e.. “ =] : x ee sa page 2 IF” ti tee a 4 a { vos ae » x ww hy | p , a ie : P it, i Us 1 ie iy Bhs: DOR begh ip , Chas. W,. Hi adit es ot be ; an SYRACUSE UR; vent Bs, SMITHSON IAN, INSTITUTION, . VRACUS, I 5 » UNITED ‘STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. . pty Ae BULLETIN. hs athe Rea A ey Pac aa ae : AMERICAN HYDROIDS. PART IT. : ee THE SERTULARIDE, || “WITH FORTY-ONE PLATES. i; dee BY ; aoe. CHARLES OLEVE! 4ND NUTTING, , . je aya PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF IOWA. : Bis rs ee t% Se ee > WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1904. Tot: LIBRARY ON COELENTERATES 0 or IAM CHARLES WESLEY MaARGITT TRUSTEK OF THK LABORATORY, 1200-1920 PRESENTED BY BIS SON TO THE WH a) ———3 a Om (<} — == CO) om) | MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY LIBRARY O O03 i AN Chas. W. Hap SYRACUSE UmiVERS) SYRACUSE, Nv. Y. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. SPECIAL BULLETIN. AMERICAN HY DROIDS. PA. Fee ps WCE ER EAB Din WITH FORTY-ONE PLATES. BY CHARLES CLEVELAND NUTTING, PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1904, ADVERTISEMENT. This work (Special Bulletin No. 4) is one of a series intended to illustrate the collections belonging to, or placed in charge of, the Smithsonian Institution and deposited in the United States National Museum. The publications of the National Museum consist of two series, the Bulletin and the Proceedings. The Bulletin comprises complete technical works of considerable size, zoological mono- graphs, handbooks of the Museum collections, records of scientific expeditions, ete. Most of the volumes hitherto published have been octayos, but a quarto form has been adopted for works like the present one, which, on account of the character of the illustrations, require a large page. The Proceedings are intended primarily as a medium of publication for shorter technical papers, many of them of a preliminary character, containing newly acquired facts relating to biology, anthropology, and geology, new schemes of classification, descriptions of new forms of animals and plants, discussions of nomenclature, and the diaries of minor expeditions. The Proceedings are issued annually to libraries in volumes of about 1,000 pages. A small edition of each paper is distributed in pamphlet form to specialists in advance of the bound volume. Papers of more general popular interest are published in the appendix to the Annual Report. Papers intended for publication in the Proceedings and Bulletin are referred to an advisory committee composed as follows: Frederick W. True (chairman), William H. Holmes, George P. Merrill, James EK. Benedict, Otis T. Mason, Leonhard Stejneger, Lester F. Ward, and Marcus Benjamin (editor). S. P. Laneixry, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. Wasnineton, D. C., April 15, 1904. a INTRODUCTORS NOTH. Almost all that was said in the introductory note to the first part of this work could truth- fully be said here. At that time it was thought that the Plumularidee was a much larger family than the Sertularide, and the author has been greatly surprised at the large number of species of the latter family that he has been called upon to discuss in the following pages, and the extent to which the literature on the subject is fragmentary and scattered will be apparent when it is said that not more than 20 species of Sertularide from American waters have been mentioned in any one publication up to the present time, while the present writer has found no less than 130 species that should be included in the American fauna. This large number of species has been brought to light more through a careful scrutiny of foreign publications than through the discovery of new species in the large collections that have passed through the author’s hands, although the number of the latter is by no means small, amount- ing to more than 30 new forms. The writer has thus been much impressed with the necessity of bibliographic work, and, as a result, has presented as full a bibliography and as complete synon- ymies of species as he has been able to secure. While this is true, it must be confessed that there is much still to be desired in this direction, and that there are many papers that have not been available for reference, as will be seen by consulting the list on page 148 of this work. This bibliographic work has been greatly facilitated by courtesies from the authorities in charge of the Library of Congress in Washington, and by the courtesy of my colleagues at home and abroad, who have been generous in sending me their publications. Almost all of the friends mentioned on page 2 of the first part of this work have continued to render aid in the preparation of the second part, and in addition [ take pleasure in expressing my gratitude to the following: : To the Directors of the British Museum (Natural History) for portions of a number of Allman’s types of the Challenger Sertularide; to Prof. G. M. R. Levinsen, of Copenhagen, for specimens, literature, and advice; to Prof. D’Arey W. Thompson, of Dundee, for specimens and correspond- ence; to Dr. Clemens Hartlaub for his valuable publications; to Prof. Maurice Bedot, of Geneva; Dr. Kristine Bonnevie, of Christiania; Dr. Edward T. Browne, London, for literature; and Sir William Dawson and Prof. J. F. Whiteaves, of the Canadian Geological Survey, for specimens. Among my own countrymen I have the pleasure to acknowledge aid from the following, in addition to those mentioned in the acknowledgments on page 2 of the first part of this work: Hon. George M. Bowers, for facilities granted for investigation at the laboratory of the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, in Woods Hole, Massachusetts; to Prof. H.C. Bumpus for special favors at the same place; to Prof. William E. Ritter, of the University of California, for specimens; to Prof. Trevor Kincaid, of the University of Washington, for specimens; to Mrs. G. Gibbs for specimens, and to Dr. Harry Beal Torrey, of the University of California, for literature. The author also desires to acknowledge with gratitude the great service rendered by his wife, and Prof. H. F. Wickham of the State University of Iowa, in verifying references and other bibliographic work connected with the preparation of this section of the monograph. 99664 Po Fic. Tak fyi Sa iv ; Sear, obs emu Ggunt a. (et bes 7 i) A , i dns i # Fel wi ae oe ‘he head y AMERICAN HYDROIDS. SE LOIN 2.— TE SHAE OLARLD 2 ERRATA. Page 46, 7th line from top, cy/indritheca should be cylindrica. Page 46, 2d line from bottom, tamariska should be tamarisca. Page 46, 39th line from bottom, 77 should be 770. Page 50, 7th line from bottom, sertularioides should be rathhuni. Page 77, 30th line from top, a/ba should be albida. Page 77, 4th line from bottom, guadridens should be quadrifida. t=) Page 102, last footnote, p. 1876 should be p. 221. Lhird. Such investigations as have just been referred to led to a general understanding of the morphology of the Hydroida as a whole, and, as the Sertularide offered little that appeared to be novel, that family was naturally passed by in favor of groups offering more interesting, because more novel, structures for investigation. The writers who have contributed most to our knowledge of the morphology of this family, purely systematic work being excluded, are the following: Louis Agassiz, who gives an excellent and superbly illustrated account of Sertularia pumila;* Allman,‘ who discusses the gonosome of ? American Hydroids. Part I, The Plumularide, 1900, p. 3. ? While this is true when the Sertularidee and Plumularidee are compared, it by no means follows that the Sertularidse are of low rank when compared with the hydroids in general. Indeed, quite the opposite is true if we admit the view now very generally adopted that the sessile gonophores represent degraded meduse. This matter, howeyer, will be discussed later. ’ Contributions to the Natural History of the United States, IV, 1862, p. 326. *Monograph of the Gymnoblastic Hydroids, 1871, p. 50. AMERICAN HYDROIDS. ShOPION 2.-THE SHRLULARID As. MORPHOLOGY OF THE SERTULARID. As indicated in the first part of this work’ it is the intention to defer the general discussion of the morphology of the order to the last part. In accordance with this plan nothing will be discussed here except those structures which are peculiar to the Sertularidee, or those which, while shared by other forms, still furnish peculiarities upon which diagnostic features can be based. In the former category will be included the operculum, although this structure is found in the Campanulinidie, and under the latter head will be discussed other features, particularly the stem, the hydranths, the hydrothece, and the gonangia. A little study will make it evident that the Sertularide contain few characteristic structures, at least as compared with the Plumularid, and that the family is therefore lower in the zoological scale.” It has therefore not received the attention from the morphologists that has been paid other groups. Indeed, it appears to have received less careful study than any of the other large groups of the Hydroida, and there are surprisingly few papers that more than touch on the morphology of this family. At first sight this seems rather strange, especially when we remember that this is the longest known and most familiar family of the order. This lack of interest is probably due mainly to the following reasons: First. The earlier naturalists were nearly all of them systematists rather than morphologists, and studied the more superficial characters. Second. When effective morphological investigation became practicable by the introduction of microscopical and histological technic, investigators became interested in the larger forms with larger and more conspicuous hydranths, as in the gymnoblastic forms, or the beautiful and wonderful meduse attracted their attention, and their investigations were thus led to the colonies which produced the free meduse; or the nematophores and conspicuous features of the gonosome of the Plumularid lured the student to the scrutiny of these intensely interesting structures. Third. Such investigations as have just been referred to led to a general understanding of the morphology of the Hydroida as a whole, and, as the Sertularide offered little that appeared to be novel, that family was naturally passed by in favor of groups offering more interesting, because more novel, structures for investigation. The writers who have contributed most to our knowledge of the morphology of this family, purely systematic work being excluded, are the following: Louis Agassiz, who gives an excellent and superbly illustrated account of Sertularia pumila;* Allman,‘ who discusses the gonosome of > ‘American Hydroids. Part I, The Plumularide, 1900, p. 3. ? While this is true when the Sertularidse and Plumularidze are compared, it by no means follows that the Sertularidse are of low rank when compared with the hydroids in general. Indeed, quite the opposite is true if we admit the view now very generally adopted that the sessile gonophores represent degraded medusee. This matter, however, will be discussed later. ’ Contributions to the Natural History of the United States, IV, 1862, p. 326. * Monograph of the Gymnoblastic Hydroids, 1871, p. 50. 4 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. Sertularia pumila and of Diphasia rosacea; Thallwitz* describes the origin of the sex cells in Sertularela polyzonias; de Varenne® published a careful account of the reproduction of Sertularia pumila; Allman, in the introduction to his Report on the Challenger Hydroids, discussed the gonosome of Synthecium (p. xxv), and the origin of the sex cells in Sertularia pumila (p. Xxxit); Levinsen carried on important investigations regarding the operculum, and published the results in 1892 and 1893;*° Hartlaub, in his masterly work,* discusses some morphological problems, such as the operculum, hydrothecal teeth, and gonosome of Sertularella, although these discussions are merely incidental to the main purpose of the work, which is almost purely systematic. One of my students, Mr. J. H. Paarmann, has done some excellent work, which has not been published, on the operculum. To these works I shall have frequent occasion to refer. TROPHOSOME. The general form of the colony in Sertularid is pinnate, the branches usually being on opposite sides of the main stem, the branches themselves being opposite or alternate. Simple, noncolonial forms are entirely lacking in this group, there being no such a thing as a mature hydranth with its hydrotheca entirely independent of others,’ as is found frequently in the campanularians among the Calypteroblastea, and a number of tubularians among the Gymno- blastea. As a result we find the usual outcome of the communistic idea, the subserviency of the individual to the colony as a whole, and a tendency toward a bilateral rather than a radial arrangement of branches. This may account for the fact that nowhere among the Sertularide do we find a true verticillate arrangement of the branches, such as is found among the Campanu- laridee in Campanwaria verticillata, and among the Plumularide in Antennularia antennina. There are, however, a number of cases where the branches spring from all sides of the stem, as in several species of Ziuiaria. In these cases we have the pinnate arrangement of branches modified by torsion into a spiral which may be rendered more or less obscure by the irregularity of the branching, but which is quite evident in Zhwiaria thuja, for instance. A more open spiral is found in a number of species, illustrated by the very graceful colony of Sertwlaria argentea and Hydrallmania falcata. Unbranched colonies are uncommon in this family, although seyeral are found in Sertularia, especially in the Desmoscyphus group, as, for instance, S. stookey? (Plate V, fig. 6), and in the genus Sertularella several of the rugosa group, as, for instance, S. rugosa, ave often unbranched. : Among the Sertularide are found the only species of hydroids that have regularly anasto- mosing branches, which sometimes form a rude mesh or network, as in Dictyocladium flabellum ; and here also occur the only examples of hydrothecal branch origins that I have seen in the order. This is illustrated in the genus Zhecocladium, not represented in American waters, and also by sporadic cases which are not infrequent in the genus Sertularella, as, for example, S. dentifera Torrey (Plate XXV, fig. 1) and Abietinaria gracilis Nutting (Plate XXXYV, fig. 1). In all probability, however, this occurs occasionally in other groups, such as the Campanularide, although the present writer has not seen it there. In size no sertularian yet reported reaches the maximum found among the Plumularide. (See Part I, p. 4.) The largest colonies that I have seen were those of Thwiaria cupressina, that attain a height of about 18 inches under favorable conditions. Kirchenpauer, however, reports specimens from the mouth of the Elbe that are 2 feet in height.’ This is perhaps the maximum size reported for any sertularian. As a rule they are very much smaller, from 1 to 4 inches being the ordinary proportions. Many, of course, are much smaller than the 1 Jenaische Zeitschrift, X VIII, 1885, p. 426. * Recherches sur la reproduction des Polypes Hydraires, 1882, p. 27. 8 Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske Forening i Kjobenhayn, 1892, p. 22, and 1893, p. 41 et seq. “Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, pp. 10-12. °An apparent exception to this statement is found in the case of Sertularella solitaria, a new species described beyond, which bears single hydranths on pedicels. It is possible, however, that the single known specimen may be immature and that the adult colony may resemble that of S. fusiformis. °See Hincks, British Hydroid Zoophytes, 1868, p. 272. THE SERTULARID®. 5 minimum just given. Mature specimens of Pasythea quadridentata, for instance, are sometimes less than one-fourth of an inch in height. It must be remembered, however, that height is not necessarily a true criterion of the actual size of the colonies. Dr. Dall found a specimen of Abietinaria gigantea which consisted of 350 shoots, averaging 6 inches in length, estimated to contain 1,000,000 individual hydranths.* The Stem.—In by far the greater number of Sertularide the stem is a perfectly simple structure, being monosiphonie (consisting of a single tube), composed of the normal histological layers as found in the hydroids, divided into more or less regular internodes. The regularity of the latter, however, is greater among the Plumularide than in the family under discussion. There are but two departures from this simple type of stem that are of suflicient importance to demand attention here. These are— (a) The fascicled stem, as illustrated in Sertularella gay. (Fig. 1). This consists of an ageregation of tubes that are closely adherent so as to form a compound stem made up of numerous tubes. There is a difference, which we will find to be more apparent than real, between the fascicled stem as found in the Sertularide and that found in many Plumularide and discussed in the first part of this work (pp. 4-8), where there is a central or axial tube from which arise all of the branches and a number of peripheral tubes that do not give origin to branches or hydrocladia,* and therefore it (the axial tube) has received the name ‘* hydrocladiate tube.” In Sertularella gay? this state of affairs does not appear to exist. On the contrary, the branches seem to arise from almost any of these tubes which compose the fascicled stem. In fig. 1 we have a portion of the stem which has been boiled in potash to loosen the connection between the tubes 7m s/tu. The upper part has been dissected with needles, so that the component tubes are separated. It is readily seen that the branches bearing hydrothece arise from several of the tubes instead of one. Sometimes these tubes seem to originate from one of the branches, as at @ in the figure, and pass downward, giving off another branch, as at 4. Again, one of the tubes can be traced for a long distance without giving any indication of branches. An examination of the point of attachment of this same specimen shows that the hydrorhiza appears to be made up of a continuation of these same tubes, which simply separate to form individual rootlets. I have elsewhere * shown that these hydrocladia and hydrorhizal elements are homologous in the Plumu- laride, and the same thing appears to be true here, and in some instances it is perfectly clear that the hydrorhizal elements are modified hydrocladia. A further dissection of this specimen, represented in fig. 2, clearly reveals that this is con- stantly true in S. gay?.. By carefully dissecting out the tube @ ¢ we find that it continues downward through the stem and is hydrothecate throughout, although the hydrothece are completely covered by the other tubes when in normal relation, being axial in the polysiphonic stem. We will therefore call it the axial tube. From the bases of the hydrothec on this axial tube are given off branches which pass downward in the form of tubes and in their normal relations form the accessory or peripheral tubes of the fascicled stem. (Fig. 2,¢,@). We thus find that the accessory tubes are merely modified hydrocladia arising, as do the normal hydrocladia, from the bases of the hydrothecx. Some of these accessory tubes thus formed give origin to other branches bearing hydrothece a long distance below the actual origin of the tube. (Fig. 2, ¢c.) It thus appears that all of the branches arise either directly (fig. 2, 4) or indirectly from the axial tube, the difference being that in the latter case they arise from accessory tubes that are themselves really modified hydrocladia. This discovery is of great morphological and systematic importance, because it gives us a clue to the real origin of the accessory or peripheral tubes, a matter not hitherto explained in a satis- factory manner, so far as I know, although I have found the same condition of affairs in the plumularian Cladocarpus paradisea* and in a species of Thecocarpus, but did not at that time see the full significance of the fact. 1Clark, Alaskan Hydroids, 1876, p. 230. 2The term ‘‘hydrocladia”’ as applied to the Plumularidze signifies the ultimate branches which bear the hydro- thecie. It is not ordinarily used in connection with other groups. 5See Part I, p. 7. 4See Part I, p. 6. GGICAT eos te a > sew “, wii lIBRARY Z\ z23om 6 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. By tracing downward some of these accessory tubes it is found that they end in hydrorhizal elements. With these facts before us the entire manner of growth of such a fascicled stem becomes clear. The planula attaches itself, forms the primary hydranth, and. grows upward in the form THE FASCICLED AND CANALICULATED STEM OF THE SERTULARID#. Fig. 1.—Fascicled stem of Sertularella gayi, partly dissected to show the origin of the peripheral tube (a), and the origin of a branch from the peripheral tube (b). Fig. 2.—The same specimen with the axial tube (a t) dissected out. a, a, peripheral tubes dissected out springing from the bases of hydrothece; at, the axial tube; b, origin of branch; ¢, origin of branch from peripheral tube. Fig. 3.—Part of distal portion of colony, more highly magnified, showing origins of peripheral tubes at a, a. Fig. 4.—A single hydrotheca, greatly magnified, showing origin of peripheral tube at a. Fig. 5.—Part of stem of Selaginopsis ornata, showing the extensive canaliculation of the ccenosare; the dotted portions represent the coenosarcal canals. Fig. 6.—A branch of the same specimen, showing regular arrangement of the ecenosarcal canals. of an ordinary monosiphonic stem. It gives forth branches from the bases of the hydrothecs which at first form ordinary branches. As the colony becomes larger some of the branches turn immediately downward, become agglutinated to the original monosiphonic stem (now becoming the axial tube), and finally form a bundle of tubes which entirely conceals the axial tube and its THE SERTULARID. 7 hydrothecz, so that the presence of the latter would not be suspected without dissection. These branches (now become accessory tubes) themselves give off branches and pass on downward to the base of the stem, where they spread for a short distance over the base of attachment and function as hydrorhizal elements. We are thus able to homologize the ordinary stem of a fascicled sertularian with the apparently very different stem of some of the Plumularide. The axial tube of the sertularian is thus strictly homologous with the ‘‘ hydrocladiate tube” of the plumularian. But we can extend this homology much further, and find that it will apply to the perisiphonic stem upon which Allman bases his family Perisiphonide. That writer says: ! There is among the Calyptoblastie Hydroids no more natural and distinctly defined family than that of the Perisiphonide. The remarkable structure of the trophosome with its axial hydrotheca-bearing tube enveloped by the peripheral fascicle is, except in Grammaria, quite unknown in any other group; for this condition must not be confounded with the fasciculation of the stem which occurs in many Plumularinze and is common in /Talecium, Sertularia, Thuiaria, and other genera, in which the component tubes are not divisible into an axial tube which carries the hydrothece and peripheral tubes which are destitute of hydrothece. Our investigation of the stem of Sertularella gay’, however, has demonstrated that this species has just as clearly defined an axial stem as any of the Perisiphonidwe of Allman, the main difference being that the hydrothecze on the axial tube are completely hidden in 8. gay/, while they project between the peripheral tubes and open on the exterior in the Perisiphonide. But even this distinction disappears when we examine the stem of S. gay/ near the point where the axial tube emerges from the fascicled portion to continue upward as a simple monosiphoniec stem. (See figs. 83and 4.) That portion of the stem which bears the hydrothecwe answers precisely to Allman’s definition of the state of affairs in the Perisiphonid. Here the axial tube alone bears hydrothec, and the latter bear exactly the same relation to the peripheral tubes as they do in Perisiphonia, for instance. In this figure the origin of the peripheral tubes is plainly seen at a, a, and the relation of the component parts is not in any way disturbed by dissection, as is the case in the other figures. Only one other sertularian with a fascicled stem is available to me for dissection, and that is Sertularella megastoma Nutting, which shows the same features of axial and peripheral tubes and the same origin for the latter as have been described at length for Sertularella gayi. Sertu- larella catena, S. lata, S. pinnigera, and S. tropica also have fascicled stems; but my specimens of the first two are too small to admit of dissection for this purpose, and I have not seen specimens of the others. In none of these cases does there seem to be any cross connection between the various tubes such as is found in certain of the Plumularide* nor does there seem to be any sarcodal connection except at the point of origin of each tube. The tubes seem to adhere together by virtue of the gelatinous consistency of the chitin of which their walls are formed. (4) Stems with ccenosarcal canals are found in a few Sertularidw. Morphologically these do not appear to differ appreciably from those found in the plumularian genus Anfennularia.* This feature is not always apparent, even when present, and in specimens that have been poorly preserved all trace of it sometimes disappears. ‘The best illustration that I have seen among the Sertularide is found in the genus Se/aginopsis. In a new species described beyond, S. ornata, the ccenosarcal canals are very regular and symmetrical, there being four canals in each branch, one canal to each of the four rows of hydrothec, and frequent and regularly spaced cross- connections between the canals themselves form a ladder-like structure, with a round of the ladder beneath each hydrotheca. (See fig. 6.) In the main stem of this same species there is an exceed- ingly complex system of anastomosing canals that does not exhibit the regularity of arrangement found in the branches. (See fig. 5.) The mode of origin of the canaliculated ccenosare is not well understood. Allman’s inyesti- gations of these canals‘ in Antennularia would lead one to suppose that the young colony has at 1 Challenger Report, the Hydroida, Second Part, 1888, p. 32. *See Part I, p. 5. 3See Part I, p. 5, fig. 1. *Gymnoblastic Hydroids, 1871, p. 126. See also Part I of this work, p. 4. 8 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. first an ordinary monosiphonic stem, and that the canaliculations are formed by portions of this common ccenosare becoming surrounded by tubes of chitin, leaving the center of the stem entirely vacant, the canals being peripheral. I am not satisfied, however, that each of these canals 1s surrounded by perisare. The Branches.—There is but little that is characteristic to be found in the branches of the Sertularide. Their disposition has already been discussed. They never become highly special- ized to form protective structures for the passive or active defense of the gonophores, as they so often do in the Plumularidxe, where they form the curious phylactoearps. They do, however, become modified to form accessory tubes in the fascicled stem, as we have seen, and they often become tendril-like at their distal ends and clasp other branches so as to form anastomoses and sometimes a flabellate structure, as in the genus Dictyocladiumn. There appear to be two methods by which the attachment of these new tendril-like branches is formed. In DP. dichotoma, ‘* when a branch is destined to form a union of this kind its distal extremity becomes elongated into a tendril-like continuation destitute of hydrothece. When this meets a neighboring branch, the end of the tendril unites with a branch, not however with any part of the surface of the branch indiffer- ently, but, directing itself toward the orifice of a hydrotheca, it here attaches itself, its axis be- coming directly continuous with that of a hydro- | theca.”* In the only other species of the genus thus far discovered, 2. jlabellum Nutting, the | connection is formed much more simply. The | tip of the tendril-like process grows around the | branch that it meets and clasps it very much as does the tendril of a vine. (Fig. 7.) The adhe- sion is quite strong and permanent, and the clasp- ing portion of the tendril may become eyentu- ally embedded in the branch so as to be hard to see, being indicated merely by a swollen area THE ANASTOMOSIS OF BRANCHES IN DICTYOCLADIUM. over the original point of contact. Sometimes Fig. 7.—Tip of branch of Dictyocladium flabellum clasping another the growing tip upon meeting a b ranch spreads branch, out in lobular projections, thus increasing the Fig. 8.—Another branch termination which forms lobe-like pro- 5 a . . 7 zs FeReee CGM oeEE ai Or atta clenent to anoELen Daanicls extent of the surface of adhesion, as in fig. 8. This same method of joining different branches is found quite commonly in several species of Sertu/arella, especially those of a straggling habit of growth, such as S. dichotoma and S. elegans. A merely temporary joining of the tips of hydrocladia has been reported in the case of a species of Ag/aophenia.* This, however, seems to be for an altogether different purpose from the one subserved in the examples described above, and served to join two colonies, apparently for the purpose of conjugation. I have seen no sertularians, aside from the genera Sertularella and Dictyocladium, in which anastomoses of branches occur, except perhaps as a rare abnormality. The Iydranth.—1 have been unable to find any evidence of the hydranth being studied with ‘are in any sertularian, at least since modern histological technic became available. Without this aid, however, Louis Agassiz was able to make out most of the essential points, even of histo- ‘Allman, Challenger Report, Hydroida, Second Part, 1885, p. 77. 2See Part I, p. 45. THE SERTULARIDA. 9 logical structure, especially in the matter of the relation of the cell layers. Indeed, the more one studies his masterly work the more profound becomes the conviction that a careful and thorough use of good powers of observation and interpretation applied to living or at least fresh material’ is capable of yielding results that will bear comparison with those attained with the use of the most advanced technic. The writer does not believe that any worker has done more to elucidate the entire subject of hydroid morphology, at least in the groups investigated by the older Agassiz, than has that writer himself. His is the only good description that I have been able to find of the sertularian hydranth.' The subject of one of his care- ful studies is the common Sertularia pu- mila, and he reports the following points regarding the hydranth:* The ccenosare of the stem consists of two cell layers. In the stem this is of uniform thickness to a point just below the hydrothecse, where it ex- pands on two opposite sides, giving off cylindrical extensions which are uniform in diameter and pass through the diaphragm at the base of the hydrotheca, traverse the length of the latter, and terminate in a simple, short, conical proboscis, around which a single row of slender, tapering ten- tacles, usually sixteen in number, is dis- posed in a uniform series. The extended hydranth has no thicker ectoderm than in the main stem, but the endoderm is twice as thick, although the ectoderm and endo- derm are about equal in the stem. The ectoderm of the body wall is connected in places with the hydrothecal wall by film- like projections or pseudopodial prolonga- tions. So far as the present writer has been able to ascertain, the hydranths of all of the Sertularide are yery similar to those of | S. pumila, having a conical or dome-shaped proboscis and a single whorl of filiform | tentacles. (Fig. 9.) It is seldom that the | hydranth can be studied to advantage in : iG preserved specimens, as they are usually —Fig.9—Hydrotheca and expanded hydranth of Sertularia pumila. 0, oper- either in a state of contraction or have been een nee iranth, SS Sl aeeate eee macerated or in some way disintegrated in the preserving fluid. If care is taken, however, it is possible to preserve expanded hydranths of shallow:water forms by the methods of killing recently devised. It seems useless to expect that we shall ever be able to study the living and expanded hydranths of deep-water species. Asindicated in Part I of this work,* there is but little difference between the hydranths of the Plumularide and Sertularide, the main distinction being in a constriction some distance below the tentacles of the former which divides the hydranth body cavity into two portions, which, however, communicate broadly. 1Contributions to the Natural History of the United States, IV, 1862, pp. 328-329, pl. xxxit. 2The terminology used by Professor Agassiz is so different from that now in vogue that I have thought it best to give the following points in more modern phraseology for the sake of lucidity. * Page 9. 10 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. There are certain special features of the hydranth in this group, however, that are worthy of presentation, one of which is what may be called the protractor of the hydranth. This is a band of tissue, probably ectodermal, that originates from a point on the hydranth body about halfway between the tentacles and base on the abcauline side and passes obliquely upward and outward till it meets the inner surface of the abcauline wall of the hydrotheca, where it is firmly attached. (See figs. 10, 11,12). Itis obvious that a contraction of this band would aid in the protraction of the hydranth, and also in the initial stages of its retraction. The best examples of this structure that I have seen are in certain species of Sertularella, as S. magellanica (fig. 10), S. levinsent (fig. 11), and S. megastoma (fig. 12). Hartlaub, in discussing this structure,’ says that it is formed before the differentiation of the tentacles and is evident upon the first withdrawal of the hydranth, and that in many species this band of attachment (*‘ Haftzipfel”) makes a mark as if it were a septum instead of a band, which divides the dorsal (abcauline) part of the hydrotheca into two chambers. That portion of the hydranth body wall to which the band is attached-seems to RETRACTED HYDRANTHS, SHOWING PROTRACTORS. Fig. 10.—Sertularella magellanica. (p, protractor; 7, retractor; s, septum. Fig. 11.—Sertularella levinseni (lettering the same). Fig. 12.—Sertularella megastoma (lettering the same). be stretched outward into a hernia-like protuberance which contains a sack-like divarication of the hydranth body cavity. To this latter Hartlaub has given the name ‘‘ Blindsack.” (Fig. 13, 6s.) In the material at my disposal it is difficult to ascertain the relationships of the various parts in the proximal end of the liydranth and bottom portion of the hydrotheca. In many species of Sertularella the septum at the bottom of the hydrotheca extends more than halfway across from the adcauline to the abcauline side, leaving an aperture that is unsymmetrically placed, being on the abcauline portion of the bottom of the hydrotheca. The connection between the hydranth and the sarcode of the stem passes through this aperture. (Fig. 14s ¢.) It appears that a large portion of the bottom of the hydranth is permanently attached to the septum, and this part of the bydranth corresponds to the foot of the hydra. At times this portion of the foot seems to be muscle-like in function and to work in opposition to the protractor mentioned above. It thus serves functionally as a retractor muscle, and secures its point of resist- ance on the upper side or face of the septum. This condition of affairs seems to be common in those species that have a well-developed protractor on the abcauline side, and this fact would seem to support the view that it works functionally in opposition to the latter. Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, pp. 10, 11. THE SERTULARID. ~ 11 The blind sack is very well shown in Adjetinaria abictina (figs. 13-16), where it is perfectly evident that it is a hernia-like protuberance from the body wall of the hydranth which is attached to the hydrothecal wall by a band of ectodermal tissue. That the structures just described are very widely distributed among the Sertularide is proved by the fact that I have found them in one or more typical species of the following genera: Thudaria, Sertularia, Synthecium, Hydrall- LONGITUDINAL SECTIONS OF RETRACTED HYDRANTHS. Fig. 13.—Abietinaria abietina. bs, blind sack. Y Fig. 14.—Sertularia versluysi. s c, sarcodal connection between the hydranth and the stem; p, protractor. Fig. 15.—Thuiaria robusta. bs, blind sack. Fig. 16.—Abietinaria traski. bs, blind sack. mania, Selaginopsis, Diphasia, Abietinaria, Dictyocladium, and Sertularella. In Sertularia pumila there are apparently two protractors on opposite sides of the hydranth. (See fig. 9, p. 9.) These may be the structures referred to by Louis Agassiz as ‘‘film-like projections or pseudopodial prolongations” by which the ectoderm of the body wall is connected with the wall of the hydrotheca. A still more striking case in which two protractors are present is found in Diphasia digitalis. (See fig. 17.) 12 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. Hartlaub! says that he has seen the blind sack filled with food particles, and suggests that it may function as the stomach of the hydranth. It is not improbable that it may share this function with the rest of the body cavity of which it is merely a divarication, but I see no proof that it assumes the full burden of the digestive function. This writer also calls attention to the fact that the adcauline wall of the sack has an endodermal lining of columnar epithelium like that of the body cavity in general, while the abcauline wall is lined with ordinary endodermal cells. (Fig. 15.) He suggests that the blind sack may have something to do with the renewal of the hydranth, but does not support this suggestion with any definite proof. He doubtless infers that the undifferentiated endoderm of the sack must be capable of some function other than that performed by the columnar epithelium, and this may have given rise to the suggestion regarding the connection between the blind sack and regeneration. He says that this structure is absent from the Campanularide in general, and believes that it constitutes a good systematic character by which that group may be separated from the Sertularide. It is doubtless true that this important structure has been altogether too much neglected by systematists. The present writer, however, desires to make a critical study of it in connection with the other groups before adopt- ing it as a criterion for the division of family groups. In several species of Sertularclla, as S. dichotoma, and in the Desmoscyphus group of Sertularia, there is an internal ridge on the abcauline wall of the hydrotheca that corresponds to the intrathecal ridge in the Plumularidie and appears to be for the firmer anchorage of the protractor. (Fig. 20, 7.) But one other feature pertaining to the hydranth need be discussed here, and that is the structures that are supposed to be muscles for the closing of the operculum. I have been unable to find them as a constant feature in any one species. Hartlaub figures them as present in Sertularella gayi*, but they are certainly not at all constant in that species. While I have found a number of cases which I at first was inclined to consider as opercular muscles, they were found on closer examination to end on the margin of the hydrotheca, and not to reach the operculum at all. In such cases it is reasonable to interpret the structures rather as protractors than as opercular muscles. (See figs. 17-19, 0 m.) In other cases the muscular bands end freely in the upper part of the hydrotheeal cavity, as if they had been torn from their attach- ments. These may be opercular muscles, but until they are found connected directly and definitely with the operculum the writer believes that it is wisest to refrain from ascribing to them a definite function in connection with the opercula. It must be remembered that the hydranths at times send forth all sorts of projections from the ectoderm toward the hydrothecal walls, and doubtless these are occasionally attached to the operculum. But we have as yet no evidence that such attachments are permanent or constant, as are the protractors described above. Hartlaub, who copied the figure mentioned above from Allman, is not at all convinced that there are such things as retractors of the opercula, and suggests that Allman was mistaken in his interpretation, as it often happens that one or more tentacles of a retracted hydranth remain with their tips attached to the opercula. The present writer has not seen instances of this. In one case (fig. 18) there is a structure that looks a good deal like a retractor of the operculum. The figure was taken from a section, and it appears that the long sareodal process from the hydranth is directly attached to the operculum, but it may not be a retractor at all, but simply one of the many processes thrown out by the hydranth under certain conditions, particularly when the latter is about to begin the process of disintegration. The mechanical necessity for retractors to the operculum does not seem at all evident. The valves are so arranged that they would naturally fall back into place upon the retraction of the hydranth, and this action is probably aided and hastened by the elasticity of the chitinous material of which they are composed. In size the Sertularian hydranth does not differ appreciably from that of the Plumularid, although they average somewhat larger. Although they are almost always retracted in preserved specimens they are still available for study, while those of the plumularians are usually entirely absent in specimens preserved in alcohol or formalin. Hartlaub says that the proboscis is 1 Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 11. THE SERTULARID. 138 trumpet-shaped in well-preserved specimens, but I have not been able to verify this observation; and those specimens that I have seen alive, as S. pumila and S. cornicina, have invariably had true conical proboscides like those of the Plumularide. I have also seen the expanded living hydranths of Sertularella polyzonias and Thuiaria argentea, and here, too, the proboscis was conical. The Hydrothece.—A\\ of the Sertularidie being colonial forms the individuals, as already indicated, are subordinate to the colony asa whole. None of the hydrothece in this group are furnished with pedicels of any considerable length,' and the sessile condition has resulted in a true bilateral symmetry that seems to be universal in this family and the Plumularide. The THE SO-CALLED ‘‘OPERCULAR MUSCLES.” Fig. 17.—Diphasia digitalis. om, opercular muscle. Fig. 18.—Thuiaria sp. om, opercular muscle. Fig. 19.—Sertularella megastoma. om, opercular muscle; r, retractor muscle. Fig. 20.—Hydrotheea of Sertularia versluysi, showing intrathecal ridge at r. reason for this seems to be that the stems and branches upon which the hydrothecz are sessile are in general more or less erect, or at least not horizontal in position. The normal posture of the hydranth is erect or nearly so, the mouth being directed upward. Hence the axis of the hydrotheca forms an acute angle with that of the stem or branch upon which it grows, and as a result the adcauline side tends to be shorter than the abeauline. In other words the posture of the hydranth determines the inclination of the hydrotheca in the Sertularide, while the flexibility of the pedicel in the Campanularide permits the hydranth to be directed upward without disturbing the radial symmetry of the hydrotheca. It thus comes about that the sertularian hydrotheca tends to assume a symmetry that is bilateral rather than "If the Sertularella solitaria described in this work (see Plate XX, figs. 10, 11) is adult, as seems altogether likely, it would be an exception to this statement, as the hydrothec:e in this species have pedicels of considerable length. 14 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. radial. Of course this symmetry is often interfered with, particularly where the hydrotheca has a curve that is not in the vertical plane, as is the case with many species in which the hydro- thece curve forward as well as outward and upward, as Sertularella pinnata (Plate XX1I, fig. 10), and S. al/mani (Plate XVIII, fig. 3). Again the implantation of the hydrotheca may be upon the front rather than upon the sides of the stem, and thus we have a difference between the front and back, as well as between the adcauline and abcauline sides of the hydro- theca as in the case of Hydrallmania falcata (Plate XX XVIII, fig. 1), and in the Desmoscyphus group of Sertularia (Plate I, fig. 7). That the bilateral symmetry is the result of the mechanical causes referred to is rendered all the more probable from the fact that the primary hydranth of many species of sertularians is seen to be radially symmetrical if observed at a very early stage in its developement. If we examine very young specimens of Sertularella rugosa, for instance, we find that the primary hydranth is at first mounted on a distinct pedicel like that of a campan- ularian, and is radially symmetrical (see fig. 21). It very shortly, however, becomes bilaterally symmetrical by the production of a protuber- ance on one side of its base, and this protuberance shortly gives rise to a second hydrotheca. This seems to indicate that radial symmetry is the original condition and bilateral symmetry a later acquisition in the group, brought about by mechanical causes relating to the necessity of adjusting the sessile hydrothecz to the hydrocaulus. The condition of affairs described above is true only of those species having alternate hydrothece. When they are strictly opposite, the two terminal hydrothece are produced together, and hence such species produce primitive pairs of hydrothece that are necessarily bilateral. In almost all species of sertularians the several hydrothece of the mature colonies are substantially alike, the only notable exception being in the genus Pasythea, where the hydrothece are in groups of pairs and no two pairs in a given group are alike either in form or size (see Plate XIII, fig. 4). With the exception of the genus Selaginopsis all of the American sertularians conform to the bilateral plan not only in regard to the shape of a Imi the individual hydrothecz, but also in the arrangement of the hydrothece 4 21 | ~on the stem and branches (see fig. 32). This is due to the fact that the es | hydrothece are arranged in two usually opposite rows. If a branch of Fig. 21.—Very young hydre- such a species should be split vertically from front to back it would be theea of Sertularella rugosa, oe = > ~ showing radial symmetry, divided into two equal and symmetrical parts. When the hydrothecx are alternate, these two parts would be similar but not symmetrical. The same is true in /Zydrallmania, where the hydrothece are all in a single row but have their distal ends bent alternately to the right and left. In Se/aginopsis the hydrothece are arranged in more than two rows, in one case, S. decemserialis, there being ten longitudinal rows. In this genus there is not only the regular vertical arrangement of hydrothece, but a spiral arrangement as well. The hydrothece vary greatly in different species both in size and shape. In general they are much deeper in proportion to their diameter than those of the Plumularide. Perhaps the most common form is more or less tubular, with the distal end bent to one side, as in Sertularia pumila. Most species of the genera Sertularia, Synthecium, and Thuiaria have hydrothece of this type, which reaches its most perfect form in such species as Synthectum rectum (Plate XLI, fig. 2). Sometimes the tube is not bent, and the hydrotheca becomes an almost perfect cylinder, as in Sertularella formosa (fig. 22) or Synthecium cylindricum (Plate XLI, fig. 7). Again it may be so short, truncated, and expanded at the base as to resemble the frustum of a cone, as in Sertula- rela hartlaubé (Plate XXVII, fig. 5). The cylindrical hydrothecw, like all others among the Sertularidee, vary greatly in the extent to which they are immersed in the hydrocaulus, sometimes being attached to the latter by their extreme base only, as in S. guadrata (fig. 23); or it may be immersed to the margin all around, as in Sertularella distans (Plate XIX, fig. 6) or Sertularella lata (Plate XVIII, fig. 10). Every possible intergradation between these two extremes can be found. Sometimes great variation occurs in ‘a single colony, as in the case of Sertularella magellanica THE SERTULARID®. 15 (Plate XXIV, figs. 6, 7), where the hydrothece are almost entirely exserted on the proximal part and more than half of their adcauline wall is adnate in the distal parts of the colony. This con- dition, however, is quite exceptional, the extent of immersion being much more constant as a Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. rule. 22.—Sertularella formosa. 23.—Sertularelia quadrata,. 24.— Thuiaria robusta, 25.—Diphasia fallax. 26.—Sertularella rugosa. 27.—Sertularella pinnata. TYPES OF HYDROTHECX OF SERTULARIANS. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 31.—Sertularella filiformis. 28.—Sertularia operculata, .— Abictinaria greenci (showirxg teeth). ).—Sertularclla tricuspidata, Fig. 32.—Sertularia cornicina, can most of them be reduced to the following types: (a) Flask-shaped, in which the basal part is swollen, and the distal part constricted and often bent. ig. 33.—Abietinaria greenci (smooth margin). 34.—Abietinaria greenci (toothed margin). 5.—Sertularelia tricuspidata. 6.—Thuiaria gigantea, ig. 37.