i ae a , Oe OUT, ' Oe, ie fi : : i } an HN A P tual >, Ne i et sui Re ep re 7 i oa ot ry AHMBRIOAN ENTOMOLOGY, OR Ly 902 / Wescriptions OF THE INSECTS OF NORTH inne” ILLUSTRATED BY COLOURED FIGURES FROM ORIGINAL DRAWINGS EXECUTED FROM NATURE. BY THOMAS SAY, Curator of the American Philosophical Society, and of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; Correspondent of the Philomathique Society of Paris; and Professor of Natural Histery in the University of Pennsylvania, and of Zoology in the Philadelphia Museum, eee “ Each moss, Each shell, each crawling insect, holds a rank Important in the plan of Him who fram’d This scale of beings.” STILLINGFLEET. Philarelphia MAuseum: PUBLISHED BY SAMUEL AUGUSTUS MITCHELL. FOR SALE BY ANTHONY FINLEY, CORNER OF FOURTH AND CHESNUT ST. William Brown, Printer. 1825. 7 EWNTASON gS | JAN 13 1253 ee LEE FSO" ‘iad i ie EN “, ~ “05% ‘f wr Z. LO Seu? AEGERIA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne fusciform; palpi long, separate, co- vered with long scales or porrected hair; wings horizontal in repose; abdomen bearded at tip. OBSERVATIONS. Fabricius formed this genus for the reception of such species of the genus Sesra, as have the palpi prominent, distinct, and covered by elon- gated scales. As Ses1a now stands, it differs from the present, by the short palpi, which are covered by short, close-set scales; and their terminal joint is very short, tuberculiform: Lamarck, however, applies the name Sesra to the present genus. The wings in the various species of ASGERIA are chiefly transparent, and the body being slender, with coloured bands in some of the species, they have much the appearance of bees and wasps; whence the names apiformis, vespi- formis, crabroniformis, Se., which have been PLATE XIX. B applied in this genus. Degeer, in his history of one of the species, observes, “ the first time that I saw it, I hesitated to take it with my naked hand, believing I had found a wasp.” AAGERIA EXITIOSA. DESCRIPTION. Mate. Body steel-blue: anfennz ciliated on the inner side, black, with a tinge of blue: palpr beneath, yellow: head with a band at base, both above and beneath, pale yellow: eyes black- brown: thorax with two pale yellow longitudinal lines, and a transverse one behind, interrupted above, and a spot of the same colour, beneath the origin of the wings: wings hyaline, nervures and margin steel-blue, which is more dilated on the costal margin, and on the anastomosing band of the superior wings: fee¢ steel-blue, the cox, two bands on the tibiz including the spines, incisures of the posterior tarsi, and anterior tarsi behind, pale yellow: abdomen with two very narrow pale yellow bands, one of which is near the base, PLATE XIX. and the other on the middle: fad fringed, the fringe margined with white each side. Femaue. Body very dark steel-blue, with a tinge of purple: antennz destitute of cillie; palpi beneath, black: thorax immaculate: supe- rior wings steel-blue, without any hyaline spot: inferior wings hyaline, with an opaque margin and longitudinal line; the latter and the costal margin are dilated : ¢ergwm with the fifth segment bright reddish-fulvous. Pura with two semifasciz of spines upon each of the segments, excepting the three terminal ones, which have a single row only. Fouiicte brown, oblong-oval, composed of small pieces of bark and earth, closely connected together by the web of the animal. SYNONYM. AKcerta Exitrosa. Nobis. Journ. dcad. Nat. Sciences, vol. ili. p. 216. OBSERVATIONS. This insect has been for years the cause of great solicitude and regret to all the lovers of fine fruit. Our readers will acknowledge the PLATE XIX. fact, when we inform them, that small as it is, it is no other than the silent, insidious destroyer of the peach-tree. The sexes are so remarkably different from each other, that we should hesitate in yielding our assent to their specific unity, if we were not apprised of the circumstance, that the sexes of many of the species are very unlike each other. In the present instance, the difference is so great, as to render it difficult to construct a good com- mon specific character. We are indebted to Mr. James Worth, a zealous and careful observer, for the principal part of the accurate information which we possess relative to this formidable insect. The following observations are extracted from a valuable essay, by that gentleman, published in the volume quoted above. The egg deposited on the side of a glass tumbler, was oblong-oval, dull yellow, and so small as to be only just discernible by the naked eye. Excepting in a state of confinement, he never saw the female at rest, but in one instance, when she was perched on a leaf, which may possibly be the usual place of deposit, though he is inclined to believe that it is made on some part of the trunk of the tree. The larva is of PLATE XIX. a white colour, the head being reddish-brown. It is somewhat difficult to ascertain the early movements of the larva, in consequence of its small size; but its destructive career certainly commences about the last of September, or early in October, by its entering the tree probably through the tender bark under the surface of the soil; after having passed through the bark, it proceeds downwards into the root, and finally turns its course towards the surface, where it arrives about the commencement of the suc- ceeding July. Having attained to its full growth, the larva enters the pupa state, between the first and the middle of July; enveloped in its follicle, it may then be readily discovered close to the trunk, surrounded by the gum which oozes from the wound. The pupa state continues from the tenth of July to the latter part of that month, or be- ginning of August. Mr. Worth examined his fruit trees on the tenth of July, when he obtained twenty follicles, and about thirty larve; of the follicles, four were empty, the insect having assumed the winged state. The larve had all arrived near the surface of the ground, for the purpose of undergoing their great change. PLATE XIX. Against the depredations of this insect, many supposed remedies have been prescribed, such as the application of hot water, tanner’s bark, and flower of sulphur, to the root of the tree, and soft soap and lime-wash to the trunk; but it is obvious, that no application of this kind can injure the insect, without coming in contact with it whilst it remains in the egg, or infantile state, on the outside of the tree, for after having penetrated to the interior, no superficial applica- tion can affect it. The various substances placed around the root of the tree, such as ashes and sand, the uncovering of its base during winter, and covering again for the summer, are also pronounced by Mr. Worth, from his experience, to be inefficient, and even injurious to the health of the tree. “'The best plan of guarding against the ravages of the insect, which I have found, is to examine the trees early in the month of July; take a bricklayer’s trowel, and opening the ground around the trunk, the lodgment of the insect will at once be discovered, by the appearance of gum, and it can readily be destroyed ; one person can thus examine more than a hundred trees in less than half a day, and very few, if any, of the insects will escape. But in order the more PLATE XIX. effectually to destroy them, I would advise, that from the first to the middle of August, some swingling tow, a piece of hairy hide, (the hair inside, but turned over at top,) or some other coarse thing of six or more inches in width, be tied close around the trunk of the tree, the under edge to be a little covered with earth, so as to prevent any passage beneath; about the middle of September remove the bandage, and imme- diately give the whole trunk of the tree a cover- ing of soft soap or lime-wash, well brushed on, that no spot from the head to the root may remain untouched. Perhaps a decoction of tobacco, or some other wash, might do better ; even hot water would be effectual, where the tree was sufficiently hardy to bear the applica- tion; or it may be, that the wash would answer the purpose without the bandage, but where the bandage is dispensed with, the wash ought, I think, to be applied about the first of September, or I should have great confidence in a bandage of tobacco leaves or stems; it should be kept on from the first of August to November, and could do no damage by being continued, provided it was not tied so close as to cramp the growth of the tree. : “But there are causes of decline other than PLATE XIX. that of the insect, and the principal one is the not stirring of the ground; I apprehend, that the disease called “ yellows” is often thus occasioned. Last year my peach orchard was considerably affected ; and the ground had not been ploughed for three years, and had become quite covered with grass. In the spring of the current year [ had it well broken up, and kept clean during the summer; the trees soon assumed a healthy appearance, and furnished a plentiful supply of fine fruit, and the whole orchard is now in the most flourishing condition, and I believe there will be no difficulty in keeping it in that state.” But my friend Mr. J. Gilliams, has certainly derived great advantage from the use of the cinders of the common anthracite, which is now so generally introduced as a fuel; he opens a small basin around the trunk of the tree, and fills it with the cinders; he informs me that the trees thus treated, have assumed a more healthy appearance than others, and they are not at all infested by this destructive insect. In Mr. Skinner’s very useful paper, the American Farmer, (vol. vi. p. 14.) are a few highly important remarks on this subject, by Mr. William Shotwell, of which the following is an extract: “I cleaned a number of trees, and PLATE XIX. put a coat of lime-mortar, about half an inch thick round the body, then drew the earth up to it. These trees are now perfectly healthy, and there has not been the sign of a worm about them since, although it was five years past, that the experiment was made. I have since tried the same on a great number of trees with equal success.” In the same work (vol. vi. p. 37.) are some interesting observations on the preservation of peach-trees, by Mr. Evan Thomas, jr. from which we gather the following information. On re- moving the earth from about the roots of some - trees of a sickly appearance, he observed a con- siderable quantity of gum that had exuded from several minute apertures of the trunk ; on opening these carefully with a knife, the larve were dis- covered. They were about one inch long, of a cream colour, the head somewhat depressed, chestnut-brown. “They had perforated the bark about one inch below the surface of the earth, and were devouring voraciously, both the albur- num and liber, leaving the cortex and epidermis as a covering and defence.” Having destroyed these depredators, Mr. Thomas applied Forsythe’s healing composition to the wounds, with the expectation that it would not only exhibit its PLATE XIX. c usual efficacy, but that it would also prevent the access of a new colony of the enemy. In this, however, he was disappointed, for on examining the same trees again, at the expiration of about six weeks, he found that a new deposit had been made, and that the young worms were then devouring what their predecessors had left. This