Oe hw eS ne a, ee. sn sae ae. See an ree ‘ aan a : ~ ee tae eee <0 belies ene ene ~ Sete Se at ers Via nen Baas meee ee ne 2 ret 9 we See te — 6 ree ee eel 2 ee 4 pe 7 petataata at on one = Gnidversity Press Joun WILSON AND Son, CamBrinGe, U.S.A. Coo NOE ENTS. No. I, OcroBer 1, 1902. ON THE FUNCTIONS OF THE CEREBRUM: I.— THE FRONTAL LOBES IN RELATION TO THE PRODUCTION AND RETENTION OF SIMPLE SENSORY- Motor Hasits. By Shepherd Ivory Franz STUDIES ON REACTIONS TO STIMULI IN UNICELLULAR ORGANISMS. IX.—ON THE BEHAVIOR OF FIXED INFUSORIA (STENTOR AND VORTICELLA), WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE MODIFIABILITY OF PROTOZOAN REACTIONS. By H.S. Jennings. . . ; THE ACTION OF ALCOHOL ON Muscle. By Frederic S. Lee and William Salant : No. I], NovEMBER I, 1902. THE IMPORTANCE OF SODIUM CHLORIDE IN HearT Activity. By David J. Lingle NOTES ON THE ACTION OF ACIDS AND ACID SALTS ON BLOOD-CORPUSCLES AND SOME OTHER CELLS. By S. Peskind . THE BEHAVIOR OF NUCLEATED COLORED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES TO CER- TAIN H&MOLyTIC AGENTS. By G. NV. Stewart No. III, DECEMBER I, 1902. THE EFFECT OF DIMINISHED EXCRETION OF SODIUM CHLORIDE ON THE CONSTITUENTS OF THE URINE. By R. A. Hatcher and Torald Sollmann THE MECHANISM OF THE RETENTION OF CHLORIDES: A CONTRIBUTION TO THE THEORY OF URINE SECRETION. By Torald Sollmann. PAGE 61 99 103 vl Contents. PAGE Does PoTAssIuUM CYANIDE PROLONG THE LIFE OF THE UNFERTILIZED EGG OF THE SEA-URCHIN? By F. P. Gorham and R. W. Tower. ~ 175 NOTES ON THE “ PROTAGON” OF THE BRAIN. By W. W. Lesem and Witham JiGlesa. toa ee - os a ee ON THE GROWTH OF SUCKLING PIGS FED ON A DIET OF SKIMMED Cow’s Mitx. By Margaret B. Wilson. . - . « + + + «+ + « IQ7 MAXIMAL CONTRACTION, “STAIRCASE” CONTRACTION, REFRACTORY PERIOD, AND COMPENSATORY PAUSE, OF THE HEART. Ay Rk. S. Woodworth <6 8 a a ee! ee te) No. IV, JANUARY 1, 1903. THE RATE OF NERVOUS IMPULSE IN CERTAIN Mo.uuscs. Sy O. P. Jenkins ‘and Ac J. Carlson 3 ie We a) ee ee = ON THE INFLUENCE OF CALCIUM AND POTASSIUM SALTS UPON THE TONE OF PLAIN MUSCLE. By Percy G. Stiles .-. « %. « =) =e ON DIFFERENCES IN THE DIRECTION OF THE ELECTRICAL CONVEC- TION OF CERTAIN FREE CELLS AND NvucLeEl. By Ralph S. Lillie 273 AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE CHEMICAL PRODUCTS OF BACILLUS Cott COMMUNIS AND BaAcILLUS LACTIS AEROGENES. By Leo F. UR Go ate Mb Rerun BP ees 2 > on ELECTRICAL POLARITY IN THE Hyproips. Sy Albert P. Mathews. . 294 THE IMPORTANCE OF MECHANICAL SHOCK IN PROTOPLASMIC ACTIV- ity. By A. P. Mathews and BOR. Whitcher . ~. . . » « = ee FivE TyPES OF EYE MOVEMENT IN THE HORIZONTAL MERIDIAN PLANE OF THE FIELD OF REGARD. By Raymond Dodge... . . - + 307 ON THE QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF AMMONIA IN URINE. Sy Philip. Shaffer -<. 2 sivieg RAD are ey Pea heey a ae ce THE INFLUENCE OF FATIGUE UPON THE SPEED OF VOLUNTARY CON- TRACTION OF HUMAN Muscle. By Thomas Andrew Storey. . +- 355 No. V, FEBRUARY 2, 1903. ae A PHYSIOLOGICAL StuDY OF NucvLeic Acip. By Lafayette B. Mendel, Frank P. Underhill, and Benjamin White . . . « « » » «+ « = 909 THE ACTION OF ACIDS AND AciID SALTS ON BLOOD-CORPUSCLES AND OTHER Cetus. By S. Peshind . ss =. © os) 5 1) HOW LONG DOES (ARBACIA) SPERM LIVE IN SEA-WATER? By Martin HT, Fischer . WO VARIATIONS IN THE AMPLITUDE OF THE CONTRACTIONS OF HUMAN VOLUNTARY MUSCLE IN RESPONSE TO GRADED VARIATIONS IN THE STRENGTH OF THE INDUCED SnHock. By Thomas Andrew Storey . 435 Contents. Vii ° PAGE THE LAKING OF DRIED RED BLoop-CorpuscLes.. By Charles Claude POE en Bie Ee A ee ee ir ie eee er aiee 8 ON THE NUCLEOPROTEIDS OF THE PANCREAS, THYMUS, AND SUPRARENAL GLAND, WITH ESPECIAL REFERENCE TO THEIR OPTICAL ACTIVITY. By Arthur Gamgee and Walter Jones. . - - «© + + + + + + + 447 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY . . .- . ix-xliii I O58 ee Pat ak oo Os cee ee ck 8. a ABZ PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN PHYSIO- Peete -SOCTET Y. FIFTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING. WASHINGTON, D.C., DECEMBER 30 and 31, Igo2. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. ON GLUCOTHIONIC ACID. By PR. A. LEVENE, In the preparation of nucleic acid by the picric acid-alcohol method, a carbohydrate is precipitated with the acid. The carbohydrate can be removed by copper chloride. In the yeast, in bacteria, pancreas, and liver the carbohydrate resembled glycogen. In the spleen, it had properties similar to those of chondroitin sulphuric acid. It contained sulphuric acid in organic combination, and it gave the barium test for glycuronic acid. Unlike the chondroitin sulphuric acid, its sulphur was equal to 3 per cent and its nitrogen to 5.41 per cent. Very characteristic of the substance is its behavior toward orcin-hydrochloric acid. Chondroitin sulphuric acid, as well as pentose, on heating with orcin-hydrochloric acid gave a purple color, soon turning into green on the separation of dark green floccules. The substance of the spleen forms with the same reagents a bright purple color which remains unchanged for days; the floccules have the same bright purple color. It is possible that the substance is not unlike the glucosaminic acid described by Fischer, combined with sulphuric acid. ON GLUCOPHOSPHORIC ACID. By P. A. LEVENE. Tue author analyzed in various seeds the phosphorus-containing substance first obtained by Paladin and analyzed by Schulze and Winterstein. These authors failed to establish the nature of the organic radical of the substance. The author found that about 30 per cent of the organic part could be split off in form of a carbohy- Xl Fifteenth Annual Meeting. drate. The carbohydrate gave all the qualitative tests for a pentose. The phenylhydrazin compound and the bromphenylhydrazin com- pound possessed all the properties of the pentose derivatives, yet they were not pure enough to establish their identity. The substance contained about 15 per cent of organic phosphorus, 1.8 per cent of nitrogen, and 50 per cent of ash, which consisted chiefly of calcium-magnesium-phosphate. The substance contained no glycerine or purin bases. ON NUCLEIC ACID. BYe IP. CAG UE Vie Nib Tue author continued his analysis of some nucleic acids. Attention was directed toward the presence or absence in the spleen and pancreas of the following substances: glycerine, a carbohydrate, pyrimidin derivatives. Glycerine could not be found in any percep- tible quantity. A carbohydrate could not be isolated, but five different nucleic acids, namely, those of the pancreas, spleen, liver, yeast, and tubercle bacilli gave all the furfurol tests on distillation with mineral acids. Thymin could be isolated from the nucleic acids of both pancreas and spleen. From the same two acids there was obtained, in the form of a picrate, a substance which could be trans- formed into a disulphate. The composition of the two salts was as follows : For the picrate, calculated as: (C,xH,N,0)C,H,(NO,),OH, Calculated. Found. C5) 5 ey OG; 35:56%.- es ese eet 2.91%. Ng, 2s O2ROSS, yaa! Wt Ey AR For the sulphate, calculated: Calculated. Found. ( 29.90% 29.44%. H 4.34% 4.01%. Ne. ie. ee eGalOnn 26.25%. S 9.62% 9.84%. In its elementary composition the substance is not unlike cry- tosin, as described by Kossel. The formula for episarkin, however seems to correspond better with the analytical data. It is, perhaps, an amino-oxy-pyrimidin. Proceedings of the American Physiological Society. xiii FURTHER MUCOID STUDIES. By WILLIAM J. GIES. I, INVESTIGATIONS into the distribution of osseomucoid indicate that glucoproteid is a normal constituent of all bones. It has thus far been found in the large bones of wild and domestic mammals and birds, and of reptiles. II. Connective tissue mucoid shows a tendency to combine with other proteids. Thus, for example, an alkaline solution of potassio- mucoid and gelatine yields a precipitate with acid more promptly than a solution of the equivalent amount of the mucoid salt alone. Fur- thermore, the compound precipitate is different physically. In the case of the gelatine product the precipitate possesses semi-gelatinous qualities. The compound precipitates of mucoid obtained from pro- teid solutions weigh more than the control mucoid precipitates. This added weight rises, within certain limits, as the proportion of asso- ciated proteid in the solution increases. III. Acidification of tissue extracts is not sufficient for complete precipitation of the mucoid. Even with a fifth alkaline extract of the same tendon pieces, the water-clear acid filtrate from the precipitated mucoid contains additional glucoproteid. IV. Precipitated mucoid shows practically no combining power with acids. In the hydration of mucoid by pepsin-acid, however, acid combines with the dissolved proteid products formed in the process. V. The blood serum of a rabbit, which had been treated with several subcutaneous and intraperitoneal injections of neutral solu- tion of potassio-mucoid, produced precipitates in neutral and slightly acid solutions of the latter proteid substance. These researches are still in progress with the co-operation of Messrs. E. R. Posner, C. Seifert, and H. G. Baumgard. ON THE ORIGIN OF GLYCURONIC ACID. By J. A. MANDEL anp H. C. JACKSON. MAYER (Verhandlungen des Congresses fiir innere Medicin, 1901, p. 393), inaseries of inadequate experiments on rabbits, which were fed camphor before and after fasting, claims a direct formation of glycu- ronic acid from the dextrose of the body. He also considers that XIV Fifteenth Annual Meeting. elycuronic acid is a normal constituent of the blood. Other investi- gators also give this origin for the glycuronic acid which combines with foreign substances when introduced into the organism, and nearly all have ignored the possibility of its origin from the proteids. We fed camphor to fasting dogs for several days, and estimated the campho-glycuronic acid and nitrogen excreted, and then fed large quantities of dextrose (80 grams) for several days, and observed a marked diminution in the elimination of both campho-glycuronic acid and nitrogen. On giving the animal chopped meat, the quantities of campho-glycuronic acid and nitrogen were correspondingly increased, and a constant elimination was obtained as long as the meat and camphor were fed, showing a positive proteid origin for the glycuronic acid. In a series of experiments, making use of two different methods for removing proteids, we have failed to detect glycuronic acid in the blood. In order to ascertain the seat of formation of the conjugated glycuronates, we made several transfusion experiments by passing the blood of one dog, which had been previously fed with large doses of camphor, through the kidneys of a second dog and found that the urine collected during transfusion was lzvo-rotatory and contained campho-glycuronic acid. Incidentally we found that the kidneys of all our camphor-fed dogs showed, on microscopical examination, a pronounced fatty degeneration in the ascending loops of Henle and not in the convoluted tubules. It is not improbable that these cells are concerned in the synthesis of the glycuronates. FURTHER STUDIES OF THE TOXIC AND. ANTITOXIC EFFECTS OF IONS. By JACQUES LOEB anp WILLIAM J. GIES. Tus research was conducted at Wood’s Holl during the past summer. It confirmed Loeb’s original observation that each electrolyte in solu- tion at a certain concentration is able to prevent the development of the Fundulus egg after fertilization, and also to destroy the egg. Our experiments further confirmed the fact that this poisonous action can, in general, be wholly or partly inhibited by the addition of a proper amount of another electrolyte. We also obtained results emphasizing the fact first observed by Proceedings of the American Physiological Society. xv Loeb, and furnishing new evidence to show, that the degree of antitoxic influence exerted by the second electrolyte increases with the valency of the cation. The antitoxic action of bivalent cations was found to be very much greater than that of univalent cations, the antagonistic power of trivalent cations is considerably greater than that of the bivalent. This rule does not hold with all cations, however; such cations as Cu, Hg, and Cd are exceptions. Our experiments made it very apparent that the antitoxic action of the salts employed was not due to slight amounts of H or OH ions in their dissociated solutions, since neither solutions of pure acids nor of pure alkalies were able to exert such antagonism. It was found, finally, that solutions of non-electrolytes, ¢. g., urea, cane-sugar, glycerine, alcohol, have no antitoxic influence except under conditions which favor the formation of not easily soluble dis- sociable compounds with the electrolyte (such as saccharate), where- by the concentration of the toxic ion is considerably reduced. Koch’s recent investigations on the influence of ions on lecithin solutions emphasize the possibility previously suggested by Loeb, that the observed antagonistic effects of ions may be referred, in part at least, to changes induced in the physical and perhaps chemical conditions of substances such as lecithin in the cell. A PROTEID REACTION INVOLVING THE USE OF CHROMATE. By WILLIAM J. GIES. SEVERAL years ago, during a comparative study of the reactions of various gelatines, the results of which have not yet been published, it was observed by Dr. D. H. M. Gillespie and myself that dilute solu- tions of potassium chromate did not precipitate gelatine solutions, but that when such proteid-chromate mixtures were further treated with acid, a fine yellow flocculent precipitate formed at once. Acids as “weak” as acetic, and also the common mineral acids, effected the result, the latter acids more promptly, however, even in smaller amount. At intervals I have returned to this reaction, and lately have made a more careful study of it. Solutions of chromates of mono- and divalent cations (the only ones thus far employed) cause no precipi- XVI fifteenth Annual Meeting. tates in neutral or alkaline proteid fluids, but on further treatment with small amounts of dilute acids, — strongly dissociable ones par- ticularly, — flocculent precipitation of a proteid-chromate compound occurs in every case. The reaction is especially striking with such bodies as gelatine and proteose (the precipitates with these disap- pearing on warming and reappearing on cooling), and it seems to be more delicate than the acetic acid and potassium ferrocyanide test. Salts containing dichromion or trichromion behave differently. Since bichromate is formed from chromate on the addition of acid, it might be supposed that such production is responsible for the pre- cipitation observed. But bichromate solutions are as inert as the chromate. When, however, acid is added to a mixture of proteid and bichromate, precipitation occurs, as in the case with chromate. Hydroxidion prevents the reaction in all cases. Possibly the precipi- tation is due to the formation of dichromic acid, just as in the acetic acid and potassium ferrocyanide test it is dependent on the formation of hydroferrocyanic acid. Further study is expected to determine exactly the character of the ions responsible for the reaction. The results thus far point to dichromanion in the presence of hydrion. NEW EXPERIMENTS ON THE PHYSKOLOGICAL ACTION OF THE PROTEOSES. By LAFAYETTE B. MENDEL anp FRANK P. UNDERHILL. In a recent study of the physiological action of the proteoses, after di- rect introduction into the circulation of higher animals, Pick and Spiro (Zeitschrift fiir physiologishe Chemie, 1900, xxxi, p. 235) conclude: “Es gibt ‘ Peptone’ ohne ‘ Peptonwirkung’ und ‘ Peptonwirkung’ ohne‘ Peptone.’” Their experiments gave the following indications: (1) It is possible to obtain typical albumoses and peptones after cleav- age of proteids (fibrin) by trypsin, autolysis, and alkalies, and by the” action of acid on casein and edestin. These products, when intro- duced into the blood, fail to show any effect on blood-pressure. - furthermore, active products prepared by acid or pepsin-acid lose their typical action after purification by a method which apparently does not alter their chemical character. (2) It is possible to obtain preparations which develop the anti-clotting action in marked degree, Proceedings of the American Physiological Society. xvii although they may contain only traces of albumoses and peptones, or even none at all. From this the authors conclude that the property of retarding blood-clotting is attributable not,to the albumoses as such, but to an adherent and extremely active substance which is present, perhaps, in very small quantity. Earlier experiments in our laboratory (This journal, 1899, ii, p. 142) have led us to question the general application of these conclusions in the case of proteoses purified according to the stand- ards current for these substances. Since then a considerable num- ber of typical products have been prepared under conditions which would exclude as far as possible the presence of the specific contami- nating tissue substance (peptozyme) assumed by Pick and Spiro to be the active agent. The number includes native proteoses separated directly from the wheat embryo, hemp seed, and brazil nut without the use of foreign enzymes or acids ; proteoses prepared by the action of superheated water or of dilute acids on crystallized proteids; pro- teoses prepared by the digestion of edestin and casein with the veg- etable enzymes papain and bromelin: products purified by the methods of Pick and Spiro. All of these proteose preparations, introduced in doses of 0.3 to 0.5 gm. per kilo of body weight into the circulation of dogs, have provoked the characteristic symptoms noted in our earlier work, namely: a fall in arterial pressure, diminished coagulability of the blood, a transitory stage of excitation followed by narcosis, a degree of “immunity,” and (in the single experiment thus far tried) lymphagogic effects. The investigation is being continued. IS THE ACTION OF ALCOHOL ON GASTRIC SECRETION SPECIFIC? By GEORGE B. WALLACE anp H. C. JACKSON. EXPERIMENTS were performed with the object of determining whether the flow of gastric juice caused by the introduction of alcohol into the intestine is due to a purely reflex action, and further whether it is an effect produced by irritant substances other than alcohol. Dogs were used in the experiments. The stomach was washed till free of acid, the pylorus then ligated, and the substance to be studied injected directly into the intestine. Three hours after the XVIll Fifteenth Annual Meeting. injection the dog was killed, the stomach removed and its contents collected and analyzed. The total amounts as well as the percentage of the various acidities were estimated. In some of the experiments the nerve supply to the stomach was cut off, by extirpating the cardiac ganglion of the sympathetic system and cutting the vagus fibres passing down the walls of the stomach. Oil of peppermint was taken for comparison wifh alcohol as an irritant. 40 c.c. of 25 per cent alcohol, injected into the intestine, produced a gastric flow five times as great in amount as when water alone was injected. The total and free acid was increased in the same propor- tion. 0.3 c.c. of oil of peppermint, in acacia emulsion, produced an effect practically identical with that of alcohol. ; With the gastric nerve supply cut off, the alcohol and oil of pepper- mint injected into the intestine produced no greater effect than when water alone was injected. Even when alcohol was injected directly into the stomach, the gastric nerve supply being cut off, it induced a gastric secretion but little greater than when water was injected. The conclusions are (1) that alcohol introduced into the intestine stimulates the gastric secretions not through its absorption and sub- sequent action on the gastric mucosa, but by a purely reflex action; (2) that this action is not limited to alcohol, but is possessed by other irritant substances, such as oil of peppermint. A PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE PHARMACOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF TRI-BROM-TERTIARY BUTYL-ALCOHOL. By E. M. HOUGHTON anp T. B. ALDRICH. WILLGERODT, in a paper dealing with tri-chlortertiary butyl-alcohol or acetone chloroform, mentioned having obtained a similar product containing bromine in place of the chlorine, which he called tri-brom- tertiary butyl-alcohol, but he did not make a careful examination of its chemical and physical properties, and seems not to have considered at all its pharmacological properties. This bromine compound is produced by the action of caustic alkalies upon mixtures of bromoform and acetone. The excess of acetone and bromoform having been distilled off, the new bromine compound is removed from the residue Proceedings of the American Physiological Society. xix by distillation with steam, the product being finally purified by re- crystallization from alcohol or other suitable solvent. The purified substance is a white crystalline body having a camphoraceous odor and taste. The melting point is about 167° C. It is soluble in most of the organic solvents, as alcohol, ether, benzoine, etc., slightly soluble in cold and more soluble in hot water. This compound, since it is a derivative of the fatty acid series, when administered in various ways to animals possesses decided anzesthetic properties; recovery from small quantities takes place without any apparent untoward results. The drug appears to have very little influence upon the heart or circulation, as shown by myocardiographic and blood-pressure tracings taken from curarized animals. It is suggested that the name brometome be given to the compound. THE ACTION OF ETHYL-ALCOHOL ON CONTRACTILE PROTOPLASM. By FREDERIC S. LEE. THE spontaneous contractions of the bell of the medusa, Gonionema, are markedly increased in number by small quantities of ethyl- alcohol in sea-water. This increase becomes progressively greater with solutions ranging from ;; per cent to } per cent; then pro- gressively less, until with about 2 per cent the contractions are nearly normal in number; with stronger alcohol they are irregular, feeble, and partial. These results agree with those obtained by the author and Salant on frog’s striated muscle, and strengthen the proof that ethyl-alcohol in small quantity is favorable, in larger quantity unfavorable, to the activity of contractile protoplasm. The behavior of the bell of Gonionema, with the nerve-ring removed, supports this conclusion. Concentrated sea-water acts like weak alcohol, but the amount of concentration that is required in order to produce a given increase in the rate of contraction is so great as to preclude the idea that abstraction of water from protoplasm is the important causative factor in the favorable action of alcohol. XX Fifteenth Annual Meeting. EXHIBITION OF NEW FORM OF PLATINUM—MERCURY STIMULATOR. By W. P. LOMBARD (For W. P. BOWEN). Four wooden disks two inches in diameter are mounted on a light shaft so as to rotate in separate mercury troughs in the wooden base. A platinum wire is placed radially in each disk, and brought even with the surface of the edge; the disks are adjusted on the shaft so that in each of the two pairs the wires are opposite; then the central ends of the wires of each pair are connected, thus form- ing two metallic staples whose ends dip in the mercury and con- nect the troughs in pairs. One pair of disks is now set so as to make and break contact slightly before the other pair. The binding posts of one pair of troughs are now connected with the primary, and those of the other with the secondary circuits of an induction coil. Practice in the laboratory has shown this to be a very efficient stimulator for rates up to 3 or 4 per second. At higher rates, the mercury is thrown, but the use of a cover will permit rates some- what higher. The staple of platinum being imbedded in the smooth wooden disk prevents waves of mercury being formed as the staple passes through, —a fault of many otherwise excellent stimulators in common use. EXHIBITION OF MERCURY-MERCURY STIMULATOR. By W. P. LOMBARD (For W. P. BOWEN). PROFESSOR WARREN of Bryn Mawr once said that “ Eternal bright- ness is the price of electricity.” Constant brightness at the point of contact is one absolute essential of the ideal stimulator. It is secured in this instrument by making and breaking a column of mercury by means of a celluloid disk perforated with holes of uniform size and rotated at a uniform rate. The mercury is held in wooden reservoirs; from the base of each a glass tube projects horizontally; two of these are placed on opposite sides of the disk with the axes of the tubes forming one line and the ends of the tubes just far enough apart for the disk to rotate be- tween. The disk interrupts the circuit except while a hole is Proceedings of the American Physiological Society. xxi passing between the ends of the tubes. At such a time there is a momentary contact of mercury from the two tubes; then the hole moves on, carrying with it the mercury which fills it, includ- ing most of the oxide produced by the spark, and this waste mercury drops into a beaker beneath the instrument. ~The frequency of stimulation can be varied either by changing the rate of rotation of the disk or the number of holes contained in it. This instrument has given good curves with a 2-hole disk at 73 revolutions per second, which is the fastest rate tried. With a 6-hole disk this gave 45 stimuli per second, and the rate can be increased to 270 per second by making more holes in the disk. The ease with which the disks can be made also makes it possible to vary the manner of stimulation widely, if desired. A second pair of reservoirs, placed on the opposite side of the shaft turning the disk and properly adjusted, provides a short circuit for cutting out the making shocks. Most stimulators, as a result of corrosion due to sparking, fail to give regular results with less than a maximal stimulus; but this in- strument gives fine curves with almost any strength of current. FURTHER OBSERVATIONS ON THE MOVEMENTS OF THE STOMACH AND INTESTINES. By W. B. CANNON. THE cat has been used in the researches I have hitherto reported; it is important to know if the observations made on the cat are true also for other animals. Rhythmic segmentation of the food has been repeatedly observed in the small intestine of the dog, at the rate of from 18 to 22 operations per minute; and in the white rat, 44 to 48 operations per minute. The guinea pig and rabbit have shown no typical segmenting move- ments. A to-and-fro swinging of the food in one place has been seen in the rabbit; and also segmentation combined with peristalsis, as described for the cat. Antiperistalsis at the beginning of the large intestine has been observed in the dog, at the rate of four waves per niinute. These 1 CanNnoN: This journal, 1902, vi, p. 260. 47 XX fifteenth Annual Meeting. antiperistaltic waves in the dog and cat are possibly to be correlated with antiperistalsis in the cecum of the rabbit. The appearance of fresh food in the caecum of the rabbit is followed by a deep constric- tion which sweeps the food swiftly toward the blind end. The stomach movements were similar in all animals observed. In the dog, rabbit, guinea pig, cat, and rat peristalsis is seen only over the pyloric end. . The gastric peristalsis can be inhibited in the rabbit, the dog, and the guinea pig, just as in the cat, by causing respiratory distress. Feeding a cat a fluid food makes it possible to demonstrate a fairly rhythmic relaxation of the cardia. At every relaxation the food pours through the cardia and passes up the cesophagus to the level of the heart or the base of the neck; and it is immediately swept thence into the stomach again by a peristaltic wave. This activity may recur about every half minute for a half hour or more. Observations have also been made on the treatment of different foodstuffs in different parts of the alimentary canal. Cats were given equal amounts of carbohydrate or proteid foods, having as near as possible the same consistency. The carbohydrate food appeared in the intestine usually within ten minutes; the proteid food usually did not begin to leave the stomach for an hour or an hour and a half after it was eaten. Similar observations were made in comparing fats and proteids ; the proteids were retained in the stomach nearly twice as long as fats of the same amount and consistency. In the small intestine the proteids may be seen undergoing segmentation at almost any time; the carbohydrates and fats undergo this process comparatively rarely. SOME MINOR IMPROVEMENTS IN LABORATORY APPARATUS. By COLIN C.’ STEWART. 1. A Moist chamber; 2. An electro-magnetic signal; 3. A frog- table; 4. A mercury key in which the movable part of the key is hinged in the bottom of one mercury cup to dip into a second, with fixed binding posts running to each cup; 5. A contact end for a flex- ible wire cable; 6. A cardiopneumatiscope, consisting of a curved glass tube sealed to a pin-hole opening at the distal to prevent the too rapid escape of the cigarette smoke with which the tube is Proceedings of the American Physiological Society. xxiii filled ; 7. A tracheal cannula, for artificial respiration, in which the troublesome metal collar which regulates the size of the opening through which the expiratory blast escapes, is replaced by a short piece of rubber tubing. ON THE BIOLOGICAL RELATION OF PROTEIDS AND PROTEID ASSIMILATION. BY P. A. LEVENE anp L. B. STOOKEY. IN applying the precipitin test, the authors observed that different proteids of a given animal, and perhaps of a given species, possess a certain similarity which distinguishes them from all the proteids of any other origin. This biological individuality of proteids could serve to explain the cause of the fact that proteid material ingested has to be broken up by the organism before it is utilized. The molecule of foreign proteid material has to be reconstructed into the molecule characteristic of the given animal. The second aim of the authors was to establish the place of the breaking down of ingested proteid. Attempts were made to solve also this problem by the application of the precipitin test. This part of the work is not yet complete. The authors, however, think that foreign proteids normally do. not pass the digestive system (liver included) unchanged. ON THE DIGESTION OF GELATINE. BY Po A. LEVENE. Anp) L. B. STOOKEY. Ir is known that gelatine does not yield on digestion with proteo- lytic enzymes any perceptible quantity of the usual crystalline digestive products. It was, however, established by Chittenden and Solley that it undergoes transformation into proteoses and peptone like any other proteid. One of the authors, Levene, found that these digestive products differ in their content of glycocoll. He also ob- served that gelatine subjected to prolonged digestion yields compara- tively little of the usual crystalline digestive products. In order to gain some light upon the process of transformation of gelatine into gelatoses, the authors investigated the formation of free ammonia in the course of tryptic digestion of gelatine, and observed that the free ammonia increases as the gelatine is transformed into the primary and the primary into the secondary albumoses. XXIV Fifteenth Annual Meeting. THE SECOND MAXIMUM IN THE RESPONSE OF MUSCLE TO STIMULATION. By COLIN C. STEWART. WirH single break induction currents of gradually increasing strength the contraction of the frog’s gastrocnemius (and other muscles) increases from a minimum to a maximum. Further in- crease in the strength of the current elicits no greater response for a time, but finally results in a second increase in the height of the contraction and a second and final maximum. This second maximum is not due to any peculiarity of the induc- tion apparatus, nor to the presence in the gastrocnemius of muscle fibres of two different lengths. It is obtained with curarized muscle stimulated directly, as well as with uncurarized muscle stimulated indirectly. The maxima for muscle stimulated indirectly occur earlier, that is, with weaker currents, than the maxima which are to be obtained with direct stimulation. It follows, therefore, that with fresh uncurarized muscle stimulated directly, four maximal plateaus are often observed. The second maximum is directly ascribable to the presence in these muscles of two substances differently affected by changes in tempera- ture, by fatigue, and by drugs. Such changes in the whole muscle are marked by corresponding changes in the form of the single muscle curve, particularly in respect to the presence and relative importance of the two apices, which are almost characteristic of the gastrocnemius contraction curve. And with each change in the form of the muscle curve there is a corresponding change in the relative prominence of the two maximal plateaus in the series of contractions obtained with gradually increasing induction currents. THE ACTION OF THE TWO-JOINT MUSCLES OF THE HIND-—- LEG OF THE FROG, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THe SPRING MOVEMENT. By WARREN P. LOMBARD. Because of the peculiar relation of the two-joint muscles to the joints which they cross, any force, whether external or a muscular contraction, which flexes or extends hip, knee, or ankle, tends to Proceedings of the American Physiological Soctety. xxv cause a like movement of the rest. These effects are produced by the passive, tendon-like action of the two-joint muscles, and are increased by their contractions. It is possible for any of the joints to be moved independently, where the two-joint muscles as a whole are not contracting. These muscles are attached under very little tension, and are sufficiently extensible to yield to even a compara- tively slight stretching force. A single joint can therefore be flexed or extended by the action of one-joint muscles or by the action of a two-joint muscle when the other end of the muscle is prevented by one-joint muscles from moving the other joint which it ordinarily controls.. A ¢wo-joint muscle may indirectly cause the extension of the joint of which it is a flexor. This may occur under the following con- ditions: a. The muscle in question, A, must have a better leverage at the end by which it extends, than at the end by which it flexes. 6. There must be on the opposite side of the ieg a two-joint muscle, B, which flexes the joint which A extends, and extends the joint which A flexes. c. The extensor leverage and strength of A must be suffi- cient to enable it to make use of the tendon action of B. When all the two-joint muscles are acting at the same time, the energy developed by these muscles is transmitted as by an endless chain, having the form of a figure 8, with the crossing at the knee, and the effect progresses in the direction of the greatest leverage. A preliminary series of typi- cal curves of the leverage exerted by each end of all the two-joint muscles, and by the one-joint muscles of the knee and ankle, was shown. In general, these curves are in harmony with the view advanced as to the tendon action of the two-joint muscles in the spring movement. Not only is the leverage of the two-joint muscles when the leg is flexed in favor of the extending tendon action described, but as the leg approaches extension the leverage of many muscles changes, extension power lessening and flexion power in- creasing. The effect of this is to protect the joints and favor the recovery from the spring. Finally, it may be said that the action of many of the two-joint muscles, and at least of one of the one-joint muscles, may be reversed as the leg passes from flexion to extension. A muscle which acts to flex a joint in one position may extend it in another, and even flex it again in still another. This fact demands caution in the classification of muscles as flexors and extensors. XXVI1 fifteenth Annual Meeting. THE TONUS OF HEART MUSCLE. By W. T. PORTER. Tue following facts were demonstrated by graphic records: 1. As the tonus increases the conductivity of heart muscle diminishes. For example, the latent period of an extra-contraction produced between two spontaneous tonus contractions was ten-hun- dredths second, while the latent period of an extra-contraction pro- duced near the summit of a spontaneous tonus contraction was sixteen-hundredths second. 2. The height of the tonus contraction is proportional to the strength of the stimulus. The law of “all or none” does not apply. Induced current in Kronecker units (successive stimulations). Height of tonus con- | traction in millimetres (auricle of tortoise). 3500 7mm. 3500 7mm. 3000 5 mm. 4000 | 11 mm. 5000 25 mm. Similar results were obtained with the ventricle, but the changes were less marked. 3. The tonus contraction has no refractory period. Extra-contrac- tions (both of tonus form and fundamental form) may be produced during any phase of tonus contraction. 4. Tonus contractions may be superposed as contractions of skele- tal muscles are superposed. 5. Summation of sub-minimal stimuli of tonus contractions was not secured, though many efforts were made. The induced currents employed inhibited the spontaneous funda- mental contractions. The spontaneous fundamental contractions regained their former height only after several contractions in “staircase” form. Proceedings of the American Physiological Soctety, xxvii THE EFFECT OF EXTIRPATION OF THE GASSERIAN GAN- GLION UPON THE SENSE OF TASTE. By HARVEY CUSHING. As the result of observations upon clinical cases, it has been found by many observers that lesions which have involved the fifth nerve have almost invariably been associated with a loss of taste over the corresponding side of the tongue. The writer has given especial attention to the loss or preservation of taste in fourteen cases of extirpation of the Gasserian ganglion, and the uniformity of the results in this long series of cases seems to justify the conclusion that the trigeminal nerve does not serve as a path of transmission for these fibres. In one case only a single observation was made, namely, six days after the operation; the sense of taste was found to be lost. It probably returned subse- quently, but this was not proved. In a considerable percentage of the other cases a similar loss or diminution in the acuteness of taste has been observed at a corresponding time after the operation. It has been found, however, that after a period of some days, taste always returns, even though a condition of anesthesia to pain, touch, and temperature invariably persists after the extirpation. It seems not impossible that the degeneration taking place after the ganglion extirpation in the fibres of the lingual nerve, which are so intimately associated with the fibres of the chorda tympani, may in some way interfere for the time being with the normal transmission of taste impulses by way of the chorda. It is possible also that this degen- eration may produce toxic substances which for the time being act directly upon the chorda fibres as a physiological ‘‘ block” to their normal activities. However this may be, it has been found, contrary to the observations of Gowers, Stewart, Turner, and others, that the extirpation of the Gasserian ganglion affects in no way taste upon that portion of the tongue presided over by the glossopharyngeal nerve, and has only a temporary effect in a small percentage of cases in diminishing the perception of taste over the anterior two-thirds or chorda territory of the tongue. XXVili Fifteenth Annual Meeting. SALIVARY DIGESTION IN THE STOMACH. BY We -B CANNON Anp) He BDAY. EviDENCE was brought forward in 1898 by Dr. Cannon! that Beau- mont’s and Brinton’s theories of mixing currents in the stomach were | not true. The food in the fundus, over which peristaltic waves do not pass, is not mixed with the gastric secretions. Since free hydro- chloric acid does not appear in this part of the stomach for an hour or more, salivary digestion may continue during that time uninterrupted by the acid of the gastric juice. To study further the possible differ- ence between carbohydrate digestion in the active pyloric end and in the quiet cardiac portion of the stomach, this research was under- taken. Crackers free from sugar were used as food. In all cases a uniform amount of crumbed crackers was mixed with a uniform amount of saliva sufficient to make a thick mush. This food was either mixed a little at a time, and given at once to a cat to swallow, or mixed and introduced by means of a stomach tube. The animals were allowed to live one-half, one, or one and a half hours after eating. They were then quickly etherized, the abdomen was opened, and a ligature tied tightly between the cardiac and pyloric portions of the stomach. The pylorus and cardia were next tied, and the stomach then removed. The contents of the stomach were received in evaporating dishes. The pyloric contents were invariably fluid; the cardiac contents often retained their shape so that it was possible to get the internal and external food of the region. After enzyme action had been stopped by bringing the food to the boiling point, the food was evaporated to dryness over steam. The dry mass was then powdered, and the sugar content estimated according to Allihn’s method. The results show that at the end of an hour the sugar present in the cardiac contents averages almost twice that present in the pyloric contents, and may be two and a half times as much. When the food is liquid, the ratio is diminished, 2. ¢., it is about six to five instead of two to one. Also, when small amounts of food are given, the sugar content is about the same in both parts of the stomach. Two cases in which the stomach was massaged at intervals during digestion showed a larger amount of sugar in the pyloric end than in the cardiac end. The largest amount of sugar, estimated as maltose, which has been found in the stomach contents, is about 49 per cent. 1 CANNON: This journal, 1898, i, p. 375. Proceedings of the American Physiological Society. Xxx ON THE ELEMENTARY COMPOSITION OF ADRENALIN. By JOHN J. ABEL. Tue fact that adrenalin is so easily convertible into the alkaloidal modification suggests at once that a simple relationship exists between these two modifications of the blood-pressure-raising principle. As prepared by the zinc-ammonia process already described,! washed entirely free of ammonia and dried in vacuo over sulphuric acid, adrenalin is found to be a stable product as long as it is kept perfectly dry. As made by this process, redissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid, and reprecipitated with ammonia, its composition was found to be: CESS Miohoy a0); Fe =" 6:29) tol” 6177; N = 7.38 (KJELDAHL-GUNNING). After nine precipitations with ammonia or sodium carbonate, its composition changed to: C = 58.61 to 58.67, H = 6.77 to 6.84, N = 7.08 (KJELDAHL-GUNNING). These results are such that a formula could be deduced from them, viz., C,jH,;NO,.4H,O; but unfortunately it was later discovered that the Kjeldahl-Gunning method fails to give all of the nitrogen of the compound, and these results are therefore only of value as show- ing that repeated precipitation raises the carbon content of the compound, Commercial adrenalin was now purchased in several 100-grain lots and purified by shaking its hydrochloric acid solution with ether, and by repeatedly precipitating it from an acid solution with ammonia or sodium carbonate. More than thirty analyses have been made, but it has been found impossible to secure uniformity of composition among the various fractions. Setting down all of the variations in respect to C, H, and N in the form of a table, we find that the extremes in respect to each element, run from — 56.53 58.89, iv 1 Uk to 7 to 7. 59 to 10.65 (DuMAs). 1 Johns Hopkins Hospital bulletin, November, 1901, and February-March, 1902. XXX Fifteenth Annual Meeting. A very low hydrogen content, as 4.77, 5.05, 5.46, was less fre- quently met with than figures that went over 6 per cent, but these low hydrogen percentages were found to occur with high as well as with low percentages of carbon, and generally with high percentages of nitrogen. The precipitations with alkalies were repeated as many as ten times. It is very evident then that adrenalin cannot yet be spoken of as having a “constant composition” (Takamine), and as being a pure chemical individual. The writer has found that the substance, purified as far as possible by the above processes, is soluble to a very considerable extent in warm oxalic ethyl ester, and that it may be precipitated from this solvent by the free addition of ether, in the form of a water-soluble oxalate. It is hoped that this and other methods of purification will soon enable the writer to determine the true elementary composition of adrenalin and its exact relationship to the earlier epinephrin series. ON THE BEHAVIOR OF EXTRACTS OF THE SUPRARENAL GLAND TOWARD FEHLING’S SOLUTION. By JOHN J. ABEL. A PURIFIED extract of both beeves’ and sheep’s suprarenal glands, which are rich in the blood-pressure-raising principle, behaves in the following manner toward Fehling’s solution. If an aqueous solution of the extract is poured into an excess of boiling Fehling’s solution (Fehling 1 to water }) and the mixture is kept at the boiling point for two minutes and then cooled, no cuprous hydrate or cuprous oxide settles out. A flocculent, greenish-white copper compound will be found suspended in the fluid, or deposited on the bottom of the flask. After boiling from five to six minutes, a considerable reduction occurs, and after boiling for fifteen minutes, the reduction appears to have reached a maximum, and a heavy deposit of yellow cuprous hydrate, with possibly a small admixture of cuprous oxide, is obtained. After precipitating the adrenalin with sodium carbonate from a given portion of extract, the filtrate, contrary to the statements of Aldrich, also gives a very abundant precipitate of yellow cuprous hydrate when boiled with Fehling’s solution for from six to fifteen Proceedings of the American Physiological Society. Xxxi minutes. Such a filtrate is estimated to contain from 15 to 20 per cent of adrenalin, and the amount of reduction obtained is apparently proportional to this unprecipitated adrenalin. While extracts of the gland require prolonged boiling in order to effect complete reduction, salts of epinephrin or adrenalin are oxidized with the greatest ease and rapidity when brought into contact with a hot Fehling’s solution; the reaction indeed begins far below the boiling point. V. Fiirth’s iron compound has also been found to reduce Fehling’s solution on being boiled with it for a sufficient length of time. It was clearly stated in a former paper! that epinephrin in its native, unaltered state, as found in extracts of the gland, and as con- tained in v. Fiirth’s basic lead precipitate, failed, in my hands, to reduce Fehling’s solution, but that my ow compounds of epinephrin, as obtained in various ways, all agreed with adrenalin in their ability to reduce this reagent , and that, in this particular, there was no differ- ence between them. ON THE OXIDATION OF EPINEPHRIN AND ADRENALIN WITH NITRIG ACID. By JOHN J. ABEL. ReEsuLts thus far obtained would indicate that the products obtained in the oxidation of epinephrin, C,,H,,NO,, and adrenalin are identi- cal. The following example will illustrate the process: In very small portions at a time, 10 grams of purified adrenalin are dissolved in 60 c.c. of nitric acid, sp. gr. 1.2, in a platinum bowl on the water bath. The oxidation goes on with great violence, and care must be taken to avoid loss of material due to foaming. When the solution is complete, and the evolution of gases has largely sub- sided, 10 c.c. of fuming nitric acid is added, and the whole is concen- trated on the water bath, water being added from time to time as the mass begins to thicken. After this treatment has been continued for some hours, the con- tents of the dish, on cooling, are found to consist of a solid mass of odorless crystals. The larger part of this crystalline material con- 1 See pages 337-338, and Conclusions 1, 2, and 3 of Summary, on page 343, Johns Hopkins Hospital bulletin, rgot, xii; also: zdem, July, 1897. XXX1l Fifteenth Annual Meeting. sists of oxalic acid. The barium, lead, sodium, and calcium salts of this acid were prepared, as also its di-ethyl ester. The calcium salt, as prepared from the sodium salt, was found to contain 27.39 per cent Ca, the theoretical amount for CaC,O,.H,O as prepared from hot concentrated solutions of sodium oxalate by precipitation with calcium chloride. The tetragonal crystals, CaC,O, . 3H,O, were also prepared, and the acid was shown to behave toward potassium permanganate and other reagents as does oxalic acid. The other chief product of the above-described oxidation consists of a hygroscopic, crystalline salt (oxalate?) of the nitrogenous base to which reference has frequently been made and which I have called the coniine-piperidine-like body, on account of its peculiar, offensive, and penetrating odor. This part of the molecule has apparently remained entirely intact. Further treatment with iodine trichloride does not destroy it, but enables one to obtain it in the form of slender prisms, very soluble in water and alcohol, and little soluble in ether. The addition of an alkali to these crystals liberates the peculiar odoriferous base, exactly as if it had been added to epinephrin itself. If these crystals, or those obtained in the first place from the use of nitric acid, are fused with powdered potassium hydrate, an odor like that of pyrrolidine is obtained, later this gives place to the fishy odor of amines, and later still only pyrrol itself is evolved. In its behavior toward other destructive chemicals, as when fused with zine dust, it also reminds one of the behavior of certain pyrrol derivatives under similar circumstances. ON THE INFLUENCE OF CAMPHOR INGESTION UPON THE EXCRETION OF DEXTROSE IN PHLORHIZIN DIABETES. By H. C. JACKSON. Tue work of v. Mering, Minkowski, Cremer, Lusk, etc., has shown that in phlorhizin and pancreatic diabetes there exists a definite ratio between the amount of dextrose and nitrogen eliminated by the kidneys. This D: N ratio is 2.8: 1 in all cases except that of the dog in phlorhizin diabetes, where it is 3.75 : 1. The feeding of cam- phor to a dog made diabetic with phlorhizin, and upon which the relation 3.75 : 1 had been obtained, immediately decreased the D: N ratio to 2.8 : 1, or equal to that prevailing in all other animals with phlorhizin, and in the dog in pancreatic diabetes. aoe Proceedings of the American Physiological Society. XxxXiii Microscopical examination of the kidneys of dogs fed with camphor alone, showed marked morphological changes in the cells of the ascending loops of Henle, the fatty infiltration or degeneration being limited to this group of cells and not diffuse, as is the case of phlor- hizin poisoning.’ In some cases of phlorhizin poisoning, albuminuria sets in, and Lusk has noticed that in such cases also the ratio of DN fell to 2.8: 1 from 3.75 : 1. This may be explained by the supposition that phlorhizin in extreme cases causes changes in the cells of the loops of Henle similar to those induced by camphor and with similar results. This decrease in ratio amounts to 25 per cent of the absolute amount of the sugar eliminated, and it seems probable that this frac- tional part of the total carbohydrate excretion is not present in the blood in the same form in which it appears in the urine, but suffers in some way a change into dextrose as it is excreted by the cells of the loops. When these degenerate, as under camphor treatment, they refuse to functionate, and the amount of sugar as compared to nitrogen appearing in the urine is decreased, and consequently a fall in the ratio is noticed. The remaining 75 per cent of carbohydrate is evidently eliminated unchanged. The evidence seetms favorable to the view of a double origin of the dextrose excreted in the urine in phlorhizin diabetes. THE TOXICITY OF EPINEPHRIN (ADRENALIN). By SAMUEL AMBERG. THE toxicity of epinephrin was tested in experiments on dogs with intravenous, subcutaneous, and intraperitoneal injections. A dose of 2.0 mgm. per kg. intravenously proved sufficient to kill an animal. One dog with 0.99 mgm. per kg. survived. The injections were made quickly. Animals which had been subjected to a chloroform asphyxia succumbed during the first few minutes following the injection. When the animals were in good condition, a longer time elapsed before death ensued. One animal, which had received a dose of 4.9 mgm. per kg. subcutaneously, survived, while one with 6.0mgm. per kg., and others with more, died. The fatal dose by intraperitoneal injections lies, according to Herter, between 0.5 and 0.8 mgm. per kg. Upon the heart action the drug exercises an influence by an initial XXXIV Fifteenth Annual Meeting. stimulation of the vagus, followed by a paralysis. Besides that, it has a direct injurious effect on the heart, as well as on the respiration. The pathological changes produced by the drug consist in hemor- rhages, which were observed in the heart, lungs, intestines, perito- neum, in and around the pancreas, liver, adrenal glands, and thymus glands. THE INFLUENCE OF THE H ION IN PEPTIC PROTEOLYSIS. By WILLIAM J. GIES. Tue fact that pepsin shows digestive power only when acid is present implies the dependence of the enzyme upon hydrion for its activity. It has frequently been observed that various acids are efficacious in this connection, though in different degree. In some recent experiments on the influence of acidity, I have used purified fibrin, edestin, and elastin as the indicators. Undigested residue, neutralization precipitate, and uncoagulable products were determined quantitatively in each digestive mixture. Various com- mon mineral and organic acids were employed. Varying propor- tions of pepsin and acid were taken in uniform volumes (100 C.c.), with the same amount of proteid (1 gm.). In eguipercentage solutions of acids whose anions have no precipi- tative effect on proteid, the relative proteolysis is very different, being greatest in “ strong” acids such as HCl, and least in ‘‘ weak” acids, such as CH,. COOH. £guwimolar solutions of the same acids gave more concordant results in some respects, although the differ- ences between the effects in such acids as HC] and CH,. COOH were still very wide. With eguzhydric solutions, the results showed greater harmony, though there were still striking divergences. H,PO,, HCl, HNO,, HClO;, H,AsO,, and (COOH),, in strengths equivalent to decinormal KOH (with 50 mgm. of pepsin preparation, in 100 C.c. at 40°C., four hours), showed practically the same ability to assist pepsin in the digestion of 1 gm. of fibrin. Additional experiments, especially with eguédissociated solutions of the acids referred to above, are expected to show the influence not only of hydrion, but also of the anions, if the influence of the latter in the acids referred to be appreciable. Similar experiments are about to be extended to other enzymes. _—— at Ohad Proceedings of the American Phystological Socrety. Xxxv SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE COAGULATION OF MILK. By A. S. LOEVENHART. THERE is a stage in the rennin coagulation of milk when boiling causes a coagulum to separate. The milk acquires the property of yielding a heat coagulum before there is any apparent alteration in the consistency of the milk. This represents a stage in coagulation of milk whether the rennin be of gastric or pancreatic origin. The term ‘“ metacasein reaction,” introduced by Roberts, may be con- veniently retained to signify this heat coagulation. The interval between the time the metacasein reaction may be obtained, and the spontaneous coagulation, varies inversely with the amount of rennin acting. Thus it may be so transient that it cannot be detected, or it may be prolonged indefinitely. The metacasein stage may be pro- longed by any agency partially fixing the calcium salts, as by boiling, by adding small amounts of ammonium oxalate, etc. The addition of larger amounts of ammonium oxalate entirely pre- vents any heat coagulation. Hence soluble calcium salts are neces- sary for the metacasein reaction. If at the metacasein stage the rennin be destroyed by heating at 75° for five minutes, the addition of calcium chloride at 40° causes the separation of a coagulum. This shows that at the metacasein stage the caseinogen has been largely transformed into paracasein. Fresh milk cannot precipitate para- casein solutions, nor can it prevent the precipitation of paracasein by calcium chloride. From these facts, it would appear that the calcium salts in milk are altered in some way during the action of the rennin, and by virtue of this become capable of precipitating paracasein. It seems most probable that the calcium salts of the milk are very loosely combined with some constituent of the milk, and that these compounds are dissociated during the action of the rennin. NEW INDUCTORIUM, KYMOGRAPH, HEART LEVER, HEAVY MUSCLE LEVER, AND SQUARE RHEOCHORD. By W. T. PORTER. INDUCTORIUM. Tuis instrument (Fig. 1) is made entirely of hard rubber and metal. The primary coil, wound with double silk-covered wire of 0.82 mm. diameter, having a resistance of 0.5 ohms, is supported in a head- XXXVI Fifteenth Annual Meeting. piece bearing three binding posts and an automatic interrupter. The core consists of about ninety pieces of shellacked soft iron wire. This core actuates the automatic interrupter. The interrupter spring ends below in a collar with a set screw. By loosening the screw, the interrupter with its armature may be moved nearer to or farther from the magnetic core. Once set, the interrupter will begin to vibrate as soon as the primary circuit is made. The outer bind- ing posts are used for the tetanizing current. The left-hand outer post and the middle post are used when single induction currents are desired; they connect directly with the ends of the primary wire, FrGure 1.— The inductorium. thus excluding the interrupter. These several connections upon the head-piece are simply arranged and are all in view; there are no concealed wires. From the head-piece extend two parallel rods 22 cm. in length, between which slides the secondary cot/, containing 5000 turns of silk-covered wire 0.2 mm. in diameter. Over each layer of wire upon the secondary spool is placed a sheet of insulating paper. Each end of the secondary wire is fastened to a brass bar screwed to the ends of the hard rubber spool. The brass bars bear a trunnion which revolves in a split brass block, the friction of which is regulated by a screw. The trunnion block is cast in one piece with a tube 3 cm. in length, which slides upon the side rods. The secondary spool revolves between the side rods in a vertical plane. When the secondary coil has revolved through 90”, a pin upon the side bar of the secondary coil strikes against the trunnion block and prevents further movement in that direction, The right-hand side bar bears a half-circle graduated 2 =< ee eee — = +" the clockwork, and is securely bolted to the Proceedings of the American Physiological Society. Xxxvil upon one side from 0° to go’. An index-pointer is fastened upon the trunnion block. One side rod is graduated in centimetres. The side rods end in the secondary binding posts, so that moving the secondary coil does not drag the electrodes. Next the binding posts is placed a substantial ‘“knife-switch”’ short-circuiting key, with hard rubber handle. The dimensions of the inductorium are as follows: Length, 24 cm., breadth, 7 cm., height of head-piece, 9 cm., total weight, 650 gms. Excepting the magnetic core, interrupter spring, and armature, the metal used is brass, heavily nickelled and polished. KYMOGRAPH. The kymograph (Figs. 2 and 3) consists of a drum revolved by clockwork and also arranged to be “spun” by hand. The drum is aluminium, cast in one piece, turned true in the lathe to a circumference of 50cm. The height is 15.5 cm. The weight is 600 gms. The drum slides upon a brass sleeve in bearings 1.1 cm. deep (to prevent “side-lash”), and is held at any desired iene by a spring clip’ (Fig. 2). The sleeve ends in a friction plate, which rests upon a rubber-covered metal disk driven by the clockwork. Sleeve and friction plate revolve about a steel shaft which passes through both the heavy plates containing bottom plate. The sleeve bears upon the steel shaft only by means of ‘ bushings” at the ends of the sleeve, thus securing a bearing without “side-lash” and _ with little friction. As the sleeve with the drum rests upon the friction plate by gravity alone, it is easy to turn the drum by hand either forward or back, even while the clockwork is in action. This is a great convenience. At the top of the sleeve is a screw ending in a point which, when the screw is down, bears upon the end of the steel shaft and lifts the sleeve, and with it the drum, until the sleeve no longer bears upon the Figure 2.— The kymograph and its aluminium drum. XXXVI Fifteenth Annual Meeting. friction plate. The drum may then be ‘“spun’”’ by hand about the steel shaft. The impulse given by the hand will ; produce from seven to ten revolutions of the drum. In the middle of the r series, the movement will be uniform t enough to give a fair record with a f tuning fork vibrating 100 times per second. : The clockwork consists of a stout spring about 6 metres in length, driving the chain of gears shown in Fig 3. : The speed is mainly determined by a fan slipped upon an ex- tension of the last pinion shaft | pi sn 1m ar in the chain. Four fans of : au different sizes are provided. cn {Thi 7 The speed is regulated by tif " ipa ea orifice f MM 2 governor consisting of two metal wings fastened to the same- shaft that carries the Ficure 3.— The kymograph, showing clock- fan. When the milled head work and steel shaft. shown in both figures to the Total Length. Height. | hours run Speed in mm. per second at Cm. Cm. upon one measured intervals. winding. None ore aye : ‘Ten-minute intervals : 50.0 50.0 44.0 36.0 Ten-minute intervals : 38.0 38.0 36.0 30.0 ‘Ten-minute intervals : 17.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 14.0 3:0" 20 Half-hour intervals, beginning at 10th minute : 8.0 8.0 $.0 8.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 6.0 One-hour intervals, beginning at 10th minute : 5.8 S58 5:7 3g 5 Proceedings of the American Physiological Soctety. Xxxix right of the steel shaft is up, as in Fig. 3, the gear shown on the extreme right no longer engages with the gear driven by the spring, but runs “idle,” while the gear attached to the friction plate engages with the lower of the two gears shown at the left; the pinion of this lower left-hand gear engages with the spring gear. Fast speeds are then obtained as indicated in the table on page xxxvili. When the milled head is down, as in Fig. 2, the gear attached to the friction plate falls below the left-hand gear, while the right-hand gear engages with the spring gear and through a pinion drives the friction-plate-gear. Slow speeds are then obtained as follows : | Total . | ‘ . Length. | Height. | hours run Speed in mm. per second at Cm. em: upon one measured intervals. winding. Ten-minute intervais: 2.6 Pas 2.3 Halfhour intervals, beginning at 10th minute: 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.8 Half-hour intervals, beginning at 10th minute: 0.51 0:50. 0:50 0.49 0.48 0.47 0.45 0.43 Half-hour intervals, beginning at 10th minute : Larger fans may be used. Thus, a fan 14 cm. long and 9 cm. high will give one revolution (50 cm.) per hour. In both figures, the brake, the winding lever, and stop-pin are shown upon the upper plate. Each shaft and its pinion is one piece turned from the same solid piece of steel. All the parts are highly polished. HEART LEVER. This very light lever (Fig. 4) is used in the suspension method of recording the contrac- tions of the heart, or for Ficure 4.— The heart lever. x] Fifteenth Annual Meeting. similar purposes. The axle is 7 mm. in length. The axle, with its aluminium wire 22 cm. long, and foil writing point 3 cm. long, weighs only 0.4 gram. All the parts except the lever are brass, heavily nickelled and polished. Heavy MuscLeE LEVER. It is sometimes necessary to afterload a muscle lever with weights | far in excess of those that a light muscle lever will bear without “springing” and thus altering the abscissa. Such heavy loads are borne by the heavy muscle lever illustrated in Fig. 5.. A cast-iron tripod, 27 cm. high and 17.5 cm. broad at the base, supports a femur clamp and a muscle lever. The latter is a steel tube 5 cm. long,'pierced by a steel axle 9 mm. long, re- volving between heavy brass posts. The lever weighs 2.5 gms. The aluminium scale-pan weighs 20 gms.; it holds one hundred 10-gram weights. The lever may be turned completely over in a backward. direction and thus be entirely out of the way. The steel spring shown upon the left of Fig. 5 may then be turned to the right to bring its wire hook into the opening through which the scale-pan is reached. The scale-pan may then be attached to this zsometric spring and the spring empirically graduated. When the graduation scale has been written, the milled screw that holds the isometric spring upon the left-hand post (Fig. 5) may be loosened, the spring turned with the hook up, and the screw made fast again. The lower end of the muscle may now be attached to the hook upon the spring and an isometric curve written, FiGuURE 5.— The heavy The screw clamp holding the muscle clamp is insulated. A binding post upon the muscle clamp, and another binding post upon the right-hand post supporting the axle of the lever, allow direct stimulation of the muscle. muscle lever. ee he —— aS Se Proceedings of the American Physiological Society. xii SQUARE KHEOCORD. The rheocord, or potential divider, illustrated in Fig. 6, is a block of hard maple, 12.5 cm. square, upon which is placed a centimetre scale beginning at the O-post shown on the left side of the figure and ending at the 1-metre post visible in the background to the left. Along the scale, between these two posts, is stretched the first metre of a continuous German silver wire, 0.26 mm. in diameter and 20 metres long. The remaining 19 metres of this wire are coiled upon a spool, and the free end is fastened to the 20-metre post shown in the background to the right of Fig. 6. The resistance in the 20 metres of German silver wire is so great (about 184 ohms) that the internal resistance of the element furnishing the electro- motive force, together with the resistancé of the large copper connecting wires, practically dis- FIGURE 6. — The square rheocord. appears for ordinary measurements. As the fall of potential is uniform throughout the 20 metres, the differ- ence of potential between post o and post 1 will be practically one- twentieth the electromotive force of the element. By moving the contact block from post 1 toward post o, any desired fraction of this one-twentieth may be secured. The under surface of the contact block is bevelled so that the metal touches the wire only with one edge; the opposite edge is supported by a piece of hard rubber. A flexible cable leads from the contact block to the binding post shown in the foreground to the right: DEMONSTRATION OF THE MOVEMENTS OF THE STOMACH AND INTESTINE OB- SERVED BY MEANS OF THE RONTGEN Rays. By W. B. CANNON. On THE NUCLEOPROTEIDS OF THE PANCREAS, THYMUS, AND SUPRARENAL GLAND, wirH ESPECIAL REFERENCE TO THEIR Optical Activity. By ARTHUR GAMGEE AND WALTER JONES. This journal, 1903, viii, p. 447. xlii Fifteenth Annual Meeting. ON THE ORIGIN OF THE RELATION OF THE INORGANIC ELEMENTS TO PRO- TOPLASM. By A. B. MAcaALLum. OsMoTIC CHANGES IN THE SACRAMENTO SALMON DURING THE RUN FROM THE SEA TO THE SPAWNING Beps. By C. W. GREENE. Read by title. AN IMPROVED APPARATUS FOR ILLUSTRATING THE ACTION OF THE DIAPHRAGM. By b. G. WILDER. By invitation. A LiviNG FROG FROM WHICH THE CEREBRUM WAS REMOVED DECEMBER 4, 1899. By B. G. WILDER. By invitation. Quick METHODS FOR THE CRYSTALLIZATION OF THE OXYH&MOGLOBIN OF THE BLOOD OF THE DoG AND CERTAIN OTHER SPECIES. By E. T. REICHERT. INHIBITORY PHENOMENA IN THE CRYSTALLIZATION OF OXYHAMOGLOBIN. By E. T. REICHERT. THE VasoMOTOR INFLUENCE OF THE THIRD CERVICAL NERVE (AURICULARIS MAGNUS) UPON THE CIRCULATION IN THE Rapsir’s Ear. By S. J. MELTZER and CLaRA MELTZER. ON THE XANTHIN BASES OF THE SUPRARENAL GLAND. By W. JONEs. Read by title. THE INFLUENCE OF NEPHRECTOMY UPON ABSORPTION. By S. J. MELTZER and W. SaALant. ON THE Sources OF MuscuLaR ENERGY. By W. O. ATWATER. STUDIES ON THE INFLUENCE OF ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION UPON STRYCHNINE SPASMS AND RESPIRATORY MOveMENTS. By S. J. MeL?zer and W. J. GIES. This journal, 1903, ix, p. I. THE Errect OF THE INTRAVENOUS INJECTION OF ADRENALIN UPON THE 3LOOD-VESSELS OF THE EAR WHEN DEPRIVED OF THEIR VASO-CONSTRIC- TorS. By S. J. MELTZER and CLARA MELTZER. THE UNMISTAKABLE VASOMOTOR INFLUENCE OF SUBCUTANEOUS INJECTION OF ADRENALIN. By S. J. MELTzeR and CLARA MELTZER. With demonstration. ARTERIAL BLOOD-PRESSURE IN THE SACRAMENTO SALMON, ONCORHYNCHUS TSCHAWTSCHA. By C. W. GREENE. Read by title. Proceedings of the American Physiological Soctety. x\iii * THE ACTION Or Hamotytic AGENTS aT 0°C. By G. N. Srewarrt. Read by title. DIFFERENCES OF POTENTIAL BETWEEN BLOOD AND SERUM AND BETWEEN NORMAL AND LakeD Bioop. By G. N. STEWART. Read by title. THE Laxinc oF Drriep Bioop-corpuscLtes. By G. N. Srewarr, for Dr. CLauDE C. GUTHRIE. This journal, 1903, viii, p. 441. THE nerican Journal of Physiology. VOL. VIII. OCTOBER 1, _ 1902. NOVEL SeetHeE. FUNCTIONS OF -THE CEREBRUM:. I.— THE FRONTAL LOBES IN RELATION TO THE PRODUC- TION AND RETENTION OF SIMPLE SENSORY- MOTOR HABITS.} By SHEPHERD IVORY FRANZ. [From the Physiological Laboratory of the Harvard Medical School. CONTENTS. Page Introduction RS lt ean: \ oy Beers etl marae A onl Ema. ] SOBEL . 2 og eg ERE eee = Sen en el cece nce Oe 5 Surgical procedure a eles : 2 i eR 5 Mneieteninination Of HAaDIES, ¢ Suao? soe se ce ees Bee te Se en 6 Experimental . Bale SW AdiS aida ed FON ee Rae ed 10 Retention of habits after extirpation of both frontallobes. . . . .. . . 10 eetention of habwts after other lesions. ©... « « = «secs ms .s « 13 Formation of associations after removal of both frontallobes .... . . 16 PE ECIGHALODSCEVALIONSHs shake tare yon ci det mates? Be ela Ser Ae oi) PO) IEEE eta) eed uses elle Whar) Byes a Reps! lw mah Sal apele body ae (BE I. INTRODUCTION. HE present research was undertaken to determine, if possible, the relation of the various so-called association areas of the cerebrum to simple mental processes. The experiments to be re- ported in this paper are concerned mainly with the frontal area.? 1 A preliminary account of this investigation was read at the Baltimore Meét- ing of the American Psychological Association, December, 1900. Psychological review, I9QOI, viii, p. 163. 2 Later, papers will be published upon the parietal and temporal association areas and upon the motor and sensory zones. 2 Shepherd Ivory Franz. It is known that the electrical stimulation of certain regions of the cerebrum produces no demonstrable results, and that these regions may be extirpated usually with little alteration in the sensory endow- ments of the animal and in its mental state. Thus the removal of the occipito-temporal regions or of the parietal association areas pro- duces comparatively no change in the animal’s behavior. The changes noted after the extirpation of the frontal lobes vary greatly accord- ing to different experimenters. According to some investigators the animals deprived of the frontal portions of the cerebrum are apathetic, stolid, or idiotic; others have found such animals ugly, irritable and restless. Occasionally all these terms have been used to describe the effect in one animal. These various descriptive words have been taken by some to mean a loss in ability to attend to the usual conditions of the mental stream, in other words, the loss of a supposed “faculty” of attention. Such a conclusion seems unjusti- fied, however, since it would separate the attention process from all mental states. In reality the attention is only a characteristic of mental conditions. For the better understanding of the present state of our knowledge regarding the functions of the frontal lobes I may cite the following accounts and conclusions. Loeb, who has recently written a general account of brain fune- tions,! says: “I have repeatedly removed both frontal lobes in dogs. It was impossible to notice the slightest difference in the mental functions of the dog. There is perhaps no operation which is so harm- less for a dog as the removal of the frontal lobes” (p. 275). In a discussion of the differences between the frontal and occipital por- tions of the cerebrum, he remarks, “ And if the anterior parts of both hemispheres be removed, the dog is no longer normal, but idiotic” (p. 263). ‘‘ While dogs after the loss of the anterior halves of the cerebral hemispheres often become irritable and ugly, dogs which lose the occipital halves of both hemispheres invariably become good- natured and harmless” (p. 264). In a careful review of the physiology of the cerebral cortex, Schafer writes as follows: ‘‘It is more easy to produce a condition of semi- idiocy in monkeys from extensive bilateral lesions of the temporal lobes than from complete severance of the prefrontal region, an oper- ation which may indeed be effected without producing any very obvious symptoms. . . . I have in several cases completely removed, ' Loes: Comparative physiology of the brain and comparative psychology. On the Functions of the Cerebrum. 3 in the monkey, the whole of the inexcitable areas of both frontal lobes without producing the slightest sign of the mental and intellectual dulness and alteration of character which has been regarded as pathognomonic of a lesion of this region.” ! The results of the early experiments made by Ferrier,? are mostly open to the objection that secondary softenings often followed the extirpations, and that usually a condition of sepsis was present. In addition the animals lived for only a very few days, and possibly had not sufficiently recovered from the primary shock effects of the operation. Ferrier’s later experiments with Yeo, however, are free from these objections, and the results may here be briefly mentioned. In a baboon the occipital lobes were extirpated. No impairment of vision seemed to follow this operation, and the animal to all intents was mentally normal. Six months after this operation the frontal lobes anterior to the pre-central sulcus were extirpated. ‘In less than an hour the animal began to move about, though in a somewhat sleepy and listless manner. . . . Only its manner seemed changed (7. e., after some days), and this was noted by all who had seen its former vivacity. It lost all its fun and trickiness, seemed not to know its name, took little or no interest in its companions, and was very easily cowed by them. Psychically only it had undergone appreciable change and degradation” (p. 481). This animal was observed three months before being killed. In a second monkey the whole convex surface of both frontal lobes was cauterized.. ‘‘ No physiological defect could be discovered, nor could any very defi- nite alteration in the animal’s behavior be determined. _ It. seemed only less timid of its companions. . . . Till its death by chloroform, eleven weeks later, it continued in perfect health and exhibited no perceptible deviation from the normal” (p. 525). The bases of both frontal lobes in another monkey were cauterized. On the third day a dreamy or drowsy condition was maintained, and on the seventh day the animal was still dull, taking no interest in anything but its food. “Except for general dulness and want of interest in its surround- ings, the animal exhibited no perceptible effect of the operation and continued in excellent health” (p. 528). Seven weeks after 1 Text-book of physiology, edited by E. A. SCHAFER. Article on Cerebral Cortex by the editor. 2 FERRIER: Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society, 1875, clxv, p. 433- 3 FERRIER and YEO: /é7d, 1884, clxxv, p. 479. 4 Shepherd Lvory Franz. this first operation both frontal lobes were wholly excised and the same general dulness was noted. ‘‘ Apart from a degree of dulness or apathy —and this as time went on not particularly noticeable — there was nothing in the animal’s behavior at all remarkable or ap- preciably abnormal.” The authors draw the following general con- clusions from the results of their experiments: ‘‘ As to the psychical effects of the frontal lesions it is difficult to speak at all definitely. In some cases there was no marked change, yet in others .. . there was a manifest alteration in the character of the animal. On the whole there seemed mental deterioration, characterized by general apathetic indifference or purposeless unrest, effects which, in com- parison with those of other lesions, appear to have relation with lesions of the frontal lobes as such” (p. 531). Hitzig! and later Horsley and Schafer? have given more definite facts regarding the mental condition of animals after frontal lesions. The first investigator had a dog which had been accustomed to find its food upon a table in the room and to take the food there- from. In psychological terms we may say there had been formed in the brain of the dog the association ‘“ table — food.”* The sight of the table and possibly the smell of both table and food would produce a nervous impulse resulting eventually in a complex motor response of going to the table, getting up to the food, and taking it. In this dog after the frontal lobes had been extirpated the habit was lost. Even after all primary effects of shock had had time to pass away the animal did not associate (or so it seemed) with the complex of sensa- tions which we call table the appropriate muscular movements. In fact the association of table — food was lost. A record of a similar observation upon a monkey has been recorded for us by Horsley and Schafer, but is negative in this respect. These experimenters had a monkey which exhibited in its normal condition certain well-defined simple habits, or as the authors call them “tricks.” After both * Quoted by FERRIER: Functions of the brain, 2d ed., 1886. H1Tz16’s orig- inal article is not accessible at the time of writing this account. * HorsLey and SCHAFER: Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society, 1888, clxxix, p. I. * The writer does not wish to enter into a discussion of the mental states of animals, and the consideration of association of ideas, etc., in animals is left to the comparative psychologist. For the most conservative accounts of the mental life of animals the reader is referrred to the various writings of LLoyD MORGAN and ‘THORNDIKE. in i tt a On the Functions of the Cerebrum. 5 frontal lobes were removed, the monkey still retained the habits. The tricks were shown as well after as before the operation. The important and significant fact that the reader should bear in mind is that in these two cases and in the case of Ferrier and Yeo mentioned above (case of the baboon which forgot its name, p. 3) we have a very definite mental state, in each animal a particular asso- ciation which in two cases was lost and in the other was retained after removal of the frontal lobes. It will be well to note that in none of the cases have we information of how long before the operation the associations were formed. The lack of this detail, I believe it will be shown later, makes the experiments comparable to only a slight extent. In a subsequent portion of this article it will be noted that the duration of an association should perhaps be considered of prime importance. The experiments which form the basis of the present article are similar to those of the cases just considered. My endeavor has been to determine whether or not simple sensory motor habits were affected by removal of the frontal lobes. In certain ways the research may be considered an extension of Hitzig’s experiment, although it was undertaken and fully planned before Ferrier’s account came to my notice. METHODs. Surgical procedure: — A general anesthetic (ether, ether and alco- hol, or the alcohol-chloroform-ether mixture) was used in all opera- tions and continued in every case until the animal was ready to be taken from the operating table. In some cases, in addition, there was given by mouth a quantity of urethane, chloral hydrate, or chloretone sufficient to keep the animal quiet after the operation for a sufficiently long time to prevent unnecessary movements which might cause hemorrhage. In all operations the usual aseptic precautions were taken. Before the scalp incision was made the hair was cut and the scalp thor- oughly washed with a solution of 1: 500 bichloride of mercury or with 5 per cent carbolic acid. In only one animal was pus found, and this was undoubtedly due to infection after the operation. This animal tore off the bandage and scratched the wound. However, although pus was found beneath the scalp, it had not gone into the brain. 6 Shepherd Lvory Franz. .A-half-inch trephine was used to make the opening through the skull and. sometimes the opening was subsequently enlarged by means of bone. forceps. Generally, however, the button was taken from a point immediately over the portion of the brain which was to. be excised. After the button was taken’ out it was kept in warm saline and replaced before the scalp was stitched. This procedure in addition to a tight bandage kept an equal pressure on fe part of the brain exposed and helped to prevent hernia. After the button was lifted out the dura was cut to expose the cor- tex. Then with a fine cataract knife an incision was made at the point selected. When a frontal or an occipital lesion was made the knife was pushed down until it struck the base of the skull. With a gentle movement it was pulled outward, but toward the side so that the particular portion should be cut away from the main part of the hemispheres. The portion cut away was allowed to remain within thecranium, This method recommended by Schafer tends to prevent hernia of the fibrous portion of the cerebrum by keeping the cranial capacity normal. Bleeding from the diploé and from the brain was checked as s cintdl as possible by the application of artist’s wax to the diploé and of compresses to the cerebrum. In most 2 Panonpnit leat cases the head bandage was sewed to- ed gether to prevent its being torn away by the animal. The accompanying diagram of the cat’s brain shows the location of the sen- sory and motor functions. The frontal Ficur«' 1.—A, superior, and B, Tegion, I consider as that portion an- lateral aspects of the brain of terior to the crucial sulcus. By pre- a cat, Adapted from Wieder frontal would be meant the jonas and Gage, and:trom: Berichte gceiie supraorbital fissure. The determination of habits. — The method employed for the produc- tion of simple associations is that used by Lloyd Morgan! and more extensively by Thorndike* and other writers. Briefly described, the method is as follows: An animal is placed in a certain environment, usually unpleasant or indifferent to the animal. By a simple motor VISUAL AREA TT C. LtoypD MorGAN: Introduction to comparative psychology; Habit and instinct; Animal life and intelligence. * E. L. THORNDIKE: Psychological review, 1898, Supplement No. 8; dd, Igor, Supplement No. 1S On the Functions of the Cerebrum. | adjustment the cat or the dog or the monkey gets a subsequent pleasure. At first the motor response is neither accurate nor speedy. At the beginning of any series of experiments the animal makes random movements according to its nature, scratching, pulling, biting, and feeling everywhere. By chance it hits upon the proper movement, and after the experiment has been repeated a number of times the unnecessary movements are eliminated. Only those movements are retained which tend to make the pleasure come soon, and conse- quently the time in which the act is performed gradually decreases. Usually after twenty or thirty trials the response is received immedi- ately after the animal-is placed in the desired environment. The activity of the animal is well described by Thorndike: “ When put into the box the cat would show evident signs of discomfort and of an impulse to escape from confinement. It tries to squeeze through any opening; it claws and bites at the bars or wires; it thrusts its paws through any opening and claws at everything it reaches; it continues its efforts when it strikes anything loose or shaky; it may claw at things within the box. It does not pay much attention to the food outside, but seems simply to strive instinctively to escape from confinement. The vigor with which it struggles is extraordinary. For eight or ten minutes it will claw and bite and squeeze incessantly. . . . The cat that is clawing all over the box in her impulsive struggle will probably claw the string or loop or button so as to open the door. And gradually all the other non-successful impulses will be stamped out, and the particular impulse leading to the successful act will be stamped in by the resulting pleasure, until, after many trials, the cat will, when put in the box, immediately claw the button or loop in a definite way.” ! In the present research only cats were used, and the environments were similar to those used by Thorndike, viz.: boxes from which the animal could escape by pulling a string, pressing a button, etc. Escape from the box always meant “ food.” The boxes were about twelve inches high, fifteen inches deep, and twenty inches long. An illustration of one of these is shown in Fig. 2, p. 8. The bottom, back, and sides of the boxes were solid boards, the front and top were made by placing three-quarter inch slats about an inch apart except at the door. The door was about six inches wide and eight inches high, hinged at the bottom, and so arranged that it 1 THORNDIKE: Animal intelligence, p. 13. 8 Shepherd Lvory Franz. would fall outward when the button was properly pressed, or the cord suitably pulled. In addition to the box here illustrated, two other boxes were used. Both of these were manipulated by a cord attached toa bolt at the top of the door. In one the cord passed upward and over the top of the box to the back where it was fastened. In this box at een the place where the cord passed over the box a wire netting was arranged about three-quarters of an inch above the cord. The door would fly open if the cord was pulled by the paw or if the head was strongly brushed against it. The FicurE 2.— Box from which animal could escape cord on the other box by pressing the button down or up. This box is hereafter called dztton. passed upward and then downward and outward to a point about three inches to one side of the door and about two inches in front of the slats. The animal could escape from this box by strongly pulling or pressing against the cord. In the remainder of this article these boxes will be called respectively, Button, String above and String front} The cats were placed in the boxes when hungry, food was placed outside and each cat was watched until it had opened the door and had obtained the milk or meat or fish. A record was kept of the time of escape at each trial,-—-and the speed together with the elimination of random movements determined for me when the habit was learned. The retention of the association under any set of conditions may be learned by placing the animal in the box under such circum- stances. If the time remain the same as when the original experi- ments were made, we may be warranted in saying that the habit is retained, and if the time be somewhat longer or the motor response not so accurate we may obtain a fair idea of how well or how ill the habit has persisted. The accompanying table and figure (Fig. 3) will illustrate the ' For many other similar arrangements the reader is referred to the mono- graphs of THORNDIKE, where a full discussion of results with such environments will be found. Ss. On the Functions of the Cerebrum. 9 method and at the same time indicate the retentiveness of a cat for the simple habit Stvzng front. TABLE I. String front. Female cat about six months old. Active. Feb. 5, 3.00 P.M. Feb. 19, 4.50 P. M. March 25, 3.50 P.M. 8 secs. 5 secs. 2 secs. Borers ey yoke aes 3 ae Dae 6°“ are 7 te 200 ‘“ 6 iB gs LOK * Feb. 22, 3.10 P. M. April 10, 3.10 p.m. ES S secs. 2 secs. Feb. 7, 1.23 P. M. oe ae 24 secs. ath a rusk 25. « 5 « Q « LW pe Ki as 2 an March 3, 3.15 P.M. hares 2 secs. 20 oe 37s Ss Bats GS AMEE her 30 6 ae Applying similar tests in the present investigation, if there be no alteration in the mental condition of an animal subsequent to the removal of the frontal lobes, the time of escape should be as short after the operation as it was before. The “memory” curve should be the same as in a normal cat. If, on the other hand, there has been a psychical disturbance, loss. of memory may be found, ranging from a complete failure to a slight slowing in the time of performance. Trea! Y\ Ld men | al 4 We ARC: —— ——— . tO. Figure 3.— Curve of acquirement and retention of simple association.! 1 Numerous similar curves will be found in THORNDIKE’s Animal intelligence, pp. 18-26. He has found that in many of his animals — cats, dogs, chicks — there is almost perfect memory, or to speak more accurately, perfect retentiveness of habits fer periods as long as seventy days. 10 Shepherd Llvory Franz. EXPERIMENTAL. Retention of habits after extirpation of both frontal lobes.—In Hitzig’s experiment! we have seen that the dog could not find its food upon the table after the removal of the frontal areas. In terms of physiological psychology we may say that the association of table —food with the appropriate motor response had been lost. A simi- lar result was obtained from all the cats operated upon by me in the same manner. The following cases will, I think, be sufficient to establish the fact. I. Cat 4. Very active, female, four to five months old. Oct. 8. Experiments begun, Button and String above. Oct. 15. These habits had been thoroughly learned, so that the cat escaped from either box in times of one, two, and three seconds. Oct. 17. A.C. E. mixture. Both frontal lobes excised. Later in the day the cat seemed in good condition, but on the following day it seemed dazed and would not eat. However, it followed me about the animal room when called (this habit, it will be noted, was not lost). When returned to its cage it appeared restless. Oct. 19. Two days after the operation, the animal seemed in much better con- dition. It ate well and nothing unusual was noted about it. When tested regarding its retentiveness of the habits previously formed, it appeared that these were lost. Oct. 20-25. During the following six days the animal was tested in both boxes, but there appeared no evidence of retentiveness. At this time observers said the cat appeared mentally the same as a normal animal. Oct. 26. Unfortunately, signs of distemper appeared, and the animal was killed to prevent contagion. | During the progress of the experiments, after the operation it was noticed that when put in the boxes the cat would put its nose or its paws through the slats, and it would scratch around just as it had when learning the habit. ‘To all who observed the cat at this time it seemed that no memory of the habits was present. It is interesting to note, however, that on Oct. 23, six days after the operation, the cat succeeded in escaping from the String above box by crawling out of the top. In all the boxes a top slat was left unfastened as a convenient method of introducing the animal into the box. In this case the cat accidentally pushed aside the slat, and when this was noted immediately crawled out of the box. In the experiments before the operation this slat was kept down by a brick or by the experi- menter’s foot, so that no memory can be said to have been present of such 1 See above, p. 4. : On the Functions of the Cerebrum. IT association. Accidentally the slat was pushed aside by the head or back, and it was some time before notice was taken of it and escape effected. Another observation of interest is in regard to emotional states. In the animal room there was a cage of mice. Immediately before the operation every cat was held in front of this cage and its reactions noted. In this cat, as in the others, the same sort of response was obtained after the operation as before it. The cat’s heart beat more rapidly, its eyes followed the movements of the running mice, and it repeatedly tried to jump from my arms upon the cage in order to obtain its prey. This may also be con- sidered as another example of the retention of a long-standing or of an inherited habit. On post-mortem examination the brain was found normal except where the lesion had been made. The place where the cut had been made was well within the frontal areas. No hernia of the brain could be noted. This case is typical of all the other experiments upon the frontal lobes, and it is important that the reader keep in mind the following three facts: (a) the recently formed habits of opening the box by the string appear to be lost after extirpation of the frontal lobes; (b) the impulse (or we may say the inherited habit) to escape from an enclosed space remained perfect under these conditions; (c) the habit of coming at call—an association of comparatively long dura- tion — was retained. II. Cat 5. Active female, six to seven months old. Oct. 8. Experiments begun, String front and String above. Oct. 15. Average time for escape from these boxes, two and one half and six seconds respectively. Oct. 16. Extirpation of both frontals. Ether + 0.75 gm. chloral hydrate by mouth. For three days after the operation the cat was drowsy and apa- thetic. When taken from the cage it would walk a few steps and then stop. It seemed to have no objection to wetting its paws. Oct. 19. On this day it appeared quite like a normal cat, but when put in the boxes to determine memory, it showed no signs of retentiveness. Its activities were similar to those of a cat that had not been in the boxes before. After this date, and until the cat was killed, Oct. 28, nothing unusual was noted in the behavior of the animal, except that it did not retain the habits. 1 My friend, Dr. H. N. KinGSForD, has kindly consented to investigate and report upon the pathological findings in all the brains, in respect to both gross and microscopical changes. In this article, accordingly, only the changes appar- ent to the eye will be noted. I2 Shepherd Lvory Franz. My note of Oct. 20 in regard to String front is of interest: “ In a general Ill. way the cat seems to remember the place where its paw should be put to get at the cord, but the paw is placed only between the slats, not through them.” By “remember” I here meant that there were more impulses at or near the appropriate space through which the cat should have put its paw. ‘To open the door, it will be remembered, it was necessary to push the paw about two inches through the bars. Cat 9. Active female, about eight months old. Nov. 1. Experiments were begun, Sting front and String above. Nov . 16. Both habits were fully formed ; the times for escape average three and five seconds respectively. Normal memory was tested two weeks later, with averages of two and one half seconds for the String front and six seconds for the String above. Although the habit was perfect, the animal was further practised at intervals of three days until the operation. Dec. 10. Operation. Ether + 0.3 gm. chloretone. The animal had a good The IV. Nov. Jan. Jan. Jan. recovery after the extirpation and on the following days seemed quite normal. It followed me about the room, but when placed in the boxes the appropriate responses were not obtained. It moved around within the box, scratched in different places, put its paws between the bars, and several times had a paw in the proper place to pull the string. In these cases, however, it did not complete the motor process. The im- pulses to escape were practically the same as in a normal cat, but perhaps a trifle less active. Until it was killed, about two weeks after the oper- ation, it showed no signs of retentiveness of the habits. emotional effects before and after the operation were the same as in the preceding case (Case I). Cat 11. Active female, about nine or ten months old. 15- Experiments were begun, Button and String above. These were perfect on Nov. 24, but the animal had developed distemper. From this it had recovered by Dec. 10, when retentiveness was found to be excellent (seventeen days’ interval). Its memory was tested again on Jan. 22 (thirty-nine days’ interval); the habits were retained. 22. Operation. Five hours after the operation the animal appeared normal except for a little drowsiness, occasioned, undoubtedly, by the 0.5 gm. chloral which was given after the operation. 23. When put on the floor it responded to my call, but could not escape from the boxes. Some slight inaccuracies of adjustment in walking were noted on this day, but these disappeared by the next day. They may have been due to the chloral. 24-29. ‘The cat was placed in the boxes each day, but during this period, although the cat was active, no evidence of retention of habits was shown, On the Functions of the Cerebrum. 13 With this cat and the others, if the animal did not escape from the box after two minutes the trial was considered a failure and no further attempt was made on that day. This was an arbitrary selection by me, but I think that it was justified. Such an interval of time enabled the animal to escape if the association was retained, but may not have given time for the cat to hit the button or string in its random movements. After Jan. 29 the cat slowly vedearned the habit. This matter will be more fully considered in a later portion of this article. At first sight it may seem proper to conclude from these and the other similar experiments that the frontal lobes are concerned in the production and the retention of simple sensory-motor habits. But a very valid objection may be urged against considering the matter settled by these experiments alone. To a critic all that the results would indicate is that habits are lost when the integrity of the brain is destroyed. Whether the loss is due to “‘ surgical shock”’ or to the destruction of that part of the brain concerned in the mechanism is not decided by the experiment. Such a criticism is equally potent against considering as conclusive the experiments of Hitzig, of Ferrier and Yeo, and of Horsley and Schafer. Retention of habits after other lesions. — Accordingly, the next step to be taken was the examination of the effects of “ surgical shock” and of the loss of other portions of the hemispheres. Let us first con- ‘sider one typical case in which the operation was carried to the point of destruction of a part of the brain, but stopped there. In this ex- periment the animal was etherized as usual, the skull was trephined in two places, the dura was cut. The brain was not cut. Then the scalp was stitched together and the animal placed under observation. IV. Cat14. Active male, about nine months old. Dec. 1. Experiments were begun, Strzng front. Dec. 5. Habit well acquired. The average time for performance on this day was two and two thirds seconds. At 1.45 the operation was performed as described above. Fifteen minutes after the operation the cat walked about the room with fully codrdinated movements but seemingly a trifle “drunk” from the ether. No test of the memory was made on this day. Dec. 6. ‘Twenty-four hours after the operation the cat was placed in the box and gave the appropriate motor response as readily ason Dec. 5. Average time of ten trials, two and one half seconds. No change in the behavior of the animal was noted from the time of the operation until it was killed five weeks later. The post-mortem examination showed a normal brain, uninjured about the points at which the trephine buttons had been taken. 