—Sertularella formosa. (Figs. 22, 23, 33, 36, and 37 are only half as much magnified as the others.) The departures from the cylindrical form of the hydrothecw are almost innumerable, but Illustrated by many species of Zhuéaria, such as 7. robusta (tig. 24), ZT. polycarpa (Plate 5125—rr 2—04 16 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. VIL, fig. 8), and 7. zmmersa; in several species of Sertularia, as S. desmoides (Plate III, fig. 2); and in Selaginopsis, as S. cylindrica (Plate XX XIX, figs. 7 and 8). (6) When the neck of the flask becomes elongated and curved to one side, we have what may be called the ‘‘hottle-shaped” hydrotheca, which is characteristic of the genus Abzetinaria as used in this work and well shown in such species as A. ahzetina (Plate XXXII, fig. 1), A. varia- bilis (Plate XXXII, fig. 5), A. gracilis (Plate XXXYV, fig. 2). The bottle-shaped hydrothece intergrade with the flask-shaped hydrothecz on the one hand and the triangular forms on the other. (ce) Pitcher-shaped hy drothece are found in certain species of Diphasia, as D. fallax (tig. 25), D. rosacea (Plate XXVIII, fig. 4), D. paarmanni (Plate XX XI, fig. 5), and occasionally in Sertularella, as in 8S. episcopus (Plate X XVI, fig. 7). Such forms are produced by having the margin of the hydrothece expanded and sinuous on the abcauline side so as to resemble the lip of a pitcher. (2d) Barrel-shaped by drothece are round, with both distal and proximal ends slightly dimin- ished in diameter, and both upper and lower profiles convex. They are more nearly radial in symmetry than most of the others, and are found almost exclusively in the genus Sertularella, as S. rugosa (fig. 26), S. areyt (Plate XVII, fig. 6), S. geniculata (Plate XVI, fig. 2), S. patago- nica (Plate XVI, fig. 3). This form is usually provided with a square collar, which interferes with the symmetry of the ‘‘ barrel.” In 8S. tanneri (Plate XVI, fig. 1), a very large and beautiful hydrotheca is seen which, in some instances at least, attains almost a perfect barrel shape. (e) When this latter type is greatly elongated a slender terete outline is produced, which gives the typical fusiform hydrotheca, which is very rare, illustrated by Sertularclla fusiformis (Plate XX, fig. 3), and less perfectly by S. gigantea (Plate XLX, fig. 7). (7) Ina few cases the axis of the hydrotheca is straight and the base expanded, while the diameter gradually decreases toward the distal end. Thus a cono/d form is produced, which is guite rare. Illustrated by Abjetinaria alexanderi (Plate XX XV, fig. 5). If the distal two-thirds of such a hydrotheca were cut off, we would have such a form as Sertularela hartlaubi (Plate XXXVI, fig. 5). (g) Triangular hydrothece. In a few cases hydrothece are triangular in outline as viewed from the front, being bounded by three approximately straight sides. This occurs in the Des- moscyphus group of Sertularia as S. versluysi (Plate 1, fig. 9), in which the two inner sides of a pair of hydrothec are contiguous and pressed together so as to forma straight line, and the aperture at the supero-lateral angle is very small. The triangular outline is also approached in Abietinaria traski (Plate X XXIII, fig. 10). (h) Perhaps the rarest form of hydrothece is one that approaches a parallelopipedon in shape, having a quadrate cross section and four parallel sides. This form is well shown in Sertularella quadrata (fig. 23), and in S. cylindrithecu (Plate XLX, fig. 4). A combination of this form and the barrel-shaped hydrotheca is found in Sertularella rugosa, where the upper part of the hydrotheca is modified in shape so as to be square in section, while the remainder is barrel-shaped. The extent of immersion varies greatly in most of these types, but is probably most complete in some species of Zhuiaria, as 7. 7mmersa (Plate LX, fig. 4), in which the entire hydrothecal margin is sunk to the general level of the hydrocaulus so as to be flush with it all around. There is in general a pretty close adherence to type in the hydrotheci of a given species, the most notable exception being the case of Pasythea quadridentata (Plate XIII, fig. +), in which the hydrothecz are arranged in groups of pairs, no two pairsin a group being alike, the upper pair being smaller than the lower and more or less quadrate in outline. A slight approach to the same condition is found in the case of Thudaria tubul/formis. On Plate XI, fig. 2, for instance, the lowest pair of hydrothece is much broader from margin to margin than the next pair. Another and more evident example is found in Sertularia mayer? (Plate V, figs. 1, 2), where the hydrothec on the basal part of the stem are much longer than those on the distal part, and are bent abruptly outward, forming nearly a right angle at their middle portion. THE SERTULARID®. 17 The ornamentation of the hydrothecal surface in the Sertularidze is effected mainly by annulations, striz, and reduplications of the margins, and each of these is confined mainly to the genus Sertularclla. The rugosities are sometimes confined to the free part of the adcauline side, as in Sertularella gayi (Plate XIV, fig. 1), S. conica (Plate XV, fig. 1), and S. catena (Plate XV, fig. 3). Often they are continued entirely around the hydrothecal wall as in the rvgosa group. Ordinarily this latter condition is associated with the quadrate neck, but a notable exception is found in a new species with very large barrel-shaped hydrothecw, S. fanner7 (Plate XVI, fig. 1). Annulations differ from rugosities in being finer and more sharply cut, although the terms are often apparently used as if they were interchangeable. A notable instance of this style of ornamentation is found in //phasia tropica (Plate XXX, fig. 1), in which the entire hydrotheeal wall is marked with very fine but greatly raised annulations, the outer surface of which is so fine as to be linear. If the bottoms of a pile of very thin dinner plates were removed, and the remainder of the plates fitted to a cylinder, they would represent fairly well the structure of these annular ridges. There is but one species that I know of with longitudinal markings like ribs or cost, and that is Sertularella arey/ (Plate XVII, fig. 6). Striz are simply very fine annulations running in a parallel direction. These are well shown in Sertularella quadrata (Plate XV, fig. 5). Under favorable conditions of illumination the entire surface of the hydrothecal walls is seen to be marked by these fine, closely set lines. The hydrothecal aperture is largely determined by the shape of the margin and the marginal teeth. Most commonly it is round or oval in shape (fig. 33); often it is quadrate, as in the rugosa group of Sertularella, ox in S. quadrata; rarely it is lunate, as in Thuiaria diffusa (Plate X, fig. 2). The margin is often more or less everted, as if rolled outward, as in the case of Synthecium tubithecum (Plate XLI, fig. 1); or it may be expanded, as in Sertularella pinnata (fig. 27) and S. elegans (Plate XXIV, fig. 1); or sometimes it is contracted, as in Sertularia versluysi (Plate I, fig. T) or Abietinaria traski (Plate X XXIII, fig. 10). The ornamentation of the hydrothecal margin is sometimes in the form of a distinct narrow band or rim, as in Sertularella formosa (tig. 22), Synthecium rectum (Plate XLI, fig. 2), or Ser- tularella distans (Plate XIX, fig. 6); or it may be effected by means of closely approximated circular striations, as in Abdetinaria alexander? (Plate XX XV, fig. 5) or Synthecium marginatum (Plate XLI, fig. 3). The reduplication of the margin often seen in the Sertularide, but displayed best in //alec7um, seems to be produced by periodic and successive stages in the growth of the hydranth, or, as Levinsen seems to have shown, by the successive renewal or regeneration of the hydranth. In this latter case each reduplication represents a complete regeneration of the hydranth oceupying the hydrotheca. These reduplications produce the appearance of a number of false margins below but parallel with the functional one. There are many illustrations of this among American forms, such as Synthecium tubithecum, Sertularella quadrata, S. dentifera (Plate XXV, fig. 2), and S. gigantea. The marginal teeth of the hydrothece, whatever their origin or function, form a character of the very greatest importance from the standpoint of the systematist, and are therefore worthy of careful consideration. They consist of more or less evident prominences projecting from the margin and following in general the direction of the hydrothecal walls from which they spring. They vary greatly in size, form, and position. Many hydrothece are entirely destitute of marginal teeth, in which case the margin is defined as even, plain, or sinuous. The even margin is common in Zhucarda (tig. 36), Selaginopsis, and Abietinaria, and is present in all species of Syntheciwm thus far described. It is only exceptionally present in Sertularia, as S. desmoides (Plate II, fig. 1), and in Sertularella, as in S. formosa (tig. 22) and S. hartlaubi. The sinuous margin is found in several species of Diphasia, as in PD. rosacea,in which the margin exhibits broad and low undulations, which are not sufliciently pronounced to be called teeth. This form of margin often produces the effect of the mouth of a pitcher, and is usually found in connection with the ** piteher-shaped” hydrothece. It is often very difficult to decide whether a given margin is sinuous or toothed because the two completely intergrade. 18 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. Again, it often happens that an oval aperture seems to be pinched, as it were, on opposite sides at the ends of its long diameter. This produces what is known as the angulated margin, such as is found in several species of Selag/nopsis, as S. pinnata (Plate XX XIX, fig. 6), and is very difficult to distinguish from certain margins with two teeth, when looking directly into the aperture, as in Zhucaria tenera (Plate XI, fig. 11). A lateral view of the same hydrotheca, how- ever, discloses the fact that the margin is bidentate (Plate XI, fig. 10). Among American species of Sertularide the number of teeth never exceeds four in normal hydrothece. There are several Australian forms, however, in which the dental armature is much more complicated, there being sometimes as many as sixteen, as in Sertularia acanthostoma Bale.’ In designating the position of the teeth it is customary to speak of those on the side of the margin nearest the hydrocaulus as ‘‘adcauline,” those on the opposite side as ‘‘abcauline,” and any situated about midway between these points as ‘* lateral.” Hydrothecx with a single marginal tooth are rare, the examples being practically confined to the genus Zhuiaria, as T. elegans (Plate VII, fig. 4). In this case, however, there is a very large abcauline tooth and the adcauline margin is so closely appressed to the hydrocaulus that it is difficult to tell whether there is an adcauline tooth or not. In Z. kurile (Plate LX, fig. 1) there is a single very conspicuous adcauline tooth. The bidentate margin is very common in the Sertularide, and is in general characteristic of the genus Sertularia. The teeth are usually lateral and opposite, and appear often as if a tubular hydrotheca had been beveled on the adcauline and abcauline sides of the distal end. These oppo- site lateral teeth are often quite unequal in size, as in the case of Zhwiaria argentea (Plate XII, fig. 4) and 7. diffusa (Plate X, fig. 2). But in many other cases they are proximally of equal size, as Thuiaria plumulifera (Plate LX, fig. 9). Sometimes the two teeth are both abcauline and very conspicuous, as in Sertularella episcopus, Sertularia operculata (tig. 28), or Abietinaria greenet (figs. 29,34). In this latter case we have perfectly even margins on the hydrothece on one part of the colony, and two strong marginal teeth on those of another part of the same colony. Three marginal teeth are found in many species of Sertularella, and a few in Sertularia and Thuaria. In Sertularella they are usually equal in size and equidistant from each other, and vary from almost imperceptible prominences on the margin to pronounced pointed teeth that form a very striking ornamentation, asin Sertidarella pinnata (fig. 27), S. tricuspidata (figs. 30, 35), and S. filiformis (fig. 31). Rarely there is a small adcauline tooth and two large and conspicu- ous abcauline teeth, as Sertularella turgida (Plate XXII, fig. 3). In the genera Sertularia and Thuiaria the three teeth, when present, differ greatly in size, there being two large opposite lateral teeth, and one very small adcauline tooth, as in Sertularia rathbuni (Plate III, fig. 9), and Thuiaria tubuliformis (Plate XI, fig. 5). Four marginal teeth are found in the genus Sertularel/a alone, and their variations are about the same as those just mentioned in connection with three-toothed forms. They are often so low and inconspicuous as to be difficult to make out, as in S. /ata (Plate XVIII, fig. 10), and S. pinni- gera (Plate XIX, tig. 3). These very low teeth are apt to be associated with practically complete immersion of hydrothecx, as shown in the figures just cited. In only a few cases are they very pronounced and conspicuous, and then they are apt to be unequal in size, the abcauline pair being the larger, as in S. contorta (Plate XVIII, fig. 7). It has been suggested by Hartlaub that the hydrotheca is lined by an epithelial membrane.’ In a certain species of Sertularella this writer found a membrane with a large central opening stretched across the aperture of the hydrotheca, as a velum is stretched across the bell opening of a medusa. From a study of this specimen, and also from the fact that empty hydrothece often present certain shrunken structures fastened around the inside of the margin, and from the presence in many species of a ring-like line just below the margin and running around the hydrotheca, this writer suggests that the hydrothece have a thin epithelial lining which some- times discloses itself in empty hydrothec in the form of a shallow funnel-like sack attached to the hydrotheca along the ring-like line referred to. ‘Australian Hydroid Zoophytes, 1884, p. 85, pl. rv, figs. 7 and 8. * Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 11. THE SERTULARIDA. 19 In the examination of serial sections of hydrothece I have been unable to find any epithelial structure of this sort. It is probable, however, that there is at times a chitinous lining to the hydrothecal chamber that may be separated from the hydrothecal wall through shrinkage. If we remember the origin of the hydrotheca and its relation to the young hydranth a very probable explanation suggests itself. The hydrotheca is formed as an excretion from the epidermal cells of the budding hydranth which fills the cavity of the hydrotheca until the latter has attained its full size and final form. An examination of the hydrothecal walls under high magnification and in sections shows that they are laminate, as if formed by the deposition of successive thin layers of chitin. When the hydranth nears maturity it withdraws from contact with the hydrothecal walls, the separation proceeding from below upward, the top of the hydranth being the last to become separated from the hydrotheca. The last area of union, therefore, is annular and near the top of the hydrotheca just beneath the margin. Thus it will be seen that the last delicate layer of chitin would line the hydrotheca up toa ring-like band which may be somewhat thicker than the rest because here the secreting surface has been longest in contact with the hydrotheca. Under certain conditions it is entirely conceivable that this thin membrane should become separated from the hydrothecal wall, of which it is really a part, by shrinkage, especially in preserved specimens. In this case it would be apt to remain attached to the annular area longer than to other portions on the hydrothecal walls, and we would then have exactly the appearance which attracted the attention of Hartlaub. The lining is not epithelial, however, in a strict sense, and does not belong properly to any one of the cell layers, because it is not composed of cells or of modified cells. On the contrary, it is histologically and morphologically merely the innermost of a number of layers excreted by the ectoderm of the hydranth and forming the hydrothecal walls. The Operculum.—This is a structure of great systematic importance that has been made especially prominent through the careful work of Prof. G. M. R. Levinsen, and his admirable presentation of the results of his investigations.’ One of the earliest specific accounts of the operculum among the Sertularidae is found in Louis Agassiz’s Contributions to the Natural History of the United States.*. This author, in describing the growth of the hydranth, says: ‘* And the body retracts altogether from the calycle, after having completed the formation of a bivalve-like operculum.” ‘‘When the hydra pro- trudes from its calycle for the first time it pushes aside the operculum, yet the latter may remain adherent for some time, but evidently for no particular purpose.” A still earlier mention of the operculum, in the genus Sertularella, is found in a work written in 1857 by Joshua Alder,* who notes the presence of the four-parted operculum in S. rugosa and WS. tenella, but seems not to have observed it in S. polyzondas nor in S. tricuspidata, both of which species were known to him. In 1868 Hincks, in his British Hydroid Zoophytes, mentions the opercula in the genera Sertularella, Diphasia, and Thuiaria, but does not seem to have found it in Sertularia. Allman, in his Challenger Report, the Hydroida, Second Part, 1888, gives as a part of his definition of Sertularia ‘ orifice with or without an operculum ” (p. 50), and has this to say regarding the operculum: ‘‘ The valves in all these cases are so thin and perishable that it is only in recent or exceptionally well-preserved specimens we can hope to meet with them, a fact which in itself deprives the distinctions derived from them of that prac- tical value which ought, if possible, to be found in all well-selected systematic characters” (p. 51). This author also adopts a ‘‘ lid-like operculum formed bya single valye” as a character of the genus Diphasia, and notes that two species of his genus Desmoscyphus, D. pectinatus and D. acanthocarpus, possess opercula. 'Om Fornyelsen af Erneringsindividerne hos Hydroiderne; Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den naturhistoriske. Forening i Kjobenhayn., 1892; Copenhagen, 1892. Meduser Ctenophorer og Hydroider fra Groénlands Vestkyst tilligemed Bemzrkninger om Hydroidernes Systematik ; idem., Copenhagen, 1893. *Vol. IV, 1862, p. 331. *A Catalogue of Zoophytes of Northumberland and Durham, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1857, p. 23. 20 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. In 1890 Marktanner-Turneretscher! used the operculum in giving the diagnostic features of the genera Sertularella, Calyptothwiaria, Monopoma, Diphasia, and Dynamena. In the present work Calyptothuiaria is included in the genus Sertularella and Monopoma in Abietinaria. As before indicated, it remained for Leyinsen to make a systematic and comprehensive study of the operculum in various groups, and this he has done with the painstaking care that is characteristic of our Scandinavian fellow-zoologists. The following points are quoted direct from his systematic discussion of the Sertularidee ’ and translated by Mr. J. H. Paarmann, who studied the operculum in connection with a thesis for the master’s degree in the State University of lowa: Our attention has before been called to the fact that an operculum is found in all Sertularide, and that it, together with the form of the margin of the hydrotheca, is the only character by means of which we can draw a natural boundary line between the Campanularidee and Sertularide. * * * There is at least a certain relation between the form of the margin and the structure and position of the operculum. Thus a Sertularel/la that has lost its operculum may be easily recognized by the three or four equally developed curyes in the margin on which the operculum has been attached; and in the genera in which the operculum is a single flap the attachment of the lost operculum on the inner or outer margin will be indicated by a more or less deepened curve. * * * We may define the genus Sertularia thus: Aperture of the hydrotheca provided on the outer (abcauline) side with a deep emargination in which the flap-formed operculum is attached; on the opposite (adcauline) side is found a thin portion (‘‘krayen’’= collar) of similar form to the emargination mentioned aboye. It thus appears that on each side of the margin is a dentate or triangular projection, and that bety een these on the inner side is stretched a thin membrane. This membranous part is, in general, overlooked by authors who describe or delineate the margin as bilabiate or two- toothed. In anumber of species this thinned portion of the wall (of the hydrotheeca), which we will call the “collar,” has been seen by Allman and Marktanner-Turneretscher, who, however, haye both misinterpreted it, regarding it as a flap of the operculum, which, in combination with the real operculum, serves to close the aperture in the same manner as the flap of an operculum in Sertularella. * * * Not only the species which Marktanner-Turneretscher assigns to the genus Dynamena, but also the remaining species of the genus Sertularia, as we have defined it, have such a collar, which, by this author, is incorrectly interpreted as a flap of an operculum. The above rather voluminous quotation from Levinsen has been given, because, in justice to that writer, it is necessary that his position should be made as plain as possible in view of the fact that the present writer is compelled to differ from Professor Leyinsen and agree with Allman and Marktanner-Turneretscher in his interpretation of the operculum of the type found in Sertularia, that is, the so-called ‘‘ two-valved ” operculum (see figs. 38-53). The origin of this type in its developmental history should be understood in order to appreciate the points in discussion that will be presented later. If we examine a very young hydrotheca of Sertularia pumila, for instance, we will find that its distal end is entirely covered with a very thin homogeneous membrane, continuous over the entire surface. This is deposited, like the hydrothecal walls with which it is continuous, by the ectoderm of the inclosed young hydranth. There is nothing at this stage to show any distinction whatever between the hydro- thecal walls and the operculum, the margin not yet having been differentiated. In preserved specimens, however, the homogeneous membrane covering the hydrotheca is apt to be wrinkled, and these wrinkles may sometimes have the optical effect of structural characters. A little later, but before the tentacles have become plainly differentiated, the hydrothecal margin appears by : strengthening of the chitin, and can be traced as a fine, dark, sinuous line which marks the outline of the two opposite teeth, which rapidly become more and more prominent. We have now a distinct differentiation between the hydrothecal walls and that which is destined to become the operculum, although there is yet no break whatever in the continuity between these two structures, nor any opening at the distal end of the hydrotheca. The future operculum is shaped like the side walls of an ‘*A” tent, the front and rear of the tent being closed by the two opposite hydrothecal teeth. The two flaps of the tent are of unequal size, however, the abcauline being considerably the larger. These two are nevertheless strictly homological structures, each having originated in the chitinous pellicle that covers the distal end of the budding hydranth, and each being adherent to the sides of the teeth and the portion of the hydrothecal margin between them, the two uniting along the line that would be represented by the ridge pole of the tent. 'Hydroiden des k. k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums, 1890, pp. 249-251. *Meduser, Ctenophorer og Hydroider fra Gronlands Vestkyst, 1895, pp. 183-200. THE SERTULARIDA. 21 ENDS OF HYDROTHECE, GREATLY MAGNIFIED, TO SHOW BIVALVE OPERCULA. (ad, adeauline flap; ab, abcauline flap.) Fig. 38.—Sertularia pumila, showing relation of hydrothecal teeth and opercula. Fig. 39.—Longitudinal section of same, showing renewal of opercula. ab and ad, original opercular flaps; ab’ and ad’, opercular flaps just renewed. Fig. 40.—Longitudinal section of same, showing renewal of abcauline flap. = Fig. 41.—Sertwaria operculata, showing marginal teeth and operculum. Fig. 42.—Longitudinal section of same, showing operculum. Fig. 43.—Sertularia cornicina, longitudinal section through a pair of hydrothecs, showing opercula. Fig. 44.—Same species, more highly magnified. Fig. 45.—Same species, showing reduplication of operculum. Fig. 46.—Thuiaria cupressina, showing relation of marginal teeth and operculum Fig. 47.—Same species, showing hydrotheca and retracted hydranth. Fig. 48.—Same species, showing empty hydrotheea. Fig. 49.—Sertularia brevicyathus, showing a pair of hydrothecw and opercula. Fig. 50.—Thuiaria robusta, showing marginal teeth. Fig. 51.—Same species, showing reduplication of margin and operculum. Fig —Thuiaria tubuliformis, showing operculum, The dotted line indicated the position of one of the marginal teetn. Fig. 53.—Same species, showing entire operculum. 22 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. There is no important change in the operculum or margin between the stage just described and the completion of the hydranth. When the latter emerges into the outer world for the first time it seems probable that it ruptures by purely mechanical pressure the line between the points of the hydrothecal teeth, or, to use our former simile, the line along the ridge pole of the tent, the pushing tentacles being directed to that line by the sloping inner surfaces of the opercular flaps, and hence the cleavage along the line joining the summits of the teeth. After this rupture has been effected further cleavage takes place along the line of junction between the slopes of the hydrothecal teeth and the operculum, beginning at the top of the teeth (fig. 54). This may include either or both sides of the ‘‘tent,” and will continue until there is room for the egress of the hydranth, leaving the bottom of both flaps still attached to the hydrothecal margin. It is probable that Professor Levinsen would confirm the above account, with the exception of the last sentence. He holds that only the abcauline flap is opened, the adcauline remaining as the ‘‘collar” described above. This difference, however, is of great importance, as it is his justification for regarding such an operculum as composed of a single flap, while the present writer maintains that it consists of two flaps. it will be conceded, I think, that the two flaps are identical in their origin and that they are therefore strictly homologous and similar structures. Levinsen claims that they differ in function, RELATION OF THE OPERCULUM TO THE EXPANDING AND EXPANDED HYDRANTH OF SERTULARIA PUMILA. Fig. 54.—Tentacles pushing aside the opercular flaps. ab, abeauline flap. Fig. 55.—Base of expanded hydranth holding aside the opereular flaps. ab, abcauline flap; ad, adeauline flap. Fig. 56.—View of the opposite side, showing adcauline flap. ad, adeauline flap. the abcauline flap being a movable lid and the adcauline a fixed ‘‘collar.” Mr. Paarmann’s investigation seems to prove that this is a mistake, and that *‘sometimes the adcauline piece is attached while the other is free, and sometimes the reverse is true. Often the sides of a flap are attached for a greater or jess distance proximally while they become free distally, the degree of attachment varying greatly in the same species. In most cases both flaps are functional.” ! In fig. 9, taken from a specimen preserved with the hydranth fully expanded, it can be plainly seen that the abcauline flap is not functional, and most careful scrutiny of the original under the microscope does not reveal that it has opened at all. The hydranth is well expanded, however, and so in this case the adeauline flap must be the functional one, unless, indeed, it is so very flexible and elastic that it allows of the passage of the hydranth without the lid being elevated at all. In fig. 55 we have a case in which both flaps are plainly functional, and both are separated from the hydrothecal margin well down toward the bottom of the tooth. It thus appears that Mr. Paarmann was correct in his statement that both the abcauline and adcauline flaps are functional, although neither is constantly so, and therefore the operculum of S. pum7/a and many of its allies are properly called ‘*two-tlapped.”*? The two flaps are the same in origin, are entirely ‘J. H. Paarmann, manuscript. *The present writer has carefully verified the accuracy of Mr. Paarmann’s drawings by direct comparison with the material from which they were taken. THE SERTULARID. ae homologous, and are usually similar in function. I shall therefore speak of the opercula of such species as S. pumila as two-flapped, and will include practically all of the species in which the *Seollar” described by Levinsen appears.’ I have not been able to find specimens in which the collar presents just the appearance delineated by Leyvinsen.* This may be explained by the fact that my specimens were in a very good state of preservation and stained, while the hydrothecz figured by him do not appear to contain hydranths, and may have been boiled in caustic potash or otherwise treated to bring out the unimpeded view of the chitinous parts, thus destroying the hydranths and possibly altering the appearance of the operculum. In unstained specimens it is very difficult, if not impossible, to see the fine line marking the outline of the upper border of the adcauline flap seen in fig. 56 ad. When this is not seen the structure looks very much as it does in Levinsen’s figures. In species with very long teeth it appears that the teeth continue growing after the operculum has been formed. If we examine a specimen of Sertularia operculata, for instance, we will find that the teeth project far beyond the distal ends of the opercular flaps (see fig. 41). If the operculum originated in this species in the same manner as it does in S. pumila, the greater part of the growth of the teeth must take place after the operculum has been formed. Other- wise the latter would reach clear to the points of the teeth. It would be interesting to study the operculum in sertularians with numerous teeth, such as are found in Australian species of Sertularia, and to investigate the relations between the two structures. I do not know that any one has investigated these species with this point in view. The one-flapped operculum (figs. 66-69) is common in 7Awiaréa, and is universally found in Abietinaria, Diphasia, and Selaginopsis. As maintained by Levinsen, the number of teeth seems to determine the number of valves. This may be understood on purely mechanieal principles. In the one-flapped forms the cleavage seems most easily effected where the operculum joins the thinner parts of the hydrothecal margin. It so happens that large groups of species seem to be fairly constant in this matter, some having the hydrothecal margin thickened on the adcauline side, as Diphasia and Abjetinaria, and hence the opercular flap remains attached to that side. In other cases, as Zhudaria(in part), and Selaginops/s, the thickening is on the abcauline side and the operculum is abcauline in position. There is one very curious exception to the undoubted systematic value of this character, and that is in the case of Thudaria thui- ariovdes, in which the species is a typical thuiarian in both trophosome and gonosome save in the one matter of the operculum, which is unmistakably adcauline in position. The strongest and most easily seen opercula of this type are found in the genius Diphasia, notably in 2. digitalis (Plate XXX, fig. 5), where this structure takes the form of a vaulted, almost dome-shaped hood, which seems to be of texture as strong and dense as that of the hydrothecal walls, and fits like a cap over the hydrothecal aperture. The three and four flapped opercula are characteristic of the genus Sertularella and Dictyo- cladium, 2 closely related genus. Hartlaub, as before stated, claims that this kind of an oper culum differs essentially from the two-flapped form. I fail to find any very material difference, the main distinction being that in Sertu/arel/a the margin of the hydrotheca is usually thicker and better outlined, and the opercular structure stronger and more evident. The cause of the initial rupture of the operculum may be somewhat different in this case, although purely mechanical. The margin is stronger and more thickened at the points occupied by the teeth. These latter, moreover, are often, if not generally, slightly inclined*outward or away from the center of the aperture. The former consideration would render the hydrothecal margin stiffer at the points occupied by the teeth, and the latter would result in greater tension across the operculum along lines connecting opposite teeth. When the hydranth pushes outward for the first time the elastic ‘In order to be very sure that my interpretation of this structure is correct I have examined a number of stained and mounted specimens with great care, using high powers of magnification and examining specimens in which the hydranth was in various stages of contraction and expansion. In figs. 55-56 a specimen is illustrated which was turned over so that both the front and back views of the margin were obtained. The sketches were made by myself with the use of the camera lucida. I also examined a number of other species in which the ‘‘collar’’ is found. *Meduser, Ctenophorer og Hydroider fra Groénlands Vestkyst, 1895, pl. vu, figs. 8-10. 24 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. operculum would be apt to yield first at the center, as the tentacles would there exert the most force, and then it would tend to split along lines radiating from the center toward the teeth. Thus there would be formed an operculum of triangular flaps, corresponding in number to the teeth of the hydrotheca (figs. 57-65). This explanation seems to be reenforced by the condition of affairs found in the few forms of Sertularella that have a perfectly plain margin without teeth. In S. formosa, for instance, where the operculum is stretched like a drumhead across the aperture, and the margin is perfectly even, the operculum may be ruptured in almost any way, sometimes around the edge and sometimes OPERCULA OF FOUR, THREE, AND ONE FLAP. Fig. 57.—Sertularella rugosa, showing four-valyed operculum. Fig. 58.—Sertularella gayi, showing four-valyed operculum. Fig. 59.—Sertularelia albida, showing four-valyed operculum. Fig. 6 Dictyocladium flabellum, showing four-valyed operculum. Fig. 61.—Sertularella tricuspidata, showing operculum of three valves. Fig. 62.—Sertularella turgida, showing operculum of three valves. Fig. 63.—Sertwlarella complexa, showing operculum of four valves. Fig. 64.—Sertularella areyi, showing operculum of four flaps. Fig. 65.—Sertularella polyzonias, showing operculum of four flaps. Fig. 66.—Diphasia fallax, showing operculum of one valve. Fig. 67.—Hydrallmania falcata, showing operculum of one yalye. Fig. 68.—Hydrallmania falcata, end of hydrotheea highly magnified to show a rudimentary abeauline flap. ab, abcauline flap; ad, adeauline flap. Fig. 69.—Diphasia rosacea, showing one-valved operculum. in jagged and irregular tears across its surface. In this case there are no points around the margin to cause greater tension along definite lines, and hence there is no regularity whatever in the formation of the opercular flaps (fig. 37). In all the cases that I have seen where there is a distinct reduplication of the margin, the operculum has also been reduplicated, the reduplications of the latter being equal to those of the margin. When we consider the genesis of the operculum and its relation to the margin, it is hard to conceive of any explanation other than that there is a direct relation between the process of regeneration of the hydranth and the reduplication of the margin and operculum. THE SERTULARID®. 25 A careful study of the matter of reduplication here referred to and the renewal of the hydranth has been made by Professor Leyinsen, and the results embodied in a short but important paper, Om Fornyelsen af Ernringsindividerne hos Hydroiderne.' The paper is written in Norwegian, but a condensed summary of the conclusions arrived at is found in Latin at the end of the paper. ‘The following presents Professor Levinsen’s conclusions so far as the Sertularidee are concerned: In Sertulariidis et in multis Campanulariidis et Campanularinis gemma noya extra hydrothecam antecedentem procrescit et secretio chitinea extra marginem hujus hydrothecze extensa noyam marginem vel aperturam (et in speciebus operculiferis etiam operculum noyum) format. Opercula of almost every type found among the sertularians seem to be reduplicated, as is illustrated in figs. 70-73. 5 Certain species of Sertularia, Thutaria, and Synthecium are characterized by the fact that the distal portion of the hydrothecx is produced into a very thin collapsible tube, which is usually of very indefinite shape in preserved specimens. It is seldom that they are of sufficient consistency to preserve their shape after the hydranth has retracted, and they are for this reason very unsatisfactory structures to study. In Sertularia mayer/, for instance, there is such a tube REDUPLICATION OF MARGIN AND OPERCULUM. Fig. 70.—Diphasia rosacea; longitudinal section of end of hydrotheea, highly magnified, showing the twice reduplicated margin and operculum. Fig. 71.—Same, showing single reduplication. Fig. 72.—Same species, much less magnified, showing reduplication of operculum. Fig. 78.—Thuiaria tubuliformis, highly magnified, showing reduplication of operculum, in many cases, and it seems to extend beyond the operculum (Plate V, fig. 4). Although the origin of this tube is not definitely known, it seems reasonable to suppose that it is formed, as are ull the chitinous parts of the hydrothecse, by the excretion from the ectodermal cells of the body wall of the hydranth, and differing from the true hydrothecal walls in being very delicate and collapsible. I have not been able to assure myself of the presence of an operculum at its distal end. It may be merely an exaggerated form of reduplicated margin, having the same genesis, but not being completed to the extent of the formation of a new operculum. The Diaphragm.—Vhis has been already mentioned incidentally. It occurs in all of the Sertularidxe that I have examined, and does not vary greatly in form, being merely a horizontal circular shelf running around the bottom of the hydrotheca, near the point where its base joins the hydrocaulus, and dividing the hydrothecal cavity from that of the stem. There is thus left a circular opening, through which the sarcodal contents of the hydrotheca and stem form a con- nection. This aperture is usually eccentric in position, being nearer the abcauline than the adcauline side of the hydrothecal base (figs. 74-78). The diaphragm is regarded by Allman as one of the systematic characters by which the Sertularide are differentiated from other groups. It is also found, however, in other families of the Calypteroblastea, as the Campanularidse and Campanulinide, although in the Sertularidze alone it is uniformly eccentric or rather unsym- 'Scertryk af Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den naturhistoriske Forening i Kjobenhayn, 1892. 26 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. metrical, as indicated above. It has occurred to the writer that this eccentricity of the aperture of the diaphragm in the Sertularidee may be accounted for in much the same way as the lack of radial symmetry. A nearly vertical position of the hydranth seems to be the most favorable, and where the hydrotheca is sessile the base of the hydranth is forced away from the hydrocaulus by the eccentricity of the aperture of the diaphragm, and it is thus made possible for the hydranth to assume a vertical position without the tentacles being impeded in their action by coming in too close contact with the hydrocaulus. THE DIAPHRAGM OF THE SERTULARID®. Longitudinal sections of lower parts of hydrothece (highly magnified). Fig. 74.—Sertularia pumila; section taken in the median plane of a pair of hydrotheec. d, d, the diaphragm in section. Fig. 75.—Same species; section taken in a plane at right angles to the last. Lettering as before. Fig. 76.—Hydrallmania falcata. Lettering as before. Fig. 77.—Thuiaria robusta. Lettering as before. Fig. 78.—Diphasia rosacea; section similar to that represented in fig. 74. Lettering as before. GONOSOME. The structures which have to do with the reproduction of the species of the Sertularide include nothing aside from the gonangia and their contents, there being nothing to represent the corbule and phylactocarps so conspicuous in the Plumularide.’ The absence of these has been offset in the Sertularidee by a much greater variety of gonangia and gonophores, especially the former, which often exhibit ornamentations of surprising beauty. Gonophores.—These structures are fundamentally the same as have been described under the Plumularide, but are often more conspicuous and highly specialized. Perhaps the most common form is that exhibited by Sertularia pumila (figs. 81-83). The blastostyle originates in the usual manner as a sort of hernia-like diverticulum from the stem or branch, containing the ectoderm and endoderm in their normal relations, and bearing a number of ova in the endoderm (see figs. 79, 84, ov). Weismann saysthat there are three cell layers external to the ova, and homol- ogizes these layers with those of a medusa, claiming that the gonophore is merely a degraded medusa (see also Part I, p. 30). The distal end of the blastostyle is expanded into a round, more or less obconical plug (*t Deckenplatte” of authors), composed of large, loosely aggregated cells principally from the ectoderm, although the endoderm is also involved in its formation. At a later stage the blastostyle is crowded to one side by a rapidly growing gonophore, which is formed as an outgrowth from the proximal end of the blastostyle, and grows to such a size that it sometimes almost fills the cavity of the gonangium from top to bottom. When fully developed (see fig. 79, ov), the ova are seen to have taken up their position in the ectoderm, having pierced 1See Part I, pp. 31-36. THE SERTULARIDA. 27 the structureless stutzlamelle and greatly enlarged during the growth of the now practically mature gonophore. The distal end of the latter at this stage is covered by a distinct layer of perisare, which has a definite function presently to be described. It will be noted that only a few of the numerous oya in the blastostyle are included in the gonophore at this stage. A still further development results in the formation of the acrocyst, a structure found in several groups of calypteroblastic hydroids which consists in a more or less globular body composed of chitin which surmounts the gonangium and contains the oya in their later stages of development. The acrocyst is formed as follows: The chitinous distal end of the gonophore described above is pressed against the THE GONOSOME OF SERTULARIA PUMILA. (Figs. 79 and 80, after Weismann; figs. $1, 82, and 83, after L. Agassiz.) . Fig. 79.—Longitudinal section of gonangium. dk, ‘‘deckenplatte’’; c, cavity of gonophore; ect, ectoderm; end, endoderm; ov, ovum in endoderm of blastostyle; ov’, ovum in ectoderm of gonophore. Fig. 80.—Longitudinal section of an older gonangium. acer, acrocyst; bist, cavity of blastostyle; gub, gubernaculum; other lettering as on fig. 79. Fig. 81.—General view of female gonangium. ov, ovum; bist, blastostyle. Fig. 82.—General view of male gonangium. D/st, blastostyle; sp, spermary. Fig. 83.—Gonangium, showing diverticula from deckenplatte. d, diverticula. Fig. 84.—Longitudinal section of part of the stem, showing developing ova in the endoderm. deckenplatte by the further upward growth of the gonophore. Weismann’ says that this distal end is thrust through a hole or opening in the end of the gonangium. I have been unable to find such an opening in all cases, and would suggest that the chitinous end of the gonangium may be sometimes pierced by the chitinous end of the gonophore, much as, according to Weismann’s own account, the incipient gonophore pierces the thick perisare of the stem in Plhumularia echinulata by what appears to be a dissolving secretion of some kind. However this may be, the end of the gonophore in some way penetrates the top of the gonangium and then expands into a globular chitinous sac into which the ova pass, and thus the acrocyst is formed (see fig. 80, ac). Those parts of the gonophore that are not needed in the acrocyst—indeed all parts except the developing 1 Entstehung der Sexualzellen bei den Hydromedusen, 1883, p. 170. 28 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. ova, so far as I can discover—are then withdrawn into the gonangium, not, says Weismann, by contraction of the tissues, but by a resorption process. After the formation of the first acroéyst a number of long processes are given forth from the deckenplatte which Weismann says contain nutritive material, and may serve in the nourishment of the gonophores. The present writer has not seen these in young blastostyles, but is unable to tell whether a fully developed gono- phore is the first one, or one of its many successors in a given gonangium, as the acrocyst seems to be but a transient structure, and may be replaced several times during the functional lifetime of the gonangium. TYPICAL GONANGIA AND GONOPHORES. (Lettering as in preceding figures. ) Fig. 85.—Diphasia kincaidi; longitudinal section of female gonangium, showing a single large ovum in the single gonophore. Fig. 86.—Sertularella complexa; longitudinal section of male gonangium, showing the spermaries in the blastostyle, there being no proper gonophore, Fig. 87.—Gonangium of Sertwlarella filiformis, showing large masses of ova. Fig. 88.—Hydrallmania falcata; longitudinal section of male gonangium, showing spermaries, sp. Fig. 89.—Same species; section across young female gonophore, showing relation of parts. Fig. 90.—Same species; longitudinal section, including lower part of gonangium, and showing two ova. During the formation of the first gonophore there are a large number of ova in the blas- tostyle above the point of origin of the gonophore (fig. 79, ov). When the remains of the latter have been largely resorbed after the formation of the acrocyst another gonangium is formed in the same way as the first and another lot of ova are transferred from the endoderm of the blastostyle to the ectoderm of the new gonophore, and are finally pushed through the top of the gonanium into the acrocyst. After the retraction of the remains of the first gonophore from the acrocyst a number of irregular bands and threads are seen passing outward and downward to the gonangial walls. These are called ** gubernacula” by Weismann (fig. 80, gu), and are supposed by him to serve THE SERTULARID®. 29 to pull aside the tissues to make room for a second gonophore. They are composed of both ectodermal and endodermal cells, and may be largely the disorganized remains of the first gonophore. Those who are familiar with Weismann’s great work will see that the above account is practically a summary of the results of his investigations. The present writer, however, has gone over the ground with some care and with good material and finds that the facts are as described by Weismann. The deductions are given on the authority of that writer, unless the context shows them to be my own. Probably the simplest form of gonophore found in this group is illustrated by Diphasia kincaid’, anew species described beyond. In this case the gonophore consists of a structure similar to that of Sertularia pumila given off from the lower part of the blastostyle. It contains, how- ever, but a single ovum, and in optical section shows very beautifully the relationship between the ova and the various histological layers, the former being outside of the stutzlamelle and embedded in the ectoderm (fig. 85). The deckenplatte is also well shown and is seen to consist of both ectoderm and endoderm. The acrocyst does not appear to be present in this species and it is probable that the ova are discharged directly through the tops of the gonangia into the water. Practically the same type of gonophore is found in Sertularia stookeyi, S. cornicina, Dictyo- cladium flabllum and Thuiaria robusta, and doubtless in many other species. Weismann examined the gonophores of Sertularclla polyzonias and found that they differed from those of Sertularia pumila in the fact that no true gonophores are found, but that the sexual products are developed in the walls of the spadix of the blastostyle. I found that the same state of affairs was evident in optical section of Sertularella complera. This is shown in fig. 86, where the axial blastostyle does not bear gonophores, but in which the spermaries are found embedded in the endoderm of the blastostyle itself. Numerous thread-like processes extend from the ectoderm of the blastostyle to the gonangial walls, resembling greatly the gubernacula described by Weismann. As there is here no likelihood of an acrocyst being formed, the specimen being a male gonangium, and as there is no gonophore to be accommodated, the function of these threads can not be explained as in the case of Sertularia pumila. They seem to be a very common feature of the various genera of Sertularidz, and doubtless have a definite significance. In some cases there is a thin layer of ectoderm lining the gonangial walls, and these thread-like structures seem to connect this ectoderm with that of the blastostyle or gonophores in the center of the gonangial cavity. They may, of course, have a nutritive function, as suggested by Weismann in the case of the gubernacula of Sertularia pumila. In many species of Sertularclla there seem to be no true gonophores, the ova being in masses around the axial blastostyle. Often they are aggregated in two or more distinct globular masses, as in S. fi//- Sormis (fig. 87), and some at least of these forms are provided with an acrocyst, as in S. rugosa (Plate XVII, fig. 2), where this structure is very conspicuous. The exact succession of eyents has not been worked out in such cases, but it is likely that these masses of ova are discharged into the acrocyst just as those in the gonophores of Sertularia pumila, the successive masses acting as do the successive gonophores. In some species of Sertularella, as S. albida, the male gonangium contains an immense mass of sperm cells that is ovate in form. A longitudinal section of this mass shows that it is permeated by a system of diverticula from the axial blastostyle. These diverticula are apparently composed entirely of endoderm' covered with the stutzlamelle, and I find no ectoderm save that which forms a coating over the entire sperm mass. This seems to be a form of pseudo-gonophore derived from the condition found in 8. polyzonias by Weismann and in S. complera by myself. The diverticula spoken of are probably necessary as a means of conyeying nourishment to the mass of sperm cells that is too large to be supplied by a simple unconvoluted endodermal layer, such as is found in S. polyzonias. Tf correctly interpreted, we have here a state of affairs almost ’ Weismann does not state the origin 'This structure is probably that which is called a ‘‘Stroma-Netzes.’ of this structure, and I am by no means sure that it is correctly interpreted by me as endodermal. It appears, however, to be derived directly from the endoderm of the spadix, and seems to be composed of loosely aggregated tissue, such as we often find in the deckenplatte, where both ectoderm and endoderm are often of this histological structure. 30 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. exactly intermediate between that of S. complexa and the ordinary gonophore, such as is found in Sertularia pumila, for instance. TS THE GONOSOME OF DIPHASIA. (Figs. 91 and 92 after Allman.) Fig. 91—Gonangium of Diphasia rosacea. coc, lobe of ccenosare extending upward into the gonangial leaf, g 1; gon, gonophore; gw, gonan- gial wall; ov, ova in the ‘‘marsupial chamber.’’ Other letters as in preceding figures. Fig. 92.—Same species; a younger gonophore, showing earlier stage in the formation of the gonangial leaves. Fig. 93.—Diphasia fallax; a very young gonangium, showing the blastostyle entering with a comparatively large ovum at its summit. Fig. 94.—Same species; a somewhat older gonophore, showing optical longitudinal section (schematic) with ova in endoderm of stem. Fig. 95.—Same species; a young gonangium before the development of the gonangial leaves. c, convex summit of gonangium. Fig. 96.—Same species; young) gonangium in which the gonangial leaves are forming, viewed from above. 0, small, round opening in summit of the original top of the gonangium. : Fig. 97.—Same species; a semidiagramatic longitudinal section, showing the formation of the ‘‘marsupium;’’ 7 w, inner wall of gonan- gial leaf; 0 w, outer wall of gonangial leaf; 0, opening in the original top of the gonangium; p, planula. Fig. 98.