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The average positions gave the order, and, as here were ten observations of the position of each individual, its probable error could be eal- culated. As the writer of this paper is a psychologist and the ultimate object of the work is the study of behavior with a view to advancing scientific research, the psychologists may ‘be used for illustrations of method. William James was placed first in 1903 by the independent judg- ment of each of the ten observers. The psy- chologist who stood second had an average po- sition of 3.7 with a probable error of 0.5; the chanees are even that his position was between 3.2 and 4.2. The psychologists who stood third, fourth and fifth were assigned, respect- ively, positions of 4.0, 4.4 and 7.5, with prob- able errors of 0.5, 0.6 and 1.0. It follows that the relative order of Nos. I, III and IV is not determined definitely, whereas the chances are some 10,000 to 1 that each of these stood below No. I and above No. V. The probable errors increase in size as the work of the men ‘becomes less significant; it is on the average 0.65 places for the first ten of the fifty psychologists and 10.7 places for the last ten. Consequently No. XL on the list would have about one chance in four of falling out of the group of fifty, if the number participating in the arrangement had been very large. The figures determine not only the validity of the positions, but also the differences in scientific merit among the psychologists, these varying inversely as the probable errors. As men who are about 6 ft. 2 in. tall are likely to differ from each other about ten times as much 1 Science, November 23, November 30 and December 6, 1906, ‘‘ American Men of Science,’’ The Science Press, 1910. 4 oN as men who are about 5 ft. 8 in. tall, s toe more distinguished scientific men at the top 0 the list differ from each other about ten times as much as those toward the bottom, and a unit can ‘be adopted for measuring the differences. This method for converting relative positions into degrees of quantitative differences, which was first used by the writer? to measure sub- jective differences in the intensity of lights has proved to be of wide application. For a third selection of our thousand leading men of saience it seemed desirable, in order to avoid the inbreeding that might oceur through selection by a limited group, to obtain a gen- eral vote from those competent, and, as before, the new methodological problems have proved. to ‘be of interest. The validity of votes appears not to have been considered, yet the problem is wide-reaching and is closely related to the drawing of balls from an urn, which has largely occupied students of the theory of probabilities. If, for example, the council of the American Psychological Association, which consists of eight members, decides without consultation in favor of a given measure by a vote of 6 to 2, how likely is this to represent the majority opinion of the 432 members? We do not know the distribution of this “population,” but if from an urn containing 216 white and 216 black balls, 8 are drawn, the chances are about one in nine that 6 will be white and about one in seven that 6 or more will be white. These may be regarded as approximately the chances that when the membership is about evenly divided a vote of that character will be obtained from the council; and on this basis the desirability of a plebiscite vote may be decided. 2 Philosophische Studien, 1902. See also ‘*Studies by the Method of Relative Position,’’ H. L. Hollingworth, in ‘*The Psychological Re- searches of James McKeen Cattell,’’ a review by some of his pupils, on the occasion of the twenty- fifth anniversary of his professorship. New York, 1914, SCIENCE In 1916 Mr. Wilson was elected president by the vote in California, which was in his favor by 466,300 to 462,394, giving him a majority of 3,906. It might be supposed that this small majority would readily have been reversed by an indefinitely large electorate, but if the pop- ulation were equally divided this would prob- ably oceur only once if an election were held every day for a hundred years. If the members of a jury reached their deci- sion without consultation and stood eleven to one for conviction, many would conclude that the chances are eleven to one that the defendant is guilty. As a matter of fact if the total pop- ulation is divided in the same ratio and the legal fiction is followed that a man is proved guilty or innocent only by unanimous vote of twelve peers, the chance of obtaining a jury which without consultation will be unanimous for conviction are about one in three, of ob- taining a jury unanimous for acquittal, only one in many billions. The practise of the counts must ultimately adjust itself to such con- ditions, and learn whether the unanimous vote of three or five jurymen without consultation is more or less valid than the unanimous vote of twelve after consultation. It must be de- cided on what probabilities a man shall be con- victed and to what extent the chances of inno- cence shall be considered in imposing sentence. When our rulers are selected and their legis- lation is determined by votes, it seems strange that knowledge concerning the variable and constant errors is so completely lacking. A decision of the supreme court, which may involve the welfare of hundreds of thousands of children or taxation amounting to billions of dollars, is equally binding whether the vote is unanimous or by a majority of one. It would apparently be as reasonable to require a three fourths vote of the supreme court to invalidate a law passed by both houses of the congress and signed by the president, as to require a unanimous vote of a jury to award petty dam- ages. The method of voting used to select scientific men might have useful applications in indus- ‘try. For example, if a bank employs 100 clerks, some of whom will be promoted from time to ‘time, all of them might be asked to check the fifty per cent. and the five per cent. most deserving of promotion. From the ree- ords an order of merit for promotion would be obtained, together with the relative value of the men to the bank and the salaries deserved. The data would also throw light on those voting, for the value of the judgment of each is measured by its departure from the average ; if any were prejudiced or unfair in their treat- ment of friends or rivals this would be dist covered. The combined judgment of associate is probably a more valid method of selection than the choice of a superior and would pre- sumably lead to better service. In like manner a group of factory workers or of laboring men might select a boss or leader by vote. If the employer would agree to take one of the five men receiving the most votes, the employees would understand and probably approve the method. Not only would a good selection free from favoritism be made, but the men would share in the control of their work and would be more loyal and more effi- cient. The writer has proposed a compromise be- tween the competitive and the semi-communis- tie systems for payment of the salaries of uni- versity professors, according to which, say, five super-professorships with relatively large salaries and large freedom should be estab- lished. The difficulty under our present method is ithat the appointments would be by favor of the administration. If, however, a vote of the teachers in the university, and per- haps of the students, were taken on the basis of desert for research, teaching and service, a method of selection would be used probably more accurate than the choice of the president and at the same time more conducive to co- operation and goodwill. In the selection by votes of one thousand sci- entifie men the same number for each of the twelve sciences was retained as in the two pre- vious studies, this being nearly proportional to the total number of workers in each science. In the first edition of “American Men of SCIENCE 3 Science” there were listed about 4,000 scien- tific men, in the second edition about 5,500, and in the present edition, published some fif- teen years after the first, the number is about 9,600. The present writer was in 1888 the only professor of psychology in the world. The number of member of the American Psycho- logical Association, which has a_ professional qualification, increased from 127 in 1903, when the first selection was made, to 432 in 1920. The average number of doctorates conferred in psychology during ithe five years prior to 1903 was 12.6; it was 40 in 1920. Competition for inclusion among our fifty leading psycholo- gists or among our thousand leading men of science is thus much more severe at present than was the ease when the selections were first made. There are now about 500 working psychologists and about 10,000 scientific men in the United States; the present selection con- sists approximately of those who form in each science the upper tenth in merit of ‘their work. In the case of the psychologists, here used 140|° 120 100 80 . 60 40 as an example, those in the two earlier groups of fifty (except five no longer occupied with psychology or no longer residents of the United States), numbering 48, were asked to send the names of 10 or a smaller number of others whose work warranted their inclusion in such a group. Then itthose who received two or more nominations were in like manner asked to propose 10 or fewer names. The 52 who received ithe most votes were added to the original 48 to form a group of 100. These names were placed in alphabetical order on a list, which was sent to them all, with the re- quest to “check (\/) about 50 (namely, about one half) of the names to indicate those who have done the best work in psychology, placing a double check (\/\/) before about five of those whose work has been the most impor- tant.” Eighty-three (besides one who replied too late) of the 100 returned the blank and, as each was asked not to consider himself, there were 82 votes. When more than five double checks were assigned they were weighted in- VAN nea BO Sar hOd) io SOG Oe Oe THE DISTRIBUTION OF VOTES FOR ONE HUNDRED PSYCHOLOGISTS 4 SCIENCE versely as the number. The result of the votes can be conveniently shown by curves such as are here reproduced. The middle curve gives the distribution of the 82 votes for the 100 psychologists, the vertical ordinates repre- senting the number of votes, while the indi- viduals are ranged serially along the hori- zontal axis. The bottom curve shows the num- ber of double checks for each individual, namely, the opinion that he is one of the five psychologists whose work is the most im- portant. The top curve represents the sum of two votes, and the individuals are arranged in order in accordance with this vote.* As indicated on the curve and shown on the tables (which it seems unnecessary in this place to print) two and only two psychologists were included among the fifty leading psychologists by unanimous vote of ‘their eighty-two col- leagues. The psychologist at the bottom of the fifty received 35 votes; three were given for the psychologist who stands last in the hundred. Sixty-two of the 82 voting include among the five whose work has been most im- portant the two psychologists who received a unanimous vote for inclusion among the fifty and 20 do not. Such differences in judgment are legitimate and significant. Thus the psy- 3 Similar results have been obtained in each of the twelve sciences, the number of scientific men ranging from 175 chemists to 20 anthropologists. The returns, however, were most complete for psychology, the writer being personally acquaint- ed with nearly all psychologists and a second request having been sent to those who did not reply to the first. There were in all some 130,000 votes to be collected, counted and tabulated. For the treatment of this material I am mainly indebted to my daughter, Miss Psyche Cattell. Dr. Dean R. Brimhall and Dr. Alexander Wein- stein have also assisted in the revision of the material and in the computations. I am under very great obligations to Professor Raymond L. Pearl, of the Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, and to Professor H. L. Rietz, of the State University of Iowa, for their kindness in reading the manuscript of the paper and for the useful suggestions that they have made. This acknowl- edgement should not, of course, be construed as involving responsibility on their part. chologist placed eleventh is held by 22 of his colleagues to belong to the first five and by 21 not to ‘belong to the group of 50, and similar conditions obtained for the one placed twen- tieth. The names could be guessed by one familiar with the situation. They are men of distinction whose more important work is by some judged not to fall within the field of psychology. The attitude of those voting is of scientific significance, for it measures ithe validity of judgments. If we assume the average judg- ment of the 82 psychologists to be nearly cor- rect, the departure from this average measures the competence of the individuals to form such judgments. There do not appear to be group differences dependent on distinction or age, but individuals, as shown in the previous study, differ in the ratio of about two to one. There will be an extraordinary change in our attitude toward political, social and busi- ness problems when we learn to look upon our observations, recollections, beliefs and judg- ments objectively, measuring the probability of their correctness and assigning probable errors to them. The ‘top curve represents the sum of the two votes and the order there given is the one used. A different weighting of the two votes would not considerably affect the order. The vote for the five leading psychologists in the main dis- criminates only the positions of the men in the upper quartile. In place of the double vote for the five and the fifty per cent. of the 100 psychologists whose work has the most merit, a satisfactory distribution might be obtained by a vote for 25, or one fourth of the whole num- ber. In view of the constant use of votes for elections and decisions, the problems involved deserve more complete investigation. A probable error can be found for the posi- tions of the individuals by a method that was apparently first used by the present writer. When eighty of those voting are divided into ten groups of eight each, we have the separate votes of each of these groups and from their variation the probable error of the average vote can (be calculated. Thus the psychologist No. L, SCIENCE 5 in the ten groups of eight votes each received, respectively, 4, 4, 2, 1, 4, 7, 4, 3, 2, and 2 votes. The probable error is 0.363, and for the group of eighty votes it is 3.63. The position on the curve assigned by each of the small groups can also be found and a probable error calculated from these ten positions. The probable egrors based on 80 votes (as a rule for each fifth individual) are indicated by the broken vertical line on the curve and when referred to the order of merit by the broken horizontal lines. The probable errors of the votes of the five psychologists last in the fifty are, respectively, 3.4, 2.8, 2.8, 3.1 and 3.6, an average of 3.14. The curve from No. X to No. C is nearly a straight line, the vote de- creasing from 79 for No. X to 3 for No. C. Consequently the probable error of the vote when referred to the order is increased by about one sixth. The probable error of posi- tion at the bottom of the group of fifty is 3.6; there are thus only three or four for whom there would be as much as one chance in four of being dropped from the list if the arrange- ment were made by an indefinitely large elec- torate of the same character. In the first study of the psychologists, the probable error at the lower end of the fifty was 10.7, that is, there were 10 or 11 for whom there was one chance in four that they should not be included on the list. There were then ten arrangements in order of merit; now there are eighty votes. The probable error decreases as the square root of the number of observa- tions, and the probable errors in the two cases, other things being equal, should be about as 3:1, which is in fact almost exactly the case. The probable error of a single vote for the ‘psychologists low in the group of fifty at the present ‘time is thus the same as by order of merit in the group of 1903. In the first study, however, we were con- cerned with the upper quartile, and we are now concerned with the upper decile of the group of American psychologists. If we as- sume distributions in accordance with the curve of error, the men who now stand at the bottom of the fifty in the present selection will be as able as those who stood about twenty in the first arrangement. An examination of the rela- tive positions of the individuals who are in each of the two arrangements indicates that this tends to be the case. The probable error at the bottom of the fifty selected by votes Should be in the neighborhood of those who stood about twenty in the first arrangements. This would make a single vote one half as valid (the ratio of the probable errors in the first arrangement for those near the bottom of the fourth hundred and in the tenth hundred of the thousand being 64:125) as a single judgment of order of merit. The figures given should, however, be regarded as indications of method rather than as exact determinations, for they are subject to various errors. The average position of the survivors of the first group of psychologists in the arrangement of 1903 was (after deaths have been eliminated) 4; it is now for the same individuals 14.8. Those in the four following groups of ten have dropped, respectively, from 11.5 to 18.1; 20 to 27.4; 29.5 to 59.2, and 39.5 to 64.9. This drop in position is on the average less than would be expected if the 10,000 scientific men of to-day are as able and have as good oppor- tunity as the 4,000 scientific men of 1903. The inference is that as the total number increases the proportion of men of distinetion decreases. This may be due to the fact that men of special ability find their level apart from the size of the group or ‘because the scientific career attracts less able men or gives them less oppor- tunity than formerly. Both factors are prob- ably present; it is apparent that the situation deserves further investigation. In the pre- vious study it was shown thait in the increased competition of a five-year period, those between 40 and 44 years of age remained on the average about stationary; those below 40 gained; those above 44 lost, the loss being in direct propor- tion to the age. As the work of the men becomes more im- portant, the differences between the indi- viduals as measured by the probable error of position become greater, the distribution cor- responding in a general way to the upper end of ithe curve of error. In the case of the votes there are complications, for the votes for dif- 6 SCIENCE ferent men do not have the same weight. The ten who receive the most votes receive nearly all the votes, and in the cases of the few who do not vote for them poor judgment or an error in checking is indicated. Some votes mean that a psychologist stands first or near the top of the list, whereas others mean that he is barely included. Consequently the order and _ the probable errors in the case of such a vote for one half of the group do not have great validity for the upper part of the distribution. The order is obtained in a satisfactory manner by the double vote, but this introduces further complications in the probable error. In all cases of votes, we have asymmetrical distribu- tions and skew curves. The quantitative rela- tions should be worked out in the first instance for less complicated material than that with which we are here concerned. In nearly all cases in which probable errors have been applied to psychological data, the determinations are more exact than common sense would presuppose. Thus the writer found‘ that in grading traits of character by ten individuals on a scale of 100, a position was assigned with probable errors varying from 4.6 for physical health and cheerfulness to 3 for originality and efficiency. All other traits, such as energy, courage, judgment and integ- rity, were assigned positions with intermediate probable errors, the average being 4, which is nearly the same as the probable error of posi- tion as determined by 80 vates of the psycholo- gists near the middle of the 100 in order of merit. The comparatively small probable errors ap- pear to be due to the fact that there are con- stant errors which affect the whole group. The psychologists who vote are subject to the same kind of influences, not making in fact inde- pendent judgments, but being influenced as a group by the knowledge of what others think and by all sorts of conditions, conventions and restrictions. If a similar vote were taken ten years hence the work of the same psychologists would be viewed from new standpoints and the pesitions would change to a much greater de- gree than the probable errors warrant. “Con- 4Address of the president of the Americai Society of Naturalists, Scrence, April 10, 1903. stant” errors are in fact more ineonstant and variable than “variable” errors. In the case of a vote (as in any series of measurements) there are two factors entering into the probable error, one dependent on the quantitative conditions prescribed in advance, the other on 'the behavior of the individuals. The former may be called the deductive prob- able error and when the latter is determined by experiment and added to it the whole is the inductive or actual probable error. Thus, if from an indefinitely large number of balls equally distributed between black and white, some are drawn, the most frequent distribution will be an equal number of black and white, but the average departure from equality will increase as the square root of the number drawn and the ratio of departure from equality will decrease as the square root of the number. If large numbers of white and black balls are distributed in the ratio of 33 white to 47 black, and we draw 80 balls, the most probable num- ber of white balls will be 33. The standard deviation from 33 in a large number of draws will be 4.40, and the quartile deviation or prob- able error will be 2.97; that is, in one case out of four there will be more than three white balls. The psychologist at the bottom of the fifty received 33 votes out of a possible 80. If an indefinitely large number of psychologists were distributed in this ratio the deductive probable error or error of sampling would be 2.97. The actual probable error, namely, 3.63, is composed of (the square root of the sum of the squares of the two) this deductive probable error and an error or deviation due to the groupings of the psychologists into different “species” with different points of view. The psychologist who stood XIL had a probable error of 3.1. The deductive probable errors are approximately the same for the two indi- viduals, but it is more difficult to form a judg- ment regarding No. L than regarding No. XIL.° 5In these cases the actual and the deductive probable errors have probable errors of the order of magnitude of the differences between them, and these differences have only moderate validity. The writer has purposely ‘‘not minded his p’s and his q’s,’’ for it seems that equations are not becoming to one who is not a mathematician. SCIENCE % The situation may be illustrated by an in- stance of general importance. Death rates, birth rates and marriage rates are continually used, but always without probable errors. Thus, for example, the Bureau of the Census issues weekly a bulletin that contains the death rates of the leading cities of the United States, but the figures have no meaning because one does not know whether the different rates are due to chance fluctuations with a limited popu- lation or to causes such as a large proportion of infants or an epidemic of influenza.6 If the average death rate is 12 per thousand, in a city of 100,000 population there will be about 23 deaths in a week. If black and white balls in indefinitely large numbers are distributed in the ratio of 23 black to 99,977 white and 100,000 are drawn, the most probable number of black balls is 23, but one time in four there will be more than 27. Thus the recorded death rate for a week for a city of 100,000 will nor- mally fluctuate. If it is on the average 12, it will in half the weeks be approximately either as large as 15 or as small as 9. If the death rate exceeds 15 in two consecu- tive weeks then the chances are fifteen out of sixteen that it is due to some cause such as an epidemic. The conditions are obviously of practical importance for physicians and health officers. The situation for death rates is nicely illustrated by the illustration that has been used of the distribution of black and white balls in an urn. If the population of the 6 In the last report received (for the week end- ing September 2, 1922) the death rate of New Haven is given as 5.8 and of Houston as 13.9. In the same week a year ago the death rate of New Haven was 10 and of Houston 7.6. Without probable errors these figures give no useful information in regard to the conditions in the two _ cities. country were 100,000,000 and the death rate were 12 (as it should be, but is not), then 1,200,000 people would die during a_ year. Among 100,000,000 black and white balls there are 1,200,000 black. But if we draw 100,000 (7. e., take a town of that population) there will be a chance fluctuation as described above. It is also the ease that the balls are not com- pletely mixed, there being more black balls in some part of the urn than others. In some places we shall draw a larger proportion of black balls. When there is a negro population or a tenement house population or a large pop- ulation of very young or very old people, there are relatively more black balls. There are tem- porarily more black balls in one place when there is an epidemie or the like. In that case we have the analogy of the black balls attract- ing one another. This paper has been written to explain the methods used to select the thousand leading American men of science by votes. The psy- chologists have been taken as an example; if space and time permitted tables and curves might be given for the other sciences and a study of the data might yield results of inter- est. Such treatment must, however, be post- poned or left to others. The object of the present paper will be accomplished if it makes clear that the scientifie men have been selected and placed in the order of merit for their work by valid objective methods and that the meth- ods used have wide application. In a subse- quent paper the distribution of the scientifie men will be considered with special reference to the changes that have occurred in the course of ten years. J. McKeen Carre. THE PSYCHOLOGICAL CORPORATION, AuaustT 1, 1922 on tf “CS oie boy. ef abe , 7 oe oN — “ Scrence ‘oted to the tors of evo ering the ican dem ae IO — EDITED BY J.:KEEN CAT#LI SCIENCE: A weekly journal cted to the advancepent publishing the official prodings of the Ame) for the Advancement of Sice. $6.00 a year, Press, Garrison, N. Y. THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHL An illustrated mfg the diffusion of science. 00 a year. THE AMERICAN NATURAST: A journal dey ical sciences with special erence to the fa¢ $5.00 a year. THe Screnc PRESS. SCHOOL AND SOCIETY: seekly journal ¢ ‘ education in relation to tl problems of Arp. $5.00 a year. THE Screnc PRESS. f AMERIGAN MEN OF SCIENCE A BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY EDITED BY J. McKEEN CATTELL AND DEAN R. BRIMHALL THIRD EDITION Garrison, New York THE SCIENCE PRESS 1921 CopyrRiIGHT, 1906, 191¢ and 1921 By THE SCIENCE|PRESS PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPA LANCASTER, PA. Aa > x i, -’PREFACHO THE FIRST EDITION HIS BIOGRAPHICAL TWECTORY OF AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE was begun as a manuseq reference list for the Carnegie Institution of Washing- ton, which made an appropriaf of $1,000 toward the clerical and office expenses. It is hoped that the publication[ll be a contribution to the organization of science in America. There is here given} the first time a fairly complete survey of the scientific activity of a country at a givfperiod. As a reference book for the field it covers, it may be even more useful in #lemic circles than Minerva or Who’s Who in America. But the chief service it shoulfender is to make men of science acquainted with one another and with one anotheiwork. There scarcey exlists among scientific men the recognition of common interegnd the spirit of cooperation which would help to give science the place it should hg in the community. It is fully as important for the nation as for men of science ft scientific work should be adequately recognized and supported. We are consequely in the fortunate position of knowing that whatever we do to promote our own intjsts is at the same time a service to the community and to the world. There are included in thefrectory the records of more than four thousand men of science, and it is believed thjthe entries are tolerably complete for those in North America who have carried orpsearch work in the natural and exact sciences. Some are admitted who are supposejo have advanced science by teaching, by administrative work, or by the preparation opxt-books and compilations. There are also some whose work has been chiefly in enginring, medicine or other applied sciences, and a few whose work is in education, econogs or other subjects not commonly included under the exact and natural sciences. jt the book does not profess to cover these fields. The names are included because th are supposed to represent work that has contributed to the advancement of pure sciet—the term being used in the narrower sense—or because they are found in the membefip lists of certain national societies. * * * * * It was intended that eackntry should contain information as follows: (1) The full name with title an being in parentheses. (2) The department of investig)n given in italics. (3) The place and date of birth (4) Education and degrees. (5) Positions with dates, the p#nt position being given in italics. (6) Temporary and minor posi (7) Honorary degrees and othe (8) Membership in scientific a (9) Chief subjects of research, mail address, the part of the name ordinarily omitted in correspondence ns. ientific honors. dlearned societies. bse accomplished being separated by a dash from those in progress. A star is prefixed to the biographical notes. These the United States whose we twelve principal sciences thé students of the science. bject of research in the case of about a thousand of the the thousand students of the natural and exact sciences in is supposed to be the most important. In each of the ames were arranged in the order of merit by ten leading hiaverage positions and the probable errors were then calcu- 16444 sea AMERICAN MEN OFSNCE There is no change in the general plan of thok. Arrangements were made to include biographical sketches of the thousand leacmen of science of foreign nations and to prepare a statistical study of their distron, performance, etc. Material for this purpose was partly collected, but the war mdifficult both the obtaining of the material and objective judgments. The thousand ng American men of science who died prior to the publication of the first edition of book have been selected by ob- jective methods with a view to a scientific study. »w edition of this work published five years hence may include biographical sketcheshe thousand leading foreign men of science and of the thousand Americans who mane most important contributions to science prior to the twentieth century. The first edition, compiled in 1904 and 1905 anwblished at the beginning of 1906, contained about 4,000 biographies; the second editisublished at the end of the year 1910, about 5,500. In the present edition, publishfifteen years after the first, the number is about 9,500. This increase may to someent be due to a more complete collection of the material, but in the main measutthe increase in the number of scientific men. After an interval of ten years, the thousand mehose work for science has been most valuable have been reselected. Stars are prefi to the subjects of research for these, as well as for those?who received this position inrevious edition. The selections were made by a vote of the men competent in each nce—some two thousand in all being asked to take part, ofgwhom about one thous; complied. An account of the methods of selection and a further study of the scientifituation are in course of prepara- tion. In the present volume an appendix contains staics and observations concerning origins and families of American men of science. 