paper 4 —s % 5 = Ss ea : © —= = — ‘ = Stemnes = ee cep z ! —Jcmer — ==> Oe ep sde ae rear ane rons aha te += ~ a Sth > . - —~ a me = es ee ee eran) > aeons ae ans AE ¥ SS Xoacen : peor . : : .: ce mY ESS : > Tarr : Sickie ane fan ED ns Sipiab ees Pe em or <= Sa Saints See eae ss a i a BY in itr that iq uyiesehuey paseeate Stig it Fysaedpgetegages G8 patye rit HERR bepaabhrayy Wine beth \ yk pyviree OSs ypoyprpenagt il poy ebeeg fa He 4 wu Meu i Hy ae Brita wait Jap Spee ocean ioat ome repeecess Se eee eee Mal tok yh tye ? i i) at Fy a nN <) Wien ‘ ‘aN Ms ate ay an Te 4) eds t is Se 3 th ibe i Mn i i i“ ee ar renee Sayan = (ye. buss oo Brea be be v. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY EDITORIAL BOARD CHARLES R. BARDEEN G. Cart HUBER J. PuayrarR McMourricu University of Wisconsin University of Michigan University of Toronto Henry H. DoNaLpson GrorGE 8. HUNTINGTON CHARLES 8. MINotT The Wistar Institute Columbia University Harvard University Stmon H. Gage FRANKLIN P. Mau GrorGE A. PIERSOL Cornell University Johns Hopkins University University of Pennsylvania Henry McK. KNowerr, SECRETARY University of Cincinnati VOLUME 15 1915-1914 THE WISTAR INSTITUTE OF ANATOMY AND BIOLOGY PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE WAVERLY PRESS BALTIMORE, U. S. A. CONTENTS 1913-1914 Non 12 JULY; 191s C. M,. Jackson. Postnatal growth and variability of the body and of the vari- qus.organs inithealbmorat. Seveniigures... 3.00202. 56. ccs ede eee J. A. BapertscHEeR. Muscle degeneration and its relation to the origin of eosinophile leucocytes in amphibia (Salamandraatra). Seven figures. ... SuHinkisHr Harar. On the weights of the abdominal and the thoracic vicera, the sex glands, ductless glands and the eyeballs of the albino rat (Mus nor- vegicus albinus) according to body weight. Twelve charts............... Epwarp F. Matonre. The nucleus cardiacus nervi vagi and the three distinct types of nerve cells which innervate the three different types of muscle. BREST OUTES: .. Ur RUMMY A, cry agen ees aie cen = meu nea ahs No. 2. SEPTEMBER ApaM M. Mituter. Histogenesis and morphogenesis of the thoracic duct in the chick; development of blood cells and their passage to the blood stream via the thoracic duct. Twenty-eight figures (seventeen plates)........... WixiiaM H. F. Appison AND Harotp W. How. On the prenatal and neonatal line Hightitigiresaaeeee yes va eel er e ee Se a eee ee Cuester H. Heuser. The development of the cerebral ventricles in the pig. Twenty-six figures No. 3. NOVEMBER CHARLES R. Srockarp. An experimental study of the position of the optic anlage in Amblystoma punctatum, with a discussion of certain eye de- XAT UNGTHOVE TRE tb Retstatets cho: 6 o' od Bap SRA Reta ID MISO Sins Gina eels cla aots W.B. KirkHam AND H.S. Burr. The breeding habits, maturation of eggs and ovulation of the albino rat. THighteen figures...............-----+---:- Ivan E. Watiixn. A human embryo of thirteen somites. Seven figures.... Water E. Danny. The nerve supply to the pituitary body. Three figures B. F. Kinacspury. The morphogenesis of the mammalian ovary: Felis domes- REcoN MELO O LUT CS am MenMees fs sic, yess ho Soe pete oe)’. +, Weve mes) days ill 131 . 199 253 . 291 319 339 345 lv CONTENTS No. 4. JANUARY, 1914 E. V. Cowpry. The development of the cytoplasmic constituents of the nerve(\cells’of the chicks. biyesplates<. cpio. os. .- sone ee J. F.GupERNAtTscH. Feeding experiments on tadpoles. II. A further contri- bution to the knowledge of organs with internal secretion. Two double TV BGOS pce ardor RT COE PN Aa de By gE oo so x ee Caries H. Swirr. Origin and early history of the primordial germ-cells in the chick... Mitfecmmicuressnte. se) o aly etek oes: « 2) ee ee 389 POSTNATAL GROWTH AND VARIABILITY OF THE BODY AND OF THE VARIOUS ORGANS IN THE ALBINO RAT C. M. JACKSON The Anatomical Laboratory of the University of Missouri SEVEN FIGURES CONTENTS EEC TT. .. MM ete ce ead SERA ge Shige eure yee a Mereral ang. meth odsmemmmmenya cc sculuce sleep tase oe was fe ekoteiel chai 8x ol oiayeialak ways a taraa ave Growth and variability of the body De rOw bin 1 Ty Owe MmMMER Gye 525 cad ers cocks apeey Hele elo cant mer Pim Conyecey Nanette ne 2. Variability in body weight SMC RTCTOAL VALLAGIRME Hai. cis. a al ve cry deer o nee ca Select te ans gata deena Growth and variability of the individual organs . Central nervous system JORG) SRM, 2! 1, CONIA A) Nie ee ea aT Od io TENE Ea ee . Thyroid gland cl te he, (ers) Jn) wheliehs\usfelm) ©, ‘of olgiie.\e es, a \e'4e =) 9 sie! se) 0, &] opera le a mile) a) 6) a) c's 6 0) «| alelsiiaMeMpMsi allel u\'e)s//e) ie) « \ei’s ei '9)la aie. «pie\'e) 0s) ilele eye ‘ahalie aiie (el 'e\e ,e) @ si avienee.=)/mue — oO is) Ur} + faa — . Suprarenal glands . Kidneys . Gonads a Co bo SMEMEatbaal aie eel ula «| «.e°auvls) pile 0 60 o's «is 6 \« «4 6 aise 6 «6 e\0 9 (0's Be 2 Bibliography Mai gies. eve «6 lee miciwic.)4 wie © elm iqve Tables il THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, No. 1 JULY, 1913 2 Cc. M. JACKSON INTRODUCTION The present paper includes statistical data upon certain phases of the growth of the body as a whole and more especially the relative growth and variability of the individual organs in the albino rat. A study of this kind may be of value in two respects. In the first place, it should give a better insight into the nature of growth, a fundamental biological phenomenon worthy of more study for its own sake. In the second place, a more complete knowledge of the process of growth, including the limits of nor- mal variation, should be of value for reference in experimental work of various kinds, for which the rat is often used. For both these purposes there is great need of a series of com- plete growth norms, comparable to Keibel’s morphological ‘Nor- mentafeln.’ A complete growth norni for any given species would involve adequate data upon the prenatal and postnatal growth of the body as a whole, and of its component parts, organs, tis- sues and cells. It would include a determination of the extent of variability due to intrinsic or hereditary factors and to extrin- sic or environmental factors. It is evident that a single fixed or absolute growth norm for a given species does not exist. We can, however, discover the norm and limits of variation within a group of animals homogeneous in constitution and in an environ- ment as constant as possible. Furthermore, it is possible to determine to what extent the norm and variability are changed by varying the different factors involved. Such a complete growth norm has not as yet been even approx- imately determined for any species, although numerous observa- tions have been made upon different phases of growth in various animals. For the rat, extensive data on the growth of the body and of the central nervous system are available in a series of papers by Donaldson and Hatai. The relative growth of the principal parts and systems of the rat has recently been studied by Jackson and Lowrey (’12); and formulas for the growth of the individual viscera have been determined by Hatai (’13) and ‘are published in the present number of this journal. Further data upon the growth and especially the variability of the body and of the various organs are included in the present paper. POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT 3 MATERIAL AND METHODS The following data are utilized in the present paper. For the weight of the whole body of the albino rat (Mus norvegicus albinus) at various ages a series of 570 original observations is given in table 1. For the individual organs, 344 animals were killed and dissected at various ages, and the weights of the organs were observed (tables 3 to 15). Of data available for comparison, there should be mentioned first the extensive series of observations by Donaldson on the growth of the whole body (’06) and of the brain and spinal cord (08) of the albino rat. I am furthermore indebted to Professor Donaldson and Dr. Hatai, of The Wistar Institute of Anatomy, for unpublished observations upon the weight of the principal viscera in about 200 albino rats. With the exception of the central nervous system, however, these data are not included with my own, but were utilized merely for comparison. The albino rats used by me (table 1) were reared from stock obtained partly from M. Cattell, Garrison-on-Hudson, New York, and partly from B. F. McCurdy, a dealer in Chicago. The litters from each source were kept separate, but no constant difference in growth and variability was noticeable between them. The 68 litters included in table 1 are for the most part not closely related (although in a few cases observations upon the body weight of the same litter are repeated at successive ages). The albino rats were kept in stationary cages in an animal house and were well cared for. A supply of chopped corn was kept constantly in the cages. A liberal amount of wheat bread soaked in whole milk was supplied daily, and fresh meat (beef) once a week. Water in abundance was provided. From the age of about six weeks onward, the sexes of each litter were kept separate, and (with the exception of a part of the females at one year) therefore represent unmated animals. Watson (’05) has shown that weights of the body and of the central nervous system are somewhat increased in the female through bearing young. It is probable that other organs, also, may be thereby more or less affected (especially the reproductive 4 Cc. M. JACKSON system), although data are wanting to determine this point. The external characters whereby the sexes may be distinguished in young rats have been described by Jackson (712). In general, the albino rat remains healthy and thrives in cap- tivity. The chief exception noted is the frequent tendency to lung disease, especially in the older rats and more rarely in the younger. Two forms of disease were observed. The first is an acute pneumonitis, which is usually fatal. This form appeared but once in a period of three years. It occurred as an epidemic which in a short time destroyed nearly the entire colony. This epidemic was caused by a specific bacterium, bacillus muris, as determined by Mitchell (12). The second form of lung disease noted is a chronic disturbance which is common in the wild Norway rat at Columbia as well as in the domesticated albino. It appears to develop first in the form of multiple small clear spots scattered over the surface of the lung. Later these spots may form small abscesses, or lead to the consolidation of one or more lobes. An associated catarrhal condition of the respiratory mucosa causes an audible snuffling or wheezing, through which the disease may usually be recognized when well developed. It usually is not fatal, or at least not immediately so, and in some cases does not appreciably affect the growth or the general state of nutrition. Generally, however, it tends to produce more or less emaciation. This is probably the same disease as the pneu- monia mentioned by King (711) and by Currie (10). Mitchell (712) failed in repeated attempts to find in this disease the spe- cific bacterium causing the first form, and its etiology appears uncertain. Animals affected with lung disease were excluded from the present data except in some cases in which the lesions were slight and it appeared necessary to exclude only the lungs. This was the case in 3 of the 48 albino rats dissected at the age of ten weeks, 11 of 41 at five months, and 20 of 25 at one year. Even though the lesions were slight, however, it is probable that the average body weight at five months, and especially at one year, is somewhat below the normal. ; : POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT 5) Since the number of observations was somewhat limited, it was thought better, especially for the study of variation with age, to restrict them to certain definite ages, rather than to scatter them over the entire period. Seven ages were chosen for this purpose, namely, newborn (one day or less), seven days, twenty days, six weeks, ten weeks, five months, and one year. ‘These ages were selected for the following reasons. At seven days, the body weight at birth has about doubled. At twenty days, the weight has approximately doubled again, and at this age the albino is usually weaned. At six weeks, the body weight has somewhat more than doubled again, and the animal is well established upon the new diet. At ten weeks, the rat has again about doubled its weight, and sexual maturity is reached. At one year, the weight has again approximately doubled, and at this age, accord- ing to the observations of Slonaker (12), the albino rat (in sta- tionary cages) has nearly reached its maximum body weight. Five months was arbitrarily selected as a point intermediate between ten weeks and one year. A few observations upon the body weight at fourteen days and at thirty days are also recorded -in table 1. The continuous growth curves for the absolute weight of the various organs, in terms of body weight, are given by Hatai (13). It is hoped that the age periods selected for the present paper are sufficiently close together so that no material change in variability, correlation, and so forth, will be overlooked. In some cases, aS previously mentioned, only the gross body weight was observed. This weight was always taken in the fore- noon, before feeding. In the cases where the animal was to be dissected, it was killed by chloroform, and the gross body weight, and lengths of trunk and tail recorded. The head was then removed on a plane just posterior to the cranium and anterior to the larynx, and was weighed; while the trunk was suspended by the tail, allowing the blood (unmeasured) to escape. The eyeballs and in some cases the brain were then removed and placed in a closed jar upon moist filter paper. Next the trunk was dissected and the following organs successively removed: thyroid gland; thymus (dissected out of surrounding fat); heart 6 Cc. M. JACKSON (cavities opened and blood-clots removed); lungs (right and left separately) ; liver; spleen; stomach and intestines, including con- tents, mesentery and pancreas; same, without contents; supra- renal glands; kidneys; ovaries or testes (including epididymis) ; spinal cord (in a few cases). The extremities, skin, skeleton and musculature were also weighed in some cases, as described in a separate paper by Jackson and Lowrey (’12). The organs were weighed in closed containers, and loss by evaporation was avoided so far as possible. The organs were usually weighed to 0.1 mgm. (0.0001 gm.) excepting some of the larger organs in the older rats, which were weighed to 1 mgm. The observations were recorded on printed cards, and any unusual conditions carefully noted. The calculations were made by the aid of a Burroughs adding machine, Crelle’s Rechentafeln, and the tables in Davenport’s ‘Statistical Methods.’ The calculations were carefully checked independently to eliminate errors. I am greatly indebted to Dr. 8. Hatai of The Wistar Institute, for valuable aid and criticism, especially on the mathematical phases of the work. In calculating the various statistical constants—mean, stand- ard deviation, coefficients of variation and of correlation and probable errors—the usual formulas (Pearson’s) were employed as given by Davenport (04). The ungrouped data were used in all cases. Since the present paper is concerned largely with variability as measured by the coefficient of variation, a brief discussion of this coefficient may be desirable. The coefficient of variation is one hundred times the ratio which the standard deviation bears to the mean; or the percentage of the mean which thestandard deviation forms, as expressed by the formula: = 7 100 (%) For the standard deviation, the formula is as follows: VEE n o POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT 7 where d represents the deviation from the mean, and n the num- ber of variates. The standard deviation is therefore a concrete number which serves to measure the dispersion from the mean. If the variates tend to diverge greatly from the mean, the stand- ard deviation will of course be large; while if they are concen- trated closely around the mean, the standard deviation will be small. It is further clear that the standard deviation is not dependent upon the number of cases, but merely upon the manner of their distribution. Since the standard deviation is a concrete number, however, it will in general vary with the absolute size of the variate. It is therefore often difficult to judge the relative variability of different objects by comparing their standard deviations, and where different units of measurement are used the comparison is meaningless. On this account the coefficient of variation is pref- erable for measuring the relative magnitude of variations, since it is independent of the size or character of the unit of measure- ment. It is of course obvious that from the statistical point of view the number of observations is small and the results cannot be considered final. Even although the probable errors are rela- tively large, however, it will be found that certain conclusions of importance may be drawn with a fair degree of certainty; and others, more or less strongly indicated, may point the way to further investigation with more adequate data. To economize space, the individual data are not included in the tables, but only the averages and ranges are given. The cards containing the original individual data are, however, deposited in The Wistar Institute of Anatomy in Philadelphia whence they may be obtained if desired by anyone interested. 8 Cc. M. JACKSON GROWTH AND VARIABILITY OF THE BODY 1. Growth in body weight The data presented in this paper are inadequate for a complete discussion of the growth of the body as a whole. Certain phases, however, may be noted. Donaldson (06) has made numerous observations upon the postnatal growth of the albino rat, on the basis of which he has drawn certain conclusions, with which the present data may be compared. Table A shows the average TABLE A Average gross body weight of albino rat at various ages, sexes separated aie a JACKSON’S =) SG JACKSON’S SMALLER PERTDsON'S bea aoe SERIES SERIES (1906) grams °* grams grams c fr (G3ane) 45-18 (44m.) 5.06 (40m.) 5.4 HewDOEN:--oe cal| Gok) pet Soe. 4. Saas Ugh aaa { (56m.) 10.53 (30m.) 10.61 @ism:). 9:2 Mime nse Gs pce (64 f:)) 10.205) "@7#.) 10.48’ Mest.) 827 eae | (3m) 23:90) (24m.) 22:20 MiNI9'm.) 21,2 a a 69.) w2iv50Me abd.) 17.01 GU7 £0) 122"6 Bee os | ((455m.) 763972) 422m.) 52,890 G9m.) 46:3 Mee TRE aoe GO: ) SG neon.) 54. Samrat yt. jo 47.9 | (23 m.) 130.4 (20 m.) 121.9 (19 m.) 106.6 RR es sco a’ See { (25f.) 108.9 | (23f.) 103.3 | Q1f. ) 99.8 (20 m.) 167.5 (19 m.) 225.4 5 months... Be ho { (Q1f. ) 142.1 (11 f. ) 184.6 edad (5m.) 213.0 ( 6m.) 279.0 VGA as ve scrsare ip 4 (20 f. ) 163.7 (7£. ) 296.4 1 Jackson’s observations listed under ‘3 weeks’ were nearly all at 20 days, and those of Donaldson under ‘6 weeks’ were at 43 days. The females were unmated, excepting all of Donaldson’s series at 1 year, and a part of Jackson’s series at 1 year. gross body weight in each sex at various ages in my larger series (recorded in table 1), in my smaller series (dissected for the organs), and in those observed by Donaldson at corresponding ages. From table A it is evident that the rats used in the present study averaged somewhat smaller at birth for both sexes than those of Donaldson, but show a more rapid growth during the first week, so that at seven days their average weight is greater. At three weeks the males in Donaldson’s series average somewhat POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT 9 smaller than in mine but the females are heavier. At six weeks and ten weeks both sexes average smaller in Donaldson’s series, but at five months and one year they are decidedly larger. In general, therefore, it is evident that Donaldson’s rats re- mained smaller than mine up to the age of six weeks, but sur- passed them in the later stages. The probable errors were not calculated for the gross body weights (except at six weeks, smaller series); but as will be seen later the variation for the gross weight is not materially different from that of the net body weight, the probable errors of which, in the smaller series, are given in table 2. The differences between Donaldson’s results and mine are greater than the probable errors and therefore appear significant. The explanation of these differences will be considered later under variability. ! The relative growth of the sexes of the albino rat was noted by Donaldson (’06), who found that, beginning about the end of the first week, the female grows more vigorously, overtaking and usually exceeding the male in body weight from the fifteenth to the fifty-fifth day of age. My data (table 1) show that in 16 newborn litters containing both sexes the males averaged greater in every case; at seven days, the males exceed in 11 litters, the females in 5; at fourteen days, the males exceed in 3, the females in 1; at twenty days, the males exceed in 10, the females in 3; at thirty days; the males exceed in 2, females in none; at six weeks, the males exceed in 10, the females in 2; at ten weeks, the males exceed in 6, the females in 1; at five months the males exceed in 4, females in 1; at one year, the males exceed in 2, the females in 1. According to litters, therefore, the excess of average weight was invariably in favor of the male at birth, and also in the majority of cases at all succeeding ages. The ratio of the average gross body weight in the male to that in the female at corresponding ages in my data is given in table B. 1 Tt may be pointed out in this connection that whereas my rats represent for the most part a ‘random sample’ of the general population at each age, those of Dr. Donaldson were taken while young, and used throughout the period of obser- vation. 10 Cc. M. JACKSON According to table B, it is seen that the average body weight of the male was greater at every age noted, except at six weeks, when the female was slightly larger. At seven days, however, the male was but slightly the greater. The extent of the variation in the ratio of body weights between males and females of the same litter may be noted from data in table 1. Further information of interest is afforded by table TABLE B NUMBER OF | AVERAGE GROSS | AVERAGE GROSS | AGE | EACH SEX BODY WEIGHT | BODY WEIGHT | RATIO OF MALE TO | | FEMALE Males Females) Male Female | | | grams Pe ind Mewborn.<'s..2 er eeel 63 «66 5.13 4.89 1.05 TALES bec 2 ee sO 0 NGA: 10.53 10.29) 1.02 OMG Ef PR ceo day an) 23.99 21. 50a ae Grweeks.i (anual tao SoU 63.72 64.25° 0.99 10 weeks... .eteeaces|0 23) 4) 259 al 130.40 108.90 1.20 5 months. .ena ee 20 Wy 20 | 167.50 142. 100m 1.18 TSyears nes See an 20 213.00 163 7CRE lon: 1230 | TABLE C Ratio of average male to female gross body weight in individual litters at successive ages tee eee? ie NEWBORN 7 DAYS 14 Days 20 DAYS 30 DAYS | 6 WEEKS AY32) (Samoa ae: a Veo 03 Sateeatts (03 | IMO“ (5m, Stee. oe 1.06 1.06: | | WON Gan ste ee 1.06 | 1.04 1.05 MM. 6) GansiSeeeee ane 1.04 1.08 1.03 NM 10m. 43 | 1.05 1.05 0.99 1.00 leat M.S Gime bioees ae: That 1.06 1.06 1.05 1.09 1.222 M7 Canteen 0.98 0.868 E427: era) 4b ee | 1114 |) 100! Met) (Asmaal es) eee 0.95 | 1.04 ML Oo (4 ansieto eee 1.08 | 1.10 A299 (on 4) 1.02 1.16 1.04 | 1.08 Avos (fimo) epee 1:08: || 0:99 1.01 0.90 | 1 Two males of this litter were killed at 7 days. * In this litter, the ratio at 10 weeks was 1.39. 3 One male, a ‘dwarf,’ died before the age of 30 days. 4 One female a ‘dwarf’ at these ages. POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT 11 C showing the ratios in a few cases where the gross body weight was observed in the same litters at successive ages. It is clear that there is considerable variation among individual litters, and evidently observations upon a much larger number of litters would be necessary to determine the typical growth rela- tions by sexes. The available data seem in general to confirm the conclusion of Donaldson (’06) that during the first two months of postnatal life the growth of the body of the albino rat is more vigorous in the female. In the majority of litters, however, the average body weight of the females does not appear to reach that of the males, at least at the ages observed. 2. Variability in body weight It is evident from the foregoing that there is in some respects considerable difference between my data and those of Donaldson on the growth of the body of the albino rat. The question naturally arises as to the significance of this difference, as both series are presumably normal (excepting the possible effect of lung disease in the older rats). This brings up the general ques- tion as to the nature and extent of normal variation in the growth of the body. It is known that this variation is greatly influenced by external factors, such as the quantity and quality of food, temperature and so forth. Slonaker (’12) has recently demon- strated that the growth of the albino rat in body weight may be greatly retarded by exercise, and that it is also much less with vegetarian than with mixed diet. These factors, however, were nearly alike in the case of Donald- son’s rats and mine, though unavoidable differences in environ- ment may account in part for their difference in growth. But even when the environment is kept constant, there still remains the variability due to intrinsic factors, which probably varies some- what according to the ancestral strain from which the animals were derived, as well as’ according to litter, sex and individual. Pearson (’00, p. 473) states that ‘‘The individual contains in itself, owing to a bathmie (i.e., intrinsic) law of growth, a varia- bility which is quite sensible, being 80 to 90 per cent of the variability of the race.’’ As before mentioned, it is therefore 12 Cc. M. JACKSON evident that in general there is no such thing as a single ‘normal’ course of growth and variation for a given species. We may, however, determine the process under a given set of conditions, and also learn the effect produced by varying the individual fac- tors. It is probable that some variation in the intrinsic growth factors is largely responsible for the differences noted between Donaldson’s data and mine. The possibility of unrecognized pathological factors must also be kept in mind. We may now consider the variability in body weight found in the present series.2, The variability is best measured by the coefficient of variation, which expresses the percentage of the mean formed by the standard deviation. For the net body weight (table 2), it is seen that the coefficient of variation, taking both sexes together, increases from 12.3 at birth to 15.6 at seven days and to a maximum of 28.4 at twenty days. Thereafter it de- creases, being 21.3 at six weeks, 19.9 at ten weeks, and 19.1 at five months. On account of the small number of observations and probable abnormalities at one year, no calculations were made for the total at this age; but the coefficient of variation in body weight for the 20 females at this age was slightly greater than for those at five months. Even when allowance is made for accidental variations due to the small number of observations (as indicated by the relatively large probable errors), the approx- imate extent of variation, and the general trend according to age are clearly evident. Hatai (08) in mature albino rats (over 150 days old) found the coefficient of variation for the gross body weight in 53 males, 25.076+2.675 and in 51 females, 12.235 + 0.974. The difference in variability between the sexes of the rats used in the present study is indicated in table 2. It is seen that the coefficient of variation appears greater in the males at every age, except at twenty days. No great stress can be laid upon 2 The variability in body- length was not calculated. According to Donaldson (09), however, the body length of the albino rat is less variable than the body weight; but the two are closely correlated, the coefficient of correlation being 0.90. In the human species, the body length (height) is only about one-third as variable as the body weight (measured by the coefficient of variation). POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT 13 this indication, however, as it must be remembered that the number of observations is comparatively small, and the differ- ences are usually within the limits of probable error. It is note- worthy, however, that Hatai (’08) likewise found for the body weight and for various skull measurements of the albino rat a tendency to greater variability in the male. At the ages of twenty days and six weeks, the standard devi- ation and coefficient of variation were also calculated for the corresponding gross body weights. At twenty days, the coeffi- cient of variation was, for the males 28.7 (as compared with 28.4 for the net body), and for the female 18.4 (17.5 for the net) ; at six weeks, for the male 17.7 (17.4 for the net), and for the female 24.6 (24.7 for the net). It is therefore evident that there is no material difference between the coefficients of variation for the gross and for the corresponding net body weights. For a larger series of 56 males and 36 females newborn, cor- responding only in part to those given for net body weight, the coefficient of variation for the gross body weight of the male was 14.0 (13.6 for the net), and of the female 9.2 (9.9 for the net). A larger series was also calculated for the gross body weight at twenty days and six weeks, including all those in table:1. In this larger series (which was about twice as large as the smaller) the coefficient of variation at twenty days for the male was 24.4 (28.7 in the smaller series) and for the female, 29.4 (18.4 in the smaller series). At six weeks, the coefficient of variation in the larger series for the male was 20.8 (17.7 in the smaller series) and for the female, 24.2 (24.6 in the smaller series). This would seem to indicate that the great difference in the coefficient of variation between the sexes of the smaller series at twenty days and at six weeks is due to an abnormally small variation among the females at twenty days and among the males at six weeks. This should be remembered in considering the varia- bility of the organs, which correspond to the smaller series and are, as will be shown later, all more or less closely correlated with the body weight. The necessity for caution in drawing con- clusions as to variability from a comparatively small number of observations is thus emphasized. 14 Cc. M. JACKSON The foregoing data indicate clearly that the coefficient of vari- ation in body weight is smaller in the younger rats (newborn and seven days) and larger in the older (twenty days, six weeks, ten weeks and five months). Less conclusive is the evidence that the maximum variation, for the ages observed, occurs at twenty days, and that the variation is in general greater in the male than in the female. The changes in variation cannot be ascribed to a selective death rate, as there were in the litters observed very few deaths before the age of five months. For the variation in the weight of the human body at different ages, fairly complete data are available for comparison. For the English newborn, Pearson (’99) finds the coefficient of variation for the male to be about 15.7, and for the female 14.2. For Cambridge University students, nineteen to twenty-five years of age, he finds the coefficient for 1090 males to be about 10.8, and for 160 females 11.2. For Oxford students (male) of eighteen to twenty-three years, Schuster (11) similarly finds the average coefficient of variation in body weight to be 10.8, varying from 10.2 to 11.1 for different years of age. For the period from birth to the age of six years, no data are available. But from six years onward we have the extensive observations of Porter (’95) on St. Louis school children. Porter uses the ‘probable deviation’ (which equals approximately 0.6745 times the standard deviation) as a measure of dispersion, but for convenience of comparison this has been reduced to the standard deviation for calculating the coefficient of variation in table D. Porter concludes that variation is correlated with rapidity of growth, a conclusion preyiously reached by Thoma (’82). Boas (97, 04) reaches similar conclusions. This relation will not hold good for the human newborn, however; for although the growth rate is then far more rapid than at any subsequent period, the coefficient of variation is slightly less than at the age of puberty. In the rat, as we have seen, the coefficient of variation is smaller in the younger animals although the growth rate is far more rapid then than later. POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT 15 We may therefore conclude that for the human (British and American) the coefficient of variation for the body weight in the newborn male is about 15.7. At six years, it has diminished to a little below 11, and fluctuates in this neighborhood until the twelfth year. During the acceleration of growth from thirteen to sixteen years, the coefficient of variation increases to 16 or 17, thereafter diminishing rapidly to about 11 in the young adult. For the female newborn the coefficient of variation (14.2) is somewhat below that of the male. From six years onward, the coefficient of variation appears to be correlated with the relative rapidity of body growth, being somewhat greater in the female up to the age of fourteen, after which the male exceeds it. In comparison with the human species, the coefficient of vari- ation in the body weight of the rat at birth appears somewhat smaller. Although in all subsequent stages (except at the age of puberty) the variation in the human body is smaller than at birth, in the rat it appears constantly greater, and shows no evident correlation with the rate of growth of the body. TABLE D Body weight of St. Louis school children (from Porter’s data) NUMBER OF COEFFICIENT OF | RELATIVE-ANNU AL AGE AT NEAREST BIRTHDAY CEBERV-ATIONS | VIMSTE MI ETOSS) | Tet wane sale yaa Male Female | Male | Female | Male | Female | | per cent per cent 6 ) meee "798° )- 10:7 11.3 7 (Sian 714 HG. avdse3 9.7 10.0 8 Dee 2047 12h2 12.6 9.7 9.9 9 2188 2055 | 11.9 13.2 9.6 9.6 10 206ml 1947 | 117 || 124 | 8.7 9.6 11 1743 1708 DRA AAR IE On 9.7 12 1644 1676 LONSM eel 4s Sys peau 11.6 13 1242 1343 1a 0) a Kes a pt ie 2) 14.3 14 946 1082 16.7 16:3> le AOr5 9.9 15 498 690 16.3 1219), shy FLAGS 10.4 16 203420) 1) 21758 TDA Wile te lal God) WS Te 17 7s 230 17 10.4 7.9 4.7 18 fee 155 10 +2 19 | 81 10.7 20 66 10.4 16 C. M. JACKSON 3. Fraternal variability It is a matter of common knowledge that yariation within fraternities is always less than that of the general population. In the various litters of rats used for the present study, it is in most cases evident from mere inspection that variation in the body weights within the litter is much less than the variation in the total population of the same age. To measure the variation within the litter, three methods were used and the results are summarized in table E. TABLE E Coefficient of variation in body weight for total population by ordinary method, and on litter basis (fraternal variation) estimated by various methods SEX NEW- | 7 20 6 10 5 | BORN DAYS | DAYS | WEEKS | WEEKS MONTHS Total population (ordinary MeLHOG) Meek. fo he eee Litter basis (average of lit-| ters, calculated by ordinary Litter basis (calculated from enle/sstiormulla)) s.4.- secu Litter basis (from eS s {| formula).. Re) Saree | male | female male female male | female male female 13.6! | 16.91 | 24. 42 9.9: | 13.7} 29.42 Onan KYAT 20.8? | 18.81 | 18.5? 24.2? | 16.81 | 15.3! ! | For net body weight. 2 For gross body weight, larger series. | The first method of determining fraternal variation consists simply in calculating the standard deviation and coefficient of variation for each separate litter by the usual formula. The sexes were calculated separately, only those litters with four or more of either sex being used. The average coefficient for each sex at each age is given in the preceding table. On account of the small. number of individuals in each litter, the results can of course be considered only as grossly approximate. The second method of calculating the fraternal variability is based upon a formula by Yule (’11) who demonstrates (p. 142) that ‘‘if a series ‘of (N) observations consists of 7 component series with standard deviations a1, o., diverging from the general mean of the whole series by di, o,, and means POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT 17 d,. . . . d;, the standard deviation o of the whole series is given (using m to denote any subscript) by the equation: N.o? = = (Np. Oe?) +E (Nm. dm?2).”’ If we let dm represent the mean standard deviation of the component series (which may be assumed to be fairly constant) then > (N ea Om?) becomes N om? and eo No? — 2 (Nim dm’) N whence the value of c, 1s obtained. In applying this method to the rat data N represents the total number of rats at a given age; o, the standard deviation of the body weight of all the rats; dm, the deviation of any litter mean from the total mean, Nm, the number of individuals in the corresponding litter; and om, the average standard deviation within a litter. The sexes are con- sidered separately. The results, as shown by the preceding table, do not differ materially from those by the first and third methods. In the third method! of determining fratetnal variation, all the litters at each age (sexes separately) are reduced to a common litter basis. This is accomplished by multiplying the body weight of each member of a given litter by the factor ean Of ig a abopulaton (aizety en see) Mean of given litter 3 Since the formula may be written in the form: SHON E) 7) a Neo. ad N . nd . . oye . . . . and since is necessarily a positive quantity, it is evident that accord- p> (Nim Ge) N ing to this formula the standard deviation of the individual fraternity is usually (and on the average necessarily) less than that of the total population. The formula gives no indication as to the magnitude of the difference, however. 4 For this method, and for aid otherwise, I am indebted to my colleague Prof. O. D. Kellogg, of the Department of Mathematics. He adds the caution that under some circumstances the method might tend to give a spurious reduction in the standard deviation and coefficient of variation, but this does not appear to be the case with the present data. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, No. 1 18 Cc. M. JACKSON Since the coefficient of variation for each litter and also the mean of the total population remains unchanged by this procedure, the products may be considered as forming a single large litter, whose coefficient of variation may be calculated in the usual way. The results by this method are seen to correspond closely to those by the preceding methods. In fact all three methods agree much more closely than might have been anticipated, considering the relatively small number of litters and of individuals. Comparing the coefficients of fraternal variation, calculated on the litter basis, with those of the total population calculated by the ordinary method at corresponding ages, it is evident that (excepting only the unusually large fraternal variation for the female at ten weeks) the litter variation is always very much smaller, being usually only from one-third to one-half as large as the total variation. It also appears that the increased varia- bility in the body weight of the total population from twenty days onward is due to an increased variability between litters more than to increased variability among the individuals within the litter. Dunn (712) states (p. 137) that if conditions of growth are favorable the rats of unlike initial weight within a litter tend to approach each other in weight as growth goes on. If this be true, the fraternal (intra-litter) variation should decrease with age. | Table F includes my observations upon the variation in indi- vidual litters at successive ages. The sexes are here taken together. It is evident that there is considerable variation, both among different litters at the same age and in the same litter at different ages. The data suggest that there is a tendency for intra-litter variation to decrease up to the age of about twenty days, followed by a tendency to increase. This is supported to certain extent by table E, showing the coefficients of variation on the litter basis. It may be concluded from all the evidence available that in general the variation in body weight within a given litter of albino rats is probably less than half that of the general popula- tion of the same age under similar environment. Nevertheless, even within the litter, variations are sometimes so great that it POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT 19 is never safe to draw conclusions from a single litter, and there is some risk even with several litters. These conclusions are of practical importance in selecting animals for experimental work, and in interpreting the results of such work. Although fraternal variability was not directly calculated for the individual organs, the same principle doubtless holds good with them; for, as will be shown later, all the organs are more or less closely correlated with the body weight. In the human species, fraternal variation appears to be rela- tively greater than in the rat. For example, Galton (94) found the mid-stature for the human adult (male) population to be 68.2 inches. The quartile (or probable) deviation for the whole adult population he found to be about 1.70 inches, and that for brothers (average of four methods) about 1.06 inches. Thus for human stature by this method the fraternal variability appears to be only about 62 per cent of the racial variability. On the basis TABLE F Coefficient of variation in individual litters at different ages NUMBER OF LITTER NO. GUNG ERR | NEWBORN 7 Days 14pays | 20pays | 30pays | 6 WEEKS Males |Females, | | AOD ies: 3 5 5.81 3.82 | NiO i> 5 3 | Waa 4.85 | ING 3 a] 4.19 2.92 4.45 | MR G88 eo 5 3 10.202 4.11 5.61 Vial OR ee 2 4 8.18 7.61 7.47 7.64 11.8 IVIEISE sees: 2 5 8.78 4.82 3.94 2.42 6.76 12.43 MSR eo onuee 0 7 12.00 6.67 AGRE ea 0 5 7.34 4.70 6.94 INTENT x ore: 2 4 3.95 18.00 1 Cae seers 1 4 21.30 30.60 1 BE aes 4 1 2.83 7.91 Dei 4 1 4.11 6.57 INR ZO ea 2 4 | 4.47 4.95 OSs F. ote: 4 2 | * 5.06 6.86 1 Two males killed in litter M9 at 7 days, and 2 females in A 33 at 20 days; one (a ‘dwarf’) in litter M7 died between 20 and 30 days. 2 The large variation here was due to a ‘dwarf’ which caught up with the others in body weight before the age of 14 days. 3 At 10 weeks the coefficient of variation in this litter was 17.0, the increase being due chiefly to sexual differentiation in body weights. 20 Cc. M. JACKSON of more recent biometric investigations in various lines by Pear- son and others, it appears (cf. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 13th edition, vol. 27, p. 911) that in general the fraternal 8. D. = racial S. D. xX ble reckoning the fraternal correlation at 0.50. According to this formula, the fraternal variability would amount to about 87 per cent of the racial variability. Compared with these figures the fraternal variability of the rat, which is less than half of the racial, appears relatively small. This, however, is intra-litter variability, which may be somewhat less than fra- ternal variability in general. The latter could be determined for the rat only by comparing numerous litters born from the same pair of rats at different times. GROWTH AND VARIABILITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL ORGANS 1. Head In a previous paper by Jackson and Lowrey (712), the relative growth of the head was considered. It was pointed out, as may be observed in table 3, that the head (sexes together) of the albino rat increases in relative size from an average of about 23 per cent of the body at birth to a maximum of nearly 26 per cent at seven days, after which it decreases gradually to about 10 per cent in the adult. The figures in the table for the percentage at one year are probably somewhat high, as they include some slightly emaciated individuals, in which the head is always rela- tively large. In very large rats (above 300 grams in body weight) the head continues to decrease in relative weight and may reach 8 per cent or less. As is furthermore evident from table 3, the variability of the head is less than that of the body as a whole, the coefficient increasing from about 9 in the newborn to about 13 in the adult. The variation also appears slightly greater in the male than in the female (except at six weeks), as is also the case with the whole body. The coefficient of correlation between the head and the total body weight varies at different ages from 0.76 to 0.95 (sexes together). These figures are somewhat too high, however, the POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT 2h true correlation being augmented by a ‘spurious correlation,’ as will be explained later. There appear no constant differences according to age and sex. If such exist, as is probably the case, they are obscured by accidental variations in the comparatively small number of observations. Phe close correlation between the weights of the head and of the whole body is also evident from the slight variability in the percentage weight which the head forms of the whole body (table 3). If the head at each age formed a constant per cent of the body, the variability of the percentage weight would be zero. The coefficient of variation of the percentage weight of the head is, however, usually not very much smaller than that of the absolute weight, and in a few cases even appears slightly larger. That is to say, at any given age the absolute weight of the head can be predicted almost as accurately as the percentage weight. This is not the case with most of the individual organs, as will be seen later. Whether reckoned upon the absolute or upon the percentage basis, it is evident the head of the rat exhibits slight variability when compared with most other organs as well as with the body as a whole. This agrees with the observations of Hatai (’08) upon the variability of the skull bones of the rat, as well as with what has been found in the human body. Quetelet (71) and other anthropometrists have observed that the head is the least variable portion of the human body, a conclusion supported by extensive and careful measurements on the skeleton of different parts of the body by various observers. 2. Central nervous system Since the growth of the brain and spinal cord has been care- fully worked out by Donaldson (’08) from extensive data, it was thought unnecessary to include these organs in the present inves- tigation. Incidentally, however, some observations were made upon the brain, and a few upon the spinal cord. From these, together with those published by Donaldson (08) and some unpublished data from The Wistar Institute, a few additional conclusions may be drawn. 22 Cc. M. JACKSON In regard to the brain, it may be noted that the maximum postnatal relative size occurs, not at birth, but a short time later. Using the data derived from Donaldson’s formula express- ing the brain weight in terms of (gross) body weight (’08, table 1), calculations show that with a body weight of 5 grams (ap- proximately that at birth) the brain weight forms 4.6 per cent of the body weight. This increases to 6.7 per cent at a body weight of 15 grams. From this (apparent) maximum, the relative size of the brain decreases to 5.0 per cent at 25 grams, 2.7 per per cent at 55 grams, 1.5 per cent at 115 grams, 1.2 per cent at 155 grams, 0.9 per cent at 205 grams, and 0.62 per cent at 315 grams. In this case, the sexes are not separated, although the male brain is relatively slightly heavier than that of the female. The foregoing figures for the relative size of the brain, as de- rived from Donaldson’s formula, agree fairly well with the present data grouped according to age. We find (combining Donaldson’s data with my own) that in 92 newborn albino rats (56 males, 36 females) the brain averaged 4.8 per cent of the (gross) body weight; in 22 (10 males, 12 females) at seven days, 6.4 per cent; in 31 (28 males, 3 females) at three weeks, 5.6 per cent; in 30 (27 males, 3 females) at six weeks, 3.1 per cent. Only scattering observations are available at the later stages. It therefore ap- pears probable that the brain reaches its maximum relative size about the second or third week, when the body weight is between 10 and 15 grams. The combined data for the brain are sufficient for estimation of variability and correlation with body weight only at birth, three weeks, and six weeks. The coefficient of variation for the brain was found to be at birth, male, 13.9; female, 9.1, total (sexes together) 12.2. The coefficient of variation for the cor- responding (gross) body weights was 12.8. At three weeks the coefficient of variation of the brain, for males only, was 6.8, which, excepting the eyeballs (table 4) was the lowest variability found for any organ at any age. The corresponding coefficient of variation for total body weight was 14.8. At six weeks, the coefficient of variation for the brain, males only, was 12.2, the coefficient for the corresponding total body weights being 36.2. POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT 23 For the same data, the coefficient of correlation between brain weight and (gross) body weights was, at birth, male, 0.736; female, 0.566, total, 0.690 +0.037; at three weeks, male only, 0.783 = 0.049; at six weeks, male only, 0.883+0.020. These high figures are due in part to ‘spurious correlation’ (as will be explained later). In general, Donaldson (’08) found (in 680 records at various ages) the coefficient of correlation between brain weight and body weight to be 0.7639= 0.0108. Hatai (08) found for the cranial capacity of adult albino rats a coefficient of variation of about 6.7 in the male, and 7.2 in the female. The coefficient, of correlation between cranial capacity and (gross) body weight was 0.516 = 0.074 in the male and 0.692 + 0.058 in the female. For the spinal cord, the relative weight (according to Donald- son’s formula) increases from about 0.66 per cent of the body at 5 grams to a maximum of 0.77 per cent at 10 to 15 grams, declining to 0.28 per cent at 205 grams and 0.22 per cent at 315 grams. From the combined data the coefficient of variation was calculated for the newborn only (48 males, 29 females) and was found to be as follows: male, 17.8 (for total body, 13.1); female 12.6 (total body, 9.4); total (sexes combined) 16.0 (for total body 12.5). The corresponding coefficient of correlation with the body weight was 0.666 +0.048, which is somewhat lower than that found by Donaldson (’08) for the spinal cord of the rat in general (0.8564 = 0.0071). In comparing these results with those for other organs, it must be remembered that the rats from which the brain and spinal cord were derived correspond only in part to those for all the other organs. 3. Eyeballs The relative or percentage weight of the eyeballs for various body weights, when calculated from Hatai’s (13) formula, is shown by the curve in figure 1 b. According to this curve, it is seen that the eyeballs increase in relative weight from about 0.59 per cent of the body weight at 5 grams to 0.61 per cent at 10 grams, thereafter decreasing steadily, reaching 0.48 per cent 24 Cc. M. JACKSON at 20 grams, 0.29 per cent at 50 grams, 0.18 per cent at 120 grams, 0.15 per cent at 170 grams, 14 per cent at 200 grams, and 0.11 per cent at 300 grams. In my data grouped according to age periods (table 4, fig. 1 b) the average weight of the eyeballs at birth forms about 0.52 per cent of the (net) body weight in the male, and 0.54 per cent in the female. The relative weight increases to a maximum at seven days of about 0.60 per cent in the male, and 0.64 per cent in the female.* Thereafter the eyeballs decrease steadily in rela- tive weight, excepting a slight rise at one year (which, like that for the head, is probably abnormal). It will be noted that the percentage weight of the eyeballs is larger in the female at every age except at six weeks. Whether this expresses a true difference according to sex is uncertain, however, as the difference is small and the data perhaps inadequate to determine this point. In connection with this difference in relative weight accord- ing to sex, it is noteworthy (table 4) that the absolute weight of the eyeballs is nearly the same in both sexes at every age. Since the average body weight of the female is smaller at each of the ages noted (except six weeks), it follows that the relative weight of the eyeballs must be correspondingly larger in the females. The similarity in the absolute weight of the eyeballs in both cases at various ages suggests the possibility that the growth of these organs may be somewhat independent of influences affect- ing the growth of the body as a whole. This idea is to a certain extent confirmed by the coefficient of variation in the absolute weight of the eyeballs (table 4). Although at birth this coeffi- cient (15.5) appears larger than that of the whole body (12.3), after the age of seven days the variation in the absolute weight of the eyeballs is exceedingly low (7.45 to 13.3), only the brain approaching it in this respect. 5 In comparing the observed with the calculated values in this and the other organs, it should be pointed out that even slight fluctuations in absolute weight which may lie within the experimental error, may produce a much greater per- centage deviation in the youngest animals, owing (1) to the small absolute size of the organ, and (2) to the relatively greater weight of the organ in the earlier periods. POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT 25 Furthermore, the idea of an independent growth of the eye- balls is supported by the variation in the percentage weight rela- tions (table 4). While in the newborn the coefficient of variation in the percentage weight is less than that for the absolute weight (the usual relation in other organs at all ages), it is a remarkable fact that after seven days the variation in the eyeballs is decidedly greater for the percentage weight. Finally, the coefficient of cor- relation between body weight and weight of the eyeballs, as might be expected from the foregoing, is comparatively low and very irregular (0.21 to 0.67). 4. Thyroid gland When the calculations are made according to Hatai’s formula, the relative weight of the thyroid (fig. 3 a) is greatest in the earliest stages, forming about 0.029 per cent of the body weight at 5 grams. The relative weight decreases slowly to 0.028 per cent of the body at 10 grams, 0.026 per cent at 20 grams, 0.022 per cent at 50 grams, 0.019 per cent at 100 grams, 0.016 per cent at 200 grams, and 0.015 per cent at 300 grams. On account of certain difficulties, the number of observations upon the thyroid gland in my own series is somewhat limited. The gland is small and difficult to separate accurately from the adjacent muscles, especially in the younger stages. It was also sometimes injured in the process of decapitation. The obser- vations recorded, arranged according to age (table 5, fig. 3 a), indicate that the thyroid is relatively largest in the newborn, decreasing from about 0.04 per cent of the body weight to 0.018 per cent at one year. In comparison with Hatai’s theoretical curve of growth, there is in my data a lagging behind during the first week. The thyroid apparently increases but slightly during this period while the body weight doubles. This causes a con- siderable drop in the percentage weight of the thyroid at seven days. No difference according to sex is apparent. On account of the limited data, the coefficients of variation and correlation were not calculated. Watson (710) finds the thyroid (and parathyroid) glands usu- ally enlarged in rats fed upon meat, and especially oatmeal, diet. 26 Cc. M. JACKSON They were also found relatively much larger in wild rats, due probably to difference in exercise and diet. 5. Thymus On account of inadequate data, Dr. Hatai was unable to con- struct a satisfactory formula for the growth in absolute weight of the thymus in the albino rat. In my own data grouped according to age periods (table 6, fig. 2 b), it appears that the thymus increases, in the male, from about 0.15 per cent of the body weight at birth to 0.24 per cent at seven days, and to a maximum of 0.38 per cent at twenty days. Thereafter it decreases, and at one year forms an average of only 0.02 per cent of the body. The relative weight under- goes a similar change in the female with no significant difference according to sex. A unique feature of the thymus is its decrease in absolute as well as in relative weight. As shown in table 6, the average absolute weight at five months is slightly smaller than at ten weeks, and at one year it has undergone a very striking decrease. This is of course in connection with the process of involution, following the age of puberty, whereby the thymus is largely transformed into a mass of adipose tissue. As would necessarily follow from the decrease in the absolute weight of the thymus during the process of involution, there is actually a negative correlation at five months between the thymus and body weights. During the earlier life, on the other hand, there is a well marked positive correlation, the coefficient increas- ing from 0.668 at birth to 0.904 at six weeks (the high io being partly due to ‘spurious correlation’). The coefficient of variation in absolute weight is high, increas- ing from 30.9 at birth to 50.4 at six weeks. Later, however, when a greater variation might naturally be expected during the involution process, it is actually less, the coefficient being 25.3 and 22.2. For the percentage weight, the coefficient of variation, though still high, is considerably smaller than that for the abso- lute weight, excepting the periods at ten weeks and five months. POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT vat 6. Heart According to the curve of relative (percentage) weight (fig. 1 a) constructed from Hatai’s formula, the heart increases from 0.64 per cent of the body weight at 5 grams to a maximum of 0.70 per cent at 10 grams. Thereafter it gradually decreases to 0.67 per cent at 20 grams, 0.56 per cent at 50 grams, 0.45 per cent at 120 grams, 0.42 per cent at 170 grams, and 0.40 per cent at 200 grams, 0.37 per cent at 300 grams and 0.35 per cent at 400 grams. When grouped according to age periods, my own data (table 7, fig. 1a) show an increase from an average in the male of 0.65 per cent at birth to 0.68 per cent at seven days and to a maximum of nearly 0.73 per cent at twenty days; thereafter it decreases to about 0.45 per cent at one year. In the female the relations are similar, although the average relative weight is greater at every age (except twenty days). This apparently greater rela- tive weight of the heart in the female, however, is probably with- out significance. In the first place, the relative weight of the heart in the female at any given age beyond six weeks should be slightly greater on account of the smaller body weight. More- Fig.l a HEART Percentage of body weight. Curve derived from Hatai’s formula (for males). Means at seven age periods from Jackson's data; males, ©, females, ®. Fig.1.5 EYEBALLS Percentage of body weight. Curve derived from Hatai’s formula (for males). Means at seven age periods from Jackson's data; males, 0, females, ®. Percentage of body weight 150 Body weight in grams 28 Cc. M. JACKSON = Fig.2a LUNGS Percentage of body weight. Curve derived from Hatai’s formula (for males). Means at seven age periods from Jackson’s data; males, ©, females, ®. Percentage of body weight Fig.2b THYMUS Percentage of body weight. Means at seven age periods from Jackson's data; males, O, females, ®. 150 Body weight in grams over, the differences between the sexes in percentage weight shown in the table are comparatively slight, usually well within the limits of probable error. It is noteworthy that my data give percentage weights which are slightly, but almost constantly, higher than those of the curve derived from Hatai’s formula Giga The heart shows a considerable degree of variability in abso- lute weight (table 7), the coefficient increasing from 18 at birth to 33.7 at twenty days and 29.7 at six weeks. At ten weeks and five months the coefficient decreases (18.4 and 21.3) to near that at birth. For the relative weight, however, the relations are quite different. At birth and seven days, the coefficient of ‘variation for the percentage weight of the heart is rather high (15 to 18), though still somewhat less than that for the absolute weight. From twenty days onward, however, there is remark- ably little variation in the percentage weight of the heart, the coefficient being usually less than 10. This corresponds to the high coefficient of correlation between the weight of the heart and the body weight after twenty days (0.840 to 0.968), which POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT 29 at birth and seven days is much lower (0.583 and 0.504). How- ever, the high figures for the older rats are partly due to a ‘spurious correlation,’ as will be explained later. 7. Lungs According to calculations made from Hatai’s (’13) formula, the lungs, as shown by the curve in figure 2 a, decrease in relative (percentage) weight from a maximum of 1.60 per cent of the entire body weight at 5 grams to 1.32 per cent at 10 grams, 1.06 per cent at 20 grams, 0.80 per cent at 50 grams, 0.64 per cent at 120 grams, 0.59 per cent at 200 grams, 0.55 per cent at 300 grams, and 0.54 per cent at 400 grams. The relative weight of the lungs in the male according to my data increases from about 1.59 per cent of the body weight at birth to 1.93 per cent at seven days. From this maximum it decreases to 0.68 per cent at six weeks, and 0.57 per cent at ten weeks. The apparent increase at five months and one year is probably due to the inclusion of unrecognized pathological cases. Except at twenty days, the relative weight of the lungs appears slightly higher in the female than in the male. This is chiefly because the body weight is usually greater in the male. Any sexual difference aside from this is very doubtful. It will be observed that the curve derived from Hatai’s formula does not show the preliminary increase in percentage weight which is indicated by my data, and which is found so characteristic of the viscera in general. The variability of the lungs in absolute weight at birth (23.3) is much greater than that of the whole body, but is later approxi- mately equal to it in most cases (16.6 to 23.9). The variation in percentage weight is usually much less than in absolute weight; and the correlation with the body weight is correspondingly high (73.6 to 94.3 except at ten weeks, 62.3). The high figures are partly due to a ‘spurious correlation.’ The weights of the right and the left lungs were also taken separately, although not recorded in the table. The right lung is always much larger than the left, the ratio being approxi- 30 Cc. M. JACKSON mately 2 : 1, which does not change appreciably according to age. The variability in absolute weight of right and left lungs taken separately, is about the same as for both together, as shown by table G. TABLE G Coefficient of variation for the lungs (sexes together) | | » | NEWBORN 4 DAYS 20 DAYS | 6 WEEKS 44m. 43 f. 30m. 27f. | 24mb25f. | 22m.176 , : | | | | Bothvlungeys eres een | 23.3+1.3 | 16.6+1.1 23.9+1.7 | 19.4+1.5 Right lunes 5.) eee. cnet oe \) 22 path 0 24.9 19.7 2.9 | Lysis: Dp. 19.4 Aoektiwlum oe See ee A be 22.6 The coefficient of correlation between the body weight and weight of lungs, including right and left lung separately, is given in table H. While the coefficients are too high (due to ‘spurious correlation’) those at any given age may be safely compared with each other. TABLE H Coefficient of correlation between the lungs and the net body weight (sexes together) NEWBORN | 7 DAYS 20 DAYS | 6 WEEKS dom: 43f.. je 30am t | .ddmeee, |) 29 ne aiae ‘Both lungs...... | 0.736+0.033 | 0.799+0.032 0.868+0.024 | 0.943-£0.012 Right lung...... | 0.739+0.033 | 0.813+0.030 | 0.854+0.026 | 0.949+0.011 Left dune eee 0.693+0.038 | 0.687+0.047 | 0.876+0.022 | 0.902+0.020 From this table it is evident that the correlation between body weight and right lung is practically the same as between body weight and both lungs; and that the correlation between body weight and left lung is usually but slightly less. These figures show no evidence of the existence between the right and left lungs of any compensatory regulation in size, for deviations within the limits of normal variation. This question may be complicated by other factors, however, so that it is unsafe to draw any definite conclusion regarding the matter. POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT B31 r 8. Laver The curve representing the relative (percentage) weight of the liver, according to calculations from Hatai’s formula, is shown in figure 6a. It is seen that the relative weight of the liver increases from 4.87 per cent of the body weight at 10 grams to a maximum of 7.80 per cent at 25 grams, after which it gradually decreases to 7.17 per cent at 50 grams, 5.75 per cent at 120 grams, 5.02 per cent at 200 grams, 4.55 per cent at 300 grams, and 4.27 per cent at 400 grams. When grouped according to age periods, my own data (table 9, fig. 6 a) show that in the male the relative weight of the liver forms an average of 4.74 per cent of the body weight at birth. Unlike the organs previously considered, it apparently decreases at seven days, to 3.39 per cent, increasing to 4.64 per cent at twenty days and reaching a maximum of 6.78 per cent at six weeks. Thereafter it decreases to an average of 4.42 per cent at one year. The female exhibits a similar course of growth; but is slightly larger relatively than the male at birth and seven days, and smaller at all later periods.- My data therefore indicate a sexual difference, although none was found by Dr. Hatai in his data. It will also be noted that the liver in my data is at all periods relatively small, when compared with the formula derived from Hatai’s data. It is possible that the discrepancy may be due to a slight difference in the diet. Chalmers Watson (’10) finds a marked decrease in the relative size of the liver in captured wild rats, and ascribes the decrease to a diminution in the protein of the bread and milk diet during captivity. If the lower figures in my data were due to this cause, however, we should expect to find a similar condition in the kidneys, which Watson finds also to be larger with rich protein diet. As will be seen later, how- ever, my data usually show for the kidneys a higher relative weight than that according to the formula calculated from Hatai’s data. The difference, therefore, can hardly be explained on this basis. ae Cc. M. JACKSON The large but irregular variability of the liver in the present data is shown in table 9. The coefficient of variation in abso- lute weight appears at different periods from 18.6 to 40.8, but with no definite change according to age or sex. The variation in the percentage weight is seen to be, as a rule, very much less. Accordingly, the coefficient of correlation between liver and body weight is high, from 73.6 to 96.8 (high figures, however, partly due to ‘spurious correlation’). Fig.3 a THYROID GLAND Percentage of body weight. Curve derived from Hatai’s formula (both sexes). : Ty o Means at seven age periods from Jackson's data; males, 0, females, ®. 020 Percentage of body weight xa Ges ’ 20H Fig.3 b SPLEEN Percentage of body weight. 5 Curve derived from Hatai’s formula (males, enlarged spleens excluded). J Means at seven age periods from Jackson's data; males, 0, females, ®. 0 510 20 50 100 150 200 300 Body weight in grams 9. Spleen The relative (percentage) weight of the spleen, calculated from Hatai’s (13) formula, is represented by the curve in figure 3 b. It is seen that the spleen increases in relative size from 0.16 per cent of the body weight at 5 grams to 0.30 per cent at 10 grams, and a maximum of 0.32 per cent at 20 grams, thereafter decreas- ing slowly to 0.30 per cent at 50 grams, 0.28 per cent at 120 grams, 0.27 per cent at 200 grams, and 0.26 per cent at 300 to 500 grams. POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT 33 When grouped according to age periods (table 10, fig. 3 b) my own data show an increase in the relative size of the (male) spleen frdm 0.22 per cent of the body weight at birth to a maxi- mum of 0.41 per cent at seven days. For succeeding ages, the percentage weight agrees fairly with that derived from the for- mula, excepting the unusually high figure (0.396 per cent) at one year. ‘There is no distinct difference between the sexes, or change in relative size according to age (after the first week). It may be noted that my data for the spleen tend to run some- what higher than the curve derived from Hatai’s formula. This may be because Hatai’s formula is based upon data from which the ‘enlarged’ spleens had been excluded. His figures for all spleens average very much higher than mine. The spleen is known to be an unusually variable organ and this is certainly true for the rat. As shown in table 10, the coefficient of variation in absolute weight is from 25 to 51 (ex- cepting at five months, 18.9) The coefficient of variation in per- centage weight is usually but slightly less than that in absolute weight. The coefficient of correlation between spleen and body weight is accordingly somewhat low, varying from 0.406 to 0.542 with an exceptionally high correlation (partly ‘spurious’) of 0.967 at twenty days. 10. Stomach and intestines From the curve of relative (percentage) weight constructed from Hatai’s (13) formula (fig. 5), it appears that the empty alimentary canal increases from about 3.0 per cent of the body at 10 grams, to 7.5 per cent at 20 grams, and a maximum of 8.0 per cent at about 35 grams, after which it decreases to 6.3 per cent at 100 grams, 5.0 per cent at 200 grams, and 4.5 per cent at 300 grams. Observations were made upon the empty intestinal canal in only a part of my own series. These observations, grouped according to ages (table 11, fig. 5) indicate that the relative weight of the empty tract increases from an average of about 2.4 per cent of the body weight in the newborn to a maximum of about 8 per cent at six weeks, decreasing to 5 per cent at one year. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, No 1 34 Cc. M. JACKSON They therefore agree fairly well with the curve from Hatai’s formula. The data are too few for calculation of the coefficients of variation and correlation at the various ages. A complete series of observations is available for the stomach and intestines plus contents, however, a summary of which is given in table 12 and figure 5. The increase in relative weight runs somewhat parallel to that for the empty tract, increasing from an average of about 6 per cent of the body weight in the newborn toa maximum of about 16 per cent at six weeks, decreasing thereafter to about 7 per cent at one year. The coefficient of variation for the canal with contents (calcu- lated only to six weeks) is somewhat high, 28.6 to 42.1, but not so high as was anticipated. It is, as might be expected, highest in the newborn (only a part of which had suckled) and at twenty days (weaning period). The coefficient of correlation between body weight and canal with contents is low in the newborn (0.29) but comparatively high later (0.59 to 0.84), partly due to ‘spuri- ous correlation.’ Although one naturally thinks of the alimentary canal with contents as exceedingly variable in size, it is inter- esting to note that it is actually less variable than some other viscera. In general, after the newborn age, it is usually less variable and more closely correlated with the body weight than are the ovaries, spleen and suprarenals. It is on account of this degree of correlation between body weight and alimentary canal with contents that in the rat the gross weight serves almost as well as the net body weight as a basis for estimating the relative weight of the various organs. 11. Suprarenal glands From the curves of relative (percentage) weight (fig. 4) cal- culated according to Hatai’s formulas, it is seen that the relative weight of the suprarenals in the male increases from 0.031 per cent of the body at 5 grams to a maximum of about 0.040 per cent at 10 to 15 grams, thereafter decreasing to 0.038 per cent at 20 grams, 0.030 per cent at 50 grams, 0.021 per cent at 120 grams, 0.018 per cent at 160 grams, and 0.014 per cent at 300 grams. In POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO’ RAT 35 SUPRARENAL GLANDS Percentage of body weight. Curve derived from Hatai’s formula, males, ___, females, Means at seven age periods from Jackson's data; males, ©, females, ®. Se mo ml Mem ome ween ee meee = come senerens =-- Percentage of body weight 0 510 20 50 100 150 200 300 Body weight in grams Percentage of body weight. STOMACH-INTESTINE Percentage of body weight. Curve, for empty canal, derived from Hatai’s formula (for males). Means at seven age periods from Jackson's data. For empty canal, males, ©, females, 8; For canal with contents; males, e, females, + 0 15}10 »20 50 100 150 200 “300! Body weight in grams 36 Cc. M. JACKSON the female the relative weight increases from 0.037 per cent of the body at 5 grams to a maximum of about 0.042 per cent at 10 grams, decreasing to 0.038 per cent at 20 grams, 0.032 per cent at 50 grams, 0.029 per cent at 100 grams, 0.027 per cent at 160 grams, and 0.026 at 300 grams. Thus the suprarenal bodies appear relatively much larger in the female, especially for a body weight above 100 grams. .Grouped according to age periods, my own data (table 13, fig. 4) likewise show the relative growth of the suprarenals to be quite different in the two sexes. In the male, the maximum rela- tive size, 0.038 per cent of the body weight, apparently occurs in the newborn, decreasing to 0.023 per cent at seven days, but increasing again to 0.036 per cent at twenty days, which is nearly as large as the maximum. Thereafter the relative weight de- creases to 0.027 per cent at six weeks, 0.018 per cent at ten weeks, and 0.016 per cent at five months and one year. The course of relative growth is somewhat similar in the female, but the maxi- mum (0.043 per cent) occurs at twenty days instead of at birth (0.041 per cent). After six weeks, the relative size is much greater in the female, being 0.026 per cent to 0.028 per cent of the body weight. Even the absolute weight of the suprarenals (after six weeks) is considerably greater in oe female, although the body weight is much less. When compared with the ee cal curve of growth, a marked discrepancy may be noted in the present data (table 13) at seven days. For some unaccountable reason, the suprarenals in my series appear to lag behind during the first week, increasing in weight only about 20 per cent, while the body weight is doubled. There is also a corresponding irregularity in correlation with the body weight at seven days, which is very low, especially in the male. The coefficient of variation in absolute weight is somewhat high and irregular (20.4 to 38.7) with variations showing no definite relation to age or sex. The coefficient of variation in percentage weight is usually but little, if any, lower. The coeffi- cient of correlation between suprarenals and body weight is cor- POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT ai respondingly low, 0.347 to 0.583 (except at seven days) for the sexes combined. In the sexes, separately, however, the correla- tion is usually somewhat higher, as might be expected, since the sexes show a characteristic difference in the relative weight of the suprarenals. 12. Kidneys The relative (percentage) weight of the kidneys, reckoned according to Hatai’s formula, is shown by the curve in figure 6 b. The kidneys appear in the newborn male to form 0.90 per cent of the body weight at 5 grams, which increases to a maximum of 1.53 per cent at 10 grams, thereafter decreasing to 1.38 per cent at 20 grams, 1.10 per cent at 50 grams, 0.91 per cent at 130 grams, 0.85 per cent at 200 grams, 0.82 per cent at 300 grams, and 0.80 per cent at 400 grams. When grouped according to age periods, my own data (table 14, fig. 6 b) show the relative (percentage) weight of the kidneys to increase in the male from 0.96 per cent of the body weight at birth to 1.29 per cent at seven days and to a maximum of 1.44 per cent at twenty days. Thereafter it decreases to 1.27 per cent at six weeks, 1.03 per cent at ten weeks, 0.93 per cent at five months, and 0.95 per cent at one year. In the females, the average percentage weight of the kidneys is usually slightly higher than in the male of the same age, but nearly the same as that of a male, with the same body weight. The agreement of my data with the curve derived from Hatai’s formula is remark- ably close (fig. 6 b). The coefficient of variation of the kidneys in absolute weight (table 14) is greater than that of the body in the earlier periods, reaching a maximum of 33.7 at twenty days. Later, however, the kidneys become less variable than the body weight, the coef- ficient being 15 to 19. The variation in the percentage weight is low, especially from seven days onward. The coefficient of correlation between kidneys and body weight is correspondingly high, being birth, and 0.788 to 0.955 at later age periods, (partly due to ‘spurious correlation’). No constant difference in variation is noticeable according to age or sex. 38 Cc. M. JACKSON RESO Lee Fig.6 a LIVER Percentage of body weight. Curve derived from Hatai’s formula (for males). ee Means at seven age periods from Jackson's data; maies, O, fernales, ©. Percentage of body weight Fig.6 b KIDNEYS Percentage of body weight. Curve derived from Hatai’s formula (for males). Means at seven age periods from Jackson’s data; males, ©, females, ®. 0 510 20 50 100 150 200 300 Body weight in grams 1.50 % 1.20) —_| 30 Fig.7 a TESTES Percentage of body weight. 60 a) Curve derived from Hatai’s formula (epididymis not. included). Means at seven age periods from Jackson’s data (epididymis included). 30 @ ie) 040/74 % [o) @® (s) Percentage of body weight .020 32 bs Fig.7 b OVARIES Percentage of body weight. . Curve derived from Hatai’s formula, * 010. eee . Means at seven age periods from Jackson's date. 0 510 20 50 100 _ 150 200 300 Body weight in grams POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT 39 13. Gonads a. Testes. The relative (percentage) weight of the testes, cal- culated from Hatai’s (13) formulas, is represented by the curve in figure 7 a. This gives a relative weight of 0.40 per cent of the body weight at 10 grams and about the same at 20 grams. Unlike that of other organs, the relative weight of the testes con- tinues to increase for a long time (up to age of puberty), being 0.80 per cent at 50 grams and reaching a maximum of 1:30 per cent from 90 to 100 grams. Thereafter it decreases to 1.28 per cent at 120 grams, 1.16 per cent at 170 grams, 1.09 per cent at 200 grams, 0.90 per cent at 300 grams, and 0.76 per cent at 400 grams. Unfortunately, in my own data the epididymis is included with the testes and the results are therefore not strictly comparable with those of the formula above, which do not include the epi- didymis. A few special measurements indicate that thé epididy- mis forms one-fifth or one-sixth of the weight of the testes proper in the younger rats, which however increases (with irregular vari- ations) to one-third after the age of puberty, at about ten weeks. In extreme cases, the weight of the epididymis is one-half that of the testis proper. The weight of the testes proper, as well as of accessory sexual apparatus (epididymis, seminal vesicles, et cetera), probably undergoes considerable change during cycles of sexual activity. This has been noted by Disselhorst (’98, ’08) in various mammals and especially in birds, for the gonads in both sexes. My own data (table 15, fig. 7 a) indicate that the testes (in- cluding the epididymis) form an average of about 0.13 per cent of the body at birth, increasing gradually to a maximum of 1.50 per cent at ten weeks, and decreasing somewhat at later periods. The variability in absolute weight is quite high, the coefficient varying from 25.3 at birth to 40.7 at five months (excepting at seven days, when it is only 17.7). The coefficient of variation in percentage weight is much lower (10.3 to 32.8) and the correla- tion with the body weight higher than might be expected (0.67 to 0.95, except at ten weeks, 0.48). These figures are somewhat too high, however, due to ‘spurious correlation.’ 