' 7 ib oe Patel i : — PREPERS ae oe me. = = = stowed = SSSS> a natn mayan | weaatnatectstetnctectas eR ey Senne eS ; f hie % R : tes " aU J 7 Da pera ie y oi fs a on t\ As. iN hy Lia 2 BPR te yah A ie avAs ANT ik Mi UPN TAY Cais i! TAA Re SCR PVRS Reps vA i Ne v4 y ' i & : i y ' i ft ‘| j . ., - ~ 0 a r i i “a —e. eras: ; fuel ¥) ——— vk alsa ee ms i ae : ; 5 f ; : Ne n aap - i) ai t b » ’ 4 f= Gen — mn ; ie { J a U y ioe ¢ nit) pe Pe a =F 4 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY EDITOR LAL BOA R CHARLES R. BARDEEN G. Cart HUBER University of Wisconsin University of Michigan Henry H. DoNAaLDson Grorce S. HUNTINGTON The Wistar Institute Columbia University Simon H. GaGeE Henry Mck. KNower, Cornell University Secretary University of Cincinnati VOLUME 19 1916 FRANKLIN P. Mau Johns Hopkins University J. PhuAyrain McMourric# University of Toronto GroraE A. PIERSOL University of Pennsylvania THE WISTAR INSTITUTE OF ANATOMY AND BIOLOGY PHILADELPHIA, PA, a woalty “S ae : oe Ne. ° era r ‘ i) Wa i a ewer CONTENTS No. 1. JANUARY H. Hays Buuiarp. On the occurrence and physiological significance of fat in the mus- cle fibers of the normal myocardium and atrio-ventricular system (bundle of His), interstitial granules (mitochondria) and phospholipines in cardiac muscle. Sixteen HU OMLTEC Sewer Rr ee ee ore os ce aes cher ere tha le SL ree Baker tes Saeco eee UN ots 1 R. R. Benstey. The normal mode of secretion in the thyroid gland. One plate in R. R. Benstey. The influence of diet and iodides on the hyperplasia of the thyroid PlANG, Gh GHOSSUMS IN, CAPLEVILY «Geena Boece a Satean sa sole se aemeay ee cae seprnuwnar eee 57 GrorGce L. Streeter. The vascular drainage of the endolymphatic sae and its topo- graphical relation to the transverse sinus In the human embryo. Six figures....... 67 L. Botx. Problems of human dentition. Twenty-eight figures.....................0.. 91 No. 2. MARCH M.R. Kine. The sino-ventricular system as demonstrated by the injection method. DIKLeCH fIPUres (Vie DIA UCS). 5s 27 tation aes aaewe £ ab eal Se eoa es Seacoast a eieere 149 Joun Lewis Bremer. The interrelations of the mesonephros, kidney, and placenta in different classes of animals. Twelve figures (two plates)................---eeeeee- 179 E. A. BAUMGARTNER. The development of the liver and pancreas in Amblystoma punc- tatum. wHorty-sixngures (four plates)! 2. esc. «ssl. es cue clccins oeteineie seinieeeiee ieee 211 H.E.Jorpan. Themicroscopic structure of the yolk-sac of the pig embryo, with special reference to the origin of the erythrocytes. Thirty-five figures (two plates)........ 277 C.M. Jackson. Effects of inanition upon the structure of the thyroid and parathyroid glands of the’albino rat. Hourteen figures!)......+.2ss ses. ee sense cesses es ce sew ec 305 No. 3. MAY J. A. Myrrs. Studies on the mammary glands. I. The growth and distribution of the milk-ducts and the development of the nipple in the albino rat from birth to ten WEEKS MO lp A Guys, se Mien chat Sood c toy cin arcgeh ate etsuaid ors extauay eres ta eraser cheusueveravere ec) etefae < Gucatae ecole sven ed 353 C. H. Danrortu. The relation of coronary and hepatic arteries in the common gonoids. HOUT OUNTESiseapecatcyererere mercy costar sae ciate, Su erele aca revererate Vera csete ciel ny cnctolayoelciovsicista siecle 2 aeeer este ier 391 Vicror KE. Emmeu. The cell clusters in the dorsal aorta of mammalian embryos. Eleven LUO UMESH (UW ON IAEER)| arcctarers cre ohh s sisisieusueveter siete Sea vars 40008 ave (o cieke erste caseie seve eon Gi cnememtercicys GieiGre aie 401 KE. V. Cowpry. The general functional significance of mitochondria.................-- 423 Wiuuiam A. Locy AND OLor LarsELut. The embryology of the bird’s lung. Based on 111 The OMe 1 ON THE OCCURRENCE AND PHYSIOLOGICAL SIG- NIFICANCE OF FAT IN THE MUSCLE FIBERS OF THE NORMAL MYOCARDIUM AND ATRIO-VEN- TRICULAR SYSTEM: INTERSTITIAL. GRANULES (MITOCHONDRIA) AND PHOSPHOLIPINES IN CAR- DIAC MUSCLE H. HAYS BULLARD From the Anatomical Laboratories, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh SIXTEEN FIGURES! CONTENTS [OGG TIOM A ee Rete eee Lerten et ee PY oe ee ee age 1 INCRE AVOXS ISS s OGRE & Sey Cee eee eee a en) CG CREME Sp a OPE ane Sines karan nme Oe Ln oO RM 2 4 Dthhenentiabiontormenmtnalshaten. com cesses, eee te ee Beane 5 Occurrence of neutral fat in the heart muscle of different mammals under WEAOUE MIAN KS Kono hn OMIBS va we oo oeem sive obocevanGanecadegbaeco sor 10 Physiological significance of neutral fat in cardiac muscle.................. 19 Occurrence and significance of neutral fat in the muscle tissue of the atrio- VEMUTTCULareSV SUC) =6 no Me ie ea o Merc Sate( dco ex east ee tae eee ot Cee 21 Interstitial granules (mitochondria) and phospholipines in cardiac muscle 24 SAUCONY 3 oe ENE EOP RRR Poe en PEE MAT) RS NTC Geir SAE Perea ay ood 28 INTRODUCTION In this paper I shall consider the occurrence and physiological significance of microscopically demonstrable neutral fat in the fibers of normal cardiac muscle and shall also discuss briefly the so-called true interstitial granules and their relation to the phospholipines of the heart. I have examined more than two hundred apparently normal mammalian hearts. Of these, the one hundred and forty-four last studied are listed below in tabular form. . ; Normal cardiac muscle fibers, like other tissues of the body, contain a very considerable percentage of fats. This important fact has been determined by Krehl (’93), Rosenfeld (’01), Leick ‘A large part of the cost of illustrations was borne by the Anatomical Laboratories, University of Pittsburgh. 1 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 19, No. 1 JANUARY, 1916 2 H. HAYS BULLARD and Winckler (’02), Rubow (’04—’05), Erlandsen (’07), Rosen- bloom (713 a) and others who have analyzed portions of the myo- eardium which had been carefully freed from adipose tissue. The work of the biochemists just mentioned indicates that from two to four per cent of the weight of the undried substance of the myocardium is fat, half of which is present as phospholipines while the other half is mainly neutral fat. The entire fat con- tent of normal cardiac muscle is commonly supposed to be ‘invisible,’ that is, in such a form that it cannot be micro- scopically demonstrated. A few investigators would appear to make the total fat content not only ‘invisible’ but ‘combined’ or ‘masked;’ others would limit the latter terms to the compara- tively small fraction of the total fats which can be extracted only after protein digestion. According to Leathes (’10) there is not sufficient evidence to justify us in assuming the existence of a chemical combination of fat and protein. From Rosen- bloom’s (13 b) recent review of the literature of the subject one is impressed by the vague character of the information as yet vouchsafed concerning this supposed fat-protein compound. Virchow (47) taught that visible fat appears in cardiac muscle only as the result of a pronounced retrogressive process, the de- generation of cell protein into fat. By many clinicians, ‘fatty degeneration’ in the heart was thought to lead to serious disturb- ances of function of the organ with death as the inevitable out- come. Welch (’88) demonstrated that this extreme view is not tenable. He observed that rabbits kept for some time at a high temperature and therefore known to possess fatty cardiac muscle, show no symptoms of cardiac derangement either at the time of the experiment or thereafter. He also found that cardiac fibers which are crowded with fat will nevertheless contract rhythmic- ally. Flexner (’94-95) showed that fat in the heart muscle appears more frequently in certain infections than in others. He pointed out that many clinical conditions formerly supposed to be due to fatty degeneration of the heart are now known to be due to other causes. Hasenfeld and Fenyvessy (’99) demonstrated that even when cardiac muscle is extremely fatty, following phos- phorus poisoning, the heart action is apparently unimpaired. FAT AND MITOCHONDRIA IN CARDIAC MUSCLE 3 They interpreted this apparently normal action of the heart, in the presence of a marked fatty change, as due to the very large reserve force of the cardiac fibers. Pratt (’04) concluded that there is no evidence to support the once commonly accepted theory that fatty metamorphosis of the heart muscle is often the cause of myocardial insufficiency. Many other observers have arrived at similar conclusions and nearly all now agree with the view advanced by Rosenfeld (01) and Herxheimer (’02) that the fat in so-called fatty degeneration or metamorphosis is in reality of infiltrative, not degenerative origin. Of importance in this connection are the observations of Lambert (14) upon tissue cultures of the chick heart. He finds that the source of the fat in the embryonic muscle cells is the medium in which the cells grow and that the fat droplets are not the result of cell degeneration. Referring especially to fat in the heart, Mallory (14) has re- cently well expressed the view now held by most pathologists: The fat makes its appearance in visible form because of diminished utilization (oxidation) of the fat normally brought to the muscle cyto- plasm. The fat accumulates as the result of two different causes, (a) disturbances of nutrition and (b) toxemia. The accumulation of fat in the cytoplasm of the muscle-fibers has of itself little significance. It may in time unquestionably be utilized and removed. Its im- portance pathologically lies in the evidence its presence gives of dis- turbed cell metabolism and in its frequent association with necrosis. Ostertag (’89), Ricker and Ellenbeck (’99), Fibiger (’01), Arnold (’03), Keinath (04) and Babes (’08) have referred to the isolated occurrence of visible fat in the apparently normal cardiac fibers of certain species or individuals either without advocating or without offering sufficient proof that fatty droplets are of usual occurrence in this situation. Hofbauer (05) describes visible fat in normal human fetal heart muscle. Bell (11) was the first to show clearly that visible fat (‘liposomes’) is normally present in the cardiac muscle of the common laboratory mammals. He also demonstrated that the quantity of visible fat is increased when fatty foods are given and decreased when animals are starved. Bell’s work, as well as my own observations in confirmation of his results (712 a), had ref- 4 H. HAYS BULLARD erence mainly to skeletal muscle but we both stated that our results also applied to cardiac muscle. Wegelin (13), working independently, obtained experimental results similar to those which Bell and I had previously published. Wegelin gives one drawing showing fat in the heart muscle of a normal rat. With this single exception there are, in the literature, no figures pur- porting to show the normal fat content of cardiac muscle. In the recent literature are two important communications, by Eyselein (14) and Borchers (14). Both of these authors are familiar with the work of Wegelin but neither is able to confirm his results. In general, the observations recorded in the present paper are in agreement with those of Hofbauer (05), Bell (1112), Wegelin (13), and with my own previous work (712-14). I am indebted to Prof. R. E. Sheldon for kind encouragement and valuable criticism in connection with the work of this paper. In making the figures I have received a number of helpful sug- gestions from Miss 8. E. Watson, artist of the Department of Anatomy. METHODS Technique of fat demonstration. In the demonstration of fats in tissue sections, methods and technique are of the utmost im- portance. ‘The wide divergence of opinion among different in- vestigators concerning the occurrence of fat within the cells of normal and of pathological tissues is due primarily to differences of technique in preparing the sections for examination. I have elsewhere (712 b) treated this subject in some detail and shall here give only a brief outline. Fixation. Fat containing material is usually fixed in formalin. Bell (11) and Bullard (’12) have pointed out that this fixative, although frequently giving excellent results, is not to be relied upon under all circumstances. Frozen sections of the heart or other tissues which have been fixed in formalin may, when care- fully stained (Scharlach R.), appear to contain little fat, while sections of the same material when stained fresh without previous fixation may be loaded with droplets. This apparent disappear- ~ FAT AND MITOCHONDRIA IN CARDIAC MUSCLE o ance of fat may be noticed when the blocks of tissue have re- mained in the fixative only a few hours, at other times it occurs only after several weeks or months, if at all. As a fixative I now employ formalin which has been neutralized and distilled according to the method given by Mann (’02) in his Physiological Histology, p. 88. A twenty per cent solution of formalin is prepared and is rendered isotonic by the addition of 0.75 gm. of sodium chloride to each 100 ee. of the fluid. With short fixation in this solution the quantity of fat usually does not differ from that seen in fresh tissue. Blocks are fixed for thirty minutes to five hours and are then cut on thefreezing microtome. Frozen sections of fresh unfixed tissue are employed as controls. Staining. In this study I have employed all the fat stains in common use but principally Herxheimer’s alkaline alcoholic solu- tion of Scharlach R., which stain usually shows much more fat than the simple alcoholic solutions of the same dye. The latter solutions sometimes fail to stain a large part of the fatty drop- lets seen in the fresh unstained tissue. This is not the case with Herxheimer’s solution. Herxheimer’s stain is a saturated solu- tion of Scharlach R. in seventy per cent alcohol to which sodium hydroxide, 2 gm. per 100 ec. has been added. It is essential that care be taken to avoid precipitates. Also the excess stain must be thoroughly washed out of the sections before the nuclei are stained with dilute hematoxylin. For the details of this method the reader is referred to Herxheimer’s papers (’01—’02), or to my former papers (712). DIFFERENTIATION OF NEUTRAL FAT ' Among recent contributions to our knowledge of the technique and chemistry of fat demonstration may be mentioned those of Herxheimer (’01), J. Lorraine Smith (0607-710), Smith, Mair and Thorpe (’08), Smith and Mair (10), Fischler (04), Fauré- Fremiet, Mayer and Schaeffer (’10), Eisenberg (’10), Klotz (06), Aschoff (’09), Kawamura (711) and Hanes and Rosenbloom (’11). These observers have introduced a number of valuable staining methods but more important still they have established a large 6 H. HAYS BULLARD number of facts relating to the optical, chemical and physical properties exhibited by pure fats and fatty mixtures when ob- served.after being artificially introduced into the tissues or when studied as smears on tissue paper. Application of the knowledge thus gained makes possible, in certain eases, the identification of various fats as they occur in the tissues. Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 represent sections of the myocardium of rats, figure 10 is from a dog and figure 9 from a fattened hog. The preparations were stained with Herxheimer’s Scharlach R. The number of normal hearts which I have examined by this method is more than two hundred and always with results simi- lar to those represented in the figures. It is of course well recog- nized that Scharlach R. is not specific for neutral fat. Never- theless, I believe that the colored droplets shown in these figures are, at least in very large part, neutral fat. The reasons for this belief as outlined below are essentially those advanced in a former paper (12a). Concerning similar fatty droplets in cardiac muscle Wegelin (713), likewise, has come to the conclusion that they are neutral fat and for much the same reasons. In unstained preparations these droplets are to be seen as approximately spherical, highly refractive, isotropic bodies which do not disappear in acetic acid or in dilute alkalies, ‘orm no myelin figures, but are completely dissolved by absolute alcohol and other fat solvents. They stain characteristically with Scharlach R. and stain red, not blue, with nile blue sulphate and nile blue chlorhydrate. They do not stain with basic anilin dyes and are not rendered insoluble by the action of potassium bichromate. The above combination of properties makes it appear certain that the droplets under consideration are neutral fat and not any of the other fats occurring either normally or pathologically in cardiac muscle as, phospholipines, cholester- inester, ete. FAT AND MITOCHONDRIA IN CARDIAC MUSCLE re RELATION OF NEUTRAL FAT TO STRUCTURE OF CARDIAC MUSCLE Position of fat in muscle fibers. Virchow (’47) pointed out that the pathological fat droplets of cardiac muscle fibers are situ- ated in the sarcoplasm, not in the fibrillae or muscle columns. This view has been confirmed by nearly all subsequent observers. Welch (’88) observed that the droplets are arranged in rows be- tween the fibrillae and according to Wegelin (713) transverse rows are found in segment J on either side of the membrane of Krause. In well stained preparations of normal cardiac muscle, made by the Herxheimer method, it is very clearly seen that the fat droplets are found inthe sarcoplasm, never in the muscle ¢éolumns or myo-fibrillae. The droplets are arranged in both longitudinal and transverse rows, figure 5. When the muscle fiber is con- tracted the larger droplets, about 2 » in diameter, are spherical and each occupies an entire segment of the fiber extending be- tween adjacent Krause’s membranes. When the fiber is extended the large droplets are usually somewhat elongated and are found in the anisotropic segment Q. Small droplets, 1 » or less in diam- eter, are arranged in transverse rows in the isotropic segment J on either side of Krause’s membrane. Light and dark fibers. As regards distribution of affected fibers, Ribbert (’97) recognized three types of fatty degeneration: 1) diffuse general degeneration in which all the fibers contain fat; 2) mottled peri-arterial degeneration affecting areas immediately surrounding the smaller arteries; 3) mottled degeneration oc- curring in areas most distant from the smaller arteries. This latter type gives the well known tiger-lily or thrush-breast appearance usually most marked in the papillary muscles. In normal cardiac muscle the fatty fibers do not give rise to the mottled appearance but conform closely to the diffuse general type of Ribbert. All of the fibers of a specimen and of the whole heart may show a uniform amount of fat, figure 1, and figure 6 at C. In an equal number of individuals certain of the fibers con- tain much more fat than others, figures 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, and 13. This latter distribution of the fat droplets, at times observed in all the species (rat, cat, dog, hog, sheep, ox, man) here studied, is S H. HAYS BULLARD similar to that occurring in the so-called light and dark fibers of skeletal muscle. The existence of light, dark and intermediate fibers (by trans- mitted light) has been known in skeletal muscle for a long time. Knoll (8991) and Schaffer (’93) described the dark fibers as containing many interstitial granules and fatty droplets while the light fibers contained comparatively few granules and little fat. Figure 14 shows a section of striated muscle fibers from the diaphragm of a dog. At D is seen a fatty or dark fiber, and at L a slightly fatty or light fiber. The work of Knoll and Schaffer was done before Scharlach R. was extensively used as a fat stain so that they did not obtain the exact picture shown in figure 14 but there can be little doubt that the types of voluntary striated fibers here shown (fig. 14) correspond to the light and dark fibers of Knoll. In skeletal muscle the fibers are of uniform type, either light or dark throughout their entire length, and as was pointed out by Knoll it is easy, in certain cases, to observe mor- phological differences between the two types. A goodexample of this is found in the breast muscle of the pigeon. Here the light fibers are large, with nuclei placed within their substance and contain little fat, while the dark fibers are small, with nuclei peripherally situated, and contain a great deal of fat. It is cer- tain that in the pigeon light and dark fibers are definitely fixed types and not morphologically identical. In the skeletal muscles of mammals a morphological difference is often observed in that the dark fibers are of less diameter than the light. In a former paper (712 a) I reported having observed the two types of fibers in the skeletal muscles of the human fetus and in the fetal calf. I have not been able to differentiate the two types during the first half of fetal life but in the human fetus they are well marked as early as the sixth and seventh month. The relative number and arrangement of the dark (fatty) fibers in the different muscles of the human fetus is so similar to that found in the adult that it seems certain that the dark fibers of the fetus remain true to type in post-uterine life. In the mammalian fetal heart usually the different types of fibers are not clearly marked although they contain fat droplets. FAT AND MITOCHONDRIA IN CARDIAC MUSCLE 9g According to Knoll (91) and Schaefer (12) cardiac muscle fibers correspond to the dark fibers of skeletal muscle. It has been my experience, however, that in many cases the different types of fibers, dark, hght and intermediate are quite as well marked in cardiac as in skeletal muscle. Figures 3, 4, and 5 show cardiac fibers of the rat, figure 10 those of a dog and figure 9 those of afattened hog. The different types of fibers are clearly shown in each of these figures. Dark fibers are designated D, light fibers .L Figure 5 shows a longitudinal section from the same specimen as the transverse section shown in figure 4. In the longitudinal section it is seen that after a brief course fibers of one type, dark or fatty, pass abruptly into those of different type, light or shghtly fatty. This change of type occurs along the transverse lines marked out by the intercalated disks. The greater number of intercalated disks, however, mark no change of type. A cardiac fiber of any given type includes, therefore, a variable number of so-called cardiac cells. In inanition, as we shall see, fat gradually disappears from heart muscle. All the fibers then appear light and it is frequently impossible to dis- tinguish one type from the other, figure 1. Similarly when the muscle fibers, as in certain fat fed animals, are loaded with fat the light fibers may be so crowded with fat droplets as to present the same appearance as dark fibers, figure 6. In the skeletal muscles of nearly all apparently normal mam- mals including man, dark or fatty fibers are found, almost invari- ably, side by side with others which are light or non-fatty and as | have set forth the two types are also of frequent occurrence in apparently normal cardiac muscle. This indicates that dark or fatty fibers are to be considered normal, not pathological. The occurrence of light and dark fibers is usually accounted for on the theory that dark fibers have undergone pathological ‘fatty degeneration’ while light fibers have escaped the patho- logical process. This explanation we cannot accept for reasons given, as well as for others to be stated later. Distribution of fatly fibers in the heart. The hearts of the rats here used were usually prepared for study by making frozen sections extending transversely across both ventricles. Such 10 H. HAYS BULLARD preparations bring out the fact that the fatty fibers are distrib- uted with approximate uniformity throughout the myocardium of both ventricles. This is also true in the cat and doubtless in other animals although I have not studied the question ex- haustively. In the auricles the fat content of the fibers appears normally to parallel that found in the ventricles. Figure 13 represents a transverse section of fibers from the right auricle of adog. Figure 10 at Land D shows cardiac fibers from the inter- ventricular septum of the same heart. The number of fat drop- lets and the distribution of light and dark fibers in the auricle is similar to that in the ventricle. OCCURRENCE OF NEUTRAL FAT IN THE HEART MUSCLE OF DIF- FERENT MAMMALS UNDER VARIOUS NUTRITIVE CONDITIONS The data upon which this investigation rests are, in part, given below in tabular form. The animals are grouped ac- cording to species and also with respect to character of food. Although in nearly all animals some cardiac fibers hold much more fat than others, the distribution of fatty fibers is so uniform that in any given heart the quantity of fat in sections taken at ran- dom from different parts of the ventricles is approximately the same in all sections. This makes it possible, in any given indi- vidual, to represent fairly accurately the amount of fat in the ventricular fibers by one of the following five designations viz: very large, figure 6; large, figure 4; moderate, figure 3; small, figure 2; very small, figure 1. An acquaintance with the literature makes it appear that what is ‘very large’ to one author is but ‘large’ to another and ‘moderate’ toathird. In order to show with some clearness what is here intended to be conveyed by the various designations just given a type drawing is referred to in each case. From the tables it will at once be noted that animals, especially rats, kept for a short time on a fatty diet, have much more fat in the heart muscle than do those which are on a diet of carbo- hydrate and protein with only a small amount of fat. In inani- tion, however, animals show a comparatively small amount of fat in the cardiac fibers. The fat findings here given are based upon preparations stained by Herxheimer’s alkalin-alcoholic FAT AND MITOCHONDRIA IN CARDIAC MUSCLE 11 Scharlach R. The various items of the tables will be more fully explained in the discussion which follows. Group 1 (table 1) consists of fifteen adult rats fed for three weeks with an abundance of raw grain, wheat bread and boiled beef. The quantity of fat allowed was somewhat less than the animals appeared to desire. This group of rats may be consid- ered as having received food, fat, protein, and carbohydrate, suitable for normal maintenance and growth. ‘These rats were kept in large well ventilated cages and when killed were all in good nutritive condition. Of the fifteen rats in the group, (table 1) ten have a moderate amount of fat in the cardiac fibers as in figure 3; two have a large amount of fat in the fibers as in figure 4, three have a small amount as in figure 2. Figure 3, showing as it does a moderate amount of fat, may be taken as representing the average condition of the group. TABLE 1 Albino rats, normally fed group, kept for three weeks on wheat bread, raw grain, and boiled beef with a small quantity of fat ANIMAL NUMBER WEIGHT IN GRAMS AMOUNT OF FAT IN HEART MUSCLE (LEFT VENTRICLE) (SMALL AS IN FIG. 2) (MODERATE AS IN FIG. 3) (LARGE AS IN FIG. 4) KILLED WHEN — bo [@7) moderate 178} large 137| moderate 185} moderate 176| small 196} moderate, fig. 3 135| moderate 8 | 187) large NOOR WW FH 9 | 139} moderate 10 | 187} small, fig. 2 11 | 196} moderate 12 | 185} moderate 13 | 143] small 14 | 156} moderate t 163} moderate _ Co 12 H. HAYS BULLARD Group 2 (table 2) consists of ten rats in various stages of inani- tion. As is seen from the table these rats had been without food for forty-eight to ninety-six hours and had lost from twelve to twenty-four per cent in body weight. The three members of the group which had lost as much as twenty per cent in weight showed, upon section, little or no subcutaneous fat and but slight traces in the omentum. Several of these animals are to be re- garded as in the last stages of inanition. Of the ten members of the group five have a very small quantity of fat in the cardiac fibers, as in figure 1, four have a small amount, as in figure 2, and one a moderate amount. Figure 1 from rat no. 23 (loss of weight twenty per cent) shows a very small amount of fat and this figure may be taken as characteristic of the inanition group. The animals of group 3 (table 3) were fed fats in the form of butter, olive oil, pork fat and egg yolk. In order to increase the quantity of fat consumed no food was given for twenty-four hours preceding the initial feeding. When fats were to be given for several days, feeding was not preceded by a fast. A little grain TABLE 2 Albino rats, inanition group, rats 16— 20 inclusive, no foed for 48 hours; rats 21 and 22, no food for 60 hours; rats 23-25 inclusive, no food for 96 hours, water supplied D a ao 2 alae alice 4 & & | AMOUNT OF FAT IN HEART 5 Pa] - & | MUSCLE (LEFT VENTRICLE) Zz es ere (MODERATE AS IN FIG. 3) S) E is oR (SMALL AS IN FIG. 2) 3 Sk], %| (VERY SMALL 4s IN FIG. 1) 5 | ae| @e < z a 16 | 147) 12 | small 17 | 173} 14 | very small 18 | 116) 14 |} small 19 | 148} 13 | small 20 | 137] 13 | moderate 21 | 176] 15 | small 22 99| 16 | very small 23 | 185] 20 | very small, fig. 1 24 96| 24 | very small 25 90) 23 | very small FAT AND MITOCHONDRIA IN CARDIAC MUSCLE £3 was given in nearly all cases for the reason that it appears to stimulate the appetite of the animals for fats. It is known, more- over, that fat metabolism does not proceed normally in the absence of carbohydrates. As shown in table 3 the thirty- TABLE 3 Albino rats, fat fed group. The rats of this growp were given all the fatty food that they would eat plus a small amount of raw grain . AMOUNT OF FAT IN HEART anual, | axans wares reo is MUSCLE (EFT VENTRICLE) (LARGE AS IN FIG, 4) 26 156 Butter for 10 hours large 27 109 Butter for 10 hours large 28 188 Butter for 20 hours large 29 167 Butter for 20 hours large 30 179 Butter for 20 hours large 31 112 Butter for 36 hours moderate 32 146 Butter for 48 hours large 33 179 Butter for 14 days large 34 183 Butter for 14 days moderate 35 186 Butter for 14 days large 36 194 Butter for 14 days moderate 30 173 Butter for 7 days large 38 115 Butter for 7 days moderate 39 147 Olive oil for 20 hours moderate 40 179 Olive oil for 20 hours large 41 168 Olive oil for 20 hours moderate 42 -114 Olive oil for 20 hours moderate AS 164 Pork fat for 10 hours large 44 183 Pork fat for 15 hours large 45 198 Pork fat for 20 hours moderate 46 162 Pork fat for 20 hours large, figs. 4 and 5 47 174 Pork fat for 36 hours large 48 195 Pork fat for 14 days moderate 49 181 Pork fat for 14 days moderate 50 60 Egg yolk for 20 hours moderate 51 169 Egg yolk for 20 hours large 52 81 Egg yolk for 20 hours large 53 114 Egg yolk for 36 hours large 54 209 Egg yolk for 36 hours moderate 55 78 Egg yolk for 6 days moderate 56 234 Egg yolk for 14 days large 57 193 Egg yolk for 14 days moderate 58 101 Egg yolk for 14 days moderate 59 164 Kgg yolk for 14 days large 14 H. HAYS BULLARD four individual rats of this group were fed as follows: four, olive oil; seven, pork fat; ten, egg yolk; thirteen, butter. Fif- teen individuals of the group have a moderate amount of fat in the myocardial fibers, as in figure 3, while nineteen have a large amount as in figure 4. The cardiac fibers of the rats in this group contain an unusual amount of neutral fat due no doubt to the fatty character of the food. The animals would eat but sparingly of olive oil and the effect produced was less marked than in the case of butter and pork fat which were eagerly consumed. A number of rats (nos. 48, 49, 57, 58) would eat but ‘little fat after the first few days and the fat content of the myocardial fibers was no more than in animals living on carbohydrates and protein. Figure 4 represents a transverse section of ventricular fibers from a rat (no. 46) which was killed twenty hours after consuming eight or ten grams of pork fat. The cardiac fibers are loaded with droplets. As will be seen from table 3 the large amount of fat makes its ap- pearance in the heart with astonishing rapidity, reaching a maximum in from twelve to twenty-four hours after but one or two large feedings of a fatty food. Even when a fatty diet is continued for as long as twelve or fourteen days the amount of fat in the cardiac fibers is no more than after a single large fatty meal, although the animal may show a marked increase of adi- pose tissue. Figure 4 may be taken as representative of the fat fed group, just as figure 1 was considered representative of the inanition group and figure 3 of the normally fed group. It is quite clear that the cardiac muscle fibers of the rat normally contain a very considerable quantity of fat in a microscopically visible form. Also in inanition the normal quantity is diminished almost to the point of complete disappearance while in animals on a fatty diet the cardiac fibers are usually loaded with droplets. Cats. Table 4 shows a group of normal cats which were fed for three to ten days on a well balanced ration of bread, milk and moderately fat boiled beef. Of the twenty animals in this group eleven have a moderate amount of fat in the cardiac fibers (similar to fig. 3), six have a large amount (similar to fig. 4), FAT AND MITOCHONDRIA IN CARDIAC MUSCLE 15 TABLE 4 Cats, fed three to ten days on wheal bread, whole milk and moderately fat boiled beef AMOUNT OF FAT IN HEART ee ee |) eamerrme 2) | Suomen rag me moses KILLED So inee ene ciara ey (LEYT LIMB ) (VERY LARGE AS IN FIG. 5) 60 332 large large 61 337 large moderate 62 368 moderate large 63 375 very large very large 64 416 moderate very large 65 445 moderate moderate 66 504 large very large 67 525 moderate moderate 68 592 moderate large 69 1054 moderate large 70 1376 large very large 71 f6H64 large large 72 1830 large moderate 73 2206 moderate moderate 74. 2235 small moderate 75 2245 moderate moderate 76 2364 moderate large edi 2432 moderate moderate 78 2750 moderate moderate 7§ 2816 small small two have a small amount (similar to fig. 2) and one has a very large amount (similar to fig. 6). It is evident that the myocar- dial fibers of normal cats contain fat in visible form and to an extent exceeding that found inrats. After ninety-six hours with- out food, rats are usually in a state of extreme inanition and show very iew droplets in the cardiac fibers (table 3) but the same does not hold for cats. Cats (nos. 80 and 83, table 5) kept for ninety- six hours without food still show a moderate amount of fat in the heart. As is well known eats reach the last stages of inanition only after having been kept for about three weeks without food. For the purposes of this investigation, I have thought it un- necessary to subject cats to a long period of starvation. My results show only that during a fast of three or four days fat does not disappear from the cat heart. It is very probable that in the lt ) H. HAYS BULLARD last stages of inanition the cardiac fibers of the cat, like those of the rat, would contain little fat. TABLE 5 Cats, fed as indicated foo] g . AMOUNT OF FAT Alea IN HEART MUSCLE (LEFT 2 : : Geena a AMOUNT OF FAT IN ash FOOD GIVEN FIG. 3) MUSCLE FIBERS OF HIS a 5 cs (LARGE AS IN FIG. 4) BUNDLE (LEFT LIMB a oe (VERY LARGE AS IN Z > a FIG. 6) 80| 465| No food for 96 hours moderate moderate 81| 620| 4 day fast, given butter, killed af- ter 20 hours very large very large 82| 576| 3 day fast, given pork fat 15, grams, killed after 20 hours. very large large 83| 666} No food for 96 hours large large 84| 810} 3 day fast, given pork fat large meal, killed after 17 hours very large moderate, fig. 6 85| 885] 3 day fast, fed 7 gms. butter, killed after 17 hours moderate small 86|1137| Bread and water 7 days moderate moderate 87|1194| Pork fat 1 day large large 88/1259} Bread and water 10 days moderate moderate 89}1285| Bread and water 10 days moderate small i TABLE 6 Dogs, killed as soon as brought to the laboratory, animals in good nutri- tive condition, no special feeding & | AMOUNT OF FAT IN |HEART MUSCLE (LEFT 7 Bl) a ieannyatene 0 akreecree ete on 7 | (SMALL AS IN FIG. 2) STR aS 5 4 (MODERATE AS iaaiet anes 3 IN FIG. 3) = (LARGE AS IN FIG. 4) 500. 3 The same as figures 1 and 2 from an albino rat fed as in figure 2 (animal 6, table 1). Moderate amount of fat in the muscle fibers; L, ‘light’ cardiac fibers; D, ‘dark’ cardiac fibers. 500. 4 The same as figures 1, 2 and 3 from an albino rat, killed twenty hours after consuming 8 or 10 grams of pork fat (animal 46, table 3). The amount of fat in the cardiac fibers is large; L, ‘light’ fiber; D, ‘dark’ fiber. > 500. 5 Longitudinal section from same preparation as in figure 4; L, ‘light’ fibers; D, ‘dark’ fibers (animal 46, table 3). X 500. 