school book.s, and books of devotion, are ex- empted. Passport, 5f!. Plate of Gold, wrouglit in Great Bri- tain, per 02. and in proportion, 16s. Gold watch cases excepted. Plate of Silver, wrought in Great Bri- tain, per oz. and so in proportion. Is. 3rf. •Except watch cases, chains, and several small articles. Playmg Cards, per pack, 2s. 6d. Policy of Assurance, on any life or lives, or on any event depending on life or lives, sum insured not amounting to 500/. 15s. Amounting to 500/. or upwards, 1/. 10s. Specification, of a patent, 51. And fur- ther, for 1,080 words above the first 1,080, Stage Coaches and Carriages, carrying passengers for hire, for every mile such carriage shall travel : If carrying not more than 4 inside pas- sengers, 2d. If 4 and not exceeding 6, ^^d. If 6 ...... 8, 3^rf. If 8 10, 4r/. More than 10 .... 5^. Transfer of Bank or South Sea stock, 75. 9d. Of East India stock, 1/. 10s. Of stock of any other corporation, not otherwise charged under the head of mortgage or conveyance, 1/. 10s. j STRAW hat manufacture, is of very modern invention ; it has, however, of late years afforded the means of support to a large class of our industrious poor, and of not a few in the middle ranks of life. Tlie manufacture requires but little capital, and the art is quickly acquired. Thirty or forty sliillings are said to be sufficient for the purchase of the ma- chines and materials for employing one hundred persons some length of time. The .straw used is readily obtained, and, when {properly sorted, it is cut at the joints, and the outer covering being re- moved, it is then ranged according to the different sizes, and made up into bundles of eight or ten inclies in length, and about a foot in circumference. The bundles are then dipped in water, and shaken a little, so as not to retain much moisture ; and then they are to be placed on their edges CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. in'a box, which is sufficiently close to pre- vent tlie evaporation of the smoke. In the middle of the box is an earthen vessel, containing sulphm*, which is set on fire, and the box covered over for several hours. The straws are next to be split, which operation is performed by a small raachine, made chiefly of wood. When split, the straws are denomiiftitedsphnts, and of tliese each braider has a certain quantity, wbich they hold under the arm, and draw them out as wanted. The rules laid down are tiiese : platters should be taught to use their second fingers and thumbs, instead of the fore fingers, which are often required to assist in turning the splints, and very much facilitate the plat- ting ; and they should take care not to wet the splints too much. Each platter should have a small linen bag, and a piece of pasteboard to roll the plat round. When five yards are worked up, it is wound about a piece of board, fastened at the top with yarn, and kept there several days, to form it in a proper shape. Four of these parcels, or a score, is the mea- surement by which the plat is sold. When the straw is platted, it comes into the hand of the person who sews it together into the form of hals, bonnets, &c. of various shapes and sizes. These are then put on wooden blocks, for the purpose of hot pressing ; and, to render them of a more delicate white, ihey are again exposed to the fumes of sulphur. STURGKOX,a species of the Acipen- scr genus is referred to, and being omit- ted in its place, we may briefly observe, that it is a very large fish, of eighteen or twenty feet long, an inhabitant of the northern seas, migrating during the early summer months into the larger rivers and lakes, and returning to the sea again in autumn after having deposited its spawn. It is a fish of slow motion and is easily ta- ken : it is admired for the delicacy and firmness of the flesh. Fi-om the roe is prepared the substance called caviar. In this country the sturgeon annually asceiuls rivers, but in no great quantities, and is occasionally taken in salmon nels. In its manner of breeding the sturgeon forms an exception among cartilaginous fishes, it being oviparous. Tiie sturgeon was a fish in high repute among the ancients, and was brought to table with much pomp, and ornamented with flowers, the slaves who carried it being likewise adorned with garlands, and accompanied with music. The flavour of the sturgeon is said to vary with the food on which it is chiefly fed ^ hence it is distinguished in the North of Europe, into mackrel-stur- geon, herring-sturgeon, 8cc. See Shaw's " Zoology." S UBS'i'ANCES, simple. To this article references have been made, and it having been omitted in the alphabetical order, we must not pass it by here. In other cases we are grieved that haste or negli- gence should liave recjuired these addi- tions and corrections; in this we have rea- son for diflerent emotions, having by the omission an opportunity of stiting some facts, and some results, which have not been made public more than two or three days. In the language of modern chemistry, the term simple substances has a different signification from that attached to it in an- cient philo.sopljy. By elements, or sim- ple subsiances, was formerly understood primary pi'inciples, wiiich were essential- ly simple and indestructible, which, by modification of form, or by mutual com- bination, formed the dilFerent. substances which compose the material world. Mo- dern philosophy pursues a different mode of investigation : it analyses substances, and endeavours to decompose them, or separate them into their constituent parts, and when it arrives at any which it can- not decompose, and beyond which ana- lysis cannot be carried, and whose pro- perties can only be changed by causing them to combine with others, then such substances are denominated simple. This term does not imply their absolute sim- plicity, because new experiments, or new- agents, may be able to reduce certain bodies that at present have not been de- composed into others that are more sim- ple. Till very lately the fixed alkalies, the boracic, fluoric, and muriatic, acids were reckoned among the simple sub- stances : to these may be added the metals, the several earths, sulphur, phosphorus, and the diamond. liy the Voltaic battery, in the hands of Mr. Davy, ProCessor of Chemistry at the Royal Institution, many of these sub- stances, which were deemed simple a few months since, have been decomposed. For his experiments on the alkalies, we refer to the articles Alkali and Potas- sium : and on Saturday last, Dec. 17th, he announced in his public lecture, that he had decomposed sulphur and phospho- rus, the component parts of which are oxygen and hydrogen, and a metallic base ; that charcoal he had found to con- sist of hydrogen and the carbonaceous principle, and that diamond was a com- pound of the carbonaceous principle and CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. oxygen ; that he had succeeded in ob- taining the metallic base of ammonia, which, when combined with mercury, in the proportion ofonly t ^^j^ part, ren- dered the mercury solirJ, and reduced the specitic gravity from 13 to 3. The ])ro- fessor likewise informed hisaudience, that he had decomposed the boracicaiid fluo- ric acids, and had enjoyed a glimpse of their metallic bases ; and that he had fully ascertained, that lime, magnesia, stron- tites, and barytes, are compound bodies, each having a metallic substance as a base. Hence the number of simple sub- stances, which, but a year ago, was esti- mated by Dr. Thomson at 38, is in a very short space of time considerably reduced. Chemistry, indeed, as a science, will probably undergo a complete renovation : the discoveries of Mr. Davy promise a total overthrow to the beautiful, and as it was formerly deemed, simple and al- most perfect system of Lavoissier. The English professor assumes electricity as a general agent of decomposition ; that dif- ferent bodies are naturally in diiferent electrical states ; that by altering these states their affinities are altered. In justi- fication of this theory, he has ascertained that oxygen, and all bodies containing an excess of oxygen, are naturally negative, and that all bodies containing an excess of inflammable principle are naturally positive. Should subsequent facts con- firm this theory, it is highly probable that many other of the bodies, hitherto regard- ed as simple, will yield to the powers of his apparatus. Substances, imponderable, in chemistry, are caloric, ligiit, electricity, and galva- nism ; perhaps the identity of tlie two for- mer may hereafter be discovered : and likewise that of the two latter more com- pletely demonstrated. The common character that they all possess is, that of not being subject to the attraction of gravitation ; at least their gravity has hitherto been incapal)le of appreciation, hence the term " imponderable." They possess the greatest subtilty, or tenuity ; they cannot easily be obtained in a separ- ate state of existence ; they are observed only in states of combination, or in their rapid transition from one body to another. We can scarcely discover their specific affinities, or measure their force, and we are unable to trace their particular com- binations, or consider them as essential constituent principles of any compound. They are moreover diffused over every kind of matter ; at least caloric exists in all bodies, and probably also the electric and galvanic agents. See Murray's Chemistry. TELESIE, in mineralogy, a gem so named by Haiiy, which answers to the ])erfect Corundu^i and the Sappiiiuk : to these articles the reader m-ght be re- ferred witliout further addition, but hav- ing directed him already to Telesik from the article Gk.v, we shall, in this place, give Mr. Murray's desciiption. It occurs in fragments, and is crystallized ; the form of its crystals being the double three- sided pyramid, the single six-sided pyra- mid, and the six-sided prism, variously modified by truncations and actiminations. Its colours are numerous ; blue, green, red, of nuniei'ous .shades, and yellow or yellowish white, and sometimes more than one colour is present even in the same crystal. It is more or less transparent ; its lustre is resplendent and vitreous ; and it often presents a beautiful reflection of light, in tl)e form of a star: the fracture is conchoidal, or imperfectly foliated; the hardness is inferior to that of the dia- mond, but superior to that of every other fossil, and not yielding to the file : the specific gravity is from 3.9 to 4.1. TIME, equation of, the most usual and best measure of time that we have is a clock, regulated by the vibration of a pen- dulum. But with whatever accuracy a clock may be made, it must be subject to irregularities, as well from the imj)erfec* tion of the workmanship, as from the ex- pansion and contraction of the materials by heat and cold, by which the length of the pendulum, and consequently the time of vibration, will vary. As no clock, therefore, can be depended upon for keeping time accurately, it is necessary that we should be able at any time to as- certain how much it is too fast or too slow, and at what rate it gains or loses. For this purpose it must be compared with some motion which is uniform, or of which, if it be not uniform, one can find the variation. The motions of the hea- venly bodies have therefore been consi- dered as mo.st pro|)er for the purpose. Now as the earth revolves uniformly about its axis, the apparent diunial mo- tion of the heavenly bodies about the axis must be uniform. If a clock, therefore, be adjusted to go 24 hours from the pas- sage of any fixed star over the meridian till it returns to it again, its rate of going may be determined by comparing it with the transit of any fixed star, and observing whether the interval continues to be -4 hours ; if not, the difference shows how much it gains or loses in that time. A CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. clock thus adjusted is said to be adjusted to sidereal time, and all the sidereal days are equal. But all the solar days are not equal, that is, the intervals from the sun's leaving the meridian till it returns to it again, are not all equal ; so tliat if a clock be adjusted to go 24 hours in one interval, another interval will be performed in more or less than 24 hours, and thus the sun and the clock will not agree ; that is, the clock will not continue to show 12 when the sun comes to the meridian. It is found that the length of the solar day is equal to the time of the earth's rotation about its axis, together with the time of describing an angle equal to the increase of the sun's right ascension in a true solar day. Now if the sun moved, or appeared to move, uniformly, and in the equator, this increase would be always the same in the same time,and therefore the solar days would be all equal ; but the sun moves, or appears to move, in the echptic ; and, tlierefore, if its motions were uniform, ec^ual arcs upon the echptic would not give equal arcs upon the equator. But the apparent motion of the sun in the echptic is not uniform, and hence also any arc upon the echptic, described in a given time, is subject to a variation, and consequently that on the equator is sub- ject to a variation. The increase then of the sun's right ascension in a true solar day, varies from two causes : first, because the echptic,. in which the sun appeare to move, is inclined to the equator; secondly, because his motion in the echptic is not uniform, therefore the length of a true solar day is subject to a continual variation ; consequently, a clock which is adjusted to go 24 hours for any one true solar day, will not continue to show 12 when the sun comes to the meridian, because the intervals by the clock will continue equal, if the clock be supposed accurate, but the intervals of the sun's apparent passage over the meridian are not equal. As the sun appears to move through 360° of right ascension in about 365^ days, therefore 365.25 : 1 day :: 360° : 59' 8" 2^", the increase of right ascension in one day, if the increase were uniform; or it would be the increase in a mean solar day, that is, if the solar days were all equal ; for they would be all equal, if the sun's right ascension increased uni- formly. As the earth describes an angle of 360° 59^, about its axis in a mean so- lar day of 24 hours, and an angle of 360° in a sidereal day, we say, as 360° 59^ 8" '^": 360° : : 24h : 23^ 56' 4", the length of a sidereal day in mean solar time ; or the VOL. VI. time from the passage of a fixed star over the meridian till it returns to it again. From these considerations it will be evi- dent, that if a clock be adjusted to go 24 hours in a mean solar day, it will not con- tinue to coincide with the sun, that is, to show 12 when the sun comes to the meridi- an, because the true solar days differ in length from a mean solar day; but the sun will pass the meridian, sometimes be- fore 12, and sometimes after 12, and this difference is called the equation. A clock thus adjusted, is said to be adjusted to mean solar time. The time shown by the clock is called true or mean time ; and that shown by the sun is called apparent time : thus, when the sun comes to the meridian, it is said to be 12 o'clock appa- rent lime. Hence the time shown by the sun-dial is apparent time, and therefore a dial will differ from a clock by how much the equation of time is on that day. When, therefore, we set a clock or watck by the dial, we must attend to what tl)e equation of lime is upon that day by a ta- ble, such as that given below, and allow for it : thus, if the equation be 4 minutes, as it is on new year's day, and the watch or clock be faster thanrthe sun ; then the watch or clock must be made to show 4 minutes past 12 when the dial shows 12 precisely. On the 30th of April, when the dial shows 12, the clock or watch, to be accurate, must want 3 minutes of that hour, and so of the rest. In calculating tables of the equation of lime, for every day in the year, the sun and clock are set together, when the sun is in his apogee, and then they investigate the difference between the sun and the clock, for every day at noon, and insert them in a table, stating, by means of the signs 4- and — , how much the clock is before or after the sun. The inclination of the equator to the ecliptic, upon which the equation of time partly depends, and the place of the sun's apogee, when the clock and sun set off together, being both subject to vary, the equation of time for the same days of the year will every year vary, and there- fore it must, where great accuracy is re- quired, be calculated for every year. Be- sides the time when the sun is in his apo- gee, there are three other times of the year when the clock and sun agree, or when mean and apparent time is the same, as will be seen in the following table, which is adapted to the second year af- ter Bissextile, and will always be found within a few seconds of the truth, and, therefore, sHfficiently accurate for all common purposes. 4K CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. TABLE FOR THE EQUATION OF TIME. Jan. 1 4 + April 1 4-+- Aug. 9 5 + Oct. 2 16 — 3 5 4 3 15 4 Nov. 15 15 5 6 7 2 20 3 20 14 7 7 11 1 24 2 24 13 9 12 18 8 15 0 28 31 Sep. 3 1 27 12 9 10 11 19 24 .. 0 30 Dec 2 5 11 10 9 1 — 2 1 — 21 12 30 3 6 2 7 8 25 13 May 13 4 9 3 9 7 31 14 29 3 12 4 11 6 Feb. 10 15 June 5 2 15 5 13 5 21 14 10 1 18 6 16 4 27 Mar. 4 8 13 15 0 21 7 8 9 18 3 12 11 20 24 27 20 22 2 1 1 + 12 15 19 10 9 1 8 "25 29 July 5 2 3 4 30 Oct. 3 6 10 11 12 24 » 26 0 1 + 22 7 11 5 10 13 28 2 25 6 28 6 14 14 30 3 28 5 19 15 TRIGONOMETRY. Some of the re- ferences to the figures are not quite cor- rect, btit the figures speakJng- so plainly for themselves, a more particular correc- tion is tleemed unnecessary. UNITARIANS. In the third page of this arlicle, for Polones Fratres, read Fra- tres Poloni. In the fifth page, for similar, read nearly similar. Such, it is believed, are the chief erropjB and omissions: others of less importance, the candid and liberal reader will excuse, il and will readily correct for himiself. THE END. SUBSCRIBERS TO THE FIRST AMERICAN EDITION OF NICHOLSON'S ENCYCLOPEDIA. VIRGINIA. Amelia County. John R. Archer William H. Eggleston Thomas Goode John Filler P. H. W. Holcombe John T. Bottam Benjamin Branch Benjamin L. Meade Jacob Williamson William Finney Joseph R. Robertson John demons Peter Rison William Eg-gleston Charles Eggleston R. E. Meade Peter R. Bland Henry H. Southall John W. Foster William Leigh Everard F. Eggleston Thomas Morgan Daniel Hardaway Jas. P. Cocke Wilham C. Anderson Wilham H. Robertson Benj. Bridgeforth James H. Conway Dick H. Eggleston Abrm. Armistead Green William Dunn Albemarle County. V. W. Southall WiUiam Woods Achilles Broadhead B. Brown, jun. Carter H. Bradley John C. Wells Francis M'Gehee John C. Ragland Lau. T. Catlett John Irvin John M. Perry Opie Morriss William M. Damall George Perry Thomell Twyman John R. Jones Buckner Townley Nathaniel Webb Solomon P. Belue Smith Cocke Andrew M'Kee Thomas C. Scofield Ira Ganett William Gairland J. Kinsolving Saml. R. Smith John B. Coles Joel & Ralph H. Yancey John H. Carr Geo. W. Kinsolving John Harris David Harding John H. Barksdale Richard Woods John Scott Lewis Carr William Morris John Field Edmund Davis William F. Gordon Robert L. Coleman James ^V. Saunders John H. Craver Nimrod Branham Jas. M. Bishop Chas. Cocke Robt. Lewis Martin Hatcher David Higginbotham AchiUes M. Douglass Nelson Brown David D. Lewis Augusta county. Dabney Cosby Lewis Harman James T. Pleasants M. Chambers William Young Samuel Clark Archibald Stuart J. Crawford John Wayt William McDowell Chapman Johnson George Eskridge Vincent Tapp Erasmus Stribling M. Garber, jun. Michael Mauzy John G. Wright Jas. Fuller James Wilson L. L. Stevenson H. Morriss James C. Wilson John Wilson E. S. Williams Achilles Barksdale Richd. H. Lee Thos. Wilson & A. M*Eure Amherst County. E. Fletcher Charles Perrow James W. Hill SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES. Henry Camden John Coleman Henry Hagar George D. Tyler Hill Carter John Thompson, jun. Nelson Crawford John Ellis William Long John Pryor William Jopling Robert M. Eubank Jos. C. Lee David & Geo. Staples Richard Burke William Doyle Gideon Gooch James Davis Absalom Hawl John Eubank, jun. Hudson