THE AMERICAN JOURNAL ANATOMY EDITORIAL BOARD CHARLES R. BARDEEN, University of Wisconsin. HENRY H. DONALDSON, Wistar Institute of Anatomy. THOMAS DWIGHT, Harvard University. JOSEPH MARSHALL FLINT, University of California. SIMON H. GAGH, Cornell University. G. CARL HUBER, University of Michigan. GEORGE S. HUNTINGTON, Columbia University. FRANKLIN P. MALL, Johns Hopkins University. J. PLAYFAIR McMURRICH, University of Michigan. CHARLES S. MINOT, Harvard University. GEORGE A. PIERSOL, University of Pennsylwania. HENRY McH. KNOWER, SECRETARY, Johns Hopkins University. VOLUME VI 1906-1907 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY BALTIMORE, MD., U.S. A. The Lord Baltimore Press BALTIMORE, MD., U.S. A. pep bro eels ie JU TAY VI: Vit; CONTENTS OF: VOLIWE JosePH MarsHaut Frinr. The Development of the Lungs With 4 Plates and 29 Text Figures. GrorcE L. StreeTeR. On the Development of the Mem- branous Labyrinth and the Acoustic and Facial Nerves in the Human Embryo. With 2 Plates and 8 Text ih eunes Benson A. Conor. The Finer Structure of the Glandula Submaxillaris of the Rabbit With 6 Figures. Harry Lewis Wireman. The Relation Between the Cyto- reticulum and the Fibril Bundles in the Heart Muscle Cell of the Chick With 2 Diagrams Ana) 17 Hiswves Basin C. H. Harvey. A Study of the Structure of the Gastric Glands of the Dog and of the Changes Which They Undergo after Gastroenterostomy and Occlusion of the Pylorus set) ay» Shea Ss With 5 Figures. Witsur L. Le Cron. Experiments on the Origin and Dif- ferentiation of the Lens in Amblystoma With 5 Plates. CuHarLes R. BarpEEN. Development and Variation of the Nerves and the Musculature of the Inferior Extremity and of the Neighboring Regions of the Trunk in Man. With 10 Plates and 7 Text Figures. 139 = 167 aebon . 207 . 245 . 259 lv Contents VIII. G. Cart Huser. The Arteriole Recte of the Mammalian Kerdmey. 0 oe ee eke eat ee, ies ie re With 4 Text Figures. IX. J. Piayratr McMurricu. The Phylogeny of the Plantar MimSGubatatels ses. c) oe yee) bk 5 Ms. cee ee With 9 Text Figures. X. Epsren C. Hitt. On the Gross Development and Vascular- imadOrokmtheesbhis:. {2° 3, . 4°.) eee mesos With 14 Text Figures. — XI. Warren Harmon Lewis. Experimental Evidence in Sup- port of the Theory of Outgrowth of the Axis Cylinder. . 461 With 21 Figures. XII. Warren Harmon Lewis. Experimental Studies on the Development of the Eye in Amphibia. III. On the Origin and Differentiation of the Liens. 2 73 55 Ge With 83 Figures. XIII. Cuartes R. Stocxarp. The Embryonic History of the Lens in Bdellostoma Stouti in Relation to Recent EIR PeRIMEMISS eo ek kn. ss. <+ 3s, Seen eg enc With 3 Text Figures. The first four numbers of THe ANAToMIcAL RecorD were issued with this volume of The American Journal of Anatomy. ‘THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN ANATOMISTS, Twenty-first Session, December, 1906, and Twenty-second Session, March, 1907, are in- cluded in Nos. 8 and 4 of the Recorp. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LUNGS. BY JOSEPH MARSHALL FLINT, M.D., Professor of Anatomy in the University of California. (From the Hearst Anatomical Laboratory of the University of California.) WITH 4 PLATES AND 29 TEXT FIGURES. It requires only a cursory inspection of the literature on the lungs to show the unsatisfactory state of our knowledge concerning the develop- ment of these organs. In the first place, the ontogeny and phylogeny of the mammalian lungs have stood in apparent conflict. There are, moreover, few features of their anatomy upon which there is any agree- ment among the various investigators who have contributed to this field. As a reworking ‘of the entire subject has seemed desirable, the author was guided in choosmg the pig, first of all, by the practically unlimited supply of the different embryonic stages and, secondly, by the fact that the artiodactyls possess in well developed form, all of the most discussed types of bronchi. METHODS. For the study of the early stages of the development of the respiratory system, the Born reconstruction method was employed. Fruitful sug- gestions for its use have been obtained from the contributions of Bar- deen and Huber, whose applications of the Born method have been followed in this study. Sections of a series of pigs were cut at 20 micra and stained in hematoxylin and congo red. The reconstructions were made at a magnification of 100 diameters. In order to obtain an ac- curate orientation of the subdivisions of the bronchi, the piling of the plates according to the external form of the lung was controlled by dissections of the lungs of a series of embryos of a corresponding age as those, used for reconstruction after the method suggested by Minot. Liberal use has been made of the various corrosion methods to follow the evolution of the bronchial tree in pigs from 4 cm. to those of adult life. The use of Wood’s metal and of celloidin corrosions gave fruitful results, although the majority of the stages were obtained by the use AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY.—VOL. VI. 2 The Development of the Lungs of celluloid corrosions. For this purpose celluloid is dissolved in ace- tone and injected from aspiration bottles into the lungs through the trachea. Like the cellodin corrosions these were digested or macerated in concentrated hydrochloric acid. The advantage of celluloid over cel- loidin casts lies in the fact that the former, hke Wood’s metal, may be left in the air and handled freely without the disadvantages of the glycerine bath, which often makes it either difficult or impossible to study certain parts of the celloidin preparations. For the study of the development of the respiratory lobules a combination of celluloid and Wood’s metal preparations proved most advantageous. Preparations of the entire embryonic !ung cleared in oil of cloves were also found ser- viceable as control preparations for the reconstructions. They are, how- ever, of doubtful value save for this purpose as the young dorsal and ventral buds on the stem bronchus are almost invisible until they have reached a considerable size. The organogenesis was followed in a series of stained sections from embryos and lungs hardened in Zenker’s fluid and stained by Mallory’s method. At the period of birth the alveoli were distended by injecting them, under low pressure, with Zenker’s fluid, thus obviating the obscure and uncertain pictures which are obtained when the lung is collapsed and contracted. In following the development of the epithelium, the well-known silver nitrate method has been used. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE. To von Baer, 28, we are indebted for the first description of the de- development of the pulmonary apparatus. In the chick it consists of two small hollow swellings about the middle of the head gut, which ap- pear on the third day. These projections give rise to the lungs, while the hollow cavities represent the rudiments of the bronchi although the trachea up to this time is unformed. On the fourth day the lungs, still in connection with the «esophagus, he more ventralwards, but the bronchi in growing backwards have dilated into small sacs. Anteriorly, however, the bronchi join each other at an acute angle and terminate in a short canal, the anlage of the trachea which communicates with the ceso- phagus behind the pharynx. These observations were amplified by the work of Remak, 55, Selenka, 66, Gotte, 67, and especially His, 68, who be- lieves the larynx and trachea arise from a ventral groove in the head gut. Caudalwards, this structure has two lateral projections representing the rudiments of the bronchi which are bilateral and paired in contra- distinction to the unpaired anlage of the larynx and trachea. Less in Joseph Marshall Flint 3 accordance with our modern ideas on the development of the lungs are the papers of Rathke, 28, and Seessel, 77, while more recent contributions are those of Fischelis, 85, and Kastschenko, 87. The work of the latter has been especially emphasized by Weber and Buvignier, 03, who support his views on the serial homology of the lungs with the branchial pouches. They believe, from their work on the duck, that in birds as well as mammals the anlage of the lungs are paired derivatives of the respiratory tube. The lungs, therefore, while not representing actually existing branchial pouches, indicate the reappearance of endodermic evaginations of the head gut which has carried gills among the ancestors of vertebrates. The study of the development of the amphibian and reptilian lung was taken up somewhat later when Rathke, 39, in Coluber natrix de- scribed its appearance from paired projections from the head gut. He states that’ the right lung increases in size until it is larger than the stomach while the left remains, in consequence of regressive changes, as a slight appendix of the trachea. Baumann, o2, in Tropidonotus natrix confirms these observations of Rathke by finding the right lung is three times larger than the left in an embryo 3 mm. long, while at 5 mm. it is some forty times larger. But he is inclined to believe, however, that the discrepancy in size is due to arrested development of the left lung sac rather than a true regressive process. Betrachians were studied by Remak, 55, who found the first rudiments as paired buds from the head gut passing laterally and caudally, while Gétte, 75, describes the origin of the lungs in Anura from endodermal projections imme- diately behind the last branchial pouch. Gé6tte, in Anura, suggested the possibility of transformed branchial pouches taking part in the formation of the lungs, before Kastschenko described the origin of the avian lung from the respiratory tube. Naturally, the observations of Gotte, like those of Kastschenko, are supported by Weber and Buvig- nier, 03, while Gétte, 04, himself, more recently reaffirms that theory. Greil, 05, however, who also worked on Anurans comes to the opposite conclusion from these investigators. Primitively the lungs appear, ac- cording to Greil, in the form of two bilaterally symmetrical grooves in the ventral wall of the heat gut about the time the first four gill pouches are formed. The fifth and sixth pouches appear later and are separated from the lung anlage by an appreciable space which is greater than the interval between the individual pouches. He concludes, therefore, that the gill pouches have nothing whatever to do with the formation of the lungs. In subsequent stages the pulmonary grooves deepen and are covered with a thickened splanchnopleure to form the primitive lung sac. 4 The Development of the Lungs Between these structures a transverse gutter appears, while the portion of the head gut anterior to this, produced by the narrowing of its lateral walls, forms a longitudinally placed laryngo-tracheal groove, which gives rise to the trachea and larynx. The separation from the cesophagus then begins at the caudal extremity and proceeds forwards. Among the earlier investigators there was an apparent unanimity of opinion that the subsequent differentiation of the amphibian and reptil- ian lung was due to a centripetal ingrowth of septa from the lung wall dividing and subdividing the primitive lung cavity into a series of smaller peripheral spaces. Furthermore, as early as the middle of the last century Leydig, 57, taught that the complicated lungs of the higher vertebrates represented a complex of a series of simpler lungs, or, in other words, that the infundibulum of the mammalian lung might be compared with an entire frog’s lung with its parietal alveoli. Miller, 93, in a compara- tive study of the reptilian, avian, and mammalian lung, states that the complexity of the reptilian lung is due to a system of septum formation while the process of budding plays a secondary réle. In the avian lung, however, budding becomes more important and septum formation is secondary. Thus Miller looked upon the avian lung as a transition stage between the reptilian lung with its septum formation and the mammalian lung produced by the budding process. In an extensive study of the dried lungs of adult reptiles Milani, 94, 97, emphasizes the importance of septum formation for the differen- tiation of the pulmonary apparatus as one ascends the animal scale. The formation and enlargement of primary septa upon the dorsal and ventral walls of the lung cavity which extend horizontally from the median to the lateral wall of the lung as well as the further subdivision of these spaces by secondary septa is responsible for the gradual evolution of the complex from the simple lung. Ever since the work of Kolliker, 79, the architecture of the mammalian lung has unanimously been conceeded by all who have worked upon the embryonic stages to rest upon a process of centrifugal budding. The centripetal formation of septa, apparently, plays no part in its evolution. There has been, therefore, a great gap between the developmental pro- cesses in the reptilian, amphibian, and avian lung, on the one hand, and the mammalian lung on the other, for, as Gegenbaur has pointed out, ontogeny and phylogeny have apparently stood in conflict, as the pul- monary apparatus in the ancestors of the mammals was produced by a process exactly opposite to that which ontogeny shows is responsible for the growth of the mammalian lung. The first work which has offered us a suitable explanation of this Joseph Marshall Flint 5 apparent discrepancy between the ontogeny and phylogeny of the mam- malian lung is that of Moser, 00, who, in studying the comparative embryology of the respiratory apparatus in vertebrates, comes to the important conclusion that all vertebrate lungs are formed by a common growth process. In birds the respiratory apparatus is developed from a projection of the head gut, and its bronchial system results solely from a process of budding. In reptiles the growth process is exactly like that in birds, namely, by a bronchifugal system of sprouts while the septa are produced by relatively resistant points in the lung wall remain- ing between two of its outgrowing portions. This same method of growth, furthermore, is again repeated in a less localized and more diffuse form in amphibians where it gives rise, in the first place, to the dilated lung cavity, and, later, to the semispherical projections on the peripheral wall of the lung. In amphibia, as in reptilia, septa are formed by more resistant points in the lung wall remaining between two projecting por- tions. Any doubts of Moser’s method or results seem to be effectually silenced by the appearance of Hesser’s, 05, careful and convincing paper on the development of the reptilian lung. MHesser finds the endodermal anlage of the reptilian lung appearing as a fold projecting from the head gut immediately behind the last gill pouch. This separates from the cesopha- gus in a caudocranial direction. From the cranial portion the trachea is formed, while the caudal part gives rise to the bronchi. ‘The latter grow out as long, narrow tubes, at first in a dorsolateral direction, and, later, parallel to the median plane of the embryo. In the lizards, the bronchi begin to widen at the lateral side, making a sharp distinction between the extra-pulmonary bronchus and the future lungs. In species, — however, where there is no extra-pulmonary bronchus, the dilatation affects the whole tube. We have then, at this stage, a respiratory anlage consisting of a long narrow trachea with two narrow bronchi arising from it. These terminate in two enlarged primitive lung sacs. At this point the inner surface of the lung becomes complicated by the more rapid growth of certain portions of the wall of the lungs by a hernia-like pro- duction of buds. This process begins in a cranial portion of the lung and proceeds gradually to its caudal extremity until finally a large num- ber of buds surround the sac. In Tarentola, the most prominent group appears along the dorsal side of the stem bronchus, while the remaining sprouts occupy transverse rows alternating with the dorsal series. While, in lizards, the stem bronchus is dilated, in turtles (with the exception of the caudal end which contains a large lumen) it remains a relatively small tube. The bronchi grow to considerable length before 6 The Development of the Lungs branches appear. These are produced by buds or hernial projections from the wall of the bronchus. Upon the stem bronchus are produced, ac- cording to Hesser, a lateral and medial row of buds, a result in which he is not in accord with Moser, who believes that there are three series, a lateral, ventral, and dorsal. Especially noteworthy is the fact that in land turtles the lateral bronchi form dilated sacs which later grow into wide ducts, while in the sea turtles the buds grow out as small tubes somewhat dilated at the ends. The question of the unequal development of the snake’s lung has re- cently been taken up again by Schmalhausen, 05, who finds in Tropi- donotus natrix an unpaired pulmonary anlage. From its caudal end, appears later the two projections for the lungs, which grow unequally but continuously throughout embryonic life. The enormous overgrowth of the right lung leaves the left as a slight appendix upon it. There is, apparently, no regressive change such as Rathke supposes takes place in Coluber natrix. Schmalhausen’s observations support Baumann’s supposition on this point. More important, however, is a still further confirmation of the work of Moser and Hesser as the lung of Tripido- notus natrix grows not through the development of axipetal septa pro- duction but from an outward budding of the lung wall. In view of these researches of Moser, Hesser, and Schmalhausen, then we may look upon respiratory apparatus of vertebrates as the resultant of a common principle of growth, and, in turning to the consideration of the ontogeny of the mammalian lung, there is good ground for believ- ing that its developmental processes no longer conflict with its phylo- geny. The evolution of the pulmonary system of mammals was first studied by Kolliker, 79, who traced the development of the organ in rabbits. It appears from an unpaired anlage which arises behind the gill pouches. This is produced by longitudinal furrows which separate the head gut into a dorsal and ventral portion from the latter of which the lungs arise, while the former forms the cesophagus. On the tenth day, the lower part widens so that the lung anlage forms a half canal which ends caudalwards in two round depressions. Through a longi- tudinal fissure, the anlage is still in communication with the cesophagus, while both structures are surrounded by a mass of mesoderm. The projections forming the rudiments of the lungs grow rapidly and bend dorsalwards, and, at the same time, the trachea and cesophagus begin to separate. This process starts at the posterior end of the juncture and progresses towards the head. A few years later Uskow, 83, confirmed Kolliker’s observations on the rabbit by finding on the tenth day evidences of separation of the Joseph Marshall Flint 7 head gut into dorsal and ventral portions. From the ventral segment arises the respiratory system, while the dorsal is transformed into the cesophagus. About the level of the sinus venosus, the lungs appear as an unpaired dilatation of the ventral section and, synchronously, the trachea, also unpaired, is developed from the head gut just above it. Although the two structures appear simultaneously, the anlages, according to Uskow, are quite independent. Fol, 84, finds the origin of the lungs in a human embryo 5.6 mm. long as lateral diverticule on the head cut just behind the series of gill pouches. He is inclined to believe with Gotte in the transformation of the last pair of gill pouches which have dis- appeared in the phylogeny of vertebrates into the respiratory apparatus. His, 87, recognized the anlage of the human lung before the flexion of the embryo, that is to say, about the third week. It appears as a groove in the ventral part of the anterior segment of the intestine which becomes flattened just below the Fundus branchiales into a sagittal fissure and divides into an anterior and posterior half. From the former the trachea is formed, while the latter develops into the cesophagus. The respiratory portion begins above as a groove and ends below at the level of the auricles in a widened projection. From the latter, the lungs are evolved, while the former yields the trachea. At first, there is no medial division of the unpaired anlage which, save through the thickness of its epithelial lining, it is difficult to differentiate in the early stages. At the end of the first month the separation of the trachea from the cesophagus, beginning at the caudal extremity and proceeding upwards, is complete. And, as this separation takes place, there is a bilateral division of the anlage, which yields the primitive bronchi. These bend sharply dorsalwards, like a horseshoe, to embrace the cesophagus. The dilated primary lung sacs formed on these divisions are asymmetrical, the cause of which is probably to be sought in the first anlage of the lungs, which, according to His, does not show bilateral symmetry. Up to this time Kélliker, Uskow, and His have agreed in their observations that the respiratory apparatus of mammals is derived from an unpaired anlage, but Willach, 88, in following the pulmonary system - of the mole believes the trachea arises from an unpaired anlage, while the lungs originate as paired structures. The asymmetry of the anlage according to Willach is probably responsible for the greater development of the right over the left lung. In rats and mice, the process of develop- ment as described by Robinson, 89, agrees, in general, with the results obtained by His, Kélliker, and Uskow. Stoss, 92, and Bonnet, 92, in the study of sheep give results which accord with the findings of Uskow and Kolliker in rabbits, while Minot, 92, in his account of the evolution 8 The Development of the Lungs of the pulmonary system in man, differs from His in looking upon the first anlage as symmetrical. Its subsequent asymmetry Minot believes is due to the unequal development of the heart. In sheep, Nicholas and Dimitrova, 97, find by the reconstruction method in an embryo of 5 mm. the main bronchi resulting not from a bifurcation of the primitive pulmonary projection, but as asymmetrical buds on its lateral face. Later stages, 7-9 mm., show an exaggeration of the precocious asymmetry as the right side is considerably more developed than the left, and the two primitive bronchi with the trachea form an inverted T. Narath, o1, followed the development of the lungs in rabbits and guinea pigs. In the latter, the development begins as a lateral flattening of the head gut just under the Fundus branchiales. This process con- tinues until the lumen of the head gut forms a sagittal fissure just above the lower anlage, which, as it passes upwards, soon resumes its rhom- boidal form. The ventral groove deepens and thickens, while, at the same time, the dorsal groove becomes narrower. Lungs and trachea arise from the ventral, while the dorsal part yields the cesophagus. Somewhat later a longitudinal furrow separates the two and the pro- jection at the most caudal portion of the ventral groove, forming the first unpaired anlage of the lungs, shows a slight asymmetry as the right side is somewhat larger than the left. The lung anlage increases in size, ventrally, but even more markedly to the right and left. These two outgrowths, the anlage of the bronchi, show different relationships, as the right bends dorsally and caudally, while the left remains practi- cally transverse. About this time begins the separation of the trachea from the cesophagus, which proceeds in a caudocephalic direction until the mesoderm surrounding the lung sacs not only projects into the cavity of the ccelom, but also passes in and separates the respiratory from the digestive portion of the head gut. The end of the lung sacs dilate, while still maintaining a marked asymmetry and, as this takes place, they ex- tend dorsalward and embrace the cesophagus. In the development of the cat’s and rabbit’s lung, the transformation in general agrees with the conditions in the guinea pig so that Narath finds himself in accord with the earlier researches of Ko6lliker and Uskow, who also worked on the latter animal. Somewhat later Weber and Buvignier, 03, in a com- parative study of the origin of the lungs, especially in Muinopterus Schreibersii, followed, by the reconstructive method, the lateral flatten- ing of the post branchial region of the head gut. They describe a bran- chial crest, which descends from the last pair of gill pouches and ter- minates just before reaching the region in which the pulmonary appa- Joseph Marshall Flint 9 ratus appears. The latter is formed from two asymmetrical thickenings of the lateral wall of the head gut, the left of which appears first in an embryo with 18 primitive vertebrae a little- below and ventralwards to the last trace of the branchial crest. A constructive process, which these authors hypothecate, isolates the entire ventral segment of the head gut carrying with it the rudimentary lungs and extending as far cephalad as the last gill pouches. Weber and Buvignier obviously abandon the idea of the primitive unpaired anlage described by Kolliker, Uskow, and His, and with it the conception of a pulmonary groove formed syncro- nously with or before the lungs. Thus, the trachea is post-pulmonary in origin and is formed by this constructive process involving the ventral part of the head gut in the region behind the gill pouches. Like Gotte in Anura, Kastschenko in the chick, and Fol in man, Weber and Buvig- nier look upon the pulmonary apparatus as diverticule of the head gut serially homologous with gill puoches. Very briefly Blisnianskaja, 04, describes the paihes of the human lung as a projection in the ventral portion of the foregut, which, in an embryo of 4.5 mm., shows by two lateral grooves the beginning separa- tion of the respiratory from the digestive system. At this stage, how- ever, the two systems are still in open communication. It is apparent that here is a practical unanimity of opinion among those who have contributed to our knowledge of the development of the mammalian lung as to the nature of the anlage and the process by which the primitive lung sacs are produced. Slight differences of opinion may be explained by the nature of the material and the methods by which the different observers have worked. Fol, who believes in a_ paired anlage for the human lung, studied an embryo somewhat older than the specimens of His and Blsnianskaja, while Weber and Buvignier and Willach, with this single exception, stand alone in regarding mammalian respiratory apparatus as arising from primitively paired structures. In turning, on the other hand, to the consideration of the organogenetic pro- cesses by which the bronchial tree is produced not only are few authors in accord, but, also, there is scarcely a chapter in the whole of embryology in which we find so many different opinions based apparently upon objective work. It will be wise, therefore, to consider briefly first the results which have been obtained by the different contributors to this chapter on the development of the lungs, and then attempt to make therefrom a fair statement of our knowledge of the architecture and origin of the bronchial tree at the present time. Before the appearance of Aeby’s paper we had no general conceptions concerning the architecture of the bronchial tree. According to the cur- 10 The Development of the Lungs rent belief, as he himself points out, the division of the bronchi was dichotomous. Little of the origin, the relations, and mode of division of the bronchi was known and even less of the significance of the lobes either to each other or to the species in which they were found. Aeby, 80, graphically describes the darkness which surrounded our knowledge of the lung and blames the widely-accepted dogma of dichotomy for the condition. It is noteworthy, however, how the few objective investigators whose publications immediately preceded Aeby’s also held his conception of the growth process of the tree. Among the first of these was Kiittner, 76, who followed certain stages of the growth of the bronchi in the older stages of cow embryos and described the method of their proliferation as undivided from the end, that is to say, monopodial. From the stems of the bronchi, he says, lateral buds appear having their axes directed at right angles to the mother bronchus. By the subsequent rapid growth of these branches the monopodial character of the division is lost and an apparent dichotomy ensues. A year later Cadiat, 77, in sheep embryos measuring 12-15 mm. and upwards finds the trachea and main bronchi already well formed and describes the growth process as occurring not from the dilated ampullae at the end of the bronchi but rather from lateral outgrowths from their walls. In a slightly different way Stieda, 78, who also used sheep embryos supplemented by rabbits, came to prac- tically the same conclusion. In the year preceding Aeby’s publication, Kolliker, 79, describes the ap- pearance of secondary branches upon the primitive lung sacs in rabbits on the 12th day, when the stem bronchus of each lung has three pro- jections. From this period the subdivisions become so numerous that it is difficult to follow them step by step, but, in general, the first branches pass dorsalwards and lateralwards. This branching, according to K6l- liker, occurs from hollow buds or projections from the epithelial tube which multiply rapidly until each lung consists of a small tree of hollow canals with swollen terminal buds. From these citations it is of course obvious that the idea of monopody was not new at the time Aeby wrote, and so the ignorance of the times concerning the architecture of the pulmonary tree was not, as Aeby sup- posed, so much due to the dogma of dichotomy as to the lack of a thorough piece of objective research such as he himself attempted to supply. And while many of his conclusions may find no place in our final con- ceptions concerning the structure of the lung, still they must always re- ceive the credit of having furnished us with a working hypothesis by the aid of which the problem might be attacked by objective methods. His suggestive appeal to embryologists, of which His, 87, speaks later, Joseph Marshall Flint 11 indicates his belief in the final solution of the question through embryo- logical investigations. An interesting parallel, in a more limited way, might be drawn between the effects of Aeby’s stimulating paper and the energetic investigations in the field of experimental biology which followed the annunciation of Weismann’s views on heredity. Aeby abandoned entirely any idea of dichotomy and substituted in its place a strict monopodial explanation of the arrangement of the branches of the bronchial tree. Each lung, according to this author, possesses a stem bronchus which forms its axis and leaves the lung at the hilum to fuse with its mate on the opposite side as they join the trachea. Of great importance is the relationship which the pulmonary vessels, especially the arteries, bear to the bronchial tree. The veins run in front of the bronchi, the arteries behind, as the latter are forced in leaving the heart to cross over the large air passages to reach their place. This crossing occurs near the upper end of the stem bronchus and divides the tree into two distinct segments of different importance. These are termed epar- terial and hyparterial, according to their position with reference to the point where the pulmonary arteries cross the bronchi. The arrangement of lateral bronchi is throughout typical and regular. Few occur in the eparterial while most are in the hyparterial zone. The former may be absent, but the latter are always present. The hyparterial systems of both lungs are symmetrical, but the eparterial systems, on the contrary, are ordinarily asymmetrical. The hyparterial bronchi always appear in two series, a dorsal and a ventral, which usually alternate and have their origin from the stem bronchus relatively close to each other, leaving the greater portion of the large bronchus free from branches. This forms then the angle of a three-sided prism from which the two series of lateral bronchi extend into the adjacent space bounded by the chest wall. The dorsal bronchi are shorter. The lateral bronchi give up some of their branches to the stem bronchus, a process which may be fol- lowed, according to Aeby, step by step, with the greatest clearness. These wander medialwards and finally cover the previously naked portion of the stem bronchus with dorsal and ventral accessory bronchi. These either remain close to the parent stem or else wander downwards. ‘Their de- velopment begins usually quite far down the left lung, while in the right, they appear higher up and often produce a special bronchus supplying the Lobus infracardiacus known as the Bronchus cardiacus. Eparterial bronchi are always single and never give off accessory branches. They arise from the stem bronchus at a point midway between the sites of origin of the lateral bronchi and divide generally into dorsal and ventral branches. One, especially the left, or both may be absent, 12 The Development of the Lungs thus giving to us three principal forms to the bronchial tree, namely, (1) Lungs with an eparterial system on both sides; (2) Lungs with an epar- terial system on the right side; (3) Lungs without an eparterial system. In some instances the eparterial bronchus is shifted back on to the trachea while in certain lower animals, especially the birds and reptiles, the eparterial system is more highly developed than in mammals. In the phylogeny of the lung, however, it becomes smaller until it may dis- appear entirely in some of the higher series. In the further development of the lung sacs in the human embryo as described by His, 87, all secondary bronchi arise from the first five primary divisions. Three of these occur on the right lung sac and two on the left. On the right side they are termed upper, middle, and end buds while those on the left are respectively lateral and end buds. With Aeby, His finds the primitive lungs prismatic in transection with one attached and two free angles between which lies its dorsal or costal sur- face. The stems give rise to the so-called ventral bronchi, which, His be- lieves, should have been termed lateral bronchi. Owing, however, to the general acceptance of Aeby’s nomenclature, he has followed it. From the stem bronchus dorsal branches appear which like the ventral group subdivide regularly. These secondary branches are accordingly desig- nated as follows: 1. Bronchus dorsalis posterior. . Bronchus dorsalis lateralis. . Bronchus ventralis lateralis. . Bronchus ventralis anterior. H= ©9 a His agrees with Aeby with reference to the interpretation of the epar- terial bronchus and looks upon it as an unpaired branch which, if it were in the hyparterial region, would divide into dorsal and ventral elements. As a matter of fact, after its appearance in the human embryo, it gives — off branches which have these two general directions. On the other hand, he looks upon the Bronchus cardiacus as a true side bronchus, which, in opposition to the dorsal series, passes in a ventral direction. Its independence is shown in its early appearance as well as by the dis- tance which separates it from the first and second ventral bronchi. It is regarded by His as an element which appears out of the schematic order and follows its own development. In the left lung, cardiac and eparterial bronchi are lacking, but the first ventral bronchus sends up a strong dorsal branch, which mounts up into the apical region of the left lung and is designated the Bronchus ascendens. In this way a substitution is made for the eparterial bronchus of the right side which, with the Joseph Marshall Flint 13 absence of the Bronchus cardiacus, destroys the absolute symmetry of the hyparterial region. His followed the successive appearance of the chief bronchi and their main branches by the reconstructive method as far as embryos of the second month. The growth of the tree occurs according to His by an extension of the root branches and a division of the end buds. In no place did he find evidences of lateral budding. ‘The end buds during the process of divi- sion lose their conical form and flatten to some extent, while an elevation appears on one side which through the formation of a furrow leads to the outgrowth of two separate enlargements from the original bud. By the acquisition of cylindrical status on the part of these secondary buds the process can repeat itself. Below the region of the 3d hyparterial bronchus a point is reached where one cannot hold strictly to the principle of monopodial division, for it is impossible, His believes, to make as Aeby does the principles of monopodial and dichotomous division mutually exclusive. This, His remarks, is a conception of a somewhat transcen- dental nature, which leads the zealous investigator to personify his own ideas in the organ. The causes which control the form development of a growing tissue need not always remain the same, but may change its character once or several times. Accordingly, His summarizes the growth process from the unpaired anlage of the lung, which extends to either side in paired dilatations. From these primary sacs, lateral sprouts appear by monopodial growth. Further division is by dichotomy and finally a point is reached where the division occurs by more or less abundant lateral budding. Willach, 88, studied several stages of the development of the lungs in the mole and pig, but his material, however, was not sufficient to give him a very complete picture of the gradual evolution of the pulmonary apparatus so he used the findings of other investigators to fill the gaps. Although Willach’s own specimens did not include the stages of the first division of the primitive bronchi he believes the growth from first to last is monopodial, the end bud developing a lateral bud before its lumen narrows. ‘These lateral buds become cylindrical as the parent bronchus continues to grow. Willach concludes from a study of the illustrations in His’ paper that the eparterial bronchus is a derivation of the first ventral bronchus and looks upon it as an accessory branch in the sense of Aeby. He likewise believes that the apical branch of the Ist left ventral bronchus is analogous to the eparterial branch because, on its side, it bears the same relationship to the first lateral branch of the pulmonary artery that the eparterial does on the left. Willach follows the ideas of His in believing the Bronchus cardiacus is an independent lateral 14 The Development of the Lungs bronchus and not an accessory bronchus in the sense of Aeby. In the case of the other so-called accessory bronchi, however, this author is in accordance with the views of the latter. Robinson, 89, studied the de- velopment of the lungs in rats and mice, and finds about the eighth day the primitive lung sacs growing lateralwards and dorsalwards, forming the bud-like projections into the ccelom from which the primitive and stem bronchi arise. The eparterial bronchus, according to Robinson, arises as the first division of the right lung bud. As a distinct branch, it is absent on the left side, although it is compensated for by a branch of the first lateral hyparterial bronchus, which is totally unrepresented on the right side and passes up to the apex of the lung. Robinson, in this view, 1s in accord with the findings of His. He believes the growth of the tree occurs by a flattening of the terminal bud opposite the axis of the bronchus and a subsequent division into two unequal segments of which the smaller becomes the lateral branch giving rise to what he terms an unequal or sympodial dichotomy. Robinson also describes branches arising as hollow buds from the main bronchus after it has resumed its cylindrical form, allowing the interpolation of secondary bronchi between those already existing, while the dorsal accessory bronchi of Aeby arise, according to Robinson, by a division of the primary dorsal bronchi, not by budding but by having the dorsal stalk split from the point of origin of the first median bud as far back as the stem bronchus, allowing this medial bronchus to obtain a secondary origin from the stem bronchus itself instead of from the primitive dorsal branch. The bronchus infra- cardiacus is ontogenetically a derivative of the main stem bronchus, but phylogenetically it is, as Aeby suggests, an original branch of the Ist hyparterial bronchus. With the exception of the Bronchus cardiacus, Robinson has nothing to say concerning the ventro-accessory bronchi of Aeby. He calls them ventral bronchi, but it is not clear whether either ontogenetically or phylo- genetically, as in the case of the most prominent one of the group, he considers them accessory branches of his lateral bronchi. Ewart, 89, published a large monograph containing a criticism of Aeby’s ideas on the architecture of the lungs. Ewart, like Aeby, used material consisting of dissections and corrosions of the adult lung, but only of one species, namely, man. Apparently this author did not per- ceive as clearly as Aeby that the hyparterial and eparterial theory was in reality a working hypothesis, which could only receive from embryo- logical investigations the evidence necessary for its final substantiation or disproof. From his investigations Ewart believes that dichotomy, more or less equal, is the principle governing the division of the bronchi Joseph Marshall Flint 15 from beginning to last. He abandons the distinction between the hypar- terial and eparterial regions as well as Aeby’s simple nomenclature and substitutes in its place a method of topographical designation which, besides going into endless detail, is constructed entirely independent of embryological considerations and has received, thus far, no support from subsequent investigators. In a series of papers the first of which appeared the same year, Zum- stein, 89, 91, 92, 00, by the study of corrosion specimens of the lungs of a series of mammals and birds in which the pulmonary artery as well as the bronchial tree was injected is unable to support Aeby’s conclusions with reference to the influence of the pulmonary artery on the archi- tecture of the bronchial system. The division of the tree into eparterial and hyparterial bronchi according to Zumstein is not based on sound con- clusions as he finds a series of variations in both arteries and bronchi, indicating that a formative influence in the sense of Aeby cannot exist. At the same time Zumstein siudied the development of the lungs in the mole and the duck by the Born reconstruction method. With other in- vestigators, he agrees in the precocious development of the right lung He does not describe in detail, however, the gradual evolution of the mammalian lung but simply states that the dorsal and medial bronchi arise later than the lateral branches but do not attain the extensive de- velopment of the latter. Whether or not he considers them accessory bronchi in the sense of Aeby is not clear from his description. The Bronchus infracardiacus may originate, according to Zumstein, either from the stem bronchus beneath the second lateral bronchus or from this bronchus itself. The eparterial branch of Aeby he designates as the first lateral bronchus. In the early stages the Arterie pulmonales originate far cranialwards and accompany the trachea ventro-lateralwards on both sides. The left is more dorsal even before the trachea is reached while the right artery passes ventralwards of the first lateral branch of the right bronchus (Aeby’s eparterial). It is scarcely possible, Zumstein concludes, for the arteries to have an influence upon the structure of the tree as the first bronchi have appeared on the stem bronchus before the arteria pulmonalis can be traced into the lung. In a preliminary note Narath, 92, published a résumé of a large monograph upon the embryology and comparative anatomy of the bron- chial tree of the mammalian lung, which appeared some nine years later, o1. Before this work was published, however, Narath, 97, described the development of the lung in Echidna aculeata. In all of the papers, he takes exception to Aeby’s fundamental conception of the architecture of the bronchial tree. From a rich embryological material, echidna, rab- 16 The Development of the Lungs bit, and guinea-pig, he describes the growth of the tree after the forma- tion of the primitive lung sacs as taking place by monopodial growth with acropetal development of lateral twigs. In this process the stem bud is the principal structure, which grows on undivided with the ventral bronchi originating as lateral outgrowths upon it. The primitive lung sacs are to be looked upon, according to Narath, as the first stem buds. By this process arise from the stem bronchus two series of lateral branches, the ventral and dorsal bronchi. While the former are true derivatives of the stem bronchus, the latter, Narath is inclined to regard, as branches of the ventral bronchi which in course of ontogenetic and phylogenetic development are given up to the stem bronchus. From his embryological investigations, Narath supports Aeby’s conclusions with reference to the dorsal and ventral accessory bronchi. They are formed first on the ventral and dorsal branches and then wander to their positions on the inner and ventral side of the stem bronchus. In this group and in complete accord with Aeby, he would also classify the Bronchus cardiacus except that, unlike Aeby, he believes it can arise in some instances from the second or third ventral bronchus. The pulmon- ary artery according to Narath’s view has no great influence on the growth of the bronchial tree as he, like Zumstein, has found a whole series of variations in the artery without any important changes in the bronchi. Furthermore, he reiterates Zumstein’s view that, both at the time the primary bronchi are formed, as well as later, the pulmonary arteries are thin, weak vessels of insufficient strength to influence these relatively thick and well-developed epithelial structures. Of equal importance in this connection is the observation that the arteries cross over the bronchi to pass down on its lateral, instead of its dorsal, side. Only at the end of the stem bronchus is its position distinctly dorsal. In consequence of this course, it forms a half spiral round the stem bronchus. Of a crossing in the sense of Aeby no true case exists. Narath accordingly proposes to abandon the distinction between the so-called eparterial and hyparterial regions of the bronchial tree. The eparterial bronchus of Aeby has, according to Narath, the same area of distribution as a dorsal bronchus. He not only regards it such, but believes it is in reality, the first dorsal bronchus. ‘To emphasize its special meaning for the topography of the lung, he terms it the apical bronchus. It is never suppressed nor does it degenerate in certain ani- mals as Aeby suggests. It is, furthermore, always present normally as a lateral branch of the first ventral bronchus and possesses, moreover, the power of wandering up either onto the stem bronchus or the trachea. In speaking of his conviction that it is a real dorsal bronchus he con- Joseph Marshall Flint 17 tinues: ‘“* Mit dieser einen Thatsache fallt die ganze Aeby’sche Theorie von den ep- und hyparteriellen Bronchien ein- fiir allemal.” This view for which Narath has apparently received the entire credit in the litera- ture was, as we have already -seen, first announced by Willach. Na- rath’s single addition to Willach’s statement is in the designation of the eparterial branch as a dorsal element in conformity with his idea as to the possible derivation of the whole series of dorsal bronchi. In his belief, that the eparterial bronchus has the area of distribution of a dorsal bronchus, his observations are not in accord with those of Aeby, His, and Robinson. Minot, 92, thinks the ideas of Aeby and His are erroneous with ref- erence to the monopodial growth of the tree. He, on the other hand, looks upon the branching as characteristically dichotomous, describing the branches as having rounded ends. After division they develop un- equally with the ventral fork, as a rule, serving as the stem. The first branches correspond to the lobes, but he does not agree with the findings of His and Aeby with reference to the presence of a bronchus in the right lung which is not represented in the left. With Willach and Narath he regards the eparterial bronchus of the right side and the apical branch of the first ventral on the left as homologous. The dif- ference between the two, Minot holds, is due to the more precocious de- velopment of the right side and the secondary modifications in the arteries. The relationship of the veins confirms this view. The peculiar course of the right pulmonary artery is due to the abortion of the 5th arch on the right side and the subsequent transfer of the origin of the artery to the left. In a series of papers d’Hardiviller, 96, 1, 2,; 97, 1, 2, 3, describes in the rabbit and sheep, the evolution of the tree after the trachea and main bronchi are laid down. There is, according to this author, a stem bronchus which transverses the whole lung and from which all of the primary bronchi are derived by means of collateral ramifications, that is to say, through epithelial herniw from the walls of the stem bronchus, a process in which the terminal bud of the bronchus takes no part. In this way appear, in the rabbit, two buds on the right side and one on the left which, with the stem bronchi, enter into the formation of the five lobes of the lungs and produce all further ramifications. In the sheep, on the other hand, there are, including the stem bronchi, four buds on the right and two on the left giving rise to the six lobes of the sheep’s lungs. The primary branches of the stem bronchus occur in four series, external, internal, anterior, and posterior, according to their position 2 18 The Development of the Lungs on the stem bronchus. Of the four series, the primary, external, and posterior are the most important and are extensively developed, forming the principal bronchi of the adult lung. On the other hand, the anterior and internal proliferate to some extent but do not form extensively developed branches of the adult tree and are, therefore, termed by d’Hardiviller accessory bronchi using a similar nomenclature with a dis- similar meaning from Aeby and Narath. The further growth of the tree after the origin of the principal bronchi by collateral ramification, is by unequal dichotomy at first, and later, equal dichotomy. The pro- cesses differ with the different primary bronchi and appear earlier in the sheep than in the rabbit. The cardiac bronchus, according to d’Hardi- viller, arises from the stem bronchus and, in this animal, remains inde- pendent. In the sheep, it emigrates on to the 1st lateral bronchus. The bronchus on the left side, he believes, always originates on the stem bronchus and wanders onto the 1st lateral thus forming the Bronchus cardiacus of Hasse. In the rabbit, d’Hardiviller finds the eparterial bronchus originating on the right side by collateral ramification, but unlike other investigators, he believes there is also an eparterial bronchus on the left. It appears on the 13th day and in 24 hours begins to degen- erate and remains as a solid epithelial mass in connection with the mother bronchus. In consequence of his belief of the presence of this left eparterial element, d’Hardiviller thinks Aeby’s classification of the lungs of mammals is only of secondary value. It also emphasizes its independent character and forces him to conclude that it is independent of Narath’s apical bronchus as it is not a lateral branch of the first ventral bronchus. d’Hardiviller’s series of papers was interrupted by the appearance of a study by Nicholas and Dimatrova, 97, upon the development of the lungs in sheep by the Born reconstruction method in which they sup- ported, in most respects, his observations. In an embryo of 5 mm. they find the main bronchi appearing as asymmetrical buds on the lateral faces of the anlage. In their later growth, this asymmetry is exaggerated. After the origin of the primitive pulmonary sacs two buds appear on their lateral walls (embryo 9 mm.) representing the first two lateral bronchi while simultaneously the tracheal bronchus is seen as an elon- gated projection on the right side of the trachea. No trace of a sym- metrical bronchus, however, is found on the other side. They regard this element as being entirely independent of the bronchial system which must be regarded as a supernumerary bronchus originating from the future trachea just as the collateral bronchi are formed from the stems. The collateral bronchi, of which there are three sets, a lateral, a dorsal, Joseph Marshall Flint 19 and a ventral, originate in the form of buds upon the bronchial stems. Each is an independent structure and does not show any ontogenetic relationship with the other bronchi, indicating a wandering of the acces- sory bronchial groups as described by Aeby, Willach, and Narath or d’Hardiviller, in the case of the cardiac bronchus of Hasse. From the division of the first lateral bronchi, a branch passes up towards the head on the left side which is unpaired, for on the opposite side this region is supplied by the tracheal bronchus. The infracardiac bronchus, Nicholas and Dimitrova regard as an unpaired precocious ventral branch for which there is no symmetrical structure in the left lung. The remaining ventral bronchi appear later as in an embryo of 18 mm. they find one between the second and third, and another between the third and fourth lateral element. Huntington, 98, in studying the eparterial system of a series of adult mammals, comes to the conclusion that the right and left lungs agree morphologically in the type of their bronchial distribution and that the asymmetry is apparent and not real. These apparent differences are due to the shifting of a branch of the upper bronchus (cephalic trunk) which wanders up and becomes topographically eparterial. At times, the asymmetry may be more exaggerated by the migration of the entire branch. As the factor involved in this change is the bronchus itself and not the pulmonary artery, Huntington proposes to abandon Aeby’s dis- tinction between the hyparterial and eparterial regions of the bronchial tree except in a topographical sense. In the left lung there is a morpho- logical equivalent for every eparterial element that may occur in the right lung and, accordingly, this author believes in the equivalent mor- phological value of the upper and middle lobes of the right side with the upper lobe on the left. This, it will be remembered is the conclu- sion of Willach and Narath except that Huntington, lke Willach, does not believe that the eparterial element is primarily a dorsal bronchus. As the pulmonary artery does not run dorsal to the stem bronchus, but lateral, or dorsolateral, as Narath has shown, Huntington proposes to abandon also the distinction made by Aeby between the dorsal and ventral bronchi. From the study of his corrosions this author believes that the primitive type of division is practically dichotomous and later is changed into the monopodic system. Phylogenetically, the primitive type is the so-called bilateral hyparterial form, while the symmetrical eparterial type represents the end stage in the process of evolution and not the beginning as Aeby and Wiedersheim believe. An ingenious effort is made by Guyesse, 98, to support the monopodial theory of growth. This author has studied the transformation of the 20 The Development of the Lungs tracheal musculature into the muscle of Reisseissen in the successive branches of the bronchial tree. He finds the entire stem bronchus until it is past the divisions of the upper and middle lobe and projects well into the lower lobe has a musculature like the trachea. On the other hand, the bronchus of the upper, middle, and then lower part of the stem has the muscle of Reisseissen. These findings, Guyesse believes, give evidence that the production of the main bronchi is by monopodial growth. Miller, oo, while working chiefly on the anatomy of the lobule, agrees, apparently, with Aeby’s division of the eparterial and hyparterial region of the human lung, and, furthermore, he also speaks of monopodial division of the tree. According to Justesen, 00, who studied the branching of the bronchial tree chiefly in cow embryos of well-advanced stages and in post-natal life, the division of the bronchi from first to last takes place by undoubted dichotomy after which the asymmetry is produced by unequal growth of the stem. This author approves of His’ attitude towards Aeby’s theory of monopodial development in general, but criticises his belief in the production of the first branches of the tree by monopody without having _ the material to follow their successive development. It seems rather strange, therefore, that Justesen, who was himself without these stages, should attempt to prove from His’ illustrations in which these branches were already formed, that they originated by sympodial dichotomy especially after remarking so wisely, “ Es ist kein Versuch, die Frage durch unberichtige Analogie folgerungen zu lésen. Ich will nur behaup- ten, dass die Frage nicht gelést ist, weitere Untersuchungen dagagen nétig sind.” Justesen does not believe in the production of bronchi by lateral outgrowths of the mother stem. He believes, therefore, Stieda’s observation was faulty and states that no other investigator has since repeated this observation. He is ignorant, apparently, of the work of Robinson, d’Hardiviller, and Nicholas and Dimitrova. Justesen does not accept Aeby’s distinction between the eparterial and hyparterial regions of the bronchial tree and looks upon the accessory bronchi of Aeby as independent structures. Their irregularity he ascribes to the presence of the heart and vertebral column. Merkel, 02, agrees with His, that the first divisions of the stem bronchi are produced by monopodial growth and that the later divisions arise by dichotomy. With Narath, he abandons Aeby’s distinction be- tween the eparterial and hyparterial region as resulting from the in- fluence of the pulmonary artery on the architecture of the tree, and looks upon the right apical bronchus, the so-called eparterial, as a derivation cf the first ventral and homologous with the apical branch of Joseph Marshall Flint 21 the 1st ventral or lateral bronchus on the left side. Concerning the so-called accessory bronchi, Merkel seems to be in accord with the older observers in looking upon them as derivations of the dorsal and ventral lateral bronchi, and apparently follows Narath, instead of His, regarding the Bronchus infracardiacus as a possible derivative either of the first, second, or even third ventral bronchus instead of an independent branch of the stem. The comparative embryology of the lungs in vertebrates has been studied by Moser, 00, whose material consisted chiefly of the lower vertebrates amplified to some extent by sections of rat, mouse, and rabbit embryos. All vertebral lungs, according to Moser, are developed through a common principle consisting in a general increase in size due to an increase of their constituent tissues. The epithelium is the principal factor which originates from the endoderm and passes as a single tube into a solid mass of connective tissue forming the framework of the lung. If this connective tissue is thin, the growth of the epithelium produces a widening of the intrapulmonary bronchus with simple pro- jections on its walls as in amphibia. On the other hand, if the con- nective tissue is dense and resistant, the epithelial increase is localized in certain places, the cells are packed together until they force their way into the connective tissue forming buds such as we find in the lungs of all vertebrates from reptiles up. Certain points on the walls of the lung are more resistant and remain in the lung cavity as septa. At the same time, as we ascend the scale, the number of buds of the second order constantly increase. According to Moser, we may also observe at this time a gradual increase in the mass of connective tissue in pass- ing from lower to higher vertebrates, and we obtain, in consequence, a system of long canals or bronchi passing through a connective tissue sac. The division of the bronchi is always and exclusively by monopodial growth, and is a main bronchus, the intrapulmonary bronchus, which is a direct continuation of the extrapulmonary bronchus passes through the lung from the root to its distal end. By means of the reconstruction method, Bremer, 04, studied the lung of the young opossum (Didelphys virginiana) and compared it with older stages. His youngest specimen measured from 10.5 to 12.5 mm. and were taken from the same pouch. Older specimens, 14 cm. long, and three adults were also used for comparison. In five out of six of the new-born animals Bremer found an eparterial bronchus on both sides, except that the one on the left bronchus is always smaller and placed slightly lower than the eparterial branch on the right. The air chambers supplied by it, however, do not form the apex of the lung. 22 The Development of the Lungs In spite of its small size and low position, it is above the first ventral bronchus and behind the artery and thus, according to Bremer, makes the right and left side of the lung symetrical and reptilian in type as no placentalian lungs are. The complete symmetry of the young lung is marred by the presence of a cardiac lobe on the right side which is unrepresented in the left. Bremer states that the reptilian lung has the double eparterial bronchus and thus the lung of the opossum is reptilian in type. In its later phases, the lung is changed from the reptilian to the mammalian form by the loss of the left eparterial bronchus, the multiplication of its bronchi and the acquisition of a new type of air chamber. In a 14 cm. opossum no trace of the left eparterial bronchus remains but Bremer states he is unable to follow the degeneration of this element from lack of necessary stages. He believes, however, with Selenka, that in the opossum we have an epitome of the evolution of the reptilian lung to the mammalian lung by means of the changes noted above. The observations of Bremer at once recall the views of d’Hardiviller, who believes the left eparterial bronchus is always present in rabbits but subsequently degenerates. If this observation is confirmed it would seem to support d’Hardiviller’s contention, although Narath, it will be remembered, believes that d’Hardiviller was dealing with a variation. From Bremer’s statement that no other lungs of placentalia have the double eparterial system, it is apparent that he has overlooked Aeby’s description of the lungs of Phoca vitulina, Bradypus tridactylus, Didel- phinus delphis, Auchenia lama, Equus caballus, and Elephas Africanus, and some other nine species described by Narath and two species of Cebus by Huntington, making in all seventeen species where the condi- tion described by Bremer as exceptional in mammalia is permanent. We must also consider the possibility that Bremer is dealing with a dorsal bronchus placed abnormally high on the stem bronchus, especially as he states this bronchus did not supply the apex of the lung. The observations of Narath, 96, on Echidna aculeata are also suggestive in this connection as he states the relationships of the vessels, while young marsupialia are in the pouch suffer no further change either in the case of the arteries or the veins. Furthermore, Narath does not support Se- lenka, 87, with whom Bremer is, more or less, in accord in his observa- tions on the opossum lung as he finds the lung of Echidna develops like other mammalian lungs and is not differentiated from the developmental processes which are active in the production of the placentalian lung. He, therefore, does not approve of a comparison of the lung of marsupials with that of reptiles. Moreover, Hesser was unable to find an eparterial Joseph Marshall Flint 23 bronchus or a bronchus whicn corresponded to it in his extensive work on the reptilian lung. (Personal communication. ) Blisnianskaja, 04, from the study of a series of models of the lungs of human embryos concludes that His’ criticism of Aeby’s nomenclature is correct, and accordingly divides the branches of the main bronchus into two groups, namely, a dorsolateral representing Aeby’s dorsal series, and a ventrolateral including Aeby’s ventral group. She states that this revision is justifiable even from a study of Aeby’s own illustra- tions. These two series originate so that a line connecting their roots, from two more or less spiral lines on the stem bronchus. The eparterial bronchus, according to Blisnianskaja, is a dorsal branch of the first ventrolateral bronchus, which emancipates itself and wanders up on the stem bronchus according to the ideas of Willach, Minot, Narath, and Huntington. The entire dorsolateral group are similarly placed originally upon the ventrolateral group, they separate and wander up on the stem bronchus to receive a separate origin. As the eparterial on the right side is the first dorsolateral bronchus, Aeby’s first dorsal bronchus becomes Blisnianskaja’s second dorsal element. The apical bronchus on the left side is homologous then to the eparterial on the right side. The Bronchus cardiacus is also a division of the 1st ventro- lateral bronchus on the right side, which separates from the mother branch, passes downwards, and receives a final origin upon the stem bronchus. Since the eparterial bronchus arises from the 1st ventro- lateral, Blisnianskaja believes that the upper and middle lobe with the cardiac bronchus on the right side are equivalent to the upper lobe on the left side, and that the lower right lobe is equivalent to the left lower lobe. The form of the embryonic lung is influenced by the large fcetal heart and by the long development through which the human trunk, especially the thorax, passes. Blisnianskaja believes the method of division is sympodial or unequal dichotomy. She has never observed a bronchus originating from the complete bronchial tube by the monopodial growth. A glance at this review of the literature shows a unanimous agree- ment among the various investigators only upon the independence of the lateral group of bronchi (ventral of Aeby, His, and Narath). There is, however, with the exception of Willach and Fol a general recognition of the fact that the mammalian lung arises from an unpaired anlage. Although supported by objective investigations, the interpretation of the origin of the other groups of bronchi, the method of their growth, and their significance for the architecture of the bronchial tree have varied within wide latitudes. We may be said at the present time to have no settled views upon the development of the bronchial system. In view of 24 The Development of the Lungs the work of Moser and Hesser, the student of the mammalian lung, how- ever, may look upon its phylogeny as being no longer in conflict with its ontogeny, and may also state his problem in the following series of questions: 1. Is the anlage of the lung unpaired or paired? 2. Is it symmetrical or asymmetrical ? 3. Does the pulmonary artery exert any fundamental influence upon the growth of the bronchial tree, separating it into two regions of un- equal significance as expressed in Aeby’s Ep- and Hyparterial theory? 4. Is the “eparterial bronchus” an independent structure or a de- rivation of the 2d lateral bronchus? Is it an unpaired or paired ele- ment? Does an “eparterial bronchus” always form on the left side and then degenerate or undergo atrophic changes ? 5. Is the Bronchus ascendens of His, or the left apical bronchus of Narath, the equivalent of the ‘‘ eparterial bronchus ” ? 6. Are the lateral bronchi independent structures ? 7. Are the dorsal bronchi independent structures or derived from the lateral group ? 8. Are the ventral bronchi independent structures or derived from the lateral group ? . 9. Are the medial bronchi independent or derived from the dorsal group? 10. Is the Bronchus cardiacus an independent or accessory bronchus ? 11. In what way do the bronchi grow? Does one system of growth predominate throughout the whole development of the bronchial tree? 12. What is equivalent value of the lobes of one lung in terms of the other ? THe ANLAGE OF THE LUNGS. The development of the respiratory apparatus begins in a pig by a lateral flattening of the head gut just below the Fundus branchiales. At the age represented by an embryo, 3.5 mm. nape breech measurement, the last gill pouch has in transsection (Fig. 1)* a flattened rhomboidal form with dorsal, ventral, and lateral angles. Below this gill pouch, lying behind the Sinus venosus, which already shows evidences of the increasing asymmetry of the heart, the ventral angle as it deepens to form the pulmonary groove (PI. I, Fig. 1) is pushed somewhat to the right of the median plane (Fig. 1). The head gut in passing caudalwards, * References to Text-Figures may read simply Fig. 1, or Fig. 2, or Fig. 3, etc., but every reference to figures on plates is accompanied by the proper plate number. Cav) Or Joseph Marshall Flint narrows gradually until its lumen in cross-section forms an asymmetrical sagitally placed fissure. A short distance above the Ductus hepaticus (Fig. 3 DH) the pulmonary groove terminates caudalwards in an irregu- lar enlargement (Fig. 2 PA), the asymmetrical pulmonary projection forming the first unpaired anlage of the lungs. As yet, there is no trace of the main bronchi nor any evidence of a division. Ventralwards, it projects somewhat from the level of the ventral margin of the intestine below it (Pl. I, Fig. 1), while laterally it is more marked on the right than on the left side, an asymmetry more apparent from a transverse section (Fig. 2) or a dorsal view of the reconstructed intestine (PI. I, Fig. 2). Whether the cause of this asymmetry lies primarily in the anlage itself or is due to the influence of the heart as Minot suggests, it is impossible to determine from these specimens. Below the pulmonary projection, the head gut while still asymmetrical lies more in coincidence with the median longitudinal plane. PA. Text Fig. 1. Trexr Hie. 2. TExT Fie. 1. Section of embryo pig 3.5 mm. long, showing head gut in the region of the upper part of the Mesocardium posterior. C=Celom. SV= Sinus venosus. VM= Mesocardium posterior. TExT Fic. 2. Section of embryo pig 3.5 mm. long, through the pulmonary anlage. C—Celom. PA= Pulmonary anlage. At this stage, the epithelial lining of the head gut is quite variable in thickness. In the pulmonary enlargement (Fig. 2. PA) it is clothed by a columnar epithelium of several layers with mitoses taking place chiefly in the innermost row. In the dorsal segment of the head gut at this level, it is considerably lower especially at the dorsal angle where it consists of a single layer. Above the projection it is thinner in the bottom of the groove and thicker at its sides. The Mesocardium pos- terior (Fig. 1 Vif) begins just below the last gill pouch and extends down to a short distance below the pulmonary anlage. Between these points, the entire head gut is surrounded by a mesoderm composed of anastomosing cells in which the exoplasmic or fibrillar portion of the mesoderm is not well differentiated (compare Mall, 02, and chapter on 26 The Development of the Lungs organogenesis). In the upper part of the gut just below the gill pouches, the mesoderm, covered by ccelomic epithelium forms slight asymmetrical projections into the ccelom (Fig. 1 ¢), while at the level of pulmonary swelling, the anlage of the mesodermic portion of the lung wings (Fig. 2) takes the form of two irregular lateral projections into the coelomic cavity. The one on the right is much larger than that on the left (Fig. 2), so much so that at this stage the latter is only faintly shown. This results in a marked asymmetry of the primitive lung wings themselves. The mesoderm in the two wings is characterized by the rich- ness of its cellular content, as the portion behind the intestine already shows a differentiation preceding the stages of chondrification of the prim- itive vertebre. The mesoblastic anlage of the lungs arises from the general mesoderm of the head gut. Just below the pulmonary anlage TExT FKig. 3. Text Fig. 3. Section of embryo pig 3.5 mm. long, through Ductus hepaticus. C=Celom. DH =—Ductus hepaticus. Text Fig. 4. Section of embryo pig 4 mm. long at the beginning of the Mesocardium posterior. C—=Celom. VM—=Mesocardium posterior. SV = Sinus venosus. O=(£sophageal portion of head gut. PG Respiratory portion of the head gut. on the left side are evidences of the Recessus pleuroperitonalis which, as described by Stoss, 92, may at this stage be followed through a few sections. In a slightly later stage, 4 mm., for example, the embryo shows the next step in the development of the respiratory apparatus. The head gut is more symmetrical with reference to the median longitudinal plane (Figs. 4, 5, 6). In the upper portion below the gill pouches, a longi- tudinal fissure appears on either side dividing it now into well-marked dorsal and ventral segments giving the gut in the respiratory level, more or less of an hour-glass appearance in transsections. These fissures mark Joseph Marshall Flint 27 the line of separation between the respiratory (Figs. 4 Pg, 5'PA) and digestive systems (Figs. 4, 50) and extend from the region just below the gill pouches to the pulmonary anlage. In the upper portion, near the gill pouches, the lumen of the cesophageal part is somewhat larger, while, at the level of the pulmonary anlage, the respiratory segment is markedly dilated (Fig. 5 PA). Between these levels, the relationship between the two is practically equal (Fig. 4). Above, the epithelium is lower in the dorsal and ventral angles, shghtly so in the lateral fissures but somewhat thickened at the sides of both dorsal and ventral segments. In these thickened portions there is a double layer, in the angles a single layer of epithelium. In passing caudalwards, the epithelium of the respiratory anlage thickens as its lumen increases in size until a double row of columnar cells line the floor of the pulmonary groove (Fig. 5 PA), Thxt Wie. 5: Text Fic. 6. Text Fic. 5. Section of an embryo pig 4 mm. long, through the upper part of the pulmonary anlage. C—=Celom. PA=Pulmonary anlage. O= Digestive portion of the head gut. Text Fic. 6. Section of an embryo pig 4 mm. long through the lower portion of the pulmonary anlage. C—Celom. O= Digestive portion of the head gut. BD—Right stem bronchus. while at the sides, they are three cells deep. At the level of the pulmon- ary anlage, the asymmetry is again evident. The projection has now begun to extend lateralwards on each side to produce the main bronchi. To the left, the evagination is considerably higher than on the right and also less prominent. At the same time the asymmetry is exagger- ated by the anlage of the right bronchus (Fig. 6 BD) which points some- what caudally. The epithelium lining the two primitive bronchi is columnar and consists of several layers. Rapid mitosis is taking place chiefly in the inner row of cells. With the more marked symmetry of the head gut itself, there is also a greater symmetry of the mesodermal anlage (Figs 5, 6) of the lungs. 28 The Development of the Lungs While the two wings still show the influence of the asymmetry of the bronchial projections, they are somewhat more regular than in the preceding stage. The anlage of the right wing is larger than the left and the Mesocardium posterior is also pushed slightly to the right. The character of the mesoderm remains about the same as in the last stage, that is to say, rich in cells with scarcely any differentiation of the exo- plasm into primitive connective-tissue fibrils. Below the lung anlage, the Recessus pleuro-peritonealis is patent on the right side. In a still later stage, 4.5 mm., the conditions remain practically as in an embryo of 4mm. ‘The most apparent differences lie in the further development of the two main bronchi. That on the left (Fig. 8 BS) grows practically at right angles to the axis of the pulmonary groove, while the right bronchus is directed laterally and caudally (Fig. 9 BD) Thx Wie. 8. Text Fic. 7. Section of an embryo pig 4.5 mm. long at the beginning of the Mesocardium posterior. C—=Celom. PG=Respiratory portion of the head gut. O=Digestive portion of the head gut. SV—Sinus venosus. Text Fic. 8. Section of an embryo 4.5 mm. long, through the anlage of the stem bronchi. C=Celom. PA=Pulmonary anlage. BS=Left stem bronchus. O = (Msophagus. and extends through a number of sections after the other has disap- peared.” From the anlage at the point of origin of the bronchi, there is a crest-like projection of the epithelial tube in the midline which is exaggerated by the slight dorsal flexure of the two main bronchi. This is scarcely seen in cross-sections, but can be made out easily in embryos cut longitudinally. At this stage, we also note the beginning of the pro- cess of separation of the respiratory from the digestive tract in a sulcus (Fig. 8) formed below the pulmonary anlage just behind it and in front of the ventral part of the cesophagus which is continuous above with the lateral fissures. In this particular embryo, the process seems a little Joseph Marshall Flint 29 precocious as I possess later stages where the two systems are in open communication at a lower level than is shown in this specimen. At the level where the Mesocardium posterior begins (Fig. 7 VM), the epithe- lium lining the fore gut is columnar and consists, except in the ventral and dorsal angles, usually of a double layer of cells. In the anlage of the lungs (Fig. 8), it is slightly higher and shows a more active karyoki- netic process. A similar layer of endoblast extends out into the primitive bronchi. At the tips, cell division is proceeding rapidly. 'The mesoderm of the lungs remains, so far as its differentiation is concerned, practi- cally unchanged, but the lateral extension of the left bronchus now makes the projection into the ccelom at this level more marked than on the right side as the right bronchus, lying in a caudo-lateral direction nearer the median plane, does not carry the mesoderm quite so far into the right coelomic cavity. On both sides, the Recessus pleuroperitonealis Tix HGS 9) Text Fic. 9. Section of an embryo 4.5 mm. long, through the lower part of pulmonary anlage. O=(Mophagus. C=Celom. BD=—Right stem bronchus. RD=—Right Recessus pleuroperitonealis. RS—=Left Recessus pleuroperitonealis. VM—Mesocardium posterior. may be seen. It is larger and extends higher on the right than on the left (Fig. 9 RD,RS). In Fig. 9, the beginning of the formation of the dorsal mesentery at the lower level of the lungs is apparent. By the reconstruction process, the changes which have been occurring in the two preceding stages are demonstrated beautifully in a pig 5 mm. long where they are also considerably accentuated. Above (Pl. I, Figs. 3, 4) is seen a segment of the last gill pouch, while below it, the head gut narrows rapidly to a sagittal fissure forming the ventral respiratory and the dorsal digestive portion. The pulmonary groove, still in open com- munication with the cesophagus, terminates below in the asymmetrical 30 The Development of the Lungs right and left bronchi. Of the two, the left (Pl. I, Fig. 3s) passes lateralwards almost at right angles to the axis of the groove, while the right (Pl. I, Fig. 3d) extends caudalwards and lateralwards, giving a sharp asymmetry to the fork which they form with the trachea (PI. I, Fig. 37’). From the slight crest in the midline which is not seen in the ventral view, both bronchi bend slightly dorsalwards. At the ends, there is a slight increase in the caliber of the bronchi, but end buds are not yet formed upon them. Underneath the point where the two unite, the sulcus from which the separation begins is already present, but it does not extend quite as far cranialwards as in the preceding stage. Viewed in profile, the whole anlage now extends somewhat ventralwards from the head gut, an extremely important relationship as we shall see in the chapter on the relation of the blood-vessels to the bronchial tree (cf. Schema A). The head gut below the origin of the two bronchi bends slightly ventralwards and to the left. In this region, which may be considered the anlage of the stomach, a noticeable dilatation of the gut is taking place (PI. I, Figs. 3, 4). In this stage the character of the mesoderm has not changed, the Mesocardium posterior begins at a lower level owing to the descent ox the heart, while the dorsal mesentery is now well marked above the level of the lower extremity of the right bronchus. The two lung wings are more symmetrical and project further into the ccelom than in the preceding stage. Nevertheless, they are still asymmetrical in so far as the projection forming the left lung is higher than that of the right. Both on the right and left sides, the Recessus pleuroperitonealis is well marked. In another embryo of the same measurement, but evidently somewhat better developed, the process of separation of the bronchi from the cesophagus is well started. The sulcus between the trachea and the cesophagus extends just above the level of the origin of the two bronchi. This is filled with mesoderm of a nature similar to that about the head gut. The mechanical factors involved in the process are difficult to make out, but it begins by an approximation of the epithelium along the line of the two lateral fissures and then proceeds upwards from the suleus formed behind the primitive bronchi which is filled with mesoderm. At this stage the following formula of the derivatives of the pulmonary anlage may be made: TRACHEA. Right bronchus. Left bronchus. At 6 mm. (PI. I, Figs. 5, 6) the process of separation is practically complete, the trachea and cesophagus remaining in communication only at the upper end. At the point of origin of the two bronchi, the cesa- Joseph Marshall Flint 31 phagus and trachea are separated by a mass of mesoderm filling the intervening spaces. The simple bronchial system has increased in length and caliber, but the relationships are practically the same, save for the appearance of the rounded terminal buds on the end of the stem bronchi (PL. I, Figs 5, 6ds). While, in this embryo, the two bronchi still lie ventralwards to the head gut, they now begin at the ends to bend more dorsalwards than in the preceding stage, the right a trifle more than the left. The Mesocardium posterior is still lower than in the preceding stage, its upper level now beginning only a short distance above the origin of the left bronchus. The mesodermic syncytium is unchanged. The lung wings are fairly symmetrical as they project on either side into the ccelomic cavity. The difference, however, between the right and left lung bronchi still suffice to give the two lungs a slight asymmetry. The Recessus pleuroperitonealis is marked on the right side and ex- Thx Bre, 10: Text Fig. 10. Section through the primitive lung sacs of an embryo 7.5 mm. long. C=Celom. BD=Right stem bronchus. BS—=Left stem bronchus. DM Dorsal mesentery. VM —=Mesocardium posterior. tends some distance above the lower end of the right bronchus, while the left recessus is almost obliterated. The next stage in the development shown in an embryo 7.5 mm. long consists in the complete production of the primitive lung sacs through the dilatation of the buds on the end of the right and left bronchi (PI. I, Figs. 7, 8sd). The size of the branches of the primitive tree have increased markedly, the two dilated lung sacs while still lying ventral- wards of the cesophagus now bend sharply backwards forming a horse- shoe-like curve around it (Fig. 10). The left still preserves its position at right angles to the trachea with a slight growth caudalwards at the bottom of the sac. On the right side, the general direction of the bronchus is lateralwards, dorsalwards, and caudalwards. The form of 32 The Development of the Lungs the dilated sacs is different on the two sides, that on the right is larger and more nearly triangular in transsection (Fig. 10 BD). It projects further dorsalwards than the left (Fig. 10 BS). As yet there are no marked evidences of the production of lateral branches except a slightly more prominent angle at the upper lateral wall of the right sac and a similar irregularity of contour on the upper wall of the left. From these points, as we shall see in the next stage, the paired second lateral bronchi arise. Just above the origin of the stem bronchi, however, on the right side of the primitive trachea, one observes a slight bulging or outgrowth of its wall. At this level, the epithelium is a trifle thicker and numer- ous mitotic figures occur. The projection extends over an area of about 80 mikra and represents the anlage of the first lateral bronchus (PI. I, Figs. 7, 8, L. 1). The process by which this structure is produced is apparently a simple evagination to be compared, perhaps, with the evag- ination of the pulmonary swelling from the primitive head gut, on the one hand, and the primitive bronchi from the pulmonary anlage on the other. ‘Thus we may consider the same process as repeating itself in the development of the first stages of the pulmonary apparatus. No similar evagination, however, can be observed on the left side. In the mesoderm of the lungs, the dorsal mesentery (Fig. 10 DM) now reaches as high as the forking of the trachea, while the Mesocardium posterior (Fig. 10 VM) extends as high as the anlage of the tracheal -bronchus. The mesodermic syncytium itself shows some differentiation, particularly under the pleura and in the region of the mesocardium and dorsal mesentery. Here the cells branch and anastomose and the differ- entiation of the exoplasmic portion into fibrils is in progress. About the cesophagus and pulmonary epithelium, however, there are dense masses of mesodermal cells without much differentiation. This group of cells is engaged in the production of the young basement membranes as the stems continue in their growth. In consequence of the more equal dila- tation of the sacs, the simple lung wings are more symmetrical than at any other period of early embryonic life. Differences, however, between the two sides on inspection of the reconstructions are readily made out. The right Recessus pleuroperitonealis extends slightly above the level of the lower end of the stem bronchus, while the left has disappeared. At this age we may express the derivations of the pulmonary anlage in the following tabulation : TRACHEA. Lateral 1. Right bronchus. Left bronchus. Right lung sac. Left lung sac. At 8.5 mm. the irregular contour of the lung sacs is lost and the two Joseph Marshall Flint 33 bronchi continue their growth after the production of the first two paired lateral bronchi. ‘These appear as lateral evaginations from the walls of the primitive sacs. On the left side, however, the bud is directed more cranialwards owing to the horizontal position of the left stem. The trachea increases in diameter and length; the bronchi, however, still maintaining the same general relationships, have grown in both caliber and thickness. Now, the very slight evagination of the tracheal bronchus has increased considerably in size and projects from the right wall so as to be noticeable particularly in longitudinal sections from which the model shown in Pl. I, Figs. 9 and 10, was reconstructed. It is quite as apparent as the paired Lateral 2 and is separated from the one on the right side by a distance of approximately 380 mikra. ‘These three bronchi may be considered as practically contemporaneous branches of the prim- itive tree with the tracheal bronchus appearing as a very faint evagina- tion before the lateral bronchi as such can be definitely seen in the primitive lung sacs. The two stem bronchi now extend more caudalwards than in pre- ceding stages; of the left particularly is this true. They also preserve, although not to such a marked extent, the horseshoe-like dorsal curvature observed in a pig 7.5 mm. long. On their lateral surfaces are two slight evaginations, the anlage of the second lateral bronchi (PI. I, Figs. 9, 10, L. 2). Of these the right project lateralwards, while the left points upwards. These two projections do not appear from a terminal portion of the end bud, but from its lateral surface. They are, therefore, the productions of a monopodial growth The epithelial lining in these primitive buds is a trifle deeper than in the other parts of the tubes and in the inner row karyokinetic figures are more numerous than in the other parts of the respiratory endoderm. 'The mesoderm about the buds does not appear either thicker or thinner than that on other parts of the respiratory tube. It is impossible, therefore, that this tissue can exert any marked growth influence in the production of these lateral branches. Much more probable are the space relationships to which the tube adapts itself as, lateralwards in the ccelom, we have one point of least resist- ance, while caudalwards between the thorax wall and the liver, is another. The bending of the stomach anlage to the left (PI. I, Figs. 9, 10) for a time may have some influence on the growth of the left bronchus holding it in its more horizontal position. From this point the consideration of the development of the mesodermic portion of the lungs will be dis- cussed in a separate chapter. 3 a 34 The Development of the Lungs The branches of the primitive bronchial tree in a pig 8.5 mm. long, then, may be tabulated as follows: TRACHEA. Lateral 1. Right stem bronchus. Left stem bronchus. Lateral 2. Lateral 2. At 10 mm., the trachea (PI. I, Figs. 11, 12 7) has increased consider- ably in size and Lateral 1, which appeared as a simple swelling in the earler stages, has now grown to a button-like enlargement (PI. I, Figs. 11, 12, L. 1) sharply constricted from the wall of the trachea. It points lateralwards and also shghtly ventralwards. The division of the trachea into right and left bronchi shows still the asymmetry of the preceding stages as the plane of the left stem is still more transverse than the right. At the same time the general direction of the right bronchus does not ex- tend so far dorsalwards, as the growth of the right bronchus has appar- ently been directed more towards the tail end of the embryo. Just at the point of bifurcation, the second lateral bronchi on either side are seen; the one on the right is somewhat larger than the corresponding branch on the left. Both, however, are now fairly symmetrically placed, although right Lateral 2 is shghtly more ventral and the left more apical in its direction. Beneath right L. 2, a slight bulging is visible on the axial bronchus directed ventralwards. This is the anlage of Ventral 2, the infracardiac bronchus (Pl. I, Fig. 11, V. 2) which arises directly from the stem bronchus and not from L. 2. At the same time, directly opposite the anlage of Ventral 2, there is also a slight dorsal evagination of the stem, indicating the first traces of Dorsal 2 (Pl. I, Fig. 12, D. 2) on the right side. The appearance of Ventral 2 (Bronchus infra- cardiacus) and Dorsal 2 is accompanied by an apparent lateral flatten- ing of the stem bronchus due to the extension of the buds dorsalwards and ventralwards from the axis of the mother branch giving it, in cross- section, a marked oval shape, while above and below, it resumes its cylindrical form. This may be nicely seen in Figs. 11, 12, and 13, where 11 shows a transsection of the stem bronchus above, 13 below, and 12 at the level of the primitive dorsal and ventral branches (Fig. 12, V. 2, D. 2). In the inner row of epithelium in these projections, karyokinetic figures are much more numerous than in other parts of the stem bronchus save in the neighborhood of the terminal bud. At the same time there is a packing of the nuclei at the base nearer the basement membrane which is now less distinct and gives the epithelium the appearance of having an extra row of cells at this point. The left bronchus is considerably shorter than the right and projects Joseph Marshall Flint ise) OL more lateralwards. Its stem is cylindrical in form and it terminates im a rounded bud-lke swelling in which mitoses are numerous. No evidences of Ventral 2 or Dorsal 2 are seen. If we turn for a moment to the consideration of the origin of L. 1, we find the bronchus is a trifle more precocious, but practically simultaneous with the second lateral branch in its origin. It is separated from Lateral 2 by a considerable distance. If the views of Willach and Narath were correct, this branch should not appear until later, and should be traceable, step by step, from the bud forming right Lateral 2 to its final position on the trachea. Its direction is practically lateralwards with a scarcely visible tendency to point ventralwards. It would not then, from the topography of its ori- gin, bear any analogy to a dorsal bronchus. From this distinctly lateral position of its origin, I have classed it among the lateral group of bronchi, although, in its subsequent growth, one of its branches extends down into TXT IGse alent 2 sand ls: Text Fias. 11, 12, and 13. Sections through the right stem bronchus of an embryo 10 mm. long. Fig. 11 above, Fig. 12 through, Fig. 13 below the origin of Ventral 2 and Dorsal 2. V=—=Ventral. D=Dorsal. C= Pleural cavity. S—=Stem bronchus. V.2—Ventral 2, the Bronchus cardiacus. D. 2 = Dorsal 2. the dorsal region giving the bronchus a certain superficial resemblance to that series. On the other hand, the lower lateral elements grow ventral- wards in the later embryonic stages and thus also lose their early strictly lateral character. This much is certain; if L. 1 arises phylogenetically from the dorsal group, a view for which there is no convincing proof, absolutely all trace of the migration is lost in the pig. It originates like one of the lateral bronchi and subsequently develops its superficial re- semblance to the dorsal elements. Whatever support for the relation- ship of the broncnus to the dorsal series, can be drawn from this fact, is multiplied by the behavior of a lateral branch of left L. 2, which does exactly the same thing in an adaptative process on the part of the bron- chus to a relatively unobstructed environment. Similarly, Ventral 2 is produced after the formation of Lateral 2 simply as an evagination of the walls of the stem bronchus. It occurs at 36 The Development of the Lungs a level below the point where the stem bronchus has already regained its cylindrical form after the production of the second lateral bronchus on the right side. Of the possibility of its being a branch of Lateral 2, in these specimens, there is not the shghtest evidence. In this particular lung, D. 2 and V. 2 are given off at practically the same level. This is, however, not always the case as one, usually the ventral, may arise higher up. It is this variability in the origin of these branches which gives rise in the adult tree to the series of stages, which simulate a transplantation of the Ventral 2 from Lateral 2 to the stem bronchus. They represent, however, simply a normal range of variation in the origin of the bronchus. Narath states the wax-plate method is not adapted to the study of these branches and has, for the most part, used specimens cleared in oil of cloves. In my experience, the latter method is valuable only for the lateral bronchi where the buds are seen in profile and, therefore, are sharply outlined. In such specimens, either the dorsal or the ventral series must be studied not only through the mesoderm, but also through the entire thickness of the stem bronchus. In looking upon the surfaces of such buds as D. 2 and V. 2 in an embryo like that represented in Pl. I, Figs. 11 and 12, the slight projections forming the anlagen of these branches are invisible because they cannot be studied in contour. After they have developed into well-formed buds, they are quite apparent in cleared preparations, particularly when the stereoscopic microscope is used. By that time, how- ever, the important stages of their origin are lost. So far as is known to me, reconstructions, controlled and supplemented by cleared and dis- sected specimens afford us the only opportunity to see the first traces of these branches. For such schematic pictures as shown by Narath, 96 (Text Figs. 1, 2, 3), which represent schemata of the origin of his apical bronchus and V. 2 from the bud of L. 2, I can find, in the pig, no parallel. Furthermore, the bud of V. 2 is shown in the schemata before the apical bronchus appears, while in the pig the latter is either the independent precursor or the contemporary of Lateral 2, while Ventral 2 is not formed until after the other two branches are well developed. At this stage the following divisions have appeared in the primitive bronchial tree: TRACHEA. Lateral 1. Right stem bronchus. Left stem bronchus. 