—Same species; longitudinal section of a male gonangium, showing two gonophores with spermaries. A very simple male gonangium is found in /ydrallmania falcata (figs. 88, 90, 111), where the axis of the blastostyle, composed of endodermal cells, constitutes a simple spadix around which the sperm cells grow in a mass, the outside of the mass being covered with ectoderm. THE SERTULARID. ol The most complicated gonosome found in the Sertularide is that illustrated by Diphasia rosacea and several other species of the same genus which appear to possess an acrocyst which is itself inclosed in a marsupial chamber (figs. 91, 92). This very remarkable structure was first described with care by Professor Allman,’ and this description still remains the best that I have seen, although it contains some inaccuracies that will shortly be pointed out. I have made a careful study of Diphas/a fallax, both entire and in serial sections, with the following results: A very young female gonangium (see fig. 93) is a club-shaped chitinous pellicle within which the young blastostyle grows as a direct derivative of the ccenosare of the stem. At its very summit is a large ovum enveloped apparently in lobular diverticula from the blastostyle, another and smaller ovum being seen a short distance below. At a later stage the gonangium is obeonical or trumpet-shaped (see figs. 94, 95), and the blastostyle has expanded so as to fill its distal portion with a sort of plug. At this stage the summit of the gonangium is convex, or bowl- shaped, with the aperture in the center of the bowl, just above the axis of the blastostyle. The rim of this bowl now grows rapidly, forming four broad scallops, and ultimately four broad leaves, which are really flattened tubes of chitin. From the peripheral portion of the distal end of the ccenosarcal plug (deckenplatte) four lobes composed of ectoderm and endoderm project into the flattened tubes of chitin just mentioned and doubtless furnish material for the growth of the latter’ (see fig. 96). These lobes grow rapidly, especially in length, and finally their tips arch over until they meet. The edges of the leaves coalesce, and thus is formed a globular chamber above the original top of the gonangium, the walls of the chamber being composed of the broad leaves which originated from the edge of the bowl-like summit of the young gonangium. In the meantime the ova in the blastostyle have arranged themselves in definite groups, the largest group being the distal one, each group being now borne in a separate gonophore, the gonophores being arranged serially along one side of the blastostyle. A tendency toward such a grouping is seen in even quite a young gonophore (see fig. 95). The present writer believes, from his study of Diphasia fallax, that Professor Allman was mistaken in two particulars in his description of the gonosome of D/phasia. First, in describing the develop- ment of the gonangium (of J). rosacea) that writer says: * A blastostyle occupies its axis, having upon its sides, one over the other, the young budding gonophores, and expanding at its summit into a broad, thick disk, which closes, as with a plug, the free end of the gonangium. Upon the outer side of this disk a thin chitinous investment is excreted, becoming continuous at the edge of the disk with the chitinous walls of the gonangium. This latter sentence conveys the idea that the end of the gonangium is formed subsequent to the formation of the walls. As a matter of fact, it is entirely homologous with the summit of other gonangia, and is continuous with the walls in the youngest gonangium that I have been able to find (see fig. 93, which is a highly magnified view of a very young gonangium). In its early stages the gonangium of Diphasia fullax is precisely similar to all other gonangia, so far as this character is concerned. Fig. 95 presents an appearance that might at first lead one to adopt Allman’s view, as in this case the concave summit of the gonan- gium rests immediately on the deckenplatte. But when one studies a series of young gonangia it becomes evident that we have here merely the eleyation of the peripheral portion of the gonangium top preparatory to the growth of the leaves destined to form the marsupium. Secondly, Professor Allman, after describing the acrocysts of several species, adds: In the cases above described the acrocyst is destitute of any further covering, and has its walls with their gelati- nous investment, freely exposed to the surrounding water. In Sertularia rosacea, S. fallax, and S. tamarisca, however, an additional covering is provided for the acrocyst, and there is thus formed a curious and complicated receptacle, in which the oya, as in a sort of marsupium, pass through certain early stages of their development, previously to being discharged into the surrounding water (p. 50). , 1A monograph of the Gymnoblastic or Tubularian Hydroids, London, 1871, pp. 50-54. * These lobes Allman very plausibly interprets as being the homologues of the lobular or sack-like processes which extend downward from the deckenplatte in Sertularia pumila. The derivation of the two structures is evi- dently identical, and the only difference between them seems to bein the direction of their growth, which is upward in Diphasia fallax and downward in Sertularia pumila. 8 Gymnoblastic Hydroids, pp. 50-81. 5125—pr 2—04 o v0 32 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. A study of serial longitudinal sections of Diphasia fallax’ shows that no true acrocyst is found in this species. It is true that an examination of entire adult gonangia with transmitted light seems to reveal an inner globular chamber besides the outer one formed by the gonangial leaves. That this is an optical illusion is seen when a median longitudinal section is studied (see fig. 97). The inner and outer walls of a gonangial leaf are seen to be widely separated and not strictly parallel, the distal end being much thicker than the rest. The result is that the inner profile of the leaf forms nearly a half circle and, in conjunction with its fellow on the opposite side, forms nearly a complete circle which looks almost exactly like the outline of a sphere when seen from the side. Thus it happens that we have the appearance of a sphere in the center of the marsupial chamber, occupying, indeed, the exact position of an acrocyst. As there are eight of these leaves in LD. rosacea their inner edges would thus simulate the outline of a sphere when viewed from any side. It might be argued that the acrocyst, according to my own statement, is but a temporary structure, and might therefore have been absent in the specimens studied by me, but present in those studied by Professor Allman. In some of my specimens there were ova or planulie in the marsupial chamber (fig. 97, ~). Under these conditions, if ever, the acrocyst wculd be present. The male colonies of )iphasia produce gonangia without the marsupium, and hence of very different appearance, and it was this fact, doubtless, that led the elder Agassiz to give the name ** Diphasia” to this genus. Fig. 98 represents a longitudinal median section of a male gonangium of Diphasia paarmanni containing a blastostyle which bears gonophores in a series, each consisting of a simple spadix surrounded by a mass of sperm cells. The gonangia are unusually long and slender, and often contain a row of five or six gonophores. We have now considered all of the distinct types of gonophores found in the Sertularidee, so far as known to the writer. THE GONANGIUM. This structure is much more diversified in the Sertularidse than in the Plumularide, due probably to the fact already suggested that the gonangia in the latter family are often protected by various forms of phy lactocarps, and hence are not so much influenced by the immediate environment of the species. Perhaps the most typical form of gonangium is the Baplecblons oval, truncated at the top, well illustrated by Sertularia pumila (fig. 99), S. operculata (fig. 100), S. stookey? (fig. 101), Thuiaria thuja (fig. 102), Diphusia kincaid: (fig. 112a), and Abzetinaria gigantea (fig. 103). The main modification of this form consists of the narrowing of the distal end of the gonangium so as to form a short tubular neck, as in A. costata (fig. 104), Thawaria turgida (fig. 105), and Thuiaria tubuliformis (fig. 106). This narrowing may be such as to form a short cone instead of a tube, as in Dictyocladium jflabellum (fig. 107); or it may form a frustum of a cone, as in Abietinaria greenet (fig. 108). Where the aperture is large an operculum is usually present, as in Sertularia stookeyi (Plate V, tig. 6), and Sertularella formosa (fig. 109). The most common form of ornamentation found in the gonangia of this group is brought about by annular rugosities which are often exceedingly graceful and beautiful. One of the most attractive structures in the whole family is the gonangium of Sertularella tricuspidata (Plate XXV, figs. 4and.5). Similar gonangia are found in S. 7//formis (fig. 113), and the most excessive ornamentation along this line is seen in Sertularella elegans (fig. 114), where the annulations take the form of greatly compressed ridges which are elaborately frilled so as to resemble lace work (Plate XXIV, fig. 1). Sometimes these annulations are confined to the distal or upper part of the gonangium, and are much broader and less incised, as in S. a//mani (fig. 115), S. catena (fig. 112), 8. meridionalis (fig. 116), and S. albida (fig. 122). ‘These sections, as well as the others used in the study of the gonosome of the Geran were eae for me by Mr. William B. Bell, one of my students. THE SERTULARID. 33 In most cases the annulations are approximately parallel, but sometimes, as in Sertularella pinnata, they are exceedingly irregular, giving an appearance of great distortion (fig. 117, and Plate XXI, fig. 10). Every intergradation in the depth of these rugosities is found, ranging Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 99.—Sertularia pumila, 100.—Sertularia operculata, 101.—Sertularia stookeyi. 102.—Thuiaria thuje. 103.—Abietinaria gigantea. 104.—Abictinaria costata. 105.—Abictinaria turgida, 106.—Thuiaria tubuliformis. TYPICAL GONANGIA OF THE SERTULARID®, (All figures drawn to the same Fig Fig Fig Fig Fig. Fig Fig. > scale.) . 107,— Dictyocladium flabellum. . 108.—Abietinaria greenei, with acrocyst. . 109.—Sertularella formosa, showing operculum. . 110.—Diphasia fallax (young). . 111.—HAydrallmania falcata. . 112.—Sertularella catena. 112a.—Diphasia kincaidi. between the excessively deep ridges of Sertularella elegans and the hardly visible ones of S. levinseni (fig. 118). While these annulations are especially characteristic of the genus Sertularella they are also found in Sertularia, as in S. cornicina (tig. 119), in Abjetinaria coet (fig. 120), and in a few other species outside of the genus Sertularella. 34 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. A phenomenon so constant and so widespread as this kind of gonangial ornamentation is generally supposed to have some utility to the animals possessing it, and it is not difficult to find a use for these corrugations on purely mechanical grounds. Gonangia are structures that are ANNULATED GONANGIA OF THE SERTULARIDE, (All figures drawn to the same scale.) Fig. 113.—Sertularella jiliformis. Fig. 121.—Sertularella complexa. Fig. 114.—Sertularella elegans. Fig. 122.—Sertularella albida. Fig. 115.—Sertularelia allmani. Fig. 123.—Sertularella gayi var. robusta (an exceptionally slender specimen). Fig. 116.—Sertularella meridionalis. Fig. 1! Sertularella contorta. Fig. 117.—Sertularella pinnata. Fig. rtularella polyzonias. Fig. 118.—Sertularella levinseni. Fig. 126.—Sertularella subdichotoma. Fig. 119.—Sertularia cornicina. Fig. 126a.—Sertularella subdichotoma (without tubular neck). Fig. 120.—Abietinaria coei. Fig. 127.—Sertularella rugosa. primarily for the protection of the sexual persons of the hydroid colonies, and the stronger their walls the more efficient is the protection afforded. Man has long ago found that by corrugating sheets of iron or tin their strength to resist lateral pressure is greatly increased. Doubtless the same thing is true of gonangial walls made of chitin, and this may indicate a possible utility for THE SERTULARID. 35 this feature, one that 1s ordinarily spoken of as being merely ornamental in structure. But what shall we say when contemplating such apparently riotous and frivolous excesses as are indulged in by Sertularella elegans, for instance? It seems as if here Nature had gone to altogether unnecessary lengths, even if she did start by forming the rugosities on purely SPINED AND RIBBED GONANGIA OF THE SERTULARIDE. (All figures, except.182, 135, 136, and 138, drawn to the same scale.) Fig. 128.—Thuiaria robusta. Fig. 134.—Selaginopsis ornata. Fig. 129.—Serlarella quadrata. Fig. 135.—Synthecium campylocarpum (female). (After Allman.) Fig. 130.—Diphasia paarmanni. Fig. 136.—Synthecium campylocarpum (male). (After Allman.) Fig. 181.—Diphasia rosacea (female), Fig. 1387.—Abietinaria alexanderi. Fig. 132.—Sertularia echinocarpa. (After Allman.) Fig. 138.—Abietinaria costata. Fig. 133.—Diphasia digitalis. Fig. 189.—Diphasia paarmanni (male). utilitarian lines. There are many such cases known to naturalists, in which it appears that development along certain lines had received in some way such an impetus or momentum that the resulting structure goes far beyond the utilitarian demands of the case and enters the realm of merely capricious excess. 36 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. As an outcome of this we have many structures that are exquisitely beautiful or graceful, or at times merely grotesque. In a few cases the rugosities are longitudinal, rather than transverse or annular, and we have the ribbed gonangia, such as are seen in Sertularella episcopus (Plate X XVI, fig. 7), Abéetinaria gracilis (Plate XXXY, fig. 1), and Adbietinaria costata (fig. 104). In a number of species the superficial ornamentation takes the form of horn-like processes or long spines, which may be two in number and borne on the shoulders of the gonangium, asin Zhu/aria argentea (Plate XII, fig. 9) or Z. robusta (Plate VII, fig. 7), or there may be four or more radiating from the gonangial aperture, as in Sertularella quadrata (tig. 129). In the male gonangia of several species of Diphasia there are a number of conical spines arranged in a circle around the distal end, as in 2. paarmanni (fig. 130), or the whole of the distal end of the gonangium may be bristling with spines, as in Sertularella turgida (Plate XXII, fig. 2). The extreme of spinulation is reached in Sertularia echinocarpa Allman (fig. 132) and Diphasia digitalis (tig. 133), where the entire surface of the gonangium is beset with spines. A very curious ornamentation is found in Selaginopsis ornata (fig. 134), where there arise from the distal surface eight long slender bifur- cating processes which may be for the purpose of forming a sort of pseudo-marsupium as a protection for the ova in the later stages of their development. Still another kind of gonangial ornamentation has already been discussed, that is the broad leaves, four or eight in number, that form the marsupial chamber in the female gonangium of several species of Dphasia (figs. 91-97). A very graceful surface marking is seen in Synthectum campylocarpum, where the gonangia are furnished with two series of opposite and gracefully curving rugosities forming a bilateral ornamentation that is very rare among the Hydroida (fig. 135). The gonangial aperture is usually either round or squarish in outline, and is always ter- minal in this group, never taking on the lunate form and lateral position seen in some of the Plumularidee.’ As would be expected, the aperture of the female gonangium is, in general, considerably larger than that of the male. Probably the largest aperture in proportion to the size of the gonangium that I have seen is that of Sertilarella megastoma (Plate XX, fig. 9). In many cases the aperture is elevated ona sort of collar which may be a simple narrow band, as in Sertularia gracilis (Plate ILI, fig. 10), or a broad band, as in Ab/detinaria coc (tig. 120), where it is quite conspicuous on the upper surface of a top-shaped gonangium. Often this collar is produced into a tube with a flaring or trumpet-shaped distal end, as in Sertularella jiliformis (fig. 113), and S. meridvonalis (Plate XXIII, fig. 8). In some cases there appears to be a tube within a collar, as in Sertularella tricuspidata (Plate XXV, fig. 5). Rarely this collar is qaadrate in form, as in Sertularella fusiformis (Plate XX, fig. 4). In many cases, however, the mouth is not elevated above the general surface of the top of the gonangium, where it may be surrounded by a series of from two to five blunt spine-like prominences that are often used as specific char- acters, as, for example, in Sertularella polyzonias (fig. 125), S. contorta (fig. 124), and S. complexa (Plate X XI, figs. 7 and 9). This kind of ornamentation appears to be contined to Sertidarella. Superficial color markings are exceedingly rare on the gonangia. The only cases that I know of among American Sertularide are found in Adbéetinaria costata (Plate XXXVI, fig. 12), where the summits of the longitudinal ridges are marked by distinct black lines that are very conspicu- ous in comparatively fresh specimens, and the same thing is much less conspicuously seen in A. amphora (Plate XXXIV, fig. 4). The gonangia of several species of Zhuiaria, as T. thuiarioides (Plate VIII, fig. 6), and Abiectinaria, as in A. variabilis (Plate XXXII, fig. 7), are peculiar in having a number of sharp chitinous teeth arranged in a circle on the inside, just below the aperture. I am unable to under- stand the function of these teeth, unless they serve as a sort of anchorage for the deckenplatte, very much as similar teeth at the bottom of the hydrothec of certain campanularians are sup- posed to serve for points of attachment for the hydranth. The text figures 99 to 139 are all drawn to the same scale, and show the variation in size that is found among the gonangia of the Sertularide. 1See Part I, pl. rx, fig. 3. THE SERTULARID®. 387 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SERTULARIDZ. Origin of the sex cells.—As in so many respects the two families Plumularide and Ser- tularidee here show their close relationship. So far as I can determine there is no difference between them in this respect. In all species of Sertularidw in which the matter has been inves- tigated both the male and female sex cells originate in the endoderm of the stem and branches, or at least are found in this position at a very early stage. Weismann reports this to be true of Sertularia pumila and Sertularella polyzonias, and I have found the same thing in Sertularia pumila, Hydrallmania falcata, Sertularella complexa, Diphasia fallax, Diphasia kincaidi, and Abietinaria turgida. These comprise all of the species that I have examined for the purpose. The sex cells originating in the endoderm of the stem are carried into the developing gonangium along with the young blastostyle, or else migrate as do those of the Plumularidie, the pre- sumption being in favor of the latter, although I do not know that the process has been completely demonstrated. The development of the gonangium bas been partially described in the case of Diphasia Jallax. It seems that the process is, in general, the same as in the Plumularidee,' and the same thing seems to be true in the development of the ovum and that of the colony as a whole. As already stated, there are no known sertularians that produce free medusz, nor do the gonophores present any easily recognizable medusoid features. Weismann has found, however, the characteristic cell layers that are seen in the medusoid forms, and this leads him to pronounce the sertularian gonophore a very much degraded medusa, an opinion that can not be gainsaid in the present state of our knowledge. SYSTEMATIC DISCUSSION. Family SERTULARID Fleming (modified). Trophosome.—Hydranth with a conical or dome-shaped proboscis and a single verticil of filiform tentacles. Hydrothecw sessile, adnate or more or less embedded in the hydrocaulus, arranged definitely and in more than a single row.* An operculum composed of from one to four parts is almost always present. Nematophores wanting. Gonosome.—Gonophores inclosed in gonangia, and always producing ova or spermatozoa without the intervention of a medusoid form. The family Sertularidie,* containing as it does the longest known genera of calypteroblastic forms, has been defined by a number of writers, the general tendency being, as would be expected, toward a more and more strict delimitation of the group. The above definition is in substantial agreement with the yiews of most of the present authorities. Taken as a whole, the family is a fairly well circumscribed group, although it has points of contact with campanularian forms through the genus Zhyroscyphus Allman,‘ which agrees with the Campanularidee in having the hydrothece supported « on n pedicels, and with the Sertularide i in the characters of its chy dranths, 'See Part I, pp. 36-39. ? An apparent exception is found in Hydrallmania, where the bases of the hydrothecz are aligned in a single row on the upper side of the branches. Here, however, the distal portions of the hydrothece are bent alternately to the right and left, and nematophores are never found. These characters’are sufficient to separate the genus from the family Plumularidse with which it was formerly associated. Its place in the Sertularidee has not been questioned by any recent writer. * The original spelling of this word seems to have been Sertulariadze. The first time that it occurs is in A History of British Animals, by Fleming, Edinburgh, 1828, p. 538. Johnston, in the second edition of British Hydroid Zoophytes, London, 1847, uses the same spelling, as does Alexander Agassiz, in his Catalogue of North American Acalephie, Cambridge, 1865. Hincks, in his classic work, British Hydroid Zoophytes, London, 1868, p. 233, adopts the spelling Sertulariidie, in which he has been followed by a few British and American writers. McCready, one of the pioneer American workers in this field, introduces the spelling ‘‘Sertularidze,’’ in 1858, in which he is followed by Louis Agassiz, in his Contribution to the Natural History of the United States, IV, 1862, p. 355, and Allman in several of his later works, and most of the present workers, both American and European. * Hydroids of the Gulf Stream, Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, V, No. 2, 1877, p. 10. 38 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. and in having a well-marked operculum consisting of four segments. On the other hand, we find in some species of Sc/aginopsis a superticial resemblance to certain of the Perisiphonide and Lafoeide, both of which families have the hydrothec without pedicels and arranged on all sides of the hydrocaulus, but which differ from the Sertularide in having the stem and usually the branches composed of a number of parallel tubes. The genus Hydrallmania, as indicated above, bears some resemblance to the Plumularidee in having its hydrothece arranged in a linear series on the upper sides of the branches, but differs from all known plumularians in having the distal ends of the hydrothec bent alternately to the right and left, as well as in the absence of nematophores. Although the family itself seems to be sufficiently well characterized, almost insuperable difficulties are encountered when we attempt to break it up into genera. Various writers have offered solutions which seem well conceived when the material at hand is limited, but which break down more or less completely when all material available from more recent explorations is taken into consideration. Perhaps the difficulties encountered in trying to solve this exceedingly perplexing problem can best be demonstrated by a brief summary of the attempts made by the more important authorities, beginning with Hincks’s epoch-making work, British Hydroid Zoophytes, published in 1868. This writer divides the Sertulariidee into the following geneéra:* Sertularella.—Hydrothece biserial, decidedly alternate, operculum composed of several pieces. Diphasia.—Hy drothece opposite, occasionally subalternate, a pair to each internode, with an internal valve-like operculum. Female gonangium with an internal marsupial chamber. Sertularia.—Hy drothec biserial, opposite or alternate, without external operculum. Gonangia without internal marsupium. Thuiaria.—Hydrothece biserial, embedded in the substance of the stem and branches. All of these genera, moditied to accommodate themselves to the results of later inyestiga- tions, are still retained by recent writers and in the present work. In December, 1874, Professor Allman read a paper before the Linnzan Society,” in which he defined the following new genera: Desmocyphus.—Hydrocaulus bearing hydrothecee which are adnate to each other in pairs, and each pair adnate to the front of the hydrocaulus. Synthecium.—Each internode of the hydrocaulus bearing a pair of opposite sessile hydrothece. Gonangia on peduncles springing from within the cavity of hydrothecz. Selaginopsis.—Hydrothece disposed in several longitudinal rows about the nonfascicled hydrocaulus. Pericladium.—Hydrothec more or less immersed and closely set around bifurcating ramuli which spring from the sides of a common stem. In this work Professor Allman separates the genus Z/iwiaria from the Sertularide and places it in a new family, the Thuiariide. In his report on the Hydroida collected by the Challenger* the same author modifies the genus Sertularia so as to include the genus Sertularella, modifies the genus Thudaria and restores it to the Sertularide, and forms three new genera. His classification is as follows: Sertularia.—Hydrothece sessile, in two series, opposite or alternate, margins entire or dentate, sides more or less adnate to the hydrocaulus, an internode to each two hydrothecze. Operculum present or absent. Thuiaria.—Internodes of hydrocaulus each bearing many hydrothecee which are alternate or opposite, more or less adnate to hydrocaulus, margin entire or dentate. Diphasia.—Substantially as defined by Agassiz and Hincks. Desmoscyphus, Synthecitum, and Thecocladium.—As defined above. Hypopyxis.—Like Desmoscyphus, but with two minute cup-shaped appendages (nematophores?) at the base of each hydrotheca. Staurotheca.—Hydrocaulus with opposite hydrothecee arranged in decussating pairs. Dictyocladium.—Hydrocaulus forming a flabelliform network of anastomosing stems and branches. Hydro- thecze on all sides of branches. 1 British Hydroid Zoophytes, London, 1868, p. 234 et seg. The above table is not a quotation direct, but a condensed statement of the most important points in his definitions of genera. *Linnzean Society Journal, Zoology, XII, 1876, p. 252 et seq. *Report on the Hydroida, Part 2, 1888, pp. 49, 50. THE SERTULARID®. 39 The tendency to multiply genera reached its maximum ina work published in 1890 by Marktanner-Turneretscher' in which he adopts all of Allman’s genera, restores Sertularella, and proposes two new genera. As this writer’s scheme of classification is more comprehensive than any other, it is given here in somewhat condensed form and translated into English: PeebenuC es toring, a TetCuAte NObWONK =. 2s s2ee asa cee cee eee peters nse tee sees cuales westone 2 2. Hydrothece in more than two rows. Margins even..---..----2.-----2-s-2- 202-2 e enone nena DicryocLapiuM. Eiydrothecs arranged otherwise -. 2.2 22-22. S-.0.- eeencc ect eeeaee Soc 2p SSe eee oe eee 3 3. Hydrothec paired, adjacent pairs at right angles to each other..........--.-.------. ------------ STAUROTHECA. Hydrothecz alternate, margins dentate. Operculum present ....-...---.------------------ SYMPLECTOSCYPHUS. Branches mot normally forming'a network {== --2oscenen- nie see ee ee oo Se me eae soe eee ae sececees 4 4. Branches arising irom cavities of the hydrothecw ~o--4--.----see22sss—6 ae ee ee se cose THECOCLADIUM. Branches arising as usual from the stem --_-.- BE SEE SS DS SAAR edo koe peta ee Se ee eee ee bear 5 5. Stem polysiphonic, the central tube bearing hydrothecz ..........----.-------------------------- GRAMMARIA. Stem monosiphonic, or tubes differently arranged 2. see se ee aaa nee ee ee Neen te none eee een noe 6 6. Minute cup-shaped bodies'at the hydrothecal bases:.--<-- -.222--2-2-detencn.--- -toaeet cence nncens Hyporyxis. DYE E) oa). orn eee, ees SNe ee a et A Ae oe Ld ol oe a fl (cobydrothers arranged 'in’a‘sinplerTGwsi-coc- aceon 5s eee tees eee ae moe sn oan ee een een HypRALLMANIA. Hydrotbeceiarranged:in more than‘a/siiiple mowje.c200 seen soe) e ecenn sb ee oscar Aces t eee 8 8. Hydrothece in two rows, adnate to each other in pairs .._.....---.-----.----------------------- DesmoscyPHus. Piydrothetein two opposite rows; orin Several KOWS.. ouch. Se ee ee ae oi oe ee Se eee inne 9 9s Elydrothecs:in several longitudinal rows «2-5 - 2.5 cere soeece mn aoe on dan aks ee sere. Sees SELAGINOPSIS. Eydrathécse in two longitudinal rows 224-25". 322 oer ew ncoemece re eee en eee ne aoe erebeeeeetee soe 10 10* Operculum®' present, composed'of one’ orimore! patis==—- eo soe -. eae oe wa een een ene we see nae 11 Etydroubecse. Wwithout‘operctilum: <== 2-222 23.(.2-4- 2 =u Soe Se eee ene een Ren oe eee as oe a oe 15 ey Onercolamiwith more: than two: patise= oes eee tne ceeee tee Retene se eae. eee ane e nee en = eens 12 Opexrcolum :with two! patte:.= 2... 2. sesh ea ae wee ae EERE Shee Peon sence eee mate cerns cnet 13 12. Hydrothece usually alternate, and one to an internode ......--.-..--.--------------- eich SERTULARELLA. Hydrothecz opposite or alternate, several to each internode. ..........--.---..-----.-------- CALYPTOTHUIARIA. 13. Hydrothecze opposite ...-.--- BR Se AeA ae Se aoe SE HARE 8 38 SOHO SENS Se ata eC TR 14 Hydrothecz alternate, often several to an internode, an operculum present ......----.------------- Monopoma. 14. Hydrothec:e usually paired. Operculum hinged at a single point ......--.-....--..----------------- DipHasia. 15. Hydrothec opposite, several pairs in the middle of each internode ...........--..----.------------ PASYTHEA. One, two, or more hydrothece to each internode, the latter not much produced beyond the hydrotheca- bearing part’.2-.2 fics a Stas Soe ee eee = te re ee ee Oe cee ne a he Pe Lea oe nS 16 16. Hydrotheci strictly opposite, generally partly immersed, often without evident relation between hydrothecze of opposite rOWse: 3-2 2ol Mt ss sos an -ceais oss soe esse ee sae Penne eee eee ae enn oe THUTARIA, Hydrothecie single, or in more or less distinct pairs on each internode.......-....------------------------- 17 17. Hydrothece paired, sometimes not strictly opposite. Distal part of branches usually with a pair to each internode: “Gonangia ‘on; branches. 22 2- oo5522< see ence nscenscees weaeinece eas cess nee sok se eesamesses 18 Hydrothecze single or paired. Gonangia springing from lumen of hydrothece .......-.--..------- SyNTHECIUM. 18. Hydrothecal margin toothed. Hydrothecz not conspicuously broader at base...-...-.------------ SERTULARIA. Hydrothecal margin even or slightly sinuous. Hydrothecz swollen at base........-...-..---..--ABIETINARIA.?” It will be noted that this scheme denies the presence of the operculum in the genera Pasythea, Sertularia, Thuiaria, and Abjsetinaria, in all of which it is actually present. In 1893 there appeared a scholarly work by Prof. G. M. R. Levinsen,* in which a serious attempt is made to arrange the genera of the Sertularidee on the cae of the characters of the operculum in connection with the condition of the hydrothecal margin.‘ This writer asserts that the operculum is found in all Sertularide, without exception, and carries his belief to the extent of casting out all genera that do not possess that structure. He states that the genera Gram- maria, Synthecium, and Hypopyxis should all find their places outside of the Sertularidee, an opinion in which I concur, except in the case of the genus Synthecium. Ue maintains that such features as the relation of the hydrothece to the hydroc: aulus and to one another are of little sys- Die Hy eden des k. i. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums, V, Vienna, 1890. *See Kirchenpauer, Nordische Gattungen und Arten von Sarpulsrident, Hamburg, 1884, p. 29. Dr. Kirchenpauer recognizes the following genera: Selaginopsis, Thuiaria, Abietinaria, and Sertularella. ’Meduser, Ctenophorer og Hydroider fra Groénlands Vestkyst tilligemed Bemzerkninger om Hydroidernes Sys- tematik. Svertryk af Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den naturhistoriske Forening i Kjobenhayn, 1892, 1893. ‘The writer is under great obligation to Mr. J. H. Paarmann for translating. the systematic portion of Levinsen’s work. ‘ 40 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. tematic value unless reenforced by the characters of the operculum and hydrothecal margin, upon which he chiefly relies in his system of classification. He maintains that there is a constant relation between these last two structures, and that the operculum is always attached to more or less deepened curves or sinuosities of the margin. In accordance with this position, based, as the author expressly states, on his studies of the Greenland species only, Professor Levinsen in another work published during the same year (1893),* classifies the Sertularide as follows: (a) Operculum of 3 or 4 flaps which are attached to a like number of emarginations of the walls of the hydrothecx. Gonanpiayannulatedtars ssa. - 22s. his = Sahel See ers ee a ae Se er Sertularella. (a’) Operculum of a single flap. (b) Margin of hydrotheca with two lateral teeth. (c) Hydrothece in a single zigzag row. Operculum adcauline-.-.--...........---.--------- Hydrallmania. (e’) Hydrothece in two rows. Operculum attached to adcauline side of margin.......-...--.-- Sertularia. (b’) Margin of hydrothece without teeth. (c) Operculum attached to adcauline side of margin. .-.-..........-.----:--------- Be Soe e = on er Diphasia. (cArOperchlum attached’to/abeaulimesideiofimarcing =a. eo soe eee on ae ee Thuiaria. In applying this key to the large number of species discussed in the present work it becomes evident that it is inadequate to meet the requirements of the case, however well it applies to the Greenland forms discussed by Levinsen. The scheme is so attractive at first sight that the writer must confess to a sense of personal disappointment at the failure of a method of classification for which he sincerely desired success. The following considerations, and several others could be added, are sufficient to show the inadequacy of the key. In the genus Sertularella the form S. formosa Fewkes (Plate X XVII, fig. 2), has an abso- lutely even margin, and an operculum that, when present, is stretched like a drumhead over the very wide operculum. The same is true of S. hartlauwbi Nutting. I can not see how either of these can be rightfully separated from the genus Sertularella. - The hydrothecal margins in //ydrallmania can seldom be said to have two teeth, and indeed are often perfectly oval, or with slight angulations at the sides that cannot properly be called teeth in the sense in which the term is used in reference to the margins of hydrothece. Mr. Paarmann, who has very carefully studied many species of sertularians that would come under the genus Sertularia, according to the key given above (including S. pumila and other long-known forms), by means of serial sections concludes that Professor Levinsen is incorrect in saying that the operculum of this genus consists of a single flap. As this is a matter of unusual importance I quote from his unpublished manuscript: In the species having bilabiate (bidentate) margins each of the emarginations is surmounted by a membranous piece of the operculum. Levinsen (p. 187) says that the adcauline piece is permanently attached to the margins of the teeth, thus forming a ‘‘collar,’’? while the abcauline piece is a free functional flap which opens when the hydranth expands and closes after the hydranth has retracted. Upon this type he bases his genus Sertularia. The investigation of a large number of specimens by means of longitudinal and cross sections shows that this condition is by no means uniform. Sometimes the adcauline piece is attached while the other is free, and sometimes the reverse is true. Often the sides of a flap are attached for a greater or less distance proximally while they become free distally, the degree of attachment varying greatly even in the same species. In most cases both flaps are functional. I have examined Mr. Paarmann’s sections and am convinced that the statements above quoted are correct. It seems evident that Allman*® and Marktanner-Turneretscher * are correct in inter- preting the hydrothecw of such species as Sertularia pumila as having a two-valved operculum.! This conclusion would make it necessary to fundamentally modify the table of classification pro- posed by Levinsen. But there is still another and even greater objection to relying exclusively ‘Annulata, Hydroidnee, Anthozoa, Porifera in: Det videnskabelige Udbytte af Kanonbaasen ‘‘Hauchs’’ Togter, Copenhagen, 1893, pp. 321-425. * Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, V, 1877, p. 25. * Hydroiden des k. k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums, Vienna, 1890, p. 238. ‘It seems to me that even by Leyinsen’s account the operculum is here morphologically, although not function- ally, two-valved, and that his so-called ‘‘collar’’ is, like the operculum, simply a thin membranous extension of the hydrothecal wall. See Meduser, Ctenophorer og Hydroider fra Gronlands Vestkyst, 1893, p. 186 et seq. THE SERTULARID®. 4] upon the characters of the margin and operculum in classifying the Sertularide, and that is that these characters are inconstant, not only in some of the genera, but also in some individual species. I have already pointed out the fact that certain species of Sertu/arella lack the sup- posed three or four flapped operculum. In Selaginopsis mirabilis (Verrill) there are two flaps to the operculum, while the one-flapped operculum is characteristic of the genus as a whole. 1 do not believe that any one would separate S. mirabilis and S. cylindrica (Clark) generically, and yet they differ in this feature upon which Levinsen buses his genera. In Sertuluria desmoides Torrey, a form found on the Californian coast (Plate III, fig. 1), the hydrothecal margins are sometimes without teeth and at others show two small teeth. The operculum is usually of a single adcauline flap, but sometimes, in other parts of the same colony, is composed of two parts. In this case neither the margin nor the operculum furnishes a constant feature, even in a single colony. In Abjetinaria greenei (Murray) the hydrothece on one part of a colony will be of the typical abietinarian form, while those on another part of the same colony will have two very conspicuous teeth, both of which are adeauline and not strictly lateral (Plate XXXVI, figs. 3and 4). The operculum is of a single adcauline flap. Probably enough illustrations have been given to show that the characters used by Professor Leyinsen are insufficient in themselves to furnish a basis for the classification of the Sertularide. It by no means follows, however, that the operculum and hydrothecal margin are characters to be neglected. On the contrary, I think them most important aids in defining certain genera, such as Abjetinaria and Diphasia, and feel that we owe much to Professor Levinsen for his pains- taking work calling general attention to these features. Careful and conscientious work such as his is always valuable, whether the results are in all respects confirmed or not. The only remaining author whose scheme of classification we need discuss at present is Dr. Karl Camillo Schneider, who published a work of interest in this connection.'. Dr. Schneider (p. 521) was at first much impressed with Levinsen’s method of classification, but decided that a review of the whole group revealed the inadequacy of the plan, and also many intergrading forms. On the whole, this writer prefers the older classification of the Sertularide, and adopts the following genera, but calls them ‘‘ groups” on account of their incomplete separation: Sertu- larcla, Dynamena, Thuiaria, Pasythea, Selaginopsis, and Hydrallmania.* Lest itmay appear that the writer has intentionally or carelessly neglected to include the works of American writers in the summary just given, attention is called to the fact that there has been no general work, nor any general discussion of the family Sertularidee produced by an American writer since the appearance of the classic work by the elder Agassiz, in 1862,* before the appearance of Hincks’s British Hydroid Zoophytes, 1868, which I have taken as my point of departure in the preceding discussion. Agassiz proposed three new genera of Sertularidee (pp. 355-356): Amphishetia, Cotulina, and Amphitrocha, which were not adequately defined, and which have not been adopted by later writers, except that two of them are used by his son, Dr. Alexander Agassiz.* In attempting to break up the family Sertularidie into genera, there are several principles that should be clearly grasped at the outset: \ . First. No one character, nor combination of two characters can be successfully used throughout, as is illustrated by Levinsen’s attempt based on the characters of the hydrothecal margin and operculum. Second. It sometimes happens that a single character will sharply differentiate a single genus. For example, the unilateral arrangement of the hydrothece in //ydrallmania. Third. The hydroids are an extremely plastic group, and certain characters may occur sporadically in many unrelated species that occur normally and regularly in certain closely related forms. This fact has been the cause of great confusion in the systematic treatment of 'Hydroidpolypen von Royigno, nebst Uebersicht tiber das System der Hydroidpolypen im Allgemeinen. Zool- ogische Jahrbiicher, Systematik, X, pp. 472-555, Jena, 1898. *Although Doctor Schneider calls these ‘‘groups’’ he treats them as genera, for convenience in handling. ‘Contributions to the Natural History of the United States of America, IV, Boston, 1862. *North American Acalephie, 1865, pp. 146-147. 42 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. the subject, and has brought about the rejection of several genera which it would be convenient and reasonable to retain. For instance, it occurs not infrequently in several widely different forms among the Sertularide that a gonangium will occasionally have its origin within the lumen of the hydro- theca, although these species normally produce gonangia in the ordinary position. But there are several species, otherwise closely related in the form of the hydrothece and in the apparent absence of the operculum, in which the gonangium normally and regularly springs from the inside of hydrothece. ; Such species should, it seems to me, be placed in the genus Syntheciwm of Allman.’ The sporadic appearance of the gonangium of the Syntheciwm type occurring as an abnormality in other nonrelated species which commonly produce gonangia in the ordinary way does not, in my opinion, invalidate the genus in the slightest degree. Again, we find that in many species of the Sertularide, not otherwise closely allied, one or more branches spring from the lumen of hydrothec, although these species normally and regu- larly branch in the ordinary way. But Allman has found several specimens of a certain species in which the branches ‘‘ invariably spring from the hydrothece,”* and for this species he instituted the genus Zhecocladium. He afterwards found other colonies of the same species* that showed the same constant character, the branches arising normally and regularly from the lumen of the hydrotheca.. These specimens, being more complete than the ones originally described, furnished additional characters that still further confirmed his judgment in establishing the genus. Here again, it seems to me, we are by no means justified in following those who would discard the genus Thecocludium, because species of widely different genera will sporadically exhibit the same peculiarity that is uniformly possessed by the specimens studied by Allman. Fourth. The number of rows of hydrothecz on the branches is a character by which groups of species otherwise closely related can be segregated to form genera that appear both convenient and natural. Thus we finda number of species closely related to each other and having manifest affinities to certain species of 7huéaria that are characterized by having the stem beset with more than two regularly disposed longitudinal rows of hydrothece. For such forms Allman has instituted the genus Selaginopsis.* Again, there are two species closely allied to the genus Sertularel/a that agree more closely with each other than with other species from the fact that the hydrothecz are placed on all sides of the branch in an ascending spiral. Associated with this character in the two species thus far discovered is a remarkable tendency toward anastomosis of the branches which are all in the same plane, forming a flabellate colony. For the first of these species Allman formed the genus Dictyocladium.’ Another species is described in the present work. One species has been found, otherwise related to the genus Sertularia, that differs from all others in the fact that the successive pairs of hydrothece are rotated on the stem so that each pair is set at right angles to the plane of the pairs immediately above and below. ‘The result is that there are four longitudinal rows of hydrothecz on the hydrocaulus, the individuals of a given row being very widely separated, and each individual forms one of a pair of opposite hydrothece. For this species Allman has estab- lished the genus Stawrotheca,* a genus not found in American waters. Fifth. The operculum can be used as an important factor in separating out some of the generic groups from the great mass of Sertularids in which the hydrothece are arranged in two longi- tudinal rows, but this character is not in itself sufficient, and we find it necessary to use different combinations of two or more characters for this purpose, among which the combination of the form of the operculum and the arrangement of the hydrothece on the hydrocaulus is of great value. There is a certain long known form that has an operculum of two valves and in which ‘Journal of the Linnean Society, Zoology, XII, 1874, p. 365. ?Idem, XIX, p. 149. * Challenger Report, Hydroida, Part 2, 1888, p. 81. * Journal of the Linnean Society, XII, 1874, p. 272. 5 Challenger Report, Hydroida, Part 2, 1888, p. 76. ®Idem, Part 2, 1888, p. 75. THE SERTULARID. 43 the hydrothece are arranged in compact groups of pairs, a group to each internode, the upper pair of a group being noticeably smaller and different in shape from the lower. This very _characteristic form is the basis of the genus Pasythea of Lamouroux.' A large number of species agree in having the operculum of three or four flaps and the hydrothece strictly alternate. These form the well marked and well known genus Sertu/arella.* Again we find that a combination of the characters of the operculum together with the general form of the hydrothec can be used to advantage. A large number of species agree in having an operculum composed of a single flap which is hinged to the adcauline side of the margin. These have all been included by Levinsen in the genus Diphasia. A study of these forms leads to the discovery that the genus thus constituted is made up of two well-marked groups which agree in the character of the operculum just given, but differ widely in the form of the hydrothece; one group consisting of species with tubular hydrothece that are not distinctly swollen below, and that have very large apertures without any distinct neck or constriction of the distal part of the hydrothecal wall. These forms can very well be retained in the genus Diphasia, substantially as originally described by Agassiz. The other group having an operculum of one adcauline valve consists of species which differ from )/phasia, and agree among themselves in having hydrothece that are more or less bottle-shaped—that is, their lower portion is bulged out or’swollen like the body of a flask, and their distal parts are constricted so that the diameter of the aperture is much smaller than the diameter of the lower portion. There is often also a distinct constriction caused by the thickening of the hydrothecal walls below the margin. The forms just described constitute what seems to me to be a very well circumscribed genus Adjetinaria.® Siath. Asa last resort we find that a combination of the position of the hydrothecz, whether opposite or alternate, and the character of the internodes will serve to aid in solving the last and most perplexing problem of all, the separation into generic groups of the forms still remaining, which agree in having the hydrothece in two rows, margins smooth or dentate, the operculum of one adcauline flap, or of two (very rarely three) flaps.* We find upon exami- nation of the very large number of species agreeing in these particulars a number that agree in having strictly opposite hydrothece that are not greatly embedded in the hydrocaulus, an operculum comprised almost always of two valves, and the internodes normally and commonly bearing two hydrothec ; or the hydrothece may be slightly subopposite, but the internodes are regular and normally and commonly bear two hydrothece, showing that the latter are essentially paired, as pointed out by Bale.’ Such forms can be referred to the original genus of the family, Sertularia. The remaining forms agree in haying the hydrothece normally and regularly subopposite to alternate, usually more or less embedded in the hydrocaulus; operculum of one flap (abcau- line) or of two flaps; more than two (often many) hydrothece to each internode, the latter being of very irregular length even in the same colony. These forms we can refer to the old genus Thuiaria. It will be noticed that seven of the nineteen genera admitted by Marktanner-Turneretscher (see p. 39) are not included in the scheme as outlined above. These seem to me to be untenable, and the species included in them can be disposed of as follows: Grammaria and TTypopyxis do not belong to the Sertularide. Calyptothuiaria and Symplectoscyphus should be united with Sertulare/la, from which they are not separated by what appear to me to be adequate characters. Monopoma is quite a typical Thucaria, according to the scheme here adopted. Desmoscyphus can with propriety be referred back to the old genus Sertularia. ‘Nouveau bulletin philomatique, décembre, 1812, p. 183. *Gray, Radiata, List of specimens of British animals, etc., London, 1847, p. 68. ‘Kirchenpauer, Nordische Gattungen und Arten von Sertulariden, Hamburg, 1884, p. 29. ‘The author does not claim to have successfully solved this problem, which appears with our present knowl- edge to be insoluble, but hopes that the arrangement suggested will be practical in fact, although unsatisfactory in theory. At any rate, it is the best that he has been able to devise after very careful pondering of the subject. 5 Australian Hydroid Zoophytes, 1884, pp. 115, 116. 44 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. Dynamena should be dismembered, part of the species going to Sertularia and part to Thuiaria, as above defined. For convenience in referring specimens of American Sertularide to their proper genera, according to the plan adopted in this work, the following key is presented, with the confession that, like all such keys, it is purely artificial and does not indicate the interrelationships of these genera: KEY TO THE GENERA OF AMERICAN SERTULARIDE. Hydrothec:e all on one side of the branches, their distal ends being turned alternately to the right and WONice odo soce Sonne ceo ne ispea GS eapemsoe Speco cho saneeso nce ps aeSr ase soe ee spostesssesecsasoces Hydrallmania. Hydrothecze arranged on all sides of branches. ; Operculum of one adcauline flap, no anastomosis of branches -----.