6 From the interventricular septum of a cat killed 17 hours after receiving a large meal of pork fat (animal 84, table 5). Very large amount of fat in cardiac fibers, C; moderate or large amount in Purkinje fibers of the left limb of bundle of His; 22) <500: 7 From the interventricular septum of an eight months’ human fetus (animal 141, table 8). There is a moderate amount of fat in the cardiac fibers, C, and also in the Purkinje fiber of the left limb of the bundle of His, P. > 500. 8 From the interventricular septum of the heart of a woman aged 53, fatal lobar pneumonia, cardiac fibers, C, contain a moderate amount of fat; fibers of left limb of bundle of His, P, show a very large amount of fat. > 300. 32 _FAT AND MITOCHONDRIA IN CARDIAC MUSCLE PLATE 1 H. HAYS BULLARD THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 19, NO. ] PLATH 2 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 9 From the moderator band of a fattened hog (animal 104, table 7). Fibers of right limb of bundle of His, P, and light cardiac fibers, L, contain a very small amount of fat, dark cardiac fibers, D, a large amount. > 300. 10 From the interventricular septum and left limb of the bundle of His of a well nourished dog (figs. 10 to 16 inclusive from same animal, no. 90, table 6). Dark cardiac fibers, D, and light cardiac fibers, L, contain a moderate amount of fat; Purkinje fibers, P, contain a small amount of fat. > 500. 11 Muscle fibers from the sino-auricular node, heart of a normal dog (figs. 10 to 16 inclusive from same animal, no. 90, table 6). Fat content of muscle fibers small. X 500. 12. Muscle fibers from the atrio-ventricular node, heart of a normal dog (figs. 10 to 16 inclusive from same animal, no. 90, table 6). Fat content of muscle fibers small. X 500. 13. Cardiac fibers from the right atrium of a normal dog (figs. 10 to 16 inclu- sive from same animal, no. 90, table 6), fat content moderate. >< 500. 14 Skeletal muscle fibers from the diaphragm of a normal dog (figs. 10 to 16 inclusive from same animal, no. 90, table 6), large amount of fat in dark fibers, D, and small amount in light fibers, L. > 500. 15 Cardiac fiber from interventricular septum of a dog (fig. 10 to 16 inclu- sive from same animal, no. 90, table 6). True interstitial granules, G (mito- chondria, sarcosomes, @ granules), muscle columns M, Krause’s membranes Z. « 1600. 16 Same as figure 15, transverse section. X 1600. 34 PLATE 2 FAT AND MITOCHONDRIA IN CARDIAC MUSCLE H. HAYS BULLARD 2,0 oP es, = oer ee 22a Ser .: aos ? ste :@ * gy! re ‘ FF, oy . pt ‘ he, ei 7 ‘can OF) Tp y f al} earits (ty) eee i} 4 is pls dt) ae uf ia Pt i £ ‘ v j 5 = at | Pell ’ be — j ~=— - 1) ; fe. | ‘ An y a Ny j vial mM ve. Le > » F th. . ae : ees a an : i = a Eg i tes is =a Vv . J i ‘ ' ae i = : ' i J * ie : ‘ ' : 7 an ’ cd é ry a . i) if) ‘ at re i Ta ORM, > , i vit i t -) ‘ [ rm ; , ave , oe r be THE NORMAL MODE OF SECRETION IN THE THYROID GLAND R. R. BENSLEY From the Hull Laboratory of Anatomy, University of Chicago ONE PLATE IN COLOR In the glands of the alimentary canal the process of secretion is associated with definite changes in the structure of the secreting cells, and with the accumulation in them of products, granular or otherwise, which may be interpreted as the organic antece- dents of the secretion itself. Even in some of the internal secret- ing glands, as, for example, the islets of Langerhans of the pan- creas, functioning is associated with the storage or exhaustion of intracellular products which may be similarly interpreted. By means of these secretion antecedents an observer, who has, by experiment and observation, acquainted himself with the secre- tory mode, may form an estimate of the secretory potential at the time of observation. In the thyroid gland, on the other hand, the search for such evidences of secretory activity, has been, as regards the nature of the intracellular, secretion antecedents, of so contradictory a nature, and of such doubtful functional import, that, at present, we are unable to state from the examination of a thyroid gland whether the gland was active or inactive. Accordingly, differ- ent observers, as, for example, in Grave’s disease, in discuss- ing the same results, have arrived at diametrically opposed conclusions. . One of the features of the thyroid gland, in particular, which baffled interpretation was the presence in it of a storage product, the so-called colloid, the route and rate of resorption of which have remained problematical, though chemical and physiologi- ‘al studies indicated that it contained the physiologically active QF ol THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 19, No. 1 ‘ 38 R. R. BENSLEY thyroid substances. Some observers have even doubted the resorption of this material, and have suggested that the function of the thyroid gland was primarily to withdraw toxic substances from the blood. Others have conceived the colloid as a sort of menstruum in which the real thyroid secretion was received and from which it might be withdrawn without visible change in the colloid itself. Still others have held the view that the colloid was the real secretion of the thyroid gland and that the normal mechanism of thyroid secretion was by this indirect route, first secreting into the centre of the follicle, and then withdrawing this ware-housed material, as functional needs required, by some unknown method and route. The determination of the true significance of the colloid in the secretory cycle of the gland, and of the ways in which it is formed, and of its intracellular antecedents, is of fundamental importance in the physiology and pathology of the thyroid gland. The con- viction that it is by this indirect method that the thyroid gland produces its internal secretion lies at the bottom of ali of our more or less speculative interpretations of pathological conditions, and in view of the strong physiological evidence supporting this conviction few have had the courage to question its accuracy. Many authors have tried nevertheless to influence experimentally the rate of secretion in the gland, and to read in the changes so produced the true history of its secretory process. In this way many interesting facts have been discovered, which at present seem to some extent contradictory of one another, but which nevertheless must be found to be in accord when the true history of the process is revealed. Our earliest knowledge as to the origin of the intrafollicular colloid of the thyroid gland is due to Biondi and Langendorff. Biondi $B) showed that this substance was a true product of the secretory activity of the thyroid epithelial cells, inasmuch as he found globules of similarly staining substances in the cells themselves. He conceived the process of secretion as follows: the cells of the thyroid gland produce the colloid, since one can see in them little globules having the same microchemical reac- tions; the vesicle has a tendency to increase in size partly by NORMAL MODE OF SECRETION IN THYROID GLAND 39 multiplication of the epithelial cells, partly by increase of the col- loid; after filling itself the vesicle discharges into the nearest lymphatic vessel; finally the collapsed vesicle disposes itself in the form of a number of little acini which repeat the process. Langendorff (’89) using the method of comparative study for the elucidation of the secretory process in the cells of the thy- roid gland, reached conclusions which, in some respects, confirm and extend those of Biondi. He described two sorts of cells in the gland which he designated, respectively, principal cells, and colloid cells. The principal cells constituted the main mass of the epithelium. They were cylindrical or columnar cells, of variable height in different species and in different ages of the same animal species. They possessed a reticular protoplasm, with granules at the nodal points, and an oval or round nucleus situated at the basal end of the cell. Like Biondi he saw occa- sionally in these cells small hyaline spherules, but considered them to occur very rarely. The colloid cells differed from the principal cells by the hyaline, transparent appearance of their cytoplasm. This cytoplasm browned with osmic acid, and, in dyes, stained the same as the colloid content of the follicles. He found all grades of transition between the colloid cells and the principal cells. He regarded the colloid cells as elements en- gaged in the secretion of colloid but did not commit himself definitely to the opinion that, after a period of secretion, they might return to the state of the principal cells. He was like- wise in doubt whether they degenerated or not after secretion. V. Wyss (89) studied the effects on the thyroid gland pro- duced by poisoning with pilocarpine. He found in cats and dogs that the gland after pilocarpine was large, turgid, and filled with blood, and that the cells were larger, the nuclei less appar- ent. The free ends of the cells were prolonged into processes which were continuous with the colloid mass, and between these processes were brilliant spherules of apparently fluid nature. Anderson (’94) confirmed V. Wyss’ conclusions relative to the effect. of pilocarpine on the gland, and studied the structure of the epithelial cells in young cats and rabbits at different periods of time after injections of pilocarpine. He described, in the 40 R. R. BENSLEY earlier phases of pilocarpinisation, the appearance of clear drop- lets in the cytoplasm, which collected at the free pole of the cell, to be extruded in the form of small droplets into the cavity of the vesicle. These, therefore, he regarded as the antece- dents of the clear vacuoles of the margin of the colloid and on account of their lack of affinity for dyes, designated chromo- phobe secretion. . ' - t a i - ; : +, t i , a a 7 . | re ‘ ( 6] s t t zs ¢ ? » x i ; 7 . : a vee i Z > , i A ‘ . — ; al ' , * ty THE VASCULAR DRAINAGE OF THE ENDOLYM- PHATIC SAC AND ITS TOPOGRAPHICAL RELA- TION TO THE TRANSVERSE SINUS IN THE HUMAN EMBRYO GEORGE L. STREETER Department of Embryology, Carnegie Institution of Washington SIX FIGURES CONTENTS linGROCMCHOM ee aesemecee cose oe misige eee cess sh sae eee e ces cece esas sane e 67 Miaterialvand, methods... ...2 seuss esses ee oe se stole te tcl sree teenies eects 68 RDS ORLCAN cya N ed ce cies aratiemee Heater poe «1 ie Pear POET SR Uaear meine Hee ae te 69 Endolymphatic appendage at different stages 1. Human embryos one and two months old........................0.... id 2. Human embryos during third month.........................6002-0-0- ii 3. Human embryos four months old.................. 0. ccc cece sees cease S1 4. Human embryos during seventh month.......................2.....0. 85 TPT TEU ewe erecta ere aie no) aioe ceseaee se woe taint oe Ae odere ime Gare ene te 87 IGHETeNGES CIECAE. Ma. Senn se saan. ote oases ene gate von Oe oe 89 INTRODUCTION In a previous paper (Streeter 714) dealing with some experi- mental studies on amphibian larvae, it was shown that in the tadpole the endolymphatic sac always lies in close apposition to the membranous roof of the hind-brain. This relation exists not only in normal specimens, but it was also found that in specimens where the ear vesicle had been rotated or transplanted by opera- tive procedure, the endolymphatic sac in the subsequent self- correction of posture, succeeds in most cases in attaching itself to the membranous chorioidal roof in the normal manner. This interesting topographical relation of the endolymphatic sac in the tadpole, induced the writer to examine more closely the endolymphatic sac in later human embryos, and it is the purpose of the present paper to outline the results of such a study in embryos from 20 mm. to 240 mm. crown-rump length. 67 68 GEORGE L. STREETER It has long been known that in elasmobranchs the endolym- phatic appendage opens directly on the surface of the body and that the surrounding sea-water can thereby pass directly through - the endolymphatic duct to the cavities of thelabyrinth. The arrangement that we have referred to as existing in the tadpole, suggests that we have there quite a different source of access for the endolymph. At any rate, it is evident that the contact ex- isting between the endolymphatic sae and the membranous roof of the hind-brain affords favorable structural conditions for an interchange of substances between the cerebro-spinal fluid and the endolymph, either by diffusion or by a secretory activity of the separating epithelial membranes. The endolymphatic ap- pendage also in the human embryo serves as an absorption-appa- ratus or one for regulating the endolymph, that is, if we may judge from its structural and topographical characteristics. The condition, however, in human embryos becomes somewhat more complicated than that in the tadpole in that here the sac is sepa- rated very early from the chorioidal membrane by the develop- ment of the dura mater and the intervening arachnoid-pial membrane. Instead of attaching itself to the membranous roof of the hind-brain, the sac projects against one of the large veins of the dura mater. Furthermore, it does not apply itself directly against the vein wall, but is separated from it by an intervening capillary plexus, which in turn drains into the vein. As far as the writer knows the character and connections of this endo- lymphatic capillary plexus is described here for the first time. As to its functional significance we must for the present limit ourselves to the above suggestion and in the following paper attention will be directed only to its morphology as seen in the typical stages of its development. MATERIAL AND METHODS The specimens which were examined microscopically in con- nection with this study consist of a group of human embryos, measuring from 21 mm. to 240 mm. (crown-rump) long, that is, from about the eighth to the twenty-eighth week of fetal life. They all belong to the Collection of the Department of Embry- VASCULAR DRAINAGE OF ENDOLYMPHATIC SAC 69 ology of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. The speci- mens in most cases had been injected with India ink through the umbilical vein and had been prepared in serial sections. In some cases after injection and fixation they were dissected so as to make total preparations which were rendered transparent in wintergreen oil and were examined under the binocular micro- scope. For purpose of topographical determinations, profile re- constructions were made of several of the embryos that had been cut serially and in some instances the structures were modelled after the Born wax-plate method. ‘These will be specified under their separate descriptions. Although other embryos were ex- amined the following list includes those that were chosen as best representing the stages of growth of the endolymphatic sac and its blood-vessels. TABLE 1. : ae CROWN-RUMP THICKNESS AND : 4 Z EMBRYO NO. LENGTH DIRECTION OF SECTION VASCULAR INJECTION 460 21 mm. 40 » trans. India ink. Wax-plate reconstruction 632 24 mm. 100 uw sagit. India ink. Profile reconstruction 449 | 34mm. 100 pw sagit. | India ink. Serial examination 96 50 mm. | 100 » sagit. 0 Profile reconstruction 448 52 mm. 100 uw sagit. India ink. Serial examination 458 54 mm. 0 India ink. Cleared specimen lee side 50 » trans. India ink. Profile reconstruction 1018 130 mm. Re : ae SOI I nate : ae aoe Right side { 0 India ink. Cleared specimen 1131 240 mm. 100 » trans. 0 Serial examination HISTORICAL In the opinion of the earlier embryologists the endolymphatic appendage represents the last portion of the ear vesicle that is attached to the skin, and which becomes drawn out into a stalk- like elongation as the vesicle recedes from the surface. They further pointed out that it corresponds to the narrow tube found — in Selachians that passes dorsally through the cartilagenous skull to reach the surface of the head where it opens and thereby con- stitutes a canal that leads from the outside directly to the laby- 70 GEORGE L. STREETER rinth. In this instance the ear vesicle remains attached to the skin throughout the whole period of its development. In other vertebrates it persists only as an embryological remnant of varying size that terminates as a blind sac under the dura mater and is apparently of no further use (Balfour ’81, Hoffman ’90, Hertwig ’98). This was the prevailing view regarding the endolymphatic appendage until results that conflicted with it were reported by Poli ’97 and Netto ’98. These investigators found that in rep- tiles and amphibians it is the lateral surface of the ear vesicle that is last to be detached from the skin, at a place clearly remote from the dorsal tip that gives origin to the endolymphatic duct. It was also found that in some cases the endolymphatic append- age does not make its appearance until after the detachment from the ectoderm is completed. Keibel ’99 was strongly influ- enced by the condition existing in the embryo of the chick, where the separation of the otic vesicle from the ectoderm occurs relatively late and in fact the last point of attachment does occur at the dorsal tip of the endolymphatic appendage, and he there- fore supported the original view of Balfour ’81. He quite cor- rectly defends the opinion that the tube in Selachians connect- ing the inner ear with the ectoderm is the same as the endo- lymphatic duct of the vertebrates. The conditions found in amphibians by Netto ’98, where the endolymphatic duct does not develop until a considerable time after the complete detach- ment of the ear vesicle, he explains as a shifting in the time of occurrence of the ontogenetic as compared with the phylogenetic processes. Subsequently the origin of the endolymphatic sac was care- fully reviewed by Krause ’01 who had an abundance of material for a comparative anatomical study. He showed that in reptiles the point of separation of the ear vesicle from the ectoderm has nothing to do with the dorsal pointed end of the vesicle from which the endolymphatic duct arises. While in birds, as de- scribed by Keibel ’99 and others, it corresponds exactly to the tip of the endolymphatic duct. In mammals it also corresponds approximately to the tip of the endolymphatic duct, but here the VASCULAR DRAINAGE OF ENDOLYMPHATIC SAC 71 duct does not form until after or just at the completion of the detachment of the ear vesicle. In other words the separation point of the ear vesicle is a variable one and is not to be con- fused with the question of the homology of the endolymphatic duct. As regards the latter, Krause concludes that the endo- lymphatie duct of higher vertebrates is completely homologous with the canal that connects the labyrinth in Selachians with the surface of the head. This, in brief, is the present status of our information regard- ing the endolymphatic duct in its general embryological aspects. As to its histology and blood supply we are primarily indebted to Boettcher 69. This investigator made razor-serial sections of the endolymphatic appendage of the adult cat and new-born babe. He, first of all, established the fact that it does not de- generate in mammals as was thought by contemporary investiga- tors, but develops further and persists through life as an epithelial canal that connects with the two vestibular sacs, and forms an important part of the labyrinth. The terminal part spreads out (new-born babe) into a flattened sac 0.6 mm. wide, and is em- bedded in the connective tissue of the dura. This sac he de- seribes as made up of cuboidal pavement epithelium, closely under which, and sometimes resting directly against it, are found capillary loops filled with red blood cells. The walls of the sac are somewhat irregular, due to the presence of small epithelial pockets which project outward into the periosteum or bone, and also papilla-like processes or folds which extend into the lumen of the sac. Both varieties are provided with capillary vessels. The capillaries are described as losing themselves in the perios- teum. In another place he describes the small vessels of the ves- tibular aqueduct at its bony exit as uniting to form a common stem that empties into the inferior petrosal sinus. These signifi- cant observations of Boettcher have received scant attention from subsequent writers and do not seem to have resulted in further investigation of these interesting conditions. Hasse ’73 to whom we owe the generally accepted terms ‘endolymphatic duct’ and ‘endolymphatic sac,’ and who con- tributed many observations on the anatomy of the labyrinth, de GEORGE L. STREETER speaks of the endolymphatic appendage as a tube extending from the labyrinth to the cranial cavity where it either ends blindly as an ‘epicerebral lymph space’ or opens into the general epicere- bral lymph space (p. 768). Elsewhere (p. 792) he describes a small funnel-shape flaring process of the endolymphatic sae that penetrates through a small opening in the dura and there fuses with the arachnoid, thus establishing a communication between the ‘cavum endolymphaticum’ and the ‘cavum epicerebrale.’ The function of the endolymphatic appendage, according to Hasse, is threefold: 1, the sac, during embryonal life, is an epi- thelial secretory organ that furnishes the endolymph; 2, in the adult, it is either a closed sac that secures new materials for the endolymph by endosmosis from the epicerebral spaces, or it is an open sac through which the epicerebral fluid flows directly into the chambers. of the labyrinth; 3, the endolymphatic sac is a reservoir for endolymph which serves as an expansion tank that relieves the pressure when it becomes too great in the labyrinth. The investigators who have studied the blood supply of the labyrinth do not seem to have directed much attention to the vascularization of the endolymphatic appendage. They have done little more than to confirm the observation of Cotugno, made a century and one half ago, that a vein draining the vesti- bule and the canals accompanies the endolymphatic duct and empties into one of the dural sinuses. The most careful descrip- tion is that of Siebenmann ’94 who showed, as others had done for the aquaeductus cochleae, that the veins of the vestibular aqueduct (endolymphatic appendage) though originally accom- panying the duct, become separated later in their own bony canal, which he designated as the ‘canalis accessorius aquae- ductus vestibuli.’, Eichler’92 who studied the blood-vessels of the human labyrinth confined his attention to the cochlea. Shambaugh ’03 describes the endolymphatic duct as incased by — capillaries which are supplied by an arteriole coming usually from the posterior vestibular artery, and are drained by a vein that empties into the transverse vestibular vein. Where the endo- lymphatic sac was preserved it was found to be drained by a small dural vein. VASCULAR DRAINAGE OF ENDOLYMPHATIC SAC (iE: ENDOLYMPHATIC APPENDAGE DURING FIRST TWO MONTHS The features with which we are chiefly concerned in the pres- ent paper do not become established until toward the end of the second month (embryos over 30 mm. long). A review, however, will be briefly made of the form and relations of the endolymphatic appendage prior to that time. For a more detailed description PLEXUS ANT. PLEXUS SAGITTALIS SIN. TRANSVERSUS b> SAC- ENDOL. V. CEREBRAL. INF. PLEXUS POST. SIN, PETROS. SUP. x V. OPTHAL. oh \ Vv. JUG. NT. SIN. CAVERNOSUS Fig. 1 Profile reconstruction showing the topography of the membranous labyrinth and the endolymphatic appendage in a human embryo 24 mm. long (No. 632, Carnegie Collection). The principal head veins are shown in solid black. Enlarged about 4 diameters. with illustrations the reader is referred to a paper previously published on the development of the membranous labyrinth (Streeter 06) and to a recent paper on the dural sinuses in which special attention is given to the topography of the labyrinth at its different stages (Streeter 715). THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 19, No. 1 74 GEORGE L. STREETER In embryos 4 mm. long the ear vesicle consists of a simple slightly elongated spherical sac that lies in the space between the primary head vein and the lateral wall of the hind-brain. At its dorsal end can be recognized a rounded pouch-like projection which is quite distinctly marked off from the rest of the vesicle. This is the early endolymphatic appendage. It is in relation both with the brain wall and the skin, but is separated from them by a scant amount of mesenchyme, in which can be seen minute blood-vessels that communicate with the middle and pos- terior dural plexuses. The appendage points toward the rhombic lip, but does not quite reach its dorsal margin. In its subsequent growth the endolymphatic appendage rap- idly becomes more clearly differentiated from the remainder of the labyrinth. It takes on a slender tubular form, whereas the vestibular part of the labyrinth expends into a voluminous tri- angular pouch. The tubular character of the endolymphatic appendage is pronounced in embryos from 9 mm. to 14 mm. long. By its elongation it passes over the rhombic lip and in 14 mm. embryos we find the tip of it overlapping the ventro- lateral part of the thin chorioidal roof of the fourth ventricle. It, however, does not lie in direct contact with this membrane as is the case in tadpole larvae, but is always separated by a thin layer of the surrounding mesenchyme. At about the time of the closing-off of the semicircular canals (embryos 15 mm. long) the simple tubular form of the endolym- phatic appendage is gradually modified by the expansion of its distal half into a flattened fusiform sac, which from then on is recognized as the endolymphatic sac as distinguished from the remaining proximal part, the endolymphatic duct, that connects it with the rest of the labyrinth. The endolymphatic sac lies lateral and caudal to that part of the chorioidal membrane that is to form the lateral recess of the fourth ventricle. It lies close against it, but is always separated from it by the tissue that is to form the arachnoid and dural membranes. Simultaneously with the formation of the semicircular canals and the differentiation of the endolymphatic sac there occurs an alteration in the large dural veins in this neighborhood that plays . VASCULAR DRAINAGE OF ENDOLYMPHATIC SAC ao an important part inits topography. This consists in the replace- ment of the primary head vein by a more dorsally situated longi- tudinal channel. The middle dural plexus instead of draining, as SIN. RECTUS SIN. SAGITTALIS SUP. PEEXUS> ANit. / SIN. TRANS. 'V. CEREBRAL. INF. - SAC. ENDOL. SIN. PETROS. SUP. EMISSAR. MAST, V. OPTHAL. SIN. CAVERNOSUS FORAMEN JUGULARE SIN. PETROS. INF. Fig. 2. Profile reconstruction showing the topography of the membranous labyrinth and endolymphatic appendage in a human fetus 50 mm. long (No. 96, Carnegie Collection). The endolymphatic sac is partly covered by the trans- verse sinus, which with the other head veins is shown in solid black. Enlarged about 4 diameters. formerly, into the primary head vein drains caudalward into the posterior dural plexus. Soon afterward the anterior dural plexus, in a similar manner, changes its direction of drainage and instead of continuing to drain into the cephalic end of the primary head 76 GEORGE L. STREETER vein, it unites with the middle dural plexus and they both drain into the posterior dural plexus and through it into the internal jugular vein. Due to these alterations in the drainage of the anterior and middle dural plexuses the greater part of the pri- mary head vein disappears and we find it replaced by the more dorsally situated channel that is to become the transverse sinus. This channel forms in a groove in the dorsal margin of the otic capsule. ‘Topographically it passes longitudinally in the space between the two vertical canals and the endolymphatic sac. The general relation of these structures is shown in figures 1 and 2 which are reproduced from the paper previously referred to (Streeter 715). The canals are separated from the sinus by their cartilagenous envelope. The endolymphatic sac, however, like the transverse sinus itself does not become encased by cartilage and lies against the median wall of the latter, separated from it only by a small amount of loose embryonic connective tissue in which both are embedded. This close relation which becomes established between the endolymphatic sac and the transverse sinus in 18 mm. embryos, continues as a permanent condition. At first (fig. 1) when the endolymphatic sac has a vertical posi- tion, it completely overlaps the median surface of the sinus. Subsequently as the cranium enlarges, this part of its wall is crowded outward and downward into a more horizontal position and partakes in the formation of the floor of the posterior cerebral fossa. We then find the endolymphatic sac resting on the dorsal surface of the sinus and furthermore the sinus becomes relatively larger than the sac and is then only partly overlapped by the latter. Though closely related to the chorioidal membrane of the lat- eral recess, the endolymphatic sac becomes more and more clearly separated from it as the dural and arachnoidal tissues become differentiated. On the other hand, though resting against the transverse sinus, there is a scant amount of loose embryonic connective tissue separating the two. Running through the meshes of this connective tissue can be seen blood capillaries that form a plexus which empties into the transverse sinus. This plexus anastomoses with the vessels of the labyrinth by com- VASCULAR DRAINAGE OF ENDOLYMPHATIC SAC 77 munications along the endolymphatic appendage. It also an- astomoses with the posterior dural plexus. These blood-vessels and their communications can be recognized in embryos 20 mm. Pix. Chor. Saccus endolymph. Cerebellum Sinus petros. Sup. Cartilage Utriculus Tympanum | Ductus cochlearis Fig. 3 Sagittal section through the ear region of a human fetus 52 mm. long (No. 448, Carnegie Collection). The blood vessels are injected with India ink and are represented in solid black. The endolymphatic sac is outlined as a clear space and surrounding it can be seen its dense capillary plexus and the manner in which this drains into the transverse sinus. Enlarged about 10 diameters. long, but subsequent to that they rapidly increase in size and importance, and in embryos 50 mm. long obtain a characteristic appearance which we shall now proceed to describe. 78 GEORGE L. STREETER ENDOLYMPHATIC APPENDAGE DURING THE THIRD MONTH The topography and vascular drainage of the endolymphatic sac in embryos about 50 mm. (crown-rump) long are shown in figures 2,3 and 4. In figure 2 can be seen the general posture of the labyrinth and the relation of its component parts to the dural sinuses. This figure is drawn from a profile reconstruction of the labyrinth, dural veins and central nervous system in an embryo 50 mm. long (No. 96, Carnegie Collection). The reconstruction was prepared by projecting the serial sections on transparent papers which were then superimposed and all traced on one sheet. It will be noted that the endolymphatic sac passes upward so that its dorsal one-third rests against the median surface of the transverse sinus, opposite the chorioidal roof of the ventricle of the hind-brain. It does not project above the sinus as in the younger stage shown in figure 1. A section through this region is shown in the accompanying figure 3. This is a portion of a sagittal section through a human enbryo 52 mm. long (No. 448, Carnegie Collection). Before the embryo was prepared in serial sections its vascular system was injected with India ink through the umbilical vein. This in- jection mass is shown in the drawing in solid black. The section passes antero-posteriorly through the lateral part of the cere- -bellum, and includes a portion of the ventricle with the chorioidal villi projecting into it. At the base of the villi there is a col- lection of the injection mass which apparently is an extravasa- tion. This is separated from the endolymphatic sac and its vessels by the dura which is already fairly well outlined, though it is not represented in the drawing. The feature to which particular attention should be given is the capillary plexus surrounding the endolymphatic sac. Its general character is indicated, and it can also be seen that it drains by several outlets into the transverse sinus. On following it through the sections of the series it is found that it completely envelops the endolymphatic sac and duct. It can be traced cen- trally within the cartilage as a finely meshed tubular covering of the duct extending to the region where the duct arises from the Plexus endolymphaticus Sinus dur. matr. transversus Sac. endolymph. (cut off) Fig. 4 Camera lucida drawing showing the endolymphatic plexus and its com- munications in a human fetus 54 mm. long (No. 458, Carnegie Collection). The blood vessels were injected with India ink and the whole rendered transparent with wintergreen oil. A portion of the plexus was removed to show the contained endolymphatic sac, and part of the sac was also removed in order to show the drainage of the plexus. The vessels of the rest of the labyrinth are only filled in far enough to show their communication with the endolymphatic plexus. En- larged about 17 diameters. 79 SO GEORGE L. STREETER utricle and saccule. At this point it anastomoses with the vessels of the vestibular part of the labyrinth. The vessels be- longing to the vestibule and canals are more sparse; a portion of the cochlea, however, seems equally as well provided as the endolymphatic appendage. It is to be remembered that we are dealing with an injected embryo and the meshes of this plexus are doubtless distended, so that the picture we obtain shows them more prominently than would be the case in uninjected material. The topography and communications of the endo- lymphatic blood plexus are shown more completely in figure 4. This is an outline drawing of the labyrinth and its blood-vessels in a human embryo 54 mm. long (No. 458, Carnegie Collection). The blood-vessels were injected with India ink and after fixa- tion the head of the embryo was dissected and the desired portions of it were dehydrated and cleared in wintergreen oil. Figure 4 shows the right labyrinth as seen in such a specimen. The in- jected vessels in the region of the vestibulo-cochlear junction are shown in solid black and also their continuation into the endo- lymphatic plexus inclosing the endolymphatic duct. The con- tinuation of the plexus toward the lateral sinus is shown in stipple. In the region of the endolymphatic sae a part of the plexus is represented as cut away. The greater part of the sac is also cut away in order to expose more completely the outer leaf of the plexus, that intervenes between the endolymphatic sac and the sinus, and its characteristic communications with the sinus. The sac is quite flat and when it is intact it corresponds in contour to that portion of the plexus that has been left. The reader will be able to form a picture of the whole apparatus by imagining the rest of the sac back in place and covered in by the inner leaf of the plexus. From an examination of figures 2, 3 and 4, we see, therefore, that in embryos about 50 mm. long the endolymphatic append- age consists of a narrow duct that widens out into a broad flat- tened sac that lies between the chorioidal membrane of the lateral recess and the transverse sinus. It is separated from the former by the dura and is separated from the latter by the endolym- phatic plexus. This plexus consists of thin walled capillaries VASCULAR DRAINAGE OF ENDOLYMPHATIC SAC 81 which everywhere inclose the duct and sac. In the distended state, as in Injected specimens, they virtually constitute a sur- rounding sheet of blood inclosed in endothelium, since the open- ings in the mesh are, as a rule, narrower than the blood channels themselves. There is some tendency at this time, and it becomes more marked later on, to the formation of principal channels in this plexus. The plexus anastomoses centrally with the other blood vessels of the labyrinth. Distally it drains by several openings into the transverse sinus. In addition it anastomoses with a coarser plexus of veins that les between the dura and the cartilaginous skull in the neighborhood of the sinus. In this same region there are some small arteries of the dura mater that seem to communicate by minute branches with the endolymphatic plexus. There were very few of these and their arterial nature could not be determined with certainty. ENDOLYMPHATIC APPENDAGE AT END OF FOURTH MONTH The endolymphatic plexus gradually changes its character as we advance to older fetuses. Instead of a fairly uniform mesh- work that envelops evenly all parts of the appendage, part of it takes the form of larger and simpler channels that become more or less separated from the remainder of the plexus while the latter continues as a fine meshwork closely applied to the surface of the appendage. The finer plexus drains into the larger channels which in turn drain into the transverse sinus. In order to determine the topography and vascularization of the endolymphatic appendage at this period, a well hardened fetus, 130 mm. crown-rump length, was selected in which the blood-vessels had been injected through the umbilical vein with India ink (No. 1018, Carnegie Collection). The part of the skull on each side containing the labyrinth was removed, care being taken to preserve the dura. The specimen from the right side was dehydrated and cleared in wintergreen oil and studied as a transparent specimen. The left one was decalcified and cut in serial sections and a profile reconstruction was made of the labyrinth and larger vessels. By combining the reconstruction with the study of the transparent specimen it was possible to 82 GEORGE L. STREETER ascertain very definitely the relations of the structure with which we are concerned. A camera lucida drawing of the endolymphatic plexus and its connecting vessels is shown in figure 5, as they are seen in the cleared specimen mentioned above. In the same drawing is introduced a profile reconstruction of the endolymphatic append- age prepared from serial sections of the other labyrinth. From an examination of this figure it will be seen that the endolym- phatic appendage is divisible into a duct and a sac. The duct is further divisible into a proximal flaring portion and a narrow por- tion that connects this with the sac. It can be seen in sections that the proximal flaring portion possesses thin walls that show a tendency to be thrown in folds. The endolymphatic sae con- sists of a flattened blind pouch with a rounded contour. Micro- scopic examination shows that its walls consist of a single layer of cuboidal epithelium which is uniform throughout the sac except at its distal extremity where it narrows into a tubular process whose epithelium retains the embryonic character. In_ its general topography the endolymphatic sac maintains its former relations and its distal part is found overlapping the dorso- median wall of the transverse sinus. On examining the endolymphatic plexus in figure 5 it will be seen that it has undergone certain changes as compared with the younger stage shown in figure 4. A vascular plexus still envelops the appendage everywhere. This consists of a thin walled endo- thelial network whose meshes vary in size and pattern and lie closely against the epithelial wall of the appendage. In the drawing only the more prominent loops are shown; besides these there are everywhere small anastomosing capillaries that inter- vene between them. The network as a whole is richer over the sac and over the proximal flaring portion of the duct and is more secant over the narrow portion of the duct. Running through the plexus there are a few larger channels that have been sepa- rated out. These form main drainage channels that become partially detached from the general plexus, though the latter con- tinues to anastomose with them at frequent intervals. One of these is the so-called ‘vena aquaeductus vestibuli.’ This forms Sinus dur. matr. transversus Saccus endolymph: Plexus endolyn.ph. V.aquaeduct. vestib., 4 Fig. 5 Profile reconstruction of the endolymphatic appendage in a human fetus of 130 mm. crown-rump length (No. 1018, Carnegie Collection). Com- bined with it is a camera lucida drawing of the endolymphatic plexus, with its connections, made from the other labyrinth of the same specimen which had been cleared in oil. The numerals indicate communications of the endolymphatic plexus with other veins: 1 and 2, dural veins; 3, vein draining plexus on dorsal surface of utricle; 4, from plexus on median surface of utricle; 5, from posterior ampulla and adjacent part of utricle and saccule; 6, veins from median surface of saccule and cochlea. Enlarged 1734 diameters. 83 84 GEORGE L. STREETER along the borders of the endolymphatic duct. It may be regarded as having a group of tributaries from the remainder of the laby- rinth. These are numerically indicated in figure 5 as follows: ‘3’ is a vein draining the dorsal surface of the utricle from where it curves around at the base of the crus commune to join the endo- lymphatie system; ‘4’ drains the plexus belonging to the medial wall of the utricle; ‘5’ drains the plexus of the posterior ampulla and the adjacent posterior surfaces of the utricle and saccule; ‘6’ indicates a group of anastomosing vessels from the median wall of the saccule through which it also communicates with the cochlear system. Opposite the narrow part of the endolymphatic duct these various channels are assembled into two vessels of which the one along the posterior margin of the duct is the prin- cipal one, and the one that persists as the v. aquaeductus ves- tibuli. Tracing it upward we find it receiving large tributaries from the plexus of the endolymphatic sac and at the same time enlarging into a wide channel along the caudal margin of the sac. In addition to the tributaries from the endolymphatic plexus it receives several tributaries from the plexus underlying the sur- rounding dura, such as ‘1’ in figure 5. It empties into the trans- verse sinus by one or two openings in conjunction with adjacent dural veins. In describing this plexus and the vena aquaeductus vestibuli it is simpler to think of the blood stream as flowing all in one direction, that is, toward the transverse sinus. In reality it is ‘quite possible that, due to mechanical’ conditions, the plexus of the proximal part of the duct drains backward into the vessels of the rest of the labyrinth and in common with them through the veins of the cochlear aquaeduct. The natural drainage of the sac, however, is toward the transverse sinus. Under these con- ditions the narrow part of the duct is a ‘divide’ from which the blood flows in both directions, and through the same v. aquae- ductus vestibuli. VASCULAR DRAINAGE OF ENDOLYMPHATIC SAC 85 ENDOLYMPHATIC APPENDAGE IN EMBRYOS DURING SEVENTH MONTH ; To represent late fetal conditions of the endolymphatic sac, a fetus was selected weighing 948 gms., in formalin, and measuring 240 mm. crown-rump length (No. 1131, Carnegie Collection). The head of the fetus was removed and divided in bilateral halves. On one side a dissection was made exposing the endolymphatic sac which was done by carefully reflecting the dura. The form of the sac and its relation to the transverse sinus was found to be essentially the same as that shown in figure 5, so a draw- ing of it will not be repeated. On the other side of the speci- men the dura was raised in one mass together with all the soft tissues between it and the bone; this included the endolymphatic sac, the periosteal vessels and part of the terminal portion of the transverse sinus. This was then embedded and prepared in serial sections, in a plane longitudinal to the duct and transverse to the sac. A simplified drawing of one of these sections is shown in figure 6. In the drawing the endolymphatic sac is shown in heavy black stipple. It consists of a flattened sac embedded in the connec- tive tissue that forms the substratum of the dura. Its distal portion overlaps the dorso-median surface of the sinus as in the previous stage. One new feature is found that was not present in the younger stages and that is that the epithelial wall of the sac projects irregularly in small longitudinal folds apparently . thereby offering greater surface area. A characteristic fold of this kind is cut through in the section shown in figure 6. Such a fold gives the appearance of a double sac but tracing it through the sections shows that it is only an out-pocket whose lumen communicates with that of the main sac. The dura mater merges gradually into a somewhat loose sub- stratum of connective tissue that attaches it to the bony skull. This is schematically represented in the drawing and the ragged- ness of the bony surface of the dura is due to the difficulty in detaching the dura from the bone and also in part to the irregu- larity of the bone. In the meshes of the connective tissue of the Art. Facies arachnoidalis durae matris x*——— Sinus dur. matr. transversus Plexus endolymph, Ei selehnps® aaa i Fig. 6 Section through the endolymphatic sac showing its relation to the dura and blood vessels in a human fetus measuring 240 mm. crown-rump length (No. 1131, Carnegie Collection). Endolymphatic sac is stippled dark. Blood vessels are shown in plain white. The endolymphatic plexus is more dense on the median or upper surface of the sac; on the lateral or lower surface the plexus is partly replaced by the main channel through which it drains into the trans- verse sinus. ‘V.d.,’ a large dural vein; ‘Art.,’ artery. The arachnoidal surface of the dura is intact, but the bony surface was torn in the removal of the specimen from the bone. Enlarged 15 diameters. ; 86 VASCULAR DRAINAGE OF ENDOLYMPHATIC SAC 87 dura are found numerous blood vessels which are shown in the drawing as white spaces. The largest of these is transverse sinus. A portion of its wall is missing having been injured in the removal of the dura from the bone. Around the endolymphatic sac is a thick plexus of thin walled veins which apparently is the same as the endolymphatic plexus which we have studied in the younger specimens. At the caudo-lateral surface of the sac they open into a large channel which in turn drains into the transverse sinus. This is the channel that follows along the endolymphatic duct and is known as the vena aquaeductus vestibuli. Other dural veins anastomose with it, but its primary communication is with the venous plexus of the endolymphatic sac. As this specimen did not include the intraosseus portion of the endo- lymphatic appendage the proximal connections of these veins could not be studied. SUMMARY From the above study of the endolymphatic appendage in human embryos the principal features in its development, to- pography and vascularization may be summarized as follows: The endolymphatic appendage makes its appearance at the dorsal tip of the otic vesicle in embryos about 4 mm. long, where- upon it rapidly enlarges, forming an elongated tube that extends upward toward the chorioidal roof of the hind-brain. As it does this it becomes differentiated into two subdivisions: the distal half spreads out forming a broad flattened blind pouch, the saccus endolymphaticus; the proximal half, the ductus endolymphaticus, forms an elongated narrow tube connecting the distal part with the remainder of the labyrinth. The main features in this dif- ferentiation are completed in embryos 30 mm. long and at the same time the topographical relations of the appendage have assumed practically the adult conditions. A prominent factor in the topography of the endolymphatic sac is its relation to the transverse sinus. The characteristic flat- tened form of the sac and the establishment of the sinus are to be seen at about the same time. From then on the sac always lies with its flat surface applied against the median wall of the sinus, SS GEORGE L. STREETER or the dorso-median wall as the base of the skull becomes more flattened out. The sac does not become incorporated with the rest of the labyrinth in the cartilaginous capsule, but like the sinus lies exposed in the floor of the posterior cerebral fossa and is covered in only by the dura mater. Throughout the greater part of foetal life the endolymphatic appendage is ensheathed by a vascular plexus, the plexus endo- lymphaticus, which anastomoses on the one hand with the vessels of the rest of the labyrinth and on the other hand with the transverse sinus into which it drains through several openings. This plexus makes its appearance at about the time of the dif- ferentiation of the appendage into its adult subdivisions of duct and sac. It can be plainly recognized in embryos 30 mm. long. In embryos 50 mm. long, it is well developed and at that time it forms a closely meshed web completely investing the append- age, whereby the latter is virtually inclosed in a sheet of blood from which it is separated only by the endothelium of the blood spaces. In the course of its further enlargement and development in embryos 100 mm. long and over, the endolymphatic plexus be- comes resolved into a few principal channels connected with which there remain parts of the original plexus. The plexus persists notably in the neighborhood of the endolymphatic sac. One of the most constant channels that are developed through the endolymphatic plexus is the one forming the so-called vena aquaeductus vestibuli. This forms along the side of the endo- lymphatic duct and the posterior margin of the endolymphatic sac, and it constitutes a direct communication between the vas- cular plexus surrounding the labyrinth on the one hand, and the transverse sinus on the other. It may be a single or multiple channel. Through it is drained the plexus of the endolymphatic sac and also some of the dural veins of the immediate neigh- borhood. VASCULAR DRAINAGE OF ENDOLYMPHATIC SAC SY REFERENCES CITED Batrour, F. M. 1881 A treatise on comparative embryology. London, Mce- Millan, vol. 2, p. 426. Boerrcuer, A. 1869 Ueber den Aquaeductus vestibuli bei Katzen und Men- schen. Archiv fiir Anat. u. Physiol., p. 372. Coruano, D. 1761 De aquaeductibus auris humanae internae anatomica dis- sertatio. Neapoli. (Quoted from Eichler 792.) Ercourer, O. 1892 Anatomische Untersuchungen itiber die Wege des Blut- stromes im menschlichen Ohrlabyrinth. Ixgl. Sachs. Gesell. d. Wiss., Bd. 18, Abhandl. Math. Phys. Classe. Hassp, C. 1873 Ductus endolymphaticus. Anatom. Studien, Hft. 4, p. 792. Herrwie, O. 1898 Lehrbuch der Entwicklungsgeschichte. 6th Edit. Jena, Fischer. Horrman, C. Kk. 1890 Entwicklungsgeschichte der Reptilien. Bronn’s Klas- sen u. Ordnungen d. Their-reichs. Bd. 6, Abth. 3, p. 2012. Keiser, F. 1899 Ueber die Entwickelungdes Labyrinthanhanges. Anat. Anz., Bd. 16. Krause, R. 1901 Die Entwickelung des Aquaeductus vestibuli s. Ductus en- dolymphaticus. Anat. Anz., Bd. 19. Nerro F. 1898 Die Entwickelung des Gehérorgans beim Axolotl. Dissert. Berlin. Pour C. 1897 Zur Entwickelung der Gehérblase bei den Wirbeltieren. Archiv f. mikr. Anat., Bd. 48. SHamBauGH G. E. 1903 The distribution of blood vessels in the labyrinth of the ear of sus scrofa domesticus. Decennial Publications, Univ. Chicago, vol. 10. SIEBENMANN, F. 1894 Die Blutgefiisse im Labyrinthe des menschlichen Ohres. Wiesbaden. Streeter, G. L. 1906 On the development of the membranous labyrinth and the acoustie and facial nerves in the human embryo. Amer. Jour. Anat., vol. 6. 1914 Experimental evidence concerning the determination of posture of the membranous labyrinth in amphibian embryos. Jour. Exper. Zool., vol. 16. 1915 The development of the venous sinuses of the dura mater in the human embryo. Amer. Jour. Anat., vol. 18. PROBLEMS OF HUMAN DENTITION PROF. DR. L. BOLK Director of the Anatomical Institule, University of Amsterdam TWENTY-EIGHT FIGURES INTRODUCTION During the last few years [ have been occupied with ana- tomical and embryological researches upon the dentition of mammals and reptiles. The memoirs dealing with the results of these investigations are published in the Dutch or German language. My researches on the mammalian dentition were principally executed on human and other primate material. In consequence of these investigations, | have arrived at conclu- sions regarding some fundamental odontological problems, differ- ing somewhat strongly from those generally accepted. However, as my conclusions are founded partially on the examination of a large amount of material and partially on the observation of here- tofore unknown facts and relations, I believe that my points of view in some respects throw new light upon odontological problems. The present paper discusses only some purely morphological problems of the primate dentition, especially with reference to the dentition of man. In the next essay I hope to treat of some embryological phenomena. T have demonstrated in my ‘‘Odontologische Studien’! that the ontogenesis of the mammalian teeth shows peculiarities pre- viously undescribed, the knowledge of which makes their devel- opmental history in some degree different from the generally ' Odontologische Studien I. Die Ontogenie der Primatenziihne. Jena, Gustav Fischer, 1913. Odontologische Studien II. Die Morphogenie der Primatenziihne. Jena, Gustav Fischer, 1914. 91 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 19, NO. 1 Q? PROF. DR. L. BOLK accepted scheme. The embryological development of mam- malian teeth is a process more complicated than the description of it as given in text-books of anatomy or odontology would lead one to suppose. First I shall treat of the manner in which the dentition of man (and of all other platyrrhine Primates) is a development of the more primitive form of platyrrhine dentition. Then the prob- lem will be discussed as to which set of teeth our molars belong (to the first or milk dentition, or to the second or permanent set of teeth); and finally I shall give my conception as to the future changes which will occur in human dentition. FIRST PROBLEM: THE RELATION BETWEEN THE DENTITION OF PLATYRRHINE AND CATARRHINE PRIMATES As is generally known, one of the most striking anatomical differences between the two groups of Primates (the Platyrrhinae and the Catarrhinae) is that the monkeys of the New World possess three premolars and three milk molars in each jaw, whereas in catarrhine monkeys and likewise in man, there are only two of each of these teeth. There is some difference be- tween the two families of American monkeys, the Hapalidae possessing two molars only, whereas in the Cebidae there are three of these teeth, as in all other Primates. Therefore the majority of New World monkeys have a set of teeth whose post-canine portion possesses one tooth more than the corresponding portion of the Old World monkeys, or of man. It is a common view of anatomists and zoologists that the dentition of the latter evolved from that of the former group by the loss of one of the premolars. But there is no agreement as to the premolar which was reduced. Most investigators maintain that the first premolar of the platyrrhine monkeys is wanting in the catarrhine group. Therefore the first premolar of the latter should be considered the homologue of the second premolar of the former. Other investigators, on the contrary, assert that it is the third premolar of the Platyrrhinae which is wanting in the other families of the Primates. I do not agree with either of these views. My opinion as to the relation between the den- PROBLEMS OF HUMAN DENTITION 93 tition of the Platyrrhinae and the Catarrhinae is wholly differ- ent. But there is one point common to both hypotheses worthy of special reference because it constitutes a weak side of each of the hypotheses. The dental formula of the platyrrhine monkeys (save the Hapalidae) runs as follows: lm ton CI Wo» 1s, lee ie Gr ie RS: eee M,. M.. M3. and that of the ecatarrhine Primates: in lee. aw Ts: T,. Iz. C. Pi Pe. Mi. Me. Mz. In these formulas the elements of the milk dentition are written in small print and those of the permanent set of teeth in capital letters. The formulas as above written are not intended to give expression to any homology between the teeth of the two groups of primates. In accepting either of the hypotheses mentioned above one must keep in view the fact that the catarrhine denti- tion not only arose from the reduction and final loss of a premolar in the permanent set of teeth, but also of its predecessor in the milk dentition. It seems to me to be very important that in none of the recent genera of the New World monkeys is a reduc- tion of a tooth to be seen either of the first or third milk molar, or of the first or third .premolar. It is altogether probable that in the extinct ancestors of the catarrhine Primates such a reduc- tion really took place. But one looks in vain both in the upper and lower jaw of this group of Primates for any proof that a tooth in the premolar region has been lost. In its whole extent this portion of the dental arch is always regularly constructed, the teeth standing very closely approximated. Furthermore in catar- rhine monkeys a diastema, especially between the canine and first premolar is wanting. These facts surely are not very favorable to the opinion that the reduction in the number of the premolars in Primates happened in the common way—in consequence of the loss of a premolar and its predecessor in the milk dentition. For, in case such a process really happened, the situation of the lost tooth would be indieated by a diastema. The objection to Q4 PROF. DR. L. BOLK the usually accepted hypothesis is further strengthened by the consideration that the diminution from the primitive number of four premolars to three, which happened in the eocene Primates, ‘an be followed step by step in the different well-known genera of their group of the common ancestors of all recent Primates. The following objection may also be advanced. If really the first post-canine tooth in both dentitions should be reduced and lost, there is very strong ground to expect that in the embryo- logical evolution of the dentition of man, apes or catarrhine monkeys, the anlage of this tooth or occasionally the tooth itself should be found in a rudimentary form and size. With- out doubt the teeth are reduced and lost during the last phase of development in all mammals. Although the development of the human dentition in human embryos has been examined by a great number of investigators, there has never been found a single vestige of the anlage of a rudimentary milk molar imme- diately behind the canine. T shall not consider in a detailed manner the current hypothe- ses, being of a wholly different opinion with regard to the rela- tion between the dentition of American monkeys and that of Old World monkeys. This opinion may be briefly expressed as follows: The dentition of the catarrhine Primates (including man) with its two premolars is derived from an ancestral form with three premolars in two phases. The first phase was char- acterized by the reduction and final loss of the third molar of that ancestor. By this process a form resulted with three pre- molars and only two molars, just as we actually find in the group of the recent Hapalidae. The second phase was of an entirely different nature: during the same, the third milk molar devel- oped into a permanent tooth, whilst the development of its successor (the third premolar) was suppressed, in consequence of which the number of permanent molars increased to three, as in the primitive form. By this hypothesis the Hapalidae, with regard to their dentition, are placed on a higher level in the phylogenetical system than they occupy in the common systems of Primates. One is accus- tomed to consider the Marmosets the most primitive recent PROBLEMS OF HUMAN DENTITION 95 representatives of the primate stem. It was never very clear to me upon which points in their anatomical structure this opinion is grounded. It is true that their nails, except those on the hinder thumbs, are formed like claws. But this peculiarity is a phenomenon of less value with regard to the problems of phylogenetical evolution than the indications supplied by the structure of the dentition. And in comparing the anatomy of the molars of the other platyrrhine monkeys—the Cebidae— with those of the Hapalidae, it becomes clear that nearly all Cebidae show a tendency to attain a developmental stage already accomplished by the Hapalidae, or the total reduction of the hindmost molar. In most genera of the New World monkeys Cebus, Ateles, Chrysothrix, Pithecia, Nyctipithecus—-the third molar is already reduced in a very large degree, having only a single root and a very small crown without cusp-differentiation. Usually this hindmost tooth of the Cebidae is a far more reduced element of the dentition than the third molar in man. The fact that the Cebidae approach a structure of their dentition already acquired by the Hapalidae, is to me a sufficient ground to place the latter on a higher level of phylogenetical evolution than the former. It is worthy of mention, that the investigation of Weber showed the brain of the Marmoset, although a lissen- cephalous one, to be relatively heavier than even that of man. Therefore, | consider the dentition of the Hapalidae an inter- mediate form between that of Cebidae and catarrhine Primates, notwithstanding the reduced number of their molars. The loss of the hindmost molar, was the first step which led the plat- yrrhine ancestor of man to the more progressive dental struc- ture peculiar to all Old World Primates. We will return later on to the cause of this reduction. The primitive number of three molars was regained in conse- quence of the third milk molar becoming permanent and of the suppression of the development of the third premolar. This is, Tl admit, somewhat unusual in the evolution of dentition. But there are other examples, well-known to us, in which the same phenomenon took place, and in consequence of which the func- tional set of teeth became a mixed one, composed partially of 96 PROF. DR. LL. BOK milk teeth and partially of teeth of the second dentition. The best known case is that of the Erinaceus. According to the very exact and ample researches of Leche, the functional set of teeth of this Insectivora is composed of elements of both den- titions. The above point of view therefore does not introduce a wholly new principle in odontology. Before developing the different arguments upon which my hypothesis is based, I wish to summarize its esssentials by means of some dental formulas. In these the symbols of the milk dentition are printed in small letters, the permanent teeth in capitals. Dental formula of the Cebidae: Nfs doe'@. tile, gs Mle. Tie te. Gs Pix Pe Ps, Ma.) Ma. Mis. Dental formula of the Hapalidae: Pear ee Guei ic spuRaa Men aa lee Te: Cr lee Ps: Pe: M;,. Mae. [M3] Dental formula of the Catarrhinae: Tha Ips Ge Ty. Mise Wie I. dee GuiPy. Ps 3.) Meo Ma. Ma) In the last formula, relative also to man, the elements, whose development is suppressed, are placed in brackets, as is also done in the second formula. In my hypothesis two principles are involved, which will be discussed separately, viz., the belong- ing of our first permanent molar to the socalled milk dentition, and, secondly, the disappearance of two elements in our perma- nent set of teeth, the third premolar and the molar originally hindmost. A further consequence of this hypothesis is that the three molars of the catarrhine Primates are not homologous with the three molars of the Platyrrhinae, our second molar corres- ponding with the first of the latter. I question the nature of our first permanent molar. My opinion is that this tooth is homolo- gous with the third milk molar of the more primitive Primates. Evidently the process by which this tooth became the first molar of our permanent dentition is composed of two factors, to PROBLEMS OF HUMAN DENTITION Q7 wit: the loss of its sueceeding tooth (the third premolar of the lower forms), and secondly, the fact that an originally decidu- ous tooth became a persisting element. It is clear that these phenomena stand in a close relation to each other, for a milk tooth cannot acquire the character of a persisting tooth, so long as the evolution of its successor is not suppressed. The two events must have happened simultaneously. As to the question whether the evolution of the milk tooth or the re- gression of the permanent element was the leading factor in this process, I incline to the first of these two possibilities, on the following ground: I consider that the evolution of the dental structure of the catarrhine Primates commenced with the reduc- tion and final loss of the hindmost molar of an ancestor with a platyrrhine dentition, perhaps in consequence of the shortening of the jaws. By this reduction the grinding surface of the set of teeth underwent ashortening. This circumstance (without im- portance in small animals such as the Hapalidae, who live princi- pally on soft food or insects) became disadvantageous as the species grew taller and the nature of the food required a larger erinding surface. It is very important that the third milk molar of the platyrrhine monkeys is a larger tooth, with a greater surface and more cusps than its successor, the third premolar. Especially in Hapalidae is the difference notable. And so it was advantageous to the grinding function of the dental arch of the historically succeeding larger forms of monkeys, that the third milk molar with its four or five cusps was not replaced by a tooth with two cusps only. Thus the grinding surface of the dental arch regained at its anterior end what it had lost in an earlier period of evolution at its posterior end. These considerations lead me to the supposition that in the proc- ess of evolution, the alteration of the character of the third milk molar occurred first, the loss of the third premolar being a necessary consequence of it. Because the third premolar was reduced, the third milk molar became a persisting tooth; but because the permanence of this milk molar brought a functional advantage, the evolution of the third premolar was suppressed. QS PROF. DR. L. BOLK My hypothesis regarding the origin of the dental formula of the catarrhine Primates explains in a very simple manner the otherwise incomprehensible fact that the diminution of the pre- molars could occur without a gap in the dental arch. And in the post-canine portion of the set of teeth of the higher Primates a diastema is never found. That the continuity of the set of teeth by the above hypothesis was never interrupted, surely does not tell against the justice of it. The foregoing, however, are mere theoretical considerations, let us now proceed to some more practical arguments. Regarding the embryological evolution of our dentition and the succession of the eruption of our teeth, I believe our first per- manent molar was, in an earlier stage of phylogenetical evolu- tion, a deciduous tooth, belonging to the first or milk dentition. In reality this tooth appears (in man, as in all other catarrhine Primates) before the first permanent incisor. And during the nearly two years between the eruption of our first permanent molar and that of our permanent first incisor, the structure of our dentition is identically the same as in young platyrrhine monkeys. During this period of the platyrrhine phase of our dentition, there are three molars immediately behind the canine tooth. The affinity of our first permanent molar to the set of milk teeth is more clearly shown the moment the first anlage of this tooth appears in human embryos. According to the investiga- tions of Rose, the anlage of milk teeth commences in the ninth week of embryological development. Immediately afterward the germ of the second milk molar is produced by the dental lamina, the latter is prolonged backwards, and the enamel-organ of the first permanent molar is formed. This happens in the sixteenth week of embryological development. Therefore, there is no dis- continuity in the suecession of the first anlage of the enamel- organs of our deciduous teeth and that of our first permanent molar. cirea 640 diameters. 4 Portion of renal glomerulus of cat fetus of 8.5 em. Orientation as in figure 1. Epithelial plates already present. X 640 diameters. 6 Part of labyrinth of placenta of a rabbit of 27 days, showing the endo- thelium of the fetal capillaries and the succession of thin plates and thicker nucleated portions of the ectoderm, between capillary and maternal blood stream. Copied from Duval’s Atlas, Placenta des Rongeurs, figure62. > 470 diameters. 7 Portion of placenta of a guinea pig of the second month, similar to figure 6. Copied from Duval’s Atlas, figure 262. X 300 diameters. 206 INTERRELATIONS OF THE MESONEPHROS, ETC. PLATE 1 JOHN LEWIS BREMER PLATE 2 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 5 Portion of placental chorion of human embryo of 29.0 mm. (H. E. C. No. 389). Above, the chorionic mesoderm; the basal layer of the ectoderm and the syncytial layer are both interrupted by a fetal capillary, separated from the maternal blood stream only by an ectodermal plate, pl., which is closely adherent to the endothelium of the capillary. X 640 diameters. 8 Portion of chorion and labyrinth of placenta of a rat of 13 days (H. E. C. no. 1930, sect. 143). The same production of epithelial plates separating the endothelium of the fetal capillaries from the maternal blood stream. The two streams are recognizable by their blood corpuscles. It will be noticed that the plates occur against both fetal arteries and veins. The basal layer of fetal ectoderm has partially disappeared. 250 diameters. 9 Villus of human placenta of 3 months. Note the complete syncytial layer of the fetal ectoderm, and the basal layer interrupted by a fetal capillary, over which the syneytium has developed a plate. > 480 diameters. 10and 11 = Villiof human placenta at term. The basal layer of ectoderm is no longer present. The syncytial layer shows a succession of thick granular nucleated portions and thin epithelial plates in direct contact with the fetal eapil- laries. The maternal blood stream surrounds the villi.. & 480 diameters. 12. Model of the blood-vessels and the ectodermal syncytium of a villus of the human placenta at term. It will be noticed that two small villi have fused, making a ring formation, around which capillaries pass. One artery and two veins pass into the villus. In addition to the areas seen in profile where the ectodermal covering is of plate-like thinness, the blood-vessels are also covered by plates between x and x, and at y, and z. This, with figure 11, shows the rela- tive extent of the plates and the thicker svneytium. X 250 diameters. 208 INTERRELATIONS OF THE MESONEPHROS, ETC. PLATE 2 JOHN LEWIS BREMER THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LIVER AND PANCREAS IN AMBLYSTOMA PUNCTATUM EK. A. BAUMGARTNER Institute of Anatomy, University of Minnesota FORTY-SIX FIGURES (FOUR PLATES) CONTENTS eealinGreo chu C1 O Tiere sence ere eter nae even pee eee” ee eee a eae, eee ae 211 II. The development of the liver, hepatic ducts and gall-bladder.......... 218 UEC Crates we eae ees es eee caste eras Wee ee a ranhea Sr 213 2. Early development of the liver................ 0c ccc cece e eee eeees 218 3. Position of the organ during development.....................+.- 223 4. Development of the biliary apparatus........................... 226 a. Description of hepatic ducts in the adult..................... 226 b. Development of the ductus choledochus..................... 230 ce. Development of the major hepatic ducts.................... 282 d. Development of the minor hepatic ducts.................0.. 236 e. Development of the gall-bladder and cystie duct............. 288 f. Summary of the development of the biliary apparatus....... 242 III. The development of the pancreas and pancreatic ducts................ 247 MAMIE OPAL teats nag Pour Pica ate akan oes rrake fork bre ea citer ar ore wid a eI Canesten 247 2. Early development of the pancreas and pancreatic ducts......... 