W. Garland Peachy Franklin Robert Aldridge John P. Cobbs Jo. Jo Monroe Thos. Aldridge Jas. S. Pendleton, jun. Jo. Penn William Lee Armistead Reixlier Lindsey Sandedge Reuben Norvell Chas. P. TaliafeiTO Richard MiUan Jiccomack County. John Cropper Bnmsrwick County. Phil. Clairbome James Lanier Allan B. Drummond Geo. R. Clairborne A. A. Wyche W. Goodrich Thos. Gibbon Harrison Heartwell Lewis Johnson Richard R. Brown WiDiam Rice William S. Lane Alex. Goode Thomas HLicks Nathaniel W. Fletcher Tucker Wilkes Clement Mitchell Peter J. Beasley Green Hill Benj. Edmonds John D. Wilkins William A. Walker Richai'd Field Henry Lewis Littleton Rose Robert Jackson Green Jackson Gray F. Drinn John Atkinson George Mason James T. Harrison WiUiam Yates Abner Wessan Robem TumbuU John Booth John Justin Bedford County. Jas. C. Steptoe John Flood Martin Key Archibald Hatcher Tinsley Rucker Jubac Jordon Jacob Feazel Moses Fuqua ^ James Gwatkins John Dillard, jun. William Feazel Thos. Rucker Joseph Hardy George Wright Henry Chambliss James Adams John Hudnall Jeremiali Adams S. Phillips George S. Parker Edmund Pate John T. W. Read Nelson Thomas William Radford John Markle William Walton Mitchell Ewing Robt. Mitchell James Thomas Thomas Key Harrison J. Hughes James Campbell WiUiam Terry William Hopkins Henry Huddleston John M'Cabe Saml. Hancock Lawrence M*George Henry Moss John F. FaU George Norvell P. M. Goggin Buckingham County. Benj. H. Watkins E. H. Hendrick J. S. Mills R. Eldridge, jun. Boling Branch Daniel Guerant Samuel Jones Robert Shaw John Johns Cary C. Allen Thomas Lewis Charles Irving Paulus N. E. Irving Marcus El cans John P. Morris James W. Jones T. Walk Thos. May Edward Jones James Walker Joel Watkins, jun. Nathan Spenser Glover Gough William Ford William Phillips John Flood Thos. Cobbs T. M'Craw Peter Francisco Robt. Mosely, jr. Lewis Nevil Thomas Pittman George M. Payne Glove Johns John M'Reynold Edward Boling C. R. Fontaine Hai-man Bagby Thos. Glover Lewellyn Jones Henry A. Christian James Austin John C. Patterson William Check Thomas T. Noel Barksdale Spencer Saml. Branch William Thompson John S. Be acock William Flood Edmund Glover Saml. Glover, sen. Robt. Anderson Edward Chambers John Harris Wilham Banton A. Gamett H. H. Crump Archibald D. Wright John Gannaway, jun. SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES. Botetourt County. >V illiam H. Hay William L. Watson, jun. Henr}' Bocoyer Jacob Woltz Time. M. Patterson John Gray James Gordon Shubel P. Barnard James Cartmill Wm. H. Luck Saml. Jordan Thos. Wilson Benj. Carper Philip Coles David Holmes P. H. Madison Andrew S. Gillaspie Moses F. Cook John & Jas. Wood Saml. Wilson John Campbell William Gordon Geo. S. Beale . B. E. Trenis Thompson Crutchfield John H. Dennis John Nevil E. Straland Joel Bott CaroUne County. Armistead Holmes John C. Bowie Charles B. Tenant Andrew Moore A. C. White George Turner AJlen Apperson John M. Burke Lewis Madison John Dickinson John Warring" James M. Saunders Jourdan Woolfolk William Jones Mickelbury Young Joseph Sutton Thos. Evans B. S. Sale William Guy Chesterfield County. Spencer Wooldridge Henry Walthall, jun. Richard Gregory, jun. J. Foulke JohnWalthaU Robt. P. Archer Archibald 'Franklin Henry Farmer Thomas Watkins William Fisher Isham Cheatham John Lafore Peter Gill Thos. Graves Edward H. Mosely Phineas Clay George F. S'alli William Archer Parke Poindexter Thomas Ball David H. Brandi James Elam Peter F. Ogilby Robert R. Miller Allen M'Rae Samuel Patterson R. O. Henderson John Hewlet George Beckley John B. Morrisseth Robert Haskins W. B. Henderson Bernard Nunnally Alex. Lithgon Charlotte County^ Thos. Palmer Charles L. Reed Stafford Gibbs J. Marshall Allen Foster Elijah W. Roach James P. Marshall Christopher Hunt Walter C. Carrington Thos. W. Harvey John Harroway John Ohver Harry Pamplin James G. Daniel Gtoorge Kent William Colher Saml. Branch John Harvey J. B. Willis & S. R. Davis Wm. Bacon & M'Goode Josiah Morton John H. Marshall Thos, & Jno. D. Spraggins John Barker James Wells William Bedford Nathan H. Frost William Dabbs Henry W. Tucker Asa B. Daniel Wm. Smith Thos. Hamlin Cumber /and County. George W. Crump Benoni Overstreet John White Nash AVilliam F. Liggan Maurice L. Hob son John Trent Francis Armistead William Scay Benj. P. Howard, and^ Sterling Ford 5 John Spencer Richard P. James Thomas I. Turpin Richard H. Lee Stephen W. Trent John Hughe, jun. WilUam M. Thornton John Gilliam Edward Hughes Epa. Hobson Nathan Glenn William M'Laurine, jun. Peter I. Phillips Humphrey Bett William M. Armistead Francis B. Deane, and ') Jesse Armistead 5 Asbury Crenshaw James E. Browning William Jones Ewing Morrow William Booker WUliam F. Randolph George Caison Blake B. Woodson Saml. Hill Charles City County. John Minge, jun. Robt. W. Christian Susan H. Walker Cary Wilkinson Harvey Robinson Edward Willcox Wyatt Walker John M'Gregory John Minge, sen. Christopher S. Roane Charles Wilson John Ireland Wat. H. Tyler Alexander Walker Francis H. Irby William Tyler Joseph Gresham John B. Pierce k SUBSCRIBER'S NAMES. James C. Wilson Fielding Lewis John E. Bailey Malcom Crawford Cambell Couiiiy. Richard S. Jones Black and Boyce John London Thomas Higginbotham David Hoflman Colin Buckner Andrew "W. Waddill James Saunders Addison Davies John H. Pattison Septimus D. Owens J.Haas James Bullock Russel Dawson William W. Gray Davidson Bradfute Cornelius Pierce William S. Reid John H. Smith Austin Williams William Buford W^illis Pilkington Philip W. Jackson John Pinnell Saml. M'Calek Caleb Terrell William Jardy Charles M. Hughes James T. Stephens Pascal Matthews James T. Wright Miles Gary John Haytli John Poe George Cochran Christopher Todd Jabez Warner Wilham P. Cornell Hartwell Eppes Simon Austin Campbell Franklin Samuel Fleming, jun. William Radford Anthony North, jun. W. B. Perrow Thos. Moore W'illiam B. Harriss D. Saunders, jun. Robert Patterson William P. Martin Warner Jones Saml. T. Miller Christopher Clai'ke James Steptoe Nathan Reed ; W. W. Austin Peter Austin Danl. L. Price Aaron Schoolfield James S. M'Alhster J. P. Moore WiUiam L Lewis Joseph Chelton Robert Strange William Clarke Edward D. Jones C. Blount, jim. Benjamin F. Owens O. M. Fowles, jun. Thomas Crandall Charles Johnson Fortunatus Sydnor Garland & Roy George Percival Saml. Steele Tubal E. Strange Saml. Anthony Culpepper County. Page O. Finney John Gray, jun. Benj. Shackelford William Emison Nicholas Perry Alexander P. Ralls \ Jno. Payne Edmund Thompson ; Wm. Major Wm. Carter Wm. G. Allen Wm. Crittenden Wm. Slaughter Gaven Duncan Peter B. Bowen Peter T. Armistead Garnett Corben PhiU. Roberts Richard Elzy Tutt Richard Norris James Jett Geo. F. Strother Richard I. Tutt Geo. Tebbs Bernard Withers Moses Gibson DavidL Coxe Rust Mason WilUam Ashby Wm. L. Hume Merriwether Thompson P. Hansbrough, jun. W. C. Carter Urijah Wright Thomas Norman Daniel Ward Dinimltlie County. Joseph Whitehead, jun John Field Thomas Whitwoilh William Ripley Lewis A. Collier Jabez Smith Saml. D. Davies William H. Mann John Enness E. H. Boisseau Thos. L. Lockhead Charles Russell George Cocke John Prentis H. Dance Wm. C. Rawlings Thomas S hands Nathl. S. B. Sturdevant WilUam Clarke, jun. Lemuel H. Vaughan Armistead Burwell Thomas Field : I. Manlove W^illiam Dunn Peter M. Ledbetter Joseph E. Davis Benj. H. Coupland Abner W. Kilpatrick WiUiam Ross Herbert Gregory W. L. Everitt Timo. Thorpe Addison Powel L. H. Vaughan Charles Ridout Elgin Russell James A. Eckles Robert Bollin ^h] Hartwell Rawlinge Essex County, IjohnBelfield John Downey Tunstall Banks Wm. V. Montague John Hail Laurence Muse John Jones Benj. Blake James W. Stephens Wm. R. Jeffries Richard Coghill Townley Banks Wm. B. Matthew Winter Bray John S. Bevan Thos. Pilcher Richard CraxtOR James L. Cox SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES. .)ohn H. Micou j John Edmonds, junr. ; J. Early Thomas C. Braxton 1 Charles Bell , John Calloway William T. Brooke 1 M'Carty Roy 1 R. F. Woods Thomas Street ; Richard Chichester, junr. ; William Langhon ^^'illiam Owen I Joseph AVeaver i Fleming Saunders '' Edmund F. Noel John E. Blackwell \ Samuel Harrstan Thomas Jesse A. PoUard Josiah Dickenson Isaac Fisher j John S. Rust James H. Townes Charles Hill ' Edward Carter Robert H. Calhoun William M'Coy \ Samuel H. Woods Fairfax County. Eli as E. Edmonds i Andrew Turner Goochland County. Thomas Timmes Marcus Russell Daniel Piatt Thomas Ashby Samuel Woodson Stuart G. Thornton Josiah Murray Isaac Pleasants George Milford ; Edmund Sharpe N. M. Vaugn ■■ Thomas Simms 1 Hancock, Lee, & Co. G. Woodson Payne i James H. Hox Turner Ashby Alexander A. Campbell William P. Richardson William M. Wallace Robert Pleasants John Ratcliff John Ashby Edward Mosby Francis M. Beckwith Charles Atkinson Samuel Ratcliff Frederick County. Richard Redford William Moss James W. Bates George W. Hunter Edmund Pendleton William S. Fowler William B. Melvyn E. Carson John Maitin Edmund Payne James Pine Jacob B. Fowler J Daniel M'Chichester John P. Sanford George S. Smith David Mims William C. Broadwater Peter E. Sperry George H. Ferrett William M'Fee Josiah Hatcher • John Dulive James Barr, junr. N. M. MiUer John C. Hunter Alfred D. Ashley Henry G. PiU Spencer Jackson William Eskrid^e Charles Brent, junr David Royster ■i Lewis Barrick Tarlton Woodson Ehjah Ogden George Brent WilUam F. Carter William White J. A.Xaupi Mayer Pollack John Fitzhugh WiUford Settle John G. Miller Spencer Ball George Knight Robert Ware P. B. Redd John Severs John Shelton, sen. G.W.Lane Robert Beaty J. P. Cosby ) William Hancock Thomas Thatcher John Henning William P. Thomas , Greensville County. Stephen Daniel Samuel Simpson George Britton William M. Robertson William S. Jeffries ■-■ Jennings Beckwith John Newmer L. R. Robinson James Reid Jab. Sutt John E. WiUiamson Thomas Amiss Littleton Bailey Farquier County. W^illiam H. Triplett Wilham H. Coman Calvin Gold Meredith H. Hobbs David Rodes Cyrus D. Baldwin WiUiam Fox William Thompson Richard B. Beckwith William Parham William Smith Jacob Cooper John H. Hobbs Alexander S. Craig A. P. Buchanan Robert Wilkinson Thomas O. Gunnings Jesse A Bonner Robert Brent Franklin County. Hardy