14 Shepherd Ivory Franz. Other similar experiments were performed but in none were the habits lost. These are sufficient, I believe, to indicate that the loss of the habit when the frontals are excised is not due to the general shock effects of the operation, — ether, loss of blood, etc. Moreover, the animals were tested upon the day succeeding operation, when the effects of shock would be greatest. Even under these adverse condi- tions the associations were always retained. It would seem proper to conclude that an operation as such has little or no influence upon — the retentiveness of these simple habits. But, it may be urged, may not the loss of the cerebral ‘ahaa produce a greater nervous shock and thus explain the loss of the associations? The following four cases answer this question: V. Cat 17 and VI. Cat 29. Both active males, respectively about six and seven months old. Cat 29 was practised in Button and String above, and Cat 17 in String front and String above until the habits were perfect. Then both cats were operated upon ; the left parietal was excised. In the parietal region the area extirpated was between the motor zone and the visual area. Jan. 24. Operation on Cat 17. In the parietal region about ? sq. cm. was destroyed. For an hour after the operation the animal seemed weak, and for the remainder of the day was very restless. Jan. 27... Three days after the operation the cat was tested to determine re- tentiveness. On this day it escaped from S¢ring front in five, four, nine, nine, and eleven seconds, while before the operation it had opened the door in five, two, three, two and three seconds. With the String above on the day of the operation it escaped in ten, six, four, three and six seconds, and on the third day after, the times were three, two, three, thirty-five and five seconds. In this case it is of interest to note that the habit formed in String above was pulling with the paw. The same response was obtained after the operation. Most of the cats had learned to arch the back or to raise the head and brush against the cord to raise the latch. March 12. The whole of the right frontal lobe was excised. On March to the cat had escaped in an average of two seconds from String front. March 16. Average time of escape, eighteen seconds. March 1g. Average time of escape, thirty-two seconds. March 10. In String above escape was effected in 8 (H. P.),' 3 (N-), 5 (P-), 4 (P.), and 20 (N.) seconds. March 16. ‘The times were 16 (H.), 22 (H.N.), 15 (N.), 8 (P.), and 16 (H.). ' These letters represent the portion of the body used by the animal to open door: H.= head; P. paw; N.=neck. These were often used in combination. On the Functions of the Cerebrum. 15 March 19. Escape in 6 (N.), 12 (P.), 22 (H. N.), 8 (N.), and 15 (H.). This cat, it will be noted, was slowly learning to change the motor adjustment from the paw to the head and neck, a procedure requiring less movement. The change is very marked after the operation. Cat 29 was operated upon ina similar manner. At first only the left parietal was excised, and later the right frontal. March 11. _ Excision of left parietal. March 17 and following days it gave normal times for both boxes, e. g., String above: March 11, two, four, five, two, and two seconds ; March 17, five, six, three, two, and two seconds. April 10. Extirpation of right frontal. After this date there was a lengthen- ing of the time similar to that found with Cat 17. April 17. Button, escape in thirty-five, seventy-five, thirty-four, six, and thirty seconds. String above in eight, six, five, three, and three seconds. April 24. Button, two, six, fourteen, ten, three, four, and two seconds. Séring above, three, six, four, two, and two seconds. During the days succeeding both operations the animals appeared well, no motor or sensory defects were apparent, and the cats were neither more nor less apathetic or listless than the cats not operated upon. A third operation was performed on each cat (left frontal) but both died before the effect could be determined. VII. Cat 23. Female, ten months old. String front and String above were learned and both parietals excised. Both associations were perfect before the operation and three days subsequent to it. Nothing of special interest was noted in this case. After the death of the cat the lesions were found to be about 8 mm. square. VIII. Cat 35. Male, five to six months old. This cat was somewhat sluggish in its movements, and the time of escape was usually much longer than that of other cats. By Dec. 15 it had learned String front, and on the following day the right frontal and the left occipital were excised. ‘There was a quick recovery, and on the day after the operation the times were nearly the same as upon the preceding day. A month later the left frontal was extirpated. Fifteen minutes after the oper- ation the cat walked well, but seemed dazed, probably from the ether. Periods of apathy were noted occasionally after the second operation, although none were evident after the first. Im general, however, the animal seemed intelligent and bright. ‘Tested in the box on Jan. 17 and 18, the cat failed to open the door in five trials, although its activity ‘was considerable.: Its movements were very much the same as in a Cat that had not been placed in the box before. ‘The movements that were 16 Shepherd Lvory Franz. made were not especially directed to the bars through which the cord could be pulled, but were the random movements of a cat trying to escape from confinement. Beginning with Jan. 19 the cat slowly regained the habit. Formation of associations after removal of both frontal lobes. — If the frontal lobes are concerned in the production of these simple habits, it would be reasonable to suppose that such associations could not be formed after the removal of these portions of the hemispheres. The following examples indicate, however, that such is not the case. IX. Cat 6. Very active female, about four months old. This animal was operated upon before any habits had been formed. Oct. 2. Operation: extirpation of both frontals. Oct. 5. When allowed to roam about the room it appeared normal, and when held up in front of the cage of mice it showed well marked emotional reflexes. The experiments were not begun until two weeks after the operation. Oct. 16. Experiments begun, S¢vzzg front. In three days the habit was fully formed. ‘The cat was very active after the operation as well as before it, and showed no signs of restlessness or of apathy. From the actions of the animal it was impossible to determine that anything had been done to it. ‘Two weeks later signs of distemper appeared, and the animal was killed on Nov. 2. Post-mortem examination showed the brain lesion somewhat posterior to the crucial sulcus and very close to the motor area. No motor or sensory disturbances had been noted in the animal, however. Slight adhesions of the dura to the skull and of the dura to the brain were noted. The formation of the habit is represented graphically in the accompanying curve, Fig. 4. X. Cat 7. Active female, nine months old. No associations were formed before the operation. Oct. 11. Both frontals excised. Nothing unusual noted in the animal's be- havior after the operation. The cat was very lively during the succeeding days and showed no lack of general intelligence. Little emotional effect was noted, either before or after the operation, when the cat was held before the cage of mice. Fig. 4 gives a detailed account of the formation of the association Pufton. The cat was killed Nov. 2. Post-mortem examination showed that the frontals had been cut.away just anterior to the crucial sulcus. Of more interest are the two following cases in which associations formed before an operation were lost after both frontals were taken On the Functions of the Cerebrum. 17 away, and then these same habits. relearned. In one case, Cat 11, two successive operations upon the frontal areas caused successive loss of habits. After the second operation and loss the animal again learned the trick. 26. 26. FIGURE 4.— Curves of the formation of habits. A, Cat 6, String front; B, Cat 1, Button. VIII. Cat 35. (For an account of the behavior of this animal, see page 15.) The accompanying table and figure give better than a description the progress of the cat throughout the experiment. TABLE II. Cat 36. String front. Nov. 12, 9.00 a. M. Nov. 15, 2.00 P. M. Dec. 14, 10 A. M. 410 secs. 40 secs. 5 secs. 404 “ 1L5o fest 168») “6 (eae Ce SORE 42) oy es Bato 14st San Nov. 13, 9.00 A. M. Nov. 16, 6.00 Pp. M. Dec. 14, 10.30 A.M. 95 secs. 8 secs. Destruction of R. fron- 1 ea (8 Pes tal and L. occipital. 1S 5p hla Dec. 16, 4.00 P. M. 132 * ares 12 secs. 2 0) SoS Gas Nov. 14, 2.30 P.M. Nov. 23, 10.00 A. M. Sse 130 secs. 3 secs. Sas Or a OFS Pets Sines Dec. 18, 2.00 P. M. Sy pes 4 secs. 10 “c 4 “ 3 “ 10°, = Dec. 1, 9.30 A. M. 6 * Loy 4 secs. 4 « 1 Git op ts 60) a Dec. 18-Jan. 14. 25 yn oy Rae Practised on habit. 18 Shepherd Ivory Franz. TABLE IL (contsnued) Jan. 14, 1.30 P.M. Jan. 26, 3.30 P.M. Jan. 30, 10.30 A.M. Extirpation of L. frontal. 34 secs. 5 secs. Jan. 19, 3.30 P. M. Secs ons Failure. Moye aes one Failure. 46 Sie oe Failure. 23m (fame. Failure. Jan. 27, 1.40 p.m. Feb. 4 11.00 a.m. Failure. 8 secs. 3 secs. Jan. 22, 2.30 P.M. 2 a Gree 222 secs. ZS St ee: 248 “ Bei: 2 ier 180 16, % PEE 130 Jan. 28, 3.00 P. M. Feb. 15, 4.15 p. M. 35 6 secs. 4 secs. Jan. 23, 4.50 P. M NE oh 95 secs. A 2 128 po aa ets 63 (jt Ga 140 Feb. 27 44 Died Ficure 5.— Acquirement and retention of habit by Cat 35. On the Functions of the Cerebrum. 19 5 IV. Cat11. This animal was operated upon Jan. 22, after having learned Button. (For remarks, see page 12.) ‘This habit was lacking after the operation and was relearned. ‘Then on Feb. 9 a second operation was | performed immediately posterior to the first. For the ten days succeeding this operation there was no evidence of the persistence of the association. Two days after operation, when placed in the boxes, the cat walked up and down within, looking out between the bars but making no attempts to get out. On Feb. 14 this was continued. At times it stopped in its \ walk, looking steadily at some other cats in a near-by cage. It did not attempt to get at the button. It did not go passively into the box when I tried to put it in, as it used to do, but attempted to prevent my putting itin. Smell was present, but it is possible there was a slight anzesthesia of the fore-paws. Movements of walking were fully codrdinated. The cat did not stand on its hind legs with any degree of stability when food was held up for it. Normal response when held in front of the cage of mice. When in the box, and fish was placed outside, there was noticed a lack of attention to all but the food. On Feb. 22 the cat began to relearn the association ; but as it was practised only about once a week the process was comparatively slow. A full account is given in Table III and Fig. 6. Post-mortem examination showed that the first lesions were posterior to the supraorbital fissure and the second lesions immediately behind the crucial sulcus. RSENS R sae neae SAUCE oo emi ae aisha le IEE | Jc Re Neher) hae apa es ee ee FIGURE 6.— Cat 11 in Auton. Both operations were bilateral lesions in the frontal lobes. TABLE III. Nov. 15, 3.50 P.M. 12 secs. Nov. 16, 11.30 a. M. 110 secs. a 6 secs. 16" 92 « Q « Sie oF Mae tak: 1 | nia hae See ayn aiteee ie 1 « Sib jie we i Fe 4 « 26 . 4 « bib - 20 Shepherd Lvory Franz. TABLE III (continued). Nov. 16, 11.30 A.M. Feb. 5, 2.00 P.M. March 19, 4.10 P.M 2s 8 secs. 15 secs. A hes SMe , iD Ane vs apmagy 14s Nov. 19, 11 30 A.M. Ow abet, 9 be 5 secs. Spee Orit Dre Feb. 8, 2.00 P. M. March 25, 3.40 P.M. ie se 4 secs. 10 secs. yee by tt oe BAe 14 2 Nov. 22-Dec. 10. Oe yee Prials, nothing unusual. Sate TO} ss Dec. 14, 1.50 Pp. M. Feb. 9. April 17, 3.00 p.m. 2 secs. Second operation. 14 secs. Dok Feb. 11-19. She Aan No evidence of habits. dh Wee 1 as Feb. 22, 3.30 P. M. Joge Ha 70 secs. AS Jan. 10, 3.00 P.M. (ieee Apr. 24, 2.30 P.M. 2 secs. BO iis 12 secs. 20 95: 35 el le SS tan SS 5 a 7 March 3, 2.20 P. M. oS Ba nRErE 120 secs. 2 eS Jan. 22. 12 Apr. 27, 1.50 Pp. M. Operation. OF, 20 secs. Jan. 24-28. Heys 2 a pode No evidence of habits. 3S ye Qo Jan. 29, 11.20 a. M. March 10, 11 30 P.M. 4s 11 secs. 10 secs. 72 ie 68.“ 140 Sept. 21. Cg 90; Died. Ointe 4505 13.4 *6 oe eae: Jan. 30, 1.30 P.M. March 15, 3.50 Pp. M. 22 secs. 75 secs. Fi Pe 100“ a Sats 3 Owes Ae 60) No further discussion of these facts will be made at this time and the explanation is reserved for a future paper. Additional observations. — Emotional States. In the preceding pages I have recorded cases in which the emotional responses were the same after as before the removal of the frontal lobes. All the cats that showed emotional signs when held in front of the cage of On the Functions of the Cerebrum. ay mice before the operation were similarly affected after it. Several cats showed evidence of displeasure when handled somewhat roughly, and there was indication of feeling when unusual noises were produced. Al] the animals were as friendly after the operation as before it, —some probably more so. A few that tried repeatedly to escape from me before the operation, kept close to me afterward. Whenever I was among them after the operation, the animals would continually brush against my legs and purr as good-natured cats do. So far as these observations may be stated in general terms, I should say that the emotions remained practically the same after as before the operation, but that any change present was a tendency to greater friendliness. Nutrition. — Almost all the cats used died of distemper. Two had been affected with mange for some time before death. On post- mortem examination, all animals but one were greatly emaciated, although the appetite was usually good. The feces seemed normal, but no special chemical examination was made. The change in nutrition would lead us to believe that the frontal lobes may be concerned in that function. This result, I am aware, is opposed to Ferrier’s experience with monkeys.! This investigator found that there were greater changes in nutrition after lesions in the occipital lobes, and that the frontal lobes seemed to have nothing to do with this function. SUMMARY. 1. Cats may be taught simple sensory motor associations in from two to five days. 2. Memory for these habits persists normally for a period of from seven to eight weeks. 3. After a bilateral lesion in the frontal lobes the habits are lost. 4. This effect cannot be explained as due to “shock,” for other brain lesions are not followed by loss of habits. 5. Unilateral lesions of the frontal areas are usually followed by a partial loss, or, rather, a slowing of the association process. 6. Habits once lost after removal of the frontals may be relearned. After a second operation they are again lost, and may be regained a second time. 1 FERRIER: Functions of the Brain, 1886, p. 194. 22 Shepherd Lvory Franz. 7. Only newly formed habits are lost after such lesions. Inherited and long-standing habits seem to be retained. 8. The emotional condition of the animal is practically the same after as before the operation. . g. Emaciation and liability to disease were noted in all animals from which the frontal lobes were extirpated. STUDIES ON REACTIONS TO STIMULI IN UNICELLU- LAR ORGANISMS. IX.—ON THE BEHAVIOR OF FIXED INFUSORIA (STENTOR AND VORTICELLA), WItH SPECIAL REFERENCE, TO THE MODIFIA- BELLY GE PROTOZOAN REACTIONS? By H. S. JENNINGS. HE only infusorian whose behavior is at present known with any degree of fulness is Paramecium. This animal is a type of the free-swimming infusoria; while Paramecium does at times come to rest, as a rule it is found in rapid movement, — especially when under experimental conditions. The behavior of an animal which is fixed in a definite position will necessarily be of a different character from that shown by such an organism as Paramecium. Stentor and Vorticella furnish ex- amples of such animals, and, as will appear, their behavior differs much from that of Paramecium, — showing indeed a much higher development. As compared with an organism continually in motion, a fixed animal offers many advantages for the experimental study of be- havior, for one may keep the same individual continuously under observation, or return to it at longer or shorter intervals. It is thus possible to observe changes in behavior, and to determine whether the reaction to a given stimulus is modified by previous subjection to the same or different stimuli. The present paper is based upon a study of the behavior of the following organisms: Stentor roeselii Ehr., Stentor caeruleus Ehr., several species of Vorticella, Epistylis flavicans, var. procumbens, and Carchesium polypinum Lin. Stentor is much more favorable for such work than any of the Vorticellidze, and Stentor rceselii is in many respects the most favorable as well as the most interesting of the organisms studied. I shall therefore make an account of the behavior of this animal the basis of the paper, comparing the others with it. ' Contributions from the Zodlogical Laboratory of the University of Michigan, No. 57. 22 ae?) 24 #1. S. Jennings. oO —~<---. 7 ee - So \ \\ \ ZA ~ \ 2 Pe A \ / oo Si CEN oe vf 7 \ \ \ \ eed ra \ 73 7) \ \\ \ / / NN \ / / \. Ni ; ame Vie ah H / / ’ oe \ / } | \ u y bal : ce \ yen : fier | he | 1 FiGuRE 1.— Stentor reeselii, showing the currents caused by the cilia. At @ a chemical is introduced a little to one side of the disc, showing that it does not reach the animal. At ¢achemical is introduced above the disc; it is carried directly to the mouth. At ¢ particles are seen passing along the ventral surface of the body to the edge of the tube. On the Behavior of fixed Infusoria. 25 A. THE BEHAVIOR OF STENTOR RCESELII ERR. For understanding the behavior of an organism when subjected to stimuli, it is necessary to have well in mind the structure of the animal and its normal movements when unstimulated, —a considera- tion too often neglected in work on behavior. Stentor roeselii Ehr. (Fig. 1) is a colorless or whitish animal consisting, when fully extended, of a slender, tapering, stalk-like body, bearing at its larger end a broadly expanded disc. The surface of the body is covered with longitudinal rows of fine cilia, and bears also a considerable number of fine long setz, which disappear at times, and are said to be retractile and extensile. The disc is surrounded by a circlet of large compound cilia or membranella. These make a spiral turn, passing on the left side into the large buccal pouch, which leads to the mouth. The mouth thus lies nearly in the middle of what may be called the oral surface; this surface is considered ventral in determining right and left. The | et disc is covered with rows of fine cilia which are nearly o¢ Stentor parallel with the circle of membranellz. The smaller reselii, after end of the tapering body is known as the foot; here the iat Gees internal protoplasm is exposed, ctrl sending out fine pseudopodia, by which the animal attaches itseif to objects (Fig. 2): The body contains, next to the surface, many fine contractile fibrille, the myonemes, through the action of which the animal may contract into a short oblong or conical form (Fig. 3). Be sicntor reselii, Stentor -rocselii is usually attached to a contracted into its tube. Water plant or a bit of débris by the foot, and the lower half of the body is surrounded by the so-called tube. This is a very irregular sheath, formed of flocculent material of all sorts, partly held together by a secretion from the Stentor. It is frequently nearly transparent, so as to be almost invisible. The manner in which the tube is formed will be described later. 26 Hf. S. Jennings. Movements of cilia in the unstimulated animal.! — The membranelle and cilia of the oral disc are in continual motion in the extended animal; the nature of this motion is best seen by adding something to the water to make the currents induced by the cilia visible. When finely ground sepia or carmine is added to the water, the currents caused by the cilia are seen to be as follows: The mouth of the animal forms the bottom of a vortex, towards which the water above the disc descends from all sides (Fig. 1). Only the particles in the water near the axis of the vortex really strike the disc, — those a little to one side shoot by the edges without touching. These latter curve outward again after reaching a point below the disc, and thus a whirlpool is produced,—some of the particles returning upward so as to reach again the downward current at a point some distance from the Stentor. But most of the particles which thus miss the edge pass downward and out of the sphere influenced by the Stentor. Particles which reach the disc pass to the left, toward the buccal pouch, showing that the beat of the membranellaz has a component which drives to the left as well as downward, -—the real movement of the current being thus a left spiral. The particles thus reaching the buccal pouch are whirled about within it a few times, then they may take one of two courses. They either pass down into the mouth at the bottom of the pouch and thus into the internal protoplasm, or they are whirled out over the edge of the pouch, in the mid- ventral notch. In the latter case they usually pass backward toward the foot of the animal, along the mid-ventral line, as shown at c in Fig 1. Apparently the body cilia in this region keep up a backward current. The particles reach the edge of the tube, where they may cling, thus aiding to build up the tube. In determining whether certain given particles shall pass into the protoplasm or out over the edge of the disc, there seems to be no indication of sorting by the cilia and of choice, — though this would not be at all surprising in view of what we know of choice in Ameeba, and of corresponding phenomena in inorganic fluids (see Rhumbler, 1898, or the brief resumé in Jennings, 1902). But in Stentor, as long as the disc remains extended, whenever particles of any sort are allowed to reach the disc in large numbers, some are taken into ' It is doubtless to be held that the animal is never really unstimulated; the use of this term signifies merely that no special stimulus is acting on the animal, beyond what is supplied by the usual conditions of existence. On the Behavior of Fixed L[nfusoria. 27 the protoplasm, while others pass over the edge and away, without regard to the nature of the particles (provided they are not too large; see p. 30). This is true, for example, of sepia, carmine grains, uni- cellular alge and débris of all sorts. When large numbers of minute unicellular alga pass into the buccal pouch, apparently the proportion taken into the protoplasm is the same as in the case of _ sepia or other non-nutritious particles. It seems evident that whether a given particle shall or shall not be taken into the internal proto- plasm depends upon the mechanical conditions governing the spiral currents in the pouch. Many of the particles in the current never reach the minute mouth at all, and these are whirled over the edge in continuation of their spiral course; those which are so situated in the vortex as to be carried directly to the mouth are taken in. Of course Stentor does exercise a sort of choice (as will appear below), by changing its position, reversing the ciliary current, or contracting when injurious substances are present in the water, but there is no indication of a sorting and selection of particles brought into the pouch by the usual currents. When stimulated, Stentor rceselii may contract into its tube (Fig. 3). Such contractions do not as a rule take place except in response to well marked stimuli. This was the rule throughout my observa- tions, extending over many days. Undisturbed individuals observed without interruption for an hour or more did not contract at all during that time. In this respect Stentor differs from Vorticella, which contracts at short intervals, even when the conditions are apparently quite uniform (see Hodge and Aikins, 1895). Reactions to stimuli. I. Mechanical stimuli.— We will first con- sider what Stentor does when touched or struck by small objects, — its reactions to simple mechanical stimuli. Such stimuli are often received in the normal life of Stentor, and there is a surprisingly full and complicated set of reactions to them, as compared with the simple reactions of Parmecium. We will suppose that small solid bodies are brought with the water currents to the disc. This may be controlled experimentally by drawing a glass tube to a long, excessively fine capillary point, filling the tube with water containing finely ground sepia, and bring the point near the Stentor. What the animal does depends upon a number of different conditions. Normal movements continued. — At first the normal currents are not changed; the particles pass into the pouch, and some are taken 28 HT, S. Jennings. into the internal protoplasm, while others pass out over the edge of the pouch at the mid-ventral notch, as described above. If the particles are minute, do not cling together into large masses, are not excessive in number, nor mingled with any stimulating chemical, the currents continue this normal course indefinitely. Bending toward the source of stimulus.—If a small object merely touches gently one edge of the disc, the Stentor may bend over toward the object ; (Fig.4).) “Time a ——— reaction may be seen when a small organism comes against the disc of Stentor, then attempts to swim away. The Sten- tor bends in that direction, so as to keep in contact with the object as long as possible. In the culture dishes containing Stentors there were many free heads of Epis- tylis, and these FiGURE 4.— Stentor roeselii bending in the direction of a slight frequently swam mechanical stimulus. At 1] a bit of débris is allowed to touch ne the edge of the disc, and is then pulled to the right. The thus against the Stentor follows it, bending into the position shown at 2. Stentors, giving rise to the above described reaction. The Epistylis heads were not held at all, but were merely followed as far as possible by bending. This reaction may be produced experimentally by tickling the edge of the disc with the tip of a minute glass rod drawn out to the finest possible hair.1 The Stentor bends over toward the side touched, and if the rod is moved very gently to one side, follows it. * These and similar manipulations were carried out under the Braus-Driiner binocular microscope, the use of which renders very simple many experiments and observations which would otherwise be difficult. On the Behavior of Fixed Lnfusoria. 29 If the rod trembles a little too much, the Stentor will contract suddenly, as described below. The most satisfactory way of pro- ducing the reaction is to get a bit of soft flocculent débris from the bottom of the dish to cling to the rod. This débris may then be allowed to come against the disc, and is then gently pulled to one side. The Stentor follows it, often bending far over. This experi- ment is represented in Fig. 4. The animal may thus bend in any direction, — to the right, to the left, or toward the oral or aboral side. Bending away.— If the stimulus is a little stronger, as one pro- duced by a large hard object, or by the objects becoming too numer- ous, as when a dense cloud of sepia reaches the disc, or when the objects are accompanied by a weak chemical stimulus, as is the case with carmine grains, then another reaction is produced. The animal bends away from its present position. This is thus to a certain degree the opposite of the reaction last described, but is not so pre- cisely localized a reaction as the former one. In this reaction the organism shows the influence of its spiral, unsymmetrical structure, in that, as in the case of Paramecium, it always turns toward a structurally defined side. The reaction in Stentor is as follows: the animal twists on its long axis one or two turns, then bends over toward the aboral side. It thus bends into a new position, but it does not always bend away from the source of stimulus; in some cases this reaction carries the animal toward the source. In the latter case the reaction is repeated. In most cases where the source of stimulus is not large, this reaction succeeds in removing the Stentor from its action. Thus, if a capillary tube containing sepia is held close to the disc, when the animal bends over toward the aboral side the particles of sepia no longer reach the disc, and the animal is relieved from the stimulus (Fig. 5). Much experimentation shows that this simple reaction is more effective in getting rid of stimuli of all sorts than might be anticipated. If the first reaction is not successful in accomplishing this end, it is repeated. Reversal of the ciliary current. — If the turning toward one side does not relieve the animal (or in some cases before this is tried), so that the particles continue to come in a dense cloud, the ciliary current is suddenly stopped and apparently reversed for an instant. The particles in the pouch or against the disc are thus thrown off. The reversal lasts but an instant, then the current is continued. If the particles still continue to come, the reversal is repeated two or 30 ff. S. Jennings. three times in rapid succession. If this fails to relieve the animal of the stimulus, the next reaction (contraction) usually supervenes. Sometimes this reversal of the current takes place before the turning away described above, and it may be followed by that reaction, But usually the turning away occurs first. Figure 5.— Stentor roeselii bending away when a quantity of sepia or of some chemical reaches the disc. The animal bends toward the aboral side. The reversal is produced under various circum- stances. It occurs when a very large number of particles reach the disc at once, so that there is a tendency to clog the pouch, or when a large hard ob- ject, such as one of the loricate Ciliata, gets into the pouch. I have seen Coleps gotten rid of in this way. It occurs also when some chemical, as a weak salt solution, is mingled with the particles, or when the chemical alone reaches the disc (see the reactions to chemical stimuli, below). Contraction. — lf the animal does not succeed in getting rid of the stimulus in either of the ways above described, or if the stimulus is a very powerful one to begin with, the Stentor suddenly contracts. The body becomes short and club-shaped or oblong, and the Stentor disappears within its tube (Fig. 3). Here it usually remains twenty to thirty seconds, then rather slowly extends, so that from the moment of contraction to the moment of complete extension an interval of 40 to 50 seconds has usually elapsed, On the Behavior of fixed [nfusoria. 31 ) When, in extending, the body of the Stentor has become about half or two-thirds its original length, the ciliary disc begins to unfold and the cilia to act, causing the current to reach the disc as before. If with the current the stimulus again acts upon the animal (as when the sepia or the chemical is kept near), immediate recontraction follows. This may be repeated many times. To certain sorts of stimuli, as will be seen later, Stentor may get accustomed, so as to unfold and behave in the usual manner while the stimulus continues undi- minished. We will consider for the present the case where the continuance of the stimulus involves continued repetition of the reaction. ‘This case is realized when a dense cloud of carmine grains is kept where it will strike the Stentor as soon as it expands, or when various chemicals are kept in this position. In such a case the contractions are repeated, as above described, usually for a period of ten to fifteen minutes. Often the animal, after a number of con- tractions, remains within its tube a Jonger time than at first. But more often there is little change in the time of contraction until toward the end of the period of ten or fifteen minutes. If the stimulus continues, the next phase of the reaction now sets in, described in the following. Abandonment of the tube.— After the stimulus has been thus repeated at every unfolding of the Stentor for ten to fifteen minutes, the animal contracts violently several times, without intervening full extension. The short clavate body merely lengthens a little, then contracts suddenly and powerfully into a still shorter mass. This is repeated until the attachment of the foot of the Stentor at the bottom of the tube is broken, and the animal is free. It now leaves the tube and swims away. The animal may swim forward out of the anterior opening of the tube, but if this takes it into the sphere of operation of the stimulus, as will very often be the case, it may force its way backward through the substance of the tube, and thus gain the outside, swimming backward. It then swims away, to form a new tube elsewhere. Behavior while free.— While thus swimming through the water, after leaving its tube, Stentor takes on the characteristic behavior of the free-swimming infusoria, such as Paramecium. In the open water stimuli are almost lacking for the guidance of the animal, hence its behavior is, paradoxical as this may seem, much less free and varied than is that of the fixed infusorian, or the infusorian creeping on the 32 H, S. Jennings. bottom; it becomes quite stereotyped. The writer has previously given (Jennings, 1899) an account of the main features in the be- havior of Stentor polymorphus when swimming in the open water. The behavior of Stentor rceeselii is essentially similar in character. It rotates to the left on its long axis as it swims, and at the same time it swerves toward one side, — apparently toward the right aboral side. Its path thus becomes a spiral, like that of Paramecium (for the significance of this spiral swimming, see Jennings, 190T). When the Stentor in its course comes into the region of a stimulating chemical or other stimulating agent, the animal swims backward a little, turns toward the right aboral side, and swims forward again. In all these respects its behavior is essentially like that of Paramecium, as described in the second of these studies (Jennings, 1899a), so that it will not be described in detail here. At first after leaving the tube the Stentor is strongly contracted, of a very short oblong or club-shaped form. Usually as it swims it gradually extends a little, taking a long conical form, but remaining much shorter than the fixed specimen. The animal thus swims rapidly for some time about the vessel in which it is confined. It may be observed that the Stentor as it swims secretes over the posterior half of its body a transparent mucus or sticky substance of some sort, since carmine grains or other small particles in the water often cling to the pos- terior half of the body, or are trailed along some distance behind it, —the mucus evidently pulling out to form threads. On coming against the surface film or the smooth surface of the glass, the Stentor behaves in a peculiar way. The (only partly un- folded) disc is applied to the surface, and the animal creeps or spins rapidly over the surface, often revolving to the left; sometimes not revolving, and always progressing in the direction of the right aboral side or angle of the disc. On coming in contact with a bit of plant tissue or débris (consist- ing in the cases observed largely of worm-castings), the Stentor usually creeps rapidly over the débris, keeping the ventral surface against it. It thus follows all the irregularities of the surface, as rapidly and neatly as this would be done by one of the Hypotricha. This may continue for some time, the animal seeming to explore the object thoroughly; then it may leave the débris and swim about freely again for a period. At times the Stentor becomes attached to a piece of débris by the secreted mucus. This is drawn out to form a thread, often several times the length of the Stentor; by On the Behavior of Fixed [nfusoria. 33 means of this thread the Stentor remains suspended in the water, as it were, whirling about on its long axis. It may thus remain partially attached for some time; then the thread is broken by a sharp contraction of the body, and the animal swims away. Formation of a new tube, and attachment of the foot. — Finally (in three cases that were timed, after fifteen to twenty minutes) the Stentor forms a new tube and attaches itself. This is doneas follows. The animal, coming to a small heap of débris, creeps over it with ventral surface against it, as above described, exploring it thoroughly. It becomes evident that mucus is being secreted over the surface of the posterior half of the body, since particles of débris stick to the body, or are trailed be- hind it. Finally, in a certain region, often be- tween two masses of débris, the animal ¥ begins to move _ back- ward and forward, - through a distance of only about three fourths of its own length (when contracted). This is kept up for about two minutes, and results in the formation of a short mucus sheath. from the F!GURe 6.— Illustrating the movement of Stentor in , . =] ° F forming a new tube. The animal oscillates between the positions 1 and 2, giving off mucus, which forms surface of the Stentor. the tube. a, mucus forming the tube; 4, debris. This process is_ illus- trated in Fig. 6. Now the foot is pressed against the débris at the posterior end of the sheath, where it adheres, — doubtless by the extrusion of pseudopodia, as illustrated in Fig. 2. Now the Stentor extends its body to the full length,—and we find it in the usual attached condition, with the lower half of the body surrounded by a transparent tube of mucus. The above account is drawn from observation of the process of settling down and formirg a tube in several specimens, and seems to be typical. In one case observed, however, the animal attached itself to the smooth surface of the glass, and this time the process differed. After wandering about for some time, as described above, secretion on the outer 34 F. S. Jennings. the specimen applied its disc to the bottom of the vessel, and re- volved for some time on its long axis. Then it ceased revolving, and slowly bent its body till the foot reached the bottom, — the body becoming nearly straight again and tangential to the surface, before this was accomplished (Fig. 7). The foot attached itself to the bottom, then the disc was lifted up, and the body took a position FIGURE 7.— Illustrating the manner in which Stentor roeselii attaches itself to a smooth surface. The figures 1-6 represent the successive positions occupied by the Stentor. perpendicular to the surface. The animal was now attached in the usual way, though the beginning of the tube had not been made. The tube in such a case is formed later, automatically, as it were, by the secretion of mucus on the surface of the body. This becomes compacted and confined to the posterior half of the body by the contractions of the Stentor in responding to stimuli. Usually, however, the tube is formed before the attachment of the foot, in the manner first described. Having thus described the typical series of reactions when Stentor rceselii is subjected to mechanical stimuli, or to a combination of mechanical and chemical stimuli, we may return and consider the effect of some other stimuli, as well as a number of matters of a different character. II. Chemical stimuli, — Results essentially the same as those above described are obtained in stimulating Stentor roeselii by means of Ox the Behavior of Fixed [nfusoria. 35 chemicals. But there are certain points which are of much impor- tance for understanding the method by which such organisms react to chemicals; these will be brought out here. When a chemical of sufficient strength to act asa stimulus, yet not strong enough to be destructive, is allowed to reach the disc of an attached Stentor, the same series of reactions is given as has been described above, — changing position, reversal of ciliary current, contraction, and final abandonment of the tube. These results were obtained with a weak solution of methyline blue; with the red fil- trate from carmine in water, with ;7, NaCl, with 5% HCl, and with #7 cane-sugar. In the latter case the effect was evidently due to the osmotic action of the sugar, as will be shown later. Other chemicals were not tried. After it was found that Stentor would bend directly toward the source of a weak mechanical stimulus, as described above, it was thought possible that an opportunity might be here presented for demonstration of positive or negative chemotropism, — a bending to or from the source of diffusion of a chemical. In other infusoria the writer has been unable to observe a direct turning toward or away from the source of diffusion of any chemical, so that this seemed an opportunity not to be missed. The experiments in this direction de- veloped certain facts which are of much significance for understanding the reactions not only of Stentor, but of other ciliates and flagellates, to chemicals. The attempt was made to localize very accurately the action of the stimulus, by the use of fine capillary tubes, bringing the chemical near to one side of the body,—so that it might affect one side alone. The Stentor might. then be expected to bend toward or away from the side affected. This involves no difficulty in manipulation, but an insuperable difficulty is at once met in the course of the currents pro- duced by the cilia of Stentor. Chemicals placed at one side do not reach the animal at all, as will be seen by an inspection of the course of the currents in Fig. 1. The chemical at a@ is carried past the animal without touching it. This is rendered evident when some colored chemical, such as a solution of methyline blue, is used. If the point of the tube is moved farther toward the front of the Stentor, the solution is involved in the central vortex and is carried directly to the buccal pouch and the mouth (as at 4, Fig. 1). Thus unilateral stimulation with a dissolved chemical, elsewhere than at the mouth, is practically impossible. This is true also when 36 Hf. S. Jennings. the chemical in solution is advancing with a broad, plane front, as illustrated in Fig. 8. In such a case the solution does not reach the Stentor uniformly distributed, as determined solely by the move- ments of the ions. On the contrary, as soon as the advancing Ficure 8. — Illustrating the way in which an advancing chemical is drawn out in the alimentary vortex, so as to reach the mouth and disc of Stentor without affecting the remainder of the body. solution has arrived within a certain distance of the animal, a small cone of the substance is drawn out by the vortex, directly toward the disc of the animal. The point of this cone reaches the buccal pouch and mouth of the Stentor, long before the rest of the chemical has affected the animal. This is very clearly seen when colored chemi- cals are used. The result is that the animal always receives its stimulus from a chemical at a certain definite spot, —the mouth or buccal pouch, —while the rest of the chemical remains some distance away. It is obviously impossible for the animal to orient itself in accordance with the natural lines of direction of the diffusing ions. If the organism turns away from the side affected by the chemical, it will of course turn toward the aboral side, —that opposite the mouth, without regard to the original direction of the source of yee Ci a poe De ee aes ' On the Behavior of Fixed I[nfusoria. 37 diffusion of the chemical,—and this is exactly what the animal does. Parallel conditions exist in the other infusoria. In Paramecium, for example, a strong current, corresponding to that which reaches the buccal pouch in Stentor, passes along the oral groove to the mouth, the current over the rest of the body being slight in com- parison. When a colored solution is used, and a nearly or quite quiet Paramecium is found, it may be observed that an advanc- ing chemical behaves in much the same way as in prentor, A cone of the so- lution is drawn out opposite the anterior end of Dine Para- mecium, and passes down the oral groove to the mouth (Eis. (9)... The Paramecium recéives its stimulus from the chemical, therefore, on the oral side, FIGURE 9.— Paramecium, showing how an advancing chemical is drawn out by the alimentary vortex, so as to reach the —and responds, oral side without affecting the rest of the body. like Stentor, by turning toward the aboral side, — usually after swimming backward some distance. These examples show that we are not justified in expecting the ciliate infusoria in which similar conditions occur to orient themselves to the lines of direction of diffusing ions, as presupposed by some current theories of the reactions of organisms to chemicals. The 38 Hl. S. Jennings. organisms are active, and determine for themselves where the stimu- lus shall first affect them. It is not at all surprising, therefore, that they have not been found thus to orient themselves. In the Flagellata, owing to the minute size of the body, it is impracticable to determine by experiment whether the conditions for stimulation are or are not the’same as those just described for cili- ates. But in view of what is known of the movements of the flagella in these organisms, with resultant formation of a vortex having its apex at the mouth,! together with the known asymmetry of. most flagellates, it can hardly be doubted that the conditions are practi- cally identical with those found in the ciliates. In this group, then, as in the Ciliata, we should not expect to find the organisms orient- ing themselves to the lines of diffusing ions; they do not permit the ions to follow alone the laws of diffusion, but actively intervene to determine the distribution of the substance in solution. These facts certainly deserve consideration in all work on the reactions of Ciliata and Flagellata to chemicals. Similar considerations apply to the reactions to other stimuli, in so far as the distribution of the agents concerned depends upon currents in the water. This would be the case, for example, with the reactions to heat and cold, in so far as the stimulation is due to differences in the temperature of the water in different regions. Figures 8 and 9 would serve equally well for the conditions when we have an advancing region of water which is warmer or colder than that about the infusorian. The warmer (or colder) water would be drawn out into a cone and then into a stream, which would affect only the oral side of the animal. It is therefore not surprising that we do not find a direct orientation produced by heat and cold in these animals, the so-called thermotaxis being brought about through the mediation of the ‘‘ motor reaction” (backing and turning toward the aboral side; see Jennings, 1899a, page 334). To radiant heat, to light, and to the electric current, these consid- erations, of course, do not apply, as the distribution of the stimulating agent in these cases is not affected by currents in the water. The fact that Stentor and Paramecium (as well, of course, as many other infusoria) are first stimulated by a chemical on the oral side, and that they respond by turning toward the opposite (aboral) side, seems to indicate that the reaction of these organisms is, primitively ' See DELAGE et HEROUARD, 1896, pages 306-312, for a full account of the moveménts of the flagella and the formation of the alimentary vortex. On the Behavior of Fixed I[nfusoria. 39 at least, truly a localized one. The reason why in reacting they always turn toward the same side would be merely because they are always stimulated on the same side (the opposite one). If this is true, we should expect them, if the stimulus were in some way made to affect the other (aboral) side, to turn toward the oral side, contrary to their usual habit. This may have been the original condition of affairs, and possibly infusoria may exist in which it is realized even at the present time. But that it is not true for most of the infusoria is shown by the reactions to localized mechanical stimuli, as described in the fifth of those studies (Jennings, 1900). It there appears that when ciliates are stimulated on the (unaccustomed) aboral or right side, they respond by turning toward that side, — exactly as when they are stimulated on the opposite side. The unilateral method of reaction has become strongly stamped upon the organisms, being indicated in the unsymmetrial form. III. Osmotic stimuli.— As in the case of Paramecium, sugar seems not to affect Stentor through its chemical qualities, but only through its osmotic action, so that opportunity is given for determining the nature of the reaction to changes in the osmotic pressure of the surrounding medium. #5 cane-sugar (about I per cent) caused no reaction whatever, though electrolytes of the same osmotic pressure caused a marked reaction,— showing the effect to be due to the chemical qualities, in the latter case. When Stentor was flooded with #4 cane-sugar, there was no reaction for seven or eight minutes. By this time the plasmolyzing effect of the solution was very evident; the animals had shrunk considerably. Now there was a sudden strong contraction, the animal remaining contracted several minutes. It then let go its hold and abandoned its tube, forcing its way back- ward out of the latter. Even with % sugar (about 34 per cent) the response was not immediate. The animal conducted itself normally for about twenty seconds after it was flooded with the solution. By this time shrink- age due to plasmolysis is very evident to the eye; the animal contracts and finally leaves the tube. B. OTHER FIXED INFUSORIA. In giving an account of the behavior of some other fixed infusoria, I shall confine myself largely to a comparison with Stentor rceselii, bringing out the resemblances and differences, and entering into details only in case of important differences or additional features. 40 Hf. S. Jennings. STENTOR C/ERULEUS Emr. Stentor czrulus differs from S. roeselii in form and in its blue color, and it is usually larger, at least in this region. It does not inhabit a tube, and though frequently attached, it is much more inclined to a free life than is S. roeselii, so that it is often found swimming freely in large numbers. In an attached Stentor czruleus the ciliary currents are essentially like those of S. roeselii, and parallel statements may be made for both species as to the ingestion of food particles. Stentor czeruleus is much more sensitive than S. reeselii; otherwise its reactions to mechanical and chemical stimuli are of the same general character, though with several important points of difference. Stentor czeruleus does not usually bend over toward a solid object touching one side of the disc, as does S. reeselii. A large number of experiments on this point gave uniformly negative results. When the particles of solid substance which are brought against the disc by the water currents are too large, too numerous, or mingled with some chemical, the animal responds, as does S. roeselil, by twisting somewhat on its long axis, then bending toward the Ficurk 10 — Method by which Stentor czruleus often changes position when stimulated. ‘The animal occupies first the position 1, then pushes backward into the position 2, with stalk bent, then straightens into position 3. right aboral side into a new position; by reversing the ciliary current for an instant, and repeating this; by contracting the body; and finally by breaking from the point of attachment and swimming away through the water. In these reactions there is little that is essentially different from the corresponding reactions of S. roeselii. A favorite method of changing the position when stimulated is shown in Fig. 10. The specimen backs strongly until the stalk is doubled near the foot. The animal then straightens the body into the position On the Behavior of fixed L[nfusorva. Al indicated by the part next to the foot,—thus at an angle of 180° with its previous one. Stentor czeruleus has recourse to the last step in the series of reactions, the abandonment of its place of attachment, — much more readily than does S. roeselii. In the latter species I was unable to force the animal to leave its place by mechanical shocks alone. Specimens were stimulated by striking the disc with a glass rod, sometimes for an hour continuously, yet the animals did not leave their place. Stentor ceruleus, on the other hand, will sometimes break its attachment the first time it is struck with the rod. There is much variation among different specimens on this point; usually it requires many such strokes to produce the result, and all the other reactions in the series are tried first, After leaving the place of attachment, Stentor czruleus swims through the water in a rather wide spiral, revolving to the left. The body is usually somewhat curved toward the oral side, and apparently as a consequence of this, the animal swerves continually toward the oral side. The tendency to deviation thus caused is corrected by the revolution on the long axis. When the free-swimming Stentor receives a mechanical or chemical stimulus, it swims backward a little, then turns. toward the right aboral side. The behavior of the free-swimming Stentor is thus essentially similar to that of Paramecium. | As the Stentor swims about well extended, frequently protoplasmic projections may be seen extending from the tip of the foot. These are viscid, so that bits of débris stick to them and are dragged about ; sometimes other infusoria, such as Paramecium, coming in contact with the foot, are thus dragged along. I have seen two Stentors become attached to each other through the accidental coming to- gether of the two posterior tips. If a small glass rod is placed against the tip of the foot, the Stentor may frequently be dragged backward by it, owing to adhesion. Often Stentor drags its foot over the bottom or over pieces of plant material. Sometimes it stops in such a position, and in a few seconds the foot is securely fast and the animal is anchored anew. Stentor czruleus, unlike S. roeselii, reacts to light. The reactions of this and some other ciliates to light will be treated in a separate paper. 42 Hf. S. Jennings. VORTICELLA. Owing to its minute size, Vorticella is much less favorable for a study of behavior than is Stentor. I was especially desirous of in- vestigating it however in connection with certain statements made in a very interesting paper by Hodge and Aikins (1895). These authors investigated chiefly the question of the rhythmical character of the activities of Vorticella. They kept a single Vorticella under observation without a moment’s intermission for a period of twenty- one hours, besides intermittent study for a number of days. The observations showed “that a Vorticella works continuously and shows in its life no period of inactivity or rest, corresponding to periods of rest in higher animals. In other words, a Vorticella never sleeps.” During five days the cilia were in continuous motion, and food was continuously taken, Incidentally, Hodge and Aikins made a number of observations on other points. One of these was in regard to the modifiability of reactions in Vorticella. An attempt was made to feed the individual under observation upon yeast plants, by introducing some of a pure culture of these organisms into the preparation. ‘‘ This attempt resulted in an interesting demonstration of the educability of Vorti- cella. At first they took this, to them, newly discovered food with great avidity, filling their bodies to distention with food vacuoles of the yeast. In a very few minutes, however, the entire meal was ejected with volcanic energy. Not a single torula was allowed to remain in the body, and for several hours at least — how long the memory lasted was not determined — the individual could not be induced to repeat the experiment.” It is much to be regretted that further details are not given in regard to this interesting experiment. We are not told whether the Vorticella continued its normal behavior and took in other food during the time in which it refused the yeast. It might be that the animal was merely injured by the food, and took nothing more into its body until it had recovered. We are not informed in what way Vorticella refused later to take the yeast, — whether by contracting, by reversing the ciliary current and turning the yeast out of the pouch, or in some other way. Yet upon these points depends largely the interpretation that shall be given to the observation. I have endeavored, and as I judge with some success, to reproduce On the Behavior of Fixed Infusoria. 43 od the essential features of this experiment. I have not succeeded with the yeast, for the Vorticella at once contracted, in my experiments, when the yeast culture was introduced. But a similar result may be obtained in a very simple way. In the case of the yeast culture we have a fluid containing various chemicals in solution, and holding in suspension many small bodies. These conditions may be imitated by grinding up ordinary carmine in water. A little of the carmine goes into solution, as may be shown by filtering the water, which will be found to have become red. This red solution was found to act as a slight chemical stimulus, on both Vorticella and Stentor. When some of this carmine and water is added to the water about the Vorticella, the course of events is about as follows. For a short time —ten to fifteen seconds, or sometimes more—the current caused by the cilia is kept up in the usual manner, and many of the carmine grains are taken into the internal protoplasm, forming red food vacuoles. Then there is a sudden contraction of the stalk, the ciliary disc closing at the same time. This is repeated several times, the ciliary disc however remaining closed while the stalk partly extends and recontracts. Then usually the Vorticella extends in a new direction. If the carmine continues to be present, the contractions are repeated for ten or fifteen minutes or more. Then the stalk may remain extended, but the ciliary disc remains closed, so that no more carmine is ingested. This condition lasts as long as the carmine is present in large quantities. Thus in this case, as in that described by Hodge and Aikins, Vorticella at first ingests a certain substance which it later refuses. This is also true of Stentor, as will be seen by consulting the account above given of the behavior of Stentor when much carmine is added to the water containing it. In no case was Vorticella observed to throw out the granules which it had already ingested, as described by Hodge and Aikins, but this is perhaps an unessential difference, as of course this has nothing to do with the “educability” of the animal. In this experiment, I am convinced that the refusal of the Vorti- cella to continue to take the substance is due to a too great stimula- tion, either in the quantity of material, or, more probably, in the strength of the chemical action of the substance, rather than to any precise choice in the kind of substance ingested. There is evidence for this in the following fact. If the quantity of carmine in the water is greatly decreased, so that only scattered grains are left, the A4 Hf. S. Jennings. Vorticella or Stentor no longer reacts to these, and they are ingested, gradually forming red vacuoles in the endosarc. Whether this would have been true in the experiment of Hodge and Aikins the data they have given do not enable us to judge. In regard to a point closely connected with the above, the attitude of Hodge and Aikins must, I think, be considered uncritical. This relates to the sorting of food by the cilia. Among the “ psycho- reflexes” of Vorticella, Hodge and Aikins include ‘3. Sorting of particles by the sensory cilia; the driving of food toward the mouth, and the driving away of waste particles.” Further ‘‘ When a particle is touched by the cilia an act of choice is apparent, and in accordance with this choice the particle is carried toward the mouth or whirled away.” ‘Particles scarcely visible under the microscope are sorted with the greatest apparent precision.” ‘ A prime condition of the creature’s life must be ability to distinguish food from that which is not food.” Beyond these general statements quoted no details are given. The authors report no critical observations or experiments as to what substances are ingested, what rejected in this sorting process. It is well known that investigators that have made such experiments have concluded that no such sorting takes place. Thus Verworn (1889, page 150) found that Vorticella ingests carmine grains, indigo, and chalk crystals, and I have myself observed the same facts. These are substances which cannot serve as food, so that Hodge and Aikins are certainly mistaken in their belief that “a prime condition of the creature’s life must be the ability to distinguish food from that which is not food.” Such organisms as Vorticella and Paramecium grow and multiply in situations such that the substance brought to the mouth by the currents consists largely of food, without any sorting; when this condition disappears, the organisms quickly die. The ingestion at the same time of some substances which do not serve as food is not particularly injurious to the organism, as these are simply passed out of the body with the waste matter at the time of defecation. The impression that a sorting and selection takes place among the particles brought to the mouth probably arose from the following observations. Vorticella, as well as Stentor, brings to the buccal pouch in its alimentary vortex many more particles than are taken into the body, When the water contains many particles a continuous stream of these may be seen passing out of the buccal pouch. From On the Behavior of Fixed L[nfusoria. 45 this it is most natural to conclude that the material has been sorted, the valuable particles ingested, and the particles which are not nutritious turned away. But experiment does not support this con- clusion. Thus, when all of the particles are of the same sort, either nutritious or not, part are taken into the interior, while a large portion are turned away. This is true on the one hand of grains of sepia, which are quite insoluble and non-nutritious; it is true, on the other hand, also, when many nutritious unicellular alge are brought to the mouth. In the latter case, as in the former, many more of the particles are turned away than are taken in. The explanation of these facts is evident when one considers the mechanism of the alimentary vortex, as has already been pointed out by Verworn (1889). A large, strong current of water is carried toward the disc of the Vorticella. Inevitably, much of the water misses the disc completely, and the food particles which it contains never touch the animal. Another portion of the water strikes the disc, but not all of this can enter the relatively small buccal pouch, so that many of the food particles which strike the disc are whirled away again into the water. In the same way a rapid whirlpool is formed in the buccal pouch, but only a small part of the water in this can reach the relatively minute mouth, and it is only from this small part that the food can be taken. Thus there is a continual stream of particles passing out of the pouch, that have never come in contact with the mouth. These mechanical considerations explain also the following notice- able fact. When the water contains but few particles, whether nutritious or not, only a few are ingested, while a large proportion of them are whirled out of the pouch and away. When the number of particles in the water is great a large number are ingested ina short time, without regard to whether they are or are not useful as food. The number of particles ingested depends primarily upon the number which reach the mouth opening, and this is only a small proportion of those involved in the general ciliary vortex. This question of the sorting power of the cilia is, I take it, merely one of fact, and not one involving any important principle. What we know of choice in the Rhizopoda, and the parallel phenomena in inorganic fluids, to which reference has already been made, shows that there would be nothing new in principle if the cilia of Vorticella exercised choice in the same way. But the facts seem to indicate that they do not. Choice in these animals seems to be shown only 46 Ff. S. Jennings. in such phenomena as the reversal of the ciliary motion, bending over into a new position, and contraction, — these being, of course, different methods, somewhat crude perhaps, of rejecting certain things, and thus of exercising choice. C. BECOMING ACCUSTOMED TO STIMULI. Are the reactions of such organisms invariable, or does the reaction toa given stimulus depend on previous subjection to the same or dif- ferent stimuli? The problem of the modifiability of the reactions of these lowest organisms is one of great interest, but one on which there exists but little precise experimental data. Scattered allusions to changeability in the reactions of the lower organisms are to be found in the literature, especially with relation to what might be called acclimatization to stimuli. Massart (1901, page 8) states that it is often to be observed that organisms which have reacted several times in succession, at short intervals, to a given stimulus, lose, little by little, the power of responding to this stimulus, but that this is doubtless to be attributed to fatigue. Loeb (1900, page 228) has discussed such a case in the reactions of worms toa shadow, as described by Nagel, and has attributed the lack of reaction when the stimulus is repeated to ‘‘a simple after effect of the stimulus, a case that we often meet with in the physiology of both animals and plants.” Davenport (1897, page 108) gives an example drawn from the behavior of one of the organisms at present under consideration. ‘When an organism has been stimulated by contact for some time, it at last becomes changed, so that it no longer responds as it did at first. Thus, Dr. W. E. Castle informs me that he has seen a colony of Stentors, in an aquarium, being constantly struck by Tubifex waving back and forth, yet the Stentors did not contract as they usually do when struck.” Such contractions in the fixed infusoria furnish a most favorable opportunity for an investigation of this matter, and I therefore undertook to obtain some precise experimental data upon the sub- ject. Experiments were made upon Stentor reeselii, S. czruleus, Vorticella, Epistylis, and Carchesium. First, the conditions described in the observation by Castle, above cited, were imitated, by striking the extended infusorian with a fine glass rod or hair, under the Braus-Driiner stereoscopic binocular. The chief difficulty in these experiments is to make the successive < —— On the Behavior of Fixed [nfusoria. 47 strokes approximately equal in force. This can be done but very imperfectly; nevertheless the results are clear. The first stroke, whether light or heavy, given to an individual that has been undisturbed for an hour or more, almost invariably results in causing a quick contraction. This is true for all the organisms worked with. The animals remain contracted a minute or less, then slowly extend. At the instant when extension was complete, another stroke was given. This,and several successive strokes usually caused the same reaction as the first one. After ten or a dozen reactions, however, the organisms usually did not contract as soon as touched ; the stroke had to be repeated one or more times before reaction was caused. A typical series for Stentor czruleus is given in the follow- ing. The figures represent the number of strokes in each case before contraction took place, —a contraction occurring thus at each dash: I—I—I—I—I—I—I—2—2—I—2—I—2—4~—I—I—I—I—I—2—6—10—I— 2—9Q—13—3—14—7—3—2—3—3—9—18— (at this point the Stentor pulled its foot loose and abandoned its place). As is evident from the above, there is much irregularity in the number of strokes required to cause contraction. This is due, partly at least, to the practical impossibility of giving successive strokes of equal force. But the Stentor responded at first to the lightest possible touches, while later it required a considerable num- ber of smart strokes to cause contraction. Sometimes there is a ready response only to the first touch, as in the following series (Stentor czeruleus) : I—22—25— (breaks away). I—1—40— (breaks away). In these cases the organism does not remain entirely oblivious to the blows, but after it has ceased to react by contracting it continu- ally changes its position, by twisting, then turning toward the aboral side, as if trying to escape from the blows. The final reaction, in Stentor czruleus, is to break away from its attachment and swim away. In Stentor reeselii, Vorticella, Epistylis, and Carchesium, similar results were obtained, save that these organisms never broke away from the attachment as a result of such mechanical stimuli. A typical series for an individual of Epistylis flavicans, var. procumbens, was as follows: I—I—I—I—I—I—I—2—33—25—7—1 3—30—20—1 4—I 3—I 3—33—9—30 —3—31—226. 48 Hf. S. Jennings. In another series the results were as follows: I—22—10—3—3—I—I—22—59—125— (continuous blows for 1 min.) — (¢ min.) — (td min.) — (45 min.). Some series show greater irregularity than the above. As in the case of Stentor, during the latter part of the experiment the Epistylis continually changed its position, as if trying to escape from the blows. A typical series for Stentor rceselii, obtained in this case by jarring with the rod the leaf to which the Stentor was attached, is as follows: I—I—I—I—I—I—I—I—I—I—I—I—3—I—5—I—I—3—I—3—3—48—40 —2—250—36—36—1 54. The results for Vorticellaare similar. In a typical case the animal contracted after each of the first nine strokes. Then the contractions became less sudden; two or more strokes were required to produce them. After about twenty contractions the Vorticella could be tapped almost indefinitely without causing further contraction. Carchesium polypinum is a tree-like colony composed of many Vorticella-like individuals, attached to the branches of a common stalk. The stalk muscles of the individuals are not continuous throughout the colony, so that it is possible, though not usual, for each individual to contract separately. Carchesium shows very markedly the acclimatization to a stimulus. Observing first the reactions of a single individual that is repeatedly stimulated, it is found that its stalk contracts strongly at every stroke. But after about five minutes there is a marked change in the readiness to respond. Several strokes are required to cause contraction. Still later the stalk ceases to contract when the individual is struck, though for a time the peristome is folded inward and the ciliary motion ceases after every stroke, without contraction of the stalk. When thus con- tinuously stimulated, usually the stalk contracts at intervals of two or three minutes, — though the strokes come as often as one per second. The effect of the stimulation of a single individual on the colony as a whole is interesting If a single individual in an otherwise undis- turbed colony is struck with the glass rod, usually the entire colony contracts at once, forming an almost solid ball. Apparently the sharp contraction of a single individual, by jarring the colony, acts as a stimulus to cause the contraction of all the other individuals. If the stimulus is repeated (on the same individual) as soon as the colony has become extended, usually only about half of the colony contracts. The third time only the large branch reacts to which the - —_ eae ei . On the Behavior of fixed [nfusoria. 49 individual stimulated belongs. After this the number of neighboring individuals contracting when the single individual reacts is variable, ranging usually from half a dozen to thirty or forty. When the condition is reached where the individual, continually stimulated, reacts but once in two or three minutes, nearly the entire colony contracts with it. What is the explanation of this failure to react to a stimulus to which the organism at first reacts readily? Three possibilities pre- sent themselves. (1) The lack of reaction might be due to fatigue of the contracting apparatus (corresponding to muscular fatigue in the higher animals). (2) It might be due to fatigue of the sensory function, so that the organism no longer perceives the stimulus (corresponding to fatigue of the sense organs in higher animals). (3) It is possible that the phenomenon cannot be explained as fa- tigue, so that all we can do is to formulate the facts, calling it an “‘after-effect,” or other name which carries no implication as to its nature. We should perhaps have parallel phenomena for this also in the case of a higher organism, which reacts to a sudden, unexpected shock, but does not react a second time, though the stimulus is repeated, and is perceived by the organism. Some farther data needed for forming an opinion as to which of these possibilities represents the truth may be obtained by varying: the experiments. Striking the animal with the glass hair is a rather brutal method of experimentation; reactions may be produced with much slighter stimuli, and the results are much clearer. For this purpose weak currents of water may be employed. This was done as follows: A tube 28 cm. long and of 5 mm. bore was drawn to a very fine capillary point and then filled with water. When the capillary end is below, there is of course a slight current of water from the tip, due to the pressure of the water in the tube above. Now the tip was brought close to an individual of Epistylis, so that the current flowed against the latter. At once the animal contracts. If the current is continued the Epistylis soon unfolds, and continues open and active in spite of the current. If now the tube is removed, so that the current no longer acts, then in a few seconds is restored, the animal does not react. Moving the tip of the tube over to a fresh specimen, this reacts at once. Moving it back to the first specimen, this does not contract. With a large colony of Epistylis, it was possible thus to test many specimens; 50 ff. S. Jennings. invariably the animal reacted to the stimulus of the current the first time, but later did not. In a very few cases a certain individual would react also to the second or third or even fourth stimulus, but soon ceased, and in a large majority of cases the animals reacted only the first time. In Stentor roeselii the same results were obtained. The animals invariably reacted to the first stimulus of the current, but none of the numerous individuals studied reacted to a repetition. Stentor czru-- leus behaves ina similar manner. In this species the individuals often respond only once by contraction, even to the stimulus of a stroke with the glass rod; after the first contraction they react only by bending over into a new position. A large colony of Carchesium polypinum was situated just beneath the surface of the water. Touching the surface film with a needle, the colony at once contracted strongly. It was allowed to expand, and the surface film touched as before. There was no contraction. Repeated touching of the film caused no reaction, except the first time. Jarring the branch to which a colony was ablacbe gave rise to a parallel series of phenomena. From these results it is clear that the lack of reaction cannot be due to fatigue of the contractile elements. It is possible, as ] have dem- onstrated by experiment, to keep Stentor continuously contracting for an hour at atime. Yet the animal responds only once toa weak stimulus; it cannot be supposed to have been so fatigued by this single contraction that it cannot contract farther. It seems evident also that the failure to react after the first time cannot be due to fatigue of the sensory or perceptive power. It can hardly be supposed that a single stimulus would result in such fatigue that further stimuli are no longer perceived. Moreover this suppo- sition is directly negatived by the fact that in many cases there is other proof that the organism does continue to perceive the stimulus. Thus, with Stentor czeruleus, as described above, at the first stimulus by tapping with the glass rod the animal contracts suddenly and strongly. After this it no longer contracts, but the fact that it per- ceives the stimulus is shown by its bending far over first in one direction, then in another, as the stimuli are continued, as if trying to avoid the blows. The impression made on the observer is very much as if the organism were at first trying to escape a danger, and later merely trying to avoid an annoyance. Similar phenomena may be observed with Epistylis and Vorticella. On the Behavior of Fixed [nfusoria. 51 Thus the third alternative seems the only conclusion to which we can reasonably come, in view of the facts. The organism becomes changed after stimulation, in such a way that it no longer reacts toa stimulus to which it at first reacted. There is a difference in the physiological condition of the organism before and after the stimulus. One can hardly avoid comparing these phenomena with the fact that in a higher organism a sudden unexpected touch or other stimulus will cause a reaction or ‘‘ jump,” when the same stimulus, not unex- pected, causes no reaction whatever. It seems not improbable that the phenomena are similar in fundamental character in the two cases. This resemblance is increased by certain further considerations. It is only when the stimuli are non-injurious that the unicellular organism ceases to respond upon repetition of the stimulus. Ifthe stimulus is very powerful or injurious, the reaction is continued in- definitely. I attempted to accustom Stentor to the stimulus from a very minute quantity of ;%, NaCl, brought close to it with a minute capillary tube. Though the stimulus was repeated at very short intervals for an hour steadily, the Stentor reacted in every case; there was no indication of becoming accustomed to the stimulus. The changes to be observed in the character of the reactions to a given stimulus when repeated show the same relation to the nature of the stimulus. As described in the first part of this paper, when the stimulus continues, and is powerful so that the reactions also continue, the reaction does not remain the same, but there is a series of different reactions. This series is a progression from less effective to more effective reactions, culminating in the animal’s abandoning its place. On the other hand, as we have seen above, the reaction is sometimes changed also in the case of a weak stimulus, as when Stentor is tapped with the glass rod. But in this case the progres- sion is in the opposite direction, —from a strong, effective reaction (contraction) to a weak one (bending over to one side.) The course of the reaction series, whether from less intense to more intense, or vice versa, depends upon the nature of the effect of the stimulus on ‘the organism. D. ANALYSIS OF THE OBSERVATIONS, WITH DISCUSSION OF THEIR BEARINGS ON CERTAIN GENERAL PROBLEMS. The examination of the behavior of Stentor shows a striking con- trast with the known behavior of Paramecium, in the much greater 52 ; HT. S. Jennings. complexity and adaptability of the former. In Paramecium the be- havior seems made up of a few simple reflexes, with little variation or adaptability. In Stentor, on the contrary, this is far from being the case. This difference is due, I believe, to the different method of life. Paramecium is typically a free-swimming organism. As I have pointed out elsewhere,! in the open water there are few stimuli to guide an organism, the conditions being nearly uniform in al] direc- tions. Especially is this true in the case of an organism which, like — Paramecium, is not sensitive to light. The result is the development of a few simple, almost machine-like devices for governing locomo- tion. Such a device is the spiral course, preventing the organism from aimless wandering in circles; such a device is the invariable turning toward a certain structually marked side when stimulated, which is so striking in Paramecium. On the other hand, an organism on the bottom is continually receiving stimuli of varied character, and it develops in consonance therewith a varied behavior. This differ- ence between the behavior of free-swimming organisms and _ that of those which live on the bottom is very great, and its importance is not usually recognized. Even in the same individual the behavior becomes of a very different type on changing from one of these situa- tions to the other. Stentor when free-swimming has the same simple behavior shown in Paramecium, while in Paramecium and other infusoria the behavior is greatly modified by contact with surfaces.” Proceeding to an analysis of the behavior of Stentor, it is evident in the first place that the same external stimulus is not always answered by the same reaction, but that the reaction given depends largely on the history of the individual (and thus upon its present physiological condition). Thus we find the following to be true :— 1. After reacting to a given stimulus one or more times, if the stimulus is not a harmful one, the organism may cease to react, though the stimulus is repeated without change. 2. After reacting toa given stimulus the first time by a very pro- nounced reaction (contraction), the organism may later react, if the stimulus turns out to bea non-injurious one, by a very slight reaction, as by bending over to one side. 3. In the case of a stimulus which must in the long run be classed 1 See JENNINGS, I9OI. * On some of the modifications in the behavior of organisms when in contact with surfaces, see especially PUTTER, 1900, and JENNINGS, 1897, pages 305-312. There is opportunity for further investigation in this matter. - ——* tee et SS ee ene eer eel RD Simp Me On the Behavior of fixed [nfusoria. 53 as harmful, as when a dense cloud of carmine is added to the water, a series of reactions is to be observed, becoming of more and more pronounced character, until by one of them the organism rids itself of the stimulus. The course of events in such a case is usually as follows : — a. Noreaction at first; the organism continues its normal activities for a short time. b. Then a slight reaction by turning into a new position, a seeming attempt to keep up the normal activities and yet get rid of the stimulus. c. If this is unsuccessful, we have next a slight interruption of the normal activities, in a momentary reversal of the ciliary current, — tending to get rid of the stimulus. d. If the stimulus still persists, the animal breaks off its normal activity completely, by contracting strongly, — devoting itself en- tirely, as it were, to getting rid of the stimulus, — though retaining the possibility of resuming its normal activity in the same place at any moment, This reaction is repeated many times, the organism extending and immediately re-contracting as soon as the stimulus is perceived. In this case it is interesting to note that the organism now.responds at once to a stimulus (by contracting) to which it at first did not re- spond, or to which it responded only by a reaction of different, less decided character. In paragraph 1 above we have the opposite case, where the organism ceases to respond to a stimulus to which it at first did respond. e. Finally, if all these reactions remain ineffective in getting rid of the stimulus, the animal not only gives up completely its usual activi- ties, but puts in operation another set, having a much more radical effect in separating the animal from the stimulating agent. It abandons its tube, swims away, and forms another one in a situation where the stimulus does not act upon it. It is to be noted that this series of reactions is not of such a char- acter that each step necessarily produces the next one; on the con- trary, the bringing into operation of any step depends upon the ineffectiveness of the preceding ones in getting rid of the stimulus. The series may cease at any point, as soon as the stimulus disappears. Further, the succeeding reactions are not mere accentuations of the preceding ones, but differ completely in character from them, being based upon different methods of getting rid of the stimulus. 54 HI. S. Jennings. Throughout the whole of the series of reactions the stimulating agent remains without change. The differences in reaction are due then to changes in the organism,—to such changes as in a higher organism might be called changes in the ‘“‘state of mind.” Here we may perhaps call them changes in the “ state of protoplasm,”-though without implying that the two expressions are fundamentally different in signification. It is clear that it is impossible to bring such behavior under the d rubric ,“‘ tropisms” or “ taxis,’ or to present it as purely reflex in character; we must at the very least take into consideration physin- logical states of the protoplasm, as well as reflex factors. To gain a really satisfactory insight into the behavior, it is necessary to go farther than this, and to take into consideration the ends to be attained by the different reactions and changes in reaction, — though whether this necessity has its foundation only in the human way of looking at things, or is really inherent in the behavior of Stentor, is a question on which there may be difference of opinion. In any case it will be well to analyze the behavior a little farther from this point of view. So far as outward appearances go, Stentor seems ‘to react, like a higher organism, not merely to a stimulus now present, but to what is to come, —to the results of the action, as well as to the present conditions. The changes in the reactions, as the stimulus continues, seem to be directed toward the end of getting rid of the stimulus, —a different method being tried when one method fails. In the method of formation of a new tube, the same apparent reference to an end to be attained is forced upon the attention; there is no visible stimulus for the backward and forward movement of the Stentor, which results in the formation of a new tube; no reason that can be seen for this movement, except that it does form a tube. We have thus in this unicellular organism the outward signs of action directed toward the accomplishment of certain ends, and thus, in so far, of intelligent action. There are, of course, a number of different ways of interpreting such phenomena. To say that the reaction is really directed toward the accomplishment of an end, is to say that the animal reacts, not merely to a present external stimulus, but also to a non-present result of its reaction. This is only possible if the organism has already, at some previous time, experienced this result, so that the latter has left a trace; has modified the organism,— changed its physiological condition. The organism when stimulated reacts in accordance with, or in conse- On the Behavior of Fixed [nfusorza. 55 quence of, this modification, as well as in response to the external stimulus; the result is action directed toward an end. Thus in action directed toward the accomplishment of an end there is an element in the organism, —a “ trace”’ or ‘‘ modification,” corre- sponding to the result to be attained, and due to previous experience of this result. But a different view is often taken of action which appears outwardly to be directed toward the accomplishment of a certain result. In many such cases it is maintained that the organ- ism really has no trace or modification corresponding to the result attained. In the case of Stentor, it would be held that the organism has become a sort of mechanism which gives a definite series of re- sponses, when energy of such and such a character acts upon it under such and such conditions, for such and such a, period of time. The result follows just as a precipitate is produced in a chemical reaction. The difficult problem according to this view is how reactions happen to be produced that are adapted to the accom- plishment of certain ends. This is explained (usually) by natural selection. © In many of the instincts of higher organisms, such a view as that last set forth seems forced upon us by the fact that the organism has had no opportunity to get impressed upon it any trace or modification corresponding to the result to be produced. The animal responds before it has ever experienced the result. Cases of this sort will occur to every one. In Stentor, however, this difficulty perhaps hardly exists, since it is not possible to separate sharply the given Stentor from its ances- tors that may have experienced the results of any given reaction. Since each Stentor arises by simple division of a previous Stentor, there is here no special difficulty in the inheritance of acquired characters. If a given Stentor. has become modified by certain éxperiences, there is no evident reason why the two Stentors de- rived from it by division should not retain this modification. . Hence we have no absolute ground for maintaining on this basis that in Stentor the apparent reaction with reference to the result to be attained is not really a reaction with such reference. In other respects, we seem to have the same problem in attempting to explain the behavior of Stentor that we have in the instincts of higher animals. It may not be out of place, finally, to indicate the bearing of the behavior of Stentor on the problem of consciousness in the lower 56 Ll. S. Jennings. organisms, a matter which has been much discussed of late. I do not see that there can be any objective criterion of consciousness, hence this question in strictness does not fall within the field of an investigation directed to the end of determining what observation and experiment can tell us of the behavior of an organism. But it may be of interest to point out the relation of the phenomena de- scribed to certain questions that have been raised. In former papers (Jennings, 18992, page 339; 18990, page 13), I expressed the opinion that in Paramecium the behavior was comparable to that of an isolated muscle, and that ‘‘ we are not compelled to assume consciousness or intelligence in any form to explain its activities.” This statement is, of course, well within the facts, as far as objective investigation can give them to us, yet it is perhaps of little significance, since it could probably be made for any organism, outside of the self. The behavior of Paramecium is of a character to emphasize strongly the possible machine-like character of the activities of the lower organisms, In Stentor we have a very different case, showing that the behavior of Paramecium cannot be considered a type for that of all infusoria. Paramecium has become adapted in its behavior to a very simple set of conditions, and its behavior is of corresponding simplicity. In the behavior of Stentor, we find all the outward indications of action directed toward the accomplishment of certain ends. We have then the same ground for attributing consciousness to Stentor as to higher animals which show behavior of a similar character, —no more, no less. In a recent paper Minot (1902) has expressed the opinion that ‘the function of consciousness is to dislocate in time the reactions from the sensations,” — to inhibit the direct reactions at certain times ; to cause reactions at certain times to stimuli that have occurred pre- viously, ‘This disarrangement ... seems to me the most funda- mental and essential characteristic of consciousness that we know, — ” ‘“‘__and so far as we know, it belongs exclusively to consciousness.” Judged by this criterion (substituting “stimulus” for ‘sensation ” as used by Minot) we should clearly have to attribute consciousness to Stentor. As shown above, this organism at certain times inhibits the reactions to stimuli, to which at other times it reacts strongly. Moreover, the nature of its reactions to a given stimulus depends upon stimuli previously received, and this I think is all we can mean when we say that an animal reacts at a certain time to a stimulus previously received. I confess that Dr. Minot’s criterion seems to me by no On the Behavior of Fixed L[nfusoria. 57 means an absolute one; and that unconscious mechanisms could be constructed, and indeed do exist, in which there is a dislocation in time between the action of an outer agent upon the machine and the reaction of the machine, similar to that which we find in organisms. It is nevertheless interesting to find the behavior of a unicellular organism falling within the category that would be considered con- scious by Minot. If we consider now the criterion held by Loeb and Bethe, — that consciousness depends upon associative memory, upon the power of learning,— it is perhaps not so easy to decide where Stentor stands. The changes in reaction when the stimulus is long continued ; first no reaction, then bending into new position, then reversal of the ciliary motion, then contraction many times repeated, and final leaving of the tube, could perhaps be considered cumulative effects of the stimulus, and hence as not giving evidence of associa- tive memory. But this of course leaves quite out of consideration the fact these different reactions are all adapted, by different methods, to getting rid of the stimulus, and it is exactly this adaptation to an end that furnishes the real problem. How does the organism happen to give these particular reactions, thus adapted to the accomplishment ofan end? If it gives these particular reactions as a result of experi- ence, it has learned, hence, on the hypothesis we are considering, it has consciousness. If it has not learned to give these purposive reac- tions, the only alternative hypothesis as to how this has come about is, so far as I am aware, through the action of natural selection upon chance movements. All together, it must be clearly recognized, I think, that objective study can give us nothing final on the problem of whether conscious- ness does or does not exist in the lower organisms, We can have indeed no absolute proof of the existence of consciousness outside of ourselves. Whether one holds that Stentor and Paramecium have or have not consciousness will depend chiefly upon his general system of philosophy, which is of course not mainly determined by observation and experiment. E. SumMMARY. The foregoing paper comprises a study of the behavior of Stentor roeselii, Stentor czeruleus, and Vorticella. Taking Stentor rceeselii as the type, the following are the most important points brought out: 58 FH. S. Jennings. I. In the unstimulated Stentor the ciliary motion causes a vortex whirling to the left and descending to a point on the left oral side. Only a small part of the water or suspended material in the vortex reaches the mouth. The unstimulated Stentor does not contract. II: Under the influence of slight mechanical stimuli, as when carmine grains or other small objects are carried to the disc by the vortex, the behavior is as follows : — A. For a time the normal behavior may be continued, some of the particles being ingested. B. In some cases the Stentor may bend toward an object touching one side of the disc (‘“ positive thigmotaxis”’). C. With repeated weak stimuli, the Stentor may react the first time by contraction; then cease to react farther, though the stimulus is continued. Or the animal may react the first time by contraction; later by merely turning to one side, as described in paragraph 1, below. ou D. When the objects striking the Stentor are very numerous or large or are combined with a chemical stimulus, or are otherwise unfavorable, there is a series of reactions, as follows: — 1. The Stentor first bends into a.new position, by twisting on the long axis, then bending toward its aboral side. It may thus rid itself of the stimulus; if not, this reaction is usually repeated a number of times. 2. If the reaction described above does not rid the animal of the stimulus, it next reverses the ciliary current for an instant. This reaction may be repeated a number of times. 3. If the stimulus still continues, the animal next contracts into its tube. This reaction is repeated many times, if the stimulus continues, and usually the period during which the animal remains contracted becomes longer. 4. Finally, if the stimulus continues, the animal lets go its hold and abandons its tube. It swims away through the water, its be- havior while free being similar to that of Paramecium. After a time it forms a new tube, by a peculiar process, in another place, where it is not affected by the stimulus, and remains there. III. Under chemical stimuli (1) the reactions are essentially the same as above described for mechanical stimuli, the series 1-4 described above taking place in a similar manner. (2) The distri- bution of a diffusing chemical approaching the Stentor is determined by the ciliary vortex of the Stentor. The result is that the chemical eo 9 ry eat > he. On the Behavior of Fixed [nfusoria. 59 arrives at the mouth and oral surface of the Stentor before it touches any other part of the body; the latter may remain for a long time quite unaffected. Hence the conditions necessary for the orientation of the body in lines of diffusing ions are not present, and such orientation cannot occur. This is true also for other ciliate infu- soria; probably also for flagellates. Similar considerations apply also to the reactions to temperature variations in the water. IV. To osmotic stimuli Stentor responds only after plasmolysis is far advanced. V. In Stentor ceruleus the behavior is essentially similar to that of S. roeselii, — the same series of reactions being given to continued stimuli. The following differences are to be noted : — I. Stentor czruleus does not bend toward a weak mechanical stimulus at one side of the disc, as does S. rceselii. 2. Stentor czruleus has no tube and abandons its place of attach- ment much more readily than does S. rceselii. VI. In general the reactions of Vorticella are similar to those of Stentor, though it was not observed to abandon its place as a response to stimuli. VII. Stentor, Vorticella,; Epistylis, and Carchestum were found to become accustomed to repeated mechanical stimuli, so that they cease to respond by contracting when the stimulus is repeated. This is not due to fatigue, since they frequently respond only to the first stimulus. It is likewise not due to lack of perception of the stimulus, since after ceasing to contract they often give other evi- dence that the stimulus is perceived. VIII. On the whole the behavior of Stentor is complicated, as compared with that of Paramecium, and shows considerable power of adaptation. Whether the animal reacts to a given stimulus or not, and how it reacts, depends upon previous subjection to this stimulus, and upon the previous method of reacting to it. Ifa stimulus continues, the animal gives a series of reactions which are not invariable in order or length of continuance; each reaction of this series is adapted, by a different method from the others, to getting rid of the stimulus. These reactions, together with the method of forming a new tube, have the appearance of being directed toward the accomplishment of definite ends. 60 ff. S. Jennings. LITERATURE CITED. DAVENPORT, C. B. 1897. Experimental morphology, i. DELAGE et HEROUARD, 1896. Traité de zoologie concrete, i. HonpcE, C. F., and AIkIns, H. A. 1895. American journal of psychology, vi, pp. 524-533- JENNINGS, H. S. 1897. Journal of physiology, xxi, pp. 258-322. 1899a. This journal, ii, pp. 311-341. 18994. American naturalist, xxxill, pp. 373-389. 1goo. This journal, iii, pp. 229-260. 1go1. American naturalist, xxxv, pp. 369-378. 1902. Journal of applied microscopy, Jan., pp. 1597-1602. JOHNSON, H. P. 1893. Journal of morphology, viii, pp. 467-556. LoEB, J. 1900. Comparative physiology of the brain and comparative psychology. MASSART, J. 1got, Annales de l'Institut Pasteur, Aug. 25. MINoT, CHARLES S. 1902. Science, xvi, no. 392, pp. I-12. PUTTER, AUG. 1900. Archiv fiir Physiologie, supplement-Band, pp. 243-302. RHUMBLER, L. 1898. Archiv fiir Entwickelungsmechanik, vii, pp. 103-350. VERWORN, M. 1889. Psycho-physiologische Protistenstudien, 218 pp. THE ACTION OF ALCOHOL ON MUSCLE. By FREDERIC S. LEE ann WILLIAM SALANT. [From the Physiological Laboratory of Columbia University, at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York.