250 3. Description of the adult pancreas............... cece cece cence eens 260 AM DISCUSSION paeceee tne ace weet tee eco re eee ee eee ere oe 261 Vis CREME ALS UATE Yost ewan ees ae Scie aie tee crf dates oe 2 eee Bide ore ween 264 Wess oli o payin eve nave srevarersrerieee ctstee tere chs ik sc eeu susie ae teed suatiaie toitialigeey Sheu susie cre 266 I. INTRODUCTION Comparatively little work has been done on the morphology of the biliary and pancreatic duct-systems in vertebrates. The arrangement of these structures has been worked out in the adult forms of a few species but no attempt has been made to correlate these scattered observations or to determine what may be considered the typical arrangement in vertebrates and the major variations which may occur in the various groups of the phylum. The development of these systems is also 211 2 E. A. BAUMGARTNER almost unknown. Although the formation of the anlagen of the liver and pancreas has been investigated in almost every group of vertebrates, the later history of duct systems of these structures has been quite neglected. The two exceptions to this statement are furnished by the work of Corner (’13) who investigated the development of the pancreatic ducts of the pig by means of injection methods and Scammon’s study of the biliary system of selachians.! The following study is an attempt to follow in detail the de- velopment of these duct-systems in the tailed amphibia, and to point out the embryologic significance of the principal varia- tions which are encountered in the adult and the mechanical influences which are, in part at least, responsible for them. Although we are not as yet in possession of sufficient data to formulate a statement of the typical vertebrate plan of biliary and pancreatic duct-systems, it is hoped that this description of these structures in a representative amphibian may add to the material upon which such a schema must eventually be based. The material used for this work consisted of embryos of Am- blystoma punctatum from 4 mm. to 20 em. in length. These were sectioned serially in transverse and sagittal planes. Graphic and wax reconstructions were made of the hepatic ducts, gall- bladder, liver and pancreas of different embryos and adults. It is a pleasure to express my thanks to Dr. Richard E. Seam- mon for his constant interest and helpful criticisms throughout this study. A correlation of the embryos employed in this study with those described in the Normal Plates of Necturus maculosus by Eyecleshymer and Wilson may be desirable. This correla- tion is based on a comparison of the digestive system including liver and pancreas, as well as partially on the external form. Probably the greatest difference in the development of the digestive tract between these two forms is in the time of union of the dorsal and ventral pancreatic anlagen which had taken ' The terms used by Scammon ('13) in describing the ducts of Elasmobranchs have been used in this paper. DEVELOPMENT OF LIVER AND PANCREAS 2035 place in most of the 13 mm. Amblystoma embryos which I have observed, and is described in stage 42 (29 mm.) in the Normal Plate series of Necturus. Also .the limbs, particularly the caudal ones, appear comparatively later in Amblystoma. Such a table, of course, can be only an approximate comparison. TABLE 1 Correlation of Amblystoma embryos with the Normal-plate series of Necturus FIGURES EMBRYOS NORMAL-PLATE SERIES Figure Length in mm. Stage No. Length in mm. 11 eel APSE oer ae 4.5 21 8 Vee ee a OE ae ae 5 22-23 9 Bie OU Cee on re Eee 7 25 12 de Erin CERO RO ECOG 9 28 15 Ss EAC eee Ee 9 29 16 WMeonccsk fe eemeee ens 11 30 ily/ GSS tote acces abs eis 15 31 18 7d) DRIES yee ae Oe en eee 12.5 34 21 Ble Ao ssc lnnis «aie vie ois 13 See re eee ae See eee: 13 38 25 Ar aE NPN ite SMe cres 13.5 39 26 BHSOR AQ ice chest Gactrn 14 42 29 (1 Ce | ee 13.5 43 30 10038, 42: AG. -.2.. <5 15 45 32 DO MAS IR Sse sec tele 20 49 39 II. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LIVER, HEPATIC DUCTS AND GALL-BLADDER 1. Literature The literature of the development of the great glands of the digestive tract of Amphibia can be conveniently divided into two parts covering two fairly distinct periods: first, the work of the early investigators who determined the position of these glands in the embryo and their relation to the lower germ layer; second, the series of contributions beginning with Goette’s large monograph upon the development of Bombinator (’75) and dealing mainly with the detailed developmental anatomy of these organs. : THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 19, NO. 2 . 214 E. A. BAUMGARTNER The following table gives a list of the authors, the dates of their publications and the material upon which their work on the development of the liver and pancreas was based. Steinheim (’20) studied older embryos and observed the attachment to the gut. Rusconi (’26) investigated younger ‘embryos and, as did Reichert (’40) and Vogt (’42), described the ventral growth of the intestine to form the liver. Remak (55) and v. Bambecke (’68) differed from the above only in the number of lobes formed and noted the close relation of the gall-bladder to the right lobe. According to Goette (’75), the liver in Bombinator originates as a ventral outpouching of the foregut posterior to the heart. This diverticulum becomes separated from the gut by a gradual eranio-caudal constriction, and the narrow connection which remains forms the common hepatic duct. The outpouching then grows by the production of folds or buds from its sides which form the primary hepatic columns. The lumina remain in these columns although they may be very small. Goette regarded the early anastomoses and formation of the net-like hepatic cylinders as aided by the ingrowth of a capillary network. The gall-bladder develops as an outpouching of the posterior part of the primitive hepatic duct caudal to which the ductus chole- dochus is formed. Balfour (81) made the statement that there is a single ven- tral diverticulum from the gut which later develops into two secondary branches and so forms the liver. Shore (’91) in his study on the frog found that the liver takes origin as a ventral lengthening of the gut lumen into the mass of yolk-cells which lies posterior to the heart. The yolk-cells lining this lumen are transformed into hepatic cells and this mass becomes partially separated from the gut. This constric- tion is aided by the caudal growth of the sinus venosus. Later there is formed at the expense of the yolk-cells and by cell-divi- sion a large cell-mass into which the blood-vessels tunnel form- ing a tubular gland whose columns divide and anastomose pro- ducing a network interlacing with that of ‘blood-lacunae.’ DEVELOPMENT OF LIVER AND PANCREAS 215 Marshall (’93) gave a brief account of the development of the liver in the frog in his vertebrate embryology. He described a caudo-ventral projection from the anterior part of the mesen- TABLE 2 Table of authors and the forms studied Baumgartner........... 1914 Amblystoma punctatum AUTHOR DATE MATERIAL Steimmhemmienyes.. sss. ss 1820 Rana PRUSCONM 4320-75 crutenghon cs 1826 Rana eT Cher treat take ce id a 1840 Rana temporaria Rana esculenta IRAISC OMI eeeeeir anaes o. 1854 Salamandra Wo gies st tet aan iad ae 1842 Alytes obstetricans emma ke fan sistve seta otic 1855 Rana temporaria Rana esculenta Rab OKem een cans 2c5 abe. 1861 “Vertebrates”’ Bamibecke. 2.22... osse os 1868 Pelobates fuscus (GOGTCCRA Ha iiesteacs 1875 Bombinator igneus Wiedersheim........... 1875 Salamandra perspicillata: PSAMOUT: soc. o.e canex eens 1881 “Amphibia”’ SNORE ye hidas cote ter. 1891 | Rana LE C0) 0) 0. oe 1891 | Salamandra maculata, ete. Bufo vulgaris, ete. VES esa s,ce5e ob .40.6 7s ane 1893 Rana WENIOb. 20 chic ce chee Seal * 1893 ““Amphibia”’ WIG YSSOlRS 3k Calicanels ood 1895 Rana temporaria Rana esculenta DOME Ma Sines 4.t.s, dita Sachs 1895 Rana temporaria UCT OWE ia... scaths sioke stan als 1896 ““Amphibia”’ BTACHEbs, asi eeak ease: 1896 Review EVEL TINIAN I ee sen ss chore, 2 teens 1897 Rana WV Otome Sch M i niah cy can oh 1897 Rana temporaria Triton taeniatus, ete. Kollman. :.2°.27.2 aps: 1898 ‘“Amph bia”’ (Guamve lea 88%, See5 515 4 1899 Triton cristatus Choronshitzky......... 1900 Rana temporaria Salamandra maculosa, etc. CCUGCE, nse se cates Ss 1900 Alytes obstetricans Grratre liv ais .chet is MY sees 1902 Triton JEN YS) an Ge oer rE ns 1902 Review NMC) oc) eae ee 1903 Review. SrA ates seers cities = 1906 Alytes obstetricans Eycleshymer and 1910 Necturus maculosus Wil somisay 8 Sele ai re 216 E. A. BAUMGARTNER teron. The anterior wall of this depression is thrown into folds, blood-vessels penetrate between these structures and outgrowths from the hypoblast form the hepatic cylinders. Weysse (95) found in the frog that the liver-anlage is a dorso- ventral cleft extending into the yolk-mass from the gut lumen. A caudal extension of this cleft forms the posterior hepatic duct, while the cranial hepatic duct is formed by a folding of the anterior wall of the hepatic anlage. The yolk-cells are transformed into the true hepatic cells and can be early recog- nized by the deposit of pigment within them. Hertwig (’96) and Kollman (’98) gave only short descriptions, stating that in Amphibia the hepatic anlage is a single out- pouching from the ventral wall of the duodenum. Hammar (’97) who worked on the development of the frog’s liver, has named the entodermal cell-mass posterior to the heart the ‘Leberprominenz.’ Into this extends an early length- ening cavity which is continuous with the lumen of the gut. This he termed the ‘Leberbucht.’ By a cranio-caudal con- striction this hepatic anlage is separated from the gut. The cell-mass about the fundus of this anteriorly directed sac develops into trabeculae of the adult organ and the posterior part forms the ductus choledochus. The gall-bladder is developed very early as a diverticulum of the ventral wall of the common bile duct, and by further growth comes to be a pedunculated organ, consisting of a cystic duct and gall-bladder proper. He re- garded the origin of the trabeculae as perhaps due partially to the developing capillary network tunnelling into the hepatic cell mass as suggested by Shore. Choronshitzky (’00) showed the anlage of the liver in the sala- mander in a figure of a sagittal section of a 9 mm. embryo, in which there is a ventral fold in the wall of the foregut. This fold is lined with yolk-laden cylindrical cells which posteriorly pass gradually over into the polygonal yolk-cells which form a mass projecting into the lumen of the gut. In the anterior ventral wall of the gut is -a second slight pouch which later forms the gall-bladder. The two omphalo-mesenteric veins crowd in on either side of the liver outpouching, thereby aid- DEVELOPMENT OF LIVER AND PANCREAS 217 ing the constriction of the lateral walls of the gut. These veins unite anteriorly and form the ductus venosus. The liver-anlage therefore first grows ventrally and then anteriorly below the horseshoe-shaped union of the omphalo-mesenteric veins and the ductus venosus. A similar sagittal section of a later stage shows the liver at the cranial end of a short ductus hepaticus which is continuous caudally with the ductus choledochus. From the ventral wall of the ductus choledochus there is now a very marked outpouching, the gall-bladder, which is united with the common duct by a short cystic duct. The primitive liver-an- lage has thus grown cranialward and become separated from the gut. Choronskitkzy believes this process to be due to the growth and differentiation of the gut. The walls of the primi- tive liver-anlage have folded and these folds later develop into solid liver-columns. The liver grows around the developing ductus venosus even to its dorsal surface and in so doing produces many folds and columns which grow through the ductus venosus and divide it into sinus-like branches. Reuter (00) in his studies on the development of the intestine of the Alytes obstetricans made mention of the early origin of the liver. This develops from the ‘Anfangsdarm’ division of the midgut. In later embryos the liver develops very rapidly and is divided into three lobes. Gianelli (01 and ’02) described the hepatic anlage in Triton as developing in two parts, the anterior giving rise to the he- patic tissue proper and the caudal forming the hepatic duct. The gall-bladder arises from a mass of cells belonging to the primitive hepatic outpouching. By the development of the intestinal folds the hepatic duct becomes attached to the dorsal side of the gut. Weber (’03) stated that the observations made on the develop- ment of the liver in the frog and in Triton differ but little. In the latter the intimate relation of the anterior end of the hepatic outpouching and the blood-vessels account for the develop- ment of this part into the hepatic tissue proper. Bates (04) in a paper on the histology of the digestive tract of Amblystoma has described the hepatic and pancreatic ducts. 218 E. A. BAUMGARTNER He has described a bile-duct which les free in the body-cavity for a short distance and then enters the pancreas which lies between the liver and the intestine. Here it is joined by two hepatic ducts and just as this enters the intestine it is joined by two other hepatic ducts. To summarize briefly, the early investigators described the liver and pancreas as developing at the same time from the ventral wall of the gut, and also considered that they were parts or lobes of the same organ. Remak (’55) first noted that the liver is separate and distinct from the pancreas. Goette first gave a detailed account of the development of the liver in am- phibia. Most of the investigators from that time have agreed that the liver begins as a single ventral outpouching of the gut- wall caudal to the heart. The question as to the origin of the gall-bladder, whether from the caudal end of the ductus chole- dochus or from the wall of the intestine in this region may be, as Piper (’02) stated, one of interpretation rather than one of observation. Whether the hepatic cylinders divide and the blood-capillaries then grow between them, or whether the capil- laries grow into the solid hepatic anlage so forming hepatic cyl- inders seems not to have been definitely determined. Shore’s (91) observations support the latter theory. According to the observations of Weysse and others the yolk-cells are trans- formed directly into hepatic cells. Very little has been written about the development of the hepatic ducts. The common bile-duct is described as the constricted attachment of the hepatic anlage, or the posterior end of the hepatic outpouching. 2. Early development of the liver The liver in Amblystoma first appears in embryos about 4.5 mm. in length, which corresponds roughly to no. 21 of Keibel’s Normal-plate series. The digestive tract at this stage is quite simple. The pharyngeal cavity is large and extends anteriorly to the oral cavity. Caudally it opens widely into the mesenteron which is composed of a large mass of yolk-cells and extends backward to the proctodaeum. The yolk-mass extends dorsally to the notochord and bulges ventrally. DEVELOPMENT OF LIVER AND PANCREAS 219 Posterior to the anlage of the heart a sagittal section shows a ventrally and somewhat caudally directed projection of the gut-lumen, (fig. 1) which extends backward near the dorsal side of the yolk-mass. The anterior wall of the ventrally directed exten- sion of the gut-lumen is lined by yolk-laden columnar cells and its posterior wall is formed by the cells of the large yolk-mass. This cavity is quite wide transversely and is connected to the gut-lumen above by a wide cleft. Fig. 1 Sagittal section of an Amblystoma embryo 4.5 mm. long taken at about the median plane. X 30. F.g., foregut; He, heart; Li, liver; Y, yolk mass. Fig. 2 Sagittal section of an Amblystoma embryo 5 mm. long, taken to the right of the median line. X 30. F.g., foregut; G, caudal extension of gut; He, heart; Li, liver; Y, yolk mass. Weysse (’95) has described this cavity in frog as a cleft in the ventral mass of yolk-cells, and Hammar (’97) has termed it the ‘Leberbucht.’ From the study of a slightly more advanced stage Weysse concluded that the caudal and ventral end of this cleft finally formed a caudal hepatic duct. He correlated this with the caudal hepatic duct described in the chick. That the caudal projection does not form a caudal hepatic duct in amphibia seems clear from a study of the later development. The reason for this error was probably, as Hammar has pointed out, that 220 E. A. BAUMGARTNER Weysse did not follow the development beyond a very early stage. In an embryo approximately 5 mm. (fig. 2) long the anterior wall of this early ventro-caudal projecting cavity has become more prominent. The extension of the gut-lumen into this out- pouching is a large cone-shaped cavity somewhat flattened in transection. The columnar epithelial cells lining it are now found farther caudalward than in the preceding stage. Fig. 3 Sagittal section of an embryo almost 7 mm. long. X 30. D.chol., ductus choledochus; F.g., foregut; G. caudal extension of gut; G.B., gall-bladder; He, heart; Li, liver; Y, yolk mass. In a sagittal section of an embryo 7 mm. long there is shown a more advanced stage of the condition just described. From a comparison of this stage (fig. 3) with the previous one and the one following, it will be seen that the hepatic anlage has become more prominent by a cranio-caudal constriction from the gut. Folds have begun to form on the outer surface of the liver. The cav- ity of the hepatic diverticulum is widely connected with that of the gut. In the ventral wall there is a slight median depres- sion (GB) which is the earliest indication of the gall-bladder. This depression is at the caudal end of the liver-anlage in the region where the primitive ductus choledochus is forming. DEVELOPMENT OF LIVER AND PANCREAS 22 The liver of another embryo 7 mm. long appears as an anterior and ventral outpouching of the gut. Figure 36 is of a plastic reconstruction of this region of the archenteron. That the con- striction from the gut has proceeded caudally will be apparent by comparison with earlier and later stages. The cavity pro- jecting into the liver-anlage from the lumen of the gut is now much longer, and there are indications of further projections from it on the right side as the lumina of ducts. Choronshitzky noted this transverse extension of the lumen in the hepatic anlage of the salamander but did not follow its further history. At the posterior end in the median ventral wall is a marked outpouching which is the gall-bladder (GB, fig. 36). The opening of this outpouching into the gut is still very wide laterally and shows no differentiation into cystic duct and gall-bladder. The evagination is wide transversely though not extending as far laterally as the liver. In ventral view the gall-bladder appears as a wide transverse outpouching. ‘There is a slight furrow separating it anteriorly and laterally from the liver proper, and a more pronounced one separating it from the caudally placed yolk-mass. In an embryo approximately 9 mm. in length (fig. 37) the liver is distinctly further advanced than in the preceding one. The caudal constriction from the gut has progressed rapidly (fig. 4). The original anterior convex surface of the liver has become markedly irregular showing numerous depressions or furrows be- tween projecting masses of cells. Greil (05) figures a model of the liver in a Bombinator embryo 7.5 mm. long with many secondary buds. A network of veins already occupies the spaces between the hepatic buds but Greil only states that it is present. The anteriorly directed cavity has become con- stricted dorso-ventrally and the division into ducts is more dis- tinct. On the left side (fig. 37) there is a ventral (vl) and a dorsal (dm) projection of the lumen. On the right side the ven- tro-lateral extension is prominent. The median ventral evagina- tion (GB) has become more pronounced. There is now the beginning of a lateral constriction of this evagination represent- ing the formation of a cystic duct. The anterior lip of the 222 E. A. BAUMGARTNER evagination has developed into quite a ridge separating the gall- bladder from the developing hepatic ducts. On the ventral surface the anterior furrow separating liver and gall-bladder from yolk-mass is, as before, the more marked. According to Shore (91) in the frog the furrows found in the liver-mass are caused by the ‘tunnelling in’ of blood vessels. That it is not due only to this is apparent in Amblystoma where sections of this and other embryos show furrows in which there are no blood-vessels (fig. 4). It is important to note that Shore saw no vascular endothelium in these spaces which he regarded as blood-vessels. 6 Fig. 4 Sagittal section of an embryo almost 9 mm. long. X 30. Dhd., ductus choledochus; F.g., foregut; G.B., gall-bladder; He, heart; Li., liver; Lu., lung; Y, yolk mass. In another embryo of.9 mm. in length the liver in cross sec- tion (fig. 5) appears as a large oval mass with an irregular surface showing deep furrows separating the developing ducts. There is also a very marked dorso-ventral furrow separating the liver- mass into two unequal lateral portions of which the left is the smaller. The right portion is marked by two lesser furrows, one ventral, the other lateral. In 10 mm. embryos a beginning of the network of anastomos- ing trabeculae can be seen. The development of the sinusoidal DEVELOPMENT OF LIVER AND PANCREAS 223 capillary circulation in this network has progressed. In the 11 and 12 mm. embryos there is a confusing network of trabeculae and it is difficult to differentiate the main ducts from the hepatic columns. Shore believed that in the frog the tubules were first solid and that later a lumen developed. Goette expressed the opinion that a lumen was present from the earliest formation, though he admitted this was hard to demonstrate. The reason of the difficulty of proving this either way is apparent. How- ever, from a study of sections of Amblystoma it would seem that a lumen is present from the earliest stages. Fig. 5 Transverse section of embryo 9 mm. long. X 30. F.g., foregut; L, left portion liver; FR, right portion liver. Fig. 6 Transverse section of anembryo 11.5mm. long. X 30. F.g., foregut; GB., gall-bladder; Z., liver. _ 38. Position of the organ during development At a stage represented by 11.5 mm. embryos there is a shift- ing to the right particularly of the caudal end of the liver (fig. 6). Such a shifting of the posterior part of the liver was noted at a later stage in Necturus by Eycleshymer and Wilson (’10) and others. The reason for this lateralward shifting is probably the pressure of the rapidly growing stomach and duodenum which are beginning to take a ventral and sinistral position. It is possible also that the spleen which is now a prominent organ in the left dorsal region of the body cavity has some influence on this Fig. 7 of 13.5 mm. HNC 3 So) araiera, = satatsrers ASIN, ore craves eee: At level of an- terior end of liver A® A series of transverse sections in the region of the liver. < 20; B, embryo of 20mm. X15; C, embryo of 35 mm. G.b., gall-bladder; LZ, liver; P., pancreas; Sp., spleen; St., stomach; x, ostia of ductus choledochus into gut. About midway between first andad_ third drawing Anterior end of gall bladder 224 Level of attach- ment of cystic duct to gall bladder “ A, embryo x 10; Level of osti- um of ductus choledochus DEVELOPMENT OF LIVER AND PANCREAS 225 movement. Then, too, the ventral pancreas forms quite a mass in the median ventral region. Figures 7 A, B and C show the lateral and upward shifting of the posterior portion of the liver. The first drawing in each of the series shows a section taken near the anterior end of the liver which here is median and ventral in position and occupies somewhat more than one- half of the area of a circle. The second drawings in figure 7 A and B show a beginning of a depression on the left side caused largely by the change in shape and position of the stomach and duodenum as mentioned above. Figures 8 to 12 are cross sec- tions of embryos 13.5 to 35 mm. in length showing the position of the liver at the level of the junction of gall-bladder and cystic ducts. Here the lateral and dorsal growth of the liver is marked. A somewhat further shifting is shown in the third drawing of figure 7 A and B and the second of 7 C. These sections were taken near the anterior extremity of the gall-bladder. In all of these the liver is crescentic in transsection and extends up- ward almost to the level of the dorsal wall of the stomach. The last drawing in figure 7 shows the relation of parts at the level of the opening of the ductus choledochus in the gut. In all cases a small portion of the liver is found dorsal to the duo- denum in this region of the embryo. In an embryo 45 mm. long the anterior end of the liver is median and ventral as de- scribed above. There is a marked lateral and dorsal growth of the caudal end but in this embryo there is also quite a marked ventral growth which would indicate that from now on the shifting to the right will not be so noticeable, and that there is a growth to the left also. 4. Development of the biliary apparatus a. Description of the hepatic ducts in the adult. A description of the fully formed biliary apparatus may be of interest before describing the development of the hepatic ducts. The liver in the adult Amblystoma is a large organ extending fully one-half the length of the abdominal cavity (fig. 13). It has a ventral convex surface conforming to the wall of the abdomen 226 E. A. BAUMGARTNER and is divided by an indefinite median line into a right and a left part of which the left is the longer and covers the left ven- tral surface and a part of the lateral wall of the stomach. The right portion or lobe though somewhat shorter, covers the ven- Fig. 8 Transverse sections of an Amblystoma embryo 14 mm. long, taken at level of attachment of cystic duct to the gall-bladder. X35. D, duodenum; G.B., gall-bladder; Li., liver; P., pancreas; Sp., spleen; Sé., stomach. Fig. 9 Transverse section of an Amblystoma embryo 13.5 mm. long, taken at the same level as figure 8. X35. For abbreviations, see figure 8. Fig. 10 Transverse section of an embryo 15 mm. long, taken at the same level as figure 8. 35. For abbreviations see figure 8. DEVELOPMENT OF LIVER AND PANCREAS Dé tral surface of the stomach to the right of the midline and lat- erally extends well toward the dorsal wall of the stomach. There Fig. 11 Transverse section of an embryo 20 mm. long, taken at the same level as figure 8. X 30. For abbreviations see figure 8. Fig. 12 Transverse section of an embryo 35 mm. long, taken as in figure 8. x 15. For abbreviations, see figure 8. 228 E. A. BAUMGARTNER are usually one or two lesser indefinite furrows dividing the right lobe into two or three parts. The gall-bladder is embedded in the caudal end of the right lobe some distance from its ven- tral surface. Only a small part of its rounded fundus appears beyond the hepatic tissue. From the notch in the liver caused by the gall-bladder the one or two lesser furrows of the right lobe extend forward. The gall-bladder is a pear-shaped ;isac with its larger end extending laterally and somewhat pos- Fig. 13 A dissection of an Amblystoma 12 em. long. X 1. The ventral abdominal wall has been cut away and the gall bladder and main hepatic ducts dissected out. D, duodenum; D.chol., ductus choledochus; D.cy., cystic duct; D.h.d., right hepatic duct; D.h.s., left hepatic duct; L.L., left lobe liver; R.L., right lobe liver; St., stomach. teriorly. The smaller, medial and ventral end projects for- ward and connects with the short cystic duct. Only the large blind end of the gall-bladder receives a peritoneal covering, the remainder is embedded in hepatic tissue. There are two main hepatic ducts. These unite to form a common bile-duct of variable length which may be joined by the pancreatic duct just before opening into the gut (fig. 14). Quite often, however, the pancreatic duct opened into the gut immedia- ately beside the ostium of the common bile-duct. The ductus DEVELOPMENT OF LIVER AND PANCREAS 229 choledochus is embedded for some distance in the long narrow pancreas lying on the anterior surface of the duodenum and finally empties into the anterior side of the gut near the ventral surface. The right hepatic duct is divided into lateral and medial rami. The lateral ramus divides into medial and _ lateral branches. Generally the cystic duct opens into the latter (fig. 14 and 16). However, sometimes the cystic duct is one or LRGs Lateral branch of sexs medial rarrnus MR IT?S Media! branch of left raedia/ rornus MR/d Medial branch of right latera/ rarms MRmd Medial branch of right medial raraus LARmd Lareral Lranch of right medal rarnus M.P/ s: s Medial branch of left Jatera! rarrus. DCy-Cystic_gucr GB Gal! bladder L.A/ s ~Loteral branch Of ler¢ Jateral rarmus eed Lateral branch of right lotera/ rarrus -erm.s -Left redial rarrus ILS Lert soferdl rarnus Rim d-Right medial rans RI d-Kight lateral rarnus Di pret. Lett hepatic duct Dhd-kight hepatic duct D cho! ~ Ductus Choledochts D.P. Fancreatic Cucr. 14 Fig. 14 Diagrammatic drawing of the gall-bladder and hepatic ducts of an Amblystoma. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 19, NO. 2 230 E. A. BAUMGARTNER even two divisions further removed from the common duct, as shown in figure 17 and 44. In a graphic reconstruction of the biliary apparatus of a 7 em. embryo (fig. 15) the cystic duct joins the right lateral ramus as is shown also in figure 48. The hepatic radicle to which the cystic duct is attached shortly divides into trabeculae beyond this point. The right medial hepatic ramus divides and subdivides into branches as shown in figure 14. Its branches sometimes anastomose with the branches of the right lateral or left medial ramus (fig. 17). The left hepatic duct is generally shorter and of slightly smaller diameter than the right one, as well as more ventral in position. It is divided as the latter into lateral and medial rami. The left medial ramus sometimes joins the right medial ramus as shown in figure 16, and this duct then subdivides as a single one. Frequently, however, the left medial ramus runs anteriorly subdividing into smaller branches of which some may anasto- mose with those of the right medial (fig. 17). The left lateral ramus is shortly divided into two of which the lateral either turns caudally (fig. 44) or sends out branches that go to the posterior portion of the longer left lobe. b. Development of the ductus choledochus. The ductus chole- dochus in 9 mm. embryos is still very wide and short. The origi- nal caudalward projection from the gut cavity has disappeared and there is only the anteriorly directed common duct. In a model of an embryo 9 mm. long the ductus choledochus is wide transversely but constricted dorso-ventrally (fig. 37 and 38). It is attached at the anterior side of the now ventrally directed gut. At 11mm. the duodenum has turned ventrally and folded to the right. A very much constricted and short common duct is attached to its superior anterior surface. In a 13 mm. embryo the common duct is attached to the anterior surface of the cranial fold of the duodenum. As before, the duct is small and short, soon dividing into right and left hepatic ducts. The epithelial lining of the duct still contains yolk-granules and except for a quite irregular but prominent lumen is very much like the hepatic ducts. Indeed the difference in the ' DEVELOPMENT OF LIVER AND PANCREAS 23 lining cells of this duct and those of the hepatic trabeculae is not great. x \7 Fig. 15 Graphic reconstruction (lateral view) of an Amblystoma 7 cm. long. X 15. D.chol., ductus choledochus; D.cy., cystic duct; D.h.d., right hepatic duct; D.h.s., left hepatic duct; D.P., pancreatic duct; G.B., gall-bladder; L.Br., left branch of common ramus; L.R.l.d., lateral branch right lateral ramus; L.R.l.s., lateral branch left lateral ramus; L.R.m.d., lateral branch right medial ramus; L.R.m.s., lateral branch left medial ramus; M.R.l.d., medial branch right lateral ramus; M.R.l.s., medial branch left lateral ramus; M.R.m.d., medial branch right medial ramus; M.R.m.s., medial branch left medial ramus; R.Br., right branch of common ramus; &.l.d., right lateral ramus; R.l.s., left lateral ramus; R.m.d., right medial ramus; R.m.s., left medial ramus. Fig. 16 Graphic reconstruction (ventral view) of an Amblystoma 10 cm. long. X 15. For abbreviations, see figure 15. Fig. 17 Graphic reconstruction (lateral view) of an Amblystoma 15 cm. long. X15. For abbreviations, see figure 15. Dips 4 E. A. BAUMGARTNER In another embryo of approximately 13 mm. length, which is somewhat more advanced, the ductus choledochus is longer and of larger caliber (figs. 18 and 19). It is, however, still attached to the cranial surface of the anterior fold of the duo- denum. The epithelium here is now definitely columnar in type, though yolk-granules are still present. In this case the pancreatic duct is attached near the gut to the common duct.? In an embryo 13.5 mm. long the ductus choledochus (fig. 7—A) is attached in a fold to the left side of the gut. The duct here is large but shortly divides into the right and left hepatic ducts. The attachment of the duct to the left wall of the gut is to be seen in a less completely developed embryo 14 mm. long. From now on the common duct is attached to the left side of the gut which is faced somewhat cranialward, due to its growth anteriorly and to the right. The length of the common bile-duct before its division varies. In a 35 mm. embryo modelled the com- mon duct is quite long and has a distinct turn shortly before it entered the gut. Here again the pancreatic duct opens into the common duct. There has been a continual change of posi- tion of the two ducts from the earliest stage to the fully developed one. In an embryo 13 mm. long a distinct pancreatic duct is seen ventral to the common duct. In the further development with the gradual rotation of the liver to the right there has been a change in position of the common duct until in the 35 mm. embryo it lies to the left of the pancreatic which is the condition found in the adult (fig. 44). c. Development of the major hepatic ducts. The earliest indi- | cation of the hepatic ducts was pointed out in the description of the formation of the liver. In a model of an embryo approxi- mately 5 mm. long, as previously stated, the cavity of the early hepatic anlage extends far laterally. On either side the cavity is constricted dorso-ventrally. From the drawings shown by 2 In the further study of the pancreas it was found that this duct was attached by means of a small tubule to the left side of the ventral duct of the pancreas. The epithelial lining resembled that of the gall-bladder, for which this duct was mistaken at first. It might very well be a pancreatic bladder. The pan- creatic duct in this embryo was to the right of the enlarged duct. DEVELOPMENT OF LIVER AND PANCREAS De Choronshitzky it is probable his lateral cylindrical extensions are the early hepatic ducts. In Amblystoma these lateral ex- tensions form only the lateral rami of the hepatic ducts. The medial rami are shown in the model of an embryo about 7 mm. els. Fig. 18 Graphic reconstruction (lateral view) of the biliary apparatus of an Amblystoma embryo 13 mm. long. X 100. D., duodenum; D.chol., ductus choledochus; D.h.d., right hepatic duct; D.cy., cystic duct; G.b., gall bladder; R.l.d., right lateral ramus; R.l.s., left lateral ramus; R.m.d., right medial ramus; R.m.s., left medial ramus; P.D., pancreatic duct. Fig. 19 Graphic reconstruction (lateral view) of the biliary apparatus of an embryo approximately 13.5 mm. long. X 100. For abbreviations see figure 18. long (fig. 36). On the right side in this model there is a lateral extension of the hepatic lumen. A longitudinal ridge in the floor of this side shows a beginning constriction into lateral and medial rami. The medial ramus is more dorsal in position and appears as a swelling on the outer surface. On the left side there 234 E. A. BAUMGARTNER is a wide cavity. On the external surface there is a slight dorso- ventral furrow, an indication of the beginning division into lateral and medial rami. In an embryo approximately 9 mm. long the right side shows a more marked lateral ramus. The medial still somewhat dorsal ramus is to be seen (fig. 37). Here the left side shows a marked dorso-medial and a ventro-lateral prolongation. The outer surface of both sides of the organ shows many projections, the beginning of tubules from these main rami. The cystic duct though slightly to the right shows more of a constriction from that side. The anterior lip of the cystic evagination also is very prominent. | The rami are formed from the early hepatic ducts by a cau- dalward constriction and by elongation. Mitotic figures are to be seen at this stage but are more numerous in later ones. As is true of fishes (Seammon 713) there is a relative and actual reduction in the size of these ducts. In another 9 mm. embryo the development of the ducts is seen to have progressed rapidly (fig. 38). Numerous mitotic figures are to be seen in different sections indicating a rapid growth of the ducts. There are distinct right and left hepatic ducts which show a marked growth. There is a medial longitud- inal ridge in the ventral wall of the ductus choledochus indi- cating a caudalward progressing constriction and division (fig. 38). The cystic duct (D. cy.) is distinctly differentiated and attached to the right of the beginning constriction in the common duct. It extends ventrally and somewhat towards the right. The right hepatic duct as seen in figure 38, and in a figure of a model of the cavity of ducts (fig. 20) is divided into a lateral and a dorso-medial ramus. ‘The lateral ramus is further divided into lateral dorsal and medial ventral branches. The left ramus also has medial and lateral divisions. In embryos from 10 to 12 mm. in length, the trabeculae pre- sent a confusing network. The epithelium of both the hepatic ducts and trabeculae are heavily laden with yolk-granules, and that of the ducts is not yet differentiated into a distinct columnar type. However, the right and left hepatic ducts are clear. In DEVELOPMENT OF LIVER AND PANCREAS 235 an 11 mm. embryo the right duct is distinctly divided into lateral and medial rami. A short cystic duct is attached to the caudal end of the lateral ramus and on its ventral side. In an embryo somewhat less than 13 mm. long the same arrangement of a short common duct and right and left hepatic ducts is present. The right duct is divided into the medial and lateral rami. The cystic duct here projects somewhat to the left and dorsalward connecting as before with the right lateral ramus. In a graphic reconstruction of a 13 mm. embryo (fig. 18) the right hepatic duct is divided into lateral and dorso-medial rami. The short cystic duct extends upward and opens into the Fig. 20 Anterior view of a reconstruction of the lumina of hepatic ducts and gall-bladder of a9 mm. embryo. X 100. D.h.d., right hepatic duct; D.h.s., left hepatic duct; G.b., gall bladder; R.l.d., right lateral ramus; R.l.s., left lateral ramus; R.m.d., right medial ramus; R.m.s., left medial ramus. right lateral ramus. A short lateral branch is the only other division of the right lateral ramus. The dorso-medial branch shortly breaks up into trabeculae. The left duct is also divided into rami. The differentiation of hepatic ducts from trabeculae is now clearer as the epithelium of the former is columnar in type. In figure 19 from an embryo less than 1 mm. longer than the above, the formation of ducts is seen to have continued. The right hepatic duct is divided into lateral and medial rami, each of which is further divided into dorsal and yentral branches. The same holds true in a general way for the left hepatic duct and its divisions. 