Robinson Bailey Bruce G. H. Bathe James W. White John H. Guerant Timothy Thorp \ Francis W. Brooke Edmund Tate S. Chambliss James W. Wallace Thomas B. Greer James C. Fennell William B. Cordell George W. Clements William Dancy 1 Thomas L. Fitzhugh William B. Boyd George Goodrun i Martin E. Carter William Calloway HinchiaC.Petway Richard Thompson Miles B. Elam Matthias D ebb er>' SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES. Augustine Claiborne Etheldred H. Lundy D. I. Claiborne E. Mason Thomas Batts James A. Watson William J. Calvin David R. Rmith William Mason Francis Hill Gloucester County. John Bracken, junr. Peyton R. Nelson, Peter Kemp Catesby Jones Francis Whiting Thomas Whiting John Lewis EdwardB.S. Carey WiUis Perrin John M. Gayle Sharp Wliiting John Ransome WUliam Taliaferro P. W. Lewis Robert Thurston Thomas C. Amory Overton Seawell John D. Grisett William A. Rogers George B. Field Robert Wilkins James Ransome Mann Page Richard Taliaferro J. B. Fox Halifax County. Charles W. Cheatham William T.Craddock, M.D. John K, Lynn Charles Scott John Kerr John S. Glascock John Conner Thomas L. Spraggins Elisha Barksdale Little John M'Cargo Thomas Canner William T. Ferry Duke W. Rowlet John Sims Thomas M'Cargo Reuben Palmer William H. Wallington Joseph Jones B. Williams William Miller Ha7iover County. Joseph Holt WilUam S. Pryor Joseph Wingfield Hector Davis Leonard Timberlake William Priddy Edmund Higgason Stephen Sutton Edmund C. Goodwin W. R. Nelson Samuel Richardson Henry Curtiss W. D. Taylor John B. Nelson William Morris Charles P. Goodall J. W. Ellis WiUam O. Harris Robert B. Honeyman Henrico County, Samuel Price Nathaniel W, Price Jsaac White R. L, Bohannan Philip Budlong John A. Lancaster Turner Christian John Wilson Simon Frayser A. Hodges R. M. Sizer Wilham Cowan Richard A. Carrington Hubert A. Claiborne John Goode Richard Carter Jaraes M'Intosh Thomas Cooke John A. Simms Philip C. Sturtivant John Strother William Smith John Leuovi Williamson Wynne George Booker Daniel Truehart Mann Satterwhite William S. Tucker Joseph S. James George Perkins Jacob Lyon Richard Woodfolk Robert Picket Robert Greenhow John Patten William Wilson Charles Clarke Charles C. Gav James L. Saimders John W. Rice John Dove Thomas Pulling Francis Ratclift* Robert A. Hill Michael Baldwin Robert Titus Robert K. Dabney Francis V. Sutton Joseph M. Shepherd James Gibb Thomas Butler Charles Wilhams Matthew C. Lachland S. Y. Chandler Turner Christian John T. Pleasants James Jackson, junr. William W. Gray Joseph F. Price Robert W. Crmnp William Hawkins Susan H. Walker William Ford Henry County. S. P. Stovall W. Hereford N, W. Dendridge Joseph Martin William Z. MiUs Thomas I. Wotton Richard T, Boulden Reuben Kington John Dillard, junr. William H. Wotten Peter C. Cox George S. Staples Isle of Wight County. Francis M, Boykin John Hatton Josiah Blount Joseph W. Ballard Edwin Delk Henry W. Wills Francis Wrenn Henry Adkins Meacham Fearn Edmund Pedin Dawson Delk Joseph Chapman Gideon Povell Robert Laurence James F. Copeland William C. Conner George Elliot Hines Merit Jordan Joseph B. Whitehead SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES. Horatio Butt James B. Wilson James* City. 3. H. Ball Uobei-t G. Scott 1. W. Murdaugh A. D. Gait Samuel Travis William M'Andlish George Bray Mary M. Peachy Robert P. Waller Richard Garrett F. S. Barzezae 'John Bracken William T. Banks John E. Brown William Walker junr. James Semple William Dennis John B. Lee George C. Dromgoole John N. Stratton Jesse Cole £ing William Coutilt/. George Allen James Edwards J. B. Lipscomb Corbin Braxton Philip Aylett, junr. John B. Richeson James D. Chamberlay William H. Moriss William Burke Sterling Ruffin James Turner King and Queen County. Thomas C. Hooms H. Gaines Richard Collins Thomas Faulkner Wilham Morris John Fawcett H. Newhall William T. Evans Thomas Collins, junr. Archibald B. Harwood John Boyd Jacob D. Waker John Richards, junr. Zachary Levis G. D. Shackelford Francis Row Thomas Hoskins Hugh Campbell Peter B. Davis John Kidd James G. Row Philip Gatewood George W. Gatewood H. A. Brown E. Uphon Thomas F. Spencer WiUiam Toad George Wyatt James Mitchell Robert Pollard WiUiam Semple Christopher B. Fleet John T. Carlton Wilham B. Westmore Richard Taliaferro Samuel May Thomas Dix Edward Willcox Larkin Deshard King George County. George Johnson Needham L. Washington Jacob W. Stuart George N. Grymes T. Bernard John B. Ashon William Quesanburg W. Beverly Thomas Hungerford Reuben Balthorp Thornton N. Doniphan George Chadwell William D. Greer Lancaster County. Charles Taylor Walter B. Waddy Enoch George George W. Domman John Sward Cyrus Ball John Lunsford Charles J. Yerby John Dogget William Lunsford Joseph B. Downmari Wilham B. Mitchell James K. Ball Henry C. Lawson John B. Downman William Lee Ball Bedhar George F. Lemoine John Chowning Charles Carter Lunenburg County. Lyddall Bacon, junr. T. N. Pouhney Richard Yarbrough John I. Wells James Neal Joseph Degraphenreid William L. Hite Charles Bridie George Craig Benjamin Taylor Louisa County. William Meredith Benjamin Willis H. Lawrence Bickerton Winston Oliver Cross WiUiam Morris, junr, Joseph Sandidyr Thomas Poindexter WiUiam Mansfield Thomas Gardner EUsha Jackson Thornton Gibson Tarlton Henly Andrew Kean WUliam Jackson, junr. Henry Timberlake James Miner Pleasant Hatchhill Ludlow Bramham R. TerreU Arthur Clayton Ralph S. Dickenson Manoah Lasley Ralph Quarles William Ragland Nicholas T. Poindexter G. M. Quarles John Poindexter, junr. David Watson A. T. Goodwin Garland Walton Lundsford Lindsay Loudon County. P. Saunders Robert Bentley James Sinclair R. H. Cover George E. CordeU WUham Shipley WUUam M, Turner John Mines S. Wherry A. G. Munroe James H. Hamilton David P. Kline Robert R. Huff Tasher C. Quinlan E. Offiutt SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES. Samuel Bucli J. Rose Samuel Carr George M. Chichester W. D. Drish John A. Binns George Head, junr. Charles Douglass John C. Quick Britton Saunders Sanford I. Rainy Samuel Dawson Francis Stribhng Archibald Maims Charles B. Ball Richard Williams John Mattliias Fuilip Keatley Stacy Taylor James Allen James Keaton William H. Handy Thomas Atwell Samuel Clapham Mahlon Janney Edward B. Grady Francis W, Luchett A. Gibson John Upp Thomas P. Hereford John White Levis Elzey Jonathan Heaton Richard Norwood David Copeland Joseph Myers Samuel B. T. Caldwell Matthew Mitchell Thomas P. Knox Middlesex Cmmty. John Chovning, junr, Christopher Owen Henry Muse, junr. George Healy Richard M. Segar Samuel W. Sayi'e James Chovning George M. M'Intire Anthony New, junr. Elliott Muse George D. Nicholson Carter Perkins Walter Healy Warner Roane Jeremiah Jackson James H. T. Lorimer Samuel Blake Matthew Major Thomas Blake Meacham Owen William Jesse Thomas Healy J. R. Stepton Robert Blakey William V. Montague J\fatthevfs County. James H, Roy Richard C. Jones Thomas R. Yeatman Thomas Ransom, junr. John C. Booker Edmund N. Sale MectUenburg County. David E. Jiggetts William R. Bosherrill William R. B.Clements William Jones Alexander Boyd Edward L. Tabb William Redd Mark Alexander Christopher Haskins Robert Jones Joseph N. Meredith Abraham Green William Hicks John G. Baptist D. Middaugh John Barron John Griffin William Baptist Samuel A. Douglass R. D. H. Walker Michael Tarwater Green Bianton Samuel L. Lochett William Townes Alexander Boyd Madison County. Richard H. Field Larkin Harvey Thornton Fry Robert G, Willis John Wright Churchill Gibbs Zachariah Shirley George NichoU Reuben M. Strothie Reuben S. Field John R. Bohanan James Clark Robert Thomas Thomas Clow Thomas P. Simmons Paschal Early Heniy Allison Michael Wallace Joel S. Graves Benjamin Burton J^elson County. Robert Philips Robert!. Kincaid Spottswood Garland James Garland, junr. James Loving, junr. Henry Rives Nelson C. Clarkson James P. Garland John T. Dawson EUsha Rider S. Claiborne James S. Penn Thomas W. Coleman Wilham Murrith William H. Shelton James Miu*phy James Spencer Jack Nevil Lem. & James Stephens John Whitehead Joseph Staples John W. Green JSTansemond County. Joseph Holliday Stephen T. Hoortly William Minton Edward Brown John Minton Edward Wright James Wilkinson E. K. Brown John Brewer Jesse Holland Edmund T. Goodwin Jethro Powell Edward R. Hunter Benjamin B. Baker Samuel Brown Thomas E. Gray David Parker Wiley Parker Andrew Ballard Thomas Bevin Wiley W. Parker Benjamin Copeland William P. Memtrue Thomas Smith Putmon Dickenson John G. Prenner William Reddick Henry Gorham John Murphy Thomas R. Day TAither H. Read James G. Green John T. Kibby Jeremiah Goodwin Josiah Reddick, sen. John Murdaugh John C, Gaboon, sen. James Evans Mills Reddick Robert W. Jordan Arthur Smith Trejah Simmons Matthias Jones John C. Montgomery Samuel Cross John King JVotarway County. ^V^illiam Pincham Daniel T. Beasley Edmond Wells Pe3rton Doswell «. John Hurst Truman Fitzgerald Thomas R. Eppes William Gooch N.Ward Archibald Butler Gideon Foster Sygnal Moore Edmund Irby JVVw Kent County, John B. Clopton John Vaiden William B. Bailey J. Ratchff Walde Clopton Thomas H. Terrell James H. Wilkinson Robert Christian, jun. Robert Perkins John P. Poindexter Henry Parham Arcliibald Lacy B. Dandridge George P. Crump .Wilham B. Amens WilHam D. Abbott Hammermond Crump Beverly Crump Parks HiU Thomas Claiborne Abner Harmond Robert M. Crump Fielding M. Crump John A. & William Taylor William M. Massie CaiTell F. Chappell Micajah Vaiden SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES. Robert Bradenham William Clmborne JVbrfolk County. John Owen Thomas Morse George D. Wise George Webb E. D. Wilson William W. Cowper John J. Campbell Lewis Decimes William Kean J. G. Wilkinson JVbrthvmberland County. Thomas Brown J. Ball, jun. Pemberton Clayton Joseph Baysye James Smith Thomas Hughlett Baldwin M. Leland Iza Anderson John Gunstead WiUiam Jett Thomas Towles John Chinn John H. Fallin William Nutt William Harding John Hughlett Griffin H. Foushee Charles Betts Willis W.Hudnall John M*Adam Orange County. Thomas Lovell Ambrose Macon Nathaniel Gordon William L. Harris Augustine Webbs Blackwell Chilton Reuben T. Clark Wilham S. Cowherd Richard Can- Joel W. Brown