eee aera ee Seen Seat eer an arees Fw as wey nn ees Sr ee SSSTSI SS TSS SS Sent 1 dares en eee ee THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY EDITORIAL BOARD CHARLES R. BARDEEN, GEORGE 8. HUNTINGTON, University of Wisconsin. Columbia University. HENRY H. DONALDSON, FRANKLIN P. MALL, The Wistar Institute. Johns Hopkins University. THOMAS DWIGHT, J. PLAYFAIR McMURRICH, Harvard University. University of Toronto. SIMON H. GAGE, CHARLES 8. MINOT, Cornell University. Harvard University. G. CARL HUBER, GEORGE A. PIERSOL, University of Michigan. University of Pennsylvania. HENRY McE. KNOWER, Secretary, University of Cincinnati. VOLUME xX PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE WISTAR INSTITUTE OF ANATOMY AND BIOLOGY 36th STREET AND WOODLAND AVENUE PHILADELPHIA,-PA. ' BALTIMORE PANY PRINTED BY THE WILLIAMS & WILKINS CO AT THE WAVERLY PR CONTENTS. OF VOL. X Emit Gortscn. The structure of the mammalian ocesoph- Seventeen Figures. J. B. Jounston. The limit between ectoderm and ento- derm in the mouth, and the origin of taste buds. Weg iniges ad yeh creer a2 Woao tease ik otep ee kee Oa ates ing erate Twenty-one Text Figures. S. W. Wituiston. The skull of Labidosaurus.......... Three Plates. WatTeR E. Danny. A human embryo with seven pairs of somites, measuring about 2 mm. in length........ Six Plates. Victor E. Emmet. A study of the differentiation of tissues in the regenerating crustacean limb..... Hight Plates. HELEN DEAN KinG. Some anomalies in the genital organs of Bufo lentiginosus and their probable signifi- Twenty-six Figures. Gro. -S. HuntTINGToN anp C. F. W. McCuiure. The anatomy and development of the jugular lymph sacs in the domestic cat (Felis domestica)....... Sixty-six Figures. JAcoB Parsons ScHAEFFER. The sinus maxillarus and its relations in the embryo, child, and adult man. . Thirty-one Figures. Cuarues R. Strockarp. The influence of alcohol and other anzsthetics on embryonic development... . Twenty Figures. (ili) 4] 69 109 159 177 313 369 iv Contents CHARLES R. Srockarp. The independent origin and development of the crystalline lens............... Two Plates and Twenty-eight Text Figures. J. F. McCienpon. The development of isolated blasto- meres of thefroe’s-epei ee 0c ae cee et eee Two Figures. EK. C. MacDoweE.tu. Notes on the myology of Anthropopi- Five Figures. Daviy M. Davis. Studies on the chief veins in early pig embryos and the origin of the vena cava in- FETLON ss cick 2 baa ee ee eee ee Three Text Figures and Six Plates. Kpwin G. Kirk. On the histogenesis of gastric glands. . Twenty-six Figures. F. P. Jonnson. The development of the mucous mem- brane of the cesophagus, stomach and small intes- tine: in the human -emibryor% +... see. ae ee Seven Plates. 393 431 461 473 521 THE STRUCTURE OF THE MAMMALIAN CSOPHAGUS. I BY EMIL GOETSCH. From the Hull Laboratory of Anatomy, University of Chicago. WiTH 17 FIGURES. One of the most interesting features in the structure of the Mam- malian Cfsophagus is the extreme variability in the degree of devel- opment of the csophageal glands in different species. For example, according to Ranvier (84) and others, the esophagus of the rabbit, guinea-pig and rat is wholly devoid of glands, while in the dog, a thick layer of mucous glands nearly filling the submucous coat is found throughout the whole extent of the organ. Nor is this dis- parity confined to species belonging to different orders, for the cat and dog among carnivora and the sheep and pig among ungulates present equally striking differences in this respect. The reasons which have been advanced for this disparity are based on the assumption that the function of the csophageal glands is to furnish a secretion which will serve to lubricate the surface of the cesophageal mucous membrane and so facilitate the passage of the bolus of food in deglutition. Assuming that the secretion of the cesophageal glands possesses this purely mechanical function, the logical conclusion is that their development will be influenced by several factors which determine the consistence of the food-bolus which is to be swallowed, such for example as the character and bulk of the food itself, the efficiency of the masticatory mechanism, and the relative development of the salivary glands furnishing a secre- tion by means of which the food is diluted and rendered of softer consistence. Accordingly, various attempts have been made to establish a correlation between the degree of development of the salivary glands and the efficiency of the masticatory mechanism on THH AMDERICAN JOURNAL Or ANATOMY.—VOL. 10, No. 1, JAN., 1910. bo Emil Goetsch. the one hand, and the number and size of the csophageal glands on the other hand. For example, Ranvier (84), speaking of the dif- ference between the rodents and the dog in this respect, remarks that this is easily comprehensible when one remembers that in the rabbit and other rodents the bolus of food is liquid or semi-liquid, and therefore mucous glands are not necessary, that on the other hand the dog swallows greedily solid matters and untriturated bones and hence the glands are indispensable. Renaut (97) similarly calls attention to the difference in masticatory efficiency between the ox and rodents on the one hand and the dog on the other and explains — on this basis the differences in the number of cesophageal glands. Many examples can be found in favor of this explanation. When, however, one attempts to give it a general application, unexpected difficulties arise. For example, there is not a sufficient difference in the development of the salivary glands, of the masticatory mech- anism, or in the consistence of the food, to explain adequately the fact that glands are very numerous in the cesophagus of the dog and wholly absent from that of the cat. The possibility that the mechanical function of the cesophageal glands may be a purely subsidiary one, and that their true function may be something quite different from this, has received but little attention at the hands of the investigators. Rubeli (90), it is true, suggested that the secretion might be of use in digestion, but his suggestion was based not on experimental data derived from mam- mals but on the observations of Decker (87), Swiecicki (76), Lang- ley (79), ete, on the formation of proteolytic enzymes in the cesophagus of fishes and batrachians. As will appear later, these observations deal with structures which are not homologous with the cesophageal glands of mammals and can therefore not be used to draw conclusions concerning the function of the mammalian cesoph- ageal glands. In this connection a question of much importance which has been variously answered by different observers is whether the esophageal glands of mammals are pure mucous glands, or mixed glands containing serous demilunes. If serous cells are present, then one must at once think of a chemical function of the esophageal secretion as well as a mechanical one. Klein (79) asserts that The Structure of the Mammalian Csophagus. 3 demilunes occur in the cesophageal glands of the dog. Renaut (97) describing the cesophageal glands of the dog and of man makes the statement that they may be seen in preparations stained with his elycerine-hematoxylin-eosin mixture, without specifying whether he found them in one or both species. Schaffer (97) denies their presence in the human. esophageal glands and Rubeli (90) failed to find them in a number of domestic mammals. Stohr (87) appears to have seen demilunes in his preparations, but to have interpreted them in accord with his well-known phase-theory as inactive mucous cells. More recently Helm (67) has described typical demilunes in the dog and pig and has demonstrated in them, by means of the iron-hematoxylin method, the intercellular secretion canaliculi. — Assuming that the function of the secretion of these glands is in part at least that of mechanically aiding deglutition, one would expect that in those cases where the character of the food and the nature of mastication suggest the need of these structures, but where, not- withstanding, no cesophageal glands are present, a compensatory development of other structures will be found, as, for example, a thickening of the stratified epithelium or an increased development of the muscularis mucose or of the external muscular coat. In other words, it is to be expected that a correlation of some sort will be found between the relative development of these structures and that of the cesophageal glands. Accordingly, it seemed desirable to extend the investigation of the structure of the esophagus to a much larger series of animals than has been considered hitherto by any single investigator, and to determine, as accurately as may be, the specializations which have arisen as a result of the response to the differences in the nature of the food on which these animals subsist. Among these, it might reasonably be expected that animals which live on coarse vegetable food would develop either a thickened epithelium, or a more com- pletely cornified epithelium, or a layer of glands furnishing a lubricant secretion. It is, however, not by any means easy to estimate the degree of cornification of an epithelium except in those cases where a true stratum corneum composed of cells which have lost their nuclei is present. The thickness of the epithelium too is variable 4. Emil Goetsch. from animal to animal of the same species, and in a single animal varies with the degree of extension of the membrane upon which it rests. Only the more pronounced differences in these respects may therefore be interpreted with caution from the standpoint of special- ization. It was apparent from the outset that very little help in interpret- ing the cesophageal glands of mammals could be obtained from the consideration of these structures in lower vertebrates, because glands occur in reptiles only in the form of imperfect crypts in certain tur- tles, and the so-called cesophageal glands of certain batrachia are, . according to Bensley (00), in reality gastric glands. Meruops or Strupy. One difficulty that at once presents itself in studies on the cesoph- agus is that of determining the point of transition of the pharynx into the cesophagus. In animals like the dog, where there is a trans- verse fold of the mucous membrane, corresponding in its posi- tion to the lower border of the cricoid cartilage, and to an actual change in structure of the mucous membrane, this is relatively easy, but in the majority of cases no such superficial line of demarcation exists, and the point of transition must be more or less arbitrarily established. In the descriptions which follow, the lower border of the cricoid cartilage has been taken as the point where the pharynx passes into the cesophagus. In his recent article on the cesophageal glands Haane (05) places the point of transition somewhat higher, at the level of the corniculate cartilage, but designates the portion of the tube included between this point and the lower level of the ericoid cartilage in the dog as “Csophagus-vorraum.” In order to include the doubtful region so designated by Haane, sections from this region have been studied in each mammal examined, but struc- tures occurring above the distal margin of the cricoid cartilage have been referred to the pharynx, those below to the cesophagus. In the case of the smaller mammals the entire cesophagus was fixed, in the larger mammals, where this was out of the question, a strip was taken including the whole length of the esophagus. For fixation, Zenker’s fluid was employed, Bensley’s alcohol- The Structure of the Mammalian (sophagus. 5 bichromate-sublimate mixture being used where a more detailed study of the glandular epithelium was desired. The entire cesoph- agus or a strip, after fixation, was cut into lengths of 1 cm. to 2 cm., and imbedded in paraffin. From each of these segments, which were numbered consecutively from above downwards, sec- tions were made at intervals of one millimeter, so that all portions of the esophagus were examined. This method, however, did not exclude the possibility in the case of those animals where the results as regards the presence of glands were negative, that some glands were missed in the short unsectioned portions. Accordingly the fol- lowing method devised by Bensley was employed, where the material was available, to make preparations in toto of the layer containing the glands, staining the latter selectively so that every gland lobule in the wsophagus was demonstrated clearly. The cesophagus was pinned out on cork and placed in 70 per cent. aleohol for 24 hours. Then, after a further stay of 24 hours in 95 per cent. alcohol, the mucous membrane was dissected off, by dividing the tela submucosa earefully with a scalpel close to the muscular tunic. In this way all the glands come off with the layer of submucosa which remains attached to the mucous membrane. The mucous membrane is placed in water for one hour, then transferred to a mixture of one part of strong muchzematein (see Bensley, 03) and five parts of distilled water. In this staining solution the membrane remains for 48 hours, after which it is washed in distilled water and transferred to 95 per cent. alcohol containing two volumes per cent. of strong hydrochloric acid. In this solution the preparation remains until the glands stand out distinctly blue on a red background, when the preparation is washed in several changes of alcohol, dehydrated in absolute alcohol and cleared in benzole. Where the epithelium is thick, as in man, dog, ete., it stains so intensely that it interferes seriously with the transmission of light through the preparation. It is easy, however, to remove the epithelium by stripping off with forceps after clearing in benzole. By this means a preparation is obtained in which every gland of the cesophagus is clearly visible and their general relations to one another, the nature, course, and branching, of their ducts may be seen. Furthermore, in such prep- 6 Emil Goetsch. arations the branching of the tubule may be studied with ease, thus avoiding the laborious method of reconstruction from sections. Because of the lack of sufficient material I was unable to apply the method in the case of the wild animals whose cesophagi were exam- ined, but such preparations were made of all the domestic animals and of man. For staining sections hematoxylin and eosin, iron hematoxylin, copper chrome hematoxylin, neutral gentian, muchematein, mucicar- mine, Mallory’s connective tissue stain and acid violet-saffranin were employed. Opossum (Didelphys virginiana). The mucous membrane of the cesophagus of the opossum exhibits the usual transitory longitudinal folds observed in the empty cesophagus. About 1 em. above the cardiac orifice of the stomach, however, these disappear, and their place is taken by permanent - transverse folds of the mucous membrane approximately 0.5 mm. in width, and provided on their free surfaces with a network of second- ary ridges. These folds are separated from one another by deep sulci and, as will appear later, owe their occurrence in part to the accumulation in the lamina propria mucose of masses of glands. The epithelium of the cesophagus at its upper end is represented in Fig. 1. It consists of a layer of somewhat irregular thickness, owing to the projection into it, from below, of ridges longitudinal in direction, belonging to the lamina propria. In full grown animal weighing 3,000 grammes, the thickness of the epithelium at the level of the cricoid cartilage was, in the spaces between the con- nective-tissue ridges, 190-250 micra, on the summit of the ridges 72-110 micra. The irregularity in thickness presented by this epithelium in transverse sections is due to high ridges of the lamina propria, which are for the most part longitudinal in direction, but are connected with one another by lower transverse and oblique ridges, so that in sections parallel to the surface at the level of the ridges a connective tissue network is seen surrounding islets of epithelium, instead of the epithelial network seen at this level in sections of the epidermis. As described by Oppel (97) in Phalangista, Phasco- larctus and Aepyprymnus, true papille are wanting in the opossum. The Structure of the Mammalian Csophagus. 7 On the surface of the epithelium a well-defined stratum corneum is seen, of fairly uniform thickness, although it dips down some- what in the intervals between the longitudinal ridges of the lamina propria. This corneous layer presents two distinct strata, which correspond in a general way in their appearance and staining reac- tions to the stratum lucidum and stratum corneum of the epidermis. The deeper layer, 85 micra in thickness, stains deeply in eosin, par- ticularly at the deep and superficial margins, the intermediate por- Stratum corneum Stratum lucidum : Stratum e germinativum — Lamina propria Zt -mucose Fic. 1. Transverse section of epithelium of cesophagus of Didelphys at level of cricoid cartilage. 120. tion exhibiting, as is often the case with the stratum lucidum, patchy or irregular staining. ‘This layer is composed of flattened cells, elongated, spindle-shaped in section, with a flattened nucleus rod- shaped in section. ‘The superficial layer, 17 micra in thickness at its thickest portion, stains but faintly in eosin. It consists of cells of irregular polygonal shape similar to those of the stratum corneum of the epidermis with the exception that remains of the nucleus are to be found in them, in the form of shrunken remains of the nuclear membrane and one or two chromatic particles. 8 Emil Goetsch. The stratum germinativum requires no special comment except that its superficial layers contain no granules of eleidin. There is a gradual reduction in thickness of the epithelium going down the esophagus. At the middle it is from 58-170 micra in thickness with a corneous layer 35 micra in thickness. The super- ficial layer of the corneous stratum here consists only of scattered cells of the sort described above. At the point where the permanent transverse folds make their appearance about 1 em. above the cardia there is a change in the character of the epithelium. On the surface and sides of these folds aero / = — Lamina SG Ee propria SSS Tic. 2. Epithelium from side of transverse folds at lower end of cesophagus of Didelphys. > 750. the epithelium varies from a double layer of cubical to polygonal cells, 10 micra in thickness (Fig. 2), to several layers of cells, the superficial layers flattened, 50 micra in thickness. The thin double layer of cells is found here and there on the sides of the transverse folds, the thicker epithelium on the summits. As shown in Fig. 2 there is frequently no sign at all of cornification of the superficial layer. The lamina muscularis mucosee is longitudinal in direction and is found throughout the whole wsophagus. At the lower level of the ericoid cartilage it makes its appearance as scattered bundles of The Structure of the Mammalian Csophagus. 9 unstriated muscle. At the middle of the esophagus it forms a con- tinuous layer of considerable thickness (205 micra in an animal of 3 kg.) and increasing to 420 micra at the cardiac orifice of the stom- ach. In the lower portion, by reason of the fact that the glands are practically confined to the mucosa, the lamina muscularis mucose is separated by only a narrow band of collagenic connective tissue representing the tela submucosa, from the tunica muscularis. Mucous glands are present throughout the whole length of the esophagus and in the pharynx. In the upper part of the esophagus Demilune cells Lumen Mucous cells Fic. 3. A. Section of a tubule of an csophageal gland of Didelphys show- ing mucous cells and demilunes. B. Group of demilune cells with central lumen and intercellular canaliculi. > 500. they are located in the submucosa, but at the lower end where the transverse folds occur they are found in the lamina propria of these folds, superficial to the 1. muscularis mucose, although here a few tubules may extend into the lamina muscularis mucosze and even into the tunica muscularis. The glands in all parts of the cesophagus of the opossum are mixed glands, that is to say they consist of mucous cells and demilunes or erescents. The latter are few in number at the upper end of the cesophagus, but at the lower end where the glands are located in the lamina propria mucose they are very abundant, as shown in Fig. 3. 10 Emil Goetsch. The character of the mucous cells of these glands is well shown in Fig. 8 and requires no special description. ‘Their secretory con- tent stains selectively in muchematein. The crescents (Figs. 8 and 4) are composed of cells which stain intensely in eosin. In the glands of the upper portion of the cesoph- agus they are to be found forming the characteristic crescent- shaped groups at the ends or along the sides of tubules. In the lower glands they form aggregates of considerable size, often sur- rounding a lateral diverticulum of the lumen of the gland so as to make a sort of sessile acinus on the side of a tubule. The character Duct epithelium Demilune Denvilune Iie. 4. Portion of duct of cesophageal gland from lower end of cesophagus of Didelphys showing demilune cells alternating with duct epithelium. < 500. of the cells is the same at all points in the esophagus. They are cuboidal in shape and the aggregate presents a rather remarkable resemblance to the parietal cells of the gastric glands. The cytoplasm is finely granular, but the granules are less crowded than in the parietal cells. Between the constituent cells of the complex, in iron hematoxylin preparations, may be seen fine intercellular secretion canaliculi, their outlines defined by fine cement lines. In Mal- lory preparations the granules along the canaliculi and on the lumen- border of the cell stain differently from the fine granules of the cytoplasm and probably represent the secretion antecedent of these The Structure of the Mammalian Césophagus. 11 cells. ‘There are no intracellular ductules. The crescents in the glands of the lower portion of the esophagus are not confined to the mucous portion of the gland, but occur also in groups along the ducts, alternating with the non-secreting cubical epithelium of the ducts, as shown in Fig. 4. The ducts of the glands are lined at their point of origin from the gland-tubule by a double layer of cuboidal cells. As they approach the surface the number of layers increases, there being a gradual transition to a stratified squamous epithelium. The majority of the ducts pass into the gland about the level of the deep border of the muscularis mucose. Frequently, however, they branch before penetrating the muscularis mucosee, and occasionally they receive a small group of mucous tubules in the lamina propria or in the muscularis mucose. There are no aggregations of lymphoid tissue around the ducts nor are the latter enlarged to form ampulle, as in the pig. The ducts of the superficial glands at the lower end of the cesoph- agus are more numerous and the glandular masses are less com- plex. The ducts here open into the depressions formed by the sec- ondary network of ridges on the surface of the folds and also at various points into the deep grooves between the principal folds. _ The glandular tubules are supported by a thin basement membrane of reticulum, between which and the bases of the cell fine fibres resembling myofibrille may be seen. The latter stain red in Mal lory’s reticulum stain, and probably belong to stellate cells (Korb- zellen), although this could not be demonstrated by the technique employed. The tunica muscularis consists in the upper third of the cesophagus of striated muscle. At the middle of the esophagus a few striated fibres are still to be found, but below this point it is all unstriated. RopeENTIA. The literature of this subject contains so many references to the structure of the cesophagus in Rodentia that it is unnecessary to describe in detail the conditions found in the different rodents exam- ined. It will suffice to discuss those structures which may be con- 12 Emil Goetsch. sidered to be specialized in some degree to meet the mechanical conditions imposed by the food. The cesophagi of the following rodents were examined: Arctomys monax, Sciurus hudsonicus, Tamias striatus, Cavia, Erethizon dor- satus, Mus decumanus, Geomys bursarius, Lepus cuniculus, Lepus nuttalli mallurus. In the ease of the porcupine (Erethizon) (Fig. 5 A) only the lower portion of the esophagus about three centimeters Yj — Stratum corneum if ( Z i, -—— Stratum granulosum “eum Lamina propria S. mucose “ Fie. 5. A Transverse section of tunica mucosa of cesophagus of Erethizon. in length was available. In addition to the above genera the follow- ing rodents have been described by other authors: Mus musculus, Arvicola amphibius and Arvicola arvalis, Hypudeeus arvalis, Sperm- ophilus citillus. With regard to the occurrence of glands, the results of all observa- tions hitherto reported are negative except in the case of the rabbit, where glands are reported by Graff (80) and by Vogt and Yung (94), denied by Klein (71). The Structure of the Mammalian Csophagus. 13 My observations are in accord with those of Ranvier (84), Briim- mer (76) and others who deny the presence of cesophageal glands in rodents. In none of the species mentioned above are cesophageal glands to be found below the level of the cricoid cartilage. In the rabbit, pocket gopher (Geomys) and chipmunk (Tamias) groups of mucous glands were found above this layer in the submucosa of Stratum corneum SS —— Stratum granulosum —— Stratum germinativum Lamina propria mucose ——/. muscularis MuUucOse Tunica mucosa of cesophagus of guinea pig. Showing true stratum cor- neum and stratum granulosum. > 120. the pharynx, and it is probable that the occurrence of glands in this portion of the pharynx is responsible for the statements of Graff and of Vogt and of Yung that glands occur in the esophagus of the rabbit. The cesophageal epithelium in the rodents is a thick layer of strati- fied squamous cells presenting in the different members of the order two main types. One type (Fig. 5 A) is characterized by a very rapid 14 Emil Goetsch. and complete cornification of the superficial layers of the epithelium to constitute a true stratum corneum composed of flattened cells wholly devoid of nuclei, and comprising over one-third of the total thickness of the epithelium. Below the stratum corneum in this type a true stratum granulosum is found consisting of two or more layers of cells, of elongated fusiform shape in section, containing numerous granules of eleidin staining blue in hemalum. The stratum germinativum is relatively thin as compared with that of the second type. This type of epithelium is found in the guinea pig (Fig. 5 B), rat, pocket gopher and porcupine. ‘The second type of epithelium (Fig. 6) also shows a considerable degree of cornification, but a true stratum corneum is not present, the superficial layers of flattened cells being nucleated and no stratum granulosum being found. In this epithelium the process of cornification appears to go on more gradually than in the first type and no sharp line can be drawn between the stratum corneum and the stratum germinativum. ‘The superficial half of the epithelium nevertheless consists of flattened cells with elongated nuclei and stains more strongly in eosin than the deeper layer. Comparing this epithelium with that of the dog it is apparent that the degree of cornification is much greater in the rodent and that the thickness of the epithelium considering the relative sizes of the animals is much greater. True papille of the lamina propria mucose are not present in the rodents examined. In Cavia, Arctomys, Sciurus, Tamias and Lepus, however, as described by Strahl (89), the lamina propria mucosz projects into the epithe- lium in the form of irregular ridges for the most part longitudinal in direction, and in Cavia and Tamias these have irregular summits which in places approximate the formation of papille. In Mus, Geomys, and Erethizon, there are neither ridges nor papille. The 1. muscularis mucose is present throughout the whole length of the cesophagus in all the rodents examined. It is particularly well developed in the squirrels, where it forms a continuous layer around the cesophagus. The tunica muscularis in the rodents consists of striated fibres throughout the greater extent of the esophagus. In Cavia, Geomys, Mus, Tamias, and Lepus the striated fibres are found to the cardiac The Structure of the Mammalian Csophagus. 15 opening of the stomach. In Arctomys striated fibers are found right up to the cardia, but for a very short distance at the lower end of the cesophagus are mixed with smooth muscle. In Sciurus also there is a short distance at the lower end of the cesophagus in which smooth muscle is found. In Erethizon the outer layer of Surface cornification : i Stratum ca \ germinativum 1 _L. muscularis MUCOSe Fic. 6. Transverse section of tunica mucosa of Lepus nutalli mallurus. < 180. muscle is striated to the cardia, but the inner layer has a thick lower sphincter composed of smooth fibres. In Muscardinus the striated fibres extend over onto the preventricular dilatation which, as is well known, contains fundus glands and is therefore to be regarded as a portion of the stomach. 16 Emil Goetsch. INSECTIVORA. The only observations on the structure of the esophagus in the Insectivora which I have been able to find are the descriptions of the cesophagus of Erinaceus given by Carlier (93) and Oppel (97). Carlier’s description may be briefly summed up in the following statements: The epithelium is thick and of the ordinary type; the muscularis mucosee is greatly developed consisting of large bundles of coarse non-striped fibers, longitudinally placed; the submucous coat is reduced to a minimum, due to the total absence of all glan- dular structures, mucous glands being entirely absent with the excep- tion of a few scattered acini, situated near the cardiac end, internal to the muscularis mucose, and therefore in the mucous membrane. There are, however, according to Carlier, some serous glands in the submucosa of the organ, arranged in a ring round the cardiac orifice of the stomach, the long ducts of which pierce the muscle and epithe- lium to open just above the border of the cwsophageal epithelium. The muscular coat consists throughout its whole extent of striped fibres. Oppel, on the other hand, found mucous glands in the upper portion of the cesophagus only. These glands showed cells of two types, as regards their affinity for hematoxylin and eosin respec- tively, although Oppel did not decide whether this difference was due to the physiological state of the cell or to a fundamental differ- ence. In Scalops aquaticus the conditions are very similar to those described by Oppel in Erinaceus. That is to say the glands are con- fined to the pharynx and to a very small portion of the upper extrem- ity of the esophagus. The epithelium in Scalops is thick and fairly uniform in thick- ness throughout the length of the cesophagus, the increase in thick- ness towards the lower end of the esophagus being but slight. At the upper end it measured 127 micra, at the lower end 139 micra. A true stratum corneum is not present, although a considerable degree of cornification of the superficial layers is apparent. The most superficial cells are nucleated and no stratum granulosum is to be seen. The superficial layers, about 24 micra in thickness, stain intensely in eosin. No true papille are present, although the deep The Structure of the Mammalian (sophagus. 