} yes recent years the subject of the physiological action of alcohol has received in the laboratories much attention, but experimenters have strangely neglected the action of this drug on muscle. Twenty years ago Kobert,! experimenting on frog’s muscle, main- tained that alcohol, when given in large doses, greatly diminished contraction, but that this did not occur with small or medium quantities. Later Lombard, Frey, Destrée, Kraepelin and his pupils, and Scheffer, obtained with the ergograph interesting and valuable results with the drug in the human being; but such an organism is too complex to afford a solution of the problem at hand. It was only two years ago that the correct method, that of isolating the muscle tissue, was again employed, and in this manner Scheffer? discovered that the frog’s gastrocnemius under the influence of alcohol was able to perform at first a markedly increased amount of work, but after the period of three or four hours this changed to a decrease; after the elimi- nation of the intramuscular nerve-endings by curare, alcohol had no effect, and its former action was hence ascribed to the peripheral nervous system. The work of the present authors has also been performed on isolated muscle and has also yielded positive results, which, partly agreeing and partly disagreeing with those of Scheffer in his own field, have covered a wider range. It is perhaps only natural that those who chance to read the present article may be tempted to apply to the human being the facts here presented. This, the authors, who have made no experi- ments on man, have deliberately refrained from doing. ‘While it is not at all improbable that the general facts discovered with frog’s 1 KosperT: Archiv fir experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1882, xv, P. 73: 2 SCHEFFER: L6id, 1900, xliv, p. 24. OL 62 Frederic S. Lee and William Salant. muscle may be true also of human muscle, we would warn all readers against assuming that the same quantitative relations prevail in the two species. Experimental pharmacology has revealed innumerable instances of a drug acting upon two species with qualitative ima but with quantitative inequality. METHOD. Our experiments have been made upon healthy, active frogs, the common leopard frog, Rana virescens, having been used in all except one series, in which young bullfrogs were employed. In all except a few of the earlier experiments, where commercial ethyl alcohol was used, we have employed Squibb’s absolute ethyl alcohol, diluted in various known proportions with distilled water. So far we have made no experiments with any variety other than ethyl alcohol. In the majority of experiments alcohol alone was given, but in one series curare was also administered. 3 Our usual procedure has been to ligate one leg and then to inject the solution either into the dorsal lymph sac or into the stomach. Thus the drug was able to enter the circulation and reach all parts of the body except one leg. The non-alcoholized leg was at once amputated, and its gastrocnemius muscle was excised and prepared in the usual way for stimulation. In all cases the stimulation was direct, never through the nerve. In most of the experiments sixty opening in- duction shocks per minute were given and continued until the muscle was exhausted, the contractions being recorded on a very slow drum by the isotonic method. In twenty to seventy-five minutes (in the majority of the experiments about forty-five minutes) after the injection of the alcohol the frog was killed, and the alcohol- ized gastrocnemius was removed and studied similarly. Thus from each animal records were obtained from a non-alcoholized and an alcoholized muscle. From the records a comparison could readily be made of the number and extent of the contractions, of the total amount of work that each muscle was capable of doing, of the oncom- ing and course of fatigue, and of various other phenomena. For certain specific purposes this method of study was at times altered in certain ways. Thus, in studying the total amount of work per- formed by the muscle, instead of recording the contractions graphi- cally a work-adder was sometimes found convenient. Further, a series of experiments was performed in which, instead of the stimu- lation occurring at regular intervals of time, the muscle at the end The Action of Alcohol on Muscle. 63 of each relaxation closed a circuit and thus stimulated itself anew. This enabled a record to be made of the total number of the possible contractions and relaxations in a given time. In another series a single contraction curve of the alcoholized muscle was superimposed on that of the non-alcoholized, and thus a comparison of the detailed features of the two contractions was made possible. There appear to be wide variations among frogs in the rate of absorption of alcohol, a phenomenon which has been observed like- wise of other animals with the same drug. Ordinarily symptoms of intoxication, such as sluggishness, appear within a few minutes after the injection, but not infrequently all symptoms are greatly delayed. In our earlier experiments we were careful to administer the alcohol in known quantities of the desired solution per gram of frog. But the great variation in absorption made such care superfluous, and later we merely filled the dorsal lymph sac or the stomach fairly full of the solution and waited the desired time before preparing the muscle. At first sight it might seem that we employed with each animal somewhat large quantities of the drug, but the quantity which we introduced into the body is only broadly suggestive of the relative quantity which the muscle actually received. Of greater importance in this respect is the strength of the solution, a stronger solution having an effect differing in kind from that of a weaker one. Yet with any one percentage employed our results show a considerable range of quantitative variation, which seems to be due in part to the varying rate of absorption. It would be interesting to investigate the cause of this latter phenomenon. In all our experiments care was taken to make the record with the muscle at once after removing the latter from the circulation. We have been especially careful to take into consideration and eliminate the various possible causes of error. It is a well-known fact that under normal circumstances corresponding muscles on the two sides of the body are capable of performing very different amounts of work. A few preliminary experiments made it prob- able that any error arising from this source would not usually exceed 10 per cent of the whole amount of work performed. Our results obtained with alcohol are far in excess of this. Some of our earlier experiments suggested the idea that in the frog the right gastrocnemius is normally stronger than the left. Enough control experiments were made to show that this is not true, but that the average capacity for work is approximately equal on the two sides. 64 Frederic S. Lee and Willhiam Salant. The number of experiments that we have performed is approxi- mately two hundred. It is thought that with this large number any possible errors due to individuable variation have been eliminated. The work was carried on during the months of January to June, 1901, inclusive, and December, 1901, to May, 1902, inclusive. RESULTS. We have found that the action of alcohol on muscle varies with the relative quantity of the drug employed. Our experiments may be arranged in three groups, according as small, medium, or large quantities were used. In brief it may be stated that alcohol in small quantity has no appreciable action; in medium quantity it is favor- able to activity; in large quantity it is unfavorable to activity. I. Action of alcohol in small quantity. — A few experiments were tried with 0.03 c.c. of 10 per cent alcohol per gram of frog, admin- istered for forty-five minutes. The results were by no means uniform, showing in some cases a greater, in some a less working power in the alcoholized muscle. But all these variations were within the limits of error, as exhibited by a comparison of normal muscles under equivalent conditions, and hence the results are not to be ascribed to a possible action of alcohol. In other words, alcohol in the small proportion used does not appear to exert any action whatever on muscle tissue. Scheffer claims to have demonstrated in Rana escu- /enta a favorable action in the proportion of 1 part by weight of pure alcohol to 1000 parts of body weight. Taking this as literally 1 gram and not I c.c. and computing our results on the same basis, the density of ethyl alcohol being 0.79, we find ourselves unable to demonstrate a genuinely favorable action in doses of 2.37 parts by weight of pure alcohol to 1000 parts of body weight. This slight difference between Scheffer’s results and our own we are not able to explain. 2. Action of alcohol in medium quantity. — Because of its novelty and the general ignorance regarding it, the favorable action of alcohol has proven of great interest to us-:and has engaged our especially careful attention. Let us consider the action of a 10 per cent solution in the propor- tion of 0.08 c.c. per gram of frog, or, in other words, 40 parts by weight of pure alcohol to 1000 parts of body weight, injected about thirty to forty-five minutes before the testing of the muscle. Fig. 1 shows the graphic record of a typical experiment of this kind. 000A meme rere r The Action of Alcohol on Muscle. 65 Record of contractions of corresponding gastrocnemii; two-fifths the original size; upper, normal; lower, FicurE 1.— Experiment 56. Total number of con- Total amount of work in moderately alcoholized; 0.08 c.c. of 10 per cent alcohol to 1 gm. of body weight for 45 minutes; stimuli ] per second. (normal) 363, (alcoholized) 819; percentage of increase = 125.6. 4614, (alcoholized) 8260; percentage of increase = 79. tractions or total working time in seconds, gram-millimetres = (normal) The initial contraction of such an alco- holized muscle is often, although not always, slightly less in extent than that of the normal. The phenomenon of the progressive decrease in extent of the four or five so-called “ introductory con- tractions”’ is more common than in the normal muscle. Following these the con- tractions show a progressive increase in extent, which is more gradual than is normally the case, the maximum being reached after the muscle has performed often one-fourth, and in some cases one- third, of its total number of possible con- tractions. As to the actual extent of the maximal contractions there seems to be no constant difference between the muscle with and that without the medium quan- tity of alcohol, sometimes the former surpassing, at other times the latter, while at still other times no difference is appreciable. The most striking feature of the record, however, and one of the most prominent phenomena of the experiment is the larger number of contractions of which the alco- holized muscle is capable. In the experi- ment now presented, the normal muscle made 363 contractions, while that which was under the influence of alcohol made 819, an increase of more than 125 per cent, before an equal amount of exhaustion set in. Other examples are as follows, the average percentage of increase in the twenty-six experiments being 59.5. 66 Frederic S. Lee and William Salant. No. of experiment. / PAB Ai: No. of contractions of normal muscle. | No. of contractions of alcoholized muscle. 411 Percentage of increase in number of contractions. The Action of Alcohol on Muscle. 67 This table indicates the great range of quantitative variation which is seen throughout the study of the physiological action of alcohol. It can readily be observed that differences in the rate of absorption exist in different individuals, and to this is doubtless due in con- siderable part the variation in results. But in how far this phenom- enon is responsible, and in how far there are other and unknown causes, it is difficult to say. In this feature our experience is paral- leled by that of many other experimenters with the same drug. Associated with this larger number of contractions, and a phenom- enon which is often so marked as to be plainly evident from the record, is the greater amount of work which the alcoholized muscle is capable of performing before exhaustion sets in. In Experiment 56 the total quantities of work, expressed in gram-millimetres, performed by the non-alcoholized and the alcoholized muscles respectively, were 4614 and 8260, an increase of 79 per cent in favor of the alcohol. Other examples are found in Table II, the average increase in all the experiments quoted being 40.4 per cent. This increase in work is one of the very interesting features of the present research. It is commonly believed that a human being under the influence of alcohol is able to perform, for a certain time at least, a larger amount of muscular labor, and the investigations of Lombard, Frey, Destrée, and Kraepelin, although not agreeing in details, have demonstrated with scientific exactness this main fact. But until Scheffer’s work of two years ago it had not been conclu- sively shown that this increase is a function of the muscle and not of the central nervous system. In this feature our results agree essentially with those of Scheffer, a difference being that we have found it necessary to use larger quantities of alcohol than he, a fact of minor importance. It is a gratification to be able to confirm so fully the findings of his experiments. It can hence be accepted -without question that with the help of a moderate quantity of alcohol a muscle itself working continuously and until exhaustion sets in, is capable, quite apart from the central nervous system, of doing a greater amount of work than a similar muscle without alcohol. Associated further with the larger number of possible contractions is the delay in the oncoming of fatigue and exhaustion. In Experi- ment 56 the actual time during which the normal muscle was able to perform contractions when stimulated once every second was 363 seconds, which is to be compared with 819 seconds for the alcoholized mnscle, the increase being 125.6 per cent. The table 68 No. of experiment. TABLE II. Total amount of work, in gram-milli- metres, performed by normal muscle. 2613 2716 2821 5049 4576 3186 4043 6222 Total amount of work, in gram-milli- metres, performed by alcoholized muscle. 3759 MS 5034 7812 6468 6829 2808 10310 Frederic S. Lee and Wilham Salant. Percentage of increase in total amount of work. Lhe Action of Alcohol on Muscle. 69 on page 66 will indicate the actual working time of the muscles in question, if in the second, third, and fourth columns the words, “number of contractions” be replaced by ‘total working time in seconds.” In the twenty-six experiments there quoted the average prolongation of the working time, due to the alcohol absorbed, was 59.5 per cent of the normal working time, a result as remarkable and as interesting as the increased amount of work. In the experiments in the two tables above given, of which we have the records of the increase both of working time and of amount of work performed, we find the average of the former to be 56.5 per cent, of the latter 42.4 per cent; that is, the working time seems to be increased to a some- what greater degree than is the total amount of work accomplished. In considering this prolongation of working time, or delay of fatigue, the conditions of the experiment should be kept in mind. The two muscles, the one normal and the other alcoholized, are stimulated at the same rate. The necessity of adhering to this condition will be appreciated later, when we come to study the matter in another way (page 70). A final feature recognizable from the graphic record now under discussion is the more pronounced contracture in the normal muscle. This is characteristic of nearly all our curves. It begins fairly early and increases at first slowly, but it is especially pronounced and increases rapidly toward the close of the experiment. It is obviously due to the inability of the muscle, during the brief interval of one Ficure 2.— Experiment 189. second between two stimulations, to complete its activity and relax to its previous state, and the lesser contracture of the alcohol- Curves of single contraction of corresponding gastrocnemii; original size; slower, normal; quicker, moderately alcohol- ized; about 0.08 cc. of 10 per cent alcoho] to 1 gm. of body weight for 25 : minutes. ized muscle suggested to us that the drug may quicken the whole process of muscular activity. We proceeded to investigate this by superposing the muscle curves, and we obtained such a result as is shown in a clear-cut manner in Fig. 2. This reveals the interesting fact that by the agency of the aicohol both the phases of the process, both con- traction and relaxation, are actually shortened in time. It is well- known that, of the two phases, relaxation is in general more readily 70 Frederic S. Lee and Witham Salant. influenced by external agents than contraction, and we find this to be the case with alcohol: 7.¢., the internal processes expressing themselves outwardly by contraction are quickened to a certain degree, those expressing themselves by relaxation are quickened to a greater degree. In the experiment represented in Fig. 2 the ratio of quickening of the two phases is 1:1.5, but in many cases the effect on relaxation is relatively greater than this. ||] | ll | Mi i ii WAU qu iy it ANU wi ui HAA HUGH itt cli Hi AW j {th i hil FicureE 3.— Experiment 138. Record of contractions of corresponding gastrocnemii ; original size; upper, normal; lower, moderately alcoholized ; 0.12 c.c. of 10 per cent alcohol to 1 gm. of body weight for 20 minutes; stimuli succeeding on complete relaxation. Below is line of seconds. Total number of contractions in 2 minutes = (normal) 53, (alcoholized) 167; percentage of iucrease = 215. This phenomenon. of quickening led us to a further method of investigation. With quicker action a muscle is able to make in a given time a larger number of complete contractions, and unless, as is rarely the case, these are pronouncedly weak, the muscle is able to perform in the given time a greater amount of work. This can be tested by allowing the writing-lever of the muscle, on com- plete relaxation, to make an electrical contact, complete a circuit, and thus be the means of stimulating the muscle anew. This we have repeated many times with a result illustrated in Fig. 3. Here in the period of two minutes the normal muscle made 53 complete contractions, the alcoholized muscle 167, an increase of 215 per cent. Even with the diminished extent of the contrac- tions occurring in this experiment, a feature not universally present, the alcoholized muscle performed in the same time an amount of work 2.6 times greater than that performed by the corresponding muscle without alcohol. It is obvious that under such circumstances et Cw The Action of Alcohol on Muscle. 71 a muscle may, and our experiments have shown that it does, often become fatigued or exhausted actually sooner than a normal muscle. This is no contradiction to the conclusion reached on page 67, regard- ing the delayed fatigue with equal rates of stimulation. The favorable action of alcohol in moderate quantities seems abun- dantly proved. This may be summarized as quicker contraction, quicker relaxation, larger number of contractions and increase of work in a given time, larger number of contractions and greater total amount of work before exhaustion sets in, and delay of fatigue. Is this action exerted upon the nervous tissue within the muscle or upon the protoplasm of the muscle cells? Scheffer was unable to demonstrate any influence of alcohol on the total work of the muscle after the elimination of the nerves by the use of curare, and he concludes that alcohol does not act dynamogenically on the muscular apparatus, but is a true excitant of the peripheral nervous system. Because of its intrinsic interest, and because of the fact that Scheffer expresses himself so decidedly, we have examined this matter with especial care and by many experiments. We curarized the frog by means of an injection of a few drops of a solution of curare into the dorsal lymph sac and, after complete paralysis had resulted, we followed the usual plan regarding the injection of alcohol, testing by stimulating directly at approximately sixty times per min- ute and recording the contractions until the muscle became exhausted. In each case indirect stimulation was first tried, to convince ourselves that the curare had acted properly, and that no contraction was possi- ble through the mediation of the nerve; and unless this state was reached, the experiment was abandoned. The results were the same as in the experiments already discussed, in which no curare was used. With the curarized and alcoholized muscle there is the same larger number of contractions before exhaustion sets in, the delay of fatigue, the increased amount of work, and the lesser contracture, which indi- cates quicker action. Fig. 4 is typical of this series of experiments. Here the increase in the number of contractions and the total work- ing time is 80.9 per cent, the increase in the total work performed is 129.2 per cent. From these experiments, the conclusion is un- avoidable that the favorable action of alcohol is exerted directly on the protoplasm of the muscle cells and not on the intra-muscular nervous tissue. A word may be said as to the quantity of alcohol used in obtaining 72 Frederic S. Lee and William Salant. the favorable effect and the time during which it was allowed to act. Pronounced favorable action was obtained with quantities ranging from 0.06 c.c. to 0.12 c.c. of a 10 per cent solution per gram of frog; or, expressed in another form, with quantities ranging from 4.74 to 158 parts by weight of pure alcohol to 1000 parts of body weight. Larger quantities of the 10 per cent solu- tion were not tried. It must be borne in mind, however, that doubtless owing chiefly to the very great variation in the rate and quantity of absorption in different indi- viduals, these figures are only broadly significant. The same may be said of the time re- quired for the action to take place. No action could be assured in a shorter time than twenty minutes. After thirty min- utes the stage of increased activity was usually well marked. In most of our ex- periments we allowed the drug to act forty-five minutes. -From one hour on, our observations led us to expect that the favorable action might be replaced by an unfavorable one. But we have not yet made a careful study of the later effects; nor have we yet investigated the power and course of recuperation after the in- creased work following the injection of alcohol —a subject of evident and con- siderable interest. 3. Action of alcohol in large quantity, — A few experiments were performed with commercial ethyl alcohol diluted to 19 per cent and allowed to act for the usual time. In this series the results varied, showing in three of the seven experiments an in- crease of work and in four a decrease, the percentage of decrease being the greater. It thus seems probable that with this strength of solution we are approximately on the neutral 80.9 per cent; AA A a Ada Lh | Increase in number of contractions or total working time in seconds Record of contractions of corresponding curarized gastrocnemii; one-half the original size; in total work performed = 129.2 per cent. stimuli 1 per second. Experiment 162. 4. upper, normal; lower, moderately alcoholized; about 0.08 c.c. of 10 per cent alcohol to 1 gm. of body weight for 30 minutes ; increase FIGURE : " '. Record of contractions of corresponding gastrocnemii; two-fifths the original size; upper, normal; lower ’ ; 0.2 c.c. of 33.3 per cent alcohol to 1 gm. of body weight}for 45 minutes. Figure 5,.— Experiment 29. The Action of Alcohol on Muscle. 73 Decrease in total number of contractions strongly alcoholized cent. 5 per 73.4 per cent; decrease in total amount of work performed = 92 or total working time in seconds zone between quantities causing a distinctly favorable effect and those causing a distinctly unfavorable one. Our observations make it also probable that, owing to individual peculi- arities, this zone of neutrality varies greatly with different individuals. A strength of solu- tion favorable to one may easily be unfavorable to another. . With a percentage of 334 the action in nearly all cases is distinctly unfavorable. In the seventeen experiments in this series the following data were obtained: In four cases’ the alcoholized muscle either failed altogether to contract with the customary stimulus, or gave to the lever a barely perceptible motion ; in three the contractions were very feeble and few in number, as is illustrated in Fig. 5; in eight there was a marked diminution in the amount of work performed, the number and extent of the contractions were much less, and exhaustion ensued earlier than in the normal muscle; in one the detrimental effect of the alcohol was slight and within the limits of indi- vidual error; and in one there was a favorable action, characterized by the usual increase of work, greater number of contractions, and de- layed fatigue. Thus, of the seventeen ex- periments, in fifteen there were decidedly unfavorable effects, in one a doubtful, and in one a favorable effect. The action on the indi- vidual contractions and relaxations was not studied, but as regards the number of contrac- tions, the working time, and the total amount of work accomplished, the alcohol in the strong solution produced effects exactly the reverse of those observed with the medium solutions, while at the same time the extent of the contractions was less. In all these respects the stronger alcohol is distinctly toxic to the protoplasm and unfavorable to its activity. 7A Frederic S. Lee and William Salant. CAUSES. We have aimed to set forth merely the facts which experiment and observation have revealed. A number of possible causes of the phe- nomena in question may readily be imagined. But it will be of more value to reserve a discussion of these until further experiments, which are now under way, bearing more particularly on the subject of cause, are completed. One feature in the present research which has proved of special interest to the authors is the fact that it has been possible in the case of a specific narcotic to establish in so clear-cut a manner the fact of a stage in its action which is altogether favorable to the activ- ity of a specific kind of protoplasm. The results suggest that the action of alcohol on other kinds of living substance ought to be very carefully examined, and it is not at all improbable that studies of other narcotics along similar lines might be advantageously followed. The attention of investigators hitherto seems to have been confined too exclusively to the specifically narcotic action of these interesting substances. SUMMARY. 1. In small quantity ethyl alcohol does not appear to exert any action on frog’s muscle. 2. In medium quantity it exerts a favorable action, which is char- acterized by a quickening of the contraction; a quickening of the relaxation; the power of making a larger number of contractions and of performing a larger amount of work in a given time; an increase in the working time, or, in other words, a delay of fatigue; and the power of making a larger number of contractions and of doing a larger amount of work before exhaustion sets in. This action is exerted directly on the muscle protoplasm itself, not on the intra- muscular nerve tissue. 3. In large quantity ethyl alcohol exerts on frog’s muscle an unfavorable action, which is, in general, the reverse of that caused by medium quantities of the drug, and is characterized by a decrease in the extent of the contractions; a decrease in the working time, or, in other words, a hastening of fatigue; and the power of making a smaller number of contractions, and of doing a smaller amount of work before exhaustion sets in, THE IMPORTANCE OF SODIUM CHLORIDE IN HEART. ACTIVILY. BY Dav LD |, LENGE: CONTENTS. Page | Thslaieyaliteyn tay ites cack couiltohab al eisai ince (lon hagerh Me ein age ae Ray 5 tie Dhe-actionof caffein =.= . - : Part tora be tee 7 (6 III. The action of oxygen gas in eaabiiaton a mae deleaane a. As PaO a. The action of hydrogen peroxide on heart strips. . ..... =. 79 b. Action of oxygen gas on strips ina moist chamber . . . . . . . 82 IV. Theories as to the action of salts in causing beats in heart strips . . . . 85 Memen acts thatido notagree with the calcium theory. . . . . . .. . << . 86 VI. Facts that support the sodium chloride theory . . Seale at EDO, VII. Answers to some of the objections to the sodium pularide eaty sites: i696 SMS OHEIUISIONS © SMe ee Vs, te Pn 4 a ees UA) gna eae ROT I. INTRODUCTION. RELATIONSHIP has. been demonstrated between blood salts and heart activity. The meaning of this is at present un- known, and investigators are not agreed as to the réle of the various salts involved. Loeb! worked with tissues of the rhythmically con- tracting jelly fish, Gonionemus, and came to the conclusion that sodium chloride is of primary importance in rhythmic phenomena, while Howell,? Ringer, and others seem inclined to give calcium a preponderating influence in the reactions originating beats in heart strips. In a former paper® the author applied Loeb’s ideas to the heart of the turtle, and was led to believe with him that sodium chloride is fundamentally necessary for the origination of rhythmic activity in isolated strips of cardiac tissue. This article will present some new facts confirming this conclusion and indicating clearly that sodium chloride plays a special rdle in the 1 Loes: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1900, Ixxx, p. 229. 2? HOWELL: This journal, igor, vi, p. 181. 8 LINGLE: This journal, 1900, iv, p. 265. 75 76 David J. Lingle. physiology of heart muscle. An attempt will be made to prove so- dium chloride a peculiar factor in the complicated chemical and physi- cal interactions that star¢ rhythmic action, and at the same time some results will be described that do not agree with Howell’s! latest theory as to the use of salts in causing the cardiac rhythm. The results recorded here are true for narrow strips cut from the ventricle of the turtle, that is, pieces of normal tissue that have ceased to beat as a result of violence inflicted in preparing them for experi- mentation ; and an answer has been sought for the question, When a strip in this condition begins to beat again in a salt solution, which element is it that renews or permits the renewal of the rhythm? The answer seems to be that it is sodium chloride. The power of this salt in this respect appears to be unique. Il. THe ActTIon oF CAFFEIN. Previous work with heart strips in salt solutions convinced me that unless these contained sodium chloride they could not origi- nate beats. It was found that solutions of lithium chloride, cane- FIGURE 1.—A shows the character of beats before caffein was given. #. After the drug had acted. Both tracings were made by the same heart strip. sugar, dextrose, and glycerine were individually unable to re-establish rhythms, nor did they succeed in starting beats when combined with salts of calcium and potassium, using the latter in the proportions considered most favorable for the development of beats. Was this 1 HOWELL: Loc. cit. Importance of Sodium Chloride in Heart Activity. 77 failure to establish rhythms due to the absence of sodium chloride ; or was it due to something else, possibly a slight physical or chemical obstruction ? An attempt was made in the following way to secure an answer to this question. If the absence of sodium chloride from such solutions was not an insuperable barrier to the development of beats, then it might be possible to produce beats in strips without it by increasing the rhythmic power of the tissue. This can be accom plished by using a heart stimulant, and a series of experiments was made to find a stimulant with a marked action on strips from the turtle’s ventricle (Fig. 1). Among others caffein was used. It exerts a decided augmenting influence, and has the additional advantage of being a crystalline compound. A solution made by adding from 5 to 10c.c. of a saturated solution of the caffein to enough sodium chloride solution to make one hundred cubic centimetres was found effec- tive. In such a mixture strips beat with greater force, 7. e. the rhythmic power is intensified. But when caffein in these propor- tions was used in combination with sugar solutions and lithium chlo- ride solutions no beats ever appeared in the heart strips, nor did they appear when the most favorable proportions of calcium and potassium salts were added. The solutions used in this series of experiments were the following : — Experiment 1.— go c.c. cane-sugar 7, ro c.c. saturated caffein solution. Experiment I1.— 90 c.c. cane-sugar 4, 10 c.c. saturated caffein solution. Experiment I1[.— 8o c.c. cane-sugar %, Io c.c. saturated caffein solution, to c.c. CaCl, 0.26 per cent. Experiment IV.— Same, except LiCl solution took the place of sugar. Experiment V.— 8g c.c. cane-sugar 4, Io c.c. saturated caffein solution, 1 c.c. KCl solution 0.3 per cent. Experiment V/.— Same, except LiCl replaced sugar. Experiment VII.— 79 c.c. cane-sugar 4, Io c.c. saturated caffein solution, to c.c. CaCl, solution 0.26 per cent. 1 c.c. KCl solution 0.3 per cent.. Experiment VIII. — Same, with LiCl in place of sugar. 78 David J. Lingle. No beats were caused by any of these solutions. The controls, however, with sodium chloride developed good beats. It seems then that solutions containing a powerful stimulant like caffein are unable to start beats unless sodium chloride is present. The experiments also indicate that the series of beats seen in a sodium chloride solution belong to a rhythm originated in the strips, and are not simply micro- scopic or invisible beats intensified. Gaskell! has called attention to the fact that it is not always easy to determine when a heart has’ really ceased beating. And the same may well be true of strips of the ventricle. Microscopic examinations were also made of the strips, and failed to reveal any beats in quiet strips such as were used in these experiments. III. THe ACTION OF OxYGEN GAS IN COMBINATION WITH SALT SOLUTIONS. It has long been known that the heart is extremely sensitive to oxygen and carbon dioxide. These gases also have a remarkable action on heart strips.2_ Under certain conditions oxygen can origi- nate beats, and in normal beating strips carbon dioxide abolishes them. The action of the two gases in this latter case resembles that of muscarin and atropin (Fig. 2). But in studying the action of salt solutions on heart strips, the important powers possessed by these gases have been ignored, and it is possible some erroneous ideas have arisen in consequence. Howell ® in his work has paid little attention to the action of oxygen because he was convinced that salt solutions contained the necessary oxygen required by strips taken from the hearts of cold-blooded animals; but this idea is open to objection, for a salt solution evidently cannot supply oxygen at the same rate as the blood, and all hearts respond very quickly to even moderate variations in the oxygen supply of the latter, and beside it will be shown that the addition of oxygen modifies the action of heart strips when they beat in sodium chloride solution and also in mixed salt solutions. Indeed, we may be certain that ordinary salt solutions do not furnish enough oxygen for the moderate activity in heart strips. The investigation of the action of oxygen was suggested by observing that strips active in pure ' SCHAFER’S Text-book of physiology, 900, ii, p. 185. 2 PoRTER: This journal, 1898, i, p. 517. ® HOWELL: Loc. cit. Importance of Sodium Chloride in Heart Activity. 79 sodium chloride solutions usually beat stronger in the air while a transfer was being made from one solution to another, an effect which a few experiments proved conclusively to be caused by the oxygen of the air. It was found too that sodium chloride and c b Og @ x Oy CO, CO, NaCl FIGURE 2.— Shows action of oxygen gas on beating strips. At (#) beats began in NaCl, at (a) the strip was surrounded by CO, and beats ceased; Og was then added and they reappeared, to be stopped apain by CO, (4), and again started by O,(c). The drum moved at rate of 18 inches in twenty-four hours. oxygen are interestingly related. For when strips are treated with sodium chloride and oxygen the beats are stronger and last in favor- able cases as long as those in a solution of mixed salts. 2 HOWELL: Loc. cit. 86 David J. Lingle. the strip. The phenomena of the whole series of beats in sodium chloride is explained, according to this idea, by salt losses sustained in the sodium chloride solution, and not by the special action of this salt in the bathing solution. Possibly neither of these theories is entirely correct, and a brief discussion of them may help to clear the way for a better understand- ing of salt action in relation to rhythmic activity. Howell,! in his latest paper has presented some objections to Loeb’s conception of the effects of sodium chloride. These can be answered more or less successfully. At the same time some facts can be given that do not at all agree with Howell’s idea. The point of view of the two theories, it should be noted, is not the same. To Howell certain salts that start a strip beating and keep it beating are the causes of the beat; while to Loeb the processes originating rhythmic activity and those sustaining it are in a sense distinct and more or less antagonistic in nature, and he thinks the inevitable excessive action of the originat- ing agency must be neutralized by some means if beats are to per- sist. The point we wish to make is that the beginning of rhythmic beats in the strip is associated with the action of sodium chloride, and this is its special rédle. Though if such beats are to persist the sodium chloride action must be sooner or later balanced by calcium or some other salt. Without sodium chloride rhythms do not begin. V. FAcTS THAT DO NOT AGREE WITH THE CALCIUM THEORY. 1. As to beats beginning because potassium diffuses from the strips. If the diffusion of potassium chloride from the strip were the cause of the beats they should occur in solutions of dextrose, cane- sugar, and lithium chloride, where the diffusion of potassium is not interfered with; but they do not. It is not because these are injuri- ous, for sodium chloride in combination with them causes strips to beat well. Again, the prevention of the diffusion of potassium from the strip should, according to this idea, prevent the origination of beats. When this is done by adding a salt of potassium in varying amounts to the solution about the strip, it is found that heart strips beat in solutions of sodium chloride which contain so much potassium that a loss of this element is absolutely impossible. Beats, for exam- ple, have been repeatedly seen to develop in sodium chloride solutions 1 HOWELL: Loc. ct. Importance of Sodium Chloride tn Heart Activity. 87 containing from 0.03 per cent to 0.4 per cent of potassium chloride. In such solutions potassium does not leave the strip, but rather the strip gains potassium, as is shown by the short duration of the series of beats. With 0.4 per cent of potassium chloride it is not easy to get beats, and when they do occur they last but a few minutes. But the point is, beats are here originated under conditions that are prohibi- tive according to Howell’s theory, and sometimes, though not often, with a large amount of potassium chloride present, they last a consid- erable time (Fig. 6). 2. If the latent period, as Howell states, represents the time re- quired for a sufficient amount of potassium to diffuse out of the strip, it should be longer in solutions containing more potassium salt than in solutions with less; but this is not so. A large number of experi- ments were made comparing the action of sodium chloride solution Ml FIGURE 6.— Two-thirds the original size. Shows that beats will originate in NaCl with 0.2 per cent of KCl dissolved in it. In this case they lasted almost four hours. The lever was raised at (2). alone with solutions of sodium chloride containing potassium chloride in varying proportions, and the results show no constant perceptible difference in the length of the latent periods. It sometimes happens, too, that strips begin to beat within a few minutes after they are placed in a solution of sodium chloride. Here any diffusion of potas- sium is impossible, while the whole exposed surface comes into instant contact with sodium chloride and may be influenced by it. 3. The second part of the theory states that beats in strips begin when potassium has been removed because then calcium and sodium directly interact in the tissues. As to this point results are not con- clusive. It has been impossible so far to eliminate calcium from a strip 88 David J. Lingle. and have it beat. For no experiment has been devised that simply accomplishes this; other complications are always introduced. So in dealing with the relative importance of calcium and sodium chloride in the origination of beats we must use indirect or suggestive evidence. We can experimentally differentiate the action of these two elements to some extent. If strips are put into a solution made up of 70 c.c. lithium chloride % + 30 c.c of an % sodium oxalate solution, they begin to beat and continue active in some cases as long as three hours. These beats are always feeble, and are apt to show periodic variations in strength. But the point is, here beats are developed in a solution containing more than enough oxalate to precipitate all the calcium in the strip. They develop when the oxalate must be continually throw- ing down calcium and removing it from any physiological rdle in the tissue, and yet under these conditions beats begin and last for some time. In sucha solution no sodium chloride, as such, is given, but there are present in solution both sodium and chlorine ions. That both of these are needed is seen when a solution of lithium chloride and lithium oxalate or of sugar and sodium oxalate is used. With these liquids in each of which one element, either sodium or chloride, is lacking, no beats originate, — at least they did not when the follow- ing combinations were used : — Experiment I.— 70 ¢.c. cane-sugar 7, 30 c.c. LigC,Q,. Lxperiment I[.— 70 c.c. cane-sugar 4, 201c:c. Nase. Experiment L11. — 85 c.c. cane-sugar 7, Perens lr OHO} 7 IGG. Nay alas Experiment ITV. — 70 c.c. cane-sugar 7, 15 c.c. LigC,Ox, 15 c.c. NasC.QO,. If a solution which precipitates calcium permits beats to develop when sodium chloride is present, and will not start them if so- dium chloride is lacking, it indicates that sodium chloride does more than calcium in originating beats. Even under extreme con- ditions of this kind it is possible to get beats started, for example, in a solution containing 50 c.c. sodium chloride and 50 c.c. of oxalate solution, and sometimes, though it is rare, these oxalate solutions can start beats when potassium chloride also is present to the extent of — Importance of Sodium Chloride in Heart Activity. 89 0.06 per cent in the solution. Such a liquid constitutes an exceed- ingly unfavorable medium for the development of beats, according to Howell’s theory, and yet beats occur if sodium chloride is present, and not otherwise. 4. In his paper Howell! attributes the arrest in sodium chloride to a lack of calcium in the strip. It occurs, he says, when the strip has lost by outward diffusion a certain percentage of its calcium. The experiments previously described, with oxygen and hydrogen peroxide, make this explanation without modification unsatisfactory. If a strip that has ceased beating in 93 c.c. of a sodium chloride solu- tion be given about 7 c.c. of hydrogen peroxide it begins to beat again and continues active for hours, notwithstanding the previous calcium loss and the fact that calcium is under these conditions, according to the theory, leaving the strip continually. If the arrest in the first instance was due to a loss of calcium, how could the addi- tion of a little hydrogen peroxide restore this? From the beginning of such experiments to the end calcium diffusion had gone on, we may suppose, uniformly and continuously, and yet during this time beats in the strip had begun, grown to a maximum, declined and disap- peared, reappeared, increased to a second maximum, and slowly dis- appeared a second time. The variations in activity in such a case do not correspond with the history of calcium in the strip. If calcium is indispensable for the origination of beats the strip when it stopped in sodium chloride must have had enough calcium left in it for the second series of beats, as no new calcium was given to it in any form. Hence it is difficult to see how the strip can be so sensitive to a lack of calcium that this could be the cause of the arrest as ordinarily described. A study of the action of oxygen shows that the onset of the arrest as seen in sodium chloride is greatly accelerated by a lack of oxygen in the salt solution. If oxygen is furnished the arrest is post- poned for hours in some cases. And it is possible that the arrest as usually observed with sodium chloride solution is intensified or caused by something related to mild asphyxia. That the ordinary arrest can- not be due toa lack of calcium and that calcium is not so fundamen- tal, was further demonstrated by some experiments made with solu- tions of sugar and sodium chloride. When a small amount of sodium chloride, 16 to 18 c.c. % solution, was added to 100 c.c. of a sugar solution, strips sometimes remained quiet in this mixture for twenty- 1 HOWELL: Loc, cit., p. 206. 90 David J. Lingle. four hours and then began to beat. A similar result was seen when sodium citrate was used in place of sodium chloride. If a strip stops in a solution of sodium chloride after two or three hours’ immersion because too much calcium has left it, how is it possible for a strip to begin beating in a sugar solution after calcium diffusion has gone on for nearly twenty-four hours? In the sugar solution calcium diffu- sion, so far as we know, occurs just as rapidly as in a solution of sodium chloride. Either the calcium does not diffuse rapidly or it | is not fundamental for the origination of beats, unless in the presence of oxygen, and in sugar solutions containing a small amount of sodium chloride, less of it can do the work. This idea, that calcium is not so essential as sodium chloride for the origination of beats, is supported by some work of Loeb’s* in which he has shown that calcium actually inhibits rhythmic beats in striped muscle and in Gonionemus tissue. That it also acts as an inhibitory factor in nerve tissue seems not impossible, because when this is treated with reagents like the oxa- lates its irritability is greatly increased. So that stimuli, ordi- narily inactive, become afterward intensely so. It is indeed prob- able that calcium owes its well-known value as a sustainer of beats to this very restraining power. Possibly it is this very characteristic that enables it to preserve tissue, and it is by holding in check, rather than by causing activity, that calcium is enabled to prolong the active period of heart muscle. If calcium and sodium chloride both caused activity, their interaction should shorten, not prolong, the working time. That this is the normal réle of calcium is suggested by a study of its action in excess, which, as is well known, always slows beats in heart strips. This slowing tendency may become so great at times that beats entirely stop, —a very clear case of an inhibitory rather than an inciting power.” VI. Facts THAT SUPPORT THE SODIUM CHLORIDE THEORY. 1. The fact is well established that sodium chloride solutions are the best of all media for originating beats in heart strips. But is there evidence that in these solutions it is sodium chloride that is the 1 LoeB: Loc cit. * That the beats ina calcium solution are always stronger than in sodium chloride does not disprove this idea. The beats in calcium solutions usually have a lower rhythm; hence the energy expended in two or more beats in sodium chloride is in calcium solutions combined in a single beat. Importance of Sodium Chloride in Heart Activity. 91 effective agent ? The following facts may be considered as support- ing this idea: — a. There is the fact that the efficiency of a solution in producing beats in strips is to some extent dependent on the amount of sodium chloride in it. If sodium chloride is the active agent, we should ex- pect this result; but if the beats in sodium chloride are started by the diffusion of potassium, when this is otherwise provided for and physical conditions are maintained, the amount of sodium chloride should be immaterial. But the following experiments indicate clearly that this is not the case. Experiment I, — 98 c.c. cane-sugar 7, No beats. 2 c.c. NaCl §. Experiment IT, — 98 c.c. LiCl %, No beats. 2 c.c. NaCl 4. Experiment I[[.— 96 c.c. cane-sugar ¥%, No beats. 4 c.c. NaCl %. Experiment 1V.— 96 c.c. LiCl %, No beats. 4 c.c. NaCl 2. Experiment V.— 94 c.c. cane-sugar 7, Seven beats after a latent period 6 c.c. NaCl %. of about four hours. Experiment VI. — 94 c.c. LiCl %, No beats. 6 c.c. NaCl %. Experiment VII.— 92 ¢.c. cane-sugar 7, No beats. 8 c.c. NaCl %. Experiment VIII.— 92 c.c. LiCl %, No beats. 8 c.c. NaCl §. Experiment IX. — go c.c. cane-sugar 7, Good beats lasting nearly one Fo.c.c: NaCl 7. and one-half hours. Experiment X.— go c.c. LiCl %, Latent period about four hours. 10 c.c. NaCl 4. Irregular beats one hour. Experiment XI, — 88 c.c. cane-sugar 7, No beats. 12 c.c. NaCl %. Experiment XII.— 88 c.c. LiCl %, Long latent period, three and 12 c.c. NaCl %. one-half hours. Beats. last- ing over two hours. 92 David J. Lingle. Experiment XITI.— 86 c.c. cane-sugar #7, A very long latent period, of rice; NaCl 2. five hours ; then beats lasting two and one-half hours ; then pause of about seven hours, and then again for five hours. The last of these occurred over twenty-six hours after strip was put into the salt solution. Experiment XIV.— 86 c.c. LiCl %, jatent period about four hours. 14 c.c. NaCl %. Good beats lasting one hour. Experiment XV.—- 84 c.c. cane-sugar ¥7, A latent period lasting twenty- 16 c.c. NaCl %. two hours; then very strong beats that were going vigor- ously twenty-five hours after the strip was put into the solution. Experiment XVI.— 84 c.c. LiCl %, Latent period of six hours. 16 c.c. NaCl %. Beats lasting about one hour ; not so strong as those in sugar. Experiment XVII. — 82 c.c. cane-sugar #%, Latent period about one and To 7c.c., Natit: one-half hours; very power- ful beats lasting twenty-four hours. (In this there were two periods of inaction, each about one hour long, and a third one of about four hours. The beats at the end of the twenty-four hours were almost invisible. ‘The rhythm showed periodic groupings throughout.) Experiment X VIII, — 82 c.c. LiCl %, Latent period three hours. Very 18 c.c. NaCl §. powerful beats, lasting about two hours. A typical NaCl series. This series of experiments was made on strips taken from nine differ- ent hearts. If they could have all come from the same heart there would doubtless have been greater uniformity, as it is well known that there is considerable difference in the reaction of different hearts Luportance of Sodium Chloride in Heart Activity. 93 to salt solutions. Nevertheless the results show that the origination of beats, the duration and the character of beats are determined by the amount of sodium chloride present. If sodium chloride is the important factor in causing beats these results agree with expecta- tions. But if Howell’s ideas are correct they are incomprehensible. In these cases the loss of potassium and calcium was not interfered with. The only factor changed was the amount of sodium chloride present. In experiments fifteen and seventeen, both in cane-sugar, latent periods of almost twenty-four hours’ duration occurred, and then vigorous beats began. Then, too, such beats occur and last for over twenty-six hours in some cases, where sodium chloride is dilute, a case of retarded development of the toxic stage. When it is strong, one-eighth normal, they never last so long. The beats in sugar solu- tion are the remarkable ones, and this is in accord with the fact that heart strips sometimes beat for a time in this solution alone, —a fact as yet unexplained. (b) The experiments with oxygen gas prove that sodium chloride is a remarkable factor in originating beats. When strips are placed in sodium chloride long enough to start beats, and are then trans- ferred to an atmosphere of oxygen, they continue active as long as they ordinarily do in mixed salt solutions. In this case cal- cium is not needed in the bath because the short stay in sodium chloride does not cause injurious effects. It may be objected that the long duration of beats in this case results because calcium could not diffuse out of the strip when it was in the oxygen, and so calcium as much as sodium chloride is responsible for the beats. From the nature of the case here we cannot prove the contrary. But the indirect evidence previously given is against this, and in addition to that we may state the following points to indicate that calcium is not the more important factor in the case under discussion : (1) The fact that in solutions with hydrogen peroxide present where calcium diffusion goes on, beats are very slowly abolished. (2) The fact that strips can remain in sugar solution twenty-four hours and then begin beating and remain active much longer, indi- cates that beats are possible in sodium chloride after a very long out- ward diffusion of calcium, even after sufficient time has elapsed to permit the loss of most of the diffusible calcium. If in these cases the loss of calcium does not prevent beats, how can we consider cal- cium to be the cause of the beats in strips influenced by sodium chloride and oxygen? 94 David J. Lingle. (c) The fact that in sodium chloride solutions beats begin feebly and then increase to a maximum, shows that they originate and develop in the same ratio as sodium chloride enters. The intensity of the phenomena increases as inward sodium chloride diffusion progresses. (d) Lastly, we have the facts demonstrated by Loeb on ordinary striped muscle. This is nota rhythmic tissue, and calcium, if it be the important factor in rhythmic activity, is certainly not present here in the proportion to develop beats, and yet sodium chloride develops rhythmic activity in this tissue. It has been stated that solutions of thoroughly purified sodium chloride cannot originate beats, but this is not correct. To prove this solutions were made with sodium chloride that had been so thoroughly purified by precipitation with hydrochloric acid gas that no trace of impurity could be detected even with the most careful tests. There was no doubt as to the salt being of the highest purity, for it had been repeatedly tested in the chemical laboratory of the University. This solution started beats just the same as the salt ordinarily used. That sodium chloride plays a remarkable réle in rhythmic phenom- ena is beyond doubt; whether it is unique is a question, and one that cannot be answered until the whole field of inorganic chemistry has been worked over. So far no salt has been found that is able to replace it. We may safely say that when strips of heart tissue beat well and normally they are, or have been, in a solution containing sodium chloride. If we adopt the physical theories as to the nature of muscular con- traction, and regard salts as agents producing. those conditions that result in what we call the contraction, then there is no reason why other salts should not be found capable of producing the same changes as sodium chloride. So far in this work but one case of this kind has been noted, and it is by no means saeeacaeeh When strips were placed in a solution consisting of 30 c.c. of an % Li,C,O, solution and 70 c.c. of an % LiCl solution, a series of Babies beats was originated which lasted abot one and one-half hours. These beats were very irregular and showed a marked tendency to group themselves. The series did not begin gradually and develop to a maximum; the first beat was as powerful as any. The decline, however, was gradual, resembling that seen in sodium chloride. In this case sodium ions in the bathing solution were lacking, but lithium and chloride ions were present, and Dr. Loeb has shown that lithium ions are capable of I Importance of Sodium Chloride in Heart Activity. 95 replacing sodium ions in striped muscle. But I know of no other instance of this interchangeability in heart muscle. The exception in this case occurs with an ion closely related physiologically and not unlike sodium chemically. Besides, it must not be forgotten that there is another factor here. These beats occurred in an oxalate solution, one that precipitated the tissue calcium, and so may have greatly increased the irritability of the muscle and caused a predomi- nance of sodium chloride in the tissue. In heart tissue in this condi- tion the lithium solution was able to start beats, which it certainly is not able to do in normal tissue. But at best this doubtful ability to do the work of sodium chloride cannot be compared with that of sodium chloride in causing rhythms. Ammonium sulphate will sometimes cause rhythmic activity in striped muscle. But it will not do so in heart muscle when used in the following proportions : — Normal solution. Lal . 2. % solution. 2. ” solution. 4. % solution. a ” solution dil. 2. 6. % solution dil. 3. Nor in the following combinations : — 7° 89 CG. 4 (NH,)2SO,, 10 c.c. CaCl, 0.26 per cent, 2.¢.c: KiGl}s per cent. 8. 50 c.c. ¥ ammonium sulphate, 39 c.c. % cane-sugar, to ec: CaCl, 0.26 per cent, i €.c, Kel per cent. 9. 25 c.c. 4 ammonium sulphate, to c.c. CaCl, 0.26 per cent, Ecc. RGR per cent, 64 c.c. # Cane-sugar. In the controls from the same hearts with sodium chloride in place of ammonium sulphate good beats developed in every case. 96 David J. Lingle. VII. ANSWERS TO SOME OF THE OBJECTIONS TO THE SODIUM CHLORIDE THEORY. Howell! makes the statement that sodium chloride without the presence of calcium cannot start beats. This may be true, but the experiment the author gives to prove it is not satisfactory. He says that when calcium is removed from a strip by means of oxalate, treatment with sodium chloride is powerless to start beats; hence it cannot do so without calcium. Howell’s experiment is exactly what we should expect according to Loeb’s theory, namely, that when cal- cium is removed from the tissues in this way, the sodium chloride in it not being neutralized is present in sufficient amount to be injurious. In other words, the strip is then suffering from an excess of sodium chloride. If so, it is clear why the addition of more sodium chloride is ineffective; it simply makes matters worse instead of better. This idea is based on the supposition that the normal strip contains sodium and calcium in proportions that nearly, but not quite, balance each other. Calcium is in slight excess and inhibits the strip. It seems to be, as Loeb? has shown, calcium, and not potassium, that prevents strips from beating in Ringer’s solution and in blood serum. If beats are to begin in these this calcium must be overcome by sodium chloride of the solution in which it is immersed, or calcium must be diminished in the strip. We can always start beats by the former method, but in heart muscle the latter is not as yet practicable ® because the oxalate, the usual means of getting rid of calcium, seems to be actively injurious in other ways. In a former paper the series of beats occurring in a strip when it is transferred to a sugar or a lithium chloride solution, after beats have ceased in a solution of sodium chloride, was explained as due to the sugar and lithium chloride permitting the escape of the — excess of the sodium chloride that had stopped the beats in the first case, so that favorable conditions for beats again arose. Howell? brings forward the following objections to this idea: (1) It cannot be a sodium chloride effect because the strip still has a supply of cal- l HOWELL > G0c, ctz., Pp, 100, 2 LoEB: Loc. cit. 8 The experiments described on page gt with strips in sugar solutions contain- ing a small amount of sodium chloride where beats begin after twenty-four hours’ immersion, show that sodium chloride can start beats when, if salts do diffuse out at all readily, most of the diffusible calcium has been removed. 4 Howe. Loe. cif., p. 197. semen Liportance of Sodium Chloride in Heart Activity. 97 cium which can be detected by the ammonium oxalate test. But according to Howell’s ideas such strips had stopped previously in sodium chloride solution because there was not enough calcium left in them to keep them going! Now he states that the beats pro- duced in these strips in lithium chloride and sugar solutions result because there is calcium in them. The same amount of calcium ina strip in one case causes a standstill, in another beats. In the sugar and lithium chloride solutions calcium diffusion continues, and the strip should be passing continuously into less and less favorable con- ditions for beats if calcium is essential. Yet under these circum- stances beats begin and continue for some time. Here, again, the calcium history of a strip and its activity do not run parallel courses. The sodium chloride explanation seems simpler and more consistent. 2. Sometimes strips that have made a long series of beats in sodium chloride make but a short series in sugar. The idea is, that if it took a long time for the sodium chloride to enter and cause beats it should take a long time to escape and so cause a long series of beats, but it does not. This fact strongly supports the sodium chloride idea, and it agrees with that theory perfectly. A strip which has been a long time in sodium chloride will be more or less injured. The prolonged action causes permanent injury; hence the return series of beats is naturally shorter in such cases. 3. When a strip is treated with a solution of sodium chloride and sodium oxalate for a period equal to the ordinary activity of a strip in sodium chloride, a transfer to sugar will not cause beats. Possibly this failure results from two things: (a) When treated with oxalate in this way, as has been said, the strip is poisoned, or injured, by an excess of unneutralized sodium chloride; (b) It is also injured by the oxalate. These two causes could together depress irritability so that the strip would not beat in sugar. 4. A strip that has run down in sodium chloride, and has been restored in sugar, does not always beat when sodium chloride is given it again. The answer to this is the same; such strips have been under the influence of sodium chloride a long time, and have sustained permanent injury; if they beat at all they should do so feebly, as is the case. CONCLUSIONS. 1. Sodium chloride is absolutely necessary for the origination of rhythmic activity in heart strips. 98 David J. Lingle. 2. Agencies like caffein that can intensify rhythmic activity can- not originate it. 3. What has been described as the sodium chloride arrest is prob- ably due to a lack of oxygen in the salt solutions. The presence of oxygen in these postpones its development, and starts the rhythms again. 4. Ordinary salt solutions do not contain enough oxygen for nor- mal activity of heart strips. 5. Oxygen gas and sodium chloride, if properly used, will keep strips beating as long as a mixture of salt solution. 6. Oxygen gas has a powerful influence on rhythmic power, but is of itself powerless to originate rhythms. 7. Oxalate solution that precipitates calcium will permit beats to begin if sodium chloride is present. NOTES ON THE ACTION OF ACIDS AND ACID SALTS ON BLOOD-CORPUSCLES AND SOME OTHER CELLS? By S. PESKIND- [From the Physiological Laboratory, Western Reserve University.] N connection with a research on the action of numerous laking agents, carried on in conjunction with Dr. G. N. Stewart, large quantities of corpuscles free from serum were required. Efforts were made to obtain them by adding to blood minute traces of hydrochloric acid or ferric chloride. These reagents cause the cor- puscles rapidly to sink to the bottom of the vessel. It was found that, during the subsequent washing with salt solution and centri- fugalization, they lake very easily. With the view of discovering some way of preventing the laking of the precipitated corpuscles, a systematic investigation of the reaction was made. The results are presented in the following brief notes. 1. If to defibrinated human blood, dog’s blood, cow’s blood, or the blood of a chicken, there is added a very small quantity of most acids or the acid salts of iron, aluminum, zinc, copper, mercury, tin, silver, gold, uranium, and molybdenum, an immediate agglutination and precipitation of the blood-corpuscles takes place. Neutral salts are unable to produce this reaction. 2. The serum constituents play no part in this reaction, since serum-free corpuscles are likewise agglutinated and precipitated by the same reagents. 3. The reaction is due to an effect of the reagents on the stromata of the corpuscles, since, if the serum-free corpuscles are laked by any hemolytic agent, —¢. g., sapotoxin, —and to this solution of blood- corpuscles a trace of any of the precipitants is added, the ghosts are agglutinated and precipitated, settling very rapidly. 1 These experiments were performed during my tenure of the H. M. Hanna Fellowship. A more detailed report will be made in a subsequent paper. 99 100 S. Peshind. 4. The constituents of the stromata are, according to competent analyses, lecithin, cholesterin, and a globulin which, in all probability, exists as alkali-globulin. If blood-corpuscles are laked by ether, the lecithin and cholesterin are dissolved out of the stromata, yet the addition of any of the reagents still causes precipitation of the ghosts. Therefore neither the lecithin nor the cholesterin is concerned in the production of this reaction. We must, therefore, look to the alkali-globulin of the stromata for an explanation of the phenomenon. 5. The reagents which precipitate the stromata are also precipi- tants of alkali-albumin and alkali-globulin, and it seems a warranted conclusion that the reaction is due to a combination of the precipi- tant with the alkali-globulin of the stromata. 6. A slight excess of the reagent causes precipitation of the cor- puscles, but lakes them very rapidly. 7. Laking of the precipitated corpuscles may be prevented by washing several times with ice-cold saline solution and centrifugal- izing after each washing. Keeping precipitated blood at o° C. (z.e., without washing) retards laking for a long time. 8. More than a s/zght excess of reagent prevents agglutination and precipitation of the corpuscles. g. If corpuscles precipitated by HCl or FeCl, are washed five or six times with ice-cold saline solution (centrifugalizing after each washing), the corpuscles will then, on being shaken with saline solution, resume a practically normal suspension, from which they can be reprecipitated by the ordinary reagents. 10. All acids and acid salts cause precipitation of alkali globu- lin, but certain acids and acid salts do not precipitate stromata and intact blood-corpuscles. Intact corpuscles were found not to be pre- cipitated by osmic acid, boric acid, uric acid, hydrogen sulphide, car- bonic acid, arsenious acid. The only acid salts which would precipitate intact corpuscles were those mentioned in paragraph 1 including the acid sulphates of sodium and potassium. Why certain acids and acid salts do not precipitate the stromata and the intact corpuscles, I cannot at present say. It will perhaps be found that the penetrability of the corpuscles for a given acid salt determines whether or not this reagent will cause agglutination and precipitation of the corpuscles. If this be the case, then we have a ready means of determining whether any given metallic base pene- Action of Actds on Blood-Corpuscles. 101 trates the corpuscles, — 7. ¢., by seeing whether the acid salts of -this base cause precipitation of the corpuscles. There is reason to believe that in this reaction the reagents do not penetrate the corpuscles to any great distance, but combine with the envelope and remain close to the surface. The envelope is made sticky, which accounts for the agglutination. 11. Leucocytes,! thoroughly washed, are strikingly agglutinated and precipitated by the same reagents which act on red _blood- corpuscles. The blood separated into two layers,—an upper milky layer of serum containing a larger number of leucocytes and abso- lutely no red cells, and a lower layer containing the red cells and some leucocytes. Some of the upper leucocytic layer was diluted with saline solution, centrifugalized, and washed. The sediment, consisting purely of leucocytes, was used in my experiments. Halliburton has shown that leucocytes contain the same globulin (called by him 8 globulin) as the stromata of the red blood-cor- puscles. (This globulin is found to have fibrinoplastic properties.) The reaction in the case of leucocytes (7. ¢., the agglutination and precipitation) is therefore, in all probability, due to a combination of this 8 globulin with the reagents. 12. This 8 globulin is a constituent of all typical cells, —e. 2, liver cells, kidney cells, —and reasoning by analogy from the chem- ical constitution of the stromata (which form the framework of the red blood-corpuscles), I believe that this globulin forms part of the framework, or at least the envelope, of all these typical cells. If this be so, then the reaction (7. ¢., agglutination and precipitation) must show itself to be of a general nature and not confined to blood- corpuscles. On trial, this was found to be actually the case. Sper- matozoa, yeast cells, bacilli, the mycelia and spores of a fungus, and ciliated epithelium, were all found to give the reaction. Spermatozoa, washed free from spermatic fluid, are agglutinated and precipitated by ferric chloride, although the reaction was not obtained with copper sulphate or HCl. Yeast cells show marked agglutination and precipitation, if they are suspended in saline solution and then treated with a little ferric chloride. A solution of peptone in 0.9 per cent saline was inoculated with a motile bacillus. After several days the bacteria were centrif- ugalized and washed several times with saline. The bacilli, sus- 1 The leucocytes for my experiments were obtained from leukaemic blood kindly given to me by Dr. W. T. Howard, Jr. 102 S. Peskind. pended in saline, were immediately agglutinated and precipitated by small amounts of either ferric chloride or hydrochloric acid solution. A fungus rubbed up in saline solution gave a suspension of mycelia and spores which under the microscope showed practically no clump- ing. On the addition of ferric chloride, a flocculent precipitate, con- sisting of agglutinated masses of mycelia and spores, came down. Ciliated epithelial cells from the larynx of a rabbit, suspended in saline solution, are agglutinated and precipitated by ferric chloride. 13. The specimen of leukzemic blood investigated contained in its serum an isolysin, —2z.¢., a substance which caused laking of human colored corpuscles. This blood-serum also caused agglutination of human blood-corpuscles, as well as agglutination, precipitation, and laking of dog’s corpuscles. THE BEHAVIOR OF NUCLEATED COLORED BLOOD- CORPUSCLES TO CERTAIN HASMOLYTIC AGENTS: Ge UN STEWART- [From the Physiological Laboratory, Western Reserve University.| — some preliminary experiments, as mentioned in a former paper,? had shown that nucleated and non-nucleated colored corpuscles exhibit the same general behavior towards NaCl, NH, Cl, saponin and water, it seemed of consequence to determine with as much exactness as possible how close the resemblance really is, for the following, among other, reasons: (1) If the agreement turned out to be complete it would justify the use of mammalian blood, which has hitherto been alone employed in observations on the permea- bility of the corpuscles,’ in an investigation designed to throw light on the relation between the life and certain of the selective powers of cells, since nobody, whatever view he may hold in regard to the mor- phology of the non-nucleated corpuscle, can doubt that the nucleated corpuscle is a cell. (2) The comparison would not be without inter- est in connection with the morphological relationship of the two kinds of corpuscles. It would be interesting, ¢. g., to determine whether the behavior of the nucleated corpuscles of the blood of the mammalian embryo was the same as that of the nucleated hamoglobin-contain- ing elements of the red marrow of the adult mammal and the same as that of the nucleated corpuscles of the adult bird, and whether all the kinds of nucleated corpuscles resembled in their behavior the non- 1 The major portion of the facts mentioned in this paper was communicated to the American Physiological Society at the Chicago meeting, December, 1Igol. Additional results were embodied in papers read before the American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists at Cleveland in March, 1902, and the British Medical Association (Section of Anatomy and Physiology) at Manchester, in July, 1902. 2 Journal of physiology, 1899, xxiv, p. 211. 3 The experiments of G. Manca and G. CATTERINA (Archivio di farmacologia sperimentale, 1902, i, fasc. ii), on the behavior of the osmotic “resistance” of nucleated corpuscles kept for several days after withdrawal from the body, had not been published when this was written. 103 104 G. N. Stewart. nucleated corpuscles of the mammal. Such investigations seemed not incapable of throwing light on the genetic relationship between them. Since, as I have shown, the selection of NH,Cl in preference to NaCl by the corpuscles depends on their physico-chemical structure, and not on what we call their life, and since some other cells, as pus corpuscles, do not possess this property, the question arises whether it is present all through the development of colored corpuscles, or is acquired at some definite point. It is obvious, I think, that by in- vestigating questions of this kind, not only in regard to the perme- ability of NH,Cl, but of urea and all the other substances which easily penetrate the fully formed corpuscles, we may notably supplement our morphological work and throw light on the ancestry of the colored corpuscles, and the nature of the process by which they develop from their colorless predecessors. (3) It seemed not unlikely that such a comparison might bring to light differences in the physio- logical properties of the nucleus and cytoplasm. In this paper I shall first describe the behavior of the nucleated corpuscles of fowl’s blood to the substances (NH,Cl, NaCl, saponin and water) already studied in relation to mammalian blood. The behavior of the nucleated corpuscles of embryonic blood and of red marrow in regard to these and other substances will be next investi- gated. In the third section of the paper, the effects of certain of the laking agents on the corpuscles of Vectwrus, which, on account of their great size, are especially suitable for microscopic observations, will be described. The fourth section will include one or two miscellaneous experiments cognate to the general subject. Detailed discussion of the modus operandi of the various hemolytic agents is reserved for a future communication. I. THe BEHAVIOR OF FowL’s BLoop To NH,Ci, NaC, SAPONIN AND WATER. In Experiment I, page 127, it is shown that the conductivity of fowl’s defibrinated blood is diminished by dilution with water to a much smaller extent than would be the case if a simple solution of electrolytes with the same conductivity as the blood were diluted to the same degree. This is still more conspicuous in the case of a sediment of blood rich in corpuscles. This agrees entirely with the behavior of mammalian blood.! 1 Cf. STEWART: Journal of physiology, 1899, xxiv, p. 211. Behavior of Nucleated Colored Blood-Corpuscles. 105 In Experiment II the behavior of fowl’s defibrinated blood to NH,Cl, NaCl, saponin and water, is compared with that of the defibri- nated blood to which formaldehyde had been added. Two specimens of formaldehyde blood, one containing 50 per cent more formaldehyde than the other, were used in order to determine whether the degree of hardening had any influence on the result. In the table, as in all the others, “+ NH,Cl” means that an equal volume of NH,Cl solution was added to the blood. ‘‘+ NaCl” is the corresponding abbreviation for the NaCl solution; ‘‘+ saponin” always means, when no quantity is mentioned, that the saponin solution (unless other- wise noted, a 3 per cent solution of crude quillaia saponin in NaCl solu- tion) was added to the blood in the proportion of 0.4 c.c. of saponin solution to 5 c.c. of blood; ‘‘+ water” signifies that the blood had twice its volume of water added to it. The experiment shows that the nucleated corpuscles, like the non- nucleated, exercise a marked preference for NH,Cl as compared with NaCl. This is the case also in the formaldehyde blood, although the difference is less, especially when the conductivity is measured imme- diately after mixture of the salt solutions with the blood. When the mixtures of formaldehyde blood with NH,Cl and NaC] are allowed to stand, the difference increases continually with the time. There is no notable difference between the two specimens of formaldehyde blood as regards their behavior to NH,Cl and NaCl, although in both the preference for NH,Cl, as compared with NaCl, becomes less pro- nounced as the hardening proceeds. On the other hand, the increase of conductivity produced by saponin is as great in both specimens of formaldehyde blood as in the defibrinated blood, and the relative increase of conductivity produced by water is, if anything, greater in the formaldehyde blood than in the original defibrinated blood. In Experiment III fowl’s blood which had been treated with for- maldehyde was followed for twelvedays. At the end of that time the blood still behaved very much in the same way as at an earlier period in the experiment, the chief difference being, as in the case of mam- malian blood, that the preference of the corpuscles for NH,Cl, as compared with NaCl, manifested itself more slowly in the later obser- vations, presumably owing to the slower penetration of the NH,Cl. The preference became very distinct when the mixtures of the salt solutions with the blood were allowed to stand a considerable time. 106 This The The G. N. Stewart. experiment also contains a series of observations in which the conduc- tivity of specimens of the defibrinated blood, treated first with formalde- hyde, and then after a while with NH,Cl, NaCl, saponin or water, was compared with that of mixtures containing the same quantities of blood, formaldehyde solution, NH,Cl, NaCl, saponin or water, but to which the formaldehyde was added after the other reagents had produced their characteristic effects. Certain differences, which, of course, depend on the presence of the corpuscles and would not be found if the electrolytes of the blood were all in simple, homogeneous solution, reveal themselves. The most striking difference is found in the case of the NH,Cl mixtures, the combination, blood + NH,Cl + formaldehyde having a distinctly smaller conductivity than the combination, blood + formaldehyde + NH,Cl. The main reason for this, I suppose, is that the penetration of the NH,Cl into the unhardened corpuscles in the first combination is more complete, and perhaps its union with some of the constituents of the stroma more intimate than in the case of the hardened corpuscles in the second. In addition, it is probable that a great part of the formaldehyde, which, as a non-conductor, depresses the conductivity of the extra-cor- puscular liquid, is in the second case fixed in the corpuscles. combinations blood + NaCl-+ formaldehyde, and blood + formaldehyde + NaCl, do not differ much in conductivity. The slight diminution of conductivity seen in both cases, when the mixtures are allowed to stand for a considerable time, is probably due to a slow penetration of the NaCl into the corpuscles, the permeability of which for NaCl, as was shown in my previous paper,’ is somewhat increased by formaldehyde, at any rate in the first stages of its action. combination, blood + saponin + formaldehyde, has a somewhat smaller conductivity than the combination, blood + formaldehyde + saponin. As mentioned in a previous paper,? a similar difference, but a much more pronounced one, was found in the case of dog’s blood, especially when, in the second combination, blood which had been acted upon by the formaldehyde so long that no laking took place on the addition of saponin, was employed. I have already discussed the cause of the differ- ence in that paper. I do not know whether the smaller amount of the difference between the two combinations in the case of fowl’s blood than in the case of dog’s blood is accidental or not. It may be due to the fact that in Experiment III, the saponin in the first combination had a greater influence than usual in bringing electrolytes out of the corpuscles, and thus increasing the conductivity, since it was added in somewhat more than the usual amount (in the proportion of 0.4 c.c. of the saponin ' STEWART: Journal of physiology, 1901, xxvi, p. 470. * STEWART: Journal of experimental medicine, 1902, vi, p. 257- Behavior of Nucleated Colored Blood-Corpuscles. 107 solution to 4 c.c. of blood, instead of 0.4 c.c. of the saponin solution to 5 c.c. of blood). I have shown ' that the action of saponin on formalde- hyde blood is to increase the conductivity of the corpuscles, without necessarily causing any of their contents to pass bodily into the serum. The combination blood + water + formaldehyde has a smaller conductivity than the combination blood + formaldehyde + water, especially when the measurement is made a considerable time (e.g. twenty-four hours), after the addition of the formaldehyde. ‘The result is to be attributed to the de- pressing effect of the blood-pigment and the excess of formaldehyde in the liquid portion of the water-laked blood on its conductivity, which more than compensates the influence of any electrolytes brought out of the corpuscles by the water. In Experiment IV the behavior of heat-laked fowl’s blood to the four tests is investigated. It will be seen that, as in dog’s blood, there is only a slight difference in the conductivity of specimens of blood to which NH,Cl and NaCl have been added. Only a slight difference in the permeability of the ghosts for the two salts can accordingly exist. What difference there is is in favor of the NH,Cl. Since the nuclei are still present in the heat-laked blood, and are little if at all altered in microscopical appearance, the experiment indicates that these exercise no noticeable preference for NH,Cl, as compared with NaCl. Of course it may be that the temperature necessary for heat- laking has deprived the nuclei of this property. But there is other evidence, including the behavior of the unheated nuclei in ammonium chloride solutions, that there exists in this respect a sharp contrast between the nuclear and the extranuclear portion of the intact cor- puscles. It is perhaps worthy of mention that the small difference which appears to exist in the permeability of the ghosts to NH,Cl and NaCl is greater soon after the addition of the salts than later on. I have noticed the same thing in dog’s blood. The explanation may be that the ghosts take up NH,Cl in preference to NaCl, but later on, perhaps on account of some action of the NH,Cl itself on the envelope or stroma, become incapable of holding it. Even in unlaked blood, both fowl’s and dog’s, the minimum conductivity of the NH,Cl mix- ture, and the maximum conductivity of the NaCl mixture, are reached soon after mixture. Later on, there is a tendency, although it never goes very far, for the conductivity of the former to increase a little, and for that of the latter to fall a little. Even very shortly after mixture, 1 STEWART: Journal of experimental medicine, 1902, vi, p. 257. 108 G. NV. Stewart. in the case of heat-laked blood, the difference is always insignificant, in comparison with that in ordinary defibrinated blood or formalde- hyde blood. On the other hand, saponin and water produce a great relative increase in the conductivity of heat-laked fowl’s blood, just as in heat-laked dog’s blood. When heat-laked fowl’s blood is di- luted with water, the diminution of the conductivity is relatively smaller than when the unlaked blood is correspondingly diluted. A remarkable effect of heat-laking in fowl’s blood is that its con- ductivity may be greatly diminished by the laking, ¢. g. in Experi- ment IV, in one specimen of blood from 49.41 to 34.07, and in the other from 49.41 to 29.75. A diminution is often seen in mamma- lian blood also, but it is never, in my experience, so great as this. Another point of difference is that fowl’s blood after heat-laking is much thicker and more viscid than dog’s blood. The fowl’s defibrinated blood used in Experiment IV was the same as that used in Experiment III, and it will be seen that in Experiment IV the addition of 0.4 c.c. of the saponin solution to 5 c.c. of the heat- laked blood, whose conductivity was 34.07, raised the conductivity to 66.19; while in Experiment III the addition of the same amount of the saponin solution to 4 c.c. of the unheated blood, whose conduc- tivity was 49.32, raised the conductivity only to 69.26. This shows, pretty clearly, I think, that the final conductivity after the action of a sufficient amount of saponin to cause its full effect, depends on the quantity of electrolytes originally present in the serum and corpuscles, and not on their distribution at the moment the saponin is added. Before concluding this section of the paper, I may mention that the serum and defibrinated blood of the fowl have, on the average, a con- siderably higher conductivity than dog’s blood and serum. For eight fowls, the average conductivity of the serum was 93.61, and of the de- fibrinated blood 47.81; while for observations on thirty dogs, taken at random out of a series embracing considerably over one hundred, the average for the serum was 82.71, and for the blood 33.00. If the rela- tion between the proportion of serum and corpuscles to the conduc- tivity of the blood and serum is the same for fowl’s as for mammalian blood, this would indicate that the average proportion of serum is higher in the fowl’s blood. Behavior of Nucleated Colored Blood-Corpuscles. 09 II. THe NuCLEATED CORPUSCLES OF THE BLOOD OF THE EMBRYO AND OF THE BONE MARROW. Embryo’s blood. —I have not been able to obtain a sufficient quan- tity of embryonic blood for freezing-point determinations. Measure- ments of conductivity could, of course, be made with a very small amount of blood, but I preferred to devote such scanty supplies as came into my hands to microscopic investigation. The observations here recorded are mainly qualitative. I hope to have another oppor- tunity of making quantitative measurements of the relative resistance to laking of the various kinds of corpuscles, etc. The following is a typical protocol. Killed a pregnant albino rabbit by decapitation. Collected and defibrinated the blood. Immediately opened the uterus and exposed four embryos, 6.5 cm. long. They showed lively movements. Wiped them dry with blotting paper, then cut the umbilical cord and decapitated each in turn, collecting and defibrinating the blood. The blood of the embryos only yielded a scanty amount of fibrin. From the maternal blood, fibrin was obtained in normal quantity. Action of sapotoxin. —Twenty-five minutes after the death of the mother, a small drop of the fcetal blood was placed on a slide, and at alittle distance from it a small drop of a 2 per cent solution of sapotoxin (Schuchardt) in 0.9 per cent salt solution. A coverslip was gently laid on the two drops. The sharp interface between the blood and sapotoxin solution was now ob- served with the microscope. Rapid laking of the colored corpuscles was seen to goon. Numerous ghosts are left. The nuclei of the corpuscles are not well stained by methylene blue (in 0.9 per cent NaCl) either before or after laking. They seem to break up into granules which stain with methylene blue, and this is the case after all the methods of laking tried. This is in marked contrast to the bird’s corpuscles, the nuclei of which stain very well after laking, and retain their original shape, and usually also their original position in the ghosts, the oval outline of which may be made out around them ; although, occasionally, the nucleus is displaced and may lie with its long axis in the short axis of the corpuscle, or even be extruded from it altogether. When the 2 per cent sapotoxin solution was stirred up with the foetal blood, complete laking occurred immediately. The same was true of the maternal blood. Sodium taurocholate (a 2 per cent solution in 0.9 per cent salt solution) also laked both at once. But it caused a greater disintegration than the sapotoxin, and only granular colored masses could be made out, and not complete ghosts. In view of the fact mentioned in a previous G. NV. Stewart. paper’ that the taurocholate is a more intense leucolytic agent than sapotoxin, it would be of interest to make a quantitative comparison of the relative resistance of embryonic and mature erythrocytes to these substances. Hitherto, however, I have not been able to do this. Dog’s serum which had stood for ten days in the cold (at a temperature of 5° to 8° C.) had practically no effect on the maternal blood. A very small amount of hemoglobin was seen after twenty-four hours to have gone into solution, the mixture having been kept at ordinary temperature. On the foetal blood, there was a somewhat greater laking effect, and under the microscope it could be seen that a few of the corpuscles were decolorized. Fresh dog’s serum (obtained twenty hours after the blood was drawn, from blood-clot kept in the cold) caused (at room temperature) complete, or nearly complete laking of maternal and fcetal blood, although the laking proceeded slowly. Under the microscope, it was seen that the nucleated corpuscles discharged their hamoglobin. But the nuclei did not seem to stain on the addition of methylene blue (in salt solution), only some of the ghosts showing a diffuse staining, or a number of scattered stained granules. Water \akes the foetal blood in the same way as the maternal. A watery solu- tion of methylene blue also, of course, causes complete laking. In the foetal blood, numerous blue granules of various sizes are seen, some free, others apparently lying inside the ghosts. ‘The nuclei seem to break up into these granules. When methylene blue in watery solution is added to foetal blood, to which an excess of 4 per cent formaldehyde solution in 0.9 per cent NaCl solution was added twenty-four hours previously, a diffuse staining of the corpuscles is caused, the nuclei not being well defined. Ehrlich’s triacid stain causes the nucleated formaldehyde-hardened cor- puscles to assume a reddish color, the nuclei being lighter than the rest of the corpuscles. A 1 per cent solution of NH,C7 completely lakes both maternal and feetal blood. About four volumes of NH,Cl solution were added to one of blood. In both cases there is ‘a period of resistance,” during which the corpuscles maintain their shape and color. Then they become large and perfectly round, while still retaining their hemoglobin. Then, at about the same moment, great numbers of them lose their pigment rather suddenly. Some corpuscles retain their pigment a considerable time longer than the majority. This is true both of the maternal and foetal blood, and indeed of all kinds of blood when submitted to the action of all the laking agents, I have used. Eventually these more resistant corpuscles fade out too. A o.9 per cent or a 1 per cent solution of NaCl causes no laking either in the maternal or feetal blood. The embryonic corpuscles, then, like the adult, are freely permeable to NH,Cl and not to NaCl ! STEWART: Journal of medical research, 1902, iii, p. 268. ee eee er Behavior of Nucleated Colored Blood-Corpuscles. 111 Amyl alcohol in small amounts lakes foetal and maternal blood with equal readiness. Heat-laking. — Both maternal and foetal blood mixed with several volumes of 0.9 per cent NaCl are laked on being heated to 63°-65° C. In the foetal blood there is almost complete destruction of the corpuscles, only a few ghosts being seen, and no more being revealed by the addition of methylene blue. Numerous granules of blood pigment are seen in clumps. In the blood of the adult mammal the ghosts persist after heat- laking. No nuclei could be seen after aking in the foetal blood. ‘This is in contrast to the behavior of bird’s blood. Bone marrow. — Red marrow was obtained from the proximal epi- physis of the femur of a young dog. Portions of it teased in 0.9 per cent NaCl solution were examined under the microscope and sub- jected to the action of various laking agents. Sapotoxin. — With 2 per cent sapotoxin solution in 0.g per cent NaC] solution, all the cells containing hemoglobin, large and small, nucleated and non-nucleated, are quickly decolorized, and some of them completely broken up. Water also decolorizes all the heemoglobin-containing cells. NH,Cl in 1 per cent solution also causes laking of all the colored elements, while NaCl solution of the same strength has no such effect. We must, therefore, conclude that the ancestors of the colored blood corpuscles in the marrow, both erythroblasts and normoblasts, exhibit, at any rate from the moment they acquire hemoglobin, the preference for NH,Cl, as com- pared with NaCl, which is so characteristic of the adult corpuscles. After all three methods of laking, methylene blue stains the nuclei of the nor- moblasts and erythroblasts. The outline of the ghost can be easily dis- tinguished, enclosing the nucleus, which is often eccentric in the laked corpuscles. Blood from a case of pernicious anzemia. — Blood was obtained, after death, from the kidneys and lungs of a case of pernicious anzemia in which, dur- ing life, large numbers of nucleated colored corpuscles were present in the blood stream. There was pronounced diminution in the total number of red corpuscles, and also a diminution in the number of white corpuscles, although in proportion to the red corpuscles the white were increased. Many of the colored corpuscles were crucible-shaped, with a cup-shaped depression at one end which might simulate a nucleus. Many were highly crenated. A good many were larger than normal. All the colored corpuscles are pervious to NH,Cl, since they are laked in a 1 per cent solution of that salt. They are also permeable to urea, being laked in a 1 per cent solution of it. They are impermeable to NaCl, 112 G. NV. Stewart. lake in the normal way with sapotoxin, and lake also when suspended in a 1 per cent NaCl solution and heated to 62°-64° C. Bone marrow from a case of pernicious anemia. — Some red bone marrow from a case of pernicious anaemia was also examined. Colored corpuscles decidedly larger than the normal (macrocytes) were rather plentifully present. Nucleated red corpuscles of ordinary size were also seen. All the colored elements were laked by sapotoxin, sodium tauro- cholate, 1 per cent NH,Cl solution, and t per cent urea solution. The large colorless marrow cells did not seem to be destroyed easily by any of the laking agents used. Sodium taurocholate, which is so efficient a leucolytic agent for the leucocytes of mammalian blood, exerted no special effect on them. Ill. THe ActTIon oF LAKING AGENTS ON THE COLORED CORPUSCLES OF NECTURUS. The biood was obtained by making a snip in the heart through the skin. Collected in this way, it clots with great readiness, but by vigorous stirring could be sufficiently defibrinated for microscopic use. The copious and viscid skin secretion, which seemed to be increased while the animal was struggling, was wiped off before the incision was made, so as to prevent it from mingling with the blood. One of the most striking characteristics of the blood, and one which, in addition to the great size both of the colored and of the colorless corpuscles, renders it particularly useful for the investi- gation of the action of hzmolytic agents, is the ease with which the hemoglobin crystallizes, both outside of, and in the corpuscles. This occurs spontaneously when the blood is allowed to stand for some days at room temperature, and instantly, on the addition of sodium taurocholate, sapotoxin, Loffler’s methylene blue (owing, mainly at any rate, to the alcohol in it), water and watery solutions of substances like NH,Cl, which readily penetrate the corpuscles. In extraglobular crystallization the crystals usually assume the form of massive elongated rhombic prisms (Fig. 2). This is the case also in intraglobular crystallization, if the haemoglobin is well diluted, or a portion of it liberated from the corpuscle before the rest crystallizes, as is apt to be the case when crystallization is induced by the addi- tion to the blood of water (Fig. 1), which, passing into the cor- puscles, causes them to swell. It may be here remarked, in passing, that the fact that water induces intraglobular crystallization, is of itself enough to show that the hemoglobin in the corpuscles cannot be in the form of an ordinary watery solution, since the dilution of — i. SS — a ee ee Behavior of Nucleated Colored Blood-Corpuscles. 113 such a solution with additional water would hinder instead of deter- mining crystallization. With agents like sodium taurocholate (Fig. 4), or Léffler’s methylene blue (Fig. 19), which often cause crystallization of the whole or the greater part of the hemoglobin in a corpuscle before there is time for the liberation of any or much of it, and which do not cause the corpuscles to swell and become globular, as water does, the intraglobular crystals are apt to be more irregular in shape, being apparently moulded, by their mutual pressure and by the contour of the corpuscle, into polygonal masses. The genesis of these masses can be watched under the microscope. After the addition of sodium taurocholate (a 2 per cent solution in 0.9 per cent NaCl solution was always used), although a few corpuscles become broader in the trans- verse diameter, most of them preserve approximately their original dimensions. Longitudinal wrinkles, and less frequently transverse wrinkles, appear in many corpuscles, due apparently to the puckering of the envelope for whose existence evidence will be presently pro- duced. The hzmoglobin-containing substance of the corpuscle breaks up into round or oval globules of different size. There may be seven or eight or more in one corpuscle. The edges of the globules are faint at first, but rapidly grow more distinct, the outlines at the same time becoming less round and smooth, and ultimately angular. Either the whole mass of the hemoglobin passes bodily from the col- loid to the crystalline condition, or, if we assume the existence Of a stroma in which the hemoglobin is contained, and for the existence of which there seems to be a considerable amount of evidence, the relation of the pigment to the stroma is altered by the hemolytic agent and the hemoglobin crystallizes zz sztz in thestroma. Pressure on the coverslip does not generally displace the crystals, which are evidently kept in position in some way in the corpuscle, probably by the stroma. As the crystals grow more distinct, the outline of the nucleus does so too, while the border of the corpuscle becomes fainter, although it can often be seen, still in its original position, after complete formation of the crystals, following their angles and sinuosities so as to include them all. Later on, the envelope may completely disappear, as if dissolved by the bile salt. When a drop of blood and a drop of the taurocholate solution are allowed gradu- ally to mingle on a slide, complete laking, with no intraglobular crys- tallization may be observed near the interface, where the solution of the laking agent is strongest, and where accordingly the haemoglobin II4 G. N. Stewart. is liberated at once, before it can crystallize in the corpuscle. A little farther from the interface, typical intraglobular crystallization may be observed. Sometimes the intraglobular crystals are very nu- merous, small, and granular looking. Sometimes the opposite extreme is seen, nearly the whole of the pigment in a corpuscle crystallizing in one mass, in which the nucleus is imbedded. The nucleus may par- tially project from the crystalline mass (Fig. 22), or it may be com- pletely enclosed in it. In this case, the ends of the corpuscle are apt to be colorless, as if the haemoglobin here had been liberated before, it had time to crystallize inside (Fig. 20, 22). It may indeed not infrequently be seen that the poles of the corpuscle are earli- est attacked by hemolytic agents, and sometimes one before the other. A fraying out of one pole, as if it were being corroded, is sometimes observed. Occasionally, however, the opposite may be seen, namely, acrystal of hemoglobin occupying each pole of the cor- puscle, the rest being entirely colorless and filled up with the swollen nucleus (Fig. 28). The taurocholate does not at first affect the size of the nuclei, which continue to show clearly the granules that represent the nodes of the intranuclear network. Later on, the nuclei become much swollen, though still oval in shape, filling the whole corpuscle, except a small portion at the two poles. The intranuclear network now has the appearance of fine instead of coarse granules, as at first. That there is something (resistance of the nuclear mem- brane to distention or resistance of the stroma pushed towards the poles) which even in the completely laked ghost prevents the nucleus from filling the whole corpuscle, is well shown in Fig. 26, 27. When swelling of the nucleus takes place after the haemoglobin has crystallized in the corpuscle, the crystals may be seen to separate farther from each other as the nucleus swells, being doubtless mechan- ically forced apart. The same thing may be observed under the influence of other agents, and even in hardened corpuscles, when no crystals are present, a fragmentation or fissuring of the corpuscle may be produced by the swelling of the nucleus. Sometimes the taurocholate may cause complete disappearance of the nucleus after swelling. Sometimes the corpuscles show a curious twist at one or both ends. It was seen that this was caused during the spinning of the cor- puscles. Probably the rigidity of the corpuscle is lessened by the bile salt, and bending under stress is apt to take place where it is thinnest, namely, at the poles. The twist may be seen both in cor- ee SE eee Behavior of Nucleated Colored Blood-Corpuscles. 