236 E. A. BAUMGARTNER In the ventral view of the model of a 14 mm. embryo (fig. 39) the relation of pancreatic duct to the common duct is shown. The short thick common duct divides into right and left hepatic ducts (figs. 39 and 40). They lie in almost the same horizontal plane and are of about the same diameter, but the right is the shorter, dividing almost immediately into its lateral and medial rami. In a 13.5 mm. embryo (fig. 41) the right hepatic duct is of larger diameter than the left. In a15 mm. embryo the com- mon duct is very short (fig. 42). The right and left hepatic ducts here are very long as compared with those in other embryos. The left duct has come to lie in a more ventral plane due to the shifting of the whole posterior part of the liver and gall-bladder to the right. The same is true to a greater extent for the left ducts in the 20 and 35 mm. embryos (figs. 43 and 44). In a 20 mm. embryo the right hepatic duct is the shorter as it is in a 35 mm. embryo. In a 35 mm. stage the left hepatic duct is almost ventral to the right. The same holds true for a 45 mm. embryo. In the adult, however, the left duct is again more lateral to the right, but still somewhat more ventral. d. Development of the minor hepatic ducts. Right lateral ramus. The right hepatic duct in a 14 mm. stage is divided into lateral and medial rami and the right lateral ramus is subdivided into lateral and medial branches (fig. 39). The short cystic duct is attached to the lateral branch. The medial branch (fig. 40) gives off several tubules in an oblique dorso-ventral plane. In a 13.5 mm. embryo the right lateral ramus is quite ventral to the medial one (fig. 41). As in the earlier stage, it is divided into lateral and medial branches. The cystic duct which is now directed almost horizontally, is attached to the right side of the lateral branch. The anterior portion of the lateral branch anastomoses with a duct from the right medial ramus. In a 15 mm. embryo (fig. 42) the right lateral ramus is shorter than in the preceding specimen. The right hepatic duct is, however, longer so that the cystic duct is attached to the lateral branch farther from the-gut. The lateral branch here divides into dor- sal and ventral branches. In a 20 mm. embryo the right lateral ramus is very short (fig. 43). In position it is now somewhat DEVELOPMENT OF LIVER AND PANCREAS 237 dorsal to the right medial ramus. It soon breaks up into dorso- lateral and ventro-medial branches. Both of these branches are very long. At the attachment of the cystic duct to the lateral branch there is a further division of the lateral again into medial and lateral radicles. The medial branch has anastomoses with the right medial hepatic ramus. Its further division is in a dorso-ventral plane. In a 35 mm. embryo the right lateral ramus divides into dorsal and ventral branches (fig. 44). There is another division of the dorsal branch and the eystic duct is attached to the dorsal one of this last division. Frequent an- astomoses are formed between the tubules of the dorsal and ven- tral branches, and between those of the dorsal branch and those from the right medial hepatic ramus, as also of the left medial ramus. Right medial ramus. The right medial hepatic ramus of a 14 mm. embryo as shown by model is very simple (fig. 39). It joins with the left medial ramus, the further division of this common ramus is into right and left branches. The division of the medial ramus is very short and its lateral and medial branches long. Caudally directed tubules are given off from the lateral branch. The medial branch here is connected with the right lateral ramus. The medial branch divides dorso-ventrally into tubules. In a 15 mm. embryo (fig. 42) the medial hepatic ramus is again very simple. It is short and divides into lateral and medial branches of which the latter is given off almost at right angles and from its anterior surface are given off several tubules. The medial hepatic ramus in a 20 mm. embryo as in a 14 mm. one is joined with the left medial ramus (fig. 43). The resulting common ramus divides into a right dorsal (R. Br.) and a left ventral branch (L. Br.). From the right dorsal branch, dorso-lateral tubules are given off some of which are directed caudally. In a35 mm. embryo (fig. 44) the right medial ramus is on the same horizontal plane as the right lateral. Its divisions are also into dorsal and ventral branches. Many anastomoses are found between the tubules of this ramus. Tubules from this ramus join those from the right lateral and from the left medial ramus. 238 E. A. BAUMGARTNER Left medial ramus. ‘The left medial ramus is joined to the right medial in a 14 mm. embryo (fig. 39). In a 13.5 mm. embryo the left medial is long and divides into dorsal and ven- tral branches (fig. 41). Also in a 15 mm. embryo is the left medial ramus quite long (fig. 42). It divides into medial and lateral branches both of which have dorsal and ventral tubules. The left medial ramus in a 20 mm. embryo (fig. 43) is joined to the right. The left ventral branch of this combined duct divides shortly into dorsal and ventral radicles. In a 35 mm. embryo (fig. 44) the left hepatic ramus is quite long. Its anas- tomoses with the other rami have been noted. There are also several anastomoses with the left lateral ramus. Left lateral ramus. In a14mm. embryo the left lateral ramus is very simple, dividing into medial and lateral branches (fig. 40). The left lateral ramus in the next stage shows further develop- ment and growth (fig. 41). In a15 mm. embryo this ramus has lateral branches given off at quite an angle (fig. 42). It is shorter than the left medial ramus and divides into medial and lateral branches, the latter sending tubules far out to the side. The left lateral ramus in a 20 mm. stage is given off nearly at right angles to the left hepatic duct (fig. 43). It divides into dorso-medial and ventro-lateral branches. In this case the lateral branch is the longer. Several tubules go out laterally almost at right angles and from these tubules hepatic columns go posteriorly as well as anteriorly. In a 35 mm. embryo (fig. 44) the left lateral ramus forms quite a network of ducts. The ventral branch makes an arch forward and is then divided into anterior and posterior branches. In an embryo 45 mm. long the main hepatic ducts are more nearly on the same horizontal plane. Of these ducts the left hepatic has extended farther to the left. e. Development of the gall-bladder and cystic duct. The gall- bladder appears somewhat later than the liver as noted by Hammar (’97). It arises as a median ventral outpouching caudal to or in the posterior end of the hepatic anlage. Choron- shitzky has figured the anlage of the bladder in a median, sagit- tal section. The structure is shown as a slight depression de- veloping from the gut, at the entrance of the common duct, and DEVELOPMENT OF LIVER AND PANCREAS 239 a definite fold is shown between this and the ventrally extending lumen of the hepatic anlage. Greil (’05) showed the gall-bladder in a Bombinator embryo of 7 mm. length caudal to the hepatic tissue but more closely connected with the liver than with the yolk-mass behind it. In an embryo approximately 7 mm. long, which is undoubtedly an earlier stage in Amblystoma (fig. 3) there is no distinct fold between the gall-bladder and liver-anlage. Only a slight median depression of the floor at the posterior end of the hepatic diverticulum is present. No difference is shown by ordinary stains in the epithelium lining this early cystic evagination and that of the liver. Not until later does the epithelium change into the low cuboidal type characteristic of the adult gall-bladder. A little later the depression in the floor of the hepatic divertic- ulum is considerably increased (fig. 36). The position of the gall-bladder with reference to the opening of the hepatic anlage has not changed. In a model of liver and gall-bladder of a 9 mm. embryo (fig. 37) the evagination is quite deep. There is a distinct lateral constriction of the dorsal opening of the gall- bladder and distinct anterior and posterior lips to the evagi- nation, indicating the formation of a cystic duct (fig. 4). There is also a deep furrow anterior to the evagination separating the gall-bladder from the hepatic anlage. The posterior furrow is even more marked. The gall-bladder is, however, still very wide laterally. In another embryo approximately 9 mm. long the gall-bladder has a long cranio-caudal diameter. The furrow marking off the gall-bladder from the hepatic tissue laterally is distinct. The cystic duct is short and of large diameter and it, as well as the gall-bladder, lies to the right of the midline. The cystic duct projects upward and to the left (fig. 21). A section of the gall-bladder of an embryo 11.5 mm. long shows there has been a continual shifting to the right (fig. 6). The cystic duct has become longer but is still of wide diameter. It projects more to the left and upward. The gall-bladder, though embedded between hepatic tissue and caudal yolk-mass, is completely separated from both (fig. 22). In figure 23 is 240 E. A. BAUMGARTNER shown an increased cranio-caudal diameter, although the trans- verse is still the greater. The cystic duct here projects more to the left, still somewhat dorsally and slightly backward. The cranio-caudal diameter increases rapidly from now on, and the position of the cystic duct would indicate that there is a more rapid caudal growth. Figure 23 shows the model of a gall- Oo. GB Fig. 21 Transverse section of an Amblystoma embryo 9 mm. long, taken in the region of the gall bladder. X 30. D.chol., ductus choledochus; F.g., foregut; D.cy., cystic duct; G.b., gall-bladder. Fig. 22 Sagittal section of an embryo 12.5 mm. long. X 30. F.g., foregut; G.b., gall-bladder; L7., liver. A Fig. 23 Drawing of a model of the gall-bladder of an Amblystoma 14 mm. long. A, anterior view; B, left lateral view. > 40. bladder of an embryo almost 14 mm. long. The cystic duct attached near the anterior end, projects to the left and dorsally. In two graphic reconstructions of embryos 13 and 13.5 mm. in length respectively (figs. 18 and 19), the gall-bladder is at- tached by a short and constricted cystic duct to a radicle of the right hepatic duct. In figure 18 the cystic duct leads from the anterior dorsal end of the gall-bladder to the left, caudally and DEVELOPMENT OF LIVER AND PANCREAS 241 somewhat dorsally, the gali-bladder being distinctly to the right of the midline. In figure 19 the larger of these two embryos the cystic duct is not quite at the anterior end, but the cranio- caudal length of the gall-bladder is distinctly greater. The general direction of the cystic duct is the same. The gall- bladder is relatively as far caudally here as the one shown in figure 18. From the connection of the cystic duct to the gall- bladder, it appears that there has been a marked growth cranialward. In an embryo 14 mm. (fig. 39) long the gall-bladder has decidedly increased in its cranio-caudal diameter. In trans- verse section it is almost circular. The cystic duct is of very small diameter as compared with its earlier size. It projects now somewhat upward but almost directly to the left, due to the increased lateral shifting of the liver and the gall-bladder. In this embryo the cystic duct is attached to the extreme ante- rior dorsal end of the gall-bladder. Figure 41 is of a model of a 13.5 mm. embryo. In this the general shape of the gall-bladder is the same as of the one just described, except that there is a slight increase in the vertical diameter (fig. 9). The cystic duct, however, is not attached at the extreme anterior end but to the left upper side. It ex- tends towards the left as before but is now almost horizontal. In a 15 mm. embryo the attachment of cystic duct to the gall-bladder is further caudalward than the previous one (fig. 42). This seems to mark the limit in its caudal attachment for all sizes examined. It would be difficult to say whether this shifting in attachment of the duct to the gall-bladder were due to a difference in the antero-posterior growth of the gall-bladder or to the rapidity of differentiation and growth of hepatic ducts. The cystic duct in this embryo extends toward the left, but now slightly ventrally, which can be taken as evidence of con- tinued rotation to the right and dorsalward of the entire biliary apparatus (fig. 10). Marshall (’93) has described the gall-bladder of amphibians developing as a lateral outgrowth from the bile ducts. From 242 E. A. BAUMGARTNER its position at this stage one could easily be led to such a conclusion. The gall-bladder of a 20 mm. embryo shows a very distinct dorso-ventral increase in diameter (fig. 11). With this there has been a marked cranio-caudal lengthening (fig. 43). The relative size of the gall-bladder is now greater. As before indi- cated, the cystic duct is here again nearer the anterior end, it extends towards the left and now distinctly ventralward (fig. 11). A right lateral and slightly ventral view of the gall-bladder is shown in figure 43. In a 35 mm. embryo (fig. 44) the vertical diameter of the gall- bladder has greatly increased. The cystic duct is now in the left anterior ventral end extending ventrally and to the left. Ina 45 mm. embryo the gall-bladder has the same general shape as in the preceding, and the cystic duct has not changed in position (fig. 12): In a graphic reconstruction of the biliary apparatus of a 10 cm. Amblystoma the cystic duct extends to the left, somewhat ventrally and anteriorly (fig. 16). The gall-bladder is pear shaped (fig. 13) with its large, blind end projecting slightly dor- sally and to the right but mainly caudalward. f. Summary of the development of the biliary apparatus. In summarising the development of the hepatic ducts a table of the ducts as found in the various models will bring out more clearly their relations to the main duct. Table 3a to 3d shows the principal variations found in the hepatic and cystic ducts. TABLE 3a Ductus choledochus | Left hepatic duct Right hepatic duct | | | Lt. lat. ramus, Lt. med. ramus Rt. med. ramus, Rt. lat. ramus alt he | 4 Branches—Lat., Med. lLat., Med. Med. Lat. Med. Lat. Cystic duct DEVELOPMENT OF LIVER AND PANCREAS 243 Or, in case of anastomoses of the medial rami, as was found in two embryos of 14 and 20 mm. length and two older Amblystoma of 7 and 10 cm. length respectively, the following table is given: TABLE 3b Ductus choledochus | Left hepatic duct Right hepatic duct | | a | Lt. lateral ramus Common medial ramus Rt. lateral ramus | | a Branches,—Lat. Med. Left Right Med. Lat. | Cystie duct The cystic duct is attached as here shown: TABLE 3c Right lateral ramus Medial branch Lateral branch Cystie duct TABLE 3d Right lateral ramus Medial branch Lateral branch Medial radicle Lateral radicle Cystic duct or as found in a 35 mm. embryo and one of the larger Ambly- stoma. From these tables it will be seen that sometimes the right and left medial rami are joined. The division of the common medial ramus is into right and left branches. In their position 244 E. A. BAUMGARTNER and final division these branches are the same as the right medial and left medial rami. As will be seen in figures of the different models, the smaller embryos did not have all of the divisions and subdivisions marked in the tables. In figure 39, for instance, the right branch of the common medial ramus shows no further division, the left branch only one. Further division of both is seen in the 20 mm. stage (fig. 43). The division here, however, is more into dorsal and ventral radicles, due to the more marked lateralward shifting of the liver and the ducts. The extreme of this lateral shifting is seen in figure 44, where the left hepatic duct is almost ventral to the right. The left lateral ramus in a 45 mm. embryo does not hold such a ventral position with reference to the left medial. There seems to be no definite rule in regard to the anastomos- ing of ducts. In a 35 mm. embryo they are the most frequent and here apparently because the ducts were crowded so close together. That the right and left medial rami sometimes join and form one duct is seen in the models of a 14 and a 20 mm. embryo, also in the graphic reconstruction of a 7 em. and 10 cm. Amblystoma. It would seem this fusion of the ducts is quite probably due to crowding. The definite position of the hepatic ducts with reference to the portal vein is seen for all embryos (figs. 8 to 12). The same relation is also found in the adult. As a rule there is a branch- ing of the hepatic ducts corresponding to the division of this vessel. In the developing embryo the ducts are found usually to the right of and ventral to the portal vein. From the usual description of the biliary apparatus in the frog it would seem that there is a fairly close correlation in the main features between these two amphibians. The figures of Ecker, Wiedersheim and others show a gall-bladder connected to a right hepatic duct. There is also a left hepatic duct, the two uniting in the pancreas and forming a ductus choledochus which, as usually described, is joined by the pancreatic duct. In no ease in Amblystoma were two cystic ducts found as is shown for the frog. The division into rami in the frog as far as the ducts have been figured, seems to be somewhat different from that DEVELOPMENT OF LIVER AND PANCREAS 245 found in Amblystoma. The more marked divisions of the liver into several lobes may partially explain this. The duct-system as found in Necturus is quite different. Kingsbury here described three hepatic ducts opening into the gut. These anastomosed with each other and two were joined by the ventral pancreatic ducts. The third is a duct direct from the gall-bladder which, however, anastomoses with the other hepatic ducts. Grdnberg (94) described three hepatic ducts which unite with the cystic duct and form a ductus choledochus in Pipa americana. Bates (04) has described the hepatic ducts in Amblystoma. According to his description there are four heaptic ducts, two of which join the bile-duct in its course through the pancreas and the other two just as it opens into the intestine. It is possi- ble that the two he found joining the bile-ducts are the right medial and lateral rami, and the other two, the left medial and lateral rami. In that case the ductus choledochus and the right and left hepatic ducts were very short as was found in some of the material used in this work. Or it may be that the two ducts which joined the bile-duct as it opened into the intestine are the two pancreatic ducts which have not fused until just at the ostium of the hepatic duct. The first two ducts then would be the right and the left hepatic ducts. I have never seen the eystic duct (bile-duct as Bates terms it) open directly into the common hepatic duct. From the models and drawings it will be seen that the gall- bladder at first has a wide dorsal communication just caudal to the hepatic lumen. As this communication constricts there is formed a short large cystic duct extending dorsally into the right hepatic duct. With further growth and division the cystic duct extends more and more to the left until at the 15 mm. stage it is almost horizontal and at the 20 mm. stage projecting ventrally and somewhat anteriorly. Its earliest attachment is to the ventral surface of the common bile-duct, but in the lateral- ward shifting of the whole liver its attachment goes to the left side of a right hepatic radicle. The connection of the cystic duct to the gall-bladder in early stages is to its dorsal surface about midway between cranial and caudal pole. Somewhat THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 19, NO. 2 246 E. A. BAUMGARTNER later the connection is nearer the cranial end and usually reaches the extreme anterior end. The cranio-caudal growth of the gall-bladder has kept pace with the lengthening and differentia- tion of ducts in the 13 to 14 mm. stage. From the relations in a 15 mm. embryo it appears that the gall-bladder has shifted anteriorly. In this case the hepatic ducts have lengthened more than the gall-bladder. At 20 mm., however, there has been a marked increase in cranio-caudal growth of the gall-bladder so that it is almost as long as the ducts. Beginning about at this stage the cystic duct is again attached nearer the anterior end of the gall-bladder. This may be taken as evidence that the cystic duct really shifts in its attachment to the gall-bladder. This seems to be borne out in some cases by the fact that its attachment to the hepatic ducts is to a division of the lateral branch of the right lateral ramus instead of to the lateral branch proper. In some cases where the lateral branch is quite long the attachment may have remained to it. Whether the gall-bladder originates from the early hepatic anlage or from the gut has caused much discussion. As said before Piper (’02) thought this a matter of interpretation. The more marked furrow caudal to the gall-bladder might be taken as evidence of its belonging to the hepatic anlage, also the fact that the same type of yolk-laden cells form hepatic tissue and gall-bladder. That it, at least is directly caudal to the hepatic anlage is proven by the early connection of its duct to the common bile-duct. The connection of the cystic duct probably depends to some extent on the extent of growth and division of the hepatic ducts. It will be remembered that in the earlier stages the cystic duct opens into the common duct, then into the early right hepatic. In the further growth and division of the right hepatic duct the cystic duct becomes attached to one of its radi- cles. As noted above, the cystic duct opens into the lateral branch of the right lateral ramus in all of the embryos studied except one, which was 35 mm. long. That there is considerable variation in the relative dorso- ventral position of these main hepatic ducts is to be expected. DEVELOPMENT OF LIVER AND PANCREAS 247 However, in general, a study of the models shows a close simi- larity in their positions. Theze is a constant rotation of the liver towards the right and with this is a similar one of the hepatic ducts. In this rotation the right ducts come to be more dorsal in position, the left more ventral. The right lateral divisions would thus be dorsal to the right medial and the reverse should be true for the left. In general such an arrangement is found. A variation in the length of the different ducts is present. However, there is qute a definite relation in the total lengths of ducts in the different embryos. In a 15 mm. embryo the common duct is quite short but the greater length of the hepatic ducts compensates for this reduction. In a 35 mm. embryo the common duct is long, the hepatic ducts and their radicles divide shortly. Ill. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PANCREAS AND PANCREATIC DUCTS 1. Literature The literature concerning the development of the amphibian pancreas like that regarding the liver is divisible into two periods, and Goette’s work (75) may again be said to mark the begin- ning of the newer one. The older observers mainly considered the pancreas as a part of the liver, or a modified lobe of that organ. A list of the investigators describing the development of the pancreas will be found included in the tabular classification of the literature on the development of the liver (table 2). Goette (75) in his studies on the development of the Bombin- ator recognized three distinct pancreatic anlagen, two ventral and one dorsal. The dorsal one he described as placed just caudal to the gastroduodenal loop. The two symmetrical ven- tral anlagen develop from the primitive hepatic duct. Of these the right grows dorsalward to join the ventral growing dorsal anlage. The right duct changes in position until it opens into the left side of the hepatic duct. The united right and left duct then separates from the common bile-duct. Apparently 248 E. A. BAUMGARTNER Goette considered the left outpouching as a rudimentary one. Later the dorsal duct disappears, thus leaving but one perma- nent pancreatic duct. Balfour (’81) and Hertwig (’88) described a dorsal outpouching of the gut wall caudal to the level of the common bile-duct. The development of the pancreas in both Urodela and Anura was described by Goeppert (’91). In both he found as Goette had described, one dorsal and two symmetrical ventral out- pouchings. 100. 41 Ventral view of a reconstruction of the hepatie ducts and gall-bladder of an embryo 13.5 mm. long. » 100. 42 Dorsal view of a reconstruction of the hepatic ducts and gall-bladder of an embryo 15 mm. long. »_ 100. 43 Right ventral view of a reconstruction of the hepatic ducts and gall-bladder of an embryo 20 mm. long. 100. D., duodenum D.chol., ductus choledochus D.cy., cystic duct D.h.d., right hepatic duct D.h.s., left hepatie duct D.P., pancreatic duct g.b., gall-bladder L.Br., left branch of common ramus L.R.l.d., lateral branch right lateral ramus GRAS, ramus L.R.m.d., lateral branch right medial ramus LUIS, ramus lateral branch left lateral lateral branch left medial M.R.l.d., medial branch right lateral ramus Metialsse, ramus M.R.m.d., medial branch right medial ramus M.R.M.s., ramus medial branch left lateral medial branch left medial R.Br., right branch of common ramus R.l.s., left lateral ramus R.l.d., right lateral ramus R.m.s., left medial ramus R.m.d., right medial ramus Z., extra duct in 13.5 mm. Amblystoma embryo DEVELOPMENT OF LIVER AND PANCREAS PLATE 2 E. A. BAUMGARTNER PLATE 3 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 44 Right ventral view of a reconstruction of the hepatie duets and gall- bladder of an Amblystoma embryo 35 mm. long. D., duodenum D.chol., ductus choledochus D.cy., cystic duct D.h.d., right hepatic duct D.h.s., left hepatic duct D.P., pancreatic duct g.b., gall-bladder L.Br., left branch of common ramus L.R.l.d., lateral branch right lateral ramus L.R.l.s., lateral branch left lateral ramus L.R.m.d., lateral branch right medial ramus 70. L.R.m.s., lateral branch left medial ramus M.R.1.d., medial branch right lateral ramus M.R.l.s., medial branch left lateral ramus M.R.m.d., medial branch right medial ramus M.R.m.s., medial branch left medial ramus R.Br., right branch of common ramus R.l.d., right lateral ramus R.l.s., left lateral ramus R.m.d., right medial ramus R.m.s., left medial ramus DEVELOPMENT OF LIVER AND PANCREAS PLATE 3 E. A. BAUMGARTNER 972 273 PLATE EXPLANATION 45 Anterior view of the pancreas embryo. X 60. 46 Anterior view of the pancreas D., duodenum D.pan., dorsal pancreas G.B., gall-bladder Lt.pan.d., left ventral pancreatic duct Rt.pan.d., right ventral pancreatic duct St., stomach and ducts of a 15 mm. embryo. 274 4 OF FIGURES and ventral pancreatic ducts of a 13 mm. x 60. V.pan., ventral pancreas Y, yolk-gut D.chol., ductus choledochus V.pan.d., ventral pancreatic ducts. For other abbreviations, see figure 45. DEVELOPMENT OF LIVER AND PANCREAS PLATE 4 E. A. BAUMGARTNER THE MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE OF THE YOLK-SAC OF THE PIG EMBRYO, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE ORIGIN OF THE ERYTHROCYTES H. E. JORDAN Department of Anatomy, University of Virginia THIRTY-FIVE FIGURES (TWO PLATES) CONTENTS NSM CROGUCHIOM Soh ecw aa eee ere. Sane eRe aI hs cet we e 207 MiPViaterraleand methods) pes scehejeert 2 ete ae ee coe Sans Sh sesus rae 278 UR DESCrUPORV Gtk ata e joe Man Ack ean ee eta See eles fae chk Urabe eee 279 Qe NC LeM OG CTIA re wise neat se aca Sty en eee. do os 279 be hesmies othe live ecpen niece sere orate: art Pe pe cel ee ea se) Gut MO GMNESONC UVTI sn. acne tome 6 yeas So he eater seo ste Doe ae 281 ceaduierendotheliumis 5 Aan bitin spoke eee Get tena AC ee 281 emmulehiesbl OOdKCElIS: grees oasis cassie Se erie eee es ac cane ok ee, 283 Le ROTIATN GLORY xia. caren ea.atate OG a uae aes VE hoe eases ok eae 283 DHE @ OlAStS eee wee Gai se eae oe ee ee 283 Sey COTO ASUS: m0 to actos tie a Se tons -nictin od Se en 286 AN OTM Ob laStS a -er.-wwice oe eerste asst oes + oe eee 287 bee Grant Cells sans aes Ae Pane etn: Aen 10> |e Py eee ee IS 7] VE IDISCUSSION -2%.5 5 acon oe RR aN oy nae aR RANT, MON NERS, VD Le, SET ew 289 a2 bhestunction, of they olkesac #144 senses. oa... - a ctasee eee eee 289 DD IS ESCLV Cray. 5 silat ate ARI ate econ oes Ae SES eee bia Ee 289 Dee ENA CHO DOLE LICL 308 os. Harn ates Sasha Salas cams iis espa oe MAE ATR oe ee 292 bathe grant cells: 4.f4 «nue Me mnenes Mes tae S00 i ee et 295 WAS NSLUN AGN TOE ah gerne Beye a arene, Saeed ne Rie rs. Ce E nS, Se 297 VI. Literature cited...... RO EN er aOR, | 4, Oe en eens «OS I. INTRODUCTION The chief purpose in view in this study of the yolk-sae of the pig embryo was the acquisition of further data regarding the earliest stages in blood cell origin and development in mammals. The yolk-sac was believed to be the most favorable material for the search for evidence concerning the disputed relationship between mesenchyma, primitive endothelium and haemoblasts. The pig embryo was selected for study on account of its ready availability. It was hoped that information could be contrib- 277 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 19, NO. 2 278 H. E. JORDAN uted to the following debated questions in haemopoiesis: 1) Does the angioblast bear any direct genetic relationship to the entoderm? 2) Does the yolk-sac mesothelium produce haemoblasts? 3) Does the mesenchyma differentiate in part into endothelium? 4) Do haemoblasts arise directly from mes- enchyma? 5) Do haemoblasts differentiate from endothelium? 