3 J. McKeen CaTTELL Garrison, N. Y. May, 1921 ene ~— Aase, Prof. Hannah (Caroline), State College of Washington, Pullman, Wash. Botany. Elk- point, S. Dak, July 12, 83. A.B, South Dakota, 06; Ph.D, Chicago, 14. Instr. bot, Wash. State, 14-19, asst. prof, 19- A.A; Bot. Soc. Plant morphology. Abbe, Cleveland, Jr, Engineering and Mining Journal, Tenth Ave. and 36th St, New York, N. Y. Geology, Climatology. Washington, D. C, March 25, 72. A.B, Harvard, 94, A.M, 96; Ph.D, Hopkins, 98; Vienna and Paris, 01-03. Prof. nat. sciences, Winthrop Nor. and Indust. Col, 99-01; aid, U. 8. Geol, Surv, 03-06; with U. S. Weather Bur, 06-19; ‘Eng. and Mining Jour,’ 19— Asst, Md. Geol. Surv, 97-01; asst. ed, ‘Monthly Weather Rev,’ 08-09, 14-16, ed, 16-18; ‘Sci. Am. Supplement,’ 19. A.A; Geol. Soc; Wash. Philos. Soe; Berlin Gesell. fir Erd- kunde. Topographic development; climate of Guam, Alaska; fall line of east North America; Washington winters. Abbe, Dr. Robert, 11 W. 50th St, New York, N. Y. Surgery. New York, April 13, 51. A.B, Col. City of N. Y, 70; M.D, Columbia, 74. Prof. surg, Woman’s Med. Col, N. Y, 86-88; Post-Grad. Med. Sch, N. Y, 88-96; clin. instr. surg, Columbia, 94-99, assoc, 99— Senior at- tending surgeon, St. Luke’s Hosp, 84— A.A; Surg. Ass. Abbe, Dr. Truman, Stoneleigh Court, Washing- ton, D. C. Medicine. Washington, Nov. 1, 73. A.B, Harvard, 95; M.D, Columbia, 99; Berlin. Instr. physics, physiol. and surg, Georgetown, 02-05; physiol, George Washington, 06-10, surg, 10—- Am. Med. Ass. Radiotherapy; surgery. Abbot, C(harles) G(reeley), Smithsonian Institu- tion, Washington, D. C. *Astrophysics. Wil- ton, N. H,,\May 31, 72. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 94, M.S, 95; D.Se, Melbourne, 14, Asst, Smith- sonian Astrophys. Observatory, 95-96, aid, act- ing in chanze, 96-07, director, 07-, asst. sec’y, Smithsonian Inst, 18- Draper medal, Nat. Acad, 10. Nat. Acad. (home sec’y, 19—); A.A; Astron. Soe; Philos. Soc; Wash. Philos. Soc. (v. pres, 08-10); Wash. Acad; Soc. Astron. de Mex; Royal Astron. Soc; cor. mem. Meteor. Gesell; Soc. Astron, de France; Modena Acad. Solar physics; infra-red solar spectrum; solar constant of radiation; sensitive galvanometer; osmotic presjure; absolute recording pyr-heli- ometer; varinhbility of sun and of terrestrial temperatures}; utilization of solar heat. Abbot, Dr. E(dward) Stanley, 1301 Spruce St, Philadelphia, Pa. Psychiatry. Beverly, Mass, Dec. 13, 63. A.B, Harvard, 87, M.D, 93. Asst. histol, Harvard Med. Sch, 90-92; house oe Boston City Hosp, 92-94; asst. physi- cian, McLean Hosp, 94-98; asst. supt, Boston City Hosp, 00-04; first asst. physician, McLean Hosp, 04-09; clin. pathologist, 09-17, med. direc- tor, mental hygiene com, Public Charities Ass, Pa, 19—- Major, M.C, 17, chief, neuro-psychiat. clinic, 17-18. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Psychol. Ass; Medico-Psychol. Ass; New Eng. Soe. Psychiat. Insanity; medical psychology. Abbot, Gen, Henry Larcom, U.S. A. (retired), 23 Berkeley St, Cambridge, Mass. Engineering, Physics. Beverly, Mass, Aug. 13, 31. Grad, U. S. Mil. Acad, 54; LL.D, Harvard, 86. All grades from second lieut. to col, E.C, 54-95 (re- tired by law), brig. gen. retired, 04. Col, brevet brig. and maj. gen, U. 8S. Vols; chairman, group XVI, Centennial Expos, 76; higher jury of awards, Atlanta Expos, 95; pres, board of con- sulting engineers, Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Canal, 95-96; mem. Int. Commission Engineers, New Panama Canal Co, 97-00, consulting en- gineer, 00-04; prof. hydraul. eng, George Wash- ington, 06-; mem, many govt. boards. Nat. Acad; Philos. Soc; Am. Acad; New Orleans Acad; cor, mem. Austrian Imperial Royal Geol. Soe. River and harbor improvements; coast defence; submarine mining; explosives; elec- tricity; vertical fire; astronomy; canals; river hydraulics; climatology of the Isthmus of Pan- ama; the Chagres River; the Panama Canal. Abbott, Dr. A(lexander) C(rever), 4229 Balti- more Ave, Philadelphia, Pa. *Hygiene, Bacteri- ology. Baltimore, Md, Feb. 26, 60. Baltimore City Col, 77; M.D, Maryland, 84, hon. Se.D, 07; Hopkins, 84-87; Munich, 87-88; Berlin, 88-89. Asst. hygiene and bacter, Hopkins, 89- 91; asst. in charge, lab. of hygiene, Pennsyl- vania, 91-96, prof. hygiene and bacter. and director, lab. of hygiene, 97-, director, sch. hygiene and pub. health, 19— Director, div. path, bacter. and disinfection, Bur. of Health, Phila, 97; chief, Bur. of Health, and pres, Board of Health, 03-09. A.A; Soc. Bact; Am. Physicians; Physiol. Soc; Soc. Exp. Biol; Am. Med. Ass; Pub. Health Ass; Philos. Soc. Bac- teriology and preventive medicine; infection, in- toxication and immunity. Abbott, Dr. C(harles) H(arlan), Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst, Mass. Zoology. Antrim, N. H, March 1, 89. A.B, Brown, 13, A.M, 14, Ph.D, 18. Instr. zool, Wash. State, 14-15; biol, Haverford, 16-17; asst, Yale, 19; instr. zool, Mass. Col, 19— Second lieut, Sanit. C, 18. A.A; Ecol. Soc. Eeology; light reac- tions of land isopods. Abbott, Prof. George Alonzo, University, N. Dak. Chemistry. Alma, Ill, July 7, 74. B.S, De- Pauw, 95, A.M, 96; fellow, Chicago, 04-05; Austin fellow and research asst, Mass. Inst. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Tech, 04-06, Ph.D, 08. Teacher chem, high sch, Evansville, Ind, 96-99; Cent. High Sch, Duluth, Minn, 99-00; Manual Training High Sch, In- dianapolis, 00-04, 06-08; asst. prof, N. Dak. Col, 08-10; prof, North Dakota, 10—_ Chem. Soc; fel. Ind. Acad. (press sec’y); N. Dak. Acad; Cent. Ass. Sci. Teachers (pres, 10). Py- rophosphorie acids; durability of paints. Abbott, Prof. J(ames) F(rancis), American Em- bassy, Tokyo, Japan. Zoology. Greeley, Colo, Sept. 27, 76. A.B, Stanford, 99; A.M, 03; fel- low, Chicago, 03-04, Ph.D, 06. Instr. English, Shigaken Shogyo Gakko, Japan, 00-01; prof. English lang, Imp. Naval Col, Etajima, Japan, 01-03; prof. zool, Washington (St. Louis), 04— 18; capt. mil. intel. div, gen. staff, 18-19; com- mercial attaché, Am. Embassy, Tokyo, 19- A.A; Soc. Nat; Soc. Zool; Royal Asiatic Soc, Japan (councilor), Fauna] ichthyology; cteno- phore morphology; hybridization. Abbott, Dr. Maude E(lizabeth Seymour), 229 Prince Arthur St, Montreal, Can. Anatomy. St. Andrews East, Que, March 18, 69. A.B, Mc- Gill, 90, hon, M.D, C.M, 10; M:D, C.M, Bishop’s Col, 94; L.R.C.P. and S, Edinburgh, 97. Asst. curator, path. museum, McGill, 99-01, curator, 02-, Governor’s fellow, path, 04-10; lecturer path, 11— Ass. Path. and Bact; Montreal Med- ico-Chirurg. Soc; Int. Ass. Med. Mus. (see’y- treas. and ed, ‘Bul’); Can. Med. Ass. Patho- logical anatomy; congenital cardiac disease; organization of the medical museum and classifi- cation of specimens; respiratory metabolism; history of medicine, Abbott, Dr. Raymond B, 1803 Cedar St, Berkeley, Calif. Physics. Kans, 73. B.S, California, 08, M.S, 12, Ph.D, 19. Elec. engineer, Edison Elec. Co, 00-08; instr. physics, California, 10— Assoc. Physical Soe. Electricity; conduction through radio vacuum tubes; velocity of sound from a moving source. Abel, Prof. John J(acob), Johns Hopkins Medi- cal School, Baltimore, Md. *Pharmacology, Physvological chemistry. Cleveland, Ohio, May 19,57. Ph.B, Michigan, 83, hon. A.M, 03; Hop- kins, 83-84; European universities, 84-90; M.D, Strasbourg, 88; hon. Se.D, Michigan, 12; Pitts- burgh, 15; LL.D, Cambridge, 20. Principal, high sch, La Porte, Ind, 79-80, supt. pub. schools, 80-82; lecturer mat. med. and therapeut, Michigan, 90-91, prof, 91-93; pharmacol, Hop- kins, 93— Ed, ‘Jour. Pharmacol. and Exp. Therapeut.’ Nat. Acad; A.A; Physiol. Soc; Am. Physicians; Soc. Pharmacol. (pres, 09, 10) ; Soe. Exp. Biol; Soc. Biol. Chem. (vy. pres, 07, pres, 08); Fed. Societies Exp. Biol. (councilor, 14); Chem. Soc; Philos, Soc; Phila. Col, Pharm; assoc. mem. Soe. Royale des Sci. Med. et Nat. Bruxelles; cor. mem. Vienna Imp. Med. Soc. Composition of animal tissues and fluids; function and isolation of special chemical prin- ciples of the animal organism; ethyl sulphid; carbamic acid; pigment of negro’s skin; isola- tion of the blood-pressure-raising constituent of the suprarenal capsules in form of a benzoyl derivative; pharmacological action of alcohol; action of phthaleins and derivatives; the poisons of Amantia phalloides; action of antimonials in experimental trypanosomiasis; convulsant dyes; lymph hearts of the frog; vividiffusion and plasmaphaeresis; crystalline poisons of Bufo agua; albumoses in the tissues; ,active principles of the pituitary gland; histamin and like sub- stances in anima] tissues and hydrolytic products of proteids. Abraham, Herbert, 19 W. 74th St, New York, N. Y. Chemistry. New York, July 9, 83. B.S, Columbia, 03. Vice pres, Standard Paint Co, 03— Soc. Chem. Indust; Chem. Soc; Soe. Test. Mat; Int. Ass. Test. Mat. Bitumens; oils, Abrams, Prof. D(uff A(ndrew), Lewis Institute, Chicago, Ill. Civil engineering. Grand Tower, Til, April 25, 80. B.S, Illinois, 05, CE, 69. Asst, eng. exp. sta, Illinois, 05-07, assoe, 07-14; prof. in charge, structural materials research lab, Lewis Inst, 14- Wason medal, Conerete Inst, 18. A.A; Soc. Test. Mat; Math. Ass; Concrete Inst; Ill. Soc. Eng; Chicago Png. Club; Can. Inst. Eng. Brick and terra eotta block columns; drain tile; compdsition and manufacture of concrete. Abrams, Prof. LeRoy, Stanford University, Calif. Botany. Sheffield, Iowa, Oct. 1, 74. A.B, Stan- ford, 99, A.M, 02; fellow, Columbia, 04-05, Ph.D, 10. Acting prof. bot, Idaho, 99-00; asst. syst. bot, Stanford, 00-02, instr, 02-04; asst. curator, div. plants, U. S. Nat. Museum, 05-06; asst. prof, syst. bot, Stanford, 06-11, assoe, prof. bot, 11—_ Lecturer bot, California, 15; field asst, U. S. Dept. Agr, 18. A.A; Bot. Soc; fie Soc. Nat. Flora of the Pacific states. Abt, Prof. Isaac Arthur, 104 S. Michigan Ave, Chieago, Ill. Medicine. Wilmington, Il, Dee. 18, 67. Hopkins, 89. M.D, Northwestern, 91; Vienna and Berlin, 92-94. Intern, 7 Reese Hosp, 91-92; instr. physiol. and histol, Northwestern, 94-97, prof. diseases of children, Woman’s Med. Sch, 97-01; assoe. prof, Rush Med. Col, 02-09; prof. Northwestern, 09- Ped- iat. Soc; Am. Med. Ass. Pediatrics. Acheson, Dr. Edward G(oodrich), 35 W. 42nd St, New York, N. Y. *Electrometallurgy, Ghemis- try. Washington, Pa, March 9, 56. Bellefonte Acad, Bellefonte, Pa; hon. Se.D, Pittsburgh, 09. Civil engineer, 76-80; Edison’s lab, ein | supt, Cons. Lamp Co, Brooklyn, N. Y, 84; electrician, Standard Underground Co, Pittsburgh, 86-89; pres, Carborundum Co, 91-01; Int. Acheson Graphite Co, 00—; Acheson Oildag Co; Acheson Corp; Acheson Ink Co; director, Carborundum Co. John Scott medals, Franklin Inst, 94, 01; Rumford medal. Perkin medal; Grand Prix, Paris, 00; La. Purchase Expos, )4; Rumford premium, Am. Acad, 07, A.A; Elec. Eng; Elec- trochem, Soc. (pres, 08); Chem. Png. (¥. pres, 08); Franklin Inst; London Soe Arts, Elee- tric furnaces and products; methods of clay- working; lubricants; defloceulatior of solid mat- ter; lubrication. Achilles, Mrs. Paul Strong (Dr. Eilith Mulhall), Barnard College, New York, N. ¥. Psychology. Boston, Mass, Aug, 6, 92. B.S, Columbia, 14, A.M, 15, Ph.D, 18. Asst. psyehol, Baraard, Co- lumbia, 13-15; Vassar, 16-17; instr, exten. dept, Columbia, 18- Clin. psychologist, N. Y. City; sch. psychol. examiner, Ossinng, N Y, 18; Briarcliff, 19. Psychol. Ass. Memory; judg- ment; feeblemindedness, AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 3 Ackert, Prof. J(ames) E(dward), Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kans. Zoology. Woosung, Ill, Aug. 31, 79. A.B, Illinois, 09, A.M, 11, fellow, 11-13, Ph.D, 13. Asst. zool, Illinois, 09-11; asst. prof, Kansas State, 13-16, assoc. prof, 16-18, prof, 18-, parasitologist, Exp. Sta,138— A.A; Soe. Zool; Micros. Soc. Innerva- tion of integumentary sense organs; life histo- ries of cestodes. Acree, Prof. S(olomon) F(arley), Hahnemann Hospital, Rochester, N. Y. *Chemistry. Me- Gregor, Tex, Dee. 18, 75. BS, Texas, 96, M.S, 07; fellow, Chicago, 98-01, Ph.D, 02; Ber- lin, 038-04. Asst. chem, Texas, 96-97; instr, high sch, San Antonio, Tex, 97-98; asst, Chicago, 00-01; assoc. prof. chem, Utah, 01-04; Johns- ton scholar, Hopkins, 05-06, assoe, 06-07, assoc. prof, 07-14; chief chemist, Forest Prod. Lab, 14-17; prof. forest chem, Wisconsin, 14-17; Syraeuse, 17-19; with Nat. Wood Chem. Ass, Syracuse, 17—- A.A; Chem. Soe. (chairman, sect. org. chem, 09); Tex. Acad; Chem. Gesell. Reactions induced by enzymes; tautomerism; catalysis; theory of colors in indicators and dye stuffs; theory of mechanism of the reactions of alkyl halides; theory of pinacone and pinacoline rearrangements; mechanism of certain organic reactions. Adami, Prof. John George, University of Liver- pool, Liverpool, England. Pathology. Man- chester, England, Jan. 12, 62. Owens Col, Man- chester, 77-80, 85-87; B.A, Cambridge, 84, M.B, 86, M.A, 87; M.D, 90; Breslau, 84-85; M.R.C.S,) 87, F.R.C.8, 19; F.R.C/P, 14; hon. M.A, M.D, McGill, 99; LL.D, Toronto, New Brunswick; Se.D, Dublin, 12. House physician, Manchester Royal Infirm, 86; demonstrator path, Cambridge, 87-90, John Lucas Walker student in path, 89, lecturer, 90, fellow and director nat. science, Jesus Col, 90-92; prof. path, McGill, 92-19; v. chancellor, Liverpool, 19— Pathologist, Can, Dept. Agr, 97-02; Fothergill gold medal, London Med. Soe, 14; Croonian lecturer, Royal Soe, 19; hon. fel. Jesus and Christ’s Colleges, Cambridge, 20. Soc. Nat; Ass. Path. and Bact; Soe. Bact; Physiol. Soc; Am. Physicians (v. pres, 10, pres, 11); Soe. Exp. Biol; Soe. Biol. Chem; hon. mem. Vet. Med. Ass; Royal Soe. Can; Montreal Medico-Chirurg. Soe. (pres, 98— 00); Royal Col.\Surg; Royal Col. Physicians; British Med. Ass, (pres, sect. path, 06); London Path. Soc; London Physiol. Soe; fel. Royal Soc; fel. Royal Soc. Edinburgh; cor. mem, Soc. Méd. de Lyon. Cardiac, renal and hepatic pathology; heredity of disease; causation of cancer and goitre; variability of bacteria; eolon bacillus; tuberculosis; degenerative processes. Adams, Prof. Cha(rle)s C(hristopher), New York State College of Forestry, Syraeuse, N.Y. *Zool- ogy. Clinton, Ill, July 23,73. B.S, Tl. Wesleyan, 95, hon. Se.D, 20; M.S, Harvard, 99; fellow, Chi- cago, 00-03, Ph.D, 08. Asst. biol, Ill. Wesleyan, 95-96; asst. entomologist, state lab. nat. hist, Illinois, 96-98; asst. zool, Chicago, summer, 02; curator, univ. museum, Michigan, 03-06; di- rector, Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist, 06-07; assoc. animal ecol, Illinois, 08-14; asst. prof. forest zool, N. Y. State Col. Forestry, Syracuse, 14-16, prof, 16-, director, Roosevelt Wild Life Forest Exp.Sta,19- Curator, museum, Cincinnati, 06-07. A.A; Soe. Nat; Ecol. Soc; Soc. Mammal; Soe. Foresters; Fisheries Soc; Ass. Geog. Habitats, faunas and associations dynamically and genet- ically considered; general animal ecology; ecol- ogy of inland environments, prairies, lakes and forests; migration and evolution; geographical distribution; forestry and the food supply; re- lation of animal ecology to forestry, economics and sociology. Adams, Prof. C(omfort) A(very), 33 W. 39th St, New York, N.Y. Electrical engineering. Cleve- land, Ohio, Nov. 1, 68. B.S, Case, 90, E.E, 05. Elec, engineer, Brush Elee. Co, 90-91; instr. elec. eng, Harvard, 91-96, asst. prof, 96-06, prof, 06-, dean, eng. sch, 19-; chairman, div. eng, Nat. Research Council, 19—- Consulting engineer, Stone and Webster, 01-04; Am. Tool and Ma- chine Co, 04-; Warner Sugar Ref. Co, 10-; Okonite Co, 16-; Nat. Cond. and Cable Co, 20- Mem. jury awards, St. Louis, 04; board of award, Edison medal; Fritz medal. Chairman, gen. eng. committee, Council Nat. Defence; weld- ing committee, Emergency Fleet Corp. A.A; Elec. Eng. (pres, 18); Mech. Eng; Automotive Eng; Welding Soe. (pres, 19); Nat. Elee. Light Ass; Am. Acad; British Inst. Elee, Eng. In- duction motors; alternator regulation; syn- chronous motors; dynamo design schedules; com- mutation. Adams, Cyrus C(ornelius), Jewett, N, Y. Geog- raphy. Naperville, Ill, Jan. 7, 49. A.B, Chi- cago, 76. On ed. staff, ‘N. Y. Sun,’ 82-08. Pres, dept. geog, Brooklyn Inst, 89-93; chair- man, Committee on Collection of Geog. Material for Schools, 89-93. Delegate from Nat. Geog. Soe. to Sixth Int. Geog. Cong, 95. A.A; Ass. Geog. (pres, 06); Am. Geog. Soc, (assoc. ed, ‘Bul,’ 02-08, ed, 08-15), Exploration; develop- ment of newly explored lands; the interaction of man with his geographic environment; carto- graphic presentation of the facts of commercial and economic geography. Adams, Prof. Edwin P(limpton), Princeton Uni- versity, Princeton, N. J. *Physics. Prague, Bohemia, Jan, 28, 78. B.S, Beloit, 99; M.S, Harvard, 01, Ph.D, 04. Instr. physics, Prince- ton, 03-06, asst. prof, 06-09, prof, 09- A.A; Physical Soc; Philos. Soc; Math. Soc; Chem. Soe. Metallic conduction; Corbino effect in iron; theory of magnetism. Adams, Prof. Frank, Berkeley, Calif. Irrigation. Chicago, Ill, Sept. 19, 75. A.B, Stanford, 01; A.M, Nebraska, 06. Irrig. investigator, U. S. Dept. Agr, 00-06, 10-; prof. irrig. investiga- tions, California, 16- Irrigation with special reference to economies and agriculture. Adams, Prof. Frank D(awson), McGill Univer- sity, Montreal, Can. Geology. Montreal, Sept. 17, 59. B.S, MeGill, 78, M.S, 84, hon. Se.D, 02; Se.D, Tufts, 14; Ph.D, Heidelberg, 92; LL.D, Toronto, 16; Queen’s (Can), 19. Asst. chemist and petrographer, Can. Geol. Surv, 80-89, lee- turer geol, McGill, 89-94, Logan prof, 94-, dean, faculty of applied science, 08-, acting principal, 19-20. Ed, ‘Can. Reeord of Science,’ 93-98; mem. Advisory Council for Scientific and Indus- trial Research; Can. Conservation Commission. Lyell medal, London Geol. Soc, 06. Pres, Int. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Geol. Cong, 13. For. assoc. Nat. Acad; A.A; Geol. Soe. (v. pres, 09, pres, 16); Philos. Soc; hon. mem. Min. Eng; Min. and Metal; hon. mem. Am, Acad; cor. mem. N. Y. Acad; Wash. Acad; cor. mem. Phila. Aead; fel. Royal Soe. Can. (pres); Can. Min. Inst. (pres, 10); fel. London Geol. Soc; fel. Royal Soc; hon. mem. Inst. Min. and Metal. Gt. Britain; cor. mem. Stockholm Geol. Soc; hon. mem. Russian Geol. Soe; hon. mem. Ekaterinburg Nat. Hist. Soc. Igneous rocks and crystalline schists; experi- mental geology; movements set up in rocks by pressure; geology of the Laurentian of Canada; geology of the Monteregian Hills; conservation. Adams, Prof. Geo(rge) I(rving), University of Ala- bama, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Geology. Lena, Ill, Aug. 17,70. A.B, Kansas, 93, A.M, 95; Se.D, Prinee- ton, 96; Munich, 97; Yale, 11. Instr. nat. sci- ence, Kans. State Nor. Sch, 93-94; asst, Univ. of Kans. Geol. Surv, summers, 94-97; field asst, U. S. Geol. Surv, 98-99, asst. geologist, 00-04; chief hydrologist, Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minas del Peru, 04-06; mine examinations, Peru, Bo- livia and Chile, 06-07; geologist, div. of mines, Bur. Science, P. I, 08-10; prof. geol, and min- ing, Pei Yang Univ, Tientsin, China, 12-15; Peking Govt. Univ, 15-20; geol. and miner, Ala- bama, 20—- Decorated by Chinese Govt. Geol. Soe; Min. Eng; Miner. Soc; Wash. Geol. Soe. Economie and structural geology. Adams, Dr. H(arold) S(tanard), The Naugatuck Chemical Co, Naugatuck, Conn. Biochemistry. Pittsfield, Mass, May 20, 88. A.B, Williams, 11; fellow, Chicago, 12-14, Ph.D, 15. Asst. chem, Mass. Col, 11-12; instr. physiol. chem. Chicago, 14-16; physiol. chemist, E. R. Squibb and Sons, 16-20; director, research, Naugatuck Chem. Co, 20- A.A; Chem. Soc. Respiration of nerve tissue; physiological standardization; in- ternal secretion; overvoltage. Adams, Dr. H(enry) F(oster), Ann Arbor, Mich. Psychology. Oak Park, Ill, Nov. 11, 82. Ph.B, Wesleyan, 05; Ph.D, Chicago, 10. Asst. prof. psychol, Kansas, 10; asst, Chicago, 11-12; inst, Michigan, 12-18, asst. prof, 18-20, assoc. prof, 20- A.A. Visual perception; kinesthetic sen- sations; behavior of blind rats; memory; atten- tion value in advertising; business psychology ; psychology of character. Adams, Prof. J(ames) F(owler), University Club, State College, Pa. Botany. Charlestown, Mass, March 5, 88. B.S, Mass. Col, 11; M.S, Pa. State, 14; fellow, Columbia, 17-18, Ph.D, 18. Asst. plant path, Mass. Col, 11; Pa. State, 12, asst. prof. bot, 14-18, assoc. prof. plant path, 18- Bot. Soc; Phytopath. Soc; Torrey Bot. Club. Plant pathology; cytology of Uredinales; rusts. Adams, J(ohn), 68 Fairmount Ave, Ottawa, Can, Botany. Antrim, Ireland, Jan. 20, 72. Queen’s (Ire); A.B, Cambridge, 00, A.M, 03. Asst. prof. bot, Royal Col. Scienee, Dublin, 02-14; prof, Royal Vet. Col, 07-14; asst. Dominion botanist, Can, 14- A.A. Adams, Prof. John Mead, University of Cali- fornia, Los Angeles, Calif. Physics. Reading, Mass, June 6, 82. A.B, Harvard, 03, A.M, 05, Ph.D, 07, John Tyndall scholar, 08-09. Asst. physics, Harvard, 04-08; instr, Simmons, 07-08; prof, Occidental, 09-12; asst. prof. Queen’s (Can), 12-16; Saskatchewan, 16-19; assoc. prof, California, 19- A.A; Physical Soe. Réntgen rays. Adams, L(eason) H(eberling), Geophysical Labo- ratory, Washington, D. C. Chemistry. Cherry- vale, Kans, Jan. 16, 87. BS, Illinois, 06. Tech. branch, U. S. Geol. Surv, 08-10; physical chem- ist, geophys. lab, Carnegie Institution, 10 Manufacturer optical glass, W. I. B, 17-18; ni- trate div, O. D, 18. Physical Soe; Chem. Soc; Wash, Acad; Wash. Philos. Soc. Physical and chemical constants of substancés under high pressures; temperature measurements; gaseous equilibria and rate of reaction; optical glass. Adams, Dr. L(everett) A(llen), Greeley, Colo. Anatomy. Lawrence, Kans, Sept. 23, 77. A.B, Kansas, 03, A.M, 06; Ph.D, Columbia, 15. Mu- seum instr, Kansas, 04-05; asst. biol, Colo. State Teachers Col, 06-13; head of dept, 15- Kans. Univ. biol. exped, 06; Colo. State Teachers Col. exped, 07; Frick scholar, Am. Museum Nat. Hist, 14. A.A; Paleont. Soc; fel. N. Y. Acad. eee zate anatomy; phylogeny of the jaw mus- cles, Adams, Prof. Maxwell, 29 W. Ninth St, Reno, Nev. Chemistry. St. George, W. Va, Feb. 28, 69. West Virginia, 90-91; A.B, Stanford, 95, A.M, 96; Ph.D, Chicago, 04. Lecture asst. chem, Stanford, 95-97; prof, Calif. State Nor. Sch, 97-06, v. pres, 02-06; prof, Nevada, 06-, dean, col. arts and sciences, 17— Instr, exten, dept, Chicago, 00-01; director, state soils lab, Nev, 14-16. A.A; Chem. Soc. Salts of tin; hydrox- ylamin; molecular weight of lactimid; action of hydroxylamin on salts of copper; wood distilla- tion under diminished pressure; composition of wood turpentine; flotation and essential oils. Adams, Oscar S(herman), 325 Seventh St, N. E, Washington, D. C. Applied mathematics. Near Mt. Vernon, Ohio, Jan. 9, 74. B.S, Kenyon, 96, A.M, 15. Supt. schools, Centerburg, Ohio, 99- 03; Dover, 03-05; Rock Creek, 05-06; principal, Madison Township High Sch, North Madison, 06-10; geod. computer, U. S. Coast and Geod. Surv, 10- Math. Ass. (sec’y-treas, Md.-Va.- D. C. sect, 19); Math. Soc; Wash. Acad; Wash. Philos. Soc. Application of the theory of least squares to the adjustment of triangulation; the- ory of projections. Adams, Prof. R(ichard) L(aban), University of California, Berkeley, Calif. Agriculture. Dor- chester, Mass, Aug. 27, 83. B.S, Mass. Col. 05; Boston, 05; M.S, California, 10. Plant path- ologist, California, 06-07; director, exp. sta, Spreckels Sugar Co, 07-12; asst. gen. manager, Miller and Lux, 12-14; prof. farm management, California, 14- Economics of farming. Adams, Prof. Roger, University of Illinois, Ur- bana, Ill. *Chemistry. Boston, Mass, Jan. 2, 89. A.B, Harvard, 09, A.M, 10, Ph.D, 12; Ber- lin and Kaiser Wilhelm Inst, 12-13. Instr. org. chem, Harvard, 13-16; asst. prof, Illinois, 16- 19, prof, 19- Major, C.W.S. A.A; Chem. Soc. (see’y, org. div); Chem. Gesell. Alkali insoluble phenols; organic reagents; action of acid halids on aldehydes. Adams, Dr. Samuel S(hugert), 1801 Connecticut Ave, N. W, Washington, D.C. Medicine. Wash- AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 5 ington, July 12, 53. A.B, West Virginia, 75, A.M, 78; M.D, Georgetown, 79. Lecturer dis- eases of children, Georgetown, 79-83; prof. theory and practice of med, National Univ, 83-— 91; clin. pediat, George Washington, 91-95; theory and practice of med. and diseases of chil- dren, Georgetown, 95-15; chief, sch. of med, 15- Am. Physicians; Pediat. Soc; Am. Med. Ass; Wash. Obstet. and Gynec. Soc; Wash. Acad. Adams, Capt. Walter H(olbrook), Whipple Bar- racks, Ariz. Mechanical engineering. Worcester, Mass, April 17, 82. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 03. Asst. mech. eng, Mass. Inst. Tech, 03-05; instr, Brooklyn Polytech, 05-08; prof, Pei Yang Univ, Tientsin, 08-13; Calif. Inst. Tech, 13-19; capt. engineers, U.S.A, 18-20, C.A.C, 20— Mech. Eng; Eng. Educ. Heat power engineering. Adams, Walter S(ydney), Solar Observatory, Mt. Wilson, Calif. *Astronomy. Antioch, N. Syria, Dec. 20, 76. A.B, Dartmouth, 98, Se.D, 13; A.M, Chieago, 99; Munich, 00-01. Asst. Yerkes Observatory, 01-03; instr. astrophys, 03-04; asst. astronomer, solar observatory, Carnegie In- stitution, 04-09, astronomer and asst. director, 09— Gold medal, Royal Astron. Soc, 17; Draper medal, Nat. Acad, 18. Nat. Acad; A.A; Philos. Soe; Astron. Soc; Royal Astron. Soc. Stellar motions in the line of sight; stellar and solar spectroscopy; rotation of the sun. Adamson, George P, General Chemical Co, 25 Broad St, New York, N. Y. Chemistry. Phila- delphia, Pa, Aug. 24, 64. B.S, Lafayette, 84, M.S, 87. Manager, the Baker and Adamson branch (Easton, Pa), Gen. Chem. Co, manager, research dept, Gen. Chem. Co. A.A; Chem. Soe. (asst. ed, ‘Eng. Jour’); Soc. Chem. Indust; Electrochem. Soc; Chem. Eng. Labora- tory reagents; P-amido phenol; metol; oxida- tion products of anilin and phenols; urea; di- phenyl amin. Addicks, Lawrence, 51 MaidensLane, New York, N. Y. Metallurgy. Philadelphia, Pa, March 3, 78. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 99. With Santa Rita Mining Co, 99-05; asst. to supt, Raritan Copper Works, 00-05; gen. supt, U. S. Metals Ref. Co, 05-14; consulting engineer, 14- Mem. Naval Con. Board. Min. and Metal. Soe; Min. Eng; Mech. Eng; Electrochem. Soc. (pres, 15); fel. Elec. Eng; Soc. Test. Mat; Int. Ass. Test. Mat; Inst. Min. Metal. London. Smelting, refining, leaching and properties of copper, lead and zine. Addis, Prof. T(homas), Lane Hospital, San Fran- cisco, Calif. Pathology. Edinburgh, Scotland, July 27, 81. M.B, Edinburgh, 05, M.D, M.R.C.P, 08; Carnegie research scholar, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, 08-09, fellow, 09-11. Clin. asst, out- patient dept, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, 10- 11; asst. prof. med, Stanford, 11-13, assoc. prof, 13— Registrar, Leith Hosp, 11. Am. Physi- cians; Soc. Exp. Biol; Ass. Path. and Bact; Soc. Clin. Invest; Am. Med. Ass. Coagulation of blood; hereditary hemophilia; plasma; uro- bilin; hemoglobin pigment; glycosuria; urea in nephritis. Addison, Dr. William H(enry) F(itzgerald), School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Anatomy. Whitby, Ont, April 23, 80. B.A, Toronto, 02, M.B, 05, M.D, 17. Asst. biol, Toronto, 02-04; demonstrator histol. and embryol, Pennsylvania, 05-12, asst. prof, 12-19, prof, 19-; anat, grad. sch. med, 20- A.A; Ass. Anat; Path. Soc. Phila; Physiol. Soc. Phila; Phila. Col. Physicians. Regeneration and transplantation of normal tissues; histogenesis of cerebellar cortex and hypophysis; prenatal and neonatal lung; incisor teeth of albino rat; rhinencephalon of dolphin; hypophysis after eas- tration; phagocytosis; comparative histology of spleen. Adkins, Prof. Homer (Burton), University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Chemistry. Newport, Ohio, Jan. 16, 92. B.S, Denison, 15; A.M, Ohio State, 16, Ph.D, 18. Instr. org. chem, Ohio State, 18-19; asst. prof. Wisconsin, 19- Re- search chemist, exp. sta, American, summer, 18; E. I. duPont de Nemours and Co, summer, 19. Chem. Soe. Organic chemistry; oxidation with alkaline permanganate; catalytic decomposition of esters. Adkins, W(alter) S(cott), University of Texas, Austin, Tex. Geology. Tenn, Dec. 24,90. B.S, Tennessee, 10; Columbia, 12-13, 15-16. Instr. anat, col. med, Illinois, 17-18; curator collec- tions, bur. econ. geol, Texas, 19-20, assoc geolo- gist, 20—- Paleont. Soc; Ass. Petrol. Geol; Southwest. Geol. Soc; Soc. géol. de France. Comanchean invertebrate paleontology and stra- tigraphy. Adler, Dr. Cyrus, 2041 N. Broad St, Philadelphia, Pa. Archeology, Oriental history. Van Buren, Ark, Sept. 13, 68. A.B, Pennsylvania, 83, A.M, 86; Ph.D, Hopkins, 87. Instr. Semitic lan- guages, Hopkins, 87-90, assoc, 90-93; librarian, Smithsonian Inst, 92-05; asst. sec’y, 05-08; curator hist. religions and hist. archeol, U. S. Nat. Museum, 08; pres, Dropsie Col. for Hebrew and Cognate Learning, 08—; acting pres, Jewish Theol. Sem, 16— Representative of Columbian Expos. to Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, ete. Dele- gate for U. S. Govt. to Conf. on Int. Catalogue of Sci. Lit, London, 98; chairman, board of edi- tors, Jewish Translation of Bible; Jewish Class- ies Board. A.A; Archeol. Inst; Am. Jewish Hist. Soe. (pres); Anthrop. Ass; Philol. Ass; Oriental Soe; Philos. Soc; Wash. Acad; Wash. Philos. Soc; Wash. Anthrop. Soc. Assyriology; Jewish antiquities and history; history of the Jews on the American continent. Adler, Dr. Herman M(orris), 721 S. Wood St, Chicago, Ill. Criminology. New York, N. Y, Oct. 10, 76. A.B, Harvard, 97; A.M, M.D, Columbia, 01. Asst. theory and practise of physic, Har- vard Med. Sch, 07-09, instr. neuropath. and psy- chiat, 09-12, asst. prof. psychiat, 12-16; mental disease and mental deficiency investigation, Nat. Committee Mental Hygiene, Rockefeller Founda- tion, 16-17; state criminologist, Ill, 17-; prof. criminol. and head, dept. social hygiene, med. jurisprudence and criminol, med. dept, Illinois, 19- Asst. clin. path, Boston City Hosp, 07-09; pathologist and asst. physician, Danvers State Hosp; major, M.C, 18-19. A.A; Ass. Path. and . Bact; Soe, Biol. Chem; Psychopath. Ass; Soc. Clin. Invest; Chem. Soc; Soe. Exp. Biol; Neur. Ass; Medico-Psychol. Ass; Am. Med. Ass; Bos- ton Soe. Med. Sei; N. Y. Acad. Med. Person- ality and behavior difficulties; mental factors in criminology. 