115 puscles which retain their haemoglobin (Fig. 21), and in completely laked corpuscles (Fig. 26, 27). The leucocytes swell little, if at all, under the influence of the bile salt, although they may become dim. Water. — Water causes well-marked agglutination of the colored corpuscles before laking. The corpuscles then swell and become globular. Some of the nuclei may escape from the ghosts and swell up, the network disappearing. They then stain, as all swollen nuclei do, diffusely and faintly with methylene blue. Inthe corpuscles which have not yet lost their hemoglobin, the nuclei stain deeply and show the network. The best way to get intraglobular crystallization with water, is to put not too large a drop of water on a slide, and let it gradually mix with the blood under the slip. In some corpuscles, a single hemoglobin crystal forms, the pigment in the rest of the cor- puscle remaining for a time uncrystallized. When this is the case, the corpuscle is pale in the immediate neighborhood of the crystal, indi- cating either that all the pigment from this portion of the stroma has been gathered into the crystal, or that the liberation from the cor- puscle of a portion of the hemoglobin of this part of the stroma has gone hand in hand with the crystallization of the rest. Sometimes when a crystal stretches right across a corpuscle, the ends may be seen to be curved in correspondence with the boundary of the corpuscle, and not to project through it. In some corpuscles the whole of the haemoglobin may be seen to be crystallized. As already remarked, this cannot be reconciled with the theory that the hemoglobin exists in the corpuscles in ordinary aqueous solution. Indeed I do not think that anybody who studies the influence of reagents on these magnifi- cent objects, and particularly the phenomena of intraglobular crystal- lization, can believe that the corpuscles are merely little bags or vesicles containing hemoglobin solution, as some physiologists seem to suppose. Marked swelling of the leucocytes is caused by water. Their nuclei also swell, and many of the granules in the protoplasm of the leuco- cytes seem also to become distended into vesicles. The leucocytes of Necturus blood are normally of great size and numerous relatively to the red corpuscles. After the action of water, some of them may become even larger than the swollen erythrocytes, and as many as _ $ix or more swollen nuclei may be seen in some of them. Urea in I-per cent solution in water rapidly lakes the red corpuscles. The nuclei swell and their boundary becomes very distinct, irresistibly 116 G. N. Stewart. suggesting a membrane. The laked corpuscles are also much swollen. In partially laked corpuscles, what look like radial strize passing out into the corpuscle from the nucleus may be seen. A similar appear- ance may be observed in water-laked corpuscles stained with methy- lene blue, the striae being blue:(Fig. 3). These striae might possibly be thought to represent fine channels by which the nucleus gets its nutriment from the blood-plasma. This would seem, especially in such large corpuscles, advantageous to the nucleus, whose metabolism is presumably more intense than that of the rest of the corpuscle. Sapotoxin (2 per cent solution in 0.9 per cent NaCl solution was always used) causes rapid laking with copious formation of crystals of various shapes outside the corpuscles. Some are “knife rest” shape, some almost cubical. The nuclei of the erythrocytes remain intact, are not swollen, and show the normal coarsely granular appear- ance of the intranuclear network. They stain well with methylene blue. Ghosts can, as a rule, be seen surrounding the nuclei, and their boundary suggests a membrane sometimes frayed. Sometimes an actual gap in the stroma can be seen, the envelope being continued over the gap. Sapotoxin causes most of the leucocytes to disappear, but the large coarsely granular ones are left. Amyl alcohol produces rapid laking without special feature. Loffler’s methylene blue. — Its action in causing intraglobular crys- tallization has already been described. It need only be added that immediately after the crystals have appeared in the corpuscle the en- velope of the latter may be seen enclosing them. It afterwards disap- pears from some of the corpuscles. Intraglobular crystallization may take place in corpuscles whose nuclei are not as yet stained in the least. This indicates that the crystallization is caused by the alcohol. Many of the corpuscles are completely laked. A large granular pre- cipitate, the granules of which are stained blue, is thrown down around and on the still unlaked corpuscles. Some of the ghosts seem to dis- appear entirely, and give rise to the granular precipitate, as heaps of granules may be seen around the deeply stained nuclei, and also in corpuscles which are not yet laked, though globular. The whole ex- tranuclear part of the corpuscle becomes granular, the granules re- sembling exactly in color and size those outside. Sometimes what looks like an envelope may be seen extending partly around a mass of granules of the same shape and size as a corpuscle. Many of the erythrocytes are seen to become globular, namely those which do not show crystals in their interior and which still retain their haemoglobin. eee ee Eee Behavior of Nucleated Colored Blood-Corpuscles. 117 Heat-laking. -—- The temperature necessary for heat-laking seems to be a little less than that required for mammalian blood. In one ex- periment nearly all the corpuscles (suspended in 0.9 per cent NaCl solution) were laked at 58°, and all at 59° C. At 51° C. there was no laking. A specimen from another Necturus laked at 60°, but not below it, e.g. not at 59°. It was kept ten minutes at 60°. In neither case did the liquid become quite transparent, even when all the haemoglobin was discharged. The ghosts were particularly well preserved, and had a granular appearance, as if heat-coagulation of the stroma had taken place. They still retained the oval shape of the intact corpuscle. The nuclei occupied their normal position in the ghosts. Sometimes the ghosts exhibited a “ waist” opposite the middle of the nucleus, as if the envelope of the ghost had there become tacked to the nucleus. Methylene blue in 0.9 per cent NaCl solution stained the nuclei well, although the intranuclear network was not quite so distinct as in the intact corpuscles. The envelope and stroma did not stain. But ina specimen heated in Necturus serum to 36°, some of the granules in the ghosts stained slightly. The addition of sapotoxin (2 per cent in 0.9 per cent NaCl solution) to the ghosts, after staining with methylene blue, caused much of the stain to come out. Some- times a portion of the stroma seemed to escape or become dissolved, and the gap could then be seen to be bounded by an envelope (Fig. 17). The addition of Léffler’s methylene blue now caused deeper staining of the nuclei, but no other change. Spontaneous laking. — In four days at room temperature, some of the corpuscles were seen to be laked, and some hemoglobin crystals were present outside of them. It is not now so easy to obtain intraglobular crystallization by the addition of laking agents, the hemoglobin being very readily brought out of the corpuscles and then crystallizing out- side. Some intraglobular crystallization is, however, caused, ¢. g. by I per cent NH,Cl solution. Intraglobular crystallization may be very easily got, if a little of the blood is allowed to dry partially on a slide without addition of anything. Many of the corpuscles also seem to become Jaked. The addition ofa drop of 0.9 per cent NaCl solution to the partially dried blood causes instant laking of practically all the corpuscles which still retain their hamoglobin. The nuclei are often surrounded by groups of hemoglobin crystals. These phenomena are not seen if the blood is mixed with the NaCl solution before it has dried at all. In blood which had stood nine days, and was long since sponta- 118 G. N. Stewart. neously laked, a considerable number of round bodies colored with haemoglobin were seen. They are much smaller than the original erythrocytes, but seem to represent them and their nuclei, as may be shown by adding Loffler’s methylene blue, which deeply stains the nuclei as well as the envelope (Fig. 15, 16). I have already described! certain changes produced in mammalian corpuscles fixed with formaldehyde by treating them with ammonia and heating, and in sublimate-fixed corpuscles, by heating them in water or by treating them with H,S or (NH,),S. Still more interest- ing results have been obtained with Necturus corpuscles hardened in formaldehyde, Hayem’s solution and osmic acid. Sublimate-hardened corpuscles.— Addition of H,S to corpuscles hardened for forty-eight hours in excess of Hayem’s solution, and then washed many times with water, causes laking of the corpuscles. The nuclei are not swollen, and the intranuclear network remains unaitered. The ghosts become faint, but do not disappear. Addition of a little NH,, after the H,S has acted, at once causes great swelling of the nuclei, which remain oval in shape and become very indistinct. The nuclei still stain pretty well with Loffler’s methylene blue. Addition of (NH,),S to the washed sublimate corpuscles causes liberation of the hemoglobin. The nucleus at first remains distinct and surrounded by a black border, which is sometimes divided into small portions of about uniform size by narrow light lines. Possibly this appearance is produced by the beginning of the swelling of the nucleus leading to distention of the structure represented by the dark border. The nucleus now swells greatly, and often appears to burst the corpuscle at one side, so that the ghost assumes the appear- ance of a “bowler” hat (Fig. 23, 24). This may also be seen in cor- puscles which still retain their haemoglobin or some of it. The phenomenon was first observed after the addition of (NH,),S, but it may be at once remarked that NH, also produces it, and save in one point to be mentioned presently, it is doubtful whether (NH,),5 solu- tion acts in any other way than by reason of the NH, init. The ap- pearances depend on the amount of (NH,),S or NH, added _ If much is added, the nuclei swell and become exceedingly indistinct, as do the ghosts. All the stages may be traced at different distances from the edge of the slide, if a drop of the reagent is run in under it. The nucleus seems to begin to swell before the rest of the corpuscle ! STEWART: Journal of medical research, /oc. cé?. EEO OEE OEOEOEEEeEEEEOOOEEOEOEOEOEOEeEEEeEeEEee—eeeeeeeee ee ee Behavior of Nucleated Colored Blood-Corpuscles. 119 is affected. If the action of the (NH,),S is gradual, the nucleus may swell without rupturing the corpuscle, which swells also to some ex- tent and loses haemoglobin. The boundary of the nucleus is picked out in black, either as a continuous line or as the interrupted line already described. The black intranuclear network opens out its meshes (Fig. 12, 13) as swelling of the nucleus advances. The hat appearance may not be seen at all at one part of the slide, while all the corpuscles at another part may exhibit it. The addition of Loffler’s methylene blue instantly causes deep staining of the nucleus, which at once contracts greatly in size, as does also the whole ghost, the original shape of the corpuscle being resumed. In some of the cor- puscles, an envelope stained blue can be made out. When the sublimate corpuscles are first acted on by NHsg, and then by Loffler’s methylene blue, the envelope is not so well revealed as when (NH,),S is used. The best method of all is to add first H,S, then NH,, and then Loffler’s methylene blue. To a drop of a suspen- sion of the corpuscles in water, a drop of H,S solution of equal size is added, and then a much smaller drop of NH,. A large amount of NH, seems to disintegrate the corpuscles too much, and they disap- pear. Ldoffler’s methylene blue is now added. A small amount of it stains the nucleus without coloring the rest of the corpuscle or its en- velope. A larger quantity causes the nucleus to stain intensely blue. The envelope of the corpuscle and the nuclear membrane are also colored blue (Fig. 10). While the great majority of the nuclei shrink to about normal size on the addition of Loffler’s methylene blue, some remain much swollen, and are colored diffusely and much more faintly than the others. It seemed as if there was no envelope around the corpuscles whose nuclei did not shrink. This suggests that the swelling of the nucleus in these cases might have been so great that the envelope was ruptured, and that the osmotic process on which the shrinking of the corpuscles and nucleus depends, could not take place in its absence. As a matter of fact, the shrunken cor- puscles exhibit numerous wrinkles all over their surface, the wrinkles appearing more deeply stained than the rest of the corpuscle. In an endeavor to produce heat-fixing of the envelope without destroying the power of the nucleus to expand and to shrink, some of the washed sublimate corpuscles were heated to 60° C. in water for two minutes. The hemoglobin was not discharged. There was, however, in a few corpuscles, either some swelling of the corpuscle or shrinking of the nucleus, since the latter was separated from the surrounding stroma 120 G. N. Stewart. by a concentric space. The nuclei swelled on the addition of (NH,),S as readily as if the corpuscles had not been heated. Some corpuscles were heated to 65° C. for fifteen minutes. The haemoglobin was not discharged. The addition of (NH,),S caused swelling of some of the nuclei, but not of all. Addition of H,S caused the corpuscle to become pale, and its boundary, which was originally black and sharply marked, to become indistinct. H,S caused no swelling of the nuclei, which, however, either became tinted with the blood-pigment, or showed the tint better when the corpuscles were rendered pale, since they were distinctly yellow. The intranuclear network was still distinct after addition of H,S. Some corpuscles were less affected by H,S than others. The addition of NH, now caused all the nuclei to swell enormously. The corpuscles also swelled somewhat, but perhaps only passively, owing to the disten- tion of the nucleus, which practically filled the whole corpuscle. The corpuscles did not become spherical, but still retained their oval shape. Addition of Loffler’s methylene blue now brought out the envelope and nuclear membrane (Fig. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). The preliminary heating of the corpuscles to 65° C. did not seem to make much difference in the result. Presumably, therefore, there is no heat-fixing at this temperature of the portions of the corpuscle which are “ mobile” under the influence of the reagents used. To some of the washed sublimate corpuscles, H,S, NH,, and Loffler’s methylene blue were added in succession, with the results just stated, and then sodium taurocholate (in NaCl solution). The blue was partly discharged from all the corpuscles. What looked like a par- tially separated envelope (Fig. 11) seemed to grow less distinct under the influence of the bile salt, although it did not completely disappear. The taurocholate caused in many of the corpuscles renewed swelling, after the shrinking produced by the methylene blue solution. Addition of NH, now caused further swelling, with prob- able disappearance of some corpuscles. Formaldehyde-fixed corpuscles. — The corpuscles were fixed in 4 per cent solution of formaldehyde in 0.9 per cent NaCl solution, then washed thoroughly with water, and suspended in water. NH, causes the same change of color and of spectrum as in dog’s formaldehyde corpuscles.’ Some of the corpuscles swell somewhat in the cold. On heating to 60° C., they are considerably swollen and less distinct. } STEWART: Journal of medical research, /oc. cét. — Behavior of Nucleated Colored Blood-Corpuscles. 121 The nucleus is not swollen, and is as distinct as before. The contrast between the behavior of the formaldehyde and the sublimate cor- puscles is very striking, and indicates a marked difference in the structures fixed or in the mode of fixing in the case of the two hard- ening agents. Although the Necturus corpuscles look decidedly pale under the microscope, after being heated to 60° in water containing NH, it is not difficult to prove that the laking is mainly apparent. One way of doing this is to filter the corpuscles off from the solution, when it is seen that the blood-pigment is nearly all in the corpuscles. Another method is to cause the corpuscles to shrink, ¢. g., by the addition of a solution of hydroxylamine hydrochlorate. They become at once smaller, more dis- tinct, and as deeply tinged with blood-pigment as before. Matthes,! in connection with the fact discovered by him, that dilute HCl brings the pigment out of sublimate-fixed dog’s and frog’s corpuscles, mentions an experiment in which he supposes that on standing the ghosts may again take up the hemoglobin from the liquid. The same possibility suggested itself to Dr. S. Peskind and myself, when we saw formaldehyde-fixed dog’s corpuscles apparently lake under the influ- ence of NH, and heat, and sublimate-fixed dog’s corpuscles apparently lake when heated in water, and yet observed the ghosts in both cases become again tinged with blood-pigment on the addition of hydroxyl- amine hydrochlorate. We proved clearly? that when this happened the laking was only apparent, the corpuscles being swollen and the blood-pigment, therefore, more dilute in the interior of the corpuscle. Dr. Peskind, while confirming the statement of Matthes that dilute HCl in a certain strength does very easily lake sublimate-fixed mam- malian corpuscles, which swell enormously, has since shown that if the swollen corpuscles are caught at a certain point, at which they ap- pear free from hemoglobin under the microscope, and their suspen- sion in water appears laked to the eye, they can be caused to shrink by hydroxylamine hydrochlorate, when their color returns. At this stage also it can be shown, by filtering off the swollen corpuscles, that they contain most of the blood-pigment. If this critical point be allowed to pass, the corpuscles discharge their hemoglobin, and their color cannot be restored by hydroxylamine hydrochlorate. Many of them break up entirely. I find that Necturus corpuscles fixed by Hayem’s solution are rapidly decolorized by 0.2 per cent HCl, without 1 MatTTHES: Miinchener medicinische Wochenschrift, April 29, 1902. 2 STEWART: Journal of medical research, /oc. cit. 122 G. N. Stewart. appreciable swelling either of the corpuscle or its nucleus. Many of the ghosts disappear if more than the minimum amount of acid needed for laking be used. Some shrinking of the ghosts is caused by hydroxylamine hydrochlorate, but I could not demonstrate any return of the hemoglobin color. The Necturus formaldehyde corpuscles which have been heated to 65° C. in ammoniacal water, stain deeply with Loffler’s methylene blue, the whole corpuscle staining well and the nucleus more deeply. - When only a trace of the methylene blue is added, only the nucleus stains, the rest of the corpuscle remaining unstained. The intra- nuclear network is well seen. There is a great difference between ordinary formaldehyde corpuscles, and those treated in the way de- scribed, in the facility with which the extranuclear portion stains. Formaldehyde corpuscles suspended in water containing N Hg, and heated several minutes to 60° C., and one minute to boiling, be- came pale and considerably increased in size. The nucleus was not materially increased in size. The intranuclear network was not so distinct as in ordinary formaldehyde corpuscles, nor did Léffler’s methylene blue bring it out so distinctly, although the nucleus, as well as the rest of the corpuscle, stained deeply. In some of the corpuscles, after the methylene blue, a finely serrated or scalloped outline could be seen. Osmic acid-hardened corpuscles. — The corpuscles were hardened in I per cent osmic acid for two days, and then washed many times with water. Sodium taurocholate produces no change in them. NH, causes considerable swelling of the corpuscles, which become corre- spondingly paler and less distinct, though the blood-pigment does not seem to come out. The shape always remains oval. The nucleus swells a little, and the network becomes less distinct. Loffler’s methy- lene blue causes some of the corpuscles to become smaller, and stains the extranuclear portion an intense blue, nearly as deep as that of the nuclei (Fig. 18). Many of the corpuscles do not shrink, but some shrink very greatly, becoming markedly smaller than the normal cor- puscle. The border of the nucleus is very prominent, in contrast to that of the corpuscle. On heating washed osmic acid corpuscles in ammoniacal water to boiling, partial laking seems to take place. The corpuscles are greatly swollen and indistinct. Some of them are fissured. The nuclei are quite distinct, and show the network, ee OE Behavior of Nucleated Colored Blood-Corpuscles. 123 Jo IV. MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS ON MAMMALIAN CORPSUCLES. Is the power of NH,Cl to penetrate the corpuscles dependent upon a toxic influence ?— I have shown! that NH,Cl only penetrates perfectly fresh corpuscles, at least in notable amount, after a relatively long ‘period of resistance.” It might be supposed that during this period the NH,Cl exerted an injurious influence on the envelope of the cor- puscle, which changed its natural properties, and that it is only through an injured envelope that NH,Cl is capable of passing. Ex- periments V, VI, and VII, were designed to throw light on this point, the idea in all being to see whether the NH,Cl, when it exists in less than a certain concentration in the serum, is unable to penetrate the corpuscles. If the permeability of the corpuscles for this salt depends upon a poisoning of them by it, this, of course, might be expected to be the case. In Experiment V the behavior of blood which had stood for forty hours in the cold, after being drawn, was investigated with regard to a mixture of the solutions of NaCl and NH,Cl employed in the pre- vious experiments, in the proportion of one volume of the NH,Cl solution to nine volumes of the NaCl solution. In spite of the fact that the conductivity of the NH,Cl— NaCl mixture is greater than that of the NaCl solution, the conductivity of the blood, after the addition of the mixture, is less than that of the blood to which the NaCl solution has been added. The reason, no doubt, is that NH,Cl has penetrated the corpuscles. Of course the conductivity of the blood to which the ordinary NH,Cl solution has been added, is smaller still in comparison with that of the NaCl blood, since the whole of the dissolved substance added to it is capable of entering the cor- puscles, while in the mixture only about one-tenth of the dissolved substance added, at most, can do so. In Experiment VI, perfectly fresh blood was treated with the ordi- nary NH,Cl and NaCl solutions, mixtures of the NH,Cl and NaCl solutions, and solutions of NaCl to which, instead of NH,Cl solution, the corresponding volume of water had been added. In all cases there is evidence that some of the NH,Cl penetrates the corpuscles. Since, however, the conductivity of the blood after the addition of NH,Cl — NaCl mixture is always markedly greater than after the addition of the corresponding NaCl — water mixture, it would appear 1 STEWART: Journal of physiology, 1901, xxvi, p. 476. 124 G. N. Stewart. that the whole of the NH,Cl added to the serum never penetrates the corpuscles, or at least does not become bound there in such a form as to prevent it from taking part in the conduction of the current. It seems not improbable that the presence of NaCl in the serum hin- ders, to some extent, the penetration of the corpuscles by NH,Cl, or, in other words, exerts a protective influence on the corpuscles, but further observations, including investigation of the sera separated from the mixtures, would be necessary to determine this point. In Experiment VII, the conductivity of perfectly fresh blood to which quantities of NH,Cl, ranging from about I gm. per 100 c.c. of blood to about 0.02 gm. per 100 C.c. of blood were added in watery solution, was compared with that of the blood to which approximately equal quantities of NaCl were added. It was supposed that if the NH,Cl penetrates in virtue of some toxic power, there should be some abrupt change in the curve of conduc- tivity at the point where, with increas- ing concentration of the NH,Cl, this power first becomes manifest. As is seen in Figure I, in which the conduc- tivities plotted from the results of this experiment are laid off along the verti- cal, and the number of c.c. of NH,Cl and NaCl solution added to 15 c.c. of blood along the horizontal axis, no such effect can be observed. A further argument in favor of the view that this is not the ex- planation of the permeability of the corpuscles for NH,Cl is found in the observation that this salt, when added in substance to blood, does not produce laking, even when the blood is saturated with it. The laking action of watery solutions of NH,Cl appears, therefore, to be essentially the same as water-laking. FIGURE I. Effect of amyl alcohol on sublimate-fixed corpuscles. — When dog’s corpuscles which have been fixed by Hayem’s solution, and thoroughly washed, are suspended in water and treated with amyl alcohol, the blood-pigment after a time is entirely liberated and goes into solu- tion in the water. Mercury is liberated at the same time, and may be detected in the solution of haemoglobin. Ammonium sulphide throws down a reddish flocculent precipitate insoluble in water, and Behavior of Nucleated Colored Blood-Corpuscles. 125 evidently containing all the blood-pigment. On washing this pre- cipitate thoroughly with water, although all the pigment is still present, no mercury can be demonstrated in it. Laking by amyl alcohol does not succeed, if the sublimate-hardened corpuscles have been treated with 0.9 per cent NaCl solution for some time before the addition of the amy] alcohol. SUMMARY OF RESULTS. Section I. 1. Nucleated blood corpuscles, like non-nucleated, exer- cise a marked preference for NH,Cl as compared with NaCl. This is the case even when the blood has been treated with formaldehyde, although the difference is less, especially when the conductivity is measured immediately after mixture. When the mixtures of for- maldehyde blood with NH,Cl and NaCl are allowed to stand, the difference increases continually with the time. Even when the substances were added to blood on which formaldehyde had already acted for twelve days, the difference was very distinct, when the measurements of conductivity were made fifteen hours after mixture. The hardening action of the formaldehyde, accordingly, appears to render the penetration of the NH,Cl into the corpuscles slower, or their power of binding it less, although it does not abolish their characteristic property of taking up NH,Cl in preference to NaCl. The preference is equally marked in stale and in fresh blood. In bird’s blood, therefore, as in mammalian blood, the preference does not depend on the life of the corpuscles. 2. Saponin produces a notable increase in the conductivity of fowl’s blood, as it does in the conductivity of dog’s blood. An equal, or even a somewhat greater, increase is produced in both kinds of blood, when saponin is added after the blood has been hardened by formaldehyde. This shows that the increase of conductivity is not dependent on, or associated with, the escape of the hemoglobin from the corpuscles, since in the formaldehyde blood the hemoglobin is fixed and the saponin does not cause laking. As in the case of mam- malian blood, the increase of conductivity is due to an increase inthe . permeability of the corpuscles to electrolytes. 3. The conductivity of fowl’s blood is diminished by dilution with water to a much smaller extent than would be the case if serum or a solution of electrolytes were correspondingly diluted. This is due to the participation of the electrolytes of the corpuscles 126 _G. N. Stewart. in the conduction of the current after the addition of water. The relative increase of conductivity is quite as well marked in formal- dehyde-hardened as in fresh blood. Here, too, there is evidence that the electrolytes of the corpuscles participate in the conduction. 4. Heat-laking of fowl’s blood is caused at about the same tem- perature as that of mammalian blood. The nuclei are not destroyed. The conductivity of fowl’s blood may be markedly diminished by heat-laking, unlike that of mammalian blood. The action of sapo- nin on the ghosts of heat-laked fowl’s blood causes a marked increase of conductivity, and the action of water a marked relative increase of conductivity, just as in the case of mammalian blood. Section II, 1. The nucleated colored corpuscles of the blood of the mammalian embryo behave in the same way as the non-nucleated corpuscles of the adult, to most of the laking agents investigated (sapotoxin, sodium taurocholate, amyl alcohol, water, foreign serum). On being heated to 63° —65° C., they lake like the adult corpuscles, but, unlike them, leave few ghosts behind. Their nuclei also seem to be broken up by heat-laking, unlike those of bird’s corpuscles. 2. All the hemoglobin-containing elements of the red bone mar- row of a young mammal were found to behave in the same way as the adult mammalian colored blood corpuscles to the agents investi- gated (sapotoxin, water, solution of NH,Cl). The same was true of the colored corpuscles of the blood of a case of pernicious anemia to sapotoxin, NH,Cl solution, urea solution, and heat. Section III. 1. Intraglobular crystallization of the hemoglobin of Necturus blood is very readily obtained by the action of various hemolytic agents. The observations on this point show that the hemoglobin cannot exist in the corpuscles in ordinary aqueous solution. 2. The various laking agents do not cause similar changes in the shape and size of the corpuscles and their nuclei. | 3. Necturus corpuscles hardened by Hayem’s solution are laked by H,S without swelling of the nucleus. Ammonia causes great swelling of the nucleus. 4. By treating Necturus corpuscles hardened by Hayem’s solution successively with H,S, NH,, and Loffler’s methylene blue, and in other ways, an apparent envelope can be demonstrated. 5. Necturus corpuscles fixed by formaldehyde swell under the influence of NH, and heat, while the nuclei retain their original size. Behavior of Nucleated Colored Blood-Corpuscles. 127 The same is true of corpuscles fixed by osmic acid. These facts indicate the existence of differences in the nature and point of attack of the fixation by different hardening agents. Section IV. The permeability of the colored corpuscles for NH,Cl does not depend on a toxic effect of the salt on the corpuscle. EXPERIMENT I. Effect of water on defibrinated blood, and a sediment of defibrinated blood rich in corpuscles. The blood was obtained from fowls by inserting a cannula into the carotid or jugular. The blood was stirred for a long time (as much as thirty minutes) in order to make sure that it would not clot. } oo ie ee ost Oreo Azcl aa ‘ lw os | meee |% oF Defibrinated blood. r} eet Sediment. Pm fecda= Oe = | | ¢Otrat ane gE° | age oA | Mxsa | Hen’s defibrinated blood | 48.28 Sediment from cock’s de- | fibrinated blood (after + 1 vol. water leecdeodll L216 centrifugalization ) 17.25 | + 1 vol. water (not + 3 vols. water (cor- laked) LOM] |) = 169 puscles only par- tially decolorized) 17.84 | 2.70 + 3 vols. water (laked) | 10.42) 1.65 +7 vols. water 112.43} 3.88 + 7 vols. water 7.84 | 2.20 Sediment of the defibri- | serum (from clot) 91.67 nated blood | oO:oL After settling a longer | time | 22.63 Serum (from clot) 102.35 1 As in all the tables, X is an abbreviation for A (5°) & 10%, the conductivity (at 5° C.) being expressed in reciprocal ohms X 10°. 128 G. NV. Stewart. EXPERI April 138, 1901. At 1.50 P.M. obtained the blood of four fowls by decapitation and defibrinated it. At 2.52 p.m added to 50 c.c. of the defibrinated blood 15 c.c. of an 8 per cent solution of formaldehyde in NaCl solution. Call the mixture A. On April 14 at 11.40 A. M. added to another quantity of the defibrinated blood one-fifth its volume of the Defibrinated blood. Time. Formaldehyde blood. A.. A Defibrinated blood 46.43|| 4.09p.m.| A (already brownish) | 55.70 dato SS eae 56.58 3.05 “ .| Defib. blood + NH,Cl.! T2200 | IAS INES CI: r 7.244 “ jane 88.02 313 « Not laked, but a little Afterstanding 13 hrs. | 74.34 darkened 57.35 Top 99.80 348 “ Sie 56.33|| 7.36 “ | A+ NaCl. 7.383 “ Hoes 91.52 3.06 “« Defib. blood + NaCl | Afterstanding13 hrs. | 91.85 | Top | 116.82 Gil eae eel otc 85.93}| 6.573 “ | A + Saponin. 7.11 “ | Not laked nor dark- 3.07% “ Defib. blood + saponin.! ened | 68.33 After standing 14hrs. | 68.14 215 Be Distinctly darker. Bottom 64.52 7.56 “ | A-+ as much of NaCl 3.20 “ | Quite dark, but not per- sol. used in making fectly laked. saponin sol. as was 3.28 ‘ | Fairly well laked 54.99 added of the sapo- nin solution 59.09 4.01 “ | Completely laked 59.93 After 38 hrs. Top | 93.54 6.554 “ | A -+ water. | tees Defib. blood + water.t 7.04 “ Not laked nor dark- ened 29.00 3.39 « Not completely laked 21.99 After standing 143 h. | 28.97 | : Top 33.75 | A of defibr. blood _, u April 14 dof diluted blood ~~" 10.02 a.m. A 57.88 Serum fr’m A (free fr’m | | Percentage of serum in e blood-pigment) 94.24 defeated blood, | 10.37“ | A + NH,Cl. 63.3. 10:40)“ 89.26 After standing 20} h. Not laked at all 81.31 Top (free from blood- pigment, but some- what turbid) 105.19 10:45 “ | A-+ NaCl. After standing 20} h. | 91.85 Top (free from blood- —_—__—_ —— pigment, not turbid) | 119.02 Fal &¢ a ; 1 As inall the experiments, “+ NH,Cl,” aac a | 67.24 “+ NaCl,” without further comment, may : After standing 20} h., | be interpreted as meaning that to the __ no laking 67.78 blood its own volume of the solution of Top | 95.30 : wae hi Bottom (separated by NH,Cl or NaCl was added. “+ saponin centrifuge. Very means that 0.4 c.c. of the saponin solu- || sticky and thick) | 28.58 tion was added to 5 c.c. of the blood. ||11.20 “ | A + water. | a “ / 2 + water” means that toa given volume | 11.24 After standing 20% hrs of blood two volumes of distilled water ; a raking: a 29.72 were added. Top 35.01 “ - Behavior of Nucleated Colored Blood-Corpuscles. 129 MENT II. 8 per cent formaldehyde solution. Call this mixture B. For the NH,Cl and NaCl solu- tion, whose effect on the blood was compared, A = respectively 142.41 and 139.30; for the NaCl solution used in making the formaldehyde solution, AX = 13930; for the saponin solution, A = 83.94; for the NaCl solution used in making saponin solution, \ = 78.97. Time. | Formaldehyde blood. B. | | Time. | Defibrinated blood. | = April 14 | April 14 | 10.22 A.M. | Defibrinated blood | 45.51 || 11.49 a.m. | B 53.26 | Serum from defib. blood | 93.54 | 12.15 p.m. | B-+ NH,Cl. 12.15 P.M. | Defib. blood + NH,Cl. ||12.24 “ Considerably dark- ened and seems par- | 12.24 * Little, if at all dark- | tially laked. ened. After standing 223} h. | 71.01 After standing 223h.! | 58.41 /|12.17 “ | B+ NaCl. 12.17 “ | Defib. blood + NaCl. | After standing 224-h | 87.41 12.19 ‘* | B + saponin. After standing 224 h. | 83.39 12.19 “ | Defib. blood + saponin. 12.25 “ | Somewhat darkened but not laked. 12.25 “ | Quite dark and par- | After standing 24 hrs. | 62.44 tially laked. Very thick, so that After standing 2+hrs. | 69.64 some air-bubbles | 12.21 “ | Defib. blood + water. got into U-tube, and this Ais too low. | 17.25°- “6 Partially laked. 12.01 “ | B+ water. After standing 25 hrs. | 20.71 12.25 “ | Darkened but not laked. | After standing 25 hrs. | 26.30 12 p.M.| Serum from B 95.30 Biel 0) es lle; 53.37 3.344 “ | B+ NH,CI. cy Me AS | 88.02 After standing 20 hrs. | 79.22 3.42 “ | B+ NaCl. 3.444 *° | 89.89 After standing 20 hrs. | 91.20 3.51 “ | B+ saponin. ios) mn aS an mn Lo) iS After standing 20 hrs. | 67.96 4.00 “ B + same amount of s NaCl sol. used in making saponin sol. as was added of saponin solution 54.05 After standing 20 hrs. | 56.46 4.07 “ | B + water. 1 Unless otherwise mentioned, the blood-mixtures were kept, for all periods exceeding a few hours, in a cold room whose temperature varied from 5° C. or less to about 8° C. 120 G. N. Stewart. EXPERIMENT III. April 19, 1901. Fowl’s blood obtained by decapitation at 2.30 p. M., and defibrinated. At 7.20 p. M. added to 50 c.c. of the blood 25 c.c. of a 4 per cent formaldehyde solution in NaCl solution. Call the mixture A. For the NH,C! solution A = 142.41; for the NaCl solution A = 139.30. For the saponin solution A = 137.03; for the formaldehyde solution A = 112.17. Time. Defibrinated blood. r Formaldehyde blood. A. April 19 7.43 p.M.| Defibrinated blood April 20 2.23 p. M. | Serum from defib. blood | 2.12 p.M.| Serum from A (only the (only very faint trace faintest trace of of Hb in it) blood-pigment in it April 21 April 21 8.55 A.M. | Defibrinated blood | §.42A.M.| A 9.04 4 c.c. defib. blood + 4 c.c. 9.04 “ |6 cc. of A + 4 ce. NH,Cl. NH,€1 Not laked but darker 9:55 one than defib. blood + NaCl No laking After standing 26 Snoc hours more After standing 21] hrs. To 4 cc. of the mixture longer of defib. blood and Top NH,Cl added 1 c.c. || 9.08 a.M.| 6c.c. of A+ 4c.c. NaCl of the formaldehyde solution. This mixture After standing 24 hrs. | 65.84}/ 11. S08 4 c.c. defibrinated blood After standing 23 hrs. + 4¢.¢, NaCl. longer : Top .|6 cc. of A + 04 c.c. of saponin solution. After standing 27 hours more To 4 c.c. of the mixture Saae of defib. blood and After standing 24 hrs. NaCl added 1 c.c. longer of the formaldehyde Top solution. 3 ‘ |6cc. of A + 04 c.c. of This mixture 93.5 the NaCl solution After standing 24 hrs. | 87. used in making the 4 c.c. defibrinated blood saponin solution. + 0.4 ¢.c. saponin. Rc Well laked. | After standing 26 hrs. longer. 69.26 Top 16 cc. of A+ 8 cc. of 69.26 | water. Behavior of Nucleated Colored Blood-Corpuscles. Time. EXPERIMENT Defibrinated blood. 10.39 A.M. EB.O: 12.10 P. M. 12.25...“ Z.34 “ ie Ny At 9.13. A.M. 10.57. “ 2.17 P.M. 2.46 “ec 4 c.c. defib. blood + 0.4 c.c. of the NaCl so- lution used in mak- ing the saponin solution. 4 c.c. defib. blood + 0.4 c.c. saponin. To 4.4 c.c. of the mix- ture of defib. blood and saponin solu- tion added 2 c.c. of the solution. This mixture 4 cc. defib. blood + 8 | c.c. water. After standing 28 hrs. Top To 6c.c. of the mixture of defib. blood and water added 1 c.c. | of the formaldehyde solution. This mixture After standing 24 hrs. Top formaldehyde 56.46 68.33 I1L1.— (continued ). Time. |Formaldehyde blood. A.| 10.48 “ Spa After standing 26 hrs. longer | Top Mayl | 3.35 P.M.| A S05. | 6c.c. of A + 0.4 c.c. of saponin solution. £005 TO 405 “ |6c.c. of A+ 0.4 c.c. of the NaCl solution used in making the saponin solution. 410 “ 96 fe 4.22 “ |2 cc. of A +133 ce. NH,CE: After standing 15 hrs. Ae 1 2°C.c. 108 JAY -- 1.33),6.6)| NaCl. After standing 15 hrs. 131 132 G. N. Stewart. EXPERIMENT IV. April 22, 1901. Heat-laked fowl’s blood. The blood was the same as that used in Experiment III. The solutions of NH,Cl, NaCl, and saponin were also the same. Time. Heat-laked fowl’s blood. 6.24 P. M. Defibrinated fowl’s blood . 6.00 Heated some of the blood for fifteen minutes to 60° to 64° C. Becomes dark and laked. Is thicker than laked dog’s blood. The heat-laked blood Heat-laked blood + NH,Cl. "After standing 14 hours . Heat-laked blood + NaCl. "After standing 14 hours Heat-laked blood + saponin. Heat-laked blood + water. Heated another specimen of the blood to 60° C. It darkens and lakes, but less readily than at 64°. It is also thick. It begins to darken a little above 50°. This specimen of heat-laked blood . Behavior of Nucleated Colored Blood-Corpuscles. 133 EXPERIMENT V. Defibrinated blood obtained from a bitch forty hours before, and kept in cold. The defibrinated blood NH,CI solution . NaCl solution. NH,Cl-NaCl mixture (containing 1 vol. of EE solution to 9 vols. of NaC] solution. é To 5 c.c. blood added 5 c.c. of the NH,Cl—-NaCl mixture. Is not noticeably darkened or ake After standing 22 hours longer . To 5 c.c. blood added 5 c.c. of the NaCl solution. "After standing 22 hours longer ; To 5 c.c. blood added 5 c.c. of the aateely solution. " Now much darkened : . After standing 22 hours longer : Fresh defibrinated blood obtained from a dog one hour before the beginning of the experiment. Time. G. N. Stewart. EXPERIMENT VI. The defibrinated blood NH,CI solution . NaCl solution. NH,Cl-NaCl mixture containing 1 volume of the NH,Cl solution to 9 volumes of the NaCl solution (Mixture A) NH,Cl-NaC] mixture containing equal volumes of Bie and NaC] solutions (Mixture B) neers : A mixture containing 9 volumes of the NaCl solution to 1 volume of water (Mixture A’) : A mixture containing equal volumes of the NaCl solution and of water (Mixture b’) . To 10 c.c. of blood added 10 c.c. of Mixture B. Slightly darkened After 24 hours a little Hb i in colution: in serum To 10 c.c. blood added 10 c.c. of Mixture B’. After 24 hours serura distinctly red, although not nearly so much Hb in it as in the serum of the blood to which its own volume of the NH,Cl solution was added To 10 c.c. blood added 10 c.c. of the NH,Cl solution. Darkened and laked in a few minutes a Le After 24 hours. To 10 c.c. blood added 10 c.c. of Mixture A. After 24+ hours serum not red To 10 cc. blood added 10 c.c. of Mixture A’. Not at all darkened . : After 24 hours no Hb in serum . To 10 c.c. blood added 10 c.c. of the NaCl solution. After 24 hours no Hb in the serum 20.63 136.29 130.67 131.35 13135 118.46 67.96 57.88 57.61 61.38 63.06 66.36 67.78 Behavior of Nucleated Colored Blood-Corpuscles. 135 EXPERIMENT VII. Defibrinated blood obtained from a dog forty-two minutes before the beginning of the For the fresh defibrinated blood, AX = 30.47; thirty hours later, 29.82, and For the serum obtained from clot, A = 98.97. For the NH,Cl solution, A = 136.29 observations. fifty-three hours after it was drawn, 30.32. Percentage of serum in defibrinated blood, 55.4. for the NaCl solution, \ = 130.67. Interval between Interval between 2 C.c. of mixture and mixture and Quantity NaCl or | measurement of aS of measurement of US of of blood NH,Cl | dof NH,Cl1 mixt. NH,Cl A of NaCl mixt. NaCl in C.c. solution added. = 2 Hrs. Min. Hrs. Min. mixture, mixture. 136 G. N. Stewart. EXPLANATION OF FIGURES.! Fics. 1 to 28 were drawn with Leitz Oc. 1V, Obj. Pantachromatic 3 mm. Tube not drawn out. All except 1-4 were drawn in outline with the camera lucida. For 5-19 the paper was at the level of the stage; for 20-28 at the level of the foot of the micro- scope. In reproduction 5-28 are reduced to about }; 1-4 to 3. 1. Intraglobular crystallization produced by a watery solution of methylene blue. - 2. Hzmoglobin crystals formed outside the corpuscles after addition of a 2 per cent sapotoxin solution in 0.9 per cent NaCl solution. 3. A water-laked corpuscle stained with methylene blue, showing fine radial striz extending out from the nucleus. 4. Intraglobular crystallization produced by 2 per cent solution of taurocholate of sodium in 0.9 per cent NaCl solution. ‘The envelope of the corpuscle has apparently disappeared between the hemoglobin crystals, but dark streaks due to the wrinkling of the envelope are seen over the crystals, either because the wrinkled envelope still persists in this situation, or because the wrinkling present during the formation of the crystals caused them to become correspondingly grooved. 5. A corpuscle fixed by Hayem’s solution, then thoroughly washed with water, then heated in suspension in water to 65° C., then treated with H,S, then with NHs, and then with Loffler’s methylene blue. 6. A corpuscle treated in the same way as in 5. It shows nuclear membrane and also envelope of the corpuscle. 7. A corpuscle subjected to the same treatment, showing envelope of corpuscle and a gap from which the nucleus has escaped. 8. A corpuscle, treated in the same way, showing rupture of the envelope by swell- ing of the nucleus. 9. A corpuscle, treated in the same way, showing the envelope partly detached. 10. A corpuscle fixed by Hayem’s solution, washed, treated with H.S, then NHsg, then Loffler’s methylene blue. It shows a bulging as if the envelope was tacked at one point to the nucleus. 11. A corpuscle fixed by Hayem’s solution, washed, then treated with HS, NU, and Loftler’s methylene blue, and then with 2 per cent solution of sodium taurocholate in 0.9 per cent NaCl solution, and then again with NH;. The nucleus fills the whole swollen corpuscle, and therefore is faintly stained. At one side the nuclear membrane and the envelope of the corpuscle seem to be detached, the former being the more deeply stained. 12. A Hayem-fixed corpuscle washed with water and then treated with NHg. It shows great swelling of the nucleus and opening out of the meshes of the intranuclear network. The corpuscle preserves its elongated shape, and the nucleus does not encroach on the poles. 13. A corpuscle treated in the same way as in 12. It is more globular than the one shown in 12; the intranuclear network is more strongly marked, and nearly the whole corpuscle, including the poles, is occupied by the nucleus. 14. A washed Hayem-fixed corpuscle treated with NH, and then with Léffler’s methylene blue. The latter caused the swollen nucleus to shrink. At one side the envelope seems to be tacked down to the nucleus. -" ' : j } } Hy ‘ 1 am indebted to my pupil Mr. Samuel S. Berger for drawing Figs. 1 to 4. ‘oo == es Behavior of Nucleated Colored Blood-Corpuscles. 137 * 138 G. NV. Stewart. EXPLANATION OF FIGURES — (continued). 15. A very small body with the characters of a colored corpuscle, left after spon- taneous laking. Stained with Léffler’s methylene blue. The envelope seems to be ruptured at one side, and the nucleus has escaped. 16. A small corpuscle after spontaneous laking, stained with Loffler’s methylene blue. What seems to be its nucleus lies beside it. 17. Fresh blood-corpuscle suspended in 0.9 per cent NaCl solution and heated to 60° C. Then treated with methylene blue in 0.9 per cent NaCl solution, and then with 2 per cent solution of sapotoxin in 0.9 per cent NaCl solution. A gap is seen near one end, which is bounded by the envelope. 18. A portion of a corpuscle fixed by osmic acid, washed with water, then treated with NHg, then heated and then treated with Loffler’s methylene blue. Where the corpuscle is fractured the nuclear membrane seems to protrude. It is stained a deep blue. 19. Fresh corpuscle suspended in 0.9 per cent NaCl solution, treated with L6ffler’s methylene blue. Intraglobular crystallization of the hemoglobin has taken place. At two points on opposite sides of the nucleus there is no hemoglobin, the pigment having apparently been dissolved out before it could crystallize. Here what appears to be the stroma is seen bounded by the envelope. 20. Fresh corpuscle treated with the sodium taurocholate in salt solution. The haemoglobin is still retained in the greater part of the corpuscle. 21. A fresh corpuscle treated as in 20. The corpuscle is twisted at both poles, where the outline of the envelope can be traced, forming a loop. 22. A fresh corpuscle treated in the same way. The hemoglobin remains in the whole corpuscle except at the poles. 23. A washed Hayem-fixed corpuscle treated with (NH,),S. (NHg has the same effect.) The nucleus has swollen enormously and apparently burst through one side of the corpuscle, which has assumed the form of a hat. 24. A corpuscle treated as in 23. The nucleus has burst through both sides of the corpuscle, though the greater part of it protrudes through one side. 25. A corpuscle treated as in 23, seen on the flat. The swelling of the nucleus seems to have caused fissures in the corpuscle. ‘The same thing is seen when NHsg is used instead of (NH,4).S. The envelope of the corpuscle is not usually visible across the fissures, perhaps because it is dissolved by the N Hs. 26. Fresh corpuscle stained with a solution of methylene blue in 0.9 per cent NaCl solution, then treated with Na taurocholate. The haemoglobin is completely dis- charged. The ghost is twisted at both poles. The nucleus is not excessively swollen and is therefore pretty deeply stained. 27. A fresh corpuscle treated as in 26. The nucleus is more swollen than in 26 and more faintly stained. 28. Fresh corpuscle treated in same way. ‘he nucleus fills the whole corpuscle except at the poles, each of which is occupied by a hemoglobin crystal. Soe EFFECT OF DIMINISHED EXCRETION OF SODIUM CHLORIDE ON THE CONSTITUENTS OF THE URINE. By R. A. HATCHER ann TORALD SOLLMANN. [From the Pharmacological Laboratory of Medical Department of Western Reserve Uni- versity, Cleveland, Ohio. | CONTENTS. Page MEmBETILL GG UCLONY Mag 8 arate NPs rea crete SoMa, | cfg) ao anh Be eee tr 139 MGIC ALT HISLONICS. 2 a0 oh. i lertacl os: yd no he a) ote ces) wer ee oe wn wee LS MEMEECLHOUS OMANALYSIS | coc Ua! soc cst es ee es Sy ee ee ce os ee, AO umlealculationGe resultS “7-4 § 2 3 6 © 8 ee ol a Te ee ew ts Se FS 4 TRESS i O. Bie Aer er ee ae aera ES er ae es fh ee] (| SII SESSION OLMESULES I ee) we, esc ac Ore, SN ee le Bee, te os 45 Ci poNGix Lables andjcurves, (oe 5 2.5 8 sew ee Ss Oe wt ee 4G I. INTRODUCTORY. re is well known that the chloride content of the urine is notably diminished in febrile diseases. This alteration in the composition of the urine should be accompanied by changes in the composition of the other urinary constituents, if the physical theories of urine formation hold true. These changes, if they occur, would probably throw some light upon the mechanism of chloride-retention. A minute study of the composition of chloride-free urines seemed there- fore desirable. These considerations led us to undertake the research recorded in this paper. The courtesy of Dr. L. W. Ladd enabled us to work on two cases of typhoid fever at Lakeside Hospital, Cleveland. The urines of these patients were almost devoid of chlorides, and were therefore well adapted to our purpose. The main results agree so well in both cases, that we may consider them as typical. II. ABSTRACT OF THE CLINICAL HISTORIES OF THE CASES. Frank Nachtigall, Med. No. 1937. Admitted July 5. rgor, with diagnosis of typhoid fever. Widal test is positive. Temperature 105° F. A milk diet is begun on July 6. The patient is sponged with water of go° F. whenever the fever rises above 102° F. Small doses of strychnine are 139 140 R. A. Hatcher and Torald Sollmann. also prescribed. The urine contains a faint trace of albumin. On July 12 the diarrhcea has ceased. ‘The temperature varies between 102° and 104°. On July 17 the temperature has fallen considerably, and on July 25 it has returned to normal. ‘The patient is discharged as well on Aug. 9. James Boles, Med. No. 2099. Age 29. Admitted Aug. 19, 1901, with diagnosis of typhoid fever, the onset of the disease being given as Aug. 12. The Widal test is positive on Aug. 20. Milk diet was begun on Aug. 19, also sponging and strychnine. Tub baths are begun on Aug. 20. The temperature to Aug. 25 ranges between 102° and 104° F. On Aug. 29 the fever begins to fall, and continues to fall until Sept. 3, when it rises again, and reaches 103° F. It remains about this until Sept. ro. From this date until the 2oth it varies between 98.5° and ror.5°. On Sept. 23 it is practically normal. On Sept. 6 a « femoral phlebitis set in which subsided on Sept. 19. On Oct. 4 the patient suffered a relapse. He was discharged as well on Oct. 30. III. MrtTHops oF ANALYSIS. The urines were co/lected from 7 A.M: to 7 A.M. in glass-stoppered 2-litre bottles, which were brought to the laboratory at 10 A.M. In the first case (Nachtigall) the gwantity was measured at the hospital. As we found reason to doubt the accuracy of these measurements, we directed in the second case (Boles) that the level of the urine be marked ona slip of paper gummed to the side of the bottle. The urine quantity could in this way be measured by ourselves. The Sreesing-points were determined by the Beckmann apparatus, the mean of three observations being taken. All the other determinations were made in duplicate. The ch/orides were estimated in 10 c.c. of urine by Salkowski’s modification of Mohr’s method. The phosphates were determined volumetrically with uranium, in 50 c.c. of urine, using cochineal as indicator. The total sw/phates were estimated gravimetrically, by boiling 50 c.c. of urine for five minutes with 10 c.c. of HCl, and precipitating with barium chloride. The éota/ nitrogen was determined by the Kjeldahl method, using 4 c.c. of urine. For the éota/ solids, 10 c.c. of urine were evaporated and dried at 110° C. for forty-eight hours. The residue was incinerated for ash. The difference was calculated as organic residue. There is reason to suppose that there was considerable loss of ammonia during the drying and incineration. Indeed, it sometimes happened that the nitrogen was greater than the organic matter, and the sodium chloride Sodium Chloride and the Constituents of the Urine. 141 greater than the ash. We therefore place but very little value on the data of solids, ash, and organic matter. The analyses and calculations were made almost exclusively by R. A. Hatcher. IV... CALRGULATION OF THE RESULTS. The salts were calculated as NaCl, Na,SO, and P,O,. Ct =the fofal concentration, was obtained by dividing the depression of the freezing point by 1.89. Cu =the concentration of urea, was computed by calculating the nitrogen ' (grams per litre) as urea (multiplying by 2.14) and dividing by the molecular weight of urea (60). Cel = the concentration of the chlorides, was similarly computed by dividing the grams of NaCl per litre by the molecular weight and multiplying with (1+a). a, the degree of dissociation, was deduced from the weight of the ash. The concentration of the sulphates was calculated by an analogous formula. A X ec. and C X cc, the daily molecules, were obtained by multiplying A or Ct by the daily quantity of urine, expressed in c.c. 8 = the metabolic molecules, (Claude and Balthazard) are computed by multi- plying the NaCl per cent by 0.61 and subtracting the product from A. The factor represents the depression of freezing-point due to the non- chloride molecules, on the assumption that the dissociation of the chlorides is that of a 1 per cent NaCl solution. A : ; A ~~,» represents the ratio of total molecules to chloride molecules ; —, that of NaCl % ) total molecules to ‘ metabolic ” molecules. V.. RESUETS. We will present our results in condensed form. These may be controlled by the table of averages (Table 1), and more exactly by the detailed tables, and by the curves from the case of Boles given in the appendix. The principle changes in the urine are to be seen in its quantity, and in the sodium chloride, total molecules, and ae , or a /9 corresponding factors. The variations are smaller in the case of nitrogen, and least with SO, and P,O,. It could also be seen that with the nitrogen the daily variations are less than the variations in 142 R. A. Hatcher and Torald Sollmann. percentage, whereas with SO, and P,O, the percentage was the more constant. As was to be expected, the changes in composition are not rigorously uniform under similar conditions. They exist rather as tendencies which may be obscured on individual days. Whilst they may be recognized by a careful study of the daily figures, they are seen more strikingly in averages of typical days, the accidental variations being in this manner largely neutralized. These averages are presented in the table shown on pages 143-4. I. Salt starvation. — (Period of pure milk regime.) —This lessens in the first place the quantity of chlorides, and raises the factor A se Dad Nac] Yo'Y greatly —to 72.3. The quantity of the urine is less than during the period of convalescence; A is also somewhat lower: The daily molecules are therefore somewhat diminished. The daily output of nitrogen is lessened, but its percentage is increased. This increased concentration of nitrogen causes the A to be near to nor- mal, notwithstanding the low concentration in salts. The factor 5 is of course abnormally low. The other urinary salts, SO, and P,O;, are slightly lessened in concentration, and particularly in daily quantity. The composition of the urine under the influence of salt withdrawal, or retention, appears to be regulated mainly by three factors: — viz. 1. A tendency to maintain A near 1.0 to 1.5. 2. A tendency to maintain the normal chloride content of the body. 3. A tendency to excrete a definite amount of nitrogen. 2. Salt administration. — This causes in general the reverse changes to salt withdrawal. The sodium chloride rises greatly, and may reach 16.9 per litre, or 25.6 gm. per day. ie NaCl minimum of 1.25. The quantity of urine is increased, and its concen- tration rises considerably ; the daily molecules therefore show a great increase. The concentration in nitrogen is diminished; but this diminution is slight, and in the case of Boles the percentage is even increased a trifle. The daily excretion of nitrogen is considerably in- creased — the maximum increase being from 10.5 to 15.2 (Nachtigall), and from 12.6 to 17.8 (Boles); the average increase is from 10.46 to is greatly depressed, to a 13.67 (N.), and from 12.6 to 14.47 (B.). is of course considerably A oy Sodium Chloride and the Constituents of the Urine. TABEE I. AVERAGES OF PERIODS. The first figures represent the averages, those in parentheses the extremes. PERIOD OF CONVALESCENCE Bee ee! July 27, 28, and 29. (Sorr DIET). Boles, Pee 4 to 21. Per aay. 14 838 (591-1124) 1280 (900-1980) 1179.86 (887.3-1596.1) 1241.3 (876.6-1597.4) 5.91 (3.65-9.50) 3.0 (2.47-3.60)! 2.14 (1.84-2.59)} 4 J SALT STARVATION. Boles, Aug. 22 to 23 Per day. Per litre. ¥ Quantity } a K (N. 1.324 (0.976-1.787) te. 1.043 (0.711-1.488) DGG C. } AE A (N. 1.31 (1.11-1.61) 5 ) B. 1.41 (1.27-1.70) $ iN, 44 (3.0-6.1) NaCl ) B. 4.76 (3.2-8.3) (N. 2.32 (1.41-3 36) NagsO, 4p. 2.65 (2.56-2.74)! a, (N. 1.75 (1.07-3.13) 205 ) B. 1.91 (1.75-2.05)! N { N. 11.41 (6.87-18.16) : ) B. 8.72 (4.69-11.55) A (N. 4.03 (2.53-5.96) NaCl ) B. 2.43 (1 69-2.89) : PERIOD OF Nachtigall, July 11 to 19. Per litre. Quantity at rm § N. 1.163 (0.859-1.446) ) B. 0.994 (0.991-0.997) ASC cc A {.N. 1.02 (1.00-1.04) 5 iB: 1.045 (1.03-1.06) = {N. 0.5. (0.2-1.0) NaCl 1B. 0.77 (0.55-0.9) i N. 2.51 (2.10-2.97) NaSO4 4p. 2.19 (2.18-2.21) Ee. jN. 1.95 (1.20-3.00) a5 eB: 1.28 (1.06-1.51) 1; jN. 12.63 (9.48-16.10) yek . B. 12.12 (12.07-12.18) A )N. 32.15 (14.24-72.3) NaCl 1B. 14.56 (11.01-18.12) 972 (650-1597) 802 (680-925) 0.49 (0.130-0.857) 0.56 (0.51-0.61) W72)(L-21-2.37) 1.76 (1. 50-2. 02) 1.82 (1.07-2.65) 1.06 (0.72-1.40) 12.13 (8.52-16.92) 9.67 (8.28-11.15) 1 13, 14, and 21 only. 144 R.A. Hatcher and Torald Sollmann. TABLE I— (continued). PERIOD OF SALT ADMINISTRATION. Nachtigall, July 22 to 23. Boles, Aug. 25, 26, 27, and 30. Perlitre: Per day. 1335 (1183-1488) Quantity 1154 (960-1425) 1.955 (1.609-2.301) 1.368 (1.220-1.498) N. 18}. N. B. N. 2655.3 (1903.4-3407.3) 1342.4 (1150.6-1767.6) va, lee) eo) Za — 9 58-25.58) 3.04-10.26) 1.80-2.44) 2.49-5.92)! 3.03-4.26) 1.08-2 69) 12.13-15 22) 12.63-17.81) NaCl Ze NagSO, —_ Ze DAH YHDNYDOUWD "4 Za ied We NON WN WAN FE — onl mm ca 5 l S l j l ) l ) l j l j } ) l 1 25, 26, and 30 only. increased (toa maximum of 1.94). SO, and P,O, are increased, both in concentration, and more especially per day. The height of all these changes is reached on the second day, the salt being given for one or two days. On the third day there is a considerable fall, and the normal is reached on the fifth or sixth day. The daily quantity of urine pursues quite uniformly a rather peculiar course: It is increased on the first day, reaches its maximum on the second, falls dc/ow normal on the third, is again high on the fourth, and continues high for some time. 3. Effects of variations in the quantity of urine. — The total con- centration, as well as that of the individual constituents, tends to be roughly inverse to the quantity of the urine. During the salt starva- tion, the main effect falls upon the urea. The daily quantity of the constituents tends to vary directly as the diuresis. 4. The concentration of the individual salts have little relation to each other. — SO, follows the urea, but the increase of SO, during the salt starvation is not as great as the increase of nitrogen. P,O; pursues its own course, being probably largely dependent upon the o> Sodium Chloride and the Constituents of the Urine. 145 food, whilst its quantity is not large’enough to be influenced by the A, as is that of urea. 5. The height of the fever appears to have but little influence upon the urine. VI. DiscussION OF RESULTS. Our results show that the disappearance of the chlorides from the urine does not lead to any very large changes in the other urinary constituents — not sufficient at least to alter the physical properties of this fluid. Nor does the administration of sodium chloride produce such changes. The bearing which these facts have upon the theory of urine secretion becomes evident when they are considered in con- nection with other data, as will be done in the next paper. We would, however, draw attention to several practical considera- tions which are suggested by our results. The first relates to diagnosis, the second to therapeutics. 1. According to the school of v. Koranyi, heart disease can be diagnosed from a high a joined with low A x c.c. Our re- sults show that the same change results, in at least an equal degree, from milk diet. Unless due value is given to this fact, a mistake in diagnosis may easily occur. 2. The addition of sodium chloride to a milk diet results in a greater excretion of urine and of metabolites. The latter are at the same time diluted. These effects seem to us desirable, especially in fevers. The retention of chlorides shows further that the body requires a certain amount of sodium chloride, which is not supplied by the insufficient quantity of this substance contained in the milk. For these reasons the addition of sodium chloride to a milk diet appears commendable. The salt may be added directly to the milk without inconvenience. It should be distributed so that about fifteen grams are taken per day. 146 hk. A. Hatcher and Torald Sollmann. VII. . AP TABLE COMPOSITION OF I. Nachtigall. Milk diet from July 6th to 26th. Grams pet litre. pate, | Qn | 26 aa ~ | AEG) wach | a5S0,!| P.O, |) oN) 7 2a eee eee July 11 650 0.2 2 305 165 | 16.10 | 22.42 3.42 | 19.00 oe les 1035 0.2 2.65 | 1.46 | 12.67 14.75 4.21 10.54 eile 887 0.3 Zoe 1.40 | 1141 16.51 4.34 Lay, Seals 1597 0.5 2.07 1:20 | 9:48 15.85 3.80 12.10 ‘ Al6 828 03 2.10 3.00 10.29 13.10 5.85 7.25 cee ald’ 769 0.8 ZOD) 2.77 11.93 17.10 6.00 11.10 — als 1153 0.7 2.97 2.30 15.54. 16.35 6.15 10.20 The patient received soft diet on the 19th, but returned to milk diet on the 20th. July 19 857 1.0 2.94 1.85 13.65 16.05 6.27 | 9.78 | Three slices of bread and one egg on 2st. Seal 1479 2.8 2.24 2.15 10.57 15.90 7.15 8.75 | 120 gms. of NaCl were given during the two days, beginning with 7 A. M. of the 21st | and ending with 7 A.M. of the 23d. | July 22 1183 8.1 2.97 | 3.60 | 12.91 28.45 14.07 | 14.38 fo BS 1488 16.9 eed 2.04 8.01 27138 20.81 | 1652 Sodium chloride stopped. | Sime 2 532 146 | 248 2.76 10.81 31.80 19:35) |) ues | « 95 | 1035 | 73 | 249 | 345 | 1323 | 2601 | 138 | 1468 Soft diet begun on 26th. | “ 2 | 1183 | 44 | 388 | 5.10 | 1781 | 2846 | 1292 | 15.54 27 | soi | 30 | 336 | 313 | 1816 | 2660 | 1040 | 16.20 28 798 3.1 1.93 1.27 10.29 13.18 | 650 | 668 B29 1124 56 | 259 1.55 10.32 17.75 9.19 | 8.56 Aug 9 | 72 | 61 | 141 | 107 | 687 | 1483 | 953 | 50 1 Not known, but high. Sodium Chloride and the Constituents of the Urine. PENDIX. il THE URINES. 147 II. Boles. Milk diet from August 19th till September 4th. Grams per litre. mae | SB a (c-c-) | Nacl. |Na,SO,.| PO; | N. | Total | ash, | Organic a solids. | | residue. Aug. 22 680 0.90 2.206 1.06 | 12.18 16.89 1.32 15.57 or. 23 925 0.55 2.182 1.51 | 12.07 15.50 1% | 1366 Cua Sodium chloride, 30 gms. in two days (24th and 25th). Os 1080 0.95 2.460 1.37 12.53 14.02 efhe, 12.23 2 1425 370 4.736 1.14 12.50 13.62 3.26 9 36 Sodium chloride discontinued. | me 26 960 4.70 2.582 1.13 13.16 Weil 4.18 13253 eee TL 1050 2.90 72 | 1:37 LOSS 3.98 1535 hilo $35 3.00 | 14.66 Sodium Ehiawde! 45 gms. on oth, eee | 740 5.50 2.938 2:39 13.72 18.48 6.65 11.83 Sodium chloride discontinued. oS atv 1180 | 8.70 2.468 1.40 | 11.37 | 19.68 9.64 10.04 ceil 825 | 4.40 2.378 1.85 | 11.86 | 18 63 | 6.13 | 12.50 Sept. 1 1410 | 1.90 8.75 | 2, 1720 | 0.92 8.29 3 1350. ||. 095 7.28 | Soft diet begun on 4th. | «4 | 1160 | 4.00 8.91 | “5 | 1980 | 480 4.69 «7G 1140 | 3.20 13 L350) |) 4210 8.98 ales 1145 | AS 8.00 | 10.59 148 R. A. Hatcher and Torald Sollmann. TABLE DAILY I. Nachtigall.! Milk diet from July 6th to 26th Grams per day. Date. Q ae ve NaCl. Na.SO, P,O;. INC July 11 650 0.130 eA: 107 10.46 pall 1035 0.206 1.90 1.51 13.11 so 887 | 0.266 1.64 124, 9.02 JS 1597 0.798 2.29 1.91 15.14 Samal 828 0.248 AL 2.48 8.52 Sie ly 769 0.615 1.36 213 se} els 1153 0.807 NEY | 2.65 16.92 The patient received soft diet on the 19th, but returned to milk diet on the 20th. July 19 857 0.857 e714: 1.58 14.70 Took three slices of toast and an egg. tO IA 1479 “ell! 2.30 3.18 15.63 From 7 A.M. of the 21st to 7 A. M. of 22d, took 120 gms. NaCl. eae 1183 9.58 2.44 4.26 | 15.22 a3} 1488 | 25a15 1.80 3.03 12.13 Sodium chloride discontinued. hot 532 7.91 0.93 1.50 5.86 ser es: 1035 (fests) 1.79 Si 13.69 Soft diet begun. “ 26 1183 5.20 3.17 6.03 | 21.97 a 21 591 iid lsy/ 1.85 | 10.74 25 798 2.47 1.06 | 1.01 8.21 29 1124 6.30 2.01 1.74 | 11.60 ! The daily quantities in the case of Nachtigall must be considered unreliable. Sodium Chloride and the Constituents of the Urine. 149 ee URINE. II. Boles, Milk diet from August 19th to September 4th. Grams per day. | Date. mies NaCl. NaySO,. P.O;. N. : a a | Aug. 22 680 0.61 HSON eh Oe | 8.28 | 93 925 0.51 2.02 | 140 | 11.16 | Sodium chloride, 30 gms. | | “r 94 1080 1.03 | BG. | 1.48 13.53 “95 1425 5.28 592 | © 1.62 17.81 Sodium chloride stopped. a 960 4.51 | “<249 1.08 12.63 ies 27 4 6| | 1080 3.04 1.81 14.04 | wes | 835 | S250 | 12.24 | Sodium chloride, 45 gms. ae. | 740 4.07 BAT 1.74 10.15 | Sodium chloride discontinued. | «30 | uso | 102 #«+'| 291 2.65 13.42 «31 | a5 | 3s ate 1.53 979 | Sep 1. | 1410 2.68 12.04 si Re ep) 1.59 14.27 72. 3 1350 1.28 9.83 Soft diet. | 4 1160 | 4.64 10.34 ares | i980, | 9:50 | 9.29 ar 1140 3.65 | 7.42 e313 1350 5.53 3.60 2.59 15.17 4 1450 | 4.65 Bos nt 2.00 10.78 pee 900 TAT 2.47 | 1.84 10.40 R.A. Hatcher and Torald Sollmann. 150 TABLE CONCENTRATION I. Nachtigall. Milk diet from July 6th to 26th. Date, | anti:|) ta acu eae July 11 650 0.7651 0.0063 0.0405 0.5750 coals 1035 | ~~ 0.5677 0.0064 | 0.0484 0.4525 ogy 887 0.5339 0.0096 0.0457 0.4075 walls 0.4545 0.0160 0.0372 0.3387 UG 828 0.5143 0.0095 0.0353 0.3675 sep di7 769 | 0.6794 0.0250 0.0427 0.4262 1S 1153 0.6556 | 0.0224 0.0543 0.5500 The patient received soft diet on the 19th, but returned to milk diet on the 20th. July 19 857 0.7534 0.0311 0.0489 0.4875 | Three slices of toast and one egg. Zi 1479 0.5910 0.0881 0.0401 0.3775 120 gms. of sodium chloride from 7 A.M. of the 21st to 7 A, M. of the 23d. 22, 1183 0.8513 0.2472 | 0.0476 | 0.4612 “93 1488 1.2174 0.5026 | 0.0387 0.2862 | Sodium chloride discontinued. | she 24 0.9624 0.4441 0.0370 | 0.3862 Se, 25 0.8794 0.2258 0.0389 | 0.4725 Soft diet begun. | | | 26 0.9688 0.1369 | 0.0627 | 0.6362 ee 0.9455 0.0933 0.0554 0.6487 28 0.5883 0.0973 0.0328 0.3675 oN aie) 0.7513 0.1733 0.0407 0.3687 Aug. 9 0.5164 0.1898 0.0233 0.2437 Sodium Chloride and the Constituents of the Urine. 151 EV; IN MOLECULES. II. Boles. Milk diet from August 19th to September 4th. | See) ee teen, (> Nese) ee | Aug. 22 680 | 0.5243 | 0.0292 | 0.0305 0.4350 P= 23 | 995 | osazs 0.0178 | 0.0301 0.4312 Sodium chloride, 30 gms. | ee 1080 0.5354 0.0310 | oo4l 0.4475 < 95 1425 0.6455 | 0.1164 0.0799 0.4462 Sodium chloride stopped. 26 960 | 0.7170 0.1513 0.0435 0.4587 Ce 1050 0.7392 0.0892 tae 0.4775 28 835 | 0.7290 0.0944 hae 0.5237 Sodium chloride, 45 gms. } © 99 740 0.8661 | 0.1692 0.0471 0.4900 Sodium chloride tonact 80 1180 0.7926 0.2697 0.0396 0.4062 “31 825 0.7397 0.1380 0.0388 0.4237 | Sept. 1 1410 0.5058 | 0.0593 sat 0.3050 | Callas’ 1720 0.3815 0.0300 ie 0 2962 3 1350 0.3418 0.0308 Ase 0.2600 Soft Bice. rae 1160 | 0.5508 0.1244 tebe 0.3175 eet. 25 1980 0.3762 0.1503 aed 0.1675 6 1140 | 0.4069 0.1012 caee 0.2337 a 1S 1350 | 0.6265 0.1276 0.0450 0.4012 4 Vgsue9) Dseds 0.1305 0.0432 0.3437 « 9] 900 | 0.7873 0.2554 | 00440 0.4120 ese R. A. Hatcher and Torald Sollmann. TABLE VARIOUS I. Nachtigall. Milk diet from July 6th to 26th. Rt, Daily Daily | Metabolic | | Date. any A. molecules. | molecules.| molecules. | te Sane A (Sc) AXce.| CX ce (8) | % NaCl | 8 July 11 650 1 446 S40!0) |) 497-31 1.4338 72.30 1.01 weeds L035 LOTS 1110.0 587.59 1.0608 | 53/65/02 le oder 887 1.009 895.0 | 473.56 WOOO 79) 35:63 1.00 als: 1597 1) 01859 1370.8 698 89 0.8285 | 17.18 1 OF S2a6 828 0.972 804.5 425.84 0.9537 | 32.46 1 02 LS lly 769 1.284 OST || o22-45 225250 eGo 1.04 | KS! WSS 12239 1428'5) "| ¥d9-99. |) 1.1963 17.70 1.03 | | The patient received soft diet on the 19th, but returned to milk diet on the 20th. July 19 857 a 1220.3 645.86 1.3630 Woress | dO: et All 1479 1.117 1652.0 | 874.09 | 0.9462 a99 Three slices of toast and one egg. | | | 1.18 120 gms. of sodium chloride were given during the two days, beginning with 7 A. M. of the 21st and ending with 7 A. M. of the 23d. July 22 | 1183 1.609 1903.4 | 1006.08 1.1049 1.97 | 1.45 | eg) 1488 2.301 3407.3 1800.49 | 1.2701 1.40 1.81 Sodium chloride stopped. / Pees |) Sa2 We Aseh? 967.71 511.00 0.9390 1225 1.94 | ys | 1035 1.662 1720.17 910.18 | 1.2176 2.28 «|. 36 Soft diet begun. 26 1183 1.831 2168.07 , 1146.08 1.5526 4.16 1.11 27 581 1.787 1056.12 | 558.80 1.6040 5.96 Leu} LOLS 798 LUIZ 887.37 | 469.46 0.9229 3.59 | 1.20 29 1124 1.420 1596.08 844.46 1.0784 2.53, | “Te Aug. 9 eat 0.976 eee | sretere 0.6039 1.60 1.61 Sodium Chloride and the Constituents of the Urine. 153 Vis FACTORS. II. Boles. Milk diet from August 19th to September 4th. a Daily | -Daily Metabolic Date. heared A. molecules.) molecules.) molecules. ue A: | oS Oe Gal) Ge Seecic: (8) fo NaCl 8 Aug. 22 680) |) .0:9911 673.8 356 52 0.9301 11.01 1.06 mee. || 925° || 0.997 922.2 || 487-94 0.9635 18.12 1.03 Sodium chloride, 30 gms. | met |) | LOSO: |. L012 1093.0 | 578.23 0.9538 10.60 1.06 ee yA) 1425 1 220 1738.5 919.84 0.9933 3.30 1.23 Sodium chloride stopped. “ 96 960 | 1.355 | 13008 | 687.32 1.0683 2.88 1.27 « 97 | 1050 1.397 14768 | 77616 1.2201 4.82 1.14 | « 98 | 9835 1.378 1150.6 608.80 1.1950 4.59 16 | Sodium chloride, 45 gms. | j | ape | 740 1.637 | 1214 640 61 1.3015 2.98 1.28 | | Sodium chloride discontinued. « 30 | uso | 1498 |. 17676 | 935.29 | 0.9673 yeh)! . AuGcUST Pail ofr ATT TIM Wea PEC SALT PERIOD PER DAY e2 24 26 2 30 SEPTEMBEP CONCENTRATIONS. I A BACivG ieeesec=ess PERIOD faa They require no further AvCUST Tentewaes ie EY’? aS He a israel ane rae a P| —-— es BEGINS SALT SALT PERIOD GRAMS PER Day. THE MECHANISM OF THE RETENTION OF CHLO- RIDES: A. CONTRIBUTION TOG -THE THEORY OF URINE SECRETION. By TORALD SOLLMANN, M.D. [From the Pharmacological Laboratory of the Medical Department of Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.| CONTENTS. Page meine retention OMeniondesimieven fo ' i) 5) (2 fe) eae lw ee a e156 II. The retention of chlorides when salts are deficient inthe food . . . . . 159 III. The retention of chlorides after sulphate injections . ...... Aen lesi| IV. Do other salts suppress the chlorides in the same manner as do aie sulphates? . . Ae ee a OM sae uy Ko A LO V. Forster’s theory of shel retention nat phiurides SW ES a) OE eee | Gee OS VI. Cushny’s theory of the reabsorption of chlorides . . . : 167 VII. Is the reabsorption a sufficient explanation for the aieciice af chiorides'3 in thepurime'* 2) ©. Sel ce a aces my HLL CG)2) VIII. Is the glomerular fluid Esened = flération: or be SEGrehionts sas pee ee NTL TEPCENICIUISIONS el <5 ofr andl Sos as dad Jah Bo isd wie ap ton Sete d oti Sa. US PESTO ITOD TAP de, Berea aie el eer So Recess ls ee, peel sh Mad ip, ah AS HE urine becomes almost or quite chloride free in infectious diseases, in salt starvation, and on intravenous injection of Na,SO, solution. The research recorded in the preceding paper led me to inquire into the mechanism of this chloride retention. Three very different theories have been advanced to account for the phenomena: one theory assumes that nochloride is filtered. This was first definitely formulated by Forster. Another theory assumes that the chlorides are filtered in the glomeruli, very much as when retention does not occur; but that the chloride is reabsorbed. This has been supported by Cushny. The third, which grants to the glom- erular cells the property of vital secretion, assumes that these cells secrete no salts when the proportion of salts in the blood falls below a certain amount. These explanations involve respectively the theories that the urin- ary salts are filtered, reabsorbed, and secreted. Each of these theories has been called into doubt, so that the study of the question of chloride 155 156 Torald Sollmann. retention offers a peculiar interest, and may be expected to throw light on the whole subject of urine secretion. In this study I have availed myself very freely of the published records of other observers, but have also introduced my own experi- ments when these seemed more suitable. In presenting the subject I will first analyze the conditions under which the chloride-reten- tion is seen, and then the theories by which the retention has been explained. I. THE RETENTION OF CHLORIDES IN FEVER. The earlier literature relating to the chlorides of the urine in fever is given by Rohmann (1).! It appears that Redtenbacher (2) in 1850 was the first to discover that the chlorides disappear com- pletely, or almost completely, from the urine in genuine pneumonia. Unruh (3) extended this observation to typhoid and other acute fevers, as also to abscess formation, trichinosis, aortic insufficiency, Ete: Such a striking phenomenon could not fail to elicit inquiry and bring forth attempts at an explanation. Deficiency of the chlorides in the food was perhaps the most apparent cause, and this was one of the earliest explanations advanced. Other suggested explanations are, that the chlorine is retained in the exudates, or excreted by other channels, — especially by the stools, if there existed diarrhoea, — by the sputum, sweat, etc., or that a storage of the chlorine occurs. 1. Is there a storage of chlorides in the body ? — KGhmann (1) seems to have been the first to compare carefully the income of chlorine, and its elimination by the urine and faeces. He found that there is an actual retention of chlorine during the febrile period, often per- sisting for several days after the crisis. The difference between the income and output of chlorine is, however, quite small, usually less than two grams per day. He proves that this retention cannot be accounted for by faulty absorption of the salt from the alimentary canal. Rohmann explains the cause of the storage of chlorine by the febrile changes of metabolism, on an adaptation of Forster's theory. Forster (5) believes that the greater part of the salts of the body is united with proteids, forming proteid-salt combinations which cannot be excreted by the urine. Rohmann considers that the altered met- ' The numbers refer to the Bibliography at the end of this paper. Lhe Mechanism of the Retention of Chlorides. 157 abolism of fever causes tissue proteids to be converted into “ circulat- ing” proteid, and that the latter requires more chlorine. Critics of this theory have not been wanting. It has been pointed out that it would first need to be demonstrated that circulating proteid contains more chlorine; secondly, that the circulating proteid is increased. As to the former, Langlois and Richet (4) have recently shown that the blood contains two or three times more chlorine than any of the organs, so that the circulating proteid-containing liquids may be con- sidered to be the richer in chlorine. But the theory that the circu- lating proteid is increased in fever, is not supported by facts. Nor is it easy to see why such an increase of circulating proteid should occur. To the contrary, fever causes an increased destruction of proteids; and this, by Forster’s theory, should lead to a liberation and excretion of salts, toa loss of salts, instead of a salt retention. That an increased destruction of proteids does lead to a loss of salts seems amply demonstrated. Kast (9) administered poisons which caused a destruction of blood-corpuscles — such as CO, pyrogallol, and toluylendiamin — or such as increase the destruction of tissue, as phosphorus. These caused an increase of chlorine excretion, generally parallel to the N, and fairly independent of the quantity of urine. A similar increase of chlorine excretion accompanies the pre-mortal rise of N in starving animals. This was observed by Forster (5) and also by Kast (9g). Our figures for Nachtigall, com- paring the beginning and end of starvation period (July 11 and 17), also show an increase of chlorine, but since this is not proportional to the nitrogen, its cause is probably extraneous. These facts are certainly adverse to Réhmann’s theory. For the only effect of fever on proteids which we know with certainty is, that there is an increased destruction, which should lead to a loss of salts. Indeed, the results of Gramatchikov (6) disagree entirely with those of Rohmann. Gramatchikov found that the body actually lost a small amount of chlorine in fever. The difference is perhaps to be explained by the original content of the patients in chlorine, or by other factors, such as the diet and its content in chlorine, or the amount of tissue destruction, etc. Rohmann’s results show that there may undoubtedly be a retention, even with as small a chlorine income as exists in fever. That a tem- porary storage may occur when larger quantities of salt are admin- istered, is well known. We wished to confirm this fact on our cases by observing the total income and elimination of chlorides, but had 158 Torald Sollmann. to abandon the attempt, as it was found impossible to control the food and collect the excreta of the patients with sufficient precision. However, the fact that the excretion of chlorine does not reach its maximum until the second day after the administration of sodium chloride, and does not return to normal until about the fifth day, argues in our results also for a chlorine retention under these con- ditions. It is supported by all other experiments on sodium chloride administration. Rohmann found that the maximum excretion fell usually on the second day, and remained high for three days, when the entire administered quantity was excreted. Lauder-Brunton (7) quotes from Ludwig’s Lectures (1869-1870) that, if a definite quantity of sodium chloride be taken daily for some time, the quantity excreted by the urine becomes practically equal to that ingested. If the consumption is now increased, the excre- tion does not increase (correspondingly ?) for about three days, so that a storage must occur. After further three days, the quantity excreted will again equal that ingested. Diminution of the sodium chloride of the food has a corresponding result, requiring the same time to produce equilibrium. Krummacher (8) finds that when sodium chloride is in- jected hypodermically, two days are required for practically complete excretion. Whilst the administration of sodium chloride certainly leads to a storage of sodium chloride, this is purely temporary if the body pos- sesses a normal amount of sodium chloride to begin with. Langlois and Richet (4) did not find the chlorine content of the tissues mod- ified by adding sodium chloride to the food. 2. Retention of chlorides in effusions. — Giving all possible weight to Kohmann’s data and experiments, it must be said that the binding of salts by the “circulating” proteids can play but a very subordinate rdle in the retention of the chlorides. A much more important factor is the formation of effusions, when such occur. This explanation was already advocated by Redtenbacher (2). M. Schu- bert (10) has studied this phenomenon in four cases of ascites from hepatic cirrhosis. Whenever puncture was performed and the liquid drawn off, the sodium chloride of the urine sank greatly and recovered only slowly. ‘The decrease existed only in the daily excretion, the per- centage remaining normal. ‘There was also a similar decrease in the daily excretion of nitrogen, and in the quantity of urine. This reten- tion therefore differs radically from that encountered in fever and hunger, The Mechanism of the Retention of Chlorides. 159 as may be seen, for instance, from our results on the typhoid urines: In the latter the percentage of the sodium chloride in the urine is re- duced, as well as the daily quantity, whilst the nitrogen and the quantity of the urine are but little altered. The two conditions can therefore be readily distinguished. I have only encountered a single statement concerning the physico-chemical constitution of the urine in ascites. Waldvogel (11) found the factor NaCl raised. ‘This indicates that the chlorine retention is greater than Na the retention of other solids ; it might, however, be explainable by the interference of the ascites with the renal circulation. As a converse, it has been found (12) that a very large quantity of chlorine is excreted by the urine during the absorption of effusions. The chlorine excretion is said to be much larger than what would correspond to the nitrogen excretion. 3. Retention of chlorides through the formation of other secretions, of blood, and of solid tissues. — That the loss of chlorides through the sputum, through diarrheic stools, etc., will lead to diminished excre- tion of chlorides by the urine, may be granted a priorz. A retention of chlorides also occurs when chlorine is lost through hemorrhage. This has been shown on animals by Kast (Q), and has also been demonstrated on man (14). The effect is precisely the same as described in the formation of effusions. An increased growth of tissue, joined with exudations, also dimin- ishes the chloride excretion, as may be seen in many cases of carcinoma (15). II. THE RETENTION OF CHLORIDES WHEN SALTS ARE DEFICIENT IN THE Foop. After a liberal value is assigned to Réhmann’s theory, and to the retention of chlorides by effusions, etc., the greater part of the phenomenon of chloride-retention in fever is still unaccounted for. The real explanation is to be found in a deficient salt income. The diet of fever patients is always scanty, but is particularly poor in chlorides. The composition of the urine corresponds almost precisely to what is seen after a corresponding diminution of chloride-income in health. Iam therefore inclined to regard the chloride-retention of fever as depending practically purely on the diet, and consider it no more a reliable index to the severity of the disease, than is the appetite of the patient, by which it is controlled. 160 Torvald Sollmann. The great influence of the diet on the salt excretion justifies a close study of its effects. I have already presented these in a contem- porary paper in “American Medicine” (Oct. 25, 1902). Falk (1848) is said (16) to have been the first to prove that the sodium chloride of the urine varies with that of the food. Bidder and Schmidt in 1852 (17) observed in hunger the practical disappearance of chlorine from the urine at a time when there was still a large quantity of chlorine in the body. Forster (5) in 1873 shows that the chlorine of the urine is reduced to mere traces when food nearly free from salt is given; but that some trace is excreted until the death of the animal. The great diminution of chlorine in fasting can also be seen in an interesting man- ner in the observations of Hoover and Solimann (18) on metabolism during fasting in hypnotic sleep. In this case no solids were taken for a week, but water was allowed ad Zébztum. ‘The percentage of chlorine sank immediately and rapidly and after a few days remained at a fairly constant, low level. Lindemann (13. p. 15) finds the percentage of sodium chloride in fasting (five cases) to fall to 0.17 to o.20 per cent, mean o.18. This is not quite as low as the figures obtained by Hatcher and myself. However, there is considerable reason to believe that the other salts of the milk save sodium chloride from excretion; and even the proteids of the milk may have a saving influence on the chlorine, by saving the proteids of the body from destruction. In support of this, Forster found (5, p- 354) that the less the quantity of salt-free food, the greater was the loss of P,O; in the urine; and again (p. 358) that more salts are excreted in hunger than when salt-free food is given. Langlois and Richet (4) found that fasting, with or without administration of sodium chloride, does not lower the content of the tissues or blood in chlorides (zZ. é., the excretion of chloride corresponds to the destruction of tissue) ; but feed- ing with chloride-poor food causes a diminution of to per cent in the sodium chloride of the tissues (no diminution in the blood). This is reconcilable with Forster’s results, on the theory that the body weight did not diminish as greatly during the experiment as in plain fasting. The addition of other salts to chloride-poor diet did not alter the loss in either direction. The effects of a chloride-poor diet on the other salts of the urine have been given in the preceding paper, so that it will not be necessary to repeat them in this place. The effects of a deficient chloride income on the tissues and fluids other than the urine, have also been investigated. Langlois and Richet (4) showed that chloride-poor food lowered the chlorine of The Mechanism of the Retention of Chlorides. 161 the tissues, but not that of the blood; the blood indeed retains its chlorine with great tenacity, and is the last component of the body to participate demonstrably in a chlorine loss. The effect of salt starvation on the chlorine of the gastric juice has been investigated by Forster and by Cahn. Forster (5) found that the gastric juice still contained 0.07 per cent of chlorine when the urine had become free from chlorine. Cahn (10, p. 532) confirms the persistence of sodium chloride in the gastric juice in advanced salt starvation, but observes that the secretion of free hydrochloric acid ceases when the chlorine content of the body falls below a certain amount, and recommences as soon as Chlorine is administered. Salt starvation, therefore, diminishes the chlorine of the gastric juice, but not as readily nor as profoundly as it reduces the chlorine of the urine. II]. THe RETENTION OF CHLORIDES AFTER SULPHATE INJECTION. Magnus in 1900 (21, II, p. 417) discovered that the chlorides disappear almost completely from the urine when a solution of sodium sulphate is injected intravenously. The fact was also discovered independently by me in 1899 (22, p. 20). In the three experiments which I made, the disappearance occurred only in the two (Exps. VI and VII) in which a considerable diuresis was produced. In the third (Exp. IX) the excretion of the urine was only moderately increased, and in this the percentage of sodium chloride in the urine only fell to Gay per cent. Further experiments in this direction have recently been published by Cushny (23). His results are very contradictory. He states (p. 436) that injection of sodium sulphate alone usually zzcreased the chlorine of the urine. On the other hand, when mixed solu- tions of sodium chloride and sodium sulphate were injected, the chlorine adésappeared entirely from the urine in one and one-half hours (Exp. I, p. 432). Pototzky (41) also finds that sulphate injection increases the chlorine excretion in salt-starved rabbits. Cushny’s and Pototzky’s experiments were made on rabbits, whilst Magnus and I used dogs. ‘This difference in the animals may account for the different results ; for Magnus has shown that these animals do not possess the same retaining power for different salts. He states (21, II, p. 405) that when sodium chloride was injected, both rabbits and dogs retained at the end of the experiment two-thirds of the injected salts; but when sodium sulphate was injected, the rabbits retained two-thirds, and the 162 Torald Sollmann. dogs only one-tenth. A difference exists also in the excretion of phos- phates; Bergmann (24) claims that carnivorous animals excrete the major part of the phosphates by the urine, whereas herbivorous animals excrete injected phosphates almost entirely by the feeces.' In all the sodium sulphate injections made by Magnus and by me, it can further be seen that the sodium chloride does not lJeave the blood by any other channel. On the contrary, the total amount of chlorine in the blood is increased after the injection of the sulphates. The increase is probably to be attributed to the diminished partial osmotic pressure of the chlorine ions in the serum. IV. Do OTHER SALTS SUPPRESS THE CHLORIDES IN THE SAME MANNER AS DO THE SULPHATES? I. Sodium nitrate.— I had planned to extend my former experi- ments on salt injections to other salts; but so far I have only found time for a single experiment with sodium nitrate. A dog was used. The method was the same as in my former experiments (22), employ- ing 75 c.c. per kilo of a solution of sodium nitrate, A 0.481. The urine contained at first 4 per cent of sodium chloride; in one and three-quarter hours it contained 2.8; in six hours the sodium chloride was still 2.4 per cent. The diuresis was quite profuse. The result differs so greatly from that seen with sodium sulphate that there need be little hesitation in affirming that sodium nitrate does not suppress the chlorine of the urine. This conclusion is confirmed by the effect which the oral administration of potassium nitrate produces in animals whose urine has been rendered chlorine free by salt hunger. A. Cahn (9) mentions that potassium nitrate causes chlorine to appear in this condition. He does not give the source of this state- ment, but confirms it by some experiments of his own. He found that in the dog the administration of potassium nitrate raised the chlorine from a trace to 0.119 gm. per day (p. 528). The urine happened to be reduced from 1500 to 100 c.c. He states (p. 523) that sodium nitrate was ineffectual, but this conclusion may be challenged, since only a single experiment was made; as the salt was given by the mouth, there could have been defective absorption or some other interfering factor. ' In this he differs, however, from Cushny (23, p. 442 and 443) who recovered 77 per cent of the injected P,O, from the urine in three hours. Cushny worked with rabbits, Bergmann with sheep. The Mechanism of the Retention of Chlorides. 163 Langlois and Richet (4) also found that the chlorine of the tissues and blood was greatly reduced on the injection of large doses of nitrates into starving animals. 2. Sugar.— Cahn, as also Langlois and Richet, found that this behaved very similar to nitrates. 3. Urea.— That urea does not cause a retention of chlorine may be argued from the normal occurrence in urine of large amounts of both substances. Katsuyama (29, p. 237), giving urea by the mouth to rabbits whose urine had been rendered chlorine free by fasting, found that this caused a very considerable excretion of chlorine, some- times quite independent of diuresis (Exp. 3). In this respect urea bears a close resemblance to the nitrate. Caffein and theobromin also produces a similar effect. 4. No data regarding the chlorine excretion in phosphate injection could be found in the literature. V. ForSTER’S THEORY OF THE RETENTION OF CHLORIDES. 1. The serious difficulty offered to the filtration theory of urine secretion by the retention of chloride in salt starvation, when the composition of the blood is but slightly altered, was recognized by Forster (1873). He proposed the following explanation (5, p. 318) : The larger part of the soluble salts of the organism exists in firm combination with the organic substances, particularly with the proteids of the tissues, juices, and blood. Another, much smaller quantity, is present in simple solution, in a free state. The former — the salt-proteid compounds — are incapable of filtration in the kidneys. Whenever the proteids are saturated with salt, any additional quantity of salt is filtered off rapidly into the urine. The excretion of salts is therefore practically equal to the salt income. When salts are with- held entirely, their excretion should also cease completely. That a small quantity of salt is still excreted in salt hunger, he explains by the combustion of proteids, during which the combined salts are liberated. When the proteid combination is under-saturated, as must occur when salt-free proteids are fed, this liberated salt should combine with the unsaturated proteid, and should thus be utilized over and over again, without being excreted. He assumes that this utilization occurs, but that the combination requires time; that meanwhile the salt circulates free, and thus a fraction passes through the urinary filter. 164 Torald Sollmann. 2. This theory of Forster’s, that the urine is a filtrate containing not the entire ash, but only the free salts, seems to have fallen con- pletely into oblivion; yet it is a very plausible hypothesis, which agrees excellently with the experiments made by Forster. It would, moreover, explain a large number of other obscure physiological phenomena, such as the remarkable tendency of the blood to pre- serve a constant composition; the fact that sugar is not excreted until its proportion rises above 0.2 per cent, but that all above this is eliminated; the fact that no urine is excreted unless a “ harnfahige Substanz,”’ —7z. ¢., a substance capable of being secreted by the urine — is added in the blood, as seen from the experiments of Munk, of Nussbaum, Beddard and Halsey, of Magnus, and of Spiro. I. Munk (25) showed that if the blood of a fasting dog is circulated through an excised dog’s kidney, no secretion occurs, but that secretion is started when chloride, urea, sugar, etc., are added to such blood. In Nussbaum’s experiments (26) it was noted that no secretion of urine occurred after ligation of the renal artery, until urea was injected. This was confirmed by Adami, and by A. P. Beddard (27, pp. 26 and 27). An experiment made by Magnus is most interesting in this connection (21, III, pp. 213- 216). He finds that increasing the quantity of blood in a rabbit or dog by 84 per cent, by transfusion of blood from another animal which has been kept under identical conditions, does not cause diuresis. In this he confirms Ponfick’s observation (quoted /ézd, p. 212). If the composi- tion of the injected blood is not the same — as when the animal has received an injection of sodium sulphate — diuresis results. Spiro (28) finds (p. t50) that injections of solutions of colloids — gums or gelatine — into animals which have fasted twenty-four to forty hours, gave no diuresis, although the quantity of blood was increased by 78 to go per cent. If, on the other hand, the animals had been fed, and especially, watered freely, a good diuresis resulted (p. 152). This could be interpreted as showing that these colloids hold their own “ aggregate ”’ composition against the urinary filtration tendency; and that diuresis will only result from them if filtrable substances are present in excess. Indeed even caffein cannot produce diuresis after the injection of colloids unless such filtrable substances are present. Forster’s theory could also be made to explain why one animal reacts to a given amount of a diuretic by a large diuresis, whilst another animal may show but very little response: an animal poor in substances capable of passing into the urine would react less readily than one which contains an excess of such substances. The Mechanism of the Retention of Chlorides. 165 The difference of diuretic effect of equimolecular solutions of different salts could also be explained on physical principles by this theory : if it be assumed that sodium chloride enters more readily into non-filtrable combination with the colloids than does sodium sulphate, the latter should produce the greater diuretic effect. A further support of Forster’s theory could be sought in the modern theories of the physical condition of colloids. In accordance with these, the non-filtrable proteid salt compounds assumed by Forster's theory could be conceived as ‘‘ molecular aggregates.” It must be granted that all the physiological phenomena for the explanation of which I have invoked Forster’s theory, could be equally well explained by the theory of vital secretion, by assuming that an abnormal composition of the blood serves as a necessary stimulus to the excreting cells, causing them to eliminate what substances are responsible for the abnormality. The physical theory of Forster possesses the advantage of simplic- ity. Attractive and adequate as this theory appears on cursory examination, it must be said to lose very much of its force when it is examined more critically. It can only be allowed to stand if it is proved : that the ratio of salts and colloid varies only within certain limits; that proteids do combine with salts ; that filters can be con- structed which retain the proteids and the greater part of the salts of the serum, but which allow added salts to pass freely. 3. Is the ratio of salts to colloids constant ?— Forster’s theory con- ceives the combination of proteids and salts to contain variable proportions, tending, however, toward a certain constant. When the salts fall below this constant, they tend to be retained ; if they exist in greater proportion, they will be excreted. Asa matter of fact, it is found that when sodium chloride is administered, a certain amount is retained, and the quantity retained is the greater, the lower the original salt-content of the body. The experiments of Spiro on the injection of colloids also speak for the fact that colloids poor in salts tend to retain sodium chloride in the body. It can also be noticed that the ratio of organic matter and ash of the serum varies within considerable limits in different animals. All these facts agree well with Forster’s theory, but it must be acknowledged that an actual combination of salt and colloid is not necessary for their explanation. 166 Torald Sollmann. 4. Has any combination between proteids and salts been demon- strated? — The answer to this question must be entirely in the nega- tive. Bugarszky and Liebermann (33) found that no change occurs in the freezing-point of a sodium chloride solution when egg albumin or albumose are added to it. I have confirmed this on albumoses, and have further shown that solutions of these dissociate precisely as does their ash (34). Indeed the freezing-point of serum can only be explained by assuming dissociation of its salts. Whilst we do not yet know sufficient about “molecular aggregates’’ to affirm that their constituents cannot exist in dissociated form, yet it is scarcely conceivable that salts could exist combined into aggregates, and still possess the physical properties of free ions. The observation of Moore and Parker (35, p. 280) that the aggregates of soap possess a physical molecular weight twenty to sixty times as great as their chemical molecular weight, certainly speaks against this assumption. 5. The filtration of colloid solutions.