iii^..i mum For Reference NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THIS ROOM • "^'- I CALF LIBRARY OF 1885- IQ56 PLATE I nfarr U'eUmnv, del. PLATE T. SPHINX-MOTHS. 1 = Pholus pandorus. 2 = Smerinthus geminatus. 3 = Ainpelophaga versicolor. 4=Marumba modesta. 5 = Hemaris thysbe. 6=Thyreus abbotti. American j^aturr Series; Group I. Classification of Nature AMERICAN INSECTS VERNON L KELLOGG Professor oj Entomology and Lecturer on Bionomics in Leliind Stanford Jr. University WITH MANY ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS BY MARY WELLMAN NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 1906 Copyright, 1904 BY HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY ROBERT DRUMMOND, PRINTER, NEW YORK TO JOHN HENRY COMSTOCK PREFATORY NOTE If man were not the dominant animal in the world, this would be the Age of Insects. Outnumbering in kinds the members of all other groups of animals combined, and showing a wealth of individuals and a degree of prolificness excelled only by the fishes among larger animals, and among smaller animals by the Protozoa, the insects have an indisputable claim on the attention of students of natural history by sheer force of numbers. But their claim to our interest rests on securer ground. Their immediate and important relation to man as enemies of his crops, and, as we have come to know only to-day, as it were, as a grim menace to his own health and life — this capacity of insects to destroy annually hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of grains and fruits and vegetables, and to be solely responsible for the dissemination of some of the most serious diseases that make man to suffer and die, forces our attention whether we will or not. Finally, the amazing variety and specialization of habit and appearance, the extraor- dinary adaptations and "shifts for a living" which insects show, make a claim on the attention of all who harbor the smallest trace of that "scientific curiosity" which leads men to observe and ponder the ways and seeming of Nature. Some of the most attractive and important problems which modern biological study is attacking, such as the significance of color and pattern, the reality of mechanism and automatism in the action and behavior of animals as contrasted with intelligent and discriminating performances the statistical and experimental study of variation and heredity, and other sub- jects of present-day biological investigation, are finding their most available material and data among the insects. This book is written in the endeavor to foster an interest in insect biology on the part of students of natural history, of nature observers, and of general readers; it provides in a single volume a general systematic account of all the principal groups of insects as they occur in America, together with special accounts of the structure, physiology, development and metamorphoses, and of certain particularly interesting and important ecological relations of insects with the world around them. Systematic entomology, economic entomology, and what may be called the bionomics of insects are the special subjects of the matter and illustration of the book. An effort has been made to put the matter at the easy command of the average intelligent reader; but it has been felt that a little demand on his attention will accomplish the result more satisfactorily than could be done with that utter freedom from etTort vi Prefatory Note with which some Nature-books try to disseminate knowledge. The few technical terms used are all explained in the text in connection with their first use, and besides are inserted in the Index with a specific reference, in black-faced type, to the explanation. So that the tyro reading casually in the book and meeting any of these terms apart from their explanation has only to refer to the Index for assistance. Readers more interested in accounts of the habits and kinds of insects than in their structure and physiology will be inclined lo skip the first three chapters, and may do so and still find the rest of the book "easy reading" and, it is hoped, not devoid of entertain- ment and advantage. But the reader is earnestly advised not to spare the little attention especially needed for understanding these first chapters, and thus to ensure for his later reading some of that quality which is among the most valued possessions of the best minds. In preparing such a book as this an author is under a host of obligations to previous writers and students which must perforce go unacknowledged. Some formal recognition, however, for aid and courtesies directly tendered by J. H. Comstock of Cornell University, whose entomological text-books have been for years the chief sources of knowledge of the insects of this country, I am able and glad to make. To my artist. Miss Mary Wellman, for her constant interest in a work that must often have been laborious and wearying, and for her persistently faithful endeavor toward accuracy, I extend sincere thanks. To Mrs. David Starr Jordan, who read all of the manuscript as a "general reader" critic, and to President Jordan for numerous sugges- tions I am particularly indebted. For special courtesies in the matter of illustrations (permission to have electrotypes made from original blocks) I am obhged to Prof. F. L. Washburn, State Entomologist of Minnesota (for nearly one hundred and fifty figures), Prof. M. V. Slingerland of Cornell University, Dr. E. P. Felt, State Entomologist of New York, Mr. Wm. Beutenmiiller, editor of the Journal of the New York Entomological Society, and Dr. Henry Skinner, editor of the Entomological News. Vernon L. Kellogg. Stanford University, California, June 1, 1904. CONTENTS CHAP. PAGE I. The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects i II. Development and Metamorphosis of Insects 35 III. Classification of Insects 52 IV. The Simplest Insects (Order Aptera) 58 V. May-flies (Order Ephemerida) and Stone-flies (Order Plecoptera). 65 VI. Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies (Order Odonata) 75 VII. The Termites or White Ants (Order Isoptera) 99 VIII. Book-lice and Bark-lice (Order Corrodentia), and Biting Bird-lice (Order Mallophaga) iii IX. The Cockroaches, Crickets, Locusts, Grasshoppers, and Katydids (Order Orthoptera) 123 X. The True Bugs, Cicadas, Aphids, Scale-insects, etc. (Order Hemip- tera), and the Thrips (Order Thysanoptera) 163 XI. The Nerve-winged Insects (Order Neuroptera), Scorpion-flies (Order Mecoptera), and Caddis-flies (Order Trichoptera) 223 XII. The Beetles (Order Coleoptera) 246 XIII. The Two-winged Flies (Order Diptera) 301 XIV. The Moths and Butterflies (Order Lepidoptera) 358 XV. The Ichneumons, Gall-flies, Wasps, Bees, and Ants (Order Hymen- optera) 459 XVI. Insects and Flowers 562 XVII. Color and Pattern and their Uses 583 XVIII. Insects and Disease 615 Appendix: Collecting and Rearing Insects 635 Index , 649 AMERICAN INSECTS CHAPTER I THE STRUCTURE AND SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY OF INSECTS ERHAPS no more uninteresting matter, for the general reader or entomological amateur, can be written about insects than a descrip- tive catalogue of the parts and pieces of the insect body. And such matter is practically useless because it doesn't stick in the reader's mind. If it is worth while knowing the intimate make-up of a house-fly's animated little body, it is worth getting this knowledge in the only way that will make it real, that is, by patient and eye-straining work with dissecting-needles and micro- scope. This book, anyway, is to try to convey some information about the kinds and ways of insects, and to stimulate interest in insect life, rather than to be a treatise on insect organs and their particular functions. Life is, to be sure, only the sum of the organic functions, but this sum or com- bination has an interest disproportionate to that of any of its component parts, and has an aspect and character which cannot be foretold in any com- pleteness from ever so careful a disjoined study of the particular functions. And so with the body, the sum of the organs: it is the manner and seeming of the body as a whole, its symmetry and exquisite adaptation to the special habit of life, the fine delicacy of its colors and pattern, or, at the other extreme, their amazing contrasts and hizarrerie, on which depend our first interest in the insect body. A second interest, although to the collector and amateur perhaps the dominant one, comes from that recognition of the differences and resemblances among the various insects which is simply the appreciation of kinds, i.e., of species. This interest expanded by oppor- tunity and observation and controlled by reason and the habit of order and arrangement is, when extreme, that ardent and much misunderstood and scoffed at but ever-impelling mainspring of the collector and classifier. 2 The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects Of all entomologists, students of insects, the very large majority are col- lectors and classifiers, and of amateurs apart from the few who have "crawl- eries" and aquaria for keeping alive and rearing " worms" and water-bugs and the few bee-keepers who are more interested in bees than honey, prac- tically all are collectors and arrangers. So, as collecting depends on a knowledge of the life of the insect as a whole, and classifying (apart from certain primary distinctions) on only the external structural character of the body, any detailed disquisition on the intimate character of the insec- tean insides would certainly not be welcome to most of the users of this book. That insects agree among themselves in some important characteristics and differ from all other animals in the possession of these characteristics is implied in the segregation of insects into a single great class of animals- Class here is used with the technical meaning of the systematic zoologist- He says that the animal kingdom is separable into, or, better, is composed of several primary groups of animals, the members of each group possessing in common certain important and fundamental characteristics of structure and function which are lacking, at any rate in similar combination, in all other animals. These primary groups are called phyla or branches- All the minute one-celled animals, for example, compose the phylum Protozoa (the simplest animals); all the starfishes, sea-urchins, sea-cucumbers, and feather-stars, which have the body built on a radiate plan and have no back- bone, and have and do not have certain various other important things, compose the phylum or branch Echinodermata; all the back-boned ani- mals and some few others with a cartilaginous rod instead of a bony column along the back compose the class Chordata; all the animals which have the body composed of a series of successive rings or segments, and have pairs of jointed appendages used as feet, mouth-parts, feelers, etc., aris- ing from these segments, compose the phylum Arthropoda. There are still other phyla — but I am not writing a zoology. The insects are Arthro- poda; and any one may readily see — it is most plainly seen in such forms as a locust, or dragon-fly, or butterfly, and less plainly in the concentrated knobby little body of a house-fly or bee — that an insect's body shows the characteristic arthropod structure; it is made up of rings or segments, and the appendages, legs for easiest example, are jointed. An earthworm's body is made up of rings, but it has no jointed appendages. A worm is therefore not an arthropod. A crayfish, however, is made up of distinct successive body-rings, and its legs and other appendages are jointed. And so with crabs and lobsters and shrimps. And the same is true of thousand- legged worms and centipeds and scorpions and spiders. All these creatures, then, are Arthropods. But they are not insects. So all the back-boned animals, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals are Chordates, The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects 3 but they are not all birds. The phylum Chordata is subdivided into or composed of the various classes Pisces (fishes), Aves (birds), etc. And similarly the phylum Arthropoda is composed of several distinct classes, viz.: the Crustacea, including the crayfishes, crabs, shrimps, lobsters, water-fleas, and barnacles; the Onychophora, containing a single genus (Peripatus) of worm-like creatures; the Myriapoda, including the thousand- legged worms and centipeds; the Arachnida, including the scorpions, spiders, mites, and ticks; and finally the class Insecta (or Hexapoda, as it is some- times called), whose members are distinguished from the other Arthro- antennae •ovipositor femuT' tibia'' tarsal segments Fig. I. — Locust (enlarged) with external parts named. pods by having the body-rings or segments grouped into three regions, called head, thorax, and abdomen, by having jointed appendages only on the body- rings composing the head and thorax (one or two pairs of appendages may occur on the terminal segments of the abdomen), and by breathing by means of air-tubes (tracheje) which ramify the whole interior of the body and open on its surface through paired openings (spiracles). The insects also have three pairs of legs, never more, and less only in cases of degeneration, and by this obvious character can be readily distinguished from the Myria- pods, which have many pairs, and the Arachnids, which have four pairs. Centipeds are not insects, nor are spiders and mites and ticks. What are insects most of this book is given to showing. To proceed to the classifying of insects into orders and families and genera and species inside of the all-including class is the next work of the collector and classifier. And for this— if for no other reason— some further knowledge of insect structure is indispensable. The classification rests 4 The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects mostly on resemblances and differences in corresponding parts of the body, apparent in the various insect kinds. What these parts are, with their names and general characters, and what their particular use and significance are, may be got partly from the following brief general account, and partly from the special accounts given in connection with special groups of insects else- where in this book. A little patience and concentration of attention in the reading of the next few pages will make the reader's attention to the rest of the book much simpler, and his understanding of it much more effective. The outer layer of the skin or body-wall of an insect is called the cuticle, and in most insects the cuticle of most of the body is firm and horny in char- FiG. 2. — Longitudinal section of anterior half of an insect, Menopon titan, to show chitin- ized exoskeleton, with muscles attached to the inner surface. (Much enlarged.) acter, due to the deposition in it, by the cells of the skin, of a substance called chitin. This firm external chitinized * cuticle (Fig. 2) forms an enclosing exoskeleton which serves at once to protect the inner soft parts from injury Fig. 3.