40 C. M. JACKSON b. Ovaries The growth of the ovaries is quite complex. In the relative (percentage) growth curve (fig. 7 b) constructed from data according to Hatai’sformulas, two distinct phases are notice- able. In the first phase, beginning at birth, the ovaries increase ' in relative size from about 0.017 per cent to a maximum of about 0.030 per cent at a body weight of 10 to 15 grams. Thereafter the ovaries decrease to about 0.015 per cent of the body weight at 60 grams. Then begins the second period of acceleration, corresponding to the advent of puberty, during which the ovaries increase to a second maximum of about 0.037 per cent of the body weight at 110 to 120 grams. Thereafter the ovaries lag behind steadily in relative growth, and form only about 0.017 per cent of the body weight at 300 grams. When grouped according to age periods, my data (table 15, fig. 7 b), show considerable irregularity in the relative size of the ovaries. From an average of about 0.017 per cent of the body at birth they increase (after an apparent drop at seven days) to a first maximum of about 0.022 per cent at twenty days. Then they decrease to about 0.020 per cent at six weeks, increasing to a second maximum of 0.034 per cent at ten weeks, the age of puberty. Thereafter they decrease, averaging 0.025 per cent of the body weight at one year. _ The extremes recorded in the size of the ovaries (table 15) show a remarkable range. This is due partly to difficulty during the earlier stages in dissecting out the ovaries accurately, and partly to fluctuations in size in the later stages, probably on account of cycles of ovulation. Coefficients of variation were not calculated for the earliest stages, as the data were consid- ered inadequate. For periods from twenty days onward, the high- est coefficient of variation in absolute weight, 50.9, was found at ten weeks (the age of puberty), and the lowest, 32.7, at five months. The coefficients of variation in percentage weight are somewhat lower (25 to 39); and the coefficient of correlation between ovaries and body weight varies from 0.64 to 0.82 (some- what too high, due to ‘spurious correlation’). POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT 41 14. General considerations We may now review briefly certain phases of growth and varia- bility of the viscera. First should be noted the growth of the viscera, taking the group as a whole (including brain), in com- parison with the remainder of the body. As found by Jackson and Lowrey (12), the visceral group of the rat at birth forms about 18 per cent of the body weight. It -increases in relative weight to an average of about 19.2 per cent at seven days, and to a maximum of about 21.3 per cent of the body weight at three weeks. At six weeks, it has decreased slightly, to 20.4 per cent, but continues to decrease in relative weight to about 16 per cent at ten weeks, 14.8 per cent at five months, and 13.3 per cent at one year. ; Data for comparison of the relative size in other animals are cited by Jackson and Lowrey (712), who point out that in gen- eral the smaller mammals have a relatively larger visceral appa- ratus, probably correlated with a more intense metabolism. The rat occupies a somewhat intermediate position, the relative weight of the viscera being less than that of most of the smaller mammals, but greater than that of the larger mammals. Since the visceral group forms a comparatively small part of the entire body, its relative size will evidently be influenced greatly by the rate of growth of the other parts of the body.. Jackson and Lowrey (’12) have shown that in the rat the relative increase in the weight of the viscera during the first week is accompanied _by a similar slight increase in the skeleton and a very marked increase in the relative weight of the integument. The relative increase in these three systems is apparently balanced by a small decrease in the relative weight of the musculature, and by a remarkable decrease in the ‘remainder,’ due chiefly to a disap- pearance of excess body liquids. The slight further increase in the relative weight of the viscera at three weeks is accompanied by an increase in the musculature, and is balanced by decreases in the skin, skeleton and remainder. Thereafter the slow gradual decrease in the relative weight of the visceral group is accom- panied by a similar decrease in the skin and skeleton. This is 42 Cc. M. JACKSON balanced by a corresponding increase in the musculature, which by its large size virtually dominates the further growth of the body as a whole. It is further evident that the growth of the body as a whole is the resultant of unlike growths of its various component sys- tems. This principle applies likewise to the growth of the vis- ceral group, the various organs having each its own characteristic mode of growth. As a matter of fact, only three individual organs, thymus, heart, and kidneys (and perhaps also the supra- renals) have their apparent maximum relative weight at the age of three weeks, when the visceral group as a whole appears rela- tively largest. The stomach and intestines and the liver appar- ently reach their maximum relative weight at the latter period of six weeks, and the gonads at ten weeks. Of those reaching their maximum at an earlier period, the brain, spinal cord, eye- balls, lungs, and spleen appear to be relatively heaviest in the second week while the thyroid gland appears relatively heaviest in the newborn. Somewhat similar relations as to the relative growth of the various organs were found by Kellicott (’08) in the dogfish. Of the various organs observed, only the brain and rectal gland appear relatively largest at birth. The heart, pancreas, spleen and liver increase rapidly so as to reach their maximum relative _ size a short time after birth, and thereafter decline steadily (with a secondary increase in the liver, due to accumulation of fat). The gonads reach their maximum relative size at sexual maturity in the dog-fish. Scattering data for the growth of the human viscera are re- corded by various authors (for references, see paper by Jackson 09), but they are scarcely adequate to determine the question as to the course of postnatal relative growth for the individual organs. In general, so far as may be judged from the data avail- able, the human visceral group appears relatively larger at birth than at any subsequent age. The lungs, however, appear to increase somewhat in relative weight so as to reach a maximum after birth. This is perhaps also true of the heart, kidneys and gonads, and it is quite possible that more extensive data would POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT 43 show this to be true also for other organs. Some difference between man and rat might naturally be expected, however, since the rat is born in a more immature condition. The variability in the weight of the body must also depend ultimately upon the variability of its component parts. As to the variability of the component parts of the rat, we have data for the head and viscera only. A brief summary of the coeffi- cients of variation in round numbers (from tables 2 to 15; sexes together, excepting gonads and brain) is given in table I. The difference in variation between the sexes is usually not very marked (as may be noted in tables 2 to 15); although there appears to be a tendency to greater variability in the male, both in body weight and in weight of the individual viscera. In the table above it may be noted that the head and head organs (brain, eyeballs) form a group of small variability (average coeffi- cient 10 to 12) which is usually far below that for the body as a whole (average 19). The other organs are more variable than the body. The lungs, kidneys, heart, liver, and suprarenals form a moderately variable group (average 21 to 26) while the gonads, thymus, spleen and intestinal canal (with contents) are exceed- ingly variable (average 29 to 43). The average coefficient of variation for the viscera examined is 25. It is noteworthy, however, that the average coefficient of variation is lowest at birth and one week, and highest at three weeks. This agrees with what is found also for the body as a whole. A brief summary of the coefficients of correlation between the body weight and the weight of the individual viscera (from tables 3 to 15, sexes together, excepting brain and gonads) is given in round numbers in table J. In this table likewise the differences according to sex are dis- regarded, but even when these are taken into account (cf. tables 3 to 15) the general relations are not materially changed. In about two-thirds of the cases, however, the coefficient of correla- tion is higher in the males than in the corresponding females; 6 The blood, the percentage weight of which in adult rats, according to Chisolm (11), has a coefficient of variation of 10.7, possibly also belongs in this group. 44 Coefficients of variation in weight: albino rat C. M. JACKSON TABLE I 6 WEEKS NEWBORN, 1 WEEK 3 WEEKS 10 WEEKS | 5 MONTHS | AVERAGE isa Wy ale 7 12 , i 40 Eyeballs...... 16 15 13 8 11 Ores 12 ieadseneeenm: 10 iil 15 10 14 13 12 Total body... 12 16 28 21 20 19 19 unest aera 23 17 24 19 21 21 Kidneys...... 24 22 34 15 17, a 19 22 Eleantee eee 18 20 SA 30 1334 21 24 Miverss oe eeeen A | c.19 41 19 33 25 26 Suprarenals. . ph ea 20 33 22 21 39 26 iesteseee. 22-4 25 18 RO 27 35 4] 29 Thymus S| 32 43 50 25 224.1 | 34 Spleen...... BOW etl Bom 51 26 38 19° >|) « 84 Intestinal | canal (plus © | contents)... 38 29 42 30 | ) 018s Ovaries....... 42 47 51 33 | 43 Average of | 5 | viscera...| 23 | 22 Sia 24 26 24 25 1 From combined data as explained under Central nervous system. TABLE J Coefficients of correlation with the body weight: albino rat NEWBORN 1 WEEK | 3 WEEKS 6 WEEKS | 10 WEEKS | 5 MONTHS | AVERAGE | | elec oc coed Osne 0.89 0.93 0.95 0.75 0.85 0.86 Kidneys...... 0.70 0.79 0.96 0.92 0.90 0.91 0.86 Teivier! Jace a OeiG 0.76 0.97 | 0.84 0.74 | 0.87 | 0.83 Lungs 0.74 0.80 Ors7 | 0.94 0.62 | 0.80 Brains: aoe 0.69 0.78 0.88 ae a 0.78 1siGaittve ae seus 0.58 0.50 0.91 0.97 0.86 | 0.84 0.78 Testes... 0.67 0.75 0.95 0) 75) 0.48 0.88 0.75 Mvanlesee. nee O73 0.64 0.82 0.81 0.75 Intestinal | canal (plus | | contents).. 0.29 0.59 0.84 0.76 0.62 Phymuses ts) 02 OF 0.74 0.89 0.90 0.51 | —0.09 0.60 Spleen face 0.54 0.44 0.97 0.50 0.41 0.46 0.55 Eyeballs...... 0.67 0.52 OnG729| ‘Oral 0.22 0.32 0.45 Suprarenals.. 0.51 0.13 0.58 0.41 0.41 0.35 0.40 Average....| 0.63 | 0.63 | 0.85 | 0.75 | 0.62 | 0.70 | 0.70 POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT 45 so there appears to be a tendency to closer correlation, as well as to greater variability, in the males. It will be observed, on com- paring this table with the preceding, that (excepting the head) the organs most closely correlated with the body weight are not those of least variability in weight, but a group which is some- what more variable than the body as a whole (kidneys, liver, lungs). In these organs, the average coefficient of correlation varies from 0.80 to 0.86. Next come the brain and heart (0.78). The gonads are more closely correlated (0.75) with the body weight than might be anticipated from their variability in weight; while the eyeballs (0.45) and suprarenals (0.40) are lowest in the scale. The average coefficient of correlation for the organs studied is 0.70. It will be noted that there seems to be a direct relation between the variability of the viscera and their correlation with the body weight. In both it is evident that the average coeff- cient is lowest at birth and seven days, and highest at three weeks. As a matter of fact, however, a higher coefficient of correlation is to be expected during growth at times when the body weight and organ weight are most variable. This is due to a ‘spurious correlation,’ which has been referred to repeatedly in connection with the discussion of correlation of the individual organs with the body weight at the definite age periods. When all the rats at a given age are grouped together there is naturally, on account of their unequal growth, a considerable scattering of the body weights and corresponding organ weights. This causes an aug- mentation of the real coefficient of correlation, in accordance with the general principle of ‘“‘correlation due to heterogeneity of material”’ (Yule ’11, p. 214). To determine the true correlation between the body weight and organ weight at any given age, it would be necessary to have a sufficient number of animals so that they could be separated into groups of approximately the same body weight or organ weight. The present data are unfor- tunately inadequate for this purpose. It is evident, however, that all the coefficients of correlation above given are somewhat too high, and that no conclusions can be drawn from them as 46 Cc. M. JACKSON to change in correlation with age. Coefficients of correlation in different organs at the same age may be compared with each other, however, since the body weights and the ‘spurious correlation’ factor would be the same for all. The coefficient of variation of the relative or percentage weight is usually much lower than that of the absolute weight of the various organs.’ The difference is inconstant, however, and the eyeballs form a marked exception to the rule. In most cases, therefore, the percentage weight of an organ can be predicted much more accurately than the absolute weight of the organ at any given age. The data agree in general with the theory that the growth of the individual organs is correlated with the growth of the whole body more closely than with age, as Donaldson (08) has found for the brain of the rat. For comparison of the variability in the human viscera, a few data are available. Pearson (’97) from data of Reid and Peacock calculates the coefficients of variation for the human heart (abso- lute weight), male, 19.8, female, 20.7; liver, male, 14.5, female, 22.2; kidneys, male, 20.5, female, 22.5. Greenwood (04) from more extensive data finds the coefficients of variation for healthy organs (males only) approximately as follows: heart, 17.7; liver, 14.8; kidneys, 16.8; spleen, 38. From the foregoing it would therefore appear that the heart, liver and kidneys are less variable in man than in the rat. The spleen is more nearly alike in the two forms, and in both is by far the most variable of the organs compared. Pearl (’05) classifies the human bodily characters with reference to variability in three groups: (1) those with coefficient of variation above 10, viscera in general, whose weight depends largely upon the general metabolic condition of the body and in which natural selection is concerned with functional ability rather than with size: (2) those below 7, chiefly skeletal dimen- sions, in which the conditions of (1) are reversed; and (3) those with coefficient from 7 to 10, including brain and skull capacity, in which intermediate conditions are found. 7 Chisolm (’11) finds the coefficient of variation for the percentage weights in adult rabbits, for the spleen, 46.7; kidneys, 16.5; liver, 32.5 This would indicate that these organs are more variable in the rabbit than in the albino rat. POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT 47 For various skull measurements, Hatai (’08) finds the varia- bility in the adult albino rat slightly less than in man. Finally, the question may be raised as to the significance of the relative size of an organ. Why does it vary so greatly in different species and even in individuals of the same species, especially at different stages of development? While a satis- factory answer to this question is impossible in the present state of our knowledge, certain features of interest in this connection may be noted. There are several conditions according to which a priori differences in the relative size of organs might be expected; even though, to a certain extent, a change in the relative size of any part tends, through physiological correlation, to produce a corresponding change in other parts of the body. 1. The relative size of an organ may vary according to the size of the whole body. On account of mechanical principles, with changes in the ratio of dimensions to surface and mass of the body, and so forth, corresponding changes in the relative size of skin, skeleton, musculature, et cetera, might be expected, as has been pointed out by Welcker and Brandt (’03). 2. Unequal growth of any (especially of a large) part of the body necessarily involves an inverse change in the relative size of the remaining parts of the body. For example, the relative increase in the musculature during the later periods of growth involves a corresponding decrease in the relative size of other organs. Fluctuations in the relative amounts of intestinal contents, body fat, hair, and so forth, may likewise produce changes in the rela- tive size of the various organs, as has been emphasized by E. Voit (’05). 3. Differentiation in histological structure may result in more efficient physiological activity, so that a relatively smaller organ may suffice to perform a given function. For example, it is doubtless partly on this account that the embryonic heart and other organs are relatively larger than later. 4. Changes in functional activity, as is well known, occasion an atrophy or hypertrophy of the corresponding organs, with resultant changes in their relative size. Thus an increase of protein in the diet throws more work upon the liver and kidneys, 48 Cc. M. JACKSON causing them to become relatively larger. This principle of ‘use and disuse’ is widespread in its application as an explanation of changes in the relative size of organs. Joseph (’08) suggests that the relatively large heart in the smaller mammals may be due to a ‘physiological hypertrophy,’ correlated with the more rapid rate of pulsation. 5. Within certain limits, however, an organ is normally some- what larger than is necessary to perform the functional activity usually demanded. Fluctuations in the amount of this excess of structure (which Melzer has termed the ‘factor of safety’) may account for a part of the individual variations in relative size found to a greater or less extent in every organ. 6. Various pathological conditions may be associated, either directly or indirectly, with changes in the relative size of indi- vidual organs or parts of the body. The foregoing illustrate conditions associated with changes in the relative size of organs, and representing for the most part teleological explanations, rather than actual causes of varying growth rates in the different organs and parts. For any given organ the immediate cause of its characteristic rate of growth is, like that for the whole body, a complex of factors. These may be divided into (a) intrinsic structure and chemical composition of the organ and (b) its environment, especially the conditions affecting the vascular supply, which transmits the respiratory, nutritive and excretory materials, as well as specific hormones or substances which may stimulate the organ to growth and activity. SUMMARY Although the extensive data presented cannot satisfactorily be summarized, some of the more important general conclusions con- cerning growth and variability of the albino rat are included in the following: 1. At birth the males invariably exceed the females of the same litter in average body weight. Although growth is in gen- eral more vigorous in the females during the first six weeks, they fail to overtake the males in the majority of litters (at observed ages). At six weeks, however, the total average body weight of POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT 49 the females approaches or slightly exceeds that of the males. After six weeks, growth is more vigorous in the males and the females lag behind. 2. Variability in body weight is lowest at birth (the coefficient being about 12) not much higher at seven days (16). It appears highest at three weeks (28), and at later periods varies from 19 to 21. The average coefficient, taking all ages together, is 19. There is in the rat no evident correlation between varia- bility and rapidity of growth. The coefficient of variation is practically the same for the gross as for the net body weight. The coefficient usually appears higher in the male, but the differ- ence is slight and of doubtful significance. 3. Fraternal variability (within the litter) in body weight is very low, usually less than half that of the total population of the same age. 4, As the growth rate of the whole body is a resultant of the varying growth rates of the component systems (musculature, skeleton, viscera, and so forth) so the growth rate of the vis- ceral group is a resultant of the different growth rates of the individual organs. While the visceral group as a whole reaches its maximum relative (percentage) weight at about the age of three weeks, the thyroid gland apparently is relatively largest at birth, the brain, spinal cord, eyeballs, lungs and spleen about the second week, the thymus, heart, suprarenals (?) and kidneys at three weeks, intestinal canal and liver at six weeks, and the gonads at ten weeks. Differences according to sex, aside from the gonads, are most marked in the eyeballs (?) and suprarenal glands. 5. Similarly the variability in the weight of the body as a whole depends upon the variability of its component parts. In this respect the individual organs may be classified in three groups: (1) the head and head organs (brain, eyeballs) form a group of comparatively slight variability (average coefficient 10 to 12); (2) the heart, lungs, liver, suprarenals and kidneys form a group of moderate variability (average coefficient 21 to 26); (8) the thy- mus, spleen, gonads and intestinal canal (with contents) form an extremely variable group (average coefficient above ,29). THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, No. 1 50 Cc. M. JACKSON The average coefficient of variation for the viscera, taking all ages together, is about 25. The average however is lowest at birth and one week (22 or 23) and highest at three weeks (31), resembling in this respect the variability in the weight of the body as a whole. 6. The coefficient of variation for the relative or percentage weight is usually much lower than that for the absolute weight of the various organs, as the growth of the organs is correlated with that of the whole body more closely than with age. The eyeballs, however, form a conspicuous exception to this rule. 7. The highest degree of correlation with the body weight (average coefficient 0.80 to 0.86) is found, not among the organs of least variability (excepting the head), but among those of moderate variability (kidneys, liver, lungs). Next come the brain, heart and gonads (0.75 to 0.78). The remaining organs are much less closely correlated with the body weight, the lowest being the eyeballs and suprarenals (0.40 to 0.45). The average coefficient of correlation, all ages together, is about 0.70. The figures for coefficient of correlation are somewhat too high, being augmented by a ‘spurious correlation’ due to the heterogeneity of the weights when grouped at the age periods. Like the varia- bility, the correlation appears lowest at birth and one week (0.63) and highest at three weeks (0.85). Similarly the coefficient of correlation appears usually higher in the male, as is also the case with the coefficient of variation. BIBLIOGRAPHY Boas, F. 1897 The growth of Toronto school children, Report of U. 5S. Com- missioner of Education, II. Boas, O..0., aNd WissLER, O. O. 1904 Statistics of growth. Report U.S. . Commissioner of Education, I. Cutsotm, R. A. 1911 On the size and growth of the blood in tame rats. Quar- terly Jour. Exp. Physiol., vol. 4. Curriz, D. H. 1910 The rat and its relation to the public health (by various authors). Public Health and Marine Hospital Service of the U.S. Davenport, C. B. 1904 Statistical methods with especial reference to biologi- cal variation. 2nd ed., New York. DisseLHorst, R. 1898 Uber Asymetrien und Gewichtsunterschiede der Ge- sehlechtsorgane, Archiv f. wiss. u. prakt. Thierheilk. 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TABLE 1 Litters of albino rats used _ g | MALES FEMALES @ | AGE OF lm —= 8 | LITTER Average gross Average net | | Average gross Average net aa No. weight weight |No. weight weight 4 | (and range) (and range) | (and range) | (and range) | grams grams | grams grams 20 | newborn | 2 | 4.12 (8.67-4.57) 4.04 (3.59-4.48) | 2 | 3.71 (3.56-3.86) | 3.65 (3.50-3.79) 22 “newborn | 5 | 4.78 (3.48-5.56) 4.69 (3.43-5.17) 3 | 4.43 (4.03-4.70) | 4.24 (4.01-4.62) 23 |newborn| 1 | 4.44 4.30 0 | 24 | newborn 5 | 5.00 (4.68-5.25) | 4.90 (4.56-5.17) 4 | 4.74 (4.62-4.91) 4.63 (4.50-4.84) 25 | newborn| 1 | 5.19 | 4.98 | 1 | 4.28 4.07 47 |newborn| 3 | 6.50 (6.40-6.62) | 6.03 (5.88-6.25) | 0 | 48 | newborn| 3 | 5.73 (5.53-5.97) 5.42 (5.24-5.59) 3 | 5.47 (5,29-5.59) 5.05 (4.90-5.20) 52 |newborn| 4 | 3.96 (3.41-4.75) | 3.82 (3.30-4.60) 1 | 3.88 | 3.72 53a| newborn) 1 | 5.27 5.09 5 | 4.93 (4.67-5.14) | 4.77 (4.52-4.98) 58 |newborn| 4 | 5.48 (5.30-5.62) 5.32 (5.16-5.45) 3 | 4.95 (4.23-5.41) | 4.82 (4.12-5.26) 61 |newborn| 4 | 5.49 (5.23-5.66) 5.35 (5.10-5.52) | 5 | 5.27 (5.00-5.53) | 5.13 (4.91-5.44) 64 |newborn| 8 | 4.77 (4.35-5.09) | 4.46 (4.06-4.74) 3 | 4.37 (4.24-4.55) | 4.07 (3.96-4.22) M9 |newborn| 5 | 5.42 (5.1-5.8) : 3 | 5.13 (4.9-5.4) M10 newborn} 2 | 5.85 (5.7-6.0) 4 | 5.58 (4.8-6.3) A28|newborn| 4 | 4.71 2 | 4.37 A29)newborn| 2 | 4.70 4) 4.63 A32 newborn) 3 5.11 (4.95-5.38) 5 | 4.73 (4.50-4.91) M8 | . 1 day 3 | 6.08 (5.75-6.35) 5 | 5.43 (4.70-6.05) | 62 | 1 day 3 | 5.41 (5.30-5.56) 5.13 (4.97-5.33) 8 | 4.96 (4.45-5.19) 4.74 (4.27-4.98) 63 | 1 day 0 5 | 4.90 (4.68-5.07) | 4.53 (4.15-4.78) 18 | 7 days 5 | 9.92 (8.54-10.46) | 9.56 (8.29-10.02)| 3 | 9.18 (8.88-9.57) 8.78 (8.58-9.11) 19 | 7 days 6 | 9.42 (9.11-9.58) 9.15 (8.85-9.33) 3 | 8.04 (7.56-8.72) 7.71 (7.19-8.32) 42 | 7 days 2 11.62 (10.80-12.43) 10.59 (9.84-11.33)| 4 12.07 (11.32-12.70) [11.02 (10.04-11.77) 46 | 7 days 1 15.56 14.95 | 1 |14.13 /13.23 49 | 7 days 7 12.36 (10.58-13.06) [11.77 (9.94-12.41) | 3 (11.60 (10.80-12.17) |11.07 (10.33 11-68) 51 | 7 days 2 |11.95 (11.89-12.00) (11.16 (11.04-11.27)) 3 |11.67 (11.50-11.77) 10.93 (10.71-11.07) 56a| 7 days 0 3 10.46 (9.87-10.96) |10.01 (9.48-10.43) 59 | 7 days 4 | 9.39 (8.07-10.13) 8.78 (7.40-9.55) ; 3 |10.12 (9.78-10.42) 9.44 (9.08-9.85) 60 | 7 days 3 | 8.48 (6.46-10.46) | 8.24 (6.32-10.15)| 4 | 9.40 (9.05-9.78) 9.10 (8.70-9.63) M6 | 7 days 5 12.01 (9. 10-12. 95) 3 /11.55 (11. 15-12. 15) M7 | 7 days 2 10.75 (10.20-11.30) 4 10.96 (10.55-11.40) M8 | 7 days 3 12.22 (12.05-12.55) 5 |11.52 (10.55-12.25) M9 | 7 days 5 | 9.26 (8.8-9.7) 3 | 8.7 (8.4-9.1) M10! 7 days 2 {11.3 (11.1-11.5) 4 10.75 (9.2-11.8) A287 days 4 | 7.52 2 | 7.56 e A29| 7 days 2 12.42 4 |10.42 A32| 7 days 3 | 9.83 (9.44-10.14) 5 | 9.50 (9.04-10.08) A383) 7 days O° 7 | 9.44 (6.70-10.12) | M6 | 14days | 5 21.0 (20.4-21.9) 3 /19.5 (19.1-19.9) M8 | 14days | 3 /18.8 18.3-19.2) 5 /17.8 (16.9-18.7) M9 | 14days | 3 18.7 (18.5-19.0) 3 /17.9 (17.5-18.6) M10} 14 days | 2 17.7 (17.0-18.4) 4 |17.9 (15.3-19.3) 26 | 20 days | 5 16.66 (13.92-18.52) |16.12 (13.82-17.74) | 3 |16.98 (15.39-17.82) |16.20 (14.99-17.03) 43 | 20days | 3 22.68 (21.90-23.15) |21.67 (20.98-22.04) | 3 |22.58 (22.45-22.65) |21 59 (21.52-21.71) 45 | 20 days | 3 /14.02 (13.49-14.56) /13.55 (13.00-14.09)| 8 |13.31 (12.71-13.76) [12.85 (12.34-13.23) 53b| 20 days | 5 29.42 (27.25-30.94) 28.31 (25.80-29.79) | 0 56b| 20 days | 2 33.84 (29.70-37.97) |32.05 (28.20-35.90)| 0 | 57 | 20 days | 4 (22.11 (21.16-22.43) 20.50 (19.64-21.90) | 3 19.46 (18.30-20.22) 18.05 (17.34-18.60) M1 | 20 days | 4 23.7 (22.9-24.1) | 1 25.0 M2 | 20 days | 4 26.9 (25.8-27.9) 1 |24.8 M6 | 20 days | 5 27.2 (23.7-28.8) 3 26.3 (25.8-26.8) M7 20 days | 2 21.0 (15.7-26.4) 4 |24.4 (19.7-27.0) 53 TABLE 1 (Continued) S MALES FEMALES c AGE OF 2 aes = ro B | LITTER | Average gross Average net | Average gross Average net e | |No. weight weight No weight weight Bi | | (and range) (and range) | (and range) (and range) grams grams grams grams M8 | 20 days | 3 | 26.2 (25.8-26.5) 5 | 25.1 (24.7-25.5) M9 | 20 days | 3 | 26.9 (25.6-27.9) | 3 | 25.8 (24.3-26.6) M10} 20 days | 2 | 24.7 (22.6-26.8) | 4 | 24.7 (21.8-26.5) A28| 20 days | 4 | 25.4 (23.5-27.0) | 2 | 25.2 (24.3-26.2) A29| 20 days | 2 | 24.1 (23.4-24.8) | 4 | 23.2 (21.5-24.1) A33| 20 days | 0 | 7 | 24.6 (21.0-26.1) 15 | 2l1days | 2 | 18.22 (17.71-18.72) | 17.77 (17.45-18.08)| 8 | 17.72 (15.27-19.19) | 16.95 (14.77-17.89) M7 | 30 days st | 45.2 (1 died) 4 | 40.8 (24.1-48.7) M8 | 30days | 3 | 47.9 (44.8-50.2) 5 | 44.0 (41.1-48.1) M9 | 30 days | (killed) ees | 49.9 (47.2-51.4) 29 | 41 days | 2 | 54.55 (52.9-56.2) | 49.65 (48.9-50.4) | 6 | 49.65 (42.8-53.7) | 46.0 (40.5-48.6) 30 | 41 days | 4 | 56.58 (55.1-58.4) | 50.78 (49.6-52.2) | 3 | 52.67 (40.8-58.7) | 48.43 (39.4-53.9) M2 | 41 days | 4 | 73.5 (70.2-80.9) | 1 | 66.7 | M9 | 42 days (killed) 3 | 82.5 (75.2-86.6) | M10| 42 days | 2 | 89.0 (83.0-95.0) 4 | 80.0 (66.0-92.0) | A28 | 42 days | 4 | 60.8 (57.3-63.5) 2| 65.3 (59.8-70.7) | A29| 42 days | 2 | 66.7 (66.1-67.4) 4 61.1 (59.6-63.6) | A33 | 42 days | 0 | 5 | 62.1 (58.4-69.8) | (2 killed) 31 | 42 days | 10 | 48.02 (39.4-53.4) | 44.63 (38.1-49.6)| 1 | 42.4 39.5 82 | 42 days | 5 | 51.78 (48.1-57.4) | 49.24 (41.3-54.9)| 4 | 46.27 (42.9-48.2) | 44.05 (39.6-46.3) 50a | 42 days | 1 | 89.0 | 82.5 | 8 | 84.57 (83.5-85.6) | 78.07 (76.8-78.8) M6 | 42 days | 3 | 62.7 (55.0-69.0) 1 | 66.0 | 33 | 48 days | 0 3 | 49.83 (42.9-60.8) | 45.4 (40.1-54.5) M1 | 43days | 4 | 73.1 (64.4-81.6) 1 | 70.0 | M7 | 44 days | 1/| 57.1 | 4 | 56.8 (23.5-71.8) | M8 | 48 days | 3 |105.9 (93.5-114.2) 5 | 86.5 (81.6-95.0) jessy fe ~ | = ——— 4 | 69days | 3 |117.1 (107.4-125.8) |112.5 (103.6-120.8) 0 | 5 | 70 days | 0 | 3.|100.7 (86.1-127.3) | 97.2 (83.2-122.2) 12 | 70 days | 3 | 89.9 (77.5-97.9) | 86.2 (74.1-93.7) | 2 |100.2 (98.2-102.1) | 89.2 (87.2-91.1) 40 | 70 days | 1 \151.1 1145.3 | 1 |101.9 97.6 41 | 70days | 4 117.8 (110.1-124.8) 112.7 (105.4-119.1)| 4 | 91.5 (82.2-106.9) | 88.1 (78.2-102.3) 50b| 70 days | 1 |182.2 (175.2 | 2 129.6 (123.9-135.4) 125.3 (120.3-130.2) 1 |; 7i days | 2 j149.9 (140.8-159.) 144.1 (184.1-154.) | 7 110.7 (85.4-126.9) 107.1 (82. 7-123.5) 44 | 71 days | #6 119.0 (111.8-134.1) (114.0 (108.4-128.6) 4 | 93.0 (75.5-100.) | 88.2 (71.1-94.8) M8 | 70 days | 3 {187.3 (177.-193.) | | 5 /135.0 (124.-145.) | 10 149days| 0 | | 2 137.8 (126.-149.6) 134.4 (122.5-146.3) 6 150 days| 5 1158 1 (142.5-167.8) 154.7 (139.4-164.6) | 4 |145.3 (120.6-159.9) (142.1 (115.9-156.7) 11 | 150 days| 4 |157.2 (150.7-166.2) [151.7 (145.9-157.1) | 3 160.0 (150.-164.0) (151.9 (140. 1-158. 1) 36 150 days | 3 172.6 (163.3-189.8) 168.0 (156.3-186.5) | 3 127.9 (111.8-136.3) 125.2 (110.3-133.) 38 | 150 days} 6 152.0 (120.6-176.8) 149.7 (118.8-176.) | 4 114.9 (97.3-130.3) 111.9 (94. 6-126. 2) 28 | 151 days | 2 |247.2 (241.8-252.5) 243.1 (239.4-246.8) | 5 |160.8 (183.5-174.1) |158.2 (131.8-171.5) 2 | lyear 0) 2 1184.3 (183.5-185.5) (181.9 (181.-182.7) 3 | lyear 0 | | 3 192.0 (156.2-209.7) {189.1 (154.-207.3) 4 | lyear | 0 | | 2 195.8 (188.7-202.8) |190.6 (182.6-198.5) 7 | Lyear | 1 (290.5 287.3 | 2120.9 (107.3-134.5) |119.5 (105.8-133.1) 8 | lyear | 1 |142.8 139.6 1 188.3 186.0 13 | 1 year 0) 2 |174.8 (142.-207.5) 172.5 (141.-204.) 34 1 year 0 | | 1 /115.8 114.2 37 | lyear | 1 [281.1 276.4 0 39 | 1 year 2 175.3 (118.4-232.1) 172.4 (115.6-229.2) | 3 113.8 (86.1-165.0) 110.8 (83.4-161.1) 35 | 13mo. | 0 4 |175.0 (167.2-181.3) |170.7 (161.9-178.6) 54 55 POSTNATAL GROWTH IN THE ALBINO RAT uO}yBIAOp paepueys eg°+ (uvjpour — uvoul) ¢ oe°+ = SSOUMOYG :B[NUIIOJ 0} SuTP1000B poye[NI[BY 90° — 91° — oo + | bh — “+ 78703) &o° — 69°+ 6° + Le Cleats oP eal ISSOUMOYS 69°+ ro°+ 20°+ er + cg°+ Lee "ey Bur CC I+T 61 ¢ 1+6 61 STE IS Il GF 82 0 1+9 ST $9° +E CI "**718}0} | UOPPUPIBA 9 TEST L 18 °'9T 8° CFL FG LU+¢ Lt & TZ et GL £6 6 peo jo Jusyo 0G 8I 168 81 8'I+P LT 0 €+=F 8% C I+6 91 66° 9ST | e7eur ~qWye0%) TI G8 82 CI+FEe 16 82°89 OT 9g +=IE'¢ 660° 9ST | 0€0 Ess" < roel uo}} 6 GFI IG L 19°91 €& TSP Cl 16° +8 'C Gl *9E'T £80 == 8¢F" “9[BUloy -efAop SEFC OE €°G¥0 66 98° +=0S'8 6¢° 609 Cl’ =IL'T | 8t0' 399° "* ayeur | paepueys €°L0G-F €8 G TLI-9 F6 @ O€T-T TZ 8° 8L-F 68 L Té-€ CL 86 SI-6T 2 tr GS-09 | ° ‘e[BuUroy asury €° 186-9 SIT | 8° 9-8 SIT 6 GLI-T PL ¢'C8-T1 8& 6 G€-0'&T 6 FI-GE'9 CarOROGRc. le emo lout 0° €+9 OST 6 G6 LOT OL T+ F9 6F 6o 89 8ST FI +1001 | Ch OGL b | °° 18904 9 O9T TI SP S&T € C8 86 88 TLE 0S SE FG OT 81° +166 140° 019 'F | °° O[BULey> Uva 9602 9° FP SOL € €=0 LIT GO 116 8F €8° ES 16 12° +IT 01 | 890° 298 F | eyeur (supib) yy bran fipog PN (Ff 1602-198 T FL4I-€ 26 ¥ CeI-G SL 998-8 OF L°G¢-L Ot T FI-99'°2 6¢°¢-9¢'°€ | °° “9TBULES asury ¢°062-F SIT | $°o9c-9 Oct C8I-G "LL 0 68-F 68 0°8&-G ET | 9°ST-9F'9 69°9-Ih § | °° ‘9TBuT CPST 0°ZIT 69° €¢ cc 6T cc or Ae eel ie ee [e304 L€91 I atl €° SOT | (40'S) 98 FE 10°21 | 8F OT CBF | °° ‘e[BUloy > UBOTY 4 ¢°L9T 6 IZT | (Ge T=) 68°2¢| 06°33 | 19 OT g0°¢ | °° °° ‘9yBur ‘JOC “UG ‘FIZ “OS ‘JES “UOT ‘FOG UGS ‘JOG (UFZ ‘JLB ULOE ‘Jer UP UVaAA T SHINOW ¢ SMaaM 9 NHOPMAN SUAAM OT SAVA QZ SAV ) (sw) jyBran fipoq SSO.) yO sjps ourgyp fo jybran hpog 6 WTAVL JACKSON M. 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A. BADERTSCHER Department of Histology and Embryology, Cornell University, Ithaca SEVEN FIGURES The investigation presented in this paper has a twofold object: Primarily, to offer an explanation for the source of large numbers of free eosin-staining granules and eosinophile leucocytes found in connection with degenerating muscle and with the absorption of the gills taking place during the period of transformation of Salamandra atra; and, secondarily, to present briefly the manner of muscle degeneration as it occurs in this form. In Salamandra atra an intimate relation exists between the origin of the eosino- phile leucocytes and degenerating muscle tissue so that the one cannot be studied without considering the other.' An investigation into the origin of the eosinophile iedoouwien seemed proper for the reason that the source and nature of the granules in the granular leucocytes is still a much debated ques- tion. Also, as far as I was able to determine, no work has yet 1 The material used was prepared by Dr. B. F. Kingsbury to whom it was kindly furnished by Professor Mollier of the Histological-Embryological Institute, Mu- nich. I wish to express my thanks to Professor Kingsbury for the use of the mate- rial and for the valuable suggestions given me on this work. Twenty-seven series were examined, of which six were of animals still in the larval condition, ranging in length from 12.5 to 38 mm.; thirteen in the period of transformation, ranging in length from 44 to 48 mm. and seven in the adult condition. Different approved fixers (Helly’s, Zenker’s, Tri- chlor-acetic) were used in fixing the material. Only the head and anterior part of the body, including the heart, were sectioned. The sections were cut from 8 to 15 micrain thickness. The greater number of the series were stained with iron or copper (Weigert’s) hematoxylin, and eosin or orange-G was used as a counter stain. 69 70 J. A. BADERTSCHER been done on amphibians with a view of tracing out the origin of eosinophile leucocytes. Brown (’98) is of the opinion that the products of degenerated muscle tissue are a source of eosinophile granules. In cases of trichinosis in man, he observed that the muscle fibers invaded by Trichina spiralis undergo a granulation in the immediate neighborhood of the parasite. All through the affected parts of a muscle are found large numbers of leucocytes, many of which are of the eosinophile type. The latter are very numerous in areas of marked degeneration. Though there were no evidences that - the leucocytes ingested bodily fragments of muscle tissue, he thinks that possibly the degenerated substance is taken up in a soluble form and transformed into eosinophile granules. Weidenreich (’08, ’11), who worked with mammals, is the chief exponent of the theory that the eosinophile granules are hemoglo- bin, containing products of degenerated erythrocytes. Accord- ing to him, leucocytes may ingest entire erythrocytes which then undergo disintegration, resulting in the formation of eosinophile granules, or the disintegration of the red cells may take place extracellularly and the eosinophile granules thus formed may be taken up, in their fully formed condition, by the leucocytes. In referring to the work of Brown he says (’11, p. 635): “‘. auch die Moéglichkeit ist nicht a accachloe em dass das Heme globin der Muskelfasern, . . . . eine Rolle bei der Bildung der Granula spielt.”’ The amphibians furnish most suitable material to test tie correctness of this theory, for during the period of metamorphosis marked disintegration of both erythrocytes and muscle tissue takes place. Also the degeneration of muscle tissue in this class of animals, in contrast to the pathological degeneration in cases of — trichinosis, is a normal process that regularly occurs while they are adapting themselves to a different mode of life. While ~ Brown (’98) pointed out a possible relation of the origin of eosino- phile cells to pathological degenerating muscle, no work appar- ently has yet been done on any form to show a relation of the origin of those cells to normally degenerating muscle. MUSCLE DEGENERATION IN AMPHIBIA 7! Among some of the muscles that undergo degeneration in this salamander are the gill muscles, some of the muscles of the lower jaw (fig. 1) and some of the dorsal muscles along the spinal column (fig. 4). In the specimens studied, muscle degeneration was most pronounced in those far along in their period of transformation or in the young adult, thus indicating that even after the external signs of metamorphosis have been obliterated, there are still mor- phological changes taking place internallv. In the degenerating Fig. 1 Part of a transverse section through the head of a 51 mm. young adult, showing the position in the lower jaw of a muscle well advanced in degeneration. M.c., Meckel’s cartilage; d.m., degenerating muscle; ¢., tongue. Photo. X 30. muscles and gills there is also a degeneration of blood capillaries. As the capillaries are broken down there is a marked destruction of erythrocytes which can be satisfactorily demonstrated espe- cially in the degenerating gills. If the eosinophile granules are derived from degenerating red cells and degenerating muscle tis- sue, both granules and eosinophile leucocytes should be found in connection with those tissues. On examining the different series from the larval to the adult condition the evidence is conclusive that the free eosinophile granules are products of the degenerating * P 4 . lr. Ae 3 Fig. 2. Section of a part of the degenerating muscle represented in Fig. 1, show- ing a large accumulation of eosinophile leucocytes in connection with the degener- ating muscle fibers. The section being rather thick the granules in the eosino- phile cells could not be photographed sharply. Photo. X 370. Fig. 3 Degenerating muscle taken a few sections posterior to that represented in figure 1. Free eosinophile granules, represented by black dots about the size of an ordinary pin head; some a little smaller, can be seen scattered promiscuously along two degenerating muscle fibers and in the spaces not occupied by cells, most of which are eosinophile leucocytes. On account of the section being rather thick not all parts could be focused sharply. Photo. X 700. (2 MUSCLE DEGENERATION IN AMPHIBIA 73 tissues above named and are taken up by the leucocytes, trans- forming them into the eosinophile type. These observations extend the scope of Weidenreich’s views to the amphibia. During the larval period only an occasional eosinophile leuco- cyte can be found in the blood stream. A few cells containing eosinophile granules can also be demonstrated in the connective tissue. The number of eosinophile cells at this stage of develop- ment is so small that only after considerable searching could one be found. During the period of transformation, eosinophile cells can invariably be demonstrated in connection with degenerating muscle, the number of those cells corresponding approximately with the advancement of degeneration. Where degeneration is at its greatest height a large accumulation of eosinophile cellsis present (fig. 2). Also more eosinophile cells can be demonstrated in the blood stream and especially in the connective tissue inthe neighborhood of the degenerating parts during the period of trans- formation than before or after this period. No differential counts were made of the leucocytes in the blood stream. The greater number of eosinophile cells during the perod of metamorphosis was evident by the great frequency in their occurrence when searching for them in the sections. In the section from which figure 3 was photographed can be seen free eosinophile granules lying among the debris of degenerat- ing muscle. That these granules lie free in the regions mentioned is beyond doubt for when the sections are followed along in serial order they are not found to lie in the bodies of leucocytes but lie loose in the intercellular spaces. These granules, apparently formed from the degenerating muscle and degerating erythrocytes, vary somewhat in size, but the majority closely approximate in size and hue those found in the eosinophile leucocytes. They have various positions in respect to the degenerating muscles fibers. They may be found among lymphocytes or eosinophile leucocytes some distance away from a muscle fiber, scattered promiscuously among them, strung along in a row between two adjacent fibers, or often in small recesses of a muscle fiber. Some muscle fibers can be seen, the central portions of which are completely degen- erated, the gap between the two remaining ends being filled in Fig 4 Transverse section through the neck of a 47 mm. adult, showing the posi- tion of a muscle in which degeneration has just begun; sp.c., spinal cord; d.m., degenerating muscle. Photo. 30. Fig. 5 Portion of the degenerating muscle represented in figure 4, showing the accumulation of lymphocytes among the muscle fibers in the first stage of muscle degeneration. Photo. * 450. 74 MUSCLE DEGENERATION IN AMPHIBIA 75 with numerous eosinophile granules and while blood cells, thus suggesting the origin of the granules from the degenerating muscle fiber. Disintegrated erythrocytes can also be seen in connection with degenerating muscle tissue. However, from the material studied the majority of eosinophile granules found in degenerating muscle are products of muscle degeneration while the smaller por- tion is contributed by degenerating red cells. Eosinophile leuco- cytes can often be seen in connective tissue in the neighborhood of degenerating muscle. These through their amoeboid movements have perhaps wandered away from their source of origin. In the degeneration of the gills numerous blood vessels are necessarily broken down, producing in some cases stasis in the small vessels resulting in the disintegration of the erythrocytes in those parts. Degenerating red cells can be demonstrated espe- cially where the degeneration of the gills is well advanced. They can also be found isolated or in smaller and larger groups outside of the walls of blood vessels. The degeneration of some is evident, as can be seen from the appearance of their nuclei which stain intensely, lose their oval shape and become irregular in outline and a few were seen apparently about to be extruded from the cell body. The cell envelope also becomes very irregular in outline and in some cases even ruptured. In some the cytoplasmic mate- rial is coarsely granular, losing its seemingly homogeneous nature. In others globular masses of varying sizes are apparently about to be detached from the cell. Many of these large masses or coarse granules together with smaller granules can often be seen lying free in close approximation to degenerating erythrocytes. These larger masses and granules stain with eosin, the smaller granules staining more deeply than the coarse granules. A difference readily observed between the eosinophile granules formed from the degen- erating erythrocytes and degenerating muscle tissue is that the granules formed from the former vary much in size as stated above while those formed from the latter, while varying somewhat in size, approximate more nearly the dimensions of those found in the eosinophile cells. That these eosinophile granules are taken up by cells of the character of leucocytes is indicated by the pres- ence of such cells, sometimes in large numbers, in the immediate 76 J. A. BADERTSCHER neighborhood or in contact with them (fig. 6). I have been unable to find leucocytes ingesting entire or large fragments of erythrocytes as was observed by Lewis (04) who worked with the ungulates and by Weidenreich (’08) who worked with guinea- pigs. A possible reason for amphibian leucocytes not ingesting entire erythrocytes is found in the large size of the red blood cells in this class of animals. Fig. 6 Lymphocytes among free eosinophile granules found in degenerating muscle. Camera lucida drawing. Fig. 7 Series of diagrams, a, b, c, to show the formation of eosinophile leuco- cytes from lymphocytes. The limit of the cytoplasm is marked by a dotted line. Camera lucida drawings. The first evidences of muscle degeneration are marked by a collection of leucocytes among the muscle fibers. The number of leucocytes that accumulate between the fibers is so great that the width of the intercellular spaces is increased to several times — their normal extent (fig. 5). In this accumulation of white blood cells the great majority are the smallest of the leucocytes. Their nuclei are large, taking up almost the entire cell body. The out- line of the nuclei which vary, may be round, slightly elongated, gently dented on one side or irregularly crescent-shaped, indicat- MUSCLE DEGENERATION IN AMPHIBIA yh ing amoeboid movement. The rim of cytoplasm around the nu- cleus is very narrow, in‘some cells so scanty in its amount that it is difficult to see. The minority of cells in this accumulation are larger than the ones described. They have large nuclei which -may vary somewhat in outline as those of the smallest white cells. They have a wide rim of cytoplasm around the nuclei to which the large size of the cell is due. According to Friedsohn’s work (’10) on the amphibian blood, the smaller cells appear to be the small lymphocytes and the larger ones the large lymphocytes. An occasional eosinophile leucocyte can also be seen, while partially and completely degenerated erythrocytes are thinly scattered throughout the accumulation of leucocytes. No perceptible change in the muscle fiber itself has yet taken place in this stage of degeneration. After the degeneration of the muscle tissue has advanced to the stage in which the degeneration of the fibers is readily perceptible the number of white blood cells is as numerous as at the time when the degeneration was first evident, but the lymphocytes have greatly decreased, while the eosinophile leucocytes have increased in number. In this stage of degeneration numerous eosinophile granules can be seen lying free in the intercellular spaces and often in contact with lymphocytes and eosinophile leucocytes. The number of eosinophile granules varies greatly in the eosino- phile cells, from only a few granules to the gorged condition of some of the cells (fig. 7), thus suggesting again that the lympho- cytes take up eosinophile granules. The presence of the large number of lymphocytes during the first stages of degeneration and a subsequent reduction of their number and replacement by large numbers of eosinophile leucocytes as degeneration advances, clearly indicates that the eosinophile granules are taken up by the lymphocytes. The point is that the lymphocytes are the main cells that take up the granules and are thus converted into eosinophile cells. The majority of the eosinophile leucocytes found in connection with degenerating muscle and erythrocytes have round or nearly round nuclei. In some the nuclei are of the transitional type 78 J. A. BADERTSCHER while in others they are of the polymorphic type. In studying the eosinophile leucocytes with the various types of nuclei, one can find sufficient evidence—as can be indicated by a series of grad- ual transitions from one type of nucleus to another—to con- firm the conclusion that all are derived from the round nucleated - type of eosinophile cells. This transformation takes place by a gradual change in the shape of their nuclei. They are thus geneti- cally related, the round nucleated type being the forerunner of the transitional and polymorphic types. No attempt was made to determine the chemical nature of the eosinophile granules. The material was not prepared for that purpose. However, the hemaglobin nature of the eosinophile granules as held by Weidenreich and others, is indicated by circum- stantial evidence in that the free eosinophile granules and group- ings of eosinophile leucocytes are found only in connection with tissue containing hemoglobin, namely, muscle tissue and erythro- cytes. The hemoglobin-containing material of degenerating muscle and erythrocytes apparently does not break up directly into the eosinophile granules, that is, this compound is altered in some way before it is taken up by the lymphocytes. This is indi- cated by the fact stated above that the very coarse granules or masses are stained more faintly than the smaller granules, which are often stained as deeply as the eosinophile granules in the cells. Although the evidences are strongly in favor of a hemoglobin- nature of the granules, yet when their complex chemical source (erythrocytes and muscle tissue) is considered, it would not be unreasonable to assume that other elements besides hemoglo- bin also enter into their composition. In considering the chemical nature of the granules Weidenreich (’11, p. 622) says: ‘‘Der von Sherrington angeblich festgestellte Phosphorgehalt der Granula- . tion braucht nun keineswegs, wie dieser Autor annimmt, fiir eine Nucleinnatur zu sprechen; denn wir wissen heute, dass die roten Blutkérperchen auch aus dem phosphorhaltigen Lecithin aufge- baut werden, so dass also unter der Voraussetzung, die Granula sind Zerfallsprodukte der Erythrocyten, auch Phosphor in ihnen enthalten sein kénnte.” If the granules do contain both phos- phorous and hemoglobin then the term ‘phosphorous-nature’ would MUSCLE DEGENERATION IN AMPHIBIA 79 represent the chemical nature of the granules as well as ‘hemo- globin-nature,’ for both muscle tissue and erythocytes contain phosphorous-containing compounds. The term ‘hemoglobin- nature’ does not seem to be comprehensive enought to express their chemical nature. The simple phrase ‘‘Zerfallsprodukte der Erythrocyten” to which I add ‘products of degenerating muscle tissue,’ would express a greater probability of the granules con- taining other elements beside hemoglobin, than does the term ‘Himoglobinnatur.’ To give a detailed account of the different theories relative to the degeneration of muscle tissue in different classes of animals is beyond the scope of this paper. Observations by different inves- tigators of various animal groups indicate that the processes involved in the degeneration of muscle tissue vary considerably. Briefly stated, the interpretations of different workers of the man- ner by which a muscle degenerates and the part played by the leu- cocytes in this phenomenon has resulted in the establishment of three general views: (1) a purely aphagocytic process by which the muscle fibers undergo liquefaction, either through the activity of internal conditions of the fiber or through the action of the fluids surrounding them; (2) a purely phagocytic process by which the phagocytes break up the muscle fibers into fragments which are taken up and removed by them; (3) by a combination of the aphagocytic and phagocytic processes. The views enumerated above are stated only in a general way and the theories as worked out by different investigators have detailed modifications. Barfurth (’87), in his work on the frog larvae, came to the con- clusion that a muscle degenerates independently of the action of phagocytes. The myofibrillae break up into comparatively long fragments, bundles of which make up the sarcolytes. The cross- striations are present in the sarcolytes when they are first formed but gradually disappear as the muscle fragments undergo disso- lution. The liquefaction of the fragments takes place within the sarcolemma, which is comparatively resistent to the action of the liquefacient, and disappears only after the sarcolytes have been reduced to granules—the débris of degeneration. The ini- tiatory causes of degeneration are unknown to him but he thinks SO J. A. BADERTSCHER that they are extrinsic in their nature and is of the opinion that a lack of nutrition or atrophy through disuse after the appearance of the forelegs, are factors to be considered. According to Katz (00), who worked with transforming toads, the initiatory causes of degeneration appear to be intrinsic in the muscle itself. Sarcolytes are formed only in some fibers. In the course of degeneration a homogeneous material is produced, which — disappears by liquefaction in situ. Looss (’92) arrived at practically the same conclusions as those of Barfurth, with the exception that a small portion (less than 10 per cent) of the sarcolytes are taken up and destroyed by the pha- gocytes. The remaining large proportion undergo dissolution in place through the activity of the surrounding fluids. Metchnikoff (’84), in his work on larval frogs, held that muscle degeneration was effected entirely through the action of phago- cytes which collected in large numbers among the degenerating fibers. The source of the numerous phagocytes he then ascribed to the blood. Further investigations (’92) led him to modify the phagocytosis theory of muscle degeneration. In his later work he holds that the phagocytes, which play the important part in muscle degeneration, are formed in the muscle fiber. The first percep- tible changes in degeneration are a proliferation of muscle nuclei and an increase in the amount of sarcoplasm. ‘The muscle nuclei and protoplasm then differentiate into cells, the muscle phago- cytes, which find their way among the fibrillae, breaking them up into fragments. These fragments (sarcolytes) are ingested and removed by them. The usual type of phagocytes takes no part in muscle degneration, that work being entirely limited to the muscle phagocytes. Muscle degeneration in Salamandra atra is, to all appearances, a purely aphagocytic process. However, on comparing the degen- erating jaw muscles in this class of animals with those in the tails of larval toads, a marked point of difference is recognized in that the formation of sarcolytes does not occur in the former. On examining a series of toads from the larval to the adult condi- tion, sarcolytes in the degenerating tail muscles were found as described by the investigators mentioned above. In the Sala- MUSCLE DEGENERATION IN AMPHIBIA 81 mander the myofibrillae, instead of forming sarcolytes, break up into fragments at short intervals in their course, thus obliterating the cross-striations and giving the affected part of a muscle fiber a granular appearance. ‘These fragments or granules fade away as if by liquefaction. Their dissolution does not take place uni- formly along the course of a fiber, so that in the extent of a well advanced degenerating fiber indefinitely outlined groups of dis- membered fibrillae can be seen. Coincidently with the lique- faction of the fibrillae appear numerous spherical granules that stain intensely with eosin, the eosinophile granules, which are taken up by the leucocytes in the manner described above. Ac- cording to Barfurth, in the frog larvae degeneration begins at one end and gradually advances to the opposite end of the fiber. While this is the case in some of the degenerating fibers in Sala- mandra atra, it is not so with all, for in some fibers can be seen a large gap, produced by degeneration, and containing numerous eosinophile granules and leucocytes, while the ends of the fibers appear quite normal. The sarcolemma degenerates simultane- ously with the fibrillae. There are no evidences indicating that it spans the gap of a degenerated portion of a fiber, which would be the case if it were more resistant to the agencies bringing about the liquefaction of the fibrillae. The muscle nuclei and sarco- plasm are not transformed into phagocytes as is the case, accord- ing to Metchnikoff, in larval frogs. No perceptible increase in the amount of protoplasm or in the number of nuclei was noticeable. They are, however, very resistant to the agencies that cause the liquefaction of the fibrillae. During the last stages of degenera- tion they can be seen lying free among the numerous leucocytes and débris of degenerated muscle. On account of their large size they cannot be mistaken for lymphocytes or for connective tissue cells. Their form varies. Some retain their natural rod shape, some are crescent in outline, some are bent double so that the two ends are in close approximation, while others are bent and twisted. A considerable number show marked signs of degeneration by the massing of their chromatin. Their fate is unknown to me but from the appearance of some I am of the opinion that they undergo degeneration. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, No. 1 82 J. A. BADERTSCHER The origin of the lymphocytes found in a muscle during its first stages of degeneration can be attributed to two sources, namely, connective tissue cells and the blood. The connective tissue cells in the affected part of a muscle lose their stellate form, become rounded, their nuclei grow denser, thus acquiring all the appear- ances of nongranular leucocytes. This process is much like the transformation into lymphocytes of the mesenchymal cells which surround the epithelial anlage of the thymus in Axolotol as de- scribed by Maximow (712). Metchnikoff (’84) also holds that in Triton larvae transformed connective tissue cells assume phago- eytic functions. It is difficult to determine to just what extent the formation of lymphocytes takes place in muscle. However, I am confident that the connective tissue cells do not transform rapidly enough to account for the large numbers of lymphocytes present. No mitotic figures were seen and only an occasional dumbbell-shaped nucleus suggested amitosis. It is, therefore, necessary to assume that the blood also is a source of a part of the lymphocytes. According to an hypothesis of Metchnikoff (’84) the endothelial walls of the blood capillaries are acted upon chemi- cally, rendering them more permeable to leucocytes and permit- ting of a ‘passive diapedesis’ of the red blood cells. Although this is only an hypothesis, it seems to be a very reasonable way to account for the presence of such large numbers of leucocytes and also of red blood cells which are scattered in small numbers among them, as was stated above. Since muscle degeneration in Salamandra atra is an aphagocytic process it seems probable that the cells of the delicate endothelial walls of capillaries may be among the first elements to be affected. Another view, however, may be taken. Dantschakoff (’08), in her work on the develop- ment of the blood in birds, gives evidence that the cells of the vas- | cular endothelium have the power of transforming into lympho- cytes. This genetic relationship of the leucocytes to the vascular endothelium has also been held by other investigators. If this view be correct, is it not probable that the vascular endothelial cells. are transformed into leucocytes? This process also would permit leucocytes and erythrocytes to escape into the intercellular spaces. MUSCLE DEGENERATION IN AMPHIBIA 83 The only apparent réle of the leucocytes in the degenerating muscles of Salamandra atra is the taking up and removal of the products of degeneration. They take no perceptible active part in breaking down the muscle tissue. According to a theory of Anglas (’00), the leucocytes produce an enzyme which acts upon the tissues, causing their dissolution. The only indication of the correctness of this view is the large accumulation of leucocytes in the first stages of degeneration, even before any changes of the fibers are apparent under the microscope. CONCLUSIONS The conclusions of this work are summarized as follows: 1. The eosinophile granules are exogenous in their nature, that is, they are derived from material outside of the cell containing them and not directly a product of the activity of the leucocyte itself. The presence of free eosinophile granules found to be so plentiful among degenerating erythrocytes and muscle tissue and later taken up by lymphocytes, support this conclusion. 2. The eosinophile granules are products of degenerated muscle tissue and degenerated erythrocytes. This is supported by the fact that they are found only in connection with the above named degenerating tissues. The fact also that more eosinophile leu- cocytes are found in the blood during the period of metamor- phosis than in the larval or in the adult condition, supports this conclusion. 3. As they are found only in connection with tissue containing a relatively large amount of hemoglobin, it is believed that hemo- globin is a part of their chemical composition. This conclusion by no means excludes the probability that the eosinophile granules contain chemical compounds besides hemoglobin. 4. The eosinophile granules are taken up by the lymphocytes (large and small) which are thus converted into eosinophile cells. The eosinophile leucocytes are, therefore, the white blood cells ingested with the products of degenerated erythrocytes and degen- erated muscle tissue. 5. The eosinophile cells with different types of nuclei are gene- tically related to one another. 84 J. A. BADERTSCHER 6. Muscle degeneration in Salamandra atra is a process of liquefaction (a purely aphagocytic process), and is apparently brought about through the activity of the surrounding fluids. 7. The only apparent function of the leucocytes in degenerating muscle is the removal of the products of degenerated muscle tissue and erythrocytes. They apparently play no part in the processes bringing about the degeneration of those tissues. 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ON THE WEIGHTS OF THE ABDOMINAL AND THE THORACIC VISCERA, THE SEX GLANDS, DUCTLESS GLANDS AND THE EYEBALLS OF THE ALBINO RAT (MUS NORVEGICUS ALBINUS) ACCORDING TO BODY WEIGHT SHINKISHI HATATI The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology TWELVE CHARTS Complete quantitative data on the various anatomical com- ponents of the body are important not only for the study of growth, but also for cross reference. A lack of such reference data interferes in many cases with a clear recognition of altera- tions which are taking place in the animal body under various experimental conditions. Fortunately the following data on the growth of the albino rat are already available: Growth of body in weight in respect to age (Donaldson ’06) and body length (Donaldson ’09); weight of the brain and spinal cord (Donaldson ’08) ; weight of total amount of blood and hemo- globin content (Chisolm 711), the growth of the head, trunk, extremities, skin, skeleton, musculature and viscera in weight according to age (Jackson and Lowrey 712); and finally the growth of the dry substance in the albino rat (Lowrey 713). Besides these we have several other series of data on the albino rat, though not so comprehensive as those just cited. The addition of the present data on the weight of individual organs to the records above cited will make available observa- tions on nearly all the important anatomical components of the albino rat in a form useful either for the study of growth or for cross reference. Indeed in no other mammal are such adequate data available at the present moment. Since the object of the present paper is to report the objective findings, mainly for reference purposes, many interesting points 87 88 SHINKISHI HATAI relating to growth will not be discussed at length, but merely mentioned as they come, in connection with the presentation of the formulas and charts. The data used were secured mainly from two colonies of al- bino rats: (1) a colony kept at The Wistar Institute (during 1911 and 1912), and (2) a colony kept at the University of Mis- souri (during 1910 and 1911). For the latter, the present writer is under great obligations to Professor Jackson, who not only supplied numerous rats for the purpose of control examination, but has also granted the free use of his entire collection of data on the weight of the viscera. I take this opportunity therefore to acknowledge my indebted- ness to Professor Jackson for his courtesy. In addition, I have secured some rats from both New Haven and Chicago for the purpose of determining the range of vari- ability under different climatic and nutritional conditions. For these rats I am indebted to Professor Mendel of New Haven and Professor Carr of Chicago, and I desire to thank both of these gentlemen for their generous assistance. For the interpretation of the results which follow, it is of the greatest importance to bear in mind that the animals examined were nearly all less than one year old—a very few having at- tained this age. If we take the normal span of life of the albino rat as three years, then it is plain that we are dealing with rats in the first third of their life and that the end of the records gives the conditions at the close of the growing period only, leaving untouched the changes which may be expected to occur during the next two years. For the discussion of the span of life in the albino rat, the reader is referred to Donaldson (’08, p. 368), and to Slonaker (712). i TECHNIQUE Although most of the organs are clearly marked off from the surrounding tissues, and thus may be readily removed in an exact manner, nevertheless I shall describe my method of dis- section in detail so that others may be fully informed concern- ing it. ALBINO RAT VISCERA, GLANDS, EYEBALLS: WEIGHTS 89 Method of dissection The animal was removed from the colony in the morning be- fore feeding and killed by chloroform. The gross body weight (to one-tenth of a gram) and the linear measurements were next taken. For the latter determinations, the animal was placed with the abdominal side up and the following measurements made with the calipers: (1) Total length, the distance between the tip of the nose and the tip of the tail; (2) body length, dis- tance between the tip of the nose and anal opening; (3) tail length, obtained by the difference between measurements (1) and (2). The linear measurements were made to the nearest millimeter. The animal was then at once opened with the scissors along the abdominal line from the anus to the level of the diaphragm. Thus the thorax was left closed to prevent evaporation from the thoracic viscera while the abdominal organs were being removed. All the dissections were made beneath a glass hood designed to protect the operator against draughts and so prevent a loss of moisture from the organs during their removal. The details of the procedure for each organ will be given in the order of removal. The following entries give the names of the organs in this order, unless otherwise stated. Each organ was prepared rapidly and then put alone or with others into a closed weighing bottle. Only the special treatment (if any) of an organ is noted in each case: 1. Liver: The blood which fills the main vessels was gently © squeezed out before the liver was placed in the weighing bottle. 2. Spleen: The blood vessels were cut close to the hilum. 3. Testes: Accessory organs such as the epididymis, are not included. 4. The alimentary tract was removed from the level of the diaphragm to the anus, together with the pancreas and mesentery, and any other adherent structures, such as fat, were left intact. The oesophagus was therefore not included. The stomach was cut open and the contents removed. The contents of the small intestine were removed by gentle pressure along its entire course 90 SHINKISHI HATAI from above downward. In the case of the rectum and large intestine, it was usually necessary to cut them open in order to remove the contents. The entire group of the structures above named but minus contents, is here called ‘alimentary tract.’ The removal of contents can be accomplished easily and uniformly after short practice. The body weight was not corrected for the contents of the alimentary tract. 5. The suprarenal glands were carefully separated from the surrounding structures. These glands are usually imbedded with- in some fatty tissue but a little familiarity will enable one to dissect them out without difficulty. 6. The ovaries were carefully dissected out of the capsule. The fallopian tube was not included. On account of its minute- ness, the ovary is often difficult to remove when the animal is young. A dissecting microscope is sometimes necessary. 7. The kidneys: All blood vessels were cut close to the hilum and any masses of fat carefully removed. All these organs having been removed and placed in weighing bottles, the thoracic cavity was next opened along the median ventral line by a cut extending as far as the upper end of the neck. Care was taken not to injure the thyroid gland, which lies close to the trachea. 8. Thymus gland: Large lymphatic glands together with fat lie close to this organ but were not included. Because the weight of this gland is so closely correlated with age, the data already obtained will not be presented at this time but reserved until the study of an extended series of animals of known age has been completed. 9. The heart was removed by cutting all the vessels close to their proximal ends. The heart was next cut open by longitudi- nal slits and any blood clots carefully removed. 10. The lungs were severed from the trachea. The esophagus which lies near to the lungs must be removed. The infected lungs of rats suffering from so-called ‘pneumonia’ are more or less filled with pus. Such lungs were weighed as removed but these data were not used in computing the formula for lung weight. ALBINO RAT VISCERA, GLANDS, EYEBALLS: WEIGHTS 91 Associated with the infected lung a pathological condition of the alimentary tract is usually found. The tract is diminished in weight. 11. Thyroid gland: The removal of the thyroid is rather diffi- cult on account of the minute muscles, similar in coloration to the gland, which adhere very closely to it. 10] Weight of spinal cord = 0.585 log (Bd. wt. + 21) — 0.795 Tail length, male = 0.853 Bd. wt. + 38.8 log Bd. wt. — 90.5 Tail length, female = 0.874 Bd. wt. + 48.2 log Bd. wt. — 98.1 100 SHINKISHI HATAI Ea SEEM Sees NT TT) ie GSS USS CO ECE Ree Seo aoe . Ameell eee a Sage ge oa oce Coo eee coco 1.5; WEIGHT GRAMS EOD SRRBE SSE er aC CoReeeRBSs aCe eae ve EEE EEEEEEEE EEE EEE EEE EEE SeE EEE a BECCEEEE EEC Be ae aioe ahaa ; BEBRREOS CeCe eee Breet 2 ieletetel slat aa i2EEEEEEE EEE EEE eee EEE 9 V4 3 Bee esters oi ol atletattelescL-P1°eoeaie o £4 eal ef foment a en wef rt 1.0 PERERA 10 CCF =455 ia ee SEEEEEEEEEEE EEE Eee ssee5 58 AA anne 2 oes eeee Zoos =SEGREESEE =< [alse epee km ef ae a oY | 7 i Fe i ff a a Bie @ EERE ECC HoH 0.6 ea ea fe P= EEEecnas baa GEE Res eSe See See eae aialatalela [isa a ae p soane nue aausuuus danse es sseeeseeeeeeeeSeeeees SEEPS EEE EEE Eee CEEEEEEH 03a facia engender a oa CI] FE PEC feu E a qgunres Soom na EERE Bee == 0.1] REE EEEECECEEEECEECH| BODY WEIGHT GRAMS 7 L*] ! aes BORE ESE en ! ! ' (65 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Chart 1 Showing the heart weight of the male albino rat according to body weight. The observed weights are represented by 134 male rats. @ Observed weight. —Calculated weight. 1. Heart.2. The growth of the heart in weight is represented by the following formula: Weight of heart = 0.0026 (body weight + 14) + 0.249 log (Bd. wt. + 14) — 0.336 The constants of the formula were determined from 134 male rats and the relation between observed and calculated values is shown in chart 1. The greater fluctuation which occurs in the rats of larger size has already been noted and explained. As has been mentioned earlier, variations in body growth alter more or less the relation between heart weight and body weight. The ~ heart weight is usually high when the rat is small for a given age ? The weight relation between heart and body has been examined by numerous investigators at various times. A list of important papers, as well as a table which illustrates this relation found in the various mammals is given by Joseph (08) including his own extensive observations on dogs of various sizes. ALBINO RAT VISCERA, GLANDS, EYEBALLS: WEIGHTS 101 — 4 t 1a ls T T r [ i a i ea fi | a al 35; KIDNEYS 2. LILTT = iE Het aeenn78 aes | WEIGHT GRAMS. | WH serge | Bist ito ose ‘a am so FEET EEE saaeuaneee - | Fe FA +4195 Hf | aoeeee [= a soa a 4 4 | Eee | =I a [ SSS [ [| Lope ale HH va BREE a aan SaSaea BESS [| Bees =a Biel sor aaeeeeeeeerl al aan oe HEALTH PERCE es han] erica eH Hae PEEEEEEEEE ae (iam [| Gl BODY WEIGHT GRAMS | {ome i fe fe Ue fe [ea] fin [Ds] Pe Ss a) youn aa 200 250 . 300 350 400 450 Chart 2 Showing the weight of kidneys of the male albino rat according to body weight. The observed weights are represented by 136 male rats. @ Observed weight. Calculated weight. and it is usually low when the rat is large. A change in the rela- tive weight of the heart is usually accompanied by a Corresponding change for all the other organs. 2. Kidneys. The growth of the kidneys in weight is represented by the following formula: Weight of kidneys = 0.00718 (Bd. wt. — 3) + 0.132 log (Bd. wt. — 3) — 0.009 The constants of the formula were determined from 136 male rats and the relation between observed and calculated values is shown in chart 2. We notice in this case a much greater fluctua- tion than in the case of the heart, but at the moment no ade- quate explanation for this can be given. Possibly it is due to the neglected factor of age. 102 SHINKISHI HATAI im ; o | 20. cH isle) LIVER BEC AEOSRSooSTREeE 19. WEIGHT GRAMS SegeebSe0ea000 18. SEE ESE eta tateleietenaet ol a CI TT loa ale Be EE on Biel aa oe. rr a al \ ‘I a | i r | ia I | | i a a a i CI B | | | B a : Oa Be al cH | ae A B B Ne Ni yy al B | eo Hh EHH i Perio HH a ag laa Scr. HHA Sela Be BEIEIC AE asa aaa mela Eels Bee HH NH NEC Ne Ny Fy 4 = A Fy = FJ a || a |_| a |_| | |_| | a 7 aaleae |_| a a IN |_| a a BEE CEE EE EEE EEE lea eae] 4 GRO Hl a : |] a a a | “4 | fal | o |_| a FH re Oo i | | TBE ae ES VO er Se eh = ee) : i [exc] J H | | | [es | | || [| | ie es B i | | EBeSaee BODY WEIGHT GRAMS c (Et [ {| canes rae 10) 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Chart 3 Showing the weight of liver of the male albino rat according to body weight. The observed weights are represented by 136 male rats. @ Observed weight. * —_ Calculated weight. 3. Liver. The growth of the liver in weight is represented by the following formula: Weight of liver = 0.0303 (Bd. wt. +5) + 3.340 log (Bd. wt. +5) — 3.896 [Bd. wt. > 10] The constants of the formula were determined from 136 male rats and the relation between the observed and calculated values . is shown in chart 3. We notice here a much greater fluctuation of the observed values than in the two previous cases. Since the liver is the seat of food storage, as well as performing several other important and complex functions, one might naturally expect a high variability as the consequence of its varied physiological activities. It is possible also that the weight of the liver may ALBINO RAT VISCERA, GLANDS, EYEBALLS: WEIGHTS 103 2.5 + EEE See\reeee aH oH ECHR (mpc | oa] oa Oe | aac a i fi eae PEP Je a ns a | a | BODY, WEIGHTAGRAMS & Ee (f HEEL iia ea ea 350 400 450 Chart 4 Showing the weight of lungs of the male albino rat according to body weight. The observed weights are represented by 90 male rats. @ Observed weight. — Calculated weight. alter according to the nature of the diet as well as according to other conditions not yet studied. It is interesting to note that a heavy liver is usually associated with a heavy spleen. 4. Lungs. The growth of the lungs in weight is represented by the following formula: Weight of lungs = 0.00471 (Bd. wt. + 2) +0.122 log. (Bd. wt. + 2) — 0.056. The constants of the formula were determined from 90 male rats and the relation between the observed and calculated values is shown in chart 4. All evidently pathological cases were elim- inated from the records used. Nevertheless on account of dif- ficulty in determining the infection at an early period, some diseased cases may have been retained. This pulmonary trouble, commonly called ‘pneumonia,’ seldom appears in rats less than 100 grams in body weight, but after this period almost 90 per cent of the ordinary rat population is affected. This is true not only for the albino rat kept in captivity but for the Norway rat when freshly trapped. Although an elimination of the patholog- ical records was difficult on account of the great frequency of 104 SHINKISHI HATAI o SPLEEN _ all maa? oe 0.8 DEbZza Ee 0.7 paral alloy Ccoum EcCoSeee 0.6 SOS0005000000000058 as HEH 0.4 Coo Be co oS ea a rata ne | pct ae Hy Bee ge ee eeae co SESS 0000505000085 Olam fen} Poa _l_] BODY WEIGHT GRAMS Co | 1 ! |g ae eee ee i¢) 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Chart 5 Showing the weight of spleen of the male albino rat according to body weight. The observed weights are represented by 87 male rats. @ Observed weight. Calculated weight. infection, nevertheless when this was made as far as possible, the resulting data were quite uniform as will be seen from the chart. 5. Spleen. The growth of the spleen in weight is represented by the following formula: Weight of spleen = 0.00245 Bd. wt. + 0.0301 log Bd. wt. — 0.025 The constants of the formula were determined from 87 male rats and the relation between observed and calculated values is shown in chart 5. The weight of the spleen is highly variable owing to a- great frequency of cases of ‘enlarged’ spleen. In treating the records I have excluded all such plainly altered — spleens. Such enlarged spleens are usually darker in color, soft to the touch, and exhibit all over the surface dark or grayish patches. A slight acquaintance with this organ will remove any difficulty in distinguishing the ‘enlarged’ from the normal spleen. ALBINO RAT VISCERA, GLANDS, EYEBALLS: WEIGHTS 105 8 ALIMENTARY tract titi iit 7 WEIGHT GRAMS = CCT TTT Bales | |_| a | : HL sar 18: Sei Ber an eb =| suucussvetessetessiesezaeeeec 14. at elejonaoialelisieleleizfollatal SUE OeeSsEEZ ala an 13., SESE 0USES002 c00nSama0 5505 Seen eeeee JoSeoeeee aanEEZas dawn + | [| 2 : FEE eH a BHEGeeeeneeoo - FEE : | 4 i ECE HEHE hy if EERE % | A a a FE sasecaed BEES EEEGae Bea lomiamifsee =f] TTT at a veep ye © OL mee) 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Chart 6 Showing the weight of alimentary tract of the male albino rat ac- cording to body weight. The observed weights are represented by 112 (Jackson) rats, below 50 grams in body weight, and 82 (Wistar) rats, above 50 grams in body weight. @ Observed weight. — Calculated weight. The cause of this enlargement, as found in the rat, has not been studied. 6. Alimentary tract. The growth of the alimentary tract in weight is represented by the following formula: Weight of ali- mentary tract = 0.0245 Bd. wt. + 4.720 log (Bd. wt. + 7) — 5.753 The constants of the formula were determined from 194 male rats and the relation between observed and calculated values is shown in chart 6. Despite the fact of some difficulty in removing this organ, the weight of the alimentary tract is highly uniform in the rats up to 150 grams in body weight, but beyond this pe- riod it becomes decidedly variable owing to the greater frequency of intestinal disturbance. This intestinal disturbance seems to 106 SHINKISHI HATAI “8 TESTES 2 BEE | WEIGHT GRAMS saan Toccooee Sama Tsial CI Caco ei SIE Mo BODY WEIGHT GRAMS i arta | Jose e2 aif ES | 1 Jet jt _ 200 250 300 350 400 450 Chart 7 Showing the weight of testes of the male albino rat according to body weight. The observed weights are represented by 121 male rats. @ Observed weight. — Calculated weight. be associated mainly with the. infected lungs. It is quite safe to conclude that the alimentary tract is more or less altered in cases where pulmonary infection is well advanced. This means that nearly 90 per cent of adult rats are unfitted for this deter- mination. The alteration in question causes a loss of weight. The present formula was determined from the rats in apparently good health and thus practically free from this infection. Con- sequently the upper end of the graph will naturally be higher than when based on the values obtained from a random sampling of the general population without regard to the condition of the alimentary tract. 7. Testes. Owing to dissimilar rates of growth during the earlier days of life, the graph illustrating the growth of the testes has three distinct phases. The first phase however occupies such a brief interval (5 to 10 grams in body weight) that it was thought, from a practical standpoint, not worth while to work ALBINO RAT VISCERA, GLANDS, EYEBALLS: WEIGHTS 107 out a special formula for it. Consequently the following for- mulas represent only the two remaining phases. The weight of the testes on body weight between 5 and 10 grams may be cal- culated with a sufficient degree of accuracy from the values given by a straight line which joins the observed weight at 5 grams with the calculated weight at 10 grams in body weight. Testes = 0.043 — 0.000966 Bd. wt. + 0.000163 Bd. wt.? [10 < Bd. wt. < 80] Testes = 2.910 log Bd. wt. — 4.520 [Bd. wt. > 80] The constants of the formula were determined from 121 male rats, and the relation between observed and calculated values is shown in chart 7. Although I have not considered such factors as the season and age, yet from the functions of these organs, it seems probable that data controlled for both those factors would be less vari- able than that here presented. .06 OVARIES 2 WEIGHT GRAMS 03 02 02 | CECeo BODY WEIGHT GRAMS it J ts sd 250 300 350 + | cl 50 - 150 200 Chart 8 Showing the weight of ovaries of the female albino rat according to body weight. The observed weights are represented by 136 (Jackson) rats. © Observed weight. ---- Calculated weight. 8. Ovaries. The growth of ovaries in weight is even more complicated than that of the testes. We notice in the ovaries 108 SHINKISHI HATAI three distinct phases of growth. The first and last phases are represented by the logarithmic curves, while the second is rep- resented by a parabolic curve. Weight of ovaries: (Phase 1) = 0.010 log (Bd. wt. + 3) — 0.0082 [Bd. wt. < 50] (Phase 2) = 0.0425 — 0.00121 Bd. wt. + 0.0000108 Bd. wt.? [50 < Bd. wt. < 80] (Phase 3) = 0.007 log (Bd. wt. — 105) + 0.0352 [Bd. wt. > 110] The constants of the formulas were determined from 136 female rats and the relation between observed and calculated values is shown in chart 8. The data used here were obtained by Dr. Jackson from the rats kept at the University of Missouri. These rats were all unmated excepting a few of the oldest (at age of one year). It is therefore possible that the ovaries belonging to the mated females may show some deviation from the values given by the present formulas. 9. Suprarenal glands. In this gland a sexual difference is clearly shown. Consequently the growth of the suprarenals in weight is treated separately according to sex and is represented by the following formulas respectively. Weight of suprarenals: Male = 0.0000855 (Bd. wt. + 3) +0.0113 log (Bd. wt. +3) — 0.0093 Female = 0.00023 Bd. wt. + 0.00388 log Bd. wt. — 0.0020 [Bd. wt. > 30] The constants of the formulas were determined from 145 males and 113 females respectively. The relation between observed and calculated values is shown in chart 9. As is shown in the chart, the sex difference becomes clearly marked in the rats of about 30 grams in body weight. This difference becomes greater as the rats increase in weight. The calculated value of the female glands is represented by the discontinuous line, and the ob- served values, by circles. The male values are given by the continuous line record and the black dots. The physiological significance of the greater weight of the suprarenals of the female has still to be investigated. ALBINO RAT VISCERA, GLANDS, EYEBALLS: WEIGHTS 109 .08 SUPRARENALS 2 7 nese WEIGHT GRAMS peeeeseees aenisieleee a ry hea a o7 a SPoerozeererene7ce o 2 F ry] BHESEa GSR2E8 i Lf ae Paes SRSEESURee 2ea8R0R58 a [| [| [| 0S SE EEE EEE Hea eee ee eect Sg000C S05 C0000080 0SRBE Daa Phe AP Abed Spee ee cece Seog coe HGBGeSsCo a POSS SES SSE eRe ee eee Eee Eeeierceeteett eeu eet tes 04 Jooth ab ie Lt 1 a 300 350 400 450 “TLE} BODY WEIGHT GRAMS (0) 50 100 150 200 250 3 Chart 9 Showing the weight of suprarenals of the albino rat according to body weight. The observed weights are represented by 92 (Jackson) male rats, below 50 grams in body weight, and 53 (Wistar) male rats, above 50 grams in body weight; and 84 (Jackson) female rats, below 50 grams in body weight, and 29 (Wistar) female rats, above 50 grams in body weight. @ Observed weight, male. oO Observed weight, female. — Calculated weight, male. ---- Calculated weight, female. 