* UMASS AMHERST * 31EDbb Q5bD SnO M li i\ K m 11 K mjouuii )iUkJA 1 iL';uy oui^ mi GOODELI This book may be kept out only, and CENTS a TWO WEEKS is subject to a fine of TWO day thereafter. It will be due on the day indicated l?elpw. AMERICAN JOURNAL AGRICULTURE AND SCIENCE. CONDUCTED BY DR. E. EMMONS AND A. OSBORN, ESQ. JANUARY, 1847. NEW YORK: HUNTINGTON & SAVAGE, No. 216 PearJ Street. 1S47. J. MuTisell, Printer, Albany. i c CONTENTS. NUMBER NINE. 1. The Hessian Fly, 1 2. Instinct and Reason, 27 3. Operation of Nitrogen on Plants and Animals, 32 4. On the Grasses, 35 5. Long Island Farming, 45 6. The Maple Family, 48 7. Analysis of Soils, 50 8. Mineral Food of Plants in the Soil, 52 9. Notes on Natural History, 56 10. Specific Character, 57 11. Indelible Ink, . 59 12. Geology of Vermont, 60 13. Flora of the State of New York, 61 14. An easy method of preparing Betuline, 63 15. Miscellanies. — How to Keep Smoked Hams, 63 — Quinine in the Urine and Blood, 63 — Tinning and Zincing Brass or Copper by the Moist Way, 64 — Force of Waves, 64 — To Make Red Ink, 64 — Medicinal Substance in the Bark of the Root of the Apple Tree and Wild Cherry Tree, 64— Method of Covering Brass or Copper with Platina, 64. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL AGRICULTURE AND SCIENCE. CONDUCTED BY DR. E. EMMONS AND A. OSBORN. VOL. V. FROM JANUARY TO JUNE. NEW YORK: HUNTINGTON & SAVAGE, No. 216 Pearl Street. 1846. J. MUNSELL, PRINTER, ALBANY. COiNTENTS. Acknowledgments, 112 Analysis of Soils, 50 Agricultural College, 107 Agricultural Address, 112 Agricultural Chemistry 147 A shes more valuable than Lime or Gypsum as a Fertilizer, 165 Black Hawk, the Morgan Horse, 340 Corsespondenee, , 105 Composition of Brewers' Grains, 176 Controversy respecting the Hessian Fly, 206 Comparative view of raising a crop of Wheat in England and America, 216 Coal Ash as a Manure, 289 Correction of Col. Wales' Communication, 290 Culture of Sanfoin, 327 Duty of Educated Men, 137 329 Diffusion of Agricultural Knowledge in Miscellaneous Journals, .... 154 Distribution of the Inorganic Matter in Vegetables, 177 Easy method of preparing Beluline, 63 Exchange Journal, 112 Experimental Husbandman, 172 Experiment in Planting Potatoes, 217 Extracts, 336 Flora of the State of New York, 61 Force of Waves, 64 Farmer's Calling, 90 Fruits, Insects, &c 168 Forest Trees of Massachusetts, 208 Feeding Cattle, the Best Mode of, 251 Farm on the Flats, 259 Fat of Milk, 112 Geology of Vermont, 00 Grasses, on the, 35 233 Hessian Fly, 1 Harrowgate Springs, 102 How to make old Lands new, 163 Hydraulics for Farmers, 293 iv. Contents. Instinct and Reason, 27 Indelible Ink, 59 Influence of Food on Cows for ihe production of Milk, 170 Importations of Furs in 1846, 176 Lin:iestones, and Lime, 65, 113 Long; Island Farming', 45 Lime as a poison to Vegetables, 164 Maple Family, 48 Mineral Food of Plants in the Soil 52 Medicinal Substance in the Bark of Ihe Apple Tree and Wild Cherry, 64 Method of Covering Brass or Copper with Platina, 64 Mr. Duropus and Family, 94 Manna 112 Meteorological Observations, 166 Matter, Progressive Changes of, 83 172 Mrs. and Mr. Jackson, 332 Notes on Natural History, 65, 246 New Publications, , 337 New York State Agricultural Society, 1 74 Nicholas Bradford, 140 Operation of Nitrogen on Plants and Animals, 32 Observations on the Geology of Lewis county, 267, 314 Publications, 101 175 Plowing and Hoeing, 160 Potato Disease, 218 Quinine in the Urine and Blood, 63 Remarks on the Formation of Crystals of Argentiferous Galena, by Sublimation, > 217 Rertarks on the Structure of Wood, 284 Specific Character 57 Smoked Hams, how to keep, 63 Salisbury's Seedling Pear, 103 Strictures on the views of Dr. Seller, • • • • 108 Tinning and Zincing Brass or Copper by the Moist Way, 64 To Make Red Ink, 64 Thick Sowing vs. Thin Sowing, 104 Thoughts on Requisites of Farming, 229 Value of Non-conductors of Heat, Ill Volatility of Metals, 288 Worn out Lands of Virginia and North Carolina, 101 Winter Insects of New York, 274 ¥ -.--':- ui x: indrcJtili/k.J/' ytri. AMERICAN JOURNAL or AGRICULTURE AND SCIENCE. No. IX. JANUARY, 1847. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO VEGETATION.— No. V. BY ASA FITCH, M. D. THE HESSIAN FLY.— ( Continued.) Its Characters, Transformations, and Habits. As a general rule, the Hessian fly passes regularly through two generations annually. The first of these occupies the autumn, winter, and fore part of the spring, and is reared at the roots of the young grain, slightly below the surface of the ground. The second occupies the remainder of the spring and the summer, and is chiefly nurtured at the first and second joints of the straw. The time when its several transformations occur, is not perfectly uni- form, being varied by the climate, the state of the weather, and perhaps other contingencies; and it is not improbable that indi- vidual specimens, placed in circumstances unfavorable to their development, have their growth retarded so much as to require even a w^hole year to complete their metamorphoses. Pirst Generation, The Egg. When and where deposited. — The eggs of the first generation are deposited chiefly in the fore part of September. Dr. Chapman says the deposit is made from the latter end of Au- gust till the 20th of September, and most other accounts coincide with this, though some extend the time into October. On the 8th of October the fly w^as seen ovipositing in Eastern Pennsylvania, in 1819, and it had wholly disappeared on the 11th. {Jim. Far- mer, ii., 180.) The deposit is doubtless made later at the south, No. IX. 1 2 Insects Injurious to Vegetation. [Jan., than in this vicinity. Mr. Tilghman's description of this process (Cultivator, viii., 82,) will convey so much more distinct a \ievf to the general reader, than any other that has ever been published that we here insert it. He says, " By the second week of Octo- ber, the first sown wheat being well up, and having generally put forth its second and third blades, I resorted to ray field to endeavor to satisfy myself by ocular demonstration, if I could do so, wheth- er the fly did deposit the egg on the blades of the growing plant. Selecting what I deemed to be a favorable spot to make my ob- servation, I placed myself in position, by reclining in a furrow between two wheat lands. It was a fine, warm, calm forenoon; and I had been on the watch but a minute or two, before I dis- covered a number of small black flies, alighting and setting on the wheat plants around me; and so strong seemed to be their predi- lection for the wheat, that I did not observe a single fly to settle on any grass, or any thing within my view, but the wheat. I could distinctly see their bodies in motion when settled on the leaves or blades of the wheat, and presently one alighted and set- tled on the ridged surface of a blade completely within my reach and distinct observation. She immediately commenced disbur- thening her apparently well stored abdomen, by depositing her eggs in the longitudinal cavity between the little ridges of the blade. I could distinctly see the eggs ejected from a kind of tube or sting, or by the elongation of the body; the action of the in- sect in making the deposit, being similar to that of the wasp in stinging. After she had deposited, as I supposed, some eight or ten eggs, I easily caught her, upon the blade, between ray finger and thumb After that, I continued ray observations on the flies, caught several similarly occupied, and could see the eggs uniformly placed in the longitudinal cavities of the blades of the wheat; their appearance being that of minute reddish specks. Its appearance and characters.. — The account of the eggs, and also of the worms of the Hessian fly, as given by Mr. Herrick, is drawn up with such scrupulous care, and is so full and definite in (^very particular, that we are constrained to enhance the value of this essay, by presenting it entire. He says, " The eggs are laid in the long creases or furrows of the upper surface of the leaves of the young wheat plant. While depositing her eggs, the insect stands with her head towards the point or extremity of the leaf, and at various distances between the point and where the leaf joins and surrounds the stalk. The number found on a single leaf, varies from a single egg up to thirty, or even more. The egg is about a fiftieth of an inch long, cylindrical, rounded at the ends, glossy and translucent, of a pale red color, becoming, in a few hours, iiregularly spotted with deeper red. Between its ex- clusion and its hatching, these red spots are continually changing 1S47.] Insects Injurious to Vegetation. 3 in number, size, and position; and sometimes nearly all disap- pear. A little while before hatching, two lateral rows of opaque white spots, about ten in number, can be seen in each egg. In four days, more or less, according to the weather, the egg is hatched." The Larva. Growth of the worm, or active larva. — Mr. Her- rick's excellent description is continued as follows, " The little winged maggot, or larva, creeps out of the delicate membranous egg skin, crawls down the leaf, enters the sheath, and proceeds along the stalk, (see fig. m,) usually as far as the next joint be- low," (fig. B. §§,) or, in other words, to the base of the sheath, which in the young autumnal wheat, is at the crown of the root (fig. A. §). " Here it fastens, lengthwise, (fig. n and o,) and head downwards, to the tender stalk, and lives upon the sap. It does not gnaw the stalk, nor does it enter the central cavity there- of; but, as the larva increases in size, it gradually becomes em- bedded in the substance of the stalk. After taking its station, the larva moves no more, gradually loses its reddish color, and w^rinkled appearance, becomes plump and torpid, is at first semi- translucent, and then more and more clouded wnth internal white spots; and when near maturity, the middle of the intestinal parts is of a greenish color. In five or six weeks (varying with the season,) the larva begins to turn brown, and soon becomes of a britrht chestnut color, bearing some resemblance to a flax-seed," &C. Its characters. — When freshly taken from the root of the wheat the mature worm (fig. g) measures about fifteen hundredths of an inch (0.15) in length, by about 0.06 in breadth. It shows no signs of life when placed upon paper and turned over wuth a nee- dle-point. It is soft, glabrous, shining, white, oval and appa- rently composed of but nine segments, although twelve can often be distinctly perceived before its growth is completed. These are quite slightly marked by faint transverse lines of a greenish-brown hue. Its under side is flattened, and has an ablong grass-green cloud or spot in the middle, placed longitudinally. No regular contractions or crenatures occur along the margin to mark the segments, though after the worm has laid exposed to the air an hour, the color of the transverse lines above spoken of becomes bleached out as it were, and then, perhaps from the worm's hav- ing become somewhat dried, faintly impressed transverse lines are perceptible at the junction of each of the nine segments: faint longitudinal striae are also discernable, as though produced by the pressure of the parallel veins or ribs of the sheath and culm, be-, tween which the worm had laid. Its mode of feeding. We have hitherto sought in vain to., as- certain, by ocular and microscopic examinations, how it is that 4 Insects Jvjvrious to Vegefaticn. [Jan., the worm imbibes its nourishment from the stalk. To expose it to view, we are obliged to place it in circumstances so unnatural to it, that it apparently refrains from feeding. That it " gnaws" the stalk, as some writers in our agricultural papers, and some compilers of popular treatises infoim their readers, is an error so gross as scarcely to deserve notice. vSome have supposed that it absorbs its nourishment through the pores of its skin; but we in- cline to the belief that Dr. Lee's opinion is nearest the truth of any that has been hitherto advanced — that it takes in its nourish- ment by suction, in a manner more analagous to the leech than any other familiar object. [Gen. Farmer, vii. 225.) Its effects upon the crop. The autumnal attack of the fly is in a double sense a radical one. Each particular shoot at whose root one or more of these larva; nestles, is commonly destroyed by the time the worm has attained its growth. The presence of these worms is therefore readily detected by an examination of the young wheat in October or November. Individual shoots will be found here and there in the held, withered and changed to a light yellow color, (tig. Af.) strongly contrasting with the rich green of the vigorous uninjured plants, (fig. A*.) The frost or some other casualty may cause the ends of some of the other leaves to be of a pale yellow color, but here the whole plant is of that hue; and where afield is badly infested this yellow "sickly" aspect is perceptible from a distance. On examining the withered plants, the worm, or flax seed if it has advanced to that stage, can be readily found. It is situated a short distance below the surface of the earth, at the crown of the root (fig. A§). One or two radical leaves start from this point, their bases forming a cylindrical sheath around the central or main shoot, which as yet is but in its infancy. It is within this sheath, at its base, that the worms repose, one, two, three, or more, and by imbibing the nutiicious juices of the young shoot, cause it to wither and die. The mechanical pres- sure of the larva% so frequently spoken of as impeding the circu- lation of the fluids of the plant, and hereby causing it to perish, ] think has had too much importance assigned to it, the young plants being so sott and pliant that they wou'd readily accommo- date themselves to this pressure, if they received no molestation beyond this. Is the crop ever henejitted hy it? The vigor and luxuiiance of the uninjured shoots from the same root, contrasts so strongly with the wilted and feeble ap])earance of those attacked by the worm, as to have led some to believe that the unafl'ected shoots were stimulated to a more rapid and robust growth in consequence of the pruning given by the fly; and that a better crop is thus some- times produced, by the presence of a moderate number of these worms among the wheat plants. The correctness of this opinion 1S47.] Insects Injurious to Vegetation. 6 ^ye very much doubt. The worm is nouiished and reared upon those very fluids that are absorbed by the plant and elaborated for its own sustenance and growth. Every particle of this nutricious juice, therefore, that is consumed by the worm, is a direct loss of just so much material that would otherwise become straw and grain. At all events, we think our farmers generally will prefer that nature should be left to her own undisturbed course in rear- ing their wheat plants, and will be by no means solicitous to have this renowned guest take any part in the operation. Its change to a '■'Jlax-seed^' or dormant larva. When the worm, or active larva, has fully completed its growth, a slight diminu- tion in the dimensions of the inner soft parts of its body com- mences, in which the outer and harder skin does not participate, this latter retaining its original full size. The result of this con- traction is, that the worm gradually cleaves from its outer skin. If examined with a microscope when this change has recently commenced, a slight translucent space is observable at the head end, and a larger and more obvious one at the pointed or tail end, plainly indicating that the enclosed worm does not entirely fill its outer skin. This contraction continues, until the worm becomes entirely separated from its outer skin, and lies within.it like the finger within a glove. The outer skin at the same time changes in color. From its original whiteness and transparency, it gi-ad- ually becomes opake, brown, and finally of a dark bay or chestnut color. Though much less flat than a flax seed, its resemblance in color, size and form to that familiar object, is so striking as at once to be remarked by every one. Characters of the flax seed, or larva case. Different specimens of these flax seed like larva cases (fig. h. i. j.) vary in length from 0.13 to 0.19 and in breadth from 0.05 to 0.08. They are shining, cylindrical-oval, more obtusely rounded at the lower or head end than at the other, which is generally attenuated into an acuminat- ed point or small projecting papilla. They are commonly com- posed of but nine obvious segments, and these are but slightly indicated by very faint acutely impressed transverse striae — a sim- ilar transverse stria, but still more faint, being sometimes percep- tible (fig. h.) across the middle of some of the segments. Longi- tudinal impressed striffi are sometimes present, (fig- J.) more con- spicuous than the transverse, and reaching a part or the whole length of the worm; and between these the surface is minutely acuducted (i. e. appearing as if lightly scratched by the fine point of a needle) longitudinally — all these longitudinal impressions being perhaps caused by the pressure of the veins and fibres of the plant, against which the worm has been imbedded. On the under side, (fig. i.) towards the head end, the case is flattened, as if pinched together, so much so that the anterior seg^ment seems a 6 Inffeds Injimovs to Vegetation. [Jan., mere empty fold of the membrane, without any inflation sufficient to make room for internal viscera. At this end is often observa- ble one or two little brush-like granules, resembling those on the soles of the feet of some carabidous insects. (One of these is in- dicated on the anterior edge of fig. i.) Are these the relicts of the suctorial mouth of the larva? This larva case is compara- tively tough and leather-like at first, but becomes more brittle and also darker with age. Character of the dormant larva. On carefully opening the larva case just described, a worm (fig. k.) is found within it, scarcely different in any respect from what it was immediately before entering upon this flax seed state. It has the same oval form, opake milk-white color, and green, cloud-like visceral spot or line beneath. The nine segments into which it appears divid- ed, however, are now much more distinctly marked than they pre- viously were, the transverse lines being more deeply impressed, and the margins showing corresponding crenatures. No traces of the members of the future fly are yet discernible. The insect now undergoes no further change, for a period of five months or more. Enveloped in its flax seed like mantle, and reposing at the root of the now lifeless grain, it is buried beneath the snows of w'inter. Over one half of its entire term of life is therefore passed in this state. Error in previous accounts. This is the stage of this insect, which has been spoken of by all preceding writers as its pupa or chrysalis state. Upon a close observation of the Cecidomyia trit- ici, the writer succeeded in discovering that that species had, w^hat some had conjectured, but none had actually observed, a regular pupa form, identical with that of other species of Cecidornyia, whose metamorphoses had been fully described. It hence appear- ed necessary to distinctly mark that long period of inactivity which intervenes in the wheat fly, after the larva has completed its growth, and before it enters its pupa state; it was therefore, during this state of its life denominated a dormant larva, in my essay upon that species. It occurred to me wdiilst writing out that essay, that the dormant larva state of the wheat fly, was ex- actly analagous to the flax seed state of the Hessian fly, and in a note, my suspicions were expresetl that the real pupa of the Hes- sian fly had never been detected. The ample oj)portunities which I have since enjoyed for investigating this species, have enabled me fully to trace out this point in its transformations, and to show that it is not till near tiie close of its flax-seed period of existence that the Hessian fly puts on its pupa form. In penning the note just alluded to, I had overlooked a passage in Mr. Herrick's last paper, from which it is obvious that he has seen the real pupa of the Hessian fly, although he still speaks of its pupa state as com- 1847.] Insects Injurious to Vegetatioii. 7 niencing when the worm becomes a flax seed. Inaccuracies of this kind, which to the general reader appear so trivial as scarcely to require correcting, are liable to lead to important errors. Of this, we have a striking illustration in this very instance. Mr. Westwood, on opening the flax seeds contained in the wheat straw from Germany, came upon " the larva," where, according to all the accounts of the Hessian fly he ought to have found the pupa; he therefore at once draws the important inference, that the Ger- man insect cannot be the Hessian fly of America. Indeed it is surprising, that so plain a fact as this, that it is a worm and not a pupa which is enveloped in the flax seed case of our insect, has been so wholly overlooked by every one who has hitherto written upon this subject. The Pupa. When fanned. — On the access of the first warm days of spring, as soon as the weather becomes suflSciently genial for some of our earliest plants to put forth their blossoms, the larva of the Hessian fly is rapidly stimulated to maturity. The present year, so early as the 21st of April, most of the insects were found to have taken on their pupa form. As this season was more forward than usual, this may prove to be an earlier date than is common for this occurrence; a more accurate criterion by which to indicate it definitely, is no doubt by a reference to the progress which vegetation has made at this time. We may therefore state, that in all parts of our country, the Hessian fly will probably be found in its fully formed pupa state, about a w^eek after the liverwort, (Hepatica triloba,) the trailing arbutus (Epigcea repens), and the red or swamp maple (^Jlcer rubrum,) first appear in bloom, and simultaneously with the flowering of the dry strawberry (Comaropsis fragarioides), the common five- finger (^Potentilla canadensis), the hill-side violet (Viola ovata), &c. It continues in this state about ten or twelve days, and then sends out the winged fly. Its characters. — The flax seed shell has now become quite brittle, breaking asunder transversely if rudely handled, and one of its ends slipping oflT from the inclosed pupa like a thimble from the end of the finger. On removing the pupa (fig. /) from its case, it is found to be 0.13 long by 0.05 broad, of an oval form, with rounded ends, and having its limbs and body enveloped in separate membranes. The thoracic portion is slightly narrower than the abdominal. The wings do not quite attain the middle of the length of the body. The outer pair of feet come out from under the tips of the wings, and reach to the anterior margin of the penultimate abdominal segment, slightly curving inwards at their tips. The next pair of feet are somewhat shorter, and the inner pair are shorter still. They all lie in contact with each other, and in a direction nearly parallel with the body. The ab- 8 Insects Injurious to Vegetation. [Jan., dominal segments are distinctly marked by strongly impressed transverse lines, and are of a milk-white color, the thorax and head being of a delicate pale pink-red, and the feet translucent- white. On the anterior margin is a chestnut-brown crescentiform mark. It will hence be perceived, that in all the details of its form, the pupa of the Hessian fly coincides precisely with those of the other species of this genus which have been described. Its change into a fly. — The time for its final transformation having arrived, the pupa breaks open and crawls from its pupa- rium or flax seed case, and works its way upwards within the sheath of the leaf, until it arrives at some cleft in the now dead, brittle and elastic straw; through this cleft it gradually, by bend- ing from side to side, crowds its body until all except the tip of the abdomen is protruded into the air, the elasticity of the straw causing it to close together upon the tip of the abdomen, so much as to hold the pupa in this situation, secure from falling to the ground; and as if to preserve the body in a horizontal posi- tion, the feet are slightly separated from the abdomen, and di- rected obliquely downwards, with their tips pressed against the side of the straw, thus curiously serving, like the brace to the arms of a sign post, to support the body from inclining down- wards. Thus securely fixed, and now freely exposed to the dry- ing influence of the atmosphere, the outer membrane of the pupa speedily exhales its moisture, and as it becomes dried, cracks apart upon the back part of the thorax; out of this cleft the inclosed fly protrudes its head and thorax more and more, as it gradually withdraws its several members, the antennae, wings and legs, from the cases in which they are respectively enveloped — a process analagous to that of withdrawing the hand and its several fingers from a tight glove; until at length entirely freed, the now lull- fledged and perfectly formed fly leaves its pupa skin and mounts into the air. Peculiarity in its mdamorphoses. — It is sufficiently apparent from the account that has now been given, that the Hessian fly differs notably from all its congeners in one important point in its transformations. From all the observations that have been hither- to made, the cecidomyians correspond with the other tipulides in this prominent particulai' — that their pupa? are naked. Other species, at least many of them, after completing their growth, cleave from their skins in the same manner that the Hessian fly does, but when the separation is formed, the inclosed worm inva- riably crawls from and forsakes its larva case. It is thus, even, contrary to what has been hitherto supposed, with the C. tritici. Since my essay upon that species was published, I have clearly ascertained that the mature or dormant larva does cast its skin. So far as I am aware, moreover, the cast skins in the several spe- 1847.] Insects Injurious to Vegetation. 9 cies are translucent, and of a membranous texture. In the Hes- sian fly, however, it becomes opake, changes its color, and is of a firm or coriaceous texture. The inclosed worm, also, does not leave it, but remaining, eventually changes within it to a pupa, the same case thus forming its puparium. Its metamorphosis thus approximates it to the Muscidce or true flies, the Stratiomidae or soldier-flies, &c. and its pupa, in technical language is "coarctate" and not "incomplete" like the pupae of the other cecidomyians. Should usage therefore settle down upon the name midge as dis- tinctive of the minute tipulides, there will still be a marked pro- priety in continuing to this species its old name, Hessian ^fly* The Fly. Its Characters. — In the female, (fig. 3,) the head is flattened globular, and black throughout. The antenna (fig. e,) are about half as long as the body, and composed of sixteen joints, each of a cylindric-oval form, the length being about dou- ble the diameter; each joint is clothed with a number of hairs, of which those towards its base are slightly more robust and longer, about equalling the joint In their length, and surrounding it in a whirl. The joints are separated from each other by very short translucent filaments, having a diameter about a third as great as the joints themselves. The terminal joint is at least a third longer than the preceding ones. The two basal joints of each antenna are globular, and compact or not separated by an intervening fil- ament, and exceed the following joints in diameter. The falpi (fig. y,) consists of three obvious joints, clothed with very short minute hairs. The two last joints are cylindrical, nearly equal in size, and about twice as long as broad: the basal joint is more short and thick. The thorax is oval, broadest immediately back of the wing-sockets, and black. The scutel is of the same color, projecting, and slightly polished, with the suture surrounding it sometimes fulvous. The poisers are (kisky. The abdomen is elongate-ovate, its broadest part scarcely equalling the thorax in diameter; it is of a black color above, more or less widely mark- ed at the sutures with tawny-fulvous, and furnished with numerous fine blackish hairs. The ovipositor is rose-red, and slightly ex- serted commonly in the dead specimen; it is susceptible of being protruded to a third of the length of the abdomen. The uings *I dnubt, however, whether the Hessian fly will continue to he the sole member of this ceniis havin? a coarctate pupa. Quite recently a species lias occurred to my notice, analasous to the Hessian fly flax seed in every point that I have been able to delect, except that its larva case is of a pale brown color, unlinked with rul'nus or casianeous. It infests the Jgroiiis laterifo- ra?, numbers dwellins tosether in an imbricated sail, somewhat n^(nil,ling the fertile aments of the hop, though larger, and connected with the main stalk by a short pedicel which is inserted into one of the lowest joints ot the culm. From the coriaceous texture of the larva case, I suspect the inclosed worm will not leave it, until transformed to a pupa and upon the point of evolving the perfect fly. 10 bisects Injurious to Vegetation. [P^^-f are slightly dusky, and fulvous at their insertion into the thorax. Their form and neuration is identical with that of the other spe- cies of this genus, except that the slight connecting nerve between the mediastinal and postcostal is commonly wanting, and the me- dial and forks of the anal nerves are extremely faint for a spe- cies of Cecidomyia so large as this. The legs are pallid-brown, the tarsi black, the femurs paler at their bases. The several pairs of legs equal each other in length, being about 0.24 long when extended, of which length the tarsus embraces one-half. The several joints of the tarsus are of the same relative length as in other species; the short basal joint however, is much more indis- tinct than usual, insomuch that a minute examination of several specimens is required ere one is met with showing this joint dis- tinctly.* This character, and also the neuration of the wings, clearly shows that this species belongs to the genus Cecidomyia, and not to Macquart's genus Lestrimia, nor Meigen's Lasioptera. In the male, the antenna', (fig. c^,) are three-fourths of the length of the body, with the joints of a short oval and nearly globular form, the diameter hardly equalling the length: each joint is sur- rounded with a verticil of longish hairs. The terminal joint does not differ from the preceding ones. The two basal joints are com- pacted together as in the female. The antenna diminish very slightly in diameter tow^ards their tips. The fdaments separating the joints are smoky-translucent, nearly as long as the joints, and about one-third of their diameter. The ahdomen (fig. 2,) is cylin- dric or slightly tapering towards its tip, and consists of seven joints beside the terminal one, which (viewed from beneath, vide fig. c,) consists of a transversely oval joint, giving off' two robust process- es, armed with incurved hooks at their tips; and between these processes at their base are two exceedingly minute papillae. As ordinarily seen, in the living specimen, the abdomen is of a brown- ish-black color, more or less widely marked at the sutures with pallid fulvous or smoky whitish lines. In all other points the male coincides with the female in its characters. Us duration. — That the fly which comes out in the spring con- tinues but a very short time, I infer from the following data. A number of wheat plants, containing pupae, were transplanted into a box of earth, April 21st, and inspected daily. On the morning of May 1st, about half of them were found to have sent out the perfect fly within the preceding twenty-four hours. On repairing to the field whence these plants were taken, the fly was found to be out in large numbers. At every step, a dozen or more would • How well the en2;r.iver has executed hi? task will be obvious by passing a magnifier over the plate. The joints of the tarsi in fig. 3, and other mi- nute details, scarcely, ii' at all perceptible to the naked eye, will then be dis- tinctly recognised. 1847.] hiseds Injurious to Vegetation. If arise from their coverts, sluggishly fly a few feet, and alight again. In other fields, where none of the flax seeds could previously be found, an occasional fly was met with, on the same day, A week after this, on a thorough examination, no flies could be found, nor were but two specimens afterwards met with, until the coming out of the summer brood. Second Generation. After the full details that have already been given, but a few words will be required under this head. About the first of May the fly appears, and deposits its eggs upon the same crop of grain that has already reared one brood, and also upon any spring wheat that is sufficiently forward for its purposes. The radical leaves of the winter wheat are now more or less Mithered, and the fiy therefore selects the more luxuriant leaves that have put forth above these. The worm hatches, and again makes its short journey to its future home, at the base of the sheath; it conse- quently now nestles at the first and second joints of the young stalk, and is sometimes, though rarely, as high as the third joint. Even before the worm reaches the base of the sheath, it has fre- quently grown nearly to its full size (as shown, fig. w.) The stalk has now attained such vigor and hardiness that it is seldom destroyed by this spring attack. A slight swelling, immediately above the joint, (fig. B. §§,) commonly indicates the presence of the larva beneath. This is a fact which has been overlooked, or at least not distinctly stated by writers hitherto. We only find it noticed by Mr. Bergen, {CultivatGr, viii., 133,) who informs us that in a crop of barley which was destioyed by the Hessian fly, many of the stalks were " at the joints as thick as a man's fino-er." The insect is therefore a true gall-^y, although when but one lar- va succeeds in reaching the joint, the swelling caused by it is but little if at all apparent. More commonly however, the straw be- comes so weakened, that it is unable to sustain the weight of the wheat head, and it accordingly bends down (as represented, fig. B. ft,) with the force of the wind and rains. The appearance of a badly infested field, as harvest time approaches, cannot better be described than in the words of M. Kollar. The grain looks as though a herd of cattle had passed through it, so broken and tangled together is the straw. The worm attains its growth and enters its flax seed state about the first of June, and the flies of this second generation commonly come forth about the last of July and in August. Miss Morris's theory. — Wc do not deem it necessary to go into a detailed examination of the theory revived by Miss Morris in 1840, that the eggs of the Hessian fly are deposited in the grain, and that the larva lies in the centre of the culm. We suppose 12 Insects Injtirioxis to Vegetation. [Jan., this theory to be abandoned by its late advocates, from the fact that for four years past, we have met with no farther attempts to sustain it. To us it appears manilest that the lady was widely misled at the very outset of her observations by an error in Mr. Say's account, to wit, that "the perfect fly appears early in June." Were this the case she might well enquire, "Where are the eggs placed? Surely not in the old and dying stalk .... and there is no young wheat growing from June until September." The flies which Miss M. saw in June, 1836, "in countless numbers, hover- ino- over and settling on the ears of wheat," we cannot but sus- pect were the same species which in this section of country ap- pears in such swarms upon the heads of wheat about the middle of June, that it has been for years mistaken hereabouts for the wheat fly or midge. (Vide Quarterly Jour. JigricuUure, vol. ii., p. 238 and 243.) In size and color it does closely resemble the Hessian fly, and might readily mislead any one just commencing their observations. That occasional specimens of the Hessian fly may be taken in June we do not doubt; but that the main brood comes out, deposits its eggs, and disappears, a month earlier than this, we are quite confident, from our own observations as already related, as well as from the testimony of almost every writer who speaks definitely upon this point. Those few larvae which have been found in the centre of the wheat culm, were not unlikely of some other species, since in this particular its habits correspond with those of the Cephus pygmcBus, the Chlorops piimilicnis, &c. That the Hessian fly larva resides in the sheath of the culm, and not in its centre, we feel confident Miss M. has herself become convinced ere this day: — so earnest and candid an enquirer after truth, and one so capable of giving to every fact its due weight, cannot long remain in error, upon a point so susceptible of de- monstration as this. Its Parasites. It is well known that one of the most effectual means for keep- ino" the Hessian fly in check and preventing it from literally swarm- ing all over our land, has been provided by nature herself. Other insects have been created, apparently for the very purpose of preying upon this, and thus preventing it from becoming inordi- nately multiplied. The world is indebted to Mr. Herrick for much interesting information respecting these insects, the result of his own accurate and patient investigations. As we purpose, should we succeed in more fully tracing out the history of these and oth- er Cecidomyian parasites, making them the subject of a separate memoir at some future day, we refrain from devoting to them any considerable space in the present paper. The general reader, however, will scarcely pardon us, if we omit all allusion to them. 1847.] Insects Injurious to Vegetation. 13 We therefore subjoin a brief sketch of the contents of this part of Mr. Herrick's article. The Hessian {\y is pi'eyed upon and devoured by at least four other insects. W hen its eggs are laid upon the wheat leaves, they are visited by an exceedingly minute lour winged ily, (a species of Platygaster,) which punctures the egg and deposites in it four or six eggs of its own: the Hessian fly worm hatches, grows, and passes into its flax seed state with these internal foes feeding upon it: it now dies, and its destroyers in due time escape from the flax seed shell. Three other minute four winged flies, or bees as they would be called in common language, destroy the fly when in its flax seed state. The most common of these, by far, is Say's Ce- rapkron destructor. Alighting upon the wheat stalks, instinct in- forms them precisely where one of these flax seeds lies concealed. They thereupon "sting" through the sheath of stalk, and into the body of the worm, placing an egg therein, which hatching to a maggot, lives upon and devours the worm. Such are the means which nature has provided for preventing this pest from becoming unduly muhiplied. And so eflficient and inveterate are these foes, that more than nine-tenths of all the Hessian fly larvae that come into existence, are probably destroyed by them, Mr. Herrick thinks, and we have strong reasons for believing that his estimate is within the truth. From the date given by Mr. Herrick of his first discovery cf the egg parasite, we know that the first or autumnal generation is attached by it. Whether it preys upon the second or spring generation also, does not so clearly appear. From our own ob- servations, and the well known habits of the other parasites, it would seem to be principally upon the second or spring generation which they prey. Indeed w^e can scarcely conceive it possible for them wath their short ovipositors, to reach the flax seeds of the first generation, buried as these are beneath the surface of the earth and reposing at the roots of the young wheat. That these para- sites are surprisingly abundant, and destroy immense numbers of the spring generation, any one can easily ascertain by collecting the infested straw at harvest time, and securely enclosing it, to preserve all the insects which hatch from it. He will thus ob- tain parasites in abundance, and only occasionally a Hessian fly. On the other hand, numbers of the young plants taken up by us in April, evolved nothing but Hessian flies. The observations of a single season, we are aware, cannot be relied on for establishing a point like this. But they force upon us the suspicion that it is chiefly the second generation that is infested by parasites, and that the first is comparatively free from them. 14. Insects Injurious to Vegetation. [Jan., Remedies. "An effectual remedy^' against the Hessian fly, whicli has been". so much enquired after and talked about, and by which term we suppose is meant some specific w^hich will infallibly destroy or drive away the insect, or protect the crop from its ravages, never has been and probably never will be discovered. In truth, we regard the idea that a remedy of this character exists, as being, equally absurd with a belief in the philosopher's stone. There is proijably no such thing as sure and infallible specifics against any of the insects which invade our crops, any more than there is against those diseases which attack our persons. Still, believing this, we also believe that there is no noxious insect but what, when we closely study into its habits we can invariably discover some one or more ways of opposing it, by which we can with certainty to a great extent, if not entirely shield ourselves against its dep- redations. Thus is it with the insect under consideration. There is no remedy with which we can " doctor" it away — no charm with which we can say to it, "vanish, presto:" yet there are measures, which employed, will guaranty fair crops, when if not resorted to, no wheat will be gathered. Of this fact we are well convinced, both from personal observations, and the concurrent testimony of a cloud of witnesses. A consideiation of the various remedial measures which have been proposed, is therefore a subject of surpassing interest to every cultivator of the soil. We shall hence proceed to review them in detail, treating first of those, which, after a careful consideration of this topic, we regard as the most important. 1. Ji rich soil. — This is a safeguard which has been strongly urged by almost every one who has written upon this insect. In- deed an inspection of different fields of wheat in a district where this enemy is present, cannot fail to impress upon the observer the utility and importance of this requisite. Other things being equal, the crops on impoverished lands invariably suffer the most. Hence those on sandy soils, which retain the strength of fertilizing agents less than other soils, have in numerous instances been remarked as most severely devastated. A striking contrast, even, may very often be perceived in different parts of the same field. The sum- mits of the knolls and ridges, situations where the soil is the most meagre, almost invariably show the greatest amount of damage; whilst the intervening hollows, to which the fertilizing matters are washed from the surrounding acclivities, sustain a compara- tively slight if at all sensible injury. Yet the latter situations are the very ones which insects of this family are known to be most 1847.] Insects Injurious to Vegetation. 15 prone to frequent, being more low, shady, and damp. There can he no doubt, therefore, but the fly is as numerous in the hollows of a grain tield, as upon its ridges; and that it is only in conse- quence of the greater fertility of the former situations, that the crop there is enabled so effectually to withstand this enemy. In- deed, the farmers themselves, in districts where the fly has pre- vailed, have all learned from experience, that it is only upon fer- tile lands that it will do to sow their wheat. Hence Ezra L'Hom- medieu long ago intimated that the Hessian fly on Long Island, by driving the farmers to manure their lands, instead of a curse had actually been a blessing. He says, " the land in Suffolk coun- ty and other parts of Long Island, was easily tilled, and by con- tinual cropping with wheat was so reduced, that on an average not more than five or six bushels was raised to the acre. This mode of husbandry was still pursued, and although tlie land was gradually impoverished, the farmer found the crop, although small, more than would pay for his labor and expense. The Hessian Hj put an end to this kind of husbandry, and in that respect has proved a blessing instead of a curse; no other way being found to prevent the injury done by this insect, but by highly manuring the land." [Trans. JV.Y. Soc. for Prom. Jlgric, 'Sfc, i., 57.) A writer in Delaware also states that the universal predilection there, w'as to have large rather than 7-ich fields of wheat; that this insect was counteracting this, by compelling them to cultivate less land, in order to cultivate it well; and that its tendency con- sequently was, to make our population more dense, by making it the interest of every n)an to own no more land than what he could manure highly and till carefully. (Carey's Musettm, xi., 301.) We thus have, even in the devastations committed by this destroyer evident indications of that "All partial evil, universal good," which is every where manifest in the works of the Supreme Archi- tect of nature. It is doubtless the additional strength and vigor enjoyed by plants growing upon a rich soil, which enables them to withstand the depredations of this insect. Those shoots which are first sent up from a kernel of seed, are the ones which are commonly attacked and destroyed, and in an impoverished soil the seed itself thereupon perishes; whilst in a rich soil, its vitality continues, and other shoots are sent forth by it, which grow vig- orously and unmolested. In the spring attack also, the weak and slender stalks growing upon a poor soil, are much more liable to become broken and fail of maturing any grain, than the large, robust, well nourished stalks of a fertile soil. Hence a rich soil enables a plant to elaborate a sufficient amount of fluids for its own sustenance, in addition to that which is abstracted from it by 16 Insects Injurious to Vegetation. [Jan., a few of these insects. We therefore regard this as a primary and indispensable measure and one which must accompany others next to be considered, in order to their full s^lccess. 2. Lute sowing. — This measure also comes to us sanctioned by the almost unanimous recommendations of writers; and we regard it as one of the most efficient, as it certainly is the most facile of any that can be resorted to. It is universally athnitted that it is the earliest sowed fields that are always the most infested; and we cannot but suspect that the present visit of this enemy to this sec- tion of the country, after so long an absence, has been invited by the general practice of early sowing, resorted to by our farmers under the probably incorrect idea of hereby escaping from the depredations of the wheat fly. Just before harvest, our attention was directed to two contiguous fields of wheat in the town of Stillwater, one of which was seriously injured by the Hessian fly, whilst in the other not a solitary straw broken by the insect could be found. The only cause to which this striking contrast could be imputed, was, that the latter field had been sowed a fortnight later than the former one. Analagous instances have often oc- curred to the notice of every observing person living in districts where the fly has been present. Such cases, however, must not be deemed to prove so much as they at first view appear to. It is not probable that the fly had entirely ceased from depositing its eggs before the second of the above fields had become forward enough for its purposes. Had the sowing of the first field been delayed a fortnight, both fields, it is probable, would have suffered equally. The whole injury that fell upon the first field, would thus have been divided between it and its neighbor. And so in all cases, we presume that the field which is the earliest, attracts all of the insects in its immediate vicinity, and these finding all the accommodations they desire there, have no occasion for going elsewhere. For a more extended elucidation of this topic, see the American Farmer, vol. ii., p. 167, Two objections have been urged against late sowing; the liability of the young plants to "winter-kill," and of the crop when near maturity to be attacked by "the rust." There is little danger of the first of these casual- ties, we suppose, upon porous soils, it being a disaster almost pe- culiar to stiff clays, which retain a large amount of moisture at . their surface. In such soils, therefore, it may be advisable to re- sort to the plan employed in some parts of England, namely, sow- ing only on a newly turned over sward, the grass roots in which serve to bind the soil together in such a manner as to retard its " heaving" by the frost. ( Fessenden's Complete Farmer, p. 114.) This disaster, moreover, is guarded against in a great degree by sowing only upon a very fertile soil, whereby a quick and vigor- ous growth is secured, and the young plants are thus enabled to 1847 .J Insects Injurious to Vegetation, 17 acquire sufficient strength of root to withstand the winter's frosts. The same expedient, also, by insuring a rapid growth and an early maturity of the crop is the best safeguard against the rust, a disaster to which late crops only are ordinarily liable. Upon rich land, therefore, scarcely any scruples need be entertained with regard to late sowing. If a neighboring field has been already sowed, and the season is favorable for its vegetation, it will be safe to commit the seed to the ground within a week or two there- after, as ail the insects in the vicinity, unless they are present in immense swarms, will be attracted to and remain in the earlier crop. About the last of September is probably as late as it will be judicious to defer sowing wheat in this climate; and in most seasons this will secure it from any serious attack of the fly. Al- though when it comes forward, the season for the deposition of the eggs of the fly may not in some years be entirely over, it must be rare that a number of these sufficiently large to be materially in- jurious, will be laid; but should that at any time be the case, other remedies still can thereupon be resorted to, to counteract the evil. 3. Grazing. — This measure is alluded to as worthy of attention, in the first account of this insect published in this country, where the fact is stated, that "by feeding the crop very close in the win- ter and spring, if the land is rich it will again spring up, and the worms do not much injure the second growth," It is plain that a close fed crop will furnish few leaves for the fly to place its eggs upon, and these leaves will be commonly consumed before the eggs are hatched. Gen. Cocke directed public attention strongly to this measure in 1817, and six years subsequently states that full experience had amply confirmed him in his estimate of its efficacy. [Amer. Farmer, v., 241.) If in autumn it be omitted till after the eggs are hatched, and the worms have descended to the root, it can obviously be of little or no service. When, therefore, an attack of the fly is feared, as the exact time of the deposition of the eggs is somewhat variable in different seasons, it will be ne- cessary to watch the young wheat, as soon as two or three blades from each root appear; and if the fly is discovered profusely de- positing its eggs, sheep or other stock should at once be turned upon it, in such numbers, if possible, as to eat down the crop in a few days. The eggs will thus be destroyed, and the favorite nidus of the fly for continuing this deposite, will be effectually broken up: it will thus be compelled to resort to other quarters. The same process may also be repeated in the spring, if found necessary. No injury to the crop need be apprehended from its being thus grazed down, if the soil is of due fertility — it soon and entirely recovers from this operation. Moreover, if the soil is poor and impoverished, the fly will be sure to injure it far more than what the sheep will do. We cannot, therefore, but regard this as a most No. IX. 2 18 Insects Injurious to Vegetation. [Jan., judicious and important measure, if seasonably resorted to. The intelligent wool grower, will scarcely require to be informed, that sheep taken from their ordinary walks, should at first remain upon the rank feed of the wheat field but an hour or two of a day. 4. The roller. — Passing over the grain with a heavy roller, is a remedy in commendation of which several writers concur, sup- posing that many of the eggs upon the leaves will thus be crushed. Col. Morgan was in the habit of both rolling and grazing his wheat fields, before the Hessian fly appeared in his vicinity; and as his crops were much less injured than those of his immediate neighbors, he attributes his escape to these causes. If there be any foundation for Mr. Smeltzer's opinion, that certain varieties of wheat are fly proof, because their leaves grow horizontally in- stead of inclining upwards, assuredly by a repeated use of the roller every kind of Avheat may be made fly proof. No doubt this measure is a judicious one, particularly on fields that are so smooth and free from stones that almost every plant will receive a firm pressure by the operation. If resorted to, it should obviously be done at those times when the eggs are newly laid upon the leaves. After all, is not the efficacy of the roller, at least in part, owing to its loosening and dislodging the eggs from their position and causing them to drop to the ground, whei'e the worm, hatching, is unable to find its way into the sheath of the young plant? This point merits investigation; for if there is any truth in the sugges- tion, sweeping the plants with a broom or some similar implement, will probably brush off much greater numbers of the eggs than passing a roller over them can do. 5. Mowing. — Mr. Goodhue, of Lancaster, Wisconsin, in a com- munication in the fifth volume of the Prairie Farmer, suggests that the larTJR concealed within the bases of the leaves, may be destroyed by mowing the wheat, and feeding it to the stock. We deem this ])roposal a valuable one for exterminating the second or spring brood from a Avheat field. In those cases where the worms are discovered in the month of May, to be fearfully nu- merous at the joints of the young stalks, there can be little doubt but that on smooth grounds the scythe may be so used as to take off almost every spear below where the larvffi are lodged; and that thus a second growth of stalks will be produced, quite free from these depredators. The following facts incline me to believe that on a fertile soil, wheat nray be thus mowed, with little if any eventual injury to the crop. JPortions of a field of my own, the past season grew so rank, that deeming it would become lodged and mildewed, by way of experiment a space in it was mowed down after the plants were two feet in height, and another after the heads had begun to put forth. Though not so early in ripen- ing, the appearance of these two patches at harvest, indicated, so 1847.] Insects Injurious to Vegetation. 19 far as a single experiment could do, that wheat might be mowed at the former period without any diminution of its productiveness, whilst at the latter, both the straw and heads would be of a more slender and feeble growth. 6. Flij proof wheats. — That there are any kinds of wheat which are perfectly " fiy proof," (to use a common and expressive term,) as has been sometimes stated, we wholly disbelieve. At times when the fly is so excessively numerous as to attack barley and rye, it is not probable that any of the cultivated species of the genus Triiicum can entirely withstand its attacks. But that there are kinds of this grain, that escape with little injury, when other kinds are almost wholly destroyed, is a well established fact. What the peculiar properties possessed by these varieties are, that render them thus singularly invulnerable, has never been investi- gated with that degree of accuracy which so interesting and im- portant a subject well merits. Mr. Worth supposes that lly proof wheats must have smooth leaves, afibrding no grooved or chan- neled surface to hold the eggs of the fly. {Amer. Far., ii., 181. j Mr. Smeltzer thinks the leaves of such wheat stand out horizon- tally from the stem, or incline downwards, instead of being erect, and that the egg is thus washed to the ground by rains. {Patent Off. Report, 1844, p. 434.) The Hon. J. Taliaferro regards the immunity as proceeding from the strength and vigor of the roots, whereby the plant continues to grow, notwithstanding the ex- haustion of its juices by the worm. (Patent Off\ Report, 1842, App. No. 1.) This theory appears to us more plausible and more in accordance with the facts recorded with regard to these varie- ties, than any other Avhich has been proposed. Other opinions less specific, might be alluded to, but all of them are opinions merely, as w^e discover no evidence of their having been substan- tiated by a diligent investigation of this point. The reputation of the Undeuhill wheat has already been sufficiently shown. This was a bearded white-chaff, with a plump yellow berry, requiring to be thoroughly dried before grinding, and then producing flour in quantity and quality equal to the best of the other varieties. Its fly proof quality was by many supposed to be owing to the hardness or solidity of its straw. The fly fieely deposited its eggs upon this wheat, but it was seldom, if ever, materially injured by it. The Spelter wheat [Triticum spelta, Linn.,) was also long since remarked as never having been injured by the fiy. This is so very inferior a species, that it is but little in use in this coun- try, and only cultivated because it will grow well on the poorest soils, whether the season be wet or dry, and is free from all mal- adies. It has a long, slender, beardless head, with the chatf so firmly attached to the grain, that it can only be separated by pass- ing through a mill, and yields a yellowish flour. It is more high- 20 Insects Injurious to Vegetation. [Jan., ly esteemed in Germany than in any other country, being there preferred even to all other kinds of wheat. The China wheat, said originally to have been found in a crate of imported China ware, branches and grows very much like rye, ripens at least a week earlier than other varieties, yields largely, (forty or fifty bushels per acre it is said,) and has never been known to be in- jured by the fly. {Pat. Off. Report, 1S44, p. 43.) The Medit- erranean WHEAT, in such high repute for its fly proof and other qualities, was introduced into Maryland in 1837. It is a light red-chaff, having a long stiff beard, a long, red, and very flinty berry, and ripens about ten days earlier than other varieties. Mr. Garnett, in his Fredericksburg address, considers its only title to be designated as fly proof, is, that it recovers better than other wheats from the depredations of this insect. In the South. Plan- ter, (vol. ii., p. 243,) it is said to be a coarse dark grain, much like rye, and yielding such indifferent flour, that some of the mer- chants had announced they would buy no more of it. Its straw too, when grovvn upon a fertile soil, is said to be too weak to support the head. Mr. R. L. Wright, in the American Agricul- turist of 1843, and others, state that it improves by cultivation. As it becomes fully acclimated, it wull, we doubt not, lose its most objectionable traits; but will it not with them also lose its fly proof and other qualities, w^hich are its main recommendations at pre- sent? On the whole, this variety is so very prolific, and so ex- empt fiom all diseases, that we are not surprised at the marked favor it has received. It is admirably adapted for securing a pre- mium in our agricultural societies, where, " the largest crop, raised at the least expense" receives the prize; but its grower will be reluctant to inform his neighbors, that he sells it in mar- ket at six cents per bushel under the current price. In fine, we think this noted variety can never come into general favor in those districts where choicer kinds can be successfully cultivated. The Etrurian wheat, brought home by Com. Stewart, so far as yet appears, possesses all the most valuable qualities, and none of the defects of the Mediterranean. This is a bald variety, having a strong and vigorous stalk, a beautiful long smooth head, yielding a round, plump, white kernel, with a remarkably thin bran. It is very prolific, and quite as early as the Mediterranean, (Rev. D. ZollickofFer and others in the American Farmer,) and has thus far resisted the attack of the fly. We are gravely told by an anony- mous writer, that "this wheat was not, as its name would indicate, brought from the little Island of Etruria." In what creek this " little island " is situated, we have been unable to discover, but with such a decided negation, we are driven to the inference that the grain in question was derived from a territory which we mod- erns call Tuscany. The White flint wheat, one of the choicest 1847.] Insects Injurious to Vegetation. 21 varieties of western New York, withstands the attack of the fly better than any of the other kinds there in use. For a full account of it, see Gen. Harmon's paper in the Trans. JV. Y. State Jlgric. Soc, 1843, p. 217. In conclusion of this branch of our subject, we would observe, that we should by no means be solicitous of procuring any variety of wheat, merely because of its fly proof qualities, believing as we do, that in all ordinary visitations of the fly, other measures are a suificient safeguard. If vigor of root firmness of stalk, and rapidity of growth, are, as would appear, the points which render these varieties fly proof, a fertile soil will certainly go far towards imparting to most other varieties the same quality. 7. Steeps for the seed. — These have been recommended with a two-fold view. 1st. To destroy the eggs; decoction of elder, juice of elder, boiling water, &c. These assume the erroneous position that the eggs of the fly are deposited upon the grain; it is mani- fest therefore that they can be of no utility. 2d. To insure a quick and vigorous growth of the young plant. Where sowing is de- ferred until late in the season, it may be judicious to resort to some measure of this kind to stimulate the seed to a more speedy and rapid germination and growth. In Carey's Museum, (vol. xii., p. 182,) an experiment of a Poughkeepsie farmer is related, who had soaked his seed wheat in a solution of saltpetre, four ounces being dissolved in water sufl^icient to wet a bushel. After soaking twenty-four hours, it was spread out and dried twelve hours, and then sowed, so late as the first of November. Early in the following June, this crop is reported as being in advance of neiohboring ones which had been sowed early. This experiment, and others of a similar character, strikingly indicate that it lies much within the compass of human instrumentality to accelerate the growth of vegetation, by measures of this kind. 8. Oats as a decoy. — It has been recommended, to furnish a crop of young or of " volunteer " oats to the insect, on which to deposit its eggs; and when it has nearly or quite completed this operation, plowing the oats under, thus burying the eggs and lar- vae, and then sowing the wheat upon their graves. To us, this appears only as "a tub to amuse the whale;" or, in other words, an admirable project for wheedling honest " Farmer John " into late sowing, upon an enriched, well pulverized soil. We have no clear evidence that the fly will deposite its eggs upon oats. It certainly will not be inclined to do so if there is any young wheat, barley, or rye in the vicinity to which it can resort. 9. Wheat as a decoy. — The preceding measure suggests to us another, which is well worthy of the attention of the agriculturist. The facts recorded respecting this insect, clearly show that it is the earliest sowed and most forward fields of grain that are most 22 Insects hijurious to Vegetation. [Jan., infested. The fly is attracted to these fields, and finding a more luxuriant vegetation, and a more shady covert here than elsewhere, and meeting with all the accommodations which it desires, it here remains, even though adjoining fields separated only by an open fence, have come forward sufficiently to aflford at least a part of the brood, quarters eq'ially as comfortable. To us it appears evi- dent, from these premises, that if one or two acres across the mid- dle of a large field be sowed with w^heat about the middle of Au- gust, all the flies in the vicinity will be attracted to this point, and there retained; so that it will be perfectly safe to sow the re- mainder of the field by the middle of September. If the Hessian fly is common in the neighborhood, the early sowed strip will be badly infested. If so, let it be turned under by the plow, either after two or three severe frosts have rendered it certain that the season for depositing the eggs is fully past, or early in the follow- ing spring — resowing it with winter wheat in the former case, or with spring wheat in the latter. By this procedure all the larva will be buried and perish. Only in one contingency, as we can perceive, will this plan be inexpedient or liable to fail, namely, when the flies are present in such vast numbers, that the decoy thus prepared is inadequate fully to accommodate them. Upon this point, the amount of damage done at the preceding harvest, will enable the cultivator to judge with a considerable degree of cer- tainty. The advantages which this plan promises, are, that it draws all the insects of the neighborhood together, and destroys their entire progeny; it enables most of the grain to be sowed as early as is desirable; and finally, there will no second or spring generation come forth in the field to attack any part of the crop. This measure therefore, should receive a fair trial from some in- telligent wheat grower in a district suflfering under this pest. 10. Deeply covering the seed. — From the letters of A King William Farmer, and from the specimens furnished by him to Mr. Garnett, which are figured in the American Farmer, (vol. ii., p. 174.) the following facts would seem to be conclusively established, to wit; — That when a kernel of wheat is buried to the depth of about three inches, it sends a single stem upwards, which, within an inch of the surface forms a crown, sending from that point a tuft of fibrous roots downwards, and a tuft of blades upwards; these become the main roots and stalks, if undisturbed. But if these be destroyed by the fly, a new set of shoots and roots start directly from the deep buried kernel, and these latter shoots are never attacked by the fly. A kernel but slightly cov- ered, on the other hand, sends up its blades at once directly from the seed; if these be attacked therefore, the whole is destroyed. Such is a brief but plain statement, we believe, of the argument of the King William Farmer. In other words, seed slightly 1847. J bisects Injurioics to Vegetation. 