15 Py. Mee WVa2e IDE In a reconstruction of the bronchial tree of a pig 12 mm. (PI. I, Figs. 13, 14) the trachea and stem bronchi have increased considerably Joseph Marshall Flint 37 in size. At the same time, Lateral 1, the tracheal bronchus (PI. I, Figs. 13, 14, L. 1) has grown further lateralwards. Its terminal bud beyond the constriction near the point of origin bends somewhat ventralwards in conformation to the topography of the environment of the thoracic cavity at this level. Its general course after its origin is dorsalwards causing its lower extremity to overlap the upper part of L. 2 (Pl. I, Figs. 13, 14, L. 2). The asymmetrical characteristics of the two-stem bronchi are also maintained, the right extending lower and nearer the midline than the left, which projects more lateralwards. They also bend slightly dorsalwards. It is probable, however, that the asymmetry of this specimen is extreme, as I possess other specimens at this age in which the two sides, while markedly asymmetrical, are more nearly enanteo- morphic than this one. In order to control this specimen, it was re- constructed a second time with exactly the same results. Of the two second lateral bronchi (Pl. I, Figs. 13, 14, L. 2), the right extends a little farther lateralwards and ventralwards than the left, its growth being influenced at this stage by the presence of L. 1 above and behind it. The left, however, with practically unobstructed environment grows lateralwards and dorsalwards and upwards at this period. Both are terminated by the end buds, which lke that on L. 1, are in a stage pre- paratory to division. On the right side, Ventral 2 (Pl. I, Fig. 13, V. 2) the Bronchus infracardiacus has developed to a button-like bud on the ventral portion of the stem bronchus separated from it by a sharp con- striction at the base. It is not so well developed as the two second lateral bronchi or L. 1. On the corresponding portion of the left stem bronchus, no analogous branch has appeared. It remains, in fact, naked through the whole future development of the tree. Neither is there in the pig, at this or later stages, a branch which forms at this point and subsequently wanders up on left L. 2, as d’Hardiviller suggests, to form the so-called cardiac bronchus of Hasse. On the lateral sides of both stem bronchi, buds forming Lateral 3 (Pl. I, Figs. 13, 14, L. 3) have ap- peared. These extend directly lateralwards for a short distance to termi- nate in swollen bud-like extremities, while the portion near the stem bronchus has a definite constriction. Of the two, the right is shghtly larger than the left. From this point on, the stem bronchus continues caudal- wards to terminate in the enlarged end buds. On the right side, the axial bronchus extends considerably lower than on the left. On the dorsal side of the stem between L. 2 and L. 3, appears on each side, the bud representing Dorsal 2 (Pl. I, Fig. 14, D. 2). That on the right side ap- pears before the left and is a trifle more developed. The left, however, is quite apparent. It is also possible that either of these buds may not be 38 The Development of the Lungs formed, in which case this area of the stem remains naked throughout life. This state of things, while occurring seldom, is found oftener on the right than on the left side and the cause may possibly be due, in this particular instance, to the presence of the rapidly growing Ventral 2, to- gether with the presence of L. 1 above, or otherwise simply to the general tendency for the tree to vary within wide limits. As in the case of the ventral and lateral group, the position of these dorsal buds may vary from complete suppression to a position on the stem at the level of L. 2, or to one opposite Lateral 3. The usual situation is about midway between the second and third lateral branches. These buds are the same as Narath’s Dorsal 2 and Aeby’s Dorsal 1. Our results agree with Aeby’s designation as Narath, in considering Lateral 1 and a dorsal branch, was forced ac- cordingly, to change the denomination of his dorsal series. Like Ventral 2, I have designated the first dorsal bronchus as D. 2, simply to keep it in harmony with the lateral series. At this period the following branches of the bronchial tree have de- veloped: TRACHEA. 1 ae Right stem bronchus. Left stem bronchus. Ibe Ibs 2 Wind: : 1D); 2 D. 2. Ibe, BF Ibe Bk 13.5 mm. (Pl. II, Figs. 15, 16). At this stage the trachea is slightly larger and somewhat longer than in the preceding embryos. On its right side passing dorsolaterally is found L. 1 (Pl. II, Figs. 15, 16, L. 1) which has undergone division and yielded two practically equivalent branches, one of which passes downwards and dorsalwards (PI. II, Figs. 15, 16 di) and the other lateralwards and slightly upwards (Pl. I, Figs. 15, 16 vs). These primary subdivisions, terminating in rounded buds, represent in the adult the dorsoinferior and the ventrosuperior branches of L. 1. At this stage, the two halves of the lung are much more symmetrical than we have seen them in any of the preceding recon- structions. The trachea and two main bronchi denuded of their side branches, now have more or less of a wish-bone shape. The trachea passes ventralwards to the origin of the stems and then, as the two axial bronchi diverge from the poiat of union, they also pass somewhat dorsally and reach their maximum point of separation at the level of the third lateral bronchi.. From this point, as the end buds are approached, they again converge towards the median line. The right is only slightly larger Joseph Marshall Flint 39 and more developed than the left. At the same time, there has been a more symmetrical readjustment of the two second lateral bronchi, making them both with reference to their direction and the distance which separates them from the trachea practically mirror images of each other. L. 2 on the right side passes laterally and somewhat superior, undergoing like the tracheal bronchus a division into two practically dichotomous branches. Of these, one branch, which will continue as the main bronchus (PI. II, Figs. 15, 16 i) les ventralwards, while the other is directed dorsally and slightly inferior. The latter is the dorsal inferior branch (PI. II, Figs. 15, 16 di) of the right L. 2 in the adult, and its downward course is due, as we shall see later, to the presence of L. 1 above, which prevents its growing upwards to the apex of the lung like the corresponding branch of the left side (Pl. II, Figs. 15, 16ap). In comparing the growth of the three first divisions of the bronchial tree until they have reached their present development, it is possible to note in the progress of L. 1 and L. 2 on each side their passage through practically the same stages simultaneously. If the apical branch of L. 2 on the left side is equivalent of L. 1 or the tracheal bronchus as Willach, Narath, and others suggest, it is difficult to explain the tardy appearance of the left element and to give a reason why the right should be so well developed. As a matter of fact, this apical branch of the left Lateral 2 is not the homologue of L. 1, but of the dorsoinferior branch of right Lateral 2, a branch, which, in the adult lung, is practically but not quite as well developed as the apical branch itself. The difference be- tween the two lies in the different nature of the environment in which they grow. Of equivalent age and value in the bronchial tree, the dorso- inferior branch on the right side, influenced by its space relationships and the presence of L. 1 above is forced to grow downwards and back- wards, while on the left side, the corresponding branch, unobstructed through the absence of L. 1, mounts upwards to the apex of the lung to supply the territory through which the tracheal bronchus runs on the opposite side. This power of substitution, which the bronchi pos- sess is not confined to this branch alone, but may take place in many other parts of the tree, as we shall see in the later stages. In my corro- sions, I have never found an instance of the suppression of L. 1 in the pig. Narath, or (Pl. VII, Fig. 5), however, shows a case in the human lung which indicates how, under these circumstances, this dorsoinferior branch of right L. 2 with an unobstructed environment may take a course almost exactly like the corresponding branch on the opposite side. Arising as in the preceding stages from the axial bronchus between L. 2 and L. 3, Ventral 2 on the right side has increased considerably in 40 The Development of the Lungs length and passes ventralwards, medianwards, and caudalwards. At its terminus there is a definite bud. The corresponding portion of the stem bronchus on the left side, however, remains nude. In seeking for an explanation of the cause for the extreme development of Ventral 2 on the right side and its usual absence on the left, I have been impressed with the extreme adaptability of the lung to its environment and the way in which the bronchi follow mechanical principles in growing along the lines of least resistance. We realize, of course, the fact that the lungs are relatively late accessions to the animal economy, that they also, ex- cepting possibly in marsupials, are functionless until the period of birth. It is natural, therefore, to find them secondary to and influenced by such organs as the heart and liver, as well as the chest wall by which they are surrounded. These, moreover, have chronologically the de- velopmental precedence and are of definite functional use during the embryonic life of the organism. For the suppression of left V. 2 there is an explanation as we shall see in the chapter on the development of the pulmonary vessels and we may look upon the hyperdevelopment of right V. 2 as an effort to fill up the space which exists especially in quadrupeds between the heart and diaphragm in the region of the median plane. Dorsal 2 (Pl. I, Fig. 16, D. 2), situated between L. 2 and L. 3, shows a slight growth over the preceding stages, but still persists simply as a slight projection from the axial bronchus. The third lateral (PI. IT, Figs. 15, 16, L. 3) has increased in size over the corresponding branch in a younger embryo, and now possesses a more distinct terminal bud. There is, however, no indication of division as yet. On the ventral side of the axial bronchus, just beneath L. 3, there appears a slight swelling, indicating the origin of the third ventral bronchus (Pl. II, Fig. 15, V. 3). Directly behind it, on the dorsal surface of the stem, is a pro- tuberance showing the point of origin of Dorsal 3 (Pl. II, Fig. 16, D. 3). Below these two branches, there is on the lateral side of the axial bronchus a bud indicating the point of origin of Lateral 4 (Pl. II, Figs. 15, 16, L. 4), while the axial bronchus continues downwards and ends in a terminal swelling on which some signs of the origin of L. 5 (PI. II, Figs. 15, 16, L. 5) are already shown. At this level, an evagination (Pl. II, Figs. 15, 16 MS) appears on the inner side of the end bud pointing medialwards and slightly dorsalwards just opposite the bud of Lateral 5. This is the first one of the medial series to appear on the reconstructions. ‘They are, however, extremely variable both in their constancy and origin. In some trees they are en- tirely absent, in others they may occur with great regularity, but never in my specimens, which included sections and corrosions of over one hun- Joseph Marshall Flint 41 dred lungs, do they occur higher than a short distance above the level of Lateral 4. They may exist only on one side or else on both. Like the other series, they arise as lateral outgrowths of the bronchial stem, not as secondary derivations of the dorsal series, according to the processes de- scribed by either Narath or Robinson. It is interesting, moreover, to note the relation of this group to the cesophagus. In the higher levels where the cesophagus lies between the stem bronchi, no medial bronchi occur, in the lower levels, however, as the cesophagus passes ventralwards to the stems, leaving the medial surfaces of the lung free, these branches are produced. Text Fig. 26 shows these conditions well. The edge of the cesophagus is seen in cross-section, while from the median wall of the end bud below it an evagination which will form a Medial 4 or 5 is clearly seen (Fig. 26M). This would seem to indicate another adaptation on the part of the tree, to its space relationships. On the left side, L. 2 (Pl. II, Figs. 15, 16, L. 2) is directed lateral- wards and slightly dorsalwards. Like the corresponding bronchus on the right side, there has been a dichotomous division, which has yielded two branches, one directed dorsally and superior (PI. II, Figs. 15, 16 ap) and the other lateral and ventral. The latter is the continuation of the main bronchus, while the former constitutes the apical branch, or Bronchus ascendens of His, of L. 2 on the left side. Owing to the unobstructed possibility of its growth upwards, inasmuch as there is on the left side no L. 1, this branch, as we have seen, grows in a slightly dif- ferent direction from the corresponding division of the same lateral bronchus on the right side, but, for the reasons given above, it must be viewed as distinctly homologous with the dorsoinferior branch of right L. 2. This branch and its relationships may be seen in many of Narath’s illustrations, from which the nature of its origin is as clearly shown as in the pig’s lung. On the left side, there is no V. 2, but between L. 2 and L. 3, the Dorsal 2 (Pl. II, Fig. 16, D. 2), which already appeared in the earlier stages, is now well marked. Lateral 3 (Pl. I, Figs. 15, 16, L. 3) is directed laterally and possesses a distinct bud at the end. It is also directed slightly dorsalwards, occu- pying a plane almost identical with the second lateral branch above. On the ventral surface of the axial bronchus, just below the point of origin of the third lateral, a small projection indicates V. 3 (PI. II, Fig. 15, V. 3), while behind the stem bronchus, but somewhat lower, a similar projection marks the origin of the D. 3 (Pl. II, Fig. 16, D. 3). The fourth lateral bronchus (Pl. I], Figs. 15, 16, L. 4) exists at this stage 42 The Development of the Lungs simply as a shght projection from the lateral wall of the axial bronchus as it continues downwards and ends in a terminal bud. The following is a tabulation of the tree in a pig of this age: TRACHEA. 1, ale (2) DE: (2) VS. Right bronchus. Left bronchus. 1.2: Ibe}, (2) DI. (2) Ap. (2) LI. (2) Gh: Were: 1D} 2 D. 2 ie Ibe & Weed Wee Drs Deo L. 4 L. 4 15 M. 5 In a pig 15 mm. long (PI. I, Figs. 17 and 18) the trachea has in- creased in size and passes somewhat ventralwards to the point of bifurca- tion. On the right side and directed slightly dorsal and inferior, is Lat- eral 1 (Pl. II, Figs. 17 and 18, L. 1). A short distance from its point of origin, the ventral superior (Pl. II, Figs. 17, 18, vs) and dorsal in- ferior (Pl. II, Figs. 17, 18, di), branches are seen. These, in turn, now give rise to secondary branches. On the dorsal inferior branch, the first division (Pl. II, Fig. 18, d) is directed dorsally and somewhat medially This is the first main dorsal branch of the dorsoinferior in the adult lung, The other division continues on as the stem branch. The ventral superior bronchus passes laterally and superior. It now possesses a branch (PI. II, Fig. 18, d) passing dorsally and slightly upwards. This is the dorsal branch of the ventrosuperior division of L. 1, and is found usually in the adult lung. ‘The more general symmetry of the two main divisions of the trachea noted in the last reconstruction persists, the trachea passing downwards to the point of division and the right and left bronchi, as in the last stage, form with it a structure suggestive of a wish-bone. The axial bronchi bend laterally, dorsally, and medially, their point of widest divergence being now opposite the fourth lateral bronchi, a relation which persists in adult life, and with which the cesophagus, passing ventralwards at this level, probably has something to do. On either side, the second lateral bronchi pass lateralwards, then bend slightly dorsalwards and finally at their tips begin to bend ventralwards again. This indicates the Joseph Marshall Flint 43 first appearance of the folding of the lung wings around the heart and liver, a process which is naturally directed largely by the form of the chest wall and shows another adaptation of the bronchi to the space in which they have to grow. As yet, however, the remaining lateral bronchi have not developed sufficiently to. bend towards the ventral side of the body. On the right side, L. 2 has increased considerably in length, but possesses no more branches than the reconstruction of the preceding stage. The dorsal inferior branch, however, is considerably longer, and now grows distinctly downwards and lateralwards. Owing to the presence of Lateral 1, with the Lobus superior above and a consequent lack of space, this branch does not grow as rapidly as the relatively unobstructed corre- sponding branch on the left side, which, at this stage, is somewhat further advanced in its development. V. 2 (Bronchus infracardiacus) passes from its point of origin on the ventral side of the axial bronchus between L. 2 and L. 3, downwards, ventralwards, and medialwards. It is divided into branches of equal size, the first passing somewhat inferior (PI. II, Fig. 17, 7) and somewhat lateral, forms the inferior branch of the infra- cardiac bronchus in the adult. The other division passing more medial- wards, is the continuation of the main bronchus. From the dorsal side of the stem, D. 2 (Pl. II, Fig. 18, D. 2) arises and subdivides into two short branches, the upper and median of which forms the median branch (Pl. II, Fig. 18 D. 2, m) of this trunk, while the other continues as the main bronchus. L. 3 (PI. I, Figs. 17, 18 L. 3) passes lateral- wards and shghtly dorsalwards and, while considerably longer than in the preceding stages, it possesses as yet no secondary divisions. V. 3 on the right side is, in this specimen suppressed. It is noteworthy that next to Ventral 2 of the right side, this element of the ventral series is most often missing, a fact which may easily be accounted for by the hyperdevelop- ment of Ventral 2, which does not, as a rule, leave much territory in this region to be supphed by a ventral bronchus in this segment of the tree. Dorsal 3 (Pl. IH, Fig. 18, D. 3) has grown considerably in size and now possesses a terminal bud. The fourth lateral (Pl. I], Figs. 17, 18, L. 4) shows a marked growth and is provided with an end bud, while between it and L. 5, on the ventral side of the axial bronchus a small projection indi- cates the fourth ventral bronchus (PI. I, Figs. 17, V. 4). Immediately opposite it, D. 4 (Pl. II, Fig. 18, D. 4), arises as a small bud from the dorsal aspect of the axial bronchus, while Lateral 5 (Pl. II, Figs. 17, 18, L. 5) originates from the outer side of the stem as a small bud-like pro- jection. From this point, the axial bronchus passes downwards and terminates in a slight end bud. On the left side, Lateral 2 shows a 44 The Development of the Lungs marked growth of its apical branch (PI. II, Figs. 17, 18, ap), which passes upwards and dorsalwards and terminates in two branches, one of which passes dorsally and inferior and indicates its first dorsal branch (Pl. II, Fig. 18, L. 2, d), while the other continues upwards as the extension of the stem of this bronchus. Near the extremity of L. 2 another branch is given off, which extends ventralwards and inferior (Pl. II, Fig. 17, L. 2, vt). This corresponds to the ventroinferior division of the bronchus in the adult lung. As there is no ventral bronchus between L. 2 and L. 3 on the left side, the axial bronchus remains at this point perfectly smooth. The second dorsal bronchus (Pl. II, Fig. 18, D. 2) of this embryo is placed somewhat lower than the corresponding branch of the opposite series and arises just above the point where Lateral 3 originates. Like its homologue, it shows a subdivi- sion into two secondary branches, one of which is the regular medial branch (PI. I], Fig. D. 2, m), while the other forms the stem of Dorsal 2. Texr Hie. 14. TEXT Fic. 14. Section through the left lung of a pig 14.5 mm. long, showing the median evagination of the end bud to produce Medial 5. V= Ventral. D=Dorsal. M=Medial 5. S=lumen of end bud. The third lateral bronchus (Pl. I, Figs. 17, 18, L. 3) grows lateralwards and dorsalwards, and is not provided with secondary branches at this stage. Appearing as a small bud from the ventral aspect of the axial bronchus, a short distance above L. 4 is Ventral 3 (Pl. II, Fig. 17, V. 3), while at a point about opposite this branch and a little above, Dorsal 3 (Pl. II, Fig. 18, D. 3) also originates as a small bud from the posterior surface of the stem bronchus, approximately midway between L. 3 and Lateral 4. The latter (Pl. II, Figs. 17, 18, L. 4) is somewhat shorter than the third, and has no secondary divisions. Ventral 4 (PI. I, Fig. 17, V. +4) appears as a very faint swelling of the ventral aspect of the axial bronchus below L. 4+. In a corresponding position on the opposite side of the main bronchus Dorsal 4 appears (PI. II, Fig. 18, D. 4) also in the form of a slight evagination from the stem. Lateral 5 (PI. II, _ Fig. 17, L. 5) is merely indicated by a slight swelling on the side of the Joseph Marshall Flint 45 terminal bud of the axial bronchus. About opposite it on the inner side of the stem bronchus, is an evagination marking the anlage of a bronchus of the medial series (Pl. II, Figs. 17, 18, M. 5) like that seen on the right side at a similar point on the tree in the reconstruction of the preceding stage. Fig. 14 shows a section through the end bud where this element is in process of formation. The numerous karyokinetic figures and the definite extension of the evagination from the median portion of the lumen of the bud (Fig. 14, 8) is clearly shown. This picture, when com- pared with the reconstruction and Text Fig. 26, indicates that there is no essential difference in the method of formation of these branches of the stem. Like the dorsal, ventral, and lateral elements, they are pro- ducts of monopodial growth. | Following is a tabulation of the derivatives of the bronchial tree at this stage: TRACHEA. Ideally (2) DI. (33) J2) (2) VS. (ep Right bronchus. Left bronchus. 1652 ree (2) DF. (2) Ap. (3) D. Can WV. 2: (2) £. ID), Dp. 2. (2) MU. (2) M. 105 8} Ike, ot V.3 Vira L. 4 L. 4 D. 4 D. 4 V.4 vV.4 5 Ibn & M.5 In a pig 18.5 mm. long (PI. II, Fig. 19, Pl. III, Fig. 20) the trachea is only a little larger than in the preceding embryo. It still passes slightly ventralwards from the upper end to the point of bifurcation. On the right side passing downwards and slightly dorsalwards, one finds Lateral 1 (Pl. II, Fig. 19; Pl. III, Fig. 20, L. 1), which divides almost at right angles into its main divisions, the dorsoinferior (Pl. II, Fig. 19; Pl. III, Fig. 20, L. 1, dv) and ventrosuperior (Pl. I, Figs. 19; Pl. ITI, 46 The Development of the Lungs Fig. 20, L. 1, vs) branches. The dorsoinferior passes downwards and dorsalwards and terminates in the neighborhood of D. 2, a relationship which persists to the adult stage as its further growth downwards is now checked by the series of dorsal bronchi below. This branch shows new divisions over the preceding stage as we find besides the dorsal branch, which passes dorsalwards and medialward, a lateral branch (PI. III, Fg. 20, 1) arising about the same level, which passes laterally and dor- sally. Both of these divisions terminate in end buds. The main stem of the bronchus continues downwards to its termination, which is marked by slight end swelling. The ventrosuperior or apical branch (Pl. U1, Fig. 19; Pl. III, Fig. 20, vs) of L. 1, extends further cephalad than in the earlier stages. Besides the dorsal branch indicated in the preceding reconstruction, which shows signs of division, a lateroinferior branch (Pl. II, Fig. 19; Pl. III, Fig. 20, 1) is given off somewhat further on, which passes at this time downwards and shghtly outwards, and forms the first lateroinferior branch on this bronchus of the adult tree. The main stem continues upwards and ends in a terminal bud. The trachea and the stem bronchi still preserve the characteristic wish-bone appear- ance noted in the two preceding reconstructions. The two axial bronchi bending lateralwards, dorsalwards, and medialwards, the point of widest separation being, as in the earlier stages, about the level of the fourth lateral bronchi. In the preceding reconstruction, the beginning of the ventral growth of the two wings of the lung were apparent on Lateral 2. This action is now also shown on the third lateral branches. The first pair, however, curve around the heart, while those of the lower series follow the chest wall and the curvature of the diaphragm over the liver. The fourth, fifth, and sixth lateral divisions still pass outwards and slightly backwards without showing this bending at the extremities. - On the right side, the second lateral bronchus arises about the point of bifurcation of the trachea, and passes slightly ventralwards, then runs upwards, slightly dorsalwards, and again ventralwards, preserving its course practically in one horizontal plane. In this specimen the first branch is a ventroinferior (Pl. IJ; Fig. 19, L.2, vt), which extends downwards and ends in a bud, while the dorsoinferior branch (Pl. II, Fig. 19; Pl. Ill, Fig. 20, L.2, dv), which is scarcely larger than the preceding stage, is the second branch of Lateral 2. This condition indi- cates one of the very important factors in the growth of the bronchi, namely the ability of either branch after a division to continue on as a stem. In nine out of ten cases, the ventral fork, after the first division of Lateral 2, produces the main trunk, leaving the dorsal fork as the large Joseph Marshall Flint 47 dorsoinferior branch, which is the equivalent of the apical branch on L. 2 of the left side. In this specimen, however, the ventral fork becomes the ventroinferior branch and the dorsal fork continues as the main bronchus, giving rise to the dorsoinferior branch only after undergoing another subdivision. In a much smaller percentage of lungs, the same thing happens on the left side, the ventral fork giving rise to a ventroinferior branch, while the dorsal grows on as the stem, producing the apical or stem only after passing through another division at the end. When this state of affairs occurs, we have the so-called “ cardiac bronchus of Hasse,” which d’Hardiviller believes is formed on the stem bronchus in the space for left V.2, and then wanders up to Lateral 2. Of course in some animals Ventral 2 is formed regularly on the left side, and in others as a variation which establishes the symmetry of this segment of the tree. In the pig, however, owing to the relations of the pulmonary vein to this part of the stem (see chapter on pulmonary vessels), I have never seen a left Ventral 2. This power of the bronchi gives us a suggestive in- sight into the adaptations of the growing branches. The selection of the division to continue as the stem is probably governed largely by the physi- cal environment in which the branches find themselves. As the conditions are usually the same, the same branches ordinarily become the stem, but if these are changed, what generally forms the stem is shunted off to become a side branch of relatively small size, while the division which usually constitutes the side branch, grows out as the stem and produces a numerous progeny of lateral divisions. In other words, the extent of the growth of a branch depends to some degree upon the nature of its physi- cal environment. As I have stated above, owing to the generally fixed conditions, the major branches, especially such important ones at Lateral 2, have ordinarily a fixed type of division, but further out on the laterals or in the lower divisions, like Lateral 4 or 5 for example, this interchange of forks frequently takes place, as almost every specimen shows variations in the order of the branching. The next division of the L. 2 is the ventrosuperior (Pl. II, Fig. 19; Pl. III, Fig. 20, L. 2, s), projecting from the main bronchus just ex- ternal to the dorsoinferior branch, while a short distance lateralwards and dorsalwards is given off a dorsosuperior branch (PI. II, Fig. 19; Pl. II, Fig. 20, L. 2, ds), which already shows indications of division. These branches represent apparently branches of the second order, but in reality, after a dichotomous division, each segment of the stem between the suc- cessive branches is equivalent in its order to that of the last lateral division. In the adult lung these branches are all easily recognizable. 48 The Development of the Lungs Ventral 2, the infracardiae bronchus, has grown markedly, and presents a long inferior branch (PI. I, Fig. 19, V. 2, 7), which passes downwards and ventralwards and is indicated in the architectural history of the younger stages. The next division is a small bud from the upper por- tion of V. 2. (Pl. IL, Kiss 19) V2 2) us) which has a yentrosupenor direction and is found in specimens of the adult tree. This branch is small and at this stage consists simply of a shghtly marked bud from the main bronchus. In most of the corrosions I have made of the lungs of older embryos it always shows by its flattened spreading branching that it is more or less influenced by the presence of the heart above it. The ventroinferior branch (Pl. II, Fig. 19, V. 2, vt), which is the next in order, is a slight bud, passing downwards and slightly ventralwards, and which, it may be worth while observing, with the inferior branch, some- times substitutes for Ventral 3, when it is suppressed. After this branch, the main bronchus continues on to terminate in slight end swelling. Here we are able to observe again the mechanical influence of environ- ment on the growth of a bronchus. The inferior group of branches of Ventral 2 have space in which to grow and are accordingly of exaggerated size in comparison with the superior group, which cannot attain such ex- tensive development, owing to the presence of the heart above them. In this bronchus, as well as in the laterals, we also have the possibility of propagation of the stem through either branch of a dichotomous division, as I have a number of specimens on which the ventrosuperior division arises before the inferior, indicating in these specimens, the use of the latter as the stem with the inferior branch arising from a subsequent forking. Right Dorsal 2 (Pl. III, Fig. 20, D. 2) of this specimen has not developed as far as the corresponding bronchus in the preceding stage, the terminal bud merely suggesting an approaching division, which was already well advanced in the bronchial tree from a 15 mm. pig. Such variations, however, are not uncommon. ‘The third lateral bronchus (PI. II, Fig. 19; Pl. III, Fig. 20, L. 3) passes outwards and slightly ventral- wards. From its dorsal aspect, a dorsal branch (PI. I], Fig. 19; Pl. III, Fig. 20, L. 3, d) originates, which terminates in the swelling already showing signs of division. The third ventral bronchus (PI. I, Fig. 19, V. 3) arises from the ventral aspect of the stem, between Lateral 3 and 4 and grows downwards, apparently influenced by the marked development of Ventral 2 above it. Dorsal 3 (PI. III, Fig. 20, D. 3), passes dorsal- wards and lateralwards, and has a well-marked median branch (PI. III, Fig. 20, D. 3, m) which terminates in a large bud, while the main bronchus points somewhat dorsally and laterally. Lateral 4 (Pl. II, Joseph Marshall Flint 49 Fig. 19; Pl. III, Fig. 20, L. 4) has a definite ventral bud and at its ends is undergoing division. The fourth ventral bronchus (Pl. II, Fig. 19, V. 4) is somewhat smaller than the V. 3, and appears as a constricted button-like bud from the ventral aspect of the axial trunk, while Dorsal 4, arising at a somewhat higher level on the opposite side of the stem ends in a relatively large bud, which is as yet undivided. From the lateral aspect of the axial bronchus Lateral 5 (Pl. I], Fig. 19; Pl. III, Fig. 20, L. 5) takes origin, and ends in a terminal bud without division. D. 5 (Pl. Ill, Fig. 20, D. 5) is the smallest of the dorsal branches on this side, and appears simply a pedunculated projection from the dorsal aspect of the main stem, while the fifth ventral bronchus is present solely as a slight elevation or projection (Pl. II, Fig. 19, V. 5) from the ventral wall of the axial bronchus which, continuing caudalwards, ends in a terminal bud. On the left side Lateral 2 (PI. II, Fig. 19; Pl. III, Fig. 20, L. 2), which was practically symmetrical with the corresponding branch on the right side in a pig 13.5 mm. long has now, in the rapid development of its main branch, lost even more than in the preceding stage its symmetrical relationships with right L.2. The ventrosuperior or apical branch (PI. II, Fig. 19; Pl. III, Fig. 20, L. 2, ap) is markedly increased in size, and now arises from the more superior aspect of the bronchus and passes superiorly and slightly dorsalwards. Its termination has reached a height equal to the point of origin of the tracheal bronchus on the right side. From its dorsal aspect, the first dorsal branch (PI. III, Fig. 20, L. 2, d) is derived, which is now subdivided into two regular buds. A little higher, the lateral branch (PI. III, Fig. 20, L. 2, 1) is seen, while the apical end of the bronchus is in the stage of division. Further lateral- wards, on L. 2 a dorsosuperior branch (PI. III, Fig. 20, L. 2, ds) origi- nates, which has a marked bud and is in process of division, while the next is an inferior or ventroinferior branch (Pl. II, Fig. 19; Pl. III, Fig. 20, L. 2, vt) existing simply as a small pedunculated projection from the under surface of the bronchus. Lateral 2 terminates in a bud, which has undergone definite division, but the resulting branches are not yet sufficiently characteristic to be placed with reference to the adult tree. Inasmuch as Ventral 2 on the left side is always missing on the pig’s lung, that aspect of the main bronchus remains perfectly smooth. At this period, however, the Vena pulmonalis already overlies this portion of the axial stem, but, for the sake of clearness in the illustration, it has been placed in approximately the median plane. Dorsal 2 (Pl. III, Fig. 20, D. 2) arising just above L. 3 passes dorsalwards, and has two marked 4 50 The Development of the Lungs bud-like projections, one of which represents the median branch (PI. ILI, Fig. 20, D. 2, m), usually the first branch of the dorsal series, which is already indicated in the preceding construction. Lateral 3 (Pl. II, Fig. 19; Pl. III, Fig. 20, L. 3) passes lateralwards and slightly ventralwards. It has a well-marked dorsal (Pl. III, Fig. 20, L. 3, d) and somewhat further out a ventrosuperior branch (Pl. II, Fig. 19; Pl. Il, Fig. 20, L. 3, vs), both of which are represented in the adult lung. The continu- ation of the bronchus ends in a bud, which is already undergoing further division. At a point just above the fourth lateral, Ventral 3 (Pl. II, Fig. 19, V. 3) arises, and ends in a slight terminal swelling. Dorsal 3 (Pl. III, Fig. 20, D. 3) is considerably smaller than D. 2, and also smaller than the corresponding branch on the opposite side, but is already divided into two buds, one of which represents the median branch of this bronchus, while the other forms the stem. Such variations in size as are shown in this instance, however, occur very frequently. Lateral 4 is somewhat shorter than L. 3, and has a well-marked ventral and a less marked dorsosuperior branch. The fourth ventral bron- chus (Pl. II, Fig. 19, V. 4) is slightly smaller than the third and arises from the corresponding position in this interspace, while D. 4 (Pl. Ill, Fig. 20, D. 4) is considerably longer than the third, and ends in a bud which is not yet divided. Lateral 5 (Pl. Il, Fig. 19; Pl. Ill, Fig. 20, L. 5) terminates in an undivided bud, and V. 5 (PI. II, Fig. 19, V.5) consists simply of a slight bulging of the epithelial wall of the axial bronchus. Similarly the fifth dorsal (Pl. III, Fig. 20, D.5) is merely suggested by a faint projection from the epithelial tube. Lateral 6 (Pl. II, Fig. 19; Pl. III, Fig. 20, L. 6) is the smallest of the lateral series and ends in a slight swelling, while the axial bronchus con- tinues downwards, terminating in an end bud. At this point the division of the stem is practically dichotomous. This specimen has no medial bronchi and is especially characterized by the lack of variations, for all of the bronchi, excepting the medial group, are present in almost schematic order. The entire absence of the medial group, however, must be regarded as exceptional for most trees, either on one side or both, have medial branches in some of the interspaces below the level of Lateral 4. While we have seen in the reconstructed series, examples of variations caused by the suppression of either a dorsal or ventral bronchus, another type occurs, not represented here, of which I have several specimens in my corrosions of the embryonic lung, namely, a reduplication of either the dorsal, ventral, or the medial bronchi in any one interspace. This may or may not be accompanied by a simultaneous suppression of one Joseph Marshall Flint 51 of the adjacent elements of the same series. Following is a tabulation of the branches of a tree in an embryo 18.5 mm. long. TRACHEA. Iyale (2) ID e (3) D-L. (2) VS. (3) DS-LI. Right bronchus. Left bronchus. Ta 2. Ibe 74 (2) VI. (2) DI. (2) Ap. (3) D-L. (2) LI. (2) ia. (3) DI-S-DS. (3) DS-VI. V. 2. (A) ik (2) VS. (2)) VE. ID KA IDE Ze (2) MW. iby By 1 3s (2) D.: (2) D. (2) VS. (Cire Wer3 Wiss Das: DFS: (2) M. (2) M. ae Ae L. 4. Gav: (Cave (2) DS. D. 4 D. 4 V.4 vV.4 1G. & 15 15) 1D), 5) D.5 V.5 Wotd L. 6 Owing to the increasing complexity of the tree, it becomes almost impossible to reconstruct it by Born’s method after this stage. At the same time I have not succeeded in getting good celluloid corrosions younger than 4 cm. pigs. This gap, however, has been partially bridged by drawings of the serial sections of the lung of a 23 mm. pig, aided by specimens cleared in oil of cloves, or injected and subsequently cleared according to the suggestion of Hochstetter, 98. By these methods, it is possible to follow the main divisions of the ramifications consider- 52 The Development of the Lungs ably beyond that of the last reconstruction. With reference to the smaller buds, however, it is impossible either in sections or in clear specimens to determine definitely their course and final relationships. Neverthe- less, as shown in these specimens, the bronchial tree evolves along the same lines. The tendency for the tips of the wings of the lungs to fold ventralwards around the heart and liver also becomes more exaggerated than in the case of the lung of a 18.5 mm. pig. With the exception of the smaller buds, following is a tabulation of the main branches of the lung at this age. TRACHEA. 1b, ae (2) DI. (3) D-L-M-L. (2) VS. (3) DS-LI-LI-D. Right stem bronchus. Left stem bronchus. 1b PA, Tere (2) DI. (2) Apical. (3) D-I-D. (3) D-L-M-D. (2)04T. (2) eLE: (3) VI-DS-I. (3) DS-VI-DI-DS. Ware (2) cE (3) De (2) VS. @invwae 1D, 2s 1057 (2) UM. (2) M. (3) 8S. (2) L. (2) SD. (2) M. (2) L£. Tiere Ib, By (2) V. (2) D. (2) 5D: (2) V. (2) SV. @)ee (2) D. (2) S. We ok Wars (CA Op (2) 8. (2) M. (2) M. 1D), Drs: (2) M. (2) M. (2) Z. CANE: (2) M. L. 4. L. 4. C2) V7. (2) D. Joseph Marshall Flint 53 (2) D. (2) 8. (2) V (2) D (2) V D. 4. D. 4 (2) M. M. (2) L (2) L V. 4. Vv. 4 (2) M. (2) M Tes 5 L. 5 (2) V. (2) D (2) DS. (2) V (2) I (2) DS. IDES D5 (2) M. (2) M. V.5 Wa 15) M. 5 M. 5 L. 6 L. 6 (2) V (22D D6: D. 6 V.6 V.6 In a pig 5 em. long, the bronchial tree can be studied by celluloid cor- rosions (Pl. IV, Fig. 21), but perfect specimens of the air passages in these small embryos are extremely difficult to obtain. The main features of the tree remain practically the same as in the earlier stages, save that it has increased markedly in the complexity of its branching. 'l'he trachea with its main bronchi maintains the wish-bone appearance op- served in the reconstructions of younger embryos, but a marked difference is noted in the lateral bronchi, which now bend sharply ventralwards as the lung folds around the heart and liver, following the curve of the thoracic wall. The first lateral bronchus, while showing the chief charac- teristics observed in the younger stages, has a more complicated system of branches. It extends lateralwards and posterior, and divides into 1ts two main branches, the dorsoinferior and ventrosuperior. The former runs dorsalwards, ventralwards, and posterior, while the latter brancn passes anterior, ventralwards, and slightly medianwards. The maim branches of the dorsoinferior bronchus are, at this stage, seven in number, and extend dorsally, laterally, and medially. Their serial arrangement may be determined from the tabulation at the end of this section. 'I'here are five main branches of the ventrosuperior or apical division, which have chiefly a dorsosuperior and a lateroinferior course. Lateral 2 on the right side shows a marked increase in the complexity of its large dorsoinferior bronchus, which now shows six subdivisions. 54. The Development of the Lungs The lateroinferior branch which serves as the continuation of the main bronchus, runs lateralwards, ventralwards, and slightly posterior. This has five main divisions, which have, in general, a ventroinferior and dorsosuperior course. V.2, the Bronchus infracardiacus, passes median- wards, ventralwards, and slightly posterior. The main divisions noted in the earlier stages show an increase in their branching. Dorsal 2 ex- tends in a dorsoposterior direction and its main branches radiate medial- wards, lateralwards, and superior. The third lateral bronchus passes lateralwards, ventralwards, and slightly posterior. Its branches run ven- trally, dorsally, and in a ventrosuperior direction. V.3 bronchus in this specimens is not present. Dorsal 3 has four main branches, which have the same general direction as the second dorsal, namely, median, lateral, and superior. ‘The fourth lateral bronchus has, at this stage, six main divisions, extending superiorly, laterally, and medially. D. 4 runs lateral- wards, ventralwards, and slightly posterior, and has seven main branches passing in a ventral, dorsosuperior, and dorsoinferior direction. In this tree there is a median branch, M. 5, rising from the main bronchus op- posite L. 5, the branches of which run in an ventrosuperior and a dorso- inferior direction. ‘This bronchus is fairly constant, and is met with frequently in corrosions of older lungs. Its origin has been traced in the series of reconstructions of embryonic lungs from a medial evagination of the wall of the stem bronchus. D.5 passes dorsalwards and slightly inferior. It has three main divisions extending medially, laterally, and inferior.. The Ventral 5 runs ventralwards, medialwards, and slightly posterior, and has a medial and a lateral branch. Lateral 6 passes lateralwards, posteriorly, and to a slight degree ventralwards. It is, as yet, not long enough to show the ventral curvature, which is more marked in the lateral branches of the higher orders. Its branches, at this stage, run chiefly ventralwards and dorsalwards. Dorsal 6 projects dorsally and slightly posterior and has a single median division, while Ventral 6 as yet, has no branches. Lateral 2 on the left side, owing to the further apical growth of its main division which passes up to the apex of the lung varies even more than in the preceding stage from the corresponding branch on the right side. ‘This bronchus supplies the apical region of the left ling, which, in general, is taken by L. 1 and L. 2 on the opposite side, although the total volume of lung tissue is not nearly as great as that combined in the territory tributary to right L. 1 and L. 2. The apical branch grows almost directly superior, and has six main branches that run chiefly in dorsal, lateral, and medial directions. Its first main dorsal branch ex- Joseph Marshall Flint 55 tends dorsalwards and slightly posterior, and bears a strong resemblance to the series of dorsal bronchi from the stem bronchus. Its branches run medially, laterally, and dorsoinferiorly. The continuation of the main bronchus, the lateroinferior branch, corresponds in its course prac- tically to the main branch of the opposite side. It possesses seven main divisions, which run dorsosuperiorly, ventroinferiorly, and dorsoin- feriorly. There is, as usual, no Ventral 2 on the left side. Lateral 3 runs later- ally, ventrally, and shghtly posterior. At this stage it has seven main branches, which pass dorsally, ventrally, superior, and inferior. While the remainder of the branches on the left side below this point show many asymmetrical arrangements from the corresponding divisions on the right, the architectural characters are sufficiently similar to avoid a repetition of the description. The main idea of these tabulations is to show the successive appearance of the chief bronchi of the adult lung and to indicate how the divisions are adapted to the space relationships to which the growing tree must adapt itself. It is not to be supposed that simple mechanical conditions govern entirely the growth of the bronchi, as its chief architectural features are undoubtedly phylogenetic. This much, however, is certain, that there remains always a considerable adaptability on the part of the growing branches, which is shown in their substitution power when one of the usual elements is suppressed, and apparently by the ability of either fork from a division to serve as the stem. Following is a tabulation of the branches of the tree at this stage: TRACHEA. Ie ale (Ay toe (3) D-L-M-L-D-L-M. (2) VS. (3) DS-LI-LI-DS-LI. Tae de Ta. 2: CALE (2) Apical. (3) D-I-D-V-DI-D. (3) D-L-D-M-V-D. C2) ear. (2) BT. (3) VI-DS-I-DS-VI. (3) DS-VI-DI-DS-VI-D-I-D-S. Wied: ; C2) er (3) 2DIr (2) VS. (ie (2) VE. (3) LI-VI. (2) SV. @inVve The Development of the Lungs (3) 8. (3) S-D-V. (3) D-V-S. V. 3 suppressed. 1D), By L. 4. (2) M. (2) L. (2) M. (2) 8. (2) V. (3) S-M. D. 2. (2) M. (3) SL-IV. (2) SL. (3) S-LI-D. (2) LD. (2) M. (2) 8S. (2) D. ox wo cw (3) SM-IM-L-M. (2) V. (3) S-M. (2) ele (3) D. (2) 8. (3) D. (2) 8. (3) D-V-S. (2) DI. Ae . Suppressed. (2) M. (2) L. (2) M. (A) We (3) S-M. (2) D. (3) S-M-L. (2) LS. (3) D-V-D-V-S-1. (2) D. (2) V. (3) M-L. (2) 8. (3) V-D. (2) V. (2) D. (2) M. (2) L. (2) I. (2) 8. (2) M. (2) Ri: Joseph Marshall Flint 57 V.4 Wey4: (2) M. (2) 8. (2) ZL. (2) L. (2) UM. (2) M. (2) 8. (2) ZL. (2) M. M. 4 between L. 4 and L. 5. 10 5% 1, 155 (2) V. (2) D. (3) S-M-L. (3) L-M-L. (2) DS. (2) V. (3) S-M. (3) L-M-L. (2) DI. (2) D. (C)nVe (C2 ave (2) 8. (2) 8. (2) DI. (2) V. CV M.5 opposite L. 5. D5: 1D); fy. (2) M. (2) M. (2) Z. (2) L. (74) He (2) MS. (2) L. Weroe V.5. (2) M. (2) M. (2) ZL. (2) S. L. 6. 1.6: (2) V. (2) Dt (2) D. (2) V. (2) V. (2) I. (2) D. D. 6. DAG: (2) M. (2) M. WG: Ve 6: (2) LB. (2) M. In the study of the further development of the bronchial tree, I have made corrosions of the lung in a series of pig embryos of increasing age increments represented by a centimeter of growth up to and beyond the time of birth. From this series of corrosions it would be possible to tabulate the history of each bronchus until the full growth is attained. The results would be too detailed, however, to be of any value. More- over, the wide range of variation of the branches destroys the absolute sequence of the branches in a successive series giving the formule only 58 The Development of the Lungs an average relative value. Those which have preceded are, however, suffi- ciently constant to serve as a general guide to the direction taken by the main branches of the adult tree. It may be well, however, to show pictorially the subsequent evolution of the tree without taking up the details of the branching, as a good corrosion of the bronchial system holds the general form of the lung quite as well as a hardened specimen of the lung itself. The tree of a pig 7 cm. long is shown in Pl. IV, Fig. 22. Besides the increasing com- plexity of the branching, one notes the ventral curvature of the lateral bronchi parallel with the chest wall. This is most marked in Lateral 2, less so as we proceed to Lateral 6. There are some peculiarities on this tree which are of great interest, for Ventral 3 on the left side is sup- pressed and in its place a prominent division of the second ventral or in- fracardiac branch has grown medianwards to take its place. A branch from Lateral 3 also runs to this region, giving an appearance as though it might be a ventral bronchus which had not left the lateral series. It is, however, a simple substitutive process on the part of the lateral branch for an element which has not developed in the earher stages. This speci- men also shows an instance where the dorsal fork of the first division of Lateral 1 continues as the stem, leaving the ventral fork, which usually serves that purpose, as a ventrosuperior branch, while the large dorso- inferior branch which is usually comparable to the apical branch on the opposite side rises from the next division. A median bronchus occurs on the left side opposite Lateral 4. On the right side, median divisions are not present. In the corrosion of a tree from the lung of a pig 18 cm. long (PI. IV, Figs. 23, 24) a number of interesting features may be observed, which serve to illustrate some of the developmental characteristics of the grow- ing bronchial tubes. In the first place, we ordinarily have five paired lateral bronchi, while in this specimen there are but four. This indi- cates the suppression of the last of the lateral elements which is com- pensated for by an hyperdevelopment of Lateral 5 to supply the region usually tributary to Lateral 6. Accordingly the terminal forking of the stem bronchus, which usually occurs between Lateral 6 and the continuation of the stem, takes place in this instance between it and Lateral.5 (Pl. IV, Figs. 23, 24). While this tree shows the suppres- sion of one of the lateral branches, I also have some specimens which present a series of six paired lateral bronchi below L. 1, indicating a possible variation in these elements between these limits with 5 as the average. Ventral 3 is suppressed on both sides, on the right it is Joseph Marshall Flint 59 substituted for by inferior branches of Ventral 2 and partly by one of the branches of the first ventroinferior division of Lateral 4. On the left side, the ventroinferior divisions of Lateral 3 and Lateral 4. send branches to this region. Median 4 occurs on both sides opposite Lateral 4. It is particularly interesting to note the effect of the presence of median branches upon the dorsal series. Where median bronchi are present the median branches of the adjacent dorsal elements are very small and poorly developed, owing to the usurpation of their territory by this series. This naturally gives rise to the pictures which make it appear as though the median series might be transplanted elements from the dorsal bronchi. This relationship, however, is only another indication of the adaptability of the branches of the tree, for in this instance, had the median branches been suppressed, the median branches of the neighbor- ing dorsal series would have grown over to occupy the territory in which the former are found. In this specimen the ventral curvature of the lateral series is much more marked than in the preceding stage and now affects, to some ex- tent, the whole lateral series, although Lateral 5 bends slightly, while Lat- eral 2 (Pl. IV, Fig. 23) shows an extreme ventral curvature, a character- istic which is progressively diminished until Lateral 4 is reached. This unequal. bending has a marked effect on the stem bronchus and its other branches, and is responsible for the characteristic spiral-like insertion of the lateral and dorsal scries upon the stem of adult lungs which has been observed but not explained by most of the investigators since Aeby. As the lateral bronchi turn ventrally more rapidly in the upper than in the lower series, the stem bronchus and its branches twist with them. Thus in the adult lung Lateral 2 appears to rise on the ventrolateral aspect of the stem and each successive element of the lateral series is inserted shghtly more lateralwards. Similarly, on the adult tree, Dorsal 2 appears to originate somewhat on the dorsolateral surface of the stem, and the suc- ceeding elements are successively inserted more directly dorsalwards. ‘The spiral line connecting the origins of these two series of bronchi simply represent the degree of torsion of the stem bronchus as the lateral ‘bronchi, in following the curvature of the chest wall, bend around the heart and liver. This is also nicely shown by the course of the pulmonary artery which, naturally, is mechanically influenced by the twisting of the stem bronchus as it is held in the angle formed between the laterai and dorsal series of bronchi. It is, of course, this secondary relation- ship of the lateral bronchi which led Aeby to term them ventral. In 60 The Development of the Lungs their origin, however, they are, as we have seen, distinctly lateral, and I have applied to them, therefore, the genetic nomenclature. The condition of the tfee a few days after birth is shown in PI. IV, Fig. 25. In order to show the three chief series of bronchi in a single illustration, Ventral 2, the Bronchus infracardiacus, has been broken off near the root. The tip of the ventrosuperior branch of the tracheal bron- chus, owing to an accident, was also broken and should extend upwards and ventralwards for a considerable distance. Although the general form of the tree has not changed to any marked extent, besides the increase in the branching, the second laterals extend far ventralwards so as to em- brace the heart. The effect of the presence of the heart on the tree, as in earlier stages, is shown particularly well by the direction of the branches of the tracheal and second lateral branches. The portions of these bronchi, which come in relation to the heart are nude, their branches extend so as to occupy the remainder of the chest cavity in their neighborhood, a relationship, which may also be seen by an inspection of the tables in the younger stages. Below Lateral 2, however, owing to a freer environment, the bronchi show the power of branching in any direction. In this specimen a few interesting variations are shown, one of which is of particular importance for comparison with the conditions shown in the preceding stage, namely, in the presence of seven lateral bronchi on the right side and five on the left. On the right side the whole ventral series is present, while on the left, two ventral bronchi occur between Lateral 5 and Lateral 6, a fact which would be difficult to explain if we viewed these branches as derivations of the lateral series since the entire group is complete from Ventral 3 down. Dorsal 3 on the right side is hyperdeveloped, while Dorsal 4 is quite small, a not unusual variation. None of my other specimens show such a marked aevelop- ment of the medial bronchi as Medial 4, 5, and 6, present on the right side, as well as an element of this series opposite Lateral 5 on the left side. RELATIONS OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS TO THE BRONCHIAL TREE. In tracing the angiogenesis of the vascular system in the submaxillary gland and the suprarenal body, the author, 00, 02, 03, showed that some of the mechanical principles, which Thoma, 93, in his well-known re- searches found were involved in the development of the blood-vessels in the Area vasculosa of the chick, might be applied to vascular systems developing in three dimensions in the growing organs of mammals. Thoma found in the chick, that arteries and veins are originally simple capillaries. The subsequent transformation of the latter into arteries Joseph Marshall Flint 61 on the one hand and veins on the other, is due to their fortuitous location with reference to the primitive aorte and the venous ostia of the heart. Their growth in size bears a definite relationship to the velocity of the current in them, while their arterial or venous nature is determined by the character of that current, a high pressure pulsating column of blood giving rise to an artery, a low pressure constant current forming a vein. The nature of the current depends, naturally, mechanically upon its position on the arterial or venous side of the capillary plexus. In con- sidering the problems of angiogenesis in mammals, I called attention to the fact that Thoma’s principles do not explain all the facts of vascular development nor do they entirely accord with them. For example, the statement that a new growth of blood-vessels follows a rise of blood pressure in a capillary area must be considered only an hypothesis and not a demonstrated fact, for this would make the vascular system the stimulus for the new growth of cells, while it is much more probable that cells give the stimulus for the production of new capillaries. It is, of course, obvious that the principal factors that govern organic growth are resident in the cells rather than the blood-vessels as is indicated by their behavior in the embryo before the vascular system is laid down. In tracing the development of the intrinsic vascular system of the mammalian lung, it is also obvious that the vessels follow the same histo- mechanical and histogenetic principles which are active in forming the vascular systems of such organs as the Gl. submaxillaris and the Gl. suprarenalis. Different conditions in the chief cells of the lung, namely, those of the bronchial tree, and different relations of the arterial supply and the venous drainage, give rise to different relationships on the part of the arteries and veins in the pulmonary apparatus. In the suprarenal body, we have the formation of a blood vascular system with a well- marked capsular plexus from which the blood supply of the organ is derived, and in the submaxillary gland an organ, where the blood- vessels, as in the lungs, accompany the ducts. In the latter instance, however, the conditions are such as to give rise to a venous system where the blood is drained by Vene comites of the main arteries, while in the pulmonary circulation, a relationship exists in which the arteries and veins are separated from each other by means of the bronchial tubes. According to the studies of Bremer, 02, which have also been confirmed by Sakurai, 04, the pulmonary arteries in the pig appear to originate sym- metrically from the pulmonary arches like those of other mammals. At first they remain comparatively parallel and later (7-8 mm.) bend towards each other, sending out at the same time small branches which 62 The Development of the Lungs finally fuse into transverse anastomoses which yield ultimately a common trunk with two origins above and two main pulmonary arteries below. Bremer suggests that the bending of the arteries towards each other may be caused by the growth of the right and left auricles. This state of affairs occurs in the pig 11 mm. long. Later, the upper part of the right artery degenerates, and, with it, finally the right pulmonary arch. Thus we have the next stage where both arteries arise as a common trunk from the left pulmonary arch. In the earlier pig’s embryo (5 mm.), the arteries arising from the pulmonary arches on each side may be followed caudalwards a short distance from their origin on the arches, but only in particularly good specimens, as they are soon lost in the irregular capillary plexus sur- rounding the head gut to which, in their course, they give off frequent branches. At the same period, it is also possible to note the ingrowth of the pulmonary vein from the yet undivided portion of the auricle. It may be seen in a few sections running dorsalwards in the Mesocardium posterior towards the pulmonary anlage, which is, as yet, only partially separated from the cesophagus. It is asymmetrical as it les shghtly to the left of the medial plane. Its branches connect with the capillary plexus about the head gut and pulmonary anlage, establishing a venous outflow on the ventral side of the respiratory apparatus. Concerning the early appearance of the Vena pulmonalis in the pig, my observa- tions are in accord with those of Narath on the rabbit for in these ani- mals, the Vena pulmonalis is apparently evident at a much earlier stage than His, 87, or Schmidt, 70, were able to observe it in man. At 6 mm. after the formation of the primitive lung sacs is well under way, the pulmonary arteries may be seen (PI. I, Figs. 5, 6 ad. as.) run- ning in approximately parallel courses until they diverge and are lost behind the right and left bronchi in the capillary plexus about the primi- tive lung sacs. Their course, however, on the two sides is different owing to the horizontal position of the left stem bronchus, the artery on that side (Pl. I, Fig. 5as) is forced to turn dorsalwards in order to pass behind the left sac sooner than the right pulmonary artery, which main- tains its more ventral course and, finally, at a lower level descends behind the right stem bronchus. The factors which determine the course of the pulmonary artery in passing behind the lung sacs are, first of all, the ventral position of the venous outlet into the Sinus venosus, leaving the arteries to develop from behind. That is to say, with the increasing size of the right and left stem bronchi and the consequent enlargement of the capillary plexus Joseph Marshall Flint 63 about them, it is natural, with the venous outlet already established on the ventral side of the sacs, that the capillaries on the dorsal side should enlarge into arteries. Furthermore, after its origin and partial separa- tion from the cesophagus, the terminal part of the entire pulmonary apparatus extends somewhat ventralwards from the head gut making it additionally easier for the arteries to form on the dorsal than the ventral: surface of the anlage. ‘These factors are responsible for the course, which the arteries and veins take with reference to the bronchial tree, while the asymmetry of the stem bronchi appears to cause the chief dif- ference in the course of the arteries on the two sides. It is, further- more, possible that some of this irregularity is also due to the medial ScHEMA A. Schema to show the origin of the relations of the pulmonary vessels to the lungs. LA=Lung anlage. AP=Arteria pulmonalis. VP—=Vena pulmon- alis. L.1= Site of origin of Lateral 1 the “ eparterial bronchus.” L.2—=Site of origin of Lateral 2, the first bronchus in the “ hyparterial region.” L= Liver anlage. bending of the right artery in preparation for its transfer from the right to the left pulmonary arch according to the suggestion of Bremer, although in Bremer’s descriptions, with which my specimens agree, this actual transfer is made at a much later period, and I am accordingly inclined to minimize the possible influence of this factor. It is also worthy of note that we have no crossing of the bronchi by the arteries in the sense of Aeby. As they run down, they gradually turn dorsal- wards to take up a position behind the primitive sacs and are lost in the capillary plexus, which surrounds them. The pulmonary vein, scarcely 64 The Development of the Lungs longer than in the preceding stage, through the further growth of the auricular septum now empties into the left auricle. In a pig 7.5 mm., the arteries (Pl. I, Figs. 7, 8 ad. as.) maintain the same relationship as those in the preceding stage, namely, the right lies more ventral than the left and also somewhat nearer the median line. Behind it, however, the evagination for the formation of Lateral 1 has appeared. At this time, the artery consists simply of an endothelial wall supported by the surrounding mesoderm. Situated some distance from the trachea, it is absolutely impossible that such a structure should have a determining influence upon either the production or position of this or other branches of the bronchial tree. Furthermore, it is now well known that such vessels do not influence mechanically the growth of organs which they supply, but follow the developmental processes which are inaugurated in the chief cells of the organ itself acording to defi- nite histodynamic and histomechanical principles. By a glance at the schema which elucidates this point, we see how the two factors outlined above have worked to bring about the relationship of the artery to the primitive lung sacs. After its origin during the pro- duction of the primitive lung sacs, the lung anlage (Schema LA) ex- tends ventralwards. The Vena pulmonalis (Schema VP) in growing in from the auricle has established the venous outflow ventral to the an- lage, leaving the pulmonary arteries (Schema AP) to form on the dorsal side of the primitive stems. This relationship occurs, however, before there is the slightest indication of the presence of any of the main bronchi. Later as they appear, Lateral 1, the so-called “ eparterial bronchus” (Schema L. 1) develops behind the artery and Lateral 2 (Schema L. 2) in front of it. Sometimes Lateral 1 is higher up, where it appears on the trachea, sometimes lower down where it forms on the stem, often where it forms on both sides, the left is lower than the right. The most important element in determining the position of Lateral 1 is the point at which the trachea separates into the two stems. As we have seen, when this is high, taking Lateral 2 on each side as the fixed topographical point, Lateral 1 is on the stem; when it is low, as in the pig, Lateral 1 forms on the trachea. It is also important to observe that the relationship between the Arteria pulmonalis and Lateral 2 is not “ eparterial” as Aeby suggests ; the artery in the embryo simply runs ventralwards to Lateral 1 and then passes gradually behind the stem. The “ eparterial and hyparterial 4 topography of the bronchi is due to the descent of the heart in the later stages of embryonic life and to the degeneration of the Ductus arteriosus after birth when the entire circulation from the right ventricle, conse- Joseph Marshall Flint 65 quently, is transferred from the systemic into the pulmonary system. Until this occurs, the pulmonary arteries do not even approximately cross the stem bronchi as Aeby suggests. Apparently, as we shall see later, he recognized this fact. Furthermore, my observations in older stages are in accord with the findings of Zumstein and Narath, who hold that, in the sense of Aeby, a true crossing on the part of the artery never exists. It seems to me important, therefore, for a logical conception of the architecture of the bronchial tree, that the terms “ eparterial and hypar- terial” or, at least, all that they imply should be abandoned. The pulmonary vein (Pl. I, Fig. 7 v) is seen at this stage with two small tributaries, one from the head and another from the caudal region running in the Mesocardium posterior. They are in connec- tion with other dilated capillaries which may be seen in the neigh- borhood of the lung sacs, but the latter have not become large enough as yet to form definite veins. The vascular apparatus of the lungs, then, at the period of the formation of the two lung sacs, consists in two small asymmetrical arteries passing down behind the primitive stem bronchi ending in an irregular capillary plexus about the dilated epithelial tubes from the ventral side of which run enlarged capillaries emptying into the pulmonary vein in the Mesocardium posterior. No particular change is observed in the next older embryo 8.5 mm. in the relationships of the arteries (Pl. I, Figs. 9, 10 ad. as.). With the lengthening of the stem bronchi, however, owing to the increased capil- lary field about the bronchi, the right and left pulmonary veins (PI. I, Fig. 9v) may be seen emptying into the common trunk which, in turn, now opens into the left auricle. In a pig 10 m. long, the pulmonary arteries maintain their general relationship to the trachea, the right passing ventral to Lateral 1 (Pl. I, Figs. 11, 12 ad). Continuing down- wards, they gradually extend behind the stem bronchi giving off branches to the irregular capillary plexus which surrounds the primitive tree, ele- ments of which may be seen, here and there, in well-prepared cross- sections of the lung. As a rule, the arteries lie on the dorsolateral aspect of the stem. At this stage, it is quite evident that the three first branches of the tree, practically in the same period of development, are growing without reference to the arteries as they are surrounded only by a capillary plexus derived from branches of the arteries and from which dilated capillaries empty into the veins. As they increase in size, the arteries and veins, which follow the various ramifications of the tree are formed from the capillary plexus according to the regular histo- mechanical laws. The two main tributaries of the vein (PI. I, Fig. 11 v) 5 66 The Development of the Lungs forming the right and left stem veins, run on the ventromedial aspect of the stem originating from the plexus about the main bronchi. In this way, we have established the regular alternation of artery, bronchus, and vein which persists throughout the life of the tree, although it will be remembered that this relationship is due primarily to the position of the vein with reference to the anlage. At 12 mm. (PI. I, Figs. 13, 14) the vessels have followed the natural growth of the bronchi. From the capillary plexus on the dorsal surface of Lateral 2 on each side, the artery to that branch is formed. The vein (Pl. I, Fig. 13) by the rapid development of Ventral 2 is pushed somewhat medialwards at this point. With the marked development of Lateral 1, the tracheal bronchus, in a pig 13.5 mm. long, a branch (PI. II, Fig. 15) is given off from the right pulmonary artery, which runs up along the ventral surface of the bronchus to end in the plexus about that branch. Continuing downwards, the arteries (Pl. II, Fig. 16) on both sides run on the dorsolateral aspect of the stem. The branches to Lateral 2 have increased somewhat in length, and from the right pulmonary artery a new branch is formed, which, passing under the root of right Lateral 2, ends on the lateral and under aspect of Ventral 2, the Bron- chus infracardiacus. The artery still maintains its position with refer- ence to the stem, which causes it to lie in the angle between the lateral and dorsal bronchi. Thus, the artery itself, however, is not responsible for the division of these two groups from the stem as Aeby implies when he says in speaking of Lateral 1, “In ihm hat offenbar die Scheidung des hyparteriellen Gebietes in zwei streng geschiedene Bezirke noch nicht stattgefunden, ein Thatbestand, der wohl damit in Verbindung gebracht werden darf, dass die Lungenarterie nicht sondernd einzugreifen ver- mocht hat.” Should we still suspect a causal relationship here, it is only necessary to glance at the ventral bronchi, particularly Ventral 2, to see an element not only originating from the stem away from the influence of the artery but also with its growth, developing from its capillary plexus an ar- tery which passes around the stem and rests on its lateral side. Interesting changes, at the same time, are occurring in the veins (PI. II, Fig. 15). From the tracheal bronchus, a branch may be observed passing down to the common pulmonary vein running still more ventral than the artery to Lateral 1, another one of the final adult relationships in the pig’s lung. Here, however, we have an exception to the general relationships of the vessels to the bronchi due to the more ventral position of the veins and the failure of right pulmonary artery to form behind Lateral 1, which, in this particular instance, gives us a Vena comes to the artery to the tracheal bronchus instead of the usual alternation found in other portions Joseph Marshall Flint 67 of the tree. On the ventral surface of Lateral 2, veins originate, which empty into the right and left pulmonary veins, while medialward and above Ventral 2 lies the vein of that bronchus which joins the right pul- monary just below the tributary from Lateral 2. In this stage, either owing to the hyperdevelopment of Ventral 2, or the increasing asym- metry of the heart, or both, the pulmonary veins are shifted somewhat to the left, causing them to he somewhat beyond the median line. At the same time, the veins in these young stages are frequently reduplicated as the final channels are not always definitely selected. In order to show the different branches of the tree without extra illustrations, in this and the succeeding reconstructions, the pulmonary vein has been kept in the median line, and only the chief channels are shown in the case of redu- plication, which is a frequent occurrence. In a pig 15 mm. long, the pulmonary artery (Pl. I, Fig. 17) on the right side still has a more ventral and medial position than that on the left, a fixed relationship from embryos 12 mm. in length as the arteries both rise from a common trunk originating from the left pulmonary arch. Just below the point of origin of Lateral 1, the artery to that trunk is observed (Pl. I, Fig. 17), which passes up and divides with it into its ventrosuperior and dorsoinferior branches. The two pulmonary arteries bending dorsalwards pass back of the right and left bronchi, giving off the branches to the second lateral bronchi, which lie on their dorsal and superior surfaces. On the right side, the artery to the second ventral bronchus (PI. II, Fig. 17) has increased in length with the growth of that branch, while arteries to the second dorsal bronchi (Pl. II, Fig. 18) are observed passing along their lateral walls. From this point, the pulmonary arteries continue on in the angle between the dorsal and lateral bronchi, giving off branches to the third and fourth lateral ele- ments (Pl. II, Fig. 18) on each side which lie above and behind them. From the capillary plexus around the termination of the right and left stem bronchi, the beginnings of the pulmonary veins (PI. II, Fig. 17) are seen as in the preceding stage. From the fourth lateral and third lateral branches on either side, veins are formed which lie below and in front of these bronchi and pass in front of the stem bronchi to empty into the pulmonary veins, which lie upon their median and ventral as- pects. The vein from the second ventral bronchus (PI. II, Fig. 17), as in the younger stage, is placed medially to it and empties into the right pulmonary at the base of the third lateral bronchus. The veins from the second laterals have increased considerably in length, and lie on the ventral aspect of these divisions, while the Vena pulmonalis, formed by the confluence of the two right and left veins, lies ventral to the trachea 68 The Development of the Lungs just below the point of bifurcation. On the right side, the vein from Lateral 1 passes downwards and medianwards to empty into the Vena pulmonalis at a point just above the confluence of the two vessels which accompany the stem. In a pig 18.5 mm. long, the relationships of the pulmonary arteries to the trachea (Pl. II, Fig. 19) remain the same. Just above the point of bifurcation, they pass gradually behind the main bronchi to take un their dorsolateral position. No marked changes are observed in the arteries to Lateral 1, save in an increase in length. The second lateral branches present no changes, except on the left side where a branch runs up on the dorsolateral aspect of the apical division of Lateral 2 (Pl. I, Fig. 19). The artery to Ventral 2 arising just beneath the Lateral 2 on the right side and passing around the stem and under the root of Lateral 2 to run along the outer aspect of the second ventral bronchus, now shows a secondary branch which follows the inferior division (PI. II, Fig. 19) of Ventral 2. Small arteries are given off to right and left Dorsal 2 which run along their lateral superior aspect. On either side, branches to Lateral 3 (Pl. III, Fig. 20) run from a point just below the origin of the arteries of Dorsal 2. Beneath the third lateral bronchi, arteries arise which pass around the axial bronchus, and run lateralwards to Ventral 3. Below this level, branches are given off on both sides successively to Dorsal 3, Lateral 4, Ventral 4, Dorsal 4, and Lateral 5 (Pl. III, Fig. 20). The pulmonary veins (Pl. II, Fig. 19) lie medialwards and yentral to the main bronchi. Besides the branches from the lateral bronchi, which have been observed in the preceding stages, venules, lying on the medial surface of the dorsal bronchi, pass around the median aspect of the main bronchus and empty into the pul- monary veins. Similar veins from the ventral bronchi run along their median aspect, and empty into the Venze pulmonales on both sides. Otherwise, there are no marked changes in the yenous system at this stage save that the veins from the Lateral 2 and Lateral 1, on the right side now empty into the Vena pulmonalis by a common trunk. The second lateral vein on the left and with it a vein from the apical branch, which joins it about the root of Lateral 2 empties into the main pulmon- ary vein at a level somewhat higher up than the one which accompanies the left stem bronchus. The two veins from the stems join about the point of origin of the main bronchi and are continuous with the Vena pulmonalis above. From the infracardiac bronchus, a vein empties into the right stem vein just above the level of L. 3. At this stage the main characteristics of the pulmonary vessels are established for life. The arterial branch to Lateral 1 runs upwards Joseph Marshall Flint 69 from the right pulmonary artery along the ventral surface of the bron- chus and then follows the main divisions of the bronchi. Both arteries pass down behind the stem, lying on their dorsolateral surface in the angle between the dorsal and lateral bronchi. From it, three series of vessels arise, namely, those to the lateral bronchi, which run on the dorso- superior surfaces ; those to the dorsal bronchi, which pass backwards from the stem artery on the laterosuperior aspect of the bronchus; and those to the ventral bronchi, which pass lateralwards around the stem bronchi to the lateral surfaces of the ventral group. Owing to the suppression of median bronchi on the tree of the 18.5 mm. embryo, the origin of the vessels to the median bronchi will be studied later in the corrosions of older embryos. The veins have two chief branches accompanying the stem bronchi on their ventromedial surfaces. They receive as tributaries, veins from the lateral bronchi, which run along their ventroinferior surfaces and join the stem vein by passing above the corresponding ventral elements. Branches from the dorsal series of bronchi run along the medial surface of the bronchi across the median aspect of the stem to empty into the veins on either side. A series of tributaries are also derived from the ventral bronchi, which, after a short course on the medial aspect of these bronchi, terminate abruptly in the stem veins. The vein from L. 1 hes ventral to the corresponding artery and empties into the vein of Lateral 2 in the Vena pulmonalis. Thus we have the veins from the upper and middle lobe emptying together into the main Vena pulmonalis on the right, while the single vein from the upper left lobe joins the main trunk on the opposite side. Below, the veins accompanying the stem fuse just below the division of the trachea and empty at this point into the Vena pulmonalis. The moving of the veins towards the left, due up to this time to the asymmetry of the heart and the hyperdevelopment of Ventral 2, is now somewhat exaggerated by the development of the inferior vena cava on the right side of the infracardiac lobe, which also presses this structure to the left and, accordingly, must be looked upon as a factor in increasing the asymmetrical position of the pulmonary veins. The next period of growth in the vascular system can be easily fol- lowed in specimens of the entire embryonic lung which, after fixation in some fluid like formalin or corrosive acetic to preserve the blood in the larger vessels, are subsequently cleared in oil of cloves or creosote. If the vessels are not too full both series are easily traced, but, in any case, the veins stand out distinctly. Owing to the complicated structure of the tree, however, the exact relationships of the arteries and veins to the bronchi are best seen in double corrosions in which, either the bronchi 70 The Development of the Lungs and arteries or the bronchi and veins are injected, or else, in triple in- jections where all three systems are filled with different masses. Prepa- rations with the artery and veins filled with one color and the bronchi another, are relatively easy to obtain, but the more instructive triple injections are extremely difficult to make. The changes gradually taking place with the growth of the tree, may be followed step by step in these cleared and corroded specimens, but they need not be described in detail until they are more exaggerated, as shown, for example, in triple corro- sions of a pig 15 cm. long. Owing to my inability to find an artist who could draw these complicated structures, the reader may perhaps find it convenient to follow the following descriptions by means of the metal corrosions shown in PI. IV, Figs. 23, 24. The common pulmonary artery now divides to the left of the trachea a short distance after its origin from the pulmonary arch. The branch to the tracheal bronchus is given off from the right pulmonary artery at the left margin of the trachea and, after crossing ventralwards to it. divides with Lateral 1 into a dorso- inferior and a ventrosuperior branch. The latter passes ventralwards to the tracheal bronchus, and, at its point of division, mounts up over the ventrosuperior branch and comes to occupy a position dorsal, slightly medial, to this bronchus. The dorsoinferior branch passes beneath, and runs dorsal to the dorsoinferior bronchus. The right pulmonary artery then passes downwards in front of the trachea, and turns back and out to oceupy a dorsolateral position to the axial bronchus. Just above the second lateral bronchus, the branch to that division of the tree is given off, which courses a little above and behind the bronchus sending rami- fications to accompany its side bronchi. The dorsoinferior branch crosses behind the main bronchus, and runs dorsal to the branch which it supplies, leaving that structure between it and the corresponding vein. In the remainder of its course, the second lateral branch lies dorsal to the bronchus with the bronchus between it and its accompanying vein. The branch to Ventral 2 originates just below Lateral 2 and, passing underneath its root, winds around the axial bronchus to gain the lower and lateral aspect of the Bronchus infracardiacus, which it accompanies in its ramification. The dorsal branch to Dorsal 2 runs on the lateral surface of the bronchus and is given off from the right pulmonary artery near the origin of the bronchus. The third lateral branch hes dorsal- wards and sligthly superior to Lateral 3, and ramifies with its branches. The branch to the third ventral bronchus arises in a manner similar to that of the second, and winds underneath the third lateral bronchus around the stem to the lateral aspect of Ventral 3. The artery corre- sponding to Dorsal 3 has a similar distribution to the one above. The Joseph Marshall Flint ak fourth lateral lies above and behind the bronchus, while the fourth ventral passes in a similar manner to those supplying the same series of bronchi in the upper part of the tree. The fourth dorsal runs backwards just lateral to the bronchus, maintaining, in general, this position as it rami- fies. In cases where there are median bronchi, as in this specimen, the artery passes medianwards around the dorsal surface of the stem and is placed dorsal to the bronchus during its ramification. The fifth lateral, ventral, and dorsal have corresponding positions to those of the higher orders, an] occupy the same relative positions. On the left side the pulmonary artery passes down without crossing the left bronchus at all to take its dorsolateral position to the stem. Just above the point of origin of left Lateral 2, the corresponding artery arises, and after pass- ing a short distance dorsosuperior to the bronchus, almost immediately divides, sending a branch to the apical bronchus which continues up- wards, placed laterally and dorsally to it. The remainder of the arteries on the left side have the same course as the corresponding branches on the right. In this description, I have followed strictly the typical specimens, although it is well to bear in mind that here, as in other parts of the vascular system, frequent variations are encountered. The veins still unite to empty into the left auricle through a common Vena pulmonalis. Branches from Lateral 1 and 2 form a common, large venous trunk on the right side, emptying directly into the Vena pulmo- nalis, while the vein from the left Lateral 2 joins the latter at a corre- sponding level on the opposite side. Below, the veins accompany the stem bronchi and their tributaries form a common trunk at the level of Lat- eral 3, which, crossing the ventral part of the stem bronchus between Lateral 2 and 38, empties into the pulmonary vein from below. The further growth of Ventral 2 on the right has gradually pushed the veins from the lower portion of the bronchial tree much more to the left, so that the large common trunk from the portion of the tree below Lateral 2 lies directly over the left axial bronchus at a point where the second ventral bronchus on that side would originate if the latter were present. It is this fact, as we have pointed out above, which has such great significance in explaining the suppression of that branch. From the ventrosuperior branch on the tracheal bronchus, the vein hes ventral and medial to it, receiving tributary vessels placed somewhat below the side branches of this bronchus. The vein from the dorsoinferior branch of Lateral 1 is placed ventralwards to that branch, and passes upwards to join the main trunk at a higher level. The main vein from Lateral 1, then passes down ventral to the artery and bronchus to form a common trunk with that from Lateral 2 as we have described above. The latter ~ cae) The Development of the Lungs is placed above and ventralwards to the bronchus, receiving tributaries from its side branches. The main dorsoinferior branch of Lateral 2 lies ventralwards to its bronchus, while the corresponding artery is placed dorsalwards and above. This vein crosses behind Lateral 2 to join the main venous trunk, which accompanies Lateral 2 until, in com- mon with the vein to the tracheal bronchus, it empties into the common pulmonary. The veins from Lateral 3, 4, and 5 have shifted now so that they lie a short distance ventralwards from the corresponding bronchi. They pass medialwards under the ventral bronchi and empty into the right pulmonary stem vein; those from Ventral 3, 4, and 5 lie medial to the respective bronchi and run dorsalwards to the stem vein. Two veins now accompany Ventral 2, one above running medialwards and upwards and emptying into the large trunk formed by the fusion of the two stem veins, and another lying behind the branches of Ventral 2 which passes upwards and joins the common vein from the lower part of the tree on its right side at the point of junction of the veins from the right and left stems. From Dorsal 2, 3, +, 5, and 6 the veins, lying medial to their stems, run ventralwards past the stem bronchus to empty into the large stem veins opposite their corresponding branches. The veins from the medial branch lie yentralwards to them and pass lateralwards to the stem vein. The relationships of the veins on the left side of the tree below Lateral 2 are, with the exception of those from the Lobus infracardiacus, similarly arranged to those on the right. Throughout the whole tree to this stage, we note with the single ex- ception of Lateral 1 the constant relationship, which was indicated in the earlier embryos, of the regular alternation of artery, bronchus, and vein. In the earlier stages, the vessels were placed relatively close to the bronchi; but with the increasing age of the embryo, the position of the artery and vein has gradually shifted giving them a position at some dis- tance from it. In some cases, this wandering may be so marked, especially below Lateral 2, that the main veins and their chief branches may occupy a position approximately midway between the adjacent bronchi. The arteries, however, always lie closer to the air passages. In the first part of embryonic life, the left pulmonary arch with a por- tion of the right connects the right ventricle and the aorta, and the pul- monary arteries, after the manner described by Bremer, finally take origin from the left by a common stem arising from its under surface. The aortic arch lies above, and both arches are situated superior to the Joseph Marshall Flint 73 point of origin of Lateral 1, the tracheal bronchus. This relationship and the subsequent behavior of the two arches as the heart moves down affords us, I believe, some suggestive hints to explain the suppression of Lateral 1 on the left side and its unusual low position in those ani- mals in which it is present. Through all of the stages we have followed hitherto, both the aortic and pulmonary arches, and the origin of the pul- monary arteries lie well above the origin of Lateral 1. As shown by a corrosion of the bronchi, arteries and veins in an embryo 15 cm. long, the pulmonary arch is exactly opposite the site of origin of Lateral 1, while the aortic arch is still higher. At the age represented by a pig 20-21 cm. long, the heart and vessels have descended further caudal- wards, leaving the pulmonary arch well below the root of Lateral 1 and the aortic arch exactly at its level. At the time of birth, both arches have descended still more and pass dorsalwards in the interval between the trachea, the stem bronchus, and the apical branch of Lateral 2 (cf. Pl. IV, Fig. 25). Now, had a symmetrical branch to Lateral 1 developed on the trachea, it is obvious that the descent of the great vessels and heart would have been prevented. Instead of reaching their final resting place just above the division of the trachea, they would have been left hanging above the level of Lateral 1. It is thus reasonable to suppose that the failure of this branch to form is due to a phylogenetic provision on the part of the tree to leave a passage for the descent of the heart and its great vessels. A similar state of affairs is met with in the suppression of Ventral 2 on the left side. As the pulmonary vein forms approximately in the median line in the younger stages, the hyperdevelopment of right Ventral 2, the development of the inferior vena cava on the right side, and the shifting of the origin of the pulmonary vein from the site of its forma- tion near the center of the undivided portion of the auricle to the left auricle, together with the increasing asymmetry of the heart, tends to carry the vein to the left. From its primitive approximate midline posi- tion in the earlier embryos, it is found with the increasing age of the embryo gradually passing to the left. In a pig 15 cm. long, we have the vein for the entire lower segment of the tree lying over the portion of the stem where left Ventral 2 should develop. Later still, in an embryo 20-21 cm. long, the descent of the heart has changed once more these relationships leaving this area of the stem bronchus covered by the root of the pulmonary vein as it empties into the left auricle. As in the case of Lateral 1, this suppression represents a provision on the part of the tree to leave a space for the pulmonary veins. 74 The Development of the Lungs We are forced, however, to consider those animals in which these commonly suppressed elements are present. In these relationships we can see a reason why no Lateral 1 and Ventral 2 should form, but whether this stands absolutely in the relation of cause and effect, it is impossible from my material to say, as it is conceivably possible, although less probable for the condition te represent an adaptation on the part of the vessels to the use of unoccupied space. For either its absolute affir- mation or disproof, therefore, a series of animals, in which these ele- ments occur, must be examined from this standpoint during their developmental stages. This much may be said, however, in all of the lungs objectively pictured by Aeby, Huntington, and Narath where Lat- eral 1 is present on both sides, the one on the left-is usually lower than the corresponding branch on the right. In the instances where they are on the same level, both are so low that they do not interfere with the descent of the heart and great vessels. Similarly, a bronchus that is not situated on the left stem in the segment between L. 2 and L. 3 can- not be considered as the homologue of V. 2, the Bronchus infracardiacus. All other cases are substitution branches of the lateral bronchi or the stem. In the lungs which have been well pictured in the literature, where a real Ventral 2 occurs on the left stem, they are usually small and poorly developed and would not materially influence the migration of the Vena pulmonalis. It is also possible in these cases, as the veins are never drawn, that the latter have different relationships from those Influence of the Vessels upon the Architecture of the Bronchial Tree.— After following the development of the vascular system, we may con- sider now the possibility of the influence of the vessels upon the archi- tecture of the bronchial tree. Concerning the general asymmetry of the lungs, many of the older investigators have looked upon the heart or the great vessels as being responsible for this irregularity. Thus Bichat, 29, and Riidinger, 73, thought the left bronchus owed its greater length to the asymmetry of the heart, while Meyer, 61, looked upon the aortic arch as the factor which drew it out to greater length. In review- ing these statements, Aeby felt these authors passed over the most weighty relationship in overlooking the crossing of the bronchi by the arteries at a particular point on the stem to run down on its dorsal sur- face. This crossing enables the artery in the “hyparterial” to divide the side bronchi into a dorsal and ventral series, while the “ eparterial ” bronchi, situated above this separating influence of the artery, have their dorsal and ventral branches arising from a common stem. In quoting Kolliker’s observations on a 35-day human embryo, Aeby calls attention Joseph Marshall Flint =z Cr to the origin of the pulmonary arteries in the embryo above the lungs, and states: ‘“ Hin spater eparterieller Bronchus muss somit so lange hinter ihr legen, als nicht in Folge des hohern Aufsteigens des Organs eine bogenformige Ablenkung derselben tiber den ersten Ventralbronchus hinweg nach vorn hin stattgefunden.” While Aeby looked upon the lungs instead of the heart as the movable factor in establishing the adult relationships of the arteries to the tree, he recognized notwithstanding this misinterpretation, the necessity of the embryological topography of the “ eparterial ” or first lateral bronchi to produce the conditions which we find in later stages. It is clear from the above account of the de- velopment of the pulmonary arteries that these delicate vessels which regularly follow the growth of the bronchi and do not, in fact, appear in any part of the lung until after the respective branches which they supply are present, have no formative influence on either the structure or relationships of the bronchi, but are simply passive followers of their development produced by histomechanical principles from the capillary plexus which surrounds them. Finally, a crossing of the stem bronchus by the artery does not occur until after birth when all of the bronchi are laid down, and even then, in the strict sense of Aeby, does not exist as Zumstein and Narath have already shown. It is thus most difficult to determine just what led Aeby to lay such stress upon the adult rela- tionship of the artery to the stem when he obviously, as the above quota- tion shows, clearly recognized that it was not associated with the earlier formation of bronchi, but was due, as he supposed, to the later ascent of the lungs. Furthermore, the pulmonary artery is not responsible for the dorsal and ventral divisions of the stem bronchi as we have ventral and medial elements also arising from the stem away from any possible influence of the artery. Miller, 98, brings forward an interesting suggestion with reference to the effect of the pulmonary arteries on the tree dependent upon the descent of the heart in mammals which have had the form of their chest wall altered by their life in water. The pulmonary arteries, according to Miiller, following the descent of the heart tend to drag the “ Ventral bronchi” caudalwards, leaving the dorsal bronchi free and uninfluenced by the arteries to wander up on the stem bronchus or trachea to form the so-called ‘ eparterial” bronchi. This ingenious suggestion is not borne out, however, by the facts of embryology, for as we have seen, all the bronchi are well formed before the heart in its descent reaches a level where the pulmonary arteries could exert such a traction upon the lateral bronchi. 