-.------------------------------ Selaginopsis. Operculum of several flaps, branches freely anastomosing -------------------------------------- Dictyocladium. Hydrothecx arranged in pairs, each pair being revolved so as to be at right angles to the pair immedi- UES aR EUI SCD LES MIL ATO LON re et a ee eee (Staurotheca. )! Hydrothec always in two longitudinal rows. Hydrothece in groups of pairs, the uppermost being decidedly smaller than the lower-.--.-.--------- Pasythea. Operculum adcauline, and of one flap. Hydrothecal aperture large, body not flask-shaped -----.-.---...-.---1--------.------------4--. Diphasia. Hydrothecal aperture small; body flask-shaped.----- --- 2-52 - = 3227 Ss oor ee eee A{bielinaria. Operculum abcauline, of one flap, or of two or more flaps. Operculum of three or four pieces.” Hydrothegz strictly alternate, margin usually toothed -----Sertularella. Operculum of one (abcauline) flap, or of two, rarely three,* flaps. Hydrothece strictly opposite, each internode normally bearing a single pair......----.------ Sertularia. Hydrothecze subopposite to alternate, each internode normally bearing more than two.-..---- Thuiaria. Operculum wanting, margin round. Branches normally arising from the lumen of a hydrotheca ....-....---.-.i.-------------- ( Thecocladium. ) Gonangia normally arising from the lumen of a hydrotheca.--......-.-.---.---.--------------- Synthecium. In concluding this general discussion of the genera of the Sertularide the author wishes to explain his position in view of some of the more important objections which he apprehends will be urged against the classification here adopted. First. It will be said, and truthfully, that the system is based on a heterogeneous set of characters, and that different characters are used in defining certain genera from those used in defining others. Of course, the ideal system would be to find one or two characters that would suffice. As amatter of fact, no writer could use more care and ability to effect this end than has Leyinsen, as we have seen; and his work has been chiefly valuable in demonstrating the impossi- bility of such a method, at least so far as the Sertularidee are concerned. There is also a distinct danger in confining diagnostic features within too constricted limits, and this is that it is almost certain to result in a most unnatural assemblage of species into genera which do violence to actual affinities, as was done, for instance, when //ydrallmania was regarded as a plumularian on account of using the one character of unilateral arrangement of hydrothece. With increase in experience the naturalist sees more and more clearly that all characters must receive due consideration, and that the fewer the characters used the less satisfactory will be his groups, if he desires them to indicate real affinities. Again, it has come to be recognized among systematists that a given character will often be of the greatest value in one section of a family, or other group, while the same character is comparatively worthless in another section of the same family or group. Thus the operculum is almost an ideal character to use in separating out the genus D/phasia, as used by Levinsen, but fails in Thudaria and Sertularia. Second. A still more serious objection will doubtless be raised by those who will discover intergrading forms between the genera that are here recognized. ‘The brackets indicate that the genus is not found in American waters. * Very exceptionally the hydrothecre in this genus are without teeth, and the operculum is stretched like a drumhead across the very wide, round aperture. “When three teeth are present, as in some of the Desmoscyphus group of Sertularia, the upper one is much smaller than the others, and the operculum is very delicate, while the three-toothed forms of Sertulurella have equal and equidistant or conspicuous teeth, and the operculum is evident. THE SERTULARID. 45 In answer to this it must be urged that a condition, nota theory, confronts us, and it appears to be impossible to break up the family Sertularide into groups that do not intergrade to some degree. Reducing the number of genera will not help us, a statement that will be confirmed by again turning to Levinsen’s attempt, in which he recognized but five of the nineteen genera used by Marktanner-Turneretscher. Investigation shows that these five genera inter- grade just as vexatiously as do the twelve included in my scheme, and the five genera are individually much more unwieldy and difficult to manage than are the twelve. Thus there is nothing lost in the delimitation of genera, and much gained in convenience when the larger number is utilized. Here again the’ plasticity of the Hydroida as a group is the cause of much of our difficulty. It seems that these lowly animals have not yet crystallized into definite and unvarying forms to the extent that is found among the higher metazoa, and the result is that both specific and generic boundary lines are crossed in various directions, much to the perplexity of the systematist, as I have elsewhere attempted to illustrate.’ In this case it seems to me that we must abandon the idea that a genus is untenable so long as there is any intergradation with other genera, and take the position that a genus is simply agroup of closely related species that are related more nearly to each other than to members of other similar groups, and that the genus can be good, both in practice and in theory, even if certain species do intergrade in some individual characters with species of other genera. We must remember, moreover, that all genera would intergrade with other genera, were a complete record accessible, and that generic distinctions must necessarily be an expression of the gaps in our knowledge rather than of natural boundary lines. I have taken the position indicated above in this work, and frankly confess that some of the genera used intergrade with others. These intergradations will be pointed out with care when the several genera are discussed later. Distribution of American Sertularide. Geographical. American. | = - -- | European. | Atlantic. Pacific. | 1a | | S : a S Hi ea nal | = | 8 aitl- Bathymetric, in pate z/s | eae ee RE ot = fathoms. Slo|2?|s|& [a |) 28 :|2)a| & tS 1S ee el See lo =i ed ee SIS 2talS!iPlels mBislalzia alals a2/m/2/8/3 wlISIEl/E/4 a Seis i alas t =a | 3 le tele eS SlalaqaialainltaAlsa le Oo) 5 = = ee ees Nite a |e Slael2isi¢e Sislol/S/Ple/4#/S/a 2 i i3/H /eB1 5 = N o 7 n ~ = > — - os AlLEIBSialelelsalisia ales l¢ Z a|° | 2 ElalalSieis Be} o| & = OIA lH|Alalisaisjola Al/olAa = Abietinaria abietina. alexande) amphora anguina annulata ... Shallow water. .-. Shallow water. . Shallow water. coei..... : compre Ss. costata Jilicula 1-165 gigantea 26-40 | gracilis . “5 40-283 greenei. . eee S NA oe sig -= yaad ..-| Shallow water. | inconstans eee =e Sed orc Won ERS «o]- hase ..., Shallow water. traski 4 turgida . variabilis ....-.-.. Dictyocladium flabellum.....-. Diphasia corniculata.... . Shallow water. | digitalis. 5}-78 fallax ... 1-1210 kincaidi. .. -| Shallow water. paarmanni 294-440 pulchra ...- 67 rosacea.... : Bes fe 2a eee wee-| +] 4 : 147 | SINR OTISKA ccc scat Uno oettacoene 4 Beal Ac od ee care : - t . 1-660 | tropica t | . Shallow water. 'C. C. Nutting. Address of the chairman of the Section of Zoology and vice-president of the American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science. Science, January 9, 1903, p. 9 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. Geographical distribution of American Sertularide—Continued. Geographical. American. Atlantic. Pacific. g :| 2 d rat | fel : Ae as) Pailercsn ee Bathymetric, in 7 By LOT ell es 5 la | e & 2 g fathoms, (=| | a |-3 a ia toa (27s oe r= Beta ect | te Pe fe ec eal Sa ets | USN as Nats ares fa Bo Se bo) ee | et Sil & le 2 aes as Klgl2 (2 /slele siSlelselelalsls EJ/Silolal-aA be EOS ala|/%]/se]¢ iB a EISLER isd Peal Wie | Saas le) Ses ieis tae |Ssl2 are PIEISISIS/SISISIS/81elalslale =I = I 2 s SOlaz/Flalal4ise/Sl/8lelalslsilal4 Hydralimania distans.......-222+.2.++20200-0- Be age) Ae be SB enor keer Wet ee oy ----/----|....| Shallow water. falcata ....-. + e | Esteh| stgcl ee + Bee 1-1100 Sranciscana . E a-| pace ae acile -| Shallow water. Pasythea quadridentata ...- aesa|oees 1 Pelagic. Selaginopsis alternitheca. . Salece oe 2 cedrina....-- SE eS -| Shallow water. eylindritheca ete (eat 1441 hartlaubi . - Faas 43 mirabilis . -| +] + i]- : 1-40 obsoleta. an | ap le -| Shallow water. ornata . Beak ame oe = pinaster + } + |- .| Shallow water, POI hoep pe Seb gaoe a nee conga re es oer] Sete Wee, taal ES ile + | + 23-25 plumiformis . Bee fs oul ? triserialis. See hs 1-31 Sertularella albida, . . -| + |- 6-20 allmani..- Sicell Ph eorem 21 amphorifera + oot 101-471 areyt.. << - +i}. 100-200 catena. . - + 390 clarkei. . =e ? clausa - . r 600 complexa ~ ae 56-121 conica . . + 25-505 contorta . . eels : 2 eylindritheca. + dane 6-40 dentifera. . webs .| Shallow water. distans . + |. 1-167 elegans ... eee eon 72 pisSCOpUs - = -| + | Shallow water. flvormis. z Brice Jormosa... 6-357 Susiformis 1-200 gaye... 81-552 (AULA OTST EE GBs ore RECO R are ASA on (eel [bao Wee Essel ecta| 2 gigantea .. @ DIATE A TE) ei ae ea SS ene | (Ege et (saa FR 33-52 laid... .--. 1—77° levinseni ..-- 56 magellanica. 49.4 MAGNA... .-- 283 margaritacea . Pelagic. megastoma - 167 meridionalis 122 milneana, ... 20-21 minuta... 283 _.| Shallow water. -| Shallow water. Shallow water. pinnata ... pinnigera . polyzonias quadrata. ... quadrifida .. TUGOSA ..---- sieboldi ... solitaria . subdichotoma . tanneri tenella tricuspidata .. MOPUCDae a turgida ... Sertularia bispinosa... brevicyathus challengeri . cornicina. desmoides exiqua. Slower gracilis. mayert .. operculat pourtalesi pulchella -.. pumila -... are 450-1168 1-204 ~"| 5Shallow1to 50.5 10-150 38-40 Shallow water. 1-42 9 150 -| Shallow water. 14-20 © 10-450 1-67 1-24 71-165 1 West coast Africa, South Seas. 2 Davis Straits. 8 Cape of Good Hope. 4 Azores, Red Sea, Cape of Good Hope. 5 New Zealand. 7New Zealand? THE SERTULARIDA. 47 Geographical distribution of American Sertularide—Continued. Geographical. American. | European. / Atlantic. Pacific. | / A x | | 2 s ieetull ERM os Bathymetric, in s 2/8 |S |e] ® Ee) het a pe fathoms. j S| Sle) a eyes lal Pla & ov) mie lalSleaeleoele eI e&l sis e Zlels|PlelSlZlelslslela 2 ~|3|c|e Sele isisliala = BIB l2lalsl@laeleleilblel a | = SIS|S/SIEIFISlelalsiale z SIPIS/ZIS/S/2/2 12/5/8148 eS af Sec | elie eos |e lee aS LS 8 | = EI/SlElISIS l/s Ss /Blei2i2i/s Oo }AIH IAP A/Ol|ai al AlOlAlni «a | a | = =I = <= SATII FOLD E S65 vm epee acaesmacoscccasscuaslscaslacae |. . 27 | MOU ROU hacer e ees apenans ese aeeees Soe lne wane] -| Shallow water. WIN arian ord sanias et | Coad Sees ote | Soe eee tae toe| BA - Shallow water. / versluyst nite AGORA Scene me c8| AREA Fe Seales -..-| Pelagic to 30. Synthecium cylindricum. Bee ES onteepaP ens pa 2 ere fea 5-12 MOANGiNQhUM «2. .....-20-. rectum ~ 100- robustun 21 tubithecur 18-114 Thuiaria argentea . 5 + | + |.... Jaen Bees ? 1-55 PADOT ESOL Deas amon ee as ce cecas cane A Sanat et 1-160 UME ade ko pe meee ate oe seen 2 eee 1-13 AN ease ae seen eee ee Jase ; = o« meee 11-16 PUN aneaea cee cceneS een euce ee ee lies call er Esp ? A jiliiig (tie eae le A eee See | ae a 1-18 RU NET RUG ea ere an eno naeiea reece ? fot Eee ee ee yon ale ey ar Bel ce] | os ray oe it ee ARS eS ance -| + : oe | Shallow water. [f(y ben APR once e nace a Le aa oa 3 an ? VAT ee ee Rec ees 30-75 PURGE OT tte e sioey 2. <-> hone : oa Go. 11-24 HOU mene a eatienae $5 .| 4 } / aoe 1-110 POOR LOTINEE = aint’ ante wn Sis ace went esaniee ese] sone lane aape Shallow water. 1South America. On account of the very marked difference between the distribution of the Sertularidee and that of the Plumularide, it seems best to adopt a different classification of geographical regions from that presented in the first part of this work.’ The two groups have entirely different centers of distribution, and the Plumularide are almost wanting in regions where the Sertularidee are most abundant. I have therefore adopted for the latter family the following regions: Canaptan.—To include the North American coast region from Eastport, Maine, to the Arctic Circle, or the south end of Greenland. Nort Ariantic.—From Eastport, Maine, to Charleston, South Carolina. West Inpran.—Including region south of Charleston, the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, North coast of South America to Brazil. Braziz1an.—From Northern Brazil to Southern Argentina. PaTAGONIAN.—Southern Argentina, Patagonia, Terra del Fuego, Falkland Islands, and Southern Chile. Arcric.—All north of Arctic Circle in general, but including the White Sea of Russia. ALASKAN.—From Bering Straits south to and including Puget Sound.* CaLirorntiAn. —From Puget Sound to and including Mexico. Soutn Pacreic.—South of Mexico to the Patagonian region as here defined. ScanpInavian.—Including Denmark, Sweden and Norway to the Arctic Circle. Britrisu. —Including the British Islands and Helgoland. ConTINENTAL. —Including the coasts of Belgium, France, and Atlantic coast of Spain. 1 American Hydroids, Part 1, The Plumularidie, Washington, 1890, p. 49. *See Hydroids from Alaska and Puget Sound, C. C. Nutting, Proceedings U.S. National Museum, X XI, 1899, p. 742; also Papers from the Harriman Alaska Expedition, The Hydroids, Proceedings Washington Academy of Sciences, ITI, 1901, pp. 158 to 162. 5125—rr 2—04—4 48 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. MepirerraNrEAn.—Including the Mediterranean proper and the Adriatic. The other regions named are self-explanatory. The few cases where American species are found in regions not mentioned above are indicated in footnotes. It will be seen that most of these regions are quite arbitrary, and their faune intergrade in almost all cases. Until 2 more serious and comprehensive study is made of the distribution of all groups of marine organisms no final or even appr oximately satisfactory set of zoogeographical regions can be made. In the meantime, however, each worker can exercise his own judgment in devising a scheme that will satisfy his special requirements and aid him in indicating the facts of distribution so far as his field of work is concerned. It remains for some master mind to correlate these various attempts into a well-digested zoothalassography. The table given above will serve to indicate some points of interest, the most notable being the richness of the sertularian fauna in the Alaskan region, in which 58 of the 131 species of American forms are found. This may be due to the excellent work done in that region, beginning with the extensive collections made by Dr. Dall and his party,’ and terminating with the notable collections made by the Harriman Alaska Expedition.” In the meanwhile the U. S. Fish Commission steamer A/batross made very extensive collections during her several cruises in Alaskan waters, the material of which is included in the present work. Next to this region come the West Indian and the Arctic, with 35 and 29 species. An examination of the table clearly reveals another fact, and that is that the sertularian fauna seems to have its present center of distribution in the far north, probably in the Arctic regions, as is indicated by the holarctic distribution of many species—a matter that the Preven writer has already discussed.* In working with material from the far north, particularly from Alaska, one is greatly impressed with the luxuriance and thrifty appearance of the hydroids—an indication that the region is peculiarly adapted to their needs. The finest specimens, both of campanularian and of sertularian colonies, that the writer has ever seen came from the cold waters of Alaska. The yarious Scandinavian writers haye found a rich field for work in the hydroids, and Kristine Bonnevie has produced a sumptuous monograph on the Hydroids of the Norwegian North Atlantic Expedition. It seems, then, that the group has spread from the Arctic region southward on both shores of the Atlantic and on the Pacific coast of North America, and there are so many species common to these four regions that we can hardly escape the conclusion that the group, at least in its present forms, had a polar origin. The number of species found in the West Indian region would seem to militate against this view, but many of these belong to special groups, such as the Desmoscyphus group of Sertularia, indicating that they have long been separated from the ordinary types of the family. The Sertularidz appear to have spread, from whatever center, over the ocean floor throughout the world; at least they have been found in every region where any considerable amount of dredging has been done. They must be quite abundant in the Patagonian region, for the small amount of collecting done there has given us no less than seventeen species. Australia also has a rich sertularian fauna of about sixty species, according to Bale,‘ which seems to be rather closely allied to the Patagonian forms, indicating the possibility of an Antarctic center of distribution, for certain groups at least. The west ‘coast of South America seems to be the poorest in Sertularide of all the American regions included in the table. This may be due to the comparatively few hauls made in these waters, but probably indicates a real dearth in that region. It is interesting to note the great difference shown in this table and the one on pages 49 to 51 of Part I of this work between the distribution of the Sertularide and the Plumularide, the former haying its greatest wealth of material in the Alaskan region and the latter in the West Indies. TSee Cl ark, Pee) on the Hydeeide collected on the Coast of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands by W. H. Dall, Proceedings, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1876. *See Papers from the Harriman Alaska Expedition, X XI, The Hydroids, C. C. Nutting, Proceedings Washington Academy of Sciences, IIT, 1901, p. 157. 8 Hydroids of the Harriman Expedition, 1901, p. 162. *Catalogue of the Australian Hydroid Zoophytes, W. M. Bale, Sydney, 1884. THE SERTULARID. 49 Bathymetric distribution.—Here again it has seemed best not to follow the scheme adopted in discussing the Plumularide, on account of the great preponders uce of shallow water forms in the Sertularidie, and also for the reason that the table given for the Plumularide involved more ‘labor than is necessary in the case of other species. By giving the maximum and minimum depth at which each species is found it is thought that the table will be as useful as that given for the Plumularide, in which the record is maintained for all the intermediate zones, it being, indeed, more probable that the actual conditions of bathymetric distribution are thus presented, as it is altogether more likely that the nonoccurrence of a species in the table given for the Plumularid is due to incomplete exploration than that the bathymetric distribution of these species is actually discontinuous, as would be indicated by that table. In other words, we have a right to consider that a species that has been reported from 100 and 300 fathoms actually exists somewhere at a depth of 200 fathoms, or that it has recently existed at that depth. In comparing the two tables it becomes at once apparent that the Sertularide are much more generally found in shallow water than the Plumularidee. The proportion of shallow- water forms—that is, those found in less than 50 fathoms—being a little over 75 per cent in the Sertularidee and 50 per cent in the Plumularide. There are 41 per cent of the Sertularide confined to the shallow-water zone, while there are only 33 per cent of the Plumularide confined to the same zone. ; The following table shows very plainly the difference in the bathymetric distribution between the two families: Comparative distribution at increasing depths. Family | Less than | Over 50 | Over 100 Over 150 | Over 200 | Ov er 500 | Over 1,000 y- 50fathoms.| fathoms. | fathoms. | fathoms. | fathoms. | fathoms. | fathoms. = = as = 7 Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. | Per oles | Per . re cm | Plumularide .............20000+- 0.50 0.63 49 0.40 0.28 | 0.05 03 | Bortulanidigees fee. . scsteeees | 75 40 .30 -26 16 | | | The following species of Sertularide have been dredged at depths greater than 500 fathoms: Diphasia fallax, 1,210 fathoms (Bonnevie); Diphasia tamariska, 660 fathoms (Bonnevie); Sertularella clausa, 600 fathoms (Allman); Sertularella tricuspidata, 1,375 fathoms (Bonnevie); Sertularella tropica, 1,168 fathoms (Clarke). The well-known Sertularela tricuspidata seems to have the greatest vertical distribution of any sertularian, ranging from the littoral region to the depth of 1,375 fathoms. The only American hydroid that has been found at a greater depth than this is Ag/aophenopsis verrilli Nutting, which was found at 1,742 fathoms. In this case, however, the known bathymetric range is from 1,497 to 1,742 fathoms.’ SERTULARIA Linnezeus (modified). Trophosome.—Hydrothece in strictly opposite or rarely subopposite pairs. Stem and branches normally divided into regular internodes, each of which bears a pair of hydrothecwe, but sometimes there are more than one pair to the internode, in which case the hydrothece are strictly opposite. Operculum normally of two flaps. Gonosome.—Gonangia oval or ovate, with a short collar and broad aperture and no internal marsupium. An acrocyst is occasionally present. This being the original Linnzan genus for the hydroids it has necessarily suffered many ° vicissitudes, most of which have been in the direction of closer and closer delimitation, Lamouroux leading by separating what are now known as the Plumularid and also breaking the Sertularians roper into two groups, Dynamena to include those with strictly opposite hydrothecie, and Proy groups, Ly Y Opt ) ’ Sertularia those with more or less alternate hydrothece.* Were both these genera used in the . > present work, the species that I include in Sertularia would go into the genus Dynamenda. Lamouroux also set aside the species now included in the Halecidee in the genus 7/oa, afterwards ‘See Part I, p. 49, s Bulletin philomatique, 1812. 50 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. supplanted by //alee/um of Oken,' the species now included in the Lafoeidx in his genus Lafoea; many of the Campanularide in Laomedea and Clytia. At nearly the same time (1816) Lamarck issued the first edition of his classic work, Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertébres, I], in which he separated most of the present Campanularide under the name Campanularia, and the Plumularidz under the names Anftennularia and Plumularia, and retained the name Sertularia for the species then known that would now be included in the family Sertularide. In the same year, (1816),? Lamouroux published his Histoire des Polypiers coralligénes Flexibles, ete., in which he divided the sertularians into the genera Pasythea, which included the Pasythea of sub- sequent authors plus certain nonrelated forms, Dynamena, including the forms that would be placed in Sertuaria and Diphasia in the present work, and Sertularia, including forms with alternate hydrothecx, such as are now placed in Sertularella, Thuiaria, Abietinaria, ete. The next work of importance is that of Fleming,* who instituted the genus Thuiaria to include what now would be called the typical species of that group. He followed Lamouroux in the use of the generic name Dynamena. ’ Johnston in his British Hydroid Zoophytes, 1828, returns to the use of the genus Sertularia in nearly its original meaning, drops the genus Dynamena, and adopts the genus Thwaria of Fleming. In 1862 Louis Agassiz‘ differentiated the genus Diphasia from the Sertularia or Dynamena of other writers, and uses the word Serfularia in a very restricted sense, including only Sertula- ria argentea, Thuiaria cupressina, Abietinaria abietina, and A. jilicula. Ue also proposed the genera Amphitrocha and Cotulina for certain species that are now included in Sertularella, and Amphishetia for Sertularia operculata. With the great work of Hincks, British Hydroid Zoophytes, 1868, what may be called the modern era began. He reinstated and modified the genus Sertwlarella,? which is by far the largest in the family, if not in the entire order Hydroida, and also proposed the genus //ydrall- mania for the Sertularia falcata Linneus, which many writers had erroneously placed in the Plunularide. The further vicissitudes of the genus Sertu/aria are sketched in preceding pages of the present work, in connection with the general systematic discussion of the family. POINTS OF INTERGRADATION BETWEEN SERTULARIA AND OTHER GENERA. As above defined, the genus Sertularia is a well circumscribed group, but in certain indi- vidual characters it has points of contact with other genera, among which the following may be found in species treated in this work: First. With Thutaria. In several cases, such as S. b/spinosa, challengeri, and desmoides, the internodes are of irregular length and bear more than a single pair of hydrothece. In all such vases, however, the hydrothecz ure normally strictly opposite, and never subopposite nor subalter- nate, as in Thudaria. Second. With Sertularella, in having a three-flapped operculum and three-toothed margin, as in S. sertularioides and S. brevicyathus. Here, also, the hydrothecx are strictly opposite and not strictly alternate, as in Sertularella. Third. With Thu/aria, in having a round aperture, without teeth, and an abcauline oper- culum composed of a single flap as in S. desmocdes. Here, also, the hydrothece are strictly opposite. In this case there is the further complication of extreme variability in the hydro- thecal margin and operculum, there being an occasional hydrotheca in which the margin i obscurely two-toothed, and the operculum apparently of two valves. In each of these cases it iv] ‘Lehrbuch der Naturgeschichte, 1815, p. 91. * The nearly simultaneous appearance of the works of Lamouroux and Lamarck have caused almost inextricable confusion in the systematic treatment of this and of other groups of hydroids. See Part I, p. 54. * A History of British Animals, ete., Edinburgh, 1828, p. 545. ‘Contributions to the Natural History of the United States, TV, 1862, p. 355. é *Originally proposed by Gray. List of the specimens of British animals in the collections of the British Museum, Part 1, Radiated Animals. London, 1847, p. 68, THE SERTULARID. 51 will be observed that the species is, on the whole, more closely allied to Sertu/aria as here defined than it is to the particular genus to which it approximates in the special character discussed. KEY TO AMERICAN SPECIES OF SERTULARIA. Colony branched, at least in typical specimens. Branches regularly disposed. BTANCHEMODPOSILD <0 =~ cae ences ee ences Sakae ia arate cee paasrin tic adn ee’ sans aaenboecnens pumila. Branches alternate. Efydrothece largely contingent in fronts- 52252 asasseepee se aes ese conc e. vas oe neeccam connor! versluysi. Hydrothecs' seldom contingent:in fronbeescasiae= = ose eee eae eat cet nese eee eee challengeri. Branches loosely or irregularly disposed. Hydrothecal teeth two, long, recurved, conspicuous. One ‘tooth much longer than, the other ve. 2. asses eee ee eee eee ee aeons sae operculata. Teeth approximately equal. Gonanpium! with two lateral apintd=-- esate s soe ee ee ec cst aee ata stecsaa-be scone bispinosa, Gonanginnt without'spimes:..i2. 22h. oc eee ances ote eines Ceres aan eu ee es sunt ee tons ome pulchella. Hydrothecal teeth not conspicuous. Marpin generally: without teeth)... 2. 2 so emn sae on se cst te se oS one a Sti ene eel ce desmoides. Margin with three unequal teeth’... 225-025. sence ees cee ee sie eee ene ewes om rathbuni. Margin with two opposite teeth =. < oes jac smcien ae ecb omisisninn o's apps Gennes eased aes ee gracilis, Colony normally unbranched (one or two unsymmetrical branches may be present). Hydrothecze placed on front of stem, and largely contingent. Hydrothecze on proximal portion differing greatly from those on distal portion. .........-.--.------ mayeri. Hydrothecz alike on all parts of stem. Chitinous processes projecting downward from bottom of hydrothece ..........------------- cornicina, No noticeable chitinous processes. Colony and hydrothecz of average size for this genus.........--.------.--------------- pourtalesi. Colony and hydrothece very small, less than half the size of preceding species .........-.. stookeyi. Hydrotheez not placed on front of stem, whether contingent or not. Hydrothecee contingent of average size, margin with three teeth............----...--------.-- brevicyathus. Hydrothece contingent, very small, margin with three teeth .............--...-----------------.- _flowersi. Hydrothece not contingent, margin two-toothed. Distal part of hydrothece bent at right angles to proximal part ........-......---------------- tumida. Distal part bent at much less than a right angle to proximal part ........--.----..--- wise savas 36’ 30", 14 fathoms; off Cape Romanes (Moser). Type slides.—Cat. Nos. 18661, 18663, Mus. State Univ. lowa; Cat. Nos. U.S.N.M. 18719, 18720; also in the collection of the author. SERTULARIA POURTALESI, new name. (Plate V, tig. 5.) Sertularia distans' ALLMAN, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., V, No. 2, 1877, p. 25. Dynamena distans CLARKE, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., V, No. 10, 1879, p. 246. Sertularia distans MARK'TANNER-TURNERETSCHER, Hydr. des k. k. naturhist. Hofmuseums, 1890, p. 239. Trophosome.—Colony unbranched or with a few irregularly disposed branches, attaining a height of 14 inches. Stem divided into long, irregular internodes, each of which bears one or more pairs of opposite hydrothece, the pair being on the distal half of the internode when but one pair is on that internode. Branches, when present, projecting from the stem in an exceed- ingly stiff and ungraceful manner. Hydrothecx longer than in most of the closely allied species, distant, tubular, contingent in front for a varying portion of their length, the distal portion being curved gently outward and ending in a margin which is very thin and ill-defined in tex- ture, but bears two teeth and an operculum of two flaps. Gonosome.—Not known. Distribution.— Albatross Station 2369, lat. N. 29° 16’ 30’, long. W. 85° 32’, 26 fathoms; Station 2315, lat. N. 24° 26’, long. W. 81° 48’ 15’, 37 fathoms; Station 2409, lat. N. 27° 04’, long. W. 838° 21’ 15", 26 fathoms; Station 2465, ris N. 45° 35’, long. W. 55° 01’, 67 fathoms; off Ten- nessee Reef, depth 2 fathoms (Allman); near Tortugas, 36 fathoms (Clarke); Sargassa Sea, on Fucus (Marktanner-Turneretscher); poveaite Plateau (Bahama Expedition from the State University of Lowa). The specimens from the Pourtales Plateau on which this description was based were compared directly with the type in the Museum of Comparative Zoology and found to agree. It belongs to the Desmoscyphus group, Allman’s drawing having evidently been made from the posterior aspect of the colony. The hydrothece vary considerably in shape. Type.—\n Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. SERTULARIA STOOKEYI, new species. (Plate V, figs. 6-7.) Trophosome.—Colony consisting of unbranched stems springing from a creeping root-stalk and attaining a height of about one-third inch. Stems constricted basally and divided into regular internodes, except proximal portion where the nodes become indistinct or obsolete; internodes long and slender, the hydrothecxe being placed in front of the distal half, the nodes being just above the hydrothece. Hydrothece strictly opposite, adnate to each other by about the basal one-third of their adcauline wall, the line of juncture being straight; basal portion not distinctly swollen, distal one-half free, a slender cone in shape projecting at an angle of about 45 degrees with the stem, and ending in a bidentate margin and two-flapped operculum. (onosome. —Gonangia borne at bases of colonies, large, oval, with a straight narrow collar, wide narrow aperture, and operculum; pedicel very short. 'Phis name was preoce oped by Lamouroux, Pictore des Poly piel rs core sllige nes < fle Shes yideaira “ment nommés Zoophytes, 1816, p. 191, for a campanularian, and was used later by Lamarck, Historie naturelle des Animaux sans yertébres, 2d.edition, 1836, p. 151. 60 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. Distribution.—Found on floating seaweed on the Great Bahama Banks (Bahama Expedition from the State University of Iowa). This species is more delicate, and the hydrothece are more slender than in other §pecies of this group. I take pleasure in naming it after Professor Stookey, member of the Bahama Expedition. Type slides.—Cat. Nos. 18665, 18666, Mus. State Univ. Iowa; Cat. Nos. 19710, 19711, U.S.N.M.; also in collection of the author. SERTULARIA BREVICYATHUS Versluys. (Plate VI, figs. 1-2.) Desmoscyphus brevicyathus Versiuys, Hydraires Calyptoblastes recueillis dans la Mer des Antilles, 1899, p. 40. Trophosome.—Colony consisting of an unbranched stem springing from a creeping root-stalk. Stem divided into regular long internodes, each bearing a pair of hydrothece on its distal half, and being enlarged at the middle to form a base of support for the hydrothecie, the proximal and distal portion of each internode being narrowed. Hydrothece strictly opposite, turgid below, the inner outline being nearly a semicircle, the two of a pair being contiguous in the front of the stem on account of the extent to which they embrace the latter, but they are not placed in front as in typical species of the Desmoscyphus group; distal portion directed outward and narrowing rapidly to the three-toothed margin; operculum two-flapped. Gonosome.—Not known. Distribution.—Between Eleuthera and Little Cat islands, and near Spanish Wells, Bahamas (Bahama Expedition from the State University of lowa); Cape Verde Islands, 25 meters (Versluys). The specimen above described was collected by the Bahama Expedition from the University of Iowa. The hydrothece are somewhat more slender distally than indicated by Versluys’s figures, but some individuals agree with them exactly. Type.—In the collection of Comte R. de Dalmas. SERTULARIA FLOWERSI, new species. (Plate VI, figs. 3-4. ) Trophosome.—Colony minute, consisting of a very slender unbranched stem, attaining a height of about one-fourth of an inch. Stem divided into long, slender internodes by nodes placed immediately above the hydrotheca. Hydrothece very small, in strictly opposite pairs, which are situated on the distal ends of the internodes, distant, placed on the sides of the stem which they embrace, so as to be contiguous in front for about half their height; margin tridentate with a two-valved operculum. Inconspicuous chitinous processes extend downward from the bottoms of the hydrothec, as in S. cornicina. Gonosome.—Not known. Distribution.— Dredged near Habana, Cuba, from a depth of about 150 fathoms. Collected by the Bahama Expedition from the State University of Iowa. This is the most slender and delicate species of Sertular/a that the writer has seen. Named in honor of Capt. Charles B. Flowers, of the Bahama Expedition. Type.—In the Museum of Natural History, State University of Iowa. SERTULARIA TUMIDA Allman. (Plate VI, fig. 5.) Sertularia tumida, ALLMAN, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., V, No. 2, 1877, p. 23. ‘* Trophosome.—Hydrocaulus attaining a height of three-fourths of an inch, simple, inter- nodes of moderate length, thinning away for some distance below each pair of hydrothece. Hydrothece opposite, short, tumid below, adnate to the stem for about half their length, and with the distal half free and diverging at nearly a right angle.” Gonosome.—Not known. Distribution.—Tortugas, shallow water (Allman). THE SERTULARID. 61 I have not seen this species and quote the original description entire. It is quite possible that the species is identical with Sertularia brevicyathus, which was collected by Versluys at the same place, but this point cannot be determined except by a comparison of the two types. Type.—In the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. SERTULARIA EXIGUA Allman. (Plate VI, fig. 6.) Sertularia exigua ALLMAN, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., V, No. 2, 1877, p. 24. ** Trophosome.—Hydrocaulus minute, simple, attaining a height of about one-fourth of an inch; internodes very short, not prolonged by an attenuated continuation below the pairs of hydrothece. Hydrothece opposite, not tumid below; free and divergent on their distal half, and with the opposed sides of each pair parallel to one another.” Gonosome.—Not known. Distribution.—Oft Cape Fear, 9 fathoms (Allman). I have not seen this species and have copied the original description entire. Type.—In the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. THUIARIA Fleming (modified). Trophosome.—Hydrothece normally subopposite to alternate, and more than two to each internode. Internodes vary greatly in length. Hydrothecxe with smooth margin, or with one or two teeth, usually more or less immersed in the hydrocaulus. Operculum of one abcauline flap, or of two flaps. Gonosome.—Gonangia oval, with large terminal aperture, unornamented or with one or two spines on the shoulders. As before intimated, this genus as established by Fleming (1828) was very much restricted, containing but two species, and based solely on the immersed condition of the hydrothece. There was no change made by either Johnston (1848) or Hincks (1868). In his diagnoses of new genera and species of hydroids Allman' adopted a new criterion for the genus, holding that the best character was based on the division of the hydrocaulus into internodes, there being an internode to each pair of hydrothecx in Sertularia, Sertularella and Diphasia, **while in Thuiaria the joints occur at distant and, for the most part, irregular intervals, thus leaving numerous hydrothece to be carried on each internode.” He was thus led to admit such species as Sertularia argentea and S. cupressina into the genus, as is done in the present work. In his report on the hydroida of the Challenger Expedition (1888) Allman maintains this same position. In his Catalogue of Australian Hydroid Zoophytes (1884) Bale givesa further criterion. His definition of Thwiaria is ‘*Zoophyte plant-like—Hydrothece biserial, not in pairs, usually more or less immersed.” He points out the distinction between the hydrothecs being in two series and being in pairs. This, however, often seems to depend on the thickness of the hydrocaulus. If it is very thick there are two series, while it often happens that on the more slender distal branches the hydrothec are regularly subopposite or alternate, or in pairs, as Bale uses the term. Levinsen in his Meduser, Ctenophorer og Hydroider fra Grénlands Vestkyst, p. 193, defines the genus as follows: ‘‘Apertura hydrothece rotundata (ovalis vel semicircularis). ‘Collare’ et ‘dentibus’ nullis instructa. In margine exteriore (abcaulini) valvula opercularis affixa est.” Like the other genera founded on the characters of the margin and operculum, this one includes forms that the present writer and others regard as generically distinet, as Se/ag/nopsis alternitheca Levinsen, and excludes others that are very closely related, as Thwiaria dalli or T. robusta Clark or 7. thuiarioides Clark, the latter being a typical thuiarian, but with an adcauline operculum. Moreover in some cases certain parts of a colony would belong to Thu/aria, and others not, were the definition of Levinsen adhered to, as 7! vobusta, in which part of the ‘Journal of the Linnzean Society, Zoology, XII, 1874, p. 267. 62 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. hydrothece have two teeth and a two-flapped operculum and part no tooth and a single-flapped operculum. The genus, as I have defined it, is confessedly the least natural and satisfactory of those admitted in this work. POINTS OF INTERGRADATION BETWEEN THUIARIA AND OTHER GENERA. First. With Sertu/aria, in having the hydrothecal margin with two teeth and a two-flapped operculum, as in 7. argentea, T. similis, T. tenera, T. fabricéi, and 7. cupressina. In all of these tases there are many hydrothece to an internode, and they are not strictly opposite. Second. With Adb/et/naréa in having an adcauline operculum, asin 7) thudarioides Clark. In every other respect, both in trophosome and in gonosome, this species is a typhical Zhucarda. KEY TO AMERICAN SPECIES OF THUIARIA. Hydrothecal margins smooth, except on distal ends of branches, where they are bidentate. Operculum of one abcauline flap.? Branches springing from all sides of stem. Jolony in the formiof a stiff ““bottle brush”’- .<----- << 22 ooo oe ee nee nen ae= Beene aon Colony not so stiff and rigid. Hydrothece alternate. Margin produced on outer side into prominent recurved hooks......-..--..--------------- elegans. Margin smooth, except on distal parts of branches, where there are two strong teeth .------ robusta. Hydrothecz sub-opposite, margin smooth, operculum adcauline .........---.------------- thuiarioides. Branches alternate. Hydrothecie opposite. Morea uldey LO BUOLOL ENCE A CUoCTENK COUN ENO! Spee me oon epsee Beeb aceocoasasas coepSopSaqsasaShonse polycarpa. Aperture facing outward and upward, margin produced into a prominent lobe on adcauline Giolenetelajojoesseel ey ein es oe hoa et oedo ne ecuoobete cone Boe asebe ssasonossceossasds -----kurilz. Hydrothece alternate. Hydrothece entirely immersed, aperture strictly vertical ..........-.------------------------ immersa. Distal end of hydrothee:e free, aperture facing outward and upward.......--- Bee ene sore ee lonchitis. Hydrothecal margin toothed, operculum with two flaps. Hydrothecee strictly alternate. Branches Opposites soe assem see ae coe eee eo siete Seb Sas sect e csee a eeee ena eee anion ete plumulifera. Branches not opposite. Margin with two large pointed teeth. Entire adcaulinesbydrothecal wall adnates —.-o-2-- ence. sees e eee eee eee ramosissima, Distalihaliionadcaulineswallliee sees sae aos same seats ee eee eee ee eee ee aia see diffusa. Hydrothee sub-opposite, marginal teeth two, opposite. ING as LoL) AXE OTERO ee demo oso a tobe boar cbonb usm ashi ce sobbenoenccecuonset one stadace SSacuner dall Hydrotheca on stem. Hydrothecie flask-shaped, their long axes not parallel with stem. Ely drothecss withvunequall teethi=<-eses-2ee so eee ae ea eae ee eee sees latiuscula. Eby drothecse withrequalteethi 2). 2= esses ..senicd see et See eee ee teem ets se similis. Hydrothecze tubular, their long axes parallel with stem.....-....-------.------------ tubuliformis. Hydrothecz sub-opposite, one or two marginal teeth. Branches alternate, and usually undivided, hydrothecze not immersed.-.-...--------------------------- tenera. Branches in a spiral, usually divided dichotomously. Spiraliiclose:"colomystorman yay emse Wt ape tee ee le at erate fabricii. Spiraliloose, ny drothecse nov preathy wmmiS nse sete fea lela ee tre ae ere argented. Spiral loose, hydrothecze extensively immersed, their axes not parallel with stem ---...-.------- cupressind. Spiral loose, hydrothecze extensively immersed, their axes parallel with stem-....-.-- sacnnvcese=ePlLUMoRa. THUIARIA THUJA (Linneus). (Plate VII, figs. 1-3.) Bottle-brush Coralline Eutis, Essay Nat. Hist. Corallines, 1755, p. 10. Sertularia thuja Linn mus, Systema Naturze, 1758, p. 809. a Sertularia thija Hourruyn, Natuurlyke Historie, 1761-1775, p. 548. , Sertularia thuja PAatuas, Elenchus Zoophytorum, 1766, p. 140. Sertularia thuja Linnxus, Systema Nature, 12th ed., 1767, p. 1308. 1 Except in the case of 7. thuiarioides Clark. THE SERTULARID. 63 Sertularia thuja Bopparrt, in Pallas, Lyst der Plant-Dieren, 1768, p. 175. Serlularia thuja Mararri, De Plantis Zoophytis et Lithophytis, 1776, p. 29. Sertularia thuja Fasrictus, Fauna Groenlandica, 1780, p. 444. Sertularia thuja Gronovius, Zoophylacium gronoyvianum, III, 1781, p. 358. Sertularia thuja Eviis and Souanper, Nat. Hist. Zoophytes, 1786, p. 41. Sertularia thuja W1LKrNs and Herest, in Pallas, Charakteristik der Thierpflanzen, 1787, p. 179. Sertularia thuja GMewin, Systema Nature, Linnzeus, 13th ed., 1788-1793, p. 3848. Sertularia thuja Esper, Die Pflanzenthiere in Abbildungen, ILL, 1788-1830, p. 184. Sertularia thuja BerKeNHovuT, Synop. Nat. Hist., Great Britain, I, 1789, p. 217. Sertularia thuya Esrer, Fortsetzungen der Pflanzenthiere, II, 1794-1806, pl. xx11. Sertularia thuja Cuvier, Tableau Elémentaire de I’ Hist. Nat. des Anim., 1798, p. 666. Sertularia thuja Bosc, Hist. Nat. des Vers, IIT, 1802, p. 94. Sertularia thuja Turton, British Fauna, 1807, p. 213. Sertularia thuya JAMEsoN, Catalogue Animals of Class Vermes, 1811, p. 564. Nigellastrum (Sertularia) thuja Oxex, Lehrbuch der Naturgeschichte, 1815, p. 93. Cellaria thuja LAMarcK, Hist. Nat. des Anim. sans Vert., 1816, p. 139. Sertularia thuja LAMourRoux, Hist. des Polyp. Coral. Flex., 1816, p. 195. Sertularia thuja Stewart, Elements nat. hist. animal King., 2d ed., I, 1817, p. 442. Thuiaria thuia FLeMinG, British Animals, 1828, p. 545. Thuiaria thuia Macetuuivray, Ann. and Mag., IX, 1842, p. 464. Thuiaria thuia Jounsron, Hist. Brit. Zoophytes, 1847, p. 83. Thuiaria thuja Gray, List of British Animals, 1847, p. 76. Thuwiaria thuia AupEr, Cat. Zooph. Northumb., 1857, p. 27. Thuiaria thuja A. AGAsstz, North Amer. Acalephie, 1865, p. 148. Thuiaria thuja Hixexs, British Hydroid Zoophytes, 1868, p. 275. Thuiaria thuja Scnutze, Nordsee Expedition, 1872, p. 133. Thuiaria thuia Sars, G. O., Bidrag til Kundskaben om Norges Hydroider, 1873, p. 18. Thuiaria thuja McInross, Ann. and Mag., 4th ser., XIII, 1874, p. 214. Thuiaria thuja Merescukowsky, Ann. and Mag., 5th ser., I, 1878, p. 324. Thuiaria thuia Wixtner, Fortignelse de i Danmark, ete., 1880, p. 251. Thuiaria thuia KircHenraver, Nordische Gattungen und Arten, 1884, p. 18. Thuiaria thuja MARKTANNER-TURNERETSCHER, Hydroiden des k. k. naturhist. Hofmuseums, 1890, p. 237. Thuiaria thuja Drirescu, Tektonische Studien, 1890, p. 207. Thuiaria thuja Levixsen, Meduser, Ctenophorer og Hydroider, 1892, p. 52. Thujaria thuja Levinsen, Vid. Udb. ‘‘Hauchs’’ Togter, 1893, p. 371. Thuiaria thuia Crawrorp, Ann. and Mag., 6th Ser., XVI, 1895, p. 261. Thuiaria thuja Bonneyin, Norwegian North Atlantic Expedition, 1899, p. 83. Thuiaria thuja Harerrr, American Naturalist, 1901, p. 392. Thuiaria thuja Nurtine, Hydroids of the Woods Hole Region, 1901, p. 364. Thuiaria thuja Wutreaves, Catalogue Marine Invert. eastern Canada, 1901, p. 26. Thuyaria thuja SmmMunvsson, Bidrag til kundsk. islandske Hydroider, 1902, p. 65. Trophosome.—Colony sometimes attaining a height of a foot or more. Main stem geniculate, rigid, slender, divided proximally into obscure internodes, each of which bears the stump of a branch. Branches arranged in a spiral around the stem, from which they project at nearly a right angle, dichotomously branching several times so that each forms a flabellate structure with the upper side concave. Conjointly the branches and branchlets form a typical ‘‘bottle-brush” structure. Hydrothece subalternate, closely approximated, almost entirely immersed in the hydrocaulus; aperture a flattened oval without conspicuous teeth and opening vertically. Operculum a single abcauline flap. Gonosome.—Gonangia borne on the upper sides of the branches, oblong ovate with a round aperture, short but distinct collar, and no lateral spines. : Distribution.—One of the common species in comparatively shallow water on both sides of the North Atlantic. New England coast (Nutting); Mingan Islands (A. Agassiz); Bering Straits (Stimpson); Gulf of St. Lawrence (Whiteaves); Greenland (Levinsen); Iceland (Seemundsson); Norway (Sars); British coasts (Hincks); Mediterranean (Pallas); A/batross Station 2256, lat. N. 40° 38’ 30”, long. W. 69° 29’, 30 fathoms; 57’, long. W. 78° 18’ 35’, 353 fathoms; lat. N. 32° 43’ 25’, long. W. 77° 20’ 30”, 233 fathoms; lat. N. 32° 95’, long. W. 77° 42’ 30”, 262 fathoms; lat. N. 32° 07’, long. W. 78° 37’ 30’, 229 fathoms. The description given above is taken from a specimen from Station 2668, and belongs to the variety robusta Allman, which hardly differs in any essential character from the original British form. The species, as indicated above, has a very wide distribution, but has not as yet been found in the Pacific. SERTULARELLA CONICA Allman. (Plate XV, figs. 1-2.) Sertularella conica ALLMAN, Hydroi a of the Gulf Stream, 1877, p. 21. Sertularella conica CLARK, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., V, No. 10, 1879, p. 246. ? Sertularella conica CALKixs, Some Hydroids from Puget Sound, 1899, p. 359. Sertularella conica HArtLAusB, Revision Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 66. Sertularella conica HArriaus, Hydroiden aus dem Stillen Ocean, 1901, p. 354. Trophosome.—Colony attaining a height of 1? inches. Stem not fascicled, flexuose, divided into regular slender internodes, each of which bears a hydrotheca. Branches irregular and sparse, themselves sometimes branching dichotomously, divided into long, slender internodes, each bearing a hydrotheca. Hydrothec distant, rather slender, free for nearly their distal two-thirds, proximal ends swollen, narrowing regularly to their distal end, which is much more slender and narrow than in allied species, the upper side being marked by shallow corrugations; margin with four equal and equidistant teeth and a conical operculum composed of four flaps. Gonosome.—Not known. Distribution.—Southwest of Tortugas, 60 fathoms (Allman); lat. N. 24> 34’, long. W. 83° 16’, ? Townsend Harbor (Calkins); A/batross Station 2370, lat. N. 29° 18’ 15’, long. W. 85° 32’, 25 fathoms; Station 2388, lat. N. 29° 24’ 30’, long. W. 88° OL, 35 fathoms; Station 2771, lat. S. 51° 34’, long. W. 68°, 50.5 fathoms. It is impossible to tell from Callkins’s figure and description whether the species that he identified as S. conéca is correctly determined or not. There is nothing to indicate the number of hydrothecal teeth. The hydrothecxe seem to be very stout and closely approximated for that species. Dr. Torrey’ identifies a species as S. con/ca that cannot be placed in that species on account of haying three instead of four hydrothecal teeth. It seems doubtful that the species has as yet been correctly reported from the Pacific coast. ” Type.—In the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. ‘Tlydroids of the Pacific coast, 1902, p. 60. 5125—pr 2—04 6 80 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. SERTULARELLA CATENA (Allman). (Plate XV, fig. 3.) Sertularia catena ALLMAN, Challenger Report, Hydroida, Pt. 2, 1888, p. 58. Sertularella catena Hartiaus, Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 84. Trophosome.—Colony attaining a height of about 2 inches. Stem fascicled basally and simple distally, geniculate, the distal simple part being divided into regular internodes, each of which 1s broadened at its distal end to furnish a support for a hydrotheca. Branches roughly alternate, resembling the distal part of the stem as above described. Hydrothecz subcylindrical, almost wholly exserted, narrowed slightly at each end, the upper (adcauline) sides being marked by shallow rugosities; margin with four shallow teeth that are sometimes reduced to mere sinuosities; operculum imperfect in the type, but probably composed of four parts. Gonosome.—Gonangia borne on stem opposite the bases of hydrothecie, large, terete in form; orifice terminal, small, armed with two shallow processes or teeth. There is apparently a series of very shallow rugosities or annulations on the distal portion of the gonangia. Distribution.