23 covered can send up but a single set of shoots, and being attack- ed by the fly, the whole perishes j but seed deeply buried can send up a double set of" shoots; those first appearing are attacked and destroyed; those which thereupon start directly from the seed are never infested by the fly. Admitting the facts to be as set forth, it amounts to this, that by deeply covering, the same quan- tity of seed in reality produces two crops; one, which is speedily- harvested by the fly; and the other, gathered at a later day by human hands. To this procedure we have two objections. By adopting it, you do nothing whatever towards destroying the in- sect or frustrating it in the least in its operations. On the con- trary, you aim to provide food for it. You cherish it. You in effect say to it " be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the earth." True, by giving it what it wants, it leaves us as much more. But it is rather humiliating to us " lords of creation " to rear crops "at the halves" and place ourselves in the rank of mere tenants to so ignoble a landlord ! Again, this measure only shields us against the autumnal attack. It does nothing against that of the following spring. Nay, by providing so well for the first generation, it tends to make the second generation more numerous, and the spring attack consequently more severe. Thus much upon the supposition that the facts are precisely as set forth by the King William Farmer. That he sincerely believed them to be correct, and that he was perfectly honest in the selection of the specimens which he forwarded to Mr. Garnett, we do not in the least doubt. Indeed the encomium which Mr. G. has written upon the character of his friend, must forever place him above all suspicions of insincerity or of any thing approaching to chicanery. But our own observations impress upon us strongly the conviction that he is in error in one most important point in his argument, namely, that seed slightly covered, dies whenever its blades are destroyed by the fly. It is only in an impoverished soil that it thus dies; in a rich soil, as has been already stated, its vitality continues, its roots are so well surrounded with nutriment that they readily sustain it, and its first shoots being destroyed, it sends up a second set which grow unharmed. It thus performs the same operation which the King William Farmer contends it can only do when deeply buried. Our specimen, from which the drawing (fig. A,) was taken, plainly shows this fact. The illustration is an exact copy from nature, of two shoots which were separated from a tuft of similar ones, all growing from one shallow cov- ered seed; and in every infested field which we have examined, myriads of similar specimens might have been gathered, whilst commonly only on knolls and other barren or dry parts of the fields were the plants found to be wholly destroyed, as they were repre- sented in the figures of the American Farmer. A fertile soil there- 24. Insects Injurious to Vegetation. [Jan., fore insures the same results which are claimed for a deep cover- ing of the seed. In both cases, the shoots which first appear are destroyed; another set appear afterwards, which are unharmed — not because the seed is buried too deep for the worms to crawl down to it, as the King William Farmer seems to infer, but be- cause there are no flies any longer abroad to deposite their eggs upon the leaves. The exact truth then, with regard to this mat- ter, we are firmly persuaded is as follows. In a meagre soil, the seed will die, whether it be covered slightly or deeply. In a less impoverished soil, if the weather he dry in September, as it fre- quently is, seed near the surface will often perish, when that which is deeply buried will survive. In a fertile soil the seed will sur- vive, whether it be covered shallow or deep. That suits of spe- cimens can therefore be easily procured which will appear to de- monstrate a state of things in every particular the very reverse of those figured in the American Farmer, scarcely admits of a doubt. Our conclusion then is, that the King William Farmer is measur- ably correct in his position, but by no means correct to the extent contended for. When the Hessian fly is present in any district, deeply covering the seed, especially if it be early sowed, w^ill in most cases be an additional safeguard against its destruction. The measure therefore is good as a subordinate one, but it must fall far short of ranking as a primary one. 11. Procuring seed from uninfested districts. — This measure also, is based upon the erroneous supposition that the eggs are deposited upon the grain. It can consequently be of no utility whatever as a safeguard against the Hessian fly. The measure has been fairly tested in several instances without success. 12. Sun-drying the seed. — Mr. W. H. Hill, in the JYashville JJgriculturist of 1842, states that for fifteen yeais his wheat crops had not been injured by the Hessian fly, whilst those of his neigh- bors had suffered more or less. This immunity he attributes to two causes; exposing his seed to the sun for two days previous to sowing it, and sowing none but the largest and fullest grains, the others being separated by a sieve. Doubtless stronger roots and a more vigorous growth is obtained by sowing large, plump seed. W^e think that eifectually drying the seed in the sun can have but one effect, that of retarding its germination a short time — an end that may be equally as well attained, and with less trouble by deferring the sowing imtil a somewhat later period. 13. Drnn'ing elder bushes over the young plaids. — We have here one of the fancies of a former day, it being supposed that elder possessed an odor or some more occult properly, which rendered it peculiarly repulsive to insects. A trial of it against the Hessian fly, however, soon demonstrated that it possessed little or no virtue of that kind in reference to this ini;ect. If any 1847.] Insects Injurious to Vegetation. 25 benefit ever resulted from it, it was probably only by dislodging and brushing off some of the eggs from the blades of the wheat. 14. Sprinkling Jine salt, ashes, or caustic lime over the young plants. — The first of these measures was proposed, from its ap- pearing at one time that wheat growing upon points of land ex- posed to the sea air was less injured than that growing back from the coast. Neither of these remedies however, have been attend- ed with success, in any case on record, and they probably are of no service whatever, except as they may slightly increase the fertility of some fields. There is no likelihood that the fly, its eggs, or larvae can be materially discommoded by them. 15. Burning and plowing up the -wheat stubble. — This measure was originally proposed by judge Havens, and has been unani- mously approved of and strongly urged by several of the most intelligent writers since. Indeed, a slight examination can scarce- ly fail of impressing upon every one its utility, independent of the sanction of authority. Whoever will at or soon after harvest inspect the stubble of a field that has been badly infested by the Hessian fly, will find these insects in their flax seed state lying one, two, three or more, at the joints of perhaps half the straws of the field. What a trifling labor, or rather what a pastime will it now be to set fire to this dry stubble and hereby inevitably con- sume countless thousands of these destroyers. This point appears so plainly evident, that no one we think will hesitate in pro- nouncing this remedy decidedly the most important and valuable of all. But a thought breaks in upon us, of such fearful import, that fancying we see the burning brand extended, in an instant more to send a sheet of vivid flame, leaping, hissing, and crack- ling over the fated field, we involuntarily shout " Stop ! or thy tread is on an empire's dust !" of a truth, what a short sighted mortal is man, and how often are the words of the poet verified, that " a little knowledge is a dan- gerous thing." Seeing his enemy chained to the stake, he ex- ultingly rushes at once to fire the faggots, and lo, a dozen of his friends are immolated upon the same pyre! Is it not a fact, that whilst by this measure we consume the Hessian fly by hundreds, we inevitably destroy its mortal foes by thousands? And that the very means which we thus resoit to for averting a future ca- lamity are the surest means that could be devised for bringing that calamity upon us! If nine tenths of every generation of the Hessian fly are destroyed by three or four other insects, who can calculate the value of the services which these latter are yearly rendering us. And who, then, will be so inconsiderate and ruth- less as to destroy nine of these useful parasites, in order to ex- terminate one Hessian fly! Yet this must in most cases be the 26 Insects hjurious to Vegetation. £Jan., result of burning the stubble of the wheat field. We commenced our account of this remedy impressed with a belief that it was the best that had ever been proposed; we close it, persuaded that it is the very worst. Brief Summary of the preceding History. The Hessian fly [Cecidomyia destructor of Say,) is a Euro- pean insect, and has been detected in Germany, France, Switzer- land and Italy, where it at times commits severe depredations upon the wheat crops. Its ravages are alluded to so far back as the year 1732. It was brought to this country, probably in some straw used in package by the Hessian soldiers, who landed on Staten and the west end of Long Island, August 1776, but did not become so multiplied as to severely injure the crops in that neighborhood, until 1779. From thence as a central point, it gradually extended over the country in all directions, advancing at the rate of from ten to twenty miles a year. Most of the wheat crops were wholly destroyed by it within a year or two of its first arrival at the given place, and its depredations commonly con- tinued for several years, when they would nearly or quite cease; its parasitic insect enemies probable increasing to such an extent as to almost exterminate it. It is frequently reappearing in ex- cessive numbers in one and another district of our country, and in addition to wheat, injures also barley and rye. There are two generations of this insect annually. The eggs resemble minute reddish grains, and are laid in the creases of the upper surface of the leaf, when the wheat is but a few inches high, mostly in the month of September. These hatch in about a week, and the worm crawls dovv-n the sheaf of the leaf to its base, just below the surface of the ground, where it remains, subsisting upon the juices of the plant, without wounding it, but causing it to turn yellow and die. It is a small white maggot, and attains its growth in about six weeks. It then changes to a flax seed like body, within which the worm becomes a pupa the following spring, and from this the fly is evolved in ten or twelve days. The fly closely resembles a musquitoe in its appearance, but isa third smaller, and has no bill for sucking blood; it is black, the joints of its body being slightly marked with reddish. It appears early in May, lays its eggs for another generation and soon perishes. The worms from these eggs nestle at the lower joints of the stalks, weakening them and causing them to bend and fall down from the weight of the head, so that towards harvest, an infested field looks as though cattle had passed through it. Wheat can scarcely be grown except upon a fertile soil in those districts where this insect is abundant The sowing should be 1S47.] Instinct and Reason. 27 deferred until about the last of September, the season then being past Avhen the fly usually deposits its eggs. If at any time in au- tumn the eggs of the insect are observed to be profusely deposited upon the leaves, the crop should be speedily grazed down by sheep and other stock, or if this cannot be done, a heavy roller should be pass d over it, that as many of the eggs as possible may be crushed or dislodged thereby. One or the other of the same mea- sures should also be resorted to in the spring, if the same contin- gency occurs; or if the worms are at a later date discovered to be numerous at the first and second joints of the young stalks, the experiment may be tried of mowing as close down as possible, ihe most infested portion of the field. Where the soil is of but me- dium fertility, a resort to some of the hardier varieties of wheat, which are known to be in a measure fly proof, may be advisable. Fiic/i's Point, Salem, JY. Y., JYov., 1846. Note. — Since our yirecclin^ essay, upon the Cecirfomyia tritici was publish- ed, having hai] an opportunity of perusin? the orisinal articles of Mr. Kirby upon that species, we lind that he both figures and describes the joints of its anlennne as " medio constrictio." It is singular that this most important dis- tinctive mark has been so misstated in the descriptions of that species w iiich have been republished upon this side of the Atlantic, and also in Turlon's edition of the Si/stem of Nature. From the remarks introductory to our " Descriplion" some might perhaps infer that this error arose with ti>e found- er of the species. We hasten, therefore, to obviate any such impression. INSTINCT AND REASON. BY ALONSO CALKINS, M. D. Could there be suddenly unfolded to the eye in one grand pa- noramic array and in regular gradation the myriad configurations of animated being, from the simple radiated asterias up to the most complex of the vertebrate genera, the zoologist would c.sk, are these forms the products of superaddition, or of independent evohition; are they incrementary developements only, or specific and intransitive individualities? Now the mind takes cognizance of but two classes of ideas, its own cogitative perceptions, and the conceptions of material o- ganizations in relation with those perceptions. "Nihil est in in- tellectu quod non prius fuerit in sensu," Thought never cuts loose and strays away from sense. Satyrs and dryads, centaurs and mermaids, inconcinnate and grotesque as they may appear to the view of the naturalist, are but fanciful reconstructions of sensible ideas. The primary idea is the " cogito,'^ the consciousness of thought; the consecutive or inferable one is the " ergo sum,'" the 28 Instinct and Reason. [Jan., presumption of a personality of existence, and of the substantive essence of material things. Intellection then, whether under its most coarctative restrictions, or in its most expansive amplitudes, can be regarded as none other than a homogeneous entity. To this principle we apply the name sovl, the concrete, of which 7nind is the alter et idem, the abstract exponent. What is instinct, what is reason as contradistinguished from in- stinct, and whether the latter is the sequential and progressionary expansion of the first, or an original and fundamental element, are among the " vexed questions " that have again and again tasked the acumen of metaphysicians. These inquiries, recondite as they are in their nature and intri- cate in their bearings, have furthermore had to contend with ap- prehensions from without, "lions in the way," mistaken views of the moral proclivities towards which such speculations are sup- posed to tend. As a make-weight against the apparent duality of constitution as characteristic of quadrupeds, a tripartite com- bination has been devised for man, by the intervention of a ter- Hum quid, a something to which the term spirit is appropriated. The distinction is a distinction without a difference. I shall define the terms instinct and reason, (for the lexicogra- phy of science is yet to be written,) in accordance with recognized usage, and apply the same, less out of respect to the accident of birth-place, than in reference to their inherent relations. Reason, the abstract expression of the art of ratiocination, is the process of educing a resultant idea from the catenation of two or more corelated simple ideas, and in adaptation to variable con- ditions. Judgment is reason in its elementary form. The opera- tion involves sensation, abstraction, memory, and comparison. Instinct is native reason in embryo, mature at birth, but cir- cumscribed within specific ranges. " Instinct (Broussais,) arises always from sensations which solicit the human being to execute involuntarily and often unconsciously certain acts necessary to its welfare." Thus instinct is seen to be antecedent to experience, a blind automatic impulsion after the means, while the end is un- foreseen; reason regards the end through experience of the means. Instinct like the aesthetic faculties, is perfect in its nascent state and unsusceptible of cultivation; reason like the locomotive ma- chinery, works at first with a fitfulness of irregularity, for which time and exercise provide corrections. Instinct is the axiomatic and postulative; reason the problematical and deductive. Instinct " spiritus intus, the Divinity that shapes the ends" — speaks with the authority of infallible premonition; reason falls back upon its own constitutional sagacity, and modifies its action in accommo- dation to contingent conditions. The one moves along a uniform line; the other is ever diverging into devious lines. They are 1847.J Instinct and Reason. 29 also measurably in inverse ratio, and in antagonism to each other, the former losing in predominance as the latter expands. For in- stances in illustration let us look to the habits and the habitudes of various animals. As exemplifications of pure instinct may be adduced, the selec- tion by the goat of the'mountain Kalmia, what the sheep shuns as a poison, the cat retracing its weary home after having been transported in a blind sack, the caterpillar turning again to the body of the tree from which it has been shaken, the web Aveaving of the spider, the nidification of birds, the cocoonery fabrics of the silk worm, as facile and complete in the first effort as in the last, the bee ranging in a right line for its forest hive, the nightingale whose virgin warble falls in tones rich and mellow on the ear, as itself " melts away into air and liquid light." The ram receives his adversary upon his horns, the horse throws up his heels, the elephant flourishes his tusks, the tiger shows his claws and teeth. With the '^bland zephyrs of spring return the migratory robin and the blue bird to revive their amorous dalliance, now the craw- fish seeks his wonted haunts, the ant hoards its stores against a winter's day, and the moth deposits its eggs for the future cater- pillar. Next for specimens of mixed instinct; instinct, that is, modified and improved by experience and instruction; here shadowed forth in but faint adumbrations, there illuminated with clearer glim- merings. Birds accustomed to build in accessible places, when disturbed, will seek out other and remoter ones. The ostrich in intertropical latitudes, incubates only by night. Birds in re- gions infested with monkeys attach their nests to pendant boughs. The dog guides a blind man with as much circumspection as would a boy. In scrutinizing a crowd moreover to hunt out a thief, he evinces a very considerable complexity of reasoning. The musquash when his conical domicil gets ice-bound, bores a breath- ing hole through. The birds as well as the running animals of the Falkland Islands that huddled around Bougainville's crew, soon learned to keep at a more prudent distance. The partridge is busy with ingenious artifices to decoy the fowler by feints till her young have got concealed, when she too suddenly disappears. The hum- ming-bird too large for the corolla it lights upon, will pierce the flower from the exterior. The existence of the reasoning faculty is eminently verified among the more intelligent of the mammalia. A fox in the Duke of Beaufort's grounds, being hard pushed by the hounds, rushed into a shiny pool and buried himself up to the neck, sustaining his head above water by a bough between his teeth. A respectable gentleman, a hunter in his day, related to me the following ad- venture. He had forced a fox upon a headland at the bend of a 30 Instinct and Reason. [Jan., river, and so cut off his communications for retreat, when Reynard all of a sudden fell prostrate upon the ground as one dead, his eyes being shut, his limbs relaxed and his breathing arrested, and so suffeied himself to be shouldered and carried iiome. Conceiv- ino- however a decided aversion against being skinned, he watched his chance as soon as his captor with half-averted eye had laid him down, and began to open his eyes cautiously, and raise his head, preparatory to making his tracks for the woods, when a ball laid him flat effectually. Could Falstaff have played the death- scene better? A dog, an acquaintance of mine, used to be shut in the rear yard, but being partial to the society of the kitchen, he would contrive to get back again thus. Waiting a space to lull suspicion, he would advance quietly to the door, and elevating his paw to the height of a man's elbow, gave a rap in exact counter- feit of the person preceding him, which if detained he would re- new at intervals, so that I was taken in by him (or rather he was taken in by me,) more times than one. A signal case in point is given by a British officer in the east, the author of Twelve Years' Military Adventures. As a battering train on its way to the siege of Seringapatam was passing along the quicksand bed of a river, a man fell forward from the tumbrel of one of the guns, so that he must have been crushed but for the elephant behind, who in- stantly and of himself lifted the wheel with his trunk, and kept it suspended till the man was cleared. Brute reason may ever predominate over instinct, as in the dog told of by Sergeant Wildie. This dog being addicted to prow- lings after sleep, was afterwards tied up by night, but he would contrive to slip his collar and renew his depredations, taking the precaution however to return ere day break and readjust things as before. Allied to both instinct and reason is an intermediate class of impulses, the appetites and the passions, or in phrenological phra- seology the affective faculties and the sentiments. While instinct looks to the means, and reason to the end thiough the means, these when uninfluenced by the supervisory control of reason, regard the end directly, and irrespectively of the means. Anger is evinced in the horse, as he turns upon his master for cheating him with bridle in hand and an empty corn basket. For the lordly port of the turkey, ostentatious strut of the peacock, the swagger of the bull at the (hiving from the Held his competitors. 'J'lie elephant if sometimes implicable in his resentment of vexatious deceptions, is also warm in his attachments, and compassionate towards mis- fortune. Serpents even if possessed of but a fabulous power of charming, may themselves be charmed, and the cobra di capello is instructed by the Indian juggler to dance (in snake-fashion though it be,) to the rude din of his tambourine. The elephant will 1847,] Instinct and Reason, 31 grieve for the loss of a favourite mohout, refusing the caresses of a stranger, perhaps, and so the canary bird sometimes pines to death after the separation of its mate, and a similar susceptibility attaches to the orang outang. A story is told by Virey of a dog, upon the Seine, that persisted in keeping upon the ice where his master had been drowned, till the ice melted away and left him to drown. Similar is the narration about a favorite named Uash, the companion of , a famous English gamekeeper. Such are t"he correspondencies, suc-h the convergences between man and the more intelligent of the quadrupeds. Are the lines of demarcation indefinite and conventional, or original and intran- scendentible? On this question analogies have been evoked out of botany, chemistry, geology, and entomology, and with son:ie plausibility on either side. Phrenology too has been summoned to interpose a decision. The fundamental principle of this theory, that the brain is multipartite in function, is a position in physiol- ogy long since recognized. While the organic excitabilities re- side in the ganglionic chain, and the instinctive in the spinal cord with perhaps the cerebellum, the ratiocinative powers seem to appertain exclusively to the brain. Beyond that much, phrenolo- gy has hardly succeeded in making in advance by one decisive step. Thus man in his retrogradative assimilations approximates to the quadrumana and the quadrupeds generally; is he distinguished above such in re, radically, specifically, or only in modo, that is, in degree? Darwin and Lamarck speculated in this wise. The archetype of the animal creation was an oyster, which during the revolution of some plus or minus chiliads of years, proceeded onward through the pachydermatous, and other vertebrate metamorphoses, till it finally attained to the dignity of the troglodyte, the homo caudatus or long tail. This luculent idea Monboddo advances to its culminat- ing point, by transforming the long tail through the help of cau- dal attrition into the homo curtatus or hoh tail. Seriously, when a hypothesis neither hung upon one solitary fact, nor countenanced by the resemblance even of an obscure and forced verisimilitude, but distinguished solely for its crude and chimerical fantasies, is gravely set forth as the nucleus of a theory, the dreamer of such vagaries should have his requiescat written on a tumulus of sand. The author of the Vestiges enters the arena — " caput altum in proelia tollit " — with the well-burnished panoply of geological armor. Here again is the doctrine of gradationary evolutions from an archeaus or primaeval germ, in alleged correspondence with the laws of the material universe. The conclusion, abhorent as it is to faith, is none the less incongruous with analogy. Has this 32 Operation of JVitrogen on Plants and Animals. [Jan., theorist adduced a single test, instance, palpable, unequivocal and pertinent? " Do men gather grapes of thorns?" Does the oak produce other than an acorn, does the acorn ever evolve itself into aught else but an oak? Individual forms may attain to greater vigor and symmetry, the coloring and shading may appear more picturesque, the physiognomical lineaments may approximate to their beau ideal, but the number, the configuration, and the con- formation of parts is constant under all specific mutations. The argument, elaborate and specious, and imposing though it be, is besides opposed in its very front by the crucial physiological fact, that the hybrid products resulting from contubernation between allied species, have no perpetuity exceeding their individual ex- istence. A more plausible supposition because more conformable to observation is the suggestion, that the germs of all forms pre- existed by coetaneous creation, each awaiting a conjunction of conditions propitious to its proper excitation. OPERATION OF NITROGEN ON PLANTS AND ANIMALS. BY JOSEPH E. MUSE. This subject is one of deep interest to science and agriculture. The suggestions of Dr. Mitchell, published in your last volume, founded in unequivocal truths, have been falsely ascribed to spu- rious claimants, and I had not, heretofore, been positive of the rightful owner. The expansive, philosophic views taken by the Doctor, in the letter alluded to, really excite surprise, when we consider the pe- riod— fifty years ago — at which they were communicated; his physiological speculations and deductions, in relation to animal and vegetable life and death, under the influence of his septic (azotic) principle, justify the elevated position which he main- tained through life. Universities and their learned professors may teach the exclu- sive vegetable origin of malaria, pestilential disease, or atmo- spheric infection, by whatsoever names they may be called; yet I feel fortified by the Doctor's able and scientific communication, in the sentiments I have always held, " that decaying animal bodies contain, in a more exalted degree, than vegetables, the elements of that fatal virus — atmospheric poison — and conse- quently, that they are more productive of it. Ordinary reflection and observation would seem to establish the truth of the proposition; the instinctive faculty revolts peculiarly from the penetrating fetidness of the putrid animal effluvium — so 1847.] Operation of Kitrogen on Plants and Animals. 33 much more than that of the vegetable, as to characterize, unseen, the nature of the emanation. This conservative or instinctive fa- culty, has been conferred upon the whole animal world, to dis- criminate, for self-preservation, that which may be deleterious, from that which may be innocent. It is known that each class of organic bodies contains the same ultimate principles; though septon (azote or nitrogen,) is much more abundant in the animal than in the vegetable, still 1 hold it as a necessary inference, that the presence of septon (nitrogen,) is the basis of the peculiar animal emanation, which all will ac- knowledge to exist, and which is so instinctively shunned; and we are thus forcibly led to the conclusion, that this septous (ni- trogenous,) gas, is the basis of the pestilential atmospheric infec- tion. Some vegetables approximating the animal constitution, as " wheat," for instance, have often been charged, and peihaps cor- rectly, as the source of malaria. But wheat contains gluten, one of the nitrogenized compounds, necessary to animal nutrition; and may, with many others, be capable of the same products. An objection may be offered to our doctrine, that nitrogen with- out color or smell, or any deleterious effects, evinced from its co- pious abundance about four-fifths of the common atmospheric air, we are constantly respiring in safety; but every chemist is ac- quainted with the fact, that the action of a compound, its proper- ties, and relations, are not necessarily, those of either, or all of the simples which compose it; many inert, inodorous, and innocent substances become active, odorous, and poisonous, when combined, and vice versa; acquiring by their union, properties essentially different from the individual components. Nitrogen, the substance in question, stands conspicuously in this category; from its union with oxygen, in various proportions and conditions, result com- pounds, well known to be totally dissimilar in their exteinal quali- ties, and in their chemical relations. From the one proposition, a product, odorless, colorless, and innocent, as the air we breathe; from another, red, and smoking vapors, fatal as the exhalations of the deadly upas; indeed, instances to this point, are too nu- merous, and too notorious, to be quoted: and thus, nitrogen may, and from the facts in the case, does undergo a modification, though mysterious, yet fatal to the health and life of man; indeed the mind, untrammeled by the pride and prejudice of previous opinion, will, I think, acknowledge the reasonable conclusion, (though much mystery may still embarrass the subject, in the modus ope- randi,) that septous (nitrogenous,) vapors, constitute the basis of atmospheric infection. The enquiry is an important one, as the doctrine of the exclusive vegetable origin may and does lead to negligence of the animal nuisance. No. IX 3 34 O'peration of A'^itrogen on Plants and Animals. [Jan., In regard to its relations to agriculture, the communication of the Dr. manifests a research and attainment of physical science, far ahead of the times in which he wrote; it is true he used terms, septon, and septic acid, perhaps not now admissable, but they conveyed clearly his comprehensive views upon an intricate subject, and he directed the true course for way-worn travelers, in a region of much obscurity; and for which others have unfair- ly borne the palm. The principle, which he prescribed as a guide to the cultivator of the soil, " that manures should contain what the plant is known shall, upon analysis possess," is now well established, was, I think, chiefly his own: his designation of septon (nitrogen,) as an essential principle in manures, " for the tilling of the ear of wheat," and the cerealia in general, if not original, was forcibly illustrated and impressed by him, and he adds what a subsequent experience has taught, " that without it the straw may be large and heavy, but the grain will be scanty and light, yet in this ground, he continues "turnips and others, that do not require sep- ton, (nitrogen,) may thrive exceedingly." His introduction and connexion, as an auxiliary of practical agriculture from vital principles of hygeine, in the use and appli- cation of manures, and the forcible manner with which he im- presses it, offer to the farmer a strong inducement to do his duty, by removing the dead carcasses, and other such nuisances, from the vicinity of his dwelling to his fields, for the two-fold purpose of preserving his health, and contributing to his wealth and com- fort. The deductions, which the author has drawn in this part of his subject, from his facts, in then selves remarkable, in those facts of comparative obscurity, of the chemical and physiological balance of nature, in the animal and vegetable creation; and now, so well established, and recently so well illustrated by Dumas and Bous- singault, bespeak a philosophic acumen of no ordinary grade; the one, the vegetable, a simple laboratory of natui-e, deriving the elements for its operation, from the air and the earth, replete with poisons to the animal class, purifying, digesting, and adapting them for transformation, into the more complex nature, and fasti- dious taste of the latter, which decomposes, appropriates, and again vitiates them, to be again elaborated and refitted for his future uses. How clearly and substantially has Dr. Mitchell, half a century ago, discerned this obscure and salutary bond of physical science, when he says, "noxious effluvia are repressed, and their virulence counteracted by the mediation of plants;^' and he adds, " the instrumentality of these two classes, (of organic beings,) seem to be intended to keep the great balance of nature in equijmse, and prevent either being overloaded "with materials destructive to animal life." 1847.] The Grasses. 35 ON THE GRASSES. BY S. B. BUCKLEY. We are aware that ranch has been written in this country on the grasses, and that ah-eacly two essays on them have been pub- lished, one by Prof. Dewey, in the first volume of the JYew Gene- see Farmer, and the other by the late Judge Buel, in the third volume of the Cultivator. The want of correct figures of the different species treated of in those communications, lessen very much their value. For example, suppose a farmer finds a grass growing, the name of which he desires to know, it is very doubt- ful if he can determine it from either of those essays, although it may be there mentioned and recommended. To remedy this dif- ficulty, and enable the farmer to become acquainted with the names of some of the most common and useful grasses, by giving correct drawings in flower and fruit, of at least one species of most of the genera growing in the United States, will be the aim of this and the succeeding papers we hope to publish in this Journal. Grass, in botany, is defined to have a hollow cylindrical stem, closed at the nodes and joints. Flowers in spikelets, consisting of chaff-like leaves, of which the exterior are called glumes, and the two which immediately enclose the flower are called palese. Stamens generally three, and seed single. Therefore, wheat, bar- ley, rye, oats, indian corn, rice, and sugar cane, are true grasses, and clover, and other similar plants are not, though frequently called by that name. We shall use the term grass, as it is gene- rally understood by farmers. Of the true grasses there are about one hundred and twenty species growing in the state of New York, according toTorrey thevState botanist; in Massachusetts one hundred and twenty-one species are enumerated by Hitchcock; the catalogue of plants growing in the vicinity of New Haven, Connecticut, has seventy-six species; Drake's catalogue of Ver- mont plants has seventy -seven ; a catalogue of plants recently pub- lished at Providence, Rhode Island, of the plants growing in that vicinity, contains forty-seven species; we have eighty (according to Sartwell) species growing in the vicinity of Seneca and Crook- ed Lakes in western New York; Darlington's catalogue of Ches- ter county, Pennsylvania, has ninety-six species; Aiken's cata- logue of plants growing in the vicinity of Baltimore, Maryland, contains seventy -five species; a synopsis of the flora of the west- ern states by Riddell, has one hundred and twenty-seven species; Short's catalogue'of Kentucky plants has one hundred; a catalogue of plants growing in the vicinity of Quincy, middle Florida, re- cently published by Chapman, has ninety-four species; Beck's 36 The Grasses. [Jan., Botany of the northern states has one hundred and eighty-two species; Elliott's Botany of South Carolina and Georgia has ona hundred and sixty -two, and according to Torrey in the year 1831 there were known in North America three hundred and twenty- nine species. The system of Roemer and Schultes published many years since, contains eighteen hundred species, of which there are growing seven hundred and ninety-nine species in the torrid zone, and eleven hundred and forty-six in the temperate zone. The Cyperacce and Jimcce, or the sedge grass and rush like tribes are not enumerated among the foregoing, yet they are generally con- sidered as grasses. There are about one hundred species grov.ing in western New York, yet how few of them receive any attention from the farmer. Our farmers evidently do not cultivate a suffi- cient variety of grasses, rarely sowing any thing except timothy (Phleum pratense,) and clover. In England where agriculture is carried to great perfection, and fjom whence many of our im- proved breeds of cattle and horses have been imported, great at- tention is paid to the different varieties of grass. In laying down fields for pasture, they generally select such as ripen their seeds in succession. The Complete Grazier, a work published in Lon- don, gives directions for seeding down meadows and pastures, with the quantity of seed and kind proper for each variety of soil. This work gives the following recipe for an acre of low land, " meadow fox tail two pecks, meadow fescue^two pecks, rough stalked poa two pecks, ray grass one peck, vernal grass one quart, white clover two quarts, marl grass two quarts." To continue our extracts from the same work, " in the laying down of land for the purpose of forming a good meadow, greatly superior to the generality of pastures, the late Mr. Curtis recommends the foUoM'- ing grasses and two species of clover, to be mixed in the follow- ing proportions: meadow fescue grass one pint, meadow fox tail grass one pint, rough stalked meadow grass half pint, smooth stalked meadow grass half pint, crested dog's tail half pint, of sweet scented spring grass half pint, of white or dutch clover half pint, of common or red clover half pint. These are to be mixed together and about three bushels sown on an acre." The superi- ority of the English stock must be owing to the manner in which they are kept, and that is on a variety of food both summer and v\ inter. It cannot be owing to climate since we have a more ge- nial sky than they. If our farmers will devote more attention to the cultivation of the different grasses for their stock, and see that they have enough food varied as to kind, and then select the best to breed from, there will soon be little necessity for importations. Horses, cattle, and sheep, delight in a variety of food, and so well aware of this are the farmers in many parts of Enrope, that in fattening stock for the market, different kinds of food arc given 1847.] The Grasses. 37 each successive day, practicing a regular rotation. Every farmer who has sown much clover and timothy, (Phleum pratense,) must have observed in pasturing land thus seeded, that the sides of" the fences and spots occupied by other grass, (no matter what kind,) are always grazed closer than the rest ol' the field. We have often noticed it whether the land was pastured by cattle, horses or sheep, and this shows plainly that they crave a variety. Sheep desire a greater variety of food than any other domestic animal. To prove this, the experiment of Linneus has often been cited. He found that horses ate two hundred and sixty-two species of plants, and refused two hundred and twelve of those which he presented. Cattle ate two hundred and seventy-six species, refusing two hun- dred and eighteen. Sheep partook of three hundred and eighty- seven species, refusing to eat only one hundred and forty-one. Some grasses afford early pasturage, while others continue good until they are covered with snow in the winter, being little af- fected by frost in the fall. By paying particular attention to the cultivation of these varieties, the time of foddering may be les- sened from two weeks to a month during the year. This is true with regard to those who depend much on the clover for pasture. We would earnestly recommend to our brother farmers, the culti- vation of at least five or six species of grass, and it may be that they have suitable species growing in a wild state on their own farms; if so, they can easily select a few seeds of each kind, and sow them separately, and thus in a short time they can raise seed in suflficient quantity to seed down entire fields, and experiment on each kind separately, or mix them for pasturage. The experiments of Mr. Sinclair, gardener at Woburn, the re- sidence of the Duke of Bedford, called the " W^oburn experiments" which were instituted to determine the relative value of the dif- ferent grasses in a dry state, are quoted and much reliance placed upon them, in nearly every treatise upon the grasses. " This method was to boil in water equal weights of each spe- cies of hay, till every thing soluble was taken up, and to evapo- rate the solution to dryness. The weights of the dry matter thus obtained, he considered to represent the nutritive values of the grasses from which the several samples of hay were made." But according to Johnston, fiom whose chemistry the above extract is taken, " the results of Mr. Sinclair's experiments have lost much of their value since it has been satisfactorily ascertained, 1st. That the proportion of soluble matter yielded by any spe- cies of grass, when made into hay varies not only with the age of the grass when cut, but with the soil, the climate, the season, the rapidity of growth, the variety of seed sown, and with many other circumstances which are not susceptible of constant variation. 2d. That animals have the power of digesting a greater or less 38 The Grasses. [Jan., proportion of that part of their food which is insoluble in water. Even the woody fibre of the hay is not entirely useless as an ar- ticle of nourishment; experiment having shown that manure often contains less of this insoluble matter than was present in the food consumed. (Sjyrengel.) 3d. That some of the substances w^hich are of the greatest im- portance in the nutrition of animals, such as vegetable fibrin, al- bumen, casern, and legumin, are either wholly insoluble in -water or are more or less perfectly coagulated, and rendered insoluble by boiling with water. Mr. Sinclair must have therefore left be- hind among the insoluble parts of his hay the great proportion of these nnportant substances. Hence the nature and weight of the dry extracts he obtained, could not fairly represent either the kind or quantity of the nutritive matters which the hay was likely to yield, when introduced into the stomach of the animal." For the above reasons given by Johnston, he did not consider it necessary to dwell upon the results of the experiments of Sin- clair, and we are of the same opinion. The reader will find a detailed account of these experiments in the third volume of the Cultivator, and in the American Farmers'' Encyclopedia. A good method of determining the relative value of the differ- ent grasses, would be to take an equal number of animals of the same age and as nearly as possible of the same condition, weigh them, tfien let them be kept a certain period on an equal quantity (determined by weight,) of any two grasses, either in a green or dried state — the two grasses to be grown on land of the same quality and manner of cultivation. At the end of the period, weigh the animals again, and this will show nearly the relative value of the two grasses on that particular soil, and for those animals. A similar experiment might be tried upon pasture — all that would be necessary would be to see that the grass of the diflferent pastures was of equal condition as to ripeness and abun- dance, with a soil of the same quality. We cannot confidently recommend many European grasses for cultivation, since few of them have received a fair trial in this country, but there are many native grasses well adapted to our climate and soil, indigenous in every portion of the United States. Nature has spread the different species with a lavish hand both at the south and north. A reference to the botanical works cited before will show, that there is no lack of species in any one re- gion, and surely among so many there must be some well worthy of cultivation. Time will determine- Our task will be to try and make them better known. Phleum prateme, (timothy, herds grass of New England and cats-tail grass of England,) in the northern and middle states is cultivated more than any other grass. It is so well known that 1847.] The Grasses. 39 we shall not describe it. (See plate 1, fig. 1.) It received its name of timothy from Timothy Hanson, who is said to have in- troduced it into Maryland. Another account says that he took it from New York to Carolina, and Loudon in his Encyclopedia of Plants, an English work, states that, " it received its name from Timothy Hanson, who brought it from New York and Carolina about 1780." It does not succeed well in the southern states, not well enduring their long and often dry summers. We allude to the states south of Virginia and Tennessee, excepting the mountainous portion of North Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. During our rambles at the south to collect plants, we were often informed by planters, that they had attempted its cultivation and always failed. One stated that he had sowed it on new bottom land on which many of the largest trees had been left in order to protect it from the sun, but it was of no avail, the grass dwindled and died during the months of August and September. Several of these planters had emigrated from Virginia where they had been used to its cultivation. Timothy is a native of Europe, whence it has been introduced into this country. It belongs to a small genus of plants of which there are but five or six additional species, nearly all indigenous to Europe. One other species, the Phleum alpinum, has been found in Arctic America. Timothy is often sown with clover, with which it makes an ex- cellent hay; however, a great objection to this practice is that it does not arrive to maturity as soon as clover, and unlike most grasses it contains the most nutriment when the seed is nearly ripe, consequently it should not be cut until its juices are suf- ficiently thick to gum a scythe. According to the experiments of Sinclair, the ripe crop exceeds in value the flowering as fourteen to five, or in other words the ripe crop possesses more than twice the nutriment; but from our experience we doubt there being so great a difference. The aftermath is light, affording but little fall pasturage, but when not mowed there are few grasses that excel it for summer pasturage — we mean summer in the strictest sense of the term, since it should not be turned into until the month of June in the climate of western New York, and here the reader will see the advantage of having other grasses for early pastur- age. An eminent grazier in one of the southern tier of counties in this state, (N. Y.,) who owns from two thousand to three thou- sand acres of land pursues this course. He always keeps between one thousand and two thousand sheep, and generally pastures through the summer about five hundred head of cattle; in addition to his other pastures, he keeps large fields of fifty or more acres seeded down with timothy. In the spring he buys cattle in Ohio or Pennsylvania and drives tbera to his farm, where they are turned 40 The Grasses. [Jan., into pasture when the thnothy begins to head out, and not removed until lall, when in a good condition lor the butcher, they are driven to New York or Philadelphia. He says he has olten had men ap- ply to him to mow his timothy pastures on shares, but no, he will not suffer any thing in the shape of hay to be removed from them. This may appear to militate against the doctrine that cattle do best on a variety; but no, these cattle are brought from different sections where they have been used to living on various kinds of food, they get little if any green food in the spring until they are turned into the timothy, which has attained sulhcient age and strength to not scour the cattle, and hence they rejoice in an abundance of that which is a variety to them, and at the end of two or three months are fit for the market. Timothy is a great exhauster of the soil, especially when repeated crops of hay are gathered; this is said to be one reason why it is so little cultivated in England, the English farmers preferring to cultivate many other grasses. There ii no doubt but that soorer or later this or any other grass will exhaust a soil when taken from it, unless a suitable return is made to that soil. The soil most congenial to timothy seems to be a low moist black vegetable mould, though it thrives remarkably well on dry rich uplands, olten affording in such situations in western New York two or more tons of hay per acre. Many farmers think it best to SOW" timothy seed with wheat in the fall or rather immedi- ately after the wheat, before the giound receives its last harrow- ing, but most farmers in this section sow in the spring; if on wheat or rye it should be sown during a light snow in March or about the last of that month, or first of April, in the morning after a frost of the preceding night, which places the ground in a honeycomb state. It is often sowed with oats or barley. We would recommend from a peck to twelve quarts of seed to the acre, though some only sow from four to six quarts. In western New Y'ork it ripens its seeds from the first to the fifteenth of Au- gust, and will often yield from ten to fifteen bushels of seed per acre, the price of which varies from one dollar to one dollar and fifty cents per bushel. The manner of saving the seed practised here is to draw the ripe giass into the barn and thrash it out with a flail, as the hay is wanted for fodder during the winter; but here there is not more than sufficient for home use saved. We may ackl that most of our farmers juefer timothy hay for their horses. Jllopecmui pratensis, meadow fox tail grass. (See plate ], fig. 2.) This grass ranks among the best in England, but has re- ceived little attention in the United States, small patches of it being occasionally found in New England, the Micklle States, Ohio, and Maryland. It is a native of Britain, and is also in- digenous to nearly every country of Europe. Eor permanent 1847.] The Grasses. 41 meadows or pasturage this grass may prove valuable in many sec- tions of this country, but it is unsuited to a system of alternate husbandry, as under the best management it does not attain full perfection so as to afford its maximum yield of hay or pasturage under four years from the seed. It abounds iu most English meadows and pastures. It succeeds best in a moist clayey loam, and in such situations is said by Loudon to afford more bulk of hay and pasture than any other grass. It flowers twice in a sea- son, and hence yields two crops during the year, the last crop af- fording the greatest yield. Sheep are very fond of it, and mixed with white clover an acre is said to afford abundant pasturage for ten ewes with their lambs. We believe this grass has never re- ceived a fair trial in this country, but it might prove a valuable addition to our dairy and sheep growing districts. Seven other species are enumerated as growing in Great Britain, all of which are valued for hay and pasturage excepting one, the Alopecurus agrestis. We think the fox tail grass would grow well in the southern states, because it is a native of the warm climate of Italy, in Europe. Should it receive trial at the south, particular atten- tion should be given to have it on the most suitable soil, which has already been named. There is another species of fox tail grass, (Alopecurus genicu- latus,) which is a native of this country, being quite common in many portions of both the northern and southern states. Elliott says it is common in the rice fields of South Carolina and Georgia. We have occasionally found it growing on the bottoms or low lands of the Alabama river. It is peculiar to a low moist soil, rarely if ever being found in dry situations. It is also a native of England, and with the other species of the genus, excepting the agrestis, is valued ibr both hay and pasturage. (Loudon.) It is rerennial, and hence may prove worthy of cultivation in the south- ern states. It grows from twelve to eighteen inches high, is bent at the joints, and has a head resembling timothy, but smaller, by which it can easily be recognized. There is an excellent figure of it in the second volume oi Elliot fs Botany of South Carolina and Georgia. In western New York it ripened the past summer about the middle of June, yet our season was nearly two weeks earlier than usual. In the northern states, horses, cattle and sheep, do not eat this grass with as good relish as many others; hence it is unworthy the attention of the northern farmer, nor can we con- fidently recommend it to the southern planter. It may be that a southern climate and soil render it more palateable. Both this and the preceding species are said to afford the most nutriment when nearly ripe. Dadylis Glomerata, [orchard grass,) Cocksfort Grass of the English (fig. 3, p. 1). This grass is a native of Europe, and has 42 The Grasses. [Jan., become naturalized to a considerable extent. As a meadow grass it is better than timothy, to sow with clover, since it arrives to maturity at the same time with clover, and also should be cut for hay when in blossom. An objection urged against this grass is, that it grows in tufts or bunches; however this is partly because the seed is not sown thick enough. This objection is of no force when it is sown with other grasses, which is the most preferable manner of its cultivation. It is not as valuable for hay as pas- turage, there being few grasses that are of more rapid growth or abundant yield. Its leaves have been known to grow an inch in one single night. To obtain the full benefit of this grass, it should be kept grazed pretty close. Sheep prefer it to almost every other grass, and it seems to be peculiarly adapted to them, as it flourishes well on dry uplands and withstands well the drouths of summer. It is well fitted for both early and late pasture. Sinclair, for an acre of winter pasture in England, recommends the following, with the proportion of seed which should be sown of each. Dactylis glomerata, (Orchard grass,) 4 pecks. Festuca pratensis, (Meadow fescue,) 3 " Timothy, (Phleum pratense,) | " Agrostis stolonifera, (Fiorin,) 1 " Holcus avenaceus, (Tall oat like soft grass.) . . . 2 " Lolium perenne, (Perennial rye grass,) .... 3 " Poterium sanguisorba, (Burnet,) 2 " Trifolium pratense, (Red clover,) 6 lbs. " repens, (White " ) 8 " This shows the high value placed upon the orchard grass for pasture, in England; it also shows the English love of variety, and that they sow more seed to the acre than is generally prac- tised in this country. In the Genesee Farmer, vol. v., p. 245, we find the following statement of the profits of a crop of orchard grass, on about an acre and a quarter of land, containing sixty-five young apple trees which were just beginning to bear; the price current is given at which the respective articles were sold: 17 bushels seed at $2 per bushel, $34 00 2 tons of hay, first crop, at $10 per ton, . . . .20 00 U " " second " « " .... 15 00 Amount $69 00 Estimated expense of gathering above crops. Cutting and shocking seed, one hand half a day, . $0 50 Threshing " " one day, . . 1 00 Cutting stubble of « « «... 1 GO 1847.] The Grasses. 43 Making the same into hay, and overhauling, . . . 1 50 Cutting, making, and hauling hay of second crop, . 2 00 Interest on value of land, 4 87^ $10 871 leaving a nett profit from an acre and a quarter, of $58.12|. To save the seed the tops should be cut off by a careful cradler, tied in small bundles, and put in shocks, and after standing in the field eight or ten days until it is dried, it should be hauled into the barn and threshed out with a fiail immediately. If there be a large quantity of seed, it should then be spread on the barn floor to prevent its burning in the heap, and destroying the vitality of the seed. When placed in the mow before threshing, it is liable to heat, and render the seed worthless. After a little practice it is said that the cradler can catch with his left hand the portions cut by the scythe, and place them as he advances, after which double swaths should be sown of the under grass at suitable intervals, or the whole field may be mown, upon which the seed sheaves may be shocked. The seed is very light, weighing fifteen or sixteen pounds to the bushel. If sown with clover, one bushel to eight or ten quarts of clover seed, is the proper quantity to sow upon an acre. When sown alone, two bushels are required. For pas- ture we think this grass decidedly superior to timothy, but when a regular system of rotation of crops is practised, and the ground is plowed every three or four years it may not be as profitable, but the oichard grass should occupy a large portion of all permanent pastures. W'e are pretty confident that it would succeed well at the south; it is well calculated to withstand a drouth, flourishes well on dry upland or in shaded situations. Elliott says it has become naturalized on James Island, near Charleston, South Car- olina, where it attains the height of from two to three feet. In this vicinity the past summer we noticed some stalks of it at least five feet high. This is the only species known to botanists in this country; in England there are four other species. The genus is diffused over mi(klle and southern Europe, northern Africa and Asia. Pea prafensis, (plate 1, fig. 4..) Spear grass, meadow gi'ass, Kentucky blue grass. This grass is a native of Europe, but it has become extensively naturalized in the United States, being common in large portions of the northern and western states, ex- tending through the states on the Atlantic coast as far south as the neighborhood of Charleston, South Carolina, where Elliott remarks that it grows to the height of eighteen inches, and in continuation he says it is "a fine winter grass, remarkable for its deep green color and soft succulent leaves. As it bears the sum- mer heats in close, rich soils, it wants only size to render it a valuable acquisition to the farmer." It is a perennial, and aa the 44 The Grnssea. [Jan., southern states are naturally deficient in good perennial pastun grasses, it certainly is highly deserving the attention of the south- ern planter. Nor is there the least doubt but that its successful cultivation there would save the inhabitants much corn fodder, which is the chief food for both their cattle and horses among the planters of the cotton growing region. This grass with the pre- ceding, and perhaps one or two others (which will be mentioned in due time,) would afford abundant pasturage during their mild winters. In the northern and western states it excels most grasses for its abundant and nourishing pasturage, which has the merit of being both early and late. Even now, in December, in western New York, from our window we can see good pasture composed chiefly of this grass. With us it has become completely naturalized, and it seems unnecessary to sow its seed, which from its early time of ripening in both our pastures and meadows, is often scattered upon the ground. It should be cut for hay when in flower, as when 1 ipe the stalk becomes dry, and contains little nutriment. It flowers about the same period as clover, and hence with orchard grass and clover it would make excellent hay. Sending up but one flower stalk during the year, its aftermath consists of nume- rous long deep green leaves which sometimes attain the length of two feet. It flourishes best on calcareous soils, and here, western New Yoik, grows both in open woods as well as pastures, flow- eiing from the middle of June to the first of July. As it varies in appearance from the nature of the soil, some botanists have made an additional species, by the name of viridis, which is now gene- rally considered to be a mere variety. Our specimens from Ken- tucky, and various parts of the United States, differ little from the plant as found here. The following mode of its cultivation in Kentucky, is condensed from the Franklin Farmer. " Some sow in September, others in February or March, that the tender roots may not be winter killed. It is sown either on woodland or open ground. If sown on woodland, the leaves, brush, and trash might be burnt or raked off. In woodlands the grass must not be grazed, or at all events till after the seeds have matured. In open land some mix timothy and clover with blue grass, when half a bushel of the latter seed to the acre is sufficient. The advantage of this is that it secuies at once a pasture which will bear considerable grazing the first year. The blue grass in a few years takes entire possession of the field. It is often sown in March upon wheat, rye, and oats. The grass or open ground is more abundant, sweet, and nutritious, than on woodland, and conse- quently will maintain more stock, perhaps nearly twice as much." We may add that this is true with all cultivated grasses. The " Blue Grass " of New York is Poa compressa. . In our plate of the grasses, magnified views of both flower and fruit are given. 1847.] Long Island Farming. 45 LONG ISLAND FARMING, AND THE EXPENSE OF RECLAIMING MARSHLANDS. BY THOMAS P. YOUNGS. I have fonvarded you one box containing specimens of the soil from my farm. Some ears of corn and ore which I hope you have received, and are according to your wishes; each package is la- belled, and is as follows: One from a tield that has been under cultivation for a great number of years, and for the last twenty or thirty years, as follows: first plowing sward that has been in grass for five or six years; and planting corn in hills, five or six grains in each, and some four feet apart, manuring at the rate of twenty to twenty-five wagon loads stable manure per acre, or twenty-five to thiity loads street diit from the city ot New York; sometimes spreading on after plowing and manuring in hills also, and sometimes without putting any in the hills; product forty to fifty bushels per acre. The next season we plowed the corn stubble and some oats, two bushels per acre, without manure; product forty to sixty bushels per acre. Fall of the same year we again plow the oat stubble twice, and sow wheat, one and a half bushels to the acre, manur- ing with stable manure, twenty-five wagon loads per acre, sowing three to six quarts Timothy seed per acre, after the first harrow- ing, which is covered by the second harrowing, which is done immediately after the first. In the spring, say March, we sow six pounds Clover seed per acre; the product of wheat twenty to twenty-five bushels per acre; the next two or three years we keep for hay mowing, two tons per acre; it is then pastured for one or two years or occasionally mowed another year, and then pastured as found desirable, plowing again for corn after having been in grass from five to six yeais. When the same rotation of ctop commences, this I consider a good rotation for crops of our till- able land, and is probably the best considering its nature and the means we enjoy for obtaining manure. Four specimens from swamp or now meadow-land, marked as we describe them, say high bog and low bog, of which the greater part consists, say three-quarters blue clay near the upland, sand clay adjoining the upland, (small proportion,) of this description I have in all about thirty acres which I have reclaimed Irom a useless piece of swamp, covered with bogs, alders, briars, grape, &.C., &c., almost an impassible thicket, and mud, and mire. I commenced six years since, by ditching round the whole piece, hree cross ditches to carry off all the water, and about three to QUI' feet deep, and all left opeu^ and have been cleaned out every 46 Lojig Island Farming. [Jan., summer. Last year I made under-drains of about one-third, using large stones for sides, say six inches high, and covered them with flat stones procured at Kinderhook, putting in plenty of small stones to keep the sand from washing in and stopping the water, and then covering the whole with the dirt taken irom the ditch, being sufficiently deep to be out of the way of the plow. I next commenced clearing, by stubbing off the bogs, and burning the surface over every spring; heaping the bogs and roots, and burning on the field. I then commenced plowing, and the first day broke all my farm plows amongst the bog roots; and after plowing the furrows, which it took six men to do, some holding the furrow, which as soon as we let go our hold would turn right back in its old place, and was so tough that had we tied a rope at one end we could no doubt have dragged it ten miles without its breaking, or losing perceptibly any of the soil, so completely was it matted with roots. You may well suppose we were discouraged, and some of the men vented their curses upon the swamp. Not being in much better humor myself, I di- rected the broken tools and maimed teams to be taken home. Not liking the idea of giving up so favorite a project that all my friends had considered a wonderful undertaking, and would never be done, I set to searching the books for information how to go to work, which resulted in beautiful descriptions of the great pro- ductiveness of such land after being cleared; but not one word how it was to be done, save ditching. 