6) What is the origin and function of the giant cells of the yolk- sac? The first question involves a careful consideration of the structure of the entoderm; which in turn raises the question: 7) What is the function of the entoderm in yolk-sacs which contain little or no yolk? A preliminary report of this study appeared in the Proceedings of the thirty-first session of the American Association of Anato- mists (Anat. Rec., 9:1, ’15, pp. 92-97). In the present paper more extensive observations, with illustrations, are recorded. Moreover, a further study of the entoderm compels a reinter- pretation of the cytoplasmic filaments of these cells; my earlier conclusion that they are mitochondrial in nature no longer seems warranted. A portion of this investigation was done at the Marine Bio- logical Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts during the sum- mer of 714. I take this opportunity to gratefully acknowledge my indebtedness to the institution for the privileges of a research room. II. MATERIAL AND METHODS The material consists of pig embryos ranging in length from 5 to 25 mm. Zenker’s and Helly’s fluids were used for fixation. The stains employed were the Giemsa blood stain, and the haematoxylin and eosin combination. Sacs of stages within the limits specified differ essentially only with respect of relative abundance of the various types of early blood cells. The 10 to 15 mm. stages were soon discovered to be most favorable for this study, since here was included in the same sections both earliest and later stages in haemopoiesis. Haemopoietic phenomena seem to be at their height in the yolk-sac of the pig embryo at about the 10 mm. stage of development. ERYTHROPOIESIS IN YOLK-SAC OF PIG EMBRYO 279 III. DESCRIPTIVE a. The entoderm It seems preferable to begin the description of the histology of the yolk-sae with the entodermal constituent of its wall. In the 5 mm. stage the entodermal cells are cuboidal, and arranged in a single layer; there is as yet no trace either of solid or tubular evaginations into the enveloping mesenchyma. In the 10 mm. stage of development the lining cells are colum- nar, the taller being about twice the length of the tallest cells in the earlier. stage; they are still arranged in a single layer. However, there is great variation in the form of the cells; the predominating type of entodermal cell is columnar, but all transitional forms appear from very low cuboidal to tall colum- nar cells. At certain points the entoderm invaginates the mesenchyma in the form of short cords and tubules. The ‘tubules’ are scarcely more than shallow folds, but recall the larger branched tubules of the yolk-sac of human embryos of this length (Meyer (18); Jordan (10).) The condition is probably to be interpreted in terms of a mechanical adjustment on the part of the entoderm to the exiguous confines delimited by the enveloping mesenchyma, or it may perhaps be merely a shrink- age phenomenon. At the 25 mm. stage of development the entodermal cells appear shorter columnar but are still almost invariably arranged in only a single layer. Occasional small stratified areas occur similar to those characteristic of the human yolk-sac of even much earlier stages, but they are perhaps most correctly inter- preted as short stout entodermal buds or cords. At this stage the very sparse enveloping mesenchyma is extensively invaded by very numerous robust solid cords and irregular tubules of entodermal cells. In tangential sections the yolk-sac wall of this stage looks strikingly like reptilian liver tissue. The cytology of the entoderm is essentially identical for the 5 to 25 mm. stages (figs. 2 and 31). The vesicular nucleus is relatively large and spherical, and is generally placed nearer the basal pole. It contains one or several large, spheroidal, 280 H. E. JORDAN chromatic nucleoli (fig. 2) and a delicate wide-meshed granular reticulum. Many of the cells are undergoing mitosis. The cell wall appears distinct. But there is no indication of terminal bars nor brush borders, such as have been described for the ento- dermal cells of the human yolk-sae by Branca (2). In Giemsa- stained preparations the cytoplasm is colored dark blue, the nuclei light blue, and the nucleoli bluish orange or lilac. The most striking feature of these cells is the presence of a generous amount of delicate filaments (basal filaments; ergas- toplasmic filaments) scattered throughout the finely granular basophilic cytoplasm. They are oriented in general parallel to the long axis of the cell. They may be coarser or finer, in length equal to that of the entire cell or much shorter; and they may be apparently homogeneous or segmented (fig. 31). The latter condition would seem to indicate the possibility that they may fragment into secretion granules, but the evidence for this conclusion is not wholly satisfactory. Their probable signifi- cance and nature will be discussed in a later section. It may suffice here to state that the cells of the liver (fig. 32) and those of the mesonephric tubules contain apparently identical cyto- plasmie threads; and that in no case do they bear any direct relationship to mitochondria, which must have been dissolved by the fixing fluids used. — b. The mesothelrum The outer surface of the yolk-sac wall, like the homologous layer of the splanchnopleure generally, is characterized by a layer of greatly flattened cells each bulging more or less at the point where the nucleus is located. The cytoplasm is delicately reticular like that of the underlying mesenchyma, with which the mesothelial cells are apparently in syncytial continuity (figs. 2 and 4). The nuclei are generally relatively large, oval, vesicular structures, with one or several small irregular net-knots, and a delicate wide-meshed nuclear reticulum (figs. 9 and 20). In their general form, structure and light staming capacity they are practically identical with the nuclei of the mesenchyma and ERYTHROPOIESIS IN YOLK-SAC OF PIG EMBRYO 281 the endothelium (figs. 13 to 18). In the Giemsa stain the nuclei of these three tissues are similarly colored bluish orange, while the cytoplasm stains a lighter blue. Occasional cells may be seen in mitosis, but there is no clear evidence to indicate that their proliferation products may differentiate into haemoblasts. The proliferation is most probably related only to the extension of the mesothelial covering. Certain cells, however, are more or less rounded, simulating early stages in the formation of haemo- blasts from endothelium (fig. 20). c. The mesenchyma The mesenchyma is of very variable amount in different portions of the wall (figs. 2, 4, 29 and 30); in certain regions it is so sparse as to be barely discernible between the entoderm and the mesothelium; in other regions it may greatly exceed in width that of the tallest portions of the entoderm. It is a loose-meshed syncytium containing numerous spaces and occasional small blood islands, and larger and smaller blood vessels or sinusoids (figs. 29 and 30). Around certain spaces the mesenchymal cells may become arranged so as to very closely simulate endo- thelial cells. Indeed it seems impossible to differentiate between such a cell and certain endothelial cells from blood-cell-contain- ing channels. It seems difficult to avoid the conclusion that endothelium is thus differentiated from the mesenchyma, the differentiation depending here as in the case of the structurally apparently identical mesothelium, upon the mechanical factor of pressure (fig. 29). Many of the mesenchymal nuclei are in some phase of mitosis, and occasional nuclei appear to be divid- ing amitotically. d. The endothelium The cells lining blood-cell-containing channels are flattened elements, of fusiform shape in sections. ‘The commonest type of cell contains a vesicular oval nucleus, practically identical with that of the mesenchyma and the mesothelium (figs. 4, 13 and 29); and also the delicate reticular cytoplasmic structure 282 H. E. JORDAN of the endothelial cells is ike that of these cells. Moreover, the endothelial cells appear to be in direct syncytial continuity with the mesenchyma. Many are in mitosis, and occasional nuclei appear to be dividing amitotically. It seems most prob- able that they are actually mesenchymal cells modified in shape ‘by the pressure of the confined blood stream. Endothelial cells which lie next the entoderm are sharply separated there- from (figs. 29 and 30). The entodermal cells rest upon a deli- cate but distinct basement membrane, with which the endothe- lium is not in structural continuity (fig. 2). The vascular an- lages (angioblast) are at certain points in direct continuity with ’ the mesenchyme, but are sharply demarked from the entoderm (fig. 29). There is no evidence here that the angioblast has any direct genetic relationship to the entoderm; all the available morphologic data are opposed to the idea of such a relationship. The endothelium includes, however, numerous cells which may be arranged into a complete series connecting the above described endothelial cell with a haemoblast (figs. 4, 18, 14, 15 and 16). The transition steps consist of a progressive rounding up of the nucleus and a gathering of the cytoplasm around it. At the same time the nucleus enlarges and the cytoplasm ap- pears to increase in amount. Moreover the cytoplasm becomes more highly basophilic and appears finely granular. The cell as a whole, of fusiform shape, becomes progressively shorter and finally separates from the endothelial wall either as a short fusiform cell, or frequently as a spherical cell flattened at its proximal pole and drawn out laterally into delicate processes which gradually separate from the vessel wall (figs. 5 and 6). Such cells may even become multinucleated before separation (figs. 8 and 9), and undergo cytoplasmic differentiation, even elaborating haemoglobin, as will be described below. The multinuclear condition appears to be the result of amitotic nuclear division (figs. 9 and 35). The observation of the differ- entiation of endothelial cells into haemoblasts is of cardinal importance, and will be more fully discussed in a later section. ERYTHROPOIESIS IN YOLK-SAC OF PIG EMBRYO 283 e. The blood cells 1) Terminology. Four distinct types of cells may be recog- nized: 1) The haemoblasts, or blood mother-cells. These cor- respond with the primitive ‘lymphocytes’ of Maximow (16), and the ‘mesamoeboid cells’ of Minot (19). 2) The erythro- blasts, corresponding with the ‘ichthyoid’ blood cell of Minot, and in part with the ‘megaloblast’ of Maximow. 3) The normoblasts, corresponding with the ‘sauroid’ cell of Minot. The last two may be designated inclusively as erythrocytes. 4) The giant cells, both megakaryocytes and polykaryocytes. The majority of the blood cells can be classified under one or the other of the above heads. However, between typical primi- tive haemoblasts and erythroblasts, and between the latter and normoblasts, as also between haemoblasts and giant cells, com- plete series of transition forms occur. Up to the 15 mm. stage no cell is present that can be certainly identified as a leucocyte. The haemoblasts are structurally very similar to the lymphocytes of the adult, and if they are indeed in part at least, functionally identical, as claimed by Maxi- mow in support of the monophyletic theory of haemopoiesis, they may be properly designated ‘lymphocytes.’ 2) Haemoblasts. This terminology implies that the cell designated ‘haemoblast’ is the common mother-cell of both leu- cocytes and erythrocytes. No evidence, besides its very close similarity to a lymphocyte, accrues from this study to indicate that the cell in question is also a leucocyte progenitor. It may be noted, however, that this cell would apparently have to under- go less differentiation in becoming a mononuclear, or even a polymorphonuclear, leucocyte, than in becoming an erythro- plastid. Moreover, there is now a very considerable body of embryologic data to show that this cell in certain mammals (rabbit, Maximow (16); birds, Dantschakoff (5); reptiles, Dant- schakoff (6), and Jordan and Flippin (14); and selachii and amphibia, Maximow (17)) is indeed the parent cell of both red and white blood corpuscles. Thus while the haemogenic proc- 284 H. E. JORDAN ess here to be described is purely erythropoietic, the primitive cell is nevertheless properly termed ‘haemoblast.’ The haemoblast is in its youngest form a relatively small cell, ranging from about half to approximately the full size of the definitive normoblast, with a larger nucleus and much less eyto- plasm (figs. 1, 2 and 3). It has a relatively enormous nucleus, which is enveloped by a narrow shell of cytoplasm generally wider at one point over an area of from less than a quarter to more than a half of the surface (fig. 1 a). The cytoplasm is finely granular and deeply basophilic. The nucleus is vesicular with one or several spheroidal chromatic masses (nucleoli), scattered irregularly through a wide-meshed, delicate, fre- quently granular reticulum containing larger chromatin granules peripherally on the nuclear membrane. In Giemsa-stained prep- arations the nucleoli are colored lilac, the nuclear sap bluish pink, the cytoplasm deep blue. Thehaemoblast may show several blunt pseudopods indicating amoeboid capacity (figs. 2 and 27). The young haemoblasts are more generally peripherally placed in the blood vessels, the later differentiation stages more centrally. The haemoblasts show a very wide range of size variations and nuclear forms, while at the same time adhering to a very close structural similarity both nuclear and cytoplasmic (figs. 1, 2, 3 and 7). By growth the primitive haemoblast may become very large; this growth may be chiefly nuclear (fig. 34) or chiefly cytoplasmie (fig. 7). It does not seem possible to draw a sharp line between large haemoblasts and certain so-called ‘giant cells,’ to be described below. Their essential nuclear and cyto- plasmic features are very similar. By division a larger haemoblast gives rise to smaller, structu- rally identical, haemoblasts. The mode of division may be mitotic, and apparently also amitotie (figs. 3, ec, d, and e, and 22). Cytoplasmic division frequently does not directly follow nuclear division, thus giving rise to binucleated cells (fig. 3 d and e). Similarly, tripolar spindles may produce trinucleated cells (fig. 21), or the same may be probably produced also by direct di- vision (figs. 11 and 12). Multinuclear cells are probably simi- ERYTHROPOIESIS IN YOLK-SAC OF PIG EMBRYO 285 larly formed (figs. 25 and 35). The bi- and multinucleated types will be further described under ‘giant cells.’ Haemoblasts have a double source of origin: 1) from the mesenchyma (fig. 30); 2) from the endothelium of the earliest blood vessels (fig. 4). Since this endothelium, however, also originally arose from mesenchyme, the primary, in part indirect source, is the same, namely the original mesenchyma. The endothelial origin of haemoblasts has already been partially described above under ‘endothelium.’ It need merely be emphasized here that the evidence on this point seems un- equivocal; transition stages are practically innumerable; their abundance is so great as to make it difficult to adhere to a reasonable limit in the selection of illustrations. Possible objections to the interpretation here given to the observations will be considered below. ‘The above description pertains only to intravascular haemopoiesis; the endothelium contributes also, but apparently much more rarely (except in the mesoneph- ric glomeruli of the body of the embryo), extravascular haemo- blasts. The continuity of such with the endothelial wall counter- vails the possible objection that these are migrants (fig. 4). The direct mesenchymal origin of haemoblasts concerns it- self with the blood-islands and certain isolated cells separating from the mesenchymal syncytium. Peripherally the blood- islands are in continuity with the mesenchyma, where endothelial cells are differentiated; centrally the cells are haemoblasts in various earlier stages of metamorphosis into erythroblasts; some of these may be binucleated (fig. 29). The unique and crucial evidence for mesenchymal origin of haemoblasts pertains to certain isolated cells caught in the actual process of differentiation and separation from the syncy- tium. These are admittedly rare, but the evidence they furnish is of prime importance. It supplies the link in the monophyletic theory of haemogenesis concerning which there has been the greatest scepticism. Figure 30 is an illustration of the clearest case of the condition referred to. Here is shown an area of mesenchyma in which two of the nuclei, as well as their envelop- ing cytoplasm, have mesenchymal features; the third nucleus 286 H. E. JORDAN (h) and its enveloping cytoplasm are of typically haemoblast character. A delicate chromatic nuclear bridge still connects the haemoblast nucleus with the mesenchyma nucleus. The significance of this nuclear bridge is uncertain, but it plainly reveals genetic relationship whatever its meaning in terms of type of cell division. Such instances should definitely dispose of the objection that all mesenchymal haemoblasts are migrants from adjacent blood vessels. Haemoblasts are very variable in form, due to the variable number and form of their pseudo- pods (fig. 27). They must be regarded as capable of extensive amoeboid motility. It is a matter of sufficient importance to warrant special emphasis at this point, that between typical haemoblasts and typical erythroblasts, next to be described, transition forms exist abundantly (fig. 1b). The marks of transition pertain both to the nucleus and the cytoplasm. The change is perhaps most marked in the staining capacity of the cytoplasm. This loses its intense basophily, and in Giemsa preparations becomes a much lighter pink or grayish blue. This chemical alteration inheres principally in the elaboration of a small amount of haemoglobin. The cytoplasm shows also faintly a coarse wide- meshed reticulum. And a distinct cell wall is now evident (fig. 1 b), whereas the haemoblast is apparently a naked cell. The nucleus becomes relatively smaller and more chromatic; the nucleoli tend to disappear, and the nuclear reticulum be- comes coarser, more granular and more chromatic. 3) Erythroblasts. ‘Thesecells are characterized by their slightly smaller spherical nuclei and an acidophil cytoplasm generous in amount (fig. 1c). The nuclei generally lack distinct nucleoli but contain a coarsely granular, intensely chromatic, nuclear reticulum. The cytoplasm has frequently a finely granular appearance (fig. 3 f). In Giemsa preparations the nucleus stains blue, the cytoplasm a faint brownish pink. These cells are much more uniform in size than the haemoblasts and are generally mononuclear. They undergo very extensive mitotic proliferation. The transition stages (figs. 1 b and 3 f) between the haemoblast and the erythroblast, characterized by a bluish ERYTHROPOIESIS IN YOLK-SAC OF PIG EMBRYO 287 pink color in Giemsa preparation, correspond to the ‘megalo- blast’ described by Maximow in the rabbit. Occasionally a disintegrating erythroblast may be seen in- gested by an endothelial cell (fig. 28). This observation indi- cates a phagocytic function on the part of the endothelium of the yolk-sac vessels. An alternative interpretation will be dis- cussed below. 4) Normoblasts. The normoblasts differ from the erythro- blasts in that they have a smaller more compact and chromatic nucleus, and a more acidophilic cytoplasm (figs. 1 d, 2 e and 3 g). These cells are very uniform in size. In this character of size uniformity they differ markedly from the similar cells in certain lower forms, for example, in turtles. They multiply extensively by the indirect method of cell division. In Giemsa preparations the cytoplasm stains a brilliant red, the coarsely granular nucleus a deep blue. The nucleus frequently has an irregular lobed contour. The chromatin is frequently gathered into sev- eral large and many smaller clumps, the reticulum being delicate and only slightly chromatic. In preparations fixed in Zenker’s fluid, the haemoglobin content has become dissolved, and the cytoplasmic area reveals a coarse wide-meshed reticulum, bounded peripherally by a coarse cell membrane (fig. 3 g). By abstriction of the portion of the cytoplasm containing the excentric nucleus, in the manner described by Emmel (7), the erythrocyte becomes an erythroplastid. These stages in plas- tid formation are still extremely rare in 10 mm. embryos. 5) Giant cells. These cells include a great variety of different forms and sizes. The extremes include: 1) An enormous cell consisting almost wholly of nucleus, the naked cytoplasm con- stituting a mere shell (figs. 33 and 34). The cytoplasm is baso- philic. The vesicular nucleus is generally extensively lobed and contains many large spheroidal and irregular chromatic masses; its nuclear reticulum is wide-meshed, granular, and intensely chromatic. 2) A cell of similarly large size with generally two or three relatively small, spherical, oval or irregular, pale stain- ing, granular nuclei (figs. 23, 24 and 25). The nuclei may contain one or several nucleoli; and the reticulum is more regular, 288 H. E. JORDAN more delicate, sometimes double (fig. 23) and less deeply chro- matic. The cytoplasm is slightly acidophilic. Both nuclear and cytoplasmic features resemble those of the erythroblasts (‘megaloblasts’). 3) A cell of similar or even larger size with numerous nuclei (as many as eight are common) of various shapes and sizes and differing in structure between the two extremes above described (figs. 11, 12 and 35). The cytoplasm of such a cell is also more or less basophilic. The origin of giant cells can be definitely traced by means of transition stages to the haemoblasts. Type 1, above described, is simply a giant haemoblast (compare figs. 3.a, 7 and 33). Type 2 is a giant haemoblast with several nuclei (compare figs. 3 a and 11) derived by nuclear amitotic division—occasionally possibly also by nuclear mitosis—unaccompanied by cyto- plasmic division. ‘The cytoplasm has entered upon the early stages of differentiation into erythroblast cytoplasm. Type 3 is derived from type 1 by extreme and irregular fission of the single nucleus, accompanied by slight differentiation in the cytoplasm (figs. 12, 25 and 35). Frequently a typical giant cell with two or even three nuclei may be seen in continuity with the endothelial wall of the blood vessel, and in late stages of separation (figs. 8 and 9). This observation further supports the conclusion of haemoblast derivation of giant cells. There is no evidence in favor of an entodermal origin of giant cells as held by Graf. v. Spee (22) in the case of the human yolk-sac. A small number of giant cells contain one or several normo- blasts. The normoblast periphery may be separated from the enveloping giant cell cytoplasm by a narrow space (fig. 10); or such space may be lacking, in which event the continuity between the two cytoplasms seems complete (fig. 26). Two possibilities of the origin of these intracellular normoblasts at once suggest themselves: 1) ingestion; 2) differentiation from the nuclei and portions of the surrounding cytoplasm of the giant cell. The fact that endothelial cells (potential haemoblasts) may ingest erythroblasts (fig. 28), as above described, lends much weight to the first suggestion. The further facts, how- ERYTHROPOIESIS IN YOLK-SAC OF PIG EMBRYO 289 ever—1) that in certain cells with more than one normoblast no haemoblast nucleus remains (fig. 26); 2) that giant cells of the yolk-sae are simply modified haemoblasts whose cytoplasm undergoes a chemical alteration, as indicated by staining re- actions, similar to that of haemoblasts in becoming erythro- blasts; 3) that no multinucleated giant cells could be found in process of fragmentation into mononucleated cells; 4) that the cytoplasmic relationship between the two cells is frequently very intimate; 5) that such intracellular normoblasts are occasionally in mitosis, an unexpected phenomenon in ingested degenerating cells; and the possibility 6) that the cells interpreted as phago- eytic endothelia may indeed be cells differentiating normo- blasts intracellularly while still attached to the blood vessel wall—all indicate that the structure in question is one repre- senting actual intracellular differentiation of normoblasts within a giant cell. This matter will be further discussed below. In the yolk-sac of the 25 mm. pig embryo the blood vessels are relatively much larger. No blood-islands occur. The blood cells are predominantly of the normoblast type; there are also some erythroblasts and a few haemoblasts. Giant cells are apparently lacking; and the endothelium of the blood channels is apparently no longer capable of haemoblast formation. IV. DISCUSSION a. Function of yolk-sac 1) Digestive. The yolk-sac entoderm is of course continuous with the epithelial lining of the gut through the yolk-stalk. Originally similarly undifferentiated, the yolk-sac entoderm already at the 5 mm. stage has far outstripped the gut entoderm in differentiation. Even at the 10 mm. stage the cells lining the gut are relatively little differentiated. The chief mark of functional activity on the part of the yolk-sae entodermal cells is the presence of a generous amount of basal filaments. Such are lacking in the gut entoderm of this stage. These filaments resemble very closely mitochondria; they may be long or short, straight or variously curved, delicate or coarse, apparently 290 H. E. JORDAN homogeneous or segmented. While structurally very like mitochondria—on the basis of which. characters I previously so interpreted them—TI now feel compelled to give them a different interpretation, and for the following reasons: 1) Identical fila- ments appear in the cells of the hepatic cords (compare figs. 31 and 32) and those of the mesonephric tubules of these embryos. These cells are functionally active in a secretory way, strength- ening the presumption that the filaments in the yolk-sac ento- derm also have secretory significance. 2) If these filaments were really mitochondria, many other cells should show such elements, for it is well established that mitochondria are practi- cally universally present in embryonal cells. But no other cells, besides those mentioned, contain similar filaments in these embryos. It is quite unreasonable to suppose that the technic should have preserved mitochondria only in selected types of cells. The filaments in question most probably have nothing directly to do with mitochondria. 3) The filaments are appar- ently identical with the ergastoplasmic filaments described by Bensley (1) for the parenchymal cells of the pancreas of the adult guinea pig, readily distinguishable from mitochondria demonstrable by appropriate technics. Similar filaments have been described for other secretory cals, as for example, salivary glands and kidney. On the basis of the above considerations the conclusion seems unavoidable that these filaments in the yolk-sac entoderm are of secretory significance. The manner in which they function in the secretion process is uncertain, but there is some evidence that they segment distally into granules. These filaments, then, may be presecretion filaments. In the 25 mm. stages, filaments are relatively less, and granules relatively more, abundant than at the 10 mm. stage. Similar structures have been described in the human yolk- sac of about this same stage [Jordan (10, 11, and 12); Branca (2)]. Branea indeed interpreted them as ‘functional protoplasm.’ I first designated them by the term ‘mucinous masses,’ since they reacted to the specific stains for mucus. In my first study (1907) I inclined to the belief that they were degeneration prod- ERYTHROPOIESIS IN YOLK-SAC OF PIG EMBRYO 291 ucts. In the light of the data from pig embryos my _ subse- quent (710) interpretation as secretory structures appears to have been correct. The filaments have a basophilic staining reaction, hence stain well in specific mucous dyes. In later developmental (functional) stages they are limited to the basal ends of the cells, where they may become clumped into a deep staining irregularly oval mass. The ‘mucinous masses’ described for the yolk-sac of 9 and 13 mm. human embryos are essentially the same structure as the presecretion filaments of the 10 mm. pig embryo; and their functional réle is most probably secretory. What then may be the meaning of the yolk-sac entoderm in terms of function? The additional evidence from the yolk-sac of the pig, further supports my earlier conclusion (’07) that this cell structure is to be interpreted in terms of the ancestral history of higher mammals. In the ancestors with yolk laden eggs the entodermal cells undoubtedly had the function pri- marily of elaborating a digestive fluid for the liquefaction and assimilation of the yolk. In yolkless umbilical vesicles, the entoderm apparently still develops and differentiates in accord with an ‘ancestral memory,’ though it can perform no true digestive function. The umbilical vesicle of the pig, as of man, is in large part—that is, as concerns digestive significance—a vestigial structure. But it has taken on a secondary function, now apparently become of great importance, as an early, perhaps original, center of haemopoiesis. The above discussion would seem to dispose of Paladino’s (20) suggestion that the yolk-sac entoderm of higher mammals has a hepatic function. The form and structure of the two classes of cells are indeed very closely similar (figs. 31 and 32), but this need not necessarily imply identity of function. The similarity is due more probably to the fact of common origin from the primitive gut, and the further fact that both are func- tionally active, and in a secretory manner. Nor need the pres- ence of glycogen in both types of cells be interpreted in terms of functional identity, since many types of cells of embryos contain glycogen [Gage (8)]. 292 H. E. JORDAN Neither brush borders nor terminal bars occur on these cells. Such structures have been described for the entodermal cells of the human yolk-sac by Branca (2). However in my own specimens of the human yolk-sae (10, 11, and 12), I could never convince myself of the presence of these structures. Lewis (15) likewise was unable to find them in human yolk-saes of similar ages. The entodermal cells in the yolk-sac of the 10 mm. pig embryo are undergoing extensive mitotic proliferation. This fact, viewed in conjunction with the good cytologic preservation of the cells as indicated primarily by the abundance and character of the presecretion filaments, should remove all doubt as to the normal and healthy condition of these specimens. Not a single entodermal cell can be found in process of amitotic division. Nor are any of these cells binucleated. This is signi- ficant in view of the fact that all types of cells in the mesenchyma and its derivatives show abundant examples which admit of interpretation in terms of direct division. 2) Haemoporetic. The first question under this caption con- cerns the origin of the angioblast. The term ‘angioblast’ is employed here to designate the original anlage of the vascular tissue in the yolk-sae. It is obvious that no sharp line can be drawn between original and secondary angioblast. Suffice it to note that angioblast is still in process of formation in the yolk-sac of the 10 mm. embryo. No information accrues from this study touching the question of the origin of the first mass of vascular anlages. Once formed, angioblast can of course spread by process of growth. However, it is also still being added to by previously discrete moieties. If these additions can be shown to be made from the mesenchyma, it would seem to afford a strong presumption against the derivation of the original angioblast from entoderm [Minot (19)].. Such anlages do arise by differentiation within the mesenchyma in the shape of dis- crete blood-islands, as described above. I conclude for the mesenchymal origin of the angioblast on the basis, then, mainly of these two observations: 1) the common origin of endothe- lium and haemoblasts, as described above, from mesenchyma; ERYTHROPOIESIS IN YOLK-SAC OF PIG EMBRYO 293 2) the sharp demarcation between mesenchyma and entoderm in the embryos here considered. Where blood vessel and ento- derm abut, the basement membrane of the entoderm and the endothelial cells of the vessel are never in direct continuity (fig. 2). The close detailed structural similarity between the meso- thelial cells and the endothelial cells, and between the nuclei of both and those of the mesenchyma, was noted above (figs. 15 to 20). The criteria which Clark (4) applied in the chick embryo for the differentiation between endothelial nuclei and mesenchy- mal nuclei are inapplicable to the yolk-sac mesenchyma of pig embryos of the 5 to 15 mm. stages of development. Number of nucleoli, character of nucleolar contour, and depth of tingibility of nucleoli are not features by which mesenchyma nuclei can be differentiated from endothelial nuclei. These are marks which characterize different cells (probably representing different functional phases) of mesenchyma, mesothelium and endothelium alike. The morphologic evidence seems to force the conclusion that endothelium and mesothelium are both very similar differenti- ation products of mesenchyma, the factor chiefly operative in the differentiation being the mechanical factor of pressure, as maintained by Huntington (9), Schulte (21) and others. The pressure exerted upon the mesothelium operates from the rela- tively more rapidly growing entoderm; that upon the endo- thelium from the confined blood cells and plasma. The further fact that haemoblasts arise from both mesenchyma and endo- thelium supports the conclusion of their essential identity. If the above is correct then one would expect that the meso- thelium also could produce haemoblasts. My material yields no data in support of this view. Indeed very careful study of the mesothelium both of the yolk-sae and the chorion, with this point in view, gave only negative evidence. The mesothelial cells proliferate both mitotically and apparently amitotically but nothing appears closely similar to the phenomena described by Bremer (3) for the chorion of the young human embryo, where the mesothelium is said to invaginate the underlying THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 19, NO. 2 294 H. E. JORDAN mesenchyma of the body stalk in the form of cords and tubules (angiocysts) the cells of which differentiate into haemoblasts and endothelium. Bremer’s observations, however, are a further very strong support to the claim that angioblast is of mesenchy- mal origin, and that mesenchyma, mesothelium and endothelium are originally identical structures. The monophyletic theory of blood cell origin considers the haemoblast the common parent of both erythrocytes and leuco- cytes. Its correspondence with fact, at least in essential out- lines, is now widely accepted. The point which has stimulated most discussion concerns the origin of isolated haemoblasts within the mesenchyma. Are such differentiation products of the mesenchyma, or are they migrants from the blood vessels? The latter view was held by Minot (19); Maximow (16 and 17) and others champion the opposing view. In the case of the yolk- sac of the pig, the evidence seems definite in favor of the in situ differentiation of haemoblasts from the mesenchyma. The observations both from blood-islands and single cells have been given above. Haemoblasts of course are capable of amoeboid activity, and undoubtedly do leave the blood vessels under certain conditions, and invade the surrounding mesenchyma. But that the cell (h) illustrated in figure 30 cannot be interpreted as such is clear from: 1) the connection of its nucleus, through a delicate chromatic bridge, with the nucleus of the mesenchyma; and 2) its perfectly healthy condition, both from the viewpoint of its nucleus and its cytoplasm. Nor can there remain any doubt that it is actually a haemoblast when its cytoplasm and nucleus, in contrast to the cytoplasm and nucleus of the mesen- chyma, is compared with an intravascular haemoblast. The evidence given above for the extensive origin of haemo- blasts from the endothelium seems conclusive for the 10 mm. pig embryo. Neither at earlier nor later stages is this process so evident. The haemogenic activity of the endothelium in the yolk-sac of the pig is of cardinal significance especially in view of Stock- ard’s (23) findings in the case of the Fundulus embryo, where the problem was approached by the experimental method. This ERYTHROPOIESIS IN YOLK-SAC OF PIG EMBRYO 295 consisted in the stoppage of the embryonic circulation by means of anaesthetics. Stockard’s observations led him to conclude that in the Fundulus embryos investigated (up to 20 days) the endothelium plays no haemogenic role. In the pig embryo, on the contrary, the data leaves no escape from the opposite con- clusion, a conclusion arrived at also by many investigators of various embryo forms. |e.g., certain chelonians, Jordan and Flippin (13)].. This conclusion is supported by the further important fact that the endothelium of the sinusoids of the liver and of the glomerular capillaries of the mesonephroi also produce haemoblasts. The sole alternative interpretation that has any appearance of plausibility respecting the haemoblasts of the yolk-sac vessels here described as separating from the endothelium, is that they have become pressed against the wall and thus modified in shape and caused to adhere intimately to the endothelium, so as to stimulate endothelial continuity and derivation. This sugges- tion is rendered inapplicable by 1) the possibility of tracing a complete series of transition stages between a true endothelial cell, through intermediate haemoblast stages, to a free haemo- blast; 2) the possibility of tracing a similar series through to multinucleated giant cells; 3) the fact that such haemoblasts in apparent continuity with the endothelium are quite as abundant in essentially empty vessels as in vessels crowded with blood cells, where alone an adequate factor of pressure would seem to prevail, and 4) that haemoblasts, though apparently naked cells, do not in general exhibit adhesive properties except among themselves. b) Giant cells. The derivation and the morphologic and cy- tologic variations of the giant cells are clear, as described above. These cells are simply modified haemoblasts, capable of under- going a similar differentiation into giant erythroblasts, and appar- ently ultimately differentiating normoblasts intracellularly. This last point may be thought perhaps to remain somewhat doubt- ful, and even if the interpretation is accepted, the significance and economy of this process—for it is clearly not essential, since it is not the exclusive method for yolk-sac haemopoiesis still remains obscure. 296 H. E. JORDAN That the giant cells have no genetic relationship to the ento- derm, as urged by Graf. v. Spee (22), is certain. That the method of nuclear multiplication is largely a matter of budding and fission is also demonstrable (fig. 35). It may be stated also that these cells are much more abundant at about the 10 mm. than at earlier and later stages; and that while all the other types of erythrocytes are found in the embryonie circulatory system, giant cells are practically limited to the yolk-sace vessels. A few smaller varieties appear in the liver and the mesonephroi, and occasionally one appears in a capillary in the mesenchyma next the brain. Haemoblasts also are only sparingly found outside of the yolk-sac, liver, and the glomerular sinusoids of the mesonephroi. The normoblasts are in the vast majority in the intraembryonie circulatory system. On the basis of their occasional normoblast content the giant cells might be interpreted 1) as erythrophages or 2) as multiple erythroblasts. The latter interpretation was urged by Graf v. Spee (22). The former interpretation is supported by the fact that endothelial cells—which are potential haemoblasts— may apparently function as phagocytes for erythroblasts. The latter more plausible conclusion rests upon my observations that in a giant cell with two normoblasts (fig. 26) no additional nucleus is present; and the further fact that frequently the cell membrane of the normoblast is not separated from the eytoplasm of the giant cell by any space, but the two structures appear continuous (fig. 26). Moreover in certain multinuclear giant cells the several nuclei and their enveloping cytoplasmic areas are at different stages of development. In figure 25 two of the nuclei are typical haemoblast nuclei, two are typical erythroblast nuclei. The upper right hand nucleus (x) is differentiated more than the other, and the enveloping cytoplasm is beginning to take on normoblast characteristics. Nevertheless this inter- pretation must perhaps still be regarded as more or less tentative. But the fact that mega- and polykaryoecytes are present in all haemopoietic foci, embryonic, foetal and adult, strongly supports the conclusion that they are closely associated with the haemo- poietic process. As such, however, their function does not seem ERYTHROPOIESIS IN YOLK-SAC OF PIG EMBRYO 297 to be an essential one; they may represent simply atypical or possibly ancestral phenomena. Erythrocytes commonly de- velop from mononuclear haemoblasts; binucleated haemoblasts apparently sometimes divide to form two haemoblasts (fig. 3, e); multinucleated haemoblasts (polykaryocytes) do not break up into mononuclear haemoblasts, but may produce erythrocytes (normoblasts) intracellularly. V. SUMMARY 1. In pig embryos of about 10 mm. length, the yolk-sac attains its highest stage of progressive histologic differentiation. This statement pertains both to the entoderm and to the angio- blast. 