— Ludwig’s theory assumes the glomeruli to represent a filtering apparatus which allows the passage of water and salts, but not of proteids. Martin (30) has shown how to construct, artificially, filters of this kind by coating Pasteur-Chamberland filters with gelatin, or silicic acid, and filtering under pressure. These filters form a very close approximation to the theoretical filter assumed by Ludwig. They would seem to be a fair method of directly testing the question: Whether the filtrate from a colloid mixture really represents the mixture minus the colloids ? or in other words: whether the filtrate from, say, serum, is simply a proteid-freed serum ? The experiment was tried by E. H. Starling (31, p. 318). He obtained the erroneous result that the filtrate has within ;},° C, the same A as the serum, — ?.¢., that the filtrate is purely a proteid-freed serum. The error was shown by Waymouth Reid (32, p. 169), who investigated the subject more fully, and with due precautions. He finds that the filtrate is very markedly less concentrated than the serum; that it has been deprived, not only of the proteids, but also of the greater part of the non-proteid solids, and of a fair amount of the ash. ‘The organic non-proteid solids were reduced from 5.06 to 0.78 per cent. The ash ws i? a —e * 9.42 105.05) Soe The A ff a = by 0.035 to 0.060°C. In dog’s bile the ash was reduced from 4.42 to 0.76 per cent. The Mechanism of the Retention of Chlorides. 167 The fact that the filtrate is more dilute than the serum cannot, however, be considered as a confirmation of Forster’s theory. This theory demands that the salts should be mainly in the unfiltered por- tion, but the experiment shows that the salt content of the filtrate is but very little lowered. Nor can the retention of organic substances be regarded as due to a combination, for a similar retention occurs when a pure solution of dextrose is subjected to this filtration; the filtrate is in this case also less concentrated than the original solution. Waymouth Reid’s experiments show that filtration may retain certain substances, and in this way preduce a considerable diminu- tion in the concentration of the filtrate. But this retention is not due to any proteid-salt combination, but to the fact that the molecules of the dissolved substance pass less readily through the filter than does water. We must conclude that the direct evidence of chemical and physical experiments ts against Forster's theory. VI. Cusuny'’s THEORY OF THE REABSORPTION OF CHLORIDES. The theory that sodium chloride is reabsorbed from the glomerular fluid, presumably by the epithelium of the convoluted tubules, has found its best support in the recent experiments of Cushny (23 and 36). Cushny, in agreement with Starling (31, p. 317), looks upon the glomerular liquid as a simple filtrate of the serum, containing prac- tically all its non-proteid constituents in the original amount and ratio (p. 449). As this passes through the urinary tubules, water and the more diffusible constituents are reabsorbed (p. 429). Sodium chloride is very readily absorbed; P,O;, SO,, and urea with increas- ing difficulty. A retention of chlorides —a paucity of the urine in chlorides — can, according to him, be due only to two causes: to a . paucity of chloride in the blood which would lessen the filtration; or to slow excretion of urine which would favor reabsorption. It must, if I understand him correctly, be strictly proportional to these. These conclusions are based on the following experiments : Cushny (23) injected into rabbits a mixture of equimolecular solutions of sodium chloride and sodium sulphate. In the urine the equimolecular ratio of Cl : SQ, was (p. 434): In the early stages of active diuresis, *: 108 : 94; In the later stages of slow diuresis, :: 110 : 156. 168 Torald Sollmann. In other words, the concentration in the sodium chloride was proportional to the diuresis, whereas the sodium sulphate was inverse to the diuresis. The difference between chlorine and sulphate is brought out still more clearly by another mode of calculating (p. 436) : ‘The kidneys secrete in the first stage a urine in which the chlorine stands to the chlorine of the plasma as 2 : 3; in the last phase, as 1 : 5; sulphate, first phase, 2-0. srs last Grote. ur These facts are most readily explained by assuming that the sodium chloride is reabsorbed, in proportion to the time during which the urine remains in the kidney ; whereas the sodium sulphate is not capable of reabsorption in the same degree. Extending the method to urea (p. 444) and phosphates (p. 442), he finds that these are also not readily absorbed, urea being the most resistant of all. The dependence of the amounts of chlorides on the diuresis is still more strikingly established by Cushny’s experiment on partial occlusion of the ureter (36) ; operating as in his other experiments, but partially occluding one ureter and comparing the urine from the two kidneys, he finds that on the side of the occluded ureter the water is lessened by 66 per cent, chlorine by 82 per cent, sulphate by 30 per cent. These conclusions are further borne out by the results of numerous experiments made by other observers for other purposes, such as those of Munk and Senator (37), Magnus (21), as also by my experiments (22). They also agree very well with clinical cbser- vations. Von Koranyi’s theory, which is based mainly on clinical facts, coincides with Cushny’s. This theory involves a selective absorption of the urinary in- gredients. Viewing it, as we must, as a vital process, the difference in the absorbability of the chlorides and of urea finds many analogies. In my former paper (22, p. 19), in advancing this difference as evidence against the theory of reabsorption, I had in mind a physical, not a vital reabsorption. The reabsorption of chlorides may be considered as demonstrated. — I take exception, however, to two other views of Cushny, — viz., that the reabsorption is an adequate explanation for the practical dis- appearance of chlorides in the urine, and that the glomerular fluid is a filtrate, identical with proteid-free serum. The Mechanism of the Retention of Chlorides. 169 VII. Is THE REABSORPTION A SUFFICIENT EXPLANATION FOR THE ABSENCE OF- CHLORIDES IN THE URINE? According to Cushny’s theory the amount of chlorides in the urine is determined by two factors: The diuresis, and the quantity of chlorides in the serum. It can, however, be easily shown that the excretion of the chlorides can be altered in either direction without altering these two factors in a corresponding degree; and that it is sometimes even the opposite of what is demanded by Cushny’s theory: In starvation, the quantity of the urine is practically unaltered, or may be even greater than normal. With sodium sulphate injection, the diuresis is very large. In both these cases the chlorides disappear from the urine. In other words, the results are precisely the opposite of those demanded by Cushny’s theory. Nor can this discrepancy be explained by a propor- tionately altered composition of the blood. For according to Cushny’s theory the amount of chlorides for a given excretion of urine should be strictly proportional to their quantity in the blood. Yet the chloride of the blood and the tissues is scarcely altered by starvation. In the case of sodium sulphate we have analytical data which show the insuff- ciency of Cushny’s explanation in a still more striking light, if possible. On injecting sodium sulphate, Magnus (21, II, p. 417) found that the sodium chloride of the serum sank only from 0.632 per cent to 0.6 per cent; whereas it sank in the urine to only 0.05 per cent ; sodium sulphate rose in the serum from 0.034 to 0.272 per cent; in the urine to 3.124 per cent. This could only be explained by an enormous reabsorption of chlorine ; yet there was a good diuresis. In my own experiments I found: EXPERIMENT VI. Injection of sixty-three per cent of the blood quantity of Na,SO, solution A 0 544. Serum. Urine. Urine : secretion. NaCl. Other salts. eee} Me er cent. Per cent. si NaCl. | Other salts. | Before injection Sy 2.67 4.27 10 minutes after 5 5.62 30 minutes after | 58 | 4.40 170 Torald Sollmann. EXPERIMENT VII. Injection of ninety-nine per cent of the blood quantity of Na,SOy, solution A 0.606. Serum. Urine. Urine secretion. NaCl. Other salts. ee kg. Pe Per cent. Per cent. bess NaCl. | Other salts. Before injection 5. 8s 1.05 6.56 4 minutes after 15 minutes after 45 minutes after It is seen that the excretion of chlorides is suppressed when the blood contains quite a high percentage of this ion, and when the diuresis is very large. In Katsuyama’s experiments on the effect of diuretics (29) on rabbits de- prived of food and water, he finds, indeed, that diuresis increases the per cent of sodium chloride; yet this fact, instead of favoring Cushny’s explanation, really controverts it; for the increase is out of all propor- tion. Indeed, these diuretics increase the chloride equally, whether they produce diuresis or not. Thus in Experiment III, p. 237, the quantity of normal urine was 67; Cl, trace. On the day after giving urea, the quantity was 64; Cl, 0.17:0. In Experiment VI the normal quantity of urine was 39; Cl, trace. After diuresis, the normal quantity of urine was 32; Cl, 0.48 per cent. In the case of fasting in hypnotic sleep, observed by Hoover and Sollmann (18), an increase of diuresis from 410 to 560 c.c, instead of increasing the percentage of chlorine, lessened it from 0.6 to 0.43 per cent. Similar instances could be multiplied. It is evident that neither deficient filtration, nor reabsorption from prolonged sojourn in the tubules, can explain these conspicuous exceptions to Cushny’s theory. When the diuresis is not greatly altered, there can be no doubt that the composition of the urine depends mainly upon the com- position of the serum. The very fact that the intravenous injection of any substance capable of passing into the urine, increases the excretion of this substance, is sufficient to prove this. Yet even much smaller variations in the blood find expression in the urine. Thus V. Koranyi (38, p. 10) showed that in the rabbit the factor A ; Je a\a a, ee : NaCl of the urine varied in the same direction as the corresponding The Mechanism of the Retention of Chlorides. 171 factor of the serum. Only —andgthis is important — the range is much greater in the urine (urine, 1.13 to 13.92; serum, 0.86 to 1.25). The dependence of large changes in the chloride excretion upon small changes in the blood can only be explained by a vital theory; in the case of chloride retention, either by a stimulation of the absorbing cells, or by a cessation of the secretion of chloride. I shall discuss this question in the next paragraph. VIII. Is THE GLOMERULAR FLUID FORMED BY FILTRATION OR BY SECRETION ? By the filtration theory of urine formation the blood-pressure in the glomerular capillaries must exceed the ureter pressure by a greater amount, than the osmotic pressure of the serum exceeds the osmotic pressure of the glomerular fluid. Otherwise no filtration is possible, for the blood-pressure would not suffice to overcome the osmotic pressure. The composition of the glomerular fluid differs from that of the serum at least by the proteids. Starling (31, p. 321) has calculated the osmotic pressure of the serum proteid as 25 to 30 mm. of mercury. In order to establish the filtration theory as the only factor in the formation of urine, it is necessary to prove: (1) That the secretion of the urine stops when the blood-pressure falls to less than 40 mm. mercury above the ureter-pressure. (2) That the osmotic pressure of the glomerular fluid differs from that of the serum by not more than 30 mm. of mercury. (1) Does the secretion of urine cease when the ureter and blood pressure differ by less than 40 mm. of mercury ? — Starling (31) found in his experiments that the secretion of the urine stops when the carotid pressure falls to 40 mm. mercury. He concludes from this that the blood-pressure is sufficient to filter a proteid-free urine. Moore and Parker (35) justly criticise this conclusion, on the ground that it is not the carotid, but the glomerular pressure which must be effective, and the pressure in the glomeruli must be considerable less than that in the carotid. The experiments of Gottlieb and Magnus (21, V) confute Star- ling’s conclusions still more effectually. These authors found that the urine was secreted with an arterial pressure as low as 16 mm. (p. 253); avery small quantity was secreted even when the arterial pressure surpassed the ureter pressure by only 2 mm. Hg (p. 254). I7o Torald Sollmann. (2) The osmotic pressure of the glomerular filtrate may differ from _ that of the serum by much more than 40 mm, mercury. — The experi- ments of Waymouth Reid (32) have shown that the A of the gelatin filtrate from serum is reduced by at most 0.035° C. The concentra- tion of the urine may, however, differ from that of the serum by even much more than this quantity. The smallest A of urine found by Dreser (39) was 0.16° C; this occurred after drinking one-half litre of Bavarian beer. Von Koranyi (40) states that the A of the urine may fall below 0.10°C. No observations of the A of the blood were made in these cases, but it is known from other sources that this could certainly not have been reduced to less than 0.45. This givesa difference of 0.35°C, between the A of the blood and that of the urine, corresponding to an osmotic pressure of 3140 mm. Hg, which would need to be overcome by the blood-pressure in order that filtration could take place. I consider that these facts establish that //tration 7s not suffictent to account for the phenomena of urine formation. A vital secretion must be assumed, and I believe this to hold true of all the urinary constituents. In view of this I consider that the retention of salts sorption. Whilst advocating the existence of a vital secretory process, I do not mean to deny that physical processes co-operate to a very im- portant extent in the formation of urine. The kidney cells, especially the cells of Bowman’s capsule, must be affected by osmotic pro- cesses in much the same manner as other cells. The conditions are particularly favorable to filtration. The dependence of the urine secretion upon the blood flow is well demonstrated; although this dependence could be explained on the secretion theory, an increased circulation must also be a potent aid to filtration. The importance of filtration becomes particularly great when salts are injected, or when hydraemia is produced; for the former furnish a larger amount of filterable constituents, and the latter causes an in- crease of the glomerular capillary pressure. A similar coexistence, and variable importance, of a secretion and filtration process may be noted in the intestine. No one doubts that the intestinal epithe- lium ordinarily seereées the intestinal fluid. But when large quantities of saline solution are injected, a fluid is poured into the intestine with a rapidity which can only be explained by filtration. The following may serve as an example: * } — The Mechanism of the Retention of Chlorides. 173 Experiment VIII: 1500 c.c. of isotoffic sodium chloride was injected into the femoral vein of a dog of 3.9 Kg. 1050 of this was recovered from the intestine, and 420 c.c. of this within the first hour. IX. CONCLUSIONS. 1. The disappearance of chlorides from fever urines is due practi- cally entirely to the deficiency of chloride income. It cannot possess any diagnostic value. 2. The mechanism of the retention of chlorides is not explained by any physical theory, but must be a vital process. Lessened secretion and increased reabsorption are probably both concerned in the retention. 3. The filtration theory of urine formation is inadequate. X. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. F. ROHMANN: Zeitschrift fiir klinische Medicin, 1879, i. p. 513. REDTENBACHER: Zeitschrift der kaiserlich-k6niglichen Gesellschaft der Aerzte zu Wien, 1850. (Quoted by ROHMANN.) 3. E.Uwnrun: Archiv fir pathologische Anatomie, 1869, xlviii, p. 227. 4. J. P. LANGLoIs and Cu. RicHET: Journal de physiologie et de pathologie générale, 1900, ii, p. 742. J. ForSTER: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1873, ix, p. 297. Gramatchikov: Inaugural Dissertation, St. Petersburg, 1890 (Russian). Quoted in “ Digest of Metabolism Experiments,” ATWATER and LANG- WORTHY, Bulletin 45, Office of Experiment Station, United States Department of Agriculture, 1898. 7. LAUDERK-BRUNTON: “Text-book of Pharmacology, etc.,” Philadelphia, 1885, p. 503. The statement appears to be based on the experiments of Voir (ROHMANN, p. 520). 8. O. KRUMMACHER: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie. 1900, xl, p. 173: g. A. Kast: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1888, xii, p. 267. to. M. ScHUBERT: “ Ueber den Stickstoff und NaCl Umsatz wahrend der Bildung und nach der Punktion des Ascites bei Lebercirrhose,” Inaugural Dissertation, Breslau, 1895. 11. WALDVOGEL: Archiv fiir experimentale Pathologie, 1901, xlvi, p. 41. 12. KOBLER, VOGEL, and HuSCHE: Quoted by LINDEMANN (13, p- 25). 13. L. LINDEMANN: Deutsches Archiv fiir klinische Medicin, 1899, Ixv, p. 1. 14. STICHER and MARKWALDT: Quoted by Kasrt. 15. SCHOPP, 1892: Quoted by ATWATER and LANGWORTHY. 16. FAtck: ‘*‘ Handbuch der dietatischen Heilmittellehre,” p. 128, ete. Quoted by Fcu. MULLER, Inaugural Dissertation, Marburg, 1872. 17. BIDDER and SCHMIDT: Quoted by FORSTER. 18. C. F. Hoover and T. SoLLMANN: Journal of experimental medicine, 1897, li, p- 405. oo oe O2 WD Wo Ld td roe) bo KW WwW Nn o>) oe) ee ule. Oo a | Torald Sollmani. A. CAHN: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1586, x, p. 522. R. MaGnus: I. Archiv fiir experimentale Pathologie, 1900, xliv, p. 68; II. Jéd, p. 396. III. /bzd, xlv, p. 210, IV. GoTTLiEB and MAG- NuS, /bzd, xlv, p. 223. V. Jbid, p."248. T. SOLLMANN: Archiv fiir experimentale Pathologie, 1901, xlvi, p. I. A. R. Cusuny: Journal of physiology, 1902, xxvii, p. 429. 3ERGMANN: Archiv fiir experimentale Pathologie, 1901, xlvii, p. 77. I. MuNK: Archiv fiir pathologische Anatomie, cvii, p. 291; cxi, p. 434. NusssBaum: Archiv fir die gesammte Physiologie, 1878, xvii, p. 580. A. P. BEDDARD: Journal of physiology, 1902, xxvili, p. 20. K. Spiro: Archiv fiir experimentale Pathologie, 1898, xlvi, p. 148. K. KarsuyAMA: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1901, xxxii, p- 235. C. J. MARTIN, Journal of physiology, 1896, xx, p. 364. Ik. H. STARLING, Journal of physiology, 1899, xxiv, p. 317- WayMouTH REID: Journal of physiology, 1go1, xxvii, p. 161. St. BuGArszky and L. LIEBERMANN: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physi- ologie, 1898, Ixxii, p. 51. T. SOLLMANN: This journal, 1902, vii, p. 203. B. Moore and W. H. PARKER: This journal, 1go2, vii, p. 261. A. R. Cusuny: This journal, 1901, vi, p. xvii. I. Munk and SENATOR: Archiv fiir pathologische Anatomie, 1858, cxviii, pide Fr. v. KORANYI: Zeitschrift fir klinische Medicin, 1897, xxxiii, p. 1, 1898, XXxiv, p. I. DrESER: Archiv fir experimentale Pathologie, 1892, xxix, p. 303. Fr. v. KORANYI: Berliner klinische Wochenschrift, 1899, xxxvi, p. 782. C. Pororzky: Archiv ftir die gesammte Physiologie, 1902, xci, p. 584. (The series of articles by FILEHNE and his pupils, of which this paper is a part, appeared some time after the present paper was ready for the press. It was therefore impossible for me to discuss them as fully as they deserve.) DOES POTASSIUM CYANIDE PROLONG THE LIFE OF THE UNFERTILIZED EGG OF THE SEA-URCHIN? By F. P. GORHAM anpb R. W. TOWER. [From the Anatomical Laboratory, Brown University, and the Scientific Laboratory of the OU. S.. Fish Commission, Woods Hole, Mass.] INTRODUCTION. N a recent paper by Loeb and Lewis! on the “ Prolongation of the Life of the Sea-Urchin Egg by Potassium Cyanide,” the state- ment was made that “ there are two kinds of processes going on in the egg: one which leads to the death and disintegration of the egg, —a mortal process; and a second, which leads to cell divisions and further development. The latter process inhibits or modifies the mortal process. . . . According to this idea, death and disintegration are due to specific processes which take place in the egg and possibly in other or all living matter. These processes must be checked in order to render life possible.” They consider these processes to be chemically catalytic phenomena, and that consequently any agency which could stop or retard the catalytic action, without injuring the living matter, would of necessity check the mortal process. And they state that “‘ among all the agencies which act in this way, potassium cyanide seemed to meet this condition most perfectly. It weakens or inhibits a number of enzymatic processes in living matter without necessarily altering the constitution of the latter. When the potas- sium cyanide is permitted to evaporate, the original condition of the system may be restored.” In the main, Loeb and Lewis found that eggs kept in normal sea- water could not be fertilized after forty-eight hours. After this time the eggs “‘ became a sticky mass and assumed a dirty brownish color, and this was the beginning of complete disintegration and putrid decay.” But if the eggs were put into a solution of ;4,5 KCN for seventy-two hours, then removed to normal sea-water and fertilized, they would develop in every case into plutei. In some instances 1 Logs and Lewis: This journal, 1gor, vi, p. 305. 175 176 fF. P. Gorham and R. W. Tower. plutei were obtained from eggs that had been in the poisoned sea- ~water from ninety to one hundred hours, or about four days, while those that had remained for five days developed only to the four-cell stage. In Loeb’s experiments the dishes were loosely covered, and con- sequently the potassium cyanide solutions containing the eggs were constantly growing weaker. If, on the other hand, the evaporation was prevented by complete closure of the dishes, the eggs were so affected that after an exposure of sixty-six hours only a few of the eggs were able to segment when fertilized. For the detailed experi- ments the reader is referred to the original article. Upon reading the above paper, the authors of the present article concluded that many of the deductions were not warranted by the results of the experiments described, and that other interpretations were both possible and logical. There seemed to be nothing to show whether the potassium cyanide was acting directly on the living matter of the egg, or was producing some change in the external en- vironment which in its turn affected the egg. Could it not be possible that the potassium cyanide solutions prolong life only be- cause they kill the bacteria that ordinarily cause the egg to die? The fact that the potassium cyanide solution which Loeb found most favorable for prolonging the life of the egg is strongly antiseptic is important in this connection. Solutions of greater strength kill the egg, while weaker solutions are not so effective in prolonging its life. The fact, too, that the optimal solution of potassium cyanide acts beneficially only when allowed to become gradually weaker, does not prevent us from thinking that after all the potassium cyanide is slowly killing the egg, and is beneficial only because it acts on the bacteria before it does on the egg itself. It seemed also that there might be other factors at work which had been overlooked by Loeb and Lewis. In order to convince ourselves of the facts, we repeated, as closely as possible, Loeb’s experiments, first upon the eggs of the winter-flounder, and then upon the eggs of the sea-urchin. Experiments to determine the antiseptic value of the potassium cyanide solutions used by Loeb were also made. ANTISEPTIC VALUE OF THE POTASSIUM CYANIDE SOLUTIONS. In the preliminary experiments, to test the antiseptic value of the potassium cyanide solutions, it was found that the addition of potas- sium cyanide to salt-water, so that the resulting solution was 7% Av Potassium Cyanide and the Unfertilized Egg. 177 KCN, reduced the number of bacteria from some 3,000,000 per c.c. to about 2,000 in twenty-four hours, while a =”, solution reduced the number to about 1,000 in the same time. EXPERIMENTS ON EGGS OF THE WINTER-FLOUNDER ( Pseudopleuro- nectes americana). The ova of this animal are not adapted to the study of fertilization and segmentation, but were all that were available in March, when these experiments were undertaken. The experiments of Loeb were repeated on the eggs of the flounder, and the number of bacteria in the different solutions was determined at various periods. The protocol of these experiments follows : — TABEEY I Number of | CRS Number of Number of bacteria in cao * ml bacteria bacteria : - each’e:c. ||) «= Ne Solutions. hart aos in each c.c. in each c.c. > meee after after 27 hours. 48 hours. added. : 8 BYU CGL) 6 sae nals vse ue os etl os 700 st Countless. Salt-water containing eggs . . . . 500 150,000 Countless. Salt-water containing sperm =. . ae 460,000 Countless. c=) Salt-water containing fertilized eggs ae 460,000 Countless. > oo qoop KCN containing eggs. . . . +00 | 180 39.500 nt EA Nares oe : 5 c so00 KCN containing eggs . | 45 90 n r T ane 2 2 tooo KCN containing eggs . | 36 32 | 5p KCN containingeggs ... . 65 25 =44 KCN containing fertilized eggs . 3 25 5 nt ey oy eS som . > zo0 KCN containing eggs . .. . 21 8 ” 7 ONT aa zap KCN containingeggs . .. . x. 0 0 539 KCN containingeggs . . .. |]. .: 0 | 0 s3p KCN containingeggs . .. . 13 0 0 From the above table we notice: 1. The enormous number of bacteria in the salt-water containing the eggs and sperm. 178 F. P. Gorham and R. W. Tower. 2. The number of bacteria is reduced by the addition of potassium cyanide in proportion to the strength of the solutions. 3. The decrease in numbers does not continue after the first few days, particularly in the weaker solutions. This is doubtless due to the gradual loss of potassium cyanide. EXPERIMENTS ON THE EGGS OF THE SEA-URCHIN (Arbacta punctulata). The experiments of Loeb and Lewis were carefully repeated. Analyses were made of the various solutions to determine the num- ber of bacteria present. Control experiments were made in every case and all the conditions prescribed by Loeb were carefully fol- lowed. After one complete set of experiments was carried through, all the solutions were destroyed, a new 7 KCN solution was pre- pared, and the entire experiment was repeated. The results of the two experiments were found to be identical in every particular, and are given in Table II. On the whole the results agree with those a Loeb with the excep- tion that our g7oo and yoo KCN solutions preserved the eggs the longest, while Loeb found the -”, and ;(79 the most potent. This discrepancy may be due to a difference in the purity of the potassium cyanide salt used. In our case a quantitative analysis showed it to contain ninety per cent potassium cyanide. In our experiments the most favorable results were obtained at the end of ninety-six hours, while Loeb reports seventy-five hours as the optimal time. This seems to indicate that some other factor than potassium cyanide is at work. The number of bacteria present in the various solutions at the end of ninety-six hours, as shown by the table, is in proportion to the concentration of the potassium cyanide, The stronger solutions are sterile. PROTOZOA. During the above experiments it was noticed that under the same conditions more bacteria appeared at one time than at another. Further investigation showed that there were present also varying numbers of protozoa. The relation of these organisms to the life of the sea-urchin larvee can be seen in Table III. It is evident that when the protozoa are numerous the life of both eggs and larve is preserved, The protozoa destroy enormous numbers of bacteria. Wherever there are large numbers of protozoa there are oii \ ie Potassium Cyanide and the Solutions. 240 c.c. in each dish 24 hours. +- 5 c.c. of eggs. (Control) 600,000 bacteria Sea-water. perc.c. Eggs fer- 1000 bacteria! tilized, and de- per c.c. velop normally into plutei. Of the unfertilized eggs none devel- ops. sz509 KCN | Same as control. Develop. into ; plutei. | Same as control. too KCN T6000 z000 KCN Same as control. zany KCN ! Nearlyallsegment | and develop to Nearly all segment and develop to swimming larve. tog0 KCN | Nearly all seg- ment and few develop to swim- ming larve. 4, KCN Nearly all seg- ment. Some ir- | regularly. Few larve. zion KCN Few segment ir- regularly. Very few larve. 360 KCN x39 KCN No egg segments. few bacteria. is due to the elimination of bacteria. swimming larve. | TA®LE II. 4S hours. 390,000 bacteria perc.c. Feweggs segment irregu- larly in first ex- periment. Insec- ond experiment no egg develops. No egg segments. No egg segments. 50 per cent of eggs segment and de- velop to ming iarve. Most segment and develop to swim- ming larve. Some irregularly. No egg segments. Many segment. Some irregu- larly. No egg segments. No egg segments, | No egg segments. swim- | Unfertilized Egg. 72 hours. 17,000 bacte- May Pen icc. No egg seg- ments. A sticky, putrid mass. No egg seg- ments. No egg ments. Some eggs seg- ment and de- velop to plu- tei. Very few seg- ment. Very few seg- ment. No egg seg- ments. | No egg seg- ments. No egg seg- ments. No egg seg- ments. No egg ments. 96 hours. 850,000 bacteria perc.c. No egg segments. No egg segments. 950,000 bacteria perc.c. No egg segments. $00,000 bacteria perc.c. No egg segments. '550,000 bacteria perc.c. All seg- ment and de- velop to swim- ming larve. 380,000 bacteria per c.c. Most segment and de- velop to swim- ming larve. | 35,000 bacteria per c.c. No egg seg- ments. 11,000 bacteria per c.c. No egg seg- ments. No bacteria. No egg segments. No bacteria. No egg segments. No bacteria. No | egg segments. Here again the beneficial action on the eggs or larvze To test the accuracy of this deduction a special experiment was made to determine more exactly the ability of the protozoa to free a solution from bacteria and thus preserve the life of eggs or larve. 180 F.. P. Gorham and R. W. Tower. A solution was taken containing developing eggs which were being destroyed rapidly by large numbers of bacteria. This was inoculated with a considerable number of protozoa. Within twenty-four hours the bacteria had eaten up the dead embryos, the protozoa had greatly reduced the number of bacteria, and the larvze which had survived during the struggle were alive and swimming actively. In the con- trol experiments all the larva were dead. TABLE, Tur ; eer en) eNUmiberm of Solution in which | d fie: aS cE REN | ays after €ges were kept. | fertilization. Condition of Number of larve. protozoa. Sea-water Dead None. 3BGD Few swimming Many. 16000 Alive Many. wt 2 . 7 - a T0000 Swimming Very many. ” iso0 : All alive Very many. All dead None. 7000 2000 All dead None. Swimming | Many. 2000 [000 Dead None. The relation of bacteria to protozoa in standing sea-water is well shown in the two experiments of Table IV. TABLE TV. | = | Number : Number : of | Bacteria Protozoa per hae | Bacteria Protozoa per | c ) | | mS pegcics BRCIGs Peper cic: bya. hours. hours. | 0 1,000 l or tS 1,800 l or 2. 600,000 S to 10. 25,500 1I20'000" 15 48 390,000 Numerous. 72 120,000 10 to 20. We, 17,000 Very numerous. 2,300 Numerous. 1,600 Very numerous. Potassium Cyanide and the Unfertilized lege. 181 foto) EXPERIMENTS WITH STERILE SEA-WATER. In order to determine whether the preservation of the life of the egg is due to the direct action of the potassium cyanide on the egg, or to the antiseptic action of the potassium eyanide whereby the injurious action of bacteria is eliminated, experiments of another kind were made in which potassium cyanide did not figure, and in which no bacterial contamination was possible. The ideal experiment of this kind would be to place the sterile eggs of the sea-urchin in sterilized sea-water and to remove a few on suc- cessive days for fertilization. It was found possible to collect the eggs from the sea-urchin in a perfectly sterile condition and to transfer them to sterilized sea-water, where they were kept for eleven days at laboratory temperature uncontaminated by bacteria. The ac- companying data, Table V, gives the results of an experiment of this kind. TABE ESV. Number of | } days before 2 days. 3 days. |4 days.|5 days.| 7 days. ll days. fertilization. | Sterile eggsin | Develop | Develop | Develop Develop into plutei. sterile into into into sea-water. plutei. | plutei. plutei. : : : | r; . . Sterile eggs in | Develop Few No egg Eggs are now a putrid mass. ordinary ito |) “eggs segments. sea-water. | plutei. | segment. | Ordinary eggs in | Develop | No egg No egg Eggs are now a putrid mass. ordinary | into | segments. | segments. sea-water. plutei. As will be seen, the sterile eggs that were kept in the sterile sea- water for eleven days could at any time be fertilized and would develop into normal plutei; while in all cases, eggs that were not kept sterile died in about forty-eight hours. At the end of eleven days, all the sterile eggs were alive. How much longer they would live, was not determined. Thus, by preserving the sterile condition of the eggs, their life has been “ prolonged” nearly four times as long as when treated with potassium cyanide solutions. It seems probable, therefore, from a consideration of these experi- ments, that potassium cyanide acts always as a poison; that any sup- posedly beneficial action is due entirely to its antiseptic properties. 182 F.. P. Gorham and R. W. Tower. CONCLUSIONS. 1. The action of potassium cyanide is only an indirect one, z. e. killing or inhibiting the bacteria, and thus giving the eggs a more favorable environment. 2. Inall experiments with unsterilized sea-water, the protozoa enter as an important bacteria-destroying factor which must be considered in interpreting the results. 3. Sterile sea-water ‘“‘ prolongs” the life of the egg of the sea- urchin much longer than Loeb’s most favorable potassium cyanide solutions. 4. Both our own experiments and those of Loeb show that too strong solutions of potassium cyanide, and too long exposure to weak solutions, soon kill the egg. From this the reasonable interpretation is, that the potassium cyanide is a poison for all living matter, but it acts more quickly on bacteria than on sea-urchin eggs; it is in no sense a prolonger of life. 5. From the fact that unfertilized eggs can be kept in sterile sea- water for eleven days or longer, it would seem that the specific mortal processes of Loeb are as yet hypothetical phenomena without any defi- nite experimental basis. We are indebted to the United States Fish Commission for ex- tending the courtesies of their Scientific Laboratories at Woods Hole. NOTES ON THE “PROTAGON” OF THE BRAIN: By W. W. LESEM anp WILLIAM J. GIES. aden years ago Chittenden and Frissell* made a study of the distribution of phosphorus-containing substances in the brain. The results obtained by them seemed to ‘indicate that protagon contains but a small proportion of the total phosphorus of the brain and that other phosphorized organic bodies, such as lecithins, are present, preformed in the tissue, in relatively large proportion.” They concluded that ‘ the dry solid matter of the brain contains as much or even more lecithin than protagon.” Chittenden and Frissell also observed that, “contrary to previous statements, protagon tends to undergo cleavage by long-continued heating at 45° C. in 85 per cent alcohol, a certain amount of an alcohol-soluble (at o° C.) body richer in phosphorus than protagon, being split off while the residual protagon obtained by recrystallization at o°C. con- tained a somewhat diminished percentage of phosphorus.” Shortly after the publication of the brief note containing the above deductions, Dr. Gies repeated and extended the experiments begun by Dr. Frissell. The general conclusions of this second series of experiments were practically the same as those previously re- ported, but as the work was unavoidably interrupted, no further reference was made to them. Recently, however, new experiments on protagon have been performed by Mr. Lesem and Dr. Gies. The results of these experiments, to which we shall refer farther on, make it seem desirable to give here some of the related data of the earlier experiments in which the work of Chittenden and Frissell was repeated. 1 This work was begun by Dr. Gres under Professor CHITTENDEN’S super- vision, in the Sheffield Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry at Yale University. It was completed by Mr. LeEsem and Dr. Gies in the Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry at Columbia University. 2 CHITTENDEN : Proceedings of the American Physiological Society, Science, 107; v- (IN. S.), p- gor. 183 184 W. W. Lesem and William J. Gres. I On THE GENERAL DISTRIBUTION OF PHOSPHORUS-CONTAINING SUBSTANCES IN THE BRAIN. The brains employed in the experiments by Chittenden and Frissell were taken from sheep. Although the brains were used within twenty-four hours after the death of the animals, it seemed possible that, even within that short period, bacterial changes might have had some influence on the results! In repeating the first series of experiments, this difficulty was obviated by the adoption of the following procedure, which is the same as that used by Chittenden and Frissell,? except in the steps taken at the beginning to prevent possible alterations through the influence of bacteria. First experiment. — In this experiment glass-stoppered bottles of convenient size, containing about 750 c.c. of 85 per cent alcohol, were accurately weighed and removed to the slaughter house without loss of fluid. The sheep were killed in the usual way. The greater portion of blood dis- appeared from the brain in a minute or two, when the head was opened with a cleaver and the entire brain quickly removed. Superficial blood and lymph were taken off promptly with a clean dry cloth. While the brains were still at practically the normal body temperature, they were rapidly slashed with a scalpel and at once transferred to the bottled alcohol. ‘Two whole brains were deposited in each of three bottles. Special care was taken to prevent any loss of alcohol by evaporation or by spilling. It would seem that this prompt treatment with alcohol prevented such post-mortem changes as exposure for several hours to the air, a lowered temperature, etc., might induce. We do not mean to suggest, however, that the alcohol itself has no transforming power on the phosphorized constituents. Such influence, if exerted, would doubtless have been no greater, nor any different, at this point than later on. The quantities of tissue in each bottle were 152.99, 172.19, and 148.89 gms. Preliminary cold extracts. —The tissue remained in the original alcohol about four hours, when the filtrate was collected and the tissue very thoroughly macerated in a mortar. The finely divided material was next transferred to 750 c.c. of 85 per cent alcohol, and kept under it over ' The results of the following experiments show, however, that no appreciable changes of such character could have been effected. * The methods employed by CHITTENDEN and FRIsSSsELL could not be described in the very brief abstract of the preliminary report of their work. For that reason we give the methods here in some detail. Notes on the “ Protagon” of the Brain. 185 night, after which the filtrate was again separated. These two cold extracts were combined. Extracts at 45° C.—Extraction was next made in 85 per cent alcohol (14 litres for each pair of brains) for ten hours at 45° C., and the filtrate again collected. After standing in 2 litres of 85 per cent alcohol, at room temperature over night, the alcohol-tissue mixture was warmed to 45° C. and held at that temperature for twelve hours, after which the filtrate was again obtained. ‘The residual tissue was once more kept in 2 litres of ‘85 per cent alcohol over night and further extracted in the same fluid at 45° C. for fourteen hours, when the filtrate was preserved as before. After each of these filtrations, the solid substance was washed with a little warm alcohol (85 per cent), and the washings added to the appropriate filtrate. Extraction in boiling alcohol. — At this point the tissue remained in 1 litre of 85 per cent alcohol over night, when the mixture was boiled on a water bath fora half hour. After filtering, the tissue was also extracted in boiling 95 per cent alcohol for the same length of time. These two hot alcoholic extracts were combined. Tissue residue. — The residual tissue was finally washed with cold 95 per cent alcohol, then with absolute alcohol, and dried to constant weight at 80° C. Treatment of the extracts. —The extracts obtained at room temperature and in boiling alcohol: were separately evaporated in silver crucibles almost to dryness, and the total phosphorus content determined directly. The cold extract of our first preparation, however, was separated into protagon and filtrate therefrom by the method referred to below. The three extracts obtained at 45° C., in the second and third pre- parations, were separately reduced to o° C. with the aid of common freez- ing mixture, and held at that point for six hours. A heavy floccuient precipitate containing much crystalline cholesterin, protagon, etc., quickly separated from the first of each series of three extracts. The precipitate was considerably less in the second extract, and only a very faint turbidity was formed in the third. Each precipitate was quickly filtered, at a temperature slightly below o° C., on funnels surrounded by freezing mix- ture. The precipitates were washed once with cold 85 per cent alcohol, and then with cold ether until free from cholesterin. ‘The alcohol wash- ings were added to the same filtrates. The filtrates were combined and evaporated for the determination of phosphorus. The ether washings were given the same treatment. The protagon products were dried at a low temperature on the filter papers. Phosphorus was determined in the mixture of protagon and filter papers, the latter having been free from that element. Phosphorus was always determined by the usual fusion method. 186 W. W. Lesem and William /. Gtes. Analytic results. — The following table gives our analytic results for phosphorus in the various solids and fluids separated by the above ’ method: LABICE I; Phosphorus content. Ile lM | III. DEST LE IT. | Se [°xtracts, etc. | | Percentage | Percentage Grams. of total | of total solid matter.| phosphorus. | A Goldiextractsuta)iite sur 0.1423 0.1348 0.1841 | 0.35 | 0.43 | 2632 | 32.33 @RrOtar OMe me 0.0432 b. Viltrate ae prota, exeyh) 0.0991 By WtractsvatetseaGs (Oi menan eee 0.2599! 0.2887 | 0.68 | 0.67 | 51.14 | 50.38 @ Protagonsaeene- Sievers 0.0874; 0.1008| 0.23 | 0.23 | 17.30 17.380 b. Filtrates from prota: | SOUSa a ra Pete 0.1370 0.1401 | 0.36 | 0.33 | 27.07 | 24.81 . Etherw ashings SE pr O- tagons . Stee 0.0355 0.0478 | 0.09 | 0.11 6.77 §.27 G Extracts’ m boiling oes roll a eae fine ee eee shete 0.0047 0.0054 | 0.01 | 0.01 0.75 0.75 Dy Vissue residue 0.) ee ior 0.1098} 0.0939} 0.29 | 0.22 | 21.80 | 16.54 Total phosphorus 0.5092} 0.5721 | 1.33 elESS Weight of fresh tissue . .| 148.89 152.99 172.19 Weight of tissue residue. . eStats 15325 17.08 Estimated solids in fresh tis- sue (25 per cent). . ees £55 43.05 Estimated weight of extr acted MAthGr 4:54 ic) eee ees eon eeee 23.00 25.97 That the preliminary cold extracts contained a comparatively small amount of protagon seems to be indicated by the results for our first preparation. Protagon is only slightly soluble in 85 per cent alcohol ato C., and is practically insoluble in ether at the same temperature. Thus of 2 grams of protagon, 0.03 to 0.04 gram dissolved in 500 c.c. of 85 per cent alcohol at 0° C. The same quantity of ethereal filtrate from 3.6 grams of protagon, at the same temperature, con- tained nothing yielding a phosphorus reaction after fusion with alkali, It is possible that the presence of the other constituents of the alcoholic extract may increase or decrease this solubility. It is hardly probable, however, that more than an insignificant portion Notes on the “ Protagon” of the Brain. 187 of the protagon remains unprecipitated on lowering to zero the temperature of alcoholic extracts such as the above. Second experiment. — We decided to repeat the experiment again, but with less tissue. The results of our previous experiment had been obtained for the whole brain. We now endeavored to ascertain whether the above data apply equally to all portions of the brain or whether there are wide phosphorus variations for the parts. This was accomplished indirectly without materially altering the conditions of the previous experiment. For the purpose indicated we took amounts of tissue equivalent in weight to a whole brain, but made up of different parts of two brains. The method of treatment at the slaughter house, transportation in weighed alcohol, extraction in 85 per cent alcohol at room temperature, at 45° C., etc., separation of protagon, etc., were the same in this as in the first experiment. Samples of the fresh tissue were used for determinations of solids and phosphorus. At the slaughter house the brains were carefully sectioned transversely into halves just before their deposition in the alcohol. ‘The halves were combined as indicated in the next table. The preliminary extracts in cold alcohol were united with those obtained at 45° C., and the prota- gon was removed from the mixture. Four extractions of each sample of tissue were made at 45° C. One litre of 85 per cent alcohol per brain was used each time. The washing of the protagons with ether was omitted. ; Table II, on page 188, gives the essential results of this experiment. Only insignificant differences are to be observed between the results of the first two experiments. The analytic data are, therefore, essentially the same for the anterior and posterior halves of the brain. The similarity of the results of this series to those of the preceding is especially evident from the directly comparable data given in Table III on page 188. The results of the first and second experiments show that the greater portion of the phosphorus of the brain is contained in sub- stances not precipitable as protagon. The bulk of the phosphorus in the preliminary cold extract (Exp. 1), and in the filtrates from the protagons (Exps. 1 and 2), is doubtless contained in substances as readily soluble in alcohol as lecithin. Some phosphate was also present. Probably most of the phosphorus of the ether washings (Exp. 1) was contained in substance which was soluble in the 188 W. W. Lesem and William /. Gres. alcohol (and in the ether), but which adhered to the precipitate until it was treated with ether. TABLE Ir Phosphorus content. Extracts, ete. A. B. G. Py: | Ant. half of 1. | Ant. half of 2. | Ant. half of 3. Post. half of 4. | Post. half of 2.| Post. half of 3.| Ant. half of 4. | Post. half of 5. Grams. Grams. Grams. Grams. I. Ext. at room temp. | and at 45o°1Gx 3 0.2512 0.2152 0.2446 0.2353 a. Protagons (4) . | 0.0953 0.0728 0.0900 0.0869 6. Filtrates from | protagons. . 0.1559 0.1424 0.1546 0.1484 Il, Extracts in boiling | alcoholi.) = 2 0.0013 0.0013 0.0015 0.0016 III. Tissue residue . .| 0.0635 0.0432 0.0517 0.0467 Total phosphorus: a. Totalinall parts | 0.3160 0.2597 0.2978 0.2836 6. As determined | directly. . . aeias 0.2694 schsve | 0.3038 Weight of fresh tissue . $4.86 72.07 86.44 82.23 | | Whether these soluble substances exist ‘‘ preformed” in the brain, as Chittenden and Frissell and others believe, or are decomposition products resulting from the use of the reagents, as some infer, is not made clear by these experiments. The former view seems more probable. DABEE Tit: ' Phosphorus content. Weight | of fresh tissue. Prota- Filtrate. I lot Tissue gon. extract. | residue. Gms. | Gm. Gm. | Gm. Gm. Gm. Brain. Total. First One half of III. | 86.10 0.07431 0.16217 0.0027 0.0469 0 2860 Second GC. 86.44 0.0900 0.1546 | 0.0015 0.0517 0.2978 ! Including ether washings. 2 Including cold extract. Notes on the ** Protagon” of the Brain. 189 The results of the next experiment lead to essentially the same conclusions as those drawn from the preceding. Third experiment. -— The methods of this experiment were, in general, the same as those of the first and second. treatment are to be noted. The following differences of The divisions of the brains were made longi- tudinally instead of transversely. The alcoholic filtrates (2), obtained at o° C. after separation of the protagon, were evaporated almost to dryness on a water bath at 35—40° C. ‘The residues thus resulting were thoroughly extracted several times with a moderate excess of cold ether. The The residue left after So little seemed to dissolve that the alcoholic extracts were evaporated with the ethereal. mostly inorganic matter, was next treated with water. extracts were filtered and evaporated to dryness. treatment with ether was extracted with boiling 95 per cent alcohol. The substance remaining after the extraction with alcohol, All of it dissolved very readily. This solution was then evaporated to dryness. Phosphorus was determined in the substance from each of these extracts and in the protagon, with the results tabulated below : TABLE IV. Phosphorus content. A B Extracts, etc. | Same lateral halves of | brains 1 and 2. Opposite lat- eral halves of | brains | and 3. & Opposite lat- eral halves of | brains 4and 5. Grams. Grams. Grams. I. Protagons (2) 0.0576 0.0701 0.0667 II. Filtrates 0.1841 0.2037 a. Substance soluble in alcohol and ether . Ee teen ee) Bee 6. Residual substance soluble in water 0.1603 0.1750 0.0287 Total phosphorus Weight of fresh tissue . II. ON THE QUESTION OF THE CHEMICAL INDIVIDUALITY OF PROTAGON. Twenty years ago Gamgee expressed himself on this subject as follows : “ There is no subject in physiological chemistry concerning which it is more difficult to give a statement, which would be accepted 190 W. W. Lesem and Witham J. Gres. as correct by those who have devoted their attention to it, than the chemistry of the complex phosphorized fats which exist in the nervous tissue.”! The same may be said perhaps with equal force to-day, in spite of the careful work done in the mean time to solve the problems connected with the chemical constituents of the brain. Soon after Liebreich? separated from the brain the substance he called protagon, Thudichum® and others denied the existence of such a substance. Thus, Diaconow,? working as did Liebreich, in Hoppe-Seyler’s laboratory, obtained results which led him to conclude that protagon is a mixture of lecithin and cerebrin. The later re- searches of Gamgee and Blankenhorn,’ however, furnished data which were generally accepted as amply confirming the original con- clusions of Liebreich. The subsequent work of Baumstark,°® Kossel and Freytag,’ and Ruppel,® particularly, further emphasized the growing confidence in the existence and importance of protagon as a brain constituent. Until recently the matter seemed to be settled in the general conviction that protagon is a chemical individ- ual, in spite of Thudichum’s claims to the contrary. As late as 1899 Hammarsten ® indicated, as follows, the prevalent feeling toward the non-concurrent conclusions in which Thudichum has persisted : “Thudichum claims to have isolated from the brain a number of phosphorus-containing substances which he divides into three main groups: kephalins, myelins, and lecithins. Thus far, however, his results have not been confirmed by any other investigators.” The work of Kossel and Freytag may be regarded as an approach to Thudichum’s position with reference to the composite nature of protagon. Kossel and Freytag discovered that protagon contains sulphur. Variations among their several products, in spite of great care in preparation, also led them to believe in the existence of several protagons. Further than this, they found that protagons ' GAMGEE: A text-book of the physiological chemistry of the animal body, 1880, Ty p> Abe * LIEBREICH: Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie, 1865, cxxxiv, p. 29. * THUDICHUM: Chemisches Centralblatt, 1875, p. 408. * DIAcONOW: Centralblatt fiir die medicinischen Wissenschaften, 1868, p. 97- ® GAMGEE UND BLANKENHORN: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1879, ili, p. 260. ° BAUMSTARK: J/did, 1885, ix, p. 145. 7 KOSSEL UND FREYTAG: J/6/d, 1893, xvii, p. 431. * Rupprec: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1895, xxxi, p. 86. * HAMMARSTEN: Lehrbuch der physiologischen Chemie, 1899, p. 366. Notes on the “ Protagon” of the Brain. IgI readily yield several substances similar to or identical with some described by Thudichum,! and which he still contends are among the fourteen (!) different bodies contained in the protagon mixture. The subsequent work of Chittenden and Frissell also gave indications of facts in harmony with the earliest results of Diaconow and his view that protagon is a mixture. Lately, Wérner and Thierfelder * attacked the problem by improved methods, and obtained results which seem to show that protagon is not an individual substance, or else that it is a remarkably labile body, physically and chemically. Below we give the results of our repetitions of the experiments of Chittenden and Frissell bearing on the matter in question. Fourth experiment.—A sample of protagon which had been prepared by Dr. Frissell from sheep brains by the usual method — precipita- tion from warm alcoholic extract at o° C. and thorough washing in ether at 0° C.— was placed at our disposal for this experiment. We further purified the protagon by recrystallizing it once from alcohol. 25 gms. of the product was kept in 1500 c.c. of 85 per cent alcohol at 40°C. for twelve hours and the mixture repeatedly stirred. At the end of that time only about half of the substance had dissolved. First product and filtrate. —The mixture was filtered and the protagon sep- arated from the extract by the usual cooling process, etc. ‘The filtrate from the protagon was evaporated to dryness. Second product and filtrate. — That portion of the original protagon which remained undissolved was again subjected to treatment in the same amount of alcohol. Most of the substance dissolved at the end of twelve hours. The second portions of protagon and evaporated filtrates were obtained as before from the filtered extract. Third product and filtrate. —The protagon still remaining undissolved after the second extraction with alcohol was again placed in the same amount of warm alcohol for a similar period. Protagon was separated from the extract and the filtrate from it evaporated to dryness as before.’ Insoluble portion. — A fairly large proportion of the original protagon re- mained insoluble under these conditions. Alcohol-ether washings. — Each successive residual portion of protagon re- ferred to above was washed with warm alcohol and the washings added to 1 THuDICHUM: Die chemische Konstitution des Gehirns des Menschen und der Tiere, 1901, pp. 54-57; 328. 2 WORNER UND THIERFELDER: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, Igoo, XXX, Pp. 54”. 3 The crystalline appearance of these various protagon products was practically the same. 192 W. W. Lesem and William /. Gres. the filtrates. All of the samples of freshly precipitated protagon were washed first with a small quantity of cold 85 per cent alcohol and later with moderate excess of cold ether. The alcoholic and ethereal wash- ings of the freshly precipitated protagon were combined and evaporated. Treatment of the products. — Yhe portions of protagon, and the substance in the filtrates and washings, were carefully determined quantitatively. Phos- phorus. was also estimated in each by the usual fusion method. The following summary gives our data in this connection : — TABLE V. Weight in Percentage of Protagon, etc. ey grams,! phosphorus. 4. Freshly precipitated protagon : @.-Hrompurst extracties 0 ae 10.834 6. From second extract .. . 7.599 é. Exonr thind extract) =... 1.729 (20.162) . Insoluble protagon (residue) . . 2.009 . Substance in filtrates from the freshly precipitated protagon: a. Of first extract . F 6. Of second extract . c. Of third extract . Alcohol-ether washings of the freshly precipitated products Total substance recovered Total substance taken . 1 The weights are for substance dried in vacuo over H,SOy, to constant weight. Fifth experiment. — We repeated the preceding experiment with two freshly prepared samples of protagon made by us from two different quantities of sheep brains. ‘These samples of protagon were prepared by the usual method and were twice recrystallized. ‘lwelve gms. of each was used. ‘Two treatments were made with 1} litres of 85 per cent alcohol at 45° C., etc., as in the fourth experiment, with the results tabulated on page 193: Among the points to be noted in Tables V and VI is the decreas- ing percentage content of phosphorus in each successive protagon and in the final insoluble residue. Also, the unusually high though diminishing proportion of phosphorus in the substance of the filtrates obtained each time protagon was separated at o° C. a Notes on the “ Protagon” of the Brain. 193 Our method of fractional separation was that customarily employed in the purification of protagon. Here it was merely repeated more frequently than usual. Instead of obtaining purer protagons in the process, however, it appears that, with each successive precipitation, the substance itself changed in composition and, also, that variously composed products were liberated into the filtrates from the prota- gons at the same time. The final residue was wax-like and quite different from the snow-white protagon of the first extracts. We are certain that our products were “ pure” at the start. TABLE VI. Protagon, etc. oe — ae Weight Percentage Weight -| Percentage in of phos- | in of phos- grams. phorus. | grams. phorus. A. Freshly precipitated protagon:! a. From first extract . . .| 5.945 L21 |i'3:659 2.009 (5.668) 6. From second extract . .| 2.680 (8.625) 1.01 B. Insoluble protagon (residue) . 0.655 0.91 3.892 C. Substance in filtrates from the freshly precipitated pro- tagon: a Of firstiextract. «. . % <1 1-613 ‘ 1} 1.321 6. Of second extract . . .| 0.983 (2.596) : | 0.981 (2.302) Total substance recovered? . 11.876 eee 11.862 Total substance taken. . . 12.150 1.26 12.150 I 1 The precipitates were washed only with cold alcohol. > 2 See note | in the preceding table. The data of the last two experiments are in close agreement with the similar facts found by Chittenden and Frissell. They are in harmony with corresponding data recently published by Thudichum.! These results were obtained by applying the usual purification method. They show, we think, that protagon is either a mixture of bodies, or else a substance decomposing quite readily under the conditions of such experiments. If the latter conclusion appears to 1 THUDICHUM: Die chemische Konstitution des Gehirns des Menschen und der Tiere, 1901, pp. 84-85. 194 W. W. Lesem and Witham J. Gres. be more probable than the former, it must then be admitted that thus far no standard of purity for protagon has been raised which is not open to the objection that it is based on methods involving unavoidable decomposition. Elementary composition of protagon.—It seemed desirable at this point to ascertain the general elementary composition of several of the protagon products prepared in the preceding experiments. The summary below gives our results for four representative preparations : (AGE eB Valse Percentage composition of protagons.1 Fourth experiment. Fifth experiment. Elements. ad. 65.98 | 66.24 66.11 | 66.63 | 66.46 | 66.55 || 65.87 | 65.77 | 65.82 H | 10.83 10.97 10.90 |10.72 10.60 10.66) 10.73 | 10.47 | 10.60 2.09| 1.95| 2.02] 2.22, 216| 219]| 1.97| 1.99] 1.98]| 128) eee lee .25| 1.26| 1.26 OT || seize ON sen \eOlenay | 19.97|| .. | .. |18: .. (se tee7l SP a 1 The methods of analysis employed were those already described by us: HAWK and Girs: This journal, 1901, v, p. 403. 2 The amount of ash varied between 2 and 3 per cent. It consisted very largely of phosphate derived during the incineration process. The results for elementary composition are in fairly close accord with those of previous observers.! Since all of our samples were made by practically the same method as that employed in most of the earlier investigations, however, this harmony proves nothing more than that the materials analyzed by all of us were of essentially the same character. The minor variations suggest that the products may be fairly uniform mixtures, but Kossel and Freytag’s conclusion that several protagons exist might also be drawn from them. In fact, much to our surprise, these results accord as well as many analytic 1 See the summary lately given by Nov: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1899, xxvii, p. 376. Notes on the “ Protagon” of the Brain. 195 series given for what are undoubtedly individual substances. Our data in this connection, considered by themselves, would seem to harmonize with the older view of the integrity of protagon. In the light of our other results, however, they illustrate the fact that uni- formity in composition frequently hides chemical differences. In this case general uniformity seems to give no assurance of chemical individuality. Application of the methods of Wo6rner and Thierfelder. —-\Ve have repeated some of the recent preliminary experiments of Worner and Thierfelder without, however, anticipating any of the steps which it may be the intention of these investigators to take in furtherance of their work. Worner and Thierfelder used material from human brains. We used purified protagon from sheep brains. The agreement between their results and ours is, therefore, all the more significant. Our data in this connection will be given only briefly. We made use of freshly prepared protagon, as well as some of the preparations already referred to. Our protagon products dissolved almost entirely in moderate quantities of solutions of equal parts of alcohol and chloroform, or alcohol and benzol, at 45° C. The latter solution appeared to exert solvent action less rapidly than the other. The crystals obtained from such fluids, after gradual evaporation at 40-45° C., varied somewhat with changes in the composition of the solvent and in the concentration of the solution. The residue left behind at this point, on treatment of the protagon with a moderate quantity of the solution, resembled that remaining in Experiments 4 and 5 preceding. It consisted of globular forms and amorphous substance. On cooling the filtrate from the melted matter, a bulky precipitate of snow-white ‘“‘cerebron” spheres was deposited. The filtrate from the cerebron, on evaporation, yielded microscopic needles. The filtrate from these crystals contained other organic matter which, however, furnished only a slight amount of crystalline substance on further evaporation or on longer standing. These experiments were repeated several times with similar outcome. Of these various products the cerebron was the only one we attempted to separate in any quantity for further examination. In all the ordinary tests tried on the several preparations of purified cerebron, we found that our products gave the reactions already attributed to the substance by Worner and Thierfelder. All the crystals figured for it by these investigators were observed in the 196 W. W. Lesem and William J. Gres. various fluids. The typical transformation of the cerebron balls in 85 per cent alcohol at 50° C. into needles, minute plates, etc., was also brought about several times. We were unable to make any elementary analyses of the cerebron, but verified the statement that on decomposition with acid a reducing substance may be detected among its cleavage products. In view of these results, also, it appears necessary to conclude that protagon is not merely an unstable substance, but a mixture of bodies.’ It is not at all likely that these various products arise by decomposition from such mild treatment. Further study of cerebron and its related products, also of the new substance very recently isolated by Ulpiani and Lelli,? and called by them, ‘“ paranukleo- protagon,” may throw more light on the protagon question. III. SUMMARY OF GENERAL CONCLUSIONS. (1) The protagon of the brain is a mixture of substances, not a chemical individual. (2) The mixture called protagon does not contain the bulk of the phosphorized organic substance of the brain. ; ' See very recent paper by Kocu: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1902, XXXVI, Pp. 140. 2 ULPIANI UND LELLI: Chemisches Centralblatt, 1902, ii, p. 292. ena THE GROWTH. OF SUCKLING PIGS FED ON A DIET OF SKIMMED COW’S MILK. By MARGARET B. WILSON. [From the Physiological Laboratory of the University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College. | THE OLDER EXPERIMENTS. BOUT ten years ago at the Yale Medical School Dr. L. C. Sanford and Professor Graham Lusk reared three new-born pigs of the same litter on centrifugalized skimmed cow’s milk. To the milk of one pig 2 per cent of milk-sugar was added, to that of a second 2 per cent of dextrose, while a third pig received skim-milk alone. All the pigs had diarrhcea at one time or another, but this did not last long. The experiments proved that the pigs could thrive on a skim-milk diet and that the addition of sugars was advantageous. The milk was analyzed. The growth of the pigs in proteid substance was determined by analyzing a new-born pig of the same litter which was killed at birth. The percentage proteid composition was taken to represent that of the living pigs at the start of the feeding. Any gain of proteid noticed in the analysis of the pigs after the fourteen days of feeding could be attributed to growth. Another pig of a different litter was fed for fourteen days on whole milk of unknown composition. For the calorific value of this milk Rubner’s! average value has been assumed, —1 litre =650 calories. The composition of the diet of the other pigs was determined by analysis, as follows (see first table, page 198) : The calculation of the energy in the milks described in the table was made according to Rubner’s standard values? for milk, as follows: Proteid ... . . . 4.4 calories Raton, 2 ete 2 soe 2a 9:2 calories Milk-sugar . . . . . 3.9 calories 1 LEYDEN’sS Handbuch, 1897, Bd. 1, p. 113. 2 RUBNER: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1901, xliv, p. 280: also RUBNER und HEUBNER: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1898, xxxvi, p. 55. 197 198 Margaret B. Wilson. from which is deducted 5.4 per cent lost through the feces. Rubner has shown that these theoretical calculations very nearly cover the fuel value actually available physiologically. Skim. Lactose. Dextrose. Gms. |Calories., Gms. |Calories.. Gms. | Calories Proteiduy) ay be ak eee ZNE | pe 94S-Orae 2OleD 1238.6" | 302.1) |is2or 4+ ee ees a al) Sona ||) Seis: 48.0 441.6 ops) 473.8 Milk-sugat.) i) te ee aeealeo OSes 1192.6 | 581.7 + 2268.6 | 435:0 | 16965 Dextrose Total 1255. Sabi. vere See Pee weave 3948.8 a ee 4199.1 Less 5.4 per cent lost | through feces . . . state Sire Seay Pe corer PANES y? sorte 226.7 | | Calories available physi- ologically . ane Dextrose was calculated: 1 gm. = 3692 cal. There can be no significance in the above figures unless the skimmed cow’s milk is normally absorbed. To show this the faeces were collected, and the intestinal contents of the pig, killed twelve hours after his last meal, were mixed with the faeces for analysis. The results may thus be indicated : Skim. Lactose. Dextrose. Grams. Grams. Grams. Nin milk:fed/=%. 5-7 se a eee 33.68 44.19 47.42 iin feeces*;. a en ea ee ee SS 1.47 1.96 N excreted in feces in percent . . BY 3:3 4.1 Fat in milk fed Fat in faces Fat excreted in faeces in per cent . 0 Ol Ee Suckling Pigs on a Diet of Skimmed Cow's Milk. 199 Camerer! in seven experiments on children of different ages finds that there is a faecal excretion of 5.8 per cent of the nitrogen in a milk diet, and 4.7 per cent of the fat. Rubner? finds an average of 7.1 per cent of the nitrogen in the ingesta and 5.3 per cent of the fat, in the faeces of the adult on a milk diet. These figures show that the milk absorption in the pigs was similar to that in children. No milk-sugar was ever found in the urine. That the physiological utilization of the calories of milk is almost the same under different conditions has been shown by Rubner? in the following table: Physiologically available calories of mother’s milk. . . . . . . . . 91.6 percent Physiologically available calories of cows milk . . . . . . . . . . 90.7 per cent Physiologically available calories of cow’s milk with milk-sugar . . . . 92.2 per cent Physiologically available calories of cow’s milk when ingested by an adult $9.8 per cent The figures for the faecal contents indicate a normal absorption, and consequently a normal utilization of the milk by the pigs. All the pigs developed rapidly except the pig fed on skimmed milk, which seemed feeble throughout the experiment, and did not suckle vigorously as the others did. The following table briefly includes the fourteen days’ life-history of the pigs. Whole 3 Skim. Lactose. | Dextrose. milk. Weight of pig when born. . . . . 550 Weight of pig when killed . .. . | 1008 390 2000 (Crowtbeoorams;. . 46, . . » « 458 5 | 38 | S48 KCcomynhnnipen Gent <0) ea ay fn 82.1 Minestechiniee, v2 hie es ew 3059 Available caloriesfed . .... . [1989?] Growth in grams per litre of milk. . 149 Growth in grams per 1000 calories fed [230?] i CAMERER: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1881, xvii, p. 493. RuBNER: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1879, xv, p. 115. 3 RUBNER: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1899, xxxviii, p. 380. 200 Margaret B. Wetlson. The discussion of these results will be deferred until later, but it may be observed in passing that, except in the case of the badly nour- ished pig fed on skimmed milk, the growth seems proportional to the calorific value of the food. Concerning the proteid growth, it was first determined that a new- born pig of the same litter weighing 1137 grams, contained of his live weight 1.78 per cent of N or 11.17 percent of proteid. If this be the true value at the birth of the other pigs, we can estimate the nitrogen contained in them at birth and deduct this from the actual nitrogen found at the end of the experimental feeding. From this the growth of proteid matter may be calculated. Skim. | Lactose: Dextrose. . | . | rr? N in grams. | N in grams. | N in grams. Wihten Igileils Nrs,0 5) at peah Metie aek Gre 25.60 | 35.46 43.90 \a over bYovany (egonenenwel)) 3 5 6 5 5 6 6 L780) er7Z 20.51 Growthynsir) 2) Pee eee eee 7.80 | 16.74 23.39 Growth in per cent’. 2-4 7 we eee ee 44.00 | §9.00°- 114.00 Nim fond! et 3368 | 44.19 47.42 IN; metabolize de leat ce amigere ee a Me ee ern i. 4: 24.03 Per cent of N of food used to form new tissue : : 48.00 From the above figures it is seen that the retention of proteid for tissue building amounted to 23, 38, and 48 per cent in the three different pigs. The method employed by Sanford and Lusk in these older experi- ments seemed to be capable of further extension, and at Professor Lusk’s suggestion, and with his assistance, a new research was undertaken. THE New EXPERIMENTS. Work has been done of late by Camerer, Rubner, Oppenheimer, and others, which has added much of high importance to the knowl- edge of the laws of nutrition in the growing child. In such exper- iments on children the diet must naturally be unexceptionable. It seemed that these experiments might properly be supplemented by investigating the nutritive value of skim-milk to the growing organ- Suckling Pigs on a Diet of Skimmed Cow's Milk. 201 ism. So great is the popular prejudice against skim-milk, that it has been made a crime to sell it in Néw York.! For these feeding experiments, pigs were selected on account of their rapid growth, their vigorous metabolism, and the fact that they, like man, are omnivorous. Their great muscular activity is the one decided cause of difference between their metabolism and that of a helpless infant. Six new-born pigs of the same litter were obtained. Three of them were at once submitted to analysis, and three were reared on skim-milk. Of these three, one, the skim-milk pig, was fed on skim- milk alone; another, the lactose pig, received the same skim-milk to which three per cent of lactose had been added; and a third pig, the dextrose pig, was nourished with the same skim-milk containing three per cent of added dextrose. After sixteen days the pigs were killed and submitted to analysis. At first glance it may be said that the experiments are far too few in number to prove anything, and yet the general uniformity of the results obtained, and their accordance with the observations made on children, render this objection less valid. About forty litres of skimmed cow’s milk were obtained in winter, fresh from the Briarcliff Farm, which establishment also furnished the pigs. I desire to express my thanks to the company and its em- ployees for their trouble in the matter. About one third of the milk was treated with 30 grams of lactose hydrate per litre, and another third with 30 grams of dextrose per litre. The milk was measured, 200 c.c. at one time (using Cremer’s two-way stop-cock pipette), into ordinary nursing bottles, which were stoppered with cotton and frozen in the ice machine of the anatomical department. From time to time the bottles were thawed, as they were needed, and warmed for use. The milk remained perfectly sweet throughout the experiment. It agreed perfectly with the pigs, and there was no diarrhcea in any of them at any time. The nitrogen of the milk was ascertained, by making Kjeldahl determinations: the fat, by weighing the ether extract of the milk dried on fat-free paper; and the milk-sugar, by the Allihn method, after precipitating the proteid. Calcium was determined after incinera- tion of the total solids. The potential energy was calculated as before, 1 Valuable information on the nutritive value of the skim-milk may be found in: Milk as Food, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1898, Farmers’ Bulletin, No. 74. 202 Margaret B. Wilson. although a loss through the faeces of 5.4 per cent of the energy of the added sugars is hardly possible. Rubner has shown us, as before described, that there is a higher average utilization of the calorific power in milk after the addition of lactose. 1000 c.c. skim-milk. Grams. | Calories. Proteid Hates Lactose CaO Total ee es Less 5.4 per cent Calories physiolog- | = ically available The addition of 30 grams of lactose hydrate strengthened the milk with 27.g grams of lactose per litre, containing 108.8 calories. Deducting 5.4 per cent from this (= 102.9), it is evident that the milk fed to the lactose pig had an energy equivalent of 474 calories per litre. Thirty grams of dextrose added to the skim-milk raised its value by 110.8 calories (— 5.4 per cent = 104.8). The dextrose pig was, there- fore, fed with a calorific equivalent of 475.9 calories per litre. The relative calorific value of the three milks may be computed: Dextrose mille. 35+ . 2 1000 TACOS) Vipdie) lee) Ie tee Se ee Skim=milk: 2s 2h eee cn dae Of 100 calories in the food there were: Skim. Lactose. Dextrose. Proteid’ <7 mo 47.0 Rats. Carbohydrates Suckling Pigs on a Diet of Skimmed Cow's Milk. 203 The value for proteid is here very high. Rubner,' calculating the gross calories of mother’s milk on the fourteenth day of lactation, states that the proteid contains 16.7 per cent, the fat 47.2 per cent, and lactose 36.1 per cent of the calories. Skim. Lactose. Dextrose. Day. nee Milk. | Weight.| Milk. |. Weight. | Milk. | Weight. | 1902 Cc. Gms. BC Gms. c.c. Gms. 1322 ee 1295 Boe 1485.7 Jan. 18 1541.5 aes 1525 1380 1502 1495 : 1610 1601 5 1643 1699 1762 1791 1907 iL? 2 7) 207+ 2090 The amount of proteid in sow’s milk is normally high. Kdénig ? gives 7.24 per cent as the mean in eight sows, while six days after parturition it is given as high as 12.89 per cent. The pig’s organism 1 RUBNER: Leyden’s Handbuch, Bd. 1, p. 134. ? KONIG :.Zusammensetzung der menschlichen Nahrungsmittel, 1889, p. 350. 204 Margaret B. Wilson. may, therefore, be fitted for a high proteid coefficient. The mean for _milk-sugar in the sow’s milk is given as 3.13 per cent, and for fat ASeAde bi5t The three pigs which were fed on the three milks above described grew rapidly and normally. The dextrose pig, which was heaviest at the start, took his food with greater slowness than the others, some- times suckling forty-five minutes in taking the volume of milk which the other two drank in fifteen minutes. There were nine feedings on each of the first two days, seven feedings from the third to the seventh day, and six feedings daily thereafter. The pigs were fed every three or four hours, including the night hours, as they would awake between three and four o’clock and cry for food. The pigs were all strong and active, and exercised freely about the room. The amount of milk fed, and the growth of the pigs is shown in the table on page 203. From this it is seen that in sixteen days the skim-milk pig drank 10.925 litres (=4053.2 calories), the lactose pig drank 11.005 litres (= 5216.4 calories), and the dextrose pig drank 9.707 litres (= 4619.6 calories). It is now possible to tabulate some of the facts regarding the growth of the pigs, and to compare these results with those of Sanford and Lusk. WILSON. SANFORD and Lusk. Lac- Dex- tose. trose. Lac- Dex- i f Skim. tose. trose. || Weight when bom . . . . . . .| 1322 | 1295 | 1485 |/1000 | 1050 1152 Weirht whenkilled) 95 ces) sen e205 2435 | 2471 ||1246 | 1890 | 2000 Growth peoramse. | alen nee eennne 883 1140 986 || 264 $38 S48 Growth ny percentqn- 0a mene 66.8 88.0} 66.4}| 264 yh dy 736 Milk fedinec. . . . . . . « .|10925 |11005 |9707 |/6826 |8836 | 9481 | | Available caloriesfed . . . . . .| 4053 | 5216 | 4620 |/2339 | 3736 | 3972 Growth in grams per litre of milk. . $l | 114 10] 38 95 SY Growth in grams per 1000 calories fed It is seen from the above that the growth of the pigs in grams is directly proportional to the calorific value of the food to the organism. Suckling Pigs on a Diet of Skimmed Cow's Milk. 205 The one exception was that of the ill-nourished skim-milk pig of Sanford and Lusk. Here is an individual improperly nourished, taking too little food, and remaining behind his fellows in normal development. But that five out of six pigs of different litters, different sizes, and differently fed should gain in weight, respectively, 213, 213, 215, 218, and 222 grams per thousand calories fed, seems more than a coincidence. Oppenheimer! has shown that the growth in grams of normal breast-fed children of the same age may be nearly propor- tional to the litres of milk fed. Here the milk presumably has the same calorific value, although this could not be determined. Oppen- heimer’s table is here reproduced : Growth in grams for 1 kg. Milk. Month. FEER. OprENHEIMER. I 33.8 95.0 II isa") 201.1 III 120.3 138.5 In the second, third, and fourth months of these children’s lives the growth is uniformly proportional to the milk, or energy, fed. It seems, therefore, probable that the growth of sucklings in good health, and fed with proper and abundant food, stands in a definite relationship to the amount of energy in the food. Having determined this ratio of growth, it seemed desirable to estimate the constituents of the new tissue, and if possible to calculate the energy equivalent added to the body in the course of this growth. For this purpose the pigs were analyzed. Three of the new-born pigs were first analyzed. The results were so similar in all three, that it is justifiable to assume that the three bottle-fed pigs of the same litter started with the same percentage composition. Any increase above this estimated original composition may be ascribed to growth under the influence of diet. The proteid content was estimated by multiplying the amount of N found by 6.25, without! regard to the extractives. 1 OPPENHEIMER: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, Igor, xliv. p. 147- 206 Margaret B. Wilson. In preparing the pigs for analysis, each animal was dissected, and the intestinal canal cleaned of its contents. The different portions of the pig were put in dishes, covered with 95 per cent alcohol, left for twenty-four hours, and evaporated over a steam bath. This pro- cess was repeated two or three times. All the organs could then be put through a sausage machine, except the bones. The parts were dried in a drying oven at 97°, ground in a mortar or put through a coffee-mill, and finally passed through a sieve. The skin with the hair, the bones, and all the other parts were thus reduced to a homogeneous mixture yielding equal values in duplicate analysis. Nitrogen was determined by the Kjeldahl method, moisture by drying to constant weight, fat by prolonged ether extraction, which, according to E. Voit,! will yield 95-97 per cent of the fat present. CaO was deter- mined after incineration. The results were as follows : | | Mk Sglisise (li. | ee oo | eee | ea par oeee | | ae | | A, ee eel | . Pig I 104477) 20520 13270) 96:65) alae 62.6 19.28 9.40 Jul W422 2265 | 17.65 | oit2 136.1 | 60.1 Seti | 1016 | 207.9 | 16 61.1 “ skim | 2205 | 436.2 |.28:3 ** Jactose 2435 | ADS: 1 | S480 * dextrose rile | AOS esac The aggregate live weight of the new-born pigs I, II, and III was 3,247 grams, and their percentage composition may be thus computed : Grams. Per cent. Live weight . ere act hoe ory ct Drysolidsa; 2 sc) ane Sie oe ee eo tee Bata) ic gdoaclaa at. Score cee TIES 1.15 Proteid. ¢—=2 6, 50s Be le 12.0 CaO (average of two'pigs)/; 2 2) ee == oo . With these figures it is possible to obtain the data regarding the growth of the three pigs which were fed. 1 Voit, E.; Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1897, lv, p. 55. Suckling Pigs on a Diet of Skimmed Cow's Milk. 207 Estimated composition Composition as deter- at start. mined at end. Growth. Pig. ar a p24 pee zy a Solids.| Fat. | P™® | cao.||Solids.| Fat. | P™° |ca0.||Solids.| Fat. | E'S | cao. teid. teid. | teid. Skim 260.4 | 15.20| 158.90 | 24.85 || 436.2 28.34 321.3 | 36 17|| 175.8 | 13.18 | 162.4 |.11.32 4 Lactose | 255.1 | 14.89} 155.66 | 24.35 || 495.7 | 34.88 360.0 | 39.77|| 240.5 | 20.01 | 204.3 | 15.42 Dextrose | 292.5 | 17.08 | 178.50| 27.92|| 495.2 | 33.24 | 349.1 | 40.27|| 202-7 | 16.16 | 170.6 | 12.35 It is clear that the milk-sugar pig made the most progress, the dex- trose pig next, and the skim-milk pig the least. It will now be interesting to note to what extent the diet affected the growth. Recalling the composition and amount of the milk in- gested it is possible to estimate the percentage of the food constitu- ents absorbed and used for growth : Per cent used for Food fed. Growth. an growth. Pig. p : Lal | a is Proteid. | Fat. | CaO.|| Proteid. | Fat. | CaO.}| Proteid. Fat. | CaO. Skim 455.6 15.29 | 21.74 162.4 leypiiery MM Nes 35.6 86.00 | 52.00 Lactose 458.9 15.40 21.90 204.3 20.01 | 15.42 44.5 130.00 | 70.00 Dextrose 404.8 | 13.59] 19.321) 170.6 |.16:16 1.12.35 ||) 42.1 111.00 | 64.00 | | Proteid, it is apparent, was well utilized for growth. The skim-milk pig used 35.6 per cent of the proteid fed for growth, the lactose pig 44.5 per cent, while the dextrose pig used 42.1 per cent. The sugars naturally promoted. the saving of proteid for the organism. This proportion of proteid retained for growth accords with the 40 per cent given by W. Camerer, Jr.,! for a nine-weeks old nursing baby, and with the values already cited in Sanford and Lusk’s experiments, 7. ¢., 23 per cent for the skim-milk, 38 per cent for the lactose, and 48 per cent for the dextrose pig. The increase in fat in the pigs was surprising in view of the poverty of the milk in this material. The newly-born pigs were all very poor 1 CAMERER: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1go2, xliii, p. I. 208 Margaret B. Wilson. in fat at the start, and they seem to have absorbed and deposited most _of the fat ingested. The skim-milk pig deposited the least fat, while those fed with the added sugars apparently increased in fat more than would have been possible if this increase had been derived from the amount of fat in the food. Two explanations are here possible, either the fat in the milk was slightly underestimated (a small factor would make considerable difference) or milk-sugar was converted into fat. The latter would have been possible through the intestinal inversion into dextrose and galactose, and subsequent conversion of a part of the galactose into glycogen. In this way perhaps 75 per cent of dex- trose arises from milk-sugar, which dextrose might be partly converted into fat. The principal point which is indicated by this almost com- plete assimilation of the fat fed to the pigs, is that the carbohydrates fed were amply sufficient to furnish the needed energy, while a normal growth of tissue was progressing. No fat combustion was necessary for the life-processes. Of the calcium in the food, the skim-milk pig used 52 per cent for growth, the lactose pig 70 per cent, and the dextrose pig 64 per cent. It would seem from this that diet had an influence on the absorption, but a more correct idea is given when it is remembered that the dry solids of the three pigs contained 8.29, 8.02, and 8.13 per cent of cal- cium respectively. It seems, therefore, that the calcium addition depended rather upon the development of the organism than upon any specific influence of the milk constituents. It has been said that absorption of the calcium of skim-milk is imperfect, and that children are inclined to become rickety when so fed. Herter! has found strik- ing retardation in the development of the skeleton in‘older pigs after feeding them on skimmed milk for many months. He, however, notes no signs of rickets. It might be due to the general malnutrition in- duced by a monotonous or iron-poor diet like skim-milk. Certainly my experiments show no untoward influences. W. Camerer, Jr.,? finds that the amount of calcium in mother’s milk is barely sufficient to cover the needs of the nursing infant, if the percentage composition of the five-months old baby is the same as that of the new-born baby. The explanation of this may be derived from my experiment, which shows that the percentage of calcium content of the solids in the new- born pig averages 9.40 per cent, in contrast with 8.15 per cent at an age of two weeks anda half. If at the end of sixteen-days nursing ' HERTER: Journal of experimental medicine, 1898, iii, p. 293. * CAMERER: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1902, xliii, p. 1. Sucking Pigs on a Diet of Skimmed Cow's Milk. 209 the lactose and dextrose pigs had contained 9.40 per cent CaO, an almost complete absorption of CaO would have been necessary. The study of the growth of the suckling animal would not be com- plete without an attempt to calculate the energy liberated in the animal. We may calculate the number of calories in the food, and we may cal- culate the number of calories contained in the proteid and fat added to the body in the process of growth. Rubner! has shown that the heat value of decomposing proteid tissue in starvation is not far different from the heat value of meat. Of course proteid metabolism in starva- tion is at the expense of all the organs. Rubner shows a heat value of 24.98 calories for 1 gram of nitrogen from proteid metabolism in starvation. This value has been adopted in the calculations. It has not been possible to enter into the individual heat equivalents of the hair, skin, hoofs, etc. The heat value of the fat has been taken as 9.3. The growth of the pigs in potential energy is as follows: N. Fat. Calories Calories =o) wt Sek F pase p Total. Grams. Grams. in proteid. in fat. SH Sth Re 25.98 13.18 649 ies: 772 WRARLOSE =. << 22 32.68 20.01 816 186 1002 682 Dextrose 16.16 Of the energy added to the skim-milk pig, 16 per cent was in fat; to the lactose pig, 18.6 per cent, and to the dextrose pig, 18 per cent was in fat. These data now permit the calculation of the follow- ing table: | Skim. Lactose. | Dextrose. Calories. | Calories. | Calories. PPE OGG LN TR BAe ey ee a! Be Bes 5 5216 Stored in the body Liberated as heat . Fed daily per square metre of surface Liberated as heat daily per square metre of surface Retained per 1000 calories in the food 1 RUBNER: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1894, xxx, p. 94. 210 Margaret B. Wilson. The calculations of the surface were made from the formula of Meh in which the value of & was taken to be 9.02 as suggested by -E, Voit.!. For g in the formula the average weight during the whole experiment was taken. The energy requirements of these pigs were much higher per square metre of surface than those of the human infant or of the adult pig.2 The human infant requires daily in the food about 1200 calories per square metre of surface, while a more active older child requires 1500. The 2400 found for the lactose pig corresponds to that needed by a man at hard labor. The results as obtained with the pigs are to be explained only with the premises that the very active pigs nursing every three hours represented to a large degree a life of hard work. The bottle was usually taken with great vigor, and the pigs did much scrambling among themselves. The most striking result, however, is in the proportion of calories retained in the pig for growth. It has been said that the pigs gained in weight in proportion to the calories in the food: not only is this true, but the calories retained in the pigs were proportional to the calories in the food. The following table indicates the comparison : Skim, Lactose. | Dextrose. Gain of pig in grams per 1000 calories in the FOO) 0, aay ee he so ea Gain of pig in calories retained per 1000 calories in the food The storage of 18 to 19 per cent of the energy in the food in the formation of new tissue finds a counterpart in a respiration experi- ment cited by W. Camerer, Jr.,?> where 15 per cent of the energy in the food of a nursing baby nine weeks old was retained in the body, and in a similar experiment of Rubner and Heubner* ona baby seven and a half months old, where 12.2 per cent were so retained. The results accord with Oppenheimer’s calculations before men- tioned, which showed that the gain in weight of growing babies of the same age was proportional to the milk ingested. | E. Voir: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1901, xli, p. 113. al Nee "oa tiger br Tpen e776 $ CAMERER : Loc. cit., p. (0. 4 RuBNER und HEUBNER: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1899, xxxviil, p. 345. Suckling Pigs on a Diet of Skimmed Cow's Milk. 211 But the results show further that a large and apparently normal growth takes place when skimmed milk, containing a plentiful supply of proteid, is fed, and that this growth is favorably influenced by the addition of sugars, which improve the nutritive value in that they add further calorific power to the milk. Bunge ! states that a suckling pig doubles in weight in eighteen days. The skim-milk pigs gained as much as 80 per cent in weight in from fourteen to sixteen days, an apparently normal growth. The results of this research Jead me to believe with Camerer that, provided the milk contains sufficient proteid, the suckling can increase in size and strength, whether the necessary additional fuel-value is furnished by fat, milk-sugar, or dextrose. The presence of fat in the milk greatly reduces the bulk necessary to supply the needed calories, and too much water is to be avoided ; ” but when milk-fat disagrees with an infant, there seems to be reason to believe that skim-milk with milk-sugar can be fed without preju- dicial effect. It is to be regretted that a comparison with pigs reared upon whole milk is impossible. The great labor involved does not at present permit the attempt of the series of experiments necessary for such a comparison. SUMMARY. I. Skimmed cow’s milk, with or without 2 to 3 per cent of added lactose or dextrose, is normally absorbed by suckling pigs. 2. Two pigs fed on skim-milk from fourteen to sixteen days gained 26.4 and 66.8 per cent in weight. Two pigs fed on the same skim- milk, with 2 and 3 per cent of lactose added, gained 79.7 and 88.0 per cent in weight. Two pigs fed on the same skim-milk, with 2 and 3 per cent dextrose added, gained 73.6 and 64.4 per cent in weight. Those fed with plain skim-milk gained 114 and 218 grams in weight for every 1000 physiologically available calories in the food. The lactose pigs gained 222 and 215 grams per 1000 calories in the food. The dextrose pigs both gained 213 grams per 1000 calories in the food. Except in the case of one ill-nourished skim-milk pig, the growths of the sucklings stand in a constant ratio to the calories in the food. 1 Cited by ADERHALDEN: Zeitschrift fiir physiologie Chemie, 1899, xxvi, p. 497. 2 RUBNER und HEUBNER: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1899, xxxviii, p. 397. 212 Margaret B. Wilson. 4. The pigs fed on plain skim-milk used 23 and 35 per cent of the proteid in the food for tissue growth, the lactose pigs used 38 and 44 per cent, and the dextrose pigs 48 and 42 per cent. 5. All the pigs of the second litter gained in fat when fed on plain skim-milk or on skim-milk with sugars. 6. The percentage of calcium in the bodies of the pigs diminished with their growth. There was considerable and normal deposition of calcium in the pig, and this was proportional, not to the calcium in the food, but to the growth of the animal. 7. Not only is the growth in grams of the pigs proportional to the calories in the food, but the number of calories retained in the tissue substance during growth is proportional to the calories in the food. 18 to 19 per cent of the calories in the food were found stored in the tissue growth of the pigs fed on the three varieties of skimmed milk. 8. There seems to be striking evidence that the suckling pig reared on skimmed cow’s milk conforms to the same laws of nutri- tion as the breast-fed infant. — a _eSS—t—“=‘; MAXIMAL CONTRACTION, “STAIRCASE” CONTRAC- TION, REFRACTORY PERIOD, AND COMPENSA- nORY PAUSE, OF THE HEART. By. Kk. Ss. WOODWORTH. [From the Laboratories of Physiology in the Harvard Medical School and in the University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College.|} I. EXPERIMENTS ON THE APEX OF THE Doa’s HEART. HE mammalian apex preparation, introduced by Porter,” has not as yet been used for testing the response of cardiac muscle to electrical excitation. It is, however, very suitable for this purpose, first because, if supplied through a nutrient artery with warmed, oxy- genated, defibrinated blood, it beats spontaneously, and secondly because it is devoid of ganglion cells, and thus is a true muscle prepa- ration. It was found desirable in many of the experiments to record the moment of stimulation on the muscle curve itself by means of the spark chronograph.*? A strong battery current was passed through an interrupter (adjusted commonly to ;'5 sec.), an electromagnet designed to serve as a time-marker, and the primary coil of an inductorium. One pole of the secondary coil was connected to the recording drum, and the other pole to the apex preparation, thence through a fine copper wire to the writing lever (the wire also served to suspend the lever from the apex preparation), and by a continua- 1 These experiments were begun in 1897-8 under the direction of Dr. W. T. PorTER. Left incomplete then, and interrupted by other work until recently, they were resumed in 1go!-2. The results of this second series, performed after so long an interval and in a different laboratory, as well as with slightly changed apparatus, agree perfectly with the earlier results and may almost be regarded as an independent confirmation of them. 2 PoRTER: Journal of experimental medicine, 1897, ii, p. 391; also: This journal, 1898, i, p. 514. The essential parts of this apparatus are shown in Fig. I of Dr. CLEGHORN’s paper, This journal, 1899, ii, p. 275. 3 For a convenient reference to the spark chronograph, see SCHAFER’s Text- book of Physiology, 1900, ii, p. 750. The arrangement of the electric circuits in my apparatus differed considerably from that described by SCHAFER. 213 214 . RR. S. Woodworth. tion of this wire inside the lever to the writing point of copper foil. A strong spark, by jumping from the writing point through the paper to the drum, knocked off a little lampblack and left a round spot on the muscle tracing at the instant of stimulation. A key was placed in the secondary circuit. To moderate the current sent through the heart, a shunt was sometimes used. MAXIMAL CONTRACTION. The peculiar properties of cardiac muscle, discovered by Bowditch on stimulation of the apex of the frog’s ventricle,! hold in full force for the perfused apex of the dog’s heart. Chief among these prop- erties is the law of maximal contraction, or of “all or none.”? Any contraction, however weak be the stimulus that arouses it, has the maximal force that the muscle can exert at that moment. Increasing the stimulus above its minimal effective strength does not increase the force of the response. The minimal stimulus is also maximal. I have demonstrated this property as follows. A series of con- tractions was first produced by minimal stimuli. When the height of contractions was well established, the intensity of the stimuli was suddenly greatly increased. After some time, the intensity was re- duced to its former point. But no changes in the height of contrac- tion were produced by these changes in the stimulus. STAIRCASE CONTRACTION. A second property of cardiac muscle, discovered by Bowditch ® in the frog, and holding also in the dog, is “ staircase” contraction. Ifa quiescent apex is excited by a series of stimuli, the first response is usually feeble, and the later ones increase gradually to a maximum, at which level they remain. If, however, the rate of stimulation is then hastened, a new staircase results. Or, if the rate is slackened, the result is a descending staircase (Fig. 1). The chief point of difference between staircase contraction in amphibian and in mammalian cardiac muscle is the length of the optimum interval, Bowditch* found that the strongest series of con- tractions was elicited from the frog’s apex by stimuli having an ' Bowpircu: Arbeiten aus der physiologischen Anstalt zu Leipzig, 1871, p. 139. * Confirmed by MCWILLIAM on the mammalian heart. Journal of physiology, 1888, ix, p. 168. 30WDITCH: Of. cit., p. 156, ’ 4 BowbDITcH: Of. cét., p. 160. A i WS —-T” °°» Contractions of the Heart. 215 interval of four or five seconds... In the dog’s apex, the optimum interval is about one second, fiayfllly somewhat less. The length of the optimum interval is governed by the interplay of two opposing factors, as will be clear froma study of Fig. 2. No long series of rapid beats is neces- sary to produce an increase ' | HW] | Hh in height. A single con- traction following another i \ | at a short interval is suffi- cient to increase the height of the following contrac- : FIGURE 1.— Dog’s apex. Electrically excited con- tions. The shorter also aie ee i er meee : tractions. ‘‘ Staircase” resulting from increase the interval between two in rate of stimulation, and descending stair- contractions, the greater is case resulting from decrease in rate. The their strengthening effect interval between the slow stimuli is about 33”, 5 and that between the rapid stimuli about 1”. on the following contrac- tions. The shortest interval in Fig. 2 is about half a second. It will be seen, however, that a contraction following very quickly after another is itself very small, and that at the beginning of the long series of rapid stimuli, the first two contractions are weaker and Hl i ili i] tel | LUELLA EE FiGuRE 2.