fact exhibited the inefficacy of the practice of laying bare the roots during the winter. “ About the close of July, many of these insects, having assumed the winged state, soon after deposit their eggs in peach-trees, just beneath the surface; first wounding the bark in different places, which, on examination, appears to have been effected by a blunt pointed instrument. They leave from one to fifty, and in some instances, nearly three hundred eggs in each tree, according to its size and capacity to support the future progeny: these soon appear, but it is difficult to detect them until they have acquired a growth of two or three weeks, when they are four or five lines in length. From this period, their growth is accele- rated or retarded in proportion to the quantity of nourishment afforded. In general, however, the pup are formed early in October, in the midst of a conglomeration of gum, fibrous and excre- mentitious matter, and about the close of the PLATE XIX. month, the insect issues from the chrysalis, deposits its eggs as before mentioned, and prepares to hybernate, like others of the same tribe, in the roofs of houses, beneath the bark of old trees, &e. The larve appear in April, assume the nymph state, and accomplish their final trans- formation in the course of July. ‘Thus, there are two periods in each year assigned for their pro- duction and reproduction: nevertheless, indivi- duals may be seen during the whole season, in almost every stage of existence.” Having thus ascertained an important part of the natural history of the species, and the inefficiency of the applications hitherto made with a view to prevent its depredations, Mr. Thomas was led to make another experiment, which, he informs us, has been completely successful. “ Remove the earth from about the trunk of the tree quite down to the lateral roots, press with the but end of the pruning knife against the bark in different places; if it appears to adhere firmly, and no gum or moisture issues, a thin coat of the composition described below, may be applied both above and beneath the surface, by a brush or wooden spatula, about two inches broad. Then take Canton matting, (or any other similar substance,) cut into pieces of from six to twelve inches in width, PLATE XIX. according to the size of the tree, and of sufficient length to encircle it; bind one of these around the part intended to be secured, by two or three ties of twine or woollen yarn, so that one half shall be below, and the other half above the surface; draw earth, divested of grass or rubbish, to the tree, pressing it with the foot, close to the matting. The insects, governed by instinct, will not lay their eggs in the matting, but will seek elsewhere for a situation congenial with their habits. If, however, there is a clammy moisture, or portions of gum adhering to the main stem or roots, these should be regarded as almost certain indications of worms; every opening, however minute, should be carefully probed, and the direction taken by each worm, ascertained; cut away that portion of the bark only, of which the interior part has been destroyed, until you arrive at the object of pursuit, which must be removed and killed. Having in this manner extirpated all that are to be found, trim the edges of the wounds neatly, and fill up the cavities with a composition consisting of two parts of fresh cow-dung, one part of leached ashes, to each gallon of which, add a handful of ground plaster-of-paris, and as much water as will reduce the whole mass to the consistence of PLATE XIX, a thick paste; spread a thin coat of this composi- tion over the part to be covered, and then apply the bandage as before directed. As the ants, and several other insects among the wounded trees, exceedingly and materially retard their recovery, I would recommend the part to be washed with common white-wash, and a little flour of sulphur, or snuff sprinkled over it, before the composition is applied. The latter end of April, and the beginning of September, are the most suitable periods, for those accustomed to it, to begin the search.” Several other gentlemen have particularly observed the peach insect, and of these, we may mention Dr. James Smith, who has given the result of his inquiries, in the sixth volume of the American Farmer, p. 334, and Mr. Reuben Haines, who has published his observations in p- 401, of the same volume. But we think it highly probable, that the practice first proposed by Mr. Shotwell, if carefully and properly car- ried into effect, will effectually secure the peach- tree from the depredations of the Aigeria exitiosa. Upper Figure—Female. Middle Figure—Male. Right Figure—Exuvia of the Pupa. Left Figure—Follicle. PLATE XIX. AGERIA OMPHALE. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Body red; abdomen behind and dorsal line black, with blue spots. SYNONYM. Cosmosoma Ompnate. Hubner. Fig. 1. 4. > ° DESCRIPTION. Body bright red: head black, with large brilliant blue spots: antenne at tip, whitish: palpi, second and third joints red: thorax with a black transverse line before, continued over the wings; on the anterior part are four blue spots: tergum bright red, with a longitudinal line, abbreviated at base, and tip black; in which colour are four lateral brilliant blue spots, and about seven dorsal ones: venéer, excepting at base, and each side near the base, black, with a large pure white spot on each side, before the middle; tuft at tip obsolete: wings hyaline, nervures PLATE XIX. and margins black; the black of the tip wide: feet bright red: intermediate tibix black before: posterior tibie with a black line before. OBSERVATIONS. This very beautiful species was found by Mr. T. Peale in Florida, and was presented to me, for the present plate, by the Prince of Musignano, with whom I agree in the specific name here adopted from Hubner. The striking contrast of the red and black colours, and the beautiful brilliant vivid azure blue, reflected from the spots of the abdomen, anterior part of the thorax and the head, render this a highly interesting insect. Lower Figure. PLATE XIX. #, eo Nu ay Bh ye - 2 O08 Atay) iy Oi "44 y Af ih a Drie: Bio LP Desi s OT) ‘ Sate Drown bv LR. Treat () Frgraved tv CL tebout: COENOMYIA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne porrect, triarticulate, first jomt rather long, cylindrical; second, cyathiform; third, conical, eight ringed ; seta none; palpi elevated ; proboscis short; scutel bidentate; wings hori- zontal, crossed upon the tergum. OBSERVATIONS. We are indebted to Latreille for this genus, which has been adopted by Meigen, who, in his European Diptera, describes but a single species as belonging to it. Fabricius gave the name of Sicus to this genus, a designation that Latreille had already applied to a very different group. The present name will therefore be considered as having the priority. PLATE XX. D COENOMYIA PALLIDA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings and abdomen yellowish-testaceous ; thorax ferruginous. SYNONYM. CorenomytA Patima. Nobis. In Long’s Second Expedition. DESCRIPTION. Head yellowish-testaceous; orbits beneath and behind, dark cinereous;. vertex with an elevated, obtuse, dusky line between the stemmata: thorax ferruginous; anterior angles a little prominent, rounded and concave behind, with an elevated line reaching to the origin of the wings: scutel colour of the thorax: wings pale yellowish- brown, with margined nervures: poisers whitish : feet somewhat paler than the thorax: fergum polished; posterior segments somewhat sericeous : PLATE XX. second, third, and fourth segments, with three abbreviated series of punctures near their bases. OBSERVATIONS. During the recent journey of Major Long’s party to the source of St. Peter’s river, I obtained three individuals of this interesting species, the only one yet found in North America. They occurred in a small forest of scattered trees, where we halted at our dining hour, in the imme- diate vicinity of Wennabea’s Sauk village on the Pecktannos. None were observed at any subsequent period of the journey. PLATE XX. oe oa 7 to. i bey ‘ j Saran fesipntive anata velo Here om) a te 7 te ~ = i _ j : an a a ( 5 iT; ; : , 7 A i wine shed | eiey bi aectk ie : . ade 1008 mee et & hy tater evelda e , o - 1: Ns aa Of: 7 A. es i : eer ery ——- ; . f : . ; a ee mir ans” fe jae? ait ue ap aed sais FARE ie serrrn tilpok opera at warriey sulted Pais ln bie ee 8 dad asitser A die A ‘nt hatred ioe ics morn byte Prien tt, ihe i eee ay Gb Hera y wife : — _ deraaght ait ti: tiseg! WME Fe bv ai cw rei ui a-pf Tew ss 4, ee ; rari +t mut euntes ¢ ral § ri ib ETH re ¥a his efit ‘% , * 3 V@veisin ineat Drawn bv CA Le Sueur LYCUS. GENERIC CHARACTER. Head retracted; antennz approximate, much compressed, more or less serrated; mouth small, produced into a short rostrum; maxillary palpi much longer than the labiales, terminal joint triangular, truncated; mandibles at tip, entire and acute: elytra thin and flexible, nearly of equal breadth, or much enlarged towards the tip ; thorax receiving and covering the head, rounded before; penultimate joint of the tarsi bilobated. OBSERVATIONS. These insects are somewhat similar in their appearance to the well known “ Fire-fly,” whose scintillations, on a summer’s evening, are scarcely less abundant than the lights of the firmament, which they feebly, and but for a moment, rival. But Lycus is not endowed with the property of yielding light, and it is further distinguished from Lampyris by the somewhat elongated mouth, eyes of moderate size, and by the form of the PLATE XXI. terminal joint of the palpi, which is dilated, compressed, and truncated at tip. Another kindred genus, Omaxisus, of Geoffroy, is in like manner destitute of the curious power of giving light, but the mouth is not rostrated, the second and third joints of the antenne are very short, and the head is only in part covered by the thorax. Fabricius separated these insects from Lam- pyris, under the name of Lycus, (Aéxes.) a word, which, according to Olivier, was employed by Herzychius to designate a species of spider; by Atheneus for a fish; and by Aristotle for a kind of bird. But the word was commonly used by the Greeks, and by Homer himself, to indicate the wolf. | In respect to form, the body is, in many instances, somewhat linear, that is, having the sides approaching to parallelism; but in the L. latissimus, Faby. of Africa, and the L. palliatus, Fabr. of the Cape of Good Hope, the elytra are so much dilated as to give the species an orbicular appearance; whilst in other species, as the L. fasciatus, Fabr. of Cayenne, these substi- tutes for anterior wings are greatly dilated, only towards their posterior extremities. Many have this dilatation, which is more particularly observ- PLATE XXI. able in the males. Their colours are chiefly fulvous, violet-black, and sanguineous. The larva is supposed to live in the earth; the perfect insect is innoxious, and is found on flowers. — LYCUS RETICULATUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Black ; lateral thoracic margins fulvous; elytra fulvous, with a band, and extremity, blackish. SYNONYM. Lycus Reticuntatus. Fabr. Syst. Eleut. pt. 2. pale HOlivedns:ivok.s:.