76 The Development of the Lungs Huntington, 98, says: “If we seek for an explanation of the cause which leads to the migratory changes of the cephalic bronchus (Lateral 1), I admit that we enter the realm of pure hypothesis. At the same time, the very general development throughout the mammalia of this type, with the resulting greater respiratory area of the right lung, may, I think, not improperly be referred to the development of the mammalian form of the systemic and pulmonary arteries. On the left side, the greater quantity of blood thrown from the right ventricle into the left pulmonary artery passes through the Botallian duct directly into the aorta, only a small portion traversing the left pulmonary circulation. On the right side, however, with the early obliteration of the dorsal seg- ment of the fifth arch, all the blood entering the right pulmonary artery is forced to traverse the entire pulmonary circulation returning to the left auricle by the pulmonary veins.” This explanation, according to Bremer’s description of the development of the pulmonary arteries, could not account for the increased size of the right lung, especially in the pig where all of the blood to the lungs is forced to pass through the left pulmonary artery after the establishment of the transverse anastomoses and the subsequent degeneration of the proximal portion of the right pulmonary artery. We may say then in conclusion, that there is one simple possible expla- nation for the general asymmetry of the mammahan lung which lies in the asymmetry of the anlage. Owing to the fact, however, that the pulmonary anlage in lower animals is frequently symmetrical, it seems more probable to look upon this characteristic as an adaptation on the part of the pulmonary apparatus to its environment which may reach such extremes as we find in the lung of the snake. It is more probable then, that, with the necessity of an increased respiratory surface as we ascend the animal scale, the asymmetrical heart and the development of its adult form gives us adequate ground for a normal asymmetry of the respiratory apparatus, especially as the heart and liver, forming the principal environment of the lungs, have phylogenetic precedence and are of more physiological importance during intrauterine life. In its final form, this asymmetry consists, in the vast majority of lungs, in a suppression of left Lateral 1 to leave space for the descent of the aorta and pulmonary arch with the heart and a suppression of left Ventral 2 to provide room for the pulmonary veins from the lower lobes. In ani- mals, however, where these branches are formed they are so placed that they do not interfere with either of these features of the development of the vascular system. Joseph Marshall Flint att LoBE FORMATION IN THE LUNGS. The relation of the mesoderm to the primitive tree has been described in connection with the appearance of the bronchi, largely because it arises from the general mesoblast of the head gut and takes part in the separation of the pulmonary anlage from the cesophagus. The meso- lu i Le ST ST Thx) HEiGs. db: Text Fic. 15. Outline drawing of the lungs of an embryo pig 10 mm. long. Ventral view. (Figs. 15-19-24, inclusive, drawn with a camera lucida from cleared preparations.) L.1, L.2—=Swellings, limited by shallow grooves, over Lateral 1 and Lateral 2. S7’—=Mesoderm over the caudal portion of the stem bronchi. Also L.1—=Lobus superior. L.2—=Lobus medius (right) and Lobus superior (left). SZ—Lobus inferior. derm, it will be remembered, shows the influence of the first irregularity of the early branches of the tree and forms two indefinite unequal rounded projections into the primitive ccelom on either side. These Li li (Le L2 é ie L3 \ V2 L3 i ST L3 V2 Ls | ST ST ie B ixeT IG slo Text Fic. 16. Outline drawing of the lungs of an embryo 12.5 mm. long. A. Ventral view. B. Dorsal view. 2.1, L.2, L.3, V.2, and ST =Swellings over the several bronchi and the stem designated by these abbreviations. At this stage the anlagen of the lobes are complete. L.1—=Lobus superior, L. 2 = Lobus medius (right), Lobus superior (left). V.2—Lobus infracardiacus. L.3 and ST =Lobus inferior. are the anlagen of the two lung wings. On both sides the Recessus pleuroperitonealis projects upwards and somewhat medialwards to the bronchi; the left, however, is very poorly developed. Ventralwards the mesoderm continues forwards into the Mesocardium posterior. ~ (oa) The Development of the Lungs At 10 mm. the two simple lungs are quite asymmetrical (Fig. 15). Increasing in size with the growth of the bronchi, they also follow their asymmetrical development. The fain swellings observed in the preceding stage have become so exaggerated that we have on the surfac of the lung marked rounded elevations indicating the presence of Lateral 1 (Fig. 15, L. 1) on the right side, and Lateral 2 on both sides (Fig. 15, L. 2). These projections are limited by shallow groves. From above down- wards, the trachea and hence the mesoderm extends ventralwards until the point of bifurcation is reached, when, following the course of the stem bronchi, it passes dorsalwards on either side of the cesophagus. At 12.5 mm. (Fig. 16) these characteristics are exaggerated. On the right side, high up, we have the projections over the bronchi, which have been found before this stage. ‘They have increased in size with the 7 l1 1 Le Le Le Le | fi Vo L3 13 (2 L3 3 4 L4 te 14 14 A. 1B}. Adios 1a alir/ TExt Fic. 17. Outline drawing of the lungs of an embryo pig 13.5 mm. long. A. Ventral view. B. Dorsal view. The letters represent the mesodermic swellings over the bronchi designated by the abbreviations. Designations the same as in Fig. 16, except that L.3 and all swellings below that order unite in the pig to form the Lobus inferior. growth of their respective elements; also there is now a well-marked pro- jection over the newly-formed V. 2 (Fig. 16, V. 2) and a less apparent swelling, the bud representing Lateral 3 on each side (Fig. 16, L. 3). The furrows have deepened, and the lower part of the wings below Ven- tral 2 now embraced by the Wolffian body and chest wall dorsally, the heart, liver, and diaphragm ventrally, and the mesoderm of the ceso- phagus medially, have already in cross-sections an irregular prismatic form. At this stage we may say, the anlagen of the lobes are com- plete. From each of these main projections, a lobe is produced and the shallow grooves deepen with the further growth of the lungs to form the interlobar fissures. That is to say, on the right side the swellings over Lateral 1, Lateral 2, Ventral 2, and the stem produce respectively Joseph Marshall Flint 79 the Lobus superior, Lobus medius, Lobus infracardiacus, and Lobus in- ferior, while Lateral 2 and the stem bronchus produce the Lobus superior and Lobus inferior on the left. At 10 mm. the swelling over L. 1 is practically in the same lateral plane as L. 2, while at 12.5 mm. it is crowded slightly dorsalwards by the further growth of the latter. In a pig 13.5 mm. long (Fig. 17), the characteristics of the lobe formation are intensified. On the right side, the upper lobe containing Lateral 1 is pushed still more dorsalwards, while the middle lobe con- taining Lateral 2 is, at the same time, forced shghtly ventralwards by the antagonism in the growth of their two main bronchi. The Lobus infracardiacus, containing Ventral 2, extends downwards and medial- wards, while the lower lobe extends more caudalwards and is now, through its whole extent, distinctly prismatic in cross-section. On the Text E1q@. 18. Text Fic. 18. Outline drawing of the lungs of an emtryo pig 14.5 mm. long. A. Ventral view. B. Dorsal view. Designation of lobes as in Fig. 16. left side, the Lobus superior, owing to its more unobstructed environ- ment, extends somewhat higher than its homologue, the Lobus medius, on the right side. The Lobus inferior is not quite so large or well devel- oped as the corresponding right lobe. The primary fissures between the several lobes have deepened and now extend well into the substance of the lung. With the division of Lateral 1 and Lateral 2 on each side, the secondary branches also raise secondary projections on these surfaces of the lobes between which are slight secondary furrows. Similarly the Lobus inferior on each side shows slight swellings limited by shallow grooves over L. 3 and L. 4. In the pig, these swellings and grooves, however, under ordinary circumstances, never lead to a separation of the lung substance into extra lobes. Fig. 18 shows the lungs of an embryo 14.5 mm. long. The Lobus 80 The Development of the Lungs superior on the right side (Fig. 18, L. 1) is now pushed dorsalwards by the presence of the heart and the Lobus medius (Fig. 18, L. 2), so that its caudal portion now hes above the series of swellings over the dorsal bronchi (Fig. 18 6, D. 2). On the left side, the Lobus superior now shows a dorsoapical swelling over the apical branch of L. 2 (Fig. 18, L. 2), which indicates the beginning of the portion of the left upper lobe, which substitutes for the Lobus superior on the right side. The fissure between L. 2 and L. 3 on each side deepens, while the Lobus inferior on both sides shows a series of projections over the several branches of the stem. On the ventral surface, V. 3 is indicated; on the lateral border, Tuxr Hie 9: TExT Fic. 19. Outline drawing of the lungs of an embryo pig 18.5 mm. long. A. Ventral view. B. Dorsal view. The abbreviations on the swellings represent the order of the bronchi beneath. Designations as in Fig. 16. L. 3, L. 4, and L. 5; while, on the dorsal border, swellings for D. 2, D. 3, and D. 4 are present. In a pig 18.5 mm. long (Fig. 19), the right Lobus superior contain- ing Lateral 1, projects upward some distance beyond the tip of the upper lobe on the left side. The fissure separating it from the Lobus medius has deepened. Its lower portion now passes behind the medial lobe, although the two are united at their roots, that is to say, the ventro- medial aspect. The Lobus infracardiacus projects ventralwards and medialwards until it extends over the median line above the cesophagus. The lower lobe on the right side shows projections along the lateral border for L. 3, L. 4, and L. 5, and, on the dorsal border, for D..2, D. 3, and D. 4. The ventral surface, likewise, has very slight swellings for Joseph Marshall Flint 81 V. 3 and V. 4. , The latter, however, are very faint and are separated from the rest of the lobes by very shallow grooves. On the left side, the Lobus superior (Fig. 19, L. 2) is separated from the lower lobe by a deep cleft, while the development of the apical branch of L. 2 has pushed up with it a segment of this lobe which also grows backward until it lies above the series of dorsal swellings (Fig. 19 B) and bears a marked resemblance to the Lobus superior on the opposite side. Ex- cepting for the Lobus infracardiacus, the lower lobe has characteristics practically homologous to the corresponding lobe of the right side. The dorsal flexion of both lower lobes still persists and the lateral tips or margins of the median lobes now begin to show, at their lateral extremi- ties, a shght bending ventralwards as they begin to fold around the heart. As the lung continues to grow, with the successive appearance of new branches, new elevations are formed on the surface of the primitive lobes until finally, as Narath describes, they have an appearance like the sur- face of a mulberry. The primitive lobes, however, keep their independent character: and alter in form by two chief factors, namely, the intrinsic growth of the lung itself, and the change in its environment formed by the chest wall, heart, liver, and diaphragm. Narath has given as the cause of the lobe formation, the extremely rapid growth of the first branches of the tree, while the later branches of slower growth fail to form furrows in the mesoderm deep enough to subdivide the lung further. With this view, I am in complete accord, but it ought, it appears to me, to be extended to include the character of the mesoderm. In the early stages, this is in extremely plastic form, which easily moulds itself to the pressure of the growing bronchi beneath. Up to 10 mm. there is scarcely any differentiation in the mesoderm into distinctly fibrillar and cellular portions, while at 12 mm. this change is inaugurated and fibrils appear particularly in the region of the root of the primitive lung. At 20 mm. the whole mesodermic portion is composed of young connective tissue with well-marked fibrils. As the mesoderm differentiates, therefore, it becomes firmer and is less easily influenced by the growth of the young bronchi. Fig. 20 is an outline drawing of the lateral and diaphragmatic aspects of the lings of an embryo 19 em. long. At this time, all of the important adult topographical features of the lungs are present. A., shows well how the right Lobus superior has grown down and back into the dorsal area, moulding itself even more than in an embryo 18.5 mm. long (Fig. 19) to that portion of the thoracic cavity and extending now up over the 6 82 The Development of the Lungs base of the heart beyond the midline making the sum of lung tissue in L. 1 and L. 2 considerably greater than that in L. 2 on the opposite side. Owing to this growth, the Lobus medius is pressed ventralwards, its dorsal segment lying in the angle between the Lobus superior and the Lobus inferior. It may be interesting to note, that the portion of the Abiae Ine, 7A0), Text Fic. 20. Outline drawings of the lungs of a pig 19 cm. long. A. Right side. B. Left side. C. Diaphragmatic surface. At this stage, the surface of the lungs is smooth. The topography of the bronchi beneath, taken from corrosion specimens of the same age, is indicated by dotted lines and letters. lobe which lies in this angle, is supplied by the large dorsoinferior bronchus. It is, therefore, ontogenetically equivalent (vide Pl. II, Figs. 15, 16) to the apical segment of the Lobus superior on the other side. Nothing could indicate clearer the adaptation of the growing Joseph Marshall Flint 83 bronchi to their environment, or the possible influence of environment upon the branches of the tree. The tips of the Lobus medius have grown around the heart until they have almost met in the midline. On the undersurface, the unpaired Lobus infracardiacus (Fig. 20, V. 2) is clearly seen particularly in its relationship to the Vena cava inferior. With the increase in size between this and the last stage, the swellings over the various bronchi have disappeared and the surface of the lobes become smooth. The topography of the Lobus inferior on both dia- phragmatic and lateral surfaces is indicated on the surface of the lungs by dotted lines. By a comparison with Fig. 19, the origin of these topographical relations are clear. With the further development of the pig’s lung which has been de- scribed by Narath, I cannot agree. In the account of the form relation- ships, his work is accurate, but in the interpretation of the relative sig- nificance of the different parts of the lung and the equivalent values of the lobes on each side, our results differ chiefly with our derivation of the principal bronchi. That is to say, according to his view the Lobus superior and the Lobus medius on the right side are equivalent to the Lobus superior on the left. They are almost or completely separated through an accessory fissure, making the Lobus superior correspond to the dorsal or apical area in his preparations and equivalent to the cephalic or apical projection of the Lobus superior of the left lung. The latter, as we have seen, is only a secondary substitution product of a branch of left L. 2, ontogenetically equivalent to the region of the Lobus medius on the right side which is supplied by the large dorsoinferior bronchus. On the other hand, the right Lobus superior, supplied by L. 1, is totally unrepresented in the left lung. This unpaired lobe, therefore, and also the cephalic portion of the upper lobe on the left, properly belong not to the dorsal area, as Narath suggests, but to our lateral and his ventral region. The fissure between Lobus superior and Lobus medius on the right would be primary and not accessory in the sense of Narath. In recapitulating the development of the lobes, we may say, then. that the mesodermic portion of the lungs, derived from the general mesoderm about the head gut, is pushed out by the growing bronchi to form irregular asymmetrical swellings in the coelom. These are the anlagen of the primitive wings of the lungs. With the appearance of L. 1 on ‘the right side of the trachea, and L. 2 on each stem bronchus, primary swellings are formed in the two wings over these bronchi, giving rise to the simplest form of the Lobus superior, Lobus medius on the right side, and the Lobus superior on the left. The remainder of the mesoderm 84 The Development of the Lungs about the stem bronchi form the anlage of the Lobus inferior on each side. With the appearance of V. 2, the Bronchus infracardiacus, on the right, a swelling forms over it yielding the anlage of the Lobus infra- cardiacus. These swellings are at first surrounded by shallow grooves, which, with the rapid growth of the bronchi beneath, develop into the fissures separating the various lobes. With the further growth of these chief bronchi and the appearance of the series of bronchi on the stem, a series of swellings and fissures are formed over and between them. These are equivalent, in all senses except in age and size, to the earlier fissures and swellings, but, under ordinary circumstances, never deepen into distinct lobes. ‘This is partly due to the more rapid growth of the first bronchi, to the gradual increasing density of the mesoderm, and, lastly, to the environment of the several lobes of the lung. That is to say, the Lobus superior with L. 1 has the territory between the chest wall and the upper part of the heart on the right side. The right Lobus medius and the left Lobus superior, with L. 2, have the large space be- tween the chest wall and the angle formed between the heart and liver on each side. It is important, however, to note on the left side, owing to the absence of L. 1, the Lobus superior sends up the apical segment of the lung containing the left Bronchus ascendens. The Lobus infra- cardiacus, with V. 2, grows out into the space left between the heart and liver and the two lower lobes, while the Lobus inferior on each side lying in the more or less triangular space between the chest wall and liver and diaphragm becomes prismatic in cross-section and grows caudal- wards and lateralwards to fill up the rest of the pleural cavity. In the pig, then, we have a series of primary projections limited by a series of fissures some of which give rise to the permanent pulmonary lobes. Those projections and fissures which take part in the lobe forma- tion in the pig, it is well to observe, are the first to form, but in other animals these same conditions do not appear to obtain. In Hystrix cristata, for example, not only the primary fissures between practically all of the principal bronchi may give rise to a series of lobes, but these may even be subdivided by the secondary fissures formed by the secondary branches of these elements, while in other animals, as for example man, the deepening of the fissures about V. 2 usually do not produce a separate lobe, leaving this region of the lung included in the right Lobus inferior. Between these forms we have extensive individual and general variation.: The drawings in Fig. 20 may be used conveniently to explain the lobe production in all mammals; A represents the conditions in animals where L. 1 is present on one side or both; B, the conditions where L. 1 Joseph Marshall Flint 85 is absent on one side or both; C represents lungs where a Lobus infra- eardiacus is present, and by eliminating this lobe and altering the topo- graphy of the ventral bronchi, it may be used for lungs where V. 2 is either absent or included in the Lobus inferior. For example, B repre- sents the conditions found in Hystrix cristata in both lungs where not only all of the primary bronchi in that animal have produced lobes, but some of them are still further partially subdivided. There is also a type of lung represented by Phoca vitulina where L. 1 is present on both sides, but L. 2 in this species is thrown into the Lobus inferior. For this state of affairs 4 would suffice if the permanent fissure between L. 2 and L. 3 were replaced by a dotted line. The suppression of the lobes indicated in Phoca vitulima may involve all fissures giving us a lobeless lung like those of Delphinus delphys and Pithecus satyrus. It is, of course, clear from the above description how we regard the equivalent values of the lobes on the two sides, but they may be simply stated in two simple formule of equivalence which will fit the lungs of most animals depending upon the presence of L. 1 and V. 2 on one or beth sides. Type 1 includes the great majority of mammalian lungs. Type 1. Type 2. L.1 present only on the right side. L. 1 present or absent on both sides. Right Side. Left Side. Right Side. Left Side. Lobus superior — O. Lobus superior — Lobus superior. Lobus medius = Lobus superior. Lobus medius = Lobus medius. Lobus inferior = Lobus inferior. Lobus inferior = Lobus inferior. or or Lobus inferior + V.2—=Lobus in- Lobus superior — Lobus superior. ferior + V.2 or O. Lobus inferior — Lobus inferior. While lobe production in the lungs is obviously dependent on the growth of the bronchi in the. majority of instances, the number of lobes is apparently without definite morphological significance. It may vary in animals from multilobed lungs like those of Hystrix to lobeless lungs like those of Pithecus satyrus. The common relationships, however, are expressed in the types given above. THE ORGANOGENESIS OF THE LUNGS. In turning to the organogenesis of the lungs from the period of the formation of the Anlage until the adult stage is reached, the first interest settles in the chief cells of the bronchi and the pulmonary connective tissue. Both of these structures have been followed up to the age repre- sented by a pig 10 mm. long, in the chapter on the development of the 86 The Development of the Lungs bronchi. From this time, it is more convenient to consider these stages by themselves. In the description of the differentiation of the frame- work, I have taken as a basis the work of Mall, 02, who has described in the pig the origin of the connective tissues from a common mesodermic syncytium. By a differentiation of this syncytium into an endoplasmic and exoplasmic portion, the connective tissues are produced. The former ESP TE. Zils Text Fic. 21. Longitudinal section of the left lung of an embryo pig 13 mm. long. Fixed in Zenker’s fluid and stained by Mallory’s Fuchsin- Anilin blue method. X70. b=Stem bronchus. p=—pleura. a= Young connective tissue. =syncytium. m—evagination forming medial bronchus. remains as the protoplasm about the connective tissue cells, the latter forms the various fibrils. The author, 03, has traced the development of the framework of the submaxillary gland in the pig, where, in the earlier stages, the process of differentiation is the same as in the lungs. By Joseph Marshall Flint oo) -2 way of review, suffice it to say that the syncytium forming the primi- tive framework of the lungs differentiates slowly until 10 mm. is reached when, in the neighborhood of the root of the lung and the Mesocardium posterior, the fibrils begin to appear and the cells become more isolated from each other. About the young bronchi, however, they are still in close apposition during the formation of the reticulated membrane about the tubes, which, in Mallory preparations, may be seen as a dark blue line. At 13 mm. (Fig. 21) these conditions are well shown. The stem Lronchus (Fig. 210) and its chief lateral branches is seen in longi- tudinal section lined, by an epithelium consisting of a row of inner nxn Ge 22. Text Fic. 22. Section of the lung of an embryo pig 3 cm. long. Same preparation as used with tissue shown in Fig. 21. xX 70. p=pleura. a= connective tissue. 6 —bronchus. columnar cells with smaller polygonal cells beneath them. The epithelial tube is surrounded by a simple reticulated membrane which is in pro- cess of formation. Above, at the root of the lung (Fig. 21 a), the trans- formation of the exoplasm into young connective-tissue fibrils has taken place, while in the lower portions of the Lobus inferior (Fig. 21 ¢), the framework consists of a mass of anastomosing syncytial cells without any particular differentiation. About the basement membrane, the cells are thickly packed and under the primitive pleura (Fig. 21p) the epithelium of which has begun to flatten, we have a distinct blue line indicating the formation of a membrana propria. o/2) (0/6) The Development of the Lungs In a pig 30 mm. long (Fig. 22), the framework of the entire lung shows a differentiation into primitive fibrils. The young fibrils are more distinct and less granular, while the spaces between are larger than in the preceding stage. With the differentiation, the relative quan- tity of endoplasm has diminished in the loose part of the syncytium, leaving in some places isolated connective-tissue cells (Fig. 22.¢), or in TexT WIG. Zo. Text Fig. 23. Section of the lung of an embryo pig 5 cm. long. Same preparation as used with tissue shown in Fig. 21. x 70. p=pleura. a= connective tissue. = bronchus. others they are multipolar in appearance with branching and sometimes anastomosing processes. Immediately about the trachea and large bronchi, the cells are closely packed together preparatory to the pro- duction of the various coats of these structures. The basement mem- brane is distinctly fibrillated as is seen at points where the plane of sec- tion is tangential to the bronchi. About the larger bronchial elements a io) ito) Joseph Marshall Flint group of elongated fusiform cells having a distinctly circular arrange- ment may be noted, representing the earlier stages of the production of the muscular coat. The epithelium in all the large and in the majority of small bronchi still consists of two layers of cells, the inner columnar, the outer poly- gonal in form. But in the youngest branches of the oldest bronchi, namely Lateral 1 or 2, there is now a reduction to a single layer of columnar cells (Fig. 220). Cilia are as yet invisible in these speci- mens, but the cuticula at the inner margin of the cells is already differ- entiated. At the root of the lung, a few dilated lymphatics may be noted near the bronchi and pulmonary vessels; they have not, however, grown beyond this point into the substance of the lung wings. Embryo 5 mm. long (Fig. 23). The general framework (Fig. 23 a) of the lung at this period has undergone a further differentiation over the preceding stages, consisting in an increasing density and complexity of the young fibrils, which now possess a more distinctly fibrillar appear- ance, while the quantity of endoplasm about the connective-tissue cells has slightly diminished, except in the immediate neighborhood of the larger bronchi. The pleural epithelium (Fig. 23 p) is much more flat- tened and the nuclei of the individual cells consequently further apart. As shown by points where the plane of section falls tangential to its surface, the basement membrane beneath this epithelium is distinctly reticulated. About the larger bronchi, there is a distinct circumferential arrangement of the exoplasmiec fibrils in which are imbedded a great many cells. The basement membrane is slightly thickened and just beneath the latter there is now a well-marked layer of fusiform cells with elongated nuclei running circularly about the bronchial tube. Ex- ternal to this stratum, is a looser circular arrangement of the exoplasmic fibrils as well as the cells embedded in it. When the bronchi are cut longitudinally, these circumferential lamelle of cells and exoplasm run parallel to the long axis of the tube. The epithelium, as in the preced- ing stages, shows a distinct division into two or three layers, with the nuclei situated approximately in the middle of the cell. The thickening ‘on the edge of the cell lining the lumen is apparent, although cilia are as yet unformed. As the branches of the tree are followed towards the periphery, the layers of circularly directed syncytial cells disappear and we have simply the primitive basement membrane with the connective- tissue cells immediately about it. In the most terminal parts of the air passages, the double layer of epithelium has been replaced by a single layer of lower columnar epithelium (Fig. 230). All of the bronchi 9C The Development of the Lungs from the first to last possess marked lumina. From the root of the lung, the lymphatics have now grown some distance into its substance. They have thin walls composed of young fibrils lined by endothelium with occasional valves. They are confined, however, to the immediate neigh- borhood of the main bronchi and their chief subdivisions. Text Fig. 24. Text Fig. 24. Section of the lung of an embryo pig 7 cm. long. Same preparations as used with the tissue shown in Fig. 21. X70. p=pleura. Db =pbronchus. a—connective tissue. /—lymphatics. This stage shows the beginning of the lobulation. Pig 7 em. long (Fig. 24). A number of interesting changes have taken place in the evolution of the lungs since the last stage other than in a further differentiation of the framework, which at this time is con- Joseph Marshall Flint 91 siderably denser. The circularly arranged fusiform cells noted in the earlier stages about the main bronchi are collected into bundles to form the muscular layer outside of the mucosa, while still external are stages in which the chondrification of the syncytium is progressing as the latter passes over into the precartilage stage at the periphery, and into young cartilage in the center to form the simple chondral rings of the trachea and larger bronchi. The epithelium of the latter is sometimes thrown into folds, is cylindrical, and composed of a double layer of cells. As one follows the branching to the end buds, it first becomes single layered and then of a low columnar type (Fig. 246). Chondral rings and bronchial cartilages are present only around the trachea and the upper part of the stem bronchi; the muscular coat, as one passes peripheralwards, thins out until it first consists only of a single layer of cells, and finally at the smaller branches and end buds is replaced by the young connective tissue, which, in the latter region, is engaged in the formation of the reticulated membranes. The most interesting change, however, lies in the further growth of the lymphatics, which, in the earlier stages, are found in the root of the lung in the neighborhood of the pulmonary vessels and large bronchi. As they grow in, they accompany these structures for a distance, then, approaching the end branches, they leave them and run in a plexiform manner midway between the bronchial tubes (Fig. 247) until they reach the pleura (Fig. 24). This gives the lung now an indefinitely lobu- lated appearance, in which the periphery of the simple lobule is indi- cated by the lymph vessels and the center by the bronchi. The lymphatics are lined by flattened endothelium, their walls are formed by the young connective-tissue fibrils, and, here and there, valves are beautifully shown, which, in general, point away from the pleura. The pleural epithelium (Fig. 24 p) is much flattened and now rests upon a thickened layer of young connective-tissue fibrils. Pig 13 em. long (Fig. 25). At this stage, we have the whole lung subdivided into a series of connective-tissue lobules with essentially the same characteristics as those shown in the preceding stage, namely, a peripheral plexus of lymph vessels with the bronchus in the center. The growth is centrifugal in so far as the bronchi are concerned and, in this sense, the lung at this stage may be compared in some respects with the younger stages of the salivary glands for example, where similar lobules without peripheral lymphatics are also formed from a centrifugal growth of the ducts. The framework at this stage (Fig. 25a) is con- siderably thicker than in the preceding embryo, the fibers denser and, at 92 The Development of the Lungs the same time, there are more connective-tissue cells. Under the pleura (Fig. 25 p) and in the interlobular spaces, the fibrils are gathered into slight trabecule, which limit small spaces in the connective-tissue net- work. The larger bronchi show an increase in the characteristics indicated in the last stage. The epithelium is thrown out into longitudinal folds, Texr Wig. 25. Text Fic. 25. Section of the lobule of the lung of a pig 13 cm. long Same preparation as used with the tissue shown in Fig. 21. ). They open into the dilated Ductuli alveolares (Fig. 277) from which the primitive Atria may be seen as lateral outgrowths. Shortly before birth, in a pig 27 cm. long (Fig. 28), the framework of the lung at the root, between the lobules and under the pleura, consists of definite trabecule composed of fibrils in the meshes of which le the connective-tissue cells. In the neighborhood of the root, the trabecule are thick and firm and thin out as the periphery is reached. The struc- ture of the stem bronchi is on the same plan as in the earlier stage, but the epithelium submucosa, muscularis, and cartilages are more developed. As the periphery is approached in this, as in the younger stages, they become essentially younger in structure, loosing first their cartilages, then the muscularis, and finally, before terminating, have only a thickened basement membrane which contains connective-tissue cells (Fig. 28D). The respiratory lobules are now fully formed, but are not as large or as complicated as in the stages after birth. In this section there are two Bronchioli respiratorii (Fig. 28 br) from the ends of which the Ductuli alveolares (Fig. 287) lead. These terminate in dilated Atria (Fig. 28 a) on the walls of which the Sacculi alveolares are now indicated as shght irregular outgrowths. While complete corrosions of the lungs in which the respiratory lobules are injected are of great service in interpreting the pictures found in sections, I have feared to trust these preparations for an exact description of the growth of these structures, owing to the possibility of artefacts. The nuclei of the respiratory epithelium now project often into the lumen of the air spaces. In general, the cells are extremely flattened and the nuclei elongated. A flat sheet of protoplasm extends out from either pole of the nucleus resting upon the mebrana propria. Here and there, where capillaries project into the lumen of the air passages, the nucleus lies in the angle formed by the capillary and the basement membrane with the protoplasmic portion of the cell projecting up over the capillary, like a non-nucleated plate. Adjacent Lobuli respiratorii impinge on each other, pressing the loose connective tissue, which has hitherto existed between the lobules into a thin membrane in which the capillaries run. This interalveolar mem- brane now consists of the membrana propria of the adjacent lobules, to- gether with the interalveolar connective tissue. The lymphatics in the various parts of the lung still show essentially the same relationships. After birth (Fig. 29) the development of the lung has advanced along ‘ 98 The Development of the Lungs the same lines followed in embryonic life. The chief changes occur in the respiratory lobules. The bronchiolus (Fig. 290) is clothed by eubical epithelium surrounded by a well-marked basement membrane Trexr Fic. 29. Sections of a portion of the lobule of the lung of a pig, two days old. Same preparation as used with tissue shown in Fig. 28. X 130. ?=lymphatics. b—bronchiolus. br=—bronchiolus respiratorius. tulus alveolaris. a=atria. sa—sacculi alveolares. i= duc- c—alveoli pulmonaris. Joseph Marshall Flint 99 about which are numerous connective-tissue cells. There is as yet, how- ever, no differentiation of this layer into muscle fibers. From this arise the short Bronchioli respiratorii (Fig. 29 br) where the cubical epithe- lium flattens as the passages run into the Ductuli alveolares (Fig. 290). From these structures, the Atria (Fig. 29a) are formed, which in turn produce the Sacculi alveolares (Fig. 29sa). The air sacs which were only indicated in a pig 27 cm. long are now distinctly seen. It is pos- sible that they are even more developed before birth than is shown in Fig. 28, as I have frequently found embryos in utero 29 cm. long. Unfortunately, I have been unable to obtain good sections from speci- mens of this age. This makes, however, no essential difference as the whole respiratory lobule is produced before the pig is born. Following the use of the lungs for respiration, there is a dilatation of the various structures of the lobule (cf. Figs. 28 and 29) which is accompanied by a still greater flattening of the connective tissue between the alveoli, yield- ing practically a single membrane containing the blood-vessels between the two layers of respiratory epithelium. ‘This, however, as we have seen, ontogenetically consists of the two basement membranes and the inter- alveolar framework of the adjacent alveoli. The larger connective-tissue lobules still retain their general relationships, increasing in size with the growth and dilatation of the respiratory lobules of Miller. The lymphatics (Fig. 297) still have their regular relationships. In a half-grown pig, one observes the thickening of the framework, which in the main septa at the root and under the pleura is now made up of well-formed trabecule, consisting of connective-tissue fibrils. The bronchi have developed peripheralwards taking on an older type, 1. @., adding muscular layers, submucous glands, and bronchial cartilages, which may be traced as far as the larger intralobular branches. From this point peripheralwards, gradually thinning, the muscle layer extends to the opening of the atria in the Ductul alveolares. The lymphatics in the interlobular septa are difficult to see as they are pressed together by the growth and distension of the connective-tissue lobules. No marked changes occur between this and the adult stage, save that the lobules are sometimes less apparent owing to their larger size and the fact that the septa may become thinned out in the later stages of growth. They may be demonstrated as definite anatomical structures in the pig by thick sections stained by Mallory’s method or better still by complete Wood’s metal injections. When a lung has been distended for a short time with air to its maximum, Wood’s metal will pass into all the indi- vidual alveoli. After digestion, we have a cast of granular appearance 100 The Development of the Lungs which maintains absolutely the form of the lungs. This may now be broken up into the lobules, as the splitting always occurs along the septal lines and, thus, the entire connective-tissue lobular system may be re- vealed. It should be observed that the lobules may become compound through a failure of the septa to persist, a process similar to that which takes place in the submaxillary gland where the whole series of primitive lobes, which are first formed in the embryo and separated by well-marked septa, disappear and are indicated in the adult only by irregular septa, without distinct relationships, passing in from the capsule. Usually, however, these lobules in the pig’s lung not only persist, but may be easily demonstrated by any of the ordinary connective-tissue stains. Recapitulation of Organogenesis.—In recapitulating the growth of the main structures of the lungs, we have stem and main bronchi origi- nating in the primitive lung sacs as an epithelial tube with a double layer of epithelium, the inner of which is columnar, while the outer is composed of smaller polygonal cells. This simple tube is surrounded by a membrana propria formed by a deposit of fibrils from the exoplasm of the connective-tissue syncytium. As the bronchi grow, a layer of spindle cells differentiates from the mesoderm, which is transformed into the muscular coat of the bronchi. Later still, a chondrification of the perimuscular syncytium takes place from which the cartilla- ginous rings of the trachea and the bronchial cartilages are formed. With these changes the connective-tissue fibrils become grouped into trabecule about the bronchi and in the submucosa. Later, the mucosa is thrown into a series of longitudinal folds, while from the cuticular border of the inner row of cells, cilia develop. From the bottom of the erypt-like invaginations formed by the longitudinal folds of epith- elium, glands begin to grow down into the submucosa, which some- times pass between the developing muscle bundles into the deeper layers of this coat. As this process takes place, there is a differentiation of some of the epithelium into goblet cells, a process which also takes place in the glands, giving rise to a series of submucous glands with partly serous and partly mucous cells. While these changes are taking place in the mucosa, the cartilages are also growing, and with them, a further differentiation of the framework into distinct fibrous trabeculae. As we follow the bronchi peripheralwards, they become simpler and essentially younger in structure and yet develop their adult characteristics in pre- cisely the same way. The epithelium soon becomes single layered of a columnar type, and then of a distinct, flat, cubical form. The Lobuli respiratorii begin to develop in pigs about 19 cm. long by a slight dila- tation of the growing ends of the bronchi. These represent the bron- Joseph Marshall Flint 101 chioli. Later, the Bronchioli respiratorii are formed which have a progressively flattened epithelium, running over into Ductuli alveolares. These are present at the age represented by a pig 22 cm. long. Subse- quently, Atria, Sacculi alveolares, and Alveoli pulmonis form in the prenatal period, all of which have the characteristic flattened respiratory epithelium. After birth there is a dilatation of the lobules and a further flattening of the epithelium occurs, and before the pig is half grown, a muscle layer develops about the air passage as far as the Atria, where it stops in sphincter-like bands. The framework of the lung develops from a general syncytium form- ing the mesodermic anlagen of the two lung wings. By a gradual differ- entiation of connective-tissue fibrils from the exoplasmic part of the syncytium, the framework becomes denser and, finally, at 8 cm., a sug- gestion of lobulation is obtained about the end branches of the growing bronchi. Within the lobules the framework differentiates as the embryo grows, forming simultaneously basement membranes for the young bronchial buds. At the same time, the interlobular fibers, and those beneath the pleura, unite to produce trabecule. As the lobuli respira- torii towards the end of foetal life begin to impinge on each other, the interalveolar framework and the two adjacent basement membranes are pressed together into a single wall or septum in which the blood-vessels run. These lobules remain until adult life, and correspond in the pig apparently to those described by Laguesse and d’Hardiviller, 98, and Councilman, o1, in the human lung. Noteworthy, however, is the fact that they may become compound by the loss of the interlobular septa and the subsequent confluence of several adjacent lobules. This usually takes place at the base leaving the periphery of the compound lobule separated by partial septa. The lymphatics appear at the root of the lung in an embryo 4-5 cm, in length. Accompanying the bronchi and vessels, they gradually grow in for some distance and until the smaller air passages are reached, they leave these structures and grow towards the pleura in the inter- spaces between the smaller bronchi, aiding in the differentiation of the connective-tissue lobules. The reason for this course is not entirely clear, but it may be due to the increasing density of the framework about the bronchi, which forces the later-appearing lymphatics into the interlobu- lar spaces as a Locus minoris resistentia. Upon reaching the pleura, they turn and form a plexus in the subpleural connective tissue. Here and there they may be seen penetrating into the lobules, but cannot be followed for any distance in them. At 23 cm. the first evidence of the 102 The Development of the Lungs submucous lymphatic plexus is seen in the stem bronchi. It may, how- ever, be found earlier, but the vessels are difficult to follow in unin- jected specimens. It would seem, thus, that we have in the pig’s lung, besides the lym- phatic plexuses accompanying the bronchi, arteries and veins, an inter- lobular system which Miller has been unable to find in the human lung. Injections pointing to such a relationship he has interpreted as arte- facts. If Miller’s conclusions prove to be correct, then the lymphatics of the human lung must develop so far as the interlobular septa are concerned in some other way. In following the organogenesis of the lungs in the pig, one finds at no period in their life history, openings, or fenestre, which suggest a com- munication between adjacent respiratory units. They form, as we have seen, independently at the growing ends of the tree and as they approxi- mate each other, it is always possible to demonstrate the interlobular or interalveolar framework without interruptions suggestive of fenestrae offering a communication between adjacent alveoh. Furthermore, in all my corrosions, many of which are complete enough to fill completely the Alveoli pulmonis and maintain the entire form of the lungs, no instance was found of an interalveolar communication. Ruptures frequently occur forming irregular extravasations, but in the most complete injec- tions, one is always able to isolate completely the individual Lobuli respiratoru. The results of this paper, then, support the conclusions of Miller, Laguesse, and Oppel, and are not in accord with the views of Hansemann, Zimmermann, Merkel, and Schulze with reference to the presence of these foramina in the walls of the alveoli of the mammahan lung. DISCUSSION OF THE LITERATURE. THE ANLAGE OF THE LUNGS. As in the case of the early stages of the amphibian and reptilian lung, there is a general agreement among most authors who have worked upon the mammalian lung that the respiratory apparatus arises from an un- paired anlage, which the majority regard as asymmetrical. Of these investigators, His thinks the future asymmetry of the lungs is to be sought in this characteristic of the anlage, while Minot looks upon the asymmetry of both anlage and lungs as secondary to changes taking place at this time in the heart. Fol believes the anlage is paired and regards it, moreover, like Gétte and Weber and Buvignier as associated with the © gill pouches. The anlage, in the pig, arises from the ventral portion of Joseph Marshall Flint 103 the head gut as a ventral groove with a more marked projection at the caudal extremity, which becomes separated from the dorsal segment of the gut by two longitudinal fissures, along the line of which the final separation occurs. The upper part of the anlage gives rise to the trachea, the lower to the lungs. If the pulmonary apparatus in mammals should finally be shown to have a serial relationship with the gill pouches, all trace of the process is certainly lost in the pig. From the first, the anlage is asymmetrical. Whether this is a characteristic of the respiratory appa- ratus or is due, as Minot suggests, to the influence of the heart, it is impossible, from my material, to say. Suggestive, however, is the fact that the pulmonary anlage in many of the lower animals is symmetrical. THE GROWTH OF THE BRONCHIAL TREE. Few of the many characteristics of the bronchial tree have given rise to more discussion than the method of its growth. Between the two extremes of dichotomy and monopody, most of the possible intermediate processes have been described. A special review of the literature on this point seems desirable to see what harmony can be drawn from the differ- ent observations. So far as possible when space permits, the process will be described in the words of the various contributors to this field. If we recapitulate the history of the several series of bronchi it may be said that all of the chief bronchi are produced in the same manner, that is to say by monopodial growth. Even the formation of the stem bronchi from the pulmonary anlage does not differ in any material way from the subsequent formation of the products of the stems themselves. As the tree grows, there is no definite division of the end bud as the main branches are outgrowths of the walls of the trachea or the two stem bronchi. In the pig, the trachea produces only a single element, namely, Lateral 1. The process of growth is successive, that is to say, the ele- ments are produced one after another from above downwards, recapi- tulating the manner of growth shown in simpler animals like the reptiles, for example. When a new element is about to be formed, one notes an increase in the number of karyokinetic figures in the epithelium in the region of the new branch. The basement membrane becomes much less distinct and the connective-tissue nuclei in the surrounding mesoderm are more closely packed together. In this region, a slight bulging of the epithelial wall is then noted, as is shown, for example, in Fig. 12, which increases in size until a small elevation is raised on the surface of the stem. This subsequently grows, yielding a rounded projection on the stem, which gradually emancipates itself and gives rise to a new bronchus. 104 The Development of the Lungs The process is essentially the same whether it occurs either in the neigh- borhood of the terminal bud, higher up on the stem, or on the trachea. In general, we may say that the lateral and medial bronchi are produced nearer the terminal end of the main bronchus, while the dorsal and ventral elements are produced somewhat higher up from the stem, often where the latter has regained its cylindrical form. . If Narath’s interpretation of the bud as reaching up to the last appar- ent lateral branch is allowed to stand, then all of the branches except the tracheal bronchus must be considered in the sense of Narath as lateral productions of the end bud. Narath’s distinction, however, does not seem to be well made for, in the pig’s lung at least between the last lateral branch and the tip of the stem bronchus, there is always a con- siderable portion of the main stem which has a definite cylindrical form and terminates in a distinct dilatation at the end. Much as Narath’s view would tend to simplify the question, there is little justification, therefore, in looking upon the entire distal part of the stem bronchus as the terminal bud. On the other hand, there is no essential difference in an evagination taking place at ihe bud and in one taking place on the stem. It may be well to notice certain differences in the behavior of the stem at different periods in the life of the organism as well as differences be- tween different species. For example, in the pig, the stems seem rela- tively more irregular and dilated in size in embryos between 10 and 13 mm. long, but on the whole are fairly cylindrical throughout the growing period. On the other hand, in some species the stems, particularly at the growing ends, are quite irregular in shape and may be considerably dilated, suggesting somewhat pictures corresponding to the growing lungs of reptiles. After the formation of the chief branches has occurred, the primitive monopodial system may persist for a few generations on the side branches. The principal method of division is, however, by dichotomy equal and unequal. Apparently the selection of the method depends somewhat on the physical conditions of the space in which the bronchi are forced to divide. In the case of the first divisions of Lateral 1, of Lateral 2 on each side, and Ventral 2 on the right side, the division is of practically equal dichotomy, as they have a relatively free space about them. When, however, the direction is more or less controlled by the limited environ- ment of the bronchi, it becomes unequal, one fork growing on so rapidly to become the stem, that the other is left either as a small bud or a small side branch, which develops further when the space relations permit. Joseph Marshall Flint 105 Later still when the total volume of the lung is such that each bronchus is more or less equally surrounded by mesoderm, the dichotomy is equal, although of the two forks resulting from a division, one becomes the stem and the other is shunted off as a side branch. The point, however, where monopody ceases and dichotomy begins is apparently different in different species and may be different in different parts of the lung. In the pig it is below Lateral 6 while, in man, according to His, the transfer is made at Lateral 4. It must be remembered in this connection, how- ever, that the space relations in this region of the human lung are quite different from those in the pig owing to the different position of the heart, diaphragm, and liver. The bronchi, apparently, show great adaptability both in the power and direction of their growth. This interesting characteristic is best shown when one of the chief bronchi are suppressed. Adjacent branches, while still rooted firmly at their point of origin, then grow into the area of the lung usually supplied by the suppressed element, a process which, taken in connection with the extreme variation of the point of origin of the bronchi, give rise, in the adult tree, to the series of pictures which suggest a wandering of the branches. In my whole series of specimens numbering ten reconstructions and many cleared specimens 3 to 18.5 mm., and about 100 corrosions of pigs from 4 cm. to the half-grown stage, I have never found any evidence which pointed to a wandering of any elements of the tree. The bronchi remain attached to their stems where they are formed, although their branching is controlled to a great extent by the space in which they have to grow. When this is altered by the suppression of one of the usual elements, adjacent branches show a power of substitution which is perhaps best exemplified in the fate of the two dorsal forks of the first division of the right and left Lateral 2. On the right side, this branch, owing to the presence of the Lateral 1 above it, is forced to grow downwards and posterior to form a dorso- inferior branch of Lateral 2, while on the left side, this same fork, un- obstructed by the absence of Lateral 1, grows upwards to substitute for the suppression of the lateral element above. In turning to the literature we find that between such outspoken de- scriptions as those of d’Hardiviller for example, on the one hand, and Justesen, on the other, it is not difficult to differentiate, but in the cases where terms like sympodial dichotomy and monopody with acropetal development of the lateral buds are used, it is not always easy to deter- mine whether the authors have not been describing the same process with different words. At the outset, therefore, it may be well to state that 106 The Development of the Lungs by monopody we understand lateral outgrowths from the wall of the bronchus whether they occur on the side of or above the terminal bud, and by dichotomy we understand an undoubted division of the terminal bud. In equal dichotomy the two divisions grow for a time equally but later may give rise to a system of monopodial appearance by the selec- tion of one branch to continue as the stem, while in unequal dichotomy the two buds develop unequally from the first. In the case of dichoto- mous divisions, however, it is obvious the portion of the stem between two side branches is genetically equivalent to the side branch of the lower order. Since one can explain theoretically the entire bronchial tree equally well by either a monopodial or a dichotomous process of growth, it is not surprising to find different views among those who have studied only the finished bronchial system. This is well shown among modern in- vestigators in the work of Aeby, 80, and Ewart, 89, the former of whom believed in monopodial growth from first to last, while the latter says “ Dichotomy is the alpha and omega of bronchial division.” Hunting- ton, 98, also in working upon comparative material of adult stages finds a double system primarily dichotomous with a subsequent monopodial type of branching in the development of the stem bronchus. In a sys- tem thus capable of two explanations, obviously, the only observations which will really aid in solving the question come from those who have studied the lungs during the process of their growth. If we turn to this series of investigations we find Kiittner, 76, stating that “Das Wachsen ist monopodisch, d. h. das Epithelrohr wachst an seinem Scheitel ungetheilt fort, wihrend seitliche Sprossen am Stamm desselben hervortreten und mit ihrer Lingsaxe zu der des erzeugenden Furthermore, he states that these buds grow and divide rapidly, giving rise to so many more lateral branches than the principal axis that it is difficult in the adult tree to 39 Rohres rechtwinkelig gestellt sind. recognize its primitive monopodial character. Cadiat, 77, describes the process as follows, and it is important to remember he is speaking of solid buds: “Il est facile de comprendre maintenant comment se produisent les ramifications bronchiques. Un premier bourgeon se forme plein et se développe en longueur, l’ampoule se produit a Vextrémité. Alors son evolution est arrétée; sur les parois naissent des bourgeons secondaires qui se terminent de méme, et ainsi les canaux bronchiques vont sans cesse en se multiphant, mais toujours dans des directions différentes.” Stieda, 78, states: ‘“ Zuerst ist der Canal einfach, dann theilt er sich Joseph Marshall Flint 107 in Aeste, welche sich abermals theilen, so dass sowohl durch fortgesetzte Theilung des auch durch seitliche Sprossenbildung im epithelialen an- fangs noch leicht tibersehbaren Canalsystem ensteht, dessen blinde Enden etwas leicht erweitert sind.” Kolliker, 79, describing a 12-day rabbit embryo, says: “ Das innere Epithelialrohr, das nun Bronchus heissen kann, hat in jeder Lunge drei Ausbuchtungen und werden von nun an mit dem Grdésserwerden des Organes die Veristelungen bald so zahlreich, dass dieselben nur schwer Schritt fiir Schritt zu verfolgen sind.” Further, in speaking of the in- erease of the bronchi in man and animals, he says in general: ‘ Das innere Epithelialrohr hohle Aussackungenen oder Knospen erzeugt, welche, rasch sich vermehrend, bald in jeder Lunge ein ganzes Biiumchen von hohlen Kanalen mit kolbig ansgeschwollenen Enden erzeugen, von welchen aus dann durch Bildung immer neuer und zahlreicher hohler KKnospen endlich das ganze respiratorische Hohlensystem geliefert wird.” His, 87, in working on the development of the human lung, describes the process of growth as follows: The first branches as far as Lateral 4 arise by monopodial division, which he describes in the following terms: “An keiner Stelle findet sich eine Andeutung, als ob aus den einmal eylindrisch gewordenen Wurzelrohren Seitensprossen zu entstehen ver- mochten. Die einzige Productionstitte neuer Formbestandtheile sind die Endknospen, und zwar erfolgt die Umgestaltung auf dem Wege dichotomischer Theilung. Die Knopsen verlieren ihre kugelige Grund- form, indem sie an der Anheftung gegentiberliegenden Seite sich abplat- ten und zugleich in transversalem Sinne strecken. Bald tritt eine tren- _nende Furche auf, wodurch die urspriingliche einfache Knospe in zwei getrennte Verwolbungen auseinander geht. Allmahlich emanzipiren sich diese letzteren und bekommen auch ihrerseits cylindrische Stiele, worauf- hin derselbe vorgang von Neuem Platz greifen kann.” In summarizing the process he continues: “ Nach erfolgter Trennung der beiderseitigen Anlagen bildet eine jede derselben einen gebogenen und zugleich birn- formig ausgeweiterten Schlauch, mit einzelnen schirfer markirten Vor- treibungen. Aus diesen treten die primaren Seitensprossen als mono- podische Bildungen im Sinne yon Aeby hervor und ihre fiir beide Seiten asymmetrische Anlage bestimmt auch die Differenzen spiaterer Ausbil- dung. Der weitere Verzweigungsmodus bleibt nun waihrend geraumer Zeit der dichotomische. Zuletzt tritt aber ein Zeitpunkt ein, wo die Endknospen aufhéren sich dichotomisch zu theilen und wo sie wieder in ein System mehr oder minder ausgiebiger Seitenknospen auslaufen.” In mouse, mole, and pig, Willach, 88, describes the process as follows: 108 The Development of the Lungs “Ich glaube vielmehr, dass beim Menchen, wie bei den Siugethieren, die Sprossung eine sogen monopodische ist, welche darauf beruht, dass das Mutterrohr vor seinem kugeligen Endblischen eine Verengerung seines Lumens erfahrt, wahrend das Lumen des Endblischens sich erweitert und seitliche Ausbuchtungen treibt, jene Knospen, die wieder zu Réhren werden, und das Mutterrohr weiter fortwichst. Das Tochterrohr ist enger als das Mutterohr.” The growth process is described by Robinson, 89, in these words: “ In the rat and the mouse, the ramification of the bronchi is produced princi- pally by dichotomy. The germ of each bronchus, as it grows outwards and dorsally, becomes expanded at its termination; this expansion is gradually constricted into two portions of unequal size, that is the dicho- tomy is in the form described by botanists as unequal or sympodial.” Further he states: “ Although most of the branches are produced by dichotomous division of terminal expansion, certain of the dorsal branches arise as hollow buds from the wall of the stem bronchus after it has as- sumed its cylindrical form, and these buds are interpolated between pre- existent branches.” He describes the origin of our median bronchi in the rat as follows: “The second dorsal branch immediately after its origin is similarly divided, and the constriction passes rapidly towards the axial stem, until its apex reaches the level of the circumference of the main bronchus. Thus, from the dorsal bud, a dorso-internal (median) branch is formed.” Robinson apparently does not believe that the branches are successive in their formation. Minot, 92, states that “the branching occurs in a highly characteristic manner, for the stem always forks, but the forks develop unequally, one (terminal bud) growing more rapidly and becoming practically the con- tinuation of the main stem, while the other (lateral bud) appears as a lateral branch. Speaking in general it may be said that the ventral fork serves as the stem. In consequence of this method of growth the adult lung consists of main stems with lateral branches. . . . But it is erro- neous to suppose, as did Aeby, that the system of growth is strictly monopodial, it being in reality a modified dichotomous system. The branches all arise by terminal forking, never as outgrowths from the side of a stem.” d’Hardiviller, from his studies on the rabbit and sheep, announces the following law of development: “Toutes les bronches primaires, princi- pales ou accessoires, naissent en divers points des bronches souches par ramification collatérale, le bourgeon terminal des bronches souches ne prenant aucune part a leur formation.” ‘These principal branches then, Joseph Marshall Flint 109 according to d’Hardiviller, give rise to secondary branches by the produc- tion of lateral buds as well as by equal and unequal dichotomy. d’Hardi- viller does not believe that all branches of the stem are successive in their formation. Nicholas and Dimitrova, 97, in the sheep, describe the growth of the main bronchi as lateral buds which appear successively on the terminal portion of the stem bronchus. The results of Justesen, oo, contained in an extensive paper devoted entirely to the method of growth of the bronchial tree, may be given in one sentence, “ Die Bronchialverzweigung ist also eine dichotomische,” in which process he would include all branches of the tree from first to last. The process of growth of the bronchial tree according to Narath, g2, 96, o1, is a rather complicated process. He looks upon the primitive lung sae as the first production of a stem bud. When a side branch is produced from the end bud a slight swelling is observed on its lateral side, emphasized by the occurrence of mitosis in this region. In conse- quence of the greater pressure at this point, the end bud bends slightly in the opposite direction, that is to say, medialwards. As the new bud grows, this process continues until there is a distinct kink in the axis of the stem opposite the new element. As it increases in size, the side bud takes first, the form of a cone-like projection with a rounded summit, as the stem bud grows on, then the epithelial wall about its base sinks somewhat towards the axis of the stem, until the daughter bud is isolated from the stem and then grows on. It is important to note, furthermore, that Narath considers the end bud the entire terminal part of the stem up to the last well-formed lateral branch. In reference to the origin of the dorsal bronchi, Narath states from his observations on the rabbit, that they are produced without partici- pation of the stem bud and that they appear later than the corresponding lateral bronchi. Furthermore, the comparative anatomy of the tree suggests to him that the dorsal series are primarily side branches of the lateral bronchi which, in course of ontogeny or phylogeny are placed back on the stem. In support of this view, he finds the dorsal buds arising at the same level as the lateral and, apparently, in communica- tion with the contour of the latter. Then, he continues, if lateral bronchi are able to give up dorsal branches to the stem, this process repeats itself with the latter series in giving rise to the median bronchi. While he is not absolutely certain that this process takes place in the origin of the dorsal elements, he states that it can be proved with certainty in the formation of the medial series. He shows a schematic series of draw- 10) The Development of the Lungs ings of the median branches of D. 2, D. 3, and D. 4 in their different stages, giving an apparent transplantation of this median branch upon the stem bronchus. Like the median series, Narath also believes that the ventral bronchi (the Ventro-accessory of Aeby) are branches which are given up from the lateral branches to the stem. In one rabbit embryo Narath was able to show a relationship between Ventral 1, the infra- cardiac bronchus, and Lateral 1. He says further: “ Der Zusammen- hang der Knospen ist ein primires Verhiltnis und kein sekundires. Und wenn weiter eingewendet werden sollte, die Knospen hingen deswe- gen so innig zusammen, wei bei der erwachsenen Lunge die Bronchien go enge beisammenstehen, so wiirde ich auch wiederum gerade diesen Befund bei der erwachsenen. Lunge als fiir die Aeby’sche Ansicht sprechend verwerthen.” In a word, while not absolutely pledging himself to this view, Narath believes that there are but one primary set of bronchi, namely the lateral, and that the other three series, the dorsal, ventral, and medial originate either directly from these branches as in the case of the dorsal and ventral groups, or the median branches of the dorsal series as in the case of the median bronchi, and are then given up on to the stem bronchus. Moser, 02, says for the vertebrate lung in general that “ Das Verzwei- gungssystem der Kanale innerhalb der Lunge ist stets und ausschliess- lich ein monopodiales.” It must be remembered, however, that Moser’s material on the mammalian lung was very limited and confined to older embryos which were studied by means of sections instead of corrosions and reconstructions. Some criticism might be made of her comparative material especially in view of the more exact methods used by Hesser in the same field. Blisnianskaja, 05, in the human lung states that “ Die Bronchial- verzweigung geschieht nacht dem dichotomischen.Typus, der durch ungleiches Wachstum der Gabeliiste ein monopodisches Aussehen erhilt.” Hesser, 05, in his important work on the reptilian lung states that “ausser allem Zweitel, bei niederen wie bei hoheren Reptilien die erste Aste aus dem Stammbronchus monopodial angelegt werden. Tarentola, Anguis, Chrysemys u. a. zeigen dies unzweideutig. Die Bronchien haben eine ansehnliche Linge erreicht, bevor noch Seitenaste auftreten, und wenn die erste Knospe sichtbar wird, tritt sie aus der Seite des Bronchus hervor, und zwar in einer bedeutenden Entfernung von dessen kaudalem Ende.” In speaking of the further growth of the branches, he continues. “Denn dadurch, dass das Lingenwachstum der Aste nicht porportional zur Vermehrung der Anzahl ihrer Knospen ist, geht die Monopodie all- miahlich in Dichotomie tiber. . . . Also besteht zwischen Monopodie und Joseph Marshall Flint ft Dichotomie nur ein gradueller, aber kein wesentlicher Unterschied, und es wiirde daher kein Erstaunen hervorrufen diirfen, wenn in der Archi- tektur des Bronchialbaumes sowohl die eine wie die andere Weise zur Anwendung gekommen ist.” If we attempt to tabulate these views on the growth of the bronchial tree, the results may be placed in three main divisions as follows: 1. Dichotomy. Older authors, Ewart, Minot, Justesen, Blismianskaja. 2. Monopody. Kiittner, Cadiat, Kolliker, Aeby, Nicholas and Dimi- trova, Willach, Narath, Moser. 3. Monopody and Dichotomy. Stieda, His, Robinson, Huntington, d’Hardiviller, Hesser, Flint. It is also possible to subdivide them still further in the following way: 1. Dichotomy. Older authors, Ewart, Justesen, Minot. 2. Unequal Dichotomy. Robinson (?), Blisnianskaja. 3. Monopody. Aeby, Moser. 4. Monopody with participation of the end bud. Willach, Narath, Nicholas, and Dimitrova. 5. Mixed Monopody and Dichotomy simultaneously. Stieda, Robin- son. 6. Monopody and Dichotomy successively. His, @’Hardiviller, Hunt- ington, Hesser, Flint. While we have already called attention to those who have only studied the branching from the finished tree, to which class belong Aeby, Ewart, and Huntington, there is still a group, in the series of authors given above, who have not followed the lungs through the development of the stem and its chief branches in mammals, that is to say, their material consisted of embryonic stages after the formation of the principal bronchi was complete. The observations of these investigators are only import- ant for the specific fields in which they worked, for it goes without say- ing, as His has suggestively remarked, the conditions which govern the form development of a growing part need not necessarily remain the same through the different phases of its evolution. It may change its character either once or more than once. Thus for a series of animals covering amphibia, reptilia, birds (Moser, Hesser, Schmalhausen), man (His), rats and mice (Robinson), mouse, mole (Willach), rabbit (d’Hardiviller), sheep (Nicholas and Dimitrova), rabbit, Echidna, cat (Narath), pig (Flint), we have a general agree- ment, that the stem and its principal branches are produced by mono- podial growth. I have placed Robinson in this group, partly because he believes some of the chief branches are monopodial in nature, but largely because, notwithstanding his own use of the term “sympodial 112 The Development of the Lungs dichotomy,” his own description of the process of division appears to me to be esentially of a monopodial character. Against these views we have the outspoken description of Minot for dichotomy, in the human lung, as well as that of Blisnianskaja. The latter does not describe the process in detail and her illustrations appear to me to be capable of a monopodial interpretation, especially in view of the careful work of His on the same material. It is also noteworthy that she quotes the statements of Juste- sen in supporting her ideas on the sympodial development of the chief divisions of the stem. It may be recalled, however, that this author did not possess in his material stages which showed the development of these particular branches. While it is possible to draw much harmony from the verbal descrip- tions of the process of division which I have given above, there are, of course, many exceptions and different complexions to these views. Since, in my opinion, it makes little difference whether the monopodial out- growths take place from the end bud or from the stem a little higher up, we may justifiably say that among those who have studied the pro- duction of the chief bronchi of the vertebrate lung, the following stand for an absolute monopodial system: Moser, Hesser, Schmalhausen, His, Wilach, Robinson (?), @Hardiviller, Nicholas and Dimitrova, Narath, and Flint. ‘This series includes obviously all who have worked on the de- velopment of the lung during this period except Minot, Blisnianskaja, and Robinson, whom I have placed in both lists. Of these authors, Wil- lach, Narath, Minot, and Blisnianskaja believe that our Lateral 1, the so-called ‘ Eparterial or tracheal bronchus,” is a derivation of our Lateral 2, which wanders up on the stem bronchus or trachea, the others look upon it as an independent and unpaired element. Narath and Blisnianskaja regard the other chief bronchi as secondary derivatives of the lateral group as “ accessory ” in the sense of Aeby. Willach believes the ventral and median groups as accessory, that is to say, derived from the lateral and dorsal bronchi respectively, while Robinson thinks the chief bronchus of the ventral series, Ventral 2 (the Bronchus infra- cardiacas) is ontogenetically independent, but phylogenetically accessory. The latter describes the origin of the medial bronchi, his dorsointernal group, from the dorsal by a process of progressive splitting of the first medial branch of the dorsal bronchi until it comes to have an independent origin on the stem, a view which is advanced in greater detail by Narath. All of the arguments of Narath and Blisnianskaja concerning the derivation of the ventral, dorsal, and medial series either primarily or secondarily from the lateral bronchi are quite unconvincing, for like Joseph Marshall Flint 113 the support, which Narath brings from the comparative anatomy, the facts are capable of a simpler explanation, 7. ¢., a wide variation in the position of the buds and the power of one bronchus substituting for another. These two factors which I have followed in detail in the pig’s lung, will explain all of the conditions in the adult tree which led first Aeby and then Narath and their followers to look upon the ventral and medial groups as derivatives of the lateral series. It may also be well to call attention to Hesser’s pointed criticism of Narath’s view when he remarks that the lateral buds of Narath when they have only reached the development of a low round cone with a broad base, represent the anlagen of four different branches, namely the dorsal, lateral, ventral, and medial bronchi which must isolate themselves and take their places on the stem. And lastly, we cannot help noting the lack of the one convincing argument which should come from comparative anatomy consisting in a primitive lung that possessed only lateral bronchi. Furthermore, the series of schematic figures, which Narath gives to show the origin of the medial from the dorsal bronchi are objectively correct and agree with the conditions found in the pig’s lung not only in the embryonic stages but in the adult tree as well. He finds the first median division of the dorsal bronchi as one descends from D. 2 to D. 5, is placed successively nearer the stem bronchus until, at the latter point buds are seen on the dorsal and medial sides of the stem. He interprets this condition as indicating a wandering of this median branch to the stem. Asa matter of fact, however, this is the normal relationship for the grown lung, and, as I have pointed out above, the medial series do not occur higher than Lateral 4. It is scarcely justifiable, therefore, to interpret the successive change in the insertion of this median branch, together with the appearance of the medial buds in their usual position as evidence of wandering on the part of the median bronchi. In reference to the further division of the tree after the principal branches are laid down, Moser, Willach, Narath, Cadiat, Kiittner, and Kdlliker believe in a monopodial propagation, while His, Minot, d’Hardi- viller, Hesser, and Flint believe in the dichotomous form either equal, unequal, or both. AEBY’S EP- AND HYPARTERIAL THEORY. The substance of Aeby’s views with reference to the influence of the pulmonary artery upon the bronchial tree has been given in the abstract of his monograph. This theory, which has influenced, more or less, the work of all subsequent investigators has been accorded a varied reception. 8 114 The Development of the Lungs His, Willach, Robinson, d’Hardiviller, and Miller, either actively or passively, support the views of Aeby, while Ewart, Zumstein, Narath, Minot, Huntington, Justesen, and Merkel have abandoned them. In some cases it is difficult to ascertain just what position an author takes concerning the theory for some of them use indiscriminately the terms hyparterial and eparterial in describing the tree. These terms, of course, may have only a simple topographical significance, as in the case with Huntington, without implying the meaning which Aeby attaches to them. Of all the authors who are considered as supporting Aeby’s theory His, alone, is outspoken in his belief that the eparterial bronchus is a dorsoventral bronchus which if it were in the hyparterial region would divide into dorsal and ventral branches. Willach, who first de- scribes the eparterial branch as arising from the first ventral bronchus, apparently accepts the theory, although Narath, a few years later advo- cating the same view, states that this single fact is sufficient to disprove Aeby’s hypothesis once and for all. Zumstein attacked the theory from another point of view, namely, by failing to find in corrosion specimens the relationship, which Aeby describes, and by noting variations in the pulmonary artery which, apparently, had no influence on the archi- tecture of the tree. In these observations Zumstein is supported by Narath, who also describes such specimens. Both observers also call attention to the fact that, at the time the primitive bronchi are formed, the pulmonary artery is a fine, delicate vessel which would have no in- fluence on the larger, firmer epithelial structures. Huntington attacks the theory from another point of view in looking upon the wandering of bronchi as the chief factor in the formation of the eparterial bronchi to which the relationship of the artery is simply secondary and topo- graphical. From the results recorded in this paper, it would appear that the rela- tionship of the arteries to the tree and the differentiation of two sets of bronchi with different relationships to the pulmonary arteries are pri- marily due to the topography of the anlage with respect to the Vena pul- monalis and the projection of the anlage ventralwards from the head gut. In consequence, the arteries form behind the primitive stems before any of the side branches are produced. Later the first lateral bronchus develops above and behind the artery, while the remainder of the series are formed below and in front of it. As the heart descends, the topography of the arteries to the stems changes, but in no way and at no time have the arteries a fundamental influence in differentiating two segments of the Joseph Marshall Flint 115 tree. On account of the association of this influence with the terms “ eparterial ” and “ hyparterial ” it is, perhaps, well to abandon them as Zumstein and Narath have suggested. However, this much is certain: The theory ought not to be abandoned without an acknowledgment of our indebtedness to it. That the theory would stand or fall from the results of embryological research, Aeby clearly recognized, much more clearly apparently than some of his critics. As a working hypothesis, his view was generally accepted from the time of its publication until the appearance of Narath’s paper. 1sT LATERAL BRONCHUS. ‘“‘ EPARTERIAL”’ BRONCHUS OF AEBY. This, Aeby regards, as a dorsoventral bronchus which lies above the pulmonary artery and, therefore, not under its influence. If it were in the hyparterial region the artery would divide it into dorsal and ventral bronchi, a view in which Aeby is supported by His. It is an independent structure; it may be either paired or suppressed. ‘These characteristics form the basis of Aeby’s classification of the mammalian lungs. Willach first proposed the idea that this was a branch of the Ist ventral bronchus, while Robinson, like His, believes it is an unpaired and independent branch. Zumstein in abandoning the eparterial theory terms this the first lateral bronchus. Narath uses the expression Apical bronchus and takes the same view as Willach inasmuch as he considers it a branch of the 1st ventral bronchus. The former, however, goes further in regarding this element as a definite dorsal bronchus. This is compatible with his tentative view of the whole series of dorsal bronchi arising probably primarily from the ventral group. Minot supports Wil- lach, while d’Hardiviller thinks it is an independent element arising from the trachea in sheep and the stem bronchus in rabbits in which view he is upheld by Nicholas and Dimitrova so far as his observa- tions in the sheep are concerned. Justesen, Merkel, and Blisnians- kaja follow Willach. The unique and remarkable observation of d@’Hardiviller, who states that in the rabbit there exists primitively an eparterial bronchus on each side, is the only suggestive evidence of the degeneration of an eparterial bronchus taking place during the ontogeny of the embryo. For a time each develops symmetrically and then later the left atrophies and disappears. Upon this observation d’Hardiviller concludes that Aeby, His, Robinson, Narath, Nicholas, and Dimitrova are mistaken in stating no bronchus arises at this level on the left side, and, believes in consequence, Aeby’s classification of mammalian lungs is only of secondary value. In certain species they may both develop, 116 The Development of the Lungs in others the left only may atrophy, while in still others both may undergo the atrophic changes leaving the tree consisting only of a symmetrical hyparterial system. This observation of d’Hardiviller has only received a single supporting observation in the whole literature and that is by Bremer in the opossum lung. Bremer finds in embryos of 12.5 mm. what he calls an eparterial bronchus on the left side. In his specimens, 14 cm. long, this is absent and, therefore, he presumes the bronchus has degenerated between the two stages he has been able to observe. Narath, in the possession of two adult rabbit lungs with left eparterial bronchi as variations, is inclined to believe d’Hardiviller is dealing with an abnormality, and, furthermore, in view of the unique nature of the observation, adds that absolutely indisputable histological preparations must be produced to show the degeneration of a bronchial bud which has once been formed. This criticism of Narath would, in part, apply to Bremer’s observation. The production of the bronchial tree in Echidna, according to Narath, follows the same principles which we observe in other mammals and the lung of the adult is not differentiated from that of placentalia. Moreover, the vessels and their relationships undergo no further changes while the young are in the pouch either in respect to the artery or the veins. It is thus hardly possible in these observations of d’Hardiviller and Bremer that we are dealing with a true regressive pro- cess. In fact, it is more probable that in both cases we are either dealing with a variation or a dorsal bronchus which is placed higher up than usual upon the stem bronchus. This assumption is made quite probable by Bremer’s statement that his left eparterial bronchus did not supply the apex of the lung. This bronchus is undoubtedly one of the lateral series as Zumstein and Nicholas and Dimitrova hold. It, like the remainder of the lateral series, originates from the lateral wall of the trachea or the stem. The fact that it is usually unpaired and has a different topography to the pulmonary artery does not separate it from this group. It is true, the bronchus originates a little more dorsalwards than the remainder of the series, but this is due partly to the different space relationships in the upper part of the thorax and partly, to the ventral torsion of the lower lateral bronchi, which exaggerates the slight difference that occurs be- tween Lateral 1 and the remainder of the series in the embryo. Inasmuch as a bronchus corresponding to Lateral 1 has never been described in Reptilia or Amphibia, it must be regarded as peculiar to mammals. The great rarity in the occurrence of paired first lateral bronchi suggests that no more morphological significance can be laid on Joseph Marshall Flint 117 its presence on both.sides than its absence. The unpaired Lateral 1 on the right side must be regarded as the normal condition for mammalia, due to a phylogenetic provision for the descent of the heart and great vessels through the suppression of the element on the left side. In cases where it is formed bilaterally, no instance of a left Lateral 1 on the trachea has yet been described. As Narath shows, it is always some- what lower on the left side than the right when the element is bilaterally present. From Narath’s tables, the bronchus is unpaired on the right side in 199 species, is bilateral in 15 species, and is absent on both sides regularly in 3 species. These three types, apparently, obey no definite law ; in the same order of animals, all three types may be found in nearly related species. In some instances, Lateral 1 arises from the trachea, in others from the stem bronchus. When, however, we observe the conditions in those animals where it is formed on the trachea, we find the bifurcation occurs near the second pair of lateral bronchi. On the other hand, where Lateral 1 is produced on the stem, the division of the trachea takes place high up, throwing it on to the main bronchus. Its dorsal char- acter, in which Narath believes, is, however, secondary, as its lower branches are forced backwards by the presence of L. 2 below it and the relatively free space beside the vertebral column just above the dorsal bronchi. APICAL BRONCHUS OF WILLACH AND NARATH. So general is the acceptance of the view that Narath is the author of this idea, it may be well to quote his own words in which he gives the eredit to Willach: “Ich bin ganz der Meinung Willach’s, dass der apicale Bronchus ursprunglich ein Seitenast des 1. ventralbronchus sei, der auf den Stammbronchus geriickt ist.” Willach explains himself thus: “Man konnte also den von Aeby als eparteriell bezeichneten Bronchus als Nebenbronchus zum ersten Ventralen derselben Seite im Sinne Aeby’s auffassen, der, wenn bronchial, an den Stammbronchus, wenn tracheal, an die Trachea abgegeben worden ist.” Further, he says: “Andrerseits diirfte aber der erste ventral Seitenbronchus der linken Seiten dem der rechten plus dem eparteriellen Bronchus entsprechen. Der erste linke ventralbronchus zeigt nimlich einen nach yvorwarts stre- benden Ast, der in seiner Gestalt nicht allein Aenlichkeit aufweist mit dem eparteriellen Bronchus bei verschiedenen Thieren; sondern er ist auch geradezu in einem eparteriellen Gebiet gelegen, wenn man von einem ahnlichen, aber doch etwas verainderten Gesichtspunkte aus, als es Aeby 118 The Development of the Lungs gethan, zwischen dem eparteriellen und hyparteriellen Bronchialgebiet unterscheidet.” Aeby looked upon this apical branch of the 1st lateral on the left side as a simple side branch, which extends up into the apex of the lung having a certain outward similarity to Lateral 1, which might, he point- edly remarks, lead to erroneous assumptions. This branch was named by His, the Bronchus ascendens, an element, which substitutes in the left lung for the unpaired eparterial bronchus in the right, a view in which he is supported by Robinson. Narath and Willach, on the other hand, as stated above, look upon it as the equivalent of the eparterial bronchus, a homology which is affirmed by Minot, Huntington, Merkel, and Blis- nianskaja, but d’Hardiviller, and Nicholas and Dimitrova accept the conclusions of Aeby, His, and Robinson. That is to say, d’Hardiviller accepts them in so far as they regard the left apical bronchus of Narath, a true side branch of the 2d lateral trunk and not the equivalent of the eparterial bronchus on the right side. In following, step by step, the appearance of the secondary divisions of Lateral 2, in the pig, we find on the right side the dorsal fork is turned downwards and outwards owing to the presence of Lateral 1 above it, in consequence of which, it becomes the large dorsoinferior branch of L. 2. On the right side, however, this unobstructed branch extends upwards toward the apex of the lung and substitutes, as Aeby-and His pointed out, for the suppression of left L. 1. It is, however, a true side branch of Lateral 2 and is not to be regarded as the homologue of right Lateral 1, which in the vast majority of cases is unpaired. LATERAL BRONCHI. Kolliker, who worked on the rabbit, agrees with the observations of Remak on the chick in finding the first branches of the stem bronchus growing lateralwards and dorsalwards. He did not, however, give the lateral group a special name. Aeby, whose observations were made upon full-grown material, designated them ventral bronchi in contradistine- tion to the dorsal group, both of which arise in the hyparterial region from independent origins, while in the eparterial region the dorso- ventral bronchus uninfluenced by the pulmonary artery has a common origin from a point on the stem bronchus or trachea midway between the origin of the dorsal and ventral bronchi in the hyparterial group. Al- though His would have preferred the term lateral bronchi, he follows the description of Aeby, while Robinson is really the first to take his term lateral bronchi from the topography of the embryonic lung. Zumstein Joseph Marshall Flint Tag and Nicholas and Dimitrova have accepted Robinson’s terminology, while Willach, Narath, Merkel, and Bremer have followed Aeby. Although he believes the selection an unhappy one, Narath, like His, uses the term “ventral” simply because it has received general accept- ance in the literature and because the bronchi run to the ventral part of the lung. All of the lateral group receive a topographical nomenclature from Ewart, while d’Hardiviller calls them “external bronchi,’ and Blisnianskaja “the ventrolateral” group. Curiously enough, these are the only branches of the entire bronchial tree which all authors unani- mously agree, despite the different terminology, are wholly independent derivatives of the stem bronchus. Owing to the topography of the origin of this series of bronchi from the lateral wall of the stem, the author has followed Robinson, Zum- stein, and Nicolas and Dimitrova in their nomenclature instead of Aeby and His. This is quite logical for, as His has pointed out, all of the ventral characteristics of this group are secondary to their later growth ventralwards in the space between the diaphragm and chest wall. The spiral line formed by joining the origins of the lateral bronchi on the stem represents the extent of ventral growth of these bronchi, as the upper elements reach farther ventralwards than the lower and conse- quently the torsion of the stem is greatest above and gradually dimin- ishes as the lower elements are reached. These occupy practically the lateral plane of their origin. Finally, the presence of a real set of ven- tral bronchi in many species renders the change in the nomenclature urgent. . DORSAL BRONCHI. With the exception of Ewart, d’Hardiviller, and Blisnianskaja, all authors designate this group the dorsal bronchi. d’Hardiviller calls them posterior bronchi, while the latter classifies them as a dorsolateral group. ‘There is also a general agreement that they are independent derivations of the stem bronchus, although Narath, without absolutely pledging himself to this view, is inclined to look upon them as a group primarily derived from the lateral series. He reaches this conviction partly because he regards the “ Eparterial ” bronchus as the first dorsal bronchus and a definite dorsal branch of Lateral 1 and partly because they bear a certain similarity to branches of the lateral group. In conse- quence of the shifting of his Dorsal 1 up on to the trachea or stem bronchus, Narath regards Aeby’s D. 1, D. 2, D. 3, etc., as D. 2, D. 3, and D, 4, respectively. In looking upon the dorsal group as derivatives 120°? The Development of the Lungs of the lateral bronchi, Narath has the support of Blisnianskaja, who argues if the “eparterial” is a dorsolateral bronchus, it is reasonable to suppose the remainder of the series are similarly derived. Neither of these authors, however, have followed the wandering step-by-step either of the eparterial or the dorsal branches on to the stem bronchus. They are, on the contrary, independent derivatives of the stem and, like the lateral series, are to be considered as a group of principal bronchi. Phylogenetically they are one of the most sharply differentiated groups of the stem. We have designated the dorsal series, D. 2, D. 3, D. 4, ete., to keep their numerals in harmony-with that of the larger lateral bronchi, although it is clear, of course, that our D. 2 is the first element of the dorsal series. VENTRAL BRONCHI. Because of their extreme variability, Aeby looked upon this group as accessory bronchi, which had their origin in the lateral series and subse- quently wandered to take up a position on the stem bronchus. Among this group he classifies the Bronchus cardiacus. These conclusions were obtained from the study of adult specimens, so Aeby brings no definite proof of their wandering. His does not mention them, while Willach, also without evidence, seems to accept Aeby’s view. They are, according to Robinson, a definite group of independent bronchi, which he terms ventral. Narath accepts the older view of Aeby, but like that author, his conclusions, with the exception of the infracardiac bronchus, are drawn from comparative study of corrosions of the adult lungs. More- over, even in the case of the Bronchus cardiacus, Narath acknowledges embryology brings no direct proof of a wandering in the sense of Aeby. d@Hardiviller clings to the expression accessory, although he regards this group, which he terms anterior bronchi as independent derivations of the stem bronchus. In the latter view he is supported by Nicholas and Dimitrova who, like Robinson, term them ventral branches of the stem. The results obtained from the pig indicate that the ventral bronchi are independent derivatives of the stem and do not form first on the lateral series and then secondarily become transplanted on to the main bronchus. VENTRAL Ep BRONCHUS CARDIACUS. This bronchus Aeby looked upon as the most important of the ventro- accessory group. Derived primarily from the second lateral bronchus, it takes its place upon the stem bronchus between it and L. 3. In many species it supplies a separate lobe, the Lobus infracardiacus instead of Joseph Marshall Flint 121 being included in the Lobus inferior. In his investigations on the human lung, His, from its size, the position of its origin, and its pre- cocious development looks upon the Bronchus cardiacus as an inde- pendent element which appears out of the regular schematic order, a view with which Willach agrees. Robinson, while accepting the onto- genetic interpretation of His, believes with Aeby in its phylogenetic derivation from the Lateral 2. In holding that it may arise either from the second lateral or the stem bronchus, Zumstein takes a combined view, that is to say, in some instances it is an accessory bronchus and in others it is an independent structure. Narath is a most decided sup- porter of Aeby’s doctrine, both from an embryological and a comparative point of view, but thinks L. 3 and L. 4, as well as the second lateral bronchus may give rise to this trunk, a view in which he is supported by Merkel and Blisnianskaja. d’Hardiviller and Nicholas and Dimi- trova, however, look upon it as one of the principal branches of the stem bronchus. In the pig, the independence of this element is shown with great clearness where it forms the largest element of the ventral group of bronchi. Its hyperdevelopment apparently results from the increase in the respiratory surface by the utilization of the space between the heart and liver medialwards to the two stem bronchi for lung tissue. It is unpaired, like Lateral 1 and with that element destroys the symmetry of the tree. MEDIAL BRONCHI. Aeby’s idea in classifying this group as dorsoaccessory, that is to say, branches originating on the dorsal bronchi and wandering on to the stem bronchus was practically the same as in the case of his ventro- accessory group, namely, their inconstancy and the existence, in a series of adult lungs, of bronchi, which looked like transition stages between the origin of a medial element on a dorsal trunk and its final position on the stem bronchus. Willach, without definite observations, supported this view, while Robinson, who calls them dorsointernal bronchi and believes them accessory, in the sense of Aeby, describes their origin by means of a splitting of the division between the two buds of a dorsal bronchus down to the main bronchus leaving the inner one of the buds with an independent origin on the stem. Zumstein speaks of them as medial and independent in which he has the support of Nicholas and Dimitrova and d’Hardiviller, although the latter designates the group as an internal series. Merkel accepts the older doctrine of Aeby. Narath, also, believes from both embryological grounds and from com- 122 The Development of the Lungs parative anatomy that these bronchi can be traced as branches of the dorsal group. A criticism of his view has already been given. In the pig, they are irregular, but independent products of the stem. As they never occur more than a short distance above L. 4, we find the reason lies in the presence of the cesophagus, which prevents the development of medial bronchi above that level. The main results of the preceding paper may be expressed in the fol- lowing: Résumé. 