6 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Adriance, Prof. John S(abin), Williamstown, Mass. Chemistry. New York, Feb. 18,61. A.B, Williams, 82, A.M, 85, Ph.D, 90. Prof. chem. and toxicol, N. Y. Homeop. Med. Col, 97— A.A; Chem. Soe; Soe. Chem. Indust; fel. London Chem. Soe. Breast milk; ash of breast milk. Agard, Dr. H(arry) L(eslie), Williamstown, Mass. Mathematics. Waterbury, Conn, Mareh 19, 83. A.B, Wesleyan, 04; A.M, Yale, 08, Ph.D, 11. Instr. math, Wesleyan Acad, 04-05; Phil- lips Andover, 05-07; Hopkins Grammar, 07-10; Yale, 10-11; Williams, 11-15, asst. prof, 15- A.A; Math. Soe. Agg, Prof. T(ansey) R(adford), 707 Hodge Ave, Ames, lowa. Engineering. Fairfield, lowa, May 17, 78. B.S, Ames, 05, C.E, 14. Instr. drawing, Illinois, 05-06, mech, 06-08; road engineer, Ill. State Highway Dept, 08-13; prof. highway eng. and in charge highway investigations, Iowa State, 13- Mem. div. eng, Nat. Research Coun- cil. Civil Eng; Soc. Test. Mat; Ass. State Highway Eng: (chairman, committee on tests and investigations). Load distribution on high- way bridge floors; gravel surfacing; concrete road failures; weight of traffic; proportioning unscreened gravel; tractive resistance. Agnew, Dr. J(ames) Howard, Houston, Tex. Internal medicine. Pittsburgh, Pa, July 31, 84, A.B, Michigan, 07, A.M, 08, M.D, 10. Asst. hygiene, Michigan, 07-08, med, 10-12, instr. clin. micros, 12-13, physical diagnosis, 13- 14; prof. med, Alabama, 14-17; major, M.C, 17-19; w«ternist, Houston, Tex, 19- A.A. Pulse wave; incoagulable blood nitrogen. Agnew, Dr. P(aul) G(ough), 29 W. 39th St, New York, N. Y. *Physics. Hillsdale, Mich, July 3, 81. B.L, Hillsdale, 01; A.M, Michigan, 02; Ph.D, Hopkins, 11. Instr. physics, high sch, Pontiac, Mich, 02-05; lab. asst, Bur. Standards, 06-07, asst. physicist, assoc. physicist, and later physicist, 08-19; sec’y. Am. Eng. Standards Committee, 19- A.A; Physical Soc; Elec. Eng; Wash. Acad; Wash. Philos. Soe. (see’y, 16). Electrical measurements; transformers. Agramonte, Prof, Aristides, 146 K St, Vedado, Havana, Cuba. Micrgbiology, Tropical medicine. Camagiiey, Cuba, June 3, 69. A.B, N. Y. Univ, 86; M.D, Columbia, 92; M.B, Havana, 99, M.D, 00; hon. Se.D, Columbia, 14. Sanit. inspector and asst. bacteriologist, Health Dept, N. Y. City, 97-98; acting asst. surgeon, U.S.A, 98-02: prof. bacter. and exp. path, Havana, 00- See’y Board of Infectious Diseases, Havana, 02-09, chairman, 09; mem. Nat. Board of Health, 09- Breant prize, Paris Acad, 12; Cuban Govt. dele- gate, Int. Med. Congresses, 06, 09, 13; Int. Hy- giene and Demog. Cong, 10; Int. Sanit. Conf, 11; Pan-Am. Sei. Cong, 15. Hon. mem. Soe. Trop. Med; Pub. Health Ass; Cuban Nat. Med. Cong. (pres, 17); Havana Clin. Soe. (pres, 15- 17); Havana Acad; Soe. de Path. Exotique ; Hungarian Med. Soc; Int. Soe. Trop. Med. Yel- low fever; plague; dengue fever; intermarriage of lepers; trachoma; malaria; water purifica- tion; uncinariasis; tuberculosis. Ahern, Major George, U. S. A. (retired), War Department, Washington, D. C. Forestry, Geog- raphy. New York, N. Y, Dec. 29, 59. Grad, U. S. Mil. Acad; LL.B, Yale, 95. Officer, U.S.A, 82— Prof. forestry, Mont. Col, 97-98; director forestry, P. I, 00-14. A.A; Soe. Foresters; Ass. Geog. Tropical forestry. Ahern, Prof. M(ichael) J(oseph), S.J, Canisius College, Buffalo, N. Y. Geology. New York, N. Y, May 25, 77. A.B, St. Francis Xavier, 96; A.M, Woodstock, 02; Innsbruck, Austria, 07-11. Instr. chem. and geol, Boston Col, 02- 06; geol. and math, Woodstock, 06-07; prof. and director, dept. science, Canisius, 11-14; prof. chem. and head, dept. chem. and geol, Boston Col, 15-19; pres, and director chem. laboratories, Canisius, 19- A.A; Chem. Soc; Boston Col, 15-19; pres. and director chem. Soc. Nat. Sci. Prehistoric archeology. Aikins, Prof. H(erbert) Austin, 2038 Cornell Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Philosophy, Psychology. Toronto, Can, March 1, 67. B.A, Toronto, 87; Ph.D, Yale, 91; hon. fellow, Clark, 92-93. Instr. philos, Southern California, 88; lecturer, Yale, 90-91; prof. philos. and logic, Trinity (N. C), 91-92; philos, col. for women, Western Reserve, 93— A.A; Philos. Ass; Psychol. Ass; Ass. Prof. (v. pres, 19). Logie; mental tensions. Ainslie, Charles N(icolas) 5009 Orleans Ave, Sioux City, Iowa. Entomology. Amsterdam, N. Y, Oct. 13, 56. A.B, Beloit, 77, A.M, 80. Banker, Rochester, Minn, 81-06; field agent, bur. entom, U. 8S. Dept. Agr, 06-12, entom. asst, in charge entom. lab, Sioux City, 12- A.A; Entom. Soc; Ass. Econ. Entom; Wash. Entom. Soc; Iowa Acad; Sioux City Acad. Ainslie, Prof, Geo(rge) G(ooding), R.R. 9 Knox- ville, Tenn. Entomology. Rochester, Minn, March 7, 86. B.S. (Agr), Minnesota, 08. Asst. to state entomologist, Minn, 06-08; agent and ex- pert, bur. entom, U. S. Dept. Agr, 08-09; asst. entom, Clemson, 09-10; entom. asst, bur. entom, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 10- A.A; Entom. Soe; Ass. Econ. Entom. Crambidae; Aphididae. Aitken, Prof. Robert G(rant), Lick Observa- tory, Mt. Hamilton, Calif. *Astronomy. Jack- son, Calif, Dec. 31, 64. A.B, Williams, 87, A.M, 92, Se.D, 17; Pacifie (Calif), 03. Instr. math, Livermore, 88-91; prof. math. and astron, Pa- cifie (Calif), 91-95; asst. astronomer, Lick Ob- servatory, 95-07, astronomer, O7- Principal, acad, Pacific (Calif), 93-95. Lalande gold medal for double star discoveries, French Acad, 06. Nat. Aead; A.A; Philos. Soc; Astron. Soe; Pacific Astron. Soe. (ed, 97-08, 11-, pres, 98, 15); Wash. Acad; assoe. Royal Astron. Soe. Double Stars; faint satellites; comets; photom- etry; rapid binary stars; statistical studies re- lating to binary stars; orbits of binary stars. Akeley, Prof. Lewis E(llsworth), Vermilion, S. Dak. Physics. Clarendon, N. Y, Feb. 22, 61. A.B, Rochester, 86, A.M, 88, LL.D, 12. Prof. nat. and physical sciences, South Dakota, 87-88, physies and chem, 88-04, prof. physics, 04-, dean, col. eng, O8— Physical Soc; Eng. Educ. Teach- ing of physies and electrical engineering. Akers, Prof, O(scar) P(erry), Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa. Mathematics. Trenton, Mo, June 16, 72. A.B, Colorado, 00, A.M, 02; Ph.D, Cornell, 05. Asst. math, Cornell, 04-05; asst. prof, Allegheny, 05-07, prof, 07- A.A; Math. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 7 Soc; Math. Ass; Circolo Mat. di Palermo. Line geometry. Akimoff, Nicholas W (ladimir) ,303 Harrison Build- ing, Philadelphia, Pa. Engineering. Russia, May 15, 77. Mech. E, Moscow, 01. Practising engi- neer, 02-18; engineer and manager, Vibration Specialty Co, 18- Lecturer dynamics, Pennsyl- vania. Mech. Eng; Automotive Eng; Math. Soc; Naval Eng; Franklin Inst. Dynamics; vibratory motion. Albert, Prof, Henry, Iowa City, Iowa. Pathology, Bacteriology. Walcott, Iowa, Oct. 11, 78. BS, Towa, 00, fellow, 01-02, M.D, M.S, 02; Vienna, 03. Instr. path and bacter, Iowa, 02-03, prof, 038—; director, State Bacter. Lab, 04- Asst. physician, State Insane Asylum, Independence, Towa; pathologist, univ. hosp, Iowa, 03-14. A.A; Ass. Path. and Bact; Soe. Bact; Am. Med. Ass. Leucocytes; sarcoma of the spleen; pseudo-para- sites; typhoid bacillus carriers; hypernephroma; disinfectants; hypertrophy of the mammary glands; chordoma; influenza; diphtheria. Albrecht, C(larence) J(ohn), State Museum, Seattle, Wash. Zoology. Waverly, Iowa, Sept. 28, 91. A.B, Iowa, 13. Curator zool, state museum, Washington (Seattle), 13- Mem. Hawaiian Bird Reservation exped. to Laysan Isl, 11; Carnegie Alaska-Siberia exped, 13; collector for Wash. game exhibit, Panama-Pacifie Expos, 15; director, Field Museum exped. to Olympic Mountains, 15; Calif. Acad. exped. to Olympic Mountains, 17; director, Iowa exped. to north- west coast, 19. Mus. Ass. Birds and mammals; mountain beavers. Albrecht, Prof. Sebastian, Dudley Observatory, Albany, N. Y. Astrophysics. Milwaukee, Wis, Aug. 22, 76. B.S, Wisconsin, 00; fellow, Lick Observatory, 03-06, Ph.D, California,06. Teacher science, high sch, West Bend, Wis, 00-02; asst, Lick Observatory, 06-08, asst. astronomer, 08— 10; first astronomer, Cordoba Observatory, 10- 12; acting junior prof. astron, Michigan, 12-13; astronomer, Dudley Observatory, 13—- Mem. L. O. Crocker eclipse exped. to Flint Island, 08. A.A; Astron. Soe; Soe. Astron. de Mex. Comets; satellites; Mars; variable stars of the third and fourth elass; the relation between stellar spec- tral types and the intensities of lines in the spectra; distortions of photographie films; per- sonal scale; anomalous dispersion in the sun. Albrecht, Prof, W(illia)m A (Ibert), University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Agronomy. Flana- gan, Ill, Sept. 12, 88. A.B, Illinois, 11, B.S, 14, M.S, 15, Ph.D, 19. Instr. soils, Missouri, 16-19, asst. prof, 19- Soe. Agron; Soc. Bact; Am. Acad. Soils; soil bacteriology. Alburger, Prof. H(enry) R(ihl), 3264 N. Penn- sylvania St, Indianapolis, Ind. Pathology. Ger- mantown, Pa, April 16, 74. M.D, Pennsylvania, 02. Demonstrator path, Pennsylvania, 05-07 ; junior prof, Indiana, 08, prof, 08-14; patholo- gist, Methodist Hosp, 13-19, consulting patholo- gist, 19— Various hosp. positions. Am. Med. Ass; Phila. Path. Soe. Foeal infections; vac- cine therapy. Alcock, Dr, Frederick James, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Can. Geology. Griersville, Ont, Nov. 16, 88. B.A, Toronto, 12; Ph.D, Yale, 15; Wisconsin, 15-16. 11—- Am. Geog. Soe. northern Canada. With Can. Geol. Surv, The Pre-Cambrian of Alden, Prof. Geo(rge) I(ra), 48 Queen St, Wor- cester, Mass. Mechanical engineering. Temple- ton, Mass, April 22, 43.. B.S, Harvard, 68; M.M.E, Cornell, 90. Head, dept. mech. eng, Worcester, 68-96; treas. and consulting engineer, Norton Emery Wheel Co. and Plunger Elevator Co; v. chairman, board of directors, Weston Co. Mem. Worcester sch. committee, 94- (chairman, 2 years). Mech. Eng. (v. pres, 91-93.) Cylin- der condensation in steam-engine; power trans- mission and measurement. Alden, Prof. Harold L(ee), University, Va. As- tronomy. Chicago, Il], Jan.10,90. A.B, Wheaton, 12; M.S, Chicago, 13; fellow, Virginia, 14-17, Ph.D, 17. Asst. photog. photom, Yerkes Ob- servatory, 12-14; instr. astron, Virginia, 14-17, adj. prof, 18-, asst, McCormick Observatory, 14~ Instr. navig. U. S. Shipping Board, 18-19. A.A; Astron. Soc; Meteorol. Soc; Ass. Prof. Stellar parallax; visual and photographie pho- tometry. Alden, Dr, W(illiam) C(linton), U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. *Geology. Mitchell, Iowa, Sept. 27, 71. A.B, Cornell (Iowa), 93; fellow, Chicago, 97-98, A.M, 98, Ph.D, 03. Asst. principal, high sch, Parker, S. Dak, 93-94; prin- cipal schools, Centerville, 94-95; special field asst, U. S. Geol. Surv, 96-01, asst. geologist, 01— 10, geologist, 10-12, in charge, sect. glacial geol, 12- Non-res. docent geol, Chicago, 03-11. Geol. Soe; Wash. Geol. Soc; Wash. Aead. Glacial geology; glacial geology of Wisconsin, Towa, Montana and New England. Alderman, Prof. W(illiam) H(orace), 1380 Ray- mond Ave, St. Paul, Minn. Horticulture. Holley, N. Y, April 6, 85. B.S.A, Cornell, 08. Asst. and later assoc. horticulturist, N. Y. Exp. Sta, Ge- neva, 08-11; prof. hort, West Virginia, 11-19; dean col. agr. and director, Exp. Sta, 18-19; chief, div. hort, Minnesota, 19- A.A; Soe. Hort. Sci. Culture of plums, apples and peaches; breeding of strawberries, Irish potatoes and sweet potatoes. Alderson, Pres. Victor C(lifton), Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colo. Mathematics, Tech- nical education. Plymouth, Mass, June 4, 63. A.B, Harvard, 85; hon. Sc.D, Beloit and Armour, 03.. Supt. schools, Dublin, Ind, 85-87; instr. math, high sch, Englewood, Ill, 87-93; prof, Armour, 93-99, dean, tech. col, 99-03; pres, Colo. Sch. Mines, 03-13; Winnemuca Mt. Mining Co, 13-15; consulting engineer, 15-17; pres, Colo. Sch. Mines, 17— Mem. advisory committee Carnegie Tech. Schools, Pittsburgh, 01. A.A; Eng. Educ; Colo. Sei. Soe; Inst. Petrol. Tech. London. Aldrich, Prof. J(ohn) M(erton), U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Entomology. Little Valley, Minn, Jan. 28, 66. B.S, S. Dak. Col, 88, M.S, 91; Mich. Agr. Col, 89-90; M.S, Kansas, 93; Ph.D, Stanford, 06. Asst. zool, 8S. Dak. Col, 89-92; prof. zool, Idaho, and-entomol- ogist, Exp. Sta, 93-05, biol, 05-13; entomologist, bur. entom, U. S. Dept. Agr, 13-19; assoc. curator, U. S, Nat. Museum, 19- Editor, Say foundation, 16— Entom. Soe. (see’y-treas, 15-) ; 8 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Ass. Econ. Entom; Wash. Entom. Soe. Classi- fication and literature of Diptera; catalogue of North American Diptera. Aldrich, L(oyal) B(laine), Smithsonian Institu- tion, Washington, D. C. Astrophysics. Mil- waukee, Wis, Nov. 20, 84. A.B, Wisconsin, 07, A.M, 09. Asst. physics, Wisconsin, 07-09; bolometric asst, Smithsonian Astrophys. Observ- atory, 09- Mem. Smithsonian solar eclipse exped. to Mt. Wilson, 18. A.A. Solar radiation; reflecting power of clouds. Aldrich, Dr. T(homas) B(ell), Parke, Davis and Co, Detroit, Mich. Physiological chemistry. Port Jefferson, N. Y, June 10, 61. Albany Nor. Col, 79-82; Ph.D, Jena, 92. Principal pub. schools, 82-88; asst. chem, Jena, 91; prof. phys- ies and chem, Lake View High Sch, Chicago, 92-93; assoc. physiol. chem, Hopkins, 93-98; research chemist, Parke, Davis and Co, 98- Physiol. Soc; Soc. Biol. Chem; Chem. Soc. New derivatives of phenylmethylpyrazolons; secretion of the anal glands of Mephitis mephitica; deriv- atives of chlorotone and brometone; isolation and synthesis of adrenalin; pituitrin; enzymes; anti- toxins; toxins; halogen tertiary butyl alcohols. Aldrich, T(ruman) H(eminway), Birmingham, Ala. Paleontology. Palmyra, N. Y, Oct. 17, 48. M.E, Rensselaer, 69. Asst, Ala. Geol. Surv; min- ing engineer, Birmingham, Ala. Mem. 54th Cong. A.A; Paleont. Soc; Geol. Soc; Min. Eng; Civil Eng. Tertiary paleontology and strati- graphy. Aldrich, W(illia)m S(leeper), 122 S. Michigan Ave, Chicago, [IIl. Engineering education. Philadelphia, Pa, March 3, 63. Grad, U. S. Naval Acad, 83; M.E, Stevens, 84. Asst, Boys’ High Sch, Reading, Pa, 85-87; Phila. Man- ual Training Sch, 87-89; instr. drawing, Hop- kins, 89-91, assoc. mech. eng, 91-92; head dept. and prof. mech. eng, West Virginia, 93-99; head dept. and prof. elec. eng, Illinois, 99-01; director, Clarkson Mem, Sch. Tech, 01-11; with U. 8. Reclamation Service, 11-13; acting prof. mech. and elec. eng, Arizona, 13-14; assoc. prof. elec. eng, Colo. Agr. Col, 14-18; engineer, Am. Bridge Co, Gary, Ind, 18— Past asst. engineer (lieut), U. S. N, Spanish-Am. War. Mech. Eng; Elec. Eng; Eng. Educ. Engineering administration; education. Alexander, Dr, Charles P(aul), State Natural His- tory Survey, Urbana, Ill. Entomology. Glovers- ville, N. Y, Sept. 25, 89. B.S, Cornell, 13, Ph.D, 18. Asst. biol, Cornell, 11-14, instr. nat. hist, 15-17; curator, Snow collection, Kansas, 17-; syst. entomologist, State Nat. Hist. Surv, Il, 19- Special syst. entomologist, Maine Exp. Sta, summer, 13. A.A; Entom. Soc. Biology, phyl- ogeny and taxonomy of ¢crane-flies. Alexander, D(aniel) Basil W(illiam), Office of Borough Engineer, Durbau, South Africa. Chem- istry. Ipswich, England, Feb. 24, 62. Victoria, Manchester, 82. With Aleatraz Asphalt Co, 98— 01; Barber Asphalt Paving Co, 01-13; chief chemist, Gen. Petrol. Co, 13-16; with Barber Asphalt Paving Co, 16- A.A; Chem. Soe. (councilor, 8. Calif. sect, 12, pres, 13); Chem. Eng; Soe. Chem. Indust; Soe. Test. Mat. For- mation of carbenes; pavements; lubricating oils. Alexander, Prof. H(artley) B(urr), University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Philosophy. Lin- eoln, April 9, 73. A.B, Nebraska, 97; Harrison fellow, Pennsylvania, 98-00; fellow, Columbia, 00-01, Ph.D, 01. Asst. ed, ‘New Int. Encyelo- pedia,’ 03; ‘Webster’s Dictionaries,’ G. and C. Merriam Co, 03-08; prof. philos. Nebraska, 08- Butler silver medal, 17. Leopold Zunz Mem. lec- turer, 19. A.A; Philos. Ass, (pres, 19); West. Philos. Ass (pres, 17). Metaphysics; esthetics; American Indian mythology. Alexander, Dr. J(ames) W(addell), 29 Cleveland Lane, Princeton, N. J. Mathematics. Sea Bright, N. J, Sept. 19, 88. B.S, Princeton, 10, A.M, 11, Ph.D, 15; Paris and Bologna, 13-14. Instr. math, Princeton, 11-12, 15-16, asst. prof, 20- Math. Soc. Analysis situs; algebraic geometry. Alexander, Jerome, 255 W. 108th St, New York, N. Y. *Chemistry. New York, Dec. 21, 76. B.S, Col. City of N. Y, 96, M.S, 99. Treas. and chief chemist, Nat. Gum and Mica Co. and Nat. Glue and Gelatine Works, 96- Mem. committee on colloids, Nat. Research Council. A.A; Chem. Soe; Soe. Chem, Indust; N. Y. Chemists Club; Soe. de Chim. indust. (councilor, N. Y. sect). Colloid chemistry; ultramicroscopy. Alexanderson, E(rnst) F(redrik) W(ermer), 8 Adams Road, Schenectady, N. Y. Electrical en- gineering. Upsala, Sweden, Jan. 25, 78. Lund, Sweden, 96-97; grad, Stockholm Polytech, 00; Tech. Hochschule, Berlin, 00-01. Draftsman, C. and C. Elec. Co, 01; consulting engineer, Gen. Elec. Co, 02-, chief engineer, Radio Corp. of America, 20- Elec. Eng; Radio Eng. (v. pres, 16). Electric locomotives; single-phase railway and induction motors; self-exciting alternator; physiological tolerance of alternating current strengths; dielectric hysteresis at radio fre- quencies; electrical propulsion of ships; magnetic properties of iron; high frequency alternator; magnetic amplifier; multiple tuned antennae; barrage receiver. Aley, Pres. Robert J(udson), University of Maine, Orono, Maine. Mathematics. Arney, Ind, May 11, 63. B.S, Valparaiso, 82; A.B, Indiana, 88, A.M, 90; Harrison fellow, Pennsy]- vania, 96-97, Ph.D, 97; LL.D, Pennsylvania, 17; Franklin, 09. Instr. math, Indiana, 91-10; supt. pub. instruction, Ind, 09-10; pres, Maine, 10- Acting asst. prof. math, Stanford, 94-95; ed, ‘Edueator-Jour,’ 03-13. A.A; Math. Soc; Nat. Council Edue. (pres, 13); fel. Ind. Acad. Mod- ern pure geometry. Alger, Philip L(angdon), 24 Rosa Road, Schenec- tady, N. Y. Electrical engineering. Washing- ton, D. C, Jan. 27, 94. B.S, St. John’s (Md), 12, A.M, 16; B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 15. Asst. instr. and research asst, Mass. Inst. Tech, 16-17; engineer, Gen. Elec, Co, 19— Second lieut. and lieut, ordnance dept, 17-19; capt, O.R.C, 19- Elec. Eng; Math. Soc. Induction motors; bal- listics. Algué, Rev. J(oseph), S.J, Manila Observatory, Manila, P. I. Meteorology. Manresa, Spain, Dec, 28, 56. Toulouse, France, 72-77; George- town, 91-93, Ph.D, 03; Se.D, Manila, 12. Prof. physics, Zaragoza, Spain, 78-84; Tortosa, 84-88; asst, director, Manila Observatory, 94-97, di- rector, 97- Commissioner from Spanish Govt. to Columbian Expos, 93; asst. director, observa- tory, Georgetown, 91-93. Int. Cong, Paris, 00; St. Louis, 04; Innsbruck, 05. Hon. mem. Royal Alleman, Prof. AMERICAN MEN OF SOZENCE 9 Meteor. Soc. Cyclones; climate of the Philip- pine Islands. Allan, Prof. F(rancis) B(arclay), 380 Brunswick Ave, Toronto, Can. Chemistry. Simeoe Co, Ont, Nov. 4, 67. B.A, Toronto, 93, fellow, 93-95, M.A, Ph.D, 00. Asst. lecturer chem, Toronto, 95-00, lecturer, 00-07, assoc. prof. org. chem, 07-19, prof, 19- Chem. Soe; Royal Soc. Can; Chem. Gesell. Bismuth salts; ; derivatives of phthalic acid. Allan, Prof. John A(ndrew), University of Al- berta, Edmonton, Alta, Can. Geology. Aubrey, Que, July 31, 84, BA, McGill, 07, M.S, 08; Ph.D, Mass Inst. Tech, 12. Asst. geol, Mass. Inst. Tech, 08-11; prof. geol. and miner, Al- berta, 12, in charge, dept. mining eng, 14- Field geologist, Can. Geol. Surv, 06-15. A.A; Geol. Soc; Can. Min. Inst. Mining; petrog- raphy; structural geology and physiography of the Canadian Rocky Mountains; oil gas; coal; experimental ceramics. Allard, H(arry) A(rdell), U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Botany. Ox- ford, Mass, Jan. 28, 80. B.S, North Carolina, 05. ’ Scientist, bur. plant indus, U. 8S. Dept. Agr, 06— Wash. Entom. Soe. Plant breeding and nutrition; cotton; the distribution of Fowler’s toad; musical Orthoptera; mosaic diseases of to- bacco; day length and plant growth. Allardice, Prof, R(obert) E(dgar), Stanford Uni- versity, Calif. *Mathematics. Edinburgh, Scot- land, March 2, 62. M.A, Edinburgh, 82. Asst. prof. math, Edinburgh, 82-92; prof, Stanford, 92- Math. Soc; fel. Edinburgh Royal Soe; Edinburgh Math. Soe. (ed, ‘Proc,’ 89-91), Math. Soc. Geometry; properties of certain systems of conies. Allee, Prof. W(arder) C(lyde), University of Chi- cago, Chieago, Ill. *Zoology. Bloomingdale, Ind, June 5, 85. B.S, Earlham, 08; M.S, Chi- eago, 10, Ph.D, 12. Asst. zool, Chicago, 10-12; instr. bot, Illinois, 12-13; zool, Williams, 13-14; asst. prof, Oklahoma, 14-15; prof. biol, Lake Forest Col, 15-21; assoc. prof. zool, Chicago, 21- Instr. zool, Woods Hole, summers, 14-, in charge invert. zool, 18- A.A; Soc. Nat; Soc. Zool. (see’y); Ecol. Soc; Entom. Soe. Seasonal suc- cession in ponds; rheotaxis in Isopoda; ecology and behavior of isopods, fish, May-fly nymphs and Woods Hole invertebrates. Gellert, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa. Chemistry. Littlestown, Pa, July 23, 71. B.S, Pennsylvania Col, 93; Ph.D, Hopkins, 97. Instr. chem, Maine, 97- 98; Wash- ington (St. Louis), 98— 02; prof, Swarthmore, 02— A.A; Chem. Soe# Electrochem. Soe; Soc. Chem. Indus; Franklin Inst; Chem. Gesell. Diazo-eompounds; Portland cements; action of chemicals ‘on wood fiber; phenol ethers; anti- septics; coal tars; creosote oils; asphalts; strength of treated timbers; oxidation of pe- troleum; electrolysis; occluded gases in ferrous alloys. Allen, Dr, Arthur A(ugustus), Cornell Univer- sity, Ithaca, N. Y. Zoology. Buffalo, N. Y, Dec. 28, 85. A.B, Cornell, 07, A.M, 08, fellow, 08-09, Ph.D, 11. Instr. "Z00l, Cornell, 09- 15, asst, prof. ornith, 15— Am. Museum Nat. Hist. exped. to S. Am, 12. A.A; mem. Ornith. Union; Soc. Mammal. Ornithology; mammalogy; con- servation; ecology. Allen, Prof. B(ennet) M(ills), 1653 Indiana St, Lawrence, Kans. *Embryology. Greencastle, Ind, July 4, 77. Ph.B, DePauw, 98; Ph.D, Chi- eago, 03. Instr. anat, Wisconsin, 03-08, asst. prof, 08-11, zool, 11-13; prof, Kansas, 18— A.A; Soe. Nat; Soe. Zool; Soe. Exp. Biol; Ass. Anat; Wis, Acad. Embryonic development of ovary and testis of the mammals; anatomy of Hirudo; eye of Bdellostoma; development of rete cords, sex cords and sex célls of Chrysemys; origin of sex-cells; effect of extirpation of thyroid gland and hypophysis of amphibians on bodily growth; influence of glands of internal secretion on growth and differentiation. Allen, Prof. C(alvin) Frank (Francis), Montview St, West Roxbury, Mass. Engineering. Rox- bury, Mass, July 10, 51. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 72. Civil engineer, water works and sewerage, 72-78; railroad engineer, 79-85; attorney-at- law, 85-86; asst. prof, later assoc. prof. and prof. railroad eng, Mass. Inst. Tech, ah “. Civil Eng; Eng. Educ. (see’y and pres) ; Eng; New ae R. R. Club (pres, 06) ; Mase Highway Ass. (pres); Boston Soc. Civil Eng. (pres, 99). Railroad engineering. Allen, Prof. Charles E(imer), 2014 Chamberlin Ave, Madison, Wis. *Botany. Horicon, Wis, Oct. 4, 72. B.S, Wisconsin, 99, Ph.D, 04. Instr. bot, Wisconsin, 01-04, asst. prof, 04-07, assoc. prof, 07-09, prof, 09— Research asst, Carnegie Institution, 04-05; ed-in-chief, ‘Am. Jour, Bot,’ 18- A.A; Soc. Nat; Bot. Soc; Wis. Acad. (sec’y, 05-07, v. pres, 15-18). Middle la- mella in thickened cell walls; spindle forma- tion in pollen mother-cells of larch; nuclear division and chromosome reduction in pollen mother-cells of lily; germination of egg and chromosome reduction in Coleochete; spermato- genesis in mosses; inheritance in Sphaerocarpos. Allen, Prof. Charles M(etcalf), Polytechnic Insti- tute, Worcester, Mass. Mechanical engineering. Walpole, Mass, Dee. 12, 71. B.S, Worcester, 94, M.S;, 99. Asst: mech, eng, Worcester, 95-97, instr. hydraul. and lab. work, 97-02, asst. prof. exp. eng, 02-06, prof, 06-09, hydraul. eng, 09- A.A; Mech. Eng; Eng. Edue; Civil Eng. Ab- sorption dynamometers; application of the steam- engine indicator to rowing; current meter rating stations; water-wheels; absorption dynamometers of large powers; large gears; rope and belt drivers. Allen, Charles R(icketson), Federal Board for Vocational Education, Washington, D.C. Chem- istry, Education, Physics. New Bedford, Mass, Aug. 6, 62. BS, Mass, Inst. Tech, 85; A.M, Harvard, 02. Senior teacher science, high sch, New Bedford, 86-09; director, New Bedford Indus. Sch, 09- 11; agent, Mass. Board of Edue, 11-17; with Emergency Fleet Corp, 17-18; special agent, Fed. Board for Vocational Educ, 18- Asst. gen. chem, Mass. Inst. Tech, 86; private asst. to Prof. Woleott Gibbs, Harvard, 86. Chem. Soc; Eastern Ass. Physics Teachers; New Eng. Ass. Chem. Teachers. Nitrogen in sewage; dissociation of acetylene; industrial education. Allen, Dr. Edward Riley, E. I. du Pont de Ne- mours and Co, Wilmington, Del. Chemistry. 10 Pana, Ill, July 28, 84. B.S, Illinois, 06; Ph.D, Cornell, 13. Asst. org. chem, Cornell, 11-12; assoe, soil biol, Ohio Exp, Sta, 13-15, in charge soil technol, 15-17; assoc. biochem, Washington (St. Louis), 17-19; org. chemist. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co, 19- Visiting investigator, Mo, Bot. Garden, 17-19. Chem. Soe. Organic and biological chemistry; soil biology and tech- nology. Allen, Prof. Edward S(witzer), West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va. Mathematics. Kansas City, Mo, Dec. 12, 87. A.B, Harvard, 09, A.M, 10, Ph.D, 14; Rome, 11-13; Géttingen, 12. Instr. math, Dartmouth, 13-14; Brown, 14-15; Michigan, 15-19; asst. prof, West Virginia, 19- Math. Soe; Cireolo Mat. di Palermo. Algebraic geometry. Allen, Dr. E(dwin) W(est), 1923 Biltmore St, Washington, D. C. Agriculture. Amherst, Mass, Oct. 28, 64. B.S, Mass. Col, 85; Ph.D, Gat- tingen, 90. Asst. chemist, Mass. Exp. Sta, 85- 88; asst, office of exp. stations, U. S. Dept. Agr, 90-93, asst. director, 93-15, chief, 15- Ed, ‘Exp. Sta. Record,’ 95-; exec. sec’y, Committee on Country Life. A.A. (see’y, M, 14-18, v. pres, 20); Soe. Prom. Agr. Sci. (sec’y-treas, 10-14). Agricultural chemistry. Allen, Dr. E(ugene) T(homas), Geophysical Lab- oratory, Washington, D. C. *Chemistry. Athol, Mass, April 2, 64. A.B, Amherst, 87; Ph.D, Hopkins, 92; Harvard, 93-95. Assoc. chem, Woman’s Col. of Baltimore, 90-91; acting prof, Colorado, 92-93; prof, Mo. Sch. Mines, 95-01; chem. geologist, U. S. Geol. Surv, 00-06; re- search chemist, geophysical lab, Carnegie Insti- tution, 0?— Instr, summer sch, Harvard, 93-95. Chem. Soe. (pres, Wash. sect, 04). Inorganic and mineralogical chemistry; optieal glass; vein formation; voleanie phenomena. Allen, Dr. E(zra), Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pa. Zoology. Coudersport, Pa, May 8,70. A.B, Bucknell, 95; fellow, Clark, 00-01; Chicago, 05; Ph.D, Pennsylvania, 14. Teacher science, Perki- omen Sem, 96-00; prof. biol, State Nor. Sch, Mont, 03-07; Phila. Sch. Pedag, 07-18; Ursinus, 19— Investigator, Wistar Inst, 10-18; hon. in- vestigator zool, Pennsylvania, 15-19; edue. ad- viser, A.E.F, 19; lecturer biol, A.E.F. Univ. Beaune, 19. A.A; Ass. Anat; Soe. Zool; Phila. Acad. Cytology; mammalian nerve and germ cells; eytologieal methods. Allen, Francis H(enry), 4 Park St, Boston, Mass. Ornithology. Jamaica Plain, Mass, Aug. 3, 66. Grad, Roxbury Latin Sch, 84. Mem. ed. staff, Houghton Mifflin Co, 94— Mem. Ornith. Union; Nuttall Ornith. Club (couneil). Distribution of birds; bird-song; habits of birds. Allen, Dr, Frank, University of Manitoba, Winni- peg, Can. Experimental physics. Canterbury, N. B, Feb. 6, 74. A.B, New Brunswick, 95; A.M, Cornell, 00, fellow, 00-01, Ph.D, 02. Instr. physics, Cornell, 01-04; prof, Manitoba, 04- Fel. Royal Soe. Can. Color and color vision; sound sensations; physiological opties; liquid air production. Allen, Prof, F(rank) W(isdom), University Farm, Davis, Calif. Horticulture. Columbia, Mo, July 18, 87. B.S.(Agr), Missouri, 10; M.S, Iowa State, 13. Instr. hort, Iowa State, 10-13; Wash. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE State, 13-14, asst. horticulturist, Exp. Sta, 14- 17; bur. markets, U. S. Dept. Agr, 17-20; asst. prof. pomol, California, 20- Pomology; apples. Allen, Dr. Frederick Madison, Physiatrie Insti- tute, Morristown, N. J. *Medicine. Des Moines, Iowa, March 16, 79. A.B, California, 02, M.D, 07. Research fellow, Harvard Med. Sch, 09-12; assoc. med, Rockefeller Inst, 13-18; practising physician, 19-20; director, Physiat. Inst, 20- Lecturer, Harvey Soc, 16. Am. Physicians; Soc. Exp. Path; Harvey Soc; N. Y. Acad. Med. Dia- betes; nephritis; metabolism. Allen, Dr. Glover M(orrill), 234 Berkeley St, Bos- ton, Mass. Zoology. Walpole, N. H, Feb. 8, 79. A.B, Harvard, 01, A.M, 03, Ph.D, 04. Sec’y and librarian, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, 01—- A.A; Soe. Zool; mem, Ornith. Union; Soc. Mammal; Appa- lachian Mt. Club; Wash. Biol. Soc; Boston Soe. Nat. Hist. (see’y, 01); Nuttall Ornith. Club (pres, 19); Harvard Travellers Club. System- atic zoology; heredity. Allen, Dr. J(oel) A(saph), American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y. *Vertebrate zoology. Springfield, Mass, July 19, 38. Law- rence Sci. Sch, Harvard, 62-67; hon. Ph.D, In- diana, 86. Asst. ornith, museum comp. zool, Harvard, 71-85; curator mammal, and ornith, Am. Museum Nat. Hist, 85-19, curator mammal, 20— Chief, scientific staff of govt. exped, North. Pacific R. R. Surv, 73; special collaborator, U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. (Hayden), 78-83; ed. ‘Bul. Nuttall Ornith. Club,’ 76-83; ‘The Auk,’ 84-12; ‘Bul.’ and ‘Memoirs,’ Am. Museum Nat. Hist, 87-17. Walker grand prize, Boston Soe. Nat. Hist, 03. Nat. Acad; Soe. Nat; Soe. Zool; Soe. Mammal; fel. Ornith. Union (pres, 83-91) ; Ass. Geog; Philos. Soc; Am. Acad; fel. N. Y. Acad. (v. pres, 92); Wash. Acad; hon. mem. British Ornith. Union; hon. mem. Ornith. Gesell; etc. Mammals and birds; geographical zoology; mammals of Patagonia and Nicaragua, mammals and birds of northeastern Siberia, South Amer- ica and Africa. Allen, Prof. John R(obins), U. S. Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mechanical engineering. Milwaukee, Wis, July 23, 69. B.S, Michigan, 92, M.E, 96. See’y, L. K. Comstock Construction Co, 93-95; inst. mech. eng, Michigan, 96-99, asst. prof, 99-02, junior prof, 02-05, prof. 05- 11; dean eng, Robert Col, Constantinople, 11- 13; head of dept, Michigan, 13-17; dean, dept. eng. and archit, Minnesota, 17-19; research dept, Bur. Mines, 19— Consulting engineer, Detroit. A.A; Mech. Eng; Soc. Heat. and Vent. Eng; Eng. Educ; hon. mem. Nat. Ass. Sta. Eng; Mich. Eng. Soc; Detroit Eng. Soc. Heating and ventilation; manufacture of peat into a fuel. Allen, Prof. Joseph, 9 Myrtle St, White Plains, N.Y. Mathematics. New Bedford, Mass, March 21, 70. A.B, A.M, Harvard, 92, 92-94. Inst. math, Cornell, 94-97; assoc. prof, Col. City of N. Y, 97- A.A; Math. Soe. Analytical ge- ometry. Allen, Kenneth, 1235 Municipal Building, New York, N. Y. Hydraulic and sanitary engineer- ing. New Bedford, Mass, April 6, 57. C.E, Rensselaer, 79. Consulting engineer, 85-89; city supt. construction, Kansas City, Mo, 89-90; principal asst. engineer, Baltimore Sewerage * AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE li Commission, 95-99; consulting engineer, Balti- more, 00-02; engineer and supt, Water Dept, Atlantie City, N. J, 02-06; div. engineer, Balti- more Sewerage Commission, (6-08; engineer, Metropolitan Sewerage Commission, NV. Y. City, 08-14, sanit. engineer, Board of Estimate and Apportionment, 14- Civil Eng; Soc. Munice. Improv; Pub. Health Ass. Allen, Prof, R(eginald) B(ryant), Kenyon Col- lege, Gambier, Ohio. Mathematics. Medford, N. J, Jan. 3, 72. B.S, Rutgers, 93, M.S, 97; Ph.D, Clark, 05. Acting prof. math, Mass. Col, 95; asst. prof, Adelphi, 97-01; instr, Clark, 05— 06; prof, Kenyon, 06- A.A; Math. Soe; Math. Ass. (chairman, Ohio sect, 16). Hypercomplex number systems; multiple algebras. Allen, R(olland) C(raten), Lake Superior Iron Ore Association, Cleveland, Ohio. Geology. A.B, Wisconsin, 05, A.M, 08. Instr. econ. geol, Mich- igan, 08-09, lecturer, 09-13; state geologist, Mich, 09-19; v. pres, Lake Superior Iron Ore Ass, 19— A.A; Geol. Soc; Ass. Econ, Geol; Min. and Metal. Eng. Geology of the Iron River dis- triet of Michigan. Allen, Dr. Ruth F(lorence), Hilgard Hall, Berk- eley, Calif. Plant pathology. Sturgeon Bay, Wis, May 23, 79. A.B, Wisconsin, 05, A.M, 07, Ph.D, 09. Asst. bot, Wisconsin, 05-10; instr, Mich. Agr. Col, 10-14; inst. and later asst. prof, Wellesley, 14-18; plant pathologist, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 18- A.A; Bot. Soc; Phytopath. Soe. Cereal diseases; cytology. Allen, Prof. Samuel J(ames) M(cIntosh), Uni- versity of Cincinnati,Cincinnati,Ohio. *Physics. Maitland, N. S, Oct. 5, 77. B.S, MeGill, 00, M.S, 01; fellow, Hopkins, 03-04, Ph.D, 06. Demonstrator physics, MeGill, 00-03; instr, Cincinnati, 06-09; asst. prof, 09-14, assoc. prof, 14-19, prof. exp. physics, 19- Physical Soc; Can. Civil Eng; Ohio Acad. (v. pres, 19).- Radio activity; passage of q rays of radium and X-rays through matter; radio-activity of smoky atmosphere; relations between X-ray wave lengths, atomic numbers and absorption coeffi- cients. Allen, W(alter) S(tearns), 224 State St, Flush- ing, N. Y. Chemistry. Aeworth, N. H, Dee. 1, 77. A.B, Amherst, 00. Asst. geol, Amherst, 00- 02; anal. and research chemist, Gen. Chem. Co, 03-, in charge, Laurel Hill Lab, 10-— A.A; Chem. Soc; N. Y. Chemists Club. Analytical chemistry. Allen, William Fitch, Oregon University Medical School, Portland,Oregon. Anatomy. Oneonta, N. Y, 75. A.B, Stanford, 00, A.M, 02; Ph.D, Min- nesota,15, Asst. to Dr. E.P. Allis,01—06; physiol, California, 06-10; inst. embryol, and comp. anat, Illinois, 10-11; histol. and embryol, Minnesota, 11-16; prof. anat. and head of dept, Oregon, 16- Ass. Anat; Wash. Acag. Anthropology; mi- croscopical technique; morphological and experi- mental neurology; blood vessels and lymphaties in fishes. Allen, W (illiam) M(arshall), Department of Agri- culture, Raleigh, N. C. Chemistry. Wadsboro, N. C, Jan. 70. North Carolina, 89-92; Hop- kins, 97-98. Asst. chemist, N. C. Exp. Sta, 94-97; asst. to state chemist, Ga, 97-98; first asst. state chemist, N. C, 99-06, food chemist, 06-19, chemist, 19- Chem. Soe. (pres, N. C. sect, 09-10); Agr. Chem; Ass. Food and Dairy Departments (v. pres, 08, sec’y, 09). Food adulteration. Allen, W(infred) E(mory), Scripps Institution, La Jolla, Calif. Biology. West Newton, Ind, June 6, 73. B.L, Earlham, 98; A.M, Law- rence, 04; Nebraska, 99-00, 04-05; Illinois, 10-11. Athletic coach, Earlham, 96-99; asst. physical director, Nebraska, 99-00; physical di- rector and registrar, Lawrence, 03-04; head, biol. dept, high sch, Spokane, Wash, 00-02; State Nor. Sch, Kearney, Nebr, 05-08; asst. zool, Illinois, 10-11; head, biol. dept, high sch, Stockton, Calif, 12-16; Fresno, 16-19; biologist, Scripps Inst, California, 19—- A.A; Eeol. Soc; Micros. Soc; West. Soe. Nat; Calif. Aead. Mor- phology; regeneration; fresh-water plankton; marine phytoplankton. Aller, Henry D(ay), Bureau of Fisheries, Wash- ington, D. C. Zoology. N. J, 80. B.S, Rut- gers, 02; Cornell, 02-03. Bur. Forestry, 03-04; supt. and director, U. S. Fisheries Lab, Beau- fort, N. C, 07-12, agent, fur-seal fisheries, Pribilof Islands, Bur. Fisheries, 12- A.A. The marine Mollusea of Beaufort, North Carolina. Alling, Harold L(attimore), 400 Oxford St, Roch- ester, N. Y. Geology. Rochester, Feb. 7, 88. A.M, Columbia, 17, Ph.D, 20. Ezpert geol, N. Y. State Museum, 17-; instr, Rochester, 20- A.A; assoc. Min. and Metal. Eng; Chem. Soc; Rochester Acad. Crystallization of rock form- ing minerals; Adirondack Precambrian, Allis, Dr. Edward Phelps, Jr, Milwaukee, Wis, or Palais de Carnolés, Menton, France. *Verte- brate morphology. Milwaukee, Sept. 14, 51. C.E, Del. Lit. Inst, 66; Antioch, 67-68; Mass. Inst. Tech, 68-69, 71; LL.D, Wisconsin, 03; hon. M.D, Groningen, 14. Mem. and officer of Edw. P. Allis Co, Milwaukee, 71- lLaureat, Paris Inst, 98; Officier d’Acad; Chevalier Légion d’honneur. A.A; Soc. Nat; Ass. Anat; Am. Geog. Soc; Mus. French Art; fel. N. Y. Acad; Boston Soc. Nat. Hist; fel. London Linnean Soe; London Zool. Soe; London Royal Micros. Soc; London Royal Meteor. Soe; London Soe. Arts; Anat. Soe. Gt. Britain and Ireland; North British Acad; Soc. astron, de France; Soe. météor de France. The anatomy and development of the head of ver- tebrates. Allport, Dr. F(loyd) H(enry), 27 Everett St, Cambridge, Mass. Psychology. Milwaukee, Wis, Ane, 22.) 