Payton Grimes James Coleman Heniy White B. Brown, jun. William Emmison James Blackley Powhatan County. Edward Cox, jun. Lilt. H. Moseby B John Randolph 1 William A. Cocke Anthony M. Dupay William T. Harris . Joseph Woodson ': Jefferson Swann i WilUam C. Netherland William B. Taylor Francis Watkins ' Thomas Gordon j WiUiam W. Atkinson Edward C. Swann Charles Taylor Wilham H. Wash • ' William Andrews Blagrove Taylor i Josiah Smith Claiborne Watkins Matthew Baker, Richard A. Saunders William Walthall Edward Cox '- Robert W. Mosby Francis S. Sampson Baylor Temple Benjamin P. Howard Jacob Meacham k WUliam S. Dana Francis S. 0. Reilly William Walker Archibald Robertson Parham Booker Jacob Micox Prince Edward County. Simon Hughs James I, Foster Joel W. Jones WiUiam B. Smith John P. Smith Joseph Woodson, jun. John G. Sadler Paul C. Venable John M*Gehee, jun. John Rice William Matthews Martin Hawkins Nathan Greene James R. Allen E. Booker Anderson Britton William Scay Henry E. Watkins Peter Hales Clement Read, jun. WiUiam Bedford Moses Tredway John Silliman Charles Woodron Robert Venable James Whary SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES, James M'Dearmon William Andrews Pittsylvania CowUy. Ralph Smith, jun. Vincent Witcher Nathaniel Kirby George Barges WiUiam Estes Robert Ross John Harrison John W. Paxton Ransome Jeter John Daniel Thomas Stewart George W. Ruger James Garland Samuel Garland George Townes William Leftwick John A. Simms Thomas G. Tunstall Robert Wilson Azariali Moore W. A. Townes Walter Cowles John W. Thomas Jeduthan Carter^ jun. Robert A. Ward William Buford S. T. Foster David H. Clark Robert Hainton John Ware William Adams John Smith, jun. Ichabod Thomas Eustace Hunt Selby Benson Abraham Shelton Patrick County. Abraliam Staples Clark Penn M. Sandifer Thomas Penn Jerman Baker Lewis Pedego Greenville Penn Hardin Harston John Hughes WilUam Carter, jun. William Lyon Brett Stovall Madison Hughes Prince George County. John Battle, jun. Edmund Hamsoa Henry Heath Lem. Honnecut William Buckly P. Andrews Thomas Daniel John H. Peterson Josiah M. Jordan Edward Banch George P. Cooper William Mattox Lewis Batt Jolin S. P. Eppes Prince William County. Philip Klepstone James C. Ducale Alexander Turner Zebulon Kankey Gerard Alexander Richmond County. M. Saunders Samuel Williams William W. Forester William Settle John C. Peck Vincent Bramham John W. Belfield William L. Lee John N. Rootles Robert W.M'Carty William R. Jeffiys William Saunders W. B. Tomlin Landon Carter Richard Barnes Martin Sesson George Saunders William Young Stierman Rockbridge County. William Caruthers Charles P. Dornman Augustus D. Lowry Madison Caruthers John Gibson Bennet Hutchinson George B. Nicholson Samuel Smith Southampton County. Boling H. Barnes Henry Briggs Henry Gurley John Thomas William Bailey Green Adams James Britt Simon Bayhin WiUiam I. Cocke Absalom P. Smith James Trezvant Jordan Wornwell Kinchen Jelks Spratley Williams Edward Ruse Peter P. Wyche John H. Chapman Robert Rochelle William B. Goodwin James Myrick A. P. Pecte Alfred Simmons Nicholas L. Williams Richard H. Simmons Thomas R. Collins Gideon Bell John Urqhart John Crutchellon Henry I. P. Westbrook James Rochelle I. Fort Griffin Stith Samuel Brown William Ricks David Newsum James Jones George Simmons William L. Everitt Francis Ridley John Fajrcloth Richard Blount Sussex County. William S. Parham Ni Massenburg David E. Mason John HaU Benjamin Pecte Michael Bailey John M. Jeffrys William Thornton John Nicholson Henry I. Harrison William Shands, jun. John Parham Thomas Blount, jun. William E. B. Ruffin William Adkins Joseph Mason John Lanier Richard Eppes Thomas H. NeveS Littleton Lanier William Parham John Key John Moore George Grave Isaac Randal SUBSCRIBER'S NAMES, James Dillard Natlianiel D. Land Aug^istus W. Haguist Robert Pettiway Peter Booth John Huson John Parr Thomas Southail Thomas Northrop, jun. lohn E. Williamson Siirry County. Walter Spratley, jun. Peter T. Spratley WilUam Randolph William Binns Lewis M. Spratley Thomas W. Bayr William Scammell William Carter R. H. Cocke Irby Jones WJUey Davis Alfred S. Bailey Thomas Clinch John Peter Benjamin Cocke John Wilhson Cohn Bishop Jonathan Ellis John Faulcon Spottsylvarda County. C. Gregory William MTarlane Thomas G. Hull E. Head Sandford Chancellor WUliarn Wrig-ht Thomas Y. Smith Georg-e Ellis WiUiam D. Payne John E. Blackwell Thomel Twjonan Westmoreland County. John W. Jones John Harvey N. V. Clopton John Campbell Joseph Fox John M. Hungerford Robert Baily William M. Walker Henry Parker William B. Smith John Payne William Middleton Christopher I. Collins Daniel Carmichael Raldwin M. Lee Sanmel Templeman James Jett William S. Jett, jun. Peter P. Cox York County. Joseph Monett Fi-ederick B. Power Henry H. Shield Christopher Hubbard Kemp. P EUiott Matthew Wells Robert Shield John Stedman Thomas Nelson, jun, Benjamin Waller, jun. William Whittaker Peter Manson Lewis S. Charles Wm. Patrick Servant Jones NORTH CAROLINA. Beaufort Coumty, • James Blount Joseph K. Williams J. E. Robason WilUam Holmes Edward Quinn H. C. Simmon Thomas EUison Samuel C. Pate Christian Mallison Josiah Tripp Jesse Gk)dley P. W. Camprerio Thomas A. Carbarrus Isaiah Woodward William Worsley Robert G. Green Bertie Coimty. Edward C. Outlaw David Goodman Jonathan H. Jacocks E. A. Rhodes Robert C. Watson Thomas Burchell Benjamin Jones Baldy Ashburn Richard Poindexter Joseph S. Pugh Anthony W. Putney George L. Ryan Wm. S. Rhodes Russell Minor Edmund Fleetwood Stephen Murdaugh P. B. Martin William Mais, jun. Thomas H. Norfeit L. Raby William Lee Gray Wilham H. Green Hum Lawrence Stanby Hetrill John Webb Robert Peterson Malachi Weston Thomas Bond WiUiam Spackman James Palmer WilUam Lancaster Burke County. Milton Ladd WilUam Dickenson Currituc County, David Jones Samuel Ferebee Keeder S. Marchant John S. Hampton Jeremiah Land Caleb Etherige W. T. Barnard Wm. Matthias Isaac Baxter John Lamb Malachi Jones Thomas Sanderson John Sliifop Edmund S. Lindsay Thomas C. Ferebee Edward Hardey C.Bell Dennis Dozier, jun. Samuel Salyear, jun. John Mackie Thomas LufFman Samuel Williams Lem. C. Moore J. Baxter, for H. Bell Camden Coimty. D. S. Burgess Edwin White Mason Culpepper Ezekiel Trotman Willie M'Pheraon Isaac Sellett Malachi Sawyer WiUis Wilson Thomas Roberts SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES. Thomas Etheridge Yellis Mandeville Caleb Perkins William Seirrange Thomas Owen Ch(Koan County. Alfred M'GatUn John Skinner Charles E. Johnson William Saundere James K. Bent James Sutton Richard H. Blount Thomas Vail William Hoskins Abraham Howell Chatham County. Edward Jones Greene W'armack William Scurlock Wilham Stedman Bartholomew L. Hayes W. L. Hayes Joseph Schulock Horace D. Bridges John P. Smith George Luther James H. Rogers George Gee William Prince James Taylor Benjamin Brantley James Massey Wilham Brinkley Thomas Ragland Zachariah Harman Abner Brooks \\. E. Sledman Murdock M'Kenzie Charles S. WiUiams William Norwood Elijah Fooshee Carterett County. John Roberts Andrew Wilson, jun. R. H. Jones James MiCullough Morais Hatchell James W. Hunt Andrew Wilson, for Na- thaniel Pinchasn David Hillan Wilson Bugess Stnuts John L. HeUen John K. C. Jackson Solomon Key Casxoell County. James Rainey Wilham Rainey A. & L. Graves William Timberlake John C. Rogers Bedford Brown John Stamps Barz. Graves Thomas Jeffreys George Wilhamson Ruflfin Pleasant Natlianiel Gooch Griffin Gunn Henry M. Clay Solomon Graves William P. Payne John Moreton William Graves Wilham Led Wilham Mitchell, jun. James Yancey James Scott Henry Cobb Quinton Anderson Thomas Williamson John H. Brown Gen. Az. Graves Romulus A. Saunders Alexander Murphy John G. Wilson Gabl. B. Lee Nicholas Thomson Joim H. M'Neill Richard Ofibby Samuel H. Smith Solomon Deboul Richard H. Hayes William Irvine John W. Glenn Thomas Turner Ambrose K. Ramsey Mason Graves Cabards County. N. Alexander Charles Han-is Thomas Dennis John Travis John Locke David Houlton John N. Fifer Abraham C. M*Ree William Houston John Moss Robert Kirkpatrick WiUiam F. Alexander George Phifer John Stewall R. W, Smith Cumberland Count v, B. W. Williams John M'Load William Graham David Howell John M'Phaul Thomas Heamed John Hodges John C. Wihiams Lawrence Wood George Hearsey Joshua Carman John N. M'Rae James M'lntyre Francis W. Waldo John Matthews Henry Elliot D. O. Chiltrue Martin M'Pherson Hugh Bethed James Atkins John H. Pierce John Shaws Alexander W. Quire James Ogner I. T. Gushing Robert Strange James S. Richardson William Forbes Madison Caruthers James P. Wilson John M'Intyre Craven County. Thomas Hubbard Hardy B. Law E. Pastures Jonathan Price Hardy L. Jones I. & B. Turner Lucas B. Heritager John Dewey Thomas W. Macken David A. Murdock Jarvis B. Buxton Lucas Benners Charles Churchill John A. Greene Edward Kinnicut John Vail Wilham Davis Thomas M. Parker William S. Harvey James R. Bryan Clairborne Ivey Elijah Scott John S. Smith John B. Dowson WUliam P. Biddle Diu-ant H. Lane SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES. William S.Blackledge John O. Freeman Frederick I. Cox Isa Lipsey Duplin County. Joseph Greene Andrew M'Intyre David Hooks Thomas Rutledg-e James Dickson John Cooper Alexander M'Gowan Robert Middletown Ellas Faeson Alfred Beach Levi Borden Daniel D. N. Kennan Stephen Graham Thomas Hill Samuel Stamford Timothy Murphy William Pickett Joseph Dickson Joseph Gillespie A. Maxwell William Hurst James Pearsall Dickson Sloan Hugh Maxwell iThomas Moulton Samuel Dunn David Wright Benjamin Hodges M. Sykes John Hunter Edgecombe County. I. R. Leigh George E. Sprill David Dancy Francis L. Dancy Thomas H. HaU John H. Parker John W. Mayou Daniel Redmond Selali Hammond James Bilbry James S. Battle Jesse Andrews Jesse Battle Frederick Philips I. Benton Arthur Bishop Richard Harrison John S. Rakestraw George Brownrigg Spencer L. Hart Benjamin Weaver William B. Ross Kinchin Hines Joseph Z. Dancy Franklin County. WiUiam Lancaster, jun. Wood Tucker W. H. Strother Robert A. Taylor Richard H. Fenner John C. Perry James N. Hill Benjamin Waddep Henry Yarbsough William Murphy Robert H, Wynne I. Hicks James K. Goodloe E. I. Ransone James T. Hill