1. The anlage of the lungs in the pig is unpaired and asymmetrical. It arises from the ventral part of the head gut behind the Sinus venosus, as a ventral outgrowth, preceded by a lateral flattening of the foregut below the gill pouches and the appearance of longitudinal furrows, which divide the fore gut into two parts, a ventral respiratory portion and a dor- sal digestive segment. From the lower part of the anlage the lungs arise, from the upper the trachea. If there is a serial phylogenetic association between the pulmonary anlage and the gill pouches, as some authors maintain, the connection is lost in the pig, for the lungs originate well below the gill area and distinctly ventralwards to the series of bronchial pouches. From the caudal extremity of the pulmonary anlage, arise two lateral outgrowths, giving rise to the stem bronchi. These, like the anlage itself, are asymmetrical, the right growing lateralwards and caudalwards, while the left extends almost directly horizontal. Then the respiratory and digestive portions begin to separate, a process, which begins from the caudal end of the anlage and extends upwards along the line formed by the two longitudinal furrows, freeing the respiratory apparatus from the cesophagus. In its subsequent growth, the pulmo- nary anlage enlarges, the tips of the stem bronchi dilate, and begin to bend dorsalwards around the cesophagus. ‘This results in the formation of the primitive lung sacs. At this time, the production of the bronchi begins. They are readily divided into four series from the topography of their origin, namely, lateral, dorsal, ventral, and medial. 2. The first lateral bronchus, the so-called “ eparterial bronchus,” is, in the pig, unpaired and arises as a lateral outgrowth from the right side of the trachea, just above the roots of the two stem bronchi. It is distinctly lateral in origin and bears a serial relationship to the re- mainder of the lateral bronchi. Its position in mammals varies, some- times it is on the stem bronchus, but it is often situated on the trachea. Joseph Marshall Flint 123 This difference can usually be explained by the point of origin of the two stem bronchi with reference to the pair designated as Lateral 2. If the stems originate low down, then Lateral 1 is thrown on to the trachea, while if their origin is higher up, the first lateral arises from the stem bronchus. Apparently Lateral 1 is characteristic of mammals and, according to Aeby, of birds. A bronchus corresponding to it has not been found either in reptilia or amphibia. In almost all mammals it is an unpaired element. No satisfactory proof has even been brought to show a bilateral development of Lateral 1 with a subsequent degenera- tion of the left bronchus, notwithstanding the fact that this process has been described in two species. At no time in the life history of the pig is there a Lateral 1 formed on the left side. There is furthermore no embryological evidence to show a relationship between Lateral 1 and the dorsal series of bronchi. These characteristics are secondary and result from the antagonistic effects of the growth of Lateral 1 and Lateral 2. The latter is foreed somewhat ventralwards, while the former is pressed dorsalwards, until its lower branches le above the dorsal series of bronchi. 3. The remainder of the lateral series originate in succession from the lateral side of the stem bronchus as lateral outgrowths or hernia- like expansions of the wall of the stem bronchus near the terminal bud. These elements in their growth outwards finally reach the chest wall. Here they are compelled to grow in the space between the ribs and the liver and consequently follow the curvature of the chest wall which ultimately gives them, more or less, the appearance of ventral bronchi, a fact which led Aeby, who studied only the finished tree, to call them the ventral series. 4. The dorsal series of bronchi, originating like the lateral group as outgrowths from the stem bronchus, are usually paired. They alternate with the paired lateral bronchi and are independent productions of the stem. They do not either ontogenetically or phylogenetically originate from the lateral bronchi. For convenience, the first pair are called Dorsal 2, to keep the designation harmonious with the larger series of lateral bronchi. . 5. The ventral bronchi originate as outgrowths from the ventral sur- face of the stem. They, like the other series, are independent produc- tions of the main bronchus. They are not originally formed on the lateral bronchi and subsequently transferred to the stem bronchus. Con- sequently, they are chief bronchi and not accessory in the sense of Aeby. In the pig and in the great majority of mammals, left Ventral 2 is 124 The Development of the Lungs suppressed. With the absence of left Lateral 1, it destroys the absolute symmetry of the mammalian lung. The cause for the remarkable hyper- development of the Ventral 2 on the right side in most mammals is undoubtedly due to the effort to increase the respiratory area by filling the space that intervenes between the heart and diaphragm with the Lobus infracardiacus. The remainder of the ventral series are usually paired in the pig and like the dorsal series ordinarily alternate with the larger lateral bronchi. As a rule their roots are placed on the ventral surface of the stem midway between the adjacent lateral elements and opposite the corresponding dorsal bronchi. The first ventral element is designated Ventral 2 on account of its topographical relationship to Lateral 2. 6. The medial bronchi are, like the other series, produced by medial outgrowths from the stem. They are not formed on the dorsal bronchi and then transferred to the stem. They rarely occur higher than the level of Lateral 4 and are extremely irregular in their arrangement. 7. Noteworthy are the great variaticns found in the production of the various bronchi. ‘The lateral series are by far the most constant ele- ments of the tree. Still, it is not uncommon to find either an extra element formed or else to see one of the usual elements suppressed. As the common number of lateral elements is six on the right side and five on the left, the extremes may vary between five and seven on the right and four and six on the left. In the case of the dorsal series, the variation is even more marked than in the lateral, thus, one element may be suppressed, leaving the dorsal area between two adjacent lateral bronchi naked or, else, an extra element may be formed, giving two dorsal elements in a single interspace. The ventral series is still more variable than the dorsal, so much so, in fact, as to make it uncommon even in the pig where these elements are unusually well developed, to find a series complete, of course, with the exception of left Ventral 2, which is always suppressed. It is not uncommon to find several elements of this series absent at once. Like the dorsal bronchi, they may also be reduplicated in a single interspace. The medial bronchi are the most variable of the four types. They may not be present at all, they may be present only on one side, or they may be reduplicated in a single inter- space, but, in the pig, they never occur higher on the stem than the level of the fourth lateral bronchus. The reason for this fact lies in the presence of the cesophagus above this point, which allows no space for the development of medial elements from this portion of the stem bronchus. Joseph Marshall Flint 125 8. The following formula would represent the complete series of prin- cipal bronchi in the lung of the pig: TRACHEA. Lateral 1. Right Stem Bronchus. Left Stem Bronchus. Lateral 2. Lateral 2. Dorsal 2. Dorsal 2. Ventral 2. Lateral 3. Lateral 3. Dorsal 3. Dorsal 3. Ventral 3. Ventral 3. Lateral 4. Lateral 4. Dorsal 4. Dorsal 4. Ventral 4. Ventral 4. Medial 4. Medial 4. Lateral 5. Lateral 5. Dorsal 5. Dorsal 5. Ventrai 5. Ventral 5. Medial 5. Medial 5. Lateral 6. Lateral 6. It is extremely rare to find a tree as complete as the one expressed in this formula. A number of bronchi may be missing or else some may be reduplicated. 9. The whole series of bronchi show a most remarkable adaptation to the space in which they have to grow. This is true of both the chief bronchi as well as their smaller subdivisions. When, for example, a bronchus is suppressed, an adjacent branch will grow into the area usually supplied by the missing element, substituting for its loss. It is in this way that we obtain the large series of pictures which suggest a wandering of the secondary branches from the lateral and dorsal ele- ments on to the stem bronchus. After a careful study of this point, it may be definitely stated that bronchi never wander. They remain firmly fixed on the stem or side branches where they originate. Not uncom- monly their direction may be altered, however, by changes in the space in which they develop. This response on the part of the growing bronchi to their space rela- tionships is also shown in the course or direction of the principal elements as well as their secondary branches. We have, therefore, Lateral 1 produced and growing into the area between the upper part of the heart and chest wall. Owing to the larger space just beside the vertebral column and the antagonism between it and Lateral 2, the lower branches of Lateral 1 are forced dorsalwards until it resembles superficially a 126 The Development of the Lungs dorsal bronchus. The second lateral bronchi develop in the region be- tween the chest wall, heart, and liver. The area in which the remainder of stem has to grow has in cross-section practically the shape of an isosceles triangle. The stem, occupying a point about the middle of the base, sends three sets of branches, namely, dorsal, lateral, and ventral, directed into the angles of the triangle where they would have the most freedom to develop. Between the roots of the two stem bronchi runs the cesophagus, leaving no place for the development of median branches in this region. At the level of Lateral 4, however, below the cesophagus more room occurs and, consequently, we observe in this region the forma- tion of medial bronchi. Undoubtedly the difference in the branching of the stem in the Lobus inferior of the human lung when compared with the pig may be sought in its altered topography owing to the erect posture which changes principally the position of the liver. This adaptation on the part of the lungs to their environment is to be expected for they are relatively late accessions to the animal economy and are of no known use to the organism during the period of gestation. Accordingly as the heart and liver are both phylogenetically older than the lungs and also are of known functional value during feetal life, it is natural that the latter should adapt themselves to the early needs of older organs. 10. The growth of the main series of bronchi is monopodial in char- acter, that is to say, they are produced without a definite division of the end bud. New elements are not always produced from the end bud, but may be formed from the stem some distance from its terminus. The process is successive, that is to say, the elements are produced one after another from above downwards, recapitulating the method of growth shown in simpler animals like the reptiles, for example. When a new element is about to be produced, on2 notes an increase in the number of karyokinetic figures in the epithelium in the region of the new branch. The basement membrane becomes less distinct and the connective-tissue nuclei in the surrounding mesoderm are more closely packed together. In this region a slight bulging of the epithelium is then noted, which increases until a small elevation is raised upon the surface of the stem. This increases in size, yielding a rounded projection, which gradually emancipates itself and gives rise to a new bronchus. The process is essentially the same whether it occurs in the neighborhood of the termi- nal bud or higher up on the stem. In general, we may say, the lateral and medial elements are produced nearer the terminal end of the main Joseph Marshall Flint 127 bronchus, while the dorsal and ventral elements are formed somewhat higher up, often where the stem has regained its cylindrical form. Subsequent division of the branches may occur either by monopody or dichotomy. Often monopodial production of buds persists for one or two generations on the main bronchi, then the method becomes dichotomous, either equal or unequal in nature depending somewhat on the space in which the bronchi have to divide. In the case of equal division of the bud, however, one fork grows on to become the stem while the other re- mains as the side branch. The first division of the main bronchi may, it is well to note, be dichotomous as in the case of Lateral 1 and Lateral 2. Thus in its growth, the mammalian lung recapitulates the history of the simpler lungs of lower animals. 11. The pulmonary arteries in the pig arise from the pulmonary arches as Bremer has described. At first, they run parallel, then bend towards each other, sending out anastamoses, which yield finally a common trunk with two origins above and two arteries below. Later the upper part of the right artery degenerates and with it the right pulmonary arch. At 5 mm. before the pulmonary arteries may be followed as far as the anlage of the lungs, the pulmonary vein may be seen as a slight ingrowth from the undivided portion of the Sinus venosus, passing through the Mesocardium posterior towards the pulmonary anlage. It forms almost in the medial plane. With this establishment of the venous outlet ventralwards to the anlage, the arteries, as the growth of the organ proceeds, are naturally developed from the capillary plexus on the dorsal side of the primitive bronchi. This fixes the arteries with reference to the stem bronchi before any of the side branches are produced. As the pulmonary anlage projects some distance ventralwards from the head gut, Lateral 1, the “eparterial” bronchus, develops above the artery, while Lateral 2 and the remainder of the principal branches originate below. Thus, the two regions of the tree have a different topography with reference to the pulmonary artery, but this vessel has no funda- mental influence on the structure of the two parts, nor does it differen- tiate the tree into two regions of different morphological significance as Aeby has maintained. The entire primitive tree is surrounded by a capillary plexus. As the bronchi grow, and produce new branches, arteries are developed from this plexus on the dorsal side of the tree as the artery lies dorsalwards and lateralwards to the stem. From this position, arteries to the lateral bronchi run out above and behind them. The branches to the dorsal bronchi pass dorsalwards along the lateral aspect of these elements. To 128 The Development of the Lungs the ventral series, arteries pass around the lateral aspect of the stem bronchus beneath the root of the corresponding lateral bronchus to gain the outer aspect of the ventral bronchus along which they run. The medial bronchi receive their supply from branches that originate from the main artery and pass around the dorsal aspect of the stem to run on the dorsal surface of the medial bronchi. As the right pulmonary artery runs ventralwards to Lateral 1 the artery to that bronchus develops on its ventral surface. In the younger stages, both the aortic arch and the Ductus arteriosus he well above the level of Lateral 1. As the embryo increases in age, there is a gradual descent of the heart and with it, the great vessels. At 15 cm. one observes the Ductus arteriosus at the level of Lateral 1; at 22 cm. the aortic arch reaches this point, while at birth both vessels le below the bronchus. 12. The pulmonary vein develops in pigs about 5 mm. long as an in- growth from the undivided portion of the Sinus venosus at the level of the pulmonary anlage. As the stem bronchi increase in size, right and left pulmonary veins develop from the capillary plexus which surround them. ‘These, naturally, form on the ventral surface, with the bronchi between them and the arteries. Similarly, as the various principal bronchi are produced from the stem bronchus, veins are formed from the capillary plexus. The veins from the lateral bronchi lie below and ventralwards to the bronchi, those from the dorsal elements run along the medial aspect of the air passages to empty into pulmonary veins lying ventralwards to the stems. The veins from the ventral bronchi extend along the medial aspect of the bronchus and terminate directly into the pulmonary veins; those from the medial bronchi extend along their ventral surface to empty in the larger veins accompanying the stems. ‘The vein from Lateral 1 runs along the ventral aspect of the bronchus somewhat ventralwards to the corresponding artery. This forms the single exception to the general alternation of artery, bronchus, and vein. As the embryo increases in age, the Vena pulmonalis, which originates near the midline, is gradually pushed to the left by the increasing asymmetry of the heart, until it finally comes to he over the area of the stem bronchus where a left Ventral 2 would have developed if such a bronchus were present. ‘The hyperdevelopment of the Bronchus infracardiacus associated with the development of the Vena cava in- ferior to the right of that bronchus aids in pushing the Vena pulmonalis to the left. 13. The asymmetry of the mammalian lung is associated with the Joseph Marshall Flint 129 asymmetrical development of the heart and its great vessels. In the descent of the aortic arch and the Ductus arteriosus during embryonic life from a point above the origin of Lateral 1 to a point below, we have an explanation for the suppression of this element on the left side, for if this bronchus were formed, both aorta and the Botallian duct would be caught upon it and their descent prevented. Likewise the Vena pul- monalis appears in the midline and is carried to the left until it finally rests on the portion of the stem where a left Ventral 2 should develop. The usual suppression of these two elements, therefore, must be looked upon as a phylogenetic provision to allow for the descent of the great vessels on the one hand and the shifting of the Vena pulmonalis on the other. It is noteworthy that in those animals where these bronchi are formed on both sides, they are so situated as to offer no resistance to either of these features of the development of the great vessels. 14. The mesodermic portion of the lungs is derived from the general mesoderm about the head gut. As the bronchi appear, this is pushed out into the primitive coelom to form two irregular swellings, marking the anlagen of the two wings of the lungs. With the appearance of Lateral 1, on the right side, and Lateral 2, on each stem bronchus, swellings are observed on the two simple lungs just over these bronchi, giving rise to the simplest forms of the Lobus superior, Lobus medius, on the right side, and the Lobus superior on the left. The remainder of the mesoderm about the stem bronchus forms the anlage of the Lobus inferior on each side. With the formation of Ventral 2, the Bronchus infracardiacus, a swelling from the mesoderm forms over it which is the anlage of the Lobus infracardiacus. These swellings are first surrounded by shallow grooves, which with the rapid growth of the bronchi beneath, rapidly develop into deep fissures separating the various lobes from each other. With the further growth of these bronchi and the appearance of the series of bronchi on the stem, projections and fissures are formed over and between them and in the mesoderm. These are equivalent in all respects except in age and size, to the earlier fissures and swellings, but, under ordinary circumstances, never give rise to distinct lobes. This is due to the more rapid growth of the first bronchi, to the gradual in- creasing density of the mesoderm, and, lastly, to the environment of the several lobes of the lung. The right Lobus superior, containing Lateral 1 does not belong to the dorsal region of. the lung as some authors hold, but to the lateral. The characters which make it appear as a dorsal segment are secondary and not primary. Likewise the portion of the left Lobus superior containing the apical bronchus belongs to the lateral H) 130 The Development of the Lungs region and not to the dorsal. As in the case of the right Lobus superior, its dorsal characteristics are secondary. This segment is to be com- pared to the portion of the right Lobus medius which contains the main dorsoinferior bronchus. Moreover, the entire left Lobus superior is the ontogenetic equivalent of the right Lobus medius. The right Lobus superior is an unpaired lobe and has no equivalent in the left lung. The same thing is true of the Lobus infracardiacus. Lobe formation varies greatly in different species. In the majority of mammals, there are three or four lobes on the right side, arising from Lateral 1, Lateral 2, Ventral 2, and the stem bronchus, while, on the left side, there are ordinarily two formed from Lateral 2, and the stem. Extremes of variation occur, however, between a lobeless lung in which none of the bronchi subdivide it and a multilobar lung in which most of the principal bronchi have segmented the wing into a series of small lobes. Apparently, the division of the lung into lobes is of no general morphological significance. 15. In the light of recent researches on the reptilian, amphibian, and avian lung, it is possible to take a new viewpoint for the development of the mammalian lung. The lungs of lower animals, we now know, are products of monopodial growth. 'The simple lungs of reptilia are capa- ble of producing monopodially outgrowths in any direction (Hesser). These may become specialized in certain species and have a definite topo- graphy. As we mount the animal scale, the necessity of an increased respiratory surface finally results in the transformation of the original simple lung into a conducting apparatus, which is represented in the mammalian lung by the stem bronchus and its chief branches. The simple lungs may no longer be compared to the Lobuli respiratorii of the mammalian lung, for the latter represent new elements which with the increased respiratory surface are added peripherally to the simpler lungs as these become transformed into bronchi. With the addition of these new elements, the respiratory function also wanders periph- eralwards, so that the portion of the mammalian tree which represents the simpler lungs undergoes a change of physiological function. Its phylo- genetic relationship to the simple lungs is shown by the monopodial growth of the mammalian stem bronchus and its principal branches, which recapitulate ontogenetically the growth process of the simple lungs before producing dichotomously the prepheral respiratory struc- tures which are used in mammalian respiration. In certain animals, moreover, the stem bronchus and its branches retain for a period in their life history their respiratory function. In monotremes and marsupialia, Joseph Marshall Flint alesyil the young are transferred to the pouch and compelled to carry on their own respiration when only the stem bronchus and its chief branches are formed. The ordinary respiratory structures used in the adult stage, are produced at a later period. We have, thus, both a physiological and an ontogenetic proof that the simple lungs correspond, in mammals, only to the stem bronchus and its chief branches. The great majority of mammalian lungs are asymmetrical, the asym- metry consisting in the presence of an unpaired Lateral 1 and an un- paired Ventral 2, both of which occur on the right side. Some mam- malian lungs are symmetrical and considerable effort has been made to explain all the asymmetrical lungs on the basis of the minority of sym- metrical ones. The asymmetrical lung, however, must be regarded as typical for mammals. The two bronchi responsible for the asymmetry are, so far as we know, characteristic of the mammalian and avian (Aeby) lung as similar bronchi have never been described in the lungs of lower animals. The cause for the asymmetry, apparently lies in the necessity of leaving space for the descent of the heart and great vessels, by the suppression of left Lateral 1, on the one hand, and to allow room for the shifting of the heart which draws the Vena pulmonalis to the left by the suppression of left Ventral 2, on the other. In those lungs where these two elements, which are usually missing, are found, they are appar- ently so placed as not to interfere with these features of the development of the heart. 16. In the organogenesis of the lungs, we have the stem and main bronchi consisting of simple tubes lined by a double layer of epithelium, the inner of which is columnar, while the outer is composed of smaller polygonal cells. This simple tube is surrounded by a membrana propria produced largely by the deposit of fibrils from the exoplasm of the con- nective-tissue syncytium, composing the mesoblastic portion of the lungs at this early stage. As the bronchi grow, a layer of spindle cells differ- entiate from the mesoderm, which are transformed into the muscular coat of the bronchi. Later still, a chondrification of the perimuscular syncytium takes place from which the cartilaginous rings of the trachea and the bronchial cartilages are formed. With these changes, the con- nective-tissue fibrils become grouped into trabecule about the bronchi and in the submucosa. Later, the mucosa is thrown into a series of longitudinal folds, while from the cuticular border of the inner row of cells, cilia develop. From the bottom of the crypt-like invaginations formed by the longitudinal folds of epithelium, glands begin to grow into the submucosa, which sometimes pass between the developing muscle 132 The Development of the Lungs bundles into the deeper layers of this coat. As this process takes place, there is a differentiation of some of the epithelium into goblet cells, a process, which one also observes in the glands, giving rise to a series of submucous glands with partly serous and partly mucous cells. While these changes occur in the mucosa, the cartilages are also growing, and with them a further differentiation of the framework into distinct fibrous trabecule takes place. As we follow the bronchi peripheralwards, they become simpler and essentially younger in structure and yet, develop their adult characteristics in precisely the same way. The epithelium soon becomes single layered and of a columnar type as the periphery is reached. Finally it takes on a distinct, flat, cubical form. The Lobuli respiratorii begin to develop in pigs about 19 cm. long by a slight dila- tation of the growing ends of the bronchi. These represent the bron- chioli. Later Bronchioli respiratorii are then formed, having a pro- gressively flattened epithelium, which runs over into Ductuli alveolares. These are present at the age represented by a pig 22 cm. long. Subse- quently, Atria, Sacculi alveolares, and Alveoli pulmonis form in the prenatal period, all of which have the characteristic flattened respiratory epithelium. And finally, after birth, there is a dilatation of the lobules and a further flattening of the epithelium occurs, and before the pig is half grown, a muscle layer develops about the air passages as far as the Atria, where it stops in sphincter-like bands. One finds at no period in the life history of the pig’s lung, openings or fenestree which communi- cate between adjacent respiratory lobules. The latter form independ- ently at the growing ends of the tree and as they approximate each other, the interalveolar framework can always be demonstrated between them without interruptions suggestive of fenestrae connecting adjacent alveoli. 17. The framework of the lungs develops from a general syncytium forming the mesodermic anlagen of the lung wings. By a gradual differ- entiation of connective-tissue fibrils from the exoplasmic part of the syncytium, the framework becomes denser and, finally, at 8 cm., a sug- gestion of lobulation is obtained about the end branches of the growing bronchi. Within these connective-tissue lobules, the framework differ- entiates as the embryo grows, forming simultaneously basement mem- branes for the young bronchial buds. At the same time, the interlobular fibers and those below the pleura, unite to form trabecule. As the Lobuli respiratorii, towards the end of foetal life, begin to impinge on each other, the interalveolar framework and the two adjacent basement mem- branes are pressed together into a single wall or septum in which the Joseph Marshall Flint 133 blood-vessels run. These lobules persist until adult life, although they may become compound by the rupture of the interlobular septa and the subsequent confluence of several adjacent lobules. ‘This process ordi- narily takes place at the base, leaving the periphery of the compound lobule separated by partial septa. 18. The lymphatics appear at the root of the lung in an embryo 4-5 em. in length. Accompanying the bronchi and pulmonary vessels, they gradually grow in for some distance until the smaller air passages are reached, when they leave these structures and grow towards the pleura in the interspaces between the smaller bronchi, in what represent the primitive interlobular spaces. In this way they aid in the differentiation of the connective-tissue lobules. The reason for this course is not entirely clear, but it may be due to the increasing density of the framework about the bronchi, which forces the later-appearing lymphatics into the inter- lobular spaces as a locus minoris resistentiz. Upon reaching the pleura, they turn and form a plexus in the subpleural connective tissue. Here and there, they may be seen penetrating the lobules, but cannot be fol- lowed for any distance in them. At 23 cm., the first evidence of the submucous plexus is seen in the stem bronchi. LITERATURE. Arspy.—Der Bronchialbaum der Saiigethiere und des Menschen. Leipzig, 1880. v. BaER.—Ueber Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere. Konigsberg, 1828. BicHat.—Anatomie descriptive. Paris, 1829. BLISNIANSKAJA.—Die Entwickelungsgeschichte der menschlichen Lungen. Diss. Zurich, 1904. BonNET.—Handbuch d. vergl. Histologie u. Physiologie der Hausséugethiere. Bd. 2, Berlin, 1892. 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ReMAK.—Untersuchungen iiber die Entwickelung der Wirbelthiere. Berlin, 1855. Rogpinson.—Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. 1889. | Joseph Marshall Flint 135 RUDINGER.—Topographisch-chirurgische Anatomie des Menschen. Stuttgart, 1873. SaKkurRArI.—Anatomischer Anzeiger. 1904. ScHMALHAUSEN.—Anatomischer Anzeiger. Bd. 27, 1905. ScumipT.—Cited by His (87). 1870. SEESSEL.—Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys. Anat. Abth. 1877. SELENKA.—Studien uber die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere. Heft 1, das Opossum. Wiesbaden, 1887. Zeit. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. 16, 1866. StiepA.—Zeit. f. wiss. Zool. Suppl. Bd. 1878. Stoss.—Untersuchungen tiber die Entwicklung der Verdauungsorgane. Diss. Leipzig, 1892. THoma.—Untersuchungen tiber die Histogenese und Histodynamik des Gefass- systems. Stuttgart, 1893. Usxow.—Arch. f. Mik. Anat. Bd. 22, 1883. WEBER AND BUVIGNIER.—Bibliographie Anatomique. T. 12, 1903. WILLACH.—Beitrage zur Entwicklung der Lunge bei Satigethieren. Oster- wieck-Harz (Vickfeld), 1888. ZUMSTEIN.—Sitzungsberichte der Gesell. zur Beford. d. gesammt. Naturwiss. zu Marburg. Marz, 1889. Sitzungsberichte der Gesell. zur Beford. d. gesammt. Naturwiss. zu Marburg. Februar, 1891. Sitzungsberichte der Gesell. zur Beford. d. gesammt. Naturwiss. zu Marburg. Marz, 1892. Sitzungsberichte der Gesell. zur Beford. d. gesammt. Naturwiss. zu Marburg. Mai, 1900. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. leye/ANGu Ie Figs. 1-14. Fics. 1-20 are magnified 50 diameters. Pulmonary arteries red, pulmonary veins blue, bronchi white. Fic. 1. Reconstruction of a portion of the head gut of a pig’s embryo 3 mm. long. Ventral view. Fic. 2. Dorsal view of the same reconstruction. Fic. 3. Reconstruction of a portion of the head gut of a pig’s embryo 5 mm. long. Ventral view. Fic. 4. Dorsal view of the same reconstruction. Fic. 5. Reconstruction of the bronchial tree of a pig 6 mm. long. Fie. 6. Dorsal view of the same reconstruction. Fic. 7. Reconstruction of the bronchial tree of a pig 7.5 mm. long. Fie. 8. Dorsal view of the same reconstruction. Fic. 9. Reconstruction of the bronchial tree of a pig 8.5 mm. long. Fic. 10. Dorsal view of the same reconstruction. 136 The Development of the Lungs Fic, 11. Reconstruction of the bronchial tree of a pig 10 mm. long. Fic. 12. Dorsal view of the same reconstruction. Fic. 13. Reconstruction of the bronchial tree of a pig 12 mm. long. Fic. 14. Dorsal view of the same reconstruction. PEAT Hels Figs. 15-19. Fig. 15. Reconstruction of the bronchial tree of a pig 13.5 mm. long. Fie. 16. Dorsal view of the same reconstruction. Fic. 17. Reconstruction of the bronchial tree of a pig 15 mm. long. Fig. 18. Dorsal view of the same reconstruction. Fic. 19. Reconstruction of the bronchial tree of a pig 18.5 mm. long. PLATE ITI. Fig. 20. Fic. 20. Dorsal view of the same reconstruction. PEATE AVE Figs. 21-25. Fia. 21. Celluloid corrosion of the bronchial tree of a pig’s embryo 5 cm. long. X 2. Fig. 22. Celluloid corrosion of the bronchial tree of a pig’s embryo 7 cm. lone x2: ° Fig. 23. Wood’s metal corrosion of the bronchial tree of a pig’s embryo 18 cm. long. In this specimen one lateral bronchus on each side is suppressed, giving five laterals on the right and four on the left, instead of the usual complement of six and five respectively. Ventral 3 on both sides is suppressed. Sub- stituting for these branches are ventral branches of the adjacent lateral bronchi, while on the right side a lateral division from the inferior branch of V. 2 also extends into the region usually supplied by right V. 3. Fic. 24. Dorsal view of the same preparation. Dorsal 3 on the left side is suppressed. It is compensated for partly by Dorsal 2 growing lower than usual and partly by branches from Medial 4 on that side. On the right side Dorsal 4 is reduplicated, the upper element growing dorsolateralwards, the lower directly dorsal. Medial 4 and 5 are present on both sides. Fig. 25. Wood’s metal corrosion of the lung of a suckling pig two days old. Ventral view. X 2. Ventral 2 is broken off to show the dorsal bronchi. In places where the metal has passed into the smaller bronchi, the dichotomy is well shown. The branches are schematic in their arrangement with the exception of Ventral 5 on the left side, which is reduplicated, and an extra irregular lateral branch is interpolated on the right side. Joseph Marshall Flint ABBREVIATIONS. b = Gill pouch. a= Head gut. c= Pulmonary anlage. h = Ductus hepaticus. o = Msophagus. ad = Arteria pulmonalis dextra. T = Trachea. d= Right stem bronchus. $= Left stem bronchus. as = Arteria pulmonalis sinistra. v = Vena pulmonalis. Bol, G2, b:3, G4, &. 5, L.0, ete: The lateral series’ of ‘bronchi. D2. D.3, D.4, D:5, D. 6, ete, = The dorsal series of bronchi. V.2, V.3, V.4, V.5, V.6, etc.= The ventral series of bronchi. M.4, M.5, etc.= The medial series of bronchi. ap = Apical branch of left L. 2. m= Medial branch. d= Dorsal branch. 1= Lateral branch. v= Ventral branch. $= Superior branch. 4= Inferior branch. In the combined abbreviations: di = Dorsoinferior branch. li = Lateroinferior branch. vs = Ventrosuperior branch, etc. 10 oe a ie ~ . > ‘28°77 < v Ded La. 5 7 te ¢»- < > THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LUNGS - JOSEPH MARSHALL FLINT Fig 1. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY. VOI vi | | | a ena Lith. Kunstanstalt v. Friedr. Sperl, Wien ills pe ee oe oa os = : =) Ar in Abe = ’ ; ¢ : > on 1 : : = i A Hi = 1 = = a - : 3; : ; Ss 4 P : we 7. 5 Sy - = oe = m an i a . ~ i : i = - a . = ao t 2 ‘ : , i oe ps . , : H 5 , & u fa = ie ; i - a = = od 7 \ i 4 i ‘ 7 a = : i) 0 ' 7 oa by 5 a i ‘+ - a av . - ee ab “a * —_— THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LUNGS. PH MA ALL te JOSE = RSHALL FLIN ‘ Sey ee -———— == Vé- ey > L6 ED 10 | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY. VOL Vi. Lith. Kunstanstalt v Friedr. Sperl, Wien Ilr « | . . . ‘ : a * ee . ° . an “ THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LUNGS JOSEPH MARSHALL FLINT. — JPL ACI! AMAL. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY VOL.VI. Lith. Kunstanstalt v. Friedr. Sperl, Wien il. % ee eS * ¢t =< ‘s Pee > > we a €% 4 J ‘ oil a ee th . -_ «= ® Cer ere ee i re gh bee Re lg a OUD ae ar S i ’ iY ; A} i ine : if 5 hi ; 7 : f ig * ’ ps oe an f ii ‘A bat 1 as ris ee Ai ride GA ae! Te ove ea) : heey) 7 Side, F ryt : } f > RY nar ‘a ry. : ara Da rh ee Pas a Dae a Pu phd aan cas! 4 + ios ‘< ’ a rm tr - Ma, 1 a Le. ’ on fa) Parr td bp ’ } a ; ot, ae ae pre i " é rt ar sn HF A il oad NM, Rus a ’ A a de - ab ae ‘ i } 1 fy a a ‘ter we Le ore ir A. Wee ae daa ae ee ROE AS, One as a ae Me REA r : 3 a ¢ y = eae ws : : Z BAT ‘ 1 ee a ® Rall m4 ws rit 1) eet een og SEMEN ARTE ete Saat, pT.) ay > 2 ; vs Port \ 4 6 ee i) et 2 a. . oe 4 ‘ *) A oe : A . i] : a 7 a i) : 7 by " SF - ah —- Pe ice em) tv Pare se } A i Mi i sl 7 a ; .. i ie) THE DEVELOPMENTFOFP THE LUNGS, JOSEPH MARSHALL FLINT. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY. VOL. VI. PLATE IV P45 > » = — ’ + a xs a. > — a = ~ ~) . 4 7 7 7 Ce - vi a _ 2 : ~~ ¥ - a : ~ - - - ‘ . 3 q <= - ‘ . . a , ; . » = ‘ : - t . — 1 . ; | re ‘ “ i. + . - a 7 i ~ - bs . . . re i] . "7 a € ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MEMBRANOUS LABY- RINTH AND THE ACOUSTIC AND FACIAL NERVES IN THE HUMAN EMBRYO. BY GEORGE L. STREETER, M.D., Associate, Wistar Institute of Anatomy. From the Anatomical Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University. WITH 2 PLATES AND 8 TEXT FIGURES. In the following paper some observations are reported concerning the embryonic morphology of the acoustic nerve and the development of the ganglion mass incorporated in its trunk. The differentiation of this latter mass, the ganglion acusticum, and its subdivision into the ganglion vestibulare and the ganglion spirale present several features of interest ; and deserving of especial attention is the additional light which the study of this process throws upon the question of nerve supply of the saccule, and the ampulla of the posterior semi-circular canal. It is found, namely, that these two portions of the membranous labyrinth are not supplied by the cochlear nerve, as described in English and German text books, but are supplied by the vestibular nerve, as has been maintained by some of the French writers. This brings all of the ampulle together with the utricle and saccule under control of the same nerve, and leaves the cochlear nerve as a specialized and distinct nerve for itself, supplying only the cochlear duct. This arrangement is one which should be gratifying to the physiologist, for it draws a definite line between that portion of the nerve complex which controls the analysis of sound and that which controls equilibrium. 1Preliminary reports concerning this investigation were read, and the models demonstrated, at the International Congress of Anatomists at Geneva, August, 1905, and at the meeting of the American Association of Anatomists at Ann Arbor, December, 1905. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY.—VOL. VI. 10 140 Development of Har and VII-VIII Cranial Nerves This investigation was originally concerned only with the acoustic complex, later it was extended to the ear vesicle, and it was found possible to add several new features concerning the development of this structure and the formation of the membranous labyrinth to that which was already known from the work of His, Jr., 89, who, as far as could be learned, is the only investigator that has made a direct attack on this region in the human embryo since the introduction of wax plate reconstruction methods. It is, of course, to be remembered that in his work attention was mainly directed toward the nerve and ganglion masses, while the finer structure of the ear vesicle was not considered in detail. The contributions here reported include both additional early stages in the development of the ear vesicle and further details in the formation of the individual parts of the labyrinth. Also some apparently funda- mental errors in the work of the above investigator have been here corrected. One of these regards the saccule, which as represented by His, Jr., develops as a compartment pocketing out from the upper end of the cochlea, but which in our specimens develops as a com- partment or subdivision of the utricle. Instead of the saccule developing from the cochlea, the cochlea develops from the saccule, though this occurs at a considerable time before the separation between utricle and saccule is complete. The facial nerve, and especially its sensory division or pars intermedius, bears such a close relation to the auditory apparatus that it was found convenient to include it in some of the reconstructions. It was possible to identify conditions in the embryo confirmatory of what is now the generally accepted opinion as regards the adult, 1. ¢., that the nervus intermedius is the dorsal and sensory root of the seventh, its fibers arising in the geniculate ganglion and continued peripherally in the chorda tympani and great superficial petrosal. MATERIAL AND METHODS. This work was made possible through the kindness of Professor Mall, who gave the writer, for the purpose of this investigation, free access to his large collection of human embryos. In the following list are tabulated the embryos which were selected for reconstruction : George L. Streeter 141 List of Embryos Reconstructed. | Length in mm. | Section. Number of | Probable age embryo. N. B. V.B. | ECE Thickness. Direction. 148 4.3 | 3 20 10 uv Coronal. Bee LG 6.5 6.6 26 15 Sagittal. 2 7 6 26 15 Coron-trans, 163 9 | 9 30 2 Transverse, 109 10.5 Di 33 20 Transverse. 1% 13 lames 36 20 Transverse. 144 12 | 14 37 40 Sagittal. 22 18 20 44 50 Transverse. 229 — 21 44 50 Sagittal. 86 20 30 54° 50 Coronal. One or more wax plate reconstructions were made of each embryo after the method of Born. In most cases the models included the membranous labyrinth with the acoustic and facial nerves, and a portion of the central nervous system. Of these models seven were selected for illustration and are shown in Plates I and II. The form of the models has been controlled in all cases by dissections of pig embryos of cor- responding stages of development, prepared in the manner described in a previous paper (Streeter, 04, p. 87). Such: comparison was of particular assistance in the study of the nerves and ganglion masses. The value of these dissections was greatly increased by previously staining the embryos, in toto, with alum cochineal (powdered cochineal 6 gm., ammonia alum 6 gm., and distilled water 200 ce.), which produces a brilliant differentiation of the tissues. In the same way that a micro- scopical section is improved by staining so is a stained microscopical dissection that much better than an unstained one. In studying these a strong, direct illumination of the specimen is necessary. Whenever the size of an embryo is expressed by a single dimension it refers to its greatest length, and the age is that as determined by Mall’s rule, 7. ¢., age in days equals the square root of the greatest length times one hundred. The drawings for Plates I and II were prepared under the guidance and assistance of Mr. Max Brodel, for which the author derives pleasure in taking advantage of this opportunity to acknowledge his appreciation. MemBranous LABYRINTH. The auditory organ is generally described as developing phylogeneti- cally from the lateral line organs of the marine vertebrate, which sink beneath the surface of the body and develop a cartilagenous or bony 142 Development of Ear and VII-VIII Cranial Nerves capsule, and become incorporated in the underlying head skeleton, the communication with the surface being maintained by a specially devised accessory apparatus. In the embryo the first sign of the auditory organ, according to Krause, 03, and Poli, 97, consists of a thickening of the ectoderm, the auditory plate, which is seen lateral to the still open medullary groove in the region of the future third brain vesicle. In vertebrates having two layers of ectoderm the thickening involves the inner layer, the outer not being affected. Owing to the fact that the growth of cells shows greater activity in the deeper strata of the auditory plate it soon becomes con- verted into a cup shape depression and is then called the auditory fossa or auditory cup. By the folding in and closure of its edges the auditory cup is in turn converted into the auditory vesicle, which, however, remains attached to the surface for a longer or shorter period by means of an epithelial stalk or canal being finally separated from the surface, in mammals much earlier than in lower vertebrates. It is at this point, just after the ear vesicle has been pinched off from the ectoderm, that my own observations begin. This stage corresponds to the “ primitive ear vesicle” of Krause, 03, and will be described under that heading here. The primitive ear vesicle-—The reconstruction of the ear vesicle of an embryo 4.3 mm. long, No. 148, shown in Fig. a, Plate I, represents our youngest stage. This is considerably younger than the youngest human embryo described by His, Jr., 89. It is about the same age as shown in Krause’s, 03, Fig. 82, a model from a rabbit embryo, and is younger than the first stage of the series of models of the ear vesicle of the bat recently published by Denis, 02. The ear vesicle consists at this time of a slightly elongated, oval sac, having the following diameters: dorso-ventral, .39 mm.; caudo-cephalie, :26 mm., and transverse, .28 mm. It lies closely against the neural tube, and is connected with it by the acoustic ganglion, similarly as is shown by Mall, 88, in the dog, figured in his Fig. 4, Plate XX, and is surrounded on all sides by a thin layer of mesodermal tissue. On the dorso-lateral surface, above that portion which is to become vestibular pouch and near where the endolymphatic appendage is to be separated off from the rest of the vesicle, there is a shallow groove. This groove, as seen in the sections, is cut transversely and consists of a seam, or the meeting point of the former edges of the auditory cup whose approximation completes the closure of the vesicle. This closure seam shows various degrees as regards the completeness of fusion, manifested George L. Streeter 143 by a difference in the thickness of the opposite edges, and the degree of obliteration of the line of juncture. The remainder of the vesicle wall is everywhere quite uniform in appearance, consisting of 2-3 layers of slightly elongated epithelial cells, without any apparent differentiation to indicate points of future nerve endings. ac. endolympn. ECOCMIEa mea. aud. ext. motor VI. \_ chora. tymp. \ \ \ petros. sup. maj. Fig. 1. Profile reconstruction showing the membranous labyrinth and its relative size and relations to the brain and the fifth and seventh cranial nerves. Human embryo 14 mm. long, Mall Collection No. 144, magnified about 8 diams. No epidermal stalk could be detected connecting the vesicle with the surface, or persisting beneath the surface epithelium, as observed in the rabbit by Krause, 03, p. 88. Evidently in the human embryo such a stalk must be either very temporary or else never present, as here we have to do with a vesicle whose closure and detachment from the surface must be regarded as only just completed. 144 Development of Ear and VII-VIII Cranial Nerves The development of the endolymphatic appendage and its relation to the epithelial stalk formed during the detachment of the ear vesicle from the epidermis has excited a considerable controversy out of which certain facts have become definitely established. In the first place it is evident (Keibel, 99; Alexander, 01; Krause, o1, and 03) that in the chick the appendage is formed out of the original union region between epidermis and labyrinth anlage, and corresponds to the closing place of the ear vesicle, and is its last point of attachment to the surface. On the other hand it is also established (Corning, 99; Peter, 00, and Krause, or) that in reptiles and amphibia the tip of the appendage does not coincide with the point of detachment of the ear vesicle, but is situated somewhat more dorsal and proceeds in a course of independent development before the detachment of the vesicle is complete. In the human embryo the endolymphatic appendage approaches in its development more nearly the type seen in amphibia than that in the chick. It is not developed until the epidermal stalk, if there ever is any such in man, has disappeared. Its anlage is formed by that portion of the vesicle wall just dorsal to the seam of closure, forming a rounded point on the dorsal edge of the vesicle, thus its tip cannot coincide with the point of detachment. Its situation is indicated by the external form before there is any apparent differentiation of the wall and can be seen in Fig. a, Plate I. By comparison of Figs. a-f, Plate I, it will be noticed how, by a process of extension, this diverticulum becomes con- verted into the endolymphatic appendage. In the second stage, Figs. D and c, the external form of the appendage is more distinctly outlined, as a short diverticulum opening widely into the rest of the vesicle. In the next older embryo, Figs. d, e, and f, by extension of the tip and constriction of its base the appendage begins to assume a typical form. The last step in its differentiation consists in the widening of the distal end into a flattened pouch or sac, in contrast to the remainder, which persists as a narrow duct connecting it with the vestibule, indicated in Figs. 1, m, n, Plate I, and well marked in Figs. a, b, c, Plate II. . These are the two divisions of the appendage that are distinguished by the names endolymphatic sac, and endolymphatic duct. During this process of expansion the wall of the appendage which originally, like the rest of the primitive vesicle, consists of an epithelium of 2-3 layers, is thinned out to a single layer. The thinning out com- mences in embryos of about 6 mm. It is at first limited to the lateral surface and the extreme tip’ of the appendage, while the median wall continues to be 2-3 cells thick. It is not until the embryo is about 18 — sacc. endolymph. eie\= eanalis post. = \==cochilea: ‘chord. tymp. Fig. 2. Profile reconstruction showing the membranous labyrinth and the fifth and seventh cranial nerves. The sensory part of the seventh is indicated by solid black. The great superficial petrosal nerve extends from the geni- culate to the spheno-palatine ganglion. Human embryo 30 mm. long, Mall Collection No. 86, magnified about 7 diams. 146 Development of Ear and VII-VIII Cranial Nerves mm. long that the whole appendage wall is thinned out to a single layer. It seems probable that the thick median wall in embryos of 6-18 mm. constitutes a germinating bed which furnishes the cells needed for the rapidly expanding appendage. It is only these cells that continue to multiply, and they can be imagined as moving around toward the lateral surface in a single layer in the order in which they are derived from their focus of growth. The diverticulum stage-—Between the primitive vesicle just described and the labyrinth possessing cochlea, semi-circular canals, and accessory recesses, there is a stage through which the ear vesicle passes which can be characterized as the diverticulum or pouch stage. It is represented by the embryos 6.6 mm. and 9 mm. long, shown in Figs. b-f, Plate I. In these two embryos the vesicle may be said to consist of two pouches, a large, bulging triangular one above, with the endolymphatic appendage, the vestibular pouch, and opening into it from below the more slender and flattened cochlear pouch. Where these two pouches meet, there is a portion of the vesicle which is destined to form the utricle and saccule. It can be distinctly seen in Fig. f, Plate I. This was observed in the bat by Denis, 02, who called that part of it which projects toward the median surface the diverticule utriculo-sacculaire. The space concerned, however, involves also a part of the anterior and lateral walls of the vesicle and perhaps it would be advantageous to include this whole region under the concise and descriptive name atriwm. This atrium is properly a subdivision of the vestibular pouch. It is in fact all that part of it which is left after the separation off of the semicircular canals and their ampulle. It is not to be confused with the cochlear pouch, which is phylogenetically a secondary diverticulum, which buds out from the atrial portion of the vestibular pouch. The embryonic relation is in- dicated in the following table: { endolymphatic duct. endolymphatic appendage, Cndol aipneuiemeet semicircular canals. ampulle. 7 utricle. atrium, { canal pockets, 4 primary vesicle, + vestibular pouch, saccule. cochlear pouch, cochlea. If the words pars superior and pars inferior were substituted for the two pouches this conception would then be at variance with Krause, 03, only as regards the saccule which he describes as belonging to the pars inferior. This will be again referred to later. George L. Streeter 147 The surface markings of the vesicle during this stage assume a signifi- cant character. In the first place the vestibular pouch at once takes on a triangular shape with the apex toward the appendage. The three borders of this triangle form the anlages of the semicircular canals (see Fig. d, Plate 1), which bear the same inter-relation as the canals in later stages. A second feature which is apparently constant and important is the sharp, vertical groove, which cuts in between the anlage of the posterior canal and the posterior end of the lateral canal. This we may call the lateral groove. It was not represented by His, Jr., 89, but can be seen in the model from the 8 mm. rabbit of Krause, go, p. 296, and still better in models 3, 4, and 5 of Denis, 02, which were taken from the bat. The latter author mentions it in his text. Ventral to the anlage of the lateral canal, on the lateral surface of the vesicle there is a rather large depression or fossa, which becomes more marked in proportion to the increasing projection of the lateral canal, which overhangs it like a shelf. This fossa forms the lateral wall of the atrium from which the utricle and saccule are to develop. The cochlear portion of the vesicle is limited to its ventral tip and extends up along the rounded posterior border nearly to the prominent anlage of the posterior canal. There intervenes between them that portion of the wall that is to become the posterior ampulla. The tip of the cochlea begins to bend forward practically as soon as the cochlear pouch can be distinguished as such. The changes in the structure of the wall of the ear vesicle which ac- company the pouch formation are limited to the thinning out of certain areas on the dorso-lateral surface of the vestibular pouch, and the lateral surface of the appendage as has already been referred to. The remainder of the vesicle wall is of the primitive type; there were no areas that could be recognized as nerve endings. In embryo No. 163, 9 mm. long, how- ever, protoplasmic nerve processes extend from the ganglion and lose themselves in the vesicle epithelium. The branch destined to become the posterior ampulla nerve could be seen with great distinctness; but where it ended there was no reaction to be seen on the part of the epithelium. The period of semicircular canal formation is shown in Figs. g-k, Plate I. The process consists in the expansion of the edges of the ves- tibular pouch, 7. e., the canal anlages, and the coincident absorption of the intermediate vestibular walls, as was essentially described by Boéttcher in his monumental work of 1869, and to some extent by other observers even previous to that. Since then further details have been worked out median _ (section Aa.) ye / ant. post. — ant. surface Ab. utr d.endolymph. / \ / \ / \ / / absorption focus NX NEN Noo \ \ NS Cpe: 82s ENS SS i eD fe Steen ee ee \ Ba. crus comm. —— KBAR TY / area semi QQ E CT en outer fe SS Ty a s Oy, (a WON Vege, ; he, edge os. *, d ewes, ; j et oF ey 69 a” : fz, ) ne? & absorption pete focus Bb. aY fey AAS outer jse/ outer z = e _ edge ge te raphe of Hasse. eS S ee . er Fi D. 8weEks. Fic. 3. Development of a semicircular canal. A, B, C, and D represent transverse sections of the superior canal (x 240), taken at corresponding points from embryos No. 163, 9 mm.; No. 109, 11 mm.; No. 229, 21 mm., and No. 86, 30 mm. Aa, Ab, Ba, and Bb are explanatory drawings of lower magnification to show the ear vesicle and the situation and shape of sections from which A and B are taken. George L. Streeter 149 by various investigators, notably by Krause, go, and 03, who approached the problem along the whole line of vertebrates. He demonstrated that the canals are formed one after the other in definite sequence, the superior first then the posterior and lastly the lateral. Our information con- cerning the human semicircular canals is based principally on the work of His, Jr., 89. An interesting interval, which was left open by His, Jr., between his stages shown in his Figs. 6 and 7, Plate I, is filled in by my models, made from 11 and 13 mm. embryos (Figs. g-k, Plate I). What is to be particularly noted is the change occurring in the structure of the vestibular wall which can be seen from a surface examination of the model. Those areas which are to persist stand out prominently ‘and present a fairly definite outline of the future labyrinth, while the inter- mediate areas, which are destined to be absorbed, collapse before the advancing mesoderm; this is well shown in Figs. 7 and k. It might be thought that the absorption of epithelium in Fig. 7 had been com- pleted as far as the superior canal is concerned, and that the remaining epithelium would go to make the canal wall, necessarily stretching out to obtain the diameter represented by the same canal in Fig. m. This, however, is not the case; it is only the thickened edge of the pockets of the vestibular pouch that becomes canal wall. In Fig. 7 there still remains a large area of epithelium that is to be absorbed before the inner rim of the superior canal is reached. The histogenesis of the semicircular canal is shown in the accompany- ing Text Fig. 3, in which A, B, C, and D represent transverse sections of the superior canal in four stages of differentiation, taken at corres- ponding points and magnified the same number of diameters., The striking feature of the process is the persistence in the canal anlage of the primitive epithelium of 2-3 layers until after the canal is closed off, evidently being a factor in its rapid growth. Section A is taken from the ear vesicle of a 9 mm. embryo, the same as shown in Figs. d, e, f, Plate I. Aa shows the entire section of which A is a portion, and Ab indicates the direction of the section as regards the ear vesicle. Sec- tion B is from a 11 mm. embryo. The entire section is represented by Ba, whose position as regards the ear vesicle is shown on Bb, which is from the same model shown in Figs. h, i, 7, Plate I. Sections through the vestibular region at this stage are very interesting, as they show by the thickness of the wall which are the persistent areas; section Ba is made in such a way as to include the anlages of two canals, the lateral wall of the crus commune and a part of the utricle and the ductus 150 Development of Ear and VII-VIII Cranial Nerves endolymphaticus, all of which stand out prominently. The intervening vestibular epithelium, which is doomed to absorption, consists of a single layer of cuboidal cells, as shown in B, in contrast to the thick outer edge which is to become canal. This process of absorption may be described histologically as a con- version of the definite epithelial membrane into a line of cells which seem to fuse with and cannot easily be distinguished from the adjacent mesodermal cells, the line finally becoming broken and irregular. The transition from one step in this procedure to the next is quite abrupt; thus in B the thin membrane is sharply cut off from the absorption focus. Several specimens were examined of about this age, and in one case, embryo No. 175, 13 mm. long, it was found that absorption of the epithelium was going on before the lateral and median walls of the vesicle had actually come together. So it is possible that during this process the vesicle cavity is in some cases left temporarily in open com- munication with the spaces of the adjacent mesoderm. The final curling in of the edges and closure of the canal tube repeats in a way the pro- cedure which we have already seen in case of the auditory cup during its conversion into the auditory vesicle. It is probably likewise mechani- cally brought about by the arrangement of the epithelial cells. Section C shows the canal after the formation of the closure seam, the so-called raphe of Hasse. The thickness of the epithelium of the outer edge and presence of division figures indicate that the activity of growth still continues. Section D shows a canal in an embryo 30 mm. long, the same stage as that shown in Figs. a, b, c, Plate II. Here the epithelium is reduced to a single layer and division figures have disappeared. It can be seen, however, that traces still exist of the thickened outer edge and the raphe of Hasse. This stage differs from the adult canal prac- tically only in its diameter, which there is 3-4 times greater. Doubtless this growth is in large part accomplished simply by the flattening out and expansion of the individual cells. The formation of the ampulle can be seen by comparing the figures on Plates I and II. It will be noticed that their development proceeds simultaneously with that of the canals. In their histogenesis they re- semble the canals, in having a thin single layer of epithelium on the inner rim and the thick 2-3 layered epithelium on the outer surface. It is out of the latter primitive epithelium that the macule are developed, and they make their appearance before ampulle and canals are com- pletely separated from the remainder of the vestibular sac; they can be seen in the 11 mm. stage, but a high degree of differentiation is not George L. Streeter 151 found until we come to embryos 20 mm. long. It will be remembered that His, Jr., 89, represents ampulle as forming on both ends of the superior and posterior canals. This was not confirmed in our models; the ends of these two canals where they unite to form the crus commune show no such enlargement. Each canal possesses but one ampulla. The development of the utricle and saccule is dependent on the sub- division of the atrium into an upper and lower compartment. The atrium, as has already been described is that ventral part of the vestibular pouch into which the endolymphatic appendage opens, and into which the cochlear pouch opens from below; in Fig. 7, Plate I, it is marked utric-sacc., and in Fig. 7 the lateral surface of it is marked sacc., and in Fig. & a partial median view of it is marked utric. In Figs. 7 and k, though the canals and ampulle are already completing their separation from the vestibular pouch, the atrial region has not yet begun its sub- division. It, however, suggests by its outer form the future saccule and utricle. The actual subdivision begins in embryos between 18 and 20 mm. The initial ingrowth of the membranous partition can be seen in Figs. J and m, where it can be distinguished as a horizontal cleft which forms in front between the utricular and saccular parts of the atrium. Strictly speaking we cannot speak of a saccule and utricle until the inter- vening partition is complete. It is practically complete in Figs. a, b, c, Plate II; here it reaches back to the entrance of the ductus endolym- phaticus. It later divides the orifice of that structure, thus affording it separate openings into the utricle and saccule, the two openings con- stituting the so-called ductus utriculo-saccularis. In the meantime the utricle itself has developed a definite shape. As can be seen in the Figs. a, 6, and c, a transverse constriction divides it into an anterior or cephalic part and a posterior or caudal part. The anterior part constitutes the general utricular cavity, in the floor of which the nerve ends. In front, just ventro-median to the ampulla of the superior canal, a distinct diverticulum extends forward from it which is called the recessus utricularis. The posterior part consists of a central sinus utriculi communis, into which opens from above the crus commune, laterally the sinus utriculi lateralis of the lateral canal, from below the sinus utriculi inferioris of the posterior canal, and on the median side the ductus endolymphaticus. If one compares Figs. a, b, c, Plate II, with pictures of adult prepara- tions such as found in the beautiful atlas of Schédnemann, 04, it is apparent that the labyrinth of the 30 mm. embryo has practically com- pleted its gross development. In its further expansion all parts of it 152 Development of Ear and VII-VIII Cranial Nerves become relatively more slender and the saccule draws away from the utricle and becomes flattened as well as biconcaved or saucer-shaped. The cochlea as compared with the derivatives of the vestibular part of the ear vesicle is less complicated in its development, presenting only the peculiarity of spiral growth. The cochlea has already been referred to as the pouch which forms the ventral tip and part of the posterior border of the vesicle, as seen in Figs. b-f. In Figs. g, k, it is partly demarcated from the saccular region by a broad fossa. At 20 mm., Fig. J, a sharp constriction separates it from the saccule, and this be- comes in the 30 mm. embryo the ductus reuniens, and in the meantime the cochlea has become a spiral of two turns. As regards the relation of cochlea to saccule we differ from the descrip- tion given by His, Jr., 89, who represents the saccule as budding off from the upper end of the cochlea, which is just the reverse of our own interpretation and what might be expected on the ground of the com- parative anatomy of these structures. We know that in certain fishes the ear vesicle consists of a simple utricle into which the semicircular canals empty. In certain other fishes pockets bud out from the utricle analogous to the saccule. When we come to animals that leave the water, the amphibians, there develops from the saccule a secondary pocket, which in birds and reptiles takes on the characteristics which identify it with the mammalian cochlea. That is to say, first utricle, then utricle and saccule, and finally utricle, saccule, and cochlea. The phylogenetic development presents here, in discrete steps, the process which we find in the human embryo, but in the latter case it is a matter of simultaneous growth of all three structures. A resumé of the development of the labyrinth is presented in the form of a diagram in the adjacent Fig. 4, which illustrates the successive steps by which the simple ear vesicle enlarges and becomes differentiated into the group of connected individual compartments which characterize the adult ear. The ear vesicle very early (6-7 mm. long, 3 weeks) assumes the form of two communicating pouches, the vestibular -pouch, with its endolym- phatic appendage, and the cochlear pouch. ‘The first gives origin to the semicircular canals, ampulle, utricle, and saccule. The semicircular canals, in consequence of the approximation and absorption of the inter- vening wall of the vesicle, make their appearance between the fourth and fifth weeks, 9-14 mm. (only one is shown in the diagrams). That portion of the vestibular pouch that is not involved in the formation of the canals and their ampulle may be called atrium, to indicate that a ‘jonp oljeyduA[opus 9} JO 90110 24} WI[ds 0] sv AVM B YONS Ul PAIVAMUT SpU9}xX9 pu oJO[dMOD SI BTNI0RS pu O[OIIIN OY} WoIMjJoq UWOT}}1ed Sq} (‘WU YE) SYIOM OT WV ‘(efnooers) Javed JOMOT pue (9foTIjn) avd Joddn Ue OUT }I SOPTATP WNLI}e aq} Jo [[VM OY} JO YMOASUT Ue (‘WU 0Z) SYeem 9 dV ‘STeuBo Te[NOILOIWes ey} JO UOTWVUIIOF oY} AQ YOnod aA¥[NaTseA Vy JO ISeI 94} WOAT "+ SHIIM OC} eAOqe puv ‘sUSTUNEI ShjoNp 9q} 01 SUIpUOdser109 WOTJOTAJsSUOD B AG MOTEq Yonod aReTYDoo 24} WOT poqliosuinod1d st oovds STG} (WU ZT) SYooM G YW ‘alMooRSs pu 2[dIIIN 9} UAOF 0} peuTjsep sovds oY} ‘UINTI}e UB Yonod Ae[NqI}seA oY} JO oseq oy} 3B SI 910q1 (‘WM 6) SyooM fF JV ‘osepueddv orjeydmAfopue sy} suedo YyoryM jo azeddn ey} our ‘sayonod a[dUIIs OM} JO SjSISUOD B[DISOA IvVd OY} (“WW J-9) SYOOM %E iy ‘“IursKqey snouviqme ul uvUNY OY} JO UOlVI}UIIoZIp JO Sesvjs PU YIMOUS oY} SUIJUESeIdoL WIVISBVIG ‘“F “DIyT “SUIIM G 22/YI0I- — OES) ea(yoo0o- - Sualunalp _~ 5 "SM3BM G So , Ze Dieta) SWIaM fb 52 ES e eBasyI0o--7 --'‘dwe B= D4Qn “SHBIM UE ‘20es-21gn" Hf & ee. Wie aes — - = ‘uve Yyonody202 — \ Yyonod'giqsan ‘ “ydukjopua ‘jonp \ ENON STEN HEASIE®) : ; ‘ydwkjopua \ yonod qijsan ----ydwkjopua ‘ses ae ‘ydwksopue \ -ydurkjopue oes 154 Development of Ear and VII-VIII Cranial Nerves it forms at this time a common meeting place into which open the different compartments, including the endolymphatic appendage. At six weeks, 20 mm., the atrium becomes separated into an upper and lower division by an ingrowth of its wall, thus forming the utricle and saccule. This partition continues inward in such a way as to split the orifice of the ductus endolymphaticus, the divided ends of which form the ductus utriculo-sacculus. The cochlear pouch opens directly into the atrium, and as the development proceeds it can be seen that it is into that part of the atrium which is destined to form the saccule. At the fifth week, 14 mm., a beginning constriction appears between the cochlea and the saccular region. This constriction corresponds to the ductus reuniens and gradually narrows down until in the adult in many cases the com- munication between cochlea and saccule is obliterated. It is very ap- parent that the saccule is not developed from the cochlea, but the cochlea may be said in a certain sense to develop from the saccule. N. VESTIBULARIS AND N. CocHLEARIS. The earlier anatomists described the auditory nerve as being made up of two main divisions. One of these, according to their plan, supplied the utricle, saccule, and the ampulle of the three semicircular canals, while the other division they considered to belong exclusively to the cochlea. This description prevailed up to the time the exhaustive mono- graph was published by Retzius, 84, upon the comparative anatomy of the membranous labyrinth and its nerves. This investigator, by means of careful dissection of a great variety of vertebrate material, was able to present a much more minute description of the n. acusticus than had previously existed. In mammals, according to his view, the anterior division or ramus vestibularis supplied the utricle, and the superior and lateral ampulla, while the posterior division or ramus cochlearis supplied the saccule, the posterior ampulla and the cochlea. This classification was substantiated not long after by His, Jr., 89, in his paper on the development of the human acoustic complex, in which he also represented the cochlear division as supplying not alone the ductus cochlearis but also the saccule and ampulla of the posterior canal. From that time until now the classification made by Retzius has been the one generally adopted by both English and German text books. Certain French writers (Cannieu, 94, 04, and Cuneo, 99), however, have come back to the original conception of the cochlear nerve and its individuality. They point out that Retzius fuses in his ramus cochlearis the inferior branch of the ramus vestibularis and the cochlear nerve proper. They admit George L. Streeter 155 that these two lie side by side and are closely united, but further than that deny any anatomical or physiological relation. A similar conclu- sion has also been reached by Alexander, 99, who studied serial sections of the acoustic ganglion mass taken from various adult mammals. My own observations concerning the development of these structures in the human embryo are quite contrary to those of His, Jr., and as will be immediately seen, they seem to indicate that the cochlear division of this complex has nothing to do with the nerves to the saccule and posterior ampulla, but possesses its own specialized characteristics which distinguish it from all the rest of the acoustic mass. Embryologically, therefore, it seems well to follow Canniew’s, 94, lead and adopt the following classification : N. Octayvus (N. AcustTIcus). r. ampul. sup.. pars superior, r. ampul. ext. r. recess. utric. n. vestibularis, F A . sacc. pars inferior, Fn Bae r. amp. post. n. cochlearis, }ramuli spirali. The form and branches of the acoustic mass in its different stages and its relation to the labyrinth is shown in the figures on Plate I and II. Two colors are added so that the cochlear division can be distinguished from the vestibular; the former is colored yellow and the latter light red. The same ganglion mass is shown more diagrammatically in the accompanying Fig. 5, showing its appearance in embryos 4, 7, 9, 20, and 30 mm. long. The vestibular part is indicated by fine dots and the cochlear by coarse dots. The drawings on the left present a median view and those on the right a lateral view. In the youngest stage, embryos of about 4 mm., Mall collection, No. 148, the outlines of the ganglion mass are indefinite, particularly the peripheral border. The central end is more distinct and the protoplasmic cell processes can be seen leading to the wall of the neural tube. This is somewhat younger than the earliest stage of His, Jr., 89. In the next stage, embryos of about 7 mm., the outlines of the ganglion can be clearly made out. A section through such a ganglion is shown in Fig. 6. It les closely against the front edge of the vesicle, its lower end migrating around on the median side. In its outer form it consists of an upper and lower part, pars superior and pars inferior, each of which develops its own separate group of peripheral nerve branches; the central root 11 156 Development of Ear and VII-VIII Cranial Nerves of the ganglion connecting it with the brain consists of a single stem. Owing to the proximity of the ganglion mass to the ear vesicle the nerves uniting them are at this time very short. His, Jr., 89, p. 6, regards that portion of the ganglion which we have called the pars inferior as the ganglion cochleare. What I regard as the ganglion cochleare or ganglion spirale does not make its appearance until a trifle later, in embryos of about 9mm. ‘There can be seen then a group of ganglion cells massing themselves on the ventral border of the pars inferior, which corresponds completely to the future spiral ganglion and may be considered as its anlage. This anlage develops into a derivative which buds off from the pars inferior and then follows an individual course of growth in- dependent of the latter, and this is analogous to the way in which we have already seen the membranous cochlea bud off from the saccule and develop independently. That part of the pars inferior which does not participate in the forma- tion of the spiral ganglion remains closely related to the pars superior, and supplies the saccule and posterior ampulla. It is this that His, Jr., describes in a later stage as the Zwischenganglion, and whose centripetal fibers he joins to those of the main cochlear trunk. In embryos of 20 mm. (compare Figs. 1, m, n, Plate I) the pars superior has increased greatly in size, and its peripheral nerves, which before were massed together, have become separate and distinct branches. The pars inferior, from which the spiral ganglion is rapidly separating, consists of a connecting strand of ganglion cells giving off separated branches to the saccule and posterior ampulla. The fibers extending to the posterior ampulla are at first (embryos of 11 mm.) loosely spread out and give the appearance of more than one nerve, but later, either by atrophy of some of them or by becoming bundled together more closely, they constitute a single compact nerve. It is possible that here we have to do with temporary fibers representing branches to the additional nerve endings which are found in this region in lower forms. - The cochlear nerve can be distinctly seen collecting its fibers from the spiral ganglion and extending up toward the brain. The exact manner in which this nerve reaches the neural tube proved difficult to determine. It apparently sprouts out from the spiral ganglion and travels up on the median surface of the vestibular ganglion until it reaches the brain. To be certain of this would require a greater number of stages between 8 and 10 mm. than were available. In the embryos studied the proximal end of the nerve could be made out almost as soon as the distal. So it is possible that the cochlear trunk consists originally of a column of stib,--- a ---pars Sup. 4Amm. 7mm ===--- pars inf. Bays ip: pars sup. 4 Js— stib- Sau Qos QQIS RASS TRS ot au > EiGa2: 242 Gastric Glands of Dog after Gastroenterostomy Duodenal ¥ands. Gastric glands. Parretal cells. ferment ce/!s LYMOSE/ §ranules. Frozy/O3en. Fic. 3. Section of mucous membrane, including part of the line of union six and a half months after gastroduodenostomy. Fixation: Kopsch’s fluid. Stain: Neutral gentian by Bensley’s method. Cells containing ferment granules are seen extending quite to the anastomosis. The glands containing them present the characteristics of normal glands of the fundus region. Ferment granules which stained blue in neutral gentian are shown black in the figure. Basil ‘CC. H. Harvey 243 S Spiritla. Eireas3 Fic. 4. Part of the bodies of glands near the line of union six and a half months after gastroduodenostomy. The parietal cells contain an irregularly distributed substance staining purple with neutral gentian. Fixation: ‘Kopsch’s fluid. Stain: Neutral gentian by Bensley’s method. Fig. 5. Part of the bodies of glands near the line of union ten months after gastroduodenostomy. Fixation: Kopsch’s fluid. Stain: Copper-chrome- hematoxylin (Bensley). oe 4 a EXPERIMENTS ON THE ORIGIN AND DIFFERENTIATION OF THE LENS IN AMBLYSTOMA. BY WILBUR L. LE CRON, Student of Medicine. Anatomical Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University. WitTH 5 PLATES. Spemann’ destroyed the rudiment of the optic vesicle on the wide open medullary plate of Rana fusca with a hot needle. When the eye failed to regenerate the lens was wanting, although the normal lens forming ectoderm had not been injured. Lewis * cut away the optic vesicle in Rana palustris at a later stage, shortly after the closure of the neural folds, but before there were any signs of lens formation. The normal lens forming ectoderm was unin- jured, but it failed to give origin to the lens, unless there was sufficient regeneration of the eye to bring it into contact with the ectoderm. Lewis also transplanted the optic vesicles so cut away, beneath the ectoderm in other regions of the head. In embryos where such trans- planted eyes came into contact with the overlying ectoderm, lens forma- tion often occurred. His method of operation consisted in making an incision caudal to the eye region, turning the skin flap forward and cut- ting away the exposed optic vesicle, and then replacing the skin flap into its original position. These experiments indicate very clearly that the lens is dependent for its origin upon the contact influence of the optic vesicle upon the ecto- derm ; the lens, in other words, is not a self-originating structure. The beginning then of lens formation, namely, the thickening of the inner layer of the ectoderm to form the lens-plate, is dependent upon some influence exerted on this ectoderm by the optic vesicle. Is the con- tinued differentiation of this lens-plate into the lens-bud, the lens-vesicle, and lastly the lens independent of any farther influence of the optic vesicle, or is the normal differentiation of the lens-plate dependent upon the continued influence of the optic vesicle and optic cup? At the suggestion of Dr. Lewis, I undertook in the spring of 1905 an 1Ueber Correlationen in der Entwickelung des Auges. Verhandl. der Anat. Gesellschaft, 1901. 2Hxperimental Studies on the Development of the Eye in Amphibia. I. On the Origin of the Lens. Rana palustris. Am. Jour. of Anat., III, 1904. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY.—VOL. VI. 246 Origin and Differentiation of the Lens experimental study of the question of the self-differentiation of the lens in Amblystoma punctatum. It seems possible that by removing the optic vesicle or optic cup at various stages before and during lens forma- tion, one would be able to determine whether the continued influence of the optic vesicle was necessary for the normal differentiation of the lens. The operation of cutting out or removing the optic vesicle without injury to the lens forming ectoderm or to the developing lens rudiment, is a simple one. The embryos were operated upon in tap water under the binocular microscope. They were held in position with a small pair of fine forceps, and a semi-circular incision was made, with a very finely pointed needle, through the ectoderm a little caudal to the bulge made on the side of the head by the developing eye. The skin flap was then turned forward, exposing the rounded optic vesicle. The latter was cut off from the side of the brain, and then when the skin flap was turned farther forward the optic vesicle was carefully pulled away from the ectoderm, sometimes as a whole, or else in small pieces. Great care was taken, however, not to injure the developing lens or surrounding ecto- derm. After removal of the optic vesicle or the optic cup, the skin flap, which in later stages had attached to it the lens rudiment, was turned back into its original position, and held there by turning the embryo over on its side, with the skin flap against the bottom of the dish. The mere weight of the body sufficed to hold the flap in place. Healing was rapid; one to two hours generally being sufficient for complete closure of the wound. The operations were all made on the right side, while the left remained intact for purposes of comparison. The older embryos were first anesthetized in acetone chloroform in order to keep them quiet dur- ing the operation. The embryos thus operated upon were allowed to live from two hours to thirty days, then killed in Zenker’s fiuid, thoroughly washed, embedded in paraffin, and cut into serial sections 10 micromillimeters in thickness. They were stained in hematoxylin and Congo red. It has already been noted that in Rana fusca as well as in Rana palus- tris a lens will not arise from the normal lens-forming region of the ectoderm, if the optic vesicle is removed about the time of, or shortly after, the closure of the neural folds. Likewise in Amblystoma punc- tatum the lens fails to arise when the optic vesicle is removed at an early stage. The optic vesicles were removed, by the operation already described, from embryos of Arablystoma shortly after closure of the neural folds (see Fig. 1). At this age there is not the slightest visible trace of lens formation or of any changes in the ectoderm leading to lens formation. Wilbur L. Le Cron 247 The optic vesicle is in contact with the ectoderm, but is not adherent to it (see Fig. 2). Five embryos (Experiments VII,, 75 2s 35 32) of this stage (VII) thus operated upon and killed 2, 4, 9, 10 and 12 days later, show no regenera- tion of the right eyes and-likewise no signs of lens formation. In two embryos killed seven and nine days after the operation there appear partially regenerated eyes, which, owing to their small size and lack of contact with the overlying ectoderm, have failed to stimulate lens forma- tion. Other embryos (Experiments VII,,,,7; ) operated upon and al- lowed to live five, seven, and two, eight days, show regenerated eyes with developing lenses. In these the regenerated eyes were of sufficient size to come into contact or to remain in contact with the ectoderm long enough to cause lens formation. These latter experiments thus indicate that the operation of turning back the skin flap does not interfere with lens development, provided that the flap, when returned to its original position, comes into contact finally with a regenerated optic vesicle. On the left or normal side of the embryo referred to above, which was killed two days after the operation, there is still no trace of the lens- plate, but on the normal side of the one killed four days afterwards, the lens-bud is well advanced, and in the embryos allowed to live five days, the lens-buds are still attached to the inner layer of the ectoderm and are about 110 microns in diameter. Embryos killed eight and nine days after the operation, however, show that the normal lens has completely pinched off from the ectoderm, and that the lens-fibers are beginning to differentiate at the medial pole. At eight days the lens is about 140 p in diameter. The normal lens in the embryo allowed to live 10 days is about 130) in diameter and has pinched off from the ectoderm, and lens-fibers are fairly well developed. The normal 12 day lens is about 150 » in diameter and shows still further differentiation. The contrast, then, between no lens at all on the right side, where the optic vesicle is small or wanting even 12 days after the operation, and the normal lens on the left side is very marked indeed, and leads to the conclusion that the lens in Amblystoma as in Rana is not a self-originat- ing structure. In one embryo (Experiment VII,,) which was allowed to live 30 days after the operation, the right eye is entirely wanting, but in the region in which the lens would have formed under normal conditions, there seems to be a lens-bud rudiment (see Fig. 3). Its small size and rudimentary condition is in marked contrast to the normal lens on the opposite side of the head (compare Fig. 9). This little lens-bud, if it is one, and this seems somewhat doubtful, has probably arisen because the embryo at the time of the operation had advanced, as regards the formation of the 248 Origin and Differentiation of the Lens lens, farther than the other embryos of this series. That this is possible without any indication on the surface is very probable. In the examination of a number of embryos of Rana palustris, it was noted that embryos, which so far as external features were con- cerned seemed of the same age, often differed considerably in the amount of differentiation of the lenses. If this is true for Rana palustris it probably holds also for Amblystoma. Consequently some variations must be expected in the results obtained from embryos which are alike so far as their external features are concerned. And so, I am inclined to believe that the rudimentary lens-bud in the above experiment indicates that the optic vesicle had already exerted some influence on the ectoderm leading to lens formation, but when this influence was removed those ectodermal cells possessed but very little power of self-differentiation, and hence the development of the lens soon came to a standstill. That this is true will become more evident when we consider the results ob- tained after removal of the optic vesicle at later stages. The foregoing experiments indicate very clearly then, that the lens is not a self-originating structure, and that it is dependent for its origin upon the influence or stimulus of the optic vesicle. If the optic vesicle is necessary for the starting of the lens, it may also be necessary for its differentiation, and if so, the removal of the influence of the optic vesicle during the various stages of lens development, should be followd by re- tardation and abnormal growth of the lens. The optic vesicle was next removed from embryos at a stage (VIII) slightly older than those first operated upon. At this stage the tail-bud is just beginning to show and in most of the embryos the lens-plate ap- pears as a very slight thickening of the inner layer of the ectoderm, where the optic vesicle comes into contact with it (Figs. 4 and 5). | Three embryos (Experiments VIIT,, ,, ,) thus operated upon and killed two, five and twelve days afterwards, were without regenerated eyes on the right sides and without traces of lens formation. On the normal or left side of the embryo killed two days after the operation there is a marked thickening of the ectoderm forming the lens-plate. The five-day embryo shows on the left or normal side a well-formed Jens separated from the ectoderm and with the beginning of the formation of lens fibers. This normal lens is about 130 in diameter. The em- bryo that was allowed to live 12 days has on the normal side a well dif- ferentiated lens, about 190 in diameter, with long lens-fibers. Al- though the external appearances of these embryos would have indicated that the lens-plate had begun to form, nevertheless such thickenings on the under side of the skin flap were not observed at the time of the op- Wilbur L. Le Cron 249 eration. It is evident that the impulse before removal of the optic vesicle was not sufficient to bring about any visible signs of self-differentiation. In another embryo (Experiment VIII,,) operated upon at this stage and killed three days afterwards, there is found on the left side a normal lens about 130, in diameter which has separated from the ectoderm, and on the right side a lens-plate—like thickening. At the time of the op- eration a very slight thickening of the ectoderm .in the right lens region was noted. In this experiment no regeneration of the eye took place. There has evidently, then, been great retardation or almost complete stoppage in the growth and differentiation of this lens-plate, owing, I believe, to the absence of the continued influence of the optic vesicle. Another embryo (Experiment VIII,,) of this stage operated upon and killed four days later has on the left side a lens-bud about 100 m in diameter. The latter is still attached to the ectoderm. The right eye is wanting, but there is a thickening of the ectoderm in the normal po- sition. The differentiation and growth of the right lens-plate has been much retarded, or perhaps has come to a standstill, evidently again through the loss of the influence of the optic vesicle. Another embryo (Experiment VIII,,), killed five days after only par- tial extirpation of the optic vesicle, shows on the left side the normal lens 130 » in diameter, just about ready to separate from the ectoderm. The regenerated right eye is deeply seated and separated from the ecto- derm by mesenchyme. The ectoderm over the eye is thickened into a lens-plate, but is much checked in development. Evidently the deeply situated, regenerated eye has exerted no influence upon the lens-plate. At the time of the operation a slight thickening of the ectoderm was to be seen. Another embryo (Experiment VIII,,) of this stage (VIII), from which the right eye was entirely removed, was allowed to live six days. At the time of the operation there was to be seen on the right side a slight thickening of the ectoderm for the lens-plate. The normal lens on the left side, about 150 in thickness, has separated from the ecto- cerm and shows considerable differentiation of its lens-fibers (Fig. 6). In the normal position on the right side there is a vesicular body sep- arate from, but close to, the ectoderm (Fig. 7). It consists of a single layer of high columnar epithelial cells surrounding a central cavity, and is about 110 in diameter. The appearance and general arrangement of the cells indicate very clearly that it is a lens-vesicle considerably re- tarded in development. It is also abnormal in that the medial pole shows only slight indication of the beginning of lens-fibers. Such elon- gation of the cells of the medial pole is always found, even before the nermal lens separates from the ectoderm. 