17 border of the epithelium presents a somewhat irregular outline in section. The lamina muscularis mucose is well developed, except at the very beginning of the cesophagus. It forms a continuous layer com- posed of two or three layers of longitudinally disposed bundles of unstriated muscle. The glands of the lower pharynx are mixed glands containing mucous portions with demilunes and serous alveoli. The external muscular coat is composed of striated muscle through- out the whole length of the cesophagus. CHIROPTERA. This order is represented in my material by a single alcoholic specimen of Vespertilio fuseus, the brown bat. The epithelium in the csophagus of Vespertilio is thin (30-45 micra), and shows no stratum corneum, although the cells of the superficial two-thirds of the epithelium are much flattened. No papille are present. The muscularis mucose is exceptionally well developed, reaching a thickness of 50 micra in the lower third of the cesophagus. It forms a continuous layer and consists of smooth muscle arranged longitudinally. No glands are found at any level in the cesophagus. The external muscular coat consists of striated muscle in the upper two-thirds and unstriated in the lower third. CARNIVORA. In the Carnivora the esophagi of the following species, hitherto undescribed, have been examined: Proeyon lotor, Lutreola vison, and Mephitis mephitica. One cesophagus of each species was avail- able for this study including in the case of Procyon and Mephitis the whole of the cesophagus and the adjacent portions of the pharynx and stomach, in Lutreola the cesophagus and stomach only, so that in the latter animal the pharynx and transition region was not obtained. In addition the csophagi of the cat and dog were examined to con- firm the work of earler observers. In these animals preparations Emil Goetsch. wer CO of the whole cesophagus were made according to the method outlined in the introduction in order to determine positively the distribution of glands in them. In the case of the cat three such preparations were made, all of which demonstrated the complete absence of glands below the level of the cricoid cartilage. The cesophageal glands of the dog, like those of the opossum, are composed of two kinds of cells, mucous cells and serous demilunes. In this respect my observations confirm the statements of Klein (79), Renaut (97) and Helm (07) and are opposed to those of Rubeli (90) Serous demilune Mucous cells Fic. 7. Section of two tubules from csophageal gland of the dog showing mucous cells and demilunes. >< 750. and Haane (05). ‘The latter observer, it is true, does not specifi- cally state that demilunes are absent, but implies it in the statement that he was unable to find intercellular secretion-capillaries. The demonstration of the demilunes in the cesophageal glands of the dog is no difficult matter if thin sections of well-fixed tissue are examined, and if an efficient differential staining method is employed, for they occur in relatively large numbers in all the esophageal glands, although less numerous than in the glands of the opossum and rac- coon (Procyon). For staining neutral satireviolet-safranin is par- The Structure of the Mammalian Csophagus. hg) ticularly valuable, the mucous cells staining red in this method, the demilunes violet. This method also shows well the intercellular secretion capillaries, although the iron hematoxylin method is pref- erable. The demilunes show the typical arangement as seen in the submaxillary gland and are provided, as indicated above, with Fic. 8. Drawing of an entire gland from cesophagus of dog, showing tubulo- acinous character and mode of branching. intercellular secretion capillaries resembling in every respect those found elsewhere (Fig. 7). The shape and mode of branching of the gland is well shown in Fig. 8 drawn from a preparation stained in toto. Procyon Loror. As in the dog, there is, in the raccoon, in the lower part of the pharynx, a circular fold of mucous membrane which projects into 20 Emil Goetsch. the Jumen and forms a superficial demarcation between the cesopha- eus and pharynx. This fold in the raccoon, however, is without elands. The epithelium (Fig. 9) varies in thickness according to the degree of contraction of the surface upon which it rests from 158 micra to 220 micra. There is no marked thickening of the epithelium as the stomach is approached. The lower border of the epithelium is irregular in transverse sections owing to the projection into it of high ridges of the lamina propria mucosee. These ridges are chiefly longitudinal in direction, but are connected with one another by numerous oblique ridges. On the summits of these ridges low conical papille are found. The muscularis mucose is well developed throughout the whole cesophagus, consisting of two or more layers of longitudinal bundles of unstriated muscle. Glands are present in the tela submucosa throughout the entire length of the esophagus, and are fully as numerous as in the dog. The glandular lobules are ovoidal in shape, somewhat compressed from side to side and so placed that their long diameter coincides in direction with the long axis of the cesophagus. Many of the lobules have independent duets, but in the majority of cases a duct divides below the lamina muscularis mucosz into two ducts which enter adjacent lobules. The glands are of the tubulo-acinous type, the lobule being a system of highly branched tubules with small acini along their course and at their terminations. There is no difference between tubules and acini as to the character of the lining cells. The epithelium changes from duct epithelium to secret- ing epithelium at the point of entrance of the duet, so that all tubules within the lobule are lined exclusively by glandular epithelium. The character of the glandular epithelium is well shown in Fig. 10. It consists of mucous cells and serous demilunes. The latter are very abundant and conspicuous. The mucous cells correspond in character with those of other mucous glands and require no special description. The demilunes in the glands of the upper part of the esophagus have the characteristic crescentic shape in sections. In the glands of the lower portion of the esophagus many demilunes bo rear The Structure of the Mammalian Csophagus. —— Epithelium U, muscularis MUCOSe Duct of gland Gland tubules showing mucous cells and demi- lunes Fic. 9. Transverse section of tunica mucosa and part of tela submucosa of cwsophagus of Procyon. >< 120. 22 Emil Goetsch. are so large that they form small sessile acini along the sides of the tubules. In both cases intercellular capillaries are seen in iron hematoxylin preparations, outlined by cement lines running between the adjacent surfaces of the cells. In the acinus-like demilunes of the glands at the lower end these intercellular ductules open into a central lumen which is directly continuous with the lumen of the main tubule. Although the material was not suitable for studying the secretory content of the cells, because of the fact that the cesoph- agus was fixed in Zenker’s fluid fully an hour after the animal was Mucous cell ab Ness PU NL ete em oaths aay a ¢ Serous acinus (demilune) Fic. 10. Portion of tubule of cesophageal gland of Procyon showing mucous cells and large demilunes with secretion granules. >< 500. killed, yet in some of the more superficial glands the cells of the demilunes contained well-fixed secretion granules (Fig. 10), which stained strongly in eosin and in iron hematoxylin and which occu- pied the portion of the cells bordering on the lumen. No basal filaments, however, were demonstrated. The ducts of the gland are lined for a very short distance at their origin from the lobule, by a low simple cubical epithelium. A short distance from its origin this changes to a two-layered epithelium, the cells of the surface layer having their long axes perpendicular to the basement membrane, those of the deep layer parallel to it. The Structure of the Mammalian (Esophagus. 23 In the upper part of the duct a third layer is added and the surface layer becomes flattened. The ducts enter the epithelium between the ridges of the lamina propria. The duets run perpendicular to the surface and have no ampulla- like enlargements. No lymphatic nodules nor accumulations of lymphocytes occur in relation to the ducts. The tunica muscularis is composed of striated muscle throughout nearly its whole extent. In the stratum circulare smooth muscles make their appearance a short distance above the cardia and expand at the cardia into a lower sphincter. Merpuitis Mepurrica. In Mephitis the epithelium is extremely uneven in thickness owing to the fact that from the deep surface epithelial processes descend into the lamina propria mucose. The connective tissue separating these processes represents, somewhat more highly developed, the longitudinal and transverse ridges of the esophagus of the raccoon. The thickness varies from 122 micra to 294 micra, the difference between these measurements indicating the height of the epithelial processes. The epithelium shows very little evidence of cornifica- tion, although the superficial layers of cells are much flattened and stain more readily in eosin than the deeper ones. . The lamina muscularis mucosz begins at the upper end of the esophagus as scattered bundles, but rapidly becomes a complete layer 47 to 118 micra in thickness, according to the degree of extension of the mucous membrane. : The only glands present in the esophagus are found just at the cardiac orifice of the stomach. They are located in the submucosa and are similar in structure to the glands of the esophagus of Pro- ‘eyon. The demilunes are particularly abundant and have the char- acteristic form and structure. The ducts begin in the lobules with a lining of cubical cells beneath which is an imperfect second layer of cells. This second layer quickly becomes complete on going up the duct and additional layers are added as the surface is approached, as in esophageal glands elsewhere. These glands are therefore in 24. Emil Goetsch. every respect typical esophageal glands and can not be confused with the neighboring cardiac glands of the stomach. The tunica muscularis consists of striated muscle throughout its whole extent. LurrEoLa VIsoN. The epithelium in Lutreola is very similar to that in the cat. No true papille are present and there is a very slight indication of ridges of the lamina propria so that the deep border of the epi- thelium is fairly regular. The cornification is imperfect but is indicated by the different staining of the superficial layers of cells which are much flattened, but which retain their nuclei. The thick- ness is fairly uniform throughout except for such differences as are the result of tension. The lamina muscularis mucosee is well developed, forming a layer 50-80 micra in thickness at the upper end of the oesophagus and gradually increasing in thickness to 180 micra at the cardiac orifice. A few glands only are present, and these are confined to the upper fourth of the wsophagus. They are similar in nature to the glands of the esophagus of Procyon, that is they consist of mucous cells and demilunes. UNGULATA. My observations on the structure of the esophagus of the ungu- lates have been largely confirmatory of the work of Ellenberger (84), Rubeli (90), Haane (05), and Helm (07). To ascertain beyond doubt the presence or absence of glands in the oesophagus of the sheep and ox, preparations were made of the whole cesophagus according to the method already outlined, but with negative ‘results. These osophagi contained no glands. In the ease of the horse sections made at different levels were likewise devoid of glands. In the esophageal glands of the pig, I have found, in confirmation of Helm (07), demilunes of serous cells, but in smaller numbers than in any of the other animals whose glands were studied with the exception of man. They are, however, by no means infrequent, bo Or The Structure of the Mammalian (Césophagus. although the complexes are smaller in size, more compressed, and more easily overlooked than in other animals. These demilunes are provided with intercellular secretion-canaliculhi. In all the ungulates examined, as might be expected, the epithe- lum shows a marked thickening, and an unusual degree of cornifica- tion. The condition in the sheep as shown in Fig. 14 is typical of that found in the sheep, ox and horse. The epithelium is thick and presents on its deep surface an irregular outline owing to the presence of longitudinal ridges of the lamina propria mucose. In addition, both on the summits of these ridges and between them there are extraordinarily long papille, for the most part simple, which penetrate the epithelium as far as the stratum corneum and even penetrate that layer for a short distance. A thick stratum corneum forms the outer portion of the epithelium, forming from one-third to one-fourth of the entire thickness of the epithelium, the thicker portions being found in the lower regions of the cesoph- agus. In this stratum corneum two secondary strata may be made out which may be compared in general with the strata lucidum and corneum of the plantar skin, although there are important differences in structure. Both layers are very homogeneous and transparent in the fresh condition, and in unstained alcohol-fixed sections. The deeper layer is composed of fusiform flattened cells, but with flattened nuclei. The superficial layer shows the wrinkled cell borders seen in section of the stratum corneum of the skin. No true stratum granulosum is present, but the superficial portion of the stratum germinatum shows indications of a change preparatory to cornification, in that the cell protoplasm of this layer stains more readily in fuchsin than the deeper layers. Nuclei are present in the cells of the most superficial layers of the stratum corneum, although they are much degenerated. Thus while a deep stratum corneum is present the changes do not involve the nuclei of the cells to the extent that they do in the guinea pig. In the pig, also, the epithelium is thick, but the degree of cornifica- tion is much less than in the sheep, the contrast between the stratum germinativum and the stratum corneum less striking, and the tran- sition less abrupt from the one layer to the other. We do not see 26 Emil Goetsch. in the esophagus of the pig the division of the stratum corneum into two layers as in the sheep, and in the pig nuclei are more numerous in the superficial layers and less degenerated. ‘There is thus in these animals a very evident relation between the presence of glands and the degree of cornification of the epithelium, An interesting fact in connection with the structure of the pig’s cesophagus is the arrangement of the muscularis mucose. In the upper portion of the csophagus where the glands are abundant there is no muscularis mucose. It makes its appearance a short distance above the point at which the glands begin to thin out and is well developed in the lower half of the esophagus where there are few glands. Man. Much disagreement exists between observers as to the number and distribution of the cesophageal glands in man. According to Toldt (89) they are present in large numbers in the upper section of the cesophagus and are wholly wanting in the lower segment. Accord- ing to Klein (71) they are of rare occurrence. Kossowski (80) on the other hand finds them most abundant at the lower end of the cesophagus near the cardia. Dobrowolski (94) found that there were considerable individual variations, but that the whole number did not exceed two hundred, of which two-thirds were in the upper half of the cesophagus. The latter observer’s results were based on prepara- tions of the entire esophagus and his conclusions as to the indi- vidual variability are supported by the preparations which I have made by the method already outlined. The extent of the individual variations is well indicated by figures 15 and 16 which show the exact location of every glandular lobule in two human esophagi. One of these contained 741 lobules pretty well distributed over the whole cesophagus with the exception of a short area at the beginning of the esophagus and another near the cardiac end where the glands are relatively few in number. The other csophagus had but 62 glandular lobules, 58 of which were found in a segment 4 em. in. length beginning 3 em. below the cricoid cartilage. In a third cesophagus there were 140 lobules of which 43 were located in a The Structure of the Mammalian Csophagus. 27 segment 3 cm. long at the lower end of the esophagus. Above this a segment 3 em. long was free from glands. Above this 37 glands were distributed over an area 10 em. in length. At the upper end of the wsophagus 60 glands were distributed over a distance of 7 em., this group being separated from the middle group by a segment 2 em. in length devoid of glands. In addition to the glands there were 54 cysts of various sizes. As the figure (15) indicates, there Fic. 11. Photomicrograph of two glands from human esophagus stained in toto. The long axis of the cesophagus coincides with that of the glandular lobules and the ducts point obliquely toward the stomach. is a marked tendency for the glands to be arranged in longitudinal rows parallel to the long axis of the esophagus. These rows may be as many as eight in number at one transverse level and are not confined to the anterior surface and lateral surfaces as stated by Dobrowolski, but are distributed indifferently on all surfaces of the cesophagus. The relation of the ducts to the lobules is well shown in Fig, 11. - bo oe) Emil Goetseh. Jach duct is oblique in direction with reference to the axis of the esophagus but has a general direction downward in the direction of the stomach. The descending portion of the duct les in the tela submucosa close underneath the lamina muscularis mucose, and may reach a length of 4.6 mm., although the majority of them are much shorter. Each duet branches at its termination into from two to five rarely more secondary ducts, each of which enters a lobule. Ampullary dilatations of the ducts are of very common occurrence and affect most frequently the oblique portion of the main duct in the submucosa. Almost as frequent, however, are the dilatations into ampulle of the secondary ducts at the pomt of emergence from the lobule or in the hilum of the lobule. The portion of the duet contained in the lamina propria mucose is frequently surrounded, as pointed out by Flesch (88) and Schaffer (97), by accumulations of leucocytes and often by true lymphatic nodules with a germinal center. At the point where the duct emerges from the lobule there is also, frequently, surrounding the duet, an accumulation of reticular tissue containing large numbers of leucocytes. ‘The nature of the leucocytes found in these accumulations varies considerably, but in some cases the predominating cell is Unna’s plasma cell. In other eases the lymphocytes predominate. In all cases, however, there are large numbers of plasma cells distributed along the duct and in the reticular tissue forming the framework of the gland, and in those cases where no nodule is present along the duct one finds occasionally the whole duct surrounded by a narrow layer of reticular tissue containing plasma cells and lymphocytes. As regards the structure of the lobule and the character of the individual cells composing the gland, little can be added to the excellent description given of these structures by Schaffer (97) and the description which follows is largely confirmatory of his obser- vations. The lobular duct gives off within the hilus of the gland a series of intralobular duets which are arranged radially around it and are of variable length, those which drain the portions of the lobule near the hilus being short, those which go to the terminal portions of the lobule longer. Each of these intralobular ducts drains a pyramidal The Structure of the Mammalian Csophagus. 29 mass of tissue the apex of which is directed towards the duct, the base towards the periphery of the lobule. These pyramidal masses are the units of structure, being composed exclusively of tubules and acini lined by secreting cells. As indicated above, the gland is tubulo-acinous in type, the body of the unit composed of branching tubules which terminate in bulb-like acini, tubules and acini being occupied by the same type of epithelial cell. The acini show a slight expansion of the lumen and the cells are frequently longer in the acini than in the tubules, thus accounting for the difference in size. To the question of the presence of demilunes in the esophageal elands of man I have given much attention. In view of the fact that I have found these structures without difficulty in all cesophageal elands of other mammals it was my expectation that they would also be found in man. Accordingly I have studied carefully com- plete series of sections, 5 micra thick, of glands from three different wsophagi, using the methods of staining which I have found most efficient in demonstrating these structures in other mammals. The result of this study has, however, been wholly negative and I am foreed to agree with Schaffer, who states that the human cesophageal elands are pure mucous glands without demilunes. Referring to the literature I find that neither Klein (79) nor Renaut (97), who are quoted in this connection by Schaffer and Oppel, specifically state that they found demilunes in the human cesophagus, although the former found them in the dog and Renaut’s description applies in general to the dog and man. Bohm and v. Davidoff (95) state that there are but few mucous glands in the esophagus but that when present they contain well marked demilunes, but it is diffieult to determine whether these authors had before them the true cesophageal elands occurring in the submucosa, or the superficial glands of Riidinger which have been shown by Schaffer (97) and Hewlett (00) to contain parietal cells and from which their illustration of the cesophageal glands of man is clearly taken. The character of the mucous cells forming the secreting tubules is well shown in Fig. 12. Protoplasmic cells containing no mucin as described by Schaffer occur also in my preparations, whole groups 30 Emil Goetsch. of tubules being of this character. These I interpret, as did Schaffer, as temporarily inactive mucous cells. These tubules are always sur- rounded by a tissue containing large numbers of plasma cells. The duets of the glands (Fig. 12) are lined by a stratified epithelium except in the very beginning in the gland where for a short distance, only 12 micra in some eases, a single layer of cylindrical cells is found. The intralobular ducts have a double layer of cells and the large ducts in the submucosa two to four layers of cells, the number of layers increasing as the surface of the mucosa is approached. The shape of the cells varies with the degree of tension of the surface, produced either by distension of the duct with secretion or by the Mucous tubules Fic. 12. Portion of a lobule of an cesophageal gland of man, showing entrance of duct and transition of duct epithelium to glandular epithelium. A. Lobular duct. B. Transitional duct lined by simple columnar epithelium. << 180. formation of folds in the mucous membrane. In the relaxed duct the superficial layers of cells are cylindrical, the deeper layers poly- gonal except very near the epithelium, where the epithelium becomes stratified squamous. In the distended or stretched duct both super- ficial and deeper layers of cells become more or less fusiform in sec- tion. In all cases the superficial layers of cylindrical or flattened cells stain more strongly in eosin than the second layer, indicating a probable change in a slight degree of the protoplasm in the direc- tion of cornification. As regards the superior cardiac glands of Schaffer and Riidinger I have been able to make no study of them owing to the absence of The Structure of the Mammalian (sophagus. 31 suitably fixed material. In one out of four wsophagi of which total preparations were made to study the distribution of the glands, groups of these glands were found in the upper part of the cesophagus extending 4.5 em. below the lower border of the cricoid cartilage. In this case twelve patches of these glands were found varying in size from 1 mm. to 15 mm. in length and from 1 mm. to 3 mm. in width. The mucous tubules and acini are surrounded by a well marked basement membrane composed of reticulum, and the tubules are bound together by a reticular framework. No myoepithelial cells could be demonstrated between the basement membrane and the epithelium of the glandular tubules. The epithelium in man is of considerable thickness, varying in this respect with age, and with the degree of tension of the mucous membrane. Another cause of variation in thickness in specimens of the human csophagus is due to post-mortem loss of the super- ficial layers of cells owing to maceration. In the newborn child it has a thickness of 113 micra, in the adult from 260 to 440 micra. The degree of cornification of the epithelium in man is about the same as in the pig and considerably less than in the sheep and ox, that is to to say that, although the superficial layers of cells show indica- tions of chemical change in their greater transparency and in stain- ing more readily in eosin, the degree of flattening of the cells is much less than in the animals mentioned, and oval nuclei, which stain well, are preserved even in the most superficial layers (Fig. 13). The deep border of the epithelium is irregular owing to the pres- ence of transitory folds of the lamina propria, described by Strahl (89) and more particularly owing to the presence of large numbers of high conical papille. The latter are arranged in linear rows running parallel to the axis of the cesophagus and resembling in their general arrangement those found in the skin of the palmar sur- faces (Fig. 17). In some cases; as shown in the figure, the rows are composed of several ranks of papille, the individual papille being irregularly distributed. The lamina muscularis mucose is well developed. It begins in the lower part of the pharynx as scattered bundles of longitudinally Slight cornification of surface epithe- lium Str. germinativum L. propria mucose L. muscularis mucose Fic. 13. Transverse section of tunica mucosa of human cesophagus. Ocular 3. DO The Structure of the Mammalian C¢sophagus. .germinativum oS propria i. MUCOS gus of sheep. ucosa of cesopha 1a mM if G8 ion oO se sect Transver Wie. 14. 34. Emil Goetseh. arranged unstriated muscle fibres, and rapidly becomes a complete layer at the upper end of the cesophagus, attaining in the adult a thickness of 0.4 mm. cn 0 3 g ye Me 25 O Ove O O ) O Sie oO OO \ . 0 O O O O | 5 pon Oc ey Uae O ba Var o D= (00: ame ps 8b 4 @ O es ag * | ie) 0 fe) R06 i aailice S fe) 2 Ge Hass Oo ater tiabezal0 oO Cw hae 000 i a! a fu © So Oo e bape ay O O ees Sn Le oy ey ° iS aa Q, : 0 0 Mq0° aig i O00" 0 ongi@rs aa, Mig e) 7 O tity ad re) (Gans ©) O Me QO nae - 4 90 Qo 9 se ise ? 92 Oo oe one) it Fees OO : ee 0 00 00” O> oO i 4 O “ a) o O bikes 28 os Oe o Ai O O O e 4 fo} 0 O D@ Rages eo) 26-0 Oo .8 elie aa oa Garg lig. 15. Fia. 16. Fie. 17. Fics 15 and 16. Diagrams showing exact location and relative sizes of every glandular lobule in two human @sophagi. Figures are reduced one-half. The figures represent the oesophagus as seen when cut open along the poste- rior border and spread out. Iria. 17. Diagram showing exact distribution of papille on a small area of human oesophagus. The rows are parallel with the cesophageal axis. As regards the character of the tunica muscularis my observations agree in the main with those of Welcker and Schweigger-Seidel The Structure of the Mammalian Césophagus. 35 (61) except that I did not find the striated fibres extending so far down. The following table shows the condition found on the pos- terior wall of two human cesophagi. No. LENGTH. | STRIATED. | MIXED. UNSTRIATED. . | | il. Longit. 21 cm. | 6.2 cm. 1.95 em. | 12.35¢em. Cire. | Sol neGMme 4.63 cm. 12.35cm. | | Longit. 21.3 em. | 5.6 em 2.4 em. 13.3 em. 2. | Cire. | 3.6 em. | 4.75 em. | 12.95 cm. | | These measurements show that the unstriated fibers extend some- what higher in the circular coat than in the longitudinal coat, but that scattered striated fibers extend to about the same level in both coats. Approximately the lower two-thirds of the cesophagus is pro- vided with smooth fibres only. I did not find the striated fibres in the lower end of the cesophagus which have been described by Gil- lette (72) and Coakley (92). As Schaffer has shown, the unstri- ated fibres may occasionally extend in the circular coat as far as the lower border of the pharynx or even into the pharynx. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS. In addition to the specific data recorded in the preceding pages certain general conclusions may be drawn from the observations and from those of previous workers. As regards the occurrence of cesophageal glands the species exam- ined and those previously described may be divided into three groups: A. Mammals in which the esophageal glands are wholly lacking below the level of the cricoid cartilage. To this group belong all the rodents examined, including the following species :—Arctomys monax, Tamias striatus, Cavia, Erethizon dorsatus, Lepus cuniculus and Lepus nuttalli, Mus decumanus, Sciurus hudsonicus, and Geomys bursarius. In addition to these Sciurus vulgaris and Spermophilus citillus have been reported by Oppel as lacking esophageal glands. Here also belong the ungulate species Bos taurus, Ovis aries and Equus caballus, the carnivor species Felis domestica, Vespertilio 36 Emil Goetsch. fuscus belongiwg to the Chiroptera and according to Oppel the mar- supial species, Trichosurus vulpecula, Aepyprymnus rufescens, and Phascolarctus cinereus. B. Mammals in which the glands are few in number. ‘To this group belong Erinaceus, Scalops and Lutreola in which a few mucous glands with demilunes occur in the upper end of the cesophagus, and Mephitis in which a few glands of similar nature are to be found at the. lower end of the cesophagus. C. To the third class belong a small group of mammals belonging to different orders in which the glands are present in considerable numbers. These are Didelphys, Proeyon, Canis familiaris and C. vulpes. Meles taxus and Nasua rufa, in which glands occur in considerable numbers throughout the whole extent of the cesophagus, Sus scrofa domestica in which they are abundant in the upper half of the cesophagus and few in number in the lower half. In structure the cesophageal glands are compound tubulo-alveolar glands, consisting, except in those of man, of two kinds of cells, mucous cells and serous cells. The latter elements, which have been overlooked by previous observers with the exception of Klein (79), Renaut (97) and Helm (07) are aggregated in the form of demilunes such as we find in the submaxillary gland of the dog, and like the demilunes of the salivary glands are provided with well defined intercellular secretion canaliculi. In the glands of the lower end of the csophagi of Procyon and Didelphys these serous cells are so numerous that in many cases they form sessile alveoli on the sides of the mucous tubules with an independent lumen from which the secretion-canaliculi branch off. In man no demilunes could be — found, thus confirming the observations of Schaffer. A survey of the distribution of glands makes it apparent that the occurrence of cesophageal glands is the exception rather than the rule in mammals and that their presence bears no relation whatever to the mechanical qualities of the food nor to the completeness of mastication. Purely vegetable feeders are uniformly devoid of glands in the esophagus and in many flesh feeders they are either few in number or wholly absent. Ranvier it is true explains the absence of glands in rodents on the basis of the thoroughness of mastication, The Structure of the Mammalian (Ksophagus. 37 but if we examine the matter more closely we find that as a matter of fact the csophagus of these animals has been specialized on account of the coarse character of the food but in other ways than by the production of mucous glands. On the other hand the theory that the glands are developed in proportion to the needs of the animal for lubrication of the food bolus does not adequately explain the fact that in many Carnivora glands are few in number or wholly wanting whle in others they are very abundant. If we examine the cases of those animals which have a very large number of cesophageal glands we find that there is no common quality as regards efficiency of mastication relative to development of the salivary buccal and cesophageal glands, or consistence of the food which would serve to explain their presence. They are, however, without exception mixed feeders, and this suggests that it is the composition of the food rather than its consistence which has called forth the development of mucous glands in the esophagus, or to express it differently, that the secretion of these glands has a chemical value rather than a mechanical one. This view is supported by the twofold cellular char- acter of the glands, for it is difficult to understand why a serous gland should have been developed where the need was simply the mechanical need of lubrication. In contrast to the glands the epithelium shows a very definite and constant relation to the character of the food, and it is in the epithe- lium that we find the esophagus undergoing specialization in those animals which live on coarse vegetable food. The structure of the epithelium is thus an accurate index of the character of the food swallowed, inasmuch as we find a thickened and highly cornified epithelium in those animals which live on coarse food, particularly vegetable feeders, and a thin slightly cornified epithelium in animals living on soft food, for example, the carnivors. Correlated with this thickening of the epithelium we find, as might be expected, an increase in the development of the muscularis mucose, the probable function of this layer being to retract the mucous membrane above the descending bolus of food. Conversely, the muscularis mucose and the epithelium exhibit these specializa- tions in a less degree in those animals in which large numbers of Emil Goetsch. co ve) mucous glands are present, indicating that, although the glands have been developed primarily for another purpose, their secretion never- theless serves the purpose of lubrication where it is present, and in so doing modifies the degree of specialization of the epithelium and muscularis mucose. For example in the pig, in the upper end of the esophagus where glands are abundant, no muscularis mucose is to be found, while in the lower end where few glands are present, it is highly developed. It will be noted that with regard to the processes of connective tis- sue which project into the epithelium and which are usually described as papille of the lamina propria mucose the observations here recorded confirm in general the conclusions of Strahl (89), who found that in many cases they were not true papille but elongated ridges of the lamina propria running in a direction parallel to the long axis of the cesophagus and connected with one another by oblique ridges. This is a matter in which it is very easy to be mistaken because ridges cut across are very similar in appearance to papillee. It is only by examining earefully series of sections, or whole prepara- tions of the epithelium, that this mistake can be avoided. Among the mammals examined true papille were found in the pig, ox, horse, sheep, and man and were associated in all these cases with longi- tudinal ridges of the lamina propria. In Didelphys, Arctomys, Sciurus, Tamias, Lepus, Canis, ridges only were present, although in Cavia and Tamias the irregular summits of the ridges afford suggestion of beginning papillae. In Procyon there are longitudinal ridges also with suggestions of low papillze on their summits, while in Mus, Geomys and Erethizon, there are neither ridges nor papille, but an epithelium of fairly uniform thickness. In Mephitis, finally, we have represented the exact opposite of connective tissue papille, inasmuch as the epithelium sends processes into the subjacent con- nective tissue. This is of course to be derived from a further devel- opment of the system of longitudinal and transverse ridges which have become so numerous and close that they surround papilla-like processes from the deep surface of the epithelium. With regard to the phylogeny of the cesophageal glands, the fact that in whole orders no glands are to be found and that each of the The Structure of the Mammalian Csophagus. 39 principal orders both of marsupials and placentals contain individuals wholly lacking in cesophageal glands indicates that these structures have been developed independently in the different orders in response to needs that have arisen as result of food specialization. The alterna- tive hypothesis that they were originally present in all mammals and that they have disappeared from some is scarcely worth considera- tion in view of the general absence of similar glands in lower verte- brates. In man alone is there any indication that the cesophageal glands are disappearing. Here the great variability in number of the glands and the constant presence of cyst formation and stasis of the secre- tion and atrophy of the glandular cells might be taken as an indica- tion of a disappearing structure. Tn conclusion I desire to express my thanks to Prof. R. R. Bensley for valuable suggestions during the course of this investigation. 1 desire also to thank Miss Katharine Hill for the accompanying drawings. BIBLIOGRAPHY. BENSLEY, R. R., 00. The Gsophageal Glands of Urodela. Biological Bulle- tin, Laneaster. Vol. 2, pp. , 03. The Structure of the Glands of Brunner. The Decennial Publications, University of Chicago. Vol. 10, pp. 279-326. Brummer, J., 76. Anatomische und histologische Untersuchungen iiber den zusammengesetzten Magen verschiedener Siugetiere. Deutsche Ztschr. fiir Thiermed., Leipz., Bd. 2, pp. 158-186 and 299-319. Caruier, EH. W. Contributions to the Histology of the Hedgehog (Hrina- ceus europaeus). Part I. The Alimentary Canal. J. Anat. and Physiol., London, Vol. 27, pp. 85-112. Coaktey, C. S., 92. The Arrangement of the Muscular Fibres of the Csoph- agus. Researches of the Loomis Laboratory of the Univ. of the City of New York, Vol. 2, pp. 1138-4. Decker, F., 92. Zur Physiologie des Fischdarmes, Festschr. Albert y. K6l- liker, Leipzig, pp. 389-411. . DosrowoLskI, Z., 94. Lymphknotchen (folliculi lymphatici) in der Schleim- haut der Speiserdhre, des Magens, des Kehlkopfs, der Luftréhre und der Scheide. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, Bd. 16, pp. 48-101. EXLLENBERGER, W., 94. Handbuch der vergleichenden Histologie und Physio- logie der Haussiiugetiere, bearbeitet von Bonnet, Csoker, Hichbaum, ete, Bd. I, Histologie, Berlin, Parey. 40 Emil Goetsch. Fiesu, M., ’83. Ueber Beziehungen zwischen Lymphfollikeln und secre- tierenden Driisen im Gisophagus. Anat. Anz., Jena, pp. 283-6. Gitterre, 72. Description et structure de la tunique musculaire de cesoph- age chez homme et chez les animaux. J. de J’anat. et physiol. (etc.), Paris, Vol. 8, pp. 617-44. Grarr, K., 80. Lehrbuch der Gewebe und Organe der Haussiiugetiere. Jena. HAAne, G., 05. Ueber die Driisen des Gisophagus und des Uebergangsge- bietes zwischen Pharynx und Césophagus. Arch. f. wissensch. wu. prakt. Thierh., Berlin, Vol. 31, pp. 466-83. Heim, R., O07. Vergleichend anatomische und histologische Untersuchungen iiber den Gsophagus der Haussiiugetiere. Inaug. Diss., Ziirich. Hewtert, A. W., 01. The superficial glands of the Gsophagus. J. Exper. Med., New York, Vol. 5, pp. 319-32. Kier, E., ’°71. Handbuch der Lehre von den Geweben, herausgegeben yon S. Stricker. Leipzig, Bd. 1, pp. 378-88. "79. Observations on the Structure of Cells and Nuclei. II. Epithelial and Gland-cells of Mammals. Quart. J. Micr. Sc., London, n, s., Vol. 19, pp. 125-75. LANGLEY, J. N., 79. On the Changes in Pepsin-forming Glands during Secre- tion. Proc. Roy. Soc., London, Vol. 129, pp. 383-88. Oppet, A., 97. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Mikroskopischen Anatomie der Wirbeltiere. Teil 2, Schlund und Darm. Jena, Fischer. Ranvier, L., 84. Les membranes muqueuses et le systéme glandulaire. J. des microg., Paris, Vol. 7, pp. 77-86. RENAUT, J., 97. Traité dhistologie pratique. Paris, Vol. 2, pp. 590-600. Ruse, C., 90. Ueber den CGsophagus des Menschen und der Hausthiere. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Thierh., Berlin, Vol. 16, pp. 1-28 and 161-98. Scuarrer, J., 97. Beitriige zur Histologie menschlicher Organe. IV. Zunge. V. Mundboéhle-Schlundkopf. VI. Csophagus. VII. Cardia. Sitz- ungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math.-Naturw. Cl., Wien, Vol. 106, Abth. 3, pp. 353-455. Sréur, P., 87. Ueber Schleimdriisen. Festschr. Albert v. K6lliker, Leipzig, pp. 421-44. Sraut, H., 89. Beitriige zur Kenntniss des Baues des Gisophagus und der Haut. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entweklngsgsch., Leipzig, pp. 177-195. Swiecick!, H., v., 76. Untersuchungen iiber die Bildung und Ausscheidung des Pepsins bei Batrachiern. Arch, f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, Vol. 13, pp. 444-52. Toutpt, C., ’88. Lehrbuch der Gewebelehre mit vorzugsweiser Berticksichti- gung des menschlichen Ko6rpers. Stuttgart, Enke. Voet, C., and Yune, E., 94. Lehrbuch der praktischen vergleichenden Ana- tomie. Braunschweig. THE LIMIT BETWEEN ECTODERM AND ENTODERM IN THE MOUTH, AND THE ORIGIN OF TASTE BUDS.’ I. AMPHIBIANS. BY J. B. JOHNSTON. WitH 21 TExtT FIGURES. It has been generally recognized that in man it is not possible to locate exactly the limit between ectoderm and entoderm after the rupture and disappearance of the pharyngeal membrane. At the same time it is clear that the tongue arises from the lower ends of the visceral arches and that the floor of the mouth is in the greater part lined by entoderm. In the roof the facts are not so clear, but it is believed that the stomodzeum is much deeper above than below. Ob- viously it can not include the eustachian tube nor the nasal cavity, although the latter is of ectodermal origin. How much of the max- illary process and the palatal shelf is covered by ectoderm, and how much by entoderm, is not known. The taste buds are all located in the pharyngeal portion or floor of the mouth, with the exception of those in the soft palate. Whether the soft palate is covered by ectoderm or entoderm remains to be determined. In view of the fact that at least the great majority of the taste buds are found in the area which all authors agree is lined by entoderm in the embryo, the question may be asked what reason, if any, is there for considering that the taste buds are not of entodermal origin? The chief reason is the general doctrine that nervous structures are of ectodermal origin. The history of that doctrine can not be traced here, but it may be said that it does not appear to be based upon an exhaustive study of the origin of all ‘Neurological Studies from the Institute of Anatomy, University of Minne- sota, No. 7. THH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY.—VOL. 10, No. 1, JAN., 1910. 42 J. DB. Johnston. nervous structures. The origin of certain visceral plexuses in man and of various peripheral nerve cells in other vertebrates has not been determined, and the origin of taste buds is at present under discussion. The statement that all nervous structures are derived from the ectodermal layer of the embryo is not warranted by the known facts. Another reason for thinking that taste buds are of ectodermal origin is that in certain fishes they are found in the later embryo and adult in ectodermal territory, namely, the outer skin. In 1898 I made the statement that in the head of vertebrates ‘all sensory structures of ectodermal origin are supplied by components of the Vth (including spinal Vth components running in other nerves), VIIIth and lateral line nerves, and that all fibres supply- ing such structures have their central endings in the nucleus funiculi, tuberculum acusticum or cerebellum. . . . On the other hand, all sensory structures of entodermal origin are supphed by VIIth, I Xth and Xth components, and all fibers supplying such structures have their central endings in the lobus vagi.” The inclusion of taste buds among structures of entodermal origin was adversely criticised by Strong (1898), and it did not appear that any neurologist was ready to entertain the idea that taste buds were possibly of entodermal origin. I have since brought forward evidence (1905) that in petromyzonts the taste buds arise in ento- dermal area. In the ammoceetes stage I was able to find them only in entodermal surfaces. In teleosts (Coregonus, Catostomus) the buds first appear in the pharynx and cesophagus where there seems to be no possibility of origin from any other source than entoderm. The appearance of taste buds in entodermal area in teleosts has since been confirmed by Landacre (1907), working on Ameiurus. He recognized, however, the possibility of their being formed in ectoderm also. Marrriat and Mrrnops. I have undertaken to study the limits of ectoderm and entoderm in the mouth of several vertebrates, both for its general interest and with especial reference to the origin of taste buds. Amphibians offer especial advantages for the study of the relations The Limit Between Ectoderm and Entoderm. 43 of ectoderm and entoderm owing to the persistence of yolk in the entoderm cells after it has disappeared from the ectoderm. The early development of the mouth has been studied fully in Amblys- toma punctatum and the following description applies wholly to this form. Necturus and frog embryos have been studied sufticiently to control the chief facts. While at West Virginia University I made a large collection of Amblyostoma embryos and larve from the unsegmented egg to tad- poles over an inch in length (about March 20 to July 1). Various methods were tried both for fixation and staining. The fixing fluid that gave the best results was the formol-sublimate-acetic mixture devised by Worcester.? All the embryos used for this study were fixed in that fluid. For staining, borax carmine, hemalum, heema- toxylin with counter stains have been used. Sections prepared for this particular purpose have all been stained by iron hematoxylin and counter stained by acid fuchsin. It was found that iron heema- toxylin stains yolk granules more intensely than any other element in the tissues and remains in the yolk granules in the differentiating bath until it is removed from all other structures, even the chromatin. By differentiating to the last degree favorable for study of chromatin and counter staining with acid fuchsin, clear transparent prepara- tions are obtained in which the yolk granules stand out boldly on a pink ground, while the nuclei and cell boundaries are lightly stained but distinctly seen. As is well known, the ectoderm and entoderm differ from the earliest stages in the number and size of yolk granules contained in the cells. This difference is readily made out in any sections of well fixed material by careful study. In preparations stained as above described the differences are sharply marked and become more prominent and striking as development proceeds. The yolk granules in the ectoderm grow smaller and less numerous and disappear at a relatively early period. In the brain the yolk persists longer than in the ectoderm, but in such small granules that there is no comparison with the entoderm. The muscle-forming masses and some parts *Formula: take 10 per cent formol, saturate with sublimate, add glacial acetic acid to make 10 per cent of the whole. 44 J. B. Johnston. of the mesenchyme retain large quantities of yolk, but these do not enter in any way into the structures to be studied in this connection. The ectoderm and entoderm are drawn as faithfully as possible in the figures. When it is remembered that the general gray shading of the cells represents fuchsin stain, while only the granules and chromatin are black, it will be seen that the distinction between ecto- derm and entoderm is many times more striking in the preparations than it is in the figures. In late stages, when the yolk begins to be used up in the entoderm, the sharp staining of the granules is of the greatest advantage. Before that time the yolk has entirely dis- appeared from the ectoderm and most of it from the nervous system. In such a study as this good serial sections without tearing or distortion are necessary, and the yolk itself is well known as a great obstacle to obtaining such sections. I have tried some methods of fixation in which the yolk is said to be made soft and easily cut. I have not found, however, that such embryos show such perfect fixa- tion as I desired for the study of the early stages in the formation of taste buds. The fixing fluid used renders the yolk hard and brittle, but fixes faithfully all elements of the tissues and without any dis- tortion or shrinking. To obtain perfect serial sections in the three planes I used the method of imbedding in a paraftin-rubber mixture made as follows: to 100 ce. of paraffin which melts at 1 or 2 degrees higher temperature than desired in the imbedding mass, add 1 to 9 grams of crude India rubber cut in as small bits or shreds as pos- sible. Heat over boiling water 24 hours or let stand in the bath at 60° ©. for three days. Pour off the clear melted paraffin and keep in the solid state. Use exactly as paraffin, clearing specimens for imbedding in xylol or toluol. With this method I have obtained many series of sections of all stages of Amblystoma as perfect as it is usual to obtain from ordinary objects. Obviously I could not use for this study preparations in which the yolk-bearing tissues were torn, or in which the yolk granules were scraped out of their position and driven along by the knife. In the figures given every yolk granule is faithfully drawn under the camera as accurately as pos- sible in its relations to the cell boundaries and nuclei. No yolk granule is omitted because it seems to be displaced. No drawings The Limit Between Ectoderm and Entoderm. 45 are taken from sections which show the slightest tearing or breaking in the parts concerned. 1. Early Form and Relations of Entoderm. After completion of gastrulation the archenteron has the well known form characteristic of amphibian embryos: The enlarged anterior part of the archenteron is bounded in the region where the mouth will form by a relatively thin layer of entoderm and a thinner layer of ectoderm (Fig. 1). In this region are two broad, very shallow depressions in the ectoderm. The more anterior one repre- sents the hypophysis, the posterior one the future mouth. Opposite these the archenteron itself presents two prominent pits (or angles) as seen in sagittal sections. The anterior one is a slender pointed S|. n eb Fic. 1. Amblystoma punctatum, neural plate stage, sagittal section of mouth region. Borax carmine stain. cavity (Fig. 2), and the entoderm surrounding it forms a blunt wedge projecting between the neural plate and the ectoderm. ‘The posterior one is a broad depression which corresponds to the future mouth opening. The entoderm surrounding the anterior pit is the preoral entoderm and corresponds in every way to the preoral entoderm of most selachians (cf. Johnston, 1909). 46 J. B. Johnston. When the neural plate rolls up into a tube (Fig. 2) pressure is exerted upon the archenteron by the brain portion of the neural tube and the effect is seen in a compression of the archenteric space. The two angles seen in sagittal sections are now more marked and are separated by a thickening or fold of the intervening entoderm. In the meantime the notochord and mesoderm are forming in the same manner as in selachians. In the stages represented in Figs. 2 and 3 the notochord ends anteriorly in a median mass which is not separated from the entoderm and is continuous laterally with the mesoderm which is in process of splitting off from the entoderm. This median mass remains in continuity with the preoral entoderm. Ive, 2 lhe, 8% Fic. 2. Amblystoma punctatum, neuropore stage. The foregut is already compressed and the palestomal (p) and neostomal recesses are sharply marked. Borax carmine. Fic. 3. A. punctatum, after closure of neuropore. Borax carmine. I have indicated in an earlier paper (1903) that the mesoderm formation is somewhat delayed in the head of Amblystoma so that the mesoderm of the hyoid and mandibular arches is split off from the entoderm as separate rods of mesoderm. The median mass mentioned is continuous laterally with the mesoderm which forms the premandibular somite (Fig. 4, A and B). The splitting off of the notochord stops at the posterior border of this median mass and in later embryos the point at which the end of the notochord remained The Limit Between Ectoderm and Entoderm. AT longest in connection with the entoderm is marked by a sharp notch (see Johnston, 1906, Fig. 36). In front of this the entoderm is not thick as in selachians so that the term “median mass” is not so appli- cable. However, from this part of the entoderm mesenchyme splits off and leaves the entoderm very thin, often scarcely a continuous membrane. This thin area is soon filled up by the shortening and p cm. IG. 45 A Jane, 2E 18 Fic. 4. A. punctatum, two parasagittal sections to show the relations of the head mesoderm. Hzemalum. shifting back of the preoral entoderm and by the general compression which soon obliterates the anterior end of the archenteric cavity. 2. Development of Hypophysis. The ectoderm which will form the hypophysis can be recognized as soon as the neural plate is formed (Figs. 1, 2, 3). Below the 48 J. B. Johnston. terminal ridge of the neural plate (see Johnston, 1909) the ectoderm grows thinner. The wedge-shaped piece of ectoderm immediately adjacent to the neural plate will form the hypophysis. Its position is accurately indicated in Figs. 1 and 2. When the preoral entoderm is more blunt or rounded the hypophysis presents in the earliest stages a triangular form in sagittal sections (Fig. 3), one angle being directed inward between the terminal ridge of the neural plate and the preoral entoderm. When the neural plate rolls up the terminal ridge participates in the rising up of the neural folds, and en Kia. 5. A. punctatum, stage when hypophysis begins active invagination. Median sagittal section. Haemalum. the distinction between the neural plate and hypophysis at once becomes clearly marked (Figs. 2 and 3). From the earliest stage the hypophysis rests against the tip of the preoral entoderm. While the neural tube is rolling up, the hypophysial ectoderm be- comes deeper, so that in sagittal section the depth of the triangle becomes greater than the length of its base on the surface (Fig. 3). Up to this time the cells within the triangle show no regularity of arrangement. Immediately following this it is seen that the deeper cells are arranged so as to suggest a short blind sac. From the start (Fig. 5) this sac is thicker on the anterior or dorsal side. It has The Limit Between Eetoderm and Entoderm. 49 no actual cavity, but the arrangement and pigmentation of the cells suggest a cavity, and the wall next to the entoderm is thin and devoid of nuclei. By this time the ectoderm of the mouth plate, caudal to the hypophysis, consists of only a single layer of flat cells (see Fie. 6. A. punctatum, in a stage slightly advanced over that in Fig. 5. Medial sagittal section of hypophysis. Borax carmine. Fic. 7. A. punctatum, at the height of the hypophysial invagination before separation from ectoderm. Note the concavity of hypophysis and the absence of ectoderm from the mouth plate. Heemalum. below). As the hypophysis pushes in, its thin posterior or ventral wall is devoid of cells, and soon the cavity of the hypophysial invagi- nation is bounded on that side by entoderm (Figs. 6 and 7). The hypophysis appears as a hook-shaped membrane (sagittal section) 50 J. B. Johnston. extending in from the deeper layer of the ectoderm. A slight cavity is contained within the recurved wall at the deeper end (Fig. 7), the rest of the ventral wall being formed by entoderm. While the hypophysis is pushing in, the preoral entoderm is pushed back, flattened, and its cavity nearly obliterated. This cavity be- comes less prominent before the ‘closing up of the entodermal mouth Via. 8. A. punctatum, nearly median sagittal section to show the persistence of the preoral or paleeostomal recess in the entoderm. The invagination of the hypophysis is very tardy in this specimen. THeemalum. pit. There is always to be seen, however, a shallow pit or an angular prolongation of the archenteron which continues to indicate the preoral cavity (Figs. 8, 9, 10). In some eases a cleft appears in the entoderm leading toward the cavity of the hypophysis. By this time the entoderm has been compressed and thickened, but the per- The Limit Between Ectoderm and Entoderm. 51 sistence of the preoral cavity (in various degrees) serves to mark the position of the preoral entoderm. It also explains the peculiar form taken by the hypophysis. The cleft meeting the cavity of the hypophysis suggests that the intact wall of the hypophysial invagina- tion constitutes, with the entoderm dorsal to the cleft, the dorsal wall or roof of the palzeostoma, while the absence of a ventral wall to the hypophysial invagination allows the hypophysis to open into Fic. 9. A. punctatum, after separation of hypophysis from ectoderm. Medial sagittal section. The pointed recess of the archenteron directed toward the letter m is the oral recess; the slight pit or concavity next to pr. en. is the palzeostomal recess. Hzemalum. the archenteron, the ventral wall or floor of the palseostoma being formed by entoderm alone. These relations are indicated im a diagram (Fig. 11). After the stage at which the partial connection between hypophysis and archenteron is seen, there is a further bending of the brain, the flexure becoming excessive in amphibians. The bending, together with the expansion of the forebrain, results in pushing the hypophysis 52 J. B. Johnston. and preoral entoderm farther and farther back, until they “come to lie close to the end of the notochord. Compare Figs. 3 and 10. It is this movement of the preoral entoderm dorso-caudally that was referred to above as the means of thickening up the wall of the archen- teron which is left so thin by the splitting off of the head mesen- chyme. The hypophysis finally comes to lie on the dorsal surface of the preoral entoderm, and the notch which represents the original preoral cavity is visible up to the stage when the velum transversum, epiphysis, paraphysis and the inferior lobes of the brain are all well formed (Fig. 10). The formation of the saccus vasculosus Fic. 10. A. punctatum, stage after formation of epiphysis. Median sagittal section. The palzostomal recess is a deep angular pit. The dental ridges: are growing in. Heemalum. and the differentiation of other structures in the region of the inferior lobes takes place considerably later. The shifting caudad of the preoral entoderm and hypophysis which I have attributed to the brain flexure is accompanied by a very con- siderable elongation of the mouth entoderm. While the shifting is taking place the mouth entoderm is compressed into a solid mass, and this becomes elongated into a comparatively slender cord, flat- tened dorso-ventrally (Figs. 10, 12, 14, 16). For some time after its separation from the ectoderm the hypophy- sis continues to have the form of a shallow cup with the convexity The Limit Between Ectoderm and Entoderm. 53 against the brain, the concavity toward the entoderm (Fig. 9). It finally forms a somewhat ovoid mass and lies beneath the brain. Its further history does not concern us in this study, 3. Coalescence of the Walls of the Foregut. It has already been indicated that the formation of the neural tube begins to compress the anterior part of the archenteron. This is Vie. 11. A diagram of the relations of the palzeeostoma and neostoma in A. punctatum. A camera drawing was made from the section from which Fig. 7 was drawn and the cleft connecting the archenteron with the hypophysis was made wider, This is the only diagrammatic feature of the drawing. The palzeostoma is represented by the cleft hy- p. earried further by the formation of the mesodermic somites above and at the sides and of the heart below, and the bending down of the brain completes the influences which result in the complete oblit- eration of the cavity of the anterior part of the future mouth (Figs. 12, 14). This condition is well known in amphibian embryos and requires little comment. ‘Two things should be noted. (a) The coalescence of the walls begins early and is followed by a relatively 4. J. B. Johnston. Or ereat elongation of the pharyngeal region. The necessity of this to make room for the branchial apparatus, heart and brain, is clear from Figs. 3, 9 and 10, and it is this chiefly which causes the for- ward projection of the head from the yolk and the straightening out of the embryo. (b) When the oral cavity appears it leads to the place which has been indicated in the early embryo as the future mouth opening. The history of the hypophysis and preoral ento- derm given above and the later history of the preoral entoderm make this clear. ‘SS. Vic. 12. 