1 slept but little that night, and said no more about the swamp for two months. But I had a plow made larger and stronger, and got my men in good humor, and we went at it again with a pair of oxen and a pair of steady farm horses on the lead, two men to drive, one to hold the plow, one bearing on the beam to keep it in, and three trying to keep the furrow from turning back; but it was of no use, it would turn back, and I then had it cut off in pieces, and hauled entirely out of the way, that the next should leave the first furrow to fall flat. This did better, and we got on very well, plowing about one acre per day, occasionally stopping to clear the last furrow. I left this to remain during the winter, and in the spring found the frost had pulveri/ied the furrow, so that a good iron-tooth harrow applied at three or four days apart finally got the ground in good order and we sowed oats late in the season, Avhich grew finely but were lighter than our upland oats, producing about the same. After the oats, plowed the stubble and sowed wheat, ten to fifteen wagon loads stable manure with all the bog ashes, and six quarts of timothy seed per acre; wheat grew finely and stood the wintering well and promised to be the best piece of wheat in the county, but the grass seeds came on too rapidly for the wheat 1847.] Long Island Farming. 47 and resulted in a poor crop, very much shrunk and not over twelve to fifteen bushels per acre. Since then I have mowed it three years, producing about three tons good timothy hay per acre; and pastured it one year, and has produced double what our up- land does and where double the quantity of manure has been used. The swamp grass having made its appearance, I shall plow it up for corn this season and oats next season, and plow the oat stub- ble in Sept. and sow timothy seed; clover does not answer, it grows well but the winter throws it out and kills it. The next attempt at another piece we plowed five acres in Sept. and left during winter the same as the other, and during the summer oc- casionally harrowing without putting in any crop; in the fall we plowed again, and sowed ten quarts of timothy seed per acre alone, which turned out well. I had twenty bushels timothy seed, and the bottom being green made good hay, of which I had ten tons, which sold after cutting at $'7 per ton in the field; the seed sold for $4 per bushel — cradled the top and mowed the bot- tom. This piece promises much better this the second season than the last. Another piece of about six acres, where the bushes were thick and large bogs, the whole had to be stubbed over; after heaping and burning, had it well harrowed and sowed timothy seed, ten quarts per acre, and six of clover seed, which has been in pasture for four years, and affords double what any of my upland does. This piece would not bear the cattle; that is, in many places it mired. It has now become firm, and can be tilled with little more expense than upland. I have planted corn on a small part, which has done well: also buckwheat, but this falls, the ground being too strong for it. Such as we have turned up a second time soon becomes perfectly pulverized and is very light and easily attended. I estimate the cost of tilling, ditching, &c., }§30 per acre. The sample of yellow clay came from the bottom of a ditch adjoining the upland, and when first taken out smells like the bottom of a cow-yard. I spread some on the wheat, which was perceptible in that crop and also in the grass-crops, and I should like to have your opinion of its properties, and of the one sent; it came from near the surface and extends over several acres, and I do not know the depth, and also such of the others as you think desirable to analyze. 48 The Maple Family, [Jan. THE MAPLE FAMILY. Who does not love the Maples. Who does not regard them with favor. If they are not known in song, they are still thought of for their substantial good in the fire-side comforts they bring, for their ample shades and symmetrical forms, for their straight limbs, and fair proportions. In the fields they spread their arms wide, and give clean shelter to the herds- which feed there; in the forest they rise majestically, and stand strong and upright, and rank with the tallest trees. Their gray ridgy trunks lend age to the w^ood, while they lighten up the sombre scene. They see ten generations of men laid in their graves ere their strength begins to wane. They form an harmonious family, whose likenesses are easily caught by the practiced eye, but they do not all seek the same kind of life. Some like the wet and marshy spots, some the dry hill side, but far below the mountain top. Others love the north- ern air, and others still the shady glen and rocky mountain pass. It is thus that each seeks light or shade, the plains or hills, the wet or dry, and yet each kind is maple-like. Some too are small, others large, but the kind is not lost whether great or small The first among the kinds is the sugar maple, (acer saccha- rinura.) No tree is better known, and it is the type of the fami- ly. It has a wide range, being found growing in the latitude of 44, 1500 feet above the level of the sea, and yet in some places, spring frosts kill the tree in the state of New York. It is found in groves, where, with the Beech, they tenant together the whole field, they are associates in possession. New York New England and the middle states, are the most famous for their Sugar Maples. The whole region, except some of the highest in New York, is quite favorable to the growth of this tree. It here attains the height of 80 feet, and sometimes a diameter of four feet. Its bark is smooth when young, but becomes rough and ritlgy with age. Its branches in the fields are numerous and widely spread; while in the forest, where light and air comes in from above, it rises high, and seems ambitious to overtop its neighbors. It is here too that in spring it gives its juice for sugar in itj greatest abundance. It may be expected that an ordinary tree will yield from fifty to eighty gallons; four gallons of sap will make a pound of sugar. When the sap is concentrated by evaporation in per- fectly clean vessels, and kept from the dirt and dust, it crystal izes in yellowish brown crystals, which are sharp and well defined. It only requires care to make a white sugar, which shall rival in color and taste the sugar of the cane. There is no mystery in the manufacture of pure sugar from the maple] it only requires 1S47.] The Maple Family. 49 Ihe leaves and dirt, and the cautious management of the fire over M-hich it is evaporated. When a fine forest of maples can he found the most economical mode which can be followed in mak- ing sugar, will be to evaporate the sap in large pans set in a water bath, in which the temperature will never rise over 212° of Fah. The silver leaved or white maple is not an uncommon occupant of the New England forests. It resembles the sugar maple, but its wood is whiter and softer, and its leaves beneath posses a very fine silvery hue. It is the Acer dasycarpum of scientific botanists. We have a figure of its leaves and branches. Its trunk is among the largest of the maples. It grows about sixty feet in height in fa- vored places. It commonly however is about fifty feet high. Its wood, which is white and soft, is easily wrought, and as it is light and strong it is highly esteemed for ox-yokes. So also it makes a pure white floor, and is much used for chairs; and in- deed where lightness and strength are required, it forms a suitable material for furniture. None of the maples can be employed for fence posts, as it is much subject to the dry rot when it is placed in a moist atmosphere, and undergoes a premature decay when resting upon the ground. The swamp or Red Maple (Acer rubrum,) starts first into life with the returning spring. Its crimson blossoms, seated upon branches tipped with the same bright color, are seen with pleas- ure. Its leaves in autumn too, while they are the first to remind us that the summer is past, lend their bright hues to enliven and cheer the coming fall. They light up the forest covered slopes with yellows and reds, which amid the greens create a colored landscape which all love and admire. The wood of this kind of maple is also much esteemed, especially that fine variety known as the curled maple. It grows in swamps and in the northern for- ests of New York, and upon the flats of the Racket and Degrasse rivers it is the most common tree. The Striped Maple (Acer Pennsylvanica,) is only a middling tree, but it is among the finest of our shade trees; and it is strange that it is so rarely seen planted by our village w^alks and streets. Its beautiful form, its large green leaf, and its hand- some striped trunk, ought ere this, to have made it the favorite shade tree of New York and New England. It grows twenty feet high, and its trunk rarely exceeds eight inches in diameter. Its bark is smooth, and striped lengthwise with green and black. Its flowers are large and yellowish green, they appear after the tree is fully leaved. In the spring its bark peels off after it it is loosened by a few slight blows, and the wood is white and soft but not so strong as the sugar maple. It gives a sweet sap, but less in quantity than the foregoing species. It extends far north, and No. IX. 4 50 Analysis of Soils. [Jan., is there known as the Moose-wood, as the Moose feeds upon its branches and bark which it strips off with its teeth. Many trees are met with in the Adirondack woods, which have been broken and peeled by this animal. It is for this reason that it has received its name, Moose by the Indian, which in their language signiiies woodeater. The ]Mountain Maple (Acer montanum) is the smallest of the family of maples. As its name implies, it is a mountain species, and loves those places which are shaded and and damp, where the mountain rill dashes over the rocks and sends up its spray; there its ^branches bend down to the water's edge and choke up the fisherman's path, and hedge in the stream, as it seeks its way to the plains below. These are all American species of the maple family ; of them- selves for ornamental shade trees, they are by no means of an in- ferior kind. The Acer dasycarpum is a fine tree for its shade, and especially the silvery hue of its under side, which the breeze con- stantly lifts, and which too creates a beautiful shifting scene by its changing greens, and its lights below. The Striped Maple is esteemed in gardenesque landscapes by the English. It likes the dry hill side, but still may be grown in any place when planted with care. The Maples have none of those properties which make shrubs or trees suitable for hedges — their determination upwards is too strong and their branches too sparse to form a close fence. But then they fill their own spheres of usefulness in the vegetable kingdom, and increase the comforts of life in many ways which may have escaped our notice. PI. 2. Acer dasycaiyum. Fig. A. cluster of fertile flowers, natural size. Fig. 1. perloct flower. Fig. 2, magnified. Fig. 3, the same laid open. Fig. 4, ovary and styles. Fig. 5, sterile flower. Fig. 6, abortive ovary. B, branch with fruit. ANALYSIS OF SOILS. We received sometime since, a small box of geological speci- mens from our friend and correspondent, Col. Wailes of Wash- ington, Mississippi. The box contained four or five specimens of marl and soil, concerning which, it was said that several friends would be pleased if an analysis could be made; and inasmuch as we are disposed to please our friends, we took them in hand and have completed the analysis, by the aid of Mr. Ball and Mr. Salisbury, who are rendering us assistance in the laboratory at the present time. No. L Surface soil (Prairie) Hinds Co., Ms. Color, black- friable. Analysis: Water, 10.40 Organic matter, 12.20 347.] Analysis of Soil Silex, 55.00 Carbonate of lime, 6.80 Peroxide of iron and alumina , 14.52 Magnesia, 57 Potash, 1.34 Phosphates, trace Marl No. 4, 100 grains. Dried, lost 3.92 Ignited, 4.04 Insoluble silica, 17.44 Peroxide of iron and alumina, 7.10 Carbonate of lime. 70.44 Potash, 8.64 Soda, 36 Magnesia, 64 Solluble silex, trace 51 99.62 This will be found without doubt a valuable fertilizer — it con- tains almost half the amount of potash which the green sands of New Jersey do, that are so remarkable for giving fertility to the exhausted soil of that State. Another specimen of marl, from Hinds Co., Ms. gave the fol- lowing result: — Vegetable matter, 68 Silex, 12.20 Peroxide of iron and alumina, 3.40 Carbonate of lime, 82.62 Magnesia, 1.20 100.10 Analysis of No. 5 — color, greenish, compact. It contained water 3.20 per cent, and of organic matter, 3.60. Analysis of 50 grains of the dry ignited powder. Silicates, 27.00 Carbonate of lime, 7.30 Peroxide of iron and alumina, 13.03 Magnesia, 2.75 50.08 This marl was examined for potash, but without success. The following remarks were made of the soils in the letter accompanying the specimens. No. 1 is the black surface earth of the prairie. No. 4 below No. 1. It is a fine grain and chalky 62 Mineral Food of Plants in the Soil. [Jan., marl, with a few obscure fossil, which appear to belong to fresh water. Without doubt it is a valuable fertilizer. No. 4. — Indu- rated marl or white lime, and belongs to the preceding. It is quite compact and yellowish. It is rich in potash for a fresh water deposit. No. 5. — Black tenacious or plaster marl. This also will form a valuable fertilizer, though it is less rich in lime and entirely destitute of potash. Accompanying the above specimens was one labelled, " Part of a trunk of a tree converted into coal, found embedded in lime rock." This is an interesting specimen, but is really petroleum. It would appear from the above and from the examinations we have made, that the South is really rich in fertilizers, and that there is no necessity lor her lands to become poor and barren. MINERAL FOOD OF PLANTS IN THE SOIL. After all the differences of opinion which have arisen among the men of science, in reference to what is the most important element in the various kinds of manure, the question must be settled by acknowledging on all sides, that no one in particular will answer the demands of growing plants. There may be an absence of any one, and the plant or its produce will be imper- fect. The compensating power of Nature may restore the absence of one by another of a corresponding class of substances, as the want of our alkali in the soil in which a vegetable grows is often supplied by another, that is taken up and incorporated in the plant, but either the one or its substitute must be present. From these theories of certain substances being the controlling ones in manures, have arisen many fallacious practices, even in the days of improved modern farming. Such was the old doctrine, that growing plants required only water to nourish them, and to which the experiment of Van Hel- mont was allowed for a long time to give countenance. He planted a willow tree in a quantity of earth of ascertained weight, in which it grew for live years, being watered with rain water only. At the end of that })eriod, the willow had become a tree weighing one hundred and fifty pounds, whilst the earth had but slightly diminished in weight. The experiment, however, does not appear to have been conducted with much accuracy, in ex- cluding foreign substances from the water. Besides, the amount of mineral substances in the willow is very small, and might very readily be overlooked in weighing a quantity of earth sufficient to support a tree of one hundred and fifty pounds. But Duhamel's experiment wiihihe horse-chestnut and oaA:, watered v,''\th distilled 1847.] Mi7ieral Food for Plants in the Soil. 53 water only, the former for three, and the latter for eight years, give a different complexion to the matter, for they were barely kept alive, growing but very little. It was evident therefore that they did not derive much sustenance from the water. Of a similar kind was Jethro Hull's theory, that if the soil were finely divided, plants would thrive in it without manure. In the same class of theories, may be ranked that which makes the atmosphere the great storehouse of vegetable food, and which would make it unnecessary to apply any manure to the soil; a theory utterly inconsistent with all experience, and along side of it we must place the doctrine of soaking seeds in saline solutions, to impregnate them with a sufficient quantity to sustain a growth of increased vigor, and an Increased production of fruit. All these theories, and the multitude of others which would make it unnecessary to manure the ground, must rest side by side. They will not be confirmed by practice. Plants must be fed. They must have all the elements necessary to make them perfect. Water alone is not sufficient — any single salt, or mixture of salts, will not be the thing unless it contain all the plant requires, and in such a form that the plant can obtain it. The earth was made for them to grow in, and was formed and mixed by the Creator in the wisest and best manner possible. If He has left us any thing to add, then let us find it out. He certainly did not leave us to discover that plants will grow in the air, or in the water better than in their natural soil. From the known constitution of plants, we should have no hesitation in infering that they require food. Experience teaches us that it is the case. Unraanured soil will not produce good crops. A succession of crops taken off the same land, impover- ishes it, unless some of the loss is restored. If weight is restored, equal to what is taken off, in the ordinary form of manures, that is, in the form of dwwg, vegetable or animal matter; we still find, in the process of time, a deterioration in the capabilities of the soil, manifested in its diminished and constantly diminishing pro- ductions. To this cause is owing the " wearing out," as it is called, of old cultivated lands, even under what may be considered a liberal system of husbandry. These facts teach us that some- thing is required for the sustenance of the plants we wish to grow. What is this? The substances entering into the constitution of vegetables, have, as it appears to us without much reason, been divided into two classes, according to their origin, or perhaps rather in accord- ance with an opinion no longer held by any, that only four, of all the elements found in plants, belonged essentially, the others being present only by accident. These four were called organic — the rest inorganic. From the circumstance that upon the death 54 Mineral Food of Plants in the Soil [Jan., of plants and animals, their decaying bodies mingle with, and form a part of the soil; it also has been divided in the same way, and the portion derived from decaying organized matter has been termed in like manner organic, while the original mineral portion has been called inorganic. Probably no soil has been found which does not contain, in some degree, organic matter. If no plant has ever grown upon it, yet the insects or worms which people air and earth and die on every inch of surface, or the animals which have perished throughout all time, have min- gled a portion of their dust with the soil, and thus have served to prepare the ground for the purposes of agriculture. This forms in all good soils but a small proportion. The mineral portion of the soil constitutes its chief bulk and serves various purposes to the vegetable kingdom. Its use as food to growing plants is the one to which we would call atten- tion now. It was stated above that even under the application of ordinary manures, soil would deteriorate. But if at the same time certain mineral substances are applied, they have a marked effect, in many cases. It is undoubtedly true that the action of these is not altogether as nutriment, and they have therefore been often regarded as only stimulants, or a sort of condiment required by the plant to aid its digestion. At the same time it is equally true that they do form an essential article of food. Their constancy in all plants warrants this belief, as well as the effect they have when applied. It therefore becomes a question of consideiable importance whether they may not be applied with great benefit, and whether they ought not to be very extensively applied to soils in all the long tilled sections of the country. These soils gene- rally contain a considerable portion of organic matter, and yet are not so productive as they were. Would not the use of mine- ral manures do much towards restoring their fertility? Analysis may detect their presence in the soil already, but they may not be in the state which renders them available to plants, and as they exist the process may be very slow which prepares them to be- come soluble, and thus capable of being absorbed. Experience teaches the use of many. The different forms of lime are those most commonly used, and the benefit resulting from them is universally known. In some parts of the country wood- ashes is an indispensable manure. It is probable, that on very old farms their value would be abimdantly shown by a fair trial, and where peat abounds it will often be found best to bum it and ap- ply the ashes to the soil than to use it in any other way. In the vicinity of villages and cities where large quantities of anthracite coal are consumed every winter, great use may be made of the ashes thus produced, which are usually, entirely wasted. On clay soils this kind of ashes may be foimd highly useful in ameliorating 1847.] Mineral Food of Plants in the Soil. 55 the mechanical condition of the soil, besides adding important chemical properties. The presence ol' these mineral elements is important not only to the amount, but also to the quality of the crop. Grain grown up- on a soil abounding in them in a condition to be rapidly assimila- ted will be of much better quality than that grown upon a soil deHcient in them. Some are disposed to attribute the diseases to which many vegetables are subject to defective properties of the soil in which they are grown. Though there are very few facts of a character to throw light upon this subject, yet it is, to say the least, possible, and the restoration of the deficiency by the use of mineral manures, may be also the restoration of health and vigor to the plants. This subject is worthy of more attention than has been bestowed upon it. The growth of plants upon any soil adds every year more or less to the organic matter of that soil. The leaves and the stalks of these plants die and rot upon the ground and are gradually incorporated with it. The roots that die annually in the soil add also to the store of organic matter. The different forms of animal life inhabiting the earth and its surface — also the worms that crawl through the ground serve to increase the amount of this portion of the soil, so that there is no part of the surface of the earth, and especially that which is cultivated, in which organic matters are not constantly accumulating. These sources of orga- nic matter are also in a degree sources of inorganic elements in a form to be easily used by growing plants. But this portion is so small as to be hardly worthy of computation, applied in this way. It is probably never more than 10 to 12 per cent, of the whole amount added, and is quite as small, compaied with the amount taken away. It is easy to see and understand the causes which are continu- ally operating to impoverish the soil. Reason teaches us, when we know the constitution of plants, what experience teaches us without this knowledge. Reason ought also to teach us the reme- dy. There are many farmers at the present day, in this country, who act upon the general principle of feeding plants to a great extent. But they are still behind the teachings of true science in the manner of giving that food to their crops. The analysis of soils from land long tilled always shows a deterioiation in some of the inorganic elements. In almost all cases the soil contains a very considerable portion of organic matter. The tiue principle of farming is to make the soil produce what is most profitable to the tiller. He should therefore understand what is required in order to effect this. And it is undoubtedly true that as a general rule, the soil is more deficient in inorganic than in organic elements, and the restoration of them would be the restoration of increased fertility. 66 JVotes on JYatural History. [Jan., NOTES ON NATURAL HISTORY, ETC., EY JAMES EIGHTS. De la Beche remarks that " it not unfrequently happens that in clays, containing disseminated carbonate of lime, there are nodules more calcareous than the other parts, and which we readily per- ceive are not bodies rounded previous to deposition, although at a distance they have that appearance;" and in a note Prof. Hitch- cock adds, " these concretions generally go by the name of clay- stones, and are regarded as the result of running water; though not unfrequently they have been considered as the work of man. Indeed I have never seen any thing in the mineral kingdom that had so artificial an aspect." — Geological Researches. These argillo-calcareous concretions are exceedingly common in the lacustine marly-clay in the vicinity of Albany. They are strictly confined to the upper part, or that part which is most com- monly made use of for the manufacturing of brick. The manner in which they have been found, is distinctly perceptible every where among the various and extensive diggings, which have thrown them open to the light of day. The strata among which they are usually found is in a horizontal position, not unfrequently separa- ted by thin seams of a remarkably fine sand; the delicate fibres of the roots of the different trees of the forest, that at one time com- pletely covered the surface of the soil, have, in innumerable pla- ces, penetrated to a very considerable distance beneath; it was along these roots that the moisture from the surface, highly charged with carbonic acid, has readily found its way, collectmg the lime and other necessary materials as it descended, until its arrival at one of these seams; here a deposition connnenced, and the parti- cles gradually arranged themselves in a concretionaiy form, around a nucleus of ligneous fibre. Whenever these concretions have been examined in a perfect state, the nucleus, or remnants of it, has invariably been found, exhibiting no other change in its appearance than that of a brownish stain given to it by the oxide of iron. Sometimes two or more of them are united together; at others, where the deposition seems to have been far more copious, the liquid mass appears to have spread out to some considerable extent, giving origin to those stony plates of the same nature, which are always to be found associated with them. It is, also, not an unusual circumstance for many of them to be marked with circular depressions, where, after a short exposure to the atmos- pheric influences, they readily disunite, the central portion falls out, carrying with it the woody nucleus, which it contains, and leaves the concretions in that very regular ringlike ibrm that they so commonly assume. 1847.] Specijic Character. 57 In some instances, while undergoing the necessary process of induration, the particles appear to have shrunk from the centre to- wards the circumference, causing those radiating fissures which afterwaids become filled by segregation, with calcareous spar. In this case these nodules become perfect septaria SPECIFIC CHARACTER. To us it appears a wise arrangement, a beautiful as well as useful provision that each species is stamped with characters, which clearly separate it from all other species — that species are individualized both by corporeal marks and by intellectual and instinctive powers. The intention or purpose which is fulfdled by this arrangement, we do not design to speak of at this time; it is the fact which we wish to bring up and which interests most. But do not many labor under a fallacy in this matter, when for instance they remind us that gradations exist every where in nature, that things are linked together, and so linked that no breaks appear in the chains, or would not, provided we could gather up the dust of the lost races. Where are those grada- tions seen, and what is the idea which is held out so promi- nently in the phrases, gradation of being — beings linked tor gether, etc.? Is it probable that in the gradations which are so prominently set forth, there is anything like a coalescence of species? In this idea some confusion has arisen in consequence of misunderstanding the nature of the changes which have occur- red in some species especially those which constitute varieties. Those varieties if carefully observed are specific and never generic. Take the apple, which runs into innumerable kinds; but who has ever seen a variety which wasbecomingapear or quince; or a pear, a quince or an apple, although they grow upon the trunks of each other respectively. Still there is not the least advance of an ap- ple to a quince, or of a quince to an apple, and yet each in their own sphere branch out and form hundreds of kinds, without obscu- ring in the least their parentage, or the specific points which make an apple or quince what they were originally stamped wiih. There is no upward or downward movement in all this. Though some are better than others, still there is a difference in quality only, but this capability is clearly a specific point itself, just as much as fixedness is a character in other species. Who does not recognize an aptitude in the elephant to learn, and who does not see that the 53 Specific Character. [Jan., the rhinoceros or hippopotamus on the contrary have none of the ap- titude of the elephant. The positive character of the first is as important specifically as the negative of the latter. If it is sup- posed that by gradation species run into each in their varieties, the view is erroneous. If it is meant that there is a system, that species occupy a position which is positively assigned them in that system that there are grades of being, some high, some low, it is undoubtedly true. The position which a species holds is positive and arbitrary; they occupy a shelf or platform which is fixed, and this neither inclines downward nor upward, its position is parallel, and all species are placed in the same relations. The shelf is nearer some than it is to others. The resemblances are less remote, and the affinities approximate some and separate others. This ar- angement gives us families and groups. But still not only the species, but the groups are kept apart, and we may take them singly or collectively, and we shall never be able to discover a co- alescence of species. While then the species are kept strictly apart, each upon its own platform, the advance towards a higher organization is by species, yet it is not by the advance of the individuals of a species. Species in their individual capacity do not advance towards a higher or lower species, but advanced species are created. The spaces which intervene between the platforms Avhich constitute the station they occupy is greater in some cases than others. This is all. Another important view which may be taken of species is, the mode in which they sometimes break up into groups. This is well illustrated in the dog. The groups or varieties constitute many well-marked families which are capable of maintaining their identities, as if they were real species, and yet the specific marks of the dog remain unadulterated in each. The groups which are formed by the breaking up of this species represent in miniature the entire class to which they belong, without a coales- cence of any one group with either of the species in which there is a relationship. While then a species in some instances pos- sesses a constitutional ability to change, it is evident those chan- ges never destroy specific marks, and the change itself is governed by a law which, while it marks groups with characters analagous to the specific, still, not one group, or individual of a group is merged in any of the near or remote species. The author of the Vestiges of Creation has attempted to build up a system, the foundation of which is laid upon the constitutional ability in some species to change, or produce deviations within a certain range from the parent type. A hasty and superficial view may favor his system. When however these deviations are carefully 1S47.] Indelible Ink. 59 observed, it appears without a foundation — it has all been built upon defective observations and unphilosophical views. Another fact which seems to be established in respect to varie- ties is, that the true and real variety subsists by itseli, and it can- not be maintained in an intermetiiate state for a great length of time. The variety may die out and leave a blank, just as a species dies out. Some varieties of the dog have already nearly, and have perhaps entirely disappeared. One variety of the hu- man race is verging to an extermination. This is owing to the narrow range of the constitutional susceptibilities. They are un- fitted, or less fitted for that wide civilization which characterizes the European. Their civilization must bedifferent in kind. In at- tempting to force upon them European civilization suddenly, too much violence is done to the associations which surround them, in which they have grown up. The specific character of the red men of the forest, those which place him in the species, man, are as strong and pure as in the European or Caucassian. V.'e remark again, that specific character is never destroyed by external influences. In those instances where a species is change- able and readily breaks up into groups whose characteristics a.e transmitted from parents to offspring, the specific character is never uprooted; in fact, these peculiar changes must be regarded as a part of the specific character. It is true, that those charac- teristics are not readily expressed or measured; and hence are loosely estimated; or, indeed are noticed only as accidents which have happened, but which are not determined by law. Lastly, it is not difficult to see, that the loss or extermination of a species, may take place without violence; indeed, in the whole range of geological dynamics, Vv-e have no evidence that an entire race, or a species, has been destroyed by a sudden catastrophe. Individu- als perish, but the race lives. Catastrophes are local, never general; hence the species survive. The power, then, which ex- terminates a species, operates gradually; the final result is brouo-l.t about slowly; it is a wasting process which only shows itself in the movement of cycles, not one which prostrates a race in a day. Indelible Ink. — Add lampblack and indigo to a solution of the gluten of wheat in acetic acid. It is of a beautiful black and cannot be removed by water, chlorine, or dilute acids. Another process is to free the gluten of wheat from its starch and dissolve it in acetic acid. The solution is then mixed with sufficient rain water to bring it to the strength of common vinegar, and lOgrs. of the best lampblack, or 2grs. of indigo water added to each 4oz. of the liquid, &c., with oil of cloves. It is not used for marking linen, as it will not bear mechanical force. (GO) NEW PUBLICATIONS. GEOLOGY OF VERMONT. Second Annual Report of the Geology of Vermont, 1846, by C. B. Adams, State Geologist, Prof of Chemistry, \c. : pp. 2G7. The report is made up first of an introduction in which the pub- lic is presented with a history of the survey, from October 1845, to October 1846. The work is divided into five parts. The first part is taken up with elementary geology; it occupies one hundred and six pages. The second part is quite brief, and is merely a statement respecting the most important localities of minerals in the state. In the third part the Professor gives an essay upon clay concretions or clay stones, in which the law and power of con- cretion is stated. Part four is occupied with scientific geology; the subjects which have received the attention of the geologists of Vermont are drift, its distribution, drift moraines, furrows, streams of stones, fracture of slate hills, age of drift, its theories, etc. The subject is concluded by a description of the older pleistocene deposit and its fossils. It is regarded as a marine formation, and its origin and climate of this period is well described in this place. The fitth part contains the economical geology and mineralogy. The Agricultural Geology is given by Mr. Hall. The soils of Vermont have received attention but the subject is still in progress. Under economical geology mining receives its share of atten- tion. The ores of iron are the brown iron, magnetic and specular ores. Chromic iron is also reckoned as one of the important mineral products of Vermont. Ochres and manganese have long been known as ores associated with the brown ore. Marble, serpentine, soapstone, roofing slate, limestone, materials for roads, etc. In the appendix the labors of the lamented Olmsted are giv- en. Mr. Olmsted had only commenced his labors and it appears had made some progress in the analysis of the limestone and iron ores, and we regret that they were terminated by death. The re- port is also favored with a letter from the Rev. President Hitch- cock, of Amherst College. Mr. Thompson, of Burlington, has reported progress. His well known accuracy and industry gives sure promise of valuable results from his connection with the sur- vey. Mr. Thompson has given the heights of the following mountains, as ascertained by his recent observations. 1847.] Jfew Publications. 61 J^ew Publications. Mbove L. Clu Mansfield Mountain, , (chin,) 4258 Nose, 3954 S. Peak, 3792 Camel's Hump, 3994 Sugar Loaf, 913 Snake Hill, 822 Cobble Hill, 737 Underbill Flat, 575 It is stated that by leveling, Camel's Hump was found to be 3984 thus making only nine feet difference between the barome- trical measurement and leveling. The report we have observed for sale in Mr. Little's bookstore- It is an interesting volume, and contains a large amount of ele- mentary and scientific geology, together with many of the lead- irg facts in respect to the geology of Vermont. It is expected the work will be completed in the course of 1847. A Flora of the State of JVew York, comprising full descriptions of all the indiginious and naturalized plants hitherto discovered in the State : icifh remarks on their economical and medicinal properties, by John Torrey, M. D., F. R. S., vol. 1. Jilhany, Carroll & Cook, Printers to the Assembly, 1846 ; pp. 484, 4to. The public have been recently favored by the distribution of the first volume of the New York Flora, which has been in a course of preparation for several years under the authority of the State. The present volume constitutes a part only of the work. The second part or volume, though completed and bound, is re- tained in the office of the Secretary of State. The Flora is a mo- del publication ; and may be regarded as a complete and perfect work of its kind. It embraces full descriptions of all the indige- nous and introduced plants which have hitherto been found grow- ing wild in the State. Dr. Torrey has arranged the descriptions of the plants according to the natural orders; an arrangement which may disappoint a few of the older botanists, or those who have not kept up with the progress of the science. The Linnean classification, which appears to be so plain to beginners, is con- sidered by the author of the Flora to have fulfilled its mission; and under the present state of our knowledge of the character and structure of plants to be no longer important to those who are pursuing the study of plants. 62 JVew Publications. [Jan., Indeed the opinion here expressed seems to be supported by the most enlightened view we can take of the utility of the study of botany and natural history generally. Some, and even many, have supposed that when a system is struck out which provides the means for determining the names of species and genera, that then all the wants of the student would be supplied. They found their views, or notions, however, too narrow a basis, viz: that names contain the essence of knowledge, and that when the name of a thingis determined, that is sufficient. Names stand with such persons in the place of ideas or knowledge. In the study of natural history the great object is, or should be, to comprehend the plan or system upon which beings are organ- ized— to see the links which bind the several parts together and which make one great whole — to perceive relations and ends, an- tecedents and consequents — or to put in movement that train of thought by which may be evolved the connecting links which bind together the high and the low, the finite and the infinite. The discovery of analogies and affinities, indicated by a resem- blance near or remote, form one of the immediate objects of this study. The study of structure instead of names, constitutes one of the principal objects in natural history. This is the road by which the attainment of the great end is to be secured. It is not the aim of the Flora to teach structural botany; but the arrangement be- ing founded on structure, the study of the work must be through the channels of structural botany. Views here expressed, howev- er, are not intended to controvert the notion that names are not things or that the name is unimportant. But to return to the consideration of the work itself. It ap- pears from the preface to the Flora, that New York contains about 1450 species of flowering plants. Of woody plants 250 are em- ployed in the arts or used as fuel. There are 150 plants which possess medicinal properties. The introduced plants which have become naturalized and grow wherever they please, amount to 150. Some of these are really the farmer's pests. They came from Europe, mostly, and are there too known as great vagabonds, which have stole into the crops and have found means to come over the Atlantic in bags and barrels of choice grain in which they have secreted themselves. Several of the naturalized planfs are of the greatest consequence to us, witness the grasses, the herds grass, red top, etc., which by their superior vital powers take deep root in our soil and freqnently force out the useless kinds, whose places they take and maintain, provided they are duly nourished and cared for. Dr. Torrey's work furnishes clear and detailed descriptions by means of which species may be iden- tified; and the view which it is stated was taken at the com- mencement of the work, was to secure this end. 1847,] An easy method of preparivg Behdine. 63 The popular descriptions of plants and those details of history and of narrative which constitute a larger part of the literature of botany has been entirely omitted. This is an interesting part of the subject, but it seerns that the work would have become too vo- luminous if this interesting part had been superadded to the more technical details which have been furnished. In conclusion, then, we will not complain of the natural system. Neither will we complain of the rigid technicality the exact termin- ology in which the book is dressed ; or of the dry and naked descrip- tions of sepals, carpels, involucres, corymbs, acheniums, ovaries, cotyledons, pericarps, raeiicarps, mesocarps, etc., by which we are brought to the object sought, the indentiiication of a species, and by which too the exact indentiiication only of species and genera can be secured. AN EASY METHOD OF PREPARING BETULINE. Place a roll of white birch bark upon a plate of iron, whose temperature is sufficiently hot to char white paper, and it will be covered in a short time with a white frosting, which under the microscope will be seen to consist of beautiful and splendid crys- tals of Betuline. If the bark remains an hour or two, the crys- tals will continue to sublime, when they will form delicate tufts, finely radiating or forming clusters of crystals, some of which will be half an inch in length. The substance is, as stated by Lowry its discoverer, insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol, ether and oil. The odor emited by burning bark resembles that of benzoic acid. A yellow volatile oil sublimes, also, and a few drops appear among the crystals. The Betuline exists ready formed upon the bark in the form of a white powder, which on being heated to about 280 or 300 degrees sublimes, and on cool- ing is precipitated upon the bark in a position farther removed from the hot plate. It is neither acid nor alkaline, so far as we have observed, and is not soluble in boiling solutions of the car- bonated alkalies. How TO Keep Smoked Hams. — The best method for keeping hams is, after they are smoked, to put them back into the pickle and the smoky taste is preserved as perfectly as when put in ashes or kept in a dry place. Quinine in the Urine and Blood. — Quinine may be detected in the blood and urine of patients who have taken it for some time. It gives a bitter taste to the serum of the blood. 64 Miscellanies. [Jan., 1847. Tinning and Zincing Brass or Copper by the Moist Way. — Prepare a boiling solution of stannate of potash, mix with tin turnings, immerse the copper or brass, and it is tinned in a few seconds. Zinc is also efFectually laid upon brass or copper by making a chloride of zinc in which zinc turnings are put. The brass or copper is immersed and a coating obtained. Force of Waves. — The force of w-aves is determined by a ma- rine dynamometer, which consists of a powerful steel spring enclosed in a cylinder. The wave is received upon a flat circular plate firmly fixed to the spring. The observations have been made at the Skerrymore rocks in the Atlantic ocean. By these observa- tions it is proved that the mean force of the waves for summer is equal toGlllbs. per square foot: for winter 20861bs. The great- est power yet witnessed was a pressure equal to 60831bs. to a square foot, a result which suc»-.eeded a gale on the 29th of March, 1845. To Make Red Ink. — Take 2oz. of the best of Brazil Avood, ^oz. of alum and half an ounce of crystals of tartar and boil with 16oz. of rain water down to half its bulk, add half an ounce of gum Arabic, after it is strained. To this add also one half ounce of cochineal, made into a tincture with one and a half ounces of alcohol. Medicinal Substance in the Baiik of the Root of the Apple Tree and Wild Cherry Tree. — The substance is called Phlori- dine, and acts upon the system in a manner resembling quinine. It is said that its efficacy is so decided, that we cannot hesitate to class it with the most powerful febrifuges, and that it has an ad- vantage over quinine, that it never induces pain in the stomach. It is prepared by boiling the root bark in a quantity of water suffi- cient to cover it, for half an hour. This is poured of! and a fresh portion added; the two fluids are mixed together and at the end of six hours the phloridine has separated in the form of a deep red velvety looking matter. Method of Covering Brass or Coffer with Platina. — One part of solid chloride of platina is dissolved in 200 parts of water, and to this solution is added 8 parts of common salt, or what is better, one part of platino-chloride of ammonia, and 8 parts of hydro-chlorate of ammonia are placed in a flat porcelain vessel and from 32 to 40 parts of water poured over it, the whole heated to boiling, and the vessel of copper or brass, perfectly bright, is placed therein. This will be covered in a few seconds with a brilliant coat of platina. GEORGE DEXTE R'S WAREHOUSE OF PHILOSOPHICAL APPARATUS ILLUSTRA- TIVE OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES, NO. 57 STATE STREET, ALBANY. The Proprietor of this establishment is at all times ready to supply apparatus for Colleges, Academies and Schools in the several depart- ments of experimental philosophy, as Mechanics, Pneumatics, Hydro- statics, Hydraulics, Optics, Astronomy, Electricity, Galvanism, Magnet- ism, and Chemistry : also, Daguerreotype apparatus, together with Dr. Auzou's splendid Anatomical Models of Human Anatomy. ALBANY MEDICAL COLLEGE. The Lecture term of this institution commences the first Tuesday in October, and continues sixteen weeks. Alden March, M. D., on Surgery. James McNaughton, M. D., on Theory and Practice of Medicine. T. Romeyn Beck, M. D., on Materia Medica. Ebenezer Emmons, M. D., on Obstetrics and N"atural History. Levris C. Beck, M. D., on Chemistry. James H. Armsby, M. D., on Anatomy. Thomas Hun, M. D., on the Institutes of Medicine. Amos Dean, Esq., on Medical Jurisprudence. NEW AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL BOOK. PUBLISHED BY ERASTUS H. PEASE, NO. 82 STATE STREET. Catechism of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology, by Jas. F. W. Johnston, M.A., F.R.S., S.L.&E., Honorary Member Royal Ag- ricultural Society of England, and author of Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry. From the Hon. Samuel Young, Secretary of State and Siiperintendtnt of Common Schools of the Slate of New York. I have carefully examined the Catechism of Professor Johnston, on Agriculture This little work is the basis of both agricultural art and science. A knowledge of its'princi- ples IS within the comprehension of every child of twelve years old; and if its truths were impressed on the minds of the young, a foundation would ho laid for a vast improve- ment in that most important occupation which feeds and clothes the hun^an race I hope that parents will be willii.g to introduce this brief Catechism into the Comraun Schools of this State. Albany, 24th Jan. 1643. g^ YOU\G. Also, as above, a general assortment of Classical, Medical, Scientific and Agricultural Books— Standard Works and Theological Books gene- rally, together with an extensive Sabbath School Depository. N. B. Agency for Levi Brown's Diamond Pointed Gold Pen. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND SCIENCE, This work will be issued hereafter monthly, at two dollars per annum payable in advance. It will form two volumes at the close of the year of three hundred pages each, and will be illustrated by plates and wood engravings. The object of this Journal is to disseminate useful knowledge relating to Science, the Arts, and Agriculture, and to promote sound views in education. It is in fine designed for a farmers' magazine, and no efforts will be wanting to make it a welcome visiter in his family. Communications may be addressed as usual to the conductors at Albany or when more con- venient, to the publishers, Huntington & Sav- age, at 216 Pearl st., New York. E. EMMONS, A. OSBORN. Alb(my, January^ 1847. AMERICAN JOURNAL AGRICULTURE AND SCIENCE, CONDUCTED BY DR. E. EMMONS AND A. OSBORN, ESQ. FEBRUARY, 1847. NEW YORK: HUNTINGTON & SAVAGE, No. 216 Pearl Street. 1S47. J. Munsell, Printer, Albany. CONTENTS. NUMBER TEN. 1 . The Limestones, and Lime, 65 2. Progressive Changes of Matter, 83 3. The Farmer's Calling, 90 4. Mr. Duropus and Family, 94 5. Worn out Lands of Virginia and North Carolina, 101 6. Harrowgate Springs, 102 7. Salisbury's Seedling Pear, 103 8. Publications, 104 9. Thick Sowing vs. Thin Sowing, 104 10. Correspondence, 105 11. Agricultural College, 107 12. Strictures on the views of Dr. Seller, • 108 13. Value of Non-conductors of Heat, Ill 14. Agricultural Address, 112 15. Manna, 112 16. The Fat of Milk, 112 17. Exchange Journal, 112 18. Acknowledgements, 112 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND SCIENCE. No. X. FEBRUARY, 1847. THE LIMESTONES, AND LIME. The subject divides itself into the following parts: 1. The dis- tribution of the limestones in the geological formations. 2. The composition of the limestones. 3. Their origin. 4. The theory of the action of lime as a fertilizer. 5. The uses of lime in the arts. I. Distribution of Limestone. Limestone, as is well known, occurs as a rock which, when pure, contains lime 56,15, and carbonic acid 43.7. Its specific gravity is 2.74. The rock is distributed through many of the geological formations in the United vStates; but, as in the case of the sand- stones, slates, etc., it cannot be considered as peculiar to any given system of rocks. We speak now of limestone as a mineral simply. When, however, we come to take a special view of it, we must regard every formation which contains a limestone as belonging to it exclusively. Geologically, it has an age and po- sition, and this particular limestone is unknown elsewhere. The same bed of limestone may be widely separated from another bed, and yet can be proved to belong to the same period. Geology then aids the farmer in his search for limestone; and though we can not lay it down as an established law, that the same forma- tion every where will contain its limestone, yet there is so much constancy in its presence in certain formations, that its absence may be considered an exception to a rule, and hence it is a real advantage to know where and in what formations it has been found. It is needless to enter here upon the consideration of the fact, that limestones are unequally developed in the same forma- tion, at distant points. We are not to wonder that it is so; but rather wonder that there is so much constancy in the presence of this rock over such vast areas, and that eras should occur at all, during w^hich the sediments consisted mainly of calcareous matter. Vol. V. No. 10. 5 66 The Limestones, and Lime. [Feb., At the first view of the fact, the discovery at two distant points of a limestone in the same formation, would be regarded as an accident. We should not expect that in the workings of inor- ganic nature, that the steady recurrence of one kind of mineral matter would be likely to happen. But we find that the same hand which has sown broadcast seed for the mountain, the valley and the marsh, has also made the limestones to grow in their eras and seasons. We shall describe the limestones as they are distributed in the formations, beginning with the oldest or lowest, and thence we shall proceed and speak of them in the ascending order. Limestone of the Primary System. — Few rocks possess a greater interest than this, when associated with granites. Hence it is in this particular association that we find a clue to an ex- planation of several important facts; besides it overthrows an old dogma that granite is the oldest and lowest rock upon the globe. This is not, however, the place to speak of this matter; it will receive attention under the general head, the origin of limestone. Primary limestone is white, granular, and quite coarse-grained, and is rarely pure or free from foreign minerals. It contains mica, hornblende, pyroxene quartz, serpentine, and graphite. The rarer minerals are chrondrodite, spinelle and sapphire. But the most injurious one is silex, which is frequently disseminated in fine or coarse particles, or seggregated in masses, in which it is common to find imperfectly developed hornblende or pyroxene. The presence of one of these minerals of course injures limestone for all the purposes to which it is applicable, but usually in the large beds comparatively pure masses occur, which may be se- lected from the impure. Localities. — It is impossible, or rather it will be inexpedient, to give all the localities of this rock which have fallen under our own observation, or under the observation of others. The fol- lowing, however, are some of the most important in the state of New York, namely, Hammond, Rossie, Gouverneur, and Ant- werp, which taken together constitute a region over which lime- stone is widely spread, though not in continuous beds. It here contains very frequently phosphate of lime in small and large six-sided prisms, crystals of feldspar, pyroxene, and zircon, which latter mineral seems to replace the sapphire of Orange county; mica, and graphite, and quartz, are perhaps the most common minerals. Graphite is usually in disseminated folia, but rarely in veins. There is another limestone district in Edwards and vicinity, in St. Lawrence county. Specular iron ore and carbonate of iron is often associated with these beds. Theresa and its vicinity also is another district where primary limestone is common, particu- larly in the direction of Muscolunge lake, and upon its shores^ 1847.] The Limestones, and Lime. 67 where fluor spar, carbonate strontian, was formerly quite abun- dant. It is here that a rock is quite common which might be called a calcareous granite. In the interior of the great primary region, few beds of limestone are known. Near Long Lake, about four miles south of its head, primary limestone was disco- vered; and also near Xewcomb, in Essex county, some inferior beds have also been discovered. One of the most interesting localities however, and which clearly exhibits the relation of this rock to the primary rocks associated with it, is at Long Pond in Essex coun- ty. In Warren county a limestone district exists in the west part of Warrensburgh, and in the adjacent towns of Athol and Johnsburgh. It is here associated with serpentine and some poor pyroxene. The beds however are sufficiently pure for lime. The last limestone district in the northern primary of New York is in Moriah. The principal beds terminate on the shore of Lake Champlain at Port Henry, where, as will be seen, the rock is a pure carbonate of lime. Leaving the northern primary rocks and passing south to the Highlands of the Hudson, we find several beds or veins of lime- stone, some of which have a fine red color, and contain scapolite and hornblende. These beds may be regarded as continuous, or rather as forming an interrupted belt, which extends through Orange county into New Jei'sey, passing on its route through Amity, where spinelle, serpentine, pyroxene, scapolite and sap- phire are the most common and remarkable minerals. This belt of limestone is often sufficiently pure for lime. It appears from the foregoing hasty sketch of the localities of the limestones, that the primary rocks are almost constantly asso- ciated with them; and as we have passed over many localities without even a passing notice, it seems to be well established that primary rocks are as rich in limestones as any of the later sedi- mentary formations. We shall now turn our attention to the primary of Massa- chusetts and Vermont; and we may at once say, that large areas of the gneiss and mica slate districts are quite deficient in limestone. Beds and veins of limestone pass through the western part of Middlefield, near the rail road, which extend, with some interruption, north and south through Hampden and Berkshire counties. They are intermixed with serpentine, and belongs to the magnesian variety. Beds and veins of limestone closely resembling these western ones occur in the east part of the state, in Bolton and Chelms- ford. These are coarse, crystalline, and contain scapolite, and rarely blue and beautiful spinelle. New Hampshire and Maine are supplied with lime in many in- stances from the primary rocks. In the former state the lime- stone seems to be interlaminated with mica slate. Lyme, Ha- 68 The Limestones, and Lime [Feb., verhill and Lisbon each contain inexhaustible beds of limestone, and it is an interesting fact, that they lie in one range, running a little east of north. Mica and quartz are the only two minerals which vitiate the rock, and diminish its value for quick-lime. In Maine, the occurrence of limestone in the primary rocks is "Well established. The beds hold the same relation to the rocks, as in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, and which have already been noticed in the Green Mountain range. Dr. Jackson, in his geology of Maine, remarks, that many valuable beds of limestone occur in the interior of Maine, particularly in York and Oxford counties, where it alternates with gneiss and mica slate, in beds varying from a few inches to several feet in thickness. They generally rest upon the flanks of granite mountains, though they also occur on the hills and table lands. These limestones are considered as of the very best quality, since they are free generally, from imbedded minerals and magnesia. When the limestone contains earthy impurities, they may be riddled out, after being partially slacked with a little water. The impurities are well adapted to agricultural purposes, while the pure lime may be employed for mortar. Limestone of the pri- mary system occurs in the following towns in Maine: — Newfield, Norway, Paris, Buckfield, Winthrop, Hallowell, Whitefield, Brunswick, Phipsburgh, Rumford Falls, Skowhegan Falls, Po- land, Carthage and Bingham. The primary limestones, if they exist, are not well described south of New Jersey. They are well known in this state. The beds are a continuation of those of Orange county, and contain the same minerals. Serpentine also accompanies the formation penetrating the limestone in disseminated masses, and occuring also with it as associated beds. It is a curious fact that serpentine in Massachusetts, forms by itself extensive beds, independent of limestone, as in Middlefield and Chester, while in the primary system of New York, especially of the northern district, they invariably occur together, frequently penetrate each other or lie side by side. Whenever the serpentine is associated with the limestone, the latter contains magnesia inde- pendent of the masses of serpentine which may be contained in it. II. Composition of Limestones. We shall now proceed to state the composition of the lime- stones of the primary system. Our principal object in entering somewhat minutely into details in this part of the essay is to in- form our readers what limestones contain magnesia, and what are adapted to agricultural purposes. It has been taught that those limestones which are situated near the primary rocks, are more likely to contain magnesia than others: and if our recollection of former doctrines does not fail 1847.] The Limestones, and Lime. 69 us, we were taught to believe that magnesia was imparted to the limestones, at a period subsequent to their consolidation; and hence it was believed that magnesian limestones, especially those called dolomites, were altered rocks, and had undergone a process which was termed dolomitization ; which consisted in the recep- tion of this earth from some preexisting magnesian rock, through the agency of heat. This doctrine, however, seems to be too far fetched, especially when it is quite agreeable to all the facts which are known of the origin of sedimentary rocks, to consider the ma- terials as existing together at the time the sediment is forming, or at the time the deposition is in progress. Many of the beds of limestone in the primary rocks are free from magnesia, and we believe that observation will supply us with indications respecting its presence, though probably nothing short of analysis will be perfectly satisfactory. Agreeably to our own observations, as it respects the presence of this earth in the primary limestones, when we have found serpentine associated with the beds, or disseminated in a part of the bed, we have al- ways found magnesia present. On the contrary, in those which are unconnected with serpentine we have not found magnesia. It is quite important to have some simple test for the presence of this earth, which is easily applied; inasmuch as magnesia is injurious when applied to lands in a caustic state, and as it ab- sorbs water and carbonic acid more slowly than pure lime, it is more likely to be applied too soon; and it would result in the injury of a crop the first year, after which it is probable that it would act beneficially, for we believe that magnesia is as import- ant to some crops as lime. Magnesian limestones indeed may al- ways be regarded as important substrata for soils, and we always find those soils peculiarly adapted to Indian corn and the cereals. But we find that we have digressed, and must return to the consideration of the composition of the primary limestones, those which are associated with gneiss, hornblende, mica slate, and granite. 1. Limestones of JVew York — which are usually found in con- nection with granite. Natural Bridge, Jefferson county; color white, coarsely crys- talline. It contains graphite, scapolite, pyroxene and quartz. Analysis. Carbonate of lime, - - . 