250 Origin and Differentiation of the Lens Practically the same conditions are to be found in an embryo (Experi- ment VIII,,) killed nine days after the operation. There is no sign of a right eye, the normal left lens is about 160» in diameter, and is farther advanced than the one above. On the right side in the normal position for the lens there is a spherical body about 100 » in diameter. It consists of a single layer of high columnar cells surrounding a cavity. ‘It is entirely separate¢ from the ectoderm, but lies near to it. The medial pole shows no indication of the formation of lens-fibers beyond a slight elongation of the cells. At the time of the operation a thickening of the ectoderm was noted. In another embryo (Experiment VIII,,), killed 30 days after the operation, there is complete absence of the right eye. Beneath the ecto- derm of the lens region on this side is a very degenerated-looking lens, about 110 » in thickness (Fig. 8). It consists of a layer of flat epithelial cells surrounding a spherical mass of irregularly arranged, degenerating lens-fibers. ‘The mass is much vacuolated, but stains rather like the lens-fiber part of the normal lens. The latter is 260m in diameter (Fig. 9). This experiment affords a marked instance of incomplete de- velopment and differentiation on the part of the lens when the influence of the optic vesicle is removed. From another embryo (Experiment VIII,,) of this stage, the optic vesicle was partially removed, and 10 days after the operation a well de- veloped eye had regenerated. The right lens has normally grown and differentiated, being almost as fully developed as the lens on the left side. Such instances where regeneration has occurred show that the operation itself of turning the ectodermal flap forward, does not inter- fere with lens development, provided the flap, when returned to its original position, comes into contact with a regenerated optic vesicle. Hence, whatever retardation of the lens may occur, must be explained by reasons other than by the immediate results of the operation. A series of 11 experiments was made upon embryos of a stage (1X) somewhat older than the above. A thickening of the inner layer of the ectoderm was perceptible, and the invagination for the developing lens could be seen from the surface (Figs. 10-11). Two embryos (Experiments IX,, ,,), killed eight days after the opera- tion, show lenses on the left sides normally developed, being about 170 p in diameter. On the right sides are small spheroidal bodies consisting of one or two Jayers of columnar epithelium surrounding central cavi- ties. Figures 12 and 13 are from mesial sections of the abnormal and normal lenses of one of these eight-day embryos. The right abnormal lens shows that the lens-plate (as seen in Fig. 11) continued its devel- Wilbur L. Le Cron 201 opment for a short time after the operation to the formation of a lens- bud, and to its separation from the ectoderm as a lens-vesicle. Here its development was ultimately checked and no lens-fibers were formed. This lens-vesicle is much smaller than the normal lens, and its lack of differentiation is also very evident. This abnormal lens-vesicle is about the same size as a normal lens which has just separated from the ectoderm (see Fig. 19). It does not, however, show nearly the amount of differentiation of such a lens, especially in the region of the median pole, which shows no formation of lens-fibers, as does the normal lens. The cells of the median pole of this abnormal lens are somewhat elongated, as compared with those of the lateral pole, but this difference already existed in the lens-plate at the time of the operation. It seems, then, that the development of the lens- plate has been more in the change of form than internal differentiation. In two experiments (IX,, 4,) in which the embryos were allowed to live 11 and 14 days, the lenses of the corresponding sides are approxi- mately of the same size, and about the same amount of difference is found between the right and left lenses of each embryo. The lenses on the left measure about 190 » (compare Fig. 39), while those on the right are much smaller, being only about 100, in diameter. The latter (Fig. 14) are small spheroidal vesicles, consisting of a single layer of high columnar cells, and lying close to the ectoderm. In the cavity of the vesicle there are a few detached ectodermal cells, showing signs of degeneration. The cells of the epithelial wall of the vesicle are healthy in appearance, and more like those of the anterior epithelial layer of a younger normal vesicle (as in Fig. 19), than the more flattened cells of the left normal lens of the same embryo. The cells of the median pole of the abnormal vesicle, as in the preceding experiment, are somewhat elongated, as compared with those of the lateral pole. This lens-vesicle, although six days older than the one shown in Fig. 12, is much smaller. This diminution in size may have been caused by injury to the lens- plate, although at the time of the operation no injury was noted. On the other hand the lens-plate may not have been quite so far advanced at the time of the operation as the lens in the preceding experiment, and hence fewer cells of the inner layer of the ectoderm were influenced to take part in the formation of the lens-vesicle. Or, again, it may be after a certain time these abnormal Jens-vesicles decrease in size, perhaps by the migration of some of the cells into the vesicle. This point can only be settled by further experimentation. When the optic vesicle is removed after lens formation has begun, the development of the latter is not checked directly after, or by the im- itty 252 Origin and Differentiation of the Lens mediate effects of the operation, but retardation results only later from the lack of influence of the optic cup. In other words, after removal of the optic vesicle, lens development still continues for a short time, the extent of the development depending upon the size of the lens-plate at the time of the operation. The lens seems to receive a sort of momen- tum from the contact influence of the optic vesicle, and this impulse or stimulus is sufficient to give the lens a limited amount of self-differen- tiation, even in the absence of the optic cup. In all cases where long enough time is allowed, the process of separation of the lens from the ectoderm takes place, although generally the lenses lie nearer to the ecto- derm after their separation than the normal ones. Three other embryos (Experiments IX,,4.4,) of this stage (IX), which were killed six, eight, and thirty days after the operation, show slight regeneration of the right eyes. In the six-day embryo, the right lens contains a mass of fibers surrounded by a complete layer of epi- thelium, and no medial pole is distinguishable. In the other two in- stances the regeneration of the eye was very slight, and the lenses are not only considerably retarded in growth, but also in differentiation. In the 30-day embryo the difference in size of the two lenses is 120 p, the left measuring 260 and the right only 140 in diameter. The latter contains some fibers and material staining like the normal lens. This material seems to be degenerated lens-fibers. Owing to slight regenera- tion of a few optic vesicle cells, the lens was perhaps at first rather normally developed and differentiated, but these few cells were not sufficient to influence the lens completely, and hence after a short time degeneration occurred. In the next stage (X) the gill mass is large but shows no division. The lens-bud is well marked when the skin flap is turned forward in the operation (Figs. 15-16). In one embryo (Experiment X,,) that was allowed to live 14 days after the operation the normal lens measures 160 and the right one 100 » in diameter, thus showing a difference of 60 » in size. The right lens has separated from the ectoderm but the eye is entirely wanting. A complete layer of epithelium surrounds the lens, which contains be- sides degenerated material a few healthy fibers in the region that had once been the medial pole (Fig 17, and compare Fig. 27). In three other experiments (X,, 55.4), 11 which the embryos were allowed to live seven, nine, and eleven days, slight regeneration of the right eyes has taken place. In the seven-day experiment the regenera- tion is very slight indeed. The right lens is fairly normal in appear- ance, but somewhat retarded (Figs. 18-19). It has separated from Wilbur L. Le Cron 253 the overlying ectoderm, and is of good size, but is not so far advanced ir point of differentiation as the normal left lens. A well defined me- dial pole is to be seen, but this appears to have stopped development when compared with the rapid advancement of the pole of the opposite lens to form fibers. Had the embryo lived longer the lenses would have shown a much greater difference, due, as in other instances, to the absence of the influencing optic cup. In the nine- and eleven-day experiments the right lenses have separated from the ectoderm. They have epithelial coverings one layer in thickness, and in the centers are masses of lens- fibers more or less degenerated. The normal lenses on the left sides measure about 170, while the right lenses are much smaller, being only 120 » in diameter. In such instances, where only a slight regeneration of the eye occurs, the lenses may at first be rather normal in appearance, but later they invariably show degeneration, which is due, I believe, to the removal of the optic cup. The partial influence of the bit of the optic vesicle is not sufficient to further lens development. The experiments in which only partial regeneration occurred are likewise in accordance with the conclusion drawn, that the optic vesicle is necessary for the subse- quent differentiation of the developing lens. In a still older stage (XII) the gill mass shows three divisions, and the tentacles have begun to develop. The lens-vesicle is quite prominent. It has pinched off from the inner layer of the ectoderm, but is still tightly pressed against the same (Figs. 20-21). Twelve experiments were made upon embryos of this age, and five of these show some regen- eration of the eye. An embryo (Experiment XII,,) of this series was killed two hours after the operation. Within this time the skin had healed at the place of incision. No special change had taken place in the’ right lens, and it appears perfectly normal. Both lenses are still in contact with the overlying ectoderm, and show well defined medial poles with the begin- ning of lens-fiber formation (Figs. 22-23). In another embryo (Experiment XII,,) which was allowed to live two days, the lenses have just separated from the ectoderm, and show no special difference in development (Figs. 24-25), although from the appearance of the right lens the loss of influence of the optic cup is just beginning to be felt. Its medial pole is very definite, but the shape and arrangement of the nuclei are somewhat abnormal. Instances like the above indicate further that the operation of turning the skin flap forward does not interfere with the developing lens, which always has a certain amount of independent self-differentiation even 254 Origin and Differentiation of the Lens after removal of the optic cup. Hence, whatever retardation of the lens rudiment may occur is not to be ar by the immediate results of the operation. In an embryo (Experiment XII,,) ‘alled six days after the operation, the right lens (Fig. 28) is somewhat smaller than the left one (Fig. 27). It is rather normally developed and contains some healthy lens-fibers which have arisen from the medial pole. The pole, as it now appears, is not as broad as normal, but is becoming obliterated by the overgrowth of the layer of columnar epithelium, which surrounds the central mass of lens-fibers. Had the embryo lived longer, no doubt the medial pole would have entirely disappeared, and thus the lens would have been com- jetely surrounded by this layer of epithelium, as in the following ex- periments. Great retardation is shown in four of the experiments (XII; 55 50 57) of this series (XII), of which two of the embryos were killed 10, and the other two 12 days after the operation. The right lenses are entirely surrounded by a single layer of cuboidal epithelium, and the medial poles from which the lens-fibers within had been formed are completely ob- literated. The right lenses are rather small, and are not widely sep- arated from the ectoderm. The lens-fibers adjacent to the epithelial covering seem rather healthy, while the central mass appears degenerated, but takes a similar protoplasmic stain. These lenses, then, differ con- siderably in structure as well as in size from the normally developed ones (Fig. 26, and compare Fig. 9). In an experiment (XII,,) where the embryo was allowed to live 30 days, a bit of the optic cup had remained, but its influence, if any, did not long continue, for the right leris developed until it was only 150 p in diameter, and then came to a standstill, and the lens-fibers within degenerated. A thin epithelial covering surrounds this vacuolated mass of degenerated fibers which are in marked contrast to the healthy fibers of the left lens. The normal lens measures about 250 » in diameter, and thus shows considerable difference in size from the right one. In the experiments which continued over long periods of time, especially for 30 days, one is impressed not only with the retarded development of the right lenses, but also with the marked degeneration of the more highly differentiated lens-fiber tissue. In three other embryos (Experiments XIJ,, 4. 4)) of this same stage (XII), the right lenses somehow came into contact with the nasal pits on their respective sides. The lenses have developed rather normally. It is possible that this peculiar arrangement was brought about by the operation. The skin flap perhaps became somewhat twisted, thus throw- ing the medial pole of the lens into contact with the nasal pit, which Wilbur L. Le Cron 255 thus has the appearance of influencing lens-differentiation. However, these few experiments prove nothing, but suggest the questions, whether the nasal pit is capable of influencing lens development or not, and whether the lens-fiber pole may be formed at different parts of the lens circumference. In the following stage (XIII) (Fig. 29), the lens vesicle is quite well developed (Fig. 30), with a definite medial pole and the beginning of the formation of lens-fibers. It is completely divided off from the ecto- derm, but still in partial contact with the same. It is found that the normal lens, after complete division from the inner layer of the ecto- derm, still adheres or sticks to the same, and only after a certain time really separates from the ectoderm,—the processes of dividing off and separating not being simultaneous. Such a well advanced lens does not show at once any particular changes in development when the optic cup is removed. The lens-vesicle has evidently received something of a mo- mentum from the continued influence of the optic cup, and now, after removal of this influence, develops for a short time apparently inde- pendently. In an embryo (Experiment XIII,,) of this stage, killed four days after the operation, no particular difference between the two lenses is noticeable (Figs. 31-32). The medial poles are well defined and the lens-fibers within have a healthy appearance. The right Jens is still in contact with the overlying ectoderm, but otherwise appears like the normal left lens. Both measure about 140 in diameter, and are per- fectly developed. This experiment shows that the lenses of embryos of such a late stage (XIII) have power of considerable self-development after the removal of the optic cup. It requires some time before a marked difference in growth and in differentiation can be observed, but the difference invariably occurs, showing that the lack of influence of the optic cup is ultimately felt. In an embryo (Experiment XIII,,) killed seven days after the opera- tion, the left lens measures 170» and the right one 140 in diameter. The latter is thus somewhat smaller. It is well separated from the ectoderm, and contains normal lens-fibers. The medial pole, however, is rather obliterated by the epithelial covering of the lens (Fig. 33), and is not nearly so definite as in the normal lens (compare Fig. 13). In a still older embryo (Experiment XIII,,) which was killed nine days after the operation, a greater difference is to be seen. The left lens is about 200 » in diameter, while the right one measures only 150 p, and is considerably smaller than the former (Fig. 34, and compare Fig. 9). It lies rather close to the ectoderm, and contains some healthy 256 _ Origin and Differentiation of the Lens lens-fibers. The medial pole is quite obliterated by the overgrowth of the layer of cuboidal epithelium that surrounds the lens completely. In the oldest stage (XIV) operated upon, the lens was in very slight contact with the overlying ectoderm (Figs. 35-36). The lenses of an embryo (Experiment XIV,,) allowed to live five days show no difference in size, both measuring 150 », but the right one has a complete covering of epithelium around the nuclear mass in the center (Fig. 37), and is not widely separated from the ectoderm. A small bit of the eye that had been left in contact with the lens, appears te have had little or no influence upon it. The right lenses of embryos (Experiments XIV, ,) killed eight and ten days after the operation are smaller than the normal, one is 20, and the other 30, less in diameter. Both right lenses (Figs. 38-40) are surrounded with complete layers of columnar epithelium. However, in the eight-day embryo there still remains an indication of the medial pole, while in the older embryo the pole is quite obliterated. The lenses are not widely separated from the overlying ectoderm, are smaller and in marked contrast to the perfect ones (Fig. 39). The fibers within the eight-day lens are fairly normal, but are beginning to show some degen- eration, while those in the 10-day lens show considerably more. An embryo (Experiment XIV,,) of this stage (XIV) that was al- lowed to live 30 days affords a very striking instance of the lack of de- velopment of the lens when the influencing optic cup is remoyed. ‘The normal lens measures about 220, in diameter (compare Fig. 9), and is only 20m larger than the right lens. However, the latter consists only of a vacuolated mass of degenerated lens-fibers surrounded by a thin layer of epithelium (Fig. 41). The lens has separated completely from the ectoderm, but is still adjacent to same. It has grown considerably, but in order to accomplish perfect differentiation, the influencing me- dium of the optic cup was wanting, and the result was the extensive degeneration of the lens fibers with the complete obliteration of the medial pole. Whether this continued influence of the optic cup upon the develop- ing lens is a specific one or not, can be determined perhaps only by fur- ther experimental work. It may be that the nasal-pit, otic vesicle, or brain can exert such an influence, as to cause the lens to develop and differentiate normally. Lens-plates, lens-buds, Jens-vesicles, and well differentiated lenses with some of the surrounding ectoderm might be transplanted into the brain itself, and thus determine whether there also the lens can find the influences essential to its normal differentia- Wilbur L. Le Cron 257 tion. Is the medial pole, destined for the formation of the lens-fibers, predetermined for a definite part of the developing lens, or can the pole be formed at any part of the circumference by modifying the surrounding influences at an early stage? Many interesting questions suggest them- selves, some of which can be determined by experiment, while for others only hypotheses at present seem possible. What the nature of this continued contact influence exerted upon the lens may be, is purely hypothetical. Perhaps, substances chemically formed in the protoplasm of the optic cup cells may be the important factors, which in some way are able to change the chemical nature of the lens cells, and thus promote their development into a normally dif- ferentiated lens. In the early stages of lens formation, the optic vesicle is in close contact with the developing lens, and there may be some kind of a protoplasmic connection, a relation of the two tissues, such that there may occur an interchange of protoplasm, or, what is more hkely, of substances chemically formed in the protoplasm. This influ- ence of the adjacent optic vesicle or optic cup, whatever may be the manner of its production, being chemical in nature or otherwise, proba- bly continues throughout lens development and differentiation, and per- haps is even exerted to a certain degree upon the lens of the adult eye. However, the conditions of the lens in the older embryos are such that the effects of removal of the optic cup are only felt after some days. It is evident, then, that the age of the embryo indicates somewhat the extent of the effect produced by the removal of the optic vesicle. The lens may continue to grow some, even after disturbing these normal re- lations with the optic cup, but its growth is inevitably checked and is especially abnormal with regard to differentiation, due, undoubtedly, to the loss of influence, whatever its nature may be, of the optic cup. CONCLUSIONS. (1) A lens will not arise from the normal lens-forming area of the ectoderm without the contact influence of the optic vesicle. The lens is not self-originating. (2) A lens will not develop from the lens-plate, lens-bud, or lens- vesicle, when the optic cup is removed. The lens is not self-differ- entiating, but is dependent upon the continued influence of the optic cup for its normal development. (3) The older the lens rudiment at the time of removal of the optic cup, the greater the amount of independent differentiation the lens rudi- ment possesses. - (4) The lens rudiment ultimately ceases to develop after removal of the optic cup, and finally degenerates. PLATE I. Fig 1. Outline of an early stage of amblystoma, just after closure of the neural folds. First operative stage (VII). X 6% diameters. Fig. 2. Section through eye region of an embryo of the same stage as above (VII). Optic vesicle in contact with the ectoderm, which shows no signs of lens formation. X-°45 diameters. Fie. 3. Experiment VII,,.2 Section through small abortive lens-like struc- ture in the ectoderm in normal position for the lens. The embryo was killed 30 days after the complete extirpation of the optic vesicle. x 180 diameters. Fig. 4. Outline drawing of an embryo of the second operative stage (VIII), showing first appearance of tail-bud. Xx 6% diameters. Fic. 5. Section through eye region of an embryo of the same stage (VIII) as above. The ectoderm shows some changes, as the beginning of the thick- ening of its inner layer for lens formation. X 45 diameters. Fie. 6. Experiment VIII,,. Section through normal lens after 6 days. xX 180 diameters. Fic. 7. Experiment VIII,,. Section through right lens of above embryo 6 days after the complete extirpation of the optic vesicle, showing abnormal development as a resultant effect. At the time of the operation the lens- plate was visible as a mere thickening of the ectoderm. > 180 diameters. Fie. 8. Experiment VIII, Section through the right lens of an embryo killed 30 days after removal of the optic vesicle. The lens shows marked retardation and lack of differentiation, and the lens-fibers are much degen- erated. It measures about 110 u in diameter, being much smaller than the normal lens. X 180 diameters. Fie. 9. Experiment VIII.,,. Section through normal left lens of above embryo after 30 days. 260 »in diameter. (Contrast Fig. 8.) X 180 diame- ters. The Roman numerals indicate the operative stage. ORIGIN AND DIFFERENTIATION OF THE LENS PEATE! WILBUR L. LE CRON Lips pi “ae th rae. S AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY--VOL., VI PLATE Ii. Fic. 10. Outline drawing of an embryo of the third operative stage (IX). x 6% diameters. Fig. 11. Section through eye region of an embryo of the same stage (IX) as above, showing the lens-plate thickening of the inner layer of ectoderm. x 45 diameters. Fic. 12. Experiment IX,,. Section through right abortive lens of an embryo 8 days after the removal of the optic vesicle. There is an indication of the medial-pole, but no definite lens-fibers are present. The lens measures 140 » in diameter, being much smaller than the normal one below. X 180 diameters. Fic. 13. Experiment IX,,. Section through left normal lens of above embryo after 8 days. Developed from lens-plate thickening of ectoderm (IX) to lens 170 in diameter. X 180 diameters. Fic. 14. Experiment IX,. Section through right abortive lens, showing degenerated ectodermal cells apparently, and no well defined medial-pole. The embryo was killed 14 days after the removal of the optic vesicle. X 180 diameters. Fic. 15. Outline drawing of fourth operative stage (X), showing no division of the gill mass. X 614 diameters. Fic. 16. Section through eye region of an embryo of the above stage (X), showing a well-defined lens-bud. > 45 diameters. Fie. 17. Experiment X,,. Section through right lens 14 days after the complete extirpation of the optic cup. The medial pole has disappeared, and only a few lens-fibers indicate its former position. The lens is small, meas- uring only about 100 uw, while the normal one is about 160 yw in diameter. x 180 diameters. Fie. 18. Experiment X,,. Section through right lens of an embryo killed 7 days after the operation. The lack of influence of the optic cup -has re- sulted in the retardation in growth and differentiation of the lens. x 180 diameters. Fic. 19. Experiment X.,. Section through the left normal lens of the above embryo. > 180 diameters. ORIGIN AND DIFFERENTIATION OF THE LENS PLATE Il WILBUR L. LE CRON =@- BLE ne Da@Q_ Sahay ‘Qe AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY--VOL. VI PLATE III. Fic. 20. Outline drawing of the fifth operative stage (XII). The gill mass shows three divisions, and the tentacles are beginning to develop. xX 6% diameters. Fic. 21. Section through eye region of an embryo of above stage (XII). The lens-vesicle is divided off from the ectoderm, but still in close contact with same. X 45 diameters. Fig. 22. Experiment XII;,. Section through right lens-vesicle of an em- bryo killed 2 hours after the complete extirpation of the optic cup, showing no special changes within this time. X 180 diameters. Fig. 23. Experiment XII,;, Section through left normal lens of above embryo, killed 2 hours after the operation. X 180 diameters. Fig. 24. Experiment XII,,. Section through the right lens-vesicle of an embryo killed 2 days after removal of the optic cup. The lens is similar to the normal one in size, 150 in diameter, and in differentiation. x 180 diameters. Fie. 25. Experiment XII,,. Section through left normal lens of above 2 day embryo. X 180 diameters. Fie. 26. Experiment XII,. Section through right abortive lens 12 days after removal of the influencing optic cup. A complete layer of cuboidal epithelium surrounds the central mass of degenerating lens-fibers, and has obliterated the medial pole entirely. > 180 diameters. Fic. 27. Experiment XII;,. Section through left normal lens of a 6-day embryo. XX 180 diameters. Fic. 28. Experiment XII,,. Section through right lens of the above embryo killed 6 days after the complete extirpation of the optic cup. It is separated from the ectoderm by mesenchyme, and the medial pole is almost obliterated by the overgrowth of the epithelial layer. X 180 diameters. ORIGIN AND DIFFERENTIATION OF THE LENS PLATE Ill WILBUR L, LE CRON AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY--VOL. VI PLATE IV. Fie. 29. Outline sketch of sixth operative stage (XIII). > 614 diameters. Fig. 30. Section through eye region of an embryo of same stage (XIII) as above. The lens-vesicle is well divided off from the ectoderm, but still adherent to it. »X 45 diameters. Fig. 31. Experiment XIII,,. Section through right lens of an embryo killed 4 days after removal of the optic cup. The lens appears perfectly normal, but is not widely separated from the ectoderm. X 180 diameters. Fie. 32. Experiment XIII,,. Section through left normal lens of above 4-day embryo. The lenses both measure the same, being about 140 w in diameter. X 180 diameters. Fie. 33. Experiment XIII,,. Section through right lens, 7 days after the complete extirpation of the optic cup. It measures only about 140 «in diam- eter, being about 30 ~ smaller than the normal lens. The medial pole is obliterated, and the entire lens is surrounded by a single layer of columnar epithelium. Xx 180 diameters. Fic. 34. Experiment XIII,. Section through right lens of an embryo killed 9 days after the complete extirpation of the optic cup. The lens measures about 150 in diameter, and is about 50. smaller than the normal left lens. The medial pole is quite obliterated, and the mass of lens-fibers within are beginning to degenerate. X 180 diameters. ORIGIN AND DIFFERENTIATION OF THE LENS PLATE IV WILBUR L. LE CRON AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY--VOL. VI PLATE V. Fig. 35. Outline sketch of seventh operative stage (XIV). XxX 6% diam- eters. Fia. 36. Section through eye region of an embryo of above stage (XIV). The lens-vesicle is but slightly adherent to the ectoderm. X 45 diameters. Fic. 37. Experiment XIV;,. Section through right lens, 5 days after the almost complete extirpation of the optic cup. The lens measures only about 150. in diameter. The lens-fibers appear rather healthy, but the medial pole has disappeared, owing to the complete layer of surrounding epithelium. x 180 diameters. Fig. 38. Experiment XIV,. Section through right lens of an embryo killed 8 days after removal of the optic cup. The lens is completely sur- rounded by a single layer of columnar epithelium, and measures about 160 « in diameter. The lens-fibers are degenerating, but an indication of the medial pole still remains. (Contrast normal lens, Fig. 39). X 180 diam- eters. Fic. 39. Experiment XIV,. Section through left normal lens of above 8-day embryo. The lens measures about 180 in diameter. X 180 diameters. Fic. 40. Experiment XIV,,. Section through right lens, 10 days after removal of the influencing optic cup. It measures about 160 ~ in diameter, being considerably smaller than the normal lens 190 «in diameter, and shows no medial pole. X 180 diameters. Fig. 41. Experiment XIV,,. Section through right lens of an embryo killed 30 days after the complete extirpation of the optic cup. The lens measures about 200 w in diameter, while the normal lens of the opposite side is about 220 . in diameter. It shows marked retardation in growth and differentiation, and is completely surrounded by a thin layer of epithelium, containing within a degenerating and vacuolated mass of lens-fiber material. (For contrast to left normal lens, see Fig. 9). X 180 diameters. ORIGIN AND DIFFERENTIATION CF THE LENS PLATE V WILBUR L. LE CRON AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY--VOL. VI —_ - 5 . 4 Ae iS ‘ a 1s @~ vor | i nie af ~e 1‘ DEVELOPMENT AND VARIATION OF THE NERVES AND THE MUSCULATURE OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY AND OF THE NEIGHBORING REGIONS OF THE TRUNK IN MAN. BY CHARLES R. BARDEEN, Professor of Anatomy, University of Wisconsin, Madison. WiTH 10 PLATES AND 7 TEXT FIGURES. TABLE OF CONTENTS. A. OUTLINE OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVES OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMI- EDINGs yore Sal si nte, sane Vasilelce, alle ove ove ciley Grete: Risen chee LOMOR Ne ROeHS sualiekesaMleweh events eilsuclevers 263 MGeneraly Features auca.cve mores ele etic ee Se eer PT RLS rek ie oioiscons 263 lEVerimary, period of nerve development eesiciie eer aea ce 264 iii Muscle; iditierentiation: 4.0 2 eqns ont ene ne aeuen e Oeeke macialetore 267 IVeOuterowth (of the nerves. soc. reise ie oeine ae ieee echone ee rae 270 B. DEVELOPMENT AND VARIATION OF THE CUTANEOUS NERVES............... 270 PeAnternior border’ Nerves’ 2uis. scene ede cee ee oC re cis Ooi eore 271 APD CUCLOD INGE. = vrs ake Sass STOO OS OE neo ene 271 OPRVGTAGUON: 23k nats COOL Cee eee ene 274 ie Cutanecous nerves of the femoral eroupso.+ 420 eee ce ee 200 ER DECVCLODINEIUE Hvac. ators eee COE OT I tet od see os 200 OMAVOTIGTLOT os s(t dic) pF ARTA OO OC ee eas 278 i Naicutaneus: Lemorismlareaew sees 5 entero eos a.censi acts 278 2. Separate anterior cutaneous. nerve.................. 279 3. Anterior and medial cutaneous branches of the femo- TANCE Vier scare tice ree cetera RIES eS eS Craver oes eis Sse 283 Ae Noe SAD EMUS Ms were aee TOR Ae oar eel hie iees ae a 284 Mie Cutancous branchyor. thejopunatorsnenves-no see) oe ee eee 285 IV APACCESSOLY, ODLUTALOL MCL Curie pre eree t tea) erate ee es Rees 285 VeaGutarecous nerves -orethessclaticaSroupaen sce coe ae cee 286 OPE MLUTY OTIC ACUCLO DICE AE ene ae eee eee 286 i Ne cutancussremonissposterions soe. sr. aaetae eee os 286 OPIN SULALISE At: eerie eta ee ree eine sw cieee a: wttondearele 287 3. o NG ASUS Slater alig meee Ney Tee hres a Sey. teh 287 As UN DORON ee ees a PRA ans eat As chee S cack bea OSE Gee 287 5. Cutaneous branches ofthe tibial nerve... .o.%.0c7.. 37. 287 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY.—VOL. VI. 18 260 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg DENVIGTEGUON: Soxciw wvwilecors, © Siow ele yoreie le lean honsiea7 sears telenehelle (oletelete onetoncnere 288 ie Ne cutancusefemonrnisepostenlone ce seein 288 2 PerroratineacutanecouSmniehveraree ee eeniconeeee ete 292 3. Cutaneous branches of the peroneal nerve........... 292 a. Ni. cutaneus sure mlatenailistyray.cceeie cictecier is einerieie 292 be Ne cutancus speroneigeremonallism qian cere 293 ec. Nn; cutaneiadorsalesmpedisnnas ccc cero ere 293 4, Cutaneous branches of the tibial nerve.............. 296 VI. Cutaneous branches to the inferior extremity from the dorsal divisions of therspinalemenves*. oe eerrieoecee reece eer 297 Ville Summany- and “conclusions aeirasrrieiereiret= teeiciaoeicicke erate cieksraienerenen 297 C. DEVELOPMENT OF THE MUSCULATURE AND THE DEVELOPMENT AND VARIA- TION IN DISTRIBUTION OF THE NERVES TO THE MUSCLES OF THE INFERIOR) EXTREMITY, Wicyrs:s:cveieuete ahels eter clears evekesol nist cvelonesete ter oneaereteners 300 Pe ahemoral 2S Ow cd ceteeeeisie cies eee seals Gein eee eiedehelehaiske Siewerexe neers 300 (Oy JOM RV OMHKE CALAN OVUGIE “SaobdoopapeosddeabsobeG6dso0c adc 300 1, General) TEAbUTES Vacisieinets crete wie ete eles ete) clausholeusestspenereeoints 300 2 MNGi Vid walsmiUSCles: Paks csoerctere ces oh orracee cert eee 301 TI OPSOAS esis Ferric Sten eke ere aie ae eee nae aca eereeeene 301 IPCCUIMSIIS Eri areratets take! ccoratovels era lotic tals pe tonttoastevonerons elonekeaes 302 SAMCOLIUS) lexcisrctave Sine evden te ce ete eiohians lepers erelden as Nolte er enone 303 QuadTrICEPSTEMONIS. Gee sesctecio sole ee ous eles oo eet ereereeiete 304 Os IN CTV EU OLVUALI ON isan AN ap cite a ees sc oncd el oxe eee NOL IE SR eer 306 1. Variation in origin of the femoral nerve............ 306 2. Relations of the branches springing from the femoral nerve, totthe. nerve roost. ise 26s se cache ieee 306 3. Variation in the association of the terminal branches arising from ythesremoralenerviere. srs ceo 308 PEVODEMRAtOLASTOUD: oi. Sirs. Sona o eloteneete meter ie tee Eanes niet de etone ee Rer oer Sula GPE MOTVONICTLCDEClODINENT. aa ee eee aii! General. L6atures: sinsaoecuscew cuice cchotersinckerers ete ener Buell Awinrdividual MUSCLES eer teomcoeeiee eae eenoe 312 GLAGCIIS® 32 s.5.0504 reise deneleracleleisverstioue te ieeren Tole eae iG eee 312 Adductor Drevis® < wadremioe serosa aki eee 312 Adductor- longus” c..lekewieraccec eee oe aoe 312 Obturator’ externus) 242. c ose eee rain 312 Adductor- Magnus: 2. Sees ae Oe ELC eee 313 Comparative anatomy of the adductor group........ ule} OMNCTUCLUGTMALIONIn. the AQULE =. suc Gee oe 314 1. Variation in the origin of the obturator nerve....... 314 2. Relations of the nerves springing from the obturator menve Lowe spinal nerves... oe eee eee eee 314 3. Variation in the branches of distribution arising from UReFODUUTALOL Nerve: jac. s accion oe eee CSneEee 316 Charles R. Bardeen IDOLS QE Toe VY Se ese ciaitaiin siacke crololom UOln old do Got. ca cciconooDes Ch, LHTOPOKOOKO CAMO MME coasbcondando0bagqcocdoudnoGo0KGE Do ACHE COMMONS. poo oooduanvoben ob noSbonocoboOoGU DUO OD OdO 1. Separate origin of the peroneal and tibial nerves..... 2. Frequency of variation in origin of the peroneal and CIDTAIS MET VES: Late, sac ervele Succes eva cealebei ehetowemee tence mieten movers avai 3. Relations of the branches springing from the pero- neal and tibial nerves to the nerve roots........... LVAS SUDETIOMe 216A SOW DA. 5 eisnsccce wasestoners Geieieus sonar chester sete eucnerel ehoi/everte Oh SUG EORV OOK KAN OMAN Godaacc buono onodaconaGudongooKgnE General LEAtu res oc 5 Sesrcisrac sve eters ences ayo varctevarn s. sueker Ae aACbhy CHEN, WAHIONES GacssoaccosscusopaccaoovoDGeDOUC MensSOr: LASCIES Tate. 1s ssvandossara eee tatees ele er eusteleias Sr okerines evens: © Gluteus mMedius) and min Seeereeee ee reiereeteieie sree) PitifOrMiS. <%.2). 3 eve otelaln esevscecetone Aimee Pelee ere ors ever e 1. Variation in origin of the superior gluteal nerve and THE NEEVELLO) ChempIFMOLMN Sept acelin 2. Variation in the branches of distribution............ V. The gluteus maximus and the short head of the biceps........ a. Embryonic development of the gluteus maximus......... On AHONSANE tN VETO TO LULCOUMNEi Caner icice: c. Embryonic development of the short head of the biceps.... VI. The mm. obturator internus, gemelli, and quadratus femoris.... ORE ORUONUGIACUCLODINGN baat ere iia i ObDtUraAlor ImternuwsPandiesemcliitrrn seer eeieiiereicre sion 2 QUAATATUS LLCMOLFIS ty. yar mutes ie Neriere sare io ciate. « DEN CVC = VOTIGLIOM. arava tartenetel deters oi tere ra Seka e one eer one niece oS wicks & fe Variations oriole mre ete oo cericm cicloneiee a a ere 7, Neheeynorn sh Chinen, ooccccoscsncocusoudeodoadn Weiner hamstrings miSClesi. < ctaciersusienstersiayeteer aioe oetoiesucharene teens tele evens Oy LT ROTVONC COVHOVMAHUE ocanoecasbceosoououddgusdnasuDoe i, (General feauunesi miesctwere ane evcheee ote hteroie ncla renee: Societe ore cs 2, Individual “mus Clesitexereseiewea ers Cea a isisG. lo esihe fiscal Adductor Mmaciismare: myers myn ertics cites wloisrowe cea: cosas Semimembranosucwmesrrrresty see aera cke reo arena eres cla ares Semiitendinosuseerrerenerserste ciao chet co selene uiere's sues eis BICEPS Vite Seeker RARE Tee oi chece relish &. Sse sails bales OeNCrVELSUDDLY) cuter eerie Pee eticarcienats Giese ars Reith cctes 1. Relations of the muscle nerves to the spinal nerves... Ze ela biOns stOnuUneESClallGanenVve nner aemiciice seis cerlcicleicles Willie eroneali mus Glos i) .piie treet rer Porro ere ee he aoe Busters ac avees arerees: & OREN MUOTUONUCRACUCLODIN CLimmEr Te eioinieee see ict Dei INORG CISA LUDORIOO!- coin: 0-060 bina oto) Ctis'o GDR ODO ROR er Oh, SHV VOME WER AOQUIBENE co ocadoagsbadeneo been bol G50.50 60 6c ike General: sieacuimesperpeieria cae access. ce eos) Seis sole we oetas eae 3 ie) pert bo Go © Oo Co w Ww ow bo ise) OO CO bo bo ie) GQ co co OO (ee) ol for) Co OO for) (eX) for) J Oo ~] co ie) -] ~] Go co Co Co GO Ww HO WH CO CO WH OO a co =) The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg 2. Andividuall muUSclesP acre steak eis te siege ewes ses Peereneteaone rere TLDIA] ES: ‘AMTELTOT SS Pareto siete uciess (es ue iedop shone ree iensaor vale] amore HM xtensor iS 1voTuamM wom SWS ee cers cele ey etele Sa ferreve eens Peroneus terkius!| eee ee ea ae eee Extensor. Halll wersmloneuisketyeeicecetcienatisersioloie creeteneretere Extensor Gisitorum goLeviSee > cena seks ce cierekene ieee DO: NCYVE GQUStTIDULION, . weirs cle de on eerste ai aye Bichon oneal X. Musculature of the plantar side of the crus and foot.......... A" GOneral PEAS mG rceopvmois ce analeqale re tere Bitte uso eieionchola dotnet uate b. Embryonic development and variation in the adult in the nerve supply of each of the chief groups of muscles. 1. Development of the Gastrocnemius-soleus group...... GAStrOCNEMIUS “cGy tian ian aioe wei ces e elieke Sere cenetoneenene SOlGUS. 5 ds iceareterscwrs onus, coset olevelotenayer sie ais @.eeehe Geese nero Plantaris! Wye cctesicrct Bist einen bin wise Selec sue ete eons 2. Development of the deep muscles of the back of the CLUS BARR aC IES eae ECE oe a. Popliteug oe tesa eee eee b:. Deepricruro-pedalesroulpee. cece oe ree Mexor shall Cis lOnSuSeere cca eee nie HIexor Gieiconumy slOMeUIS sis ectie cictere ester nierenet TAIDLIBIIS POSTETION js oesree: serois ie = tsraes erecy aorta ees 3. Nerve supply of the muscles of the back of the crus in CO GLUE 5 Sree Bros faves o afer al ood Seyeneiey elements wieNer meres a. Relation of muscle branches to the spinal nerves. b. Order of origin of muscle branches from the CiDIAal ‘MEL Ve Fas sied. Sicislavs ce Sys oas, ays ua oie CREM ee c. Relation to one another of the nerves to the: Plantaris: jnig 54 ciate cde rsteletaweneebones Lhe ve eer ee Gastrocnemius: wate Macrae eieln Sere Ceo eeeaee Caput, rmediale. saa nicteten oh oe ee eee Capit: Jaterales mse. eae neat eee eee Soleus; proximal branch ase ee eee eee POpliteus’. sacs cect ears hc eee ee ee Tibialis posterior Be. 2 sce e eee eere Soleus; idistals branche sane ane eee Mlexora digitorum lonsus eee cee Hiexor hallucis. loneus- +s. eee eee eee 4. Development and innervation of the muscles supplied bY Lhe Nateral planta nenvcare Eee eee Quadratus: plants, ::....2cc sonata oe eee Abductor Mi «accowc- ties See eee Charles R. Bardeen 263 5. Development and innervation of the muscles supplied OOP MAA TRAE GOKU WEPRDEs oo bc op obo aoduonGeoos 366 INES Cre Ohl=AKormbtcl IRM; cdo caccadocacobopoupDocanc 366 NoHo HOO INNS Gao ecosocadgandoonccoomeazooasans 367 IMD Cove MOR VDIOKENEY loreeNAISA Sts ob ood ooo Undo ODDO Oboe dao oR 367 Comparative anatomy of the intrinsic plantar boaHU ISTO) eit eee ote ciao Craig o ltd Gobo COCO occa ome 368 6. Muscle branches of the plantar nerves............... 369 ML Sinise hay Eail CeopKolhwispouiss asm ceoadacécaqdooeocooongdboduOdd 369 D. PERINEAL MUSCULATURE AND NERVES OF THE PUDIC GROUP...............; 374 Os IHR OV OME CLVOCMMEDE bacconusasccueoosaasboncbeuoOmoD 374 Os INGRRE CUPUHHOM Uh HIE CHWs occ aaoanenecuckacanenoooedDeE 380 In a previous article in this journal (Bardeen and Lewis, o1), an outline was given of the early development of the limbs, body-wall and back in the human embryo. Lewis subsequently, 01, gave a more detailed account of the development of the arm, and I have recently, 05, described at some length the development of the spine and of the skeleton of the leg. The purpose of the following paper is a more detailed account of the development of the nerves and musculature of the leg and of the neighboring regions of the trunk and a consideration of the relation of developmental conditions to variations found in the adult. The em- bryological studies have been based chiefly on embryos belonging to the collection of Professor Mall of the Johns Hopkins University, who kindly placed them at my disposal. The statistical studies of nerve variation are based upon charts drawn from specimens in the dissecting rooms of the Johns Hopkins University and at the University of Wisconsin. A. OUTLINE OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MUSCLES AND NERVES OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. I. GENERAL FEATURES. For a description of the development of the external form of the limbs and of the chief features which characterize the earlier stages in the internal differentiation, reference may be made to the three papers men- tioned above. The posterior limb-bud is first seen as a massing of the mesenchyme at the posterior extremity of the Wolffian ridge, usually opposite the 21st to the 26th spinal segments. This mesenchyme arises in part from the axial mesenchyme, in part possibly from the somato- pleure. There is no good evidence that in the mammals the myotomes contribute directly to it. On the contrary the myotomes are sharply marked off by a limiting membrane from the mesenchyme of the limb- 264 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg bud until this has become extensively developed. Afterwards this lim- iting membrane disappears, but there is little likelihood that cells de- rived from the myotomes then wander any considerable distance into the limb-bud. See Bardeen, oo. A capillary network connected with the umbilical artery and the cardinal vein is formed in the limb-bud at an early period. Somewhat later nerves extend into the limb. At the same time the mesenchyme begins to be differentiated into skeletal, mus- cular and dermal regions. During the development of the limb it shifts distally so that the distal margin of the limb-bud is brought opposite the 27th and 28th, and sometimes also the 29th, spinal segments. As this occurs, bundles of nerve fibres from these more distal spinal segments extend into the lmb-bud to contribute to the posterior nerves of the limb. In the adult the most distal nerve to contribute to the nerves of the limb varies from the 26th to the 29th, but is most commonly the 28th. (Bardeen and Elting, or). The number of spinal nerves contrib- uting to the chief nerves of the limb varies from six to nine, but is usually seven or eight (Op. cit.). These variations are in all probability asso- ciated with variation in position of the limb-bud to the spinal axis during embryonic development. The development of the main nerve trunks of the limb may be called the primary stage of nerve development and the associated variation in origin of the nerves, primary variation. As opposed to this primary development and primary variation we may call the growth which dis- tributes the nerves within the limb the secondary stage of development and the variation there found secondary variation. During the primary period the spinal nerves send fibre bundles by direct paths to certain cutaneous areas and muscular anlages. During the secondary period the cutaneous nerves extend over the surface of the limb from the areas to which they are first distributed and the muscle anlages become differ- entiated into specific muscles to each of which nerve branches are given. II. PRIMARY PERIOD OF NERVE DEVELOPMENT. The general structural relations at the period when the nerves begin to extend into the limb-bud are shown in Plate I, Figs. 1 and 2. In Fig. 1 are shown the right limb and the distal half of the trunk from the 17th (9th thoracic) to the 29th (4th sacral) spinal segments in Em- bryo II (length 7 mm., age 26 days). The limb-bud lies opposite the 21st to the 26th spinal segments. The ccelom extends to a point opposite the 26th segment, but in the region of the limb it does not extend so far dorsally as in the thoracic region. In the figure several of the myotomes Charles R. Bardeen 265 of the left side, the axial mesenchyme, the aorta, the left cardinal vein, the intestines and the uro-genital organs are not shown. A portion of the right cardinal vein and a portion of the right umbilical artery are represented, reduced in size for the sake of clearness. The umbilical artery curves about the distal extremity of the celom. From the um- bilical artery a branch passes into the limb-bud. Veins pass from the limb-bud into the cardinal vein. The blood-vessels of the limb exist at this time in the form of an irregular plexus. The second, third and fourth lumbar nerves may be seen sending spreading bundles of nerve fibres into the dense tissue of the limb, dorsal to the cardinal vein. They extend, however, for no considerable distance into the limb-bud. The myotomes end abruptly near the base of the hmb-bud. Plate II, Fig. 1, represents the tissue differentiation in a section through the posterior limb-buds of Embryo II. At the left the bud is shown cut through an area near the distal extremity of the cclom. At the right the cut is more dorsal and extends through the tips of the lumbar spinal nerves. In Plate I, Fig. 2, are shown the right limb and the posterior half of the trunk from the 26th (8th thoracic) to the 30th (5th sacral) spinal segments in a slightly older embryo (CLXIII, length 9 mm.). Bundles of nerve fibres from the five lumbar and first two sacral nerves have become anastomosed into a plexus from which in turn four nerves have sprung. These represent the femoral, obturator, tibial and per- oneal nerves. Within the limb the central mesenchyme, near the axis of the embryo, has become condensed. This condensed mesenchyme represents the femur and hip bone of the adult limb. In the drawing the outline of this sclerogenous tissue is made diagrammatically sharp. The femoral portion of the skeletal mass fades gradually into the un- differentiated mesenchyme of the distal portion of the limb. It is this skeletal mass which seems to divide the bundles of nerve fibres into the four main divisions which constitute the origin of the four chief nerves of the limb. The main artery and vein of the limb are represented at a reduced scale. The border vein at this period is well developed (see also Fig. C, Plate III of the article by Bardeen and Lewis, or). The differentiation of the tissue of the limb-bud, first noticed in a condensation of tissue in the region corresponding to where the femur projects against the hip girdle, is quickly followed by further changes. Externally there becomes visible a differentiation of the limb into foot- plate, crus and thigh, while within the limb-bud the further development 266 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg of the skeleton is marked by condensation of tissue, scleroblastema, to form the anlage of the skeleton of the foot, leg, thigh and hip girdle. About the scleroblastema is a myogenous zone, the myoblastema, com- posed of a slightly less dense tissue. In Embryo CIX, length 11 mm., this zone is best marked in the region of the hip (Plate II, Fig. 2). It is not clearly defined in the foot region. Between the myoblastema and the ectoderm lies a zone of less condensed tissue, the dermoblastema. The chief nerves of the limb extend into the myoblastema. This is not a homogeneous layer. On the contrary from the time of its forma- tion regions which represent the anlages of muscles or groups of muscles may be more or less clearly distinguished from regions which represent intermuscular spaces. In Plate III, Figs. 1 and 2, an attempt has been made to outline the muscle masses which represent the anlages of future muscle groups in Embryo CIX, length 11 mm. It is impossible to do this with exactness because the various regions are indefinitely bounded. In this embryo the pelvic portion of the skeleton consists of a central region continuous with the head of the femur. From this central ace- tabular portion spring iliac, ischial and pubic processes, The femur is short and thick. The tibia and fibula are fairly definitely outlined, the foot-plate less definitely so. The main nerve trunks have grown for a considerable distance into the limb. From them several of the chief muscular and cutaneous branches have sprung. The figures show these branches fairly well. In addition to the intrinsic nerves of the limb the anterior and posterior border nerves are also represented. In Fig. 1 it may be seen that the myotomes in the region of the body wall have fused to form the anlage of the abdominal musculature. The lower margin of this extends distally about to the 21st spinal (1st lum- bar) nerve. In Fig. E, Plate V of the article by Bardeen and Lewis, o1, it is represented slightly too short. From the ventro-posterior ex- tremity of the abdominal musculature a somewhat indefinitely differenti- ated band of tissue may be followed to the pubic process of the pelvic girdle. A slight communicating branch connects the twelfth thoracic with the first lumbar nerve. The main portion of this latter nerve extends forward on the internal surface of the distal margin of the anlage of the abdominal musculature and gives off a lateral, “iliac,” branch. Ventrally the nerve divides into branches which represent the hypogastric and inguinal nerves. The 1st lumbar nerve also gives off a branch which passes to the lumbar plexus. Charles R. Bardeen 267 The obturator nerve arises from the first four lumbar nerves, passes through the obturator notch of the hip girdle and divides into two main divisions. Each of these terminates in a differentiated mass of tissue, the more anterior of which represents the adductor longus and brevis and the gracilis muscles, the more posterior, the obturator portion of the adductor magnus and possibly also the obturator externus muscle. The tibial nerve arises from the fourth and fifth lumbar and first three sacral nerves. From it branches pass to muscle masses represent- ing the obturator internus, quadratus femoris, hamstring, and the super- ficial and the deep posterior crural musculature. Distal to the tibial nerve the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh and the pudendal and caudal nerves may be seen. In Fig. E, Plate V of the article by Bardeen. and Lewis, o1, the urachus was represented much foreshortened in order to reveal the muscle masses of the leg. In Fig. 1, Plate III, the urachus is outlined in its true position as seen directly from the side. In Plate III, Fig. 2, the genital and lumbo-inguinal nerves are seen passing ventro-laterally from the junction of the 1st and 2d lumbar nerves. The femoral nerve is seen passing outwards over the region of the acetabulum. It is surrounded laterally by the ihopsoas muscle mass and terminates in the quadriceps femoris muscle mass. From it arise lateral and anterior cutaneous branches, a branch which passes to the sartorius muscle mass, and the saphenous nerve. The peroneal nerve arises from the 4th and 5th lumbar and first two sacral nerves, gives off branches for the anlages cf the superior gluteal, inferior gluteal, short head of the biceps and peroneal muscle masses and | terminates in the anterior crural muscle mass. An idea of the relations of the main nerves as they enter the limb in Embryo CIX may likewise be gained from Plate III, Fig. 3. The pelvis, the abdominal and dorsal musculature, the lining of the body cavity, the border nerves and the main nerve trunks of the limb are here represented as viewed from in front. The femur and the main nerve trunks are shown cut in a plane somewhat distal to the head of the femur. The division of the main nerve trunks into separate branches for individual muscles is schematic. III. MUSCLE DIFFERENTIATION. At the period under consideration several possibilities of muscle differ- entiation must be considered. ist——The tissue which represents the muscle masses just mentioned may extend into the limb-bud with the 268 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg nerves and become differentiated as the muscle branches are given off. The fact that Harrison, 04, has shown that in the tadpole muscle differ- entiation may take place when no nerves are developed makes this pos- sibility highly improbable. 2d.—The ingrowth of the nerves and the development of muscle branches may cause a “ precipitation” of pre- muscle tissue about these branches. This likewise is rendered improbable by Harrison’s experiments. 3d.—Muscle differentiation begins in specific regions. Under normal conditions this differentiation begins simulta- neously with the ingrowth of the nerves into the limb. Muscle branches extend into the differentiating musculature, owing perhaps to some specific attraction exerted upon the growing nerves. This seems on the whole to be the most probable course of development. The considerable variation shown in the origin and distribution of the nerves to the muscles renders it not improbable that their ingrowth is due in part to some special attraction exerted by the developing musculature upon the grow- ing nerves, and variously responded to by the latter. The paths opened up for the growth of the nerves to the muscles are, however, at first not as a rule in regions in which muscle tissue is to be differentiated, but in intermuscular areas. Thus the chief nerve trunks usually grow along paths which lie between main muscle groups. As the muscles of these various groups become differentiated the main nerve trunks of each muscle group are distributed in the septa which separate the individual muscles and finally after a nerve has entered the muscle for which it is destined it is usually distributed at first in the coarser intramuscular septa. During the early stages of development, however, the true muscle tissue cannot be sharply distinguished from the tissue which is to make up the skeletal framework of the muscle. For this reason it often appears as though the nerve to a muscle plunged at once into the midst of muscular tissue. At a slightly later stage of development than that of Embryo CIX the differentiation of muscular tissue from the skeletal framework of the musculature is much better marked than in that embryo. Thus in Em- bryo CXLIV, length 14 mm., the individual muscles of the thigh may many of them be clearly distinguished (Plate II, Fig. 3). It may be seen in this embryo that although muscle differentiation in a given muscle is most clearly marked in the region where the respective nerve has come in contact with or has entered the muscle, the differentiation is not hm- ited to this area but extends for a considerable distance toward the skeletal areas to which the muscle is to be attached. It is probable, how- ever, that the differentiation of a given muscle begins as a rule in a Charles R. Bardeen 269 region which corresponds with the site of entrance of the chief nerve of that muscle. In Plate IT, Fig. 3, several nerves and muscles are shown. The nerve to the gracilis muscle shows especially clearly. From this region the gracilis muscle may be traced in successive sections toward the pelvis and toward the tibia. The entrance of the inferior gluteal nerve into the gluteus maximus muscle also shows well in the figure. The two parts of the adductor magnus muscle, the obturator and sciatic portions, are shown near the site of entrance of the respective nerves. The semi- tendinosus muscle and the two heads of the biceps are shown cut at some distance from the site of entrance of nerves. About the two divisions of the sciatic nerve there is some dense tissue which probably does not, however, represent muscle tissue. It is to be noted that during these earlier stages of muscle differentia- tion the muscle anlages are often connected at one extremity, less fre- quently at both extremities, with the skeletal anlages to which the muscle . is subsequently attached. The tendons of the muscles are developed in continuity with the anlages of the muscles. As a rule the differentiation of the longer tendons begins in the vicinity of the muscle bellies and gradually extends toward the skeletal attachments. In a considerably older embryo, CXLYV, length 33 mm. (Plate II, Fig. 4), differentiation of the muscles is much further advanced. Not only the muscles but also the fasciculi are separated by a large amount of connective tissue. This shows especially well in the gluteus maximus muscle. The main branches of the nerves of the muscle may be followed in the larger intramuscular septa, the smaller branches in the smaller intramuscular septa. I have elsewhere described the intramuscular growth of nerves in the mammals (Bardeen, 00 and 03). It is of interest to note that after muscle differentiation is well under way there is relatively a much greater amount of connective tissue in the muscu- lature of the embryo than in that of the adult. After the stage of development exhibited by Embryo CIX the condi- tions within the limb become so complex that they can be better fol- lowed by tracing through the development of specific groups of nerves and muscles than by attempting to picture all the details of each suc- cessive stage of differentiation of the whole limb. In order, however, that the relations of specific groups of nerves and muscles to the general structural condition of the limb may be followed we shall first briefly describe the relations of the peripheral nervous system to the skeleton at two important stages of development. © ~ oS The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg IV. OUTGROWTH OF THE NERVES. In Embryo CXLIV (length 14 mm.) the main nerve trunks are well developed as far as the foot. The relations of the nerves to the spinal column, abdominal musculature, skeleton of the limb and the surface of the limb are represented in Plate IV, Figs. 1 and 2. The 12th thoracic nerve sends a communicating branch to the first lumbar and from this latter arise the hypogastric and inguinal branches. From the first lumbar nerve a branch is also given off to the lumbar plexus. From the 1st and 2d lumbar nerves arise genital and lumbo- inguinal branches. ‘The femoral and obturator nerves arise from the Ist, 2d, 3d, and 4th lumbar nerves and give off the branches shown in the figures. The sciatic nerve, which arises from the 4th and 5th lumbar and first three sacral nerves, is composed for the greater part of its course of separate peroneal and tibial nerves. The various muscular and cutan- eous branches are labeled in the drawing. In Embryo XXII, length 20 mm. (Plate V, Figs. 1 and 2), the various nerves mentioned are much more highly developed than in Embryo 144. This difference of development is especially to be noticed in the feet. The figures indicate sufficiently well the relations of the nerves to the skeletal apparatus, the skin and the abdominal musculature. A noteworthy fact brought out by these figures is that the. cutaneous nerves are distributed at first to the anterior, distal and posterior margins of the embryonic limb, while the dorsal and ventral regions of the hmb are given up to the differentiation of musculature. Having thus considered in brief outline the more general features in the development of the muscles and nerves of the posterior limb we shall take up in turn a more specific study, first, of the development of the cutaneous nerves and then of that of the muscles. B. DEVELOPMENT AND VARIATION OF THE CUTANEOUS NERVES. Grosser and Frohlich, 02, have given a good account of the development of the cutaneous nerves of the trunk. I have been unable to find any specific account of the embryonic development of the cutaneous nerves of the limbs, although the work of Sherrington, Head, and others on the segmental distribution of these nerves makes it of interest to inquire whether or not embryonic conditions can help to explain the phenomena these authors have described. In the following section the embryonic development and the variations in distribution of specific groups of nerves are first described and then the more general facts disclosed by this study are briefly reviewed. Charles R. Bardeen Dveat I. ANTERIOR BORDER NERVHS. a. Development. When the nerves begin to enter the limb-bud this lies, as pointed out above, usually opposite the five lumbar and first sacral nerves (Plate I, Fig. 1). The posterior margin of the developing body-wall and the anterior margin of the lmb-bud usually overlap opposite the 21st seg- ment. The nerves arising from the 21st spinal (1st lumbar) nerve are therefore true border nerves, being in part distributed to the abdominal wall and in part to the limb. The 20th and 22d spinal nerves (12th thoracic and 2d lumbar) also usually contribute to a greater or less ex- tent to both regions, the 20th contributing to the cutaneous supply of the leg, the 22d slightly to the extreme margin of the abdominal musculature. In Embryo CIX, length 11 mm. (Plate III, Figs. 1, 2 and 3), the border nerves are beginning to extend toward the skin. At this stage the oblique and the rectus muscles of the abdomen are beginning to be differ- entiated. The transversus muscle has not yet appeared. Between the ventro-anterior margin of the pubis and the ventro-caudal angle of the differentiating abdominal musculature a slight thickening of the mesenchyme represents the beginning of the tendon of the rectus and of the inguinal ligament. A considerable interval exists between the distal margin of the abdominal musculature and the anlage of the iliac crest. The musculature hes near the peritoneal cavity, while the crest is in the mesenchyme lateral to this cavity. Between body cavity and crest lies the femoral nerve with its branches (Fig. 3). From the first and second lumbar nerves the iliohypogastric and inguinal and the genital branch * of the genito-femoral extend ventrally between the ccelomic wall and the distal margin of the developing abdominal musculature. From the com- mon trunk of the ilLohypogastric and inguinal nerves a lateral branch, the “iliac,” extends toward the skin in an area considerably anterior to the ilium. The lumbo-inguinal nerve and the lateral and anterior cuta- neous branches of the femoral extend toward the anterior margin of the limb-bud. In aslightly older embryo, CXLIV, length 14 mm. (Plate VI, Fig. 1) differentiation of the abdominal musculature has proceeded much fur- ther. The external oblique muscle is a thin sheet, somewhat wrinkled in the specimen. In the figure merely its origin from the lower ribs is shown. It extends distally into a sheet of mesenchyme which is thick- 1The term “ genital’ nerve is here used in preference to ‘“‘spermaticus externus.” 272 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg ened at its distal border into an embryonic inguinal ligament (lig. ing.). This latter extends from an anterior mesenchymatous process of the ilium toward the pubis. Ventrally it becomes continuous with the blastema of the pubic crest. Beneath the external oblique lies the internal oblique muscle. Distally this is connected by a mesenchymatous membrane with the inguinal ligament. In the figure merely the costal and inguinal por- tions of the muscle are shown. The transversus, muscle is differentiated immediately beneath the peritoneal membrane. It is not clear whether the material of the trans- versus musculature is derived from the ccelomic ning or from the myotomes. If from the latter the tissue wanders along the peritoneum from the region of the ribs. At this early stage the anlage of the processus vaginalis may be seen in the form of a thickened mass of tissue which is continued from the plica gubernatrix through the internal oblique muscle and the aponeuro- sis of the external oblique above the inguinal hgament to the junction of the thigh with the trunk. Here it spreads out into processes which ex- tend on the one side toward the mid line of the body, on the other toward the femur. Between the transversus musculature and the internal oblique run the main trunks of the thoracico-abdominal nerves. The ilio-hypogastric and inguinal nerves pierce the internal oblique muscle and the aponeurosis of the external oblique much as in the adult. The iliac branch of the iho-hypogastric, however, pierces the oblique muscles in a region anterior to its relative adult position. This is also the case in Embryo XXII, length 20 mm., Plate V, Fig. 1. Beyond the region of the inguinal nerve the coelomic wall, backed by a thickened membrane representing the trans- versalis fascia, curves medially while the oblique musculature takes a somewhat lateral direction toward the inguinal ligament. Between the two is a space in which lie the femoral nerve, its proximal branches and the anlage of the ilo-psoas muscle. The genital branch of the genito- femoral nerve follows along the ccelomic wall almost parallel with the hypogastric and inguinal nerves but converging toward the latter. ‘The point “ X ” in the figure represents a region where later the peritoneal wall will be pushed laterally over the ilo-psoas muscle so as to cover this and be brought in contact with the iliac crest. The lumbo-inguinal nerve passes out beneath the inguinal ligament in the vicinity of the femoral artery. It probably represents a lateral branch of the genito- femoral considered as the ventral division of a typical spinal nerve. eo ~ Ce Charles R. Bardeen Ventrally the genital nerve, usually after anastomosing with the in- guinal, passes along the vaginal process through the aponeurosis of the external oblique and over the inguinal ligament to the thigh. It is inter- esting to note that this development considerably precedes the descent of the testicle. In Plate VI, Fig. 2, the border nerves of Embryo XXII, length 20 mm., are pictured. It is somewhat difficult to trace with certainty the border nerves in this embryo, but the figure is believed to illustrate ap- proximately the actual relations. While in Embryo CXLIV a consider- able interval separates the anlage of the iliac crest from the distal margin of the abdominal musculature, in Embryo XXII the crest is much fur- ther developed and at the same time has been rotated toward the dorsal portion of the distal margin of the oblique abdominal musculature. This at the same time has extended distally and become attached to the iliac erest. Meanwhile the peritoneal wall has bulged laterally so that the fascial extension of the transversus muscle covers the ilio-psoas muscle in the region of the pelvis and the transversus muscle has formed its pelvic attachments. The main trunks of the border nerves have been brought by these changes into relations which closely resemble those char- acteristics of the adult. Adult conditions are reached by some further relative shifting of parts and by the growth of the nerves within the areas for which they are destined. The segmental relations of the border nerves may be best understood by comparing the position of the pelvie girdle when the nerves first ex- tend toward the skin with the condition brought about by the shifting of the girdle. See Plates III, 1V, V and VI. In Embryo CIX, the stage in which the nerves first extend toward the skin, the border nerves arise from the spinal nerves in the following order: iliohypogastric, inguinal, genital and lumbo-inguinal. As these nerves grow forward there takes place a rotation of the base of the hmb medially, ventrally and posteriorly. At the same time the spinal column becomes straightened and the limb- bud as a whole descends posteriorly. The pubis is carried from a point opposite the 21st (12th thoracic) segment to a point opposite the 26th, and at the same time the posterior margin of the ilium is usually brought to lie opposite the 26th and 27th vertebra to which it becomes attached. The two pubes are carried forward ventrally until they are united by the symphysis pubis. As the pubis rotates ventrally and posteriorly the inferior portion of the abdominal wall is extended in a corresponding direction. The ven- Ca) 74 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg tral margins of the distal portion of the rectus muscles are brought into approximation when the symphysis pubis is formed. By the rotation of the hip bone the crest of the ilium is brought up against the dorsal por- tion of the distal margin of the abdominal musculature. The ventral portion of this margin becomes converted into the inguinal ligament. The courses of the abdominal nerves and the hypogastric and inguinal nerves are determined by their positions in the abdominal musculature. The genital nerve takes a more direct course towards its region of termi- nation, although it too is usually bound up for some of the distal part of its course with the distal margin of the abdominal wall. The peripheral region to which the lumbo-inguinal nerve extends is carried in a ventral, medial and posterior direction by the rotation of the limb. The main trunk of the lateral cutaneous nerve is caught by the rotating hip bone usually in the vicinity of the future anterior superior iliac spine and is carried up against the inguinal ligament. Thus by this rotation and shifting marked changes in the relative positions of the more anterior nerves arising from the lumbar plexus are brought about. b. Variation. A study of variation in the distribution of the fibre bundles of the spinal nerves to the various peripheral areas of the limb reveals the fact that any two nerves shown in Plate III, Figs. 1, 2 and 3, may be com- bined into a single trunk when they arise ordinarily in succession, but not otherwise. Thus the 12th thoracic and the hypogastric, the hypo- gastric and the inguinal, the inguinal and the genital, the lumbo-inguinal and the lateral cutaneous, the lateral cutaneous and the femoral, may be bound together for a greater or less part of their courses from the plexus to the limb. On the other hand, two or more nerve trunks may serve to convey fibres commonly carried in a single nerve. Separate iliac branches, extra lumbo-inguinal and genital nerves belong to this category as do also those “ ? middle cutaneous ” nerves which arise directly from spinal nerves, and the accessory obturator nerve. The frequency of varia- tion of this sort in the border nerves I have previously described in this journal, o2. In the same paper I have treated of the frequency of variation in segmental origin of the various border nerves. This is most marked. Thus the hypogastric nerve arose in 2% of instances from the 19th and 20th spinal nerves; in 32% from the 20th; 34%. from the 20th and 21st; and 32% from the 21st. The iliac arose in 2.1% of instances from the 19th and 20th spinal nerves; 27.4% from the 20th spinal nerve ; cas) ~? Or Charles R. Bardeen 37.7% from the 20th and 21st spinal nerves; and 32.7% from the 21st spinal nerve. The inguinal nerve arose from the 20th spinal nerve in 3.5% of instances; from the 20th and 21st in 38.3%.; from the 21st in 51.5% ; and was absent in 6.6%. The genito-femoral nerves arose from the 21st spinal nerve in 19% of instances; from the 21st and 22d in 79% of instances; and from the (21st) 22d and 23d in 2% of in- stances. In 1.2% of instances no lumbo-inguinal (crural) branch was found. It is probable that the variation in origin of the border nerves is due in part to a variation in position of the base of the limb-bud with respect to the spinal column, the more anterior spinal nerves serving to supply the limb when the limb-bud has a more anterior position at the time of the outgrowth of the spinal nerves. There is, however, no perfect correspondence between variation in origin of individual border nerves and that of the border nerves as a group. In the same paper I showed that out of 133 instances, in 27 (20.30%) the lumbo-inguinal (crural) nerve emerged from the pelvis into the thigh in a lateral (external) region; in 81 instances (60.9%) in the middle (anterior) region; and in 25 instances (18.8%) in a medial (internal) region. After the nerve has passed into the thigh it may have a slight, a moderate or an extensive distribution to the skin. While this distribution usually corresponds to the region of exit, lateral, middle or medial, this is not always the case. Jor instance, a nerve emerging laterally may send a branch over to supply the fascia on the medial side of the leg. The following table indicates the frequency and extent of distribution of the lumbo-inguinal nerve to the skin of the lateral, anterior and medial por- tions of the thigh. By “lateral” region is meant an area lying lateral to a line drawn from the anterior inferior spine of the ilium to the lateral edge of the patella; by “ medial,” an area lying medial to a line drawn from the medial margin of the hip joint to the medial edge of the patella; and by “anterior,” the intervening area. By “slight distribu- tion” it is meant that by gross dissection the branches of the nerve could be followed but a short distance below the inguinal hgament; by “ ex- tensive distribution” it is meant that the branches could be followed readily over half way down the thigh. By “ moderate distribution ” is meant a distribution lying between these extremes. It will be understood, of course, that no hard-and-fast lines can be drawn between the various types of distribution tabulated. The table is intended merely to give an idea of the approximate frequency of distribution of the lumbo-inguinal nerve to approximate areas. 19 276 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg TABLE I. Table Showing the Region and Extent of Distribution of the Lumbo- inguinal Nerve. EXTENT OF DISTRIBUTION. — Type of Distribution. Slight. Moderate. Extensive. No. of No. of No. of inst. inst. inst. ILE AgseanogedbouoodeT 5 8 6 19 15.4% ANMGPHOTE Gg id. d Soo ooo ado OOC 11 36 8 55 44.7% IMS Gea ohato oes ee ee ela wate wae 6 15 10 31 25.2% Lateral and Medial........ 18 18 14.6% 22 59 42 123 (17.9%) (48%) (34.1%) From this table it will be seen that the type of distribution most com- monly met with is that of a moderate anterior distribution (36 instances, 29.2%). This corresponds to the distribution commonly given as the “normal” in the text-books and shown on the left side of the widely borrowed Léveillé figure given on Plate LIV of the Hirschfeld-Leveillé Neurologie.” The other types of distribution are, however, met with two thirds of the time. A study of the association of the types of distribution above given with race, sex and side of body, with various types of lumbo- sacral plexus and with variations in the spinal column has brought to light no intimate relations. The following table illustrates the relations of origin to distribution of the lumbo-inguinal nerve. TABLE II. Frequency of Types of Distribution of the N. Lumbo-inguinalis. | | | Spinal Nerves from which the | Lateral. Anterior. Medial. oS Lumbo-inguinalis arises. | Ea | 43 eee ih a8 a BS = | ao Evan esl eS a og S rs S £ as LO Muon ae z | 2 | S H 1B 7 = ica D = ica na = | XX, XXI 2 5 1 3 »-O.Gt (rez! 1 ie 4 3 1 1 (XX), XXI, XXII 1 1 1 5 2 3 8 | | 0O-U5, BOC | 3 3 2 8 18 3 4 10 5 3 XXII leet lM 2| 8 1 (¢.6.4§fe-6 cites ©6001 ok (a seta leat 2 1 From this it will be seen that there is slight relationship between the origin from the plexus and the distribution of this nerve. In case of Paris, 1853. wo 3 2 Charles R. Bardeen origin from the 23d spinal nerve the distribution is extensive in most of the instances studied. The inguinal and genital nerves show relatively much less extensive variation in distribution. My data concerning the variation in their dis- tribution as well as that of the iliac nerves are less accurate than those of the lumbo-inguinal so that the latter nerve may serve as an example of variation in the distribution of the border nerves. II. CUTANEOUS NERVES OF THE FEMORAL GROUP. a. Development. By “cutaneous nerves of the femoral group” may be designated the lateral (external) cutaneous nerve of the thigh and the cutaneous nerves which usually spring directly from the femoral nerve. These nerves are all directed at first toward the anterior margin of the limb-bud. Figs. 1-3, Plate III, show their situation in an embryo of 11 mm. length. In Plate IV, Figs. 1 and 2, and Plate VI, Figs. 1, their position is shown in an embryo of 14 mm. In this latter embryo (CXLIV) the lateral cutaneous nerve arises from the main trunk of the femoral, passes outwards through the anlage of the psoas muscle and approaches the skin near the junction of the anterior “margin of the limb with the thigh. Several anterior and medial cutaneous nerves arise from the femoral nerve. The most proximal of these ap- proaches the surface of the limb-bud somewhat more distally than the lateral cutaneous. A branch may likewise be followed through the anlage of the sartorius muscle and two through the septal tissue which divides the sartorius from the adductor group of muscles. The saphenous nerve passes between the anlages of the tendons of the sartorius and gracilis muscles to reach the subcutaneous tissue near the knee (Plate VI, Big. 1). In an older embryo, XXII, length 20 mm. (Plate V, Figs. 1 and 2, and Plate VI, Fig. 2), the further growth of the nerves just men- tioned may be followed. The lateral cutaneous nerve has spread out in several branches toward the lateral surface of the thigh. The anterior and medial cutaneous branches have spread out over the antero-medial, surface of the thigh, while the saphenous nerve has continued its growth toward the ankle. During the ventro-posterior rotation of the hip the lateral cutaneous nerve has been caught near the anterior superior spine of the ium. The further growth of these nerves to reach the conditions character- istic of the adult may easily be deduced by comparing Plate VI, Fig. 2. 278 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg with Plate VII, Fig. 1. The fascia lata which covers the lateral, anterior and medial cutaneous nerves for a considerable part of their course is just beginning to be differentiated in Embryo XXII. b. Variation. 1. N. Cutaneus Femoris Lateralis. The lateral cutaneous nerve in the adult usually springs by one or more roots from the lumbar plexus and takes a direct course through the psoas muscle and beneath the iliac fascia to a region near the anterior superior spine of the illum whence it passes for some distance beneath the fascia lata and is finally distributed to the skin of the lateral region of the thigh. The nerve varies considerably in origin. Out of 287 instances I found it arising in 39% from the 20th, 21st and 22d; in 48% from the 21st, 22d and 23d; and from the main trunk of the femoral in 18%. (Bardeen, 02). The region where the nerve passes out into the thigh varies somewhat. It may be over the crest of the ium just above the anterior superior spine or some distance below the latter. In two instances out of 146 it was found to emerge near the femoral nerve and then curve sharply out- wards toward the lateral surface of the thigh. Rarely it is absent, its place being supplied by branches which spring directly from the femoral nerve below the inguinal ligament. It varies considerably in extent of distribution. The distribution of the chief branches was found to be lateral to a line drawn from the an- terior inferior iliac spine to the outer edge of the patella in 92 out of 146 instances (63%), Plate VII, Fig. 1. The area of distribution cor- responds here essentially with that given as the normal one in most text- books. In 45 instances (30.8%) the branches of the lateral cutaneous extended medially over the anterior portion of the thigh taking the place. to a greater or less extent of the anterior cutaneous branches of the femoral nerve. An instance of this sort is figured on the right side of the Léveillé figure mentioned above (p. 276). In 9 instances out of 148 (6.2%) a “lumbo-inguinal” branch, given off by the lateral cuta- neous nerve, was distributed to the skin of the upper antero-medial region of the thigh. In two instances out of 148 the lateral cutaneous nerve was missing, its place being supplied by a large nerve which in origin, course through the psoas muscle and entrance into the fascie of the thigh resembled a lumbo-inguinal nerve. In two of the instances in which the “anterior or middle” distribution was extensive the lateral cw ~2 ide) Charles R. Bardeen cutaneous nerve passed into the thigh near the femoral nerve and then curved laterally towards the anterior superior spine. In one instance it gave a large communicating branch to the lumbo-inguinal nerve. No relationship: between race, sex or side of body and variation in the distribution of the lateral cutaneous nerve is apparent in the charts. An extensive distribution on the front of the thigh is somewhat more often associated with anterior than with posterior forms of lumbo-sacral plexus. This may be seen from the following table. TVA Te Relele Type of Plexus from which the N. Cut. Frequency of Typesof Distribution of Fem. Lat. arose: the N. Cutaneus Femoris Lateralis: Most Distal Lateral and | Lateral and ype. re. inal Nery gly || ; ave Furcal Nerve | poner News Lateral nee | Medial. ‘ XXIV XXVI 1 | | | = é Ant. B XXIV KOKOVALT 6 8 NORV Mehichy |. lust ‘ ‘i ’ C | to sacral plexus | XXVIII 22 15 1 Norm. | D Gina See XXVIII 37 | 16 6 | (XXIV) | Pine ? | Post. F XXIV xX XIX 8 2 1 Col foe KOMIK 10 The extensive anterior type of distribution is also most frequently associated with an “abnormal” type of vertebral column, especially a short one, as may be seen in the following table. TABLE IV. Distribution of Lateral Cutaneous Nerve. Vertebre of Spinal Column. Ry ft, a : ze, | trees ec Dateral and MO MONGE DIC SSC4GS © 5 acc-s crete vis, ee melee sare 4 (@ Wlte ll OS 71 Ga eae ee cececnorcieecne o oor eta Cac Gide 2 2 Gale eA MG Sen Giscs. Sia 2. sa: se val dyecls elowel ot aemeyepeene 2 FG ime Woe Me NS tes Csi evay ed, oraiveve ecerlv'ia (eves ebaper spelen i Himmler MwA SAC cya aux dnct-ankl sheet) sLoisyeceusetonees if IR UGhiaaKSs NH Ay AP Nas aaotom ono 6 ooe 19 9 2 IN(OIRITEN LS Saracio Cicec ICE EERO ooo cercone 29 ial 7 HICH Ate OSE Sly es cient corals ae wpa oreaeone 1 il HiCmelter OURS SOC) a ce cee kenales «+s 5 ayareuehet ons atlets 2 3 Gm tE esc Css gis,e is c:6 cit clots Geta setae 2 2 280 The Nerves and Muscles-of the Leg The extensive anterior type of distribution is also more frequently associated with an anterior origin of the lateral cutaneous nerve than with a posterior origin. This is indicated in the following table. TABLE V. Distribution of Lateral Cutaneous Nerve. Spinal Nerves from which Lateral Lateral. Lateral and Lateral and Cutaneous Nerve arose. ee : eee No. of No. of No. of inst. inst. inst. ((.<9;6) iad @.l FD, OG fl enaeartctraie. Geman acre cus cies 10 8 2 XOX) REND «a. 5 isin dosstettnsne eke sgevoronave Se 18 10 1 >, ©.4l AiG SRA ain B.tiets ctor 9 3 (ROK) WOME DONE Sloe 65 og c0.c.oac 25 13 5 EXO TTL “eXEX TAT eee epee cher cuctore 5 3 al XX EXERC tepaeyeravateveters atte te 10 3 Trunk of femoral Nerves...) ses. 15 3 The relations existing between the various types of distribution of the lateral cutaneous nerve and the various types of distribution of the lumbo-inguinal nerve are shown in the following table. TABLE VI. Types of Distribution of the Lumbo-inguinal Nerve. Types of Distribution of = Lateral Cutaneous Latera). Anterior. Medial. Lat. Nerve. oO, nil SUt. Mod. Ext. SI’t. Mod. Ext. SI’t. Mod. Ext. Med. Watherale ewe ne ckae %,- 2 5 1 4 21 4 3 4 0 9 1 Lateral and anterior 1 2 2 4 3 iL 7 i 4 2 Lateral and medial. 1 i 3 il 1 il 1 Wantine .... . 2 1 The most striking feature brought out by this table is the frequent association of an extensive anterior distribution of the lateral cutaneous nerve with a moderate or extensive medial distribution of the lumbo- inguinal nerve. This is shown in the Léveillé plate referred to above. This extensive distribution on the thigh of nerves derived directly from the 21st and 22d spinal nerves is, as has been pointed out above, most frequently associated with an anterior type of lumbo-sacral plexus and this in turn probably with a somewhat anterior position of the limb-bud at the time of the ingrowth of nerves. When the 21st and 22d spinal nerves are called upon to furnish a greater supply than usual of nerve fibres to the limb they are more apt to do so through direct paths (the Jateral cutaneous and lumbo-inguinal nerve trunks) than through the more indirect route of the femoral nerve and its branches. This feature oe. Charles R. Bardeen 281 is further brought out in the not infrequent association with the an- terior forms of plexus of a direct anterior cutaneous branch from the plexus to the front of the thigh. 2. Separate Anterior Cutaneous Nerves. Nerves of this sort spring usually from the XXI and XXII spinal nerves, but also sometimes from the XXIII and very rarely from the XXIV as well. Henle considers them as varieties of the lumbo-inguinal. In their course, however, they usually, at least, lie beneath or deep in TABLE VII. Type of Plexus from which the | Wagers bs 7 ee emma N. Cut. Fem. Lat. arises: £ From From M Distal Spinal (GXEXT) EXCX XE XOX Type. Furcal Nerve. pane ae chi ae Spinal Nerves. | Spinal Nerves. erve to Limb. | No. of instances. | No. of instances. B XXIV le eXeXO VAT 1 | C XXIV chiefly to XXVIII 10 1 sacral plexus | D XXIV chiefly to XXVIII p lumbar plexus Ye 11lt 51 68s 2¢ 1 12th rib rudimentary 8 1 Type of vertebral axis Not recorded 2 1 | Normal i the psoas muscle and beneath the iliac fascia instead of lying above the latter like the lumbo-inguinal nerve. A direct anterior (high middle) cutaneous nerve of the thigh was found 14 times in 123 instances (11.4%). It arose 11 times from the XXI and XXII spinal nerves and 3 times from the XXII and XXIII (once from a region opposite the XXIV spinal nerve). In the last instance entrance of fibres from the XXIV nerve was possible but was not certain. In all instances ex- cept two it arose in association with an anterior form of plexus. In all instances recorded except one the spinal axis showed a tendency to re- duction by the presence of a rudimentary 12th rib and in one instance there were but eleven thoracic vertebre. These facts are illustrated in the above table. ww OO ras) The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg The following table illustrates the relation of a separate anterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh to the lateral cutaneous and Jumbo-inguinal nerves. TABLE VIII. Origin of Separate Anterior Cutaneous Nerve. Types of Distribution of Lateral pn ee ire From the From the Cutaneous Nerve XEXGTODNONGTIT XXL, GRexsaeh Spinal Nerves. Spinal Nerves. No. of instances. No. of instances. MaterauGisStnibwwlOns ~ .ssercciieceucioeie ace 10 3 Viena anne 355 glows Dhyssray hes ara NOAAVMER RSI ROR CST One as i! Types of Distribution of Lumbo-inguinal Nerve. Slit plate malware <-c.c) ochcroredn eee elcek oe tene aes it Moderatemlateral <5 sis ccccu.o gees ares eae alt FSXLENSIVE MAELO 2.14 mske siamo aentac oor 1 SiiahigantertOr: 22. cserkeroeerioe ie eters 1 Moderates@anterior | ..6.0t.. chmaskereiters soten 2 2 FEXPCNSIVEMAMUCCLIOL) ici. slesscie cers oe c eneeceae oe fh SUN ou nga Vero bts Re perce aeecie Beloit eaciciarcrcta a a aie if Moderatemmedial. oxK!p.eaenecs eae ee jae 2 it Maperale anda mediala. scp acst nas eee iL From this table it will be seen that a separate anterior cutaneous nerve may be associated with a moderately developed lateral cutaneous nerve and with any form of distribution of the lumbo-inguinal nerve. There is no indication that sex or race has influence on the frequency of development of this nerve. It was found more frequently on the left side than on the right, but this might not hold true were a greater number of instances studied. In only one instance was the nerve found on both sides of the same body. The following table indicates the race, sex and side of body in which the fourteen instances here studied were found. TABLE IX. White. Negro. ——E—E——_———— ———————e Special Anterior Cutaneous Nerve from Male. Female. Male. Female. > === ==> HSS R L R L Rk L R L >: OG AD, 4 Neely iG aiclo des aie AOA ae 2 3 iL 1 2 2 VOAIEP-O-GHub Bios aKa c dase oper 1 1 if The separate anterior cutaneous nerve is distributed on the thigh in company with branches derived directly from the femoral nerve. As a rule it is distributed in a territory separating that of the lateral cuta- ow (oo) (5%) Charles R. Bardeen neous nerve from that of the branches of the femoral nerve, but occa- sionally it may have a more medial distribution. We may now pass to a consideration of the cutaneous branches of the femoral nerve arising beyond the inguinal ligament. 3. Anterior and Medial Cutaneous Branches of the Femoral. The cutaneous branches of the femoral nerve to the thigh have been commonly divided by English and other anatomists into two groups, the “middle cutaneous” (nn. cutanei anteriores of Hénle) and the “in- ternal cutaneous” (nn. cutanei medii of Henle). It is not possible always to draw a sharp distinction between these two groups of nerves.” In the most common form of distribution (Plate VII, Fig. 1) two “anterior cutaneous” nerves, a lateral and a medial, arise in the upper part of Scarpa’s triangle. These branches descend in Scarpa’s triangle, pass to the medial side of or through the substance of the sartorius muscle, pierce the fascia lata over the upper third of the sartorius muscle and are distributed to the skin of the lower two-thirds of the front of the thigh. The lateral branch pierces the sartorius muscle more fre- quently than does the medial branch. In place of two branches there may be three or only one. The “ medial cutaneous ” nerves arise as rami from one or more branches of the femoral nerve. The rami usually pass outwards in the septum between the sartorius muscle and the adductor group of muscles. Sometimes one or more of the rami pass through the substance of the sartorius muscle. The various rami supply the skin of the medial surface of the thigh and the more distal usually extend to the knee and join the saphenous and obturator nerves in supplying the medial side of the knee and upper part of the medial side of the back of the leg. There is great variation in the number and distribu- tion of these rami of the “ medial cutaneous” nerves. In two instances out of 80 a medial cutaneous nerve sent a branch as far as the ankle, parallel with the saphenous nerve. Frequently the most proximal ramus of the medial cutaneous nerves on reaching the subcutaneous tissue, or even beneath the fascia lata turns back to take a course toward the region of distribution of the inguinal nerve (5 out of 80 instances). The great variation in the number and territory of distribution of the anterior and medial cutaneous nerves of the thigh makes their statistical study both difficult and unsatisfactory. They vary in extent of distri- bution inversely with the lumbo-inguinal, lateral cutaneous, saphenous “In the B. N. A. but one set of nerves is recognized, the nn cutanet anteriores. We shall here, however, adopt the Henle terms. 284 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg and obturator nerves, with branches of which anastomoses are usually formed. Considering as a group the nerves which supply the front of the thigh it is found that the most common form of distribution is that of a mod- erately extensive lateral cutaneous nerve associated with two anterior and one or two medial cutaneous nerves the branches of which are dis- tributed over the front and medial side of the thigh. As a rule the skin beyond the knee is supphed mainly by branches from the saphenous. This general mode of distribution was found in 64% of instances. In about 33% of instances there was an extensive distribution of the lateral cutaneous nerve with a more restricted distribution of the anterior and medial cutaneous nerves. In the following table an attempt has been made to show the number of chief nerve branches distributed to the anterior surface of the thigh TABLE X. Cutaneous | Number of Main Nerve Branches Distributed to the Nerves. | Anterior Surface of the Thigh. | | | eal | boul N. cut. fem. lat.../0}0/1)/1)/1)1/1}/1/1)/1)1}1)1)1)2)/2)2)2)2)2/2)3/3)3)3)4)4) 4 N. cut. fem. aa | | | | | | | | from plexus....|..|..}1]/1]..| 1] --]1].-]--]e-]--]e-]ee | ee] ee] eel ee|cefee| ec} ee] ee} en} ee] eel ects. | | hea N. cut. fem. ant. en | | from N. femor- fe | Ite] lee | ee GMliStscectieee sen: 2 AND ee Oe) Py Qe eaei 2 ens B/1j)1) 2/2) 2/2) 3s) 1i1j1i2iri1 2 | | | | | | | | | | N. cut. med....... jj) 1)1}1)1)/2)2)8)2)1 2)1/1 PAU See Eo Shea ab tk |) Pe) a | | Hn | N. saphenous R. | | | | el hel infrapatellaris..|1|1]1)1)/1|)1)0/2)0/)1 L/OjLj1j1jiiij1)2)oj1 Oat yal aby) abi at |) a! | | LEAN Res weancens.\1 ilelelalela 1 slelalaliia 1/6lij2/si1lelil2}3 2) 56 13) 3 Ml] ea (antl | | in 87 instances. The lateral cutaneous nerve has been counted as single when numerous small rami are given off from the main trunk; as double when the nerve divides into two main trunks before or soon after pass- ing under the inguinal ligament; as triple and quadruple when it divides into three or four main nerve trunks. By separate anterior cutaneous is meant a branch arising directly from the plexus. The anterior cuta- neous nerve is counted as single when one main trunk arises from the femoral nerve; as double when two separate trunks arise; and as triple when three such trunks arise. The same is true of the medial cutaneous nerve. 4. N. Saphenous. The saphenous nerve is fairly constant in its general mode of distribu- tion. The greatest variation comes in the distal extent of its distribu- tion. In three instances out of 75 it was found to extend to the great Charles R. Bardeen 285 toe. Although in several instances students failed to trace the nerve further than the knee, I do not feel that their work is sufficiently accurate to give figures as to the frequency of extremely limited distribution of the saphenous nerve. I have seen no instances of the passing of the saphenous nerve to the back of the thigh through the adductor magnus muscle as described by Hyrtl (Henle, Nervenlehre, s. 573). As a rule the main trunk of the saphenous nerve passes skinwards between the tendons of the sartorius and gracilis muscles. The patellar branch of the saphenous usually passes through the substance of the sartorius muscle but may pass over the anterior margin of the tendon. Below the knee the saphenous nerve may be continued in one or two main trunks toward the ankle. III. CUTANEOUS BRANCHES OF THE OBTURATOR NERVE. The superficial branch of the obturator nerve may terminate in a cutaneous branch of variable size. In the embryos studied I have been unable satisfactorily to trace the development of this nerve. In the adult it usually passes distally between the gracilis and adductor longus and becomes superficial between the gracilis and sartorius muscles in the middle third of the thigh. It commonly anastomoses with branches either from the medial cutaneous nerves of the thigh or from the saphenous nerve or both, and helps to form the subsartorial plexus. The fibres of the cutaneous branch of the obturator may join the medial cutaneous or the saphenous nerve beneath the sartorius and be distributed in the branches of these nerves without giving rise to any independent branches. How constant the cutaneous branch of the obturator may be I have been unable satisfactorily to determine. Students dissecting frequently fail to find it. Owing to the fact that this may often be due to its small size the negative records cannot safely be used in making up statistics. Out of 80 instances in which the nerves of the thigh were carefully charted, in 12 a large cutaneous branch passed from the obturator to the region of the knee and in 10 other instances one passed to or beyond the middle third of the crus. A well developed obturator branch to the skin is found more frequently associated with “ normal” and “ anterior” than with posterior types of lumbo-sacral plexus and relatively more frequently in white than in negro subjects. IV. ACCESSORY OBTURATOR NERVE. This nerve was not found in the embryos studied. Out of 250 plexuses in the adult it was found in 21 (8.4%). It seems to be especially fre- quently associated with the anteriorly situated types of plexuses. It was Oo o/2) [oP _ The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg found relatively more frequently in males (9.3%) than in females (5.4%) and in white (10.8%) than in negro subjects (6.4%). In most instances an anastomotic branch could be traced to the cutaneous branch arising from the obturator nerve. The following table shows the fre- quency with which accessory obturator nerves of various types of origin were associated with various types of lumbo-sacral plexuses. TABLE XI. | Type of Plexus from which the We Gut: Moninakoarisos: Origin of Accessory Obturator. | “Most Distal | From(XXI) | From (XXII) | prom XXIV Type.| Furcal Nerve. Spinal Nerve | (XXII) XXIII) XXIII XXIV) z to Limb. Sp. Nerves. Sp. Nerves. Sp. Nerve. Biy,|) 2 (E) (M) (B, L, C) (G) 1 (E) (M) (B, L) (C) (G) 1 (E) (M) (BAG) ds) 1 (EZ) (M) (B, G) (L, C) ®In one instance a branch to adductor minimus from nerve to quadratus femoris. Tn one instance a branch to the pectineus muscle was found. 4JIn two instances a branch to the pectineus muscle. 318 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg b. Branches to adductor brevis from anterior and posterior divisions. 2 (E) (B) (M) (B) (L) (G) ec. Branch to adductor brevis from posterior division. 