525. Capillaries from chorion, showing apparent formation of blood corpuscles from endothelium of capillaries. Fig. 11. Reconstruction of ccolom, showing relation to somites; Arabic numbers on side represent the numbers of sections; Roman numerals in center represent the paired somites; P.C., Pericardial celom; Pl, Pleural ceelom; Coe, Peritoneal celom; E.C., External Communication of the ccelom ; Pr, Pronephros; Ht, Projection of the heart in the pericardial cavity; X, Outer limit of body wall; Mes, Paraxial mesoblast ; Br.M., Bridge of meso- dermal tissue extending across the mesodermal slit; Pr.S., Primitive streak. A HUMAN EMBRYO WITH SEVEN PAIRS OF SOMITES. Jaireis Tete'g tte) THH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY.—VOL. 10, No. 1, JAN., 1910. PLATE II. WALTHER BH. DANDY. j 1 WL | | HH | sos Ere. il. 106 Walter E. Dandy. PLATE III. Ic. 12. Diagram of a sagittal view of embryo to show the vascular system. Ht, Heart; A I-II-III, First, second and third aortic arches; Ao, Dorsal aorta ; C.Ao, Caudal aorta; U, Umbilical artery (unite in the bauchstiel) ; V, Um- bilical vein (unite in the Bauchstiel) ; Vit, Branch of umbilical vein, is only suggestion of a possible vitelline vein; V. am, Venous branch to amnion; Ca, Capillaries; do not contain blood and do not connect with veins; B.I., Blood Islands; Ect, Ectoderm; Mes, Mesoderm; Ent, Entoderm; Fg, Foregut; Hg, Hindgut; All, Allantois; Ch, Chorionic membrane; V1, Chorionic villi, showing vascularization; B.S, Bauchstiel; M.C., Mouth Cavity. A HUMAN EMBRYO WITH SEVEN PAIRS OF SOMITES. PLATE III. WALTER B. DANDY. Amnion Unmbilical Vesicle Jee, 112) THE AMDRICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY.—VOL. 10, No. 1, Jan., 1910. 108 Walter E. Dandy. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATEVIVE Fie. 13. Dorsol-lateral view of model of the embryo, with the amnion removed. Umbilical vein with possible vitelline branch (?) seen on right side. (The vein is projected on exterior for purpose of clearness.) Large um- bilical venous and arterial sinuses posteriorly, with allantois lying between. Arterial sinus is partially cut away, venous is intact. Neural canal is open throughout, and shows the three primary vesicles of the brain. AWE Vis I'ic. 14. Same view as Plate IV: window of ectoderm removed, exposing the somites and mesoderm. PLATE VI. Itc. 15. Same view as in Plates IV and V. Mesoderm is removed. I, II, I11-Three primary brain vesicles; I-First aortic arch; studs of arches 2, 3, 4, 5 are seen just posterior; U-Umbilical arterial sinus; V-Umbilical veins (umbilical veins and umbilical venous sinus have been cut away to show the arterial system). Vi, Branch of umbilical vein, only suggestion of possible vitelline vein; Fg-Foregut; Hg-Hindgut; All-Allantois; Ch-Chorda ; Ht-Heart; Coe-Ceelom; P.C.-Pericardial coelom; Ca-Capillary, but no connec- tion; Pl-Plexus of lateral aortic branches (shown only in this place). Mes- Mesoderm in primitive streak region separated from the ectoderm by a shrinkage space, which is only present laterally, in this region. (See also LS ee) A HUMAN EMBRYO WITH SEVEN PAIRS OF SOMITES. PLATE IV. WALTER B. DANDY. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY.—VOL. 10, No. 1, JAN., 1910. A HUMAN EMBRYO WITH SEVEN PAIRS OF SOMITES. } PLATE V. WALTDR BH. DANDY. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY.—-VOL. 10, No. 1, JAN., 1910. A HUMAN EMBRYO WITH SEVEN PAIRS OF SOMITES. . PLATE VI. WALTER BH. DANDY. Ch. Mes. All. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY.—VOL. 10, No. 1, JAN., 1910. A STUDY. OF THE DIFFERENTIATION OF TISSUES IN THE REGENERATING CRUSTACEAN LIMB.! BY VICTOR HE. EMMEL. From the Department of Comparative Anatomy, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. WitH 8 PLATES. CONTENTS. PAGE PeR TUG CO CLUE OL OM pet per ey eens, Sete eaten: cheer eke Se mes Ctae aueec te eeane ete wieceae 110 Hie Trend lean Gh MeKMOUS =n sce, a.cnsteps «iss ous artes theleneehersisia iontatere tase crs ape eee alti ean aLOmIGHEsiruiGenunEexor-tne Chelar si. .s. eoeisiene so ele ele © 6) eleisseur er 112 ee SCLIMENESMIISCLESs ANG eT OUMESY 2)... aerate ce access eseke exe. siecuoke 112 PS CBIHSM gate TORE, ey eeaPueeacic ean oer cee ae RCo eIeEc ood One enc Bene Pern 1s} (CGB) MONO STIRCVET ON zp sare a aganl oT ahcler a reeset ne tomeben oT ive foretel sveseleire 1138 (GD) Phloodevesselseamd =Mervesy dari. sercuetess ost eke becsiwis cess ei 115 (c) an embryonic or transitory IVUISCLE S255 Siees «seeks Goatees 117 (OE) SCMUILyONIVOTR ART a etene caplet nrc ciao etree oc SIGHS Dio COI EC Dt oeer aia 118 Mee harlvestacessor the resenerating Limb) . os cc.celeer sc stew se + eles ars 119 ESR enagiustmentofanjimred TISSUES 245.6 sce ae lam cle wrs aaron ss = 119 mV ATCA Uel Og lessee aanre ancien chen seek pees cae ot aor one’ aacbareys, Oe) oaats, afecePehene teas 120 See haneeceam th Orr Gl tien vacraya sew ele sratees eee oka. & sratione ves elses wag nes 120 APe SIT OM CYLON ASINT Be ot sete eves aoe ace os hele rote alote oak e eel sel et ehlecore, ce: cvarete 125 pee Cilia Vat SLO MNes 6. Mitotic cell division begins after the formation of the first epidermal plate over the wound. The formation of this plate seems sufficiently accounted for by the volumetric increase of the cytoplasm, together with the enlargement and wider separation of the nuclei of the migrating cells. 7. The wall of the regenerating bud, and a large part, if not the entire core of cells filling its interior, are derived from epidermal cells. Since there is no conclusive evidence of either cell division or migration among the old muscle and connective tissue cells, these tissues appear to contribute little, if anything, to the formation of the new limb bud. 154 Victor E. Emmel. 8. a. Regenerating striated muscle is ectodermal in origin. b. The myofibrille appear genetically related to the eyto-reticulum. Each fibril is early surrounded by a sheath of modified cytoplasm, multiplies by longitudinal splitting, and in its differentiation the “z” line or membrane of Krause, becomes evident after the formation of the light and dark bands. e. The muscle fiber or cell is multinuclear when first formed. Later the nuclei come to be peripheral in position while the fibrille he to the side of the fiber nearest the center of the muscle bundle. The nuclei multiply by mitotic division, and with the development of the sarcolemma they become flattened and elongated in the long axis of the fibers. d. The myofibrille differentiate throughout their whole length into true striated muscle elements, except in the region of skeletal attach- ment. There the peripheral ends of the fibrils remain unstriated, and serve as tensile elements. e. The connective tissue over the inner surface of the epidermis, and the purely supporting fibrille within the epidermal cells develop later, but these structures appear to be secondary in their relation to muscle attachment. 9. a. The present observations indicate that the neurilemma is derived from the regenerating epidermal cells. b. During certain stages in the differentiation of the axis cylinder the finer neurofibrille are central and the coarser fibrils more per- ipheral in position. 10. In at least certain regions of the regenerating limb, supporting and apparently true connective tissue differentiates from epidermal cells. ; 11. a. In the development of the chitinogenous muscle plates and the myofibrille and their striz, differentiation appears to be neither directly “centrifugal” nor “centripetal” in direction. b. On the contrary, the facts warrant the statement that whatever sequence there may be in differentiation, it is correlated with the size and functional relations of the muscles concerned, rather than with any distal or proximal relation of these structures to the organism. Cr Tissues in the Crustacean Limb. 15 X. LIST OF REFERENCES. ANDREWS, EH. A., 90. Autotomy in the crab. Am. Nat., XXIV, 188-142. 3ARDEEN, C. R., 700. The Development of the Musculature of the Body Wall in the Pig, including its Histogenesis and its relations to the Myotomes and to the Skeletal and Nervous Apparatus. Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports, Vol. TX, 1900. BarrurtH, D., 90. Zur Regeneration der Gewebe. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. 37, pp. 406-491. Plates 22-24. Cuitp, C. M., ’06. Contributions to a Theory of Regulation. I. The Signifi- eance of the Different Methods of Regulation in Turbellaria. Arch, f. Entw.-Mech., Bd. 20. . 708. The Physiological Basis of Restitution of Lost Parts. Journ. Exp. 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Embryonic Transplantation and the Development of the Ner- vous System. Anat. Record, Vol. 2, pp. 385-410. HASEMAN, J. D., 07. The Direction of Differentiation in Regenerating Crus- tacean Appendages. Arch. f. Ent.-Mech., Vol. 24, pp. 617-635. Nine plates. Hennecuy, F., 06. Les modes d’insertion des muscles sur la cuticule chez les Arthropodes. Compt. rend. Assoc. Anat., 8 Réun. Herrick, F. H., ’95. The American Lobster. Bull. U. S. Fish Commission. 252 pp. Fifty-four plates. HouMEs, S., 04. The Problem of Form Regulation. Arch. f. Ent.-Mech., Bd. 17. . 07. The Behavior of Loxyphyllum and Its Relation to Regenera- tion. Journ. Exp. Zo6l., Vol. IV, pp. 3899-480. HouMGREN, N., ’02. Ueber das Verhalten des Chitins und Epithels zu den unterliegenden Gewebarten bei Insecten. Anat. Anz., Bd. 21, pp. 480-488. Huxtry, T. H., ’88. The crayfish. New York. KASTSCHENKO, N., ’88. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Selachierembryos. Anat. Anz., Bd. 3, pp. 445-467. KG6.LiriKer, A., von, ’84. Die embryonalen Keimblitter und die Gewebe. Zeit- schrift fiir wissenschaftliche Zoologie, Bd. 40. LécarLton, A., ’07. Recherches sur la structure de la cuticle tegumentaire des Insectes. Bibliog. Anat., t. 16, pp. 245-261. MacCatium, J. B., 98. On the Histogenesis of the Striated Muscle Fiber and the Growth of the Human Sartorius Muscle. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Balt., Vol. IX, pp. 208-215. McMourricu, J. P., 96. The Epithelium of the So-called Mid-gut of Terres- trial Isopods. Journ. of Morph., Vol. 14, pp. 88-103. Minor, C. S., 94. Text-book of Human Hmbryology. Philadelphia. , O01. The Embryological Basis of Pathology. Science, Vol. XIIT, pp. 481-498. . 08. The Problem of Age, Growth and Death. New York. Morean, T. H., 00. Further Experiments on Regeneration of the Appendages of the Hermit Crab. Anat. Anz.,-Vol. 17. . 01. Regeneration. New York. Ost, J., 706. Zur Kenntnis der Regeneration der Extremitiiten bei den Arth- ropoden. Arch. f. Ent.-Mech., Bd. 22, pp. 289-324. Puattr, JULIA B., 98. The Development of the Cartilaginous Skull and of the - Branchial and Hypoglossal Musculature in Necturus. Morphologisches Jahrbuch, Bd. 25, pp. 877-464. Ranp, H. W., ’04. The Behavior of the Hpidermis of the Earthworm in Regeneration. Arch. f. Ent.-Mech., Bd. 19, pp. 16-57. Three plates. Reep, M. A., ’04. The Regeneration of the First Leg of the Crayfish. Arch. f, Ent.-Mech., Bd. 18, pp. 307-316. Two plates. Tissues in the Crustacean Limb. 157 Ritzy, W. A., 08. Muscle Attachment in Insects. Annals of the Entomolog. Soc. of Am., Vol. I, pp. 265-269. One plate. Roux, W., 96. Ueber die Selbstordnung (cytotaxis) sich “beriihrender” Fur- chungszellen des Froscheies durch Zellenzusammenftigung, Zellentren- nung und Zellengleiten. Arch. f. Ent.-Mech., Bd. 3, pp. 381-468. Two plates. SCHNEIDER, K. C., 02. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Histologie. Jena. SNETHLAGE, E., 05. Ueber die Frage von Muskelansatz und der Herkunft der Muskulatur bei den Arthropoden. Zool. Jahrb. Anat., XXI, pp. 495-514. STEELE, M. I., ’07. . Regeneration in Compound Eyes of Crustacea. Journ. Exp. Zool., Vol. V, pp. 163-248. Sixteen plates. Surron, J. B., 88. A New Rule of Epiphyses of Long Bones. Journ. of Anat. and Physiol., Vol. XVII, p. 479-4838. WiiiAMsS, L. W., ’07. The Stomach of the Lobster. 37th Report of Inland Fisheries of Rhode Island, pp. 153-180. Ten plates. ZELENY, C., 07. The Direction of Differentiation in Development. Arch. f. Ent.-Mech., Bd. 23, pp. 324-348. Seven plates. XI. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. Unless otherwise indicated, all figures are from camera drawings made from longitudinal sections of the chelze of fourth stage lobsters. List OF ABBREVIATIONS. a, artery. at, a’, arteries passing through the breaking joint. b, blood plasm. be, blood corpuscles. bel, blood clot. bk, breaking joint. bs, basipodite. c, carpopodite. ch, chitin. ch‘, new chitin. cm, connective tissue membrane, ct, connective tissue. d, dactylopodite. e, epidermis. e*, migrating epidermal cells. e*, e, e*, e*, extensor mucles in the propodite, carpopodite, meropodite, and ischiopodite, respectively. ec, regenerating and proliferating epidermal cells. ef, Supportive fibrille. em, epidermal membrane. en, regenerating epidermal nuclei. i, ischiopodite. 158 Victor E. Emmel. ic, inward proliferation of epidermal cells to form connective tissue. in, invagination of epidermal cells at the joints m, muscle crossing the breaking joint. ma, muscle attachment. mb, muscle in the basipodite. me, meropodite. mf, myofibrille. mn, muscle nuclei. E mp, chitinogenous muscle plate or tendon. mt, cells undergoing mitotic division. n, nerve. nt, n2, nerves passing through the breaking joint. nf, neurofibrille. ng, nuclei of the “Grenzlamelle.” nn, nuclei of the neurilemma. p, propodite. m, 7, 73, flexor muscles in the propodite, carpopodite, and meropodite, re- spectively. rt, cyto-reticulum. s, septum of connective tissue dividing venous blood sinus into two channels. sa, sarcolemma. v, valves in venous blood channels. v, valves in venous blood channels; v', v*, inner and outer channels, respect- ively. ve, venous blood channel. vs, yenous sinus; vs', vs?, respectively distant and proximal of the breaking joint. PLATE I. STRUCTURE OF THE CHELA IN THE REGION OF AMPUTATION. Graphic reconstructions of the breaking joint and related segments of the left chela, to show the anatomical relations of the blood vessels, muscles. nerves, epidermis, and connective tissue. The drawings are incomplete in one particular because the finer meshwork of connective tissue in which the arteries and nerves are suspended is not represented in its entirety. Fic. 1 represents the outer third, and Fic. 2 the inner third of the breaking joint and segments. The sides of the figures nearest each other are ventral. > 263. PLATE I, TISSUES IN THE CRUSTACEAN LIMB. EMMEL. VICTOR E. u ‘ZOLA sq TL Dr Vou. 10, No. 1, JAN., 1910. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY. PLATE II. STRUCTURE OF THE CHELA IN THE REGION OF AMPUTATION. Fic. 8. Section of the breaking joint from the region midway between the parts represented in Figs. 1 and 2, to show the relations of the epidermis, nerve trunk, and connective tissue membranes preceding autotomy. < 368. Fic. 4. Showing relation of tissues after the autotomy of the limb, and the function of the valve (v?) in closing the venous blood channel (ve). >< 368. Fie. 5. Section showing the relations of the muscle (mm) discovered at the breaking joint (bk). < 204. Fic. 6. In the fifth stage lobster this muscle has almost entirely degen- erated only remnants (md) of the former muscle being present. < 210. ? PLATE II. TISSUES IN THE CRUSTACEAN LIMB. EMMEL. VICTOR E. "9g “DIA “EOI THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY.—-VOL. 10, No. 1, JaNn., 1910. PLATE III. SUCCESSIVE STAGES IN THE REGENERATION OF THE LIMB, Fic. 7. Regeneration, 1 day. Epidermal cells (e') beginning to migrate across the wound beneath the blood clot (bel). >< 240. Fic. 8. Regeneration, 1 day, 14 hours. Migrating epidermal cells have formed a complete plate or disc over the wound. Valve (v) of the venous blood channel now assuming its normal position. < 240. Fic. 9. Regeneration, 2 days, 2 hours. The beginning of cell multiplication (mt) in the first formed epidermal plate. >< 240. Ira. 10. Regeneration, 2 days, 22 hours. Epidermal cells (ec’) at the apex of the bud are migrating inward to form the flexor muscle of the claw. x 240. PLATE III. TISSUES IN THE CRUSTACEAN LIMB. VICTOR BE. EMMEL. ‘OL SI QL, ad 0. 9,0 Wig 2 iy & TRS SSSso) Vor. 10; No, 1) JAN, 1910. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY. ti 4 PLATE IV. NUCLEAR CHANGES. Changes in epidermal nuclei during regeneration. The groups of nuclei in Figs. 11-13 taken from the same region of the limb, 7. e., on the same side of the limb just below the breaking joint; in each case (c) and (d) are nearer the center of the wound than (a) and (0). Fic. 11. Normal nuclei before the amputation of the limb. >< 2000. Wie. 12. Regeneration, 14 hours. < 2000. Fig. 18. Regeneration, 24 hours. x 2000. Fic. 14. Regeneration, 2 days, 2 hours. Nuclei undergoing mitosis; @ (apparently), prophase; b, anaphase. > 2000. Fig. 15. Regeneration, 5 days, 10 hours. Nuclei in the epidermal wall of the regenerating limb bud, in the region of the invagination (in) for the flexor muscle in the meropodite. >< 1250. TISSUES IN THE CRUSTACEAN LIMP. PLATE Iv. VICTOR E. EMMEL. Hie, 15, THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY.—VOL. 10, No. 1, JAN., 1910. PLATE VY. REGENERATION OF STRIATED MUSCLE, Fie. 16. Regeneration, 6 days, 6 hours. Myofibrillee (af) just beginning to differentiate for the flexor of the dactylopodite. >< 334. Fic. 17. Regeneration, 7 days, 6 hours. Showing the great elongation of epidermal nuclei during their invagination for the formation of the muscles,— in this case the flexor is the meropodite. >< 1250. (Cf. with Fig. 15.) Fic. 18. Regeneration, 12 days, 10 hours. Shows striation of muscle fibrils (mf) and their attachment to the chitin of exoskeleton. > 334. Ilia. 19. Showing skeletal attachment of regenerating muscle fibrils. (From the regenerating chela of a two-year-old lobster.) The myofibrillee appear to be attached directly to the chitin (ch’). x 292. PLATE V. TISSUES IN THE CRUSTACEAN LIMB. VICTOR E. EMMEL. ~ Ss ! 4 oe s se oe ‘ \ \ - \ \ 1 \ { 1 \ t au fats Q es hPa * ‘, gs es tn i ¥ * chi-----—- iG). Fic. Te Fic. Fie. 18. Fic. 16. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY.—VOL. 10, No. 1, JAN., 1910. “s F iS . ~ a oa) a! Ya i: ~ © 7 = « ood 7 co oe - a ES ae | . : ¢ ems +e Stee eae * e. a@ty & PLATE VI. REGENERATION OF STRIATED MUSCLE. Iie. 20. Regeneration, 10 days, 6 hours. Showing the muscle fibrils form- ing brush-like end pieces in their attachment to the chitin. Epidermal mem- brane (em) just beginning to differentiate. > 1250. Fic. 21. Completely regenerated epidermis in the chela of a sixth stage lobster just after moulting, showing a nucleus (ng) of the “grenzlamelle,” and the relation of the “grenzlamelle” to the epidermis and muscle fibers. < 750. Vig. 22. Regeneration, 6 days, 2 hours. Showing the close relation of the myofibrillae (mf) to the cytoplasmic reticulum (rt) during early differentia- tion. > 1250. Fic. 28. Regeneration, 7 days, 6 hours. Myofibrillae (mf) surrounded by a sheath of modified cytoplasm (transverse section). 1250. Via. 24. Regeneration, 8 days, 10 hours. Transverse section of myofi- brillae (mf), Showing the first longitudinal splitting of the fibrils. >< 1250. ia. 25. Regeneration, 11 days, 10 hours. Transverse section of a fully formed muscle fiber showing membrane or sarcolemma (sq@), nuclei, and Cohn- heim’s areas. >< 1250. TISSUES IN THE CRUSTACEAN LIMB. VICTOR E. EMMEL. ---- em wae — ~~~ — 6 Fie. 20. mn rt 1 i ! i I i , a Baa Fic. 22. = Satan eel a 'g oe PLATE VI. ng I J g989Qd*q Fig. 23. Ge THE AMERICAN JOURNAL oF ANATOMY.—VOL. 10, No. 1, JAN., 1910. PLATE VII. REGENERATION OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE AND NERVES. Fic. 26. Regeneration, 10 days, 2 hours. Shows inward proliferation of epidermal cells to form a sheet of connective tissue (ic) across the segment (ineropodite). > 417. Fig. 27. Regeneration, 11 days, 10 hours. A later stage in the differentia- tion of the connective tissue (in the meropodite) showing vacuolation and infiltration of blood plasm (6). < 834. Fic. 28. Regeneration, 5 days, 10 hours. Proliferation of epidermal cells (e) in the formation of a nerve fiber (nm). 582. Fie. 29. A stage in the differentiation of the nerve fiber showing a nucle- ated sheath and axial core of delicate neurofibrille (nf) in the axis cylinder. At the periphery of this core of fibrille may be observed two heavier fibrillz. < 750. : Ilia. 30. A stage of the regenerating nerve fiber in which the heavier neu- rofibrillae predominate. >< 750. (Figures 29 and 30 were made from sections of the regenerating chela of a two-year-old lobster in which the neurofibrillz were more sharply defined than in preparations from younger specimens. ) TISSUES IN THE CRUSTACEAN LIMB. PLATE VII. VICTOR E. EMMBEL. Hic. 26: Y - Wie. 30. ' Fie. 29. 3 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY.—VOL. 10, No. 1, JAN., 1910. % PLATE VIII. THE DIRECTION OF DIFFERENTIATION, The direction of differentiation of the eight chitinogenous muscle plates or tendons of the limb. Figs. 31-36 are reconstructions from serial sections. Fic. 31. Regeneration, 2 days, 22 hours. x 60. lig. 32. Regeneration, 4 days, 6 hours. x 60. Fic. 33. Regeneration, 4 days, 22 hours. x 60. ic. 34. Regeneration, 5 days, 6 hours. » 60. Fic. 35. Regeneration, 5 days, 9 hours. » 60. Fic. 36. Regeneration, 10 days, 2 hours. 54. Fig. 37. Diagrammatic drawing of a fully developed chela showing the relative size and position of the eight limb muscles distal of the breaking joint (bk). 4-9. TISSUES IN THE CRUSTACEAN LIMB, PLATE VIII. VICTOR E. EMMEL. Wy 4 ENG sere ies ais} HiKGenoe iMée BBY s HGsroo: Biearoue THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY.—VOL. 10, No. 1, JAN., 1910. SOME ANOMALIES IN THE GENITAL ORGANS OF BUFO LENTIGINOSUS AND THEIR PROBABLE SIGNIFICANCE. BY HELEN DEAN KING, Assistant in Anatomy, Wistar Institute. WITH 26 FIGURES. During the course of a series of investigations on the germ-cells of the common American toad, Bufo lentiginosus, I have had occa- sion to examine a large number of these amphibians at various stages of their development, and I have found many individuals in which the genital organs showed marked deviations from the normal type. The most striking of these anomalies are described in the present paper. Many cases of this kind have a direct bearing on the question of the existence of hermaphroditism in the primitive verte- brates, and but few of them have as yet been recorded for any amphibian other than Rana. I. ANOMALIES IN THE GenrTAL Orcans or Youne Toaps. Anomalies occur much more commonly in the sex-glands of young toads than in those of adults, and at least two per cent of the young individuals that I have examined showed more or less marked irregu- larities of this kind. As most of the toads in which abnormalities were found were reared in the laboratory, one might infer that the anomalies were the result of pathological changes produced in the genital organs by abnormal environmental conditions. That such is not the case, however, is shown by the fact that eleven individuals in which the sex-glands were anomalous in some respect were found in a lot of 500 young toads that had completed their metamorphosis under natural conditions. Although in Bufo sex is probably determined at or before the time that the egg is fertilized, the gonads are often in an apparently THH AMDPRICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY.—VOL. 10, No. 1, JAN., 1910. 160 Helen Dean King. indifferent state even at the time of metamorphosis, and in many instances the genital glands must be examined histologically before the sex of an individual can be ascertained. The toad grows very rapidly after completing its metamorphosis, and then, except in very rare cases, the sexes are readily distinguished by an examination of the sex-glands under a dissecting lens. At this period of development the testes are long, cylindrical bodies with a smooth contour (Figs. 3 and 6, Left) ; the ovaries, although they are of about the same length as the testes, are relatively broader and they have an irregular, jagged outline (Figs. 5 and 7, Left). At the anterior end of each genital gland is a large rounded body, Bidder’s organ (Fig. 1, B. O.), to which the corpora adiposa are attached (Fig. 1, C. A.). In young toads Bidder’s organ is of the same size and structure in both sexes: it persists throughout the lifetime of the male, but it disappears in the female towards the end of the second year. 250. Fic. 18.—Transverse section through the enlargement in the lower part of the right ovary which is outlined in Fig. 2. 250. Fic. 19.—Section of an ovum found in the rudimentary ovary of an her- maphroditic toad. This cell has all of the characteristics of the young ova normally present in Bidder’s organ. Y.N, yollk-nuclei. >< 1000. Fie. 20.—Section of the nucleus of a rudimentary ovum which is just beginning to degenerate. < 333. Fic. 21.—A later stage in the degeneration of the nucleus of a rudimentary ovum. 333. Fic. 22.—-Section of the nucleus of a young odcyte which appears normal. >< 1000. Fie. 23.—Part of a section of a large ovum showing vacuolization of the cytoplasm. 3383. P Fig. 24.—Part of a section of a large ovum having two distinct layers of yolk spherules in the cytoplasm. > 338. Fic. 25.—Section of the nucleus of a large ovum which appears normal. < 333. i it ANOMALIES IN THE GENITAL ORGANS OF TOADS. JIELEN D. KING. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY.—Vo.L. 10, No. 1, JAn., 1910. st. ANOMALIES IN THE GENITAL ORGANS OF TOADS. HELEN D. KING. H AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY.—VOL. 10, No. 1, Jan., 1910. * ify “a AA 7 ee pi ew. © “yy a » 4s “ ry can 2 ; é a a a es Pe TOALS. YN THE GENITAL ORGANS Gr pn ES ANOMALI D. KiNG. HELEN VoL. 10, No. 1, JAn., 1910. BH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY. THE ANATOMY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE JUGU- AR oy MPH SACS. INTHE “DOMESTIC, CAT (FELIS DOMESTICA). BY GEORGE S. HUNTINGTON AND CHARLES F. W. McCLURE. From the Anatomical Laboratories of Columbia and Princeton Universities. Wirr 66 FricureEs. CONTENTS. TEER OMUNCEION RMP Gh rae ti eke thee Nicaee TO LS Renata se Petras Skee werk ae oe Ay 178 Nr ipo lMrmease tu alltex a MTEC cy. reese sae St cose ce oon ate each ees sea BLE eo uct ae ees 181 A summary of former investigations bearing upon the development of the iceman alien, Toyo ee Naioayo) MEO sen one enon oe too nkeae ds adnan geeetod 5 o- 182 The retention of the embryonic jugular lymph sac as an adult structure and the general character of the lymphatico-venous connections in the adult.. 188 On the establishment of the lymphatico-venous connections of the adult.. 190 Development of the veno-lymphatic plexuses and sacs of the early embryonic stages and the establishment of the structural basis for the subsequent development or the jucular lymph sacs. 2.200. oc -.s sree ss de ees 196 I General ground-plan of the embryonic venous area involved in the sub- sequent development of the jugular lymph sacs........:............... 197 II Analysis of the developmental stages in the formation of the jugular bymph sacs... .. nee eer een 6 2d Rp Sse PERN Noten aie oor ye 202 WetMMNOMOn Me ermMstenestratlon’. sees ces edias asi gee ace ens = levee ors 203 First period- of development, from the early venous stages up to the establishment of the three primary veno-lymphatic plexuses .......... 208 Second period of development, from the establishment of the three primary veno-lymphatiec plexuses to the attainment of the adult condition of the OD erm ANAT) NSS Cine Testi ote sauce he ome Dee tees Gas ak PE eam eh ote 218 These two periods of development are illustrated in the “‘Analysis”’ by the series of diagrams, figs. 8 to 21, inclusive. III Detailed description of the individual stages based upon astudy of the RECOM ICH MGaeay ta sigs ns eee AN oie he ager Ca. MDE IES Raenhelag als 222 MEET VaTenI OMS Sham CSu airs Ha secant: bic sResiels oto salt a ie Wace ocho ta ere coer 226 2. Intermediate early stages of pre-and posteardinal veno-lymphatic GB ENyCellOyOMAKEATLE BS Sel a eee ee CREME Rime RS Or eg sce ns Ee a ne Aa 233 3. Subsequent early stages illustrating veno-lymphatic development... 254 4. Two embryos illustrating the lateral displacement of certain veno- lymphaties which are secondarily separated by fenestration from the caudal division of the ventral veno-lymphatic plexus ....... 270 _ THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 10, NO. 2. 178 George 8S. Huntington and Charles F. W. McClure. ContTents—Continued 5. Fully developed veno-lymphaticstage...................:tee- veces 277 6:. Pre-lymphatie staize ic: a ite wee Sater tern ooh cites ced hat Oe eee 288 7. Lymphatic stage or stage of definitely organized jugular lymph sac. . 297 LV General considerations and conclusions... 05.222. a ene ree 307 Explanation of -firuresw sss. sek de nee ee ae ee ee ee 308 INTRODUCTION. In January, 1908, the writers read a paper before the Associa- tion of American Anatomists upon the ‘‘Anatomy and Develop- ment of the Jugular Lymph Saes in the Domestic Cat.’’ This paper, which includes merely an outline of the development of the sacs was subsequently published in the Proceedings of the Association.’ In dealing with this subject in the present paper 1% 1s the inten- tion of the writers to give a minute and detailed account of the development of these sacs in the domestic cat so that every phase and condition of their development may be represented and illus- trated by a series of reconstructions, which are as accurately repro- duced as their complicated character will permit. The object of presenting so detailed an account is, to place beyond the range of inference all doubt that has hitherto existed regarding the venous origin of the jugular lymph saes, as well as to establish a basis for the study of the development of this portion of the lymphatic system in other mammalian embryos.’ In a more recent article on the “Cervical Veins and Lymphatics in Four Human Embryos” (Am. Jour. of Anat., vol. 9, page 38), Dr. Lewis states as follows concerning the first appearance of lymphatics in human embryos: No lymphatics could be found in a 9.2 mm. embryo, so that the jugu- lar lymphatics probably arise in human embryos of about 10 mm. This , ‘Huntington and McClure: The Anatomy and Development of the Jugular Lymph Saes in the Domestic Cat. The Anatomical Record, vol. 2, nos. 1 and 2, 1908 (pages 1-18, 17 figs.). *In a paper by N. W. Ingalls (The Anatomical Record, vol. 2, no. 8, 1908), dealing with the vascular system of a 4.5 mm. human embryo, certain vessels are figured which open into the post and precardinal veins near their confluence to form the duct of Cuvier. These are undoubtedly, as Ingalls suggests, veno- lymphatic anlages of the jugular lymph sae, if judged by the corresponding structures observed in embryos of the cat. —— Development of the Jugular Lymph Sacs. 179 accords with the observation that they first appear in rabbits of 9.5 to 10 mm., but does not agree with Ingalls’ opinion that in a 4.9 mm. human embryo certain vessels represent the first anlage, or earliest fore- runners, perhaps, of the lymphatic system in man. The vessels in cues- tion are clearly veins. Unless the conditions in man differ widely from those in the cat, it is evident to the present writers that Dr. Lewis has not as yet identified the earliest venous anlages or forerunners of the jugular lymph sac in human embryos, but has observed only the deriva- tives of these anlages after they have become distinctly lymphatic in character and when, by themselves, at this stage of development, they present no direct evidence that they have been derived from the veins. In the course of our work on this subject, which has extended over a period of four years, we have been constantly surprised by the extraordinary variability and complexity which characterize the detailed development of the jugular lymph sacs, and it has only been possible to interpret these conditions after the study of avery complete series of embryos, including a number of em- bryos of approximately the same ages. It has also been neces- sary to consider, in connection with the embryonic history of the jugular lymph sacs, these structures and their variations in the adult. The primary principles underlying the development of the jugular lymph sacs are (1) the development of a secondary chan- nel parallel to the embryonic precardinal and the Cuvierian end of the posteardinal; (2) the association with this secondary channel of a certain number of dorsal precardinal tributaries, and (3) the separation of these two sets of venous elements, which we have termed “‘Veno-lymphaties,”’ from the main venous channels and their subsequent conversion into the definite jugular lymph sacs by a process of growth and fusion. Although a general principle of development has not been difficult to establish, it has proved, in some cases, a matter of the greatest difficulty to determine the actual mode of origin of cer- tain of the venous anlages (veno-lymphaties) of the jugular lymph sacs owing to the variable manner in which these veno-lymphatics 180 George 8S. Huntington and Charles F. W. McClure. develop in conjunction with the main venous channels and their tributaries, as well as the variable manner in which they fuse together. On account of the large number of reconstructions (71), which we have made of the region in which the jugular lymph sac is developed, we feel, however, that we are able to present a fairly accurate account of all stages of their development. Our observations have been based wholly upon the study of wax reconstructions made after a slight modification of the method of Born. The method of plastic reconstruction was alone used by us for the reason that we found it the only one by means of which it was possible to get every vascular element in the recon- struction and to establish thereby a graded series of stages, complete in all details, in which the vascular elements could be studied and compared in their proper relations. Moreover, in view of recent publications on the vascular system, it is necessary to point out the self-evident fact that the only other available extra-vitam method of studying the development of vascular ele- ments, viz., by injection, will, if successful, only demonstrate channels or spaces actually continuous with each other at the time of the injection, but will completely fail in revealing vascular spaces as yet independent of those injected, although subse- quently a connection between the two may be established.’ We concluded at the beginning of our investigation that the method of injection would prove inadequate as a means of deter- mining the actual mode of origin of the anlages of the jugular lymph sacs. That our conclusion was correct or not, the reader may best judge for himself. Most of the embryos studied by the writers were fixed in Zenker’s fluid and the sections then stained on the slide with De- lafield’s haematoxylin and Orange G. For fixation of tissues and differentiation of vascular structures, this method has proved most satisfactory. Opposite is a list of the cat embryos studied and in part re- constructed by the writers in connection with this investigation. “See figs. 1 and 2in Dr. Sabin’s paper on The Lymphatic System in Human Embryos. The American Journal of Anatomy, vol. 9, 1909, page 64. Development of the Jugular Lymph Sacs. 181 LIST OF MATERIAL EXAMINED. SOMITES SERIES | MILLIMETERS SERIES | MILLIMETERS SERIES MILLIMETERS SERIES I eg wer 3 12 ie kG 12 13 86 8 Sox 12 97° .| 16 15 eeS.5 102 — be ao 100 | 16 95 Millimeters Scries| 8.5 T5A| 12 Zl 4 16 96 45 Baile 5 12.5 Boh. AG 222 5 134 9 elena ean Dt 16 224 5 ie 9 106 | 13 35 | 16 230 5 ATS 10) 136s" I> ES 92 | 16.5 197 5 + 30-40. -9:5 D Spale? 107 | 16.5 240 Bo ieee O s5 239 13.5 MG6-7|. 31% 23 5.18 (SBP) 10 Ee alia fe 189°") 17 36 5.6 110 | 10 79 2185 223 17 94 5.7 103° - |) 416 101 14 ese 142 6 CA t6 111 14 SAE 17 190 6 85. | <10 142-0}, 14 GALLI 17 6 115 10 ASI 14: 122 | 18 41520 6 116 | 10 TAN 14 1272 ule 19 87 6 i alltel 140 | 14 210 18 88 6 128 | 10 237 14 Fi Liltne Wels 10 6 rey 1083 81 14 212) 218.5 21 6.2 109 |- 10.5 GE D140 2A 199 6.5 130 | 10.5 120 | 14.5 eae a9 80 6.5 131 | 10.7 474(Har-| 14.5 38 | 20 83 6.5 129 vardEmbryological 15 53 21 242 6.5 186 (Collection). 15 53 | 22 16 6.8 LOS) 1d 6 | 15 "fs eae 22 7 iBSecbee th rey | a Oi» |i 25 44 if mater tl Fefh 15 216 25 147 7 adie bt Final abs FAS | 31 144 7 135 | 11 98 |-15 F19 -|- +34 168 7 11S ype ee 313. | 15 243 | 35 90 ier 108) 4) 125 29. | 15 244 | 37.5 99 2 119112 1 15.5 141 | 45 14 7.2 Pipi 24 | 15.5 143 | 51 104 7.25 Clee ees 55) sag 215 7.50 Sos ie 26 245 | The measurement of each embryo was made after fixation. All measurements of embryos referred to in this paper represent the distance between the crown of the head and the baseof the tail (Crown-rump measurement). Series 1 to 74 belong to the Princeton Embryological Collection, 182 George 8. Huntington and Charles F. W. McClure. and from series 75 on, with the exception of series 474, to the Embryological Collection of Columbia University (College of Physicians and Surgeons). A SUMMARY OF FORMER INVESTIGATIONS BEARING UPON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MAMMALIAN JUGULAR LYMPH SACS. It is not the purpose of the present paper to give a complete his- torical review, nor a statement concerning the differences of opin- ion which exist at the present time in regard to the development of the lymphatic system in general. Both of these subjects have been fully considered by Huntington‘ and Sabin®, and can be referred to by anyone interested in the matter. It may be stated here, however, that all American anatomists who have thus far investigated the development of the mamma- lian jugular lymph sac, as distinguished from the general system of lymphatic vessels, now agree that it is derived directly from the venous system. It may, therefore, be of interest to examine the evidence upon which this conclusion was originally based. With the exception of the present writers, Sabin and Lewis, as far as we are aware, are the only investigators who have studied the develop- ment of the mammalian jugular lymph sacs. Sabin’s® original statement concerning the development of the lymphatic system, including the jugular lymph sacs, was as follows: The lymphatic system of the embryo pig begins as two blind ducts which bud off from the veins in the neck. At the very start the openings of these ducts into the veins are guarded by valves formed by the direction which the endothelial bud takes as it grows from the vein. In the ducts themselves there are no valves at first. From these two buds, and later from two similiar buds in the inguinal region, ducts grow toward the skin and widen out to form four sacs or lymph hearts and from these saes the lymphatics grow to the skin and cover its surface (page 387, 1902). ‘The Genetic Interpretation of the Development of the Mammalian Lymphatic System. The Anatomical Record, nos. 1 and 2, vol. 2, 1908, pages 19 to 45. 5Sabin, Florence R. Further Evidence on the Origin of the Lymphatic Endothelium from the Endothelium of the Blood-vascular System. The Anatomi- cal Record, vol. 2, 1908. . 6 The American Journal of Anatomy, vol. 1, 1902; vol. 3, 1904 and vol. 4, 1904. Development of the Jugular Lymph Saes. 183 Sabin’s?7 recent statement on this subject is a retraction of her former view and a complete acceptance of the work of Lewis,* concerning which she writes as follows: He (Lewis) showed that there is first a plexus of veins in the region of the sac; these veins are in free connection with the jugular vein. Then the plexus of veins is cut off from the jugular and appears full of blood, but without venous connections. Later the plexus forms a sac and rejoins the main vein. After it has joined the vein it becomes empty of blood. This discovery of Dr. Lewis I can entirely confirm. In view of her present position, that the anlages of the lymph sacs are first cut off from and then later rejoin the veins, it appears to the writers that Sabin’s original observations upon the develop- ment of the jugular lymph sacs must have been made upon embryos in which the lymph sacs had already been established, and in which the secondary permanent connections with the veins had taken place, since in all of the embryos injected she found the lymph sacs to be in open communication with the veins. If a connection between lymph sac and vein served as the only eri- terion for inferring that the lymph sac is derived from the veins, it appears to the writers, in view of her more recent statement on the subject, that a similar and equally valid inference might have been drawn by observing the conditions which prevail in the adult. Considering our present knowledge of their development, it is evi- dent, from the very nature of the case, that the injection method, as used by Dr. Sabin, has not as yet given us the slightest clue as to the actual manner in which the anlages of the lymph sacs are derived from the veins, nor, in fact, any evidence at all that they even possess & Venous origin. The chief service thus far rendered by the injection method is the determination of the extent to which the lymphatic develop- ment has progressed in the body after the lymphatics themselves have been established. 7 Loc. cit. p. 49. The Lymphatic System in Human Embryos. With a Con- sideration of the Morphology of the System, in The American Journal of Anatomy, vol. 9, 1909. ; 8 Lewis. F. T. The Development of the Lymphatic System in Rabbits. The American Journal of Anatomy, vol. 5, 1905. 184 George 8. Huntington and Charles F. W. MeClure. We now pass to a consideration of Lewis’ investigations upon the development of the mammalian jugular lymph sacs. Lewis is unquestionably the first investigator to furnish the clue for the proper interpretation of the development of the mammalian jugular lymph sae. In the summary of -his paper (p. 110) he states that the lymphatic system begins along the in- ternal jugular vein as a detached sac formed by the coalescence of several venous outgrowths. This sac, after uniting with other independently derived lymphatics to form a continuous system, acquires a new and permanent opening into the vein near the subclavian termination. Lewis’ paper deals chiefly with a description of stages in which the jugular lymph sacs have already been formed. Only two em- bryos are figured and described by him in which there appears to be any evidence whatever that the lymph sac is derived from the veins, and, on the basis of these two embryos his above-mentioned conclusions concerning the development of the jugular sac were apparently formed. These are two rabbit embryos measuring 9.5 and 10 mm., respectively, in length and concerning which he writes as follows: In a rabbit of 13 days,9.5 mm., no lymphatics could be found. The reconstruction, fig. 1, shows the veins along which the first lymphatics are soon to appear. The internal jugular vein receives a great many small branches. One of these, nearly parallel with the dorsal border of the vein and wider than the others, opens into the vein at either end. It is in relation with the third cervical nerve. From its position and appear- ance it is believed that this branch of the vein becomes a lymphatic vessel (p. 98). The second reconstruction is a 10 mm. embryo of 14 days. In this specimen a chain of lymphatic spaces has appeared along the internal jugular and the dorsal root of the primitive ulnar veins. The most an- terior segment of the chain extends back to the third cervical nerve. It sends out short blind sprouts like a vein and contains many blood cor- puscles. The partition between it and the jugular vein is very thin, and at one point there is a suggestion of communication between the two, as shown in the figure. No opening into the vein can be demonstrated, 9 Loe. cit. Development of the Jugular Lymph Saes. 185 however. The second segment of the chain, proceeding posteriorly, extends to the fifth nerve. It equals the internal jugular vein in diameter, and is closely applied to its wall. Behind the third nerve it sends a blind diverticulum around the ventral end of the dorsal body muscles, into the deep subcutaneous tissue of the back. This diverticulum, not matched on the opposite side of the embryo, contains blood which apparently entered it from rough treatment in preserving the specimen. The third segment of the chain, between the fifth and sixth nerves, seems to connect with the root of the ulnar vein. This connection, however, lies in the plane of section, and a thin intervening wall may have been carried away in the process of cutting. A detached lymph space follows the dorsal root of the ulnar vein. A small and somewhat questionable one, not matched on the opposite side, rests against the superior vena cava between the roots of the ulnar vein. The most significant structure found in this embryo is a space filled with blood, which opens into the external jugular vein near its junction with the internal jugular. This space lies quite near the third segment of the lymphatic chain. On the opposite side of this embryo, and in the following one, this blood-filled sac con- necting with the vein appears to be replaced by a lymphatic space, detached from the vein, but connecting with the chain (p. 99). Concerning the next oldest stage he states that Fig. 3, from an embryo of 14 days, 11 mm., shows the fusion of all the lymphatics of the previous stage into one large sac which encircles the external jugular vein. On neither side could this sac be seen to communi- eate with the vein (p. 99). Upon stages older than those mentioned above he made the following observations concerning the relations of the jugular lymph sacs to the veins: In a 14.5 mm. rabbit (14 days, 18 hours) he found that on the right side of the embryo, in one section (No. 476), a minute orifice connected the sac and the vein. It was not in the position of the adult opening between these structures, and was not matched on the opposite side (p. 101). In a 20-(21)mm. pig embryo he states that “no connection be- tween the jugular sac and the veins could be detected”’ (p. 103). 186 George 5. Huntington and Charles F. W. McClure. In a 15mm. cat embryo he observed that in one section (266) a branch of the jugular sac may enter the innominate vein a little anterior to the subclavian, but it is not clear that an actual opening exists and none can be found on the opposite side (p. 103). Finally, referring to a 21mm. rabbit of 17 days, he states that the jugular lymph sae on the left side, except for an extensive rupture does not connect with the vein. On the right, a pore is found leading from the sac to the internal jugular vein near its union with the external, but this also may be artificial. Thus in all the series of rabbits no bilateral communication of the lymphatics and veins, in the position of the adult openings, could be found. The pores, sometimes detected in various positions, are not adequate to empty the large sacs, and may indeed be artifacts. Communication with the veins in these must be by osmosis, therefore, and the permanent outlets of the lymphatic system must develop later (p. 109). The above quotations include all of the data given by Lewis which bear in any way upon the actual development of the jugu- lar lymph sacs. On examining these data it can be seen that his general statement, given in the Summary (p. 110), that the lymphatic system of rabbits (jugular lymph sac) begins along the internal jugular vein as a detached sac formed by the coalescence of several venous outgrowths, covers the general ground of lymph sac formation, but that his conclusions, while perfectly correct in their bearing on veno-lymphatic development, are based on insufficient observations. We therefore feel justified in making the statement at the beginning of our paper that our object in presenting so detailed an account is to place beyond the range of inference all doubt that has hitherto existed regarding the venous origin of the jugular lymph saes. Although Lewis has been justi- fied in drawing this inference, had he examined a large number of embryos of each stage, ranging between 6 and 14 mm. in length, he would have, unquestionably, been able to establish a definite venous origin for each of the segments of the lymphatic chain in the 10 mm. rabbit, without expressing any doubts whatever. Considering the fact that we now know the jugular lymph sac to be derived from the veins, the question arises as to the develop- Development of the Jugular Lymph Saes. 187 mental period in which we may regard these venous derivatives as having assumed a lymphatic significance. Is it at a time when the adult condition has been reached and the lymphatic system begins to perform its destined function? Is it at a time, as in Lewis’ 11 mm. rabbit (14 days) in which the venous anlages have fused into two large sacs, containing no blood corpuscles, which, in virtue of their complete separation from the main venous channels, cannot, in the generally accepted sense, function in their present condition in the lymphatic organization of the body? Is it at a time, as in Lewis’ 10 mm. rabbit (14 days), in which his chain of lymphatics, constituting the jugular lymph sac, contains many blood corpuscles, and possibly communicates with the veins? Or, finally, is it at a time, as in the 8.5 mm. cat and in stages which precede it, in which the anlages of the jugular sacs are in the process of being separated from the venous channels but are still in communication with them? The development of the jugular lymph sacs is not a haphazard process, and their anlages, although derived from the embryonic veins, are as definite in their character and mode of development as those of other organs. If we are able to draw a distinction be- tween thymus and pharyngeal tissue at any time before the thy- mus anlages have separated from the pharynx and become trans- formed into a functional body, we are likewise justified in draw- ing a similar distinction between the lymphatic and venous structures. It is not the purpose of this paper to enter further into a discussion of this question of specificity of tissues, but merely to point out that the claim, made by Dr. Sabin and others, that no lymphatics make their appearance in the body before the jugular sacs are formed, can best be answered by asking for the definition of a lymphatic. In a former contribution to this subject, the writers applied the term “Veno-lymphatics” to all the venous anlages of the jugular sacs, at a time when these anlages were filled with blood and in free communication with the venous channels. In early stages the only structural distinction that can be made between the venous anlages (veno-lymphatics) of the jugular sacs and the fully formed sacs themselves, is that the former, being in com- 188 George 8. Huntington and Charles F. W. McClure. munication with thé veins, are filled with blood and appear to function as veins, while the latter apparently do not. THE RETENTION OF THE EMBRYONIC JUGULAR LYMPH SAC AS AN ADULT STRUCTURE AND THE GENERAL CHARACTER OF THE LYMPH ATICO-VENOUS CONNECTIONS IN THE ADULT CAT. A detailed description of the variable conditions manifested by the lymphatics of the neck region in the adult cat is a subject upon which one of the writers (Huntington) is at present engaged. The question concerning the fundamental character of the com- munications which exist between the lymphatics and the veins on each side of the body in the adult cat, as well as that concerning the persistence of the embryonic jugular lymph sac in the adult, have, however, claimed our attention. ' An examination of a large number of adult cats!® has shown that a cemmunication between the lymphatics and the systemic veins may normally occur, on each side of the body, at either one of two or at two typical districts which correspond, approximately, to the angles of confluence formed by the union of the internal and external jugular" (common jugular angle) and of the com- mon jugular and the subclavian veins (jugulo-subclavian angle), respectively. We have found that neither one of these two angles of venous confluence predominates as the place of communication, but that either one of the two or both may serve in this capacity, and for this reason both districts must be regarded as constituting the normal points at which in the adult cat the lymphatics communicate with the systemic veins. The three forms of communication normally met with in the adult cat are shown in fig. 1? (left side) in which a communication 10 Figs. 1, 2 and 3 are selected from a series of 180 lymphatic injections of the adult cat (Nos. 13, 26 and 40), which form the basis of a forthcoming publication on lymphatie variation in this species. They are reproduced here to define the fundamental plan of the adult connections of the jugular lymph sacs with the veins. 11 'This vein, strictly speaking, is acommon jugular vein in the cat but on account of its large size, as compared with the internal jugular, is usually spoken of as the external jugular vein, of which the internal jugular is a tributary. ” All of the figures referred to in this paper are arranged in sequence on plates and a description of the same, preceding the plates, may be found on page 308, Development of the Jugular Lymph Saes. 189 is alone present at the common jugular angle (Common Jugular Tap); in fig. 1 (right side) and fig. 2. (left side), in which a com- munication is alone present at the jugulo-subclavian angle (Jugulo- Subclavian Tap) and in fig. 2 (right side) and fig. 3 (both sides) in which a communication is present at both of these angles. As will be fully deseribed in the following pages, the duplex character of the communication in the adult finds its explanation in the circumstance that the embryonic jugular lymph sac on each side of the body develops two caudally directed processes (Jugular and Subclavian Approaches), which are potentially capable of establishing a communication with the veins at the common jugu- lar and jugulo-subeclavian angles, respectively, and through which either one of the two or both of the typical points of communica- tion in the adult cat are invariably established. The jugular lymph sac of the embryo, which is, relatively, a very large structure, is in the adult much reduced in size and extremely variable in form. Figs. 2 (right side) and 3 (both sides) clearly illustrate the fact that the relations of the thyro-cervical artery to the jugular lymph sac are the same in the adult as in the embryo. This artery, a branch of the subclavian, lies ven- tral to the caudal end of the jugular lymph sac, both in the embryo and in the adult, and passes between the two typical points at which the jugular lymph sac communicates with the veins. As far as we are aware the persistence of the jugular lymph sac asa distinct anatomical structure in an adult mammal has not been hitherto recognized. We must also protest against the assumption that the jugular lymph sacs as a whole undergo subsequent transformation into lymph-nodes. Since they receive on the one hand the main systematic lymphatic trunks of the entire body, and on the other empty into the venous system, they necessarily maintain their lumen uninterrupted. In our series of 180 adult cats they uniformly appear as distinct, more or less well-defined sacs. Their walls are definite, firmer than those of the lymphatic vessels which empty into them, somewhat thinner than the walls of the veins, and often, in fully injected preparations, multilocular or diverticular. Exactly the same conditions are presented in 190 George 8. Huntington and Charles F. W. McClure. the adult human subject, and the investigations of MeClure and Silvester show that this arrangement is found in a very large series of mammalian forms. As far as our own observations on the cat and in man are concerned, we have drawn the following conclusions: (1) The Saccus lymphaticus jugularis is a distinct adult mammalian structure, connected on the one hand with the syste- mic lymphatic trunks of the entire body, and on the other with the systemic veins, and transmitting the flow of lymph from the lymphatic into the venous system. (2) Serving in this manner as the lymphatico-venous connect- ing channel, the jugular sac maintains throughout adult life its character as a receptacle of distinct and relatively large caliber, and is not extensively involved in lymph node formation. (3) The current anatomical descriptions of the termination of the ‘‘thoracic duct’ in the ‘“‘jugulo-subclavian angle,’’ or, according to variations, in the individual veins of this conflu- ence, should be modified to correspond to the actual conditions above described. (4) It is scarcely necessary to call attention to the surgical importance of the jugular sac in man. In cases of large and multilocular sacs the structure might be easily wounded in opera- tions involving the jugulo-subelavian region. On the other hand, under these circumstances, it should be possible to close the wound successfully by suture of the walls of the sac, without interfering with lymphatic return through the thoracic duct and the other tributaries of the sac. ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE LYMPHATICO-VENOUS CON- NECTIONS OF THE ADULT. One of the greatest difficulties encountered in our investigation was the deterinination of the exact manner in which the perma- nent lymphatico-venous connections are established in the adult. Do the veno-lymphatic anlages of the jugular lymph saes under- go a complete separation from the main veins and then, after fusing to form the jugular sacs, secondarily rejoin the veins: at either one of the two or at both of the points at which a communi- Development of the Jugular Lymph Sacs. 191 cation may be found in the adult (jugulo—subclavian angle and common jugular angle), or, do the two points of communication found in the adult represent primary connections between the main venous channels and the veno-lymphatic anlages of the jugular sacs which have persisted throughout development? There appear to be only two methods of determining these questions, namely, by the study and reconstruction of serial sec- tions and by the injection of the venous, veno-lymphatic and lymphatic vessels in embryos of the appropriate stages. As far as our observations on embryos of Felis domestica are concerned, we are in the position to make the following definite statement which is based on an exhaustive study of numerous series of embryos. In embryos between 10.7 and 14 mm., inclusive, (crown-rump measurement) a very constant and definite picture is offered, in strong contrast both with the free veno-lymphatic connections of earlier stages, and with the definite and typical taps at the two above-defined points which are encountered in the later stages and which are present, one or both, in the adult. In this intermediate condition, the caudal portion of the emptied sac appears to end blindly in two processes (the Jugular and Subclavian Approaches). These blind terminals extend to the immediate neighborhood of the common jugular and jugulo-subclavian angles, in other words, to those points at which in the earlier stages the last of the primi- tive connections between the venous system and the lymphatic sac persist for a time, and at which in later stages, after the estab- lishment of the adult type, the wedge-shaped lymphatico-venous entrance with valve formation is found. But, in the intermediate stages now under consideration, the most careful scrutiny under high power, of excellently fixed and stained series in large number, fails to reveal any definite continuity whatever between the lymph sac and the vein. We have here, therefore, a positive and appar- ently uniform observation which, in judging the general question at issue, cannot be disregarded, since one well-established fact is of more value than any number of conjectures. This fact we regard as definitely determined, within the natural limits which are imposed by errors in observation and interpretation of a 192 George 8. Huntington and Charles F. W. McClure. microscopical field. We have had no personal experience with the injection method, as practised by Professor Sabin and others, but have had the opportunity of seeing at a meeting of the Anatom- ical Association a number of her series sectioned after injection. The chance of extravasations of the injection fluid, coupled with the further chance of injury in section-cutting, seems to us to preclude the possibility of drawing definite conclusions by this method as to the communication or non-communication of venous and lymphatic spaces. The close approach in many in- stances of the blind ends of the lymphatic sac to the angles of venous confluence and the delicacy of the intervening tissue, raises the possibility of a rupture occurring, to a probability, if an injection were made in either direction. However valuable the injection method may prove in determining the extent and fur- ther growth of the lymphatic system when once established, we have felt that it would not yield trustworthy results in determining the problem now under consideration. On the other hand, in view of the uncertainty of injections, it is evident that even a negative result would not be conclusive and could not be accepted as valid evidence that the lymphatic sae no longer communicated with the venous system. We are obliged, therefore, in the present state of our knowledge, to confine ourselves to the above statement, viz., that, as far as observation can determine, an intermediate stage exists in which temporarily the lymph sac is completely separated from the venous system, with which at a later period it makes secondary connections which constitute the definite and permanent adult lymphatico-venous taps. As bearing somewhat on this question, the conditions noted above in the adult cat (ef. p. 188) deserve further consideration. While in many individuals both the common jugular and jugulo- subclavian taps are present (fig. 3), others possess only a single adult lymphatico-venous connection on each side (fig. 1), which may be located at either one of the two typical points. We con- sequently deal in these latter cases with instances in which one or the other of the primitive taps (always present in the early veno- lymphatie stages) is given up during the process of development Development of the Jugular Lymph Saes. 193 and is not re-established. If oneof the original connections is thus abandoned, it is at least evidence that both are not inviolable lymphatico-venous junctions which persist throughout develop- ment. It therefore appears quite as logical to suppose that, after temporary complete separation of the lymph sac, in the aberrant adults referred to, a secondary venous connection is established at only one of the two points of election, as to argue that one of the primitive taps persisted throughout in an unrecognizable form, while the other was entirely lost. The view that the lymphatico-venous communications of the adult are secondarily established in the embryo was first advanced by Lewis who arrived at his conclusion on the grounds that he was unable to determine the presence of a communication on opposite sides of the embryo (rabbit and pig) in the position of the adult openings, and that in many instances no communication could be detected at all. McClure and Silvester!