98.24 Carbonate of magnesia, . . Q Alumina and per oxide of iron, - .88 Insoluble matter, - - - - .88 100. A limestone mixed with serpentine, from which the calcareous 70 The Limestones, and Lime. [Feb., spar was separated and tested was found to be highly magnesian. This limestone was taken from the vicinity of Oxbow, in the town of Antwerp, Jefferson county. It contained also Rensse- laerite, a mineral which has some resemblance to soapstone, though it is considerably harder. The Oxbow variegated or ser- pentine limestone contained Insoluble matter, - - - 1.16 Alumina and peroxide of iron, - - 3. Carbonate of lime and magnesia, - 95.84 100. Limestone of Port Henry, Essex county : color white, crystal- line, with yellow particles, which resemble chrondrodite, and others which are sulphuret of iron. Large masses of calcareous spar are imbedded in the rock at some distance south of the landing, which is a pure carbonate of lime. In the vicinity of the bed at Port Henry, serpentine marble is common, but seems to be dis- connected with the white rock near the iron works. Analysis. Insoluble matter, _ - . Carbonate of lime, _ _ _ Carbonate of magnesia, - Peroxide of iron and alumina, 100. The iron is set down as an oxide, although it is probable it is in the state of a carbonate. Limestone of Putnam count}\ Jinalysis. Insoluble matter, _ - - Peroxide of iron and alumina, - Carbonate of lime, - - - Carbonate of magnesia, - - - It will be observed that the primary limestones are frequently destitute of magnesia, or contain it in very small proportions. They however contain other impurities, such as quartz and other minerals, which injure them for economical purposes, and it is not uncommon to find at least from 50 to 75 per cent of foreign matter in some parts of the beds in Northern New York; but these inferior beds occur usually in patches, and it is rarely the case that good limestone may not be found somewhere upon all the beds or ranges. 1847.] The Limestones, and Lime. 71 2. Limestones of Massachusetts. — The following analyses of the primary limestones were made by President Hitchcock,* for the Agricultural Survey of Massachusetts. These limestones are as- sociated with gneiss and mica slate, and are often considered as interlarainated beds. In the western part of the state, the rock is not uncommon, and undoubtedly extends north and south along or near to the ridge of the Green mountains! These beds should be distinguished from those belonging to the Taconic system, which appear along the western flank of the same range. Limestones of Becket, Berkshire county, Mass. Jinalysis. Carbonate of lime, . - - 58.31 Carbonate of magnesia, - - -28.61 Peroxide of iron, - _ - 1.24 Alumina and silica, _ - - 11.84 100. Specific gravity, 2.84. Per cent of quicklime, 32.65. Limestone of Middlefield, Hampshire county. Coles brook; color white, crystalline. Analysis. Carbonate of lime, - > - 56.25 Carbonate of magnesia, - - - 31.56 Peroxide of iron, - - - 1. 12 Silica and alumina, - - . 11.07 100. Specific gravity, 2.78. Per cent of lime, 31.50. Limestone of Blandford, Hampden county; color white. Jinalysis. Carbonate of lime, - - - 51.66 Carbonate of magnesia, - - - 39.48 Peroxide of iron, - - _ Q.gj Silica and alumina, - - _ 7.95 100. Specific gravity, 2.77. Per cent of caustic lime, 28.93. Micaceous limestone of Ashfield, Hampden county, two speci- mens. • Hitchcock's Report, pp. 80, quarto edition. 72 The Limestones, and Lime. [Feb., Jinalysis. 1st specimen. 2d specimen. Carbonate of lime, - 46.85 43.13 Carbonate of magnesia, 1.50 2.70 Peroxide of iron, - - 1.55 2.70 Silica and alumina, - 50. 48.67 100. 98. Caustic lime, - - 26.24 25.37 Limestone of Worthington; color white, crystalline. Analysis. Carbonate of lime, - - - Carbonate of magnesia. Oxide of iron, - - - . Peroxide of lime, 55.92. The east part of Massachusetts contains also a few beds of pri- mary limestone, whose composition is as follows; color white, and crystalline. Analysis. Carbonate of lime, Carbonate of magnesia. Peroxide of iron. Silica of alumina, - Bolton. Chelmsford. 61.80 56.52 27. 39.38 0 .90 3.20 3.20 91. 100. 34.61 31.65 - 2.85 Per cent of lime, Specific gravity, - 3. Limestones of JYew Hampshire. — Dr. Jackson has given the composition of several important beds in New Hampshire, of which we deem the following the most interesting. Haverhill; color white, crystalline and free visibly from foreign matter. Analysis. Carbonate of lime, - - - 99.3 Mica and quartz, - _ - 0.5 Carbonate of magnesia, - - 0.2 100. 1847.] The Limestones^ and Lime. 73 It contains bbn29 per cent of caustic lime. This is regarded as a limestone of the first quality. The following from the same town is inferior to the preceding; color white withjbluish streaks, granular or crystalline. Analysis. Carbonate of lime, - - - 90.66 Mica and silex, _ _ _ 3.80 Carbonate of iron and manganese, - 5.54 100. Per cent of lime, 51.03. Limestone of Lisbon. It is found in the south west extremity of Mink pond. Color white with gray stiipes, and mixed with mica and quartz. Analysis. Carbonate of lime, - - - 90.8 Mica and quartz, _ _ - 8.2 Carbonate of iron and manganese, - 1.0 100. A limestone from a quarry in the same neighborhood yielded. Carbonate of lime, - - - 81.6 Mica and quartz, _ - _ 15.6 Carbonate of iron and manganese, - 2.8 Per cent of caustic lime, 45.59, 100. This lime is in good repute in the neighborhood, and is used profitably in agriculture. Limestone of Lyme. Color grayish white, crystalline. Analysis. Carbonate of lime, - _ _ 71.70 Silex, 25.70 Carbonate of iron and manganese, 2.60 " of magnesia, traces 100. Per cent of caustic lime, 40.35. Limestone of Amherst yielded, Carbonate of lime, _ _ . 75.2 Iron and alumina, - - _ 2.4 74 The Limestones, and Lime. [Feb., Silica, 21.0 98.6 Per cent of lime, 42.32. Limestone of Franconia. Carbonate of lime, - - - 78.00 Silex and mica, - - - 20.00 Carbonate of iron, _ - . 2.00 100. It contains 43.9 per cent of caustic lime. It is used as a flux for smelting the iron ores of Franconia, and it is probably well adapted for this use. The silex it contains becomes, as far as it goes, an important addition to it for fluxing. It is also employed in agriculture. It appears from the foregoing analysis, that magnesia is rarely if ever present in these limestones. They are associated with the mica slate and hornblende rocks. It is not usual to discover any traces of stratification in them. Magnesia, which is more com- monly present in limestone than is suspected, seems to be a rare element here. 4. P7'imary limestone of Maine. — Limestone of Androscoggin, at Rumford Falls. Color white or gray, granular, containing ac- tynolite, and pagasite. It is included between layers of slate, and is much disturbed and contorted by a vein of granite. Analysis. Carbonate of lime, _ _ - 78.0 Oxide of iron, - - - - 1.2 Insoluble matter, _ _ _ 20.8 100. This, Dr. Jackson remarks, burns fine in part, slackes quickly and makes a strong white mortar of a good quality. Phosphate of lime, pyroxine and hornblende are also found in this rock, and it is principally from their presence that I infer that the limestone whose analysis is given above belongs to the primary system. The limestones of Maine, which are generally known as those of Thomaston belong to the Taconic system. Others belong to the new red sandstone. We have been particular in noticing the limestone beds of the primary for the purpose of calling the attention of those who may be interested in the subject to the fact, that those rocks are by no means deficient in this important member, and may be sought for 1847.] The Limestones, and Lime. 75 with a prospect of success in all parts of our country which are underlaid with granite, gneiss, mica slate, and hornblende rocks. This view of the matter, however, is contrary to the doctrine which is usually taught, and which has led most inquirers into the belief that the primary masses are destitute of lime. One additional remark we wish to make is, that before they are used for agricultural pnrposes, the presence or absence of magnesia ought to be determined. III. Origin of Limestone. Remarkable as it may now seem to us, the idea has been ad- vanced by distinguished geologists, that limestone was an animal secretion, not perhaps intending to carry the idea so far as to consider it as an actual creation by animals, but as a new forma- tion by a combination of preexisting elements. The opinion seems to have been founded on the conclusion, that limestone is extremely scarce in the primary rocks, and that it increases in the later formations in the direct proportion in M'hich animal beings themselves increased; for instance, limestone is very common in all the later rocks, the lias and cretaceous systems, and the tertiary, large and thick beds often occurring in almost every country, which are made up of calcareous matter, of which a large proportion consists of shells, the coverings of animals, which are composed of carbonate of lime principally. But the conclusions of the ge- ologists are erroneous, as will be observed from the foregoing statements; for, if they are true, there is no deficiency of lime- stone in the earliest formationsof the globe. Leaving out of vjew then the notion that lime or limestone has not an animal origin, we are thrown back at once upon the more rational idea, that it originated, like all other earths and rocks, by the same power and force, and at the same time; or in other words, that it is coeval with granite, gneiss, and other rocks which are called primary. With them it was created, and it ap- pears every where by their side, lying either in parallel position, or traversing them as veins. It lies also in many places beneath granitic beds, and under circumstances which show clearly that in those instances its age is equally great; or according to the rules of interpretation which are acknowledged as authoritative, it existed prior to those beds. In respect, however, to the prior existence of primary rocks, especially the unstratified ones, we have no means of determining the ages of individual masses; for even in the case of superposition, it may be inferred that it is ac- cidental; that if we could penetrate deeply into the bowels of the earth, we might find the superior mass the inferior one. All we can say is, that the last change which these rocks have un- dergone has placed the granite in a position superior to the limestone. 76 The Limestones, and Lime. [Feb., The facts which are established in regard to the age of the rocks composing the earth's nucleus, and which w^ere in the main consolidated before the creation of animals, go to prove that they were formed at the same period, but that in after times they have been subjected to certain changes which, in one case, has placed a given mass in a position superior to the others, and other in- stances still, the latter have been placed in a position superior to the former. Lime seems to be one of the essential constituents of animals and vegetables; it enters into them as a part of their frame work, and without doubt the provision of this material was prospective. In the earliest sedimentary rocks, it is derived immediately by abrasion of the primary rocks preexisting. When water contains carbonic acid in solution, it is capable of dissolving carbonate of lime. Muriate of lime is very soluble, and sulphate of lime more soluble than the carbonate. In consequence then of the solubility of the calcareous compounds, lime has existed in all waters; largely in some, but in others only in small quantities; hence, it has been brought within the reach of all organized beings, being found not only in the seas and larger fresh water lakes, but also in most soils, from which it is taken by the roots of plants. We do not pretend to account for the origin of lime, or rather the original creation of limestone. We merely speak of its derivation, it coexists with the earliest rocks, and has been sub- jected to the same agencies; the great mass in the interior is brought to the surface and ground down like other rocks, and hence it appears as common as sand and clay, in all the forma- tions which are really sediments. Lime, too, exists largely in rocks which are not in the common acceptation of the word cal- careous. Though it cannot be considered a constituent of gneiss and granite, yet it is a constituent of feldspar which enters largely into the composition of those rocks. So it is found in mica; and when we examine the sediments which appear to consist mainly of alumina and silex or sand, still lime is found even there — and if we analyze any of the rocks in the Taconic and Silurian sys- tems, few are found which are destitute of it. It forms 10 per cent very frequently in rocks w^hich are never regarded as calca- reous. The universal distribution of lime and limestone, then is an important feature in our system of rocks and serves a purpose which in the constitution of things is of the greatest moment to animals and vegetables. Limestones of the Taconic System. — In the ascending order the Taconic succeeds the primary system; it contains two dis- tinct ranges of limestone, one of which is often magnesian. The strike of the system is north a few degrees east, which brings the limestone ranges on the western side of the primary system 1847,] The Limestones, and Lime. 77 in New York and Vermont, or that part which is widely known as the Green Mountains, in the northern extremity of the United States, which being traced southwardly merges itself in the great Appalachian chain. The magnesian limestone is near the primary, and is generally know^n as the Stockbridge lime- stone. The sparry limestone, in which we have not detected magnesia, except in inconsiderable quantities, ranges on the west side of the Stockbridge limestone and occupies a parallel position to it, and may be distinguished by its numerous short sparry interrupted veins of a more crystalline structure than the body of the rock. It is frequently slaty and imperfectly accre- tionary, while the Stockbridge in its purest and most perfect form is a crystalline sacharoidal rock, which is susceptible of a fine polish, and constitutes one of our finest marbles; some beds, for a limited extent, having been found nearly equal to the Italian statuary marble. The composition of the Stockbridge limestone is not uniform; that is, omitting to notice some minor differences which concern merely the quantity of alumina and iron; it is found to differ still more in the quantity of magnesia which it contains. Even many beds which have passed for dolomite, have proved, on analysis, to be a pure carbonate of lime. Still it is so common for the friable limestones to contain magnesia, that we are rather disappointed if we fail in detecting it in them. The limestones of this system are usually distinctly stratified; beds, however, of a limited extent appear destitute of the lines of stratification. So it often happens in well known sedimentary rocks, which when homogeneous, seem to consist of thick masses formed of materials uniformly distributed through them, and des- titute of those peculiar lines which denote stratification. The color of these limestones are white, gray, mottled or clouded. The clouded portions are mixtures of carbonate of lime and fine particles of the adjacent slate rocks, and is never due to the oxide of iron or manganese, and hence those clouded varieties retain un- changed the colors which they exhibit at the time they are removed from their beds. We leave out of view here, the stains which appear in some of the finest varieties which are produced by sulphuret of iron, and which totally destroy their beauty and usefulness. The limestones of this system are found in New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, and Maine; and we have before us analyses, from many localities from each of these States. The formation or system extends also through the Southern States, but we have no good analyses of them in their prolongation south. 78 The Limeatones, and Lime. [Feb., Taconic Limestones of JVew York. — Sing Sing marble. Analysis. Carbonate of lime, _ - _ 53.34 " magnesia, - - 45.89 Silica and alumina, _ _ - 0.87 Oxide of iron, - - - - trace 100.10 Per centage of caustic lime, 30.04. do do pure magnesia, 22.23. This rock is regarded as a dolomite; it does not resist the ac- tion of the atmosphere of this climate very well, and for heavy structures it is not the best material which can be employed. Limestones of Dover and Dutchess county. Color, white, bluish white, fine granular. Carbonate of lime, _ _ _ 60.50 " magnesia, - - 39.50 100. Per cent of pure lime, 34.14. do. magnesia, 19.12. Sparry limestone of Hoosick Falls. Color; bluish white; and it is usually traversed by short white crystalline veins. It is west of the Stockbridge limestone, and is not magnesian properly speaking. Jinalysis. Insoluble matter, silica, &c., - 7.40 Alumina and peroxide of iron, - 1.60 Carbonate of lime, - - - 91.00 2. Taconic Limestones in Massachusetts. The beds are prolong- ed from New York, the Westchester limestones being identical with those of Stockbridge and Adams. The range is still prolonged into Vermont. Stockbridge limestone of Great Barrington. Color, white, and clouded, forming a clouded marble. Analysis. Carbonate of lime, - - - 60.30 " magnesia, - - 38.09 Peroxide of iron, _ _ _ 0.65 Silica and alumina, - - - 0.96 Specific gravity 2.84. Per cent of lime 33.77. 1847.] The Limestones, and Lime. 79 Limestones of Sheffield. From this quarry the stone for the Girard College was taken. Analysis. Carbonate of lime, - - - Silica and alumina, - - _ Carbonate magnesia, 97.80 2.20 . 0.00 100. Specific gravity 2.75. Per cent of pure lime. , 54.77. Lanesborough gray limestones or gray marbk ;. Analysis. Carbonate of lime, - - _ " magnesia. Peroxide of iron, - - - Silica and alumina, - - - 93.60 5.50 0.60 0.30 100. Specific gravity 2.76. Per cent of pure lime 52.42. Egremont; color white, crystalline. Analysis. Carbonate of lime, - - _ Carbonate of magnesia, - - - Silica and alumina, - - - 92.80 1.20 6. 100. Specific gravity, 2.60. Per cent of lime, 51.97. Williamstown limestone, at the foot of Saddle mountain. Analysis. Carbonate of lime, - - _ 55.79 Carbonate of magnesia, - - - 42.96 Peroxide of iron, - _ _ ,47 Silica and alumina, - - - .78 100. Specific gravity, 2.79. Per cent of lime, 31.14. Limestone of North Adams; color white and coarsely crystal- line. 80 The Limestones, and Lime. [Feb., Analysis. Carbonate of lime, 99.60 Carbonate of magnesia. 0 Silica and alumina, - .40 100. Specific gravity, 2.47. Per cent of pure lime, 55.78. The last specimen is evidently one of the purest limestones which is ever met with, containing only a trace of foreign matter. It will be observed that magnesia, though frequently present, is not in a fixed proportion, and that it is always less than one-half the rock, or less than the carbonate of lime. Many other beds are well known, and equally important with those whose composition w^e have given; but these appear to be sufficient to answer our purpose. Taconic Limestones of Vermont. 3. The Rutland quarries, of which Prof. Adams notices two varieties, a greenish and white variety.* Analysis. Greenish variety. White variety. Carbonate of lime, - 85.45 97.93 Alumina and iron, - .59 Silica and mica, - - 14.45 1.68 100. 100. Brandon statuary marble; color, pure white, granular, and in- cluded in the magnesian state. Carbonate of lime, - - - 99.51 " magnesia, - - trace. Silica and insoluble matter, - .29 Water bloss, ... - .20 100. Prof. Adams remarks, that of the former it was confidently ex- pected that they would be found to contain magnesia. The latter is a marble of spotless beauty. • Prof. Adams' Report for 1846. 1847.] The Limestones, and Lime. 81 Taconic Limestones of Maine — Analysis by Jackson. Limestone of Clinton; color, gray, pyiitous; the Caustic lime brown. Jlnalysis. Insoluble slate, _ _ _ - 17.2 Peroxide of iron, _ . _ 6. Carbonate of lime, . _ _ 76.8 100. The limestone is enclosed in strata of slate, whose strike is N. 48^ E.; dips. E. 76°. Limestone of Foxcroft; color light blue, sparry and pyritous, and embraced in Taconic slate. Analysis. Carbonate of lime, 35.6 Insoluble matter, - - - - 62. Oxide of iron, - - - 2.4 100. Per cent of lime, 19.9. This limestone is too poor for caustic lime, but will answer as a flux for smelting iron ore. Guilford limestone; color dark blue. Analysis. Carbonate of lime, 84.8 Insoluble matter, - _ - - 13.8 Oxide of iron, - - - 1.4 100. Per cent of lime, 47.6. Lime from this locality is esteemed, and bears a full red heat, and makes white lime. Thomaston limestone, Beechwood quarry; color white and gray, and sometimes these are arranged in stripes. Analysis. Carbonate of lime, _ _ _ 55.6 Insoluble matter, - - - _ 2.8 Carbonate of magnesia, - - 39.4 9.78 Per cent of lime, 31.2. Makes good mortar. The Thomaston limestone is equivalent to the Stockbridge limestone, in Berkshire, Mass., and interstratified with the slate, which is equivalent to the magnesian slate. Vol. v., No. 10. 6 82 The Limestones, and Lime. Winslow limestone; color blue, mixed with slate. Analysis. [Feb. Carbonate of lime, Insoluble, Oxide of iron. 77.8 20.6 1.6 100. Per cent of lime, 43.7. The quality of the lime is good. It is interstratifled with slate, which is equivalent, we believe, to the Taconic slate of New York. 5. Composition of the Taconic Limestones of Rhode Island — by Jackson. Limestone of Smithfield, Rhode Island. Harris Quarry. Carbonate of lime, - 92.4 Carbonate of magnesia, 1.2 Insoluble matter, - 6. 99.6 Lime, 52 per cent. Carbonate of lime, Carbonate of magnesia. Insoluble matter, Arnold Quarry. 50.6 44.4 3.8 Dexter Quarry. 94.8 0 1.6 96.4 53.4 per cent. Sp. gravity, 2.96. Angell Quarry. 97.6 0 1.0 98.8 98.6 Pure lime, 28.5 Lime, 54.9 It will be observed that the presence of magnesia is by no means uniformly present in the Taconic limestones, or that where it is present the amount is at all uniform; the same fact will be noticed also in the primary limestones, and while its presence is indicated by the existence of serpentine in the rock, still it is by no means certain that it is in considerable quantities. The analysis of the Vermont limestones shew also, that while magnesia is often ])resent in the white and clouded marbles, yet it is proved by analysis that it is often absent too in the granular varieties, v.hich pass under the name of dolomites. They resem- ble the Berkshire marbles, several analyses of which have been already given. (7b be continued.) 1847.] Progressive Changes of Matter. 83 PROGRESSIVE CHANGES OF MATTER.— NO. II. BY A. OSBORN. Winds and Rain. Winds are caused by an uneven temperature of the atmosphere at the earth's surface. The rays of the sun falling upon this surface, cause the inequality; the colder portion of the air being heavier than that which is more rarified by M-arrath, rushes in to occupy its place, thereby producing a current. Every day's ex- perience teaches us that local heat, when coming in contact with the air, produces a current in this fluid. A heated stove and the fire-place of our dwellings are suitable places to observe these facts. A fire placed in a stove causes a current of air to rush in, which in common speech is called a draft, and some may have an idea that the fire or heat within draws in the air from without, whereas, in fact, the colder air without rushes in to occupy its place. This fact is owing to the inequality of atmospheric den- sity, produced by heat and cold. The same fact becomes appa- rent in cold winter weather when our dwellings are surrounded by a freezing atmosphere, and within the comforts of warmth prevail. The exterior air is sighing at every crevice for admit- tance; but when the summer returns and the temperature of the at- mosphere, both within and without are equal, no complaint is heard, no ingress sought. Bring two fluids in contact where the degrees of density in each make a still greater contrast, to wit: air and water. The latter fluid, when standing in a tube, if an orifice be made at the base, rushes into the air with a velocity in proportion to the height of its column. In this case we do not embrace the idea that the air draws the water out of the tube. A cork placed in water will rise to the surface; the same fact appears in rela- tion to an air bubble in which cases we see an illustration of the forcing propensity of a denser fluid, rather than a draioing pro- pensity in a less dense to produce a current. The motion in the atmosphere known as winds or currents, is caused by that subtle, ever active and universal law, gravitation. It is the great pres- sure of the atmosphere that forces a cold jet of air into a warmer medium, and when this cold air is forced into a heated stove, it becomes almost instantaneously rarified and forced on by a rear column; hence, a current of air, or draft in common speech. Having glanced briefly at the cause producing a disturbance, in the atmosphere we are next to cast about ibr proofs illustrative of the principle. It is known to every one, that when the sun's rays fall upon a surface at right angles, the greater heat is produced at that point. For this reason the south side of hills have a warmer temperature, 84 Progressive Changes of Matter. [Feb., in a clear day, than a level surface. This fact is tested in the experience of animal and vegetable existences. The heat of the noon-day sun also proves this fact; hence a variation in the incli- nation of surface will cause also a variation of warmth produced in those places. We are nov/ to consider the uneven surface of the earth, in which we behold hill and dale, the river valley with its varied sides of slope and gorge — the upland range and the moun- tainous country, each presenting some surface form peculiar to itself There is another condition of surface Avhich will vary the amount of warmth produced by the sun's rays. We have spread out before us the forest and cultivated field, the water surface — snows lingering upon the hills or in the shade of the wilderness. Again we behold the shadow of clouds, the passage of storms, and the alternation of a wet and dry surface: add to these the succession of day and night, in which these warming rays fall upon a given surface at unequal angles during every hour in the day. Again, we have a more magnificent order of causes, giving us a still greater variation of temperature in the same localities. The sun, as he comes peering over these northern climes, dispen- ses to us the summer's heat, and receding to the southern extreme of his pathway leaves us to the rigors of the polar blast: hence from this movement of the sun, the general heat is daily increased in one zone, while in an equal ratio it is diminished in another. In a nicely balanced scale beam, how interesting it is, to see it rocked by the weight of the minutest hair. But in the subject before us, the balance beam rests its central point upon the most subtle of all fluids, the atmosphere; — then how inconceivable slight may be the weight to set it in motion. Under the above law and the varied and magnificent causes existing at all times in some form or other, in relation to the production of atmo- spheric currents, what are the effects we calculate will follow. A perpetual circulation of currents in the great body of the atmosphere. The air, unless confined, never appears at rest — we have the soft breath of the morning, the noon-tide breeze, and the sweeping tornado, all perhaps during the same day. Atmos- pheric currents are most commonly indicated by the motion of clouds and vapors, by the waving of trees and fields of grain, by the smoke of fires and by various other phenomena. We have local winds, such as arise around mountains or some prominent head land, or such as trail over the plain without following any settled direction. There is another order of winds, generally named from the four cardinal points of the compass;, these may be termed periodic winds. These winds however, are frequently guided by moun- tainous ranges. The southerly wind at Albany, becomes an easterly Avind as it passes up the valley or the Mohawk. A 1847.] Progressive Changes of Matter. 85 north wind is seldom experienced at Herkimer, while at Albany it is common. The prevailing periodic wind in this latitude, is the north-westerly, and this we should expect to be so from the fact that the greater amount of heat is dispensed along the line of the equation. In the movement of all these winds, there ap- pears to be a general uniformity, varying perhaps more in intensity than otherwise. There is a class of winds which appear to be more continuous than the preceding; such as the trade winds and the monsoons. There is another phenomenon in the theory of winds, interesting to those who may contemplate it. There are at times various currents of air existing, the one above the other, at the same time. Three or four strata of clouds are not unfre- quently seen moving the one over the other, and in as many directions, and so continuing for a day and perhaps days. It may not appear mysterious that these various currents should exist for so long a period, when a cold and a warm current coming in juxta-position, have so strong a propensity to mingle and the barrier intervening so feeble. It is said that there is a great atmospheric current constantly passing over from the equator to the poles. This perhaps would follow from the fact that the ten- dency of surface winds is toward the equator. Evaporation, Clouds and Rain. That water disappears on being evaporated is familiar to all, but that it maintains an elementary existence in this condition may not be so well considered. The last visible traces of evapor- ating water is seen in the form of steam and spray, but it soon disappears in the surrounding air. Whether it in its evanescent state combines chemically or mechanically with the atmosphere, is not fully determined, — the matter seems to be somewhat in dispute. A simple experiment of steam will favor the idea that it is me- chanically combined. Attach a tube to the spout of an ordinary tea-kettle, containing boiling water, and keep the exterior surface cool by snow or cold water, and instead of a jet of steam escaping there will be a trickling of water. Let a plate be held over a steam rising from boiling water, and drops will collect on the un- derside. The process of distilling is but the evaporating and condensing water, and is a method resorted to for the purpose of freeing it from its impurities. There are two agents in nature that appear to be active in hastening the process of evaporation, the warmth of the sun's rays and a brisk wind. Manufacturers of cloths have profited by an observance of the latter fact. They construct a fan- wheel w-hich is moved with great velocity; the warp on being sized becomes wet, they pass it over this wheel while in motion, and it is dried by this current of air. Our ex- perience has taught us that the wet surface of the ground after a 86 Progressive Changes of Matter. [Feb., shower, is soon dried by a brisk wind. Water that is neither exposed to the sun's ray nor to the winds, wastes away, but slowly however. We may, perhaps, account for this difference upon mathematical principles. Suppose a surface of water to be a foot square, and to be in the bottom of a tube exposed to the air, but not to the wind or sun; and a like surface passed over by a wind, it is evident that the latter is exposed to a greater surface of a decomposing air in a given time; or in another form of ex- pression, as soon as the particles of water mingle with the air, they are swept away with the current: whereas in the tube they would be sometime in ascending into a free air. There is another process by which the evaporation of water is greatly facilitated. The dashing of sea waves against the rocks, the cascades and cataracts of rivers and the falling of rain drops through the atmosphere. The water in these forms being subjected to such rapid movements that it becomes pulverized, and so rapidly are its elementary particles separated in a given time and space, that it rises in form of fogs and spray. In these dashings of the water a greater surface is exposed, and persons in some countries have profited by an observance of this fact in the manufacture of salt, by permitting salt water to pass down numerous small sticks or wickers, by which the water readily escapes, leaving the salt ad- hering to the faggots. Why may we not embrace the same views by way of comparison relative to a mechanical suspension in an atmospheric fluid, as in a watery liquid. A rock is heavier than water of equal bulk, and readily sinks in it. But when it is finely pulverized, the mass is held in suspension, provided there be a current of water. This is owing to the greatly increased surface or exposure of the parts to the water. That the aggre- gate surface of these particles is infinitely greater than that of the original mass, will become apparent by a moment's reflection : suppose the rock to be two feet in diameter, then by taking ofT one inch of its surface you make two new surfaces, thereby in- creasing the surface of the entire mass nearly two fold; but when you come to grind the entire mass to powder, you then increase the aggregate surface beyond computation. Salt is heavier than water and readily sinks in it, but water being its solvent the par- ticles are soon held in suspension; and when the water becomes pulverized, the particles being lighter than the particles of salt, the formei- are cari'ied away by the atmosphere, leaving the latter to re-combine into Iheir original form. Fill a vat with a com- pound of bullets and corks, and pass a current of water over it, and by agitating the mass, you would perhaps have an analogous illustration of the manner in which the air separates water from salt. But whether our views are correct or not, one thing is cer- tain, that immense quantities of water in an invisible state are daily passing into the air, and in due time returned again to the earth. 1847.] Progressive Changes of Matter. 87 Clouds are formed of the watery element contained in the at- mosphere when passing into a cold temperature. When steam passes off from boiling water, if rising into a cold atmosphere at the surface of the water it makes a great display of white cloudy vapor. In the summer season this fact is scarcely perceptible. In hot weather a rail road steam engine passes over the plain without being observed, in severe cold winter w^eather, a trail of white clouds comet like, marks its course for a great distance. It is evident therefore, that clouds are formed in a colder medium than that of the surface of the earth, over which they move. The hurried vapors of the atmosphere seem to pass through two de- grees of condensation before rain drops are formed. When clouds are formed the atmosphere may not be sufficiently saturated with water to produce rain ; they continue sometimes for weeks, and are then dispersed without affording showers. But as the evaporation of water at the surface of the earth is constantly taking place, it follows that condensation will also take place at some period, or else all the water in the seas would be carried into the sky. It is a fact, well known, that a warm volume of air becomes contracted on being cooled, and writers on the natural sciences have compared, not inaptly, a body of air saturated with water, to an ordinary sponge saturated with that element ; the only difference is perhaps, that the water in the sponge retains its original identity, in the air it is vaporous. In sultry weather in the summer season, is the most suitable time to contemplate the formation of clouds and rain. Evaporation at that period is rapid, and the extremes of temperature often occur. When the upper atmosphere becomes surcharged with an as- cending watery element, condensation is first discovered by the formation of a cloud. This cloud casts at once a shade, the influ- ence of which is felt even at the earth's surface ; an influence also may be felt in the vicinity of the cloud from the same cause. The cold increases, and the cloud accumulates, the centre of which becomes so cold and dense, that the particles of water, are brought into such proximity as to unite in drops and fall. The cloud still increases and draws into its dark freezing bosom the elements of an abundant shower. Whole regions of atmosphere being so suddenly contracted by cold, that fierce winds arise, and a general commotion of the elements ensues. The cloud is wheel- ed about or floated along by some prevailing wind condensing and scattering the buried vapors that fall within its march. In the phenomena of a storm, we see the same forces that contribut- ed so essentially to its formation, contributing also as essen- tially to its destruction. The shade, the cold, and the winds all combined to exhaust the atmosphere of its watery element to a degree far below what it was capable of bearing in a 88 Progressive Changes of Matter. [Feb., clear sun. The cloud for want of a saturated atmosphere to keep up the rain, becomes the mere skeleton of a storm, and is scattered by the winds. We may perhaps account satisfactorily for the intervals of rain and fair weather. Did condensation al- ways take place at a certain point of saturation, and never exhaust the atmosphere below that, the sky would be perpetually over- cast with clouds, and a constant drizzling of rain upon the earth would follow. When we contemplated the varied and wonder- ful movements among the elements caused by the process of evap- oration and condensation of water, we cannot fail to behold another of nature's balance beams so nicely adjusted that it is sus- ceptible of motion by the slightest touch. Can man conceive of any motion of matter so minute, so silent and so effective, as the vanishing of water? Can any wonder be more imposing than to be- hold the majestic storm gathered out of a clear transparent at- mosphere? So it is the ascent and descent of water, is but the vas- cillation between these two opposing influences. To the student of Nature, what lesson can he learn more interesting than the laws by the force of which storms arise, move and are destroyed. And to contemplate the extraordinary changes, matter undergoes when coming within the influence of these laws. W'ho could cal- culate on looking through a fluid, so thin and clear as to see v.ith- out a dimmed medium, the motions of the planetary orbs, that it contained all the elements that would bring forth perhaps in a few hours, the majestic cloud, the portending storm and the drench- ing rain, and out of this commotion of the elements would issue forth the fearful flashes of electricity follov/ed by the terrific peals of a riven atmosphere. In early childhood we may have formed an idea that the clouds always existed somewhere, that when they passed over the hills and disappeared, they wandered about until they were moved back again by a veering wind. In the same category of thought, we may have seen in the clouds by fancy's vision, monster animals, such as whales, and bears, and the giosser order of quadrupeds. Ships and castles, and hoary headed giants were not wanting to fill up the back ground. Vv^ith some peradventure the charms of contemplating the clouds, and the storm may have ceased, and the recollections of the past may revive in their minds, nothing but the fancied images of early youth. To an eye that has been accus- tomed to look upon things in their true light, and consider them in their proper characters, even to such a vision, what colors can be more beautiful and varied than those seen at the rising and setting sun. While men have been allured away by the attrac- tions of facinating colors and imitative forms spread on canvass by human hands, they have lost Ihe pleasure of contemplating brighter colors and a purer drapery, that adorn the heavens. But 1847.] Progressive Changes of Matter. 89 here is design, say they ; so there is design stamped upon the very image of the clouds. Even in the minutest and ahuost in- visible particles forming a cloud, is beheld a mechanical structure adapted to its supervision in the atmosphere, and the cloud itself is but a congeries of floating vessel in mid air, drawn out in fan- tastic forms by the winds. There is then a design in the forma- tion of a cloud, adapting it to the element in which it moves, and in which it performs such wonderful labors. It is also interesting to contemplate the connexion one system has with another system. The whole phenomena in relation to the rise of winds, the evaporation of water, and its condensation into clouds and rain is a system of changes in the elements in har- mony with the existence of man. They produce results with oth- er elements well calculated to develope and foster the growth of his organic system, to enlarge the compass of his knowledge and to increase the amount of his happiness. Notwithstanding there is at times a conflict among the elements, he is accommodated with light and shade ; a transparent medium in which to di- rect the labors of his hands, or mark the pathway for his foot- steps— he has a pure healthy air constantly moving around him, clear and healthy water ever abounding, " and seed time and harvest while the earth remaineth," While his wants are supplied, for the pleasures of vision he has all the variety and change of form he can desire, and all the grandeur his capacity can bear in the workings of this sys- tem, and even from the imperfect knowledge he has of his own organization and the connection of his body with his mind he ex- claims, " I am fearfully and wonderfully made." We can realize in a measure the connection and dependence running through all matter and systems of motion, how^ever small or however remote ; and no influence, and no condition of matter forming this connec- tion can be dispensed with, and still maintain a harmony in the works of nature. The rays of the sun have both light and heat, they have an influence among the elements of our globe. Now deprive these rays of the warmth they impart to this sphere, all can tell the consequences that would follow. Arctic winds would sweep over temperate zones — the cold at the equator would be more intense than that at the poles ; there would be no wind nor cloud ; no rivei nor cataract ; all living things would stand be- numbed with adamantine stiffness. A frozen atmosphere would wind its fleecy sheet over the face of nature wnth the stillness of death. And the sun's rays, in the view of surrounding orbs, would, with funeral pomp, remove the chaotic envelope from the pale vis- age of a lifeless world ! With a moment's reflection we can realise the indispensable need we have of the sun's warmth, and the appaling consequences 90 The Farmer's Calling. [Feb., that would follow on its withdrawal. And although the fountain from which light and warmth emanate, may, at its borders, have an intensity of heat and glare beyond all human conception, yet its rays traversing the voids of space so many millions of miles, become so softened as to invigorate and cherish every animal and vegetable existence however delicate, or however minute. And yet with all their softness of warmth and mellowness of light, these very rays are the agent, that nerve nature's laws and diffuse life and vigor among all the elements of our globe. There is another characteristic feature stamped upon these sys- tems— the stability of the laws by which they are kept in motion. The schoolmen amid the versatility of human laws and human learning and from an observance of the tendency of all matter to change, have fallen back on their self-evident truths in order to give stability to the mind. Hence they will tell you that " all right angles are equal to each other," and that two parallel straight lines can never cross each other how far soever extended. These rigid truths are sometimes employed in removing the met- aphysical rubbish with which the mind at times becomes lumber- ed. The laws also by which matter is moved, directed and com- bined, areas abiding as matter itself, they become the constituents of matter in the designs of Infinite Wisdom. Then how interest- ing are these immutable laws which move with as much precis- ion and certainty, those systems whose frame-work is lighter than air, and whose motion is quicker than thought, as they do those great systems which are the pillars of the Universe ! Incident to these systems is the 'progressive changes of matter in which are developed new organizations and new combinations on which is stamped design. This order of things is the very per- fection of design. The laws of matter therefore seem to act as with an intuitive consciousness, and as with an unwavering fideli- ty in carrying out the eternal purposes of an Almighty Architect. THE FARMER'S CALLING. An address delivered by the Hon. Levi H. Alden, before the Green County Agricultural Society, at their Annual Fair, held at Greenville, Oct. 2, 1846, and published at the request of the Society, contains many valuable ideas expressed in a plain, straight forward, and unpretending style. "We extract the following re- marks on the farzncr's calling. " One thing I think is very certain, that the public are begin- ning to set a higher estimate on the farmer's calling than former- ly ; and this is encouraging for the welfare of the country. In the commotions which I have read of in history, I never find that the owners and tillers of the soil have risen up and overthrown 1847.] The Farmer's Calling. 91 Law and Order, and turned society upside down. I have read of their rising against oppression. It was the farmers who achieved our independence. It was a farmer who lead them on to victory. When the great majority of the people have a right in the soil, and work with their own hands, then you may be sure Law and Order will prevail. Now, the more respectable you make a pro- fession, the more will be willing to enter it. Hence, as I said, the fact that the calling of the farmer stands higher in public opinion is encouraging, for more will be farmers ; and the more farmers, the better for the cause of good government. Why, I can remember the time when it was (in some places at least) hardly considered respectable to be a farmer, especially if one worked enough to brown and harden his hands. The time was (and not a very great while ago) when our village girls thought more of a man with white hands who stood behind a broad board and measured off tape and ribbons, (and gave short measure too) though he owed for the cloth on his back and the making of it up ; I say the time was, when they thought a great deal more of such a man than of the young sunburnt, hard-handed, honest-hearted farmer who paid his debts and had something laid up against a rainy day. But such ideas are a good deal changed. Our young men have found that getting along without work is harder than getting along with work ; and besides, a good many men of first rate talents and learning have put their hands to the plow and looked straight forward and held on ; so that now very few are ashamed of the profession of the farmer." We commend the following remarks of the Judge to those who sigh for the ease of a farmer's life. " When a profession comes to be popular, many will go into it — many will go into it who understand very little about it. This will be case the with farming ; such men must expect to make mis- takes, and fail. It is very difficult for a man to succeed in any thing, unless he knows something about it. If a man is going to succeed in farming, I mean real farming ; for when a rich man sees fit to buy land and lay out money upon it without expecta- tion of profit, I do not call that farming, at any rate, it is not farming for the people. I say if a man is going to succeed in farming, there are three things which he must do ; there are oth- er things that are important, but these three are indispensable — first, he must work himself, second, he must work hard, and third he must keep at it. There are but very few farms in this region which will keep a man long unless he works with his own hands ; and there are but few men who will keep a farm long unless they work with their own hands. If a man has a fortune that has fell to him, or that he has made in trading, he may own a farm and lay out his money upon 92 The Fanner's Calling. [^'^b., it ; but that Is not the kind of I'armliig that we have to do with. We are speaking of the farming by which a man is to get his liv- ing and make provision for his family. The farmer of this sort must work himself, and not to do enough for exercise, and then to read the newspapers and talk politics the rest of the day — this will not do. Such a man will find every day that he needs less and less exercise and more talk,until by-and-bye his farm calls out for another owner. But he must keep at it, for he will always find enough to do. The true farmer's work is never done. He may clear up the w^oods, and kill out the noxious weeds, and fence his land well, (a work that many of us have not come up to yet,) still his work is not done. If he is an observing man he will always find something to be done by way of improvement ; and if he has the right spirit, it will be no hardship. A man to whom labor is not a pleasure had better not take to farming." The following are the author's views of science in connection with agriculture. " There is a great deal said in our day about scientific farming ; and a great deal is expected from it. Far be it from me to say a word against it — the more science the better, if it is only sound. But almost always, there are a great many things said of every thing when it first comes up, w^hich do not turn out to be true. So with this matter : there is, no doubt, a great deal in science that may be useful to the farmer. But science alone will not do it all ; and every thing that is called " science" is not to the point in farming. The man who has spent his life in the study of sci- ence, can give information and hints which the practical farmer can apply ; but he cannot do away with the necessity for ex- perience. Hence I never w^ent into the idea of an Agricultral College, where men are to be turned out farmers as spools are turned out from the turning lathe. My idea is that every far- mer must have a home school to teach farming, and he must be master of it, and his boys and hired help must be the scholars. He must read and observe, and guide himself by his reading and his experience united. I believe every farmer should have a good education, and for this purpose the standard should be raised high- er in our common schools ; and they should study things having a bearing on their business ; but practical farming is to be learn- ed by working in earnest. I know it may be said that I am not exactly the man to give an opinion on the subject of education ; but let it be remembered that there are two classes of men who have a right to speak on the subject of education — those who have a good education, and those who have felt the want of it. It does appear to me that people are disposed to look in the wrong direction for the improvement of education, as regards the farm- 1847.] The Fanner's Calling. 93 ing interest ; that is, so far as they expect it from the State found- ing great agricultural schools. The right place to look is to themselves. The State may offer some encouragement, but after all the work must be clone by the farmers themselves. The State will never mow our meadows, or cradle our hills ', if they should undertake it, the work would be badly done. The State has done well in encouraging agricuUural societies, and so have individ- uals, and none better than our liberal and public spirited chair- man ; but he knows the great work must be done by the farmers themselves ; he knows that nothing but himself could have made him what he is, or what he may yet be ; he is the last man to teach the farmers to depend on anything but themselves. What is es- sential to advancing the farming interest, is, that every man to till his own farm in a first rate manner, and give his children a first rate education, an education which includes giving them good understanding of matters and things, and good habits of in- dustry. When each individual of the community does well, the whole will do w^ell of course." The following hint, in regard to neatness about the farm-house is worthy of attention. *•' Besides setting out fine fruit trees, would it not be well to pay a little more attention to preserving neatness and order on the grounds about our dwelling. It is said a man is disposed to be- have better when he is well dressed ; on the same principle will he not be disposed to behave better when his house and grounds are well dressed? If it has no direct bearing on his purse, it has on his feelings and chaiacter. And this is a matter we all know of the first importance. No class have a deeper interest in the mor- al character of the community than the agricultural class. No class have so deep an interest in having the rising generation trained aright — having them trained to respect the right of property. The lawyer can keep his bonds and mortgages and money (if he has any) in his iron safe ; the merchant can easily keep his eye on his goods, but a large part of the farmer's property must be more or less exposed, and his security must be in the moral sense of the community. Farmers therefore, of all others, have an in- terest in promoting the cause of temperance, of good education and of religion ; for there are very few who will deny the truth of the remark made by the father of his country, in his farewell address, that " religion is the only sure basis of morality. 94 Mr. Duropus and Family. [Feb., MR. DUROPUS AND FAMILY. One Friday evening, as Mr. Duropus came in from the field, he found his house in especial fine order, and all the labors with which he was wont to close the day, anticipated. This was cer- tainly a very pleasant fact, and not a very unusual one in the history of his experience. It was commonly followed by a demand on the part of Mrs. Duropus, upon a leathern purse which lay in a small chest, under the bed, in which (the purse, not the bed,) was deposited gold, silver, and bank-notes, received in exchange lor beef, pork, hay, oats, potatoes, apples, and other commodities produced by the farm of sixty acres, owned and cultivated by Mr. Duropus. When the supper table was removed, and the girls had gone over to the next neighbor's, and Mrs. Duropus had lighted her candle and threaded her needle, (which last feat was not perform- ed till after divers nippings of the thread with her eye teeth, and many fears that Mr. Duropus would repeat a remark, not at all pleasant, "you had better take your spectacles,") and had com- menced repairing a rent in her husband's coat. When all these important things had taken place, Mrs. Duropus began to expati- ate on the prosperity and fine appearance of their neighbors, the Dashiels. " Only to think," said she, looking up from her w'ork by way of emphasis, " how well they have got along in the world. Two or three years ago, when they came into the village, they had nothing at all, and now there is not a family in the place that dress better; I don't know of a single family that has got along as well as they have." " Mr. Hardy's family have got along better, to my notion," said Mr. Duropus. "According to your notion; but your notions are different from those of most persons." " When Hardy bought that run-down farm, four years ago, he paid two hundred dollars down, and gave a mortgage for eight hundred. Since then he has managed to pay one hundred and twenty-five dollars a year, besides the interest, and to make the farm worth double what it was when he took it. He will soon be out of debt, if he lives, and be the owner of a fine farm." " How has he done it ? He hasn't allowed his family the comforts of life." " I think you hardly do right to say that. The house is about the neatest one I have been in, and the children look as plump as partridges." " I presume they have enough to cat. As to the house, I sup- pose you have never been in any room but the kitchen. Their [1847. Mr. Duropus and Family. 95 parlor has nothing in it but the bare floor and walls, a table and a few old chairs." " I can't say how that may be, I was in the room they live in, and, if any thing, it was more comfortable than this one." " There is no need of our living in this room," Mrs. Duropus was tempted to say, but remembering the object in view, she suppressed the remark. The good lady, together with her three daughters, had simultaneously conceived the idea that it was un- genteel to live in the kitchen. Hence, when in company, they spoke of it as a dim and shadowy land, into which they rarely made excursions. They were too well acquainted with Mr. Du- ropus's notions, to make any attempt to dislodge him from the time honored corner, or to make their own residence in the ' front room,' other than theoretical. " I presume," continued Mr. Duropus, after a brief interval of silence, " that Mr. Hardy feels that he can't afford to furnish a room which is so little used as a parlor is, while he is in debt, and has so many improvements to make on the farm." " That is always the way with you men. There are so many improvements to be made on the farm, that the house can never be made decent inside. Every old barn and rail fence and ditch must be fixed first." It was plain that Mrs. Duropus was losing sight of the object for which the house was put in extra order, and losing something of the pleasantness of her voice, she perceived it, and made an effort to repair the error; but her feelings were too much inter- ested in the topic we have mentioned, to leave it without a few more remarks. She moreover hoped she might give them a bearing which might tell on her as yet secret purpose. " If he has some excuse for not furnishing the house, he has no excuse for letting his girls go dressed as they do." " I don't know much about such things, but they always look very nice at home and abroad." " It behooves those w^ho have only one or two frocks, to keep them clean." " I should think it would be harder work to do so, and there- fore they deserve the more credit for it." " I don't think their father deserves much credit for laying out so much on his farm, and making his daughters do with only a dress or two." "I don't know how many they have, I'm sure: they always appear well dressed at meeting." " They have worn the same dresses at meeting and everywhere else they have been, for a year, and will do so, I suppose, a year longer." " It may be, and if they are kept nice, I don't see why they shouldn't." 96 Mr. Duropus and Family. [Feb., "I don't suppose you do, but other folks do; I reckon you would like to have the girls wear the same dresses, sabbath after sabbath, for a year." " I should stand a better chance to know them when I meet them, than I do now. The other day as I was going to neighbor Hardy's, I passed a smart looking young woman with a good many ribbons flying. I thought she noticed me as I passed, though I didn't know her. " Where has Phebe-Maria been ?" said one of the girls. " She hasn't been any where to-day, as far as I know," said I. " You must have met her, for she just went by here." " I remember I passed a young woman, but I didn't mind who it was," said I. " I think it is pretty well," said Mrs. Hardy, " if a father don't know his own daughter." They had quite a laugh about it. " I suppose you joined in with them," said Mrs. Duropus. " I rather think I did laugh some." " I do wish you wouldn't run down your own children, or what is just as bad, let other folks do it. The Hardys need not say anything. I don't think that one of them has had a new thing tor six months past." " I don't believe they have," said Mr. Duropus with a quiet smile, "you would certainly have known it, if they had; but do you think they are less respected on that account ?" " If parents wish to have their children be any body, they must have them do as other folks do." " I 1 ather guess, mother, that neighbor Hardy's girls will make out as well as any of the girls in the place after all." " They may, according to your ideas of making out well. They may marry men like their father, whose hearts are set on improving their farms, instead of making their families comfort- able." Mr. D. made no reply to this remark. A cloud passed over his good-humored countenance. What were his thoughts as he sat gazing at the place, where, in winter, the fire was wont to glow 1 Was it strange that the phrase, ' they may marry men like their father' struck him unpleasantly ? Would it be a cala- mity to them if his own daughters should marry men like their father ? Did their mother regret that she was wedded to one whose notions differed so much from the new ones she had adopt- ed ? He had toiled under the scorching summer sun, and amid the storms of winter to gain the means of rendering his family comfortable. Was this unappreciated ? True, Hardy was the man spoken of, but his own views and practice had not differed materially from those of his neighbor. But thoughts like these were soon dismissed. ' She has been,' thought he, ' a faithful and 1847,] Mr. Duropus and Family. 97 loving wife; when we began the world with nothing, she did her full share of the labor; true, now, some of the notions which are filling everybody's heads, in these days, have got into hers; but she will get over iheni, when she comes to think more about them.' He felt pained at the thoughts which he had indulged. By way of atoning for the same, he deterraimed to grant the fa- vor, whatever it might be, which he saw his wife was preparing to ask at the commencement of their conversation. He rubbed his face, and changed his position, and talked on various topics so cheerfully and pleasantly, that Mrs. Duropus was emboldened to prefer her request. Mr. Mason, a merchant in the village, had just returned from the city with a fresh supply ot goods. In the fullness of his be- nevolence, he had informed Mrs. D. that he had procured certain dress patterns, with especial reference to the adornment of her daughters, and that in expectation that she would purchase the same, they should be withheld from the public eye till noon the next day. Mrs. D. was authorised, by her relenting husband, to make the purchase on the following morning. CHAPTER II. Let us now look in at Mr. Hardy's, it was about ten o'clock in the morning; Mrs. Hardy and her two daughters, Mary and Jane, were busily employed in the labors appropriate to their calling. Occasionally the sweet voices of the girls might be heard in song, and then in an affectionate dispute with their mother relative to the division of labor. A knock was heard at the front door. Instead of fleeing in various directions, and slipping on dresses, whose rebellious folds clearly indicate the suddenness of their appropriation, Jane continued at her work and Mary went to the door. She found there Miss Phebe Maria Duropus, and a young gentleman, (the brother of the minister) who was spending his vacation in the village. " Good morning," said Mary, with a slight want of composure, at the sight of the stranger, " walk in." " We were making a few morning calls," said Miss Phebe, after she had introduced Mr. Foster, " but perhaps you are enga- ged." This was spoken while she was still standing before the door. " We are not more engaged than usual; we are always happy to see our friends; come in," said Mary. They entered, and Miss Phebe seated herself on the edge of a chair ; v;hether through fear of soiling her new dress, or because slie thought it more genteel, is not known. " You are very industrious," said Miss Phebe Maria, " I wish I were so." 7 98 Mr. Duropus and Family. [Feb., " We are obliged to be ; so we don't deserve any credit for it." Jane came in without waiting to be inquired for ; and after a very few moments spent in labored conversation, and after amus- ing herself by tapping on the bare floor with her sun-screen, and then becoming very ostentatiously conscious of the impropriety of the act. Miss Phebe Maria rose, saying that they must not hinder their friends from their work, bade them good morning Mr. Foster bade them good morning with rather more politeness and respect, than was quite agreeable to Phebe Maria. " Phebe seems to b.^ very friendly, all at once," said Jane with a smile, after they had resumed their operations in the kitchen. " There wasn't too much friendship in her call to-day," said Mary, slightly vexed. " Don't be harsh in your judgment, dear," said Mrs. Hardy. " It isn't a judgment but a fact. She brought him here to let him see that our house was not as well furnished as hers." " She took unnecessary trouble then," said Jane, " she might have told him about it." " I suppose she thought that seeing is believing," said Mary. " If he is a sensible man, I don't think she has gained much by bringing him here." " Let us talk about something else, dears," said Mrs. Hardy, and the suggestion was cheerfully adopted. Not long after this call, Mr. Foster presented himself at the door, unattended by Phebe Maiia. " Are the young ladies at home ?" said he to Mrs. H., who came to the door. " Yes, sir, walk in. They are at home, and will be ready to see you in a few minutes. They are now helping their father milk the cows, or rather he is helping them. Mr. Hardy has so much to do, that when we can get the cows home soon enough, we try to have them milked before he comes ; that is, the girls do, for they won't let me go out of the house." " You havn't themi under very good government then," said Mr. Foster, smiling. " It isn't the fashion now, you know. The fashion now is, for the young folks to rule and the old ones to obey. However, I can't complain of my girls, they try to do everything they can for their parents; only they won't let me do as much as I wish to sometimes. I don't like to see them do it all." The girls had now finished straining the milk, and as the labors of the day were over, some slight changes were made in their dress, and they came in and passed the evening with Mr. Foster. He had no such horror of uncarpeted floors, oi- of industrious girls as to prevent his staying till the village bell " toll'd the hour for retiring." It appeared that one of Mr. Foster's uncles, with whom he 1847.] Mr. Diiropus and Family. 