-Nos 29; pr Fs pl, fig. 7. DESCRIPTION. Body deep black, polished: anfenne exceeding the middle of the elytra, opake: rostrum short: thorax black, the dilated lateral margins a little recurved, fulvous; an acute carina in the middle: PLATE XXI. posterior angles attenuated, prominent and acute: elytra fulvous, with four elevated lines, which are alternately larger, the suture and exterior edge are also elevated; interstitial spaces with numerous transverse elevated lines; near the base, is a broad black band, which nearly reaches the middle, and is continued along the suture to the base; a much dilated terminal black band, which does not reach the middle; both these bands are slightly tinged with violaceous: wings blackish, the nervures margined with whitish: feet sericeous. OBSERVATIONS. This species may well be said to inhabit North America, for it would seem to be found in almost every part of it, excepting, perhaps, the region beyond the Rocky Mountains, and the more northern inhospitable solitude of Canada. I have received it from Mr. Holmes of Maine, and have myself found specimens in Missouri, North-West Territory, and Kast Florida. In Pennsylvania it is very common. The elytra of the male, are more dilated behind than those of the female. The upper left figure of the plate. PLATE XXI. LYCUS TERMINALIS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Black; thorax with fulvous lateral margins; elytra fulvous, with a black tip. SYNONYM. Lycus TERMINALIS. JVobis. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sciences, vol. iii. p. 178. DESCRIPTION. Body deep black, polished: antennex reaching the middle of the elytra, opake: rostrum short: thorax black, the dilated lateral margins a little recurved, fulvous; an acute carina in the middle; posterior angles attenuated, prominent, acute: scutel black: elytra fulvous, with four elevated lines, which are alternately a little larger; the suture and exterior edge are also a little elevated; interstitial spaces with numerous transverse ele- vated lines; terminal third of the surface viola- ceous-black: wings blackish at tip : feet sericeous. PLATE XXI. E OBSERVATIONS. Numerous specimens were observed by Major Long’s party in Missouri and Arkansaw. ‘They occurred in the prairies on plants, and I found them to be especially abundant near the village of the Konza Indians. It is, without doubt, closely allied to the pre- ceding, but the anterior band of the elytra is always deficient, the tibia are somewhat more dilated, and there seems to be a greater difference of size between the sexes, the male being pro- portionally smaller. We cannot suppose it to be the L. dimidiatus Fabr., although the general tenor of the description corresponds very well, inasmuch as he represents the antenne to be flabellate, with elongated serratures, and the base of the elytra to be rufous, whereas, the antenne of this species are similar to those of the refzceu- latus. 'The black on the thorax of the female, is reduced to a narrow line. The upper right figure of the plate. PLATE XXI. LYCUS SANGUINIPENNIS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Thorax black; lateral margin sanguineous; elytra sanguineous, immaculate. SYNONYM. Lycus SANGUINIPENNIS. JVobis. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sciences, vol. iii. p. 178. DESCRIPTION. Body deep black, polished: rostrum promi- nent: thorax broad, not narrowed before; the transverse diameter exceeding the longitudinal ; livid-black ; lateral margins a little recurved, pale sanguineous; a carinate line on the anterior mar- gin, terminating in a groove which extends to the base; posterior angles a little prominent: scutel black: elytra pale sanguineous, with ele- vated lines, and intervening transverse ones: wings a little dusky, with brown nervures. PLATE XXI. OBSERVATIONS. One individual only, occurred to Major Long’s exploring party, near the base of the Rocky Mountains. It is widely distinct from the pre- ceding species. The lower right figure. LYCUS PERFACETUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Black; thorax each side rufous; elytra striate. DESCRIPTION. Body deep black : head polished, with a deeply impressed longitudinal line: antenne opake, com- pressed, a little serrated ; second joint more than half the length of the third, which is as long as the fourth, though less dilated : thorax somewhat unequal, polished black, with broad rufous lateral margins; an impressed longitudinal line ; posterior angles acute: elytra with slightly impressed striz. PLATE XXI. and rounded interstitial lines: beneath polished black. OBSERVATION. Inhabits Pennsylvania. The lower left figure of the plate. 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Ne He ou Ng ON i. We oemeyls el Whale, (ya ht Hf ride se ee a a a e COME a ub yi ay ‘es sien a ile Wi a Po its ah ao Tt ia . nl a j 7: - ie " i i me AE lk ‘op rt wi trol, : ‘en thyaga t f Naot : wis ¥ if sy ; "eer “_ ia a Oe te? betel iar a Waar dl te bj a ee weds ‘wos “ie wh thy ats ch {ni Joh wR truer wit “ wet. a ik ay) i, . Me 7 a oe co? ate ae 69 : aT . yeh " iy i i . : », ye) re Pia ne ’ ~ oe ial aay ce i an Ae but ae hen ay pe has iy ee i ie pie a soy tk ear tiaaty wih a 3 y ay aE) i. RY ry Pe ‘i bi » ey tm) , ae we " wen, bi eel lt Ge .: an fis ae warn = eS ry sie ne bia 7 Me Bi ioe ae whe i iy: ee vee Fe q nr igh be iis ha al db, ay pe ey: 1 se ; in y ia fs : J Hh i Bees ve " i e ree me ai " * BY ar my i sad ig _ ie i iT eta J prey a oi TY hae ple le A) et tk Ab. ia, Pl ‘ah ‘ ~ F bei 7 am a " Aa ‘ 4 uy ie ay Pays! ty Uh oe 4 ) i : i Lt eae . petansndnds a a ts ” aha hte ati oe ih sh ie Me id ie oiine IAA sss Son. Stabe ot nih en : : ; ml J _ vibe ° ; wy ay on obecione® , a an Pike ty " url % a vin aA y . ane nome o, papae - gn ae a | ia - aot sie ta eat ivi iia - : ii aa (iid rei 7. * aes > maa Ps: a nM ah sae ' be | i xi ye Nt AL Ry ae _ - an, - ‘at’ x a tie ie hy " ae nt HY i ; 4 aA ve aft 4! is ih - in or i wy ibid i cae lee he a fom " ' - - : 7 2 nat Sa nig ig ad wis anol iy we bil rh on Rae 7 an hey 7. a A . . "ae anid i a fii ti A if a oy aie pis a. oun : yah ; ; : ne : a he i» ae be iota tbe eo a aie p if tf \ ae, x 7 , Py i i a ia) “iy sey ‘ne f ae i ty a) } ie im a ait Da A ,} Ore 1 7 : i Hh vA " tien ; a Ba villa hrc i i ; yy ) ; 7 - in in ; ni, ay an Ay Wiha Ve >» A.¥ i" Pe es fe wae vn eh ee 4’ , a ; eS We Aa ee qi : nn , 5 ie iy i) a an Lowi | Drawn bv CAL ¢ Steet? ZX) Engraved by CLiebout BUPRESTIS. GENERIC CHARACTER. Body firm; head vertically inserted in the thorax to the eyes; antenne short, filiform, ser- rated ; palpi very short, filiform, or but slightly enlarged towards the tip; mandibles entire at tip; maxille bifid at the extremity; thorax with its posterior edge applied to the base of the elytra, the posterior angles not elongated ; ante- rior margin of the pectus advanced towards the mouth, its opposite extremity elongated in the form of a horn, which is received into a sinus of the postpectus, and is not concealed in it; feet short, tarsi dilated, somewhat triangular, the penultimate one bilobated. OBSERVATIONS. A large and very natural assemblage of insects, remaining at the present day, nearly as it was founded by Linné. A few of his smaller species have been separated from it, by Fabricius, under the name of Tracuys, chiefly distinguished by PLATE XXVI. the shorter, more dilated, and sub-triangular form of the body. ‘Two or three very small species, discovered since his time, and referred to this genus by Fabricius and Olivier, have been gene- rically separated by Latreille, with the name of Arnantsticus; these have clavate antenne. The family Burrestrap#, consisting of the above mentioned genera, is closely allied to that of ELareripe. But all the species of the latter group, are endowed with the power of leaping, by an abrupt inflection of the anterior portion of the body; their tarsi, also, are simple, without. any dilatation of the basal joints. Many of these insects are gaily ornamented with the most splendid colours, which often shine with a metallic brilliancy. Some have a general coppery tint, whilst others present the beautiful contrast of fine yellow spots and lines, ona polished green or blue surface, and others exhibit the appearance of burnished gold, inlaid on emerald or ebony. In fine, all that is rich and brilliant in colours, may be observed in the decoration of these insects. | They in general, walk slowly, though some run with considerable agility; they rise on the wing with facility, and fly with ease and rapidity. Many elude their enemies by folding their feet PLATE XXVI. and antenne close to the body, and falling, appa- rently dead, to the earth. The females have a coriaceous appendage at the posterior part of the abdomen, composed of three pieces; this is pro- bably the oviduct, by means of which, they de- posit their eggs in old wood, where the larve lives until its change into the perfect state. Their existence in the perfect state is but short, appear- ing to be devoted almost exclusively to the great object of continuing the race. Though beautiful and rare, the species are very numerous, and upwards of two hundred are now known; of these, the largest and most splendid, are inhabitants of the American conti- nent. A species of Burrestts, has furnished us with a remarkable instance of insect longevity; the following is extracted from a communication, by Mr. Marsham, to the Linnean Society. (See vol. X. p. 399.) Mr. J. Montague, on going to his desk in the office of Works at Guildhall, observed an insect which had been seen by his brother in the early part of the day, endeavouring to extricate itself from the wood, which formed part of the desk ; he carefully released it from the cell, and it proved to be Burrestis Sprenpens of Fabri- PLATE XXVI. cius, full of strength and vigour. The desk had been fixed in the office twenty-two years before, and was made of fir wood, imported from the Baltic. That the insect existed in the wood be- fore the desk was made, was proved by the fact of the channel formed by the insect, having been then transversely cut. The word Burrestis, is derived from the Greek Bszps:s; but to what insect that ancient people applied the word, is not known with certainty at the present day. The Romans, also, held the same insect to be poisonous, and their civilians recommended the punishment of the law to be inflieted upon those persons who rashly administer, internally, those poison- ous insects, the pithyocampas, (Bombyx pithy- ocampa, Fabr.,) and the Burresris. It is evident, however, that they had no reference to any individual of this family, inasmuch as no one of the species is capable of inflicting a serious injury on any of the larger animals. But as the ancient Burrestis was stated to be endowed with the power of destroying even the ox, it is conjectured that the Greeks thus designated a vesicating insect, such as a Mytagris, a Lytra, or, according to some authors,a Caragus, the two former of which, when taken into the stomach, PLATE XXVI. produce the most serious effects on the animal economy, and even death itself, under the most afflicting circumstances. BUPRESTIS RUFIPES. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Elytra, each with four yellow spots, of which the basal one is longitudinal. SYNONYM. Burrestis Rurires. Oliv. Ins. vol. ii. No. 32, p- 16, pl. 7, fig. 73,a. b. Fabr. Syst. Eleut. pt. 2, p. 188, No. 13. Eneye. Meth. No. 15. Hlerbst. Natur. pt. ix, p. 79, pl. 140, fig. 3. DESCRIPTION. Body green, polished, slightly tinged with brassy: head rough with deeply impressed con- fluent punctures; an obsolete impressed line on the vertex, becoming elevated on the front: antenne rufous :. thorax with small distinct pro- PLATE XXVI. found punctures, and an impressed spot before the scutel: elytra with narrow, deep striz, and, at tip, bidentated; an abbreviated fulvous vitta originates near the humerus, and extends near to the middle; a transverse, abbreviated, undu- lated fulvous band, a little beyond the middle, does not quite reach the suture; intermediate between this band and the tip of the elytra, is another undulated one, of the same colour; at the tip, is also a narrow band: pectus greenish- violaceous; a dilated vitta in the middle, and another each side, fulvous; the latter on its ante- rior part passes a little above the edge of the thorax, and is in some specimens continued back- wards to the base of the thorax, forming a mar- gin on that part, but not covering the edge; postpectus green, tinged with brassy, and some- what sericeous; a yellow spot near the middle, and two or three on each side: feet rufo-viola- ceous : venter rufo-violaceous, more or less varied with green, particularly at the base, and with three series of obscure fulvous spots, two of which are lateral. PLATE XXYI. OBSERVATIONS. One of the largest species of North America, at the same time very beautifully ornamented. Fabricius quotes Petivier’s work, and states its native region to be Maryland; Olivier observes that it is found in Carolina; I obtained a speci- men in Missouri, when with Major Long’s party in that country, and another has been found in Pennsylvania; but in this state they must be extremely rare. The lower right figure. BUPRESTIS FASCIATA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Green brilliant; elytra with a yellow band and spot. SYNONYM. Burrestis Fascrata. Herbst. Natur. Syst. vol. ix. p. 162, pl. 145, fig. 22. Fabr. Syst. Eleut. pt. 2, p. 191, No. 31. Oliv. Ins. vol. li. No. 32, sp. 22, pl. 9, fig. 92. PLATE XXVI. K DESCRIPTION. Body highly polished, green with a brassy tinge, punctured: head confluently punctured : thorax more densely punctured on the anterior portion; on the middle of the posterior margin a distinct indentation: elytra striate, the striz punctured; a yellow undulated band behind the middle, with a dark violaceous areola; midway between the band and the tip, is a yellow spot on each elytrum, with a dark violaceous areola ; tip bidentate: beneath immaculate: feet of the same colour as the body. OBSERVATIONS. This beautiful insect was sent to me by Mr. E. Holmes of Gardiner Lyceum, Maine. The authors quoted in our synonyms, observe that it inhabits North America, without mentioning any particular part of the continent in which it was found. I had supposed it to be a native of the southern States, and was therefore surprised to receive it from the northern extremity of the Union. In his description of this species, Olivier remarks, that “on voit quelquefois un point fauve vers le milieu de chaque élytre, PLATE XXVI. entouré de bleu,” and this he represents in his plate, but I have only a single specimen, and reference to another in the collection of the Philadelphia Museum, both corresponding with the annexed figure. Herbst describes Olivier’s variety as a distinct species, under the name of C. maculata, (vol. ix, p- 163, pl. 148, fig. 5,) without any reference to Olivier. The upper right figure. BUPRESTIS CONFLUENTA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Green, polished, punctured; elytra with con- fluent yellow spots. SYNONYM. Burrestis ConruuentTAa. Nobis. Journ. Aead. Nat. Sciences, vol. iii. p. 159. PLATE XXVI. DESCRIPTION. Body bright green, punctured: head densely and confluently punctured ; an obsolete indented longitudinal line, more distinct on the vertex: antenne purplish, the basal joint rufous: thorax densely and confluently punctured, more parti- cularly on the anterior and lateral margins; in the middle of the disk, these punctures are some- what sparse: scufel rounded, convex: elytra stri- ate, slightly tinged with violaceous; the striae and interstitial lines, slightly punctured; very numerous transversely confluent light yellow dots; tip slightly obliquely truncated, acute at the suture, but not mucronate or dentate; edge entire: farsi purplish-brown. OBSERVATIONS. I cannot find any notice of this very fine in- sect in any attainable author, and having never obtained an individual in the Atlantic States, I think it highly probable, that it is altogether limited in its range, to the Western region. A specimen was presented to me, when at Fort Osage, on the Missouri river, by Lieut. Scott, of the Rifle regiment, a gentleman, whose PLATE XXVI. extraordinary skill as a marksman, has almost passed into a proverb, in that country. I obtain- ed two other specimens, during the progress of Major Long’s exploring party towards the moun- tains. The thorax varies in being in some specimens of a bright blue colour, in others purplish. The lower left figure. BUPRESTIS CAMPESTRIS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Elytra serrate, quadrilineate ; beneath canali- culate. SYNONYM. Burrestis Camrsstris. Nobis. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sciences, vol. iii. p. 165. PLATE XXVI. DESCRIPTION. Head rugous, with large confluent punctures : front concave : antenne purple-black, the first and second joints greenish-cupreous : thorax unequal, with large confluent punctures each side, and canaliculate along the middle; posterior angles acute: scufel very small, transverse suborbicular, indented on the middle: elytra with four distant, somewhat elevated lines, and one or two near the suture; in the interstitial spaces are irregular, slightly elevated transverse lines, hardly visible to the unassisted eye; before the middle of each elytrum, is a large, very slightly impressed spot, and another similar one, is rather behind the middle; there is also a very small common in- dented spot on the suture, opposite to the former spot; exterior edge serrated, from near the mid- dle to the tip; tip simple, somewhat acute: be- neath cupreous, polished ; a brilliant dilated cop- pery line extends from the mouth to the pectus ; a large groove originates on the anterior part of the pectus, and terminates on the second segment of the venter: ¢arsi dusky bluish. PLATE XXVI. OBSERVATIONS. This is one of our largest species, and although far less agreeably decorated than the preceding, is yet distinguished by a more uniform garb of polished metallic colouring. I captured the specimen when descending the Arkansaw river, with a detachment of Major Long’s exploring party. The upper left figure. PLATE XXVI. WW Weed fingrived év € vebeul VANESSA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne terminated by an abrupt short club ; palpi contiguous, even at the extremity, the two combined, resembling a rostrum ; anterior pair of feet in both sexes, short and very hairy; the two posterior pairs of tarsi, with double nails. OBSERVATIONS. The species which constitute the Fabrician genus VANEssA, were referred by Linné, to his comprehensive genus Papito. The larvee or caterpillars in this genus, live on plants of little altitude, and are often gregarious ; they are armed with numerous, long, rigid, den- tated spines, which, like the quills of the Hedge- hog, constitute their only defensive weapons. The chrysalids are attached to a fixed object by the tail, and in this reversed posture, quietly wait for the period of final emancipation and perfection. The larva or caterpillar state of insects, has PLATE XXVII. L been aptly stated by the great Linneé, to be a masked condition of the animal, concealing be- neath its rude vermicular garb, all the parts of the future perfect sect; the pupa he compared to an infant enveloped in swaddling clothes, after the old fashion. ‘The pupa of some species of the present genus presents a singular appearance: two elevations on the head resemble horns, and a prominence upon the back represents a nose of the human face, and but little aid of fancy is re- quired to assimilate such pup to a grotesque mask. Many of these pup are worthy of the name of chrysalids, by which they were formerly distinguished, being splendidly decorated with spots, resembling burnished-gold, and silver. VANESSA FURCILLATA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings angular, with a common fulvous band, and two fulvous spots on the superior wings; beneath, brown, with black lineations. PLATE XXVIL. DESCRIPTION. Superior wings above black, with a broad ful- vous sub-marginal band, which is bifid at the costal margin, having the exterior division termi- nated by a white spot, and the inner division by a pale yellow one; between the band and the base of the wing, are two fulvous transverse spots ; costal rib near the base, with yellow varie- gations: inferior wings above black, with a broad fulvous sub-marginal band, and on the black margin is a series of six or seven small sublunate purplish-ophalescent spots ; all the wings beneath are blackish, with very numerous transverse blacker lineations, some of which are undulated, and deep velvet black ; a common pale brownish broad sub-marginal band also with the blackish lineations: antennz yellow at the tip of the club: venter dull whitish. OBSERVATIONS. This pretty species we observed several times in the North-West Territory, during the progress of the late expedition under the command of Major 8S. H. Long, over that region. In the vicinity of Fort William, an establishment of the PLATE XXVIU. Hudson Bay Fur Company, it frequently oc- curred in the month of September, whilst the party remained at that place. It is closely allied to the polychloros and urtica of Europe, but is sufficiently distinct from either. The plate presents two views of the insect. PLATE XXVII. ive aren ( J ‘ 1 ; ‘ . ’ ‘ f » ‘ iv i f \ fh ~ , , ‘i ‘ ‘ \ COR AW Ht ov Draws CRYPTOCEPHALUS. GENERIC CHARACTER. Body short, robust, cylindric ; head vertical ; antenne inserted between the eyes, simple, fili- form, more than half the length of the body; palpi terminating with a conic-cylindric joint, maxillary palpi very apparent. OBSERVATIONS. Many of this group are agreeably ornamented with coloured spots and lines. ‘They were mingled with the CurysomeLz by Linné, from which they may be known by the more cylin- drical form of the body, and by the abrupt de- flection of the head. In these characters, the present genus corresponds with Criyrura, to which it is more closely allied than to any other ; but the antenne of Ciyrmra are short and ser- rated, instead of being long, simple, and filiform, as in the genus before us. ‘The genus Crypro- CEPHALUS was established by Geoffroy, and has been adopted by the greater number of entomo- PLATE XXVIII. logists who have written since his time. These insects feed on vegetables, and many of the spe- cies are very injurious to useful plants, by de- vouring their leaves and buds. ‘The larva is furnished with six scaly feet, which are situated near the head; some of the species in the larva state, protect themselves from the ardour of the sun, and from the attacks of their enemies, by fabricating a cylindrical covering, closed at one end, into which they can withdraw