- -Bit of body-wall, greatly magnified, of larva of blow-fly, Calliphora erythrocephala, to show attachment of muscles to inner surface. and to afford rigid points of attachment (Figs. 2, 3 and 4) for the many small but strong muscles which compose the insect's complex muscular system. Insects have no internal skeleton, although in many cases small processes project internally from the exoskeleton, particularly in the thorax or part * It is not certainly known whether the cuticle is wholly secreted by the skin cells, or is in part composed of the modified external ends of the cells themselves. The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects 5 of the body bearing the wings and legs. Where the cuticle is not strongly chitinized it is flexible (Fig. 6), thus permitting the necessary movement or play of the rings of the body, the segments of the legs, antennae and mouth-parts, and other parts. The small portions of chitinized cuticle thus isolated or made separate by the thin interspaces or sutures 4. ■ Fig. 5. jri(;_ ^_ — Diagram of cross-section through the thorax of an insect to show leg and wing muscles and their attachment to body-wall, h., heart; al.c, alimentary canal; v.n.c. ventral nerve-cord; w., wing; /., leg; w., muscles. (Much enlarged; after Graber.) PiQ J — Left middle leg of cockroach with exoskeleton partly removed, showing muscles. (Much enlarged; after Miall and Denny.) are called sclerites, and many of them have received specific names, while their varying shape and character are made use of in distinguishing and classifying insects. Fig. 6. — Chitinized cuticle from dorsal wall of two body segments of an insect, showing sutures (the bent places) between segmental sclerites. Note that the cuticle is not less thick in the sutures than in the sclerites, but is less strongly chitinized (indi- cated by its paler color). The whole body is composed fundamentally of successive segments (Figs. I and 7), which may be pretty distinct and similar, as in a caterpillar or termite or locust, or fused together, and strongly modified, and hence dissimilar, as in a house-fly or honey-bee. The segments, originally five or six, composing the head, are in all insects wholly fused to form a single box-like cranium, while the three segments which compose the thorax are in most forms so fused and modified as to be only with difficulty distinguished as originally independent body-rings. On the other hand, in most insects 6 The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects the segments of the abdomen retain their independence and are more or compound eye, antennae^ prothorax^ ' labial palpi proboscis'' tarsal segments Fig. 7. — Body of the monarch butterfly, Anosia plexippiis, with scales removed to show external parts. (Much enlarged.) less similar, thus preserving a generalized or ancestral condition. On the head are usually four pairs of jointed appendages (Fig. 8), viz., the antennae and three pairs of mouth-parts, known as mandibles, maxillae, and labium or under-lip. Of these the mandibles in most cases are only one-segmented, while the two members of the labial pair have fused along their inner edges to form the single lip-like labium. The so-called upper lip or labrum, closing the mouth above, is simply a fold of the skin, and is not homologous, as a true appendage or pair of appendages, with the other mouth-parts. In some insects with highly modified mouth structure certain of the parts may be wholly lost, as is true of the mandibles in the case of all the butterflies. The head bears also the large compound eyes and * the smaller simple eyes or ocelli (for an account of the eyes see p. 30). Attached to the thorax are three pairs of legs, which are jointed appendages, homologous in origin and fundamental struc- FiG. 8. — Dorsal aspect of head of dobson-fly, Corydalis cor- nuta, female, showing mouth- parts. Ih., labrum, removed; md., mandible; mx., maxilla; li., labium; gl, glossae of la- bium; St., stipes of maxilla; mxp., palpus of maxilla; ant., antenna. ture with the mouth-parts and antennas, and two pairs of wings (one or The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects 7 both pairs may be wanting) which are expansions of the dorso-lateral skin or body-wall, and are not homologous with the jomted ventra appendages. The thorax usually has its first or most anterior segmentl the prothorax, distinct from the other two and freely movable, while the hinder two, called meso- and meta-thoracic segments, are usually, enlarged and firmly fused to form a box for holding and giving attachment to the numerous strong muscles which move the wings and legs. The abdomen usually includes ten or eleven segments without appendages or projecting processes except in the case of the last two or three, which bear in the female the parts composing the egg-laying organ or ovipositor, or Fig. 9. Fig. lo. Fig. 9.— Head, much enlarged, of mosquito, Culex sp., showing piercing and sucking mouth-parts. (After Jordan and Kellogg.) , tvt . .u u . * „,»i Fig 10— Head and mouth-parts of honey-bee, much enlarged. Note the short, trowel- " like mandibles for moulding wax when building comb, and the extended proboscis for sucking flower-nectar. (Much enlarged.) in certain insects the sting, and in the male the parts called claspers, cerci, etc., which are used in mating. On the abdomen are usually specially notice- able, as minute paired openings on the lateral aspects of the segments, the breathing-pores or spiracles, which admit air into the elaborate system of tracheae or air-tubes, which ramify the whole internal body (see p. 19). Of all these external parts two groups are particularly used in schemes of classification because of their structural and physiological importance in connection with the special habits and functions of insect life, and because 8 The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects of the pronounced modifications and differences in their condition: these are the mouth-parts and the wings. Insects exhibit an amazing variety in food-habit: the female mosquito Hkes blood, the honey-bee and butterfly drink flower-nectar, the chinch-bug sucks the sap from corn-leaves, the elm-leaf beetle and maple worm bite and chew the leaves of our finest shade-trees, the carrion-beetles devour decaying animal matter, the house-fly laps up sirup or rasps off and dissolves loaf- sugar, the nut- and grain-weevils nibble the dry starchy food of these seeds, while the apple-tree borer and timber-beetles find sustenance in the dry wood of the tree- trunks. The biting bird-lice are content with bits of hair and feathers, the clothes- moths and carpet-beetles feast on our :ugs and woolens, while the cigarette-beetle has the depraved taste of our modern vouth. Fig. II. Fig. II. — Mouth-parts, much enlarged, of the house-fly, Musca domestica. mx.p., maxil- lary palpi; ih., labrum; li., labium; la., labellum. Fig. 12. — Head and mouth-parts, much enlarged, of thrips. ant., antenna; lb., labrum; md., mandible; mx., maxilla; mx.p., maxillary palpus; li.p., labial palpus; m.s], mouth-stylet. (After Uzel; much enlarged.) With all this variety of food, it is obvious that the food-taking parts must show many differences; one insect needs strong biting jaws (Fig. 8), another a sharp piercing beak (Figs. 9, 13, and 14), another a long flexible sucking proboscis (Figs. 10 and 16), and another a broad lapping tongue (Fig. n). Just this variety of structure actually exists, and in it the classific entomolo- gist has found a basis for much of his modern classification. Throughout all this range of mouth structure the insect morphologists and students of homology, beginning with Savigny in 18 16, have been able to trace the fundamental three pairs of oral jointed appendages, the mandi- bles, maxillae, and labium. Each pair appears in widely differing condi- tions; the mandibles may be large strong jaws for biting and crushing, as with the locust, or trowel-like, for moulding wax, as with the honey-bee, or The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects 9 long, flat, slender, and saw-toothed, as with the scorpion-flies, or needle-like, as in all the sucking bugs, or reduced to mere rudiments or wholly lacking, as in the moths and butterflies. Similarly with the other parts. But by careful study of the comparative anatomy of the mouth structure, and par- ticularly by tracing its development in typical species representing the various types of biting, sucking, and lapping mouths, all the various kinds of mouth structure can be compared and the homologies or structural cor- respondences of the component parts determined. Figs. 8 to 16 illustrate -mxp. Fig. 13. Fig. 14. Fig. 13. — Seventeen-year cicada, Cicada septcndecim, sucking sajj from twig. (After Quaintance; natural size.) Fig. 14. — Section of twig of Carolina poplar showing beak of cicada in position when sucking. (After Quaintance; much enlarged.) Fig. 15. — Mouth-parts, much enlarged, of net-winged midge, Bibicocephala doanei, female, md., mandible; mx., maxilla; tnx.L, maxillary lobe; mx.p., maxillary palpus; //., labium; hyp., hypopharynx; pg., paraglossa of labium; l.ep., labrum and epipharynx. examples of different mouth structures, with the corresponding parts similarly lettered. The most conspicuous structural characteristic of insects is their poses- sion of wings. And the wings undoubtedly account for much of the success of the insect type. Insects are the dominant animal group of this age, as far as number of species constitutes dominance, their total largely sur- passing that of the species of all the other kinds of living animals. Flight is an extremely effective mode of locomotion, being swift, unimpeded by obstacles, and hence direct and distance-saving, and an animal in flight is safe from most of its enemies. The wings of insects are not modified true appendages of the body, but arise as simple sac-like expansions (Fig. 17) of the body-wall or skin much flattened and supported by a framework of lo The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects ^ strongly chitinized lines called veins. These veins are corresponding cutic- ular thickenings, in the upper and lower walls of the flattened wing-sac, which protect, while the wing is forming, certain main tracheal trunks that carry air to the wing-tissue. After the wing is expanded and dry, the tracheae mostly die out, and the veins are left as firm thick-walled branching tubes which serve admirably as a skeleton or framework for the thin membranous wings. It has been found that despite the obvious great variety in the venation, or number and arrange- ment of these veins of the wing, a general type- plan of venation is apparent throughout the insect class. The more important and constant veins have been given names, and their branches numbers (Fig. i8). By the use of the same name or number for the corresponding vein throughout all the insect orders, the homologies or morphological correspondences of the veins as they appear in the variously modified wings of the different insects are made apparent. Many figures scattered through this book show the venation of insects of different orders, and the corresponding lettering and numbering indicate the homologies of the veins. As the wing venation presents differing conditions readily noted and described, much use is made of it in classification. The differences in the wings them- selves, that is, in number, relative size of fore and hind wings, and in struc- ture, i.e., whether membranous and delicate, or horny and firm, etc., have , , . , . always been used to distinguish the Fig. i6. — Sphinx moth, showing proboscis; -^ ^ r ■ at left the proboscis is shown coiled up larger groups, as orders, of msects, on the under side of the head, the nor- ^nd the first classification, that of mal position when not in use. (Large _ . , \ j- -j i.i. i figure, one-half natural size; small fig- Lmnsus (1750 app.), divides the class ure, natural size.) into orders almost solely on a basis of wing characters. The ordinal names expressed, to some degree, the differences, as Diptera,* two-winged; Lepidoptera, scale-winged; Coleoptera, sheath-winged, and so on. As a matter of fact, there may be much differ- * The derivation of the Lianaean ordinal names