10. Hypophysis. Like the suprarenal glands, the hypophy- sis also shows a distinct sex difference in weight. This appears in rats weighing morethan 50 grams. Consequently the growth of this gland in weight is represented after 50 grams in body weight by the two formulas, one for each sex. Weight of hypophysis: Male =0.0000257 (Bd. wt. +3) +0.00140 log. (Bd. wt. +3) —0.00097 Female = 0.00205 + 0.000081 Bd. wt. — 0.00196 log Bd. wt. [Bd. wt. > 50] 110 SHINKISHI HATAI o22| HyPoPHysis |{/ TT i TT TTI TTT TTT Tt tt tt tr eee ee tt TT o22 EGuinicene nae sta i ito LiF fo ao | aia FRALe Coo sCs eee oo soe Sf on a a eon oa] se 7 a ce oC a ee sl a a af ef ata en ie no a SRY igen nF a oat a ora CECE EE EEE EEE EEE EE EEE org EEEEEEEE EEE ESE aaa ash ons Eee EE eae ea ae Coy dk fn anf aie ft a en | (aa ese a a a TIC fences | ist aes a a a GBGAeCSORpREeee ou EE REE CE a a aaatala Hot oceeZwe oe SS0G0 GS 00S E8088 4ece COCR BARES ener aRE Ze Se Ni So FT| | os la Bee isa [eho] feta ee [ca al ol oo Val flor? oooRoBeoe [iat sia a Peer errr S aSnRO ORE: aie p2en8 ae ak a mf es i a SS |b Paps ool +++Ht sees =5 {tt o10 : at 4 el olelsl epee ajote = lcpater Z LCG ase oos- +++ 4444 Lt iS | susseenesceeessrcacee Suge ceEEEEE Ede cous ROneEED Ze on PMeCNCeees EES 2 See eee CARES 5000 oes eBR One so EAE : alent aan Zan) Un egies HE TE Bele Bee wl eZ faa Siew leis =|eiatn) PEEP Oo Dimintmlate 2 Beceee Popaet z= re enheat pa iatesfes TN rH Seaarae Bee Pee ay | | OO? eS pasreimlel sic EUCSEeSeeReeen gf i i “cea ea oa “| BODY WEIGHT GRAMS 10) 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Chart 10 Showing the weight of hypophysis of the albino rat according to body weight. The observed weights are represented by 78 male and 80 female rats. @ Observed weight, male. oO Observed weight, female. — Calculated weight, male. ---- Calculated weight, female. The constants of the formulas were determined from 78 males and 80 females. The relation between observed and calculated values is shown in chart 10. . The sex difference is clearly noticeable in the rats at and after’ 50 grams in body weight, and it becomes greater as the rats increase in weight. Before 50 grams in body weight the sex difference is not evident, consequently the weight of the female hypophysis prior to 50 grams should be calculated from the male formula. This sex difference in the weight of the hypophysis has not been shown previously in any mammal. ALBINO RAT VISCERA, GLANDS, EYEBALLS: WEIGHTS 111 oO io) Conese me a ASS eee EEE misanielct WEIGHT GRAMS aan | estcal espace ce AE er] ial A cI r .05 a : r | aa + me EEE Se PIChCTS| dm eapaaharh a Beaeooe | wh 04 S5s0508000000 000000587 <0000 FEE GEOR GSSRR Ee eo See aus aeee eee z= SEE EEE SEEEEEEPERer ee sreeas oa HHT 7 amo Ba of EERE BEES EEE eee aaauce Siseecceceee’ -oesensceeasescee sreeeas 02 EHEC H EHS EEE EEE EEE ECE PEE os ZCCE EERE eRRE SEO OO eee eee HEN SS0974nR Eee Sees Beneseboo EEE ESE EE CEE EE EEEEECEE EEE EEE Ol pcaue B apo e Se eeeeeceo aon co Bie aisisteis) 0) aiaismsstel pie See see EEE bislas Re EE Hy CCC BODY WEIGHT GRAMS . 50 100 150 200.250 300 350. 400. ~ 450 Chart 11 Showing the weight of thyroid gland of the albino rat according to body weight. The observed weights are represented by 42 (Jackson) female rats, below 50 grams in body weight, and 49 (Wistar) male rats, above 50 grams in body weight; and 36 (Jackson) female rats, below 50 grams in body weight, and 27 (Wis- tar) female rats, above 50 grams in body weight. @ Observed weight, male. Calculated weight for both sexes. © Observed weight, female. 11. Thyroid gland. Unlike the two ductless glands already mentioned, the thyroid gland does not exhibit any weight differ- ence between the two sexes. The growth of the thyroid gland in weight is represented by the following formula: Weight of thyroid = 0.0000973 (Bd. wt. +27) + 0.0139 log (Bd. wt. + 27) — 0.0226. The constants of the formula were determined from 91 males and 63 females. The relation between calculated and observed values is shown in chart 11. We notice in the chart that the two sexes do not differ fom each other, as the observed mean values for the two sexes are not segregated and those for both sexes cluster round the theoretical line. The thyroid gland is the most variable among all the ductless glands treated in the present paper. The variation is due to cases 1 SHINKISHI HATAI OF SEGSEOSES0Se S00 S0n as SeRBeCOoU ome) (pet ES ACCS 2 oni aia aaa aaa alia ala cA Sasso | WEIGHT GRAMS BEER EEE EEE EEE CEE ase estate a leah: Iasi 04 ECEE EEE eee BECEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe aes l Ga 0.2 Chart 12 Showing the weight of eyeballs of the male albino rat according to body weight. The observed weights are represented by 149 male rats (Jackson) @ Observed weight. Calculated weight. of enlargement. In some instances this enlargement amounts to almost ten times the average value. From the data here used, all hypertrophied cases were excluded. The enlargement of the gland can be easily recognized not only by the size, but also by the color. The color of the normal gland is pink while that of the abnormal gland is milky owing perhaps to an exces- sive accumulation of the colloidal material. A slight acquaintance removes any difficulty in distinguishing the abnormal from the normal gland. ' 12. Eyeballs. The growth of the eyeballs in weight is rep- resented by the following formula: Weight of eyeballs = 0.000428 Bd. wt. + 0.098 log Bd. wt. — 0.041 The constants of the formula were determined from 149 male rats. The relation between observed and calculated values is shown in chart 12. The entire data used were furnished by Dr. Jackson and obtained by him from the rats belonging to the col- ony kept at the University of Missouri. ALBINO RAT VISCERA, GLANDS, EYEBALLS: WEIGHTS 113 For the weight of the Brain and of the Spinal Cord, formulas have already been published (Donaldson ’08) (Hatai ’09). As already stated, in the case of the Thymus no treatment of the data has yet been attempted. Types of graphs A comparison of the graphs reveals several interesting points touching the form of growth characteristic for each organ. A little study of the graphs makes it evident that we can class them under three general types. Type 1. The graph represented by the growth of eyeballs. This is characterized by very rapid growth in weight at an early period and after this period the rate of growth is much reduced. This type is characteristic for the growth of the brain and the spinal cord in weight (Donaldson ’08). Type 2. The graphs representing the growth of all the other viscera except the sex glands. These graphs are characterized by a relatively rapid rise at an earlier period followed by an almost straight line which makes an angle of varying degree with the base line; an angle always much greater than that of Type 1. Type 8. The graphs representing the growth of the sex glands. ‘These graphs are characterized by fluctuating rates of growth be- tween birth and sexual maturity. For example, in the case of the ovaries, the first phase (from birth to 50 grams) is repre- sented by a logarithmic curve. This is followed by a phase of rapid growth represented by a parabolic curve (50 to 110 grams). This second phase is followed in turn by a phase of slower growth represented again by a logarithmic curve. Similarly, the growth of the testes has three phases, though the time relations of the corresponding phases are not the same as in the case of the ovaries. The difference between Type 1 and Type 2 is very clear when the graphs are plotted to an equal scale on one sheet. When this is done the graph for Type 1 appears almost parallel to the base line soon after the very rapid early rise is completed, while the graph of Type 2 continues to rise at a more rapid rate. When THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, No. 1 114 SHINKISHI HATAI however, animals lower in the zoological scale are taken, Type 1 tends to resemble Type 2. This can be seen from the graphs for the growth of the brain weight in the fish (Kellicott ’08) and in the frog (Donaldson 703). Type 3, however, seems to be quite characteristically differentiated from the rest even in the fish, as shown by the graph for the gonads. The relative growth of the organs rep- resented by these three types of graphs is represented in table 3. The data giving the percentage growth of the brain and spinal cord (Donaldson ’08) are included for comparison. In the case of each organ in table 3 the percentages were calculated by taking the final weight of the organ, at a body weight of 450 grams for the male, as 100 and then expressing the preceding weights as percentages. In the case of the female, the final organ weight (100) was taken from the rats of 300 grams in body weight. This is about the average maximum body weight the female can attain. Examination of table 3 reveals many interesting points. First of all the three types of growth are clearly shown; that is the eyeballs and the nervous system are characterized by a precocious growth in an earlier stage. Fifty per cent of the final weight is attained by the brain in rats when still below 20 grams in body weight—in the case of the spinal cord, below 100 grams and in the case of the eyeballs, below 130 grams. In the viscera and ductless glands on the other hand, 50 per cent is attained at a body weight of about 200 grams or more. In the case of the sex glands, half of the final weight is attained at about the same stage as the eyeballs 130 grams. Nevertheless the characteris- tic double or triple phases of growth serve to distinguish clearly the type of the gonads from that of the eyeballs or nervous system. It is highly interesting to notice the similarity of growth rate of all the abdominal and thoracic viscera and ductless glands, especially after the 50 per cent increment has been attained. This similarity of the growth rate of the organs just named throughout this first third of the span of life suggests a close quantitative interrelation between these various organs and their ALBINO RAT VISCERA, GLANDS, EYEBALLS: WEIGHTS 115 TABLE 3 S | OK HMRDDAMNOMDHOMDRS S “2 | wip wom nrSsnrnrasnas D> ze i Sew BN WOAH HD © = pee me * aa MAHOMNOMAHMOKE OOO co = oa ANtorannMnanwnanntod . = Seis HH HANDBOOKS > ae iz eS tai. i = 43 ; ANDA DOHA DOrEMNMNOMM HO “= aso |] NIOKROnmKRHKERODNDHS S 28 | Mmm TW NNANMHOOM- AO — De me a Ss mt ee MOmRAHMNE DHOMDONAN i) = 8 AS | KR HOAMANDHDAHOMSOCODONMSO eS mS TS RAND AO HMO SSHNEDNHAS i 2 - aCe =< 2 neon Dt TOON ONOAONS Le af | HOWMRAONEDMDANASHAHYMOASS = 8 ao | SAAN OT HORNE HDHADS <> | s | wets _ pon obs = S 2 | NAOCRHAOWTASSOSCHMAOCSS > 2 fe tn or ce) Om OmAtAwWmWoHMNMOK WOO 2 = AMHNSOSORRDDDAGADBADSS 3 ] a ‘_~ — —— = ——— oy S n MHODOMMDADADINOOAARAOANS 3 8 2 Rete Se eS 4 , 2 HAN ONHOOHKRMADMONS 3 & B zs BC ONABZSESSREKSSSS Ses a ‘a i | ; => eis age S ees ee IDMOHAKNRAHMAMAHORNDANS & 5 ar MDOBOMSAaHAHKROAKRMDOHHOSO Se eke PSSSSARBVSGESHRBSS Se AA ‘J re nS ; x S:s <3 KRHORHDADHMHHONHHOMO > foe} 5 a 3 * : é S % 3 NROMDHHORHAKNRMOMHASO Ss Bz SHH ANDO HH DH SRKDADS eS Sh Dw re aes een — MODMIMAMADATEADADMNANOS = 8 aS NHOODONMAOMDMDHBDONADAHHAO Es Eve ABH TN MOH HIN SO DAS Ss z= rg MPa. 2 4 RE) a s ' S Ze KROHHDOHMANOWIANDDHDNO : SCH DOOR KwioNOSOADHMHOS a> aie: Sm NN Ow AH 1D 2D Ok CO SD © Sih a al 0 8 s Sal ae KSA HWODANADOHRDADNNDO yas = SNHMDONKRHOSOONHR ADS : Ss a o rN Oo HH 19 ~ 0S — 2) & DD — — — ——— = — Ss n | OMDMOAOONOMKR HOMO CoO SOS <2 5 HOi9KrODWn ton DHANSODWDAASS S'S 5 Am ANN DOH HINO Oh © OS Se 5] -S a8 e HSSCONHWOHRACHH TAK OHO > a ANMANMDAHAADK OD LEN AS S S imal tant GNI Gel sap Scrl Mey tre Cosy Sac 0) ox) S I = te DOArRPOHNOHOMOANNDAHNAS S am HHONOMMDOSMNHDAHADADS S el met ANN oO tH H 190 OO oo S 424 tl ~ os Pel 2 2 Set ef alee oe a = RODKRNHNANODDONHORALKO s Ss NAHOONBHADMOKNODONDASHAHOS = = MAMA HININSOnRDADS S _ = | & —— Ji eee 5 > an I Wome Ss oo eel aoeots == S acd Send MAHI ke OO ke OC OD 1D © 10 = on Se NNN OD OH =x D 25 > | 116 SHINKISHI HATAI relative independence of both the gonads and the nervous sys- tem. . Urea oe PY Ae 2 m hil ree ie os eee eB ii " Betas: a es ‘hpvmgeee et eres, File sae hd deone se ue el A eae ay aa Cre ‘apd BAP: bs Legs ‘ o (Ager pce io reed Satna clues Meco. “aly ea Dna lai ¥ A we aie * Ga, RE iy Bh ia aa ‘ eet se Le Aseindaher ens ae cate a) Seat tele ve py: Ey ~ en ae 2 a { er went S* a THE NUCLEUS CARDIACUS NERVI VAGI AND THE THREE DISTINCT TYPES OF NERVE CELLS WHICH INNERVATE THE THREE DIFFERENT TYPES OF MUSCLE EDWARD F. MALONE The Anatomical Laboratory of the University of Cincinnati THREE FIGURES When one has carefully and critically studied in series of Nissl preparations the brains of various mammals, there is revealed the presence of constant cell groups whose cells invariably pos- sess certain definite characteristics as to size, form and _ struc- ture. A separation of two groups of cells based merely upon differences in their histological characters is justified in the present state of our knowledge, only when such differences are constant and striking. When these conditions are fulfilled we may conclude that such constant and striking differences in cell character correspond to a difference in cell activity, just as in other portions of the body. I have pointed out elsewhere that very real differences in cell character have been neglected by experimental workers, and that their results have been rendered thereby of less value. Since the dorsal motor (sympathetic) nucleus of the vagus is known to contain centers for the con- trol of both heart muscle and smooth muscle, one would sup- pose that any real difference in the cell character of various portions of this nucleus would at once claim the attention of the experimental worker and that he would attempt to inform us as to the relation of these different types of cells to the various functions of the vagus nerve. But such is not the case; we are informed casually that some cells are large and others small, and thereafter the cells are considered as if they were all of the same type. 121 123 EDWARD F. MALONE The discovery of two different types of cells in the sympa- thetic vagus nucleus was not accidental; I was led to look for this difference on the following grounds. In the first place, I had recently shown that all cells concerned in transmitting effer- ent impulses to striated muscle possess a fundamental similarity of structure, whether the axone of the cell be in direct relation to the muscle or whether the cell act on the muscle through the mediation of one or more efferent neurones. This observation naturally strengthened my belief in the significance of the rela- tion of cell character to cell function. In the second place, I had observed the striking difference between the cells supplying striated and those supplying smooth muscle. Since in a recent paper Molhant had shown that all fibers of the vagus supplying heart and smooth muscle arise from the sympathetic vagus nucleus, I concluded that in cells having such diverse functions there must exist a fundamental difference in histological charac- ter. As was anticipated, two different types of cells were found; the evidence in favor of ascribing to the cells of one type the innervation of heart muscle, and on the other hand, to cells of the other type the innervation of smooth muscle, will be con- sidered later. The material available consisted of two complete series. The first was a series of the brain of a lemur, while the second was of the brain of macacus rhesus. Both brains were fixed in 95 per cent alcohol, and after the usual treatment with absolute and chloroform, were imbedded in paraffin. Serial sections were stained in a 1 per cent aqueous solution of toluidin blue (Griibler), differentiated in 95 per cent alcohol, dehydrated in absolute, cleared in xylol, and mounted in Canada balsam. Series of brains of other forms will have to be prepared and studied before I | feel justified in committing myself upon many points, and the present article has therefore been limited, especially as to the exact location and distribution of the different types of cells. The efferent fibers of the vagus nerve arise from two distinct columns of cells. From the nucleus ambiguous arise the fibers which supply striated muscle, while from the so-called dorsal motor nucleus arise fibers which innervate heart muscle and NUCLEUS CARDIACUS NERVI VAGI 123 smooth muscle. This fundamental difference as to function, which has been proved beyond doubt by the recent investigation of Molhant, had not been clearly recognized; this obscurity was probably favored by the fact that the nucleus ambiguous, to- gether with the motor nuclei of the eleventh, seventh and fifth cranial nerves have often been regarded as visceral, regardless of the fact that their cells cannot be distinguished either histologi- cally or functionally from the cells of the other motor nerves supplying striated muscle. Thus this classification giving undue emphasis to a condition which in mammals no longer exists, has contributed to the general lack of appreciation that the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus is composed of cells which differ radically both histologically and functionally from those of the nuclei supplying striated muscle, regardless of whether the stri- ated muscle be of somatic or of visceral origin. The name ‘“‘dorsal motor nucleus” does not indicate the true function of this cell group, and I shall use the name ‘‘sympathetic or vis- ceral nucleus of the vagus.” The location and extent of the sympathetic nucleus of the vagus is well known and will not be considered in this paper, except to call attention to the fact that it extends as a long column of cells dorso-lateral to the hypoglossus nucleus from the lowest portion of the medulla to almost the level of the oral pole of the inferior olive. An excellent description of the loca- tion of this nucleus is given in Jacobsohn’s monograph. The oral portion of the nucleus is composed of small cells of the type shown in figure 2; this is true both in the case of the lemur and the monkey. As one follows the nucleus caudally a second type of cell begins to appear (fig. 1). The portion of the nucleus in ‘which both types of cells occur is at the level of the oral portion of the hypoglossus nucleus, and here the sympathetic nucleus attains its greatest diameter. The cells of each type are partly separated from each other, although no sharp line of separation is evident. In the lemur the large cells (fig. 1) form a fairly compact group dorsal from the small cells, whereas in the mon- key their relative position is reversed. Proceeding further in a caudal direction, the small cells become rapidly less numerous 124 EDWARD F. MALONE and finally disappear. After the disappearance of the small cells the sympathetic nucleus, consisting now entirely of the large cells (fig. 1) proceeds caudally as a well developed and definite group. In the most caudal portion of the medulla the sym- pathetic nucleus is much reduced; only a few cells are seen in each section, and these cells become smaller and have the appear- ance of the smallest cell in figure 1; in this portion of the nucleus (the caudal end) are probably also cells of the type shown in figure 2, that is, similar to those in the oral portion of the nucleus, but at present I cannot be absolutely sure of this, as the sur- rounding cell groups have not been sufficiently studied. The smallest cell shown in figure 1, is probably a transition type between the other cells of figure 1, and those of figure 2. To sum up, the sympathetic vagus nucleus consists of three por- tions: (a) an oral portion whose cells are of the type in figure 2; (b) a middle portion whose cells are shown in figure 1; and (ce) a caudal portion composed of cells shown in figure 2 (same as oral portion) and also of cells such as the smallest cell in figure 1 (probably a transition type). It is not my intention to present in this paper a detailed de- scription of the types of cells in the vagus sympathetic nucleus, but rather to point out the fact that there are very definite differences in histological character between the cells of the vari- ous groups; a study of the illustrations will make this evident. Since these differences in cell character exist, and since such differences must necessarily be an indication of corresponding differences of cell activity, we may now consider whether these different cell groups of different character may be brought into relation with definite functions. In the first place, it has been shown by Molhant, in his excellent and extensive work on the vagus nerve,’ that the sympathetic nucleus of the vagus gives origin to all the fibers of the vagus which supply smooth and heart muscle, and that all its cells give origin to such fibers. Further, he has shown that the oral portion sup- plies smooth muscle (stomach, lungs), the function of the extreme caudal portion is doubtful (possibly connected with the trachea and bronchi), while the intermediate portion supplies NUCLEUS CARDIACUS NERVI VAGI 125 heart muscle, but he has failed to connect these different func- tions with different types of cells. Concerning the function of the caudal portion of the nucleus, which is composed of cells of the type shown in figure 2, together with cells resembling the smallest cell of figure 1, we can draw no definite conclusion. The oral portion consists exclusively of the type of cells shown in figure 2, and we may conclude that this type of cell supplies smooth muscle; of course this does not justify us in concluding that this type of cell (fig. 2) is the only type of cell which may supply smooth muscle, or that this type may not in other regions have a different function. Overlapping thecells supplying smooth muscle (fig. 2) and extending caudally unaccompanied by other types of cells is the type of cell shown in figure 1, and this por- tion of the sympathetic nucleus has been shown (Molhant) to supply heart muscle. It is evident therefore that the cells of figure 1 supply heart muscle, while those of figure 2 supply smooth muscle (stomach and lungs). In addition there is purely histological evidence to support the functional relations of these two types of cells (figs. 1 and 2), since the cells supplying heart muscle (fig. 1) are a type intermediate in histological structure between those supplying smooth muscle (fig. 2) and those supplying striated muscle (cells of hypo- glossus nucleus, fig. 3). The relative size of the Nissl bodies in the three types of motor cells illustrated in figs. 1 to 3 is espe- cially worthy of notice. The fact that nerve cells supplying heart muscle are of a type intermediate between those supplying striated and smooth muscle constitutes one of the strongest arguments in support of the importance of the relation of cell character to cell function, since heart muscle is histologically intermediate between the two other types of muscle. The cell group which supplies heart muscle, composed of the characteristic cells shown in figure 1, I shall name provisionally “nucleus cardiacus nervi vagi.” I do not feel justified in assign- ing any name to the other portions of the vagus sympathetic nucleus, but shall be content. with pointing out that the cells of the oral portion which supply smooth muscle are of a definite type (fig. 2). A further division is at present not advisable 126 EDWARD F. MALONE because the functional relations of the caudal group are not understood, and because the pigmented cells described by Jacob- sohn in man, have not been identified and studied (of course, in lower animals pigment is wanting, although homologous non-pigmented cells may exist). Further subdivision of the sympathetic nucleus, together with a detailed description of the location and extent of the various cell types, the consider- ation of transition types, and of the relations of the nucleus to the cells of surrounding nuclei, must await a thorough study of numerous series of various animals (including man). CONCLUSIONS 1. The -histological character of a nerve cell is an indication of its function. Differences in connections with portions of the organism which differ merely in spatial relations do not involve a difference in the character of the nerve cells, but are associated merely with the location of the nerve cell; for instance, arm and leg muscles, flexors and extensors are all innervated by the same type of cell, although such differences in peripheral connections correspond to differences in the position of the corresponding nerve cells. 2. The three types of muscle are innervated by three distinct types of nerve cell, which, however, are related to one another in such a manner that the cell innervating heart muscle is of a type intermediate between the other two types of cells. Heart muscle, smooth muscle, and striated muscle are innervated by cells such as are illustrated in figures 1, 2 and 3 respectively, the cells of figure 1 constituting a type intermediate between the other two. 3. The nucleus cardiacus nervi vagi is situated in the middle portion of the sympathetic nucleus of the vagus and is composed of cells shown in figure 1. 4. The time has passed when experimental workers can afford to neglect to inform themselves of the existence of definite types of cells situated in the region under investigation, and to attempt to bring cell character into relation with cell function. NUCLEUS CARDIACUS NERVI VAGI LWP / BIBLIOGRAPHY Jacopsoun, L. 1909 Uber die Kerne des menschlichen Hirnstamms. Aus dem Anhang zu den Abhandlungen der kénigl. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Matonr, E. 1910 Uber die Kerne des menschlichen Diencephalon. Aus dem Anhang zu den Abhandlungen der kénigl. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. 1913 Recognition of members of the somatic motor chain of nerve cells, etc. Anat. Rec., vol. 7, no. 3. Moruant, M. 1910 Le nerf vague (primiére partie). Le névraxe, tom. 11. Mo.uant, M., et VAN GenUCHTEN, A. 1912 Contribution 4 1’étude anatomique du nerf pneumo-gastrique chez Vhomme. Le névraxe, tom. 13. « PLATE 1 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 1to3 The cells illustrated in the three figures were all drawn from the same section with the aid of lucida, and for all cells the magnification is 580 diameters. I have attempted to reproduce as nearly as possible the actual appearance of the cells, combining to a certain extent different levels of focus. These three figures clearly show that the cells supplying heart muscle (fig. 1) are histologically intermediate between the cells supplying smooth muscle (fig. 2) and those supplying striated muscle (fig. 3). 1 Cells from nucleus cardiacus nervi vagi of lemur. The smallest cell repre- sents probably a transition type to the cell type of figure 2, and this type occurs more frequently in the caudal portion of the vagus sympathetic nucleus where it is found together with the cells of the type shown in figure 2. 580 diameters. 2 Cells of vagus sympathetic nucleus of lemur which innervate smooth mus- cle. In the oral portion of the sympathetic vagus nucleus these cells occur alone; more caudally they occur together with the cells of the nucleus cardiacus (fig. 1) in the most oral portion of this nucleus. In the caudal portion of the sympa- thetic nucleus such cells probably reappear and are accompanied by the small cell type shown in figure 1 (smallest cell). 580 diameters. 3 Cells from hypoglossus nucleus of lemur, innervating striated muscle. 580 diameters. PLATE I NUCLEUS CARDIACUS NERVI VAGI EDWARD F. MALONE THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, No.1 129 ‘ ve herd HISTOGENESIS AND MORPHOGENESIS OF THE THO- RACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK; DEVELOPMENT OF BLOOD CELLS AND THEIR PASSAGE TO THE BLOOD STREAM VIA THE THORACIC DUCT ADAM M. MILLER « The Anatomical Laboratory of Columbia University TWENTY-EIGHT FIGURES (SEVENTEEN PLATES) I. INTRODUCTION The study of the development of the jugular lymph sac in the chick, the result of which was published in this Journal,! (1) led to the investigation also of the developing thoracic duct and the means whereby its communication with the lymph sac is estab- lished. This investigation has been carried on with the advice and under supervision of Dr. Huntington and in the light of his recent work on reptiles (2) and the eat (3). Within the past few years different investigators have shown that in the frog (4), (5), the chick (1), (8), the rabbit (6), the cat (9), and in man (7) each jugular lymph sac develops directly from a venous capillary network adjacent to the junction of the early precardinal with the postcardinal vein to form the duct of Cuvier. It has also been pointed out by Huntington (14) that the jugular lymph sacs, regarded as of venous origin, constitute the connecting links between the hemal vascular system and the general system of lymphatic vessels. The origin of the systemic lymphatic vessels is a problem on which investigators are sharply divided. A summary of the different views, including the bibliography, can be found on pages 10-13 of Huntington’s monograph in the Memoirs of The Wistar Institute (3). ' References, by number, will be found on page 162. " 131 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, NO. 2 SEPTEMBER, 1913 132 ADAM M. MILLER As regards the particular case of the thoracic duct, Sala (10) in 1900 published the results of his work on the chick in which he holds that it develops by canalization of solid mesenchymal cords. In 1902 Sabin (11), after working with the injection method, published her account of the development of the lym- phatic system in pig embryos. In this she reinforces and extends the view of Langer (12) and Ranvier (13), that lymphatics arise from veins by a process of sprouting and centrifugal growth, maintaining that the system as a whole is developed by blind ducts that ‘bud off’ from the veins of the cervical and inguinal regions, widen out to form sacs from which lymphatics grow to the skin, stating also that “at the same time a growth of ducts occurs along the dorsal line following the aorta to make a tho- racic duct from which lymphatics grow to the various organs.”’ The two views expressed by Sala and Sabin are thus diametrically opposed, the one being that the lymphatics arise in the mesen- chyme independently of the veins, the other that the lymphatics are outgrowths from the veins. In 1905 Lewis (6) expressed the view that in the rabbit the lymphatic system is derived directly from the embryonal veins, multiple detached portions of these becoming confluent to form the permanent systemic lymphatics, stating that the thoracic duct ‘‘arises from a plexus of lymphatics surrounding the aorta’’ (p. 109). In 1907 Huntington and McClure (25), studying the develop- ment of lymphatic vessels in their relation to the veins in embryos of the cat, found that ‘‘the lymphatics begin as extra-intimal spaces along the course of the primitive embryonal veins. They subsequently become confluent and form continuous vascular channels” (p. 42). Huntington, in 1908 (14), while retaining this view of the gene- sis of the systemic lymphatic vessels, as distinguished from the jugular lymph sacs, defined the latter as the connecting links between the hemal vascular system and the general system of the lymphatic vessels, which ‘‘arise, not by transformation of veins, but by the formation of spaces lying outside the intimal lining of the veins, which spaces, becoming confluent, form the general lymphatic channels of the body” (p. 25). THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK 133 In the same year (1908) McClure (21) abandoned the view previously held jointly by him and Huntington as regards the development of the thoracic and right lymphatic ducts in cat embryos, and states: The anlages of the thoracic and right lymphatic ducts consist of a series of independent outgrowths which first appear along the common jugular and innominate and then along the azygos veins exactly in the line subsequently followed by these ducts; these outgrowths are sub- sequently split off from the veins, by a process of fenestration, in the form of a series of isolated, more or less spindle-shaped spaces which later become confluent with one another and with a process of the jugular lymph sac to form a continuous system disconnected from the Wells. aerate. (py 542): In 1909 Sabin (7) reiterates her original view, based on the study of injected pig embryos, stating that the “presumption seems to lie on the side that the thoracic duct develops in the same manner as all other ducts,” namely, “from endothelial sprouts from the sacs”’ (p. 58). McClure in 1910 (23), after further studies of critical stages in lymphatic development, retracted his former view and stated: The venous line . . . . along which the cat’s thoracic duct develops is topographically replaced by the lymphatic channel, not directly, as assumed by me (in 1908), but secondarily by extra-intimal lymphatic space development, . . . . the ‘extra-intimal theory,’ as originally out- lined by Huntington and myself (in 1906), establishes a fundamental principle of development for the main systemic lymph channels in mammals (p. 105). Sabin, in a later article (11) (22), states that “the thoracic duct develops in part as a down growth of the jugular sac and in part, especially its dilated portion or cisterna chyli, as a direct transformation of the branches of the azygos veins” (p. 424). This expression of opinion seems to be a correction of her earlier state- ments and a partial adoption of Lewis’s view. In place of her former concept of an uninterrupted centrifugal lymphatic growth from the sacs, she now appears to hold that in addition a portion of the thoracic duct develops as the result of direct transformation of azygos venous tributaries into lymphatics. 134 ADAM M. MILLER Huntington again in 1911 confirmed and elaborated his for- mer view by extensive observations on reptiles (2) and the eat, stating specifically on page 13 of the first number of the Memoirs of The Wistar Institute (3) that ‘‘the entire extensive system of lymphatic vessels proper of the adult animal, including the tho- racic and right lymphatic ducts and their tributaries, is formed by the confluence of the extravenous intercellular mesodermal spaces,” and that ‘“‘these spaces are lined by a lymphatic vascular endothe- lium which is not derived from the hemal vascular endothelium, but develops independently of the same,” and giving his summary and conclusions in remarkably clear terms on pages 153-171 of the same publication. He also points out that the systemic lym- phatic development in the mammalian embryo is ‘‘by no means confined to the immediate environment of degenerating embryonic veins. The same field, which shows the above described histo- genetic processes in the development of extra-intimal lymphatic spaces surrounding and replacing a decadent venule, will at the same time contain numerous equivalent lymphatic mesenchymal clefts and spaces which continue to develop independently of any association with retrograding veins” (p. 49). Sabin in 1912 (24) still maintains that ‘‘the thoracic duct (in the pig) arises in part as a downgrowth from the left jugular sac and in part from a plexus of lymphatics which buds off from the veins of the Wolffian body”’ (p. 336). Recently Kampmeier (15), after studying serial sections of both uninjected pig embryos and one of Sabin’s injected specimens, concluded that the actual genesis of the thoracic duct is initiated by the appearance of blind mesenchymal lymphatic spaces either around or not immediately in contact with the venous derivatives, or veno-lymphatics, which become detached from their venous trunks and break up into degenerating seg- ments . . . . During their inception and growth the walls of the dis- continuous thoracic duct anlagen are composed of mesenchymal cells : Injected specimens of the early lymphatic stages certify the reality of blind uninjectible anlagen beyond the farthest points to which the injecta have penetrated, demonstrating that discontinuities in a developing lymphatic channel are not ‘appearances’ found only by the study of uninjected embryos (pp. 463-464). THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK 135 Stromsten (16) in his account of the development of the tho- racic duct in turtles arrived at a like conclusion, stating that “the development of the peri-aortic lymphatic plexus in the loggerhead turtle is immediately preceded by the formation of isolated, independent spaces. They (the spaces) cannot be injected . . . .” (p. 354). “The intercellular spaces thus formed enlarge and fuse together to form lymphatic lacunae. At a later stage the lacunae acquire an endothelial lining and become the isolated anlagen of the thoracic duct” (p. 356). As regards the thoracic duct in the chick, itgwill be my object in this article (1) to demonstrate its origin by confluence of inter- cellular spaces in the mesenchyme, independent of the veins, and to reconsider the significance of the mesenchymal cords described by Sala in their relation to the developing lymphatics; (2) to dis- cuss the establishment of the morphological drainage line of the thoracic duct and the means by which this duct and the jugular lymph sacs communicate; and (3) to show that the organization of the avian thoracic duct corresponds in type with that estab- lished in reptiles and mammals. Il. MATERIAL Embryos of the domestic fowl (Gallus gallus) have been used chiefly on account of the certainty in procuring the critical stages. Some embryos of the English sparrow (Passer domesticus) have also been used. Of this material I have examined thirty-two individual embryos in serial sections, comprising twenty-seven chicks and five sparrows. Four of the chicks were injected with India ink through the umbilical vein (table 1). Unfortunately the sparrow embryos, of which series nos. 123, 124, 126, 154 and 509 were examined, were not measured and could be judged as to stages of development only by comparison with the chicks. The embryos were fixed in vom Rath’s, Bouin’s, or Zenker’s fluid (some in Zenker-formol), Bouin’s fluid giving the best results with the least shrinkage. The sections were cut in paraffin and stained on the slide by one or the other of the following methods. After fixation in vom Rath’s mixture, the staining was 136 ADAM M. MILLER TABLE 1 CHICK EMBRYOS SERIES NO. Bun CONS es iN CRBADBSD LENG ZH aN MM., 415 96 7.0 371 108 6.75 336 120 9.0 355 ? 120 15) 356 | 120 12.0 326 130 12.5 411 132 9.0 410 132 9.25 370 132 9.5 357 | 132 10.75 412 | 145 10.75 340 145 11.0 428 | 145 11.0 414 145 11.25 339 lis 145 13.5 426 | 160 SES 465 | 165 14.0 463 | 166 16.0 464 166 E 16.5 520 171 injected | 521 192 injected 522 192 injected 519 206 523 216 injected 320 230 524 240 483 260 done with a much diluted Delafield’s hematoxylin, followed by a weak solution of picric acid in alcohol. After all the other fixatives the sections were overstained in Weigert’s hematoxylin, decolorized in water acidulated with HCl, and counterstained in a weak solution of Orange G in distilled water. The blood cells are clearly differentiated by either method; the cytoplasm of those containing even a trace of hemoglobin shows some tinge of yellow. Developing muscle tissue and nerve fibers also are yellow. Other elements are stained by the hematoxylin, the delicate processes of the irregular mesenchymal cells showing especially well. THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK 137 III. HISTOGENESIS Sala, in his account of the development of the thoracic duct in the chick (10), states that the anlagen of this lymph channel appear as isolated mesenchymal spaces which become clothed with endothelial cells derived from the mesenchyme, and which subsequently coalesce to form continuous vessels. He thus implies a denial that the lymphatics in this region arise from veins and that the lymphatic endothelium is derived from hemal vascular endothelium. He also calls attention to accumulations of mesenchymal cells which contrast clearly with the surrounding tissue. They appear to consist in large part of elements ex- hibiting all the characteristics of young connective tissue cells, with roundish forms, no processes and large intensely colorable nuclei. Among these elements appear red corpuscles in larger or smaller numbers. The accumulations or clumps of cells develop first on the mesial aspect of the superior vena cava, and then extend caudad to the level of the celiac artery. Without describing the histogenesis of these masses of cells, Sala states further that within them in large part the anlagen of the thoracic duct are excavated or ‘hollowed out.’ The details of the ‘hollowing’ process are not given. In the main I can confirm the results of Sala’s observations so far as he has carried them. As for the isolated mesenchymal spaces which he describes as the anlagen of the thoracic duct my study of their histogenesis in the closely graded series of chick embryos leads to the conclusion that they do arise independently of the veins and that their endothelial lining is derived from the indifferent mesenchymal cells bordering upon them. The details of the process I shall attempt to demonstrate in the following pages. After tracing the development of the accumulations of cells in the mesenchyme and their subsequent history in relation to the developing thoracic duct, it seems to the writer that a different and greater significance can be attached to them than was given by Sala. Since the cells composing them correspond so closely in their history to the developing blood cells as described by Dantschakoff (17) in the extraembryonic area of the chick, 138 ADAM M. MILLER undoubtedly they should be considered as collections of intra- embryonic developing blood cells. These clumps of cells, as noted by Sala, develop in the vicinity of the aortic arches, especially the sixth, and along the dorsal aortic roots and the aorta as far as the exit of the superior mesen- teric artery. The early stages in the formation can be clearly seen in embryos of 100 to 110 hours. Some of the stellate elements of the mesenchymal reticulum (syncytium) become differentiated from their neighbors. Their processes are retracted and separated from the general reticulum, the cells thus becoming rounded (figs. 1 and 2). The cytoplasm acquires a more strongly basophilic character, increases in amount and becomes more homogeneous than that of the true mesen- chyme. The nuclei contain a relatively small amount of chro- matin and one or two, usually two, distinct nucleoli. Mitotic figures are occasionally seen (fig. 2). While the cell contours are generally regular, there are sufficient irregularities to denote an ameboid character. These cells appear to be identical with the large mononuclear cells which Dantschakoff describes as differen- tiating from the blood islands in the area vasculosa of the blasto- derm and later in the capillaries of the yolk sac, and which she calls lymphocytes. The cells here under consideration increase in number not only by their own proliferation but also by continued differen- tiation from the mesenchymal syncytium (fig. 2). For the most part they lie in compact groups, which gradually increase in size as the cells increase in number, but some cells usually appear in the vicinity of the groups (figs. 4, 5, 7, 8 and 10, 16) and not infrequently at some distance from them. After their differentig- tion and separation from the mesenchymal syncytium all the— cells, both members of the groups and isolated, lie free in the spaces among the stellate elements of the mesenchymal tissue (figs. 3 and 4). No blood vessels or lymphatics are present in the imme- diate vicinity of the cell groups when the latter first develop and consequently the cells are extravascular (figs, 1, 2, 3 and 4). It will be shown later that after the lymphatics develop in this region the cells for the most part are included within them and thus become intravascular elements. THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK 139 The application of the term ‘blood islands’ to the accumulations of cells has been avoided because there is no real condensation of the mesenchyme whereby the differentiating elements fuse to form a solid protoplasmic mass. Each stellate element differen- tiates individually (figs. 1 and 2) and condensation occurs only as a subsequent aggregatron of the differentiated cells. The result- ing large mononuclear cells, however, so closely correspond to the first lymphocytes that develop in the area vasculosa of the blasto- derm, the subsequent histories of the cells arising in the two localities being identical, the conclusion is warranted that the differentiated mesenchymal elements in question serve as an intraembryonic source of blood cells. While the present investigation has not been of such a nature as to determine whether the mononuclear basophilic cells which have been described give rise to granular leucocytes, they certainly give rise to red blood cells. The cytoplasm of some of the cells gradually loses its basophilic character and acquires a stronger affinity for the plasma dyes, at the same time becoming quite homogeneous. These changes are concomitant with the addition of hemoglobin. The nuclear changes comprise an increase in the amount of chromatin, its arrangement into a rather heavy retic- ulum and the disappearance of the nucleoli (fig. 2). Cells thus modified and containing a moderate amount of hemoglobin, as indicated by the reaction to plasma stains, are erythrobalsts. Without further visible structural changes these acquire more hemoglobin until eventually they are indistinguish- able from the red blood cells in the general circulation. ‘They have therefore become erythrocytes. It is probable also that they are definitive rather than the larger primitive erythrocytes described by Dantschakoff. The changes described above occur both in the cells composing the groups and in the isolated cells, so that fully developed red blood cells as well as the earlier develop- mental stages are seen not only in the groups but also in the mesen- chymal spaces more or less remote from the groups. Among the developing erythroblasts, especially in the later stages, are many small cells which apparently go through the same processes of differentiation as the red blood cells themselves and 140 ADAM M. MILLER resemble the latter in every respect except size. These are un- doubtedly microcytes, the earlier stages being microblasts. After the middle of the fifth day the masses of developing blood cells increase rapidly in size by proliferation of the com- ponent cells and continued differentiation of the branching ele- ments of the mesenchymal syncytium. -They increase in number also by the same processes of differentiation in other localities. Up to about the beginning of the sixth day all the developing blood cells in question remain extravascular, that is, free in the intercellular mesenchymal spaces which are not lined by endo- thelium. By the end of the seventh day the aggregations of cells reach the height of their development. At this time they extend in two main lines from the level of the aortic arches along the dorsal aortic roots to the confluence of the latter to form the aorta (figs. 6, 20 and 22, 1/6). At this level, or a little further caudal, the two main lines unite to form a single line which extends about to the level of the superior mesenteric artery (figs. 7, 8, 10, 20 and 22, 76). At their greatest development the larger groups together form an almost continuous mass of the cells which in places is greater in diameter than the aorta. Usually there are also numerous smaller outlying groups which belong to the same general line (figs. 7 and 8). While the main lines above described are established in all the embryos examined, yet there is a wide range of variability in the form of the groups and their arrangement in the lines. In most of the embryos examined a large mass of cells or a collec- tion of smaller groups had developed in the region dorsal to the aortic roots and esophagus (figs. 6 and 22, 16a). One of the most interesting and one of the most important features of the masses _ of developing blood cells is the fact that the main lines in their general arrangement correspond with the lines of the thoracic duct (figs. 20, 22 and 24, 16, 17 ,17a). To anticipate, it may be stated here that as the multiple anlagen of the thoracic duct develop the masses of developing blood cells are in a large part included within them, and thus become strictly intravascular (see fig. 10, 16, 17). The details of this process will THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK 141 be considered in the subsequent description of the formation of the lymphatic spaces and channels. After the seventh day, as the lymphatic channels in this region develop and establish com- munication with the jugular lymph sacs, the intravascular masses of blood cells decrease and, by about the eleventh day, are reduced to a few groups scattered through the lymphatic plexus (ef. figs. 24, 27 and 28). A considerable number of extravascular groups persist, however, until the fourteenth or fifteenth day, or even later. In the later stages the vast majority of the cells in these groups are practically mature erythrocytes lying free in the mesen- chymal spaces in the vicinity of the lymphatics (fig. 11). Inasmuch as the reduction in the masses of blood cells in the lymphatics follows the coalescence of the lymphatic spaces to form continuous channels and the establishment of communica- tion between the latter and the jugular lymph sacs, and since the lymph sacs open into the great veins, the blood cells in question eventually reach the general circulation by way of the thoracic duct and jugular lymph sacs. The thoracic duct at one period acts, therefore, as conveyor of the erythrocyte series of hemal cellular elements which have developed from the indifferent mesenchyme along the line of the duct. A consideration of the histogenesis of the lymph channels constituting the anlagen of the thoracic duct leads on to contro- versial ground. As stated earlier in this paper, the controversy hinges upon the question whether the lymphatics, exclusive of the lymph sacs or hearts, arise as sprouts or outgrowths from pre-existing vascular channels or de novo from the intercellular mesenchymal spaces. It is the opinion of the writer that in the chick the lymph channels which constitute the anlagen of the thoracic duct arise through enlargement and coalescence of intercellular spaces in the mesenchymal tissue, and that the endothelial lining of these chan- nels is derived directly from indifferent mesenchymal cells? that chance to border upon the spaces. In the material studied there 2 It should be understood that when ‘mesenchymal cells’ are spoken of, they are considered as the irregularly stellate masses of protoplasm the processes of which anastomose to form the mesenchymal syncytium, or reticulum. 142 ADAM M. MILLER is no evidence of any growing out, budding or sprouting from the endothelium of pre-existing blood vessels, the tissue in which the thoracic duct develops being non-vascular. The lymphatics in question, and their endothelial lining, arise independently of pre-existing vascular channels. Prior to the appearance of any specialized spaces or channels in the mesenchyme in the region of the future thoracic duct, the mesenchymal syncytium consists of irregularly stellate proto- plasmic elements the slender processes of which anastomose freely with like processes of neighboring elements. The cytoplasm is finely granular and the nuclei, while relatively large and vesic- ular, contain little chromatin and one or two distinct nucleoli. Among the protoplasmic components of this tissue are the cor- respondingly irregular interstices or spaces which also are con- tinuous with one another. These are called the mesenchymal intercellular spaces. The tissue as a whole might be compared with a sponge, the anastomosing protoplasmic parts representing the parenchyma of the sponge and the intercellular spaces the pores. While some of the protoplasmic elements during this time differentiate into blood cells, as previously described, our conception of the general syncytium and its spaces is In no way invalidated. The first changes in the mesenchyme leading toward the for- mation of definite channels occur during the latter half of the sixth day of incubation. These changes, instead of involving the mesenchyme generally, begin in several localities. In one of the localities, for example, the intercellular spaces increase in size and coalesce, most of the protoplasmic elements of the syn- cytium being pushed farther apart or broken. In this manner a considerably larger space is formed out of a number of the original _ smaller mesenchymal spaces (fig. 9, 1/7). For the most part the smaller spaces of the surrounding tissue open freely into the larger space, although in places along the edge of the latter the proto- plasmic elements lose some of their stellate character and become flattened on the side toward the larger space. The phenomena in general indicate the accumulation of the fluid filling the mesenchymal spaces, the cells and their processes THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK 143 being subjected to pressure and friction incident to the flow of the interstitial substance. Thus there arises in the mesenchyme a space larger than the original interstitial spaces but derived directly from them by their enlargement and coalescence (cf. figs. 12, 13 and 14). So far as there is any definite lining for the new space, it is formed by the partially or wholly flattened mesen- chymal cells upon which the fluid in the space impinges (fig. 13). The further changes in one of these larger spaces consists in the main of its elongation through the enlargement and addition to it of other intercellular mesenchymal spaces, a progressive flattening of the cells along its sides, and an approximation of the edges of the flattened cells to form a definite lining of endo- thelium. There is thus formed a distinct channel in the mesen- chyme. For the most part it is lined and its lumen is separated from the surrounding interstitial mesenchymal spaces by a layer of endothelial cells which represent metamorphosed stellate ele- ments of the mesenchyme (figs, 15 and 16). At or near its ends the channel opens freely into the adjoining mesenchymal tissue spaces which in the further course of development are added to the lumen of the channel and thus become a part of it (figs. 15, 16, 17 and 18). The endothelial lining already formed merges near the ends of the channel with the mesenchymal syncytium which in turn, as the channel elongates, gives rise to more endo- thelium by differentiation of certain of its elements (figs. 15, 16, 17 and 18). As stated in a previous paragraph, the larger spaces appear in several localities in the mesenchyme. Consequently the chan- nels resulting from their further development are for a time iso- lated; that is, they are not directly connected with one another or with the jugular lymph sacs or any part of the hemal vascular system. These isolated spaces and channels constitute the mul- tiple anlagen of the thoracic duct (fig. 21). In succeeding stages each of the channels in question increases in size, especially in length, until it meets and coalesces with its neighbors. The increase in length is due in the main to the addi- tion of more mesenchymal tissue spaces to its ends and the con- comitant transformation of more stellate mesenchymal cells into 144 ADAM M. MILLER endothelial cells. There is probably also some proliferation of the endothelial cells, although in the study of the sections mitotic figures were not seen. The coalescence of the originally unconnected lymphatics results in a network or plexus of channels (ef. figs. 21, 22 and 24). This is constantly being augmented by the coalescence of other independently formed spaces and channels with one another and with the previouly established plexus. Most of the vessels composing the plexus lie longitudinally in the embryo along the line of the aorta and dorsal aortic roots, and out of this plexus is eventually crystallized the main drainage lines of the thoracic duct. The establishment of these lines is best considered, how- ever, in the section on morphogenesis. The correlation of groups of developing blood cells in this region, the formation of which has already been described, and the lymph spaces and channels constituting the anlagen of the thoracic duct now remains to be discussed. As stated earlier in this paper, the blood cells that are differentiated from the mesen- chymal syncytium, whether they are arranged in groups or isolated, lie free in the tissue spaces. In case the tissue spaces enlarge and coalesce in the region where the blood cells are situated the latter are then allowed to become free also in the larger space resulting from the enlargement and coalescence. The larger space becomes lined with endothelium, in the manner previously described, to form a definite vessel or channel. The blood cells, therefore, which were originally free in the tissue spaces are included in any of the lymphatics developing in that particular locality (fig. 10, 16, 17). In that manner some of the blood cells become intravascular elements during the earliest stages of lymphatic development. Occasionally an entire group of cells is included in a lymph channel; in other cases only part of a group or a few scattered cells. It is true also that a great many lymphatics develop in the mesenchyme quite apart from the blood cells (figs. 15, 16 and’ 7) In the earlier stages of lymph vessel formation there are great numbers of blood cells, in various degrees of differentiation, in the mesenchymal tissue spaces in the vicinity of or more or less THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK 145 remote from the lymph spaces and channels. In part at least these cells become intravascular when new lymphatics are formed out of the tissue spaces in which they lie and join the general plexus of previously formed vessels. Thus far, therefore, the admission of the blood cells to the lymph vessels depends merely upon the topographical relation- ship in the development of the two sets of structures. There are, however, other factors which in all probability enter into this process. Two are of especial interest and importance in the case under consideration. It has been pointed out by Dantschakoff that the primitive blood cells in the area vasculosa of the blastoderm and the large mononuclear cells derived from them are capable of ameboid movement. The developing blood cells in the region of the tho- racic duct anlagen are demonstrably of the same type as those in the area vasculosa. Hence it is reasonable to conclude that some of the developing blood cells pass from the tissue spaces into the vessels by virtue of their ameboid character. The other factor has hitherto, so far as the writer is aware, been considered only in the study of living tissues. It seems justifiable, however, to extend the conclusions drawn therefrom to fixed tissues. In their study of chick blastoderms in vitro, McWhorter and Whipple (18) have observed the to and fro move- ment, synchronous with the heart-beat, of blood cells not only in the isolated, endothelium-lined spaces which eventually coalesce to form blood vessels but also in the tissue spaces. Further- more, they have observed the entrance of blood cells into the general circulation following their to and fro movements in the tissue spaces. These phenomena certify the pulsation of the fluid substance in the tissue spaces in response to the heart-beat. It is not unreasonable, therefore, to conclude that some of the blood cells in the region of the developing thoracic duct are driven or sucked into the lymph spaces or channels which, as pointed before, open freely into the mesenchymal tissue spaces. As a corollary to the phenomena mentioned in the preceding paragraph, an additional factor in the formation of endothelium might be suggested. Granting that the blood cells lying free in 146 ADAM M. MILLER the tissue spaces move to and fro in response to the heart-beat, as has been clearly observed in the living chick blastoderm, the assumption is justifiable that their movement, with the resultant friction and pressure upon the adjacent protoplasmic elements of mesenchymal tissue, assists in the flattening of these elements and the consequent formation of endothelial cells. The hydrodynamic factors of pressure and frietion of the inter- stitial fluid substance upon the protoplasmic elements of the mesenchyme, which were first discussed by Thoma (19) in con- nection with blood vessel formation and have already been noted in this particular case of development of lymphatics, together with the additional factor of pressure and friction of oscillating blood cells would, in the opinion of the writer, afford adequate mechanical means of changing the irregular plastic elements of the mesen- chymal syncytium into the endothelial cells of the vessel wall. IV. MORPHOGENESIS Up to this point we have been considering the histogenetic changes which occur in the mesenchymal tissue, resulting in the formation of lymph channels and their endothelial lining and of blood cells. It has been demonstrated that aggregations of the developing blood cells, identical with the mesenchymal ‘cords’ described by Sala, appear along the lines of the future thoraeic duct. It has been shown also that the rudiments of the thoracic duct develop as isolated spaces and channels in the mesenchyme, that the endothelial lining of the channels is derived directly from the mesenchymal cells forming their borders and that the channels coalesce to form a plexus. It is our object, under the head of morphogenesis, to trace the subsequent history of the isolated channels and the plexus formed therefrom. Chick embryo of six days and sixteen hours, 13.5 mm. (Columbia Embryological Collection, series no. 426). Reconstruction, ventral view. Figure 20. The incipient stages of thoracic duct develop- ment are shown about this time. The lymph spaces (/7) are three in number, two on the right side and one on the left, situated in the mesenchyme ventro-lateral to the aorta (7) about midway between the exits of the celiac (5) and superior mesenteric arte- THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK 147 ries. They are isolated, for absolutely not any direct connection with any other vessel can be traced even with high powers of magnification. They open freely into the surrounding inter- cellular spaces, as show in figures 12, 13 and 14, which are photo- graphic reproductions of three successive sections of the embryo. The spaces fit the previous description, given in the section on histogenesis, of accumulations of an intercellular fluid in the mesenchyme. The objection that they may be shrinkage spaces is nullified by the fact that the preservation of the tissue is practically perfect, and that in this and in other stages the more nearly perfect the preservation the more clearly defined are the spaces. Furthermore, in cases of poorer preservation where there are obvious shrinkage spaces in the mesenchyme the boundaries of such spaces are almost invariably ragged and irregular and do not anywhere exhibit a smooth endothelial lining. The masses of developing blood cells in this particular embryo (six days and sixteen hours) are perhaps unusually extensive (fig. 20, 16). They extend in irregular groups from about. the level of the superior mesenteric artery forward along the ventral and ventro-lateral aspect of the aorta (1) to the level of the celiac artery (5), with a tendency to cluster around the last named vessel (cf. fig. 7, 16). They then divide into two general lines, one on each side, which bend laterad and extend forward along the mesial aspect of the ducts of Cuvier (12) and precardial veins (10), ending rather abruptly in a large mass which lies at the level of the sixth aortic arches (3) and extends across the mesial line ventral te the dorsal aortic roots (2). The three spaces representing the first anlagen of the thoracic duct (17) bear no particular relation to the large groups of devel- oping blood cells (16), although a few isolated blood cells lie in the tissue spaces around the larger rudimentary lymph spaces. Chick embryo of six days and twenty-one hours, 14mm. (Columbia Collection, series no. 465). Reconstruction, dextro-ventral view. Figure 21. In this embryo there is a considerable increase in the size and number of lymph spaces and channels which constitute the early anlagen of the thoracic duct (17). They are situated for the most part in the mesenchymal tissue ventral and ventro- THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, NO. 2 148 ADAM M. MILLER lateral to the aorta (/) near the exit of the celiac artery (4). Other spaces and channels of a similar nature are seen along the dorsal aortic root (2), thus continuing the same general line of lymphatics toward the jugular lymph sac (/5) with its thoracic duct ‘approach’ (15a). Some of these early lymphatics are of considerable length and have acquired a distinct endothelial lining. Others are simply enlarged spaces in the mesenchyme exactly like those described in the preceding stage (figs. 13 and 14). There is not yet any plexiform arrangement of the channels. The principle underlying the formation of the longer channels is in the main the enlargement and coalescence of two or more of the original smaller spaces or channels. For instance, two isolated spaces or channels lying near each other in the mesenchyme increase in size until eventually they flow together to form a single space or channel. Or, the same process occurs in several - spaces or channels in a discontinuous series until all the members of the series flow together and thus form a continuous channel. There is also in all probability some proliferation of the endo- thelium lining the channels.’ In fact there is no valid reason for not assuming that, after the inception of a given vascular channel, either hemal or lymphatic, along with its increase in size there is a concomitant proliferation of its endothelial cells. The crucial point, however, is the orzgin of the channels. The evidence at hand points clearly to the origin of the lymphatics constituting the rudiments of the thoracic duct directly from the mesenchymal interstitial spaces in the manner previously described, the endo- thelium of the lymphatics representing mesenchymal cells which are modified in accordance with the new conditions of pressure and friction. In this embryo (series no. 465) the rudiments of the thoracic duct (fig. 21, 17) are isolated. There is no connection between these and the hemal vascular system; nor on the other hand is there any communication with the jugular lymph sacs (15). The thoracic duct ‘approach’ of the lymph sac, which the duct even- tually joins, is well developed at this stage (15a) but a considerable distance intervenes between the ‘approach’ and the rudimentary duct. THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK 149 The masses of developing blood cells in this embryo are un- usually scarce. A few small groups (16) are situated in the mesen- chymal tissue ventral to the aorta (7), and three larger groups (also marked 16) are seen between the dorsal aortic root (2) and the jugular vein (10). Chick embryo of six days and twenty-two hours, 16 mm. (Columbia Collection, series no. 463). Reconstruction, ventral view. \ Figure 22. In this embryo the lymphatics (/7) are in approximately the same stage of development as in the preceding embryo. They are situated for the most part along the ventral aspect of the aorta (1). A few spaces are situated ventro-lateral to the dorsal aortic roots (2). The masses of developing blood cells (16) are much more ex- tensive than in the preceding embryos of about the same stage, thus exhibiting the variability of the structures. The groups associated with the rudimentary thoracic duct (1/7) le ventro- lateral to the aorta (1), with some tendency to cluster around the celiac artery (5). The rest of the groups extend in a continu- ous mass on each side along the ventro-lateral aspect of the dorsal aortic roots (2) and along the mesial aspect of the jugular veins (10) (ef. fig. 6, 16) as far forward as the fourth aortic arch (4). A large aggregation of developing blood cells (16a) also lies between and somewhat dorsal to the aortic roots (2) and the arches (3, 4) (ef. fig. 6, 16a), being connected with the left lateral groups by cords extending ventral and dorsal to the roots and arches. Associated with this large mass are a few lymphaties (1/9) (ef. fig. 6, 19) which subsequently join the thoracic duct and may also communicate with the cephalic end of the jugular lymph sac. One of the most interesting features of this particular stage is the well developed thoracic duct ‘approach’ of the jugular lymph sac (fig. 22, 15a). A reconstruction to show this structure was made on a larger scale and is illustrated in figure 23. The lymph sac iself (15) lies dorsal to the jugular vein (10) and fits into the angle between the latter and the subclavian vein (1/1). The tho- racic duct ‘approach’ (15a) is situated on the mesial aspect of the jugular-subclavian angle and thence extends a short distance caudad along the mesial side of the precaval vein. It lies for the 150 ADAM M. MILLER most part between a mass of developing blood cells (76) and the vein (10) and ends blindly (see also fig. 19, 76, 15a). A short distance farther caudad are two spaces in the mesenchyme which represent the extreme cephalic end of the rudimentary thoracic duct (fig. 23, 17). These spaces are isolated, for with high magni- fication there cannot be discerned any connection between them and the thoracic duct ‘approach’ (15a) or the other rudiments of the thoracic duct lying still farther caudad. The thoracic duct ‘approach’ of the jugular lymph sac in the chick is without doubt the homologue of a similar structure described by Huntington and McClure (9) in the cat. Like the lymph sac itself, it is of venous origin in the chick as in the mam- mal, and forms an integral part of the sac. It arises from some of the more mesially and caudally situated components of the early venous plexus in the region of the jugulo-subclavian angle. When fully formed it extends caudad and mesad for some dis- tance along the mesial aspect of the precaval vein, and terminates blindly (figs. 19 and 23, 15a). Subsequently when it is joined by the thoracic duct, it serves as the portal of entry of this duct into the lymph sac. Chick embryo of seven days (Columbia Collection, series no. 512). Reconstruction, ventral view in figure 24; view from left side, figure 25. In this embryo there is considerable advance in the devel- opment of the rudiments of the thoracic duct. The spaces and channels, which in the preceding stage were unconnected, have here coalesced to form an extensive plexus (/7) of channels extending from the level of the junction of the dorsal aortic roots (2) nearly to the exit of the superior mesenteric artery. The plexus lies for the most part ventral to the aorta (1), but a few of its components extend around on the lateral aspect of this vessel. Most of the channels in the network are much larger than the original spaces and channels, leaving but small areas of mesenchymal tissue among them; in part they have even fused to form irregular sinuses. The celiac artery (5) in most of its longitudinal course penetrates the plexus (1/7). The plexus as a whole is still isolated, being connected neither with any part of the hemal vascular system nor with the thoracic duct ‘approach’ of the jugular lymph sac (14a). THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK 151 Along the dorso-lateral aspect of the aorta (7) a number of spaces and channels have also developed (fig. 25, 20). In addition, a few smaller lymphatics have appeared along the lateral aspect of the aorta. The dorsal aorta is thus almost completely encircled by a group of spaces and channels comprising the large ventral lymphatic plexus described in the preceding paragraph and the dorsal and lateral sets of lymphatics. These encircling lymphatics are in the aggregate homologous with the dorsal set of peri-aortic sinuses in reptiles, as described ‘by Huntington (2). They are also homologous, in all probabil- ity, with the azygos portion of the thoracic duct in the cat, as described by Huntington (3), and in Tragulus, as described by Tilney (20). A comparison with Stromsten’s (16) description and figures indicates, too, that the lymphatics associated topo- graphically with the dorsal aorta in the chick are collectively the homologue of the peri-aortic network of lymph vessels in the loggerhead turtle, or, more specifically, with that portion of the network surrounding the dorsal aorta. In addition, the lym- phatics around the dorsal aorta in the chick, as previously described, may be placed in the same phylogenetic line as the posteardinal and supracardinal divisions of the thoracic duct in the pig, as recently worked out by Kampmeier (15). Returning to a further consideration of conditions in the chick at this stage (seven days, fig. 24), it is seen that a few small lymph spaces (17a), also isolated, have appeared along the ventro- lateral aspect of the dorsal aortic roots (2) in the interval between the plexus previously described (17) and the thoracic duct ‘approach’ of the jugular lymph sac (15a). These small spaces represent the beginning of the connection between the thoracic duct ‘approach,’ on each side, and the unpaired portion of the thoracic duct itself, here composed of the large plexus (/7). The conditions in the chick thus correspond so closely to those in other forms that it is possible to draw a clear homology between the lymphatics joining the thoracic duct ‘approach’ to the un- paired portion of the duct itself in the chick and the preazygos segment of the thoracic duct in the cat (Huntington) and Tragu- lus (Tilney), with the cephalic portion of the peri-aortic lymph 152 ADAM M. MILLER plexus in the loggerhead turtle (Stromsten), and with the pre- cardinal division of the thoracic duct in the pig (Kampmeier). In the mesenchyme between and dorsal to the aortic roots and arches in this embryo (fig. 24) a number of lymph spaces have developed. Some of these lie within the masses of develop- ing blood cells in this region (/6a) while others are situated at some distance from them. A few have coalesced to form a distinct channel (19). The subsequent history of these lymphatics will be given in the discussion of later stages. A few isolated lymph spaces are also found in and near the root of the dorsal mesentery at the level where the celiac artery enters the mesentery (figs. 24 and 25, 21). These belong to the category of mesenteric lymphatics, but do not yet communicate with the developing thoracic duct. The masses of developing blood cells in this embryo are exten- sive (figs. 24 and 25, 16, 16a). Those associated with the main portion of the developing thoracic duct lie either in the meshes of the lymph plexus (1/7) or are already included within the vessels composing the plexus. A plate-like mass extends over the mesial aspect of the pleural cavity on the right side. The blood cells still, as in preceding stages, tend to cluster about the celiac artery (5). There is no connection in this stage between the masses just mentioned and those which lie farther forward along the mesial aspect of the great veins (10, 12), and which are associated with the thoracic duct ‘approach’ of the jugular lymph sac (14a). In the region between and dorsal to the dorsal aortic roots (2) and aortic arches (3) there is seen a large mass (16a) with which certain lymphatics (19), previously referred to, are associated. Situated farther caudad are also several masses associated with the lymphatics which lie along the dorso-lateral aspect of the aorta (fig. 25, 16a). A feature shown in this reconstruction, and not in any other, is a portion of the splanchnic plexus of veins (figs. 24 and 25, 14). 3 Splanchnic venous plexus is the name given by Dr. A. J. Brown, in his yet unpublished work on the development of the pulmonary veins, to the network of venous capillaries in the wall of the alimentary tube in the earlier stages of development. THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK 153 This is seen near the cephalic end of the large ventral lymph plexus (1/7) but has no connection with the latter. At this point it may be well to state that in the chicks of the Columbia Collection I have found no evidence of extra-intimal or perivenous origin of the lymphatics that make up the thoracic duct, such as described by Huntington in the cat and Kampmeier in the pig. This mode of development appears to be a strictly mammalian specialization. In fact Huntington (3), speaking of the extra-intimal replacement of veins by developing lymphatics, states (p. 155): The association of these (lymphatic) channels, in the mammalian embryo, with certain embryonal venous lines is purely a secondary, mechanical and topographical relationship, expressed by the condensed term of ‘extra-intimal’ development of mammalian systemic lymphatic vessels, and absolutely devoid of genetic significance. This is, without reference to other vertebrate classes, proved by the development within restricted areas in the mammalian embryo of systemic lymphatic chan- nels through the direct confluence of intercellular mesenchymal clefts, not related topographically or in any other sense to the embryonal veins. It is true that in the mammal this independent lymphatic gene- sis is extremely limited, and that the majority of the lymphatic vessels develop in close association with embryonal veins, as products of the confluence of perivenous extra-intimal spaces. But this is merely, as shown by comparison with other amniote embryos, the expression of the peculiar relations obtaining in the mammal between the venous and lymphatic circuits of the vascular system, developed independently of each other. . Further, Huntington (2), describing the independently formed system lymphatic channels of the reptilian embryo, by confluence of intercellular mesenchymal spaces, states concerning the latter: They are not complicated by close topographical relations to adjacent temporary embryonic venous plexuses, as in the mammal, but develop independently by themselves in mesenchymal territory not occupied by hemal vascularelements. . . . . Inboth lacertilian and chelonian em- bryos the greater part of the enormously enlarged systemic lymphatic channels develop without any reference whatever to embryonic veins, in mesenchymal areas where the latter are extremely scanty or entirely wanting (pp. 271-273). Stromsten (16) has reached similar conclusions in studying the development of the prevertebral peri-aortic sinuses in chelonian embryos. 154 ADAM M. MILLER These finding in reptiles, and my own results in the bird, warrant the conclusion that the sauropsids agree absolutely genetically with the mammals in the development of the main axial lymphatic lines by confluence of independently formed intercellular mesenchymal spaces, but that the latter are charac- terized by close topographical association of these spaces with temporary embryonic veins which they in large part replace, while the former present no such association. In them the prog- ress of thoracic duct development is not, as is the case in the mam- mal, complicated by the presence of an extensive azygos venous system, and axial lymphatic development, especially in the reptile, occurs chiefly by confluence of mesenchymal spaces surrounding the main arterial trunks. Chick embryo of eight days (Columbia Collection, series no. 513). Reconstruction, ventral view. Figure 26. The next important change in the lymphatics constituting the thoracic duct comprises the further development of certain isolated spaces situated along the ventro-lateral aspect of the dorsal aortic roots in the interval between the cephalic end of the large ventral plexus and the thoracic duct ‘approach’ of the jugular lymph sac. The incipient stage in the formation of these spaces was illustrated in figure 24, 17a. In the embryo now under conside-ation they have enlarged and coalesced to form a continuous channel (figure 26, 17a). -This in turn has united with the ventral unpaired portion of the thoracic duct (17) and with the thoracic duct ‘approach’ of the lymph sac (15a). There is thus established a direct and free communication between the ventral lymph plexus (1/7), which had arisen as an independent and isolated structure, and the jugular lymph sac (15). Therefore, as clearly shown in figure 26, the thoracic duct ‘approach’ (15a), which was previously described as an integral part of the jugular lymph sac (see fig. 23, 15a), serves as the portal of entry of the thoracic duct into the lymph sac (fig. 26, 15). The writer has in a previous article (1) shown and will here again point out in a later stage that in the chick, as in reptiles and mammals, a communication is established between the jugular iymph sac and the great veins in this region through one or more THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK os taps. And inasmuch as the thoracic duct opens into the lymph sac, the latter serves as the portal of entry of the systemic lym- phatics into the venous system, a point upon which emphasis has already been laid by Huntington (2) (8) in his work on rep- tiles and the cat. In the embryo of eight days the large ventral lymph plexus of the preceding stage (cf. fig. 24, 17) has undergone further coales- cence of its component channels to form a large irregular sinus with a few fenestrae (fig. 26, 17). The sinus lies ventral to the aorta (1) and extends from the junction of the dorsal aortic roots (2) to the level of the exit of the superior mesenteric artery (9). At its cephalic end it branches off into the two slender trunks, one on each side, which extend cephalad and laterad to join the ‘approaches’ (14a) of the lymph sacs (15). These trunks, which are the last components of the lymphatic drainage line to develop, constitute in the bird, according to the anatomical terminology, the right and left thoracic ducts. The lymphatics (19) situated between and dorsal to the aortic roots (2) and arches (3, 4) are here seen to comprise a plexus and a few outlying isolated spaces and channels (cf. fig. 24 and 26, 19). This plexus now communicates with the chain of lymphatics (20) lying dorso-lateral to the aorta (7), which in’ turn commu- nicate with the large ventral plexus threugh channels formed by coalescence of spaces lateral to the aorta (cf. fig. 25, 20, 17). The entire group of lymphatics in the region of the dorsal aortic roots and the dorsal aorta as far back as the superior mesenteric artery, with the exception of the mesenteric lymphatics (fig. 26, 21), which have not yet joined the thoracic duct, drain into the jugular lymph sacs. The masses of developing blood cells were omitted from the reconstruction of the eight day stage (fig. 26). A careful study of the serial sections showed that they were fewer and smaller than in the preceding stage. This may be due to the variability characteristic of the masses, or it may be due to actual reduction of the masses since the blood cells, as stated in in the section on histogenesis, now have access to the jugular lymph sacs through the recent connection established between these structures and 156 ADAM M. MILLER the chain of lymphatics with which the blood cells have for the most part been associated. Chick embryo of nine days and fourteen hours (Columbia Collec- tion, series no. 320). Reconstruction, ventral view and view from left side. Figures 27 and 28. At this stage the main features of the adult thoracic duct have been established. The large plexus (17) ventral to the aorta (1) now drains through the right and left thoracic ducts (17a) into the ‘approaches’ (15a) of the jugular lymph sacs (15) and then through the sacs into the great veins (10, 12). The ventral plexus (/7), the isolated anlagen of which were the first lympathics to develop in the thoracic duct line, is rela- tively smaller and the component channels less dilated than in the preceding stages. This is probably due to the outflow of the contents into the lymph sacs and veins through the more recently formed channels which have been called the right and left tho- racic ducts (17a). The mesenteric lymphatics (21) have increased in size and for the most part coalesced to form sinus-like chan- nels. Between these and the thoracic duct chain no connection can be detected at this stage, although little tissue intervenes. Farther cephalad another isolated group of lymphatics (22) is associated with the esophagus. The right and left thoracic ducts (17a) are longer than in the preceding stage (cf. fig. 26, 17a). The left is considerably greater in diameter than the right. Each opens into the corresponding ‘approach’ (14a) of the jugular lymph sac. The ‘approach’ on each side is still patent as a branch of the main portion of the sac. There is now free communication between the lymph sacs (15) and the great veins through recently formed taps, of which two are present on the left side of the embryo and one on the right. Of the two on the left side, one is situated on the dorso- mesial side of the superior vena cava (12) just below the level of the jugulo-subclavian juncticn (10, 11); the other is situated farther forward on the mesial side of the jugular vein (1/0). The tap on the right side of the embryo is located on the dorso-mesial side of the superior vena cava at the level of the jugulo-subclavian junction. THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK Lear In a previous article on the development of the jugular lymph sac in birds (1) the writer stated, in the description of tap forma- tion, that ‘‘it is not improbable that a study of later stages will reveal a homologue of the common jugular tap in the mammal” (loc. cit., p. 486). There is little doubt that the tap on the mesial side of the left jugular vein, referred to in the preceding paragraph, fulfils the requirement. Moreover, the other tap on each side near the jugular-subclavian junction in the chick is in all proba- bility homologous with the jugulo-subclavian tap in the mammal (26), although it is slightly different in position. The previously described lymphatics situated dorsal to the aortic roots and arches and dorso-lateral to the aorta here con- stitute a long chain of continuous channels reaching from the level of the jugular lymph sac to the level of the celiac artery (figs. 27 and 28, 19, 20; cf. figs. 24, 25 and 26, 19, 20). At the extreme cephalic end one of the channels of this series opens into the right lymph sac. The probable significance of this opening will be considered in the subsequent discussion of the masses of developing blood cells. The plexus (19) in the region of the aortic arches is considerably reduced as compared with preceding stages. The portion of the dorsal plexus (20) associated with the dorsal aorta communicates with the large ventral plexus (17) through small channels which curve around the lateral aspect of the aorta. It is seen, therefore, that the entire group of lymphatics associated with the aorta and dorsal aortic roots, with the excep- tion of a few still isolated spaces and channels, can now discharge the contents of the channels into the great veins. The most interesting and, in fact, from the standpoint of the hemophorie‘ function of the thoracic duct, the most important feature of this stage is the great reducticn in size and number of the masses of developing blood cells. It has been shown in the foregoing pages that the differentiating blood cells associated with the developing lymphatics are admitted or gain access to the lymph spaces and channels and that when the communication is established between the thoracic duct and the jugular lymph sacs the blood cells can thus reach the sacs. Now since the taps 4 Hemophoric—blood bearing or carrying—is a term suggested by Dr. Schulte as a codrdinate with hemopoietic—blood producing. 