—See legend of Fig. 1. Note in addition three extra contractions, probably spontaneous, and the increased height of the contraction which follows each. not stronger than those that precede, whereas at the end of the rapid series, the first two slow contractions are stronger than the contrac- tions that precede. The two opposing factors are then ¢he stimulating effect of a rapid succession of contractions, and the recuperative effect of a long pause. On the one hand, the following of one contraction close upon another acts to accelerate the production of available energy immediately after- ward; but on the other hand, the production of available energy is Between, the result of trying to tetanize the rhe shocks are indicated by dots, which were produced by sparks One spontaneous contraction at the start and two at the close. passing through the paper between the drum and the’writing point. Dog’s apex. > Pe FIGURE i muscle by a series of strong induction shocks, 18 per second. R. S. Woodworth. a gradual process, and a long pause enables more to accumulate than does a short pause. A short interval preceding a contraction tends to make that contraction weak and the follow- ing contractions strong. The strongest possible contraction is se- cured, therefore, by producing, first, two or more contractions in rapid succession, so as to accelerate the production of energy, and allow- ing after that a considerable interval for its accumulation. And the smallest contraction may be secured by first depressing the con- tractility by a slowseries of contractions, and then following the last of these by another contraction at the briefest possible interval. Bearing in mind the two opposing factors, it has been possible for me to produce strong or weak contractions at will, and to predict with considerable certainty the height of each spon- taneous contraction. The ability to control and predict is good evidence of the reality of the factors in question. Further evidence is seen in the tracings ob- tained on attempting to tetanize the heart muscle. Fig. 3 shows the stimulating effect of a rapid series of contractions, and it also shows that the full benefit of such stimulation is only got by means of a considerable pause. Incidentally, one may note in this tracing the fact that the mammalian apex, like the frog’s heart,! does not respond to faradiza- tion by a true tetanus. It responds either by fibrillary contraction or by a rapid series of beats. Walther? has found in the frog’s ventricle something closely resembling the 1 KRONECKER and STIRLING: Beitrage zur Anat- omie und Physiologie als Festgabe zu Ludwig, 1874, Bi S73 2 WALTHER: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1900, Ixxvili, p. 605, p. 624. Contractions of the Fleart. 217 incomplete tetanus of striped muscle, with superposition, in case the heart, having rested for some time, was capable of staircase con- traction. Walther holds that wherever staircase contraction would be produced by a series of single shocks, an incomplete tetanus would result from faradization. Now since the dog’s apex is capable of staircase contraction at almost any time, even when beating spon- taneously, an incomplete tetanus should accordingly be always aroused by faradization. I have never secured this result. I have obtained very rapid series of beats showing staircase contraction, but nothing comparable to the superposition of one contraction on another, such as appears in true tetanus. In Fig. 3 is seen also an alternation of stronger and weaker con- tractions. Essentially the same phenomenon has been noted by Langendorff! and by Hofmann? in the frog’s heart, and by Cushny and Matthews ® in the intact dog’s heart. It is more pronounced in the dog’s apex than in the frog’s heart, and is usually harder to avoid than to secure. The question arises, whether this alternation can be explained by the two factors already mentioned, namely, the stimulating effect of a rapid succession of contractions, and the recuperative effect of a long pause. The explanation already offered by Cushny and Matthews and by Hofmann takes account of one of these factors, namely, the recupera- tive effect of the pause. Since a very strong contraction is also much prolonged, the pause following it is shortened; consequently, ‘the succeeding contraction is weak. The weak contraction, being also of short duration, is followed by a long pause which strengthens the next contraction. Reference to Fig. 3 will show this explanation to be possible. But explanation is equally possible in terms of the other factor. The con- traction following a prolonged contraction is practically hastened, and so doubtless exerts a stimulating after-effect, etc. It is probable that the two factors co-operate to produce the alternation, but, in the dog’s apex, the effect of hastening a contraction is stronger than the effect of prolonging a pause.* LANGENDORFF: Archiv fiir Physiologie, 1885, p. 287. HorMAnn: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1901, Ixxxiv, p. 145 ff. 3 CusHny and MATTHEWS, Journal of physiology, 1897, xxi, p. 222. 4 Fig. 3 is also of some interest as showing that the curves of returning irrita- bility and contractility after a contraction may differ considerably. The irritability 1 2 3 218 . Rk. S. Woodworth. No notice has thus far been taken of two possible objections to the explanation offered for staircase contraction. First, the question may be raised whether the stimulating effect of a rapid series of contractions is not rather to be traced directly to the electricity used to elicit the contractions. The answer to this is that the same stimulation appears, without electricity, when, from any internal cause, the spontaneous rhythm of the apex is quickened ; also, that no electrical stimulation, applied during the refractory period of successive spontaneous contractions, avails to produce stair- case contraction. Secondly, it may be questioned whether the stimulating influence of small interpolated contractions, such as appear in Figs. 2 and 3, may not be due merely to their smallness, rather than to the quickness with which they follow the preceding contractions. Does not, in short, a weak contraction tend to make the next one strong, and a strong contraction to make the next one weak, and is not this the cause of | the alternation? The difficulty with this explanation is that it breaks down in the case of staircase con- wiki oby se ok eas la ge traction. There, each FIGURE 4+.— Dog’s apex. Spontaneous contractions, at contraction 1s strong intervals of about 31”. Several hastened spontaneous by comparison with the contractions, also two contractions excited by electric one before yet shows : ‘ shocks. C no tendency to weaken the next contraction, Further, the tracing in Fig. 4 gives direct evidence for the view here adopted, and against the two objections just raised. This trac- ing shows that a spontaneous hastened contraction strengthens the following contractions, in the same way as a contraction hastened by electrical stimulus. It also shows that a contraction need not be weak in order to strengthen the next contraction; it need only be hastened. It is indeed impossible much to hasten a contraction without making it weak, but if the hastening is slight the weakening is not perceptible, and yet the following contraction is perceptibly strengthened. must be practically equal at the beginning of each contraction, since the stimulus is nearly constant, but the contractility is far from being always equal, * Contractions of the Heart. 219 THE REFRACTORY PERIOD. During the systole or contraction-phase of the apex, 7. ¢. during the period corresponding to the ascending limb of the cardiomyogram, the muscle is refractory to stimuli. This condition persists through- IS | 14 13. IS 14 |}7| 8] 12 IS | 13 | 13 12 S |-3 (717) 4 | 2) 12) Ficurt 5.—Dog’s apex. Spontaneous contractions. Also stimulation during contrac- tion and during relaxation. Points of stimulation indicated by round spots along the 1/7 course of the muscle tracing. Time in ;;”, and numbers are in terms of this as unit. out the whole of the systole. Stimulation during this phase neither alters the force and duration of the contraction then in progress, nor arouses an extra contraction after it. See Fig. 5. As this is an Any SU DLE bbb rh both hhh hhh bt HOLT TT Oth nr err 4 FicuRE 6.— Dog's apex. Spontaneous contractions. Exact limit of the refractory period. Point of stimulation indicated by dot on the muscle tracing. Time in 75”. admitted property of cardiac muscle, its appearance in the apex calls for no discussion. A few details should be recorded: 1. The refractoriness is absolute. I have used induction shocks 220 R. S. Woodworth. strong enough to throw a two-millimetre spark, and also direct bat- tery currents of six volts, without eliciting any response. 2. Weak contractions as well as strong, and electrically excited as well as spontaneous contractions, show the same refractory period. 3. The end of the refractory period, as is illustrated by Fig. 6, is at the very summit of the myogram. The beginning of descent marks the beginning of the irritable period. 4. The irritability is not restored all at once at the beginning of diastole, but by degrees. Very strong shocks are necessary to elicit an “extra” contraction early in diastole, but comparatively weak shocks suffice when relaxation is almost complete. THE COMPENSATORY PAUSE. When an intact heart, including ventricle, auricle, great veins and sinus, is beating normally, and an extra contraction is aroused by electrical or mechanical stimulus applied to the auricle or ventricle, a long pause follows the extra contraction.!. On measuring the length of this pause, it is found to compensate very exactly for the shortness of the interval preceding the extra contraction. The earlier the extra contraction has come, the longer is the pause. The time measured from the beginning of the last regular systole before the extra contraction to the beginning of the first subsequent regular systole is equal to two regular beat periods. The ventricle misses one regular beat, and waits till the regular time of the next beat. Thus the rhythm of the heart is only momentarily disturbed by the artificial stimulus, and the following beats come at the same instants as if no extra contraction had occurred. The question comes, whether the spontaneously beating mammalian apex shows this familiar action of the intact heart. It may be stated definitely that it shows nothing of the kind. An examination of Fig. 5 sets the matter at rest. Fig. 4 is equally conclusive. Fig. 6 is less suitable for purposes of demonstration, since the rate of the sponta- neous beat is uneven, yet it shows clearly that the extra contraction is not followed by a prolonged pause. Not only is there no exact compensation, but there is not the slightest tendency to prolong the pause. On the whole, the pause following the extra contraction is shorter than the regular pause. 1 MAREY: Travaux du laboratoire, 1876, p. 73. ae LS) (eg per ae ie Contractions of the Heart. 221 These statements will be fortified by a closer examination of Fig. 5. The regular periods before the first extra contraction measure 13 and 14 units of time. A double period is then 27 units. If there were a compensatory pause, 27 units would measure the time from the last regular systole before the extra contraction to the first after it. The actual measure of this time is 15 units. In order to compensate, the time from the beginning of the extra contraction to the next regular beat should measure 27—7 = 20 units, whereas it actually measures 8 units, considerably less than the regular single period. The tracings presented are by no means exceptional. In an exami- nation of several hundred cases, I have found only sporadic instances in which the pause following the extra contraction was even approxi- mately compensatory. In a few cases, it is too long to compensate ; but in the great majority it is too short. In order to allow due weight to the exceptional cases in which the pause following the extra contraction was prolonged, I have measured somewhat over a hundred cases, including among them the longest pauses I could find, and taken the average of them. I find the average duration of the double period, measured from the beginning of the last systole before the extra contraction to the beginning of the first systole after it, to be 78.2 per cent of the regular double period. Lest any reader should still be inclined to ascribe some special significance to the few cases in which the pause was approximately compensatory, I add, in Fig. 7, the “ distribution curve” of the lengths of the double periods that included the extra contraction. Each is ex- pressed as a fraction per cent of the regular double period preceding. Each dot in the figure represents one case, and it is seen that the cases are most frequent in the 449 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 neighborhood of 60 and 70 per cent (56-75 per cent) of the es lengths of the double period includ- lar double period. The cases are ing the extra contraction, expressed E g P distributed in a shape similar to in per cent of the regular double ies probability neue atone period. Each dot represents one case, ’ D the present curve is somewhat “skew.’’ The few cases near 100 per cent (2. e. nearly compensatory) fall easily into the general distribu- tion curve, and there is no sign that they form a class by themselves or possess any special significance. FIGURE 7.— Distribution curve of the 222 R. S. Woodworth. The double period including an extra contraction of the sponta- neously beating apex is thus a variable quantity, which occasionally assumes values near to the regular double period but usually values much less. It differs in two respects from the corresponding period in cases where there is a true compensatory pause: it is, on the average, shorter, and it is much more variable. The single period, measured from the commencement of the extra contraction to the next regular systole, averages 94.1 per cent of the regular single period (or 88.5 per cent, if we leave out the two very long pauses seen in Fig. 7, which are undoubtedly abnormal, since they come from pieces of apex that had not much spontaneity). In other words, the usual effect of the extra contraction is to hasten the rhythm of the apex, at least for one following beat. In the intact heart, it will be remembered, the earlier the extra con- traction comes, the longer is the compensatory pause. The reverse is true of the spontaneously beating apex: the earlier the extra con- traction comes, the shorter is the following pause. This is at least the average tendency. It was detected as follows: The time from the beginning of the last systole before the extra contraction to the beginning of the extra contraction (which time I call ‘interval before extra’) was measured, likewise the time from the beginning of the extra contraction to the beginning of the following spontaneous sys- tole (‘‘interval after extra’). Each of these intervals being then expressed as a per cent of the regular single period just preceding, the following relations appear : Interval before extra. Interval after extra. 40-70%, 80.9 %, average. 70-90 “ 102.9%, average. As it seemed possible that the apex might show a delayed compen- sation for the hastening of the extra contraction, I measured also the double period beginning with the first systole after the extra contrac- tion. I found, however, no compensation. When the double period including the extra contraction was short, the following double period was also usually short; but in the few cases in which the double period including the extra contraction was prolonged, the following double period also was prolonged. In other words, the effect of the extra contraction on the rhythm of the apex was somewhat persis- tent, usually hastening but occasionally slackening it. Contractions of the Heart. 223 The ventricular muscle has then no power to mark time, or to regain its regular times of contraction after they have been disturbed. It shows no tendency to compensate for the haste of one beat by delay- ing the next one; it shows the contrary tendency. Since compensation is not a function of the spontaneously beating muscle, the suggestion readily occurs that it may be a function of the ventricular ganglia. But the presence of ganglion cells in the piece of muscle does not change the result, as is shown by the following experiment: In place of the apex preparation, a piece of the dase of the ventricle was used. When a fresh base preparation was perfused, the results obtained upon electrical stimulation were identical with those ob- tained from the apex. No compensatory pause appeared; the actual pause after the extra contraction was variable, usually somewhat less than the regular pause between beats. The compensatory pause is, therefore, not a property of a sponta- neously beating portion of the dog’s ventricle, whether provided with ganglia or not. The relation of this to other facts about the compensatory pause, and to the explanation of that phenomenon, will be deferred to a later page. > STIMULATING EFFECT OF THE EXTRA CONTRACTION. The spontaneous beat following an extra contraction is, almost without exception, stronger than the preceding spontaneous beats. AI AAA FiGuRE 8.— Dog’s apex. Spontaneous and extra contractions. This fact has already been presented in some of the figures. It ap- pears also in Figs. 8 and g. Fig. 8 shows further that the earlier an extra contraction comes, the stronger is the following contraction; and Fig.9 shows that two extra contractions are apt to be followed by exceptionally strengthened beats. 22 RR. S. Woodworth. These stateménts, again, are based not simply on a few selected tracings, but on the average of all cases, so far as measured.! The statistical results are as follows: 1. The height of the contraction following the extra contraction averages 124.4 per cent of the height of the regular contraction pre- ceding. In some preparations, especially where the regular beat is ANAM AAAA Ficurr 9.—Dog’s apex. Spontaneous, and single and double extra contractions. oD J c= somewhat slow and weak, this average rises to 150 per cent; in some where the regular beat is very strong, it sinks to 110 per cent. 2. To compare the effect of two extra contractions with that of one, a special test was made on one apex. The beat following a single extra contraction averaged 113.7 per cent of the regular beat; while the beat following a double extra contraction averaged 125.7 per cent.2. Three or more extra contractions were found to exert a stronger stimulant effect than two. 3. The statistical evidence that the beat following the extra con- traction is the more strengthened, the earlier the extra contraction comes, is presented in the following table. The interval before the extra contraction is expressed as a fraction per cent of the regular period preceding it, and the height of the following contraction as a per cent of the height of the preceding regular beat.® Interval before extra. Av. height of following beat. =39 156.4% 40-59%, 129.3 % 60-79% 1136% 80-114 % W123'% ! These cases were selected solely with reference to the accuracy with which they could be measured, and with reference to the uniformity of the spontaneous beats. 2 The “ probable error” of each of these determinations is about 1.4. % For greater certainty, the averages of the two preceding periods and heights were taken as the standards. Contractions of the Ffeart. 225 The shorter the interval beforesthe extra contraction, the stronger is the following beat. The converse of this proposition is also true, as is seen on grouping the cases according to the height of the follow- ing beat, and finding for each group the average of the interval before the extra contraction. Thus: Height of following beat. Per cent. Interval Interval before extra. after extra. Per cent. Per cent. Number of cases. —99 sys 69.8 100-119 5 oy Pe 92.0 120-139 ¢ S25 $8.8 140-159 ‘ : 120.5 160-179 180-199 200- On comparing the first and third columns, it is seen that where the beat following the extra contraction is strong, there the extra con- traction has come early. This statement, together with its converse obtained from the previous table, establishes a dependence between the earliness of the extra contraction and the force of the following beat.! On comparing the first and last columns of the above table, a certain amount of connection appears between the strength of the fol- lowing beat and the length of the pause or interval after the extra contraction. But this connection seems to be comparatively loose. On the whole the stronger beats follow the longer pauses. This de-| pendence comes out clearly within the limits of short series of cases. In some series I made the extra contractions all equally early ; the pauses after them varied, and the height of the following beat was plainly seen to vary directly with the length of the pause. In order to determine with more certainty the degree to which the strength of the beat following the extra contraction was dependent on 1 The re-grouping of the cases is not superfluous, since it diminishes the danger of founding a conclusion on a chance combination of cases. ‘lo rearrange the cases in this way may be as valuable as to add a considerable number of fresh cases. 226 R. S. Woodworth. each of the two factors mentioned —the earliness of the extra con- traction, and the duration of the pause —I have had recourse to the mathematical treatment of correlation devised by Karl Pearson.’ I have calculated Pearson’s coefficients of correlation. On correlating the interval defore the extra contraction with the height of the follow- ing beat, the coefficient was found to be 0.64. On correlating the interval after the extra contraction with the height of the following beat, the coefficient was 0.45. To get some meaning from these numbers, it is sufficient to know that a coefficient of unity would mean absolutely perfect correspondence, while a coefficient of zero would mean a complete lack of correspondence. The coefficient 0.64 ac- . cordingly denotes a fairly high degree of correspondence, and the coefficient of 0.45 only a moderate correspondence. To return to physiological terms: the strength of the following beat is closely dependent on the earliness of the extra contraction, and somewhat loosely dependent on the length of the pause.” Statistical treatment thus confirms the observations made on typical cases, and removes all doubt as to whether those cases were really typical. This later treatment has brought again into view the same two factors in the determination of the force of contractions that were noted in a simpler form in the staircase contraction. The fact that the beat following an extra or hastened contraction is stronger than the preceding regular beat is a fresh example of the staircase effect. A long pause following an extra contraction also increases the force of the next beat. Usually, however, in the apex prepara- tion, the pause is not prolonged, and therefore the strengthening of the next beat must be for the most part a result of the hastened extra contraction. Before finally accepting this view, we ought to consider one other possibility. The strength of the beat following an extra contraction might be an after-effect of the weakness of that contraction. It has indeed been suggested that the following beat simply compensates for the weak extra contraction. Against this view must be placed the fact brought out earlier in this study, that a hastened contraction need not be subnormal in strength in order that the following con- 1 A convenient reference is PEARSON’s Grammar of Science, 2d ed., 1900, p. 400. * It is important to recall here that the earlier the extra contraction comes, the shorter in general is the following pause, Yet an early extra contraction and a dong pause both strengthen the following beat. These two influences, though similar in effect, must be quite independent of each other. Contractions of the Fleart. 227 traction be exaggerated. A consideration of such cases leaves no doubt that the hastening of the extra contraction is the principal factor in the result. The view that the great strength of the beat following the extra contraction is simply a compensation for the weakness of the extra contraction, must at all events be definitely abandoned. The follow- ing beat often more than compensates, and its strength is hence not accounted for in terms of compensation. Good examples of ove- compensation? are seen in Fig. 4. Over-compensation usually comes still more plainly into view when several beats following the extra contraction are observed. The excessive height often continues for a number of beats, as in Figs. 4, 1 The correlation method does not help us much here, because the force of the extra contraction is itself so closely dependent on the interval that precedes it, that if one be closely related to the force of the following beat, so must the other be as well. In fact, the coefficients are so nearly the same, 0.64 and 0.66, that no inference can be drawn, except this, that if we, on other grounds, admit the dependence of the following beat on the earliness of the extra contraction, we are sure that the weakness of the extra contraction has no considerable further effect of its own. For if it had, it would show a considerably higher coefficient of correlation, due to the combination of two causes of correspondence. 2 In order to obtain a measure of the over-compensation, it would be necessary to add the force of the extra contraction to the force of the following beat, and compare the sum with the combined force of two regular beats. Unfortunately, it is difficult if not impossible to get an accurate measure of the force of the extra contraction from such tracings as are seen in Fig. 5. The actual recorded rise of the writing point evidently does not represent the full force of the extra con- traction, since much of this force was consumed in overcoming the inertia of the descending lever and muscle. On the other hand, the total height of the extra contraction, measured from the base line, is often too great to represent the force, as in Fig. 6. Not being able to devise an accurate measure, I have nevertheless used the actual recorded rise of the extra contraction as a representative of its force. I chose this measure, because it was the most unfavorable to the result that seemed likely to appear; if then the result still appeared, it was certainly not manufactured. Using this measure, I found the sum of the extra contraction and the following beat to average 98 per cent of the sum of two regular beats: and when it is considered that the first extra contraction in Fig. 5 was counted as having but one-fourth of the force of a regular contraction, and that the second was counted as having no force at all, and further that the same deficiency is present in the majority of cases, it is certain that this 98 per cent should be in- creased to over 100 per cent, and indicate over-compensation. Ina large share of the separate cases, even my defective measure showed over-compensation amounting to 20, 50, 70, and even as high as 175 per cent of the force of two regular beats. The separate cases, without regard to the average, are enough to show that nothing like an accurate compensatory function is in play, and that something more powerful than compensation is acting. 228 R. S. Woodworth. 8, and 9. A comparison of these with Fig. 1 leaves little room for doubt that both represent the same fundamental fact, viz., the stimu- | lating influence of hastened contractions. In order to determine with certainty whether the extra contraction does act asa momentary stimulant of the heart muscle, it is necessary - to consider both the force and the rate of the following beats. If the force were increased but the rate slackened, the resultant effect might be that less force was exerted in a given time. In order to bring both force and time into a single expression, the total force exerted in a given time may be divided by the time, thus giving a measure of the force exerted per unit of time. This quotient gives, in other words, a measure of the rate at which available potential energy is developed by the muscle. No other way of measuring stimulation or depression of the cardiac muscle is so complete as this. In calculating this quotient, the interval preceding each beat should be counted as corresponding to that beat, since this is the time dur- ing which the energy discharged in that beat is accumulated. The intervals would most suitably be measured from the beginning of diastole to the end of the next systole, but as this measurement cannot be accurately made in my tracings, I have measured all intervals from the beginning of systole to the beginning of the next systole. When the force per unit of time is thus measured, the stimulating effect of the extra contraction appears very plainly. My meas- urements show the following average results: 1. The force exerted by the first beat after the extra contraction amounts, per unit of time, to 142 per cent of the force exerted in the preceding regular contractions. In other words, during the diastole and pause succeeding the extra contraction, the rate of develop- ment of energy is nearly 1} times | the regular rate. ad-E ale 2. This stimulating effect of the Noof Contraction. | I extra contraction is not exhausted Ficure 10.— Force exerted per unit of by the first following beat, but time by each of the first 20 beats fol- persists for several beats, about 8 lowing the extra contraction. Average or 9 on the average, This can be seen by reference to Fig. 10. 3. As the same figure also shows, the stimulation is not followed by an equal depression. The force per unit of time returns to normal after about ten beats, and may then sink a little below normal, but not measurements. SO eet ml TY are Contractions of the Heart. 229 much below. In some instances the stimulating effect of several successive extra contractions persists for many beats, indeed almost indefinitely. The stimulating action of an extra contraction is, there- fore, real and uncompensated, or at least not promptly compensated. 4. The stimulating action of an extra contraction is the stronger, the earlier the preceding diastole is interrupted by the extra contrac- tion. This could be inferred from previous results, since it was found that the earlier an extra contraction came, the shorter was the follow- ing pause, and yet the stronger was the next beat. In order to get a measure of this relation, I have correlated the length of the interval before the extra contraction with the rate of development of potential energy during the following pause, measured by dividing the height of the following systole by the duration of the interval after the extra contraction. Both the interval before the extra contraction and the force per unit of time of the next beat are expressed as fractions per cent of the regular values obtained from the preceding beats. Force per unit Number of of time, exerted cases. by the next beat. Per cent. Interval before extra. Per cent. —39 : 168.9 40-49 — 3 158.2 50-59 60-69 70-79 80- The shorter the interval before the extra contraction, then, the more is the development of energy accelerated immediately afterward. The more the extra contraction is hastened, the greater is its effect as a stimulant. The converse statement also holds good, as is seen by re-grouping the cases ; that is to say, where we find an especially strong stimula- tion resulting from an extra contraction, there we find the extra con- traction to have come especially early. That the connection between the earliness of an extra contraction 230 R. S. Woodworth. and its stimulating effect is close appears also from Pearson’s coeffi- cient of correlation, which in this case is 0.73. Force per unit of time exerted by beat after extra contrac- tion. Ber cent: Per cent. Number of Interval before cases. extra. =99 69.5 100-119 66.7 120-139 | 58.1 140-159 58.0 160-179 180-199 200- Finally, in order to get back from numbers to the cardiac muscle, attention may be directed again to Fig. 3, in which the main results of my measurements find a concrete illustration. On comparing the spontaneous beats before and after the series of extra contractions, the stimulating effect of hastened contractions is clearly seen, and has obviously no resemblance to compensation. By running the eye along the series of extra contractions, the con- nection of this stimulating effect with the staircase phenomenon be- comes apparent, as well as the strengthening effect of a pause or prolonged diastole on the following contraction. No doubt can re- main of the reality of these factors, and of their adequacy to explain the variation in force of contraction that appears on electrical stimu- lation of the ventricular apex. II. EXPERIMENTS ON THE FROG’S HEART. As the experiments to be reported here were devised in the hope of clearing points still under dispute, I shall introduce them in the midst of a discussion of the literature. The results obtained in the apex and base preparations will also be found to have con- Contractions of the Fleart. 231 siderable theoretical importange. I shall confine the discussion to a few questions, which the facts in hand would seem to settle definitely.! THE REFRACTORY PERIOD. Marey, who in 1876 discovered the refractory period of the nor- mally beating frog’s ventricle, gave the following account of it.2. The refractory period was in the main coincident with the early part of systole. During the relaxation or diastole, the ventricle responded to a stimulus by an extra contraction; during systole it gave no response whatever, either by an extra contraction or by increased strength of the systole then in progress. This refractory period was not, however, according to Marey, of constant length, but shrank as the stimulus was strengthened, being gradually reduced to the first instants of systole, and finally, on the application of fairly strong stimuli, disap- pearing altogether. The response to strong shocks applied early in systole consisted, not in any increased height of the contraction then in progress, but in an extra contraction, which began late in the fol- lowing diastole. The latent period of the extra contraction, which was 1 The apparatus used for recording the movements of the frog’s heart was patterned more or less after_the ‘“ Fiihlhebel” used by KAIseR (Zeitschrift ftir Biologie, 1892, xxix, p. 208). The movements of the auricle or ventricle were first received by a vertical piece of grass straw. The cut end of the straw rested directly on the auricle or ventricle. A small distance from the end of the straw a little opening was made into its central cavity and filled with paraffin, thus making the straw air-tight and helping out adhesion by suction. This vertical straw was attached to the horizontal lever—also a piece of grass straw — by means of a pin which served as a pivot on which the vertical straw could turn freely. I did not find it necessary to provide a guide for the vertical straw. The same object — adhesion to the heart — was secured by pinning the apex of the ventricle to a thin plate of cork inserted beneath it. The pin served also as an electrode, the other pole being provided by another small pin close to the first, and either piercing the apex or fixed in the cork close beside it. When the auricle was to be stimulated, a pin was passed through the left margin of the left auricle into the cork beneath, and another was fixed in the cork in contact with the auricle. The pin through the ventricular apex had in this case no electrical con- nection. ‘The pins can be inserted with little loss of blood. On the whole, I do not regard this method as equal to that of suspension; it wears out. the heart more quickly. Still it gave satisfactory results, and enabled the stimulus to be very sharply localized. 2 MAREY: Travaux du laboratoire, 1876, pp. 73 ff. 250 R. S. Woodworth. but a small fraction of a second when the stimulus was applied in diastole, was sometimes a whole second when the stimulus came early in systole. This extreme length of the latent period was a suspicious circum- stance. Almost immediately Hildebrand! suggested that the extra contraction that followed a strong stimulus applied to the ventricle during systole was not a direct response of the ventricle, but was due to a leakage of current to the auricle. Since, during systole of the ventricle, the auricle is in diastole and therefore irritable, leakage would, if strong enough, call forth an extra contraction of the auricle, and this, in the regular progress of the wave of contraction, would be followed by an extra systole of the ventricle. This explanation has so much in its favor that it has won the assent of many special students of the subject,? yet the description and trac- ings of Marey have remained classic. All the evidence is in favor of Hildebrand’s suggestion; it may be summarized as follows: (1) In Marey’s experiments the stimulating electrodes were appar- ently applied to the base of the ventricle, so that spread of current to the auricle was very probable. Hildebrand* and later Engelmann 4 found that when the electrodes were applied near the apex, much stronger shocks than those employed by Marey were necessary in order to get an extra contraction by stimulation during systole. I have confirmed this result. (2) The extra contraction elicited by stimulation during systole comes at the same time and gives the same ventricular tracing as when the auricle is stimulated during ventricular systole. In other words, the result obtained is exactly what the hypothesis of Hilde- brand would require. This is strong circumstantial evidence. (3) The direct evidence is even clearer. On recording simulta- neously the movements of the auricle and of the ventricle, it is found that the first effect of the strong stimulus applied to the ventricle during its systole is actually an extra contraction of the auricle. This is then followed as usual, and at the usual interval, by an extra con- traction of the ventricle. These facts are seen in Fig. 11, which is ' HILDEBRAND: Nordiskt medicinskt Archiv, 1877, ix. See also LovEN, Mittheilungen vom physiologischen Laboratorium in Stockholm, 1886, i, p. 4. * As, e.g. ENGELMANN: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1895, lix, pp. 316-321; KAISER: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1892, xxix, pp. 215, 217. * HILDEBRAND: OP. cit. 4 ENGELMANN: Of. cit. 1% ee ee Mah 4 pa > Pe. eg es ers Contractions of the Heart. 233 similar to some given by Engelmann,! but is easier to follow, because auricle and ventricle are recorded separately.” (4) It only remains to make sure that the extra contraction of the auricle, that occurs on exciting the ventricle during its systole with strong shocks, is actually due to escape of current. This is demon- strated by the following simple experiment. A frog’s heart is excised and laid on a slab of cork; pin electrodes are fixed in the ventricular apex. The strength of current is deter- mined that is just sufficient to cause an extra contraction of the 5? a z ri fre Ma ae Et are Se = ae \ fh MP ate 2 ar te Se a x3 5 wate Wane oe A FIGURE 14.— Frog’s heart. Stimulus applied to ventricle. Record of auricle above, of ventricle below. Time in seconds. The moments of stimulation indicated by the electromagnet needed to be displaced to the right, and the true moments are indicated by short vertical scratches across the magnet tracing. tractions come so early that only one regular beat shall be cut out, the irritability being already sufficiently restored, after the second extra contraction, to permit the second auricular stimulus to take effect. In this case, the pause is even shorter than the regular pause between beats. The only rule governing the length of the pause after multiple extra contractions, is that given by Engelmann,” namely, that the first 1 KAISER: Of. cit., p, 456. 2? ENGELMANN: Loc. cit. ——s Contractions of the Fleart. 241 regular beat after the pause comes at one of the regular beat periods. This fact, and the reason for it, are well illustrated in Fig. 14. Each regular beat of the ventricle is there the sequel toa beat of the auricle. During the stimulation and extra contractions of the ventricle, the auricular beat goes on undisturbed, but has no effect on the ventricle. When the extra contractions have ceased, the auricular beat has once more its ventricular sequel, and both chambers go on beating as if nothing had happened. Viewed in this way, the restoration of the regular times of beat, after an extra contraction, is a simple matter and not very funda- mental. When the times of the ventricular beat are disturbed, the ventricle does not of itself regain them, but waits passively on the auricle, whose beats, in such a case as Fig. 14, have not been dis- turbed. If the auricle has been disturbed, it can wait passively on the coming of the rhythmic stimuli from the sinus. But if the beat of the sinus is disturbed by an extra contraction, there is no compen- satory pause and no restoration of the regular times of beat;! the situation is here the same as in the spontaneously beating dog’s apex: the extra contraction affects the place of origin of the rhythmic stimuli and disturbs their sequence. Whenever the regular times of beat are restored after an extra contraction, it is because the dis- turbance has not affected the source of the normal rhythmic stimuli. The “Law of the Preservation of the Physiological Moments of Stimulation,’ ? as Engelmann terms it, is not, therefore, a fundamental property of the heart muscle or of the ganglia; it is not worthy to be classed with the law of maximal contractions, or with the low irrita- bility during diastole, or with the spread of the excitation wave from sinus, through auricle, to ventricle; it is simply a result of these fundamental properties of cardiac muscle. This view of the compensatory pause to which our summary of facts has led us is the view of Engelmann and also that of Gaskell.® The restoration of the regular moments of beat after one or more extra contractions is so readily and completely explained by Gaskell’s theory of the heart beat as to constitute a strong argument in favor of that theory. 1 TIGERSTEDT and STROMBERG: Mittheilungen vom physiologischen Labora- torium in Stockholm, 1888, pp. 31, 32; ENGELMANN: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1896, Ixv, p. 137. 2 “Gesetz der Erhaltung der physiologischen Reizperiode.” ENGELMANN: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1895, lix, p. 333- 3 GASKELL in SCHAFER’S Text-book of physiology, 1900, ii, p. 191. 242 R. S. Woodworth. A new fact in support of that theory is the absence of a compen- satory pause in case of a spontaneously beating piece of the ventricle, whether from the apex or from the base. Since ventricular muscle does not show the pause when its beats are certainly spontaneous, the probability is that in the normal heart beat, when the ventricle shows the compensatory pause, the reason is that the ventricle is not then spontaneous. The facts brought together in the preceding pages enable us to throw out at once all other vievs of the compensatory pause that have been suggested. In opposition to the view! that the ganglia are necessary for the production of the pause, we have the fact that, given like conditions of stimulation or of spontaneity, the presence or absence of ganglia makes no difference in the result. In opposition to the view that the pause is some sort of a compen- satory” or inhibitory ® after-effect, we have the fact that two or more extra contractions are not asa rule followed by a longer pause than one, and not necessarily by any prolonged pause at all; and also the fact that tests of the irritability and contractility during the pause betray little or no sign of inhibition. The theory of the pause that regards it as an inhibitory after-effect of the extra contraction has been elaborately worked out by Kaiser.* He regards the regular diastole also as an inhibitory after-effect of systole. The stronger the cause, his argument runs, the stronger must be the effect; and hence an extra contraction, following quickly after a regular beat, must, by summation, produce more than the usual diastoleand pause. An excellent opportunity of testing Kaiser’s theory in general is afforded by the contraction that follows the compensatory pause. This contraction is usually stronger than the regular systole, and should therefore, according to the theory, be followed by an especially complete diastole and a prolonged pause. This, however, is never the case. On the contrary, the diastole is practically always incomplete or the pause shortened. When the extra contraction is followed by an alternation of strong and weak beats, or in any other case of such alternation, the strong beats are regularly followed by less diastole and pause than the weak beats. ' DAsTRE: Journal de Vanatomie et de la physiologie, 1882, pp. 464, 465. KAISER: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1895, xxxii, p. 446. * Marey: Travaux du laboratoire, 1876, p. 74. 8 KAISER: Loc. cit. * KAISER: Loc. cit. Contractions of the Freart. 243 On the basis of my tracings (e.g. Figs. 3, 5, 13), as well as of all others I have seen, including those of Kaiser,! I can most definitely deny that the pause following a contraction shows any tendency to be proportional to it. The conclusion is, therefore, not only that the compensatory pause is no inhibitory after-effect of the extra contrac- tion, but that diastole, in general, is not an inhibitory after-effect of systole. To sum up: The compensatory pause is not the expression of any compensatory function exerted by cardiac muscle or ganglia; and it is not a period of inhibition; it is simply a period of waiting for a stimulus. The conditions necessary for its appearance are: 1. The absence of spontaneous contractions from the portion of the heart that shows the pause; and the absence of any constant stimulus directly affecting that portion. 2. The excitation of that portion by rhythmic stimuli coming from beyond itself. 3. The refractory period occupying the systole of the extra contrac- tion and the low irritability early in its diastole; one or another of these causes prevents one of the rhythmic stimuli from taking effect after an extra contraction. 4. The freedom of the sinus, or in general of the portion of the heart muscle in which the rhythmic stimuli originate, from disturb- ance by the artificial stimulus or by the extra contraction. THe ForRcE OF CONTRACTION. Two facts demand an explanation: I. The extra contraction is always weak in comparison with the regular beat, and it is weaker the more closely it follows the preced- ing regular beat. 2. The beat after the extra contraction and pause is stronger than the regular beat. The first of these facts is visible in every tracing from Marey down. The second, for some reason, does not appear in the tracings of some authors. It was first noted by Langendorff? in the frog’s heart, and has been remarked also by Kaiser? and by Bottazzi* in batra- 1 KAISER: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1892, xxix, Taf. IV; 1895, xxxii, Taf. VI. 2? LANGENDORFF: Archiv fiir Physiologie, 1885 p. 287. 3 KAISER: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1892, xxix, p. 216. * Bottazzi1: Centralblatt fiir Physiologie, 189, x, pp. 403, 404. 244 R. S. Woodworth. chians, by Bottazzi! in the embryo chick, and in mammals by McWil- liam,? Gley,? Langendorff, and Cushny and Matthews.’ My tracings show it in the frog’s heart, and in the apex and base preparations from the dog’s ventricle. In regard to the weakness of the extra contraction, there can be no doubt of the correctness of McWilliam’s ® suggestion, that insufficient time has elapsed since the end of the preceding systole to permit the accumulation of the regular amount of contractile force. On account of the maximal character of the contractions of cardiac muscle, no contractile force, no available potential energy, is present at the com- mencement of diastole; and it is only gradually accumulated. It continues to accumulate throughout the diastole and pause, as is seen by the increasing height of the extra contraction. To explain the great force of the contraction following a compen- satory pause, we naturally push the preceding explanation a little fur- ther.’ Since the contractility accumulates throughout the regular pause, it would very likely continue to accumulate if the pause were further prolonged, as is the case after an extra contraction. And, in fact, the longer the compensatory pause, the stronger is the following contraction. In the earlier part of this paper, the length of the pause was proved to be a genuine factor in the production of a strong contraction. This factor alone, however, was found insufficient to account for the phe- nomenon in the apex and base preparations, since in them an extra contraction was not usually followed by a prolonged pause, and yet the next contraction was always exaggerated. The pause after an extra contraction was even found to average less than the regular pause, yet the following contraction averaged more than the regular contraction. Another factor also was shown to be effective in increasing the height of a contraction. The hastening of a contraction had a stimu- lating effect on the force of the next beat or of several following beats. This was interpreted as being a form of the “ staircase” phenomenon. 1 Borrazzi: Archives italiennes de biologie, 1897, xxvii, pp. 121-123. 2 McWILLIAM, Journal of physiology, 1888, ix, p. 171. 8’ GLey: Archives de physiologie, 1889, p. 505. 4 LANGENDORFF: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1895, Ixi, p. 317; and 1898, Ixx, p. 473. 6 Cusuny and MATTHEWs, Journal of physiology, 1897, xxi, 216. 6 MCWILLIAM: Of. cit., p. 170. 1 MCWILLIAM: Of. cit., p. 171. Contractions of the Fleart. The more the extra contraction was hastened, the stronger was the stimulating effect. In order to look for this factor in the beat of the intact frog’s heart, we must get rid of the compensatory pause after the hastened con- traction. This can be done by interpolating a second extra contraction. The result can be seen in Fig. 13, and, with a greater variety of cases, in Fig. 15. The effect of the hastened contraction, without the pause, is seen to be practically nothing. The only visible factor in determining the force of a contraction is the length of the preceding pause. Here, then, we encounter a wide divergence of results as between the frog’s heart and the perfused dog’s apex (or base). In the frog’s heart, the length of the pause controls the force of the following contraction, and the after-effect of a hastened contraction is not visible. In the dog’s apex, the pause has in- deed its effect, but this is small in compar- ison with the effect of hastening a beat. The cause of this difference can, I believe, be assigned. The dog’s apex preparation almost always beats at a rate slower than its “optimal rate,” as is proved by the fact that artificially hastening its rhythm, by a series of shocks, gives rise to a ‘‘staircase.” The intact frog’s ventricle, on the contrary, usually beats faster than its optimal rate; for artificially hastening its rate diminishes the force of its beat, whereas artificially slowing its rate increases the force. Artificial slowing, free from vagus inhibition, can be accomplished in the following way: It is known! that stimulation of the auricle, very early in its diastole, causes an extra contraction that does not spread to the ventricle. The 1 DASTRE: Journal de l’anatomie et de la physiolo- gie, 1882, p. 464; KAISER: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1892, Xxix, p. 217. A ITGLSAWAGTATLUAWARLATAVATATACAATIWLPSOABLOIATALOLIAUL SAR ap oe am CEES Ra ao, he. is) + ou The little elevations between = break. Down = make, up ‘Time in seconds. FiGuRE 15.— Stimulation of the ventricle of the frog’s heart. the large ventricular curves record the beats of the auricle. 246 Re. S. Woodworth. auricle, and the ventricle with it, then miss one of the regular beats. If the auricle is again stimulated soon after its next regular beat, and so on, the result is that the ventricle beats at half its former rate, and that its beats are stronger. In one heart on which I tried this experiment, this form of ventricular beat, once started, kept on of itself, evidently because the prolonged ventricular contractions cut out every second auricular excitation. In this case, too, the slowed beat was stronger than the regular beat. McWilliam! has found that the mammalian ventricle, also, beats more strongly when the rhythm of the heart is artificially slowed without vagus inhibition. Now since the ventricle of the intact heart beats faster than its optimal rate, the force of any contraction is more increased by pro- longation of the preceding pause than by hastening the preceding contraction. And the contrary is the case in the perfused apex, because its spontaneous beats are slower than their optimal rate. That a spontaneously beating portion of cardiac muscle should assume a rate slower than its optimum seems a pregnant fact; as yet, however, it stands too much alone to warrant an hypothesis.” Besides the two factors mentioned above, several others have been suggested by different authors as determining the force of the beat following the extra contraction. The view of Gley,® that the main factor is the distention of the ventricle by a double supply of blood, and the view of Bottazzi* that a positive after-effect of vagus stimula- tion comes into play, are neither of them applicable to the apex preparation. Langendorff ® regards the great force of the beat following the extra contraction as simply a compensation for the weakness of the extra contraction, and as having nothing to do with the length of the inter- vening pause. His view seems to be that the heart has some com- pensatory power, by virtue of which it necessarily follows up a weak contraction by a contraction that is correspondingly strong. He offers no evidence in support of his statement that the length of the t MCWILLIAM: OD. cié., p. 171. * I have used the term “optimum rate” to mean such a rate as will make the single beats the strongest. The sus total of force exerted by cardiac muscle would probably be greatest at a faster rate than this, since we found the develop- ment of available energy to proceed fastest after the most hastened extra con- tractions. * GLEy: Archives de physiologie, 1889, p. 505. * BorTazzi: Centralblatt fiir Physiologie, 1896, x, p. 403. 5 LANGENDORFF: Loc. cit. Contractions of the Heart. 247 pause has nothing to do with the matter, and that statement has been abundantly disproved above, both for the frog’s ventricle and for the dog’s apex. It was also found that in the mammalian preparations the effect cannot be called compensation, but is rather actual stimula- tion. Throughout this study, I have been unable to detect anything in the nature of an active compensatory function. All the facts, new and old, that have here been collected, tend to lessen the importance of the doctrine of compensation. Such compensation as occurs is merely incidental to the operation of the fundamental properties of cardiac muscle. SUMMARY. The perfused apex of the dog’s ventricle shows the law of maximal contractions, or ‘all or none.” It shows also the refractory period, which extends throughout the systole of all contractions, and is not diminished in length by greatly strengthening the stimulus. It shows also a gradual increase in irritability during diastole. 1 LANGENDORFF'’S view leaves altogether out of account the law of “all or none,” as applied to the extra contraction. This mistake can be seen in the following statement of his view (LANGENDORFF: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1898, Ixx, pp. 480, .481): “Kehren wir zur compensatorischen Systole [by which name he calls the strengthened beat following the extra contraction] des Ventrikels zuriick. Ver- muthlich ist ihre gréssere Starke dadurch bedingt, dass der Herzmuskel in gleichen Zeiten gleiche Energiemengen ausgibt, die kiinstlich hervorgerufene Systole aber nur einen mehr oder minder grossen Bruchtheil der disponiblen Spannkraft in Anspruch genommen hat. . . . Man kann aber iiberhaupt nicht mehr die vorauf- gehende langere Herzpause zur Erklarung der Pulsverstarkung herbeiziehen; denn wir wissen jetzt, dass eine tibernormale Pause gar nicht besteht; die Herzruhe dauert nur so lange, als néthig ist, um die vorhergehende Verkiirzung der Pause zu compensiren. Wenn abnorm hohe Energiemengen sich angehauft haben, so ist daran nicht die Pawse Schuld, sondern die abortive, kiinstlich herbeigefuhrte Systole, die wegen ihrer Kleinheit nicht denjenigen Energievorrath erschépft hat, der einer normalen Systole zu Verfiigung gestanden hatte.” Since the extra contraction, however small, is, for the time when it occurs, maximal, it consumes all the available energy that has accumulated up to that time. The accumulation of energy after it begins at zero, and proceeds gradually. Whether the compensatory pause be called “ iibernormal ” or not, it is longer than the regular pause, and so allows time for the accumulation of more than the regular quantity of energy. It would be difficult, following LANGENDORFF’S view, to understand the weakness of the extra contraction. | 248 Rk. S. Woodworth. It shows also the Bowditch “‘ staircase”’ phenomenon. It does not show, when beating spontaneously, a ‘‘ compensatory pause” after an extra contraction. The extra contraction is followed by a somewhat shortened but variable pause, and the earlier in diastole the extra contraction has intervened, the shorter is the following pause. The spontaneous beat following an extra contraction of the apex is much stronger than the regular beat. This results from the hasten- ing of the extra contraction, being an example of the “ staircase”’ effect. The height of any contraction of the apex, or of the frog’s heart, is, ceteris paribus, roughly proportional to the length of the preceding pause. The hastened extra contraction has in the dog’s apex an actual stimulating effect, which persists on the average for about eight sub- sequent beats. The more hastened the extra contraction, the stronger is its stimulating effect. Two or more extra contractions have a stronger stimulating effect than one. The optimum interval between beats is much shorter in the dog’s apex than in the frog’s heart, being as small as one second. The dog’s apex is not thrown into complete tetanus, nor into incom- plete tetanus with superposition of contractions, by the action of faradic or galvanic currents. A preparation similar to that from the dog’s apex, but including some of the base with ganglion cells, responds to electrical stimula- tion in the same way as the apex. The frog’s ventricle as well as the dog’s apex is absolutely refractory during systole. Hildebrand’s explanation of the apparent exceptions is shown to be correct. During the compensatory pause of the frog’s ventricle, both irri- tability and contractility are high; hence the pause is not a period of inhibition, Kaiser’s statement that two extra contractions of the frog’s heart are followed by a longer pause than one, three than two, etc., is not confirmed. Two or more extra contractions are often followed by even less than the normal length of pause. Engelmann’s explanation of the compensatory pause is supported by some new facts and is undoubtedly correct. The absence of the compensatory pause from a spontaneously beat- ing piece of the dog’s ventricle goes to prove that where the ventricle Contractions of the Heart. 249 does show a compensatory pause, as in the normal heart beat, there the ventricle is not spontaneous. The great force of the beat following the extra contraction is depend- ent, in the frog’s ventricle, mostly on the prolonged compensatory * pause. It is not directly dependent, as Langendorff supposes, on the weakness of the extra contraction. No special or active compensatory function has yet been demon- strated in the heart; such compensation as appears after an extra contraction is incidental to the action of well-known properties of the cardiac muscle. : -- Vee ¥ | 7 7 = $5) ff ‘ q vi) ‘ wy 7 ix ‘ tye V2 ¥ n ra 5, , . ¢ Le pe 7 a - iat) re ere wens: ¥ a F , @ 7 a ed he Ly i“ S49) See hae =i iaAae Pat a 77 ae Laced Si, Rc Bameen were baer . ’ 4 p ! 7 “ ‘ vy sa) (tiie al ebay ial re ae J * 1 Mati » pag A ee a Pere =" tix} te a vel oe Ree eS He et ia os Poss oe: =) rol fal | rts eed, alps THE RATE OF NERVOUS IMPULSE IN CERTAIN MOLLUSCS. By O. P. JENKINS anp A. J. CARLSON. From the Physiological Laboratory of Leland Stanford Junior University. Ly s wy 3 '@ 1863 Fick! estimated the rate of the nervous impulse in Anodon as not more than one centimetre per second. He used the graphic method and based his estimate upon a small number of experiments. In more recent years the rate in three species of cephal- opods has been determined. Fuchs,” in 1894, found in the mantle nerve of Eledone moschata a rate of one metre per second. His determination was made by measuring the delay in the negative variation. Uexkiill,’ also in 1894, found in the same species, by means of the graphic method, a rate of one-half to one metre per second. Boruttau,* in 1897, determined by the method used by Fuchs, rates of three and one-half to five and one-half metres per second, in Octopus vulgaris, Octopus macropus, and Eledone moschata. So far as we have been able to learn, no other attempts have been made to determine the rate of the nervous impulse in molluscs. In this paper are presented the results obtained by us in determining the rate of the nervous impulse in the following species® of molluscs: Ariolimax columbianus (var.), Limax maximus, Pleurobranchza cali- fornica, Octopus punctatus, and Loligo pealii. 1 Fick: Beitrage zur vergleichende Physiologie der irritablen Substanzen. Braunschweig, 1863. 2 Fucus: Sitzungsbericht der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Wien, 1894, ciii, p. 207. 8 UEXKULL: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1894, xxx, p. 317. 4 BoruTTAu: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1897, Ixvi, p. 285. 5 The identifications of the species of Ariolimax and Limax were made for us by Mr. H. A. Pitssry of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; those of Octopus and Loligo, by Professor H. HEATH of Stanford University. The sea rabbit is described in an unpublished paper by Professor F. M. MACFARLAND of Stanford University, as Pleurobranchea californica. 251 252 O. P. Jenkins and A. J. Carlson. Under the heading of each species are given the nerve experi- mented on, the dissection necessary, and the arrangement of apparatus used. A large number of graphic records were taken. 335- 8 Du Bols-RAYMOND: Cited from MENDELSSOHN: Loc. cit., Pp. 325. 296 Albert P. Mathews. position it occupies in the stem. In pieces of old stem taken near the stolon, hardly any difference is to be detected. The difference is greater the fresher the hydroid. It is also greater in pieces of young stem taken with one surface just behind the polyp. If the polyp itself is crushed against one electrode, the cut surface being on the other, a maximum difference is obtained, the polyp being very strongly negative. The movement of the meniscus in the electrometer was measured by a micrometer eye-piece and was, in the most favorable instances, in pieces one inch long, about one-third the maximum movement, which the same electrometer showed when the electrodes were on the cut and longitudinal surface of the frog’s sciatic nerve. The current was probably about 0.005 volt. Other hydroids, z. ¢., Pinnaria and Campanularia, showed the same negativity of the polyp surface, but in these forms the amount of difference was a good deal less that in Parypha. In the hydroids, therefore, the more rapid regeneration occurs at the point of greatest negativity. Morgan observed that in Planaria or Fundulus the point of most rapid regeneration was apparently determined by the shape of the piece, or of the cut surface. If, for example, a planarian be cut at right angles to the long axis of the body, the most rapid growth occurs at the middle of the cut surface; if it be cut obliquely, the most rapid growth occurs at the acute angle. Similar facts are observed in the regeneration of the tail of Fundulus. These facts recall Du Bois-Raymond’s observations on the electrical relationships in a piece of muscle. Ifa muscle is cut perpendicularly to its longi- tudinal surface, the point of greatest negativity is to be found in the centre of the cut surface. If the muscle is cut obliquely, the point of greatest negativity is at the acute angle. I think the similarity of these observations to Morgan’s will be apparent. While it was impossible, owing to the small size of Pla- naria, to prove that the acute angle was negative to the obtuse in pieces cut obliquely, and unsatisfactory results were obtained also in Cerebratulus, I found that such electrical differences existed in oblique sections of the tail of Fundulus. Although not detected in Planaria, I believe it to be probable that the body of the Planarian does not differ essentially in this respect from that of Fundulus and the muscle prism, particularly as the regeneration phenomena resemble each other in the two cases. In Fundulus at any rate, and probably in Planaria, we find hence the same law as in the hydroids, ¢.¢., re- ——— Electrical Polarity in the Flydrovds. 297 generation takes place with greatest rapidity at the point of most marked negativity; and furthermore, the point of most marked nega- tivity is determined in part by the shape of the piece. I endeavored to test experimentally the conclusion that regeneration takes place most rapidly at the most negative point, by placing pieces of hydroid stems in sea-water and passing an electrical current through the water, with some of the stems turned with the polyp end toward the current, others turned with the stolon end toward the current, in the hopes of neutralizing or increasing the negativity of the polyp end. The experiments were interrupted by other work, and I cannot speak positively without further tests, which it is hoped may be tried next summer, but in many cases pronounced inhibition of develop- ment was obtained when the polyp end was turned toward the current. It may be asked how the fact that one point is negative toward another can influence the rate of regeneration. It is possible the process may be as follows: The original difference of potential be- tween the cut surface and the uninjured portion of the protoplasm is caused partly by the shock of the cut, partly by the new environment for the protoplasm of the cut surface. Just which point of the cut surface shall be most negative is determined by the position, of the point relative to the mass of the piece and the totality of uninjured and injured points. The electrical differences thus set up cause cur- rents which are closed through the surrounding cells, and these currents, though small, profoundly influence all the processes in these cells. It is not probable that the electrical disturbances here described are the accompaniment of injury only. On the contrary, it has been shown that they exist also in the intact organism. Every excess of action, every change in physical state of the protoplasm of any organ, or of any area in the embryo or in the egg produces, it is believed, an electrical disturbance. Electrical tensions are set up in the adult or throughout the embryo. This electrical disturbance, rendering one part of the animal negative or positive to another part, must cause electrical currents, z. ¢., the movements of ions in the surrounding cells or protoplasm. In my opinion, the importance of the electrical currents thus set up physiologically in the normal animal by varying activities in its organs, has not been properly recognized. These cur- rents probably play a larger part in the determination of rates of growth, in the orientation or polarization of the cells, and the differ- 298 Albert P. Mathews. entiation of the organism, in its polarity, in other words, than has been supposed. That electrical currents do have such a profound effect on the state of protoplasm is shown by the well-known electro- tonic effects in muscle and nerve. A momentary exposure of a sym- pathetic nerve to the anode will often block conductivity at this point for minutes, or even hours. The directive action of a current on in- fusoria is known to all. The amount of current necessary to produce electrotonic effects is very small. Mendelssohn found that in nerve, 0.0001 milliampere was sufficient. Bearing these facts in mind and remembering the undoubted existence of an electrical polarity in the hydroids, is it not possible that the directive ‘“ pull” exerted by one part of an animal on an- other, of which Morgan speaks, is really due to these differences of electrical potential between the parts of the organism? From this point of view, the observations of Roux on the varying degree of polarization in the different cells of the frog’s egg, and the trans- portation of material in the cells by electrical currents, derive additional importance. Finally, if the rate of regeneration is thus conditioned by the state of the protoplasm in the neighborhood of the injury, it ought to be possible to alter that state at will, and hence increase or decrease regeneration. The control of this process offers one of the most at- tractive fields of physiological research. The observations recorded in this paper were made at the Marine Biological Laboratory at Wood’s Holl. SUMMARY. 1. A difference of electrical potential exists between the cut-sur- faces of the stems of the hydroids Parypha, Campanularia, and Pin- naria, the head, or polyp surface, being always negative to the stolon surface. The amount of this difference is variable, at its maximum being approximately one-third the current of injury in the frog’s sciatic nerve. 2. Physiological polarity of these hydroids is hence accompanied by an electrical polarity, and may be quantitatively measured by physical means. 3- The amount of the current depends on the position of the stem, whether the piece examined comes from the neighborhood of the polyp, or the stolon; whether old or growing; whether fresh or Electrical Polarity in the FHydrovds. 299 dying; being at its maximum in fresh, growing stems when one sur- face is taken near the polyp. 4. The point of most rapid regeneration corresponds here to the point of maximum negativity. 5. In Fundulus, and probably also in Planaria, the point of greatest negativity also corresponds with the point of greatest regenerative power. The most negative point is determined, among other factors, by the shape of the piece, or the relation of the cut surface to the whole animal. Probably the point of greatest negativity determines the point of most rapid regeneration, and thus explains the relation- ship of regeneration to the shape of the piece as noted by Morgan. 6. These facts indicate, in the author’s opinion, that the so-called physiological polarity of the embryo or adult is due, in a measure at least, to the electrical differences or currents set up by unequal degrees of activity in the protoplasm at different regions. These currents traverse the surrounding protoplasm or cells, and, like any constant current applied from outside, polarize the protoplasm or cells in a definite way, causing alterations in their metabolism, and in the distribution of the cell contents analogous to the electrotonic effects in muscle, nerve, and infusoria. THE IMPORTANCE OF MECHANICAL SHOCK IN PROTOPLASMIC:-ACTIVIERY. By A. P. MATHEWS anv B. R. WHITCHER. [From the Hull Physiological Laboratory of the University of Chicago.] VE shocks caused by the beating of the heart, mus- cular movements, the jar of walking, and the vibrations of the floors of buildings and vehicles of transportation are among the most constant stimuli of the body cells, and it is an interesting question to what extent they influence cell life. Meltzer! has especially discussed this question and contributed to our knowledge of the influence of agitation on animal cells and bacteria. A summary of previous work will be found in his paper. It might at first be thought that such small shocks as those caused by the beating heart would be of no importance in the life-processes of the body cells, but that even very small shocks may profoundly influ- ence cell metabolism is shown by the observations of one of us? on the star-fish egg, in which the most careful transfer of the eggs from one dish to another is often sufficient to set up artificial partheno- genesis in a certain proportion of eggs and by similar observations by Fischer® on the eggs of Amphitrite. That the unfertilized egg is in respect to its susceptibility to mechanical disturbance in a particularly unstable condition is perhaps true, but the following observations on the small and hardy eggs of Arbacia show that even after fertilization an exceedingly small mechanical disturbance is often sufficient pro- foundly to change the rate of development and the physical charac- ters of the embryos. As a result of our work we have become convinced of the probable truth of Meltzer’s opinion concerning the importance of mechanical shock in the life history of body and other cells. The question thus raised is of considerable practical importance. For example, what effect has the constant vibration of the floors of 1 MELTZER: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1894, xxx, p. 3. ? MATHEWS: This journal, Igot, vi, p. 142. * FISCHER: This journal, 1902, vii, p. 301. 300 Mechanica Shock in Protoplasmic Activity. 301 - mills on the length of life, the vital resistance, and physiological func- tions of mill-operatives? How far will mechanical jarring account for the digestive and vasomotor disturbances many suffer in railway travel? Are the motor-men and conductors of street-railways influ- enced by the repeated and violent shocks to which they are constantly subjected ? I. Tue EFFrect oF A SINGLE SMALL OR LARGE SHOCK ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ARBACIA EGGS. The eggs were transferred from one dish to another both before and after fertilization, and were either squirted vigorously with a medicine dropper, or they were dropped into water from a height of from one inch to three feet, or they were carried carefully from dish to dish with a large-mouthed pipette, the end of which was placed under water before discharging the eggs. The general result obtained in a large number of experiments was as follows: In certain conditions of the eggs, particularly at the beginning and end of the egg-laying season, and apparently when the temperature was low, 7. ¢., 15°-19° C., the act of transfer, when per- formed even with the greatest care, will prevent practically the whole of the eggs from forming plutei. They develop into abnormal, opaque gastrule, often evaginated, often flat and with crenated edges, live for several days, swim, as a rule, at the bottom of the dish, and then die, generally developing no skeleton at all, or at the best but irregular spicules. At other times, however, particularly during the middle of the season, or when the temperature is high, z.¢., from 20°-25° C., the act of transfer, even when roughly performed, has no effect at all, or it may produce an acceleration of development. In other words, the eggs are more susceptible at some times than at others, and are apparently rendered more sensitive by an exposure to a temperature of 18°-20°. The exact relationship to temperature changes we hope to work out next summer, our results in this respect being still incomplete. The increased susceptibility of the eggs brought about by a low temperature confirms Greely’s! observations on Asterias, where he found that mechanical shock and cold together were more efficacious in causing artificial parthenogenesis than cold or shock alone. Our results parallel, also, observations made on motor nerves, which are 1 GREELY: Personal communication, 1902. 302 A. P. Mathews and B. R. Whitcher. similarly increased in their excitability by a low temperature. The _ most probable explanation of the action of mechanical shock on the egg substance we believe to be that already offered by one of us for nerves,! 7. ¢., that a single shock causes a partial gelation of the col- loids of the egg substance. It produces the same effect on the pro- toplasm as cold, and the two processes accordingly supplement each other. This conclusion is, we believe, strengthened by Mrs. Andrews’? observations on living protoplasm. She observed that mechanical shock caused a distinct change in the viscidity of the protoplasm of the choano-flagellates, a very small jar causing the collar to become rigid. I believe Mrs. Andrews has seen and described better than any one else the changes in the state of /zvzxg protoplasm, and has painted a more faithful picture of its extraordinary changes in vis- cosity, and of its constant flux. The following experiments will illustrate the general character of the results obtained on Arbacia: Experiment [/.— August 17. Temperature, 19° C. Arbacia eggs were fer- tilized at 2 P.M. Lot A. The eggs were left in the dish in which they were fertilized. They develop into normal gastrulae and plutei. Lot B. These were transferred, and squirted from a pipette into a second dish of water five minutes after fertilization. The early develop- opment corresponds to A; but they form gastrulz of irregular shape, become crenated on the edges, and form no skeletons except in a few isolated instances. Experiment X/X.— August 27. Temperature, 26° C. Arbacia eggs fertilized at 3.08 P.M. Lot A. Not transterred. Form normal plutei. Lot B.. Transferred carefully with a large pipette at 3.10 P.M. Form large normal plutei. Lot C. Dropped two inches into sea-water at 3.10. Many form abnormal gastrulze and plutei, but the majority are normal. Lot D. Squirted violently with a small pipette into sea-water. Form normal plutei like control. Experiment 1//.— August 17. Temperature, 19° C. A different female than Experiment II. Conditions and results the same as in II. ' MATHEWS: Science, N. S., 1902, xv, pp. 492-408. * ANDREWS: Journal of morphology (supplement), 1897, xii, p. 112. Mechanical Shock in Protoplasmic Activity. 303 II. THe EFrrect oF REPEATED SHOCKS AND SHAKING. The effects of vigorously shaking the fertilized or unfertilized eggs will, of course, depend on the violence and length of time they are shaken. No accurate machine for shaking was at our disposal, so that we had to shake with the hand. The eggs were brought into a test tube half-filled with sea-water, and this was shaken briskly back and forth from ten to twenty times. The results obtained were variable, like those of the preceding section, depending, so far as we could dis- cover, in part on the temperature and in part on some unknown con- dition of the egg substance. Certain results indicated that possibly the degree of aeration which the sea-urchins had had before being used was one of the determining factors. A further examination of this possibility we hope to make next summer. In general, our results may be summarized as follows: 1. The unfertilized eggs are far more easily disorganized by shak- ing than the fertilized. This result was constant. If two lots of eggs were taken from the same female, one lot unfertilized, the other ferti- lized at least ten minutes earlier, the unfertilized eggs could be shaken to pieces before the fertilized were markedly affected. 2. Indications, in many cases very striking, were obtained that there is a definite rhythm in the resistance of the eggs to shaking after fertilization. Immediately after fertilization, z ¢., thirty seconds to three minutes, the eggs were shaken to pieces even more readily than unfertilized eggs. Their resistance then enormously increased, and at ten minutes they were very resistant. At twenty or thirty minutes their susceptibility had again in part returned, but it never reached the susceptibility of unfertilized eggs. The increased resistance of the fertilized eggs was also observed by Meltzer! independently of us. He suggested that the unfertilized eggs were more brittle. One of us has already remarked on the ease with which matured star-fish eggs may be disorganized by shaking, while the immature are very resistant. The means of controlling the shaking accurately were wanting, so that we are unable to speak with certainty concerning the rhythm described above. We believe, however, that the explanation of the greater susceptibility of the un- fertilized eggs is due to the greater viscidity of its protoplasm, and that the alterations in susceptibility described above were probably 1 MELTZER: Personal communication. 304 A. P. Mathews and B. R. Whitcher. due to the rhythmic change in the viscosity of the protoplasm as de- _ scribed by Mrs. Andrews.! Her observations apparently coincide with ours, though it was impossible, owing to her failure to give the time data, to compare in detail our results with hers. It would be surprising if such a variation in susceptibility during the process of fertilization did not exist, since not only has Mrs. Andrews described histological changes in the texture and viscosity of the protoplasm at this time, but the experiments of Lyon? show that there is such a rhythmic variation in the susceptibility of the eggs to lack of oxygen and potassium cyanide, and Spaulding ® has recently shown the same rhythmic susceptibility to acids and the anesthetics. The method of mechanical shaking may thus throw light on variations in the physi- cal consistence of the egg protoplasm. 3. Besides thus establishing variations in the resistance of the eggs to shaking before and after fertilization, we obtained well- marked results on the speed and course of development. Morgan # some years ago observed that star-fish eggs which were shaken be- fore fertilization developed more rapidly than those fertilized without shaking. We have confirmed this observation in Arbacia in some cases. Shaking these eggs ten to twenty times briskly, either be- fore, or just after fertilization, may produce either of two results, depending apparently on the variable factors already discussed in Part I. The eggs are either accelerated in their development and form plutei larger than normal, or highly abnormal gastrule are obtained which never form plutei. In some cases, of which the following experiment is an example, a small shock prevented the pluteus development of nearly all the eggs, while a brisk shaking, not severe enough to destroy them, caused them to develop better than the control. This was true whether the eggs were shaken before or after fertilization. Experiment XXIII. — September 1. Temperature of room, 24° C. Fertilized rr A.M. All eggs from the same sea-urchin. ‘Temperature of water during transfer, 19°. 1. Control. Not transferred. Eggs taken with great care from sea-urchin. September 3. Nearly all are normal plutei. 2. ‘Transferred carefully defore fertilization. ' ANDREWS: Journal of morphology (supplement), 1897, xii, p. 80. * Lyon: This journal, 1902, vii, p. 56. ® SPAULDING: Personal communication; results not yet published. * MorGAN: Anatomischer Anzeiger, 1893, ix, p. 141. = Mechanical Shock in Protoplasmic Activity. 305 September 3. Only eight perycent are plutei. Remainder are irregu- lar and evaginated gastrule. 3. Squirted violently from one dish to another defore fertilization. September 3. Practically all are plutei larger than control. 4. Shaken twenty-five times briskly defore fertilization. September 3. Some disintegrate, but remnant all form plutei still larger than 3. Eggs dropped one inch into a dish of water defore fertilization. September 3. No plutei are formed. Irregular gastrulz of peculiar, shape. 6. Dropped six inches into water defore fertilization. September 3. A few irregular plutei. The rest are gastrulz. 7. Dropped three feet into water defore fertilization. September 3. Result same as 6. 8. Shaken briskly just after fertilization. September 3. Some eggs disintegrate. Remnant form large plutei. g. Transferred carefully one minute afer fertilization. September 3. No plutei formed. All are pointed gastrulz. to. Dropped one inch two minutes after fertilization. September 3. About one percent are small plutei. Rest are like 9. on The foregoing observations establishing the remarkable conse- quences of very small mechanical shocks on the development of Arbacia support, as already pointed out, the contention of Meltzer concerning the fundamental importance of agitation, or mechanical jarring, in the physiology of protoplasm in general. The many an- alogies already shown to exist between developmental and other physi- ological processes enable us to apply with some certainty to other cells the conclusions deduced from the egg cell. The importance of such shock, or of its absence, in considering pathological as well as physiological processes must not be lost sight of. Furthermore, al- though that shock may, as in the egg-cell, produce at the time no obvious histological change, the effect makes itself manifest in a derangement many cell-generations later. These observations emphasize the necessity of exercising extreme caution in dealing with the action of chemicals, of drugs, or physical agencies on protoplasm. The observations of last year on the in- fluence of pilocarpine and atropine on development required repetition, since in them the controls were not always transferred. A repeti- tion, however, has confirmed the results already obtained. It may be mentioned that the possibility that the glass of the finger-bowls used in the experiments introduced a source of error, was dismissed 306 A. P. Mathews and B. R. Whitcher. by the use of paraffined glass and Jena beakers, which did not materi- ally change the result. All precautions were taken to guard against the possibility of being misled by polyspermy, controls having been carried out with so few sperm that only a portion of the eggs were fertilized. The results obtained, together with those on parthenogenesis by mechanical agitation, suggest, as pointed out to us by Meltzer, that the mechanical stimulation produced by the sperm, as it enters the egg, may be a matter of far greater importance in fertilization than hitherto considered. The point of the sperm enters the egg and is then violently moved from side to side by the lashing tail. The changes in the egg protoplasm which arise at this point may be the result of this motion and not of a chemical stimulation by the sperm head, as has been supposed to be the case. Perhaps the failure to extract a fertilizing substance from the sperm may be thus explained? Finally, the effects of mechanical agitation on fertilized and unfer- tilized eggs demonstrate, we believe, the fact that however various the stimuli may be in influencing protoplasmic activity, they produce their effect by altering the state of the protoplasm. This change in state, which may be a change in the state of aggregation of the col- loidal particles in the egg, may be set up in various ways, by tempera- ture changes, by the action of ions, by mechanical shock, by drugs or other organic substances, by the influence of oxygen or by its ab- sence. This change in state, however produced, is followed by defi- nite metabolic and structural changes. For artificial parthenogenesis nothing else is necessary than that this change be produced. I have no doubt that electric currents will suffice also, if properly applied, since in all other cells electricity affords us one of the easiest ways of producing such changes. In other words, we are in accord with Morgan’s criticism that it is impossible to assume that the stimulus given by the spermatozoon is of the nature of any of the methods so far found for producing parthenogenesis. It is not that the egg lacks specific ions or specific substances that it does not develop parthenogenetically, but only because in the conditions in which it normally finds itself, it cannot unaided bring about the necessary change in staté of its protoplasm sufficiently abruptly to cause its development. Our observations were made at the Marine Biological Laboratory at Wood’s Holl. 1 GiEs: This journal, rgo1, vi, p- 53- FIVE TYPES OF EYE MOVEMENT IN THE HORIZONTAL MERIDIAN PLANE OF THE FIELD OF REGARD. By RAYMOND DODGE. [From the Laboratory of Psychology in Wesleyan University.]} OTWITHSTANDING the large amount of literature on the movements of the eyes, exact quantitative knowledge of the varieties of movement by which they respond to different external circumstances is comparatively limited. Some few types have indeed found general recognition; but they have been isolated either on ana- tomical grounds or on account of their relation to special problems. Such, for instance, are the torsion and convergence movements of the eyes. But the list of well-defined varieties is short, and the majority of the eye movements have no better classification than their direction. The well-known, persistent untrustworthiness of introspective data regarding our eye movements, together with the difficulty of harness- ing the eyes to physiological registering apparatus, readily accounts for this lack of quantitative differentiation. But the consequent con- fusion has seriously handicapped more than one study in physiological optics, and has been especially unfortunate where the burden of theo- retical importance that the eye movements have been compelled to bear has been greatest: I mean in the theory of the visual perception of space. The present analysis of the forms of eye movement in the horizon- tal meridian plane of the field of regard was occasioned by some perplexing optical phenomena, noted during the course of an experi- mental study of the visual perception of motion. The limitations of available apparatus have necessarily restricted the scope of the inves- tigation; but it seemed to me that enough of general physiological interest had been obtained to warrant its publication as a contribu- tion to the classification of the eye movements. 1 In the experimental work involved in this paper, the author gratefully acknowledges the faithful help of his former pupil, Mr. J. J. Cogan. 3°7 308 Raymond Dodge. METHODS AND APPARATUS. Until recently, practically the only source of accurate quantitative data concerning the eye movements has been some use of the after- image. Some of these after-image methods have been surprisingly satisfactory. They have given us all that we know of the eye torsion, and of the movement and position of the point of regard during normal vision; and in the hands of Guillery ! and Briickner? modifica- tions of the well-known Lamansky method have given unexpectedly good results in measuring the angle velocity of the eye. But valuable as these methods are, they have narrow limitations, both in scope and in accuracy, of which no one has been more sensible than those who have used them. Among the objective methods of studying the eye movements, the oldest and most fundamental, though at the same time one of the most difficult, is direct observation, either with the naked eye, or by the aid of optical apparatus. Direct observation has discovered most of what we know concerning the involuntary eye movements, as well as the alternation of eye movement and fixation pause in the ordinary use of the eyes. But it can never yield any accurate measurements of their velocity, nor can it follow the longer excursions of the eyes with accuracy. The first really important contribution to our knowledge of the eye movements by means of direct attachment to the eye was made by E. B. Huey? at Clark University. With a Dellabarre eye-cup and a delicate registering device, direct kymographic records were obtained, showing the eye movements during reading. At the time of their publication these records gave the most nearly accurate measure- ments of the relation of reading pause to eye movement; moreover, they gave an unmistakably clear picture of that relation, which, doubtless, more than any other one presentation, has given the recent discoveries in the physiology of the eyes in reading a wide-spread acceptance. Unfortunately, the weight and friction of the register- ing apparatus, small as it was, seriously interfered with the normal functioning of the eye muscles. In the Psychological Review for March, 1901, in collaboration with ' GuILLERY: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1896, Ixxiii, p. 87. * BRUCKNER: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1902, xc, p. 73. 8 Huey: The American journal of psychology, 1900, xi, p. 283. a .} Five Types of Eye Movement. 309 one of my students, Mr. T. S. Cline, I published the details of a method and apparatus designed to record movements of the eyes photographically. The record is a continuous photograph of a line across the eye in its horizontal meridian, taken on a slowly falling photographic plate of extreme sensitiveness. As the eye moves, the Via, =aeen ZL, FicurE 1 is a plan of the apparatus reproduced from the original paper by Dodge and Cline. The camera (C) rests ona heavy horizontal perimeter (2 4), which is fitted with a solid head-rest (4), and securely fastened to a heavy table. The arrangement for securing an evenly moving photographic plate is shown in Fig. 1 (2), with the top removed; and again, in side elevation, with the side removed, ona larger scale, in Fig. 2. inequalities of light along that line, corresponding to the transition from sclerotic to iris on either side of the pupil, change their relative position, marking a curve on the negative, corresponding in ampli- tude and form with the extent and velocity of the eye movement. Since, however, in most eyes the lines of demarcation between the 310 Raymond Dodge. pigmented and unpigmented parts are not sufficiently well defined to produce negatives that could be read with accuracy, a modification of the above process was instituted, on which rests the method’s real — claim to accuracy. That modification is to photograph the move- ments of a sharply defined reflection from the eccentric surface of the cornea. This limits the scope of the method somewhat, in that the arc of eye movement can no longer be determined with accuracy from the records. But in practice the arc of move- ment is usually a predetermined experimental condition, and the real desideratum is real- ized: namely, the exact registration of the direction and duration of the eye movements, as well as their relation to the moments of rest. Only one modification of any importance has been made in the apparatus since its formal description. The regulation of the fall of the sensitive plate has been made more exact. Its fall is now controlled by the escape YWUUdéééllae-GY,y SS N MMMM, VM yy Z Y$)J«: MQ Hn MAMA W YUléla S YY il \ of oil instead of air. In the original apparatus, ~ the plate-holder (4) was attached to the rod of a piston playing in acylindrical air compressor (@); the plate could fall only as the air escaped from the cylinder, and the velocity of the fall was regulated by the size of the opening through which the air escaped. Slight oscillations in the velocity of the fall, owing to the elasticity of the air, suggested the use of a fluid resist- ance. The loss of head which would naturally result as the liquid was forced out of the cylinder, was obviated by leading the vent pipe FIGURE 2. into the top of the cylinder, and thus returning the oil as fast as it was forced out, maintaining a constant volume in the cylinder, and rendering the whole device automatic and clean. This apparatus is probably the most satisfactory method yet devised for recording the movements of the eyes. It operates under normal conditions of binocular vision, is capable of registering both eyes MMMMMM@@Mlllllll simultaneously, has a unit of measurement less than Io, while a ray of light is an ideal registering medium, having neither momentum — five Types of Eye Movement. 311 nor inertia. Its chief defects age that it is not easily adjusted to other than horizontal eye movements, and that it gives no indication of eye torsion. These limitations have forcibly determined the plane of experimentation, and have compelled me to abstract entirely from torsion movements. Type I. Those movements of the eye in which the point of regard wanders over any relatively fixed section of the field of vision are doubtless the most numerous, and at the same time the best understood of all the eye movements. In considering the various forms of eye movements in any direction, these would, therefore, naturally constitute the first type. The most important differentiating characteristic of the first type may be summed up as follows: The duration of eye movements of the first type is less than that of all other movements of the eye. It varies directly with the angle of displacement, but is approximately constant for each individual under the same conditions of fatigue of the eye muscles, of original orientation, and of the direction and angle of eye movement. If we were dependent on subjective data alone, every one would say without hesitation that he could move his eyes across the field of vision rapidly or slowly at will. This is, however, an illusion. The effort to move the eyes slowly from one point of regard to another always results in one or more complete stops, of which, however, the subject is almost never directly conscious. The simplest method of convincing one’s self of this fact is the method of Brown.! If the attempt be made to move the eyes slowly along a line which passes through a bright light, on closing the eyes a number of well-defined after-images of the light will be observed, clearly indicating that the eye rested at corresponding points along its path. More satisfactory is the evidence obtained by direct observation of another’s eyes. If one is careful not to look directly at the moving eye, but rather at some point on the eyelid, the alternation of movements and stops, as the subject attempts to move his eye slowly, will be clearly distin- guished. The kinetograms show that these pauses are of varying length, the shortest being slightly less than 0.2”. 1 Brown: Nature, 1895, lii, p. 184. 312 Raymond Dodge. It is unnecessary to repeat here a critical résumé of the earlier attempts to measure the duration of the eye movements. The following table, showing the results of measurements with the kinetograph, is reprinted from the paper by Dodge and Cline, on the angle velocity of the eye movements. General average. 55 b= 10° 5-5 15° 10-5 20°, 10-10 30° 15-15 40° 20-20 The table gives the mean duration of the eye movements of three subjects through angles varying from 5°-40°. The column at the extreme left gives the angular lateral displacement of the line of regard, together with an indication of the orientation of the lateral displacement with relation to the primary line of regard. M. signifies the mean value in terms of thousandths of a second; M. V., the mean variation ; and No., the number of records from which the mean is reckoned. At the extreme right is given the general average for all three subjects. The results given in the table indicate that the duration of the movements of any individual eye through a given angle tends to re- main constant within the limits of a relatively small variation from the mean. The larger mean variation for the angular movements above 15° is due in part to the differences found to exist between the adductive and abductive movements of the eye. The table shows further that the duration of eye movement in- creases in direct ratio with the angle. Taking the general average of all three subjects as a basis for calculation, it would appear that for each 5° added to the amplitude of the eye movement between 5° and 40, about 10a is added to the duration of movement. But the ap- parent implication of a fixed maximum velocity of 100 for each 5° is Five Types of Eye Movement. 313 false. The experiments of Guillery and of Briickner, as well as my own experiments by the Lamansky method,! all show that the max- imum velocity of the eye during movements of large amplitude is greater than the maximum velocity during movements of small am- plitude. Unfortunately the general conditions of our experimentation preclude an exact analysis of the record curves. But some of their important characteristics are evident to the most casual observer. Reem ne cetpemmemesemen pecan ene en pesca m mans rj ry CORE er ese eee ae i ! 1 1 ‘ ' ' ' ' . — . ' . ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ 10° 20° 30° 40° FIGURE 3 is an enlarged drawing from four kinetograms, subject 4A. Each section represents the record of one movement of the right eye, towards the right, through an angle of 10°, 20°, 30°, and_ 40°, respectively. Each vertical division of the paper corresponds to 125 (0.125”). The vertical height of the oblique lines gives the . duration of the eye movement, in each case; while the attached vertical lines repre- sent fragments of the fixation pauses separating the eye movements. The average duration of the fixation pauses partially represented in these drawings was about O52 The record of every eye movement, of the first type between 5° and 40° shows three distinct phases. Cf Fig. 3. The first phase con- sists of a positive acceleration tothe maximum velocity; this is main- tained for a considerable angle of movement, and constitutes the second phase, giving place in turn to a negative acceleration phase as the eye comes torest. The relation of these phases is not constant. In the shortest excursions measured, the second phase is very short, while in the longest excursions, with the exception of a peculiar modi- fication in the abductive movements to be described later, the second phase is by far the most conspicuous. Moreover, if one superimpose 1 ERDMANN and DopcE: Psychologische Untersuchungen iiber das Lesen, Halle, 1898, Anhang, pp. 346-360. 