is given on p, 223. Fig. 16. The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects 1 1 ence in the wings within a single order; most beetles, for example, have four wings, but some have two and some none. There are indeed wingless species in almost every insect order. But a typical beetle has quite dis- tinctive and commonly recognized wing characters; that is, it has two pairs of wings, the fore pair being greatly thickened, and developed to serve as sheaths for the larger, membranous under-pair, which are the true flight wings. Similarly, practically all moths and butterflies have two pairs of Ik \ Fig. 17. Fig. li Fig. 17. — Wing of cabbage-butterfly, Pieris rapa, in early sac-like stage, tr., trachea; //., tracheoles; l.v., lines of future veins. (After Mercer; greatly magnified.) Fig. 18. — Diagram of wings of monarch butterfly, Anosia plexippits, showing venation. c, costal vein; s.c, subcostal vein; r., radial vein; cii., cubital vein; a., anal veins. In addition, most insects have a vein lying between the subcostal and radial veins, called the median vein. (Natural size.) membranous wings completely covered above and below by small scales, which give them their distinctive color and pattern. The exoskeleton, or cuticle, of the insect body is sometimes nearly smooth and naked, but usually it is sculptured by grooves and ridges, punc- tures or projections, and clothed with hairs or those modified flattened hairs known as scales (especially characteristic of butterflies and moths). This clothing of hairs or scales, or the skin itself, is variously colored and pat- terned, often with the obvious use of producing protective resemblance or mimicry, but often without apparent significance. (For an account of the colors and patterns of insects and their uses see Chapter XVII.) The hairs may serve for protection, or may be tactile organs, or even organs of hearing (see p. 26). The projecting processes may be spines or thorns or curious and inexplicable I 2 The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects knobs and horns. The rhinoceros-beetle (Dynastes) (Fig. 19) and the sacred scarabeus are famihar examples of insects with such prominent processes. The insect body, as a whole, appears in great variety of form and range of size, as our knowledge of the variety of habit and habitat of insects would lead us to expect. In size they vary from the tiny four-winged chalcids which emerge, after their parasitic immature life, from the eggs of other .nsects, and measure less than a millimeter in length, to the giant Phasmids «£r Fig. 19. — Rhinoceros-beetle, Dynastes tityriis, showing chitinous horns. (walking-sticks) of the tropics, with their ten or twelve inches of body length, and the great Formosan dragon-flies with an expanse of wing of ten inches. A Carboniferous insect like a dragon-fly, known from fossils found at Commentry, France, had a wing expanse of more than two feet. Insects show a plasticity as to general body shape and appearance that results in extreme modifications corresponding with the extremely various habits of life that obtain in the class. Compare the delicate fragility of the gauzy- winged May-fly with the rigid e.xoskeleton and horny wings of the water- beetle; the long- winged, slender-bodied flying-machine we call a dragon- fly with the shovel-footed, half-blind, burrowing mole-cricket; the plump, toothsome white ant that defends itself by simple prolificness with the spare, angular, twig-like body of the walking-stick with its effective protective resemblance to the dry branches among which it lives. Compare the leg- less, eyeless, antennaless, wingless, sac-like degraded body of the orange- scale with the marvelous specialization of structure of that compact expo- nent of the strenuous insect life, the honey-bee; contrast the dull colors of the lowly tumble-bug with the flashing radiance of the painted lady-butterfly. But through all this variety of shape and pattern, complexity and degenera- tion, one can see the simple fundamental insect body-plan; the successive segments, their grouping into three body-regions, the presence of segmented appendages on head and thorax and their absence on abdomen (e.xcept perhaps in the terminal segments), and the modification of these append- ages into antennae and mouth-parts on the head, legs on the thorax, and ovipositor, sting, or claspers in the abdomen. In the character of the structure and functions of the internal organs The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects i 3 or systems of organs of insects, a special interest attaches to the conditions shown by the circulatory and respiratory systems, and by the special sense- s.ijl. Fig. 20. — Diagram of lateral interior view of monarch butterfly, Anosia plexippus, show- ing the internal organs in their natural arrangement, after the removal of the right half of the body-wall together with the tracheje and fat body; I to III, segments of the thorax; i to g, segments of the abdomen. Alimentary Canal and Appen- dages: ph., pharynx; sd. and sgl., salivary duct and gland of the right side; oe., oesophagus; f.r., food -reservoir; St., stomach; i., small intestine; c, colon; r., rec- tum; a., anus; m.v., Malpighian tube. Haemal System: h., heart or dorsal vessel; ao., aorta; a.c, aortal chamber; Nervous System (dotted in figure): br., brain; g., subcesophageal ganglion; l.g., compound thoracic ganglia; fl,g.,, ag.^, first and fourth abdominal ganglia. Female Reproductive Organs: cp., copulatory pouch; v., vagina; o., oviduct, and oo., its external opening; r.ov., base of the right ovarian tubes turned down to expose the underlying organs; l.ov., left ovarian tubes in posi- tion, and ov.c, their termination and four cords; sp., spermatheca; a.gl.^, part of the single accessory gland; a.gl.^, one of the paired accessory glands; only the base of its mate is shown. Head: a., antenna; mx., proboscis, p., labial palpus. (After Burgess; three times natural size.) organs and their manner of functioning. The muscular system varies from the .simple worm-like arrangement of segmentally disposed longitudinal and ring muscles possessed by the caterpillars, grubs, and other worm-like larvae, to the complicated system of such specialized and active forms as the honey-bee and house-fly. Lyonnet describes about two thousand dis- tinct muscles in the caterpillar 'of the goat-moth. Insect muscles are similar, in their finer structure, to those of other animals, most of Fig. 21. — Bit of muscle of a biting bird-louse, them being composed of finely Eurymetopus tatcrus. (Greatly magnified.) cross-striated fibers (Figs. 21 and 22) held together in larger or smaller masses and attaching to the rugosities of the inner surface of the exo- skeleton. The muscle substance, when fresh, is peculiarly transparent and delicate-looking, but it has great contractile power. The alimentary canal (Figs. 23-27), like that of other animals, is a tube but little longer than the body in flesh-eating forms, and much longer in plant-feeders; it runs, more or less curving and coiled, through the body from mouth to anal opening, which lies in the last segment of the abdomen. 14 The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects This tube is expanded variously to form crop, gizzard, or stomach, and Fig. 22. — Diagrammatic figures of bits of insect muscle, variously treated. Gehuchten; greatly magnified.) (After Van Fig. 23. — Alimentary canal of a locust. At upper end the oesoph- agus, then the ex- panded crop, then sev- eral large gastric coeca, then the true stomach, the thread-like Malpig- hian tubules, the bent intestine, and the ex- panded rectum. (After Snodgrass; enlarged.) contracted elsewhere to be oesophagus or intestine. One or two pairs of saHvary glands pour their fluid into the mouth, while the digesting stomach or ventriculus usually possesses two or more pairs of diverticula known as gastric coeca, which are lined with glands believed to secrete special digestive fluids. Neither liver nor kidneys are present in the insect body, but the secretory function of the latter are undertaken by a number of usually long thread-like tubular diverticula of the intestine known as Malpighian tubules. The intestine itself is usually obviously made up of three successive parts, a large intestine, small intestine, and rectum. There are also present not infrequently in- testinal ca?ca. Two striking peculiarities about the reproductive system of insects are the possession by the female of one or more spermathecce (Fig. 66, r.s.) in which the male fertilizing cells, the spermatozoa, are re- ceived and held, and the com- pletion of all the envelopes of „ t^- .. r ^ .... , Fig. 24. — Dissection of the egg, mcludmg the outer cockroach to show {al.c.) hard shell, before its specific alimentary canal. (After . ... . , , T^ Hatschek and Cori: twice fertilization takes place, rer- natural si^e.) The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects i 5 tilization is itself accomplished in the lower end of the egg-duct just before the egg is laid, by the escape of spermatozoa from the spermatheca (the female sff. ml. int. Fig. 25. Fig. 26. Fig. 25. — Alimentary canal of larva of harlequin-fly (Chironovius sp.). oes., oesophagus; s.g., salivary gland; ca., cardiac chamber of stomach; mt., Malpighian tubules; ch., intestinal chamber; si., small intestine; col., colon. (After Miall and Hammond; much enlarged.) Fig. 26. — AUmentary canal of two species of thrips; at left Trichothrips copiosa, male, at right Aelothrips fasciata. sal.g., saHvary gland; oes., oesophagus; prov., proven- triculus; vent., ventriculus; m.t., Malpighian tubules; int., intestine; rec, rectum. (After Uzel; greatly enlarged.) having of course previously mated) and their entrance into the egg through a tiny opening, the micropyle (Fig. 67), in the egg-shell and inner envelopes. A queen bee mates but once, but she may live for four or five years after this and continue to lay fertilized eggs during all this time. She must 1 6 The Structure and Special Physiology of Insects receive several million spermatozoa at mating, and retain them alive in the spermatheca during these after-years. proTi- FiG. 27. — Alimentary canal of dobson-fly, Cor)'(fa/wconi?^am: tively. Many of the Podurids are illf I f \w\Vi||'j|iM >^^H^ covered with scales and are often mWmhJm ,^SSsL prettily colored and patterned. The scales (Fig. 98) are very minute and bear many fine lines and cross-lines, regularly arranged. On this account Fig. 98. Fig. 99. they are much used as test objects Fig. 98.— Scales from a springtall. (After ^^^ microscopes, the quality of the Murray; greatly magnified.) '■ • , , • Fig. 99.-^The snov^-fita, Achorutes nivicola. lens being determined by its capacity (After Folsom; much enlarged.) ^-q reveal their extremely fine mark- ings. One of the most interesting Podurids is the snow-flea, A chorutes nivkola (Fig. 99) , which gathers in large numbers on the surface of snow in the late spring. Comstock says that the snow-flea is sometimes a pest where maple- sugar is made, the insects collecting in large quantities in the sap. An interesting representative of the Entomo- bryidae is the house springtail, Lepidocyrtiis anieri- canus (Fig. 100), said by Marlatt to be "not infrequently found in dweUings in Washington." It is about one-tenth of an inch long, silvery gray, with purple or violet markings. In Europe also one species of springtail is common in houses. As these insects live on decaying vege- table matter, they probably do no special harm in the house. They especially frequent rather moist places, and may often be found in window-plant boxes and conservatories. Fig. 100. — The American springtail, Lepidocyrtus americanus, ventral aspect, showing spring folded un- derneath body. (After Howard and Marlatt ; much enlarged.) CHAPTER V THE MAY-FLIES (Order Ephemerida) and STONE- ' ' — FLIES (Order Plecoptera) AY-FLIES, lake-flies, or shad-flies, common names for the insects of the order Ephemerida, are famihar to people who live on the shores of lakes or large rivers, but are among the unknown insects to most high-and- dry dwellers. Travelling down the St. Lawrence River from Lake Ontario to Quebec one summer, I had hosts of day-long companions in little May-flies that clung to my clothing or walked totteringly across my open book. The summer residents of the Thousand Islands get tired of this too-constant com- panionship, and look resentfully on the feeble shad-fly as an insect pest. One evening in August, 1897, my attention, with that of other strollers along the shore promenade at Lucerne, was called to a dense, whirling, tossing haze about a large arc light suspended in front of the great Schweizerhof. Scores of thousands of May-flies, just issued from the still lake, were in violent circling flight about the blinding light, while other thousands were steadily dropping, dying or dead, from the dancing swarm to the ground. Similar sights are familiar in summer-time in this country about the lights of bridges, or lake piers and shore roads. This flying dance is the most conspicuous event in the life of the fully developed, winged May-fly, and indeed makes up nearly all of it. With most species of May-flies the winged adult lives but a few hours. In the early twilight the young May-fly floats from the bottom of the lake to the surface, or crawls up on the bank, the skin splits, the fly comes forth full-fledged, joins its thousands of issuing companions, whirls and dances, mates, drops its masses of eggs on to the the lake's surface, and soon flutters and falls after the eggs. It takes no food, and dies without seeing a sunrise. Sometimes the