158 ADAM M. MILLER between the lymph sacs and great veins have been formed, the blood cells are admitted to the hemal vascular system. In this connection there are two aspects of the question which are especially worthy of consideration. In the first place there are few blood cells within any of the channels forming a part of the thoracic duct system, while in earlier stages, before the tho- racic duct had open communication with the lymph sacs and great veins, many of the lymph channels were filled with the hemal cellular elements. In view of this, and the fact that there are no other means of egress for the blood cells formerly contained in the lymphatics, it must be concluded that the blood cells reach the hemal vascular system wa the thoracic duct, the jugular lymph sacs and the recently formed taps between the sacs and the great veins. The other feature is the great reduction in the size and number of the extravascular masses of developing blood cells. The dim- inished masses are shown in yellow in figures 27 and 28, the con- ditions in which should be compared with those in figures 22 and 24. A few fairly extensive groups are found in the mesenchymal tissue among the channels composing the large ventral plexus (17). These are for the most part quite closely associated with the lymphatics. A few small groups still are found in the region of the thoracic duct ‘approach’ (fig. 28, 15a). Theextensive masses associated in earlier stages with the lymph plexus dorsal to the aartic arches have almost wholly disappeared. This plexus itself is considerably reduced, and it is not unreasonable to assume that the connection between the cephalic end of the plexus and the jugular lymph sac, previously alluded to, is in some way associated with the discharge of the numerous blood cells differen- tiated in this region inte the lymph sac. . In view, therefore, of the intimate relationship between the developing thoracic duct and blood cells in the same general region, and of the sudden and marked reduction in number of these blood cells, both intravascular and extravascular, following the establishment of communication between the duct and the jugular lymph sacs and great veins, the importance of the tho- racic duct as a carrier of hemal cellular elements for a period of embryonic life in the bird can scarcely be doubted. THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK 159 V. SUMMARY Prior to the appearance of lymphatics in the region of the future thoracic duct, namely, along the aorta and dcrsal aortic roots, the mesenchyme comprises a syncytium of irregular strands with correspondingly irregular interstitial spaces. The tissue is non- vascular. The initial change in conditions is manifested in the appear- ance of distinct lacunae in the mesenchymal tissue along the ventro-lateral aspect of the aorta at the level of the celiac artery. The lacunae are bounded by unmodified protoplasmic elements of the mesenchymal syncytium, and open freely into the adjacent . intercellular—interstitial—spaces. Obviously the lacunae repre- sent enlarged intercellular spaces, and the inference is justifiable that they are filled with the intercellular fluid. In a slightly advanced stage of development in general there is a greater number of lacunae in the same region in the embryo and also an increase in size and a difference in the appearance of some of the lacunae. The increase in size certainly depends in part upon actual dilatation and in part upon addition of more of the adjacent mesenchymal intercellular spaces, for every possible gradation can be seen between the smallest and the largest. The difference in appearance is observed to be due to the presence of flat cells which form a distinet boundary or wall, although not usually complete. Morphologically these cells are equiva- lent to endothelial cells. Inasmuch as they shade by invisible gradations into the unmodified mesenchymal cells bordering upon the rest of the lacuna, we conclude that they are derived directly from the indifferent mesenchymal cells. The differentiation, we may also infer, is due in part to pressure and friction incident to the flow of the tissue fluid. Another factor in the differ- entiation may also be pressure and friction incident to the to ’ and fro motion of blood cells in the tissue spaces and lacunae in response to the heart-beat, a phenomenon observed in living blastoderms. Studies of later stages show these isolated lacunae to be the rudiments of the thoracic duct, and the conclusions that they are direct derivatives of the mesenchymal intercellular spaces and 160 ADAM M. MILLER that the flat cells forming their endothelial walls are differentiated in situ from the mesenchymal cells are based upon prolonged and thorough studies, with high magnification, of serial sections of chick embryos in practically perfect states of preservation. The writer is therefore forced to ally himself unequivocally with the advocates of the view that the thoracic duct originates independ- ently of the veins and lymph sacs. Studies of subsequent stages also show that the numerous isolated lacunae, or rudiments of the thoracic duct, enlarge still further, principally in a longitudinal direction, and coalesce with one another to form a plexus of lymph channels which lies ven- tral to the aorta. Other similar isolated lymphatics develcp along the dorso-lateral aspect of the aorta and in the region dorsal to the aortic roots and arches, and then coalesce to form plexuses. Eventually all the plexuses intercommunicate. In the meantime a connection is established between the large ventral plexus and a branch of each jugular lymph sac known as the thoracic duct ‘approach.’ All the components of the tho- racic duct system thus drain into the jugular lymph sacs. Com- munications, or taps, are established between the lymph sacs and the great veins, and the thoracic duct then drains into the hemal vascular system, the lymph sacs serving as portals of entry. In the region of the developing thoracic duct, namely, along the aorta and dorsal aortic roots, and also in the region dorsal to the aortic arches, a great number of blood cells arise. The gene- sis of these cells is indicated by certain changes in some of the irregular elements of the mesenchymal syncytium, comprising a marked increase in the basophilia of the cytoplasm, a rounding of the cell body and a separation from the general mesenchymal reticulum. The resulting cells thus lie free in the interstitial . spaces, and structurally are similar to the large mononuclear cells (lymphocytes of Dantschakoff) in the area vasculosa of the blastoderm. They increase in number both by mitosis and by constant differentiation from the mesenchymal syncytium. Many, at least, of these basophilic cells are transformed into erythrocytes through the addition of hemoglobin to the cytoplasm and certain nuclear modifications comprising the THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK 161 disappearance of the nucleoli and the rearrangement of the chromatin into a heavy reticulum. These developing blood cells, at first scattered in the mesen- chymal intercellular spaces, become aggregated, following the increase in their number, into extensive masses which lie along the line of the thoracic duct and also in the region dorsal to the aortic arches. When the lymphatics comprising the rudiments of the thoracic duct develop, some of the developing blood cells, even some of the smaller groups, are seen to be contained within them, while others are still free in the mesenchymal intercellular spaces, that is, extravascular. Subsequently more and more of the cells are observed to be intravascular. It may be concluded that the developing blocd cells become intravascular by simple inclusion as the lymph channels develop, or by virtue of their ameboid character, or as a result of their motion to and fro in the tissue fluid in response to the heart-beat. The blood cells that are admitted to the lymph channels con- stituting the thoracic duct system during its development rapidly diminish in number after communication is established between the thoracic duct and the jugular lymph sacs and between the latter and the great veins. It can be inferred then that the blood cells which develop along the line of the thoracic duct reach the blood stream wa this duct and the lymph sacs. Considering the vast number of hemal cellular elements, especially erythrocytes, aris- ing in this region and the probability that they reach the general circulation wa the thoracic duct, this duct assumes an additional phase of importance in the chick in that it performs a hemophoric, or blood carrying, function. In conclusion, I wish to thank Dr. Huntington and Dr. Schulte for their valuable criticism and suggestions, Dr. McWhorter for his painstaking work in making the photomicrographs, and Mr. Petersen for his careful execution of the color plates. 162 ADAM M. MILLER REFERENCES (1) Mituer, A. M. 1912 The development of the jugular lymph sac in birds. Amer. Jour. Anat., vol. 12. (2) HuntrneTon, GrorceS. 1911 The development of the lymphatic system in reptiles. Anat. Rec., vol. 5. (3) 1911 The anatomy and development of the systemic lymphatic vessels in the domestic cat. Memoirs of The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, no. 1, May. (4) Hoyer, H. 1905-1908 Untersuchungen iiber das Lymphgefiisssystems der Froschlarven. Bull. de Vacad. des sciences de Cracovie, classe des sciences math. et nat., I Theil, 1905; II Theil, 1908. (5) KNowrer, H. McE. 1908 The origin and development of the anterior lymph hearts and the subcutaneous lymph sacs in the frog. Anat. Ree., vol. 2. (6) Lewis, F. T. 1905 The development of the lymphatic system in rabbits. Amer. Jour. Anat., vol. 5. (7) SaBin, FLORENCE R. 1909 The lymphatic system in human embryos, with a consideration of the morphology of the system. Amer. Jour. Anat., vol. 9. (8) Mrerzesewsky, L. 1909 Beitrag zur Entwicklung des Lymphgefisssystems der Voégel (vorliufige Mitteilung). Extrait du bull. de l’acad. des sciences de Cracovie. (9) Huntinaeton, G.S., anpD McCuiure, C.F.W. 1910 Theanatomy and devel- opment of the jugular lymph sac in the domestic cat. Amer. Jour. Anat., vol. 10. (10) Santa, L. 1900 Sullo sviluppo dei cuori limfatici e dei dotti toracici nell’ embryone di pollo. Ricerche fatta nel Laboratorio di Anatomia Nor- male della R. Univ. di Roma, vol. 7. (11) Sasrn, FLrorence R. 1902 On the origin of the lymphatic system from veins, and the development of the lymph hearts and thoracic duct in the pig. Amer. Jour. Anat., vol. 1. (12) Lancer, C. 1868 Uber das Lymphgefiisssystem des Frosches. Sitz. d. Akad. d. Wissensch., Bd. 57. (13) Ranvier, L. 1897 Morphologie et developpement des vaissaux lympha- tiques chez les mammiferes. Arch. d’anatomie microscopique, tome 1. (14) Huntinaton, GrorceES. 1908 The genetic interpretation of the develop- ment of the mammalian lymphatic system. Anat. Rec., vol. 2. (15) Kempmeter, Orto F. 1912 .The development of the thoracic duct in the pig. Amer. Jour. Anat., vol. 13. (16) StrRomsTEN, FRANK A. 1912 On the development of the prevertebral (tho- racic) duct in turtles as indicated by a study of injected and uninjected embryos. Anat. Rec., vol. 6. (17) DantscHakorr, W. 1908 Untersuchungen iiber die Entwickelung des Blutes und Bindegewebes bei den Végeln. I. Die erste Entstehung der Blutzellen beim Hiihnerembryo und der Dottersack als blutbildenes Organ. Anatomische Hefte, 113 Heft (37. Band, Heft 3). THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK 163 (18) McWuorter, J. E., AnD WuippPLe, A. O. 1912 The development of the blastoderm of the chick in vitro. Anat. Rec., vol. 6. (19) THoma, R. 1893 Untersuchungen iiber die Histogenese und Histomechanik des Blutgefiisssystems. Stuttgart. (20) Tinney, F. 1912 The development of the veins and lymphatics in Tragu- lus meminna. Amer. Jour. Anat., vol. 13. (21) McCuureg, C.F. W. 1908 The development of the thoracic and right lym- phatic ducts in the domestic cat. Anat. Anz., Bd. 32, nos. 21 and 22. (22) Sasrn, FroreNce R. 1911 A critical study of the evidence presented in several recent articles on the development of the lymphatic system. Anat. Rece., vol. 5. (23) McCuureg, C. F. W. 1910 The extra-intimal theory and the development of the mesenteric lymphatics in the domestic cat (Felis domestica). Anat. Anz., Erganz.z. Bd. 37. (24) Sasrin, FLoRENCE R. 1912 On the origin of the abdominal lymphatics in mammals from the vena cava and the renal veins. Anat. Rec., vol. 6. (25) Huntineton, GEO. S., anp McCuure, C.F. W. 1907 The development of the main lymph channels of the cat in their relations to the venous sys- tem. Anat. Rec., vol. 1, no. 3. (26) McCuure, C. F. W., AND SiILvEesTER, C. F. 1909 A comparative study of the lymphatico-venous communications in adult mammals. Anat. Rec., vol. 3. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, NO. 2 PLATE 1 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 1 From a section of a chick embryo of 108 hours, 6.75 mm. (series no. 371; slide II, section 80). Outlines drawn under Edinger projection apparatus, 1500; reduced to X1000. In the upper left corner is a portion of the aorta with a few erythrocytes. Outside of the aortic wall is an area of mesenchyme in which some elements show stages of differentiation leading toward large basophilic cells, two of the latter lying free in the tissue spaces at the lower left corner of the figure. These are apparently identical with the developing blood cells (lympho- cytes) in the area vasculosa of the blastoderm as described by Dantschakoff. 2 From the same embryo as figure 1 (slide II, section 97). Outlines drawn under Edinger projection apparatus, 1500; reduced to X 1000. A small part of the aorta is shown in the upper right corner. Some of the protoplasmic elements of the mesenchymal syncytium are shown in various stages of differentiation lead- ing toward the free basophilic cells (lymphocytes of Dantschakoff). In the lower left corner is seen one of these cells in the anaphase of mitosis. At the right of this is a practically mature erythrocyte lying free in a mesenchymal intercellular space. 3 From a section of a chick embryo of 132 hours, 9 mm. (series no. 411; slide IV, section 16). Outlines drawn under Edinger projection apparatus, X 1500; reduced to < 1000. This figure, taken just ventral to the aorta, shows a number of the rounded basophilic cells lying free in the mesenchymal intercel- lular spaces. 164 THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK PLATE 1 ADAM M. MILLER PLATE 2 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 4 From a section of a chick embryo of 5 days, 12 mm. (series no. 336; slide IV, section 7). Photomicrograph, 166. aorta 10, precardinal vein il 3, aortic arch Vi : 16, group of developing blood cells aortic arch IV * 5 From a section of a chick embryo of 6 days, 13.5 mm. (series no. 339; shde VIII, section 35). Photomicrograph, x 166. 2, dorsal aortic root 16, groups of developing blood cells 3, ‘aortic arch VI 27, vagus nerve 166 9 PLATE x THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICI MILLER ADAM M. PLATE 3 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 6 From a section of a chick embryo of 7 days (series no. 512; slide III, section 15). Photomicrograph, S80. 2, dorsal aortic root 19, lymphatics dorsal to aortic arches 3a, pulmonary artery and esophagus 10, precardinal vein 27, vagus nerve 16, groups of developing blood cells esophagus in center of figure along precardinal vein bronchi at lower border of figure 16a, groups of developing blood cells dorsal to esophagus 7 From a section of a chick embryo of 6 days and 16 hours, 13.5 mm (series no. 426; slide XI, section 21). Photomicrograph, x 133. 1, aorta 23, celom (pleural cavity) 5, celiac artery 25, mesonephros 8, dorsal somatic artery 26, lung anlage 16, groups of developing blood cells 168 THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK PLATE 3 ADAM M. MILLER PLATE 4 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 8 From a section of a chick embryo of 6 days and 22 hours, 16.5 mm. (series no. 464; slide XXII, section 22). Photomicrograph, 133. 7, aorta 16, groups of developing blood cells 5, celiac artery 23, celom (pleural cavity) 8, dorsal somatic artery 24, sympathetic nerves 9 From a section of a chick embryo of 6 days and 16 hours, 13.5 mm. (series no. 426; slide XVIII, section 3). Photomicrograph, X 233. 1, aorta 17, lymph spaces, rudiments of thoracic 16, developing blood cells duct 23, celom (abdominal cavity) 170 THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK PLATE 4 ADAM M. MILLER PLATE 5 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 10 From a section of a chick embryo of 7 days (series no. 512; slide VIT, section 1). Photomicrograph, * 233. f, aorta: 17, lymphatics, rudiments of thoracic 5, celiac artery duct 16, groups of developing blood cells 23, celom (abdominal cavity) 11 From a section of a chick embryo of 14 days (series no. 518; slide XIII, section 9). Photomicrograph, * 133. 1, aorta 17, lymphatics (part of thoracic duct 16, blood cells, mostly mature erythro- system) cytes, In tissue spaces 172 PLATE 5 THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK ADAM M. MILLER ~) 7%; Tr, ! ere » ? - ‘ PLATE 6 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 12, 13, 14 From three successive sections of a chick embryo of 6 days and 16 hours, 13.5 mm. (series no. 426; slide XII, sections 9, 10 and 11). Photo- micrographs, X 350. In figure 13 the arrow (17) points to a lymph space in the mesenchyme. At its right side the lymph space is seen clearly to open into the adjacent mesenchy- mal intercellular spaces. The preceding section in the series (fig. 12) shows no space (the arrow points to the same locality as in fig. 13). In figure 14 the arrow points toa light area in the mesenchyme which represents the opening of the space of figure 13 into the adjacent mesenchymal intercellular spaces; this can be seen much more clearly with the microscope by changing the focus. The lymph space shown in figure 13 is the same one represented in figure 20, 17 at the right of the aorta. Aorta, 1; celom (abdominal cavity), 23. 174 THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK PLATE 6 ADAM M. MILLER PLATE 7 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 15, 16, 17 and 18 From four successive sections of a chick embryo of 7 days (series no. 512; slide VII, sections 21 and 22; slide VIII, sections 1 and 2). Photo- micrographs, X 250. In figure 15 four lymph spaces, in part lined with endothelium, are seen at the left of the aorta (1). The one nearest the aorta, while in part lined with endothe- lium, opens freely into the adjacent mesenchymal intercellular spaces. The larg- est space also opens below in asimilar manner. In figure 16, from the succeeding section in this series, only one of the spaces appears, opening above into tissue spaces. The others have simply become continuous with tissue spaces and there- fore do not appear as distinct lacunae; this can be clearly demonstrated with the microscope by changing the focus on the rather thick sections (20 micra). In figure 17 the arrow points to the termination of the distinct lacuna of figure 16; the free communication with the tissue spaces is quite obvious. In figure 18 there are no lacunae, all those of the preceding sections having opened into the mesen- chymal intercellular spaces. Aorta, 1; part of sympathetic nervous system, 24. 176 THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK PLATE 7 ADAM M. MILLER t 4 ey AK . a ry . & i igh w ee) Fic» 2 bid ps Ap Se dete ‘ HAM a) yy Aye 4 “ey CE EEUU Wing Olay, IT %e oe “t daist Rey as a PLATE 8 EXPLANATION OF FIGURE 19 From a section of a chick embryo of 6 days and 22 hours, 16 mm. (series no. 463; shde XVI, section 9). Photomicrograph, X 160. 2, dorsal aortic root 15, jugular lymph sac 3a, pulmonary artery 15a, thoracic duct ‘approach’ 12, precaval vein 27, vagus nerve 13, vertebral vein 178 PLATE 8 THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK MILLER ADAM M. 179 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, No. 2 PLATE 9 EXPLANATION OF FIGURE 20 Drawn from a reconstruction of a chick embryo of 6 days and 16 hours, 13.5 mm. (series no. 426). Ventral view. 1. aorta 11, subclavian vein 2, dorsal aortic roots 12, duct of Cuvier 3, aortic arch VI 13, vertebral vein 3a, pulmonary artery 15, jugular lymph sac 4, aortic arch IV 16, groups of developing blood cells 5, celiac artery 17, first rudiments of thoracic duct 10, precardinal vein 180 PLATE 9 THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK ADAM M. MILLER 181 PLATE 10 EXPLANATION OF FIGURE 21 Drawn froma reconstruction of a chick embryo of 6 days and 21 hours, 14 mm. (series no. 465). 1, aorta 2, dorsal aortic roots 3, aortic arch VI 3a, pulmonary artery 5, celiae artery 6, notocord 10, precardinal vein 11, subelavian vein Ventro-mesial view. 12, duet of Cuvier 13, vertebral vein 15, jugular lymph sac 15a, thoracic duct ‘approach’ of jugular lymph sac 16, groups of developing blood cells 17, rudiments of thoracic duct 182 THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK PLATE 10 ADAM M. MILLER PLATE 11 EXPLANATION OF FIGURE « 22. Drawn from a reconstruction of a chick embryo of 6 days and 22 hours, 16 mm. (series no. 463). Ventral view. 1, aorta 15a, thoracic duct ‘approach’ of jugular 2, dorsal aortic root lymph sae 3, aortic arch VI 16, groups of developing blood cells 3a, pulmonary artery 16a, groups of blood cells dorsal to 4, aortic arch IV aortic roots and arches 5, celiac artery 17, rudiments of thoracic duct 10, precardinal vein 18, lymphatics along aortic arches 11, subclavian vein 19, lymphatics dorsal to aortic roots 12, duct of Cuvier and arches 13, vertebral vein 21, mesenteric lymphatics 15, jugular lymph sae 184 THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK PLATE 11 ADAM M. MILLER PLATE 12 EXPLANATION OF FIGURE 23. Drawn from a reconstruction of a chick embryo of 6 days and 22 hours, 16 mm. (series 463). Mesial view. 10, precardinal vein 15a, thoracic duct ‘approach’ of jugular 11, subclavian vein lymph sac 12, duct of Cuvier 16, groups of developing blood cells 15, jugular lymph sac 17, rudiments of thoracic duct, extreme cephalic end LS86 THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK PLATE 12 ADAM M. MILLER 187 PLATE 18 EXPLANATION OF FIGURE 24 Drawn from a reconstruction of a chick embryo of 7 days (series no. 512). Ventral view. 1, aorta 16, groups of developing blood cells 2, dorsal aortic roots 16a, blood cells dorsal to aortie roots 8, aortic arch VI and arches 3a, pulmonary artery 17, thoracic duct, ventral plexus (homo- 5, celiac artery logue of azygos segment) 7, carotid artery 17a, thoracic duct (homologue of pre- 10, precardinal vein azygos segment) 11, subclavian vein 18, lymphatics along aortic arches 12, duct of Cuvier 19, lymphatics dorsal to aortic roots 14, part of splanchnic plexus of veins and arches 15, jugular lymph sae 21, mesenteric lymphatics 15a, thoracic duct ‘approach’ of jugular lymph sac THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK PLATE 13 ADAM M. MILLER 189 PLATE 14 EXPLANATION OF FIGURE 25 From same reconstruction as in fig. 24. View from left side. 1, aorta 14, part of splanchnic plexus of veins 3, aortic arch VI 15, jugular lymph sae 5, celiac artery 16, groups of developing blood cells 7, carotid artery 16a, blood cells dorsal to aortic roots 8, dorsal somatic arteries 17, thoracic duet, ventral plexus 10, precardinal vein 18, lymphatics along aortic arches 11, subclavian vein 20, lymphaties dorso-lateral to aorta 12, duct of Cuvier 21, mesenteric lymphatics 13, vertebral vein 190 THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK PLATE 14 ADAM M. MILLER PLATE 15 EXPLANATION OF FIGURE 26 Drawn from a reconstruction of a chick embryo of 8 days (series no. 513). Ventral view. 1, aorta 2, dorsal aortic roots 8, aortic arch VI 3a, pulmonary artery 4, aortic arch IV 5, celiac artery 6, notocord 7, carotid artery 9, superior mesenteric artery 10, precardinal (jugular) vein 11, subclavian vein 12, duct of Cuvier 15, jugular lymph sac 15a, thoracic duct ‘approach’ of jugular lymph sac 17, thoracic duct, ventral plexus (homo- logue of azygos segment 17a, thoracie duct (homologue of pre- azygos segment) 18, lymphatics along aortic arches and duct of Cuvier 19, lymphatics dorsal to aortic roots and arches 20, lymphatics dorso-lateral to aorta 21, mesenteric lymphatics 192 THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK PLATE 15 ADAM M. MILLER PLATE 16 EXPLANATION OF FIGURE 27 (series no. 320). Ventral view. , aorta , dorsal aortic roots 3, aortic arch VI 3a, pulmonary artery , aortic arch IV , celiac artery 7, carotid artery 9, superior mesenteric artery 10, p ecardinal (jugular) vein 11, subelavian vein 12, duct of Cuvier 15, jugular lymph sae 1 2 / 4 d y 15a, thoracic duct ‘approach’ of jugular lymph sac 194 Drawn from a reconstruction of a chick embryo of 9 days and 14 hours 16, groups of developing blood cells 17, thoracic duct, ventral plexus (homo- logue of azygos segment. 17a, thoracic duct (homologue of pre- azygos Segment. 18, lymphatics along aortic arches 19, lymphatics dorsal to aortic roots and arches 21, mesenteric lymphatics 22, lymphatics associated with esoph- agus THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK PLATE 16 ADAM M. MILLER THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, NO. 2 PLATE 17 EXPLANATION OF FIGURE 28 From same reconstruction as figure 27. View from left side. 1, aorta 2, dorsal aortic roots 3, aortie arch VI 7, carotid artery 8, dorsal somatic arteries 9, superior mesenteric artery 10, precardinal (jugular) vein 11, subclavian vein 12, duct of Cuvier 13, vertebral vein 15, jugular lymph sac 196 15a, thoracic duct ‘approach’ of jugular lymph sac 16, groups of developing blood cells 17, thoracic duct 18, lympathies along aortic arches 19, lymphatics dorsal to aortic roots and arches 20, lymphatics dorso-lateral to aorta 21, mesenteric lymphatics 22, lymphatics associated with esoph- agus THORACIC DUCT IN THE CHICK PLATE 17 ADAM M. MILLER - i ‘ ee. ot) AD | eR ae ee Sh eee” Ae a ‘end : ON THE PRENATAL AND NEONATAL LUNG WILLIAM H. F. ADDISON AND HAROLD W. HOW The Anatomical Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania BIGHT FIGURES INTRODUCTION Of the various changes occurring in the lung at birth, we have studied especially the increase in size of the spaces within the respiratory lobules, and the change in the character of the con- tents of these spaces. Whenever this portion of the lung’s his- tory is considered, the statement is made that, with the first pulmonary inspirations after birth, the spaces become distended, but we have found no data expressing the amount of this dis- tention. As to the question of the existence of fluid contents in the spaces of the prenatal lung, it is seldom mentioned in current literature, although it would seem to be of importance, especially in connection with the beginning of breathing. In making comparisons, we have used material from experi- mentally controlled animals, in order to obtain specimens of pre- natal and neonatal lungs, which would be comparable in all respects. This was done by using animals of the same litter, of which some had breathed, and others had not breathed. LITERATURE Measurements made on the minute parts of the lung have been recorded by a comparatively small number of investigators. Friedrich Merkel, in Bardeleben’s Handbuch (’02), reproduces from Rossignol (’46) a table of sizes of lung alveoli at different ages. The first item in the list gives the mean size of alveoli of newborn children which have not breathed, or have breathed 199 200 WILLIAM H. F. ADDISON AND HAROLD W. HOW only a few hours. It is exactly between these two classes of individuals that we have sought to study the differences. K6lliker made numerous lung measurements but apparently none directly contrasting the two conditions seen in the prenatal and post- natal lung. Miuller’s (95) table of sizes of the various air-pas- sages In dogs is from material of one stage only. Concerning the phenomenon of expansion from a more general point of view, there are many observations. For instance, the fact that all parts of the neonatal lung do not expand equally has been recorded a number of times. Dohrn (’91) says that at least two days are required to unfold the lungs completely. Jalan de la Croix (’83), found in the lung of a child which lived seven days groups of alveoli which persisted airless. In dealing with the lung of children which have survived only a few days after birth, there is the possibility, however, of the organ being premature or pathological, and either of these conditions would affect its expan- sion. The question of the contents of the spaces in the fetal lung has for the most part been referred to only incidentally, by observers interested in premature respiratory movements. The experiments recorded by Preyer (’85) in his ‘“‘Specielle physio- logie des embryo,” are the most definite we have found, and these will be referred to later. A complicating factor in studying the appearance of the nor- mal fetal lung is the possible occurrence of intrauterine respira- tory movements. These have been described in the study of living human fetuses by a whole series of clinical observers (for instance, Ferroni 799) and have even been recorded by means of tracings. The current opinion as expressed by Howell (11) is that the mammalian fetus under normal conditions makes no respiratory movements while in utero. Ballantyne (’02) in his ‘Antenatal pathology and hygiene’’ accepts the results of the clinicians, but says it is doubtful if such movements are strong enough to draw liquor amnii into the lungs. It would also seem from our experiments that if these movements are really similar to respiratory movements, they are not to be compared in point of intensity with the postnatal efforts, and do not affect the structure of the lung to any extent. PRENATAL AND NEONATAL LUNG 201 METHOD OF PRESERVATION OF MATERIAL In order to preserve, as nearly as possible, the normal relations of the lung to surrounding structures, and to prevent its collapse, all animals were injected with 5 or 10 per cent formalin, either through one of the umbilical vessels, or through the aorta, with- out opening the thoracic cavity. After the lungs had hardened in situ, portions were removed, embedded in paraffin or celloidin and sectioned. CONTENTS OF THE SPACES WITHIN THE FETAL LUNG When a living fetus, near full-term, is exposed within the uterus, with the amniotic sac still unruptured, it can readily be stimulated to make respiratory movements. The angles of the mouth begin to twitch, and are drawn slightly upwards, the abdomen enlarges, evidently due to the descent of the diaphragm, and almost simultaneously the nostrils dilate, and the mouth shghtly opens in a yawning manner. The result is the drawing into the respiratory tract of the amniotic fluid. We found that the mere manipulation necessary to expose the fetus is sufficient to bring about these movements, if the animal is very near the end of gestation. A surer method is to clamp the umbilical cord, but neither method will act if the animal is not sufficiently advanced in its development. Several have previously recorded the above or similar observations. Winslow is quoted by Preyer as having written in 1787, ‘ Liquorem amnii respirare videntur.”’ Leclard (15) clamped the neck of a still living fetus, and on opening the trachea found there a fluid analogous to amniotic fluid. When a colored fluid had been injected previously into the amniotic fluid that in the bronchi was likewise colored. Preyer (85, p. 148) repeated and verified Leclard’s experiment with a guinea-pig near the end of gestation. He found that the fuchsin which he injected into the amniotic sac not only colored the lips, tongue, palate and all the pharynx, but also the lungs and the inside of the stomach. Geyl (’80) added to the experiment in the following manner. With all aseptic precautions, he in- jected aniline blue into the amniotic sacs of seven fetuses of a 202 WILLIAM H. F. ADDISON AND HAROLD W. HOW rabbit, which was nearly three weeks pregnant. Three days later the seven young were born, three dead and four alive. The three former had their lungs colored blue, as had also one of the latter. While there is no doubt that liquid is present within the lungs after these inspirations of amniotic fluid, none of the observers have directed their attention especially towards see- ing the contents before such inspirations had taken place. One can easily deduce that liquid is present all the time during the development of the fetal lung, but in order to obtain, if possible, direct evidence several simple experiments were performed. The first series was with large sheep fetuses, obtained from an abat- toir, with membranes and uterus intact. In two cases the fol- lowing procedure was followed. The uterus was opened, and the fetus, 35 em. in length, exposed within the unruptured amni- otic sac. By means of a needle carefully passed through the amnion, a strong ligature was drawn through the tissues of the neck of the fetus, behind the trachea, and out of the amnion again at the point of entrance. With the head of the fetus covered by the amniotic fluid, the ligature was tied tightly and the trachea constricted. Our special aims were to prevent liquid escaping from the amniotic sac and air from entering it. The trachea and lungs were carefully dissected out, without injuring the visceral pleura, and placed in a large jar of water, from which all air-bubbles had been previously removed. After they had been allowed to sink to the bottom of the jar they were agitated in order to remove adherent air. Different parts of the lung were then cut with scissors and crushed. 10 diam. 1) ING bo THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CEREBRAL VENTRICLES IN THE PIG CHESTER H. HEUSER a C. str. ~ Lich. PLATE 2 PLATE 3 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 11 Dissection of the brain of a 22-mm. pig. X 10 diam. 12 Cast of the cerebral ventricles of a 22-mm. pig. X 10 diam. 13 Dissection of the brain of a 22-mm. pig. 10 diam. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CEREBRAL VENTRICLES IN THE PIG PLATE 3 CHESTER H. HEUSER 14 15 16 y d PLATE 4 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES Dissection of the brain of a 45-mm. pig. X 6.5 diam. Wax model of the cerebral ventricles of a 45-mm. pig. Left lateral ventricle of the model shown in Fig. 15. Ventral view of the same ventricle. 246 < 6.5 diam. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CEREBRAL VENTRICLES IN THE PIG PLATE 4 CHESTER H. HEUSER T. ch. Cpin. Plax Csi Fig.16 Fig.17 PLATE 5 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 18 to 23. Microphotographs of frontal sections through the head of a 45-mm. pig. H.E.C. series 1826. % 5 diam. The position of section 563 is indicated by arrows in figure 14. 18 Section 563. 19 Section 629. 26 Section 687. 21 Section 755. 22 Section 1067. 23 Section 1115. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CEREBRAL VENTRICLES IN THE PIG PLATE 5 CHESTER H. HEUSER PLATE 6 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 24 Wax model of the mid-brain ventricle of a 110-mm. pig, viewed slightly from below and behind. X 15 diam. 25 Wax model of the cerebral ventricles of a 260-mm. pig. 3 diam. 26 Ventral view of the same model. bo or S THE DEVELOPMENT OF TEE CEREBRAL VENTRICLES IN THE PIG CHESTER H. HEUSER Coll.s. Ine. pe. Coll.i. R.sup. V.buolf. - V. b. olf. PLATE 6 E Se I + x 4 He” ¥ ae fl Lae ‘ r OT ee : P ae 4 le ~ } Vaal : - E: “ ban 7 b Me ra a a re “ca * A 4 Mes ’ ‘ | ; D5 iy ‘ 4 4 7 ' J 7 i. v’ ' ie x 4 is ms = 5 an i 2) ; Baie one nel | . oo a’ OA b, ty , oe a P E F le ol io¢ rae, ‘ i 7 Py ¢ es vas ie ak, tf: i A) ia ail ® 7} fe ‘ ; ‘ ’ @ a F = ’ 4 4 Z ; : A j " ‘ aA: ; aD et, heer : 7 + ; ‘ a ONS . J Wa ape t ae) oy r i) » ‘ yt a A a dy? : tal 5 ay) 2 ‘< is ty a J "high Ae ale t ‘ P ndll AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE POSITION OF THE OPTIC ANLAGE IN AMBLYSTOMA PUNC- TATUM, WITH A DISCUSSION OF CERTAIN EYE DEFECTS CHARLES R. STOCKARD Department of Anatomy, Cornell University Medical College, New York City NINE FIGURES INTRODUCTION Numerous investigations have recently been directed towards an analysis of the processes concerned in the development of the vertebrate eye. Both mechanical and chemical methods of experiment have been employed and at the present time most of the results seem open to explanation. Various theories and speculations, however, have been advanced which will probably form a source of contention until the experimental results are better or more uniformly interpreted. By way of introduction to the experiments recorded in the present paper and a discussion of their significance, it may be well to outline briefly the status of the main problems concerned. The writer has previously recorded the results of experiments bearing upon an analysis of the manner of origin and develop- ment of the optic cup and the optic lens. It was demonstrated that in the species studied the crystalline lens can arise entirely independent of any influence from other eye parts. It seems also equally clear from the many cases observed that the optic vesicle or cup can at some stage during its development induce the forma- tion of a lens from the ectoderm with which it comes in contact, 253 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, No. 3 NOVEMBER, 1913 254 CHARLES R. STOCKARD even though this ectoderm is not exactly that from which the normal lens would have arisen. Lenses were induced to arise only from head ectoderm and independent lenses invariably arose in the head region, it was thus concluded that the head ectoderm principally possessed the independent lens forming power. | A consideration of numerous eye abnormalities which occurred in these experiments seemed to throw light on the earlier condi- tions of origin of the optic anlage from the medullary tissues. A number of the abnormal eyes appeared to lend themselves to a common interpretation and for this reason I advanced in an entirely hypothetical manner the view that these conditions might be considered as arrests in eye development. Spemann in two more recent contributions to the development of the eye has confirmed all of my observations that were touched upon by his experiments. In an equally general manner he has disagreed with most of the deductions which were drawn from my experimental results. An attempt to satisfy these disagree- ments will be made in the body of the present paper. It is now concluded from a study of abnormal eyes and the experiments below that the eye anlage in the medullary plate is primarily median and single and normally separates or spreads into two almost equal growth regions which develop in lateral directions reaching further and further out until finally the optic vesicles come in contact with the ectoderm at the sides of the head. Provided this view is correct cyclopia is then an arrest in eye formation. Spemann, on the contrary, holds that the eye anlagen origin- ally arise lateral in position along the borders of the medullary plate. The cyclopean defect according to him is due to a failure of central medullary tissue to develop so that the lateral eye anlagen slump towards the median plane, fuse and form a single cyclopeaneye. Spemann, however, presents no experimental evi- dence to show that the eye anlagen do occupy lateral positions since all of his operations included the median medullary tissue as well as the lateral. POSITION OF OPTIC ANLAGE IN AMBLYSTOMA 255 The only evidence to draw upon is the interesting experiments of Lewis, in which it was found that cyclopia sometimes resulted in Fundulus embryos when the anterior end of the embryonic shield was injured by pricking. Lewis also interpreted these defects as due to a fusion of the optic anlagen, and had sug- gested, as Spemann now does, that the chemicals used in my experiments suppressed the development of median tissue in the medullary plate and thus caused the eye anlagen to come to- gether, fuse and produce cyclopia. There are a great many strong objections to this hypothesis of Lewis and Spemann which have been enumerated in my previous papers and to which I shall take occasion to refer briefly in the following discussion. An objection of primary importance to the idea of cyclopia as a result of the coming together of lateral anlagen through a failure of intermediate tissue to form is the fact that eyclopean eyes are rarely in size and extent equal to the sum of the two normal eyes combined. A cyclopean eye is, as a rule, little if any larger than one normal lateral eye and in fact is often much reduced or actually minute in size as compared with a normal eye. This fact indicates most decidedly that eye material, as such, has been injured or arrested in its development and differ- entiation. One is then scarcely warranted in assuming that the defect is solely due to a failure in formation of material between the eyes. f Spemann has found, although he locates the anlagen in the wrong place, that not only is the eye anlage definitely localized in the open medullary plate but actually the tapetum nigrum | is distinct from the other retinal layers. How then could absence of material between the lateral eye anlagen cause less eye mate- rial to arise? The differentiation of these prelocalized anlagen require defi- nite amounts of energy. Any treatment that weakens the devel- oping embryo at certain periods in a definite way renders the eye anlagen incapable of differentiation so that they do not arise from the brain. The entire problem is readily open to experimental test. The contention may resolve itself into the question: Where are the 256 CHARLES R. STOCKARD optic anlagen originally located in the medullary plate or tube? The present communication will present the results of experi- ments aimed towards an answer to this question. Certain inter- pretations put forward by Spemann regarding the origin and development of the primary components of the eye will also be considered. ”" MATERIAL AND METHOD The material used in all the experiments has been the develop- ing embryos of the salamander, Amblystoma punctatum. Am- blystoma eggs are surrounded by masses of jelly-like material from which they may readily be separated. The eggs live per- fectly without the jelly mass, provided they are well covered with fresh water. These eggs are of sufficient size to render it possible to cut out with fair accuracy definite regions or groups of cells from the medullary plate or groove. The method of experiment has been entirely by mechanical operation. This method is particularly useful for the problem in hand since definite areas may be removed and the results studied. The operations were made under a binocular micro- scope. Fine steel needles and the smallest scissors were used as instruments. The embryos were kept from three to five days after the oper- ation in water which had been previously boiled. They were killed in a mixture of one part formalin to three parts saturated corrosive sublimate, left for three hours, rinsed in water and put into 70 per cent alcohol with iodine. Others were fixed for three hours in Bouin’s fluid, formalin and picroacetic. The sec- tional embryos were stained with Delafield’s hematoxylin and eosin. POSITION OF OPTIC ANLAGE IN AMBLYSTOMA oO. CONSIDERATION OF THE EXPERIMENTS 1. Sticking the future brain portion of the medullary plate with needles The anterior portion of the medullary plate was stuck with steel needles in such a manner as to disturb the cells over an area extending from the anterior border of the medullary fold back to the constricted portion of the plate and laterally from fold to fold. The needle was inserted below the outer layer of cells and raised so as to push the cells apart; this was done a number of times with each specimen. The needles were also swung to the right and left in the medullary tissue until the cells were considered to be disturbed to quite an extent. The object in such an experiment was to determine how severe an injury to the cells was necessary in order to prevent the develop- ment of the optic vesicles. Twenty-three embryos were treated in this manner, and all were killed four days after the operation. Under a high power binocular microscope most of them distinctly showed that the optic cups were well pushed out laterally and in contact with the ectoderm at the sides of the head. Both eyes were clearly seen in seventeen of the individuals, while six seemed to have eyes yet not so well developed. These six doubtful specimens were sectioned and studied microscopically. Both eyes were present and apparently normal in structure in five of the six embryos. The sixth individual showed eyes which were slightly irregular in form and poorly developed, yet both eyes were distinctly present. The experiment would indicate that a disturbance, of the type employed, of the cells constituting the eye anlage in the medul- lary plate was not sufficient to prevent the normal development of the eyes in these embryos. Another point of interest might have been attacked. by such an experiment provided the embryos had been allowed to develop: sufficiently long after the operation. That is, whether or not the cells destined to form the tapetum nigrum layer might be 258 CHARLES R. STOCKARD intermixed with those cells destined to form other retinal layers, and so produce an eye with the pigment cells scattered irregu- larly through the retina. Spemann’s recent experiments on cut- ting out and reversing certain areas of the open medullary plate indicate that the tapetum cells are fully localized and separate from the other retinal cells in certain amphibian embryos. The embryos in my experiments had not differentiated the retinal layers sufficiently far to determine with certainty whether there was a persistent disarrangement of the cells, yet the general appearance of the eyes seemed perfectly normal. 2. The median region of the anterior part of the medullary plate cut out, reversed and transplanted in the medullary plate This experiment is similar to those performed by Spemann on several amphibian embryos. Spemann found that pieces of the medullary plate when cut out and turned around continued to develop with their original orientation undisturbed, thus indi- cating the early prelocalization of certain future parts of the brain and eyes. When the operation chanced to cut the eye anlage so that part of the future eye material was anterior to the cut and remained in position, while part was contained in the cut-out piece which was then turned around and transplanted, carrying the future eye cells to a more posterior position, two eye regions developed on each side. One arose from the ante- rior undisturbed cells and the other from the transplanted pos- terior cells. The reversed pieces in the present experiment were not long enough to carry the eye back to a distant posterior position, and the cut extended so far foreward that the eye anlage was not divided transversely as in Spemann’s operations. The oper- ations were done chiefly to test whether the eye anlage in Ambly- stoma was well localized and would develop after such reversal of tissues. Eight embryos were studied after having had antero-median pieces of the medullary plate cut out, reversed and transplanted. Seven of the eight developed both eyes, many of which. showed POSITION OF OPTIC ANLAGE IN AMBLYSTOMA 259 indications of their misplacement. One individual showed one abnormal eye while the other was probably indicated by a doubt- ful eye structure situated within the archenteron. The general structure of the eyes seemed normal and only slight indication of their reversed origin was shown by a study of these early stages. Thus if the eye anlage was contained within these cut-out pieces the reversal and transplantation of the pieces did not show any very detrimental effects on the future development of the eyes, though in one of the eight cases one eye was abnormal and the other was greatly misplaced and indistinctly indicated. The experiments of sticking and disturbing the cells in the anterior end of the medullary plate without actually removing the cells does not prevent the subsequent development of the optic vesicles in an apparently normal manner. Cutting out rectangular pieces of the medullary plate which contain the eye anlage, reversing and replanting them merely cause the eyes to develop in misplaced positions. These two experiments demon- strate the fact that unless the future eye material is well re- moved by the operation the optic vesicles may later form; this is important in estimating the value of the results in the experi- ments to follow. 3. Lateral regions cut from the anterior part of the medullary plate Four embryos were operated upon, as shown in figure 1. The indicated region of the right lateral portion of the flat medullary plate was cut entirely away with fine scissors. The area removed did not extend quite to the median line except that in one case it may have or probably did remove tissue beyond the median line. The embryos were killed three days later, cut into sec- tions and studied microscopically. One of the four lacked both eyes or had eyes so small and poorly formed that they could not be recognized, and the brain showed on one side indications of the operation. Both eyes had thus been removed by an operation which extended at most 260 CHARLES R. STOCKARD slightly beyond the median line and certainly did not include the left lateral medullary tissue. The other three embryos bad both eyes present, though one eye in one specimen and both eyes in another were abnormal or defective. In these cases the cut did not extend close enough to the median line to remove all of the eye substance of that side; yet if the eye anlagen at this time had been lateral in posi- tion, one would have been completely removed. A similar experiment was performed on seven somewhat earlier embryos. In these cases where the medullary plate was younger and wider in extent the removed area was confined to a lateral position and did not extend close to the median line, yet it ex- tended laterally into the medullary fold (fig. 2). Three days later the embryos were killed. On studying the sections of the head region six of the seven embryos were found to possess two perfect eyes of normal proportions. The seventh indi- vidual had only one well defined eye while the other eye was absent. The removal of this lateral area of tissue which has been con- sidered the position of the early eye anlage by certain investi- gators gives no effect on the development of the future eye unless the cut be made to extend very close to the median line. Jn eleven operations of this type nine individuals did not suffer the loss of either eye, while one specimen lacked both eyes and another one had only one eye. The case in which both eyes were absent might have been due to the fact that the cut ex- tended a little way beyond the median line and removed cells destined to form the material of both eyes. Experiments re- corded below would indicate that this was the case. A second possibility is that the operation so weakened the individual— which may have been below normal in vigor, though apparently perfect specimens were selected for all the operations—that it lacked the power to differentiate the eyes from the medullary tissue. Six of the nine specimens which possessed both eyes showed no effects of the removed material in either the size or form of their eyes. The other three embryos had one or both eyes some- POSITION OF OPTIC ANLAGE IN AMBLYSTOMA 262 CHARLES R. STOCKARD what smaller than usual. The cases with only one eye defective are perhaps clearly understood on the ground that the cut en- croached upon the material destined to take part in the devel- opment of this eye. In the cases with both eyes defective it scarcely seems possible that the opposite eye could have been injured by these cuts without entirely removing the eye on the side where the cut was so extensive. The only plausible possi- bility is that the material for both eyes was medially located and the two eye anlagen closely connected. Any injury to this region might later be shown by both eyes if the injury were at all exten- sive, and if less extensive and confined entirely to one side of the median line only one eye might show the effect. I realize that this explanation might be interpreted in part as opposed to Spemann’s experiments in which he found the future eye materials so consistently definite in the medullary plate. When the eye anlage was cut transversely and the pos- terior portion reversed and planted in a distant position it was found that if the forward part of one eye was small the part which had been cut from this and placed posteriorly was large. This fact does not indicate entirely that the eye stuffs are sepa- rate; only that when the eye anlage, even if it be median and single, is cut across obliquely and the posterior part removed and transplanted it continues development in a normal consis- tent manner, the small eye part coming off on the side where less material exists and vice versa. 4. The anterior lateral part of the neural fold and a portion of the medullary wall cut from one side These experiments were performed on embryos older than those used above in order to test whether the eye anlagen shortly before the coming together of the neural folds might be situated laterally along the border of the folds. In other words, do the eye anlagen primarily arise in the median line or region of the medullary plate and later occupy more lateral positions? The operation consisted in cutting away one side of the ante- rior part of the medullary fold and also including in the removed POSITION OF OPTIC ANLAGE IN AMBLYSTOMA 263 part some of the material constituting the lateral wall of the medullary groove (fig. 3). Four embryos were operated upon in this manner. Three days after the operation they were killed and prepared for study. A eareful examination showed that three of the four specimens possessed both eyes, while one had no eye, or a questionable formation, on the operated side although a perfect eye was pres- ent on the unoperated side. Thus in three-fourths of the few eases used, neither of the future eyes had been injured by the operation. Six other embryos were operated upon in a similar fashion. These were killed two days after the operation. Studying the six embryos in cross section it was found that three possessed both eyes in perfect condition, one individual had two eyes, yet one eye was small and defective on the operated side, and two of ‘the specimens had no eye on the operated side. Thus four of the six specimens had two eyes each, and two of the six had only one eye each. Combining the results of both experiments it is shown that, of the ten operated embryos seven possessed both eyes and three lacked an eye on the operated side. One of the seven which had both eyes present showed a defective eye on the operated side. A comparison of these experiments with those recorded in the preceding section in which the operation was performed on ear- lier embryos would indicate that the eye anlage has possibly widened out so as to extend into more lateral regions in these later stages. The weight of evidence, however, would indicate that the position is not directly lateral along the edge or border of the medullary plate, as Spemann has assumed. It must be remembered that in the folding process which con- verts the medullary groove into a tube the original borders or edges of the medullary plate come to meet in a middorsal line. After the medullary tube is thus formed the optic vesicles push out from a lateral or really ventro-lateral region and certainly do not in any sense come from the original borders of the medul- lary plate which are now dorso-median in position. 264 CHARLES R. STOCKARD 5. Both anterior lateral parts of the neural fold cut away just before the folds close together The operation consisted in clipping away with scissors the lateral wall of the neural groove from both sides; that is, the raised folded parts and the dorsal portion of the lateral neural wall indicated in figure 4. The actual crest of the neural folds is of course not future lateral material as in the closure of the furrow to form the neural tube the crest becomes dorsomedian as just mentioned. Four embryos were successfully operated upon in the given manner. Three days after the operation they were killed and prepared for study. All of the embryos were found to possess both eyes in well developed conditions. Five other embryos in a similar stage of development were operated upon so as to remove the lateral neural folds as indi-. cated in figure 4. Four days after the operation the embryos were killed. Study- ing these embryos in section showed that four of the five pos- sessed both eyes in a well formed condition giving no indication of the injury while the fifth individual possessed only one eye. This last specimen was evidently cut too near the median line on one side so that the future eye material of that side was destroyed. Thus in nine specimens with both sides operated upon, eighteen operations, only a single eye was missing. The other seventeen operations did not cause any noticeable effect in either the devel- opment or nature of the resulting eye. These experiments clearly demonstrate that the eye anlage is not located along the lateral edge or border of the medullary plate or groove, as Spemann holds. The importance of such facts in connection with opposing explanations of certain eye abnormalities will be fully considered in a following section of this paper. The next experiments to be presented were performed in order further to substantiate the fact that the eye parts do occupy a POSITION OF OPTIC ANLAGE IN AMBLYSTOMA 265 median position in the medullary plate or groove. I have been led to think from a study of a number of eye abnormalities that the eye anlage is more or less median in its original position. 6. The removal of anterior median strips of cells from the wide medullary plate In these operations a narrow median strip was cut from the anterior region of the wide medullary plate. The strip in all cases was narrow, being in fact only about one-third or one-fourth the entire width of that portion of the medullary plate lying be- tween the medullary ridges, as shown in figure 5. Four embryos with wide medullary plates were operated upon in the above manner. Four days later they were preserved for study. Three of these four specimens were eyeless, showing that the operation had removed the entire eye anlage from the middle of the medullary plate. The remaining one of the four embryos had one poorly formed eye while the other was only slightly indicated, so that in this case almost all of the ability to develop eyes had been lost as a result of the operation. Five other embryos were subjected to a similar operation to that indicated in figure 5 except that the median strip removed was still narrower than in the preceding experiment. These embryos were of different stages but all showed the medullary folds far apart so that the medullary groove was wide open. Three days after the operation the embryos were prepared and studied. One of the ‘specimens was eyeless, one had two poorly devel- oped eyes, two had one well formed eye while the other eye was questionable or absent, one had both eyes present. Thus the removal of a very narrow median strip gave less decided effects than the removal of somewhat wider strips in the experiment above. Yet four out of the five embryos showed eye defects, two having both eyes affected and two having one normal eye and one eye questionable or absent. 266 CHARLES R. STOCKARD Combining the results of the two experiments it is found that the removal of narrow median strips from wide medullary plates exerts the following influence on the future development of the eyes: Of nine embryos thus operated upon four failed entirely to develop either eye. Two showed two defective eyes. Two individ- uals developed one perfect and one defective or questionable eye. Only one of the nine embryos showed two apparently normal eyes. Since six of the nine embryos had the development of both eyes either entirely suppressed or decidedly affected, and two of the remaining three had one eye affected, it seems most certain that cells destined to take part in eye formation are located in the median region of the medullary plate and are removed by the operation employed. One must conclude that the median optic anlage occupied at least one-fourth or one-third of the width of the medullary plate in the anterior region. A general statement of the results of certain of the experi- ments described above may be expressed as follows: Thirty em- bryos studied after various operations in which lateral portions of the medullary plate were removed at slightly different devel- opmental stages (sections 3, 4, 5) showed in twenty-four indi- viduals, or 80 per cent of the cases, subsequent development of both eyes, while only six specimens or 20 per cent of the cases, showed absence of the eye. In one case the presence of the eye is questionable, in five cases one eye and in one case both eyes were absent. The absence of eyes in the latter cases is possibly due to the cut having been made in a more median position than was intended. Nine embryos studied after having been operated upon so as to remove a narrow median strip of cells from the anterior portion of the medullary plate (section 6) showed in four cases, or about 45 per cent of the specimens, entire absence of eyes. In four other individuals the eyes were highly defective, one specimen having one poorly formed eye while the other was questionably present. In only one of the nine embryos did both eyes approach the normal condition, from this specimen an ex- tremely narrow piece had been cut away. The optic anlage in this case might have been sufficiently wide at the time of the POSITION OF OPTIC ANLAGE IN AMBLYSTOMA 267 operation to allow its median portiori to be removed and yet enough material remain on either side of the cut to give origin to the two eyes. According to the views of several investiga- tors the removal of this median material should have caused cyclopia, yet it did not. I shall presently attempt to show that eyclopia is not due to the coming together of lateral material in the median line but to a failure of median material to spread laterally. . When the results of these two classes of experiments are con- trasted one must conclude that: The eye anlage in the medullary plate occupies an antero-median position as shown by the various abnormalities incurred when this region is cut away. The failure to injure the development of the eyes in the great majority of cases when the lateral portions of the medullary plate are removed by operation indicates further that the eye anlagen do not occupy lat- eral positions during this stage of development. A DISCUSSION OF PREVIOUS IDEAS REGARDING THE GENESIS OF CERTAIN EYE ABNORMALITIES IN THE LIGHT OF THE ABOVE RESULTS There has lately been considerable discussion regarding the way in which the cyclopean defect occurs. The experiments described above may serve to concentrate the case on a definite developmental period and, to my mind, settle the question as far as the medullary plate stage is concerned. Whether it is possible to carry any question of vertebrate eye abnormalities, as such, further back in development than this stage seems doubt- ful, since here it is that the localization of the eye anlage is first known to exist. It is certain, of course, that this anlage does come from cells which are present before the medullary plate has formed. Whether these cells are localized and are entirely future eye anlagen cells, and not indifferent ectoderm cells which might have the power of forming any portion of the brain or central nervous system, one is at present unable to state. As the case stands, it seems possible to explain the entire genesis of the cyclopean defect from the earliest time at which the optic anlage is definitely known to be localized. This as- 268 CHARLES R. STOCKARD sumption is not made solely from the material presented in the present paper, but from the facts furnished by these experiments together with the observations made upon the large number of cyclopean eyes and brains which the writer has studied during the past several years. Various authors have at different times thought that cyclopia was due to a fusion of the eyes after they had arisen from the brain. The earlier in development the fusion occurred the more intimately associated the two eye components became. This view has been proven incorrect by actual observation on cyclo- pean monsters where it is found that the cyclopean condition of the eye, whether large and hour-glass shaped or of small size resembling a normal eye, is present from the earliest appearance of the optic vesicle from the brain.’ In other words, the several degrees of the cyclopean eye come off from the brain in their final conditions. The idea of the fusion of the eye parts was deep rooted, how- ever, and now exists in the recent views of Spemann in a refined form. Spemann believes, as several others had previously sug- gested, that cyclopia is due to an absence of non-ophthalmic tissue in the median region of the medullary plate or groove. This lack of median tissue allows the eye anlagen which he holds to be lateral in position, near the borders of the medullary plate, to come together and fuse in the median plane and later give rise to a cyclopean eye. Cyclopia, according to this idea, occurs in a more or less passive manner, and is, after all, actually a fusion of the eye anlagen of the two sides during development. I am certain that this fusion explanation which has now been forced entirely back into the medullary plate, is as false as its bolder predecessor which assumed the fusion to take place out- side of the brain tissues after the optic vesicles or cups had arisen. Spemann did not advocate this late-fusion view, but claimed from his beautiful experiments on Triton that the cy- clopean eye arose out of the medullary tissues in its final condition. He now, however, assumes the réle of a most ardent supporter of the fusion of the optic anlagen within the medul- lary plate. POSITION OF OPTIC ANLAGE IN AMBLYSTOMA 269 The present writer’s opinion of the cause of cyclopia, which was advanced in 1909, was to the effect that this deformity is the result of a weakened development. Spemann has termed this view the ‘laming hypothesis,’ since my assumption was that the various chemical substances employed in producing cyclo- pean defects in fish embryos have a tendency to lower the de- velopmental energies and so reduce the power necessary to ac- complish the processes involved in the outpushing of the optic vesicles from the brain. Considering the probable manner in which the cyclopean defect occurs, Adami (’08, p. 241) has theoretically concluded that it is due to developmental arrest or lack of vigor. While I am unable to agree with the details in Adami’s argument of a pri- mary growth point at the anterior tip from which is budded off successively the paired parts of the two sides, the anterior ones necessarily arising last after the other parts had been left in more posterior positions, the final conelusion that a weakening of particular developmental processes results in cyclopia is con- firmed by all my experiments. / The different.types or degrees of the cyclopean defect depend upon the stage in development at which the arrests occur as well as upon the strength or severity of the treatment employed. I shall now attempt to defend this position with the evidence at hand, and in so doing shall as decidedly prove the mistake in considering the defects as the result of any failure to arise of median medullary tissue (other than future eye tissue) and the subsequent fusion of the lateral optic anlagen. There is no med- ian tissue between the eye anlagen. The median tissue is the eye anlage itself and will subsequently go to formsome portion of the eye, either optic cup or optic stalk, depending largely upon its position and the extent of normal development attained. The writer had (’07, ’09, 710) recorded a number of eye con- ditions which are considered to be different degrees of cyclopia using the term in a general sense. At any rate, these several conditions differ only in degree and grade perfectly into a con- tinuous series. There is no qualitative difference between them. Spemann has objected to including among these defects certain THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, No. 3 270 CHARLES R. STOCKARD modified types which are at least closely related to the series in manner of origin, though they may not actually intergrade. (We are now considering only the cyclopean series, not the mon- ster monophthalmica asymmetrica which will be dealt with later. ) One finds on referring to my paper of 1909 (p. 293) that the cyclopean series, A to G, passes from the normal individual through different degrees of association of the two eyes to a median cyclopean eye only as large as one normal lateral eye, then to a cyclopean eye of smaller dimensions until it is extremely minute and may finally be deeply buried beneath the brain as a small pigmented vesicle, as is shown in figure 52, page 321. Only one step further and the eyes fail to arise entirely so that eyeless individuals exist which with a slightly greater power of differentiation or more developmental energy might have given cyclopean monsters. The last assumption is warranted since these eyeless specimens actually resemble the cyclopean monsters in other structures; for instance, the mouth is a narrow pro- boscis similar to that in the cyclopean monster instead of the usual laterally spread mouth of the normal embryo. Why should every step and gradation in this series exist if several, or any of the conditions are of a different quality or type? It seems certain that one examining the large number of cyclopean fish on which:my study was based would be forced to admit the correctness of the statement that these individuals exhibit different degrees of one and-the same defect. The question then follows, if cyclopia were due, as Lewis, Spemann and others assume, to a failure to develop of median medullary tissue so allowing the eye anlagen to come together in the median plane and fuse, why is not every cyclopean eye equal in mass to the two normal eyes fused? Spemann does not suggest in any place that eye material also fails to arise. He shows in his recent experiments that the future eye is fully laid down in the medullary plate. Not only is the eye present in the medullary plate but the cells destined to form different layers are distinct. Spemann found that certain cells cut out of the medullary plate and planted in more posterior positions formed only the tapetum nigrum layer. If the eye is thus so POSITION OF OPTIC ANLAGE IN AMBLYSTOMA 271 definitely predetermined in the medullary plate and Spemann believes that cyclopia is due to failure of median medullary cells other than future eye cells then cyclopean eyes ought always to be large or double in size. The fact is that these predetermined eye cells in the medul- lary plate in most cases of cyclopia are incapable of perfect dif- ferentiation on account of insufficient energy, so they remain in the brain, or only part of them is capable of differentiation and thus small defective cyclopean eyes result. The actual ‘Lihmungs’ or suppression is of the eye material itself. Cyclopia is an eye defect, and an injury of the eye forming material is the cause. The brain may also be defective as an accompaning abnormality, although in some cases the brain, with the exception of the optic tracts and parts, may be struc- turally and functionally perfect, as is indicated by the normal life and behavior of many of the cyclopean Fundulus embryos as well as by the existence of the huge cyclopean ray, Mylio- bates noctula, reported by Paolucci in 1874. The chemical substances employed by the author in produc- ing the cyclopean defect and a number of others with which McClendon has obtained similar results, all tend to suppress or arrest the development of the eye material in the brain. This future eye material is assumed to occupy a median position. When the arrest is complete, and necessarily taking place at early stages, no eye parts arise from the brain nor are any dif- ferentiated within the brain substance itself. Thus a completely eyeless individual is produced. Spemann states that the eye is capable of differentiation even though it be contained within the brain substance as he has found in amphibia and as Mencel recorded in a teleost. It must be realized that these are exceptional cases. A certain amount of energy is necessary for differentiation of the eye to take place even within the brain and when only this amount of energy is present the eye may differentiate within the brain, but when the required energy for any reason is not available the eyes are incapable of any differentiation. Many eyeless individuals have been observed in my experiments which have no indication what- 22 CHARLES R. STOCKARD ever of eye parts within the brain. Could any one ask, whethe: this be due to the failure of non-ophthalmic parts of the medul- lary plate to arise or, on the other hand, to a failure of the future eye forming cells to arise, or to differentiate after they have arisen? It is not meant to convey the idea that all eyeless brains are related to the cyclopean series, as this is not the case. The future eye forming cells may in some cases have been absent. from the start. In other specimens the future optic vesicles might have been in positions to arise normally and laterally and for some reason were incapable of outpushing or of differentiation. Certain eyeless brains, however, such as those in individuals having the proboscis-shaped mouth, do belong to the series and must be caused in the same way as are the various cyclopean conditions. They have merely responded to a more exaggerated degree. The most extreme cases of cyclopia with actual eye structures are those in which a small pigmented vesicle arises from a ventro- median part of the brain, as is shown in my figure 52, 1909. This pigment layer of the retina seems to be its most persistent portion, as it may appear when all other recognizable retinal parts fail to arise. There is a possibility that the small tapetum nigrum groups of cells which in some cases formed from Spemann’s transplanted portions of eye anlagen may not be due to the fact that only the anlagen of such cells were transplanted, but that all other retinal cells except these were incapable of differentia- tion when so small a piece of future eye tissue was isolated by the operation. The next degree of cyclopia is exhibited by an individual hay- ing a median eye that is much smaller than one normal lateral eye. We then have a median cyclopean eye of about the same size as one normal lateral eye. The latter case has been termed the ‘perfect’ cyclopean condition. All these abnormalities are best explained as follows: The future eye forming cells occupy a median position in the medul- lary plate and the cells destined to form the two eyes are ar- ranged in one group. This median group of future eye cells POSITION OF OPTIC ANLAGE IN AMBLYSTOMA 273 normally widens or spreads laterally while two centers of active growth become established which gradually assume more lateral positions until they push out as the two optic vesicles. In the degrees of cyclopia mentioned in the preceding paragraphs the median eye anlage does not widen or spread laterally but is arrested in its primary condition; thus the two growth centers are not sufficiently separated and only a single center exists, and even more than this, the arrest is to such an extent that the entire or normal amount of optic material does not differentiate. Hence, one finds a median cyclopean eye consisting of an amount of eye material far below that normally present. Other individuals are found in which greater masses of eye material have succeeded in differentiating, and development has been vigorous enough to allow the early eye anlagen to spread to a greater or less degree and establish the two eye forming centers. Such specimens finally present a cyclopean eye show- ing distinctly its double composition, the two retinae are more or less distinct and the eye large consisting of a greater amount of material than a normal lateral eye, yet less bulky as a rule than the sum of the two normal eyes of the species. The hour-glass eye or incomplete cyclopig is commonly ob- served in the experiments. This case is due to a later or less complete arrest in development than those mentioned above. Both eyes have differentiated out of the medullary tissue but the embryo was not vigorous enough to permit their normal sep- aration and outpushing. Thus the eyes come off from their ori- ginal ventro-median position and remain in close contact or actual union. Finally one observes individuals in which the eyes are sepa- rate and distinct yet unusually close together. Such embryos are able to differentiate their eye material and this material is capable of pushing out from the brain but a slight weakness or arrest has occurred on account of which the optic stalks are short and the optic cups are unable to take a normal position: so that they remain unusually near together and look in an .abnormal direction. 274. CHARLES R. STOCKARD In the ordinary individual the future eye forming material is first located in a median position in the medullary plate. This material becomes more extensive or widens laterally, and two growth centers are established, the material between the centers finally becomes the median ventral layer of cells of the optic stalks. Later the incipient optic vesicles begin to evaginate or push in a ventro-lateral direction and finally turn dorsally and laterally to reach their usual places at the sides of the head. The optic stalks, however, still lead back to the ventro-median position and there in the fish the optic fibers, following the optic stalks as paths, cross and in higher vertebrates form the optic chiasma always in the ventro-median plane below the brain floor and from here the optic tracts proceed to their centers in the brain. The median position of the optic chiasma outside and below the brain is an important structural fact in the present consid- eration. Figure 6 is a diagram of a transverse section through an early brain with the optic cups in their usual position. The optic stalks connect with the brain and the median ventral cell layer is actually part of the stalks. As development proceeds the optic fibers arising from the cells in the retina follow along the optic stalks to reach the brain. The investigations onthe development of the optic nerve have shown that the optic stalks become solid and form the supporting paths or neuroglial scaf- folding along which the optic nerve fibers grow. The fibers from one retina meet those from the other in the median plane below the brain and in the fish the fibers from the two retinae cross directly while in higher forms partial crossing takes place and the optic chiasma is formed outside the brain. Figure 7 is a sketch representing a cross section of the actual condition of the early optic nerves in a fish embryo. This position of the optic cross is only possible if the median tissue be optic stalk tissue. Suppose, on the other hand, that the eyes primarily originate from lateral medullary tissues and between the two eyes other brain tissue is present. The optic stalks are then attached to. the lateral regions of the brain from which the optic vesicles e POSITION OF OPTIC ANLAGE IN AMBLYSTOMA 275 Fig. 6 A diagrammatic cross section through the brain and optic cups of an early embryo, with all of the median ventral medullary tissue represented as being part of the optic stalks. The future fibers of the optic nerves, shown in red, follow the optic stalks to the median plane where they cross and afterward enter the brain to pursue their course as the optic tracts. The optic cross is entirely beneath and outside the brain. Fig. 7 A sketch representing the actual outlines of a cross section through the brain and eyes of a late fish embryo. The optic nerves cross below and out- side the brain and are surrounded by cells derived from the original optic stalks. 