4 (E) (B) (M) (G) (L) 1 (E) (B) (M) (G) (L, C) Ill. THE SCIATIC NERVE. In early embryonic life the separation between the tibial and peroneal nerves is well marked nearly to their origin from the sacral plexus. Near the plexus there intervenes between them a considerable amount of dense tissue (Plate II, Fig. 3) and more distally they are separated by the anlage of the fibula (Plates III, IV, and V). a. Embryonic Development. The peroneal nerve in avn embryo 11 mm. long (Plate III, Fig. 2) may be traced as far as the middle of the dorsal side of the limb-bud. Four fairly distinct muscle anlages are visible along its course. The first of these, the gluteus medius mass, represents the anlage of the gluteus medius and minimus, the piriformis and the tensor fascie late, and toward it special branches: are proceeding from the plexus. The second muscle mass represents the anlage of the gluteus maximus and the third that of the short head of the biceps. These two anlages adjoin one another. The fourth represents the anlage of the extensors of the ankle and peroneal muscles. Some differentiation is apparent between the anlages of the last two groups of muscles. In an embryo of 14 mm. (Plate IV, Fig. 2; Plate VIII, Fig. 4; Plate IX, Fig. 1) muscle differ- entiation has taken place in each of the anlages mentioned above and the anlage of the short extensor of the toes has appeared. To each muscle rudiment a nerve branch is given. In an embryo of 20 mm. (Plate V, Fig. 2; Plate VIII, Fig. 5; Plate IX, Fig. 2) muscle differentiation is more marked and the branches to each muscle resemble somewhat those of the adult. The tibial nerve in an embryo of 11 mm. (Plate III, Fig. 1) extends to the middle of the plantar side of the leg. Along its course several muscle anlages may be seen. Of these the first is that of the obturator internus, the second that of the quadratus femoris, the third that of the hamstring muscles, the fourth that of the gastrocnemius—soleus group, and the fifth that of the deep muscles of the back of the leg. In an embryo of 14 mm. (Plate IV, Fig. 1; Plate VIII, Fig. 1;, Plate IX, Figs. 3 and 4) individual muscles have appeared in each of the anlages mentioned and a muscle mass has appeared in the foot. In the leg the Charles R. Bardeen 319 lateral and medial plantar nerves are separated from one another. Nerves are given to the various muscle anlages. In an embryo 20 mm. long (Plate V, Fig. 1; Plate VIII, Figs. 2 and 3; Plate IX, Figs. 5 and 6) the muscles of the foot are beginning to be differentiated, the medial and lateral plantar nerves on the back of the leg have become fused and the branches to the various muscles somewhat resemble those of the adult. b. Adult Conditions.. 1. Separate Origin of the Peroneal and Tibial Nerves. During early embryonic development, as mentioned above, the per- oneal and tibial nerves arise separately from the plexus. In about 10% of instances studied at the Johns Hopkins University this condition was found present in the adult, the two nerves being separated by a portion of the piriformis muscle or more rarely by the whole muscle (see Bar- deen and Elting, o1). Eisler, 92, found the condition in 18.1%. of 123 plexuses and Paterson, 94, in 13% of 23 plexuses. The nerves arise separately from “normal,” proximal or distal types of plexuses with about equal frequency. 2. Frequency of Variation in Origin of the Peroneal and Tibial Nerves. In Tables XVIII and XIX are shown the frequency of various modes in origin of the tibial and peroneal nerves from the sacral plexus, and the types of plexus with which these various modes of origin were associated. No detailed explanation of these tables seems requisite. Tabulation of the relation of the various types of origin in relation to race, sex, and side of the body has revealed no facts of special interest, and hence tables covering these points are here omitted. 3. Relations of the Branches Springing from the Peroneal and Tibial Nerves to the Nerve Roots. It is not often possible to trace back with certainty to their origin from the plexus the various branches springing from the peroneal and tibial nerves. It can be done only under special conditions and cannot be well carried out by students in the dissecting room. For this reason no attempt has been made to collect statistical data on this subject. The following diagram based on special dissections, indicates roughly the regions occupied by the chief nerve branches in the peroneal and tibial trunks, and their relations to the spinal roots of these nerves. Although the peroneal and tibial nerves are usually bound up on the back of the The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg 320 *ULB}.1909 JOU JNq e|qQISsod GAEU TBUIdS pEZ WOIJ SOAqT A cr JequnN eo, 90T ¥ g | 8 | gg | ¥Z tA ed AXX 10 or & I § § xXIXX ‘AX X-AIXX Dd Or 3G 8 xXIXX AIXX A | 480d AXX 10 6 T g & TWTAXX ‘AXX-AIXX a snxod aeq Ig 9% 9 TUTGASKENG —uny, oF Aporyo | | | “WAION UNIEXONG snxold [v1 1g ST él I UGTASKGX -ovs 0} AYOTYD | O AIXX FL y 9 I TIAXX AIXX a AUN I i UASXOXG AIXX Vv (TIITAXX) | TITAXX TUIPAGXEXGS |S WAGXEXG IIAXX | (IIAXX) “1oqtanN IAXX TAXX IAXX IAXX IAXX TAXX “Quarry OF AXX AXX AXX AXX AX X AXX OATON [BUIdg ‘OATON [BOING ‘ad AT, 1e1OL (AIXX) INGIEXOX PNUIEXEXG INTEXEXG A allIIxx]| Te3sid SOW "dg ‘UN ‘dg ‘uN ‘dg ‘uN ‘dg ‘UN ‘dg ‘uN ‘dg “uN :WMl0dJ SNOUOIOg *N JO uTsIAg Jo Aouonboay ‘SOSIIB SNEUOLAg “N Yoga WOT SNX9[q JO od AT, TAX WIV 321 Charles R. Bardeen “UIvJ199 JOU JN BIqQISsOd oAsOU [VUTdS pEZ WOIAJ SOIQTY er OF ar eg IL 69L ¢ ma I ee ea IOQUNN [eIOg, é AXX 40 02 ra g PEIDIOS ‘AXX-AIXX |” cI cT XIXxX INSIEXEXE A “yS0d AXX JO 8 : nt L eens ‘AXx-AIxx | 4 snxo[d 1RBq FOL +01 IITAXKX —uiny, oy Ayeryo | C | ‘WI0ON AITXX snxo[d [va €9 8g g TITAXX -ovs 03 Aporys | O AIXX GG FG IT TIAXX AIXX a UY I T TAXX AIXX V (XXX) XIXX IIIAXX | ITTAXX | (IIFAXX) | (ITIAXX) | (1ITAXX) Z IAXX IIAXX IIAXX TIAXX TIAXX | (IIAXX) | (ITAXX) “QUITT O Toquin N TAXX TENSXOXG TAXX IAXX IAXX IAXX ITAXX IAXX aie AXX AXX AXX AXX AXX AXX AXX AXX OATON [eurds “OATON [BOING od AT, Te3OL ZAVIDKOX AIX AIXX AIXX AIXX AIXX TBIsIqd JSOW et(LIIXX) et LIIIXX] - ; ‘dg ‘uN dg ‘uN ‘dg ‘uN dg ‘un ‘dg ‘un dg ‘uN ‘dg “UN dg ‘un > UlOTJ ST[VIQLL, “N 04} JO UlLSIIQ Jo AOuONbHsaT "SOSTIB STTRIQLE “N O49 olga Wo1y snxd[q jo odAy, “XIX WIEAVL 322 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg thigh into a common trunk there seems normally to be no crossing of nerve fibres from one nerve to the other. Branches arising from each nerve may be bound for a certain distance into a common trunk provided that they occupy contiguous positions in the parent nerve, as indicated in the diagram Fig. 6. N. peron. prof, N. popliteus. ‘ ~ N. N. peron. superf. N.semit. -distal. branch ‘\ N. gastroen. fs ao - Sapmed. N.cut.surae. lat. cag roa N.semit -t--prox. branch . N. biceps. cap. breve.- _N. gastroen. c& : N. biceps / Cap. long. N.tib. posl.- ay “ff N. Flex. dig. long: 3 eee N. soleus (R.profy ae \ N.flex. hal. long’ medi N. pla nt. lat: rGaos See text above. 1 ! \ R.M.plant’ IV. SUPERIOR GLUTEAL GROUP. a. Embryonic Development. — 1. General Features. This group consists of the gluteus medius and minimus muscles, the piriformis, and the tensor fasciz late. The last becomes distinct from the general muscle mass at a very early stage, the others are closely bound together during the earlier stages of differentiation in the anlage. Graf- enberg, 04, has described the development of these muscles in man. In an embryo of the fifth week he describes a cone-shaped mass of dense Oo “ (SX) Charles R. Bardeen tissue the point of which extends toward the upper end of the femur. This he considers the anlage of the gluteus maximus, the piriformis, the gluteus medius and minimus, the tensor fascie late, quadratus femoris, and obturator internus. In the embryos of this period which I have studied I have not found an intimate union between the anlages of the gluteus medius group, the gluteus maximus, the obturator internus and the quadratus femoris groups. When differentiation of the muscles in this region begins the four anlages, though none of them sharply out- lined, seem to me fairly distinct from one another as I have attempted to show in Plate III, Figs. 1 and 2. In an embryo of 14 mm. (Plate VIII, Fig. 4) the m. tensor fasciz late is quite distinct from the rest of the group. Grifenberg states that at first it is closely connected with the anlage of the gluteus minimus. There is no connection between the anlages of the tensor fascie late and | that of the gluteus maximus. The separation of the gluteus medius from the gluteus minimus is marked best in the region through which the superior branch of the superior gluteal nerve passes out to end in the tensor fasciz late (Plate II, Fig. 3). The piriformis is still closely bound to the anlage of the two gluteals. I can find no connection be- tween it and the gluteus maximus such as that described by Grafenberg. The anlages of the two gluteal muscles and the piriformis pass distally into the proximal part of the back of the femur in the region where later the great trochanter will be developed. The gluteal anlages, closely ap- pled to the anlage of the acetabulum, extend to the femoral margin of the embryonic ilium. The piriformis extends over the peroneal nerve toward but does not reach the pelvis. It is to be presumed that in those instances in which the peroneal nerve passes through the piriformis the course of development of the muscle toward the sacrum takes place on each side of the nerve. The dense tissue between the peroneal and tibial nerves in this region may represent an interneural process of this kind. It is continuous with the piriformis anlage. Two distinct branches of the superior gluteal nerve may be seen. One of these extends to the tensor fasciz late, the other ends in the anlage of the gluteus medius. The nerve to the piriformis is likewise beginning to grow toward this muscle. In an embryo of 20 mm. (Plate VIII, Fig. 5) the great trochanter is becoming well marked, Bardeen, 05, and the attachments of the two deeper gluteal muscles and the piriformis begin to resemble those of the adult. The gluteal muscles have extended a considerable distance over the ilium the ala of which is much better developed than in the 14 mm. 22 324 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg embryo. The two muscles are clearly differentiated from one another, but the gluteus medius is partly fused to the piriformis and in this em- bryo the piriformis has not extended to the sacrum. In other embryos of about this stage the piriformis has, however, become attached to the sacrum. he distribution of nerves to these muscles is very similar to that found in the adult. The tensor fasciz late extends distally over the thigh into the anlage of the tractus ilio-tibialis which at this period is but slightly marked. In subsequent development the iliac ala imcreases in size and the muscles extend over it to their adult attachments. With the develop- ment of the anterior superior spine of the ilium the iliac attachment of the tensor fascizw late is carried far from its original position near the back of the head of the femur. 2. Individual Muscles. Tensor fascie late.—This is differentiated near the lateral edge of the anlage of the gluteus medius and minimus. According to Grafenberg, 04, it is at first closely fused with this anlage and extends from the “ Beckenschaufel” to the anlage of the great trochanter. In the speci- mens which I have studied the anlage of the muscle when it first becomes distinct has no skeletal attachment but lies near the gluteal anlage (Plate VIII, Fig. 4). From here it shifts laterally and its proximal extremity soon becomes attached to the ilium somewhat distal to the crest and be- hind the anlage of the anterior superior ihac spine. Distally it extends toward the lateral] side of the knee (Plate VIII, Fig. 5) and is continued into the tractus iliotibialis which toward the end of the second month begins to be distinct. In the adult the nerve usually enters the muscle about midway between its origin and insertion. This area corresponds to that first differentiated in the embryo. It seems probable that that portion of the m. ilio-tibialis of urodeles and reptiles innervated by the sciatic nerve (the m. gluteo-rectus) represents the tensor fascia late of mammals. In different mammals the tensor fascie# late varies greatly in development. It is said not to be present in mono- tremes and marsupials (W. Leche). It is large in all anthropoids except the orang (Le Double). Gluteus medius and minimus.—These two muscles are differentiated in close association with one another and remain closely associated in the adult. The myoblastema from which they are derived lies close to the back of the embryonic skeleton near the junction of the femur with the pelvis (Plate VIII, Fig. 4). The anlage of the two muscles seems from os) ra) Or Charles R. Bardeen the first to extend distally into the anlage of the great trochanter, but proximally it extends only to the acetabular portion of the ilium. From here the muscles extend over the lateral surface of the iliac. ala and finally reach the iliac attachments characteristic of the adult. The ascending branch of the superior gluteal nerve takes a course at first distal to the transverse branch, but as the gluteus medius grows toward the iliac crest the ascending branch is carried proximally across the transverse. The gluteus medius and minimus muscles correspond with the ilio-femoralis of urodeles and reptiles, a muscle supplied by branches from both the femoral and sciatic nerves. In the monotremes the “ gluteus medius”’ is a thin muscle which arises from the sacro-caudal vertebre and is supplied by a branch of the peroneal nerve while the gluteus minimus and scansorius are represented by a mass of muscle which arises from the fascia lumbo-dorsalis, the lumbar and sacral vertebre and the ilium and is innervated by branches of both the femoral and peroneal nerves. In all higher forms the gluteus medius- minimus musculature is innervated by branches which arise directly or indi- rectly from the peroneal portion of the sacral plexus (Westling, cited by Leche). It seems not unlikely that in the urodeles, reptiles and mono- tremes elements of the ilio-psoas musculature of higher forms are included in the ilio-femoral musculature. The more superficial and posterior part of the sciatic portion of the ilio-femoral anlage has given rise in the higher mammals to the gluteus medius and piriformis, the deeper and more anterior portion to the gluteus minimus and scansorius. The degree of separation of these various elements varies greatly in different mammals. The variations of the two muscles which have been found in man are chiefly those of a greater differentiation than usual of individual muscles from the common anlage (i. e., M. scansorius) or a partial or complete fusion of the muscles with one another or with the piriformis. The piriformis.—This is differentiated from tissue at first closely as- sociated with the gluteus medius and minimus (Plate VIII, Fig. 4). According to Grifenberg the muscle anlage can from its first appearance be traced to the sacrum. While it is true that a dense mass of cells sur- rounding the sciatic nerve and its roots of origin can be followed back to the sacrum this condensed tissue is not, I believe, to be looked upon as the anlage of the piriformis, although the two are not at first sharply to be distinguished. Differentiation of the muscle is first clearly marked in the region between the sacral plexus and the anlage of the great trochanter. From here the developing muscle may be followed in older embryos toward its sacral attachment. In embryo XXII (Plate VIII, Fig. 5) the sacral attachment has not yet been reached. The region in which the nerve enters the adult muscle corresponds with the area in which muscle differentiation is first seen. As pointed out above, the differentiation of the muscle at a period preceding the fusion of the The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg 326 SIG Gg 8 I 8g ee) CREDO OOOO 210 0 0A NG) eH ON bi rTy AXX 10 aI § I G 9 XIXX ‘AXX—-AIXX | 9 IL I 8 G XUxXX AIXX a | sod ei a AXX 410 8T G é h t I é ITIAXX ‘AXX—-ATXX | @ snxe[d req 06 7 £9 G3 TI[AXX “wnt 0} AYatyo | q | ‘ION PAUIEXGNG snxo[d [Ba 09 +P 9 TITAXX -ovs 0} APoryo | g UNVIEXOXE &@ it 6 ITAXX AIXX a “quy i I TAXX AIXX V “| (IAXX) -zoquny | TIAXX) | IAXX | IAXX | IAXX “quiry 04 eo IAXX AXX” AXX AXX NSXGRE AXX OAION Teutdg “OAION [BOUIN | ‘addy, [ByOD, AXX AIXX AIXX AIXX TRIStC. SOW ‘dg ‘uN ‘dg ‘an ‘dg ‘un dg ‘un ‘dg ‘uN ‘dg ‘uN : WOdj LOJ1edng sneynTyH *"N JO uLstaGg Jo Aouonboaag :Sostiv Lorteadng sneynpy "N oyy OIA WoL SNxX9Tq JO eddy, XX WIV 327 96L | Ie | Gl 19 GS ee a | JOQUIMN 1270, = AXX 10 6 9 u sais ‘AXX—xIXx | 9 g G T [ | I XIXX INSTEXOXS ul 4ySs0d J zs AXX 10 6 g ; I 6 g IIIAXX ‘AXX—AIXX a wisi a *- snxold IBq rae a TF 8 g &%@ 8 TITAXX -un, oF Aporqo | q | ‘mon o) INIDONE ro > = 3 = = == = |= oS snxo[d [Ba va) 6& é t 9% 9 I IIIAXX -oBs ae oe @) od ae sake i 6 é § i WAXX INI DOK ad quay ee a WARXOxe TEXEXS rae I i AX) AIXX Vv oO ITIAXX NTARXEXe ; “1oqunN ([AXX) IAXX TASKS IAXX ) quit J 04 i (A XX) TASXEXe AXX OAION [RUIdg ‘OATON [BOANGT ‘ad AY, ae ADS 1eISTq ISO] “dg ‘un ‘dg ‘uN ‘dg ‘uN ‘dg ‘un ‘dg ‘uN :ULOAJ SIUIIOJIITY 0} OAIAON JO uTsIIG) JO Aouanbaary SASHA TORT Ea oC oa nt TXX AHTEViL (Sv) “Oo ioe) The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg peroneal and tibial nerves into a common trunk may account for the variation in the relations of those nerves to the muscle in the adult. Although Gegenbaur and others have considered the piriformis to be de- rived from the caudo-femoral muscle of urodeles and reptiles, both com- parative anatomical and embryological studies speak against this view. The caudo-femoral muscle of these lower forms is represented in many of the mammals by a caudo-femoralis (W. Leche), which typically extends from the caudal vertebre to the lateral side of the distal half of the femur and runs parallel with the presemimembranosus. As in the reptiles and urodeles so here the muscle toward its femoral insertion lies in front of the sciatic nerve while the piriformis normally runs dorsal to this nerve. The piriformis is to be looked upon as an especially differentiated portion of the ilio-femoral muscle of urodeles and reptiles. In a considerable number of mammals it is not differentiated (some ungulates, etc.).* In man the piriformis is frequently fused with the gluteus medius. Its origin may take place from the great sciatic notch instead of from the sacrum. b. Nerve Variation in the Adult. 1. Variation in the Relations of the Superior Gluteal Nerve and of the Nerve of the Piriformis to the Nerve Roots. The preceding tables, XX, XXI, indicate the frequency of certain modes of origin from the sacral plexus of the superior gluteal nerve and the nerve to the piriformis muscle and the relation of these modes of origin to certain types of Jumbo-sacral plexuses. While there is some correspondence between an anterior or a posterior form of plexus and a “high” or “low” mode of origin of the nerves this correspondence is by no means perfect. 2. Variation in the Branches of Distribution. Supertor gluteal nerve-—Most frequently this nerve arises by two roots, one from the lumbo-sacral cord (4th-5th lumbar) and the other from the first sacral nerve. The trunk usually soon divides into two branches. The ascending branch is distributed mainly to the more dorsal part of the gluteus medius muscle in the middle third between its tendens. Ac- cording to some authors it also sends fibres to the gluteus minimus muscle. J have found it much more frequently confined in distribution to the gluteus medius muscle. The transverse branch passes across the external surface of the gluteus minimus muscle about midway between its tendons and near the lateral border of the muscle passes beneath a *“ According to Kohlbrugge, g7, the piriformis has a double origin, on the one side from the gluteal musculature, on the other from the metameric caudal muscles. Charles R. Bardeen 329 special slip of the muscle and terminates in the proximal portion of the middle third of the m. tensor fascize late. It gives branches of innerva- tion to the gluteus minimus muscle, to the lateral portion of the gluteus medius muscle and to the tensor fascie late. The fibres of the ascend- ing branch always arise from the plexus lower down than those of the transverse branch. Sometimes it arises as a separate branch from the first sacral nerve. It may then pass through the substance of the piri- formis muscle and be associated with the nerve to the piriformis muscle. Nerve to the piriformis muscle-——Very commonly the nerve to this muscle may arise from a loop connecting the first and second sacral nerves, but more often the branches arise directly from the first or second sacral nerve and pass into the substance of the muscle in the middle third between the tendons. The ascending branch of the superior gluteal nerve may send a ramus to the piriformis muscle. J have never seen a branch from the third sacral nerve to the piriformis such as those described by Weber, Hildebrandt, Valentine and Henle. V. THE GLUTEUS MAXIMUS AND THE SHORT HEAD OF THE BICEPS. The studies in comparative anatomy of Ranke, 97, Klaatsch, 02, and others have gone to prove the close morphological association of the gluteus maximus and the short head of the biceps. It seems probable that both the short head of the biceps and the gluteus maximus are represented in the urodeles by the ilio-(femoro)-fibularis and in reptiles by the ilio-fibularis muscle which is supplied by the peroneal portion of the sciatic. In the mammals the proximal attachment of this musculature has extended well into the caudal region from the ilium. In the monotremes it is represented by a muscle which extends from the caudal region to the foot and in Echidna lies posterior to and does not cover the other glutei (Westling). In most of the higher forms it is divisible into three muscles, the superficial gluteus, or gluteus maximus, the femoro- coccygeus (Leche), and the gluteo-crural (Klaatsch). The superficial glu- teus is inserted into the femur or into the fascia of the thigh. The femoro- coccygeus is inserted into the shaft of the femur, and the gluteo-crural into the fascia of the leg or into the fibula. The superficial gluteus and the femoro-coccygeus are not infrequently fused to form the gluteus maximus. The gluteo-crural is absent in some forms. In most mammals it extends as the tenuissimus from the caudal vertebre or the gluteal fascia to the leg. In man and a few of the higher primates it arises from the femur and be- comes applied to the tendon of the long head of the biceps to form the short head of this muscle. Klaatsch, o2, has given an especially valuable account of the gluteo-crural muscle. See also Windle and Parsons, oo. In man the gluteus is not infrequently found divided into two portions, a condition normal in the embryo. The short head of the biceps not infre- 330 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg quently has a tendon of insertion more or less distinct from that of the long head. Its tendon of origin may be attached to the tuber ischii, the fascia covering the gluteus maximus, or the sacrotuberosal ligament. a. Embryonic Development of Gluteus Maximus. The gluteus maximus arises from an anlage which lies dorso-lateral to the anlage of the great trochanter (Plate III, Fig. 2). Its proximal edge overlaps and lies near but does not seem to be fused with the gluteus medius anlage. Distally it is slightly fused with the anlage of the short head of the biceps. Into the gluteus maximus anlage two nerves extend from the back of the sacral plexus. In an embryo of 14 mm. (Plate II, Fig. 3; Plate VIII, Fig. 4) the gluteus maximus is quite distinct from the neighboring muscles.” It is beginning to show a division into two portions each of which is supplied by a separate nerve. The more distal of the two portions is continuous with the blastema of the femur. Proximally the muscle is extending over the gluteus medius and obturator internus anlages toward the ilium and sacrum. I find no primitive intrapelvic extension of the gluteus maximus such as that described by Grafenberg, but the fascial extension which he describes from the dorsal muscles over the gluteal muscles is quite evi- dent (see Plate II, Fig. 3). In an embryo 20 mm. long (Plate VIII, Fig. 5) the gluteus maximus has extended from the trochanteric region where it first appears to the ium, sacrum and coccyx. It is at this period very distinctly separated into two portions the more distal of which is inserted into the femur distal to the great trochanter while the more proximal is inserted into the fascia over the attachment of the distal portion. In the adult the two portions are only rarely thus distinct. The distal portion represents the femoro-coccygeus muscle so common in the-lower mammals. In the younger embryos two nerves pass from the plexus to the muscle. In this embryo a special nerve is given to each portion of the muscle, but the two nerves arise by a common trunk from the plexus. The nerve to the superficial portion of the muscle curves toward the ilium and passes up- wards on the deep surface of the muscle along a line about midway be- tween the origin and insertion of the muscle. The nerve to the distal portion passes distally and enters its proximal margin (Plate VIII, Fig. 5). & The early union with the piriformis described by Grafenberg I have not found in any of the embryos I have examined, although I find, as he describes, an early transitory union between the anlages of the short head of the biceps and the gluteus maximus. Charles R. Bardeen 331 b. Variations in the Inferior Gluteal Nerve. This nerve arises in the main from the first sacral nerve, but in part usually also from the lumbo-sacral cord; often from the 2d sacral, and rarely from the 3d sacral. Its roots may be superficially bound up with the trunks of origin of the posterior cutaneous nerve and not infrequently with the main sciatic trunk. In the great majority of instances the main trunk of the nerve divides into an ascending and a descending branch. TABLE XXII. Type of Plexus from which the N. Gluteus Frequency of Origin of N. Gluteus Inf. arises. Inf. from: Wn. Sp. Nn. Sp. Nn. Sp. Most Distal (XXIV) [XXIV] | Total Type. Furcal Nerve. | Spinal Nerveto | XX I ERONGV, (exexe Walaa Tafa XXVI | xxvI_ | xxvi_ | Number. | ; | OXEXGV/ IAI) | eeXoXGValiT | | | (XXVIID A | SXOXGLV, XO 1 | 1 Ant. | B SONY; XXVII 12 6 ee SXOXCNV, £ ‘ C chiefly to XXVIII 24 27 3 54 sacral plexug XXIV | = Norm. | D chiefly to XXVIII 29 40 5 v4 ry lumbar plexus XEXTAVESXONAVE a55 E or XXV SROXOVALIT 9 | 1 10 Post. | F XXIV KXCBX 1 Gee yl 3 10 | XXIV-XXvV, ae | G Bey BXOXCIDNs 10 | 1 ul MO Sail N UID OT: a nah a ct See neh oe parked agwee eee 67 | 98 | 192). eleaeae The ascending branch curves upwards on the under surface of the gluteus maximus muscle midway between the tendons of origin and insertion. The descending branch is distributed in the middle third of the deep distal portion of the muscle. The fibres of the descending branch have a more distal origin than those of the ascending branch. In the adult the two branches often arise separately from the plexus. The table above shows the frequency of origin of the nerve from various groups of spinal nerves and the frequency with which each is associated with a given type of plexus. . 332 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg c. Embryonic Development of the Short Head of the Biceps. In an embryo of 11 mm. (Plate 3, Fig. 2) the anlage of the short head of the biceps extends along the distal half of the fibular margin of the femur dorso-lateral to the peroneal nerve. Proximally it is continued to the anlage of the gluteus maximus. In an embryo of 14 mm. (Plate IJ, Fig. 3; Plate VIII, Fig. 4) it does not extend proximally quite to the femoral insertion of the gluteus maximus. Distally it is beginning to be attached to the tendon of the long head of the biceps. The nerve to the muscle which at the former stage was not evident may at this stage be seen entering the fibular margin of the muscle. G. D. Thane mentions an instance in which the nerve to the short head of the biceps arose in connection with the inferior gluteal nerve from the sacral plexus.” In an embryo 20 mm. long (Plate VIII, Fig. 5) both the femoral and distal attachments of the muscle are well marked. VI. THE MM. OBTURATOR INTERNUS, GEMELLI AND QUADRATUS FEMORIS. These constitute a distinct group of muscles which are differentiated on the ischial side of the anlage of the hip joint. Although closely as- sociated, the anlage of the obturator internus and gemelli seems to be from its earlier stages of differentiation distinct from that of the quad- ratus femoris. I do not find the anlages of these muscles fused at an early stage with the gluteal anlages as described by Grafenberg, 04. When they first appear (Plate III, Fig. 1) the anlage of the quadratus femoris has a somewhat more anterior position than that of the obturator internus. This may account for its nerve supply in the adult from a more proximal set of spinal nerves. a. Embryonic Development. Obturator internus and gemelli.mAn indistinct region of tissue differ- entiation near the ischium in Embryo CIX, length 11 mm. (Plate III, Fig. 1) I take to be the anlage of the obturator internus and the gemelli. To it a nerve is given from the sacral plexus. The anlage of these muscles is much more distinct in an embryo 14 mm. long (Plate VIII, Figs. 1 and 4). Here it may be seen extending from the anlage of the great 1% Quain’s Anatomy, 10th ed. Charles R. Bardeen Bae trochanter across and then upwards for a short distance on the pelvic surface of the ischium toward the obturator foramen. No distinction can at this time be made between the obturator internus and the two gemelli. From the sacral plexus a nerve branch may be seen extending across the outer surface of the muscle. Beneath the muscle another nerve may be traced to the anlage of the quadratus femoris. In an embryo 20 mm. long (Plate VIII, Fig. 5) the obturator internus has extended well over the obturator foramen and in its growth into the pelvis has carried its nerve in the same direction. The gemelli cannot yet be clearly distinguished from the obturator internus. A good descrip- tion of the architecture of these muscles in the adult and of the distribu- tion of nerves to them is given in the J’raité @anatomie humain of Poirier and Charpy. In the adult the chief variations in structure are those of a greater or less independence of the gemelli and a greater or less extent of the pelvic attachments of the obturator internus. Quadratus femoris ——This is differentiated comparatively early in a re- gion lying between the anlage of the great trochanter and that of the tuber ischii (Plate III, Fig. 1; Plate VIII, Fig. 4). It soon forms at- tachments which correspond well with those of the adult muscle (Plate VIII, Fig. 5). In the embryo, as in the adult, the nerve enters the deep surface of the muscle near the junction of the middle and ischial thirds. In the adult the muscle is frequently fused either with the inferior gemellus or with the adductor minimus. Its nerve of supply may extend into the adductor minimus. The quadratus femoris, gemelli, and obturator internus muscles of mam- mals are apparently related to the ischio-femoral musculature of urodeles and the pubi-ischio-femoralis posterior (Gadow) of reptiles. Among the mammals the obturator internus is said not to be found in the monotremes (W. Leche) but it occurs in most, although not all, of the higher forms. The degree of isolation of the gemelli and the mode of attachment of the obturator internus vary considerably in different mammals. The quadratus femoris seems to be a fairly constant muscle in the mammalian series. In a con- siderable number of mammals, however, it is innervated by the obturator nerve instead of by a special branch from the sacral plexus (see W. Leche). I do not know of an instance of this kind being reported as a variation in man. The innervation of the adductor minimus portion of the adductor magnus by the nerve to the quadratus femoris is, however, frequent and rarely this nerve may send a branch to the M. obturator externus. The adductor minimus is normally supplied chiefly by the obturator nerve. In Talpa the quadratus femoris and obturator externus are fused and the com- bined muscle is supplied both from the obturator nerve and from the sacral plexus (W. Leche). The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg d3dt I SlIOMO,, SNIBIPRN?) “WW a} 0} SATION 949 JO ULSIAgG JO AOuONdI Snudajyuy 1OPBINIGYO “JW 9q} 09 OAIAON 949 JO ULSIAG Jo AouONdHoAyT SP St, 66 | I St L OF I ey roquin N [VIO 9 z AXX 10 9 | 9 y as ‘AKX-AIXX |? § & § 1 6 XIXX AIXX A “4sod a AXX IO é T I 6 I T HIAXX ‘\XX-AIXX a “snxojid requiny cL 8 F 6L IT IL ITASXeX 0y AYotyo q | ‘W4t0N B = f ATXX ae snxoed [Bios 8T 6 6 8T 8T TIAXX 0} Aperyo @) ees toce Epes AIXX yi G g L 9 I ITIAXX ATXX a “yuy TAXX AIXX Vi IIIAXX TETAS ENG | TUAGXONS : : “19quInN TeACXEXG IMINO “LOqQuINnN N TAXX IAXX IAXX Vary oe Cl ~ ‘od k [e101 ASX WX AXX AXX [B10 [AXX] AXX AXX OsTeN NOTTS Sete NoTeOa ae, oda AIXX AIXX INDO IS81C FSO ‘dg ‘uN ‘dg ‘uN ‘dg ‘UN dg ‘uN ‘dg ‘uN ‘dg ‘uN "dg "uN ; or =s Woy | aoe : WLOA ‘OSIIB SOATON Oy} FOIYM WOT snxo[q Jo odAy, TUIXX WIEAViL Charles R. Bardeen Bis i) b. Nerve Variation. 1. Variation in the Origin of the Nerves to the Obturator Internus and Quadratus Femoris Muscles. In Table XXIII the frequency of variation in the origin of the nerves to these muscles is shown. The nerve to the quadratus femoris muscle arises usually from the lumbo-sacral cord and the 1st sacral nerve (24th, 25th, and 26th spinal nerves.) Not infrequently the 25th spinal nerve is the most distal nerve to furnish fibres to this nerve. This condition occurs usually in the more proximal forms of plexus. In the more distal forms of plexus the 25th and 26th spinal nerves furnish the fibres for this muscle. TABLE XXIV. Number of Instances = i Association of the Branches Distributed to the Obturator iecenivon at | Ze Internus, Gemelli, and Quadratus Femoris Muscles. the Bie BoC (Deal seaieG Branch 1, to Mm. obturator int. and gemellus sup. | | Branch 2, to Mm. quadratus femoris and gemellus inf. !® per hee eos ak | | 13 ss | | Branch 1, to M. obturator int. | | | Branch 2, to M. gemellus sup. 1 | | | 1 Branch 3, to Mm. quadratus femoris and gemellus inf. |b oa | | | I> Branch 1, to M. obturator int. Branch 2, to Mm. quadratus femoris and both gemelli. | 3/ 3 Branch 1, to Mm. obturator int. and gemellus sup. Branch 2, to M. quadratus fem., gemellus inf., and adductor 2 2 magnus. | Total Number. ' 1} 8] 4] 2 | Wea. 18 | { | “ Hor types of plexus see preceding table. 47 Tn one instance a branch was traced to the M. obturator externus. The nerve to the obturator internus muscle arises usually from the (24th) 25th, 26th, and 27th spinal nerves. Rarely the 26th spinal nerve is the most distal nerve to furnish fibres to it and occasionally in distal forms of plexus the 28th spinal nerve may do so. It is difficult to trace these nerves back to their roots of origin. The charts on which these tables are based are those recording the most ac- curate dissections of these nerves. They are, however, of positive rather than negative value and it is possible that a more extensive origin than here indicated was present in some of the plexuses here recorded. iss) Oo oO The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg 2. Variation in the Nerves of Distribution. The frequency of this variation is indicated in Table XXIV. Only those charts are used for tabulation which were based on the more accurate dissections of the distribution of the nerves to the muscles. Most frequently the nerve to the obturator internus muscle furnishes a branch to the superior gemellus muscle while that to the quadratus femoris muscle furnishes a branch to the inferior gemellus muscle. Occasionally a separate branch passes from the sacral plexus to the superior gemellus muscle. In distal forms of plexuses the nerve to the quadratus femoris muscle may furnish branches to both gemelli muscles. Not infrequently the branch to the quadratus femoris muscle is continued into the proximal portion of the adductor magnus muscle. This condition has been described by Wilson, 89. In one instance I have followed a branch to the M. obturator externus. VII. THE HAMSTRING MUSCLES. a. Hmbryonic Development. 1. General Features. In an embryo 11 mm. long (Plate III, Fig. 1) two branches from the tibial portion of the sciatic nerve represent nerves to the hamstring muscles. They terminate in a mass of tissue on the plantar side of the femur. The more proximal of the two nerves represents the proximal branches to the long head of the biceps and the semitendinosus ; the more distal nerve, that to the distal part of: the semitendinosus and the long head of the biceps and to the semimembranosus and adductor magnus muscles. In an embryo 14 mm. long (Plate VIII, Fig. 1) the various muscles mentioned are distinctly differentiated. But a single nerve branch is given to the sciatic portion of the adductor magnus (at this period a distinct muscle not closely fused with the obturator portion) and to the semimembranosus. ‘To the semitendinosus and to the long head of the biceps proximal and distal branches are given. About the terminus of each motor nerve the muscle differentiation is best marked. The tendi- nous attachments at each extremity of the muscles are indefinite. Proxi- mally they fuse with the ischial blastema. In an embryo 20 mm. long (Plate VIII, Fig. 3) the muscles of this group are attached by tendons to the skeleton. The obturator and sciatic portions of the adductor magnus have become fused. Charles R. Bardeen Bon 2. Individual Muscles. Adductor magnus.—See p. 313. That portion of this muscle which is attached to the distal end of the femur represents the praesemimem- branosus of the lower mammals and belongs primitively to the hamstring group. Semimembranosus.—This muscle arises from a special anlage in close association with that of the sciatic portion of the adductor magnus (Plate II, Fig. 3; Plate VIII, Fig. 1). The belly of the muscle becomes dis- tinct before the tendons. In an embryo of 20 mm. (Plate VIII, Fig. 3) there is a flat tendon of origin which is closely applied to the adductor magnus and which arises from the ischium. The tendon of insertion fuses with the tibial blastema near the back of the knee joint. The nerve enters near the center of the muscle belly. In the adult the nerve enters by several branches into the substance of the muscle about midway be- tween the tendinous attachments of the muscle bundles composing it. The superior branches curve upwards either on the surface or within the substance of the muscle. There is much individual variation in the exact mode of distribution of the branches of the nerve to this muscle. The semimembranosus is probably represented in urodeles by a part of the (caudali)-pubi-ischio-tibialis and in reptiles by a portion of the flexor tibialis internus. In most mammals it arises from the ischium or pubis, runs paral- lel with, and may be incompletely differentiated from the presemimembra- nosus, mentioned above in connection with the adductor magnus, and is inserted into the _ tibia. It may be fused with the semitendinosus. A. Forster, 03, has shown that although in the lower mammals the semi- membranosus is a flexor and may send a tendinous expansion to the plantar aponeurosis, in apes and monieys it is chiefly an internal rotator of the leg. In many mammals it is associated with a caudo-femoral (W. Leche) muscle which extends from the caudal vertebre to the distal end of the femur. In man it may be longitudinally doubled, may be partially fused with the adductor magnus or the semitendinosus and may arise from the ischial spine or the sacro-tuberosal ligament as well as from the tuber ischii. Semitendinosus.—This muscle is formed from two anlages, one of which is differentiated in close conjunction with the anlage of the ischial tuberosity, the other more distally. These anlages correspond with the two parts of the muscle found in the adult and to each a separate nerve is given (Plate VIII, Fig. 1). The anlages are visible in an embryo of 14 mm. and the muscle is well differentiated in one of 20 mm. (Plate VIII, Fig. 3). In the latter the tendinous inscription which subdivides the muscle is as distinctly marked as in later life. The tendon of in- sertion is inserted relatively more distally in the 20 mm. embryo than in the adult. The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg © (Se) CO In the embryo as in the adult a special nerve is given to each portion of the muscle. The nerve to the more proximal part arises from a more distal set of spinal nerves than that to the more distal part. It gives rise to branches which enter between the bundles of the proximal portion of the muscle about midway between the tendon of origin and transverse tendinous inscription. The more distal nerve enters the distal portion of the muscle by branches which have a similar distribution with respect to that portion. The semitendinosus is probably represented in urodeles in the (caudali)- pubi-ischio-tibialis and in reptiles by a portion of the flexor tibialis internus. In monotremes it arises with the semimembranosus from the tuber ischii, is inserted into the tibia, and is supplied both by the obturator and sciatic nerves. In the higher forms it is either single as in man, double as in several insectivores, or has two heads of origin, one of which usually springs from the tuber ischii, the other from the caudal vertebre. This last, accord- ing to W. Leche, is probably the most primitive condition. The tendinous inscription of the semitendinosus marks the region where the two heads join the common belly in this type of muscle. Humphrey believed the tendinous inscription to mark the place where in the lower vertebrates the caudo- crural joins somewhat perpendicularly the flexor musculature of the thigh. In most of the lower mammals and in all the apes the tendon of insertion sends fibrous expansions far down in the crural fascia and together with similar expansions from the biceps and gracilis helps to form a sheath for the tendon of Achilles (Parsons, 04). In man the semitendinosus and long head of the biceps sometimes arise independently from the ischium, a variation which is supposed by Le Double, 97, to be a reversion to a primitive condition in which the two muscles were quite independent. Klaatsch, 02, on the other hand, states that in the lowest mammals the muscles are more closely united than in the higher. In the human embryo the two muscles are closely united from their earliest differentiation and the union extends relatively more distal than in the adult. The semitendinosus may be more or less fused in the adult with the semi- membranosus or connected by fasciculi with the long head of the biceps. The semitendinosus in the embryo extends more distally in the crus than is normal in the adult. The fascial extension of the tendon in the adult is, however, frequently well marked and may be muscular (Gruber, 86). Proximally the semitendinosus in man may be reinforced by fasciculi from the pelvis or coccyx. These fasciculi may join the muscle at its tendinous inscription (Le Double). In the normal development I have found nothing that seems to represent a “latent” caudal head of the muscle. It is note- worthy that the proximal segment of the semitendinosus is innervated by a more distal set of spinal nerves than the distal segment (see above). The proximal end of the biceps is likewise innervated by a more distal set of spinal nerves than the distal end of that muscle. The proximal ends of these two muscles may therefore represent a caudo-femoral anlage shifted distally into the thigh. Charles R. Bardeen 339 Biceps, caput longum.—The long head of the biceps is differentiated from a special anlage which, near the ischial tuberosity, is closely fused with. that of the semitendinosus. This anlage is well marked in an embryo of 14 mm. (Plate VIII, Fig. 1) and the muscle is differen- tiated in one of 20 mm. (Plate VIII, Fig. 3). To the anlage in the -14 mm. embryo two nerves are given each of which is associated at its origin with corresponding nerves to the semitendinosus. In the 20 mm. embryo two nerves are likewise given to the muscle, but in this instance the nerves arise nearly in conjunction with one another from the tibial portion of the sciatic nerve. In the adult two nerves are commonly distributed to the muscle. One of these enters the proximal portion of the muscle, the other in the distal third. ‘The terminal branches of these nerves are distributed across the muscle bundles of the biceps about midway between their tendons of origin and insertion, but nearer the proximal than the distal tendon. The more distal nerve sends back recurrent branches across the muscle bundles when the more proximal nerve is absent or ill developed. Biceps, caput breve. See p. 332. The long head of the biceps or lateral crural flexor is probably repre- sented in the urodeles by the ischio-flexorius and in reptiles by the flexor tibialis externus. In the mammals it usually arises from the tuber ischii and is inserted into the tibia or into the fascia of the leg, often as far as the foot. In marsupials it arises from the tuber ischii and the caudal vertebre. In the carnivora and some of the other mammals it has occasionally a double origin. As in the case of the semitendinosus the caudal origin of this muscle is looked upon, however, by many investigators as a caudo-femoral muscle in- ‘serted into the lateral flexor rather than as a true head of the muscle. Ac- cording to Testut the long head of the biceps represents a muscle which primitively arose from the ilium and the coccyx. The sacrotuberosal liga- ment represents a transformation of that portion of the muscle which origi- nally extended between the ilio-sacro-caudal region and the present origin of the muscle from the tuber so that the ligament may be looked upon as the tendon of insertion of the muscle. In the human embryo the ligament de- velops after the anlages of the ischial tuberosity and the long head of the biceps: have appeared. It apparently is differentiated from the tuber ischii toward the ilium, sacrum, and coccyx. In the human adult fasciculi from the coccyx, sacrum, or sacrotuberosal ligament to the head of the biceps are frequent. The distal insertion of the muscle in most of the lower mammals takes place further down the leg than in man. In most of the lower mammals, according to Parsons, 04, aS mentioned above, extensions from the tendons of the semitendinosus, gracilis, and biceps into the crural fascia serve to form a sheath for the tendon of Achilles. According to A. Forster, 03, in foetuses the insertion of the biceps takes place into the sural fascia and even 23 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg 340 T W+wuy T qh I qe I vg + BL, ay Wt+uy I Qh as : I aL ene Wt+wy a. a aL +W+w Vy a q ‘RET I Wt+wy I qL+ad = ae s I Wt+uy I aL = if | qh a : W es Vv ; é si ro F vq % wm Vv é . = I E q “BET : I qh ; I ae as ; I oy I qaL+m+u vy T Boren: or () BL ba “qoueig 419 ioe “qourlg 4g ‘ae “qouelgd dF ae “TouBlg Pg ee “TOuBI_, PZ BAS “TOUBIg, IST “AXX WTEAVL “OALON OTFBIOG OY} JO UOTSIATG [VIQL], OY} WO OSTAV SOf[OSNL SuTIJSUIR|T OY 07 soyourag, 9} FOIA UT Taplg me ‘SNSOULRIQMISUITUIOS ‘fy OF YOuURIG = PW ‘sdodrq ‘WW JO peoy SuOo] 0} YoOuvrq [vutIxXOId = BET st ‘SNUSBU AOJONppR "| OJ YOuBIC = UY “SNSOUTPUOIIUIOS "PW JO JUSUIHOS [BISTP OJ YOuBIC = QL of *sdoorq ‘JW JO pvoy SuO[ OJ YouRrq [eIstTp = a “SNSOUTPUDJIUIOS “J JO JUOUISOS [BUUTXOAd 0) YOuBIg = BJ, Z | i W+ wv I q ‘ed I q ‘RL | e E- ' 1 W+ wy T | 40+q ‘va+er I ae I W+wy = as SS 4 ee P|) Woy I aL a sa seals A oe | new : i Lee {eb) | vo | se Ie | a I Wtuy ca ad g BL & | Re oy | jaa) is a 7 =a 7 a i. =a 7 | os | | z aL é Wt+ oy mM > ad = - ~*~ r a ie) a ¢ TA Ves ad las) a — ae ¢ | 4L+W+auVy] 8 BL 8 q ‘Ra i2 aL i] W+ wy ? |Qh+Wtuy | 8 q ‘vg + BL “ysuy| e qysuy] . “qsay : “\suyT : “qsa] E “qsuy . mi 5 eid MOMMEGUURES SILAS CRU GMELEEI MELE SG, ad MEMURGE UES Z ice, ROUWTE PS cong VES ENS oi qourtg, 4ST “panuywuog— AXX WIAViL 342 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg in young children the attachment to the head of the fibula is weak. In embryos of the third month the tendon of insertion of the biceps can be followed for some distance down the fibular side of the leg but there seems to be some attachment to the fibula. b. Nerve Supply. 1. Relations of the Nerves of the Muscles of the Hamstring Group to the Spinal Nerves. In the adult it is difficult to trace back with certainty to the spinal nerves the nerves distributed to these muscles. In general the special dissections which I have made have revealed conditions which correspond well with the data given by G. D. Thane in Quain’s Anatomy, Vol. III, Part II, p. 331, which in turn are based on data derived from Pater- son and Hisler. According to the description there given the nerve to the adductor magnus arises from the 4th and 5th lumbar nerves, that of the semimembranosus from the 4th and 5th lumbar and 1st sacral nerves. The two nerves of the semitendinosus arise from the 5th lumbar and Ist and 2d sacral nerves. I have found the inferior nerve arising from the 4th and 5th lumbar and 1st sacral, the superior from the 1st and 2d sacral nerves. The nerves for the long head of the biceps arise from the 1st, 2d, and 3d sacral nerves ; that of the short head of the biceps from the 5th lumbar and Ist, or Ist and 2d, sacral nerves. In Text Fig. 6 the re- lation of these nerves to the sciatic nerve is diagrammatically shown. A study of Plate III, Fig. 3, and Plate VIII, Figs. 1 and 3, will show that a distribution of spinal root fibres corresponding with this scheme would follow from the more direct paths to the muscle anlages open to fibres growing out from the sacral spinal nerves when the muscle anlages first appear. 2. Relation of the Nerves of the Hamstring Muscles to the Sciatic Nerve. To the semitendinosus and to the long head of the biceps, as a rule, two separate nerves are given, one going to the proximal the other to the middle or distal third of each muscle. Occasionally each of these nerves may be doubled and not infrequently the nerves to each muscle are combined for a part of their course in a common trunk. For the semimembranosus and adductor magnus as a rule a single branch springs ” from the sciatic nerve. This branch soon divides into separate branches for each muscle. The various nerves mentioned spring at varying heights from the sciatic nerve and are variously combined in the branches which spring from this nerve. In Table XXV the relative origins of the Oo Charles R. Bardeen Su! branches of the sciatic nerve are tabulated and there is shown the fre- quency with which the different combinations occurred in 34 plexuses. From this table it may be seen that the nerve to the proximal segment of the semitendinosus muscle is most frequently the first of these branches to arise. Very frequently this branch is associated with one or both of the branches distributed to the long head of the biceps. Often the latter branches are the first to arise from the sciatic nerve. Rarely the branch to the distal segment of the semitendinosus arises in common with that to the proximal segment. When the most proximal branch given off is that to the proximal segment of the semitendinosus the next branch is usually that to the long head of the biceps. The more distal of the branches to the long head of the biceps may arise low down from the sciatic nerve. ‘The nerve to the distal segment of the semitendinosus arises about on the level and often in common with the nerve to the adductor magnus and semimembranosus. VIII. PERONEAL MUSCLES. a. Embryonic Development. During the sixth week the anlage of the peroneal muscles becomes sep- arated from that. of the long extensors of the toes and the tibialis an- terior (Plate IX, Fig. 1). Between the two anlages runs the n. peroneus superficialis. The anlage of each peroneal muscle begins at the same time to become distinct. Schomburg, oo, has described a connection in early embryonic development between the peroneus brevis and the ex- tensor digitorum brevis. In the embryos of corresponding stages which I have examined the two muscles are distinctly separated as shown in Plate IX, Fig. 1. The m. peroneus longus occupies the more proximal and superficial position. It lies dorso-lateral to the upper end of the fibula. Its proxi- mal extremity is some distance from the tibia. The distal extremity is continued into a tendon which can be followed to the neighborhood of the base of the fifth metatarsal where it is lost in tissue not yet distinctly differentiated. In somewhat older embryos the tendon of the muscle may be followed as it develops across the sole of the foot toward the base of the first metatarsal. In an embryo 20 mm. long the tendon is intimately fused with the scleroblastema of the foot and can be distinctly followed only partially across the sole. In an embryo 30 mm. long the tendon can be followed to the first metatarsal, but it is considerably later than this when the tendon becomes free in its sheath. In an embryo 14 mm. long, 344 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg Plate IX, Fig. 1, the tendon passes lateral to the anlage of the lateral mal- leolus. In one of 20 mm. it passes behind this anlage (Plate IX, Fig. 2). Proximally in an embryo 20 mm. long (Plate IX, Fig. 2) the origin of the muscle extends to the lateral condyle of the tibia next to the attachment of the m. flexor digitorum longus. At this period the two heads characteristic of the adult muscle may be distinguished. A nerve may be seen entering the anlage of the peroneus longus in embryo CXLIV (Plate IX, Fig. 1) and in embryo XXII (Plate IX, Fig. 2) two nerves to the muscle may be seen. One of these enters the deep surface of the anterior head, the other passes distally into the pos- terior head. From the peroneal nerve as it passes beneath the muscle two branches usually arise in the adult. One of these passes to the central third of the anterior portion of the muscle, the other extends down across the middle third of the deeper muscle bundles which run obliquely from the fibula to the tendon of the muscle. The latter branch may arise from the n. peroneus superficialis and it may extend to supply the m. peroneus brevis. The M. peroneus brevis, (Plate IX, Figs. 1 and 2) arises proximally under cover of the peroneus longus and relatively higher up on the fibula than in the adult. It lies a httle more on the flexor side of the leg than the peroneus longus. When first developed the tendon of insertion of the muscle is closely associated distally with that of the m. peroneus longus. It hes somewhat near the m. extensor digitorum brevis, but, as mentioned above, I can find no such intimate union with this muscle as that which Schomburg describes as lasting till the third month of development. It is attached to the base of the fifth matacarpal in an embryo 20 mm. long (Plate IX, Fig. 2). In an embryo 14 mm. long (Plate IX, Fig. 1) a branch of the peroneal may be seen entering the muscle. In one 20 mm. long (Plate IX, Fig. 2) this branch may be readily followed beneath the peroneus longus to the peroneus brevis which here occupies a more distal position than in the 14 mm. embryo. In the adult the nerve may arise either from the distal nerve to the peroneus longus or from the n. peroneus superficialis. The nerve enters the proximal margin of the muscle and extends distally about midway between the origin and insertion of the constituent fibre bundles. In amphibians the femoro-fibularis, which extends from the lateral epicon- dyle of the femur to the fibula probably represents the peroneal musculature of the higher vertebrates. In the reptiles two peroneal muscles are recog: Charles R. Bardeen 345 nized, the peroneus anterior and peroneus posterior (Gadow, 82). The m. peroneus anterior extends in most forms from the proximal extremity of the fibula to the base of the fifth metatarsal. The peroneus posterior in croco- diles is more or less fused with the gastrocnemius and extends from the extensor musculature of the thigh to the calcaneus. In Hatteria and many saurians it is more or less fused with the peroneus anterior and extends from the lateral condyle of the femur to the outer side of the fifth metatarsal (Gadow, 82). In the mammals the peroneal group consists in most forms of three muscles, a peroneus longus, peroneus brevis, and peroneus extensorius. The peroneus longus may be inserted into the base of the fifth metatarsal or into various structures in the sole of the foot, as far as the base of the first metatarsal. In Ornithorhynchus the tendon of this muscle may be fol- lowed to this last insertion. The peroneus brevis and peroneus extensorius in Ornithorhynchus consti- tute a muscle, one part of which sends tendons to the extensor surface of the terminal phalanges of the first four toes, the other to that of the fifth toe. In marsupials the peroneus brevis is distinct from the peroneus ex- tensorius. The latter arises from the lateral condyle of the femur and from the fibula and sends tendons to the second and fifth toes. In rodents the peroneus extensorius sends tendons to the fourth and fifth toes. In carniv- ora it sends a tendon to the fifth toe. In some apes the peroneus exten- sorius is differentiated and sends a tendon to the fifth toe. In others it is not isolated from the peroneus brevis. In man a peroneus extensorius (peroneus quartus of Le Double) is not infrequently found as a variation under most diverse forms. Most frequently the tendon only is isolated and is inserted into the fifth metatarsal, cuboid, calcaneus, etc. The tendon of the peroneus brevis frequently sends expansions to the tendon of the fifth toe, that of the fourth toe, the metatarsal of the fourth toe, ete. In normal embryonic development, however, the peroneal musculature does not seem to become connected with the extensor tendon plate. b. Nerve Distribution. The nerves to the peroneal muscles probably arise from the more distal spinal nerves which go to form the peroneal nerve, but this cannot be satisfactorily determined by dissection. The nerves to the peroneal muscles (brevis and longus) may arise from the main trunk of the n. peroneus, from the n. peroneus superficialis, or from both. In 15 out of 20 instances a single branch passed from the n. peroneus superficialis to the peroneus brevis, in one instance two such nerves were given, in four instances the nerve arose from the more distal branch to the peroneus longus. In three instances out of 20 a single nerve branch ran from the n. peroneus to the peroneus longus muscle; in 8 instances two such branches. In four of these cases the second branch sent a nerve of supply to the 346 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg peroneus brevis. In four instances the nerves of supply of the peroneus longus arose from the n. peroneus superficialis (by one branch in one instance). In five instances a proximal branch (in one instance, two) arose from the n. peroneus and a more distal branch from the n. peroneus superficialis. In some of the instances above cited the nerves of supply subdivided before entering the muscle. IX. MUSCULATURE OF THE EXTENSOR SIDE OF THE CRUS AND FOOT. a. Embryonic Development. 1. General Features. Tn an embryo of 11 mm. (Plate III, Fig. 2) the peroneal nerve ex- tends over the dorsal surface of the limb-bud and ends in a mass of shghtly differentiated myogenous tissue, the anlage of the extensor muscles of the leg and foot. This anlage is more or less fused with the anlage of the peroneal muscles. In an embryo 14 mm. long (Plate IX, Fig. 1) the peroneal nerve has given rise to the nn. peroneus superficialis and profundus. The n. per- oneus profundus may be traced to the region between the bases of the first two metatarsals. Above and on each side of it may be distinguished muscle anlages representing the extensor muscles of the leg and foot. To these muscle anlages nerves are given as shown in the figure. The tendons of the extensor digitorum and extensor hallucis proprius are rep- resented by a sheet of tissue in which the segmentation is just beginning. The conditions here described correspond well with those pictured by Schomburg, 00, except in a few minor details to which attention is called in considering the development of the individual muscles. In an embryo of 20 mm. (Plate IX, Fig. 2) the individual muscles and their tendons, as well as the nerves distributed to them, indicate clearly relations corresponding in many features with those characteristic of the adult. 2. Individual Muscles. Tibialis anterior—The anlage of this muscle becomes distinct from the general dorsal myogenous sheet of the limb-bud during the sixth week. In an embryo of 14 mm. (Plate IX, Fig. 1) the muscle anlage is most distinctly differentiated in the region where the two nerves are extending into it. From here it may be followed distally into a broad tendon which fades out over the region of the first cuneiform and the base of the first metatarsal. In an embryo of 20 mm. (Plate IX, Fig. 2) Charles R. Bardeen 347 the muscle has made tendinous attachments which correspond with those of the adult and the chief nerve branches have extended for a considerable distance into the muscle. In the adult muscle as a rule several small branches extend into the upper extremity of the muscle and one or two large branches enter the middle third of the muscle. Within the muscle these branches run in intramuscular septa and are distributed chiefly across the middle third of the component muscle bundles. These run obliquely from their origin from the tibia and surrounding aponeurotic sheets to the tendon of inser- tion which arises high in the muscle. The anterior tibial muscle is probably represented in the urodeles by the femoro-tibial muscle which extends from the lateral epicondyle of the femur to the tibia and os tarsale tibiale and is more or less fused with the femoro- digital or long extensor muscle. In reptiles and mammals the anterior tibial is fairly constant in general relations. It arises in most mammals from the proximal end of the tibia and is inserted into the lateral side of the tarsus or into the first metatarsal. In many mammals, including monkeys and apes, the muscle is partially divided into two portions from one of which a tendon goes to the metatarsal of the big toe (abductor hallucis longus), the other to the first cuneiform. This division may affect merely the tendon of insertion or extend into the belly of the muscle. In man there is not in- frequently (25% of bodies, Le Double) a similar division of the terminal tendon but this rarely extends to the belly of the muscle. Schomburg, oo, describes a distinct division of the anlage of the tibialis anterior in the embryo into two parts, that toward the tibial side representing an abductor hallucis longus. This division does not appear in the embryos I have examined. Extensor digitorum longus.—From the central portion of the dorsal myogenous sheet the extensor digitorum longus and the extensor hailucis longus are differentiated simultaneously (Plate IX, Fig. 1). The ex- tensor digitorum occupies a position relatively more fibularwards than in the adult. It is broad and ends below in a broad flattened process, or tendon plate, at the center of the dorsum of the foot. There is no very distinct division into special tendons. Two nerve branches extend to the deep surface of the muscle where this overlies the n. peroneus profundus. Schomburg, oo, has described conditions in a six weeks embryo which do not differ very essentially from those here given. In an embryo of 20 mm. (Plate IX, Fig. 2) we find that tendinous attachments have extended to the digits from the tendon plate and that proximally the muscle has extended more toward the tibia. The nerve supply corresponds with that of the adult. In the adult as a rule two chief nerve branches arise from the n. 348 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg peroneus profundus. One of these runs to the muscle near its upper extremity and passes distally across the central third of the obliquely placed fibre bundles of the proximal portion of the muscle. The other branch leaves the n. peroneus profundus more distally, extends to the middle or lower third of the muscle and then distally across the middle third of the obliquely placed fibre bundles of the lower portion of the muscle and across the corresponding fibre bundles of the m. peroneus tertius. 'The two nerves may be bound up in one trunk or their place may be taken by a considerable number of branches, but in 9 cases out of 10 essentially the arrangement described may be found. The extensor digitorum longus and extensor hallucis longus are represented in urodeles by the femoro-fibule-digiti I-V which extends from the lateral epicondyle of the femur and from the fibula to the foot and thence by means of tendinous processes to the phalanges (Hoffmann). In reptiles the two muscles are probably also represented by the extensor digitorum longus which in most reptiles arises from the lateral epi-condyle of the femur and is inserted by tendinous slips into the bases of some of the metatarsals. In chelonians it is inserted by tendons into the phalanges (Gadow, 82). In the mammals the extensor digitorum and extensor hallucis are distinct in most forms. The extensor digitorum arises chiefly from the proximal part of the tibia and is united to the back of the toes by tendinous process which vary considerably in different forms (Ruge, 78). In man doubling of the digital tendons and aberrant tendon slips are very frequent (Le Double). Early in embryonic development, as we have seen above. the tendons are represented by a tendon plate. In the adult the tendons may be connected by an uninterrupted aponeurotic lamella or by tendinous slips, conditions normal in many of the lower mammals. Occasionally in man slips from the tendons of the long digital extensor pass to the first, fourth, or fifth meta- tarsals (Testut). This corresponds to the attachment of the extensor ten- dons to the metacarpals found in reptiles. In the human embryo the extensor tendon plate is at first connected with the metatarsal scleroblastema but is gradually separated from this as development proceeds. M. peroneus tertius.—Schomburg, oo, finds this muscle distinct from the extensor digitorum pedis longus even in the sixth week. In the two embryos in which I have made the most careful study of these muscles (144, length 14 mm., Plate IX, Fig. 1; and 22, length 20. mm., Plate IX, Fig. 2) I have been unable to find a sharp distinction between the two muscles, although the tendon of the peroneus tertius in embryo 22 is quite distinct from that of the extensor digitorum longus. Schomburg finds the tendon of the m. peroneus tertius runs at first toward the third “It is possible that the m. extensor hallucis proprius of reptiles is homo- logous with the extensor hallucis longus of mammals. It seems more likely that it should be classed with the dorsal pedal muscles. Charles R. Bardeen 349 metatarsal, but I have found no such condition in the embryos studied. The tendon when differentiated runs toward the fifth digit. The nerve supply of this muscle, described above in connection with the extensor digitorum longus, serves to support the contention of Gegenbaur that the m. peroneus tertius is but a differentiated portion of the extensor digitorum pedis longus. It varies greatly in size and is frequently fused with the m. extensor digitorum longus. Its tendon may terminate on the fourth metatarsal. Rarely a tendon shp is given to the extensor tendon of the little toe (Le Double). M. extensor hallucis longus. Even at an early stage this muscle may be distinguished from that of the m. extensor digitorum longus as Schom- burg, 00, has pointed out. Its tendon at first is fused with the tendon plate of the extensor digitorum longus (Plate IX, Fig. 1), but soon begins to acquire some independence (Plate IX, Fig. 2). The nerve of supply in embryos CXLIV and XXII enters the muscle near the center of its oblique tibial border. As a rule in the adult the nerve approaches the tibial border and passes distally across the oblique muscle bundles midway between their origin and insertion. This single trunk may, however, be replaced by two or more branches arising inde- pendently from the n. peroneus profundus. Variations in the muscle are most frequently found with respect to its tendon of insertion. The tendon may divide into two or more parts. In one instance it has been found sending a slip to the second toe. The body of the muscle may be more or less fused with that of the m. extensor digitorum longus. The extensor hallucis longus is to be looked upon as an especially differ- entiated deep portion of the extensor digitorum longus. Occasionally in man there is found arising from the fibula a special long extensor of the second toe (Gruber, 75). This is homologous with the extensor indicis proprius of the forearm. Chudzinski, 74, has described a deep extensor sending tendons to the first metatarsal, to the second and third, and to the fourth and fifth toes, an arrangement corresponding somewhat to one normal in several mammals (marmot, porcupine, beaver, Le Double). Both the extensor hallucis longus and the extensor digitorum longus are connected with the dorsal tendon plate in the embryo at an early stage. Normally a tendon for the first toe develops from the deep surface of this plate in con- nection with the extensor hallucis longus muscle, but the variations found in the adult show that the primitive tendon plate may be variously subdivided during embryonic development. The tendon of the extensor hallucis may send a tendon to the first metatarsal or to the second toe, ete. (W. Gruber, 75)- Mm. extensor digitorum brevis—This muscle becomes differentiated beneath the extensor tendon plate and is best developed on the fibular side 390 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg of the dorsum of the foot. At the end of the sixth week, as pointed out by Schomburg, the muscle mass is not differentiated into special parts (Plate IX, Fig. 1), but toward the end of the second month the bellies of which it is composed and their tendons begin to stand out distinctly (Plate IX, Fig. 2). The differentiation of the terminal tendons begins on the fibular side and extends toward the tibial. The nerve to this muscle mass arises at an early stage from the n. peroneus profundus and extends across its deep surface. In the adult this nerve extends across the component muscle bundles about midway between their tendons of origin and insertion. _ Extreme variability is shown in the form of this muscle in the adult. It may be absent or be reduced to two or three bundles or there may be an unusual development of the muscle and the differentiation into bellies corresponding to the digital tendons. The m. eat. hallucts brevis is the most frequently isolated of these bellies. The extensor digitorum brevis doubtless represents the remains of an intrinsic dorsal pedal musculature relatively better developed in urodeles and reptiles than in most mammals. In most urodeles (Ribbing, 06) and reptiles (Gadow, 82) the extensor tendons of the toes arise from these pedal muscles and the “extensor digitorum longus” tendons are inserted into the bases of certain of the metatarsals. The great variation in the development of the extensor digitorum brevis in man is well known. It seems to be rela- tively better developed in the embryo than in the adult. b. Nerve Distribution. The relations of the nerves supplying the muscles under consideration to the spinal nerves cannot be clearly made out by dissection. It is prob- able, however, that the nerves suppled to the more tibially situated muscles contain the greater number of the fibres springing from the 4th lumbar nerve, and the nerves passing to muscles situated most to the fibular side contain the greater number of fibres from the 1st sacral nerve. Variation in the Branches of Distribution Arising from the N. Peroneus Profundus. The nerve to the extensor digitorum brevis seems to be constant in its general relations, although the height at which it springs from the main trunk varies greatly. The nerves to the remaining muscles show considerable variation owing to the fact that the nerves to a given muscle may arise as suc- cessive branches from the main nerve trunk or they may be combined Charles R. Bardeen B51 into a single nerve of distribution which has a proximal origin-and as it passes distally gives off successive branches which pass to the middle third of the obliquely placed fibre bundles comprising the muscle. Usually the nerve to the peroneus tertius arises in common with the nerve that is distributed to the more distal portion of the m. extensor digitorum longus. The following table, XX VI, shows the number of branches which passed in 20 instances from the main trunk to each of the muscles under consideration. Often a branch subdivides before entering the muscle. In the part treating of the individual muscles the most frequent form of nerve distribution for each muscle is described. TABLE XXVI. Tibialis anterior. No. of instances. ISDE ALOLpLroxamealy portion: a br atocenter Of Muscles. a.eccaecietes a 2 OES. .to proximal portion. li br. to) center of muscles... .aaseeee 6 iD EamcORDLOxXTmall pOLtIOnN= 172, DES-sco) Center ot musclerei..-..aaece ne 3 2 DES) to) proximal portion. 2° brs. to center of muscle.....2.2.-.-.- 4 20 The branches to the proximal portion are closely associated with an articular branch to the knee and in almost all instances arise from the peroneal nerve trunk before the n. peroneus pro- fundus separates from the n. peroneus superficialis. Extensor digitorum longus (e. d. 1.) and peroneus tertius (p. t.). 1 br. to proximal portion e. d. 1. 1 br. to central area e. d. 1. and Depa espero she avae tees < lenrcwey on onave tevscucuche ei cyavelsreh Gre oo Otebis: ais so erelic sherlon eimai te are Bhaterse 8 HMO Teele @ eusCl Sele tare se Wen egiwa yous poi eictevcievahosnttte caus. 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BLP ED TseT AG Ma Saeey aie steel oh sotay choee, aeaiechevtcl ste chtohen see ake vert oiolic alos al ote ales etre@\ eis''s: snes Peouaboys 11 MMT REL CIOS tesiere ir stay ern ro oko loysiceen ee teteiaie le teranes sleteie rouciel ovo) oto meole ladle dre cste sual siatala 4 MOT ATCC Sime pepcric eecce en ll cc ueaehey eotaeanenete kaka enertc rote onos cialis retlep deel seepal aude, stlanaietusis 4 Branch arose: wath) distal branch! to ext; dic Jomeusi..2..:..2......6. i 20 *1TIn one instance two separate branches to p. t.; in one, one branch to p. t.; in three instances p. t. not present. (SW) Or ww The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg X. MUSCULATURE OF THE PLANTAR SIDE OF THE CRUS AND FOOT. a. General Features. In an embryo 11 mm. long (Plate ITI, Fig. 1) the tibial nerve divides below the knee inte two branches. Of these that on the tibial side rep- resents the medial plantar, that on the fibular side the lateral plantar nerve. The lateral plantar branch descends to the tarsus, the medial plantar nerve not so far distally. Near the knee a mass of slightly differentiated tissue lying superficial to the nerve represents the gastrocnemius-soleus group of muscles. Beneath the nerves beyond this region a mass of slightly differentiated tissue represents probably the anlage of the deep muscles of the calf and possibly of some of the muscu- lature of the sole of the foot. In an embryo 14 mm. long (Plate IX, Figs. 3 and 4) the muscles of the plantar side of the leg are so far differentiated that the individual muscles can be fairly clearly made out. In the drawing for the sake of definiteness the outlines of these muscles are made diagrammatically sharp but the main relations shown are true to the conditions found in the embryo. Two groups of muscles may be distinguished, a superficial lateral group composed of the gastrocnemius, soleus, and plantaris; and a deep more medially placed group consisting of the flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus, the popliteus, and the tibialis posterior. The gastrocnemius group is connected by a mass of tissue with the blastema of the calcaneus. The two long flexor muscles are connected by condensed tissue with a flat aponeurotic “ foot-plate” from which tendinous processes extend to the blastema of the metatarsals and toes. The medial and lateral plantar nerves extend independently from the region of the knee to the foot. Near where they arise there is a plexi- form arrangement of the fibres of the tibial nerve and from the back of this plexus arise the nerves to the deep muscles of the back of the leg and to the deep surface of the soleus muscle. The nerves to the gastroc- nemius-soleus group, with the exception just mentioned, arise from the plantar surface of the tibial nerve proximal to where this changes its course from the thigh into the leg. In the foot the medial plantar nerve spreads out superficial to the pedal aponeurosis while the lateral plantar nerve crosses medially beneath it. Along the course of the medial plantar “In the article by Bardeen and Lewis, o1, the two divisions of the tibial nerve are represented combined into a single trunk too far distally. Charles R. Bardeen BoD nerve in the foot a mass of slightly differentiated tissue represents prob- ably the anlage of the musculature subsequently innervated by this nerve. The general relations of the plantar nerves at this period are strikingly similar in many ways to the plantar nerves in the crus of the lower mammals as recently pictured by McMurrich in this journal (04) and offer analogies with types there pictured by him for the lower vertebrates. The chief differ- ence between the nerves of the plantar side of the crus of mammals and that of the reptiles and amphibia is, as McMurrich has pointed out, the path for the fibers going to the medial side of the foot. In the mammals the nerve fibers take a course superficial to the deep muscles of the crus; in the inferior vertebrates they take a course in part beneath the deep muscles. In the amphibia and reptiles the nerve fibers for the medial side of the foot are more or less bound up with the nerves to the deepest muscles of the crus; in the mammals they are more or less bound up with nerves to the more superficial muscles. The nerve for the lateral side of the foot runs in most forms between the superficial and the deep musculature of the crus. In an embryo 20 mm. long (Plate IX, Figs. 5 and 6) the various muscles of the plantar side of the leg are much more highly differentiated than in the 14 mm. embryo. The soleus and gastrocnemius muscles have begun to extend tibialwards over the tibial nerve. The tendon of Achilles is well differentiated. The long flexor muscles are attached to an aponeurosis from which tendons extend to the digits. The poplteus muscle is clearly marked. The tibialis posterior is inserted into the side of the skeleton of the foot near the base of the first digit. In the foot the anlages of most of the intrinsic muscles can be distinguished but here the muscles are but incompletely differentiated. A group of muscles innervated by the lateral plantar nerve is to be distinguished from one innervated by the medial plantar nerve. The lateral and medial plantar nerves in this embryo are fused into a common trunk as far as the ankle. The nerves to the gastrocnemius- soleus group arise from the plantar surface of the tibial nerve in the thigh. To the deep surface of the soleus, however, a branch is given which arises from the deep surface of the tibial nerve in the leg. From this surface arise the nerves for the deep muscles of this region. In the foot the distribution of nerve branches to the muscles corresponds with that found in the adult. b. Embryonic Development and Variation in the Nerve Supply in the Adult of Each of the Chief Groups of Muscles. The development of the individual muscles of the back of the leg and foot can best be followed by taking them up according to the groups 304 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg which develop from common anlages. We shall therefore first take up the gastrocnemius-soleus group, then the deep musculature of the back of the leg, then the musculature innervated by the lateral plantar, and finally that innervated by the medial plantar nerve. The nerve supply of the muscles of the back of the crus is taken up after treating the em- bryonic development of the two sets of muscles in this region; the nerve supply of the plantar musculature is taken up after considering the differentiation ot the plantar muscles. 1. Development of the Gastrocnemius-soleus Group. M. gastrocnemius.—As pointed out by Schomburg, oo, the lateral por- tion of the flexor plate of the leg gives rise to the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. The anlage of the gastrocnemius is the more lateral and superficial of the two muscles and shows two incompletely separated heads (Plate IX, Fig. 3). These heads are connected by a fairly dense tissue with the anlage of the calcaneus but do not extend across the tibial nerve to the femur. During the latter half of the second month the heads of the gastrocnemius develop rapidly. In an embryo of 20 mm. (Plate IX, Fig. 5) the lateral head of the gastrocnemius has formed a tendinous attachment above the lateral condyle of the femur while the medial head has not yet quite reached its final destination. The nerves to the gastroc- nemius enter each head of the muscle soon after the anlages appear. The nerves may be readily distinguished in an embryo of 20 mm. (Plate IX, Fig. 5). In the adult the fibre bundles of each head of the gastrocnemius take an oblique and nearly parallel, though somewhat diverging, course from the tendons of origin to the tendon of insertion. The nerve to each head enters about the middle third of the superior margin of the muscle and its main branches take a course distally across the obliquely running fibre bundles, a course corresponding to the course of the nerve in the embryo. M. soleus—The anlage of this muscle is closely associated with that of the gastrocnemius. It hes beneath and projects beyond the tibial margin of the gastrocnemius (Plate IX, Fig. 4). It arises on the upper end of the fibula and distally extends into an anlage of the tendon of Achilles. At first it is as large as the gastrocnemius. During subsequent development it extends over the posterior tibial nerve to be attached to the tibia. This attachment is not completed in an embryo of 20 mm. (Plate IX, Fig. 6). The nerves for the muscle arise at an early stage as shown in Plate IX, Fig. 4. Their distribution in an embryo of 20 mm. is shown in Plate IX, Fig. 6. Charles R. Bardeen In the adult the superior nerve te the soleus enters the superficial sur- face near the superior border and divides into two main branches, one for the tibial and one for the fibular side. The inferior nerve to the soleus divides, usually before it enters the muscle, into two branches, one for the distal portion of the fibular, the other for the distal portion of the tibial side of the muscle. From both nerves branches may usually be followed both to the main body of the muscle and to the specialized bi-pennate portion visible on its deep surface. . M. plantaris—According to Schomburg, oo, the anlage of this muscle arises proximal to the soleus and on the tibial side of the gastrocnemius. In embryo CXLIV, length 14 mm., the muscle mass is not clearly differ- entiated from the anlages of the soleus and gastrocnemius but what I TABLE XXVII. Amphibia. Lacertilia. Opossum. Higher Mammals. Plantaris sup. med. Gastrocnemius med. | Gastrocnemius med. {Gastrocnemius, cap. int., Gadow.] Plantaris sup. med. [Ischio-flexorius, Hotffmann.] Plantaris sup. lat. [Gastrocnemius, cap. ext., Gadow.] Gastrocnemius lat. | Gastrocnemius lat. Plantaris sup. lat. Plantaris sup. access. {Femoral head sup. [Flex. long. dig., cap. | Plantaris. Plantaris. flexor.] fem., Gadow. | Plantaris sup. tenuis. Popliteus. {[Flex. long. dig., cap. (Sup. portion) access., Gadow.] Plantaris prof. ITI. [Flex. subl. dig., Hoffmann. ] Gastrocnemius lat. Soleus. Plantaris prof. IT. [Fem. fib. metatars. Plantaris profundus III-II [Flex. long. dig., cap. int., Gadow.] (Soleus portion.) Flexor fibularis. Flexor fibularis. I-III. Hoffmann.] take to be the anlage of the plantaris is a small mass of tissue situated anterior to the main soleus mass and partly covered by the gastrocnemius (Plate IX, Fig. 4). Even in embryo XXII, length 20 mm., the muscle cannot be made out distinctly. I have represented in Plate LX, Fig. 6, what I take here to be the anlage of the plantaris muscle. It is closely associated with the lateral head of the gastrocnemius. No traces of the tendon were found in the early embryos I have studied, nor did Schom- burg find any in the leg reconstructed by him. Comparative anatomy of the gastrocnemius-soleus growp.—MecMurrich in this journal has recently (04) given an important account of the compara- tive anatomy of the crural flexors from the standpoint of muscle layers as seen in cross-section. He tabulates the relationships of the gastrocnemius- soleus group as shown in Table XXVII. 24 356 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg In the development of the human embryo it has been shown that two fairly distinct chief myogenous regions are to be distinguished on the plantar side of the crus and that one of these gives rise to the gastrocnemius-soleus group, the other to the deeper muscles of the back of the leg. Both BHisler (1895) and MecMurrich have performed a distinct service in again emphasizing that in the vertebrate series a superficial plantar musculature of the crus is to be distinguished from a deep plantar musculature. In many mammals, at: least, including man, the two layers of musculature are separated by a fascial septum which passes from the fibular to the tibial side of the leg and in which run the main nerves and blood-vessels of the back of the crus. In the reptiles also there appears to be a similar fairly distinct division between the super- ficial and the deep plantar muscles of the crus. In them, however, tne muscles called plantaris superficialis tenuis and plantaris superficialis accesso- rius by McMurrich seem to be related proximally to the superficial muscuia- TABLE XXVIII. Urodela. Reptilia. | Marsupalia. Man. : t | Crural Tendon of Fascial Insertions eee SEE SIS Ischio Flexorius. | , = of Biceps, Semiten- flex. tib. ext. of Flexors of Knee. 3 me | dinosus and Gracilis. Plantaris sup. med. Gastrocnemius med.} Gastrocnemius med. Plantaris sup. | minor, (Hisler.) | | [Plant. prof. ITI, minor, Mc.M.] | Plantaris sup. ten- Plantaris. Plantaris. J uis. Plantaris sup. | major, (Hisler). {Plant. prof. III, Mc. M.j | || Plantaris sup. lat. Gastrocnemius lat. Gastrocnemius lat. Plant. sup. lat. (Me. M.) J|| Plantaris sup. ac- Soleus (all but deep cess. portion.) ture while distally they are inserted into the deep musculature. The plan- taris superficialis tenuis lies chiefly superficial to, the plantaris superficialis accessorius, chiefly deeper than the nerve trunks which correspond with the nn. plantaris medialis and lateralis of the mammals (rr. superficiales medialis and lateralis of McMurrich). In the amphibia there seems to be a distinct division between the deeper musculature and a superficial group of muscles composed of the muscles called by McMurrich the plantaris superficialis medialis, the plantaris superficialis lateralis and the plantaris profundus I1J1. Comparing the conditions found during embryonic development of the human crus with those present in the legs of the lower mammals and inferior verte- brates I should prefer to rearrange McMurrich’s table as shown in Table XEXCVTT, It seems probable that the muscles into which the superficial musculature of the plantar surface of the crus becomes divided are not perfectly homo- logous in the amphibia, reptiles, and mammals, although there are some obvious similarities. Charles R. Bardeen 3a In the mammals the homologies seem more certain. McMurrich considers the medial head of the gastrocnemius to be a muscle primitively distinct from the lateral head. He bases this conclusion on the fact that in many of the lower mammals each head forms a distinct muscle. The ontogeny of the muscle in man indicates that the two heads are derived from an anlage situ- ated on the fibular side of the leg. The twisting of the tendon of Achilles may be explained by the shifting which the muscle undergoes during onto- geny. Embryological development in man supports the idea advocated by McMurrich that the plantaris is a derivative of the deeper portion of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius. When absent it is likely that this separa- tion has failed to take place during ontogeny. In many mammals it is not differentiated (several edentates, carnivora, etc.) ; in others, especially in some rodents (Leche), it is highly developed. The soleus is considered by McMur- rich to be derived from the profundus musculature of the crus. It seems to me likely that the deep portion of the soleus, innervated by the distal nerve to that muscle may be thus derived from the profundus musculature although I have been able to distinguish no such special anlage in the development of the muscle in man. In the monotremes the soleus is bound up with the lateral head of the gastrocnemius. This arises from the epiphysial process of the fibula. It forms a part of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius in marsupials, in most edentates, in the chiroptera and galeopithecide, several carnivora, ungulates, and prosimians (Leche). The great number of mam- mals in which it is thus undifferentiated as a distinct muscle indicates strongly that its phylogenetic as well as its ontogenetic origin is, in the main at least, from an anlage common to it and the gastrocnemius. LHisler, g5, regards it as derived from the gastrocnemius lateralis. The variations in the muscles of the soleus-gastrocnemius group in man seem to be essentially due to a greater or less separation of the original an- lage into independent muscles. The fascial extension of the biceps, semi- tendinosus and gracilis, which I take to represent the plantaris superficialis medialis (McMurrich) of the amphibian crus, may be muscular instead of tendinous and may be somewhat fused to the gastrocnemius. 2. Development of the Deep Muscles of the Back of the Crus. a. M. Popliteus—In an embryo 14 mm. long (Plate IX, Fig. 4) I have been unable to distinguish clearly a popliteus muscle. The anlage of the muscle doubtless lies in the dense tissue posterior to the tibial nerve and proximal to the anlage of the m. tibialis posterior. There is a differentiation of tissue there which indicates this. This tissue is out- lined in the drawing. In an embryo of 20 mm. (Plate IX, Fig. 6) the muscle is well defined, has the skeletal relations characteristic of the adult and at its distal border there enters a well marked nerve of supply. Schomburg does not mention this muscle in his article. In the adult the nerve usually enters the muscle near the center of its distal edge. Often some of the branches of this nerve extend into the 358 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg posterior surface of the muscle. Rarely a slender second branch enters the superior margin of the muscle (2 in 25 instances). The place of the popliteus is taken in the lower mammals, the amphibia and reptiles by an interosseous muscle, pronator tibie, which passes obliquely from the fibula to the tibia. A popliteus muscle corresponding essentially to that of man is found in nearly all mammals except the monotremes and marsupials. A popliteus in addition to a pronator tibie is likewise described for Myrmecobius (Leche). The popliteus is said to be absent in most chirop- tera (Leche). In the dog in addition to the popliteus there is a small fibulo- tibial muscle in the proximal part of the interosseous space. A similar muscle (the peroneo-tibialis, Gruber) has been found in a number of mammals and not infrequently as a variation in man (128 times out 860 instances, Gruber). It seems probable that the popliteus is an especially differentiated portion of the fibulo-tibial muscle of the lower vertebrates, and that its origin has ex- tended from the fibula to the lateral condyle of the femur. LHisler, g5, considers it homologous with the brachialis anterior of the arm. According to McMurrich the muscle in the mouse receives two nerve branches, one asso- ciated with that for the soleus from the “internal popliteal stem,” the other from the deep muscle nerve of the crus. The former is supplied to the more tibial oblique-fibered portion of the muscle, the latter to the more vertical fibular portion. From these facts McMurrich concludes that the popliteus is a compound muscle consisting of a portion derived from the “ plantaris super- ficialis’”’ and a portion which represents a part of the pronator tibie of the marsupials and the interosseous of the lower vertebrates. That it is there- fore similar to the pronator teres of the arm. While this may be true of the muscle in some of the mammals it does not seem to be true for the muscle as it is found in man. A double innervation is infrequent in man. During embryonic development the muscle appears to come from a single anlage which lies deeper than the tibial nerve. Gordon Taylor and Victor Bonney, o5, conclude that the popliteus is homologous with the deep por- tion of the pronator teres while the superficial portion of the pronator teres is homologous with the gastrocnemius. Occasionally in man a second head may arise medially from above the lateral condyle. This may possibly be equivalent to the superficial portion of the pronator teres. According to Le Double the m. popliteus biceps coincides frequently with the absence of the plantaris. b. Deep cruro-pedal group. M. flexor hallucis longus.—The anlage of this muscle is distinct from those of the other muscles of the calf in an embryo of 14 mm. (Plate IX, Figs. 3 and 4). Lateral to the anlage lies the caleaneus, the tendon of Achilles and the distal end of the soleus. On the tibial side it slightly overlaps the anlage of the tibialis posterior. Proximally it extends nearly to the head of the fibula. It lies beneath the n. plantaris lateralis which in this embryo separates high up from the n. plantaris medialis. Distally it terminates in an aponeurosis common Charles R. Bardeen 359 to it and the m. flexor digitorum longus. The nerve enters the proximal extremity of the muscle anlage. In an embryo 20 mm. long (Plate IX, Figs. 5 and 6) the muscle occu- pies a relatively somewhat more proximal position and is somewhat more under cover of the soleus. It is attached to the blastema of the shaft of the fibula and distally is inserted into the deep surface of the plantar aponeurosis. The nerve runs along and enters the tibial margin of the muscle. In the adult the nerve or nerves to the muscle run along its tibial margin or deep surface and send twigs into its substance. M. flexor digitorum lonyus—This is differentiated from an anlage medial to that of the m. flexor hallucis longus. In the 14 mm. embryo (Plate IX, Fig. 3) it lies beneath the n. plantaris medialis which gives two branches to the upper extremity of the anlage. The muscle extends into a somewhat irregular plantar aponeurosis of which mention has been made in connection with the m. flexor hallucis longus. The tendons are partially differentiated. ‘The anlage of the muscle nearly covers that of the m. tibialis posterior. Schomburg found in the leg he reconstructed that the tibial side of the muscle had not reached the tibia. In embryo CXLIV this is also true. The tibial attachment has begun to take place in embryo XXII, length 20 mm. (Plate 1X, Fig. 5). In this embryo also the pedal aponeurosis has become still further differentiated into tendons, but it is not yet possible to distinguish clearly the tendons be- longing to the fibular flexor (flexor hallucis longus) from those belong- ing to the tibial flexor (flexor digitorum longus). ‘Two nerves enter the muscle on its superficial surface. One of these extends to the fibular side of the muscle, the other to the tibial side. A similar arrangement is usually found in the adult. M. tibialis posterior—This muscle is formed from the deeper layer of the tibial portion of the flexor anlage near the lateral portion of the lower half of the tibia (Plate IX, Fig. 4). Its tendon is differentiated early and may be followed to the anlage of the navicular. In subsequent de- velopment, as pointed out by Schomburg, it develops in a proximal and lateral direction (Plate IX, Fig. 6). Its nerve enters near the tibial border of the anlage. In the adult the nerve enters the posterior surface of the muscle in its proximal third and gives off one or two branches for the tibial fasciculus. The main trunk descends across the centers of the fasciculi arising from the fibula. Comparative anatomy of the deep plantar muscles of the crus.