winds carry dense clouds of May-flies inland, and their bodies are scattered through the streets of lakeside villages, or in the fields and woods. Sometimes the great swarms 65 66 The May-flies and Stone-flies fall to lllii)»"ja the water's surface and there are swept along by wind and wave, until finally cast up in thick winrows, miles long, on the lake beach. Millions of dead May-flies are thus piled up on the shores of the Great Lakes. We call the May-flies the Ephemerida, after the Ephemerides of Grecian mythology, and the name truly expresses their brief existence — above water. But they have lived for a year at least before this, or for two or even three years, as wingless, aquatic creatures, clinging concealed to the under side of stones in the lake or stream bottom, or actively crawling about after their food, which consists of minute aquatic plants and animals or bits of dead organic matter. In this stage their whole environment, habits, and general appearance are radically different from those of the brief adult life. We can only guess, if our curiosity compels us to attempt some explanation, at the manner and the cause of such a strange life-history. What advantage is there in such a specialized condition that Nature could not have arrived at by less indirect means? What is indeed the utility of the whole modification? The quick answer "utility," which is to account for all such strange structural and physiological conditions on the basis of useful adapta- tions brought about by the slow but persistent action of natural selection, leaves us, confessedly, answered simply on a basis of belief. In hundreds of cases that may come under our observation, in how few are we really able to perceive a reason-satisfying course of adap- tive development based on the selection of useful small fluctuating variations? The eggs of the May-fly fall from the body of the mother to the water's surface in two packets, which, If however, break up while sinking, so that the released Fig. ioi. — May-flies about an electric lamp. The May-flies and Stone-flies 67 eggs reach the bottom separately. From each egg hatches soon a thiy flattened, soft-bodied, six-legged creature called a nymph, without wings or wing-pads, and looking very much like a Campodea (the simplest living insect, see p. 61). This nymph crawls about, feeds, grows, moults, grows, moults again and again (in a species observed by Lubbock there were twenty-one moultings), and finally at the end of a year, or of two or three years, depending on the species, is ready to issue as a winged adult. During the nymphal life wings have been slowly developing, visible as short pads projecting from the dorsal margins of the meso- and meta-thorax, and appearing visibly larger after each moulting (Fig. 102). Respiration is accomplished by flat, leaf-like gills (Fig. 102) (these do not appear in some species until after one or two moultings), arranged segmentally along the sides of the abdomen. The mouth-parts are well developed for biting and chewing, with sharp-pointed jaws (mandibles). During its aquatic life at the bottom of stream or pond the May- fly has to undergo all the vicissitudes of an exposed and protracted life; it is eagerly sought after by larger, fierce, predaceous insects, stronger of jaw and swifter than itself; it is the prized food of many kinds of fishes, and it has to struggle with its own kind for food and place. At the end of the immature life the nymphs rise to the surface, and after floating there a short time suddenly split open the cuticle along the back and after hardly a second's pause expand the delicate wings and fly away. Some nymphs brought into the laboratory from a watering- trough at Stanford University emerged one after another from the aquarivim with amazing quickness. Almost all other insects require some little time after the final moulting for the gradual unfolding of the wings, and dry- ing and strengthening of the body-wall, before flight or other locomotion. Most of the May- fly species go through another moulting after acquiring wings, a phenomenon not known to occur in the case of any other insect. The stage between the first issuance from the water with expanded wings and the final moulting is called the subimago stage, and may last, in various species, from but a few minutes to twenty-four hours. Such is, in general, the life-history of the May-flies. As a matter of fact, the life-history of no single May-fly species has yet been followed completely Fig. 102. — Young (nymph) of May-fly, showing (g) tracheal gills. (After Jenkins and Kellogg; three times nat- ural size.) 68 The May-flies and Stone-flies through. And here is an opportunity for some keen-eyed amateur ento- mologist to add needed facts to our knowledge of insect life. The breathing-organs of the nymph are of interest, as special adaptations to enable them to take up oxygen and give off carbon dioxide without com- ing to the surface, as do the water-beetles, water-bugs, mosquito-wrigglers, and many other familiar aquatic insects. Each plate-like gill (Fig. 102) is a flattened sac, with upper and lower membranous walls which run into each other all around the free margin. Inside this sac is an air-tube , (tracheal trunk) with numer- ous fine branches. By osmosis an interchange of gases takes place through the walls of the tracheae and of the sac — car- bonic dioxide passing out, and air from that held in solution in the water passing in. If a nymph held in a watch-glass of water be watched, at times all the gills will be seen rap- idly vibrating, thus setting up currents and bringing fresh aerated water to bathe the gills. In the adult wihged stage (Fig. 103) the May-flies are extremely frail and delicate- bodied. The wings are fine and gauzy, consisting of the thinnest of membranes stretched over a perfect net- FiG. 103. — May-fly, from California. (Natural size.) ^ork of veins The fore wings are always markedly larger than the hind wings; in some species the latter are very small indeed, or even wanting altogether (Fig. 104). The body-wall is weakly chitinized, and collected specimens almost always shrivel and collapse badly in drying. The abdomen usually bears two or three long filaments on its tip; the head is provided with compound eyes and short awl-like antennte. The often-repeated statement in text-books that adult May-flies have no mouth nor mouth-parts is not literally true of all species, as weakly developed jaws and lips are present in some. But they are in such weak and atrophied condition that they can hardly be func- tional. It is probable, therefore, that no adult May-fly takes food. In the males of some species the compound eyes present a very interesting The May-flies and Stone-flies 69 condition, being divided, each into two parts, by a narrow impressed line or by a broader space (Fig. 105). The two parts differ in the size of the facets of the ommatidia, i.e., eye-elements, and it has been ascertained (Zim- merman, 1897) tl^^t this difference in size of facets is accompanied by other and more important structural differences, which make it certain that the two parts of the eye have different powers of seeing. One part is especially adapted for seeing in the dark, or for detecting slight differences in intensity of light, but is ill-fitted for exact sight, while the other part is adapted for seeing in daylight, and for making a more exact picture of outhne. As the mating flights occur usually at twilight or in the evening, Zimmerman believes that this modification of the eyes of the males is to enable them to discover the females in the whirling shadow-dances. Chun has recorded a similar division and difference in the eye of certain ocean crustaceans and believes that the "dark eyes" are used for seeing in the dimly Fig. 104.— May-fly, Canis ,. 1 , , , , ,, r 1-1 , /,,. 1 dimidiata, possessing only hghted water below the surface, while the light p - one pair of wings. enlarged.) (Much eyes" are for special use at the brilliantly lighted surface. I have noted similar conditions in the eyes of both male and female net-winged midges (Blepharoceridae), small, two-winged flies of particularly interesting hfe (see p. 319). It is unusual to find such parallel adaptations in forms so unrelated. The May-flies show an anatomical condition of much interest to ento- mologists in the paired openings for the issuance of the eggs. Insects have their organs arranged in pairs, one on each side of the middle line of the f^^^T^ ///^ ' — ^"^^K ■ ^'^^^ body, as the legs, wings, mouth-parts, %^>^^^^'^^^^—^^^M^M antennae, eyes, spiracles, etc., or exact- ^'^ ^"^W^ \y Qj^ ^]^g middle line, as the heart, alimentary canal, and ventral nerve- cord. That is, the typical insect body is bilaterally symmetrical, and the more apparent this symmetry is the sim- pler and more generalized the insect is believed to be. All other insects but the May-flies have the two egg- ducts, one from each egg-gland, fused inside the body, so as to form a short, single, common duct on the median line. But the May-flies have the ducts FiL.. 105. — Section through head of male May-fly, Potamanihus hriinneus, showing composition of compound eye and two sizes of eye-elements (ommatidia). (After Zimmer; greatly magnified.) 70 The May-flies and Stone-flies separate; that is, paired and bilateral for their whole course. This is taken to be an indication of the primitiveness and antiquity of the order. If the May-fiies are an ancient group of insects, and there is httle doubt of this, we have in them another example (we have previously noted one in the case of Campodea, see p. 60) of primitive insects of excessively frail and defenceless character persisting in the face of the strenuous struggle for existence and of the competition, in this struggle, of highly developed, specialized insect forms. Perhaps the solution of this problem in the case of the May-flies is to be found in their extreme prolificness and in the ephemeral character of their adult hves. It is only in the adult condition that May-flies are so ill-fitted to defend themselves; so they simply make no attempt to do so. They lay their eggs immediately on coming of age, and thus accomphsh the purpose of their adult stage. In their immature form they are not so handicapped in the struggle for existence, although they seem by no means in position to compete with some of their neighbors, like the nymphs of the stone-fly and dragon-fly. About 300 species of Ephemerida are known, of which 85 occur in North America. Their classification has been comparatively httle studied and is a difficult matter for beginners. The differences among the adults are so slight, and the preserved specimens are so uniformly misshapen and dried up, that most of us will have to be satisfied with knowing that we have in hand a May-fly, without being able to assign it to its genus. Keys to the North American tribes and genera of May-flies may be found by the student who may wish to attempt the generic determination of his specimens, in a paper by Banks in the Transactions of the American Ento- mological Society, v. 26, 1894, pp. 239-259. There are better defined differences among the nymphs than among the adults, but unfortunately the nymphs have been as yet too little studied for the making out of a comprehensive key to the genera. Needham and Betten give an analytical table of genera of Ephemerid nymphs as far as known in the Eastern United States, in Bulletin 47 of the New York State Museum, 1901. On the under side of the same stones in the brook "riffles" where the May-fly nymphs may be found, one can almost certainly find the very similar nymphs (Fig. 106) of the stone-flies, an order of insects called Plecoptera. More flattened and usually darker, or tiger-striped with black and white, the stone-fly nymphs live side by side with the young May-flies. But they are only to be certainly distinguished from them by careful exam- ination. The gills of the immature stone-flies usually consist of single short filaments or tufts of short filaments rising from the thoracic segments, one tuft just behind each leg (Fig. 106), and not flat plates attached to the sides The May-flies and Stone-flies 71 of the abdomen as in the IVIay-fly nymphs. The feet of the stone-flies have two claws, while those of the young May-flies have but one. The stone-fly nymph has a pair of large compound eyes, as well as three small simple eyes, strong jaws for biting and chewing (perhaps for chewing heir nearest neighbors, the soft-bodied, smaller May-fly nymphs!), and two slender back- ward-projecting processes on the tip of the abdomen. The legs are usually fringed with hairs, which makes them good swimming as well as running organs. The nymphs can run swiftly, and quickly conceal themselves when disturbed. All stone-fly nymphs, as far as known, require well aerated water; they cannot live in stagnant pools or foul streams. Needham says that a large number of the smaller species are wholly destitute of gills absorbing the air directly through the skin. Nymphs brought in from a brook and placed in a Fig 106.