2. The entodemal cells are characterized chiefly by abundant presecretion filaments, in which feature they agree with the cells of the liver and mesonephroi. 3. Angioblast arises from the mesenchyma. 4. The mesothelium of the yolk-sae of pig embryos between 5 and 12 mm. does not produce haemoblasts. Nor is there any satisfactory evidence that the mesothelium of the body stalk and chorion function to this end. 5. The mesenchyma may differentiate directly into endothe- lium or into haemoblasts. 6. Haemoblasts arise extensively at the 10 mm. stage from the endothelium of the yolk-sac blood vessels. The endothelia of the hepatic sinusoids and mesonephric glomeruli of this stage also show extensive haemopoietic capacity. 7. Giant cells, both mono- and polynuclear, are abundantly present in the yolk-sac only at about the 10 mm. stage of develop- ment. They may arise from endothelium or directly from haemo- blasts. They are giant haemoblasts, and apparently function as multiple erythroblasts in which normoblasts differentiate intracellularly. 8. The several stages in haemopoiesis, represented successively by haemoblasts, erythroblasts and normoblasts, with transition stages, are abundantly present in the yolk-sac of embryos from 5 to 15 mm. 298 (17) (18) H. E. JORDAN LITERATURE CITED Benstey, R. R. 1911 Studies on the pancreas of the guinea pig. Am. Jour. Anat., voll. 12, mo: 3. 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(22) Sper, Grar V. 1896 Zur Demonstration iiber die Entwicklung der Driisen des Menschlichen Dottersackes. Anat. Anz., Bd. 12, p. 76. (23) SrockarpD, CHARLES R. 1915 An experimental study of the origin of blood and vascular endothelium in the Teleost embryo. Proc. Am. Assoc. Anat., Anat. Rec., vol.9,no.1. (Complete paper in Am. Journ. Anat. 18:2 and 3; and as Memoir, No. 7, of The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology.) PLATE 1 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES (Unless otherwise specified the illustrations are from a single specimen of the 10 mm. stage, the magnification 1000, the fixation with Zenker’s fluid, and the stain employed the haematoxylin-eosin combination). 1 A group of blood cells from one of the larger yolk-sac vessels of a 6 mm. pig embryo (Helly’s fixation; Giemsa stain; magnification, 1500 diameters). a) various types (differentiation stages) of haemoblasts; the sparse naked cyto- plasm has a vague irregular granular character and stains intensely blue; the large vesicular nucleus stains a very light blue and contains a delicate, finely granular reticulum and one or several spheroidal or irregular nucleoli staining like the chromatic granules, a bluish orange. b) Young erythroblasts (‘megalo- blasts’); the nucleus is relatively smaller and the cytoplasm more voluminous than in the smaller younger haemoblasts; the cytoplasm stains a light blue (brownish gray or bluish pink) and contains fine, uniform, spherical granules (probably haemoglobin) ; a cell wall is distinet; the still vesicular nucleus contains a coarsely granular reticulum which stains blue; some of these nuclei still contain a nucleolus. ¢) Older erythroblasts; the nucleus has become still smaller and more chromatic; the homogeneous cytoplasm is relatively more voluminous and now stains pink. d) Normoblast; the nucleus is small, granular and chromatic; the cytoplasm stains brilliant red (in Zenker fixed tissue the cytoplasm consists merely of a coarse irregular unstainable reticulum enclosed by a robust cell membrane. ) 2 Narrow portion of wall of yolk-sac including all of its layers. EH, entoderm; the cells contain many presecretion filaments. Between the entoderm and periph- eral mesenchyma is a large blood vessel containing a few blood cells at various stages in the metamorphosis into a normoblast (e);a) endothelial cell; b) haemo- blast; ¢) binucleated haemoblast with long pseudopod; d) binucleated erythro- blast. MM, mesothelium; bm., basement membrane; end., endothelium. 3 A group of developing blood cells from a yolk-sac blood vessel. a and b) young haemoblasts; ¢) haemoblast with nucleus in process of amitotie division; d) binucleated haemoblast; e) binucleated haemoblast in process of cytoplasmic amitotic constriction, a fairly common form of cell; f) erythroblast (Maximow’s ‘megaloblast’); ¢) normoblast. 4 Portion of wall of yolk-sae of 10 mm. pig embryo including mesothelium, endothelium and the intervening mesenchyma. a) endothelial cells from wall of a blood vessel; b) endothelial cell in early stage of separation from wall of blood vessel to become a haemoblast;c¢) later stage; d) extravascular haemoblast, separating from the endothelium. 5 Haemoblast at late stage in process of separation from the endothelium. 6 Haemoblast, of spindle shape, just about to separate from the endothelium. 7 Uninucleated giant cell; large haemoblast. Trinucleated haemoblast (giant cell) in final stage of separation from the endothelium (e). 010) 9 Trinucleated giant cell, immediately after separation from endothelium. Note the lateral basal projections, the points of, final separation. One of the nuclei is apparently undergoing amitosis. 10 Binucleated haemoblast in which one of the nuclei and the surrounding cytoplasm have differentiated into a normoblast. llandi2 Trinucleated giant cells. 300 ERYTHROPOIESIS IN YOLK-SAC OF PIG EMBRYO PLATE 1 H. E. JORDAN PLATE 2 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 13 Haemoblast (A) in final stage of separation from endothelium; e, endo- thelial cell. 14, 15 and 16 Three successive stages in the transformation of an endothelial cellinto a haemoblast. #, towards entoderm; V, towards blood vessel. 17 Nucleus of endothelial cell in phase of amitotic division. Many nuclei also can be seen in mitosis. 1S Nucleus from mesenchyma. Note the similarity between nuclei of endo- thelium, mesothelium and mesenchyma. 19 and 20 Two mesothelial cells. s, towards surface. Occasional cells can be seen in mitosis. 21 Haemoblast in mitosis. The spindle is apparently tripolar. Such irreg- ular mitoses if sufficiently common would explain the multinuclear haemoblast with nuclei of various sizes. Haemoblasts apparently divide both mitotically and amitotically. 22 Haemoblast with nucleus apparently dividing amitotically. 23 Large binucleated giant cell; the cytoplasm is at an early phase of differ- entiation into the erythroblast type; the nuclei also are in early, but different, stages of differentiation. 24 Smaller binucleated giant cell (haemoblast); the nuclei are of the typical haemoblast type. 25 Giant cell from yolk-sac of 10 mm. pig embryo with four nuclei, which, with their enveloping cytoplasm, are at different stages of differentiation. Two of the nuclei have haemoblast characters, one erythroblast and one (x) early normoblast characters. The cytoplasm also around x has normoblast char- acteristics. 26 Binucleated haemoblast (giant cell) in late stage of process of direct intracellular differentiation into two normoblasts. 27 Haemoblast with one long and several shorter stubby pseudopods. 28 Endothehal phagocytic cell (perhaps a_ differentiating haemoblast) having ingested an erythroblast whose nucleus is undergoing karyorrhexis, the cytoplasm appearing normal. 29 Portion of wall of yolk-sac of 10 mm. pig embryo showing a small blood island. Thecellsare allof the early haemoblast stage, and closely related periph- erally to the surrounding mesenchyma, from which they have apparently differentiated. One haemoblast is binucleated. H, entoderm, schematically represented; V, blood vessel. 30 Portion of wall of yolk-sac of 10 mm. pig embryo showing the differenti- ation of a haemoblast (h) from the mesenchyma. “The nucleus of the definitive haemoblast is still connected through a chromatic nuclear strand with the nucleus of its sister mesenchymal cell. #, entoderm, schematically represented; V, blood vessel; mes., mesothelium. 31 Four adjacent entodermal cells to show especially the ‘basal’ or presecre- tion filaments. 32 A group of four adjacent liver cells from the same embryo, to show the close similarity in nuclear and cytoplasmic structure and form between the hepatic and yolk-sae embryonic epithelium. Many of the hepatic cells (not here represented) show mitotic figures; amitotic divisions apparently do not yet occur. 33, 34 and 35 Various types of giant haemoblasts. Figure 35 is typical of a large group of giant cells whose nuclei proliferate amitotically. 302 ERYTHROPOIESIS IN YOLK-SAC OF PIG EMBRYO PLATE 2 H. E. JORDAN 1 AY § EFFECTS OF INANITION UPON THE STRUCTURE OF THE’ THYROID “AND PARATHYROID GLANDS OF THE ALBINO RAT C. M. JACKSON Institute of Anatomy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis FOURTEEN FIGURES CONTENTS LEGO CLULC U1 O Lease ett ee ce ae RN ena ll Material and methods................ 0.0... cc cece cece eee eee Bt eee UO iheathvnoidsc:lonceew ee ee ee ee en 5 SoM acaak ee eee . 307 a. Normal strue as of the chenord a PHOKG Lae eee ONO ROMO es a cy “HONS b. Structure in young rats held at reaneenPMIce ae EEE 3e 2c. hee LD ce. Structure in adult rats after acute and chronie inanition........... S22 d. Discussion and conclusions................:.....s..:: 324 The parathyroid gland......................: co RS hn 52 os, OO a. Normal structure of the pagai engi BI es pst By b. Structure in young rats held at meeevemnice eS Reet Mea a ae 342 ce. Structure in adult rats after acute and chronic inanition.............. 344 d. Discussion and conelusions..................... Suds le eC 345 ho}611 010.0121 ey (ene ee cas Pee CEs gE erg are See Eee 348 leTGeraGunerCited aq etek oe eres chat eae oe es a eee 30) INTRODUCTION The thyroid gland presents an interesting and difficult bio- logical problem. Although the morphology of the thyroid has been extensively studied, there are still many doubtful and un- settled questions concerning its development and its normal adult structure. Even more uncertainty exists concerning its physio- logical significance and its pathological changes. Some light may be thrown upon the various phases of this problem by a study of the changes produced in the thyroid gland by inanition. In previous papers (Jackson 715 a, 715 b) it was shown that during inanition the various organs of the albino rat suffer very unequally in loss of weight, the loss also varying according to 305 306 C. M. JACKSON the length and character of the inanition. In acute inanition of adult rats, with loss of about one-third in body weight, the thy- roid gland had apparently lost but little if any in absolute weight; in chronic inanition of adults, the average apparent loss of the thyroid was about 22 per cent; while in young rats held at main- tenance (constant body weight) by underfeeding for several weeks the average loss was about 24 per cent. In order to de- termine what histological changes are correlated with these changes in gross weight, material was preserved for further study. On account of its intimate association with the thyroid, the parathyroid gland was also included in this investigation. The results are presented in the present paper, which is the third of a series of studies upon the effects of inanition. The work is being carried on with the assistance of a special grant from the research fund of the Graduate School of the University of Min- nesota. MATERIAL AND METHODS The material used included the thyroid (and included para- thyroid) glands of the albino rat (Mus norvegicus albinus) from previous studies (Jackson “15a, 715 b), together with some col- lected since. In all, more than 50 normal glands were sectioned and studied, varying in age from newborn to adult (15 months). These were chiefly controls from the same litters as those used for experiments (including several controls used in experiments by E. R. Hoskins and C. A. Stewart). In addition, I am in- debted to Professor Bensley and Mr. Burgett, of the University of Chicago, Professor Addison, of the University of Pennsylvania, and Professor Evans, of the University of California, for mate- rial kindly furnished in order to investigate possible local varia- tions in normal thyroid structure of the rat. Of the animals subjected to inanition, the thyroid and para- thyroid were obtained from 14 of the younger rats held at main- tenance for various periods (chiefly beginning at 8 weeks and ending at 10 weeks of age). Of the adult rats, 6 glands were INANITION OF THYROID IN RATS 307 studied from those subjected to acute inanition, and 3 from those with chronic inanition. The material was obtained at the autopsy held immediately after the animals were killed, and was fixed chiefly in Zenker’s fluid, 12 to 24 hours. In a few cases formalin or Flemming’s fluid was used, but the results were less satisfactory. The glands were embedded in paraffin, and cut at 5 micra (occasionally 7 to 10 micra) in thickness. In the great majority of cases, the glands were cut and mounted in complete serial sections. This was found to be important, not only to make certain of including the parathyroids, but also because the struc- ture frequently varies in different parts of the thyroid and para- thyroid glands. The sections were stained in most cases with haematoxylin and eosin; In a few cases with iron-haematoxylin, safranin, Mallory’s anilin-blue connective tissue stain, ete. All of the drawings were made with a Zeiss 2 mm. 1.30 N. A. apochromatic objective and compensating ocular No. 6, with the aid of a camera lucida. A wheel-micrometer eyepiece was used for the measurements. It was the original intention to measure systematically a large number of cells and nuclei in the glands of the controls and of the animals subjected to inanition. On account of the great irregularity in the size and shape of cells and nuclei, however, it was found that the results, though of limited value, could not be obtained with sufficient accuracy to justify any very extensive series of observations. Therefore the number of measurements was restricted to that judged sufficient to give merely an approximation of the apparent average and range observed. THE THYROID GLAND The normal structure of the thyroid gland in the albino rat at various ages will first be considered. Then the changes found in the various types of inanition will be deseribed and their sig- nificance discussed. 308 CG. M. JACKSON a. Normal structure of the thyroid gland The general form and topography of the thyroid gland in the albino rat is shown in cross section in figure 1. Each lateral lobe presents the typical relations—convex external surface coy- ered by the infrahyoid musculature; concave internal surface in contact with the lower larynx and upper trachea; and narrower posterior surface (or border) in relation with the oesophagus Fig. 1 From a photograph (retouched) of a cross section of the thyroid gland in situ at the level of the isthmus, showing relations to infrahyoid musculature, uppermost trachea, oesophagus, ete. One parathyroid is visible, on the left side of the figure. From albino rat No. S 9.47, age 22 days, gross body-weight 25.5 grams. (X 28.) medially the carotid artery, ete., laterally. The isthmus is fre- quently a very thin somewhat fibrous band, almost invisible when the fresh gland is exposed in situ. It invariably contains thyroid follicles (contrary to Sobotta 715), although these may become scattered and more or less atrophied in adult rats. The minute structure of the normal thyroid gland at 3 weeks (the age when the experiments began with the younger rats) 1s shown with slight magnification in figure 1, and under high power in figure 2. No attempt will be made to describe in detail the INANITION OF THYROID IN RATS 309 minute structure of the gland, but some of the essential features especially affeeted by inanition will be considered briefly. Fig. 2 A small portion of the thyroid gland shown in figure 1 (rat 8 9.47, age 22 days) magnified to show the details of the normal histological structure. Sev- eral follicles containing colloid are shown. Follicular epithelium cuobidal; cy- toplasm abundant and granular, with a few scattered vacuoles. Apparent ori- gin of the colloid ‘vacuoles’ from the epithelial cells is shown in a few places. Four interfollicular epithelial cells are seen between the two lower follicles. Fibrous stroma scanty, with rich blood-vascular plexus. ( 750.) THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 19, NO. 2 310 C. M. JACKSON The follicles at this time are chiefly oval or rounded in outline and vary mostly from 20 to 70 micra in diameter. The larger follicles are rather infrequent and somewhat uniformly scattered, but are usually more frequent near the surface of the gland. Those shown in figure 2 are of average size. The finer structure of the thyroid gland is shown in figure 2. The cells of the follicular epithelium are approximately cuboidal in form (in some cases low columnar; in others, especially in the larger peripheral follicles, somewhat flattened). In height, they range chiefly between 8 and 15 micra, the average being 10 to 12 micra. The inner and outer cell walls are sharply distinct; the intercellular boundaries are less distinct and sometimes absent. The cytoplasm of the follicular cells (fig. 2) is filled with mod- erately fine granules, reddish violet in color (with Zenker fixation and haematoxylin-eosin stain). The granules are usually some- what uniformly distributed. They are not densely packed, but are sometimes arranged so as to give an indefinite reticular form, apparently intermingled with small, clear vacuoles. Some of these vacuoles (though not all) may correspond to the minute fat droplets or granules described in the thyroid cells by Erd- heim (’03) and Traina (’04). The cells present a fairly uniform appearance, and there is nothing to indicate any division into the ‘chief’ and ‘colloid’ cell types of Langendorff. The nuclei of the follicular cells are spherical or slightly ovoidal (ellipsoidal) in form, the diameters varying from 4 to 7 micra, usually 5 or 6 micra. The nuclear membrane is distinct and stains deeply. There are usually one or two larger nucleoli (karyosomes) and several smaller granules; and a fine, paler nu- clear network, often indistinct, with a very pale bluish, homo- geneous nuclear background, corresponding to the nuclear sap (karyolymph). The nuclei shown in figure 2 are typical, though in the larger peripheral follicles with shghtly flattened cells the nuclei may also be somewhat more flattened and slightly hyper- chromatic. Cells in mitosis are relatively frequent, 5 having been noted in one entire cross-section of one lobe, and 6 or 8 in another. INANITION OF THYROID IN RATS gael The colloid (fig. 2) appears typical in form though somewhat variable in staining reactions. In some cases it fills the follicu- lar cavity completely, in other cases it is retracted somewhat with either smooth or serrated margin. This retraction is prob- ably an artefact in most cases, due to shrinkage produced by the reagents used. But I cannot agree with those investigators who explain the vacuoles (some of which are shown in figure 2) in a similar manner. These vacuoles are usually small (4 micra or less) and spherical in form, and are most frequent near the surface of the colloid. Occasionally they are found in intimate relation with the adjacent cells, from which they are apparently extruded, as shown in the follicle on the right in figure 2. They are probably connected in some way with the process of colloid formation, as described by Anderson (794) and Miiller (’96). Desquamated epithelial cells, which sometimes dissolve leaving clear vacuoles in.the colloid in older rats, are extremely rare at this stage. A variable amount of interfollicular epithelium appears, which sannot be distinguished from tangential sections of follicles, ex- cept in serial sections. In structure, these interstitial epithelial cells are similar to those of the follicles. .A few appear in the lower part of figure 2. The interfollicular connective tissue forms a delicate fibrous stroma (fig. 2), relatively small in amount, but containing a rich capillary plexus of blood-vessels. The nuclei visible are mostly of capillary endothelium. They are elongated or flat- tened in form, and stain somewhat deeply. At 10 weeks (the age when the inanition experiments ended in most of the younger rats) the thyroid gland has normally under- gone but slight changes, the structure being essentially the same as that just described at three weeks. Therefore no detailed figures are considered necessary. A photograph with low mag- nification is shown in figure 3, representing a cross section of one lateral lobe. The follicles have increased somewhat in size, the maximum diameter now reaching about 100 micra. The larger follicles are more frequent, and are sometimes rather uni- formly distributed, as shown in figure 3, though very frequently ou Cc. M. JACKSON 5 Fig. 3. From a photograph of one lobe of the thyroid gland from normal al- bino rat No. 8 5.3, age 74 days, gross body-weight 172 grams. Parathyroid in- cluded. Compare with figures 4, 5 and 6, representing thyroids in rats of the same age, but held at maintenance from age of 3 weeks. (X 28.) Fig. 4 From a photograph of one lobe of the thyroid gland from albino rat No. 8 11.63, age 72 days, gross body-weight 23.8 grams (held at maintenance from age of 3 weeks). Follicles much larger at periphery. Some extra-capsular tis- sue is included. Parathyroid relatively large. (X 28.) INANITION OF THYROID IN RATS ie there is a distinct tendency to larger follicles in the superficial layers. In finer structure, the thyroid at 10 weeks is very similar to that shown at 3 weeks (fig. 2). The height of the follicular cells varies considerably, however. While the maximum is about the same as at 3 weeks, the average (about 8 to 10 micra) is some- what lower. In other words, the cells are usually more flattened, especially toward the periphery of the gland. In the larger sur- face follicles, the cells are usually distinctly flattened, 6 micra or less in height. The nuclei in these cells are also correspondingly flattened, their diameters averaging 4 x 6 micra. The nuclei in general are similar to those at 3 weeks in size and structure, usu- ally nearly spherical in form, and averaging about 6 micra in diameter. Mitosis is very much less frequent in the cells of the thyroid at 10 weeks than was found in the gland at 3 weeks. While the typical normal structure of the thyroid cells at 10 weeks is like that at 3 weeks (fig. 2), cells of abnormal appear- ance are also found. These atypical forms vary from shght modifications up to marked cellular degenerations, and should be carefully noted in order to avoid confusion with the changes during inanition to be described later. The flattening of the epithelium in the larger peripheral fol- licles is almost constant, though variable in extent. The flat- tened nuclei are hyperchromatic in type, and often present a more or less deeply-staining, homogeneous background, which may obscure or obliterate the nuclear network and granules. The cytoplasm is reduced in amount, more deeply-staining, and often somewhat homogeneous in appearance. This type of cell occurs so constantly in the peripheral follicles (and occasionally elsewhere) that it can hardly be considered abnormal. I inter- Fig. 5 From a photograph of one lobe of the thyroid gland from albino rat No. 8 5.10, age 67 days, gross body-weight 22.7 grams (held at maintenance from age of 3 weeks). Gland small, with relative increase of stroma. Parathyroid included. (xX 28.) Fig. 6 From a photograph of both lobes and a portion of the isthmus of the thyroid gland from albino rat No. 8 11.64, age 73 days, gross body-weight 24.2 grams (held at maintenance from age of 3 weeks). tollicles larger at periphery but irregular, many degenerated. Parathyroids relatively large. (X 28.) 314 Cc. M. JACKSON pret it as an atrophic type, due perhaps largely to the pressure on the gland from adjacent organs. Although these follicles are filled with dense, deeply-staining colloid, it is unlikely that the flattening is due entirely to consequent endofollicular pressure, as follicles are sometimes seen in which the epithelium on the ex- ternal surface is much more flattened than that on the inner aspect of the follicle. The socalled ‘colloid’ cells of Langendorff (frequently described by various authors) probably belong to this atrophic type, and have no specific functional significance. In addition to these peripheral flattened atrophic cells, men- tion must be made of more advanced types of degeneration, al- though the latter appear much less frequent in the young rat at 10 weeks than in older animals. These degenerative cells may occur in any part of the gland, either singly or involving an en- tire follicle (occasionally a regional group of follicles). The de- generating cells may remain in the follicular wall or may be desquamated into the follicular cavity. In rare cases the desqua- mated epithelium may replace the colloid with an irregular mass of cells in various stages of degeneration. In the degenerating cells, the cytoplasm loses its typical light granular structure and becomes vacuolated and reticular in ap- pearance, later disintegrating into irregular, usually deeply-stain- ing (eosinophile) masses. The nucleus may be hypochromatic (karyolytic) in type, but more frequently presents various grades of pyenosis (rarely karyorrhexis), especially in the desquamated cells. As to the frequency with which these degenerative types of cell occur in the thyroid of (apparently) normal rats at 10 weeks, it may be stated that of 9 glands carefully examined in serial sections, one showed rather extensive degeneration, one a well marked area (much less extensive), and four showed traces or small areas in early stages of degeneration. Thus in a majority of the glands, at least slight traces of degeneration could be found, even in normal, apparently perfectly healthy animals. In older rats (from 3 to 15 months of age), the normal struc- ture of the thyroid gland is essentially similar to that described for the younger rats. The follicles average slightly larger, the € INANITION OF THYROID IN RATS Abs) maximum sometimes reaching 150 micra, the largest follicles be- ing frequently found at the periphery of the gland. While cubi- eal cells still occur to a variable extent, the average cell is some- what more flattened than at 10 weeks, especially in the larger peripheral follicles. The colloid is variable in appearance. Oc- easionally the follicular content may be clear and unstainable. The stroma remains as previously described. The most striking difference in the thyroid of the older rats is found in increasing prevalence of the degenerative process al- ready described as appearing at 10 weeks. In the older control rats it was found not only more frequently, but more pronounced in character. In extreme cases, the follicles in some regions (see fig. 10) are entirely obliterated, being replaced by masses of epi- thelial cells with irregularly disintegrated cytoplasm and nuclei in various stages of pyenosis or karyorrhexis. Among 20 glands from apparently normal older rats, only 3 thyroids appeared en- tirely normal; 6 showed slight degeneration, 5 were moderately involved, while in 6 the degeneration was extensive, involving the larger portion of the gland. The significance of this appear- ance of degeneration in normal animals will be discussed later. b. Structure of thyroid gland in young rats held at maintenance The appearance of the thyroid gland in young rats held at constant body-weight from 3 to 10 weeks of age is shown under low magnification in figures 4, 5 and 6, and more highly magni- fied in figures 7, 8 and 9. The follicles in general appear in av- erage size smaller than the normal at 10 weeks, although it is somewhat difficult to make exact comparisons, on account of the irregularity in their size. The maximum diameter found in 9 normal glands was about 100 micra, whereas in 14 maintenance rats it was 85-90 micra. The average in both cases was of course much lower, as follicles are found of all sizes down to those with only a minute cavity. Although in the maintenance rats at LO weeks a few follicles are larger than found in the normal rat at the age of 3 weeks (where the maximum was 70 micra), it 1s doubtful whether the average follicle is any larger. It is proba- bly shghtly smaller. 316 Cc. M. JACKSON In size, the epithelial cells of the thyroid follicles in the young rats held at maintenance are variable but distinctly smaller than normal. Even the largest cells found rarely reach the average Fig. 7 A portion of the same thyroid gland shown in figure 4 (rat No. 11.63, maintenance from 21 to 72 days of age), magnified to show details of histological structure. The area represented shows the hypochromatic (incipient karyo- lytic) type of nuclear structure, which is relatively infrequent. Cells reduced in average height (ef. fig.2). Cytoplasm reduced in amount and vacuolated in structure. Stroma here normal. (x 750.) INANITION OF THYROID IN RATS 317 normal height (8-10 micra) at corresponding age. The average height in the maintenance rats is about 6 to 7 micra. Since the Fig. 8 | 46 50E—) 0.22 40. (For lettering, see fig. 3. third tho- ) STUDIES ON THE MAMMARY GLAND 363 lel to the surface of the skin. In most cases observed the pri- mary duct extends only a short distance until it divides into two branches (secondary ducts) nearly equal in size. The extent of the primary duct varies considerably. For in- stance, in the first thoracic and the last inguinal glands the pri- Fig. 5 Internal view of a wax model reconstructed from the left first inguinal gland of a newborn albino rat. X 40. (For lettering, see fig. 3.) mary ducts present a rather extensive course before dividing, while in the remaining glands they divide almost immediately after making a sharp turn in the tela subcutanea. In figure 4 (last thoracic gland) the primary duct is seen to divide into three branches. This is an exception to the general rule that the pri- mary duet divides into two branches. 364 J. A. MYERS As compared with the primary duct, the secondary ducts pre- sent a rather extensive course, after which they break up each into two or more branches (tertiary ducts). It will be noticed that at birth (figs. 3 to 6) the terminal branches of each tertiary duct vary from one to three in number. On the end of most terminal branches is a small bud-like enlargement. These en- largements were described as true alveoli by earlier investigators, but this was found later to be incorrect. Billroth (according to Berka 711) doubts whether completely formed end-vesicles occur in young human virgins. While he called the terminal enlarge- ments ‘real end-vesicles,’ yet he adds that they later develop into ‘true end-vesicles’ and further multiply during pregnancy. Berka (11) states that true alveoli donot occur in young (human) virgins. Similarly the terminal enlargements found on the milk- ducts of young rats are not true alveoli, but are only enlarged erowing processes corresponding to the end-buds found in other developing glands. The microscopic structure of these enlarge- ments and the development of true alveoli will be discussed in a later paper dealing with the histology of the mammary gland. The question often arises as to whether the ducts of glands branch dichotomously or otherwise. From the various figures it will be seen that the more proximal parts of the terminal seg- ments usually follow the dichotomous method, but the distal por- tions, as stated above, may terminate as a single duct or divide into two or three branches. In the last thoracic gland (fig. 4) the secondary branches approach true dichotomous division. Anastomoses occur between ducts, but they are not very fre- quent in the newborn rat. In the reconstructions made from glands at birth, only two distinct anastomoses occur (fig. 3). However, others have been observed in cleared preparation at the same stage. It will be noted that along the secondary and tertiary ducts numerous lateral buds occur (figs. 8 to 6). Many more of them are present on the distal than on the proximal ducts. Such buds later form collateral branches destined to develop into ducts similar to those already present. This point will be more clearly brought out in the older stages. STUDIES ON THE MAMMARY GLAND 365 Fig. 6 Internal view of a wax model reconstructed from the left second in- guinal gland of a newborn albino rat. > 40. (For lettering, see fig. 3.) 366 J. A. MYERS A point which has been discussed at some length recently and one which has proved to be of considerable importance in experi- mental work is that of the variation in the relative size and de- velopment of the various glands in the same individual, and of glands from different individuals of the same age. Lane-Clay- pon and Starling (06) in working on the growth and activity of the mammary gland concluded that. breast hyperplasia of preg- nancy is caused by chemical substances formed in the embryo. Such substances passing through the placenta into the maternal blood-strezm cause growth of the mammary gland. ‘To decide definitely as to just what tissues cause this growth Lane-Claypon and Starling injected extracts of placenta, placenta and uterus, ovaries, fetus, fetus together with the placenta and membranes, and mucous membrane of the uterus into virgin rabbits. Some of the extracts when injected caused very little apparent change in the size of the mammary gland of virgins, while others (fetus extract, for example) seemed to cause a marked development of the glands. Frank and Unger (11) in repeating certain of Lane-Claypon and Starling’s experiments obtained different results, and further- more found that their own series of experiments did not show uniform results. Thus they concluded that some disturbing fac- tor remained to be accounted for, so they decided to study more carefully the anatomy and the physiology of the normal mam- mary glands of the rabbit. For such study they selected a num- ber of apparently virgin adult female rabbits and under the necessary precautions removed a mammary gland from each. At various intervals of time other mammary glands from the same animal were removed and studied. From these experi- ments Frank and Unger were able to demonstrate in virgin rab- bits changes which were indistinguishable from those seen at the end of the first third of pregnancy. Thus some physiological factor must be involved. Frank and Unger found a partial ex- planation for this condition in an article by Bouin and Ancel (09) who deseribe variation in the size and appearance of the rabbit’s mammary gland corresponding to the development of the corpus luteum. A little later O’ Donoghue (12) showed that STUDIES ON THE MAMMARY GLAND 367 there is a decided change in the structure and size of the mam- mary glands of Dasyurus viverrinus when ovulation is not suc- ceeded by pregnancy. A comparison of the individual glands of the rat at birth and at two weeks (figs. 2 to 6) will show that there is considerable dif- ference in the size and development of the various glands in the same rat, sometimes even in the same pair of glands (fig. 2). It has also been observed that corresponding glands from differ- ent rats of the same age and approximately equal weights show considerable variation in size and complexity of structure. The differences in size and development observed by me in the rat are not so marked as those described by Frank and Unger, Bouin and Aneel, and O’Donoghue. Yet they are worthy of mention and are certainly sufficient to prove that the normal structure and variability under different conditions of any part of the animal body should be thoroughly investigated before conclusions are drawn from experimental work. It is quite pos- sible that such knowledge of the mammary gland of the rabbit would have changed decidedly the conclusions of Lane-Claypon and Starling. 2. Growth of the ducts In the newborn rat, models were reconstructed showing one gland of each of the six pairs (figs. 3 to 6). At two weeks, all the glands are represented in figure 2, to show the general topog- raphy of the ducts. At the other stages (1 week, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9 weeks, figs. 7 to 13) it is found unnecessary to reproduce all the glands, so only the abdominal and inguinal glands of the left side are shown. Part II of this paper will appear in the July issue. 