314 Raymond Dodge. a curve for a movement of 15° on a curve fora movement of 4o’, the second phase of the latter record will be found to incline slightly more to the horizontal. This confirms the law that the maximum as well as the average velocity increases in direct ratio with the angle of movement; while, in opposition to the findings of Bruckner, the kinetograms indicate that the increase in velocity is confined to the second phase of movement, which in Brickner’s experiments could not be dissociated from the first phase. Guillery observed a decided difference between the velocity of the eye at the beginning and at the end of an eye movement; but his experimental method involved two conditions that tend to distort that relation. In the first place his eye movements were uniformly ex- treme, and involved considerably more effort and muscle strain than the more natural excursions measured by Dodge and Cline, which never exceeded 20° from the primary position of the eye. Even more important is the fact that I have found it absolutely impossible, even under the most favorable conditions, to secure a series of simple, direct movements of the eyes from one fixation point to another which was more than 40° distant. The distance is persistently under- estimated; and the initial long movement of the first type is suc- ceeded by a shorter corrective movement of the same type. Since Guillery’s eye movements were all 40° and over, it seems probable that his attempt to measure the velocity of the end of the eye move- ments was confused by the small corrective movements whose average velocity is comparatively low. In the abductive movements alone, the kinetograms show a marked difference between the veloc- ity of corresponding portions of the first and the third phases. This peculiarity of the third phase is sufficient to account for the longer duration of the abductive movements, as remarked indepen- dently both by Guillery, and by Dodge and Cline.! The question naturally arises whether the eye movements which occurred under the more or less artificial conditions of our experi- mentation are of the same kind as those which occur during the unconstrained changes in the line of regard in normal vision. The problem of producing thoroughly unconstrained, horizontal eye move- ments, under the rather exacting conditions of kinetographic regis- 1 Briickner finds the relation reversed in his own case. The adductive move- ments are longer than the abductive. And this leads him to conclude that the differences are mere personal peculiarities, rather than permanent differences of the eye movements in the two directions. Five Types of Eye Movement. 315 tration, might seem at first rathermdifficult. But such movements are found in reading. As is now well known, since the researches of Erdmann and Dodge,! and of Huey, the reading of a line of print involves a succession of alternating fixation pauses and eye move- ments. These vary in number for any one person with the length of line, the print, and the difficulty of the matter read. The complete lack of introspective data regarding this alternation is sufficient sponsor for the lack of constraint. Yet measurements of the eye movements during reading are altogether congruent with the meas- urements given in Table I.’ The second general characteristic of eye movements of the first type relates to their function in the process of visual perception. Those experiments in physiological optics which depend on the varia- tion in appearance of luminous points and lines during eye movement demonstrate that the normal functions of the retina are not sus- pended. But the uniformity of the eye movements of Type I, and their relatively short duration as compared with the fixation pauses, naturally raises the question how far normal vision depends upon them. The layman will confidently assert his belief that he can see while his eyes are moving from place to place. Even among physi- ologists and psychologists it seems to have been taken for granted that we could see during eye movement from one point of regard to another. But wherever found, the belief that we can see the succes- sion of points of regard clearly during eye movements of the first type, is an illusion of introspection. The changes which a luminous point undergoes during eye movement, as shown, for instance, in the Lamansky experiments, are significant. But the matter may be proved by direct experiment. An object placed midway between two arbitrary fixation points, say 30° apart, cannot be seen more clearly during an unbroken eye movement from one fixation point to the other, than it is seen from either fixation point, although the line of regard moves directly through it. Moreover, it can be demonstrated that, under ordinary conditions of illumination by diffused daylight, the object cannot be seen at all, if it is exposed only during eye move- ment. Ifacone of paper with a base sufficiently large to cover the object of regard, and an aperture at the apex the size of the pupil, be 1 ERDMANN and DopGE: Psychologische Untersuchungen iiber das Lesen. Halle a. d. Saale, 1898. 2 Huey: American journal of psychology, 1900, xi, pp. 283-302. 8 DopGE and CLINE: Physiological review, 1901, viii, p. 153. 316 Raymond Dodge. placed between the object of regard and the eye, the object will be visible only as long as the pupil stands directly over the aperture in the apex of the cone. If the eye move, as above, through an angle large enough, so that the object will be completely hidden by the sides of the cone at both termini of the movement, it will be found that, unless interruptions occur in the movement, absolutely nothing is seen of the object. If artificial illumination be used in a darkened room, it will be found that the conditions of fusion with a moving retina are approximately the same as the conditions of fusion when the object moves.! The problem why, under ordinary circumstances, we do not per- ceive the fusion of the field of view which should theoretically occur during each eye movement of the first type, has been solved only hypothetically. But the fact that even with careful attention, scarcely a trace of the theoretical fusion of the field of view during eye move- ments of lesser excursion is perceptible, combined with the fact that during longer movements, say from an extreme inner to an extreme outer position of the eye, some trace of the fusion may be noted, gives a clue to the advantages of rapid movement, uncontrolled by voluntary effort. It would be a serious disturbance to clear vision if the whole field of view melted into an even gray at every eye movement, four or five times a second. And it would be an even more serious disturb- ance if, with still further voluntary reduction of the velocity, the whole field of view should appear to move about, as the characteristics of the fifth type would indicate.” The general characteristics of the first type may be summed up as follows: 1. Eye movements of the first type are fundamentally reactions to eccentric retinal stimulation, and are dependent on the tendency, de- veloped during the first month of infancy, to move the eyes so that the point of interest will be seen with the visual centre of the retina. 2. Their velocity is practically uninfluenced by voluntary effort. While their duration shows a slight individual variation under sim- ilar circumstances, it varies in direct proportion with the angle of movement, 3. They are primarily not periods of perception, but rather inter- ruptions of vision, whose sole function is to move the line of regard to an eccentric point of interest. ' For a more detailed account of these phenomena, see DonGe, Visual percep- tion during eye movement. Psychological review, 1900, vii, pp- 454-465. * See page 328. Five Types of Eye Movement. 317 Three subtypes appear to conform to the general characteristics of the first type, without being true reactions of the eye to eccentric visual stimuli. These are : 1. Those voluntary and arbitrary movements of the eyes which may occur with the eyelids open or closed, without real reference to any object of interest in the field of vision. 2. The involuntary movements which persist even after all ex- ternal stimuli have been excluded from the eye. 3. Co-ordinate movements of one eye as the other eye reacts to an eccentric stimulus, unseen by the former. Type II. Eye movements of the first type, by which we look towards an eccentric object of interest, have been shown to be conditioned by the previous position of the eye, and are involved in each new act of vision only indirectly as a necessary precondition. If we wish to see a moving object, on the contrary, a more or less continuous move- ment of the eyes will be necessary in order to keep the line of regard congruent with the line of interest. The eye movements in this case are no longer mere episodes, dependent on the previous position of the eyes; they are the moments of fixation, the immediate condition of clear vision, and the direct analogues of the fixation pauses which separate movements of the first type. This modification of the function of the eye movements, as might be expected theoretically, corresponds with a modification of the character of the eye move- ments, constituting a new type. We may define this second type as those eye movements in which the line of regard follows an object moving across the field of vision. And the eye movements of the second type may be designated pz- suit movements. They occur in early infancy, and are so persistent in adult life that even the trained psychologist finds it difficult to keep the eyes fixed in their orbits when the object of regard moves. An analysis of the conditions under which a pursuit movement may occur shows that every group of pursuit movements must begin as a reaction to eccentric stimulation. Until the object of interest moves, there is no occasion for eye movements ; after it moves, how- ever, a measurable time interval must elapse before there can be a muscular response to the perception of motion. The available data concerning the reaction time of the eye indicate that this interval is relatively long. 318 Raymond Dodge. The first published measurements of the reaction time of the eye were made by the writer in collaboration with Professor Benno Erdmann in 1897.1. The method used was the blind spot method, but the available apparatus was crude, and the results were published as mere approximations. These experiments indicated that the eye reaction to eccentric visual stimuli involved a reaction interval less than 230o¢ and more than 1800 for both subjects. In 1899 it was possible for me to measure the reaction of the eye by the same method with apparatus especially designed for the purpose. Both method and apparatus are fully described elsewhere,” and it will be necessary at this time merely to outline their general principle. A primary fixation mark was suddenly superseded by an eccentric mark, towards which the subject was to look immediately on its appearance. The duration of the reaction interval was given directly in the length of time which a bright light must persist, after the stimulus for re- action had been given, in order that it might emerge from the blind spot, on which it rested during the primary fixation, and thus become visible through the reactive movement of the eye itself. The meas- urements were made on the right eyes of two subjects, and after correction for the slight movement of the eyes, indicated reaction intervals respectively of 170¢0 and 162¢. In 1900 Huey® tested the earlier approximations of Erdmann and Dodge by his method of direct attachment, and obtained a corrected mean reaction time for two persons of 171.7¢0 and 196.ga, respectively. These results by totally different methods are fairly congruent, and show us clearly that if the first type of movement were the only type, it would never be possible for us to see a moving object clearly. The attempt to follow the moving object would keep the point of regard at least one full reaction interval behind the point of interest; moreover, since the eye move- ments of the first type effectually prevent clear vision during the movement, the best view we could possibly get of a moving object would be given by the confused, and more or less eccentric image of the moving object while the eye was motionless. That we are not confined to such unsatisfactory conditions of observation is evident from the most obvious data of introspection. Direct observation of an eye, following a uniformly moving object, ' ERDMANN and DopGeE: Psychologische Untersuchungen iiber das Lesen, 1898, pp. 116 and following. * DonGE: Psychological review, 1899, vi, pp. 477-483. ’ Hury: American journal of psychology, 1900, xi, pp. 294, 295. five Types of Eye Movement. 319 discloses a relatively complex phenomenon, which apparently includes at least two distinct kinds of eye movements. A succession of rapid, jerk-like movements are separated by what appear to be longer regular movements of less velocity. The exact relation of these components, however, cannot be made out by mere observation. In order to adapt the kinetograph to this new problem, a moving object must take the place of the fixation marks. For this purpose we used a continuous belt of white paper about one inch wide, marked with a succession of black crosses. This ran around a polished vertical rod at one side of the table, and around a vertical spool driven by clock work at the other. Screens were then adjusted on the perimeter, to shut off all but twenty degrees of the belt, and the clock work was regulated so that a point on the belt traversed the entire twenty degrees in about one second. Kinetograms of the eye movements made while the belt was in motion, in the endeavor to follow the cross fixated as long as it was visible, and then to transfer the fixation immediately to another just appearing, show the following details: I. The attempt to fixate a cross after the signal is given, results, first, in two or three rapid movements of the eye, separated by moments of rest. This first phase of pursuit differs from the kineto- grams of reaction movements of the first type, only in the shortening of the fixation pauses. 2. After the first two or three rapid movements there are no further moments of rest during the entire course of a group of meas- urements, about eighteen seconds. Instead of the moments of rest appear moments of relatively slow eye movement, approximating in angle velocity the movement of the crosses on the belt. 3. Several rapid movements in the direction of pursuit are always found to interrupt each pursuit sweep. These vary from the rapid movements in the opposite direction, which separate the pursuit sweeps, not only in number and amplitude, but also in their apparent function. The latter are usually simple movements of the first type through the entire arc of movement, and indicate the most rapid transition from the end of one pursuit sweep to the beginning of a new one, resembling in every way the return sweep of the eye in reading. The rapid movements in the direction of the pursuit, on the other hand, interrupt each pursuit sweep of twenty degrees from three to six times, three-fourths of such interruptions occurring in the first half of each sweep. ‘ | eatiesteetiesteetientienti alent ee 1 i ! " | ! ‘ 1 t--------|------- H See eer ee 20° FIGURE 4 is an en- larged reproduction of a kinetogram of one entire pursuit sweep of the eye from left to right, bounded by the re- turn sweeps from right to left, and broken by three short auxiliary jerks of the first type. Raymond Dodge. Since the rapid movements in either direction differ in no appreciable way from the movements of the first type, it is evident that we must dis- tinguish between the slower true pursuit move- ments of the second type, and the pursuit sweeps which include both the true pursuit movements and the frequent additional movements of the first type. In the attempt to free the true pursuit movements from the little auxiliary jerks, and thus study them in a pure form, we tried to reduce the velocity of the belt until it should exactly coincide with the true pursuit movements. But the plates showed that we had misapprehended the meaning of the auxiliary jerks. For even in slow move- ments of the object of regard, in which the twenty degrees was covered in about three seconds, the little jerks still persisted, though they were of extremely small amplitude. Since the velocity of the true pursuit movements constantly decreased with the velocity of the object of regard, it seems probable that we must regard the auxiliary jerks of the first type as constant accompaniments of the pursuit movements; and since they always appear in the direction of the pursuit, they indi- cate that the true pursuit movement tends to lag a little, and is supplemented from time to time by movements of the first type. The most important feature of the records, from the standpoint of classification, is the fact that, after the first few moments of rest, which separate the first two or three auxiliary jerks at the begin- ning of each series of measurements, the pursuit movements assume the character of a continuous series of easily modified habitual movements. The second pursuit movement does not begin after the elapse of a reaction interval, but immediately on the return of the eye to the beginning of the arc of movement, the new pursuit sweep begins as though it were the release of a spring. Our inter- pretation of the pursuit movements as a continuous five Types of “Lye Movement. Se1 series of rapidly developed habitual responses to a general condition, rather than as individual reactions to specific stimuli, is corroborated by the peculiar action of the eyes of a person who, having watched a moving object for some time, suddenly tries to fixate an unmoved object. In such cases, notwithstanding the absence of any true stimulus for the pursuit movements, and even in opposition to the most strenuous effort to fixate the object at rest, the pursuit move- ments persist for an appreciable length of time, and give rise to a well-known illusion of motion. The objects which are really at rest seem to move in a direction opposite to that in which the real move- ment occurred. In experiments with a pendulum in place of the endless belt, the records show that the habitual response may involve considerable variation in velocity in its different phases. In the traditional accounts of the visual perception of motion, the perception of the eye movements by which the object is followed is always mentioned as an important factor. Without discussing the general question in this place, it may be remarked that since the pursuit movements invariably lag, they alone would give very erro- neous data concerning the velocity of the object. Moreover, since they are initiated as reactions, it would seem that the movement of the object must already be apprehended before the pursuit can begin, and that its velocity must have been estimated with considerable accuracy before the pursuit movements could fulfil their function sufficiently well to give any reliable data. The chief characteristies of the second type of eye movements may be summed up as follows: 1. The velocity of the pursuit movements has no normal value, but varies with the apparent velocity of the object as it moves across the field of vision. The line of regard appears to lag behind the line of interest, and to overtake it, from time to time, by short eye move- ments of the first type. 2. Unlike movements of the first type, the pursuit movements are moments of clear vision. In fact it is only during pursuit movements that clear vision of a moving object is possible. 3. In further distinction from movements of the first type, which are fundamentally reactions to specific eccentric stimuli, the pursuit movements assume the character of habitual movements, and may persist after the occasion for them has ceased. 4. Finally it is to be noted that, whereas movements of the first type are separated by relatively long periods of rest, movements of the 222 Raymond Dodge. second type show no periods of rest whatsoever, and must, therefore, involve a more continuous activity of the eye muscles. A form of eye movement, not objectively different from the pursuit movements, occurs during passive movements of the entire body, as when one rides in a car or is revolved steadily in a chair, while the environment remains stationary. This form, however, is complicated by tendencies to movement which belong to the fourth type.! Type III. Similar in some respects to the pursuit movements, yet essentially a new type, are those which we may call after Lotze, compensatory eye movements. In order, however, to differentiate them from allied movements of a fourth type, we must designate them co-ordinate com- pensatory eye movements. This third type may be defined as those movements of the eyes by which the constant fixation of an unmoved object of interest is maintained during rotation of the head. Obviously in every movement of the eyeball which corresponds to the above conditions, there are two distinct factors. The first factor depends on the optical eccentricity of the axis of the head. Since the vertical axis of the head lies behind the eyes, they will be carried with their orbits in the direction of the head movement. Besides the passive movement around the axis of the head, every compensatory movement involves a movement of the eyeball in its orbit. The entire process has sometimes been regarded by those with whom I have spoken, as a mere matter of momentum, by which the eye remained relatively fixed, while the head revolved around it. This conception is, of course, as thoughtless as it is misleading. It would be possible only if the axis of rotation of the eye were identical with that of the head, while the eye hung free in a frictionless orbit. Since neither of these conditions is fulfilled, we must conclude, on theo- retical grounds, even if we had no direct experimental proof, that the compensatory eye movements have their direct antecedents in the more or less continuous activity of the orbital muscles. The quantitative investigation of the third type presents some pecu- liar difficulties. Since both the head and the eyes move simultane- ously, it is obviously impossible to use any of the ordinary head-rests. Without them, however, the probability of securing satisfactory nega- 1 See page 327. Five Types of Eye Movement. 225 tives is very small, since a chamge of one-sixteenth of an inch in the elevation of the head is sufficient to throw the reflection from the cornea out of the exposure slit. In order to offset their loss, a sort of peep sight was used to give the head the right elevation. About half-way between the eye and the constant fixation mark, a fine silk strand was stretched across a concave support, at such a height that its ‘upper edge appeared to touch the fixation mark, when the head was at the required elevation. The chief theoretical objections to this arrangement are two: Interest is divided during the experi- ment, between the true fixation mark and the thread; and this might easily occasion involuntary changes in the line of regard, which would be overlooked by the subject. The second objection involves the almost inevitable involuntary changes in the elevation of the head. Such changes, after they once occur, must disturb the free movements of the head until they are corrected. On the other hand, this means of pre- serving the elevation of the head is preferable to any mechanical de- vice attached to the top of the head, since the latter would inevitably modify both the direction and the velocity of the normal fulfilment of a volitional impulse; and this would destroy an essential condition of the experiment. The resulting kinetograms show that the head of the subject never kept within the limits of permissible variation from a constant elevation for more than four or five movements. But even the faulty records are not worthless, since, once understood, their obscurer lines are sufficiently distinct to control the perfect records. In order sharply to differentiate head lines from eye lines on the kinetograms, a black cardboard square with a heavy white line was fastened to the nose. The eye record was made by the movement of the corneal reflection, as in the previous types. The chief characteristic of the records is the fact that not once is there a break in the regular compensation of the eye to movements of the head. Nowhere is there discoverable even a hint of an eye movement of the first type, either at the beginning of a series of head movements, or during their progress. This justifies our emphasis on the co-ordinate character of the eye movements of the third type. That they do not begin as reflex movements, like the second type, is shown by the entire absence of the reaction interval, as well as by the absence of secondary corrective movements of the first type. These two characteristics also show that the form of compensatory eye movements under discussion cannot be a response to the afferent impulses from the semi-circular canals, as was proposed by Mach and 324 Raymond Dodge. Brown. There are, indeed, such responses, but they belong to a _ different class of compensatory eye movements. Since there is no control for a primary position of the head, and the angle which the axis of the eye and the nose mark subtend to the centre of the camera lens, varies constantly during the rotation of the head, the important question whether the compensatory eye movements follow variations in the velocity of the head movement accurately or only approximately, is not answered by the kine- tograms. Recourse was consequently had to an experiment of the Lamansky type which serves at once as a demonstration of the most important characteristics of the third type, and an effectual control of the kinetographic records. Ina darkened room, a black pasteboard screen, perforated near the centre by a narrow slit made by the thin point of a penknife, was interposed between the eye and a bright gas flame. Directly in front of the screen, a revolving disk was adjusted so that perforations on its periphery exposed the open slit about a hundred times a second. As long as the slit was fixated by the observer, it appeared as a narrow line of light. Whenever the line of regard wandered, the slit appeared to broaden, and if the angle of eye movement exceeded half a degree, it appeared double. If the slit retained its normal shape while it was fixated during head movement, it was conclusive evidence that the eye movement completely com- pensated for the head movement, not only at the end of the head movement, but also at every moment of that movement. Our experi- ments showed that compensation is accurate only for head movements of moderate velocity and excursion. When the head moves with extreme velocity, the eye lags. Since it is a well-known fact that the head can move more rapidly than the eye, this insufficiency of the compensating movements under extreme conditions was to be expected, and in no way discounts their general accuracy during mod- erate head movements. SSS hv. ‘DheFolinsmethods! = -)-).) < F eee ES V. Vacuum distillation method according to *Roussinaantt i be. a ts VI. The vacuum distillation method as best carried out. . . . : 348 Tables of results by the new Folin method and by the peciaed vacuum distillation methods: 2%. rads) 2 a VIL. ‘Summaryinc 665 joe Oe Ne LS GI eae aie ec mer I. INTRODUCTION. HEN one compares the amount of nitrogen excreted from the body as ammonia, with that excreted as uric acid and the other nitrogenous substances existing in urine in less quantities than urea, and when one considers the large part played by ammonia in metabolism, and the consequent importance of the variations which occur in the amount of this substance excreted under different physi- ologic and pathologic conditions, it seems strange that the methods proposed for its estimation have not been worked out toa greater degree of efficiency and accuracy. The determination of ammonia has assumed an increased importance in connection with a work on metabolism now being pursued in this laboratory, and it has seemed 330 2 ee Quantitative Determination of Ammonia in Urine. 331 advisable to examine critically the better adapted and more generally used methods to determine their accuracy and reliability. The better known methods are: The Schlésing method for the absorption of the ammonia by acid on standing in a closed vessel, and the several methods by distillation in a vacuum. For one of the latter I shall propose several modifications which make it highly accurate and very satisfactory. The methods based upon the precip- itation of the ammonia as a platinum double salt involve, according to Huppert,! the error of having an admixture of organic-platinum pre- cipitates, and furthermore are too tedious and expensive for constant use. Such processes were rejected for these reasons. Two methods by Otto Folin, one of which has not yet been pub- lished, have been included in the investigation. II. Tue ScuLiosinc METHOD. This method was first described in a paper by Schlosing? and was used to determine the ammonia in tobacco. The first application to urine seems to have been made by Neubauer in the first edition of his “ Anleitung fiir Harn Analyse.” Neubauer had not at that time made any critical test of the reliability of the method, but in 1855 he published a paper ® stating the details of the process and giving the results of a number of ammonia determinations in normal urines. He stated that the method gave very accurate results. As used by Neubauer, the Schlésing method was as follows: To 10 c.c. of urine * was added magnesia or milk of lime, and this mixture was placed in a flat dish ten or twelve centimetres wide; over this dish and supported by a triangle was another dish containing the acid; all was enclosed by a tightly fitted bell-jar, and allowed to stand forty- eight hours, at the end of which time, according to both Schlosing and Neubauer, all the ammonia had been liberated and driven off from the liquid by the alkali and absorbed by the acid above. That this 1 NEUBAUER and VOGEL: Anleitung zur Analyse des Harns, 1898, p. 745, ed. (TO. 2 ScHLOsING: Annales de chimie et de physique, 1851, xxxi, p. 153. This paper contains a cut of the apparatus. The paper was translated in full into the German and again published in the Journal fiir praktische Chemie, 1851, lii, P- 372. 3 NEUBAUER: Journal fiir praktische Chemie, 1855, lxiv, p. 177. 4 In a later paper (Journal fiir praktische Chemie, 1855, Ixiv, p. 278), NEUBAUER proposed to use 20 c.c. of urine. 342 Philip Shaffer. is incorrect will be shown below. The authors were led into the error by using standard acid and alkali of such a strength as to make it impossible to measure the small quantities of ammonia given off on standing longer than the first forty-eight hours. Neubauer used to absorb the ammonia, 10 c.c. of sulphuric acid of such a strength as to demand for saturation 225.42 mg. ammonia, or the acid was about 33 per cent normal. The alkali was of such a strength that I c.c. was equivalent to 14.7 mg. ammonia, or was almost 87 per cent normal. I have found cases where IO c.c. urine, under the most favorable conditions for the Schlésing method, gave off more than 0.5 mg. ammonia in addition to that given off during the first forty-eight hours. This would make a difference of 50 mg. per litre, which in many instances would be one-sixth of the total amount in a twenty- four hour quantity of urine. This 0.5 mg. ammonia would be equiva- lent to only about 3'5 of a cubic centimetre of the alkali used by Neubauer. Thus may be explained Neubauer’s and Schlosing’s ‘“complete results after forty-eight hours.” Conditions governing the Schlésing method. — To get even approxi- mate results with this method, it is necessary to fulfil certain conditions, few of which have apparently been considered by any investigator using or describing the method in recent years. Both Schlésing and Neubauer understood the more important of these conditions, and mention them in a general way in their papers, but nowhere else do I find any exact description either of the most suit- able apparatus, or of the proper manner of carrying out the operations. In most textbooks, the only method given for the determination of ammonia in urine is the Schlésing method, and with one exception the directions are either too inexact to be of value, or are entirely incorrect. Asa result, the method has been used frequently under the most unfavorable conditions, and often has given undoubtedly very erroneous results. In view of the absence of an exact under- standing of this method, it seems worth while to discuss it in some detail. In order to judge of the method’s real value, it was first necessary to learn the conditions under which it could be worked most success- fully! The Schlosing method depends upon the fact that free ammo- ' It was only after learning the difficulties in carrying out the method according to the directions given in textbooks, and when I had already discovered the source of the error as thus worked, that the very general descriptions contained in the papers of SCHLOSING and NEUBAUER were fully appreciated. ScuLOsiNnG did Quantitative Determination of Ammonia in Urine. 333 nia is given off from a liquid containing it on being exposed to the air, and that from the air it will be absorbed by an acid. This trans- fer will take place completely, if carried out in a small closed vessel for a sufficient length of time. The time necessary for all the ammo- nia to be given off from a liquid and absorbed by actd depends on the depth of the liquid. The following experiment with urine will illustrate this fact. The urine and milk of lime was let stand for seven days in a small desiccator (6.7 cm. diameter) containing a titrated amount of acid. At the end of the time, the acid in each was titrated, and the ammonia calculated for one litre of urine. In the first was 50 c.c. urine + 5 c.c. milk of lime; and in the second, 10 c.c. urine + 3 c.c. milk of lime. Volume of liquid. | Depth of liquid. N Hs in litre. | 16 mm. 581 mg. 4 mm. 714 mg. From the fact illustrated in this experiment I have concluded that the layer of liquid should not be deeper than 2 mm. This would allow the use of about 25 c.c. of solution in a dish 12 cm. in diameter. Schlésing used 35 c.c. in a dish of this size. This consideration of the depth of the liquid is not mentioned in books describing the method, and has been disregarded by all recent investigators, as is shown by the fact that where they do give any of the details of their manner of carrying out the method, they state the amount of urine used, but say nothing of the diameter of the dish containing it. The Schlosing method as described in textbooks: Huppert’ directs one to use 25 c.c. urine + to c.c. milk of lime, but does not mention the size of dish or beli-jar. He suggests the use of ‘ acid dishes” to contain the urine. These are as a rule about 10 cm. in diameter, making the layer of liquid about 5 mm. deep. He lets the urine stand in the apparatus from three to four days, and claims that in that time almost all the ammonia will be given off. indeed have an accurate understanding of these conditions, but NEUBAUER placed so little emphasis upon them in the application of the method to urine that it is not surprising that the points have escaped the attention of succeeding investigators. 1 NEUBAUER and VOGEL: Anleitung zur Analyse des Harns, 1898, toth ed., p- 742. 334 Philip Shaffer. Salkowski! uses a crystallizing dish to hold the liquid containing the am- monia. To 25 c.c. of filtered urine’ he adds the same volume of milk of lime, places the mixture under a bell-jar with % or /%, acid,® and lets it stand two or three days. Salkowski likewise does not mention the size of the apparatus. Hopkins‘ directs one to use 25 c.c. urine + 20 c.c. milk of lime in a “basin with vertical sides’ and to let stand three days, when all the ammonia will be absorbed by the acid. Halliburton ® advises the use of 20 c.c. urine + to c.c. milk of lime placed in a beaker and covered with a bell-jar. In forty-eight hours, according to this author, all the ammonia will be driven off and absorbed by the acid. Halliburton makes a further direction which is, to say the least, surprising. He proposes to make a control determination by letting the same amount of urine stand in a similar apparatus, without lime, his idea being to sub- tract the amount of ammonia formed by putrefaction from that obtained in the first estimation. Without a preservative, a bacterial decomposition will take place in urine, and even after forty-eight hours in many cases, an‘ ammoniacal odor will be noticeable, and the urine will be alkaline. 1 SALKOWSKI: Practicum der physiologischen und pathologischen Chemie, 1900, 2d €d., p.. 252. 2 In most cases it will be found advisable to filter the urine from the pus, etc., which is usually present, thus lessening the tendency toward decomposition. Most authors describing the method prescribe the use of filtered urine. 8 The idea seems to exist that the rate of absorption of the ammonia depends upon the strength of the acid. This is probably the reason why the earlier workers used such unusually strong solutions for the purpose. Ina recent paper by NENCKI and ZALESKI (Zeitschrift ftir physiologie Chemie, 1901, xxxiii, p. 203), they state that in using their own method (discussed later), with urine an acid stronger than /% is necessary. This idea is not correct. So long as the acid remains in moderate excess, it will absorb the ammonia as rapidly as it is liberated from the liquid containing it. ‘The following determinations were carried out under identical conditions in an ammonium chloride solution. The volume of the liquid was in each case 30 c.c., and the time seventy-four hours. The results are given in c.c. % NH,. 10 Amount of acid used, With MgO. With Ca(OH ),. 10 c.c. HySOy = 78.07 cc. ys 22.97 10 35 cc. ty HeSO,y ' Hopkins: ‘* The chemistry of the urine,” in SCHAFER’S Textbook of Physi- ology, 1900, i, p- 586. ® HALLIBURTON : Chemical physiology and pathology, 1891, p. 806. Quantitative Determination of Ammonia in Urine. 335 Where this occurs, the ammonia formed from the decomposition of the urea will obviously first tend to neutralize the acidity of the urine, and the excess will be given off. It is this excess only which would be contained in the correction. It has furthermore been shown that the addition of milk of lime prevents the bacterial decomposition which would otherwise occur." Fresenius” gives the correct description of the Schlosing method as pro- posed in its author’s original communication. Fresenius used 35 c.c. or less of liquid in a flat dish 10 cm. to 12 cm. in diameter, and let it stand under a bell-jar forty-eight hours, when he tested the completeness of the expulsion of the ammonia and of its absorption by introducing into the jar a moistened strip of red litmus paper. If the paper changed in color, the apparatus was allowed to stand longer. Even before Neubauer had used the method, Fresenius had quoted this principle direct from Schlésing’s paper, in an early edition of his ‘‘ Quantitative Analyse.” His early description has probably not been altered, thus explaining its correctness. Evidently this author has not been consulted on this point by writers of books describing methods for urine analysis. The Schlosing method as used by previous investigators. — For the reason that they have given no consideration to this condition of the depth of the layer of liquid, it is impossible to form any correct estimate of the accuracy of the results of the many workers who have used this method.* They worked little if any with ammonium salt solutions of known content, and had no reliable method to use as a check upon their experiments. Bohland proposed a modification of the Schlosing method, in first creating a vacuum in the bell-jar, thus hastening the expulsion of the ammonia, so that he claimed it complete in forty-eight hours. 1 SALKOWSKI: VIRCHOW’S Archiv, 1873, lviii, p. 486, and Centralblatt fiir die medicinischen Wissenschaften, 1880, xxxviii, p. 690; SALOMEN: VIRCHOW’S Archiv, 1884, xcvii, p. 150; HALLERVORDEN: Archiv fiir experimentelle Path- ologie und Pharmakologie, 1880, xii, p. 237; NEUBAUER originally proposed this correction in his paper, Journal fiir praktische Chemie, lxiv, p. 278, but its error was recognized and pointed out by the authors quoted above. It seems remark- able to find such a procedure prescribed in a book so recent as HALLIBURTON’S. 2 FRESENIUS: Quantitative Analysis, 1899, p. 220. 8 MUNK: VIRCHOW’s Archiv, 1877, ]xix, p. 365; HALLERVORDEN: Archiv fiir experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1880, xii, p. 237; BOHLAND: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1891, xlviii, p. 32; CAMERER: Zeitschrift fiir Biol- ogie, 1899, Xxxviii, p. 237. 336 Philip Shaffer. Hammarsten! states that correct results can be obtained with the Schlosing method only with this modification. My own experience has been that although the vacuum does materially aid the expulsion of the ammonia, this advantage is more than offset by the difficulty in keeping the vacuum. Obviously the vacuum must not be made again after the alkali has been added to the urine. Camerer quotes a series of determinations according to Schlosing by himself, and a series in the same urines according to the same method by Soldner. The figures compare very poorly, and make an excellent exam- ple of the untrustworthiness of results by this method as ordinarily carried out. The average difference between the published results of these workers (in the same urines) is to mg. in too c.c. or fully one-seventh of the total amount. Camerer got higher results in nearly every case and in less time, and con- cluded that the reason was that he used a smaller apparatus than Soldner. During the present work it has been learned from experiment that the size of the bell-jar has no effect upon the absorption of the ammonia. The alkali used to liberate the ammonia in the Schlosing method. — The alkali used to liberate the ammonia from its salts determines to some extent the rate of its expulsion from a liquid, presumably in that on it depends its solubility. Munk? used sodium hydrate, but this on standing decomposes some substance in the urine and gives too high results. Milk of lime or magnesia has been most commonly used for the purpose. By magnesia the ammonia is given off very slowly, and, according to Soldner, not completely on account of the formation of ammonium-magnesium phosphate crystals.® Milk of lime gives off the ammonia more rapidly, but causes decomposition on long standing, especially in pathological urines.* The following results ®° show the rapidity of the expulsion by lime as compared with magnesia. The determinations were carried out under the same conditions, the only difference being in the alkali used. The figures show also the high results with lime and the incomplete results with magnesia. The temperature was about 24° 1 HAMMARSTEN: Lehrbuch der physiologischen Chemie, 1899, p. 482. 2 MuNK: Loe, cit. 8 See CAMERER: Loc. ct¢. Some of my own results with magnesia have been too low after standing four hundred and fifty-six hours, or nineteen days. 4 HALLERVORDEN: Loc. cit. ® Iach experiment and result quoted in this paper has been chosen as repre- senting a fair average of a large number of similar operations. Quantitative Determination of Ammonia in Urine. 337 C. Sodium carbonate prevents putrefaction in urines as does lime (see page 335). 50 c.c. urine contained 39 mg. NH3. 50 c.c. urine. With Ca(OH )s. 48 hours 96 hours 144 hours Where absolute figures are given in this paper, they have been obtained by one or both of the accurate methods described below (pages 344 and 348). In my experiments I have used sodium carbonate with greater suc- cess than with either lime or magnesia. It drives off the ammonia much more rapidly than does magnesia, and does not cause decom- position as does lime. In order to test this point, some experiments were performed with a 4 per cent solution of peptone which was free from ammonia and contained chloroform as a preservative. In 25 c.c. of this solution standing forty-eight hours at 35° C., Lime gave off 4.5 gm. NHs, Magnesia gave off 0.6 mg. NHs, Sodium carbonate gave off 0.85 mg. NH;3. At 20° C., the decomposition was somewhat less in each case, but bore the same relation, the decomposition from lime being much greater than from either magnesia or sodium carbonate. The follow- ing shows the relative speed with which the ammonia is given off by sodium carbonate, and again indicates the decomposition by lime: 50 c.c. urine contained 19.72 mg. NHs3. Time. With Ca(OH)>. With Na,CO,.2 48 hours 19.89 mg. 19.04 mg. 96 hours 21.08 mg. 19.72 mg. 1 About 0.5 gm. to 1 gm. dry NasCOs for each 25 c.c. urine. a3 Philip Shaffer. Between the lowest and the highest of these figures there is a _ difference of 2.04 mg. which would amount to 40.8 mg. per litre. With none of the generally used methods for determining ammonia could a greater constant correspondence be obtained, and such results have accordingly been considered satisfactory. By the use of meth- ods which will be described further on, a degree of accuracy within 5 mg. to 10 mg. tn the litre is attained without difficulty. The effect of temperature upon the Schlosing method. — Temperature also has a great influence upon the rapidity with which the ammonia is driven off. Its effect is shown by the following experiment. Four determinations in urine were carried out under the most favorable conditions, but at different temperatures. The alkali used was 0.5 gram dry sodium carbonate for each 25 c.c. urine. The results are given in milligrams of ammonia for 50 c.c. urine. 50 c.c. of the urine contained 19.89 mg. NHs3. Time. 16° C. 48 hours | 17.17 108 hours ). 18.96 156 hours aperiee 18.96 ? In the residues standing at 12° C. and at 16° C., there was found 0.51 mg. N Hs. This, added to the amount absorbed by the acid, will scarcely equal the correct result. The slight difference was probably lost in opening the apparatus at the end of each period to titrate the acid. 2 A decomposition is to be observed with Na,COg at 38° C. even in normal urines. At 12° and 16° C. we see from the figures above how slowly it comes off. At such temperatures the expulsion is probably not com- plete even aftera week. I have tried letting the desiccators stand in an incubator at 38° C., and with some success, but at this tempera- ture, even with magnesia, there is a slight decomposition which renders the results too inaccurate for scientific work. The Schlosing method as best carried out.— The most accurate results with the Schlésing method may be obtained as follows. To filtered urine add sodium carbonate and let stand with + acid in a 10 desiccator or under a tightly fitting bell-jar. With 25 c.c. urine, about a Se Quantitative Determination of Ammonia in Urine. 339 half gram sodium carbonate, and an excess of sodium chloride,’ standing in a dish from 15 cm. to 17 cm. in diameter, at 20 C. or higher, the expulsion of the ammonia will be almost complete in three to four days. The length of the operations may be reduced to forty- eight hours by letting the apparatus stand at 38° C. On longer standing at such a temperature the ammonia from decomposition becomes considerable,” and even after the first forty-eight hours the results are not always reliable. When a smaller dish is used to hold the urine, a correspondingly smaller amount must be used, the best conditions being, as has already been mentioned, to have the depth of the liquid not more than 2mm. For the same amount of urine ¢/e wider the dish the more rapid will be the expulsion of the ammonta. In order that the liquid may cover the entire surface of the dish, and that the layer may not be thicker in some parts than in others, the dish should have a flat bottom. Crystallizing dishes or the bottom of large desiccators are adapted to the purpose. The Schlésing method as thus described may be considered satisfactory in many respects for clinical purposes; but it can of course be used only where one can wait two days or longer for the results. The uncertainty of the method, however, renders it quite unsuitable for more accurate work. Tables of results by Schlosing method. — The following tables con- tain results of determinations in urines according to the Schlosing method. The conditions of the operations are stated in each case, except that the depth of the liquid has always been about 2 mm. The ammonia has been determined also by one or both of the accurate methods described further on, and it is the average of these results which is given as “ammonia actually present.” The results con- tained in the tables represent the greatest accuracy that may be obtained with the Schlosing method. 1 Enough sodium chloride to make a saturated solution prevents to some extent any decomposition which may otherwise take place, presumably by lessening the amount of dissociation of the alkali. 2 In each case a few drops of chloroform have been added to prevent bacterial growth. 40 Philip Shaffer. Urine No. 1. 50 c.c urine. SUrGG: Cc “cc “cc . urine Normal. Ammonia actually present Sysio) (Ge sis} (C- 96 hours 27 days 192 hours Bie 44 44“ 56. pat 100 56 a ae 43. Lobe S4 43. 4 MgO “e Urine No. 2. Normal. Ammonia actually present g0c1G. 48 hours 120 LOO 48 100. 48 ‘ +56 Na,CO,; “e Ca(OH). MgO Gm. NHg per litre. 0.490 0.459 0.527 0.489 0.506 0.467 0.498 0.476 0.467 0.484 | Difference. Mg. Quantitative Determination of Ammonia in Urine. 341 Urine No. 3. Normal. Gm. NH, | Difference. per litre. Mg. Ammonia actually present . . . 0.742 25 c.c. urine 22°C. 117 hours MgO 0.727 =15 After standing 117 hours the am- monia remaining in the liquid was determined according to Folin (page 344). This amount added to that above gave. . . 0.741 Urine No. 4. Normal. Ammonia actually present . . . 0.328 25 c.c. urine 22°C. l1v7hours MgO 0.234 as After standing 117 hours the am- monia remaining in the liquid was determined according to Folin (page 344). This amount added to that above gave. . . 0.326 — 2 Urine No. 5. Normal. Ammonia actually present . . . | 0.398 25 c.c. urine 38°C. 48hours NasCO; 0.394 ee Zpec. BSC son ej 0.440 42 Urine No. 6. Normal. sade Ammonia actually present . . . 0.394 25 c.c. urine 22°C. 96hours Ca(OH), 0.421 +27 POCe:, - eo Geae 9G): Na,CO3 0.394 0 Urine No. 7. Contained large quantity of blood. Ammonia actually present 25 c.c. urine 22°C. 134hours Ca(OH), 0.462 +69 342 Philip Shaffer. IlI. VAcuuM DISTILLATION METHOD ACCORDING TO WURSTER. In 1887 Wurster! proposed what is generally considered the original method for determining ammonia by distillation in a vacuum at low temperatures. He proposed to distil at about 15 mm. pres- sure, and 50° C., 5, 10, or 20 c.c. urine with baryta water, magnesia, or lime, and claimed the operation complete after five, ten, or fifteen minutes, depending upon the amount of urine used. The use of such small quantities of urine for the determination greatly lessens the accuracy of the method by multiplying any existing error. The ammonia is not completely given off under these conditions in the short time named by Wurster, as the following will show : 20 c.c. of urine was distilled in a round bottom litre flask with 15 c.c. of a cold saturated solution of barium hydrate? at 15 mm. pressure and 50° C. After fifteen minutes from the beginning of the boiling, the operation was stopped and the acid titrated. The distillation was then continued for two similar periods. 15 minutes gave per litre 2.057 gm. NH; 30 ce 6" Ee OS 2-662. fim IN Eds 45 ee eS 2 CS OsO MN ele These results would have been considered satisfactory by Wurster, but a higher degree of accuracy has been desired in the present work, and it is with such a standard in view that the methods are criticised. The greatest objection to the method, as used by Wurster, is, how- ever, the practical difficulty. His apparatus was bulky and of an inconvenient arrangement. A troublesome foaming which always occurs with either of the alkalies used by Wurster frequently ruins the operation, — by the foam getting into the acid, — necessitating many repetitions. Both magnesia and lime cause more foaming than does baryta. To avoid this Wurster and others® used different arrangements of ' WoursTER : Centralblatt fiir Physiologie, 1887, i, p. 485; also Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, 1889, p. 1903; see the BouSSINGAULT method, p- 345. * With both lime and magnesia the operation is still less complete in the same time. ’ NENCKI und ZALESKI: Archiv fiir experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmak- ologie, 1895, xxxvi, p. 385; SCHWARTZ: Wiener medicinische Wochenschrift, 1898, iii, p. 98; SOLDNER: In a paper by CAMERER: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1899, xxxvili, p. 236. eee EE Quantitative Determination of Ammonia in Urine. 343 flasks, etc., intended to catch the foam, which complicate the appa- ratus and rarely accomplish the purpose. The modifications by Nencki and Zaleski, and by Soldner. — Nencki and Zaleski modified the method of Wurster by heating slowly to 35. C., and then distilling at this temperature for three hours or longer. Correct results may be obtained with this modification, but the unusual length of the operation, and the complexity of the appa- ratus, do not recommend it for general use.' Soldner distils in a partial vacuum (about 15 mm.) at 50° C., but renders the apparatus still more bulky by introducing two extra Woulf’s flasks and a Liebig condenser. The condenser is used both to lessen the foaming and to prevent the boiling of the acid. With a properly arranged wash bottle, to contain the acid, its boiling will cause no trouble, and such a contrivance is not necessary. To absorb the ammonia completely, a much more effective arrangement is that of two wash bottles shown in figure, page 348. Séldner uses 50 c.c. urine + 10 c.c. milk of lime? and distils off about one-fifth of the liquid. The time will vary from thirty to sixty minutes. During such a time a slight decomposition sometimes takes place, as may readily be shown by continuing the distillation for a second sixty minutes with new acid. IV. THE Foutin METHODS. Folin * described a method based upon the distillation of the urine with magnesia in two periods of the same length. The difference between the ammonia received during the second period (which was formed by the decomposition of the urea) and the total obtained during the first period was thought to be the preformed ammonia. On continuing the distillation for four or more successive periods of forty-five minutes each, the amount of ammonia given off in each period after the first was, if worked carefully, remarkably constant. The results by this method were repeatedly lower than those accord- 1 Each determination takes about four hours. This method has been used largely for determining ammenia in blood. Two parallel determinations in dog’s urine by these authors have a difference of 88 mg. ammonia per litre. The method can, however, be worked more accurately than this would indicate. 2 As stated on page 336, SOLDNER claims that with magnesia the results are always low. 3 FoLin: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1go!, xxxii, p. 515. 344 Philip Shaffer. ing to Schlésing however, and by working with known artificial mix- tures of urea and ammonia were found to be in every case too low by as much as 5 mg. for the amount of solution used (25 c.c. or 50 c.C), or as much as 200 mg. per litre. This is explained by the fact that on boiling an aqueous solution of urea, no point can be reached, so long as undecomposed urea remains, at which the boiling liquid will not contain a considerable amount of ammonia,! whereas before boiling the liquid is free from ammonia. Consequently the amount of ammonia given off from the liquid is less, by the amount retained, than that actually formed. Likewise on boiling urine with an alkali, all of the ammonia formed from decomposition of the urea during the first period is not given off. The preformed ammonia is of course all given off during the first period. At the beginning of the second and following periods the liquid will contain its maximum of ammonia from the decomposition, and consequently all formed during these periods will be given off. The error being dependent upon the amount of urea in solution was not constant in different urines, and so destroyed the usefulness of the method. This I reported to Dr. Folin and in conjunction with him tested it further and arrived at the above conclusion as to its cause. Later Dr. Folin devised a method for the determination of ammonia in other animal fluids, as well as in urine, which he will shortly de- scribe in detail in Hoppe-Seyler’s Zeitschrift fir physiologische Chemie. The reliability of this method for urines is established. It has been used in this work and its results compared with those of the other methods. Tables of results will be found at the close of this paper. The method is carried out as follows: To 25 c.c. or 50 c.c. urine (or solution of ammonium salt), placed in an areometer cylinder about 45 cm. high and 5 cm. in diameter, is added 1 gram or 2 grams sodium carbonate and 8 grams or 16 grams sodium chloride. A current of air is driven through the urine, carrying off the ammonia set free by the sodium carbonate, and allowing it to be absorbed by passing through a definite amount of ig acid, the excess of which is afterward titrated and the ammonia calculated. The length of time necessary for the completion of the 1 , a ae e es . . . . . About 2.5 c.c. #4 in 200 c.c. liquid. After reaching about this amount, the ammonia in the solution at any one time will remain practically constant. * The sodium chloride is added here, as in the SCHLOSING method, to prevent decomposition, The amount of sodium carbonate and of sodium chloride depends upon the amount ol urine used. Quantitative Determination of Ammonia in Urine. 345 operation will depend on the amount of air passing through the liquid, as well as upon the temperature. At from 22° to 25° C,, and with an air current of approximately 700 litres per hour, the ammonia will be completely driven off from 25 c.c. of urine in an hour and a quarter, or from 50 c.c. in an hour and ahalf. With a larger volume of urine, a smaller air current, or lower temperature of the urine, a longer time will be necessary. The requisite time must be learned for each air current. This can easily be done by continuing the operation until in an hour there is no ammonia given off. It is necessary to pass the air through a tuft of absorbent cotton or closely packed glass wool, after it leaves the urine and before it passes through the acid, in order to prevent alkali being mechanically carried over. The air current should be uniform and constant. Folin has used a specially constructed tube for the absorption of the ammonia by the acid. Where this is not done, it will usually be found necessary to pass the air through two successive portions of acid to prevent any loss of ammonia. The application of this method to pathological urines and to dog’s urine will be discussed in comparing it with the other accurate method yet to be described. V. THE VAcuuM DISTILLATION METHODS ACCORDING TO ~ BouSSINGAULT. Boussingault in 1850 published’ a paper in which he described a method for determining ammonia in solution of its salts and in urine by distilling to dryness in a vacuum with milk of lime at 40° to 50°C. The distillation lasted in most cases about onehour. Sodium carbonate and bicarbonate were also used in place of lime. The ammonia was absorbed by standard acid and titrated. This is un- doubtedly the original application of vacuum distillation to the deter- mination of ammonia ; but the paper received little attention and is apparently not known to workers in this line at the present time. Wurster and those who have modified his method have evidently not been aware either of the work of Boussingault or of the criticism it received from Lehman, Neubauer, and Hoppe-Seyler. These 1 BoussINGAULT: Annales de chimie et de physique, 1850, xxix, p. 472. Translated and published in the Journal fiir praktische Chemie, 1850, li, p. 281. Also in BoUSSINGAULT: Mémoires de chimie agricole et de physiologie, p. 285. 346 Philip Shaffer. authors passed adverse criticism upon the method, and declared in favor of the less reliable procedure of Schlosing. The Boussingault method has been carefully examined during this investigation, and it has been concluded that with simple modi- fication, which will be given, very accurate results are obtained. Even as originally described by Boussingault this method is not only superior to the Schlésing method, but is to be preferred to any of the forms of the same method proposed by Wurster, Nencki, or Soldner. Boussingault claimed that it was necessary to evaporate the liquid to dryness in order that all the ammonia be given off, and quoted an experiment to prove the point. That this is not the fact one can readily see from the manner of carrying out the method given farther on. Boussingault did not mention foaming, but with lime he un- doubtedly experienced this trouble. He used sodium carbonate very largely, however, and with this there is no foaming. . Boussingault found no decomposition on distilling urea solutions in a vacuum with either lime, sodium carbonate, or bicarbonate at 50 C., and therefore concluded that there was no decomposition in urine under the same conditions. He records, however, no experi- ments in which he continued the distillation of urine for a second period to discover any decomposition. The following experiment confirms the opinion of Boussingault that the expulsion of the ammonia from solutions is complete, and also that there is no decomposition of urea: 50 c.c. of an ammonium chloride solution containing about 25 per cent urea, + 2 gms. sodium carbonate was distilled in a vacuum at 48° to 50° C. for thirty minutes. The ammonia obtained was 29.07 mg. The theoretical ammonia in 50 c.c. of solution was 29.04 mg. 20 c.c. water was then added and the liquid distilled a second thirty minutes at the same temperature. This distillation gave absolutely no ammonia. The following experiment, selected from a large number of similar ones, proves the reliability of the method for many normal urines: 50 c.c. urine + 2 gms. NagCO,. rst distillation gave 11 c.c. 7% NHs, 2d distillation, 70 min. at 50° C., gave o. —— oe Quantitative Determination of Ammonia in Urine. 347 That there is a slight decomposition in some urines, however, I have proved by repeatedly continuing the distillation for a second and third period after the ammonia had been driven off (as in the above experiments). In many cases the second period gives a small amount of ammonia, which remains constant in suceeeding periods, thus proving the decomposition continuous. In many pathological urines this will amount to as much as 30 mg. in the litre.! To shorten the period of distillation, without using too small amounts of urine, to a point where this slight decomposition might be disregarded, seemed desirable. Lessening the time needed to make an ammonia determination would of course render the method still more valuable. This was done by adding to the urine a quantity of methyl alcohol, thus lowering the boiling point of the mixture so that a yet more rapid ebullition took place, and more of the liquid distilled over, carrying with it all of the ammonia. The time of the distillation may in this way be reduced to fifteen minutes, and the entire operation may, after some little experience, be completed in less than half an hour. During the fifteen minutes of the actual distillation, the decomposition is so slight that it will rarely amount to more than 3 mg. in a litre. In pathological urines containing large quantities of albumin the error may be somewhat greater, but in such cases the addition of an excess of sodium chloride (enough to form a saturated solution) will prevent the decomposition being more than the amount just stated. Sodium carbonate is preferable to the other alkalies used, because with it, as has been said, there is no foaming, and the operation may be carried out without difficulty. With sodium carbonate the de- composition is less than with lime, and no greater than with mag- nesia (see page 337), and the expulsion of the ammonia is as rapid when liberated by sodium carbonate from its salts in solution as it is from a solution of free ammonia. The exact amount of sodium car- bonate added is not important. The decomposition from even a large excess is inconsiderable. One gram for 50 c.c. urine is always suf- ficient, and with this amount the decomposition in fifteen minutes is practically nothing. As will be seen, this amount is far within the boundaries of error in duplicate analyses by the SCHLOSING method. (See tables of SCHLOSING results.) 348 Philip Shaffer. VI. THe Vacuum-DISTILLATION METHOD AS BEST CARRIED OUT. The most satisfactory manner of determining ammonia in urine by vacuum distillation is as follows: The arrangement of apparatus is shown in the figure. To 50c.c. urine in flask A add an excess (15 or 20 grams) of sodium chloride, and about 50 c.c. methyl alcohol. In bottle 4 place 25 or 50 c.c. 7% acid and in B’, 10 c.c. {4 acid, diluted in each case with a small amount of water. If too much water is added, there will be danger of loss of acid by jumping over during the violent commotion which is set up in the acid by the rapid passage of the steam. If such a loss should occur, the acid can always be recovered by rinsing >. Description of the Apparatus. — A is a round bottom litre flask having a two-hole rubber stopper with the two tubes. Tube a has a stop-cock to admit air at the end of the operation. This tube does not run below the liquid, as is usual in vacuum distilla- tions, but ends as shown in figure. £ and 4’ are areometer cylinders with rubber stoppers. They contain the acid to absorb the ammonia. Any wash bottles would answer the purpose. C is an ordinary filter flask which is connected with the vacuum pump. In the vessel 2, surrounding the flask, is water at 50° C., and in is placed ice and water. The cooling is not necessary, however. The glass tubes are connected at // with rubber tubing in order that the apparatus may be readily disconnected for titrating the acid. out the filter flask C. When the apparatus is ready, about 1 gram dry sodium carbonate is added to the liquid in flask A, the stopper quickly put in place, and the suction started. With a good pump the pressure will be reduced to about 10 mm. in two or three minutes, when, the liquid surrounding A being at 50° C., a rapid boiling will begin. The temperature is maintained, and the boiling allowed to continue for fifteen minutes. At the end of that time the ammonia will in all cases have been completely given off, and the operation may be stopped by slowly letting in air at the stop-cock in tube a. The acid in # and B’ is titrated and the ammonia calculated. Alizarin red (1 per cent aqueous solution) has been used as the indicator for the titrations. This substance is not affected by the Quantitative Determination of Ammonia in Urine. 349 presence of ammonium salts, and is very little sensitive to carbonic acid. The end point of the titration is sharp. This indicator is used in this laboratory in all operations where solutions of ammonium salts are titrated. With this method, as well as in the Folin method already described, the ammonia may be determined with as great accuracy as may any other constituent of the urine. The results are in all cases correct within less than 10 mg. ammonia in the litre. TABLES OF RESULTS BY THE NEW FOLIN METHOD, AND BY ‘THE MODIFIED VACUUM DISTILLATION METHOD. Unless otherwise stated, “ By vacuum distillation,” mentioned in the following tables, means the operation as described on page 348. The amount of urine used for the deter- minations and the time is mentioned in each case. When the temperature is not men- tioned with the results by the Folin method, it was from 22° to 25° C, Urine No. 8. Normal. By the Folin method 50 c.c. urine 2 hours By vacuum distillation S0ices =< 15 min. According to Wurster Ba(OH), 50 c.c. Urine No.9. Normal. By the Folin method 25 c.c. urine 2 hours By vacuum distillation 5Oiees oS 15 min. Urine No. 10. Normal. By the Folin method 50 c.c. urine 2 hours By vacuum distillation Sica 15 min. Urine No. 4. Normal. By the Folin method 25 c.c. urine 50 min. Further air blast gave 0. By vacuum distillation 50 c.c. urine =15 min. According to Schlésing (see page 341). 350 Philip Shaffer. Urine No. 8. Normal. Differ- oe Hs | ae per litre. | ‘Mig. ree A Biche ris | By the Folin method 25 c.c. urine 50 min. 0.741 | Further air blast gave 0. yoio8 2 By vacuum distillation 50le:c, urine! |) 15) min: 0.743 | According to Schlosing (see page 341). 0.727 Urine No. 11. Normal. By the Folin method 25 c.c. urine 1 hour 0401 ¢ PISO Las 0.408 By vacuum distillation Oexe, 15 min. 0.410 = Shere; My es 0.407 < ‘ SO) ee, AG ot SISENCe 0.407 Urine No. 12. Normal horse urine. By the Folin method 50 c.c. urine 1} hour 0.073 Further air blast, 14 hours, gave 0. ——~+- So By vacuum distillation 50 c.c. urine 15 min. 0.073 3 " SOC es Sve 0.073 Urine No.1. Normal. By the Folin method 25 c.c. urine 10 hours 0.486 ff 25°C.C, a 1] i 0.496 ¥ 2SNC:C5 mus 3) a O.489 Next 6 hours’ air blast gave 0 By vacuum distillation 25 c.c. urine 15 min. 0.493 Next 15 minutes’ distillation gave 0. By vacuum distillation 25 c.c. urine 30 min. 0.493 Next 30 minutes’ distillation gave 3.4 mg. per litre. (See page 340 for Schlosing’s results with this urine.) Quantitative Determination of Ammonia tn Urine. Urine No. 2. Normal. Gm. NH. 3 per litre. By the Folin method vacuum distillation “ “ec Next 60 minutes’ distillation gave 6.6. mg. per litre. 35! Urine No 13. Fever urine. Much albumin. the Folin method 5 c.c. urine 1} hours y vacuum distillation Seto ma 15 min. Next 15 minutes’ distillation gave 6 mg. per litre. Urine No. 14. Fever urine. y the Folin method 25-c.c. urine 0.646 7 vacuum distillation S0iGee | 15 min. 0.663 Same Urine. Later. y the Folin method 25 c.c. urine 0.659 y vacuum distillation 25 Ciena 15 min. 0.673 Next ]5 minutes’ distillation gave 3.4 mg. per litre. vacuum distillation 50 cc. urine 50min. 38°C. Next 50 minutes’ distillation at 38° C. gave 3.4 ing. per litre. Urine No. 15. Contained much blood. By the Folin method 5 c.c. urine 1 hour By vacuum distillation 50 c.c. 15 min. 352 Philip Shaffer. Urine. Later. See page 341, Urine No. 7. ins NE || ee per litre. | Mg. By the Folin method 25 c.c. urine 2 hours 0.389 . = SOieye 11 hours at 0° C. 0.393 By vacuum distillation Sexe, 94 15 min. 0.389 Next 15 minutes’ distillation gave 3.4 mg. per litre. Urine No. 16. Normal dog’s urine. By the Folin method 20 c.c. urine 2 hours By vacuum distillation ZA KCiCsmns 15 min. Urine No. 17. Normal dog’s urine. By the Folin method 50 c.c. urine 1} hours By vacuum distillation SOicc es 15 min. It will be observed from the tables above that there is in some urines a difference between the results according to the Folin method and those according to the proposed method by vacuum distillation. From a series of experiments it has been concluded that this occa- sional difference is due to the complete decomposition, under the con- ditions of the vacuum distillation, of an unstable substance which occurs in some urines in very small quantities. Under the condi- tions of the Folin method, it is not decomposed, but at a temperature of about 25° C. is driven off with the ammonia, and partially retained in the receiver, as may be shown by heating the acid solution to boiling, or by redistilling the ammonia from the solution. In this way from urines containing this substance more ammonia may be obtained than is shown by the original titration. That the substance is completely decomposed during the fifteen minutes of the vacuum distillation is proved by the fact that on con- tinuing the distillation for a second period under the same conditions there is either no ammonia obtained or but a trifling amount which could not account for the difference. Quantitative Determination of Ammonia in Urine. 353 Regarding the identity of the unstable substance, I am not able to state. It seems to occur more frequently and in larger amounts in dog’s urine than in human urine, in which I have not found it to exceed 20 mg. ammonia in the litre. The following results from dog’s urine are quoted in this con- nection: When fresh, about six hours after being voided, the urine contained : Gm. N Hs per litre. By vacuum distillation — 25 c.c. — 15 min. — 50° C. 2.081 According to the Folin method — 25 c.c. — 1 hr. — about 22° C. 2.023 fe + og 25 c.c. — 11 hrs. — about 0° C. 2.026 There can be no doubt of the completion of the expulsion of the ammonia under these conditions. After being treated with the air blast for eleven hours, the urine residue was distilled in a vacuum with methyl alcohol at 50° C. for fifteen minutes. There was ob- tained 37.4 mg. ammonia per litre. At the low temperature, the urine evidently held a part of the substance, which was then decom- posed during the vacuum distillation. This urine then stood eleven days, when the determinations were repeated. The unstable substance had during this time been decom- posed, and the results by the two methods agreed. Gm. NHs per litre. By vacuum distillation — 25 c.c. — 15 min. — 50° C. 2.091 According to the Folin method — 25 c.c. — 2 hrs. — 22° C. 2.091 In using the vaccum distillation method, it must therefore be con- sidered that it includes in its results the ammonia formed by the decomposition of this unknown substance, which, however, exists not only in such small quantities, but in so few urines as to make the fact of but little consequence. VII. Summary. 1. The Schloésing method as described in textbooks, and as gener- ally used, is unreliable and its results are usually incorrect. The method depends upon certain conditions which have been entirely disregarded by previous workers. By fulfilling these conditions, results may be obtained which are satisfactory for clinical purposes. 354 Philip Shaffer. 2. The methods by vacuum distillation as described by Wurster, Nencki and Zaleski, and Séldner may give correct results, but, owing to practical difficulties, simpler methods are to be preferred. 3. The method published by Folin in 1901 is inaccurate. 4. The new method by Folin gives accurate and reliable results. 5. The old but unknown method of Boussingault is quite as accurate as the other vacuum distillation methods and less cumber- some, 6. With the use of modifications which are proposed the Bous- singault vacuum distillation method is quick and free from difficulty, and its results accurate. 7. For scientific or other careful work the recent Folin method, or the modified vacuum distillation method should be used. With either of these methods a higher degree of accuracy than has yet been attained in ammonia determinations is easily possible. In conclusion I wish to thank Dr. Otto Folin for his kind counsel during the course of the work. thet tee THE INFLUENCE OF FATIGUE UPON THE SPEED OF VOLUNTARY CONTRACTION OF HUMAN MUSCLE. By THOMAS ANDREW STOREY. [From the Physiological Laboratory of the University of Michigan.) CONTENTS. Page Apparatus and method of work : 355 The influence of fatigue upon the speed of contraction . 362 Relation between height of contraction and speed of contraction 367 Central and peripheral fatigue 369 es the appearance of Mosso’s well-known paper ‘‘ Ueber die Gesetze der Ermidung,” a very large amount of work has been done by different investigators on the effect of fatigue upon the height of voluntary muscular contractions of short duration. The effect of fatigue upon the speed of voluntary contraction, however, does not seem to have been studied; at least an examination of the literature has failed to discover any papers bearing immediately upon this subject. It is generally admitted that voluntary muscular con- tractions are tetani, the motor cells of the cord sending impulses to the muscle, according to most of the later observers, at the rate of ten or twelve per second. The cause of the decrease in the height of the voluntary contractions as fatigue comes on is attributed by some writers to fatigue of the muscles themselves, while others believe that it is rather an expression of fatigue of the central nervous system. The experiments herein reported were undertaken in the hope that they might throw some light upon these points." APPARATUS AND METHOD OF WORK. The abductor indicis, the first dorsal interosseous muscle, was used throughout this investigation. This muscle has been found by a 1 This work was done during the spring and summer of Igoo. 35 un 356 Thomas Andrew Storey. number of observers, notably Fick and Lombard, to offer many -advantages over the flexors of the middle finger employed in the experiments of Mosso, and in many other ergographic studies. The abductor indicis lies close to 5 e¢ the surface, is isolated, responds readily to making or breaking in- duction shocks, and is relatively feeble, and consequently does not require the use of heavy weights or FIGURE 1]. — Cross-section of finger-car- cumbersome apparatus. The hand riage. 1. Steel bearing, fitting into the man’ belfored! with@ut 19 Dade brass cylinder numbered 4. 2. Steel pe ae Lee oh od bearing in place. 3. Pulleys for attach- freedom of the movement of the ment of various forms of resistance and finger, and means for obtaining recording devices. 4. Brass cylinder accurate records of that movement rotating about the steel axis numbered : ; 2. 5. Support for finger. 6. Horizon- C4 be easily devised. tal recording point. The ergograph (Figs. 1 to 4) used in this research was a new form devised especially for work with the abductor indicis muscle. It may also be used with the abductor minimi digiti muscle. The essential part of this machine is a device for communicating to a FIGURE 2.— General view of ergograph. recording point the angular movement of the metacarpo-phalangeal joint when acted upon by the abductor muscle. The recording point is carried at the end of a horizontal arm which supports the finger and rotates about a vertical axis (see Fig. 1). The distal end of the , Lnfluence of Fatigue on Contraction of Human Muscle. 357 first phalanx is fastened to the supporting arm by a light brass clamp (see Fig. 2). The vertical axis supporting the horizontal arm is | cial Figure 3. — Working drawing of ergograph. Viewed from above. a and 4, arm-rests ; d, hand-rest and electrode combined; ¢, clamp resting against ulnar side of the hand; Jf, clamp between index and middle finger; g, clamp resting against ends of fingers ; h, clamp holding thumb in place; 7 and 4, clamps fixing index finger in place over the moving arm below. Dotted lines indicate position of finger-carriage when the muscle is contracted. The spring pointer on the end of the carriage is arranged for tracing the movements made on a horizontal drum. FicureE 4.— Working drawing of ergograph. Viewed from side. Lettering the same as in Fig. 3. formed of a brass cylinder with a closely fitting steel core (see Fig. 1 The brass cylinder carries two pulleys (more may be added if needed). 358 Thomas Andrew Storey. To one of these pulleys is fastened the cord to which the weight is attached. As in the case of an ordinary ergograph this insures con- stant tension of the finger throughout the movement, and, if the pulley be small, reduces the throw of the weights. The second pulley is for a thread which connects with a lever or other recording device. This arrangement permits the simultaneous records of the movement on different drums going at different speeds, one record being made by the point at the end of the horizontal arm, and the other by the recording device with which the thread from the second pulley is connected. These pulleys, or additional pulleys, may be used for other purposes. They may connect with various devices arranged to bring tension on the muscle ; or they may con- nect with recording mechanisms, such as Fick’s Arbeitsammler or Zuntz’s Ergometer. Of course the size of the pulleys can be chosen to suit the needs of the experiment. All parts of this ergograph were made as light as possible without sacrificing too much strength and stiffness.. The error from the momentum of moving parts was further reduced by the attachment of the weight cord to a small pulley. As far as could be: judged, the throw of the lever had little influence in the experiments under con- sideration. It may be noted here that in the movement of extreme abduction the throw of the horizontal arm was opposed by the elastic web of skin between the bases of the first and second fingers. This influence would in such an event assist in producing relaxation. It would not be present, however, in any but extreme movements of abduction. With slight modifications of the support for the hand and the base, the ergograph can be turned on its side, and the horizontal arm be then made to write on an upright drum, as in case of the model demonstrated by Professor Lombard at the meeting of the American Physiological Society in Chicago, December, 1901.! The weight method (isotonic) was used throughout in these experi- ments. The isometric method, introduced by Fick, and advocated by Franz, Hough, and Schenck, would be less satisfactory for the pur- poses of this investigation.? 1 LOMBARD: This journal, 1902, vi, p. xxiv. * For a discussion of isotonic and isometric methods, see FRANZ: This journal, 1900, iv, p. 348; HouGuH: This journal, 1go1, v, p. 239; TREVES: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1896, Ixxviii, p. 45; SCHENCK : Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1900, Ixxxii, p. 384. Lifluence of Fatigue on Contraction of Human Muscle. 359 The signal for voluntary contraction was given automatically by a rapidly revolving horizontal drum striking a metal peg against a wooden lever. The lever rested at right angles to the axis of the drum near its bearing. The peg was screwed at right angles into the axis of the drum so that on each revolution it would strike the lever and lift it. The sound of the impact was the signal for contraction. During that portion of the experiment in which the contractions were not to be recorded on the fast drum, an oblong brass plate was inter- posed between the recording point and the surface of the drum. This in no way interfered with the action of the muscle or with the continuity of the experiment. The brass plate was attached to a wooden rod like a metal flag fixed to its pole. The wooden rod was hinged to the bed of the fast drum. When the rod was in a hort- zontal position, it was out of service; when it was drawn up toa vertical position, the brass plate on its end came between the writing- point and the drum. The interposition of the brass plate could be accomplished at any time during the experiment. The time-record was made by the vibration of a tuning fork whose rate was fifty double vibrations a second. The vibrations were traced upon the horizontal drum by means of an electric time-marker or signal. In order that the time-records might not be superimposed at each successive revolution of the drum, the position of this electric time-marker was changed. automatically so that the time-record was inscribed as a spiral. This was accomplished by supporting the electric time-marker on a carriage which was driven by a long hori- zontal screw. The motion of the screw was derived by belts and pulleys from the rotation of the axis of the drum. The same carriage supported a signal which indicated the moment at which the primary current was made and broken in those experiments where the muscle was excited electrically. The recording point at the end of the horizontal finger-support was a horizontal, flexible phosphor-bronze writing-point (see Fig. 1). The writing-point moved parallel to and level with the axis of the horizontal drum. Its width gave it sufficient strength to be uninflu- enced by the movement of the drum. The lever-arm and writing-point magnified the shortening of the muscle about twenty-five fold. The amount of movement present at the proximal end of the first phalanx during greatest contraction, with no opposition, is about 4 mm.; the amount present in the region of the writing-point under the same conditions is about 100 mm. 360 Thomas Andrew Storey. (These figures apply to the writer.!) It might be well to note here that this movement is not one of pure rotation. The metacarpo- phalangeal joint of the index-finger is a sliding joint. FiGuRE 5.— One-half the original size. Curves drawn by the abductor indicis at the beginning and the end of one hundred and three contractions against a weight of about four pounds, and at a rate of about forty-eight a minute. In working with the electrical stimulus, the make or break shock of the induced current was cut out automatically, by means of two levers UTP AAA DUO TTUNMU TEAR AATEC ATER MARAODOU OUTTA TUE TH OA CA | AT Wyn HALAL LOUDON TU TL EE FIGURE 6.— Upper curve marks time in seconds. Lower curve compares voluntarily and electrically stimulated contractions. Weight, unless otherwise indicated, 165 grams. Course of experiment (read from left to right). Five electrically stimulated contractions.. Five voluntary contractions. Fatigue with voluntary contractions (weight, 1.5 kilograms; rate, two contractions a second). Series of voluntary con- tractions. Series of electrically stimulated contractions. like that described above, with the signal for voluntary contraction. The levers were provided with platinum points which dipped into ' SCHENCK: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1900, Ixxxii, p. 3¢ finds the s » ) ? Same amount of movement at this joint. Influence of Fatigue on Contraction of Human Muscle. 361 mercury cups. They were so arranged that the secondary circuit should be open during either the make or break of the primary. During an experiment, the meniscus in the mercury cup was fre- quently cleaned with a soft brush to prevent the accumulation of electrolytic products. In most cases records were made upon the two drums by means of devices described on pages 358and 370. The rate of one, the upright, drum was slow, giving an ordinary fatigue-tracing. (See Figs. 6 and DUDPOPPRPPARAPDDD | VEPIEE Pee eee TY FicurE 7.— Tracing of alternating electrically and voluntarily stimulated contractions with a 165 grams weight, before and after a series of voluntary contractions made against a weight of 2.7 kilograms, in which the muscle finally is unable to lift the weight. 7.) The rate of the other, the horizontal, drum was rapid, giving myograms and time-records for the study of changes in different phases of each curve (see Fig. 5). A rapid change of weights was made possible by means of a lever device. Upon referring to Figs. 2, 3, and 4, it will be seen that this device is a lever of the third class, and that it consists of a long arm which supports the weight. There is a hub on the fulcrum-end of the lever over which runs the cord which connects the lever with the weight pulley on the ergograph. When ina horizontal position, the weight lever is put in motion by the movement of the horizontal arm of the ergograph. By sliding the weight along its support, the resist- ance is changed in amount. By lifting the weight lever to a vertical position, its resistance is taken out entirely. 362 Thomas Andrew Storey. A platinum point on the hub of the weight lever can be made to dip into a mercury cup when the weight lever is in a vertical position. This mercury key may be used in this manner to close the primary circuit and thus make it possible to change from a voluntary to an electrical stimulation immediately upon taking out the resistance of the weight lever (Figs. 6 and 7). THE INFLUENCE OF FATIGUE UPON THE SPEED OF VOLUNTARY MuSCULAR CONTRACTION. The first set of experiments was performed in order to discover the influence of fatigue upon the speed of voluntary muscular contraction. Each experiment consisted of one hundred and three voluntary con- tractions against a weight of about one and a half kilograms. The rate of contraction was about forty-eight to the minute. At this rate and with this weight, one hundred and three contractions were enough to produce some fatigue. Experiments were made at inter- vals of several hours. Records of the first and last three contractions in each series were made on the fast drum (Fig. 5). These myo- grams were then measured. The results are shown in Tables I, II, and III. An examination of Table I brings out the following facts : — (1) The height of contraction grows less as fatigue increases. For instance, on the 6th of June at 9 A. M., the highest normal contraction was 58.7 mm., while the highest fatigued contraction was only 22.6 mm. (2) The duration of the fatigued and lesser movement is sometimes as great as that of the normal and greater movement. This may be seen on comparing the duration of the first contraction with the duration of the one hundred and first contraction at 9 A.M. and at 2.5 P.M. on June 6th. (3) The duration of the phase of rising energy, or, as it will be called in this paper, ‘“ the phase of shortening,” after fatigue appears, is ordinarily greater than when the muscle is unfatigued, even though the fatigued shortening is much less in extent. This fact may be noted in every comparison in Table I, except in that made between the third and the one hundred and third contractions at 4.25 P. M. on June 6. (4) The time required for the phase of relaxation after fatigue is Lnfluence of Fatigue on Contraction of Human Muscle. 363 always less than when the musclé is unfatigued. This is due to the smaller distance through which the finger travels at that stage. Table II records the speed per second of total contraction, phase of shortening, and phase of relaxation in normal and fatigued volun- tary contraction. The figures were carefully compiled and are suffi- ciently accurate. They show that after the appearance of some fatigue, the speed of contraction is greatly reduced. The reduction varies with the fatigue produced. For example, the most rapid of the first three contractions recorded in Table II was made at the rate of 242 mm. per second, while the most rapid of the last three contrac- tions at the end of that series, was made at the rate of 110 mm. per second. The question arises, is this reduction in speed confined to some phase of the whole contraction or is it general? Table III furnishes evidence on this point. It appears that there is a reduction in the speed of the total phase of shortening and total phase of relaxation and also of each period of .o5 second throughout the entire con- traction. It may be noted that in the normal and fatigued curve, the shorten- ing is at first slow, then faster, then slower as the end of the phase is reached. At the beginning of relaxation, the movement is slow and usually, under the above conditions, gains in speed throughout the rest of its extent. These relations are of course largely due to mechanical conditions. Summary: — In these experiments fatigue produced: a less exten- sive contraction; an increase in the time required for the total con- traction; a decrease in speed during the phase of shortening; a decrease in speed during the phase of relaxation; a decrease in speed during each five hundredths of a second throughout the phases of shortening and relaxation. 304 Thomas Andrew Storey. TABLE I. HEIGHT AND DURATION OF NORMAL AND FATIGUED VOLUNTARY CONTRACTION. Height of Duration in ;35 | Duration in ;3, | Duration in 74> contraction in | seconds of total | seconds of phase | seconds of phase Number of millimetres. contraction. of shortening. of relaxation. contraction. Fa- tigued., Fa- tigued. Fa- tigued. Fa- Normal. tigued. Normal. Normal. Normal. June 6, 1900 9 A.M. 1 and 101 2 and 102 3 and 103 June 6, 1900 2.05 P.M. 1 and 101 2 and 102 3 and 103 June 6, 1900 4.25 P.M. 1 and 101 2 and 102 3 and 103 June 7, 1900 9.10 A.M. 1 and 101 2 and 102 3 and 103 June 7, 1900 | 2.05 P.M. 1 and 10) 2 and 102 3 and 103 Lifluence of Fatigue on Contraction of Human Muscle. 365 TABLE II. SPEED IN MILLIMETRES PER SECOND OF TOTAL CONTRACTION, PHASE OF SHORT- ENING AND PHASE OF RELAXATION IN NORMAL AND FATIGUED VOLUNTARY CONTRACTION. Total contraction. Shortening. Relaxation. Number of curve. Normal. | Fatigued. | Normal. | Fatigued. | Normal. | Fatigued. June 6, 1900 9 A.M. land 101 2 and 102 3 and 103 June 6, 1900 2.05 P. M. 1 and 101 2 and 102 3 and 103 June 6, 1900 4.25 P.M. 1 and 101 2 and 102 3 and 103 June 7, 1900 9.10 A.M. 1 and 101 2 and 102 3 and 103 June 7, 1900 2.05 P. M. 1 and 101] 2 and 102 3 and 103 366 Thomas Andrew Storey. TABLE III. SPEED IN CONSECUTIVE PERIODS OF FIVE HUNDREDTHS OF A SECOND THROUGHOUT THE VOLUNTARY CONTRACTION OF NORMAL AND FATIGUED MUSCLE. Speed in millimetres per second. Periods of | 0.05 sec. No. 101. No. 2. No. 102. No. 3. June 6, 1900 9.00 A.M. Shortening. Relaxation. on of = (=) Oo = ) S Nn Relaxation. June 6, 1900 | 4.25 P.M. | Shortening. mw wp MN w~N LO wo +p = Relaxation. L[nfluence of Fatigue on Contraction of Human Muscle. 367 TABLE II] — continued. : Speed in millimetres per second. Periods of 0.05 sec. 1 No: 101. pp GNer2. No. 102. June 7, 1900 9.10 A. M. Shortening. = i} =s a z S a o me Shortening. Relaxation. RELATION BETWEEN HEIGHT AND SPEED OF CONTRACTION. In the unfatigued condition the speed of shortening is greater in the higher contractions than in the lower, but there are many excep- tions to the rule. In the case of the fatigued contractions this rela- tion between height of contraction and speed of shortening is much closer, as appears in Table IV. 368 Thomas Andrew Storey. TABLE, LV THE SPEED OF SHORTENING COMPARED WITH THE HEIGHT OF VOLUNTARY CON- TRACTION IN THE NORMAL AND FATIGUED CONDITION. Normal. Fatigued. Height of con- | Speed of short- || Height of con- | Speed of short- tractions ening in mm. tractions ening in mm. in mm. per sec. in mm. per sec. 16 yA The same statements may be made concerning the relation between the height of contractions and the speed in the phase of relaxation (Table V). Lnfluence of Fatigue on Contraction of Human Muscle. 369 TABLE V. THE SPEED OF RELAXATION COMPARED WITH THE HEIGHT OF VOLUNTARY Con- TRACTION IN THE NORMAL AND FATIGUED CONDITION. Normal muscle. Fatigued muscle. : S ax- : Spee relax- Height of con- Speed oF relax Height of con- peed of relax ation In mm. = aes y ta Pav ation in mm. traction 1n mm. traction in mm. pase per sec. per sec. Why the height and the speed of contraction should be closely related in the fatigued and should differ widely in the fresh muscle is not clear. Tue HEIGHT AND SPEED OF’ UNWEIGHTED VOLUNTARY CONTRAC— TIONS MADE BEFORE AND AFTER A SERIES OF WEIGHTED VOLUNTARY CONTRACTIONS PRODUCING FATIGUE. In these experiments the muscles were made to contract volun- tarily six or eight times, with no weight to overcome, except the resistance of the levers and recording apparatus, which was about 185 grams. Each contraction was willed to be one of maximal 370 Thomas Andrew Storey. velocity and extent. Then the muscle was contracted voluntarily against a weight sufficient to produce exhaustion (Zz. e. inability to work longer with that weight and at that rate). The amount of weight was varied in different experiments. As soon as the muscle was unable to lift the weight, the weight was removed and six or eight voluntary contractions were made under the same conditions as in the first unweighted voluntary contractions. The whole series of contractions was recorded on a slow moving drum -by means of a +-shaped device. The horizontal arm was used for a writing-point. The upper vertical arm was suspended by a light rubber band, and the lower vertical arm was connected by means of a thread with the pulley described on page 358. By twisting the rubber band, the writing-point was made to rest against the recording surface. The voluntary unweighted contractions were recorded also on a fast moving belt of tracing paper which was about twelve feet long. The slow moving drum gave a picture of the whole experiment (Figs. 6 and 7); the fast moving belt gave a picture of the velocity of the movement at the desired time. A record of a tuning-fork which vibrated one hundred times a second was made on the fast moving tracings; on the slow drum the time-record was in seconds. An examination of Table VI, in which the results of the above experiments are tabulated, reveals the fact that the unweighted con- tractions after the weighted series producing fatigue, are in many cases as high as the unweighted contractions produced before fatigue ; and that the speed is often as great in one case as the other (see Figs. 6 and 7), Tue HEIGHT AND SPEED OF UNWEIGHTED CONTRACTIONS PRO- DUCED BY THE MAKE SHOCK OF THE INDUCED CURRENT BEFORE AND AFTER A SERIES OF VOLUNTARY CONTRACTIONS AGAINST A WEIGHT, THE VOLUNTARY CONTRACTIONS BEING CoNTINUED UNTIL THE MUSCLE WAS UNABLE TO LIFT THE WEIGHT BECAUSE OF FATIGUE. In these experiments the electric current was made and broken automatically (page 360). Its strength was tested before and after each experiment and every effort was made to maintain the constancy of the conditions under which the experiment was performed. The current was generated by a series of seven Daniel cells. The induc- Influence of Fatigue on Contraction of Human Muscle. 371 TABLE VI. THE HEIGHT AND SPEED OF UNWEIGHTED VOLUNTARY CONTRACTIONS MADE BEFORE AND AFTER A SERIES OF WEIGHTED VOLUNTARY CONTRACTIONS PRODUCING FATIGUE. Time consumed in Velocity in millimetres Height of xia seconds. per second. No. of contraction contrac- in mm. tions. Shortening. Relaxation. | Shortening. | Relaxation. Before.| After. |Before.| After. Before. After. Before.| After. |Before.| After. 0.14 | 0.15 0.15 0.15 XS: (00) =f Oy). On = 10" (tS) — oO July 20, 1900 11.30 A.M. | aly, : 0.14 0.17 0.19 0.21 0.21 | 0.18 | 0.21 | 0.18 0.17 Reet ye 0.19 OOo |) Tae 016 — otnnNtwnelt 1 Time record injured. 272 Thomas Andrew Storey. tion coil was one of 13,000 windings. A record of the whole experi- ment was made on a slow moving drum, and examples taken from time to time during the experiment on a long belt of tracing paper carried on double drums and moving rapidly. This belt was about twelve feet long. In this way two records were made of each experi- ment, one showing all its details; the other showing the speed of contraction at different times during the experiment, as in the preced- ing experiments. An automatic device registered on the long sheet the time when the muscle was stimulated electrically, thus affording a rough basis for estimating the latent period. The electrodes were arranged as follows: The anode was a flat brass disc covered with chamois skin moistened with a weak solution of common salt in distilled water. This electrode rested against the palm of the hand. The kathode was about the size of a large thimble and was placed directly upon the abductor muscle. It was held in place by means of a rubber band. Its position was about the same in all experiments, and especial care was taken to prevent any changes during each single experiment. It will be observed, on looking over the tracings reproduced in this paper, that the make-induced shock was used in most cases where electricity was employed as a stimulus. This was done because the strength of make shock used here appeared to be more efficient than that of the break, not only when used to excite the human abductor indicis muscle, but also when used to excite the excised gastrocnemius of the frog. This fact was noted, but the attempt to find an explana- tion has been reserved for a later time. The rhythm of contraction was made constant in the like parts of the same experiment. The variation in rhythm in the different experiments may be detected by referring to the time-records in the tracings given. Table VII (page 374) demonstrates that the height and speed of the unweighted contractions, produced electrically, are reduced during the period of fatiguing voluntary contractions against the weight. For example, it may be noted in the record of the first contraction before fatigue, and in the record of the first contraction after fatigue, that there was a fall in the amplitude of movement from 52.5 mm. to 37-9 mm.; that the time spent in executing the phase of contraction increased from 0.14 to 0.15 second; and that in the execution of the phase of relaxation there was an increase in time consumed from 0.15 Influence of Fatigue on Contraction of Human Muscle. 