99 spent a part of his time, was well acquainted with Mr. Hardy, and highly appreciated his character. He had requested his nephew to make his acquaintance, during his stay in the village. Perhaps he thought he was fulfilling that request by becoming acquainted with the daughters, for the nine o'clock bell rung be- fore he inquired for the father, and then he had gone to bed. So it was plain that it would be necessary for him to call again. He did so, and the necessity for repetition seemed to be increased, insomuch that Miss Phebe Maria, on one occasion, said that if any one wished to find Mr. Foster, they must look for him in Mr. Hardy's kitchen. CHAPTER III. " Mr. Duropus, our girls must have more things. It don't sig- nify ; they can't be any body unless they do." " What is wanting now ?" said Mr. Duropus, who looked thinner and older than when we saw him last. " We must have an ingrain carpet, and some mahogany chairs, and a looking-glass: every body has them now. Even Mr. Hardy has got his girls a carpet." " He can afford to do so, but I cant." " What is the reason ? Your farm is as large again as his." " And my debts are as large again, and more too, for I don't know as he owes a cent in the world. When he owed eight hundred dollars, I didn't owe much if anything ; and now he is free from debt, and I have just as much as I can do to pay the in- terest, and I shan't be able to do that long at the rate we are going on." " I don't see how that can be. We have not bought anything for the girls but what was necessary. They have only had what other folks have. " I don't know how that may be, they have had more than I can afford. I ought to have refused and put my foot down at the first of it, and got only what I could afford to get." Mrs, D. was silent. She was not given to profound reflection, and hence had never thought what effect her demands on her hus- band's purse might have in the end. She was sorry if he was embarrassed ; and yet she could not believe it. The girls had had next to nothing. Old fashioned folks were prone to exag- gerate, where new things were concerned. He could surely aflTord the carpet and chairs. She would do without something herself. The girls would be married soon, that is, if they had suitable things to attract husbands with. With such thoughts did she for- tify herself in the resolution, to persevere in her application; and who ever heard of a persevering wife who was denied. 100 Mr. Durojnis and Family. [Feb., The money was raised by a mortgage on his stock, and the carpet, chairs, and glass were purchased. Mr. Duropus excused himselt for yielding, by saying to himself, " I shall have no peace till I do." About two years after the above mentioned purchase, Mr. Hardy came one day to the field in which Mr. Duropus was hard at work. " Good morning, neighbor," said he, " I have noticed for some time that you havn't looked w^ell. You work too hard, you can't stand it." " That isn't it, I'm in debt, and expect to have all my stock sold before long." " I concluded you must be in debt some — and — I — was rather surprised at it too." " That is, you thought I had too much sense to give way to the foolish ways that are ruining half the farmers in the country." " Yes, that is about it, seeing you have said it yourself." " Well, you see, I got into it by little and little, and once ift, it is hard swimming against the tide. I shall never get out of it. I shall see the last of my farm if I live many years longer." " You must get out of it; your duty to your family requires it." " They have got the upper hand now, if you could persuade them to make a change, I might save myself." " You certainly can persuade them if you tell them just how you are situated." " I have told them many a time, and there is a crying spell and a reform for a day or two, and then the old story over again." Mr. Hardy felt too deep an interest in the welfare of his neigh- bor, to leave matters in their present state. He inquired into the amount of his debt, and proposed several w^aysby which he might extricate himself " What good .would it do 7 I should get right in again ?" " Not if you will just make up your mind to buy nothing ex- cept what you can afford to buy. I have five hundred dollars that I had thought of giving to my son-in-law, Foster, to get him a library, but he can do without for a while. I will give you that for the wood-lot and pasture adjoining, and pay off the mort- gage bonds; and then you will have more than sixty acres and free from debt, and if you can't keep out then, why I don't know what can be done for you." " There can't be anything done for me, unless I do for myself. I'll take up with your offer, and will follow your advice to the letter, come what may. Let us go and draw writings. I want a good night's sleep, a thing that I havn't had for months, and shan't have till I am out of debt." 1847.] Worn out Lands of Virginia, ^c. 101 WORN OUT LANDS OF VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA. The high price of lands in the State of New- York, together with a disinclination to encounter the privations and sickness incident to a life in the newly settled regions of the west, have induced the farmer of small means to turn his attention to the old states of Virginia and North Carolina, where lands are offered at a price not much exceeding that asked by the government. The only objection to these lands is the idea that they have been exhausted of their fertility — in farmer phrase, worn out. To a certain extent this is the fact; but that these lands, under the sys- tem of tillage practised by Northern farmers, will not immediately yield a profitable return for their cost, is a mistake which a knowl- edge of their former mode of culture will correct. Traveling lately in one of the most populous counties of North Carolina, the writer had occasion to call upon a planter who owned and tilled some two thousand acres of land, which by long culti- vation had in his estimation become nearly worthless, and was offered for sale for three dollars per acre. A different system of tillage, including sub-soil plowing, rotation of crops, and the use of clover, was suggested as the means of restoring the soil to its original fertility. The proprietor replied that although it was a prevalent opinion that deep plowing killed the land, yet he had so far departed from the custom of his neighbors as to sub-soil a small portion of one of his fields, on which a crop of corn was then growing, to which the writer's attention was directed, and which showed a marked superiority over the other portions of the field. Upon an enquiry as to the kind of plow used, depth of furrow, &,c., it was discovered that the sub-soiling was done with a short, wide, clumsy implement, generally used for breaking up bush- pastures, called a hull tongue, and that the whole depth of both furrows was four inches. This was the planter's idea of sub-soil- ing; and yet the additional depth of one or two inches had brought to the surface fresh portions of earth, the mineral and saline ingre- dients of which, by the action of light heat and atmospheric agencies, had been rendered soluble, and given up the growing crop. Thus demonstrating that by deep plowing and the appli- cation of those principles which make up the science of agricul- ture, the lands which are now deemed worthless, may be renderedt as productive as when first subjected to the plow. 102 Harrowgate Springs. [Feb., HARROWGATE SPRINGS OF MASSENA, St. LAWRENCE COUNTY. We gave in the last number of the Journal for 1846, the ana- lysis of a new mineral spring at Saratoga. A spring whose water bottles remarkably well, and which is so perfectly free of iron that it may be drank by all classes of patients. It supplies a desider- atum at Saratoga, inasmuch as it contains a large amount of iodine without the iron which most of the springs contain. We now give below the analysis of the Harrowgate or Sulphur Springs of Massena, St. Lawrence Co. They are remarkable waters, and have been eminently servicable in cutaneous diseases and in rheumatism. Their temperatures are 52° which is called the warm spring, and 46° which is called the cold spring. Jinalysis. Warm Spring. Cold Spring. Chloride of sodium, 6.988 6.205 " magnesia, 0.644 0.846 " calcium. 1.026 0.466 Carbonate of lime. 2.794 1.960 Carbonate of lime, 1.630 LlOO Hydro-sulphuret of sod ium, magnesium and organic matter, 00.000 1.870 Solid matter in one pint, 13.082 12.544 The water of the warm spring, at the time of analysis, had lost its gaseous contents, as it did not blacken silver; the other retained a portion: both contained organic matter which seemed to be combined in some way with the sulphuretted hydrogen. Without doubt, the gas is produced by the decomposition of the sulphates by the organic matter. Those springs issue from the calciferous sandstone, and are situated upon the north branch of the Racket river, about 3 miles above its junction with the St. Lawrence, and just above the Long Sault. There are three springs within 30 feet of each other, and they possess nearly the same properties. The quantity of sulphuretted hydrogen is considerable. We cannot but regard these springs as medicinally important, and as forming an important addition to our curative means in certain classes of chronic ailments. We hope our exchange papers will give publi- city to this notice. 1847.] Salisburfs Seedling Pear. SALISBURY'S SEEDLING PEAR. 103 BY J. H. SALISBURY. This large and characteristic seedling originated in the county of Cortland, from seed sown about the year 1818 by Nathan Salis- bury. The tree is now about 28 years of age. Trunk below the limbs not far from 14 inches in diameter. Height from 25 to 30 feet. Branches come out within 6 feet of the ground. Lower limbs are nearly horizontal. Spread of the top from 14 to 16 feet in diam- eter. Limbs shorten and assume a more vertical position as you ascend, giving the top a fine, regular, conical shape. Young shoots vertical. Color yellowish olive. Buds acute. Leaves broad and rather large. Tree very thrifty, hardy, and produces regular and abundant crops. Scarcely ever suffers from blight Fruit large. Shape sub-cylindrical, as seen in the cut. Stem from half an inch to an inch in length. Stout and set in a shallow de- 104 Salisbury's Seedling Pear, JVotices, 4'c. [P^eb., pression. Calyx close and rather deep set. Skin thin and tender. Color,when ripe, greenish yello\v,slightly marked with small spots of russet. Flesh white. Very melting and juicy ,with a rich, per- fuming and delicious flavor. Contains a large per centage of sacharine matter. Ripens about the middle of September, and keeps till the last of November, The productiveness, hardiness, and thriftiness of the tree, fit it for almost any situation, while the large and uniform size of fruit, together with its excellent quali- ties place it, it is believed by those who have had an opportunity to test it as a baking, preserving and table pear, among the finest of its season. PUBLICATIONS. Farmers' & Mechanics' Journal, published by W. H. Starr, New York, appears in a new dress, and is one of our best ex- change papers. It would seem that a new impulse has been given the American world, if the multitude of Journals indicate at all the movements of mind. Very many of our journals have a wide circulation, and in their spheres are gradually enlarging the field of knowledge, and extending wider and wider the discoveries and improvements in all the branches of human pursuits. Let the efforts continue, let every journal send out its light, and soon the combined rays and beams which issue from so many centres will make our land bright and light with knowledge. We feel happy and cheerful in the prospect, though our own efforts may be lost in the general blaze. Eureka, or the Journal of the National Association of Inventors, published in New York, No. 5 Wall-st. Devoted to the dis- coveries of Science and invention in the Arts. W. H. Starr, Publisher; J. L. Kingsley, J. P. Pirsson, jr.. Editors. This journal must be an invaluable work for all persons who feel an interest in the progress of Science and the Arts. It is a record of the inventions of the day, and exhibits the power and workings of mind upon matter. THICK SOWING vs. THIN SOWING. Thick sowing consumes more seed. Thin sowing less. Thick sowing gives a great number of single stalks. Thin sowing gives a multitute of stalks from a single seed. Thick sowing gives a perfect stalk and head. Thin sowing the number is increased at the expense of perfection, for there are too many mouths feeding in a small space at one point. 1847.] Correspondence. 105 There are many men who take all opportunities to proclaim their excellence. They really have no faith themselves in their own works, and hence feel that the faith of others must be quite feeble unless they greatly magnify their own doings. CORRESPONDENCE. The following extract from a letter which we have just received from the Rev. Prof. Sedgewick, of Cambridge, we consider suf- ficiently interesting, at least to a part of our readers, for insertion in the Journal. It relates, it is true, to the geology of a distant country, but still contains important facts which bear upon American geology. After expressing in a general way a strong desire to visit this country, Prof. Sedgewick introduces his subject by remarking, that " In one important respect I am certain that I agree with you. We have an enormous thickness of fossilifer- ous slates, &c., below any rocks to which the name Silurian sys- tem can be given with any geographical propriety; for they exist in Cambria, but are not found in Siluria. The change introduced by Sir R. I. Murchison about three years since, without my concurrence, w^as this; he sponged out his base line and removed it to the west side of Wales, and then he split his Silurian system into two systems — making his lower system to comprehend the so called Cambrian rocks. This change not merely introduced a geographical inaccuracy of correlation, but went on a mistaken hypothesis, viz: that the fossil band in north Wales was the equivalent of the Caradoc sandstone and Llandielo flag stone repeated again and again, by undulations. I have sifted this to the bottom and am certain that the hypothesis is not true to nature. My scheme of arrangement for the lower stratified rocks of this Island, (and let each country be worked out on its own evidence, before we begin to institute close comparisons) is as follows: Class 1. Hypogene. Class 2. PaljEozoic. {1. Cambrian. 2. Silurian. 3. Devonian. 4. Carboniferous. Between each of those four systems I interpolate an intermediate, or transition group. Thus the Cambrian system ends in the ascend- ing order w^th a Cambro-silurian group. Speaking again of the Cambrian system, Prof. Sedgewick re- marks that it is of enoimous thickness, perhaps not less than 106 Correspondence. [Feb., 25,000 or 30,000 feet thick. It is naturally divided at least into four groups, as follows: 1. Lower Protozoic group. Lower part without fossils j upper part contain lingula antiqua in abundance and fucoids, trilobites, etc. 2. Orthidian group. Numerous shells of the genus Orthis, trilobites four to six species, corals, encrinites. The species as- cend to the base of the upper Silurian rocks of Murchison. 3. Enormous development of trappean rocks; stratified masses sometimes containing organic remains (the scraalstein of German Geologists,) enormous beds of roofing slate, &c. &c. The shells abound here and there, and suddenly disappear on the line of strike, at least for miles, and again reappear. 4. Slates with occasional bands of contemporaneous porphyry, &c., — generally more or less calcareous — three or four regular bands of limestone (Bala limestone) thickness of these very greaL In addition to the species of No. 2, many new species enter — some (such as arsterias and ophiura) are peculiar to this group. 4. Cambro-Silurian Group. Llandielo, Caradoc: see Silurian system for fossils. Here we have many fossils of the groups two and three, but we have several which are /jecw/z'ar, and among them are abundant such as pentamerus, Isevis and oblongus, also many fossils of the Wenlock shale which are not found in the lower groups. Again; the mineral character is peculiar — we have many beds of sand- stone, sometimes coaree and passing into a conglomerate. In this scheme the classification and nomenclature are both natural, I mean so far as regards this island, but by no means apply to your country. Let each country (as 1 said before) be worked out in its own evidence. The Llandielo and Caradoc are one formation, not two forma- tions. They replace one another, but the Llandieilo is merely a local development of a singular calcareous flag, and is compara- tively of little value in general classification. It is not difficult to recognize in this scheme, of the distin- guished Professor of Cambridge, the groups or systems of the rocks in this country. L Thus the first group embraces at least a part of the Taconic system, which seems to be more perfectly developed in this coun- try than in l^ngland and Wales, and which has not suffered by disturbance as there; in consequence of which, the base lines of the two systems are apparently obliterated there, while here they are preserved; being mdicated along the Hudson river, and Lake Champlain by a band of limestone which is known as the calcif- erous sandstone, and which rests upon the Taconic slate along this range of country. 1847.] Agricultural College. 107 2. We recognize also one of our great divisions of the New York system, the Champlain division, after which we pass into the Ontario division, in which we find that remarkable Ibssil the pentamerus oblongus. We doubt not the general correctness of the general divisions of what we should here call the lower part of the New York system, inasmuch as these divisions are recognized in the main by the geologists of both countries. We may therefore have confidence in geological conclusions, when they so far agree, es- pecially as they have already been worked out in detail by in- dependent observers. — Ed. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. At the late annual meeting of the State Agricultural Society, the following resolutions were offered by Gen. Veile, recommend- ing the establishment of an Agricultural College through the aid of the funds of the State. The following is a copy of the reso- lutions ; they express the object and design of the mover. Resolved, That in the opinion of this Society, the profession of practical agriculture cannot fail to be vastly improved by a gen- ial diffusion of scientific knowledge applicable thereto. Resolved, That by uniting scientific knowledge with practical skill, the profession of agriculture will obtain the elevated station that belongs to it, and we regard it as a sure method of improv- ing the moral condition of the people. Resolved, That this Society respectfully recommend to the con- sideration of the Legislature, now in session, the propriety of adopting measures calculated to promote this object, by making reasonable appropriations for the establishment of agricultural schools or colleges connected with experimental farms. Gen. Veile sustained the resolutions on the ground that agricul- ture is the great source of wealth, and that by agriculture the great mass of men live. He remarked that strange as it may ap- pear, all our great schools have been created and endowed for the direct purpose of educating in the general sciences, and what is exceedingly important to bear in mind is, that those endowed in- stitutions have a tendency to lead young men from industrious pursuits than to them; to professions which are always so full that they are really bubbling or boiling over rather than to those which lead to a life of industry and frugality. Distinctions are sought in the professions which often result in pauperism: to the want of institutions of the kind which the resolutions contemplate, is to be attributed the ruin of hundreds of the young men of our city. Mr. Allen of Erie, and Mr. Chandler of New York, also sustained 108 Strictures on the views of Dr. Seller. [Feb., the resolutions upon the same grounds. Mr. Senator Clark, though a friend to the measures proposed, considered that in the present condition of the State it was inexpedient to press the Legislature on the subject of pecuniary aid — this view was also taken by Mr. Wadsworth. Mr. Mack advocated the resolu- tions and spoke of the flourishing agricultural schools in Europe, and especially those of Scotland and Ireland. Several other gen- tlemen participated in the discussion not dissenting from the spir- it of the resolutions, but questioning the expediency of passing the resolutions formaly at the present time ; especially when the So- ciety would be obliged to ask the Legislature to continue its aid to the State and County Societies. The resolutions were finally passed in a modified form, by which it was designed to express the hopes and wishes of the Society ultimately ; rather than with the expectation of effecting immed- iately the establishment of an institution which they contemplated. STRICTURES ON THE VIEWS OF DR. SELLER In regard to the Exhaustion of the Organic Matter of the Soil in the JVutrition of Plants. On the 13th of February, 1845, Dr. Seller examined the views of Liebig in an essay read l3efore the Botanical Society of Edin- buro-hjin which he sustains the now Baron's opinions on the nature of the food of plants. The following condensed extracts from this essay will give the reader an idea of the character of the doctrines of this distinguished chemist as stated by Dr. Seller: " It is represented," says Dr. Seller, " that the food of plants must be derived from the inorganic kingdom, if we would avoid certain disastrous consequences which would follow, provided their food was derived from the organic kingdom." Thus, Dr. S. cal- culates the annual conversion of the carbon of organic matter into inorganic carbonic acid at not less than 600,000,000 tons; and infers, on the most favorable aspect of the amount of soil over the earth's surface,that such an annual loss could not be withstood be- yond 6000 years ; and, on a less exaggerated assumption of its amount probably very near tlie truth, that the waste would absorb the whole of the existing organic matter of the soil in about 740 years. Dr. S. contends that the truth of these conclusions remains unaltered, even if it be conceded that much of the carbon of plants is drawn, not from the organic matter of the soil, but from the in- organic carbonic acid of the atmosphere, unless some other source of hydrogen and oxygen be at the same time admitted. He therefore regards Liebig's views of the inorganic nature of the food of plants as supported, not merely by many special facts 1847.] Strictures on the views of Dr. Seller. 109 — for example, by the increase of the organic matter oi" the soil often observed during the growth of plants — but also by the gen- eral view of the earth's surface just taken, because there is nothing in its aspect to warrant the idea that its means of maintaining the organic kingdom are declining with the rapidity indicated in the statement just made. But we may well enquire, admitting the fact that the food of plants is organic, are the views really sustained by Dr. Seller's reasoning; or, is it possible, under present arrangements, to ex- haust the organic matter — for the living to consume all the dead organic matter. The following considerations have a bearing upon the question: 1. Plants have a limited duration, and although they consume food which enters into theii' bodies and is withdrawn from the soil, still, in the course of a few years, or centuries at most, it must and will be restored again, and will pass through those changes which are necessary to fit it to become again the food of succeeding generations. Organic matter, if resolved into inorganic carbonic acid, ascends into the atmosphere,but returns to the soil again ; for in the nature of its constitution it must be dissolved in the vapor of the atmovsphere; and when this takes place, it ceases to obey the law of the diffu- sion of gasses and descends to the earth. No accumulation of this gas can ever occur so long as the earth is supplied with water wherewith to form vapor, and here we infer, too, that it never did accumulate in the atmosphere. However, this may be, the com- pensating processes which are provided in all structures must not be lost sight of in the physical arrangements of the globe — regen- eration necessarily follows decay: and provision was made in the original construction of things to furnish a supply for the wants of life. Matter is never at rest; and when once it is liberated from its connections with a given body, it soon begins to be fitted for some other. Nature is balanced by compensations, and the processes which, on a superficial view, seem as if they would ex- haust a necessary supply of any material or any force, are found to have been provided for in the operation of the very machinery which seemed at first view^ to consume its own material or its force by its own workings. The wheels of nature as they move along may seem to exhaust all the force and material in their progress, yet a return for all this expenditure is secured by the workings of the apparatus and by the ministration of the materials employed. But to recur once more to the accumulation of carbonic acid in the atmosphere. It is a favorite doctrine with many, that this sub- stance must have been much more abundant in certain geological periods than it is at present. The ground of this opinion is based on the fact that accumulations of carbonaceous matter either took 110 Strictures on the vieivs of Dr. Seller. [Feb., place by some peculiar existing arrangements, or else had always existed in the atmosphere; but the assumption is by no means justified when we consider the movements of the organic and in- organic worlds. At one time a peculiar vegetation prevails, but it is really of that kind and character which adapts it to the formation of coal. It may be true or it may not, that the aggregate amount is greater at this period than at a former or subsequent one; the only fact proved by observation is, that the vegetation was pecu- liar; and may have been luxuriant or not; but not that more plants lived at the time. It is not even necessary to say that it was more luxuriant; for time is all that is wanted to supply the amount of matter required to form coal beds, when the proper kind of vege- tation exists. It does not appear that trees grew to a greater size than now — tree-ferns were common, and they were of a large growth; but what then, they were not luxuriant species which had, or which have since existed; they •werestci generis, and size was one of their characteristics. But in this respect they were no greater than many vegetables which live now. In fact the trunks and branches and roots of trees were not greater than the present average of our own forests. But then, as we have before remarked, the relation of carbonic acid to water is such that it is impossible it should have accumu- lated in the atmosphere beyond a certain limit, and that limit must have been at about the same standard as the present. We cannot but regard all the speculations respecting the state of the atmo- sphere as unfounded, and unsupported by a single fact, when we consider the nature of carbonic acid itself, and its ready solubility in vapor, and the peculiar character of the vegetation of the peri- od when a greater amount of carbon became fossilized than at any other period. This arose not from quantity but kind, and the peculiar habits of the then existing vegetations. Again, we cannot sustain the assumption that the great abund- ance of carbonic acid had an existence coeval with vegetable life; for prior to the existence of the coal period we find no facts which indicated a greater amount than the present, or any other geologi- cal era; hence we are obliged to consider the vegetation of the coal period as an incident in the multitude of geological changes, as peculiar in kind and constitution, not in quantity. We will hazard another opinion. It is maintained on all hands that the temperature of the coal period was higher than the pres- ent, or in other words that it was the temperature of a tropical re- gion. Now, may not the very fact of the formation of coal be taken as an argument adverse to the common opinions of geolo- gists? If the climate had been tropical, would not the heat have dissipated the carbonaceous matter? In the dense vegetation of the tropics, where do we find accumulations of carbonaceous mat- 1847.] Value of Kon-condudors of Heat. Ill ter; where except in the temperate zones is this process going on? In reasoning then, from the present to the past, we find nothing which goes to sustain the assumption that the climate of the coal era was a tropical one. VALUE OF NON-CONDUCTORS OF HEAT. Non-conductors of heat seem to perform two functions. 1st, to prevent the escape of heat from a body, and 2d, to prevent the access of heat to a body ; for example, wrap a cake of ice in tow or cotton, and its temperature is not diminished nor increased. Its own heat is preserved by the covering, and the outward heat of the atmosphere cannot gain access to the body. The princi- ple is an important one, and its application and use is often wit- nessed in the common operations of nature. In fact this princi- ple is among the most common in the world. The warmth of the earth is maintained by the non-conduction of air and snow, the warmth of lakes and rivers by the non-conduction of ice. Men avail themselves of the principle in preserving ice for summer, in preventing the freezing of bodies by surrounding thera with porous bodies which are always non-conductors, and we have no doubt but that the principle may be more frequently applied than it is. In certain situations for example, where vegetation comes forward so early as to endanger it by subsequent frosts, this principle may be applied successfully. The object will be to re- tain the temperature of winter about the roots and trunks of trees, till the danger of frosts has passed. This may be effected by keep- ing the earth frozen about their roots by surrounding the trunk and covering around it by hay, straw, or horse manure in- termixed with its litter. When a covering of this kind is applied during the continuance of snow, it will not melt as the outward heat cannot penetrate through the non-conductors with which they are surrounded, and it will not be melted and remov- ed until the heat of the earth has considerably accumulated, when it can gain access to the snow and ice laterally by conduc- tion. But the earth conducts heat slowly, and hence the dissipa- tion of the snow will not take place for a long time. Practically, then, gardeners as well as farmers, may secure important ends by availing themselves of the non-conductibilty of matter, taking any or all light and porous materials to pre- serve one uniform temperature. The use of these materials about fruit trees to keep vegetation back is only one among many. Of these materials, horse manure will be the best, as it is not only effectual in guarding against the access of heat, but is useful in promoting vegetation when the proper time has arrived. 1 12 ^Agricultural Address. Feb., AGRICULTURAL ADDRESS. An Address delivered before the Onondaga Co. Agricultural So-^ ciety at their annual Fair, October 2d, 1846, by S. B. Wool- uorth,A. M., Principal of the Cortland Academy. It is not to lavish panegyric on Mr. Woolworth's address that we take this opportunity to notice it. We cannot, however, say less than this, that we have been instructed in perusing it, and we have no doubt the sound and practical views which it contains, will be highly appreciated by the enlightened body before whom it was delivered. We shall enrich the columns of our next number by a few extracts from its pages. We regret that it was not received in time for insertion in the present .number. Manna. — This substance is obtained from the mountains above Iroposa, from a small leaved oak. It exudes from incisions made in the stocks of the older trees and caught in cups made of the leaves of manle. The Fat of Milk. — It is maintained that butter exists in milk ready formed in globules, enveloped in a white translucent peli- cle. In churning this globule is broken and the butter escapes. The broken pelicles afterwards float about and gives consistence to the buttermilk. Exchange Journal. — The Journal of Agriculture and the Trans- actions of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, just received. Acknowledgements. — We are indebted to our distinguished senator, the Hon. John A. Dix, for Congressional Documents. To our friend E. G. Squier for the first annual report of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture. GEORGE DEXTER'S WAREHOUSE OF PHILOSOPHICAL APPARATUS ILLUSTRA- TIVE OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES, NO. 37 STATE STREET, ALBANY. The Proprietor of this establishment is at all times ready to supply apparatus for Colleges, Academies and Schools in the several depart- ments of experimental philosophy, as Mechanics, Pneumatics, Hydro- statics, Hydraulics, Optics, Astronomy, Electricity, Galvanism, Magnet- ism, and Chemistry : also, Daguerreotype apparatus, together with Dr. Auzou's splendid Anatomical Models of Human Anatomy. ALBANY IVIEDICAL COLLEGE. The Lecture term of this institution commences the first Tuesday ia October, and continues sixteen weeks. Alden March, M. D., on Surgery. James McNaughton, M. D., on Theory and Practice of Medicine. T. Romeyn Beck, M. D., on Materia Medica. Ebenezer Emmons, M. D., on Obstetrics and Natural History. Lewis C. Beck, M. D., on Chemistry. James H. Armsby, M. D., on Anatomy. Thomas Hun, M. D., on the Institutes of Medicine. Amos Dean, Esq., on Medical Jurisprudence. NEW AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL BOOK. PUBLISHED BY ERASTUS H. PEASE, NO. 82 STATE STREET. Catechism of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology, by Jas. F. W. Johnston, M.A., F.R.S., S.L.&E., Honorary Member Royal Ag- ricultural Society of England, and author of Lectures on Agricultural ■Chemistry. From the Hon. Samuel Youn^, Secretanj of State and Superintendent of Common Schools of the Slate of New York. I have carefully examined the Catechism of Professor Johnston, on Asricultiire This little work IS the basis of both aerricultural art and science. A knowledge of its'princi' pies is within the comprehension of every child of twelve years old •, ami if its truths were impressed on the minds of the young, a fonndati(m would he laid for a va«t imurove ment in that most important occupation which feeds and clothes the human race I hope that parents will be wilUi,g to introduce this brief Catechism into the tjommon Schools of this State. Albany, 24th Jan. 1845. S_ YOUNG. Also, as above, a general assortment of Classical, Medical, Scientific and Agricultural Books— Standard Works and Theological Books o-ene- rally, together with an extensive Sabbath School Depository. N. B. Agency for Levi Brown's Diamond Fointed Gold Pea. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND SCIENCE. This work will be issued hereafter monthly, at two dollars per annum payable in advance. It will form two volumes at the close of the year of three hundred pages each, and will be illustrated by plates and wood engravings. The object of this Journal is to disseminate useful knowledge relating to Science, the Arts, and Agriculture, and to promote sound views in education. It is in fine designed for a farmers' magazine, and no efforts will be wanting to make it a welcome visiter in his family. Communications may be addressed as usual to the conductors at Albany or when more con- venient, to the publishers, Huntington & Sav- age, at 216 Pearl st., New York. E. EMMONS, A. OSBORN. Albany, January, 1847. AMERICAN JOURNAL AGRICULTURE AND SCIENCE, CONDUCTED BY DR. ]E. EMMONS AND A. OSBORN, ESQ. MARCH, 1847. NEW YORK: HUNTINGTON & SAVAGE, No. 216 Pearl Street. 1S47. J. Munsell, Prinlerf Alhant/. CONTENTS. NUMBER ELEVEN. 1. Limestones and Lime, 113 2. Progressive Changes of Matter, 127 3. Duty of Educated Men, 137 4. Nicholas Bradford, 140 5. Agricultural Chemistry, 147 6. Diffusion of Agricultural Knowledge in Miscellaneous Journals, 154 7. Plowing and Hoeing, 160 8. How to make old Lands new, 163 9. Lime as a poison to Vegetables, 164 10. Ashes more valuable than Lime or Gypsum as a Fertilizer,. .. 165 11. Meteorological Observations, 166 12. Fruits, Insects, &c., 168 13. Influence of Food on Cows for the production of Milk, 170 14. The Experimental Husbandman, 172 15. New York State Agricultural Society, 174 16. Publications, 175 17. Importations of Furs in 1846, 176 18. Composition of Brewers' Grains, 176 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND SCIENCE. No. XI. MARCH, 1847. THE LIMESTONES, AND LIME. Continued from page 82. The limestones of the New-York system belong mostly to its inferior part. If we take our depaiture in the series from the Potsdam sandstone, and extend our exainination to the top of the Catskill mountains, the limestones of the most important varieties and kinds will fall in the lower division of the series; the upper being almost destitute in New-York and Pennsylvania, not only of deposits of limestone, but of calcareous matter. The first ap- pearance of this rock is the calciferous sandstone, a rock which was denominated by the late Prof. Eaton, Calciferous Sandrock. The predominant color of the rock is gray; but it appears of va- rious shades of light and dark gray, and light and dark drabs. In the main, it is an impure limestone, and is rarely sufficiently free from silex to admit of its manufacture into good lime. In addition however to silex, it contains magnesia in a large proportion: alumina and iron are also constantly present. It therefore usually makes very good hydraulic lime, and has been so employed with success. It contains encrinal beds, which appear to be nearly a pure limestone; at any rate, they are quite free from silex. The same remark may be made of the oolitic beds. Some parts of the rock contain chert, which is arranged in parallel bands. These beds are the poorest part of the rock for economical pur- poses. Geologically the calciferous sandstone succeeds the Potsdam sandstone, from which it departs first by a small sprinkling of calcareous matter, which, on increasing, soon becomes apparently a tolerably pure limestone. Its sandy character, however, is often disclosed by the presence of fine particles of sand, which invest the weathered surface. The nature of these particles may be proved by rubbing them between two plates of glass, which will be found to be scratched by the operation. Vol. V. No. n. 8 114 The Limestones, and Lime. [March, The rock is often an excellent building stone, and has been em- ployed largely in the construction of canal locks and other struc- tures which require a durable material. A gray variety, which is quite uniformly crystalline, resembles granite at a distance. The cathedral of Montreal is constructed of this rock. Distribution of the Rock in JYew-York. — The calciferous sand- stone is but imperfectly developed in the valley of the Hudson. It appears occasionally as a fossiliferous band, resting upon the Taconic slate. It may or may not have formed a continuous bed. It appears upon the knobs or highest of the hills, as at Greenbush and Troy. It is quite common to meet with it when it has assumed the form and condition of a breccia. Undoubtedly some of these beds are merely accietionary; others, however, are real conglomerates, inasmuch as the pebbles are distinctly rounded and frequently weather out, and leave a smooth round cavity in the mass. This rock is prolonged from the Hudson into the Champlain valley, and increases in thickness, and is visibly more continuous here than in the Hudson valley. This rock, however, is mainly important in New-York, in the immediate region of the northern highlands, which it surrounds as a band, and an outcropping rock above the Potsdam sandstone; and it dips quite regularly from this great primary mass. The most remarkable localities are in the Mohawk valley, where it foims quite a conspicuous rock at the Noses and Little- Falls. The most perfect exhibition of this rock, however, is at Chazy, where it is highly fossiliferous. It is here that it forms such a contrast with the limestones of the Taconic system; and it is here that we have an instructive series of fossils belonging to the earliest of the brachiopods and crustaceans, which orders have survived all the geological changes, and have come down to us as it were in their earliest forms. We have said survived, be- cause it is the common expression or phrase. It carries, however, an erroneous view, and needs correction. The survivors of these orders are no more the lineal descendants of these ancient fami- lies, than are the present quachupeds. The true representation lies in Ihe fact that these orders have been continued by creation, and not l}y generation; and hence they cannot be said to have survi\e(l llie changes which have taken place since the deposition of this rock, inasmuch too as it cannot be shown that they have been exposed or subjected to those changes in that mode and manner which would tend to exterminate them. The scheme of creation being determined upon by the ('reator, which in itself was adapt- ed to the chemical and physical conditions of the globe, has been continued and acted upon during the nnmense lapse of time which ha.s intervened between the era ol' protozoic life and the present. 1847.] The Limestones, and Lime. 115 In this scheme the outward forms of the created have appeared under every aspect in which it was possible, without departing from the general form of the original type. In these forms we find the species of the different eras: forms which, while they characterize the periods, still are not necessary to animal exist- ence, or necessary to fit them for the chemical or physical condi- tions of the earth; but rather appear for the purpose of displaying the power and resources of an all-powerful Creator — his ability to form and fashion an infinite variety of apparatus, by which pleasure and happiness could be received by sentient beings. It is true the form and apparatus of all beings is fitted to the present condition of things; nevertheless, not one form of this apparatus was in itself essential and necessary to the sustenance and support of its animal existence. It is a form not chosen for the sake of the creature, if we may so say, but for the sake of the Creator, w^hose end in creation was to glorify himself This view of the subject is not invalidated, when it is said, that when the shape and form of an organ was determined upon, that this form and shape must control the whole of the remaining structure. The only necessary thing connected with the construction of individ- uals, is harmony; which is always manifest when the whole being of the creature is understood. We had no thought of a digression of this kind, at first; but we justify ourselves in it, from the consideration that in the cal- ciferous sandstone we have an exhibition of protozoic life, or a large portion of a scheme of organization which was afterward to appear, and which was to be repeated with modi icaiions in many successive eras. Calciferous Sandstone in Vermont. — From Whitehall to the provincial line, this rock continues with but few interruptions. The top of the mountain at Whitehall is crowned with the calci- ferous sandstone, where it is about 200 feet thick. It supplies a few layers, which make a tolerably good lime. It is however generally too sandy for this purpose. It is along this range, upon the east shore of lake Chainplain, that the relations of this rock are worthy of the particular attention of the geologist. The calciferous sandstone does not exist in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, or Connecticut. The possibility of its existence in or near the Notch in the White mountains, we shall not deny. Prof Rodgers has described a fossiliferous mass there, which may belong to the Chainplain division, though it is considered by that gentleman as a fragment of the Ontario division. We know of no localities in Maine, of this rock. In Penn- sylvania and many of the Southern states it is well developed. It is not however noticed as a distinct rock, but is merged in the other limestones — the birdseye and Trenton limestones. This con- 116 The Limestones, and Lime. [March, solidation of the lower limestones is not objectionable in a general system. Composition of the Calciferous Sandstone of JVew-York. Jinalysis. Insoluble matter (silica), - - - 6.20 Alumina and per oxide of iron, - - 4.50 Carbonate of lime, - - - 58.86 Carbonate of magnesia, - - 27.20 Water, 8.04 99.50 This rock invariably furnishes a large amount of magnesia; and when the silicious matter is not in excess, it may be used as a hydraulic lime. The specimen, the analysis of which is given, was from Galway, Saratoga county. Its color is gray. Those layers which form the best cement, weather to a light or yellow- ish drab. The best localities known of this variety of limestone, are in the neighborhood of Plattsburgh. A belt of the rock extends into Canada; and in many places the purer beds are highly charged with interesting fossils. In the valleys of the Mohawk and Black river, localities of a pure limestone abound. The rock skirts the St. Lawrence river from Ogdensburgh to Canada; and in places it is the lowest rock of the New-Yoik system, and rests immediately upon the primary, or upon theTaconic slates. Interesting relations sometimes appear, especially when this rock is found in the vicinity of the primary limestone. In these places we find sufficient cause for rejecting the opinion of some geolo- gists, that the primary is only an altered limestone of the New- York system. Both rocks, however, sometimes exist in a short distance of each other; one associated with granite, the other re- posing upon the Potsdam sandstone. Composition of the Chazy Limestone of JYew-York. .flnalysis. Insolul)le matter, .... 27.62 Alumina and per oxide of iron, - - 18.03 Carbonate of lime, - - - 49.00 Carbonate of magnesia, ... 3.00 Water, 1.74 99.89 This limestone is usually too impure to be used for agricultural purposes. The specimen, however, exhibits an extreme of im- purity— some layers furnishing quite a pure limestone. Indeed, 1847.] The Limestones, and Lime. 117 in the midst of these lower Hraestones, some rocks are found which make the best of quicklime in the state. In Chazy, for example, the birdseye limestone is mostly free from magnesia, and is regarded as one of the best rocks for lime; and is exten- sively used in the glass works at Redford, in Clinton county. Composition of the Trenton Limestone in JYew-York — Slaty variety from Plattsburgh. Analysis. Insoluble matter, .... 1.5.60 Alumnia and per oxide of iron, - - 4.18 Carbonate of lime, ... 52.76 Carbonate of magnesia, ... 24.87 Water, 1.19 99.60 This specimen is also below the average of the rock for purity. It is however a magnesian limestone. If used with the necessary caution, it is well adapted to agricultural purposes. Composition of the Calciferous Sandstone of Vermont* — From Milton. Analysis. Carbonate of lime, - - - 84.45 Carbonate of magnesia, ... 12.14 Alumina and iron, ... i_oi Insoluble matter, .... 1,50 Water and loss, .... .90 100.00 Olmsted. Composition of the Calciferous' Sandstones and Lower Liinestones in Pennsylvania. These rocks are designated in the Pennsylvania and Virginia reports, as formation II. Limestone near Easton. Keller &. Abie's quarries. Analysis. Carbonate of lime. Carbonate of magnesia. Alumina and oxide of iron. Insoluble matter. Water and loss. Second Annual Report of the Geology of Vermont. 51.02 55.00 43.28 31.40 0.50 2.30 4.80 10.80 0.40 0.50 100.00 100.00 Rodgers. 118 The Limestones, and Lime. [March, Limestone tVom Loiiisville, Kentucky. Analysis. Carbonate of lime, 55.03 Carbonate of maefnesia, - 24.16 Alumina and oxide of iron. 2.60 Insoluble matter, . . - - 15.30 Water, .... 1.20 Loss, - 2.71 101.00 It is supposed by Messrs. Rodgers, that the property of har- dening under water depends on the presence of magnesia. It has not been shown, however, that the dolomites, or white granular marbles, possess this property. The same view, however, of the subject was previously maintained by M. Vicat of France. We have already stated that magnesian limestones are favorable rocks for agricultural purposes; and that it is only when caustic by burning, that they become injurious, and then only before they have lost their caustic state. These limestones, however, are un- suitable for fiuxes in reducing iron ores, as will be found by trial. The lower limestones of the New-York system, the composi- tion of which we have just given, terminate with the Trenton, after which a wide interval occurs before we reach another cal- careous rock. The first in the ascending order is the Niagara limestone, if we except a few calcareous bands immediately be- low, one of which contains the Pentamerus oblongus, and which is characteristic of the Caradoc sandstone of Murchison's Silurian System. It is a dark colored limestone, often emitting a bitumi- nous odor, when struck or heated. It is comparatively a thin rock in New-York, but increases in thickness in its Western pro- longation, and becomes in the Western states an important rock. It is the upper member of the Ontario division. Analysis. Insoluble matter, - - - - O.OS Alumina and oxide of iron, - - 4.24 Carbonate of lime. - - - 93.50 Carbonate of magnesia, ... 0.20 Water, 2.09 101.11 The specimen examined was from Lockport, and its purity is above the average of the rock. This rock is continuous from a few miles southwest of Utica to Niagara Falls. It is absent in the New- York series in the valley 1S47.] 77^6 Limestones, and Lime. 1 19 of the Hudson — the Helderbergh division resting upon the shales and sandstones of Lorrain. Its position is well defined westward and beyond Utica. It is the geodiferous rock of Eaton. Composition of the Helderbergh Limestones. The calcareous matter appears first in a series of shales which lie at the base of the Helderbergh range. They effervesce strongly with acids; but are too impure for any of the purposes for which limestones are employed. Magnesia soon appears in these beds, and finally forms a constituent part of the rock. The Manlius water-limes, as they have been called, were first employed for cement. The best beds are only about six or eight feet thick in Western New-York. In the valley of the Rondout the Pentamerus limestone is the one which is so extensively used for hydraulic lime. Analysis of the Hydraulic Limestone of the Rondout — by Jack- son.* Water, I.ISI Silicic acid, 10.0S7 Carbonic aciJ, .... 41.200 Sulphuric acid, .... 0.606 Lime, 25.0S7 Alumina, 3.395 Per oxide of iron, ... 3.274 Magnesia, 12-800 Oxide of manganese, ... 0.606 Potash, 0.700 Soda, 2.182 101.158 Limestone of Pennsylvania belonging to the same group as the preceding. It is a rock eight miles east of Pine-Grove, Schuyl- kill county. Color dull lead blue; texture somewhat coarse and subcrystalline, sparry.f Analysis. Carbonate of lime, - - - 49.90 Carbonate of magnesia. - - -7.10 Alumina and oxide of iron, - . 6.30 Insoluble matter, .... 36.30 Water, 0.40 The limestones of this formation are not always magnesian, as • Jackson's analysis of the Ulster cement stone, in the Proceedings of the American Geologists and Naturalists, t Rodgers' Pennsylvania Report, p. 169. 120 The Limestones, and Lime. [March, appears from the following analysis of limestone, from the same formation : Carbonate of lime, - 81.95 98.30 Carbonate of magnesia, - none trace Alumina and oxide of iron, 3.10 none Insoluble matter, - - 14.60 1.30 Water, .... 0.50 0.40 100.15 The first rock is six miles above the Delaware Water-Gap. Its color is gray, and both sparry and crystalline. The second is at Loyalsock, near Williamsport. It is used as a flux at the As- tonville furnace, Lycoming county. Color blueish black; com- pact, fracture conchoidal; fossil iferous. The best limestone in New-York, which has a wide distribu- tion, and is generally known, is the Onondaga limestone. It is the upper member of the Helderbergh division, and extends from the Hudson river to Lake Erie. It is usually divided into two parts; the lower, which is gray and crystalline, is the Onondaga limestone proper; the upper is dark colored, more compact, and contains a large amount of chert or hornstone. It is not entirely free from magnesia. It is burnt for lime, and supplies the Albany market. Analysis of the lower part. Insohible matter, .... 3.74 Alumina and iron, - . . - 0.18 Carbonate of lime, 89.90 Carbonate of magnesia, . . - 4.00 Phosphate of lime, 0.93 Water, 2.02 99.87 In Pennsylvania the corresponding rock gave ; Rodgers, analysis: — Carbonate of lime, . - - 83.30 Carbonate of magnesia. 7.22 Alumina and oxide of iron, traces Insoluble matter, .... 9.98 Water, 0.50 100.00 The rock occurs at Stroudsburgh. Color dull slate blue fine grained; subcrystalline. The only limestone which remains to be noticed, is the Tully lime-stone; a rock which succeeds the Hamilton group, in the 1847.] The Limestones, and Lime. 121 middle and western counties of New- York. As a general mass, it is unimportant; as a local deposit, it becomes important in con- sequence of the scarcity of calcareous matter in the region where it occurs. We believe it is confined to the state of New-York. Analysis. Insoluble matter, - 27.01 Alumina and iron, - 10.34 Carbonate of lime, 54.10 Carbonate of magnesia, - 0.34 Phosphate of lime. 0.8S Potash, - 1.80 Soda, traces Water, - 4.93 99.60 The Tully limestone is an important variety, for the lime which it may furnish for agricultural purposes. It is dark colored, com- pact, or only sub-crystalline. In the geological series, superior to the New-York system, im- portant beds of limestones occur, which it is proper to notice in this place. Thus, in Formation XIII., of Rodgers' Pennsylvania Report, we find the following analyses: — First. Second. Carbonate of lime, - 96.10 96.90 Carbonate of magnesia, - none none Alumina and oxide of iron, 1.30 0.50 Insoluble matter, - - 2.30 2.90 Water, - - - - 0.30 0.30 100.00 The first limestone occurs in Butler county. Pa. Color light gray; compact or close grained; fracture smooth and slightly con- choidal; fossiliferous — containing stems of enciinites. The second occurs in Clarion county. Its characters and ap- pearance are much the same as the preceding. We give two additional analyses of limestones from the same formation, but from different parts of Pennsylvania. First. Second. Carbonate of lime, - 84.00 94.00 Carbonate of magnesia, - none none Alumina and per oxide of iron, 1.00 1.30 Insoluble matter, - - 12.80 4.30 Water, - - - 0.45 0.40 Loss, .... 1.50 0.00 100.00 100.00 122 The Limestones, and Lime. [March, The first occurs at Rockland furnace, Venango county. Color grayish drab; compact, and fine grained. The second occurs at Sugar creek, Armstrong county. Color blueish gray; mostly compact. In Virginia, many beds of limestone appear, which belong to the lower part of the New-York system, which have been em- ployed as cement. The two following analyses are abstracted from the Report of Wm. B. Rodgers: — Carbonate of lime, Carbonate of magnesia, Alumina and oxide of iron, Silica and insoluble matter, Water, - - - - Loss, ... The first occurs at or near Sheppardstown, on the Potomac, Va. The second at the Natural Bridge, and Cedar creek. Both are said to make a good hydraulic cement. Dr. Jackson, in his Maine Report, gives the analysis of an hydraulic limestone, which is found at Machias, upon Starboard's creek, which we subjoin: — Carbonate of lime, - - - - 59.5 Carbonate of iron, .... 6.0 Silica, 14.0 Alumina, ...... 15.0 Oxide of manganese, ... 4.0 Water, 1.5 First. Second, 55.80 53.23 39.20 41.00 1.50 0.80 2.50 2.80 0.40 0.40 0.60 1.17 100.00 100.00 100.00 The geological position of this limestone is doubtful. We have supposed that it might be referred to the New Red Sandstone period. W^e notice this hydraulic limestone, for the purpose of showing that magnesia is not essential to give lime the property of hardening under water. This indeed had been shown by Jackson's analysis of Parker's celebrated cement, which we here .subjoin; and with which we shall close this part of the subject relating to the composition of limestones in the United States. 1847.] The. Limestones, and Lime. 123 Analysis of Parker's Cement. Lime, 33.00 Alumina, oxide of iron and manganese, 39.00 Silica, 10.00 Water, 1.00 Carbonic acid, .... 17.00 100.00 Uses of Lime. It is by no means an easy matter to determine the uses of lime in vegetation; and we shall take the precaution to inform our readers that we are not prepared to say much upon the subject. The opinion of chemists and agriculturists differ greatly upon the theory of the action of this substance, while at the same time they agrc'.^ in the opinion that it is useful. Mr. Towers, who has lately written upon lime, in the Farmers' Magazine, has summed up its action under the following heads: — 1. When air slacked, and in a fine powder, if applied to lands, it kills slugs. 2. It neutralizes acids, and especially unites with humic acid. 3. Liberates potash and soda in soils and rocks. 4. Does not render vegetable and animal matters soluble. According to Fownes, lime acts menely as an antidote to re- dundant humous matter, and fixes acids, and makes an innocuous humate. One remark we believe we may safely make, in re- gard to the above summary, is, that the uses here ascribed to lime are mostly incidental, and do not come up to the solution of the problem. The whole summary is based upon an assumption that lime, in the vegetable economy, is of little or no consequence. It kills slugs — it neutralizes acids — renders humous matter innoc- uous— liberates the alkalies, &c. ; and hence we say that the view is wholly defective; foi they only imply that its use is something, ah extra, and has nothing to do with the economy of vegetation — with the internal arrangement of organized beings, and fulfils no end, so far as their structure and functions are concerned. Such we regard, therefore, as wholly defective, and as falling far short of explaining those purposes for which lime and its compounds have been created. Lime, without doubt, exerts an influence, which is modified ac- cording to circumstances; and this influence is especially modified by the presence or absence of vegetable matter. In itself and alone, or while in the form of a carbonate, as it exists in rocks and marls, or as a mild hydrous carbonate, in the form of an air slacked lime, it may not be adapted to the economy of vegetables 124 The Limestones, and Lime. [March, or animals. It may be absorbed, however, in the form and state of a super-carbonate, because in this state it is soluble; still, even then we believe it requires a different combination, in order to fulfd the functions required of it in the vegetable kingdom. One of the great obstacles which seem to have prevented most writers from seeing the uses of lime to plants, is the insolubility of some of its compounds, especially when they are prepared in the laboratory of the chemists. Coupling this fact with another, viz., that the food of vegetables must be dissolved, and that they cannot receive solid matter into their structures, it is by no means strange that the compai-atively insoluble nature of some of the calcareous compounds should lead many to infer that so far as their use in the vegetable economy is concerned, they are of little value; and that their use can be dispensed with. Even admit- ting that they are important and necessary, it will be seen that, in the view of many, their importance is confined to the guarding of outposts, and that they are not designed to act within and help build up the citadel. If insolubility of the calcareous compounds must be received as a bar to the performance of other functions than those which have been ennumerated by Towers and Fownes, then certainly, the same objection must be made to silex; for, of all substances, this is the most insoluble of the materials; and yet it is largely absorbed by plants, especially by the cereals, and the monocoty- ledonous plants generally. But it is a fortunate thing that the laboratory of nature is quite different in its arrangements, and that its powers are quite supe- rior to the laboratories even of a Berzelius or a Liebig. Now, in the earth, or the laboratory first referred to, the chemical changes go on in continuous circles. As an illustration of our meaning, the waters beneath flow upward in invisible vapors, until the air above approaches to a saturation, when the currents are reversed by the descent of showers of visible rain, which saturate in their turn the earth; or the springs and rills flow outward to the sea in ceaseless streams, while the supply of the internal fountain is kept full by vapors from the broad ocean flowing upward first, and then downward to the earth, and sinking into its depths profound. These movements of mist and rain serve an important pur- pose: they continually bring the active elements required in the vegetable economy into a nascent state; a state in which nutrient matter is made ready and prepared for the vegetable's use. This state is a transient one, and is in one sense incomplete; or it is that state in which the elements are in the act of combining; or we may better say, in a state in which they are disposed to com- bine. Oxygen and hydrogen confined in a tube, will never unite 1847.] The Limestones, and Lime. 125 and tbrin water. If, however, by any chemical action they are simultaneously liberated from their combinations, they at once unite and form water. So it is not improbable that most of the combinations of inorganic matter with the organic, take place in that state which is called by chemists, the nascent state, and that in this state the same elements will be received into the vegetable organs, which, when they have passed it, cannot or wull not be taken up. But to come more directly to the uses of lime; and upon this point, we suppose that the simplicity of our views may be a bar To their adoption; for we regard the use and value of lime in ag- riculture to consist mainly in this — that it is an element which in itself is essential in the vegetable economy; or that it is impor- tant, lor the simple reason that vegetables are so constituted that they require it. It is a part and parcel of the elements which go to make up the frame-work of the vegetable. This view of the subject rests on facts. If we find, for instance, that lime enters largely into the structure of all plants, then indeed do we prove our position to be the true one. As an illustration of this posi- tion, we may refer to the composition of bone. Lime, as is well known, forms a large proportion of this tissue; and hence it is inferred, and it is fair to infer it too, that lime is an essential ele- ment to bone, because it forms in it so large a proportion. The same is true of vegetables. It forms a large proportion of the ash of plants, the hard parts of the vegetables; and so by the same process of reasoning, we have no doubt that the use of lime is, to form an essential element in its tissues. In this, then, main- ly consists the use of lime in agriculture; and this is by no means an incidental use, vSuch, for example, as the destruction of slugs. It is of no use to say that the compounds of lime are insoluble; for w^e find it actually in the ash of vegetables. It is there, and forms, in many instances, the largest proportion of the inorganic matters. To show our readers the fact as it is, we subjoin three analyses of the ash of different plants, which have but recently been com- pleted in our laboratory: — Bean leaf. Carbonate of lime, - - - 49.182 Potash. 9.877 Magnesia, 7.716 Phosphates, 14.557 Silica, - - - - - 12.276 93.608 126 The Limestones, and Lime. [March, Hickory bark. Iron-wood bark. Caiya alba. Ostrya virgiiiica. Potash, 2.340 0.696 Soda, - - 0.125 0.023 Chlonne, 0.145 0.040 Sulphuric acid, - 1.925 0.086 Phosphates lime, mag. ., iron, 5.000 5.100 Carbonic acid, - 33.995 33.853 Lime, 51.105 57.932 Magnesia, - 0.820 1.200 Insoluble silica, - 4.550 0.250 Soluble silica, - 0.250 Organic matter, - not determined 100.255 0.276 Matter insol. in Ho. in chlorides, 0.800 100.256 The analysis of the ash of the bean leaf is incomplete; but it still serves the purpose for which we have introduced its compo- sition. It shows the quantity of lime which enters into the com- position of its inorganic parts. With such facts before us, it seems plain that it is quite unne- cessary to attempt to construct a labored theory of the use of lime in agriculture. We find it plainly set forth in the fact that it is a necessary and essential part of the vegetable tissue. And though we may not now know the precise combination which it forms, still we have some reason for supposing that it is in com- bination with crenic and apocrenic acids, or in combination with an organic acid. And though it may appear in the laboratory, that some of these combinations are far from being as soluble as we should expect; still, it must be remembered that vegetables which have life in themselves, possess a power over those combinations which chemists do not possess; and that we have no right to infer that because we are unable to effect a ready solution of a sub- stance, that hence vegetables cannot take it up and convert it to their use. We might proceed farther, and show that lime, in order to ex- hibit clear and pcrcei)tible effects in vegetation, the soil must be furnished with organic matter; or, in other words, that its effects and influences upon vegetation will be modified by the condition of the soil. But as we propose to resume the subject on another occasion, we shall let it drop for the present. 