—Oft Culebra Island, West Indies, 390 fathoms (Allman). An examination of Allman’s type of this species shows that it is not identical with S. eylin- dritheca, as suggested by Hartlaub.t The fascicled stem, and not truly cylindrical or quadrate hydrothec, and especially the very different shape of the gonangia, show that this species is very distinct from S. cylindritheca. The figure here given is from the type collected by the Challenger, and differs somewhat from those of Professor Allman. Type.—\n the South Kensington Museum. Fragment in the possession of the author. SERTULARELLA QUADRATA Nutting. (Plate XV, figs. 4-6.) Sertularella quadrata Nutrinc, Bahama Expedition, 1895, p. 88. Trophosome.—Colony attaining a height of about 6 inches. Main stem sinuous, strong, monosiphonic, divided into regular internodes each bearing a hydrotheca. Branches alternate, each internode bearing a hydrotheca immediately at the base of which is the oblique node. Hydrothece very long, three to four times as long as wide, quadrate in section, margin with four equal and equidistant teeth and a four-flapped operculum. Hydrothece often with margins several times reduplicated, and a number of fine horizontal striations on the outside of the hydro- thecal walls. Gonosome.—Gonangia borne near the hydrothecal bases, broader and stouter than the hydrothece, tubular, with rounded bases and distal part quadrate in section. Aperture in the center of the depressed top. Margin surrounded by usually five or six long recurved horizontal spines arranged so as to present a stellate appearance when viewed from above. Distribution.—Near Habana, Cuba (Nutting); Albatross Station 2143, lat. N. 9° 80! 45”, long. W. 76° 25’ 30”, 155 fathoms; Station 2323, lat. N. 23° 10’ 51’, long. W. 82° 19’ 03”, 163 fathoms; Station 2326, lat. N. 28° 11’ 45’, long. W. 82° 18’ 54”, 194 fathoms; Station 2330, lat. N. 238° 10’ 48”, long. W. 82° 19’ 15’, 121 fathoms; Station 2334, lat. N. 23° 10’ 42’, long. W. 82° 18’ 24’, 67 fathoms. This very striking form has perhaps the longest hydrothecee known in the genus Sertula- rella. Its nearest ally is 8. cylindritheca, from which it differs in the length of the hydrothece and also in the form of the gonangia. The reduplication of the margin seems to be here carried to the extreme known in the Sertularide. Type Slides.—Cat. No. 18714, Museum State Univ. of Iowa; Cat. No. 19773, 19778, U.S.N.M.; also in coilection of the author. 1 Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p- 84. THE SERTULARID®. 81 SERTULARELLA TANNERI, new species. (Plate XVI, fig. 1.) Trophosome.— But a fragment of a single branch of this species is known. Branch slightly flexuose, divided into regular internodes, each bearing a hydrotheca, nodes oblique, deep, accom- panied by two or three annular rugosities of the perisare. Hydrothecie very large, subtubular, the terminal portion being gently curved outward, only a small part of the proximal adcauline wall being adnate to the hydrocaulus; entire hydrothecal wall both above and below regularly and closely annulated; margin squarish, with four low equidistant teeth and a four-flapped operculum. Gonosome.—Not known. Distribution.— Albatross Station 2873, lat. N. 48° 30’, long. W. 124° 57’, 40 fathoms. This very striking species shows almost complete intergradation between the rugosa and polyzonias groups, having the deep annulations of the former with a hydrotheca somewhat resembling the latter in size and shape. Type.—In the collection of the U. S$. National Museum. “4 SERTULARELLA GENICULATA Hincks. (Plate XVI, fig. 2.) Sertularella geniculata Hinexs, Ann. and Mag., 4th ser., XIII, 1874, p. 152. Sertularella geniculata Kircnenraver, Nordische Gattungen, 1884, p. 44. Sertularella geniculata LEviNsEN, Meduser, Ctenophorer og Hydroider fra Grénlands Vestkyst, 1893, p. 201. Trophosome.—** Stem slender, decidedly geniculate, simple or slightly branched, jointed and twisted above each calicle; the internodes long, attenuated below and bent in opposite directions. Hydrothece very distant, ribbed transversely, chiefly on the upper half, rather broad below, and narrowing gradually toward the margin, which bears four very prominent teeth, is sinuated deeply between them, and is surrounded by a conical quadripartite operculum.” Gonosome.—Unknown. Distribution.—Oft Frederickshaab, Davis Strait (Hincks); Jan Mayen (Lorenz). I have not seen this species, and the above description is copied entire from the original by Hincks. Hartlaub stoutly contends that this species is identical with S. tene//a, and he may be right. Not having material for comparison, and in view of the great difference between the description and illustrations of the species as given by Hincks and the typical S. tenella, the present writer deems it safer to regard the two species as distinct. SERTULARELLA PATAGONICA (d’Orbigny). (Plate XVI, fig. 3.) Sertularia patagonica p’ORBIGNY, Voyage dans |’ Amérique Méridionale, 1839, p. 25. Sertularella rugosa ? KircHenravrer, Nordische Gattungen, 1884, p. 42. Sertularella rugosa? Harriaus, Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 122. **$. ramulis simplicibus, cellulis alternantibus, ovalibus, transversim rugoso-plicatis; vesi- culis magius, transversim LO costato-gradatis.” (Original description. ) Trophosome*.—Colony unbranched, attaining a height of about Linch. Stem not fascicled, internodes short, divided by oblique double nodes; hydrothece oval, alternate, distal end trun- cated, provided with six wrinkles in the form of strongly projecting tiers. Gonosome.—Gonangia very large, resembling the hydrothece, oval, ornamented transversely by ten ribs in tiers. Distribution.—* Bai de Ros,” southern Patagonia. I have not seen this species. Judging from the excellent figures given by d’Orbigny, it does not seem likely that it is the same as S. rugosa, as suggested by Kirchenpauer and Hartlaub, the distal extremities of both hydrothece and gonangia being entirely different. Description liberally translated from the original more extended description by d’Orbigny. 82 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. SERTULARELLA RUGOSA (Linnzus). (Plate XVII, figs. 1-5.) Snail-trefoil Coralline Exuts, Essay Nat. Hist. Coral., 1755, p. 26. Sertularia rugosa Linn us, Systema Naturze, 1758, p. 809. Sertularia rugosa Hovurruyn, Natuurlyke Historie, 1761, p. 539. Sertularia rugosa PAuuas, Elenchus Zoophytorum, 1766, p. 126. Sertularia rugosa Lixnxus, Systema Naturie, 12th ed., 1767, p. 1308. Sertularia rugosa Boppagrt, Lyst der Plant-Dieren (Pallas), 1768, p. 157. Sertularia rugosa Mararri, De Plantis Zoophytis, 1776, p. 28. Sertularia rugosa Fasricius, Fauna Greenlandica, 1780, p. 443. Sertularia rugosa Eviis and SoLanper, Nat. Hist. Zooph., 1786, p. 52. Sertularia rugosa WitLKins and Herest, Charakteristik der Thierpflanzen, 1787, p. 164. Sertularia rugosa GMELIN, Systema Naturze (Linnzeus), 1788, p. 3847. Sertularia rugosa Esper, Die Pflanzenthiere in Abbildungen, III, 1788-1830, p. 182. Sertularia rugosa BERKENHOUT, Synop. Nat. Hist. Great Britain, I, 1789, p. 216. Sertularia rugosa Esper, Fortsetzungen der Pflanzenthiere, II, 1794-1806, pl. x1. Sertularia rugosa Bosc, Hist. Nat. des Vers, III, 1802, p. 93. Serlularia rugosa Turton, British Fauna, 1807, p. 213. Sertularia rugosa JAMESON, Cat. Anim. Class Vermes, 1811, p. 564. Sertularia rugosa LAMourovx, Bull. philomatique, 1812, p. 184. NSertularia rugosa OKEN, Lehrbuch der Naturgeschichte, 1815, p. 92. Sertularia rugosa LAMARcK, Hist. Nat. Anim. sans Vert., II, 1816, p. 121. Clytea rugosa LAmMouroux, Hist. Pol. Coral., 1816, p. 208. Sertularia rugosa Stewart, Elements nat. hist. animal King., 1817, p. 442. Sertularia rugosa FLeMinG, British Animals, 1828, p. 542. Sertularia rugosa Bosc, Hist. Nat. des Vers, 1830, p. 108. Campanulaire rugueia DE BUAINVILLE, Manuel d’ Actinologie, 1834, p. 473. Sertularia rugosa LAMARCK, Hist. Nat. Anim. sans Vert., 1856, p. 149. Clytea rugosa TempLeton, London Magazine Nat. Hist., 1836, p. 466. Sertularia rugosa Jounston, Nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb., II, 1837, p. 257. Sertularia rugosa Jounston, Hist. Brit. Zooph., 1838, p. 128. Sertularia rugosa Hassaui, Ann. and Mag., VI, 1841, p. 167. Sertularia rugosa Macatuuivray, Ann. and Mag., IX, 1842, p. 463. Sertularia rugosa Tuompson, Report Brit. Assoc. for 1848, 1844, p. 283. Sertularia rugosa Jounston, Hist. Brit. Zooph., 2d ed., 1847, p. 63. Sertularia rugosa GRAY, Brit. Museum Radiata, 1848, p. 69. Amphitrocha rugosa Stimpson, Invert. Grand Manan, 1853, p. 9. Sertularia rugosa ALDER, Cat. Zooph. Northumb., 1857, p. 23. Sertularia rugosa Hixcxs, Ann. and Mag., 3d ser., VIII, 1861, p. 253. Amphotrocha cincta L. AGasstz, Cont. Nat. Hist. U. §., TV, 1862, p. 356. Sertularia rugosa ALDER, Trans. Tyneside Field Club, V, 1862, p. 289. Amphitrocha rugosa A. AGasstz, North American Acalephie, 1865, p. 146. Sertularia rugosa VAN BENEDEN, Fauna Littorale Belgique, 1866, p. 183. Sertularella rugosa Hixcxs, Brit. Hydroid Zooph., 1868, p. 241. Sertularella rugosa Sars, Bidrag til Kundskaben, 1873, p. 44. Sertularella tenella Scuuuze, Jahresb. Kanon., Kiel, II, 1874, p. 131. Sertularella rugosa McInvosn, Ann. and Mag., 4th ser., XIII, 1874, p. 212. Sertularella rugosa VERRLL, Amer. Journ. Sci. and Arts, VII, 1874, p. 133. Sertularella rugosa VERRILL, Amer. Journ. Sci. and Arts, IX, 1875, p. 48. Sertularella rugosa CLARK, Alaskan Hydroids, 1876, p. 224. Sertularella rugosa MrerEscukowsky, Ann. and Mag., 5th ser., I, 1878, p. 190. Sertularella rugosa Norman, Ann. and Mag., 5th ser., I, 1878, p. 323. Sertularella rugosa Winter, Naturhist. Tidsskrift, 1880, p. 244. Sertularella rugosa KrRcHENPAUER, Nordische Gattungen, 1884, p. 42. Sertularella rugosa SEGERSTED?T, Bihang K. svensk. Vet.-Akad. Handl., XIV, no. 4, 1889, p. 17. Sertularella geniculata MARKTANNER-TURNERETSCHER, Hydroiden des k. k. naturhist. Hofmuseums, 1890, p. 222. Sertularella rugosa Fewkes, Guide to Collector, 1890, p. 88. Sertularella rugosa HoyiE, Proc. Linn. Soc. Zool., XX, 1890, p. 460. Sertularella rugosa LEVINSEN, Vid. Udb., ‘“‘Hauchs’’ Togter, 1893, p. 388. Sertularella rugosa DUERDEN, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., (3) III, 1893, p. 388. Sertularella rugosa HarriAus, ydromedusen Helgolands, 1897, p. 451. THE SERTULARIDA. 83 Sertularella rugosa Crawrorp, Ann. and Mag., 6th ser., XVI, 1895, p. 261. Sertularella rugosa McIntosu, Ann. and Mag., 6th ser., X VI, 1896, p. 401. Sertularella rugosa Nurrinc, Hydroida from Alaska and Puget Sound, 1899, p. 741. Sertularella rugosa BoNNEVin, Norwegian North. Atl. Exped., 1899, p. 77. Sertularella rugosa Harrie, Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, pp. 54, 121, pl. v1, fig. 12. Sertularella rugosa Nurrvina, Hydroids of the Woods Hole Region, 1901, p. 362. Sertularella rugosa Hareirr, American Naturalist, 1901, p. 391. Sertularella saccata Nurrinc, Hydroids Harriman Expedition, 1901, p. 183. Sertularella rugosa WriirrAves, Cat. Marine Invert. eastern Canada, 1901, p. 25. Sertularella rugosa SmMuNpsson, Bidrag til Kundskaben islandske Hydroider, 1902, p. 67. Trophosome.—Colony attaining a height of about three-fourths of an inch. Stem usually unbranched, with several deep annulations on the proximal end, and regular short internodes, each bearing a hydrotheca and usually several annulations; nodes very deeply cut and oblique. Hydrothec not contiguous, barrel-shaped, ornamented with four to six annular rugosities, ending in a short ill-defined square collar; margins square, with four ill-defined teeth and a four-flapped operculum. Gonosome.—Gonangia large, ovate to almost globular, with a number of annular rugosities and a small aperture armed with four ill-defined teeth. Distribution.—New England coast (Verrill); Grand Manan (Stimpson); West Indies (Nutting); Alaska (Clark); Puget Sound (Nutting); British coasts (Hincks); Norway (Sars); North Cape (Sars); Greenland (Levinsen); Denmark (Winther); Iceland (Seemundsson); Sweden (Segerstedt); White Sea (Mereschkowsky); Helgoland (Hartlaub); coast of Belgium (van Beneden). This wide ranging species is quite variable, as would be expected, and the writer has found specimens from our Atlantic coast that agree quite well with his S. saccata from Alaska. SERTULARELLA AREYI, new species. (Plate XVU, fig. 6.) Trophosome.—A fragmentary specimen was all that was secured. It was about one-fourth of an inch high. Stem unbranched, very slender, internodes longer in proportion to their thick- ness than any others of the genus that I have seen, each bearing a hydrotheca near its distal end. Hydrothece barrel-shaped, very distant, margin square with four obscure teeth and a four- flapped operculum; hydrothecal body marked by two yery distinct annular rugosities which divide the body into three nearly equal zones. The surface is further ornamented with distinct longitudinal lines or fine ridges. Gonosome.—Unknown. Distribution.—Dredged near Habana, 100 to 200 fathoms, Bahama Expedition from the State University of lowa. This very distinct and beautiful species I take pleasure in naming after my friend Professor Arey, of Cedar Falls, lowa, one of the members of the expedition that secured the type specimen. Type slide.—Cat. No. 18693. Museum of Natural History, State University of Iowa. SERTULARELLA TENELLA (Alder). (Plate XVIII, figs. 1-2.) Sertularia rugosa (var.) Jonnston, British Zoophytes, 2d ed., 1847, I, p. 64, and fig. ¢, p. 62. Sertularia tenella AupER, Cat. Zooph. Northumb., 1857, p. 23. Sertularia tenella Hincxs, Ann. and Mag., 3dser., VIII, 1861, p. 253. Sertularia tenella Norman, Report British Assoc., 1867, p. 200. Sertularella tenella Htxexs, Brit. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 242. Sertularella tenella Hrxcxs, Ann. and Mag., 4th ser., XIII, 1874, p. 153. ° Sertularella tenella McInrosu, Ann. and Mag., 4th ser., XIII, 1874, p. 212. Sertularella tenella Scuvutze, Nordsee Exped., 1874, p. 131. Sertularella tenella Wixtuer, Naturhist. Tidsskrift (3), XII, 1880, p. 245. Sertularella tenella Kirncuenpaver, Nordische Gattungen, 1884, p. 44. Sertularella tenella SeGersrepr, Bidrag til Kiinnedomen Hydroid faunen, 1889, p. 17. Sertularella tenella Levinsen, Vid. Meddel. Naturhist. Foren., 1892, p. 59. 84 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. ?Sertularella angulosa BALE, Proc. Poyal Soc. New South Wales, 1893, p. 102. Sertularella tenella CRAwrorp, Ann. and Mag., 6th ser., X VI, 1895, p. 261. Sertularella tenella Bonneviz, Norwegian North Atl. Exped., 1899, p. 77. Sertularella tenella Hartiaus, Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 63. Sertularella tenella Hartiave, Hydroiden aus dem Stillem Ocean, 1901, p. 354. Sertularella tenella Torrey, Hydroida of the Pacifie Coast, 1902, p. 64. Trophosome.—Colony small, not reaching a height of more than one-half inch in specimens examined. Main stem slender, strongly geniculate, divided into regular long internodes, each of which bears a hydrotheca. Branches, if present, few, like the main stem, divided into regular internodes, each bearing a hydrotheca. Hydrotheca distant, fusiform, strongly rugose, almost their whole length exserted, aperture square, mounted on a short quadrate collar which has four equal and equidistant teeth; operculum with four flaps. Gonosome.—* Gonangia ovate, slender, ringed transversely, produced above into a short tubular orifice.” * Distribution.— Albatross Station 2333, lat. N. 23° 10’ 36’, long. W. 82° 19’ 12’, 169 fathoms; Albatross Station 2865, lat. N. 48° 12’, long. W. 122° 49’, 40 fathoms; Puget Sound (Hartlaub); California (Torrey); Rio de Janeiro (Rathbun); British Coasts (Hincks); Norwegian Coast (Bonnevie); Greenland (Levinsen). If S. angulosa Bale is a synonym of S. tenella, the range of the species will have to be extended to Australia. I cannot agree with Hartlaub that S. gen/culata Hincks* and 8S. microgena von Lendenfeld* are synonyms of this species. Specimens dredged by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross and off the Alaskan coast are quite typical, as are the fragments collected by Doctor Richard Rathbun off Rio de Janeiro. Type.—In Museum of the Natural History Society, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England. SERTULARELLA ALLMANI Hartlaub. (Plate XVIII, figs. 3-6.) Sertularella unilateralis AutMAN, Ann. and Mag., 4th ser., X VII, 1876, p. 114. Sertularella unilateralis ALLMAN, Phil. Trans. Royal Society, London, V, 1879, p. 282. Sertularia secunda ALLMAN, Challenger Report, The Hydroids, Pt. 2, 1888, pl. xxv, fig. 2. (Explanation of plate.) Sertularia unilateralis ALLMAN, Challenger Report, The Hydroids, Pt. 2, 1888, p. 53. ’ Sertularella allnani Harruaus Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 81. ?Sertularella antarctica Hartiaus, Reyision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 82. Trophosome.—Colony attaining a height of about one-half inch, growing ina dense tuft. Stem slender, much annulated below, divided into fairly regular internodes by deep nodes. Branches alternate, dividing several times into branchlets, the ultimate division being dichoto- mous, lying in two planes, projecting forward, outward, and upward from the stem, divided into regular internodes, each of which usually bears a hydrotheca, or a hydrotheca with a branchlet borne at the side of its base. Hydrothece lying in two planes projecting forward, outward, and upward, so that they appear in side view to be all inserted on one side of the branch. Hence the name *‘ unilateralis.” Wydrothecx flask-shaped, rather small, about the distal one-half of adcau- line wall free, aperture quadrate, margin with four conspicuous slender sharply-pointed teeth, the anterior pair being the longer, and a narrow, even border. Operculum of four flaps. Gonosome.—Gonangia rather large, ovoid to obconical, annulated on upper half and sometimes throughout, aperture rather large, and margin with five or six blunt teeth. Acrocysts present when sexual products are mature. Distribution—Ott Accessible Bay, and Swains Bay, Kerguelen Island (Allman); Tierra del Fuego, Point Stanley (Hartlaub); Straits of Magellan (Hartlaub); A/batross Station 2776, Straits of Magellan. This is a very variable species, and the quite considerable amount of material collected by the United States Fish Commission Steamer A//atross in the Straits of Magellan shows the identity of the species named in the synonymy above. The gonangia are particularly variable, 'Hincks, British Hydroid Zoophytes, 1868, p. 242. * Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 4th ser., XIII, 1874, p. 152. * Proceedings of the Linnzean Society of New South Wales, IX, 1884, p. 416. THE SERTULARID&., 85 especially in the matter of the marginal teeth and the size of the aperture, specimens agreeing with all of the figures given by Allmanand Hartlaub being found in a single colony. The thick- ness of the perisare described by Hartlaub is characteristic of his specimens of S. antarctica (=S. unilateralis Allman) is not mentioned by Ailman and is not apparent in the specimens collected by the A/batross. It is possible that S. antarctica is not the same as S. wnilateralis Allman, but a distinct species. Hartlaub claims that the name Sertularella wnilateralis Allman (1879) must be abandoned. The facts appear to be that Hartlaub (Revision p. 42) changes the name Sertularia unilateral’s Lamouroux (1824) to Sertularella unilateralis (Lamouroux), thus securing the priority of the name for Lamouroux’s species, by a strict application of the A. O. U. Code. It therefore became necessary to give new names to Sertularella unilateralis Allman and Sertularia unilateralis Allman, species which seem to the present writer identical. Type.—I\n South Kensington Museum, London. SERTULARELLA CONTORTA Kirchenpauer. (Plate XVIII, figs. 7-9.) Sertularella contorta KircHENPAUER, Nordische Gattungen, 1884, p. 29. Sertularella protecta HartLaus, Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 79. Sertularella contorta HartLaus, Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 83. Trophosome.—Colony attaining a height of about 3 inches in type specimen. Stem not fascicled, thick, divided into fairly regular internodes each of which bears a branch and hydro- theea, or a hydrotheca alone, internodes much broadened at their distal ends by a shoulder for the support of the hydrotheca; nodes deep and distinct, there being corrugations or constrictions in addition to the regular nodes giving a twisted appearance to the stem and branches. Branches irregularly alternate, flexuose, their bases with several annular constrictions, divided into regular internodes resembling those of the stem. Hydrothece heavy, thick in texture, distal half free and curving outward, margin with a distinct thickened rim and four teeth, the two abcauline ones usually being more pronounced than the adcauline ones. Operculum not seen in specimen described, although Hartlaub figures a four-flapped operculum. Gonosome.—Gonangia large, axillary, oboyate or obconical in outline, or terete as in the type, with a short neck shaped like the frustum of’ a cone, and two prominent teeth in the speci- men figured, without teeth in the one figured by the original describer; strongly annulated throughout in the specimen figured, but smooth in the middle portion as figured by Kirchenpauer. Distribution.—Falkland Island and the Straits LaMarre (Kirchenpauer). The description given aboye is made mainly from a specimen kindly sent me by Professor Leyinsen, labeled ‘* Lamarre Straits,” the locality from which the type specimen was secured. In the trophosome it agrees well with the original description and figure given by Kirchenpauer, but the gonangia are quite different, although there is one gonangium that is much nearer the type than the one figured in this work. The specimen agrees very well with S. protecta Hartlaub, which I therefore regard as 2 synonym. Type.—In the Museum of Leipsic? SERTULARELLA LATA (Bale). (Plate XVIII, fig. 10.) Truiaria lata BALE, Journ. Mierose. Soe., Victoria, 1882, p. 14. . Thuiaria lata Bair, Cat. Australian Hydroid Zoophytes, 1884, p. 120. Thuiaria hyalina AuwMAn, Challenger Report, Hydroida, Pt. 2, 1888, p. 69. Trophosome.—Colony attaining a height of 6 or 8 inches (Bale). Stem fascicled below, not fascicled aboye, where it is thick, divided into regular internodes each of which bears a branch and two hydrotheee on one side and a single hydrotheca on the other. Whole hydrocaulus remarkably translucent and hyaline in structure. Branches alternate, distant, only slightly con- stricted at their origin, divided into regular, usually long internodes. Hydrothece alternate, widely separated by the thickness of the stem, closely approximated, tubular, completely adnate to aperture on adcauline side, not apparently swollen or gibbous below, margin with a delicate $6 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. but evident rim and four inconspicuous equidistant teeth which are sometimes aborted leaving an eyen margin. The remains of an operculum can be seen in some cases, and this is probably composed of four flaps. Gonosome.—Not known. Distribution.—Griffiths Point, Port Stevens, Queen’s Cliff, Victoria (Bale); Station 126, south of Pernambuco, 770 fathoms (Allman). An examination of Allman’s type of Thuwtaria hyalina Allman shows that the species comes well within the genus Sertu/arel/a as used in the present work. The entire structure is very delicate, and the operculum is in no case perfect. In some cases, however, it is partially intact, and is probably composed of four flaps where the four low teeth are present, and of a single thin membrane where the teeth are wanting, leaving a circular margin. Bale’s figures and descrip- tions of Zhuiaria lata Bale apply so completely to the Challenger type of Z: hyalina Allman before me that I have no hesitation in regarding the two as identical. As Bale’s species has the priority, Allman’s 7. Aya//na must be regarded as a synonym. Type.—\n Australian Museum, Sydney. SERTULARELLA ALBIDA Kirchenpauer. (Plate XIX, figs. 1-2.) Sertularella robusta, CLARK, Alaskan Hydroids, 1876, p. 225. Sertularella albida, KincHenpaver, Nordische Gattungen, 1884, p. 42. Sertularella albida, Harruaus, Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 26. Trophosome.—Colony attaining a height of about 2 inches, flabellate in form. Stem not fas- cicled, thick, with several very deep annulations at its proximal end, internodes irregular, tending to be shorter in proximal and longer in distal portion, nodes very deeply cut. Branches flexuose, irregularly alternate, themselves branching, divided into irregular internodes like those of the stem, very broad, resembling those of Zhuéaria. Hydrothece large, closely approxi- mated, alternate, but on account of the thickness of the hydrocaulus appearing to be in two series as in many species of Zhucaria; broadly tubular, immersed to the aperture on abcauline side, distal part bending slightly outward, margin with four teeth. Operculum of four flaps. An intrathecal ridge originates at the bend in the abcauline side and passes downward and inward to about the middle of the hydrotheca. Gonosome.—Gonangia axillary, very large, perhaps the largest found in the genus, ovate, regularly and closely annulated with short tubular neck, and round terminal aperture. Distribution.—Y ukon Harbor, Big Koniushi, Shumagin Islands, 6 to 20 fathoms. Collected by W. H. Dall (Clark). This very striking species has the aspect of a Ziu/aria and would doubtless be placed in that genus were it not for the four-toothed hydrothecal margin and the typical Sertu/arella form of the gonangia. These latter are very large indeed, attaining sometimes a length of nearly a quarter of an inch. The description and figures are from a specimen collected by Dall at Big Koniushi, Shumagin Islands. Type.—In Museum of the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. : ?SERTULARELLA PINNIGERA Hartlaub. (Plate XTX, fig. 3.) Thuaria pinnata AtuMan, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., V, No. 2, 1877, p. 28. Sertularella 2pinnata Harriaun, Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 113. Sertularella pinnigera Harruaun, Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 113. ** Trophosome.—Stem attaining a height of nearly 3 inches, sparingly branched, fascicled below, alternately pinnate, pinne given off at nearly right angles to the stem, jointed at distant and uncertain intervals. Hydrothecxe borne both by stem and pinne, deep cylindrical with obscurely four-toothed margin, adnate to the axis in their whole length. ** Gonosome.—Not known.” Distribution.—Double-headed Shot Key, 3 to 4 fathoms (Allman). THE SERTULARID. 87 There is considerable doubt as to the systematic position of this species. The large and nonretractile hydranth, as represented in Allman’s figure, resembles those of //alec/um, as does also the thick and strongly fascicled stem. The above description is copied entire from Allman. Type.—In Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. SERTULARELLA CYLINDRITHECA (Allman). (Plate XTX, fig. 4.) Sertularia cylindritheca AuttMAN, Challenger Report, Hydroida, Pt. 2, 1888, p. 59. Sertularia cylindritheca Verstuys, Hydraires Calypt. Mer des Antilles, 1899, p. 36. Sertularella cylindritheca Harriaun, Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 77 (part). Trophosome.—Colony attaining a height of about + inches. Stem not fascicled, geniculate, divided into regular internodes, each of which bears a hydrotheca. Branches irregularly alter- nate, themselves sometimes dividing dichotomously and resembling the main stem. Hydrothece large, cylindrical proximally and quadrate in cross section distally, almost entirely free, the adcauline side only being slightly adnate, about twice as long as broad; aperture quadrate, margin armed with four equal and equidistant teeth. Operculum of four flaps. Gonosome.'\—Gonangia borne near the bases of the hydrothecz, pedicel short, body shaped much like the hydrothece, being cylindrical below and quadrate aboye. Distal end with broadly expanded margin, which is quadrate and armed with four large flaring teeth. There are numerous fine annular rugosities running around the whole gonangium, except on the proximal portion. Distribution.—Ott Bahia, Brazil (Allman); West Indies (Versluys); Trinidad, specimen in United States National Museum. Versluys calls attention to the unfortunate name given this species by its original describer, Allman. The hydrothecx are distinctly quadrangular in cross section, except at the base, and hence the name *‘ cy/indritheca” is misleading. Iam indebted to the authorities of the South Kensington Museum fora part of the type collected by the Challenger, from which the accom- panying drawing was made. Type.—In the collection of the South Kensington Museum. Fragment in possession of the author, SERTULARELLA GIGANTEA Mereschkowsky. (Plate XIX, fig. 7.) Sertularella gigantea Merescnkowsky, Ann. and Mag., 5th Ser., I, 1878, p. 330. Trophosome.—** The tolerably flexible stéms spring from the branched hydrorhiza often without ramifying; sometimes they divide at their base into two or three branches, each of which may again ramify once more; the terminal branches are in all cases very long and straight. The hydrothece are evidently alternately arranged upon the angularly bent stem; frequently we observe three or four undulations (ribs) crossing the hydrothece; its form is much elongated, only a little widened at its base; in size it is two or three times the length of the hydrotheca of S. polyzonias. In adult individuals the margins are always furnished with several ledges and an equal number of small opercula placed one above the other. Below each hydrotheca the stem is slightly ringed.” Gonosome.—Unknown. Distribution.—W hite Sea. (Mereschkowsky.) The above description is quoted entire from that of the original describer. _Mereschkowsky believes that this species is the same as S. polyzonias var. gigantea Wincks, a position positively denied by Hincks, who seems to me to have the better of the argument. Hartlaub* considers S. quadricornuta Hincks as a synonym of S. polyzonias, which does not appear from a comparison of the original descriptions of the two. He also considers the S. po/yzonias, found in Alaska and . ‘Description taken from Versluys, reference in synonymy, who was the first to describe it. ? Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 20. 88 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. described by Clark,' as equal to S. gigantea Mereschkowsky. I have this specimen from Dall’s collection from Alaska, and it is a typical S. polyzonias. The size of this species in connection with the very pronounced reduplication of the hydrothecal margins, if constant, as the describer claims, seem suflicient characters to mark it as a distinct species, not identical with S. polyzonias, var. gigantea Hincks or var. robusta Clark. SERTULARELLA DISTANS (Allman). (Plate XIX, 5-6.) Thuiaria distans ALLMAN, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., V, No. 2, 1877, p. 27 Sertularella distans Harruaus, Revision Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 100. Trophosome.—Colony plumose, attaining a height of about 4 inches. Stem not fascicled, not ranaliculated (in specimens examined by me), flexuose, divided into regular internodes each of which bears two hydrothecx and a branch on one side and a single hydrotheca on the other. Branches alternate, distant, nodes very distant or absent, divided from the stem by a deep con- striction. Hydrothecz distant, alternate, immersed to the margin on adcauline side, broadest at margin, gradually narrowing downward, margin with a narrow but distinct border and four very low and inconspicuous teeth; operculum very delicate and hard to interpret, apparently of four flaps. Gonosome.—Not known. Distribution.—Tortugas, shallow water (Allman); Shallow water between Eleuthera and Little Cat Islands (Bahama Expedition from the State University of Iowa); A/batross Station 9324, lat. N. 23° 10’ 25’, long. W. 82° 20’ 24”, 33 fathoms; Station 2353, lat. N. 20° 59’, long. W. 86° 23’, 167 fathoms; Station 2414, lat. N. 25° 4’ 30’, long. W. 82° 59’ 15”, 26 fathoms. Specimens collected by the Expedition from the State University of lowa were compared directly with Allman’s type in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard, and were found to agree. There is no doubt that this species is very near S. /afa (Bale), but the hydrothecz are more distant in S. déstans, and the entire structure is more corneous and much less delicate and hyaline. Type.—In the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. SERTULARELLA AMPHORIFERA Allman. (Plate XX, figs. 1-2.) Sertularella amphorifera ALLMAN, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., V, 1877, p. 22. Sertularella amphorifera CLARKE, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Vv. 1879, p. 246. Sertularella amphorifera Harriavs, Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 23. Trophosome.- , (fragmentary) about one-third inch high, stem not fascicled, flexuose, slender, dichetomouslly branched, divided into v ery long internodes each of which bears a hydro- theca near its distal end. Branches like the stem. Hydrothece tubular, long, gracefully curved, adnate for about their proximal third, margin four-toothed?, reduplicated, or at least the distal parts of the hydrothec are marked by parallel horizontal lines that seem to indicate redupli- cation. Gonosome.—* Gonangia springing each froma point near the base of a hydrotheca; obovate, strongly annulated, rapidly narrowing to its point of attachment and terminating distally i ina conical neck, hich carries on its summit a small circular orifice with everted margin.” (Allman.) Distr ye, a0 Double-headed Shot Key, 471 fathoms (Allman); Lat. N. 25° 33’, long. W. 83° 16’, 101 fathoms, abundant (Clarke); A/datross Station 2354, lat. N. 20° 59’ 30’, long. W. 86° 25’ 33”, LOL fathoms. The fragment from which the above description of the trophosome was taken differs from Allman’s description in having apparently four teeth to the hydrotheca. This may be due, how- ever, to mutilation of the specimen, the hydrothecal margin being apparently worn and perhaps broken. Lupe. oe the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts: ' Alaskan Hydroids, 1876, p. 224. THE SERTULARIDA. 89 SERTULARELLA FUSIFORMIS (Hincks). (Plate XX, figs. 3-4.) Sertularia fusiformis Hrxcxs, Ann, and Mag., 3d ser., VIII, 1861, p. 253. Sertularia fusiformis Norman, Report British Assoc., 36th meeting, 1867, p. 200. Sertularella fusiformis Hixcxs, Brit. Hydroid Zooph., 1868, p. 248. Sertularella fusiformis GRAEFFE, Arb. Zool. Inst., Wien und Triest, V, 1884, p. 356. Sertularella fusiformis Prerer, Zool. Anz., VII, 1884, p. 185. Sertularella fusiformis Carus, Prodromus Faunze Medit., I, 1885, p. 12. Sertularella fusiformis Hoyer, Journ. Linn. Soc., Zool., XX, 1890, p. 460. Sertularella fusiformis Torney, Trans. Biol. Soc. Liverpool, VIII, 1894, p. 7. Sertularella fusiformis Basic, Rad. Jugosl. Ak., CNX XIV, 1898, p. 37. Sertularella fusiformis Harriaus, Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 85. Sertularia fusiformis Wurreaves, Cat. Marine Invert. Eastern Canada, 1901, p. 26. Sertularella fusiformis Torrey, Hydroida of Pacific Coast, 1902, p. 61. Trophosome.—Colony minute, stem slender, slightly zigzag, generally unbranched, annu- lated at the base and below each hydrotheca; hydrothecw alternate, bent in opposite directions, elongate, somewhat flask-shaped, smooth, aperture quadridentate, with an operculum composed of four pieces; each hydrotheca and its internode of a fusiform figure. Gonosome.—Gonangia elongate, slender, tapering above and below, ribbed across, pro- duced at the upper extremity into a short neck and toothed, springing here and there just below a hydrotheca. Height about a quarter of an inch. Distribution.—Devonshire, England (Hincks); Hebrides (Norman); Gulf of St. Lawrence 200 fathoms (Whiteaves); San Francisco, California (Torrey); Mediterranean (Carus); (?) New Zealand, S. simplex Hutton. I have never seen this species and the above description is taken almost entire from the original description by Hincks, the only changes being in the substitution of the words ‘*hydrothece” and ‘* gonangia” for ‘‘ cells” and ‘‘gonothece” and in the addition of the words ‘*trophosome” and ‘* gonosome” to conform to the plan of description of this work. SERTULARELLA SOLITARIA, new species. (Plate XX, figs. 10-11.) Trophosome.—Hydrocaulus a monosiphonic stolon from which spring peduncles which bear hydrothece and have one or two annulations near their middle. Hydrothece radially sym- metrical, long, fusiform, tapering basally where they merge insensibly into the peduncles, and distally to a square neck and quadrate margin which is slightly everted and is produced into four strong equidistant teeth. The entire body of the hydrotheca is strongly and evenly annulated. Operculum of four flaps. The hydranth was seen in one specimen, and what appeared to be opercular muscles were evident. Gonosome.—Not known. Distribution.—Shallow water, between Eleuthera and Little Cat Islands, Bahamas. Dredged by the Bahama Expedition from the State University of Iowa. Found growing asa parasite on Nematophorus grandis. This curious form is placed provisionally in this genus. At first thought one would con- sider it a young specimen of a species belonging to the rigosa group, which as yet had developed but a single hydrotheca. I have, however, not seen any young specimen of any regular sertu- Jarian in which the hydranth and opereulum had been fully formed and in which there was no indication of another hydrotheca or internode springing from the side of the first hydrotheea. If the hydrothece were sessile the species would be very near Allman’s genus Calamphora, which he regards as a campanularian, but which Hartlaub' and the present writer regard as belonging to the genus Sertu/arella on account of the form of the hydrotheca and particularly the margin and operculum. — S. so//tar/a appears to be almost exactly intermediate between the Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 12. 90 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. campanularian and sertularian types, agreeing with the former in the fact that the hydrothece are radially symmetrical and pediculate and with the latter in the structure of the hydrothece and operculum. Were it not for the presence of the hydranths this form could readily be mis- taken for the gonangia of S. fustformds, although the hydrothece are more slender than any representation of the gonangia of S. fus/formis that I have seen. It is, of course, possible that older specimens will demonstrate that the adult colony resembles that of S. fusiformds in the manner of branching, but the hydrothecz are readily distinguished. Type slide.—Cat. No. 18717, Museum of State University of Iowa. SERTULARELLA PICTA (Meyen). (Plate XX, figs. 5-7.) Sertularia picta Mryen, Uber Leuchten des Meeres, 1834, p. 201. Sertularella picta Harriaus, Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 77. Trophosome.—Colony growing in dense masses and attaining a height of 6 to 8 inches. Branches alternate, divided into regular internodes each bearing a hydrotheca and divided by one or two annular constrictions. Hydrothec alternate and axillary. Margin with four small teeth and a small opening, owing to an internal thickening of the perisare near the margin. Gonosome.-—Gonangia alternating with the hydrothece, evenly annulated throughout and with four marginal teeth. Distribution.—On the East Coast of Terra del Fuego and near the Falkland Islands (Meyen); Puerto Toro and Lennox Island (Hartlaub). Hartlaub, who has examined the type, says that Meyen is in error in saying that the gonangia alternate with the hydrothec, and that the presence of the hydrothecal teeth is uncertain. Hartlaub and Kirchenpauer both suggest the identity of this species and S. gaudichaudii Lamouroux.' Type.—In the Berlin Museum. SERTULARELLA MEGASTOMA, new species. (Plate XX, figs. 8-9. ) Trophosome.—Colony rigid, compact, pinnate, the single fragmentary specimen known attaining a height of about 2 inches. Stem fascicled, straight, without evident internodes, color dark brown. Branches regularly alternate, rigid, without evident constrictions at base and without evident internodes. Hydrothec cylindrical or subconoid, outer profile nearly straight, without evident swelling at base, distal two-thirds of adecauline wall free. No noticeable constriction near distal end, margin square with four low but evident teeth. Operculum of four valves. Gonosome.—Gonangia borne on branches, small, oblong-ovoid, regularly and deeply annulated, with a very large quadrate aperture, and without an evident neck. Distribution.— Albatross Station 2353, lat. N. 20° 59’, long. W. 86° 23’, 167 fathoms. This very distinct species has a particularly rigid habit of growth, without the sinuous bends to its stem and branches almost universally found in the genus. The small gonangia are unique in the genus, so far as I know, in the very large size of the quadrate aperture. Type slides.—Cat. Nos. 19765, 19766, U.S.N.M. Cat. No. 18708, Museum State University of Lowa; also in collection of the author. SERTULARELLA POLYZONIAS (Linnzus). (Plate X XJ, figs. 1-2.) kK Great Tooth Coralline Exuts, Essay Nat. Hist. Corallines, 1755, p. 5. Sertularia polyzonias Linnxus, Systema Naturse, 1758, p. 813. Sertularia flexuosa Linn xus, Systema Naturve, 1758, p. 814. Sertularia polyzonias Lixnxus, Fauna Suecica, 1761, p. 541. Sertularia flecuosa Lrxnxus, Fauna Suecica, 1761, p. 542. "See Hartlaub, Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 77, and Kirchenpauer, Nordische Gattungen und Arten, 1884, p. 38. THE SERTULARID®. Sertularia polyzonias Hourruyn, Natuurlyke Historie, XVII, 1761-738, p. 572. Sertularia ericoides Patuas, Elenchus Zoophytorum, 1766, p, 127. Sertularia polyzonias LINNxvs, Systema Naturae, 1767, p. 1312. Sertularia ericoides Bopparrt, in Pallas, Lystder Plant-Dieren, 1768, p. 158. Sertularia polyzonias Forsk At, Descriptiones Animalium, 1775, p. 27 (note). Sertularia ciliata Fasricivs, Fauna Groenlandica, 1780, p. 446. Sertularia polyzonias Cayournt, Fil. Memorie per servire alla storia de Polipi marini, 1785, p. 224. Sertularia polyzonias Exuts and Sotanper, Nat. Hist. Zooph., 1786, p. 37. Sertularia ericoides WiLKiNs and Herest, in Pallas, Charakteristik der Thierpflanzen, 1787, p. 165. Sertularia polyzonias GMELIN, in Linnzeus, Systema Naturve, 1788-93, p. 3856. Sertularia polyzonias Esper, Die Pflanzenthiere in Abbildungen, III, 1788, p. 175. Sertularia polyzonias BerKENHOvT, Synop. nat. hist. Great Britain and Ireland, I, 1789, p. 219. Sertularia polyzonias Outvt, Zoologica Adriatica, 1792, p. 290. Sertwaria polyzonias Esrrr, Fortsetzungen der Pflanzenthiere, II, 1794-1806, pl. vr. Sertularia polyzonias Bosc, Hist. nat. des Vers, III, 1802, p. 100. Sertularia polyzonias Turton, British Fauna, 1807, p. 216. Sertularia polyzonias Berrotont, Rariorum Italize plantarum, 1810, p. 108. Sertularia polyzonias JAMESON, Cat. animals class Vermes, 1811, p. 564. Sertularia polyzonias LaMouroux, Bullet. Soc. philomatique, 1812, p. 184. Sertularia polyzonias SPRENGEL-Cavournt, Abhand. tiber Pflanzen Thiere, 1813, p. 104. Sertularia ericoides OkEN, Lehrb. der Naturgeschichte, Pt. 3, 1815, p. 92. Sertularia polyzonias LAMARcK, Hist. nat. anim. sans Vert., II, 1816, p. 117. Sertularia polyzonias Lamovuroux, Hist. coral flex., 1816, p. 190. Sertularia polyzonias Srewarr, Elements nat. hist. anim. King., II, 1817, p. 447. Sertularia polyzonias Bervoiont, De plantis in itinere ad urben Ravennze, 1819, p. 218. Sertularia polyzonias BerToLont, Specimen zoophytorum Portus Luni, 1819, p. 271. Sertularia polyzonias Goupruss, Handbuch der Zoologie, 1820, p. 88. Sertularia polyzonias BuumMENBACcH, Handb. d. Naturg., 1821, p. 298. Sertularia polyzonias Dette Cuiase, Anim. s. Vert. Nap., IV, 1823, p. 141. Sertularia polyzonias DELonGscuamps, Eneyclop. méth., 1824, p. 681. Sertularia polyzonias Risso, L’ Europe mérid., V, 1826, p. 310. Sertularia polyzonias Benner and vAN Oxtvier, Natuurk. Verh. Holl. Maatsch., 1826, XV, p. 195. Sertularia polyzonias Dette Cuiase, Mem. de Anim. senza Vert., IY, 1828, p. 128. Sertularia polyzonias FLEMING, British Animals, 1828, p. 542. Sertularia polyzonias DE BLAINVILLE, Manuel d’ Actinologie, 1834-1837, p. 480. Sertularia polyzonias TemeLeron, Loudons Mag. Nat. Hist., IX, 18386, p. 468. Sertularia pinnata TempLeron, Loudons Mag. Nat. Hist., IX, 1836, p. 468. Sertularia polyzonias LAMArcK, Hist. Nat. anim. sans Vert., 1836, p. 142. Sertularia polyzonias Jounxston, Trans. Newcastle Soc., IT, 1837, p. 256. Sertularia polyzonias Coven, Cornish Fauna, III, 1838, p. 17. Sertularia ellisii Jouxston, British Zooph., 1838, p. 124. Sertularia ellisii Coucu, Cornish Fauna, ILI, 1838, p. 17. Sertularia polyzonias Tompson, Ann. and Mag., V, 1840, p. 250. Sertularia pinnata Taompson, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., V, 1840, p. 250. Sertularia polyzonias Hassauy, Ann. and Mag., VI, 1841, p. 167. Sertularia pinnata Goutp, Report Inyert. Anim. of Mass., 1841, p. 350. Sertularia ellisii Coucn, Zooph. Cornwall, 1841, p. 6. Sertularia polyzonias Covcn, Zooph. Cornwall, 1841, p. 6. Sertularia polyzonias Trromeson, Report Brit. Assoc. for 1843, 1844, p. 283. Sertularia polyzonias Jounston, Brit. Zooph., 2d ed., 1847, p. 61. Sertularia polyzonias DatyeLrit, Remark. Animals of Scotland, I, 1847, p. 154. Sertularella polyzonias Gray, British Radiata, 1847, p. 68. Sertularia polyzonias Forses, Report 20th Meeting Brit. Assoc., 1850, p. 245. Sertularia polyzonias MarruAnp, Fauna Belgii septemtrionalis, 1851, p. 47. Sertularia polyzonias Strmpson, Marine Invert. Grand Manan, 1853, p. 9. Sertularia polyzonias Mircen, Beskr. af Gronlands, 1857, p. 97. Sertularia polyzonias Sars, Bidrag til Kundskaben, 1857, p. 54. Sertularia polyzonias von Erze., Gronland geograph. und statist. beschrieben, 1860, p. 600. Sertularia polyzonias GREEN, Manual Anim. King., 11, Coelenterata, 1861, p. 95. Sertularia polyzonias Wixexs, Ann. and Mag., 3d ser., VIII, 1861, p. 252. Sertularia polyzonias Auber, Trans. Tyneside Field Club, V, 1862, p. 289. Cotulina polyzonias L. AGAssiz, Cont. Nat. Hist. U.8., TV, 1862, p. 356. Sertularia polyzonias Packarp, Canadian Naturalist, 1863, p. 404. Sertularia polyzonias Grusr, Die Insel Lussen, 1864, p. 149. d1 92 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. Cotulina polyzonias A. AGAssiz, North American Acalephie, 1865, p. 146. Sertularia polyzonias Norman, Report Brit. Assoc., 36th meeting, 1867, p. 200. Sertularia ellisii Norman, Report Brit. Assoc., 36th meeting, 1867, p. 200. Sertularia ellisii HELLER, Zooph. und Echin. Adriatic, 1868, p. 33. Sertularella polyzonias Hixcks, Brit. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 235. Serlularella polyzonias NorMAN, Report Brit. Assoc., 38th meeting, 1869, p. 321. Sertularella polyzonias HerKiorz, Natuur. Hist. van Nederland, 1870, p. 404. Sertularella polyzonias Sars, Norges Hydroider, 1873, p. 44. Sertularella polyzonias ALLMAN, Trans. Zool. Soc., London, VIII, 1873, pp. 469, 471. Sertularella polyzonias Verrivu, Proc. Am. Assn. Ady. Sci., 1873, pp. 353, 356, 359, 364. Sertularella polyzonias McInrosu, Ann. and Mag., 4th ser., XIII, 1874, p. 212. Sertularella polyzonias Scnuuze, Nordsee Exped., 1874, p. 131. Sertularella polyzonias Verritit, Am. Journ. Sci., VII, 1874, pp. 39, 504. Sertularella polyzonias Verrityt, Am. Journ. Sci., X, 1875, p. 48. Sertularella polyzonias NorMAN, Ann. and Mag., 4th ser., XV, 1875, p. 173. Sertularella polyzonias Smira and HarGer, Trans. Conn. Acad., III, 1876, p. 21. Sertularella polyzonias CLark, Alaskan Hydroids, 1876, p. 224. Sertularella simplex Coucutrey, Ann, and Mag., 4th ser., X VII, 1876, p. 27. Sertularella polyzonias AuuMAN, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., V, No. 2, 1877, p. 21. Sertularella polyzonias Merescukowsky, Ann. and Mag., 5th ser., I, 1878, p. 331. Sertularella polyzonias Norman, Ann. and Mag., 5th ser., I, 1878, p. 190. Sertularella simplex StupEr, Arch. fur Naturg., Jahrg. 45., I, 1879, p. 120. Sertularella polyzonias Wixruer, Naturh. Tidsskr., 3d ser., XII, 1880, pp. 243, 276. Sertularella polyzonias Ripuey, Proc. Zool. Soe. London, 1881, p. 101. Sertularella polyzonias Srorm, Norske Selsk. Skr., 1881, p. 20. Sertularella polyzonias Baur, Journ. Microse. Soc. Victoria, 11, 1882, p. 34. Sertularella polyzonias Rarusun, Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., VI, 1883, p. 216. Sertularella polyzonias WrisMaNN, Entstehung der Sexualzellen, 1883, p. 165. Sertularella polyzonias Baie, Cat. Austral. Hydroid Zooph., 1884, p. 104. Sertularella polyzonias Kircuenpaver, Nordische Gattungen, 1884, p. 37. Serlularella polyzonias THaitwitz, Ueber die entwickl. Keimzellen, 1884, p. 426. Sertularella polyzonias Pirrer, Zool. Anz., VII, 1884, p. 185. Sertularella polyzonias Graerre, Arb. Inst. Wien, V, 1884, p. 24. Sertularella polyzonias LYNDENFELD, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, LX, 1885, p. 417. Sertularella polyzonias LENDENFELD, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, X, 1886, p. 478. Sertularella polyzonias Metiy, Report Fauna Liverpool Bay, 1886, p. 108. : Sertularella polyzonias LENDENEELD, Descript. Cat. Austral. Hydromedusve, II, 1887, p. 19. Sertularella polyzonias Prerrer, Jahrb. Anst. Hamburg, VI, 1888, p. 54. Sertularia polyzonias ALLMAN, Challenger Report, Hydroida, Pt. 2, 1888, p. 55. Sertularella impleca AuuMAN, Challenger Report, Hydroida, Pt. 2, 1888, p. 54. Sertularella polyzonias Berencourt, Bullet. Sci. France et Belgique, 1888, p. 107. Sertularella polyzonias Srcersrepr, Bih, Syenska vet. Akad. Zool., XIII, 1889, p. 16. Sertularella polyzonias Bourngr, Journ. Marine Biol. Assoc., 1890, p. 396. Sertularella polyzonias MARKTANNER-TURNERETSCHER, Hydroiden aus dem k. k. naturh. Hofmuseums, 1890, p. 224. Sertularella polyzonias Frwkes, Bull. Essex Inst., X XIII, 1891, p. 38. Sertularella polyzonias Hour, Proc. Royal Dublin Soc., VII, 1892, p. 251. Sertularia polyzonias Prerrer, Deutschen Polar Exped., 1892, p. 519 and p. 567. Serlularclla polyzonias Leyinsex, Meduser, Ctenophorer og Hydroider fra Gronlands Vestkyst, 1892, p. 58. Sertularella polyzonias Lryinsen, Vid. Udb. ‘‘ Hauchs’’ Togter, 18938, p. 388. Sertularella polyzonias Monts, Sitz. Ber. Ak. Berlin, 1893, p. 86. Sertularia polyzonias DurrpEeNn, Proc. Royal Irish Acad, 3d ser., ILI, 1893, p. 145. Sertularella polyzonias Warrtavs, Die Coelenteraten Helgolands, Wiss. Meeresunt., 1894, p. 179. Sertularella polyzonias THornevy, Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., VIII, 1894. Sertularella polyzonias Crawrorp, Ann. and Mag., 6th ser., NIV, 1895, p. 261. Sertularella polyzonias Farquuar, Trans. New Zealand Inst., XX VIII, 1896, p. 463. Sertularella polyzonias Rovuur, Resultats sc. Campagne du Caudan, II, 1896, pp. 301, 733. Sertularella polyzonias Harriaus, Hydromedusen Helgolands, Wis. Meeresuntersuchungen, new ser., I, 1897, p. 451. Sertularella polyzonias Brownn, Irish Naturalist, VI, 1897, p. 246. Sertularella polyzonias DurrpEN, Proc. Dublin Soc., new ser., VIII, 1897, p. 416. Sertularella polyzonias ScuHNEIDER, Zool. Jahrb., X, System., 1898, p. 483. Sertularella polyzonias HitGenporr, Trans. New Zealand Inst., XXX, 1898, p. 210. Sertularella polyzonias BoNNEy18, Norwegian North Atl. Exped., 1899, p. 78. THE SERTULARID®. 