— Young(nymph) ; f .,, .,, , -11 ,-r- 1 01 stone-flv, from Cali- vessel of still water will be seen with claws arnxed, fornia. (Twice natural vigorously swinging the body up and down, trying size.) to get a breath under the difficult conditions into which they have been brought. The food-habits are not at all well known: some entomologists assert that small May-fly nymphs and other soft-bodied aquatic creatures are eaten, while others say that the food consists of decaying organic matter. Here is another opportunity for some exact observation by the interested amateur. On the other hand it is per- fectly certain that the nymphs themselves serve as food for fishes. The fully worked-out life-history of no stone-fly seems to have been recorded. The eggs, of which 5000 or 6000 may be deposited by a single female, are probably dropped on the surface of the water, and sink to the bottom after being, however, weU distributed by the swift current. Sometimes the eggs are carried about for a while by the female, enclosed in a capsule attached to the abdomen. The young moult several times in their growth, but probably not nearly as many times as is common among May-flies. When ready for the final moulting, the nymph Fig. 107. — Exuvia of nymph of stone fly. (Natural size.) crawls out on a rock or on a tree-root or trunk on the bank, and splitting its cuticle along the back, issues as a winged adult. The cast exuviae (Fig. 107) are common objects along swift brooks. The adults (Fig. 108) vary much in size and color, the smallest being less than one-fifth of an inch long, while the largest reach a length of two 72 The May-flies and Stone-flies inches. Some are pale green, some grayish, others brownish to black. There are four rather large membranous, many-veined wings without pattern, the hind wings being larger than the front ones. When at rest, the fore wings He flat on the back, covering the much-folded hind wings. The mouth- parts are present and are fitted for biting, although the food-habits are not known. It is asserted that some species take no food. The antennae are long and slender. The abdomen usually bears a pair of long, many-seg- mented, terminal filaments. The body is rather broad and flattened, and there is no constriction between the thorax and abdomen. On the ventral aspect of each thoracic segment there is a pair of small openings whose func- FiG. io8. — A stone-fly, Perla sp., common about brooks in California. (After Jenkins and Kellogg; twice natural size.) tion is unknown. The adults of certain species retain, although in shriveled and probably functionless condition, the filamentous gills. This fact is of importance in connection with the question as to whether insects are descended from aquatic or terrestrial ancestors. Those who believe in the aquatic ancestry have found a simple origin for the spiracles (breathing- pores) by imagining them to be the openings left when the gills, used in aquatic life, were lost. But the adult stone-flies which retain their gills also have wholly independent spiracles. About ICO species of stone-flies are known in North America. The adults are to be found flying over or near streams, though sometimes The May-flies and Stone-flies 73 straying far away. They rest on trees and bushes along the banks. The green ones usually keep to the green foliage, while the dark ones perch on the trunk and branches. The various species are included in ten genera, which may be determined by the following table: T.\BLE OF NORTH AMERICAN GENERA OF PLECOPTERA. The following technical terms not heretofore defined are used in this key: cerci, slender processes projecting from the tip of the abdomen; radial sector, cubital vein, and other names of veins in the wings may be understood by reference to Fig. 109. S Fig. 109. — Diagram of venation of wing of a stone-fly; /, costal vein; 2, subcostal vein; 3, radial vein; 4, medial vein; 5, first anal vein; 6, radial sector, P, pterostigma; A, arculus: Op a^, a^, apical cells. Between the medial and first anal vein is the cubital vein, not numbered. Cell M is the cell behind the medial vein; cell Sc is the cell behind the subcostal vein. A. With two long, many-jointed cerci. B. Radial sector not reduced, i.e., with four or more branches. C. Wings strengthened throughout by many cross-veins, there being many cross-veins between the branches of the media, between the accessory cubital veins, and in the anal areas of both pairs of wings. .Pteronarcys. CC. Wings with few or no cross-veins between the branches of the media, between the branches of the cubital veins, and in the anal area. D. Radial area of the fore wings with an irregular network of veins- DiCTYOPTERYX. DD. Radial area of the fore wing with no cross-veins except the radial cross-veins, or with a few regular cross-veins. .. .Perla (in part). BB. Radial sector reduced, i.e., with less than four branches. C. Hind wings much broader than the fore wings. D. With several cross-veins in cell M of the fore wings. E. Cell Sc of the fore wings with at least three cross-veins. F. With three ocelli Perla (in part). FF. With only two ocelli Pseudoperla. EE. Cell Sc of the fore wings with only one or two cross-veins. Small species of a green or yellow color Chloroperla. DD, With only one cross-vein in cell AI of the fore wings between the arculus and the medio-cubital cross-vein Capnia. CC. Hind wings of the same width as the fore wings; the anal area of the hind wings not expanded Isopteryx. AA. With the cerci rudimentary or wanting. B. Second segment of the tarsi equal in length to the others; rudimentary cerci present T.eniopteryx. 74 The May-flies and Stone-flies BB. Second segment of the tarsi small, shorter than the others, cerci absent. C. Veins radiating from the ends of the radial cross-vein forming an X. Nemoura. CC. Veins radiating from the ends of the radial cross-vein not forming an X. Leuctra. The genus Perla (Fig. io8) includes more species than any other. The species of Pteronarcys retain gills in the adult condition. The species of Chloroperla are small, delicate, and pale green. Leuctra includes the slender- est of the stone-flies; they are small and brownish. Comstock says that there are several species of stone-flies that appear on the snow on warm days in late winter. They become more numerous in early spring, and often find their way into houses. The most common one in Central New York is the small snow-fly, Capnia pygnma, which is grayish black. The female is 9 mm. (about f in.) long, with an expanse of wings of 16 mm. (about I in.), while the male is but 4§ mm. (about \ in.) long, and has short wings which extend but two-thirds the length of the abdomen. CHAPTER VI DRAGON-FLIES AND DAM- SEL-FLIES (Order Odonata) HEN it is high noon on the mill-pond, — when leaves droop, and sun glares upon the water, and the air is hot and still, when other creatures seek the shade, and even the swallows that skim the air morning and evening are resting, — then those other swallows of the insect world, the dragon- flies, are all abroad. . . . One may stand by the side of a small pond, and follow for hours with his eye the evolutions of one of the large dragon-flies skim- ■l^-^^-lAlel l-n^ar ming over the surface in zigzag Hnes or sweeping curves, stopping still in midair, and starting again, seeming never to rest, nor even to tire. Poised 75 76 Dragon-flies and Damsel^flies in the air, with the sunUght dancing on its trembhng wings, it is indeed a beautiful sight. "'Dragon-flies? Folks call 'em devil's-darnin'-needles in our parts, and they say they will sew up your ears.' Yes; and in some localities they are called 'snake-doctors,' and are said to bring dead snakes to life; and other meaningless names are given them, such as 'snake-feeders,' 'horse-stingers,' 'mule- killers,' etc.; but in spite of all these silly names and the silly superstitions they represent, dragon-flies are entirely harmless to man — are indeed to be counted as friends, for they destroy vast numbers of mosquitoes and gnats and pestiferous little flies. To such creatures they must seem real dragons of the air. While one is standing by the pond let him follow awhile the actions of a dragon- fly that is making short dashes in different Fig. 1 10.— a dragon-fly (from life), directions close to the bank. Let him fix his eye on a little fly hovering in the air, and note that after the dragon-fly has made a dart toward it, it is gone. Let him repeat the observation as the dragon-fly goes darting hither and thither. It will be hard to see the flies captured, so quickly it is done, but one can see that ' the place that once knew them knows them no more.' And the usefulness of the dragon-fly in taking off such water-haunting pests will be appreciated." Thus entertainingly and truthfully writes Professor Needham of the strong-winged, brilliantly colored, graceful insects of our present chapter. If one could see through muddy water and would fix his gaze on the weed-choked slimy depths of the pond, Fig. m he would see the dragon-flies in another stage of their life, under very different conditions of existence, and in very different guise. Crawling awkwardly about over and through the decaying weeds and leaves and mud of the bottom or lying in ambush, half concealed by coverings of slime, would be seen certain strange big-headed, thick-bodied, dirty gray-green, The young (nymph) of a dragon-fly. (From Jenkins and Kellogg; twice natural size.) Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies 'j'j wingless creatures from half an inch to two inches long. Occasionally one of these creatures suddenly darts forward by spurting water from the hinder tip of its body; occasionally one quickly thrusts out from its head a vicious pincer-like organ which is more slowly withdrawn, or rather folded up, with an unfortunate tiny water-animal squirming in the toothed pincers. Still dragons, though now dragons of the deep instead of flying dragons, these are our insects in their immature or larval life. Their Fig. 112. — Young (nymph) dragon-fly, showing lower lip folded and extended. (From Jenkins and Kellogg; twice natural size.) prey, consistmg of water-bugs, May-fly larvae, small crustaceans, mol- lusks, and any of the numerous aquatic insect larvae, including other young dragon-flies, is probably always caught alive. Not by active pursuit, as in the air above, but by lying in wait in the murky depths of the pond until the unsuspecting insect comes within reach of the extensible lower lip with its pair of broad spiny, jaw-like flaps at the clutching tip. The fierce face of the young dragon, with its great mouth and sharp jaws, is all concealed by this lip when folded up, and there is little in the appearance of the dirty, sprawling, smooth- faced creature to betray its dragon-like character. But appearances in the insect world may be as deceptive as in our own, and too late the careless water-bug out on a foraging swim for lesser prey finds himself in range of a masked battery and becomes the preyer preyed upon. About three hundred different species of dragon- and damsel-flies (damsel-flies are the smaller, slender-bodied, narrow-winged kinds, see Fig. 113) are known in North America, about two thousand having been found in all the world. In any single locality where conditions are at aU favor- able to dragon-fly life, that is, where there are live streams and ponds, from a score to two or three times as many different dragon-flies can be found. One hundred species occur in Ohio, and one hundred and twenty in New York, states offering specially favorable natural conditions for them, while only about fifty species have been found in California, a much larger but more arid region. The young of no dragon-fly species is known to live in salt water, although nymphs have been found in brackish water and in 78 Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies streams impregnated with sulphur from sulphur springs. Nor do dragon- flies like cold weather. Although a few species are found in the far North (recorded at 70° N. in Norway, 65° N. in Alaska, and 63° N. in Siberia) and a few at high cold altitudes (as high as 10,000 feet) on mountain flanks, the great majority of them need considerable temperature for growth and development and even for activity during adult life. Calvert says that but one species is known which regularly passes the winter in adult stage, and that most dragon-flies live as adults from but twenty-five to forty-five days, and these in the summer. In California, where the winter temperature at sea-level only occasionally falls to 32° F., adult dragon- flies can be found in most of the months of the year. The adult dragon-flies are to be seen pursuing their prey, like hawks, with swift darting flights over ponds, along streams, and even scattered widely inland over fields and in woods. A few kinds have a liking for the vicinity of houses. Needham, a careful student of these insects, has found that the hunting region above and along the shores of a pond may be imaginarily divided into zones one above the other, each zone characterized by the presence of a few particular dragon-fly species. "So, in fact," he writes, "we find the smaller damsel- flies flying over the water in a straight course an inch or less above the surface, and rarely venturing higher; the larger damsel-flies a little higher; the amber wings at an average of about six inches; the larger skimmers a foot or more from the surface, and upland skimmers and darters still higher. One has only to stand a little while by some small area of water where all these are flying to see that each keeps rather closely to his proper altitude. Why do damsel-flies keep so close to water? The reason is not far to seek. Dragon-flies eat one another — the strong destroy the weak. If to venture up into the altitude of the larger species means to run the risk of being eaten, we can readily see why the damsel-flies should stay down below. The hawk may roam the air at will, but sparrows must keep to the bushes." We think of dragon-flies, as of albatrosses and Mother Carey's chickens, as being always on the wing. They catch their prey while flying, eat it while flying, mate while flying, and some of them deposit their eggs while Fig. 113. — Damsel-flies