1847.] Progressive Changes of Matter. 127 PROGRESSIVE CHANGES OF MATTER— NO. III. BY A. OS BORN. I stated in a previous number that there were two dissimilar physical forces that always had a tendency to disturb the repose of matter. Heat exerts an expanding force and when deep seat- ed and wide spread beneath the ocean's floor, raises up the super- incumbent mass from the bosom of the waters, thereby forming a continent. The principal change matter undergoes in this pro- cess is elevation, and a general disturbance of its interior arrange- ments. The other force is gravitation, having a direct control over elevated water which, when rained upon the earth, floM's to- ward the ocean, moving along in its progress the ponderable mat- ter coming withm its influence. The changes that have thus ta- ken place among the surface materials of the North American Continent from the era of its emergence until the present time, constitute its geological history which I now propose to ex- amine. To assume however, that all these changes have left even any traces of their former existence, would be the extreme of presumption ; for the elements of matter have been embodied, broken up and scattered, and again formed into other bodies with new combinations through so long a vista of departed time, that even some of their most conspicuous formations have, like the rain-storms, by whose agency they were produced, lost their ori- ginal identity. And to pretend to give even a general history of all the prominent formations that now exist in connection with previously existing bodies, would be alike presumptuous. All that I venture now to do will be to contemplate the former existence of things and "restore in imagination" the original surface con- dition of this continent, and the varied phases it presented during the wearing down of this surface until we behold the present con- dition of things ; and even confined within these bounds of his- torical labor, as my own observations have been limited to cer- tain localities, no pretence will be made to account for the geolo- gical phenomena in other places, except in so far as their history may be involved in a plausible interpretation of nature's laws. The North American Continent on its emergence from the ocean was a great and extensive pile of sea-deposit, embracing near- ly two zones, its surface ribbed and domed shaped, by the protru- sion of igneous rocks, and so immense had been the accumulations of these rocks, at the period of which I am now speaking, that their towering heights ranged among the clouds ! By an up- heaval, this secondary formation became disorganized and shatter- ed, and by its own weight was crushed and pulverized. Add to 128 Progressive Changes of Matter. [March, these considerations that at that time no mantling forest bound the surface of the land with its net- work of roots, nor were there walled channels nor deep valleys to restrain the abrasions of torrents. In this condition of things we can readily imagine the rapid and magnificent changes the river floods produced among these mountain masses. Truly this was an age of floods and land- slides. That such was the condition of things at that remote age, I w^ill now proceed to ofier some proofs. The northeastern part of the State of New York embraces the district of country denominated by the geologist of the second dis- trict, Prof Emmons, the great primary nucleus, and contains an area by an approximate calculation, of 6 or 8000 square miles. Around this nucleus, except a portion of the southern side, the sedimentary rocks exist. I have drawn a profile view of these latter rocks by a line stretching south, from the south Avest corner of this nucleus through the county of Herkimer to the Otsego county line, having a length of sixty miles or thereabouts. This line traverses two valleys, the valley of the West Canada creek and that of the Mohawk river. The water-shed line at the top of the banks of these rivers is from 3 to 5 miles from the streams, and their elevation from 800 to 1000 feet above the lower valley. These banks or inclinations of surface have given rise to many rapid tributary streams which have in many places and to a certain extent left bare an out-crop of the secondary rocks. I have given the above view of the aqueous rocks, not for the purpose of describing their minerological character, but for the purpose of showing their mechanical arrangement, and their present position. The question now arises, did these rocks, of which w^e see the out-crops, once extend over the primary rocks. If such were the fact, then on the emergence of this country from the sea, this for- mation became an over-lying mass. That such was the once con- dition of things, I am fully of the opinion. The present ap- pearance of these out-crops shows that they were not formed with their present abrupt precipices. I will now proceed to bring forward some proofs that tend to show that these secondary rocks once extended over the primary nucleus. The conglomerate rock is about mid way in the series, and is the characteristic group in the secondary formations, and boulders and field stones of this rock can be readily identified wherever they exist. Parts of this rock in the form of field stones, are plentifully strewed in a southerly direction from the out-crop, and over the Onondaga limestone at an elevation at least, of 300 feet above the part of the parent rock now left. For an explana- 1847.] Progressive Changes of Matter. 129 tion of this geological phenomena we will quote from the report of the geologist of the third district, Mr. Vanuxem. " In order to account satisfactorily for all the loose materials which are scat- tered over the surface south of the Helderberg range, nothing more is required than an extension north of its rocks, which must have existed so as to bring those of a lower level by the dip or inclination which the rocks have with the geological level which contains their products." There is another fact corroborative of the above views which we presume did not fall under the notice of the geologist, or he would have mentioned it. About 6 miles north of the conglom- erate out-crop in the valley of the Mohawk there is a boulder of this group weighing at least a ton, and in the valley of the West Canada creek, a distance of at least 10 miles, fragments of the same rock are seen. It will be observed that the conglomerate rests immediately upon the slate rock, which is at least a thousand feet in thickness at these places, so that these field stones, when connected with the original mass, must have existed in that ele- vated position above their present place of repose ; and as the rocks beneath them were carried away by active currents, they could not have made a perpendicular descent, they must have been brought down on an inclination from a far northerly locality. We have selected the conglomerate because it is so readily re- cognized, but as we become familiar with the other groups, both above and below it, we can see the same phenomena in respect to their fragmentary parts scattered over the surface. The birds- eye and Trenton limestones, for instance, in many places skirt the valley of the West Canada creek, and yet field stones are so nu- merous from these groups, over on the side of the Mohawk valley to the south, that they are gathered up and burned into lime. The hill intervening must be at least 600 feet above them. Another fact will also be noticed bearing upon the subject. The nearer these rocks approach the primary, the more their beds are inclined. But why should we detail this class of proofs when others are more available, and we think more conclusive. From whence came these massive piles of broken rocks now in the form of round- ed field stones, the numerous beds of gravel, sand and clay, and sometimes all these or parts of them jumbled together? The loose materials forming the immediate surface, are but parts of the same rocks upon which they are now over-spread, and had principally a northern origin. Now where did they exist when in the form of rocks. Certainly not immediately above nor below their present place of rest, nor could they have existed in southern localities. The legitimate conclusion to be drawn from the fact, is that these aqueous rocks, parts of which we see out -cropping, once had a Vol V. No. II. 9 130 Progressive Changes of Matter. [March, northern extension, covering the regions of the northern part of the State of New York. The next question arises, what was the probable depth of the secondary formation, and particularly that of which we are speak- ing? And of this fact we have not the means of making even a probable estimate. The out-crops of the rocks extending to the line of Otsego, have been estimated to be more than 5000 feet in thickness. The geologist of Pennsylvania, Prof. H. D. Rodgers, has laid down on his map of these rocks, (and of which these in New York are but an extension) as being more than 30,000 feet in thickness, 6 miles at least. Prof. Emmons, speaking of one of the lower groups, the Taconic slates, and of that which lies be- tween Lansingburgh and Bennington, says : " I have often ex- " amined it two miles, perpendicular to its strike, and found no *' indications of its repetitions." All the facts therefore that can be brought to bear upon the subject only prove that the second- ary deposit was enormous. This primary nucleus is now from 3 to 5000 feet above tide level, and the boulders and field stones, the beds of gravel and sands in addition to the parts which have been carried into the sea, and which once constituted an integral part thereof only tended to increase its hight. Upon this rested the aqueous rocks. We are next to consider the condition of this over-lying mass on its being uplifted from the sea. The primary rocks we should infer, from their appearance in many places, were forced up by a protrusion, the indications of which are now seen in perpendicu- lar cliffs, and in pyramidal mountains. In many places there are dome-shaped crests and undulating ridges among these igneous rocks, evidently proving that there was to a certain extent, a com- mingling of the primary and secondary rocks. In this view of the subject we can easily imagine how readily currents of water would change the position of matter when flowing over it. In a previous number we gave our views in relation to the for- mation of river currents, and the ever active laws by which they ■were perpetuated ; and they were the agents, we now affirm, that were employed to reduce and demolish the towering mass- es of our new formed continent, and to give to its present surface its peculiar configuration. To maintain the above hypothesis many things are to be viewed in a different light than that in which we now behold them. Do we look upon the present rivers as the agents by which the won- ders of antiquity were achieved? We might as well look upon the now living Egyptians as having constructed the pyramids. We have at times been asked, did the West Canada creek ever roll its periodic flood over that high lange of land, intervening it it and the Mohawk, and by Mhich the majestic boulder was roll- 1847.] Progressive Changes of Matter. 131 ed from its original bed, and left on these upland ranges ! We answer that when these boulders made their transit, the West Canada creek had no existence. So too it has been said, that the river St. Lawrence once swept its mighty waters through the great valley, which its in part occupied by the Mohawk and the Hud- son. But when these valleys were formed, rivers swept through them that have long since been identified with the things that have been. What is a river, more than the waters of a rain cloud, flowing into a channel and working its way toward the sea, and these currents prevail on the surface of the land, let that surface be ever so much elevated. Therefore when we aver that river currents produced the great changes in moving those stu- pendous blocks and those immense masses from one place and position to another, we are to consider the present rivers as having taken no part. We are next to consider the number and magnitude of rivers in ancient times in geological history, and what was the proba- ble quantity of water that fell from the clouds in that age. Our rivers are now constantly rolling their vast volumes into the ocean. But what is the time employed by the clouds in scatter- ing it upon the surface ? Suppose it to be 6 hours in every tenth day, and that time however, is not consumed in the process. Then the amount of water falling upon an inclined plane that would hurry it immediately to the ocean would form a volume tenfold larger. The one would be characterized as a constant river, the other as a flood. Hence this age of our continent was distinguished as an age of floods. We are next to inquire, what was the first great change mat- ter assumed in being moved sea-ward. Conceding that the land was upraised by an internal heat it would not long remain the smoking ruins of the sea's dominion before this heat would escape into the atmosphere. Then upon its extreme altitude in these northern regions, a perpetual congelation prevailed in all proba- bility, while upon the Atlantic coast every shower brought down in flood form this loose deposit to the ocean's level. Upon the borders of the sea the frosts of winter imposed a less restraint than it did in more northern latitudes, hence this northern continent presented its first great change by a southern exposure. The agents were more constantly active, and also increased in volume as they flowed toward the sea. The inclination of the primary rocks may have also tended in a measure to give the same incli- nation to the over-lying sedimentary rocks. In this ordei' of change the rivers flowing into the Atlantic, extended their channels far- ther north than they do at present, and not improbably north of those that at present flow into the St. Lawrence river. In this Avay we may account for the phenomena of drift of northern ori- gin being found so far south. 132 Progressive Changes of Matter. [March, It would be extremely difficult to form an idea, or have just conceptions of the scenes that daily occured in that age of the world, and in that order of progress. There was no human eye there to behold them, as no human being could then have existed in these regions. What was considered terrejirma to day would be to-morrow on its way to the ocean. Floods were identified w^ith rain storms, and one wide deluge of periodic torrents pre- vailed over the face of the land. In this age of the world, and be- fore the excavation of river valleys, the ponderous boulder was swept from its native bed and left in distant fields, where, during all time it remains an imperishable monument to speak forth in its own transport, the magnificent scenes that once prevailed over these i-egions. In vain we may look for a just comparison between the floods of geological antiquity and those of the pres- ent day, although we may have the same amount of water flow- ing from inland toward the sea, as did at that remote age. The body on which such wonders were displayed has lost its form, the beds of gravel, the fragments of rocks rounded and smoothed as we see them, the finer materials of clay and sand abounding every- where, and looked upon as enormous, are but the mere remnants of the original pile, they are but a thin covering to the rocks be- neath them. In assuming that the surface matter of this land once existed as we have above dscribed it, we have found ample means to carry the mind forward to such a conclusion. We have only pre- supposed an extension of the secondary rocks to their proper length and breadth, nor have we set down their thickness beyond its true limits. When we have found recorded that the remain- ing parts of these formations, in one place is more than six miles in depth and in another more than 5000 feet, and still in another but a part of one of the lower groups more than two miles, we have only to considered them in connection with the geological his- tory of the country previous to their removal into the ocean, i^nd although by the upheave their horizontal position may have been disturbed, and in many places they may have been titled over, yet the great mass was there in a commingled body, with its fields ranging higher than any mountain now existing on our globe. In Europe these secondary formations are said to be still more massive. If such was the vastness of the pile, we have not then over-es- timated in the tide of imagination, the magnitude of any result we have ascribed to the rain-floods that commenced with the dawn oi' this new continent. Could such an enormous mass, sat- urated and semi-fluid as it was, pass ofl* without bearing along every object that became embosomed in its moving masses. W^hat deep gorges must have been furrowed out in the slate formations ; 1847.] Progressive Changes of Matter. 133 perhaps thousands of feet in depth, and what astounding crashes followed by the uiulerminingof its banks that were still over-hung with other groups. The return of spring still gave greater facili- ties for floods and land slides, when ice-bound rivers were broken up and lake barriers gave way. We have given above our views in relation to the former con- dition of matter, both as it regards its high and massive position, and its subsequent removal. In so doing we do not conceive that we have adopted a new mode of contemplating past realities. The antiquarian naturalist, when he finds the bones of a monster ani- mal, whose race has long since become extinct, restores them to their appropriate places ; then the frame-work of the animal stands before him as it originally existed. He then restores in his imagination, the covering of this skeleton with sinews and muscles, and in so doing he forms an idea of the propensities and habits, the capacities and movements of the living creature. So it is with the oriental traveller, who traverses the sites of ancient cities ; and while he traces the base-walls of a dilapidated edifice and sees its ruins scattered around him, he contemplates its pros- trate columns, the relics of its dismembered entablature, he then restores in his mind and not unfrequently in the history of his travels, this architectural monument in all its due proportions, and throws around it an air of its original beauty and grandeur. As further evidence that the earth had an exterior covering which has been carried away by rain-floods ; we will mention that from the rounded and smothed field stones,so plentifully strewed over the surface, it is apparent that they must have been moved and jumbled onwards through a long series of rubbings against each other over an highly inclined surface. They were then properly named drift, for the reason that they were driven along by the force of the floods. While matter was in this condition, every shower tore away some bank, and formed new ones in oth- er places. One important fact should be well considered as bearing upon the discussion, the universal tendency a stream of water has to change its bed and line of flow, while bearing along coarse material like gravel and field stones, when not re- strained by rocky banks. We have at times an illustration of this principle on a small scale, in tributary streams that bear down drift material from the mountain side into the river valley, not unfrequently to the great detriment of cultivated fields. We have spoken of an era before the excavation of river val- leys, and let us suppose for a moment that the regions, extending northerly from the Atlantic ocean to the line which divides the waters that flow into it from those that flow into Artie seas, to be one vast field of drift, we can see at once that no part of this field could escape the deluge of waters that were periodically rained 134 Progressive Changes of Matter. [March, upon it ; that such was the fact, the drift of a high northern ori- gin is the proof. To most readers it may be unnecessary to mention, that the field stones of which we have spoken, and which so oiten are ob- served, are but iiagraents of rocks that were once masses and stratified ledges, and that by being broken and shattered by subteranean disturbances, were once a mass of blocks similar to quarry stone, and that subsequently, they were driven along by water currents, and being rubbed and jamed against each other, were lounded and smothed ; when theiefore, we find the part of the origninal rock left, it is called the parent rock ; a rock in place. In this way we can determine the general course of an- cient rivers. The manner in which drift materials was generally desposited, is more conclusive evidence of an inclined surface over which it was moved than any that we have heretofore brought forward. This fact established, then every rain would of itself produce a flood ; and drift banks formed by this flood left their materials jumbled together in all possible admixtures and internal arrange- ments as we now see them. Another fact in relation to currents should be observed ; the tendency they have when wearing away drift material to form falls or steps in their channels, a fact ever to be noticed whether the stream be large or small, and as these chasms become filled up in the advance of the drift, they were but the repository of fine, as well as coarse material. We have frequently observed in gravel banks through which ex- cavations have been made, both by running watei and the labors of man, a stratum of sand beginning and terminating within the dis- tance of a few rods, and no place to exceed a foot in thickness, above and below which, were layers or beds of gravel with large field stones, and sometimes in the same bank strata of the finest clay. It is evident fiora this fact that the character of the current and the position of the material underwent a striking change when the bank was formed. It certainly could not have been a deep, strong uniform current that deposited matter in this form. We will now proceed to notice some of the last and striking evidences these great ancient rivers have left of their labors. Bv turning to the figure we have given, it will be observed that the part of the Onondaga limestone that remains, has a southern in- clination. The average distance from its out-crop to the Mar- cellus shales and the HamiUon group, in the towns of Warren and Columbia, is from 5 to 6 miles. A range of hills composed of the latter groups in place, skirt its southern border. On this area large oblong piles of drift remain. These ridges are com- posed of coarse and fine drift, generally of a bluish cast, and in many places indurated to the almost hardness of rock. Field 1S47.] Progressive Changes of Matter. 135 stones of primary rocks are numerous on this locality, some of which will weigh at least a ton. Some of the primary boulders weighing many tons, are seen a little farther east. By ascending some of the hills on the southern border of this field, it is no dit- licult matter to trace some of the last great sweeps of the noiih- ern waters that prevailed here, and passed through the valleys which contain Schuyler's and Otsego lakes. Farther east in the vicinity of Springfield, the evidences of river channels are still more striking, having as well defined banks of limestone, and side shutes as though the water was now^ flowing through them. This section of the country ijas remained undisturbed since the falling waters have been diverted into other channels. The gi-eat mountain ranges of primary rock appear to have di- rected, to a certain extent, the formation of aiiCient river courses as well as those of recent origin. The long chain of mountains stretching from the southern to the northern States, and the moun- tains of New England, hold a conspicuous place in the geographi- cal history of the country. For our own State we have the his- tory of the State of New York, by James Macauley Esq., and al- so the Natural History of the State under a survey directed by public authority, in which the mountains are minutely and ac- curately described. At one time it appears that the northern waters flowed over the aforementioned nucleus, as is indicated by the chain of lakes there existing, and taking from thence a southerly direction scattering their drit\ and bouldeis more plentifully than elsewhere along the line marked by the figure. The Hassenclever hills interven- ing the West Canada creek and the Mohawk river is loaded with them. Some of these boulders are truly magnificent ; they will weigh at least a hundred tons, and generally rest upon the extreme surface. At this place they are perhaps more than fbr'ty miles from the parent rock. It may be asked, if these ponderous rocks were moved onward amidst the rush of avalanches and land-slides, why do they have this solitary positioir. We do not believe that the place where we now see them was their first place of rest. Suppose that the aqueous rocks once extended north so far as to flank the primary region, (and upon this hy- pothesis the previous ar-gument is based,) then the grey band in the Clinton group which now forms the terrace bank on the south side of the Mohawk, and the Onandaga limestone still far- ther south, would give great facilities for the transport of drift. We have only to imagine a river flowing from this great nucleus over these groups and depositing and lodging these masses on the way. As long as the slate rocks beneath these groups re- mained undisturbed they constituted a large field for depositing boulder-s. At a subsequent period, when the valleys of the two 136 Progressive Changes of Matter. [March, rivers were excavated in the slates beneath them, they rolled down to a lower position, and resisted the waters that bore away the smaller drift connected with them. As the waters were con- stantly falling, in the wearing away of the rocks, these boulders could, by no possibility, be covered over with drift. Hence their appearance ot being dropped upon the surface. On the south side of the Mohawk and where the ancient river beds and banks have remained undisturbed since the deposit of drift and boulders, we have seen them making their appearance in beds of gravel and field stones, when a new face has been given to the bank. If these groups did not extend north, and did they not once consti- tute the great field for the fiow oi rivers, how shall we account for such immense quantities of the primary rocks in the form of sand and drift, transported south of the two great intervening valleys ? and how shall we account also for an indiscriminate commingling of the drift and clays of the aqueous rocks with those from that remote distance. We have seen in the vicinity of Schuyler's lake, piles made up of primary and secondary dritt with limestones imbedded in them, as unworn as you would see them fresh in the quarry. During the time when the Onandaga limestones formed the surface rock, we have no doubt the groves and scratches were made on the surface of the parts that now remain. We have given our views of the changes of matter as it regards place and combination. When we come to treat upon the excavation of river valleys, we shall be enabled to call the atten- tion to changes that become apparent from a mere inspection. W^e have dill'ered in opinion from many others in the foregoing remarks, we may also differ in continuation of the subject. Jn so doing we may have entertained erroneous views upon the subject; if so, they are not of a dangerous character, as those who com- prehend our ideas, will more fully comprehend the things about which we have written, should their attention be turned in that direction, and then they can judge for themselves. We have, however, given our opinion in candor, and after a mature delibera- tion, and our chief object has been to call the attention of the " tillers of the ground," to a subject that daily falls under their obsei-vation. Our next subject will be the excavation of river valleys, the formation of hills, and the deposit of the surface soil. According to Herschell, the rays of light of the remotest nebulae, must have been about two millions of years on their way to the earth. 1847.] Duty of Educated Men. 137 DUTY OF EDUCATED MEN. BY AGRICOLA. In the present advancing age of improvement, and especially in the art and science of Farming, it cannot be denied that men of education, and high literary and scientific attainments are un- der a paramount obligation to throw in the aid of their wisdom and skill to aid the onward march. All men have a duty to perform in this respect, inasmuch as they all depend upon the arts for those things, which, from being originally luxuries, have now be- come the necessaries of life. But the business of agriculture has especial claims upon the man of science and education. It is now rapidly rising, and striving to take its proper place in the world as the foundation and chief of all arts. For ages regarded as lit- tle better than bondmen or serfs, the tillers of the soil, who fed and clothed the whole human race, have been kept down and compelled to take an inferior place in society. This can be so no longer. The chains are broken, and the dignity of the calling is fully appreciated and acknowledged. Much however yet remains to be done tor this class of men, and we wish at this time to call the attention of two of the learned professions in particular, to the obligations they lie under, and the immense facilities they enjoy of doing more than any other men, for the true advancement of the farmer. We refer to clergymen and physicians. There is no corner nor hamlet in the more densely settled por- tions of this broad land, where both these professions are not re- presented. Men cannot get along without a doctor, and in a Christian land without a minister. So we find them throughout the country. They are supported by the farmers, and if they make money, they get it from the faimers. They may think they make a full return in the cure of the bodies and souls of those among whom they live, but this is not true. They owe, as men living among men, those obligations which spring up in society, and es- pecially to aid all around them in making progress in every thing which is for their profit or advantage. No man fills up his measure of duty till he has done all this. We said these })rofessions have peculiar facilities for advancing the interests of the farmer. This is seen as follows. From their education they stand, ordinarily, somewhat above all among whom they live. They are, and should be expected to know more, and of that kind of knowledge which is of use in di- recting onwards the arts of life. Of such kind is the knowledge of the sciences. This forms a prominent part of the education of the minister and physician. The latter is not fully prepared for the practice of his profession if he have not a considerable ac- 138 Duty of Educated Men. [March, quaintance with the principles of philosophy and chemistry. They are regarded on all hands as necessary, and are therefore made to hold a prominent place in all systems of education. And most justly is this the case. For they are the foundation of all practical arts. Much has been said and written of late years on the subject of educating the farmer, or at least the sons of farmers in all those sciences necessary to make this art take its highest place in the business of life — that is, in geology, chemistry, natural philoso- phy, botany, philosophy &c. All this is as impossible as the at- tempt of the frog in the fable, to puff himself up to the size of an ox. The fallacy of the attempt does not require argument nor ex- ample to demonstrate it. let some men blind themselves to the fact, and hug the project yet. It is impossible, because three-fouiths of our population are to become tillers of the soil, and we cannot hope to procure schools, nor teacheis to educate them. It is looking too far down the future, to anticipate any such Eutopian success in the present state of things. It is impossible, because there are few farmers who can afford to give their sons this education. We repeat that all hopes of success in such a project are utter- ly fallacious. More than this, such an education is %mnecessary to the farmer. We do not expect any physician to be so far an adept in practical chemistry, as to manui'acture his own medicines, though his business consists in the applications of these medicines. Carrying out such a principle a man would require to be skilled in chemistiy to be a tanner, or a dyer, or a painter, or in fact to engage in any art, and then the great mass of society would be educated to this extent. There is no branch of art, at the pres- ent day which is not dependant to a greater or less degree upon the science of chemistry for its perfection, and yet the folly of making any practical artizan a chemist, will be evident to every one. Some directing mind, thoroughly taught in the science, is capable of directing the operations of thousands in this day, when the application of the principles which men have discovered, can by the art of printing be made intelligible to the whole reading community, although entirely ignorant of the principles them- selves ; so in any grade and sort of art, the operatives learn only how to apply the principles of science while they know nothing of the science as such. Such is now, and ever must be, the case with the mass of farm- ers. They are practical chemists by occupation, though they never heard the name of chemistry. They apply its principles in all their operations, and they need only to be shown how to apply any others, to put them immediately into practice. They are ca- 1847.] Duty of Educated Mm. 139 pable, under proper direction, of preparing manures in the very most approved manner, though they may be ignorant of the reason why it is necessary to protect it against the loss of ammonia &c., or may not know that such a gas is produced during the fermen- tation of dung. They may apply lime and gypsum to the soil with as good effect as if they knew all the secrects of their mys- terious working in the soil and the economy of the growing plant. There is no process in connection with their business, which they cannot perform, if once they are told how, as well as or better than the man of science, although they never stop to ask the The knowledge and the practicing upon it need not be joined in the same individual. Indeed, in this case, the (Uvision of labor will tell with as great effect as in our large manufactories. The man of science must investigate the principles and the manner in which they are to be reduced to practice. The practical farmer is the one who will carry them out. And he will never be backward in doing his pait of the duty provided you can show him, to his conviction, that it will be for his profit. We will now return to our subject, from which the foregoing can hardly be considered a digression. The physician and the minister do not strictly belong to either of the classes we have been considering. They may be regarded as a sort of middle men between the two. Fiom their education they are capable of tracing out the bearings of science upon the business of the farmer, and being, from their position in society, possessed of a large influence over all around them, they may point out to farmers those modes by which they W'ill be benefitted, and warn them against error. To neither of these men will it ever be much trouble, nor a loss of time, to inform themselves on subjects connected Mith farming, and by lectures during the win- ter evenings, they may spread a vast amount of very useful knowl- edge through their vvhole neighborhood. " Knowledge is power," and the difference paid to the supe- rior wisdom of the so called," learned professions," opens a large sphereof power to them,and which they may use to the great benefit of their race. It is too generally the case that they devote very lit- tle of their time and care to any thing beyond the regular loutine of their professions, whereas, should they devote a portion of their leisure in promoting intellectual improvement and advancement in all the occupations of life, they might do an incalculable amount of good. They might easily and with a powerful iufluence be engaged every day in gradually breaking down those preju- dices which are among our farming population, the greatest hin- drances' to improvement. They might rapidly introduce the practice of reading agricultural papers, and books, things which 140 jyicholas Bradford. [March, unfortunately a vast number of our farmers are afraid of, and therefore need stimulating and leading in order to overcome their prejudice. Professional men in the country, generally cultivate a small por- tion of land for themselves. Now by putting in practice on their little places the improved processes with which they become ac- quainted, they will perform an experiment, which, in its success, will induce many in the vicinity to do the same. But it is not necessary to point out to such men the modes in which they may do good. To a willing mind the way will al- ways be open and plain. It was our object in what we have written to call the attention of these two classes of men, who stand in two of the noblest and most useful callings of life, to a sphere of usefulness, too long overlooked. They owe it to the community in which they live — to the men who support them — to the young who are growing up about them, and to the world at large. Their influence and their efforts properly directed will do far more for the improvement of farming than all the scientific lore than can be crammed into the minds of the farmers. NICHOLAS BRADFORD, THE MAN V\^H0 EXPECTED TO GO TO THE LEGISLATURE. " What makes that corn look so yellow and spindling '?" said Mr. Lovell to his neighbor Jackson. " The owner expects to go to the legislature next winter," said Mr. Jackson. " I don't know what that has to do with the corn looking so yellow. Mr. James took the premium for the best field of corn the same year he went to the assembly." Mr. Jackson was a man who was averse to saying anything against his neighbors ; so he did not enlighten Mr. Lovell as to the connection between poor corn, and an expected seat in the legislature. " Let us go across the fields ; we shall save half a mile or so by that means." The two neighbors were on their way to the house of a lone widow, whose little cornfield required some attention which she was not able to bestow. They began to act on the labor-saving suggestions above recorded. The first thing to be done was to get over the fence which separated the cornfield from the high- way. It was a high rail fence, and the top rail was supported by crossed stakes. Mr. Jackson was a little more active than 1847.] JVicholas Bradford. 141 his companion. He placed himself astride the top rail before Lovell had begun to climb. The pressure of Mr. Jackson's weight upon the rail caused the bottom of the stakes to fly up. There was then nothing to prevent the rail and its rider from obeying the law of gravity. This they speedily did— the rail in its descent communicating something of its rotary motion to Mr. Jackson. He gathered himself up and wiped his face, and was busy for a moment in removing something which had taken that opportunity to get into his eyes. As he looked up, he saw Mr. Bradford sitting in his sulky. He happened to be driving by, and drew up as he saw Mr. Jackson's somerset. " I hope you haven't hurt yourself," said he. Mr. Jackson was somewhat vexed and made no reply. " Stakes are apt to get thown out by the frost," said Mr. Lov- ell, feeling that the silence was rather awkward. " Yes," replied Mr. Bradford. " It is well to go round in the spring and tighten them, but I had so much to do this spring that I neglected it. I must try to do it yet, good day to you," and he drove on. By this time Mr. Jackson had replaced the rail, and laid some large stones at the bottom of the stakes, that no one else might be caught ' in the same trap,' as he said, and was prepared to move on. He was just vexed enough to talk freely about Mr. Bradford's corn and conduct. " It is a shame to see such corn on such land," said he. " The land appears to be good," said Mr. Lovell. " The soil, if anything, is better than that," pointing to the field which they were approaching, in which the corn was, (to use an agricultural hyperbole,) " as black as your hat." " I don't see what the difference is owing to. This hasn't been very well 'tended to be sure." " In the first place the ground wasn't ploughed : see there, not more than half the surface was broken up at all. It is now get- ting to be as hard as a rock ; nothing can grow in such a case. He hired Stillwell to plough it by the acre, while he was manag- ing matters for the town meeting. Stillwell slighted it, but Brad- ford did not dare to say anything because he wanted his vote. Then he hired a couple of voters to plant it while he was gone to a county convention ; and you see how they planted it, so crook- ed that it is impossible to put the plough through it more than one way." " It looks as if it had been hoed by voters," said Lovell. " It was hoed by a couple of young chaps, who will be old enough to be voters at the next election ; so he must be easy with them." By this time they had reached the fence which .separated Mr. 142 JVicholas Bradford. [March, Bradford's field from Mr. Barnwell's. The fence resembled the one above noticed. " Take care that you don't get another fall," said Lovell, as he saw Jackson spring on the fence. " No danger here, this is Barnwell's fence, and his stakes are always firm set." It happened that Mr. Barnwell and his son Henry were in the cornfield with their hoes. They were finishing the two last rows as Jackson and Lovell came upon them. Henry was a member of college, but it was vacation, and he w^as now putting it in strong by the side of his father, who felt none the older in consequence. " You have a fine piece of corn here," said Jackson. " Yes," replied Barnwell, " it is coming on pretty well. It hardly needed the hoe, but Henry was a mind to scratch it over again." " Your scratchings are alw^ays pretty thorough ones ; does Henry improve any in hoeing by going to college ?" " Well, I don't know. He is pretty much the same." " Well, I shall be glad if he don't get spoiled going to college. May be he wont. I saw your classmate Fairfield, as I was com- ing out of the lane." "W^here w^as he going ?" said Henry, quickly, and the blush that suffused his countenance would seem to indicate that the question was improper or unnecessary. Unnecessary it may have been, since the lane led only to Mr. Jackson's house. There was cer- tainly a very high degree of probability that the person walking in said lane towards the house was going to it. Mr. Jackson noticed the embarrassment attending the question and replied. " I can't say for certain where he was going. I think it likely he was going to my house. He was pretty well starched, and hardly seemed to know me ; so I didn't think it worth while to tell him that the women were not at home." Jackson perceived that his reply had restored Henry's circulation to its usual state. He dis- turbed it again however by adding, " Milly says she likes that book, and wants the other volume." " I'll bring it up to her," said Henry. " Will they be at home this evening '?" " Yes," replied Mr. Jackson, without noticing the unusual use of the pronoun they. Perhaps he thought it was in accordance with college rules to use it when reference is made to a young, rosy cheeked, black-eyed, enthusiastic girl of seventeen. " We were going to give widow Jones a lift at hoeing ; as you have your hand in, you may as well come along." " I will," said Henry, " that is, I will be there soon after you get there — in time to overtake you if the rows are long enough." " I shouldn't wonder" said Jackson, as soon as they had passed on out of hearing, " if that young man should get iiito the legis- 1847.] Mcholas Bradford. 143 lature and into congress too. He is taking the right course for it. He was always fond of his books, and when he is in college I'm told he studies with the best of them, and when he comes home, he puts right in and helps the old man, whatever he is do- ing. If he were to set up for the assembly next fall, he would run better than Bradford, who spends half his time in fishing for votes." How far this opinion of Jackson in regard to Henry was worthy of universal adoption, we will not stop to consider ; but content ourselves with remarking that it is quite probable that this opinion was modified by the partiality of Henry for that black-eyed girl of seventeen, to whom allusion has been made. The two neighbors had reached the widow's cornfield where they were soon joined by Henry,and theirjoint labors were continued till sunset. A close observer might have noticed that young Barn- well looked at the sun pretty often as it neared the horizon, still he showed no signs of going over till the patch was hoed out." " Come," said Jackson to him, " go home with me." " I think I shall come and bring that book this evening." " Never mind the book, you can bring that some other time. 1 told Milly that it was likely as not that you would come home to supper with me." This Mr. Jackson supposed would be conclusive, but he was in error. Henry's wardrobe had materially improved since his con- nexion with college, and if there was any occasion in which it was put in especial requisition, it was when about to visit Miss Amelia Jackson. " You will be round in time for supper then ?" " I guess so." " Henry hastened home, and after a copious use of cold water, began to make such a disposition of his dress-as he deemed advisa- ble. Several collars proved quite refractory, and his success in folding a new necker chief was by no means gratifying. He was ready at last, and with the book in his hand, was on his rapid Avay to the end of the lane. It was quite dark before he reached it. A white figure that he saw in the door way, assumed very dis- tinct and perfect proportions, notwithstanding the darkness. The table was spread, and they were soon seated at it, and Milly un- dertook to " pour out," — with the difficulties of which act she was evidently unacquainted, since with the best possible inten- tions, she twice failed to mix the ingredients in Henry's cup ac- cording to his directions. After the " things" were " taken away," a feat that was performed by Milly without any blushing, in a remarkably dexterous and graceful manner (at least so thought Henry,) conversation became animated, though perhaps Mr. Jack- son was disposed to appropriate more than Henry would have 144 JYicholas Bradford. [March, meted out to him. He, (Henry) however, gave no sign that such was his opinion. He wisely listened and talked to the father, concluding that in accordance with a praiseworthy custom, he would betake himself to bed at an early hour and leave to his daughter the task of entertaining the visitor. At what hour Hen- ry returned to his father's that night is uncertain. Certain it is that he was never out of his room at college at so late an hour. CHAPTER II. Mr. Bradford, was for many years one of the most industrious farmers in the place. Few men raised better crops, few better cattle, or kept his fences and buildings in better repair. Few men minded their own business better, and were more generally respect- ed. Things were thus going on well with him, till in an evil hour he was nominated for supervisor by one party, and no opposition was made to the nomination by the other. That to him very unexpected event, happened on this wise. The patriotic leaders of the dominant party could not agree among themselves as to who should serve the people in the offices of the current year. They therefore were obliged to select a man who had no claims. The opposite party thought it useless to make any opposition. So he was elected by almost a unanimous vote. Many honest men who were not in the habit of going to elections, turned out to vote for a man who had never sought office, and whose good care of his farm gave a pledge of good care of the town. He made a good supervisor, but he got, as his neighbor Jackson said, a " taste for office," which grew upon him to the damage of his farm, comfort and character. We have already seen something of its influence on his farming. Let us now take a glance at some other of his " fair business transactions." " Good evening, Mr. Roy," said Mr. Bradford, to a man with a damaged countenance, and dilapidated wardrobe, as he entered the house just before sunset one evening, " how do you do ?" Mr. Bradford rose with evident reluctance and gave the unit of sov- reignty of his hand. " Fm pretty well, how do you do ?" " Very well ; how are the children ?" " They ain't to home." Mr. Roy's children were a little eccentric in their habits. They were not parlic-ularly given to staying at home. They were sometimes I'ouiid in other people's barns, hen-roosts, &c., at night. Several of them had taken lodgings for a time in a public build- ing at the county seat. It was natural for the father of the town, and the expectant legislator, should feel solicitious about such children, and make them the subject of defininte inquiries. That inquiry elicited no definite information. 1847.] Mcholas Bradford. 145 " We are beginning to get ready for election in our part of the town," said Mr. Roy, seating himself with great deliberation, and with somewhat of dignity as he supposed. "We mean to put it through right there. We feel as though we must have more farmers in the legislature. These lawyers are a ruining the country, and that is the whole of it," Mr. Bradford was not disposed to dispute so reasonable and agreeable a proposition, and was quite thankful to be permitted to hope that that was the whole of it. But he was mistaken. The most important part of it was to come. Listen. " Mr. Bradford, I am in rather a strait just now for a couple of bushels of corn. Mr. Wiles (the expected opposing candidate for the legislature,) has corn to sell, but he is not the one for a poor man to deal with, so I come to you as the poor man's friend. I will certainly pay you before election, if I don't in a week or two." " Well, I suppose you must have it," said the man of the peo- ple. He rose and went to the corn house, and went through the very unnecessary formality of measuring the grain. It was car- ried away by the sovereign, and in due time consumed. Mr. Bradford knew that the only pay he could possibly expect was the vote of the said sovereign, which might be had, provided the opposing candidate did not furnish too copious a supply of strong drink. This was one specimen of the business transactions of the people's candidate for legislative honors. Now take an example somewhat ditferent. " How do you do Mr. Bradford," said a rather smart semi-gen- tlemanly looking man. There was considerable importance in his bearing, and quite an odor of politics about him. He had once been deputy sheriff, and hence claimed a right to be on terms of equality with all office seekers and office holders. After some introductory remarks, which had no relation to the subject, he re- marked. " They say Mr. Wiles means to run for the legislature next fall." Mr. Bradford wished that a seat might be gained by running, since in that case his chance in the contest with Mr. Wiles would be good. Mr. Wiles being a very corpulent, wheesy, rubicund man, besides usually carrying too much weight of bran- dy and water to run with advantage. Mr. Bradford did not give expression to that wish, but contented himself with remarking, "I havn't heard much about it." "I don't think he can fetch it. He is not popular enough. He don't take pains to please people. He is not willing to help a neighbor in time of trouble. Finch had a cow taken, and was about to be sold by the execution. He tried to get Wiles to go security for him, but he wouldn't. Finch managed to get Vol v.. No. 11. 10 146 Mcholas Bradford. [March, the money, (I helped him to part of it,) but I don't think he will vote for Wiles." In brief, the object of the ex-deputy sheriff was to get Mr. Bradford's endorsement to his note of hand for one hundred dol- lars— the said deputy having a desire to illustrate the excellency of the credit system as facilitated by banks. He was successful, and at the end of four months, Mr. Bradford was called upon to make payment, and did so by effecting the sale of a favorite horse. In the mean time the election had taken place, and Mr. Brad- ford obtained leave to stay at home during the winter — a striking example of the ingratitude of republics towards those who desire to serve them. He now had leisure to examine into the state of his farm, reckon up his bad debts, and to devise ways and means to meet his pecuniary engagements. He found that his political career had been so expensive, that it was necessary to sell at least a part of his farm. He finally concluded to sell the whole and remove to the West, firmly resolving however, to accept of no office save that of path-master. His political experience was of vast service to him, and we have recorded it for the benefit of others. The farm was purchased by Mr. Barnwell senior, and as soon as Henry had graduated it was made over to him in company with the black-eyed girl above mentioned. Some wondered that old Mr. Barnwell should have sent his son to college to make a farmer of him at last ; and others thought that Milly was too lady like to be a good farmer's wife, but I never heard as that opinion gained general currency. All acknowledged that college had not spoiled Henry for work, and that somehow he got larger crops than any of his neighbors. It was not long before he was solicited to be a candidate for office, but he strenuously protested that he could not attend to his farm and the State at the same time. " When my farm" said he " is clear from all incumbrance, and has received the necessary improvements, and my affairs are in such a state that I can leave them for a time, then if the people really need my services, they shall be given." Was he an unwise man 1 A cubic inch of the Tripoli or rotton stone of Bilin, contains 40,000 millions of the siliceous coverings of the Galionellae — a microscopic animal. It is supposed that the bright star in Lyra, has a diameter equal to 1,800,000,000, and hence, would nearly fill the orbit of Ura- nus. 1847.] Agricultural Chemistry. 147 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY. The Three Kingdoms of JVature adapted to each other — Liebig's doctrine of Vegetable nutrition considered — Facts against it — Improvement of soils — Rules — Scientific Agriculture — Neces- sity of an extensive Atmosphere. 1. The adaptation of the animal, vegetable, and mineral king- doms to each other, is one of the most beautiful instances of de- signing mind and controlling power. In the mineral kingdom are treasured up the elements which enter into the composition of vegetable matter. Besides the carbon, oxygeii, hydrogen, and nitrogen, the four great constituents of vegetables, the earth con- tains the other varying elements, as potash or soda, lime and mag- nesia, common salt and iron, and silica, phosphoric acid, &c., called inorganic substances. Besides giving the adequate support of plants, the roots spread themselves into the midst of the great storehouse of these latter substances. Constituted as the vegeta- ble kingdom is, the roots become the only possible way of bring- ing these substances into the vegetable structure. When the necessary quantity of these substances, or of any one of them, is wanting in the soil, vegetation suffers; and the art of agriculture consists in supplying the deficiency, as the science reveals what element is wanting. 2. The vegetable kingdom is the great source of nutriment to the animal. It elaborates the albumen, fibrin, and caseine, which are the substances essential to the maintenance of animal life; while both animal and vegetable matter yield, in their decay, to the mineral kingdom, the elements for the repetition and continu- ance of this process. 3. By respiration, animals take up the oxygen of the atmo- sphere, and return it united with carbon, in the form of carbonic acid. By means of combustion, fermentation, and the like, the quantity of carbonic acid in the atmosphere is greatly increased. But this acid is the support of plants; for it is taken up by the leaves and bark, and roots; and its carbon goes to form the vari- ous vegetable substances, w^hile its oxygen is discharged for the special use of the animal kingdom. Thus the atmosphere is made pure, for the support of animal life, and the vegetable receives one of the essential parts in its composition. The adaptation to each other is thus splendidly shown in these two kingdoms. The at- mosphere is deteriorated by various chemical and chemico-animal processes, and is purified again, and constantly, by cheraico-vege- table operations. 4. Another substance, ammonia, is considered essential to the 148 Agricultural Chemistry. [March, support of plants. As it is composed of hydrogen and nitrogen, the latter enters into combination with hydrogen, oxygen and car- bon, in the vegetable, to form the nitrogenous substances, as they are called, of vegetables, in distinction from those which contain no nitrogen, and which constitute far the greater part of vegeta- bles. These nitrogenous portions, however, are of the highest consequence to the animal kingdom, as, being dissolved in the blood, they are used to form a large portion of the animal struc- ture, as the fibrine for the muscles, the albumen for the nerves, &c. The ammonia is formed tiom natural decompositions of va- rious vegetable and animal matter; and being naturally in the gaseous state, rises into the atmosphere, unites with the vapor and carbonic acid there existing, and falls in rain and snow to the earth, to be taken up by the roots of plants, or is absorbed direct- ly by the foliage and stems of plants, for their aliment and nutri- tion. It is for the reason just given, that the late snows of spring have long been called the poor mans tnanure and blessing from the skies. Thus again, the adaptation of the three natural king- doms to each other, cannot fail to lead the contemplative mind from this fact to the boundless wisdom which has contrived and directs the whole. 5. It is the doctrine of Liebig, that plants derive all their car- bon and nitrogen from the carbonic acid and ammonia of the at- mosphere. This broad assertion is denied by Johnston, in his Agricultural Chemistry, and is doubted by many intelligent chemists. If the doctrine is true, manures are of no importance in yielding these two most important elements, carbon and nitro- gen, to the vegetable kingdom, as these come from the atmosphere; while water, containing oxygen and hydrogen, may be taken up from the atmosphere by the leaves, or from the earth by the roots. That a great portion of the water passes in the latter method into plants, is obvious from well known facts. 6. The objection toLiebig's doctrine, as rendering manures un- important, is made in a note to the work of Liebig.* The reply of Mr. Ruffin, there noticed, is considered wholly unsatisfactory, as the note thus concludes: "Thus, though a large proportion oi nutritive piinciples may be furnished by the atmosphere and wa- ter, still the benefit will be limited by and in proportion to the fertility of the soil; and this fertility, in force of growth, must be in proportion to the additions made to the soil by man." If these two elements, however, are not included in the additions made, there are strong reasons for the opinion that their absence would materially diminish the growth. • iSee Organic Chemistry, in ifg .Applications to JgriciiUure and Physiology: Cambridge, 184); p. 24-5. 1847.J Agiicultural Chemistry. 149 7. Before ofTering these reasons, let the arguments be consider- ed which seem to support the doctrine of Liebig. 8. The growth of a foreat, and the amount of carbon produced. Admitting that this carbon is derived from the atmosphere, has any proof been offered that the growth of that forest would not have been greatly augmented, if the whole earth under it had been manured to the perfection attained on the fields of many ag- riculturists? 9. The removal of nitrogenous products, as wheat, corn, bearis, &c. Admitting that the carbon and nitrogen are derived from the atmosphere, has experiment ever proved, that a soil containing all the other inorganic elements ot the sujiport of plants will produce in equal quantity with that which, besides the same inorganic ele- ments, is abundantly dressed with vegetable and animal manures? Besides, how do night soil, guano, &c., produce these wonderful results, if manures have no importance in supplying carbon and nitrogen to plants? 10. Increase of products by som.e inorganic substance, as ashes, without other manures. In such a case, has it been known that the soil was destitute of vegetable and animal matter? If not, then ashes may have been the material to increase the power of the plants to take up moie vegetable matter from the earth, as well as more nutriment from the atmosphere. If the soil was des- titute of vegetable matter, where is the proof that the addition of vegetable and animal manures with the ashes, would not have pro- duced a still greater increase? Until the contrary shall be proved by experiment, the adduced fact cannot be conclusive proof. The same may be remarked of the use of other inorganic substances in other s'milar circumstances. This is corroboi'ated by the ac- knowledged but imperfect growth of vegetables in earth destitute of vegetable or animal matter. 11. It should have been remarked, that the doctrine of Liebig is often supposed to imply that the carbon and nitrogen are taken up only by the leaves of plants, being derived directly from the atmos])here. But. he intended to include also that introduced by the roots, which had been carried to the earth in rain and snow. For he declares afterwards, that "the roots and other parts of it (a plant), which possess the same power, absorb constantly water and carbonic acid."* The same is to be admitted in respect to ammonia, as it must in the same ways find a passage into the plant. And this is the more necessary to be admitted, as, accord- ing to Prof. Horsford, Dr. Krocker has ascertained that a large amount of ammonia exists in all the common soils. This varies in different soils, from 3373 to 9751 pounds of ammonia in an * Again he says, " The carbonic acid, which has been absorbed by the leaves and by the roots, together with water," &c.; p. 33. 150 Agriadtural Chemistry. [March, acre of earth or soil one foot deep. If this has not come from the atmosphere in rain and snow, the earth itself must be considered no small reservoir of ammonia. Indeed, before Prof. Horsford had found ammonia in the ice of the glacier^,, it was made certain that ammonia descends by rain and snow, and hail, to the earth. 12. Giving this extension to the doctrine of Liebig, there are adequate reasons for doubting its truth, and for modifying and qualifying its language. 13. The quantity of carbonic acid is about one-thousandth of the weight of the atmosphere. This is adequate, no doubt, to supply all the demands of the vegetable world. It is continually taken up by vegetables, or carried to the earth by the falling vapor, and thus placed in a situation to be used by them. It is produced by the respiration of animals, by combustion of all ve- getable and animal matter, and by those chemical processes which reduce organized matter to its elements. Vast quantities must be produced in the last method. It is the natural result of the putre- factive process in vegetable matter. This is the very condition of many manures of both vegetable and animal origin. Is it con- ceivable, then, that this process shall go on in the decay of vege- tables, and not hold true in relation to manures? Shall carbonic acid result from the natural changes of organic matter, except in the case of manures'? This must surpass belief But, if this pro- cess lakes place, manures must be converted, to a great extent, into cai'bonic acid, which is formed in the very position to be taken up by the roots, if the soil has the proper character, and thus augment the amount of vegetable products. 14. Similar must be the conclusion in respect to ammonia as the food of plants, admitting the adequate amount of this sub- stance to have been at first created and throwm into the atmo- sphere to supply the wants of the vegetable kingdom, it would long since have been exhausted, without a continual reproduction. But, in the decomposition of animal and vegetable matter by na- tural processes, it is continually reproduced,. Ammonia, absorbed by vegetables, is decomposed into hydrogen and nitrogen; and these elements go to form the different vegetable products. These pass in part to constitute animal matter, and in part fall to the earth to undergo the process of decay. In the decomposition of the matter of urine, night soil, and some other manures, the pro- duction of ammonia is palpable. 15. Now, unless animal matter is the entire reproductive source of ammonia, which is not universally admitted, there must be a resort for a further supply of this substance, to the decomposition of vegetable matter. 10. Then, vegetables contain the two elements which compose it, and their union into ammonia is possible and probable. There 1847.] ^Agricultural Chemistry. 