Alexander W. Pasham W. Wynne I. Solomon W. D. Jones Davis Bayart R. Inge John B. Babbett W. Moore John Haywood Gideon Glen Ni-than Perry Jordan Thomas Gray Bridges Wiley O. Davis Simon Jeffries Samuel Shoman William Goodloe John Perry William Jeffreys Nathaniel Thomas K. Williams Jones Cooke Walter S. Ribbe James Yardsough Richard Fox William Harrison H. Greene John D. Hawkins Daniel Blue James Harrison John L. Southerland Benjamin Hester C. Brooks F. W. Pugh Edwin Paschal Simon G. Jeffreys Nelson Andrews William B. Eaton John S. Inge Benjamin Waddy Gates County. Elisha H. Eure John H. Edwards W. C. Brooks Charles Townsend William M. Harvey David E. Sumner James Gregory Jonathan Mitchell John B.Walton Lem. Reddick Jo. Reddick H. Ballard MiUs Reddick W. W. Reddick William Goodman Henry Reddick Joseph Freeman William P. Jameson Charles W. Harvey Benjamin Sumner John V. Sumner Joseph Gordon Granville County. James G. Lamon Joseph Boswell Andrew Rhed Stephen Snead John Hare Parker S. Stone Thomas Booth Woodson Daniel Robert Taylor James Richards A. H. Banks Howell Morse Israel Hargrove John Washington Anderson Freeman Thomas Cooke Thomas B. Littlejohn Stephen K. Snead Nathaniel Robards Thomas Hunt Anson Mitchell William H. Gillian William Dickens Thomas W. Holden John Y. Young Thomas I. Hicks Henry Young Josiah Holden Joseph Ames John P. Smith Henry Graves Thomas Webb Richard Sneed Alexander Smith Hamilton Roe SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES. Benjamin Bullock John Manning Guilford County. William C. Chapman Abraham Green John G. Coe George Swain D. G. M. I. Osboni Daniel Worth Isaac Thornborough Daniel Orrill James Coffin William Denton Levin Charles John Cunningham James Dick Donald Stewart B. B. Trent Henry Humphreys William Stanly Greeiie County. William HoUiday Palmer Moseley William D. Hart Adam Tooley Gathier Moye Josiah Q. Garland I. Speight Henry Best Shepherd & Wilcox I. M. Patrick H. T. G. Ruffin James Eastwood Ft. Dickson Charles Edwards Thomas Speight Demsey Blake Hertford C(mnty. Jonathan O. Freeman R. W. Wilson John Wheeler James Vishu Moses Clements Augustine Moore Daniel Southall Isaac A. Langdon Ehsha Hoston Jasper Picket Jonathan Jenkins Thomas Wynne G. M. Smith Bridges A. Montgomery James Reid James Capland Asa Pick James S.Jones James P. Carter Benjamin Hill Joel Rayner Miles Jernegan Watson Lewis Boon Felton Ehsha Williams Joseph F. Dickenson Roswell Harrison Edmund Freeman Arthur Cart- Andrew Ohver George Browning, jun, Halifax County. William H. Pope Richard Eppes William Divier J. Liscomb John Powell Thomas R. Nevell Robert Shepherd Ladaman Shelton James Grant J. Matthews John Tillery Robert Finner, jun. Cad wall ader Jones Tripp S. Brownlow John H. Bailey Sylvanus Bell L. Wilcox Benjamin Hill John Bishop Thomas Hudson Robert W. Williams Janad Weaver J. Brickell R. L. Mai-shal Wilham Lowry H. P. Mihken Thomas Onsby Thomas Gary S. Rutland A. B. Whitiker John Crowell Henry Dawson Marcus A. Hanvell J. C. Harrison James Zollicoffer R. Johnston Richard C. Crowell I. R. Liscomb William Harwell Abner Knight Elias Fort Thomas Nicholson Richard H. Dicken Henry Harris Mark H. Petway Henry p. Long W. E. Webb Joseph Lane Joseph Cotton Robert A. Jones R. T. W. H. Perkins John D. Powell James Turner Edward M. Lindsey EUsha K. Eure Edward Dromgoole,jun. Henry C. Janes John Wilkes Jones County. Enoch Foy Alexander Sledge Luther Syler J. B. W. Smith A. B. W. Simmons Asa Smitli Wilham Orme Robert Dickson Robert Kornegay Thomas Sunmons Isa Lipsay John Giles Isaac Hathaway James Mumford James Shine WiUiam Rhodes James Roberts Hascal F. Hatch Lewis Whittey Jacob Field, jun. Lemuel Hatch John Raine Edmund Hatch, jun. Wilham B. Hatch Johnson Couniy. Thomas S. K.Brown Ray Helme Edwin Smith W. W. Bryan W. W. Battle Halsey Bryan N. W. Bryan Samuel Norsworthy John Saunders, jun. Reuben H. Johnson John Leach Larkin Smith NeiD Brice Starling Johnson S. G. Smith Wm. Henry Guy Henry Stephens Needham G. Bryan John Stephens R. Saunders > SUBSCRIBERS* NAMES, W. N, White I. Watson 1. Saunders Iredell Cotmty. Alexander Hogan I. P. M'Kee A\'illiam Kirk lliomas Allison A. D. Ken- Joseph Gay Joseph Oliphant ^Villiam Feemster Colin Campbell William M'Clellen •Joseph Davidson Peter Claywell Jacob Kibler Hugh Torre nee R. Johnson James Stewart Abner Caldwell & W. Sharp Joseph N. Kilpatrick Samuel King Rohert Carson R. Simonton Absalom Simonton John N. Hart AVm. M'Knight & A. Gra- ham Thomas Crawford John Mushat Charles D. Conner James R. Nealy James M*Kee John Dickey John Sumpter Archibald Brady Lenoir County. Alexander Measley James R, Croom Robert W. Gk)odman James Bright Blake Little . Lewis Br)^an F. G. George George P. Lovick Simon Bright Herren Hutchens John Trill Benjamin Caswell Walter T. Allen Thomas A. Phelps R. G. Croom Blount Coleman Sutton Hardy Isaac Tull Thomas Coward I. Leany Henry Tull Lewis Phillips Thomas Campbell Joshua Croom James G. Herritage John Wilhams Nathan B. Bush Wilham Loftin W. Hardy Bookcajah Smith Lewis Loftin John Grady Need. Wliitfiel Nathan B. Whitfiel Lincoln County. Robert L. Neagle John Hyes John B. Harry James Bivings John D. Graham Gen. John Moore John Lusk Peter Hermond Robert H. Burton John Hoke D. Ramsour Jacob Homey Peter Summay David Rheinharst Logan Hemerson Anderson Hoyle John Wilson Andrew Harmon Jacob Reinhai'dt R. & T. WiUiamson Matthias Barringer Charles Bennet Samuel Martin Lawson Henderson John Butts & W. Kline A. Lawrence Benjamin James Jacob Snyder Lightfoot Williams George Summey Henrv Curnsler W. C. Sadler Martin County. Reuben Wilkes John Wilkes Henry B. Hunter John Luten Henry Wheatley Joel & John G. Smithwick Samuel Hyman Benjamin F. Slade Henry Slade H. G. Williams WiUiam R. Bennet James Bell John Phelps Levi Yates James Moore E. Smithwicke Willie Howard Joseph R.Ballard Pierce Whitley Moore Cotiniy. Bumel Boyle John B. Kelley William Martin Kenneth A. M'lver William Buice Richard Street Biyan Burrough William Thomas England Jacob Gastor John Cameron Benjamin Pierson Duncan Mercheson John M*Iver Cors. Dowd Nicholas Nail Neil Buir Mecklenburg County. John Scott Thomas Huson Thomas B. Smith Wilham Davidson Edwin J. Osbom D. R. Dunlap Samuel Henderson Alexander Green James Sproll S. Lowrie John Hendrick Henry Foster Samuel O. Caldwell J. M'Knight, jun. Isaac Green Thomas G. Polk John Irwin Joseph Wilson Joseph R. Darnell Henry Conner, jun William H. Wilson John H. Orr M. M'Leary Wm. P. Springs Benjamin W. Davidson W. Smith Alexander Long ~i SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES. S. R. W. Fox Col. W. B. Porter Elvird C. Wilson James G. Torrence John Gilmer Bobert Porter JSTorthampton County. Richard Cinimp William I, Colvin Roderick B. Gary Tom Hughes Carter Jones Hardy Pritchard John Sandifer Thomas W. Jinkins John Peele Bryan Randolph Allen Deberry Cullen Mitchell James Monroe W^alker John D. Ames Charles Edwai-ds John M. Benford W^m. Son Glover William Gooseley Edmund Turner, sen. P. Brown John E. Williamson James H. Sowsby J^ash Counti/. W. W. BoddiU Lewis Brodie Isham Daniel Michael Collins Arthur Whitehead Thomas I. Armstrong Joseph Arlington Nathan Poddell Marmaduke Mason C. B. Atkinson Jesse Thorp Isaac Watkins Lewis Hines David Daniel Samuel W. W. Vick Exam Philips John Arrington, 2d. William Burt P. L. WUliams Clairborne Mann Joel Harris John I. Short WilUe Bunn Dolphin Anderson OnsloTv Counti/. James Thompson Lewis I. Oliver Lemuel Doty Edward Ward EU W. Ward W. French James M. Nixon Reuben Ambrose. Jereme Topp Purnell Marshal! David Ward Lott Humphrey W. MitcheU Lewis Foy Robert White William Snead John S. Willson John Giles James M'Cullough Solomon Key Orange County. John Taylor, jun. A. Alston James Thomson James Whittled Abnn. B. Bruce A. D. Miuphey John Scott John A. Meebane John M'Cawley James Mebane John Van Hook, jun. John T. R. Forest David Ray William Kirkland Wyatt Ballard Wm. Montgomery, jun. D. Davis Child & Claney Wm. Huntington Edward Robeson Josiah Turner Francis Child John Young Benjamin Barnham Wm. Whitted Samuel Hogg James Webb William B. Panerson James S. Smith David Yarbrough Joseph Caldwell, 2 copies Abner W. Clopton William M. Green, and> Thomas H. Wright 5 G. E. Badger Hemdon Harolson Person County. Wm. JeflPrys Ira Lea Benjamin Chambers Wm. M'Kissack John Douglass Duncan Rose Cary Williams John Brodhead Lawrence Van Hook Robert Jones C. Burnett Nathaniel Norfleet James M'Muwey Isham Edwards Richard Hallburton William L. Parker S. A. Gleam Hemdon Haroldson, jun. John M. M'Gehee John Van Hook, jun. Thomas Sneed Jesse Evans Lord Lord Kendell Van Hook, jun. S. M'Kissack Patrick M. Glenn Samuel Davy Samuel Dickens James Daniel David Jeffreys Carter Atkinson B. Rogers John W. Williams L. Barney Robert L. Ward James Satterfield Bradshu Fuller Edward Mitchell James Hannah William Irvine Joseph M. Daniel Richard Atkinson John Gainer Thomas M*Geher Joseph M'Geher William M*Geher Pasquotank County. Leonard Martin Thomas D. Martin Thomas Owin WUUam S. Muse H. P. Reading W. Beckwith John C. Chringhore M. S. Lewis Miers F. Truett Wilson Sawyer William Gregory W. Albertson Caleb B. Nash Josiah F. Ranke Stephen Charles SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES. Ambrose Knox Enoch Sawyer Richard Muse A. Albertson William Tubbs WUliam T. Relfe Thos. L, Shannonhouse Ambrose N. Doughs Thomas Jordon Daniel Long William Shaw William Crutch William Carter John M'Donald William C. Brooks B. F. Pollack John Pool, sen. Edmund B. Harvey Benjamin M.Jackson Thomas Cammander Joseph Parker Charles Bailey John Mullen Frederick B. Sawyer Thomas BeU Perqmmons County. John F. Hodges Joseph Sutton James Whidbee Edward Wood Exum Newby, jun. Joseph Moore Will Blount Jam^s Leigh Jesse Standin William Arrenton Asa Rogerson Josiah Samborne William Jones Robert Wheaton Nathan Winslow Francis Nixon \ Jesse Fletcher Josiah Townsend Will Reed William R. Sutton Thos. Gramberg Pitt County. ^ Lemuel C. Clark Thomas Salter David Smith Joseph Blaunt John Hardy Benjamin Merrell Demsey Blake Simon Noble Henry Smith T. A. Blackwell James C. Greene Wilbam Pugh David A. Smith B.C. Dupree Robert Williams Benjamin Tison Josiah Wooten Ichobad Tison