® have recently shown that the plan of communication in the adult rabbit and pig is exactly the same as that in the adult cat, in that it may occur on each side of the body, at either one of two, or at two typical districts (common jugular and jugulo-subclavian angles). Therefore, while the absence of a symmetrical arrangement of communications on both sides of the embryo is no longer proof that the communications are second- arily established, the fact that no communications have been detected at all in certain stages cannot be disregarded in favoring this view. Following is a description of the relations observed by the writers which exist in the cat between the jugular lymph sae and the veins in embryos measuring over 10.5 mm. in length: In a 10.7 mm. embryo (Harvard Embryological Collection, Series 474) no communication could be observed between lymph sac and vein on either side except possibly at a point situated slightly cranial to the jugulo-subclavian junction (right side, slide K, section 194, and left side, slide E, sections 197-198). These points of communication are extremely doubtful in character but 18 McClure and Silvester. A Comparative Study of the Lymphatico-venous Connections in Adult Mammals. The Anatomical Record, vol. 3, no. 10, 1909. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 10, NO. 2. 194 George S. Huntington and Charles F. W. MeClure. are of interest on account of their bilateral arrangement as well as for the reason that they correspond approximately in their position to that of the primary connection which exists at an earlier stage between the veno-lymphatic plexus and the base of the primitive ulnar vein. If it is true that the sac separates temporarily from the venous system, then it is quite natural that pictures should be observed during the process of separation and before the same is quite completed, which would lead to the description of these “‘extremely doubtful’’ connections. In a 11 mm. embryo (series 27) in which the jugular lymph sae was established, no communication between lymph sac and vein could be detected. Two processes of the lymph sac, however, ap- proach and almost reach the two points at which the lymph sae was formerly connected with the veins. In a former paper we have termed these two processes the Jugular and Subclavian Approaches, respectively. In a 12 mm. embryo (series 78) no communication could be detected on the right side. On the left side of the same embryo however, the anterior end of the lymph sac was found to be in wide-open communication with the internal jugular vein (anterior tap of evacuation) but was completely separated from the veins at all other points. This condition in an embryo of this age will be further considered in connection with another topic. In a 18 mm. embryo no communication between lymph sac and veins could be detected on either side. In a 14 mm. embryo examined by the writers a doubtful communication was observed on the left side, situated slightly cranial to the jugulo-subclavian junction (series 34, slide 21, sec- tion 24). No communication could be detected at the junction of the external and internal jugular veins. In another 14 mm. embryo (series 37) a-tap was established at the common jugular angle, but no connection was found at the jugulo-subclavian confluence. In the above sense, if the final connections are secondary then, in the beginning of their establishment (14 mm.), stages might be found which give incomplete and doubtful pictures of lymphatico-venous connection when compared with the definite and typical arrangement once fully established. - Development of the Jugular Lymph Saes. 195 Ina 15mm. embryo (series 75) the caudal end of the left jugular lymph sae (subclavian approach) was filled with blood corpuscles and communicated with the venous system in an unmistakable manner at the jugulo-subclavian junction, by means of a wide opening (slide 8, section 22, left side). A doubtful communication was also apparent at a corresponding point on the right side, but in neither case could one be detected at the junction of the external and internal jugular veins. In another 15 mm. embryo (series 53, slide 11, sections 23 and 24) the caudal end of the lymph sac was in wide-open communication with the vein on both sides of the embryo, at a point slightly in front of the jugulo-subclavian June- tion. These connections in the 15 mm. embryo may be secondary taps, fully established, but not yet invaginated into the typical wedge-shaped entrance, and prior to the valve formation. In a 15.5 mm. embryo (series 141) no indication of a communi- eation could be observed on either side. In this case either the measurement of the embryo may have been modified by varia- tions in curvature, or the secondary connections belated. From the 16 mm. embryo on, in which the thoracic duct. usually forms a continuous vessel and communicates with the left jugular lymph sac, we have found no difficulty in determining the pres- ence of a lymphatico-venous connection or tap at either one of the two, or at both of the points at which the lymphatic system com- municates with the veins in the adult. The lymphatico-venous connection or tap met with in these more advanced embryos differs widely in character from that found in the 15 mm. embryos as well as from that found in the preceding veno-lymphatic stages, in which a wide-open communication may be present. The lym- phatico-venous connection in these advanced embryos is formed at each of the two typical adult points of entry by a wedge-shaped process of the jugular lymph sae which is deeply invaginated into the angle of confluence of two veins, or into one of the veins econ- tiguous to the point of confluence, and which opens into the vascular lumen by a narrow slit-like aperture bounded by a two-lipped valve. This type of embryonic lymphatico-venous connection was first demonstrated by the writers at the meeting of the 196 George 5. Huntington and Charles F. W. MeClure. Association of American Anatomists in 1906" and is well illus- trated by figs. 4, 5, 6, and 7 which are photomicrographs of transverse sections of a 16 mm. cat embryo taken at the level at which the external jugular joins the jugulo-cephalic trunk. Figs. 4, 5, 6 and 7 represent, respectively, sections 233, 237, 239 and 241 of series 15. DEVELOPMENT OF THE VENO-LYMPHATIC PLEXUSES AND SACS OF THE EARLY EMBRYONIC STAGES AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR THE SUBSEQUENT DEVELOP- MENT OF THE JUGULAR LYMPH SACS. The general development of the jugular lymph sacs in the eat presents four successive periods: 1. THE PRIMARY VENOUS STAGE, in which the ground-plan of the primitive embryonic venous system is laid down. These early embryonic venous channels appear to crystallize out of an antecedent capillary network along definite hydrostatic lines. 2. VENO-LYMPHATIC STAGE, In which, with reduction and further definition of the venous channels, a portion of the same is sur- rounded in certain areas by a secondary capillary network which, together with a larger or smaller portion of the main embryonic vein, is condensed into a uniform structure and separates from the permanent venous channel as the anlage of the future jugular lymph sae. In view of the double relation which this structure sustains, on the one hand to the embryonic venous system from which it is directly derived, and on the other to the general lymphatic system with which it establishes secondary connections, we have designated this period as the Veno-Lymphatic Stage in the develop- ment of the definite jugular lymph sac, and have described the portions separated from the early venous channels as the Veno- Lymphatic Plexuses or Sinuses, which form the anlage of the final definite jugular lymph sac. 3. PRE-LYMPHATIC STAGE, in which the early veno-lymphatic plexus becomes sac-like and evacuates its blood-contents, and ' f’untington and McClure. Figs. 14 to 17 inclusive, in vol. 2 of The Anatomi- cal Record. Development of the Jugular Lymph Sacs. 197 then appears to become temporarily detached from the venous channels from which it arose. 4. SECONDARY OR DEFINITE LYMPHATIC STAGE, In which the evac- uated sac becomes assigned to the lymphatic system, establishing, on the one hand, connections with the independently developed general systemic lymphatics, and, on the other, reéntering the permanent venous channels by apparently secondary connections made at typical points, thus forming the link which in the adult unites the definitely organized venous and lymphatic systems. It is desirable, for reasons which will appear in the presentation of the subject, to deal with the individual problems involved on the following basis and in the order indicated: I. General Ground-Plan of the Embryonic Venous Area Involved in the Subsequent Development of the Jugular Lymph Sacs. II. Analysis of the Developmental Stages in the Formation of the Jugular Lymph Sacs. III. Detailed Description of the Individual Stages. IV. Summary and Conclusions. I. GENERAL GROUND-PLAN OF THE EMBRYONIC VENOUS AREA INVOLVED IN THE SUBSEQUENT DEVELOPMENT OF THE JUG- ULAR LYMPH SACS. It is necessary to consider in the first place the general struc- tural ground-plan of the principal embryonic venous channels concerned in this process, and to establish certain main divisions of the same to which subsequent reference can be made in dealing with the individual series. The portion of the embryonic venous system involved in the development of the jugular lymph sacs includes a large part of the precardinal vein, the district of its confluence with the post- cardinal vein to form the duct of Cuvier, and the proximal seg- ment of the postcardinal vein caudal to this point. This venous area can be mapped out into the districts shown in the composite average schematic fig. 8 containing the following subdivisions: 198 George 8. Huntington and Charles Ff. W. McClure. Precardinal area 1. Arched Portion or Cephalic Arch of the Precardinal Vein 2. Caudal or Straight Segment of the Precardinal Vein Area of Pre- and Postcardinal Confluence and of Postcardinal Veins 3. Jugular Promontory and Duct of Cuvier 4. Primitive Ulnar Segment of Posteardinal The definite connections between the fully developed lymphatic and venous systems in later embryonic stages and in the adult fall within these districts and occupy normally two typical and, within certain limits, constant points: 1. Common jugular tap: At the angle of confluence of internal and external-jugular veins. 2. Jugulo-subclavian tap: At the jugulo-subclavian angle of confluence. PRECARDINAL AREA. 1. The Cephalic Arch of the Precardinal Vein. The precardinal vein begins as a strongly curved intracephalic arch receiving a number of dorsal tributaries along its convexity and a number of branches along its concavity. A. Dorsal Tributaries of the Cephalic Arch. The dorsal tributaries entering the cephalic arch along its convexity vary in number and in mutual relations in individual embryos 22.4 in embryos of closely related stages. One large tributary of this group (A—B in the schematic figs. 8 to 16) is uniformly present and in later stages forms the direct continuation of the caudal or straight segment of the precardinal vein. . In addition to this large tributary a number of smaller secondary dorsal tributaries of the cephalic arch may be encountered both cephalad and caudad of this main vessel (fig. 8, a’, b’, ete.). Development of the Jugular Lymph Saes. 199 These additional tributaries (b’, b”, b’’’) caudad of the main trunk of A-B are serially more or less in direct line with the set of primary dorsal precardinal tributaries (1, 2, 3 and 4 in fig. 8) entering into the subsequent formation of the veno-lymphatic plexuses. As far as our observations extend, tributaries b’, b’’ and b’” do not generally enter into the composition of these plexuses, although it is possible that in the later stages, in cer- tain circumstances, they may be retained as secondary anterior channels of communication between the fully established veno- lymphatic sac and the precardinal vein. The possible involvement of these tributaries (b’, ete.) of the cephalic arch in the late veno-lymphatie stages, in connection with the establishment of an anterior tap of evacuation is discussed in dealing with the series concerned (ef. p. 292, series 78, fig. 57), B. Ventral Tributaries of the Cephalic Arch. In the early stages the concavity of the cephalic arch receives a number of tributaries which temporarily drain a territory sub- sequently drained by the permanent external jugular vein. The vagus and spinal accessory nerves lie in close relation to these branches, and in later stages these vessels anastomose around the spinal accessory so that the nerve then penetrates the precardinal arch from the medial to the lateral aspect through an oblique foramen. 2. Caudal or Straight Segment of the Precardinal Vein. The cephalic arch is continued caudad into a second nearly straight segment of fairly uniform caliber. This portion of the vein is the more important of the two, since both the dorsal cir- cumference of the vein itself and its dorsal tributaries (1, 2, 3 and 4, in fig. 8) are involvéd in the subsequent development of the veno-lymphatiec plexuses. A. Dorsal Tributaries of the Caudal or Straight Segment of the Precardinal Vein. This segment may receive four distinct and separate tributaries (1, 2, 3 and 4, fig. 8) or four distinct groups of tributaries, depend- 200 George 8S. Huntington and Charles F. W. McClure. ing upon the developmental stage and individual variation. Of these tributaries the one labeled 4 in fig. 8 is the most important, not only on account of the extensive drainage area which it con- trols, both caudad and cephalad of its precardinal terminal, by means of its branches a and b, but also on account of the relations which it subsequently maintains with respect to the development of the anlages of the jugular lymph sac (caudal division of the ventral veno-lymphatic plexus). B. Ventral Tributaries of the Caudal or Straight Segment of the Precardinal Vein. This portion of the precardinal usually receives two main branches, frequently joined at their terminal to include a fenestra. AREA OF PRE- AND POSTCARDINAL CONFLUENCE. 3. Jugular Promontory and Duct of Cuvier. At the confluence of the pre- and posteardinal veins the main venous channel enlarges into a capacious swelling, which gives rise ventrally to the duct of Cuvier, while it projects dorsally as a rounded protuberance which we have designated as the Jugular Promontory. This promontory constitutes an important region in the future history of the veno-lymphatic and the definite lym- phatic structures. Primarily it develops as the result of the con- fluence of large venous trunks. It receives on its ventro-lateral aspect the cephalic vein, and ventrally the anlage of the external jugular which, after confluence with the cephalic vein, forms a trunk of large size entering the ventro-lateral aspect of the promon- tory.. The jugular promontory usually receives in later stages the three or four well-defined dorsal tributaries (5S, 6S, 7S, and 8S), in fig. 8, which enter its convexity along the dorso-medial aspect. In the later stages the jugular promontory also receives dor- sally the drainage from the body-wall and anterior limb-bud by the primitive ulnar vein. The development of this vein will be considered under the following topic The Primitive Ulnar Seg- ment of the Postcardinal Vein. — Development of the Jugular Lymph Sacs. 201 In the early stages, the cephalic arch of the precardinal and the drainage area of its caudal or straight segment is situated lateral to the otocyst. Subsequently a network of anastomosing venous channels develops on the medial aspect of this structure and fin- ally forms the main intracranial channel. Tributaries draining this area in part empty directly into the newly formed channel and in part pass caudad to terminate in the dorso-medial aspect of the jugular promonotory caudal to the entrance of the primitive dorsal somatic branch 4 in fig 8. This change enables the caudal or straight portion of the precardinal to give up, in the majority of cases, the dorsal tributaries 1, 2, 3, and part or the whole of 4, and to contribute them toward the development of the veno- lymphatic plexuses. Consequently in certain stages the straight sepn ei t of the precardinal vein may appear partially denuded of dorsal somatic tributaries. Thesomatic vessels from 5S lo 7S or 8S, inclusive, descending caudad, enter the dorso-medial aspect of the promo.tory, while the dorso-lateral part of the promontory and precardinal, cephalad of the promontory, as well as precardinal tributaries 1, 2, 3 and 4, in whole or in part, are involved in the veno-lymphatic development. It is thus seen that the large size of the jugular promontory is due to the number and increasing caliber of the trunks, which progressively become confluent at this point, and that it represents so to speak, the slack of the early embryonic jugular system which permits, in the subsequent cardiac descent, the drawing out of the redundant promontory into the elongated vessel of later stages. 4. Primitive Ulnar Segment of the Postcardinal Vein. Caudal to the entrance of dorsal somatic tributary 6S or 7S, (6S, 7S, fig. 8) into the jugular promontory, and to the origin ventrally of the duct of Cuvier, the postcardinal vein of the early stages, in the area receiving the seventh or the eighth, to the twelfth dorsal somatic branch (7S, 88S, fig.8), gives rise to a sec- ondary parallel channel, the primitive ulnar vein. This vessel develops along the dorsal circumference of the postcardinal by 202 George S. Huntington and Charles F. W. McClure. condensation of a peri-venous plexiform capillary network. The impetus to its formation is apparently given by the return circu- lation from the anterior limb-bud through the marginal vein. This vessel, in its rudiments, at first drains into the somatic branches of the umbilical vein. With the diversion of the um- bilical to the hepatic circulation and with the resulting transferal of the somatic return to the posteardinal line, the primitive ulnar appears as a secondary derivative from the latter, serving, before the establishment of the subclavian vein, as the main channel returning the blood from the anterior extremity. As such, it develops from the capillary network surrounding the postcardinal vein by condensation of the plexiform reticulum along the dorsal circumference of the main vessel, and opens into the promontory at the level of the sixth dorsal somatic tributary (6S in series 106, 9 mm. embryo, fig. 40). The series of fenestre in the postcardinal vein (fig. 8), leading up to the jugular promontory, indicate the line along which sub- sequently the primitive ulnar vein, by further extension and con- fluence of the fenestrae, continues to separate from the postcardinal vein proper, until only its cephalic termination into the dorso- lateral aspect of the jugular promontory is retained as its definite point of connection with the embryonic venous system. The part played by this vessel in the early drainage of the ante- rior limb-bud, in the subsequent development of the dorsal veno-lymphatic plexus, and its final relation to the adult type of lymphatic organization, makes it one of the most important fac-_ tors in the evolution of the definite lymphatic system. The de- tailed history of this vessel may therefore be properly considered under the separate headings, dealing with the individual stages. Il. ANALYSIS OF DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES IN THE FORMATION OF THE JUGULAR LYMPH SACS. As already stated, the jugular lymph sac, or anterior lymph heart, develops in the embryo of the Domestic Cat as a direct derivative of the early embryonic venous system. It arises from certain of the dorsal tributaries of the precardinal and from the Development of the Jugular Lymph Sacs. 203 main channel of the pre- and posteardinal veins, adjacent to and including their point of confluence to form the duct of Cuvier. Two distinct ontogenetic types are involved in the production of this structure: 1. A certain number of dorsal somatic tributaries of the early precardinal vein become dilated and fuse together, retaining at first their primary connections with the main vein. This process in the mammalian embryo, preliminary to definite lymphatic formation, is strictly homologous to the development of the lymph hearts in the lower vertebrates. Sala’s'! researches on the development of the posterior lymph heart in the embryo of the common fowl prove that this organ is developed entirely by dilata- tion and fusion of the lateral branches of the first five coccygeal veins. In the mammalian embryo, and specifically in embryos of Felis domestica, the first four dorsal somatic branches of the straight or caudal segment of the precardinal vein are, to a greater or less extent, involved in the formation of the jugular lymph sac, the homologue of one of the lymph hearts of lower vertebrates. 2. Thus, while in mammals this phylogenetic type of lymph heart formation is preserved, it plays but a secondary part in the production of the jugular lymph sac. The greater part of this structure, which in certain embryonic stages reaches a relatively enormous development; as compared with its condition in the adult, is directly derived from the main systemic veins by a proc- ess, which we have called ‘“‘fenestration.”” By this designation we do not mean to define a method of histogenetic formation of the early embryonic blood vessels, but to accentuate, by the use of a brief and serviceable term, the fact that in certain stages in the development of the venous system, stages of the greatest impor- tance in preparation for the appearance of the veno-lymphatic or lymph heart division of the lymphatic system, the early embry- 16 Sala, Luigi, Ricerche fatte nel laboratorio de Anatomia Normale della R. Universita di Roma: vol. 7, pp. 263-269, April, 1900. 204 George S. Huntington and Charles F. W. McClure. onic pathways exhibit a typical and characteristic picture, best defined by the term ‘‘fenestration.”’ The main lines of venous drainage have already become fairly defined out of the antecedent primary capillary network from which they arise. In the further growth of the embryonic tissues secondary plexiform capillaries surround the main vessel and become connected with the same. By condensation of this plexus and enlargement of the interreticu- lar spaces the principal embryonic veins appear in this develop- mental phase as channels perforated by larger spaces or “fenestrae” within the general confines of the main trunk. In a subsequent stage confluence of these ‘‘fenestree’’ results in the more or less complete separation of the primary vein into two parallel second- ary channels, which appears to be a uniform principle in the devel- opment of parallel venous trunks. Or, as in the case of the jugular lymph sae, further extension of this same process may result in separating from the main venous channel elements which unite to form a closed sae entirely distinet from the vein from which it arose. * means, therefore, in the sense in which it is employed in this paper, one of the last stages in the definite crystallization of the venous system out of an indefinite antecedent plexiform condition, and the determination of an important element in lymphatic organization, closely associated with the embryonic venous system. It does not mean the forma- tion of lacuns or spaces in veins already fully established, but is used by us as a convenient and short term to define the conditions actually and frequently encountered in reconstructions of the veno-lymphatie period. Thus the description of a portion of the arly venous area ‘‘separating by fenestration’? from the remainder to form a discrete and separate element is to be interpreted as indicating in a few words the more complicated processes just outlined. Such ‘‘fenestral separation’? may result in the estab- lishment of a secondary vein paralleling the course of the main channel, as in case of the posteardinal and primitive ulnar veins, or, specifically, in the development of the jugular lymph saes_ the areas involved ‘“‘separate by fenestration”’ from the vein proper to constitute the anlages of that portion of the lymphatic system The term ‘fenestration’ Development of the Jugular Lymph Saes. 205 which is derived, as a veno-lymphatic plexus or sac, or modified mammalian lymph heart, directly from the veins. Some of the general problems involved in the question of the early embryonic venous organization have been recently considered by Clark," Evans,'? and by Schulte and Tilney,!® while the mechanical basis of early embryonic vascular organization forms the subject of a classical monograph by Thoma.!® To return to the analysis of the development of the jugular lymph sae we therefore find that along the dorso-lateral circum- ference of the early pre- and posteardinal veins, in the appropriate stages, the redundant embryonic venous channels appear perfor- ated by a linear series of openings or fenestrae. At first these fenestre are small, but subsequently they enlarge, elongate and then adjacent fenestrae become confluent. In this manner a segment of the originally uniform pre- and posteardinal veins gradually becomes separated from the dorsal circumference of the parent vein, and forms a secondary parallel “‘para-precardinal” or ‘‘para-posteardinal’’ channel which, to- gether with the above mentioned precardinal tributaries, consti- tutes the anlage of the jugular lymph sac. To these venous deriva- tives of the precardinal tributaries and of the main channels we have, as above mentioned, given the name ‘‘veno-lymphatics.”’ One important condition develops as the result of this method of formation, namely, the progressive increase, up to a certain point, in the number of the communications which may obtain between the veno-lymphatic anlages of the jugular sac and the systemic veins. At first these communications in the precardinal region are represented by the terminals of the three or four dorsal 16 Clark, Elliott R: Observations on Living Growing Lymphatics in the Tail of the Frog Larva. The Anatomical Record, vol. 3, 1909. 17 vans, H. M. On the Earliest Bloodvessels in the Anterior Limb Buds of Birds and their Relation to the Primary Subclavian Artery. The American Journal of Anatomy, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 281-319, May, 1909. 18H. von W. Schulte and Frederick Tilney: A Note on the Organization of the Venous Return, with Special Reference to the Iliac Veins. The Anatomical Record, vol. 3, no. 11, 1909. 19Thoma, R. Untersuchungen iiber die Histogenese und Histomechanik des Gefiisssystems, Stuttgart, 1893. 