151 have been experiments, too, which indicate such a composition. Connected too as decaying vegetables are with the nitrogen of the atmosphere, and tending to unite as nascent gas is with that al- ready existing, here may be another means of the production of ammonia. But, aside from this source, where is the proof found, that in the decay of vegetable matter, its nitrogen escapes as a gas into the atmosphere ? 17. If ammonia is thus formed by a natural process, does that process fail when the matter is used as a manure? But, if am- monia, or even nitrogen, is evolved by manures, they become the food of plants, by being formed in the very place to be taken up by their roots and conveyed throughout their structure. 18. It is almost necessary, indeed, that the nitrogenized vege- table substances, composed of the same elements and placed in the same circumstances for decomposition as the animal, should be changed to the same simple or compound bodies. Thus, the de- cay of those substances which contain no nitrogen, would yield carbonic acid, and those which do contain it, would form am- monia. 19. On this view of the subject, the adaptation of the king- doms of nature to each other, is only more admirable. And, it animal matter is decided to be the only reproductive source of am- monia, this adaptation rises in splendor and beneficence. But, in either case, the use of manures is obvious, as they afford one con- siderable means of nutrition to plants. 20. In the fall of leaves and the decay of vegetable matter in a forest, we find the natural process by which plants receive through their roots one portion of their food, being the process of nature to convey manure, and thus nutriment, to her own pro- ductions. 21. Liebig asserts, p. 90, that ammonia is " a product of the decay and putrefaction of preceding generations of animals and vegetables." Why should this product fail, when manures are the subject? In addition to these reasons, consider facts. 22. If the manure is left uncovered on the surface of the earth, the farmer derives little benefit from it to his crop. 23. To make a crop of clover valuable to his cultivated grain, the clover is plowed in, and thus covered by the earth. 24. When, in the same soil, the manure in one place is scattered on the surface, in another buried in the earth, and in another placed so that the corn shall send its roots into it, the difference in the product is too palpable to doubt that the last is not the most beneficial. The reason is, that the plants have access to another source of food than that of the atmosphere. 25. The sreater benefit derived from the use of animal manure. 152 Agricultural Chemistry. [March, as that from the hog-pen, &c., is because it yields more ammonia directly to the plant: also, of guano, night soil, &c., near the roots of plants. 2Q. The striking advantage of mxick, when the roots of rlants have access to it. 27. The well known fact of the rapid growth of il^c grape, when the roots penetrate to the reservoir of night soil. 28. The imitation of nature in the general use of manures. 29. The preparation of composts, so conducted that the vege- table nutriment may be retained in it, and the roots of plants have direct access to that compost. 30. The improved mode of retaining the ammonia of ferment- ing animal and vegetable matter, by ground gypsum, and of mixing earth, gypsum, &c., with the droppings of cattle and horses, be- cause earths and porous substances absorb the ammonia, and then burying this prepared manure so as to be accessible to the roots of plants. 31. To point the attention to no more facts — these are utterly unaccountable, if manures are not actually one source, and no in- considerable source, of carbonic acid and ammonia for direct sup- port and nutriment of plants. And Liebig states, p. 90, " that the proportion of azotized matters in plants is augmented by giv-, ing them a larger supply of ammonia conveyed in the form of animal manure." Here is a virtual admission of the facts already stated, and of the reason for the facts. 32. If manvres are merely the ashes of anintal and vegetable matter, then the supply of ashes is all the dressing actually neces- sary in agriculture — the ashes of the plants to be cultivated! 33. That prairies are covered with dense vegetation, while they receive from year to year only the ashes which the fires leave upon them, cannot be a satisfactory argument, until the soil is proved to be destitute of animal and vegetable matter, and that neither animal nor vegetable manures increase the productiveness of the soil already possessing the necessary inorganic substances. 34. That feeding in a poor soil a plant with the ashes of its kind, should be followed with increased productiveness, is to be , and attend the councils, or put themselves at the head of armies. The natural historian tells us, that in those days the earth bore testimony, by the rich- ness of its productions, how much it rejoiced in the honor of be- ing cultivated by hero laborers and dug up by a spade crowned with laurels. But I do not propose this as an example for every one to fol- 1847] The Experimental Husbandman. 173 low. The manners of men are too much changed, and our sen- ses too refined, to receive the austerity so much esteemed by the first Romans ; I only wish that the world may conclude with me, that the study of Agriculture is not unworthy the greatest men, leaving the most laborious part of that to professed farmers and laborers ; for may not the learned at least contribute to their work, in reflecting for them upon the uniformity of Nature in the production of its works, and in assisting those workmen towards perfecting an art, which is yet so little understood ; yes, certain- ly; and such as can furnish just remarks, and such observations as are useful to the public are praiseworthy. Farmers being only guided by experience, and seldom led to reflect upon the principles of their art; the knowledge they have is for the most part historical, and is wide from the course of what they see; they sow grain in the earth, and when it is reap- ed and carried away they know the ground must rest, or be amended by some sort of manure. The seed grows, if the soil is good; but how does it grow, and in what degree, or by what means, is this vegetation produced? This would be too much to ask of them, and the very question would be lost. They plant a tree, as their fathers did before them; but might it not grow bet- ter, if they were to follow some other method. Would not Na- ture work with more facility in her operations, if by studying her laws we were to take necessary preparations to ease her in her works? But their studies are not of that extent. They act agreeable to the practice they have seen, and the old beaten path they have been bred up in, stands them in lieu of reason. On the other hand philosophers often want the experience of the farmer; many of them form systems in the air, upon which they build abundance of specious reasonings, but have nothing solid in them, because they are not founded upon the true basis of natural knowledge, which is experience; it is therefore no won- der if many of those speculative system makers fall into mistakes. We may compare them to enchanted castles founded upon magic, which have nothing real in them, and vanish in smoke, in the very instant when we should admire their beauties. But when we find a wise and laborious man, who joins reason with experience, we cannot fail of some happy production from him, both useful and in the road of truth, sooner than enjoy even one of these agreeables, from one who has but one of these ex- cellencies. To cure one of chewing Tobacco, it would only seem necessa- ry for him to look a moment at the exspirted juice upon a clean bed of snow. 174 Agricultural Society. [March, NEW-YORK STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Meeting Executive Committee, Feb., 18, 1847, Present — Geo. Vail, President ; Wra. Buel, C. N. Bement, Vice-Presidents ; A. Stevens, T. J. Marvin, J. T. Blanchard, Ex. Committee ; B. P. Johnson, Secretary ; Luther Tucker. Proceedings of the board of agriculture of the State of Ohio, were received from Mr. Bateham, editor of the Ohio Cultivator, and the thanks of the Society were voted him. Letters were received from Z. B. Wakeman, Herkimer ; H. S. Randall, Vice-Presi- dent ; W. Winthrop, Esq., U. S. Consul, Malta ; Lewis F. Al- len, Esq., on the subject of fruit, and the location of the Fair, and from Hon. E. Burke, com'r of patents, proposing an exchange of documents and publications with the Society ; from A. L. Fish, Herkimer county, on the subject of cheese dairies, accompanied with a proposal to make experiments with a dairy of 50 cows, the ensuing season. The Secretary was directed to accept the proposal made by Mr. Fisk. Col. J. M. Sherwood, ex -president, presented to the Society a draft of the buildings and show grounds at Auburn, neatly framed, and the thanks of the Society were voted him. A premium of $15 was awarded to Charles Lee of Penn Yan, for his crop of spring wheat, raised in 1845, being the best crop raised that year — a mistake having occurred in the examination of his papers when presented. T. J. Marvin, Esq., presented a bond, as required at the last meeting of the committee, in relation to the erections, &c., at Saratoga, for the Show and Fair, which was accepted. The committee on the premium list, presented their report, which was accepted, and the list, after examination and amend- ment, was adopted, except as to fruits, which was refered to Messrs. Johnson, Stevens and Bement, to perfect, after receiving statements from Mr. L. F. Allen, to whom the subject was refer- red at the annual meeting. The secretary was directed to have the list published. Messrs. Tucker, Johnson and Geddes, were appointed a com- mittee to prepare statements in relation to the manner of conduct- ing experiments in the fattening of different animals upon Indian corn, for the purpose of ascertaining its value for that purpose — and to report at the meeting of the committee in March. The President, Mr. Bement and Mr. Johnson, were appointed a committee to prepare premiums for animals from other states and countries, to be added to the premium list. Report of Mr. Bement on D. B. Stockholm, Esq., communica- tions on " chemical guano," presented and adopted at the last 1847.] Publications. 175 meeting — that the committee have carefully examined the same, and from the statements made and certified by B. Gifford, it ap- pears to be a valuable discovery. The results of the experiments made the last year, are truly wonderlul, and if on further trial it should prove equally satisfactory, Mr. Stockholm deserves great credit for the discovery, provided he makes the discovery known to the public, and will stand in the enviable position of being a great benefactor to his country, as causing " two blades of grass to grow where but one grew before." As Mr. Stockholm has not divulged the method or materials with which his " chemical guano" is composed, the committee cannot form an opinion of its relative value ; and as he intends to prepare enough for testing its qualities the coming season, the committee w^ould recommend a further trial, before an opinion of its merits or demerits can be passed upon by the Society. B. P. JOHNSON, Secretary. PUBLICATIONS. The American Poulterer's Companion. This valuable work has passed through four editions, which must be regarded as substantial evidence of the usefulness of the work. The fifth edition is much improved, both in additional matter, and in the style and execution of the work generally. It contains all that is necessary to be known in regard to the raising of poul- try ; and as this is a branch of business which is both profitable and interesting, we hope the work will fall into the hands of the younger members of the family throughout our land. It is well adapted to our school libraries, where w^e hope it may be placed, for the general benefit of the young. Progress of Nations: By E. C. Seaman. Published by Baker and Scribner, 145 Nassau street, New-York ; pp. 455. We are indebted to our friend 0. C. Gardiner, esq., for a copy of this valuable work. "We can only remark at this time, that we see that the work is full of valuable and interesting facts, em- bracing mining, agriculture, manufactures, commerce, banking, revenue, etc. We shall at some future time notice this work in detail. Errata— In the article on the " Operation of Nitrogen on Plants and Animals: — On p. 33, 14th line from bottom, the word proposition should be proportion. Page 34 2nd paragraph, " the plant is known" should read " ihe plant to be grown;" and in same line, " is now well established," read " though now." Same page, 3rd paragraph, 2nd line,/ro7», should be, of some. Same page, 4th paragraph, 2nd line, facts, should be days. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND SCIENCE. This work will be issued hereafter monthly, at two dollars per annum payable in advance. It will form two volumes at the close of the year of three hundred pages each, and will be illustrated by plates and wood engravings. The object of this Journal is to disseminate useful knowledge relating to Science, the Arts, and Agriculture, and to promote sound views in education. It is in fine designed for a farmers' magazine, and no efforts will be wanting to make it a welcome visiter in his family. Communications may be addressed as usual to the conductors at Albany or when more con- venient, to the publishers, Huntington & Sav- age, at 216 Pearl st.. New York. E. EMMONS, A. OSBORN. Albany, January, 1847. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND SCIENCE. CONDUCTED BY DR. E. EMMONS AND A. OSBORN, ESQ. APRIL, 1847. NEW YORK: HUNTINGTON & SAVAGE, No. 21(J Pearl Street. 1S47. J. Manselly Printer, Albany. CONTENTS. NUMBER TWELVE. 1. Distribution of the Inorganic Matter in Vegetables 177 2. Controversy respecting the Hessian Fly, 206 3. Forest Trees of Massachusetts, 208 4. Comparative View of Raising a Crop of Wheat in Eng- land and America, 216 5. Experiment in Planting Potatoes 217 6. Potato Disease, 218 7. ' On the Best Mode of Feeding Cattle, 221 8. Remarks on the Formation of Crystals of Argentiferous Galena, by Sublimation, , 227 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND SCIENCE. No. XII. APRIL, 1847. DISTRIBUTION OF THE INORGANIC MATTER IN VEGETABLES. BY E. EMMONS. 1. The distribution of the inorganic matter of plants, has hitherto received but little attention. M. A. Vogel has examined the ash of a few fruits; M. A. Leuchtvveiss the ashes of the seeds of the cannabis sativa; Kleinschmidt the ash of the acorn; and M. Poleck the seeds of the pinus picea and sylvestris. The in- organic matter of a few only of the woody plants has received the attention of chemists at different times; and hence it must be ac- knowledged that the ash of the forest and fruit trees have been hitherto greatly neglected. And when it is considered that much light may be thrown upon their cultivation, by trustworthy analy- ses of their ashes, it is somewhat surprising that the subject has received so little attention by the active chemists of the pre- sent day. The value of analyses of the ash of cultivated plants, is well set forth in a memoir on the ash of the oat, by Mr. Norton, which received the premium of the Highland Agricultural Society of Scotland, in 1846. The same may be said of Mr. Horsford's analysis of the red clover, in Baron Liebig's laboratory at Giessen, about the same time. The earliest recorded labors in this field of enquiry, are those of Saussure. He first established the importance of the inorganic constituents of vegetables; but in consequence of the defective method of quantative analysis pursued at the time his labors were in progress, he failed to recognize the most important ele- ments contained in the ash. The merit, however, still remains with Saussure, of having in the first place proved the importance of the inorganic constituents of plants. Vol. v., No. 12. 12 173 Dlslribution of Inorgcuiic Sdatttr ia Vcgdalles. [April, Berthier also made many analyses of the ash of the different kinds of wood; but his objects were not particularly designed for the improvement of agriculture. He however discovered an im- portant fact, that the nature of the ash was changed by the com- position of the soil in which the tree grew. But a still more important fact, and which agreed with the observation of Saus- sure, was, that the ash of different species of trees growing in the same soil, were different; and hence the doctrine may be said to have been established to a certain extent, that the roots of plants possess the pov.-er of selecting the inorganic matters stored up in their tissues. Other chemists, pursuing the same train of enquiry synthetically, have shown that certain elements in the soil are es- sential to the perfection of the seed; and that, for the full de- velopment and maturation of fruit, both organic matter and the phosphates must be present in the soil. 2. If there is one arrangement more beautiful than another, in the disribution of the inorganic matter of vegetables, it is that by which is secured the accumulation of all the elements which are necessary to the growth of a plant in its seed; for, regarding it, as we undoubtedly may, as analagous to the egg of animals, we find the substances which are necessary for the nutrition of the young plant stored up for sustenance, whenever germination takes place. Hence the young plant, for a time, or in the first stage of development, is placed in a position independent of the soil. In the seed then, especially, the inorganic matter is stored up in a condition to meet the immediate wants of the embryo plant, the stock of which in a perfect seed is sufficient to administer to its growth and its existence, until it can supply itself from the great storehouse, the earth. 3. Pursuing a little farther the history of the annlsyses of the ash of vegetables, it will be seen, on consulting the work entitled Rural Economy, that Boussingault has been one of the most active in studying analytically the composition of the ash of vegetables. The special object of his enquiry was the determination of the amount of the inorganic matter removed in the crop. The prob- lem itself is an important one, as by its determination the farmer could easily calculate how much of the valuable constituents were removed, and perhaps sold in his hay, oats and potatoes, all of which would be forever lost to his soil. He would be able to cal- culate how far this exhausting process might be carried, without much detriment to it; and when, in the ordinary process or course of cropping, he must cease to exhaust his land, and must begin to restore to it what had been removed. 4. Another important fact, which 1 may with propriety refer to in this place, is the absence of alumina in the ash of vegeta- bles hitherto examined. This is the more remarkable, from the 1847.] Distribution of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. 179 circumstance that alumina is one of the most abundant elements in the soil; that silica, which seems quite as insoluble, under some circumstances, as alumina, is by no means rare in plants. The cause of the absence of alumina is considered by Will and Fre- senius, to be wholly due to its insolubility in phosphoric and car- bonic acids. It is well known that Saussure, in his earliest analyses w^as mistaken when he stated that the ashes of the bilberry, pine, and rose laurel, contained respectively 17.5, 14.8, and 28.8 per cent of alumina. 5. I might in this place propound the question, if alumina is of no use as a constituent of the inorganic matter of vegetables, what is the function which it exercises in the growth of vegeta- bles? What function does it fulfil in the soil? Silex, lime, mag- nesia, oxides of iron and manganese, potash and soda, chlorine and iodine, all abound more or less in the ash of plants; while alumina, one of the most common of earths, is excluded from ex- ercising an agency in building up their inorganic structure. The question I will not attempt to decide in this place; but I may suggest the most obvious answer to the enquiry, Wz., that the function of alumina is wholly mechanical in the soil; that it serves simply to hold together the materials composing the mixture in which vegetables are to grow. 6. I have already stated that only a few analyses of the inor- ganic matter of forest and fruit trees have as yet been made. These however are interesting; and hence I propose in the first place to transcribe a few of them to the pages of the Journal. The analyses are full, and trustworthy, and valuable; but I hope it may not be deemed presumptuous, if I remark in this place, that certain facts which I shall state in the proper place, diminish materially their value. These facts do not relate to the mode of analysis, or to the accuracy of the results obtained, but to the selection of the ash employed in the analysis. This remark, however, applies only to the ash of the woody part of vegetables, and not to the seeds. Analysis of 100 grs. of the ash of the seeds of the Pinus picea and sylvestris, by M. Poleck.* P. picea. P. sylvestris. Potash, - 21.75 32.37 Soda, . - 6.76 1.26 Lime, . 1.54 1.86 Magnesia, - - 16.79 15.09 Peroxide iron, - 1.31 .3.01 Phosphoric acid, - - 39.65 45.95 Annalen der Chemie unci Pharmacie, t. L., p. 414. 180 Distribution of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. [April, Chloride of sodium, - 0.57 Silex, .... 11.71 10.44 100.07 89.98 )sition of the ash of the wood of the Pinus SI. is larix : P. sylvestris. P. larix. Potash, - - - 2.29 10.87 Soda, .... 13.09 5.55 Lime, .... 26.09 19.31 Magnesia, - - - 16.24 7.49 Oxide of manganese, - 14.94 9.65 Silex, - - . - . - 2.50 2.57 Phosphate of peroxide of iron, 4.29 4.41 Sulphuric acid, - - 1.60 1.22 Chlorine, - - - 0.74 0.40 Carbonic acid, ... 12.50 22.15 Carbon, - - - 6.03 7.49 100.31 91.10 Analysis of 100 grs. of the ash of the wood of the Apple- tree — by Will and Fressenius: Curb, acid inclvded. Cab. acid deducted. Potash, 14.67 19.24 Soda, .... 0.32 0.45 Lime, .... 45.19 73.60 Magnesia, . . - 5.30 7.46 Peroxide of iron, Phos. of peroxide of iron, - L71 2.41 Phosphoric acid. 2.95 4.15 Chloride of sodium. 0.32 0.45 Chloride of potasium, Sulphuric acid. 0.65 0.93 Silica, ... - 0.93 1.31 Carbonic acid, ... 24,10 Charcoal and sand, 2.03 97.26 100,00 Analysis of 100 grs. of the ash of the fruit of the Horse- chesnut — by Dc Saussure: Carbonate of potash, - . - 51 Phosphate of potash, - - - 28 Chloride of potassium and sulph. potash, 3 Earthy phosphates, - - - - 12 Silica', 0.05 1847.] Distribution of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. 181 Metallic oxides, .... 0.25 Loss, ...-.- 5.25 100.00 The most important facts brought out in the foregoing analyses, are the great amount of phosphates, phosphoric acid and alkalies, in the seeds of plants; elements, which we have already remark- ed, as indispensable to it in its young state. The same fact appears in Shepard's analysis of the ash of the cotton seed, already published in this Journal. Analysis of the ash of the Tobacco — by Will and Fressenius: Powder of leaves. Pov^der of stalk. Potash, 6.01 7.35 " Soda, .... Lime, .... 31.74 27.09 Magnesia, ... 10.01 10.31 Chloride of sodium, 2.06 4.38 Chloride of potassium, 2.88 2.10 Phosphate of peroxide of iron. , 4.32 5.19 Sulphate of lime. 8.94 6.46 Silica, - - 4.03 5.72 Carbonic acid. 17.08 17.30 Charcoal and sand, 19.36 13.80 100.65 99.74 It is necessary to make only one remark in this place, namely, that it is possible to ascertain by analysis, the entire amount of the inorganic constituents which any given cultivated crop takes from the soil annually, and which, under some circumstances, the different parts of the same plant which are left to decay upon the soil, will restore to it. By a careful analysis of the soil from which these fixed constituents are drawn, we may construct a scale, upon which may be recorded the losses to which the great storehouse, the soil, is subjected — the nature and kind of drains which flow from it; and hence, too, the nature and kind of sup- plies by which these drains must be met. 6. The foregoing remarks, together with the analyses, which are intended to illustrate them, and to show the importance of the investigations, contain, however, an imperfect and unsatisfactory view of the ash of vegetables. It is true, that they serve several important purposes, namely, the fact that the inorganic matter of trees and seeds differ with the species from which the ash is ob- tained; and furthermore, it does not appear that these differences are accidental: though it is still true that certain elements maybe replaced by others, without apparent injury to the growth of the 182 Distribution of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. [April, plant, or without producing a visible deterioation — yet it is shown that in the case of tobacco, the substitution of lime for potash, injures greatly its commercial value. It is unnecessary to dwell here upon the importance of this single discovery; for no one can fail to inquire, if the properties of one plant are injured by substitutes, may not many of our most important vegetables products be injured also; or may they not be greatly improved by supplying them with certain inorganic elements. An inquiry of this kind comes up at once, with re- spect to our most important esculents and cereals; and probably it will be found, that upon a supply of certain kinds of food, their most important properties depend. 7. I have already observed, though the remark may appear hazardous, that former analyses of the ash give us only imperfect views of the composition of the inorganic matters of an indi- vidual species. The observation is founded upon a fact, which appears to hold good in a majority of cases — namely, that the wood of different parts of the same organ contain not only an unequal quantity of ash, but an unequal distribution of the same elements. For example, the wood of the trunk of most forest and fruit trees contain a less percentage of ash in the inside than the outside wood; and especially does this fact hold good, if the bark is taken into consideration, which contains in some instances ten times as much ash as the wood of any part of an individual tree. When I had ascertained the necessity of analysing the bark separately, not only on account of its composition, but also on account of its great amount of ash, it occurred to me that possibly a law may exist which controls the distribution of the ash in the plant. This law I supposed might be represented by two com- bined movements of the inorganic matter: one an outward move- ment from the centre to the outside, and another by an upward or an axial movement, by the same process, operating in that di- rection. 8. It may not be possible, however, to prove the first move- ment, inasmuch as the diminution of inorganic matter may be occasioned by its transference to the superior branches, in order to contribute to their growth, rather than to the growth of the last annual layers of wood, which constitute the outside of the tree. The fact, however, which it is designed to convey is, that in pro- cess of time, the inside or heart wood, loses a part of its inor- ganic matter; that it contains less than when the heart wood was itself the sap or outside wood. I do not, at this stage of inquiry, assert that the ash of the in- side wood is always less than the outside. It is in a great ma- jority of instances. Still, a few woods have been met with, in 1847.] DistrikiHon of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. 183 which it was the reverse. But in these instances, there were cir- cumstances which went to diminish the force of the objection to the general rule. They were either small trees, or were those of which I was unable to procure examples in a green state. •9. The law which is expressed by the axial movement of the inorganic matters, is by far the most important. It is by this law that an annual return is made to the soil oi' the most important matter, such as the phosphates and the alkalies. If these mat- ters were allowed to be hoarded up in the trunk of the tree, it would destroy by its own consumption, that food which now serves to give it vigor for centui'ies. The leaf, and the nut or seed, which is charged with the alkalies and phosphates, falls beneath the spreading branches and in the immediate reach of the roots: they decay annually, and thus furnish a re-supply of these most important elements. So the bark, which contains a great store of inorganic matter, in many instances falls of!" and rots, and yields up its storehouse of inorganic food to the still growing vegetable. These beauti- ful arrangements, whii'h are designed to secure perpetuity to the pines and oaks, ought not to be overlooked or forgotten. The useless rind of the walnut or butternut, contains much potash; but it is speedily prepared by decay, to return and circulate through the vital organs. In this arrangement, we see too how solubility operates in the distribution of the inorganic mat- ter. The most soluble, as the alkalies and chlorides, go to the organs which annually perish; or in other words, they are distri- buted to the periphery of the vegetable, and hence are enabled to circulate annually in the sap of the individual. Such appear to be some of the beautiful arrangements which are established in the distribution of the inorganic matter. First, there is an accumulation of the most important elements in the seed: this is eifected by the axial movements of the sap or food, which has been referred to. And, second, a m^ovement towards the periphery of the trunk, where the next most important actions are going on, and which continues to administer to the life of the individual. The formation of the annual layer may be regarded as the pro- duction of the individual referred to. Nature is sometimes lavish on herself, where a large amount of food is easily obtained, and the individual luxuriates without regard to the extension of the species. When, however, the existence of the individual is threat- ened, it puts forth efforts to renew the species, by restricting the growth of wood and leaves. She expends all her energies in the production of fruit. 10. Before I proceed to give the analyses which have been made in my laboratory, I will off"er one remark on the condition of the inorganic matter of vegetables. It is impossible, it is true, 184 Distribution of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. [April, to obtain much light on this point, by an inspection of the grow- ino-, or from an inspection of a section, of the vegetable. Indeed, the thinnest slicings or cuttings do not permit us to observe the inorganic matter at all. When, however, a thin slice of wood is carefully burned, the ash which remains will often maintain its place. When this is the case, it will be observed that the parti- cles of ash are arranged in a net-work, and actually form a frail skeleton in the wood. So it would appear from this observation, that the inorganic matter is actually organized, forming by itself a basis upon which the organic matter is built, or in which it is de- posited. In other words, the inorganic matter of a vegetable is perfectly analagous to that of the animal. Bone is formed of a net-work or tissue of phosphate and carbonate of lime. It is precisely the same in the vegetable; a large proportion of the phos- phate and organic salt of lime is disposed in a reticulated skele- ton; only in the vegetable the amount of carbonaceous matter greatly exceeds in proportion that of the anim.al. The analogy between the condition of the inorganic matter in the two kingdoms, does not fail here. In vegetables, the juices or sap carry the most soluble materials: some of these never become a part of the structure forming the skeleton of the plant. Chlorine, sulphuric acid, soda and potash, probably never enter into the structure here referred to, although they form an essential part of the seed. They are the more insoluble matters, as the phosphates of lime, and an organic salt of lime, which form the skeleton or frame-work just referred to. The inorganic matter then exists in vegetables in two states: in one it is fixed, and forms a species of skeleton, upon and around which the organic matters are deposited; in the other it forms a part of the circulating current, which permeates the whole vege- table tissue. The latter, when a tree is felled, will be found in the interstices of the plant, and lodging at the point where it is carried by the circulating fluids, when they cease to flow. 11. The solid inorganic structure of animals, it is well known, are by no means fixed and permanent, but undergo a change by absorption and a deposition of new matter. In vegetables, how- ever, it appears that though the old inorganic matter may be re- moved by absorption, still it is by no means as probable that it is ever renewed or replaced. This will appear from the observa- tions which are to follow. Hence it appears that the vital ener- gies or powers are spent in the renewal of the individual, and in the production of the species; while the old individuals forming the heart wood, are left to decay. This internal decay affects but slightly the vigor of the tree; though the observation requires modification, inasmuch as some trees, as the pines, rarely become hollow before their vitality is nearly extinguished. 1847.] Distribution of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. 185 12. The inquiries which I have recently instituted respecting the inorganic constituents of forest and fruit trees, have been di- rected to the determination of the following points: 1. The percentage of water which is lost by a temperature of 212° Fahr. 2. The percentage of ash in the different parts of the tree. 3. The actual percent of water in the wood. 4. The determination of the elements of the ash and its gene- ral distribution in the tree. It will be observed that the field of labor which these investi- gations required, or will require, when extended, as it is proposed, to the most important forest and fruit trees in New-York, is im- mensely large; involving a multiplicity of details, and exceeding great care, in order that they should terminate in valuable results. In their execution, thus far, I have been assisted by Mr. J. Salis- bury and E. Chandler Ball, esq. ; both of whom have entered with great spirit and perseverance in the work. Indeed, without their labors, my own would present but a meagre result. Single hand- ed investigations make slow accumulations, when confined to ana- lytical details. The drying of the wood, and the proper prepa- ration of the ash, and the determination of percentages, though among the least of the labors, yet consume considerable time. 13. Preparation of the Ash. It is a matter of considerable importance to make and prepare the ash for analysis. The mode I adopted for determining the percentage of ash, was to burn the wood in a hot porcelain evapo- rating dish. By a simple arrangement, the wood is burned at a low temperature, and the fusion of the potash is thereby prevented, and but little coal is left unconsumed. The ash which is designed for analysis, is prepared by burning in a clean furnace with an iron grate, which never acquires suffi- cient temperature to form an oxide of iron upon the bars. This mode, though it might be objected to, is still a safe one; and if the operation is properly conducted, the ash procured is in a state as free from foreign substances as possible. 14. Mode of Analysis. The analysis of the ash has been conducted in the main in a mode W'hich is usually followed, M'here the substance is soluble in hydro- chloric acid. The ammonia precipitate, which contains the phos- phates of iron, lime, magnesia, and alumina, if present, is ignited and weighed. Subsequently this is re-dissolved in hydrochloric acid, and filtered, if silica is present. Ammonia is again employ- ed for precipitating the phosphates; acetic acid is then added in 186 Di::!ribii!lun of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. [April, excess, which dissolves the phosphates of lime and magnesia, and leaves the phosphate of the peroxide of iron untouched. This is separated from the filtrate by prepared filters, dried, ignited and weighed. The lime is afterwards precipitated by oxalate of am- monia, and the magnesia by phosphate of soda and ammonia. The carbonates of lime and magnesia are obtained in the usual w^ay, after the separation of the phosphates. The chlorine, sul- phuric acid, potash and soda, are obtained by the ordinary well known methods. 15. Per cent of water, wood, ash, etc., referred to in section 12. While Oak — (^Quercus alba.) Heart wood. Sap wood. Percent of water, - - 30.90 35.44 drv wood, - - 69.10 64.46 ash, - - O.IS 0.64 " organic, matter, 63.92 63.92 Calculated dry, - - 0.261 0.991 Bark of trunk. Do. Iwigs. Per cent of water, - - 27.71 40.30 dry wood - - 72.29 59.70 ash, - - 11.30 4.72 " organic matter 69.39 54.98 Calculated dry, - - 15.63 7.906 Wood of the small )imbs. Per cent of water, - - - 35.00 dry wood, . - - 65.00 ash, .... 0.55 " organic matter, - - 64.45 Calculated dry, .... 0.846 Black Walnut — [Juglans nigra.) Heart wood. Sap wood. Per cent of water, - - 45.05 38.90 dry wood, - - 54.95 61.10 ash, - - 036 0.54 organic matter, 47.285 59.936 Calculated dry, - - 6.919 0.950 Bark of trunk. Do. twigs. Per cent of water, - - 48.75 49.26 dry wood, - 51.25 50.80 ash, - - 3.99 3.715 Wood of twigs. Per cent of water, ... - 39.65 " dry wood, ... 60.35 ash, .... 1.20 1847.] Distribution of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. 187 Tap root of the young Black Walnut. Wood o^ root. Bark do. Per cent of water, - - 56.17 58.60 dry wood, - 43.83 41.40 ash, - - .85 1.10 Iron Wood — [Ostrya Virginica.) Heart wood. Sap wood. Per cent of water, - - 86.96 36.00 dry wood, - 63.04 65.00 ash, - - 0.301 0.196 organic matter, 62.739 64.805 Calculated dry, - - 0.475 0.300 Wood of twigs. Bark do. Per cent of water, - - 21.45 23.83 drv wood, - 78.55 76.17 asii, - - 0.64 9.321 organic matter, 77.91 69.07 Calculated dry, - - 0.815 9.321 The per cent of charcoal, = 16.21, for the wood of the trunk. Seasoned wood of the Osirya Virginica. Heart wood. Sap wooJ. Bark. Per cent of water, - 14.80 19.06 14.30 dry wood, 85.20 80.94 85.70 ash, - 0.40 0.28 8.06 oriranic matter, 84.80 80.66 77.64 Calculated dry, - 0.467 0.344 9.405 The iron wood is one of the instances in which I have found the per cent of ash of the heart wood to exceed that of the sap wood. The tree, however, from which the wood was taken for the experiment, is a young, vigorous tree, about eight inches in diameter. The seasoned wood from which the ash was procured in the last analysis, was a small tree, though about one hundred years old. Horse Chestnut — [Aesculus hippocastanum.) Sap wood near the heart. Do. near the bark. Per cent of water, - - 50. 47.50 drv wood, - - 50. 52.50 ash, - - .35 0.62 Heart wood. Per cent of water, ... 58.05 drv wood, - - - 41.95 ash, ... - 1.50 188 Disiribution of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. [April, Per cent of water, - " dry wood, " ash. Wood of limbs. Bark do. 23.70 36 25 - 76.30 63.75 1.15 3.50 Outside bark of trunk. Inside do. Percent of water, - - 17.35 44.35 drv wood, - 83.65 55.65 ash, - - 10.00 5.00 White Elm — ( Ulnius americana.) Sap wood. Heart wood. Per cent of Avater, - - 34.65 49.50 drv wood. - 65.35 50.50 ash, - - .80 .35 The wood of this Elm gave charcoal 15.84 per cent. Deduct- ing .80 for inorganic matter, leaves 15.04 per cent of organic matter left, after ignition. Out; side bark of trunk. Inside do, Per cent of water, - 19.00 47.50 " dry wood, - 81.00 52.50 " ash. 8.25 7.25 Bark of limbs. "Wood do. Percent of water, - 42.60 36.50 " drv wood, - 57.40 63.50 ash, - 7.50 0.45 The outside bark of this Elm consists of alternate layers of common ligneous matter and cork, which, though thin, is quite elastic. White Maple— {. ,icer dasycarpum. ) Sap wood. Heart wood, Percent of water, - 35.50 37.50 " dry wood, - 74.50 62.50 t( ash, .25 .20 Bark of trunk. Do. limbs. Per cent of water, - 40.00 41.55 " dry matter. - 60.00 58.45 " ash. 3.25 2.75 Wood of limbs. Per cent of water. 31.00 " dry wood. - 69.00 " ash, .35 Yellow Pine. Sap wood. Heart wood. Per cent of water. - 37.00 22.50 " dry wood. - 63.00 77.50 " ash, .15 .15 1847.] Distribution of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. 189 Per cent of water, •' dry wood, " as!i, V/ood of small limbs. 47.00 - 53.00 .25 Per cent of water, - " dry matter, " ash. Bark of twigs. Leaves. 40.32 54.55 - 50.68 45.45 0.64 0.50 Red Cedar — {Junipe rus Virginiana.) Sap wood. Heart wood. Per cent of water, - - 41.94 17.50 dry wood, - 58.06 82.50 ash, - - .15 0.04 " organic matter, - 57.91 82.46 Chestnut — [Castanea vesca.) Wood of trunk. Per cent of water, - - - 42.35 " dry wood, ... 57.65 " ash, .... 0.48 The per cent of coal, ash, or absolutely dry matter, in the chestnut, = 9.75. Broad-leafed Laurel — [Kalmia latifolia.) Wood of trunk. Do. root. Percent of water, - 30.30 36.30 " dry wood. - 70.00 63.70 ash. 0.22 0.10 Bark of trunk. Leaves. Per cent of water, - 18.73 49.19 " dry wood, - 81.27 50.81 " ash, 0.70 1.46 The charcoal, or dry matter of the laurel wood, = 7.30. Willow Tree — teii inches in diameter. Heart wood. Sap wood. Per cent of water, - 37.45 59.55 " dry wood, - 62.55 40.65 ash, . . 0.25 0.28 Bark of trunk. Per cent of water. . 41.10 " dry wood, - 58.90 ash, - - 6.26 Grape Vine— -( Vitis.) Wood. Percent of water. . 40.26 " dry wood, . 59.74 " asi, - 0.98 190 Distribution of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. [April, Black Ash. Sap wood. Bark. Per cent of ash, - - .34 8.19 This per centage was obtained from seasoned wood. Common Butternut — (Juglans cinerea.) Branch, one inch in diameter. Per cent of water, - " dry wood, " ash, Wood. 38.50 - 61.50 0.37 Bark. 40.00 60.00 2.80 Beech — [Fagus sylvestris.) Per cent of water, - " dry wood, ash, Sap wood. 40.45 - 59.55 0.85 Heart wood, 0.26 Per cent of M^ater, - " dry wood, " ash. Wood of twigs. 37.40 - 62,50 0.47 Bark do. 35.61 64.39 5.53 Weight of charcoal, or absolutely dry organic matter, in 100 grains, 17.16. Deducting .85 for inorganic matter, and it leaves 16.94, from which all the volatile matter and water has been ex- pelled by ignition. Bass-wood — ( Tilia americana.) Sap wood. Bark. Per cent of water. - • 51.30 46.32 dry wood, - 48.70 53.68 ash, - - 0.28 3.57 Black Birch — [Betula excelsa.) Sap wood. Heart wood. Per cent of water, - - 38.90 34.61 " dry wood, - 61.10 65.39 ash, - - 0.05 0.26 The per cent of coal, or absolutely dry organic matter, in 100 grs., 16.01. Deducting .05 for inorganic matter, leaves 15.96, from which all volatile matter has been expelled by ignition. Juniper — [Seasoned stick, 32 years old.) Bark of trunk. Per cent of water, .... 20.90 " dry matter, - - - 79.10 ash, .... 8.42 1847.] Distribution of Inorganic .Matter in Vegetables. 191 White Pin c — ( Seasoned. ) Per cent of \\-ater, ... •' ary wood, ash, .... Bark of trunk. 6 10 - 93.90 .22 Hemlock — ( Seasoned. ) Per cent of water, " dry wood, " ash, .... Wood. 18.00 - 82.00 .61 Red Cherry — ( Seasoned.) Percent of water, " dry wood, '• ash, - - - . Wood. 10.00 - 90.00 .17 Sweet Apple. Sap wood. Percent of water, - - 39.10 dry wood. - 60.90 ash, - - 0.35 Heart wood. 33.35 66.65 .16 Per cent of water, " dry matter, " ash, .... Bark of trunk. 59.00 - 41.00 4.55 Sour Apple. Sap wood Percent of water, - - 39.13 dry wood, - 60.87 ash, - - 0.25 . Heart wood. 46.30 53.70 0.20 Percent of water, ... " dry matter, " ash, . . . - Bark of limbs. 45.10 - 54.90 3.33 The apple gives a heavy, compact coal. Organic matter, from which water and volatile matter has been expelled, 15.90 per cent. Pear — {Green wood.) Per cent of water, - " dry wood, " ash, Sap wood. Heart wood. 42.80 22.05 - 57.20 77.95 0.20 0.10 Percent of water, " dry matter, " ash. Bark of trunk. 63.70 . 30.30 1.99 192 Didrihution of Inorganic Matter m Vegetables. [April, Root of the Pear. Wood. Bark. Per cent of water. - - 22.33 53.80 dry wood, - 79.67 46.20 asii, - - 0.40 3.26 The per cent of organic matter in the wood of the pear, = 9.79. The wood of the pear is white, soft and compact, and easily wrought, and may be used in the place of box, for wood en- gravings. The Dog-wood (Cornusflorida), which is also a compact wood, gives 11.16 per cent of coal. The Hickory, when seasoned, gives the largest per cent of ash, of any wood experimented upon — amounting to 7.30, equal in amount to the bark of most trees. Remarks on the foregoing tables. 1. The inorganic matter exists in the largest proportion in the bark of the trunk. 2. In the wood, it is usually larger in amount in the outside than inside wood. 3. The amount of ash in the small limbs usually exceeds that on the trunk. 4. The amount of ash in the bark of the limbs is less than in the bark of the trunk. 5. The amount of inorganic matter sometimes varies in the same species. Those trees which have grown slow, seem to have the largest amount of ash. Results of the Analysis of the ash of several Forest and Fruit Trees, which have been obtained by methods described IN THE foregoing SECTIONS. White Oak—{i 2uercus alba.) sis of the ash obtained fr om the green ^ wood. Sap wood. Heart wood. Potash, 13.41 9.68 Soda, - 0.52 5.03 Sodium, 2.78 0.39 Chlorine, ... - 4.24 0.47 Sulphuric acid. 0.12 0.26 Phos. perox. iron & phos. lime, 32.25 13.30 Carbonic acid. 8.95 19.29 Lime, ... - 30.85 43.21 Magnesia, 0.36 0.25 Silica, - 0.21 0.88 Soluble silica, 0.80 0.30 Organic matter, - 5.70 7.10 100.18 100.06 1847.] Distribution of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. 193 Bark of trunk. Do. twigs. Potash, - 0.2-5 1.27 Soda, . 2.07 4.05 Sodium, o.os 0.08 Chlorine, - . 0.12 0.13 Sulphuric acid. 0.03 trace Phosphate peroxide of iron. 0.60 Phosphate of lime, 10.10 14.15 Carbonic acid. . 29.80 30.33 Lime, 54.89 47.72 Magnesia, . 0.20 0.20 Silica, ... . 0.25 0.65 Soluble silica, . 0.25 0.65 Organic matter, ■ 1.16 1.52 100.05 100.00 Wood of Iwi.^s. Potash, . - 9.74 Soda, . 6.89 Sodium, . 0.16 Chlorine, . 0.25 Sulphuric acid. . . O.OS Phos. peroxide of iron and phos. lime. 23.60 Carbonic acid, . . 17.55 Lime, . . . - 34.10 Magnesia, . , 0.50 Silica, . 0.55 Soluble silica, . - 0.60 Organic matter. - - 5.90 99.99 The oak grew in the immediate neighborhod of Albany, stiff clay, known as the Albany clay. Ash of Elm — ( Ulmus americana.) Sap wood. Heart wood. upon Potash, . 15.85 8.640 Soda, - - . 7.64 20.490 Chlorine, . 0.74 0.090 Sulphuric acid. 0.12 0.140 Phosphate peroxide i of iron, 1.82 1.050 Phosphate ime, 14.53 2.750 Carbonic acid, . 29.51 28.225 Lime, 20.08 22,635 Magnesia, . 4.72 10.080 Silica, - 2.00 3.250 Soluble silica, - 0.00 0.00 Organic matter, 1.45 1.800 98.46 99.115 ,. v., No. 12. 13 194 Distribution of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. [April, Outside bark. Inside bark. Potash, 5.32 1.170 Soda, .... 3.22 2.170 Chlorine, 1.21 0.050 Sulphuric acid, 0.10 0.040 Phosphate peroxide of iron, 4.00 Phosphate of lime. 19.55 3.775 Carbonic acid, 13.26 42.515 Lime, .... 30.26 42.495 Magnesia, 4.84 8.160 Silica, .... 12.15 1.250 Soluble silica, 1.60 Organic matter, 4.12 0.400 99.69 102.025 Jlsh of Elm, seasoned — ( i Ulmus racemosa.) Wood. Bark. Potash, 25.93 8.284 Soda, .... 1.70 0.498 Chlorine, 0.30 0.560 Sutphuric acid. 2.57 4.485 Phosphate of lime and iron. 13.77 5.605 Carbonic acid. 17.70 19.568 Lime, ... 22.83 46.912 Magnesia, 8.20 1.557 Silica, 3.57 11.214 Soluble silica, - 1.67 1.121 Organic matter. undele 98.24 !rmined. 99.807 Ash of the Hickory — [Carya alba.) The wood had been seasoned during one summer and fall. grew in the valley of the Mohawk. Outsid e sap wood. Inside do. Potash, 7.472 20.185 Soda, - . - - 0.084 0.085 Chlorine, 0.096 0.085 Sulphuric acid. 0.892 4.640 Phosphate of lime and iron, 14.440 11.450 Carbonic acid. 29.576 21.405 Lime, ... 38.264 27.695 Magnesia, 6.200 8.600 Silica, ... 4.200 6.150 Soluble silica. 0.280 0.010 Organic matter, - undetermined and 101.504 100.331 1847.] DistribuHon of Inorganic Mailer in Vegetables. 195 Heart wood. Potash, . 12.210 Soda, . - 0.055 Chlorine, - . - 0.065 Sulphuric acid, . - 5.2H0 Phosphate of lime and iron, - 0.340 Carbonic acid, . - 33.630 Lime, . 43.520 Magnesia, . - 4.000 Silica, 1.300 Soluble silica, . trace Organic matter, - undeterm'd 103.390 As this analysis appears to be far out of the way, I can only account for it on the supposition that a part of the lime and alka- lies were in a caustic state. It was one of the earlier analyses, and made before it was suspected that the ash might be in this state. Bark. Potash, 2.340 Soda, - 0.125 Chlorine, - - - . . 0.145 Sulphuric acid, .... 1.925 Phosphate of iron and lime, - 5.000 Carbonic acid, .... 33.995 Lime, ..... 51.105 Magnesia, 0,820 Silica, 4.550 Soluble silica, .... 0.250 Organic matter, .... undeterm'd 100.255 Abih of the Iron-wood — [Osirya virginica.) Sap wood. Heart wood. Potash, - - . 1.581 14.549 Soda, .... 0.025 0.0S6 Chlorine, - - - 0.049 0.098 Sulphuric acid, - - 0.0S6 0.378 Phos. lime and peroxide iron, 5.650 23.100 Carbonic acid, - - 36.159 20.139 Lime, - - - 48.791 27.461 Magnesia, - - - 4.200 4.400 Silica, - - - 0.200 0.400 Soluble silica, - - 0.000 0.000 Organic matter, - - 2.853 99.577 90.611 196 Distrihution of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. [April, Bark of trunk. Potash, 0.696 Soda, 0.023 Chlorine, 0.040 Sulphuric acid, .... 0.086 Phosphate of lime and iron. 5.100 Carbonic acid, .... 33.853 Lime, . - . . - 57.932 Magnesia, 1.200 Silica, ..... 0.250 Organic matter, .... 0.276 99.456 Bark of twigs. Wood do. Potash, - - - 2.760 20.76 Soda, - - - - 0.405 2.97 Chlorine, - - - 0.150 0.25 Sulphuric acid, - - 0.520 0.64 Phosphate of lime, - 10.550 35.40 Carbonic acid, - - 83.975 12.22 Lime, .... 48.225 20.98 Magnesia, - - - LOOO 5.60 Silica. - - - 2 300 0.40 Soluble silica, ... undetermined Organic matter, - - d 0. 99.905 99.21 Swamp Beech. Wood 8c bark. Potash, ..... 5.212 Soda, ...... 0.088 Chlorine, 0.100 • Sulphuric acid, . - - - 2.296 Phosphates, .... 15.190 Carbonic acid, .... 20.488 'Lime, 26.512 Magnesia, ..... 10.720 Silica, 8.520 Soluble silica, .... 18.440 Organic matter, .... undeterm'd 107.576 White Birch — [Betula 'pojpulifera.) Inside bark. Potash, 7.33 Soda, 0.41 Chlorine, 0.46 1847.] Distribution of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. 197 Sulphuric acid, . . . 5.72 Phosphate of lime and iron, . 20.60 Carbonic acid, . . . 18.04 Lime, . . 43.16 Magnesia, . . . 2.90 Silica, . . 0.50 Soluble silica, . . . 1.30 Organic matter, undeter'd 100.42 Wood. Potash, , . 7.33 Soda, . 0.41 Chlorine, , . 0.46 Sulphuric acid. . .. 10.480 Phosphate of lime and iron, 17.300 Carbonic acid, . 15.039 Lime, . . 31.081 Magnesia, . 10.050 Silica, . . 1.250 Soluble silica. - 0.350 Organic matter, • - - - undeter'd 100.145 Ash of the Black Walnut — (Juglans.) Sap wood. Potash and soda, .... 6.75 Phosphate of peroxide of iron and lime, 28.50 Carbonate of lime, - - - 50.00 Carbonate of magnesia, - - - 14.00 Silex, 0.80 Coal, 0.30 100.35 This analysis is considered imperfect. The potash and soda were obtained from the ash procured from the seasoned wood — the remainder from green wood; but the ash operated upon amounted to only three grains. Wood of small limbs. Bark do. Potash, - - - 31.63 11.635 Soda, - - - - 0.17 1.205 Chlorine, - - - 6.20 0.075 Sulphuric acid, - - 0.21 0.255 Phos. of lime & peroxide iron, 46.30 13.950 Carbonic acid, - - 5.26 25.405 198 Disfribidion of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. [April Lime, ... 6.83 40.502 Magnesia, - - - 0.05 2.84 Silica, - • - 0.40 1.450 Organic matter, - - 8.70 2.200 99.75 99.517 Principal i inid-rih of pennate leaf. Potash, trace Soda, - 0.165 Chlorine, ..... 0.188 Sulphuric acid, - 0.950 Phosphate of lime and iron, 16.250 Carbonic acid, - 30.74.3 Lime, ..... 39.782 Magnesia, - - . - trace Silica, . - . . . 7.375 Organic matter, - 0.750 Matter insoluble in water in the chlorides, 2.850 99053 Bark of trunk. Potash, .... 2.34 Soda, ..... - 0.27 Chlorine, .... 0.30 Sulphuric acid. - 0.42 Phosphate of peroxide of iron. 1.60 Phosphate of lime. - 12.31 Carbonic acid, ... 32.63 Lime, - 42.22 Magnesia, .... 3.24 Silica, - 1.04 Soluble silica, - . . , undeter'd Organic matter, ... - 3.00 99.37 Ash of the Pear. Potash, Soda, Chlorine, Sulphuric acid, - Phosphate of liine, Phos. of peroxide iron. Carbonic acid, Lime, ■ap wood. Heart wood. 22.25 26.94 1.84 0.31 0.21 0.50 0.45 27.22 20.40 0.31 0.80 27.69 25.48 12.64 13.14 1847.] Distribution of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. 199 Magnesia, Silex, Coal, Orcranic matter, Potash, Soda, Chlorine, Sulphuric acid. Phosphate of lime, Carbonic acid, Lime, - Magnesia, Silex, • Coal, Organic matter, 3.00 2.93 0.30 0.30 0.17 1.00 4.02 5.00 100.25 96.65 Bi irk of trunk. 6.20 1.70 1.80 6.50 37.29 30.86 9.40 0.40 0.65 4.20 98.30 Wood of root. 15ark do. Potash, .... 22.26 3.92 Soda, .... 6.20 2.75 Chloride of sodium, 2.04 0.25 Sulphate of lime, 1.02 2.63 Phosphate of peroxide iron. ].10 3.30 Phosphate of lime, 44.36 8.20 Phosphate of magnesia, . 0.34 Carbonic acid. 16.32 34.78 Lime, .... 1.84 40.09 Magnesia, 0.10 0.20 biJica, .... 1.50 4.50 Vegetable matter, 3.10 2.30 Soluble silica, 0.70 100.18 103.62 The tree from which the ash was procured for analysis, grew in Richmond, in a deep soil, resting upon the Stockbridge lime- stone. Its fruit was miserable, being astringent and bitterish. The wood was in an incipient decay. The root was sound. It is worthy of notice, that the wood of the root contained a very large amount of phosphate of lime. It having been taken up in the winter, when the circulation had ceased, it is not improbable that this large amount of phosphate of lime may have been accu- mulated and held in store for the use of the plant, when a revival took place in the spring. 200 Distribution of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. [April, Ash of the Apple. Sap wood. Heart wood. Potash, - - - 16.19 6.620 Soda, - - - - 3.11 7.935 Chloride of sodium, - 0.42 0.210 Sulphate of lime, - - 0.05 0.526 Phosphate of peroxide iron O.SO 0.500 Phosphate of lime, - - 17.50 5.210 Phosphate of magnesia, 0.20 0.190 Carbonic acid, - - 29.10 86.275 Lime, .... 18.63 37.019 Magnesia, - - - 8.40 6.900 Silica, .... 0.85 0.400 Soluble silica, - • 0.80 0.300 Organic matter, • - 4.60 2.450 100.65 Potash, Soda, - . . - Chloride of sodium. Sulphate of lime. Phosphate of peroxide iron. Phosphate of lime, - Phosphate of magnesia, Carbonic acid. Lime, - - . Magnesia, Silica, ... Soluble silica, Orofanic matter, - Common Wild Grape Vine. Wood. Potash, - - - 20.84 Soda, .... 2.06 Chlorine, - - - 0.02 Sulphuric acid, - - . 0.23 Phosphate of lime, - 15.40 Phosphate of peroxide iron, 1.20 Carbonic acid, - - 34.83 Lime, .... 17.33 Magnesia, - - - 4.40 Silex, .... 2.80 Soluble silica. Coal and organic matter, - 2.20 109.450 100.21 1847.] Distribution of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. 201 The grape vine grew in the forest, upon the Albany clay. The vine, on being cut, there exudes from the cut ends a dense white mucilage or gum, which appears upon the end like small white worms escaping from the open pores. Ash of a Fungus, {Boletus ignarius,) growing on an Apple-tree. The inside of the fungus is soft and corky, the outside is hard and unyielding. The ditference in texture led to a separation of the fungus into two parts. Outside. Inside. Potash, - - - 21.25 15.;J6 Soda, - - . - 4.29 4.00 Chlorine, - - - 1.58 O.SO Sodium, - - - . 1.04 0.52 Sulphuric acid, - - 2.58 2.30 Phosphate of peroxide iron, ^ Phosphate of lime, \ 12.20 18.11 Phosphate of magnesia, ) Carbonic acid, - - - 14.39 10.80 Lime, ... - 20.31 2.13 Magnesia, - - - 0.60 0.20 Silica, .... 3.30 8.30 Soluble silica, - - - 0.20 0.70 Organic matter, - - 1 1.20 16.50 92.94 90.45 The injury which fruit trees sustain by fungi and lichens grow- ing upon I hem, is evident from their analyses. The nutriment is all derived from the bark and wood of the tree; and besides, these parasites produce and hasten the decay of the tree. Ash of a Lichen., (Gyrophora vellea,) groicing upon gneiss, at Little-Falls. Lichen. Potash, 8.850 Soda, 2.588 Chlorine, 2.938 Sulphuric acid, .... 2.738 Phosphate of peroxide iron, - 10.937 Phosphate of lime and magnesia. 10.188 Carbonic acid, .... 2.667 Lime, -..-.- 2.926 Magnesia, 0.380 Silica, ...... 44.000 Soluble silica, .... 1.000 Organic matter, .... 9.250 98.094 202 Distribution of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. [April, It is not a little remarkable that plants which possess apparently so small a share of vitality, should be able to take from a rock its potash, lime, and phosphates. It will be observed, however, that they adhere with as much tenacity to the rock as a shrub to the earth, and that it is as easy to extract the one as the other from its bed. It would seem, from this single examination, that the presence of the element of rocks may be determined by an exam- ination of the ash of the plant which grows upon it. The results of the foregoing analyses may be studied in some of the most important facts which they contain. The first fact which it seems proper to notice here, is the per centage of inorganic matter which is contained in the parts of the wood and bark. On this point I would speak with caution, par- ticularly with regard to the diiference of ash contained in equal quantities of sap and heart wood. It is, however, as it seems to me, too common an occurrence, to find the ash greater in the sap wood than in the heart wood, to be due to accident. But inas- much as instances do occur, in which it is directly the reverse, it becomes necessary to wait the results of an additional number of analyses, before I should venture to say that the law referred to prevails. In the case of the iron-wood, this excess is due to the potash in the heart w'ood; and it will be seen that the oxygen of the bases is greatest in the outside wood. Leaving for the present this question, I may state with entire confidence, that the bark of all kinds of trees is more largely sup- plied with inorganic matter than any other part of the tree. This position is sustained at least by all the foregoing analyses. The fact is this, to state it more particularly, that the old bark of the trunk is richer in inorganic matter than the newer bark of the branches. The element which predominates in the bark is lime. This substance is probably better adapted to protect the outside of the tree from injury than any other. It is a more perfect de- fence to the tender and growing wood immediately beneath. As in the animal tissues, outward defences are set up, so the vegeta- ble is not left unguarded in any of the tissues which are liable to outward injuries. But this is not all: a practical rule of great importance flows from the fact that lime predominates in the bark and other parts of plants. It is to supply lime freely to the tree. This rule may not be regarded as new; and yet its importance is placed in a clear light by the foregoing analyses. The farmer may no longer fear that he shall poison his trees by its use, since, under all cir- cumstances, it is found so abundantly in its tissues, forming, as we have already stated, a substitute for an osseous or frame-work for the support of the organic matter. This frame-work is more 1847.] Distribution of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. 203 useful to the young plant. It is here that lines of an organized salt of lime shoots out in threads, in the form of veins and nerves, which circulate freely on every side. When the organ has ac- quired consistence by an abundant secretion of organic matter, the frame-work of lime appears of less importance. In confirm- ation of its importance to trees and to most vegetables, is the ex- perience of agriculturists generally; which, though they caimot always affirm that lime has been eminently serviceable, still very few can object to its use on the ground of its having been detri- mental. The most which has been said against its use, is, that little or no eliect was observed on the tree or crop to which it was applied. Whatever may be the views of agriculturists upon this subject, which their own experience has formed, it is still to be remembered that the ettects of lime are modified by the condi- tion of the soil, by the presence of organic matter, by that of alkalies, &c. The phosphates seem to be sent to the periphery of the growing tree. It will be observed that in a majority of instances, the sap wood contains a larger amount than the inside wood. It also exists largely in the wood of the young blanches. The bark, however, obtains only a small proportion of the phosphates. In one instance, that of the jiear root, they are remarkably large, and unexpectedly so. It stands, as far as I know, an insulated fact. It will strike every reflecting person who is acquainted with the effects of phosphoric acid on iron, that wood or coal, rich in this substance, when iron is raised to a white heat, both in the process of reduction, and that it would necessarily produce a quantity of phosphuret of iron. Perhaps in the ordinary coarse operations of the furnace or forge, it is a matter of little conse- quence. In the manufacture, however, of the finer instruments, and of springs, the quality of the article may be essentially in- jured by the presence of phosphoric acid in the coah In a practical point of view, in husbandry afl^airs, the use of the phosphates must not be forgotten. The application of bone earth has been restricted to the annual crops. But I have little doubt that the application of those substances, rich in phosphates^ to the roots of trees, will be one of the most efficacious means of giving vigor to the tree, and excellence to the fruit. The phos- phates, it will be observed, lie in the direct route of the sap from the root to the fruit. An accumulation in the bark would place it out of the reach of the fruit, inasmuch as the fruit is connected directly with the w^ood. The phosphate most abundant in the ash of all trees, is phos- phate of lime. Phosphate of peroxide of iron is usually, if not always, present, even when least suspected. This substance seems to accumulate in the red cherry, and to impart to the old wood 204 Distribution of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables. [April, its rich brown color. While it may be laid down then, with a good degree of certainty, that the phosphates are always impor- tant elements in the manures for trees, still, in these cases, as in the apple-tree and pear, where the proportion of ash is small and light, it is a natural inference that manures, rich also in organic matter, is the one best adapted to them. Experience also coin- cides with this view. Phosphate of magnesia is not a common salt in the ash of vege- tables, except in the cereals; and when present in the wood, its quantity is small. In many instances, where it was carefully sought for in the ash of the wood, none w^as found; in a few others it w'as present in a small quantity. In green wood the water is distributed to the periphery. The sap or new w^ood, and the wood of the young limbs, contain usually a larger proportion of water than the inside wood. The bark of the young wood receives about the same quantity of sap as the wood. In the old bark of the trunk, it is reduced to a minimum quantity. From the foregoing per centages of water contained in diiferent kinds of wood, it will be easy to calculate how much water exists in a cord of green w'ood, the weight of which may be approxi- mately set down as equal to two thousand pounds; and also how much water has to be evaporated in burning green instead of dry wood. The caloric thus expended is mostly lost, in the ordinary processes of heating rooms. The weight of water sometimes amounts to nearly one-half of the w-ood. Its carriage to market is a useless item of expense. Another element, whose distribution is to the periphery of the plant, is potash. Instances, however, are not wanting, in which it seems to have accumulated in the inside wood. In the ostrya virginica, the wood of the small limbs contained twenty per cent of potash. The treee grows in the back yard of the old State House, wdiere it receives the entire w^ash from the kitchen of a family living in the establishment. It is not impossible but that this accumulation of potash may be temporary; that if the wood should be examined about mid-summer, it would contain less potash than during the winter season. It is useless to form con- jectures in questions of this kind, since they can be answered only by experiments; and still it is a rational conclusion, that the alkalies may vary in amount with the season at which the analy- sis may be made. The most important direction, however, which the alkalies take, is towards the seed and its envelopes. The potash in the acorn amounts to sixty-ibur per cent; in the horse-chestnut, fifty-one. In the envelope of the fruit of the black-walnut, I found seventy- five per cent of the carbonate of potash, and about twenty-five to 1847.] Bistrihxdion of Inorganic Matter in Vegetables, 205 thirty per cent in the shuck. Now, where fruits are removed and consumed, it is easy to see that the soil will deteriorate, notwith- standing the roots continually extend themselves into new soil; for, in the course of a few years, all the important sustenance must be derived mainly from the outside roots, and the exhaustion of the central part of the area will be unavoidable. When, how- ever, the fruit of trees, together with their leaves, are sulfered to remain and decay upon the ground, there will be not only no ex- haustion of the soil beneath the tree, but rather an accumulation of food. The alkalies and phosphates are brought up from the deep parts of the soil, and are mixed necessarily with the surface soil. In this single effect of a forest upon the distribution of the inorganic matter of the soil, the most important results may be said to flow. In a deep soil, a large amount of the most essential elements must accumulate near the surface; hence the forest pre- pares the soil for tillage, and the pursuits of civilized life are pro- moted by the organic laws which govern the vegetable kingdom. It is stated by Liebig, that trees of the same species, although they may give different alkaline bases, still they will give an equal quantity of oxygen in their several alkaline bases.