93 Sertularella polyzonias ALLEN, Journ. Marine Biol. Assoc., V, 1899, p. 453. Sertularella polyzonias Lo Branco, Mt. Sta. Neapel, XIII, 1899, p. 461. Sertularella polyzonias Berencourt, Trayaux Stat. Zool. Wimereux, VII, 1899, p. 10. Sertularella polyzonias Hartiaus, Wiss. Meeresunt., III, Helgoland, 1899, p. 115. Sertularella polyzonias Rapper, Sammi. Kauk. Mus. Tiflis, 1899, p. 517. Sertularella polyzonias Picrer and Bepor, Hydraires de |’ Hirondelle, 1900, p. 22. Sertularella polyzonias Warriaves, Revision Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 88. Sertularella polyzonias Nuvrinc, Hydroids of Woods Hole Region, 1901, p. 362. Sertularella polyzonias Nurvinc, Hydroids Harriman Exped., 1901, p. 183. Sertularella polyzonias Wuirraves, Cat. Marine Invert. Hastern Canada, 1901, p. 25. Sertularella polyzonias Sxmunpsson, Bidrag til Kundskaben islandske Hydroider, 1902, p. 67. Trophosome.—Colony of exceedingly irregular growth, attaining a height of 4 or 5 inches. Stem not fascicled, slender, flexuose, irregularly branched; nodes very distant and irregular. Branches irregularly alternate, flexuose, themselves often branching profusely, divided into irregular internodes, the tendency being to haye an internode to each hydrotheca. Hydrothecie rather distant, stout; proximal portion somewhat swollen, about the distal half free and with approximately parallel sides; aperture square, margin with four low equidistant teeth; operculum of four flaps. Gonosome.—Gonangia ovate, with four conspicuous horn-like projections around the margin and very deeply rugose throughout, those of the female being much larger than those of the male colonies. When the sexual elements are mature the gonangia are surmounted by globular acrocysts, within which the ova develop into planule. Distribution.—One of the most abundant and widely distributed of the hydroids. New England coasts (Verrill), Bay of Fundy (Stimpson), Gulf of St. Lawrence (Dawson), Alaska (Clark), Strait of Magellan (Hartlaub), Chile (Hartlaub), Greenland (Levinsen), Norway (Sars), Denmark (Winther), Shetland (Norman), Iceland (Semundsson), Great Britain (Hincks), Helgo- land (Hartlaub), Mediterranean (Lo Bianco), Adriatic (Pieper), Azores (Bedot), Australia (Bale), “Cape of Good Hope (Johnston), Red Sea (Kirchenpauer), A/batross Station 2669, lat. N. 31° 09’, ong. W. 79° 33’ 30’, 353 fathoms; Station 2699, lat. N. 45° 04’, long. W. 55° 23’, 72 fathoms; Station 3294, lat. N. 57° 16’ 45”, long. W. 159° 03’ 30”, 30 fathoms; Station 3505, lat. N. 57° 09’, long. W. 168° 17’, 44 fathoms; Station 3511, lat. N. 57° 32’, long. W. 169° 38’, 39 fathoms. This species has frequently been mistaken for S. gay/. It can be distinguished from that species, however, by the fact that it has a nonfascicled stem, a smooth hydrotheca, and stouter gonangia which have four teeth instead of two. SERTULARELLA CLAUSA (Allman). (Plate X XI, figs. 3, 4.) Sertularia clausa ALLMAN, Challenger report, Hydroida, Pt. 2, 1888, p. 54. Sertularella clausa Harruaus, Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 99. Trophosome.—Colony attaining a height of about 1 inch. Stem not fascicled, delicate. sinuous, divided into regular internodes, each of which bears a hydrotheca. Branches irregular, with a tendency to an alternate arrangement, themselves sometimes dichotomously branched, internodes slender and rather long. Hydrothece rather distant, swollen below, exserted,throughout their distal half, narrowing gradually to the margin; margin with four very shallow teeth and with a strong four-flapped operculum, which forms a low pyramid above the hydrothecal aperture. Gonosome.—Not known. Distribution.—Ott Montevideo, lat. S. 87° 17’, long. W. 53° 32’, 600 fathoms. The above description and the figures of this species were taken from a part of Allman’s type specimen, kindly sent me by the authorities of the South Kensington Museum. The depth at which this species was found is exceptional for the genus. The very strong operculum is a feature that one would not expect to find associated with such inconspicuous hydrothecal teeth. Type.—In South Kensington Museum, London. A fragment in the collection of the author. 94 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. SERTULARELLA COMPLEXA, new species. (Plate X_XI, figs. 5-9.) Trophosome.—Colony attaining a height of about 3 inches, exceedingly straggling in habit, the stem and branches being very long and slender, the latter often anastomosing, forming a rude mesh, in which the stem and branches are hardly distinguishable from each other. Stem slightly flexuose in places, divided into regular short internodes, each with a single hydrotheca, or in other places with nodes not perceptible. Branches growing at right angles with the stem, them- selves branched irregularly, often the terminal branches being dichotomous, the distal ends of branches often anastomosing firmly with other branches. Hydrothec fairly distant, quite short, about the distal third free, and much constricted by the leveling off of the adcauline side; margin with four rather low equidistant teeth; operculum four-flapped. Gonosome.—Gonangia borne in rows along the stem and branches, small, regularly oval, with broad, even annulations over the entire surface; aperture round, not elevated on a neck, and sur- rounded at some distance by a series of from three to seven blunt tooth-like points. Distribution.—Albatross Station 2848, lat. N. 58° 56’, long. W. 165° 56’, 45 fathoms; Station 2853, lat. N. 56°, long. W. 154° 20’, 159 fathoms; Station 2858, lat. N. 58° 17’, long. W. 148° 36’, 230 fathoms; Station 3500, lat. N. 56° 02’, long. W. 169° 30’, 121 fathoms. This species occurred quite abundantly in the U. S. Fish Commission steamer 42’, 36 fathoms. This species has an exceedingly thick and coarse annulated stem that at once distinguishes it from any other Ab/etinaria that I have seen. Type.—\n Leipsic Museum. CGonosome. THE SERTULARIDA. 123 ABIETINARIA TURGIDA (Clark). (Plate XXX VII, figs. 1, 2. Thuiaria turgida Cuark, Alaskan Hydroids, 1876, p. 229. Thuiaria turgida WKircuENPAvER, Nordische Gattungen, 1884, p. 21. Thuiaria turgida Nertinc, Hydroids from Alaska and Puget Sound, 1899, p. 741. Thuiaria turgida Nurvinc, Hydroids of the Harriman Expedition, 1901, p. 186. Trophosome.—Colony attaining a height of about 8 inches. Stem rather stout, glazed, divided into short stout regular internodes by oblique nodes, each internode bearing a pair of subopposite hydrotheee. Main branches irregularly alternate and few in number, originating from distal part of stem, constricted near point of attachment, and resembling the main stem in their proximal portion, while distally they give origin to alternate branchlets, one being borne on each internode of the branch. Branches dichotomously dividing, with very long internodes divided by oblique nodes. Hydrothece subopposite, tubular, almost wholly immersed, distal end but slightly constricted, terminating in a round margin pointing obliquely outward and upward; the top of one hydrotheca usually reaching just to the base of the next one above. Operculum of a single flap attached to the adcauline side of margin. Gonosome.—Gonangia large, obleng-oyate, attached to the bases of the branchlets so as to form a densely set double row on the front of the branches. There is a short collar, round terminal aperture, and operculum. Sides of gonangia ornamented with stout longitudinal ridges, three to five in number. Distribution.—Abundant throughout the Alaskan coasts and Aleutian Islands and Bering Sea. All of the specimens known were collected either by Dr. Dall and party (Clark), or the Harriman Alaska Expedition (Nutting). This species is most like A. g/gantea (Clark), but the hydrothece are much smaller and more crowded than in the latter species, and the gonangia are quite different. Type.—tin the collection of the U. 5S. National Museum. ABIETINARIA GIGANTEA (Clark). (Plate XX XVII, figs. 3-5.) Thuiaria gigantea CuarK, Alaskan Hydroids, 1876, p. 280. Thuiaria gigantea Kircuenpaver, Nordische Gattungen, 1884, p. 21. Thuiaria gigantea Nurtinc, Hydroids from Alaska and Puget Sound, 1899, p. 741. Thuiaria gigantea Nurrinc, Hydroids of the Harriman Expedition, 1901, p. 186. Trophosome.—Colony attaining a height of about 8 inches in the largest specimen examined. Stem undivided, with very distant and irregularly placed nodes and two rows of hydrothecve along its entire length. Branches irregularly alternate, constricted at their origins, occasionally bearing one or more branchlets, with no nodes or one or two very distant ones, and bearing close-set rows of hydrothece on opposite sides. Hydrothec very large and stout, immersed almost to their margins, and with a distinct bare space on the internode between the top of one and the bottom of the next one above; margins elliptical, the horizontal axes being the longer, and sinuous on lateral aspect, giving the appearance of a medium blunt tooth above. Operculum with a single adcauline flap. Gonosome.--Gonangia comparatively small, borne in dense double rows along the upper sides of the branches, oblong-ovate, with large terminal round aperture and without collar or longitudinal ridges. ' Distribution.—Alaskan shores and Aleutian Islands, Bering Sea, Hagmeister Island, Akutan Pass, Kyska Harbor (Clark); Orea and Kadiak, Alaska (Nutting); Belkoffsky (Dall); Albatross Station 2864, lat. N. 48° 22’, long. W. 122° 51’, 48 fathoms; Station 3464, lat. N. 48° 14’, long. W. 123° 20’ 40”, 40 fathoms; Station 3546, lat. N. 54° 12’, long. W. 162° 42’, 36 fathoms; Station 3557, lat. N. 57> 04, long. W. 170° 24’, 26 fathoms. In the collection of the U. S. National Museum. YE ype. 124 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. HYDRALLMANIA Hineks (modified). Trophosome.—Hydrothece in groups all on one side of the branches, their bases aligned and closely approximated, their distal ends bent alternately to the right and left. Operculum apparently of a single adcauline flap. Gonosome.—Gonangia oblong-ovoid, without lateral spines or marsupium; aperture large, round. This is a perfectly well marked genus, consisting of a few species that agree in the peculiar position of the hydrothecwe and in the special character of the alternate flexing of their distal ends to right and left when viewed from the front. The only species known at the time preceding Hincks’s great work had been for a long time placed in the genus //imnularia by many authors. The absence of the sarcostyle was sufficient to differentiate it from the family Plumularid, and other characters served to settle its aflinities with the Sertularidee. Since the genus was instituted by Hincks in 1868’ it has been recognized by practically every writer that has discussed it or had occasion to mention the type species. My. Paarmann, who carefully investigated the opercula of this and other Sertularide, found that the operculum consists of a single functional adcauline flap, and that the margin was produced into a stationary ‘Scollar” on the adcauline side. KEY TO THE AMERICAN SPECIES OF THE GENUS HYDRALLMANITA,. Hydrothec:e distinctly flask shaped, distal ends much constricted, aperture round _........------------- franciscand. Hydrothece more nearly tubular, distal ends not distinctly constricted and not round. Each hydrotheca in a group reaching above the middle of the one next above it -....---...--------.--- falcata. Each hydrotheca in a group not attaining the level of the middle of the next one above ........-------- distans. HYDRALLMANIA FALCATA (Linnezus). (Plate XX XVIII, figs. 1-4.) Sickle Coralline Euuis, Essay Nat. Hist. Corallines, 1755, p. 12. Sertularia falcata Linx Xus, Systema Naturie, 1758, p. 810. Sertularia stipulata Linn xus, Systema Naturie, 1758, p. 813. Sertwlaria falcata Linn.xus; Systema Naturve, 1761, p. 541. Sertularia falcata Hourruyn, Natuurlyke Historie, XVII, 1761-1773, p. 546. Sertularia falcata PALuas, Elenchus Zoophytorum, 1766, p. 144. Sertularia falcata Linn xus, Systema Naturee, 12th ed., 1767, p. 1309. Sertularia falcata Bopparrr (Pallas), Lyst der Plant-Dieren, 1768, p. 180. Sertularia falcata Mararri, De Plantis Zoophytis, 1776, p. 30. Sertularia falcata Gronxovivs, Zoophylacium gronovianum, 1781, p. 359. Sertularia falcata Evtis and Sotanper, Nat. Hist. Zooph., 1786, p. 42. Sertularia falcata Wi.kiNs and Herpst (Pallas), Charakteristik der Thierpflanzen, 1787, p. 183. Sertularia falcata GMELIN, Systema Naturve, 13th ed., 1788, p. 3849. Plumularia falcata Esprr, Die Pflanzenthiere in Abbildungen, III, 1788-1830, p. 224. Sertularia falcata BeErKENHOUT, Synops. Nat. Hist. Great Britain, I, 1789, p. 217. Sertularia falcata Esprr, Fortsetzungen der Pflanzenthiere, IT, 1794-1806, pl. 11. Sertularia falcata Bosc, Hist. nat. des Vers, III, 1802, p. 95. Sertularia falcata Turron, British Fauna, 1807, p. 213. Sertularia falcata JAMEson, Cat. Anim. Class Vermes, 1811, p. 564. Pennaria (Sertularia) faleata Oxex, Lehrbuch der Naturgeschichte, 1815, p. 94. Plumularia falcata Lamarck, Hist. nat. des anim. sans Vert., 1816, p. 125. Aglaophenia falcata LAMouroux, Hist. nat. des Polypiers, 1816, p. 174. Sertularia falcata Srewarr, Elements Nat. Hist. Anim. Kingd., II, 1817, p. 443. Sertularia faleata ScuweicGer, Handbuch der Naturgeschichte, 1820, p. 427. Plumularia falcata Furminc, British Animals, 1828, p. 546. Sertularia falcata Bosc, Hist. nat. des Vers, 1830, p. 110. Plumularia falcata Jounston, Trans. Newcastle Society, II, 1832, p. 259. Plumularia faleata pe BLAINVILLE, Manuel ’ Actinologie, 1834, p. 477. ' British Hydroid Zoophytes, 1868, p. 273. THE SERTULARIDA. 125 Sertularia falcata OxeN, Allgemeine Naturgeschichte, 1835, p. 79. Plumularia falcata Lamarck, Hist. nat. des anim. sans Vert., 2d ed., IL, 1836, p. 160 Plumularia faleata Covucu, Cornish Fauna, III, 1838, p. 30. Plumularia faleata Hassati, Ann. and Mag., VI, 1841, p. 169. Plumularia falcata Maceiuuvray, Ann. and Mag., IX, 1842, p. 464. Plumularia falcata HyxpMan, Ann, and Mag., X, 1842, p. 20. Sertularia (Plumularia) fuleata Datyevt, Rare and Remarkable Animals of Scotland, 1847, p. 176. Plumularia falcata Jouxsvon, British Zoophytes, 2d ed., 1847, p. 90. Plumularia faleata Stimpson, Marine Invert. Grand Manan, 184, p. 8. Plunularia falcata Packarp, Canadian Naturalist, Dec., 1863, p. 4. Sertularia falcata A. AGAssiz, North American Acalephie, 1865, p. 144. Plumularia falcata VAN BENEDEN, Fauna littorale de Belgique, 1866, p. 187. Hydrallmania falcata Wixexs, British Hydroid Zoophytes, 1868, p. 273. Hydrallmania falcata Verriii, Invert. Vineyard Sound, 1871-72, p. 408. Hydrallmania falcata G. O, Sars, Bidrag til Kundskaben, 1878, p. 18. Hydrallmania falcata Verriti, Proc, Am. Assn. Ady. Sei., 1873, p. 364. Hydrallmania falcata Scuutze, Nordsee Exped., 1874, p. 182. Hydrallmania faleata McInvosa, Ann. and Mag., 4th Ser., XIII, 1874, p. 214. Hydrallmania faleata Verriti, Amer. Journ. Sci. and Arts, VII, 1874, p. 44. Hydrallmania faleata Wixtuer, Naturhist. Tidsskrift., 1880, p. 251. Hydrallmania faleata Bercu, Goplepolyper fra Kara Havet, 1887, p. 337. Hydrallmania faleata Dretscu, Tektonische Studien, 1890, p. 209. Hydrallmania faleata MARKTANNER-TURNERETSCHER, Hydroiden des k. k. naturhist. Hofmuseums, 1890, p. 255. Hudrallmania falcata Levinsex, Vid. Udb. ‘‘ Hauchs.’’, Togter, 1893, p. 387. Hydrallmania faleata CRAwrorpd, Ann. and Mag., 6th ser., XVI, 1895, p. 261. Hydrallmania falcata Warr aus, HWydromedusen Helgolands, 1897, p. 451. Hydrallmania falcata Boxxeviz, Norwegian North Atlantic Exped., 1899, p. 88. Hydrallmania falcata Nevtinc, Hydroids of the Woods Hole Region, 1901, p. 364. Hydrallmania falcata Harerrr, American Naturalist, 1901, p. 392. THydraltmania falcata Warrcraus, Hydroiden aus dem Stillen Ocean, 1901, p. 355. Hydrallmania falcata Wuiresves, Marine Invert. Eastern Canada, 1901, p. 27. Hydrallmania falcata SemMuNpsson, Bidrag islandske Hydroider, 1902, p. 63. Hydrallmania falcata Torrey, Hydroida of the Pacific Coast, 1902, p. 13. Trophosome. —Colony when typically developed assuming an exceedingly graceful panicled form, and attaining a height of a foot or more. Main stem not fascicled, spirally twisted, desti- tute of hydrothec, divided into irregular internodes, the tendency being to bear a branch to vach internode, but there is an occasional intermediate internode. Branches arranged in a more or less regular spiral, and themselves giving forth regularly alternate branchlets which occupy two planes which meet the branch at nearly a right angle. Branches and branchlets bearing hydrothec and divided into rather irregular internodes, each of which bears a number of hydrothece. Hydrothece tubular, arranged in groups on front of branches and branchlets, their bases in line, their distal portions bending gracefully to the right and left alternately, as viewed from above, the top of one reaching above the middle of the next one above, directed upward and forward as viewed from the side. Aperture oval or lunate, the side of margin nearest stem being flattened; operculum consisting of a single flap. Gonosome.—Gonangia borne usually on distal parts of branches and proximal parts of, branchlets, ovate, with several indistinct longitudinal lines or ribs, ending in a short tubular neck and round aperture. Distribution.—Very abundant in rather shallow water on New England coast; Labrador (Packard); Grand Manan (Stimpson); British coasts (Allman); Belgium (van Beneden); Nor- way (Sars); Helgoland (Hartlaub); Polar Sea (Bergh); Iceland (Seemundsson); Denmark (Winther). Although usually found in shallow water, this species was found at a depth of 1,100 fathoms by the Norwegian North Atlantic Expedition (Bonnevie). 126 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. HYDRALLMANIA DISTANS Nutting. (Plate XXX VII, figs. 5-9.) Hydrallmania falcata Caukins, Hydroids from Puget Sound, 1899, p. 362. Hydrallmania distans Nuvtixc, Hydroids from Alaska and Puget Sound, 1899, p. 746. Hydrallmania distans Harriaus, Hydroiden aus dem Stillen Ocean, 1901, p. 355. Hydrallmania distans Torrey, Hydroida of the Pacific Coast, 1902, p. 70. Trophosome.—Colony of erect, straggling habit, attaining a height of about 6 inches. Stem not fascicled, spirally twisted, slender, wiry, divided into irregular, usually long internodes, the tendency being to have a branch on each internode. Branches distant, spirally inserted in full-grown specimens, irregularly alternate in young specimens, borne on processes from the stem in the axils of which a hydrotheca is often, not always, found; divided into branchlets which are regularly alternate and divided into regular internodes each of which bears three hydrothecz on its anterior or upper face, and a branchlet; branchlets divided into irregular internodes, each of which bears from two to six (usually four) hydrothec on its upper side. Hydrothece tubular, flattened, not noticeably gibbous below, inserted in a line on the upper sides of branches, their distal portions bending gracefully to the right and left alternately, the top of one not reaching to the middle of the one immediately above it; margin much flattened, the corners angulated; aper- ture a much flattened oval or crescent. Operculum of a single abcauline flap. Gonosome.—(Not heretofore described.) Gonangia borne on front of branch, broadly ovate, flattened, with a wide aperture, distinct pedicel, and apparently without the meridional lines seen in //. falcata. Distribution.—Puget Sound (Nutting). Dredged by the Young Naturalists’ Society. Since this species was originally described I have obtained additional material through the kindness of Prof. Treyor Kincaid, and have very carefully compared it with specimens of Hf. falcata from Plymouth, England, with the result of confirming me in the opinion that the dif- ferences pointed out before are quite constant, and that //. d/stans is a good species. The shape of the hydrothece of //. franciscana, as described and figured, is constantly different from that of 77. distuns, being flask-shaped and twice as broad in the gibbous lower portion as at the aper- ture. Buta single gonangium has been found, and it is possible that it may have been flattened artificially, making the figure misleading. Type slides.—Cat. No. 19808, U. S. N. M. Cat. No. 18732, Museum of the State Uni- versity of Iowa; also in the collection of the author. HYDRALLMANIA FRANCISCANA (Trask). (Plate XX XVIII, fig. 10.) Plumularia franciscana Trask, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., I, 1857, p. 113. Plumularia gracilis Murray, Ann. and Mag., 3d ser., V, 1860, p. 251. Sertularia gracilis AGAssiz, North American Acalephie, 1865, p. 145. Hydrallmania franciscana Cuark, Hydroids of Pacific Coast, 1876, p. 260. Hydrallmania franciscana Hartriavs, Hydroiden aus dem Stillen Ocean, 1901, p. 355. Hydrallmania franciscana Torrey, Hydroida of the Pacifie Coast, 1902, p. 13. **Polypodom 6 or 8 inches high, color corneous, alternately branched, the branches pinnated, one branch to each internode of the stem. The pinne rise one above the other, are pointed, and support three cells at each joint. On two specimens four cells have been met with, but may be regarded as an exception rather than otherwise. The pinne are dichotomously branched in adult specimens. Cells laginculate, smooth, free, slightly decumbent; the attachment of the base is marked by a slightly elevated rounded rim; apertures round and smooth.” ‘Bay of San Francisco, among rejectimenta of the beach.” I have not seen this species, and have here inserted the original description. Plumularia gracilis Murray is doubtless the same species as //. franciscana, as Doctor Clark concludes. If the character given by Murray, three cells at each joint, is at all constant, the author can not regard //. franciscana as a synonym of //. falcata, in which the average is THE SERTULARIDA, 127 uniformly much higher. Both Murray and Trask speak of the hydrothecxe being supported by a sort of triangular buttress (Murray), or a slightly elevated rounded rim (Trask).' Murray adds that the gonangia are oblong-oyal. SELAGINOPSIS Allman (modified). Trophosome. Hydrothece arranged in more than two longitudinal series, at least on dista] parts of branches, or in two or more series each of which has the distal ends of the hydrothece turned alternately to the right and left. Operculum of a single abcauline flap. Internodes long or absent. : Gonosome.—Gonangia usually obovate, without internal marsupium or external ornamen- tation.” This definition of the genus is more comprehensive than the original by Allman.* This writer proposed two new genera at the same time, Se/aginopsis to include forms with several rows of hydrothecx set on simple branches, and Pericladiwm to include forms with several rows of hydrothece set on bifurcating ramuli. In 1878 Mereschkowsky, without having seen Allman’s paper, proposed the genus /’/yserias to include sertularians with hydrothece arranged in several rows on the branches, but which are biserial on the stem. Later, but during the same year, he wrote another paper‘ in which he acknowledged the priority of Allman’s generic name Se/agin- opsis, but proposes to include in that genus the forms that Allman put in Pericladium. 45’ 20’, long. W. 75° 38’ 10”, 25 fathoms; Station 2865, lat. N. 48° 12’, long. W. 122° 49’, 40 fathoms. This is a very well-marked species, and the only one of the genus that I have seen with hydrothecx on the process that bears the branches. Type.—In the collection of the U. 5S. National Museum ? SELAGINOPSIS PINASTER (Lepechin). (Plate XX XVIII, fig. 13.) Sertularia pinaster Leprecuin !, Acta Acad. Petropolitanie, 1783, p. 223. Sertularia pinus GMELIN, Systema Naturie, Linnzeus, 1788, p. 3846. Sertularia pinus Bosc, Hist. Nat. des Vers, III, 1802, p. 93. Sertularia pinaster LAmouroux, Hist. des Polypiers, 1816, p. 197. Sertularia pinus KrrcHENPAUvER, Nordische Gattungen, 1884, p. 11. ‘*Danach erheben sich aus krieschenden Wurzelfasern, meist einfache, suweilen unten geteilte cylindrische Stimmehen bis 6 Zool hoch. Sie sind bis gegen die Mitte ihrer Héhe dunkel-braun, 'The name Sertularia pinaster was used for another species, now Diphasia pinaster (Ellis and Solander), and was in general use at the time that Gmelin prepared the thirteenth edition of the Systema Nature (1788). The Sertularia pinaster of Lepechin was not then generally known, and Gmelin retained the name for the Sertularia pinaster of Ellis and Solander, giving a new name, S. pinus, to Lepechin’s species. The law of priority, however, makes it necessary to retain the name Sertularia pinaster for Lepechin’s species. THE SERTULARID®. 129 werden aber nach oben zu heller und sind unregelmassig gefiedert. Die Fiedern sind fidlich, schlaff und mit mehreren, oft 6 Reihen von Hydrotheken besetzt. Diese sind eif6rmig, sind aber oben mit einem vorragenden Hals versehen, auf welchem sich die Mundéffnung befindet. Die Gonotheken sind schlauchartig (utriculares), meistens angeschwollen, fast durchsichtig, haben eine runde, von einem wulstigen Rand umgabene Offnung und sitzen oft zu beiden Seiten der Zweige, dicht gedriingt, fast dachziegelférmig.” Distribution.—Siberian Polar Sea (Lepechin); Sti! Paul’s Island (A. and A. Krause). The identity of this species is doubtful. The foregoing description is quoted entire from Kirchenpauer and is the only good description that I can find. Kirehenpauer bases his descrip- tion on a fragmentary specimen found in the collection made by A. and A. Krause in Bering Sea. His drawing, which I have copied, shows an irregularity in the distribution of hydrothece, which are represented as not in regular vertical series, not found in other species of the genus. Otherwise it would seem likely that S. p/naster and S. cylindrica Clark were identical. It does not seem likely that S. p/naster is the same as Pericladium bidentatum, as suggested by Kirchenpauer, the latter species having well-marked lateral hydrothecal teeth, which are not indicated in Kirchenpauer’s description or drawing of S. p/nus. SELAGINOPSIS TRISERIALIS Mereschkowsky. (Plate XX XIX, figs. 1-2.) Selaginopsis triserialis MEREScHKOWSKY, Ann. and Mag., 5th ser., Il, 1878, p. 435. Selaginopsis triserialis KircHENPAUER, Nordische Gattungen, 1884, p. 14. Sertularia incongrua Torrey, Hydroida of the Pacifie coast, 1902, p. 69. Trophosome.—Colony attaining a height of about 2 inches. Stem straight, with distant and irregular nodes, and two rows of completely immersed hydrothecxe on opposite sides. Branches with a pinnate appearance, but really arranged in an open spiral, borne on short processes from the stem that do not bear hydrothece, with very distant nodes or none. Hydrothece in two rows on proximal portion and in three rows on distal portion of each branch, where they also follow a spiral arrangement, more distant from each other than is common in the genus, there being often a considerable space between successive hydrothece and also between the rows, almost entirely immersed, only a very short moiety of the distal end being free; aperture nearly round, without teeth or noticeable angles; operculum a single adcauline flap. Gonosome.—A single distorted gonangium was present in the specimen described; oblong- oval in shape, with a large terminal aperture. I believe it has not been described before. Distribution.—Kamchatka (M. Kastilsky); San Pedro, California (Torrey); A/batross Station 2908, lat. N. 84° 25’ 25’, long. W. 120° 20’, 31 fathoms. This is the most southern locality for this genus on the Pacific coast. Torrey regards this form as showing an intergradation between Zhuwiaria and Selaginopsis. Several species of Selaginopsis, however, haye but two rows of hydrothece on the proximal part of th» branches, the other rows being intercalated distally. Type.—In the collection of the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. SELAGINOPSIS PLUMIFORMIS, new species. (Plate XXXIX, fig. 3. Trophosome.—Colony branching in a regular symmetrical compound manner, and attaining a height of about 4 inches. Stem regularly geniculate, irregularly annulated in proximal portion, divided into very irregular internodes by distant nodes, with a row of immersed hydrothecx on each side. Primary branches alternate, borne on short processes from the stem, there being three hydrothece on the stem between adjacent processes; a very -short basal internode intervenes between this process and the first hydrotheca of a branch; otherwise there are no regular internodes, the primary branches resembling the main stem in all particulars and bearing a row of immersed hydrothece on each side. Secondary branches regularly alternate, 130 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. borne on processes from the primary branches, not divided into internodes. Hydrothece in four equidistant rows, tubular, larger below, almost completely immersed, margin oval, compressed into angles at the sides, the bottom of one hydrotheca usually being below the level of the top of the one below it. Operculum of a single abcauline flap. Gonosome.— Not known. Distribution.—The only specimen known was found in the United States National Museum collection, labeled lat. N. 60° 22’, long. W. 168° 45’, Lieut. George N. Stoney, U. 5. Navy. This species almost exactly agrees with S. pacifica Mereschkowsky in the shape and disposition of the hydrothece, but differs strikingly in the mode of branching, being the only Sclaginopsis that [have seen with true compound branching in which the stem, primary branches and secondary branches bear the relations to each other that we find in the shaft barb and barbules of a feather. Type slides.—Cat. No. 19816, U.S. N. M. Cat. No. 18740, Museum of the State University of Iowa; also in the collection of the author. SELAGINOPSIS CEDRINA (Linnzus). Sertularia cedrina Linnasus, Systema Naturee, 1758, p. 814. Sertularia cedrina Hourruyn, Natuurlyke Hist., X VII, 1761-73, p. 577. Sertularia cedrina PAuuAs, Elenchus Zoophytorum, 1766, p. 139. Sertularia cedrina LinNxus, Systema Naturze, 1767, p. 1313. Sertuiaria cedrina Bopparrt, Lyst der Plant-Dieren, 1768, p. 173. Sertularia cedrina Wrikrxs and Hergst, Charakteristik der Thierpflanzen, 1787, p. 177. Sertularia cedrina GMELIN, Systema Nature, (Linnaeus), 1788-93, p. 3857. Seriularia cedrina Bosc, Hist. Nat. des Vers, ITI, 1802, IT, p. 100. Nigellastrum (Sertularia) cedrina Oken, Lehrbuch der Naturgeschichte, 1815, p. 93. Sertularia cedrina Lamovuroux, Hist. des Polypiers, 1816, p. 196. Selaginopsis pacifica Merrscukowsky, Ann. and Mag., 5th ser., II, 1878, p. 438. Selaginopsis cedrina KircHENPAUER, Nordische Gattungen, 1884, p. 8. ** Trophosome.—Hydrocaulus slightly curved, divided into regular internodes. Branches arranged alternately on two sides of the principal stem, two pairs on each internode, divided into five internodes, constricted at the point of attachment and at the internodes. Each branch bears one or two, rarely five, secondary branches. Hydrothecve cylindrical, almost entirely immersed in the substance of the axial tube; aperture oval, with two angles (not teeth); hydrothece arranged in four regular series, and at the same time ina spiral, the hydrothecze of each series following one another immediately without leaving any free space or interval. ** (fonosome.—Gonangia arranged in two or three series, of an oval form, narrowing gradu- ally toward the base, and truncate at the apex. The surface is ribbed.” Distribution.—Kamchatka (Linneus); Metschigman Bay (Mereschkowsky); India Point, Bering Sea (Kirchenpauer). I have not seen this species, and have copied the most complete description that I could find, that of Mereschkowsky. Kirchenpauer’ presents such strong evidence that the S. pac/jica of Mereschkowsky is identical with Sertularia cedrina Linneus that I have here conformed to his view. SELAGINOPSIS PINNATA Mereschkowsky. (Plate XX XIX, fig. 6.) Selaginopsis pinnala Mrrrscukowsky, Ann. and Mag., 5th ser., II, 1878, p. 436. Selaginopsis pinnata KircuenPAvurR, Nordische Gattungen, 1884, p. 14. Trophosome.—Colony plumiform, attaining a height of about 6 inches. Stem not fascicled, but very heayy and woody, divided into internodes which are fairly uniform in length on prox- imal portion and less so on distal portion; nodes very deeply cut, each accompanied by two or more regular annulations; stem bearing two opposite rows of hydrothece and two opposite rows of branches. Branches borne on very short processes of the stem, and very deeply constricted at 1Nordische Gattungen und Arten, 1884, pp. 8 and 9. THE SERTULARID A. 131 the proximal node, those on the two sides of the stem apparently not arranged with any reference to each other, being sometimes opposite and sometimes subopposite, subalternate or alternate; no nodes. Hydrothecw in four series forming regular vertical rows, those in a given row being separated by about one-fourth their length, the four series being placed so that not only a vertical but also a spiral arrangement of hydrothece can be traced; individual hydrothece rather short and stout, broader below, with a bracket-shaped chitinous thickening at the bottom, and an oval aperture which sometimes shows slight angles at the sides; operculum a single abcauline flap. Gonosome.—Not known. Distribution.— Port Ajan (M. Wosnessensky); St. Pauls Island, 23 fathoms (Kirchenpauer); Albatross Station 3558, lat. N. 56° 58’, long. W. 170° 09’, 25 fathoms. The specimen from Station 3558 answers quite exactly to the original description of Mereschkowsky, except that the arrangement of the branches seems less regular than his description would indicate. The color of the colony is light brown, lightening on distal parts to a brownish buff. Type.—In the collection of the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. SELAGINOPSIS ORNATA, new species. (Plate XL, figs. 1-3.) Trophosome.—Colony plumose, attaining a height of about 4$ inches. Stem, straight, thick, more attenuated in proximal portion, divided into irregular internodes by usually distant nodes; ceenosare canaliculated. Branches on opposite sides of stem and borne on short and inconspic- uous processes, irregular in disposition, being either opposite or alternate, closely approximated, there being regularly but two hydrothecee between adjacent branches; ccenosare of branches very regularly canaliculated, there being four canals running through each branch, each canal supplying a row of hydrothecee; branches not divided into internodes, but themselves often branching to form terminal branchlets. Hydrothece in four regular and equidistant rows, and also in spirals, cylindrical, almost entirely immersed, nothing but the margins being free; aper- ture oval, nearly round, with shallow lateral teeth and evident sinuations; operculum a single abeauline flap. The top of one hydrotheca does not reach quite to the bottom of the one above. Gonangia borne in rows on front of branches, each being inserted just below the base of an hydrotheca, obconical, long, produced into a rather slender pedicel below, and bearing about eight remarkably long, bifurcated arms or processes above, which curve inward toward each other at their distal ends so as to form a sort of pseudo-marsupium above the body of the gonangium. Distribution.—Albatross Station 2843, lat. N. 53° 56’, long. W. 165° 56’, 45 fathoms. In its trophosome this species is closely allied to 8. p/nnata, from which it differs in the recular arrangement of ccenosarcal canals in the branches and also in having but two hydrothece between adjacent branches. Type slides.—Cat. No. 19814, U.S.N.M. Cat. No. 18738, Museum of the State University of Lowa; also in the collection of the author. Gonosome. SELAGINOPSIS CYLINDRICA (Clark). (Plate XX XIX, figs. 7-8.) Thuiaria cylindrica CuarK, Alaskan Ilydroids, 1876, p. 226. Selaginopsis cylindrica Merescukowsky, Ann. and Mag., 5th ser., II, 1878, p. 445. Selaginopsis cylindrica Kircnenpaver, Nordische Gattungen, 1884, p. 12. Thuiaria cylindrica Murpocn, Expedition to Point Barrow, 1885, p. 166. Selaginopsis cylindrica MARKTANNER-TuRNERETSCHER, Hydroiden Hofmuseums, 1890, p. 243. Selaginopsis cylindrica CaLKins, Some Hydroids from Puget Sound, 1899, p. 362. Selaginopsis cylindrica HWarriaus, Hydroiden aus dem Stillen Ocean, 1901, p. 354. Trophosome.—Colony attaining a height of about 5 inches, plumose. Stem slender basally, enlarging distally, internodes long and irregular, regularly geniculate, a row of hydrothece on 132 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. opposite sides. Branches alternate, borne on short, thick processes from the stem, sometimes unbranched, often dividing once and occasionally bearing regularly alternate branches, as does the stem; nodes very distant or absent. Hydrothece tubular, arranged in four rows on proximal parts of branches and in six (rarely eight) rows on distal parts, closely approximated, entirely immersed, narrowing toward the distal curved portion and ending in a smooth toothless margin and oyal aperture; operculum a single abcauline valve. The number of rows on a branch is suddenly increased from four to six by the intercalation of two new rows between the old ones. Gonosome.—Unknown. Distribution.—-Port Moller, Alaska; Hagmeister Island, Bering Sea; Chirikoff Island, Chiachi Islands (Clark), Puget Sound (Calkins), Bristol Bay, Alaska (collected by C. L. McKay), Arctic Ocean (Murdoch). Depth ranging from the shore line to 17 fathoms. This appears to be a well-marked species, about which there has been little difference of opinion. It is the one most abundant on the North Pacific coast. Type.—In the collection of the U. S. National Museum. SELAGINOPSIS OBSOLETA (Lepechin). (Plate XX XIX, figs. 4, 5; XL, fig. 4.) Sertularia obsoleta Lepecuin, Acta Acad. Petropol., II, 1778, Pt. 2, p. 137. Sertularia obsoleta GMELIN, Systema Naturze (Linnzeus), 1788-1793, p. 3846. Sertularia obsoleta Bosc, Hist. Nat. des Vers, 18038, p. 93. Sertularia obsoleta LAMouRoux, Hist. Polyp. Coralligénes, 1816, p. 197. Polyserias glacialis Mmrescukowsky, Ann. and Mag., 4th ser., XX, 1877, p. 228. Polyserias hincksii MerescHKowsky, Ann. and Mag., 5th ser., ne 1878, p. 337. Selaginopsis hincksti Merescukowsky, Ann. and Mag., 5th ser., II, 1878, p. 444. Selaginopsis obsoleta KiRCHENPAUER, Nordische Gattungen, 1884, p- 10. Trophosome.— .—Colony attaining a height of about 4 inches. Stem thick, slightly geniculate, divided into irregular internodes, the tendency being toward an arrangement in w fen there are two branches to an internode, with an occasional yery deeply cut node, particularly on the distal portion, and also yery shallow annulations that are much more numerous than the real nodes. Branches alternate, closely approximated, springing from short processes from the stem from which they are separated by very deep nodes; otherwise the nodes are almost entirely absent. Hydrothece arranged in six regular series so that they form both vertical rows and spirals, tubular, rather short, broader at the base, and narrowing distally to the smooth margin and oyal aperture; there are no marginal teeth, and the operculum is composed of a single abcauline flap. There is usually a distinct space intervening between the top of one hydrotheca and the bottom of the one immediately above it. **Gonophores in a young state in the form of a reversed cone, just as in P. mérabilis, but generally smaller. In the adult state they retain their conical form, but the cone becomes larger and more elongated; below, it is attached by a short peduncle; above, it is truncate, with the margins much rounded, and furnished with a tube of very inconsiderable length, which is scarcely observable, and much narrower than in the preceding species. The gonothece of this species are never present in such abundance as in p. mirabilis.” Distribution.—Polar Sea (Lepechin); White Sea (Mereschkowsky); St. Pauls Island, Bering Sea, 23 to 25 fathoms (A. and A. Krause); A/batross Station 3508, lat. N. 58° 33’, long. W. 164° 49’, 23 fathoms. Kirchenpauer, who had access to the type specimens of S. obsoleta in the Leipsic Museum, declares that the S. Ainchsii of Mereschkowsky is a synonym of this species. Not haying the material upon which to base a decision, the present writer adopts the position taken by Kirchenpauer, as that writer had the advantage of studying Hepediint type. The above description of the gonosome is quoted entire from Mereschkowsky Type.—In Leipsic Museum. ‘Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 5th ser., I, 1878, p. 337. THE SERTULARID®. 133 SELAGINOPSIS ALTERNITHECA (Levinsen) (Plate XL, figs. 5-7.) Thuiaria alternitheca Levinsen, Vid. Meddel. naturh. Foren., 1892, p. 32. Trophosome. Colony attaining a height of about 5 inches. Stem spirally twisted, very thick and coarse, divided into long and irregular internodes. Branches springing from all sides of the stem, dividing dichotomously sometimes three or four times, making a flabellate structure resembling somewhat the branches of Zhu/arda thuja. Nodes usually absent, except that there is a sharp constriction at the base of each branch and branchlet. Hydrothece very stout, much broader below than above, arranged in two rows on the sides of the flattened branch, each row thus occupying an edge of the branch, the hydrothece of a given row having their distal ends bent alternately to the right and left asin /Zydrall/mania; margin without teeth, aperture round, operculum a single abcauline flap. The top of one hydrotheca rises a little above the base of the one next above. Gonosome.—Gonangia borne on basal portions of branches. elongate oval, abruptly truncated at distal end, with a very broad aperture and no neck. Distribution.—Davis Straits, 100 fathoms (Levinsen). The above description of the main stem and manner of branching is taken from Leyinsen’s account and figures, the remainder being from a specimen (fragmentary) from the type locality kindly sent me by Professor Leyvinsen. The species is a yery well marked one and looks like a double /Tydrallmania. Type slides. —Cat. No, 19809, U.S.N.M.; Cat. No. 18733, Museum of the State University of Iowa; also in the collection of the author. SELAGINOPSIS HARTLAUBI, new species. (Plate XL, fig. 8.) Trophosome.—Colony in type specimen, which is incomplete, about 44 inches high. Stem divided into very long and irregular internodes. Two rows of completely immersed hydrothece, which do not have their distal portions inclined alternately to the right and left, are on opposite sides of the stem. Branches irregularly alternate, not ordinarily dividing into branchlets, internodes long, divided from the yery short processes of the stem by a deep constriction. Hydrothece in four rows, each of which resembles in arrangement those found in //ydrallmania, where the distal ends of the hydrothece are bent alternately to the right and left. Individual hydrothece stout, tubular, completely immersed, with the distal ends much constricted; margin oval, without teeth or angles. The bases of the hydrothecx in a given row are not in alignment, as in (ydrallmania, and in some places the alignment is so disturbed that the effect of eight, instead of four, rows is produced. In places but two rows are visible in looking at a branch from above, and the hydrothecx look is if implanted in pairs, the two of a pair having their distal ends inclined the same way, as in fig. 8. Not known. Distribution.— Albatross Station 3560, lat. N. 56° 40’, long. W. 169° 20’, depth 43 fathoms. This remarkable hydroid bears 2 curious resemblance to what might be called a ‘** four-ply” THydrallmania. The type specimen is much damaged and overgrown with bryozoa, and Gonosome. unfortunately lacks the gonosome. Type slides. —Cat. No. 19812, U.S.N.M.; Cat. No. 18736, Museum of the State University of lowa; also in the collection of the author. SYNTHECIUM Allman (modified). Trophosome.—Branches opposite, nodes regular. Hydrothece opposite or alternate, margins smooth, round, often rimmed or reduplicated. Operculum apparently wanting. Gonosome.—Gonangia springing from the interior of hydrothecre, where they replace hydranths. 134 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. Allman’s original description of this genus was as follows: ** Trophosome.—Hy drocaulus divided into internodes, each internode carrying a pair of opposite sessile hydrothece. ‘* (fonosome.—Gonangia supported on peduncles which spring from the cavity of certain hydrothecx, where they take the place of the hydranth.”' In his Challenger Report, the same writer found reason to modify this definition, at least so far as the trophosome is concerned, as follows: ‘“‘Hydrocaulus divided into detinite internodes, each internode carrying a pair of opposite hydrotheex, or a single hydrotheca which alternates with those of the internodes on each side of it. Hydrothece adnate for a greater or less extent to the internode.”* This genus was recognized by Bale in 1888* and by Marktanner-Turneretscher in 1890,* who institinted the family Syntheciidee for the COLES of the genus. Torrey takes just the opposite view, and considers the genus untenable,® “since it w rencnes from their nearest allies such diverse species as Sertularella alternans and Sertularia campylocarpum, and unites them on the basis of a feature which is chiefly interesting to the physiologist.” When such a character, however, is associated with others, such as the absence of an operculum, the smooth margin, the strictly opposite branches, all in a very detinite group of species, we have a perfectly well-defined generic group. The main point of difficulty with the present writer is to determine whether or not this group is of family ‘ather than generic value, as held by Marktanner- Turneretscher. The basing of genera on single characters is a proceeding that is very likely to lead to error, while the grouping of several characters for generic differentiation is a much safer and logical method. As to the gonosome being chiefly interesting to the physiologist, it must be said that in so far as this character is a morphological feature of great usefulness in classifi- cation, the systematist would be most unwise to relinquish it. KEY TO AMERICAN SPECIES OF THE GENUS SYNTHECIUM. Hydrothecee opposite. Hydrothece tubular, curved in the quadrant of a circle, orifice round. Hach internode of stem bearinp apair on ny drothecte:=a= aa eee see = eee See = ee eee tubithecum. Internodes:olistem -withoutihydrothecre a2) oe so- sees see ees a ee eee eerie ee ae eee rectum. Hydrothecs doubly curved, orifice triangular -----=------- ---.-- 2. == 8 ke marginatum. Hiydrothecseshortiand stout, Geepliy mm mye rse ie ce ne cee mae eee robustum. bivdirgtinecse Altern ate arate te ae a a a el ee ee ea cylindricum POIN OF INTERGRADATION BETWEEN SYNTHECIUM AND OTHER GENERA. With Sertularia, in the strictly opposite hydrothecee and regular internodes. The resem- blance to such species as S. desmoides Torrey is quite close. The gonosome, however, is entirely different. With Sertularella, in alternate hydrothece, as in S. cylindricum. In this case the entire absence of an operculum will serve to identify the genus to which a given species belongs. When the gonosome is present there is no trouble of course. SYNTHECIUM TUBITHECUM (Allman). (Plate XLI, fig. 1.) Sertularia tubitheca ALLMAN, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., V, No. 2, 1877, p. 24. Sertularia tubitheca FewKes, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., VIII, No. 7, 1881. p. 128. Sertularia tubitheca Nurrine, Narrative Bahama Exped., 1895, p. 88. Trophosome.— Colony consisting of a monosiphonie stem with strictly opposite branches, attaining a height of 14 inches. Stem cylindrical, divided into regular, long internodes, each of ‘fanal of i the I Linnzean Society, XII, te p- 265. *Challenger Report, The Hydroida, Pt. , 1888, p: 77. ’ Proceedings of the Linnzean Society of Ne »w South Wales, 2d series, III, 1888, p. 766 4Hydroiden des k. k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums, 1890, p. 248. 5The Hydroida of the Pacific Coast of North America, 1902, p. 62. THE SERTULARID. 135 which bears a pair of branches on its distal end, below which are one or two pairs of hydrothec. Branches opposite, with a constriction at their origin, divided into reyular internodes, each of which bears a pair of hydrothecx near its distal end. Hydrothecx opposite, long, tubular, regu- larly curved so as to form nearly a quadrant of a circle; margin round, flaring, often several times reduplicated, in some cases with quite constantly a single reduplication, as described by Allman. Operculum not evident. Gonosome.—Gonangia springing from the lumen of hydrotheca, oblong-oval, annulated throughout. When examining the type specimens in the Museum of Comparative Zoology the writer found one specimen in which the gonangium was growing from the hydrotheca, and was of characteristic Syntheciwm type. Distribution.—Tortugas, 18 fathoms (Allman); A//atross Station 2311, lat. N. 32° 55’, long. W. 77° 54’, 79 fathoms; Station 2331, lat N. 23° 10’ 31”, long: W. 82° 19’ 55”, 114 fathoms; Station 2410, lat. N. 26° 47’ 30’, long. W. 83° 25’ 15, 28 fathoms; Station 2413, lat. N. 26°, long. W. 82° 57’ 30”, 24 fathoms; Station 2414, lat. N. 25° 04’ 30’, long. W. 82° 59’ 15”, 26 fathoms. Off Barbados, 76 fathoms (Fewkes). The presence of pairs of hydrothecx on the stem seems to be the best character by which this species can be separated from S. rectum. Type.—In the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. SYNTHECIUM RECTUM, new species. (Plate XLI, fig. 2.) Trophosome.—Colony consisting of a monosiphonic stem, with strictly opposite branches attaining a height of about three-fourths of an inch. Stem straight, tubular, exceedingly transparent, with distant and irregular nodes, or none. Branches opposite, originating from a tubular process of the stem, from which a branch springs like a section of a telescope. This feature, however, is not constant. Branches divided into regular internodes, each of which bears a pair of hydrothec on its distal half and does not become noticeably attenuate near its proximal end, branches in many cases forming a right angle with the stem from which they spring. Hydro- thece tubular, cylindrical, regularly curved through a quadrant of a circle, the aperture opening directly outward, not contingent in front, free for more than their distal half; margin entire, sometimes slightly everted, and usually with a distinct narrow rim; nooperculum. There are no hydrothecx on the branch-bearing portion of the stem. Gonosome.—Not known. Distribution.—Dredged near Habana, Cuba, by the Bahama Expedition from the State University of Iowa; Albatross Station 2416, lat. N. 31° 26’, long. W. 77> O7’, 276 fathoms. This species has been compared with Allman’s type of Sertularia tubitheca in the Museum of Comparative Zoology and found to be quite distinct, being much more transparent in structure and not having pairs of hydrothecw regularly distributed on the stem. Type slides.—Cat. No. 19715, U.S.N.M. Cat. No. 18671, Museum of the State University of lowa; also in the collection of the author. ?SYNTHECIUM MARGINATUM (Allman). (Plate XLI, fig. 3.) Sertularia marginata ALLMAN, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., V, No. 2, 1877, p. 23. ** Trophosome.—Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about an inch, simple; internodes elon- gated, attenuated below every pair of hydrothec. Hydrothecee opposite, deep, tubular, free and divergent above for about three-fifths of their height, slightly tumid below, oritice entire, with a broad rim formed by close strive, which run in a circular direction round the distal end of the hydrothecx.” Gonosome.—Not known. Distribution.—Of Florida Reef, 324 fathoms (Allman). 136 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. I have not seen this species and have copied the description of Allman entire. The species evidently belong to the Synthec/um group, and appears to be an exceptionally well-marked form. Type.—I\n the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. SYNTHECIUM ROBUSTUM, new species. (Plate XLI, figs. 4-6.) Trophosome.