Ivy Foreman Oliver Prince Richard E. Rivers T. Blount Hadrianus Van Nordan AUen Cannon B. M. Selby Bryan Grimes Charles Green Rockingham County, James Sharp Alexander S. Martin James Bamett Nathaniel Scales Nathaniel H. Henry Charles Mills William Wright J. Campbell John Wilson, jun. John Watkins, jun. John Odineal Robert Cox Thomas Hill Doct. J. Phelps Thos.R.Ruffin. JRoivan County. David Mock James Cornell Robert Clark Robert Home John Frost H. M. Stokes James L. Wiley M. Chamberland L. L. Ferrand Jno, Fulton John Campbell Thomas M. Linston James Gillespie John Beard Charles Fisher Ro. Locke John L, Henderson John Giles Thomas L. Cowan John Murphey Michael Brown Ezra AUeming Joseph Chambers, jun. Thomas Holmes Q J. Knider Moses Locke ^ William Long, juil. Wm. Jas. Lawson, and> H. Alexander i Robert Strange P. A. Smith H. Chambers Lewis Utzman Daniel Orrill Herndorn Horaldson, jun, Stokea County, N. Shober John Clements Anderson Bowman Thomas Armstrong Charles Banner Joseph W. Winston Archibald R. Ruffin William Ban- William Boyles, jun, Isaac N. Ladd John Doub John Consad Edward Moore I, S. Hunt Lewis Plume Matthew Detherage Matthew R. Moore Johnson Clements John Hinlly John Mastin I. I. Smith R. L. Winston Isaac Dalton Jonathan Dalton John HaiTis John Clemmons Joseph V. Gregg WUliam Hughes John Webb Augustine C. Sheppherd William G. Haynes Solomon Speiihour Thomas W. Marstou John Evens James M'Pherson John Butner Alexander Moore Isaac Nelson James Patterson P. Hairston John G. Smith Ezekiel Frost; Asa Folger Joseph Kerner Getliel Byhan Daniel C. Walford Eli Cook William Willson SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES- Surry County. James Babbett John Rhodes Edward Pattillo Charles King Nathan Chaffin W. B. Camp Fanning Jones S. Graves, jun. W. Powell Samuel Alston Lewis Williams Reps. Mabsey Johnson Busbee Gabriel Hanby William M.PoweD James B. Hill J. D. W. Lester Joseph I. Hawkins Wm. M'Cullers James Marstin T. H. Mysick John F. Pride James Williams, juii. J. W. Judkin Alfred M'Daniel Geo. Kembrough John T. Clanton S. Turner Jonathan Dalton Benjamin Riggan George W. Grymes David Crenshaw Solomon Greene Washington Cmmty. James Nicholson G. H. Scott S. W. & I. Scott Samuel Skinner Wayne County. Willis Whitiker Thomas B. Houghton J. Hinton, jun. Samuel L. Wiggins William W. Huntington A. Alston John Salsbury Thomas Tartt Major Samuel G. Briggs William CurreU Smith Hogan Benjamin Joiner Geo. Nichols Henry Brownrigg Abner Nash Vail T. Hurst G. L. Stewert Richard Washington SOUTH CAROLINA Frances Ward Barnibas M'Kinny Joseph B. G. Roulhae John Everitt Abbeville Diatnct. Le\-i Fagan Robert Fellow, jun. Charles Blount Matthew Everitt Henry F. Power Daniel Leggett Benjamin Jernigan Thomas Branson Asa Davenport John Stubbs Joseph Edwards John M'Comb J. Langster James M'Crachan Aaron Harrison Charles Bass James Spann William L. Cheson Joshua Ammons Walter 0»Beekley S. W^alker Ezekiel Slocumb B. F. Whitner W. Woodly Thomas Kenneday Wilhs Bostwick D. Marriner Thomas Cox Lewis B. Holloway Needliam Walters Littleton Myrick Warren County. Isaac Handy WiUiam Wilson Aaron F. Moses Charles C. Mayson Seth W^ard Hilliary Hooks William H. Bostwick John Brodie John M'Kinny John Talbert ' I. M. Cowderry j John Marsh \ HeniyFitts Sampson Lane IVilliam P. Little WilHam PanneU David Thompson John & David Wasden Nathan Lipscomb j Nathaniel M. Johnson Richard Caseaway Jared C. Groce P. Hawkins John P. Wilson Archy Mason \ John M. Johnson Philip Hooks William Tinsby John D. Plunket Lemuel Witfield Thomas Woolridge Geo. W. Freeman John W. Wilson Robert R. Johnson Wake County. Tal. Livingston ■ Robert Freeman Alexander Speer Joseph Hawkins W. R. Henton W. P. Rayford Carter Nunnay W. Henderson E. S. Davis Anthony Davis Beverly Daniel William Robertson, jua M. Duke Johnson Samuet Gasland Samuel Lenton, jun. R. F. Check William H. Fowler Moses Taggett David Dancey A. S. H. Burgess Joseph Pickens Thomas Davis A. I. M'Ketlian Jefferson L. Edmonds Thomas T. Russell Nathaniel H. Wills D. M'Gehee William H. Bullock Orran D. Lamon Joseph Culpepper D. B. Allen Barwell Battle Richard Covington Robert Park John Bell William Ware Thomas Bragg Raleigh Mysick Burwell Simms 1 Andrew Milligen Kenneth Gillis Edward Collier ■ SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES. William Benford A. W. Scott John Scuddy Rev. Heniy Reed Thomas Childs - Thomas C. Oliver Benjamin Glover Thomas P. Mai-tin Moses Waddel William Lomar H. MiUer William Mountcastle John Childs Charles Martin B. H. Savon Alexander Bouie Alexander B. Arnold Patrick Cajhoun Joseph Miller Jos. B. Gilbert William Calhoun, jun. .William Lesley James Collier James Lomar, jun. John Kavlin Alexander Hunter Abraham Landsdale James Conn Josiah Patterson, sen. John Devlin I. I. Ash Robert Black Randsome WaiTell James Cobb G. W. Martin Thomas Jones Richard Griffin William Wire James Wilson John Ellington John M*Calla John Bucanan Edward Ware Robert S. Jones Gen. Joseph Hutton William Spear, jun. Hug-h Morrali Patrick Noble James W. Cotton Stephen Crenshaw Marshall Wetherall Thomas Sinsley Henry Haston Rev. Washington Belcher Francis Connor Wisley Brannan William H. Glanton James Campbell John Montgomei-y Hugh Mecklin John Allen Joseph Cooper William A. Slaughter Barn-well District. J. R. Vince Robert Lowry Henry Burford Thomas G. Lamor William Gilliam Henry W. Oakanan John Richenbaker Gideon Hagood John I. Gray James W. Tarrant Robert Goode Benjamin O. Dom Isaac Bourdeaux James R. Dopson Joseph Eastland Z. O. Bannon Joseph Duncan C.Tobin John Miller W. W. Dunn John S. Fowke William H. Robert Isaac Easbank I. W. Moore Darling Peeples Isaac Ellis Wm. H. Lee John C. Allen Richard C. Ashe John Owens Benjamin Tarrant William Black Joseph Harley Angus Patterson Beaufort District. John S. Smith William Hazzard John Ulmer Charles I. Davis Edward W. North Abraham Huguenin Henry M'Chsh Benjamin H. Buckner Charles E. Flinn B. Cooley William I. Huguinan Joseph Guerard, jvm. John Stone Isaac Davis Joseph I. Robert John C. Cook Thomas G. Cheney William Taylor John A. Cuthbert jun. Charles G. Capers Geo. I. Logan R. Zubbolt John D. Mangin Col. Bailey Myer Jacobs John S. Maner Samuel. M. Wallace PhiUp Eastmead Richard Bland Alexander Hamill Charles H. Collins F. Bowler Nathaniel H. Rhodes James E. Flagg James R. Verdier Benjamin R. Bostwick William P. Molett Philip P. Bessellen William Lake Saul Solomon Thomas L. Seawell WiUiam Bell John Fitzpatrick Lewis Harden William Chaplin James L. Grayson John Tripp, jun. John M. Gilbert Thomas I. Griffith I. Lockwood Stephen R. Procter Thomas Wilson G. B. Cheney John Hogg, jun. Cliester District. Daniel M'Neel David Patton John Dunnavant Hanry Bradley John E. Dunning Solomon Beach Samuel M'Neel Gavin M'Millen Wm. Stringfellow Thomas Brown John Boyd William Harden Robert Robertson Aaron F. Quay Robert F. Lyme John Kidd Thomas G. Blewett S. Beekman, jun. AUen Knight William M'Aulla Andrew Park John Wvlee R. W. Gill Joseph P. Lewis Hugh M*Millin E. Lyles SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES. John Roseborough Fairfield Dktiict. ^A^illiam Soner Alexander Cabear Robert H. Briggs John Darley Robert L. Knox William Halcombe Thomas Davis Abraham Ferguson Spartan Goodlet James Adam T. H. Taylor John Creltenden Stephen Fen-y John D.Winn Samuel Crayton John W. Ferry Samuel Brown James Sheppard Samuel Johnson, jun. William Holmes Wm. D. Bradford Daniel M'Millen John Workham John Gowan James Hood M. V. Davison Richard Harnson Hugh Knox Samuel E. Amatt A. K. Parkins William lyeach David Alston Richard Ward, jun. Wilham Wheeling AUan Marshall Andrew B. Flemming Darlington Bistiict. Hugh Young S. W. Youngell Paschal Smithson Joseph Woods Ehsha Jones Gen. John Blassingame Gad. MTarlane Marquis CaJmes John Moon Thomas Smith Col. James Mooreman Samuel Sawney L. Hanmer Philip E. Pearson John Paris John D. Witherspoon Henry Rugely Garland Walker William Cooper John Douglass Philip Masoney E. H. Lide N. O. Wade Joseph Otis B. L. Hannac William Thompson WiUiam H. Cook Hugh Thompson Isaac Means Thomas Payne Caleb Clark Benjamin Arnold Edgejield District, Samuel G. Barber Thomas Hamilton Thomas M'Cullough Nelson Dickeson Alexander S. Moore William EUison Daniel Rinhardt William Brazier Armisted Goss Rev. Lewis Rector Martin & Williamson Archibald Beaty Thomas West John Torre-nce Hugh Smith, jun Wilham H. Salmon Sterling Quarles C. Buchanon Andrew M'Crary Seaborn Thorn William M'Bride Bannister Stone Benjamin Fi*azier Patrick M'Guire Benajah Dunham Tully Boiling John Moore Asmund Woodward John Middleton Rabb & Woodward John S. B. Foster Jesse Simpkins & Co. James Kelly Charles Hammond George Butler Capt. Wm. M'Creight James Guy Kershato District. ^ Thomas Websters Austin F. Peay Charles Lamar John M'Master Zach. Canten William W. Fell Henry Moore S. H. Boykin \ Charles F. Randolph James Neily John Boykin, jun. J Joel Hill John Allen Alexander Young William Garrett John Thompson S. Rochell George MTDufRe Burrel B. Cook Ezekiel Mahew • John S, Jeter VV. Atkinson David George Stephen Garrett James Stevenson George Perry Charles Bussey Christopher Plunket Vincient A. Edwards ; Sampson Butler James M'Arnall Lovich Youngs ' Charles Goodwin James Roochell Col. Adam M'Willers , , John R. Bartie Thomas Starke M.C.Wiggins Isaac Randolph Reuben Veale Powell M'Red ■ Thomas A. Cotton James C. Irvin W. S, Johnson Greenville District. Thomas English John Blocker James Surlev & I. Jinkins Jesse Blocker Daniel H. Tillinghast A. G. M'Kenzie George Graves John B. Williams WiUiam Gibson, jun. John Miller Thomas Edmundson Abijah Miller Edmund Bacon Jeremiah Cleavland S. Rembert Samuel Marsh Benjamin Kilgore John Carter Wibon Wheatley WilJiam Young William Trapp SUBSCRIBERS* NAMES. Lancastei' Diatuct. James Vaughan Thomas Williams, jun. John E. Sanderson Francis K. Brummett William M'Kennd [\ W. Flynn i*armenio Rodg-ers William R. Dickey William E. Johnson G. D. Wilfong John M*Kinzie E. F. Crocket Samuel Sellers James Witherspoon John Gooch Hugh Bird John Crawford John Hancock William Bailey Benjamin C. Jones Buckner Lanair John Montg-omery John Barkleip Daniel H. Gantzon C. Elms James R. Massey