* The in- stances cited prove the position Liebig has taken; and yet the amount of oxygen required to saturate the bases of the alkalies belonging to the inside and outside wood, is quite different in al- most every instance. The distribution of oxygen, considered in the light presented by this distinguished chemist, will be found in excess in the en- velopes of the wood, that is, in the bark. In the Ostrya virginica, the ash is greater in an equal weight of the inside green wood, than in that of the outside. This greater w^eight is due to the presence of potash; but in this instance the oxygen is greatest in the outside wood, and still greater in the bark. It is well known that silica, in the monocotyledonous plants, is distributed through the outer layers of the envelope of the plant; something quite analagous occurs in the dicotyledonous plants. Thus there is 7.7 per cent of silica in the bark of the red cedar; 19 percent in the bark of the yellow pine growing upon the sand plains near Albany; 6 per cent in the outer wood of the same tree; and 8 per cent in the outer wood of the white pine: and, according to Poleck, 11.7 per cent in the ash of the Pinus picea. Some woods which are rich in lime, burn with great intensity, and emit much caloric. Hickory is an instance of the kind. Other substances, rich in potash, burn slowly, and with difficulty. • See Chemistry in its application to Agriculture and Physiology : The New World Edition, p. 16. 206 The Hessian Fly. [April, The elm is a poor kind of w^ood; and it is rich in potash. Whether cause and etiect, as intimated, are well put together, cannot be regarded as settled. Hickory wood burns well, and is rich in lime: elm, and some other substances, are rich in potash, and burn badly. Fungi injure trees, by absorbing the alkalies and phosphates. They draw off" the supply of these important matters, which seem more especially designed for the perfection of fruit and seed. In addition to this, they destroy the tree, by favoring the extension of the decayed spot upon which they first fix themselves. Not a lichen or fungus, which grows upon the trunk or branches, feeds upon air. They all depend upon the juices of the plant; and hence divert from their channel many currents of food, designed for the growth of the plant, and the perfection of its fruit and seed. CONTROVERSY RESPECTING THE HESSIAN FLY. [We need not apologize to our readers for admitting the discus- sion relative to the Hessian fly. The question is one of great importance to the farmers of Western New-York and elsewhere. W^e hope and expect that, as it is in competent hands, it will be set at rest in the end, by their mutual observations. We expect Dr. Fitch will reply in the May number. — En.] Having, through the kindness of a friend, received the second number of your Journal, containing Dr. Fitch's instructive and interesting article on the Hessian fly (Cecidomyia destructor), I beg leave to offer, through the same medium, my thanks for the kind manner in which he differs from me in opinion; and crave his indulgence while I point out a slight error in his statement, which has arisen from misinformation. After referring to the theory advocated by rae, in the Trans- actions of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, in 1840, and Dr. Coates's communication to the Academy of Natural Sciences, in 1841, and published in the Journal of their proceed- ings, he goes on to state, in page 11, that Miss Morris's theory has been proved to be incorrect, and that " M-e have met with no further attempts to sustain it;" consequently, that it has not been sustained. If Dr. Fitch will have the kindness to refer to the August num- ber of the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, he will find a full statement of my observations during the summer 1847.] The Hessian Fly. 207 of 1841, which was accompanied bv a series of specimens of a Cecidomyia, from the egg to the perfect fly, obtained by me, as there described. That this statement and these specimens have escaped Dr. Fitch's notice, is evident; a circumstance which I deeply regret, as it obliges me thus publicly to call his attention to them, if I have mistaken some new insect for the Cecidomyia destructor, I must plead as an excuse, their accurate resemblance even under a high magnifying power, to Mr. Le Sueur's beautifully accurate drawings, accompanying Mr. Say's as accurate descriptions of the fly, that " appears early in June, deposits its eggs, and dies." I will now ask Dr. Fitch what fly was it that did appear early in June, in such numbers, in this neighborhood, in the years 1S36, '40, and '41? If Dr. Fitch will prove that the flies I so carefully watched for so many years, whose larva feeds in the centre of the straw, as seen by hundreds in this neighborhood, is " the fly he suspects it to be," I will acknowledge my error as frankly as I now maintain my difference of opinion. I do not, nor have I ever doubted the statements of gentlemen so learned in the science of Entomology as Messrs. Heirick and Dana; their assurance that they had seen the insect in hs different states of egg, larva, pupa, and perfect fly, was sufficient to satisfy me that it was so; I therefore, in all fairness, claim the same in- dulgence from them and others, when I state that I saw, captured, and glued to a piece of paper, a f!y, while in the act of deposit- ing her eggs on a grain of wheat, so like the drawing made by Le Sueur, of Say's Cecidomyia destructor, that it not only de- ceived me, but all to w^hom I showed it. And that this fly and eggs, 1 did present to the Academy of Natural Sciences, is beyond question; and that subsequently I did procure larvse and pupee of this species, in the centre of the straw, is equally beyond doubt, as shown in the Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, August number, page 66 — which straw, larvae and pupse, are now in my possession. Again, I ask Dr. Fitch what is the name of this fly? The concluding paragraph of the communication here referred to, will show that my opinions have not altered since 1841: " From this series of facts, it might be presumed that the history of this interesting and destructive insect was decided; but the statements of observers whose information and accuracy cannot be questioned, prove discrepancies in its history, that can only be reconciled by supposing that there are two species under observa- tion. The species now presented, will agree with Mr. Say's statement, that ' the fly appears early in June, lives but a short time, deposits its eggs, and dies.' The remainder of Mr. Say's 208 Forest Trees of Massachusetts. [April, history must apply to that species which has so frequently been observed to deposit its eggs on the leaf." I have referred above to the drawings of Le Sueur, which con- firmed my opinion that the insect I was observing, is Say's Ceci- domyia destructoi-. On comparing these drawings with those of Dr. Fitch, which he speaks of as being accurately correct, (which I do not question,) I find so marked a difference, that I am certain I should not have been misled by them. 1 do not presume to decide; but there appears to my unlearned eye a sufficiently marked difference from which to describe a species. It would be impossible for me to give an idea of the number of specimens that, in the summer of 1841, I examined through a microscope, with Le Sueur's drawings by ray side. Suffice it to say, I did little else for two months; and so perfectly identical did these specimens appear with the drawings, that after each examination I rose W'ith renewed admiration for the genius of the distinguished artist. I have now before me files of pamphlets and newspapers pub- lished since 1840, denying the truth of the theory advocated by me. In some it is asserted that I have mistaken a weevil or a curculio for the Hessian fly; in others, that I have been watching the Cecidorayiatritici; while a third declares it to be a Bombyx; and a fourth, that I know nothing about the matter. To all this I have become accustomed; but I must confess that, after all the evidence I gave in the shape of actual specimens, deposited in so public a place as the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadel- phia, I feel some surprise at being expected to confess myself in error, before I have equally strong evidence that I am so. M. H. MORRIS. Germantoinu March Sth, 1847. FOREST TREES OF MASSACHUSETTS. Report on the Trees and Shrxtbs groiving naturally in the Forests of Massachusetts. Published, agreeably to an order of the Legislature, by the Commissioners on the Zoological and Bo- tanical Survey of the State. Boston : Button Sf Wentworth, State Printers, Mo. 37 Congress street ; 1846, pp. 547, Svo. This report is from Mr. Geo. B. Emerson, Chairman of the Zoological and Botanical Commissioners, appointed under the law authorizing the Geological Survey of Massachusetts. It is the concluding work of the survey; and as a result, it is what the public expected — an interesting and valuable work, the merits of 1847.] Forest Trees of Massachusetts. 209 ■which the people of Massachusetts know hov; to estimate. It is ilkistiatod by seventeen finely execuiod plates. In this work the trees and shrubs are described at length; the limits of the species, the uses of the timber, and its comparative value for fuel. Much interesting matter is introduced under the head of each species, and which imparts a high degree of interest to the general reader. We cannot attempt to go into details, however, in these matters, Avhich are intioduced in a running head, under the description of species; but we propose to make rather iull extracts from an introductory part, where the author has taken up the special treatment of forest trees, under the gene- ral head of thinning and pruning. To proceed at once to the sub- ject, the author remarks: — '■'•The principle on which pruning and thinning should be con- ducted, is a very plain and intelligible one. It is, that every tree and every branch should be allowed to have an ample supply of air and light. When, therefore, two trees are so near that their branches extensively intermingle, one should be removed; and, generally, it should be that one which is much taller or shorter than the neighboring trees. " In pruning, that brand on other branches of its own or another tree. It should not be cut off close to the stem, as, in that case, the wound will be long in healing, and the root* which supplied the branch, being left useless, will wholly or partly perish, and, by its decay, will infect and weaken the whole tree. It should rather be taken otf at the distance ot a foot or more from the stem, just above a vigorous shoot, w^hich shall be left to grow towards a space in which it will find a plentiful supply of air and light. The shoot thus left will sustain the life of the shortened branch, and will continue in action the root by which it had been nourished.! "The mode of thinning and pruning, will be governed in some measure by the end in view. If the object is to produce a lull grown tree, in its true character, developing itself according to its natural tendencies, all or most of the branches will be left, and care be taken to give them space; and, as every branch sw'ells * " It is almost universally found, that a large branch corresponds to a large root, and the reverse ; and this is true, whether the root, placed in fa- vorable circumstances, determines the growth of the branch above it, or the branch, propitiously situated, causes the growth of its corresponding root.'" — De Candolle, Organographie Vegctale, Tom. I., p. 1C2. t See a " Treatise on the Management and Cultivation of Forest Trees : By John Smith, Gardener and Forester to llie P^arl el' Bute." The chapters on thinning and pruning are interesting, as giving illustrations, by a practical man. of scientific principles which he had learnt only from observation. Vol. v., No. 12. 14 210 Forest Trees of Massachusetts. [April, the trunk, a similar course will be pursued, where it is an object to get the greatest possible amount of wood. In both cases, those stems and branches only will be removed, which interi'ere with the rest. A crowded growth will be allowed, and the lower lateral branches will be removed, where it is desirable to get a lofty trunk and head." Mr. Emerson gives the result of his enquiry relating to the proper time for felling timber for fuel. The following useful rules we give again in his own languge, as we find it impossible to condense the matter, without injury to it: — " From the answers returned, I find that, in felling for timber, the practice is to select suitable trees, from any part of the forest. No instances have come to my knowledge, of extensive woods, cultivated with express reference to the production of timber. In felling for fuel, the practice has been to select the old and mature trees, especially such as have begun to decay. It has now be- come nearly a universal practice to cut clean and close. Expe- rience has uniformly shown this to be most economical. Several of my correspondents have subjoined the reason. One of them writes, — " Trees which remain where woods are thinned, are much shaken by the winds, and often destroyed. Again, unless the timber be all or nearly all taken off, the new growth is shaded, sparse and feeble. But where a new forest springs up, it accom- modates itself to all circumstances of wind and tempest." An- other says, — " Some persons in this town have trimmed up young white oak and walnut (hickory) woods, clearing the undergrowth, when the wood itself consisted of young shoots of 10 or 12 years of age. The result of this experiment does not seem to justify a continuation of the practice." Experience here seems to confirm a well known principle, that the quantity of wood formed depends upon the number of the branches, or rather upon the extent of surface of the leaves. To the question, — " How soon will a wood, which has been cut entirely down, renew itself so as to be profitably cut again?" the answers are very full and satisfactory, though very various. The object is every where supposed to be fuel. Some give a definite period, varying, for dilierent places, from 15, 17, 18, 20, to 25, 30 and 35 years. The average of ten such is 23 years. Others speak less definitely, from 15 to 20, 17 to 30, 20 to 25, 20 to 30, 20 to 33, 20 to 40, 25 to 30, 25 to 35, 30 to 35, for woods of miscellaneous growth. The aver- age deducted from fourteen such statements, is, from 21 to 28. The general average from all is a little over 24 years. These statements are probably as definite as the case admits. Dififer- ence of situation, exposure, soil, and kind of trees, would of necessity lead to them. For particular trees, the answers are 1847.] Forest Trees of Massachusetts. 211 more precise. The white or gray birch is of most rapid growth, and springs at once from the stump. This may be profitably cut in from 10 to 20 years; a growth of maple, ash and birch, black, yellow and white, in 20 or 25; oaks in from 20 to 33. Where the trees are principally oak, white, black and scarlet, the forest may be cut clean three times in a century. Cedar swamps, which grow from seed, cannot be profitably cut in less than 40 years. Pitch pines, which also spring only from seed, are very slow at first, and require from 40 to 60 years to be in a condition to be felled. In many places, the experiment has been tried of burning over the surface, ploughing, and sowing with rye. When the trees have been of hard w^ood, this practice has been strongly condemned. In the case of the pitch pine, it is reccommended. The seedling pines make much more rapid progress when the sur- face has been softened by cultivation. "An intelligent gentleman of great experience, A. M. Ide, Esq., of South Attleborough, gives me a statement of some important facts bearing upon the subject. "Having been, for thirty years past, more or less engaged in buying woodland and cutting it off, I wish to state that I know, from careful observation, that an acre of good land, where there is a mixture of the several kinds of oak and walnut, (hickory,) cut off while young and thrifty, will produce, during the first 25 or 30 years, a cord of wood yearly." "I believe that most kinds of hard wood are worth twenty or thirty per cent, more, for fuel, at the age of 25 years than at 75." This important fact is confirmed by many of the w^ood-growers in the Old Colony, and in other parts where the woods have been re- peatedly cut down. It is remarkable that all the facts and testi- mony lead to the same conclusion. The trees best for fuel shoot again most readily and vigorously when cut under 25 years. The wood is formed within that time as rapidly, taking a forest to- gether, as at any other age; and, for fuel, It is then of most value. " In cutting wnth a view to future timber, the tree should be felled as close to the ground as possible, as the shoots will then be erect. In cutting with a view to fuel, it is of less consequence. Several suckers will be thrown out, all of which will be curved at base, but they will all thereby, have more room to grow. "To the question, — "Stumps of trees of what age, when felled, will shoot up most vigorously? Is there any age at which they cease to shoot? What trees will not shoot from the stump?" the answers are equally full. To the first of these questions, the uni- form answer is, that the stumps of young, healthy, growing trees, shoot most vigorously. They should not be under 15 years, nor much over 20. The almost uniform answer to the second ques- 212 Forest Trees of Massachusetts. [April, tion, is that shoots will not come from very old trees. From those of old trees they spring up, but die in one or two years. Stumps of trees that had begun to decay, seldom give any shoots. In some cases, suckers come from the roots of old trees, but not from the stump. A single individual thinks that the power of throwing up shoots from the stump, never ceases during the life of the tree. ''As to the third question, all agree that evergreens never give permanent shoots from the stump. Several persons, who have attended the growth of the sugar maple say, that the stump of this tree makes no shoots; and the same is said of the beech. "As to the season of the year most favorable for felling a fo- rest, when the object is to have it renew itself speedily, the tes- timony is various, but not absolutely discordant. All agree in saying, that the tree should be felled when not in leaf. The ma- jority say, generally, in the winter months; some, between No- vember and April. A correspondent in Plymouth, my friend G. P. Bradford, who kindly took great pains to get imformation extensively from the wood-growers in that neighborhood, says, "It is generally considered, by those well acquainted with the matter, much preferable for the future growth, to fell a forest in April and May. The wood is not so good as when cut between November and April." This is confirmed by several other per- sons who have enjoyed means of extended obserAation. The convenience of the wood-cutter will generally lead him to fell the forest in the early part of the winter; and, probably, taking into consideration both the quality of the wood cut, and the welfare of the future forest, this may be best. " When the object is to destroy the growth, summer is univer- sally declared to be the best season to fell a forest. As to the month, opinions differ. Many say, August, or late in summer; some say, June and July, or midsummer. Mr. A. C. Metcalfe, a very intelligent farmer of Lenox, says, — "In August, or when the tree has attained its full growth for that season." This seems to be the true period, at whatever time it takes place; when the wood is formed and before it has hardened, and the materials are laid up in the trunk and root, for future growth. Mr. A. Bacon describes a conclusive experiment. "A gentleman residing in this vicinity, effected the clearing of a lot of young walnuts, (hicko- ries,) oaks and birches, in the following manner. He commenced cutting about the first of March, and felled suc(;essive portions as he found leisure, till about the first of July. That portion Avhich was cut between the 18th and 80th of June, was killed to the letter. Those which were cut before the leaves put forth, were most prompt in the renewal of their sprouts." 1847.] Forest Trees of Massachusetts. 213 " The injuries which a forest sustains from a variety of causes, they are enumerated as follows; browsing, pruning, a thin soil, exposure to sea breezes, high winds and frosts. "The first of these, iscompletely within the control of the forester, is the browsing of cattle. This is highly injurious to a forest in every state. It is destructive to the young trees, to the lower branches of taller trees, and to the undergrowth, which in an old forest, is the hope of the future. Sheep and horses are no less in- jurious than cattle. All should be entirely excluded from wood- lands intended to be valuable as such and to renew themselves.* " I have already spoken of pruning. Where the object is wood, it may be doubted whether any pruning is advisable, except in the case that a branch of one tree materially interferes with the growth of another. Plants receive food by their roots, and digest and con- vert it to their various products, by and in their leaves. Both roots and leaves should therefore be left to extend and expand themselvs as freely as possible; the one to occupy all the space just below the surface of the ground, the other to gain all the air and light within their reach above. . Whatever checks this free expansion, has a tendency to lessen the product of wood. " On thin soil the roots cannot penetrate far, and a tree, sur- rounded by others, will soon exhaust the proper nutriment within its circle, and must then begin to fail. As soon as this happens, it must be removed and trees of other families must be sown or planted in its stead. The proper treatment for thin soils, is there- tore, a rapid alteration of crops. " Most forest trees are injuriously affected by the sea-breeze, and we generally find them stunted and dwarfed by its influence. "The remedy is to plant numerously the hardiest trees along the seaward border. Those that most successfully resist the sea-breeze, are the sycamore or plane tree, the linden, the poplars, par- ticularly the balm of Gilead, and many of the pines. Almost all trees may do it when growing in large masses. The effect will then be less and less, — rapidly diminishing as you recede from the sea. On the capes and headlands projecting into the Atlantic, along the coast of Massachusetts and Maine, and exposed to the terrible northeast winds, the undisturbed original forests, when half a mile wide, have in the middle as large trees as are due to their depth of soil. " It is often difficult to make trees begin to grow near the sea; * Where a forest is to be renewd artificially, nnd where the trees are out of the reach of cattle, there is no objection to their grazing amon? Ihera. One considerable recommendation of the Duke of Athol's mode of redeeming lands by planting larchs. is. that the groud is improved for pasturage by the growth of grass under the shade of the trees. 214 Forest Trees of Massachusetts. [April, sometimes it is impossible, Avitliout protection. But a low wall of loose stones seaward, is sufficient to protect young trees near it until they get a little higher than the wall. The successive rows inland will be better protected, and will rise each higher than the preceding; until at the distance of a few rods, they may rise to a tolerable hight. When a belt of trees is once established, in such a situation, it should be kept undisturbed as long as it will serve the purpose of protecting the trees within, though it may be of no other value. "A course altogether similar should be taken in planting a much exposed hill. By beginning at the bottom and gradually planting upwards, the top may at last be clothed ; as every belt of trees of a few feet in hight, will protect a younger one a little higher on the hill. "Wherever trees are planted for use in the arts, it is important to give them the most rapid growth possible. Of wood growing on the same soil, that which growls the most rapidly is strongest. "That of which the circle of growth is narrowest is also weak- est.* This fact is familiary, known to ship-builders, makers of lasts and trenails, and of all of those articles which require great strength. The reason is obvious. The circles of annual growth are separated by zones of loose, porous structure and inferior strength. "The strength of wood is proportioned to its weight. And as young trees grow more rapidly than old ones, they are more valuable as fuel. Round wood of oak or maple gives more heat than that which is so large as to require to be split. This fact shows the wastefulness of burning on the ground the undergrowth and the trimmings, in clearing for cultivation or cutting for cord wood. Heart wood is heaviest, and the weight diminishes on proceeding outwards to the surface or upwards to the top of the tree, but much less in old trees than in young growing ones. The sap wood of oak was found by Decandolle to fall short of the heart wood in weight, in the proportion of 6 to 7. "It has long been known that summer or early autumn is the season most favorable for the felling of timber, where the object is strength and durability. One reason why timber has not usually been cut at that season is, that most of those who fell trees are at that season occupied with their farming. The felling of trees is their winter employment. Nearly a quarter of a century * Buffon, II., 307. A circle of wood is annually formed on the trunk of a tree, between the oute^ previous circles and the inner bark. The space in- tervenin!^ between the annual circles or layers, is loose and porous, and con- tains very little solid substance or strenijtli. The more frequently, therefore, these weak spaces succeed each other in u given thickness of wood, the less must be the solidity and strength of the wood. 1847.] Forest Trees of Massachusetts. 216 ago, Timothy Pickering showed by experiments which he adduced by sound reasoning, that summer is better than winter for this purpose. A writer in the N. E. Farmer, who "has wrought more timber than most men, and for more uses than he knows of," says, he has found soft maple, cut in September, three times more last- ing than ash or walnut cut in winter; that he has found the sap- wood of oak cut in February and March, partly decayed in Sep- tember, and the sap-wood of timber cut in May and June, decayed in a year, M-hile the sap-wood of trees felled in September was perfectly bright and sound after two years; and that, from many observations he has made, he is satisfied that September is the best time for felling trees; and that if the tree be disbarked in June, and allowed to stand till September, the timber will be stronger and more durable. He has seen this proved with regard to elm, walnut (hickory,) and maple, which are considered the most perishable of the trees used for timber. The same writer says,* that maple wood felled in June is liable to white rot, while that felled in JSeptember remains sound in the same situation; and that timber felled in September will not suffer from red rot or from powder-post. It seems reasonable, that a tree felled after the growth lor the year is completed, and before the leaves have fallen, should have all its wood more mature, and should, at the same time, be prepared to be more easily and thoroughly seasoned, than if felled at any other season. The evaporation which takes place from the surface of living leaves is very great. If, therefore, the tree is felled while the leaves are fresh, their evaporative action, which continues for some time after the tree has fallen, will speedi- ly dissipate all the unappropriated moisture which the trunk con- tains. If, on the contrary, the tree is felled after the leaves have been shed, all this moisture must remain to be slowly thrown off by the usual process of drying. If, again the tree is felled earlier in the season, while full of sap, and when the newly formed wood has not yet been ripened by the action of the sun, there must be much of crude and acrid juices, not easily to be got rid of, and many particles of immature wood at least in the outer layer, which will render the process of seasoning slower and more un- certain. • N. E Farmer, VI., 394. He subjoins a table of the comparative value of timber felled at the two seasons of the year mentioned, which he thinks correct or nearly so: — Oak, cut in September, 10.0 — in June, 4.5 Maple. " " '• 10.0—" " 2.4 Walnut. (Hickory), " " " 10.0—" " 2.5 Elm, ■ " " " 10.0—" " 1.6 Ash, " " " 10 0—" "32 The four last, compared with white oak, provided all were felled in Sep- tember will stand thus: — Oak, 10.0— Maple, 5.5— Walnut, 6.2— Elm, 4.5— Ash. 5.6 2 16 Wheat Crops in England and America. [April, " There is much evidence to be found in books and in the expe- rience of ship-builders, that sticks of timber cut in the end of sum- mer, and seasoned only by this speedy action of the leaves, often out-last winter-cut timber, which has had years of seasoning. "The naturalist Buffbn, after numerous experiments, carefully made on a large scale, and continued through many years, arrived at the conclusion that nothing contributes so much to the solidity, and durability of timber, as completely stripping the trees of their bark, some years — at least three, before they are to be felled. This should be done in the spring, when the bark is most easily separable. The tree continues to put forth leaves, and to expand and mature them for several successive seasons. But as no new wood can be formed, after the bark is removed, Buffbn supposed that all the action of the leaves goes to add to the substance of the wood previously formed.* It is thus increased in density and weight; and he found universally, in the same kind of wood, strength is proportional to weight. By this process, the sap-wood was rendered as dry, hard and strong, as hard-wood, and in some instances even stronger. Timber managed in this way was found to be sometimes a fourth part stronger than that from trees in the same forest, and in all other respects precisely similar, treated in the usual way; that is, felled with the bark on, and dried under the open sky or under sheds." We have been rather full in our extracts from the introduction to the report. We have been induced to do so because the whole subject bears so closely upon our own article, but occupies so large a part of this number, and besides it seems to us that the parts given are highly important and will be read with profit by our patrons. COMPARATIVE VIEW OF RAISLNG A CROP OF WHEAT IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA. BY C. N. BEMENT. In looking over the 12th vol., of the " Farmers' Magazine," published in London, I find the total cost of raising an acre of wheat and sending it to market, is stated at ^612 15s 6d sterling. This estimate allows the tenant for his labor £\ 16s sterling. The gross product of the acre for wheat, straw feed, &c., is stated at j612 1 Is. The value of the wheat is stated at 52 per quarter. This statement shows us that the United States is a natural re- * This it probably does by appropriatina: the substance destined for new layers of wood, to lining and filling up the cells or tubes, of which woody fibre is composed. 1847.] Experiments in Plantivg Potatoes. 217 gion for growing wheat, when compared with England. In our western States, a farmer can purchase a farm of 200 acres, fence it, and break up 100 acres for $1200 or $1500. He can put on a house and barn for $500, making the whole cost $2000. His first crop, every thing favorable, will bring him, on an aver- age, $1000, and his second 100 acre's crop of wheat, $1000 more. His lands and improvements are now paid for. The third year, if 150 acres are put into wheat, the product will be $1500. Now, in England, according to the work above quoted, the charge on one acre of wheat for the two years, is 10s sterling; and poor, highway, and church rates for two years, 8s sterling — our lands have no such charges as this. Our farmers may well be satisfied with their own country. In the State of New York, I am informed, that wheat lands may be purchased from $30 to $50 per acre, in improved farms. Every 100 acres of wheat yields from $2000 to $2500 gross in- come. It is clear then that with free competition, the United States will command the wheat and flour markets of Europe and America. One fact, however, requires the serious attention of the Ameri- can husbandman. It is calculated by McCulloch, that the in- creased average product of wheat in England, since 1821, prob- ably from improved implements, and a more enlightened and scientific cultivation, now at 26 bushels to the acre, being an in- crease of 9 bushels to the acre, which is about double to that of the State of New York at the present time. In the county of Monroe, the best wheat growing section of the State, only 19.^ bushels is the average. Farmers of America ! are you satisfied to rest with only ob- taining from 12 to 13 bushels of wheat to the acre ? Sixty bushels per acre has been raised the past season ; and what has been done, can be done again. It is only to let our heads assist our hands, and we can increase the average very considerably. It is in this way that great results can be obtained. EXPERIMENT IN PLANTING POTATOES. BY. C. N. BEMENT. On looking over my Diary a few days since — which I kept during my residence on the farm — I found the following, which I offer to the public gratis, it being all it is worth. I had understood from some publication or other, that it was a nice piece of economy to plant the eyes only of potatoes, and give the hearts to the pigs. Knowing well, too, that a farmer 218 Potatoe Disease. [April, who would wish to thrive, must save all he can and waste noth- ing, I thought it was a piece of economy worth attending to, I therefore fed the hearts to the pigs, and I suppose they did the beasts some good — the dissertations of some writers to the con- trary notwithstanding. It struck rae, however, that though po- tatoes would grow from eyes, and that hearts would fat pigs, whether these same hearts might not be more valuable as afford- ing nutriment to the young shoots of the potatoes than the pigs. I therefore w-eighed two pounds, and after cutting the eyes out, planted them in four hills — the eyes and hearts being equal in weight — each one pound. Four other hills I planted with two pounds of potatoes, cut in the ordinary way, eye and heart to- gether ; and also, four other hills with two pounds planted whole, and on raising them in the fall, and w'eighing the crop, the eyes, without heart, weighed fourteen pounds and a half ; eye and heart, cut, twenty-seven pounds. They were all of the same variety — pink-eyes. The ground was equally good, and though the season was too dry, they all fared alike. Four hills •of the red potatoes, planted in the same ground, and of the same weight, yielded but thirteen pounds. The experiment is on a small scale, but it is sufficient to prove to me, that the taking the plants from the cuttings, is robbing them of that which neither enriches the pigs much, but makes the cuttings poor indeed. This experiment also serves to show that whether potatoes are cut or planted whole, the difference is of no consequence. What is gained by cutting, would not pay for the labor. As to the red potatoes, I must confess I was beat — why they should give only half as liberally as their neighbors, the pink eyes, I know^ not. I knew long since, as every one knows, that some kinds of potatoes are much more prolific than others; the worst for eating, being generally the greatest bearers. POTATO DISEASE. Friend Emmons: — Agreeably to thy request, I now propose to give thee some account of my observations on the potato disease, and the conclusions which I have drawn therefrom. When the disease first made its appearance in my crop, I be- came satisfied that its nature was such that unless a remedy could be found it would eventually destroy that valuable esculent. I therefore noticed it at every stage of its pi-ogress, in order, if pos- sible, to ascertain its cause, and soon found that the vines were affected before the tubers, that the leaves first began to curl as if they had been in contact with fire, and in a short time the stocks became affected and dried up, long before the usual time for them 1847.] Potato Disease. 219 to be ripe. This suggested the idea that the disease was atmo- spheric. When I dug my potatoes, I found that the part of the tuber attached to the vine \vas affected before the opposite end, which showed that the disease was communicated from the vine; other observations confirmed me in the conclusion, that the disease was atmospheric. My next inquiry was, what is there in the atmosphere to pro- duce this efTect? A little consideration pointed me to its oxygen, M'hich is known to chemists as the great agent of decay. But here an objection arose; for if oxygen was the cause, why had it not produced this effect long ago. This was a question, that for a time I was unable to solve to my satisfaction. At first the idea suggested itself, that the plant had deteriorated, and become weak, and unable to bear the effects of the oxygen as well as formerly, and that it would be necessary to raise a new plant from the seed. Accordingly I saved some balls for that purpose, when I learned that the experiment had been tried without any beneficial result, in districts where the disease had existed for some time. I was now more fully satisfied that oxygen was the cause of the disease, but could not account for all the phenomena attending it, except on the supposition of an excess of that principle. At leno-th in perusing Leibig's Agricultural Chemistry and Physiology, 1 found that he stated as a fact that oxygen had been known to have been on the increase for a thousand yeais, and at the present time it was in considerable excess. This I considered a confirmation of the correctness of my conclusions in regard to the subject, and still consider it to be so. And such observations as I have been able to make since that time, all tend to establish my theory. I also noticed that many other things were affected, by what seemed to me to be the same disease. Several kinds of fruit, and forest trees particularly, the Quercus alba, or white oak, among the latter, the lower leaves of which (and especially those that stood in the open field, where by the free circulation of air, a larg-e amount of oxygen came in contact with them,) presented indica- tions of disease, about the middle of the 8th month, (August,) si- milar to that of the potato plant. The outer ends of the petals of the apple, plum, and quince blossoms turned brown, even while hanging on the trees. A circumstance which I believe has not happened until within a few years. Having thus become satished of the cause of the disease, my next inquiry was, by what means can it be prevented? And here my attention was turned to quick lime, knowing it to be one of the greatest absorbents of oxygen in nature. I thought that this article thrown on or about the potato vines while growing, would so absorb the oxygen, as to take off the excess and prevent its de- leterious effects. This idea I mentioned to one of my friends, he 220 Potato Disease. [April, tried the experiment with good success. I intended to have made the trial myself last season, but lime was not to be had short of sixteen miles, and being called from home at the time the experi- ment should have been made, I did not make it until after my re- turn, when it was too late in the season to produce its full eifect; but still I procured and used it, and my potato vines were kept green some two weeks longer than those of my neighbors, and when I dug my potatoes they were but little affected, being gene- rally good and sound. As a further confirmation of the correctness of the theory, I have had the boldness to advance, I may mention the following circum- stances, namely. Two of my friends complained to me that their gooseberries had been entirely destroyed for several years, by a disease in the form of a blight or mildew. It occurred to me that the cause was the same as that which produced the disease in the potato plant, and I advised them to throw lime on them; they did so, with entire success. The ibllowing circumstance will show the effect of lime on fruit trees. A friend of mine from Ulster county, informed me that a neighbor of his had a fine row of plum trees, which blossomed well every year, but bore no fruit. He thought the failure was caused by insects, and for the purpose of destroying them, threw fine lime over the trees while they were in blossom; the result was, he had to brace up his trees to prevent their being broken down by the excessive crop of fruit. I would therefore recommend that farmers should use dry fine lime on their potatoes as soon as they are fairly out of the ground, and again after hoeing; the lime will not be lost, if it does no good to the crop, it will enrich the land; but I think its good effects as a remedy for the disease will be apparent, and it will cost but little to make the trial. Thus far I have considered the disease in its effects on the po- tato while growing in the field, I will now consider it in its effects on the potato after being taken from the ground. I have noticed that when potatoes were dug early and put into an upper room, or in a cellar, a considerable part of which is above ground, where a candle would burn clearly, (thereby denoting the presence of much oxygen,) they would decay, wdiile those which were placed in a close dark cellar immediately after digging, have kept well. Last winter a person in Albany requested me to bring him ten bushels of Carter potatoes, I did so; they were, as far as I could discover, entirely free from disease. About two weeks afterwards I saw him, when he told me that they were rotting; I replied they were sound when I brought them, which he acknow- ledged. 1 saw him again in about two weeks, when he told me that on examining them, he found that only those that were on the outside of the h(.'ap (as they were laid on the basement floor,) 1847.] Mode of Feeding Cattle. 221 were affected, and that on observing the circumstance, he hud them taken up and put into barrels, and that now they kept welh My practice is, to get my potatoes into the cellar as soon after they are dug as may well be, not leaving them to be affected by the influence of the atmosphere. I have thus given my views on this interesting subject, hoping that it" they should not be found to be correct, in eveiy respect, they may lead to more correct discoveries from abler and more scientific persons. In conclusion, I would recommend that those engaged in agriculture, should make the experiment here proposed, and such others as their minds may suggest, in order, if possible, to attain to a correct knowledge of the disease and its cause, so that a remedy may be found. A'ery Respectfullv, CORNELIUS CHASE. Chatham, Columbia county, JV. Y., 1847. ON THE BEST MODE OF FEEDING CATTLE. BY PROFESSK JOHNSTON. The following is the substance of a lecture delivered at Inver- ness, before the Highland Society of Scotland. After a few pre- liminary observations, the lecturer observed — That he appeared before the meeting as the representative of the Agricultural Chemistry Association of Scotland. They had all heard of that Association, and many of them were members of it. The object of the Association in having this meeting was two- fold. Every one, acquainted with the state of agriculture in dif- ferent parts of Great Britain, cannot have failed to observe certain practices in operation, in various parts, of which agriculturists in general might profitably avail themselves. By going into differ- ent counties, they found practical men possessed of knowledge, the diffusion of which would be of the greatest possible advantage to the general mass of the agricultural community. Now, the purpose of the Agricultural Chemistry Association had in view — in connection with these general observations — was to collect all the information in their power, through their officers or organs, or through meetings such as this; and, having collected that knowl- edge, their next great object is to diffuse it in such a way as to be productive of the most beneficial results to agriculture in general. Like scattering seed through their fields, the diffusion of that knowledge would produce vegetation in spring, and fruit in autumn, and the more liberal the deposit, the more abundant, the return. They were here met together, consequently, in posses- 222 Mode of Feeding Cattle. [April, sion of a mass of knowledge in regard to the objects of the As- sociation, so that the Agriculturists present might aid them in the diffusion of knowledge. In selecting topics for discussion at these meetings, they looked at the character of the country, and en- quired of practical men in the district what topics were best suited for the purpose of affording useful information; and as the ques- tion of the use of prepared food for cattle was one of very general interest in this as well as in other parts of the country, it was to form the first subject of this morning's conversation. The second subject, on the other hand, being one rather pastoral than agri- cultural, had a direct bearing upon questions of great interest to the farmers of Southerlandshire, and in other districts around In- verness, and in this respect was peculiarly appropriate. In refer- ence to the first question — the feeding of cattle — no district in the island was more interested than this. He could not tell them how much stock was shipped from Inverness last year, but he trusted Dr. Nicol, or some other gentleman, would be able to furnish them with information on the subject. He believed however, it was to a very large amount indeed; and he had no doubt but it was in- creased since by the greater facilities of communication with the London and other markets. As a cattle importing district there- fore, the extension of sound information in regard to the economi- cal use of food, must be of the very greatest importance; that is in what way they could grow the greatest amount of beef or mut- ton at the least possible expense. This he was prepared to show was to be affected by the use of certain mixed food, and prepared food. An individual going from one end of the country to another to observe the state of agriculture, will look not merely at the kind of stock, but he will more particularly observe the imple- ments of husbandry in use throughout the various districts. In order therefore, to form an estimate of the degree of attention paid to this matter of prepared food in England, on his visit to Newcastle at the great cattle-show recently held there, he turned his attention particularly to the examination of the implements ex- hibited having a bearing upon this point. Amongst these he found chaff-cutters, a peculiar machine for crushing corn and other seeds, and other instruments; all showing how much regard was being paid to this subject by practical men. There was no doubt but that the subject of the quantity of food which cattle require to produce a certain weight of beef wasbegining to attract general attention; but before he entered upon the few points which he meent to notice in connection with this question, perhaps it would be neccessary to explain shortly the general composition of food. In all kinds of bread there were contained three different kinds of matter. First of all there was a certain quantity of fat, which the butter they ate represented; secondly, there was a certain amount 1847.] Mofh of Feeding Cattle. 223 of sugar; and then there was besides the third constituent, which was represented by the white of an egg. Now it was of the very greatest importance what description of food was used, and what proportion it contained of these three kinds of matter, as bearing upon the purpose it was intended to serve. Cattle had in their bo(hes diU'erent kinds of matter, also, but particularly flesh and fat; and the farmer should be sufficiently acquainted with the nature of food, to be able to distinguish what lie should use when he wished to produce fat, or when he wished to produce fat and lean both together; and the food which was given would eifect the one or the other of those purposes, according to its composition. The white of an egg or albumen would supply nothing, or nearly so, to the animal but muscle. The fat went directly to form fat. The starch in food kept the body warm, and, when fat was wanted, served the purpose of making the oily matter more readily become fat in the body of the animal. Now, in fattening cattle, as in everything else, using the proper means produced the proper effects; and after the explanation which he had given, they would see at once that a mixture of food was better than the use of one kind alone. If they wanted to lay on muscle, they w^ould feed with food containing the largest amount of gluten; and if they wanted to lay on the fat, they would give starch and oily substances, and only a small propor- tion of the other ingredient. Selecting food in any other way would not serve the purpose they had in view in the most econo- mical way. He had a table representing the different proportions of fat in the food which they were in the habit of using; but he would illustrate what he had to say by a few simple illustrations. Wheat contained two percent of fat, and sometimes a little more; but oats contained sometimes from four to five per cent, or about double the amount w^hich was to be found in wheat. Oats were next to Indian corn in this respect, the latter of which they were aware contained a large amount of fat. Gluten was the matter out of which the muscle was produced, and there was more of that substance in the bean or the pea, than in the oat; but the oat was better than wheat. But there was another kind of food used for fattening cattle, namely, oilcake, which contained a greater amount of fat than the same weight of any other kind of grain. Linseed, from which oilcake is made, differed from other descriptions of grain, in containing a greater amount of fat, and a larger amount of gluten likewise, with the exception of the bean. Now, practi- cal men have derived great advantage from feeding their cattle on oil seeds; that food, from the peculiarity of its composition, laying on fat and muscle at the same time. Oilcake, however, w^as the best food, only when the greatest amount of fat was required; and, according to the purpose which they had in view, farmers would 224 Mode of Feeding Cattle. [April, give their cattle other descriptions of food. It was a remarkable circumstance, that the bean and pea contained very little fat, and as the wheels of the animal system required to be greased, these kinds of grain would not serve for that purpose, although they contained what made muscle. Although beans and peas were good food, therefore, they were not good as the sole food of ani- mals. Besides, they would observe, that from their different con- stituents, plenty of oil seeds, and plenty of beans and peas, would be far more profitable than if they were to give either of them singly. That was the principle upon which the use of mixed food was founded — to give all the substances the animal required, and to gtve them at the cheapest rate; and the researches of the sci- entific man were directed to discovering the means by which these objects could be best accomplished. He had selected oil seeds, but he might have taken potatoes or turnips for his illustration. He had taken the oil seeds, however, because very great attention had been recently directed to the value of those seeds in the feed- ing of stock, and to the culture of flax, which they knew was ad- vancing with great rapidity in the neighboring country of Ireland, and which was even progressing in England at a great rate. He might mention a remarkable fact connected with the improvement of the flax cultivation in Ireland, that a society which was estab- lished for the encouragement of that cultivation, and which had its seat in Belfast, had an annual revenue of between ^£2,000 and JE3,000; while the income of the Royal Agricultural Association of Ireland was less than one-half of that sum. From the progress the cultivation of flax was making in Ireland, it was very deserv- ing of attention by those who thought a change in the rotation of crops would be useful in other parts of the country. The person who had most directed his attention, practically, to the effects of feeding stock with mixed food, and to feeding on linseed, was Mr. Warnes, of Frimlingham, Norfolk, and he (Professor J.) would point out to them the principles on which he proceeded; and they were sound scientific principles. He commenced by boiling the linseed in water until it formed a kind of jelly; then he stirred in a quantity of cut straw and chaff, and crushed corn. The mixture was then poured into moulds, and afterwards served to the cattle, Avarm, which they liked remarkably well. With this food the cattle throve, and acquired beef in an extraordinary manner. By this system of feeding, Mr. Warnes said he could compete with any man, whether foreigner or not, as he could send cattle to Smithfield for 4|d. per lb., and pay him an ample return; and in illustration of this, he gives the results of two experiments, which he would read to the meeting, and which were as follows: — Since he followed out box-feeding, he knew not a single in- stance where he had not realized £S for every head of cattle he je22 10 0 13 0 0 30 0 0 11 0 0 1847.] Mode rf Feeding Caltle. 225 had kept for six months. At the farm where he now resided, he had reared for market the following cattle, after only six months' box-feeding: — 7 Durham steers, cost .£8 10s. each, sold for .£19 10s. each, £77 0 0 6 Scotch steers cost ^£19 each, sold for £22 10s. each, 85 0 0 1 Cow cost £b 5s., sold for ^£15, - - - 9 15 0 4 Scottish steers cost £10 each, sold for £20 each, 40 0 0 £201 15 0 The above cattle were bought in and disposed of within six months. They consumed, with the following now in herd, nine- teen acres of turnips, about fourteen quarters of linseed, and a few bushels of barley-meal, with several acres of pea-straw: 3 Durham heifers, estimated value above the cost price, ------- 2 Irish steers, ------ 5 Small steers and heifers, - - - - 3 Calves, and butter from two cows, - - - £76 10 0 Deduct from 14 quarters of linseed, mostly grown upon the farm, £35, also for barley, £4, - - 39 0 0 £37 10 0 In reference to Mr. Warnes's experiments, too, it is to be ob- served that the value of the manure was very much increased in comparison with that derived from the ordinary method of feeding. But, besides this, there was another method of feeding of which he would speak from personal observation, and which he had wit- nessed in the neighborhood of Northallerton. He went to that place because he had heaid that Mr. Marshall was keeping double the amount of stock, with the same quantity of turnips, that he had been in the habit of doing only two years ago; the other food used being ground oats, barley, rye, and ok! beans, and chop- ped hay, instead of straw at times; but the cattle did best with the straw. Hearing, as he had stated, that Mr. Marshall kept double (he stock upon the same amount of turnips, by his system of feeding, he (Protessor Johnston,) was very anxious to see the mode of carrying his system into operation, and w^ent down to Yorkshire for that purpose. There he saw about 200 head of cattle feeding, a portion of which was sold off every week, and their places supplied by others. What struck him as very re- markable, was the state of absolute rest in which he found the cattle. There was not a single beast upon its legs; no motion Vol. V. No. 12., 15 226 Mode of Feeding Cattle. [April. was observed, which, they were aware, was a circumstance favor- able for tattening. In connection with this subject he got the following information, and in order that they might fully under- stand it, he would present it in a tabular form. It was as fol- lows: Linseed, 2 lbs., boiled for 3 hours in 4 gallons water. Cut straw, 10 lbs Ui^ed with jelly. Growing corn, 5 lbs. \ ■' •' To be given in two messes, alternately with two feeds of Sweedes. Now, the mode in which the linseed was boiled was of considera- ble consequence. In the fust place it was boiled for three hours. The jelly was then poured upon crushed grain and cut straw, much in the same manner in which a man made mortar, being mixed together with a shovel and allowed to stand for an hour. It was then stirred again, and after a lapse of two hours it was given to the cattle in a hot state, and the result was, that if the animals are fed regularly on this kind of food and turnips alternately, they re- main in a state of extraordinary quiet. They become exceeding- ly fond of it, and cominance bellovving whenever they hear their neighbors being served before them selves. The practice was to give them a meal of the linseed mixture at six in the morning, turnips at ten, another mess of linseed in the afternoon, and turnips again in the evening. When he saw them first in the morning, it was after they had got their mess, and he was much astonished to see them, on visiting them on the second occasion, when they were all on the qui vim for their meal. Two things were to be observed in regard Id this system of feeding — firs^, that it consisted, in addition to turnips, of a mixture of grain, straw and linseed in certain quantities, given hot; and the resalt was double the amount of stock kept on the same amount of land. The proportion of turnips which could be grown upon a farm usually determined the amount of stock a man might keep; and, if by an improve- ment in the system of feeding, the quantity of cattle could be doubled, by turning the money twice instead of once within a year, the farmer would obtain double the profit. But this was not the only advantage; he would double the manure which he made at the same time, which would contribute very much to the fer- tility of his land; he being enabled, by the use of this linseed, to return more than he took out of it. The proportion of the food had other important consequences in regard to manuring the soil. The crushing of the grain and seeds, by reducing them to the minutest particles, macle the substances of which they were com- posed more easily assimilated to the food of plants, and made it better ma lure, because of the extremo division which it had under- gone. Now% they would observe that, by having this large adiii- tional amount of manure, they would get larger crops, and intro- 1847.] Mode of Feeding Cattle. 227 duce a system which would go on annually increasing the amount of their produce, and consequently the amount of their profits. This would enable them to farm higher, and, by farming high, they would keep that place which, he was sure, they now occu- pied in the history of the world. He would likewise direct their attention to the use of linseed, and the preparation of food, as being of great value in keeping working animals in good condi- tion; but on this point he would not detain them by giving a special detail of facts, as the same general principles apjjlied in the one case which applied in the other. As he had occupied thj attention of the meeting at considerable length, he would conclude for the present, reserving any additional remarks which he had to make, and the replies to any questions which the company might think he could usefully answer, until after the general discussion was ended. REMARKS ON THE FORMATION OF CRYSTALS OF ARGENTIFEROUS GALENA, BY SUBLIMATION. BY C. T. JACKSON. At the meeting of the American Association of Geologists and Naturalists at Boston, New Haven and New York, I proposed to account for the origin of several metalliferous veins, by sublima- tion of their ores or constituents. In favor of this theory, I men- tioned that a considerable loss was sustained in smelting lead ores, owing to the evaporation of the s jlphuret of lead at the temperature required for its redaction; and called the attention of geologists to the quantities of sulphuret of lead which rise in the chimneys of smelting works, and to the particles of sulphuret of lead which fall on the roofs of the buildings, and on the surrounding soil. It was ascertained by Berthier, that when galena is kept fused in a crucible, lined with charcoal, in which the reduction of the lead could not take place, a considerable portion of the galena was ac'aally lost by sublimation. It is also known, that although silver is regarded as fixed in the fire, and does not volatilize when exposed for weeks to the heat of a porcelain furnace, it is partial- ly sublimed with the vapor of lead in the process of cupellation ; and that the last portions of litharge blown over, contains a notable proportion of silver. It appears probable, that argentiferous galena is also volatile unrler certain circumstances; and from some phenomena which I observed at the Shelburne mines, and in the crystals of lead ore which I have examined, it would seem that the origin of those 228 Crystals of Argentiferous Galena. [April, veins and crystals can be demonstrated to have arisen from vapor of the ore. A cavern was struck by the miners, at the depth of about twenty feet, and the walls of this crevice were found to be covered with crystals of argentiferous galena, associated with brown spar and quartz. The crystal of argentiferous galena are in the forms of octahedra, having their solid angles replaced by single planes, and rhombic dodecahedra with their surfaces rounded and dimmed by decrystallization, or by irregular deposits of minute particles of the ore . There are also some cubic crystals which have their surfaces much altered, and their angles effaced or blunted, and which present depressions in the planes of the cube, as if the ore had sunk, in a semi-fluid state, into a cavity. Some of the crystals exhibit the most decisive proof of their ingenious origin, and have undergone a sort of eliquation, the in- terior of its mass having flowed out, and left the exterior crust in the form which the crystal originally assumed on cooling of its surface. Some of these crystals are somewhat larger (hat a hen's egg, and form very beautiful specimens to illustrate the origin of the ore, and would ornament the cabinet of a mineralogist. We may suppose that the cavern in which the crystals occur, was originally filled with molten galena, and that the ore ran out from it into other crevices, and left the cooled and crystallized ore on the walls; or that an open crevice allowed the vapor of lead ore to sublime into the chamber, and that the crystals were deposited on its surface by their cooling action. The appearance of the walls seem to indicate the latter theory «s the most reasonable; for the crystals of lead ore were deposit- ed upon the quartz and brown spar crystals, which do not appear to have been bathed in the molten ore. I should assign the same origin to the resplendent octahedral crystals of black cupriferous blende, which are sprinkled over the surface of this cavern, and to the crystals of copper pyrites which are associated with the lead ore. — Boston Journal of JVatural History. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the statements and opinions of the contributers to this journal. We prefer to give the articles of our correspondents in their own words. It is then optionable with us to state our opinions and views or not, or make what we consider corrections. GEORGE DEXTER'S WAREHOUSE OF PHILOSOPHICAL APPARATUS ILLUSTRA- TIVE OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES, NO. 57 STATE STREET, ALBAISY. The Proprietor of Ibis establishment is at all times ready to supply apparatus for Colleges, Academies and Schools in the several depart- ments of experimental philosophy, as Mechanics, Pneumatics, Hydro- statics, Hydraulics, Optics, Astronomy, Electricity, Galvanism, Magnet- ism, and Chemistry : also, Daguerreotype apparatus, together with Dr. Auzou's splendid Anatomical Models of Human Anatomy. ALBANY MEDICAL COLLEGE. The Lecture term of this institution commences the first Tuesday in October, and continues sixteen weeks. Alden March, M. D., on Surgery. James McNaughton, M. D., on Theory and Practice of Medicine. T. Romeyn Beck, M. D., on Materia Medica. Ebenezer Emmons, M. D., on Obstetrics and Natural History. Lewis C. Beck, M. D., on Chemistry. James H. Armsby, M. D., on Anatomy. Thomas Hun, M. D., on the Institutes of Medicine. Amos Dean, Esq., on Medical Jurisprudence. NEW AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL BOOK. PUBLISHED BY ERASTUS H. PEASE, NO. S-2 STATE STREET. Catechism of Agricidiural Chemistry and Gcologij, by Jas. F. W. Johnston, M.A., F.R S., S.L.&E., Honorary Member Roj-al Ag- ricultural Society of England, and author of Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry. From the Hon. Samud Yoiinn-. Secretary of State and Snpermtendir.t of Common Schools of Ike Slate of New York. I liave Ciirefntly examined I lie Calccliisni of Piof 'ssni- Joliiiston, on Acticuliiire 'I In* little w,.|k is the basis nC biuli aijiiciiltur-.il art ai:(l science A kriduled^'i;