—Colony attaining a height of 24 inches. Stem not fascicled, straight, without hydrothecx below the proximal branches, hydrothecate above, divided into irregular internodes. Branches strictly opposite and divided into branchlets; main branch straight, giving off pairs of strictly opposite branchlets and bearing as a rule three pairs of hydrothecwe between adjacent branchlets; internodes variable; the most common arrangement being one for each pair of branch- lets, there being two pairs of hydrothecx aboye and one below the branchlets; branchlets straight, with a tendency toward an internode to each pair of hydrothece. Hydrothece tubular, short, stout, extensively immersed, only a small part of the distal adcauline side being free; margin neither constricted nor flaring, and without ornamentation, but sometimes broadly sinuated; aperture round, sometimes subtriangular. No operculum. Gonosome.—Gonangia springing from the interior of hydrothece, terete, heavily annulated, with a very small tubular neck and round aperture. The specimens were dried, and the gonangia greatly distorted, making it necessary to attempt a somewhat uncertain reconstruction in the drawings. Distribution.— Albatross Station 2776, lat. S. 52° 41’, long. W. 69° 55’ 30’, 21 fathoms. This species has shorter and more extensively immersed hydrothecz than any of the others ot the genus thus far described. Type slides.—Cat. No. 19714, U.S.N.M.; Cat. No. 18670, Museum of the State University of Iowa; also in the collection of the author. SYNTHECIUM CYLINDRICUM (Bale). (Plate XLI, fig. 7.) Sertularella cylindrica Bat, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 2d. ser., III, 1888, p. 765. Sertularella cylindrica Harruavs, Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 65. Sertularella halecina Torrey, Hydroida of the Pacifie Coast, 1902, p. 61. ** Hydrocaulus about half an inch in height, simple or slightly branched, divided by oblique joints into internodes of moderate length, each bearing a hydrotheca on its upper part. Hydro- thece adnate nearly half their height, large, stout, cylindrical, smooth, usually somewhat rounded at the base, curved outward; aperture looking outwards and upwards, not contracted, margin entire, very slightly everted, peristome often double or triple. ** Gonosome.—Gonothece (male) arise from within hydrothecxe; long, tubular, somewhat broader than hydrothece, and five or six times as long as broad. A single tubular gonophore.” Distribution.—Port Jackson, Australia (Bale); San Diego Bay, California, 5 to 12 fathoms (Torrey). The description and figures of Sertularela halecina Torrey almost exactly agree with those of S. cylindrica Bale, leaving no room for doubt of the identity of the two species. Hartlaub!' suggests the probable identity of S. cy/indrica and Sertularia integra A\lman.* The original figures of these two species are so different that one is at a loss to imagine why this suggestion was made.* I have not seen this species, and have copied the above description of the trophosome from Bale, and that of the gonosome from Torrey. Type.—I\n the Australian Museum /. ‘Revision der Sertularella-Arten, 1900, p. 65. * Journal of the Linnzean Society, XI, 1874, pl. xin, fig. 4. ANNOTATED BISLIOG RAPIDLY The author has included in the bibliography for this section: First. The works containing original descriptions of the genera of Sertularids, and also those containing original descriptions of species of this family that have been found in American waters. Second. All works containing important discussions of the embryology and morphology of the characteristic features of the Sertularidie. ; Third. All works containing an important systematic discussion of this group. Fourth. All works which contain original and important data concerning the geographical distribution of the Sertularidze. This does not include mere faunal lists, unless they pertain to a geographical region not covered by the other works included in this bibliography, or give a new geographical range for American species of Sertularide. AGAssIz, ALEXANDER. -:------ North American Acalephze. (Illustrated Catalogue of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, No. Il, Cambridge, 1865.) Contains a mention of all North American Sertularidze known at that time, as well as a bibliography of each species. AGASSIZ, LOUIS'..2--2-=---2-< Contributions to the Natural History of the United States of America. Second Mono- graph, IV, Boston, 1862. Contains a beautifully illustrated study of S. pumila and a complete bibliog- raphy of the Hydroida. ALpER, JosHUA....-.-.------A Catalogue of the Zoophytes of Northumberland and Durham. (Transactions of the Tyne-Side Naturalists’ Field Club, Neweastle-on-Tyne, III, 1857, p. 1.) Contains the original descriptions of Sertularella tricuspidata and Sertularella tenella. The same species, together with the same plates, were described and figured the preceding year in the Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 2d series, XVIII, pp. 856-357, in a paper entitled A Notice of some new genera and species of British Hydroid Zoophytes, by Joshua Alder, esq. ALLMAN, GrorGe J...-..---.A Monograph of the Gymnoblastic or Tubularian Hydroids. In two parts. Part I, The Hydroida in General. (Ray Society, London, 1871, pp. 1-231.) Contains a good account of the development of Diphasia rosacea and Sertularia pumila, ALLMAN, GEORGE J...-.---.- Diagnosis of New Genera and Species of Hydroids. (Read December 17, 1874.) (Journal of the Linnzean Society, Zoology, XII, p. 251.) Original descriptions of the genera Synthecium and Selaginopsis and of Sertular- ella episcopus. ALLMAN, GEORGE J._.--.---- Descriptions of some New Species of Hydroida from Kerguelen Island. (Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 4th series, X VII, 1876, p. 113). Contains the original description of Sertularella unilateralis. ALLMAN, GEORGE J_--------- Report on the Hydroida collected during the Exploration of the Gulf Stream by L. F. de Pourtales, assistant, United States Coast Survey. (Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, V, No. 2, Cambridge, 1877.) Contains original descriptions of Sertularella conica, S. amphorifera, Synthecium marginatum, S. tubitheca, Sertularia tumida, S. exiqgua, S. rathbuni (under name of Thwiaria sertularioides), S. pourtalesi (under name of Sertularia distans), Thuiaria plumulifera, and Sertularella distans. ALLMAN, GEORGE J.--------- Description of Australian, Cape, and other Hydroids, mostly new, from the Collection of Miss H. Gatty. Read March 19, 1885. (Journal of the Linnzan Society: Zoology, XIX, p. 182.) Original description of the genus Thecocladium, and of Sertularella margaritacea, S. diffusa, and Thuiaria ramosissima. 137 138 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. ALLMAN, GrorGE J....-..---The voyage of H. M.S. Challenger. Zoology. Report on the Hydroida dredged by Hi. M. 8. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Part Il. The Tubularinz, Cory- morphine, Campanularinie, Sertularinse, and Thalamophora. 1888. Original descriptions of the genera Stawrotheca and Dictyocladium, and of Sertu- larella filiformis, S. elausa, S. catena, S. cylindritheca, S. quadrifida (under name of Thuiaria quadridens), Sertularia challengeri (ander name of Desmoscyphus jpectina- tus), Sertularia versluysi (ander name of Desmoscyphus gracilis). Bane WiiMie=2-sescesre sce On the Ilydroida of Southeastern Australia, with descriptions of supposed new species, and notes on the genus Aglaophenia. Melbourne, 1881. (Journal of the Micro- scopical Society of Victoria, II, p. 1) Valuable as recording occurrence in Australia of a few American forms. BAGE, AW Wee see ena aiee Catalogue of the Australian Hydroid Zoophytes. Sydney, 1884. Contains good systematic discussions, and descriptions of Sertularidee. BAUEY Wie M ooo ee secs ee 8 ace Some new and rare Hydroida in the Australian Museum Collection. (Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 2d series, III, June 27, 1888, p. 745.) Contains original description of Syntheciun eylindricum. Bepor, Maurice, and Picrer, Résultats des Campagnes Scientifiques accomplies sur son Yacht par Albert Ter, Prince CAMILLE. Souverain de Monaco. Fascicule XVIII. Hydraires provenant des campagnes de Hirondelle. 1886-1888. Monaco. 1900. Unriyaled as a perfect sample of illustration and of bookmaking, so far as the literature of the Hydroids is concerned. IBERGH WIRE Sisssssee sous seeee Goplepolyper (Hydroider) fra Kara Havet. 1887, p. 331. (The serial in which this was published is not indicated in the copy in possession of the author.) Extends the known distribution of several sertularians to the Arctic Sea. Bonnevir, Kristine .-------- The Norwegian North Atlantic Expedition, 1876-1878. Zoology. Hydroida. Chris- tiania, 1899. A yaluable work, especially in adding to our knowledge of both the geograph- ical and bathymetric distribution of several sertularians. @AuKINSs Gary Nieooesseocee Some Hydroids from Puget Sound. (Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, XXVIII, No. 13, January, 1899, p. 333.) Extends known range of several species of Sertularide. @UARKHS SBp pees tos eee tee Report on the Hydroids collected on the coast of Alaska and the Alcutian Islands by W. H. Dall, U.S. Coast Survey, and Party, from 1871 to 1874 inclusive. (Proceed- ings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1876, p. 209.) An important paper containing original descriptions of Thuiaria dalli (under name of Sertularia cupressoides), Abietinaria variabilis, A. inconstans, Thwiaria thuia- rioides, T. robusta, T. plumosa, Abietinaria turgida, A. gigantea, Sertulareila pinnata. It also extends the known geographical distribution of a number of well-known species of Sertularidee. GiARK AS coe = Slosescce ss The Hydroids of the Pacific Coast of the United States, south of Vancouver Island. With a Report upon those in the Museum of Yale College. (Transactions of the Connecticut Academy, III, 1876, p. 249.) Gives a list of seven species of sertularians, some of which had not been before reported from the Pacific coast. GuARK RSs) ee een ee eee Report on the Hydroida collected during the Exploration of the Gulf Stream and Gulf of Mexico by Alexander Agassiz, 1877-78. (Bulletin of the Museum of Com- parative Zoology, V, No. 10, 1879, p. 239.) Extends known range of Sertularia cornicina (under name of S. complexa) and of several other sertularians. CUABERE, |S: Mico e cee Recess Reports on the Dredging Operations off the West Coast of Central America to the Gala- pagos, to the West Coast of Mexico, and in the Gulf of California, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, carried on by the U.S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross during 1891, Lieut. Commander Z. L. Tanner, U. 8S. Navy, commanding. XI. The Hydroids. (Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, XX V, 1894, p 71.) Original description of Sertularella tropica (under name of Sertularia variabilis). CouGuTrey, MILLEN.-------- Critical Notes on the New Zealand Hydroida, Suborder Thecophora. (Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 4th series, X VII, 1876, p. 22. Finds Sertularia pumila in New Zealand. IDRIESCH) VANS o2 22 -e= oa == Tektonische Studien an Hydroidpolyper, Jena, 1890, p. 189. Discusses the mode of branching and the order of succession of the persons of the hydroid colony. 'When both the generic and specific names have been changed, the original name is given. Where the generic name only has been changed, the original name is not given. THE SERTULARID®. 139 DURBAN, WS. MM ....--...- The Zoology of Barents Sea. (Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 5th series, VI, 1880, p. 253.) Adds several species of hydroids to those known to occur in the Arctic Ocean. Exus, JoHn ...--.-------.--An Essay toward a Natural History of the Corallines, and other Marine Productions of the like Kind, Commonly found On the Coasts of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1755. A monumental work, giving original descriptions of a number of species, but under English names, the binomial system not having at that time been adopted. Ex.is, Jonn, and Soutanper,.-The Natural History of many curious and uncommon Zoophytes, collected from various DANIEL _ parts of the globe by the late John Ellis, esq., F. R. 8. London, 1786. In this work the species described in the preceding, and others, receive their binomial designations. Linnzeus had, in the meantime, however, applied these binomials, and so receives the credit of being the original describer according to our present system. The work contains strictly original descriptions of Thuiaria lonchitis, Abietinaria filicula, and Pasythea quadridentata. Fasricius, OTHO ..--.------- Fauna Groenlandica Systematica sistens Animaliw, MDCCLXXX. Contains the earliest report regarding the occurrence of some of the sertula- rians in Greenland. Frwres, J: WALTER-...-...- Reports on the Results of Dredging under the Supervision of Alexander Agassiz in the Caribbean Sea, in 1878, 1879, and along the Atlantic Coast of the United States, during the Summer of 1880, by the U. 8. Coast Survey Steamer ‘‘ Blake,’’ Com- mander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., commanding. Report on the Acalephze. (Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, VIII, No. 7, 1881, p.127.) Contains the original description of Sertularella formosa. Fewkes, J. WAuTER.-.---.-.An aid to the Collector of the Ccelenterata and Echinodermata of New England. (Bulletin of the Essex Institute, X XIII, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 1891, p. 1.) Designed for popular use. OHE HS ih eas Mea rca On the Morphology of the Reproductive System of the Sertularian Zoophytes, ete. (Annals and Magazine of Natural History, XIV, 1844, p. 385.) Interesting as ascientific curiosity, The writer discusses the analogies between the reproductive systems of plants and hydroids. Gou.p, Aucustus A .-....--.A report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts, comprising the Mollusca, Crustacea, Annelida, and Radiata. Cambridge, 1841. Reports Sertularia pinnata Pallas. Gray. Joun Epwarp-.-.----- List of the Specimens of British Animals of the Collections of the British Museum. Part I, Radiated Animals. London, 1847. Contains the original description of the genus Sertularella. HUAMANNS @©Tro 2222222225522 Der Organismus der Hydroidpolypen. (Separat-Abdruck aus der Jenaischen Zeit- schrift fiir Naturwissenschaft, XV, New Series VIII, Jena, 1882, pp. 1-72.) A general morphological discussion of the Hydroida. Hareitt, CHarues W ..---.-- Synopses of North American Invertebrates. XIV. The Hydromedusie. Part II, p. 379. (American Naturalist, XX XV, 1901.) A compilation. Useful in determining the common species of the New Eng- : land coast, but far from complete. HARTLAUB, CLEMENS....-.--- Die Hydromedusen Helgolands. 2. Bericht. (Beitriige zur Meeres-Fauna yon Helgo- lands. X. Wissenschaftiche Meeresuntersuchungen herausgegeben yon der Kom- mission zur Untersuchung der deutschen Meere in Kiel und der biologischen Anstalt auf Helgoland, n. f., IJ, Heft. 1, Abth. 2.) 1897. A valuable work, but containing little of interest concerning the Sertularidz, except a small faunal list. HAarrLauB, CLEMENS. -.-.------ Revision der Sertularella-Arten, (Sonder-Abdruck aus Band X VI. der Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften. Herausgegeben yon Naturwissen- schaftlichen Verein, Hamburg, 1901. . Reprinted from a separate dated 1900. ) A work of the highest rank. No original descriptions, but new names are given in three cases, Sertularella quadrifida (for Thuiaria quadridens Allman), Sertularella allmani (for Sertularia wnilateralis Allman), and 8S. tropica (for S. variabilis Clarke). The work contains an excellent systematic discussion, extensive tables of synonymy, and complete record of the known geographical and bathymetric distribution of the genus. HARTLAUB, CLEMENS...------ IHydroiden aus dem Stillen Ocean. Ergebnisse einer Reise nach dem Pacific (Schauins- land, 1896-98). (Zoologische Jahrbiicher: Abtheilung fiir Systematik, Geographie, und Biologie der Thiere. Jena, May 31, 1901, p. 349.) Largely a compilation. Contains the original description of Sertularella nana. 140 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. Ennpmr: (CAM 222¢5b2-sssse -Die Zoophyten und Echinodermen der adriatischen Meeres. (Herausgegeben yon der k. k. zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft. Wien, 1868.) Interesting, on account of geographical distribution of some well-known ser- tularians. Ines; THOM Ase: sas5e== A Catalogue of the Zoophytes of South Devon and South Cornwall. (Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 3d series, VIII, 1861, p. 251.) Contains the original description of Sertularclla fusiformis. Hincgs, Toomas H.--------- A History of the British Hydroid Zoophytes, London, 1868. A very important work. Original description of the genus Hydrallmania. ELINGES OMA S ee eee On Deep-water Hydroida from Iceland. (Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 4th series, XIII, 1874, p. 146.) Contains the original description of Sertularella geniculata. JOHNSTON, GEORGE .----. ---- A History of the British Zoophytes, 2d ed., London, 1847. One of the British classics. KIRCHENPAUER, G. H__..---- Neue Sertulariden aus verschiedenen Hamburgischen Sammlungen, nebst allgemeinen Bemerkungen tiber Lamouroux’s Gattung Dynamena. Dresden, 1864. A systematic discussion of Sertularia and Dynamena. Excellent figures. KirRcHENPAUER, G. H _.------ Nordische Gattungen und Arten von Sertulariden; (Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften herausgegeben yon Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein in Hamburg. VIII, Pt. 3, 1884.) Contains descriptions of many sertularians. Proposes the genus Abietinaria. Original description of Thuiaria elegans, T. annulata, Sertularella contorta, S. albida, S. subdichotoma, S. sieboldi. Lamarck, J. B. P. A. de.---- Histoire naturelle des animaux sans yertébres. 2nd edition, 1836. A classic work. Restricts the genus Sertularia by setting off the genera Antennularia and Plumularia. LAmouroux, J. V. F..-----=- Extrait d’un mémoire sur la classification des Polypes coralligénes non entiérement pierreux (Nouveau Bulletin des Sciences par la Société philomatique de Paris, 111). Paris, 1812. An important paper. Defines Dynamena, Sertularia, and Pasythea, and sets aside the Campanularians and Plumularians from the Sertularidee. IL/WiteRoiDs., di, Why JP eese- 2 oe Histoire des Polypiers coralligénes flexibles vulgairement nommés Zoophytes. Caen, 1816. Contains descriptions of all sertularians known at that time. No new species. A good bibliography. Lamouroux, J. V. F...-.---- Exposition méthodique des Genres de l’ordre des Polypiers, avec leur description et celle des principales espéces, figurées dans 84 planches, ete. Paris, 1821. Original description of Sertularella gayi. LENDENFELD, R. VON..------- The Australian Hydromedusze. (Proceedings of the Linnzean Society, New South Wales IX, X. 1884-5, pp. 206-241, 401-420). Contains an elaborate systematic discussion of the Hydroida, and reports some specie found in American waters. Lryinsen, G. M. R. ---------Meduser, Ctenophorer og Hydroider fra Gronlands Vestkyst telligemed Bemzerkninger om Hydroidernes Systematik. (Saertryk af Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra der naturhistoriske Forening, 1892. Kjobenhayn, 1892, p. 1.) A yery valuable paper, especially in its masterly systematic discussions and investigations concerning the operculum. Contains original description of Thuiaria fabricti and Selaginopsis alternitheca. IE VINSEN]) Gees Reese eeee Om Fornyelsen af Ernzeringsindividerne hos Hydroiderne. (Same publication as above, 1892, p. 12.) Another paper containing a discussion of the operculum, and also of the reduplication of the hydrothecal margin. Systema Naturze per Regna Tria Naturee secundum Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, cum characteribus Differentiis, Synonymis, Locis. 10th edition, 1758. Our present nomenclature being based on the system of Linnzeus, this work is an indispensable classic. It contains the original binomial descriptions of the following species: s of sertularians that are also Sertularia pumila, S. operculata, Diphasia rosacea, D. tamarisca, Thuiaria cupressina, T. argentea, T. thiyja, Hydrallmania falcata, Abictinaria abietina, Sertularella rugosa, S. polyzonias, and Selaginopsis cedrina. Mc@rrsny, JOHN ..-------- Gymnophthalmata of Charleston Harbor. (Proceedings of the Elliott Society, I No. 1, 1858, p. 103.) An American classic. Original description of Sertularia cornicina. ’ THE SERTULARID®. 141 MARKTANNER-TURNERET- Die Hydroiden des k. k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. (Annalen des k. k. natur- SCHER, GOTTLIEB. historischen Hofmuseums, V, Pt. 2, 1890, p. 195.) An important work, especially in its systematic discussions. Proposes the genera Calyptothuiaria and Monopoma that are not adopted in this work. Contains a good bibliography, and original descriptions of Sertularia tubuliformis and Sertu- larella magellanica. Merescokowsky, © ..------- New Hydroida from Ochotsk, Kamtschatka, and other parts of the North Pacific Ocean. (Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 5th series, IT, 1878, p. 433.) A comprehensive treatment of Selaginopsis. Original descriptionsof S. (riserialis, S. pinnata, Abietinaria compressa, and Sertularella clarkii. MEVENG Bowie MioS 52... t2's Beitrige zur Zoologie, gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde. Kaiserliche Leo- poldino-Carolinische deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher, X VII, 1835, pp. 1-125. Contains the original description of Sertularella picta. MuRRAY, ANDREW...--...--.. Descriptions of new Sertularidse from the Californian Coast. (Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 3d series, V, 1860, p. 250.) : Original description of Sertularella greenei (ander name of Sertularia tricuspida) and Diphasia corniculata. NORMAN AA: IM Ser fo 2.2258 Note on Selaginopsis (=Polyserias hincksii, Mereschkowsky) and on the circumpolar distribution of certain Hydrozoa. (Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 5th series, I, 1878, p. 189.) ; Contents denoted by title. Nursing iO G25. soe dckes Bahama Expedition. (Bulletins from the Laboratories of Natural History of the State University of Towa, III, Nos. 1 and 2, 1895.) Original description of Sertularella quadrata. NUDDING: (Ci Oi: se ae- 5 sek Hydroida from Alaska and Puget Sound. (Proceedings of the U.S. National Museum, XXI, No. 1171, 1899, p. 741). Original description of JZydrallmania distans. Discusses geographical distribu- tion. INGERINGE Cite. seen SE The Hydroids of the Woods Hole Region. (Bulletin of the U. 8. Fish Commission for 1899. 1901, p. 325.) Serves for identification of sertularians of the region. INDORINGS OnG 2 fase see ees Papers from the Harriman Alaska Expedition, X XI, The Hydroids. (Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences, III, pp. 157-216, May, 1901.) Discusses faunal regions of North Pacific Coast, and circumpolar distribution. Original descriptions of Abietinaria coei, Diphasia kincaidi (under name of Thuiaria elegans), and Abietinaria costata. D’ORrBIGNY, ALCIDE.-..-. ---- Voyage dans Amérique Méridionale, exécuté pendant les années 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, et 1833, V, Pt. 4: Zoophytes, Paris, 1839 et 1846. Original descriptions of Sertularia pulchella, Sertularella patagonica, and S. milneana. Excellent figures. PAGKARD SA. S:,j00 -22s2.55 =o A List of Animals dredged near Caribou Island, Southern Labrador, during July and August, 1860. (Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, December, 1863. ) Indicates new range for some well-known species. Szamunpsson, B.. -..-.--.-- Bidrag til Kundskaben om de Islandske Hydroider, 1902. Valuable on account of data regarding geographical distribution. ENGR (Oty (0 5 ee es Bidrag til Kundskaben om Norges Hydroider. (Seerskilt aftrykt af Videnskabelige- Selskabets Forhandlinger for 1873, p. 1.) Contains valuable data on distribution, and the original description of Thuiaria tenera, ScHNEIDER, Karu Camitto-..Hydropolypen von Rovigno, nebst Uebersicht tiber das System der Hydropolypen im Allgemeinen. (Zoologische Jahrbiicher, Abtheilung fiir Systematik, X, 1897, p. 472.) 2 Contains a good systematic discussion of the relationship of the families of Hydroida, and the genera of the Sertularid:e. Scuuize, Franz Ertnarp ..-Nordsee Expedition, 1872, III, Ccelenteraten, 1874, p. 121. Contains extensive tables showing geographical and bathymetric distribution. Stimpson, WILLIAM....--.-.- Synopsis of the Marine Invertebrata of Grand Manan, or the region about the Mouth of the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick. (Smithsonian Contributions to Knowl- edge, VI, Article V, 1854.) Contains original descriptions (without figures) of Thuiaria latiuscula, and “Sertularia producta’’ which seems to be a synonym of Diphasia tamarisca, THALLWITZ, JOMANNES ..---..Ueber die Entwicklung der Mannlichen Keimzellen bei den Hydroiden. (Jenaische Zeitschrift, XVIII, 1885, p. 385.) Discusses the origin of the spermatozoa in Sertularella polyzonias. 142 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. Tuompson, D’Arcy W.-...-- On some new and rare Hydroid Zoophytes (Sertulariidze and Thuiariidee) from Aus- tralia and New Zealand. (Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 5th series, II, 1879, p. 97.) Describes the only known Selaginopsis from the Southern Hemisphere. Tuornety, Laura Roscon....The Hydroid Zoophytes collected by Doctor Willey in the Southern Seas. (Reprinted from A. Willey’s Zoological Results, Part IV, p. 456. Cambridge University Press, 1899. ) Gives new record for Sertularia pumila and Pasythea quadridentata. Torrey, Harry BEan_----.-- The Hydroida of the Pacific Coast of North America. (University of California Publi- cations, Zoology I, pp. 1-104. November, 1902.) An important work, containing discussion of geographical distribution on the Pacific coast, and original descriptions of Sertularella dentifera, Sertularia desmoides, and .Abietinaria traski. VARENNE, ANDRE DE--------- Recherches sur la Reproduction des Polypes Hydraires. (Archives de Zoologie expéri- mentale et générale, X, Paris, 1882, pp. 1-100.) Includes an account of the embryology of Sertularia pumila. Verriut, A. E., and Report upon the Invertebrate Animals of Vineyard Sound and Adjacent Waters, Smrru, 8. I. with an Account of the Physical Characters of the Region. (Report of the Gom- missioner of Fish and Fisheries, 1871-72, pp. 295-478. ) A yaluable work, giving the habitat and local distribution of many sertula- rians. Warm, eA Boe sen eho e Preliminary Check-list of the Marine Invertebrata of the Atlantic Coast, from Cape Cod to the Gulf of St. Lawrence. (Prepared for the U. 8. Commission of Fish and Fisheries, 1879. Author’s edition, New Haven, June, 1879, pp. 1-32.) Contains a list of 20 species of sertularians, many of which are first reported in America in numerous short papers by the same author. VERSLUYS, J. JUNE -.--..- --Hydraires Calyptoblastes recueillis dans la Mer des Antilles pendant l’une des Choisiéres accomplis par le Comte R. de Dalmas sur son yacht Chazalie. (Mémoires de la Société zoologique de France, XII, Pt. 1, p. 29, Paris, 1899.) Contains the original description of Sertularia brevicyathus. WEISMANN, AuUGUST.._-..---- Die entstehung der Sexualzellen bei den Hydromedusen. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kentniss des Baus und der Lebenserscheinungen dieser Gruppe. Jena, 1888. Contains a good account of the origin of the sex cells in Sertularia pumila and Sertularella polyzonias. \ WANE oy le IRs oo hE ee Catalogue of the Marine Invertebrates of Eastern Canada (Geological Survey of Canada), 1902. Valuable for material on geographical distribution. Gives new locality for Sertularella fusiformis. WINTHER, GEORG.-...------- Om Internodiets Bygning og sammensietning hos Sertularierne. (Naturhistorisk Tids- skrift, 1879-80, p. 304. ) Discusses variation in internodes and position of hydrothecz in five well-known species of Sertularidze. LIST OF WORKS TO WHICH REFERENCE IS MADE IN THE SYNONYMIES IN THE SYSTEMATIC PART OF THIS WORK, BUT WHICH HAVE NOT BEEN CONSULTED BY THE AUTHOR. When the title is preceded by an asterisk (*) the references to that work are made on the authority of Hartlaub’s Revision der Sertularella-Arten. Otherwise the references are made on the authority of M. Bedot’s Matériaux pour servir a l Histoire des Hydroides. *Benner and vAN Ourvier. Naamlijst van Wormen, in Nederland aanwezig. (Natuurkundige Verhandelingen yan de Hollandsche Maatschappy der Wetenschappen te Haarlem. D. XV, 2, p. 1-256.) 1826. Berkennour. Synopsis of the natural history of great-Britain and Ireland, containing a systematic arrangement and concise description of all the animals, vegetables, and fossils which have been hitherto discovered in these Kingdoms. London, 1795. *Brrencourr. Les Hydraires du Pas-de-Calais. (Bulletin Scientifique de la France et de la Belgique.) 1888. Deuxieéme liste des Hydraires du Pas-de-Calais. (Travaux de I’ Institute maritime de l’ Institute Zoologique de Lille et Wimereux, VII, p. 1.) 1899. Bopparrt, P. In: Pallas, P. 8. Lyst der Plant-Dieren door P. Boddaert. Utrecht, 1768. BruGurkre. Histoire naturelle des Vers, I. (Hneyelopédie méthodique,) Paris, 1789. *Carus. Prodromus Faun:e Mediterrane, I. Stuttgart, 1885. Cayoutnt. Memorie per servire alla storia de Polipi marini. Napoli, 1785. *Cur1AsE, DELLE. Memorie sulla storia e notomia degli animali senza yertebre del regno di Napoli. Napoli, 1828. *DestoncscHamps. Zoophytes (Histoire naturelle des Zoophytes ou animaux rayonnés par Lamouroux). (En- cylopédie méthodique, Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 1791.) Epwarps, Grorces. Gleanings of Natural History. 3 vols. London, 1758-1764. Esper, E. J. C. Fortsetzungen der Pflanzenthiere. Pt. 2. Niirnberg, 1794-1806. Die Pflanzenthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Farben erleuchtet. 3 yols., Nurnberg, 1788-1830. *y. Evzev. Grodnland, geographisch und statistisch beschreiben. Aus diinischenyQuellschriften. Stuttgart, 1860. *Farquanr. List of New Zealand Hydroida. (Translations of the New Zealand Institute, X XVIII, p. 459, 1895.) *Grarrre. Ubersicht der Seetierefauna des Golfes von Triest. (Arbeiten aus dem Zoolologischen Institute, Wien und Triest, V, p. 333.) 1884. Gronovius, L. T. Zoophylacium gronoyianum. Fasciculus 3, exhibens Vermes, Mollusca, Testacea, et Zoophyta, quae in Museo suo adservavit, examini subjecit. Lugduni Batayorum, 1781. *HerKkiorz. De Weekdieren en lagere Dieren Il. (Natuurlyke Historie van Nederland.) Amsterdam, 1870. *Hitaenporr. On the hydroids of the Neighborhood of Dunedin. (Transactions of the New Zealand Institute, XXX, p. 200.) 1897. *Hoir. Survey of Fishing Grounds, West Coast of Ireland, 1890-91. (Proceedings of the Royal Society of Dublin, VII, p. 225.) 1892. Hourruyy, M. Natuurlyke historie of uitvoerige beschryving der Dieren, Planten en Mineralien volgens het samenstel van den Heer Linnieus. Wrste Deels, Dieren. Amsterdam, 1761-73. Jameson, R. Catalogue of animals of the class Vermes found in the Frith of Forth and other parts of Scotland. (Memoirs of the Wernerian Society, I, for the years 1807-1810.) Edinburgh, 1811. Lepecurn, J. Nove Pennatule et Sertularize species descriptee. (Acta Academia Scientiarum Imperialis Petropo- litana pro anno 1778.) 1781. Lerecuin, J. Sertularize species duze determinate. (Acta Academia Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanze pro anno 1780.) 1783. : *Livken, Cur. on oo vo ~I PuatE XV. Fic. 1. Sertularella conica Allman. Part of branch (enlarged). 2. Sertularella conica. View of margin and operculum (enlarged). 3. Sertularella catena (Allman). Part of Allman’s type specimen with gonangia (enlarged). 4. Sertularella quadrata Nutting. Part of branch (enlarged). 5. Sertularella quadrata. Single gonangium with parasitic campanularian (greatly enlarged). 6. Sertularella quadvata. Part of branch with gonangia (enlarged) . Puate XVI. Fig. 1. Sertularella tanneri Nutting. Part of branch (enlarged). ¢ 2. Sertularella geniculata Hincks (enlarged). (After Hincks. ) € 3. Sertularella patagonica (W’Orbigny) (enlarged). (After d’Orbigny.) PLate XVII. Fic. 1. Sertularella rugosa (Linnzeus). Part of branching colony (enlarged). 2. Sertularella rugosa. Colony with gonosome (enlarged). (After Nutting. ) 3. Sertularella rugosa. Three hydrothecie (greatly enlarged). (After Nutting.) 4. Sertularella rugosa. Single hydrotheca (greatly enlarged). (After Nutting. ) 5. Sertularella rugosa. Top of gonangium, showing teeth (enlarged). (After Nutting.) 6. Sertularella areyi Nutting. Part of colony (enlarged). 148 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. Puatre XVIII. Fic. 1. Sertulareila tenella (Alder). Part of colony (enlarged). 2. Sertularella tenella. Yond of hydrotheca, showing operculum (greatly enlarged). 3. Sertularella allmani Hartlaub. Part of colony (enlarged). 4, 5. Sertularella allmani. Wydrotheee, showing margin and operculum (greatly enlarged). 6. Sertularella allmani. Gonangium (enlarged). 7. Sertularella contorta Kirchenpauer. Part of branch (enlarged). 8. Sertularella contorta. Wydrotheca, showing margin (greatly enlarged). 9. Sertularella contorta. onangium (enlarged). 10. Sertularella lata (Bale). Part of branch (enlarged). PLATE XTX. 1. Sertularella albida Kirchenpauer. Part of branch (enlarged). 2. Sertularella albida. Branch with gonangium (much less enlarged). 3. Sertularella pinnigera Hartlaub. Part of branch, showing hydranths (enlarged). (After Allman.) 4. Sertularella cylindritheca (Allman). Part of branch (enlarged). (From Allman’s type specimen. ) 5. Sertularella distans (Allman). Part of branch (enlarged). 6. Sertularella distans. Two hydrothece (greatly enlarged). 7. Sertularella gigantea Mereschkowsky (slightly enlarged). (After Mereschkowsky.) PLATE XX. 1. Sertularella amphorifera Allman. Part of branch (enlarged). 2. Sertularella amphorifera. End of hydrotheca (greatly enlarged). 3. Sertularella fusiformis Hincks (enlarged). (After Hincks.) 4. Sertularella fusiformis. Gonangium (enlarged). (After Hincks. ) 5. Sertulareta picta (Meyen). Part of colony (enlarged). (After Meyen. ) 6. Sertularella picta. Single hydrotheca (greatly enlarged). (After Hartlaub.) 7. Sertularella picta. Part of branch with gonangium (enlarged). (After Hartlaub.) 8. Sertularella megastoma Nutting. Part of branch (enlarged). 9. Sertularella megastoma. Part of branch with gonangium (enlarged). 10, 11. Sertwlarella solitaria Nutting. Single hydrothecie (enlarged). Pratt X XI. 1. Sertularella polyzonias (Ellis and Solander). Part of branch (enlarged). 2. Sertularella polyzonias. Gonangium (enlarged). 3. Sertularella clausa (Allman). Part of branch from Allman’s type (enlarged). 4. Sertularella clausa. End of hydrotheca, showing operculum, from Allman’s type (greatly enlarged). 5. Sertularella complexa Nutting. Part of branch (enlarged). 6. Sertularella complexa. End of hydrotheca, showing operculum (greatly enlarged). 7. Sertularella compleca. Gonangium (enlarged). 8,9. Sertularella complexa. Gonangia viewed from above, showing teeth (enlarged ). 10. Sertularella pinnata Clark. Part cf colony with gonangia (enlarged). 11. Sertularella pinnata, Part of branch, front view (enlarged). 12. Sertularella pinnata. Single hydrotheca (greatly enlarged). Fie. PLhate XXII. 1. Sertularella margariiacea Allman. Part of branch with gonangium (enlarged). (After Allman.) 2. Sertularella turgida (Trask). Part of colony with gonangium (enlarged). 3. Sertularella turgida. Distal part of branch (enlarged). 4,5. Sertularella turgida. Ends of hydrothecze, showing teeth (greatly enlarged). 6. Sertularella sieboldi Kirchenpauer. Part of branch (enlarged). (After Kirchenpauer.) 7. Sertularella sieboldi. Gonangium (enlarged). (After Kirchenpauer. ) 8. Sertularella subdichotoma Kirchenpauer. Part of colony, showing branching (enlarged). 9. Sertularella subdichotoma. Hydrotheca, showing margin (greatly enlarged). 10. Sertularella subdichotoma. End of hydrotheca, showing operculum (greatly enlarged). 11, 12. Sertularella subdichotoma. Gonangia (enlarged ). Prare XXIII. 1. Sertularella filiformis (Allman). Branch with gonangium, from Allman’s type specimen (enlarged ). 2,3. Sertularella filiformis. Hydrothecie, from same specimen (greatly enlarged) . 4. Sertularella quadrifida Hartlaub. Part of Allman’s type of Sertularia quadridens Allman (enlarged). 5. Sertularella quadrifida. Three hydrothecze from same specimen (greatly enlarged). 6,7. Sertularella quadrifida. WWydrothecee from same specimen, showing teeth and opercula (greatly enlarged). 8. Sertularella meridionalis Nutting. Part of branch with gonangium (enlarged). 9. Sertularella meridionalis, Single hydrotheca, showing teeth and operculum (enlarged). THE SERTULARID®. 149 Piate XXIV. Fia. 1. Sertularella elegans Nutting. Part of colony with gonangium (enlarged). 2. Sertularella milneana (VOrbigny). Part of branch (enlarged). 3,4. Sertularella milneana. Ynds of hydrothecxe, showing teeth and opercula (greatly enlarged). 5. Sertularella milneana. Gonangium (enlarged). 6. Sertularella magellanica (Marktanner-Turneretscher). Lower part of colony (enlarged). 7. Sertularella magellanica. Distal part of colony (enlarged ). 8. Sertularella magellanica. End of hydrotheca, showing teeth (enlarged). 9. Sertularella minuta Nutting. Part of colony with gonangium (enlarged). 10. Sertularella minuta. End of hydrotheca, showing teeth (greatly enlarged). Prats XXV. Fic. 1. Sertularella dentifera Torrey. Part of colony (enlarged). (After Torrey.) 2. Sertularella dentifera. Two hydrothece, showing reduplicated margins (enlarged). (After Torrey.) 3. Sertularella tricuspidata (Alder). Part of colony (enlarged). 4, 5. Sertularella tricuspidata. Gonangia (enlarged). 6. Sertularella tricuspidata (large form from Alaska). (Part of colony enlarged. ) 7. Sertularella tricuspidata. Single hydrotheca (greatly enlarged). Puare XXVI. Fra. 1. Sertularella levinseni Nutting. Part of colony with gonangia (enlarged). 2. Sertularella levinseni. End of hydrotheeca (greatly enlarged). 3. Sertularella tropica Hartlaub. Part of colony (enlarged). (After Clarke. ) 4. Sertularella tropica. Gonangium (enlarged). (After Clarke. ) 5. Sertularella clarkii Mereschkowsky. Part of colony (enlarged). (After Mereschkowsky.) 6. Sertularella nana Hartlaub. Part of branch (enlarged). (After Hartlaub.) 7 Sertularella episcopus Allman. Part of colony with gonangia (enlarged). (After Allman. ) Pirate X XVII. Fia. 1. Sertularella magna Nutting. Two hydrotheexe (much less enlarged than other figures). 2. Sertularella formosa Fewkes. Branch overgrown with parasitic campanularian (enlarged). 3. Sertularella formosa. Part of Allman’s type of Sertularia integritheca Allman (enlarged). 4. Sertularella formosa. Part of stem with gonangia (enlarged). 5. Sertularella hartlaubi Nutting. Part of stem showing branch origins (enlarged). Prate XXVIII. Fic. 1. Dietyocladium flabellum Nutting. Part of colony with gonangia (enlarged). 2. Dictyocladium flabellum. Part of branch (enlarged). 3. Dictyocladium flabellum. Fend of hydrotheca, showing teeth and operculum (enlarged). 4. Diphasia rosacea (Linneeus). Branch with female gonangium (enlarged). 5. Diphasia rosacea. Side view of branch with gonangium (enlarged). 6. Diphasia tamarisca (Linneus). Two pairs of hydrothecee (enlarged). (After Hincks. ) 7. Diphasia tamarisca. Portion of colony with gonangia (enlarged). (After Hincks. ) Prate X XIX. Fic. 1. Diphasia corniculata (Murray). Part of colony (enlarged). (After Murray.) 2. Diphasia fallax (Johnston). Part of colony, showing branching (enlarged). 3. Diphasia fallax. Front view of branch (enlarged). 4. Diphasia faliax. Part of branch with gonangium (enlarged). - 5. Diphasia fallax. Pair of hydrothece (greatly enlarged). 6. Diphasia fallax. End of hydrotheca, showing operculum (greatly enlarged). Pate XXX. Fig. 1. Diphasia tropica Nutting. Part of colony (enlarged). 2. Diphasia digitalis (Busk). Front view of branch (enlarged). 3. Diphasia digitalis. Side view of branch (enlarged). 4. Diphasia digitalis. Part of Allman’s type of Desmoscyphus acanthocarpus Allman (enlarged). 5. Diphasia digitalis. Distal ends of two hydrothecee, showing the hood-like operculum (greatly enlarged). 6. Diphasia digitalis. Single hydrotheca, showing what appear to be opercular muscles (greatly enlarged). 7. Diphasia digitalis. Gonangium (enlarged). 150 AMERICAN HYDROIDS. PLATE XXXI. Fic. 1. Diphasia pulchra Nutting. Two hydrothece (greatly enlarged). 2. Diphasia pulchra. Part of colony (enlarged). 3. Diphasia pulchra. Part of branch (enlarged). 4. Diphasia paarmanni Nutting. Part of branch with male gonangia (enlarged). 5. Diphasia paarmanni. Female gonangium (enlarged). 6. Diphasia paarmanni. End of hydrotheca, showing operculum (much enlarged). 7. Diphasia kincaidi (Nutting). Distal end of branch, with gonangia (enlarged). 8. Diphasia kincaidi. Four hydrothecee (greatly enlarged). 9. Diphasia kincaidi. Gonangium (greatly enlarged). Prats XXXII. Fic. 1. Abietinaria abietina (Linnzeus). Part of colony (enlarged). 2. Abietinaria abietina. Part of a branch (much less magnified). 3. Abietinaria abietina. Two hydrothec:e, showing operculum (much enlarged). 4. Abietinaria variabilis (Clark). Part of colony, showing branching (enlarged). 5. Abietinaria variabilis. Four hydrothecse (much enlarged). 6. Abietinaria variabilis. Group of gonangia (enlarged). 7. Abietinaria variabilis. Gonangium (greatly enlarged). Prats XXXII. Fic. 1. Abietinaria inconstans (Clark). Part of colony (enlarged). 2. Abietinaria inconstans. Part of branch (enlarged). 3. Abietinaria coei (Nutting). Part of branch, with gonangia (enlarged). 4. Abietinaria coci. Single hydrotheca, showing sinuation of margin (enlarged). 5. Abietinaria coei. Top-shaped gonangium (enlarged). 6. Abietinaria traski (Torrey). Part of colony, showing branching (enlarged). 7. Abietinaria traski. Two hydrothecz (greatly enlarged). 8, 9. Abietinariatraski. Tends of hydrothecee, showing opercula (greatly enlarged). 10. Abietinaria traski. Branch, with gonangium (enlarged). 11. Abietinaria traski. Three hydrotheecz from another colony (greatly enlarged) . PraTeE XXXIV. Fig. 1. Abietinaria filicula (Ellis and Solander). Part of branch (much enlarged). Abictinaria amphora Nutting. Part of branch (enlarged). te 3. Abietinaria amphora. Distal part of branch (enlarged). 4. Abietinaria amphora. Part of branch, with gonangium (enlarged). 5. Abictinaria anguina (Trask). Part of branch, with very slender hydrothecz (enlarged), 6. Abietinaria anguina. Part of branch with gonangia (enlarged). 7. Abietinaria anguina. Single gonangium (enlarged). PLATE XXXYV. Fic. 1. Abietinaria gracilis Nutting. Part of colony with gonangium (enlarged). 2. Abietinaria gracilis. Four hydrothece (greatly enlarged). 3. Abietinaria compressa (Mereschkowsky). Part of branch (enlarged). (After Mereschkowsky. ) 4. Abielinaria compressa. Single hydrothecze (much enlarged). (After Mereschkowsky. ) 5. Abietinaria alexanderi Nutting. Part of stem and branches (enlarged). 6. Abietinaria alexanderi. Part of branch and gonangium (enlarged). 7. Abictinaria alexanderi, Gonangium, showing meridional lines (enlarged). 8. Abietinaria aleranderi. Gonangium (much enlarged ). PLaTE XXXVI. Fic. 1. Abietinaria greenci (Murray). Part of branch (enlarged). 2. Abietinaria greenei. Four hydrothece (enlarged). 3. Abietinaria greenei. Pair of hydrothecze with toothed margins (much enlarged). 4. Abietinaria greenei. Pair of hydrothecee with even margins (much enlarged) . 5. Abielinaria greenei. . Side view of hydrothece (enlarged). 6. Abietinaria greenei. Side view of hydrotheee (much enlarged). 7, 8. Abietinaria greenei. Gonangia (enlarged). 9. Abietinaria costata (Nutting). Part of branch (enlarged ). 10. Abietinaria costata. Part of main stem, showing branch origins (enlarged). THE SERTULARID®. gia! Fig. 11. Abietinaria costata. Four hydrothee:e (much enlarged). 12. Abietinaria costata. Group of gonangia (enlarged). 13. Abielinaria annulata (Kirehenpauer). -art of main stem and branches (enlarged). 14. Abietinaria annulata. Part of branch (enlarged). 15. Abietinaria annulata. Side view of three hydrothece (enlarged). PuaTE XXXVII. Fie. 1. Abietinaria turgida (Clark). Part of stem and branch (enlarged). . Abietinaria turgida. Gonangium (enlarged). . Abietinaria gigantea (Clark). Part of branch (enlarged). . Abietinaria gigantea. Side view of branch with gonangia (enlarged). . Abietinaria gigantea. Side view of three hydrothec:e (enlarged). ew he al Puare XXXVIII. Fig. 1. LMydrallmania falcata (Linnzeus). Side yiew of branch (greatly enlarged). 2. Hydrallmania falcata, Gonangium (enlarged). 3. Hydrallmania falcata. Front view of end of branch (enlarged). 4. Hydrallmania falcata. Side view of end of branch (enlarged). 5. Hydrallmania distans Nutting. Part of branch, side view (enlarged). 6. Hydrallmania distans. Front view of branch (enlarged). 7,8. Hydrallmania distans. Front view of hydrothecse (much enlarged). 9. Hydrallmania distans. Gonangium (enlarged). 10. Hydrallmania franciscana (Trask). Part of colony (enlarged). (After Trask.) 11. Selaginopsis mirabilis (Verrill). Part of branch (enlarged). ; 12. Selaginopsis mirabilis. Gonangium (enlarged). 13. Selaginopsis pinaster (Lepechin). Part of branch (enlarged). (After Kirchenpauer. ) Puate XXXIX. Fic. 1. Selaginopsis triserialis Mereschkowsky. Part of branch (enlarged). 2. Selaginopsis triserialis. Basal part of branch (enlarged). 3. Selaginopsis plumiformis Nutting. Part of main stem, branch and branchlets, showing manner of branch- ing (enlarged ). 4. Selaginopsis obsoleta (Lepechin). Part of branch (enlarged). . 5. Selaginopsis obsoleta. Cross section of branch (enlarged). 6. Selaginopsis pinnata Mereschkowsky. Part of branch (enlarged). 7. Selaginopsis cylindrica (Clark). Part of branch (enlarged). 8. Selaginopsis cylindrica. Single hydrotheca (greatly enlarged). PLATE XL. Fig. 1. Selaginopsis ornata Nutting. Part of stem, showing canaliculated ccenosare (enlarged). 2. Selaginopsis ornata. Part of branch (enlarged). 3. Selaginopsis ornata. Gonangium (enlarged). 4. Selaginopsis obsoleta (Lepechin). Part of branch (enlarged). (After Kirchenpauer. ) 5. Selaginopsis alternitheca (Levinsen). Front view of part of branch (enlarged). 6. Selaginopsis alternitheca. Side view of part of branch: (enlarged). . Selaginopsis allernitheca. Gonangium (enlarged). 8. Selaginopsis hartlaubi Nutting. Part of branch (enlarged). Puare XLI. Fic. 1. Synthecium tubithecum (Allman). Part of colony, showing opposite branches (enlarged). . Synthecium rectum Nutting. Part of colony (enlarged). : . 2Synthecium marginatum (Allman). Part of branch (enlarged). (After Allman.) . Synthecium robustum Nutting. Part of colony with gonangia (less enlarged). . Synthecium robustum. Part of branch, front view (enlarged). 6. Synthecium robustum. Part of branch, side view (enlarged) . . Synthecium cylindricum (Bale). Part of branch (enlarged). (After Bale.) ote oo bo EXPLANATION TO PLATE I. . Sertularia pumila Linnzeus. Portion of main stem and branches (enlarged). . Serlularia pumila. Side view of branch, showing gonangium (enlarged). 3. Sertularia pumila. Pair of hydrothecze and expanded hydranth (greatly enlarged) Sertularia versluysi Nutting. Portion of main stem and branches (enlarged). . Serlularia versluysi. Part of branch (enlarged). . Sertularia versluysi. Branch from another colony (enlarged). 8, 9. Serlularia versluysi. Pairs of hydrothec:e (greatly enlarged). 152 PLATE lI. ., a = fe) (9a Qa =, aL oe = a Jee) wi = = Al ASE | —s| SERTULARID®. 4 . . f et an oleae +, fol ve an - )) a7 ie ae aa puerto A a ; ) a eee, = Wek ee ‘i re ie ee oar ’ na & : hase re dul il EXPLANATION TO PLATE II. Sertularia challengert Nutting. Portion of stem and branches from Allman’s type of Desmoscyphus pectinalus Allman (enlarged). 2. Sertularia challengeri. Part of branch from same specimen (greatly enlarged). . Serlularia operculata Linnzeus. Portion of branch with gonangium (enlarged). . Sertularia operculata. A pair of hydrothecze (greatly enlarged). . Sertularia operculata. Side view of hydrotheca (greatly enlarged). . Sertularia pulchella (VOrbigny). Portion of branch with gonangium (enlarged). (After d’Orbigny. ) . Sertularia pulchella. Part of branch with gonangium (enlarged). (After Clarke’s drawing of Sertularia furcata Trask. ) . Sertularia bispinosa (Gray). Part of branch (enlarged). . Sertularia bispinosa. Pair of hydrothecze (greatly enlarged). . Sertularia bispinosa. Side view of branch (enlarged). Sertularia bispinosa. Side view of hydrotheca (greatly enlarged). 156 PEATE: tle wo = ie} a a ss = - iS) a Ww = SERTULARID2. — pat =. . — yes - vf : ry aoe ye ’ oo hw ae a ia re tia * ites, aie EXPLANATION TO PLATE III. Fic. 1. Sertularia desmoides Torrey. Part of branch (enlarged). 2. Sertularia desmoides. Pair of hydrothecze (greatly enlarged ). 3. Sertularia desmoides. End of hydrotheca, showing aperture (greatly enlarged). 4. Sertularia rathbuni Nutting. Portion of branch (enlarged). 5. Sertularia rathbuni. Pair of hydrothecze (greatly enlarged). 6, 7. Sertularia rathbuni. Lateral yiews of hydrothece, showing tridentate margins (greatly enlarged). 8, 9. Sertularia rathbuni. Two other views of margins (greatly enlarged). 10. Sertularia gracilis Hincks. Part of branch with gonangium (enlarged). 160 PLATE Ill. | a _ | <4 4 E I S| QQ: Fie. 1. bo Bd on EXPLANATION TO PLATE IV. Sertularia cornicina (McCready). Colony with gonangia and expanded hydranths. Drawn from life (enlarged). Sertularia cornicina. Sertularia cornicina. Sertularia cornicina. Sertularia cornicina. 164 Pair of hydrothec:e (greatly enlarged). Gonangium (enlarged ). Side view of colony with parasitic campanularian and its gonangium (enlarged ). Part of same colony (enlarged). PRATESIVE 2) a ce) a a > x z = 2 a lu = oI . | li i ERTULARID®. Ss : reel pe A Lene, J MR 4 . - : 7 ‘ . : wane : 7 : 7 b \ Fie. 1. . Sertularia mayeri. Distal part of stem (enlarged). . Sertularia mayeri. Side view of stem (enlarged). . Sertularia mayeri. Hydrothecze with collapsible tubular extensions (enlarged). . Sertularia pourtalesi Nutting. Part of stem (enlarged). . Sertularia stookeyi Nutting. Part of stem and gonangium (enlarged). oe oO tb por EXPLANATION TO PLATE V. Sertularia mayeri Nutting. Basal portion of colony (enlarged). Sertularia stookeyi. Pair of hydrothecze (greatly enlarged). 168 ul Fic. DS ort oo ht EXPLANATION TO PLATE VI. . Sertularia brevicyathus Versluys. Part of stem (enlarged). . Sertularia brevicyathus. Side view of stem (enlarged ). . Sertularia flowersi Nutting. Part of stem (enlarged ). . Sertularia flowersi. Side yiew of stem (enlarged). . Sertularia tumida Allman. Pair of hydrothecxe (enlarged). (After Allman. ) Sertularia exigua Allman. Pair of hydrothecie (enlarged). (After Allman. ) 172 7 Oe i es , EXPLANATION TO PLATE VII. Thuiaria thija (Linneeus). Part of branch (enlarged ). Thuiaria thuja. Thuiaria thuja. Two hydrothece (greatly enlarged). Single hydrotheca (greatly enlarged). Thwaria elegans WKirchenpauer. Part of branch (enlarged). Thuiaria robusta Clark. Side view of branch (enlarged ). Thuiaria robusta. Thuiaria robusta. 176 Front view of branch (enlarged). Part of branch with gonangia (enlarged). (After Kirchenpauer. ) PLATE Vil. J d NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. SERTULARID. EXPLANATION TO PLATE VIII. Fig. 1. Thuiaria thuiarioides (Clark). Part of stem, showing branch origin (enlarged). 2. Thuiaria thuiarioides. Pair of hydrothecze (greatly enlarged). 3. Thuiaria thuiarioides. Single hydrotheea, showing operculum (greatly enlarged). 4. Thuiaria thuiarioides. Part of branch (enlarged). 