winged dragon -flies), size; from life.) (narrow- (Natural Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies 79 on the wing. But of course all dragon-flies rest sometimes, and some of them, especially the damsel-flies, are at rest most of the time, cHnging to stems or leaves by the water's edge. The larger kinds may be found occasionally perched on the tips of tall swaying reeds, or on a stump or projecting dead limb. From these coigns of vantage they swoop like a hawk on any rash midge that ventures awing in the neighborhood. Cold or cloudy weather, or a strong wind, will drive most dragon-flies to shelter. The Odonata are unexcelled among insects for swiftness, straightness, and quick angular changes in direction of flight. The successful main- tenance of their predatory life depends upon this finely developed flight function together with certain structural and functional body conditions which might be said to be accessory or auxiliary to it. And this may be an appropriate place to describe briefly a few of their sahent structural characteristics. All dragon-flies have four well-developed wings, and all show such a similar general bodily make-up and appearance, that from an acquaintance- ship with two or three familiar species any member of the order can be recognized as really belonging to the group. The body in all is long, smooth, and subcylindrical or gently tapering. This clean, slender body offers little resistance to the air in flight, and serves as an effective steering-oar. The wings are long and comparatively narrow, fore and hind wings being much alike, almost exactly ahke indeed in the damsel-flies. The venation is of the general type known as net-veining (Fig. 114b), the few strong longi- tudinal veins being connected by many short cross-veins. The fore wings are greatly strengthened along their costal (front) margin by having the first longitudinal (subcostal) vein behind the margin placed at the bottom of a groove, and the cross-veins in that groove so enlarged vertically as to take on the character of flat, plate-like braces or buttresses. As, in the figure-of-eight movement of the wing in flight, the front margin first meets the resistance of the air, it is necessary that swiftly and strongly beat- ing wings should be especially strengthened along this edge, and this is just what the peculiar folding and bracing of the costal region of the dragon-fly's fore wing accomplishes. The head is unusually large and is more than two-thirds composed of the pair of great compound eyes. More than 30,000 facets have been counted in the cornea of certain dragon-fly species, and this means that each eye is made up of more than 30,000 distinct eye-elements or ommatidia, each capable of seeing a small part or point of any object in range of vision. Thus an image of a near-by object is made in fine mosaic, and the finer the mosaic the more definite and precise is the vision by means of compound eyes. These great eyes, too, have facets directed up and down and sidewise 8o Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies as well as forward, and by a special sort of articulation of the head on the thorax it can be rotated readily through i8o°, so that the principal part of each eye can be directed sidewise or even straight down. For accurate flight and successful pursuit of flying prey the dragon-fly has full need of good eyes. It is to be noted, too, that the eyes are relatively largest in those particular dragon-fly kinds which have the most powerful flight. On the head, also, are three simple eyes (ocelli), the pair of very small awl-like antennae, and the great mouth. The mouth is overhung as by a curtain by the large flap-like upper lip (labrum). The jaws (mandibles) are strong and toothed, and obviously well adapted for tearing and crushing the cap- tured prey. When the prey is come up with, however, it is caught not by the mouth but by the "leg-basket." The thorax is so modified, and the insertion of the legs such, that all the legs are brought close together and far forward, so that they can be clasped together like six slender, spiny grasping arms just below the head. Although the catching and eating is all done in the air and very quickly, observers have been able to see that the prey is caught in this "leg-basket" and then held in the fore legs while being bitten and devoured. These slender legs are used only very slightly for locomotion, but they serve well for the light unstable perching which is characteristic of the dragon-flies.. The internal anatomy is specially characterized, as might well be imagined, by a finely developed system of thoracic muscles for the rapid and powerful motion of the wings and the delicate and accurate move- ments of the legs. The respiratory system is also unusually well developed, such active insects needing a large quantity of oxygen, and generating a large amount of carbon dioxide. The respiratory movements, according to Calvert, consist in an alternate expansion (inspiration through the ten pairs of breathing-holes, or spiracles, arranged segmentally on thorax and abdomen) and contraction (expiration) of the abdomen. The rate of movement varies greatly at difl'erent times owing to unknown causes, but is always quickened by exercise, increased temperature, or mechanical irri- tation. In different dragon-flies the inspirations have been noted to be from 73 to ii8 a minute. The dragon-flies are famous for their beautiful metallic colors. As they dart through the air one gets glimpses of iridescent blue and green and cop- per, of tawny red and violet and purple reflections that are most fascinating and tantalizing. Seen close at hand in the collections, however, they are mostly dull-colored and, except for their "pictured" wings and the sym- metry and trim outline of their body, rather unattractive "specimens." But a freshly caught dragon-fly shows the real glory of the coloring: delicate changing shades of green and violet and copper quiver in the great eyes; Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies 8 1 the thorax is transkicent green or blue, and the long symmetrical body is warm red or deep blue or purple or green. It is often covered with a soft whitish "bloom," that tones down the brilliant metallic iridescence. But as the body dries, the colors fade. They are due not so much to pigment as to the interference in reflection of the various color-rays, this interference being caused by the structure of the body-wall. Just as soap-bubbles or weathered plates of glass or mica produce brilliant colors by interference effects, so does the semi-transparent laminate outer body-wall of the dragon-fly produce its fleeting color glories. While the wings of many kinds are clear, unmarked by blotches or line, the wings of others bear a definite "picture" or pattern, usually light or dark brown or even blackish, reddish, thin yellow, or whitish. These wing-patterns make the determination of many of the dragon-fly species a very simple matter. When the dragon-flies go winging about over ponds and streams they are engaged in one of three things: in eating, in mating, or in egg-laying. The prey of the dragon-fly may be almost any flying insect smaller than itself, although midges, mosquitoes, and larger flies constitute the majority of the victims. Howard says that the voracity of a dragon-fly may easily be tested by capturing one, holding it by its wings folded together over its back, and then feeding it on Hve house-flies. Beutenmiiller found that one of the large ones would eat forty house-flies inside of two hours. Howard says that a dragon-fly will eat its own body when offered to it (query, to its head?) and that a collected dragon-fly, if insufficiently chloroformed and pinned, will when it revives cease all efforts to escape if fed with house-flies, the satisfying of its appetite making it apparently oblivious to the discom- fort or possible pain of a big pin through its thorax. That dragon-flies are sometimes cannibalistic has been repeatedly confirmed by observation. The nymphs have been seen to devour nymphs of their own and other species; the nymphs of a European form have been observed to come out of water at night and attack and devour newly transformed imagoes of the same species, while several instances are recorded of the capture and devouring of an imago of one species by an imago of another. The good that is done by dragon-flies through their insatiable appetite for mosquitoes is very great. Now that we recognize in mosquitoes not only irritating tormentors and destroyers of our peace of mind, but alarm- ingly dangerous disseminators of serious diseases (malaria, yellow fever, filariasis), any enemy of them must be called a friend of ours. A prize was once offered for the best suggestions looking toward practicable means of artificially utilizing dragon-flies for the destruction of mosquitoes and house- flies, but no very efficient improvement on the dragon-fly's natural tastes and practices were brought out by this essay competition. In Honolulu, the principal city of our mid-Pacific territory, the mosqui- 82 Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies toes are so abundant that no one neglects to enclose his bed carefully each night in mosquito-netting, and all bedrooms are equipped with an ingenious canopy which can be folded closely in the daytime and readily spread over the bed at night. The continuous and abundant presence of mosquitoes is such a matter of fact that it has dictated certain particular habits of life to the inhabitants of Honolulu. But in the daytime one is singularly free from mosquito attack. Coincidentally with this one notes the surprising abundance and strangely . domestic habits of great dragon-flies. I have watched dozens of dragon-flies hawking about a hotel lanai (porch) in the heart of the town. No pond or stream is nearer than the city's outskirts. Dragon-flies are in the main streets, in all the gardens, and they are chiefly engaged in the laudable business of hunting the hordes of "day" mosquitoes to their death. The most conspicuous features of insect life in Hawaii are the hosts of dragon-flies by day and the hordes of mosquitoes by night. As the dragon-flies unfortunately are not night flyers (although some forms keep up the hunting until it is really dark), it is by night that one realizes what a plague the mosquito is in the islands. Were it not for the dragon- flies, life in the islands would be nearly intolerable. The rice-swamps and taro-marshes and the heavily irrigated banana and sugar plantations offer most favorable breeding-grounds for the mosquitoes, but also fortunately for the dragon-flies as well. The mosquitoes of Hawaii are not indigenous; they were introduced with white civilization. It is told, and is not improb- able, that the skipper of a trading schooner in early days, to revenge himself for some slight put on him by the natives, purposely put ashore a cask of water swarming with mosquito wrigglers. It needed no more than that to colonize this fascinating tropic land with the mosquito plague. How the saving dragon-flies came is not yet come to be tradition; indeed, few Hawaiians understand how important a part the dragon-fly plays in their life. They do appreciate the mosquito. In the Samoan Islands, too, where we have another tropical colony, the mosquitoes are a great plague. Here the matter is made more serious. The Samoan mosquitoes are carriers and disseminators of a dreadful disease known as elephantiasis from the enormous enlargement of the legs and arms of sufferers from it. This disease is the great scourge of these islands, more than 30% (from my own observation; 40% and 50% are estimates given by other observers) of the natives having it. (For an account of the role of mosquitoes in the dissemination of malaria, yellow fever, and elephantiasis, see Chapter XVIII of this book.) The dragon-flies are, in Samoa as in Hawaii, conspicuous by their abundance and variety, and they do much to keep in check the quickly breeding mosquitoes. Watching the flying dragon-flies over a pond, you may occasionally see one poising just over the surface of the water, and striking it with the Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies 83 tip of the abdomen; or another kind may be seen to swoop swiftly down to the surface occasionally in its back-and-forth flight, and to dip the tip of Fig. 114a. Fig. 1 146. Stages in the development of the giant dragon-fly, Anax Junius, a, youngest stage; b, c, and d, older stages, showing gradual development of the wings. (Young stage, slightly enlarged after Needham; adult three-fourths natural size.) the body for a moment into the water. These are females engaged in laying their eggs. The eggs issue in small masses, usually held together by a gelat- inous substance. From several hundred to several thousand eggs are laid by 84 Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies each female. Needham counted 110,000 eggs in a single egg-mass of Libellula. Sometimes the eggs may be laid on wet mud or attached to moist water- or shore-plants. The damsel-flies and a few of the dragon-flies insert the eggs in the stems of dead or living water-plants below the surface of the water. To do this they have to cling to the stem, with the abdomen or sometimes the whole body under water, and cut slits in it with the sharp ovipositor. The eggs are sometimes laid on submerged timbers and moss- or alga-covered stones. Kellicott observed females of A rgia putrida (a damsel-fly abundant along Lake Erie) to remain wholly under water for from five to fifty-five minutes at a time. These females were accompanied by males which also stayed under for similar lengths of time. The eggs hatch after various periods, depending on the species of dragon- fly and on the time of year of oviposition. In midsummer Needham found the eggs of some species to hatch in from six to ten days, while others laid in autumn did not hatch until the following spring. In the same lot of eggs the period of incubation may vary even in midsum- mer from a week to more than a month. From the eggs come tiny, spider-like nymphs with long, slender legs, thin body, and no sign of wings. Even in the largest dragon-fly species the just-hatched young are only about one-twelfth of an inch long, while the nymphs of the common Libellulas are only one-twenty-fifth of an inch long at hatching. They begin their predatory life, con- fining their attention at first to the smaller aquatic creatures, but with increasing size and strength and confidence being ready to attack almost any of the under-water dwellers. Even fish are seized by the larger nymphs, Needham having seen the nymphs of one species seize and devour young brook-trout as long as themselves. The young of different species differ consider- ably in size, shape, and duration of their nymphal existence. The nymphs of some species require more than a year to develop into adults, while those of some others are ready to transform in a few months, not a few dragon-fly species having two gener- ations a year. The one-year life cycle, however, is usual among the more familiar dragon-flies, the eggs laid during midsummer hatching in late sum- mer, the nymphs hibernating and being ready to emerge the following sum- mer. Needham thinks that the damsel-flies have a number of broods in a season, the processes of transformation and oviposition beginning as soon Fig. 115. — The young (nymph) of a damsel- fly (narrow-winged dra- gon-fly), Lestes sp. The three leaf -like processes at the tip of the abdo- men are gills (Twice natural size.) Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies 85 as the weather permits, and continuing industriously to the close of the season. The nymphs cast the skin repeatedly during their growth and develop- ment, although the exact number of moultings is not known for any species. After two or three moults the wing-pads appear and with each successive moult increase in size. Immediately after moulting the nymphs are Ught greenish or gray, and their characteristic color pattern is distinct, but they gradually darken, the pattern becoming more and more obscure until by the t'me for another moulting the body is uniformly dark and dingy. The nymphs (Fig. 115) of the damsel-flies are elongate and slender, and have three long conspicuous gill-plates at the tip of the abdomen, which they can also use as sculls for swimming. The dragon-fly nymphs are robust- bodied, some of them indeed having the abdomen nearly as wide as long and much flattened. All the nymphs are provided with the long grasping lower lip, which can be folded mask-like over the face when not engaged in seizing prey. The mandibles are strong and sharp and the whole mouth is well fitted for its deplorable but necessary business. The true dragon-fly nymphs do not have plate-like gills, like those of the damsel-flies, nor any other external kind, but have the posterior third of the intestine lined with so-called internal gills. These internal or rectal gifls are in six longitudinal bands, each consisting of two thin rows of small plates or tufts of short slender papillae. Water is taken into the intestine through its posterior opening and, after bathing the gills, giving up its dis- solved oxygen, and taking up carbon dioxide, it is ejected through the same opening. When this water is ejected violently it serves to propel the nymph forward. It is also apparently occasionally used for defence. Just as the adult flying dragon-flies keep to certain regions above or in the neighborhood of the pond, so Needham has found the nymphs to have various preferred lurking-places in the pond. The damsel-fly nymphs and a few of the more active dragon-fly nymphs clamber among submerged vegetation or inhabit driftwood and submerged roots or brush. The heavier sprawling Libellulid nymphs usually crawl over the bottom or climb over fallen rubbish, while certain other Libelluhds and some similar forms occupy the mud or sand of the bottom. The nymphs of one of these latter kinds is described as each scratching a hole for itself and descending into it like a chicken into a dust-bath, kicking the sand over its back and burrowing until all but hidden, only the tops of its eyes, the tips of its treacherous labium, and the respiratory aperture at the end of the abdomen reaching the surface. After the few weeks or month or year which the nymph requires for its full growth and development it is ready to transform. If in early summer, when the dragon-flies are beginning to appear, one will go out to the dragon-fly pond a little after daylight, he will see this transforming or issuance of the 86 Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies winged imagoes busily going on. The nymphs crawl out of the water, and up on stones or projecting sticks, or on bridge-piles or the sides of boats, or on the stems of weeds growing by the water's edge. Here they cling quietly, awaiting the moment when the chi- tinous body-wall shall split lengthwise along the back of the thorax, and the made-over body inside with its damp, compressed wings, its delicate trans- parent skin, and changed mouth-parts and legs shall slowly work its way out of the old nymphal coat. The nymphs of some dragon-flies and damsel-flies crawl out among the weeds and grass of the shore for some distance before choosing a resting-place, and none of these will be very readily seen. But careful searching in a place from which winged individuals are occasionally arising will soon reveal the transforming in all of its stages (Fig. ii6). It takes some time for the emergence of the damp, soft imago from the nymphal skin, and some further time for the slow expanding and drying of the wings, and the hardening of the body- wall so that the muscles can safely pull against it. When all this has come about the imago can fly away. But even yet the colors are not fully acquired Fig. ii6. — The issuance of an adult white tail, Plathemis trimaculata. (After Need- ham; natural size.) Fig. 117. — Adult and last exuvia of the whitetail, Plathemis trimaculata. (Natural size.) and fixed, and these fresh imagoes have an unmistakably new and shiny appearance. They are called teneral specimens. Usually the emergence of nymphs from the pond and the subsequent transforming cease by the middle of the forenoon, and after that one can find only the frail, drying Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies 87 Adult and last exuvia of the damsel- fly, Lestes uncata. (Natural size.) cast nymphal skins or exuvicX, clinging here and there to stones and plant- stems. Attached to these exuvice there may be often noted two or three short, white, thread-like processes. These are the dry chitinous inner linings of the main tracheal trunks of the dragon-fly which were moulted with the outer body-wall. As the main tracheal tubes are really invagina- tions of the outer skin, it is obvious that the inner lining of the trachea is continuous with the outer coat (chitinized cuticle) of the body-wall and so is naturally cast off with it. Although the habits of the adult dragon-flies must be studied out of doors, the nymphs can be brought indoors and kept alive so that their walking and swimming and hiding Fig. 118 and capturing of prey, and often their transformation into winged imagoes, can be readily observed. In their natural habitat some of these observations are nearly impossible, and for school-room or private-study aquaria hardly any other animals can be found of more interest to the observer, whether child or grown-up, than the dragon-fly nymphs. Professor Needham, who has done more and better work in the study of the immature life of dragon-flies than anybody else, gives the following directions for collecting and rearing the nymphs: "If one wishes to collect the nymphs which lie sprawling amid fallen trash, a garden-rake with which to draw the trash aside, fingers not too dainty to pick them up when they make themselves conspicuous by their active efforts to get back into the water, and a pail of water in which to carry them home, are all -A home-made water- the apparatus required, collecting dragon-fly "A rake will bring ashore those other (After Needham.) ^y^^^is which burrow shallowly under the sediment that lies on the bottom, and also a few of those that cling to vegeta- tion near the surface; but for getting these latter a net is better. Fig. 119 Fig. iiq.- net for nymphs. 88 Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies shows the construction of a good water-net that can be made at home out of a piece of grass-cloth, two sizes of wire, and a stick. "The best places to search for dragon-fly nymphs in general are the reedy borders of ponds and the places where trash falls in the eddies of creeks. The smaller the body of water, if permanent, the more likely it is to yield good collecting. The nymphs may be kept in any reasonably clean vessel that will hold water. Some clean sand should be placed in the bottom, especially for burrowers, and water-plants for damsel-fly nymphs to rest on. They may be fed occasionally upon such small insects (smaller than themselves) as a water-net or a sieve will catch in any pond. Their habits can be studied at leisure in a dish of water on one's desk or table. "The best season for collecting them is spring and early summer. April and May are the best months of the year, because at this time most nymphs are nearly grown, and, if taken then, will need to be kept but a short time before transforming into adults. And this transformation every one should see; it will be worth a week's work at the desk; and as it can be appreciated only by being seen, some simple direc- tions are here given for bringing the Fig. 1 20.— a simple aquarium for rear- ^ymphs to maturity. Place them in a ing dragon-fly nymphs. (After Need- •' ^ •' ham.) wooden pafl or tub (Fig. 120). if the sides are so smooth that they cannot crawl up to transform, put some sticks in the water for them to crawl out on. Tie mosquito-netting tightly over the top, or, better, make a screen cover; leave three or four inches of air between the water and the netting; feed at least once a week, set them where the sun will reach them; and after the advent of warm spring weather look in on them early every morning to see what is going on." Elsewhere Professor Needham says that nymphs may be fed bits of fresh meat in lieu of live insects. If meat is fed, it must be kept in motion before them, as they will refuse anything that does not seem alive. Some nymphs will take earthworms. Care must be taken to keep cannibalistic kinds apart from others. When the nymphs transform the freshly issued imagoes should be transferred each with its cast skin (exuvia) to dry boxes for a short time, till their body-wall and wings gain firmness and the colors are matured. The imago and its exuvia should always be kept together. Specimens of the adults for the cabinet should have the wings spread like butterflies and moths (for directions for spreading see the Appendix). The slender and brittle dried abdomen breaks off very easily, and a bristle or fine non-corrosive wire should therefore be passed lengthwise through the body as far as the lip of the abdomen. A couple ot insect-pins, inserted Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies 89 lengthwise one at each end of the body, are used by some. Specimens intended for exchange should not be pinned up, but "papered," i.e., put with folded wings into an enclosing little triangular paper envelope made by folding an oblong paper sheet once diagonally and then folding over slightly the two margins. i %v / /■ / ■■■ A. P Fig. 121. — Diagram of venation of wing of dragon-fly. a, antecubitals; b, postcubitals; N, nodus; P, pterostigma; A, arculus; t, triangle. (After Banks.) TABLES FOR CLASSIFICATION. Key to Suborders (Imagoes). Front and hind wings nearly similar in outline, and held vertically over the back when at rest; head wide and with eyes projecting and constricted at base. (Damsel-flies.) Suborder Zygoptera. Front and hind wings dissimilar, hind wings usually being much wider at base, and both pairs held horizontally outstretched when at rest; eyes not projecting and constricted at base (Dragon-flies.) Suborder Anisoptera. Key to Suborders (Nymphs). Posterior tip of abdomen bearing three, usually long, leaf-like tracheal gills. (Damsel-flies.) Suborder Zygopter.a. Posterior tip of abdomen with five, converging, short, spine-like appendages. (Dragon-flies.) Suborder Anisoptera. SUBORDER ZYGOPTERA. Key to Families (Imagoes). Wings with not less than five antecubital cross-veins (Fig. 121). Family Calopterygid^. Wings with not more than three, usually two, antecubitals (Fig. 121). Family Agrionid,e. Key to Families (Nymphs). Basal segment of the antennae extremely elongate Family Calopterygid.e. Basal segment of the antennae short, subrotund Family Agrionid^. The family Calopterygidae includes but two genera, Calopteryx, in which the basilar space of the wings is open and the wings themselves are rather broad near the tip, and Hetaerina, in which the basilar space is net-veined and the wings narrow. Calopteryx maculata (Fig. 122), the most familiar representative in the Eastern States of the first genus, has velvety black spoon-shaped wings, 90 Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies Fig. 122. -The black wing, Calopteryx macula ta. (brownish in freshly moulted, or teneral specimens), and a long, slender body, of striking metallic blue or green. The females can be distinguished from the males by their possession of a milk-white pterostigma (Fig. 121). These beautiful "black wings" are found 'n gentle fluttering flight, usually along small streams in woods or meadows. The female lays her eggs "among the rubbish and mud along the borders of ditches," and the nymphs found in the ditches and streamlets have the middle one of the three caudal gills fiat and shorter than the other two. Kellicott has seen the males of this species fight fiercely with each other. "Two will fly about each other, evidently with con- suming rage, when one finally appears to have secured a posi- tion of advantage and darts at his enemy, attempting, often suc- cessfully, to tear and damage his wings." The best known representative of the other genus is a perfect master- piece of insect beauty and grace. Entomologists know it as Hetcerina americana (Fig. 123); I suggest that we call it the "ruby-spot," although only the males bear the gem. The head and thorax of the males are coppery red, the abdomen me- tallic green to coppery, and the basal fourth of each of the long, slender, and otherwise clear wings is bright blood-red. In the females the whole body is metallic green, with the basal third of the wings pale yellowish brown. These dam- sel-fiy beauties are shy and retiring, rarely venturing more than a few feet away from the willow-overhung bank of their favorite swift-running stream. Sometimes hundreds of them come together and chng in graceful festoons to the drooping willow branches. Then they look like strings of rubies, or of warm red flowers or seeds. The family Agrionidae includes the host of slender-bodied, narrow- and Fig. 123. — The ruby-spot, Hetcerina americana. Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies 91 clear-winged true damsel-flies. Most of them are small, and many keep so closely in low herbage or shrubby woodland that they attract little atten- tion. A few of the longer-bodied and longer-winged forms, however, fly in the open along the stream-banks or over the ponds. Some are strikingly varied with black and orange or yellow, and all, whether brightly colored 09- dull, are graceful and charming. There are at least a dozen genera of Agrionids in this country, comprising about seventy-five species, but their classification is too difficult to be undertaken by general students. Damsel- flies deposit their eggs in the tissue of aquatic plants by cutting slits in the stems with their sharp ovipositor. The nymphs are slender and elongate, and can readily be known by the three caudal leaf-like tracheal gills. The nymph stage of these forms is much shorter than with the true dragon-flies, lasting usually probably but a few weeks, or at most two or three months. When ready to transform the nymphs crawl out of the water and into the low herbage on the stream or pond bank. I have seen scores of freshly emerged damsel-flies rising from a few square yards of tall grass near a pond, although it required close search to discover the nymphs, so well concealed were they in the dense tangle. SUBORDER ANISOPTERA. Key to Families (Imagoes). Antecubitals of the first and second rows mostly meeting each other; triangle of fore wings with long axis at right angles to the length of the wings, triangle of hind wing with long axis in direction of the length of the wing. LiBELLULID.E. Antecubitals of the first and second rows not meeting (or running into each other) except the first and another thick one; triangles of fore and hind wings of similar shape (Fig. 121). Eyes meeting above on middle line of head; abdomen with lateral ridges. JESCUNIBM. Eyes just touching at a single point or barely apart; abdomen without lateral ridges Cordulegasterid^. Eyes distinctly separated; abdomen without lateral ridges Gomphid^. Key to Families (Nymphs). Under-lip (labium) flat, not concealing most of the face, with jaw-like or oblong side pieces (lateral lobes). Antennae 7-segmented, tarsi 3-segmented, climbing nymphs. ..(Eschnid.e. AntenucB 4-segmented, the fourth segment rudimentary; fore tarsi 2-seg- mented; burrowing nymphs Gomphid^. Under-lip (labium) spoon-shaped, covering most of the face, when closed, with nearly triangular side pieces (lateral lobes). Two stout teeth with a notch between them on the middle lobe of the under- lip (labium) '. Cordulegasteridj!:. A single median tooth on the middle lobe of the under-lip LibelluliDjE. 92 Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies The family Cordulegasteridae includes only seven species of dragon-flies found in the United States, all belonging to one genus, Cordulegaster. They are large, with eyes barely touching on top of the head, without metallic body-colors, and with clear wings. The nymphs burrow into the sand or vegetable silt on the bottom of shallow places. Thus buried, with only the top of the eyes and tip of the abdomen showing, they remain motionless for a long time, if prey does not come near. "In a dish of sand on my table," says Needham, "I have had a nymph remain without change of position for weeks, no food being offered it. Let any little insect walk or swim near the nymph's head, and a hidden labium springs from the sand with a mighty sweep and clutches it." The imagoes are strong flyers and have the habit of flying back and forth, as on a regular beat, over some small, clear stream. The family Gomphidae includes six genera, comprising about fifty species in our country. They are mostly large forms, clear-winged and with bodies striped with black and green or yellow. They are readily distinguished by the wide separation of the rather small eyes. The abdomen is stiff and spike-like. The eggs, held in a scanty envelope of gelatin, are deposited by the repeated descent of the flying female to the water of a clear pond or flowing stream, the tip of the abdomen first striking the surface. The gelatin dissolves and the eggs, scattering, sink to the bottom and become hidden in the silt. The nymphs are active burrowers, capturing their prey either on or beneath the surface of the bottom silt. The adults often alight on foliage, or on the surface of some log stretching across a stream, or on the bare soil of a path or roadway. They do not fly about in apparent sportiveness as the skimmers (Libellulidoe, p. 95) do, nor, like the skim- mers, perch atop a slender twig. June is the best month in the East for these dragon-flies. The principal genus of the family is Gomphus, which includes one-third of all our Gomphidae. Of these Gomphus exilis is probably the most common one in the Northeastern States. Its head is pale green, thorax brownish with two oblique green bands on each side, and abdomen blackish brown with a basal green spot or band on the back of each segment. The nymphs transform at the very edge of the water^ seldom crawling more than an inch or two above it. Hagenius brevistyliis is a large black-and-yellow species common in the East, South, and Middle West. The nymph has an unusually wide, flattened body. The /Eschnidse include our largest, swiftest, and most voracious dragon- flies. Various species are flying through the whole season from early spring to late summer. Some roam far from water, being found over dry fields and roadways, and even in houses. Some forms fly until late in the even- ing, making life a burden for the mosquitoes gathering for their night's singing and feasting. The eggs are thrust into the stems of aquatic plants, in floating timbers, in the wood of piers, etc., at or near the surface of the Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies 93 water. The nymphs are slender, clean creatures, with smooth bodies pat- terned with green and brown, and very active, strong, and brave. They climb among green plants and roots or submerged driftwood along the border of open water or the edge of a current. The imagoes of this family can be recognized by the meeting of the eyes all along the top of the head. The wings are long, broad, and clear, and the body-colors are mostly bright blue and green. The family is represented in the United States by about twenty-five species, belonging to six genera. Anax Junius, one of the commonest dragon- flies all over the United States, and found also from Alaska to Costa Rica, in China, Siberia, and in various islands of the Pacific, notably the Hawaiian group, is the most inveterate enemy that the mosquito has. It is conspicu- ously on the wing from early spring to late fall, flying from daylight to dark, and doing untold good by its ceaseless warfare on the mosquito hosts. It can be recognized by its clear wings, large size (wings over two inches long), , , . , , , , , , Fig. 124a. Fig. 1240. and bright-green thorax and head, the , ^. , . ,1 r . Fig. 124a. — Top of head, showing charac- latter bearmg on the upper front a ^^^.^^ mark in front of eyes, of Anax round black spot surrounded by yellow, Junius. (Enlarged.) the yellow encircled by a dark-blue Fig. 1 24^. -Top of head, showing charac- •' •' teristic mark in front of eyes, of ALSckna ring (Fig. 124(7). A still larger member constricta. (Enlarged.) of this family is the great "hero" dragon-fly, Epiccschna heros, which is like Anax Junius in general appear- ance, but has wings two and one-half inches long, and abdomen nearly three inches long. It has a black T spot on the upper face, instead of a round one. Another similar, widely distributed and common form is .Eschna constricta, about the size of Afiax Junius, reddish brown marked with bright green, and with a black T spot on the upper front of face (Fig. 124^). The males have the abdomen marked with blue, with little or no green, while the females have but little blue or none at all. The members of the family Libellulidai are called "skimmers." They may be seen continually hovering over the surface of still water, or swiftly foraging over fields. Many of them have the wings strongly marked with large black or brown or milk-white blotches, and the abdomen is often covered with a whitish powder or "bloom." They outnumber all the other true dragon-flies in point of species, and except for Anax Junius, ^Eschna constricta, and perhaps the giant hero dragon-fly, include the most familiar and wide-spread members of the order. One of the best known and most beautiful of the skimmers is the pond-loving "ten-spot," Libellula pulchella (Fig. 125), found all over the country. Each of its wings has a longitudinal basal blotch, a median blotch (at the nodus), and an apical blotch of black- 94 Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies ish brown. The males have the space between these blotches milky white. In old individuals the abdomen has a stron^ whitish bloom. Other familiar Fig. 125. — The ten-spot dragon-fly, Libellula pulchella. (After Needham; nat. size.) and well-marked species of Libellula are L. hasalis, with blackish-brown body and with the basal third to half of the wings dark brown or black and the rest of the wing clear, or in the old males chalky white out as far as the Fig. 126. — Libellula semi-Jasciala. (After Needham; natural size.) pterostigma, and in the females with brownish apices; L. qnadrimaculata, with olive or yellowish body marked with black, front wings with more Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies 95 or less yellowish at base and along the front margin, and a small fuscous nodal spot, hind wings with a yellowish-black triangular basal spot and fuscous nodal spot; and L. semi-jasciata, whose complex wing-markings are Fig. 127. -The water-prince, Epicordnlia princeps, female. (After Needham; natural size.) shown in Fig. 126. Tramea is a genus of large swift dragon-flies whose hind wings have the base expanded and conspicuously colored. Tramea laceyata is a familiar species. The water-prince, Epicordulia princeps (Fig. 5. — The amber wing, Perithemis domitia, male at left, female at right. (After Needham; natural size.) 127), is a common large dragon-fly, but one hard to capture because of its fine flight. The wings show a basal patch, often nearly wanting on the front pair, a patch at the nodus, and a black apex. It likes "ponds or slug- 96 Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies gish streams with muddy reed-grown banks, and seems absolutely tireless in flight; very rarely indeed is one seen resting." One of the smallest of Fig. 129. — The wind sprite. Celithemis eponina. (After Needham; natural size.) Fig. iT,o.—Tetragoneuria epinosa, female. (After Needham; natural size.) the true dragon-flies is the amber wing, Perithemis domitia (Fig. 128). The wings are clear amber, unmarked in the male, but richly spotted with dark Dragon-flies and Damsel-flies 97 brown in the female. It has a slow hovering flight and often rests on the tips of erect reeds with wings held perfectly horizontal. It is only on wing in quiet, warm sunshine; clouds or cold breezes send them quickly into hiding. Among the familiar Libellulids with unblotched wings is Meso- themis simplicicollis, an abundant species east of the Rockies. The females and young males have head, thorax, and front half of abdomen green, the hinder half blackish brown. In old males the body becomes grayish blue with a whitish bloom. WiUiamson says that sometimes two males will flutter motionless, one a few inches in front of the other, when suddenly the rear one will rise and pass over the other, which at the same time moves in a curve downwards, backwards, and then upwards, so that the former position of the two is just reversed.*' These motions kept up