—Hisler, 95, and MecMurrich, 04, consider that the flexor fibularis (hallucis) is derived from a layer primarily superficial to the layer from which the flexor 360 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg tibialis (digitorum) and tibialis posterior are derived. McMurrich* bases this idea chiefly on the supposition that the flexor fibularis is supplied by the equivalent of the ramus superficialis medialis, while the flexor tibialis is sup- plied from the ramus profundus. In man, at least, the nerves passing to the two muscles are very frequently bound up for some distance in a common trunk. The flexor tibialis and tibialis posterior seem, however, to be more intimately connected during ontogeny than is either of these muscles with the flexor fibularis. In many mammals the tibialis posterior is absent (Leche). In these it may be undifferentiated from the flexor tibialis. On the other hand in several mammals the tibialis posterior is doubled, the deeper portion sending a tendon to various structures in the tarsus, or even to the base of the first phalanx of the big toe (Le Double, 97). The inti- mate relations between the tibial and fibular flexors are revealed by the fasciculi which so frequently have been found passing from one to the other as well as by their tendons (see Le Double, g7). The tibial and fibular flexors are inserted primarily into a deep plantar aponeurosis in which tendons are developed in accordance with varied func- tions of the foot and digits (Keith, 94). The arrangement of the tendons varies greatly in different forms. In many forms the flexor tibialis is rudi- mentary. In the chiroptera it is highly developed. For the variation of the tendons in the anthropoids and man see Le Double, 97. 3. Nerve Supply of the Muscles of the Back of the Crus in the Adult. a. Relation of Muscle Branches to the Spinal Nerves. The difficulty of tracing these nerves back to their sources from the spinal nerves is so great that no statistical study of the subject has been attempted. It is evident, however, that the main bulk of the nerve fibres distributed to the gastrocnemius-soleus group has in general a somewhat more distal origin than those going to the deep muscles of the calf. The special dissections which I have made serve in the main to support the spinal nerve origins given in Quain’s Anatomy. These are as follows: popliteus, 4th and 5th lumbar, 1st sacral; soleus, 5th lumbar, 1st and 2d sacral; gastrocnemius, lst and 2d sacral; deep musculature of the calf, 5th lumbar, 1st and 2d sacral. The nerve to the plantaris is given as arising from 4th and 5th lumbar and 1st sacral, but the 5th lumbar, 1st and 2d sacral nerves seem to be the more probable sources of supply. * According to McMurrich the flexor tibialis and tibialis posterior of the mammals are represented in the reptiles (Lacertilia) and amphibia (uro- deles) by the plantaris profundus I (tibialis posterior of Gadow). The flexor fibularis is according to this author derived from a portion of the plantaris profundis III-II of reptiles (flexor longus digitorum, caput internum, Gadow) and the plantaris profundus II of the urodeles (femoro-fibule-metatarsales I-III, Hoffmann). Charles R. Bardeen 361 b. Order of Origin from the Tibial Nerve. The most proximal branches given off are those to the gastrocnemius, the proximal branch to the soleus and the nerve to the plantaris muscle. Out of 19 instances the nerve to the plantaris was the most proximal branch in 9, the nerves to the gastrocnemius in 9, and in one instance the nerve to the plantaris, in conjunction with the branch to the lateral head of the gastrocnemius and the proximal nerve to the soleus. Usually the nerve to the medial head of the gastrocnemius arises slightly proximal to that to the lateral head. The latter arises near or in conjunction with the proximal nerve to the soleus muscle. Next distal to the nerves to the plantaris and gastrocnemius muscles and the proximal nerve to the soleus arise the nerves to the popliteus and posterior tibial muscles. These nerves often arise from a common branch. When they arise separately the nerve to the poplitus is the more proximal in the great majority of instances. Next distal usually comes the distal nerve to the soleus, although this nerve may arise proximal to the nerve to the tibialis posterior or in con- junction with this. Then follow the nerves to the flexor digitorum longus and to the flexor hallucis Jongus. The two latter frequently arise from a common trunk which may also be combined with the distal nerve to the soleus. The nerve to the flexor hallucis is almost always the most distal in origin of the nerves under consideration, but occasionally a distal branch to the flexor digitornm longus has a more distal origin (in two instances out of 34). c. Relation to One Another of the Nerves to the Muscles. Nerve to plantaris.—In all but one out of 21 instances the nerve to the plantaris muscle arose independently from the tibial nerve. In this in- stance it arose in conjunction with the nerve to the lateral head of the gastrocnemius and the proximal nerve to the soleus muscle. In one instance two nerves could be traced to the plantaris. Nerve to medial head of gastrocnemius.—In one instance out of 35 two separate parallel branches passed into this head. Occasionally near its origin from the tibial nerve the nerve to the medial head of the gastroc- nemius is bound up for a short distance with that to the lateral head. Nerve to the lateral head of the gastrocnemius.—Out of 35 instances in 20 this nerve arose independently or in conjunction with that to the medial head from the posterior tibial; in 14, in conjunction with the proximal nerve to the soleus and in one in conjunction with the proximal nerve to the soleus and the nerve to the plantaris. 362 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg Proximal branch to soleus—Out of 35 instances in 20 this branch arose independently, in 14 it arose in conjunction with the nerve to the lateral head of the gastrocnemius, and in one in conjunction with the nerve to the lateral head of the gastrocnemius and the nerve to the plantaris. The above nerves form a group, the trunks of which may be more or Jess united with one another, but not with those of the following set. Nerve to the popliteus.—This nerve arose independently in 15 out of 26 instances. In 10 instances it arose in conjunction with the nerve to the tibialis posterior and in one, with the distal nerve to the soleus and the nerve to the tibialis posterior. In two instances a secondary branch entered the superior edge of the muscle. Halbertsma, 47, described a nerve which arises in the popliteal space, gives rami to the popliteus and posterior tibial muscles, and is continued distally, partly in the substance of the interosseous membrane, to the inferior tibio-fibular articulation. It gives branches to the superior tibio-fibular articulation, to the tibia and the interosseous membrane. When the nerves to the popliteus and tibialis posterior arise separately this nerve is continued distally either from nerve to the popliteus or, more rarely, from that to the tibialis posterior. McMurrich, o4, considers this branch to represent the important ramus profundus of amphibia and reptiles. This supplies the deep muscles of the plantar surface of the crus and is continued into the foot as the internal plantar nerve. In the lower mammals it ends at the ankle. In man another nerve arises from the nerve to the deep muscles and passes distally along the course of the peroneal vessels to the ankle. It gives branches to the shaft of the fibula and the medullary artery.” Nerve to the tibialis posterior—Out of 38 instances in 20 the nerve arose independently, in 5 it arose in conjunction with the nerve to the popliteus. In 5 instances it arose in two branches, one of which in each instance was associated with the nerve to the popliteus while the other in one instance was independent, in one was associated with the nerve’ to the flexor digitorum longus and in three with the distal nerve to the soleus muscle. In 4 instances the nerve to the tibialis posterior was associated with the distal branch to the soleus, in 3 with the nerves to the flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus muscles, and in one instance with the distal nerve to the soleus and with the nerve to the flexor digitorum and flexor hallucis. Distal nerve to the soleus—Out of 37 instances, in 20 this nerve arose independently. In 7 it arose in conjunction with a nerve to the posterior tibial muscle; in 4, in conjunction with one to the flexor digitorum longus ** Rauber, cited by G. D. Thane, Quain’s Anatomy, 10th ed. Charles R. Bardeen 363 and flexor hallucis longus muscles; in 3, in conjunction with the nerve to the flexor hallucis muscle; in one in conjunction with that to the flexor digitorum ; in one, in conjunction with that to the popliteus and posterior tibial muscles; and in one in conjunction with a nerve to the posterior tibial, flexor digitorum and flexor hallucis muscles. Nerve to the flexor digitorum longus. Out of 36 instances, in 20 the nerve arose independently, in 6 of these by two separate branches; in 6 instances it arose in conjunction with the nerve to the flexor hallucis muscle; in 4 others, in conjunction with this and the distal nerve to the soleus. In three instances it arose in conjunction with the nerve to the flexor hallucis and that to the tibialis posterior muscle; in one, in con- junction with that to the tibialis posterior; in one, in conjunction with the distal nerve to the soleus; and in one, with the nerve of the tibialis posterior and flexor hallucis and the distal nerve to the soleus. Nerve to the flexor hallucis muscle—Out of 85 instances, in 18 the nerve arose independently, in two of these by two separate branches. In six instances the nerve arose in conjunction with the nerve to the flexor digitorum longus muscle; and in 4 other instances, in conjunction with this and the distal nerve to the soleus. In three instances it arose in conjunction with the distal nerve to the soleus; in three, in conjunction with the nerve to the flexor digitorum and tibialis posterior; and in one, in conjunction with the distal nerve to the soleus and the nerves to the tibialis posterior and flexor digitorum longus. 4. Development and Innervation of the Muscles Supplied by the Lateral Plantar Nerve. To this group belong the quadratus planta, the abductor, flexor brevis, and opponens digiti quinti, the interossei, and the three lateral lumbrical muscles. M. quadratus plante.—The anlage of this muscle appears in a 14 mm. embryo (Plate IX, Fig. 4) medial to the lateral plantar nerve as this curves about the tuber calcanei. Schomburg, oo, describes it in about the same position, but fused with the flexor hallucis longus at a nearly corresponding stage. In the 14 mm. embryo the nerve to the muscle is not distinct but in a 20 mm. embryo (Plate IX, Fig. 6) a well marked nerve enters its superficial surface from the deep surface of the lateral plantar nerve as this crosses the muscle. The muscle can readily be traced from the calcaneus to the deep surface of the plantar aponeurosis. In the adult the nerve to the quadratus plente arises from the lateral plantar nerve near the medial margin of the muscle and crosses on or 364 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg near the superficial surface of the muscle about midway between its origin and insertion and parallel with the tendon of the flexor digiti quinti longus. I have never seen the nerve for this muscle arise from the medial plantar nerve as described in the anatomy of Poirier and Charpy. In the adult this muscle is frequently reinforced by a fasciculus which may arise from either of the bones of the crus, from one of the deeper muscles of the crus, from the deep muscle fasciew, or from the calcaneus, Le Double, 97. The muscle may be inserted into any of the digital ten- dons, but most frequently into the 2d, 3d, and 4th; into that to the 5th toe less frequently ; into that to the great toe rarely. MeMurrich, 04, on phylogenetic grounds thinks that the quadratus plante is differentiated from the distal end of the same deep layer of crural muscles from which are derived the tibialis posterior and the flexor digitorum (tibial flexor). Schomburg, on the other hand, considers it more intimately related to the flexor fibularis, a point of view strengthened by the fusion which he found between the quadratus plante and the flexor hallucis longus in a young embryo. As mentioned above, I did not find this connection in the 14 mm. embryo. Nor does the nerve supply of the muscle indicate a close union be- tween it and the tibialis posterior or either the tibial or the fibular flexor. The quadratus plante ‘is clearly represented in the lacertilia where it is supplied by a branch of the ramus profundus.” (McMurrich, o4). In monotremes it arises from the calcaneus (Leche). In the majority of marsupials it is probable that it exists in a rudimentary condition (Mc- Murrich). In edentates it is absent in some forms, well marked in others. In some insectivora it is fused with the abductor metacarpi digiti minimi. In the higher mammals it is absent in some forms and well developed in others (i. e., dog and cat). In some apes it is fused with the flexor digitorum tibialis (Leche). M. abductor digiti quinti.—In the 14 mm. embryo (Plate IX, Fig. 4) the anlage of this muscle may be seen immediately distal to the tuber calcanei and lateral to the n. plantaris lateralis. In an embryo of a cor- responding age Schomburg, oo, pictures the muscle as extending to the 4th metatarsal, but I have found no corresponding condition in the embryos I have studied. In embryo XXII, length 20 mm. (Plate IX, Fig. 6) the muscle extends to the base of the 5th metatarsal and has a more lateral position than in the 14 mm. embryo. At this stage a nerve may be seen extending into the medial margin of the muscle from the deep surface of the lateral plantar nerve. Jn the adult the muscle is developed medially so as partially to overlap the lateral head of the m. quadratus plante. It varies greatly in struct- ure. The main bulk of the fibre bundles usually extends somewhat obliquely from the caleaneus, the plantar fascia and the tendinous aponeurosis on the lateral side of the muscle near its origin to a tendon so for) Or Charles R. Bardeen which extends high on the medial side of the deep surface of the muscle. Fibre bundles may also run from the calcaneus to the tuberosity of the fifth matatarsal and from this to the tendon of insertion. ‘The more lateral and distal fibre bundles are those least frequently developed. The nerve may be distributed either near the deep or near the super- ficial surface of the muscle. The former appears to be the case when the muscle is slightly developed. The chief muscle branches then extend across the middle third of the constituent muscle bundles near the deep surface. In case the caleaneo-metatarsal bundles are well developed a special branch may be sent to these. When the muscle is well developed the nerve enters the proximal margin of the muscle and its chief branches extend across the middle third of the more superficial muscle bundles finally terminating in those most distal bundles which lie on the lateral side of the fifth metatarsal. Other modes of distribution are also found but they agree in general features with those described. Flexor brevis and opponens digiti quinti.—Beyond the anlage of the abductor digiti quinti the lateral plantar nerve in the 14 mm. embryo (Plate IX, Fig. 4) lies superficial to an ill-defined mass of tissue in which no segmentation into muscles can be made out. In the 20 mm. embryo (Plate IX, Fig. 6) a nerve branch extends from the lateral plantar nerve to the base of the 5th metatarsal and near the tip of this two slightly defined areas of partially differentiated tissue probably represent the anlages of the two muscles under consideration. According to Schomburg the anlage of these muscles lies at first in the area between the 4th and 5th metatarsals but for this statement I find no support in the embryos studied. According to Ruge, 78, and Schomburg, oo, the flexor brevis and opponens muscles arise from a common anlage which becomes later differentiated into the two muscles. In the adult a single nerve is commonly distributed across the middle third of the bellies of each muscle. Mm. interossei.mRuge, 78, called attention to the fact that the inter- osseous muscles with the possible exception of the first dorsal have a plantar origin and that later the dorsal interossei wander between the metatarsals to the dorsal surface. Schomburg, oo, has confirmed this observation and has also shown that the dorsal interosseous I is originally plantar in position. In later embryonic stages Schomburg describes the dorsal interosseous II as extending on the plantar surface somewhat like the plantar interossei while the plantar interosseus I shows a tendency to wander dorsally like a dorsal interosseous. The first signs of the interessei muscles which I have seen are ill-de- 366 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg fined anlages in an embryo of 20 mm. (Plate IX, Fig. 6). To the prox- imal extremity of each anlage branches are given from the lateral plantar nerve. The later stages of development I have not followed out carefully. M. adductor hallucis—This arises, as pointed out by Ruge, from an anlage at the base of the 2d metatarsal and from here wanders into its adult position. The anlage of the muscle is shown in Plate IX, Fig. 6. The later development of the muscle I have not followed. According to Ruge, 78, the transverse head of the adductor comes from the same anlage as the oblique, while Schomburg, oo, considers that the latter muscle arises from a separate anlage. According to Poirier the nerves of the two portions of the adductor arise from a common trunk which would be in favor of Ruge’s view. I have found the nerves arising usually from quite distinct branches of the lateral plantar nerve. One nerve enters the caput obliquum near the proximal end of the middle third; and the other, the caput transversum near its centre. Lumbricales. In neither embryo CXLIV, length 14 mm., nor in embryo XXII, length 20 mm., are the lumbricales clearly differentiated. In the latter embryo, Plate IX, Fig. 5, however, the anlage of the lum- brical muscle of the 2d toe is just beginning to appear and to it a slight nerve twig may be traced from the medial plantar nerve. As pointed out by Schomburg the lumbrical muscles appear during the second half of the second month as separate anlages near the distal extremity of the metatarsal bones and from here wander toward their attachments to the tendons of the flexor digitorum longus. The three lateral lumbrical muscles were found supplied by the lateral plantar nerve and the medial by the medial plantar in 9 out of 10 instances by Brooks, 87, while the two medial muscles were supplied both by the medial and lateral plantar nerves in one instance. He considers that the lumbrical muscles belong primitively to the medial plantar territory. 5. Development and Innervation of the Muscles Supplied by the Medial Plantar Nerve. To this group belong the flexor digitorum brevis, abductor hallucis, the flexor hallucis brevis and the medial lumbrical muscle. This last has been considered in connection with the muscles of the preceding group. M. flexor digitorum brevis—This muscle develops comparatively late. In the 14 mm. embryo I have been able to determine no distinct signs of the muscle. In a 20 mm. embryo (Plate IX, Fig. 5) the anlage of the Charles R. Bardeen 367 muscle may be made out on the surface of the aponeurosis of the long flexor muscles above the region of the middle cuneiform bone. Differ- entiation is just beginning so that no distinct muscle fibres may be made out. A small nerve may be traced into its medial margin. The tendons have not begun to develop. Soon after this stage the muscle undergoes rapid development. Proximally it extends to the tuber calcanei, distally it sends forth tendons to the toes. In the adult the chief variations are those marked by a reduction of the muscle, especially that portion belonging to the fifth toe. The muscle is supplied by a nerve which enters the medial margin. M. abductor hallucis—This muscle is not distinctly visible in embryo CXLIV (length 14 mm.). It can be distinguished in embryo XXII (length 20 mm.), although differentiation is not here well marked. (Plate IX, Fig. 6). The muscle arises on the medial edge of the plantar surface of the foot over the navicular, first cuneiform, and the base of the 1st inetatarsal bones and at a considerable distance from the tuber mA calcanei. It arises in close association with the m. flexor hallucis brevis. With the torsion of the foot which carries the caleaneus in a medial di- rection the anlage of the abductor extends proximally to be attached to the tuber calcanei. In the adult a branch from the medial plantar nerve usually enters near the middle of the lateral border of the muscle. The relation of the nerve to the muscle anlage in embryo XXII is shown in the figure. Flexor hallucis brevis—Like the other muscles of this group this muscle is not distinguishable in embryo CXLIV, length 14 mm. Even in embryo XXII, length 20 mm. (Plate IX, Fig. 6), it is only beginning to appear. The cells of the anlage are closely packed together. To the anlage a nerve branch is given. I find the anlage somewhat more medially placed on the base of the first metatarsal than that shown by Schom- burg, oo. The anlage is incompletely divisible into two portions, a medial and a lateral. During further development the lateral belly ap- proaches the adductor hallucis. The medial belly in embryo XXII is associated with the abductor hallucis, although according to Schomburg it is brought into association with this muscle later than the lateral head is brought into association with the adductor hallucis. In the adult the nerve enters between the two bellies of the muscle and spreads out into branches which pass between the constituent muscle bundles. It is only rarely that the lateral head of the muscle is supplied by the lateral plantar nerve. 368 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg Comparative anatomy of the intrinsic plantar muscles.—According to Mc- Murrich, 04, the muscles of the crus terminate primarily at the ankle either on the plantar aponeurosis or the tarsus. The tendons whereby the long flexors of the toes are attached to the digits he looks upon as a differentiation of a deep plantar aponeurosis. According to this view the foot, in which but one set of crural muscles is attached through tendons to the digits, is to be looked upon as more primitive than the hand, in which superficial and deep forearm flexors are thus attached. In the foot there are to be distinguished several layers of intrinsic muscles, the more superficial of which, the flexor digitorum brevis and the lumbricales, arise in man from or in con- nection with the plantar aponeurosis or its derivatives, while the deeper lay- ers arise from the tarsus and metatarsus. The deeper intrinsic muscles of the hand and foot are considered by Cun- ningham, 82, and Brooks, 87, to have been derived from three primary layers, a superficial layer of four muscles primarily adductors, an interme- diate layer of bicipital short flexors, one for each digit, and a deep layer of six abductors. The lateral plantar nerve crosses between the superficial and the intermediate layer.” MeMurrich, 03, differs greatly from Cunningham in the layers to which he would ascribe the muscles of the hand. Thus he recognizes the following layers: Flexor brevis superficialis: Palmaris brevis, abductor digiti quinti, oppo- nens digiti quinti, flexor brevis digiti quinti, abductor pollicis, opponens pol- licis, flexor pollicis brevis. Flexor brevis medius, stratum superficiale: The lumbricales. Flexor brevis medius, stratum profundum: The adductor pollicis. Flexor brevis profundus: The interossei volares, interossei dorsales (in part). Intermetacarpals: The interossei dorsales (in part). McMurrich has not yet published his paper on the phylogeny of the muscles of the foot, so that his views as to the origin of these muscles cannot be given, but doubtless the layers there, from his point of view, resemble those of the hand. The subject of the comparative anatomy of the plantar muscles is too intri- cate to be entered upon here at length. Leche gives a brief summary of the conditions found in the mammalian series. From the standpoint of embryological development the division of the deep plantar muscles adopted by Ruge, 78, is of the greatest value. He recog- nizes a medial group consisting of the abductor and the flexor brevis hallucis, innervated by the medial plantar nerve, and two groups innervated by the lateral plantar nerve, a more superficial group of ‘“ contrahentes ’”’ which lie plantarwards from the deep branch of the nerve and a group of “ interossei ”’ which lie deeper than this nerve. He also points out that in many of the mammals the interossei have permanently a plantar position which corre- sponds with the early embryonic condition in man. * See Quain’s Anatomy 10th ed., Vol. II, Pt. II, p. 276. Charles R. Bardeen 369 6. The Muscle Branches of the Plantar Nerves. While it is certain that the set of spinal nerves supplying the lateral plantar nerve as a group are more distally situated than those supplying the medial plantar nerve, the difficulties of tracing the nerves supplied to the muscles of the sole back to the sacral plexus make it impossible at present to give the spinal nerve supply of these muscles. Compared with the other nerves of the leg the plantar nerves seem to be unusually constant in their mode of distribution of branches. The difficulties of accurate dissection of the nerves of the intrinsic muscles of the sole of the foot, however, make it more difficult than in other regions to utilize the work of students in getting reliable charts of this nerve supply. In general the descriptions given in the various anatomies agree pretty well. In the anatomy of Poirier and Charpy the supply of the quadratus plante is given as coming from the medial plantar. In a large number of dissections which I have followed this branch arose in every case from the lateral plantar, usually proximal but sometimes distal to the branch to the abductor of the fifth toe. This is the situation usually described for it in the text-books. The dissections which I have followed also serve to substantiate the statement given in Quain’s Anatomy (10th edition) that the lateral plantar nerve only occasionally gives a branch to the lateral head of the m. flexor brevis hallucis and to substantiate the statement cf Brooks, 87, that in about one in ten in- stances the medial as well as the lateral plantar nerves supply both the first and second lumbrical muscles. There is, however, considerable variation in the way in which the different nerves to the interosseous and lumbrical muscles and the transversales pedis are bound for a distance in common trunks. XI. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS. The intrinsic musculature of the inferior extremity in man is differ- entiated from the blastema of the limb-bud. No processes from the myotomes are sent into the limb from the lumbar or sacral myotomes. After the differentiation of the myotomes from the somites the myotomes are bounded on the external surface, the sides and ends by a clearly marked membrane which is retained until after the lumbo-sacral nerves have extended well into the limb-bud. Soon after the lumbo-sacral spinal nerves begin to extend into the limb-bud tissue differentiation takes place in the blastema of the bud. 370 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg At the center a core of scleroblastema, on each side of this a thick layer of myoblastema, at the periphery of the limb-bud a thinner layer of dermoblastema are differentiated. This differentiation begins near the anlage of the hip joint and extends proximally and distally. The myoblastema represents the anlage of the muscles and of the skeletal framework of the musculature, including the fascie and the tendons. The spinal nerves which grow into the limb-bud fuse to form a plexus and from this the nerves of the limb arise. At the time these nerves ex- tend distally and give off branches the myoblastema becomes differentiated into anlages for specific grcups of muscles and each of these anlages be- comes further differentiated into the anlages of the specific muscles which compose the group. The main nerve trunks grow as a rule in regions which lie between the anlages of muscle groups, the main branches to each of the groups between the anlages of the muscles which constitute the group, and the intramuscular branches in the intramuscular septa which appear between the differentiating bundles of muscle fibres. Finally the terminal branches for the individual muscle fibres are given off. The site of entry of a nerve marks the region of earliest differentiation in the muscle. In many instances, at least, the distribution of the nerve in an adult muscle indicates the course of development of that muscle. (Nussbaum, 94). The development of muscles from the muscle anlages consists es- sentially of a differentiation of the, at first, apparently nearly homogene- ous tissue of the anlage, into muscle cells and into the connective tissue framework which serves to hold these in place and harness them to the structures on which they are to act. The adult architecture of a muscle must be understood before its development can be intelligently followed. In the simplest muscles in the adult the muscle fibres are bound by the endomysium into bundles which are inserted at each end of the muscle into a tendon. Asa rule neither the muscle-fibres nor individual bundles of fibres extend the entire distance from tendon to tendon.” 'The fibre bundles anastomose in such a way that they form a long-meshed net- work, such as that diagrammatically represented in Fig. 7 b. The muscle-fibres either take a nearly parallel course from one tendon to the other, Fig. 7 c, or they diverge from one tendon toward the other, Fig. 7 d. In the majority of simple muscles the distance from tendon °° In some short mammalian muscles, like the segments of the rectus ab- dominis of the mouse, the muscle-fibers run from tendon to tendon. On the segmental musculature of elasmobranches and urodeles, see Bardeen, 03. Charles R. Bardeen 371 to tendon along lines parallel with the muscle fibres is approximately the same in all parts. There are, however, numerous exceptions, the most marked of which are found in larger sheet-like muscles such as the oblique and transverse muscles of the abdomen. Frequently in case of exceptions of this nature, as for instance in case of the abdominal muscles, the adult h ] Fig. 7. Diagrams to illustrate nerve-muscle development. a. Embryonic muscle anlage. 6. Anastomosing bundles of muscle fibers. c. Band-like muscle developed transverse to course of main nerve trunk. d. Triangular muscle developed transverse to course of main nerve trunk. e. Pennate muscle devel- oped parallel with course of main nerve trunk. ff. Bipennate muscle devel- oped parallel with course of main nerve trunk. g. Fusiform muscle. h. Band- like muscle developed parallel with course of main nerve trunk. 7, Triangular muscle developed in direction with course of main nerve trunk. human muscle represents a combination of several simpler muscles in each of which the general rule holds good in the embryo or in some of the lower mammals. For the architecture of the abdominal muscles in the mammals, see Bardeen, 03. 25 372 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg Since the more complex muscles are usually capable of being analyzed into parts the structure of which resembles that of the simpler muscles, we shall consider here the development merely of several simpler types of muscle. The structural units of the more complex muscles develop in a similar manner. The nerve usually enters the anlage of a muscle near the center of the side toward the main trunk from which its special nerve arises, Fig. 7 a. The relation of the chief branch or branches of the nerve of the muscle to the fibre-bundles depends on whether the course of the muscle fibres is transverse to or parallel with the main trunk from which the nerve arises. Tf the fibre bundles of the muscle take a direction directly or obliquely transverse to the course of the main nerve trunk the nerve to the muscle, or its chief branches, usually passes for some distance across the fibre bundles about midway between the tendons and give off rami on each side from which in turn an intramuscular nerve plexus arises, Fig. 7 c-g. The direction of the course of the main nerve branches on or in an adult muscle of this nature indicates the course of growth of the muscle from the anlage in a direction transverse to the long axis of the muscle fibres. This growth is relatively slight in case of ribbon-like muscles, Fig. 7 ¢, somewhat greater in case of triangular muscles, Fig. 7 d, and extensive in case of muscles like the intercostal muscles and pennate or bipennate iuscles, Fig. 7, e, f. Two or more branches may enter muscles of these latter types at different levels from the main nerve trunk, dotted lines Fig. 7 e. It is at first difficult to recognize that in most fusiform muscles the distance from tendon to tendon along the course of the muscle-fibres is approximately equal. The course of the muscle-fibres in such muscles is diagrammatically represented in Fig. 7, g. It will be noted that the course of the chief branches of the nerve to the muscle is approximated midway between the tendons to which the fibre-bundles are attached. If the long axes of the fibre-bundles of a muscle are developed in a direction somewhat parallel with the course of the main trunk from which the chief branches to the muscle arise, the branches usually enter the proximal third of the belly of the muscle and extend distally parallel with the muscle fibres, at the same time giving off rami from which an extensive intramuscular plexus is formed. The course of the chief rami within a muscle of this type indicates the course of growth of the muscle in a direction parallel with the muscle fibres. See Fig. 7, h and i. Metameric segmentation in the innervation of the limb muscles is due ee Charles R. Bardeen 3 not to the ingrowth into the limb of myotomes accompanied by nerves, but to the fact that a given region in the developing musculature is in the more direct path of fibres extending into the limb from one or two specific spinal nerves. ‘The number of spinal nerves contributing to the innervation of the inferior extremity in man varies from six to nine, the number contributing to the innervation of the musculature probably varies from five to eight. The number as well as the position of the spinal nerves serving to innervate a given muscle varies greatly in differ- ent individuals. With a few exceptions it is difficult or impossible to trace back to their origin from the plexus the fibres composing the nerve of supply of a given muscle in the inferior extremity in man. The path of fibre bundles in a nerve is quite different from that of the nerve fibres composing the nerve. The connective tissue which serves to hold together the nerve fibres and to distribute blood vessels to the nerve does not form continu- ous sheets about continuous bundles of nerve fibres. On the contrary it forms enveloping layers which are continued for but a short distance about a given group of fibres and then breaks up and becomes fused with similar enveloping sheets about other groups of fibres. The nerve fibres take a much more direct course in a nerve than any bundles that can be dissected from the nerve. A study of the origin of the branches of a nerve and the variation in the relation of these branches to one another makes it possible to construct a schematic cross section of a nerve trunk in which the relations of the nerve fibres in the trunk are more accurately revealed than in mere dissection of the branches back into the component fibre bundles of the nerve. On pages 308, 316, and 322 I have shown such schematic diagrams of the femoral, obturator and sciatic nerves. The nerve fibres of contiguous areas may branch off in a common trunk, but nerve fibres in discontinuous areas never do. On Plate III I have shown schematically the probable regions occupied by the fibres destined for the chief branches of the main nerves of the inferior extermity in the nerve trunks near the pelvis at the period when the segmental relations of the spinal nerves to the limb are becoming established. In the adult nerves variation is frequent and extensive. The main nerve trunks are fairly constant in position, the greatest variation being found in the course of the peroneal nerve in the thigh. This nerve is frequently separated from the tibial nerve by a part or the whole of the piriformis muscle. In one instance I have seen it separated by a part of the short head of the biceps, p. 293. In the embryo the peroneal and 374 The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg tibial nerves in the thigh are separated by a considerable amount of dense tissue. There is much variation in the number and position of the spinal nerves which supply the main nerve trunks of the limb as well as in those which supply the smaller branches which pass directly from the plexus to the gluteal muscles and the piriformis. There is also great variation in the number, course and distribution of the branches which pass from the main nerve trunks to the muscles and the skin. No correlation has been discovered between variation in the source of supply and variation in peripheral distribution of the intrinsic nerves of the limb, with the exception of the cutaneous border nerves. No marked correlations have been discovered between either sort of variation-and race, sex, or side of body. While the development of the musculature is fairly direct, there is probably as much correlation between the ontogeny and phylogeny of the muscles of the leg as between the ontogeny and phylogeny of the skeleton. D. PERINEAL MUSCULATURE AND THE NERVES OF THE PUDIC GROUP. a. Embryonic Development. In an embryo of 11 mm. (Plate III, Fig. 1) the sacral plexus is fully formed and several branches may be seen extending out toward the cloaca and viscera. These branches indicate the developing pudic and visceral nerves, but differentiation has not proceeded sufficiently far to make it possible to determine with certainty what each of the branches represents. The myotomes of the sacro-coccygeal region are distinct. No specific differentiation of the perineo-caudal musculature is apparent.. The rela- tions of the pubic nerves to the nerves of the leg are shown schematically in Plate ITI, Fig. 3. In a slightly older embryo (Plate X, Fig. 1) the main branches of the pudic and visceral nerves have appeared. The dorsal nerve of the penis arises in the main from the 3d sacral nerve. The perineal nerves arise from the (2d), 3d, and 4th sacral nerves. The hemorrhoidal nerve arises from the 3d and 4th sacral nerves. About the region of the cloaca there is some condensation of tissue, but there is no distinct differentiation of muscle. From the 3d and 4th sacral nerves branches are given to a highly developed visceral plexus in which a large amount of chromophile tissue is apparent. This tissue mass lies lateral to the intestine and extends Charles R. Bardeen BW és) nearly to the urachus. Anteriorly it is continued into a similar mass extending down from the region of the suprarenal gland. In company with the visceral branch from the 4th sacral nerve there arises a nerve which extends out into a differentiating mass of tissue which probably represents the levator ani muscle. There is no good evi- dence to show that this muscle arises from the myotomes. The coccygeal musculature which lies dorsal and lateral to the levator ani seems, how- ever, evidently to arise from the ventral tips of the caudal myotomes. Into it extend nerves from the 4th and 5th sacral and possibly from the caudal nerve. This, as also in embryo CIX, is relatively at this stage very large. In embryo XXII, length 20 mm. (Plate X, Fig. 2) conditions similar to those just described may be found. The direction in which the sec- tions are cut makes a reconstruction of the region somewhat imperfect. The results have been controlled by study of another somewhat older embryo, CXLV, length 33 mm. The plexus is of a more anterior type than that of 144. The dorsal nerve of the penis and perineal nerves ap- parently arise largely from the 2d sacral nerve and the 4th sacral nerve seems not to enter into the pudic plexus. The perineal musculature is undergoing specific differentiation, but no attempt has been made to de- termine definitely the boundaries of the various muscles. The levator ani muscle is well differentiated. The visceral plexus is even more exten- sive than in the preceding stage. For comparison of embryonic conditions with the distribution of the pudic nerves in the adult male, the well-known illustration of Hirschfeld and Léveillé may be used. It is to be noted that previous to the out- growth of the pudic nerves the cloaca and urachus occupy a more distal position relative to the spinal column (Fig. CIX) than they do at the period when these nerves are developed (Plate X, Figs. 1 and 2). Later, the external genitalia shift again distally. The paths taken by the growing nerves are fairly direct. That of the dorsal nerve of the penis is most so. The perineal nerves bend more in a distal direction. The nerve of the levator ani muscle takes a course at right angles to the path of the main trunk from which it arises. It may readily be seen that the most anterior root fibres of the pudendal nerve enter the dorsal nerve of the penis, the most posterior the hemorrhoidal nerve. Cutaneous branches also arise from the caudal nerve. According to Popowsky, 99, at a period when the cloaca is still present a sheet of muscle forms a sphincter around its opening. Later, when the rectal becomes separated from the urogenital portion of the cloaca the sphincter is divided, the posterior portion becoming the sphincter ani Oo Types of Origin of Pudic Nerves from Spinal Nerves. The Nerves and Muscles of the Leg TABLE Frequency of ®1]n one instance: B. M. R. A B C Separate Separate SXSXEDV: 3) SEXOXETEV GG | NEXNGSTVG N. Pudendus. N. Heemorr- N. Dorsalis hoidalis. Penis. XOXO || XSXSVAE XEXOValeTe XXVI, XX VII 1 1 XXVII 2 XXVI, XXVII XXVIII 1 XXVIT XXVIII 1 XXXVI, XXVII, 9 4 XXVIII XX VII, XXVIII XXVII7" ipl 37 XXVIT, XXVIII XXVIII 3 il XXVIII 1 XXXVI. XXVIT, XXVII, XXVIII, 1 XXVIII XXIX XOXCValils XX VII, XXVIII XXVIII, XXIX XXVIES 1 2 XXVII, XXVIII, 2 7 XXTX XX VII? 1 7 XXVIII, XX1IX XXVIII, XXITX XX VITI2 XXVIII, XXIX XXVIII? 1 8 XXVIII, XXIX xxx XXVIII, XXTIX, XXX NiumMbervoO TNStanCes® clunium mediales. CLUNF SUDAN ol feiss \aia5.5 88 see ee clunium superiores. CUTSONUGS, Me ieverarctevetsrs avopsreeie sale cutaneus femoris anterior. COL SOUTHS SOI NAO ODIO digitales plantares propr. CULRIGIN Moke citscote clase eraisie cutaneus femoris lateralis. CULRITE Oe Leon eee cutaneus femoris anterior, medial branch. CULTADOSTR. Sstace ea eee ee selene cutaneus femoris posterior. ARN CTA 205, Seer at anaiersince ore perineal branch. CUCASUREAUGUS war etaretaley Bioiah obocD OO BOC Ones suralis. RNS odeehe ash coves Fiaderoueds, (ei casichars thoracicus. EVO Mets ene eye ops foieie carers Geahero Od tibialis. HS MDS —coiscobereoogoccoc truncus sympathicus. AIS Gs eesare ek esaXor les) 0) wile los Tooke visceral. (Nii MAD asta kooormpo neo Da ooo8 c patella. HG be CGO OOO CORE CUOIOG 6 OOD peritoneum. (WKS Ih Ghpaoaeohootdoeoue processus vaginalis. WHS. ding docdaooopotodoaddac pubis. Si OMB SUH, soocuouacoo0pDe > spina anterior superior. SDs POStASUDs Sterile He Ae spina posterior superior. SOLD Lae © RAO CIO DOIG. O ISCO OO C sympathetic nervous system. UO eGo as Socios ature a ooo tarsus. SHE BG. OG Gia FO. IO ORO ORT ODO Ota tendon. COST divas al enseorau ni tsl oral ohencns teers testicle. (GU OO CORIO ORE ICED ROC tibia AL ierMaraned shot anions iatiane caiahoueue ns aretenenees ureter. VHACKG Ve. NS GeO aI ea HD ODIO COOL urachus. WANA cio HG OID DD OREO Dano Ot vertebra. Vahey arora avon Sea aanc le ak hortraiac helen shee vena COLDS ae Soc elie eee cardinalis. GSD CNAs sie che otis seen anette dorsalis penis. TCM reveleus:ieuecsiore tele cxckevetonerahe femoralis. WUD OGM i sias,ciriaate a suction eee oee hypogastrica. UUNCD EG. Mer enc sas classe siuat eee hen iliaca externa. XEL ON mechcosae OPORTO ONO Og OCOD sciatic. WA GIe tan 8 SOR RRR RO Dike orc Wolffian duct. THE NERVES AND MUSCLES OF THE LEG PLATE | CHARLES R. BARDEEN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY--VOL. VI THE NERVES AND MUSCLES OF THE LEG PLATE Il CHARLES R. BARDEEN ap,-A. fem. VN eut lat oN Fae 2 oe N _M ilps T reet. abd ae ay a ss M. ada. 1 ee. _N fem. M. gr. ul. adds | M. add.m.—£ : 3 M. se mi m: ue eee Tihs) M-semt L: Ses : > —M. el. min. icon! Tig ——N. el. S- aap M gastroe M. gl. med. Cap.m—— Myo. t.12. cap]. cap br. Nt. 1 Tages M.rabd: s | meson. N.obt NI SGHE —————V, {SCh: acet / M.obt int. N.isch. N.caud: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY--VOL. vi THE NERVES AND MUSCLES OF THE LEG PLATE Ill CHARLES R. BARDEEN (Fig. D M.T. abd. N. Coat, N hypog NB 8 Mm.add. Nl ine post sup \\M quadri fem Mex post prof Nn fem post N.saph\_N. Neut ant, N ureenig \ N Pu. N.biesemi t- Prox. port isch? N. caud? frel a eavgcess aN N pud M qawar.Fem, M N. cul, post. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY=-VOL. VI THE NERVES AND MUSCLES OF THE LEG PLATE lll CHARLES R. BARDEEN (Figs. 2, 3) Mm. er. art - Mm. peron. di cap br. N.caud. N oii. N Sa aspera a T. post: In pud 'N.haemorrh. N ecu L762 N cut. lat. Nn cut. ant med 8 Sart. N. rectus.. N N. i add: br . add. :iseh meet N.quadrafem. N. ‘obt’ inr. N. haemorrh, N. coud FIGS N. cut. post.| AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY--VOL. VI THE NERVES AND MUSCLES OF THE LEG CHARLES R. BARDEEN nol \ \ N plant I. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY--VOL. VI N.cut post. | nese NSemit & br. -perin prox. port Nn Semit.Semim,br & add magm Sural.\ Nn. gastroc & Sol fitG6.1 N obtint. PLATE IV (Fig. 1) THE NERVES AND MUSCLES OF THE LEG PLATE IV CHARLES R. BARDEEN (Fig. 2) N. quadri . Fem. Be ——_ N. saph. N. tib. ant. N. ext. dig.1. N. ext. hal. J. N. peron. prof.! N.cut. post. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY--VOL. VI THE NERVES AND MUSCLES OF THE LEG : PLATE V CHARLES R. BARDEEN (Fig. D Nuil. Ps= N.ihy Nn. Heee N.cuk ani: N. cut med: Mayan fem. saph an N Neeser N. flex.hal.] plen : ; s p Pl Shere : n. VIS! N lex a : , N.abd.hal. =~ > 7 N.castroe. Sa f Nn. sol 8 f yi. quadr. si Nnsemif & Diprox. por Nn.addm. semi semita bi. Cop: IN. bi.cap-br.— M.tens. M.reet. fem. Mvyest lat M.obl.abd ext- Costa 6 M. quadr. lumb. M. ps Ng N.hypog: We M.reet.abd. > M obl.abd, Int M.trans. abd Nu: ioe i -pect. Ning sade Mgt Madd.masn ‘M.semim M.semi Ll. pense y M. | Q . s ee N.cut.lal. N. cuhant.: a M rect. fem. VGA: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY--VOL. VI > ay pate ia i Lakes F @ ‘ a LAD = _——) f a ? i, We (hes a 7 > ars, ~? _ f oi : é . 4 ‘ ® = ) ) . ' ' - , : ‘ ' ' ' - . . ‘ r ‘e . F ' ’ ’ : & ~4 . ' i, -—— ' ‘ - ' .! 5 , +: , Pr i THE NERVES AND MUSCLES OF THE LEG PLATE VII CHARLES R. BARDEEN re dor. thn op. 28-29 rr. dor. Nuingess+---=- N.g.- r -Nn.clun. inf. Nise: som Le N. cul. late-= eo R. perin. Sl “-N. cut post. wt. culsuraelat.-/. 4. ates i "An oN cut. surae.lal N. sural,---+] Neplant.le.. OE LFIEL Liel AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY--VOL. VI 27 THE NERVES AND MUSCLES OF THE LEG CHARLES R. BARDEEN M. add. br M.add.1] M. obt ee !_obt. ex M.add.m. M.semim. M.semit M. er. M. semil. Neal M. ; ri Niger 7s AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY=-VOL. VI Fig. b. Gian ye rprof. é\ * 11, one / N. obt. ext. $ ae. ST Ty FY) PLATE VIII (Figs. 1, 3) Nu THE NERVES AND MUSCLES OF THE LEG PLATE VIII CHARLES R. BARDEEN (Figs. 2, 4, 5) M. pee Nie | Madi Mesa isch. Mie calmaen M.add.min. bibs nee, /Sp-post.sup. of Sp.anl. su p. M.tens. > M.clmed ve La M. ETinige - N.s.3. 3 Nitib Sime em tib. Sy 3 4 M.obt. int © lee | fib, Sp post. sup. 8 /, ey PP P Ngls. pub. ( a | Sp. ant. sup. ee ee M.add.magn.. M.tens.fase lal. 25 M.quadrfen. SCN. ‘N peron, P Fre 4 M. pirit: Nngl.t. Ntib: \ N.cut.pos : M. \ a cap.] N.peron AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY--VOL. VI THE NERVES AND MUSCLES OF THE LEG PEATE mix CHARLES R. BARDEEN (Figs. 1-3) M.tib. ant. N.tib. ant een ye paar prof PMextdig ll \Mextdigh, 4767 xtdigtl y a an, AY £7 _ peron. prof N.peron) SS. _— es et dep M. peron.|. M.peron. br, -Sural. N.plantmed. / M / Mesa = Fie 2 Figs M. | igri AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY--VOL. VI PLATE IX THE NERVES AND MUSCLES OF THE LEG CHARLES R. BARDEEN ee M.popl. M.tib. po st. No N.flex. digit. Nant Yeas abd. V FG YL M.quadr plant, N.tib. Na.gastroe. Nol hh \\_Mnmettil wh plertat en Fas M. hse dig. M. popl. Mflex.halbr Lib, cee digtl. N. abd. hal. N plant. med. a b, N.tib. Nn. gastroe. Mle nt. mi 0S. By SUELO e M. ee ee AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY--VOL. VI THE NERVES AND MUSCLES OF THE LEG PLATE X CHARLES R. BARDEEN (Fig.*1) pl. symp: ao gl. suprar. urach. N.d. penis——. Bon. N. lev. ani. N.haemorth. inf. - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY--VOL. VI PLATE X THE NERVES AND MUSCLES OF THE LEG (Fig. 2) CHARLES R. BARDEEN IU AQ] ‘N suntad py JJUVYUOWE VOL { ‘sod “jna'N sued ’p Ny “ns yy N Jue ynopy “4IeinN ‘And jy ZAI"IND Ny AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY--VOL. VI THE ARTERIOLA RECTA OF THE MAMMALIAN KIDNEY,’ BY G. CARL HUBER, From the Laboratory of Histology and Embryology of the University of Michigan. WitH 4 TrExtT FIGURES. In a comprehensive and relatively recent contribution on the blood supply of the mammahan kidney, Golubew * calls attention to the differ- ences of views still existing concerning the minute anatomy of this organ and states that of these controversial questions special mention may be made of the “ vasa recta of Henle and Donders or of the arteriole rectee of authors.” A study of the literature which is fully reviewed by Golu- bew leads him to state that at the time of his communication three views were current pertaining to the origin of the arteriole recte. According to one view, these vessels arise from the vasa efferentia of the glomeruli which lie nearest to the pyramid of the kidney, a view early expressed by Bowman who was followed by Gerlach, Kolliker, and Ludwig in their earlier writings. According to another view, recognition and prominence are given to the arterial branches forming straight medullary vessels which arise directly from the renal vessels and their branches without the interposition of glomeruli and known as the arteriole recte vere. Ac- cording to a further view maintained by Huschke and otier observers, the origin of the arteriole rect was traced to the capillary plexuses sur- rounding the tubules of the cortex of the kidney. Steinach, who denies the existence of arterial straight medullary branches, presents a view which cannot be included in the above classification and may be disre- garded as his observations have not met with acceptance. Virchow and many other observers who have followed him have to some extent har- monized these conflicting views by assuming what may be regarded as a middle position in that they recognize the arteriole rect vere, vessels 1Golubew: Ueber die Blutgefasse der Niere der Saugetiere und des Menschen. International monatsschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Bd. X, 1898. Gives references to literature appearing before the date of his publication. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY.—VOL. VI. 31 o 392 The Arteriole Recte of the Mammalian Kidney which arise directly from the renal vessels, but concede the presence of straight medullary vessels which have their origin in the efferent branches of the glomeruli situated in the deeper layers of the cortex and known as the arteriole recte spurize. Golubew, whose very careful work has justly received merited consideration, describes and figures both arteriole recte vere and spuriw. A study of the diagrams of the renal circulation as found in the recent text-books of Anatomy and Histology warrants the conclusion that the majority of the present day writers be- lieve in the double origin of the arteriole recte, namely in part directly from the renal vessels, for the remainder, from the efferent branches of glomeruli. Of the various methods that have been used in the study of the arteriolie rect, the injection methods in one form or another are given preference. Golubew used colored gelatin masses injected through either the renal artery or vein, but more particularly a solution of silver nitrate which was injected into the vessels after these had been thoroughly washed out with distilled water. The silver nitrate was injected under low pressure and the injection interrupted as soon as reduction of silver was evident in the capsule of the kidney, after which the vessels were again washed out with distilled water, the organ divided into pieces, placed in alcohol and exposed to light. Free hand sections, dehydrated and cleared in 9il of cloves and mounted in damar were used for study. Corrosion prepara- tions of the renal vessels obtained mainly with the celloidin method have enabled Brédel * and others who have confirmed him to extend our knowl- edge of the genera! distribution, relations, and manner of termination of the renal vessels. The results thus obtained have also been confirmed in Roentgen photographs taken after suitable injection of the renal vessels. Particular attention was, however, not given to the arteriole recte bv these observers. The observations here briefly to be recorded were made on a series of cor- rosion preparations of the renal vessels of the dog, cat, rabbit, rat, and guinea pig made after a method which is a modification of one suggested by Krassuskaja.® This observer recommended an injection mass consisting of photoxylin (or celloidin), camphor and acetone, colored by the addition of pigments rubbed up in acetone. (For a red color, cinnabar is suggested; for a blue, Berlin blue; a yellow, chrome yellow; a black, asphalt.) The mass may be *Max Brodel: The Intrinsic Blood-Vessels of the Kidney and Their Sig- nificance in the Nephrotomy. Proc. Ass. Amer. Anat., 1901. °* A. Krassuskaja, as reviewed by Stieda in Ergeb. Anat. u. Entwickl., Bd. XE 1903; pl 521, G. Carl Huber ©) we) Oo filtered through flannel or muslin. Injection may be made by means of an ordinary syringe; it is only necessary to fill the cannula with acetone. The tissue or organ is placed into hydrochloric acid 12 to 24 hours after the in- jection and is removed from the acid after two or three days and washed in flowing water. The pigments suggested by Krassuskaja are not soluble in acetone and are, therefore, only held in suspension. The mass did not seem to me suitable for injecting capillaries and other exceedingly fine tubular structures. This led to a modification of it and the mass now used in this laboratory is as follows: To obtain a stock solution, 30 grms. of photoxylin are dissolved in 550 ec. of acetone, which requires about 24 hours. Twenty grms. of camphor are dissolved in 50 cc. of acetone. The two solutions are then thoroughly mixed Fie. 1. Injection apparatus: A, pipe carrying water to tank; B, conveying water from tank and connected with waste-pipe. For further details see text (page 394). in a bottle with a well-fitting glass stopper. This stock solution may be kept for a long time. After experimenting for a long time, it was found that Alkanin* answered very well for the purpose of a red color. It is readily soluble in acetone, is not washed out of the preparation with water, alcohol, or xylol, and is not decolored in the hydrochloric acid. It is the only sub- stance soluble in acetone and meeting the other requirements which I have thus far been able to find. The preparation of alkanin first used was one that had been in the laboratory a long time and had become hard and brittle. The alkanin, as obtained from Gruebler, is in the form of a thick paste. Later observations have shown that the dried form answers the purpose better than a fresher preparation. The injection mass now used is made by *Fettlosliches Roth, Gruebler, also written Alcanin. 394 The Arteriole Recte of the Mammalian Kidney adding 0.3 to 0.5 grms. of the alkanin rubbed up in 20 ce. of acetone to 80 ce. of the stock solution, thoroughly mixed by stirring in a mortar and then filtered through absorbent cotton with the aid of a Chapman suction pump. For purposes of injection, I have made. use of compressed air, obtained by connecting a water tank with the laboratory water pipe. The tank is pro- vided with a pressure gauge, from which the pressure obtained is read. The pressure is conveyed to the table by means of a gas-pipe, provided with a stop- cock. The injection mass is placed in a large glass tube with 3 cm. lumen and about 20 em. long, held upright by clamping the same to a support. The upper end of the tube is provided with a perforated rubber cork, which can be clamped in tightly. A rubber tube leads from the end of the pipe bringing the compressed air to the table to a short glass tube fastened in the rubber cork, by means of which the pressure is conveyed to the injection mass. To the lower end of the glass tube, which tapers, is attached a rubber tube, provided with a clamp, by means of which connection may be made with the cannuia. The simplicity of this apparatus commends itself. It is shown in Fig. 1. As is usual in injections, better results are obtained by injecting a limited area, that is directly through the blood-vessel supplying the organ to be studied. It has not been found necessary to wash out the blood-vessels be- fore injecting. The animal is bled as freely as possible by severing the neck- vessels before death. The administration of amyl nitrite does not appear to influence materially the completeness of the injection. The injection is to be made soon after the death of the animal. The cannula is first filled with normal salt, and the salt solution renewed by means of a pipette until it re- mains clear in the cannula. It is then replaced with acetone, which is like- wise renewed several times to dehydrate the interior of the cannula. If the area to be injected is very small, a portion of the acetone is withdrawn from the cannula and this is filled with the injection mass. Better results are ob- tained by using relatively high pressure. In injecting the renal arteries of the dog, cat, and rabbit, a pressure of 20 to 25 pounds, as registered by the gauge connected with the tank, gave the best injection; for smaller animals, 12 to 15 pounds. Better results are also obtained if the full pressure to be used is thrown onto the mass as quickly as possible. The pressure is main: tained for five to ten minutes. Before removing the cannula from the vessel, the vessel should be tied distal to the cannula, so as to avoid a back flow. A 75 per cent solution of hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.20) is used for macerating the parts to be removed. The entire organ may be placed in this macerating fluid, or, as it is often desirable to study a corrosion in small pieces, the or- gan may be cut into segments as desired and these placed into the macerat- ing fluid. The injected tissue may be placed into the macerating fluid 10 to 20 minutes after the completion of the injection; there is no advantage in ‘waiting 12 to 24 hours, as recommended by Krassuskaja. Pieces with one diameter not more than 1 cm. are thoroughly macerated in 18 to 24 hours. The macerated pieces are then transferred to a large dish of water and the softened tissues removed by playing water against them with a dropper pro- vided with a rubber bulb. It is not advisaple to use a stream of water with considerable force, as the delicate parts of the corrosion are likely to be injured. After the corrosion has been thoroughly cleaned, it may be allowed G. Carl Huber 395 to dry or it may be studied in water. I have found it advantageous to mount in balsam the parts to be studied particularly. If this is desired, the thor- oughly cleansed corrosions are placed in distilled water for several hours, are then dehydrated in absolute alcohol, transferred to xylol and mounted in balsam, the cover glass being supported by fragments of glass of the re- quired thickness. These preparations should be viewed with a binocular mi- croscope giving stereoscopic vision. This method has proven very satisfactory in the study of the renal vessels, as it has often been possible to obtain corrosions in which the course of the vessels could be readily followed through their several di- visions until the capillaries are reached. In such preparations, a con- fusion of arterial and venous branches is not possible. The method en- ables a definite solution of the course and divisions of the major branches of the renal artery, of the radiate cortical branches (arteriw interlobu- lares), of the origin of the afferent branches to the glomeruli and of the fate of the efferent glomerular branches. It is the purpose at this time to consider primarily the arteriole recte and other efferent glomerular branches; a fuller consideration of the renal vessels, both arterial and venous, is reserved for further contribution. As is well known, the renal artery, on entering the hilus of the kidney, divides into branches which, after division, course in the peripheral part of the pyramid near the junction of the medullary and cortical portions. (This statement has reference to the kidneys particularly studied, namely, those with a single pyramid.) These major branches, which in their course undergo several subdivisions, have a direction which is in the main parallel to the surface of the kidney; they describe, therefore, ares with convexity outward, and constitute the arterial branches designated as arcuate arteries (arterie arciformes). From the convex side of these arcuate arteries, there arise at intervals of 2 to 5 mm. branches which very generally form an acute angle with the arcuate artery and pass with slight inclination toward the cortex. he length of these branches varies, and from their outer side, that toward the cortex, there arise short branches at relatively close intervals which pass toward the periphery of the kidney and very generally subdivide into several branches from which arise the so-called interlobular arteries (arterixe interlobulares). The arcuate arteries ultimately terminate in smaller branches which also give origin to interlobular arteries. Golubew simply states that from the convex side of these arches (arteriz arcuate), as also from the terminal divisions, arise the interlobular arteries. Von Ebner® after mentioning >In Kelliker’s Handbuch, Vol. III, Pt. 1, page 369. 396 The Arteriole Recte of the Mammalian Kidney the arterie arciformes, states that ‘* from the cortical side of these there arise with great regularity and mostly at right angles small arteries which, after several or more repeated divisions, end in fine branches of 135 to 220 mw caliber, which, with a straight course, pass outward between the cortical fasciculi (Rindenfascikeln) or lobules and are most appropriately termed the arterix interlobulares.” If the designation arteria arciformes is retained for arterial branches having an arched course, relatively large branches arismg from these and passing through two to three further subdivisions need to be recognized before arterial branches known as the arterie interlobulares are reached. The usual description of the inter- lobular arteries is also open to question. Arterial branches passing quite regularly with radial course through the cortex as generally diagrammed are seldom met with. This must be evident to one who has had oppor- tunity to observe numerous kidney sections of material injected with a colored gelatine mass, as usually given to classes, and to note the relative infrequency with which sections are met showing interlobular arteries which may be traced from the deeper portion of the cortex to the per- iphery. Branching of the interlobular vessels at various levels of their course is frequently met with; certain ones pass only through a portion of the cortex, others again break up in the deeper portions of the cortex into clusters of smaller branches (afferent glomerular branches). These de- tails are shown in the figures presented. If the interlobular arteries are to be regarded as associated with vascular units, it must be conceded that such units must vary greatly in shape and in relative position and recog- nition must be given to the fact that of the probable functional activity of each uriniferous tubule structurally associated with an interlobular artery, only a portion of this functional activity is associated with the portion of the uriniferous tubule which falls within the vascular area of an inter- lobular artery, as the loops of Henle of such tubules are generally situ- ated outside of such a vascular area. It seemed desirable to discuss thus briefly certain points in the arterial vascular system of the mammalian kidney in order that emphasis may be given to the statement that afferent glomerular branches arise from all the branches of the renal artery, beginning with the arterie arci- formes, and that all the branches with the few exceptions to be mentioned terminate in glomeruli. ‘The main exceptions are found in the A. nutricize pelvis renalis and within the sinus renalis the arterie recur- rentes. These branches, especially the latter, are readily recognized in corrosions, although their relations to the structures which they supply are not evident in such preparations. The arrangement of their terminal G. Carl Huber 397 branches is, however, such that they are not to be confused with the arteriole recte. They generally arise from primary branches of the renal arteries. Other exceptions will be noted later. In corrosions of very fully injected material, there are often observed small branches arising generally from the concave side of the arcuate arteries, beginning with about the third division of these, which can be traced to glomeruli; they are, therefore, afferent glomerular vessels. ‘hese small branches are not numerous. ‘Their length varies from 1 mm. to much less than that. They generally end in only one glomerulus, though now and then such an afferent glomerular branch divides to supply two glomeruli. On the branches which arise from the convex side of the arcuate arteries and through their second and third divisions, afferent glomerular branches be- come more numerous, the number increasing with each successive division of these arterial branches. These afferent glomerular branches generally arise from the under surface (toward medulla) or the sides of these larger arterial stems, though now and then from the upper surface, in which event the branch bends downward to reach the respective glomeru- lus. Such afferent glomerular branches vary in length and arrangement. Branches ending in a single glomerulus are met with; clusters of two, three, four, or even more afferent branches, each ending in a glomerulus are also seen. Numerous afferent glomerular branches arise from the arterial branches which divide to form the interlobular arteries. Here also they may arise singly or in small groups or a small arterial twig may divide into four, six to eight branches, each ending in a glomerulus. From the interlobular arteries, as is generally stated, arise at all levels through the cortex and from all sides numerous afferent glomerular branches. Attention may, however, be drawn to the fact that the ar- rangement of afferent glomerular branches arising from the interlobular arteries is not a regular one, single afferent branches or clusters consist- ing of two to five or even more such branches resulting from a division of small lateral twigs of the interlobular arteries are met with. The termi- nal portions of such interlobular branches as reach the periphery of the cortex, ultimately divide into afferent glomerular branches. The num- ber of such terminal afferent glomerwlar branches thus formed in the periphery of the cortex varies with different interlobular arteries. The figures presented will serve to elucidate this statement. It should, how- ever, be stated that Figs. 2, 3, and 4 are drawn from actual preparations and are not composite pictures, and it will be readily understood that not all of the preparations present all of the details with equal clearness and perfection. Even when care is taken to cut and tease out certain portions 398 The Arteriole Recte of the Mammalian Kidney of a corrosion, selected for mounting and special study, which may readily be done under the binocular stereoscopic microscope, there are broken off during the manipulation small portions which thus become detached from the preparation. In Figs. 3 and 4, for imstance, the peripheral portions of the interlobular arteries are not in every instance fully injected, giving the impression that certain of the interlobular arteries present peripheral branches which do not end in glomeruli. Other corrosions in which the peripheral branches of the interlobular arteries were more fully injected, but in which the injection in other details was not wholly successful will serve to show that the interlobular arteries end at the periphery of the cortex in branches which are recognized as afferent glomerular branches. As is well understood, each glomerulus constitutes a rete mirabile, its branches uniting to form a single efferent vessel, the vas efferens, which is regarded as an arterial and not a venous structure. The efferent glom- erular vessels, soon after leaving the glomeruli, divide to form capillaries, the disposition of which differs in the different portions of the kidney. The efferent branches of the glomeruli, the afferent branches of which arise from the arcuate arteries and from the successive branches of these until the interlobular arteries are reached, as also the efferent branches of a varying number of the glomeruli the afferent branches of which spring from the lowermost portions of the interlobular arteries, divide into bundles of long, slender branches and capillaries which pass into the medulla of the kidney, constituting the arteriole recte of writers, more specifically stated the arteriole recte spurizw. The efferent branches of the remaining glomeruli divide to form capillary plexuses which sur- round the segments of the renal tubules found in the cortex, the efferent branches of the glomeruli situated in the outermost portion of the cortex passing into the peripheral cortical region free from glomeruli, before forming capillary plexuses. It may here be emphasized that there is not a difference of kind in the capillary plexuses formed from the effer- ent glomerular branches in the different parts of the kidney, but one of plexus arrangement determined by the character and arrangement of the tubular structures found in the different regions of the kidney. As has been previously stated, the majority of recent writers recognize the existence of terminal arterial branches which end in capillaries in the kidney substance, with which glomeruli are not associated, such branches conveying arterial blood to the kidney tubule or portions thereof, which has not passed through a glomerulus. Such branches are recog- G. Carl Huber 399 nized in the boundary zone and medulla as arteriole rectee vere and in the peripheral portion of the cortex as end branches of the interlobular arteries. The criticism may be made that the corrosion method em- ployed is not suitable for determining the existence or non-existence of such branches, as the possibility of their being present without being injected must be considered. It would seem, however, reasonable to sup- pose that arteriole recte vere should be more readily injected than arteriole rect spurie, since in injecting the former it would not be necessary for the injection mass to pass through the glomerular capillaries before reaching the branches and capillaries constituting the arteriole recta. The ven recte are very readily injected through the veins. In the rat, guinea pig, and rabbit and practically without exception in the cat, the arteriole rectee observed in my corrosions could readily be traced to the efferent glomerular vessels. In these forms then, the existence of arteriole rectee vere may be denied with the possibility of very rare ex- ceptions in the cat. A similar conclusion is reached by Petraroja, whose account I have, however, seen only in review, as his original publi- cation was inaccessible to me.” In the dog, I have now and then observed arterial twigs which terminate directly in arteriole rectee—arteriole rect veree—these constitute, however, a very small per cent, the great majority resulting from a division of efferent glomerular branches. In the dog there may be further observed what may be designated as very small glom- eruli, which appear fully injected as a capillary network may generally be made out in the corrosion, the efferent branch ending in typical arteriole rectee. These very small glomeruli (?) are also not numerous. Golubew has described and figured for the dog and the cat what he has termed “ retia mirabilia renum nova” situated in the deeper portion of the cortical substance and the boundary zone. Being aware of these ob- servations of Golubew, I sought for confirmation of them in the corrosion — preparations at my disposal, as it seemed likely that they should be in- jected as readily as the glomerular vessels. Such retia mirabilia have not been found, unless, as seems to me probable, what has been spoken of as very small glomeruli may constitute the structure described by Golubew as new renal retia mirabilia. From the fact that the efferent vessels of such structures always end, so far as I have been able to determine, in arteriole recta, I have been led to conclude that they represent the re- mains of normal glomeruli associated in their development with urinifer- ®°Petraroja: Sulle arteriole recte del rene. Monit. Zool. ital., Bd. 15, 1904. Reviewed in Jahresberichte tiber die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Ent- wickelungsgeschichte. Neue Folge, Bd. X, 3 Abth. 1. Teil, 1905. 400 The Arteriole Recte of the Mammalian Kidney ous tubules, which tubules have later disappeared, a portion of the glom- erular plexus with afferent and efferent vessels remaining intact as a rete mirabile, the degree of retrogressive change varying with different glomeruli and in some instances going on to a complete obliteration of the glomerular plexus, the afferent and efferent vessels alone remaining as a continuous structure. As has been expressed to me—* The mill- dam remaining after the mill has disappeared and in some few instances the dam itself disappearing.” According to this hypothesis (for the sub- Fic. 2. Corrosion preparation of terminal arterial branches from kidney of dog. stantiation of which it is difficult to obtain definite data, as my attempts to obtain corrosion preparations of the arterial system of foetal kidneys and of kidneys of new-born dogs have not been successful), the arterial twigs which end in arteriole recte without the interposition of glomeruli —arteriole rectee vere—and the arterial twigs in the course of which are found retia mirabilia prior to ending in arteriole rectw are to be regarded as derived from glomeruli with afferent and efferent vessels, the glom- erulus in each instance degenerating in whole or in part consequent to the disappearance of the uriniferous tubule with which said glomerulus G. Carl Huber 401 was structurally associated. If this interpretation be correct, the arterial vascular supply of the dog forms only an apparent exception to the gen- eral statement that all the arteriole recte are formed by a division of efferent glomerular branches, the few arteriole recte vere noted being regarded as developed from arteriole rect spurie on the disappearance of the uriniferous tubule structurally associated with the glomerulus which thus degenerates. Golubew has further described arterial twigs, which after division present one branch, which may be very short, and which forms an afferent glomerular vessel, the other branch passing by but in close contiguity to the glomerulus and dividing to form arteriole Fic. 3. Corrosion preparation of terminal arterial branches from kidney of cat. recte—thus arteriole recte vere. This I have not observed and must regard it as an error of observation for which the method used by him (silver nitrate injection) is responsible, as is clearly the case in the fol- lowing observation, shown in his Fig. 2, Plate XXIV. Here is shown an arterial branch having a horizontal course, from the under side of which there arise several branches (six) which divide to form arteriole recte vere. ‘The preparation is taken from the base of the renal pyramid of the dog’s kidney injected with silver nitrate. The structure figured was undoubtedly a small vein receiving several groups of venule recte, as in corrosion preparations of the venous system of the dog’s kidney, such small vessels having a horizontal course and receiving on their under side small branches formed by the union of straight capillaries are fre- quently met with, but are traceable to larger venous stems. In corrosion 402 The Arteriolae Recte of the Mammalian Kidney preparations of the rat’s kidney, I am able to confirm the observation made by Golubew that the efferent glomerular branches which form the arteriole rect give off side branches which form capillary networks at the level of the base of the renal pyramid. Such side branches of the efferent glomerular vessels destined to form arteriole rectee I have ob- served also in the kidneys of the other animals studied, though they are not nearly so numerous as in the white rat. So far as may be determined in corrosion preparations in which the peripheral portions of the inter- lobular arteries appeared completely injected, these end in afferent glomerular branches and do not present terminal branches which end directly in capillaries in the peripheral portion of the renal cortex. Now and then, and more particularly in the dog, have I found an interlobular branch which did not completely break up into branches within the renal cortex, but could be traced beyond the outer border of the cortex anastomosing, as would appear, with capsular branches. Afferent glom- erular branches arise from such interlobular branches to near the per- ipheral part of the cortex. The question may be asked whether the “arteria capsularis glomerulifera” described by Golubew may not pe interlobular arteries of the above type imperfectly injected from the out- side. As I have not attempted corrosion injection through the aorta after tying the renal arteries, I am not able to decide this point. In this account, no mention has been made of observations on the human kidney with reference to the points more particularly under dis- cussion. The limited human material at my disposal has not been fresh enough to enable capillary injection with subsequent corrosion by the method used. In the attempts made the injection mass could readily be forced into the glomeruli, but only to a limited extent into the efferent glomerular vessels, as a rupture of the glomerular vessels in many places allowed its escape into the space enclosed by Bowman’s capsule and then into the uriniferous tubules in which it would pass to about the begin- ning of the descending limb of the loop of Henle, giving excellent and instructive corrosions of the proximal convoluted portions of the urinifer- ous tubules. Similar observations were made on injecting through the renal vessels of the kidneys of animals several hours after death. It is hoped that this method may prove useful in the hands of others with access to fresh human material in determining the origin of the arteriole recte and the existence or non-existence of terminal arterial branches not directly associated with glomeruli. From observations made on corrosion preparations of the dog, cat, rabbit, guinea pig, and rat, in which it is possible to trace the renal G. Carl Huber 403 arteries through their severaji branchings to their termination, including the branches which go to the glomeruli, the glomeruli themselves, the branches leaving the glomeruli, and often the capillary plexuses formed by these, the conclusion seems warranted that practically all of the blood found in the capillaries surrounding the different portions of the urinifer- ous tubules is blood that has first passed through the glomerular vessels. This was so clearly stated by Bowman‘ many years ago that it seems but just to use his own words to give further emphasis to this point. In Bowman’s classical contribution to the anatomy of the kidney is found Fic. 4. Corrosion preparation of terminal arterial branches of kidney of rabbit. the statement: ‘ According to my own _ observations, the circulation through the kidney may be stated te be as follows:—AII the blood of the renal artery (with the exception of a small quantity distributed to the capsule, surrounding fat, and the coats of the larger vessels) enters the capillary tufts of the Malpighian bodies; thence it passes into the capillary plexus surrounding the uriniferous tubes and it finally leaves the organ through the branches of the renal vein.” With this clear and correct statement of facts, dating back to 15842, it is somewhat surprising that even at the present time, there should be a question as to the existence or non-existence of terminal branches of the renal artery which end in “Bowman: On the Structure and Use of the Malpighian Bodies of the Kidney, with Observations on the Circulation through that Gland. Philosoph. Trans. of the Royal Society of London, 1842, p. 57. 404 The Arteriole Recte of the Mammalian Kidney capillaries about uriniferous tubules without being directly associated with glomeruli. There are, as is well Known, two leading and opposing theories on the nature of urinary secretion tersely stated by Hans Meyer as follows in a recent summary of observations on renal function: “According to one of these theories, which was developed most fully by Heidenhain, we have to deal with a true secretory process by which water and perhaps the salts pass through the glomerulus, whereas the specific constituents of the urine are liberated from the tubules, so that the sum of both secretions is represented by the outflowing urine. According to the other hypothesis, which was first proposed by Ludwig and subsequently modified by his successors (in a bio- logical sense), there goes on in the kidney, side by side with the glomerular activity, dependent essentially on the mechanical conditions of the circulation, and independently also on the secretion of certain urinary constituents, a process of resorption in the urinary tubules. Through this resorption the slightly concentrated secretion of the glomerulus, corresponding to the water of the blood, undergoes concentration to a point characteristic of the urine.’ It is not my purpose here to discuss either of these theories. It may, how- ever, be permitted to call brief attention to certain points in the structure of the uriniferous tubules in connection with an account of the relations of ter- minal branches of the renal arteries, points which, it seems to me, shoul: be considered by the followers of either of the leading theories on the nature of urinary secretion. In each uriniferous tubule, including the glomerular capsule, there may be recognized four types of epithelium with distinct regional distribution. (1) The flattened epithelial cells lining the glomerular capsule continuous with the flattened epithelium, probably syncitial in character covering the glomerulus; (2) the epithelium of the proximal convoluted portion, colum- nar in shape with striated protoplasm and striated inner border; (3) the peculiar flattened epithelium of the descending limb of Henle’s loop; (4) the short columnar epithelium of the ascending limb, the distal convoluted por- tion and a portion of the junctional tubule, an epithelium with indistinct cell outline, with basal striation, but differing in structural detail and in re- action to stains from the epithelium of the proximal convoluted portion. These four types of epithelium are found, not only in the uriniferous tubules ot the mammalian kidney, as determined by reconstruction in this laboratory, but also in the tubules of the simpler reptilian kidney (recently reconstructed in this laboratory and to be described in another conimunication) as also in the tubules of the amphibian kidney (mesonephros). The epithelium of the neck of the uriniferous tubules is here not especially considered; it differs from the other epithelia described, though it probably has little functional significance. If it is true, as stated by Starling in introducing the section on “The Mechanism of the Secretion of Urine” in Schaefer’s Text-book of Physiology, tuat “a difference of function is invariably associated with a difference of structure, so that the interdependence of function and structure has become an axiom,’ we should be justified in postulating a difference of function to the different parts of the uriniferous tubules lined by the differ- ent types of epithelium, and the extent to which this may be done is, as it G. Carl Huber 405 appears to me, briefly as follows: The weight of evidence appears to sub- stantiate the statement that the water, the sodium chloride and urea and probably other substances existing in a free state in the blood are secreted (pass out by filtration or transudation) by the glomerular epithelium. It is estimated that 1-12 to 1-14 of the volume of blood entering through the af- ferent glomerular vessels is abstracted during the course of the blood through the glomerular vessels, so that the blood leaving the glomeruli is thus pro- portionately concentrated. To this fact attention may be especially drawn, since, as has been shown, practically all the blood found in the capillaries surrounding the different parts of the uriniferous tubules is blood which has passed through the glomeruli. Uric acid and phosphoric acid appear to be specifically secreted, as their quantity cannot be increased by any of the known diuretics—Hans Meyer. The evidence is in favor of connecting this specific secretion with the epithelium of the proximal convoluted tubules. In confirmation of this may be cited the sodium sulphindigotate experiments of Heidenhain and Ribbert, the carmine injection experiments of Schmidt and Ribbert, the detection of uric acid granules in this epithelium and the presence of what has been regarded as secretory granules in the same epithelium. To what extent the presence of concentrated blood found in the capillaries surrounding the proximal convoluted tubules, having, as may be assumed, a larger per cent of uric acid, since this is apparently not secreted by the glomerular epithelial, favors the se- cretion of this substance by the epithelium of the proximal convoluted tubules, cannot be stated. The possibility of its doing so may, how- ever, be considered. The experimental evidence appears to favor the view that there is a compensatory resorption of water (probably also certain salts in proportion to their diffusibility or permeability of the renal cells— Cushny) during the passage of the renal secretion through the tubules. That this resorption of water takes place in the loops of Henle is probable from the experiments of Ribbert, and Hausman and Hans Meyer who obtained an increased flow of urine of less concentration after removing the medullary portion of one kidney following extirpation of the other. The suggestion is here made that this resorption, more especially of the water, takes place in the descending limb of Henle’s loop, largely owing to the peculiar flattened epithelium possessed by it. That the loops of Henle are longer than gen- erally thought is shown by reconstruction, the larger per cent extending through or nearly through th entire medulla. These segments of the urinif- erous tubules are in relation with capillaries conveying concentrated blood, favoring a resorption, Since, as has been shown, the arteriole recte are formed almost without exception by a division of certain of the efferent glomerular vessels. The blood passing to the medulla through the arteriole recte is returned by the venule recte#, which are, if one may judge by corro- sion preparations, much more numerous than the arteriole. The loops of Henle are, therefore, in relation with numerous capillaries. Whether special function may be ascribed to the ascending limb of Henle’s loop and the distal convoluted portion, which again has a special epithelium, is difficult to state. Heidenhain believed these tubular segments to possess a secretory function similar to that possessed by the proximal convoluted portions, bas- 406 The Arteriole Recta of the Mammalan Kidney ing his conclusions on observations made after injecting sodium sulphindigo- tate. It would seem, however, that absorption of the dye by the epithelium of the ascending limb of Henle’s loop and distal convoluted portions, after a concentration as a result of absorption of water in the descending limb is not excluded. Ribbert states distinctly that ‘‘a secretion of specific substances takes place only in the convoluted tubules of the first order, while in the loop of Henle, the distal convoluted portion and the collecting tubules, there takes place exclusively or for the greater part a resorption of water.” He further draws attention to the fact that in normal kidneys of older individ- uals there are often found pale yellow granules, contained exclusively in the epithelium of the distal convoluted portions and parts of the loops, and, further, that toxic agents secreted by the kidney affect first the glomeruli and then the distal convoluted portions and in part the loops. It would ap- pear, therefore, that a resorption takes place from these tubular segments perhaps of more specific substances than from the descending limb of Henle’s loop. (Excellent reviews of the literature bearing on renal secretion may be found in a number of recent publications—Ribbert, Untersuchungen tiber dis Normale und Pathologische Physiologie und Anatomie der Niere, Bibliotheka Medica, 1896; Hans Meyer, Herter Lectures, Bull. Johns Hopkins Hospital, Noy. and Dec., 1905; R. Metzner, Die Absonderung und Herausbeforderung des Harnes, Nagel’s Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschen, Bd. II, Erste Halfte, 1906,—to which the interested reader is referred.) THE PHYLOGENY OF THE PLANTAR MUSCULATURE. BY J. PLAYFAIR McMURRICH. From the Anatomical Laboratory of the University of Michigan. WitH 9 TExT FIGURES. In three papers which have appeared in this JourNAt I have given the results of a comparative study of the flexor muscles of the antibrachium, hand and crus, and have shown that in each of these parts there is an arrangement of the musculature in definite layers, which can be identified in the amphibia, reptilia and mammalia. And, further, it was shown that there is a close correspondence in the arrangement of the musculature of the antibrachium and crus in the lower forms. There remain to be deter- mined the existence of an arrangement in primary layers in the plantar musculature and the correspondence of these layers with those occurring in the palm. In the present paper I shall consider especially the question of the primary layers of the plantar musculature and their differentiation. The material which has served for this study consisted of series of transverse sections of the same forms that were employed in my study of the crural flexors, 04, except that, through the courtesy of Dr. M. J. Greenman, Director of the Wistar Institute of Anatomy, I have been able to add to the mammalian series a representative of the Insectivora, Scap- hanus sp.?, which, unfortunately, however, proved to be of only subordi- nate value for my purpose, owing to the extensive transformation of the plantar musculature into tendinous structures. I have also had oppor- tunity for studying the plantar muscles of Jguana tuberculata, through the courtesy of my colleague, Dr. J. E. Reighard. I. THE PLanTar MUSCLES OF THE URODELE AMPHIBIA. The plantar muscles of Amblystoma are arranged in four primary lay- ers, which correspond, layer for layer, with those occurring in the palm. In a transverse section through the foot a little distal to the bases of the: metatarsal bones, the arrangement represented in Fig. 1 is seen. Super- ficially, immediately beneath the integument, is the strong plantar aponeurosis (pa), beneath which lies a continuous layer of muscle tissue, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY.—VOL. VI. 32 408 The Phylogeny of the Plantar Musculature the flexor brevis superficialis (fbs). Dorsal to this is a layer, consisting at this level of four distinct portions, which is the flexor brevis medius (fbm) ; resting directly upon the metatarsals is the third layer, showing indications of division into a number of subordinate portions, and form- ing the flexor brevis profundus (fbp) ; and, finally, extending between the adjacent surfaces of contiguous metatarsals, are the representatives of the fourth layer, the intermetatarsales (vm). The plantar aponeurosis and flexor brevis superficialis. The plantar aponeurosis is the direct continuation of the strong aponeurosis which covers the muscles of the crus, and over the metatarsals it divides into five slips, which pass to the various digits; the slips to the hallux and Fig. 1. Transverse section through the foot of Amblystoma. fbm = flexor brevis medius; fobp—flexor brevis profundus; fbs=— flexor brevis super- ficialis; im Zintermetatarsales; 7p—lJateral plantar nerve; mp —medial plantar nerve; pa—plantar aponeurosis; J/-V —=metatarsal bones. minimus had already separated at the level of the section shown in Fig. 1. More proximally, over the tarsals, the aponeurosis receives upon its dorsal surface the insertion of the majority of fibers of the plantares profundi of the crus, these muscles acting on the phalanges through the aponeuro- sis. In tracing a series of sections from the crus downwards into the foot one finds the plantares gradually diminishing in size as their fibers insert into the aponeurosis, until they are represented only by a few slips which are prolonged further distally than the main masses of the muscles. But just as one begins to expect these slips to completely disappear, they begin to enlarge and more distally form the continuous sheet of muscle which is represented in Fig. 1 as the flexor brevis superficialis, this muscle, ac- cordingly, appearing to be the direct continuation of the plantares pro- J. Playfair MeMurrich 409 fundi. The continuity is, however, probably merely an apparent one, the fibers of the flexor brevis superficialis beginning to arise from the plantar aponeurosis before those of the plantares profundi have completed their insertion, so.that there is a confusion of the two groups of muscles. The fact that one finds, first the continuous sheet of the plantares, then for a short distance three slender slips separated by portions of the plantar aponeurosis, and then again a continuous sheet of flexor brevis superfi- cialis, seems to indicate that one has to do with two distinct muscles, es- pecially when comparison is made with the arrangement in the hand, and when it is noted that the portions of the superficial flexor which pass to the marginal digits arise from the aponeurosis independently of the plantares, the portions continuous with these muscles passing only to the three central digits. Fic. 2. Transverse section through the metatarsals of the third and fourth digits of Amblystoma near their heads. fm and fm’—=central and lateral slips of flexor brevis medius; fp—slips of flexor brevis profundus; fs and fs’ central and lateral slips of flexor brevis superficialis; im = intermeta- tarsalis; pa— plantar aponeurosis; JJJ and /V = metatarsal bones. If the plantar aponeurosis and the flexor brevis superficialis be traced distally they will be found to split into as many slips as there are digits, the prolongations of the aponeurosis inserting into the terminal phalanges. In the muscle slips destined for the third and fourth digits the marginal portions (Fig. 2, fs’) separate and pass to an insertion into the sides of the heads of their metatarsals, these insertions being closely associated with those of the flexores breves profundi. A little more distally the central portion of each slip (fs) begins to undergo a transformation into connective tissue and gives rise to a tendon which applies itself to the dorsal surface of the slip derived from the plantar aponeurosis and fuses with it over the base of the first phalanx, the muscle fibers on either side of this central tendon inserting into the sides of the fibro-cartilages over the metatarso-phalangeal joint. 