5,6. Thuiaria thuiarioides. (Gonangia (enlarged). Thuiaria polycarpa (Pceppig). Part of stem, showing branch origin (enlarged ). $. Thuiaria polycarpa. Part of branch (enlarged). 9. Thuiaria polycarpa. Side view of two hydrothece (enlarged). bo | 180 NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. PLATE VIII. SERTULARID. EXPLANATION TO PLATE IX. Fic. 1. Thuiaria kurile (Peeppig). Part of branch (enlarged). Thuiaria kurile. Single hydrotheca, showing margin (greatly enlarged). Thuiaria immersa Nutting. Part of branch (enlarged). . Thuiaria immersa. Hydrothece (greatly enlarged). 5. Thuiaria lonchitis (Ellis and Solander). Part of branch with gonangia (enlarged). 6, 7, 8. Thuiaria lonchitis. Hydrothecie, showing variation in margin (greatly enlarged). 9. Thuiaria plumulifera Allman. Part of branch (enlarged). 10. Thuiaria plumulifera. Part of another colony (enlarged). 11. Thuiaria plimulifera. Part of main stem, showing branch origin (enlarged). 12, 13. Thuiaria plumulifera. Wydrothecse, showing margin (greatly enlarged). SC) 184 PLATE IX. ~NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. ERTULARID®. S ‘ ‘ 4 4s ’ i , ' ‘ ‘ Js Fie. 1. Thuiaria 2. Thuiaria 3. Thuiaria 4. Thuiaria 5. Thuiaria 6. Thuiaria 7. Vhuiaria 8. Thuaria 9. Thuiaria 188 EXPLANATION TO PLATE X. diffusa (Allman). Part of branch (enlarged). diffusa. Two hydrothece (greatly enlarged). diffusa. Single hydrotheca (greatly enlarged). dalli Nutting. Part of branch (enlarged). dali. Part of stem, showing branch origin (enlarged). dali. Two hydrothecie (greatly enlarged). similis (Clark). Part of colony with gonangium (enlarged). similis. Hydrothecre (greatly enlarged). similis. Four hydrothece (greatly enlarged). NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. PLATE X. SERTULARID. 4 ag 7) j z ’ A a" = ‘ ” ‘ = 5 . . - ‘ i me i " . . ( . . ‘ bie . ot + at a i : ae 4 ; es We ae vive , . a ee ad a = yh . A J > 4 Po a ee) : 2 2 . ff) ass is ae et . . oc - . : | * on , os ot) Sige ees = ' - - = = ~ . . ay . 7 -" “ . = Fj y a . ‘ 7 2) ns o ’ = . : 5 4 v son ¢ br: * a . - _ : > as Fic. 1. Thuiaria tubuliformis (X (slightly enlarged). 2. Thuiarid tibuliformis. 3. Thuiaria tubuliformis. 4. Thuiatia tubuliformis. 5,6. Thiiaria tubuliformis. 7,8. Thuiaria tubuliformis. 9. Thuiaria lenera (Sars). EXPLANATION TO PLATE XI. Iarktanner-Turneretscher). Part of colony, showing main stem and branch origin Part of branch (enlarged). - Part of branch with gonangium (enlarged). Side view of two hydrothece (greatly enlarged). Ends of hydrothecie, showing margins (enlarged). Gonangia (enlarged) . Part of colony (enlarged). 10. Thuiaria tenera. Part of branch (enlarged). 11,12. Vhuiaria tenera. YEnds of hydrothece, showing margins (greatly enlarged). 192 PLATE XI. 2) 2 [o) a a Pg htt ou z = S) a w | , =: ui SERTULARID®. Re Wy Aa ee Ps ee a eee EXPLANATION TO PLATE XII. Fic. 1. Thuiaria fabricii (Levinsen). Part of branch (enlarged). 2. Thuiaria fabricii. Part of branch with gonangia (enlarged ). 3. Thuiaria argentea (Linneus). Entire branch, showing ramification (slightly enlarged ). 4. Thuiaria argentea. Part of branch (enlarged). 5. Thuiaria argentea. Distal part of branch (enlarged). 6. Thuiaria argentea. Two hydrothecee (greatly enlarged). 7. Thuiaria argentea. WHydranth expanded, drawn from life (greatly enlarged). 8,9. Thuiaria argentea. Gonangia (enlarged). 196 - NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. PLATE Xil SERTULARID®. ‘ . = "y's 4 - ‘ \ % ; ; . . = - ‘ . \ ' P ' e . by F 7 fi 1 j ‘ . ; La i 6 ‘ ht =. 7 : are : > ¥ 4 2 7 f 7 ¢ i r A ’ S ; e J E ; : * ; - “ a 4 ‘ \ > ‘ 4 ns s ¢ F “ ‘ * 7% 4 . S * EXPLANATION TO PLATE XIII. Thuwiaria cupressina (Linneus). Part of branch (enlarged ). Thuiaria cupressina. WWydrothecie (greatly enlarged). Thuiaria cupressina. Gonangia (enlarged). ; Pasythea quadridentata (Ellis and Solander). Trophosome (enlarged). Pasythea quadridentata. Hydrothecze and gonangium (greatly enlarged). Pasythea quadridentata. Side view of group of hydrothec:e (enlarged). Pasythea quadridentata. Side view of two hydrothece (greatly enlarged). 200 NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. ‘ PLATE XIill. SERTULARIDE. u _ EXPLANATION TO PLATE XIV. Fig. 1. Sertularella gayi (Lamouroux). Part ef branch (enlarged). 2. Serlularella gayi. Part of branch with gonangium (much less enlarged). 3,4. Sertularella gayi. Hydrothecee, showing operculum (enlarged ). 5. Sertularella gayi. Gonangium (enlarged). 6. Sertularella gayi (var. robusta Allman). Part of branch with gonangium (enlarged). 7. Sertularella gayi (var. robusta). Part of colony overgrown with Filellum serpens (enlarged). 204 | es -NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. ace SERTULARIDE. . Fig. 1. . Sertularella conica. View of margin and operculum (enlarged ). . Sertularella catena (Allman). Part of Allman’s type specimen with gonangia (enlarged). . Sertularella quadrata Nutting. Part of branch (enlarged). . Sertularella quadrata, Single gonangium with parasitic campanularian (greatly enlarged). . Sertwarella quadrata. Part of branch with gonangia (enlarged). OU Hm Oo bo fon) EXPLANATION TO PLATE XY. Sertularella conica Allman. Part of branch (enlarged ). 208 PLATE XV. SERTULARIDE. » a4 EXPLANATION TO PLATE XVI. Fig. 1. Sertularella tanneri Nutting. Part of branch (enlarged). 2. Sertularella geniculata Wineks (enlarged). (After Hincks. ) 3. Sertularella patagonica (d’Orbigny) (enlarged). (After d’Orbigny. ) 212 NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. PLATE XVI. SERTULARIDE. EXPLANATION TO PLATE XVII. Fic. 1. Sertularella rugosa (Linneus). Part of branching colony (enlarged). 2. Sertularella rugosa. Colony with gonosome (enlarged). (After Nutting. ) 3. Sertularella rugosa. Three hydrothec (greatly enlarged), (After Nutting. ) 4. Sertularella rugosa. Single hydrotheca (greatly enlarged). (After Nutting. ) 5. Sertularella rugosa. Top of gonangium, showing teeth (enlarged). (After Nutting. ) 6. Sertularella areyi Nutting. Part of colony (enlarged). 216 PLATE XVII. NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. SERTULARID®. EXPLANATION TO PLATE XVIII. Fig. 1. Sertularella tenella (Alder). Part of colony (enlarged). 2. Sertularella tenella. YWnd of hydrotheca, showing operculum (greatly enlarged). 3. Sertularella allmani Wartlaub. Part of colony (enlarged). 4,5. Sertularella allmani. Hydrothece, showing margin and operculum (greatly enlarged). 6. Sertularella allmani. Gonangium (enlarged ). 7. Sertularella contorta Kirchenpauer. Part of branch (enlarged). 8. Sertularella contorta. Wydrotheca, showing margin (greatly enlarged). 9. Serlularella contorta, Gonangium (enlarged). 10. Sertularella lata (Bale). Part of branch (enlarged). 220 PLATE XVIII. NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. q a Lael 4 A & re eI NM - a 7 7 - a : > , 7 vat e . ; ; oye ee ~” — = 12 7 14 - ' . ® _— 1 or ee Phy 8 as nl y ny v7 2 b) wah! eee ® Fia. EXPLANATION TO PLATE XIX. . Sertularella albida Kirchenpauer. Part of branch (enlarged). . Sertuarella albida, Branch with gonangium (much less enlarged). . Sertularella pinnigera Hartlaub. Part of branch showing hydranths (enlarged). (After Allman.) . Sertularella cylindritheca (Allman). Part of branch (enlarged). (From Allman’s type specimen. ) . Sertularella distans (Allman). Part of branch (enlarged). . Serlularella distans. Two hydrothecze (greatly enlarged). . Sertularella gigantea Mereschkowsky (slightly enlarged). (After Mereschkowsky. ) 224 as i . . _ NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. PEATE SIG j ; SERTULARID®, EXPLANATION TO PLATE XX. Fic. — - Sertularella amphorifera Allman. Part of branch (enlarged). - Sertularella amphorifera. End of hydrotheca (greatly enlarged). . Sertularella fusiformis Hincks (enlarged). (After Hincks. ) . Sertularella fusiformis. Gonangium (enlarged). (After Hincks. ) . Sertularella picta (Meyen). Part of colony (enlarged). (After Meyen. ) . Sertularella picta. Single hydrotheca (greatly enlarged). (After Hartlaub. ) . Sertularella picta. Part of branch with gonangium (enlarged). (After Hartlaub.) . Sertularella megastoma Nutting. Part of branch (enlarged). OT we Co bo Comal 9. Sertularella megastoma. Part of branch with gonangium (enlarged). 10, 11. Sertularella solitaria Nutting. Single hydrotheee (enlarged). 228 NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. . PLATE XX. SERTULARID2. y re 6 cae "s) - wa A . rit cae 2 : ete io : Ves vi ; Bee ee ay? Or ae eee A774 : : : “. : . : ian ' aes, 7 is - ~ ; ' ~~ © ve i EXPLANATION TO PLATE XXI. Fig. 1. Sertularella polyzonias (Ellis and Solander). Part of branch (enlarged). 2. Sertularella polyzonias. Gonangium (enlarged). 3. Sertularella clausa (Allman). Part of branch from Allman’s type (enlarged). 4. Sertularella clausa. End of hydrotheca, showing operculum, from Allman’s type (greatly enlarged). 5. Sertularella complexa Nutting. Part of branch (enlarged). 6. Sertularella complexa. End of hydrotheca, showing operculum (greatly enlarged). 7. Sertularella complexa. Gonangium (enlarged). i 8,9. Sertularella complexa, Gonangia viewed from above, showing teeth (enlarged). 10. Sertularella pinnata Clark. Part of colony with gonangia (enlarged). 11. Sertularella pinnata. Part of branch, front view (enlarged ). 12. Sertularella pinnata. Single hydrotheca (greatly enlarged ). 232 NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. PLATE XXI. SERTULARIDA. Se : _ ut, eae ie i , ~~ 7 iz Bi = ja oe 7 7 "i toon :7 SA) ae 4 oy : vi is i EXPLANATION TO PLATE XXII. Fic. 1. Sertularella margaritacea Allman. Part of branch with gonangium (enlarged). (After Allman.) 2. Sertularella turgida (Trask). Part of colony with gonangium (enlarged). 3. Sertularella turgida. Distal part of branch (enlarged). , 5. Sertularella turgida. Ends of hydrothecze, showing teeth (greatly enlarged). 6. Sertularella sieboldi Kirchenpauer. Part of branch (enlarged). (After Kirchenpauer. ) 7. Sertularella sieboldi. Gonangium (enlarged). (After Kirchenpauer. ) 8. Sertularella subdichotoma Kirchenpauer. Part of colony, showing branching (enlarged). 9. Sertularella subdichotoma. Wydrotheca, showing margin (greatly enlarged). 10. Sertularella subdichotoma. Ynd of hydrotheca, showing operculum (greatly enlarged). 11, 12. Sertularella subdichotoma. Gonangia (enlarged). 236 ) “A PLATE XxXIl. NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. a SERTULARID®. EXPLANATION TO PLATE NXIII. Sertularelia filiformis (Allman). Branch with gonangium, from Allman’s type specimen (enlarged). 3. Sertularella filiformis. Hydrothece, from same specimen (greatly enlarged). Sertularella quadrifida Wartlaub. Part of Allman’s type of Sertularia quadridens Allman (enlarged). Sertularella quadrifida. Three hydrothecze from same specimen (greatly enlarged). 7. Sertularella quadrifida. Wydrothecze from same specimen, showing teeth and opercula (greatly enlarged). Sertularella meridionalis Nutting. Part of branch with gonangium (enlarged). Sertularcila meridionalis. Single hydrotheca, showing teeth and operculum (enlarged ). 240 —S ii, ie) ee |e ee Ale 1 el - NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. DSERTULARIDE, PLATE XXIll. Fa. iG 2. EXPLANATION TO PLATE XXIV. Sertularella elegans Nutting. Part of colony with gonangium (enlarged). Sertularella milneana (VOrbigny). Part of branch (enlarged). 3,4. Sertwarella milneana. Ends of hydrothecee, showing teeth and opercula (greatly enlarged ). Sertularella milneana. Gonangium (enlarged). i. Sertularella magellanica (Marktanner-Turneretscher). Lower part of colony (enlarged). - Sertularella magellanica. Distal part of colony (enlarged). . Sertularella magellanica. End of hydrotheea, showing teeth (enlarged ). - Sertularella minuta Nutting. Part of colony with gonangium (enlarged). . Sertularella minua, End of hydrotheea, showing teeth (greatly enlarged). 244 PLATE XXIV. — 7) (=) 2) a [= > x= 4 <= s) a uw = <= | 9 = = des 2] SERTULARIDA. ‘ 1 r ‘ ’ < a ‘ A 7 ‘ ‘ : ‘ ‘ a * a j FS le ‘ ie G = or . c L r a ' * . ‘ei Zz 1 1 2 * ms ig . “ " —_ - = saat ¥ ) . y ! , ’ na . 2 , +£ 3 : ? { a 5 sd +. % ae = , \ 7 50566 an a = ‘ was Ay = eee ‘ — = i = A . f ae ee” bh ae. ee, ee = VRE Rise ae Pe One ig EXPLANATION TO PLATE XXYV. Fig. 1. Sertularella dentifera Torrey. Part of colony (enlarged). (After Torrey.) 2. Sertularella dentifera. Two hydrothece, showing reduplicated margins (enlarged). (After Torrey.) 3. Sertularella tricuspidata (Alder). Part of colony (enlarged). 4, 5. Sertularella tricuspidata. Gonangia (enlarged). 6. Sertularella tricuspidata (large form from Alaska). Part of colony (enlarged). 7. Sertularella tricuspidata. Single hydrotheca (greatly enlarged). 248 PLATE XXV. NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. SERTULARID. wif _" , wu - 5 : ae es . ‘ o>, + ) ® . ; a Pe? ss * XX Fin = we Ki ibs -~- ‘ - sv oy = *, " 5 ss + ° J ! : wor a k ‘ "ef. Fee La -- ‘ ald - : > : ’ i me a -] a ; is a a . @ . : 4 s —, : : = - * . s* a y : ; ‘ +e - : a . = : * I U be ‘ ‘ 5 , ' . . ~ 7 A é ry a 7 < | . Sertularella Sertularella Sertularella Sertularella . NSertularella . Sertularella . Sertularella 252 EXPLANATION TO PLATE XXVI. levinseni Nutting. Part of colony with gonangia (enlarged). levinseni. End of hydrotheca (greatly enlarged ). tropica Hartlaub. Part of colony (enlarged). (After Clarke. ) tropica. Gonangium (enlarged). (After Clarke. ) clarkii Mereschkowsky. Part of colony (enlarged). (After Mereschkowsky. ) nana Hartlauh. Part of branch (enlarged). (After Hartlaub. ) episcopus Allman. Part of colony with gonangia (enlarged). (After Allman.) NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS PLATE XXVI. SERTULARIDZ. ae : : 4 a sf sai eC — eo hela: Rs oe —— GY ee ' re J : “ EXPLANATION TO PLATE XXVII. Fic. 1. Sertularella magna Nutting. Two hydrothece (much less enlarged than other figures). Sertularella formosa Fewkes. Branch overgrown with parasitic campanularian (enlarged). Sertularella formosa. Part of Allman’s type of Sertularia inlegritheca Allman (enlarged). Serlularella formosa. Part of stem with gonangia (enlarged). Sertularella hartlaubi Nutting. Part of stem, showing branch origins (enlarged). eco or NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. PLATE XXVIlI. SERTULARIDE. EXPLANATION TO PLATE XXVIII. Dictyocladium flabellum Nutting, Part of colony with gonangia (enlarged). Dictyocladium flabellum. Part of branch (enlarged), Dictyocladium flabellum. End of hydrotheca, showing teeth and operculum (enlarged). Diphasia rosacea (Linnzeus). Branch with female gonangium (enlarged) . Diphasia rosacea. Side view of branch with gonangium (enlarged). Diphasia tamarisea (Linnieus). Two pairs of hydrothece (enlarged). (After Hincks. ) Diphasia tamarisca. Portion of colony with gonangia (enlarged). (After Hincks. ) 260 PLATE XXVIII. NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. SERTULARIDA. =n ee oie eo ae Fic. EXPLANATION TO PLATE XXIX. . Diphasia corniculata (Murray). Part of colony (enlarged). (After Murray.) . Diphasia fallax (Johnston). Part of colony, showing branching (enlarged). . Diphasia fallax. Front view of branch (enlarged). . Diphasia fallax. Part of branch with gonangium (enlarged). . Diphasia fallax. Pair of hydrothecie (greatly enlarged). . Diphasia fallax. End of hydrotheca, showing operculum (greatly enlarged). 264 NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. PLATE XXIX. SERTULARID®. *-_) ® ; } j i ae pre: ‘ ; , l i . Fic. EXPLANATION TO PLATE XXX. Diphasia tropica Nutting. Part of colony (enlarged). digitalis (Busk). Front view of branch (enlarged). Diphasia Diphasia . Diphasia . Diphasia ». Diphasia . Diphasia 268 digitalis. digitalis. digitalis. digitalis. digitalis. Side view of branch (enlarged). Part of Allman’s type of Desmoscyphus acanthocarpus Allman (enlarged). Distal ends of two hydrothece, showing the hood-like operculum (greatly enlarged). Single hydrotheca, showing what appear to be opercular muscles (greatly enlarged). Gonangium (enlarged). PLATE XXX. NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. Ly hee . Sg 4 - ; DR NX = = ay X Q =a ’ Bh ma e! P= | = ay SERTULARID2. | ‘ js = ‘ ' , ‘ ) : Y ’ apm — 4a Wy re : ‘ ay en ’ be net | | 7 7 _ in ey e 4 7 EXPLANATION TO PLATE XXXTI. Diphasia pulchra Nutting. Two hydrothecie (greatly enlarged ). Diphasia pulchra. Part of colony (enlarged). Diphasia pulchra. Part of branch (enlarged). Diphasia paarmanni Nutting. Part of branch with male gonangia (enlarged ). Diphasia paarmanni. Female gonangium (enlarged ). Diphasia paarmanni. End of hydrotheea, showing operculum (much enlarged). Diphasia kincaidi (Nutting). Distal end of branch with gonangia (enlarged). Diphasia kineaidi. Your hydrothece (greatly enlarged). Diphasia kincaidi. Gonangium (greatly enlarged). 272 PLATE XXxXI. no fe) fo) oa Q SS ae z tc Oo oc lu = i ae v= = = =) ss SERTULARID. Mi EXPLANATION TO PLATE XXXII. Fic. 1. Abietinaria abietina (Linneeus). Part of colony (enlarged). 2. Abietinaria abietina. Part of a branch (much less magnified). 3. Abietinaria abietina. Two hydrothece, showing operculum (much enlarged). 4. Abietinaria variabilis (Clark). Part of colony, showing branching (enlarged). 5. Abietinaria variabilis. Four hydrothecze (much enlarged). 6. Abietinaria variabilis. Group of gonangia (enlarged). b> f Abietinaria variabilis. Gonangium (greatly enlarged ). 27 NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. : : : PLATE XXXII. SERTULARID®. ———- ‘ > j . 24 iy a ee 7 : a vor » « a4 ; 7 d a 7 [ 7 e 76, a | ‘ - - ; ° — Z = bs a7 Sts Fe : - a rl pga the el ee athe ln sie ee oie fl my be a tg - P ° - as ee A so na ] i ae ‘ q = boy a r EXPLANATION TO PLATE XXXIII. Fia. 1. Abietinaria ineonstans (Clark). Part of colony (enlarged). 2. Abietinaria inconstans. Part of branch (enlarged). 3. Abietinaria coei (Nutting). Part of branch with gonangia (enlarged) . 4. Abietinaria coei. Single hydrotheca, showing sinuation of margin (enlarged). 5. Abietinaria coei. Top-shaped gonangium (enlarged). 6. Abietinaria traski (Torrey). Part of colony, showing branching (enlarged ). I Abietinaria traski. Two hydrothece (greatly enlarged). 8, 9. Abietinaria traski. Ends of hydrothece, showing opercula (greatly enlarged ). 10. Abietinaria traski. Branch with gonangium (enlarged). 11. Abietinaria traski. Three hydrothece from another colony (greatly enlarged). 280 NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. 2 PLATE XXXII. SERTULARID®. Fie: 1. bo a a) ore) ~J Abietinaria Abietinaria Abielinaria Abietinaria Abielinaria Abietinaria Abietinaria 284 EXPLANATION TO PLATE XXXIV. Jilicula (Ellis and Solander). Part of branch (much enlarged ) amphora Nutting. Part of branch (enlarged). 7] £ g camphora. amphora. Distal part of branch (enlarged). Part of branch with gonangium (enlarged). anguina (Trask). Part of branch with very slender hydrothece (enlarged ). cnguint. canguind. Part of branch with gonangia (enlarged). Single gonangium (enlarged). G—AMERICAN HYDROIDS NUTTIN EXPLANATION TO PLATE XXXYV. Fic. 1. Abietinaria gracilis Nutting. Part of colony with gonangium (enlarged). 2. Abietinaria gracilis. Four hydrotheciw (greatly enlarged). 3. Abietinaria compressa (Mereschkowsky). Part of branch (enlarged). (After Mereschkowsky. ) 4. Abietinaria compressa. Single hydrotheca (much enlarged). (After Mereschkowsky. ) 5. Abietinaria alexanderi Nutting. Part of stem and branches (enlarged). 6. Abietinaria alecanderi. Part of branch and gonangium (enlarged). 7. Abietinaria alenanderi. Gonangium, showing meridional lines (enlarged). 8. Abietinaria alexanderi. Gonangium (greatly enlarged ). ‘ . 2 NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. : ‘ PLATE XXXV. SERTULARIDE. ee Pe ey iy i i rn ry PS Toe : i ’ ‘. . s ; AP 7" A vane « ae % i ‘ ‘ q D yA : ; ¥ ae a ? r ‘ ,! ‘ a : 5 any *< 7 i] EXPLANATION TO PLATE XXXVI. Fig. 1. Abietinaria greenci (Murray). Part of branch (enlarged). 2. Abietinaria greenei. Four hydrotheesx (enlarged ). 3. Abielinaria greene. Pair of hydrothecee with toothed margins (much enlarged). 4. Abietinaria greenei. Pair of hydrothec:e with even margins (greatly enlarged ). 4. Abietinaria greenci. Side view of hydrothece (enlarged). 6. Abietinaria greenei. Side yiew of hydrothece (much enlarged ). , 8. Abietinaria greenci. Gonangia (enlarged). 9. Abietinaria costata (Nutting). Part of branch (enlarged). 10, Abietinaria costata. Part of main stem, showing branch origins (enlarged). 11. Abietinaria costata. Four hydrothecee (greatly enlarged). 12. Abietinaria costata. Group of gonangia (enlarged). 18. Abietinaria annulata (Wirchenpauer.) Part of main stem and branches (enlarged). 14. Abietinaria annulata. Part of branch (enlarged). 15. Abietinai 1 cnnulata. Side view of three hydrothece (enlarged)., 292 _ NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. PLATE XXXVI. (=P il pe A tw 4 SERTULARIDA. EXPLANATION TO PLATE XXXVII. . Abietinaria turgida (Clark). Part of stem and branch (enlarged). . Abietinaria turgida. Gonangium (enlarged). . Abietinaria gigantea (Clark). Part of branch (enlarged). . Abietinaria gigantea. Side view of branch, with gonangia (enlarged ). . Abietinaria gigantea, Side view of three hydrothecz (enlarged ).. 296 PLATE XXXVIl. NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. SERTULARIDA. EXPLANATION TO PLATE XXXVIII. Vic. 1. Hydrallmania falcata (Linnzeus). Side view of branch (greatly enlarged). . Hydrallmania falcata. Gonangium (enlarged). . Hydrallmania falcata. Front view of end of branch (enlarged). - Hydrallmania falcata. Side view of end of branch (enlarged). . Hydrallmania distans Nutting. Part of branch, side view (enlarged). Ol He Oo bo 3. Hydrallmania distans. Front view of branch (enlarged). 7,8. Hydrallmania distans. Front view of hydrothecze (much enlarged). 9. IHydrallmania distans. Gonangium (enlarged). 10. Hydrallmania franeiscana (Trask). Part of colony (enlarged). (After Trask. ) 11. Selaginopsis mirabilis (Verrill). Part of branch (enlarged ). 12. Selaginopsis mirabilis. Gonangium (enlarged). 3. Selaginopsis pinaster (Lepechin). Part of branch (enlarged). (After Kirchenpauer. ) 300 PLATE XXXVIII. NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. SERTULARID. = iS. = » . x Muon) Uf ad a Abe i rj a) x es Ne, sce ae «ee ak Pi a Y o}*~ nS bh ee . . port 4 ae Man : “ Tie ) = : - . 5 Av oa wy * _ ‘ ‘ * a te ‘ ri et ¥ > i hai 2 i - s i =: b af . a 1 ' a) n hm ea 7 ‘ y oa ~ 4 ‘ * . , ‘ . ‘ ~ . . Selaginopsis triserialis Mereschkowsky. Part of branch (enlarged). 2 : . Selaginopsis triserialis. Basal part of branch (enlarged). ; i . Selaginopsis plumiformis N oe Part of main stem, branch and peerichee) showing ee of . Selaginopsis obsoleta (Lepechin). Part of branch (enlarged). ; . Selaginopsis obsoleta. Cross section of branch (enlarged). 4 ‘, . Selaginopsis pinnata Mereschkowsky. Part of branch (enlarged). oe a ae . Selaginopsis cylindrica (Clark). Part of branch (enlarged). ’ . Selaginopsis cylindrica. Single hydrotheca (greatly enlarged ). EXPLANATION TO PLATE XXXIX. ; . (enlarged). ; x ae B04 PLATE XXXIX. a _ I : a1 io) MD o aa oO « a > ac zi 9 a w Si) i Peal z Fie. 1. ENS ape: ee ; _ . EXPLANATION WhO BELGE XL. Ad >= Selaginopsis ornata Nutting. Part of stem, showing Ranailigattes ccenosare ( Selaginopsis ornata. Part of a branch (enlarged). Selaginopsis ornatt. Gonangium (enlarged ). a gg Selaginopsis obsoleta (Lepechin). Part of branch (enlarged). (After Kirchenpauer.) _ Selaginopsis alternitheca (Levinsen). Front view of part of branch (enlarged). es Selaginopsis alternitheea. Side view of part of branch (enlarged). or eee } Selaginopsis alternitheca. Gonangium (enlarged). § z Selaginopsis hartlaubi Nutting. Part of branch (enlarged). 308 PLATE XL. o 2 ° oc (=) Eis pe | ay se, =F iS) fea Ww = ey ral = ¢ SERTULARID®. vi ? 2. a or Lew * EXPLANATION TO PLATE XLI. - Synthecium tubithecum (Allman). Part of colony, showing opposite branches (enlarged). 2. Synthecium rectum Nutting. Part of colony (enlarged). . 2Synthecium marginatum (Allman). Part of branch (enlarged). (After Allman. ) . Synthecium robustum Nutting. Part of colony with gonangia (less enlarged). . Synthecium robustum. Part of branch, front view (enlarged). . Synthecium robustum. Part of branch, side view (enlarged). . Synthecium cylindricum (Bale). Part of branch (enlarged). (After Bale.) 312 NUTTING—AMERICAN HYDROIDS. PLATE XLI. SERTULARID®. ay INDEX. (The figures in black-faced type indicate references to the forma] descriptions in the systematic part of the work.] Page. Plate. Albietinaria -2=-42=-- OCR CORRS eer 11, 17, 20, 23, 39, 41, 48, 44, 50, 62, 76, 106, 107, 118, 121, 122 ULC UEDA eee ee es ree ee ane Sire Ses oe ee 11, 16, 45, 50, 113, 114, 115, 150 XXXII ratesenty Cin Ges ae ee oo ee ea a ane Be ee ae eee 16, 17, 35, 45, 114, 119, 120, 150 OO. SLIT OE AE tera = te chete oh ae at= Nein ata are ee ese eae eee ee 36, 45, 114, 119, 150 XLV SEO PTLD eee oe eet ete rete) Se Re ore on Nees we SR SO Me ea SEE Ue 45, 114, 119, 150 XXXIV ANDINUA eGR os en a Ae Pa chet Repatns ear eloneteo e eee te caorioe 45, 113, 114, 122, 151 XXXVI COON se caw ed ES ere Sates aie al cm ora Ss oh ee Sree eter 33, 34, 36, 45, 113, 117,119,150 XXXIII COMUPTeSsa S28 tose Se ee eae ease ns temec rnin ce eeant came setae 45, 114, 120, 150 XXXV CORLL Seca eee are eae nates ease aeee ae 32, 33, 35, 36, 45, 76, 114, 122, 150 XXXVI PTT esas Ss Sash eee te hare arate wi 8 coe Soe ie eee 45, 50, 118, 11'7, 119, 150 XXXIV Pipantea eon Ss ya tae eee oso mee eset wee oma aae eee sees 5, 32, 33, 45, 113, 114,128,151 XXXVII PTACIISe nena eee cere sec nie cacao Reet eee 4, 16, 36, 45, 114, 120, 123, 150 XXXV DTCCLO Mees ea see 2 ee Ae aes eS aoe een 15, 32, 33, 41, 45, 114, 121, 150 XXXVI TI CODNDA LIA Sete ase eho oa tre Wis Re ewe Oe cdo ep aees waar 45, 113, 116, 122, 150 DO. O41 (Nabsrate pa a8 eee ee ae apace Sack eae ecae coe a ace cee Eisimpia sige aoe emanate 119 trash a see a: Sho Sea Rie a mene Saw Se eae ca eee 11, 16, 17,45, 114,118,150 XXXIII CUT POA eee eon Nala 2 ee ents Se Somes cme maiere eam Ae ae SO tea Sete) OO) Oly AO ALL reel eaD ELD Lh eons MOLE TALUS DIB ee ee ets ee kh a cea Act Riera ince pe eat 16, 36, 45, 113, 115, 150 XXX AL COERSON Ya RU DCR eee Sl eeneree ae Sterne mtn gaeaut beens pecsuontceet cate chs shes eee eee eos 5 NCTOCY SieeeEEe ee setae an emr cose see oa ee RP Rene Pe SS Ne 27 IASASHIZ MAIESAN COR Sao e ae mcet nc Ras oasis ease ciated caw cmeclowaeaciaae beni ee ene abaeeeee x 37, 41, 137 Agassiz, Louis..-.-- sme as Ne RE IR eee Le NE ee Ree at ep de Rd 3, 9, 19, 41, 50, 137 OUD MABIA As aay ee toast Saree inn aers he ea ees ooh Sele sas Sela pga Se 106 A Cla DN GDIs meets Ren ee tere ete met eee e es mio. Sone me bc oecaeeence sue ea oe camera aon 8 Alana. center on distribution or the sertulande--s-22o-0: - eee os Steno csp ene conse eee emo 48 ASR ADIPEOI OM sec eton es Gece ese meee cme ctiec sistem ce tun Se ealsce peeemaaacetes sce smeaceeae Sa 47 PAN a iy) S SE een OR RRL A oe aE nS eS A ER oe eee 48 PAL Gra OSL DS eve ee aaa eS Senne eee oe nc Lee cn ee aoe A eine eu as Coo on mop eee 19, 137 (faleata\ewos soos see cee ce a toscecn mses s Sop pameme mec eense aes abies cecmie eases 124 Wiexanders A.iB ees secon oases Seer Oe ee ee eue e e LN ee CRS Lee ee eA 121 PAU nian GRONMaN ace nae ee Seay a one ae re Seine o Sas OM Re aes ioe stony a 12, 40, 42, 137, 138 Ol ClASsiHER tL ON: OL POLLO ATIC o-oo etek inn sae mcr sa ass seem ea = fa sane aodsseoee ease 61 GHeDIethyOelaGiNNi st seseea a caw sete eae oo ee See met a ebee ein Alone cee owe 105 ORS GLAC UO SIS Saas eet crete eine ete ese ee ais aioe See na ame ene Mclain a ae 127 Oni sertilanella-2 52.220 Looe ce tie sae no ceca net eee meeeise aa eds aeeeiscep seme aceeeee 76 OMPSELLUArel la marcantaceas aq. 2 come eee ten eee eee cee awe ane a eee 95 OUCSYMUNEGUIING 2225 = 4a fone acne eo Besta Soa nieu mew acmtes bums oe cess ea seme ears 134 On NG GET tie at aoe rans ee mS SEO aCe CSc ree Ore SEO CE SEC Er Be ote ae OSE SCO SE cts 25 on the genera of the Sertularide ........------------- ais Be BEARER BE ae Soe cee 38 OU TuHe PONOSONe Ol Lp MASA sae p= eee aa en = ae ei ieee eee eee ae ie 31 DUR HE eg TX SUSU ESN COE ct re eC rt a re a ere 7 CHUAN ean BLA OSISSIINA) scabies. ss meeacet aoc aeniee same ce ese es ceeem aaa eee 68 ATEN Seria Ose OISULED GOIN Olea tan nfo eens oe cewek ene aces eee wise ces 45 (Cigaya aM )) Ge SO 6S cece Geel AS eee Ge CO Ree ASS SE Oe OSs ERE RAPES 41, 50 Qpercwlaths: 22. -cceesesccmecscceecescek Boe eat ees eee eee eae 54 (hvala) au argo fs) Jes SE ae ee an See ee ee keine Snes een oe sans 41,50 RID C LAPS Pe at. ee See ecciee snes cle ives n es ecle aee in ee ies aaa 82 PS eee ete RO Dar et GORI EE COURS IS CESS AERO gS je ae cua ee des be essere 82 316 INDEX. Page. SA TI GOMMUATI a se aw sew ccm nS ee tale ee rr a enema a eS eS ST ne 7,50 ATCHIC REPION c= = foo Se aa cei. fae ee ere oe seth. ne eine se Sc ee oe oe Eee i 47 Ay AMS A eee seine ea Sn> OAC be JOAMSE Ceca cep eE ade meee boS HORE oqo Sant SeocecEcoss abieced 83 Australias-ser til arias tin ay Obese peace aie la ete oe arenes se site Pe erate ce eee 48 Aa tue ss oe te crepes terete ee lee eee ie aha eae ae eS ores oe ete ee 5 ales Wiel oe eee UR re ee. Tehieee 0a de eee torah a) ee ee gee 48, 138 OniDiphasin digituliseeeeses se keen oeaeee 2 |: TO Uae eee eee eee ee oe 111 on Sertularella<22c2 Goes snes eae foe 2 ie ccetn qe neces ae esee es = isle ee esate ee eee 76 Gj Shad otORh a — amon wo seme Sones Soe age deese Jane e seobesodhereareececooosees yetecssceee 134 ey We! Mobb NS 4a ee Se Oe a ee els ee RAS cna cmc MON coe A es str 61 DEED HLCM OUR MNT TUL UOT a ee yaya) ase ee a mm ae ai ee 49 BEC Oty WISI Cem area ake otra apes mote fole eet a stare ise tania ol ehe ete: ye eae ef eee 51 Bedot Manrice ands Pictet, (Camille? 22.2.2 festa asa sees one see oe ees ota aerate 138 Bennet.en wan: Olivier so 22-22 2. tes ae bene emcle nee cide ees ee ee ce ot Sei eee eee ele = erate 143 BETO ORR: Osho as eo 2a fake eee th Amee emis nace eee Seah oece scan cee ee Race eateee oe a eee eee 138 Berkemhoutersscsesca cece ac Goat aoe aoe oe math Ag t epic tne See etans Ue Reo oe aerate 148 ISIC STiad SRP, eee AE ye OE a Ais SES hgh led ein aye) PSEC et Perea aie eee es ea AL e 26 Bpddkert./P. 2-2 ce he os ote e es Foleo Saas ne Sate oe eee ok Een ns Sk Se SEE eee a eee eee ee 143 Bonnevie, Kristing=-..:2+-ios22552 258 soos oe ces wee ese ge see cee teen eae os sooner sees 1, 158 On Etyoroidsiof the North) Atlonticwbxped tions sees === ee ee ranean ea 48 Bottlesbrush Corallinet? <<. 2 Sos. Balsa cesses auc eee ceeee osteo ne aces eee ee een Saeee een ees 62 Bowers: George Mit Or oe ese Siete co boc cee oae ceed das cece seem anes wee se oa cae = cee 1 Branches, Morphology: ofs2s55. 223 -cs-ssoc-see sence eae ea nas soa see ee este eee areas 8 Seu ZL stg OI re eee eter eae ik See I ed a ree ee ae ee ee 47 British. Wiseum (Natural elistory)| 22. a2, ecto. Soeeae neice: tes. See aoa eames 1 BIntish Recon = she a Ae Ore) oe 22 Bae) Be os Sha ee aaa eae Fe ee eee ee eee 47 [25 ton piatened Oo hy Gio lil eens epee aie om ae et eae aS eee dies = EA ANE oS ES Se cee tLe 1 RSMO WET Nerney Se ee A a AE ag cee le ee pe ens Op 1438 [biuisayeish In (Cp Aaa Re AS SSS eee or Se he SP eae eS eer oseeE ioe ones eae masa be ato oe Sete 1 Galemphordeec=2 echoes oN Sees iae eek Res Dose eae owe ok som ces aces sectoae oe ace see eee eee ee 89 Minami ANP eO LON sn a = Seen Oe Se Se SS 3 eS NE coe com oe Cee eR ae eee eo Eeee 47 (CERES G8 (EIEN SIN ig o8. pe ses er eer ey i ee ce pecs ep yo a ea IS he PS BS ILS lee oy Se a 138 onisertulariasarcemtes) (CAUUCT:) Moe et once ts sacle le Se eee ee sre Gets area eee 71 Calwmteroblastedae scamsce <2 So eae se so ateec ee acoe se pa tine = sa siees oe ere ae Sees « 25 (KOakwptotinarania) se eee a Ue SSCS ee SR eh eS sas Lh 2 Dee es eae eres eae 20, 39, 43 MORO SMA Casas 2 Sake ee ee SURE bc OSS ee Re cee ae aoe eee 99 (@amipanulatre niveus)\s- 22245-5225 2-eq2coce-ce ile: Perens Pty tes eS SP eR ae ei ee ET Sy 82 Gampanularin 224A: -e2 22! oes eS ee ee ee hie wes bcc cce ceeenie soe eee eeeteisas = uate ei 50 WEMICUIaiaee a8 224 SISSY SRS eee So a co Ae ooo aar Ba et eae ee eee 4 OAT PAU anid wean ee Ase es Sam See eel an te wae ae la Reet ae aN ae etree ta sapien cee een a 4,13, 25, 37 CO ACA SINEDT OD Rte) a aera Seite yale tas, oa Seg cece Sees cre sae aoe eisicineisie ae eres meme 47 Ganaliemlatedncwnusales as! edtoseceeach tasceee aaciew ae Se a eee Ae eee oat Bets cease See (f @arnseo Sst sd se ceeeos tee ectakesie tease dae egs ceeseee so jaete see Sass eth fas == fase Sse eee 143 (AVOLMIge Skee se eae ae ao So ce ee ee, hee tee Sel ee oe sae ee ee ee en ee 148 (Gellaria’ siraja st: sso h5 os ase sarc oes cepome oc Sa cme Seer a eee cite Sr Ee Ie one eee 63 Ghiaye Delle: 22.332 cececoae Jo Joes te csclso sagem nee ehenceewen see ees Sac es eo eee aie See 143 Gladocarpus paradisea 2a: Sar jc ose stacker ones cena ee See eee ee eens Sees oe aoaeoee 5 (Oy Bed ESS al ee ad ie es Aare a eg Oo Sa ee ee oS ec a en Les ea eM a ae 48,138 (Glytearugosa 2 222.23 feeds sealer e ee ea secs oe bene ioe Gis me ee ise Se See eee ete 82 (GOB SR Wi NE Ms ree ais cyst oe ct tet eye SNS ae te Re pe ear SS RPE Ss ea er 117 @ollapsible tube 22-2 a2 22k eae oo cae ee ee see a ne ete ee aera eee cee Seen ee Sees 25 Continental Recion' ee a ae at Ses Se Aw ree eS I ko Se re eae one 47 MC obulina))' ote asc sho act ts ele ceeae 19, 54 Diy eyo) nen stan aTEHSEMN Eats eS See ee ee oe en eens ee eee 37 Manhrson arse waa se = ate egies Sains Sea mqu oR enna cioaier 24223 ae aacase scot eraeqcueceecces morphology of IDE Cet ROLLE SC eek Se RN se A 2 GichObomntn. Meee. - Seet oe ee sewn eee neem ot we poe eeu eade ass atelaesaes 8 Mahone meee ee oe ee ee ec een ee 4, 8, 24, 29, 32, 33, 45, 105, 149 (0 Tae Tre), CTE ye TE fe a A Ses sce te eee en Se ag Ren a Ree pee ey 73 PCT ILA ee es ane ee cia Mee ns Sa tiaw cued poh se acn ae cbse coe oot 117 TRO ee We ORE eS So- > a ROBE CO ORS Ae COCR er Pee Doe MOE EMS: Gene o ee ee eas 107 VRDTISED, 23 SONS Sac Seep Se Slee ret ea eg i See eg ye eo ec 109 ID HARIAEE een 4 Seen ena ca enc, temiace's ete 11, 19, 23, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 43, 44, 50, 61, 76, 106, 112, 113 ADIGUD Ae mee ee Se ee eee ne em eak cone a ee pes bass waa tae moeem ee aene iw wees 115 BCANLROCANDNS ae ane eee monet ener ae oe wacne aan aoa enewe a se acsh ee aeeeensetes 76 CORT] CULATED eee ar ee eee Wine ah ee anioe See he eee ol eee be 45, 106, 112, 149 CGinitAligner ere. Mee ee ae ee Re Oe ee eee a es 13, 25, 55, 36, 45, 106, 110, 149 EN oS Nee oe ee eee ae er ae 15, 16, 24, 30, 31, 33, 37, 45, 49, 106, 109, 149 SCT Lae enn. Ohya Senn chee een as ue Se en ie eR ee ee hes Sees, St 118 Ne EaT ah 23) 0h eal 2) ae ee Sy ee IO RID I Bi eg Ne ee ee ea ee a se ee 30, 31 Rin Cal CUiewete eee ee eee ne ee ee Ee ee DOr ai poN ots Son Gor Ode Males HO (mnara DINS) eto oe on cee eae een en aa shee Ronee oa ieee Juana sae eae s 128 DeLana tree ee eee Seen ce ee eee eee 16, 32, 35, 36, 45, 106, 111, 150 WISE Lely en ep oe eee te ek Ee Se ek ee ee See. eee 128 PULA ate = ae eee Seer 5 oe SO. aan Saale Serica Pi ane Mea cece ee ee eee 112 pulchra 45, 106, 107, 111, 150 rosacea , 16,17, , 80, 31, 82, 35, 45, 106, 107, 108, 149 RTC LR CHiee So eee Pee ete ie ee See eta ae we ee SAR a ee 56 PTA INCOME Se ee aan eae es ae ay pe Der Be ae 45, 49, 106, 108, 109, 112, 149 EXOD ee eee eee oe eee ae Ele Sed ao oh ei ae, eh 17, 45, 106, 107, 110, 149 Or Efadntahn (oy auto) odavactZtw teen ge¢S(s) ni tre (os eas a ee ei ee ele eee ee ae ee ee ae 45 DAIS AROS $k SSR tS. 5 a ee ee Re IL aN 8 ie le i Aen ice, © Gee Seem 138 PRET VV Sree LE a SA eee os 2 ee a een A a8 BR ee Ee nt ee ee ee eee 139 Civ ntenah)) sae ee ees was, ete oe ee Bis ae em ce Se Te tsa Renee ae Sv mtnee SG eioe 41, 44, 49, 50 SUDL CULT Ren en ye ee is en ec PAN ee ne FER Se ee eet Ces teed 114 PET CTN a ees ee ed ei ye hs an et chave aie Eo eee clam aes Sue me on tats omnes 71 INDI Osea oe ere reat er eae ewe een Woy. ee Cee re een eed 56 CONIC AR as eee eee ener 5 a Re, cer nie SE es ee ee 58 (GNIS EVG Crete Biber Se eos AE ean ieee 8 a iy ce: NOs ind, Ns En ee OS me nt Se 59 PARCIOD aoe ee ek ne 2 em eh Ne Ses oe See eco eee azo Lk a EAE 54 Filter awe eee oe eee ees eee ohana St ee aes iowa = Sas a epee 117 GY RET RATTLED, Fue ce teas SS DRE Oe ae ot ee Os ee ee ek | Sl ee ey ed et ae Se | 54 jeg bay Ye See RoE AE SR ie See et oe Oy Resear Os FETE, Sn See ee 2 Ae Beet ee 109 POLE CUE a erie See ane ie ee ne rn ian Sem Bow, Be 55 pelehn Ey ae Oe ee Coley ie oe ee SS Se Oe aca eer eee See meso 52 EV ESEN er eee ig = Py ake a ee en he ae Na te a a cian Satur enh ati mgs Me mc es mot 107, LOS (Bernulamsy TODenCUL Alain. one oe cc eet anor dee ea ee cece aero teem 54 (HOtHEaTIN NDOT Ae «ancl. cee cata Batman See sc eee taeenc Coe oe oe eee 52 (pertularia)iroedees, 220 2)5-.cos.cs2scetcer-etwcc nest Minis Sapte Soe = = eee 107 PSSTE SL SCH er ee SE = eee ee te en ee yee cee 109 tubuliformis ....--- Se en on ee See: a meen ey Ty UTE) Se St 70 LEC CO hOCk emmeneent eneenne fet see Ne RRR eee ee Oe SE a le ee 143 se Ob Die] ose te =e oe SOA CD ae Se OS PP RIE a a yn Aer nat sh eg ge eae 139 POO tana SOLO ere Ly amiCle= Seen cae ok Sone Oe Sots See ek eee es Cet Sa 67, 139 BORE Cad ce C)coeeen aac Gee en . pee oe Ss oe et eo ee ee ee Ue ee eo Se 143 Wav LOY MN iS ON 3, Ra BO Te Td ee a ec See eR tn ee WO See nS Oe ee 143 AS OR TRECT UC eaI) LEI (st eee ae Pm eRe Soe ee oe ee ee eh ed eee 139 Reo Claine <2 3 Bueeee ce ee SE St ee ee ee a oo ee oe tee 143 Fascicled stem on * XXVIII XXIX XXX XXIX XXX] XXXI XX XI XXVIII XXVIII XXX 318 INDEX. Page. lewirces) Ji Walter = 225 2: Gs seers ou sarc errr te we ne eae ce ee ar es coe a ee 139 Mleming;: John. 2...) acter sane --2- sees baat Weta se ce ceisieein tele eee ES Sce See ee 37, 50, 67 lowers; (Cliaxlés (B= ose sa ree ne eS eee Ste a rane 60 150) 62 = OTR ere opens Se a ees (oe ee wee ee erg oe es NOSE aaa a Ser EEO Masa aO aca 139 CENi} OOo We ha tC eon ees fae oe en een eee beeen ee ene et ee Soke Soo 121 Gonangia) <4 S eee pane eens 2 Rc tei aces ween cae ss clea sot eee eee te ae eee 28 (COTMUPATIONE (OME mise 22 soe eee cis oe ae eee ee & oh ae ee aes Oe anes ees see eee 34 ofthe: Sertwlanidceyess- Soe ees ce ee ee ae 143 Viney ae AMOTOWeseesthe. 2. 2 Sot Sos Sp ete cee ne a st poco e Pee Ieiewbeey datscc Oboe eee 127 INSTAL TS ORIN OTN CUS ar 222. oul opie Seen eee ee mae See ee 2 Se ea 89 SMG IE) 22sec ons Se ARIES eee a ol eS Sen RE Ie PR en EEC RE Perret pee, oS 144 (Nicellssinowieablenmum)o-so cee se es. ake SEE oe eee ee nes eee oo eee 114 CUDECESUN Hiatt en ata Vd ee ee a er 1 RUS Osa Groupe sce Haas = 2 corgi te tke Shae no eae So ee iets aaa ses Sele ee era 17, 81, 89 SieimnUNncssone posse eh oO ee Se oy ese Aes ced ee pete 2 ene, ee ae ree 141 St Wesbal Gil @ Wee 0 cs Got A ie on (oe eee Oe SN COR PRO eR atk amr. CRORE MED: otal Se ee Ce 141 Sevigny; diet On, veneAud oul. “ute. eo seers tele Bee te Se nace heii See Gin «eee Se 144 SSCAMCIMANIATIUR EDL ON ate oes = ae se ot ote ne eo, Roh ea 47 schneider. Carl Camillopt oso seco ne te aol tro Sree Se Se) ee ee eee 142 onvelassifigationy ot tlre Sentullearid ses ss. oe ee oe ee = = ett a ee 41 Sahnlze- rate “Winans oe ye aye Se ie Dn, BR on a ee 141 (Trial Gad ebaasishoeee Se Be ae ee ee ee ee See ies OR Cle Ee, apn eee iE eas oa 72 MORaNT NS joo MNES ee EN ay ye ba IN sy ea SR ee gps SD Eg ee 114 p(s hols Rh gies Sn ROE 2” oe Oe ek eke Cys ate ers. ee ee. Bee MOAN oh kg bk a4 Sés-OskiCoralline: ¢2 esos. Ty. hs Lee eS ass ee ee oe ne eee 51 Sea-spleenwort or Polywody 2. 2222 anee2eghone se shee. eet eet Sasen sie eee Ea eCee Rene 66 Plate. XII INDEX. Page. Bie NRE ING CS Sane. ates ae ate Se ee aE eI Eee > = cemeeotice vse apeand 108 MGIEDINO RAIN eae name oe. 5 - Se uee ois «ja tanudcaememeae 7, 11, 14, 17, 23, 38, 39, 41, 42, 44, 1277, 129, 130 cle anit day tn in! / Senos Bee ae OS Dae Oe Oe eee 46, 61, 128, 188, 151 FCOELIT I Cpe te >.< EPR Vos ee ee tae RCE wae oes wt 46, 127,130 CY LINAL Gao. a - 23. teas > «aS nes oo qeemaeeara ce ones 16, 41, 46, 128, 129, 181, 151 eECCMReMelin mers. eee fC. ae ie = ee een) eine 2 5 5 SSRIS odo ae 14 iI oy: Ce = ans A A A wie EOP, ave ey oe ero = 8 Rete ga 46, 128, 133, 151 ECan) Sys 2 ees. . Se as Pe eae eee eee aoa ais aaa a see 132 raving 00): eee ee Oe le SE So Ts Sa a 41, 46, 127, 128, 151 (3) TOL CLE a = a ote BO ae Ne ip ree O52 2 ie 46, 128, 182, 151 OWN A a eas has 2a ee. | = ee aetats saan s abana see See Saat OD) GOPEOS Laat eae LOL (Goltenate:)), See eaeet es Semen Sere oS Sree Sele ce Regmee Spy Ao en ae OR 130 INOSLOL Aehan ss - Seen an.55 sets aes oat sie oe ee Oe roe 46, 127, 128, 129, 151 OETA Lede ee = Se Ss, 2 > oS a re ee 18, 46, 127, 130, 151 jVivgeniQol git y come! See, Se ee as A oe Ea eee 46, 127, 129, 151 MISTI Tale Seeks - | ee ot eS ae ne tan eo ep eee, Ser an Nes A 46, 127,129, 151 Serialarcllas aegis eS: 11,19, 23, 29, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 50, 61,68, 75, 76, 77, 105, 121, 134 (CHoiC\nbats Sake eee 22) = ok ae eee Ot ye ene ee Sa eee oe ee 115 (PAIR ee see a= 5 see ao ones Seated ee ee Hearne come linea oeig eee See a ae 97 I Didee eee 2 aa as ies Omen ee Ge Aa ee oe 24, 29, 34, 46, 77, 86, 148 BUN Set ch. 2d eee ere ORS Bee CEM nae oc arn nto, Ot +S 14, 32, 34, 46, 77, 84, 148 BILOMNANE aoe oe ctgetemne + ae cree a te et tet eS cee tata Slices to 134 CH dyoe(oyube=ty Maite 2 ome at ee eae Am PR 5 ey Se oN ee eee ee See 46, 77, 88, 148 pA BTUOS Ree ee ao otis Bene trtar, A ee ieee. oe eee cee crates 84 (Sita netics’) y= spss a eet cies Sect Sen 5 on, Soe ee. Be ee ae oe ee ee 84, 85 Rh ines ge peg Re eal tt od be eee Wie ie PLS Aa t e 16, 17, 24, 46, 77, 88, 147 NH Tigo oie as eee ae ERLE PER R= Uy FRG De We oe 7, 17, 33, 46, 77, 80, 147 lea ee ee eee eis ne: 2m) DA, ee eee ee 46, 76, 78, 102, 149 (GDI a2 5 ao Se Fae foe Oe Se es Ae See ees Se 46, 49, 77, 98, 148 COMPPIEXd a. Sasa eee nal Ae to eee Seo ee 24, 28, 29, 34, 36, 37, 46, 77, 94, 148 (Hoan criss | Se ee Mears ee ee Cie Se era ae Sal 5 5S Rae We! 17, 46, 77, '79, 95, 147 CET UTS Bete ies tk te eas S Gee ae Sse Ae ee Be Be ee ee oi 18, 34, 36, 46, 77, 85, 148 GY LING Cees re EM eee cee Bie hoo chem eC ee nee & eke mamta ere Se eee 136 Cent iva( liahilats; dies es Seo Soe ie eee eS ee een PSE a ar eel 16, 46, 77, 80, 87, 104, 148 CIB REEILC Cee eee Nees ats pe os ake oe i eee nee eee 4, 17,46, 78, 100, 149 BUICK OL Tite aaa ec ae oy ee eet ye ae De Bei ee ee ee ee 8, 12, 94 (ithe oe Sere ia eee Seen 22S) 2 Sao acincete Seba ase aes SeeeeReee 68 CUISTALIN Se See Roe sete cet Ae SA Gh) Sea ne 14, 17, 46, 77, 88, 148 TelEPRNR oes eet. rere ote tae oes eayoecls seis eianreete 8, 32, 33, 34, 35, 46, 77, 98, 149 @DISGODUS Ses secem oe ek ee ee eae ce eee eee aes 16, 18, 46, 76, 78, 108, 149 liforirisee en eee ae Coe een 5 ee | 15, 18, 28, 29, 32, 34, 36, 46, 77, 97, 148 TORINO Ree ace ae Oe ce ae I ec Pe pee 14, 15, 17, 24, 32, 33, 40, 46, 76, 78, 104, 149 (Gaafb yn (Oyd Lor) [eee ee se ory SA, Ye ae ee Se ee ee aa 94 Lablsicoyd e701: Wins erate eee eee, a eee Cees so ENE Se =. ah er 16, 36, 46, 77, 89, 90, 148 CRY MSR oes ese eee eee ec ow se camee saeees 5, 6, 7, 12, 17, 24, 46, 77, '78, 93, 147 PAV MVE TODS: = ce wee rean ee act he cee aes cleas 56 ete n aaa Sete ae ee eee 34 eccTaNtOlbEE: Vc) ES oe Set ales CaP ken Mee 2 ae ae eg: oe a 16, 46, 77, 81, (82), 147 PI SREICO ME see TPE Soe ono he So Mies Aon ce ae ein ee see SEE 16, 17, 46, 77, 87, 88, 104, 148 (GEVEGNEI) IR yew eats 2a ee Ree eae Bete mee em eae ie see a Baoan ee ae 121 ((ialeeine fee ite. 2 heen cee ce en Cea eec ees aan eee eee ee 136 ETE LeL tLe ee een ok Sere een ea Et Ee, = te 14, 16, 17, 40, 46, 78, 104, 149 (Hesperia) (se 95 a cc Jeo tee oe eat Jae eek Sete eens ee a esteman ae eae 101, 102 (Ginnplexa)) Ws ss a2 Bt ee oe ed . eee de ee a. ec nn Seen ae ee 92 KEEN OCA ose ae 2s ee Daan = Sa ree = Se Si ied Sapa ens Coons = Lee eee 104 IE aa ae Se ae ee See es ee 2 Ee 7, 14, 18, 46, 77, 85, 88, 148 LSU SETR ON Oe ese So SS. (Sees een, >, ee) ee 10, 34, 46, 78, 100, 149 TRASOL ICA Se eA aN: oo ee Uc s Someta oe eetow. cae Sem ee 10, 14, 46, 78, 99, 149 MISPUA sche has ob Se vente asaasssatade saeeerasc atlas saeeasaered 46,78, 103, 149 aha DACCAS ae ..< . See eo. See een eG <5 pene mn ee eee oe 46,77, 95, 148 TUE PHALOM AES sae mclees =|. cn oc Ser ths 5 rate eta ee nals aie Sears 7, 10, 13, 36, 46, 77, 9O, 148 TICMICLG THe eee eo ee oo ee ey Sree aon en ee a Cera ODED his oO; ao MOL HeA eee Ree, Shee iy Ae, 1 ASS. eS ON eR ees 46, 78, 98, 149 TUNEL) UL (See oe ee eh Bo athe a LS yo. ab ers Lote 6 keeee 46, 78, 99, 149 321 Plate. XL XXXIX XL AXXVIII XXXIX, XL XL XXX VIII XXXIX XXXIX XXXIX XIX XVIII XX XVII Bay XXVI XXI XXI XV XVIII XIX XXV XIX XXIV XXVI XXIII XXVIT xX XIV XVI XIX XXVII XVIII XXVI XXIV XXVII XXII XX XXIII XXIV XXIV 322 INDEX. Page, Sertttlarella mana. 2.2552 sgatne we snc caeee eas Se boas cb sen ee ee Se eee 46, 68, 78, 105, 149 (modulosal = Sete eess = 3-2 Ree ee See een 6k ae eee ere eee oe ane A omer 95 ((IMDAalllida))" = SeSe ssh 5-2. see se cee eee Sasha sheen ce ~'- Sees sae ae 101 [OUR 40) 80 6 ag re ee SC pe 5 a = 16, 46, 77, 81, 147 1s Betas Bey od nis Tees 5 OO Ee 3 Se eee Ee SNe Ione es SeeaGa~ = See 46, 77, 90, 148 PINAL eee ne rea oa aaa er Ge eee -S ene en ee ese 92 SON Che DEE Se eyse anes se SOrer aoe aOR CE SSE Soe ore Seti. Aer aS 13, 46, 77, 89, 148 SUG CHOTOM A sos ~ Se a ee OE sin Bee inte Risin = Se 116 (ay CPG a ATCT) ae = DER 5, ERA eS) ee Bee Se AS ee ec 104 (Certs) eee e. . Some. Reef ane eee eee oe ee ene ee Oe ee 65 CLE STEN) Soe = Ol SIRS See eo, See See So ee See Ser 119 (Let rer Ca) pewemercn eee 2. eee ce i ee os ee Ee ee eee Reeutn eee eee a eee 119 REECE UTC CALS) teeter ee wx cee a Si ec ee ee a re ere ree 69 (iehenaserim) feces. 2aeess = ee tees mre epee fae ee pee ee om 66 (ON CHINE) PS osc n cose coe Sec we pete re eice meee Seem ems eC Pee ee = wy eee ae cele ae 66, 67 (MON PICORtA) Ses aso ox cpene cia Sows ew mee demets poe tie Ge so Meta oats aera aman areas 103 (iroanita eee eo Sa ee Seon eo eels = sete ers Seen ecient ameter ae opie 109 » (Marbinata) Aes. oss. os ee aioe ee oe aoe Pee e ace eames as eo eee 135 USTED (CY Ge cc SP SL a Og ee ees ee aS ey Rey =e Ee 16, 25, 46, 51, 58, 146 (rowlrierna) Fe 2 a522 a8 c ao. aaces Gan Cee en ee a cee eee ea epe ie ene ae eae 98 ((geaWhi OS OL) eigen) erie ee es tS Ee As Se Pe nee eR eee EER le 128 (i ellantrunt) osm eee ss ee oe oe ee ee ee ee ee ee 107 (0 8):(0) Us} 1) | es es ae ree eS ee fee es Sener Sema nRer acc 132 OpERCULA Ae es ae mene S acmee ee see ase Sa ee 15, 18, 21, 23, 32, 33, 46, 50, 51, 54, 55, 145 (pata pOmica) tenet ee ce ee Oe ee ie eee ee 8 cere ea ae 81 ((BYehal a oon soe ches Se cee ae rece pp ones Seen oe ae aoe Same eee 90 ((pinasten)) see tee sacs he aan ck scrote ctc cis aie Riale wee ere eerie cere en ae ae 128 (Din iate eae eens oocemer - e o 8 ew ig SC ey ee eee ee oe 91,109 (Gp Rae SS es a hth phos Le cece rears SI cetera apt i A ec SEE a Ba 128 (plummlania" (rales tal) ee. 2 en. sco oats aia eons heen clea es e ee ee ee ae 125 ((Dalivzonins) Sekeer Jeanne US = as iE onc ORE eae oe Bets Un SERB OTe eRe eee ae 90, 91, 92 MoGlyzaniag vse w/is Mester. — een oe a ete Se eae ak a ee nen ae ee ee 78 POO UG be ees mene ta Seer cin Se ee ss Se A ee dC ee ee 46,51, 59, 146 (QOYGO IC tay) eee tere ae SE oo ye SA ae as ee Dek ORC et PR ee 109 OLAV EH) Ey A ncaa lee et re ee es PEE be a Rn Oe ees Seen er os 46,51, 55, 145 JV) Ee oS Sea eee 3, 4, 9, 11, 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 37, 40, 46, 51, 52, 145 (pu aRver! Aoi eof seen ek cee a mncce nee Saee Ce tac e nee can cme sees 57 (Ipupa) esse eee ae mamseR en ase Screech Re Eee Seer ee ce” eC aed Wear 51 Kiquadiderrtartsy) Mere cp ee ae erent oe cee SC: eigen teeny So Lee Ree 75 SALSA 18, 47, 50, 51, 5'7, 145 (OSS) eee nee en oe ee, aie eet eee) ty Deer = oO ae + Ree ee 107 (POSACee ene see secs arena ra, eee et Se a tie Ge Cee: Lae eee LB ee ee 107 (CTR 01 EL) A oll Ss Ae a dear ae Red I) = NaCI, xy Pe Petes Se grea A StS 82 (BrU pe OS pelts) ere > aioe a a ene tan Se ee Serene Scene Ce 83 (Se@un pla ee eeee ee ee ee ed on Se lS i Lk ee ee ee eee S4 (Sumlig) ose areas hee ec mens gta-k Seem coe sae Ree e nice < tee eee ae 3 eee 69 (stipulsthy)) e2eeme c=. 25. neue seen am tean es eee reece eee ls acs eee ee aes eee 124 SLOULKG Wiletetne Shc Se oie Soh. 2S ee Cig eae ao eke Bip een is 4, 29, 32, 33, 47, 51, 59, 146 (Uni ENCE (CT) ae eae es en Se a lk me 28 Al 31,52, 108, 109 (HenGI AN Pee hes ss ee. ee eek. ln eee ee eee 83 (Genera) Peers eee so aa ae eee. ease oe. = Ok a 3s See 70 ((GhiUleIOT CS) eens. Soe ano ee sees 2 QO SoBe eR ne cee 64 (CUE a) eet se Ge cic er kk ie et 3 = en ane eI cer 62, 63 (Gers) at) ae 2 eee ee ee ee ee ee a: «Seles 118 (UNICHE I ate) Peer es eee eee OS eee 25 es. RR Ne. en 100, 101, 121 (CODER EGGH erence. Pama ci eed. Laren Me oan SO Sees ee eee 134 eboateolS: 8 Aad Saree mer Syke = See eee oe ean Se ee. Se 47,51, 60, 146 (irene tol )\ S Sexe at) Oca © 5 heath i R145 ade ae Pe rs ap a et a ts el ee 95 Plate. VI Il II Ill VI 324 INDEX. Page. Peruularia nttisneoides)): je - segs se hc SR ore no ee es a eR 54 (Gvaitialbilis)) 2 55 ee ee. Tee 2 8 eee ae ey Oa 2 ee ee 82 PS) OPK ty ek eae Sen eg cS eae A ec cts rere, SS ANE m8 AE See See 30 SPEUMaN YI. ahora Foe ie ane oan as Sem = SR ee IO a ele 6 eee LOS ee ote Sees aa 27 POC URE Steuer Sep amperes ae ae cate a 3 ns yet spre ere a are ee as / 71 DSCALIROLELC CHa epee anti ar re MS ey Ae EN a Pee, Se A ee ers eee Pe cae, OOo eae Stem nOLp MO) OSV Ohees ae eee Sane s oat a eee et eee ein eee. eek. See eee 5 Stimpson, on Sertularia producta StOOK eye Si seeeatetaooett oe dae ere oes Peek er wesaeicee ae cmee artes SEE 7 eens. Se ah ae SLOPE Ne eas # Ae cect es ee eR, fers RIE ene era =: Ny ye RR OE Rea s (y:mplectoseyprtus) seers eee eee ee ee eee See ee SHARMA OMENS. Sasa AoE Cue Soo ae ee OS Ree eee BOSS ee Settee S 11, 14, 17, 25, 38, 39, 42, 44, 183, 134 CAMPY LOCATE see eset Ne tats ee ee ek Be eer ete Se eS Coc eee RIO SEG GYglrinis Gin Serta cet eae Roe ee eee etn Ree at ete See as 14, 47, 134, 136, 151 TAY: Ral OED 9 panos hese ei escent RNS i sheet a ey Sy Sat Sd ae a 17, 47, 134, 135, 151 MECC ee eae oe eee ee ees apne see: oe eet ee 14, 17, 47, 184, 135, 151 TOMUSLUD See eee eats eae Osa eaters ersten sed Sepa ee ete 47, 134, 186, 151 TUITE CUE serra net ets oe Meee mene ee nie We ei Ue ae hee | elt ae 17, 47, 184, 151 URL IHA tel CISGUSSLONKO Ms SLU ATIC sour gary yee ere epee ete eer yee ne an nee ea 37 SRemipletony dass sees eee Sees ie oe eens Sera etn ee meee 0521S She Re wn eee 144 Pe Tyalalcaleem lr Pea OMASULTL ES) © eet are Spe tere pay Serr WM eS Sc Dye ORG te Qa pe nf ee Iw Eee 4, 141 PRE COGLA CI eeeers are doe eee a Pree, She une Ne yet eye egy Sol ee Se 4, 39, 42, 44 (MDO2)) SocceeGechGee ear eae es eee ese! Sets See Re Nees Beak ME pene ania Sear © Se A eee Ly eae 49 Pironipson sD) PAG VilWisrers enya ok i of We Se eLearn ea o tee O ee 1, 141 a Mnornel ve misaUta ROSCOG Ho ese . sce ee heme ae ses ott re SE ere oes Been es Cie einen eee eee 141 Thuiaria.......--- 11, 14, 17, 19, 23, 25, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41,42, 44, 61, 68, 69, 76, 86, 105, 107, 113, 121, 127, 129 (albie firey) pees = ee ee ee cect A cee 2 te Se ce Wo tr en OE Re eee 115 (aIPeTOING GH) beeen eee ha ey he pet ts Je SR on? ee | UE ae ates, AO 133 Cetra Tait athe) eee e ere A aiee ne LS 5 ee a ee Fw cert. a eh en ame Ae 122 FESS IE le hee ceo OTS ea SE RTA ns EE i Sr 13, 18, 36, 47, 62, '71, 72, 147 (arieuilatay see ne ae sees Mec SOGe ae SEE ue ey Ee oane ei. apart 66, 67 ((QOSOUM Sheed Ae cect Oo ae Re oe OR SAN ee Oe ty a ee ee Bee 5 em aa ae 122 GUE SITO web eS ear Eee Se eee CoE aE OE Bae RD aL ee eee Ia See 4, 21, 47, 50, 62, '72, 73, 147 (Oni aT OCEANS wed a5 oe Ee eee Bee ee nas ae Moen ber ae omer aha ares 61, 67, 68 (Ces Uiaaiclirn et) am Senne reve ae eth eh 2 I a Dives 2 oe Bho sy ee i 131 CUD 2 3 he a A ee eae Ue,