276... . CHARLES R. STOCKARD pushed out. Figures 8 illustrates diagrammatically a cross sec- tion of this condition. In the course of development the fibers of the optic nerve following the stalk reach the lateral position and must enter the brain and continue within its tissue in order to meet the nerve of the opposite side and form the cross or chiasma. Brain tissue would lie beneath the optic chiasma and the chiasma would necessarily be within the brain. This con- dition is never found in any normal vertebrate. Fig. 8 A diagrammatic cross section through the brain and optic cups in an imaginary case in which the optic connections are lateral with median brain tissue originally lying between the eye anlagen. The future optic fibers growing along the optic stalks as paths reach the lateral points on the brain from which the stalks arose and then enter the brain tissue before having formed the cross. Continuing to grow, the optic nerves meet and cross in the median plane. The cross is within the brain itself and lies above the median mass of tissue which has always existed between the eyes. No vertebrate brain exhibits such a con- dition. One might claim that the optic fibers on reaching the brain ran ventrally and formed the cross beneath, but no such change in direction is seen at any stage of their development. The structural relationships seem to depend upon a median origin and connection of the optic stalks. The fact that a cyclopean eye may have no well formed optic stalk and is entirely median in position not necessitating the Lar POSITION OF OPTIC ANLAGE IN AMBLYSTOMA 204 absence of any other brain part is in entire accord with the above facts. It is believed, therefore, that the various degrees of the typi- cal cyclopean condition from eyes unusually close together, to median double or hour-glass eyes, to the large oval eye, to a median round eye of usual size, to the median eye smaller than one normal eye, and finally to complete failure of eye material to arise from the brain are probably all due to developmental arrest. The arrest in development is the result of some influence which has reduced the developmental vigor below the normal so that the energy is not available to carry out the usual pro- cesses of differentiation and growth. The author has figures and described other cases of eye de- fects which do not fall exactly into the series of cyclopia as considered above; yet these cases are modified conditions which are closely related to the cyclopean series both in point of origin and in their final condition. The curtain-like eyes which face the median plane and often have a single lens between them might be considered as delayed cases of cyclopia. The eye an- lage widened, the eyes became separated and continued their differentiation, yet they were unable to turn out and assume their normal lateral positions so that they faced in a ventro- median direction with their anterior walls closely approximated as is shown in figure 38 (09) and figures 1, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14 (10 a). Such eyes often excite a single stimulus upon a more or less ven- tral ectodermal region which responds by forming a single lens lying between the two eyes. The writer has illustrated by a diagram (fig. 15, A and B 10 a,) the difference between these eyes with their choroid sur- faces against the lateral ectoderm of the head and their concave retinal surfaces facing medially, and the eyes of a normal indi- vidual (10a p. 380). As was then stated, the experiments did not give a definite clue to indicate the position of the optic anlagen in the early brain, thus my explanation, or ‘laming hy- pothesis,’ referred mainly to the pushing out and lateral develop- ment of the optic vesicle and cup. All these cases are decidedly 278 CHARLES R. STOCKARD of a type which would suggest lack of developmental energy necessary to attain the normal. Another group of eye anomalies were extremely common under the same experimental conditions which caused the cyclopean series. These individuals possessed one normal eye in the usual lateral position while the eye of the opposite side in the numer- ous specimens showed various degrees of imperfection from a condition slightly below the normal in size to complete absence of the eye. Such anomalies were termed ‘monophthalmica asym- metrica’ in contrast to the symmetrical one-eyed monsters with a median cyclopean eye. The genesis of the asymmetrical defects is not entirely clear, yet they also are probably due to developmental arrest or sup- pression of the one eye. The growth centers representing the two future eyes of an individual are rarely equally vigorous and it is frequently noticed that one eye arises slightly before its mate and develops at a little faster rate. It might be that at some critical point in development one of the future eye centers is affected after the growth centers had begun to localize in more or less lateral positions. In treating the eggs with aleohol a number of embryos occurred in which both eyes were small and defective even though they arose from the brain and attained more or less lateral positions. One might assume this to occur as a result of an arrest in devel- opment which affected both eye forming centers after the centers became separate or distinct from one another. Part of the eye forming material is suppressed or its differentiation is prevented so that each eye is decidedly under size and defective. In some of the cases of cyclopia mentioned above the eye was also very small and defective, in these cases the two growth centers which would give rise to the future lateral eyes did not become suffi- ciently separated so that only a single median eye arose and the reduced vigor permitted this to form only as a small and poorly differentiated structure. In some instances where an embryo possessed only one mem- ber of the normal eye pair this eye was unable to attain its usual POSITION OF OPTIC ANLAGE IN AMBLYSTOMA 279 lateral position so that it faced the median plane, and if the lips or periphery of the optic cup failed to reach the ectoderm the eye was without a lens. In none of the specimens, although many were old with the central nervous tissue highly differentiated, was I able to detect any material within the brain which might be considered as representing the missing eye. Eye conditions such as these are doubtless due to the action of some inhibitory influence which prevents the complete origin and differentiation of eye material, or when it does arise allows it to develop only in a weakened or defective manner. Since monophthalmica asymmetrica occurs so persistently in the same experiments with cyclopean individuals as Lewis, McClendon and I have all found, it is not improbable that the cause is the same in the two cases. The above considerations have been entirely from the stand- point that the ophthalmic defects under discussion originate dur- ing the medullary plate stage. The cause of cyclopia or the tendency to produce such a defect might of course have its ori- gin much earlier in development. It might, in fact, go back to the germ cells themselves or finally it might possibly occur as an hereditary variation. All experimental cyclopia, however, furnishes evidence directly contrary to the latter possibilities. This point I have considered in a previous paper and have clearly demonstrated as have several other investigators that the condition is not due to a germinal variation but may be induced as the result of external stimuli applied during the early devel- opment of the eggs. The cyclopean abnormality may be caused in Fundulus embryos by subjecting the eggs to various chemical stimuli after they have developed normally for as long as fifteen hours. A fif- teen-hour Fundulus embryo has the germ ring beginning to form and descend over the yolk sphere, the embryonic shield is scarcely indicated but appears very soon afterwards. Embryos of later stages subjected to the same treatment develop normally, or do not show cyclopia, while stages younger than fifteen hours and 280 CHARLES R. STOCKARD as early as the first cleavage are much more readily affected in such a manner as to cause the cyclopean defect. The optic ves- icles appear at about thirty hours after fertilization, but the stimulus must be applied at a time sufficiently long before this — process occurs, since a number of important steps in eye forma- tion are doubtless taking place before the visible signs of optic vesicles are present. The fact that cyclopia may be produced after the beginning of the germ ring and embryonic shield in the teleost embryo in- dicates directly that the defect may occur in what would be the medullary plate stage of amphibian embryos. Thus explana- tions of the cause of cyclopia must consider it as occurring in the medullary plate stage. Spemann (’12 b, pp. 38-39) has taken exception to my state- ment regarding the non-occurrence of cyclopia when eggs are treated later than fifteen hours after fertilization (although the optic vesicles do not arise until about the thirtieth hour) ‘since insufficient time exists for the substances to act on the eye anlagen.”’ The paragraph following this statement in my paper (p. 388, ’10a)is: ‘The solutions are effective up to a stage in development preceding the formation of the germ ring and embryonic shield, and the action of the Mg on the eye anlagen probably takes place while the embryonic shield and outline of the embryo are forming.””! This statement seems to me perfectly direct and clear: Yet Spemann intimates in one sentence that I mean to infer that fif- teen hours are necessary for the substances used to penetrate the egg membrane! He then states that I showed in 1907 that KCl would penetrate within a few minutes and stop the embryonic heart beat. The Mg and other solutions used may pass through the membrane equally as rapidly, this I have not fully tested. The fact that it does has no bearing on the fact that stimuli do not have sufficient time to act wpon the optic anlagen to induce cyclopia when applied to the eggs at later periods in normal de- velopment than fifteen hours after fertilization since they must act on the anlagen in the embryonic shield, and to act later is 1 The last clause was not originally in italics. POSITION OF OPTIC ANLAGE IN AMBLYSTOMA 281 too late. The reason for the nonoccurrence of cyclopia when eggs were treated at periods later than fifteen hours after fer- tilization or fifteen hours before the appearance of the optic ves- icles is that the optic anlagen and all other embryonic parts are constantly changing during development and have passed beyond the critical stage. It is not only a question of how quickly one may stimulate but in what condition the anlagen are at the time of stimulation. It is safe to say that cyclopia can not be produced after the optic anlagen have proceeded to some definite stage in their normal development. Even if Mg should penetrate all the membranes within a few seconds its action could never induce cyclopia in an enibryo with the two optic vesicles visibly formed. There was no question of the time necessary for penetration, but an important question of the embryonic condition to be acted upon, the critical condition of the optic anlagen. In the above connection it may be mentioned that such sub- stances as alcohol and ether, when administered to an early embryo may cause it to develop into a decided monster. A late embryo or foetus may respond to the same treatment by producing an individual exhibiting no gross morphological defects yet showing decidedly abnormal nervous reactions, while a similar treatment might exert little or no effect upon a fully formed individual. A stimulus could not cause the mature individual to change into a structural monster. The developmental period of administration is of as high importance in determining the result as is the nature of the stimulus used, unless of course the stimulus be entirely destructive. Again Spemann misinterprets a statement regarding the action of Mg. It was remarked that the cyclopean embryos develop- ing in the Mg solutions were, except for the eye defects, more perfect than those arising from treatments with alcohol, ether, and so forth. The Mg cyclops often had apparently normal brains, could swim in normal fashion, took food and reacted to stimuli much as normal embryos did, while those embryos treated with alcohol and ether had various defects of the brain and cord. In this connection it was cited as of interest that Mayer had re- 282 CHARLES R. STOCKARD cently found in studying nerve muscle preparations that Mg salts seemed to prevent activity by affecting the muscle directly without apparently affecting the nerve. There is, of course, no direct connection between these facts and cyclopia; the mention was made merely in a general way, and most decidedly did not intend to convey the notion that muscle contractibility and the outpushing of the optic vesicles were phenomena of similar nature. They are similar only in that both are dynamic processes and require energy for their accomplishment. There is no necessity for further discussing the fact that a number of eggs when subjected to the same solution do not all respond in a like manner (Spemann ’12 b, p. 37). This is a typi- cal case of differences in individual resistance and vigor which is observed among any one hundred individuals of any living spe- cies. It is equally true that the two sides of a so-called bilateral individual are rarely, if ever, identical. Spemann is no doubt correct in stating that the relationship between cause and effect in my chemical experiments on cyclo- pia is not clear. Yet it seems to me that it is not entirely dark, the entire relationship between cause and effect in biological ex- periments is rarely if ever clear step for step. I should like, however, to point out that the chemical experi- ments did one thing in proving that cyclopia could be caused from normal embryos through the action of the environment. This fact did away with all theories of germinal origin of the defect, one of which was strongly presented by Wilder about the same time. The experiments also make clear the stage in de- velopment at which cylopia may occur, and they further supply the richest amount of material yet available for the study of this defect. Finally, they prove to my mind that cyclopia is a de- velopmental arrest and may be due to any cause which lowers developmental vigor at certain critical stages in the formation of the eye anlagen. These important points in the study of this defect have certainly not been made clear by the mechanical experiments though I do not deny that they might possibly have been. To quote again from Spemann: POSITION OF OPTIC ANLAGE IN AMBLYSTOMA 283 Gegen diese Defekthypothese erhebt Stockard (1909b, p. 172) die Fragen: warum sollte bei den Magnesiumembryonen gerade das Gewebe zwischen den Augen ausfallen, und keine anderen Gewebe?; warum sind die Riechgruben bei Cyclopie manchmal verschmolzen und manchmal getrennt?; . . . . ist bei den asymmetrisch-eindiugigen Missbil- dungen der einseitige Augendefekt etwa auf die Abwesenheit der einen ersten Augenanlage zurtickzufiihren?—Darauf méchte ich mit der Gegen- frage antworten: sind denn all diese Tatsachen verstindlicher bei Zugrun- delegung der Stockard ’schen Lihmungshypothese? I should answer now, as it was inferred above, that they most decidedly are, and an attempt to show this fact in some detail has been made in the preceding pages. The title of the recent paper by Spemann “Zur Entwicklung des Wirbeltierauges”’ might better have been ‘‘The development of the vertebrate lens,” as little or almost no attention is given to other parts of the eye. The problem of the lens formation is very fully considered. ‘““Cyclopia of the lens’’ is discussed from the same standpoint as cyclopia of the optic cups. In the case of the lens median ectodermal cells may be missing so that the two normally lateral lenses fuse in the median line. It seems to me that this is the one straw too much for the ‘Defekthypothese.’ The imagina- tion which pictures the falling out of just the exact amount of median ectodermal tissue which would allow the primary lens forming cells of the ectoderm to fuse towards the center and keep proper pace with the movements and final position of the various cyclopean eyes which my Fundulus material presents must be most vividly active. An even more plausible possibility out of this imaginary dilemma is to consider the lens anlage as a single median group of cells that divides into two parts which come later to lie in lateral positions. This view would at least have the advantage that in cyclopia of the eye ‘‘cyclopia of the lens’’ would maintain the lens forming cells in a fairly median region, and in normal development the lens cells would have a more or less definite path to follow and place to reach. The pineal eye in many forms possesses a fairly definite lens which must have arisen medially and the present lens may have been somewhat more anterior yet also median. These suggestions are of the 284 CHARLES R. STOCKARD most speculative nature and are intended merely as such. In my experiments many of the embryos which possess supernum- erary lenses show, as Spemann has called attention to, that the accessory lens may actually lie more anterior than the eye. Nev- ertheless, others, show free lenses in lateral positions. The presence of a lens in the cyclopean eye is explained by the fact, well established for several species, that an optic vesicle or cup possesses the power to stimulate lens formation from any region of the head ectoderm with which it comes in contact. There would be no necessity of imagining a condition of ‘‘cyclo- pia of the lens” even though a median lens should be observed in an anophthalmous monster. Normal lateral lenses have been observed in anophthalmic monsters (see figs. 1 and 5, and fig. 3, plate II, 1910 b). The embryo from which my figure 4 (’10 b), was taken is of new interest in connection with a hypothetical case called for by Spemann (p. 81712 a). He states as a possibility that der cyclopische Defekt nur die Epidermis betrifft, so dass Riechgruben und primare Linsenbildungszellen median zusammenriicken, wahrend die Augenbecher, wie normal! seitlich gelegen, sich ihre Linsen aus der dor- tigen Epidermis bilden. Durch solche Faille wiirden in der Tat an einem und demselben Kopf beide Fahigkeiten demonstriert, die der Linse zur Selbstdifferenzierung und die des Auges zur Linsenerzeugung. Bis jetat liegen aber derartige Fille nicht vor. The case however, was, recorded at the time and seems to, fill the requirements set forth. The independent origin and differ- entiation of the lens is demonstrated in a median position slightly more anterior than the eyes, and the more or less lateral eyes have derived lenses from the ectoderm with which they came in con- tact as is shown by figs. 9 and 10, 1910 b, yet this ectoderm is part of the usual region from which an optic cup has the power to derive a lens. The power to form lenses, as Speman and I have claimed, is possessed by the ectoderm of the head. According to Spemann’s assumption, the embryo (fig. 4) pre- sents true ‘‘cyclopia of the lens.’”? The condition, however, may better be interpreted as an illustration of the high lens-forming POSITION OF OPTIC ANLAGE IN AMBLYSTOMA 285 capacity possessed by the ectoderm at the anterior tip of the head. Lens-forming power seems to diminish from the anterior tip of the head backward until trunk ectoderm no longer possesses the capacity to form a lens, as Spemann found in transplantation experiments. For this reason independent lenses arise, as a rule, far anterior to and often in front of the more or less lateral eyes (my figs. 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 21, etc. °10 b). In fewer cases independent lenses are found in more posterior lateral regions approximately in the normal lateral eye position (figs. 1 and 2 Fig. 9 Two diagrams indicating the primary lens-forming power of various portions of the head ectoderm. The lens-forming tendency is considered to be greatest at the anterior end and gradually decreases towards the trunk ectoderm until the ability to form a lens is lost where the trunk begins. The rows of circles indicate the magnitudes of lens-forming tendency in different regions and do not signify the size of the lenses. Posterior lenses may be as large as anterior ones, yet they occur less frequently as independent structures. Free lenses usually occur near the anterior tip. and 3, plates I and II 710 b). Figure 9 may serve to illustrate diagrammatically the extent and gradation of the lens-forming power possessed by the head ectoderm. This rather diffuse locali- zation of lens-forming cells in the general head ectoderm as demonstrated by numerous experiments seems sufficient to ac- count for all phenomena of lens formation in ecyclopia, as well as the supernumerary lenses which the writer has reported. The median position in cyclopia of normally bilateral organs involves one other part. The nose or nasal pits in the cyclopean THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, No. 3 286 CHARLES R. STOCKARD fish are sometimes median and single, or occasionally bilateral and more or less normal in position. I might also add that the nasal pits are often absent. Again the ‘defect hypothesis’ must expect median cells to fail and so allow the two nasal pits to fuse medially. In this case the evidence is still stronger for the primary median origin of the ectodermal anlage. Dohrn’s stud- ies on Ammococtes have shown the median position and relation- ship of the nasal and hypophyseal invaginations. The question of monorhiny in the cyclostomes is not fully determined but evi- dence is certainly available to indicate a median nose anlage. These, however, are phylogenetic considerations which would only serve to prolong the present discussion. The experimental results presented by Spemann relative to questions of lens formation agree almost entirely with the con- clusions which were presented in my paper of 1910 b. He dis- agrees, however, with many of my interpretations, yet I believe the disagreement is not as complete as it often seems. I had suggested that the power of the ectoderm to form a lens without the presence of an optic cup was less vigorous or efficient than when the optic cup combined its stimulus with the tendency to lens formation possessed by the ectoderm. For this reason when the ectoderm was injured by many of the mechanical op- erations which have been employed in the study of lens formation the injured ectoderm was unable to form independent lenses al- though normally it would have had such power. Attention was called to the different results of Lewis and Miss King on Rana palustris. Spemann (’12 a, p. 49) rejects this idea although he produces evidence in his paper to prove its very probable correctness. Compare the results he obtained in the origin of independent lenses after cutting out the optic anlagen from medullary plates with glass needles, in which case the ectoderm in the primary lens-forming region was uninjured, with the results following a _ burning out of the eye anlagen with hot needles, in which case neighboring tissues were necessarily injured. After the latter operation only one well formed lens occurred in five cases. A POSITION OF OPTIC ANLAGE IN AMBLYSTOMA 287 further comparison between the glass needle operations on early stages with open medullary plates and later stages where the ecto- derm was raised and the optic vesicles cut out from beneath it show a difference in the response of the ectoderm in producing free lenses in favor of the less injured or less disturbed ectoderm. A few of the early lenses figured by Spemann are at least ques- tionable. For example, figure 44 (’12 a) shows on the operated side an irregular thickening within a single cell layer. Such a thickening might readily have resulted from the disturbance to which the portion of ectoderm had been subjected. ‘This speci- men is cited as evidence that the accessory or supernumerary lenses in my experiments may have arisen as buds from a com- mon origin. The possibility of early lenses constricting or bud- ding into two or more is freely admitted. Figures 14, 17, 18 and 20 (10 b) show constricted or double lenses. If the constriction had been carried further two lenses might have resulted. Yet the relative positions occupied by several other of the lenses figured are difficult to account for on the above basis. Finally, there is no question of the fact that in numbers of the fish monsters which I have figured and described small and ill-formed eye vesicles or fragments are associated with large well-formed lenses. The fact of the constant association of such optic structures with lenses whenever the optic parts chance to lie near the ectoderm makes it practically certain that the defect- ive eyes have stimulated the lenses to arise in these positions. The size of the lens in Fundulus is not regulated by the size of the optic cup. This is further proven by the small lenses in large eyes and by large protruding lenses in rather well-formed but small eyes. The error in logic which Spemann (’12 a, p. 81) claims to exist on page 405 of my 1910 b paper in discussing these eye fragments I am unable to detect and several other embry- ologists have been unsuccessful in pointing it out. 288 CHARLES R. STOCKARD SUMMARY 1. Experiments in which certain regions are removed by mechan- ical operations from the medullary plate of Amblystoma punctatum seem to show that the earliest optic anlage ts median in position. Thirty embryos from which lateral portions of the medullary plate and the anterior lateral part of the medullary fold were removed at slightly different stages gave in twenty-four cases, or in 80 per cent of the individuals, subsequent development of both eyes. In five individuals one eye was absent and in one specimen both eyes failed to arise. The absence of eyes in the latter cases was probably due to the cut having been made in a more median position than was intended. Nine individuals were operated upon so as to remove narrow strips of cells from the anterior median portion of the medullary plate. Four of these cases, or about 45 per cent of the specimens, failed entirely to develop eyes. According to Spemann and others they should have given some degree of cyclopia. Four other individuals possessed highly defective eyes, one embryo having one eye poorly formed while the other was questionably present. Only one of the nine specimens so operated upon was capable of developing both eyes to an extent approaching the normal. 2. When the cells in the anterior portion of the open medullary plate are disturbed by being stuck and scraped in various ways with steel needles they do not loose their power of giving rise to optic vesicles and cups which are normal in appearance during the early stages, later stages were not studied. 3. If the optic anlage be cut out of the medullary plate and re- versed in position and then transplanted in the medullary plate it still retains the power to give rise to optic vesicles and cups which are abnormal in position to an extent depending upon the distance the anlagen were shifted by the operation. The facts furnished by these experiments are considered in connection with recent views regarding the genesis of certain ophthalmic defects. POSITION OF OPTIC ANLAGE IN AMBLYSTOMA 289 LITERATURE CITED Apami, J. G. 1908 Principles of pathology, vol. 1, p. 241, Lea and Febiger, New York. Dourn, A. 1883 Studien zur urgeschichte des Wirbelthierkérpers III. Die Entstehung und Bedeutung der Hypophysis dei Petromyzon planeri. Mitt. Zool. Stat. Neapel., Bd. 4, pp. 172-189. Kine, H. D. 1905 Experimental studies on the eye of the frog. Archiv f. Entw.-MVech., Bd. 19. Lewis, W. H. 1909 The experimental production of cyclopia in the fish embryo (Fundulus heteroclitus). Anat. Rec., vol. 8, pp. 175-181. Mayer, A. G. 1909 Rhythmical pulsation in Scyphomedusae. Carnegie Insti- tution Pub., no. 102, pp. 113-1381. McCuenpon, J. F. 1912 An attempt toward the physical chemistry of the pro- duction of one-eyed monstrosities. Am. Jour. Physiol., vol. 29, pp. 289-297. Mencu, E. 1903 Ein Fall von beiderseitiger Augenlinsenausbildung wirhrend der Abwesenheit von Augenblasen. Arch. f. Antw.-Mech., Bd. 16. 1908 Neue Tatsachen zur Selbstdifferenzierung der Augenlinse. Arch. f. Entw.-Mech., Bd. 25. Paouuccr, L. 1874 Sopra una forma mostruosa della myliobatis noctula. Atti della societa Italiana di Sc. Naturali, tom. 17, pp. 60-63. SpeMAnn, H. 1912a Zur Entwicklung des Wirbeltierauges. Zool. Jahrb., Bd. 32. Abt. f. allg. Zool. u. Physiol., pp. 1-98. 1912 b Uber die Entwicklung umgedrehter Hirnteile bei Amphibien- embryonen. Zool. Jahrb., Suppl.15. (Festschrift fiir J. W. Spengel, Bd. 3) pp. 1-48. Strockarp, C. R. 1907 The artificial production of a single median cyclopean eye in the fish embryo by means of sea-water solutions of magnesium chloride. Arch. f. Entw.-Mech., Bd. 23. 1909 The development of artificially produced cyclopean fish, ‘‘The magnesium embryo.” Jour. Exp. Zodél., vol. 6, pp. 285-338. 1910 a The influence of alcohol and other anaesthetics on embryonic development. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 10, pp. 369-392. 1910 b The independent origin and development of the crystalline lens. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 10, pp. 393-423. Witper, H. H. 1908 The morphology of cosmobia. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 8, pp. 355-440. ; 1" at Ai ie iis a i BW ba il ft eh en Hat yh) att mak wee, ; aay , a. ° Ar - . ‘ ; ' i ' 7 | od r | 2 ‘ ~. , f < A; ' ‘ ‘ 1 i 4 > < } ‘ : ‘ ' y ~ 5 ? 4 . ’ ‘ h ) ’ s 4 i A : Ai a ,' , ‘ f ull 1 ' yy y i ’ bie a4 . ’. ‘ 3 é - + e » i} J ' ; f # aan eT i id * - a. as . = he » iG e hd THE BREEDING ‘HABITS, MATURATION OF EGGS AND OVULATION OF THE ALBINO RAT W. B. KIRKHAM anp H. 8S. BURR Sheffield Biological Laboratory, Yale University EIGHTEEN FIGURES INTRODUCTION The present work was started by the senior author under the supervision of Professor W. R. Coe in the spring 1907, and in 1908 Professor Coe published in Science a brief statement of what had been found. In the summer of 1911 the junior mem- ber, Mr. Burr, took up the work. In the interim the literature of the subject had been enriched by three papers, and since then two additional ones have appeared. Lantz in 1910 contributed to a United States government report, on the economic impor- tance of the rat, a short paper on the natural history of the animal. The author describes the different species of rats, their distribution, and general habits, but pays little attention to the details of their reproduction. Sobotta and Burckhard (’10) made a careful study of the maturation and fertilization of the egg of the albino rat, and they describe and figure the ovarian egg in the stages of the first polar spindle, and first polar body with the second polar spindle, and the tube egg in the stages of the second polar spin- dle, fertilization, second polar body, and the pronuclei. Ovula- tion is stated to occur independent of pairing within thirty-six hours after the birth of a litter, and the eggs fertilized nine to twelve hours after copulation. Sobotta and Burckhard found the mature rat egg, in the ovary, to measure in preserved mate- rial 0.06 to 0.065 mm. in diameter; practically the same as the 291 292 W. B. KIRKHAM AND H. S. BURR mouse egg. These investigators never saw a definite first polar body associated with an egg in the tube. Newton Miller’s paper (’11) on reproduction in the brown rat is based solely upon observations of the living animals. He found that both sexes become sexually mature ‘‘at least by the end of the fourth month,” that the litters contain from six to nineteen young apiece, and that these animals breed the year round. Mark and Long (712) devote most of their contribution to an extended description of the elaborate warm chamber they have devised for the study of living mammalian eggs. When it comes to the results obtained with their apparatus they have, at pres- ent, little to say. Living eggs of rats and mice obtained in a manner similar to that described by one of us (Kirkham ’07) were placed on the stage of the microscope in the warm chamber and spermatozoa added, the mouse eggs underwent no change, but the rat eggs within five minutes to two hours began the formation of the second polar cell. Cleavage has never been observed, and after twelve hours the eggs begin to degenerate. The latest contribution to the literature on the subject of rat breeding is by Helen Dean King (’13) who records for the albino rat somewhat the same phenomena previously observed by Daniels (’10) in mice. The normal period of gestation for the albino rat, according to Miss King, is twenty-one to twenty- three days. If six or more young are being carried while a pre- vious litter of five or less are still suckling the period of gesta- tion may be prolonged, while if more than six young are suckling the period is always prolonged, regardless of the number being carried. Unlike the mouse, the albino rat appears not to exhibit any exact relation between the number of young either suckling or borne and the extent of prolongation of the gestation period. This paper also contains evidence that the eggs of a given oestrus cycle in the albino rat may be discharged from the ovaries in two sets, with an interval of two to three days, and also that in very rare instances this interval may be extended to two weeks. Miss King would like to interpret the latter cases as instances of a distinct oestrus cycle occurring during pregnancy. BREEDING HABITS OF ALBINO RAT 293 The present paper has as its object the filling in, as far as possible, of such stages as have not previously been described, and the presentation of evidence regarding the time relations in the development of individual eggs. The authors’ thanks are due to Prof. W. R. Coe for the use of the notes and drawings of the eggs of the brown rat, and to Dr. T. B. Osborn of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station for the designs of the cages used and for the animals with which the work was started. BREEDING HABITS About 150 albino rats were under observation at different times during the investigation. One large cage was used for all rats not at the time under special care. For individuals two types of cages were employed, one, a cylindrical cage ‘of wire netting of sufficient size to accommodate two rats at a time, and the other a much larger, rectangular cage of galvanized iron, with wire netting only on the front and bottom. This second type of cage was designed primarily as a breeding cage and was large enough: to house a mother rat and a litter of the largest size until the latter were sexually mature. The food of the animals consisted of oats, corn, wheat, sun- flower seeds, and dog-biscuit, together with bits of lettuce, string beans, bread, and various kinds of cooked meat and fish. All cages were kept as clean as possible, but except when absolutely necessary litters less than two weeks old were never disturbed. At the times when we were inspecting them the rats were encouraged to come out of their cages and run about the room, and to this familiarity with us as well as to the additional exercise thus secured we attribute much of our success in rear- ing large litters without their being maimed or eaten by the parents. Usually females were isolated in breeding cages as soon as they were seen to be pregnant, but in the few instances when males were left with such females until several days after the birth of the litter no mortality occurred. This fact leads us to 294 W. B. KIRKHAM AND H. S. BURR agree with Miller (11) and King (13) that mother rats, unless they are in an unhealthy condition, or have been frightened in some way, rarely if ever kill or maim their young. Albino rats give birth to young in all seasons of the year, but it is only from April to October that ovulation as a rule occurs within 48 hours after parturition; during the remaining months they are apt to skip oestrus cycles, ovulation not occur- ring until some three weeks after parturition. The senior author showed in 1910 that the albino rat ovu- lates regardless of whether pairing has previously taken place, and when males are continuously present copulation may occur before the ripest eggs in the ovaries have formed the first polar spindles. On several different occasions we have seen the actual pairing. It differs markedly from the condition described by Sobotta (95) for the mouse, since the male albino rat is not prostrated by the sexual act, but walks slowly away. When a previously isolated female who is in heat is placed in a cage with several males they will all pair with her in rapid succession. The period of gestation in the albino rat is twenty-two days when the female is not nursing a previous litter, in which event the period may be lengthened as found by King (713). The litters varied in number from four to twelve and the birth usu- ally took place in the late afternoon or the early evening, although probably it may occur at any hour of the day, since we have observed it at noon. The process of parturition is briefly as follows: The female in order to aid in the expulsion of the foetus flattens herself against the bottom of the cage while a series of wave-like muscular movements pass posteriorly along the body starting just behind the shoulder. As soon as the young rat is free from her body, the female rises up on her haunches, seizes in her forepaws the button-like placentas; which is still attached to the offspring by the umbilical cord, and devours first it and then the cord, cutting off the latter as close to the body of the young animal as she can get with her teeth. The female then again flattens herself out against the bottom of the cage pre- paratory to the appearance of the next young rat. The process is repeated until all have been brought forth. Then, and not BREEDING HABITS OF ALBINO RAT 295 before, does the mother assemble the young, cleaning them up with her tongue, after which they lie close together under her to keep warm. From this time on until the young are able to crawl around by themselves the mother never leaves the nest until she has carefully covered her litter. On returning she always looks around for any that may have rolled or crawled out in her absence, and such offenders are quickly seized in her jaws and hauled back into the nest. The albino rat becomes sexually mature, at least in some cases, as early as fifty-five days after birth, since in one instance a litter was born to rats that were only seventy-seven days old. MATURATION AND OVULATION The paper by Sobotta and Burekhard (’10) on the matura- tion and fertilization of the albino rat is by far the most com- plete account of the subject that has so far been published. However this report left a number of things to be cleared up. Working with material from 81 rats we have attempted to investigate and make clear the following points: (1) the early development of the egg previous to the formation of the first polar spindle, (2) the formation of the first polar body, (3) the condition of the egg at ovulation, (4) the process of fertilization and second polar body formation. At first the rats were watched and killed at short intervals up to forty-eight hours after pairing. This gave no data that could be depended upon for determining the stage which either the ovarian or the tube eggs had reached. However, by relat- ing the time of killing the female to the time of parturition it was found that the approximate development of the egg could be predicted without much difficulty. We say approximate be- cause even though the exact hour of parturition be:known it is impossible to say that at a given interval of time the eggs are in @ given stage of development. The parturition of a female caged with a male having been observed, she was killed twenty-four hours later. This female yielded unfertilized tube eggs, indicating that ovulation had re- 296 W. B. KIRKHAM AND H. S. BURR cently occurred. Cases such as this show that ovulation usually occurs about twenty-four hours after parturition. The individ- ual variation is so great that any complicated apparatus for determining the exact date of parturition is valueless. We have obtained the best results by killing the females at half hour inter- vals, beginning in the later afternoon and continuing through the early evening. By doing this practically all the stages of matu- ration can be obtained. In a number of instances the senior author dissected out the Fallopian tubes, and after placing them in warm salt solution, by slitting the tubes he was enabled to obtain two eggs fertilized but unsegmented, three eggs in the two cell stage and three eggs so obscured by follicle cells as to prevent any exact infor- mation as to their condition. The technique of this operation is so simple, requiring only a binocular microscope, two needles, some warm physiological salt solution, and a female rat that has given birth to a litter at least twenty-four hours before and not more than five days previously, that we recommend the rat as highly as the mouse for obtaining live mammalian eggs for class demonstration. In all other instances the ovaries (and also the tubes, wher- ever ovulation was thought to have occurred) were fixed in either Zenker’s ‘fluid or in a strong solution of Flemming, imbedded in paraffin, cut serially into sections 0.010 mm. thick and stained in Delafield’s haematoxylin. Such sections as were found on subsequent examination to be worthy of detailed study were © later decolorized with acid alcohol and restained with Heiden- hain’s iron-haematoxylin. A study of the ovaries of the above rats showed that there is a progressive development of the egg until it is ready to leave the ovary at ovulation. The developing eggs of any adult ovary can be readily divided into six groups. The first of these (fig. 1) includes all those eggs that are in the resting condition. These vary considerably in size, as do also their follicles. The earlier stages show a small egg with a follicle consisting of from one to three layers of radially arranged follicle cells with scattered cells lying between the layers, the later stages lie in larger follicles BREEDING HABITS OF ALBINO RAT 297 with many more layers of cells. The egg nucleus presents a con- stant appearance, a clearly defined nuclear membrane, scattered chromatin and a deeply staining nucleolus. The second group includes those eggs which differ from those of Group I only in their size and in the fact that they lie in much larger follicles, the latter consisting of a large number of cells closely packed but showing no radial arrangement except in the layer immediately surrounding the egg. Such an egg is shown in figure 7. | The third group includes a much smaller number of eggs which lie in follicles similar to the preceding, except that the cells lying Fig. 1 Normal resting follicle. X 630 in or near the center of the follicle show a marked tendency to separate, leaving a clear space. This condition may, however, be found in follicles belonging to eggs of Group II, for the factors governing the growth of the follicle are not, according to our observation, constant, since growth may set in when the egg has reached the stage of development included in either Groups II, III or IV (figs. 2,3 and 4). The nuclei of the eggs of this third group show a marked change. The nuclear membrane is still distinct, but the chromatin is less scattered and the nucleolus has become partially vacuolated, since it shows much less affinity for the stain. Figure 8 shows an egg of this group. The fourth group shows further modifications. It is at this point that the maximum growth in the size of the follicle takes 298 W. B. KIRKHAM AND H. S. BURR Fig. 2 Earliest observed maturation phenomena—increase in size of follicle. X 90. Fig. 3 Follicle of egg with first polar spindle shown in figure 10 of Plate II. X 90. Fig. 4 Follicle of egg with first polar body and second polar spindle shown in figure 11 of Plate III. x 90. BREEDING HABITS OF ALBINO RAT 299 place. While growth may have started in either of the two preceding groups, the greatest growth occurs with the egg in this stage of development. Eggs of this group have been ob- served with follicles similar to those of the two preceding groups, and also with follicles of nearly the maximum size. The nuclei of these eggs show a diminution in the amount of chromatin present and a complete vacuolization of the nucleoli, the latter showing no affinity whatever for the stain. Such an egg is shown in figure 9. The fifth group consists of the eggs with first polar spindles. The follicles here are typical, showing a slight tendency to be thinner in the region where the follicle is nearest to the surface of the ovary. The nucleus of the egg has disappeared, and in its place lies the first polar spindle (fig. 10). ‘ The sixth group shows no change in the size of the follicle. The first polar body has been extruded and a second polar spindle formed (fig. 11). In all the above divisions, with the exception of the sixth group, wherever a distinct zona radiata can be seen, very fine proto- plasmic bridges can readily be distinguished crossing from the follicle cells to the egg. The presence of these very distinct filamentous processes of the follicle cells seems to have been entirely overlooked by previous investigators. One striking thing is to be noted with regard to the above divisions—never were all six found together in one ovary at a given time. As was to be expected, Group I, since it included all the resting eggs, was present in all ovaries. Group II, on the other hand, was seen to drop out on the appearance of Group IV and to reappear on the disappearance of the latter. Group V also appeared on the disappearance of Group IV. When Group V dropped out, Group VI appeared. Group III was found in all ovaries. From the fact that perfectly normal eggs of Groups II and III were found in the ovary just at, and also just subsequent to ovulation, it was evident that more than one oestrus cycle was necessary for the development of the egg from the resting stage to the stage of the first polar body and second polar spindle, 300 W. B. KIRKHAM AND H. S. BURR at which stage the egg leaves the ovary, for, if the above changes occurred in one oestrus cycle, aii normal eggs in the above condition would go out of the ovary at ovulation, leaving only Group I eggs in the ovary. This condition was not seen. Hence we were forced to find some other explanation of the facts. Figure 5 shows in the form of a table the facts described above. The vertical readings show the groups of eggs. The horizontal readings show the periods into which the oestrus cycle is divided. Period a is the division of the oestrus cycle extending from ovulation to the twenty-first subsequent day and covers a period of time in which there is little change in the personnel of the ovary. Period b covers the succeeding six hours; period c, the next six, and period d, the last six hours remaining before ovula- _ tion. The above figures are only approximate, as the individual variation is too great to permit of any exact data. By studying the figure it will be seen that Group IV disap- pears at periodc. At the sametime the ovary contains Groups I, II, III and V,IV and VI being absent. During the interval be- tween periods c and d Groups I, II and III remain unchanged, but Group V disappears and Group VI appears. After ovulation we find in period a, Groups I, II and III only. But in period b, II disappears and IV appears. From the above data we were led to believe that the develop- ment of an egg follows the arrows in the diagram. That is, that Group II comes from I in period c, remains unchanged through d and a, becomes transformed into III during period b, remains unchanged through c, d and a, grows to IV in b, to V inc and to VI in d, and so out at ovulation. The above explanation of the facts rests on the assumption that the normal rate of development is approximately the same for all eggs. This assumption we think is warranted, for if II developed into IV during period b instead of remaining unchanged until the next oestrus cycle, the number of Group III eggs found should be very small, since the change would be a rapid one. On the other hand, if the development involved a longer period of time—that is, if Group III became a second resting stage—one would expect to find a comparatively large number 301 BREEDING HABITS OF ALBINO RAT bP Tiel VV 4 ' | t ! +----- were et - -H C ! ' | 1 ! : t ' ' 1 =f i ' ' ! ' ' 0) -<-<--- id 7 | ' ! | ‘ Le) O Oo Sareea, Sette telat i | | | ts rateen ' ' ' ! ! ! ! 1 as ' rs L ' ' —! = a Diagram showing probable development of an egg from resting stage Fig. 5 through ovulation. Roman numerals I-VI indicate successive stages in develop- Arrows indicate probable iods in oestrus cycle. ment of eggs; a—-d indicate peri dual eggs. course of development of indivi 3 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, No. 302 W. B. KIRKHAM AND H. S. BURR TABLE 1 Showing the relative number of eggs in the various stages of development at different - periods of the oestrus cycle, as found in individual ovaries Bees ee ee i oa. a OVARY NO. | I | ie], aot | LV; Vv | VI | DEGENERATING | | | - 11 Nei ae | Keo el ame] PS | ak aS Periodia. 2014-2. 1802s) 3 |) Al eo OFa a0 28 Reriodtbessese ie 145 Lot) ~ <0 | 24 19 Chel omer 138 Periodic We eal 50" | 10 GV. ree) 52 ne OAL. } 167 34 2 3 ORD 0 35 : | 152.2 Dea oT 14 0 Onis 120 De | Periodsdancer sane | 152 Sel 4] | 8 0 0 | 9 42 of such eggs in an ovary at any given time. This, however, was not the case, the number of Group III eggs found being rela- tively close to the number of Group I eggs. Table I is compiled from a count of all the follicles in six ovaries, representing each of the four periods. It shows the relative number of eggs in each group present at the same time in a given ovary. The count can only be an approximation, owing to the occasional loss of a critical section and the fre- quent difficulty in determining with accuracy whether or not an egg was normal, but is sufficiently exact for this purpose. We were unable to obtain any stages that intervene between the eggs of Group IV and those with the first polar spindle, so we cannot say whether the nuclear membrance disappears before or after the first appearance of the first polar spindle. With regard to this spindle, however, there are a number of details worthy of attention. It is short and broad, with well defined fibers which do not come to a sharp focus (fig. 10). The possi- bility of centrioles being present was mentioned by Coe (’08), but these are apparently lacking in polar spindies of the albino rat. The chromosomes are numerous, crowded, and never found in a definite equatorial plate. Most of the first polar spindles seen are parallel to the surface of the egg, and this appears to be the position in which the spindle waits for the stimulus that leads to the formation of the first polar body (fig. 6a). When this stimulus comes the spindle rotates on its long axis, coming to lie more or less radially (fig. 6b and 6 ¢). BREEDING HABITS OF ALBINO RAT 303 The next stage we were able to obtain is shown in figure 11. This is an ovarian egg with the first polar body and the second polar spindle. As in the case of the mouse, the nuclear material is never gathered into a resting stage between the time of extru- sion of the first polar body and the formation of the second polar spindle. The first polar body is rarely seen in eggs outside of the ovary, but there is absolutely no reason to doubt that it is always formed, since it is almost invariably present beside normal ova- Fig. 6. Reconstructions of three spindles showing gradual rotation from the paratangential position (a), through (b), to the radial position (c). rian eggs, possessing a second polar spindle. Even in the ovary, however, its protoplasm displays its characteristic tendency to undergo rapid disintegration. In such fully matured eggs as have failed to escape from the ovary and are just starting to degenerate, as well as in those about to be discharged, the second polar spindle may be sharply defined, yet a careful search fails to reveal a trace of the first polar body. The chromatin in the first polar body is always scattered, and when first formed this 304 W. B. KIRKMAN AND H. 8S. BURR polar body is, in all probability, always larger than the second, though disintegration may set in immediately upon its formation. The second polar spindle as seen in the ovary is much longer and narrower than the first, but resembles the first polar spindle in having open ends and no centrioles. The chromosomes in the second polar spindle are almost always spherical. TUBE EGGS The living unsegmented egg of the albino rat measures about 0.079 mm. in diameter (the exact size varies a few thousandths of a millimeter in different specimens), and is surrounded by a zona of transparent jelly about 0.022 mm. in thickness. The two unsegmented rat eggs that were obtained sufficiently free from follicle cells to be available for detailed study, both pos- sessed two polar bodies, measuring in one specimen 0.019 and 0.0132 mm. in diameter respectively, and in the other specimen 0.008 and 0.0065 mm. These eggs while translucent were filled with highly refracting globules scattered through the protoplasm. In one egg there was a clear area near the center, where we thought we could distinguish the two pronuclei lying side by side. The rare occurrence of the first polar body associated with the egg in the tube is to be attributed to its rapid disintegration, which, as already stated, begins almost as soon as it is formed, and may lead to its complete disappearance before ovulation occurs. A stained and sectioned tube egg, accompanied by the ' first polar body, is shown in figure 12. This polar body is very small, contains only a little stainable chromatin scattered through it, and its protoplasm is much denser than that of the egg. Until after fertilization, and if this fails to take place until it degenerates, the chromatin of the second polar spindle remains in a clearly defined equatorial plate, but in the egg in the Fallo- pian tubes, this spindle always appears much longer and thinner than in the ovarian eggs. The rat spermatozoon has an exceedingly long tail (fig. 16 a), and like that of the mouse carries more or less of its tail with it BREEDING HABITS OF ALBINO RAT 305 when it enters the egg, a fact mentioned by Coe, and by Sobotta and Burekhard. As soon as the sperm head begins to penetrate the cytoplasm of the egg the formation of the second polar body is started. In the albino rat the second polar body is characterized by having the chromatin content massed, while the chromatin of the first polar body is always scattered through the cytoplasm. This distinction, however, does not hold for the Norwegian rat, of which two eggs are shown in figures 17 and 18. The chro- matin left in the egg after the formation of the second ‘polar body rounds itself up and becomes surrounded by a membrane, thus forming the female pronucleus. The sperm head on its entrance swells up and likewise assumes a rounded form with a nuclear membrane, as is shown in figure 16. SUMMARY 1. Male albino rats rarely, if ever, are responsible for the kill- ing or maiming of their young. Diseased condition or fright are probably the chief causes of the destruction or injury of their offspring by the females. 2. Albino rats give birth to young the year round, but only from April to October do the females regularly ovulate twenty to forty-eight hours after parturition. 3. Albino rats of both sexes are sexually mature when less than two months old. 4. Living rat eggs are easily obtainable during the four days following ovulation by dissection of the Fallopian tubes. 5, The maturing eggs in the ovary are joined to the surround- ing follicle cells by very definite cell bridges. 6. The development of eggs can be traced in the ovary through two oestrus cycles preceding their discharge. 7. The first polar spindle is short and broad, and is usually formed less than twenty-four hours after parturition. 8. The first polar body is always formed in rat eggs, but its protoplasm is very unstable, and disintegrative processes often bring about its complete disappearance about the time the egg reaches the Fallopian tube. 306 W. B. KIRKMAN AND H. S. BURR 9. The second polar spindle is long and narrow. Its appear- ance marks the end of maturation phenomena in the ovary, and the termination of all development of the egg unless fertili- zation occurs. 10. In albino rats the chromatin of the first polar body is scattered, that of the second polar body is massed. 11. The very long middle piece of the sperm tail follows the head into the cytoplasm of the egg. June 1913 LITERATURE Cor, W. R. 1908 The maturation of the egg of the rat. Science, N. S., vol. 27, no. 690. DanieL, J. F. 1910 Observations on the period of gestation in white mice. Jour. Exper. Zo6l., vol. 9. Donaupson, H. H. 1912 The history and zoological position of the Albino rat. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, vol. 15, 2d series. Kine, H. D. 1913 Some anomalies in the gestation of the albino rat (Mus norvegicus albinus). Biol. Bull., vol. 24. Lantz, D. E. 1910 Natural history of the rat. Treas. Dept., Pub. Health and . Marine Hosp. Service U. 8., Washington. Mark, E. L., anp Lona, J.A. 1912 Studies on early stages of development in rats and mice. No. 3. Univ. California Pub. in Zool., vol. 9, no. 3. Miuurr, N. 1911 Reproduction in the brown rat (Mus norvegicus). Amer. Naturalist, vol. 45. Sonotta, J. 1895 Die Befruchtung und Furchung des Eies der Maus. Arch. f. Mikr. Anat., Bd. 45. Sonotta, J., U. BurcKkHARD, G. 1910 Reifung und Befruchtung des Eies der weissen Ratte. Anat. Hefte, Bd. 42. PLATES Figures 1 to 4 and 7 to 18 were drawn with the camera lucida. All figures, except 17 and 18 were drawn with Zeiss no. 4 oc. and ;’; oil immersion obj. giv- ing a magnification of 1000 diameters. Figures 17 and 18 were drawn with a no. 6 oc. and ;'; oil imm. obj., giving a magnification of 1760 diameters. These figures are reduced one-third, giving a magnification in the finished plate of 1174. All other figures are reproduced at the size drawn. | PLATE 1 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 7 Shows an ovarian egg in the resting stage. Theegg (Group II) has attained approximately its greatest diameter. Nucleolus solid and deeply staining. Pro- toplasmic bridges well marked. A follicle cell is shown dividing atgthe left. 8 An ovarian egg (Group III) at a slightly later stage showing the vacuoli- zation of the nucleolus well started. PLATE 1 BREEDING HABITS OF ALBINO RAT W. B. KIRKHAM AND H. S. BURR PLATE 2 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 9 A later stage than fig. 8, showing the complete vacuolization of the nucle- olus (Group IV). ; 10 A radial first polar spindle (Group V) showing the blunt ends. 308 BREEDING HABITS OF ALBINO RAT ~ PLATE 2 W. 8B. KIRKHAM AMD H.S. BURR PLATE 3 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 11 An ovarian egg (Group VI) showing the first polar body with a spindle, and the early type of short, thick second polar spindle within the egg. The protoplasmic bridges have at this stage disappeared. 12 A tube egg, showing the first polar body at the right, and the long slender type of second polar spindle at the lower left-hand margin of the egg. 310 3 PLATE BREEDING HABITS OF ALBINO RAT W.B. KIRKHAM AND H.S. BURR PLATE 4 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 13. A tube egg, showing the second polar body in the process of formation. Thé enveloping follicle cells still retain their continuity. 14 A tube egg, showing the first polar body at the top, the second polar body in the process of formation at the lower left-hand margin of the egg, and the sperm head at the right, with a portion of the tail. 312 BREEDING HABITS OF ALBINO RAT PLATE 4 W. 3B. KIRKHAM AND H. 8. BURR PLATE 5 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 15 A tube egg, showing the second polar body at the left and the sperm head at the right. 16 A series of drawings showing the changes in the sperm head: a, a sperma- tozoon in the tube. The head was drawn from a stained section—the tail was added from data of a living spermatozoon, b to g, various stages in the transfor- mation of the sperm head within the egg. 314 BREEDING HABITS OF ALBINO RAT PLATE 5 W.B. KIRKHAM AND H.S. BURR 315 PLATE 6 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 17 A tube egg of a brown rat, showing the second polar body at the top, below the deeply staining female pronucleus, the entrance cone to the right, the male pronucleus with the sperm aster in the lower left-hand margin and the sperm tail extending diagonally through the egg. 18 A somewhat later stage of the egg of the brown rat, showing in addition to the above-mentioned points the nucleolus vacuolated in the female pronucleus. Figures 17 and 18 were drawn by Dr. W. R. Coe, and are here published with his kind permission. 316 BREEDING HABITS OF ALBINO RAT PLATE 6 W. B. KIRKHAM AND H.S. BURR 317 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, NO. 3 Ce AN ae ; Pal un j : , rh Wi Wien P| , AL os ey . cy if . i ‘ Ws alley ed & A HUMAN EMBRYO OF THIRTEEN SOMITES IVAN E. WALLIN Anatomical Laboratory, Bellevwe Hospital Medical College, New York City SEVEN FIGURES The embryo which forms the basis of this work was given to me by Dr. Rudolph Boencke in the spring of 1911.- It has been placed in the collection of the Department of Anatomy at the University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College and is called embryo no. 4. The embryo was aborted two weeks after the last menstrual period. There was no record of coitus. After fixation and with the amnion intact the embryo measured 2.3 mm. in length. It was cut into transverse sections 5u in thickness, and stained with iron haematoxylin. The embryo yielded 287 sections. Wax plate reconstructions were made of the complete embryo, the heart, the foregut, also of the caudal part of the medullary tube with the hind-gut and the belly stalk vessels. A graphic reconstruction was made representing the embryo cut in the mid-sagittal plane. All the reconstructions were made at a mag- nification of 200. The embryo appears to be normal in every respect and the following points of structure have been determined. EXTERNAL FORM In its general configuration this embryo is very similar to Pfannenstiel III described by Low (’08). The body has a regu- lar dorso-ventral curve and has a slight twist so that the head is situated to the right of the mid-sagittal plane. The yolk sac communicates with the primitive gut by means of an extensive yolk stalk. The latter has its greatest diameter in the cephalo- 319 S20 IVAN E. WALLIN caudal direction and its lateral width is greatest at the cephalic end. Caudal and to the right of the yolk stalk the belly stalk leaves the embryo passing ventrally and curving to the right and caudad. Lateral to the yolk stalk the embryonic coelom has an extensive communication with the extra-embryonic coelom. The heart produces a prominent bulging of the right side of the body immediately caudad to the head. The most prominent - part of the bulging marks the flexure in the heart tube between the bulbus cordis and the ventricle. The neck flexure has not advanced to any prominent degree. ‘There are two prominences on the dorsal surface of the head region, one at the cephalic end of the mid-brain and the other at the cephalic end of the hind- brain. Caudally the body curves gradually in a ventral direc- tion. There is no distinct caudal flexure. The medullary tube is open to the exterior at both ends. The cephalic neuropore exhibits an unusual appearance for an embryo of this age. It is very wide and gives a great breadth to the head when viewed from the ventral aspect. The lateral lips of this neuropore curve dorsally and form the ventral boundary of a deep groove which is directed cephalo-caudally. The caudal end of this groove runs into the stomodeum. ‘This part of the nervous system which represents the forebrain has not kept apace with the development of the remainder of the tube. It apparently is a persistence of the condition which is present in an earlier stage of development. Eternod’s (95) embryo of eight somites and the embryo of seven somites described by Dandy (’10) exhibit cephalic neuropores which appear to be in about the same stage of development. There are no indications of otic invaginations. Two pairs of entodermal pouches are in contact with the ectoderm. The points of contact are indicated on the surface by shallow depres- sions. In figure 2 their positions have been indicated on the sur- face by broken lines. The amnion lies close on to the body of the embryo. The head fold crosses the ventral aspect of the heart at about its middle. The lateral folds follow the lateral lips of the coelom. The tail fold is situated on the dorsal aspect of the belly stalk. HUMAN EMBRYO OF THIRTEEN SOMITES ay NERVOUS SYSTEM The nervous system has not proceeded very far in its differ- entiation. The brain flexures do not agree with the His models of this stage, but correspond more to the older embryos described by Thompson (’07) and van den Broek (’11). The most distal portion representing the forebrain is still open and is bent almost at right angles to the mid-brain. The long axis of the fore- brain hes in a cephalo-caudal plane and almost parallel with the long axis of the hind-brain. The most cephalic point of the nervous system is thus represented by the junction of the fore- brain and the mid-brain. Near the caudal extremity of the fore- brain there is a thickening together with an evagination of the brain ectoderm. This evagination is almost in contact with the ectoderm of the stomodeum and undoubtedly represents the in- fundibulum. Cephalad to the infundibulum and about in the middle of the lateral expansions of the cephalic neuropore there is a slight depression of the ectoderm on each side which repre- sents the beginning of the optic vesicles. The mid-brain is quite extensive as is apparent from an exami- nation of figure 3. Its floor is smooth and exhibits a thickening at the cephalic end. Caudally there is a flexure of the floor between the mid-brain and the hind-brain. The floor of the mesencephalon is thickened at its cephalic end. The trigeminal ganglion is present as a distinct mass of cells. Its position is represented in figure 3 by a broken circle. The hind-brain passes gradually into the spinal cord. A distinct neck flexure is not present. The medullary tube has its greatest diameter at the cephalic extremity. It diminishes gradually in size caudally. At the caudal neuropore it exhibits a slight enlargement. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM The stomodeum is a broad and deep invagination of the ecto- derm between the heart bulging and the head. It touches the entoderm of the pharynx and forms with it the beginning of an oral plate. There is no indication of an hypophysis. The ecto- derm lining the stomodeum is thickened especially in the roof. S22 IVAN E. WALLIN The cephalic extremity of the pharynx projects beyond the oral plate and nearly reaches the floor of the forebrain, a small amount of mesoderm intervening. The median thyreoid anlage is a very prominent evagination of the entoderm of the floor of the pharynx. It projects between the layers of splanchnic mesoderm at the arterial end of the heart immediately caudad to the endothelial aorta and the first aortic arches. The cephalic wall of the evagination is consider- ably thicker than the caudal. Cephalad to the thyreoid anlage the first branchial pouches are evaginated from the lateral wall of the pharynx and immediately caudad to the thyreoid the second pair of pouches are present. The first pair of pouches are the larger. Their long axes are directed laterally, cephalad. and slightly dorsal. Opposite the venous opening of the heart the liver anlage is present as a thickening of the gut entoderm. Lung buds have not developed in this stage. A cross section of the foregut has a crescentic outline with the coneavity directed dorsally. The tube is widest at the point where the first pair of branchial pouches is developed. The cephalic part of the foregut is flattened dorso-ventrally. Cau- dally the dorso-ventral diameter increases gradually to the end of the foregut where it becomes greater than the lateral diamter. The gut entoderm extending out into the yolk stalk retains its thickness only a short distance (fig. 3). The hind-gut is shorter than the foregut. Its dorso-ventral diameter is comparatively large while its lateral diameter is small. The allantois is evaginated from the ventral wall. The lumen of the diverticulum is very small at its proximal end, but through- out the rest of its extent it is distinct. At first the allantois lies between the allantoic arteries. At its distal end it comes to lie between the venous and arterial trunks or sinuses of the belly stalk. The end of the allantois is not recurved as found by Lewis (12) but ends as a straight tube. The hind-gut ex- hibits a dorso-ventral constriction immediately cephalad to the allantoic diverticulum. Caudal to the allantois the hind-gut wid- ens out to form the cloaca. The entoderm of the ventral wall HUMAN EMBRYO OF THIRTEEN SOMITES B25 Fig. 1 Wax plate reconstruction of complete embryo seen from left side. The broken lines indicate the points where the entodermal pouches touch the ectoderm. 100. 324 IVAN E. WALLIN Fig. 2. Wax plate reconstruction of complete embryo seen from the ventral aspect. > 100. HUMAN EMBRYO OF THIRTEEN SOMITES BAD) Fig. 3. Graphic reconstruction representing the embryo cut in the mid-sagit- tal plane. The broken circle above the letter H represents the position of the trigeminal ganglion. > 100. A, Atrium Cl.M, Cloacal membrane L, Liver anlage Al., Allantois F, Forebrain M, Mid-brain Al.A, Allantoic artery FG, Foregut P, Pharynx Al.V, Allantoic vein H, Hind-brain Th, Thyreoid BC, Bulbus cordis HG, Hind-gut V, Ventricle : I, Infundibulum 7 Fig. 4 Wax plate reconstruction of caudal end of the medullary tube and hind-gut with the belly stalk vessels viewed from the side. X 100. Fig.5 Wax plate reconstruction of a section of the heart with the endothelial tube in position viewed from the cephalic aspect. X 100. Fig. 6 Wax plate reconstruction of the heart viewed from the cephalic aspect. < 100. Fig. 7 Wax plate reconstruction of the heart viewed from the caudal aspect. x 100. 326 HUMAN EMBRYO OF THIRTEEN SOMITES one of the cloaca is fused with the body ectoderm and forms a thick cloacal membrane. At the most caudal part of the cloaca there is a thickening of the entoderm together with a slight evagina- tion which is suggestive of a post anal gut. NOTOCHORD The notochord is about in the same stage of development as the one described in a 2.5 mm. embryo by Kollmann (’90). The notochord is intimately connected with the gut entoderm through- out its length with the exception of the caudal end. The caudal end, or tail bud, is cut off from the entoderm and lies imbedded in the mesoderm between the neural ectoderm and the gut tube. There is no distinct notochordal canal as described by Mall (’91), Eternod (’99) and Grosser (’13). In places the cells of the noto- chord are vacuolated and apparently in a stage of developing acanal. The relationship of the notochord to the gut entoderm is a very intimate one. In the region of the mid-gut the noto- chord is composed of but a single layer of cells which appear to be a modified part of the gut entoderm. Where the notochord is composed of more than a single layer of cells the basal layer is directly continuous with the single layer of cells forming the gut entoderm. It is impossible to give any other interpretation than that the notochord is developed from the gut entoderm. In places the cells of the notochord are arranged in two lateral masses giving the appearance of bilateral symmetry. - This con- dition is undoubtedly accounted for by the arched nature of the original notochordal plate. In the subsequent proliferation of cells they would grow laterally and unless there were an espe- cially active growth of cells in the central part a gap would nat- urally intervene between the two lateral groups of cells. At the cephalic end the notochord has more the appearance of a rod and is almost pinched off from the entoderm. On account of the plane of the sections it is not possible to determine with certainty the cephalic limit of the notochord. 328 IVAN E. WALLIN MESODERMAL STRUCTURE There are thirteen pairs of mesodermal somites. These are hardly discernible on the surface. The first pair is situated at a level of about midway between the neck flexure and the hind- brain flexure. The last pair is opposite the point where the allantois leaves the hind-gut. A myocoele may be observed in most of the somites. The cells of the somite are arranged in a radial manner. The pleuro-peritoneal coelom communicates with the extra- embryonic coelom on the two sides of the yolk stalk. In its cephalic portion it communicates with the pericardial coelom. The lateral lips bounding the open part of the pleuro-peritoneal ecoelom have a thickened edge produced by the allantoic veins which run cephalad in this position. ’ The septum transversum is present as a single layer composed of the cephalic wall of the yolk stalk fused with the caudal part of the pericardium. The excretory system is represented by pronephric tubules. The morphological details of these, as far as I have studied them, agree with the description given by Felix (12). VASCULAR SYSTEM The heart tube is composed of three parts, bulbus cordis, ven- tricle and atrium. The atrium is situated in the mid-line of the body immediately cephalad to the septum transversum. Its ereatest diameter is transverse. From the left extremity of the atrium the atrial canal runs to the left, ventral and cephalad to the ventricle. The ventricle pursues a course from the left to right, ventrally and somewhat caudad. At the right extremity of the ventricle the heart tube makes a sharp bend so that its continuation, the bulbus cordis, comes to lie parallel with the ventricle. The bulbus cordis has a fairly constant size up to its cephalic end where it diminishes slightly. It ends in the mid-line of the body. The ventral wall of the cephalic end of the bulbus cordis is continuous with the pericardium as is also the case with the HUMAN EMBRYO OF THIRTEEN SOMITES 329 caudal wall of the venous end of the heart (figs. 3, 6, 7). The dorsal wall of the bulbus cordis has a distinct mesentery con- necting it with the dorsal pericardium. Near the point where the atrial canal joins the ventricle the ventricle has a mesentery which joins the pericardium at the place where the mesentery of the bulbus cordis joins it. Caudal to the junction of these two mesenteries there is a small space dorsal to the atrium which is free from mesentery and represents the future transverse sinus of the pericardium. From the dorsal wall of the bulbus cordis a tube-like diver- ticulum is present (fig. 5). I have been unable to find any ref- erences in literature to anything similar to this. The tube runs in the mesentery of the bulbus cordis and at its distal end it comes into close proximity to the ventricle. It is probable that this tube represents a vestige of the space between the two laminae in the closing up of the heart tube and the formation of the mesocardium. Two other tubular spaces of a similar appear- ance may be seen in the mesentery. They have no communi- cation with the cavity of the myo-epicardium. I observed a similar diverticulum from the bulbus cordis in a 4.06 mm. embryo belonging to the collection of the Department of Anatomy of Syracuse University. It may be noted that this bulbus cordis diverticulum does not contain any endothelium. The endothe- lial fibrillae, however, appear to extend into it. The endothelium in no place approximates the walls of the myo-epicardium. The caliber of the endothelial tube varies in the different chambers of the heart, being quite constant in the bulbus cordis, enlarged in the ventricle, and greatly reduced in the atrial canal. In the atrium it widens out into the right and left lateral expansions of the atrium. At its cephalic end the endocardium is continued by the ventral aorta which immedi- ately divides to form the first pair of aortic arches. At the venous end of the heart the most distal part of the endocardium represents the sinus venosus. There is no constriction between the sinus venosus and the atrial part of the endocardium. The endothelial fibrillae which have been observed by various authors 330 IVAN E. WALLIN se and to which Mall (712) ascribes the source of the intima may be seen in connection with the endocardium in its entire length. The blood vessels are collapsed in places so that it is not pos- sible to trace them in their entire extent. The communication between the first pair of aortic arches and the dorsal aortae could not be seen. The dorsal aortae are distinct throughout their course lying dorsal to the gut tube. There is no indication of a second pair of aortic arches. The first pair come off at a point cephalad to the first mesodermal somites. Vitelline ves- sels containing blood are easily discernible in the wall of the yolk sac and yolk stalk. Vitelline veins run dorsally in the cephalic part of the yolk stalk to gain the caudo-ventral aspect of the sinus venosus opposite the fourth pair of somites. The allantoic veins (fig. 4) begin in the belly stalk as a single trunk or sinus. As the sinus approaches the body of the embryo it bifureates to. form the two allantoic veins which diverge and run laterally and cephalad to gain the lateral lips of the coelom. In this position they run in a cephalad direction to the septum transversum where they enter the caudo-dorsal part of the sinus venosus. The allantoic arteries leave the dorsal aortae at a point opposite the place where the allantois is evaginated from the hind-gut and caudal to the last pair of somites. The arteries run ventrally on either side of the allantois in the belly stalk. At a point more distal than the bifurcation of the allantoic ve- nous trunk the allantoic arteries anastomose to form a single trunk. I have been unable to find any trace of the anterior and posterior cardinal veins. At the cephalo-dorsal aspect of the sinus venosus on the left side there is a short bud-like diverticu- lum which may represent the future ductus Cuvieri. I wish to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Boencke for this valuable embryo and Profs. H. D. Senior and F. W. Thyng for assistance and advice in connection with this piece of work. HUMAN EMBRYO OF THIRTEEN SOMITES Soi BIBLIOGRAPHY VAN DER Broek, A. J.P. 1911 Zur Kasuistik Junger Menschlichen Embryonen. Anatomische Hefte, 44.2, 275-302. Danpy, W. 1910 A human embryo with seven pairs of somites. Amer. Jour. of Anat., 10, 85-109. Eternop, A. C. F. 1895 Communication sur un oeuf humain avec embryon excessivement jeune. Arch. Ital. de Biologie, 22 1899 Il y a un canal notochordal dans V’embryon humain. Anat. Anz., 16, 131-148. Perix, W.- 1912 The development of the urinogenital organs. Keibel and Mall. Human embryology, Philadelphia. Grosser, O. 1913 Ein Menschlicher Embryo mit Chordakanal. Anat. Hefte. 47, 653-686. His, W. 1880 Anatomie Menschliche Embryonen, Leipzig. KoLuMANN, J. 1890 Die Entwickelung der Chorda dorsalis bei dem Menschen. Anat. Anz., 5, 308-321. Lewis, F. T. 1912 The early development of the entodermal tract and the formation of its subdivisions. Keibel and Mall, Human Embryology, Philadelphia. Low, ALEXANDER 1908 Description of a human embryo of 13-14 mesodermal somites. Jour. of Anat. and Physiol., 42, 237-251. Matt, F. P. 1891 A human embryo 26 days old. Journ. of Morph., 5, 459-480. 1912 On the development of the human heart. Amer. Jour. of Anat., 13, 249-298. Tuompson, P. 1907 Description of a human embryo of twenty-three paired somites. Jour. of Anat. and Physiol., 41, 159-171. rey et a ee Rae We ae A ee ee Ne ee . wi, ae 4 a 4 we 4% if | " hee | 7. a a itn " i 3 . a Sats Var dia 98 a ‘ ! ’ : be ‘ . oe wer J ~ ‘" ; * ¥ ad a ; a, aN “e . . ty Tay nf) ‘ 7 P, 7) i ’ T io ad ba 7 i aa Cc ’ \' ‘. en Sy he : 2 a a), 0 ‘ : ai ' é 0 } | '< é YY \ i ‘ / . " hi AG j ne j jae F \ . ‘ Maar oy ns o7 A ; | . ; i hire 7 ' a ¥ * y a ea y 5 ‘a One Aa A i . w - t iw , ‘ , tie ‘ F . jer 1 ‘ b , i sd y ; * i vy 7». ‘ / i | 1; © - W ; i ‘of : aal ; : aw ae { 34 « t Y i‘ fa ; = — is j = : " : 7 ’ ‘ ‘ “ 3 sty lee * J ‘ a FY : . : - ‘ ‘ - a * . ; hs d ? A 4 * ; 4 } i } I \ 7 i 7 To j ae | aE NERVE SUPP TO. THE PITUITARY BODY WALTER E. DANDY Hunterian Laboratory of Experimental Medicine The Johns Hopkins University THREE FIGURES It is but natural that neglect of an organ itself should yield a proportional lack of interest in its more detailed structure and even more so, in its less important adjuncts—the blood and nerve supply. Such has been true of the pituitary body. The recent tremendous stimulus produced by Paulesco’s (1) sudden transformation of the hypophysis from a structure of vestigial curiosity to a vitally essential organ, has borne its fruit in the rapid accumulation of co-working histological, (2) experi- mental (3) (4) (5) (6) and clinical (7) (8) observations. Though still very meager our information is now sufficient to have estab- . lished a hypophyseal clinical entity, amenable in many cases to medical and surgical treatment. Forming as it does a link in the chain of internal secreting glands, the hypophysis, essentially of hormone action, must be regulated as other glands in this system, by an autonomic nerv- ous mechanism. Recent studies from the Hunterian Laboratory (5) by Goetsch, Cushing and Jacobson gave evidences of hypophyseal influence over carbohydrate metabolism. It has been shown that sugar tolerance is dependent upon the functional activity of the pos- terior lobe of the pituitary body. It was later shown by Dandy and Fitz Simmons (observations unpublished) that a piqtre of _ the hypophyseal region in rabbits produced a heavy glycosuria, therefore giving results similar to a piqtre of the so-called Ber- nard’s sugar center in the floor of the fourth ventricle. These results have been amplified by Weed, Cushing and Jacobson (6). 333 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, No. 3 334 WALTER E. DANDY The combination of glandular or hormone activity and the results of mechanical stimuli (presumably of nervous origin) has suggested the possibility of a neuro-hypophyseal sugar center. The rational interpretation of this and other physiological data has been handicapped by the uncertainty and meager evidence of the regulatory autonomic nervous mechanism. Accordingly at the suggestion of Dr. Cushing under whose direction the ex- perimental hypophyseal investigations have been conducted, the determination of the source and distribution of the nerve supply was undertaken. Lying as does the hypophysis in such close proximity to the earotid arteries with their abundant superimposed plexus of sym- pathetic nerve fibers, it is but natural to assume that this is the source of the hypophyseal nerve supply. Indeed evidence of this is found in the infrequent passing reference to a nerve fila- ment which could be traced from this plexus to the hypophysis. BKARLY REFERENCE TO THE NERVE SUPPLY Probably the earliest reference to a hypophyseal nerve supply is the casual mention by Bourgery (45) that he observed sym- ‘ pathetic nerve fibers passing to the pituitary body. Further substantiation is subsequently given in similar casual mention by Fontona, Cloquet, Bock, Ribbes, (9) and possibly others. In his Anatomie des Menschen (’79) Henle (9) devotes a para- graph to the hypophyseal nerve supply and supplements this description by a drawing of the carotid sympathetic system, which includes a cluster of two or three twigs running from each plexus to the pituitary body. This is the most extensive descrip- tion of the hypophyseal nerve supply extant. He casts doubt upon the previous discovery of nerve fibers to this gland and concludes that on account of the inherent difficulties they have mistaken fibrous filaments of connective tissue for nerve fila- ments, saying, ‘‘Ohne Zweifel beruhen diese und manche Altere Angaben auf Verwechselung fibréser Bailkchen mit Nervenfasern, doch zeigte mir das Mikroskop in dem Netzférmigen zwischen Carotis und Hypophyse ausgespannten Gewebe feine Nerven- NERVE SUPPLY TO PITUITARY GLAND ood faserbiindelchen dieselben, von denen Luschka sagt, dass sie zwei bis drei jederseits, in den vorderen Lappen der Hypophyse sich einsenken.”’ It is based upon this paragraph and drawing by Henle that an occasional brief mention of hypophyseal nerve supply is found in the more detailed and comprehensive anatom- ies, the majority, however, passing over the matter in silence. The internal distribution of the hypophyseal nerves was stud- ied by Berkley (’94) (10) in a series of Golgi stained sections. He observed numerous varicose nerve filaments in the interior of the gland, the lobus anterior and pars intermedia in particular, but some also in the posterior lobe. The external connections of the nerves were not studied. On account of his inability to observe nerve cells in the gland, he presumed they were of ex- traneous origin and thought they probably come from the sym- pathetic system. MATERIAL AND METHODS The purpose of this paper is to consider only the relatively grosser aspects, i.e., the origin, course and distribution of the hypophyseal nerve supply. The histological distribution and relation of the ultimate filaments to the gland cells have not been considered. It is analogous in character to a recent publication (11) dealing with the blood supply of this organ. The difficulties of deductions and the impossibility of an accu- rate conception of the nerve supply based upon gross human dissection have been shown (Henle) (9) by the supposedly erro- neous observations of early investigators in mistaking connective tissue trabeculae for the very delicate nerve filaments, which are almost beyond the range of naked vision. These observations are _ based upon the canine and feline gland, the animals used in the experimental investigations in the Hunterian Laboratory. The anatomical environment of the pituitary body in these forms is such that the difficulties of a tightly enclosed, deeply imbedded and adherent gland encountered in man and the ape are ob- viated. The hypophysis dangles from the brain and is readily removed with the brain after liberation of its single point of dural 336 WALTER E. DANDY attachment posteriorly, so that the entering nerves may be studied in their true relations, without tearing or distortion. We have used almost exclusively the specific methylene blue intra vitam method of staining the nerves. For the details of this technique we are greatly indebted to the excellent contri- bution by J. Gordon Wilson (12). Three essentials are necessary for the successful use of this stain: the exsanguination of the tissues must be thorough in order to get a sharply defined picture of the nerves, since the combination of the methylene blue with blood presents a diffuse, indistinct picture with poorly stained nerves; the nerves must be superficial or covered only by a thin layer of tissue: the air must come in contact with the nerves, otherwise no differentiation takes place. During the final stages of bleeding the anaesthetized animal from the femoral arteries, a 35 per cent isotonic solution of methylene blue ‘‘nach Ehrlich” at body temperature was injected into both carotid arteries and continued until the injecting fluid emanated perfectly clear from the femorals. A tourniquet was then applied around the neck below the point of injection under a pressure sufficiently low to insure filling of the cephalic vessels without danger of diffusion or rupture. On account of the capricious character of this stain, litters of very young puppies or kittens were injected at the same sitting, so that the defects of some might be supplemented by better staining of others. The total nerve supply then is a summation of results, a reconstruction as it were. After a few minutes to allow penetration of the stain, the skull was opened and a block of tissue, including the hypophysis with its vessels and nerves in their normal relations, was removed from the base of the brain. The hypophysis was gently retracted so as to allow full exposure of one side to the air. The nerves then assume their differential blue. These specimens were imme- diately studied under the binocular microscope. The study of fixed specimens with post mortem staining was far less satis- factory, because of the collapse of blood vessels, with which the nerves are intimately associated, the more stiffened picture, and the deficient maintenance of the blue in the nerve fibers. NERVE SUPPLY TO PITUITARY GLAND Sl NERVES TO THE ANTERIOR LOBE The key to the nerve supply of the pituitary body is the ar- terial supply to this organ. In a recent publication from this laboratory, it was shown (11) that the anterior lobe received an extensive blood supply from a large number of minute vessels, most of which, even when injected, were beyond the range of naked vision. These vessels radiate from the Willisian circle to the hypophyseal stalk like spokes to the hub of a wheel. The majority of these branches are from the anterior and posterior communicating arteries. The network of sympathetic nerves comprising the carotid plexus is continuous along the three main branches which result from its trifureation. The distribution, however, is very uneven. A few fibers‘continue along the ante- rior and middle cerebral arteries for a short distance but the great majority are found on the two communicating arteries which supply the hypophysis; the posterior communicating artery is particulary well supplied. From these extensions of the carotid plexus numerous filaments are given off and pass along the blood vessels to the stalk of the hypophysis, from which they delve into the substance of the anterior lobe and are lost to view. Some arterial branches have as many as three or even four small filaments, the majority, however, only one or two. The course of the fibers is fairly direct and very few branches are given off. These filaments frequently entwine the vessels but no minute plexuses or anastomoses are visible after leaving the plexus on the main trunks. No nerves have been observed on the external surface of the anterior lobe. All nerves going to the hypophysis are in contact with the sheaths of minute blood vessels. On reaching the stalk it is of course impossible to trace this relation further. Their distribution in the gland has not been observed. 338 WALTER E. DANDY NERVES OF THE PARS INTERMEDIA Only by dissection of the hypophysis can the nerve supply of the pars intermedia be traced. By gently separating and retract- ing the posterior lobe from the clasping mitten-like anterior lobe, it is often possible to trace a single nerve fiber with its branches passing down the stalk and spreading out over the pars inter- media which envelops the posterior lobe (fig. 3). NERVES OF THE POSTERIOR LOBE It has been shown that the posterior lobe is supplied by a median artery which is formed by the confluence of two branches, one from each carotid artery immediately after its entrance into the cavernous sinus. In the canine this vessel enters the pos- terior lobe at the only point of dural attachment. Vital nerve staining is somewhat more difficult in this region on account of the relatively thicker dural covering which excludes the action of the air and necessitates a delicate dissection of this vessel. For a long time we were unable to find any trace of a nerve entering the posterior lobe. Several branches were always visi- ble at the origin of the vessels from the carotid but the fibers were lost in the dura before the posterior lobe was reached. However, it was finally possible to demonstrate nerve fibers actually entering the posterior lobe along the artery. Certainly the disparity between the nerve supply to the posterior and anterior lobes is most striking—in the anterior lobe almost super- abundant, in the posterior lobe very few. This contrast may in some measure be due to the difficulties mentioned above; we are however disinclined to lay much emphasis on them. A most striking color contrast is demonstrated upon removing the hypophysis after vital staining. The anterior lobe is a yel- lowish white, the posterior a deep indigo blue, possibly due to the (autogenic?) nervous character of the posterior lobe. The blue is of a homogeneous character, no nerve fibers being differ- entiable under the higher magnifications of the binocular micro- scope. The intensity of the blue is even much more marked than that of the adjacent, deeply staining oculomotor nerve. NERVE SUPPLY TO PITUITARY GLAND 339 Fig. 1 Semi-diagrammatie representation of one side of the cavernous sym- pathetic system of a canine, showing the nerves passing to the posterior lobe along its artery. Other branches to the dura and a cluster (No) to the N. oculo- motorius. The hypophyseal region is viewed from below with dura intact. NERVES OF THE PARAHYPOPHYSIS This little ‘nubbin’ resting in a small depression in the floor of the sella, usually enclosed in dura, is present in over 80 per cent of canines, and is evidently a remnant of the embryonic Rathke’s pouch. In some adults it may be traced to the pars 340 . WALTER E. DANDY Fig. 2 Semi-diagrammatic reconstruction of sympathetic nerves passing along’ the arterioles to the stalk of the hypophysis to supply the anterior lobe and pars intermedia. Note relative dwindling of nerves away from the hypophyseal region. ‘The view is from below with dura, hypophysis and carotid artery re- moved. intermedia; it varies greatly in size and histological character. It has an individual blood supply, a small artery given off by each posterior lobe artery. Frequently it has been possible to trace a nerve some distance along this vessel toward this ‘‘body”’ but never have we been able to observe a definite nerve con- nection. NERVE SUPPLY TO PITUITARY GLAND 341 Fig. 3 Drawing to show the nerve passing from the plexus surrounding the posterior communicating artery, down the stalk of the hypophysis to the anterior lobe and the pars intermedia which covers the posterior lobe. The anterior lobe has been dissected from the posterior lobe and gently retracted to permit this view. OTHER BRANCHES OF THE CAROTID PLEXUS During observations on the hypophyseal nerve supply natu- rally the distribution of the sympathetic filaments were noted in the immediate vicinity. The dura of the sella region is excep- tionally well supplied with filaments from the carotid plexus. Several branches run from the carotid plexus direct to the oculo- motor nerve. A couple of twigs were also observed entering the 342 WALTER E. DANDY optic nerve; these branches were from the nerves in the adventitia of the anterior cerebral artery. There is thus afforded a direct nervous autonomic path between the optic and oculomotor nerves and between these and the sympathetic trunk. SUMMARY The nerve supply to the pituitary body is from the carotid plexus of the sympathetic system. Numerous branches radiate to the stalk along the hypophyseal vessels and are immediately lost to view in the substance of the anterior lobe. The posterior lobe nerve supply is very scant, in marked con- trast to the extensive innervation of the anterior lobe. The pars intermedia receives its nerves from the stalk. There is connection between the carotid sympathetic system and the oculomotor and optic nerves. The absolute differentiation between secretory and vasomotor nerves is of course a matter of much dispute and is impossible. The impression, however, from the character and course of the nerve fibers their greatly increased number in the region of the hypophysis, and their disappearance at a distance from the hy- pophysis, the differences between the supply of the anterior and posterior lobes, the connections established with the other cra- nial nerves, leads us to regard them as secretory, in contradis- tinction to vasomotor, the existence of which in the cranial chamber has not been observed. It is a pleasure to express my gratitude to Dr. Harvey Cushing for his suggestions during the progress of this problem. BIBLIOGRAPHY (1) Pautesco, N. C. 1908 L’hypophyse du cerveau. Paris, Vigot Fréres. (2) Herrine, P.T. 1908 The histological appearance of the mammalian pitu- itary body. Quart. Jour. Exper. Physiol., 1, 121-159. (3) Howrui, W. H. 1898 The physiological effects of extracts of hypophysis cerebri and infundibular body. Jour. Exper. Med., 3, 245-258. (4) Rerorp, L. L. anp Cusuina, H. 1909 Is the pituitary gland essential to the maintenance of life? Johns Hopkins Hospital Bull., 20, 105-107. (5) Gortscn, E., Cusnine, H. anp Jacosson, C. 1911 Carbohydrate toler- ance and the posterior lobe of the hypophysis cerebri. Johns Hopkins Hospital Bull., 22, 165-190. NERVE SUPPLY TO PITUITARY GLAND 343 (6) Weep, L. H., Cusuinc, H. anp Jacosson, C. 1913 Further studies on the réle of the hypophysis in the metabolism of carbohydrates. The automatic control of the pituitary gland. Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulle 245 33: (7) Marie, P. 1886 Sur deux cas d’acromégalie; hypertrophie singuliére non congénitale des extrémités supérieures, inférieures et céphalique. Rev. de Méd., vi, 297-338. (8) Cusnine, Harvey 1912 The pituitary body and its disorders. Phila- delphia. (9) Hente 1879 Anatomie des Menschen, 3, (10) Berxury, Henry, J. 1894 The finer anatomy of the infundibular region of the cerebrum including the pituitary gland. Brain, 17, 575. (11) Danpy, Watter E. anp GorerscuH, Emin 1911 The blood supply of the pituitary body. Amer. Jour. Anat., 9, 137. (12) Witson, J.Gorpon 1910 Intravitam staining with methylene blue. Ana- tomical Record, 4, 267. Ww a ns on > eh hea PSY ae eh) ‘ " in | ya? ‘ Tn At j = af i> ' i¢ A, ~ ( cy ; ef): : ; i £4 fhe i OP ; ‘ ‘ ‘ P iT hg a ; yf MRS ety 34 , ; Sy ie ' ‘ 3 ) ls j i mY i i iat? : fled F8 oh SO NAA, (en bt } : ; i + a A ae od ts cree Sy (ee rn +% oh A) ah : Ane shane 10.7 Diag . ie Vie: P ‘ 4 Pp ey Grd 68 GV6 Wee 3 » | } & ' 4 F Fi { ' ' we . j * id ‘ : } ‘ ay & y 2 A ‘ 2 Met . . , ; i, e i oa = ri pois . Mi j J iJ a] vi i. i i = r { ey J E xi 2 ' = j Hd j . t MAY - < ‘ ‘ i ) i : ; os - ' n ' ’ X , / 7 . bas tie Fs J ial ; P 4 4 . é ' i ~ se Pu / : ‘ e 5 Pk ‘ ae ie te - rh i. . fe! as y ‘ lees { sy / 7 j vA y i; é Les «8 = y Hy va. oe » a ey Pa < - ” ; r. ‘ Fmd 6 F of e ips THE MORPHOGENESIS OF THE MAMMALIAN OVARY: FELIS DOMESTICA B. F. KINGSBURY Department of Histology and Embryology, Cornell University THIRTY-TWO FIGURES It is a striking peculiarity in the development of the reproduc- tive system in man and mammals (not to consider other forms of the Vertebrata) that the duct system (modified in the female) is laid down double, the duct system of the male disappearing in the female or persisting as vestigial structures and vice versa, the organs of the female duct system and the mammary gland being vestigial in the male. The embryo in the course of development thus passes through an indifferent period during which the sex can- not be ascertained, followed by the period of sexual differentiation. In the double appearance of the reproductive fundaments devel- opment is protandrous—that is, the ‘male’ system appears earlier than the female—this rule applying also to the differential devel- opment of the ovary and the testis as well as the duct system. No fully satisfactory explanation has been given for this double development in the internal reproductive system. ‘Three or four general explanations have been offered for this fundamental law. (1) The primitive vertebrate was hermaphroditic and that even in the higher forms the hermaphroditic tendency persists showing itself in the development of a double system, male and female, even causing the development in the male of arudimentary mammary gland, in the female of a rudimentary prostate gland— organs which did not extend back in the line of vertebrate de- scent anywhere near the hypothetical hermaphroditic ancestral form. ‘The occurrence of hermaphroditism among the ascidians and lower vertebrates (that-is, Myxine) and the sporadic appear- ance of a true or false, complete or incomplete, hermaphroditism 345 346 B. F. KINGSBURY among the higher forms, up to and including man, is regarded as supporting this contention. On this interpretation the indifferent period would be a potentially bisexual or hermaphroditic period in development. This interpretation is not necessarily opposed to the view that the sex-determining factors are already present in the egg at the time of its fertilization. (2) As a modification of the above view might be mentioned the interpretation that the early mammalian embryo during the indifferent period is truly bisexual, containing the potentialities of either sex whose subse- quent determination leads to the arrest, atrophy and more or less complete disappearance of the organs of the opposite sex. These two views are related and also bear on the problem of sex determination whose cytological side is subsequently mentioned and briefly discussed. (3) It has been argued that the reason for the development of the Miillerian duct in the male is due to the fact that it was the original reproductive duct and that the utilization of the excretory duct system in the male as a repro- ductive duct was a secondary acquirement. This interpretation, supported by Waldeyer and Lenhossek, hardly suffices. The theory would fail to explain the appearance of the rudimentary mammary gland in the male, or the prostate and rete ovarii in the female. (4) The converse of this view might be suggested, namely, that the pronephric duct system (the male duct system) represented the ancestral system in the nephridia in pre-chordate forms, serving not only the nephric system but the reproductive system as well, and conveying both the male and female repro- ductive cells to the exterior. The shedding of the female repro- ductive cells into the coelomic cavity from the surface of the gonad and the development of a Miillerian duct in association therewith would thus be a secondary adaption.' (5) By no means exclusive of the preceding suggestions as to the meaning of the double character of the reproductive organs, since they deal with a distinct aspect of the problem, should be mentioned 1 Cf. Felix, W.; Theoretische Betrachtungen iiber das Genitalsystem der Verte- braten. pp. 821-834, Handbuch der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Wirbeltiere, Vol. 3, 1, 1906. MORPHOGENESIS OF THE MAMMALIAN OVARY 347 the attempts to analyse the mechanism of sex inheritance and development. Upon the cytological side we have the inter- pretations correlated with the large amount of work being done at the present time upon the determination of sex and the chromo- some pattern of the germ cells. This is not the place in which to enter into a discussion of the complicated problem of the cytologi- cal basis in the determination of sex. The careful and detailed work on a number of forms, mainly invertebrate and chiefly insects has, as is of course well known, established the existence of an extra chromatin mass (heterochromosome) or chromosome complex whose presence is correlated with the development of the female sex. Upon the basis of this fact theoretical considerations have led generally to the conclusion that the heterochromosome is the conveyor of ‘femaleness’, being an embodiment of ‘determiners’ of the female sexual characters, and that the female is homozygous as regards sex characters, the male being heterozygous. The presence of the hetercchromosome in the higher vertebrates and its significance in the determination of sex are in a far from satis- factory condition at the present time. In the case of man, Guyer, Guthertz and Winiwarter have described heterochromosomes, but their descriptions do not mutually support one another and hence there is considerable uncertainty as to what the facts may be. Their observations, however, together with those of Jordan on the opossum and bat, Newman and Patterson on the armadillo, Stevens on the guinea pig, Vejowsky on the cat, indicate the pres- ence in the male gametogenesisof an extra chromatin mass (hetero- chromosome). Jordan, however, states that it is absent in the spermatogenesis of mongoose, cat, squirrel, rabbit and pig. Wini- warter and Sainmont have observed in the oogenesis of the cat a body that they suggest may be a heterochromosome. The mor- phological basis of fact is therefore still very scant. The state- ment may be vouchsafed, furthermore, that the correlation of this individual chromatin mass with the development of female sexual characters or even with the determination of the female sex 1s unproven. 348 B. F. KINGSBURY The assumption—to speak in Mendelian terms—that the female is homozygous (homogametic, Wilson; ¢ ¢) as to sex, the male being heterozygous (digametic, Wilson «), which appears to be the more generally accepted view, does not seem to afford a satis- factory hypothetical basis for the explanation of the double development of the reproductive duct system of higher verte- brates, the prostate and rete ovarii in the female, the mammary gland in the male. Nor does the converse furnish an interpreta- tion much more satisfactory—that the male is homozygous as to sex ( 7 o), the female being heterozygous (9 #). If itis believed to be of advantage to express sex in these terms, in so far as the explanation of the development of the primary sexual characters of vertebrates is concerned, it would seem necessary to consider both male and female heterozygous as to sex, the male characters being or becoming dominant in the male, the female characters recessive, and vice versa, in accordance with the early sugges- tion of Castle. The only generalization that can be safely drawn, however, from the cytological conditions that have been described would appear to be that in the development of the female sex a greater amount of ‘formative material’ is required. This is in general accordance with the suggestions of Boveri, Goldschmidt and Wilson, and is supported by the experimental work of R. Hertwig and Kuschakewitsch, Miss King, and Riddle, indicating what has been termed a ‘quantitative’ rather than a qualitative factor in the determination of sex. It would seem as though on the cyto- logical side little assistance were to be gained from the work upon the ‘sex’ chromosomes as carriers or determiners of sexual char- acters. In most of the work upon the ‘x,’ ‘sex’ or heterochro- mosomes, the point of departure has been the correlation of chromosomes or parts of chromosomes with the appearance in development of definite morphological characters. The problem of the early development in vertebrates of the reproductive organs appears to be closely linked with hermaphroditism in the pattern, which I believe—admittedly by Wilson—presents difficulties from the standpoint of chromosomal sex determination. The problem is, I believe, broader and there is involved the choice between what MORPHOGENESIS OF THE MAMMALIAN OVARY - 349 I have termed a process interpretation and an ultimate particle interpretation of structure. Furthermore there are two aspects that may well be quite distinct so that the problem would be essentially doubled—the determination of sex on the one hand, and the origin and development of the sexual organs on the other. From whatever point of view the development of the verte- brate reproductive system may be considered, interest must center in the essential organs—the ovary and testis—and the question as to whether or not they, as well as the duct system, exhibit the sexual dimorphism is particularly pertinent. Waldeyer (’70) suggested that the potentialities for the development of both ovary and testis existed in the same individual and that the male and fe- male gonads developed from different portions of the germinal ridge. Van Beneden (’80) from the conditions in the adult bat advanced the hypothesis that ovary and testis were homologous or at least analogous in their morphology, comparing the med- ullary cords (cordons pleins) to the tubuli contorti (seminifer- entes) the medullary tubes (cordons tubulaires) to the tubuli recti, the reticular body (corps reticule; that is, rete ovarii) to the rete testis (Halleri). Subsequent work on the development of the ovary by Mihalkowies (’85), Janosik (’85) (’88), Coert (790), Allen (’04), and Winiwarter (’00) particularly have seemed to jus- tify the suggested homologization. It is the concensus of opinion of these later writers that the medullary cords are developed from the germinal epithelium, and are hence directly of meso- thelial origin, they being early formed and succeeded later by the growths that furnish the functional germ cells of the ovary, the frequently described Pfliiger’s egg tubes or cords. It should be stated, however, that the older interpretation of the origin of the medullary cords from the Wolffian body, as held by Waldeyer, Balfour, and Braun, is still adhered to by O. Hertwig (’11) and Tourneux (’09), the latter regarding the tubuli contorti of the testis as developed from the same source, while the former de- rives them from the germinal epithelium (mesothelium). The development of the rete ovarii (and the rete testis) seems unquestionably to demand further investigation to determine its mode of origin. Coert (’90), Mihalkowicz (’85), Janosik (’85), r) THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, NO. 3 350 B. F. KINGSBURY Allen (’04), and Felix (’11) have derived it from the mesothelium, while Sainmont (’05) in his detailed study supports the older view of its origin from the Malpighian corpuscles of the mesonephros. The most recent study of the development of the mammalian ovary, that of man, by Felix in the Keibel-Mall ‘‘ Handbook of human embryology” leaves undiscussed (apparently purposely) the question of the comparability of the medullary portion of the ovary with the testis, the presentation in the second volume con- trasting in this respect with the brief statement in the first volume illustrated by means of an elaborate diagram supporting the testic- ular homology of the ovarian medulla. Felix, in fact, distinctly rejects this homologization, inferentially at least, by the form in which the development of the gonads in man is described. Briefly stated, in the indifferent stage, the gonad consists of an inner epithelial mass, separated from the covering epithelium by the (primitive) tunica albuginea. In the male this becomes the permanent T. albuginea and the inner epithelial mass speedily resolves itself into the spermatogenic tubules. In the case of the ovary however, the inner epithelial mass becomes again intimately associated with the mesothelial covering of theorgan and a new peripheral zone closely blended with and probably derived from the inner epithelial mass becomes developed, termed by Felix the ‘neogenic zone.’ This is destined to form the defini- tive cortex of the mature ovary while the central portion of the inner epithelial nucleus or mass undergoes a progressive degenera- tion toward the periphery. The inner epithelial nucleus there- fore furnishes the material for the functional structures in either ovary or testis, differentiation of the former proceeding peripher- ally, and more slowly whereas in the testis the differentiation is central and early. Any homolog of the seminal tubules of the testis is lacking in the human ovary, according to Felix. It will be seen that the exposition of the development of the human ovary given by Felix is not in itself contrary to the accep- tance of the ovarian medulla-testis homology,—previously men- tioned—since the portion of the epithelial nucleus in the indifferent organ that forms the spermatogenic tubules of the male takes no part in the formation destined to furnish the ova and follicle cells MORPHOGENESIS OF THE MAMMALIAN OVARY ab of the fully developed ovary. The question of the double char- acter of the ovary clearly hinges on the interpretation of the neogenic zone as well as that of the portion underlying it. It is evident however, that in any event the morphological comparison of the medulla of the ovary and the testis is not very close in man. For the converse of the ovarian-testis homology—the represen- tation of the ovary in the testis—but little has been said. There is nothing in the normal adult testis that can be construed as char- acteristically ovarian, as this would of necessity he outside the tunica albuginea. Janosik (85) has described a late formation of large cells in the surface epithelium of the testis in the human fetus as an attempt to form follicles. Biihler (’06) mentions the occurrence of germ cells in the surface epithelium of fetal testes, as apparently does Coert (90). It is clear that any proliferative activity in the covering epithelium of the testis after the forma- tion of the germinal cords is on any interpretation very slight. The present investigation was undertaken to determine the origin of the interstitial cells? of the ovary, so abundant in that organ in the cat. While the monograph upon the development of the ovary of the cat by von Winiwarter and Sainmont (’08) has rendered unnecessary a detailed presentation of many aspects of ovarian morphogenesis in this animal, a somewhat differing interpretation and different point of view appear to Justify a brief consideration by me. The study in so far as presented is a purely morphological one based upon 60 series of sections of ovaries from relatively late fetal to adult life, the periods particularly considered being there- fore those of the fetal, post natal, and pre-sexual development. While several methods of fixation and staining were employed, as indicated in the foot-note,*? depending upon what it was de- sired to bring out, the technique already described (Kingsbury 2 Published as a separate article. ’ The ovaries upon which the study is based are as given below. Only a por- tion of the animals were reared in the laboratory, the greater number were pro- cured from householders and hence the data as to age is not as exact as it would otherwise have been. My observations confirm those of Sainmont and v. Wini- warter that there is a large variation in ovaries of the same age. Age is therefore 302 B. F. KINGSBURY 11) was found particularly useful because of the easy differen- tiation of the cells containing ‘lipoid’ and so-called ‘mitochondria’ (representing undoubtedly lipoid in masked form). The mor- a poor indicator of stage of development, and the seriation may be easily deter- mined from the internal structure of the ovary itself. NO. CO SIO) Or Ww | fetus STAGE AND LENGTH 75 mm. 75 mm. 80 mm. 80 mm. 95 mm. 95 mm. 95 mm. 95 mm. 112 mm. embryo embryo fetus fetus fetus fetus fetus fetus 3 to 4 day P.P. 3 to 4 day P.P. 6 days P.P. Ca. 10 days P.P. 8 days P.P. 10 days P.P. 10 days P.P. 12 days P.P. 14 days P.P. 16 days P.P. Ca. 14 days 21 days P.P. Ca. 4 wk. Ca. 4 wk. 33 days P.P. Ca. 5 wk. | 10 wk. P.P. Ca. 10 wk. | Ca. 3 mo. Ca. 3 mo. (eystic) Ca. 4 mo. half grown | approaching sexual maturity young adult; virgin young adult; virgin young adult; virgin young adult; virgin adult (young?) corp. lut. adult (young) corp. lut. adult adult (injected) adult preg. (#132 a) | adult preg. (#* E-1) adult preg. (#150 a) adult preg. (fetus *73) | adult preg. (fetus) ' adult (preg. near term) | adult nursing adult (corp. lut.) adult old (17 yr.) (1 ovary pathol.) PLANE Trans. Trans. FIXER | Flemmings FI. | Flemmings FI. Flemmings FI. | Flemmings FI. | Flemmings Fl. | Flemmings FI. Flemmings El. | Zenker’s Fl. | Zenker’s FI. | Zenker’s Fl. =| .| Flemmings FI. | Zenker’s FI. Z(?) Z. an Mullers re +++ Sse NNNSSNNNI Flemmings Fl. Flemmings F1. Cu. dichr, etc. N ae Se = Hermann’s FI. Z. + M.; Benda’s FI. Z. + M. Picro-acetic Ale. Z. and M. Z. Z. + Pot. dichr. Fore! s+ Mullers; Z. + STAIN iron hematox. iron hematox. iron hematox. iron hematox. iron hematox. iron hematox. iron hematox. I. H. and Safr. I. H.; Bi. and E. H Be SS Or ests © rn BREESE S Q (= a bt bafta bts? s eae bs (Ol ral sales elles! No stain; Safr. Cu.H.; Benda’s Cu.H.: Visits H. and orange islet H. and E.; H. and Pf; isk Culbie- iene LA Culbi Eo andebt H. and E.; I.H.; Cu.H. H. and E. He Sair I.H.; H. and Pf.; H. and E H. and E.; H.Pf.; I.H.; Elastin St. | I.H.; Safr. Safr.; I.H.; no stain MORPHOGENESIS OF THE MAMMALIAN OVARY oe phological differentiation obtained by this technique is particu- larly serviceable. The dark blue interstitial cells and the epi- thelial structures a lighter blue contrasting strikingly with the golden brown of the stromal tissue and thus permitting them to be readily distinguished without high power examination, while at the same time a good fixation of cytoplasmic and nuclear de- tail was obtained. ° The study began with a fetus of 75 mm. total length, which cor- responds closely with the forty-day fetus of Sainmont. At this stage the morphology of the testis is fully established, as is also the general morphology of the ovary, which consists of primitive medulla and primitive cortex both composed of cordlike groups of epithelial or epitheloid cells as the parenchyma, with strands of stroma cells interspersed. The parenchyma of the primitive cortex is in broad connection with the surface epithelium and consists largely of genitoid cells with but few indifferent cells dis- cernible. The strands of stroma cells are small and relatively insignificant. The parenchyma of the primitive medulla is made up-of genitoid cells and indifferent cells the latter present in much greater amount as compared with the cortex. ° The genitoid cells resemble those of the primitive cortex markedly. While some of them lie free in the stroma, the majority are surrounded by indif- ferent cells, some few possessing an evident follicular epithelium. Certain of these cells have taken on the character of ‘egg cells.’ The parenchyma of the primitive medulla and primitive cortex are broadly confluent with each other, the separation of the two being largely indicated by a more marked accumulation of stromal tissue in the intermediate zone, in the form of a trabecular mesh- work of strands of spindle-shaped stroma cells, and blood vessels which have a general longitudinal direction in this region. These blood-vessels form convenient landmarks. The primitive cor- tex (as well as the definitive cortex later) is strikingly free from larger vessels. At the outset it may be said that it is obvious that in the mor- phogenesis of such an organ as the ovary, its increase in size must be kept constantly in mind, in the analysis. The ovary of the 75-mm. embryo or fetus in which the structural components— 354. B. F. KINGSBURY so-called medullary cords, egg cords, rete ovarii, and stroma— have already appeared, can nearly be contained in a single large Graafian follicle of the adult organ. An understanding of the morphological transformations that lead to the establishment of the adult organ is to be found only in a correct analysis of its growth. In the published descriptions of the development of the ovary the marked and rapid increase in size, it is felt by the writer, is frequently not adequately expressed or given due con- sideration. Thus, the so-called egg tubes of Pfluger are spoken of as ‘down-growths’ of the surface (germinal) epithelium, whereas they more exactly represent cell trails left behind in the advancement of the surface as the organ increases in size. This does not apply apparently to the earliest proliferative growth of the germinal epithelium in the indifferent period, in which appar- ently there is an actual displacement of the underlying tissue (Relixe 192 The medullary cords in similar manner represent the earliest proliferations of the mesothelium whose immediate activity ap- parently largely determines the early growth. Whether or not the mesothelium loses its connection with these early formed masses, the stroma growing between as a tunica albuginea primi- tiva as described by Sainmont, I cannot of course consider, since the stages studied do not include the early development. In the 75-mm. fetus a sharp separation into primitive medulla and cortex by a distinct stromal layer does not exist. In the further prenatal growth of the ovary, as illustrated in the stages examined, the ovary more than doubles its diameters. This size increase is due to the double activity of the epithelial elements (ova and indifferent or follicle cells) and of the stroma. The surface mesothelium retains throughout its connection with the epithelial masses to which the term egg cords may be applied and which early assumed a more elongated form due to their greater separation by strands of stroma and the increase in size of the ovary due to their growth and that of the stroma as well. The seat of proliferation lies mainly peripherally in the primitive cortex and the growing zone becomes more superficial as develop- ment proceeds. Cell divisions also occur frequently in the sur- MORPHOGENESIS OF THE MAMMALIAN OVARY S55. face mesothelium, being apparently more abundant in the earlier stages in which the- egg cords are relatively more broadly con- nected with it. It but shares with the underlying egg cords a common growth activity and in no sense can it be regarded as the sole direct center of proliferation from which the latter are formed. Indeed, at birth the mitoses are more abundant in the outer por- tions of the egg cords than in the surface epithelium with which they are connected. The synizesis figure of the germ cells forms a convenient landmark which serves to mark the centrifugal march of differentiation within the egg cords. Mitoses continue to occur within the peripheral portion of the egg cords until about two weeks after birth. von Winiwarter and Sainmont have described the divisions of the oogonia as practically ceasing at the time of birth, marked multiplication appearing again in the twenty-first-day ovary and becoming permanently arrested soon thereafter. I have seen no evidence of such a periodicity in the oogonial divisions in the material employed by me, which, it must be confessed, was not as abundant as that studied by these authors. The advance of the ‘wave of synizesis’ appeared a fairly steady centrifugal pro- gression. In the thirty-three-day ovary the superficially located germ cells of the cords were in the synizesis stage, all the more deeply placed cells being postsynizetic. In all subsequent stages the ova were definite oocytes and in the seven-weeks’ ovary the definitive cortex with its primary or resisting follicles was differ- entiating out of the primitive cortex. In its development the ovary of the cat, as far as concerns the growth and differentiation of the cells that—according to the writer’s interpretation—are to become the definitive ova of the period of sexual maturity, conforms to the plan described by Felix for the human ovary, the egg cords being less distinct in the human ovary and the neogenic zone described by Felix less developed as a distinct zone in the cat. The distinctness of the neogenic zone destined to furnish the ova of the mature period would appear to be likewise evident earlier than in the cat. The stroma by its growth evidently plays an important part in the breaking up of the egg cords and the formation of the primary follicles of the 356 B. F. KINGSBURY definitive cortex. In the deeper portions of the ovary marked growth activity of the stroma introduces a complexity not en- countered in the typical zone of the primitive cortex. In the ovary before birth and for the first few days after birth the egg cords project deeply into the ovary, occupying a position which subsequently will become medulla. The egg cords are typically branched, presenting the characteristic appearance well known from previous published descriptions by several workers (figs. 8-9). In the deeper portions of the egg cords the ova are the most ad- vanced in development and both types of cells—egg cell and follicle cell—may be recognized in this portion of the egg cord. The surrounding stroma is relatively denser in this middle zone of the ovary and the growth activity of the stroma appears par- ticularly marked here. The strands of stroma cells run irregu- larly, some having a more radial, others a more tangential direc- tion. Because of the presence of egg cords in this zone, it is usually grouped as part of the primitive cortex. It might with equal propriety be regarded as part of the medulla, since medullary cords are also contained therein—that is, groupings of mainly indifferent cells with only an occasional definite ovum. This zone is in fact an intermediate zone and its peripheral portion persists as a boundary zone during the period of postnatal growth of the ovary. In their deeper portions the egg cords become separated into cell groups containing one or more ova and in this way numerous ~ follicles are formed. Their number appears to be added to by continued ‘cutting off’ of egg cells from the egg cords in the inter- mediate zone. In this zone of the postnatal ovary great com- plexity exists. It seems to represent the main line of advancing stromal growth following upon the peripheral (and superficial) zone of epithelial proliferation, perhaps associated with the be- ginning follicular differentiation. In illustration of the more general features of the morphogen- esis, figures 8 to 15 may be consulted. The distinctness of the cortex becomes progressively more marked until it assumes its definitive structure. This applies as well to the other zones of MORPHOGENESIS OF THE MAMMALIAN OVARY oT the adult ovary. What has been spoken of as the intermediate zona is most distinct in the growing ovary in the postpartum period (fig. 10), losing its identity in the adolescent and adult period (figs. 14 and 15) as part of the zona parenchymatosa. The zone vascularis, on the contrary, can hardly be said to exist as such in the fetal ovary, and becomes more distinct as maturity is approached. Marginal growth, along the line where ovary and ovarian ligament join (represented by the white line of the adult human ovary) appears to play an important part in the assumption of the adult morphology. In the marginal zone growth continues apparently as long as the increase in size con- tinues in the presexual period (approximately four months), the growth including the stroma as well as the parenchyma (elements of epithelial origin). | The zones of the ovary are but the expression of the mode of growth and type of blood supply, and hence possess no intrinsic or genetic significance such as the cortex and medulla of the suprarenal organ, for example, possess; but even so, the termin- ology of the regions of the mammalian ovary is not altogether satisfactory. The older terms, medulla and cortex, as well as the B.N.A. terms, zona vascularis and zona parenchymatosa are both employed and are both applied to the mature organ. The latter terms may be very satisfactorily employed in the description of the adult. ovary but they are not so applicable in the developing _ structure due to the mode of growth. The terms introduced by Sainmont (’05) in his study of the development of the cat’s ovary and subsequently adopted in the monograph by von Winiwarter and Sainmont (’08) are quite serviceable and are those which will be used here, with two or three modifications which render them more serviceable as expressions of the present writer’s con- ception of the morphogenesis. The primitive cortex becomes the definitive cortex during development. This is a somewhat more restricted use of the term than that usually employed. It repre- sents therefore only the outer portion of the definitive cortex in the more usual use, or the zona parenchymatosa. It is, however, as employed by His (’65) in the eat’s ovary. The outer portion of the nucleus epithelio-stromalis centralis (of Sainmont) is the 358 B. F. KINGSBURY intermediate zone described above. Into the composition of the zona parenchymatosa of the adult there goes, therefore, the defini- tive cortex, the intermediate zone and a portion of the epithelio- stromal nucleus. The zona vascularis is developed out of the basal nucleus (connective tissue) of the growing ovary extended at the expense of the epithelio-stromal nucleus, while the mar- ginal growth of the ovary plays a part in establishing it. The primitive medulla would include the epithelio-stromal nucleus and the basal nucleus. The developmental changes that take place in the deeper por- tions of the growing ovary, in the primitive medulla, are complex, and this is intensified by the desirability of determining, for theo- retical reasons, the exact mode of growth and the morphological value at the different stages of the so-called medullary cords which have so frequently been regarded as the equivalents of the seminal tubules of the testis. The rete ovaril occupies a posi- tion in the cephalic portion of the medulla (fig. 9). Its tubules are, in the youngest embryo studied (75 mm.) easily distinguished, of definite cuboidal-columnar epithelium, with a distinct lumen. Subsequently, in older fetuses, the epithelium becomes more distinctly flattened and the rete character more accentuated (fig. 8). Whether the cell cords that form the structure are derived from the mesothelium at the cephalic end of the ovary, or are ‘ingrowths’ from the mesonephros, or are of double origin and nature, has not been made an object of investigation by me, and | hence of course cannot be adequately considered at this time. The structure as observed in the growing organ suggests the last view. The rete furthermore undergoes a progressive change after birth and remains as a persistent structure in the adult ovary. It requires no very extensive study of the ovary of older fetal and new-born animals to determine that at least some of the medul- lary cords are connected with the rete ovari, as has been described by others (von Winiwarter and Sainmont ’08) and this requires therefore no extended description or comment at this point. Two other features of the medullary cords in the older embryos, the presence of fat-granules in the cells, and the occurrence of large cells within the cords, require brief discussion. Droplets of a MORPHOGENESIS OF THE MAMMALIAN OVARY 359 fatty (‘lipeid’) nature were found in the medullary cords of the 95 mm. and 112 mm. fetus, three to four-day kitten, and still demonstrable in the six-day kitten. They may have been pres- ent in the earlier stages examined, but the technique was not of a nature to demonstrate their presence easily. von Winiwarter and Sainmont found the fat globules appearing about forty-five days p.c. (i.e., 70 mm. length, Sainmont), and no longer present three days p.p. They reject the interpretation of Allen (’04) in the pig, that the presence of fat is indicative of degeneration of the medullary cords. They emphasize on the contrary the pres- ence of fat as evidence of profound metabolic change taking place in the medullary cords at this time. This, perhaps, could hardly be questioned. It might be added, however, that one can hardly speak of a “disappearance of lipoid from the medullary cords,” since the application of what I may term a ‘mitochondrial technique’ adduces evidence of the presence of fat in abundance in masked form in all the epithelial cells within the ovary—so-called medul- lary cords, follicle cells and ova—at all stages of their later growth, at least, appearing as free lipoid globules in the last, in the process of their vitellogenesis. Hence the question resolves itself into the reason for the existence of droplets of free lipoid in the epithelial cells (medullary cords) in the deeper portions of the ovaries. Inasmuch as I find evidence of dwindling and disap- pearance of these cell cords in the deeper portions of the ovary at about this time (after birth) I incline to the interpretation offered by Allen. The ‘large cells’ present in the medullary cords and the surface epithelium have not been specially studied by me. They were encountered in the two youngest embryos and in the surface epithelium, particularly in the zone bordering the hilum, well along in postpartum stages. I have seen no reason for drawing a sharp line between these cells and obvious ‘germ cells,’ as I believe that all intergradations between them and the latter may be found. On the other hand, most of them, at least in the ante- partum ovary, do not give rise to the definitive germ cells of the adult ovary, and hence are not primordial germ cells in the original sense (‘Ureier,’ of Waldeyer). It is unnecessary to 360 B. F. KINGSBURY introduce a discussion of their interpretation and significance. Reference is simply made to the excellent discussion of von Wini- warter and Sainmont (p. 67). Those investigators who accept a definite cell-lineage for the germ cells, strongly suggested by the observations of Allen (’11), Rubaschkin (’09, ’11) Wood, Dodds, and others, may interpret them as unproductive side lines of the germ-track or as a more or less temporary hypertrophy, for un- known reasons of ‘indifferent cells’ cells, as accepted by von Winiwarter and Sainmont, who believe that they subsequently return to normal size. Upon a purely physiologic or process interpretation, however, these cells might still be grouped with the germ cells as an expression of the oogenetic processes at work in the developing ovary. The period of the postpartum growth leading up to the appear- ance of medullary follicles and their growth is a critical one in the theoretical interpretation of the morphology. The primi- tive cortex and medulla become accentuated and extended. The ovary in the first five weeks quite doubles its diameter. The stroma ovarii continues its obvious growth activity. The in- crease in the epithelioid cords and their morphological trans- formations furnish the characteristic feature of this period. They increase in bulk and while very irregular in contour often assume a more tubular form. ‘Their cells increase in size and by their arrangement assume a form more characteristically epithelial, as about a potential lumen. Their nuclei lie more peripherally and the inner ends of the cells are more elongated, vacuolar and * reticulate. Abundant ‘mitochondrial’ substance is present here. The structural appearance in such cases forces a comparison with the tubules of the testis, and the comparison becomes enhanced by the relation of the cell cords within the medulla of the ovary to the rete. The resemblance to the tubules of the undifferen- tiated embryonic testis, or more closely to the tubules of the cryp- torchid is particularly striking. von Winiwarter and Sainmont (’08) have called attention to this resemblance of the medullary cords to the tubules of the testis, as the former (?00) had pre- viously done in his paper on the development of the rabbit’s ovary, and as several have done in a comparison of the ovarian medulla MORPHOGENESIS OF THE MAMMALIAN OVARY 361 with the testis. Such a comparison, to which the writer at first inclined, seems to him upon maturer consideration a superficial one. The elongated form, simulating a tubule is not the uni- versal form of growth of these cell masses nor do they possess, when elongated, the morphology of the seminal tubules. The form assumed is quite irregular and is obviously a factor of the growth of the epithelial cords and stromal strands in their mutual relation to one another in the growth of the ovary during this period. The source of the cells that compose the cell cords and masses so prominent during the period of expansion is also important in this connection. Two modes of origin present themselves as possible: (1) A development by centrifugal growth of the primary medullary cords apparent in the embryo so that from them come all the epithelial cords inside the zone of the primitive cortex. This mode of growth would make the medullary structures a unit and strengthen the ovary-testis comparison. (2) That the cords and masses of epithelial cells within the medulla, while in many instances connected with the primary medullary cords and quite possibly grown out from these cell groups, are nevertheless de- rived in part from the indifferent cells contained in the egg cords of the embryo. The differences of the epithelial cells would be purely a matter of position and relation and not intrinsic or mor- phological. It is this last view that seems to me undoubtedly the correct one. Small groups of epithelial cells are to be found at all stages of the postpartum growth in the central nucleus, the interme- diate zone and, especially later, in the inner portion of the primi- tive cortex. They are formed by the breaking up of the inner portions of the egg cords into primary follicles. Many of these primary follicles and epithelial cell groups without an ovum en- closed come to lie within the medulla, in the epithelio-stromal nucleus where they subsequently grow and play a part in the de- velopment of the medullary follicles, presently to be described. 4 Bremer, J. L. Amer. Jour. Anat., vol. 11, no. 4, May, 1911, pp. 393-416. Huber, G. Carl, and Curtis G. M. Anat. Rec., vol. 7, no. 6, June, 1913, pp. 207-220. 362 B. F. KINGSBURY In connection with the comparison of the structures within the ovary to the testis tubules just considered, it may be said at this point that the cells are as strikingly follicle cells at this stage and place as subsequently in the development of the follicles of the ado- lescent and adult periods. This is particularly clearly shown in a comparison of such cells when a mitochondrial technique has been employed. The disposition of the mitochondrial granules in the inner ends of the cells in each instance serves to make the agree- ment more striking. The fact that these so-called medullary cords develop into follicles should leave no doubt of their ovarian character. The medullary follicles. The development of the follicles with- in the medulla of the ovary of the kitten has been studied in de- tail by von Winiwarter and Sainmont, who apply the name of ‘medullary follicles’ and regard their appearance as marking a third stage in the development of the ovary. Their description, briefly stated, is as follows: At eight days postpartum the med- ullary cords are markedly elongated; at sixteen days they have increased in volume and the cells have hypertrophied and be- come more columnar in shape. This stage is the last one in which a connection of the medullary cords with Pfliiger’s egg cords exists. Ovules exist within the medullary cords, generally smaller than those of the primitive cortex. Small medullary cords are described in the zone bounding the primitive cortex and contain- ing ovules which belong to Pfliiger’s egg cords. Such they inter- | pret as ovules of Pfliiger’s egg cords which have become isolated with a medullary cord. At twenty-three days p.p., primordial medullary follicles, both uni- and pluri-ovular, are beginning their development. At thirty-five days, the next described stage, the medullary follicles have become voluminous struc- tures. These they group as follicles in process of growth and folli- cles fully formed, the latter possessing an antrum comparable to the antrum of the definitive Graafian follicles of the adult period. The medullary follicles now undergo a peculiar degeneration dur- ing the next two or three weeks, so that, at sixty to sixty-five days p.p., all remains of the medullary follicles have completely disappeared, this degeneration being accomplished or accompa- MORPHOGENESIS OF THE MAMMALIAN OVARY 363 nied by an enucleation of the follicles by the ovarian stroma. The naked ova, so ‘shelled out,’ undergo a degeneration in the midst of the stroma. Not all ova degenerate through the destruc- tive agency of the stroma, but undergo progressive degeneration within the medullary follicle. With the degeneration of the med- ullary follicles the indifferent cells and ova derived from the first proliferation of the germinal epithelium of the ovary entirely disappear. An identical fate (i.e., degeneration) awaits the Graafian folli- cles derived from the egg tubes of Pfliiger, or the second prolif- eration of the germinal epithelium.’ Beginning about sixty to sixty-five days, Graafian follicles develop from the deeper portions of the cortical zone, the first ones being nearly always pluri-ovular, containing two or three or more ova. Very large follicles are thus formed, so that, about three and one-half or four months’ post- partum, the ovary attains a large size, becoming subsequently reduced in size with the degeneration of these follicles and their absorption. At this same time, the remaining resting or primary follicles formed from the second proliferation have practically disappeared. A third proliferation’ then furnishes the ova and follicle cells destined to develop into the Graafian follicles of the period of sexual maturity. 5 yon Winiwarter and Sainmont 1908, p. 85: ‘‘Nous nous proposons d’exposer dans le présent chapitre qu’un sort identique est reservé & tous les ovules et folli- cules de de Graaf qui dérivent des tubes de Pfliiger ou cordons corticaux (seconde proliferation). Cette déchéance n’atteint pas tous les ovules au méme degré de développement. Les uns, et ils sont majorité, ne dépassent pas le stade de fol- licule primordial. Les autres se transforment en folliclues de de Graaf plus ou moins volumineux. Neanmoins le résultat est le méme: leur ensemble est voué i la mort. Deplus, la dégénérescence des follicules de de Graaf suit une marche trés particuliére, etablissant une transition manifeste et graduelle entre l’atrésie des follicules médullaires que nous avons décrite et l’atrésie typique, telle qu’elle a été étudiée dans l’ovaire adulte. C’est pourquoi nous faisons suivre la descrip- tion des cordons médullaires par celles de l’évolution des cordons corticaux, afin de faire ressortir combien le développement de l’ovaire est continu et progressif.”’ 6 yon Winiwarter and Sainmont, 1908, p. 89: ‘“‘Il arrive un moment (vers 33 i 4 mois p. part.) ot, pratiquement, tous les follicules primordiaux ont disparu. On ne voit plus alors sous l’épithélium de revétement qu’une serie de cordons épithéliaux, représentant tout au moins en partie les anciennes cellules follicu- leuses. Nous disons en partie, car, ainsi que nous le verrons ultérieurement, tandis que ces phénoménes régressifs se déroulent, l’épithélium de revétement 364 B. F. KINGSBURY I have sketched the general results of von Winiwarter and Sainmont because of the monographic character of the study made of the development of the ovary of the cat and the uniqueness of some of the results and interpretations offered.. It is therefore with some hesitancy that I venture, from a study of material in- ferior in amount to theirs, to offer interpretations that differ in certain fundamental respects. In as far as concerns the medullary follicles, the difference of interpretation has three aspects. In the first place, as has been fully indicated in the discussion of the medullary cords in the: foregoing paragraphs, the writer is unable to accept the sharp distinction between the products of a ‘‘first and second prolifera- tion,’”’ a distinction that plays so important a part in the interpre- tations of von Winiwarter and Sainmont. The distinction of medullary cord and sex cord seems to the writer more a matter of differentiation, location, and convenience for descriptive purposes rather than a sharp distinction of materials of morphologically different values. The follicles that begin their development dur- ing this period are thus but the earliest follicles which from posi- tion may appropriately be termed medullary follicles, it is true, but only for descriptive and topographical reasons. Their devel- opment, peculiarities and fate are closely involved in-the growth processes taking place in the ovary at this time. The second point of different interpretation involves the source of the ova and the early transformation of the inner portions of the ‘egg cords.’ As has been already stated, it has seemed to the writer clearly apparent from a comparison of the successive series of ovaries of advancing development, that going hand in hand with the peripheral growth of the egg cords there has been a central ne reste pas inactif. Une nouvelle prolifération (la troisiéme), celle des invagi- nations épithéliales, apparait et les colonnes cellulaires qui les composent, trav- ersent l’albuginée et se mélent aux amas des cellules, folliculeuses. Comme ces deux formations sont constituées de cellules épithéliales ordinaires, il est impos- sible morphologiquement de distinguer ce qui revient aux unes et aux autres. Toujours est-il que c’est 4 leurs dépens que se formeront la zone corticale défini- tive et les oeufs définitifs de l’adulte.’’ (p. 260): ‘‘Ces invaginations, jointes aux cellules folliculeuses de la zone corticale primitive, aboutissent 4la formation de la zone corticale définitive de l’ovaire, 4 laquelle, seule, sera réservée la pro- duction des oeufs définitifs. Son histoire appartient 4 un chapitre ultérieur.”’ MORPHOGENESIS OF THE MAMMALIAN OVARY 365 disassociation or breaking up of the egg cords in which the growth of the stroma has been largely instrumental. This leads to the isolation of the ova or groups of ova, and from these have come the ova which occur in the medullary follicles that begin their development in the third week after birth. In illustration of this interpretation there are submitted as text figures 1 to 6, six photographs of sections taken entirely at random and there- fore not of illustrative value otherwise. In these the centrifugal oogenetic wave is indicated by the synizesis stage apparent in all save the first and last in which the ova are in the pre- and post- synizetic stages, respectively. From a comparison of these it will become apparent, I believe—if the growth of the ovary be kept in mind—that the large ova in the deeper portion which in the last two figures are in developing medullary follicles are derived from the progressive breaking up of the inner portions of the so- called egg-cords. The third difference of interpretation of the medullary follicles concerns the meaning of the peculiarities of their form. The view of von Winiwarter and Sainmont, that the great irregularity and peculiar form of the follicles encountered in the ovary of the cat at this stage is due to the destructive activity of the ovarian stroma by penetrating and enucleating the follicle, has been noted above. The striking peculiarity of the follicles developing during this period was observed by myself before I had become aware of the work of von Winiwarter and Sainmont and they had been inter- preted in quite the reverse direction, namely, as progressive rather than regressive pictures. Further examination and considera- ation has but confirmed me in the interpretation. The medul- lary follicles began their progressive development early in the third week after birth, although a close limitation of the time of their appearance cannot be given. The numerous ova in the ovary within the zone of the primitive cortex possess well-marked fol- licular epithelium. Some of them are definitely within so-called medullary cords of elongated form, others within more irregular masses. A number lie free in the stroma, surrounded only by a single layer of follicle cells which may vary from flattened to col- umnarinshape. Such ova are particularly found in the peripheral THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, No. 3 366 B. F. KINGSBURY Fig. | 8O mm. fetus. * 120. Fig. 4 Twenty-one day kitten. < 60. Fig. 2 95 mm. fetus. X 110. Fig. 5 Thirty-three day kitten. 60. Fig. 3 Three to four day kitten. & 60. Fig. 6 Five to six weeks kitten. 60. MORPHOGENESIS OF THE MAMMALIAN OVARY S67 portion of the medulla and in the intermediate zone. Interspersed with these are cords or clusters of follicle cells whose connection with egg cells is not apparent. Some of these appear to come from the indifferent cells of the egg cord in its breaking up, or to have survived the degeneration of an egg cell which they once envel- oped (fig. 16). Such epithelial structures with the surrounding stroma and the interstitial cells compose the epithelio-stromal nucleus of the two-week ovary. Marked growth of the masses and cords of follicular cells and of the stroma produces the ovary of two months. Very great irregularity is shown in the growth of the cords of follicle cells, and their relation to the ova is par- ticularly interesting. A typical follicle formation of this period is shown in figures 24 and 25. It is structures of this kind that have been interpreted by von Winiwarter and Sainmont as follicles in degeneration attended by penetration of the stroma and enucleation. Figures 16 to 25 are introduced in illustration of the reverse view. From the morphological relations there shown it would appear that the eggs are becoming enveloped by the growing follicle masses. Figure 16 shows two small egg cells of smaller size and close to each a cluster of follicle cells, doubtless derived from adjacent indifferent cells of the original egg cord. Each egg is invested by a layer of follicle cells of its own. By growth of the follicular cluster the ovum, in its epithelium, becomes partially surrounded (fig. 17, 18) and finally completely invested (figs. 19, 20) by the growing cell mass; and with the appearance of an antrum—indi- cated from the beginning—a Graafian follicle more or less irreg- ular, is developed. Several ova may thus become included in a single follicle which may be of rather tubular form (fig. 23). The layer of follicle cells belonging to the ovum and immediately surrounding it may be traced well into the complete investment. The investing mass fuses with it and its identity is finally lost. It is indicated in figures 17 to 21. Whether the investing follicular mass at the beginning is al- ways or even usually distinct from the sheathing follicle cells is not easy to determine. In many instances, at least,-it would appear that the investing mass is developed from one side of the 368 B. F. KINGSBURY primary follicle or medullary cord and in the process of growth simply becomes wrapped around,enclosing ovum and its follicular epithelium of the opposite pole, as well as some of the stroma. In support of the above interpretation and as opposed to the reverse one of regressive change by a process of enucleation, may be advanced: (1) the fact that in general the smaller egg cells are less enclosed; (2) that they lie generally more peripherally; (3) that the line of fusion of the investing epithelium may often be detected (figs. 19, 20, 22); (4) that the free egg cells possess in most instances at least a sheathing simple follicular epithelium; (5) that degenerating egg cells lying free in the stroma are but seldom encountered. Accepting the interpretation above set forth, it can hardly be doubted that these follicles owe their irregular form relations to a compounding of the growth of the stroma and that of the follicu- lar elements. It may be suggested that their peculiarities are to some extent due to an attempt at follicle formation in an ovary during rapid growth; or, put differently, the growth of follicular elements and ovarian stroma in lines at variance with each other prevents the free expansion and uniform growth so characteristic of the adult ovary, so that the growing follicular cords must grow around the ovum and hence come to invest it (figs..24 and 25). The reverse, from the same point of view, might easily be conceived to oceur and the follicular cells be stripped off as a re- sult of the pressures and tensions of the stromal growth, and thus the ovum be left naked in the midst of the stroma, producing thus the effect of enucleation without attributing to the ovarian stroma a specific activity in the process. Indeed, from the figures of ‘ von Winiwarter and Sainmont, as well as my own observations, this appears frequently to be the case. What chemical corre- lations may likewise be involved cannot be estimated. - The follicular structures in the ovary at this period are of very varied form. In order to obtain a three-dimensional view of the relations, a model was made of a portion of an ovary (no. 26) in which follicular cords, follicles and ova inside the primitive’ cor- tex are illustrated. The ova shown are in all cases immediately surrounded by their simple follicular epithelium. Of two of the MORPHOGENESIS OF THE MAMMALIAN OVARY 369 follicles so shown, enlarged drawings are given in figures 29 and 30; figure 29 may be compared to the sectional view shown in fig- ure 23 and figure 30 may be similarly compared with figure 18. Within the larger masses an ovum was contained completely en- closed. The picture that is afforded by the reconstruction sup- ports, I believe, the evidence which the histology furnishes, name- ly, that in most instances the process illustrated by these peculiar follicle formations is one of inclusion rather than of exclusion of the ovum, in most instances at least. Observations of these formations by earlier workers than von Winiwarter and Sainmont in the cat’s ovary, or similar structures in the ovaries of other animals, appear to be lacking. von K6lli- ker, it is true, and Biihler in his earlier work, regarded the follic- ular epithelium as coming from the medullary cords and these ‘in turn from the mesonephros, investing the egg cells (whieh were derived from the germinal epithelium) by growing around them, so that relations similar to those met with in the kitten’s ovary may have been influential in forming their interpretations. But neither their description nor figures give us definite evidence. The fate of these peculiar follicles is one of considerable impor- tance in their interpretation. While many of these follicles evi- dently degenerate, the majority I believe remain as the large irreg- ular, usually pluri-ovular follicles which are found in the ovaries of kittens before the onset of sexual maturity. Such follicles are shown in figure 13 and were figured by Sainmont (fig. 15) in his earlier paper, wherein they were not specifically discussed, al- though they were obviously thought of as derived from the ‘‘egg tubes of Pfliiger.”’ In the later and larger work with von Wini- warter, so often referred to in this paper, these follicles were de- scribed and regarded as developed out of the material of the second proliferation (Pfliiger’s egg tubes), succeeding as a second set the ‘medullary follicles’ formed from the medullary cords of the first proliferation which entirely degenerated. This inter- pretation is a necessary corollary to the interpretation given by them of the peculiar follicle formation with which we have just been dealing. Figures showing the irregularity and pluri-ovular character of these follicles are given (11 text figures, p. 90) butnone 370 B. F. KINGSBURY showing their development, so that it is somewhat difficult to judge of the evidence—aside from the interpretation of the pecu- liar medullary follicles of younger ovaries—that lead them to regard these as quite distinct from the follicles of the earlier period. Sainmont’s figures (4 to 9) appear to me far from con- vincing. In their description their resemblance to the medullary follicles is pointed out and the similarity in their mode of ‘degen- eration.’ They differ in the presence of a better developed theca and the relation and character of the interstitial cells. As in their formative period—as I interpret it—these follicles are characterised by their great irregularity and the numerous ova usually contained. This appears in figure 13 of a single sec- tion, and more so in a model made from a section of the same ovary. In between these follicles occur numerous cords of cells (which-were reproduced in part) and strands of interstitial cells- (not shown in the model). The stroma forms a well defined theca for the follicle and it is there that the interstitial cells chief- ly occur. Two of the irregular pluri-ovular follicles are drawn separately (figs.31 and 32). Their irregularity is clearly apparent from these. The cords of cells are apparently vanishing struc- tures—small groups of follicle cells derived from the medullary cords or of cortical origin. In these follicles several ova are contained. The approach of sexual maturity is attended by a profound degeneration of the Graafian follicles formed during the pre-sexual period. In ovaries of this stage nearly all the larger Graafian follicles are found to be in some stage of aresia, as illustrated in one of the figures in my paper on the interstitial cells. Eight ovaries of this period were examined. The conclusion of von Winiwarter and Sainmont that the degenerations of this period involve also the primary follicles as well and that the ova of the sexual maturity are derived from a third ‘down-growth’ from the surface epithelium, renders this period one of marked importance. As far as the material studied by me goes, it has afforded no-evi- dence of such a new formation of ova; in nearly all cases an abun- dance of resting or primary follicles in the cortex was found to be present, and it is believed that the primary follicles found in the MORPHOGENESIS OF THE MAMMALIAN OVARY 371 ovary during the adult period are formed in the differentiation of the cortical zone in the pre-sexual period. But one ovary (no. 39) was secured, clearly belonging to this period, in which the primary follicles had nearly completely disappeared, giving the picture described and figured by von Winiwarter and Sainmont. This was, however, regarded as a case of exceptionally profound degeneration, and showed no evidence of a renewed prolifera- tion of oogonia from the surface epithelium. The margin of the ovary bordering the hilum long (up to three months, at least) remains a seat of proliferation and growth during the enlargement of the ovary in the pre-sexual period, and it is quite possible that in the second growth period (that immediately preceding sexual maturity) following the period of profound degeneration and cor- responding diminution in volume, the marginal surface epithe- lium particularly resumes its proliferative activity with a result- ing increase in the number of primary follicles. It is also quite possible that the profound degeneration and consequent third proliferation are related, and not constant but variable; only an extreme morphological interpretation would reject the possibility. The material, however, is insufficient for the settlement of these points. Neither the preliminary paper of von Winiwarter and Sainmont, nor the statements in their subsequent papers present the evidence in a form that seems to me fully convincing, and the promised chapter’? upon the development of the third prolifera- tion will be looked forward to with interest. If it isa matter of deep-seated importance and not a mere expression of growth, a proliferation of ova just before sexual maturity will be found to occur in other mammals. It may be questioned, however, whether Rubaschkin (712) is justified in regarding what he terms a ‘third proliferation’ from the surface epithelium of the guinea pig ovary, occurring before birth, as homologous with a (third) proliferation of ova just preceding sexual maturity, such as von Winiwarter and Sainmont describe for the cat. As a result of the profound degenerations before the onset of sexual maturity there is left an ovary smaller but richer in stroma 7 See quotation, from p. 260, in footnote 6, p. 363. 372 B. F. KINGSBURY (fig. 14). The Graafian follicles that develop during the period of sexual maturity are almost always uni-ovular in the cat, are more regular and uniform in shape and the ova are characterized by a markedly different structural appearance as compared with the ova of the pre-sexual Graafian follicles as noted by von Wini- warter and Sainmont. A very frequent accompaniment of the degeneration of the Graafian follicles of the pre-sexual period in kittens approaching sexual maturity, may be incidentally mentioned, namely, the occurrence of polar spindles, polar body formation and a form of degeneration of the ovum by fragmentation, simulating a par- thenogenetic cleavage. It is unnecessary to consider here the question of their parthenogenetic nature. Similar conditions have been described in several forms. Bonnet has considered and rejected their parthenogenetic character. In the ‘‘ Hertwig Hand- buch,’’ Waldeyer has discussed them and pronounced against their parthenogenetic significance, while Hertwig regards them as essentially a beginning parthenogenesis. In the cat they occur most abundantly in old kittens (ca. four months) in the large Graafian follicles that have begun degeneration as atresia folliculi. While no particular search for them has been made, four polar spindles and several fragmenting ova (fig. 28) were encountered in a single ovary and were found to occur in four ovaries of this period. In illustration of the typical and ‘normal’ appearance, figures 26 and 27 are submitted, showing a first polar body and second polar spindle (?) in the same ovum. That there is not a factor peculiar to the period of adolescence which determines the introduction of maturation, is evinced by the oc- currence of the polar spindle formation in a degenerating folli- cle of an adult ovary. That the phenomenon is not simply an indication that the growth period had been completed and the follicle essentially mature when it enters upon atresia, is also shown by the occurrence of a polar spindle in an obviously young Graafian follicle. In most instances, however, the follicles in which polar spindle formation occurs are of large size. The con- stant correlation is that with degeneration of the follicle. There appears to be, therefore, some factor connected with atresia MORPHOGENESIS OF THE MAMMALIAN OVARY 373 folliculi that can, under certain unknown conditions, induce maturation. In the period of sexual maturity the development of the Graafian follicles is quite variable and the morphology of the ovary fluctuates correspondingly. Figure 15 shows a typical sec- tion of the zones of the adult ovary, the zona parenchymatosa consisting of cortex and zone of Graafian follicles (epithelio- stromal zone), and the zona vascularis. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS The results of this study of 60 series of cat ovaries may be summed up briefly at this point. From the stage with which the study began, when the ovarian character of the organ is clearly es- tablished (75 mm. fetus) to sexual maturity, the ovary increases in diameter approximately five times. The growth zone appears to be mostly peripheral, in and beneath the mesothelial covering epithelium that is the source of the ova and follicle cells. The greatest activity appears in the primitive cortex beneath the sur- face epithelium rather than in the latter, and growth continues here well into the postpartum period, as von Winiwarter and Sainmont have shown. Up to approximately the third week postpartum the surface epithelium and the underlying cell cords of mesothelial origin form a common mass, the latter being con- nected with the former. Subsequently (third week) they are separated by the appearance of a tunica albuginea. At the margins of the ovary bordering the hilum the growth activity continues much longer (up to approximately three to four months) and along this bordering zone the surface epithelium - retains its connection with the underlying egg and follicle cell groups. The deeper masses of cells of mesothelial origin are the older and differentiation follows a centrifugal course save at the mar- gin where younger stages in the oogenesis are to be encountered long after they have disappeared from the remainder of the ovary. In this growth the stroma plays an important part. The growth of the ovary may be said therefore to be mainly peripheral and marginal, and the differentiation centrifugal and marginal. . 374 B. F. KINGSBURY Accompanying the centrifugal wave of differentiation and erowth there is a progressive advance in the state of development attained. Early in development (antepartum) large genitoid cells appear in the central portion mainly in the medullary cords. These disappear. The earliest follicles are central but do not attain large size of advanced development but degenerate. After birth (third week), come the irregular medullary follicles which, however, degenerate. An irregular centrifugal wave of degen- eration might therefore be said to follow after the wave of differentiation. The wave of differentiation and growth does not run through to completion but in the periphery proceeds much more slowly, leading, therefore, to the establishment of a cortex in which the follicles remain long in a resting stage, as the well-known primary follicles. Degenerations affecting follicles of all stages of development occur at all periods of the life history as well. The small and. immature ovary of the anti- and postpartum periods is obviously ‘unable’ to provide adequate blood supply for the follicles be- ginning development during these periods and hence the sugges- tion at once arises that therein is to be found the reason for the profound degenerations occurring in the pre-sexual period and after sexual maturity; that the processes, which in the adult ovary lead to the formation of the mature Graafian follicle, are opera- tive from the beginning but continually fail, due to the absence of the necessary conditions (nutritive or otherwise) reaching pro- gressively more advanced stages as development and growth pro- ceed. The lack of proper vascular and nutritive conditions is doubtless the cause of many of the degenerations® (atresia folliculi; . degenerations of primary follicles) particularly in the adult period. Inasmuch as it is extremely doubtful if the developmental factors are all intrinsic—that is, the growth and differentia- tion within the ovary independent of the rest of the organism— it is equally improbable that all the degenerations of the growth 8’ Compare the conclusions of Clark, from the study of injected human ovaries, immature and adult. J.G.Clark. Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports, vol.9, 1901: pp. 593-676. MORPHOGENESIS OF THE MAMMALIAN OVARY 370 period can be explained as due simply to the intrinsic conditions of growth. The relations of the zones that mark the morphogenesis of the cat’s ovary may be illustrated by a series of schemata (text fig- ure 7) wherein schema A indicates approximately the conditions in the 75 mm. fetus, schema D, the zones of the adult ovary. These schemata may also be directly compared with the photo- graphs reproduced as figures 8 to 15. The nomenclature of the ovary has been briefly discussed (p. 357). Fig. 7 Schema to illustrate the appearance of the zones in the morphogenesis of the cat’s ovary. C.P., primitive cortex; C., cortex (definitive) ; V.E., epithelio- stromal nucleus; V.B., nucleus basalis; Z.J., intermediate zone; Z.P., zona par- enchymatosa; Z.V., zona vascularis. In an attempted analysis of the morphogenesis of the mamma- lian ovary it would be necessary to compare the development in small, medium-sized and large animals in detail, in order thereby to eliminate the effects of size, and arrive if possible at the intrin- sic aspects of the organogenesis. Such an analytical comparison of mammalian ovaries has hardly been done. The recent account of Felix of the development of the human ovary, as already sketched, indicates possibilities, and to it, along general lines, the development of the ovary of the cat appears to conform. The existence of ‘medullary cords’ and Pfliiger’s “egg tubes’ must be regarded as of secondary significance as but variations in the mode of growth. The neogenic zone of Felix obviously compares with the primitive cortex of the ovary of the cat. It is to be regretted that the description did not include the important period of development during childhood. 