every part of the body ; it is generally composed of small grains of vegetable and excrementitious matter, aggluti- nated together by a viscous excretion from the body. With the head and feet protruded from this little domicil, and carrying it erect with re- spect to their pathway, the artificer proceeds at a slow pace, in quest of food. ‘The perfect insect is, also, slow in its movements, and on the approach of danger, it counterfeits death by retracting the feet and antenne close to the body, and per- mitting itself to fall from any height to the ground. PLATE XXVIII. CRYPTOCEPHALUS ORNATUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Reddish-brown ; thorax with the margin and two spots, yellow; elytra yellow, with two black vitte on each. SYNONYM. CryprocerpHatus Ornatus. Fabr. Syst. Eleut. pt. 2, p. 47, No. 32. Coqueb. Illustr. Icon. Insect. p. 129, pl. 29, fig. 10, a. b. DESCRIPTION. Body reddish-brown : antennz black, five basal joints pale reddish-yellow ; orbital line yellow: thorax with the anterior and lateral margins yellow, the edge black; base with two yellow, oblique, abbreviated lines, curvilinearly united over the scutel, so as to form an arc of a circle: elytra pale yellow, with two black, abbreviated vittz on each, and a black suture ; the lateral vitta originates on the humerus, and terminates near PLATE XXVIII. the tip; the inner one is oblique, and becomes confluent with the suture a little beyond the middle ; the common black sutural vitta includes the scutel at base, and does not reach the tip; edge all round, black; anal segment with an obscure yellow are. OBSERVATIONS. The ornatus of Herbst, in Fuessly’s Archives, and of Olivier in the Encyc. Method. is quite a different insect from the present; but as that is an uncertain species, we prefer retaining the name for our insect. This species is an inhabitant of various parts of the United States. I have found it in the middle and southern States, at the Rocky Mountains, and in the North-Western Territory. It is subject to vary, in having the exterior vitta of the elytra so widely interrupted in its continuity, as to exhibit only two remote spots. The upper right figure. PLATE XXVIII. CRYPTOCEPHALUS CONFLUENTUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Rufous; elytra yellow, trilineate with black ; the inner line confluent with the suture beyond the middle. SYNONYM. CRYPTOCEPHALUS CONFLUENTUS. JVobis. Journ. Acad. Nat. Seiences, vol. iii. p. 440. DESCRIPTION. Body yellowish-rufous: head impunctured, yellow ; a rufous spot on the vertex, and another surrounding the base of each antenna: antenne black, pale at base: thorax impunctured ; ante- rior and lateral margins yellowish; lateral sub- margin more deeply rufous than the disk: scutel black : elytra pale yellow, with punctured stria ; three longitudinal, nearly parallel black lines on each elytron, the interior line confluent with the PLATE XXVIII. M suture near the tip; edge all round, black: be- neath rufous. OBSERVATIONS. The similarity of this species with the pre- ceding, is obvious, and even striking; but it is specifically distinguished by the existence of two black lines on the elytra, in place of the exterior one of that insect. I obtained several specimens near the Rocky Mountains, when with Major Long’s party in that region, but it does not appear to be an inhabitant of the At- lantic States. The upper left figure. CRYPTOCEPHALUS BIVITTATUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Yellowish-rufous, punctured; elytra yellow, with two vitta, and sutural edge black. PLATE XXVIII. SYNONYM. CRYPTOCEPHALUS BIVITTATUS. Nobis. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sciences, vol. iii. p. 440. DESCRIPTION. Body yellowish-rufous, punctured : orbits yel- low: front with a longitudinal indented line: thorax with dense impressed punctures; lateral margin and an abbreviated obsolete dorsal line originating at the anterior edge, more distinctly yellow: scutel black: elytra irregularly and densely punctured, one or two regular series of punctures on the exterior margin ; colour yellow ; each elytrum with a broad black vitta originat- ing midway between the humerus and scutel, and not reaching the tip; another vitta, less di- lated than the preceding, takes its rise at the humerus, and terminates a little beyond the tip of the preceding vitta ; it is generally interrupted into two or three spots: beneath very pale rufous : postpectus varied with dusky. OBSERVATIONS. [ obtained this species near the Rocky Moun- PLATE XXVIII. tains, whilst descending the Arkansaw river with Major Long’s exploring party. It is at once distinguishable from its companions on the annexed plate, by the confused and dense punctu- ation of its elytra. The middle figure. CRYPTOCEPHALUS VIDUATUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Black; thorax with three abbreviated yellow lines ; elytra yellow, with two black vitte. SYNONYM. CryprocerHaLus vipuatus. Fabr. Syst. Eleut. pt. 2, p. 49, No. 49. DESCRIPTION. Head black, with a yellowish spot at each su- perior canthus of the eyes, and another at the mouth: antenne at base yellowish: front with PLATE XXVIII. an impressed line: fhorax densely punctured ; anterior and lateral margins yellow, tinged with rufous; a yellow abbreviated line commences at the middle of the anterior margin, and termi- nates at the middle of the disk; two distant yellow abbreviated lines arise from the basal margin, and terminate each side of the middle of the disk: scutel black: elytra yellow, with strie of impressed punctures; two dilated black vitte, of which one originates on the humerus, and does not reach the tip, the other is rather shorter, originating midway between the preced- ing and the scutel, and hardly approaching the suture at its tip; suture black: anal segment whitish: beneath black: feet rufous. OBSERVATIONS. I obtained the specimen from which this de- scription and the figure were taken, on the bank of the Mississippi river, above the confluence of the Ohio. Some doubts may reasonably be entertained, respecting the identity of this insect and the vwiduatus of Fabricius, on account of its smaller size, and the character of “pedibus varie- gatus,” attributed to his insect by that author. But as the present specimen. corresponds with PLATE XXVIII. his description in every other respect, and as the difference in magnitude may be dependent on sex alone, I have ventured to refer it to that species. It is now figured for the first time. The lower right figure. CRYPTOCEPHALUS OTHONUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Black ; thorax with a narrow margin and ab- breviated line, dull fulvous; elytra yellowish, with two black vitte. DESCRIPTION. Head with small dense punctures ; black, with two triangular yellow or rufous spots at the su- perior canthi of the eyes: antennex yellowish at base: thorax black, confluently punctured, with a narrow margin all round, and a dorsal line extending from the anterior edge to the middle, dull fulvous: sewtel black: elytra dull yellowish- white, with two broad black vitte, abbreviated PLATE XXVIII. near the tip, the exterior one originates at the humerus, and the other takes its rise on the basal margin, midway between the exterior vitta and the scutel, it does not approach the suture at its tip; sutural edge black; the series of punctures are rather large and profoundly im- pressed: beneath black, punctured: feet pale testaceous. OBSERVATIONS. This is the C. bivittatus of Melsheimer’s Catalogue; I certainly would have adopted his name, had I not inadvertently pre-occupied it with the description of the preceding species, before I was acquainted with this insect. It can be readily perceived to be specifically dis- tinct from either of those represented with it on the accompanying plate, by the confluent density of the thoracic punctures, as well as by its colours and their arrangement. The lower left figure. PLATE XXVIII. Draws by WW Woe. q@C Engrave t byl Lecboul. SCOLIA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Thorax with the first segment very much arcuated and contracted on the posterior middle ; antenne robust, with short close set joints; the first joint long, cylindrical ; second joint distinct ; superior wings not folded; radial cellule detach- ed at tip from the anterior edge of the wing; cubital cellules two or three, the last one remote from the tip of the wing, the first one placed on the same longitudinal line with the radial cellule ; eyes emarginate ; stemmata three; thighs thick, arcuated in the females, compressed; tail three spined in the males. OBSERVATIONS. A genus, in some respects, closely allied to Treuta and Presta, but at once distinguishable by the emarginated eyes. The thighs are re- markable for their thickness and curvature. ‘The form of the cubital cellules varies considerably, but to a determinate and limited extent. In the PLATE XXIX. N distribution of the nervures of the wings, Jurine remarks, they present more remarkable anoma- lies, than are to be found in any other hyme- nopterous insects; “it would seem that nature, in circumscribing the extent of the cubital cel- lules, has amused herself with varying them in several respects of manner and form, supplying to one part what she retrenches from another.” Latreille has availed himself of these anomalies, to form divisions of the numerous species of this genus. ‘This author gives the following account of the species: Many of them are of a large size, and inhabit warm and temperate climates exclu- sively. In Europe, the larger species begin to appear about the forty-third degree of latitude. Their metamorphosis is unknown, but Mr. La- treille supposes that their larve are parasitical, from the circumstance of his not having seen the parents transport larvae, spiders, &c. to feed their young. They frequent arid, sandy places, and feed on the contents of the nectary of flowers. PLATE XXIX. SCOLIA CONFLUENTA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Biack ; tergum trifasciate with yellow. SYNONYM. ScoutA CONFLUENTA. Nobis. Western Quar- terly Reporter, vol. ii. p. 74. DESCRIPTION. Body deep black: antenne short, arcuated : front, occiput with yellowish cinereous hair: thorax immaculate, with yellowish cinereous hair before: wings tinged with ferruginous: nervures ferruginous: cubital cellules two, the second receiving two recurrent nervures: meta- thorax acutely edged and hairy above; behind concave and very rugous, with elevated, abbre- viated, transverse lines, and a longitudinal one: tibie rugous, armed with prominent spines : abdo- men, segments ciliated on the edge : ¢ergum trifas- ciate with yellow; first band with a small black PLATE XXIX. dot on the middle of the anterior edge; second band widely and deeply emarginated on the ante- rior middle, and rather abruptly narrowed on the side ; third band composed of two confluent tri- angles, which are marked by a small black trans- verse dot near the exterior angle of each. OBSERVATIONS. This fine species inhabits Arkansaw ; it agrees with the description of fossulana, Fabr., except- ing that it has but three bands on the tergum. The upper figure. SCOLIA OCTO-MACULATA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Thorax black, scutel with a yellow line; ter- gum four-spotted each side. SYNONYM. ScoLia