90) CAB Harvardye13; “Pht 19: Instr. psychol, Harvard, 19—- With A.E.F, 17- 18. Psychol. Ass. Experimental and social psychology. Almy, Charles, Jr, Dewey and Almy Chemical Co, Cambridge, Mass. Chemical engineering. Cam- bridge, April 6, 88. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 10. Research assoc. applied chem, Mass. Inst. Tech, 10-11; tech. director, Am. Vuleanized Fibre Co, 12-15; gen. manager and sec’y, Va. Red Oil Products Corp, 16-17; lieut. col, C.W.S, 18-19; 'v. pres. and sec’y, Dewey and Almy Chem. Co, 19— Chem. Soc; British Soc. Chem. Indust. Animal and vegetable oils and fats; vuleanized fibre. 12 Almy, Prof. Frank F(ayette), 436 East St, Grin- nell, Iowa. Physics. Little Compton, R. I, Jan. 12, 66. B.S, Nebraska, 90; Hopkins, 90-93; Chicago, 99, 01-02. Prof. physics, Grinnell, 93- Lecturer physics, Columbia, 09-10; asst. educ. director, district eight, S.A.T.C, 18. A.A; Physieal Soc; Iowa Acad. (pres, 09). Some properties of coherers; pressure shift of lines in the spectrum of iron; electrodeless discharge in gases. Almy, Dr. John E(dwin), 2300 A St, Lincoln, Nebr. Physics. Centralia, Ill, Oct. 13, 75. B.S, Nebraska, 96, A.M, 97; Ph.D, Berlin, 00. Instr. physics, Nebraska, 00-02, adj. prof, 02-05, asst. prof, 05-07, assoe. prof, 07-09, prof, 09-, chair- man of dept, 19-20. A.A; Physical Soc; Nebr. Acad. Accidental double refraction; spark po- tentials; discharge through gases; dielectric strength of various glasses and double refracting media; cathode potential. Alperin, Dr. David, 750 Green Ave, Brooklyn, N. ' Y. Biological chemistry. Bucharest, Roumania. M.S, Freiburg, 02; M.D, N. Y. Univ, 07; Ph.D, Columbia, 12. Lecturer physiol. chem. and di- rector chem. and path. laboratories, Eclectic Med. Col, 03-12; assoc. prof. ophthal, N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch. Nucleoprotein metabo- lism; uricolysis and uricase. Alsberg, Dr. C(arl) L(ucas), U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. *Biochem- istry. New York, N. Y, April 2, 77. A.B, Columbia, 96, A.M, M.D, 00. Asst. physiol. chem, Marvard Med. Sch, 02-05, instr. biol. chem, 05-06, faculty instr, 06-08; chem. biol- ogist, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 08- 12, chief, bur. chem, 12- Investigator, Bur. Fisheries, 07-08. A.A; Agr. Chem. (sec’y- treas, 20, ed, ‘Jour’); Am. Med. Ass. (mem. council pharmacy and chem) ; Physiol. Soc; Soc. Exp. Biol; Chem. Soc. (councilor at large) ; Soc. Biol. Chem. (past pres); Soc. Pharmacol; Boston Soc. Med. Sci. (past see’y). Chemistry of nucleic acids and of proteins; cystinuria; en- zymes; phosphoric acid metabolism; poisonous plants; oxidizing enzymes; biology and toxicol- ogy of molds of the genus Penicillium; cyano- genesis in plants; pharmacology; food and agri- cultural chemistry. Altenburg, Prof. Edgar, Rice Institute, Houston, Tex. Zoology. Jersey City, N. J, June 11, 88. A.B, Columbia, 11, A.M, 12, Ph.D, 16. Instr. biol, Rice Inst, 17-20, asst. prof, 20- A.A. Genetics. Alter, Prof. Dinsmore, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Astronomy, Physics. Colfax, Wash, March 28, 88. B.S, Westminster (Pa), 09; M.S, Pittsburgh, 10; Ph.D, California, 16. Instr. physics and astron, Alabama, 11-12, asst. prof, 12-13, adj. prof, 13-14; instr. astron, California, 14-17; asst. prof, Kansas, 17-19, assoc, prof, 19- Major, C.A.R.C. A.A; Phys- ieal Soc; Astron. Soc. Orbits; meteorology; perturbations; gravitational theory. Alter, Dr. Nicholas M, New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Conn. Pathology. Hungary, 86. M.D, Univ. of Hungary, 11. Instr, anat, Univ. of Hungary, 10-11, path, 11-13 ; pathologist, Monte- fiore Home and Hosp, N. Y. City, 14-15; How- AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE ard A. Kelly Hosp, 15-19; Yale, 19- Physical chemistry applied to cancer research. Alvarez, Prof. Arthur Carl, 1909 Dwight Way, Berkeley, Calif. Civil engineering. San Fran- cisco, Calif, Nov. 2, 86. B.S, California, 08. Instr. civil eng, California, 08-13, asst. prof, 13- 19, assoc. prof, 19— Assoc. Civil Eng; Soe. Test. Mat. Building construction; structural engi- neering. Alvarez, Dr. Walter Clement, 177 Post St, San Francisco, Calif. Medicine. San Francisco, July 22, 84. M.D, Cooper Med. Col, 05; Har- vard, 13. Asst. path, Cooper Med. Col, 05-06; asst. med, Stanford, 12-13; instr. research med, Hooper Foundation for Med. Research, Califor- nia, 14-20, asst. prof, 20- Caldwell lecturer, Réntgen Ray Soe, 20. Physiol. Soc; Soc. Exp. Biol; Am. Med. Ass; Calif. Acad. Physiology and pathology of digestion; intestinal peristalsis. Alvord, John Watson, 5203 Kenwood Ave, Chi- eago, Ill. Hydraulic and sanitary engineer- ing. Newton Center, Mass, Jan. 25, 61. Prep. sch; Europe, 88, 94; hon. C.E, Wisconsin, 13. City engineer, Lake View, Chicago, 84-88; Cicero, Ill, 89; Columbian Expos, 90-93; consult- ing engineer, 94- Mem. numerous appraisal boards; consulting engineer to many munici- palities in the Central West; govt. war work, two years. Chanute medal, West. Soc. Eng, 02; medal as one of the designers of the Columbian Expos, 93. A.A; Civil Eng. (director, 18-); Water Works Ass. (pres, 10); West. Soe. Eng. (pres, 10); Til. Soe. Eng. (pres, 02, 04); Pub. Health Ass. Sewage purification; economics of valuation and appraisement; flood prevention. Alway, Prof. Frederick J(ames), 1386 Grantham Ave, St. Paul, Minn. *Chemistry. Waterford, Ont, May 28, 74. B.A, Toronto, 94; Ph.D, Hei- delberg, 97. Prof. chem, Nebr. Wesleyan, 98- 06; agr. chem, Nebraska, 06-09, head prof, 09- 13; prof. soil chem, Minnesota, and chief, div. soils Exp. Sta, 18- A.A; Chem. Soe; Soe. Agron; Peat Soe. Reduction of nitro-eom- pounds; hydroxylamino- and nitroso-compounds ; bleaching of flour; soils of northern steppes; prairie soils; humus; soil moisture; glacial and peat soils. Amberg, Dr. Emil, David Whitney Building, De- troit, Mich. Aural surgery. Santa Fe, N. Mex, May 1,68. M.D, Heidelberg, 94; Berlin, 97, 98; Vienna, 95, 97, 07. House surgeon, aural dept, Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, 96-97. Otol. Soe; Am. Med. Ass; Acad. Ophthal. and Oto- laryngol. The ear; the lateral sinus; instru- ments; influence of the work-pause on mental efficiency; interstate reciprocity for the license to practice medicine. Amberg, Dr. Samuel, Children’s Memorial Hos- pital, 735 Fullerton Ave, Chicago, Ill. Medicine. Cannstatt, Germany, Aug. 15, 74. Gymnasium, Cannstatt; Berlin, 95-96; M.D, Heidelberg, 98. Asst. and instr. pediat, Hopkins, 99-03, assoc, 03-10, assoc. prof, 10-12; mem, Sprague Mem. Inst, and assoc. prof. exp. med, Rush Med. Col, 12- Pharmacologist, C. W.S, 18. Physiol. Soc; Soc. Biol. Chem; Soe. Pharmacol; Am. Med. Ass; cor. mem. Vienna Gesell. fiir Innere Med. und Kinderheilkunde. Pediatries; pharmacol- ogy; physiological chemistry. AMERICAN MEN Ambler, Dr. Joseph A(lfred), 5105 13th St, N.W, Washington, D. C. Chemistry. Danbury, Conn, June 30, 89. Ph.B, Yale, 10, Ph.D, 13. Prof. chem, Acadia, 13-16; asst. petroleum chemist, color lab, bur. chem, U. 8S. Dept. Agr, 16— Chem. Soe. Coal-tar intermediates; pyrimidins; pseudo- thiohydantoins; amins; sulphonie acids. Ames, Dr. Adeline, Normal, Nebr. Botany. Hen- derson, Nebr, Oct. 6, 79. B.S, Nebraska, 03, A.M, 04; Ph.D, Cornell, 13. Asst. bot, Nebraska, 02-04; scientific asst, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 04-11, asst. pathologist, 13-20; asst. prof. bot, Sweet Briar, 20- Bot. Soe; Phyto- path. Soe. Systematic mycology; plant pa- thology. Ames, Prof. E(dward) S(cribner), University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Philosophy. Eau Claire, Wis, April 21, 70. A.B, Drake, 89; B.D, Yale, 92; Ph.D, Chicago, 95. Prof. philos, Chicago, 97— A.A; Philos. Ass; Psychol. Ass; West. Philos. Ass. Psychology of religion. Ames, Prof. J(oseph) S(weetman), Charlecote Place, Guilford, Baltimore, Md. *Physics. Man- chester, Vt, July 3, 64. A.B, Hopkins, 86, fel- low, 87-88, Ph.D, 90; Berlin, 86-87; LL.D, Washington (Md), 07. Asst. physics, Hopkins, 88-91, assoc, 91-93, assoc. prof, 93-99, prof, 99-, director, physical lab, 01— Ed. board, ‘ Astro- phys. Jour’; Harris lecturer, Northwestern, 13. Nat. Acad; Physical Soe. (pres, 19, 20); Philos. Soc; Am. Acad; hon. mem. Royal Inst; Soe. de Physique. Electrodynamics; spectroscopy; spec- trum of hydrogen. Ames, Dr. L(ewis) D(arwin), Delano, Calif. Mathematics. Keeseville, N. Y, July 11, 69. B.Litt, Missouri, 99; A.B, Harvard, 01, A.M, 02, TANI Dy ‘04. Instr. math, Chillicothe Nor. Sch, "Mo, 30= 98, 99-00; Harvard, 01-02; Missouri, 02-06, asst. prof, 06-12, assoc. ‘prof, 12-20. Slowly con- vergent series; analysis situs; continuous groups. Ames, Prof. Oakes, Bussey Institution, Forest Hills, Boston, Mass. Botany. North Easton, Mass, Sept. 26, 74. A.B, Harvard, 98, A.M, 99. Asst. bot, Harvard, 99-00, instr, 00-10, asst. prof, i5-, asst. director, bot. garden, 99-09, director, 09— A.A; Soc. Nat; Bot. Soc; Am. Acad; New Eng. Bot. Club; Mass. Hort. Soe. (past v. pres) ; Boston Soe. Nat. Hist; Wash. Biol. Soc; N. Y. Acad; Int. Ass. Bot; fel. London Linnean Soe. Economie botany; orchidology. Amesse, Dr. J(ohn) W(illiam), 624 Metropolitan Building, Denver, Colo. Medicine. Eagle River, Mich, Jan. 15, 74. M.D, Michigan, 98. Sanit. officer, We Sno ubs Health Service, Honolulu, 98- 00, Manila, 00-04, Havana, 06-09, mem. staf, hygienic lab, 07; lecturer diseases of children and of tropics, Colorado, 10— Kd, ‘Denver Med. Times,’ 13-14; lieut. col, M.C, A.E.F, 17-19; mem. Colo. Board of Health, 18- ae A; Soc. Trop. Med; Ass. Study Int, ‘Secretions ; "Cong. Int. Med; N. Y. Acad. Med. Pediatrics: dis- eases of the tropics; yellow fever; hemorrhage of infants. Ami, Dr. Henry M, Strathcona Park, Ottawa, Can. Geology, Paleontology. Belle R*viere, Can, 58. A.B, McGill, 82, A.M, 85, hon. Se.D, 07; Se.D, Queen’s (Can), 91. Paleontologist, Can. Geol. Surv, 82— Mem. various commissions OF SCIENCE 13 for Govt. of Can. Bigsby gold medalist, Lon- don Geol. Soc, 03. A.A; Geol. Soe; Paleont. Soc; Wash. Geol. Soc; Montreal Nat. Hist. Soe; Ottawa Field Nat. Soe. (past pres, curator, archeol. museum) ; N. B. Nat. Hist. Soe; N. S. Inst; Hamilton Ass; fel. Royal Soe. Can; fel. London Geol. Soe; Schweiz. Geol. Gesell. Chronological geology; ; paleontology; bibliog- raphy; graptolites; first Eparchean formation; Paleozoie fossils of Canada; Utiea formation in Canada; Carboniferous faunas and floras of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick; Quebee Group and Devono-Carboniferous of Quebee and the maritime provinces of Canada; the St. Law- rence-Champlain-Appalachian fault ; resources of Canada along the line of the National Trans- Continental Railway. Amoss, Dr. Harold L(indsay), Rocketeller Insti- tute, New York, N. Y. Pathology. Cobb, Ky, Sept. 8, 86. BS, Kentucky, 05, M.S, 07; "MD, Harvard, ital D.P.H, 12. Chemist, Ky. Exp. Sta, 05—06 ; hygienic lab, U. S. Pub. Health Service, 06—07 : bur. chem, U. S. Dept. Agr, 07-08; West. Pa. Hosp, 09; asst. prev. med, Harvard Med. Sch, 09-12; bacter. and path, Rockefeller Inst, 12-14, assoc, 14-19, assoc. mem, 19- Ass. Path. and Bact; Public Health Ass; Soe. Immunol; assoc. mem. Am. Physicians. Bacteriology; acidity of gastric contents; oxidases in the blood; expired air; dysentery; poliomyelitis. Amsden, Dr. George S(amuel), Bloomingdale Hospital, White Plains, N. Y. Psychiatry. Ash- tabula, Ohio, May 7, 70. A.B, Harvard, 01, M.D, 05; Munich, 09-10. Pathologist, Bloom- ingdale Hosp, 05-14, asst. physician, 14— Lee- turer, Barnard, Columbia; Smith. Medico- Psychol. Ass; Psychopath. Ass. Relation of per- sonality to behavior and education. Anderegg, Prof. Frederick, 207 E. College St, Oberlin, Ohio. Mathematics. Meiringen, Switzer- land, June 11, 52. A.B, Oberlin, 85, A.M, Ober- lin and Harvard, 88. Instr. math, Harvard, 89- 90; prof, Oberlin, 90- A.A; Math Soe; Math. Ass. Trigonometry. Anderegg, Prof. F(rederick) O(sband), Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Chemistry. Oberlin, Ohio, Sept. 20, 87. A.B, Oberlin, 10; A.M, Har- vard, 12, Ph.D, 15. Chemist, Mallinckrodt Chem. Works, 14-16; instr. chem, Illinois, 16- 18; asst. prof, Purdue, 18— A.A; Chem. Soe; Ind. Acad. Silent electrical discharge through gases. Anderegg, L(ouis) T(heodore), 1132 College St, Fargo, N. Dak. Chemistry. Rogersville, Ohio, March 11, 88. A.B, Oberlin, 11, A.M, 13; M.S, Michigan, 15. Instr. inorg. chem, Michigan, 13- 15; teacher, high sch, Delphos, Ohio, 15-16; Decatur, Til, 16-18; asst. agr. chemist, Kans. uxp. Sta, 18-19; agr. chemist, N. Dak. Exp. Sta, 19— Agricultural chemistry. Anders, Dr. Howard S, 1823 Spruce St, Philadel- phia, Pa. Medicine. Norritonville, Pa, Nov. 12, 66. A.B, Cent. High Sch, Phila, 85, A.M, 92; M.D, Pennsylvania, 90. Intern, Presby- terian Hosp, Phila, 90-91; instr. elin. med, Medico-Chirurg. Col, Phila, 94-96, lecturer, 97- 99, prof. physical diagnosis, 99-13. Physician to Samaritan and Phila. Gen. Hospitals. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Climat. Ass; Pub. Health Ass; 14 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Pa. Soe. Tuber. (past pres); Royal Meteorol. Soc. Street-width and pulmonary tuberculosis; the weather and epidemic influenza; dust and tuberculosis; physical diagnosis. Anderson, Dr. Alexander P(ierce), Tower View Laboratory, Red Wing, Minn. *Botany, Indus- trial chemistry. Red Wing, Nov. 22, 62. B.S, Minnesota, 94, M.S, 95; Ph.D, Munich, 97. Bot- anist and bacteriologist, Clemson, 97-99; asst. prof. bot, Minnesota, 99-00; biologist and ento- mologist, Clemson, 00-01; curator, herbarium, Columbia, 01; private research. A.A; Forestry Ass; Am. Geog. Soc; Bot. Gesell. Formation of abnormal resin-canals in Coniferae; growth of fruits determined by weighing; plant diseases; starch and starchy products. Anderson, C(arl) O(tto), Golden, Colo. Metal- lurgy. Rosedale, Kans, March 14, 96. B.S, Kansas, 17; U. S. Bur. Mines fellow, Washing- ton (Seattle), 17-18, M.S, 18. With corps eng, U.S.A, and C.W.S, 18-19; asst. metallurgist, U. S. Bur. Mines, 19— Chem. Soc. Flotation and electrochemistry. Anderson, Prof. Douglas S(mith), Tulane Uni- versity, New Orleans, La. Electrical engineering. Lexington, Va, Sept. 6, 71. A.B, Washington and Lee, 90; A.M, Tulane, 92; Polytech. Sch, Ziirich, 06-07. Asst. prof. physics, Tulane, 93-— 97, assoe. prof, 97-00; prof. elec. eng, Missis- sippi, 00-01; assoc. prof, Tulane, 01-06, prof. and head of dept, 07-, dean, col. tech, 19— A.A; Elee. Eng; Eng. Edue. Anderson, Prof. Ernest, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. Chemistry. Kaufman, Texas, 81. B.S, Texas, 03, M.S, 04, fellow, 04-05; fel- low, Chicago, 06-09, Ph.D, 09. Research instr. chem, Chicago, 09-12; asst. prof, Mass. Col, 12— 14, assoc. prof, 14-17; prof. agr. chem, Trans- vaal, 17-20; chem, Nebraska, 20- A.A; Chem. Soe; Royal Soc. S. Africa. Organic and physi- cal chemistry; sugars; aldehydes; calorimeter ; alkali soils of South Africa; toxie principles of South African poisonous plants. Anderson, Frank M, 2604 Etna St, Berkeley, Calif. Geology. Ashland, Oregon, June 4, 63. A.B, Willamette, 89; A.B, Stanford, 95; M.S, California, 97. Prof. nat. science, Siskiyou Co. High Sch, Calif, 95-96; instr. miner, California, 97-98: geologist, S. P. Co, 02-11, 15-16; Stand- ard Oil Co, 13-15; consulting oil geologist, 16—- Curator paleont, Calif. Acad. Sciences, 03-17. Geol. Soc; Paleont. Soe. Geology; paleontology ; economie geology of northern California. Anderson, Col, Geo(rge) L(ucius), Palo Alto, Calif. Electrical engineering. Delafield, Wis, April 9, 49. A.M, Lawrence, 70; grad, U. S. Mil. Acad, 74; Naval War Col, 97. Second lieut, 74-81, lieut, 81-98; instr. math, U. S. Mil. Acad, 85-89; elec. and mines, Officers’ Sch, Ft. Monroe, 89-95; capt, Seventh Artil, 98-02; major, U. S. Artil. Corps, 02-06, lieut-col, 06-08, col, 0O8—- Mem. ordnance board, U. S. Proving Ground, Sandy Hook, 03-07; ordnance and for- tification board, Washington, D, C, 17-19. Phi- los. Soe; hon. mem. Franklin Inst. Range-find- ers and sights; electric control of heavy guns; » operation of submarine mines; telescopes for sights. Anderson, Prof. H(arry) W(arren), 811 Michi- gan Ave, Urbana, Il. Botany. Ladoga, Ind, Oct. 14, 85. A.B, Wabash, 07, A.M, 10; re- search fellow, Shaw Sch. of Bot, 10-11; Ph.D, Illinois, 17. Instr. bot, Wabash, 08-10; path- ologist, Il]. Exp. Sta, 11-12; prof. bot, Wabash, 12-17; asst. prof. pomol, Illinois, 17—- A.A; Phytopath. Soc; fel. Ind. Acad. Plant pathol- ogy; chestnut blight fungus; fruit diseases. Anderson, J(acob) P(eter), P. O. Box 1074, Juneau, Alaska. Botany. Glenwood, Utah, April 7, 74. Nebraska, 93-95; B.S, Iowa State, 13, M.S, 16. Instr. science, Graceland, 02-06; hor- ticulturist, Sitka Exp, Sta, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 14- 16; florist. Instr. hort, Iowa State, summer, 13. A.A; Bot. Soe; Soe. Hort. Sei; Iowa Acad. Horticulture; mycology; local floras; plant dis- eases. Anderson, Prof. J(ohn) A(ugust), Mt. Wilson Solar Observatory, Pasadena, Calif. *Astronomy. Rollag, Minn, Aug. 7, 76. B.S, Valparaiso, 00; Ph.D, Hopkins, 07. Instr. astron, Hopkins, 08— 09, assoc, 09-11, assoc. prof, 11-15; mem. staff, Mt. Wilson Observatory, Carnegie Institution, 16— Asst, U. S. Naval Observatory, eclipse exped. to Spain, 05; asst, Carnegie Institution, 07. A.A; Astron. Soc; Physical Soc; Optical Soc; Chem. Soc. Spectroscopy; ruling of grat- ings. Anderson, Dr, John E(dward), Yale Station, New Haven, Conn. Psychology. Laramie, Wyo, June 13, 938. A.B, Wyoming, 14; A.M, Harvard, 15, Ph.D, 17. Instr. psychol, Yale, 17— Lieut, Sanit. C, 17-19. Psychol. Ass. Experimental psychology; mental tests; circulatory reactions in physical and mental work. Anderson, Dr. John F, 195 College Ave, New Brunswick, N.J. Bacteriology. Fredericksburg, Va, March 14, 73. M.D, Virginia, 96; Vienna; Paris; Sch. Trop. Med, Liverpool. Asst. sur- geon, U. S. Pub, Health Service, 98-03, past asst. surgeon, 03-12, surgeon, 12-15, asst. direc- tor, hygienic Jab, 02-09, director, 09-15; direc- tor, research and biol. laboratories, E. R. Squibb and Sons, 15— Lecturer hygiene, Rutgers, 16-; prof, exp. med, Georgetown, 12-15; Cutter lec- turer, Harvard; lecturer, Harvey Soc, 07. A.A; Ass. Path. and Bact. (pres, 15); Am. Physi- cians; Soc. Exp. Biol; Soc. Exp. Path. (v. pres) ; Pub. Health Ass. (pres, 15); Am. Med. Ass. Hygiene; sanitation; immunology; anaphylaxis; serum therapy; etiology of typhus and measles. Anderson, Dr. Leroy, Box 109, R. R. 2, San José, Calif. Horticulture. Magee, N. Y, Dee. 4, 66. B.S, Cornell, 96, fellow, 96-97, M.S.A, 97, Ph.D, 02. Asst. dairy husbandry, Cornell, 97-00; in- str. animal and dairy indust, California, 00-02 ; director, Calif. Polytech. Sch, 02-08; prof. agr. practise and supt, farm schools, California, 0S— 13. N. Y. State Dairy Ass; Calif. Dairy Ass. Cooperative marketing of farm products. Anderson, Dr. P(aul) J(ohnson), Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst, Mass., Botany. Ladoga, Ind, March 27, 84, A.B, Wabash, 10; fellow, Cornell, 10-12, Ph.D, 14. Instr. bot, Mass, Col, 15-16, asst. prof, 16-17, assoc. prof, 18#T9, prof, 20-, assoc. plant pathologist, Exp. Sta, 17—- Field pathologist, Pa. State Chestnut Blight Commission, 12-14. A.A; Bot. Soc; Phytopath. Soc. Injury to fruit trees; diseases AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 15 | of rose, cauliflower and onion; N. American phyllostictas. Anderson, Prof. Philip Arthur, 1343 Cleveland Ave, St. Paul, Minn. Animal husbandry. St. Paul, May 1, 90. B.S, Minnesota, 14. Instr. animal husbandry, col. agr, Minnesota, 15-17, | asst. prof, 17- Anderson, Robert van V(leck), Menlo Park, Calif. Geology. Galesburg, Ill, April 18, 84. A.B, Stanford, 06. Field asst. and geol. aid, U. S. Geol. Surv, 06-09, asst. geologist, 09-12, geolo- gist, 12-13; S. Pearson and Son, 13-18; repre- : sentative, W. T. B, and Am. delegate on Inter- Allied Trade Committee, Stockholm, 18-19; director, Whitehall Petroleum Corp, Ltd, 19— Scientific exped. to Japan, 05; examiner oil fields in Mexico and Trinidad, 11. A.A; Geol. Soe; Ass. Geog; Paleont. Soc; Seismol. Soc; Archeol. Inst; Wash. Acad; Wash. Geol. Soe. (see’y, 10); Wash. Biol. Soe. Cretaceous and Tertiary geology of California; geology of oil fields. Anderson, Prof. R(oss) P(eter), 212 W. Fourth St, Oil City, Pa. t 22, 87. A.B, Cornell, 08, Ph.D, 12. Asst. chem, Cornell, 07-11, instr, 11-14, asst. prof, 14-17; chief chemist, United Nat. Gas Co, 17- Capt, O.W.S, 18. A.A; Chem. Soc; Optical Soe. Gas- oline in natural gas; gas analysis. Anderson, Dr. Rudolph J(ohn), New York Agri- cultural Experiment Station, Geneva, N. Y. Bio- chemistry. Hiirna, Sweden, Sept. 13, 79. B.S, Tulane, 06; Upsala, Berlin and London; Ph.D, Cornell, 19. Biochemist, N. Y. Exp. Sta, Geneva, ii— Capt, 8. C, 17-19. A.A; Soc. Biol. Chem; Chem. Soe. Nutrition; calorimetry; organic phosphorus compounds of plants; metabolism of inosite. Anderson, Dr. Rudolph M(artin), Geological Sur- vey of Canada, Ottawa,Can. Zoology. Decorah, Jowa, June 30, 76. Ph.B, Iowa, 03, Ph.D, 06. Asst, museum, Towa, 01-06; instr, Blees Mil. Acad, 06-08; field worker, Am, Museum Nat. Hist, 08-12, asst. mammal, 13; zoologist in charge mammals, Nat. Museum, Can. Geol. Surv, 18-, acting chief, biol. di, 20- Mem. Stefansson-Anderson exped. of Am. Museum Nat. Hist. to arctic regions, 08-12; Can. arctic exped, 13-18; advisory board, wild life protec- tion (Canada). Ornith. Union; Soe. Mammal; Cooper Ornith. Club; Wash. Biol. Soc. Mam- malogy; ornithology; distribution, ecology and life histories of arctie and sub-aretic animals; wild life conservation. Anderson, Prof. S(amuel) Herbert, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. Physics. Berrien Springs, Mich, Aug. 21, 80. A.B, Park, 02, A.M, 03; Ph.D, Illinois, 12. Prof. physics and chem, Albany (Oregon), 05-07; asst. prof. physics, Occidental, 07-10; instr. and later asst. prof, Washington (Seattle), 12- A.A; Physical Soe. Effect of frequency on eapacity; photo-electric cells; photo-electrie properties of vapors of alkali metals. Anderson, Prof. W(illiam) E(lijah), Miami Uni- versity, Oxford, Ohio. Mathematics. Arcadia, Ohio, Oct. 2, 75. A.B, Wittenberg, 02; Chicago, summers, 05, 08, 09; Harrison feliow, Pennsyl- vania, 11-12; Ph.D, 13. Teacher math, high sch, Chemistry. Savannah, N. Y, Feb, Mansfield, Ohio, 02-05; prof, Midland, 03-08; Wittenberg, 08-18; instr, Pennsylvania, 12-13; assoc. prof, Miami, 18- A.A; Math, Ass; As- tron. Soc. Astronomy. Andrews, Dr. A(lbert) LeRoy, Cornell Universi- ty, Ithaca, N. Y. Botany. Williamstown, Mass, Dec. 27, 78. A.B, Williams, 99; A.M, Harvard, 03; Ph.D, Kiel, 08. Jnstr. German, West Vir- ginia, 03-04; Dartmouth, 04-05; Cornell, 09- Systematic botany, especially, bryology; North American Sphagnaceae. Andrews, C(lement) W(alker), The John Crerar Library, Chicago, Tl]. Chemistry, Library econ- omy. Salem, Mass, Jan. 13, 58. A.B, Harvard, 79, A.M, 80; LL.D, Northwestern, 11. Instr. chem, Mass. Inst. Tech, 83-95, librarian, 89-95; John Crerar Library, 95— Ed, ‘Tech. Quarterly,’ 91-95. A.A; Chem. Soc; Soc. Chem. Indust; Library Ass. (pres, 06); Library Inst; Chem. Gesell, Optical analysis of sugar; the arrange- ment of a scientific and technical reference library. Andrews, Prof. E(than) A(llen), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. *Zoology. New York, N. Y, Sept. 10, 59. Ph.B, Yale, 81; Poly- tech, Hanover, 83; fellow, Hopkins, 84-86, Ph.D, 87. Asst, U. S. Fish Commission, 79-81; asst. biol, Hopkins, 87-92, assoc. prof, 92-08, prof, 08- A.A; Soe. Nat; Soc, Zool. (v. pres, 91, pres, 04); Ecol. Soc. Eyes of annelids; anat- omy and embryology of invertebrates; repro- duction in crayfish; Folliculina. Andrews, Mrs. Ethan Allen (Gwendolen Foulke), Bellona and Lake Avenues, Govans, Md. Biol- ogy. Bala Farm, Pa, June 26,63. Private sch; hearer in biol, Bryn Mawr, 88. A.A. Structure and habits of protoplasm; animal and child psy- chology; biological philosophy; education; In- fusoria; Rotatoria. Andrews, Dr. Frank M(arion), Indiana Universi- ty, Bloomington, Ind. Botany, Vienna, Ind, 72. A.B, Indiana, 94, A.M, 95; Ph.D, Leipzig, 02; Smithsonian table, Naples Zool. Sta, 08. Asst. bot, Indiana, 94-97, instr, 97-04, asst. prof, 04-07, assoc. prof, 07— A.A; Bot. Soe; Ind. Acad. Physiological botany; effects of gases on plant cells. Andrews, Dr. Grace, 116 Cambridge Place, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Mathematics. Brooklyn, May 30. 69. B.S, Wellesley, 90; A.M, Columbia, 99, Ph.D, 01. Asst. math, Barnard, Columbia, 00- 02. The primitive double minimal surface of the seventh class and its conjugate. Andrews, Horace, 125 Lancaster St, Albany, N. Y. Civil engineering. New Haven, Conn, March 19, 52. *PhiB, Yale, 71, CB, 72. U.S: Coast and Geod. Surv, 72-78; N. Y. State Trigo- nometric Surv, 78-84; city engineer, Albany, 86-00; consulting engineer, 00O— Instr. survey- ing, Sheffield Sci. Sch, Yale, 72-73; eng. in- spector, N. Y. State Board of Health, 84-86; mem. Albany Board of Health, 86-00; examiner for eng. positions, N.’Y. State Civil Service, 88-94. Civil Eng. (director, 08-10); Soc. Mu- nic. Improv; Geom. Verein. Geodetic and higher surveying; municipal engineering. Andrews, Dr. Launcelot W(inchester), Williams- town, Mass. *Chemistry. London, Ont, June 13, 56. Ph.B, Yale, 75; Ph.D, Gottingen, 82. 16 Prof. chem, Towa, 85-04; research chemist, Mallinckrodt Chem. Works, 04-10; pres, An- drews Chem. Works, 10. Teacher physics, high sch, Springfield, Mass, 76. A.A; Chem. Soc. (pres, St. Louis sect, 08-10); St. Louis Acad. (v. pres, 09); Iowa Acad. (past pres) ; Iowa Eng. Soc; hon. mem. Davenport Acad; London Chem. Soe; Chem. Gesell. Volumetrie methods of chemical analysis; rational relations between densities and optical properties of aqueous solu- tions and their molecular composition; synthesis of formic and oxalic acids. Andrews, R(oy) C(hapman), American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y. Zoology. Beloit, Wis, Jan. 26, 84. A.B, Beloit, 06; A.M, Columbia, 13. Assoc. curator mammals, Am. Museum Nat. Hist, 06- Am. Museum Nat. Hist. exped. to Alaska, 08; St. Lawrence, 09; special naturalist, ‘Albatross’ exped. to the Orient, 09- 10; exped. to Korea, 11, 12; naturalist, Borden exped. to Alaska, 13; leader, Am. Museum Nat. Hist. expeditions to Asia, 16-20. A.A; Soc. Mammal; Wash. Biol. Soc; N. Y. Acad; cor. mem. London Zool. Soc. Water mammals; Asiatie zoology. Andrews, W(illiam) S(ymes), 136 Park Ave, Schenectady, N. Y. Electrical engineering. Saltford, England, Sept. 10, 47. Private educa- tion; Beckington Commercial Col, England. With Thomas A. Edison, 79-81; supt, testing dept, Edison Lighting Co, 81-83, construction of cent. stations, Edison Co, 83-85, chief en- gineer, 85-86; gen. supt, Marr Constr. Co, 86- 88; partner, Leonard and Izard Co, 88-89; supt. constr. and later asst. gen. manager, Gen. Elec. Co, 89-92; gen. supt, Petersborough works, Can. Gen. Elec. Co, 92-93; Edison Lighting Co, 93-94; consulting engineer, Gen. Elec. Co, 94— A.A; Elec. Eng; Tllum. Eng. Soc; Electrochem. Soc; Nat. Elee. Light Ass; Franklin Inst; Lon- don Soe. Arts. Fluorescence and phosphores- cence; spectral analysis of rare gases; analysis of rare gases; safety glasses for arc welders; selenium cells; electrical apparatus and devices. Andronescu, Dr. D(emetrius) I(on), Emerson, N. J. Botany. Targoviste, Roumania, March 18, 80. Agr.E, Roumania Col. Agr, 06; M.S, Illinois, 14, Ph.D, 15. Director, Govt. Exp. Sta, Anadalkioi, Roumania, 07; lecturer, Studina, 08; director, Herastrau, 11; official commis- sioner to the U. S. for the Roumanian Govt, 13- 16. A.A; Bot. Soc. Plant physiology; cytol- ogy; genetics; Mendelism; vitality of pollen; effects of endosperm removal. Andros, S(tephen) O(sgood), 910 Michigan Ave, Chicago, Ill. Mining. Gardiner, Maine, 76. A.B, Bowdoin, 97; B.S, Mich. Col. Mines, 02, M.E, 03. Asst. supt, Imp. Coffee Co, 03-05; pres, Coffee Primo Mining Co, 05-09; field asst, Ill. coal mining investigations, 11-15; asst. prof. mining research, Illinois, 15-16; pres, sec’y and direc- tor, various land companies, 16- Chairman, board directors, N. Mex. Naval Consulting Board. A.A; Min. Eng; Eng. Educ; Ill. Acad. Placer mining; coal mining. Andrus, L(ucius) B(uckley), Kelsey Brewer and Co, Grand Rapids, Mich. Electrical engineering. Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 22, 75. E.E, 10; M.S, (E.E), 16. Supt, fire alarm, telegraph and AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE police signal systems, Columbus, Ohio, 00-02; with Westinghouse Elec. and Mfg. Co, 02-04; gen. supt, Ind. and Mich. Electric Co, 04; chief engineer, Kelsey Brewer Co. Lecturer elec. eng, Notre Dame. A.A; Elec. Eng. Effect of syn- chronous motors on line regulation; effect of inertia on speed regulation; water wheel tests in place. Angela, Sister Helen (Dorety), College of Saint Elizabeth, Convent Station, N. J. Botany. Kaolin, 8. C, May 4, 70. A.B, St. Elizabeth, 03; A.M, Chicago, 07, fellow, 08-09, Ph.D, 09. Prof. bot. and head of dept, St. Elizabeth, 09- A.A; Bot. Soc. Plant anatomy and physiology; anatomy of cycads. Angell, Dr. F(rank), Stanford University, Calif. *Psychology. Rhode Island, 57. B.S, Ver- mont, 78, L.H.D,. 92; Ph.D, Leipzig, 91. Teacher, high sch, Washington, D. C, 80-87; asst. prof. psychol, Cornell, 91-92; prof. Stan- ford, 92— Investigator, Belgian Relief Commis- sion, 16—- Psychophysics; sensory discrimination for different intervals of time. Angell, Dr. James R(owland), Yale University, New Haven, Conn. *Psychology. Burlington, Vt, May 8, 69. A.B, Michigan, 90, A.M, 91; A.M, Harvard, 92; Berlin and Halle, 93; Sc.D, Vermont, 15. Instr. philos, Minnesota, 94; asst. prof. exp. psychol, Chicago, 95-01, assoc. prof, 01-04, prof. and head, dept. psychol, 04-20, dean, senior colleges, 08-11; dean, faculties, arts, lit. and science, 11-20; acting pres, 13, 18; chair- man Nat. Research Council, 19; pres, Carnegie Corp, 20-21; Yale, 21- Lecturer psychol, Cali- fornia, 03; Wellesley, 04; Ichabod Spencer lee- turer, Union Col, 11; Sorbonne lecturer, Paris, 15. Nat. Acad; Psychol. Ass. (pres, 06); West. Philos. Ass. (v. pres, 03). Psychology of atten- tion; organic accompaniments of conscious proc- esses; auditory localization; reaction time; ef- fect of partial tones on localization of sound; dermal space-perception; memory and develop- ment in motor coordination; animal intelligence; rhythm; vision; affection. Angell, Prof. M(artin) F(uller), University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. Physics. Delavan, Wis, Dec, 29, 78. B.S, Wisconsin, 02, A.M, 05, Ph.D, 11. Asst. physics, Wisconsin, 02-03, 04-05 ; prof. physics and math, New Mexico, 03-04, physics and elec. eng, 05-13, dean, col. science and eng, 08-13; prof. physics, Idaho, 18-, act- ing dean, univ. faculty, 18-19, col. letters and sciences, 19-20. A.A; assoc. mem. Physical Soe. Absorption of infra-red radiations; self-record- ing electrometer for atmospheric potential; at- mospherie potential; gradient measurements; thermal conductivity of metals at high tempera- tures. Angier, Prof. Roswell P(arker), Yale Station, New Haven, Conn. Psychology. St. Paul, Minn, Oct. 21, 74. A.B, Harvard, 97, A.M, 01, Ph.D, 03; Berlin, 04-06. Asst, physiol. lab, Berlin, 05-06; instr. psychol, Yale, 06-08, asst. prof, 08-17, prof, 17-, acting director, psychol. lab, 09-14, director, 14-, dean of freshmen, 20- A.A; Psychol. Ass; Physiol. Soc; Philos. Ass. Estheties; psychology and physiology of vision. Angle, Dr. Edward H(artley), 1025 N. Madison Ave, Pasadena, Calif. Orthodontia. Herrick, Pa, AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 17 June 1, 55, D.D.S, Pa, Col. Dental Surg, 78; hon. M.D, Marion-Sims-Beaumont Col. Med, 99; hon. Se.D, Pennsylvania, 15. anat. of teeth and orthodontia, Minnesota, 89- 91; orthodontia, Northwestern, 92-98; Marion- Sims-Beaumont Col. Med, 96-98; Washington (St. Louis), 98; founder and prof. orthodontia, Angle Sch. Orthodontia, St. Louis and New London, 00-13, Pasadena, Calif, 16- Special surgeon, Great North. R.R, 92-95; Wabash R.R, 96-08. A.A; Soc. Orthodont. (pres, 00); hon. mem. Soc. Dental Mex; hon. mem. Verein Zahn- arzte; hon. mem. Verein Oster. Zahniirzte; hon. mem, Vienna Orthodont. Gesell; hon. mem. Verein Wiener Zahnirzte; hon. mem. Dental Soc. Sweden; hon. mem. Med-Dental Soe. Fin- land. Fractures of the maxillae; malocclusion of the teeth; orthodontic mechanism. Angle, Dr. E(dward) J(ohn), 2219 B St, Lin- coln, Nebr. Medicine. Cedarville, Tl, April 1, 64, B.S, Wisconsin, 90; M.D, Pennsylvania, 95; A.M, Nebraska, 98. Prof. genito-urinary surg. and dermat, Nebraska, 05-10; specialist, skin and genito-urinary diseases. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Urol. Ass. Zoology; genito-urinary and skin diseases; kidneys of the. pig. Anthony, A(lfred) W(ebster), Natural History Museum,San Diego,Calif. Ornithology. Cayuga Co, N. Y, Dec. 25, 65. Pub. schools. Mining engineer. Fel. Ornith. Union; Soc. Mammal; Caurinus Club. Pelagic and insular ornithology. Anthony, Charles, Vieytes y Gorriti, Bahia Blanca, Argentina, Engineering. Hereford, England, 65. Royal Sch. Mines, Bristol; Cambridge. Asst. engineer, Bateman and Parsons, 90-91; engineer first class, Argentine Govt, 91-93; prin- cipal res. engineer, Buenos Aires Sanit. Im- provement Works Commissioners, 93-02; con- sulting engineer, Cape Colonial Govt, 03-06; legal representative and chief engineer, Dirks and Dates, 06-08; gen. manager, Bahia Blanca Water Works Co, 09— Civil Eng; fel. Royal Astron. Soe; British Inst. Civil Eng. (pres, 86-89); fel. British Sanit. Inst; fel. Edinburgh Royal Soc; fel. R. Met. Soc. Hydraulic and sanitary engi- neering; sewage disposal; color determination; filtration. Anthony, Prof. Gardner C(hace), Tufts College, Mass. Graphics. Providence, R. I, April 24, 56. Brown, 75-77; Tufts, 77-78, A.M, 90, hon. Se.D, 05. Mechanical engineer, 78-85; instr, R. IT. Sch. of Design, 85-87; director, R. I. Sch. Tech. Drawing, 87-93; prof. tech. drawing and dean, Bromfield-Pearson Sch, Tufts, 93-, dean, eng. sch, 98- A.A; Mech. Eng; Eng. Educ. (pres, 13). Mechanical and machine drawing; gearing; descriptive geometry. Anthony, H(arold) E(Imer), American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y. Zoology. Beaverton, Oregon, April 5, 90. B.S, Columbia, 15, A.M, 20. Asst. zool. and chem, Pacifie (Oregon), 10-11; mammal, Am. Museum Nat. Hist, 11-18, assoc. curator, 19- Field asst, U. S. Biol. Surv, summers, 10, 11. Lieut, F.A, 17- 18, capt, 18-19. Mem. or leader, scientific ex- peditions to west. states, Mexico, Ecuador, Panama, Isthmus of Darien, P. R. and Cuba. Soe. Mammal; assoc. Ornith. Union; fel. N. Y. irae Wash. Biol. Soe; Explorers’ Club. Mam- Prof. histol, comp. Anthony, malogy; mammals of Oregon, Panama, Cuba and Porto Rico; Pleistocene Mammalia of the West Indies. R(oy) David), State College, Pa. Horticulture. Rochester, N. Y, April 2, 84. B.S, Rochester, 08; B.S.A, Cornell, 10, M.S.A, 13, Ph.D, 20. Asst. pomol, Cornell, 10-11, instr, 12- 13; assoc. horticulturist, N. Y. Exp. Sta, Geneva, 13-19; research horticulturist, Pa. State, 19- A.A; Soc. Hort. Sci. Fruit breeding. Appleby, Dean W(illiam) R(emsen), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Metallurgy, Assaying. Hoboken, N. J, Feb. 11, 65. A.B, Williams, 86, A.M, 93; sch. mines, Columbia, 87. Asst. anal. and pharmaceut. chem, N. Y. Col. Pharmacy, 88-89; prof. mining and metal, Minnesota, 91-92, metal. and dean, sch. of mines, 00—- Consulting metal. engineer, U. S. Bur. Mines, 18- Mem. jury awards, Panama-Pacific Expos. Min. and Metal. Eng; Min. and Metal. Soc; Chem. Soe; Soe. Chem. Indust; Lake Su- perior Min. Inst; London Inst. Min. and Metal; N. of England Inst. Min. and Mech. Eng. Appleman, Dr. Cha(rle)s O(rval), College Park, Md. Botany. Millville, Pa,Dee.6,78. Ph.B, Dick- inson, 03; Ph.D, Chicago, 10; Cold Spring Har- bor, summer, 05. Instr, Swarthmore Prep. Sch, 03-04; prof. biol, Lombard, 04-08; plant physi- ologist, Md. Exp. Sta, 10-, prof. plant physiol. and biochem. and dean, grad. sch, Maryland, 18- A.A; Bot. Soc; Chem. Soe. Physiology and bio- chemistry of plants. Appleton, Prof. J(ohn) H(oward), 209 Angell St, Providence, R. I. *Chemistry. Portland, Maine, Feb. 3, 44. Ph.B, Brown, 63, A.M, 69, Se.D, 00. Instr. chem, Brown, 63-68, Newport-Rogers prof, 68-14, emer. prof, 14- Mem. U. 8. Mint Commission, 91; consulting chemist. A.A; Chem. Soc. (v. pres); N. Y. Acad. Industrial chemistry; artificial dyes. Appleton, Dr. L(illa) Estelle, Oxford College, Qxford, Ohio. Psychology. Victory, Vt, Nov. 9, 58. B.Litt, Oberlin, 86, Ph.B, 90; Ph.M, Chi- cago, 03, M.S, 04, Ph.D, 09; fellow, Clark, 08- 09; Columbia, 10-11. Various school positions, 75-01; director, sch. educ, Upper Towa, 07-08; acting head, dept. educ. and supt, training sch, Marshall, 09-10; acting head, dept. philos. and educ, Milwaukee-Downer, 11-12; instr. psychol. and educ, Kindergarten Training Sch, 12-16; editorial work, 16-18; head, dept. psychol. and educ, Oxford (Ohio), 18- A.A; Brussels Solvay Inst. de Sociol. Comparative phylogenetic and ontogenetic psychology; art; play activities of adult savages and civilized children. Arbuckle, Dr. H(oward) B(ell), Davidson, Bs Aus Oe Chemistry. Lewisburg, W. Va, Oct. 5, 70. A.B, Hampden-Sidney, 89, A.M, 90; Virginia; Ph.D, Hopkins, 98. Fellow and instr, Hampden- Sidney, 89-90; instr, dept. chem. and physies, Florida State, 91-95; asst. chem, Hopkins, 96- 98; dept. chem. and biol, Agnes Scott Col, 98- 06, prof. chem, 06-13; Davidson, 13—- Chem. Soc. (pres, Ga. sect, 07); N. C. Acad. (pres, 16). Death in shell during artificial incubation; toxic effects of fertilizers on tobacco. Arbuthnot, Dr. Thomas S(haw), 6425 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa. Medicine. Pittsburgh, Feb. 18, 71. A.B, Yale, 94; M.D, Columbia, 98; L.R.C.P, 18 M.R.C.S, London, 00. Dean and assoc. prof. med, Pittsburgh, 09-19. Mem. staff, Mercy Hosp, Pittsburgh; trustee, Shadyside Acad. Am. Med. Ass; Am. Acad. Med; Pittsburgh Col. Physicians; Pittsburgh Acad. Med. Internal medicine. Archibald, Prof. E(benezer) H(enry), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B. C, Can. *Chemistry. Brookvale, N. S, Sept. 27, 73. B.S, Dalhousie, 97, M.S, 98; A.M, Harvard, 00, Ph.D, 02. Demonstrator chem, McGill, 02-04; instr, Syracuse, 04-06, asst. prof, 06-09, assoc. prof, 09-12, prof, 12-15; asst. prof, British Columbia, 15-17, assoc. prof, 17-20, prof. chem, and head of dept, 20- A.A; Chem. Soc; fel. Royal Soc. Can; fel. Royal Soc. Edinburgh. Conductivity of salt solutions; freezing-point of dilute solu- tions; atomic weight of caesium, rubidium, po- tassium and platinum; the electric conductivity of organic bodies dissolved in the liquefied halo- gen hydrids; basic properties of oxygen; com- pounds of the halogen acids and organic sub- stances containing oxygen; separation of platinum from iridium; separation of iron from manganese by means of nitrosophenylhydroxyl- amine. Archibald, Dr. Edward William, 52 Westmount Boulevard, Montreal, Can. Surgery. Montreal, Aug. 5, 72. B.A, McGill, 92, M.D, C.M, 96. Asst. surgeon, Royal Victoria Hosp, 04—; assoc prof. clin. surg, McGill, O8— Surgeon, Children’s Mem. Hosp. Ass. Path. and Bact; Surg. Ass; Int. Soe. Surg. Pancreatitis; cerebral injuries; intestinal tuberculosis. Archibald, Prof. Ray(mond) C(lare), Brown Uni- versity, Providence, R. I. *Mathematics. South Branch, N. S, Oct. 7, 75. A.B, Mt. Allison, 95, teacher’s diploma in violin, conservatory of music, 94, artist’s diploma, 95; A.B, Harvard, 96, A.M, 97, 97-98; Berlin, 98-99; Ph.D, Stras- bourg, 00; Paris, 09-10. Teacher math, Mt. Allison Ladies’ Col, 94-95, prof, 00-07; prof. and head of dept, Acadia, 07-08; instr, Brown, 08-11, asst. prof, 11-17, assoc. prof, 17- Li- brarian and head, violin dept, Mt. Allison Ladies’ Col, 00-07; ed.-in-chief, ‘Am. Math. Monthly,’ ed, ‘Rev. semestrielle publ. math.’ A.A; Math. Soe. (librarian, mem. ed. board, ‘Bul’); Math. Ass, (councilor, 16); Am. Acad; London Math. Soc; British Math. Ass; Edin- burgh Math. Soc; Soc. math. de France; Math. Verein. The cardioid and some of its related curves; mathematical instruction in France; restoration of Euclid’s book on division of fig- ures; mathematical edueation; bibliography of Simon Newcomb; projective geometry. Arctowski, Dr. Henryk (Bronislaw), New York Publie Library, New York, N. Y. Geography, Climatology. Warsaw, Poland, July 15, 71. Liége, 88, 93-95; Paris, 89-92; Ziirich, 96; Ph.D, Lemberg, 12. Oceanographer and mete- orologist, Belgian antaretic exped, 97-99; mem. Belgica Commission; asst, Royal Observatory, Belgium, 04-09; chief, science div, N. Y. Pub. Library, 11-19. Medal, Belgian Royal Geog. Soc; Order of Leopold; Murchison grant, Lon- don Geog. Soc. A.A; Ass. Geog; N. Y. Acad; fel. London Geog. Soc; Belgian Geog. Soc; cor. mem. Soc. Belge de Géol; Polish Soc. Nat. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Antarctic geology; oceanography; meteorology; aurora australis; climatic fluctuations; solar faculae; reactions of vapors; solutions; crops. Ardagh, Prof. E(dward) G(owan) R(ussell), Uni- versity of Toronto, Toronto, Can. Chemical en- gineering. B.ASce, Toronto, 01. Assoc. prof. chem, eng, Toronto. Soe. Chem. Indust. (chair- man, Toronto Branch, 18-20, asst. ed, ‘Ab- stracts’). Natural gases of Ontario. Arey, Prof. Leslie B(rainerd), 2421 S. Dearborn St, Chicago, Ill. Anatomy. Camden, Maine, Feb. 15, 91. A.B, Colby, 12; Ph.D, Harvard, 15. Austin teaching fellow, Harvard, 13-15; instr. anat, Northwestern, 15-16, assoc. prof, 17- 19, prof. micros, anat, 19- Ass, Anat; Soe. Zool. Experimental anatomy; physiology of the sense organs and sensory behavior; retinal phys- iology; normal shape of red blood corpuscle; mammalian histology. Arey, Prof. M(elvin) F(ranklin), 2320 Normal St, Cedar Falls, Iowa. Geology. Hampden, Maine. A.B, Bowdoin, 67, A.M, 70. Private and corporal, 22d Maine Volunteers, 62-63; principal, sem, Bucksport, Maine, 68-72; supt. schools, Cedar Falls, Iowa, 74-77; Fort Dodge, Towa, 77-90; prof. nat. science, Iowa Teachers’ Col, 90-, head of dept, 09-17, curator, museum, 17— Iowa Univ. exped. to Bahamas, 93; sec’y, Iowa State Educ. Council, 25 years; special asst, Iowa Geol. Surv; mem. City Council, 99-15. A.A; Iowa Acad. (pres, 05). Underground waters of Iowa. Argall, Philip, First National Bank Building, Denver, Colo. Chemistry, Metallurgy, Geology. Belfast, Ireland, Aug. 27, 54. Wicklow and Dublin schools. Manager, various mines in for- eign countries and in the U. S.; consulting min- ing and metallurgical engineer, 01— Gold medal, London Inst. Min. and Metal. Min. Eng; Min. and Metal. Soc; Colo. Sci. Soe; London Inst. Min. and Metal; Royal Irish Acad. Nickel ore deposits; sampling and dry erushing in Colo- rado; cyanid process; siderit and sulphids of Leadville, Colo. Arkell, Prof. T(homas) R(eginald), Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Animal husbandry. Arkell, Ont, March 30, 87. B.S.A, Toronto, 08. Prof. animal husbandry, N. H. Col, and animal hus- bandman, N. H. Exp. Sta, 09-12; chief, sheep and goat div, Can. Dept. Agr, 12-18; manager, Can. Wool Growers, Ltd, 18— A.A; Soe. Animal Nutrition. Nutrition in sheep; Mendelian in- heritance in sheep. Arkin, Prof. Aaron, 519 Front St, Morgantown, W. Va. Pathology. Libau, Russia, Sept. 6, 88. Fellow, Chicago, 08-09, 12-13, B.S, 09, Ph.D, 13; fellow, Rush Med. Col, 10-12, M.D, 12; A.M, Wisconsin, 10. Instr. pharmacol, Wiscon- sin, 09-10; prof. path. and bacter, West Vir- ginia, 18— Chief bacteriologist and pathologist, W. Va. State Hygienic Lab, 14-17; mem. Mem, Inst. for Infectious Diseases, Chicago, 10-12; Sprague Mem. Inst, Chicago, 12. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Physiol. Soc; Ass. Path. and Bact; Soe. Pharmacol; Pub. Health Ass; Soe. Bact. Syphilis of the bowel; catalytie activity of blood and tissue; phagocytosis; immune reactions; sodium salts. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 19 Arlitt, Dr. Ada Hart, Low Buildings, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Psychology. New Orleans, La, July 27, 90. A.B, Tulane, 13; Ph.D, Chicago, 17. Fellow, Sprague Mem. Inst, Chicago, 17; assoc. educ. psychol, Bryn Mawr, 17— Psychol. Ass; S. Soe. Philos. and Psychol. Educational and animal psychology; mental tests. Arms, Dr. B(urdett) L(oomis), State Board of Health, Jacksonville, Fla. Bacteriology. Spring- field, Vt, Sept. 27, 69. M.D, Vt. Col. Med, 05. Bacteriologist, Boston Board of Health Lab, 06-08; asst. director, 08-10, direetor, 10-13; lecturer munic. lab. methods, Mass. Inst. Tech, 10-13; state bacteriologist, Oregon, 13-14; prof. prev. med, Texas, 14-16; state bacteriologist, Ala, 16-17; director, div. diagnostic laboratories, Fla. State Board of Health, 17— Ass. Path. and Bact; Am. Med. Ass; Pub. Health Ass; Nat. Committee Milk Standards. Laboratory studies of diphtheria, tuberculosis, glanders, and hook- worm. Armsby, Dr. H(enry) P(rentiss), State College, Pa. *Animal nutrition. Northbridge, Mass, Sept. 21, 53. B.S, Worcester, 71; Ph.B, Yale, 74, Ph.D, 79, Se.D, 20; Leipzig, 76; LL.D, Wiscon- sip,04. Asst. chem, Worcester,71—72; teacher nat. science, high sch, Fitchburg, Mass, 74-75; asst. chem, Rutgers, 76-77; chemist, Conn. Exp. Sta, 77-81; v. principal, Conn. Col, 81-83; prof. agr. chem. Wisconsin, and assoc. director, Exp. Sta, 83-87; director, Exp. Sta, Pa. State, 87-07, dean, sch. of agr, 90-02, director, inst. of ani- mal nutrition, O7— Chairman, committee on coop. exp. sta. exhibits, Columbian Expos, 93; Paris, 00; mem. committee on dairy tests, Co- lumbian Expos, 93; expert animal nutrition, U. S. Dept. Agr, 98-20; mem. Commission on Agr. Research, 06-08; delegate, Inter-Allied Scien- tific Food Commission, 18. Nat. Acad; A.A; Soc. Prom. Agr. Sci; Physiol. Soc; Ass. Agr. Col. (pres, 99); Soc. Animal Nutrition (pres, 08); Soe. Biol. Chem; for. mem. Stockholm Royal Acad. Agr. Stock feeding; utilization of the potential energy of the food of domestic animals. Armstrong, Prof. A(ndrew) C(ampbell), Middle- town, Conn. *Philosophy, Psychology. New York, N. Y, Aug. 22, 60. A.B, Princeton, 81, fellow, 81-82, A.M, 84, theol. sem, 82-85, hon. Ph.D, 96; Berlin, 85-86; A.M, Wesleyan, 94. Assoc. prof. ecclesiastical hist, Princeton Theol. Sem, 86-87, instr. hist, Princeton, 87-88; prof. philos, Wesleyan, 88— Cooperating ed, ‘Psychol. Rev,’ 04-10. Psychol. Ass; Ass. Prof; Philos. Ass. (mem. exec, committee, 01-03, pres, 15). Historical philosophy; history of intellectual progress; eras of ‘Aufklirung’ in western - thinking; historical development of the philoso- phy of values. Armstrong, Dr. Charles, U. S. Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. Medicine. Alliance, Ohio, Sept. 25, 86. B.S, Mt. Union, 10; M.D, Hopkins, 15. Supt. schools, Greentown, Ohio, 10-11; intern, New Haven Gen. Hosp, 15-16; asst. surgeon, U. S. Pub. Health Serv, 16- Bot- ulism; milksickness; trachoma, Armstrong, Prof. Geo(rge) E, 320 Mountain St, Montreal, Can. Surgery. Can, June a5 4, M.D, C.M, McGill, 77; LL.D, Queen’s (Can) ; Armstrong, Prof. G(ordon) N(elson), Delaware D.Se, Liverpool. Prof. anat, Bishop’s Col, 77- 83, physiol, 88-85; surg. and clin. surg, McGill, 95— Col, C.0.M, 14-19; C.M.G, 18. Surg. Ass; Col. Surg. (pres); Can. Med. Ass; Int. Soe. Surg. Embryology and physiology of the intes- tinal traet; gastric hemorrhage. ? Ohio. Mathematics. Adelphi, Ohio, Feb. 14, 75. A.B, Ohio Wesleyan, 93; A.M, Harvard, 03; D.Tech, Munich, 13. Teacher math. and physics, high sch, E. Liverpool, Ohio, 97-02; instr. math, Oberlin, 05-07; assoc. prof. applied math, Ohio Wesleyan, 07-10, prof, 10- Research worker, dept. terrestrial magnetism, Carnegie Institu- tion, summer, 14. A.A; Math. Soe. Hidden periodicities; magnetic and sunspot phenomena. Arnold, Dr. Bion J(oseph), 105 S. La Salle St, Chicago, Il. Electrical engineering. Casnovia, Mich, Aug. 14, 61. Nebraska, 79-80, E.E, 98, hon. D. Eng, 11; B.S, Hillsdale, 84, M.S, 87, hon. Ph.M, 89; Cornell, 88-89; hon. Se.D, Ar- mour, 07. Industrial positions, 84-88; with Thomson-Houston Elec. Co, 89-93; pres, Arnold Elec. Power Sta. Co, 96—; consulting engineer street railways, Chicago, 02-, chief. subway en- gineer. Consulting engineer, Pub. Service Com- mission, First Dist, N. Y. State; univ. lecturer. Medal, Trans-Miss. Expos, 98; La. Purchase Expos, 04; diploma, Pan-Am. Expos, 01; Long- Streth medal, Franklin Inst, 03. Delegate, Int. Elee. Cong, Paris, 00, St. Louis, 04 (chairman exec. committee and v. pres). A.A; Elec. Eng. (pres, 08); Civil Eng; Eng. Educ; West. Soe. Eng. (pres, 06). The magnetic clutch; storage batteries for traction work; power plants for large buildings; single phase railway construce- tion; traffic needs of large American and Cana- dian cities; aerial torpedoes. Arnold, Dr. F(elix), 824 St. Nicholas Ave, New York, N. Y. Psychology, Education. New York, June 15, 79. A.B, Col. City of N. Y, 98; Pd.M, -N. Y. Univ, 02, Pd.D, 03; Ph.D, Colum- bia, 05. Teacher, pub. sch, N. Y. City, 99-08, principal, O8S— Lecturer philos, Columbia, 07; educ. psychol, dept. edue, Baltimore, Md. 06, lecturer school management, N, Y. Univ, 10. A.A; Psychol. Ass; N. Y. Acad. The psychol- ogy of association; attention and _ interest; school and class management; mental and phys- ical retardation; methods of instruction; theory of education; social ethics; genetic psychology; applied psychology. Arnold, Dr. H(arold) D(eForest), 463 West St, New York, N. Y. Physics. Woodstock Valley, Conn, Sept. 3, 83. Ph.B, Wesleyan, 06, M.S, 07; fellow, Chicago, 07-09, Ph.D, 11, Asst. physics, Wesleyan, 06-07; Chicago, 08; prof, Mt. Alli- son, 09-10; research engineer, Western Elec. Co, J1—- A.A; Physical Soe; Elec. Eng. Are be- tween metallic electrodes; viscosity; telephone transmission. Arnold, Dr. Ralph, 425 Union Oil Building. 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y. *Paleontoloqy, Geology. Marshalltown, Towa, April 14, 75. Throop, 94-96; A.B, Stanford, 99, A.M, 00, Ph.D, 02. Asst. miner, Stanford, 99; instr. chem. and physics, Hoitt’s Sch, Menlo Park, Calif, 99-00; field asst, Wash. Sch. of Mines Mining Surv, 00; asst. geol, Stanford, 00-02; aid, U. S. Geol. Surv, 03-05, paleontologist, 05- 20 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 08, geologist, 08-09; consulting geologist and engineer, 09— Temporary field asst, U. S. Geol. Surv, 00-03; lecturer petrol. geol. and tech, Chi- cago, 14; Harvard and Mass. Inst. Tech, 16; chief, oil, gas and mines sect, Bur. Int. Revenue, 17-19. A.A; Geol. Soc; Paleont. Soc; Soc. Econ. Geol; Seismol. Soc; Min. and Metal. Eng. (chairman, southwest. sect, chairman, petrol. committee, 19-20); Min. and Metal. Soc. (mem. council, 18-); Ass. Petrol. Geol; Pacific Astron. Soe; Cooper Ornith. Club; LeConte Geol. Soe. (see’y, 01); Geol. Soc. of Am. Univ. (pres, 02) ; Wash. Geol. Soc. (see’y, 07); Wash. Biol. Soc; Wash. Acad; London Geol. Soc; London Mala- col. Soc; Royal Geog. Soe. Pleistocene and Tertiary paleontology and stratigraphy of the western coast of North America; geology, pale- ontology and technology of the California oil fields; paleontology of San Pedro, California; Tertiary and Quaternary Pectens of California; paleontology of the Santa Cruz Mountains; geology and oil resourees of Coast Ranges; oil resources of the world; taxation of mines. Arnold, Prof. S(amuel) T(omlinson), Brown Uni- versity, Providence, R. I. Chemistry. Fail River, Mass, 92. A.B, Brown, 13, A.M, 14, Ph.D, 16. Inst. chem, Brown, 16-18, asst. prof, 18- Chem. Soe. (see’y, R. I. sect, 18). Analytical chemistry. Arny, Prof. A(Ibert) C(edric), 2115 Dudley St, St. Paul, Minn. Agriculture. Washington Co, Minn, Nov. 4, 77. B.S.(Agr), Minnesota, 09. Asst. prof. agr, Minnesota, 09-, and asst. agri- culturist, Exp. Sta, 09-14, in charge farm crops, 14- Soc. Agron. Farm crops; forages; small grains; corn; rotations. Arny, Prof. H(enry) V(inecome), 115 W. 68th St, New York, N. Y. Pharmacy. Philadelphia, Pa, Feb. 28, 68. Ph.G, Phila. Col. Pharm, 89, Ph.M, 19; Ph.D, Gottingen, 96. Prof. pharmacy, West- ern Reserve, 97-11; chem, Col. Pharmacy, Co- lumbia, 11- A.A; Pharmaceut. Ass; Chem. Soc; Franklin Inst. Pharmaceutical chemistry; re- vision of the United States Pharmacopeia and of the national formulary. Arps, Prof. George F(rederick), 216 E. Lane Ave, Columbus, Ohio. Psychology. Cary, Ill, Jan. 23, 75. A.B, Stanford, 04; A.M, Indiana, 05; Ph.D, Leipzig, 08. Assoc. prof. educ. and psychol, Indiana, 08-10; asst. prof. psychol, Mlinois, 10-12; prof, Ohio State, 12- Major, Sanit, C, 18-19. A.A; Psychol Assoe. Sensa- tions of pressure; attention and rhythm; the influence of intensity on the acoustic perception of depth; awareness as an efficiency factor; visual discrimination; color induction; regenera- tion. Arsem, William C(ollins), Schenectady, N. Y. Chemistry. Chelsea, Mass, May 1, 80. BS, Mass. Inst. Tech, 01. Chem. engineer, Gen. Elec. Co, 01-18; pres. and treas, Org. Products Corp, 16—; pres, Indust. Tech. Corp, 18- Silver medal, Panama-Pacific Expos, 15. Chem. Soc. (pres, east. N. Y. sect, 15-17); Electrochem. Soc; Elee. Eng. Electrochemistry; organic chemis- try; transformation of carbon into graphite; electric vacuum furnaces; valency and molecular structure; electrode surface and dielectric phe- nomena, Arthur, Prof. J(oseph) C(harles), La Fayette, Ind. *Botany. Lowville, N. Y, Jan.11,50. B.S, Iowa State, 72, M.S, 77, Se.D, 20; Hopkins, 78-79; Harvard, 79; Sc.D, Cornell, 86; Bonn, 96; LL.D, Iowa, 16. Instr. bot, Minnesota and Wisconsin, 79-82; botanist, N. Y. Exp. Sta, Geneva, 84-87; prof. bot, Purdue, 87-88, veg. physiol. and path, and botanist, Exp. Sta, 88-15, emer. prof. bot, 15— Int. Cong. Arts and Sciences, St. Louis, 04 (speaker). A.A. (sec’y, F, 86, asst. gen. sec’y, 87, v. pres, 95); Soc. Nat; Bot. Soc. (pres, 02, 19); Soe. Prom. Agr. Sei; Philos. Soc; Ind. Acad. (pres, 93); Iowa Acad; Phila. Acad; Torrey Bot. Club; Int. Ass. Bot; Cong. Int. Bot. (mem, committee nom. erypt, 05-10). Fungous diseases of cultivated crops; development of plant rusts; the connection of aecial and telial stages of heteroecismal Uredinales. Artschwager, Dr. Ernst, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Botany. Linkuhnen; Germany, July 9, 89. B.S, Colorado, 15; Ph.D, Cornell, 18. Scientific asst, bur. plant indust, U.S. Dept. Agr, 16-17; asst. plant physiol, Cornell, 18- Collaborator, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 17— Bot. Soc; Phytopath. Soc. Plant anatomy, physiology and pathology. Ashcraft, Prof. T(homas) B(ryce), 34 Pleasant St, Waterville, Maine. Mathematics. Marsh- ville, N. C, Nov. 27, 82. A.B, Wake Forest, 06; Ph.D, Hopkins, 11. Principal, Wingate High Sch, 06-07; assoc. prof. math, Colby, 11- 13, prof, 15- Math. Soc. Quadratic involutions on the plane rational quartic. Ashford, Col. Bailey K(elly), M. C, U. S. A, 17 Nereidas Ave, San Juan, P. R. Medicine. Washington, D. C, Sept. 18, 73. M.D, George- town, 96, Se.D, 11. Army med. officer, 97- Mem. P. R. Inst. Trop. Med. and Hygiene, 13-; Rockefeller Foundation med. exped. to Brazil, 16; in charge battle training of med. officers, A.E.F, 17-18; mem. trop. diseases prevention committee, London; consulting ed, Med. and Surg. Hist. of the World War, 20. U.S. dele- gate, Int. Cong. Indust. and Alimentary Hy- giene, Brussels, 11. Am. Physicians; Soe. Clin. Invest; Soc. Trop. Med; Col. Surg; P. R. Med. Ass. (pres, 15). Tropical diseases; application of medical science to war. Ashhurst, Dr. Astley P(aston) C(ooper), 1629 Spruce St, Philadelphia, Pa. Surgery. Phila- delphia, Aug. 21, 76. A.B, Pennsylvania, 96, M.D, 00. Surgeon Episcopal Hosp, 15—; Ortho- pedic Hosp, 14-; prosector, Pennsylvania, 04- 11, inst, 11-20, assoc, 20— Col, M.R.C, A.E.F, 17-18. Gross prize, Phila. Acad. Surg, 10. Col. Surg; Surg. Ass; Soe. Int. de Chirurg. En- largement of the prostate; fractures of the hu- merus; upper abdomen; multiple fractures; per- foration of intestine and gall-bladder in typhoid fever; tetanus; empyema; birth injuries of shoulder. Ashley, Prof. Geo(rge) H(all), Capitol, Harris- burg, Pa. *Geology. Rochester, N. Y, Aug. 9, 66. M.E, Cornell, 89; A.M, Stanford, 92, Ph.D, 94. Paleontologist, Ward’s Nat. Science Estab, Rochester, N. Y, 89-91; asst. geologist, Ark. Geol. Surv, 91-93; teacher, high schools, Stock- ton and San Bernardino, Calif, 94-96; asst. state geologist, Ind, 96-00; prof. biol. and geol, AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 21 Col. of Charleston, 00-03; asst. geologist, U. 8. Geol. Surv, 01-05, geologist, 05-12, administra- tive geologist, 12-19; state geologist, Pa, 19- Prof. pharmacog, Med. Col. of S. C, 01-03; mem. juries of awards, 8. C, I. and -W. I. Expos, 02; state geologist, Tenn, 10-12; acting prof. geol, Vanderbilt, 17. A.A; Geol. Soc; Min. Eng; Social Sci. Ass; Wash. Geol. Soc; cor. mem, Ind, Acad; hon. mem. 8. C. Pharmaceut. Ass; hon. mem. Tenn. Acad. Geology of coal; sources of power. Ashman, Dr. G(eorge) C(romwell), Bradley Poly- technic Institute, Peoria, Il]. Chemistry. Frank- fort, Ind, Aug. 19, 69, B.S, Wabash, 95, A.M, 06; M.S, Chicago, 05, Ph.D, 08. Asst. chem, Wabash, 95-96; instr. physics and chem, high sch, Frankfort, Ind, 96-01; Il. State Nor. Sch, 01; chem, Bradley Polytech, 02—_ A.A; Chem. Soe; Central Ass. Sci. and Math. Teachers; Ind. Acad; Tl. Acad. Determination of the radium ' emanation in the atmosphere; preparation of urano-uranie oxid, U,O,, and a standard of ac- tivity; the specific. radio-activity of thorium and its products. Ashton, Prof. C(harles) H(amilton), 1200 Ohio St, Lawrence, Kans. Mathematics. Cambridge, N. Y, Aug. 12, 66. A.B, Union, 87, A.M, 90; A.M, Harvard, 93; Ph.D, Munich, 09. Teacher, private sch, 87-89; prof. math, State Nor. Sch, Mansfield, Pa, 89-92; instr, Harvard, 94-03; asst. prof, Kansas, 03-10, assoc. prof, 10-15, prof, 15- Math. Soc; Math Ass; Circolo Mat. di Palermo. Theory of functions of complex variables. Atchison, Dr. Clyde S(hepherd), 403 E. Chestnut St, Washington, Pa. Mathematics. Carnegie, Pa, June 28, 82. A.B, Westminster (Pa), 03; fellow, Hopkins, 06-07; Ph.D, 07. Instr, math, Williams, 07-11, asst. prof, 11-12; prof. Wash- ington and Jefferson, 12- With eng. dept, Erie R. R, several summers; auditor, U. S. Shipping Board, summer, 18. Math. Soc; Math. Ass. Geometry; rational curves. Atkeson, Prof. T(homas) C(lark), 1831 Lamont St, N.W, Washington, D. C. Agriculture. Buf- falo, W. Va, Feb. 15, 52. LL.B, Kentucky, 74; Ph.D, Morris Harvey, 97. Prof. agr, West Virginia, 91-93; pres, Morris Harvey, 93-97; prof. agr. and dean, col. agr, West Virginia, 97- 10, prof. animal husbandry, 10-14, emer. prof, 14-; Washington representative, Nat. Grange Ass, 19- Ed, ‘Ashland (Ky) Jour’; ‘Big Sandy Herald’; ‘W. Va. Farmer.’ Soils; crop production; animal husbandry; animal feeding; wool production. Atkinson, Prof. A(lbert) A(lgernon), Athens, Ohio. Physics, Electrical engineering. Nelson- ville, Ohio, March 7, 67. B.S, Ohio (Athens), 91, M.S, 95; Michigan, 92-93. Supt. schools, E. Townsend, Ohio, 91-92; assoc. prof. physics, Ohio (Athens), 93-95, prof. physics and elec. eng, 95—- A.A; Physical Soe; Elec. Eng; Ohio Acad. The relative actinic power of the spec- trum colors; surface tension and osmotic pres- sure; deposition of copper and silver; elongation of nickel in transverse magnetic fields. Atkinson, Pres. Alfred, Montana Agricultural College, Bozeman, Mont. Agriculture. Seaforth, Ont, Oct. 6, 79. Ont. Agr. Col, 99-02; B.S.A, Iowa State, 04, Se.D, 20; M.S, Cornell, 12. Asst. agron, Iowa Exp. Sta, 02-04; prof, Mont. Col. and Exp. Sta, 04-19, pres, 19- State food administrator, Mont, 17-19. Soc. Agron; Dry «Farming Cong. (chairman exec. committee, 5th Cong); Corn Ass. (v. pres); Plains Coop. Exp. Ass. (v. pres). Dry farming; soil moisture con- trol and nitrate formation. Atkinson, Dr. Daniel A(rmstrong), 132 Oakwood Ave, West View, Pittsburgh, Pa. Zoology. Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 7, 75. M.D, Pittsburgh, 01. Custodian Reptilia and Batrachia, Carnegie Museum. A.A; Pittsburgh Acad. Geographic distribution. Atkinson, Dr. Elizabeth A(llen), 4106 Locust St, Philadelphia, Pa. Chemistry, Geology. Wil- mington, Del, Oct. 7, 68. Certificate in chem, Pennsylvania, 95, Ph.D, 98. Asst. demonstrator chem, Woman’s Med. Col. of Pa, 99-02; treas, Phila, Clin. Lab, 01-07. Chem. Soc. Metal separation by means of hydrobromic acid gas; indium in tungsten minerals. Atkinson, F(rederick) C(ornelius), 1857 Gent Ave, Indianapolis, Ind. Chemistry. Newton, Ala, Jan. 13, 81. B.S, Ala. Polytech, 02, M.S, 03. Asst. chemist, Southern Cotton Oil Co, 03- 04; S. C. Exp. Sta, 05; district chemist, South- ern Cotton Oil Co, 05-08; chemist, Am. Hominy Co, 08; assoc. chemist and sec’y, McCandless Lab, Atlanta, Ga, 09-12; chief chemist, Am. Hominy Co, 183— Chem Soe. (v. pres, Ind. sect, 13, pres, 16-18, councilor, 15, 16, 19, 20); Soe. Chem. Indust; Electrochem. Soc; Oil Chemists Soe; Ass. des Chim. de Sucre et Distillerie; Chem. Gesell. Biological and industrial chem- istry; cereals and cereal products; destructive distillation; leather. Atkinson, James (Purviance), New York City Department of Health, New York, N. Y. Chem- istry. Elizabeth, N. J, Jan. 3, 70. A.B, Prince- ton, 92, M.S, 96. Asst. miner. and anal. chem, Princeton, 92-96; asst, chem, research lab, Dept. Health, N. Y. City, 96-04, chief chemist, 04-. Adj. prof, diseases of digestion, Fordham, 10. Soe. Biol. Chem; Soe. Exp. Biol. Experimental immunity; toxicology of foods and drugs. Atkisson, Major Earl J(ames), U.S. A, Edgewooa Arsenal, Md. Chemistry, Engineering. Broken Bow, Nebr, Aug. 12, 86. Grad, U. 8S. Mil. Aead, 08; M.E, Cornell, 11; grad, Army Eng. Sch, 12. Director elec. and mech. eng, Army Eng. Sch, 13-15; asst. supt, Gatun Locks, Gatun, C. Z, 15-17; commanding officer, first gas regt, 17— 19; with Peace Commission and corps engineers, 19; senior instr, The Inf. Sch, 19-20; command- ing officer, Edgewood Arsenal, 19— D. 8. medal. A.A; Elec, Eng; Chem. Soe. Attix, Prof. J(ames) C(onner), 2355 N. 13th St, Philadelphia, Pa. Chemistry, Metallurgy. Near Kenton, Del, Feb. 28, 70. B.S, Lafayette, 95, M.S, 98; D.D.S, Medico-Chirurg. Col, Phila, 01, M.D, 04. Asst. chem, Lafayette, 95-96; Pa. State, 96; chemist, various iron and steel works, 96-98; asst. chem. and metal, Medico-Chirurg. Col, Phila, 98-01; supt, St. Ignace furnace. Mich, and Goshen furnace, Va, 01-03; prof. chem. and tozicol, Temple, 04- A.A; Chem. Soc; Am. Med. Ass; Agr. Chem; Phila. Rontgen Ray Soc. Volatile combustible matter in coal and coke; poisons; poisoning by permanganate of potash; utilization of fine ore and fine dust 22 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE in the blast furnace; hippuric acid secreted and excreted in certain infections; blood pressure in- struments. Atwater, Miss Helen W(oodard), U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Home economics. Somerville, Mass, May 29, 76. B.L, Smith, 97. Personal ed. asst. to Prof. W. O. Atwater, Wesleyan, 97-04; expert, scientific asst. and later in charge ed. work, office home econ, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 09- Exee. chairman, food pro- duction and home econ. dept, woman’s commit- tee, C. N. D. Home Econ. Ass. Nutrition; economics of clothing, household equipment and management. Atwell, Prof. C(harles) B(each), 1938 Sherman Ave, Evanston, Ill. Botany. Theresa, N. Y, April 11, 55. Ph.B, Syracuse, 79, Ph.M, 82; Harvard, 87; Freiburg, 91. Asst. principal, acad, Lowville, N. Y, 79-80; instr, acad. dept, Northwestern, 80-82; principal pub. schools, South Evanston, Ill, 82-84; instr, acad. dept, Northwestern, 84-87, Northwestern, 87-91, prof. biol, 91-94, bot, 94 Registrar, col. dept, North- western, 90-02; city forester, Evanston, Ill. Soe. Nat; Bot. Soc; Ecol. Soc; Bot. Cent. States; Ill. Acad; Chicago Acad. Algae; chlo- rophyll; algae of Cook County, Illinois; devel- opment of Lathyrus maritimus; embryology of Ribes. Atwell, Prof. Wayne J(ason), 24 High St, Buf- falo, N. Y. Embryology. Fairfield, Nebr, Oct. 19, 89. A.B, Nebr. Wesleyan, 11; A.M, Michi- gan, 15, Ph.D, 17. Research asst. histol, Michi- gan, 13-14, instr. anat, 14-18; prof, Buffalo, 18- Ass. Anat; Ass. Study Int. Secretions. Develop- ment and physiology of the hypophysis. Atwood, Dr. Charles Edwin, 14 E. 60th St, New York, N. Y. Medicine. Shoreham, Vt, July 21, 61. B.S, Cornell, 80; M.D, Bellevue Med. Col, 83. Physician, Hudson River State Hosp, 85- 87; Utica State Hosp, 87-92; Bloomingdale Hosp, 92-05; Vanderbilt Clinic, 92-13. Assoc. ed, ‘Jour. Insanity,’ 87-92; visiting neurologist, N. Y. Hosp. and Schools for Children, 07-13; elin. asst. neur, Columbia, 92-13. Am. Med. Ass; N. Y. Acad. Med. Insanity; neurology. Atwood, Dr, Geo(rge) G(ray), 865 Myrtle Ave, Albany, N. Y. Botany. Springfield, Mass, March 2, 47. Se.D, Syracuse, 14. Chief, bur. plant indust, N. Y. State Dept. Agr, 00- A.A; Ass. Econ. Entom; N. Y. Forestry Ass. (v. pres). Economie entomology; plant pathology; for- estry; gipsy and brown tail moths; blister rust; chestnut fungi; trees and shrubs for parks and laws; orchard propagation. Atwood, Horace, Morgantown, W. Va. Agricul- ture. Summer Hill, N. Y, Aug. 1, 68. B.S.A, Cornell, 91, M.S.A, 97. Asst. agr, W. Va. Exp. Sta, 97-14, chief, poultry research dept, 18- Poultry Ass; Int. Ass. Instructors and Investi- gators Poultry Husbandry. Feeding; soil fer- tility; breeding; mortality of incubator chicks. Atwood, Dr. Wallace W(alter), Clark University, Worcester, Mass. *Physical geography. Chicago, I, Oct. 1, 72, B.S, Chicago, 97, Ph.D, 03. Instr. physiog, Lewis Inst, Chicago, 97-99; geol, Chicago, Inst, 99-00, director, 00; asst. physiog, Chicago 01-02, assoc, 02-03, instr. geol, 03-08, asst. prof. physiog. and gen. geol, 08-10, assoc. prof, 10-13; prof. physiog, Harvard, 13-20; pres, and prof. physical geog, Clark, 20- - Asst. geologist, U. S. Geol. Surv, 01-09, geologist, 09- Trustee, Children’s Museum, Boston, 14; diree- tor, Children’s Museum, Cambridge, 15- A.A; Geol. Soc; Ass. Geog; Am. Acad; Ill. Acad; Chicago Acad; Chicago Geog. Soc. Glaciation; ancient glaciers among the Rocky Mountains; structural and economic geology; coal resources of Alaska; physiography of San Juan Moun- tains; the new geography. Atwood, Prof. W(infred) M(cKenzie), 214 N. 7th St, Corvallis, Oregon. Botany. Aurelia, Iowa, July 25, 83, A.B, Cornell (Iowa), 07, A.M, 10; M.S, Chicago, 11, fellow, 12-13, Ph.D, 13. Assoc. prof. plant physiol, Oregon Col, 13- A.A; Bot. Soe. Delay of germination of seeds; respira- tion of fruits. Aub, Dr. Joseph C(harles), Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. Physiology. Cincinnati, Ohio, May 13, 90. A.B, Harvard, 11, M.D, 16. Intern, Mass. Gen. Hosp, 14-15; asst. physician, Russell Sage Inst. Path, 15-16; res. physician, Mass. Gen. Hosp, 16-17; instr. physiol, Harvard Med. Sch, 19-20, asst. prof, 20- Physiol. Soe; Soe. Clin. Invest. Metabolism, Auchincloss, William S(tuart), Atlantic High- lands, N. J. Engineering. New York, N. Y, March 19, 42. C.E, Rensselaer, 62. Civil engi- neer, A. and G, W. R. R, 64; U. S. commis- Sioner, Paris Expos, 67; ship builder and car manufacturer, 69-79; commission merchant, 79- 95. A.A; Civil Eng; Mech. Eng; Phila. Eng. Club; Inst. Braziliera; British Ass. War-vessel case-mates; indicators for passenger elevators; axle-boxes and trucks for railroad cars; thread spoolers; averaging instruments for calculating eeroants ; link and valve motions; laws of rain- ow. Auchter, Prof. E(ugene) C(urtis), College of Agriculture, College Park, Md. Horticulture. Elingrove, N. Y, Sept. 14, 89. B.S.A, Cornell, 12, M.S, 18. Asst. pomol, Cornell, 11; instr. hort, West Virginia, 12-14, asst. prof, 14-17, assoc. prof, 18; prof. and head of dept, Md. Col, and pomologist, Exp. Sta, 18— A.A; Soc. Hort. Sei; Pomol. Soe. Orchard survey; apple and peach culture; pruning of the pomaceous and drupaceous fruits. Auchy, George, 6948 Hegerman &t, Tacony, Phila- delphia, Pa. Chemistry. Pottstown, Pa, April 23, 62. Lafayette, 78-82. Chemist, Durham Iron Works, 82-86; Nashua Iron and Steel Co, 94-97; Keystone Saw Works, 97-11; private research political econ, 11- Methods of chem- ical analysis of iron and steel. Auer, Dr. John, Rockefeller Institute, 66th St. and Ave. A, New York, N. Y. *Physiology. Pharmacology. Rochester, N. Y, March 30, 75. B.S, Michigan, 98; M.D, Hopkins, 02. Fellow, Rockefeller Inst, 03-05, asst, 05-06; instr. physiol, Harvard Med. Sch, 06-07; assoc. mem, Rockefeller Inst, 08- House officer, Hopkins Hosp, 02-03; major, M.R.C. A.A; Am. Physi- cians; Physiol. Soe; Soc. Pharmacol. (see’y, 12- 17) ; Soc. Exp. Biol; Harvey Soc. Anaphylaxis; edema; motor phenomena of the gastro-intestinal tract; respiration; functional effect of epi- nephrin, magnesium salts, antiseptiecs, and war gases. - AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 93 Ault, J(ames) P(ercy), 36th St. and Broad Branch Road, Washington,D.C. Physics. Olathe, Kans, Oct. 29, 81. A.B, Baker, 04; A.M, Colum- bia, 09. Magnetie observer, dept. terrestrial magnetism, Carnegie Institution, 04-10, mag- netician, 10-12, alternate commander and mag- netician, 12- Mem. magnetic surv, West Indies and Panama, 05; Pacifie Ocean, 05-06; Mex, 06— 07; Can, 08; navigating officer and magnetic ob- server, ‘Carnegie,’ 09-10; in charge, magnetic surv. exped. to Peru, Bolivia and Chili, 12; in command, ‘Carnegie,’ N. Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, 14. A.A; Wash. Philos. Soe. Terres- trial magnetism. Aungst, Prof. R(euben) H(arper), 244 Willough- by Ave, Brooklyn, N. Y. Chemistry. Suedberg, Pa, April 17, 79. B.S, Pa. State, 05, M.S, 19. Instr. chem, Pratt Inst, 06-14; prof, Adelphi, 14— Austin, Prof. Arthur Everett, Tufts College Medieal School, Boston, Mass. Biochemistry. Boston, Mass, April 11, 61. A.B, Bowdoin, 83, A.M, 87; M.D, Harvard, 87. Prof. med. chem. and toxicol, Tufts, 93-06; assoc. prof. physiol. chem, Virginia, 06-07; prof. chem. and toxicol, Texas, 08; asst. prof. clin. med, Tufts. Col. Physicians; Gastro-Enterol. Ass; Soc. Biol. Chem. Diseases of the digestive tract; diato- therapy. Austin, Prof. C(lift) F(ay), Finca Laguna, Her- radura, Cuba. Horticulture. South Haven, Mich, Oct. 23, 73. B.S, Mich. Agr. Col, 99. Asst. horticulturist, Ala. Exp. Sta, 00-02; assoe. prof. hort, Md. Col, 02-04; chief, dept. hort, Estacion Central Agron, Cuba, 04-09; asst. ad- ministrator, Cent. Nueva Luisa Sugar Estate, 09. A.A; Soe. Hort. Sci; Pomol. Soc. Fruit and vegetable culture. Austin, Prof. F(rank) B(ugene), Box 441, Han- over, N. H. Electrical engineering. Amesbury, Mass, 73. B.S, Dartmouth, 95, fellow, 96-97, E.E, 15. Prof. elec. eng, Dartmouth, 02-, mechanics, Thayer Sch, 18; physies, Norwich, 06-08, elec. eng, 08-14, head of dept, 14- A.A; Eng. Edue. Hydraulies; mechanical engineer- ing; automatic mapper; transformers; alter- nating currents; magnetism. Austin, Dr, J(ames) Harold, Hospital of Rocke- feller Institute, New York, N. Y. Medicine. Philadelphia, Pa, Sept. 22, 83. B.S, Pennsylva- nia, 05, M.D, 08. Assoc. research med, Pennsyl- vania, 11-14, assoc. med. and asst. physician, Univ. Hosp, 12-17; asst, Rockefeller Inst, 19- 20, assoc, 20- Am. Physicians; Am. Med. Ass; Ass. Path. and Bact; Soc. Exp. Biol; Soe. Clin. Invest; Phila. Col. Physicians. Nephritis; physiology of the spleen. Austin, L(eonard) S(trong), 1515 W. Eighth St, Los Angeles, Calif. Metallurgy. Stratford, Conn, Feb. 26, 46. Ph.B, Yale, 68. Mech. engineer, 68-71; chemist, exploration in Pata- gonia, 77-79; practising metallurgist, 81-02; prof. in charge, dept. metal. and ore dressing, Mich. Col. Mines, 03-09; mining and metal. engineer, 09— Min. Eng; Min. and Metal. Soc; Min. and Metal. Inst. Silver, lead and copper smelting; common metals. Austin, Prof. Louis W(inslow), Bureau of Stand- ards, Washington, D. C. *Physics. Orwell, Vt, Oct. 30, 67. A.B, Middlebury, 98, Se.D, 20; Strasbourg, 89-90, Ph.D, 93; fellow, Clark, 90- 91. Instr. and later asst. prof. physics, Wiseon- sin, 93-01; on staff, Physik-Tech. Reichsanstalt, Charlottenburg, 02-04; Bur. Standards, 04-, head, U. 8S. Naval Radio Research Lab, 08- Radio Eng. (pres, 14); Physical. Soe; Wash. Acad; Wash. Philos. Soc; Soc. de Physique; Physik. Gesell; Int. Union Sci. Radio. (v. pres, 20). Physical measurements; elasticity in met- als; magnetostriction discharge of electricity through gases; specific heat of gases at high temperatures, and in radio-telegraphy; trans- mission formula; high frequency measurements; atmospherie disturbances. Austin, Dr. Richard S(isson), 735 Fullerton Ave, Chicago, Ill. Pathology. Providence, R. I, April 18, 85. M.D, Harvard, 11. Asst. path, Boston City Hosp, 11-13; instr. bacter, Harvard Med. Sch, 13-15; asst. prof. path, Rush Med. Col, 15-; pathologist, Children’s Mem. Hosp, 15- Ass. Path. and Bact; Am. Med. Ass. Bacteriol- ogy; pulmonary tuberculosis in children; heredi- tary syphilis. Austrian, Dr. Charles Robert, 1417 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Md. Medicine. Baltimore, Md, 85. A.B, Hopkins, 04, M.D, 09. Asst, instr. and later assoc. med, Hopkins, 10— A.A; Ass. Path. and Bact; Soc. Clin. Invest. Bacteriology; im- munology; internal medicine; infectious dis- - eases; tuberculosis; etiology of angio-neurotic edema. Avers, H(enry) G(odfrey), U. S. Coast and Geodetie Survey, Washington, D. C. Geodesy. Elmore, Ohio, March 6, 86. A.B, George Waslr- ington, 13. Geod. computer, U. S. Coast and Geod. Surv, 08- Math. Ass; Wash. Philos. Soc; Wash. Soe. Eng. Precise leveling. Avery, Dr. Elroy M(cKendree), New Port Richey, Fla. Physics, Chemistry. Erie, Mich, July 14, 44, Ph.B, Michigan, 71, Ph.M, 74; Ph.D, Hills- dale, 82, LL.D, 94, D.C.L, 06. Prineipal, East High Sch. and City Nor. Sch, Cleveland, Ohio, 71-79; mem. Ohio Senate, 92-96. A.A. (see’y, B, 90); Eeon. Ass; Ohio Archeol. and Hist. Soc; Avery Library and Hist. Soc. (founder and pres). Avery, Dr. Oswald T(heodore), Rockefeller Insti- tute, New York, N. Y. Bacteriology. Halifax, N. S. A.B, Colgate, 00; M.D, Columbia, 04. Assoe. director, dept. bact, Hoagland Lab, 07- 13; assoe. and assoc. mem, Rockefeller Inst, 13- Ass. Path. and Bact; Soe. Bact; Soe. Clin. Invest; Harvey Soc; N.’Y. Acad. Med. Bace- teriology of acute respiratory disease. Avery, Chancellor S(amuel), University of Ne- braska, Lincoln, Nebr. *Chemistry. Bureau Co, Ill, April 19, 65. A.B, Doane, 87, LL.D, 09; Idaho, 09; B.S, Nebraska, 92, A.M, 94; Ph.D, Heidelberg, 96. Instr. chem, Nebraska, 95-97, adj. prof, 97-99; prof, Idaho, 99-01; agr. chem, Nebraska, 02-05, chem. and director, chem. lab, 05-06, head prof, 05-08, acting chancellor, 08- 09, chancellor, 09— Major, C.W.S, 17-18. A.A; Chem. Soc; Chem. Gesell. Aromatic glutaric acids; determination of arserie and iron; prus- Ayres, Dr. Leonard P(orter), 24 sic acid in sorghum and kaffir corn; extermina- tion of prairie dogs; arsenical insecticides; sulphur and lime in cattle dips; constitution of Paris green and its homologues ; action of so- dium benzyl cyanid ,with cinnamiec ester; syn- thesis of certain aromatic succinic acids; nitra- tion of b-p-tolylglutarie acid. Ayer, Dr. James B(ourne), 518 Beacon St, Bos- ton, Mass. Medicine. Boston, Dee. 28,82. A.B, Harvard, 03, M.D, 07. Asst. neuropath. and instr. neur, Harvard Med. Sch; neurologist, Mass. Gen. Hosp. A.A; Ass. Path. and Bact; Neur. Ass; Am. Med. Ass; Boston Soe. Psychiat. and Neur. Cerebro-spinal fluid. Ayers, Dr. Howard, Winding Way and Valley Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. *Biology. Olympia, Wash, May 21, 61. B.S, Harvard, 83; Heidel- berg; Strasbourg; Ph.D, Freiburg, 86; LL.D, Missouri, 292 Instr. z00l, Michigan, 86-87; Harvard and Radcliffe, 87-88; Woods Hole, 89- 98; director, Allis Lake Lab, Milwaukee, 89-94 ; prof. biol, Missouri, 94-99; pres, Cincinnati, 99— 04. Walker prize, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, 83. A.A; Soe. Nat; Soe. Zool; cor. mem. Phila. Acad. Vertebrate morphology; anthropology ; morphology and physiology of the vertebrate ear; vertebrate cephalogenesis. Ayres, H(iram) D(outhitt), B. F. Goodrich Rub- ber Co, Akron, Ohio. Physics. College Hill, Ky, May 30, 78. A.B, DePauw, 02; A.M, Cor- nell, 04, Ph.D, 13. Asst. physics, DePauw, 02- 03; instr, Ohio State, 04-05; physicist, Carnegie Institution, 05-10; chief physicist, The Bs i. Goodrich Rubber Co, 18— A.A; Physical Soc. Elasticity of metals. gai H(orace) B(eemer), Kimberly, Minn. For- estry. Allamuchy, N. J, Sept. 20, 56. B.S, Lafayette, 78. Timber inspeetor and geologist, eng. dept, N. P. R. R. Co; Minn. and Pacific R. R; Northern Transcont. Surv; Forest Surv; land departments, St. P. and D. R. R. Co. and N. P. R. R. Co; field asst, U. 8. Geol. Surv; forest expert, bur. of forestry, U. S. Dept. Agr; manager, Kimberly Explor. Co. A.A; Forestry Ass. Southern Appalachian forests; Cascade Mountain forests; northern Rocky Mountain forests; conditions favoring growth of valuable timber; jack pine in the ‘Great American Desert.’ Cleveland Trust Company, Cleveland, Ohio. Education. Niantic, Conn, Sept. 15, 79. Ph.B, Boston, 02, A.M, 09, Ph.D, 10; Columbia, 07-09. Supt. schools, Caguas, P. R, 03-04; San Juan, 04-06; gen. supt, P. R, and chief, div. statist, 06-08; director, div. statist. and div. educ, Russell Sage Foundation, 08-21; v. pres, Cleveland Trust Co, 21- Lecturer educ, Boston, 09; N. Y. Univ, 12; Tilinois, 13; Colorado, 13; director, educ. sur- veys, various cities, 12-15; col, Gen. Staff, 17- 9; chief statist. officer, War Dept; statistician, Am. Peace Commission. A.A. (v. pres, 16); Statist. Ass. Statisties; hygiene; psychology. B ‘ Babasinian, Dr. V(ahan) S, South Bethlehem, Pa. Chemistry. Marsovan, Asia Minor, Nov. 28, 76. A.B, Anatolia, 95; A.M, Brown, 03, Ph.D, 06. Instr. chem, Brown, 03-06; org. Adirondack AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE chem, Lehigh, 06-09, asst. prof, 09-11, assoc. prof, 11— Instr. chem, summer sch, California, 09; research chemist, ©.W.S, 18-19. A.A; Chem. Soc. Sulphonation of aliphatic com- pounds; dyes. Babb, Cyrus C(ates), Granite Falls, N. C. Hy- draulic engineering. Portland, Maine, June 18, 67. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 90. Engineer, U. S. Geol. Surv, 90-02; U. 8. Reclamation Service, 02-09; Maine State Water Storage Commission and U. S. Geol. Surv, 10-16; consulting engi- neer, 16— Civil Eng. Babb, Prof. M(aurice) J(efferis), 157 Cricket Ave, Ardmore, Pa. Mathematics. Marshalton, Pa, Oct. 20, 70. B.S, Haverford, 05; Ph.D, Pennsylvania, 10. Prof. math, Dickinson Sem, 96-00; Bellefonte Acad, 00-01; instr, Pa. State, 01-05; Pennsylvania, 05-10, asst. prof, 10- Trustee, Phila. Collegiate Inst, 11—-; assoc. ed, “Math. Teacher’. A; Math. Soe; Ass. Teach- ers Math. Middle States and Md. Pedagogy and history of mathematics; theory of numbers. Babbitt, Dr. James A(ddison), 1901 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, Pa. Hygiene, Otology. Wakes- field, Vt, Oct. 22, 69. A.B. Yale, 93; A.M, Haverford, 96; M.D, Pennsylvania, 98. Prof. hygiene and physical educ, Haverford; instr. otol, Pennsylvania. Asst. laryngologist and aurist, German Hosp; laryngologist, Garrett Home for Deaf Children; rhinologist, Children’s Hosp. Laryngol. Rhinol. and Otol. Soe; Phila. Col. Physicians; Phila. Laryngol. Soe. Rhinol- ogy; laryngology; physical education; tests of equilibrium. Babcock, Dean HE(arle) J(ay), University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N. Dak. Chemistry, Engineering. St. Charles, Minn, June 11, 65. Carleton; B.S, Minnesota, 89; Se.D, North Da- kota, 14. Instr. chem, North Dakota, 89-91, prof. chem. and geol, 91-02, chem, metal. and mining and dean, col. mining eng, 98-, col. eng, 16-, acting pres, 17-18. State geologist, N. Dak, 97-02. Director, N. Dak. Min. Exp. Sta. A.A; Min. Eng; Chem. Soc; Eng. Edue. Mining en- gineering; industrial chemistry ; ; fire clays; lig- nite coal; gas; briquetting; cement; building stone. Babcock, Prof. Ernest B(rown), University of California, Berkeley, Calif. Edgertown, Wis, July 10, 77. B.S, California, 05, M.S, 11. Teacher biol. and nature study, Los Angeles Nor. Sch, 06-07; instr. plant path, California, 07-08, asst. prof, 08-09, agr. educ, 09-12, prof. genetics, 18— A.A; Soe. Nat; Soc. Hort. Sci. Nature and origin of certain forms of Juglans ealiforniea Wats; nature and mech- anism of the germinal substance. Plant genetics. Babcock, Harold D(elos), Mt. Wilson Solar Ob- servatory, Pasadena, Calif. Physics. Edgerton, Wis, Jan. 24, 82. B.S, California, 07. Asst. physies, California, 05-06; lab. asst, Bur, Stand- ards, 06-08; physicist, Mt. Wilson Solar Ob- servatory, O09- A.A. Standard resistances; Zeeman effect; iron are spectrum; electrostatic field of sun. Babcock, Dr. H(arold) L(ester), Woodleigh Road, Dedham, Mass. May 30, 86. Herpetology. Holliston, Mass, Worcester, 05-06; M.D, Boston, AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 25 10; Berlin, 11. Asst. curator reptiles, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Ichthyol. and Herp. Tur- tles of New England. Babcock, Prof. Henry A(ndrews), Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. Physics. Lebanon Springs, N. Y, July 17, 91. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 12, M.S, 13; fellow, Northwestern, 14-16, Ph.D, 16. Instr. physics, Northwestern, 16-17, assoc. prof, 19— Second lieut, A. S, A.E.F, 17— 19. Physical Soc. Heat; specific heat of am- monia. Babcock, Dr. S(tephen) M(oulton), 432 Lake St, Madison, Wis. *Agricultural chemistry. Bab- cock Hill, N. Y, Oct. 22, 43. A.B, Tufts, 66, LL.D, 01; Ph.D, Gottingen, 79; Se.D, Wiscon- sin, 17. Instr. chem, Cornell, 75-77, 81-82; chemist, N. Y. Exp. Sta, Geneva, 82-88; prof. agr. chem, Wisconsin, and chief chemist, Exp. Sta, 88-13, asst. director, 99-13, emer. prof, 13— Mem. jury of awards, Pan-Am. Expos, 01. Bronze medal, Wis. Legislature, 99; grand prize, Paris Expos, 00; St. Louis Expos, 04; silver medal, Stockholm, 08. A.A. (see’y, ©, 94). Dairy chemistry; influence of low temperatures upon the curing of cheese; conservation of gravity during molecular changes; constitution of matter. Babcock, William Henry, 810 F St, N. W, Wash- ington, D. C. History. St. Louis, Mo,-Jan. 1, 49. LL.B, Columbian, 69. Asst. examiner, U. S. Patent Office, 73-77; patent lawyer. Wash. Anthrop. Soe. (sec’y, 12). Ethnology; folk-lore ; cartography; pre-Columbian explorations; song games. Baber, Dr. E(rl) A(rmitage), Dayton State Hos- pital, Dayton, Ohio. Psychiatry. Griggsville, Til, May 3, 83. M.D, Louisville, 09. Supt, Day- ton State Hosp, 11- A.A; Medico-Psychol. Ass; Am. Med. Ass; Am. Acad. Med; Ass. Study Int. Secretions. Baber, Miss Zonia, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Geography. Kansas, Il, Aug, 24, 62. B.S, Chieago. Principal, ward sch, Youngstown, Ohio, 86-88 ; critic teacher, Cook Co. Nor. Sch, 88- 90, head, dept. geog, 90-99; sch. of educ, Chi- cago, 01— Principal, element. sch, sch. of edue, Chicago, 02-03. A.A; Soc. Sci. Edue; Chicago Geog. Soe. (pres); cor. mem. Soe. Géog. de Genéve. Geography in education. Bachman, Prof. A(lois), Institute of Microbiol- ogy, Tueuman, Arg. Rep. Bacteriology. Cor- doba, Arg. Rep, Aug. 30, 74. M.D, Buenos Aires, 05. Chief, path. lab, Buenos Aires, 00- 05, prof. baeter, 05-15; Cordoba, 15-19; di- rector, Inst. Microbiol. and Hygiene, Tucuman, 19— Director, clin. lab, Buenos Aires Hosp, 05- 12; instr. bacter, Cordoba, 15-19. Delegate, Int. Hygiene Committee, Paris, 19. Argentine Med. Soe. Immunity; anaphylaxis. Bachmann, Dr, Freda M, University of Wis- consin, Madison, Wis. Bacteriology. Genoa, Ohio, Nov. 7, 78. A.B, Miami, 07, A.M, 08; fel- low, Wisconsin, 08-09, Ph.D, 12. Asst. bot. and plant. path, Wisconsin, 09-12; asst. prof. bot. and bacter, Milwaukee-Downer, 12-14; instr. agr. bacter, Wisconsin, 14- A.A; Soe. Bact. Cytology; morphology and physiology of bac- teria; yeasts; molds. Bachmann, Prof. J(ean) G(eorge), 10 Dixie Ave, Atlanta, Ga. Physiology. Mulhouse, Alsace, July 18, 77. M.D, Jefferson Med. Col, 07. Res. physiologist and lecturer hygiene, Jefferson Hosp, 07-09; demonstrator physiol, Jefferson Med. Col, 09-10; prof, Atlanta Med. Col, 10-15; Emory, 15—- A.A; Physiol. Soe. Venous pulse; action of strophanthus in heart block; inter- auricular time interval. Back, Dr. E(rnest) A(dna), U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Entomology. Northampton, Mass, Oct. 7, 80. B.S, Mass. Col. and Boston, 04; Ph.D, Mass. Col. 07. Deputy state nursery inspector, Mass, 02-06; instr. entom, Mass. Col, 04-06, bot, 06-07; agent and expert, bur. entom, U. 8S. Dept. Agr, 07-10; entom. investigator, Cuba and Mexico, 10-12; entomologist, Va. Exp. Sta, 12-16; fruit fiy in- vestigations, Hawaii, Bermuda and Spain, bur. entom, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 13-17, entomologist in charge stored product insect investigations, 17— A.A; Ass. Econ. Entom; Entom. Soc; Wash. Entom. Soe. Biology and control of citrus white flies; fumigation and fungous diseases; protec- tion of stored food products; Asilidae; Aleyro- didae. Bacon, Prof. Arthur A(very), Syrian Protestant College, Beirut, Syria. Physics. Laconia, N. H, Oct. 26, 75. A.B, Dartmouth, 97, A.M, 01. Tutor physics, Oberlin, 97-98; asst, Dartmouth, 98-00, instr. math. and astron, 00-01; prof. physics, Hobart, 03-19, sec’y and registrar, 07— 17; prof. physics, Syrian Protestant Col, 19- Capt, Am. Red Cross, Palestine, 18, major deputy commissioner, 19. A.A; Physical Soe. Equi- librium of vapors at curved surfaces of liquids. Bacon, Prof. C(harles) S(umner), 2156 Sedgwick St, Chicago, Ill. Medicine. Spring Prairie, Wis, July 30, 58. Ph.B, Beloit, 78; M.D, North- western, 84. Prof. gynec, Chicago Polyclinic, 91-94, obstet, 95—; Illinois, 08— A.A; Col. Surg; Am. Med. Ass. (chairman, sect. obstet, 05); Chicago Med. Soe. (pres, 03); Chicago Gynec. Soe. (pres, 01); Chicago Acad. Med. Pathol- ogy of pregnancy; tuberculosis and pernicious vomiting in pregnancy. Bacon, Cha(rle)s V(incent), 3 Park Row, New York, N. Y. Chemistry. New York, March 24, 85. Grad, Cooper Union, 04, 04-06; Columbia, summer, 10. Chemist, various companies, and consulting chemist, 02— A.A; Chem. Soe; Soe. Test. Mat; Int. Ass. Test. Mat. Fixed oils, their various products and lubricants; substitutes for linseed oil; refining fixed oils and the manufac- ture of lubricants. Bacon, Dr. Charles W (alter), 1134 12th St, N. W, Washington, D.C. Chemistry, Plant physiology. Worcester, Mass, March 11, 86. A.B, Clark, 06, A.M, 07, Ph.D, 11. Asst. chem, Clark, 07-09; asst. physiologist, bur. plant indust, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 10- A.A; Chem. Soe. Distillation; to- bacco curing; physiological plant diseases. Bacon, Prof. Clara Latimer, 2316 N. Calvert St, Baltimore, Md. Mathematics. Hillsgrove, Tl, Aug. 13, 66. A.B, Wellesley, 90; A.M, Chicago, 04; Ph.D, Hopkins, 11. Teacher, secondary schools, 90-97; instr. math, Goucher, 97-05, assoc. prof, 05-14, prof, 14- Math. Soc; Math. Ass; Ass. Teachers Math. Middle States and Md. 26 Bacon, Prof. George P(reston), Tufts College, Mass. Physics. Charlemont, Mass, Aug. 24, 66, A.B, Dartmouth, 87, A.M, 90. Assoc. prof. math, Beloit, 92- 02; prof. physies, Wooster, 02— 08; assoc. prof. math, and physics, Simmons, 10-19, prof. physics, Tufts, 19— A.A; Physical Soc; ‘Astron. Soe. Bacon, N(athaniel) T(erry), Peace Dale, R. 1. Chemistry. Litchficld, Conn, Aug. 16, 58. BS, Yale, 79. With Solvay Process Co, 84-95, tech. expert, 95—- A.A; Chem. Soc. Physico- chem- istry; soda manufacture ; international finance. Bacon, Dr. Raymond F(oss), Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. *Chemistry. Muncie, Ind, June 29, 80. B.S, DePauw, 99, A.M, 00, hon. "Se.D, 19; fellow, Chicago, 01-04, Ph.D, 04; hon. Sc.D, Pittsburgh, 18. Instr. chem, DePauw, 99-00 ; prof, Vincennes, 00-01; commercial chemist, Chicago, 04-05; chemist, Bur. Science, P. I, 05- 10; asst. chemist, bur. chem, U.S. Dept. Agr, 10-11; senior fellow, Mellon Inst, 11-12, assoc. director, 12-14, director, 14- Col, OWS, AEF; assoc. mem. Naval Con. Board. ALAS Chem. Soe; Electrochem. Soc; Chem. Eng; Min. and Metal Eng; Ceramie Soc; Soc. Chem. Indust; London Chem. Soe; Soc. Chim. de Paris; Soc. de Chim. indust. Industrial research ; tropical oils and resins. Badertscher, Prof. J(acob) A, Bloomington, Ind. Histology. Bluffton, Ohio, Jan. 11, 79. Ph.B, Ohio (Athens), 09, Ph.M, 10; Ph.D, Cornell, 14. Asst. biol, Ohio (Athens), 03- 09, instr, 09-10; asst. histol. and embryol, Cornell, 10-11, instr, 11-14; anat, Indiana, 14-15, asst. prof, 15-17, assoc. ’ prof, 17— A.A; Ass. Anat. Muscle de- generation; the thymus; the ultimobranchial bodies. Badger, Prof. Walter Lucius, 917 Church St, Ann Arbor, Mich. Chemical engineering. Minne- apolis, Minn, Feb. 18, 86. A.B, Minnesota, 07, B.S, 08, M.S, 09. Chemist, Great West. Sugar Co, 09; instr. chem, Minnesota, 10; lab. asst, Bur. Standards, 10- 12; prof. chem. eng, Michi- gan, 12—; director of research, Swenson Evapor- ator Co, “17- Chem. Soe;- Chem. Eng; Electro- chem. Soe; Mich. Eng. Soe. Design of chemical machinery; water softening; evaporator design; alloys of calcium. Baehr, Dr. George, 987 Madison Ave, New York, N. Y. Pathology. New York, April 16, 87. M.D, Columbia, 08; Freiburg, 11-12; Vienna, 12-13. Assoc. path, Mt. Sinai Hosp, N. Y. City, 11-, asst. attending physician, 19- Research fel- low, Mt. Sinai Hosp, 10-11, 14-17, 19-; mem. Red Cross Sanit. Commission to Serbia and Rus- sia, 15-16; lieut. col, M.C, 17-19. A.A; Ass. Path. and Bact; Soe. Clin. Invest; Soc. Exp. Biol; Harvey Soc; Am. Med. Ass; N. Y. Acad. Med; Int. Ass. Med. Mus. Experimental medi- cine; nephritis. Baekeland, Dr. L(eo) H(endrik), Yonkers-on- Hudson, N. Y. *Chemistry. Ghent, Belgium, Nov. 14, 63. Se.D, Ghent, 84. Asst. prof. chem, Ghent, 85-88, assoc. prof, 88-89; prof. chem. and physies, Higher Nor. Sch, Bruges, 85-89; mfg. and consulting chemist, 89-99; research chemist, 99-; hon. prof. chem. eng, Columbia. Mem. Naval Consulting Board, 15; chairman, AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE committee on patents, Nat. Research Council; mem. administrative board, Inst. Int. Edue. Chandler lecturer, Columbia, 14. Nichols medal, Chem. Soe, 09, Gibbs medal, 13, Perkins medal, 16; Scott medal, Franklin Inst, 10; Chandler medal, Columbia, 14; grand prize, Panama- Pacific Expos, 15. Order of the Crown, Belgium, 19. A.A; Chem. Soc. (v. pres, 09, chairman, N. Y. sect, 08, councilor at large, 07—); Electro- chem. Soe. ‘(pres, 09); Chem. Eng. (pres, 12)’; Soe. Chem. Indust. (v. pres, 05); N. Y. Chem- ists Club (pres, 04). Int. Cong. Chem, London, 09, pres, sect. plastics, 12. Oxidation of hydro- ehlorie acid under the influence of light; sepa- ration of copper and cadmium; dissociation of nitrate of lead; photographic chemistry; indus- trial electrolysis of alkali-chlorids; velox paper process; condensation products of phenols and formaldehyde; bakelite; plastics; electric insu- lation; impregnation of wood; varnishes. yeaa, Prof, F(rederick) H(enry), 4 E. Madison St, Baltimore, Md. Rdéntgenology. Baltimore, Oct. 4, 74. A.B, Hopkins, 97, M.D, 01. Roént- genologist, Hopkins Hosp, and assoc. prof. clin. rontgenol, Hopkins. Consulting réntgenologist, various hospitals; Major, M.C; Delegate, Int. Rontgen Ray Cong, Amsterdam, 08. Am. Rént- gen Ray Soc. (pres, 11); Baltimore Med. Soe. (v. pres, 15); hon, mem. N. Y. Réntgen Ray Soc; hon. mem. Phila. Réntgen Ray Soe. Tho- racic aneurysms; gastro-intestinal diseases; ef- fects of Réntgen rays upon embryonic tissues. Bagg, Dr. Halsey J(oseph), Cornell University Medical College, New York, N. Y. Heredity. Utiea, N. Y, Oct. 23, 89. B.S, Columbia, 14, A.M, 15, Ph.D, 18. Asst. biol, Rockefeller Inst, tis Gi instr, N. Y. Univ, 14-17; research fel- low, Huntington fund for cancer research, med. col, Cornell, 17— Psychol. Ass; assoc. mem. N. Y. Acad. Heredity of animal behavior and growth; pathological effects of injection of radio-active solutions. Bagg, Dr. Rufus M(ather), Jr, 7 Brokaw Place, Appleton, Wis. Geology. Mass, April 19, 69. A.B, Amherst, 91; Ph.D, Hopkins, 95. Principal, high sch, Lubec, Maine, 91-92; asst. geol, Hopkins, 95-97; asst, N. Y. State Museum, 97; prof. geol. and miner, Colo. Col, 98-99; imstr. science, high sch, Colo. Springs, 99- 00; sub-master, high sch, Brockton, 01-03; prof. miner. and petrog, N. Mex. Sch. Mines, 03-04; mining engineer and geologist, 04-08; instr. ’ geol. Tllinois, 08--11; prof. geol. and miner, Lawrence, 11— Instr. science, Wor- cester Summer Sch. for Boys, 91, 92; mem. Md. Geol. Surv, 96-98. Diploma and bronze medal, Paris Expos, 00. A.A; Geol. Soe; Min. Eng; Paleont. Soc; Wash. Geol. Soe; Wis. Acad. Cre- taceous and Tertiary Foraminifera ; artesian water and oil supplies. West, Springfield, Bagley, Prof. W(illiam) C(handler), Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. Education, Psychology. Detroit, Mich, March 15, 74. B.S, Mich. Agr. Col, 95; M.S, Wiscon- sin, 98; Ph.D, Cornell, 00; Ea.D, R. L Col, 19. Teacher, pub. schools, Mich, 95-97 ; asst. psyehol, Cornell, 00-01; principal pub. schools, St. Louis, ’ 01-02; v. pres. and director of training, Mont. State Nor. Col, 02-06; supt, training dept, State AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 27 Nor. Sch, Oswego, N. Y, 06-08; prof. edue, Illi- nois, 08-17, director, sch. of educ, 09-17; prof. educ, Teachers Col, Columbia, 17 — A.A; Psychol. Ass; Soe. Sci. Edue. Apperception of the spoken sentence; correlation of mental and motor abil- ity in school children; factors of the educative process; educational values; minimal essentials in elementary school systems. Bahney, Luther William, Scovill Manufacturing Co, Waterbury, Conn. Metallurgy. Red Bluff, Calif, Dec. 25, 78. Met.E, Stanford, 11. Asst. prof. metal, Stanford, 07-11; Yale, 11-17; metal. engineer, research dept, Scoville Mfg. Co, 17- Min. Eng; Chem. Soe. Gold and silver; laboratory methods; casting shop metallurgy. Bailey, Prof. Benj(amin) F(ranklin), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Electrical engineering. Sheridan, Mich, Aug. 7, 75. B.S.