376 B. F. KINGSBURY The development of the cat’s ovary, according to my interpre- tation, affords no support for the view that the ovary proper is superimposed as a distinct growth on a vestigial testis represented by the rete ovaril and the medullary cords. The latter, while they present a superficial resemblance, histologically, particularly to the tubules of a cryptorchid testis, are nevertheless obvious- ly ovarian. Their apparent testicular character is due to their form of growth. They contain ova and form follicles, while their cells clearly agree with the follicle cells in structure, and this is also clearly due to the processes occurring within them, which are themselves in part a function of their relations. There remains the fact of the existence of a rete ovaru, the undoubted homolog of the rete testis, particularly well developed in some animals, such as the eat, and connected with some of the so-called medul- lary cords which thus would appear clearly homologous with the tubuli contorti of the testis. The apparent dual structure of the ovary is but a part of the larger problem of the double develop- ment of the internal organs of reproduction in typical vertebrates, referred to at the beginning of the paper. The development of a rete and its connection with the parenchyma of the gonad in the female is but part of the tendency to develop the duct system of the male. The conclusions to which one is almost inevitable compelled is that of a deep-seated hermaphroditic tendency in the development of vertebrates, which finds expression in the double character of certain definite organs and structures. This but describes the morphogenetic pattern with a suggestion of its phy- logenetic origin. Upon the analytical side, it might be affirmed that processes determining both male and female duct systems were present in development of each sex. If it were believed to put the problem on a better basis, it might be said that each sex is-heterozygous in this respect, the factors determining the devel- opment of the male duct system becoming dominant in the course of development of the male and vice versa. The development of the ovary indicates strongly that the development and double character of the reproductive system must be clearly differen- tiated from that of sex itself. The development of the reproduc- tive system is double—has two aspects: the establishment of the MORPHOGENESIS OF THE MAMMALIAN OVARY 3H fundamental plan of the system, and the underlying mode (meta- bolic attitude) that determines the direction taken—the ‘‘deter- mination of sex.’’ In the development of the human ovary and testis, for example, Felix has shown that in both sexes there is the same fundamental material which is worked over, so to speak, along one or the other lines of differentiation. It was the suggestion, of Wilson I believe, that sex and the sex- ual characters might be differently determined, the latter by the heterochromosome. Suggesting in turn that the hetero- chromosome stands for the former; instead, it might be stated in closing as at the beginning of this paper, that the evidence indi- cates a quantitative rather than a qualitative sex difference, a different metabolic habit, degree or tendency that determines the result. SUMMARY 1. In the development of the ovary of the cat, growth is mainly peripheral and marginal. 2. Differentiation therefore follows centrifugally. 3. The epithelial elements (parenchyma) occur in the form of cords. 4. Medullary cords and egg cords are not to be sharply distinguished. 5. The growth determines the appearance of fairly definite zones: (a) cortical, (b) intermediate, (c) epithelial stromal. 6. Degenerations occur throughout the period of growth and in the adult period. 7. In general, the degenerations follow a centrifugal course. 8. The stroma obviously plays an active and important part In ovarian growth. 9. The primitive cortex is interpreted as directly forming the definitive cortex containing the primary follicles. 10. No evidence was found of a new formation of ova just prior to sexual maturity. . 11. Profound degeneration of the early formed Graafian follicles occurs, being most marked before the advent of sexual maturity. 378 B. F. KINGSBURY 12. Polar spindles, polar body formation and fragmentation (abnormal cleavage?) occurs particularly in the atresia folliculi preceding sexual maturity. 13. The Graafian follicles of the adult period are of a somewhat different type as compared with those of the growth period (pre- sexual). Intergradation is, however, obvious. BIBLIOGRAPHY An extensive list of literature references is not given. The ovary of the cat has been a favorite object of investigation: Pfliiger (’63), His (’65), Rouget (79), Schulin (’81), Janosik (’85, ’88), Giacomini (’87), Coert (90), H. Rabl (98), Ganfini (07), Sainmont (’05), von Winiwarter and Sainmont (’08), have considered its structure and development. The last named, however, have so fully considered the literature upon the development of the mammalian ovary and that of the cat in particular, that a repetition here would be quite unnecessary. Only the titles of papers upon the mammalian ovary, referred to in the foregoing brief dis- cussion, are therefore here included. ALLEN, B. M. 1904 The embryonic development of the ovary and testis of the Mammalia. Amer. Jour. Anat., vol. 3, pp. 89-146. 1911 The origin of the sex-cells of Amia and Lepidoeteus. Jour. Morph., vol. 22, pp. 1-55. VAN BENEDEN, E. 1880 Contribution 4 la connaisance de l’ovaire des mammi- féres. Arch. de Biol., vol. 1. Biuxter, A. 1906 Geschlechtsdriise der Saugetiere, in Handbuch der Entwick- lungsgeschichte der Wirbeltiere, herausgegeben von O. Hertwig. Vol. 3, 1. pp. 716-742. Jena. ; Corrt, H. J. 1890 Over de Ontwikkeling en den Bouw van de Geschlachtasklier bij de Zoogdieren meer in het bijzonder van den Hierstok. Diss. Inaug. Leiden. 1898 Fretrx, W. 1911 Chapter TX, in Handbuch der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen, herausgegeben von F. Keibel und F. P. Mall, vol. 2, pp. 857-885. Leipzig. Janosik, J. 1885 Histologisch-embryologische Untersuchungen tiber des Uro- genitalsystem. Sitzungsber. d. Kais. Akad. f. Wiss. Wien. Bd. 91, Abt, 3, pp. 97-199, Math-Naturw. K1. 1888 Zur Histologie des Ovariums. Sitzungsber. d. Kais. Akad. d. | Wiss. Vol. 96. Abt. 3, pp. 172-192. Math-Naturw. Kl. (December 1887). Krneassury, B. F. 1911 The histological demonstration of lipoids. Anat Rec., vol. 5, no. 6, June, pp. 314-318. MORPHOGENESIS OF THE MAMMALIAN OVARY 379 Mrnarkovics, V. von 1885 Untersuchungen iiber die Entwickelung des Harn- u. Geschlechtsapparates der Amnioten,—I. Die Excretionsapparate.— II. Die Geschlechtsgange.—III. Die Geschlechtsdriisen. Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Histol., Bd. 2, pp. 41-106. Rupascukin, W. 1909 Uber die Urgeschlechtszellen bei Sa&iugetieren. Anat. Hefte. Bd. 39, pp. 605-652. 1912 Zur Lehre von der Keimbahn bei Siugetieren. Ueber die Ent- wickelung der Keimdrusen. Anat. Hefte, Bd. 46, pp. 345-411. Satnmont, G. 1905 Recherches relatives 4 l’organogenése du testicule et de l’ovaire chez le chat. Arch. de Biol., vol. 22, 1905-1907, pp. 71-162. WatuperyerR, W. 1870 Eierstock und Ei. Leipzig. von WintwarterR, H. 1900 Recherches sur l’ovogenése et l’organogenése de Vovaire des mammiferes (lapin et homme). Arch. de Biol., vol. 17, pp. 33-199. von Wintwarter, H., er Sarnmont, G. 1907 Uber die ausschliesslich post- fotale Bildung der definitiven Eier bei der Katze. Anat. Anz., Bd. 32, pp. 613-616. 1908 Nouvelles recherches sur l ovogenése et l’organogenésde l’ovaire des mammiféres (chat). Arch. de Biol., vol. 24, 1908-1909. pp. 1-142; 165-276 ; 373-431 ; 628-650. PLATE 1 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 8 Transection of ovary, fetal kitten, 95 mm. (no. 5); rete ovarii, medullary cords (occupying central portion), egg cords, are shown. The ‘synizetic wave’ occupies approximately the middle of the zone of egg cords. Photograph. XX 35. 9 Longisection of ovary, kitten 3 to 4 days, P. P. (no. 11). The position of the rete in the cephalic portion (at the right) is illustrated. There are shown the branched egg cords occupying the primitive cortex and extending down into the epithelio-stromal zone, the basal connective tissue nucleus. Medullary cords (in the epithelio-stromal zone) are not shown at this magnification. Photograph. x 15. 10 Transection of ovary, kitten 14 days, P. P. (no. 20). The zones of the ovary appear more definite. Medullary follicles beginning. Photograph. X 20. 11 Transection of ovary, kitten, Ca. 4 weeks (no. 22). The medullary fol- licles developing. In the primitive cortex, the primary follicles are forming. Photograph. X 20. 12 Transection of ovary, kitten, 5 to 6 weeks (no. 24). The peculiar medul- lary follicles whose development is illustrated in figures 16 to 25 are here shown developing. The cortical egg cords are now dissolved into primary follicles, the primitive cortex becoming the definitive cortex. Photograph. X 15. 13 Transection of ovary, kitten, 3 months (no. 35). The irregular, pluri- ovular medullary follicles are now large. Their irregularity and pluri-ovular character are indicated. Compare figures 31 and 32. The cortex is occupied by primary follicles. Two sections of rete ovarii are shown in the center. Photo- graph. X 12. 380 MORPHOGENESIS OF MAMMALIAN OVARY PLATE 1 B. F. KINGSBURY o8l THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, No. 3 PLATE 2 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 14 Transection of ovary, young virgin adult cat (no. 45). The Graafian folli- cles of the presexual period have practically disappeared and those of the adult period are developing. The zona parenchymatosa is well indicated by the ova- rian stroma. Photograph. X 15. 15 Section of ovary, adult cat (no.51). The surface of a corpus luteum is cut. The zona parenchymatosa is occupied by the Graafian follicles in varying stages of development. The zone of primary follicles (cortex) is best indicated at the right and left. Photograph. X 12. 16 Two primary follicles with adjacent nests of follicle cells. From the inter- mediate zone of ovary no. 20 (14 day), showing ‘stage I’ in the development of the ‘irregular medullary follicles. Photograph. % 300. 17 Developing medullary follicles, ‘stage 2.’ Ovary no. 29. Photograph. X 250. 18 Developing medullary follicle, ‘stage 3.’ Ovary no. 29. Photograph. X 260. A nodule of stroma is included between the investing and sheathing follicle cells. Two groups of interstitial cells are seen at the right, between them a small cluster of follicle cells. 19 Medullary follicle (young), ‘stage 4.’ The line of junction of the invest- ing follicle mass is shown at the lower right hand corner (arrow). Photograph. * 250. 20 Similar to figure 19. The line of junction may be seen (7). Note also a nodule of included stroma (s). Photograph. 250. 382 MORPHOGENESIS OF MAMMALIAN OVARY PLATE 2 B. F. KINGSBURY 383 PLATE 3 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 21 Medullary follicle, illustrating the investment by the follicle mass. A group of stroma cells in the form of interstitial cells are being included (7). Photograph. <250! 22 Irregular cumulus oophorus from a medullary follicle. The line of junction is still indicated (7). A small group of included stroma cells is also shown (s). Groups of interstitial cells le external to the follicle (¢). Photograph. X 250. 23 The development of medullary follicles. The elongated form of some of the follicle masses is illustrated. Four ova are related to the one shown, each with its peculiar sheathing follicular epithelium, two of them being cut through the nucleus. Photograph. »X 60. 24 Two developing medullary follicles. Note the stromal investment of each. Groups of interstitial cells are shown interspersed. Photograph. X 100. ._ 25 Two developing medullary follicles. Nodules of stroma are included between the investing and sheathing follicular epithelium. Photograph. 100. 26 Mitotic spindle (polar spindle?) in a degenerating ovum. Ovary no. 39. Photograph. X 250. ; 27 Polar body. Degenerating ovum. From a section adjacent to that of fig- ure 26. Photograph. X 250. 28 Ovum degenerating by fragmentation. A single nucleus is shown in the larger fragment. Two nuclei appear in the fragment immediately to the left of it. Photograph. X 250 (approx.). MORPHOGENESIS OF MAMMALIAN OVARY PLATE 3 B, F, KINGSBURY PLATE 4 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 29 Drawing of a single follicle grouping from a model of a segment of ovary no. 26. Two ova are shown each of which is within its own follicular epithelium. The irregularity of the ‘investing’ follicle mass is shown. 30 An ovum partially invested. From the model as in figure 29. A cordlike follicular mass lies adjacent to it. 31 Drawing ofa single irregular pluri-ovular follicle from a model of a segment of ovary no. 35. 32 Asin figure 31. The marked irregularity and cordlike extensions are shown. 386 MORPHOGENESIS OF MAMMALIAN OVARY PLATE 4 B. F. KINGSBURY 387 L) hs J y 4 ae. an = | : . 7 a ka efi» Scher et THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CYTOPLASMIC CON- STITUENTS OF THE NERVE CELLS OF THE CHICK I. MITOCHONDRIA AND NEUROFIBRILS E. V. COWDRY Associate in Anatomy, Johns Hopkins University From the Anatomical Laboratory of the University of Chicago FIVE PLATES CONTENTS Introduction. ©... 22.42... Werte See. SNE Re ae Te 389 WATE CEA GUEC Gece 3.) s cet) 2) 5 i ee Ee 03g tale a a ae wtela tie See 391 Motteria nancy MmebhOUs..y..<: 5.054 sae ee eR ELA yei- cos cies se ele 33g eielet megane 396 Mitochondria in early stages before the differentiation of neurofibrils: em- bryos of 0:0, 14 somibes.i75. o: ee i ee ele kee ics le ieee 400 Mitochondria and neurofibrils in later stages: embryos of 15 to 33 somites 402 1. The stage of development at which the first neurofibrils are formed... . 402 2. Type of cell in which neurofibrils first develop.......................-- 403 3. Region of cytoplasm in which neurofibrils originate..............-..... 404 4. Comparison of mitochondria and neurofibrils in embryological series: embry oso 19; torsll SOMES a ane eee see ole esi. ce a eter 405 | DT ESYEyUIS|S) CCS 1 Wea IM eI Ae Oa TA Oi. o/s. 6 Seco a eS 408 1. Foundation of the theory that neurofibrils are developed from TEATGARC TON EVAN «1s, asco eeiras eae 5 al hea ag RCA se es 5 ie fen She OR 408 2. Criticism) of the theory. 2) aan. BUaid-/A.0- 5-00' GOR ORO One aNEI ae Raa ERC 0 409 Syabhesonigin of meurohlnils s.r erent ecto ss oe ere cA gle 414 SO LLRNANI NE TEV We sor etd. tay es aula Se Recreate a ok REINA Se tes ova See ac: Sesh 416 IBY!) oO Gyot2} 0) 0 eee EE Ae nk chee kT NG A Cer G5. 4.6.9 dio O's 0.6.0 2 GIR OIRO CREE tor 417 INTRODUCTION The attention which has been focussed, during the last four or five years, upon mitochondria as fundamental components of the cytoplasm of all cells has stimulated investigators in their attempts to determine the relation which these bodies bear to. the activities of the cell and to the genesis of the cytoplasmic constituents. Thus we find that Meves (’07, p. 403) was the ; 389 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, NO. 4 JANUARY, 1914 390 E. V. COWDRY first to claim that they are transformed into neurofibrils. He brings forward the following generalization (’08, p. 845): that, with the specialization of the embryo into different organs and tissues, primitively similar cells assume special functions which find expression in characteristic structures or differentiations. All these products, no matter how heterogeneous they may be, arise through the metamorphosis of one and the same elemen- tary plasma-constituent, the chondriosomes (mitochondria). Thus the different filamentous formations, such as the various fibrillar structures of epithelial cells, the protoplasmic filaments of epi- dermal cells, the fibrils of smooth and striated muscle, the neuro- fibrils, neuroglia threads and connective tissue fibrillae are, accord- ing to his conception, to be classified as products of chondriosomes. Dr. Bensley pointed out to me certain facts which are incon- sistent with this hypothesis of the transformation of mitochon- dria into neurofibrils. The far-reaching biological significance of this generalization of Meves, relating, as it does, to the funda- mental properties of protoplasm; and the pressing need for further light upon the nature of the cytoplasmic constituents of ani- mal cells, from the standpoint of both ontogenesis and phylo- genesis, in order that investigations dealing with changes in cells under different functional conditions may be based on a secure foundation, have induced me to undertake this investigation. I therefore decided to follow up my previous paper (712 a) in which I determined the morphological independence of the mito- chondria, chromidial substance, canalicular apparatus and neu- rofibrils in adult spinal ganglion cells of the pigeon, by further investigations the object of which would be (1) to determine as far as possible, the origin of the neurofibrils, chromidial sub- stance and canalicular apparatus; (2) to study the morpholog- ical relations of these structures to each other in the course of development; and (3) to elucidate their functional significance. I have attempted throughout to give a full and accurate descrip- tion of my findings, to state concisely their bearing upon the problems involved and to avoid transgressions from the realm of fact into the domain of theory, because we are at present ham- pered by a dearth of facts and a multitude of theories. CYTOPLASMIC CONSTITUENTS OF NERVE CELLS 391 I am much indebted to Prof. R. R. Bensley and to Prof. C. Judson Herrick for their kind advice and invaluable criticism in connection with this work. LITERATURE In this connection we shall consider briefly the literature deal- ing with the mitochondria in early stages of development, the theory relating to the transformation of mitochondria into neu- rofibrils, the regional differentiation of neurofibrils, and finally certain general points of criticism which apply to the work upon the development of the cytoplasmic constituents of the nerve cells of the chick as a whole. I know of no observations dealing with mitochondria in the ectodermal structures of chick embryos of less than fifteen hours incubation (Meves ’08); but since the early stages have not been characterized by any data except the length of the period of in- cubation it is difficult to say how early observations have act- ually been made. Rubaschkin (’10) has described mitochondria in guinea pig embryos as early as the four cell stage. Moreover it has been shown that the mitochondria are distributed approx- imately equally on cell division to the two daughter cells, and that they are transmitted from one generation to another through the medium of the egg and in all probability of the sperm also. On account of considerations such as these the presumption is warranted that the mitochondria occurring in the nervous sys- tem of chick embryos are derived from those of the parental sex cells. It has already been mentioned that Meves (07, p. 403) was the first investigator to claim that mitochondria played a roéle in the formation of neurofibrils. He states subsequently (’08, p. 838), in the description of one of his figures, which was drawn from a preparation of the spinal cord of a chick embryo of three days and nine hours incubation and which shows a chain-like arrangement of the chondriokontes (mitochondria) in the cyto- plasm of the neuroblasts, that he regards this illustration as evi- dence that these chains of chondriokontes produce the primitive neurofibrils, for he believes them to be the same threads which 392 E. V. COWDRY are blackened by silver impregnation after Cajal. He adds that the completed neurofibrils (in the later stages of ontogenesis) cannot be stained by mitochondrial methods in the same way that the forerunners of the neurofibrils in the cells of the medullary tube, which stain by silver impregnation from the beginning of the third day, may be so demonstrated. He believes that there is a period in development when the neurofibrils may be stained by mitochondrial methods and also through silver impregnation. Duesberg (10, p. 612) refers to the researches of Meves and Hoven regarding the development of neurofibrils from mito- chondria and remarks that the number of chondriosomes di- minishes with the increase in the age of the embryo until in the adult nerve fiber none remain stainable by Benda’s method. Meves, in a recent paper (’10 a, p. 655), apparently confirms this observation for he concludes that no chondriosomes remain, as adult spinal ganglion cells. Hoven (710) has furnished the most detailed observations in support of the mitochondrial origin of neurofibrils. He studied the formation of neurofibrils in the cells of the neural tube and spinal ganglia of chick embryos by the application of the Benda method and of Cajal’s silver impregnation method. He found that the morphology and cytoplasmic arrangement of the chon- driokontes, as demonstrated by Benda’s method, bears a very striking resemblance to the appearance of the earliest neurofi- brils demonstrable by silver impregnation in cells of the same stage of development. The chondriosomes at this period-form a re- ticulum of undulating filaments (p. 475). Furthermore, in later stages the chondriokontes decrease in number as the neurofibrils increase in amount, and he asks the question if the chondrio- kontes do not give rise to the neurofibrils what becomes of them? He believes that the few which do persist in the adult nerve cell correspond to the internal reticular apparatus of Golgi, the Bin- nennetz of Kopsch, etc. As corroborative evidence he draws a close analogy between the formation of myofibrils, as indicated by Duesberg (’09 and 710), the transformation of chondriosomes into connective tissue fibrils (Meves 710) and+the formation of neurofibrils from chondriosomes. CYTOPLASMIC CONSTITUENTS OF NERVE CELLS 393 Marcora (’11, p. 952), so far as I have been able to determine, was the first investigator to criticise this conclusion and to em- phasize the following differences between the chondriosomes and the primitive neurofibrils: (1) that the chondriokontes are short, thick, wavy filaments, never being continuous with the few chon- driosomes in the axis cylinder; whereas the neurofibrils are fine, long, straight threads arranged near the greater process of the neuroblast and distinctly continuous with the numerous neuro- fibrils in the axis cylinder; and (2) that it is not possible to stain distinctively the neurofibrils with the mitochondrial dyes. Furthermore, Duesberg (’12, p. 745) returns the verdict ‘non proven’ in the case of the neurofibrils, but maintains that he has incontestably demonstrated that myofibrils arise in like fashion from mitochondria. The regional differentiation of neurofibrils in the chick will be considered under three headings: (a) The stage of development at which the first neurofibrils appear. Besta (’04, quoted from Collin ’06, p. 238) gives the degree of differentiation as that of sixty-five hours incubation; Cajal (07, p. 178) fifty-six to sixty hours; Gerini (’08, p. 182) forty hours, and Hoven (’10, p. 441) 44 somites and seventy-six hours incubation. Other investigators working prior to these with more imperfect methods give the date even later. (b) Type of cell in which neurofibrils first develop. Besta (04, quoted from Collin ’06, p. 238) and Gerini (’08, p. 182) conclude that the neurofibrils in the chick are formed in the bipolar cells of the outer layer of the neural tube; Cajal (’07, p. 178) in the apolar cells bordering the ventricle (i.e., in preneuroblastic cells) ; and Meves (’07, p. 403) and Hoven (10, p. 478) assert that they are first differentiated in the cytoplasm of the neuroblasts. (c) Region of the cytoplasm in which neurofibrils originate. Investigators are apparently agreed that the neurofibrils in the chick are first formed in a definite, restricted zone of the cyto- plasm; for Besta (04, quoted from Collin ’06) claims that they are formed in the protoplasmic substance about the nuclei; Cajal (07, p. 178) that they are differentiated in a network which arises in a fibrillogenous area in the distal portion of the 394 E. V. COWDRY cell; Meves (’07, p. 838) that the chains of chondriokontes in the ax's cylinder process and in the adjacent portion of the cytoplasm are converted into neurofibrils; Gerini (’08, p. 182) that they are formed at either pole of the nucleus from minute granules which stain deeply by Cajal’s method; and, finally, Hoven (10. p. 475) asserts that the neurofibrils are generated from a reticulum of mitochondrial filaments in the cytoplasm of the neuroblasts and ganglion cells. Most of the work dealing with the development of the cyto- plasmic constituents of the nerve cells of the chick seems to me to be open to criticism on the basis of the following considera- tions: (1) Point of view. Goldschmidt’s hypothesis (’09, p. 107) that mitochondria belong :to the category of chromidial apparatus (Fauré-Frémiet ’10, p. 483); Smirnow’s conception (’07), am- plified by Hoven (’10, p. 479), of the similarity of the mitochon- dria and the reticular apparatus; and, lastly, Meves generaliza- tion (08, p. 845) that the fibrils in various types of cells are developed from mitochondria, forwarded as they were before definite proof was forthcoming, rendered the dissociation of the cytoplasmic constituents more difficult for investigators working on morphogenesis. (2) The confusion which has arisen by the application of many ill-chosen terms to a definite and concrete class of cell granulations called mitochondria by Benda in 1899. Among these may be men- tioned ‘Chondriosomen’ (granules), ‘Chondriokonten’ (thread- like granules), ‘Chondriomiten’ (granules distributed in rows) and ‘Chondriom’ (the cellular content of chrondiosomes). Meves has devised yet another series, ‘Plastosomen,’ ‘Plastochondrien’ and ‘Plastoconten.’ When one considers in addition the vast array of names applied in the older literature to mitochondria, such as for instance cytomicrosomes, interstitial granules, Flemming’s fila, Altmann’s bioblasts, fuchsinophile granules; although at the present day we recognize that each of them comprises also many granules which are not mitochondria, so that none of them may be regarded as synonyms for mitochondria, and also the fact that each term is modified more or less depending upon the na- CYTOPLASMIC CONSTITUENTS OF NERVE CELLS 395 tionality of the investigator using it (ef. Chondriokonten, chon- driocontes, condrioconti) it becomes at once evident that any additional terms only complicate the situation, especially when they have been devised to proclaim some functional interpretation. Moreover, we have no assurance that the slight differences im- plied by these terms will be appreciated by the majority of the investigators of the future as well as those of the present. It would be much safer and simpler to make use of the word ‘mi- tochondria,’ recognising that similar granules may assume differ- ent shapes under varying functional conditions, such as rate of multiplication, surface tension, and so forth, because by so doing we need not subscribe to any theoretical considerations respect- ing their significance. (3) The inadequacy of the technique employed. Meves’ gen- eralization was apparently based, in the first instance, on the application of a slightly modified iron hematoxylin method of technique alone. The fact that Michaelis demonstrated in 1899 that mitochondria could be stained specifically by janus green, and that Bensley recognized the importance of this discovery, introduced it into histological technique and repeatedly called attention to it in his publications (1910 and again in 1911) has been completely ignored. It is true that we have not yet got a satisfactory dye for the neurofibrils and the canalicular appa- ratus, and that we cannot in fixed tissues even, demonstrate, in a constant fashion, the neurofibrils and the mitochondria specifically stained in the same cell. Thus we are frequently forced to piece together in our mind’s eye the relations of the different cytoplas- mic constituents to each other although we have to study them singly in separate preparations. Pending the discovery of vital dyes and synthetic methods all the available methods of tech- nique must be employed so that the popular pitfall of supposing that one or two methods alone will tell the whole story may be avoided. Even when these precautions have been taken, the biologist should stop to consider what a multitude of factors associated with the structure of cells the microscope still fails to reveal to us. 396 E. V. COWDRY (4) The absence of controls. The different stages in the em- bryological series have not as a rule been sufficienty accurately characterized. In some contributions the only criterion has been the number of hours of incubation, in others the length of the embryos alone, so that it is frequently difficult to tell what stage the investigator in question is describing. Furthermore, it has been overlooked that synthetic comparisons between the struc- tures of cells which do not occur in the same parts of the nervous system of embryos of the same degree of differentiation are not valid, since all regions of the nervous system are never uniformly developed. MATERIAL AND METHODS The material consists solely of chick embryos and is in part summarised in table 1. The degree of specialization of the em- bryos was determined by a consideration of: (1) the number of mesodermic somites, (2) the period of incubation at 39°C., (3) the length (measured before removal from the egg) and (4) a comparison of their external morphology with the different stages figured and described in Duval’s Atlas d’embrylogie and in Kei- bel and Abraham’s Normentafel zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Huhnes (Gallus domesticus). Reference was frequently made to Lillie’s text-book on the development of the chick, and to Keibel’s Normentafel zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Kiebitzes. The methods include the observation of living tissue, with and without the use of vital dyes; and of the impregnation and staining of fixed material, imbedded in paraffin and in celloidin. Each embryo was fixed, dehydrated and imbedded individually. The technical methods employed are given in table 2. In the study of living tissue the portion of the nervous system under investigation was isolated in warm salt solut'on under the binocular microscope and immersed in the staining fluid. The stains were generally used in a concentration of 1 : 10,000 of 0.85 per cent sodium chloride solution. Preparations were examined from time to time until the desired intensity of coloration had been attained. 397 NERVE CELLS OF CYTOPLASMIC CONSTITUENTS { LIGIGIS/|GPSIETSISOSOTS| TTS LOG EOS SF¢ EG EOF CFS LEG CSG C6S GEE 88C686 866 | } eae o9g 7260S 6g T6¢(009| | ia a roi ee) | jas zg] | pes | | | | 2) O9F | | | | oS eal | | CEP | OF COF Sor | | | | | | | Bia. OG) Cabins He oetiecriee cliche “ poyyour 8, u07eg | O8F C68 00S FSF) POF) | | | | | [|e Cees poyzeur s epusg S6E | | 068 | 6LE SLEIPSE | | | | 2 useis-[AYJour ursyony s,Aotsuog POE POPOGE SGP 9LF IGE SSF ALF COP LLE E9F|LSF e8& 06 et ISE/ZSEO8E LE) BOSE OSG taconite S Ul[AXOZVUEY UIT SAAdTY | ae ——= a ae ae = |= 5 —|—}—- |S |e ae | |__| le = aS : ze | 12 | 08 | 62 | 8z | 22 | 9% | GS | FZ | €% | 62 | 1% | oz | 6t st at orl et HH. at ot] 6 |.es| | Sean SE SC TC eee qoHuLaN *SUOT}IOS JO SoT1es ajo[dWI09 UI jno Used VARY pezst] SoAIqUIe 9Y} [TY “Ht Aq soArquia ay} Jo sdoquunu oy} pue punoj oq AvuT onbruyoe4 Jo poyyour oY} SUOISIATp ]BQUOZIIOY Summsus puv puodes oy} UT ‘SHYT, “UOTZoeT]O9 Aur ur Jaquinu stay} Aq poyeUsisep oie soAiquia oY], ‘SOPULOS OTULIOPOSOUT JO Joqunu oy} Aq poxVOIpur ST SUUN]OD SuTposdons oY} UT osOyy JO UOT]RIQUOJOYIP OATBBOL oY} OTA {Bur -Iwodde ysnf st oA00IS oFTUIOSAOJUT SAY OY} PATY} OY} ULZVYZ UT {pozeIyUdIeyTp ouoze yd puv sAooas ‘pjoy OATH UIA oy) SUTATY Aq pozloyoRIVYO St pUOdES OY} UI poytssvyo OAIqUID BY, “UPAT aie onbiuyoo} Jo spoyjow oy} UUNIOD [BOIAOA YSay oY) UT LOUD. 1 ATGVL 398 E. V. COWDRY TABLE 2 Methods FOR METHOD FIXATION intravitam mitochondria (1) Michaelis-Bens- ley | (2) Meves’ 1908, p.| 832 | (3) Benda’s Hoven, 1910, p. 430 STAIN janus green 1:10,000 Flemming’s fluid (modified) Flemming’s fluid (modified) (4) Bensley’s anilin fuchsin methyl green 1911, p. 309 | acetic osmic bichro- mate mixture iron hematoxylin with or without erythrosin alizarin crystal vio- let anilin fuchsin with methyl green, tolu- idin blue, or meth- yleneblue eosinate or methylene blue erythrosinate (5) Bensley’s copper chrome hematox- ylin, 1911, p. 310 | acetic osmic bichro- mate mixture neurofibrils (1) Paton’s modifica- | hematoxylin | silver nitrate tion of Bielschow- | sky’s method, 1907, p. 576 | == | =" ! (2) Cajal’s formula | silver nitrate none I, 1907a, p. 215 | chromidial | (1) Carnoy, ete. toluidin blue and substance | erythrosin canalicular | (1) Kopsch, 1902 _ osmic acid | none apparatus | | | controls (1) formalin, neutral for-| toluidin blue ery- malin, formalin acetic, chrome sub- limate, sublimate acetic, sublimate formalin acetic, picro-sulphuric, osmic acid, nitric throsin; hematoxy- lin; mitochondrial dyes, etc. acid, etc. CYTOPLASMIC CONSTITUENTS OF NERVE CELLS 399 Embryos imbedded in paraffin were cut in serial sections by means of a Minot rotatory microtome. The great majority of the series were cut transversely; but others were made in coronal and sagittal planes so that the one-sided conceptions so likely to arise from the perusal of sections cut in a single direction, have been eliminated. All the material imbedded in paraffin was cut into sections 4 u thick. The celloidin method of imbedding was employed, in the case of several embryos, on account of the objections raised by cer- tain authors (Cajal ’07, p. 172, et al.) to paraffin. Complete series were made about 7 u» thick by the technique advocated by Maximow (’09, p. 184). This investigation has been controlled as follows: (1) The entire nervous system has been studied; but detailed comparisons have only been made between the results of differ- ent methods in the neural tube and the neural crest on the right side in the region of the sixth somite of embryos of the same degree of differentiation. (2) The commoner artefacts due to fixation are shrinkage, dis- tortion of form relations, and destruction, solution or change in the nucleus and cytoplasmic constituents. Shrinkage is de- pendent, to some degree, upon the water content, and since this probably varies in different regions we must look for unequal con- traction. The diminution in the longitudinal axis was measured in the case of the mitochondrial and neurofibrillar fixatives; in the former it amounted to 23 per cent, in the latter to 19 per ~ cent; (compare the size of the nuclei represented on plates 3 and 4). The finer form relations, as seen after fixations in vogue for mitochondria and neurofibrils, were controlled by comparison with the results obtained after a large number of fixations, es- pecially adapted for their accurate delineation, and with living tissue teased out in warm physiological salt solution. It ap- pears that the shape of the cells is but little altered by the fixa- tions, and I am inclined to believe that, in the chick, the difficulty encountered in the observation of cell boundaries is in some meas- ure due to shrinkage. Moreover, Harrison (’10, p. 793) states that the cells in the neural tube of frog embryos are perfectly 400 E. V. COWDRY distinct, and ascribes the difficulty experienced by investigators in the demonstration of cell boundaries to inadequate technique. I have already (’12 a, p. 486) mentioned the precautions neces- sary in the fixation of the cytoplasmic components of adult nerve cells and the same apply without reservation to the embryo. (3) The inevitable contraction, resulting from dehydration has been reduced by decreasing the period of immersion in the grades of aleohol to a few minutes only, and by the use of bergamot oil for clearing, which renders the use of absolute alcohol unnec- essary. (4) It is difficult to dissociate the effects of fixation and imbed- ding. The shrinkage due to imbedding in paraffin and celloidin was slight. I fail to see any very great or constant differences in the appearance of .tissues treated by these two methods. In my experience the paraffin method does not produce any more arte- facts than the celloidin method. (5) Sectioning, if carefully carried out, does not produce se- rious artefacts (Cowdry ’12 b, p. 491). (6) The methods of impregnation and staining control each other, for the neurofibrils appear to be essentially similar in spec- imens prepared by Cajal’s and Paton’s technique, and the mito- chondria in preparations made by the methods enumerated in table 2. MITOCHONDRIA IN EARLY STAGES BEFORE THE DIFFERENTIATION OF NEUROFIBRILS: EMBRYOS OF 0 TO 14 SOMITES Both filamentous and granular mitochondria undoubtedly ex- ist in the nerve cells of the chick in these early stages, but the filamentous form is much more numerous. The illustrations (figs. 1 to 5) tend to minimize the uniformity in the morphology of the mitochondria on account of the fact that the long axes of the mitochondrial filaments are directed in all planes relative to the drawing and that they are cut in pieces of varying size at all angles during sectioning. Most of the mitochondria are of neces- sity oriented parallel to the long axis of the cells in which they occur. The true filamentous nature of the mitochondria is there- fore obscured in sectioned tissues, particularly in sagittal series CYTOPLASMIC CONSTITUENTS OF NERVE CELLS 401 where the sections are cut in most instances transversely to the length of the cells with the result that the mitochondria appear either uniformly granular or as short rods depending upon the thickness of the section in question. The preponderance of the filamentous form of mitochondria may be conclusively demon- strated in specimens stained with janus green intravitam. The morphology and cytoplasmic arrangement of mitochondria are represented in figures 2, 3, and 1, which illustrate progres- sive stages in development. ‘The specimens from which these figures were drawn were prepared by Meves’ modification of the iron hematoxylin method so that the mitochondria appear a dark blue-black color and may be readily distinguished from the dark browinsh black yolk globules. The first (fig. 2) shows epi- thelial cells from near the middle line of the medullary plate of an embryo of twenty-four hours incubation at 39°C. in which the primitive groove fold and pit alone were differentiated. The mitochondria are seen in the form of filaments and granules dis- tributed evenly throughout the cytoplasm, whereas the yolk spherules show a tendency to become grouped together in the distal, (i.e., remote from the membrana limitans interna) por- tions of the cells. The second (fig. 3) illustrates the appearance of epithelial and germinative cells from the neural fold in the region of the head process of an embryo of 3 somites and twenty- four hours incubation. The amount of yolk material is reduced and the mitochondria are far more abundant in the distal than they are in the proximal parts of the cells. I have not, however, been able to distinguish a similar heaping up of mitochondria in cells stained by janus green intravitam (fig. 23). The third drawing (fig. 1) is from the ventral half of the neural tube in the region of the tenth somite of an embryo of 12 somites and thirty- four hours incubation. The mitochondria are here distributed evenly in the cytoplasm and the yolk gloubules tend to be accu- mulated in the distal portions of the cells, just as in figure 2. There are two points of considerable significance from the point of view of the theory of the transformation of mitochondria into neurofibrils. The first is that there is little, if any, variation in the morphology or staining reactions of mitochondria in these 402 E. V. COWDRY early stages; and the second that these mitochondria in the cells of the neural tube apparently do not differ in any way, capable of detection by the methods of technique now in use, from the filamentous and granular mitochondria occurring in the struc- tures derived from the other two germ layers (i.e., mesoderm and endoderm). MITOCHONDRIA AND NEUROFIBRILS IN LATER STAGES: EMBRYOS OF 15 TO 33 SOMITES 1. The stage of development at which the first neurofibrils are formed I find that neurofibrils are first formed in the nervous system of a chick embryo, the differentiation of which may be charac- terized as follows: Somites 15, length 5.8 mm., incubation at 39°C + 40 hours (being slightly more advanced than Duval’s embryo of 33 hours, fig. 268, p. 56). In such an embryo the neuro- fibrils are most abundant in the marginal neuroblasts in the hind-brain opposite the otic invagination (fig. 11). A few cells containing them may be seen in the midbrain (fig. 12); but in the forebrain the only indication of their presence is a more or less continuous network, blackened with silver nitrate, in the distal (remote from the membrana limitans interna) portions of the cells (figs. 10 and 12). Traces of them occur further caudad in the cells of the neural tube as far back as the fifth somite. There is a large area comprising the posterior portion of the midbrain and the anterior part of the hind-brain in which no neurofibrils are differentiated, even in the stages as far advanced as 20 somites. Since the neurofibrillar methods of technique employed by me depend upon impregnation with silver nitrate, they are not suf- ficiently accurate to permit of complete enumeration of the cells in the different parts of the nervous system containing neurofi- brils, and I have therefore been prevented from studying the regional differentiation of neurofibrils on a percentage basis and comparing my results with those obtained by Paton (’07) and Coghill (09, ete.) who worked on fish and amphibian embryos: respectively. CYTOPLASMIC CONSTITUENTS OF NERVE CELLS 403 In general, the earliest neurofibrils appear to be formed in chick embryos in three chief localities: (1) in the hind-brain oppo- site the otic invagination (stages of 15 somites on); (2) in a center on either side of the extreme anterior end of the midbrain (stages of 18 somites and on); and (3) in the nuclei and root fibers of the cranial nerves (from stages of about 15 somites on). They are not differentiated until very much later (i.e., beyond 31 somites stages) in spinal ganglion cells. 2. Type of cell in which neurofibrils first develop I have found neurofibrils in bipolar cells, in apolar cells, in marginal neuroblasts and in certain cells which occur within the cavity of the neural tube. The neurofibrils in a typical bipolar cell are illustrated in fig- ure 7. The cell is located on the right side of the hind-brain op- posite the otic invagination of an embryo of 24 somites, length 7.9 mm., and sixty-five hours incubation, prepared by Cajal’s silver nitrate method. The cytoplasm is stained a little bit darker yellow in the distal portion of the cell and the neurofibrils appear thicker and more continuous than in the proximal part. The neurofibrils in apolar cells bordering the central canal are best shown in figure 22. This specimen was prepared by Paton’s modification of the Bielschowsky silver impregnation method. The cells illustrated occur in the neural tube opposite the posterior part of the third somite of an embryo of 33. so- mites, length 8.3 mm., and seventy-four hoursincubation. At aa continuous circumnuclear neurofibrillar network is seen in black against a dull red granular background. The appearance of such a neurofibrillar network in apolar cells is of distinctly rare oc- currence. No networks of this nature were observed in embryos of 15 somites, which is the stage of development at which the neurofibrils first appear. Marginal neuroblasts containing neurofibrils may be readily found in embryos of all stages intermediate between 15 and 32 somites, and they probably occur in further developed embryos also. Figure 11 shows the primitive neurofibrils in a marginal 404 E. V. COWDRY neuroblast from the hind-brain on the right side opposite the otic invagination of an embryo of 15 somites, of 5.8 mm. in length and forty hours incubation prepared by Cajal’s silver nitrate method. The neurofibrils occur throughout the cytoplasm which has assumed a rather dark yellowish tint. Figure 8 shows the neurofibrils in a cell of the same type in a more advanced embryo. Here the neurofibrils seem to be of finer diameter and more con- tinuous, while the ground substance of the cytoplasm is of a distinctly lighter and more brilliant yellow tint. Neurofibrils also occur in cells which seem to lie within the lumen of the neural tube, and in the processes of cells which extend along the ventricular border of the central canal. Fig- ure 9 has been drawn from the left side of the hind-brain opposite the otic invagination of an embryo of 24 somites, length 7.5 mm. and sixty-five hours incubation treated by Cajal’s silver nitrate method. The cell (a) is apparently within the cavity of the neural tube, and the process (b) of the cell (c) extends toward the membrana limitans interna, all three of which contain well dif- ferentiated neurofibrils. Figure 6, which represents a cell from the same region of the same embryo, shows a similar condition. Appearances such as these are distinctly rare, seem to be restricted to the region of the hind-brain and do not obtain in embryos during the early stages of neurofibrillar formation. 3. Region of the cytoplasm in which neurofibrils originate Figures 10, 12 and 14 are from an embryo of 15 somites, length 5.8 mm. and ineubation forty hours at 39°C., which represents the stage of development at which neurofibrils may first be distinguished. All of these three figures show that the neuro- fibrils are first formed in the immediate neighborhood of the nuclei. The fact that these primitive fibrils are in the form of a network is best illustrated at a figure 14. In the cells containing neurofibrils the distal region of the cytoplasm (i.e., that near the membrana limitans externa) stains a darker yellowish brown color than does the more proximal part, on the opposite side of the nuclei, whereas in cells without neurofibrils the cytoplasm CYTOPLASMIC CONSTITUENTS OF NERVE CELLS 405 stains evenly throughout. It is in this distal, highly colored, por- tion of the cytoplasm that the neurofibrils are later first completely differentiated. It should be noted, in passing, that certain portions of the cells of the adjacent myoblasts likewise stain a similar dark yellowish brown color with silver nitrate. 4. Comparison of mitochondria and neurofibrils in embryological series: embryos of 19 to 31 somites It has already been mentioned that we have not at present a technique at our disposal by means of which the mitochondria and neurofibrils may be stained differentially in the same cell in a constant and trustworthy fashion. For this reason a synthesis must be resorted to. With this in mind I have endeavored to build up a synthetic picture of mitochondria and neurofibrils as they appear in cells of increasing degrees of differentiation. Two series of embryos extending from stages of 19 to 31 somites, each member of a series differing from the preceding by the acquisi- tion of a single mesodermic somite, were employed, one being prepared by Meves’ iron hematoxylin method for mitochondria (figs. 15 a, etc.) the other by Cajal’s silver nitrate method for neurofibrils (figs. 15 b, ete.). Four additional methods of tech- nique were used for control, namely, janus green intravitam, Bens- ley’s anilin fuchsin methyl green method, the Benda method and Paton’s modification of the Bielschowsky silver impregna- tion technique. All embryos were cut in complete serial trans- verse sections. In making the comparisons morphological equiv- alents (of approximately the same area and thickness, 4 ») alone were used, or, in other words, cells occurring on the right side of the neural tube opposite the sixth somite in embryos of the same degree of differentiation. The two chief parallel series, which are in part represented in plates 3 and 4, afford a fairly secure basis for the comparison of the form, distribution, stain- ing reactions and relative amount of mitochondria and neurofibrils in developing nerve cells. a. Form. The shape of mitochondria is, to some extent, de- termined by the configuration of the cells containing them. Thus THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, No. 4 406 E. V. COWDRY in the rounded neuroblasts, in apolar cells, and in the irregular shaped cells within the lumen of the neural tube they are either in the form of granules or of straight or slightly curved rods with rounded ends; whereas, in the bipolar cells they are longer and straighter. I have never observed any network formation or fusion of mitochondria in fixed preparations or in specimens stained with janus green intravitam, although I have searched carefully for it in the region of the axone and axone hillock. It should again be emphasized that the illustrations tend to mini- mize the uniformity in the morphology of the mitochondria on account of the fact that their long axes are directed in all planes relative to the drawing and that in sectioning they have been cut at all angles. The mitochondria show no variation in their morphology of which abundant examples may not be seen in neighboring struc- tures derived from mesoderm and endoderm. Neither do they differ in shape from the mitochondria occurring in the neural tube before the formation of any neurofibrils. The appearance of neurofibrils is fairly constant in strictly homologous cells of these four types. They are apparently continuous, the mitochondria discontinuous: they seem to form a reticulum, whereas the mitochondria never lost their individ- uality; and finally the neurofibrils are of very fine diameter and irregular outlines, in spite of the fact that the tendency of im- pregnation methods is by precipitation, and in other ways, to add to the size of the structures demonstrated. b. Distribution. The mitochondria, like the neurofibrils, are generally arranged parallel to the long axis of the cell, as in the’ case of the neuroblasts, the bipolar and epithelial cells. Occa- sionally the neurofibrils are arranged in a whorl-like concentric fashion about the nucleus, but the mitochondria are not simi- larly oriented. Both neurofibrils and mitochondria occur in all parts of the cytoplasm. In some specimens, stained with iron hematoxylin, the mitochondria gather more thickly in the pe- ripheral parts of the cell, although such an accumulation is not apparent in cells stained with janus green intravitam (figs. 23 and 24), CYTOPLASMIC CONSTITUENTS OF NERVE CELLS 407 c. Staining reactions. No variations or change could be detected in the results of fixation or in the staining reactions of mitochondria coincident with the development of neurofibrils. Their degree of solubility in acetic acid is apparently constant, and throughout the series of preparations (which of course is much more complete than it was possible to represent on the plates) they appear a dark blue black color, which is the same in figure 15 a, at a stage when no neurofibrils are differentiated, as it is in figure 20a after a large nunber of neurofibrils have been formed. Moreover, the staining reactions of mitochondria in the neural tube of this series of preparations, running parallel as they do to the differentiation of neurofibrils, do not differ, in any ap- preciable way, from those of mitochondria in other neighboring tissues of the same embryos. They are likewise similar to those of mitochondria occurring in the neural tube before the differen- tiation of any neurofibrils. The only variation in the staining reactions of the neural tube in this series seems to be in the case of the background and to be dependent upon the length of dif- ferentiation in iron alum and the duration of the subsequent washing in tap water. It is very difficult for me to determine whether a change in the reaction of neurofibrils to silver nitrate during the course of development actually exists in my preparations. The varia- tions in color which I have observed may be due to a host of possible factors among which the duration and temperature of impregnation, the presence or absence of light, and so forth, may be mentioned. I have absolutely no reliable evidence, therefore, of any change in the chemical composition of neurofibrils from the time that they are first laid down to the most highly special- ized embryos in my series. d. Relative amount of mitochondria and neurofibrils... As I have already stated, the figures on plates 3 and 4 constitute the essential features of a comparison of the results yielded by Meves’ iron hematoxylin method and by Cajal’s silver nitrate technique ‘The relatively smaller size of the nuclei in figures 15a to 20a is indicative of the fact, already mentioned (p. 399), that the shrinkage is greater in the mito- chondrial preparations than it is in the neurofibrillar ones. 408 E. V. COWDRY respectively. In both cases, drawings have only been made from sections of the neural tube on the right side opposite the sixth somite, and the degree of specialization of the embryos from which the figures on plate 3 were drawn corresponds severally with that of those represented on plate 4, figure 15a to figure 15b, and so on. The preparations show that in progressive stages in the differentiation of the cells of the neural tube there is no decrease in the amount of mitochondria parallel to the increase in neurofibrillar material. DISCUSSION 1. Foundation of the theory that the neurofibrils are developed from mitochondria This hypothesis is based to some extent upon the following statements, which have been advanced, in whole or in part, by the investigators named. a. That the neurofibrils increase in amount as the mitochon- dria decrease until finally the adult condition is attained in which the neurofibrils are completely differentiated and the mitochon- dria absent. (Duesberg ’10, p. 512; Hoven ’10, p. 478; and Meves 710 a, p. 655). b. That microchemical transitions exist between mitochondria and neurofibrils, since the primitive neurofibrils may first be stained by mitochondrial methods, then by both mitochondrial and neurofibrillar methods and, finally, by the various neurofi- brillar methods of technique alone (Meves ’08, p. 838; Hoven 10, p. 478, etc.). e. That morphological transitions also exist between mito- chondria and neurofibrils: according to Meves (708, p. 838) chains of mitochondria are transformed into neurofibrils; ac- cording to Hoven (710, p. 475) the mitochondria form a reticulum from which the neurofibrils are differentiated. d. That the development of the myofibrils, connective tissue fibrils and the fibrils in epithelial cells support this theory since they, in a similar fashion, are developed from mitochondria. This constitutes the argument from analogy (Benda ’99; Meves 07: Duesberg 710; Meves ’10; Firket ’11 and Duesberg ’12). CYTOPLASMIC CONSTITUENTS OF NERVE CELLS 409 2. Criticism of the theory The material and methods upon which the statements are based. In many cases the embryological series have been made up of embryos of different types of animals. It is a well-known fact that similar portions of the nervous system of different animals are often not differentiated at the same rate, so that comparisons made in a heterogeneous series are not valid. I know of no in- vestigator who has clearly and concisely described either the ex- tent or the composition of his series of embryos. The criteria used for the characterization of the different developmental stages have been lamentably deficient. Every biologist knows that embryos of apparently the same period of incubation may differ widely in their degree of differentiation. This is particu- larly true in the case of eggs which have been bought from dealers and about which we consequently know but little. Complete series, cut in transverse, sagittal and coronal planes, have not, as a rule been studied; and care has not been taken, in forming a synthetic picture of the cytoplasmic constituents, to draw material only from strictly homologous cells (Herrick ’09) of the same degree of differentiation. Few methods of technique have as arule been taken advantage of, and, in some instances, conclusions have been deduced solely from the application of a single method. In the majority of investigations no reference is made to the use of subsidiary methods designed for the control of the finer form relations, and resort has never been made to vital dyes. The statements. (1) My own observations are utterly at vari- ance with the first argument, for I find that there is no decrease . in mitochondria running parallel to the formation of neurofibrils. Moreover the statement that mitochondria are absent in the adult condition is wholly unwarranted in view of the fact that several investigators have unquestionably demonstrated mito- chondria in adult nerve cells. Altmann, as far back as 1890, described and figured them in spinal ganglion cells of the frog (fig. 2), and in the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum of the cat (fig. 3) as well as in the brain wall and in the medullary tube of cat 410 E. V. COWDRY embryos (figs. 1 and 2). Held also has demonstrated mitochon- dria by both the Altmann method (97, figs. 1 and 2) and the iron hematoxylin technique (’97 a, fig. 10) in adult nerve cells. In addition I, myself, have shown (1912 a and 1912 b) that mito- chondria are present in large numbers in adult spinal ganglion cells of the pigeon. (2) The second statement postulates the existence of three distinct phases in the developing neurofibril, each of which is characterized by certain microchemical properties. In the first stage the primitive neurofibrils may, it is said, be stained by mitochondrial methods, in the second by both mitochondrial and neurofibrillar methods and in the third by the various neurofibrillar methods of technique alone. I find that neurofibrils in chick embryos may be stained by such mitochondrial methods as the iron hematoxylin method of Meves (fig. 4), Benda’s method, the anilin fuchsin methylene blue erythrosinate (fig. 27) and the anilin fuchsin toluidin blue (figs. 21, 26 and 25) methods, of Bensley; but the staining is not specific and seems to depend upon the degree of differentiation. A comparison of figures 21, 26 and 25 will show that this is the case with respect to the last mentioned method. These three figures have been drawn from neighboring sections of the same embryo, mounted on the same slide and prepared by Bensley’s - anilin fuchsin toluidin blue method. In the first (fig. 21) the differentiation is practically nil, the mitochondria staining ex- actly the same color as the neurofibrils; in the second (fig. 26) it has been carried a little further with the result that the neuro- fibrils have lost their bright crimson color and have assumed a dull red shade; while in the last (fig. 25) the decolorization has been carried to an extreme so that the neurofibrils have lost all of the acid fuchsin and have become stained with the differentia- tor, toluidin blue. It is to be noted that, in these progressive stages of differentiation, the initial affinity of the neurofibrils for an acid dye (acid fuchsin) in which they resembled mitochondria, is gradually changed to an affinity for a basic dye (toluidin blue), while the intensity of the coloration of the mitochondria with the acid fuchsin remains unaltered. Furthermore, the fact that CYTOPLASMIC CONSTITUENTS OF NERVE CELLS All this coloration of the neurofibrils by mitochondrial dyes is marked in adult cells (Cowdry 712 b, figs. 1, 2, 5, 7 and 13) should be taken into consideration before regarding it to be indicative of transi- tions between mitochondria and the primitive neurofibrils. Let us now consider the statement that the primitive neuro- fibrils may be stained by both the mitochondrial and the neuro- fibrillar methods (i.e., the second phase). The completeness of the demonstration of mitochondria by the iron hematoxylin method depends upon the presence in the fixative of chromic acid, osmic acid and acetic acid, in suitable amounts, and on the mor- danting action of iron alum; while their complete absence in the neurofibrillar preparations is due to the unmodified action of sil- ver nitrate. The neurofibrils seem to have a specific affinity for silver nitrate, upon which all silver impregnation methods de- pend. So that it is extremely unlikely, especially in the absence of direct evidence, that so widely divergent methods stain the same thing, namely, the primitive neurofibrils, for if the primi- tive neurofibrils may be stained by both methods, they must of necessity partake of the microchemical properties of both mito- chondria and neurofibrils which are, to some extent, mutually incompatible. Finally, the neurofibrils are said to enter on a third phase in their history characterized by the loss of their affinities for mito- chondrial dyes. I have.nevertheless failed to find any conclusive evidence that the neurofibrils change their chemical composition after their first formation. My failure may be due to the un- standardized condition of the neurofibrillar methods of tech- | nique which still prevails. In any case the burden of supplying the evidence rests with those who make the statement. If neurofibrils are formed by a chemical transformation of mitochondrial substance into neurofibrillar material, one would expect to find variations in the effects of fixation and in the staining properties of mitochondria during the formation of neurofibrils. I have shown that the exact converse obtains. Both the solubility of mitochondria in acetic acid and their staining reactions in the cells of the neural tube in which neyrofibrils are being formed are remarkably uniform and constant. More- 412 E. V. COWDRY over these properties apparently differ in no wise from those of mitochondria in the neural tube before the formation of neuro- fibrils or from the mitochondria in other embryonic cells. It is evident therefore that the facts do not justify the state- ment that microchemical transitions exist between mitochondria and neurofibrils. (3) With respect to the evidence for morphological transitions between mitochondria and neurofibrils I would state that I have failed to confirm Meves’ contention that chains of mitochondria are transformed into neurofibrils. Mitochondria are sometimes oriented end to end and one may often observe very long fila- mentous mitochondria, like those represented in figure 4, for instance. It is however a very far cry from either a linear ar- rangement of mitochondria or from long filamentous mitochon- dria to neurofibrils. This is manifested, among other things, by the fact, already mentioned, that there is nothing peculiarly dis- tinctive about the morphology or the arrangement of mitochon- dr'a in the cells of the neural tube during neurofibrillar forma- tion: they are alike indistinguishable, on the basis of their morphology and distribution, from the mitochondria in the neural tube in stages prior to the differentiation of neurofibrils, and from the mitochondria occurring in other embryonic tissues both before and contemporaneous with the development: of neuro- fibrils. So that on the ground of morphology and cytoplasmic arrangement of mitochondria there is just as much evidence for the formation of neurofibrils in structures derived from meso- derm and endoderm as there is in the case of the neural tube. Since Hoven’s own figures do not show a reticulum, but rather an interlacing of independent mitochondrial filaments, and since I have been unable to discover a reticulum composed of mito- chondria in any of my preparations, the presumption is war- ranted that the mitochondria do not lose their individuality by coalescing to form a network. The conclusion is likewise justified that the facts, so far as we know them do not support the statement that morphological transitions occur between mitochondria and neurofibrils. CYTOPLASMIC CONSTITUENTS OF NERVE CELLS 413 (4) The argument from analogy is based on the development of myofibrils, connective tissue fibrils and epidermal fibrils from mitochondria according to the followig observers. Benda (’99) and Meves (’07) were among the first to come to the conclusion that mitochondria become changed into myofi- brils. Duesberg wrote an excellent paper in 1910 in whichhe supported their conclusion. In a subsequent contribution (712, p. 745) he states that while the two above named works (those of Meves and Hoven) render the plastochondrial (mitochondrial) origin of collagenous fibrils and of nerve fibrils only probable, the study of the fate of plastosomes (mitochondria) in myoblasts permits their réle in the formation of myofibrils to be shown un- questionably. I do not, however, feel ready to accept Duesberg’s evidence until I have satisfied myself that the similarity which he found in the staining reactions of mitochondria and myofibrils by the Benda method is indicative of like chemical composition. It is necessary for us to bear in mind that all structures which stain alike by a single method are not necessarily of the same nature. This similarity in staining is the only evidence which he brings forward to prove the existence of microchemical tran- sitions between mitochondria and myofibrils. It remains to be proved whether it is sufficient or not. Meves (’10) has studied the origin of connective tissue fibrils in the tendons of chick embryos. The technique employed con- sisted of fixation in his modification of Flemming’s fluid, stain- ing with iron hematoxylin for mitochondria and of counter- staining the fibrils with acid fuchsin. He found that the fibrils first appear in the peripheral portions of the cells where the mito- chondria are abundant and have become elongated, and claimed to have established a quantitative relation between the increase in the number of fibrils and the decrease in mitochondria. He concluded that the connective tissue fibrils are formed by a mod- ification of mitochondria. Since he has failed to show a grada- tion between the black stained mitochondria and the brilliant red colored fibrils, he assumes (p. 164) that there is a time when the mitochondria change their chemical character so that they can- not be stained by either iron hematoxylin or acid fuchsin, that 414 E. V. COWDRY it is during this stage that they become oriented end to end and fuse to form neurofibrils, and finally, that the fibrils change for a second time their chemical composition so that they acquire a marked affinity for collagen staining dyes. The work of Firket (11) on the formation of epidermal fibrils in the cells of the beak and feathers of chick embryos, and that of Arnold (712) on the origin of fibrils in malignant tumors is likewise open to criticism owing to their failure to demonstrate transitions between mitochondria and the fibrils, and on ac- count of their tacit supposition that structures which stain by the same method of technique are of similar chemical composi- tion (Bensley 710). 3. The origin of neurofibrils In attacking the problem of the origin of neurofibrils it is necessary to bear in mind all the possible factors, which, by any stretch of the imagination, may be involved. These should be carefully studied and eliminated one by one from consideration; but in so doing, it is absolutely essential to remember that the cell maintains its existence by virtue of the interaction of these same factors, and that any attempt to dissociate and analyse them is artificial. The nucleus, chromidial substance, canalicular apparatus and the ground substance ought therefore to be con- sidered in addition to mitochondria. I have already criticised the theory of the mitochondrial origin of neurofibrils and this discussion has been carried sufficiently far to show that the mitochondria should not be selected as being the sole agents in the formation of neurofibrils. It is a very different thing to conclude that neurofibrils are differentiated by an actual transformation of mitochondria than it is to enter- tain the possibility that mitochondria may, in some way, be associated with the histogenesis of neurofibrils; for I am not a great believer in the feasibility of attempts to dissociate cyto-— plasmic activities. Changes in the nucleus prior to and contemporaneous with the development of neurofibrils have been described by Gerini (’08, CYTOPLASMIC CONSTITUENTS OF NERVE CELLS 415 p. 182). He finds that the nucleoli in the peripheral cells of the ventrolateral portion of the cord of chick embryos assume a bipolar arrangement; that many minute granules, staining darkly by Cajal’s method, appear at either pole of the nucleus; and that the first neurofibrils arise about the periphery of these granules. I, also, have found that the first indications of neurofibrils appear in a part of the cytoplasm which stains especially darkly by Cajal’s method. : The Nissl substance may apparently be excluded from the dis- cussion, since, according to Marcora (711, p. 946), it first appears in the spina! ganglion cells of chick embryos of about six days’ incubation. Collin fixes the time even later for he states (’06, p. 259) that it begins to manifest itself after about ten days’ incubation. Moreover, I have failed to demonstrate this material in the nervous system of chick embryos of from 15 to 20 somites, which is the stage during which neurofibrillation begins. The canalicular apparatus may, likewise, be eliminated. Mar- eora (711, fig. 22) has demonstrated it in the cells of the neural tube of a duck embryo of three days’ incubation. Repeated efforts, on my part, have not given any indication of its presence in the earliest stages of the formation of neurofibrils, although indications of it possibly occur in figures 21, 25 and 26, where a - system of clear, unstained canals may be seen in the cytoplasm. It is my opinion that further investigation will show that both the canalicular apparatus and the chromidial substance appear much earlier in development than has hitherto been supposed, for they and the neurofibrils are, to some extent at least, indica- tive of the same thing, namely, the functional maturity ofthe cell. Furthermore, the tendency in the past has been for inves- tigators to trace back these constituents of the cytoplasm into earlier and earlier stages of development with each advance in technique, and our present technique is by no means perfect. It is impossible to rule out, in a similar fashion, the ground substance from consideration because it is, like the mitochondria, inseparably connected with all stages in the life of the cell. The neurofibrils are therefore, in all probability, developed from the ground substance, or from formed elements within it as yet un- 416 E. V. COWDRY known, in response to physiological demands incident at the time of their differentiation. The darker staining of the perinuclear cytoplasm with silver nitrate (figs. 10, 12 and 14) in early neuro- fibrillar stages strongly indicates the possibility that the nucleus either contributes substance or participates in some way in the formation of neurofibrils. SUMMARY 1. The neurofibrils are first formed in developing chick embryos as a differentiation of the ground substance (in the majority of cases of the peripheral neuroblasts) at a stage of develop- ment characterized by possessing 15 somites, being about 5.8 mm. in length and having been incubated for forty hours at 39°C. = (p. 402). 2. In the early phases of the development of the chick the earliest neurofibrils are formed in three chief localities: (1) in the hind-brain opposite the otic invaginations (stages of 15 somites on); (2) in the nuclei and root fibers of the cranial nerves (from stages of about 15 somites on); and (3) in a center on either side of the extreme anterior end of the midbrain (stages of 18 somites on) (p. 403). 3. There is no evidence that mitochondria are transformed into neurofibrils. The facts are these: (1) that there is no decrease in the amount of mitochondria in development parallel to the increase in the neurofibrils; (2) that the mitochondria do not show, either by a variation in their morphology, staining reac- tions, or in any other fashion, capable of detection by our pres- ent methods of technique, indications of being transformed into material of different chemical composition; and (3) that during the first part, at least (embryos of somites 15 to 32) of the period of formation of neurofibrils, the mitochondria in the neural tube retain the similarity in their morphology and staining reactions to the mitochondria occurring in the structures derived from the other two germ layers (i.e.,;mesoderm and endoderm) which they possessed before any neurofibrils became differentiated (pp. 405-408). CYTOPLASMIC CONSTITUENTS OF NERVE CELLS 417 4. 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Mikr, Bd. 26, pp. 177-190. Meves, F. 1907 Ueber Mitochondrien bezw. Chondriokonten in den Zellen junger Embryonen. Anat. Anz., Bd. 31, pp. 399-407. 1908 Die Chondriosomen als Triger erblicher Anlagen. Cytolo- gische Studien am Hiihnerembryo. Arch. f. mikr.Anat., Bd. 72, pp. 816-867. 1910 a Uber Structuren in den Zellen des embryonalen Stiitgewebes sowie iiber die Entstehung der Bindegewebsfibrillen, insbesondere der- jenigen der Sehne. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. 75, pp. 149-208. 1910b Zur Einigung zwischen Faden-und Granulalehre des Proto- plasma. Beobachtungen an weissen Blutzellen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. 75, pp. 642-658. 1911 Uber die Beteiligung der Plastochondrien an der Befruchtung des EHies von Ascaris megalochephala. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. 76, pp. 683-713. Mrcwaetis, L. 1899 Die vitale Farbung eine Darstellungsmethode der Zell- granula. Arch. f. mikr. Anat, Bd. 55, pp. 558-575. Paton, S. 1907 The reactions of the vertebrate embryo to stimulation and the associated changes in the nervous system. Mitth. aus der Zool. Stat. zu Neapel. Bd. 18, pp. 535-581. RusascHKIn, W. 1910 Chondriosomen und Differenzierungsprozesse bei Siu- getierembryonen. Anat. Hefte, Bd. 41, pp. 399-481. Smirrnow, A. E. von 1906 Uber die Mitochondrien und den Golgischen Bil- dungen Analoge Strukturen in einigen Zellen von Hyacinthus orientalis. Anat. Hefte, Bd. 32, pp. 146-153. EXPLANATION OF PLATES All the illustrations have been drawn by Mr. A. B. Streedain, artist to the De- partment of Anatomy of the University of Chicago, to whom I wish to acknowledge my thanks. Preparations of nerve cells of developing chick embryos alone have been used. Camera lucida, Zeiss apochromatic objective 1.5 mm. and compen- sating ocular 6 were employed for all except figures 21 and 23-27, of which figures 21 and 25-27 were drawn with objective 1.5 mm. and ocular 8, figure 23 with ob- jective 2 mm. and ocular 4 and figure 24 with objective 2mm. and ocular 6. They have not been reduced in reproduction so that their magnification as they now appear on the plates is as follows: for figures 21 and 25-27, 2200 diameters; for figure 23, 820 diameters and 1050 diameters for figure 24, for all the others 1500 di- ameters. All sections were cut 44 in thickness. Only specimens from transverse sections have been figured. The colors have invariably been put in by daylight so that the uncertainty and variability involved in artificial illumination has been avoided. ABBREVIATIONS, membrana limitans interna g.sp., ganglion spinale m.l.ext., membrana limitans externa s., mesodermic somite r.ant., radix anterior PLATE 1 EXPLANTION OF FIGURES This plate illustrates, among other things, the behavior of mitochondria in early stages of development. All the specimens figured have been prepared by Meves’ modification of the iron hematoxylin method so that the mitochondria appear as black, filamentous or granular structures against a gray background. 1 Epithelial cells from the ventral half of the neural tube in the region of the tenth somite in an embryo of 12 somites, thirty-four hours incubation (p. 401). 2 Epithelial cells from near the middle line of the medullary plate of an em- bryo of twenty-four hours incubation at 39°C., in which the primitive groove, fold and pit alone were differentiated. The mitochondria appear as granules and straight or wavy filaments of a black color. They occur in all parts of the cyto- plasm and may readily be distinguished from the black spherical yolk granules (p. 401). 3 Epithelial and germinative cells from the neural fold in the region of the head process of an embryo of 3 somites, twenty-four hours incubation. The mitochondria are distributed throughout the cytoplasm but show a tendency to become accumulated in the distal parts of the cell. Only a few spherical, jet- black yolk granules may be distinguished at this stage (p. 401). 4 Radix anterior (7.ant.) with the neighboring portion of the neural tube, which have become slightly separated from each other during the preparation. Taken from opposite the tenth somite on the right side of an embryo of 31 somites, seventy hours incubation. In the radix anterior mitochondria and neurofibrils may be made out together; the former, rods or wavy filaments of different lengths, the latter, threads of finer diameter and of a lighter color. The mitochondria in the cytoplasm of the neuroblast (a) are shorter, curved more closely packed to- gether and do not fuse together to form a network (p. 410). 5 From the neural tube opposite the tenth somite on the right side of an em- bryo of 26 somites, and fifty-eight hours incubation. The cell outlines are indis- tinguishable. The chromosomes in a dividing germinative cell are shown at (a) and may be differentiated from the filamentous mitochondria by their character- istic arrangement. The mitochondria are somewhat larger than in the preceding figures (p. 401). 420 CYTOPLASMIC CONSTITUENTS OF NERVE CELLS AB Streedain del. E. V. COWDRY egy, ™.|.inf. 421 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, No. 4 PLATE 1 1] PLATE 2 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES. All the preparations illustrated on this plate have been drawn from speci- mens prepared by Cajal’s silver nitrate method (formula I). Figures 6 to 9 show the different types of cells in which neurofibrils are formed: figures 10, 11, 12 and 14 the appearance of the earliest neurofibrils to become differentiated (i.e., in an embryo of 15 somites) and figure 13 the neurofibrils passing out from the neural tube among the cells of the myoblast in a later stage. Unfortunately the preparations could not be illustrated in their original colors on account of the cost of reproduction. 6 From the right side of the hind-brain, opposite the otic invagination, of an embryo of 24 somites, length 7.5 mm. and sixty-five hours incubation. This figure shows a cell sending out a process, containing neurofibrils, which pierces the membrana limitans interna (m./.int.) and extends for some distance within the cavity of the neural tube (p. 404). 7 Bipolar cell from the same region of the same embryo. The neurofibrils are black. The membrana limitans interna ( and externa (m. l. ext.) are shown for orientation (p. 403). 8 Marginal neuroblast from the same region of the same embryo. The neu- rofibrils seem to form a more or less continuous network (p. 403). 9 From the same region of the same embryo but on the left side. The cell (a) is apparently within the cavity of the neural tube and the process (b) of the cell (c) extends toward the neural tube. All three contain neurofibrils (p. 404). 10 Cells from the right side of the forebrain of an embryo of 15 somites, length 5.8 mm., incubation forty hours at 39°C, being shghtly further advanced than Duval’s embryo of thirty-three hours, (fig. 268, p.56). The darkly staining portion of the middle cell affixed to the distal pole of the nucleus contains within it a blackened network which probably represents the first stage in the histogenesis of the neurofibrils (p. 402). 11 More completely formed neurofibrils occurring in a marginal neuroblast in the hind-brain on the right side, opposite the otic invagination of the same embryo (p. 402). 12 Cells from the right side of the mid-brain of the same embryo showing a stage in the formation of neurofibrils similar to that represented in figure LO (p. 402). 13. Neural tube with the adjacent myoblast in the region of the sixth somite on the right side of an embryo of 29 somites, length 8.1 mm. and incubation sixty- three hours. The neurofibrils are seen winding in and out among the mesoblastie cells (p. 411). 14 Cells from the same region of the same embryo as figure 10 showing, rather more satisfactorily than figures 10 and 12, the darkly staining distal part of the eytoplasm in which the neurofibrillar network is formed (p. 404). CYTOPLASMIC CONSTITUENTS OF NERVE CELLS PLATE 2 E. V. COWDRY —m.|.ext. A.B. Streedain del. PLATE 3 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES Plates 3 and 4 constitute the essential features of a comparison of the results yielded by Meves’ iron hematoxylin method and by Cajal’s silver nitrate tech- nique respectively. In both cases drawings have only been made from sections of the neural tube on the right side opposite the sixth somite and the degree of differentiation of the embryos from which the figures of plate 3 were drawn cor- responds severally with that of those represented on plate 4 (fig. 15 a to fig. 15 b and so on). The drawings have been arranged so that the membrana limitans externa is to the left hand side of the observer. A collation is therefore justified since morphologic equivalents of approximately the same area and thickness (4) are only being used. This comparison of homologous equivalents in increas- ing stages of development prepared by these two methods, the one showing mi- tochondria, the other neurofibrils, indicates: (1) That there is no decrease in the amount of mitochondria parallel to the increase in neurofibrils. (2) That the mitochondria do not show, either by a variation in their morphology, staining reactions, or in any other way, capable of being detected by our present-day methods, indications of being transformed into material of radically different chemical composition (pp. 407 and 416). 15a From the right side of the neural tube in the region of the sixth somite of an embryo of 17 somites, length 5.5 mm. and incubation forty-five hours. The mitochondria are filamentous, their irregular shape, as seen in the drawings, de- pends upon the fact that their long axes are directed in all planes relative to the drawing and that they are cut in pieces of many sizes, at all angles during sec- tioning. There is a remarkable variation in the color of the back-ground, for in two cells, (a) and (b), the cytoplasm remains practically unstained, although there is apparently no other difference between them and the neighboring cells (p. 408). 16a Same region, embryo of 20 somites, sixty-two hours incubation. There is no change in the mitochondria. 