373 second to 0.18 second. It maybe seen further that the speed of contraction recorded in millimetres per second, decreased in the phase of shortening from 388.8 mm. before fatigue to 212.6 mm. after fatigue. The decrease in speed in the phase of relaxation was from 354.7 mm. per second to 210.7 mm. per second.! Then, the height of contraction is reduced, and the phases of short- ening and relaxation are accomplished at a slower speed. CENTRAL AND PERIPHERAL FATIGUE A comparison of the conclusions drawn from Tables VI and VII brings out the following facts bearing upon the seat of fatigue in voluntary muscular contraction. Voluntary stimulation with no weight, before and after voluntary fatigue with a weight, gives no good evidence of fatigue (Table VI). The neuro-muscular machine may be subjected to a set of conditions which seem to exhaust it so that it loses its ability to act in response to the will. But there is apparently enough power left to accomplish under more advantageous conditions a normal amplitude and speed of shortening. Then it would appear that either the central or periphe- ral mechanisms or both, are fatigued for a given weight, but are still normally active for a lighter weight. 1 It may be noted in passing that staircase contractions appeared in every series of electrically excited contractions produced in this research (Figs. 6 and 7). 2 A reference to the following papers cited will show the diversity of opinion existing concerning the seat of fatigue in voluntary muscular contraction. FERE: Journal de l’anatomie et de la physiologie, 1901, xxxviil, p. 14. FRANZ: This journal, 1900, iv, p. 348. HARLEY: Journal of physiology, 1894, xvi, p. 97. HouGu: This journal, 1go!, v, p. 239. JOTEYKO: Travaux de I’Institut Solvay, 1900, iii, p. 47. KRAEPELIN: Neue Heidelbergische Jahrbiicher, 1896, vi, 2, p- 222. LomBarD: Journal of physiology, 1893, xiv, p. 97; 1892, xiii, p. 6; American journal of psychology, 18go, iii, p. 24. MAGGIORA: Archives italiennes de biologie, 1898, xxix, p. 267. Mosso: Die Ermiidung, Leipzig, 1892; Archiv fiir Physiologie, 1890, p. 129; Archives italiennes de biologie, 1890, xiii, p. 123. MULLER, G. C.: Zeitschrift fiir Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane, 1893, iv, p- 122. MULLER, R.: Philosophische Studien, 1901, xvii, p. 1. OSERETZKOWSKY and KRAEPELIN: Psychologische Arbeiten, 1898, iii, p. 587. SCHENCK: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1890, ]xxxii, p. 393. TREVES: Archives italiennes de biologie, 1898, xxx, p. 1. WALLER: Brain, 1891, liv, p. 174. WoopwortH: The New York University Bulletin of the Medical Sciences, 1901, i, No. 3, p. 133. Thomas Andrew Storey. + IC™ on f61E £602 £S61 Sst T'S0l S'tlt L'L0b 0'S0F FHSe 9°99¢ CLV O'0FZ Opole $'06€ ICIS iSitststa “ON DIVLF IV “ONSIeF a10Jaq ‘anSyLy ‘puosas sad ‘uu ul uolexe[at Jo poads ‘onstyey a10jJoq I0}FV ‘ONSYRI ONY “ANST}LF a10joq 106 ‘Oz Ainf 9 1061 ‘Oz 41m ‘ONSLF IdyV ‘ONSI}VF a10FO ‘onsyey TFV ‘ansi}ey a10jaq ‘puosas sod ‘uu ut Surusj10oys Jo psads *spuooas UL WOTJEXPOY *spuosas OOT ; : Tr Ul SuruazI0YS “tau UL UOTJIVIJUOD JO JYSIAT] “ANOILVA OL ONIGVAT SNOILOVULNOD AUVINATOA GILHSIT A 4O SHINAS V YAIAV GNV AXOAAH ACVW NOILVIONWILS TVOINLOATY NOUN SNOILOVYLNOD GALHSIAMNY, AO GAAdS ANV LHSIGH TTAY ATV Liflucnce of Fatigue on Contraction of Human Muscle. 375 On the other hand, it has been shown in Table VII that electrical stimulation with no weight, before and after voluntary fatigue with a weight, gives unmistakable evidence of fatigue. If these experiments are not at fault, one is justified in stating that, under these conditions, peripheral fatigue is apparent and that central fatigue, though possibly present, is not apparent (Figs. 6 and 7). SUMMARY OF RESULTs. This paper has reported : — (1) The invention of a new form of ergograph employing a simple muscle easily excited to contraction by the single-induced shock. (2) Evidence that fatigue produces a less extensive contraction ; an increase in the time required for the total contraction; a decrease in speed during the phase of shortening; a decrease in speed during the phase of relaxation; and a decrease in speed during each five one-hundredth seconds throughout the phases of shortening and relaxation. (3) In the unfatigued condition the speed of shortening is greater in the higher contractions than in the lower, but there are many exceptions to this rule. This relation is much closer in the fatigued contractions. The same statement may be made concerning the relation between the height of contraction and the speed of relaxation. (4) Unweighted (voluntary) contractions after a weighted series producing fatigue are in many cases as high as the unweighted (voluntary) contractions produced before fatigue, and the speed is often as great in the one case as in the other. (5) The height and speed of unweighted contractions produced electrically are reduced during a period of fatiguing voluntary con- traction against a weight. Under the experimental conditions outlined in this paper, peripheral fatigue was apparent, and central fatigue was not apparent. In conclusion, the writer wishes to express his obligation to Dr. Warren P. Lombard for his generous expenditure of time and advice upon this research. Pea YoOLOLOGICAL STUDY OF NUCLEIC ACID. By LAFAYETTE B. MENDEL, FRANK P. UNDERHILL, ANpD BENJAMIN. WHITE. [From the Sheffield Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry, Yale University.] CONTENTS. Page EDS Pree, Seat Y, acre ec gteh OF Lk We Pogue Pat i) ez elo) ey WARE LETS STAD, 2 Ue Sarg tee Met chs 0a rig SLA man ery | ok Oe, a PTY Uriel ge os PBI tyLOvPHe MUCICIC ACIGS: F. = 3) friicius, Jotes crdust om ss). eee eo nae FOS EB ArAMONCOfMUCIEICAGCIG. win eeirakce tod fs a, tas ude 2 § ve ees an On Pe eA GHODOLMUCleiG: ACI...) cus) 3 8 a ol ek Sw es eas eee wy OOO BEMetae x CUI CtS ay be) eee oman Cee ouddys tea? ts to's Nl & am oe te OOO PDICCEH Pex DCUMC MCS miei? Gl ii oth torte RA cyto auch suck. fo oe las Bays a EOSO PTE CIS ON DIOGU=PrESSULE ecu (ac) oy. set ylcs SAR GeE S) cot SE hen whew 3s oy ee SO BEEECESiOn Dl ood=coapulation ay.) % Pe eit a fof Os sf ee dees! | ODL BALERS One VIN PUOW sect wipe ic. tS) ie lon cathe waren ae ont tee dees Nin a! OB RCL Ven Ae COMET es el smc IRL. Qe iy LS s (a) Gel eo paeaes poo ati nice CeACIasin the: DOAY, 24 Til lees sek du el eg os, Wl, oe ees) YSOD RE EDMEU ISS Ui] CCHIOL Beech asa tye™ ge aay. at | tc oe one Tee a, ) ost euesae ae eer OOD, HapeEMCOnedieInjECtiON: 11s col as8 c/o ele) a) is Se a east eee) eae LOO PMP EATeC OUST CCUIOI: wari ta, Seale) tsp eros! oc!) he oa tonne Mes Bums aOR PRGEICELPCTICIEOIS ON ARNMALS© 2.0 cps fs, cw ude |e! M. tee ake ee eh ee gee PPGOLAIBICC CUO ery Lie So coe ya. est we Moke as) LS gt, ee en SP CPBEIMC TIES OMPANAD gt Ware Rpinet es foe | on Ms aoe fo ei aek ow 4.8 ian al fo) pee ae ese TOD SUPRA 2g. RAAGL sei SR ine Te re aR rain ER tr coe 30) INTRODUCTORY. HE successive changes of opinion regarding the origin and elimination of uric acid in the animal body form an interesting chapter in the history of physiological research. The abandonment of the earlier theory which connected the formation of uric acid directly with the decomposition products of the proteids was due to the failure of experimental proofs. In its place has arisen a series of hypotheses which have stimulated investigators to undertake new lines of research and have given direction to the modern teaching regarding the metabolism of the so-called “ nucleins.” So long as ordinary meat diets were used in the experimental studies, it was not difficult to show an apparent relationship between nitrogenous metabolism and uric acid production. This fact led to 377 378 L. B. Mendel, F. P. Underhill, and B. White. the attempt to establish a ‘‘normal ratio” between urea and uric acid output in man. But it was soon found that wide variations in this ratio might occur in healthy individuals. Thus with certain diets the uric acid output remained noticeably low despite the normally high execretion of urea. This was particularly evident with dietaries in which milk and vegetable foods predominated. On the other hand the results of the feeding experiments of Weintraud!and others with thymus again directed attention to the peculiar significance of the nucleins in the production of uric acid. Early in the course of his study of the nucleins of cells Kossel ? directed attention to the possible genetic relationship between these compounds and the uric acid output. Subsequent investigation has tended to verify this assumption. Stadthagen? and Gumlich* both failed to obtain any experimental evidence of uric acid production from isolated nuclein derivatives. The former fed nuclein obtained from yeast to a dog ; and Gumlich likewise fed 22 grams of nucleic acid prepared from thymus (and containing about 10 per cent of phosphorus) with equally negative results. These experiments have, however, been criticised in respect to the methods employed? Hor- baczewski ® was the first to demonstrate that the ingestion of nuclein (obtained from the spleen) gave rise to an increased uric acid elimina- tion in man and in the rabbit; but he did not attribute this increase directly to the ingested nuclein. According to Horbaczewski the formation of uric acid is dependent on the decomposition of leucocytes, the latter thus furnishing the real antecedents of the uric acid. Leucocytosis and cellular decomposition thus become essential con- ditions for uric acid production ; and according to the author, ingested nuclein is efficient mainly because of the digestive leucocytosis to which it gives rise. Despite the fact that experimental aidente in apparent support of the leucocytosis hypothesis has not been lacking,’ it can no longer be regarded as the only tenable one. Demonstration of increased uric ' WEINTRAUD: Berliner klinische Wochenschrift, 1895, p. 405; Archiv fiir Physiologie, 1895, p. 382. * KOssEL: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1882, vii, p. 19. * STADTHAGEN: Archiv fiir pathologische Anatomie, 1887, cix, p. 390. * GUMLICH: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1893, xviii, p. 508. 5 Cf. SCHREIBER: Die Harnsidure, Stuttgart, 1899, p. So. ® HORBACZEWSKI: Monatshefte fiir Chemie, 1891, xii, p. 221. " Cf for example, KUEHNAU: Zeitschrift fiir klinische Medicin, 1895, xxviii, P- 534- A Physiological Study of Nucleic Acid. 379 acid output unaccompanied by leucocyte changes has repeatedly been afforded in recent years; ! and reversely, marked leucocytosis may occur quite independent of any change in uric acid execretion. The parallelism between the two factors is by no means constant. Two striking illustrations in support of this statement may suffice. Weintraud? found only a very slight increase in the number of leucocytes in his thymus-feeding experiments, although the excretion of uric acid was unusually large. On the other hand Milroy and Malcolm * (and likewise Henderson and Edwards?) have studied cases of lymphatic leukemia in which an enormous leucocytosis was unaccompanied by any corresponding increase in uric acid output. An essential relation between the two is not apparent; and _ further- more it is not unlikely that at times increase in the number of leucocytes may not be accompanied by any simultaneous destruction of these elements. It will be seen that an increased production of uric acid from dis- integrated leucocytes (as it occurs in some forms of leukzemia and after the use of certain drugs) is in no way precluded.® In this case we may look to the liberated nuclein compounds of these cells or to their decomposition products for the antecedents of the uric acid or other excreted purin compounds. We shall attempt to demonstrate further that similar materials introduced into the organism are sub- ject to analogous metabolic changes. The purin bodies which arise from the nuclein may accordingly be regarded as intermediary pro- ducts of metabolism. One part of these alloxuric compounds is perhaps excreted as such, while another part is first oxidized further and then eliminated. A rather extensive literature has already arisen in support of this idea, as the outcome of numerous experi- ments of varied character. Most of these have been concordant in indicating that the ingestion of nuclein-containing tissues in man 1 Cf. RicuTER: Zeitschrift fiir klinische Medicin, 1895, xxvii, p. 290; Hop- Kins and Hope: Journal of physiology, 1898, xxiii, p. 285; MILroy and Mat- coLm: J/ézd., 1898, xxiii, p. 217; SCHREIBER: Die Harnsaure, 1899; BURIAN and Scour: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1900, Ixxx, p. 258. 2 WEINTRAUD: Berliner klinische Wochenschrift, 1895, p. 405. 8 MiLtRoy and MALCOLM: Journal of physiology, 1898, xxiii, p. 217; 1899, 66 ‘“nucleins, that the thymus affords a preponderance of adenin (6-amino-purin ) on decomposition, it might be assumed that the amino-purin deriva- tives are not readily transformed in metabolism, or that the transfor- mation is dependent on a peculiar organic group or complex in which these derivatives exist in the tissue cells. Krueger and Schmid #4 ' The valuable contribution of KRUEGER and ScuMmib: Zeitschrift fiir physi- ologische Chemie, 1902, xxxiv, p. 549, on the behavior of the free purin bases, appeared after our experiments were undertaken. * STADTHAGEN: Archiv fiir pathologische Anatomie, 1887, cix, p. 418. * MINKOWSKI: Loc. cit., pp. 401, 406. * KRUEGER and Scumip;: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1902, xxxiv, p. 549 A Physiological Study of Nuclete Acid. 383 have, however, quite recently been able to demonstrate the direct transformation of the four common purin bases: xanthin, hypoxan- thin, adenin, and guanin, into uric acid in man. Chemistry of the nucleic acids.— The preceding remarks with reference to the pancreas and thymus will serve to emphasize the differences which are now recognized to exist in the chemical struc- ture of the nuclein bodies. Whether the various related compounds separated from the tissues occur as actual constituents of the latter, or are merely the product of the manipulations employed, cannot be definitely asserted. Common to all of these products, however, is an acid constituent, the zacletc acid, which unites with the proteids to form proteid compounds, the xwac/eins or nucleoprotetds, the latter designation usually being reserved for those compounds which contain a smaller proportion of the nucleic acid radical. The nucleic acids may also be obtained combined with the protamins and free from ordinary proteids. The careful studies of Osborne! have led him to the conclusion “that the true nucleic acids are strong polybasic acids, containing the purin, pyrimidin, and carbohydrate groups, and yield on hydrolysis orthophosphoric acid; that there is at least one other acid which contains the purin and carbohydrate group and also yields orthophosphoric acid, but is a substance of a different order, since it contains glycerin and lacks the pyrimidin group; that there are at least two true nucleic acids, — one containing thymin, the other uracy] ; that the ultimate composition of these acids is not yet settled, though the more carefully purified preparations have a similar composition.” Up to the present time the thymus, spleen, pancreas, Arbacia-, salmon-, codfish-, and herring-milt have served as sources for the more carefully investigated nucleic acids. The nucleic acid of the wheat embryo (tritico-nucleic acid) is the only one thus far obtained from the higher orders of plants, although the yeast nucleic acid has been known for some time. We have used the wheat product largely in the present research for several reasons. First, it seemed desirable to compare the physiological behavior of the acid of vegetable origin with that of the other nucleic acids. Again, the wheat acid can readily be obtained in sufficient quantity and purity ; and finally its chemical composition has probably been ascertained more nearly than that of any other known nucleic acid. A pro- 1 OSBORNE and Harris: Connecticut agricultural experiment station report for 1901, p. 387; cf. also Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie, 1902, xxxvi, p- 85. ‘ 384. L. B. Mendel, F. P. Underhill, and B. White. o visional chemical structure has been assigned to it by Osborne,’ as follows : yOu C;H,O; — p— C;H,0; | SOH O HO. | i P —C,H,N.O, xX OH HO—p% | \C,H3N,0, CHaNg a at ge C;H,N; OH since it yields one molecule of adenin (C;H;N,) and of guanin (C,H;N,O), two molecules of uracyl (CyH,N,O,), and three mole- cules of a pentose (C,H,,O;). The wheat nucleic acid thus differs from the investigated animal acids in having the pyrimidin group repre- sented by uracyl in place of thymin (methyl uracyl). The pentose derived by Neuberg? from the guanylic acid of the pancreas is xylose. The thymus nucleic acid presumably yields a hexose. The wheat nucleic acid differs from Bang’s pancreas guanylic ® acid in containing no glycerin radical. The purest preparations of the nucleic acid of the wheat embryo obtained by Osborne are represented by the formula C,,H¢1Ni¢P,O3,, with which we have compared our preparations as a standard. Preparation of nucleic acid. — In preparing nucleic acid com- pounds from the wheat embryo, the suggestions of Levene?* and of Osborne® were applied. The material used was the “yellow germ meal” of commerce, care being taken to obtain a preparation as free as possible from endosperm. The meal consists of small flakes con- taining the embryo of the wheat kernel flattened into thin scales by the milling processes used. The yield of nucleic acid is variable ; and Osborne, who obtained 1.25 per cent, has pointed out that it is 1 Cf. OsBORNE and HARRIS: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1902, XXXVI, Pp. 120. * NEUBERG: Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, 1902, xxxv, p. 1467. * BANG: Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie, 1901, xxxi, p. 416. ' LEVENE: Journal of the American chemical society, 1900, xxii, p. 329. ® OSBORNE and CAMPBELL: Connecticut agricultural experiment station report for 1899, p- 305; Journal of the American chemical society, 1900, &xii, p. 379. A Physiological Study of Nuclete Acid. 385 necessary to use very fresh meal, Since the yield decreases after a few weeks. The nucleic acid is present in the embryo in combination with proteids in the form of nucleates (nucleoproteids) from which it must be separated. Our purest preparations (as judged by their freedom from proteid) were obtained as follows: The wheat germ meal was twice extracted with seven times its weight of water, the supernatant liquids being siphoned off and strained through cloth. The united extracts were then saturated with sodium chloride, hydro- chloric acid being added until the precipitate separated out well. The bulky nucleate thus obtained contained a variable but large proportion of proteid as indicated by its low phosphorus content.’ It was digested for nearly a week with o.2 per cent hydrochloric acid containing an abun- dance of very active scale pepsin, with repeated renewal of the digestion medium. ‘The undissolved residue was repeatedly washed by decanta- tion and finally dissolved in water by careful addition of sodium hydroxide. The solution was alkaline to phenolphthalein. Dilute hydrochloric acid was then carefully added until a proteid precipitate began to separate, and this was filtered off. After the usual treatment with water, alcohol, ether, and drying at roo’, it was found to contain 1.15 per cent of phos- phorus.” The filtrate was treated with stronger hydrochloric acid which deposited a granular precipitate. ‘The later was treated with water, alcohol, and ether; and dried at 100°, it formed preparation H. The analysis was as follows: Preparation Osborne’s purest preparation Wey. i507 Perecemt 2 2. "e. 15.00 Delicene Ee ta CA ew, SP ears ret POET) A part of the nucleic acid precipitated by the hydrochloric acid was redissolved in sodium hydroxide, and the solution, after filtration, poured into a large volume of alcohol (95 per cent). ‘The fine cream-white pre- cipitate thus deposited was washed, dehydrated and dried in the usual way. An analysis of this sodzum nucleate, preparation K, gave Pieri. eet aee wel ee ee ai ee A peCe me 1 Cf. OSBORNE and CAMPBELL : Loc. cit. 2 The determinations of phosphorus in these compounds were all made by the usual gravimetric process after fusing the substances with pure sodium hydrate and potassium nitrate in a nickel crucible. Nitrogen estimations were made by the KJELDAHL-GUNNING method. 386 L.B. Mendel, F. P. Underhill, and B. White. Another preparation, M, consisting of 31 grams obtained from about 20 kilos of meal, gave the following analysis : Pe Wor os) ue! Gept ae tare wore! | th, Jean, teu ree an aie ae Cola | Te a ea TPP ae ie cs WAL EY oe yy and was accordingly not quite as pure as the preceding products. Other preparations (nucleates) still containing some proteid in combination with the nucleic acid were also made. ‘The preliminary treatment was the same in each case, the proteid extracted from the meal being sub- jected to vigorous pepsin-acid digestion to eliminate a portion of the pro- teid. One residue which was found to contain 3.7 per cent of phosphorus after digestion for several days, was subjected to repeated digestion with pepsin-acid for three days at 38°. ‘This final product, nucleate C, now contained Pio Mes sl ile lle PE OR ee Be ee Gu em@enin and, assuming a phosphorus content of g per cent in the nucleic acid, was composed of the latter to the extent of about one-half. Anotber digestion residue, nucleate D, gave an analysis of Pes tn ets tap (En Ree eee 2.9 per cent, indicating a nucleic acid content of about one-third. Finally, one prep- aration was separated in part by Levene’s method. The digestion resi- due was dissolved in sodium hydroxide and then almost neutralized with acetic acid. Sufficient picric acid solution was then added to make the fluid slightly acid. The proteid-picrate precipitate, containing only a trace of phosphorus, was removed by filtration. To the filtrate strong hydrochloric acid was added to precipitate the nucleic acid, and then alcohol to facilitate its separation. The product, F, was only about two- thirds nucleic acid, since the analysis indicated Pe els) cate Ate ye? Ta bagi OA a conan In addition to these preparations we have used a commercial ‘“ yeast nucleinic acid” which contained some admixture of proteid.! PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF NucLeic ACID. Earlier experiments. — The physiological action of the nucleic acids and their derivatives after direct introduction into the circulation has ' This was kindly furnished to us by PARKE, Davis and Co., of Detroit. It was reported to contain about 6 per cent of phosphorus. A Physiological Study of Nucleic Acid. 387 received little attention up to the present time. Wooldridge! dis- covered some years ago that his so-called “ tissue-fibrinogens,” pre- pared from extracts of various organs and injected into the veins of a dog, produced thrombosis of the portal vein and its affluents; and he later ascertained that a degree of “immunity” toward a second injection could be brought about by a previous one.2 Wright? con- tinued these investigations. Halliburton‘ and his co-workers showed that the various tissue extracts which produce intra-vascular clotting contain nucleoalbumins, as indicated by their noticeable content of organic phosphorus and the formation of an insoluble phosphorus- containing residue by artificial gastric digestion. In rabbits a solution of the separated nucleoproteids usually produced death in a short time by respiratory failure. The thrombosis was ordinarily limited to the venous system, the portal vein sometimes being involved. Nucleoproteids prepared from the thymus, kidney, testis, liver, lymphatic glands, brain, and red marrow — containing from 0.4 to 1.4 per cent of phosphorus — all showed this property. It was discovered that albino rabbits and the Arctic hare in its albino stage are immune to these effects.® Lilienfeld ® found that his “ nucleohis- ton,” prepared from leucocytes, likewise gave rise to intravascular clotting, and he concluded that the tendency toward production of thrombosis is attributable to the nuclein component of the compound injected. But it must be remembered in this connection that Martin? similarly obtained thrombosis with snake-venom which he found to be free from nucleoproteid; and Halliburton and Pickering * were able to induce intravascular coagulation in various animals by injec- tion of Grimaux’s proteid-like colloide amidobenzoique and colloide aspartique, each of which is free from phosphorus and in no way directly related to the nucleoproteids. Five to ten c.c. of 1.5 per cent solutions are fatal, while small doses of both nucleoproteids and the synthesized colloids may retard coagulation. Gioffredi® has found that a nuclein prepared from tubercle bacilli brings about death 1 WooLpDRIDGE: Archiv fiir Physiologie, 1886, p. 397. 2 WooLDRIDGE: J/d7d., 1888, p. 526. WriGurt: Journal of physiology, 1891, xii, p. 184. HALLIBURTON and BropieE: Journal of physiology, 1894, xvii, p. 135. 5 PICKERING: Journal of physiology, 1896, xx, p. 310. 6 LILIENFELD : Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1894, xx, p. 141. 7 MARTIN: Journal of physiology, 1894, xv, p. 380. 8 HALLIBURTON and PICKERING: Journal of physiology, 1895, xviii, p. 285. ® GIOFFREDI: Jahresbericht fiir Thierchemie, 1goo, xxx, p. 1028. 388 L. B. Mendel, F. P. Underhill, and B. White. speedily in rabbits when it is injected intravenously in doses of 0.02-0.08 grams. In dogs also thrombosis is brought about by this preparation. The most important recent contribution to this subject is that of Bang,! who has studied the physiological action of Hammarsten’s pancreas nucleoproteid and the guanylic acid obtained from it. The latter has been extensively investigated from the chemical standpoint by Bang, who obtained as characteristic decomposition products : guanin, a pentose, glycerin, and phosphoric acid. It will thus be seen to differ essentially from the wheat nucleic acid used by us. The phenomena observed by Bang, after intravenous injection of pancreas guanylic acid into dogs, were characteristic, resembling in many ways the effects produced by protamin injections? and by larger doses of proteoses.*? The quantities injected varied from 0.02 to 0.06 grams per kilo of body weight. In every case the injection immediately provoked a state of excitation in the animal, followed by transitory narcosis. The clotting of blood withdrawn from the vessels was greatly delayed, a dose of 0.04 grams per kilo prolonging the clotting time from the normal of six minutes to two hours. With 0.018 gram per kilo the delay was only from a clotting time of ten minutes (before the injection) to nineteen minutes. The effects on respiration were also pronounced. Blood-pressure quickly fell after the injection, the pulse-waves of the records becoming smaller, while the heart-beat gradually became more forcible with a return of normal pressure. The fate of the injected guanylic acid was not ascertained. It was noted, however, that the urine always became distinctly alka- line after the injection, and albuminuria was observed. The results of the injection of the B-nucleoproteid of the pancreas were similar in nearly every respect. A dose of 0.05 grams per kilo was sufficient to abolish the coagulability of the blood in dogs completely, or almost so. In rabbits a noticeable retardation in blood-clotting was obtained with 0.14 gram of the pancreas nucleoproteid per kilo. The effect was far less marked than with dogs; and it may be recalled that intravenous injections of proteoses are practically ineffective in the case of the rabbit. In the dog, Bang noted a fall of arterial pressure after injection of the nucleoproteid. The urine did not show an ' BANG: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1g00, xxxi, p. 410; 1901, XXXII, p. 20I. * C/. THOMPSON: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1899, xxix, p. 1. * Cf. CHITTENDEN, MENDEL, and HENDERSON: This journal, 1899, ii, p. 142. A Physiological Study of Nucleic Acid. 389 alkaline reaction in this case, but contained dextrose (not pentose) in three of the five trials. Present experiments. — Our experiments on the physiological action of the wheat nucleic acid introduced directly into the circulation were carried out on dogs, cats, and a rabbit. Careful observations were made with reference to the effect on the coagulability of the blood, on blood-pressure, on lymph-flow, on “immunity,” and the fate of the injected acid. The dogs were anesthetized with A.C. E. mix- ture after receiving a hypodermic injection of 1 cgm. of morphin sul- phate and 1 mgm. atropin sulphate per kilo of body weight. The TABLE SHOWING EFFECTS UPON ARTERIAL PRESSURE. Pressure in milligrams of Hg. 50min. after. | Experiment. in kilos. injected. Preparation employed. 40 min. after. Grams per kilo tion in seconds. Weight of dog Just after injection. Duration of injec- injection. 1 hour after. 30min. after. Just before 20 min. after. | 5 min. after. 10 min. after. _ Ww oO Pale. §2'|:0. 13 | H(8.43% P) | 13.0 | 0. H | 12.7 |0. H 17.0 | 0. hee O4 8.0 | 0.1: H | 140 | 11.0 | 0.055 K (8.47% P) | 110 | 6.5 | 0.065 90 | K 7.0 |0.056| 58 | F (604% P) | 0.100 C (4.56% P) 1 Slow injection. 2 In this experiment a rabbit was used. substances were dissolved as sodium nucleates in a small volume (15-30 c.c.) and injected rapidly, 7. ¢., within a minute, from a burette into the jugular vein. Arterial pressure was recorded with a mercu- rial manometer in the carotid artery, and the blood samples were collected from a clean cannula introduced into a femoral vein, the coagulation time being noted as in previous experiments in the L. B. Mendel, F P. Underhill, and B. White. 599 ‘opt tad “wi cot jo wonsalul “H uonriedatg “sop ZT Jo Sod “IA quowiiadx7] —"¢ ANAS NOLLITINI Lh Seal ir * aaron mila a go cas eee NS eT cae ‘opey zed ‘wi cg‘Q Jo uonsaluy “H uoneiedaig ‘solr £ZT JO Sod “TITA quowiadxy —"Z AMADA — ll me “MIW 0 "MIA IT “IW £2 “wiv ef NIN oS NOMLIUNE Pannnount ee ee IMAM anna AWW ‘opiy aod ‘wi $z0'9 Jo uonoaluy “W uonesredatg “sory s'ZT Jo Soq ‘XJ Juewuedx” —*[ aAYNSIY F 7 Talilalnkedalmlmlanb ashi) esite ine md eanon TT TITTtT 0 a ie as Ntw s¢ NOILITONE ASUS (INOLdAd) NOLLIMNI ONODTS > AAU MAMA) a a aii | NM Vall Ay Myr yh Ay ar a 1, VV iy A Physiological Study of Nucleic Acid. 391 laboratory.!. Lymph was collected from the thoracic duct and ana- lyzed in the usual manner. Urine was withdrawn through a catheter when desired. Effects on blood-pressure. — The effects observed after the intraven- ous injection of solutions of nucleic acid on arterial pressure are summarized in the table on page 380. Three typical manometer tracings are reproduced in Figs. 1, 2, and 3 from Experiments IX, VIII, and VI, which show the differences in the effects produced by varying doses. The curves were recorded from right to left. The line of zero pressure is marked below, and the time is recorded in seconds. From these protocols it will be observed that the nucleates ob- tained from the wheat embryo, when injected rapidly in doses larger than 0.04 gram per kilo of body weight, produce a fall in arterial pressure comparable with that obtained by Bang with the quite different guanylic acid of the pancreas, and somewhat resembling the effects observed after injection of larger doses of albumoses. So small a dose as 0.024 gram per kilo was practically without influ- ence; and with doses only slightly larger, the return of pressure to its previous height was rapid. The significance of the rate of injec- tion is indicated by the results of Experiment III in which the nucleic acid was introduced more slowly into the circulation. In the case of similar phenomena observed after injections of albumoses, it has already been pointed out that the intensity of the vaso-motor effects is probably not so much a function directly of the absolute quantity injected as of the quantity in the circulation at any time, or, in other words, of the concentration of the substance in the blood.’ A brief period of excitation was frequently noticeable, as in Bang’s experiments, immediately after the injections were made. Effects on blood-coagulation. — The action of the nucleic acid injec- tions on extravascular blood-coagulation are summarized in the appended table. It will be seen that doses of 0.05 gram per kilo tend, in the dog, to diminish the coagulability of the blood. In Experiment III the injection was, as already observed, somewhat slower than usual. The dog may have been naturally immune. To what extent the diversion of the lymph from the blood stream has modified the tendency of the blood to remain fluid after injections of 1 CHITTENDEN, MENDEL, and HENDERSON: This journal, 1899, ii, p. 144. 2 CHITTENDEN, MENDEL, and HENDERSON: This journal, 1899, ii, p. 150. *(¢) aunt SoqY = ‘uonsalur Mo[S *(sanoy Oz) YSU 1aA0 Sutpurys 19}Je paqjo[9 you pey sojduies ay} yey SoJOUsp (—) ysep Y ¢ ‘SUOTPBAIISGO 9AIY} 10 OM] WOLF pze[N[wd ou] 9BvAAAY OY] AS¥D YOvE UT SI SIL z "c6¢ pure [6¢ ‘dd ‘syivuiar 9ag_ *syuautiadxa yduikq_ { All ©) 7 O 6 (HG, (0) Z 0 | uonsalur s10jaq D ws O10 | Wades ss 0 + +e = FI OT Q | uonsalut a1ojag A “ws 9500 0 I Nw “dl ONT ‘yoaful pz OT O | ; S aes ST uonsalut a10jaq H “ws $900 mr} Ne | He N (0) ch 0 Of + > uonoalur o10jacq M “Ws Ss0'0 N |}oOor |OO}o0O;]coo0;}o° Cc Tal uoljoalut a10jaq ‘yoalur pz I S nO wae H “ws sT 0 [+o +m a + uorjoalur a10jsag H ‘ws colo wy S Phe ud CQ’ uonoalur a1ojag H £0'0 oe | j tan + £ nie : uonoalut a10Jaq H Wis tt0'O ‘d on ‘yoolut pz wy }CON | +r ‘d 911M yoalut pz | “UL “" 0 As QO ,uoTIDAlUI s10Jaq “" H ‘Ws +70 0 -mcn Heo Poo oS wn | st Jado loo HO|;|NoO!|cooO “QUIT]-3UI]JO[D JY SAATS OUT] IOMOT AY], ‘uotoalur oy} 19378 pasdeya yor ‘soynurut ut ‘awit oy} Saas yuouttIadxea yove ur aur, saddn oy, ‘SHINT.L-ONILLOTD ‘opty rad ‘yudWI ‘asoc] -10dx] cy ‘doo0Tqd AHL AO NOILVWTONSVOY AHL NO SNOLLVANASTQD AO AUVWWOS A Physiological Study of Nuclete Acid. 393 nucleic acid cannot be answered. It is quite possible, for example, that the absence of more marked effects on blood-coagulation in Experiment IV or V is attributable to the failure of an anti-clotting Experiment. TABLE SHOWING EFFECTS UPON THE LYMPH. II Dog of 7 kilos Inject. of 0.056 gm. F per kilo | Before injection | After injection: lst portion 2d portion 3d portion 4th portion V Dog of 11 kilos Inject. of 0.055 gm. | K per kilo Before injection After injection : lst portion 2d portion 3d portion 4th portion Lymph-flow in periods of 10 minutes. c.c. lymph. Per cent. Total solids Ash in in lymph. Per cent. 1-3-1-5—1-5—1-4 Remarks. Clots. Does not clot. Does not clot. Does not clot. Does not clot. “I ie Oo INI © S10) =) SOR VIII Dog of 12.7 kilos | Inject. of 0.05 gm. | H per kilo Before injection | After injection : Ist portion 2d portion 3d portion 4th portion IV Dog of 13 kilos Inject. of 0.044 gm. | H per kilo Before injection | After injection : lst portion 2d portion | After injection of ‘“ peptone ” (Witte) | 13.0-18 0 12.8412.3-(12.5-12 5) (11.5-11.5)-(9.0-9.0) (7.0-7.0) 2.84.0 4.0-3.0 3.5-(3.0-3.0)—(4.6+4.6) 10.2-7.8-6.0 OY wn io) “ID IH Om Ore “ISI + Go Clots. Does not clot. | Does not clot Clots. Clots. | Clots. Does not clot. Does not clot. Does not clot. Does not clot. Clots. Clots imperfectly. Clots. Does not clot. IX Dog of 12.5 kilos Inject. of 0.024 gm H per kilo Before injection | . | After injection | (20 min. periods) 2.5-1.0 3.0-4.0-5.5-2.5 substance formed in the liver to reach the blood through the lymph. Other observations of this character have been made.! Effects on lymph-flow.— The characteristic effects of proteoses on the coagulability, composition, and rate of flow of lymph collected 1 Cf. CHITTENDEN, MENDEL, and HENDERSON: Loc. cit., p. 162. 394 L. B. Mendel, F. P. Underhill, and B. White. from the thoracic duct is well known. In view of the resemblances already noted between the action of the nucleic acids and the prote- oses on blood-pressure and coagulability typical lymphagogic effects might also be anticipated. The experiments confirm this. In five trials it was observed that small doses (Experiments IX, IV) pro- duced only slight effects on the flow and the composition of the lymph. With larger doses which suffice to accelerate the flow of lymph, the latter becomes richer in solids, as after the injection of other lymphagogues of this class. Protocols of the experiments are given in the table on page 393. Immunity. — It is well known that a sufficiently large injection of albumoses may confer a certain degree of immunity upon an animal. In such cases, when the blood returns to a condition under which it is once more coagulable as usual, a second injection fails to render it non-coagulable.! We have made a few observations regarding the influence of nucleic acid injections in this respect. In Experiments IX and IV in which small doses (0.024 gram and 0.044 gram per kilo respectively) of preparation H were injected, second injections of Witte peptone (0.5 gram per kilo) made after the blood-pressure and the clotting-time had returned to the normal, still produced the typical effects. The pressure quickly fell, and the blood became non- coagulable. In Experiment IV the ugual effect of proteose injections on the lymph was also manifested, as the lymph protocols show. However, injection of 0.15 gram per kilo of preparation H in Experi- ment VII conferred immunity against a subsequent injection of a still larger dose (0.19 gram per kilo). The pressure-curve showed only a transitory fall, and the clotting of blood samples subsequently taken was not retarded. In Experiment III in which 0.065 gram per kilo of preparation K was injected rather slowly without producing very marked effects (see previous protocols), the animal was found to be immune towards a subsequent injection of 0.5 gram of Witte peptone per kilo, at least as far as retardation of blood-clotting was concerned.” A single experiment (I) on a medium-sized rabbit which received an intravenous injection of one-third gram of wheat nuclein C (4.56 per cent of phosphorus) equivalent to about 0.05 gram of nucleic acid per kilo of body weight, may be recorded here. The animal was anaesthetized with one-half gram urethane followed by ether adminis- ' Cf. CHITTENDEN, MENDEL, and HENDERSON: Loc. cét., p. 158. * The slight effects observed in this animal may have been due to a natural immunity which has sometimes been noted in dogs. A Physiological Study of Nuclete Acid. 395 tration. The blood samples clotted in nine and one-half minutes before the injection (30 c.c. of fluid) which lasted nineteen seconds. Blood samples taken two, ten, twenty-two, forty-five, and fifty-five minutes after, clotted in twenty-two, ten, twelve, one, and nine minutes respectively, the pressure fell more gradually than was usually observed in dogs, and began to rise again in forty minutes. Immediately after the injection, disturbances in respiration and other evidences of excitation were observed, as in the case of the dogs. Bang’s similar observations on the relative immunity of the rabbit to injections of pancreas nucleoproteid have been mentioned (page 388). THe FATE oF NUCLEIC ACID IN THE Bopy. The fate of nucleic acid (or nucleins) in the body has usually been studied by feeding experiments on man and animals. So far as we recall, no extensive study has heretofore been made of the transfor- mations which occur when the products are introduced in some other way than by the alimentary canal. Consequently it is not definitely known whether an important influence on the subsequent utilization of the nucleic acid radicals is exerted by the digestive processes. From the experiments available, it seems probable that the nucleic acid radical is split up only to a very slight extent, if at all, in the digestive tract. The proteid compounds of the nucleic acids (nucleins) may be broken up by the digestive enzymes into an organic phosphorus- containing portion and albumose or peptone. But there is no evidence that the purin constituents are liberated before absorption.! We have introduced nucleic acid or its compounds into the organism by direct injection into the blood-current, into the peritoneal cavity, under the skin and per rectum, and have attempted to follow the reactions of the substance introduced by searching for its character- istic metabolism product, allantoin, in the urine. Some details are given below. Intravenous injection. — The allantoin was separated by crystalli- zation from the concentrated urine, and identified by its characteristic crystalline appearance and melting point (210 -220° C.). The ani- mals were either starved on the preceding day, or fed on a “ purin- free” diet of casein, cracker-meal, milk, and lard. 1 Cf. PopoFF: Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1894, xviii, p. 533: Mivroy: /ézd., 1896-97, xxii, p. 307; LoEw1: Archiv fiir experimentelle Patho- logie und Pharmakologie, tgor, xlv, p. 165. 396 «= L.. B. Mendel, F. P. Underhill, and B. White. 1. In Experiment VII (see previous protocols), the dog of 8 kilos received two injections containing a total of 2.7 grams of preparation H at an interval of less than two hours. The urine was removed by means of a catheter at intervals of two-thirds, six, and seven and one-half hours after the last injection. From the first portion a very small quantity of allan- toin was obtained ; from the second, 0.076 gram (m. p. 217°); from the third, o.oro gram (m. p. 219°) before the animal was killed. From the urine obtained in Experiment VIII, in which 0.6 gram of H was injected into a dog of 12.7 kilos, no allantoin could be separated. 2. A cat of 4 kilos was anesthetized with 75 mgm. of chloralose followed by A.C. E. mixture. One and one-half grams of sodium nucleate pre- pared by dissolving preparation H in 14 c.c. of very dilute sodium hydrox- ide were injected as aseptically as practicable, from a burette through a cannula into the jugular vein in thirteen and one-half minutes. Somewhat later a second slow injection of 2.14 grams dissolved in 23 c.c. of fluid followed. The wound was sewed up and the animal placed under obser- vation. ‘The urine (100 c.c.) collected on the following morning con- tained o.11r2 gram allantoin (m.p. 217°). The cat remained asleep during this entire day and was found dead on the second morning. No more allantoin could be obtained. 4. A medium-sized cat was aneethetized with ether. Two and one-half grams of yeast “ nucleinic acid” (P. D. and Co.), dissolved in 38 c.c. of very dilute sodium hydroxide, were injected into the jugular vein in thirty minutes. The effect on respiration, which became deep and prolonged, was very noticeable. The wound was closed, and the animal sat up again in fif- teen minutes. The urine collected at the end of the next hour was acid, and contained much proteid; but no allantoin separated. From the urine of the following three hours an abundant yield of allantoin was obtained ; and small quantities were separated from the next day’s urine. Proteid continued to be present in the acid urine.’ NO Intraperitoneal injection. — In his study of the interrelation between uric acid excretion and leucocytosis Kuehnau? made intraperitoneal injections of thymus emulsions and of thymus nuclein in dogs. This procedure gave rise in each case to anincreased output of uric acid which the author was unable to attribute entirely to leucocyte influ- ences. A fall in body temperature, noted after the thymus injections, was attributed to ‘“ peritoneal shock.” Physiological salt solution thus introduced produced no change in the uric acid output. 1 Mr. Wuire has recently observed a large output of allantoin after the injec- tion of urates into the systemic and portal circulation. The investigation is being continued. 2 KUEHNAU: Zeitschrift fiir klinische Medicin, 1895, xxviii, p. 561. A Physiological Study of Nucleic Acid. 397 Our animals were fed on a “ purin-free”” diet (milk and cracker- meal) just before and during the experiments. The intraperitoneal injections were made (without anesthesia) with a large hollow needle. Vomiting and diarrhoea were common symptoms observed after the injections were made. 5. A dog of 1o kilos received 3 grams of yeast “ nucleinic acid” (P. D. and Co.), dissolved in 125 c.c. of water containing a trace of sodium hydrox- ide. The urine collected on this and the following day was acid and contained much proteid. Large quantities of allantoin were separated, particularly from the portions obtained within the first twenty hours. The dog recovered completely, and four days later received a second injection (4 grams) for the purpose of ascertaining the effects on the uric acid output. The results were negative. Three days later the same dog was given a third injection of 8 grams of yeast “‘ nucleinic acid.” The symptoms already described were marked, and the animal appeared stupid. Within three hours allantoin was excreted in the urine; and from the urine of the following two hours there was separated the largest yield of allantoin obtained from one animal. No marked increase in uric acid output was noted. 6. A medium-sized dog received an intraperitoneal injection of 4 grams of yeast “nucleinic acid.” Within an hour vomiting ensued, followed by a rise in temperature and indifferent attitude. About two hours later 4 grams more were injected. The symptoms were not aggravated. The urine collected in the succeeding five hours was very acid, con- tained proteid and only little allantoin. 7. A large cat received an intraperitoneal injection of 4 grams of the yeast “nucleinic acid.” Within five minutes vomiting ensued and the animal became indifferent. Seven hours later the cat was found dead. The 30 c.c. of urine previously collected contained a very small quantity of allantoin. Subcutaneous injection. — Experiments involving subcutaneous ad- ministration of nuclein preparations are fairly numerous in medical literature. They have been carried out mainly with reference to their bearing on leucocytosis, although the effect on uric acid output has been studied in a few instances." 8. The dog used in Experiment 5 received subcutaneously 4 grams of yeast “nucleinic acid” in 50 c.c. of very dilute sodium hydroxide. Severe 1 KUEHNAU : Zeitschrift fiir klinische Medicin, 1895, xxviii, p. 564; MILRoY and MALcoLm: Journal of physiology, 1899, xxv, p. 105; BURIAN and SCHuUR: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1901, Ixxxvii, p. 304. 398 = oL. B. Mendel, F. P. Underhill, and B. White. diarrhoea followed, but further symptoms were not marked. ‘The urine collected during the remainder of the day contained a small quantity of allantoin. Burian and Schur have noted a marked rise in uric acid output in dogs after subcutaneous injections of sodium nucleate (from thymus). This was accompanied by increased nitrogen execretion and fever; the authors regard the uric acid eliminated in this case as exdogenous in origin, and attribute it to pathological processes (cell destruction ? ) provoked. In the absence of nitrogen estimations and leucocyte counts, we are unable to deny a similar origin to the allantoin obtained in the preceding experiments. It seems unlikely, however, that the amount of allantoin obtained in some of the experiments (No. 5, for example) is entirely attributable to cellular disintegration and endoge- nous purin sources. The further possibility of such a reaction is suggested, however, by the experiments of Borissow,’ who found allantoin in the urine of the dog after poisoning with hydrazine sul- phate. In the following feeding experiments, the absence of marked toxic symptoms makes it more probable that the allantoin excreted was at least in part exogenous in origin and derived from the nuclein compounds fed. Feeding experiments. -— Numerous feeding experiments with gland- ular materials rich in nuclein compounds are recorded in the litera- ture. It will suffice here to refer to those observations which were made with the isolated substances from which alone more definite conclusions regarding the action of the nucleic acid components can be drawn. In addition to the experiments of Stadthagen and Gum- lich already mentioned, nucleins or nucleates have been fed by Horbaczewski,2 Richter,®? Mayer,* Jerome,®? Minkowski,® Milroy and Malcolm,’ and Loewi.’ Minkowski was the first to describe allantoin 1 Borissow : Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, 1894, xix, p 499. 2 HorepaczEwskt: Monatshefte fiir Chemie, 1889, x, p. 624; 1891, xii, p. 221 (spleen nuclein ; man and rabbit). ® RICHTER: Zeitschrift fiir klinische Medicin, 1895. xxvii, p. 311 (sodium nucleate from thymus; man). 4 Mayer: Deutsche medicinische Wochenschrift, 1896, xxii, p. 186 (spleen nuclein; man). 6 JEROME: Journal of physiology, 1899, xxv, p. 98 (yeast nuclein; man). 6 MiINKowskKI: Archiv fiir experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1898, xli, p. 403 (salmon nucleic acid; dog and man). Mitroy and Matcoum: Journal of physiology, 1898, xxiii, p. 217 (nucleic acid ; man). § Loewr: Archiv fiir experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1901, xlv, p. 157 (various nucleic acids and nuclein products; man). _ A Physiological Study of Nucletc Acid. 399 as a metabolism product of an isolated nucleic acid in the dog. The above observers have noted a pronounced rise in uric acid output. The apparent relation between uric acid (noted in man) and allantoin (in the dog) has already been suggested. A few extracts from our protocols follow. The negative results which were occasionally obtained, are not recorded here, since they do not affect the observa- tions made, and are not surprising in view of the difficulty in separat- ing small quantities of allantoin, and in the absence of data regarding the extent to which the substances fed were absorbed. As before, the animals were always fed on a “ purin-free”’ diet of milk, cracker- meal, and lard for some time previous to the feeding experiment with the nucleic acid compounds. 9. Dog of 6.8 kilos. Ona “ purin-free ” diet, such as that described above, no allantoin appeared in the urine. During two days a total of 17 grams of preparation D (containing 2.9 per cent of phosphorus and equivalent to about 5.6 grams of nucleic acid) were added to the diet. The urine of these days yielded 0.21 gram of allantoin (m.p. 217°). Two days later, when the urine was again free from allantoin, 30 grams of dessi- cated salivary glands! of the ox were added to the diet. The urine of the following day furnished 0.023 grams of allantoin (m. p. 219°). to. Dog of 3.3 kilos. The diet consisted of casein, cracker-meal, and lard. On one day, 5 grams of preparation H were added to the food. The urine for this day yielded 0.445 gram of allantoin (m. p. 219°). None was obtained on the following days, even when 15 grams of Armour’s des- sicated salivary gland were added to the diet. 11. A cat of medium size was fed on cracker-meal and milk. In the course of two days, 10 grams of preparation D (equivalent to about 3 grams of nucleic acid) were added. A small yield of allantoin (m. p. 217°) was obtained on the day following only. The subsequent addition of 0.36 grams of preparation F produced no detectable trace of allantoin. In another cat negative results were obtained after feeding 6 grams of prep- aration D. : 12. A kitten about four weeks old was fed on milk. ‘The daily addition of I gram of yeast “nucleinic acid” to the milk was followed by an excre- tion of allantoin. ‘The urine previously collected was free from the latter. 13. The attempt to induce an excretion of allantoin by feeding emulsions of thymus glands to rabbits was unsuccessful. 1 Specially prepared for us by ARMouR and Co., Chicago. 400 L.B. Mendel, F. P. Underhill, and B. White. Rectal feeding. — Mochizucki! has shown that the administration of thymus gland substance per rectum is also followed by a typical increase in uric acid excretion in man. In two cases out of three experiments on dogs, we have obtained allantoin excretion after a similar procedure. The third animal eliminated uric acid in appar- ently increased amount. In each instance a “purin-free” diet was simultaneously fed. Thymus glands were macerated with water and strained through cloth. About 70 c.c. of the resulting emulsion were injected after addition of 2 grams of common salt and 5-8 drops of laudanum. Sometimes the gut was emptied on the previous day by an enema of soap and water. A single experiment on man will be referred to later. Experiments on man. — Milroy and Malcolm? have studied the effect of nucleic acid on nitrogenous metabolism and leucocytosis in man, They found only a very small rise in uric acid output. The P,O, elimination and the number of leucocytes were both noticeably increased, although only one-half and one gram of nucleic acid were taken respectively on the two days selected. They were unable to give larger doses of nucleic acid because of certain somewhat disagree- able symptoms (severe muscular tremors) which arose after the larger quantity had been given. Loewi? has attributed the latter to some foreign toxicity in the nucleic acid fed. In his own experiments, larger quantities (30 grams) were taken without apparent ill effects, although he noted unfavorable symptoms after taking a commercial preparation of sodium nucleate prepared from yeast. Neumann * has reported the absence of disagreeable symptoms after administration of the thymus nucleic acid. Loewi concluded from his experiments that uric acid is the only specific nitrogenous end-product of nuclein metabolism in man. The present feeding experiments were carried out on two of us. The daily diet selected from foods which are practically ‘“ purin-free,” was maintained unchanged throughout the entire periods. Prepara- tion M, containing 7.35 per cent of phosphorus and 16.3 per cent of nitrogen was added to the diet on two successive days. It was dis- 1 MocuHiIzuck!1: Archiv fiir Verdauungskrankheiten, 19o1, vii, p. 221. ; MILRoy and MALCOLM: Journal of physiology, 1898, xxiii, p. 227. * Loewl: Archiv fiir experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, 1901, xlv, p. 157. * NEUMANN: Verhandlungen der physiologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin, 1898. No. I1, 12, 13 (according to LoEwt). A Physiological Study of Nuclete Acid. 401 solved in a minimum quantity of dilute sodium hydroxide and added to the milk taken at noon. The total daily food consisted of : Bi W: Rigekre is Grams. Grams. Bape ea edi st Je wag maha SSO 445 Dresee toe oe hes «sb 275 275 BREE Wile aren teen: 6 one BOO 1850 Pcie ats da gc 75 96 QELS ig: Fee ae Molen We I50 115 estimated to contain jeeeted See hae LE 138 Vidhan oA es oc. en we LAD 191 beacnchediate Werk «a a eZ0 235 ReeC@UMted 16> VICI as tet Ae es . 29¥0Cal. tagronCal. The food was taken in three portions, about one gram of salt being added at each meal. The urine and feces were collected for each twenty-four hours and analyzed. The faces were covered with alcohol containing a few drops of sulphuric acid, and were dried on a water-bath and pulverized. Nitrogen was estimated by the Kjeldahl- Gunning method ; P,O, in the urine by titration with uranium solu- tion, in the faeces, gravimetrically by Neumann’s method;! uric acid by the Ludwig-Salkowski process; ethereal SO, by Baumann’s method. On one day nucleic acid (dissolved as usual and mixed with a part of the daily milk portion and a few drops of laudanum) was introduced per rectum through a long flexible catheter. The intestine had previously been subjected to an enema of soap-water. (See B. W., 8th day.) The data are summarized in the table on page 402. Leucocyte counts made on the two days before and during the nucleic acid feeding period showed only slight changes, if any. Thus the counts on B.W. during the first three days gave the following numbers: 5780—5460—5780—5150—7812; during the nucleic acid days: 5200—6400—5000—5210—5 780—7320—6580. The counts on F. P. U. were as follows; on the first two days: 9360—8120—10620; on the nucleic acid days: 10620—11240—11400—12280. Both subjects complained of slight muscular soreness on one of the nucleic acid days. The writer was at the time inclined to over- 1 NEUMANN: Archiv fiir Physiologie, 1897, p. 552; cf. also ZADIK: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1899, Ixxvii, p. 2. “snut}I] 0} plow A19A SBA OUTIN OY], 620 | LCT se ICI FOLT'O 16¢°€ SLe0 LYSE STS'91 9¢0'T LOOT 6 FLOT crL'0 0¢ 69 FOST'O EP9'E ICE O10’ f6F 21 | ¥20'T [sol 8 aS SIS'T cba O€ Of 6SZT0 Lye ere'0 soc’ 699° LT 9¢0'T [gol L ~S FLT 9LO'T 6¢ 16 | séet‘o OIZE | Spe. | 69€°¢ C60 OL 9CO' | FrOL 9 S Cle + 69EC S$ 161 | SLbT‘0 619'€ OO) SIGE CtO'ST 0c0'T O¢sT S$ if 0062 | +6S'T LE Zee se OOSLON a GSSiS 89s°0 $99°¢ LSE LT 1co'T OOF v RQ cer I L960 €¢ 94 | +¥ELT‘0 LSPS 6£ee0 Tae err OL +0" T cOOl £ S Ie6'T FOL" 1 TE S6 ccSl0 SSSKE 99€0 | S0ZEe 096'°ST £70'T OFTT c . £60 | E90 ST Oo Ssorlo S88'S 9EL0 LIS @ Gua LT0'T SOST I ~ ‘SO[Iy 1°79 ‘3Yystam Apog ‘plo sawak ¢Z “MA “gq 3 Lei : £ Mt < | a a Se a ae ———— — = = Y | 7 Sé8'0 £60 (Ke 69 6lelo | CEL’ 06+'0 F88'¢ 996 LT 9C0'T O9TT 6 dD LS6'T 660 C es S6T | S6t'0 lpecOuic: esr'0 £6L°¢ €hs'Sl | L420'T Occl 8 : SLTZ STS"? 8S PLT LS9T‘0 | eSs"e gss0 cr" 99¢61 | cc0'l Scel £ Q S00'C S67 OS SST cEELO | -L90°¢ 1 +980 LOS'€ C69 91 9C0'T OST 9 ke eryTt | Oss T 9¢ Scl | {2900 | 6L6€ | 1Z€S°0 LIV $1602 LE0'T OO€T s 98E'S OSS 6b OST 6cLT0 | SOF | I8E0 C66 6LL ol Sd0'T O09 1 = Sté6'T Lesley 802 | 9F9TO | 966¢ €£E'0 OSL ¢ e102 £c0'1 SO¢T is 8 +969 L9S9 | eel E16 |) L6ST0 CLT E clr0 Love 6LE LT 1c0'l oll é S S8o'r Or | 88 WG |) (0ldke|h0) S8S"t 6s 0 9E9'C SIMON ad) | S86 I eS = fe : ‘sug | sug f-sury | csuy | wy “sur “wy “SUILT) ‘sun | aft) el ong, | Uasoaytu |3y81Iem|1y3Iem | “Fos WoS *pioe ae ‘uaforiu | a3 ‘ds if: é O'd [eq0 J, Aq | 3stoy | Teorey | peioy, II) ‘O'd [210], ION N a ae ‘SHOW ‘ANIN ‘SOTTYT OL ystem Apog ‘po savak $7 “Qa ‘ay 402 ‘NVI NO SLNAWINAIXY WSITIOAVLAIY “SUIpUL}S UO DULIN dy} Woy payeavdas s[eysks9 plow uy _ 1 § winq9901 | }aad Fy ploe o1aponu “ws 9 poy JW ploe s1aponu “ws g | paj JX ploe oraponu ‘wid g p2j JW plow oraponu "ws + p2y JW plore o1ayonu “ws + A Physiological Study of Nuclete Acid. 403 look any direct bearing of these remarks; their possible significance was again emphasized after reading the experience of the subjects of Milroy and Malcolm and of Loewi. For this reason also no larger quantities of nucleic acid were fed to man. The results obtained with F. P. U. are somewhat irregular, and indicate a slight “lag” in the excretions on certain days. In each subject a noticeable increase in uric acid output followed the in- gestion of the nucleic acid. In the absence of any other purin constituent in the diet and (in B.W. at least) of any marked leucocytosis (and probable leucolysis), we must attribute the increase in uric acid, as Loewi does, directly to the nucleic acid ingested. It is, in the language of Burian and Schur, exogenous in nature. The low average daily output of endogenous uric acid in our two subjects on a “purin-free ” diet falls within the limits ascertained by Burian and Schur! in different individuals. SUMMARY. The more important observations recorded in this paper indicate that the vegetable nucleic acid obtained from the wheat embryo resembles, in its physiological effects, the guanylic acid of the pan- creas. Introduced in sufficient doses into the circulation, it may produce a fall in arterial pressure; a change in the coagulability of the blood; an increase in the flow of lymph and a change in its composition; and perhaps, also, a degree of immunity toward subse- quent injections. The ingestion of nucleic acid is followed in man by an increased output of uric acid, and in the dog by the excretion of allantoin. These products correspond in either case to only a portion of the purin radicals introduced. In animals, allantoin excretion was also observed after the introduction of vegetable nucleic acids into the body per rectum, intravenously, intraperitoneally, and subcutaneously. Some features of intermediary purin-metabolism are discussed. 1 BuRIAN and Scuur: Archiv fiir die gesammte Physiologie, 1900, Ixxx, p- 302. THE ACTION OF ACIDS AND ACID SALTS ON, SECar— CORPUSCLES AND OTHERSCEELS: By 5S. PESKIND2 From the Physiological Laboratory, Western Reserve University. Ly. S J 3B; Ween investigating a large number of laking agents, in con- junction with Dr. G. N. Stewart, I made the observation that small quantities of ferric chloride or hydrochloric acid cause aggluti- nation and precipitation of blood-corpuscles. To determine what substances would give this reaction, the follow- ing list of chemicals was tested. The purest reagents were used, Merck’s and Schuchart’s for the most part. Defibrinated dog’s blood was employed in all the experiments, although the reaction was found to take place also with human blood, cow’s blood, and chicken’s blood. The following acids caused good agglutination and precipitation : Sulphuric Acetic Chlorine water Hydrochloric Oxalic Bromine water Nitric Citric Phosphoric ‘Tartaric Iodic Lactic Chromic ‘Tannic Molybdic Pyrogallic Phosphomolybdic Benzoic Phosphotungstic Hippuric Sulphanilic The corpuscles precipitated by the above acids laked very rapidly. No extraneous precipitate (z. ¢., no precipitate of serum constituents) was thrown down with the corpuscles. The following acids did not produce agglutination and precipitation : Arsenious Uric Boric Eosic Hydrogen sulphide Acid fuchsin Carbon dioxide Carbolic Osmic ' H. M. Hanna Fellow for 1go2. 404 Action of Acids and Acid Salts on the Blood. 405 Very large as well as very small, amounts of a solution of arsenious acid failed to give the reaction with whole blood or washed corpuscles. After adding the arsenious acid a drop of 0.2 per cent hydrochloric acid was added, which immediately gave a good reaction. Washed corpuscles treated with excess of hydrogen sulphide turned a greenish color, owing to the formation of sulfo-methazmoglobin.! Pyrogallic acid changed the color of washed corpuscles to olive green when just enough was added to cause precipitation. Chromic acid, if used in slight excess, hardens the corpuscles at the same time that it precipitates them, so that they show no laking after many hours. Under the microscope, they look angular, have sharp margins, and are clearly hardened. The following salts were tested. All the salts mentioned in the table cause agglutination and precipitation, ercept those marked with an asterisk. “ A” denotes acid reaction, ‘““N” neutral reaction. Reaction of solutions to litmus paper. DOMME ee SUIDLALE ° oy ke a" Ske ga cc *Potassium acid tartrate . *Potassium and sodium tartrate *Potassium and antimony tartrate . Potassium acid sulphate . *Calcium glycerinphosphate *Ferrous sulphate . ; Ammonio-ferrous sulphate . Hypophosphite of iron (ferrous) . Ferric nitrate : Ammonio-ferric sulphate lites avy He Eealyze@iron: i. -.. sey kis, -s 2s? . Bledehed: himus Ferric chloride . *Pyrophosphate of iron >PrPrrZz PP PPap *Niuckel sulphate ©. +s 4: says *Nickel and ammonium sulphat Zinc sulphate Zinc chloride rr azagZzaar 1 Hoppe-SEYLER: Handbuch der chemischen Analyse, p. 281. 406 S. Peskind. Reaction of solutions to litmus paper. Aluminium chlondet.s29'.. ena eae ee Aluminium sulphate. . . . ARNE Se As Alum (d’ble sulphate of potassium “ai alstulibithea) Fa *Cobaltschloride® | 2. 04 SN eee oe eee *Cobal€ nitrate ©. 20) | Ss Gee eee *Manganese sulphate... \. G0 0 eo ee * Manganese nitrate, “s.r ee ys *Chrome lune.” Sr.) caked ee ee ee *Potassium bichromate * Ammonium chromate N *Potassium chromate . N Copper sulphate A * Lead acetate N *Mercuric cyanide . N *Mercuric bichloride N Mercury bisulphate A Silver nitrate A Gold chloride A Gold and sodium chloride A *Platinic chloride 4 ‘ Stannous chloride A Uranium acetate A Ammonium molybdate A *Sodium tungstate . N *(Quinine bisulphate A *Methylene blue The reagents to be tested were dissolved in 0.9 per cent sodium chloride solution in such proportion that the solution contained from 0.1 per cent to 0.§ per cent of the substances. A\ll these solutions are therefore slightly hyperisotonic. In working with leucocytes (see experiments on leucocytes), 0.9 per cent sodium chloride solu- tions containing about 0.04 per cent of the reagents were employed, as stronger solutions did not allow the reaction to take place. Some reagents are but slightly soluble in water, ¢.g., hippuric acid, Of Action of Acids and Acid Salts on the Blood. 407 these a saturated solution in 0.9"per cent sodium chloride solution was used. In making the experiments a few drops of defibrinated dog’s blood were suspended in a little 0.9 per cent saline (a 10 per cent blood- suspension is best), and the reagents were added drop by drop until the blood-corpuscles came down as a flocculent precipitate. One can thus determine quite accurately the amount of precipitant necessary for the exact precipitation of all the corpuscles. If undiluted blood is used, it becomes solidified from the precipitate of corpuscles that forms, and one cannot discern the exact points where precipitation begins and ends. Excess of reagent must be avoided. — A slight excess causes rapid laking of the precipitated corpuscles, if the latter be kept at room temperature. But if the precipitated blood be kept on ice at 0°, the laking is retarded for many hours. If more than a slight excess of precipitant is added, the reaction will not take place. In the case of some reagents, where every excess must be avoided in order to demonstrate the reaction, it is advisable to reverse the procedure given above. Blood is added a little at a time to a weak solution of the substance to be tested. As long as the reagent is in excess, no precipitation occurs, but when enough blood has been added an immediate agglutination and precipitation of the corpuscles takes place. : On looking over the above table, it is observed that many inorganic and organic acids produce agglutination and precipitation of blood- corpuscles, the only exceptions among the acids tested being osmic acid, arsenious acid, boric acid, uric acid, hydrogen sulphide, car- bonic acid (carbon dioxide), carbolic acid. It is seen further that many salts give the reaction. The active salts have the following character- istics: they all have a strongly acid reaction; and they have for bases one of the following heavy metals, iron, zinc, aluminium, silver, mer- cury, gold, tin, molybdenum, exceptions being the acid sulphates of sodium and potassium, which must be included in the list of active salts. Only the acid salts of these metals cause precipitation of the blood-corpuscles. Cream of tartar, which hasa strongly acid reaction, as also chrome alum, calcium glycerine-phosphate, potassium and antimony tartrate, quinine bisulphate, all strongly acid salts, do not give the reaction. Combinations which contain the metalloids, boron, arsenicum, and antimony are apparently unable to agglutinate and precipitate corpuscles. No neutral salt, no matter what metal it 408 S. Peskind. has for a base, was found to give the reaction. One might think that possibly there was enough free acid contained in the acid salts to cause precipitation of the corpuscles, but it will be shown later that the reaction is due to the salts themselves, and not to free acids which might exist as impurities. The corpuscles precipitated by acids lake very rapidly at room temperature, if even a slight excess of acid be present. The ferric chloride precipitates lake not so readily, but still very rapidly. Cop- per sulphate precipitates remain unlaked for a considerable time, even at room temperature. In another part of the paper will be described in detail a procedure for preventing the laking of precipitated cor- puscles. The flocculent precipitate of blood-corpuscles produced by any of the above-mentioned acids settles rapidly, leaving a clear and colorless supernatant liquid which shows no evidence of laking and no extra- neous macro- or microscopic precipitate, ¢. ¢., of globulin. On centri- fugalizing for two or three minutes, the corpuscles are found to be agglutinated into a firm gelatinous mass at the bottom of the centri- fuge tubes. With the microscope, no extraneous precipitate can be seen in or around the masses of agglutinated blood-corpuscles. If ferric chloride is used for precipitating, a small amount of a white granular precipitate is seen on the top of the cake of corpuscles and in the supernatant liquid. In the case of copper sulphate, a greenish-white granular precipitate is seen above the sediment of corpuscles, and, with the microscope, in and around the masses of corpuscles. Similar precipitates are found in the case of other acid salts used. They are soluble in a few drops of acid or alkali and consist apparently of globulin. They may be removed almost completely by several washings with 0.9 per cent saline, and subsequent centrifugalization, as they are very light, and are floated off by the saline and possibly in part dissolved. The color of the sediment of blood-corpuscles precipitated by any of the reagents (with two exceptions) is perfectly normal, provided the reagents are not added in excess. Only in the case of pyrogallic acid and gold chloride have I found the color of the corpuscles altered in the precipitation, due to a simultaneous action on the hemoglobin. Microscopic examination of the precipitate of blood-corpuscles pro- duced by acids shows the following: One sees big clumps consisting of agglutinated masses of red corpuscles of normal color, absolutely no extraneous precipitate being visible. The contour of the cor- tt ale tee til Action of Acids and Acid Salts on the Blood. 409 puscles is perfectly filled out, and’even if they are very much cre- nated before, they look full and rounded after precipitation, all the crenation having disappeared, showing that something has entered the corpuscles. Corpuscles precipitated by ferric chloride and other acid salts tend to assume a globular form, and usually are sub- normal in size. The corpuscles are all quite uniform in size, even when in the original blood-suspension they may have shown marked disparity in regard to size. The corpuscles show no swelling if the reagents are not in excess. If the precipitated corpuscles are watched, on the slide, at room tem- perature, they will (if even a very slight excess of reagent has been added) be seen to swell, grow paler and dimmer, and then lose their hemoglobin; finally only agglutinated masses of stromata remain. If a slight trace of a caustic alkali (ammonia or sodium hydrate) is added to the liquid containing the precipitated corpuscles, and the whole shaken a little, the clumping is immediately and completely broken up, so that the corpuscles remain suspended singly in the liquid and do not settle for a long time, just as in normal blood. Under the microscope no agglutinated masses are to be seen, each corpuscle being separate from its fellows. On adding one of the pre- cipitants to this restored blood, the corpuscles are reprecipitated. A moderate amount of serum -added to precipitated blood is unable to restore the normal suspension of the corpuscles. If blood is added to an excess of reagent, agglutination and precipi- tation do not occur until the blood added reaches acertain amount. It seems that an excess of acid or acid salt surrounding the corpuscles is inimical to the agglutination and precipitation of the latter, although red corpuscles once agglutinated always remain in that condition in spite of any excess of reagent that is afterward added. If corpuscles precipitated by hydrochloric acid or ferric chloride are washed, well shaken with saline and centrifugalized, it becomes pro- gressively more difficult after each washing to remove the corpuscles by centrifugalization. If this process be repeated five or six times, and the corpuscles be shaken well each time, they will resume an almost normal suspension, which becomes almost quite normal if the corpuscles are allowed to stand in the ice-chest over night suspended in saline solution. If these washed hydrochloric acid or ferric chloride corpuscles are suspended in saline they can be reprecipitated by very minute quanti- 410 S. Peskind. ties of the precipitants. The precipitates have the same macroscopic and microscopic appearances as when ordinary blood is acted upon by the same reagents, the only difference being that the extraneous granular precipitate ordinarily seen when the metallic salts are used is absent in this case. What takes place in the precipitated corpuscles when they are so thoroughly washed that they resume, practically, their normal suspen- sion and can be reprecipitated on again adding the reagents? Is the precipitant removed from the corpuscles by an osmotic process which is favored by removal of all adherent serum? This is very improb- able, as the combination between reagent and corpuscle is a firm one, as will be shown elsewhere. Two other explanations may be advanced. We know that alkalies break up the agglutination of the corpuscles. Possibly the distilled water used in preparing the saline contains a sufficient amount of free alkali (ammonia ?) to combine with the precipitating acid or salt con- tained in the corpuscles. This again is hardly probable, as but a very small amount of ammonia exists in distilled water. The most reasonable explanation is that the alkali present in the interior of the corpuscles diffuses toward the periphery, and on reaching the sur- face layer of the corpuscle (which for convenience we shall call the envelope) neutralizes the acid or acid salt contained therein. As soon as the normal alkaline reaction of the envelope is restored wholly or in large part, the agglutination will be broken up. The repeated washings required in order to restore the normal suspen- sion of the corpuscles acts, according to this view, by removing the acid or acid salt on the outside of the corpuscles, which would tend to keep the envelope acid. As an illustration, the following experi- ment may be quoted. The washed corpuscles of one cubic centimetre of dog’s blood were diluted with ten parts saline, and 0.2 per cent hydrochloric acid in saline was added drop by drop, and the tube shaken. After 0,2 or 0.3 c.c. of the acid has been added, good precipitation occurred. On shaking the tube thoroughly, the agglutinated and precipitated corpuscles resumed their normal suspension. Another drop of the acid was added, and again the corpuscles were agglutinated and pre- cipitated. After vigorous shaking, the corpuscles again resumed their normal suspension. This could be repeated until 0.6 c.c. of acid had been added, when the corpuscles came down as a very heavy floccu- lent precipitate, The agglutination could no longer be broken up, Action of Acids and Actd Salts on the Blood. 411 and soon after the corpuscles laked. It seems probable that in this case after each addition of the acid the alkali of the interior of the corpuscle diffused to the surface and neutralized the acid in the sur- face-layer of the corpuscle. After 0.6 c.c. of the acid had been added, the alkali was almost completely used up, and the agglutina- tion could not be destroyed. In what ways can agglutination and precipitation of corpuscles be prevented? I made attempts to harden the surface of the corpuscles (or envelope) by small quantities of hardening agents, thinking thereby to make them incapable of being agglutinated. In the case of washed corpuscles, precipitation cannot be prevented by adding 1 or 2 per cent of formaldehyde in 0.9 per cent sodium chloride, or 0.2 per cent osmic acid (in sodium chloride solution) immediately before the addition of the precipitant. Blood-corpuscles hardened in 2 per cent formaldehyde (in saline) for forty-eight hours are still aggluti- nated and precipitated by ferric chloride. The hamoglobin in these corpuscles is thoroughly fixed, as is shown by their dark brown color, and the fact that a large excess of laking agents, such as hydrochloric acid, fails to lake them. Why does cold retard the laking of corpuscles precipitated by acids and acid salts? Loewy and Zuntz have noticed that in the titration of blood-corpuscles with acids in order to determine their alkalinity, lower figures were obtained if the titration were carried out at 0° C. So it seems most likely that the diffusion of the alkalies in the interior of the corpuscles towards the surface is greatly retarded by cold. This would serve to explain the effect of cold in retarding laking. Incidentally an experiment is perhaps worth mentioning which seems to show that after the action of precipitating agents the hamoglobin of the corpus- cles is in a peculiarly labile condition, so that a very slight change is suffi- cient to cause its liberation. After a slight excess of ammonio-ferrous sulphate the corpuscles settle rapidly, leaving a perfectly colorless super- natant liquid. Microscopically, agglutinated masses of normal looking cells are to be seen. On slightly pressing the cover slip, the hemoglobin was seen to pass out of the corpuscles and away from the point of pres- sure, leaving almost hemoglobin-free corpuscles. If blood be allowed to run direct from an artery into saline solution containing an amount of the ferric chloride exactly calculated to pre- cipitate all the corpuscles, the serum will not clot even after several days. A412 S. Peskind. The following experiments were made. Four glass graduates were employed. Graduate I contained 3.9 c.c. of a solution of 1.2 per cent ferric chloride in saline + sufficient saline to make 4o c.c. Into this mixture 1o c.c. of blood was allowed to flow directly from a cannula in the carotid of a dog, and stirred thoroughly. ‘The blood-corpuscles were precipitated imme- diately and completely. After half an hour no clotting had taken place. The mixture was centrifugalized and the serum decanted. The blood cake was absolutely unlaked after twenty-four hours, standing at room temperature. The serum, which was fevfectly neutral in reaction, did not clot after two days. Control. Graduate II contained four parts saline. One part blood was allowed to flow in, and mixed. After three minutes the blood was com- pletely clotted. Graduate III contained 2 c.c. of ferric chloride + saline up to 15 c.c. Added 5 c.c. blood ; precipitated ; no clotting after half an hour. Centrifugal- ized; serum unclotted after two days, Control. Graduate 1V contained three parts saline + one part blood. Clotted within three minutes. Whether the absence of clotting was due to the precipitation of all the corpuscles which thus prevented any liberation of fibrin ferment (which is the most probable cause), or whether it was due to the neutralization of the alkalinity of the serum, must be determined by subsequent experiment. What constituent of the blood ts concerned in this reaction — the serum or the corpuscles ? That the serum constituents take no part, is shown by the fact that thoroughly-washed corpuscles, absolutely free from serum,’ are agglutinated and precipitated by the same reagents which act on entire blood. In this connection it may be of interest to give the results of some quantitative experiments showing the amounts of reagents required to produce the reaction. Thoroughly washed dog’s corpuscles were suspended in o.g9 per cent sodium chloride solution, so that 1 c.c. contained 2,150,000 corpuscles (by ' The corpuscles are washed until the last wash water (0.9 per cent saline) gives no precipitate with ferro-cyanide of potassium and acetic acid, showing an entire absence of serum proteids and of any free haemoglobin which might be present if some of the corpuscles had laked. This last wash water also should give no pre- cipitate with copper sulphate or ferric chloride. The object of these tests is to show that there is nothing in the liquid surrounding the corpuscles which will give a precipitate with the reagents. a i i, ee iE a ; ‘ Action of Acids and Acid Salts on the Blood. 413 Gower’s hemocytometer). To definite quantities (1 c.c. and 1} c.c.) of this suspension, placed in very small test tubes, were added weak solutions of copper sulphate, ferric chloride, and hydrochloric acid in 0.9 per cent sodium chloride solution. ‘These solutions were added cautiously from a capillary pipette until the corpuscles came down as a flocculent precipitate. The end-reaction is quite exactly determined, as the close agreement of the duplicate experiments will show. TABLE I. 1 c.c. of blood-suspension required, Of solution of copper sulphate, 0.4 percent . . . . 0.25 C.c. Duplicate experiment, copper sulphate . . . . . . 0.28 c.c. Average.) GE. oy oh ey LOG Ete. Therefore 1 c.c. blood = 0.00106 gram of copper sulphate. 1 c.c. blood required, Of hydrochloric acid solution, 3; percent . . . . . o28c.c. 13 c.c. blood required, Hydrochloric acid, 0.42 c.c. = 0.28 c.c. for 1 c.c. blood AVIA te ie siete =n) ee eet Therefore 1 c.c. blood = 0.000112 gram of hydrochloric acid. 1 c.c. blood required, imeetse Chiocide, 0.24 percent . .) 9s « ~ ~ OLR Ge. 13 c.c. blood required, Of ferric chloride, 0.24 pefcent . . . ey ah ee ee” or 0.147 c.c. for 1 c.c. of ised: Average . . . bah asin SE Aa oe Therefore 1 c.c. blood = o. nue gram of Peat chloride. Therefore 1 c.c. of a suspension of dog’s corpuscles in saline, contain- ing 2,150,000 corpuscles to I C.c., 0.00106 g. of copper sulphate. Required for precipitation } 0.ooo112 g. of hydrochloric acid. 0.00036 g. of ferric chloride. The blood in the above experiments was not diluted. In the following experiments a 5 to 10 per cent suspension of washed corpuscles or whole blood was employed. TABLE II. 1 c.c. of whole blood took . . 3.7 c.c. of tartaric acid (0.3 per cent). The washed corpuscles of 1 c.c. of the same blood took . . 2.5 c.c. of tartaric acid. AI4 S. Peskind. TABLE ILI (contenued). 1 c.c. of whole blood took . 1.2 c.c. of 0.02 per ct. hydrochloric acid. CoM ord a nN " 4 Maer ES i The corpuscles of 1 c.c. blood took (dilutedito’s5°c.c)) Sic. 7ete-e. The corpuscles of t c.c. blood ve ee ee took (dilutedito5°c.c;) =. O.g5 exc. K be a 1 c.c. whole blood took . . 2.9 c.c. of 0.02 per cent ferric chloride. Corpuscles of 1 c.c., diluted to LOrG:C, tOOk: Ga diss 2 of yee ere neces ct i Corpuscles of 1 c.c., diluted to EO 1:5 "tOOKe age. hl . 3 a= 2 parts. WACK 9.0 aes wero sn oe TODA ES2 4. Miiller’s fluid. Glycerol, q. s. The glycerol is added until a specific gravity of 1028 is obtained. peenGhgeerol®) 20k. wes as lew ] part. ae aie Si Wee fs Ae” a ee as 6 parts. Ga sodinmrsulphateres eo eae 6 parts. NERC Ce ae See Ed Soe, a ene Ae § parts. Now all of these, except the second (Virchow’s fluid, 30 per cent KOH), produce rapid laking, though the solutions containing potas- sium dichromate (Nos. 3 and 4), leave the ghosts stained fairly well. 1 Journal of medical research, 1902, viii, p. 273. 2 REESE: Text-book of medical jurisprudence and toxicology, 5th ed., 1898, p- 139. 446° Charles Claude Guthrie. Simon ! recommends the treatment of blood-stains with water for the - microscopical detection of corpuscles. Sometimes it is vaguely sug- gested that, under certain conditions, the corpuscles are liable to undergo changes, although it seems rarely to be suspected that the liquids with which they are in contact are responsible for the changes. For instance, “ If the stain upon the garment has been moist, or sub- merged in water for a considerable time, decomposition may have led to the dissolution of the corpuscles,’ and again, ‘‘ Solutions of the same specific gravity of the blood, or lighter, will lead to the eventual swelling up and dissolution of the corpuscles.” ? In the light of the results given above, such statements need revision. Directions to wash blood-stains in water, or solutions of the same specific gravity as blood, if followed, will in general give a suspension of “ghosts” or “shadows” of red corpuscles which may easily be overlooked, unless staining methods are subsequently resorted to, and then it is difficult to bring them out distinctly. In any event it appears more reasonable to treat the stain with one of the non-laking solutions. By scraping dried blood-stains on cloth above-a slide, thus causing the corpuscles to fall upon it, and then laying ona cover slip and applying a solution of eosin in 96 per cent alcohol, good results were obtained. Before the discovery of the biological blood test, numerous writers laid stress on the importance of measuring the average diameter of the corpuscles in blood-stains. As a matter of fact, the corpuscles in an ordinary dried stain on cloth are distorted to a greater or lesser degree, depending largely on the rapidity with which they are dried, and it is difficult to find any which show no evidence of crenation.. Measurements, therefore, would seem to be of small value, as it is difficult to suppose that the corpuscles will swell up and assume their normal dimensions if placed in solutions of the same specific gravity as the blood, or that the same amount of contraction occurs, in all cases, in drying. ' Simon: Manual of chemistry, 1901, p. 511. 4 REESE x: £00. c#,, pp. 130i, 12. ON THE NUCLEOPROTEIDS OF THE PANCREAS, THYMUS, AND SUPRARENAL GLAND, WITH ESPECIAL REFERENCE TO THEIR OPTICAL. “AGCAIVITY. By ARTHUR GAMGEE anp WALTER JONES.! LL observations hitherto published concerning the optical activity of the albuminous bodies have led physiological chem- ists to believe that the bodies thus designated, whether derived from the vegetable or animal kingdom, without a single exception, deviate the plane of polarization to the left, no case having been hitherto made known either of a dextrogyrous, a racemic, or an otherwise inactive albuminous substance. There is one group of albuminous substances which (whether we consider them from the standpoint of their paramount physiological importance, or from that of their startlingly interesting physical properties, or lastly from that of their chemical relationships) pos- sesses quite exceptional interest, and which has, unaccountably, been allowed to remain uninvestigated (in so far as optical activity is con- cerned) until one of us, very recently, initiated an inquiry which, at its very threshold, revealed an unexpected and, in a sense, startling result. The group to which we refer is that which has_ been designated by German writers the “ Proteide.” This group com- prises those highly complex albuminous substances which can, with greater or less ease, be split up into, or which yield as products of decomposition, on the one hand, albuminous bodies, and on the other, such bodies as coloring matters, or nucleinic acids and the nuclein bases, or, in certain cases, carbohydrates. The best characterized and most striking members of this group are: first, hamoglobin and its compounds; secondly, the nucleoproteids. In hemoglobin we have the example of a complex proteid which differs from all other albuminous bodies by its color, by its marvellous power of forming easily dissociable compounds with oxygen and with 1 Read before the American Physiological Society, December 30, 1902, at Washington, D. C. 447 448 Arthur Gamgee and Walter Jones. certain other gases, by the facility with which it admits of being crys- tallized and recrystallized and obtained free from all foreign mineral impurities, and by the startling manner in which its solutions fail to furnish any one of the reactions characteristic of albuminous sub- stances in solution, so long as the reagent has not effected a fundamen- tal decomposition which has liberated the albuminous and colored residues. The researches of one of us! had, moreover, lately demon- strated that although hemoglobin is definitely a diamagnetic body, the iron-containing products of its decomposition by acids are not merely paramagnetic, but actually the most powerfully ‘ ferromag- netic” organic bodies known to science. So complete a divergence was thus shown to exist in every physical and chemical property be- tween haemoglobin and the substances which are linked together in it, that it appeared to be in the highest degree interesting to ascer- tain whether, or not, in respect of optical activity, haemoglobin would behave as an albuminous substance proper and prove to be “lgevogyrous.” In a research in which one of us (A. G.) was associated with Dr. A. Croft Hill, and of which the results have not yet been pub- lished, it has been discovered that haemoglobin is a dextrogyrous body possessing a specific rotation for monochromatic red light having the mean wave length of Frauenhofer’s line C of 10.8°. On the other hand, the interesting histon-like albuminous substance globin, of which the leading characters have only been known since the researches of Schulz, is a normally levogyrous albuminous body with a specific rotation —69°. These interesting observations naturally suggested the probability that the nucleoproteids might, like haemoglobin, prove to be dextro- gyrous, and the research of which the first results are related in this paper is the outcome of this idea. The hypothesis which led to its being undertaken, has been confirmed, as will be shown in the sequel, and it has thus been proved that, contrary to the traditional belief, some at least of the members of a group of albuminous bodies of sig- nal importance in the life-history of the organism are dextrogyrous bodies. ' GAMGEE: On the behavior of oxy-hamoglobin, carbonic-oxide-hamoglobin, methemo-globin, and certain of their derivatives, in the magnetic field, with a pre- liminary note on the electrolysis of the haemoglobin compounds. Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1901, Ixviii, p. 503; The Croonian Lecture: On certain chemical and physical properties of haemoglobin. Proceedings of the Royal Soc iety, 1902, Ixx, p- 79. I EE oo Nucleoproterds of the Pancreas, Thymus, etc. 449 THE NUCLEOPROTEID OF THE PANCREAS.! The preparation of nucleoproteids that can be made into solutions sufficiently colorless and transparent for polarimetric work is a matter that is attended with considerable difficulty. In an endeavor to improve in this respect upon the methods already known (and this was found absolutely necessary in the very beginning of the work), we found a very interesting optical relation between the nucleo- proteids proper and their first hydrolytic products, the nucleins. We therefore give the method in some detail. The finely divided pancreas of the pig was treated in turn with 50 per cent alcohol, 75 per cent alcohol, and 95 per cent alcohol, and finally dried with absolute alcohol and ether. The material thus obtained was extracted with several successive portions of a 5 per cent solution of ammonium acetate, the united extracts were filtered, and the perfectly clear fluid was poured into four times its volume of weak alcohol. The precipitate thus formed was washed by decanta- tion with an excessive amount of dilute alcohol, and finally dried with absolute alcohol and ether. The object of this procedure was to remove the coloring matter of the gland which is somewhat soluble in dilute alcohol, more so in an alcoholic solution of ammonium acetate, but soluble to a very slight extent in an aqueous solution of ammonium acetate. The manipulation also removes a large amount of inorganic salts, and renders the coagulable proteids insoluble. A 2 per cent filtered aqueous solution of this material had only a pale yellow color, and could easily be polarized in a 220-mm. tube. The result of this optical examination showed that there was present a dextrorotatory substance. The solution, moreover, failed to give any indication of a reducing substance, even by prolonged boiling with Fehling’s solution, and was shown to be rich in material which pro- duces xanthine bases on hydrolysis with sulphuric acid. The main portion of this material was dissolved in twenty parts of water, and the filtered solution treated with dilute acetic acid a drop at atime. When a quantity of acid had been added sufficient to bring the entire solution to about 1 per cent, a well-defined white flocculent 1 We have used the term “nucleoproteid”’ in certain instances to include all compound proteids which yield nucleic acids on hydrolysis, even though the sub- stances so designated be nucleins or nucleohistones. In other cases we have used the term in contradistinction to nuclein, but we have taken some care that the con- text shall show the exact meaning in each instance. 450 Arthur Gamgee and Walter Jones. precipitate was produced. This precipitate, which for the present we will call nucleoproteid, was separated by the centrifuge, suspended ‘in water, and treated with an extremely dilute solution of ammonia, drop by drop, as the reaction of the fluid was carefully noted with litmus. A very small amount of alkali was required to neutralize the adherent acetic acid when the solution became neutral, and remained so until approximately twice as much ammonia had been used as was required to completely dissolve the nucleoproteid. Evidently the nucleoproteid is at least a dibasic acid whose acid ammonium salt is soluble in water and neutral to litmus. Purifica- tion was effected by alternate solution in ammonia and _precipita- tion with a minimal amount of acetic acid. The final solution was poured into five volumes of 95 per cent alcohol, washed repeatedly by decantation with excessive quantities of 95 per cent alcohol, finally dried with absolute alcohol and ether, and placed in a desiccator with sulphuric acid. The fluid from which the nucleoproteid was originally precipitated was treated with 20 per cent acetic acid, a drop at a time. When the fluid contained 2 per cent of the acid, not the slightest precipitation had occurred. Continued addition of acetic acid, however, soon causes a turbidity, and when the acidity reaches 5-6 per cent, a well defined flocculent precipitate occurs. This precipitate, which we will for the present call nuclein, was separated in the centrifuge, and, at a great sacrifice of material, was washed twice in the centrifuge with small portions of water. The nuclein was suspended in water, and ammonia added in small portions, a drop at a time; when the nuclein was completely dissolved, the fluid was still acid to litmus. This solution was poured into four volumes of 95 per cent alcohol, and the precipitated nuclein washed and dried by the method described for the nucleoproteid. The fluid from which the nuclein was precipitated by a great excess of acetic acid, was poured into four volumes of alcohol, and the pre- cipitate washed and dried with alcohol and ether. This preparation, which is necessarily very impure and especially rich in inorganic salts, will be designated as “residual material.” Thus, by functional precipitation with acetic acid in the presence of inorganic salts, we have gotten possession of three preparations. The nucleoproteid is almost insoluble in water, but may be dissolved by the addition of ammonia or caustic soda. The nuclein is soluble in water with the greatest ease. By the addition of a trace of copper ~ Nucleoproterds of the Pancreas, Thymus, etc. 451 sulphate to a solution of the nugleoproteid in caustic soda, a fine pink color is produced, but not a shade of violet makes its appearance until a comparatively large amount of copper solution has been used, a reaction which resembles closely the biuret test with proteoses. The nuclein by similar treatment gives only the faintest pink color, the violet shade being observed even when a very small amount of copper sulphate is used, while the “ residual material” produces a violet color from the beginning. It has lately been shown by one of us that the nucleoproteid yields two xanthine bases, guanine and adenine, and in a ratio which closely approximates four equivalents of the former to one of the latter.! The nuclein and residual material were also shown to yield xanthine bases on hydrolysis with sulphuric acid, and it may be conveniently stated here that all substances which we have described were found to yield, on complete bydrolysis, products which respond to the xan- thine color reaction, and which form compounds with silver nitrate which are insoluble in ammonia. All three of the preparations under discussion contain phosphorus, all are completely precipitated from aqueous or faintly alkaline solutions by the addition of a trace of hydrochloric acid, and all yield precipitates on boiling in neutral solution. We believe sufficient evidence has been cited to justify the terms nucleoproteid and nuclein, and we may add that, in our opinion, there is contained, in the preparation called “residual material,” a nuclein still more closely related to a nucleic acid. In all of our experiments we have noticed that any property which is more marked in the nuclein than in the nucleoproteid finds still greater expression in the residual material. This was found well illustrated by a study of their action on polarized light. All three preparations are dextrorotatory. The specific rotation of the nucleoproteid is +38°, that of the nuclein +65°, while it can be indirectly shown that a substance is contained in the residual material whose specific rotation is about +81°. OPTICAL PROPERTIES. A weighed amount of the nucleoproteid was suspended in water, and dissolved by the addition of a trace of ammonia. The solution was then made up to a definite volume with water, and polarized. 1 JonEs and WHIPPLE: This journal, 1902, vii, p. 423. A52 Arthur Gamgee and Walter Jones. Weight of material (w). .. .. . . 1.0064gm.,, Volume of solution (2) 9-5) 20d ae econe ce @bserved'anele (a) 3 9) ne eee oes Wength oftubes(2)) ae) = mee ee eee eee acne (Ones Soke A similar experiment with another preparation of the nucleoproteid gave the following data: Wieightiof material. (once es eee tO nOUs ome Volunieiof solution) (5.1 5 ee nee ecole ce Observed/angle, =. 6 S90) eee loro Ue enethiot tuber) wurst sae ae depen nme a7 ane x = — => EBS (> lw The solution was treated with an excess of acetic acid and the precipitate filtered off. The filtrate was found inactive. A solution of a preparation of the nucleoproteid which was known to be somewhat contaminated with nuclein was polarized in a 200-mm. tube and gave a reading of 1° 34’. Acetic acid was added and the precipitate filtered off. The filtrate, polarized in a 200-mm. tube, gave a reading of 22’. The solution was then treated with hydrochloric acid, when the filtrate from the precipitated nuclein was found inactive. We gained good evidence that the specific rotation of the nucleo- proteid would be found less than that of the nuclein before we had made quantitative experiments with the latter substance. A perfectly neutral solution of nucleoproteid was prepared by treating some of the material with water and an insufficient amount of ammonia to effect complete solution. The filtered fluid, polarized in a 200-mm. tube gave a reading of +1° 46’. The solution was heated to boiling and the coagulum filtered off. The filtrate, polarized in a 200-mm. tube, gave a reading of 1° 49’. It is well known that boiling converts nucleo- proteids into nucleins. As the length of tube and angle of rotation remained constant, a decrease in the amount of material must mean an increase in the specific rotation. The following observations were, therefore, not surprising. A solu- tion of the nuclein was made in water, and as the fluid was somewhat colored, it was necessary to use a dilute solution and a short tube. Weight of material .. 7 a 9) ye OOS2 em, Volume of solution) > 2.55) eee ore Observed angle 9. 4 G i9% +, 5. Peel ae Length of tube: +s, < (en a ele eR az (a), pale 1-64.4,° Nucleoproterds of the Pancreas, Thymus, etc. 453 The solution was treated with hydrochloric acid, and the fil- tered fluid polarized in a 200-mm. tube. The rotation was slightly negative (—9’).} As is the case with the nucleoproteid, a solution of the nuclein yields a coagulum on heating, and the rotation of the solution is not appreciably changed. This would lead us to assume the existence of a nuclein whose specific rotation is greater than +64.4°. It can easily be proved that such a substance exists in the preparation which we have designated as “residual material.” A weighed amount of this material was dissolved in a measured volume of water. The solution was polarized, treated with hydrochloric acid, and the amount of solid matter determined in the optically inactive filtrate. The following data were obtained: Wieisht of materaljused:-= - sa = 2s ue 055207 om, Weight of optically inactive material . . . 0.2691 gm., Weight of optically active material . . . . 0.2516 gm., Volumeor the salution yi.) 0h
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