410 The Phylogeny of the Plantar Musculature In the ship to the second digit there is a similar transformation of the median portion into tendon and an insertion of the muscle fibers adjacent to this tendon into the metatarso-phalangeal fibro-cartilages, but there is ” only one slip passing to the head of the metatarsal, namely, that to the fibular side. The slip to the fifth digit behaves essentially lke that to the fourth or third, the only striking difference being the large size of the fibular metatarsal slip; but that to the first digit differs from the rest in that it fails to separate into subordinate slips, but inserts entirely into the metatarso-phalangeal fibro-eartilages. In addition to the portions of the flexor brevis superficialis described above, another portion is probably represented by the abductor quintt digiti, or, as it may be more accurately termed, the abductor ossis meta- tarsi V., which arises from the fibular border of the tarsus and inserts into the base of the fifth metatarsal, a sesamoid cartilage being developed at its insertion. The flexor brevis medius takes its origin from the aponeurotic layer which lies immediately dorsal to the plantares profundi. It appears as four distinct slips, one of which (Fig. 1, fom **) later divides, so that there is a slip for each digit. Toward the distal ends of the metatarsals the slips which pass to the third, fourth, and fifth digits divide into two portions, one of which (Fig. 2, fm), much smaller than the other, hes upon the plantar surface of the mediam slip of the corresponding flexor brevis profundus, while the other portion (fm’) rests upon the fibular slip of the same muscle. This latter portion inserts into the side of the head of its metatarsal, in more or less close association with the fibular slip of the flexor brevis profundus, and the smaller portion inserts into the metatarso-phalangeal fibro-cartilage. The slips to the second and first digits do not divide in this manner, but insert entirely into the articular fibro-cartilages. The flezor brevis profundus is composed of three slips for each digit, a median and two lateral (Figs. 1 and 2). The lateral slips arise from the tarsal bones, and, in the cases of the marginal digits, partly from the plantar aponeurosis. The median slip, on the other hand, arises from the plantar surface of its metatarsal, and in the central digits separates the lateral slips, which, up to the level of its appearance, form a single mass. The lateral slips insert into the heads of the metatarsals, the fibular slips of the four tibial digits being intimately associated with the intermeta- tarsals, and the same slips of the third, fourth and fifth digits with the fibular slips of the flexor brevis medius for those digits. The median slips, which are the metatarso-phalangei of Humphry, 72, extend further dis- J. Playfair McMurrich 411 tally and insert in all five digits into the metatarso-phalangeal fibro- cartilages. In the third and fourth digits inter-phalangeal muscles, the phalangei of Humphry, also occur, passing from the plantar surface of the proximal phalanx to the base of the second one. The intermetatarsales (Fig. 1, im), extend obliquely across the inter- metatarsal spaces from the fibular to the tibial side. They are four in number, arising from the tibial sides of the bases of the second, third, fourth and fifth metatarsals, and inserting into the fibular sides of the heads of the first, second, third and fourth metatarsals in association with the fibular slips of the flexor brevis profundus of those digits. The lateral plantar nerve is, as I have shown elsewhere, 04, the con- tinuation into the foot of the ramus superficialis fibularis of the crus, while the medial plantar is the continuation of the ramus profundus. In the proximal tarsal region the lateral plantar nerve lies immediately upon the fibular border of the fibulare and the medial plantar upon the centrale. When the flexores brevi profundi appear they lie between the nerves and the bones, and still more distally, after the flexores breves medii have appeared, the nerves are situated between these muscles and the flexores breves profundi, the medial plantar over the interspace be- tween the second and third metatarsals and the lateral plantar over that between the fourth and fifth (Fig. 1, mp and Ip). The medial nerve gives off branches both medially and laterally, the lateral one meeting a medially directed branch from the lateral plantar opposite the inter-space between the third and fourth metatarsals, so that it becomes difficult to determine from which of the two nerves the branches to the muscles arise. It would seem, however, that the lateral plantar supphes all the muscles of the fifth digit and those inserting into the fibular side of the fourth, while the remaining plantar muscles are supplied by the medial nerve. Certain it is that the terminal cutaneous branches of the two nerves are distributed in such a way that the contiguous surfaces of the four tibial digits are supplied by the medial plantar and those of the fourth and fifth digits by the lateral plantar, the lateral surface of the minimus and the medial surface of the hallux being supplied by branches which descend from the crus. This distribution differs materially from that described by Humphry, 72, for Cryptobranchus. In that form the lateral plantar was found con- tributing to the supply of the third and second digits. In amblystoma it does not extend tibially beyond the fourth digit, the intermetatarsal be- tween the fourth and third digits, for instance, being supplied by the medial plantar. 412 The Phylogeny of the Plantar Musculature II. THe PLANTAR MUSCLES OF THE LACERTILIA. The manus of the lacertila compared with that of the urodeles showed a considerable increase in the number of muscle layers, the four urodelan layers being represented by seven. In the pes a similar increase occurs, but it is not carried to quite the same extent as in the manus, the flexor brevis medius layer being divided into only two layers instead of three. * In a previous paper, 04, I showed that the aponeurosis of the crural flexors is, in the lacertilia, divided into a superficial and a deeper layer. The superficial layer is continued into the planta as a well marked aponeu- rosis (Fig. 3, pas) intervening between the integument and the flexor brevis superficialis, and contains several thickened bands which pass to ia. 3. Transverse section through the foot of Scincus, near the bases of the metatarsals. ab*—abductor quinti digiti; fom, =flexor brevis medius str. profundum; fom, — flexor brevis medius str. superficiale; fbp, and fbp = fibular and tibial slips of flexor brevis profundus; fbs = flexor brevis super- ficialis str. superficiale; im — intermetatarsal ligaments; Jp = lateral plantar nerve; mp —medial plantar nerve; pa; and pa, —superficial and deep layers of the plantar aponeurosis. the digits and insert with the tendons of the flexor brevis superficialis. The layer is especially developed towards the fibular side of the foot, pass- ing in Scincus to all the digits except the first, but in Iguana being lim- ited to the third, fourth and fifth, only an exceedingly thin layer of fascia covering the muscles passing to the first and second digits. The slip to the minimus is a strong triangular sheet which easily separates from the rest of the aponeurosis. The flexor brevis superficialis (Fig. 3, fobs) les immediately beneath the superficial plantar aponeurosis and consists of a stratum superficiale =u J. Playfair McMurrich 413 and a stratum profunduf. The stratum superficiale (Fig. 4, fbs), takes its origin from the sesamoid bone developed in the tendon of the crural plantaris profundus II-III, and, therefore, from a portion of the super- ficial aponeurosis. In Scincus it forms a continuous sheet, lying at first to the medial side, of the terminal portion of the plantaris superficialis lateralis and resting directly on the continuation of the tendon of the plantaris profundus II-III. As this tendon divides into slips for the five digits, the flexor superficialis divides into corresponding portions, each of these, as a rule, again dividing into two slips, which insert into either side of the base of the proximal phalanx, the tendon of the plantaris profundus II-III passing between them. The slip to the hallux could not be traced se Fic. 4. Transverse section through the foot of Scincus near the heads of the second metatarsal. fbm, —flexor brevis medius str. profundum; fom, = flexor brevis medius str. superficiale; fbp, and fop,—fibular and tibial slips of flexor brevis profundus; fbs, — flexor brevis superficialis str. profundum; fbss = flexor brevis superficialis str. superficiale; im— 360 diameters. Fic. 18. Experiment DF,,. Section 30 micro mm. caudal to above, show- ing similar position of optic nerve. X 360 diameters. Fic. 19. Experiment DF,,. Section 40 micro mm. caudal to above, show- ing optic nerve running from outer layer into medulla caudal to otic vesicle. The optic nerve-bundle can only be followed a few sections in the medulla. x 360 diameters. Fic. 20. Experiment DF,,,. -Embryo rana palustris killed 19 days after transplantation of the optic vesicle into the region between the eye and the otic vesicle. Section through middle of transplanted eye and side of brain. The transplanted eye shows invagination and differentiation of the layers of the retina, the cup cavity and pupil are much smaller than normal, and there is no trace of a lens. The ganglionic layer bordering the cavity has in places only a few scattered cells as most of the cells form a heap projecting into the cavity and from this heap of cells a nerve arises which passes across the cavity through the narrow pupil out into the mesenchyme to the sub- ectodermal pigment band. There is also a small optic nerve passing through the retina into the outer layer, the figure shows its position here as pro- jected from the two neighboring sections. It can be traced for a short distance only in the outer layer. X 90 diameters. Fic. 21. Experiment DF,,;. Embryo rana palustris killed 18 days after transplantation of the optic vesicle into the region between the otic capsule and medulla. Section through transplanted eye, otic capsule, and medulla. The eye, owing to irregular invagination, has only a very narrow pupil and small, irregular cup cavity. Most of the optic nerve-fibers pass from the irregular ganglionic layer through the narrow pupil into the mesenchyme ventral to the otic capsule, where it splits into two divisions, the ventral one of these runs a short distance and ends abruptly in the mesenchyme, the other runs to the cartilage ventral to the otic vesicle and can be traced for a short distance along it. The peripheral portion of the nerve, as shown in the figure, is projected into the section from the neighboring sections. Another portion of the optic nerve, smaller than the first one, runs through the retina and seems to end abruptly at the pigment layer. This portion of the nerve has also been projected into the figure from a neighboring sec- tion. > 90 diameters. Warren Harmon Lewis 2, ° Wid oO Pas 2° p= o° ° %, EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE EYE IN AMPHIBIA. III. ON THE ORIGIN AND DIFFERENTIATION OF THE LENS. BY WARREN HARMON LEWIS. Associate Professor of Anatomy, Johns Hopkins University. WITH 83 FIGURES. INTRODUCTION. Since the publication of my paper on the origin of the lens in rana palustris," I have made many new experiments on lens-formation with regenerating and transplanted eyes, not only in rana palustris but in rana sylvatica and amblystoma punctatum. My pupil, Mr. Le Cron, has also made experiments in the same field on amblystoma.* These new experiments confirm the conclusions given in my previous paper for rana palustris and throw additional light on the origin and early de- velopment of the lens. They leave no doubt, I believe, but that a lens, arising from the ectoderm in the amphibian embryo, is dependent for its origin on the contact infiuence of the optic vesicle on the ectoderm, in other words, the lens is not a self-originating structure. These experiments indicate that actual contact between optic vesicle and ecto- derm is essential, and that the optic vesicle has not the power of acting at a distance to stimulate lens-formation. The size of the lens-plate, the lens-bud, the lens vesicle, and the early stages of the lens are shown to be dependent in part upon the actual area of this contact between optic vesicle and ectoderm. These experiments indicates also that not only is the lens dependent on the influence of the optic vesicle for its initial origin, but that its subsequent growth and differentiation is dependent on the continued influence, probably contact influence, for a time at least, of the optic vesicle. Le Cron’s experiments were directed more especially towards this point and show that in amblystoma the influence of the optic vesicle must be exerted for a considerable period 1Am. Jour. of Anat., Vol. III, 1904. 2Am. Jour. of Anat., Vol. VI, 1907. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY.—VOL. VI. 474 The Origin and Differentiation of the Lens of time in order that a perfect lens may form. My experiments throw some light on the nature of the earlest influence of the optic vesicle on the ectoderm; lens-like structures of the ectoderm can be produced by mechanical injuries of the ectoderm, as with a needle or other instrument. ‘These lens-lke structures consist merely of a proliferation of cells of the inner layer of the ectoderm into small buds, small solid bodies or small vesicles, but they do not show signs of differentiation into lens fibers, ete. Their great similarity to some of the earlier stages of abortive lens-formation suggests the idea that the initial stimulus of the optic vesicle is such as ‘to cause at first only an increase in the rate of cell division in the area of contact of the ectoderm, and it may be that the earhest stimulus of the optic vesicle is purely mechanical. It was shown in my previous paper that probably any portion of the inner layer of the ectoderm is capable of giving rise to a lens when properly stimulated. There is, then, no especial predetermined group of cells which must be stimulated, in order that a lens may arise. There cannot be then in the ovum or fertilized egg, substances, either proto- plasmic or chromatic, or otherwise, which represent the lens in the sense in which Conklin has found certain definite kinds of protoplasm that differentiate into the central nervous system, the muscular system, ete. Such tissues or organs as the central nervous system, the muscular system, the ectoderm, etc., which are in a way represented by substances in the egg, possessing more or less power of self-differentiation, might be designated as fundamental or primary tissues and the others as the lens and cornea as secondary tissues. The latter would be dependent for their origin on reactions between the primary tissues during the course of development, or if the reaction takes place very early, between substances which represent them in the ovum. How large this group of secondary tissues is can only be determined by experimentation. That the cornea belongs to this class has been clearly shown by my experi- ments.” The present paper is concerned for the most part with the effects on lens-formation after total or partial extirpation of the optic vesicle with total absence or varying degrees of regeneration of these eyes. Anatomy of the Eye Region at the Operating Stage. In embryos of rana palustris and rana sylvatica at about the time of, or shortly after, the closure and beginning fusion of the neural folds, the optic vesicle projects from the sides of the brain and produces a ° Jour. of Expt. Zo6l., Vol. II. Warren Harmon Lewis 475 bulging of the ectoderm on the surface of the embryo (Figs. 1, 2, and 3). The cavity of the optic vesicle communicates with the brain cavity by a wide opening and there is very little indication of the formation of the optic stalk. The ganglionic mass of the fifth nerve lies in direct contact with the posterior surface of the optic vesicle and partially covers it. The walls of the optic vesicle are of about the same thickness as the ventral wall of the brain. There is at this time no indication of any differentiation between those cells which are destined to form the eye, or the optic stalk and the brain. That there are differences not brought out by the ordinary histological methods is evident from the results of my experiments. Among the embryos allowed to live about the same length of time after partial or total extirpation of the optic vesicle, there are regenerated eyes of all sizes, ranging from those of nearly normal size, to complete absence. In some, only the optic stalk has regenerated, and in others the brain wall may be defective from loss of tissue, which was cut away with the optic vesicle. Correlated with these differences in the regenerated eyes are differences in the transplanted eyes. In most of the embryos the optic vesicle, after having been cut away, was transplanted into the otic region of the same or another embryo, and among these transplanted eyes there are small ones and large ones, and some with bits of brain tissue attached. Such results are most readily explained if we assumed that those cells which go to form the eye are already determined and that the line of separation between brain and eye cells is sharp and can be indicated by a line, as cd (Fig. 3°). Cuts separating the eye from the brain lateral to ed would leave varying numbers of optic vesicle cells attached to the brain and so give rise to regenerated eyes of various sizes, cuts along the plane cd would leave no cells for regeneration, while cuts median to the plane cd would include, with the transplanted eye, various amounts of brain tissue. As all these conditions are found, in the embryos experimented upon, it is but natural to conclude that the eye cells are already pre- determined, although on microscopical examination no line of demar- cation can be seen between brain and eye cells at the time of closure of the neural folds. This question will be more fully discussed in another paper on the origin and differentiation of the optic vesicle. The lateral surface of the optic vesicle at this stage is in direct con- tact with the inner layer of the ectoderm over a considerable area (see Fig. 3). There is very little mesenchyme at this side of the brain, but ventral to the brain in this region there is a considerable layer of mesen- chyme. ‘There are no indications of any changes in the ectoderm 476 The Origin and Differentiation of the Lens leading to lens-formation, nor do these changes appear for some little time. That is, no indications are to be seen by the ordinary histological and embryological methods. The cells of the inner layer of the ectoderm are apparently all alike in this region. That there may be invisible differences in the cytoplasm or in the nuclei, or differences which have not as yet been recognized, is, of course, possible, but the following ex- periments would seem to indicate otherwise. Thus the optic vesicle will continue its differentiation independently of any especial environment, as when transplanted into various regions of the embryo. Not, so, however, does the normal lens-forming ecto- derm behave when its special environment is altered by removal of the optie vesicle, for without the influence of the optic vesicle no traces of the lens appear. If the lens-forming ectodermal cells are different—the difference only appearing as development progresses—we should expect this to appear independently of their special environment (the presence of the optic vesicle) unless this environment is a necessary factor in bringing about their progressive differentiation, and as such environment is necessary the lens cannot be considered as a self-originating structure. It is only by the experimental method that we can so alter the normal environment as to afford a means of solving such questions. The elimination of the possible influence of the optic vesicle is naturally the first factor to be considered. | Method of Operation. The embryos were operated upon under the binocular microscope. They were placed in small glass dishes either in ordinary tap water or in a 0.2 per cent salt solution. The latter solution does not offer any especial advantages, however. The embryo was held with a small pair of forceps and a semi-circular incision made, through the ectoderm caudal in the bulge produced by the optic vesicle, with a fine pair of scissors or a sharp needle. The skin flap thus formed was turned for- ward and left attached anterior to the eye. The optic vesicle and surrounding structures were thus exposed without injury either to them or the overlying ectoderm. In Fig. 2 a much larger skin flap than was used in the operation is shown turned forward from over the optic vesicle and ganglionic masses. At a later stage the operation of turning forward the skin flap becomes quite difficult, owing to adhesion which takes place between optic vesicle and ectoderm preceding lens-formation. Warren Harmon Lewis ANT With the point of a fine needle or a small pair of scissors the optic vesicle was cut off close to the brain, thus leaving a large opening into the ventricle. After removal of the optic vesicle the skin flap was returned into its original position and held in place for a few minutes either by the pressure of short pieces of silver wire, or better, by turning the embryo over, with the skin flap against the bottom of the dish, the weight of the embryo above being sufficient to hold the flap in place. There is often more or less contraction of the skin flap, so that it does not always cover the entire denuded ana. Healing takes place quite rapidly and in an hour or two the process is usually complete. The embryos were kept in small glass dishes and the water changed every day or two. The embryos were killed in Zenker’s fiuid at periods varying from 2 to 20 days after the operation, embedded in paraffine, cut into serial sections 5 to 10 micro mm. in thickness and stained in hematoxylin and congo red. As great care was taken not to injure the skin flap, and especially that portion of the inner layer of the ectoderm which would, under normal conditions, have given rise to the lens, it seemed probable that the lens would arise unless it were in some way dependent for its origin directly or indirectly on the presence of the optic vesicle. It is easily shown that the mere turning forward of the skin flap from over the optic vesicle and then replacing it does not interfere with lens-formation, and even if a portion of the optic vesicle is cut away the remainder will regenerate an eye, and a lens will form from the ectoderm, provided, however, that the regenerated eye comes into contact with the ectoderm (see Figs. 67, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, and 76). RESULTS FROM EXPERIMENTS. Absence of Lens-formation After Total Extirpation of the Optic Vesicle. In 50 of the embryos of rana sylvatica thus experimented upon and killed at from 3 to 16 days after complete extirpation of the optic vesicle, there was no regeneration of the eye and no indication of a lens or of lens-formation in the normal lens region from which the eye was taken. Fig. 4, from an embryo killed 3 days after complete extirpa- tion of the eye, shows complete absence of the eye and lens. Remnants of the optic stalk are imbedded in the ventral side of the brain. The normal eye on the opposite side of the head shows a large optic cup and lens (Fig. 5). Fig. 6 is from a section through the eye region of 478 The Origin and Differentiation of the Lens another embryo killed 5 days after complete extirpation of the optic vesicle. A portion of the optic stalk has regenerated, but there is no trace of a lens in this region. This resulting absence of lens-formation after complete extirpation of the optic vesicle in rana sylvatica is in entire accord with my previous work on rana palustris." Some new experiments on rana palustris give me now 21 examples of complete extirpation of the optic vesicle by the above operation, in which there was failure of lens-formation, asso- ciated with complete absence of the eye. Similar operations on amblystoma punctatum by Le Cron’ likewise demonstrate the lack of lens-formation after complete extirpation of the optic vesicle at this early stage. Spemann’s experiments” on rana fusca, made on embryos younger than those used by me, also show that if the eye spot is killed on the open medullar plate, the lens fails to appear. In none of my experi- ments are there to be found lenses or lens-like structures in the normal lens region when the optic vesicle fails to regenerate. As the lens often does arise when the eye regenerates its absence is not due to the operation itself but to the lack of influence of the extirpated optic vesicle. These experiments indicate very clearly that the lens is not a self-originating structure. Absence of Lens-formation After Partial Extirpation of the Optic Vesicle. In 51 of the embryos of rana sylvatica there was more or less regen- eration of the eye without any indications, however, of lenses or be- ginning lens-formation. Figs. 7, 8, 9, and 10 are from sections through such regenerating eyes of embryos killed from 3 to 5 days after the operation. They are among the larger of the regenerating eyes without lenses, but are much smaller, however, than normal eyes of the same age (see Figs. 8, 75, and 77). These regenerating eyes are separated from the ectoderm by mesenchyme and were probably never in contact or not in contact with the ectoderm for a sufficient length of time to stimu- late lens-formation. The majority of regenerating eyes without lenses are separated from the ectoderm by mesenchyme; a few exceptional ones, however, were found to be in contact with the ectoderm (Figs. 11, 12, and 13). The embryos from which these figures were taken * See figure 6, p. 510, and figure 9, p. 512, Am. Jour. of Anat., Vol. III, 1904. 5Am. Jour. of Anat., Vol. VI, 1907. ®°Verhandl. der Anat. Gesell., 1901. Warren Harmon Lewis 479 were killed 3 days after the operation, and on the normal side in each is a well-formed lens (Fig. 59). The regenerating eyes in these embryos are in contact with the ectoderm by the outer layer, which does not seem to possess the power of stimulating lens-formation. In 34 embryos of rana palustris killed at varying ages after partial extirpation of the optic vesicle there are regenerating eyes of various sizes without lenses or traces of lens-formation. Regenerating eyes in contact with the ectoderm for a sufficient length of time can stimulate lens-formation, but in the above experiments the absence of lens-formation is to be explained through want of contact between eye and ectoderm, or to the contact not having been of sufficient duration; or to the contact having been over too small an area, or to contact by the outer layer of the optic vesicle, which does not seem to possess the power of stimulating lens-formation. The adhesion which ordinarily takes place between optic vesicle and ectoderm before lens- formation is probably an important factor, and if this is interfered with even though contact may exist, it is possible that a lens would not arise. These experiments indicate that the lens is not self-originating, and that the regenerating eye cannot stimulate lens-formation when separated from the ectoderm by mesenchyme. Lens-formation Associated with Regenerating Eyes. In 25 embryos of rana sylvatica killed from 3 to 16 days after partial extirpation of the optic vesicle there are regenerating eyes of various sizes associated with lenses or lens-like structures of various stages‘ and sizes (Figs. 17, 27, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, 64, and 65). Small and imperfect Jens structures are often associated with some of these smaller regenerated eyes. The larger regenerated eyes, how- ever, give rise to normal lenses, indicating thereby that the operation itself, unless a considerable portion of the optic vesicle is cut away, does not interfere with lens-formation from the skin flap. These large re- “It has seemed convenient to divide the development of the lens into several stages: (1) the lens-plate, or the thickening of the inner layer of the ectoderm; (2) the lens-bud (Fig. 67), projection of this thickened area until its separation from the ectoderm; (3) the lens-vesicle (Figs. 43, 59, 66, 68, and 69), the vesicle-like structure from the time of its separation from the ecto- derm until the differentiation of the anterior epithelial layer and lens-fibers; and (4) the lens (proper), the earlier stages of which are seen in Figs. 61 and 70, and the later stages in Figs. 38, 74, 75, 76, 77, and 78. 480 The Origin and Differentiation of the Lens generated eyes with lenses in rana sylvatica are very much the same as in rana palustris (see Figs. 67, 69, 73, 74, and 76). The sizes of the regenerating eyes during these early stages seem to be dependent much more upon the amount of eye tissue left attached to the brain, during the operation, than upon the length of time the embryo is allowed to live. In 76 embryos of rana palustris lenses or abortive lenses of various sizes and stages are associated with.regenerating eyes. In some of the smaller regenerating eyes the lens-bud or vesicle is very small and does not show much differentiation (see Figs. 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 31, 32, 33, 40, 41, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, and 65. In the larger regen- erated eyes the lens-buds, or vesicles, or lenses approach more the normal, as in Figs. 67, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, and 76. These experiments indicate, as in rana sylvatica, that the failure of lens-formation, when the eye fails to regenerate or only regenerates a little, is not due to the mere reflecting of the skin flap and replacing the latter, but to the lack of the proper stimulus to the ectoderm. There is every reason to believe that in these experiments the regenerating eyes were in contact with the ecto- derm and then stimulated lenses to form, their sizes depending upon the area of contact. between optic vesicle and ectoderm and upon the duration of this contact. And the fact that the eye, after the lens has been stimulated to arise, is separated from the ectoderm by mesen- chyme is no indication that they were not at one time in contact. I see no other way of explaining why some regenerated eyes are without lenses and others have them, except in this manner, as the location of two eyes may be almost exactly the same at the time of killing the embryo, yet one may have a lens and the other not. Abortive Lenses with Regenerating Eyes. In both rana palustris and sylvatica there are a number of very curious small lens-buds associated with the small regenerating eyes (Figs. 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 30). Such abortive lens- buds are merely solid outgrowths of the inner layer of the ectoderm, and are very much smaller than the normal lenses; they show no especial indication of differentiation into lens-like structures, yet they were undoubtedly caused by the small regenerating eyes. Figs. 18, 20, 28, 36, and 37 show only small and imperfect areas of contact between optic vesicle and ectoderm, and to this is due, in part, the small size and imperfect development of the lens-buds. The ingrowth of mesen- Warren Harmon Lewis 481 chyme between the small lens-buds and eye, as seen in Figs. 25, 27, 30, 34, 35, 57, and 58 is an additional factor in causing these abortive lenses. Some of these lens-buds would probably have remained attached to the ectoderm for many days, while others, such as shown in Figs. 21, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 36, and 37 might ultimately have separated, to form small solid spherical masses, as shown in Figs. 40, 41, and 42. Figs. 14, 15, and 17 show how the mesenchyme may grow in between the early lens-plate and the optic vesicle. These lens-plates would probably have soon ceased to develop and small lens-buds have formed from them. Somewhat larger regenerating eyes give rise to larger lens-buds and vesicles, as in Figs. 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, and 67. When such lens- structures retain more normal relations with the optic cup they will develop into small but fairly normal lenses, as in Figs. 71 and 72. The larger regenerating eyes give rise to more normal lenses, as in Figs. 69, 73, 74, and 76. These experiments indicate that the lens is neither self-originating nor self-differentiating, but is dependent for its origin, its size, its differ- entiation, and its growth on the influence of the eye. Abortive Lens-formation with Degenerating Eyes. Among these experiments there are four rather fortunate examples of degeneration and partial disintegration of the brain and the eye on the unoperated left side of the head. Three of these embryos were operated upon for extirpation of the right eye in succession and were killed 4 days after the operation. The fourth (DL,) was operated upon at an earlier time. In each the supposedly normal eye is much smaller than a normal one of the same age, and shows only shallow invagination, no differentiation of the layers of the retina except the outer pigment layer. Compare Figs. 79, 80, 81, and 82 with a normal eye (Fig. 77), from an embryo killed 4 days after the operating stage and of about the same age. The important point in connection with these degener- ating eyes is in the size and differentiation of the lenses. Instead of a large lens, as in Fig. 77, with long lens-fibers and a well developed epithelial layer we have only small lens vesicles. In experiment, DL,, there are two such lens vesicles (Figs. 81 and 82) associated with the same eye. The lens vesicles, although small and retarded in differen- tiation, show no signs of degeneration. ‘They are very similar to some of the small lens vesicles associated with small regenerated eyes (com- pare with Figs. 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, and 65). What I imagine has taken 482 The Origin and Differentiation of the Lens place is: that something connected with the operation started progres- sive degenerative changes in the optic vesicle, but before they had become much advanced a small lens-plate and lens-bud were stimulated. Owing, however, to the increase in the degeneration the eye lost for the most part its usual influence on the developing lens, consequently the great retardation and apparent stoppage of the growth and differentiation of the later in the vesicle stage. These eyes seem to be rapidly dis- appearing and it is possible if one of the embryos had been killed a few days later the eye would have completely degenerated and disappeared, leaving a lens vesicle of unknown origin, and thus might have been mis- taken for a self-differentiating and self-originating structure. In another experiment (t,,) in which tissue from another embryo was transplanted into the otic region without disturbing in any way mechanically the optic region both eyes and the brain were found to be degenerating, and associated with each eye is a small abortive lens vesicle similar to the ones shown in Figs. 77, 80, 81, and 82. The embryo was killed 6 days after the operation. ‘The embryo, at the time of the operation, was of the same age as in the other experiments, con- sequently there is even more difference between the size and degree of differentiation of these two abortive lenses and normal ones of the same age than between those shown in Figs. 79, or 80, and 77. Lens-like Structures Due to Mechanical Injury of the Ectoderm. In many of the embryos experimented upon, especially in rana syl- vatica, but also in rana palustris and amblystoma, ectodermal buds pro- ject into the mesenchyme from places on the ectoderm liable to have been injured during the operation (Figs. 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, and 50). Such buds are found anterior to the regenerating eye, or posterior to it, more often, however, in the region of the otic capsule. The injury bud in Fig. 48 is very similar to the lens-buds of Figs. 19 and 58, and to the ectodermal bud in Fig. 44. The latter was probably formed at the place where the normal lens was pinched off from the ectoderm. In making the pockets beneath the ectoderm for the transplanted eyes, the overlying ectoderm was often injured with the needle. Also in transplanting the eyes small pieces of ectoderm, either from such wounds or from the edge of the incision, were often pushed into the mesenchyme. The smaller ectodermal bodies take on a solid spherical form, as in Fig. 51 and resemble very much the small lens-like bodies of Figs. 40, 41, and 42, caused by the influence of small optic vesicles Warren Harmon Lewis 483 on the ectoderm. The larger ectodermal bodies form yesicle-like struc- tures, as in Figs. 52, 53, 54, 55, and 56. Some of these bear a-very close resemblance to small lens vesicles, associated with small regenerating eyes. This marked similarity between some of the early abnormal lens-buds or vesicles and those caused by injury suggest, of course, the idea that the initial stimulus of the optic vesicle on the ectoderm is one which merely causes those cells of the inner layer to multiply more rapidly than normal. The cells of the inner layer of the ectoderm seem to have the power of responding to the stimulus of the optic vesicle, or to the mechanical stimulus of the point of a needle, by increased rate of cell division. There is also a tendency for these groups of cells to hold together in the form of buds, or spherical masses, the latter being hollow when large, forming vesicles. In many of the embryos, especially in rana sylvatica, these injury processes are often very long and large and seem to result partly from accidental transplanting an attached piece of ectoderm into the mesenchyme; they may extend for ‘long distances into the mesenchyme, and when caudal to the otic capsule often unite with the pharyngeal epithelium. When they occur in the region of a regenerated or transplanted eye, the entire process, or only a portion of the process, may undergo transformation into a lens, provided it comes into contact with the eye, but not otherwise. These will be con- sidered later in connection with lens-formation from transplanted eyes. DIscussION OF RESULTS FROM THE EXPERIMENTS. Is the Lens Self-originating ? These experiments point very clearly to the lens not being a self- originating structure. Its entire absence after total extirpation of the optic vesicle without regeneration of the eye, and its absence in many of the embryos with small regenerating eyes are very conclusive evidence in favor of this view. The small abortive lenses with small, irregular, regenerating eyes and the evident dependence of the lens for its growth and differentiation on the continued influence of the optic cup, and Le Cron’s experiments on amblystoma showing that the lens is dependent on the continued influence of the optic cup for its growth and differen- tiation even after it has separated from the ectoderm, also support this view. These results are not in accord with the conclusions of King.” On ’ Experimental Studies on the Eye of the Frog. Arch. f. Entwirklungs- merk. d. Organ., XIX, 1905. 484 The Origin and Differentiation of the Lens page 97 we find the following statement relating to her results: ‘“ These results apparently furnish evidence in favor of the view that in a definite region of the ectoderm the cells are destined to form a lens, and . therefore they will produce such a structure even if an optic cup is lacking;” and on page 99: “It appears that the power of self-differen- tiation must be granted lens-forming cells of the ectoderm in the embryo of rana palustris.” King bases this view on the appearance of “ lens- like structures” attached to the inner layer of the ectoderm directly opposite the place where the lens is forming for the normal eye. On the side of the head where these “lens-like structures” are forming there is absolutely no trace of an optic cup, the latter having been killed by puncturing with a hot needle. The very nature of King’s operation makes us at once suspicious of these “ lens-like structures.” The punc- turing the side of the head with a hot needle is a very uncertain and crude mode of operation and as King says (p. 93): “ Presumably the operation destroyed that portion of the ectoderm that would nor- mally produce a lens.” In these operations, which were done on em- bryos somewhat younger than those used by me, it would seem to me also quite impossible to destroy the optic vesicle completely by puncturing the side of the brain with a hot needle without destroying completely those ectodermal cells which King supposed are predestined to differ- entiate into a lens. If these cells are killed then by operation, King’s whole argument falls to the ground. Operating on these embryos with a hot needle to such an extent as to completely or almost completely kill the optic vesicle and part of the brain is a very severe mode of procedure, and the after effects of such operations as King’s must be quite extensive, as about one-half of the embryos died during the first day. It is pos- sible that King may not have destroyed, in some instances, at the time of the operation, completely, the optic vesicle, and that the remnant left may have started the lens-like bud before the complete degeneration, disintegration, and disappearance of the eye resulted from the after effects of the operation. I have already called attention to abortive lens- formation, associated with degenerating eyes, and with a complete de- generation of the eye, such a condition as King found, might readily occur, especially when we consider what Le Cron found in amblystoma, namely, that the early stages of lens-development and differentiation are dependent on the continued influence of the optic vesicle or optic cup, for if the eye is removed without injury to the lens-plate or lens- bud, these structures soon cease to grow and differentiate; the earlier the eye is removed the less power the lens rudiment has of progressive Warren Harmon Lewis : 485 self-differentiation.” Again among my experiments on rana palustris and rana sylvatica there are numerous instances in which the lens-bud has apparently ceased to develop, owing, I believe, in part, at least, to a shifting away from the bud of the small regenerated eye, or irregular transplanted eye, and to an ingrowth of more or less mesenchyme — between the two; in others irregular changes in the form of the eye which shifts the contact of the lens from the retinal to the outer layer leads to similar abortion in lens growth (see Figs. 58, 57, 18, 20, 25, 27, 30, 34, and 40. Another possible explanation of King’s “ lens-like structures” is that they are injury buds due to injury of the ectoderm during the operation, and are so, perhaps, similar in origin to some of those I have already called attention to in a preceding section. My experiments on the extirpation, partial or entire, of the optic vesicle, were performed on embryos a few hours older than those used by King. The possibility or probability that the lens-forming ectodermal cells possess at the stage King used any unusual powers of self-differ- entiation into a lens is scarcely worth serious consideration, as one would naturally expect this power of self-origination to show itself at the stage I used more readily than at the stage King used. Spemann’s experiments were on embryos younger than those used by King, yet he had no indications of self-origination of the lens. In view of these various facts of abortive lens-formation it seems to me much better to explain King’s lens-like structures in one of these ways rather than concluding that the lens is self-originating. Can the Optic Vesicle Stimulate Lens-formation from a Distance or is Direct Contact of the Optic Vesicle with the Ectoderm Necessary? We have noted that in 85 embryos, 51 in rana sylvatica and 34 in rana palustris, there were regenerating eyes of various sizes without lens-formation. Such eyes are usually separated by mesenchyme from the ectoderm, yet eyes may come into contact with the ectoderm by the outer layer without stimulating lens-formation. ‘The regenerating eyes without lenses are usually smaller than those with lenses. Owing to the small size the mesenchyme is much more likely to grow in between the eye and ectoderm and then to prevent contact between the two. Tiss °Proc. Ass. of Am. Anatomists, December, 1906. Jour. of Anat., Vol. V, p. XI; also Am. Jour. of Anat., Vol. VI, No. 2. 486 The Origin and Differentiation of the Lens some embryos an irregularity in the skin flap may have prevented its contact with the stump of the optic vesicle. From a study of the abortive lenses and lenses of various sizes with regenerating eyes it becomes apparent that not only is contact between eye and ectoderm necessary for the initial origin of the lens, but that the size of the lens-plate and lens-bud is dependent upon the area of contact, also the development of the lens is dependent on the continued influence of the eye. The fact that a regenerating eye is often separated from the ectoderm by mesenchyme is no indication that it was never in contact with it. Mesenchyme always grows in between the normal eye and ectoderm (Figs. 77 and 78), yet one would not hesitate to state that at the time of lens-formation the normal eye was in contact with the ectoderm. The operations do not interfere very much with the growth of mesenchyme in the region of the regenerating eye, and as the regen- erating eyes are smaller than normal and are attached to the brain, we should expect to find them more often separated from the ectoderm by mesenchyme than the normal ones, and also at a greater distance from the ectoderm than in normal eyes. This ingrowth of mesenchyme often interferes with lens-formation, if the ingrowth takes place before the lens has started the latter will fail to appear, but if the ingrowth of mesenchyme occurs after the lens has begun to form, various degrees of abortive lens-formation occurs, these depending, in part, on the stage of development of the lens-bud at the time of the ingrowth of the mesenchyme, separating the lens from the eye. In some instances the lens-bud may be pulled out into a long process, owing to the adhesion between eye and lens-bud. As the eye is attached to the brain the pres- sure of the growing mesenchyme would tend to force the ectoderm away from it and thus either stretch out the lens-bud or separate the eye from the lens-bud or the lens-bud from the ectoderm. Figs. 31 and 33 are from experiments where I believe the optic vesicle was originally in contact with the ectoderm, stimulated a small lens-plate and small lens-bud, but with the growth of mesenchyme the small eye has been pushed some distance from the ectoderm, and owing to the adhesion between the lens-bud and eye the former was pulled out into an elongated form. Following this has come more or less separation of the lens-bud and optic-cup, and owing to the original small size of the lens-bud and its later separation or partial separation from the optic-cup' re- tardation in development has occurred. The embryos (DF,, and DF,,) from which Figs. 31 and 33 are taken were killed 4 days after the operation and are in contrast to the conditions found in another embryo ~ Warren Harmon Lewis é 487 (DL,,, Fig. 71) which was also killed 4 days after the operation. As is seen in Fig. 71, the small regenerating eye and small lens are separated from the ectoderm by a considerable layer of mesenchyme. Here there was probably a larger area of contact between the regenerating eye and ectoderm than in embryos DF,, or DF,,, and so a larger lens-plate and lens-bud; there was also probably greater adhesion between optic vesicle and lens-bud, so that when the mesenchyme expanded the side of the head the lens remained with the eye. In Fig. 72 a similar condition is shown, where the area of contact between the small regenerating eye and ectoderm is very small and only a few cells enter into the lens-bud ; the mesenchyme as it grows in between the eye and ectoderm tends. more to separate the lens-bud from the eye than from the ectoderm, and such conditions as seem in Figs. 27, 30, 34, 57, and 58 occur. Some varia- tions occur, of course, and the lens-bud may form a small vesicle or solid body which is separated from both ectoderm and eye, as in Fig. 40. King has pictured a somewhat similar condition in rana palustris, where the lens-bud is separated by mesenchyme from the optic-cup “ (Figs. 5 and 6). She, however, explains this condition by asserting that the “lens can be formed from the ectoderm when the optic-cup is some distance beneath the surface of the body,” and that “contact be- tween the optic-cup and ectoderm is not necessarily the stimulus that tends to the development of the lens.” King’s idea that the regenerating eye (Fig. 6) was never in contact with the ectoderm (p. 95) is based on a misconception of the conditions at the time of an immediately after the operation. There is, of course, at this early stage very little mesen- chyme in the eye region (see Fig. 3), and the ectoderm lies rather close to the side of the brain and the developing eye, and I believe that in the early stages of the regenerating eyes in King’s experiments they must often have come into contact with the ectoderm and in some embryos have stimulated lens-formation. The growth of the mesenchyme here, as in my experiments, would tend either to separate the lens-bud and optic-cup or to elongate the lens-buds, as in King’s (Figs. 5 and 6). It would seem better to explain King’s lens-like structures to have been formed in some such manner rather than to assume that the optic vesicle can act at a distance, especially when we consider the fact that these regenerated eyes of various sizes may remain at varying depths beneath the normal lens-forming ectoderm for from 3 to 18 days without any signs of lens-formation appearing, and so indicate quite clearly 1 Roux’s Archiv, Bd. 19, Taf. VI. 37 488 The Origin and Differentiation of the Lens that action at a distance is a process not very likely to occur. ‘The larger the regenerated eyes the greater the number that show lenses. This is what one would expect if contact were necessary, for the larger the regenerated eye the greater its chance for prolonged contact with the ectoderm. We are practically forced to conclude that actual contact between optic vesicle and ectoderm is necessary for lens-formation, as this seems to be the common factor lacking in the above 85 examples of regeneration of the eye without lens-formation. The lens is then dependent on direct contact of the retinal portion of the optic-cup or vesicle on the inner layer of the ectoderm for its origin. Abnormal relation between the early lens-plate or lense-bud and eye is accompanied by more or less abnormal or abortive lens- formation. The size of the lens, as will be shown further on, and even the differentiation of the lens, are dependent on the continuance of the normal relations between the optic-cup and developing lens. The Lens is Not Self-differentiating. An optic vesicle transplanted into the region of the otic vesicle, for example, will continue its growth and differentiation independently of any especial environment. Invagination, differentiation of the various layers of the retina, and the formation of the optic nerve takes place as readily as when the eye has its normal position and attachment to the brain. It is a remarkable self-differentiating organ. The behavior of the lens is in marked contrast to eye. Le Cron has shown that in amblystoma removal of the optic-cup without injury to the developing lens is followed by abortive lens-formation. The earlier the stage at which the eye is removed the less power of growth and differentiation the lens rudiment possesses. Even when the optic cup is removed after the lens vesicle has separated from the ectoderm its progressive growth and differentiation soon cease and ultimately degenerative changes occur in the lens-fibers. The numerous instances of abortive lens-formation in rana are con- clusive evidence that here too the lens is not a self-differentiating struc- ture, but is dependent, not only on the presence of the optic-cup, but the maintenence of more or less normal relations between the two for a considerable period of time. Disturbance of such relationship by irregular invagination or lack of invagination of the optic vesicle and by ingrowth of mesenchyme results, as in complete extirpation of the optic cup, in abortive lens-formation. Warren Harmon Lewis 489 The Size of the Early Stages of the Lens Dependent in Part Upon the Area of Contact Between the Eye and Ectoderm. Associated with the smallest of the regenerating eyes are the very small lens-plates, as in Figs. 15 and 17, or small lens-buds, as in Figs. 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, ete. Here the area of contact between optic vesicle and ectoderm must have been much smaller than in the normal. With the somewhat larger regenerating eyes we find somewhat larger lens-buds and vesicles, as in Figs. 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, and 65. Still larger eyes show larger lens-buds or vesicles, as in Figs. 67, 69, 71, 72, and 73. Regenerating eyes which approach the normal eye in size have lenses, nearly normal in size, as in Figs. 74 and 76. These differ- ences in the sizes of the lenses, as well as in the sizes of the regenerating eyes are not due to differences in ages of the embryos, for if cor- responding stages in the differentiation of the lens are compared it is found that the actual sizes of the lens-plates in small regen- erating eyes is much smaller than a normal lens-plate, that the lens- buds vary in size somewhat according to the size of the regenerating eyes—the lens vesicles also and the early stages of the lens proper likewise. In some instances the small sizes are to be accounted for by loss of the continued influence of the optic vesicle, as when the latter is separated from the lens structure by mesenchyme. These differences in sizes are due in great part to the fact that the number of cells infiuenced to take part in the formation of the lens-plate and lens-bud is probably directly dependent upon the area of contact between the ectoderm and the retinal, portion of the eye. In general the area of contact will vary with the size of the eye. Owing, however, to irregularities in the position and shape of the regenerating eyes it might often happen that the area of contact would be either larger or smaller than the usual relation of this area to the size of the optic vesicle. Hence the size of the early lens is not always in proportion to the size of the eye. The lens, for example, in Fig. 73 is larger than in 71 or 72, but the optic-cup is smaller. The adhesion which normally takes place between optic vesicle and ectoderm preceding lens-formation and accompanying it is probably an important factor and it is pos- sible that without such adhesion lens-formation from the ectoderm will not follow. The area of adhesion may not, perhaps, always be as large as the area of contact. As, for example, the contact between the outer layer of the eye and ectoderm is not followed by lens-forma- tion. Whether the outer layer will adhere to the ectoderm or not I am unable to say, but presume not, as this would be the most ready 490 The Origin and Differentiation of the Lens explanation of contact without lens-formation, provided lens-forma- tion is dependent upon adhesion. The size of the lens-plate and lens-bud, that is the number of cells of the inner layer of the ecto- derm which take part in their formation, is dependent then, upon the area of contact of the retinal portion of the eye and probably upon the area of adhesion between the retinal portion of the eye and the ectoderm. The size of the lens-bud and lens vesicle is dependent also upon the increase in the number of cells, and this is dependent upon the continued influence of the optic-cup. For how long a period contact is necessary or for how long a time the lens must maintain its normal relations with the optic-cup in order that it may develop and grow in- dependently I am unable to answer at present. Whether a very small lens-bud would ever form a normal sized lens, even if its relations with the small optic-cup were maintained as in a normal eye for a long period, I am also unable at present to determine from my specimens. Still other factors may play a role in regulating the size of these lenses as retarded stimulation of the ectoderm by the regenerating eye. It is possible, of course, that as the embryo gets older the ectoderm responds less and less readily to the stimulation of the optic vesicle, or that older optic vesicles stimulate less readily the ectoderm to form lenses. It is not possible, however, to determine this from my experiments. The Nature of the Initial Stimulus of the Optic Vesicle Leading to Lens-formation. Under normal conditions that portion of the optic vesicle which forms the retina first comes into contact with the inner layer of the ectoderm, the two soon become adherent and they can only be separated with difficulty. Then follows a thickening of this inner layer, which is greatest nearer the center of this area of contact. Accompanying this thickening and probably in part, at least, the cause of it, is an increase in the number of cells in this area. Jn order at first to accommodate the increase in the number of cells they, through mutual lateral pressure on each other, are compressed in the axis parallel to the ectoderm and elongated in the perpendicular axis. ‘This gives the formation of the lens-plate. Accompanying this thickening there takes place the in- vagination of the optic vesicle. The invagination of the optic vesicle into the form of the optic-cup is an active process on the part of the optic vesicle, as I have already pointed out.” As the cells of the lens-plate 1 Am. Jour. of Anat., Vol. III, Proc. of the Ass. of Am. Anat., p. XIII. eee eee Warren Harmon Lewis 491 increase in number they project more and more into the optic-cup cavity and form the lens-bud. It is possible, owing to the adhesion of the lens-plate and lens-bud to the retinal layer of the actively invaginating optic-cup that the latter exerts a pull on the lens-plate and helps in the evagination of the lens-bud. This same pull may also be the stimu- lus which causes the cells to multiply as they are elongated. These are, of course, very difficult points to prove. The first and most important early influence then which the optic vesicle exerts on the inner layer of the ectoderm is a stimulus causing the cells over the area of contact, and especially over the center of this area, to multiply faster than those in the region about. This is clearly indi- cated by several facts. There is at first no apparent alteration in the constitution of lens-plate or lens-bud cells. The cells of some of the small abortive lens-buds even several days after their formation are similar in staining reactions to the cells of the inner layer of the ectoderm. There is a difference in shape, but this is probably due to mechanical relations. Again the cells of the abortive lens-buds or vesicles are similar to the lens-buds or vesicles arising from mechanical injuries of the ectoderm. The fact also that these early lens-buds are not self-differentiating, points to the cells not being essentially different in structure from the cells of the inner layer. That the prolonged influence of the optic-cup does alter the structure and chemical constitution of the lens-cells would seem self-evident. CONCLUSIONS. The lens will not arise from the normal lens-forming region of the ectoderm without the contact stimulus of the optic vesicle on the inner layer of the ectoderm. The lens is not a self-originating structure. The lens will not develop, grow and differentiate, without the con- tinued influence of the optic vesicle and optic-cup. The lens is not a self-differentiating structure. Probably only the retinal portion of the optic vesicle is capable of stimulating lens-formation from the ectoderm. The size of the early lens-structure is due in part to the area of contact or adhesion between optic vesicle and ectoderm, and in part to the length of time the optic vesicle or optic-cup remains in contact by its retinal layer with the growing lens-structure. The intitial stimulus of the optic vesicle on the skin is such as to cause increase in the rate of cell-division at the place of contact, and may be only mechanical. 492 The Origin and Differentiation of the Lens The drawings were all made with the aid of a camera. Fic. 1. Outline of rana sylvatica at operating stage. The neural folds are partly, or in some embryos, completely fused. X 12 diameters. Fic. 2. Same embryo with large skin flap turned forward, exposing the brain with the optic vesicle, and the ganglionic masses of the cranial nerves. The ganglion of the fifth nerve partly covers the optic vesicle and was often partially removed. The skin flap is larger than the one usually used in the operations, the caudal edge of the operating flap being between the ganglia of the fifth and eighth nerves. X 12 diameters. Fic. 3. Section through optic vesicle region of rana sylvatica at operating stage. The fusion of the neural folds in this region is not complete. The ectoderm as yet shows no signs of lens formation. x 90 diameters. Fic. 3a. Outline of section through optic vesicles of rana sylvatica at operating stage. cd, position of cut for extirpation of the optic vesicle. xX 22 diameters. Fic. 4. Experiment DL,,. Embryo rana sylvatica killed 3 days after complete extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Transverse section through the right eye region. No traces of right eye or lens are to be found in the sections. Xx 90 diameters. Fie. 5. Section through left normal eye and lens of above embryo (experi- ment DL,,). X 90 diameters. Fic. 6. Experiment DL.,. Embryo rana sylvatica killed 5 days after the operation. Transverse section through the center of the left eye, right eye entirely wanting, except for a bit of the optic stalk (e). There is no trace of lens formation on the right side of the head. X 45 diameters. Warren Harmon Lewis 493 ttn DARDS SSUUNe Hoa w we Ve: . ol 02 De P® 0 . 200 ger, eet x ‘ Seas 08 009, Oo ° . 494 The Origin and Differentiation of the Lens Fig. 7. Experiment DL;. Embryo rana sylvatica killed 3 days after partial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Transverse section through the small regenerated eye. There is no trace of lens formation. The normal left eye is like the one in figure 6. > 90 diameters. Fic. 8. Experiment DL,,. Embryo rana sylvatica killed 5 days after partial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Transverse section through small regenerated eye and through the normal left eye. No trace of a lens is to be found on the right side. X 45 diameters. Fie. 9. Experiment DL... Embryo rana sylvatica killed 4 days after partial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Transverse section through small regenerated eye. No traces of lens formation are to be found in the sections. Two sections caudal to this one the regenerated eye shows its attachment by a long optic stalk to the brain. The normal left eye is like the one in Fig. 77, experiment DF,,. > 90 diameters. Fie. 10. Experiment DF,,. Embryo rana palustris killed 5 days after partial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Transverse section through small regenerated right eye. No traces of lens formation are to be found in the sections. It is attached to the brain by a long optic stalk. The normal left eye is like the one in Fig. 75, experiment DF,,. > 90 diameters. Fic. 11. Experiment dx,. Embryo rana sylvatica killed 3 days after partial extirpation of the right eye. Transverse section through the regen- erated right eye which is in contact by its outer layer with the ectoderm. (There is an artificial separation in the sections.) No traces of lens formation are to be found in the sections. The normal eye is like the one in Fig. 59, experiment DF,,. > 90 diameters. Fie. 12. Experiment DL... Embryo rana sylvatica killed 3 days after partial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Transverse section through the small regenerated right eye which is in contact with the ectoderm by its outer layer. No traces of lens formation are to be found in the sections. The normal left eye is like the one in Fig. 6, experiment DL,,. xX 90 diameters. Fic. 13. Experiment DF,;,. Embryo rana palustris killed 3 days after partial extirpation of the optic vesicle. Transverse section through small regenerated right eye which is in contact by its outer layer with the ectoderm. No traces of lens formation are to be found in the sections. The normal left eye is similar to that in Fig. 59, experiment DF, or DF,. X 90 diameters. Fic. 14. Experiment DF,. Embryo rana palustris killed 3 days after par- tial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Transverse section through the small regenerated right eye which is in contact by a portion of its retinal layer with the ectoderm. There is a slight thickening of the inner layer of the ectoderm opposite the eye but separated from it by a thin layer of mesenchyme. The normal left eye is similar to that in Fig. 59, experiment DF,,. X 90 diameters. Fic. 15. Experiment DF,. Section through the lens-plate more highly magnified than in Fig. 14. >X 3860 diameters. Fie. 16. Experiment DL,. Embryo rana sylvatica killed 4 days after partial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Transverse section through the caudal part of the small regenerated eye showing its connection with the brain. The normal left eye is similar to the one in Fig. 70, experiment DF,,. x 90 diameters. Fie. 17. Section through part of anterior end of the eye in experiment DL, showing its contact with the ectoderm by the retinal layer and the formation at the place of contact of a small lens-plate. (The separation of the eye and ectoderm in the figure is an artefact.) x 180 diameters. 495 Warren Harmon Lewis 9 ay ns 8 P00? ° on? 496 The Origin and Differentiation of the Lens Fic. 18. Experiment DF,;. Embryo rana palustris killed 4 days after partial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Section through the small regenerated eye showing where outer layer and small corner of the retinal layer were in contact with the ectoderm. A small lens-bud is attached here to the inner layer of the ectoderm. The normal left eye is similar to the one in Fig. 77, experiment DF,,;. > 90 diameters. Fic. 19. Lens-bud in the above experiment DF,, more highly magnified. < 360 diameters. Fig. 20. Experiment DF,,. Embryo rana palustris killed 3 days after partial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Section through anterior por- tion of regenerated eye showing contact of edge of the cup with the ectoderm and the formation of a small lens-bud from the inner layer of the ectoderm. The normal right eye is similar to that in Fig. 42 or 68, experiment DF,,; or DF,. X 90 diameters. Fig. 21. Lens-bud in above experiment, DF,, more highly magnified. x 360 diameters. Fic. 22. Section through caudal portion of same eye, experiment DF,,, show small cup separated from the ectoderm by mesenchyme. X 90 diameters. Fic. 23. Experiment DF, . Embryo rana palustris killed 3 days after partial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Section through caudal end of regenerated eye, it is separated from the brain by the anterior end of the transplanted eye and apparently pushed against the ectoderm where there is a small lens-bud attached to the inner layer of the ectoderm. The retinal portion of the regenerated eye is in contact with the lens-bud. The normal left eye is similar to the one in Fig. 42, experiment DF,;. X 90 diameters. Fic. 24. Experiment DF,. Lens-bud more highly magnified. x 360 diameters. Fig. 25. Experiment DF,. Embryo rana palustris killed 4 days after partial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Section through the small regenerated right eye. It is separated from the ectoderm by a thin layer of mesenchyme. There is a small lens bud attached in the inner layer of the ectoderm. The normal left eye is similar to that in Fig. 61, experiment DF, . x 90 diameters. Fig. 26. Experiment DF,. Lens-bud more highly magnified. x 360 diameters. Fic. 27. Experiment dx,. Embryo rana sylvatica killed 3 days after par- tial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Section through small regenerated right eye and small lens-bud, the latter is still attached to the ectoderm but is separated from the optic cup by mesenchyme. X 90 diameters. Fic. 28. Experiment dx,. Caudal end of regenerated eye in contact with the ectoderm by the outer layer. No signs of lens formation here. X 90 diameters. Fic. 29. Experiment dx,. Section through normal left eye. X 90 diameters. Fic. 30. Experiment dx,. Embryo rana sylvatica killed 3 days after par- tial extirpation of the right eye.. The regenerated eye is about the size and shape of the one in Fig. 27. Its caudal end does not show the outer layer cells. Section through caudal end of the eye and lens-bud. A thin layer of mesenchyme separates them. The normal left eye is similar to the one in Fig. 29. X 360 diameters. Warren Harmon Lewis 497 v N * ) 6S 0% eat 498 The Origin and Differentiation of the Lens Fic. 31. Experiment DF,,. Embryo rana palustris killed 4 days after the partial extirpation of the right eye. Section through regenerated right eye and lens-bud. The eye is separated from the ectoderm by mesenchyme. The normal left eye is in outline on the opposite side. »X 45 diameters. Fic. 32. Experiment DF,,. Lens-bud more highly magnified. x 360 diameters. Fic. 33. Experiment DF,,. Embryo rana palustris killed 4 days after par- tial extirpation of the right eye. Section through regenerated eye and lens- bud. The eye is separated from the ectoderm by mesenchyme. The normal eye is similar to the one in Fig. 31. The lens-bud is very similar to that in Fig. 32. x 45 diameters. Fic. 34. Experiment dx,. Embryo rana sylvatica killed 4 days after the operation. Section through caudal portion of regenerated eye. Here its outer layer is towards the ectoderm and separated from it by mesenchyme. There is a small lens-bud opposite this portion of the eye. The normal left eye is similar to that of Fig. 29. X 90 diameters. Fic. 35. Experiment dx,. Lens-bud more highly magnified. x 360 diameters. Fic. 36. Experiment DL,. Embryo rana sylvatica killed 5 days after partial extirpation of the right eye. Section through regenerated eye and lens-bud. The regenerated eye is separated from the ectoderm by mesenchyme. There is an artificial separation of the lens-bud from the inner layer of the ectoderm. X 90 diameters. Fic. 37. Experiment DL,,. Lens-bud more highly magnified. xX 360 diameters. Fic. 38. Experiment DL,. Section through normal left eye and lens. x 90 diameters. Fig. 39. Experiment DF,. Embryo rana palustris killed 5 days after partial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Section through regenerated right eye showing attachment to brain and separation from ectoderm by mesenchyme. The normal left eye is similar to the one in Fig. 75, experi- ment DF,,. X 90 diameters. ‘Fic. 40. Experiment DF,,. Section through anterior end regenerated eye and small solid lens-sphere which is separate from the ectoderm. The outer layer of the eye is nearest the lens-sphere but separated from it by mesen- chyme. X 90 diameters. Fic. 41. Experiment DF,,. Lens-sphere more highly magnified. xX 360 diameters. 499 Warren Harmon Lewis a> xe =e ° oes SioyeitaisioleOn 500 The Origin and Differentiation of the Lens Fie. 42. Experiment DF,;. Embryo rana palustris killed 3 days after partial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Section through regenerated eye and solid lens-sphere. The latter is separate from the ectoderm. xX 90 diameters. Fic. 43. Experiment DF,;. Section through normal left eye and lens vesicle. > 90 diameters. Fig. 44. Experiment DF,,. Embryo rana palustris killed 3 days after the operation (see Figs. 20 and 21). Section through edge of normal left eye, edge of lens, lower edge of optic cup and ectoderm showing small lens-bud- like structure attached to the inner layer of the ectoderm. Probably place where lens was pinched off. X 360 diameters. Fie. 45. Experiment DL.,. Embryo rana sylvatica killed 4 days after extirpation and transplantation of the right optic vesicle. Section through lens-like bud of the inner layer of the ectoderm. It is near the otic vesicle but not near either the normal lens area or near the transplanted eye. It was probably caused by injury to the ectoderm during the transplantation of the eye. X 180 diameters. Fic. 46. Experiment DL,,. Embryo rana sylvatica killed 3 days after partial extirpation of right eye. Section through lens-like bud of inner layer of ectoderm, anterior to otic vesicle, and is probably from wound caused in making skin flap. x 180 diameters. Fig. 47. Experiment DF,,. Embryo of rana palustris killed 5 days after partial extirpation of right eye. Regenerated eye has two lenses. Section through lens-like bud of the inner layer, anterior to regenerated eye, and is probably from an injury to the skin flap. XX 180 diameters. Fie. 48. Experiment DL... Embryo of rana sylvatica killed 4 days after the operation. Section through “lens-like bud’ which has arisen between the normal lens-forming region and the otic vesicle about in the region of the wound of incision. X 360 diameters. Fie. 49. Experiment DL,,. Embryo rana sylvatica killed 5 days after the operation. Section through long lens-like bud near otic vesicle. It is prob- ably from injury to the ectoderm made during the transplantation of the eye. xX 90 diameters. Fic. 50. Experiment DL,,. Distal end of lens-like bud. X 360 diameters. Fic. 51. Experiment DL,,. Embryo of rana sylvatica killed 3 days after the operation. Section through solid ectodermal spherical mass which has probably arisen from the ectoderm. It is located caudal to the normal lens- forming area about in the region of the wound of incision. x 360 diameters. Fic. 52. Experiment DL,. Embryo of rana sylvatica killed 5 days after the operation. Section through ectoderm and small lens-like vesicle, located caudal to the normal lens-forming area about in the region of the wound of incision. The ectoderm over the vesicle shows still evidences of the origin of the vesicle and dips down into the mesenchyme. X 360 diameters. Fic. 53. Experiment DL,,. Embryo rana sylvatica killed 5 days after transplantation of optic vesicle into otic region. Section through otic vesicle, transplanted eye, and ventral to it a small lens-like vesicle, probably from injury to the ectoderm. X 90 diameters. Fig. 54. Experiment DL,,. Lens-like vesicle more highly magnified. xX 360 diameters. Warren Harmon Lewis "0 Ore "a phleste #55 [ey4 nel eee’ WS pala Or SS oo The Origin and Differentiation of the Lens Fic. 55. Experiment DL;,. Embryo rana sylvatica killed 3 days after transplantation of the optic vesicle into the otic region. Section through edge of outer layer of transplanted eye, ectoderm, and small lens-like vesicle. The transplanted eye has a large lens. X 360 diameters. Fie. 56. Experiment DL,,. Embryo rana sylvatica killed 4 days after transplantation of the optic vesicle into the otic region. Section through ectoderm, anterior end transplanted eye, and lens-like vesicle. The latter is near an injured place in the ectoderm. X 90 diameters. Fic. 57. Experiment DL,. Embryo rana sylvatica killed 3 days after transplantation of the optic vesicle into the otic region. Section through caudal edge of eye and ectoderm showing small lens-like bud. The trans- planted eye has a large lens, and this bud is probably an injury process. x 360 diameters. Fic. 58. Experiment DF,,. Embryo rana palustris killed 4 days after transplantation of the optic vesicle into the otic region. Section through one edge of the transplanted eye and small lens-bud. The transplanted eye has also another and larger lens. The normal left lens is similar to the one in Fig. 61, experiment DF,,. x 360 diameters. Fic. 59. Experiment DF,,. Embryo rana palustris killed 3 days after partial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Transverse section through regenerated and normal eyes, and normal lens vesicle. Xx 90 diameters. Fic. 60. Experiment DF,,. Section caudal to above, through regenerated eye, and end of transplanted eye and small lens-bud. X 90 diameters. 503 wis Warren Harmon Le . e ° 1) > a ° ° ° 504 The Origin and Differentiation of the Lens Fic. 61. Experiment DF,. Embryo rana palustris killed 4 days after partial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Section through regenerated and normal eyes. Both regenerated eye and its small lens vesicle are sepa- rated from the ectoderm by mesenchyme. The normal side shows the early “lens” stage. X 90 diameters. Fic. 62. Experiment DF,,. Embryo rana palustris killed 4 days after partial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Section through regenerated eye and small lens vesicle. Normal eye is similar to the one in Fig. 61. x 90 diameters. Fic. 63. Experiment DF,,. Embryo rana palustris killed 4 days after partial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Section through regenerated eye and small lens vesicle, both are separated from the ectoderm by a layer of mesenchyme. Normal eye as in Fig. 61, experiment DF,. XxX 90 diameters. Fic. 64. Experiment DL,. Embryo rana sylvatica killed 3 days after par- tial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Section through regenerated and normal eyes. X 45 diameters. Fie. 65. Experiment DL,. Section through small lens vesicle of regener- ated eye. X 180 diameters. Fic. 66. Experiment DL,. Section through normal lens vesicle. X 180 diameters. 505 Warren Harmon Lewis °= << 2*o*c"a 0 OO = eo SS OSes GEO 506 The Origin and Differentiation of the Lens Fic. 67. Experiment DF,. Embryo rana palustris killed 3 days after partial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Section through large regen- erated eye and lens-bud. X 90 diameters. Fic. 68. Experiment DF,. Section through normal eye and lens vesicle. x 90 diameters. ; Fic. 69. Experiment DF,. Embryo rana palustris killed 3% days after partial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Section through large regen- erated eye and lens vesicle. X 90 diameters. Fic. 70. Experiment DF, . Section through normal eye and lens. xX 90 diameters. Fic. 71. Experiment DF,,. Embryo rana palustris killed 4 days after par- tial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Section through regenerated eye and small lens. Normal eye, as in Fig. 77. Fic. 72. Experiment DF, . Embryo rana palustris killed 4 days after partial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Section through the regener- ated right eye and small lens, both are separated by a considerable layer of mesenchyme from the ectoderm. Normal eye, as in Fig. 77. X 90 diameters. Warren Harmon 3%0%? A 200 00 ° 2 ° 07 508 The Origin and Differentiation of the Lens Fic. 73. Experiment DF,;. Embryo rana palustris killed 5 days after partial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Section through regenerated eye and lens. Normal eye, as in Fig. 75. X 90 diameters. Fic. 74. Experiment DF,,. Embryo rana palustris killed 5 days after partial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Section through large regen- erated eye and lens. X 90 diameters. Fic. 75. Experiment DF,,. Section through normal eye and lens. xX 90 diameters. Fic. 76. Experiment DF,,. Embryo rana palustris killed 4 days after partial extirpation of the right optic vesicle. Section through large regener- ated eye and lens. X 90 diameters. Fic. 77. Experiment DF,,. Section through normal left eye and lens. < 90 diameters. Fic. 78. ExperimentDF,,. Section through normal eye of rana palustris killed 41% days after the operating stage. X 90 diameters. Fic. 79. Experiment DL,,. Embryo rana sylvatica killed 4 days after operation on the right optic vesicle. Section through degenerating left eye and small lens vesicle. A normal eye at this age is as in Fig. 77. x 90 diameters. Fic. 80. Experiment DL... Embryo rana sylvatica killed 4 days after operation on the right optic vesicle. Section through degenerating left eye and small lens vesicle, compare with a normal eye at this stage, Fig. 77. x 90 diameters. Fic. 81. Experiment DL,. Embryo rana sylvatica killed 4 days after operation on the right optic vesicle. Section through degenerating left eye and small lens vesicle. Normal eye of an embryo at this age, as in Fig. 77. x 90 diameters. Fig. 82. Experiment DL,,. Section through more caudal part of same eye as in Fig. 81, showing second small lens vesicle which is entirely separate from the first. X 90 diameters. 509 8 I Warren Harmon Lew o se ev 2°, Hat Oe . q ‘i ae XX) BON a THE EMBRYONIC HISTORY OF THE LENS IN BDELLOS- TOMA STOUTI IN RELATION TO RECENT EXPERIMENTS. BY CHARLES R. STOCKARD. Pathological Laboratory, Cornell University Medical College, New York City. WitTH 3 TEXT-FIGURES. Spemann, Lewis, and others, have shown by experiments on amphibian embryos that there is no localization of lens-forming material in any given area of the ectoderm, and that the formation of a lens depends directly upon the stimulation of the ectoderm by a contact with the optic-cup. Spemann* has since discussed the question of the self-differ- entiating power of the lens and concluded from a consideration of Schaper’s * experiments on the frog that the lens is not self-differentiating, but that a durable influence or contact of the optic-cup is necessary to cause the lens-plate or lens-bud to develop into a typical lens. Le Cron ° has lately shown by a series of convincing experiments that the lens in Amblystoma is not self-differentiating. He found when the optic-cup was artificially removed from below the lens-plate, lens-bud, or lens- vesicle that the lens structure soon ceased to further differentiate and commenced to undergo degeneration. In most of these experiments the authors have considered the possibility that the injury caused by the operation might be responsible for the failure of the lens to form, although their methods and care have been sufficient to convince one that such was not the case. 1Spemann, H., Ueber Correlationen in der Entwickelung des Auges. Verhandl. der Anat. Gesellsch., 1901. 2Lewis, W. H., Experimental Studies on the Development of the Eye in Amphibia. I. On the Origin of the Lens. Rana palustris. Am. Jour. Anat., III, 1904. 3 Spemann, H., Ueber Linsenbildung nach experimenteller Entfernung der primadren Linsenbildungzellen. Ausftihrlich: Zool. Anz., 28, 1905. *Schaper, A., Ueber einige Falle atypischer Linsenentwickelung unter abnormen Bedingungen. Anat. Anz., XXIV, 1904. 5 Le Cron, W. L., Experiments on the Origin and Differentiation of the Lens in Amblystoma. Am. Jour. Anat., VI, 1907. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY.—VOL. VI. 39 512 Embryonic History of the Lens in Bdellostoma In the blind fishes, however, we have normal cases of degeneration of the eye structures which one might expect to at least partially analyze with the aid of the experimental results. Eigenmann” has shown in Amblyopsis, a blind cave fish, that a lens structure is present in young embryos and soon disappears, being entirely absent in old embryos. No connection was noted between the appearance and disappearance of the lens and the contact of the optic-cup with the ectoderm, although the significance of such a relation is only made clear by the experiments. In the adult eye of the burrowing lizard, Rhineura of Florida, Eigen- mann recorded that the lens was absent in one-half of the eyes studied, while the organ was extremely variable in those eyes in which it was found. Miiller,” in his early description of the Myxinoids, and lately Allen, in studying the eye of the adult Bdellostoma noted the absence of a lens. Miss Worthington,’ observing the living animals, records them to be totally blind. Price,” the first to study the embryos of Bdellostoma, found in a young stage that a projection of cells from the inner layer of the ectoderm extended toward the optic-cup. In older embryos this structure, which Price interpreted correctly to be the lens-bud, had disappeared. Kupffer” shows a slight thickening of ectoderm in one of his figures and designates it a lens-placode; this he states disappears in older embryos. In a former paper I” mentioned the disappearance of the lens in the embryos of Bdellostoma. It is thus seen that the development of this lens has received only passing notice, while in the light of experiments the case seems to have gained sufficient importance to war- rant a fuller description. While studying the development of the brain and special sense organs 6 Higenmann, C. H., The History of the Eye in Amblyopsis. Proc. Indiana Acad, Sci: 1901. 7 Miller, J., Vergleichende Anatomie der Myxinoiden, der Cyclostomen mit durchbohrtem Gaumen. Berlin, 1839. 8’ Allen, B. M., The Eye of Bdellostoma Stouti. Anat. Anz., XXVI, 1905. ° Worthington, J., Contributions to Our Knowledge of the Myxinoids. Am. Nat., XX XIX, 1905. ” Price, G. C., Some Points in the Development of a Myxinoid. Verhandl. der Anat. Gesellsch., 1896. 4 Kupffer, C., Zur Kopfentwicklung von Bdellostoma. manor d. Gesellsch. f. Morph. u. Physl., Mtinchen, 1900. ? Stockard, C. R., The Development of the Mouth and Gills in Bdellostoma Stouti. Am. Jour. Anat., V, 1906. Charles R. Stockard 513 in Bdellostoma I have been impressed with the manner in which the history of the lens in these embryos seems to corroborate the conclusions drawn by the experimenters mentioned above. In a brief way I wish to ‘present these points, which are readily interpreted in the hght of the Fic. 1. A section through the eye of a 15 mm. embryo of Bdellostoma. L, the lens at the height of its development, the contact between the optic-cup and the ectoderm has just been lost. Fic. 2. The eye of an older embryo, the lens, L, degenerating and the optic-cup well removed from the outer wali. Fic. 3. The eye of an old embryo in which the lens has entirely disap- peared. All camera drawings to the same scale. experiments, while they in turn also lend support to the experimental conclusions by showing that many of the conditions artificially pro- duced may occur in a normal embryo. 514 Embryonic History of the Lens in Bdellostoma Very early embryos of Bdellostoma in which the nose is still a single tube, and in which six or seven gill slits are present on the laterally outspread plates, will show the lens in the following condition: A small antero-dorsal portion of the irregularly shaped optic-cup comes in contact with the ectodermal head-wall, and from this ectoderm a pro- jection of cells extends inward toward the cavity of the optic-cup. The lens-bud is thus to an extent conical in form and results from a contact of only a portion of the optic-cup with the ectoderm. This structure continues to develop for a time until in an embryo considerably more advanced and measuring 15 mm. in length one sees the lens-bud with a shght indication of a constriction about the periphery of its area of union with the ectoderm, as if it were preparing to pinch off (Fig. 1). Here the progressive development of the lens ceases and degeneration begins. At this stage also the contact of the optic-cup with the ectoderm or lens-bud is just being lost. An older embryo in which all of the gill clefts have appeared, but are still on the outspread lateral plates, and in which the nose exists as two parallel tubes, shows the lens much reduced in extent. The optic- cup is now well separated from the ectodermal wall and a considerable layer of mesenchymous tissue is seen between the two (Fig. 2). The lens, L, here is indicated only by a slightly thicker area of ectoderm over the deeply buried optic-cup. In all embryos older than this one no indication whatever of a lens-like thickening could be found, the ecto- derm over the eye region being of the same thickness as that of adjacent areas (Fig. 3). This figure also shows that the optic-cup has continued to differentiate its parts, and is probably not so degenerate as to be unable to influence the ectoderm should it remain in contact with it. It is thus shown that the lens is not normally self-differentiating but begins to degenerate when contact with the optic-cup is lost. The embryos of Bdellostoma illustrate, therefore, by the changes which their lenses undergo many of the points sought in the above- mentioned experiments. They clearly show that the lens formation 1s directly dependent upon a contact of the optic-cup with the ectoderm. Secondly, contact with only a portion of the optic-cup is necessary to cause the ectoderm to begin lens formation. Thirdly, to produce a lens the contact of the optic-cup with the ectoderm must be durable; and fourthly, the optic-vesicle may change into an optic-cup without the aid of the mechanical pressure of the lens. This series of events would be difficult to interpret without the facts demonstrated by the experi- ments, while on the other hand it adds strength to the conclusions drawn Charles R. Stockard 515 from the experiments by proving that such results may occur under normal conditions and are, therefore, in no way attributable to the injury caused by the operations. The question of the localization of lens-forming material in a given ectodermal area is not answered by Bdellostoma, but I have shown in artificially produced cyclopean monsters in the Teleost that a lens may form from a region out of the usual lens-forming area, and that the size of the optic-cup regulates the size of the lens. So, in other fishes, just as in amphibians, we would not expect to find localized lens-forming regions in the ectoderm. I wish to express my indebtedness to Professor Bashford Dean for kindly placing at my disposal his complete series of Bdellostoma embryos. 18 Stockard, C. R., The Artificial Production of a Single Median Cyclopean Eye in the Fish Embryo by Means of Sea-Water Solutions of Magnesium Chlorid. Arch. Entw.-Mech., XXIII, 1907. 40 INDEX POny Ovi (See also Contents of this Volume for Full Titles and Authors’ Names. ) References to articles appearing in THB ANATOMICAL RECORD will be indexed separately on the completion of every 300 pages. PAGE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN ANATO- MISTS, PROCEEDINGS OF TWENTY- URS HS SION ve eleicuelereneneieien chatter Ao oe OO Anatomical Record ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT....... ies .6 Cae Anatomical Record TWENTY-SECOND SESSION EP edcteis sss Anatomical Record CONSTITUTION, OFFICERS, LIst OF MEMBERS Relenas Anatomical Record 93-108 DISTRIBUTION OF Anatomical Record 107 Abdominal nerves, development and variations of anterior border ERO oan masnodamoodadecoot 271-77 Acoustic, ganglion, and nerve, devel- opment of Amblystoma, development of lens.... Amphibia, amblystoma, axis cylinder, development of lens, frog, plantar 71-93 AND eis] ,0.s))0 wee 139 245 TIGA, ooonoonoacdncdcccaoGe Anatomical Record, references will be indexed separ- ately at the end of every 300 pages. plan of and pro- spectus ; see An- atomical Rec- ord No. 1, page ie Vile Wile eNO: al Anatomists, Association of, see Ana- tomical Record. Arteries, see pulmonary. arteriole rect of kidney... Association, see anatomists. Auditory, see acoustic and ear. Axis cylinder, experiments on the de- velopment of 391 PO TOO HPO 461 BDELLOSTOMA, see lens. Bird, see chick. Blood vessels, see bronchial, pulmon- ary, technique, testis. Border nerves, development and vari- ATLONWOLE che. eee ei prec eee tones 270-274 Bronchi, development of Bronchial tree, development of..... 60-77 PAGE CAT, see kidney. DLAntaLe MUSCLE Sw erererenctcicteneneorser= Chick, see heart muscle. Cochlea, development of ........... ila Cochlear nerye, and ganglion...... 154 Corrosion, see technique. Crural muscles, development, and var- LACLOMM re totekoteuclercucwerotercusnave: stetate 259-391 Cutaneous nerves, development and VALIAtOMN OLLI LO agsreratsl creas 259-391 Doc, see gastric glands, kidney. Ear, development of ............ 139-165 COCWMTCR Wiapcneisieverchorsueveue eienetenevenenere 152 PATELLA LON GHUSietelerelerted-tcnelet eter 113 Extremities, see development of leg. Eye, experiments on development and TESENELA LOM Oly mepereialelonelsleneneys 473 see lens. FACIAL NERVE, development of ..... 139 Femoral, muscles, development and variations of nerves, development chavel SVEURENAKON SdooocoodoGaK0K 259-391 Fibril bundles, in heart muscle ..... 191 Fish, see Bdellostoma. Foot, development and variation of MOEVES: Of Sieve s 5.2 shel epeleners 346-370 see plantar. Frog, see axis cylinder, eye. GANGLION, see acoustic. (GMs Gl sodgosdocconsonboGad 207 Glands, see gastric, submaxillary. HPART MUSCLE, histogenetic develop- MAINE Ol og ooadc 191-205 adult structure ..1938-195 ENISTOSENESIS] Of. MMS ieee -)elereletel ier 85-102 and see heart, leg. Human, see ear. acoustic nerve. facial nerve. development of nerves and muscles of leg, of foot, of perineum, of trunk. plantar muscles. testis. Eby parteniali bronchi sje sree) olei-nete 113 : » Index PAGE INGUINAL REGION, development and variation of muscles and nerves. 259 Injection, apparatus for injecting kid- TE Vik scenedece! ecaced si ahevsueyene 392-395 see technique. Intermedius nerve, development of...159 SLTNSVee AE CCRICS) (OP Aroccrerscotcue, ster esesshss 391 LABYRINTH, development of, in ear.. 139 Leg, development of nerves and IMUIS CES! SIM rer. iuc goons terisiensy is 259-390 Lens, development of, in Bdellostoma 511 origin and differentiation of .245-258 experiments on development OL) Nee Ors. she, 2 sachs enesenerel Neier ene 245-258 Limbs, see leg. Hobe; formation in Wun'y, <0... s.scce sss Tf Lumbo-sacral plexus, see Bardeen on development of nerves in leg. Lungs, development of ............ 1-137 LV MUP WATS Of UNE peor sireveste chee 91-102 MEMBRANOUS (EAR) LABYRINTH, de- VeElLOPMeEnE OL 2 isyspeiehe cree eyeierecsneits 139 Muscles, early differentiation ...... 267 development of muscles of Leo P i) ahercvotetendis escrecon cers O O=O40) development of muscles of POOL UW sapexeleie sy s¥onoiel« sere + O= OEE development of muscles of PELINE WMI... setae te 374-380 embryology, comparative an- atomy and phylogeny of the muscles of the LO CE rere sets wel sists rte DOLOOO, see heart. NERVES, see acoustic, facial, vestibu- lar of the leg. development and variation of nerves and muscles of the MCPs eke slsicis sods sue sisheiee Dosa OO outgrowth Of) a... 2. + - 270 and 461 primary period of develop- NCIC Wevecenlysvelehe’s aie cheteoorers 264 see axis cylinder. OPOSSUM, see plantar muscles. Optic vesicle, experiments on develop- INO Acie ielerirehe ee ANG sae PAGE PERINEUM, development and variation of muscles and nerves of....374-3891 Pig, see lung. see testis. Plantar, development of muscles and NELVES od. cisleh clesense ie wiars SetehetOO EOE Plexus, see lumbo-sacral. Phylogeny, Of -miISCles yer: oie iene teenene 407 Pudie merves! iscclas cceccrantel stavetor oteteneuene 374 Pulmonary artery and vein, develop- IMMOME “OLS ay ares Grebetepoytnene eteueieis ccna 60-77 Pylorus;, occlusion of -...... Were o. 232 RABBIT, see submaxillary gland. Rat, see vessels of kidney. Record, anatomical, see anatomical. Renal, see kidney vessels. Reptile, see plantar muscles. SACCULE! OF VATS s1.1c ccs eucletelenorctsredoeine 151 Salivary glands, see submaxillary. Semi-circular eanals, development (0) aay CARON Borchok GICO LO TCG o 139-165 Skin, see cutaneous. Stomach, see gastric. Submaxillary gland, structure of ... 167 stages of activ- LGV? o rorssororetenete 180 TECHNIQUE, corrosion development of ear .... 140 development of heart MUSCLE ty cus easter hertenonetens 191 SASTRIGs olan Super. erenaiche 207 injection of kidney .... 892 injecting vessels of de- veloping testis ....... 440 structure of submaxillary glands! (ier crac sien 170 Testis, development of blood vessels Of PILTSMTCSULS var. cae seeene 446-453 blood supply of, in adult No dab ono boob odes cs 453-460 gross development of pig’s... 444 Trachea, Geyelopmenity se. . «iclete ereteie 30 WIRICLE Of (GM sn cnc: eueoreinne 151 Veins, see lymphatics. oN PMKOMENAT GeoagpwasooDoCDO DS Vestibular nerve ganglion ......... 154 ZYMOGEN, see gastric. 64 at up < — ne See Seererie Aa beh?