ocTO-MACULATA. Nobis. West. Quart. Report. vol. ii. p. 74. PLATE XXIX. | f I DESCRIPTION. Head black, with the vertex, basal joint of the antenne, anterior margin of the clypeus, and base of the mandibles, dull rufous: thorax black, anterior segment, and two spots before the scutel, obsoletely dull rufous: sewfel with a yellow line: metathorax rufous each side and above: superior wings tinged with purplish ; costal margin rufous to the tip of the cellules: cubital cellules three, the intermediate one petiolated, and receiving two recurrent nervures: feet rufous: fergum dusky rufous, with four transversely oval bright yellow spots on each side, of which the anterior one is very small, and the posterior one is nearly extended into a band. OBSERVATIONS. Inhabits various parts of the Union, and is not uncommon in Pennsylvania. ‘The wing cells are remarkable; the intermediate cubital cellule having two recurrent nervures. The lower figure. PLATE XXIX. SCOLIA TRICINCTA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Black ; collar with two yellow spots; scutel with one yellow spot; tergum trifasciate with yellow. SYNONYM. Scouia TRicincTA. Nobis. Western Quarterly Reporter, vol. ii. p. 74. DESCRIPTION. Body black: front with obscure yellowish hair: mandibles rufous at base: collar with a yellow spot on each side, sometimes united: squammula rufous: scutel with a small yellow spot: feet rufous: superior wings dusky on the costal tip, nervures ferruginous: cubital cells two. the second receiving one recurrent nervure : tergum with three yellow bands, of which the first and second are nearly, or, quite interrupted PLATE XXIX. in the middle, each into two oval spots; first segment with an obscure piceous band. OBSERVATIONS. The terminal nervure of the radial cellule is so perfectly transverse, that the cellule has not the usual appearance of being separated at tip from the costal edge of the wing. The species is, notwithstanding this anomaly, a true Scout. The middle figure. PLATE XXIX. - '¢ id » on i 4 L f fii: 5 ; { j : t Pe 1 re. ry _ d j j se && i? d “cy ‘ - - 4 WW eas] y he > P VTE Fariary +4 1 i” rf ii[44 ak Yeqevd: LA VEET Ve fioabise i} in Gol waded Ny saan base ali = — ! i rhe 1.4 wh} Dail ve ii? iy yi LL 25 ’ LP on <% ruth u iH Fie if i} ahi FERTMELTY TO TOLE ye HHA HINGE SMA . AAT onal > ( ) Lngrave t by Gi PIERIS. GENERIC CHARACTER. Feet nearly equal ; nails of the tarsi very appa- rent, bifid or unidentate ; inferior wings dilated beneath the abdomen, so as to form a groove. OBSERVATIONS. This is one of the many genera into which the vast and sumptuous genus Papriio, of Linné, has been separated. We are indebted for it to Schrank. It nearly corresponds to the group of Danar canpipr, and includes the genera Couras and Ponria of Fabricius, and GonerrEeryx of Leach. These butterflies are natives of various regions of the globe; some of them are very frequent in almost every field, and must have been noticed by the most casual observer, flitting with a devi- ous direction over the herbage, and on meeting with a companion, mounting aloft in the air, with a hurried and irregular movement. Some species PLATE XXX. 0 occasionally alight in great numbers on moist places in roads. The caterpillar is destitute of the retractile tentacula of the neck, and the chrysalis is of an angulated form, attached to a fixed object by a thread passed around the body, the head being upward. PIERIS NICIPPE. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings slightly crenate, fulvous ; terminal mar- gin black-brown ; upper pair with a black abbre- viated line before the middle on each page ; infe- rior pair with abbreviated ferruginous lines and spots. SYNONYM. Papitio niciprpE. Cramer, tab. 210, fig. C. D. Herbst. Natur. Ins. pt. 5, p. 176, pl. 107, fig. 3, 4. PLATE XXX. DESCRIPTION. The black terminal margin of the upper wings extends along the costal margin nearly to the middle; the black transverse line on this pair of wings is very short, and consists of two curva- tures; this curvilinear line appears also on the inferior surface, which is yellow, very slightly tinged with fulvous on the disk, with a blackish point at each indentation of the edge, and an ovate bright fulvous spot near the base ; the black terminal margin of the inferior wings has a pro- minent undulation in the middle; the inferior surface of this pair of wings is yellow, marked by numerous brownish or ferruginous abbreviat- ed transverse lines, a minute black point in the centre of the wing, and two or three more obvi- ous, irregularly undulated, ferruginous, oblique lines: head and thorax above, blackish : antennz blackish, beneath white, with black incisures: feet whitish: abdomen black, each side with a yellow line: venfer with yellow incisures. OBSERVATIONS. It is said by Cramer to inhabit Virginia, but it is also found in Pennsylvania, and in all the PLATE XXX. southern States. It is subject to some little variations ; the fine fulvous spot near the base of the inferior surface of the upper wings, is some- times white, and the oblique lines under the inferior wings, differ in width and distinctness. The plate represents two views, of the natural Size. | PLATE XXX. Pa seme ak rowtin ob ol baht nvadne Pe 7 ¥ inwnad GIS Yntsts ‘ales acai Ada sepel a4)? TT syed adele ait tala ae a pede tt vhaberee ped wwittals tania ohn | badba' SAND Dire vert stivnmrnyen Wem) wilt Spi sett ahs | aah te 10a “ oun - ry pay a4 ~ fh Bee A | 7 i P am at G4 D i © a ae of 6 ou 7 ; ac ’ . heariae ; y AY i , } 7 ) if ce uae wi Rit vy i \. or Ab ' neu Tj LS PLA Engraved by C. Ticbout REDUVIUS. Fabr. Latr. GENERIC CHARACTER. Body not linear; thorax sub-bilobate ; rostel- lum arcuated, three-jointed, middle joint longest ; antenne inserted above a line drawn from the eyes to the base of the rostrum ; tibiz simple. OBSERVATIONS. Linné placed the species in the same genus with the common and well known “bed-bug,” from which, however, they are without doubt, very distinct. Under the reforming hand of Fabricius, they were established as a separate group, with the present designation. These insects are carnivorous, and live by rapine in all their states. ‘They seize smaller insects, and suck out their fluids. The collector must be very cau- tious how he handles these insects, as they are apt to inflict a painful puncture with their very pointed beak. When disturbed, they emit an acute sound, by the friction of the base of the head or the neck against the thorax. PLATE XXXI. REDUVIUS NOVENARIUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Blackish ; antenne and rostellum rufous ; tho- rax crested, crest eight or nine-toothed. DESCRIPTION. Brownish liver-colour, with very short hair: head cylindrical, a profoundly impressed trans- verse line between the eyes; a spine behind each antenna inclining forwards: antenne rufous: rostellum dark rufous, first joint more than half the whole length of the organ: thorax with a short robust spine each side at the base of the head ; crest prominent, with eight or nine cylin- drical, rather distant teeth; lateral angles biden- tate, posterior tooth largest; posterior margin crenate, with two prominent, terminal spines: hemelytra, membranaceous portion, brassy: feet simple, rather long: fibix tinged with rufous. PLATE XXXI. OBSERVATIONS. This large and fine species is not uncommon in various parts of the Union, at least from Penn- sylvania to the southern boundary. Its puncture is very painful, benumbing the vicinity of the wounded part, for a considerable time. Its great similarity to the #. cristatus of South America, has hitherto induced entomologists to identify it with that species ; but having carefully considered their respective characters, I am of opinion that they are distinct, though certainly very Closely allied. The cristatus has at least twelve denticulations to its crest, and its pale rufous tibia, strongly contrast with the femoral colour. The upper right figure of the plate. REDUVIUS CRASSIPES. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Blackish ; thorax and abdomen margined with reddish ; feet thick. PLATE XXXI. SYNONYM. Repuvivs crassires. Fabr. Syst. Rhyng. p. 273. DESCRIPTION. Body villous; posterior lobe bituberculate : thorax margined all round with red; anterior lobe with a triangular central indentation: scutel with a red band beyond the middle: hemelytra with a reddish humerus ; coriaceous portion with two or three obsolete reddish points at tip ; mem- branaceous portion much deeper black: fergum with red triangular spots on the incisures at the lateral margin: pectus with a spot above the inser- tion of each foot, and coxe red: venter margined each side with red. OBSERVATIONS. This species was obtained by Bose, in Carolina, and was described from his collection by Fabri- cius. I found the specimen in Arkansaw. The lower right figure. PLATE XXXI. REDUVIUS SPISSIPES. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. ‘Thorax and hemelytra light reddish-brown, edged behind with whitish ; feet thick. SYNONYM. Repvuvivs spissrres. Nobis. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sciences, vol. iv. p. 328. DESCRIPTION. Head black, posterior lobe with two tubercles : thorax light reddish-brown; anterior lobe with dilated, black, oblique, or arcuated lines, of which some are confluent; posterior lobe hardly more elevated than the preceding, with a black posterior sub-margin, and white posterior mar- gin: scufel black, margined with white, and tipped by a few hairs: hemelytra, coriaceous por- tion light reddish-brown, with a narrow whitish posterior margin; membranaceous portion black, or dark fuscous: feet thickened, black, hairy: PLATE XXXI. P cove bright red: abdomen black; margin and band on each segment, white. OBSERVATIONS. The species here described, is very closely allied to the crassipes. It occurred in some plenty in Arkansaw. The lower left figure. REDUVIUS RAPTATORIUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Obscure brownish; head, thorax, and anterior feet, spinous; the latter raptatory. SYNONYM. Repvuvius rapratrorius. Nobis. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sciences, vol. iv. p. 327. PLATE XXXI. DESCRIPTION. Body oblong, obscure brownish: head with a deeply impressed line above the eyes, spinous; six larger spines before the impressed line, placed two and two, and two or four larger ones behind the line: stemmata sanguineous: eyes inserted in the lateral middle of the head: antennzx inserted near the tip of the clypeus, with dilated annula- tions of dull rufous and pale: rostellum slightly arcuated, pale: ¢horax with numerous, short, obtuse spines on the anterior lobe, and dense granulations on the posterior lobe; posterior angles hardly prominent: feef somewhat pale, sub-annulate, granulated; anterior pair raptatory : thighs unequal, anterior pair robust, villous, dusky, armed with an erect, prominent, obtuse spine, near the tip above, and a double series of ten equal, equidistant, acute spines, beneath ; anterior tibize with a double series of six similar spines on the inner side: fergum rufous on the disk, margin varied with black, and pale: hem- elytra on the membranaceous tip, with a longi- tudinal reddish-brown line. PLATE XXXI. OBSERVATIONS. This may possibly prove to be the R. diadema, Fabr. It is common in many parts of the Union, and I found it not uncommon in Missouri, as well as in Pennsylvania. The upper left figure of the plate. PLATE XXXI. # 7 orn iL i Al ee wT “a 7.) Pe ee QO “sub Drawn by WU? Wooa o2 Engraved by CLieae TREMEX. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne setaceous, inserted on the front, thirteen or fourteen jointed; mandibles robust, short, denticulated ; labial palpi terminated by a thick, hairy joint; superior wings with two radial cellules, the second incomplete, and two cubital cellules, of which the first is very large, receiving the two recurrent nervures, the second incomplete, not attaining the end of the wing; abdomen sessile, terminating in a point; oviduct exserted. OBSERVATIONS. This genus is very similar to Srrex, from which it was separated by Jurine. It may be distinguished by the smaller number of joints in the antennz, as well as by the number and form of the cellules of the wings. PLATE XXXII. TREMEX SERICEUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ferruginous ; tergum yellowish-sericeous. SYNONYM. TremMex sertceus. Vobis. Western Quarterly Reporter, vol. ii. p. 73. DESCRIPTION. Body ferruginous, punctured: head with three indented longitudinal lines on the vertex, and a transverse one between the eyes: antennx yel- lowish : thorax scabrous before, disk with a black spot on each side: wings brownish-fuliginous : carpus yellowish: feet pale yellowish: thighs ferruginous : fergum pale yellowish-fulvous, seri- ceous: pectus, above the posterior feet, black. OBSERVATIONS. The specimen is a female. I obtained it in PLATE XXXII. Missouri, whilst engaged in the exploring expe- dition under the command of Major Long. The upper figure. TREMEX OBSOLETUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ferruginous ; tergum black. SYNONYM. TrReEMEX oBsoLETus. Nobis. Western Quar- terly Reporter, vol. ii. p. 73. DESCRIPTION. Body ferruginous, punctured : head with three obsolete indented lines upon the vertex, and a transverse one between the eyes: antennx pale ferruginous : thorax scabrous before, with a black spot on each side of the disk: wings yellowish- brown, hyaline: carpus rufous: posterior tibiz and farsi, black at their tips: /ergum black, PLATE XXXII. polished; segments, particularly those near the base, with an obsolete rufous spot on each side, more distinct on the fourth segment. OBSERVATIONS. Taken in the same region with the preceding. The number of cubital cellules do not corre- spond with the definition of the genus, as we have here adopted it. There are, in fact, three cubital cellules, of which the first is very small, and it is the second that receives the recurrent nervures. Notwithstanding this character, how- ever, there can be no doubt of these insects being correctly arranged, when placed in this genus. The left figure. TREMEX COLUMBA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Thorax ferruginous; abdomen with a band. and lateral spots yellow. PLATE XXXII. SYNONYM. SirExX Cotumpa. Fabr. Syst. Piez. p. 49. Amen. Acad. vol. vi. p. 412. (Fabr.) Sirex Pennsyivanica. Degeer. Ins. vol. iii. p. 39S. pt. 1: pl. 30: fig: 13. (Fabr.) DESCRIPTION. Head ferruginous: vertex a little grooved, a blackish line through the stemmata passes upon the posterior orbits: anfenne black, four basal joints pale ferruginous, two terminal joints ful- vous: thorax ferruginous, sutures blackish: wing's blackish: carpus ferruginous: tergum deep black ; first segment with a small obsolete spot each side, yellow ; second segment yellow, with an in- conspicuous longitudinal black line; remaining segments with an oblong-triangular yellow spot on the base of each; terminal spine, and valves of the oviduct, ferruginous: pectus black, a large ferruginous spot beneath the anterior wings: feet pale ferruginous ; thighs above, and posterior pair entirely, black: venter, with the segments slightly tinged with piceous. PLATE XXXU. Q OBSERVATIONS. The specimen above described, was taken on the bank of the Missouri river. It inhabits many parts of the Union, and is a very fine species. The right figure. PLATE XXXII. vyyp, Ay» TP ys 2p Cpa : , «Fr Prawn bi Hf. Lreapert. ede Fnovaved by CLrebeut, PANGONIA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Wings divaricated ; antenne porrect, approxi- mate, three-jointed ; first joint cylindrical, second cyathiform ; third joint elongated, subulate, eight- ringed ; proboscis elongated, exserted; stemmata three ; abdomen of seven segments. OBSERVATIONS. This genus is very closely allied to TaBanvs, the species having a close resemblance to each other; but, on accurate comparison, we shall agree with Latreille in the propriety of separat- ing them. In fact, the Tapanr are altogether destitute of the stemmata, and are very different from insects of the present genus in several other characters, such as the form of their antenne, the disposition of the nervures of their wings, and the comparative length of their proboscis. In some of the species, the stemmata are so small as to require a lens to discover them, but they certainly exist in all. Six species are described PLATE XXXIII. by Meigen as inhabiting Europe ; and five extra Europeans are described by Wiedemann. These insects are inhabitants of warm climates, and are said to subsist upon the honey of flowers ; but Meigen suspects that their females feed on the blood of animals, like those of the species of other genera in this family. PANGONIA INCISURALIS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Thorax dusty glaucous, with dirty yellowish hair; abdomen dark chesnut, with whitish in- cisures. SYNONYM. PANGONIA iINcISURALIS. Nobis. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sciences, vol. ili. p. 31. DESCRIPTION. Front ochreous: ocelli distinct: Aypostoma dusky : palpi and setx of the proboscis testaceous : PLATE XXXIII. proboscis black: antennz pale yellowish: occiput with very short, greenish-yellow hair: thorax with two distinct obsolete lines: wings reddish- brown: feet yellowish: thighs dark chesnut at base: fergum and venter 2 dark chesnut, polish- ed, the posterior margins of the segments whitish, and slightly hairy; % pale testaceous, with short hair. OBSERVATIONS. This is the only species yet known to inhabit North America. It was brought from Arkansaw by Mr. Thomas Nuttall. The upper figure exhibits the appearance of the male, and the lower that of the female. PLATE XXXIII. Lngrowved OV CL. Licht Led f GRYLLUS. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne filiform, with from twenty to twenty- five joints; hemelytra and wings deflected, the latter large, much folded; posterior feet formed for leaping, hardly longer than the body; tarsi three-jointed; oviduct not exserted ; stemmata unequidistant. OBSERVATIONS. Insects of this genus are well known to every person in this country by the familiar and cha- _racteristic name of “grasshoppers.” They are in some seasons very abundant, and become an inconvenience to the farmer, by devouring his grasses and other vegetable productions. But their increase here is always limited, so that, even when most numerous, a great portion of the crop is saved. There are countries, however, where this is not the case, and we have only to inform the reader, that the migratory locust is one of the members of this genus, to apprize him PLATE XXXIV. of their formidable character. “Of all the in- sects which seem capable of adding to the calami- ties of the human race, locusts seem to possess the most formidable powers of destruction. Le- gions of these voracious animals of various species are produced in Africa, where the devastation they commit, is almost incredible. The air is darkened by their numbers; they carry desolation with them wherever they pass, and in the short space of a few hours, are said to change the most fertile provinces into a barren desert.” During their migrations in search of food, they move in immense dense masses, which resemble huge thunder or hail clouds, and at the termination of their career, every leaf is soon devoured, and. the atmosphere is finally loaded with putrid exhala- tions from their dead bodies, producing pestilence in the train of a general famine, which is the consequence of their voracity. Swarms of these animals have appeared in various parts of Europe, from 'Tartary, and small flights have made their way even into England. A species of this genus occasioned so much de- struction in some parts of Europe, that in the year 1813, the French government issued decrees with a view to occasion the destruction of the larve. Although the thickly settled parts of the United PLATE XXXIY. States are altogether unacquainted with the scourge of any species of migratory locust, yet we shall have occasion at a future time, to speak of several species found within the limits of our territory, that have already proved a very serious evil. There seems to be little doubt, that a species, probably the G. migraforius, constituted one of the plagues of Egypt mentioned in the Bible; and that John the Baptist was compelled to use them for food during his sojourn in the wilder- ness. Even at the present day, the inhabitants of divers countries of Africa, make great use of these destructive insects for food. For this pur- pose, the insect requires but little preparation, and we believe the hemelytra and wings are always rejected, whether it is to be eaten fresh, or salted. In the latter state, they are constantly exposed for sale in the markets of the Levant, and they are known to be a considerable article of commerce in that region. Many travellers assure us that they constitute an agreeable food; according to Shaw, when fried with a little salt, they have the taste of the Cray-fish, a crustaceous animal like a miniature lobster, abounding in our fresh water streams. PLATE XXXIV. R Some of the Arabs are stated by Niebuhr, to preserve large quantities of these insects in the dried state, for winter consumption. The Grvyuwt feed exclusively on vegetables. They fly with a considerable strength of wing, and some species make a noise when they poise themselves in the air, previously to alighting, by striking the hemelytra together. During their several changes, they continue active and vora- cious, and their gait is always either a leap or a walk. In the larva state, they are destitute of any appearance of wings or hemelytra, but on changing to the pupa, they gain the rudiments of those members, to be completely developed at the next change. GRYLLUS FORMOSUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Thorax with a much elevated, compressed, and denticulated carina. PLATE XXXIV. DESCRIPTION. Body pale green: antenne yellowish: thorax armed with numerous small denticles, above compressed, very much elevated into a regularly arcuated carina, forming a portion of a circle, the centre of which, is anterior to the origin of the hemelytra; carina with two yellow radii, and yellow posterior and anterior edges ; posterior half of the edge, prominently denticulated : hem- elytra with about six large brown spots, with pale areola, placed 2, 2, 2: Eee thighs annulate, with yellow. OBSERVATIONS. When returning with a detachment of Major Long’s party, at the distance of about an hundred and fifty miles from the mountains, on the banks of the Arkansaw river, I had the pleasure to find a considerable number of this uncommonly beau- tiful species. It occurred only in a very limited district, and was not afterwards seen. The middle figure, with a wing above on the let. PLATE XXXIV. GRYLLUS HIRTIPES. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Head conic, posterior segment of the thorax elevated into a carina. DESCRIPTION. Body pale green: head above conic, elevated, with dark green lines: antennez red: thorax va- ried with dark green; posterior segment com- pressed above, and elevated into a prominent, arcuated, mutic carina: hemelytra with large, confluent, dark green spots: feet hairy ; posterior tibiz densely hairy. OBSERVATIONS. A curious species, of which the conic head gives it the air of a Truxaxts, but the antenne are not ensiform, neither are the posterior thighs elongated, as in that genus. The anterior seg- PLATE XXXIV. ment of the thorax is altogether destitute of any appearance of carina. It occurred with the preceding. The upper figure, with a wing below on the right. GRYLLUS TRIFASCIATUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Hemelytra trifasciate with fuscous; wings pale yellow at base, with a fuscous band. DESCRIPTION. Head green: antennz blackish, first and second joints pale; triangular space between the eyes, brown, extending in a curved line backwards and downwards: thorax greenish-brown, above depressed, on the two anterior segments, an in- conspicuous, hardly elevated, longitudinal line: hemelytra pale dull yellowish, at base brownish, nervures at tip, dusky; three equidistant broad brownish-black bands, the intermediate one on PLATE XXXIV. the middle: wings pale yellow, with a slight tinge of green; a broad brownish black band, narrowed and marginal behind ; tip dull whitish, with the nervures blackish : posterior thighs dull yellowish, with a black band on the middle, on the inner side, extending broadly towards the base ; tip blackish: posterior tibiz bright fulvous. OBSERVATIONS. This pretty insect occurred in Arkansaw, at the distance of about three hundred miles from the Rocky Mountains. The lower figure. PLATE XXXIV. on vwe ev LRP Q i , ~ 71° Drawn by LRL cal Oo hngraved by € Licboul HETEROMYIA. ARTIFICIAL CHARACTER. Antenne porrect, filiform, fourteen jointed ; five terminal joints elongated; palpi exserted, a little arcuated, four jointed ; basal joint shortest, a little contracted in the middle; ocelli none ; eyes reniform; posterior feet much elongated, slender, and with a single nail at tip; anterior pair with somewhat elongated coxe, and much dilated femora, armed with a series of short spines on the anterior edge, on which the arcuat- ed tibia closes. . NATURAL CHARACTER. Body moderately slender; head small, round- ed, flattened before; antenne in the middle of the face ; first jot large, but not long; the eight following joints sub-oval ; the five terminal joints long, not dilated, cylindric, each being twice the length of one of the preceding ones; eyes reni- form, large, wider beneath, and approaching above; stemmata none; palpi arcuated, four PLATE XXXV. jointed, first joint shortest, last joint longest ; proboscis shorter than the head; thorax sub-glo- bular, convex above, and projecting a little for- ward acutely before; beneath convex; scutel transverse ; wings moderate, somewhat lanceo- late; poisers naked; feet unequal; anterior pair with the coxs somewhat elongated; thighs di- lated; and with a series of spines on the lower side; tibiz arcuated, accurately closing on the inferior surface of the thigh; tarsi moderate ; intermediate pair slender, longer than the ante- riors; third pair longest, slender, the tarsi elongat- ed, terminated by a single long and slender nail. OBSERVATIONS. This genus is closely allied to Tanyrus, Cur- ronomus, and Cerarorocon, but it differs from them by the remarkable conformation of the anterior and posterior feet. PLATE XXXV. HETEROMYIA FASCIATA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings hyaline, trifasciate with dusky. DESCRIPTION. Body testaceous: thorax with a black disk : wings with three equidistant bands, the two ex- terior ones somewhat confluent: posterior thighs a little dilated towards the tip: abdomen with a silvery sericeous reflection; % cylindrical, ¢ di- lated towards the tip. Variety, a. Thorax entirely testaceous. OBSERVATIONS. The manners and habits of this insect are un- known, though it is of rather frequent occur- rence. PLATE XXXV. . S a - Ps ' : F APART Aer aN HES AMAND Horned ri * vianh fPley hich ential yervit a ae by ‘7 , Se reht tag wut ly A wate] uw) Phe ve TAS win * @try “oie Pe a) Te) 9 rH HOD phil bin tertyiriet J f 4 eo ai #, eve Poet i. mn) Rae Mose re : eae! Drawie év Urrll Wood. 36 Engraved by CL veboue. HIPPARCHIA. GENERIC CHARACTER. Antenne with a slender, somewhat fusciform, or trigonate-orbicular club; palpi meeting above the tongue, with the second joint very much compressed, and much longer than the first; anterior pair of feet shorter than the rest, and often very hairy; feet of the other legs with double nails; hinder wings somewhat orbiculate- triangulate, with the internal margin excavated to receive the abdomen; the middle cell closed behind, from which part the nervures radiate ; the outer margin entire, or with acute or obtuse indentations. (Leach. ) OBSERVATIONS. We adopt the generic name from Fabricius. It is the Manroxa of Schrank, Satryrus of La- treille, and of course, Parriro of Linné. The genus is numerous in species, and the wings of many are beautifully ornamented with eye-like spots. The caterpillar is downy and bimucronate PLATE XXXVI. behind. The pupa is suspended by the tail; it is angulated, bimucronate on the front. HIPPARCHIA ANDROMACHA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wings brown, with sub-marginal blackish spots; beneath paler, sub-perlaceous, with a series of ocellate spots. SYNONYM. OREAS MARMOREA ANDROMACHA. Hubner. DESCRIPTION. Body above, and the superior surface of the wings, brown: anterior wings beyond the mid- dle, with a broad paler band, bifid before, and including a series of four fuscous oval spots, or epupillate ocella, of which the second, and some- times the third, are small, and the posterior one largest ; between the band and the exterior edge is a single narrow pale line, sometimes obsolete ; PLATE XXXVI. exterior edge alternately white and black : poste- rior wings with a narrow, fuscous, angulated line across the middle, and a broad pale band beyond the middle, in which is a series of five fuscous epupillate ocelle, with a yellow iris, the third smallest, then the fifth, the first being largest ; exterior margin slightly tinged with rufous, and with one or two fuscous lines: beneath perlaceous, with a brown narrow band before the middle, and another rather beyond the middle; beyond which, is a broad lighter perlaceous band, in which, on the superior wings, are four epupillate ocella, the two or three anterior ones small; and on the inferior wings are six ocellate spots, consisting of a fuscous spot surrounded by a yellow line, and having a white pupil; first spot distant, third small, fifth double; exterior margin with a yel- low line. OBSERVATIONS. Two specimens of this insect were presented to me by Mr. Thomas Nuttall, who obtained them in Arkansaw. It seems probable, that they also inhabit the southern Atlantic States, as Hubner has given a plate of the insect. It has not been found so far north as Pennsylvania. PLATE XXXVI. i Vt ae) moa ; ie :.* i eal : _ H See ia : res lige iw. Ole? ral a a iy af, vee a iar er Cs | 7 ' ‘ ae) a 4 tog Ay ae fi ‘ou ’ vy A ) ie A 2 Me =| U ; Bis; or t coy fe o's - 7 “a oe =) 2 ar _ Fi clo, ee mL < i 5 ) A esoe i ee “ : . rn U : : u ai - o os ’ : = oe ’ Keg 7 a er ’ nee | 7 ofa : eM: cae 4 Be mane VS 44 iy Bay ae — * ina ‘eel ob eh » On" leban apm on up ‘ese She 7 a “ah : .. ’ id v7 me an) = _ a i BS 1 ie - ra wn ean) - oy le i j (ded cee bh ny Pe am ea) Diy ot) ae spb plains a Him: x! ana cf) vor mrt th ae . ae a ve i ; 7 “ 7 7 Vo —s ar 7 1 Bist ae rae cr f nti, . ae fart valid a oar = i 1 7 os - na A ee : Boer or ‘¢ ts ay puro’) y lava We aie i ahd ' lit) Ti M wht . nat Vike - 1 2 ay oe id oe, a0 hy /, Hic : Pi a ’ evi, iw ein wy Oe ey we wnlidh [AA ‘i 3 touty 4) ballin get a a = _ j PD ae bie oe mat ou : riven Sif = —_ _ My, ; Pe es ae ie Las yo ia Da hs a heal MaY ail Hed risen ‘f We a tae 7 7 = _ —— air ine oa Wey ) are - bie ati ties: ay ad wi neil 6 4 pine es a > > bovvatvag sh i e Mis eg rn me i tesa str _ yt - 2 ae ay f j 7 To. 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Ss - rw ‘ ig ~~ y, en * PB ie meee mh Oh ew igen a sre es ae = PS _ a AP : % a a = “4 7 v; > . * i : . c _ i + - - * — we 0 a 1a oe vw “ ” : >) i : ae Po ; ay . _ ‘7 Pree So . i, fre . 7 > P ee os i 7 ve i - 7 a “~— jae abs ‘A ie y Pi tay bal a) A ives & a int pot? e 2 ii 7 i as , “= - oe i? ce ; ‘ine ~ 7 , mo. _ - -_ ae Lene Lio ; MOR aay * ifn ame il pele tad : ; r eal i yr ane we ‘ oi : pe an) vl ht def al hy ; e “a - exter liane With > oa ha al = io ad ad a a3 i : y , 7 1) - *~ in ro Ls " A ae - iT - Ps: : tr - _ — : 7 ae at) ; ih n Ae ie etd ¥ ails hu? a -" dna | Esc nl ee a : ei - : Ne 7 ’ Ae, 4 ei he ; 7 a - ta yo . - 7 7 Ph be bw siti ete ae ‘9 a we #il> pha Hy er a See ee ; .< 2 7) aan ry Wey ee oy = yr fy ‘ wt 4 7 it le 5 i 7? . see, P aye e Fs A 7 a pan gbhrod ph ons «the iT) th ae sae. 1 ae lay. F : io. 8 oo ee. ot a ee i ed 7 : - - , * es —) _ ' : 7 Tr GF a ie = » Ctra hana Lt er, a Ht m 4 7 7 "oO, ee ie a) - Pa. hie ut) A -» ' { > as > 7 we i ; ' At us 7 » i aw ; Uj i +4) ee fy s ai, ee : : a i ‘hi i me Cha ; 7 - iM baer. : aii ae a Ur, : ~~ 7 we wy e = yy, 7 cia = i Li ‘ ae * See yo 7 - i S ia i (iia |. TA Sr en TTY _? : o> ed as ae fo ) ig Bete ofS AT ae uy ; te : i ia © fie : iy i i i) i 7 a y : ' x - i e. ue } ; Cae ee 7, | o : f ’ an) Oe ai [ t y 7 - Ay — Al : - ( a « © Bti in ah : 7 a, owe 1 _ 2 a r i ; 7 7 Da x E i 2 : ain - ; =: ‘ . 4 i ; at _ eo ; i ia pat - ay 7 7 est ps a eS . - a a 2 > si 7 a eres Sa at ele: ip.” i 7 INDEX. COLEOPTERA. Dicelus violaceus - - *splendidus = - *dilatatus - - *sculptilis - - Buprestis rufipes fasciata - - *confluenta = - *campestris = - Lycus reticulatus - - *terminalis - - *sanguinipennis *perfacetus - - Cryptocephalus ornatus *ceonfluentus *bivittatus - viduatus *othonus - PLATE 24. INDEX. ORTHOPTERA. Gryllus *formosus - - - *hirtipes - - - - *trifasciatus - - - HEMIPTERA. Reduvius *novenarius crassipes —- *spissipes -‘ - - *raptatorius NEUROPTERA. Mantispa *brunnea - - - *interrupta - - HYMENOPTERA. Tremex *sericeus - - - - *obsoletus - - - columba = Ichneumon *devinctor i] a *ynifasciatus 34. 31. 25. INDEX. Ichneumon *centrator - - *brevicinctor = - Scolia *confluenta - - - - *octomaculata - - ¥*tricincta - - - - LEPIDOPTERA. Limenitis arthemis - - - Vanessa “furcillata - - - Hipparchia andromacha - - Pieris nicippe - - - - - Aégeria *exitiosa - - - - omphale - - - - DIPTERA. Heteromyia *fasciata - - - Pangonia *incisuralis - - - Cenomyia *pallida - - - END OF VOL. 22. 29. 33. 20. —$3012778 Se ea may) ee ‘ " b * ri i i aoe if ie he wie 1 ae 1 yn ee a (ee Ahr v4 fo Ny fi \ Hayat iF pie yen Be Te ve "ary AEA ts wl tg sUd es HE UP Par Lt i EHP Hee tie (SAREE ET 6: iota tigi el 4 ; - ¥ ~ Pam erotic watery hee Et ~ io - pagers “ pain — ERIN OF ~ 3 Sagaceesneotp inane . a Oa ce - ses 7 : : : - pre reer re eins a B= nl tem ihn hkl OER A aan £ ree