206 George 8S. Huntington and Charles F. W. McClure. precardinal tributaries. The process of fenestration not only involves the portions of the precardinal vein intermediate between the terminals of its dorsal somatic branches (1, 2, 3 and 4, in fig. 8.), but also invades the terminals themselves (fig. 10) which usually appear enlarged and dilated in a funnel-shaped fashion at their points of union with the main trunk. With the more marked separation of the veno-lymphatic plex- uses from the main venous channels the interfenestral spaces become drawn out into elongated channels which function as num- erous secondary avenues of communication between the anlages of the jugular sac and the systemic veins. The process of secondary capillary perivenous formation lead- ing to ultimate fenestration may first involve the main precardinal vein and then extend into the dorsal tributaries of the vein, or it may begin in the funnel shaped terminals of the tributaries them- selves, and subsequently progress in them to such an extent that the original single dorsal tributary becomes split up, or separated into two or more components, depending upon the type of the plexiform and fenestral development (fig. 11). This separation of the dorsal tributaries of the precardinal vein into a number of components is a fundamental process of veno- lymphatic development, since certain of the elements, thus second- arily derived, constitute, in part, the veno-lymphatic anlages of the jugular lymph sac, while others retain the original character of the early dorsal somatic tributaries, prior to veno-lymphatic organization, and form the series of dorsal precardinal branches, for the most part temporary, which lie in line with those opening further caudad into the promontory and the postcardinal vein. Prior to the detailed consideration of the development of the jugular lymph saes it is advisable to determine definitely the status of the dorsal precardinal tributaries and their share in the development of the veno-lymphatic anlages of the jugular lymph sacs. Although the general principles underlying the development of the jugular lymph sacs are the same for all embryos, the range of individual variation is considerable. No two embryos of approximately the same measurement, in the series examined by Development of the Jugular Lymph Sacs. 207 us, agree in every detail, and even the same embryo often shows variation and different degrees of development on opposite sides. In the description of the individual series these special differ- ences will be taken up in detail, but prior to their consideration it is desirable to establish the general conditions and the genetic principles involved in veno-lymphatic development. A great part of the observed variability depends upon the fact that the jugular lymph sac of the later stages (fig. 17) is preceded by the formation of three primary veno-lymphatic plexuses (fig. 12). Subsequently these unite to form the complete jugular lymph sac (figs. 12 to 17). In this process two of these plexuses first unite to form a common ventral division of the sac, which then.fuses with the third plexus placed dorsally, to constitute the common jugular lymph sac of the later embryonic stages and of the adult. We have consequently adopted the following descriptive ter- minology: I. Ventral Veno-Lymphatic Plexus. A. Cephalic or Anterior Division. B. Caudal or Posterior Division. II. Dorsal Veno-Lymphatic Plexus. These three veno-lymphatic plexuses are of primary importance and represent a developmental stage intermediate between the purely venous and early veno-lymphatic conditions, and the sub- sequent period, in which the veno-lymphaties have fused to form a common sac. (cf. figs. 12 and 46). For clearness of description we will divide the account of the development of the jugular lymph sac into two periods: I. From the Development of the Early Venous Stage up to the Establishment of the Three Primary Veno- Lymphatic Plexuses. A. Development of the Ventral Veno-Lymphatic Plexus. 1. Cephalic or Anterior Division. 2. Caudal or Posterior Division. B. Development of the Dorsal Veno-lymphatic Plexus. 208 George 8. Huntington and Charles F. W. McClure. II. From the Establishment of the Three Primary Veno- Lymphatic Plexuses or Sinuses to the Attainment of the Adult Condition of the Jugular Lymph Saes. FIRST PERIOD. 2. FROM THE HARLY VENOUS STAGES TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE THREE PRIMARY VENO-LYMPHATIC PLEXUSES. A. Development of the Ventral Veno-Lymphatic Plexuses. In some instances the ventral veno-lymphatic plexus is largely derived from the primary dorsal somatic branches 1, 2, 3 and 4, while in others the main portion of the plexus differentiates by plexiform condensation from the precardinal vein, carrying the tributaries with it, in which case these latter play a secondary part in the development of the plexus. Finally in a third group both somatic and main precardinal components share nearly equally in the formation of the plexus. Again one portion of the plexus may be mainly precardinal in derivation, another largely composed of elements contributed by the somatic tributaries. Hence the ventral veno-lymphatic plexus, in both of its sub- sidiary parts, exhibits a considerable range in variation, as will appear in the detailed description of the individual series, and it becomes necessary to analyze the two developmental processes in detail in order to prepare the way for the consideration of the conditions presented by any given case. Moreover, in this general plan of development of the ventral plexus, dorsal somatic precardinal tributary 4 and the associated segment of the main precardinal vein take a share approximately equalling that contributed by the remaining three (anterior) tributaries (1,2 and 3) and by the portion of the precardinal vein included within their area. This results in the establishment of the two primary divisions of the ventral veno-lymphatic plexus, viz: 1. angus (1VL, 2VL, 3VL, in fig. 20) unite with each other so that their individuality is lost and they then present a more sac-like ap- pearance than in the preceding stages. As a result of this fusion one or two of the originally separate veno-lymphatic components give up their primary connection with the precardinal vein (fig. 13 and 21). All of these variations are not shown in the diagrams but can easily be followed in the figures of the individual reconstructions. Typical instances of the separation of the dorsal tributaries into their veno-lymphatic and dorsal somatic components are afforded by series 138, (figs. 33-37), while the three primary divi- Development of the Jugular Lymph Saes. 211 sions of the veno-lymphatic plexus are well shown in series 102, fig. 46. Second Mode of Development. In this form the dorso-lateral circumference of the straight segment of the precardinal, in the area included between the levels of the first and third dorsal somatic tributaries (1, 2 and 3, in fig. 8), retains the plexiform con- dition and by continued growth and enlargement of the inter- reticular spaces forms a multi-fenestrated appendage to the main venous channel (cephalic division of ventral veno-lymphatic plexus in fig. 9). By confluence of these fenestral spaces this appendage is separated as a veno-lymphatic sac from the definite vein except at its cephalic end, where one or two of the primary connections between the veno-lymphatic structure thus formed and the precardinal vein proper persist until a later stage, serving as channels for the evacuation of the blood from the veno-lym- phatic sac into the definite venous system, after the three primary veno-lymphatic plexuses have fused to form a common sac. The tributaries, 1, 2 and 3 (1, 2 and 3, in fig. 9) appear to be taken up as a whole in this veno-lymphatic development and to lose their individual character. 2. Development of the Caudal or Posterior Division of the Ven- tral Veno-Lymphatic Plexus. This portion of the ventral veno-lymphatic plexus is also formed in one of two ways: 1. From part of primary dorsal tributary 4 (4, fig. 8), combined with a portion of the precardinal vein which, between the early terminal of 4 and the promontory, crystallizes out of the plexi- form network of the primary vein along its dorso-lateral cireum- ference as a “‘para-precardinal channel”’ (figs. 8, 9 and 10). 2. From the para-precardinal channel alone. In this case tributary 4 is not involved directly in the veno-lymphatic process and remains in its entirety as a dorsal somatic branch secondarily entering the promontory. In the early venous stages (fig. 8), as mentioned above, the fourth dorsal tributary of the precardinal (4) is by far the largest 212 George 8. Huntington and Charles F. W. McClure and the most variable in form and composition of all the dorsal branches of this vein. It is formed by the confluence of two trunks (a and b) which, cephalad and caudad, follow the dorso-lateral border of the neural tube, and it opens into the precardinal by an enlarged and expanded base, frequently fenestrated, which re- ceives a large single cephalic tributary (4S in fig. 8). Preeardinal tributary 4 is on the border line dividing the series of the preceding branches 1, 2, and 3, uniformly involved to a greater or less extent in the development of the cephalic division of the ventral veno-lymphatic plexus, from the series of per- manent dorsal somatic tributaries of the promontory (5S, 6S, and 7S, in fig. 8). Consequently, while 4 shares with the anterior branches 1, 2, and 3, the tendency to divide by enlargement of the plexiform terminal into a medial somatic and lateral veno-lym- phatic component, the tributary, as a whole, inclines in individual cases in one or the other of these directions, i. e., either toward the more complete veno-lymphatic or the dorsal somatic type of development. The genetic characters of 4 are more marked, com- pared with the preceding branches 1, 2, and 3, by reason of its large size and extensive drainage area. Certain instances, or rather certain developmental stages (cf. series 188, figs. 35, 37, 18 and 114A), offer striking pictures of the separation into a dorso- lateral veno-lymphatic (4VL) and a dorso-medial somatic compo- nent (4S), connected by a number of transverse anastomoses. Further, in the same sense, the entire caudal division of the ventral veno-lymphatic plexus is interposed between the ceph- alic division of the same and the dorsal veno-lymphatic plexus, which is developed entirely from the promontory by condensation of the plexiform dorso-lateral cireumferemce of this segment of the main venous channel, without involving the promontorial dorsal somatic branches (5S, 6S, etc.). Hence the caudal division of the ventral veno-lymphatic plexus of the early stages inclines in some instances toward the develop- mental type of its cephalic associate, i. e., it involves dorsal somatic tributary 4 to a greater or less extent. In other cases it follows more closely in its development the succeeding dorsal veno-lymphatic plexus, i. e., it is derived largely or entirely from 1s) Development of the Jugular Lymph Sacs. 21 the circumference of the main vein, by further extension of the para-precardinal channel, while in a third group both the pre- cardinal vein and tributary 4 share more or less equally in fur- . nishing the elements which enter into the composition of the caudal division of the ventral veno-lymphatie plexus. Consequently an analysis of primary somatic tributary 4 and of the related precardinal segment, in reference to veno-lymphatic development, will give the clue to the interpretation of the various conditions encountered in the detailed study of the individual series. In the early stages the blood current of tributary 4 (4 in fig. 8), empties by a dilated terminal into the straight segment of the precardinal. Subsequently, a secondary channel (para-precardinal channel) is separated by condensation of plexiform areas of the main vein from the latter between the terminal of 4 and the promontory. This secondary “para-precardinal channel”’ (figs. 9 and 10) now drains the blood current of tributary 4, originally emptying into the precardinal, for the greater part directly into the promontory. The dilated and frequently fenestrated terminal of 4 and the para- precardinal channel, secondarily segregated from the main _pre- cardinal line, undergo veno-lymphatic development and form the structural basis for the further growth of the caudal division of the ventral veno-lymphatic plexus. In this process as stated above, tributary 4 may be largely taken up in the veno-lymphatic organization, or the latter may chiefly involve the main precardinal channel, leaving 4 to main- tain its somatic character. Hence in general the caudal division of the ventral veno-lym- phatic plexus presents the two main genetic types: 1. Derivation from the ¢.ra-precardinal channel and the veno-lymphatic component of 4, leaving the dorsal somatic element of 4 as the first of the promontorial dorsal somatic branches. 2. Derivation entirely from the para-precardinal channel, without involving any portion of tributary 4, which 214 George 8. Huntington and Charles lk’. W. McClure. remains intact as the first somatic promontorial tributary and does not participate in veno-lymphatic development. The two main genetic types observed by us in the development of the caudal division of the ventral veno-lymphatiec plexus, in embryos between 7 and 10 mm., may be presented schematically in the series of diagrams figs. 8 to 14 (lateral views, left side) and in figs. 11A, 18 and 19 (dorsal views). 1. Deriviation from para-precardinal channel and veno-lym- phatic component of precardinal tributary 4. Early Venous Stage (fig. 8). Tributary 4 of the precardinal series is marked by its large size and extensive area of drainage, and by its expanded plexiform terminal. Intermediate Stage. The beginning of veno-lymphatic organization in general is indi- cated along the line of the primary dorsal precardinal tributaries by expansion and reticular fenestration of their terminals. In the area controlled by precardinal tributary 4, the precardinal begins to differentiate along its dorsal circumference a sec- ondary para-precardinal channel (figs. 9 and 10). Early Veno-lymphatic Stage. The precardinal tributaries, in general, have begun to separate into dorso-medial somatic (1S, 2S, 3S, and 4S), and dorso-lateral veno-lymphatic components (1VL, 2VL, 3VL, and 4VL, in figs. 11, 11A and 18). The para-precardinal channel, having, for the most part, assumed the function of draining the territory formerly controlled by the primary precardinal terminal of tributary 4 (fig. 8), has become associated with the veno-lymphatic component of 4 (4VL), which in turn is in process of multiple fenestral separation from the somatic element of 4 (4S). Cf. fig. 114 which is a dorsal view of fig. 11 in the region of the promontorio-precardinal angle and fig. 18, alsoa dorsal view, which shows this process of separation ata more advanced stage of development. — Development of the Jugular Lymph Sacs. 215 Later Veno-lymphatic Stage (figs. 12, 18, 14 and 19). The separation of the veno-lymphatie (lateral) and somatic (medial) components of tributary 4 has been completed. Each component now obtains a separate and independent entrance into the main venous channel. The para-precardinal channel has further separated from the main vein and has fused with the veno-lymphatic element of tribu- tary 4(4VL) into asingle sac (figs. 13, 14and 19), to form the caudal division of the ventral veno-lymphatic plexus which is now no longer connected by transverse anastomoses with the somatic portion (48) of tributary 4. The above outlined plan of development for the caudal division of the ventral veno-lymphatic plexus, appears to be more or less uniform in character for cat embryos, in general, in which the para-precardinal channel and tributary 4 combined, enter into the formation of this plexus. 2. Derivation entirely from the para-precardinal channel, without involving any portion of tributary 4. This condition is illustrated by series 2, fig. 32,and by the dia- gram fig. 19. In this case the caudal division of the ventral veno-lymphatic plexus appears to be developed entirely by further growth and enlargement of the para-precardinal channel, without involving dorsal somatic tributary 4 which secondarily enters the promon- tory independently of the para-precardinal channel, as the first of the series of dorso-medial branches draining into this segment of the venous system. Here the caudal division of the ventral veno-lymphatiec plexus follows absolutely the developmental path of the dorsal veno- lymphatic plexus. In connection with these two main genetic types of development two conditions have been observed by us which are worthy of special mention. (a.) In one ease (fig. 20, diagram) the veno-lymphatic (4VL) and somatic (4S) elements of tributary 4 separate completely by 216 George S. Huntington and Charles F. W. McClure. fenestration in the usual manner. The latter (4S) then enters the promontory as its first dorsal somatic branch. The former (4VL) joins the veno-lymphatic para-precardinal channel, enlarging the ‘audal division of the ventral veno-lymphatic plexus and very probably forming in part or in whole the rounded appendage of the same noted in some of the later stages (fig. 14 and series 77, figs. Sl and (52): (b.) In another case (fig. 21, diagram), the caudal division of the ventral veno-lymphatic plexus joins the cephalic division and retains its early connections with the precardinal vein. The para- precardinal channel separates from the promontory at its caudal extremity, leaving the original point of connection with the main vein as a prominent conical teat or projection, lateral and close to the entrance of 4S into the promontory. It is of course evident that in an analysis of this kind it is practically impossible to distinguish always between clearly de- fined types of development and stages fixed in individual embryos which may or may not represent partial approximations to a single common genetic ground-plan. In other words, it is impossible, in studying any given series, to foretell the exact details of further development which this particular embryo would have exhibited if allowed to continue its course. On the other hand, we feel justified in establishing the above indicated gradations of the veno-lymphatic development by rea- son of the very large number of embryos which we have critically examined. We believe that this exhaustive study has enabled us to present a concise composite account of veno-lymphatic develop- ment to which each series subsequently described in detail can be correctly referred, so that the unity and consistency of the funda- mental plan underlying veno-lymphatic development in the cat becomes apparent. B. The Development of the Dorsal Veno-Lymphatic Plexus This third component of the general veno-lymphatic plexus is developed entirely from the main venous channels of the prom- ontory and posteardinal, without involving the dorsal somatic tributaries (5S, 6S, ete.), of this area. Development of the Jugular Lymph Saes. 2i7 The dorso-lateral circumference of the promontory and_post- cardinal carries a plexiform net work which, along the lines above indicated (page 205), condenses by fusion and enlargement of the interreticular spaces into a dorso-lateral component of the main channel, representing the anlage of the dorsal veno-lymphatic plexus. The result of this process is shown in figs.8, 9and 10, in which the dorsal veno-lymphatic plexus appears as a dilated sac, extending cephalo-laterad from the promontory over the junction with the precardinal and separated from the main sys- temic channel by a linear series of fenestree. This plexus subse- quently develops into the dorsal division of the general veno- lymphatic plexus, and forms, in later stages, after amalgamation of the veno-lymphatic components into the single jugular lymph sae, the portion of the latter to which we have applied the term ‘‘ sub- clavian approach. ”’ Figs. 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 illustrate the general character and pro- gressive growth of the dorsal plexus in the early veno-lymphatic stages, and fig. 12 the drawing out of the interfenestral areas into elongated channels, preparatory to the separation of the dorsal plexus from the promontory. The secondary capillary network in which the dorsal plexus takes its origin from the main venous channel, extends caudad along the promontory and postcardinal vein beyond the confines of the dorsal veno-lymphatic plexus proper. Thus the linear series of fenestrae shown in figs. 9 and 10, by enlargement and confluence, finally separate a secondary channel from the main posteardinal vein, which retains its cephalic con- nection with the promontory near the entrance of the sixth or seventh dorsal somatic tributaries (6S, and 7S, in figs. 11, 12 and 13). This secondary parallel vessel is the primitive ulnar vein, serving as a temporary drainage channel for the anterior limb- bud. Subsequently, in repetition of its own genesis from the post- cardinal vein, a plexiform capillary network, extending along the dorsal circumference of the primitive ulnar vein, condenses into a parallel vessel which terminates in the caudal part of the dorsal veno-lymphatic plexus. Hence we have in many of our diagrams designated the area involved as the ‘‘anlage common to the primi- tive ulnar vein and the primitive ulnar veno-lymphatice. ”’ 218 George 8S. Huntington and Charles F. W. McClure. In later stages this primitive ulnar veno-lymphatie becomes secondarily connected with the systemic lymphatic vessels of the anterior extremity, in the same way in which on a larger scale, the thoracic duct secondarily taps the process of the jugular lymph sae which forms its portal of entry into the same. The partial separation of the common anlage of these two structures, viz., primitive ulnar vein and primitive ulnar veno-lymphatie, is shown in fig. 12. Their subsequent development can be followed in figs. 13 to 17 inel. SECOND PERIOD. II. From THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE THREE PRIMARY VENO- LYMPHATIC PLEXUSES OR SINUSES TO THE ATTAINMENT OF THE ADULT CONDITION OF THE JUGULAR LymPpH Sacs. This period is characterized by the following well-marked char- acters: 1. Further reduction of the multiple early connections between the veno-lymphatic plexuses and the permanent veins, and the consequent more complete separation of the former from the latter, the plexuses or sac-like structures assuming a greater degree of independence. ‘This general process of separation and loss of early communicating channels appears to proceed from both extremities of the area toward the jugular promontory where the embryonie connections are longest retained and where the two permanent adult communications between the lymphatics and the veins are established. It is to be noted, however, that in many observed cases the termination of one or more of the anterior dorsal somatic tributaries persists as an open communication between the cephalic division of the ventral veno-lymphatic plexus and the anterior part of the precardinal, and in later stages even enlarges considerably, forming the main veno-lymphatic-venous connection and functioning as the anterior tap of evacuation (cf. figs. 12 to 15, and series 78, fig. 57). 2. The three primary veno-lymphatic plexuses begin to fuse with each other to form a common sac. Development of the Jugular Lymph Sacs. 219 Figs. 12 and 13 indicate diagrammatically the origin of the veno- lymphatic components of the jugular lymph sac above described in detail, and their partial fusion to form the single jugular sac of the later stages. In the succeeding stage (figs. 14 and 15) the veno-lymphatic plexus further condenses by amalgamation and fusion of the primary dorsal and ventral divisions, and the communications with the main venous channels are reduced typically to three: (1) Tap A (figs. 14 and 15). The Anterior Tap of Evacuation. (2) Tap B (figs. 14and15). At the Jugulo-promontorial Angle, the future common jugular confluence, i. e., junction of internal jugular vein (precardinal) with common trunk formed by union of external jugular and cephalic veins. (3) Tap C (figs 14 and 15). At the site of the connection of the primitive Ulnar Vein with the promontory, corresponding, approximately, to the future jugulo-subclavian junction. The veno-lymphatic plexus as a whole is filled with blood and the plexiform character of the capillary network from which it arose is still manifested by the multiplicity of the fenestral spaces. On transverse section the walls of the original vessels entering into its composition still appear as partitions or septa which divide the interior of the sac into a complicated system of interecommunicat- ing channels. Later, these septa become greatly reduced in num- ber and extent so that there results a capacious sac lined smoothly by an endothelial layer, continuous with the intima of the veins. This sac subsequently becomes emptied, the contents being evacuated through the connections still persisting with the general venous system (fig. 15, Taps A, Band C). This process of evacu- ation occurs with great rapidity, so that in embryos of the appro- priate stages (10.5 to 12 mm.), it frequently happens that the sac on one side is completely emptied of its blood-contents, while on the opposite side it is still well filled with blood. The evacuation occurs normally at the above mentioned points, where the veno- lymphatic sac retains longest its connection with the venous sys- tem. On account of the small openings by means of which the veno-lymphatie sac usually communicates with the veins at Taps B and C, we have reason for believing that, in the majority of 220 George 8. Huntington and Charles F. W. McClure. cases, the sac empties itself chiefly, if not entirely, through one of the anterior connections (one or two of the primary dorsal somatic tributaries) into the cephalic end of the straight segment of the precardinal, or even that a secondary connection is established between the anterior end of the veno-lymphatic sac and the poste- rior extremity of the cephalic arch (through b,! ete., fig. 8), for the purpose of serving as a portal through which the blood-contents of the sac are poured into the permanent venous channels. (Com- pare p. 290, description of series 78, 12m). We have designated the connections thus longest retained be- tween the veno-lymphatic sae and the veins, as the “‘ taps of evacu- ation,’ because, after the sac is fully formed, they serve the pur- pose of draining the blood contained in the sac, during the earlier periods, into the permanent venous channels, so that after comple- tion of this process the sac appears entirely empty of blood, lined by endothelium, continuous through the taps of evacuation, with the intimal lining of the large veins. As the process of evacuation takes place with great rapidity there is some difficulty in ascertaining, in individual cases, the exact point at which it occurs. The taps of evacuation apparently enlarge very much at this time, and, when the process is completed, as rapidly close. It is therefore necessary to examine numerous stages during this very short and evanescent period in order to establish the actual conditions. After the evacuation is completed the now fully organized lymph sae separates, in the cat embryo, apparently completely for a short time from the adjacent veins, by breaking away at the evacuating point or points (fig.-16). This closed sac subse- quently establishes two sets of secondary connections (fig. 17): (a) With the independently formed systemic lymphatics. (b) With the venous system. These latter connections are normally formed at the two points at which the primitive promontorial connections are, inthe major- ity of instances, longest retained, viz., at the common jugular confluence (common jugular permanent tap) and the jugulo- subclavian angle (jugulo-subelavian permanent tap, fig. 17, and Development of the Jugular Lymph Saes. pa figs. 1,2, and 3). The latter may be double, with a larger dorsal and a smaller ventral connection. The embryonic arrangement tallies with the conditions observed in the adult, in which either the common jugular, or the jugulo-subclavian tap, or both, func- tion in individual cases as the chief portal of adult lymphatico- venous connection. After the secondary connections with the venous system have become established, the jugular lymphsac decreases relatively in size, while the systemic lymphatic channels increase propor- tionately in extent and complexity. In the adult, therefore, the jugular sac appears as a greatly reduced remnant of the extensive embryonic sac and serves merely as the connecting link between the systemic lymphatics and the venous system. In a few in- stances portions of the early structure become invaded by ade- noid growth and are thus partially transformed into lymph nodes. The lumen of the jugular sac is, however, even in these cases maintained, since it forms the channel of adult lymphatico- venous entry. The significance of the jugular lymph sae of the mammalian embryo and the homology existing between it and the lymph heart formation in lower vertebrates has been considered in a separate communication?® by one of the writers. Finally, a word concerning the relations of the thyro-cervical artery and the first six spinal nerves to the veno-lymphatic plexuses and the fully established jugular lymph sac. The thyro-cervical artery at first passes forward from _ its subclavian origin along the dorsal surface of the main venous channel to a point in front of the venous arch formed by the primitive ulnar vein as it enters the dorso-lateral circumference of the promontory. Here the artery turns abruptly laterad on to the lateral surface of the promontory where it divides into branches (figs. 13). In the later veno-lymphatic and lymphatic stages (figs. 14 to 17), the thyro-cervical artery still maintains °° G. 8. Huntington, ‘‘The Genetic Interpretation of the Development of the Mammalian Lymphatic System,’’ The Anatomical Record. Vol. 2, nos. 1 and 2, pp.» 19-45, 1908. 222 ~=George 8. Huntington and Charles F. W. McClure. similar relations to the main venous channel and the jugular lymph sac, lying ventral to that portion of the latter which is derived from the dorsal veno-lymphatic plexus. In the course of its development, a large foramen is formed in the jugular lymph sac through which the first four spinal nerves pass (SP. N.I-IV, figs. 15 and 16). The stages which lead up to the establishment of this foramen are shown in figs. 13, 14 and 15. At a later stage, the dorsal and ventral portions of the jugular sac bounding the foramen, separate anteriorly and then connect secondarily with the systemic lymphatics which are formed in- dependently of the jugular sac (fig. 17) and not, as claimed by Sabin, as the result of a centrifugal growth of the same. The fifth spinal nerve (SP.N.V, in figs 13. to 17) also penetrates the jugular sac, but through a separate foramen. This condition is retained until a late stage of development. The sixth spinal nerve (SP.N.VJ) does not penetrate the veno- lymphatic plexus nor the jugular sac at any time. From its origin in the spinal cord it at first passes ventro-laterad between the primitive ulnar and posteardinal veins and contiguous to the point where the primitive ulnar vein arches ventrad to open into the promontory (figs. 18, 14 and 15). After the primitive ulnar vein has given rise to the primitive ulnar lymphatic and has lost its connection with the promontory, the sixth spinal nerve then passes ventro-laterad and ventral to the primitive ulnar lymphatic (figs. 16 and 17). III. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INDIVIDUAL STAGES. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. The jugular lymph sacs of the cat present a considerable range , of variation both in the adult structure and in the details of their development. This variability appears not only in different embryos from the same litter, and possessing approximately the same measurements, but even upon opposite sides of the same embryo, just as in the adult the right and left sides frequently show marked differences in composition and relations in the same individual. Moreover, the individual embryos differ greatly in Development of the Jugular Lymph Saces. 