447 448 WILLIAM A. LOCY AND OLOF LARSELL It is commonly recognized by morphologists that our knowl- edge of the development of the avian lung including its air-sacs is both inadequate and defective in several important respects. The notable observations of Schulze (11) and of Juillet (12) have brought forward a newly recognized structural element, the re- current bronchi, known only in the lung of birds, and which imparts a renewed interest in the structural peculiarities of the avian lung and the physiology of its air-sacs. It is now more imperative than heretofore that we should have a review of the embryological history of the lung with a more precise study of the development of the bronchial tree, of the air-sacs and their recurrent bronchi. The assumption that, except for air-sacs, the lungs of birds and of mammals are essentially similar as to architecture has retarded the recognition of the structural peculiarities of the bird’s ung. The beginnings are similar in these two classes of vertebrates but the end-products are very different. There is needed an embryological study to determine the way in which the avian lung departs from the mammalian type and to de- termine the precise nature of the intercommunications between its bronchioles. The development of recurrent bronchi from the air-sacs and the establishment of labyrinthine communications between all parts of the bronchial tree, imparts to the avian lung a unique architecture not found in any other class of vertebrates. There is no ending of the ultimate twigs of the bronchial branches in culs-de-sac, as in the lungs of other vertebrates, so that the facilities for ventilation of the avian lung are very complete. The absence of alveoli in which a portion of the air is retained as residual air, permits the air current to sweep unimpeded through the minutest air passages and affords great opportunities for respiratory exchanges between the blood capillaries and the air capillaries. The air-sacs receive their supply through direct ori- fices, during inspiration, and the air passes from these reservoirs into the lung by way of the recurrent bronchi during expiration. It is essential to understand the intereommunications of the air passages in order to comprehend either the morphology or the physiology of the bird lung. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE BIRD’S LUNG 449 In early stages of development the outgrowths of the bron- chial tree end blindly and this condition is maintained in the adult mammalian lung, but in the bird lung, the terminals come into contact and anastomose during embryonic development so that in the adult lung there are no culs-de-sac. This condition of anastomosis affects also the air capillaries that are radially arranged around the parabronchi. Thus in following the devel- opment of the air passages of the bird’s lung we pass from the primary condition of a bronchial tree to the modified condition of uninterrupted bronchial circuits. Some of the points that require elucidation for understanding the morphology and the physio'ogical action of the avian lung may be enumerated: As a background, a knowledge of the phenomena of extra pul- monary development, or the general course of its embryology. The intra-pulmonary development of the bronchial tree, its ramifications and the establishment by anastomoses of unbroken communications between the parabronchi and the air capillaries. To determine the method of formation of the air-sacs and of their outgrowths, the recurrent bronchi. To observe the formation of the air capillaries and the estab- lishment of anastomoses among them. To observe the origin and mode of development of the pul- monary artery and of the general course of circulation within the lune. In addition to the above there should be observations on the diaphragmatic membranes and the muscular means of producing respiratory movements accompanied by physiological experi- ments, but observations of this nature have not been included in our studies. Our observations are confined to the embryology and mor- phology of the lung and air-sacs, and in this study of limited range we do not presume to have found answers to the ultimate questions of morphology of the bird lung. We have assembled our results merely as an objective account of what we have been able to observe in the time and with the material at our disposal. 450 WILLIAM A. LOCY AND OLOF LARSELL The observations are brought under consideration in the fol- lowing order: 1. The external aspects of lung development. 2. The development of the bronchial tree. 3. The air-sacs and the recurrent bronchi. 4. The development of the pulmonary artery. Followed by comments on the steps of progress in the ana- tomical analysis of the bird’s lung and comparison of some of our results with those of previous observers. Comments on the literature. In dealing with the extensive lit- erature of the avian lung one is confronted with the dilemma. of choosing between a comprehensive chronological mention of the observations of the different investigators or a very condensed selective review of the results of a few workers. The latter plan on the whole seems better, since the literature has been repeatedly reviewed (as in Flint’s contribution, ’06, in Juillet’s, 712, and in the papers of others); moreover, genuine advances are contained in a limited number of papers. As to embryological observations, the chief contributions are by Rathke, ’28; Von Baer, ’28; Remak, ’55; containing the first figures of the buds of the ecto- and entobronchi; Selenka, ’66, on development of the air-sacs; His, ’68, laryngo-tracheal groove and trachea; Zumstein, ’00, bronchial tree and air-sacs; Moser, ’02, method of growth; Bertilli, ’05, air-saecs; Juillet, ’12, compre- hensive treatise; besides text-books, as Foster and Balfour ’74; Marshall, ’93; Lillie, ’08, ete. As to intra-pu monary anatomy of adult stages: Sappey, ’47; the bronchial passages especially analyzed by Campana ’75; Hux- ley, 83 bringing the terms mesobronchium, ecto, ento, and para- bronchia into common use; F. E. Schulze, ’09, 710, *11, bronchial tree and air-sacs; Miller 93, comparative structure of lungs in- e:uding birds; Guido Fischer, ’05; Juillet, ’12. Histology: F. E. Schulze, ’71; Oppel, ’05. The air-sacs have been extensively described in the adult with- out involving the anatomy of the lungs as by Guillot, ’75, com- parative; Bruno Miller, ’07, pigeon; Schulze, ’10, ete. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE BIRD’S LUNG 45] As to methods of growth: Aeby, ’80, monopodial; Miller, 793, comparative, budding predominates in birds, septum formation secondary; Moser, 702, budding the uniform principle of growth in birds and other vertebrates; Flint, ’06, paper on mammals but reviews the literature on other vertebrates and comments on the method of growth in birds. Campana’s thorough and extensive paper of 1875 requires sepa- rate mention. It is part of a general plan designed to illustrate the laws of genesis and evolution, and the primary title of his memoir is Physiology and Respiration of Birds. Nevertheless, the anatomical part is of chief importance, and it 's the most critical and comprehensive treatise on the structure of the adult bird’s lung to which we have had access. This memoir is not easily accessible, and although it is commonly mentioned in the literature lists, it has, unfortunately, been little read. Campana makes an illuminating analysis of the bronchial passages, tracing their ramifications in detail and making an especial point of the bronchial circuits which unite the various divisions of the bronchi into a plexus of intercommunicating passages. He also noticed the recurrent bronchi but without understanding their signifi- cance. Further mention of this point will be made later, and, also, his classification of bronchi will be explained in our section on the bronchial tree. IF. E. Schulze in 1911 published an important paper on the com- parative anatomy of the air-sacs in the adult and for the first time (’09) deseribed the recurrent bronchi and pointed out their physiological office. His excellent methods of injection with metal and celloidin are described in detail. The most recent important contribution to the morphology of the bird’s lung is the paper of Juillet published in 1912. This is a comprehensive treatise embracing an anatomical, embryologi- cal, histological and comparative study of the avian lung. It contains a review of previous work and a list of the literature. Its most significant feature is the description of recurrent bron- chi (discovered by Schulze, 09 and 711) growing from the air- sacs into the lungs and anastomosing with the parabronchi of ecto, ento and laterobronchi. He used metallic injections of 452 WILLIAM A. LOCY AND OLOF LARSELL Wood’s metal and Darcet’s metal besides plastic reconstructions and the usual embryological and histological methods. An ade- quate review of this excellent paper would require much space and it should be read in the original. Our observations differ in some particulars from those of Juillet (especially as regards the origin of the interclavicular air-sac) and these differences will be commented on later. Technique. Chick embryos from the close of the second day up to the time of hatching were used in observations on the de- veloping lung. The stages were compared with the figures in Duval’s Atlas d’Embryologie and his chronology adopted. For dissecting, fresh embryos were first immersed in a solution of 8 per cent formalin and preserved in a 4 per cent solution. While the heart was still pulsating a large number of the embryos for dissection were injected with India ink through the vascular area or the liver according to the age of the embryo. Dissec- tions were made of stages from three days to hatching, of young chicks one, two and three days after hatching and of adults. For imbedding, the embryos were fixed in Kleinenberg’s picro- sulphuric solution and in formalin. Stages from 48 to 96 hours were sectioned from eight to ten microns in thickness and sections were also made of older stages and of the lung parenchyma of the adult. It would have been impossible to work out with any degree of satisfaction the development of the bronchial tree and of the re- current bronchi without the use of a method originated by Hoch- stetter (Zeitschr. fiir Wissenchft, Mikr. und Mikr. Tech., Bd. XV, 798) of using clove oil and chloroform. This method was modified by using rather thick cedar oil instead of clove oil which ras found to give clearer preparations and those of longer dura- tion. In stages subsequent to 96 hours, the lungs and air-sacs were dissected out of the previously fixed and hardened specimens, then cleared in cedar oil, after which the organs were placed in a mixture of one part cedar oil and two parts chloroform. On becoming permeated with this fluid, the preparation was re- moved from the mixture and placed on a filter paper until the THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE BIRD’S LUNG 453 chloroform might evaporate. The evaporation of the chloro- form served to draw the cedar oil from the lumina of the various branches of the bronchial tree into the lung tissue and to fill the spaces thus made with air. When this preparation was re- placed in pure cedar oil, the difference between the refractive index of the imprisoned air and the surrounding medium gave the lung tubes the appearance of being filled with a metallic cast. Thus the minute air passages that could not be injected by other means were made clear. The finer details would disappear af- ter a few minutes as the cedar oil percolated into them, but the same specimen, if carefully manipulated can be treated repeat- edly without apparent injury, and a complete picture could fin- ally be obtained. This method was successfully used in tracing the development of the bronchial tree up to the eighteenth day of incubation. For later stages, celloidin and Wood’s metal injections af- forded the most helpful preparations. Such injections were also attempted of earlier stages, but the uncertainty of successful preparations and the destruction of the specimen employed made the air injections more satisfactory. This was especially true since the air injections showed fine points of detail that were not revealed by the more limited penetration of the fluid cel- loidin and the heated Wood’s metal. Several preparations of the adult lung were made with the Wood’s metal injections. Pre- ceding the Wood’s metal casts, the lungs of the freshly killed fowl were distended under pressure with 80 per cent alcohol until the air-sacs were fully expanded, after which the entire bird was immersed in alcohol for twenty-four hours or more be- fore attempting metallic injection. For histological study of the air capillaries of the adult bird, the pulmonary apparatus was injected under pressure with cor- rosive acetic fluid and by this means the lungs were fixed in a distended condition and the air capillaries were not collapsed. 454 WILLIAM A. LOCY AND OLOF LARSELL aE CLERE pry Fig. 1 Cross section through pharynx and lung pouches of a chick embryo incubated 51 to 52 hours. Fig. 2. Similar section of a slightly older embryo (52 to 53 hours) showing the well defined lung pouches. Figures 1 and 2 drawn by Gilbert H. 8. Rech. Fig. 3 Two consecutive sections through the pharyngo-tracheal groove of the same embryo. These sections are respectively 120 and 128 microns in front of the one sketched in figure 2. Fig. 4 Sections through the same region of an embryo incubated 55 to 56 hours. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE BIRD’S LUNG 455 1. THE EXTERNAL ASPECTS OF LUNG DEVELOPMENT Under this heading the external features of lung formation will be described while the intra-pulmonary changes will receive separate consideration in the following section. The time, the place and the method of formation of the primi- tive lung of the chick has been well described by various ob- servers. In reference to the time, it should be remembered that in all embryonic development there is individual variation as well as variable methods of estimating stages. It is not, how- ever, So important to establish an exact correspondence in chro- nology of different observers as to determine the method of lung formation and the normal sequence of changes. The first external appearance of the lung of the embryo chick comes in the early part of the third day. Many specimens of 30-31 somites show a slight ridge-like enlargement on each side of the latero-ventral surface of the pharynx just behind the fourth gill-pouch. This is in the narrowed respiratory divi- sion of the pharynx, as distinguished from the broadly expanded branchial division. Cross sections show that the ridge-like formation is owing to an evagination of endoderm into the surrounding mesenchyma. Figure 1, from a specimen of 30 somites, estimated as 50 hours’ development, is cut through the more prominent part of this out- growth. Figure 2 is from a slightly older specimen, estimated as the 52-hour stage. Both sketches are from camera lucida tracings, so that the outlines are correctly represented, but in finishing, the details, especially the nuclei of cells, have been made diagrammatic. The shallow pockets on the ventral bor- der of the pharynx are the beginnings of lung pouches; they push out into the mesenchyma which is bordered by a very pronounced mesothelium. At their beginning, therefore, the primitive lungs are paired, and consist of two shallow pouches that open widely into the floor of the pharynx. The surrounding mesoderm is also a part of the lung anlage and increases pari passu with the growth of the endodermal part. The endoderm by budding gives rise to the lining membrane of the bronchial tree, the mesoderm THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 19, NO. 3 456 WILLIAM A. LOCY AND OLOF LARSELL providing material for blood vessels, lymph spaces, muscles, con- nective tissue and like elements, while ingrowths from the ecto- derm provide the nerve supply. In front of the bulges the walls of the pharynx are compressed laterally and the tube is narrowed on its ventral border to form the laryngo-tracheal groove which is the forerunner of trachea and larynx. Figure 3, showing the pharynx and the ventral groove, is a camera tracing of two consecutive sections taken 120 and 128 microns in front of the one sketched in figure 2. In still earlier stages the narrowing of the respiratory portion of the pharynx is easily seen as well as the incipient stages of the bulges from which the lung pockets are produced. The cavity of the pharynx is also narrowed just above the lung pouches (fig. 4) so that in cross section, the outline is simi- lar to that of figure 3 in an inverted position. Immediately the lung pouches begin to elongate by growth of the endodermal lining in a caudo-lateral and somewhat dorsal direction, and prior to the 60th hour, their divergent distal ends become separated from the oesophagus (fig. 4). By the end of the third day (72 hours) the embryonic lung can readily be ex- posed by dissection. At the close of the fourth day (96-hour stage) the lungs and adjacent territory present the appearance shown in figure 5. At this stage the lungs are small, smooth pouches extending cau- dally and dorsally along each side of the oesophagus. In this specimen, the sixth arch, from which the proximal end of the pulmonary artery is shortly to develop, has not been completed although a ventral spur of the arch is shown and a shorter dorsal spur from the aorta. Figure 6 represents a ventral view and figure 7 a lateral view of the lung of a chick embryo near the close of the fourth day of development. The lung pouches are divergent and their dis- tal portions extend caudad, laterad and dorsad. Their cavities are lined by the endodermal diverticula from the pharynx, and these are surrounded by mesoderm, so that the surface exposed by dissection is mesodermic. The walls of the endodermal tube THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE BIRD’S LUNG 457 do not as yet show any buds (fig. 24). Although the differen- tiation of the trachea has begun it is not visible from surface views. Seen from the lateral aspect as in figure 7, the lung pouches, closely united with the walls of the oesophagus, pass below it and unite with the laryngo-tracheal ridge on the ventral rf Fig. 5 Dissection of an ink injected chick embryo of 96 hours incubation ex- posing aortic arches and the left lung. Drawn by G. H. A. Rech. ““ Figs. 6 and 7 Surface views of the lungs of a chick embryo at the close of the fourth day of development. Figure 6 from the ventral and figure 7 from the lateral aspect. 458 WILLIAM A. LOCY AND OLOF LARSELL part of the pharynx. The lung pouches are smooth and do not as yet exhibit surface irregularities. Injected specimens of this stage frequently show blood vessels running along the ventral surface of each lung and uniting in the median plane at a point where the lung pouches join the pharynx (fig. 6). From this place of union a vessel leads into the left atrium of the heart. Another vein, coming from the front, passes along the ventral surface of the laryngo-tracheal groove and joins the stem vessel that leads into the left atrium. The blood vessels on the lungs are the beginnings of pulmonary veins and they are commonly injected before the pulmonary artery is established. Sections show however that vascular spaces for the formation of the distal extremity of the pulmonary artery are already present in the lung walls. In the closing hours of the fourth day the trachea becomes differentiated from the posterior portion of the laryngo-tracheal groove. It may be definitely distinguished in an embryo with 39 somites (estimated as in the 94-hour stage), and, by the 100th hour, it is well defined. This is not readily evident in surface views but in optical section (fig. 25, 4 days, 4 hours) the connec- tion of the trachea with the pharynx and with the bronchi is well exhibited. At the distal end of the lung tube is an enlarge- ment that foreshadows the abdominal air-sac. At its proximal end, on each side, a short portion of the bronchus lies between the anterior limits of the lung and is the first appearance of the extra-pulmonary bronchus. These extra-pulmonary bronchi join the trachea which is of larger calibre than the bronchi. The oesophagus makes a rather abrupt dorsal bend away from the trachea, and then, with a more gentle curvature continues cau- dally and, bending downward, passes between the lungs. During the fifth day the lung grows larger and begins to show surface irregularities. Figure 8 shows the appearance of the left lung territory as exposed by dissection in a specimen of the 45- day stage. The lung pouch of this specimen has grown dorsally so as to extend across the path of the aorta. Its distal extremity exhibits a protuberance which is the beginning of a lobe in which lies the expanded end of the mesobronchus. At about this THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE BIRD’S LUNG 459 stage the pulmonary artery is usually established and, in injected specimens forms one of the external anatomical landmarks. In the subsequent descriptions the pulmonary artery will be included as a feature of external anatomy but the details of its formation are separately considered under another heading. In the specimen sketched in figure 8, the proximal end of the pulmonary artery shows as a spur from the sixth aortic arch, but owing to imperfect injection, the distal part that is formed in the lung wall is not seen. The rudimentary fifth arch is present in this specimen as a short vessel arising from the truncus arteriosus and joining the lower half of the sixth arch. Much variation exists as to the presence or absence of the rudimentary fifth arch and as to its dimensions when present. The degree of de- velopment of the pulmonary artery also varies in different speci- mens of this age. Figure 9 represents a side view, and figure 10 a ventral view of the lung in the last half of the fifth day of development. The lobe at the posterior end of the lung pouch is shown in figure 9 and the trunk of the pulmonary is fully established. When viewed from the ventral surface (fig. 10) the right lung forms a somewhat greater angle (fig. 6) with the oesophagus than the left, producing an appearance of asymmetry. This asymmetry, how- ever, is not owing to a difference in size of the tung (as in mam- mals and some reptiles) but to the pressure of the stomach (ven- triculus) enlargement which begins at about this period. The greatest asymmetry comes about the middle of the fifth day; it is gradually rectified with the change in relative position of the viscera and the symmetry is restored by the eighth day. In figure 10 the pulmonary veins and the laryngo-tracheal branch are also shown on the ventral surface of specimen. Near the close of the fifth day of development well injected specimens (fig. 11) show a network of blood vessels near the sur- face occupying a small area on the anterior dorsal part of the lungs. Sections and transparencies of this stage show that the network of vessels within the lungs occupies chiefly the dorsal region and is more extensive than appears from the surface. This figure shows also a branch from the pulmonary artery ex- 460 WILLIAM A. LOCY AND OLOF LARSELL B, J Wg Fig. 8 4> days development (114 hours). Drawn by G. H. A. Rech. Fig. 9 Fig. 10 metry of the lungs. Dissection exposing the lung and adjacent territory in a specimen of Side view of a dissection of the lung territory during the last half of the fifth day of incubation. Ventral aspect of the same specimen illustrating the apparent asym- ] £ i THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE BIRD’S LUNG 461 tending towards the trachea and passing through a network of capillaries which communicate with the vein, mentioned above, as running on the ventral surface of the laryngo-tracheal groove. The immediately following external features of development may be rapidly passed over since, for some time, there is no sig- nificant change in the external appearance of the lung. Figure 12 shows a dissection of the lung territory in an embryo of 53 days incubation and figure 13 a similar dissection of an embryo during the last half of the sixth day. In both these fig- ures the anterior dorsal (cephalic) part of the lung is protuberant and the hook-like process at the caudal extremity is more evi- dent than in earlier stages. They both exhibit the course of the pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein as seen in surface views, and figure 12 also shows in addition, a short ventral spur from the pulmonary artery. A more comprehensive view of the superficial blood vessels of the lung is shown in figure 14, sketched from a specimen in the early part of the seventh day. The shape of the lung and the external appearance of both pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein are well shown. Especially to be noted is the trunk of the vein on its way to enter the left atrium of the heart, and the juncture with this trunk of the pulmonary vein and of the vein (larvngo-tracheal) running along the ventral surface of the trachea. A short arterial branch leavesthe pulmonary artery on its ventral border in front of the lung and, passing through a capillary network, connects with the laryngo-tracheal vein. The anterior part of the lung above the pulmonary artery shows a superficial network of blood capillaries. Although there is relatively little change in the surface appear- ance on the sixth day, it is to be understood that internal changes of great significance are taking place. The first branches of the bronchial tree arise on the sixth day of development and the network of internal capillaries is moulded over them. These internal changes are described in later divisions of this paper. The seventh day stages, as seen from the side, show the lung approximating a rectangular outline with a protuberance from ys WILLIAM A. LOCY AND OLOF LARSELL ~ a Fig. 11 Dissection of the lung territory of an injected specimen near the close of the fifth day of development, showing network of blood vessels on the anterior dorsal area of the lung, also the opening of the pulmonary vein into the left atrium. Fig. 12 Increase in size of lung and of pu'monary artery is evident. trally from the pulmonary artery just above the heart is a small blood vessel which anastcmoses through a capillary network with the laryngo-tracheal vein as shown in figure 14. Modified from a sketch by G. H. A. Rech. Vig. 18 Dissection of the left side of an injected embryo of the last half of the sixth day of development. Projections on the lung, pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein shown. Drawn by G. H. A. Rech. Dissection of the left side of an injected embryo of 53 days incubation. Projecting ven- THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE BIRD’S LUNG 463 the cephalic end and another at the caudal extremity. These mark the points of emergence of the cervical and of the abdomi- nal air-sacs. Figure 15 A and B, from a specimen of the last half of the seventh day, show the surface of the left lung and of the right lung of the same embryo. Early on the seventh day the abdominal air-sac projects beyond the border of the lung proper, but the cervical lags behind the abdominal in its devel- opment. ‘These are the first two sacs to develop and the others follow shortly except that the posterior intermediate sac is the last to emerge outside the lung wall. The course of the pul- monary artery and of the pulmonary vein is shown in both lungs. Pul.Vn. Fig. 14 Lung territory of a well injected specimen of the early seventh day of development. Note especially the laryngo-tracheal artery and its capillary network succeeded by a vessel that connects with the trunk of the united pulmo- nary veins. The net work of blood vessels of the anterior dorsal surface of the lung was not easily seen in this specimen, partly on account of imperfect injection and partly because the outer covering is thickened, but in heavily injected specimens, the network is seen (as in fig. 14) to occupy the dorsal anterior half of the lung. The eighth and ninth days are important periods in the em- bryonic development of the lung, not only on account of inter- nal changes, but also because the air-sacs emerge, and on the ninth day of development, project beyond the surface of the lung, and thus one of the characteristic structural features of the bird lung is established. Figure 16, A and B, shows the surface appearance of the lungs on the ninth day of development. The lung has increased in 464 WILLIAM A. LOCY AND OLOF LARSELL dimensions dorso-ventrally and when viewed from the side is rectangular in outline. It also occupies a more lateral position in the thoracic cavity. The lung has begun to press against the ribs and exhibits shallow furrows where the lung substance has grown around the bodies of the ribs. The five air-sacs, two on the anterior and three on the ventral margin, are formed and project beyond the surface of the lung. As indicated above, the > NG 3 Fig. 15 (A) Dissection of the left side of an embryo during the last half of the seventh day of incubation, the fourth aortic is much atrophied on this side. (B) Heart and right lung of the same specimen. The fourth aortic arch is larger on this side and separated from the third. Projections of the cervical and ab- dominal air-sacs are exhibited. Drawn by G. H. A. Rech. posterior intermediate is the last of the air-sacs to expand and project beyong the lung wall. The cervical, and interclavicular sacs are smaller, but both project from the lung wall earlier than the posterior intermediate. The part of the interclavicular sac showing in figure 16 is only the lateral moiety of the sac, the mesial moiety, which at this stage ‘s separate and independent, can not be seen from this aspect. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE BIRD’S LUNG 465 Well injected specimens of this age show that the blood supply predominates in the dorsal region of the lung. After the air- sacs are well projected their walls are relatively thin and they do not exhibit any blood vessels that will take the India ink in- Fig. 16 (A) Dissection exposing the left lung of an embryo of the ninth day of incubation showing five air-sacs projecting from the lung. The mesial moiety of the interclavicular is hidden from view. (B) Heart and right lung of the same specimen. Modified from a sketch by G. H. A. Rech. 466 WILLIAM A. LOCY AND OLOF LARSELL jection. As is well known, their blood supply in later stages is derived from arterial branches coming from the aorta. The superficial distribution of blood vessels is shown in figure 17 which is from a specimen somewhat younger than that sketched in figure 16. It is to be understood that the internal plexi of capillaries are extensive and the blood vessels represented in figure 17 are those visible through the translucent walls of the lung and are mentioned here merely as a feature of external anatomy. Figure 18 is a surface view of both lungs of an embryo at the close of the ninth day of development. The bronchus of the right side has been severed and the right lung rotated so as to expose more fully the mesial facet. The five air-sacs are now well projected beyond the lung wall andin this figure a new struc- tural feature is brought into evidence. This is the mesial moiety (Mes.moz.) of the interclavicular air-sac. At this stage it is con- nected through the interclavicular canal with the anterior in- termediate air-sac, and the mesial moiety is widely separated from the lateral moiety. At a later period (fifteenth day, fig. 51) the mesial moiety comes into contact with the lateral moiety and subsequently the two moieties fuse into one sac. In the published sketches of surface views of embryonic stages (with the exception of a figure by Selenka, ’66) the mesial moiety has not been represented. It is commonly hidden from view between the two lungs. There are however some published sketches of section of the lungs, as Lillie, ’08, Juillet, ’12, etc., in which it -has been represented as a forward projecting diverticulum of the anterior intermediate air-sac, but in these sections it has heretofore been interpreted as a portion of the anterior inter- mediate sac. Also in a diagram of Juillet, ’12, (cf. his fig. X, p. 313) the mesial moiety of the lung of the embryonic chick is represented to the exclusion of the lateral moiety. In the genus Larus, even in the adult, a separate lateral sac of the interclavicu- lar is present in addition to the mesial portion of that sac (Juillet’s fig. XVII, p. 351). For the further history of these moieties of the interclavicular air-sac see figures 47, 49, 50 and 52 and the accompanying comments. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE BIRD’S LUNG 467 Fig. 17 Camera tracing of the capillary network on the dorsolateral surface of the left lung of an embryo at the close of the eighth day of incubation. Drawn by Mary Head. Fig. 18 Surface view of the lungs of an embryo at the close of the ninth day of development. Right bronchus cut and lung rotated so as to expose the mesial surface. Abd.sc., abdominal air-sac: A.intr.sc., anterior intermediate air-sac, with primordia of recurrent bronchi (Rec. Br.) ; Cerv.sc., Cervical air-sac; Lat.mot., lat- eral moiety and Mes.moi., mesial moiety of the interclavicular air-sac; P.intr.sc., posterior intermediate air-sac. 468 WILLIAM A. LOCY AND OLOF LARSELL The obvious external feature of the tenth day is the indenta- tion of the ribs on the dorso-lateral border of the lungs. Figure 19 shows a dissection exposing the right lung and adjacent or- gans of an embryo at the beginning of the eleventh day. There are four well marked indentations of the ribs. As mentioned above, during the ninth and tenth days the lungs undergo a change in position passing from a more ventral to a more dorsal position, and in so doing come close against the ribs, and the dorsal margin of the lung comes to lie along the vertebral column. The air-sacs are enlarged and the proximal ends of the two pos- terior ones are constricted to form a sort of neck. The abdomi- nal air-sac has increased relatively faster than the others. The trunks of recurrent bronchi are also shown in connection with the two posterior air-sacs. The recurrent bronchi are the most important structural feature that we have yet had occasion to mention. They begin on the ninth day as buds from the proximal ends of the abdominal and the posterior intermediate air-sacs, and, later, the other air-sacs, with the exception of the cervical, g-ve rise to similar ourgrowths ‘They are destined to develop ramifications that anastomose with parabronchi in vari- ous parts of the lung and play a very important part in its physi- ology. They are so important that they receive separate treat- ment in section 3 to which reference should be made for figures and further details. Figure 20 is a diagram made from a study of the left lung of an embryo, incubated 95 days, to show especially the relations of the mesial and the lateral moieties of the subbronchial sac at this stage of development. In the preceding sketches (except figure 18) the mesial moiety of the interclavicular sac has not been shown chiefly because the sketches were executed before we had learned to look for the two moieties of this sac, and, further, the aspect from which the specimens were drawn did not bring the mesial moiety into view. The diagram (fig. 20) was made from observations by re- flected as well as by transmitted light and the connections of the alr-sacs with the bronchi are indicated. On the lateral border of the lung is seen the lateral moiety (Lat.moz.) of the interclavic- THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE BIRD’S LUNG 469 ular sac connected with the transverse branch of the first ento- bronchus. The mesial moiety (Wes.moz.) arises in connection with the anterior intermediate air-sac, and these two have a common opening into the third entobronchus. The distal end of the mesial moiety is forked and partly encircles the main bronchus. / \ en . \ a \ HY MS Hf / \ ! = / ; i oe ~\ NY / \ ! i i) / \ 1% { / \ \ G / ‘ ‘ \ ae rf \ \ \ , aN ‘ ak / \ me 4 g N \ ~ \ ~ ' ‘ \ ‘. See a sees > \ iV era a / Th : \ \ \) ' “———['ra, \ \ \' i] . \ \ ' oo ] Pe \ \\ 7 ! \ \ 4i Pit ' \ t a Vic yLat.mol. \\ art - Gerv. (ones N 1 | Pe. NS \ 41 / yi ; 2A.Int-Sc. ws x) ft / : é \ Sh \e / ‘ : ge ‘ : \ Sa \ _ ! ao See t Rs VotN Lg.-=: x NS “ Boalt crn | My \ - \ iRec.Bra= \ ; pas AY ts \ ‘ RSENS of \ \ ‘ 1P.Int.Sc,- S33 ts \ SATE i \ \ | ' rs ¥ \ ~~ \ \ \ Abd.Sc = Secon aaa ie \ SS \ \ . a 1 ( va \ = \ AS ; rh \ 4 \ : 7 \ aw ’ . - \