Benjamin S. Massey James C. Massey Isaac Donnon James Crane Thomas Graham Robert Cunning-ham Jehu Postell John S, Perry Allen Chevis Robert D. Montgomery Daniel M'Donald AVilliam Howe Thomas Eee Henry M'Donald John Brown Eli Crocket James Wright Benjamin iilassey Robert A. Crocke Zadock Perry S. M. Adams John L. Miller Samuel R. Gibson Leocington District. John C. Bell James Pou David Sohrock JohnF. Seibels Jacob Ball John Patton Laurens District. John Cunningh^ Henry C. Young Thomas Porter S. B. Lewers Richard F. Simpson John Dunlap J. H. Irby Patillo FaiTon William F. Downs Nathaniel Day Thomas F. Jones Abner Crenshaw William H. Young Thomas Wright Anthony F. Golding Willis Hogg Hezekiah Cheshire WiiHam G. Wright S. Richardson W. W. Simpson Mitchell Cook James Brewster James Loughridge C. Saxon Robert Campbell Benjamin James Daniel Long Marten Distnct. Henry Davis, jun. Thomas Harllee Duncan M'Rae James C. Bellune C. Daniel T. Evans Jolm M'Millin Robert Giles William Woodbury Richard Woodbury Nimrod Davis Hugh G. Godbold H. M'Kay James Johnson R. Godfrey Enos Tart John M'Lean Neel Hughes Dougall Carmichael, jun. Samuel Bigham Hugh Hodges L. Harrell Francis A. Wayne John C. Davis William Cox John Gregg John C. Godbold W. G. Singletary Elisha Bethell Robert J. Walsh D. Stone John N. M'Rae Stephen Thompson John Newsom Edward Birch J. Gibson JSilewberrt/ District. William Caldwell Francis B. Wiggins James Rogers Y. I. HaiTJngton Robert U. Usance William Rutherfonl Andrew Cromer, jun. James Feraandes Burr Johnson Burt Harrington James Schell David Gimn ' Joshua Wynn J. B. O'Neal James Gilliam A. Atkins & T. S. Barrett Thomas Pratt John Eigleberger, jun. John Clemens Thomas E. Bumsides James M*^Gigbt John Barrskett A. Crenshaw A.G.Smith Andrew M'Bride Geo. W. Glenn James Caldwell H. Ruft' Peter Moon ' j Oimngtburgh Diiirict. [ M. O. L. Thompson [ W. J. Myddletown 1 John M' Felder | Donald B. Jones \ James B. Bowdoin ' David Rumph J. Rumph V. D. S. Jameson Daniel Frederick Andrew Hcatley Jacob AYannamaker Berther A. Downes Donald Rome Samuel Reckenbaker Pendleton Distnct. William Trimnier Rev. Richard B. Carter James Thompson Joseph V. Shanklin Samuel Cherry Wilham Hunter C.B.Benson SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES. Joseph B. Earle John Martin AV. S. Adair J. Miller David Cherry Joseph Greesham John Greesham Jesse P. Lewis John B. Hammond James Fares A. I.orn "Wm. Anderson John Arraib John Hunter Samuel Earle Joseph Whitner John Maxwell Robert Stribbling Patrick Norris John Matthews p. Sloan, jun. Rev. James Hillhouse Nathaniel Harbin Richard Barry James Lawrence Crosby W. Miller Arnsted Barry Reuben Piles John Brown Harrison & Earle_ John Harris Robert Wilson John Clayton John Nichols Nathl. Harbier John T. Niel Aaron Broyles Benjamin Duprie Andrew Ramsey WiUiam Walker John Brown John Archer E. M. Massey H. Kilpatrick James Ohver John Vemer Joseph Taylor Abner A. Steele Henr>' W. Terrell WiUiam May David Mose'ley John S. Bowen John Whitten William Nicholson Robert Brackenridge John N. Montague Wm. Simpson David Pugh Benjamin F. Sloane Robert Hackett W. Taylor John T. Lewis R. Spriggs James Gerven Thomas FitzaiTclled C. Gaylord Peter Kilpatrick Walter Adair William Carson Thomas Hunter W. Steele Robert Fullerton Thomas Harrison James C. Griffin Lewis Rolston J. Brewster John M'Hall Wm. C.Baskin James Jolly Geo. C. W. Foster John Reeder William Salsbuiy Robert Anderson John B. Earle Richland District. Abraham Nott John Withens, jun. David H. Means Melach Howell Thomas Briggs William Rivers William HiUiard John Veal James S, Goodwin Robert Ogilvie C. C. Williamson Wm. W. Adam W. Howell W. T. Pearson James Gingrard B. F. Taylor John G. Brown John Byrram John Yancey David Myers Robert Singleton Josiah I^ilgore John Hopkins H. P. Taylor J. Howell D. Coalter S. Jones Needham Dudley Osmond Ross Anthony Metcalf William Surginer Spartanburg District. William Hunt S. Foster LabanP. Poole Munn Tallison Eben Smitli Thomas AlUson Elisha Bonar Michael Gaffeny Arthur Clark Bennett Bobo Andrew B. Moore Lawson Thomson Isaac Smitli J. AVhitten Benjamin Warford William Collin Robert Martin John Chapman E. Roddy Chany Stone Sumpter District. Horace Ward I. 1. Frierson Chas. Richardson John S. W^illett Charles Miller Daniel Rose Charles Conners A. P. Johnson Christopher M'Connico James N. Mayrant James Haynsworth John AV. Rees Robert Brailsford Charles Harvin WiUiam Falconer Samuel W. Cummings Henry Spears Geo. I. M'Cauley Thomas Bosher Hastin Jennings WUham Coppidge W. R. Thomas WUliam Taylor JohnB. MiUer Robert Bradford Stephen D. MiUer W. Vaughan Thomas James Wilder Milton Bradley Daniel Loring John Jennings Amos Dubose Wade H. Gaulden John G. Davis Thomas Davis WiUiam G. Richardson James R. Center Reuben Arthur Caleb Rembert Peter I. Wright Stephen Dyson Wm. V. Richbourg SUBSCRIBEKS' NAMES, iobert Mularen Kichard Redgeville, ancl^ Ch.irles Brunson 5 .fames E. Harvin Thomas G. Polk William Ballard William M. Lansdell IloUoway James William Alex. Colclough J. J. Evans James G. Spann Thomas Dugun, jun. Joseph West J^'rancis Spring John Boyd, jun. Samuel Bennett Matthew S. Moore William Potts, sen. W. H. Capers Philip Bracy James Millett Israel Whipple James Barrister John Cox John G. Moore Thomas Ebzbirgh Edward B rough ton John M'Donell John King Peter Millett A. B. Di-ake WiUiam Bell Spencer Wilder A. Silliman WilUam Haynsworth J ohn Mayrant, jun. Christopher Flymi James Capers Thomas Rivers John Mayrant, sen. Samuel Wright Geo. W. Pitts B. Gerald ' Jno. Waters A. Sexton Tsaac Hinkle William Mayrant, jun. John Dorgan Charles F. Gordon Rev. John Conser Arthur Bradley John Bradley David Brunson R. Mularow Union District. Daniel M'Mahan Francis Hobson Nathaniel R. Eaves Harman A. Johnson Banks Meacham Daniel Wilbanks Joseph Reid Charles Little John Thomas C. Taylor Amos Davis Philip Coleman W. Hobson W. R. Clowney J. H. Bernard William Wallace J. F. Walker Geo. M'Crary John Hall John Lusk William Rice Samuel Davis W. Sims James P. Walker J. J. Foster Andrew W. Thompson John H. Ragsdale Wilham F. Gest. D. I. Murrell Jno. Morgan James Bryce J. M'Ribbin James Black James P. Ewing John Carathers R. S. Rice David Johnson Wm. P. Gadberry W. Henderson "Wm. Kingsborough Nicholass Corry J. Collin Wm. B. Means Williamsburg District. Thomas "Witherspoon William Dobard James &. Robert Bradley Robert I. Willson J. W. Witherspoon T, D. Singleton, for WilO liamsburg library So- ^ ciety. J Isaac A. Cohen Thomas R. Witherspoon J. W. Powers Isaac Matthews John D. Burgess W. Salters Wm. N. McDonald John S. Flurett James E. Wilson John Blakeley Jno. Matthews, jun. Jesse Du Bose York Distiitt. Robert Clenderian David B. Rice John Rochell Wm. Moore Benjamin Chambers Daniel Ken- John Gallent William Campbell John S. Moore Edmund Jennings Richard Sadler John Davison WiUiam Ferguson John Dennis, jun. William C. Hannd Samuel B. Buyer Geo. Ross William Gillmore Wilham Little Herman Alexander William Moore William Barron Edward Avery John Thompson James M. Love James Leach Jesse Loughby Samuel Ranney John S. Britten Wm. Robeson Leven Benton Francis M. Nash John Bailey Patrick Hamilton John Caveny A. M'Whorter G. Galbraith Moses Stroup John S. Hartrwess James Davie I. Clendenen James Williamson James Lacy Thomas Moore Thomas M*Kee Solomon Hill TVinsbortmgh. John Shackelford Charleston. Kerr Boyce GEORGIA. Augusta. Edward F. Campbell John Hart SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES. John Black Benjamin Hall I. H. Randolph Walter Crenshaw John Bent Luke Reed John Burton James Harrison John Taylor Jesse Ansley John Log-an Edward Byrd James House Thomas Glasscock Smith Jones Nathaniel Truesdel Thomas Averell James Rose Henry Slaughter George W. Collins John Rmney Miles Beach George K. Bridges I. L. Laughria James Violleau "Wm. Matheson John S. Walker Ethelred Langston James Clark Nathan H. Beal Caroline I. Buckle Jesse Whipple James Stewart Corby Dickinson Adam & John Kerr James M'Donough John Pries A. R. Ralston Robert I. Sayn John Duncan Samuel Sturges, jun. John Smith Charles Labuzan Charles H. Penn George Hudson John H. Kimbell B. Labuzan Augustus T. Hand John Jones R. V. Mayre John R. Welbom John B. Haw Wm. Nevis, jun. John M. Davinvort Winfield Mason Richard Mason John Sharp George Kennedy Timothy Bruen Wm. P. Dearmon John Guimarin A. Bugg Charles Spear B. Prigurs P. Brown E. Walton ' Anderson Watkins Wm. Montgomery Robert Malone Lewis Cooper L. F. Barfield Thomas Grace F. H. Lacy John Cashin W. A. Bugg Mark D. Clark John Gindrab Cain Broight Edward B. Machen John M'Mullen Charles Dame Ephraim Gilman Richard Bolan James Barton Ezekiel Edans, jun. Patrick M'Kee Richardson O. Scaj'ry Peter Donaldson George T. Watkins John M. Eaney Richard I. Easton James A. Black Robert Mitchell Wm.C. Anderson Robert H. Watkens Ezekiel Dubois Thomas G. Leigh W. C. Stokes ^^^ 09 THM •TJBIVBSSITT] o* •ilPO^ A^^TES. rutu 17T- r TToung-aCoBv;. f'i^.l. StraOiio eanifhisrBlacJi osuich_ Fia. a.Tamaliis melanocqthaiiiAinaekTieaded fin's. Tiq.3. Trocliilus am Hhxstiints: amttTnstivf Hian?nm{f-MriLMp.4.Xh^ps!^'aLinaana:€nind'heapo *|iSjr. ^. Vultur papa.Ainif Uilturr. ■of Tfl» ^it»B.snY fiaujoa. MAM MAIL I A Fitf.) . S\i8 scrofa.wiUl doar. tYtf.9 .Vrsas arctof:hUtck near. fiff.3. nitite Bear. fitf. 4. TricJjechu* diirmm: JnOian n'atnu. ^A^ at TH» -^^ IK ]^T©M (DIL.©(GT, Plate rV. Fi^.5. SiraTc ^^j^o^. 7?^. /,'. SpliejL jtuiadata ^Fig.l. SpMto: atropos. Fi^.8. Thiirpg physofms. tivshsitt; % m- # FISCPIKS Plate ri. ■^y.7. Squalns antrais : lni»Jaritf Shttrl- ^Ki/.^.'^Axxims^^y'^ tfiapJutrta : trmispuretit stemofftya: Mij.3. Syj2ji.atkas foKnttts: foliafeiJ -pipe fi'sfi -Tw/. J.Tetrotlnn Ushtdinat^ : tortoise sJielf tetruuloii . or ^TJiriVBBSITT € Loom StT..^.a:iS .X.jijnp; <*:Co.3. ^•»' Of 13DI WdTCH. Ki) «a.:i6, 1'jwiKT /V CaBo. MISCELLANIES. PlaU JUV Pi\i.'^. F,\1.4 m w m w iSie ass rtaang*C€>jSr. tl [uirivBRsiTY; ■isam-0 ^4 Mlf!CKJJ.AIflES. rtrtte XV. ^9 Fig. 12. 7\\ A KjJS." ^ ^g ^.^ FiiJ.lS. fi\j.l6. N.J. 17. ^^^^'^ U_.......z^../ \. ,11/ Fiij.IS. KflM. Fi^.Qh = ^ V / / / V Fig. 22. ^^ Fig. ^0. til / I I I KI,^-a^oi...;«Co.^c. [uirrTBEsiTr] Wind mill .^_^^ .