17a Same region, embryo of 22 somites, fifty-two hours incubation. The section has been cut rather obliquely. There is no change in the mitochondria. 18a Same region, embryo of 24 somites, length 7.0 mm. and sixty hours in- cubation. The section is even more oblique. The mitochondria show no change. 19a Same region, embryo of 28 somites, sixty-four hours incubation. No change in mitochondria. 20a Same region, embryo of 31 somites, seventy hours incubation. There is still no change in the mitochondria. 424 PLATE ~ CYTOPLASMIC CONSTITUENTS OF NERVE CELLS r. V. COWDRY E . i 4 Cy | ie é; / af sah 2a bd \e* +e ae %. . “go & a: ps 16a A.B.STreedain del. Now PLATE 4 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES This plate logically belongs to the preceding (plate 3) in connection with which it has been described. All the figures are from preparations made by Cajal’s silver nitrate method. 15 b A portion of the neural tube from opposite the sixth somite on the right side of an embryo of 17 somites, 44 hours and 15 minutes incubation. No neuro- fibrils are formed, but the cytoplasm in the distal portions of the cells (a), (b) and (c) is stained especially darkly with the silver nitrate. 16b Same region, embryo of 20 somites, length 7.4 mm., 88 hours, and 20 minutes incubation. The neurofibrils have appeared, in a single cell, and are distinctly stained. 17b Same region, embryo of 22 somites. Considerable increase in neurofi- brillar material. 18 b Same region, embryo of 24 somites, length 7.5 mm., 65 hours incubation. Shows some neurofibrils passing through the membrana limitans externa into the myoblast. 19b Same region, embryo of 28 somites, length 6.8 mm., 63 hours incubation. Neurofibrillar material increased. 20 b Same region, embryo of 31 somites, length 7.3 mm., 62 hours incubation. Shows a great increase in the number of neurofibrils, many of which now run par- allel to the long axis of the neural tube. PLATE 5 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES Figures 21, 26 and 25 represent progressive stages of differentiation in Bens- ley’s anilin fuchsin toluidin blue method. These figures have been drawn from neighboring sections of the same embryo, mounted on the same slide. In the first (fig. 21) the differentiation is practically nil, the mitochondria staining ex- actly the same color as the neurofibrils; in the second (fig. 26) it has been carried a little further with the result that the neurofibrils have lost their bright crimson color and have assumed a dull red shade; while in the last (fig. 25) the decolori- zation has been carried to an extreme so that the neurofibrils have lost all of the acid fuchsin and have become stained with the differentiator, toluidin blue. It is to be noted that in these progressive stages of differentiation the initial affinity of the neurofibrils for an acid dye (acid fuchsin), in which they resembled mito- chondria, is gradually changed to an affinity for a basic dye (toluidin blue), while the intensity of the coloration of the mitochondria remains unaltered. Con- clusions based upon the apparent similarity in the staining reactions of mito- chondria and the primitive neurofibrils should therefore be received with caution (p. 410 and 416). 21 Cell and accumulation of neurofibrils from the ventral portion of the neu- ral tube of an embryo, length from cervical flexure to tail flexure 8.4 mm., 100 hours incubation, corresponding closely in degree of differentiation to Duval’s embryo of 96 hours. Stained by Bensley’s anilin fuchsin toluidin blue method 426 PLATE 4 CYTOPLASMIC CONSTITUENTS OF NERVE CELLS E. V. COWDRY { ( a tt AB Streedain del. 17b EXPLANATION OF PLATE 5 (CONTINUED) ae with but slight differentiation, the neurofibrils and the mitochondria staining exactly the same color. The clear, uncolored spaces within the cell may consti- tute the canalicular apparatus, because it is demonstrated, in a similar manner, by this technique applied to adult spinal ganglion cells (Cowdry, ’12 a, fig. 1). 22 Apolar cells bordering the central canal of the neural tube opposite the posterior part of the third somite from an embryo of 33 somites, length 8.3 mm. and 74 hours incubation, prepared by Paton’s modification of the Bielschowsky method. The circumnuclear neurofibrillar network are shown in black (p. 403); compare this with Cajal 1907, figures 1 and 2. 23 Pear-shaped neuroblast isolated from the neural tube opposite the tenth somite on the right side of an embryo of 25 somites, length 7.45 mm., stained in- travitam in a 1:10,000 solution of janus green in 0.85 per cent sodium chloride so- lution. The magnification is less, so that the granular mitochondria, shown in green, seem smaller than in the other illustrations (p. 401). 24 Cells from the same region of the same embryo stained in the same way, the sole difference being the substitution of ocular 6 in place of compensating ocular 4 in making the drawing. Mitochondria bluish green. The cell walls are quite distinet (p. 401). 25 Taken from the dorsal portion of the neural tube of the same embryo as figure 21, prepared by the same method and mounted on the same slide. The process from the cell (a) is closely applied to that from the cell (b), both piercing the membrana limitans externa together. The differentiation has been carried to an extreme so that the neurofibrils have completely lost all shade of acid fuch- sin and have assumed the blue color of the differentiator, toluidin blue, whereas the mitochondria still retain their original bright crimson coloration. The neu- rofibrils and the mitochondria are seen side by side in the processes of both cells differentially stained. The clear spaces in the cell (b) may, as in figure 21, rep- resent the canalicular apparatus (p. 410). 26 Section from the same embryo, slide and method, which was also taken from the dorsal part of the neural tube. The process from the cell (a) pierces the membrana limitans externa and extends among the spinal ganglion cells (g. sp.). The differentiation is here intermediate between that represented in figures 21 and 25. The neurofibrils have consequently lost their bright crimson coloration (fig 21) and have become a brownish red color so that they may readily be distin- guished from the mitochondria which are in the interfibrillar substance in the cell process. A few clear, tortuous, uncolored spaces are seen in the spinal gang- lion cell (g.sp.) which are possibly the canalicular apparatus (p. 410). 27 A portion of the radix anterior from an embryo, length from the cervical flexure to the tail flexure 8.4 mm., period of incubation 100 hours, corresponding closely in degree of differentiation to Duval’s embryo of 96 hours, which has been stained by Bensley’s anilin fuchsin methylene blue erythrosinate method. The sheath cells (a) are shown and the mitochondria withinthem. The neurofibrils appear a yellowish brown color and a few bright crimson mitochondria are visible in the interfibrillar substance (p. 410). 428 CYTOPLASMIC CONSTITUENTS OF NERVE CELLS PLATE 5 E.v. COWDRY ean: 24 A.B.Streedain del Werner & Winter, Frankfort2M_ THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, NO.4 429 FEEDING EXPERIMENTS ON TADPOLES II. A FURTHER CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF ORGANS WITH INTERNAL SECRETION J. F. GUDERNATSCH Department of Anatomy, Cornell University Medical College, New York (From the Department of Histology and Embryology, University of Munich. Director: Prof. S. Mollier) TWO DOUBLE PLATES Certain mammalian glands with a so-called internal secretion, when given as food, can enact a decided influence on the growth and differentiation of amphibian embryos. This was shown by experiments that were carried out during the summer of 1911 on tadpoles of Rana temporaria and Rana esculenta. During the spring of 1912 these experiments were repeated and at the same time varied to such an extent that no doubt as to their results remained. Although the experiments of the two seasons revealed many precise data, there is still a great number of obscure features regarding the definite action of internally secreting glands when fed to the tadpoles. While the influence on growth and differentiation resulting from feeding some of the glands was striking, others exerted no marked effects. The ac- tion of the latter, in part or entirely, may not be concerned with those most important physiological processes in the embryo, name- ly, growth and differentiation. They might play their chief réle, then, in the household of the postembryonic organism. Or, since taken from mammals, some of these internally secreting glands, if at all connected with embryonic development, may fail to re- veal this influence, when fed to amphibian embryos. Their ac- tion must finally be studied in experiments on higher vertebrates. The experiments in 1912 were performed on tadpoles of Rana temporaria, Rana esculenta, Bufo vulgaris and Triton alpestris. 431 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, No. 4 432 J. F. GUDERNATSCH The eggs of these species were collected from ponds in the vicin- ity of Munich and reared in the laboratory. They were kept in large aquaria and after hatching were transferred to smaller dishes, each dish containing about 100 individuals. After the larvae had grown for some time and seemed to be crowded in the dishes they were separated into smaller groups. To avoid pos- sible errors, a great number of individuals was always used for each kind of experiment. All in all, over 20,000 tadpoles were treated. The eggs from different localities were kept separate and, as far as possible, eggs apparently coming from the same mother were grouped in one set and used for a special experiment. When- ever the eggs necessary for one experiment could not all be sup- plied by a single female I endeavored to select eggs coming from the same locality, and apparently in the same stages of develop- ment. For example, set III probably contained eggs from three mothers, but the time of hatching, April 7 and 8, and their sizes, 10 to 11.5 mm at the beginning of the experiment, show them to be in similar stages of development. Again, for other experiments in which a large number of animals was required, as in sets VIII to XI over 4000, several sets in apparently the same stage of development were thoroughly mixed and then divided into smaller groups. In these last sets the tadpoles hatched be- tween April 10 and 13 and a month later, when the feeding bégan, their sizes varied from 13 to 18 mm; this difference is not greater than one would encounter in eggs from a single individual. The water was changed at least once a day. While standing, its temperature varied with the room temperature, a process that corresponds to natural conditions. However, even in a room with apparently uniform temperature, the water will not show exactly the same temperature in all the dishes, as Barfurth has pointed out. To overcome any unequal influence of light, air and temperature resulting from the position of the dishes, they were shifted several times a day so as to progress in a certain order. With this precaution there were no detectable differences of temperature in the dishes assigned to one set. There was sometimes a slight difference of temperature between the dishes FEEDING EXPERIMENTS ON TADPOLES 433 used for the different experiments, but this was of no importance, so long as the tadpoles used for one experiment were kept under uniform conditions. As during the previous year, the food in small pieces was placed in the water and there voraciously taken by the animals, with the exception of pancreas which never seemed to excite their appetite very greatly. Last year the tadpoles had their natural food previous to the experiments, this year in all but one experiment no other food was received except the one chosen for the studies. In 1911 after the feeding began the animals were kept exclusively on a one- gland diet; in 1912 these experiments were repeated with part of the animals while in addition a mixed, either two-animal tis- sues or gland-plant diet, was introduced. The following were used as foods: thyroid, adrenal, liver, spleen, hypophysis, brain, pancreas and muscle from the horse, testicle, ovary and thymus from cattle, and as vegetable food Elodea canadensis and Ceratophyllum demersum. It would not have been possible to perform such an extensive series of experiments but for the courtesy and generosity of Prof. S. Mollier, in whose laboratory in Munich the experimental part of this paper was carried out. It is with pleasure that I express my best thanks for the many kindnesses shown me during my stay in his laboratory. Experiment I Rana temporaria, Set I. Figure 1, a to 2f. Hatched April 4 to 7, 1912. Feeding began April 13, 1912. Original size 10.2 to 12 mm. The diary reads as follows: April 4 The feeding begins. April 22 Thyroid-fed have hind legs forming. April 24 Thyroid-fed have fore legs forming. April 25 Thyroid-fed begin to die off. April 29 Last thyroid-fed animals dead. Thymus- liver- spleen- and muscle-fed tadpoles are larger than the other groups. April 30 Muscle, liver and spleen ones show hind leg buds. May 4 Adrenal cortex, adrenal medulla and ovary have hind leg buds faintly noticeable. -Apoq Jo yypBe1q 0} IANO} ‘[1V} Jo YyBus] 07 pary, ‘Apoq jo yIZuo] 07 puooes ‘y4Sud] o1TJUS oY} OF SIOJOI JSIY OY} ‘UOATS O1V S}UOUIOINSVOUL INOJ UST AA 1 | gL -0°¢ (0) Ai On 0 2-=0-F. 10°8 -0'F Ce eSOny. lon oP Ome soar: | GL -GFP 10° Z2-G" ET ¢°€s-G' €1 0° 12-0 GI 0°02-0°GI 0° 12-S IT 0°GZ-0' FI 0° €2-0' ST ¢°9¢-0 ST ¢II-S'8 oC II-¢'8 se) tes 0) 2 (0° €1-0°2 0°cI-S'9 11-02 ¢ II-0'8 | iC 11-0'6 0° €€-0° 2s 0° F€-0° 26 ¢'Ge-0 61 (0 €&-0 61 (0° €€-0 61 iG" €€-0'°1Z (0° GE-0 GE | 0° 8&-0' $3 Orn SSeG OnPeaORs: GCE -GS OF -SS 0% -Gs 72 Sots 0% -9°% 0°TI-0'9 O'TT-¢'¢ 0°01-¢°¢ 0°11-0'9 0° 01-0'F 0°01-0°8 0° TI-0'°6 0°9 -G'P G9 -G'P 0°9 -0'F Ceo) —OEF, 0L-GF 0°8 -G'¢ 0°8 -0°9 0° L1-0°01 ¢° 11-001 0°91-¢'6 0° LI-0°0T 0°241-0'6 0° 81-0 ST 0° 61-0 °9T 0°2-0°¢ \0'¢-0'% [(0°2-0'F [OG -G'h (0 2-0'F |G F-G'e [¢2-0F |OS O'S ¢9-O0€ [FF-Gs OL-GF CS-O0F OL-GF O9-GE GL-GF G'[Z-G’ EL |¢°91-0'OT |$¢°0Z-0'OT [O'Z1-S°8 |0°1Z-0'OT \$°Z1-0'°S |$°1Z-0'OT |S°2T-0'OT |S 02-0'0T 0°9T-0°L |0°Gc-S°ZT \0 6I-G° IT \0 €2-0'ST \0'6I-0 GT (0° S¢-0 ST GC TI-S°8 |e°2 -S°¢ [0'TI-0'9 |0°6 -G°¢ [G’II-0'9 |¢°8-0°¢ (021-09 \02-0'¢ |G II-09 0 8-0F IT02 06-99 OcI08 06-99 GGI-G'L D ¢°Z8-0'GS (0° €2-0'9T |S TE-0'9T 10°92-0 ST |S G&-0 9T 0° IZ-0'€1 |$¢°Z8-0'9T |¢ F2-0'ST |0'ZE-0'9T 0 F2-0 TT \0 €€-0 GI \0 82-0 8T O'Sée-S°T% 0’ 8Z-'8T 0° L8-S'0Z 4 q'9 -G'F ¢9-0'F 09 -G'E 02-07 CECE Ohg OWS oar | Oe ORGea| 0°2-0'F ¢° 12-0 €T 61-0 OT 0°61-0'0T ¢' 02-0 OT 0° 61-0 OT 0°36-S ZT ¢°0G-0 FT | ¢° 12-0 FI O° TI-G°2 \0°01-0°9 O° TI-s'¢ \0'11-0°9 0°01-0'°¢ Gecis0rs OMG 2 | CIOL 0°3&-0' 16 \¢ 66-0°9T ¢° 62-0 91 0° TE-0'9T (0 62-0 9T 0° €&-0 61 0 €&-G'1¢ 0° €&-¢ 61 0°9 -G'P 9° 9 -0'F OROESGeS ic 9 -0'°§ i¢°¢ -0'€ ¢'9 -0'F Onzes0)S' Orde OeF, ¢’ 12-0 &T |$ 81-0 OT 0° 8T-0'6 0° 61-001 ¢° 11-001 G'1G-G "GT ¢°0¢-0 FI | ¢°0G-0 ZT ¢OI-S'L 0°01-0°9 ¢0I-0'°¢ ¢'OI-¢'¢ $6 -0°¢ 0 1T-0'2 GII-GZ GC IT-0'2 G T&-0'° 16 |S 8¢-0'9T ¢° 82-0 ST ¢°66-G' ST |G 9¢-0' 91 0° E-0' 61 0° 38-0' IZ | 0° 3-0 61 09 -G'P 09 -G°é OO) SSin8 OnQESORe g’'¢ -0'€ 0°9 -0'F 02 -0°¢ OnZ s0aF 0° 12-0 '€T 081-001 ¢G’L1T-0'°6 0° 61-001 0° 91-0'0T 006-4 GI 0°0¢-0 FT | 0° 02-0 GT 0°OI-G°2 0° 01-0'9 ¢'01-0'°¢ 0° O0I-0'S $6 -0°¢ Omri On2; O'11-S°2 On DISORz Q 0° TE-0' 16 0° 82-0 9T 0°83-0 ST 0° 8¢d-0 ST 0° 2-0 9T 0’ T€-0 61 0°GE-0 06 0° 1&-0 61 § | o | | z | = ¢¢ -0'P go -0'8 09 -G'¢é | 0°¢ -0'§ 0°9 -0'F OxzeSOeG ¢9 -0'F 5 0° 81-0 GI 0° 91-0'6 0° ¢T-0 OT 0° 91-0 OT OT AB 0°02-0°ZI | 0°61-0 FI | 0° 21-0 TT 2 0°OI-0'2 |0°6 -0°9 0°01-0'¢ \0°6 07S) peze4ys 0°0T-0°2 | 0 11-0'8 | 0° OT-0'L 8 0° 82-0 06 0'¥2-0'ST 0°S¢-0'ST | (0° S3-0'ST | sutpaa yt 008-0 '6T | 0°08-0 02 | 0° 12-081 SG 0°S$ -0'P 09 -0'€ OnsesOnGrs|| Pay | | 0¢ -0'F 0°9 -0'S 0°9 -0'F IE 0°91-0'TT 0° &1-0'6 0° 1-06 .|0' ST-0°0T | | | 0 LI-0 GI 0° 81-0 ST 0° 9T-0°1T go 62 1dy |0°6 -0°L 0°8 -0'°¢ 0°8 -0°S | 08 AN | | 0°6- OL 011-02 0°6 -0'2 peed |0 ¢Z-0 61 0° 12-0 FI (0° Zé-0 FT | 0° €c-0 FI | 0° 82-0 61 0° 62-0 06 0°SZ-0'8T 0° 1t-0'°0T |0 $2-0 ST (0 61-0'FI 0° 8T-0 FI | 0° 02-0 FT 0 ¥2-0 ST 0°92-0'8T | 0° F6-0 LI | | “urul 2 ZT-¢ OT aqioux Ose viitoaa Oma xX@LuUod | a AHL | al crouane] samans |g | AUYA0 CHTIGRN creme | *REOD vsaray cxivae | SYS |Sana| St=7=8 /Nzan| MEANT | Senn | AON (St) Wai 7 0°8T-0°TT O'IT-0'L 0° 66-0 °8T 0:9 -G'¢ 0° 21-0 °0T ¢OI-¢'¢ \¢°' L¢-0°9T ¢¢-0'€ (0° 91-0 OL 0° 01-¢'¢ 0° 92-0 9T g¢ -0'€ 0° 91-¢'6 ¢6-0'¢ 0°SZ-G° ST 0°¢ -0°¢ 0°91-¢'6 0°6 -0°¢ 0° F2-0 ST eea[e uo pes uo MOU UO OF -O08€ (0 €T-0'6 02 -0°¢ 10° 61-0 FT OF 0 € 0°ZI-0'6 0-9 -0'°¢ 181-0’ FI 0° ST-0 GT | TOULNOD Tr AE “9 ame “57 oune “TT oune “Te KByy ee KOT | \ oeeee cy AVY He KUT “96g Judy ogee apd aLvda qusmrisadxa ay)? Bur1unp ssazawMyyUu UL SyWwaULaLNsDa JY T ATaAVL 434 May 14 May 24 June 12 June 14 June 17 June 19 June 20 June 21 June 22 June 23 June 24 June 25 June 26 June 27 June 29 June 30 July 6 July 7 FEEDING EXPERIMENTS ON TADPOLES 435 To this time the controls have been starving, in order to test the possible influence of hunger on development. They show no signs of advancement, but are far behind in size. From now on they are fed on Elodea canadensis. A group originally intended for a hypophysis diet also starved up to this day, and from now on is fed on brain. The liver-fed ones have a greenish color, the thymus-fed ani- mals are deep black. The smallest individuals in all sets begin to die off. The spleen-fed ones become very black, the bigger ones on ad- renal cortex become very light, lighter than on adrenal medulla. The first liver-fed ones show hind legs; this is 49 days later than the time at which the thyroid-fed ones attained the same condition. Hind legs appear in adrenal-cortex-fed tadpoles. Their body assumes a peculiar triangular shape (fig. 7 b), very pointed at the anterior end and broad at the posterior. They are all becoming light, while all the adrenal-medulla-fed ones are dark. A number of each group, 70 to 80, which have no hind legs except the small buds, are placed on thyroid diet. The light color of the adrenal-thyroid tadpoles is disappear- ing. Those liver-fed ones that have put out fore legs since June 12 shorten their tails. The liver-thyroid animals develop hind legs. Adrenal medulla-thyroid and muscle-thyroid tadpoles de- velop hind legs. The former are extremely active. Liver-thyroid and muscle-thyroid ones assume a frog shape. Spleen-thyroid and adrenal cortex-thyroid ones develop hind legs. The first liver-fed frog leaves the water. Spleen-thyroid and adrenal cortex-thyroid animals assume frog shape. Brain-thyroid ones develop hind legs. Ad- renal cortex tadpoles are extremely light greenish-yellow. Brain-fed ones assume somewhat the triangular adrenal cor- tex shape described on June 14. Liver-thyroid and adrenal medulla-thyroid animals show fore legs. Spleen-thyroid-fed ones show fore legs. Ovary-thyroid and brain-thyroid tadpoles assume frog shape, the latter are very active. Muscle-thyroid animals show fore legs. Adrenal ¢ortex-thyroid and brain-thyroid ones show fore legs. Ovary-thyroid ones show fore legs. All the thyroid-fed ones are fixed, since many of them die. Brain-fed tadpoles show hind leg buds. 436 J. F. GUDERNATSCH July 11 Muscle-fed ones have the best developed hind legs, next the ovary and adrenal-cortex ones which have short but very strong legs, then adrenal-medulla, brain and spleen. The color of the animals on the different diets is: control, brown; muscle, dark brown; liver, dark greenish; spleen, dark; adrenal cortex, very light brown; adrenal medulla, dark brown; ovary, yellowish; thymus, dark; brain, brown. July 19 Muscle-fed ones begin metamorphosing. July 20 Ovary-fed ones begin metamorphosing. Thymus-fed have no signs of legs, spleen-fed only small buds. In this experiment the thyroid treatment proved to be as effective as in the experiments performed in 1911. Tadpoles that had been fed on no other food than thyroid grew hind legs 9 days after the feeding began and fore legs only 2 days later. Normally several weeks would have elapsed between the appearance of the hind and the fore extremities. When these thyroid-fed tadpoles put out their anterior limbs and began to shorten their tail, they were 18 to 20 days old, calculating from the date of hatching. Normally they would take from 10 to 12 weeks to complete their metamorphosis. ' The tadpoles fed on ordinary meat, muscle (fig. 1d, 1), showed distinct hind legs 44 days and fore legs 71 days later than the thyroid-fed ones. The first individual in the muscle- fed group to complete its metamorphosis was approximately 104 days old. Liver-fed tadpoles (fig. 1 a, 12, 1 x) show the best growth, al- though their growth is only slightly better than that of the spleen and thymus sets. Next to the thyroid group the liver-fed tad- poles also showed most rapid progress in differentiation. They grew hind legs 40 days and fore legs 49 days later than the thy- roid group. The first liver-fed specimen to complete its meta- morphosis was approximately 78 days old. The spleen- (fig. 1b, 11) and thymus- (fig. 1 c) fed tadpoles show almost parallel courses in growth and differentiation. Dur- ing the first weeks of the experiments the spleen group ran a little ahead of the thymus specimens. The members of both groups became extremely dark in color during the course of the feedings. At the approximate age of 104 days, when the experi- FEEDING EXPERIMENTS ON TADPOLES 437 ment was discontinued, none in either group had hind legs out, although spleen-fed ones showed leg buds. The three groups of tadpoles fed on adrenal cortex (fig. 1 f, 17), adrenal medulla (fig. 1g, 1 ¢) and ovary (fig. 1 e, 1 p) were dur- ing the first weeks of growth behind the muscle, liver, spleen and thymus groups. Later, however, they grew more rapidly. Some of those fed on ovary actually reached the average size of the faster groups and completed their metamorphosis at the approx- imate age of 105 days. The adrenal cortex tadpoles were somewhat faster in develop- ment and grew better than the adrenal medulla ones. The former budded hind legs on the 71st and the latter on the 8lst day. At the conclusion of the experiment the adrenal cortex ones bad strong well developed legs, while the legs of the medulla-fed individuals were still short and drawn close to the body. In previous experiments, in which adrenal cortex and medulla had not been given separately, it was seen that the adrenal-fed tadpoles became extremely light in color after 3 or 4 weeks of feeding. The pigment cells were found to be completely con- tracted. The suggestion was made ‘‘that the extract from the chromaffine cells of the medulla which dissolved in the water caused the pigment cells to contract”? and ‘‘former experiments with adrenalin would warrant such a suggestion.”’ In the present experiments, however, separate sets of tadpoles were fed on cor- tex and medulla respectively. After 5 weeks’ feeding those fed on adrenal cortex became much lighter than those fed on adre- nal medulla or any other food. ‘This difference in color became more evident as the experiment proceeded, until the cortex-fed tadpoles had an extremely light, greenish-yellow tint. Thus the above suggestion is doubtless incorrect, at least in these experi- ments, yet the true cause of the light pigmentation is still obscure. These cortex-fed tadpoles also differed from the other groups in still another feature, namely, the peculiar triangular shape (fig. 7 b) of their bodies described above. on 1D 19 & rence O mies ok A oo |e — onl ol I re nl al bal 2 as mn Te ; obit ae S SOSweeoge | = lon) © Sy) Se Pe aoe s & ination alee ao son gd hhh oS n DONHoOINnHM o = - m - re > ee onl i iS) “ep Sooo moor SSensccononon |g 1d G> I~ 19 I~ OQ Oio © tX~ OO x > 19 > 10 i a mt a a NSSPASSM RSS mn SS ddd odd dF tgp ddhb hdd dh aS O19 HO O19 wo DAONHOOMHH OH H qa al al sol Sl taal mo N re N ia ee 2° is oe IACMR IEE TRS x 3 oc S19 Oo SON» Senooonwnooccnd| ge Now matt co +H SHipntoawnwo | 2 es A CAS Spee ex hae ee i & © sH 1D D> OD Hud D> oD ~-otHTONH HON x °° rei re Seal cl N Sel NX eC we + —— a a — —— ————$. ——_ Z arp Z ee lt al N ~ = os oD uD Si os, a a = 5 S SS © © © © eee a is =| = S a ae = ne & = 5 3 3 3 S = = = 5 5 5S 5 me 446 J. F. GUDERNATSCH May 18 The thymus-thyroid I animals are hardly able to swim; when disturbed they move for a few seconds with convulsive jerks, then drop again to the bottom of the dish. May 19 The thymus-thyroid II group (fed thyroid three times only, May 13, 14 and 17) have hind legs and the frog shape becomes noticeable. May 22 A third group of thymus-fed animals put on thyroid, thymus- thyroid ITI. May 27. Thymus-thyroid IT have fore leg buds. May 28 Thymus-thyroid III (fed four times on thyroid, May 22, 23, 25 and 26) have hind leg buds. June 2 Thymus-thyroid IIT have fore leg buds. June 7 A fourth group of the thymus-fed tadpoles are put on thy- roid, thymus-thyroid IV. June 9 The last specimens of the thymus-thyroid I group are dying. June 12 The thymus-thyroid IV animals have hind leg buds and the frog-shape is noticeable. June 17 A fifth group of the thymus fed animals is changed to a thy- roid diet, thymus-thyroid V. Also some of the muscle-fed ones are put on thyroid. June 18 The thymus-thyroid IV animals have fore legs, but these specimens are dying. June 20 Last of the thymus-thyroid II are dying. June 21 Thymus-thyroid V have hind legs. June 25 Thymus-thyroid IV have fore legs. June 26 The muscle-thyroid animals have hind legs. June 30 The muscle-thyroid animals have fore legs. July 1 A group of thymus-fed specimens put on a liver diet. July 4 Some of the thymus-thyroid III group that have been kept on vegetable food since June 5 seem to recover from the thy- roid influence. July 7 The last thymus-thyroid V are dying. July 14 Muscle-fed tadpoles grow hind legs. July 20. The experiment is discontinued, and only the muscle-fed ani- mals have extremities. Experiments II and III were performed for the purpose of de- termining whether tadpoles of different ages would react to the thyroid diet in similar or different ways. For this purpose a great number of tadpoles were kept on a thymus diet and groups of these were changed to a thyroid diet at various times. Table 5 shows the time of reaction to the thyroid stimulus in the differ- ent groups. The number of days in the first columns indicates the respective ages of the animals at the start of the thyroid feed- FEEDING EXPERIMENTS ON TADPOLES 447 TABLE 5 SET 1V SET III 14 days hind 3 days fore 4 days 30 days hind 4 days 28 days hind 4 days fore 6 days fore 7 days 37 days hind 6 days 35 days hind 6 days fore 15 days | fore 14 days 46 days hind 6 days | 44 days hind 6 days fore 11 days | fore 10 days 62 days hind 5 days | 60 days hind 5 days fore 11 days | fore 11 days 72 days hind 3 days | 70 days hind 4 days fore 8 days fore 8 days ings. The figures in the other columns give the number of days required by each set in developing hind and fore legs. The similarity of the results in the two series is striking. There is a gradual decrease in the rapidity of action of the thyroid influence up to the age of about 5 weeks followed by a steady increase after this time. Whether or not this is a general rule must be decided by further experiments. It is also difficult to give a satisfactory explanation for this phenomenon, yet the fol- lowing suggestion may be advanced. The young tadpoles were very quickly affected by the thyroid feedings because the pre- vious thymus diet had not acted long enough to delay or counter- balance the thyroid stimulus. Older animals had enough thymus agens accumulated to retard the thyroid action. Still older tad- poles were more nearly approaching the normal time of meta- morphosis and may thus have been ripe to respond to an acceler- ating stimulus. The last argument, however, seems especially weak, since it introduces a new factor in the action of thymus diet; namely, that if it is prolonged, it loses the retarding influ- ence and thus is less able to counteract the thyroid. This factor has not yet been demonstrated; thus no conclusions as to the rapidity of the thyroid influence on different age tadpoles can be based upon it. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, No. 4 448 J. F. GUDERNATSCH It has been shown, however, in the experiments of 1911 that thymus will affect older tadpoles less than younger ones. An- other point may also be mentioned without attempting to explain the situation. Table 6 shows that old thymus-fed tadpoles, when put on a thyroid diet, respond more quickly to the thyroid stimu- lus than do tadpoles of the same age which have been fed on other substances. One should have expected just the contrary, judging especially from Experiment VI in 1911, in which liver- thyroid-fed tadpoles developed their fore legs 3 days earlier than thymus-thyroid-fed ones. TABLE 6 | SET IV: 72 DAYS OLD | SET 111: 70 DAYS OLD | Thymus- | Muscle- Spleen- Thymus- Muscle- | thyroid | thyroid thyroid thyroid thyroid Hind legs in | Sdays | 4days 7 days 4 days 9 days Fore legs in | 8 days | 8 days | 10 days | S8days 13 days In Experiments IT and III those tadpoles (fig. 3 ctoh, 3k, 3m, 3n; fig. 4e toz, 41, 4 to p) that were transferred from thymus to thyroid diets were fed on the latter gland only three or four times. When they had developed their fore legs water-plants were placed in the dishes. It had been noticed that thyroid-fed tadpoles would die very soon after putting out fore legs. In these experiments those that were placed in dishes containing plants, although they were never seen to feed on the plants, could be kept alive for some time, 20 to 53 days, while those specimens remaining in water in which thyroid was placed longer than was absolutely necessary for developing the extremities died within 10 to 12 days after the beginning of the thyroid diet. Those liv- ing longer did not develop any further than those dying early, but remained stationary except for a further reduction in size, especially of the tail. Table 7 gives the length of time that the different thymus- thyroid-fed sets were kept alive in the two experiments. Tad- poles in Experiment III were about 2 days younger than those in Experiment IV, when the feeding began. FEEDING EXPERIMENTS ON TADPOLES 449 TABLE 7 SET IV SET III Age at (hors time Days he ing p after thyroid ae at the time thy roid Days living after thy roid was given prcanmon Was given thyroid treatment 14 days 10 days (no olanea) 30 days | 43 days | 28 days 33 days 37 days | 51 days 35 days | 38 days . 46 days 53 days 44 days | 50 days 62 days 12 days (no plants) | 60 days 11 days (no plants) 72 days 23 days 70 days | 20 days A glance at table 5 will show that the tadpoles of 37 and 46 (or 35 and 44) days showed the slowest reaction to the thyroid treatment. The possible reasons for this behavior were dis- cussed above. Experiment IV Rana temporaria, Set II. Figure 2, a to n. 960 tadpoles hatched on April 6 to 7, 1912, and fed on muscle until June 3. The experiment started on June 5. This experiment confirmed the results of the two previous ones. Tadpoles (fig. 2, a) which had lived for 50 days on an ordinary meat diet were later affected by the thyroid stimulus as greatly as animals fed only on a thyroid diet. The main object of this experiment, however, was to ascertain how long the thyroid agens had to be applied before results were noticeable, and furthermore, whether or not it would be possible to counteract the thyroid in- fluence after one or more days feeding. A great number of tad- poles were reared on muscle and at the age of 50 days were di- vided into groups of 80 individuals each. The different groups were then fed on thyroid from 1 to 5 days and after this treat- ment five of the groups were put on a vegetable diet (EKlodea canadensis) (fig. 2, f to 7) and 5 others on muscle diet (fig. 2, c to e). One group (fig. 2,b) was allowed to starve to test whether hunger following a long period of feeding (over 6 weeks) would bring about a quicker differentiation. Still another group (fig. 2, 1) was kept in water in which small pieces of thyroid gland were placed, but so arranged that the GUDERNATSCH F. J. 450 | | SB9] 910 )7 “CT oune | | | peep Sso] | | ou0 yserT ol, iA ante odvys | | | | | So1f | | | Wiles sfoy | | | | eLeune pulpy | sBo] O10 0] | | | a]qvoorjou odeys-S0.1T | | | | | erqe | | | | -o019 | | | |-ou AT | | porp oAat Wo ynoqy | | -qUurey | SUIAT] | | jedeys | } gpoune . | 1 A[UQ | | Borg | o¢ -0'8 pF -0'€ So aOae | Saten Oey OF (lO ¢-0'F GF -0'S GF -0'§ 0'F -0'€ [0 F -0'¢ O'S O'S gg -0'8 0’ VI-0'6 0 61-0 6 ee EAST i? 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OCS s (0), StS STU) IN G 8I-G OLS OL-0'S 0 €1-0'S 0 CL-0' 9 (0 OT-S T (0 FI-S O10 91-0 TI groune 09 -GFI09-0¢ 09 -GS G9 09 ¢6 -0'2 9 9--S F 02-07 1S 9 -S'7 IS 91-G 7 9 8 —-0'S |S 6 SiS 0 Z1-0' G10 81-0 6 |S ZI-S 6 (0 8-0 AT Pe ee eee 0° 8I-G OL0 91-0'8 |0 GeO 91/0 F-0 OT 452 J. F. GUDERNATSCH animals could not feed on it. The gland was placed in a small glass vial closed with gauze and allowed to stand upright, the open end being beneath the surface of the water. Thus no thy- roid particles could get out into the water, merely an extract or emulsion of thyroid constituents which diffused from the vial into the dish. Animals kept in these dishes developed their hind legs 8 days after the beginning of the experiment and the frog shape became noticeable about the same time. Six days later they all died without having grown fore legs, but their size on that day, June 19, shows that they were completely under the thyroid influence. Therefore the product of the thyroid which caused the rapid differentiation in all the previous experiments must be soluble in water. The control animals which were kept starving after the 50 days feeding did not grow hind legs until July 5, considerably later than the thyroid treated ones. Thus the results after thyroid application are different from those Barfurth reports in his ‘‘ Der Hunger als foérderndes Prinzip in der Natur,” and cannot be attributed to starvation of the tadpoles. Among the ten main eroups of the experiment the thyroid influence manifested itself in different ways. As a general result it may be stated that a thyroid application of only 24 hours sufficed to show decided ef- fects (fig. 2c, 2f), and that a treatment of more than 24 hours (2 to 5 days) gave the typical results described in all previous experiments. In the five groups that received vegetable food following the thyroid dose and in the five groups that were fed again on muscle, a great number of individuals, 50 to 60 per cent, mainly the shorter ones, died within 2 or 3 days after the first feeding. This ac- cords with observations in other cases where thyroid was given after previous feeding, but is in striking contrast with the hap- penings in experiments where thyroid food was applied from the start. In the latter experiments very few animals were lost dur- ing the first days. It remains to be answered why the applica- tion of thyroid should affect tadpoles that had not been previ- ously fed on other diets less harmfully than those previously fed on various tissues. FEEDING EXPERIMENTS ON TADPOLES 453 The tadpoles which again received muscle after the thyroid treatment reacted more strongly to the stimulus than those put on a vegetable diet. They all grew hind legs within from 1 to 5 days, the frog shape became noticeable very soon, and they died in great numbers, so that 7 days after the beginning of the experiment only 20 per cent were alive. The animals treated from 3 to 5 days grew fore legs on the 8th day, those treated 2 days were all dead on the 9th day; this group was affected most strongly, which may be a mere coincidence. The groups fed only one day grew fore legs on the 42d day, at this time only four of this group were alive, only one of the 3 day group, arid none of the 4 and 5 day groups, the last ones having died on the 29th day of the experiment. That is, out of 400 individuals only 4 in the 1 day group and 1 in the 3 day group were able to survive the thyroid shock. The table of growth on page 450 shows that. these surviving individuals actually begin to grow again. These 4 animals of the 1 day group seem to have absorbed a very small quantity of the thyroid agens. They stop their precocious dif- ferentiation very soon and do not grow fore legs until July 17, which is 34 days later than the 3 and 5 day groups. The second set of tadpoles, those put on a vegetable diet after a thyroid treatment, reacted in a similar fashion to that just de- scribed, except perhaps as stated above, they were somewhat less affected. This might suggest that a meat free diet may help to counteract thyroid influences. The 3 and 5 day groups grow hind legs on the 5th day of the experiment, the 2 day group on the 6th day, and the 1 day group not until the 14th day. Fore legs appear in the 3, 4 and 5 day groups on the 10th day, in the 2 day group on the 9th day, in the 1 day group none had ap- peared on the 46th day, when the experiment was discontinued. While many animals died during the first few days, some were able to keep alive. On the 27th day the last ones of the 5 day group died, and on the 33d day all of the 2 and 3 day groups were dead. ‘There were five of the 1 day group and one of the 4 day group alive on the 42d day. These, as the table of growth of page 450 shows, start again to grow. = One Seca On Ge sORG a Onc OG) Se9 Osean Ono Ones \OnQnOne ig-g =0°§ j0;9 -0'S) 0°9=0°8 |9:9-058 19° 7-0) 0.9) -0' 8 19-9) 058 og =On& 0¢c¢-0F O0S-08 09-0F OF =One 0°6 -S°% |0°8-0°% |0°SI-0'S |S°SI-0'S [G°9I-S°6 [O0'FI-G°8 (0 FI-0'6 |0'ST-0' OT 0'9I-S'8 |0 SI-0'8 \0 FI-S ZI (0 ST-0'6 0° 9T-0'6 |S FI-0'6 ¢'F1-0 OT (0° 91-S 8 (0° 81-0 IT 0° €I-0'8 0°¢-0'§ 0°'S¢-G'% |08-0'% [(0°6-0°S [06-09 (0 0I-S'% |$¢8-0'S (06-0S (0 0I-0'S (06-04% 08-024 [001-05 |06-0¢ (06-09 08-09 08-0¢ 0 TI-S9 09-0'°¢ 0'£1-0°9 \0°ZI-0'9 |0°22-0'S1 |\S°FZ-0' EI |0°SZ-0'ST |0 2-01 0'ZZ-0' FI (0 €Z-0'9T (0° FZ-0' FI \0'€Z-0 EI \0' 12-0 6I |0' 2-0 EI \0'S-0 ST 0 €2-0 FI 0° 1Z-0'9T \0 F2-0' ET (0° 62-0' LT 0°8I-0 FI $59] 9107 | SIP 0} UIZaq S[eNpPLAIput 410Ys oy Jo Auvy Suray ¢ A[UG | G¢-cz log -G'% lo -0'€ |¢:¢-0¢ 0¢-08 [08-0 0S-08 0 ¢-08 OS-08 OF-08 OF O08 SS-O0F OS OF 0S -0'8 0S -0'¢ O'F-0'§ 109-0 F OF -0 € 0'°6 -0'F |0'6-G°& |0°FI-0'8 |0'FI-0'°8 |G°SI-G°8 |0'FI-S°S |0'#1-0°6 |0°F1-0'6 |0'FI-G°8 [0 FI-0'8 [0 FI-G°6 \0 FI-0'6 |0°9T-S'8 |S €T-0'6 G'FI-0'01 0° FI-0'8 (0° LZI-0'TT 0 ZI-0'8 q¢@-ce lo'7-Ge |\08-0F (06-0 08-SF 06-SF \IF8-0¢S 06-08 (06-08 08-0F% O02-SF 06-SF \F8-09 08-09 ORS SSit Oars Oe e ceo ns Oso One 0'FI-S°L |0°ZI-0°L |O°IZ-O° SI 0° SZ-O' SI G'IZ-C' I 0° 2Z-O'€T |0°SZ-0' FI |0°2Z-0' ET [0 €Z-0 FI (0° Z2-0 EI |0 02-0 FI 0 €2-0 €1 |0 F2-G FI 0 12-0 FI 0° 13-0’ €T 0 12-0 €1 0 2¢-0 ZT 0 21-0 EI 19yvM pozV19B : J OJUL posOJsUPLy, GE -G'Z 08-9 | 0°6 -0'F 0°0I-S"F | | go -G'e [gy -G's | | | | | O'FI-G' 2 0 FI-0'2 | | | | | 52] | wall | | 240} 949] Ge-o%Z 0's -°% | | | 0°01-0'2 oO Ors % | | | CEGE—Cne Ca pe=GoG: | 0°SI-$°OT 0°FT-0°2 : ' | sulsp 7 Ausul ‘pooy 9x84 | | 0} avoddv you oq 0F -0'¢ 0% -0'€ |OF-0'€ [O'F-0'§ O'F-0'S [9 F-0'e Ob —058 (OT Ute 2 Mets NOG Sts ¥-§ ¥-€ OF F-08059 01s 05h s0ns 0'01-0'9 (0'0I-0'S |0°ZI-0'8 |0 ZI-0'8 0 TI-0'8 |0'2I-0'8 0°GI-0'8 0°ZI-0'8 00I-0°8 (0°ZI-0'8 | GI-8 61-8 (0°Z1-0'8 (0 #1-0°8 (0 I-08 0:9 -0'F (09-0 F 10:9 -0'F (02-07% 09 507 19:9 -0:7 0:9 -0'F CZ Sth 09-04% O2-0F has, 9 -¥ 09-0% 0 8-0¢ 09-00% 0°9I-0°ZI (0° SI-0'0T |0°8T-0 &T |0°6I-0 £1 0° ST-0 E&I |S ST-0 kT 0° 8I-0'&I 0°8I-0 €I 0 SI-0 €T (0 61-0 €T | 6I-€1 AT=ET 0 81-0'€I 0° 12-0 €T (0 LZI-0 &T alqe 01j0U Sse] PUTET Sul -paey ploidy 4sery SUOIS[NUIO 9Y} WI aIp s[euUE AUB ‘uul yp, OE. “UU ZT 8 5 ‘uu: vulul g— -€T NoIsTa Na CIOuUAHL Soe et SOWAHL Beene se VNU ere AUVAO Ne ieee WIOWSAL rel UGATT Sowuane Nagas evawonva SY SHONYS aoo1a Sane - EVGd diouAHL | “TE AB "9g SO 4g ABW “ey AB “GG ABI ‘0G ABW ‘Sy Avy $9]0U huDip pup sLazaUI]UU UL SJwaMaINsDa 6 ATAV.L 454 “Apo jo yypBesq OF YANO} ‘[req Jo YASug] 07 pry} ‘Apoq jo Y} Sug] 07 puodos ‘y4Sug] esQue 94} 07 SIdJol 4S1Y OY} ‘UAAIS o1v S]USIAINSvAUT INO} UST AA 1 pvop suo 4sey 9°9 -0'F 0°02-0' TT 0°01-0'L (0'08-0' ST GAOT Ses 1S 9T-0°6 G6 -0'S 0°9¢-0° FT GeORS Oey: 0°0G-0° GT O'IT-0'L 0° T&-0 61 spnq so] pully Gg —G°s GL41-9'6 Py Sg 0°2¢-0°ST ie 7a ¢°91-0'°6 S56—9°S GS-0 FI G29) =0n¥ iS 13-0° CT G0T-0'2 \0' G&-0°6T G9 -G"s 0°61-0°0T 0°0T— s°¢ 0°6¢-$°ST 0°8 -0'°¢ 0°@2-0' IT O°CI-0°2 | 0° F£-0'SI | 889] PUT] 0°8 -0'¢ 0°91-0'II 0°ZI-0'2 0°8-0° SI | Ia at iets S°ST-0'6 (0) Ue 0° 2-0 FT Ta ies it G°0¢-S TT 0°OI-S°¢ G°08-G" 9T Ci See cae G°LT-0'6 Sg G°Lé-G' FI stsoyd | -IOUL -0}0UL SIL 839] O10, | Onis Oey: $°GG-0 &T 0° 1-0" 2 $°€8-0°0 0°L -0'F ¢'0¢-0°IT ¢'01-0°9 0° 18-0' 21 S80] pulp 109 -S'°§ G°LT-0 OT |g O1-G'°¢ 0° 86-$° ST 09-0'°¢ ¢°9T-0°0T 0°0I-¢°¢ $°9¢-0° LT Welt) ciety SOTSS6 0°01-¢°¢ ¢°9¢-0 ST stsoyd -1OUL -e49ul IL S59] 910.7 oh 2 0°3s-G' OT SeTT-0"9 Gg" eé-¢ OT Sso_ puly Sy 07 0° 1G-¢ OT 0°1T-0°9 0°3&-¢ OT Gon OS G°9T-0'8 0°01-0'°¢ G°96-0 FI stsoyd -10UL | -e40Ur 9st iat) Rats 2 002-0 TT 0°1T-0'9 008-0 LT $59] 810.7 | ¢¢-0'¢ ¢°9 -¢'F 0°8I-0°LT 0°02-0°TT ¢'6-0'8 0'IT-0°9 12-0 SZ 0° 08-0° LT S80] pulpy | | eg -¢g'7 \¢-9 -G'¢ 0° LI-O'FI 0° LI-0' IT ¢°6 -0°8 |¢'0T-0'¢ ¢°9G-0'°22 0°22-0°9T spnq Be] puly G9 -S'g 02-0 OT 0°1I-0°9 ¢ 1e-0°91 0°9-¢'F |0°9 -¢'¢ 0°0Z-¢° IT 0°8I-0°0T 0°01-0°9 0°0T-0°9 0'0&-G' LT ¢°22-0°9T ¢¢-0'€ |¢'¢ -0'8 0°8I-0'01 0°21-0'6 ¢6-S°¢ |¢'6-0'¢ ¢°12-S°ST (0'92-0 FI Peeg cy SPA 1G SLO Oly, /$°0¢-0 TT (011-09 GT&-0° LT stsoyd -10UL ~84 UI TEAL S59] 810.7 o°9 -0'F 902-011 0°11-0'9 ¢°18-0° ZT 8B] PUT 0°S -0'€ 0°81-0'6 0°01-0°¢ 0°8c-¢ FI OO =S77, (0° 61-0°TT O°IT-0'2 0°0&-0°8T VO) i) 0992 0°61-0 01 0° TI-9"¢ 0°08-¢ "ST 830] PUT 0°9 -0'F 0° 61-0°01 ¢ 01-¢"¢ 062-9 ST ‘9g Aine | 12 Aine J | “61 Aqne \ f "BI Aine, "FT Aine | | 7 Or Aine [ J “Tr Ayne “g Aine oe sme "gg ouns | "9g vung’ #o une “9g ounr ““gy oune aa oun (ee oe ped “Teun “wD 45 456 J. F. GUDERNATSCH Experiment V Rana temporaria, Set VIII to XI, voluntarily mixed. These hatched April 10 to 13 and the experiment started May 8, 1912. In addition to the organs used in the previous experiments, pancreas and testicle were given as food in this experiment. Each organ was given in two forms; with one group of tadpoles a small piece of the tissue was placed in the water; to a second group the food was given in a crushed form, a piece of the tissue being squeezed between the fingers, until it was broken into minute particles. This was done for two reasons. First to al- low juices that might form an active part of the glands to ooze out into the water as quickly as possible, second to give the weaker individuals a chance to find food particles: In almost every experiment it was seen that a number of the smallest in- dividuals did not grow and after a time began to die. It seems, however, that this is not due to an inability to obtain food, but because they were less fit to live and were simply weeded out in the early stages of development. The tadpoles fed on the crushed glands developed in essentially the same manner as the others, thus after several weeks both sets were placed in one dish and fed alike. One set of animals was fed on clotted blood. They did best of all. A control set was fed on Elodea canadensis and another was starved. All of the tadpoles were about 4 weeks old at the beginning of the experiment and had not been fed. When starved the ani- mals eat the dead ones, if these are not removed, but their rate of growth can by no means compare with that of tadpoles re- ceiving plenty of food. The thyroid-fed tadpoles showed the same rapid development as observed in previous experiments. They could not be kept alive longer than 23 days, although after 10 days they were put in water through which a constant current of air was passed. The groups fed on other tissues also showed the usual rate of growth. Those individuals fed on spleen, liver and thymus ran rather parallel courses and progressed somewhat faster during the FEEDING EXPERIMENTS ON TADPOLES 457. early days of the experiment than the tadpoles fed on testicle, ovary and adrenal. The latter three groups also ran similar courses. The set fed on plants showed a rather rapid growth, about equal to that of the spleen, liver and thymus groups. The tadpoles in these groups reached on the average a length of 30 to 31 mm at the time of metamorphosis, while the specimens in the slower growing groups reached a length of 33 to 34 mm before they metamorphosed. This fact might lead one to con- clude that the materials fed to the faster groups, vegetable, blood, spleen, liver and thymus, contain an agens which causes a more rapid differentiation than the foods given to the second groups, testicle, ovary, adrenal. This, however, is not the case, since in the first group the spleen- and thymus-fed tadpoles exhibited no signs of an approaching metamorphosis at a time when the tad- poles of the second group had begun to leave-the water. Attention should be called to the fact that in this experiment as in the previous ones of 1912 the spleen- and thymus-fed groups (spleen had not been fed in 1911) showed almost parallel courses of development, neither reaching the stage of metamorphosis when the other groups had. Whether or not this indicates an influence of the spleen, or perhaps of all lymphatic organs, simi- lar to that of the thymus in retarding differentiation I am at present unable to decide. The tadpoles intended for a pancreas diet did not feed freely and most of them died early. The starved animals did not differentiate beyond their original stage and began to die about 4 weeks after the beginning of the experiment. The pigmentation exhibited by the animals was very much the same as in previous experiments. The thymus-fed individuals, however, did not become as dark as usual. Those fed on blood and plants became very dark. Experiment VI Rana temporaria, Set Vto VII. Figure 5, a to e. Probably three sets mixed. They hatched April 6 to 8 and were not fed until May 24, when the experiment began. 458 J. F. GUDERNATSCH During the early part of the season hypophysis was not available, so that no experiments with it could be carried out simultaneously with the other. Therefore this late experiment of hypophysis feeding is not of great significance. It is reported here to show the rates of growth of tadpoles fed on glandular and others on the nervous parts of the hypophysis. TABLE 10 Measurements in millimeters, and diary DATE Beets ot HYPOPHYSIS GLANDULAR | HYPOPHYSIS NERVOUS | 19 .0-21 .0! 17 .0-26 .0 | 17 .0-26 .0 eo | 7.0- 8:0 6.0- 9.0 | 6.0- 9.0 ite Ta eiw sal) piel OSL SRO 10 .5-16 .0 | 10 .5-17 .0 3.5- 4.5 4.0- 6.0 | 4.0- 6.0 19 .0-22.0 17 .0-26 .5 | 17 .0-28 .0 Mage3ats as: 7.0- 8.5 6 .5-10.0 6 .0-10.0 11 .0-13 .5 10.5-18 .0 | 11 .0-18.5 4.0- 5.0 4.0- 6.0 | 4.0- 6.0 19 .0-22.5 17 .0-27 .5 1 17 .0-29 .0 | a ed 7.0- 8.5 6 .5-10.0 6 .0-10.0 11 .0-14.0 11 .0-18 .5 11.0-19.0 4.0- 5.0 4.0- 6.0 4.0- 6.0 23 .0-25 .0 17 .5-30.5 17 .0-30.5 Tarslon mceee. 8.0- 9.5 6 .5-11.5 6 .0-11 .0 15 .0-15.5 11 .0-19.0 11 .0-19 .5 5.0- 6.0 4.5- 7.0 4.0- 7.0 Hind legs Ue eb sn Eee voluminous bodies. ( One individual grows faster than the others and develops hind legs JME SO; eee eee 39 0 11.0 21.0 7.0 ( 25 .0-27 .0 19 .5-30.5 20 .0-32 .0, 34 9 .0-10.0 7.0-11.5 7 5-11 .0, 11 16 .0-17 .0 12.5-19 .0 12 .5-21 .5, 23 Talon. ee 5 .0- 6.0 4.5- 7.0 4.5- 6.5, 7 Short, but very strong} Only one, the biggest, extremities. Beginto| has hind legs, but die still drawn close to the body 1 When four measurements are given, the first refers to the entire length, sec- ond to length of body, third to length of tail, fourth to breadth of body. FEEDING EXPERIMENTS ON TADPOLES 459 The difference between the rates of growth of the two sets is not marked, there may be a little faster growth in the set fed on neural hypophysis. The tadpoles fed on glandular hypophysis (fig. 5 b, 5 d) show decidedly better differentiation and gradu- ally become less pigmented than those fed on neural hypophysis (fig. 5 e). Experiment VII Bufo vulgaris, Set I. Figure 8, a to d. Hatched April 10 to 20, 1912, and the feeding began May 6. The experimental data are as follows: May 5 The feeding began. May 11 All the thyroid-fed specimens have hind legs and the frog shape is noticeable. They were fed only four times. May 18 Thyroid-fed animals have developed fore legs. May 22 Algae were placed in with the thyroid-fed tadpoles. June 18 Last thyroid-fed ones die. June 20 Thymus-fed ones have hind leg buds. June 24 Control animals have hind leg buds. July 11 The muscle-fed tadpoles have the best differentiated hind legs. July 14 Muscle-fed animals grow fore legs. July 20 The first metamorphosis in muscle-fed group. The control still have very small hind leg buds. Thymus-fed animals have their hind legs still drawn close to the body. This experiment introduced a new species into the study, Bufo vulgaris, yet the results, as one might have expected, are essen- tially the same. The thyroid-fed group (fig. 8, d) showed their usual precocious differentiation, their decrease in size is not as marked as in the Rana species. The thymus-fed group (fig. 8, c) did not grow much faster than the muscle-fed ones (fig. 8, ) and towards the end of the experiment they actually fell behind in size, yet they showed little, if any, differentiation at the time of the first metamorphosis of the muscle-fed tadpoles. A con- siderable number of the thymus group died when they reached a length of about 21 mm (status thymicus, thymus death). TABLE 11 Measurements in millimeters CONTROL DATE VEGETABLE | MUSCLE | THYMUS | THYROID 13-16 mm.! Wavi6:e ee Cathet 7— 9 mm. ’ 3— 5 mm. 14.0-16.0 15 .0-17.0 14.0-17.0 13.0-15.5 5.0- 7.0 6.0- 8.0 6.0- 8.0 5 .0= 7.0 May iSec.00 6 7.0- 9.0 8.0-10.0 8 .0-10.0 7.0- 9.0 3.0- 5.0 4.0- 5.0 AO=3520 3.0-'4.0 Legs 0.8 11.5-15.5 Micivall Speer: ee : : 3.0- 4.0 6.5-15.5 Maw S26) si4. 5 3.0- 4.0 | 11.0-15.5 | 4.5- 6.5 May 20... 65-90 3.0- 4.0 14.0-19.0 t6.0-19.0 14.0-20.0 11.0-15.5 ee 5.5- 8.0 7049.0 6.0- 9.5 4.5- 6.5 Bete ae ea 7.5-11.0 9 .0-11.0 8.0-11.5 5.0- 9.0 3.5- 5.0 4.0-5.0 4.0- 6.0 3.0- 4.0 14.0-20.0 16 .0-20.0 14.0-20.0 10.0-15.0 ren B50 7.0- 9.0 6.5- 9.5 4.5- 6.5 ee TES Tepa12.0. >) -OLOSNI05 8 .5-11.5 5.0- 9.0 #0=5:0..| (440= 5.0 4.0- 6.0 3.0- 4.0 14.0-20.0 16 .0-20.0 14.0-21.0 10.0-14.5 5.5- 8.0 7.0=19..0 7.0- 9.5 4.5- 6.0 June 6......... 7 .5-12.0 eerie Bes BOs 815 4.0- 5.0 4.0- 5.0 4.0- 6.0 3.0- 4.0 16 .0-20.0 16 .0-20.0 14.0-21.5 10.0-13.0 ae as 6.5- 8.5 7029.0 * 7 0='9:0 4.5- 6.0 sdesaes 23 8 .0-12.0 9.0-11.5 8 .5-12.0 4.0- 7.0 4.0- 5.5 4.0- 5.0 4.0- 6.0 3.0- 4.0 17 .0-20.5 16 .0-21.0 17 .5-22.0 ees 6.5- 8.5 7.0- 9.0 70-95 pa ace 9 .0-12.0 10.0-12.0 10.5-12.5 4.0- 5.5 4.0-5.5 4.0- 6.5 18 .0-21.0 18 .0-24.5 19 .0-22.5 July 11 6.5- 9.0 7.5-10.5 8.0- 9.5 ee a 10.012.0 | 10,5-13.0 11.0-13.0 4.5-6.0 | 4.0-6.0 4.5- 6.5 1 When four measurements are given the first refers to the entire length, second to length of body, third to length of tail, fourth to breadth of body. 460 FEEDING EXPERIMENTS ON TADPOLES 461 The next three experiments to be described were performed for the purpose of studying the influence of a mixed diet on growth and development. One kind of food was given one day and another the next. Previously the animals had been fed for a considerable length of time on one kind of tissue and were then transferred to another. Experiments VIII and IX consider a thyroid-thymus diet only. The tadpoles of Experiment VIII had been fed on muscle before the thyroid-thymus treatment began, while those of Experiment IX had starved. It may be well at present to record the notes TABLE 12 Measurements in millimeters and diary notes ( 21.0-28.0 8 .5-10.5 13 .0-19 .0 | 4.5- 6.0 June 10........ | Hind legs appear ( 20.0-24.0 7.0- 8.0 June 12........ 4 12.0-16.0 4.5- 5.5 The frog shape is noticeable 14 .0-24.0 5.5- 8.0 9 .0-16 .0 4/8 ae eee } 3.5- 5.0 Very active; legs are very thin (fig. 2 m), but much better de- veloped than in thyroid (Experiment IV, fig. 4p). Length of the hind legs 2.5 to 3.5 mm; the abdomen is bloated. June 19........ About 50% die * 14 .0-22.0 5.5- 7.5 8 .5-14.5 3.5- 5.0 Fore legs appear 10 days later than in the all-thyroid group (Experiment IV). 14 .0-20 .0 5.5- 7.5 aUyantera tars <3 8 .5-12.5 3.5- 4.5 Last ones preserved Juin bysn ease sae == RITUEV LD). = se —v 462 J. F. GUDERNATSCH from these experiments and later discuss them in connection with Experiment X, in which several kinds of foods in various combinations were applied. TABLE 13 Measurements in millimeters and diary notes | CONTROL (VEGETABLE) THYMUS-THYROID 14 .0-22.0 JMNCIO es eee ce eanerelae 9 .0-14.0 | 3.0- 4.0 | 15 .0-25 .0* | 14 .0-21 .0 5 5.5- 8.5 | 5.0- 7.0 MINE V2 sd eee: 10 0-17.0 9 0-14.0 3.5- 4.5 3.0- 4.0 | Hind legs appear ines ee ae | Manycdie 15 .5-26.0 14 .0-20.0 5 .5- 9.0 5.0- 7.0 10 .5-17 .0 9 .0-13.0 TONNE MS. peso oo as 3.5= 5.0 3.0- 4.0 | Fore legs appear Very active { The abdomen is bloated 16 .0-26 .0 14.0-18.5 B 5.5- 9.0 5.0- 6.0 de Pe: cae 10.5-17.5 9.0-11.5 L 3.5- 5.5 3.0- 4.0 Gl A Atckeieesae s. date a: Hind leg buds July glee Last one dies ‘Experiment VIII Rana temporaria, Set II. Figure 2, k, 2, m. Hatched April 6 to 7, 1912 (Experiment IV), and fed on muscle until June 3. The largest individuals of Set Il were selected for this experiment. The feeding of thyroid-thymus began on June 5. Experiment LX Rana temporaria, Sets V to VII. Figure 6, a to d. Probably three sets mixed. Hatched April 6 to 8, 1912, and not fed until June 5, when the experiment was started. FEEDING EXPERIMENTS ON TADPOLES 463 Experiment X Bufo vulgaris, Set III. Figure 9,ator. Brought into the laboratory May 21, 1912, size 18 to 23 mm, age unknown. Experiment started June 5. Thirteen groups of tadpoles, 150 individuals in each, were given food as indicated below; one group was starved. A part of this experiment corresponds to Experiment IV in which several groups of tadpoles of Rana temporaria were fed on thyroid for from 1 to 5 days respectively and afterwards put on a vegetable diet. The Bufo tadpoles reacted very quickly to the thyroid stimulus, but when the thyroid feeding was stopped, they seemed to overcome the thyroid influence more readily than any other tadpoles. The groups fed on thyroid from 3 to 5 days (fig. 9, b to d) developed hind legs 5 days after the first feeding, showing as in other experiments, that a 3 day feeding of thyroid gland suffices to give the typical results. The 2 day group budded the hind extremities on the 7th day and the 1 day group on the 11th day. These intervals approach close to those observed in Experiment IV, which were 5, 6 and 14 days. The anterior ex- tremities appear in the 5 day group 14 days after the first feeding (in Experiment IV on the 10th day) and this group begins to undergo metamorphosis on the 18th day. In the other, 1 to 4 day groups, the after-treatment with vegetable food seems to check the hastened differentiation following the intake of thy- roid tissue. They finally do not go much faster than tadpoles which had not received thyroid. It might thus appear as if the Bufo tadpoles had a stronger resistancy against the thyroid stimu- lus than the Rana larvae. This point is not entirely clear, how- ever, since the former had not received any food before the thy- roid feedings began, while the latter had previously lived for 50 days on muscle. As has been stated above, any meat diet before or after the thyroid treatment is apt to render the animals more susceptible to the thyroid stimulus than does starvation. The thyroid treated Bufo tadpoles do not reduce their size so much as the Rana tadpoles, as before mentioned under Experi- ment VII. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 15, No. 4 BPH Be] pulyy 0°9 -0'F 0°FI-0 01 06 -0°2 0° &6-0°8T 09 0F 0° FI-0 01 (0) (i) 0 0° 8-0 ST HIAVIADGA sISAHdOdAH € 47peerq g'9 q93u0] | ‘1t8} Ou Doe er eon ‘peoy [eo -1d A} ‘SIs spnq -oydiour Se] pulpy -BOUT ISIN odvys-ptoy, \ 1e.ome spnq | Se, pury SOODO OEY 40001 i aABy Moy VW edeys-ptoy, SutAp Auvy| sso, 104 | JOUTIsIP odvys-pvoy, | i Be “6, oune 09 -0°F 0°9 -0'F ONSESOGY, ORSESORY, 0S -0'F | ORS SOY Onc Oar se S07 CEE ORY SS =0n7, | at) a7 0°9'-0'F YOa0ie -| O'FI-0'0T | S°SI-O'0T | O'SI-0'OT | O'FI-O0'OT | O'€I-0'0OT | O'ST-0'OT | O'€I-0'OT | O'FI-O'OT | O'Gt-0'OT | S°eI-0'OT | S'at-0'OT | O'FI-0'0OT | 0'FT-0 01 |\ ss saeee gy eunr 06 -0'4 06-02 06 -0'L 06 -0'2 ¢-8 -0)9 0°6 -0°2 98-072 06-02 0°6 -0'L 06 -0'L 06 -0'L 06-02 06-02 | 0'S2-0'8E |G F2-S°8T | O'C2-S'LT | O'CS-G'LT | S'TG-G'9T | O'TZ-O'LT | OTZ-O'LT | S°GZ-O LT |G Te-O'LT | SICO'LT | STOLE | 0'&6-0'8T | 0 £2-0°8T Sao pute | ee ee ee ef os “97 oune HME © OTGISTA ATI UTLEY 9] qQBe0T}0u VdeBys-pvOT, * odeys-ptoy, sso] pulpy | 09-07 0°9 -0'F Once Oey, eS S17 SA) 1 SE SC S47 EE Wai (EE A 7 EWA = CSOT 0°9 -0'F O02 | oe77 oun O'FI-0'0E | S°ST-O'OL | O'FI-O'OT | O'FI-O'OT | O'FI-O'OT | O'FI-0'OT | O'SI-0'OT | O'FI-0'OT | O'FT-0'OT | O'SI-0'OT | O'ZI-0'OE | O'FI-0'OT | O'FT-0°0T | 06-02 06-02 06-024 06-02 06 -0°2 06-02 OO =2 | OG =07 0°6 -0'4 06-02 | 06-02 06 -0'2 06-02 | 0'€2-0'8I | 9 FZ-F Sl | O'€Z-0 ST | Fe-0'ST | 02-081 | 0° G2-0'8T | 0 T2-0'8T | GZ-0'8T | 8 e2-0'8T | 0'Gc-0'8T 0 Te-0'8T | 0°&c-0'8T 0°&2-0'8ST | 859] pulpy SOO IOC oun “WIUl 9 —P “UnUr FI-OT oxete(eininiele nen =) | ¢ oun y UIUT €¢-8T \ G | stsAyd | sisfyd | : | 19%9932A | _Gag 9[qe}o50 A, Pace 9[OsN snuUlAy]L, SABP G SAGP Ff SAup ¢ | SABP Z ABP [ se a cat a SO | =a = WIOMeMue ae aLva IOULNOD SOWAHL aIOUAHL JO LHId GIOUAHL UALIV SINVId fuvyp puv slajauajpuu ur sjuawmainspa yy tl ATAVL 464 | stsoydsout eqaut qSI1] stsoydiour | -BJOUL 48117) 0°9-0'% |09-0'F G'FI-S°E | 0'S1-0'ET GOI-G'2 | 001-04 0°S2-0'0% | 0° S2-0'02 | SSO] O1047 859] 0107 BHO] PUTT] eso] PUlH] WE) S017 2 | 0h GC PI-0'cr | 0 FI-0 CT S16) =0) 001-02 0° $2-0°0% | 0° F2-0'6T “Apoq JO YApPtoiq 0} YANO} ‘[1e} Jo YyBue] 07 pasty} ‘Apoq jo yySue] 07 puodes ‘Ty4BUE] O11}UA OY} O} SIOJOI JSIY OY} ‘UGATS OIG SJUOWIOINSBOUL INOF UST AA 1 | | 09 -0'F | 0°ST-0°0T, | 0°01-0"2 | 0° S8-0'0G sso] PUI (0'°9 -0'°F | 0°ST-0°01 | $°6 -0'L | G'¥6-0'02 ¢ 0 0 0 A Ate iS'8 Leia “81-0 9T | stsoydiour |-BJ9UL 4SBT I geste st OSes 2s SE 0 81-0 FI sosoydsourez,OUL 4SATyT > wh a> So wD 859] 910)T f-£ 850, ‘? -0'F GP -G'§ “CI-G'6 ¢’€1-G'6 "8 -0°9 0°8 -G'¢ ‘06-0 °9T 0° 12-0 ST | | | sisoydiour | jeqjour 4svrq| | sisoydiour -RYOUL 4SBrT) ie SY te Ge Cele siaa: 0'€ ee) Sty OL 081-0 TT 0°01 sisoydiour | “BOUL 4ST) stsoydsour | “BYOUL SIT | | | SB0] 910.7 | SHO] 910.7 | | poos | poos AIWA S00], |AJOA Sa0J, ¥-9'6 S307], Dt te a Ooi/ | O'GI-G'8 | 0'GI-9'6 |0°'8-9'¢ | 08-09 | $°06-0°ST | 0°06-S ST (WS) 0) i? G9 -0 7 0°€1-0'0T | 0° F1-0°0T ¢ 8 -0'4 06 -0°4 O'TG-O'LZT | $°62-0 ZT dovenpur prlorAy poos soo J, | gesdey | gg sd07 Ones Oly Gece Ony 0 &T-0'0T | O'FT-0°0T G°8'—=0°2 016 50% | OVO LT | O° GC-0' LT | co -0'F 0°$I-G OT 06 -0'2 0°06-G "LT Ws) 40) 77 GeT-0' TT 06 -0°2 66-0 8T 0591-017 G€I-0' IT 0°6 -S°L 0° G2-$ 81 4 94} WIOIF IAODVI 07 WIDDG GG 8807] | cy -0'F. 0° 1-0 0T 0°6 -0°2 0°G6-0' LT { 0°9 -0'F 0°€t-0° 01 0°6 -O0°L 0°@6-0 LT og spnq Bory |0°9 -0'F | 0°S1-0°01 | 0°6 -9°2 0°G6-S "LT sisoydiour -BYOUI 4SIT YL 0°9 -0'F G'PI-0 OT LN av 74 0° 2-081 850] 010.7 sHo] pulpy 0°9 -0'F G¥I-0°01 $6 -0'2 0° ¥2-0' SI spnq 39] pul 0-9 -0'F 0° FI-0°01 0°6 -0'L 0° 86-G°8T spnq Bo] pur] (09 -0'F | 0'F1-0°01 (06 -0'L | 0°€2-¢' I “9g Ayne "3g Ane “gt Aine ‘ot Ayne “TT Ayne “or Aine oy Ane “q Ane “g Aine “7 Ajne "gz oun “yz oune “gz oun “ez oune “ge oun 465 466 J. F. GUDERNATSCH The main interest of Experiment X lies in the results following the mixed feedings of two kinds of animal tissues or animal tis- sue and plants. It will be seen from the notes that, whenever thyroid tissue was one of the two foods it exerted an accelerating influence on development. The four groups fed on thyroid-thymus (fig. 9 h), thyroid-muscle (fig. 9 f, 9), thyroid-hypophysis (fig. 97, 9 p) and thyroid-plants (fig. 9 g, 9 q) developed their hind legs on the 5th day. The fore legs appeared in the third and fourth groups on the 21st day, in the second group on the 22d day and in the Ist group on the 24th day and the tadpoles of the several groups began to metamorphose in the same order. These facts indicate that the thymus was best able to counteract the thyroid, the hypophysis and plants least. It is peculiar, however, that the or- der of the last individual metamorphoses is exactly the reverse, the thyroid-thymus group completing the change first, the thy- roid-plant group last. It is doubtful whether this has any con- nection with the fact that the greatest reduction in size was in the first group and gradually less down to the fourth. We may now compare these thyroid-thymus results with those of Experiments VIII and IX. They are essentially alike, the thymus always being able to check the thyroid influence to some degree, but unable to suppress it entirely (fig. 2, 2 m, 6b, 6d, 9h). The remaining three groups, thymus-hypophysis (fig. 9 7, 9 p), thymus-plants (fig. 9k, 9q) and hypophysis-plants run much slower than the corresponding thyroid groups. Their hind legs appear from 16 to 19 days later than in the thyroid combination feedings. The hypophysis-plant group leads the three, the thymus-plant group is a few days behind. This corresponds to the thyroid groups, where the hypophysis was less able to counteract the thy- roid acceleration than was the thymus. In the thymus-hypophy- sis group (91, 97r) two retarding factors combine, therefore the tadpoles fed on this diet never develop fore legs nor do they be- gin to metamorphose. Yet they are very big healthy specimens. - FEEDING EXPERIMENTS ON TADPOLES 467 It is thus clear that, whenever thyroid forms a part of the diet, a precocious differentiation sets in; when thymus is added (thy- mus-thyroid, thymus-hypophysis, thymus-plants), the opposite influence is noticed. One group (9 m) of Bufo tadpoles was starved to test again whether hunger might cause differentiation, but no differentia- tion was noted even 5 weeks after the start of the experiment. Finally another group was fed on testicle. The testicle diet had not been fully tested before. The development of these tad- poles did not differ from the control and this group can therefore serve for a further comparison with the groups given a mixed diet. Experiments were also begun on Triton alpestris and on Bufo vulgaris tadpoles which had a part of their tails amputated, but the time was too short to carry them out completely. Feedings were started with Triton alpestris larvae on June 24. On July 12 the outer gills of the thyroid-fed ones had disappeared and the fore legs were well differentiated. The thymus-fed speci- mens still possessed their outer gills and had only small buds of their fore legs. The animals treated with other foods showed intermediate conditions. Bufo vulgaris tadpoles of 19 to 23 mm in length, tails 10 to 14 mm. long, had 5 mm of their tails amputated on June 24. The next day separate groups were started on thyroid, thymus, mus- cle and vegetable diets. The thyroid group developed hind legs on July 3 (8th day) and fore legs on July 12 (17th day). The thy- mus and muscle groups developed hind legs on July 9 (14th day). Their measurements are given in table 15, page 468. The thymus-fed ones had grown considerably by July 14 and regained their former average length, since they had almost completely regenerated their tails. The other groups had grown and regenerated much less, the thyroid least of all, while in turn it showed the fastest differentiation. ‘These observations cor- respond with those of 1911. Romeis has studied extensively the © 468 * J. F. GUDERNATSCH TABLE 15 CONTROL 3 : ead VEGETABLE RE ee THYMUS | MUSCLE mm | 19 .0-23 .0 (14-19 mm after amputation) 7.0-9.0 | June 24. ......- 10 .0-14.0 | ( 5- 9mm after amputation) 3.5- 52D) | | 13 .5-18 .0 110-140 ||» 20°0-22.0, |, 15. 0-18 Tuily 14 7.0- 9.5 5 .0- 6.5 9 .0-10.5 | 7.5- 9.5 Aah oe 6.0- 9.0 6.0-8.0 | 11.0-12.0 7.5- 9.0 6.5 4. & 450-75:.0 | 2.5- 4.0 5 .Q- influence of different diets on the regeneration of the tail in Rana esculenta tadpoles. The experiments of 1911 and 1912 leave no doubt that the mammalian thyroid gland contains an agens which, when the gland is given as food, calls forth a rapid differentiation in a developing vertebrate organism. This differentiation may be brought about at any stage of development, before maturity is reached. The differentiation may therefore be highly precocious in cases where the treatment is begun on extremely young ani- mals. Experiment I showed that tadpoles could be brought to the point of metamorphosis within 18 days after hatching, while normally they would require 10 to 12 weeks to reach such a stage. The results of this premature metamorphosis are perfect frogs of minute size, pygmy frogs, as the figures show (fig. 4 0, 4 p and others). The thyroid influence is very decided and there is no escape from it for any tadpole given a thyroid diet. All of the individuals, even if thousands be employed as was the case in several experiments, will react almost immediately to the thy- roid stimulus, so that certain changes in their structure may be observed after 24 hours, when only one application of thyroid has been made. They will all react simultaneously so that any individual differences in development will become unobservable. The experiments further bring out the fact that the time of re- action to the thyroid stimulus varies to a certain degree with the FEEDING EXPERIMENTS ON TADPOLES 469 kind of food that had been given before the thyroid diet was started. There is also a difference in response between previously starved and fed tadpoles. The experiments with mixed diets showed that the accelerating influence of the thyroid could be checked to some extent and the rapid differentiation more or less retarded. However, there is no complete counteraction against the thyroid stimulus, so that sooner or later any tadpole, receiv- ing thyroid after other or mixed with other diets, must respond to its influence. Experiments were carried out to determine the least amount of thyroid food necessary to produce the typical reactions, and also to determine whether or not the tadpoles could recover from the thyroid shock if afterwards put on other food. A feeding of only 24 hours—that is to say, the thyroid was kept in the dish for about 24 hours, though the animals did not feed on it continuously —sufficed to cause a hastened differentiation. A feeding for three days was enough to give the fastest rate of differentiation, a rate that could not be increased by longer feedings. When thyroid is applied too rapidly, the animals usually die very soon after the appearance of their fore limbs and the simul- taneous reduction of their tails.. By careful feedings at rather long intervals and in all not more than four times, the animals may be kept alive for several weeks. They will not undergo, however, any further changes, except perhaps a continued reduction of their tails, nor will they ever feed again. In 1911 I succeeded in bringing some tadpoles to a complete absorption of their tails and these thyroid frogs were kept alive on wet sand for from 2 to 4 days. In 1912 some Bufo tadpoles almost completely ab- sorbed their tails under the thyroid treatment (fig. 9 e, 9 n), but could not be kept alive for more than 24 hours. A recovery from the thyroid influence is extremely rare. Only 5 individuals out of 400 in one experiment and 6 in another were able to survive, and, although, they were never seen to feed, began slowly to grow again after a standstill of several weeks. 470 J. F. GUDERNATSCH Not one of the many thousand tadpoles fed on thymus in the spring of 1912 could be brought to metamorphosis during the 15 weeks in which the animals were under observation, while tad- poles of the same set, though fed on other substances, metamor- phosed before that time (fig. 4 0, p, liver). In some experiments the thymus fed tadpoles never succeeded in growing their hind extremities before the controls completely metamorphosed. Yet the thymus tadpoles would grow very rapidly, especially during the first weeks of the experiments. The tadpoles feed on spleen behaved in very much the same way as the thymus-fed ones, though they always were somewhat ahead of the latter and did not counteract the thyroid feedings so strongly. Of the great number of spleen fed tadpoles also not one could be caused to metamorphose. We must therefore conclude that the thymus and to some ex- tent the spleen also, and probably the lymphatic organs, when given as food, will cause a rapid growth followed by a rather late differentiation or none at all. These experiments with various foods, except thyroid, thymus and spleen, and the investigations of other workers show that the animals must reach a certain constant minimum size before the final metamorphosis can begin. There is on the other hand a constant assimilation of food and a gradual increase in body size up to a constant maximum, beyond which a normal animal may not pass without the beginning of the final differentiation and metamorphosis. In the thyroid-fed tadpoles there is differentiation without growth, in the thymus- (and spleen- ) fed tadpoles growth with- out differentiation. ‘The experiments, therefore, emphasize the fact that in development we deal with two entirely separate factors, the factor of growth and the factor of differentiation. The two naturally work simultaneously; but differentiation is not the result of growth, otherwise there could be no thyroid differ- FEEDING EXPERIMENTS ON TADPOLES 471 entiation without growth. Nor must growth necessarily be fol- lowed by differentiation, as seen in the growing thymus tadpoles. One might say that ordinary foods which are being assimilated bring with them the two factors of growth and differentiation. Then the assumption is necessary that the thyroid food lacks the power of causing growth, while the thymus and spleen lack the power of causing differentiation. But we can hardly assume that all the various kinds of foods an animal may take in, with the only exceptions of thyroid and thymus, contain these two factors in the proper proportions. The factors for growth and differentiation can only be located within the organism itself. We face the following propositions: 1. The thyroid has the power to excite differentiation, but it lacks the power to cause growth. The thyroid calls forth differentiation, whether the animals be small or large, and without regard to the standard minimum size, necessary for the final change. It must possess an agens for stimulating differentiation which other foods do not possess. That the thyroid also possesses a power which prevents growth is not evident. The suppression of growth may merely be inci- dental, for rapid differentiation does not allow growth. 2. The thymus has the power to stimulate growth, but lacks the power to excite differentiation. It has been stated above that tadpoles feeding on any food (except thyroid) reach a maximum size, and when this maximum is reached, differentiation begins independently. The thymus-fed tadpoles reach this maximum size and differentiation should set in of itself, even if the thymus lacked the necessary stimulus. But differentiation does not begin; therefore the thymus (and spleen) must exert an influence not possessed by the other foods which suppresses differentiation. That the thymus possesses the power to stimulate growth, is again not so evident, since the thymus growth may be merely the normal result of the intake of food. The thymus growth is rather rapid, but this may be attributed to the better nutritive qualities of the thymus tissue. The thymus- fed tadpoles may also grow beyond the normal as brought out in 472 J. F. GUDERNATSCH 1911, yet this again may be merely incidental. There is no be- ginning of differentiation in thymus-fed tadpoles which would check a further growth. We can only say with reasonable safety: 1. The thyroid possesses a quality that stimulates differentia- tion, not contained in any other food used.” 2. The thymus (and spleen) possess a quality that suppresses differentiation not contained in any other food used. Thus the thyroid and thymus must produce, or at least con- tain, agents which, when passed into developing organisms, in the one case stimulate, in the other suppress, differentiation. The production of such substances to be thrown into the circulation characterises the thyroid and thymus as glands with a positive internal secretion. ‘That these two types of tissues may also be capable of performing the reverse action, viz. the elimination of certain substances from the circulation, as has been assumed especially for the thyroid, is neither demonstrated nor denied by these experiments. j The other glands used in the studies may or may not contain either the accelerating or the depressing power. However, the macroscopic differences in the rate of growth and differentiation of tadpoles fed on such glands and of the control animals are only slight and might easily be attributed to differences in the nutri- tive values of the various foods. The feeding experiments on tad- poles are, therefore, not likely to reveal these factors, if at all present in other glands, in a striking degree. Their study must beleft to experiments of a different kind. 2 By ‘differentiation’ is meant merely the macroscopic changes, hind, fore- limbs, metamorphosis. The microscopic differentiation will be discussed in a later paper. FEEDING EXPERIMENTS ON TADPOLES 473 LITERATURE CITED BarFurti, D. 1887 a Versuche iiber die Verwandlung von Froschlarven. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. 29, p. 1. 1887 b Der Hunger als férderndes Prinzip in der Natur. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. 29, p. 28. Bascu, K. 1906 Beitriige zur Physiologie und Pathologie der Thymus. Jahrb. f. Kinderheilk., Bd. 64; 1908, Bd. 68. Brepu, A. 1910 Innere Secretion, I. Auflage. Wien-Berlin. 1913 Innere Secretion, 2. Auflage. Wien-Berlin. GupERNATsCH, J. F. 1912a Fiifterungsversuche an Kaulquappen. Demonstr. Verh. Anat. Ges., Bd. 26. Vers. Miinchen. 1912 b Fiitterungsversuche an Kaulquappen. Vorl. Mitteil. Centralbl. f. Physiol., Bd. 26, no. 7. 1912¢ Feeding experiments on tadpoles.I. Arch. f. Entwickel.- Mech., Bd. 35, p. 457. Hammar, I. A. 1910 Fiinfzig Jahre Thymusforschung. Ergebn. d. Anat. u. Entwicklungsg., Bd. 19. LIEBEN, 8. Uber die Wirkung von Extrakten chromaffinen Gewebes (Adre- nalin) auf die Pigmentzellen. Centralbl. f. Physiol., Bd. 20. Romets, B. 1913 Der Einfluss verschiedenartiger Ernihrung auf die Regenera- tion bei Kaulquappen (Rana esculenta) I. Arch. f. Entwicklungs- mech., Bd. 37, p. 183. VINCENT, 8. 1912 Internal secretion and the ductless glands. London. All illustrations taken from living tadpoles. All figures in natural size except figures 10, a to7z and 11, a tof. PLATE 1 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 1,atoze Rana temporaria lI. Experiment I. a, liver; b, spleen; c, thymus; d, muscle; e, ovary; f, adrenal cortex; g, adrenal medulla; h, brain; June 6, 1912. i, liver; k, liver-thyroid; 1, spleen; m, spleen-thyroid; n, muscle; 0, muscle-thyroid; p, Ovary; q, ovary-thyroid; 7, adrenal cortex; s, adrenal cortex-thyroid; t, adrenal medulla; u, adrenal medulla-thyroid; v, brain; w, brain-thyroid; June 26, 1912. In k, m, 0, q, 8, u, w, thyroid feeding had been started on June 17, 1912. x, liver; y, brain; z, spleen-thyroid; za, muscle-thyroid; zb, ovary-thyroid; zc, adrenal cor- tex-thyroid; zd, adrenal medulla-thyroid; ze, brain-thyroid, July 6, 1912. In z to ze, thyroid feeding had been started on June 17, 1912. 2,a to n Rana temporaria II. Experiment IV. a, original size, June4, 1912. 6, control; c, thyroid-muscle, thyroid given 1 day; d, thyroid-muscle, thyroid given 3 days; e, thyroid-muscle, thyroid given 5 days; June 17, 1912. f, thyroid-plants; thyroid given 1 day; g, thyroid-plants, thyroid given 2 days; h, thyroid-plants, thyroid given 4 days; 7, thyroid-plants, thyroid given 5 days; k, thyroid-thymus; /, thyroid emulsion; June 17, 1912. m, thyroid-thymus, n, thy- roid-muscle; thryoid given 4 days; June 26. 3,a ton. Rana temporaria III. Experiment III. a, thymus; b, muscle; c¢, thymus-thyroid I; d, thymus-thyroid II; e, thymus-thyroid III; June 1, 1912. f, thymus-thyroid II; g, thymus-thyroid III; h, thymus-thyroid IV; June 17, 1912. i, thymus; k, thymus-thyroid V; /, muscle; m, muscle-thyroid; June 26, 1912. n, muscle-thyroid; July 6, 1912. 5,atoe Rana temporaria V to VII. Experiment VI. a, control; 6b, glandu- lar hypophysis; June 26. c, control; d, glandular; e, neural hypophysis; July 6, 1912. 6,atod Ranatemporaria V to VII. Experiment IX. a, control; b, thymus- thyroid; June 17, 1912. c, control; d, thymus-thyroid; June 26, 1912. 474 nat be " r i " i 1, v ; 7 “7 . yf 1 DG in ; " 12 yyy aa an tt nt al , ; prem Talat tg | A PLATE 2 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 4,atop RanatemporarialV. ExperimentII. a, control; b, thymus; c, spleen; d, muscle (thyroid under 4, 0 and p); e, thymus-thyroid IT; f, thymus-thyroid IIT; g, thymus-thyroid IV; June 1, 1912. A, thymus-thyroid IV; 7, thymus-thyroid V; June 17, 1912. k, muscle; /, muscle-thyroid; m, spleen; n, spleen-thyroid; June 26, 1912. o to p, 1 frog fed on liver, metamorphosing on July 12, and 5 pigmy frogs, fed on thyroid metamorphosing on April 22, 81 days earlier. 0, dorsal; p, ventral view. 7,atob Ranatemporaria VIII to XI. Experiment V. a, spleen; b, adrenal; July 6, 1912. 8,atod Bufo vulgarisI. Experiment VII. a, control; b, muscle; c, thymus; d, thyroid; June 6, 1912. 9,a to r Bufo vulgaris II]. Experiment X. a, original size; June 5, 1912. b, control; c, thyroid-plants, thyroid given 1 day; d, thyroid-plants, thyroid given 3 days; e, thyroid-plants, thyroid given 5 days; June 26, 1912. f, thyroid-muscle; g, thyroid-plants (alternately); h, thyroid-thymus; 7, thyroid-hypophysis; k, thymus-plants; J, thymus-hypophysis; June 26, 1912. m, control; n, thyroid- muscle; 0, thyroid-plants; p, thyroid-hypophysis; q, thymus-plants; 7, thymus- hypophysis; July 6, 1912. 10,a to i Rana temporaria IV. Experiment II; compare figure 4, a to p. Thyroid-fed frogs, 16 to 18 days old, at the time of metamorphosis, figure 4, J. l11,a tof. Tails of tadpoles fed on different substances, to show pigmenta- tion; figure 4, /. a thymus; b, liver; c, spleen; d, muscle; e, adrenal cortex; /, adrenal medulla. FEEDING EXPERIMENTS ON TADPOLES PLATE 2 ¢ ? ? ? ’ f J g f ) f ( ' ' 3 ' i | sal oe : es ian sik 9 | 4¢ 4d : 7 tt rr TL |) ! ys 9m ; 9q 9R 9p 9 tH ranye , . f " ; 4 10 2 4 us a 10 b : ' , . + p | 4m 2 ‘ } y | 8d oe Wa Ba 8b Bc a ‘ Wis f : 4 Bs a : 3 F aes. 4 : e : c & a ; ae Bas. a H oT i me 3 ot £ * 4 eee ir Re a 4 BS as 4 : 1125. pr.o., primordial germ-cell; a., cell of germ-wall, which resembles primordial germ-cell; a’., cell of germ-wall dividing; at.sp., attraction-sphere of germ-wall cell; g.w., germ-wall entoderm; ect., ectoderm. As regards the history of the entodermal wander-cells in the blood there is also a close agreement with that of the germ-cells. However, a majority of the germ-cells do not degenerate in the blood stream or in the tissues. Only a few of the germ-cells leave the vessels before a stage of 21 somites is reached and only a few degenerate. ORIGIN OF PRIMORDIAL GERM CELLS IL; The statement made by Dantschakoff, that the entodermal wander-cells leave the blood entirely by the time the embryo has 22 somites, is of interest in view of the fact that at that stage the Fig. 15 Surface view of a primitive streak stage of a chick embryo, viewed by transmitted light (semi-diagrammatic). Zeiss ocular 2, Zeiss objective A3. This figure is intended to show the point at which the primordial germ-cells arise. The circles a, at the junction of germ wall and area pellucida, indicate this region. a., region in which the primordial germ-cells arise; h.p., head process;, primitive knot; a.op., area opaca;, area pellucida. . germ-cells are leaving the vessels of the splanchnic mesoderm and passing into the tissues of the splanchnic mesoderm near the coelomic angle. 514 CHARLES H. SWIFT SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 1. The primordial germ-cells arise anterior and antero-lateral to the embryo in a specialized region of germ-wall entoderm just at the margin of the area pellucida. This region has roughly the shape of a crescent and the germ-cells arise during the primi- tive streak stage and until the embryo has about 3 somites. The concavity of this crescent is towards the embryo and the horns extend caudalward on either side. 2. Owing to the late appearance of mesoderm in this region, the primordial germ-cells at first are in the space between ento- derm and ectoderm. Later, thanks to their amoeboid power, they enter the mesoderm and the forming blood vessels of the mesoderm. 5. They are at first carried by their own movement, and later by that of the blood to all parts of the embryo and vascular area. They remain generally distributed in this way until the embryo has about 20 somites. 4. In embryos with about 20 to 22 pairs of somites, the primor- dial germ-cells, while generally distributed throughout the em- bryo in the blood-vessels, are becoming relatively more numerous in the vessels of the splanchnic mesoderm. This increase in the number of the germ-cells in the vessels of the splanchic mesoderm may be in part only apparent, that is, a degeneration of some may have occurred elsewhere, or, it may be a real increase due to some influence, probably of a chemotactic nature, exerted in the region of the future gonad. At this period the great major- ity of the cells are found in the vessels, but a few, chiefly in the splanchnic mesoderm, are present in the tissues. In some cases they are present in the wall of the vessel, as if fixed in the act of leaving the vessel for the tissues (fig. 11). 5. In embryos with about 23 to 25 pairs of somites the major- ity of the primordial germ-cells are found in the mesodermal tis- sue of the splanchnic mesoderm near the angle of the coelom. A few cells are still present in the blood-vessels; at the 25th somite stage, in one embryo, in addition to the few found in the vessels of the splanchnic mesoderm, four masses of germ-cells are in the ORIGIN OF PRIMORDIAL GERM CELLS als vessels of the head. This is an abnormal condition, since the germ-cells in all the other embryos studied, are never grouped in this way. The embryo with 25 somites is the oldest in which germ-cells are found in the vessels. The embryo with about 22 to 23 segments is the youngest in which the primordial germ-cells have hitherto been described in the bird. Nussbaum (’80) and Keibel and Abraham (’00) in the chick, and Hoffmann (’93) in Gallinula, Sterna and Haema- topus described the germ-cells at 23 somites in the splanchno- pleure. 6. In embryos possessing about 26 to 29 somites the primor- dial germ-cells are found in the splanchnic mesoderm near the radix mesenteri. 7. In embryos with 30 to 33 somites the primordial germ-cells are in the radix mesenterii and coelomic epithelium on both sides of the coelomic angle. They remain in this position until the formation of the gonad begins when they gradually pass into that organ. BIBLIOGRAPHY ALLEN, B. M. 1905 The origin of the sex-cells of Chrysemis. Anat. Anz., Bd. 29. 1909 The origin of the sex-cells of Amia and Lepidosteus. Anat. Rec., vol. 3. Bearp, J. 1904 The germ-cells. Part1. Journ. Anat. and Phys., vol. 38. Benstey, R. R. 1911 The pancreas of the guinea-pig. Amer. Jour. Anat., vol. 12, pp. 297-388. VON BERENBERG-GOSSLER 1912 Die Urgeschlechtszellen des Hiihnerembryos aus 3 and 4 Bebriitungstage. Arch. Mik. Anat., Bd. 81. Baxrrant, E.G. 1885 Contribution al’etude de la formation des organes sexuels chez les insectes. Recueil Zoologique, Suisse. 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