228 a chronological sense. In some, one portion of the veno-lym- phatic system is well developed, while the remainder is retarded. Ultimately, within certain limits, all embryos develop congruent conditions, but owing to this variability as to the coincidence of all the factors at a given period, it has been found necessary to examine a number of embryos of about the same age, and to group the vessels thus obtained in certain cases into a composite picture which will serve as a guide for the proper interpretation of each individual embryo falling within a given period, although all of the developmental possibilities of this period may not be pre- sented by each and every individual embryo in the series. Sucha series of composite pictures has already been discussed in con- nection with the preceding topic (figs. 8 to 21 inclusive.) Of course, in addition to this general source of variability, individual embryos present a certain range of personal and acci- dental variation in development. Not only will individual embryos show advanced development in certain areas, and retarded conditions in others, but they also differ in the minor details, such as in the number and arrangement of secondary tributaries and their anastomotic conditions. In order to facilitate the interpretation of the individual reconstruc- tions figured in this paper, the reader is advised to refer each one to the series of diagrams already described in the preceding pages (figs. 8 to 21, inel.). In the figures of the individual reconstructions the approxi- mate derivation of the components of the jugular lymph sac is indicated by the same color scheme as that adopted in the introductory analysis for the diagrams, figs. 8 to 21, inclusive, so that comparison of any given series with the corresponding generalized developmental stage described in the analysis can readily be made. We have adopted this plan in order to emphasize the uniform genetic type of lymph sac development in an extensive series of embryos presenting the inevitable individual variations. Of course the value assigned by us in this presentation to the indi- vidual components in a given series is a question of personal inter- pretation of the actual conditions offered by the embryo. This 224 George 8. Huntington and Charles F. W. McClure. interpretation is, however, based on a vastly larger number of embryos than those figured in this paper. Each of the series quoted in our list of material has been carefully and completely examined by one or both of the authors, and many reconstruc- tions have been made in addition to those here published. We consequently feel that the tentative value given by us to the indi- vidual developmental components of the jugular lymph sacin the embryos of the cat is based on sufficiently extensive observation and comparison, and that we are warranted in offering an onto- genetic history of the jugular lymph sae in which definite embry- onic stages follow each other with remarkable uniformity in the entire series and Jead uninterruptedly to the conditions established in the adult. On account of the very narrow limits of the venous system within which the development of the jugular lymph sacs is con- fined, it was found advantageous, in reconstructing certain stages, to elongate the reconstruction by using thicker wax plates than the #-measurement and magnification of the sections actually called for. This was done with the purpose of separating, and thus more easily determining, the arrangement and position of the complex of veno-lymphatic components of the jugular sacs. With these few exceptions, all of the reconstructions shown in this paper have been reconstructed and drawn to scale. The few that have not, however, illustrate equally well the main princi- ples of veno-lymphatic development, but appear slightly more elongated than the actual dimensions call for. In the early stages the precardinal vein is, in conformity with the more elongated form of the embryo, less curved in its anterior or arched segment than in the later stages, and less distinctly divided into the typical districts shown in the composite scheme (fig. 8). The caudal or straight portion of the precardinal is somewhat elongated, and presents, at more or less regular inter- vals, oval or spindle-shaped enlargements (series 30 and 31, figs. 22 to 24), which correspond to the confluence of ventral and dorsal tributaries with the main channel. These enlargements of the precardinal are evanescent and are evidently produced by the increased amount of blood entering the main vein at these points Development of the Jugular Lymph Sacs. 225 through the tributary branches, repeating, on a small and serial scale, the phenomena observed in the development of the jugular promontory at the site of the principal venous confluence of this region, the promontory representing in its inception a correspond- ing enlargement of the main vein, as yet indistinctly indicated, at the junction of pre- and posteardinal veins to form the duct of Cuvier. These early stages offer a characteristic irregular and redundant appearance of the embryonic vein channels, which in part are but poorly differentiated against the surrounding tissue, a con- dition likewise characteristic of the ventral and dorsal tributaries of the main vein. In place of the more clearly defined series ‘of collateral branches of the succeeding stages, the earlier embryos offer a number of short and more or less irregalar branches, which, in their aggregate, represent the single more fully formed tribu- tary of the later stages. This appearance is due to the numerous secondary capillary vessels which develop around both the main vein and its tribu- taries, and which subsequently give rise, as above stated, to the fenestrated character of the channels, and to the appearance of the veno-lymphatic anlages. In the following description of the dorsal tributdries of the caudal or straight segment of the precardinal, the assignment of a complex of several branches to the valuation of one of the single tributaries of later stages is based primarily upon the latter’s rela- tion tothe localized enlargements of the precardinal into which the tributaries of earlier stages open. The increased vascularity of the tissues, and the resulting augmentation of the number of capillary vessels found in the area of each of the principal tribu- taries, is one of the phenomena preceding and directly leading up to the fenestral process above described as active in producing the veno-lymphatic condition. This secondary capillary reticulum to a certain extent masks the individuality of the primary pre- cardinal tributaries. We have evidence that a localized group or complex of tributaries which opens dorsally into the precardinal vein in early stages may be represented by a single well-defined branch in later stages. We also have positive evidence that this THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 10, NO. 2. 226 George 8. Huntington and Charles F. W. McClure. single tributary may become secondarily surrounded by, and involved in, a capillary network. We are therefore justified in assuming that the formation of a reticular complex in connection with the individual precardinal tributaries is a normal develop- mental character, leading up to the typical fenestral condition of the veno-lymphatic stage, and that its establishment may occur very early or be somewhat retarded. This view certainly coincides with the multiple arrangement of the first three dorsal precardinal tributaries on the left side of series 30 (1, 2 and 3, fig. 22), and series 31 (1, 2 and 3, fig. 24) which are represented on the right side of series 30 by three dis- tinct and single tributaries (1, 2 and 3, fig. 23). EARLY VENOUS STAGES. Series 80, 5+-""" Embryo Reconstruction of left side, Lateral aspect, fig. 22 The cephalic or arched portion of the precardinal is moderately curved. The branches A—B are large and in line with the straight precardinal segment, entering the arch at its confluence with the latter. Double fenestration occurs at the junction of A—B with the main vein, and cephalad of the arch are several detached vascular islands. The proximal precardinal spindle I (I, fig. 22), at the posterior extremity of the cephalic arch, is only moderately developed. The first three dorsal branches of the straight segment of the precardinal are represented on the left side of the embryo partly by single vessels and partly by plexiform capillaries. Tribu- tary 1 (1, fig. 22) is a single vessel, which opens into the precar- dinal close to the terminal of tributary A—B. Tributary 2 is formed by three components (2, 2’ and 2”, fig. 22). The spindle-shaped enlargements JJ and J/J in the course of the straight precardinal trunk, receiving dorsally the terminals of 1 and 2, are, like these, closely approximated to each other. Dorsal tributary 3 is represented on the left side of this embryo by three small branches, entering the dorsal aspect of precardinal Development of the Jugular Lymph Sacs. pag spindle JV, and by a detached vascular island not distinctly joined to the main vein, or to the tributary complex to which it belongs. Dorsal tributary 4 (4, fig. 22) is large and typically developed. It is formed by the confluence of two extended paraneural channels (a and b) converging from the cephalic and caudal directions. Their confluence already exhibits the irregular dilatations charac- teristic of veno-lymphatic formation. The main right-angled trunk receives in addition a cephalic branch (4S), which represents the element of precardinal tributary 4 so often found in subse- quent stages entering the promontorio-precardinal junction on its medial aspect as the first of the series of promontorial dorsal somatic tributaries (4S, figs. 11 and 12). The precardinal spindle V is only moderately indicated. On the other hand, the distal enlargement VI is well marked, representing the anlage of the future jugular promontory. It marks the con- fluence of the pre- and posteardinal veins, which are still in a direct line, and gives origin ventrally to the duct of Cuvier, receiv- ing just cephalad of this point a short branch of considerable size which probably represents the rudiment of the definite external jugular vein. The dorsal region of this area is most interesting and suggestive of the later developmental stages. By the formation of a large fenestral space in the dorsal portion of the postcardinal, opposite to the Cuvierian confluence, an irregular dilated venous plexus _(H) has been produced which projects from the vein in the area of the future promontory. This plexus represents the anlage of the dorsal veno-lvmphatic plexus. Later, with the further development of the promontory and the resulting dorso-ventral arching of the postcardinal, the dorsal veno-lymphatic fenestrated area gains the level of the promontory and rides on its cephalo-dorsal aspect. Cephalad of this main fenestral arch H a second smaller arch (K) is developed in a similar manner from the dorsal circumference of the precardinal. This arch (K) probably represents, in part, the capillary plexus involved in the formation of the para-pre- cardinal channel of later stages (fig. 9). 228 George 8. Huntington and Charles F. W. McClure. Series 30, 5-+"""" Embryo Reconstruction of right side, Lateral aspect, fig. 23 A—B, as the main dorsal branches of the cephalic arch, occupy relatively the same position as on the left side. They are reversed in size, A representing the main drainage channel, while on the left side B is the larger of the two vessels. The anterior precardinal spindle J (fig. 23, I) is well marked. A small fenestra in the dorsal portion of spindle J may represent the beginning separation of the element B', which on the left side forms a dilated appendage to B. Dorsal tributaries 1, 2 and 3 are single and distinctly defined. 1 and 2,as on the left side, are closely approximated, so that pre- cardinal spindles J and J/ are practically confluent. ~ Precardinal spindle JV is well developed. It receives dorsally tributary 3. Spindle V is not pronounced, the dilatation at this point being taken up by the marked enlargement of the terminal of dorsal tributary 4. The broad quadrilateral channel formed by the confluence of its cephalic and caudal tributaries is fenestrated at the junction with the precardinal so that the tributary enters the ~ main vein by an anterior and posterior trunk. This fenestra represents the space framed by the venous arch which 4 in the later veno-lymphatic stages so frequently forms at its junction with the main vein, and its presence denotes the beginning for- mation of a reticular and fenestrated complex by means of which, as above defined, this tributary may become connected with the promontory in the later stages. From our reconstruction of these later stages it is evident that its transferal to the promontory may take place in one of two ways: | (a) The anterior of the two trunks forming the terminal of . 4 may retain its connection with the precardinal vein, and the posterior trunk may travel back, along the line of the fenestrated reticulum, to the promontory, in which case the arch frames dorsally a vertical parajugular foramen (figs. 27, 30 and 31) or, (6) both trunks may become thus secondarily drained into the pro- montory, in which case a closed venous arch projects forward from the anterior face of the promontory (fig. 38). Development of the Jugular Lymph Saes. 229 oa ) There is no indication of the presence of the dorsal somatic element 4S, which is present on the left side of this embryo (fig. 22). The reconstruction suggests that in this instance, as frequently happens, the primitive dorsal tributary 4 becomes involved in its entire extent in, the development of the caudal division of the ventral veno-lymphatic plexus. Caudad of tributary 4 the elongated distal segment of the pre- cardinal receives dorsally three small branches (K) which may represent the element K of the opposite side, (fig. 22). Spindle shaped dilatation V/is bent sharply ventrad and receives two large ventral branches, which represent the anlage of the per- manent external jugular vein. As a matter of fact these vessels now open into the cardinal end of the duct of Cuvier, but with the caudal extension of the promontory, which is not yet fully estab- lished in this embryo, they will be included in later stages within the promontorial area. (See fig. 8, which illustrates diagramma- tically the progressive caudal extension of the promontory and the gradual inclusion within the same of the terminals of the exter- nal jugular vein). Dorsally, the postcardinal, at its confluence with the precardinal channel is dilated, and perforated by irregular fenestrae of varying size. Comparison with the left side (fig. 22) suggests that confluence of these separate openings would establish the single large fenes- tra there encountered, in which case the channel H! (fig. 23) would form the main postcardinal path, while the remaining dorsal fenestrated arch would yield a para-cardinal venous arch H which constitutes the anlage of the dorsal veno-lymphatic plexus. The two sides of this embryo control and supplement each other extremely well and present a typical picture of the stage concerned. Series 31, 5+" Embryo Reconstruction of left side, Lateral aspect, fig. 24 The cephalic arch is somewhat more decidedly ante-flexed, and better differentiated against the succeeding straight segment of 230 George 8. Huntington and Charles F. W. McClure. the precardinal (fig, 24), and tributaries A-B are more dis- tinctly assigned to its caudal portion than in series 30. The ven- tral tributaries of spindle J are relatively small, but more numer- ous. Spindles J and J/ are practically confluent. Spindle JJ receives dorsally the well developed trunk of dorsal somatic tributary 1 (1, fig. 24), formed by the confluence of two branches, and, further caudad a secondary element, 1', belonging evidently to the same drainage area, and representing the branch interme- diate between 1 and 2 in series 30 (fig. 22). There is a well marked constricted interval of the precardinal caudad of spindle /7, between it and spindle J/J. The latter receives dorsally four branches, representing the drainage of the area assigned to dorsal tributary 2 (2 in fig. 24). Another elongated constricted precardinal segment intervenes between spindles //7 and JV. Spindle JV receives along its dorsal circumference six individual branches representing the drainage of dorsal tributary 3, in the condition of multiple small elements entering the precardinal separately (3 in fig. 24). Spindle V is occupied dorsally by the broad and complex union with dorsal tributary 4. This tributary is typically dilated near its Junction with the main precardinal vein, and contains two fenestral openings, which by confluence would establish the single space seen on the right side in embryo 30 (fig. 23) at the entrance of the expanded terminal of tributary 4 into the precardinal. Owing to imperfections in the series, the embryo was not recon- structed caudal to this point. In general, compared with series 30, the embryo represents a slightly earlier developmental phase, marked by the larger number of individual elements composing the complex of dorsal tributaries 1, 2, and 3, and by the presence of small intermediate tributaries between the main districts. The general ground-plan of the embryonic venous system shown in the two series just considered (series 30 and 31) affords the most convenient approach to the detailed study of the sub- sequent stages in venous and veno-lymphatic development. Before proceeding to this study, it may be of advantage to con- sider briefly the steps by means of which the venous conditions in Development of the Jugular Lymph Sacs. 231 series 30 and 31 have become established. They are apparently derived from the antecedent type shown in series 134 and 47. These are the earliest stages which we have completely recon- structed, and they show the building up of the primitive main systematic venous system by the confluence of at first three and then of four principal channels which unite to form the duct of Cuvier and open through the same into the sinus venosus. Series 134, 5°” Embryo Reconstruction of left side, Lateral aspect, fig. 25 In series 134 the duct of Cuvier is formed through the con- fluence of the precardinal, the posteardinal, the omphalo-mesen- teric and the umbilical veins. The omphalo-mesenteric vein, receiving a number of small trib- utaries from the pre-aortic region, possibly subcardinal radicles, arches dorso-ventrad and joins the precardinal to form the duct of Cuvier. The proximal dilated end of the omphalo-mesenteric receives on its lateral aspect the terminal of the umbilical vein. The latter is a vessel of large size, receiving by numerous tribu- taries the drainage from the body walls and the anterior limb bud. Along its dorsal circumference it is irregularly dilated and fenestrated. ; The precardinal forms a short, strongly curved arch, receiving anteriorly several short tributaries. Near its posterior extremity it receives dorsally two very large irregularly dilated branches (4 in fig. 25). Comparison with the succeeding stages (series 30 and 31, figs. 22 to 24) suggests that they represent the elements of precardinal tributary 4. The postcardinal vein begins anteriorly in a dilated and fenest- rated extremity (H) which closely approaches the large dorsal tributaries of the precardinal but does not communicate with them. Near its anterior extremity the posteardinal, by a ventrally directed branch (LZ), establishes its connection at the cardinal- Cuvierian junction. Along the rest of its course it follows closely 232 ~=George 8. Huntington and Charles F. W. McClure. the dorsolateral aspect of the umbilical vein and receives a number of serially arranged branches, which open into it dorsally. Caudal to the last of these tributaries indicated in the figure the posteardinal appears dilated and fenestrated and then rapidly diminishes in caliber. Series 47, 5°” Embryo . Reconstruction of right side, Lateral aspect, fig. 26 The junction of the pre- and postcardinal veins is, relatively, of narrow caliber and perforated by a fenestra, agreeing with the peculiar slender and irregular formation exhibited by the Cuvier- ian confluence in series 134 and 30, figs. 25, 22 and 23. The om- phalo-mesenteric and umbilical veins have shifted their terminals caudad and now obtain an opening into the sinus venosus inde- pendently of the duct of Cuvier proper. A branch from the body wall entering the umbilical at the sinus venosus seems to correspond to the primitive drainage of the external jugular terri- tory. The umbilical vein also receives further caudad a number of somatic tributaries and branches from the anterior limb bud. This drainage area, compared with series 134 (fig. 25) appears reduced and in the process of transferal to the path of the postcar- dinal whose somatic branches are more fully developed. The greatest interest attaches to the neighborhood of the pre- and posteardinal confluence. In both embryos (134 and 47) con- ditions are presented in this region which directly lead up to those found in the succeeding stages (embryos 30 and 31). Two points are here involved: (a) Precardinal The dorsal precardinal tributary 4 (4 in fig. 26), which is destined to play so important a réle in the subsequent venous and veno-lymphatic development, appears to be laid down at a very early stage. In series 134 (4, fig. 25), it is represented by the two large dilated and tortuous branches which enter the dorsal cir- Development of the Jugular Lympn Saces. 233 cumference of the caudal part of the precardinal. In series 47 (4, fig. 26), the precardinal end of this element appears as the large single trunk entering the precardinal in the same situation. The formation of tributary 4, with its cephalic and caudal tributary a and b, in series 30 (figs. 22 and 23), has already been considered in detail, and corresponds evidently to a further development in these later embryos of the conditions presented by the earlier series. (b) Postcardinal The redundant plexiform area of the postcardinal (H) corre- sponding to the dorsal aspect of the Cuvierian junction in series 30 and 31, and representing the early anlage of the dorsal veno- lymphatic plexus is already well indicated in both of the earlier stages. In series 134 (fig. 25) it is represented by the dilated and fenestrated anterior blind end of the posteardinal (H). In series 47 (fig. 26), it appears as the fenestrated and plexiform append- age of the dorsal circumference of the postcardinal (7) just caudal to the latter’s entrance into the duct of Cuvier. INTERMEDIATE EARLY STAGES OF PRE- AND POSTCARDINAL VENO-LYMPHATIC DEVELOPMENT Series 109, 6.2" Embryo Series 2, 7” Embryo Series 188, 7"”" Embryo Series 18, 7.25"™" Embryo Figs. 27 to 39 A. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS The main venous trunks have now begun to assume the arrange- ment typical of the later stages. The cephalic arched segment, conforming to the increased cranial flexure of the embryo, has turned ventro-caudad, present- ing a well-defined convexity, which receives the most anterior dorsal tributaries (A-B). The straight precardinal segment, shortened anteriorly by the 234 George S. Huntington and Charles F.. W. McClure. development of the cranial bend, is further condensed and appears relatively shortened by the further development of the jugular promontory. The dorsal tributaries of the precardinal are condensed, and approximated to each other. The more numerous individual branches of the earlier stages are replaced by larger single trunks representing the three typical anterior sets, tributaries 1, 2, and 3. Dorsal tributary 4 of the earlier stages now terminates, for the most part,inthe promontory at the promontorio-precardinal junc- tion. It (4) may be in part or entirely taken up in the subsequent veno-lymphatic formation, or it may be permanently retained as a somatic branch, in which case it forms the first of a series of somatic tributaries entering into the dorso-medial aspect of the promontory, or, finally, it may exhibit distinctly both veno- lymphatic and dorsal somatic characters, with numerous trans- verse anastomoses between the two elements. In fact, all of the fundamental processes involved in veno- lymphatic development, as described above under Analysis of Developmental Stages in the Formation of the Jugular Lymph Saes, are represented in one or the other of the above mentioned series, and may be summed up as follows: - (1.) Progressive enlargement and caudal extension of the jugular promontory. (2) Increase in secondary capillary forma- tion and resulting increase in the reticulated and fenestrated dorso- lateral circumference of the promontory and the postcardinal vein, and consequently an enlargement of the dorsal veno-lymphatic plexus. (3) The establishment of the anlage common to the primitive ulnar vein and the primitive ulnar veno-lymphatie. (4) The transferal of the main blood current in tributary 4 from the precardinal vein to the promontory through the secondarily formed para-precardinal channel. (5) Separation of precardinal tributary 4 and its associated para-precardinal channel into a veno-lymphatie and a dorsal somatic component, (6) Sepa- ration of the precardinal tributaries 1, 2 and 3 into their veno-lymphatie and dorsal somatic components. (7) Estab- lishment of the cephalic and caudal divisions of the ventral veno-lymphatic plexus. Development of the Jugular Lymph Sacs. 235 B. DETAILED STUDY OF THE INDIVIDUAL SERIES. Series 109, 6.2" Embryo Reconstruction of left side, Lateral aspect, fig. 27 and Medial aspect, fig. 28 The cephalic arch is bent ina wide curve ventro-caudad. The tributary A-B of the convexity of the arch is of large size, and has, relatively, moved forward with the better differentiation of the arch from the straight segment of the precardinal. The area of the precardinal which receives the dorsal tributaries 1, 2 and 3 (in figs. 27 and 28), is somewhat expanded and dilated along its dorsal circumference, a feature which characterizes this region of the precardinal preparatory to the separation therefrom of a secondary channel by crystallization of the perivenous capillary network. Asa result of this expansion of the precardinal vein, the first three dorsal tributaries of the latter (1, 2 and 3, figs. 27 and 28), assume a funnel-shaped form and frequently become confluent at their precardinal termination. This funnel-shaped enlargement of the terminals of dorsal tributaries 1, 2 and 3, is well shown in fig. 27, where tributary 1 opens into the precardinal as an inde- pendent vessel, while tributaries 2 and 3 are confluent at their bases, although a small vascular island, apparently belonging to the latter, appears detached. 89. MUCOUS MEMBRANE IN THE HUMAN EMBRYO FRANKLIN P. JOHNSON PLATE I THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF Anatomy, Vou. 10. No. 4. PLATE II EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 6. Wax reconstruction of epithelium of cesophagus at level of bifurcation of trachea. Human embryo of 55 mm., embryo 249. Stippled areas represent those covered with ciliated cells; non-stippled areas, those covered with squamous cells. xX 89. 7. Same, human embryo of 91 mm., embryo 224. X 89. 8. Wax reconstruction of a cardiac gland from lower end of cesophagus. Human embryo of 240 mm., embryo 186. Ruled surfaces represent those cov- ered with glandular cells; non-ruled, those covered with squamous cells. X 89. 9. Wax reconstruction of single fold of epithelium of the cesophagus, viewed from the exterior. Human at birth, embryo 341. Showing cesophageal glands. x 89. MUCOUS MEMBRANE IN THE HUMAN EMBRYO PLATE II FRANKLIN P. JOHNSON THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, Vou. 10. No. 4. PLATE III EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 10. Waxreconstruction of epithelium of fundus of stomach. Human embryo of 55mm., embryo 249. View of internal surface. X 119. 11. Same, human embryo of 120 mm., embryo 342. » 119. 12. View of external surface of same model as shown in fig. 11. Showing gland formation. X 119. MUCOUS MEMBRANE IN THE HUMAN EMBRYO PLATE III FRANKLIN P. JOHNSON THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF Anatomy, Vou. 10. No. 4. PLATE IV EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 13. Wax reconstruction of gastric glands of stomach. Humanembryo of 240 mm., embryo 186. X 267. 14. Same at birth, embryo 341. X 267. 15. Wax reconstruction of epithelium of upper part of duodenum. Human em- bryo of 22.8 mm., series 871. Showing beginning villi and duct of the dorsal pan- crease. X 89. 16. Wax reconstruction of epithelium of lower part of duodenum. Human em- bryo of 22.8 mm., series 871. Showing vacuoles and occlusion of lumen. X 89. MUCOUS MEMBRANE IN THE HUMAN EMBRYO PLATE IV FRANKLIN P. JOHNSON 16 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, Vou. 10. No. 4. PLATE V EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 17. a,b, andc. Waxreconstructions of intestinal pockets. Human embryo of 22.8 mm., series 871. X 89. 18. Wax reconstruction of epithelium of jejunum (first loop in umbilical cord). Humanembryo of 22.8 mm., series 871. Showing developing villi. a, ex- ternal view: b, internal view. 89. 19: Wax reconstruction of epithelium of small intestine (mid-region). Human embryo of 24 mm., series 24. x 89. 20. Wax reconstruction of epithelium of ileum. Human embryo of 30 mm., series 913. Showing low longitudinal folds. > 89. MUCOUS MEMBRANE IN THE HUMAN EMBRYO PLATE V FRANKLIN P. JOHNSON THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, Vou. 10. No. 4. PLATE VI EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 21. Wax reconstruction of epithelium of small intestine (mid-region). Human embryo of 55 mm., embryo 249. Viewed from interior. X 89. 22. Same, viewed from exterior. X 8&9. 23. Waxreconstruction of small intestine (mid-region). Human embryo of 134 mm.,embryo 30. Showing villi, intestinal glands, and persistent intestinal pocket. x 89. MUCOUS MEMBRANE IN THE HUMAN EMBRYO PLATE VI FRANKLIN P. JOHNSON 23 Tue AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VoL. 10. No. 4. PLATE VII EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 24. Waxreconstruction of epithelium of duodenum (upper third). Human em- bryo of 240 mm., embryo 186. M178: Showing villi, intestinal and duodenal glands. MUCOUS MEMBRANE IN THE HUMAN EMBRYO PLATE VII FRANKLIN P. JOHNSON 24 THe AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VoL. 10. No. 4. rte aN RP An fe wey ry aa : BL WHOI Library - Serials ae ae A = a a Hibtasfal ty dCi] Attain at in if OTT | Sa raenrror SS itso eee ed ——— ee TSE ) tl bets ia iff White Ss { ~ SESESSES a iret Soe