(E.E), Michigan, 98, A.M, 00, Ph.D, 07. Instr. elec. eng, Michigan, 01-06; asst. prof, 06-09, junior prof, 09-13, prof, 13- Designing, constructing, and chief engineer, various com- panies. Elec. Eng. (see’y, Detroit-Ann Arbor sect, 11); Soc. Auto. Eng. X-ray; Wehnelt in- terrupters; electrolytic rectifiers ; induction coils; induction motors; dynamo electric machinery. Bailey, Dr. Charles Hervey, 437 W. 59th St, New York, N. ¥. Pathology. Dorchester, Mass, June 21, 81. A.B, Brown, 03; M.D, Harvard, 10. Res. pathologist, St. Luke’s Hosp, N. Y. City, 10-12; assoc. cancer research, Crocker Research Fund, Columbia, 14; instr. path, Stanford, 14- 15, asst. prof, 15-16; assoe. prof. histol, Tufts, 16-17; assoc. path, Columbia, 17— Visiting pa- thologist, various hospitals, N. Y. City. Soe. Exp. Biol. Experimental pathology; serology; arteriosclerosis; nephritis; amyloid disease. Bailey, Prof, C(lyde) H(arold), University Farm, St. Paul, Minn. Biochemistry. Minneapolis, Minn, April 15, 87. -B.S, N. Dak. Col, 13; M.S, Minnesota, 16. Asst. grain standardization, U. S. Dept. Agr, 07-11; instr. and asst. prof. agr. chem, Minnesota, and cereal technologist, Exp. Sta, 11-16; chemist, Minn. Grain Inspection Dept, 16-17; assoc. prof. agr. biochem, Minne- sota, 17-20, prof, 20-, assoc. agr. biochemist, Exp. Sta, 17— A.A; Chem. Soc. Chemical tech- nology of cereal industries; biochemistry of bread-making; respiration of cereals. Bailey, Prof. E(dgar) H(enry) S(ummerfield), 1101 Ohio St, Lawrence, Kans. *Chemistry. Middlefield, Conn, Sept. 17, 48. Ph.B, Yale, 73; Strasbourg, 81; Ph.D, Ill. Wesleyan, 83; Leipzig, 95. Instr. chem, Yale, 73-74; Lehigh, 74-83; prof, Kansas, 83-, directgr, chem. lab, 00— Chemist, Kans. State Board of Health and State Board of Agr; lecturer, Kansas City Univ. Med. Col. A.A; Chem. Soe. (councilor, 06-17, chairman, div. water and. sewage, 17-); hon. mem. Am. Inst. Homeop; mem. Ass. State and Nat. Food and Dairy Departments; Kans. Acad. (past pres. and see’y). Sanitary and ap- plied chemistry; toxicology; delicacy of special senses; mineral waters; mineral resources of Kansas; applications of the ion theory; the action of preservatives; chemistry of foods. Bailey, Dr. E(dward) M(onroe), Box 1106, New Haven, Conn. Chemistry. New London, Conn, Aug. 27, 79. Ph.B, Yale, 02, M.S, 05, Ph.D, 10. Asst. chemist, Conn. Exp. Sta, 02-17, chemist in charge, anal. lab, 17— State chemist, Conn, 19— Chem. Soe; Agr. Chem. Agricultural chemistry ; chemistry and bacteriology of the banana; foods and drugs. Bailey, Prof. Ernest W(infield), University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. Horticulture. Worcester, Mass, March 28, 85. B.S, Mass. Col. and Boston, 08: M.S, Illinois, 09; California, 19-20. Asst. agron, Mass. Col, 08; asst. instr. and assoc. plant breeding, Illinois, 10-15; asst. prof. pomol, col. agr. and plant breeding, Exp. Sta, 16- A.A; Soe. Hort. Sci; Pomol. Soc. Plant physi- ology and breeding; systematic pomology; periodicity; growth and reproduction. Bailey, F(loyd) D(ouglas), Oregon Agricultura! College, Corvallis, Oregon. Plant pathology. Prescott, Wis, April 18, 87. Ripon, 06-09; A.B, Wisconsin, 10, M.S, 12. Research asst, Oregon Col, 11- Phytopath. Soc. Potato and truck crop diseases. Bailey, Prof. Frederick H(arold), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Mathematics. Leominster, Mass, April 24, 65. A.B, Harvard, 87, A.M, 89. Asst. math, Har- vard, 89-91; instr, Mass. Inst. Tech, 91-93, asst. prof, 93-04, assoc. prof, 04-07, prof, 07— Instr. math, Radcliffe, 90-91; Simmons, 02-03. Math. Soe. Analytic geometry; calculus. Bailey, Dr. Frederick R(andolph), Elizabeth, N. J. Histology, Pathology. Elizabeth, Oct. 26, 71. A.B, Princeton, 92, A.M, 95; M.D, Columbia, 95. Adj. prof. nor. histol, Columbia, 95-09. Pathologist and attending physician, Gen. Hosp, Elizabeth, N. J, 96— Ass. Path. and Bact; N. Y. Path. Soc; N. Y. Acad. Med. Normal his- tology; embryology. Bailey, Dr. George Corbin, 112 29th St, Woodeliff- on-Hudson, N. J. Chemistry. Kans, Dee. 1, 85. A.B, Wisconsin, 09; A.M, Yale, 14, Ph.D, 16. Chemist, Winchester Arms Co, 16; Barrett Co, 17— Chem. Soe. Organie chemistry; catalysis; pyrimidins; amins; constituents of coal tar; resins; perfumes. Bailey, Herbert (Stevens), Southern Cotton Oil Co, Savannah, Ga. Chemistry. Bethlehem, Pa, Sept. 12, 80. A.B, Kansas, 02; B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 06. Chemist, Armour Packing Co, 03-04; asst. oils, Mass. Inst. Tech, 05-06; instr. chem, Mich. Agr. Col, 07-08; chief, oil, fat and wax lab, bur. chem, U. S. Dept. Agr, 09-18; chemist, E. I. duPont de Nemours and Co, 18-20; direc- tor research, South. Cotton Oil Co, 20- Chair- man, interdepartmental committee on fats and oils, Food Ad, 17-18; chem. ed, ‘Cotton Oil Press,’ 19— Chem. Soe. (sec’y, Wash. sect, 09) ; Soe. Test. Mat; Oil Chem. Soe. Oils for arti- ficial leather; paints; varnishes; animal and vegetable oils. Bailey, Prof. Irving W(idmer), Bussey Institu- tion, Forest Hills, Boston, Mass. *Botany. Tilton, N. H, Aug. 15, 84. A.B, Harvard, 07, M.F, 09. Asst. bot, Harvard, 08-09, instr. for- estry, 09-12, asst. prof, 12-20; assoc. prof, 20- Mem. advisory board, U. 8. Forest Products Lab, 14-16; in charge wood sect, materials eng. dept, Bur. Aircraft Production, 18. A.A; Soc. Nat; 28 Bot. Soc. (mem. ed. board, ‘Am. Jour. Bot,’ 15- 18); Ecol. Soc; Soc. Foresters (mem. ed. board, ‘Proc,’ 14-16); Am. Acad. Comparative physiological and pathological plant anatomy. Bailey, Dr. J(ames) R(obinson), University of Texas, Austin, Tex. Chemistry. Houston, Tex, Dec. 11, 68. A.B, Texas, 91; Ph.D, Munich, 97; Leipzig, 00-01. Student asst. chem, Tezas, 91, tutor, 91-94, instr, 96-00, adj. prof, and later prof. org. chem, 01— Tex. Acad; Chem. Gesell. Semicarbazid acids; hydrazin acids; hydrazo- acids; hydantoins; action of mustard oils on hydrazo- compounds; use of cyanie and adhe acids in glacial acetie acids; the criss cross addi- tion on conjugate systems. Bailey, Prof. J(ohn) Wendell, Agricultural Col- lege, Miss. Zoology. Winona, Miss, Jan. 9, 95. B.S, Miss. Agr. Col, 15, M.S, 17; A.B, Cornell, 16. Field asst, bur. entom, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 14; instr. zool. and entom, Miss. Agr. Col, 14-15, asst. prof, 16-17; scientific asst. bur. entom, U. S. Dept. Agr, 17-18; alumni sec’y and prof. zool, Miss. Agr. Col, 19— Cornell biol, exped, 16; in mosquito control, U.S.N, 18-19. A.A; Entom. Soe; Ass. Econ. Entom. Myriapoda; Arachnida; Heloderma. Bailey, Prof. L(iberty) H(yde), Ithaca, N. Y. *Botany. South Haven, Mich, March 15, 58. B.S, Mich. Agr. Col, 82, M.S, 85; LL.D, Wis- consin, 07; Alfred, 08; Litt.D, Vermont, 19. .Prof. hort. and landseape gardening, Mich. Agr. Col, 84-88; hort, Cornell, 88-03, director, col. of agr, 03-13. Chairman, Commission on Country Life, appointed by Pres. Roosevelt, 08. Veitchian medal, 98. Nat. Acad; A.A. (v. pres, 15); Bot. Soc; Soe. Hort. Sci. (pres, 07); Pomol. Soc; Philos. Soe; Am. Acad. Systematic botany; cultivated plants. Bailey, Prof. L(oring) W(oart), Fredericton, N. B, Can. Biology, Geology. West Point, N. Y, Sept. 28, 39. A.B, Harvard, 59, A.M, 61; Ph.D, New Brunswick, 73; LL.D, Dalhousie, 96. Prof. chem. and nat. science, New Brunswick, 61-01, biol. and geol, 01— Boston Soe. Nat. Hist. (patron); New Eng. Bot. Club; fel. Royal Soc. Can; N. S. Inst; Nat. Hist. Societies of St. John, Fredericton, Quebee and Montreal. Bot- any (Diatomaceae) ; geology of New Brunswick. Bailey, Prof. Pearce, 118 E. 80th St, New York, N. Y. Neurology. New York, July 12, 65. A.B, Princeton, 86, A.M, 89; M.D, Colum- bia, 89. Adj. prof. neur, Columbia, 06-10. Con- sulting neurologist, various hospitals. Neur. Ass; N. Y. Neur. Soc. (pres, 03-05); Harvey Soe. Pathological anatomy of the nervous sys- tem; medical psychology; nutritional diseases. Bailey, Prof. S(olon) I(rving), Harvard Observa- tory, Cambridge, Mass. *Astronomy. Lisbon, N. H, Dee. 29, 54. A.B, Boston, 81; A.M, Har- vard, 87. Asst. prof. astron, Harvard, 93-98, assoc. prof, 98-12, Phillips prof, 12-; in charge of Arequipa branch of Harvard Col. Observa- tory, 92-19, acting director, 19- A.A; Astron. Soc; Am. Acad; Wash. Acad; assoe. Royal Astron. Soe; Lima (Peru) Geog. Soc; Int. Astron. Union. Astronomy and meteorology; variable stars in clusters. Bailey, Vernon, 1834 Kalorama Road, Washing- ton, D. C. *Biology. Manchester, Mich, June AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 21, 64. Michigan, 93; George Washington, 94, 95. Chief field naturalist, biol. surv, U. S. Dept. Agr, 87—- A.A; mem. Ornith. Union; Soe. Mammal; Forestry Ass; Wash. Acad; Wash. Biol. Soc; Cooper Ornith. Club. Distribution of mammals, birds and plants; spermophiles and gophers of Mississippi Valley; revision of Evo- tomys; biological survey of Texas; mammals of ' Glacial National Park. Bailey, Mrs. Vernon (Florence Merriam), 1834 Kalorama Road, Washington, D.C. Ornithology. Locust Grove, N. Y, Aug. 8, 63. Smith, 82-86. Mem. Ornith. Union; Soc. Mammal; Cooper Ornith. Club; Wash. Acad; Wash. Biol. Soc. Ornithology; birds of village and field; birds of the western United States; wild animals of Gla- cier National Park. Baily, William Lloyd, Ardmore, Pa. Ornithology. Germantown, Pa, Dec. 26, 61. B.S, Haverford, 83. Prof. archit, Pennsylvania, 90. Fel. Ornith. Union; Inst. Archit; State Ass. Archit. Pa. (see’y, 09-); Del. Valley Ornith. Club (pres, 90); Phila. Acad. Bird photography; birds of Maine, New Jersey, North Dakota and Mag- dalen Islands. Bain, H(arry) Foster, U. S. Bureau of Mines, Washington, D. C. *Geology, Mining. Sey- mour, Ind, Nov. 2, 71. B.S, Moores Hill, 90; Hopkins, 91-93; Ph.D, Chicago, 97. Asst. state geologist, Iowa, 93-00; special asst, U. S. Geol. Surv, 00-01; manager, Consol. Franklin Mines Co, 01-02; geologist, U. S. Geol. Surv, 02-08; state geologist, Ill, 05-09; ed. ‘Min. and Sci. Press,’ 09-15; ed. ‘Min. Mag,’ London, 15-16; explorations, Far East, 16-18; asst. director, U. S. Bur. Mines, 18-19; with New York Orient Mines Co, 19-20; director, U. S. Bur. Mines, 20- Weeturer econ. geol, Towa, 98; Chicago, 99, 02, 03. Geol. Soe; Min. Eng; Min. and Metal. Soe. Structural geology; ore deposits; mining methods; lead and zine deposits. Bain, Prof. J. Watson, University of Toronto, Toronto, Can. Chemistry. London, England, Nov. 15, 75. B.A.Se, Toronto, 97, fellow, 97- 99; Ziirich, 01. Demonstrator chem, Toronto, 99-02, lecturer, 02-05, assoc. prof. applied chem, 05-16, prof. chem. eng, 16- Chem. Soe; Soe. Chem. Indust; fel. Can. Inst. Chem; Chem. Gesell. Industrial chemistry and chemical en- gineering. Bainbridge, Dr. W(illia)m Seaman, 34 Gramercy Park, New York, N. Y. Surgery. Providence, R. I, Feb. 17, 70. M.D, Columbia, 93; hon. A.M, Shurtleff, 99; hon. M.S, Washington and Jef- ferson, 02; hon. Se.D, West. Univ. of Pa, 07; LL.D, Lineoln Mem. Univ; Coe. Prof. surg, N. Y. Polyclinic, 06—- Surgeon, N. Y. Skin and Cancer Hosp; consulting surgeon, Manhattan Hosp; commander, M.C, U.S.N.R.F. Am. Med. Ass. Cancer; internal seeretions; goiter; ab- dominal surgery. Baitsell, Prof. George A(lfred), Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Zoology. Wright, Iowa, Oct. 2, 85. B.S, Central (Iowa), 08; A.M, Yale, 09, Ph.D, 14. Prof. biol. and chem, Centra] (Towa), 09-10, acting dean and prof. biol, 12- 13; Seessel fellow, zool, Yale, 13-14, instr, 14-18, asst. prof, 18— Instr. invert. zool, Woods Hole, 13-19; asst. physiologist, army-navy gas investi- ~ ore. AMERICAN MEN gation; capt, C.W.S. A.A; Soc. Nat; Soc. Zool; Soe. Exp. Biol; Ass. Anat; Physiol. Soe. Life history of Protozoa; tissue culture; wound heal- ing; fibrin; connective-tissue formation. Baker, Prof. Alfred, 81 Madison Ave, Toronto, Can. Mathematics. Toronto. B.A, Toronto, 69, M.A, 78. Principal, high schools, Vienna, Perth and Oshawa, 69-72; master math, Upper Canada, 72-75; lecturer, Toronto, 75-87, prof, 87-19. Math. Soc; fel. Royal Soc. Can; Soe. math de France. Mechanies; trigonometry; qua- ternions; geometry of position; the foundations of geometry; analytic and synthetie geometry. Baker, A(rthur) C(hallen), Bureau of Entomol- ogy, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washing- ton, D. C. Entomology. Belleville, Ont, Feb. 5, 85. Ont. Agr. Col. diploma, 09; B.S.A, To- ronto, 11; Ph.D, George Washington, 18. Ez- pert and entomologist, deciduous fruit insect investigations, bur. entom, U. S. Dept. Agr. 11- A.A; Entom. Soc; Zool. Soc; Eeol. Soc; Ass. Econ. Entom; Wash. Entom. Soe. (ed, ‘Proe,’ 18—); Wash. Biol. Soe; Ont. Entom. Soc; Wash, Acad. Aphididae; Aleyrodidae. Baker, Dr. A(rthur) L(atham), Rye, N. Y. Math- ematics. Cincinnati, Ohio, May 7, 53. C.E, Rensselaer, 73; Ph.D, Lafayette, 89. Adj. prof. civil eng, Lafayette, 73-80; principal, high sch, Seranton, Pa, 82; prof. math, Stevens High Sch, Hoboken, N. J, 89-91; Rochester, 91-01; head, math. dept, Manual Training High Seh, Brook- lyn, N. Y, 01-16. Math. Soc; Rochester Acad. (see’y, 92-00). Mathematical pedagogy; mi- croscopy; xylology. Baker, Prof. C(harles) F(uller), College of Agri- culture, Los Bafios, P. I. Botany, Zoology. Lansing, Mich, March 22, 72. B.S, Mich. Agr. Col, 92; A.M, Stanford, 03. Asst. zoologist, Mich. Agr. Col, 91-92; asst. to zoologist and entomologist, Colo. Agr. Col, 92-97; zoologist, Ala. Polytech, and entomologist, Exp. Sta, 97— 99; teacher biol, Cent. High Sch, St. Louis, 99- 01; asst. prof. biol, Pomona, 03-04; chief, dept. bot, Cuban Exp. Sta, Santiago, 04-07; curator, herbarium and bot. garden, Museu Goeldi, Para, Brazil, 07-08; assoe. prof. biol, Pomona, 08-09, prof, 09-12; agron, Univ. Philippines, 12-20, dean, 18- Zoologist and assoe. botanist, Ala. Biol. Surv; in charge, Colo. forestry and zool. exhibit, Columbian Expos, 93; botanist, H. H. Smith exploring exped. in Santa Marta Mts, Co- lombia, 98-99; asst. director, Bot. Gardens, Singapore, 17-18; publisher, ‘Invert. Pacifica’; ed, ‘Pomona Jour. Entom’; ‘Pomona Jour. Econ. Bot’; on editorial boards, ‘Philippine Agr,’ ‘Philippine Jour. Science’ and ‘ Philippine Agr. Rev.’ A.A; Ass. Econ. Entom; Entom. Soe; S. Calif. Acad; Wash. Entom. Soc; Havana Acad. Comparative anatomy of special groups of plants and animals; Hemiptera and Hymenop- tera; economic plants of the world. Baker, Prof. Charles Laurence, 2320 Hilgard Ave, Berkeley, Calif. Geology. Cordova, Ill, Oct. 10, 87. Oberlin, 05-07; fellow, Chicago, 08-10, B.S, 08; California, 10, fellow, 11-12, A.M, 16. Asst. biol, Monmouth, 04-05; comp. anat. and vert. histol, Oberlin, 05-07; instr. geol, Cali- fornia, 11; asst. geologist, South Pacific R. R. Co, 12-13, 17-18; geologist, bur. econ. geol. and OF SCIENCE 29 tech, Texas, 14-17. Field asst, U. S. Geol. Surv, 08, 10; in charge, three vert. fossil-hunting ex- peditions, Great Basin Desert, 11-12. A.A; Min. Metal. Eng; Ass. Petrol. Geol; fel. Am. Geog. Soc; Paleont. Soc; Pacific Coast Paleont. Soe. (see’y, 11); fel. Royal Scottish Geog. Soc. Structural and geotectonie geology, especially of the Tertiary of western North America; geol- ogy of petroleum, coal and water. Baker, Charles Whiting, ‘Fern Hill,’ Montclair, N. J. Engineering, Economics. Johnson, Vt, Jan. 17, 65. C.E, Vermont, 86. Assoc. ed, ‘Eng. News,’ 87-95, managing ed. and see’y, Eng. News Pub. Co, 95-05, ed.-in-echief and v. pres, 05-17; consulting engineer and consulting ed, ‘Eng. News Record, 17-20; director, Eng. Business Hachange, 20- Aid, U. S. Coast and Geod. Surv, 84; draftsman, Baldwin Loco- motive Works, 86-87; commissioner, Palisades Interstate Park, 11— Mech, Eng. (v. pres, 09-) ; Soc. Terminal Eng. (v. pres, 19—); Econ. Ass. Economics of transportation systems. Baker, Prof. E(dwin) M(yron), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Chemical engineer- ing. Toledo, Ohio, Feb. 21, 93. B.S, Pa. State, 16. Chemist and later shift supt, Hooker Electrochem. Co, 16-18; instr. chem. eng, Michi- gan, 18-20, asst. prof, 20—; consulting engineer, Chem. Equipment Co, 19— Chem. Soe. Electro- chem. Soc; jr. mem. Chem. Eng. Spray systems for washing and scrubbing gases. Baker, Ernest L, 662 Fillmore Ave, Buffalo, N. Y. Chemistry. Portland, Maine, 80. B.S, Maine, 03. Asst. chemist, N. Y. Exp. Sta, 05-07, assoc. chemist, 07-14; chief chemist, Patent Cereals Co, 14-20; Schreiber Products Corp, 20- Chem. Soe. Cereal foods; cattle foods; dextrins; starches; sugars; vegetable oils; sugars from cereal starches. Baker, F(rank) C(ollins), Natural History Mu- seum, Urbana, Ill. Zoology. Warren, R. I, Dee. 14,67. Brown, 88-89; Jesup scholar, Acad. Nat. Sciences, Phila, 89-90; B.S, Chicago Sch. Sci, 95. In charge, invert. dept, Ward’s Nat. Sci. Kstablishment, Rochester, 91-92; curator zool, Field Museum Nat. Hist, 94; curator, Chicago Acad. Sciences, 94-15; zool. investigator, Syra- euse, 15-17; curator, museum nat. hist, Illinois, 18— Phila. Acad. exped. to Mexico, 90. A.A; Eeol. Soe; Mus. Ass. (councilor, 14-16); assoc. .Ornith. Union; Ill. Acad, (see’y, 11); Tl. Audu- bon Soe. (v. pres, 96-15) ; Chicago Acad. (see’y, 94-96, 08); fel. Rochester Acad. (see’y, 91). General Mollusea; fresh-water Mollusca; mu- seum administration; mollusean protoconch; biometrics; Lymneide; molluscan ecology; Pleistocene Mollusea. Baker, Herbert A, 812 Lincoln Ave, Winnetka, Ill. Chemistry. Oshawa, Ont, Aug. 27, 87. B.A, Toronto. Chief chemist, dm. Can Co, 11-18, dist. sales manager, 18— Chem. Soe. Food ean- ning and spoilage; salts of tin in canned foods. Baker, Dr. Horace Burrington, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Zoology. Sioux City, Iowa, Jan. 25, 89. B.S, Michigan, 10, 10- 13, Ph.D, 20. Instr. zool. Colo. Col, 13-17, asst. prof, 17; instr, Pennsylvania, 20— With Mich. Biol. Sury, summers, 08-09; Bryant Walker Baker, 30 exped. to Mex, 10. lusea; Orthoptera. Baker, H(ugh) P(otter), Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. Forestry. St. Croix Falls, Wis, Jan. 20,78. B.S, Mich. Agr. Col, 01; M.F, Yale, 04; D.Oce, Munich, 10. Forest ‘asst, U. 8. Forest Service, O1-; assoc. prof. in charge for- estry, Iowa State, and forester, Exp. Sta, 04-07; prof. forestry, Pa. State, and forester, Exp. Sta, 07-12; dean, N. ye State Col. Forestry and prof. silviculture, Syracuse, 12-20; sec’y, Am. Paper and Pulp Ass, 20- Asst, Forest Surv, Nebr. and Wyo, 01; chief, Iowa Forest Surv, 05; in charge forestry short course, Colo. Agr. Col, 07. A.A; Soe. Foresters; Forestry Ass. (v. pres, Towa, 05); Am. Civic Ass; N. Y. Acad; Wash. Acad; Royal Geog. Soc. Sand dunes along Co- lumbia River; public lands of central Idaho; silviculture in New Mexico; forest surveys of Idaho and Iowa; adaptability of prairie states to growing of trees for commercial purposes; forest nursery practise; improvement of forest trees by breeding; collection and storage of tree seed. Baker, Prof. Ira O(sborn), 1208 W. California Ave, Urbana, Ill. Civil engineering. Linton, Ind, Sept. 23, 53. B.S, Illinois, 74, C.E, 77, hon. D.Eng, 03. Prof. civil eng, Illinois, 80- Civil Eng; Soc. Test. Mat; Eng. Educ; West. Soc. ing. Masonry; roads and pavements; engi- neers’ surveying instruments. Baker, Dr. J(ohn) C(lark), 97 Fifth St, Ridgefield Park, N. J. Chemistry. Ridgeway, Iowa, Aug. 11, 84. B.S, Upper Iowa, 10; A.M, Columbia, 15, Ph.D, 16. Asst, Upper Iowa, 10; head, dept. science, N. Mex. Nor. Univ, 10-13; asst. chem, Columbia, 14-16; assoc. chemist, N. Y. Exp. Sta, Geneva, 16-19; chemist, Wallace and Tier- man Co, 19— Chem, Soc; Biochem. Ass. Dia- statie enzymes; dairy problems; casein; milk control. Baker, John T(ownsend), Phillipsburg, N. J. Chemistry. Orange, N. J, June 30, 60. M.S, Lafayette. Pres, J. T. Baker Chem. Co. Manu- facture of chemical reagents. M(oses) N(elson), 53 Oakwood Ave, Upper Montelair, N. J. Engineering. Enos- burgh, Vt, Jan. 26, 64. Ph.B, Vermont, 86, C.E, 99. Assoc. ed, ‘Eng. News,’ 87-17; ‘Eng. News Record,’ 17—- Mem. Board of Health, Montclair, 94-04, pres, 04-15; v. pres, N. J. State Dept. of Health, 15. Pub. Health Ass; Water Works Ass; Nat. Munie. League (chair- man, exec. committee, 13-18); New Eng. Water Works Ass; N. J. Sanit. Ass. (pres, 03). Civil and sanitary engineering; public health; water and sewage treatment; garbage and refuse dis- posal; municipal administration. Baker, Oliver E(dwin), 1 Hesketh St, Chevy Chase, Md. Agricultural geography. ‘Tiffin, Ohio, 83. B.S, Heidelberg (Ohio), 03, M.S, 04; Columbia, 05; Ph.D, Wisconsin, 20. Agricultural econo- mist, U. S. Dept. Agr, 12- Wis. Soil Surv, sum- mers, 10, 11. A.A; Ass. Geog; Ecol. Soe. Climate of Wisconsin in relation to agriculture ; atlas of American agriculture. Baker, Prof. R(ichard) P(hilip), University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Mathematics. Condover, Ecol. Soe. Ecology; Mol- Baker, Dr. Smith, Camden, N. Y. Baker, Baker, Dr. Wilmer, AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE England, Feb. 3, 66. Oxford, 84-87; B.Se, Lon- don, 87; Ph.D, Chicago, 10. Instr. ‘math, Iowa, 05-10, asst. prof, 10-15, assoc. prof, 15— A.A; Math. Soc; Math. Ass. Algebraic equations; groups; geometry; thermodynamics. Baker, Dr. Robert H(orace), University of Mis- souri, Columbia, Mo. Astronomy. Northampton, Mass, March 29, 83. A.B, Amherst, 04, A.M, 05; Ph.D, Pittsburgh, 10. Asst, Amherst Col. Observatory, 04-06; Allegheny Observatory, 06- 10; asst. prof. astron, Brown, 10-11; Michigan, 11; prof. and director Laws Observatory, Mis- souri, 11- A.A; Astron. Soc. Spectroscopy and photometry. Baker, Prof. Ross Allen, 114 Trinity Place, Syra- cuse, N. Y. Chemistry. Greencastle, Ind, Nov. 13, 86. A.B, DePauw, 06, A.M, 07; Ph.D, Wis- consin, 14. Instr. chem, high sch, Danville, 11], 07-08; prof, Baker, 08-10; instr, Wisconsin, 10- 14; Minnesota, 14-16; asst. prof, 17-18; prof. gen. and inorg. chem, Syracuse, 19— Major, C.W.S, and commandant, U. 8. Gas Sch, 18. A.A; Chem. Soe; Cent. Ass. Sei. and Math. Teachers. Inorganic chemistry; rare heavy metals. Baker, Dr. S(ara) Josephine, 33 W. 96th St, New York, N. Y. Child hygiene. Poughkeepsie, N. Y, Nov. 15, 73. M.D, Woman’s Med. Col, N. Y, 98; D.P.H, Bellevue Med. Col, 17. Med. in. spector, dept. health, N. Y. City, 01-07, asst. commissioner, 07—08, director, bur. child hygiene, 08—- Leeturer child hygiene, Teachers College, Columbia; Univ. and Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col; surgeon, U. S. Pub. Health Service; special agent, children’s bur, U. §. Bur. Labor. era Hygiene Ass. (pres, 18); Pub. Health Ass; Se Hygiene Ass; Am. Med. Ass; fel Ne a, Med. Control and supervision of midwives; in- fant mortality; health supervision of children; health aspects of child labor. Neurology, Psychology. Marey, N. Y, Sept. 25, 50. M.D, Michigan, 71; hon. A. M, Colgate, 84. Practising physician. Lecturer preservation of health, Col- gate, 84, 92-93. A.A; fel. Neur. Ass. Normal and abnormal psychology ; hysteries; the morbid imperative. Prof. Tho(ma)s R(akestraw), ‘Winter Park, Fla. Physics, Chemistry. Chester Co, Pa, Feb. 27, 37. B.S, First Pa. State Nor. Sch, 60, M.S, 61; Pa. State, 62-65; Ph.D, Gottingen, 71. Prof. math, Pa. State, 61-67; nat. science, First Pa. State Nor. Sch, 71-86; Rollins, 92-12, director, museum, 12- Conducted private lab, Orlando, Fla, 87-90. Electricity; acousties; dy- namies. Baker, Prof. Will(iam) C(oombs), 135 Centre St, Kingston, Ont, Can. Physics. Kingston, Dee. 16, 71. A.M, Queen’s (Ont), 95; 1851 Exhibition scholar, Cambridge, 99-00. Demon- strator physics, sch. mining, Queen’s (Can), 95- (02, lecturer, 02-08, asst. prof, 08-12, assoc. prof, 12-20, prof, 20- Physieal Soc. Hall effeet in gold for small fields; ultra-violet light effect in starting discharge; absorption of hydrogen by metals. Station 20, New Orleans, La. Anatomy. Rayne, La, July 3, 91. M.D, Tulane, 16. Instr. anat, Virginia, 16-18, adj. prof, 18- AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 31 19; asst. prof, Tulane, 19— Ass. Anat. Gross anatomy. Bakke, Dr. A(rthur) L(aurence), Ames, Iowa. Plant physiology. Fargo, N. Dak, June 26, 86. B.S, Iowa State, 09, M.S, 11; Ph.D, Chicago, 17. Asst. bot, Iowa State, 08-09; instr. science, Elgin Acad, 09-10; bot, Iowa State, 10-13, asst. prof. bot. and plant physiol, 13-17, assoc. prof, 17— Assoc, desert lab, Carnegie Institution, 13, 14. A.A; Bot. Soe; Phytopath. Soe; Ecol. Soe; Towa Acad. Life history of Helminthosporium teres; effect of city. smoke upon vegetation; transpiring power of plants. Balch, Dr. Alfred W(illiam), 1 Madison Ave, New York, N. Y. Chemistry, Medicine. East Sagi- naw, Mich, Aug. 27, 73. Ph.G, Mass. Col. Phar- macy, 94; M.D, Harvard, 98. Instr. org. and anal. chem, Mass, Col. Pharmacy, 94, asst. prof, 08; asst. pharmacol, Harvard Med. Sch, 98; asst, surgeon, U. 8. N, 01-04, passed asst. sur- geon, 04-09; asst. prof. med. chem. and toxicol, med. sch, Tufts, 09-17; with Metropolitan Life Ins. Co, 17-18, asst. med. director, 18- A.A; Ass. Path. and Bact; Soc. Trop. Med; Soc. Chem. Indust; Pub. Health Ass; Ass. Life Ins. Med. Directors; Ass. Mil. Surg; Chem. Soe. Azoturia; pharmacological action of corn smut; action of drugs on the flow of bile. Balch, Edwin Swift, 1412 Spruce St, Philadel- phia,Pa. Geography, Ethnology. Philadelphia, 56, A.B, Harvard, 78. Mem. Phila. Bar, 82— A.A; Philos. Soc; Franklin Inst; Am. Geog. Soc; Phila. Geog. Soe. (pres, 95); Appalachian Mt. Club; cor. mem. Wyoming (Pa) Hist. and Geol. Ass; hon. mem. Soc. Cient. Ant. Alz; fel. Royal Geog. Soc. Mountains; caves; polar discoveries; comparative art. Balch, Francis N(oyes), 60 State St, Boston, Mass. Biology. Boston, Nov. 23, 73. A.B, Har- vard, 96, A.M, 97, LL.B, 00; Woods Hole, 96; U. 8. Fish Commission, 97; Cold Spring Harbor, 98, 99; Bermuda, 10. Mem. Mass. Constitu- tional Convention, 17-19; Mass. Legislature, 19- Boston Finance Commission. A.A; Soc. Nat; Soc. Zool; Boston Soc. Nat. Hist; Boston Mala- col. Club (v. pres and past pres); London Mala- col. Soc; Conchol. Soc. of Gt. Britain and Ire- land. Coloration of Mollusca; bird migration and coloration; chromatophores of cephalopods; the Nudibranchiata. Balcom, Dr. R. W(ilfred), U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Chemistry. Morden, N. S, Nov. 18, 77. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 00, Austin fellow, 02-04; Ph.D, Heidel- berg, 05. Asst. anal. chem, Mass. Inst. Tech, 00-02; instr. gen. and physical chem, Michigan, 05-06, anal. chem, 06-07; asst. chemist, bur. chem, U. 8S. Dept. Agr, 07-09, acting chief, U. S. Food and Drug Inspection Lab, Nashville, Tenn, 09-11, chief, 11-14, food investigation chemist, 14- A. A; Chem. Soc, Physical, ana- lytical and food chemistry. Baldauf, Dr. Leon K(ahn), 205 W. Breckenridge St, Louisville, Ky. Internal medicine. Louis- ville, Ky, Dee. 17, 77. Ph.G, Phila. Col. Phar- macy, 96; A.B, Hopkins, 01, M.D, 05. Instr. path. and bacter, Albany Med. Col, 05-07; asst. city pathologist, St. Louis, Mo, 07-10; prof, path. and bacter, Louisville, 10-14; practising physician, internal med, 15- Ass. Path. and Bact. Arterio-sclerosis ; experimental leucocytosis and leucopenia; fatty infiltration of the liver; cerebro-spinal syphilis. Balderston, Prof. Lloyd, Hokkaido Imperial Uni- versity, Sapporo, Japan. Chemistry. Colora, Md, July 3, 63. B.S, Pennsylvania, 02, Ph.D, 04. Teacher physics, chem. and math, various schools, 85-03; physics, State Nor. Sch, West Chester, Pa, 04-10; chemist, Elk Tanning Co, 10-17; prof. leather chem. and technol, Hokkaido Imp. Univ, 17— Assoc. ed, ‘Leather and Glue,’ 12-17. Inter. Ass. Leather Trade Chemists. A.A; Leather Chem. Ass. (mem. council, 12-14, assoc. ed, ‘Jour,’ 12-17). Speed of sound in liquids; microbiology of tan liquors; chrome tanning liquors; Japanese tanning materials. Baldwin, Dr. Bird T(homas), University of Iowa, Towa City, Iowa. *Psychology, Education. Mar- shalton, Pa, May 31, 75. B.S, Swarthmore, 00, traveling fellow, 02-03; Pennsylvania, 01-02; A.M, Harvard, 03, Ph.D, 05; Leipzig, 06. Principal, Friends’ Schools, Moorestown, N. J, 00-02; asst. psychol. and logic, Harvard, 03- 04, edue, summer, 04; prof. pedag, West Ches- ter State Nor. Sch, 05-06, psychol, 06-10; lecturer psychol. and educ, Swarthmore, 06-10; assoc. prof. educ. and head, sch. of art of teach- ing, Texas, 10-12; prof. psychol, Swarthmore, 12-17; research prof, Iowa, and director, Child Welfare Research Sta, 17— Lecturer edue. psy- chol, Chicago, 09-10; prof, Hopkins, summers, 15, 16, fall and winter, 16-17; major, Sanit. C, 18-19; chief psychologist and director recon- struction, Walter Reed Hosp. A.A. (see’y, Q); Psychol. Ass. (chairman, committee on certifi- eation of psychologists). Educational psychol- ogy; physical growth and school progress. Baldwin, Dr. Edward R, Saranac Lake, N. Y. *Medicine. Bethel, Conn, Sept. 8, 64. M.D, Yale, 90, hon. A.M, 14. Lab. asst, med. dept, Yale, 89-90; intern, Hartford Hosp, 90-92; asst, Saranac Lab, 94-15; director, Trudeau Founda- tion, 15- A.A; Ass. Path. and Bact; emer. mem. Am. Physicians; Soc. Clin. Invest; Am. Med. Ass; Ass. Tuber; Climat, Ass. Tubercu- losis; immunity and infection; tuberculin. Baldwin, Dr. Francis Marsh, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Zoology. West Upton, Mass, Jan. 16, 85. A.B, Clark, 06, A.M, 07; Ph.D, Illinois, 17. Instr. nature and science, Louisville Nor. Sch. (Ky), 08-11; prof. biol, West. Md. Col, 11-15; asst. zool, Illinois, 15-17; asst. prof, Iowa State, 17-19, assoc. prof, 19-20, prof. physiol, 20-_ Bur. Fisheries, Woods Hole, 15; asst. zool, Illinois, summer, 16. Physiol. Soe; Towa Acad. Earthworm; Amblystoma; carotid, aorta and subclavian arteries of the rabbit; permeability of sea-urchin egg; consumption of oygen in marine forms. Baldwin, Dr. Fred(eric)k A(mos), Metropolitan Building, St. Louis, Mo. Pathology. Kalamazoo, Mich, May 14, 77. M.D, Michigan, 98, A.B, 02, Se.D, 04. Asst. histol, Michigan, 96-97, instr. path, 98-04; asst. city bacteriologist and pa- thologist, St. Louis, 04-07; prof. path, Baylor, 07. Ass. Path. and Bact. Yellow elastie and reticulum tissues in tumors of the skin; local- izations of tuberculosis; carcinoma of the pan- 32 creas; inflammations of mucous membranes; pituitary gland; multiple anemic infarcts of the liver; changes in bone marrow produced by splenectomy and hemolytic agents; chylothorax; pathology of thoracic duct. Baldwin, G(eorge) Clyde, Federal Building, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Civil engineering. Kins- man, Ohio, April 14, 84. B.S, Kansas, 06. Sur- veyor, Alaska Boundary Surv, 06-09; junior en- gineer, asst. engineer and later hydraulic engi- neer, U. S. Geol. Surv, 10— Aid, U. 8. Coast and Geod. Surv, 03-04, 05. Assoc. Civil Eng; Ass. Eng. Hydrometry; stream measurements; water distribution. Baldwin, Prof. J(ames) Mark, Harris Forbes and Co, 56 William St, New York, N. Y, and 118 Rue d’Assas, Paris, France. *Psychology, Phi- losophy, Biology. Columbia, S. C, Jan. 12, 61. A.B, Princeton, 84, A.M, 87, Ph.D, 89; Leip- zig and Berlin, 84-85; hon. Sc.D, Oxford, 99; LL.D, Glasgow, 00; South Carolina, 05; Sc.D, Geneva, 09. Instr. modern languages, Prince- ton, 86; prof. philos, Lake Forest, 87-90; Toronto, 90-93 ; psychol, Princeton, 93-03 ; philos. and psychol, Hopkins, 03-09; hon. prof, Mexico, 10-15; prof, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Sociales, Paris, 19— Spencer lecturer, Oxford, 16. Com- mander, Imp. Order St. Sava, Servia, 19; Cheva- lier Légion d’honneur, 18. Mem. jury of awards, Columbian Expos, 93; co-editor, ‘Johnson’s Cy- clopedia,’ 93; ‘Psychol. Rev,’ 94-10. Gold medal, Denmark Royal Acad, 97. Int. Cong. Psychol, London, 92 (v. pres); Int. Cong. Crim- inal Anthrop, Geneva, 96 (hon. pres); Int. Inst. Sociol, 98; v. pres, 10. A.A; Soe. Nat; Psychol. Ass. (pres, 97); Philos. Ass; Philos. Soc; S. Soe. Philos. (pres, 04-08); London Aristot. Soc; London Sociol. Soc; for. cor. Inst. de France; Belgrade Royal Acad; Tokyo Royal Acad. Ge- netic logic; affective logic; esthetics; sociology. Baldwin, S(amuel) Prentiss, Williamson Build- ing, Cleveland, Ohio. Geology, Ornithology. Cleveland, Oct. 26, 68. A.B, Dartmouth, 92, A.M, 95; LL.B, Western Reserve, 95. Prac- tising lawyer, 94-99. A.A; mem. Ornith. Union; Geol. Soc; Am. Geog. Soe. Geology of Lake Champlain, Muir Glacier, Snake River and New Mexico; bird banding through systematic trap- ping. Baldwin, W(esley) M(anning), Union University Medical College, Albany, N. Y. Anatomy. Troy, N. Y, Aug. 18, 81. Med. Col, Cornell, 00-04, A.B, 07, A.M, 09, M.D, 11; Bonn and Wiirzburg, 11-13. Asst. anat, med. col, Cornell, 04-06, asst. demonstrator, 06-07, instr, 07-09, 09-14, asst. prof, 14-15; prof, Union Med. Col, 15—- A.A; Ass. Anat; Anat. Gesell. Human anatomy and histology; duodenal diverticula; accessory pancreatic duct; minor duodenal pa- pilla; histology of muscle cells; tendon fibrillae; effect of ultra-violet and X-rays on tissues, par- ticularly embryonic. Baldwin, William J(ames), World Building, 61 Park Row, New York, N. Y. Civil and mechan- ical engineering. Waterford, Ireland, June 14, 44. Pub. schools, Boston; private tutors in sciences. Engaged in shipbuilding and naval construction with Donald McKay, Civil War; asst. naval constructor, Paraguayan War, Bra- AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE zil; consulting engineer, 62— Prof. thermal eng, Brooklyn Polytech; assoc. ed, ‘Eng. Record.’ Civil Eng; Mech. Eng; assoc. mem. Inst. Archit. Steam heating; hot water heating and fitting; ventilation. Balfour, Prof. Donald C(hurch), 427 S. Glencoe St, Rochester, Minn. Surgery. Toronto, Can, Aug. 22, 82. M.B, Toronto, 06, M.D, 14. Assoc. prof. surg, Minnesota, 15—- Surgeon, St. Mary’s Hosp, Rochester. Surg. Ass; Am. Med. Ass; Soe. Clin. Surg; Ry. Surg; Interurban Clin. Soc; West. Surg. Ass. Thyroid; gastric ulcer; spleen. Balke, Dr. Clarence W(illiam), 27 Linden Ave, Highland Park, Ill. Chemistry. Auburn, Ohio, March 29, 80. A.B, Oberlirf, 02; Ph.D, Pennsyl- vania, 05. Instr. chem, Oberlin, summer session, 03; acting prof. physics and chem, Kenyon, 03- 04; research fellow, Pennsylvania, 05-06, instr, chem, 06-07; assoc, Illinois, 07-10, asst. prof. and later prof. inorg. chem, 10-16; chem. direc- tor, Fansteel Products Co, 16—- A.A; Chem. Soe. Atomic weights of columbium, tantalum and rare earths; metallic cerium, tungsten and molyb- denum. Ball, Prof. Albert, Cooper Union, New York, N. Y. Physics. Perrysburg, N. Y, July 14, 73. A.B, Cornell, 01. Instr. physics, Pratt Inst, 01- 05; Cooper Union, 05-07, asst. prof, 07-12, prof. in charge, 12- A.A; Physical Soc; Elec. Eng; Eng. Educ. ; Ball, Carleton R(oy), U. S. Department of Agri- culture, Washington, D. C. Agronomy. Little Rock, Iowa, June 12, 73. B.S, Iowa State, 96, M.S, 99, Se.D, 20. Asst. bot, Iowa State, 96-98, asst. botanist, Exp. Sta, 97-98; asst. agrostolo- gist, U. S. Dept. Agr, 99-05, agronomist, bur. plant indust, 06-18, cerealist in charge, office cereal investigation, 18— A.A; Soe. Agron. (see’y, 10-14, pres, 16); Bot. Soc; Ecol. Soc; Iowa Acad; Wash. Bot. Soe. (v. pres, 19) ; Wash. Biol. Soe; Wash. Aead. Administration of re- search; wheat and grain sorghums; taxonomy of willows and grasses. Ball, Prof. E(lmer) D(arwin), Iowa State Col- lege, Ames, Iowa. Entomology. Athens, Vt, Sept. 21, 70. B.S, Iowa State, 95, M.S, 98; fellow, Ohio State, 00-01, Ph.D, 07. Asst. zool. and entom, Iowa State, 95-97; Colo. Agr. Col, 97-01, assoc. prof, 01-02; prof. Utah Col, 02- 07, director, exp. sta, and dean, sch. of agr, 07- 16, state entomologist, Wisconsin, 16-18; prof. zool. and entom, Iowa State, 18- A.A; Entom. Soe; Ass. Econ. Entom; Ecol. Soe; Iowa Acad; Utah Acad. (pres, 10); Davenport Acad; Wash. Entom. Soe; Wash. Biol. Soe. Taxonomy and life-histories of Hemiptera-Homoptera; North- American Cercopidae, Fulgoridae and Jassidae; codling moth and beet leaf-hoppers; Jassidae of Mexico; insect carriers of plant diseases; in- heritance of fecundity in fowls. Ball, F(rank) H, Penberthy Injector Co, Detroit, Mich. Steam engineering. Oberlin, Ohio. High sch. V. pres. and gen. manager, Am, Engine Co; manager, Penberthy Injector Co. Mech. Eng. (v. pres). Steam engines; ecarburetion for gasoline engines; apparatus for metering the air and gasoline. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 33 Ball, Max W/(aite), Box 930, Cheyenne, Wyo. Geology. Munson, Ill, Sept. 9, 85. E.M, Colo. Sch. Mines, 06. Field asst, U. S. Geol. Surv, 06-07, geol. aid, 07-08, junior geologist, 08-09, asst. geologist, 09-14, geologist, 15-16; mining engineer, U. S. Bur. Mines, 16-17; chief geolo- gist, Rocky Mt. div, Roxana Petrol. Corp, 17-18, manager, 18-20; gen. manager, Matador Petrol. Co, 20- A.A; Min. Eng; Ass. Petrol. Geol; Petrol. Inst; Wash. Geol. Soc. Economic geol- ogy; conservation; economies of petroleum in- dustry; Little Snake River coalfield, Wyoming; placers of northern Routt County, Colorado; oil fields of the United States. Ball, Prof. Oscar M(elville), College Station, Tex. Botany. Miami, Mo, Aug. 25, 68. Oklahoma, 92-93; fellow, Virginia, 96-97, A.B, 97; Bonn, 00; Ph.D, Leipzig, 03. Instr. bot, Virginia, 95-96; prof. chem. and biol, Miller Sch, Va, 97-00; bot. and mycol, Tex. Col, 03-10, biol, 10- A.A; Tex. Acad; Bot. Gesell. Plant physi- ology and pathology; paleobotany; soil bacteri- ology; nitrogen-fixing bacteria of legumes; eco- nomic botany. Ball, Dr. S(tanley) C(rittenden), 151 Sumner Ave, Springfield, Mass. Zoology. Shelburne Falls, Mass, Nov. 19, 85. Ph.B, Yale, 11, Ph.D, 15. Draftsman, marine biol. lab, Carnegie In- stitution, Tortugas, Fla, 13-14; asst. curator zool, Peabody Museum, Yale, 15-16; instr, Mass. Col, 16-18; prof. biol, Int. Y. M. C. A. Col, 18- Anatomy; histology; physiology; migration of insects. Ball, Dr. Sydney H(obart), 42 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Geology. Chicago, Ill, Dee. 11, 79. A.B, Wisconsin, 01, Ph.D, 10. Asst. geologist, Mo. Bur. of Mines and Geol, 01-02; asst. geol, Wisconsin, 03-04; geol. aid, U. S. Geol. Surv, 04-05, asst. geologist, 05-07; chief geologist, Soc. Int. Forestiére et Miniére du Congo, 07-09; consulting mining geologist, 09- Chevalier Bel- gian Royal Order of the Lion, 19. A.A; Min. Eng; Min. and Metal. Soc; Geol. Soc; Wash. Geol. Soc; British Inst. Min. and Metal; Soe. Belge de Géol. Geology of Miller County, Mis- souri; reconnaissance in southwestern Nevada; areal geology of the Georgetown (Colo) quad- rangle; geology of Belgian Congo; precious stones. Ball, Prof. T(heodore) R(olly), 6043 Kingsbury Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. Chemistry. Marshall- town, Iowa, July 29, 83. B.S, Drake, 08; Har- vard, 08-09; M.S, Illinois, 14, fellow, 15-16, Ph.D, 16. Instr. chem, Drake, 10-13; Illinois, 16-17; asst. prof, Washington (St. Louis), 17- Chem. Soe. (sec’y, St. Louis sect, 19). Inor- ganic chemistry; physical chemistry; ionization in mixed electrolytes, Ballard, Prof. Charles W, 115 W. 68th St, New York, N. Y. Pharmacognosy. New York, July 6, 87. Ph.Ch, Columbia, 07, Phar.D, 08, A.M, 11. Instr. pharmacog, Columbia, 07-18, prof, 18—- Pharmacognosist, S. B. Penick Co, 14-17; microanalyst, Health Dept. N. Y. City, 17— Pharmaceut. Ass. Food and drug botany; microscopy of food and drug products, Ballard, H(arlan) H(oge), 247 South St, Pitts- field, Mass. Natural history. Athens, Ohio, May 26, 53. Olivet, 69-70; A.B, A.M, Wil- 3 liams, 75. Principal, high sch, Lenox, Mass, 74-80; Lenox Acad, 80-86; librarian and cura- tor, Berkshire Athenaeum and Museum, Pittsfield, Mass, 88— Dept. ed, ‘St. Nicholas,’ 80-86; ed, ‘Swiss Cross,’ 86-88; ‘Popular Science News,’ 88-92. Medal, Columbian Expos, 93. A.A; Agassiz Ass. (founder, 75, pres, 75-05). Meth- ods of interesting youth in natural science. Ballard, Prof. W (alter) R(aymond), College Park, Md. Horticulture. Towanda, Ill, May 8, 78. B.S, Kansas State, 05. Asst. horticulturist, Md. Exp. Sta, 06-11, pomologist, 12-18; garden spe- cialist, States Relations Service, 18-19; asst. prof. pomol, Maryland, and in charge, small fruit investigations, Exp. Sta, 19-20, specialist, veg. and landscape gardening, exten. service, 20— Soc. Hort. Sci. Plant breeding; orchards; small fruits. Ballard, W(illiam) S(alisbury), U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Plant pathol- ogy. Platteville, Wis, May 29, 81. A.B, Illi- nois, 04. Asst. bot, Illinois, 04-06; scientific asst, asst. pathologist and later pathologist, fruit disease investigations, bur. plant indust, U. Ss Dept. Agr, 06— A.A; Phytopath. Soc; Chem. Soe. Parasitic and physiological diseases of fruits. Ballou, H(enry) A(rthur), Imperial Department of Agridulture, Barbados, B. W. I. Zoology, Entomology. West Swanzey, N. H, July 23, 72. B.S, Mass. Col, 95,.M.S, 06. Employed by Gipsy Moth Committee, Mass, 95; instr. bot, forestry and entom, Conn. Col, 97-01; asst. bot. lab, Mass. Col, 01-02; entomologist, Imp. Dept. Agr, B. W. I, 038— A.A; for. mem. Ass. Econ. En- tom. Agricultural zoology. Bancroft, Dr, Frank W(atts) R. D. Box 81, Con- cord, Calif. Physiology, Zoology. San Fran- cisco, Calif, Oct. 18, 71. B.S, California, 94, M.S, 96; A.M, Harvard, 96, Ph.D, 98; Berlin, 98-99; Naples Zool. Sta, 99. Instr. and later asst. prof. physiol, California, 00-11; assoc. exp. biol, Rockefeller Inst, 11-12, physiol, 12. A.A; Soe. Nat; Soc. Zool. Anatomy, embryol- ogy and physiology of the tunicates; general physiology; morphogenesis; action of saline eatharties. Bancroft, Geo(rge) J(arvis), Bancroft Block, Denver, Colo. Mining engineering. Denver, Sept. 10, 73. B.S, Stanford, 95; Colo. Sch. Mines, 96. Ed, ‘Min. Science,’ 08— Min. Eng; Colo. Sci. Soc. Origin of ore deposits. Bancroft, Prof. Geo(rge) R(ussell), Morgan- town, W. Va. Chemistry. Weymouth, N. §, July 7, 78. B.A, Acadia, 06; A.B, Yale, 14, Silliman fellow, 15-17, Ph.D, 17. Principal, pub. schools, Freeport, N. S, 98-99, 00-03, 06~ 07; science master, Halifax Acad, 07-13; asst. instr. chem, Yale, 14-17; prof. chem. and physics, Transylvania, 17-18; asst. prof. org. chem, Kentucky, 18-20; assoc. prof, West Vir- ginia, 20- Chem. Soe. (see’y, Lexington sect, 18); Ky. Acad; N.S. Inst. Organic chemistry ; esters derived from substituted aliphatic alcohols. Bancroft, Dr. J(oseph) Austen, McGill Univer- sity, 461 Grosvenor Ave, Montreal, Can. Geol- ogy. North Sydney, N. S, April 8, 82. B.A, Acadia, 03; Yale, 04, A.M, 06; Ph.D, McGill, 10. Demonstrator geol, McGill, 05-08, lecturer, v 34 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 08-10, asst. prof, 10-11, assoc. prof, 11-13, Dawson prof, 13— Geol. Soc; Can. Min. Inst; fel. Royal, Soc. Canada; Montreal Nat. Hist. Soe. Petrography and economic geology; geol- . ogy of coast and islands between the strait of Georgia and Queen Charlotte Sound, B. ©; copper deposits. Bancroft, M(erle) F(owler), 50 Carling Ave, Ot- tawa, Can. Geology. North Sydney, N. S, Nov. 2,90. B.A, Acadia, 11; A.B, Yale, 13, fellow, 13-15. Engineer, Price Bros. and Co, 11-12; asst. geologist, Can. Geol. Surv. Field asst, Can. Geol. Surv, summers, 10-16. Geology of the Kootenay Lake, the Slocan and Lardeau districts. Bancroft, Prof. Wilder D(wight), 7 East Ave, Ithaca, N. Y. *Physical chemistry. Middle- town, R. I, Oct. 1, 67. A.B, Harvard, 88; Ph.D, Leipzig, 92; hon. Se.D, Lafayette, 19. Asst. chem, Harvard, 88-89, 93-94, instr, 94-95; asst. prof. physical chem, Cornell, 95-03, prof, 03- Ed, ‘Jour. of Physical Chem,’ 96-; chairman, div. chem, Nat. Research Council, 19-; lieut. col, * Cc. W. 8. Nat. Acad; Philos. Soc; Chem. Soc. (pres, 10); Physical Soc; Electrochem. Soe. (pres, 05, 19); Am. Acad; hon. mem. London Chem. Soe. Phase rule; mass law; electrochem- istry; alloys; irreversible reactions; chemistry of light; colloid chemistry. * Bangham, Prof. R(alph) V(andervoort), 4417 Gaston Ave, Dallas, Tex. Biology. Wilming- ton, Ohio, Feb. 26, 94. A.B, Wilmington, 15; B.S, Haverford, 16, A.M, 17. Asst, Haverford, 16-17, instr. biol, 17-18; prof, Tex. Col, 18-19; asst. prof. anat, Baylor, 19- A.A. Trematode parasite, Azyga; mutations in Drosophila virilis ; degeneration of vagus nerve. Bangs, Outram, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. *Zoology. Watertown, Mass, Jan. 12, 63. Lawrence Sci. Sch, Harvard, 84. Asst. in charge of mammals and birds, museum comp, zool, Harvard, 00- A.A; fel. Ornith. Union; Soc. Mammal; Boston Soc. Nat. Hist; Nuttall Ornith. Club. Mammals; birds. Banker, Prof. Howard J(ames), Eugenics Record Office, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. Mycology. Schaghticoke, N. Y, April 19, 66. A.B, Syra- euse, 92; A.M, Columbia, 00, Ph.D, 06. Instr. biol, Southwestern Nor. Sch, California, Pa, 01- 04; prof, DePauw, 04-10; researcher eugenics, eugenics record office, Carnegie Institution, 10- A.A; Bot. Soe; Torrey Bot. Club; Eugenies Re- search, Ass. Hydnaceae. Banks, H(enry) W(ard), 3d, Noroton, Conn. Chemistry. Englewood, N. J, Oct. 28, 90. A.B, Williams, 13; Columbia, 13-14, fellow, 16-17. Chemist, Harriman Research Lab, Roosevelt Hosp, N. Y. City, 14-16; Marvin Davis Labora- tories, 19-20; Banks and Craig, 20— In mil. service, 16, 17-19. A.A; Chem. Soc. Industrial and food chemistry; nephelometry; chemical de- tection of blood. Banks, Dr. John H(enry), 26 John St, New York, N. Y. Mining engineering. New York, Nov. 28, 61. E.M, Columbia, 83, fellow, 85-90, Ph.D, 95. Anal. worker, Ledoux and Ricketts, 83-85; asst. to Prof. P. de P. Ricketts, Colum- bia, 85-90; mem. firm Ricketts and Banks, 90- 15; consulting engineer and metallurgist, 15- Min. Eng; Soe. Chem. Indust. Metallurgy. Banks, Nathan, Lexington, Mass. *Entomology. Roslyn, N. Y, April 13, 68. B.S, Cornell, 89, M.S, 90. Agent, div. entom, U. S. Dept. Agr, 90-92, asst. entomologist, 96-16; curator insects, museum comp. zool, Harvard, 16— Entom. Soe. (pres, 18); Cambridge Entom. Club; N. Y. Entom. Soc; Wash. Entom. Soc; Phila. Entom. Soc; assoc. Phila. Acad. Systematic American arachnology; neuropterology; geographical dis- tribution and habits of insects; catalogues of Neuroptera of the world and of American Ar- achnida and Heteroptera and fossorial Hymenop- tera; mimicry and protective resemblance in insects. Banta, Dr. A(rthur) M(angun), Cold Spring Har- bor, L. I, N. Y. *Zoology. Greenwood, Ind, Dec. 31, 77. A.B, Indiana, 03, A.M, 04; Ph.D, Harvard, 07. Instr. pub. schools, 95-97; prin- cipal, high school, 99-01; asst. zool, Indiana, 03-05; Harvard, 05-07; prof. biol, Marietta, 07-09; res. investigator, sta. for exp. evolution, Carnegie Institution, 09—- A.A; Soc. Nat; Soc. Zool; Soc. Exp. Biol; Soc. Ichthyol. and Herp; Ecol. Soc; Ind. Acad; Ohio Acad. Speleology; animal behavior; inhibition of development of melanin pigment in animals; effects of selection; comparative physiology and effects of changed environment on cavernicolous and non-eaverni- colous animal species; sex determination. Barach, Dr. Joseph H(ayem), 5745 Beacon St, Pittsburgh, Pa. Medicine. Kalvary, Poland, March 12, 82. M.D, Pittsburgh, 03. Res. physician, West. Pa. Hosp, 03-04, res. patholo- gist, 05; pathologist, Eye and Ear Hosp, 04-0€ , South Side Hosp, 10; visiting physician, Prest. Hosp, 10-16; consulting physician, dept. health, Carnegie Inst. Tech, 20- Capt, M.C, 18-19. Cong. Sch. Hygiene, Buffalo, 11; Int. Cong. Hy- giene and Demog, Washington, 10. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; fel. Col. Physicians. Morphology of the blood; physies of physical diagnosis; eardio- vascular system in health and disease. Barbeau, C(harles) Marius, Geological Survey, Ottawa, Can. Anthropology. Beauce, Que, March 5, 83. B.A, Laval, 03, LL.L, 07; B.Se, Oxford, 10; Sorbonne, 09. Asst. anthropologist, Can. Geol, Surv, 11, assoc. anthropologist, 19- Assoc. ed, ‘Jour. Am. Folk-lore,’ 16—- Folk-lore Soc; Royal Soe. Can. (hon. treas, 20-); cor. mem. Paris Soe. des Américanistes. Folk-lore; Wyandot, Huron, Iroquoian and Tsimshian eth- nography; French and English folk-lore of Can- ada, Barber, E(rmest) R, Audubon Park, New Orleans, La. Entomology. Liverpool, England, Oct. 12, 84. Ont. Agr. Col, 03. With bur. entom, U. S. Dept. Agr, 11- A.A; Ass, Econ. Entom. Con- trol of insect pests. Barber, Herbert S(pencer), U. S. National Mu- seum, Washington, D. C. Entomology. Yank- ton, S. Dak, April 12, 82. Pub. schools. Asst. preparator, U. S. Nat. Museum, 97-02; U. 8S. Dept. Agr, 02-04; U. S. Nat. Museum, 04-; asst, U. S. Dept. Agr, 08- A.A; Entom. Soc; Ass. Econ. Entom; Wash. Acad; Wash, Entom. Soe. Coleoptera. ; AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE a5 Barber, Prof. M(arshall) A(lbert), University of Tennessee, Memphis, Tenn. Bacteriology. Crown Point, Ind, Nov. 22, 68. A.B, Kansas, 91; A.B, Harvard, 92, A.M, 94, Ph.D, 07. Asst. bot, Harvard, 92-93; asst. and assoc. prof. bot. and bacter, Kansas, 94-06, prof. bacter. and path, med. sch, 06-11; with Bur. Science, P. I, 12-15; Int. Health Board, 16-17; major, Sanit. C, 18; with Rockefeller Inst, 18-19; special expert, malaria research, U. S. Pub. Health Service, 21- Barber, T(homas) C(aldwell), Box 639, Browns- ville, Tex. Entomology. Liverpool, England. July 27, 81. B.A.Se, Toronto, 04. Hort. inspec- tor, Ill, 06-07; asst. entomologist, La, 07-10; in charge sugar cane insect investigations, bur. entom, U. S. Dept. Agr, 11-12; entomologist, Sugar Exp. Sta, Tucuman, Argentina, 12-14; Delta Lab, Tallula, La, 14-16; Fed. Hort. Board, 17-18, in charge, sugar cane investigations, Brownsville, Tex, 18- A.A; Ass. Econ. Entom; Entom. Soe. Barber, Prof. W(illiam) Harley, 416 Woodside Ave, Ripon, Wis. Physics. Black Earth, Wis, Aug. 28, 78. B.S, Wisconsin, 01, A.M, 09; Chi- cago, summers, 11-13, 14. Asst. principal, high school, Ripon, Wis, 01—04, principal, 04-05; asst, Bur. Standards, 05-06; prof. physics, Ripon, 06-, registrar, 10-15, dean, 15-, acting pres, 17-18. Asst. physics, Chicago, summer, 13. Physical Soe; Ass. Prof; Wis. Acad. Oil-drop falling in hydrogen gas. Barber, Dr. William Howard, 616 Madison Ave, New York, N. Y. Surgery. New York, 86. A.B, Columbia, 09, M.D, 11. Instr. surg, N. Y. Polyelinic, 14-16; instr. surg, Univ. and Belle- vue Hosp. Med. Col, 15-19, lecturer and direc- tor, lab. exp. surg, 19-, asst. attending surgeon, Bellevue Hosp, 18—- A.A; Soc. Exp. Biol; Am. Med. Ass; Col. Surg; N. Y. Acad. Med. Surgery of the stomach and intestine. Barbour, Prof. Erwin H(inckley), University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. Geology. Springfield, Ind. A.B, Yale, 82, Ph.D, 87. Asst. paleontolo- gist, U. S. Geol. Surv, under Prof. O. C. Marsh at Yale, 82-89; prof. geol, Grinnell, 89-91; head prof, Nebraska, state geologist and curator, State Museum, 91—- With U. S. Geol. and Hydrog. Surv. A.A; Geol. Soc; Paleont. Soc; Soe. Vert. Paleont; Ass. Mus; mem. Ornith. Union; Nebr. Acad; Nebr. Ornith. Union. Ver- tebrate paleontology. Barbour, Dr. Henry Gray, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Pharmacology. Hartford, Conn, March 28, 86. A.B, Trinity, 06; M.D, Hopkins, 10, fellow, 10-11; Freiburg, 11; Vienna, 12; London, 13. Asst. prof. pharmacol, Yale, 12- A.A; Physiol. Soc; Soc, Pharmacol; Soc. Exp. Biol. Regulation of body temperature; fever; periodie respiration; drug effects on mammalian arteries; pyretic and antipyretic drugs; amines; anesthetics. Barbour, Thomas, Museum of Comparative Zool- ogy, Cambridge, Mass. *Zoology. Marthas Vine- yard, Mass, Aug.. 19, 84. A.B, Harvard, 06, A.M, 08, Ph.D, 11. Curator Oceanica, Harvard Library, O8-, assoc. curator, reptiles and am- phibians, museum comp. zool, Harvard, 10-, instr, sch. trop. med, 14—, mem. faculty, Peabody Museum, 18—- Gold medal, Harvard Travellers Club, 07. Delegate, Pan-Am. Scientific Cong, Santiago, Chile, 08-09. A.A; mem. Ornith. Union; Soc. Mammal; Am. Acad; Explorers Club; fel. N. Y. Zool. Soc; Phila. Acad; Bos- ton Soc. Nat. Hist; Wash. Biol. Soc; Nuttall Ornith, Club; hon. fel. Acad. Nat. Phys. Med. Sci, Cuba; fel. Royal Geog. Soc; Royal Asiatic Soc. Herpetology; geographical distribution; fishes and reptiles. Barbour, William C(lay), Central High School, Newark, N. J. Botany. Newark Valley, N. Y, Nov. 15, 77. B.Se, N. Y. Univ, 13; N. Y. Bot. Garden. Teacher, high sch, Sayre, Pa; Sucea- sunna, N. J; N. Y. City. A.A; Micros. Soe; Fern Soc; Torrey Bot. Club; Bot. Soe. Copen- hagen. Lichenology; ecology of mosses; sper- matophytes. Bardeen, Dr. C(harles) R(ussell), University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. *Anatomy. Kala- mazoo, Mich, 71. A.B, Harvard, 983; M.D, Hop- kins, 97. Asst. anat, Hopkins, 97-99, assoc, 99-01, assoc. prof, 01-04; prof, Wisconsin, 04-, dean, med. sch, 07— A.A; Soc. Nat; Ass. Anat; Soe. Zool; Soe. Exp. Biol. Experimental morph- ology; growth of skeleton, muscles and nerves in vertebrates; variation in distribution of nerves in man; regeneration in planarians; action of X-rays on development; size of human heart; proportions of human body during post-natal development. Bardwell, Prof. Fred L(eslie), University of Min- nesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Chemistry. Excel- sior, Minn, Sept. 2, 58. B.S, Minnesota, 81; B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 84. Asst. chem, Mass. Inst. Tech, 84—86, instr, 86-94, asst. prof, 94— 11, Case, 11-15. Lecturer chem, Minnesota, 17- 19. Work for various india-rubber mfg. and culture companies. A.A; Chem. Soc. India- rubber. Bareis, Prof. Grace M(arie), 201 W. 11th Ave, Columbus, Ohio. Mathematics. Canal Winches- ter, Ohio. A.B, Heidelberg (Ohio), 97; Bryn Mawr, 97-99, 02-06; fellow, Ohio State, 06-08, Ph.D, 09. Teacher, Miss Roney’s Sch, Bala, Pa,. 00-06; asst. prof. math, Ohio State, 0O8- Math. Soc; Math. Ass. Groups. Barkan, Prof. A(dolf), 2209 Laguna St, San Francisco, Calif. Medicine. Eperies, Hungary, Jan, 45. M.D, Vienna, 66; Ziirich; LL.D, Glas- gow, 02. Asst. physiol, Graz, Austria, 67; junior asst, eye dept, Vienna Hosp, 68; prof. ophthal. and otol, Cooper Med. Col, 72—-; Stan- ford, 09—_ Eye and ear surgeon, Lane’s Hosp; German Hosp; Hebrew Orphan Asylum. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; San Francisco Soc. Eye, Ear and Throat Surg. (pres, 09); Otol. Gesell; Heidel- berg Ophthal. Gesell; hon. mem. Budapest Soe. Physicians and Surg. Embryology of the eye; surgery of the eye and ear. Barker, Prof. A(ugustus) L(awrence), 524 Lin- coln St, Ripon, Wis. Chemistry. Cedar Bluff, Ala, Feb. 10, 88. B.S, Alabama, 10, fellow, 10-11, M.S, 11; fellow, Chicago, 14-15. Instr. biol, Alabama, 11-13; asst. prof. chem, Missis- sippi, 15-16; instr. physiol, Emory, 16-17; prof. chem, Ripon, 17— Chem. Soc; Wis. Acad. Or- ganic chemistry; biochemistry. Barker, Dr. E(Imer) Eugene, Insular Experi- ment Station, Rio Piedras, P. R. Genetics. 36 Crown Point, N. Y, Dec. 31, 86. A.B, Cornell, 10, Ph.D, 14. Scientifie aid, sta. for exp. evolu- tion, Carnegie Institution, 11; asst. prof. plant breeding, Cornell, 14-19; plant breeder, Insular Exp. Sta, 19-20; chief agronomist, 20- A.A. Breeding of native Porto Rican plants; physi- ography; the brook stickleback. Barker, Prof. E(rnest) F(ranklin), 720 Haven Ave, Ann Arbor, Mich. Physics. Listowel, Ont, March 16, 86. B.S, Rochester, 08; fellow, Michi- gan, 13-14, A.M, 13, Ph.D, 15. __ Instr. math, Rochester, 10-12; asst. physics, Michigan, 14- 15; prof, Western, 15-19; nat. research fellow, Michigan, 19— A.A. Infrad-red spectra. Barker, Prof, Franklin D(avis), Station A, Lin- coln, Nebr. Zoology. Ottawa, Kans, Sept. 16, 77. A.B, Ottawa (Kans), 98, A.M, 00; Ph.D, Nebraska, 10; fellow, Harvard, 15. Prof. biol, Ottawa (Kans), 98-03; instr. zool, Nebraska, 04-05, adj. prof, 06, asst. prof, 06-08, assoc. prof, 09-13, prof, 15— Asst. zool, Chicago, sum- mers, 99,00. A.A; Soe. Zool; Micros. Soc; Nebr. Acad. (sec’y). Trematode genus Opisthorchis, Blanchard; new trihedral Taenia; situs inversus in the Trematoda; variations in trematodes; avian parasites; the parasitic fauna of fresh water turtles; parasites of muskrats; parasitic worms of the Bermudas. Barker, Dr. Harold C(harles), University of Penn- sylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Physics. Philadel- phia, Dec. 3, 75. B.S, Pennsylvania, 03, A.M, 05, Ph.D, 07. Asst. chem, Drexel Inst, 96-98; physics, Pennsylvania, 03-04, instr, 04-10, asst. prof, 10-19, prof, 19- Physical Soe. Peltier electromotive force. Barker, Dr. Lewellys F(ranklin), Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md. *Medicine. Norwich, Ont, Sept. 16, 67. M.B, Toronto, 90, hon. M.D, 05; fellow, Hopkins, 92-94; Leipzig, 95; Munich and Berlin, 04; LL.D, Queen’s (Can), 07; MeGill, 11. Assoe. anat, Hopkins, 94-97, assoc. prof, 97-99, path, 99-00; prof. anat, Chicago, and head, dept. anat, Rush. Med. Col, 00-05; med, Hopkins, 05-14, clin. med, 14-, physi- cian-in-chief, Hopkins Hosp, 05-14, visiting physician, 14- Asst. res. pathologist, Hopkins Hosp, 94-99, Hopkins med. ‘commissioner to Philippine Islands, 99; special federal commis- sioner from U. S. Treas. Dept. for investigation of plague in San Francisco, 01; assoc. ed, ‘Am. Jour. Anat,’ 02-; trustee, Mem. Inst. for In- feetious Diseases, Chicago. A.A; Soe. Nat; Ass. Anat; Ass. Path. and Bact; Am. Physi- cians (v. pres, 11); Soe. Biol. Chem; Soe, Clin. Invest; Neur. Ass; cor. mem. Edinburgh Medico- Chirurg. Soc; cor. mem. Vienna Imp. Med. Soc; cor. mem, Budapest Royal Soc. Physicians; for. mem, Swedish Med. Soe. Structure, physiology and pathology of the nervous system; infectious diseases; morbid anatomy of hereditary ataxia; amino-acids in urine; pathological physiology of the heart; clinical diagnosis of internal dis- eases. Barlow, Prof. W(illiam) E(dward), Virginia Poly- technic Institute, Blacksburg, Va. Chemistry, Metallurgy. Bury, England, May 11, 70. B.A, Cambridge, 95, M.A, 99; Ph.D, Gottingen, 03. Demonstrator and asst. prof. chem, Iowa, 92-01, asst. prof. chem. and metal, 03-04; assoc. prof. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE indust. chem. and metal, Va. Polytech, 04-06, prof. metal. and metallog, 06-, dean, grad. dept, 08— A.A; Chem. Soc; Soc. Test. Mat; Steel Treat. Soc; Int. Ass. Test. Mat. Metallog- raphy; correlation of physical properties of alloys with constitution, heat treatment and mechanical treatment. ij Barnard, Prof. E(dward) E(merson), Yerkes Ob- servatory, Williams Bay, Wis. *Astronomy. Nashville, Tenn, Dec. 16, 57. Vanderbilt, 87; A.M, Pacific, 89; hon. Se.D, Vanderbilt, 93; LL.D, Queen’s (Can), 09. In charge, Vander- bilt Univ. Observatory, 83-87; astronomer, Lick Observatory, 87-95; prof. practical astron, Chicago, and astronomer, Yerkes Observatory, 95— Mem, U. 8. Naval Observatory total eclipse exped. to Sumatra, 01; assoc. ed, ‘Astron. Jour.’ Lalande gold medal, Paris Acad, 92, Arago gold medal, 93, Janssen gold medal, 00; gold medal, Royal Astron. Soc, 97; Janssen prize, Soe. astron. de France, 06; Bruce gold medal, Pacific Astron. Soe, 17. Nat. Acad; A.A. (v. pres, 98) ; Astron. Soc; Pacific Astron. Soc; Am. Acad; Philos. Soc; hon. mem. Royal Astron. Soe. Can; for. assoc. and fel. Royal Astron. Soc; Soc. astron, de France. Visual and photographic astronomy; star clusters; parallax; variable stars in clusters; comets; dark nebula; auroraec; milky way; gegenschein; satellites and planets. Barnard, H(arry) E(verett), American Institute of Baking, Minneapolis, Minn. barton, N. H, Nov. 14, 74. B.S, New Hamp- shire, 99. Asst. chemist, N. H. Exp. Sta, 00; U. S. Naval Smokeless Powder Factory, Indian Head, Md, 01; chemist, State Board of Health, N. H, 01-05; Ind, 05-19, state food and drug commissioner, 07-19; director, Am. Inst. Baking, 19- Food and drug inspection chemist, U. S. Dept. Agr; mem. standards committee, U. S. Govt; Lake Mich. Water Commission, 08-09. Chem. Soe. (pres, Ind. sect, 06, director, 17—) ; Agr. Chem. (referee, food adulteration); Ind. Sanit. and Water Supply Ass. (pres). Food adulteration; sanitation; water supplies; water supplies of Indiana; purity of Lake Michigan water; preservation of fruit syrups and crushed fruits; beer analysis; determination of benzoate of soda in foods. Chemistry. Dun- Barnard, Prof. W(illia)m N(ichols), Cornell Uni- versity, Ithaca, N. Y. Mechanical engineering. Canton, Ill, April 24, 75. M.E, Cornell, 97. Instr. machine design, Cornell, 97-00; chief draftsman, The Russell Engine Co, Massillon, Ohio, 01-03; asst. prof. machine design, Cornell, 03-05, power eng, 05-07, prof, O7— A.A; Mech. Eng; Eng. Educ. Machine design; steam ma- chinery; heat-power engineering. Barnebey, Prof. O(scar) L(eonard), 5543 Claren- don Ave, Detroit, Mich. Chemical engineering. * Hughesville, Mo, Feb. 23, 86. B.S, Nebraska, 08, A.M, 09; Ph.D, Wisconsin, 12. Instr. chem, Nebraska, 08-10; Wisconsin, 10-16; asst. prof, Rutgers, 16-17; chief research chemist, air re- duction service, 17-18; capt, C.W.S, 18-19; manager, Nizer Lab. Co, Detroit, 19-; pres, Barneby-Cheney Eng. Co, Columbus, Ohio, 19- Chem. Soe. Inorganie and analytical chem- istry; determination of titanium, iodin; eyanid; differential iodimetry; manganese; rare earths; non-aqueous solutions. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 37 Barnes, Prof. Fred Asa, Cornell University, Barnett, Prof. R(obert) J(ohn), Manhattan, Kans. Ithaca, N. Y. Railroad engineering. Stock- bridge, Mass, June 17, 76. C.E, Cornell, 97, M.C.E, 98. Draftsman, U. 8S. Navy, 99; asst. res. engineer, Santiago de Cuba, 99-02; instr. ry. eng, Cornell, 02-05, asst. prof, 05-15, prof, 15—- A.A; R. R, Eng; Eng. Educ; Civil Eng. Railroad surveying and construction. Barnes, Dr. Harry Lee, Wallum Lake, R. 1. Medicine. Adams, Mass, Aug. 10, 77. M.D, Vermont, 98. Med. supt, Stonywold Sanatorium, 08-04; R. I. State Sanatorium, 05—- Am, Med. Ass; Climat. Ass. Pulmonary tuberculosis. Barnes, Prof. H(oward) T(urner), McGill Uni- versity, Montreal, Can. Physics. Woburn, Mass, July 21, 73. B.A.S, McGill, 93, M.A.S, 96, Se.D, 00. Demonstrator physics, MeGill, 95— 98, lecturer, 00-01, asst. prof, 01-06, assoc. prof, 06-07, Macdonald prof, 07-19, director, Mac- donald Physies Building, 09-19. Assoc. ed, ‘Jour. Physical Chem’; Joule studentship, Lon- don Royal Soc; Int. Electrotech. Commission ; British Science Guild (sec’y, Can. committee). Int. Elec. Cong, St. Louis, 04 (sec’y, sect. A). A.A; Physical Soc; fel. Royal Soc. Can. (pres, math. and physics sect, 09); fel. Royal Soc; fel. Royal Meteor. Soe; Soc. de Physique. Stand- ards of electro-motive force; continuous electric calorimetry; specific heats of water and mer- cury; density of ice; variation of the specific heat of liquids with temperature; critical veloc- ity of liquids; thermal and electrical measure- ments; heating effect of radium; mountain temperature; ice formation. Barnes, Dr. James, Bryn Mawr, Pa. *Physics. Halifax, N. S, Dee. 11, 78. A.B, Dalhousie, 99, A.M, 00, 1851 Exhibition scholar, 00-05; fellow, Hopkins, 03-04, Ph.D, 04. Instr. physics, Hop- kins, 04-06; assoc. Bryn Mawr, 06-10, assoc. prof, 10-17, prof, 17—- A.A; Physical Soc. Electrical conductivity and freezing-points of mixtures of electrolytes; spectrum analysis with interferometers; effect of external conditions on spectra. Barnes, Dean Jasper C(onverse), Maryville Col- lege, Maryville, Tenn. Psychology. Meigsville, Ohio, Aug. 28, 61. A.B, Marietta, 90, A.M, 93; Ph.D, Chicago, 11. Supt. schools, Belpre, Ohio, 90-92; prof. educ. and principal, prep. dept, Maryville, 92-01, acting prof. psychol. and polit. science, 01-03, prof. psychol, 03-, dean, 14- Prof. psychol, Summer Sch. of South; mem. faculty, Ohio State, summer 20; mem. Rhodes Scholarship Committee for Tenn, 13-19. A.A; Psychol. Ass; §S. Soe. Philos. and Psychol. (councilor, pres, 15). Voluntary control; per- sonality in the Afro-American. Barnes, William, Decatur, Ill. Entomology. De- catur, Sept. 3, 60. B.S, Harvard, 93, M.D, 96. A.A; Am. Med. Ass. Lepidoptera of North America. Barnes, William Hutt, 2436 Channing Way, Ber- keley, Calif. Bacteriology. Grotiot Co, Mich, Sept. 7,77. A.B, Stanford, 16; A.M, California, 17. Teacher science, high sch, Manila, P. IT, 12— 13; bacteriologist, Cutter Laboratories, 15-17; instr. bacter, California, 17— Soc. Bact. Im- munology. Pomology. Denison, Kans, Jan. 16, 74. B.S, Kansas State, 95, M.S, 11. Prof. pomol, Wash. State, 14-20; Kansas State, 20- A.A; Soc. Hort. Sei. Agricultural teaching; apples. Barnett, Prof. S(amuel) J(ackson), Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution, Washington, D. C. *Physics. Woodson Co, Kans, Dec. 14, 73. Emporia, 89-91; Chicago, 92-93; A.B, Denver, 94; Virginia, 95-96; fel- low, Cornell, 97-98, Ph.D, 98. Instr. physics and biol, Denver, 94-95; asst, astron. observa- tory, Virginia, 95-96, instr. astron, 96; instr. and later prof. physics, Colo. Col, 98-00; asst. prof, Stanford, 00-05; prof, Tulane, 05-11; asst. prof, Ohio State, 11-12, prof, 12-18; chief, div. exp. work, dept. terrestrial magnetism, Car- negie Institution, 18— Magnetic observer, U. S. Coast and Geod. Surv, 02-04; Comstock prize, Nat. Acad, 18. A.A; Physical Soc; Wash. Acad; Wash. Philos. Soc. Experimental and theoretical electricity and magnetism. van Barneveld, Prof. Cha(rle)s E(dwin), Tucson, Ariz. Mining and metallurgical engineering. Doetinchem, Netherlands, Nov. 26, 74. Collége Commercial, Boulogne; Kings Col, Can; B.S, McGill, 938. Mining engineer, 93-96; asst. prof. miner. and practical metal, Ariz. Sch. Mines, 96-97; prof. mining eng, Minnesota, and con- sulting mining engineer, 98-13; chief, dept. mines and metal, Panama-Pacific Expos, San Francisco, 14-15; prof. mining, California, 16; supt, southwest sta, U. S. Bur. Mines, 17— Min. Eng. Metal mining; copper leaching and con- centration. Bamey, Dr. I(da), 7 Paradise Road, Northampton, Mass. Mathematics. New Haven, Conn, Nov. 6, 86. A.B, Smith, 08; Ph.D, Yale, 11. Prof. math, Rollins, 11-12; asst, Smith, 12-13, instr, 13-17; asst. prof, Lake Erie, 17-19; prof, Mere- dith, 19-20; asst. prof, Smith, 20- A.A; Math. Soe. Analysis. Barney, R(aymond) L(ivingston), Fairport, Iowa. Ichthyology. Providence, R. I, Oct: 21, 91. B.S, R. I. Col, 15; M.S, Brown, 16. Instr. biol, Brown, 15-16; temporary asst, U. S. Bur. Fish- erties, 16, scientific asst, 16-18, director, Beau- fort Lab, 18-20, Fairport Lab, 20— Fisheries Soe. Green-gilled oysters; life history of Elassoma; Gambusia. Barnhart, Dr. John Hendley, New York Botanical Garden, Bronx Park, New York, N. Y. Botany. Brooklyn, N. Y, Oct. 4, 71. A.B, Wesleyan, 92, A.M, 93; M.D, Columbia, 96. Ed. asst, N. Y. Bot. Garden, 03-12, librarian, 06-12, bibliogra- pher, 13— Delegate of N. Y. Bot. Garden, Int. Bot. Cong, Vienna, 05; Brussels, 10. A.A; Soc. Nat; Bot. Soc; Torrey Bot. Club (ed-in- chief, 03-07, v. pres, 08—-); fel. N. Y. Acad; Wash. Biol. Soe. Botanical bibliography and nomenclature; taxonomy of flowering plants; American Lentibulariaceae; local floras of North America. Barnhart, P(ercy) S(pencer), Scripps Institution for Biological Research, La Jolla, Calif. Biol- ogy. Berkley Heights, N. J, Sept. 17, 81. A.B, Southern California, 11, A.M, 14. Asst. biol, Southern California, 07-11, instr. zool, 11-13; asst. prof. marine biol, Venice Marine Biol. Sta, 18-14; scientific asst, Bur. Fisheries, 14-; cura- 38 tor, Scripps Inst, California, 14- A.A. Marine biology. Barnum, Dr. Charlotte C(ynthia), 417 W. 114th St, New York, N. Y. Mathematics. Phillipston, Mass, May 17, 60. A.B, Vassar, 81; Hopkins, 90-92: Ph.D, Yale, 95. Teacher, Betts Acad, Stamford, Conn, 81-82; Hillhouse High Sch, New Haven, 83, 85-86; computer, Yale Observa- tory and ‘Dana’s Mineralogy,’ 83-87; teacher astron, Smith, 89-90; math, Carleton, 95-96; computer, Mass. Mutual Life Ins. Co, 98; Fidel- ity Mutual Life Ins. Co, Phila, 00-01; U. S. Naval Observatory, 01; tidal div, U. S. Coast and Geod. Surv, 01-08; ed, biol. surv, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 08-13; ed. and_proof-reader, scien- tific works, 14- Asst. ed, ‘Webster’s Int. Diet,’ 86-90, 97. A.A; Math. Soc. Functions having lines or surfaces of discontinuity; tides and currents; annuities. Barott, Herbert G(eorge), 1329 Emerson SSE W, Washington, D. C. Physics. Burton, Ohio, July 13, 81. E.E, Syracuse, 09. Asst. physicist, Bur. Standards, 10-17; in charge respiration calorimeter lab, U. S. Dept. Agr, 17- Energy elimination and respiratory exchange in men and plants. Barr, Prof. John H(enry), 36 Gramercy Park, New York, N. Y. Machine design. Terre Haute, Ind, June 19, 61. B.M.E, Minnesota, 83, M.S, 88; M.M.E, Cornell, 89. Draftsman, Calumet and Hecla Mining Co, 83-84; mech. engineer, Lake Superior Iron Works, 84-85; instr, later asst. prof. and prof. mech. eng, Minnesota, 85- 91; asst. prof, Cornell, 91-95; assoc. prof. and prof. machine design, 95-03; manager, Smith Premier Works, 03-09; chief engineer, Keming- ton Typewriter Co, 09- Mem. N. Y. State Com- mission on Voting Machines, 03-15; trustee, Cornell, 05-15; major, ordnance dept, 17-19. A.A; Mech. Eng; Franklin Inst; Army Ord- nanee Ass. Proportions of steam-engines; engine valve friction; compression in steam- engines; kinematics of machinery; elements of machine design. Barre, Prof. H(enry) W(alter), Clemson College, S. C, Botany. Lexington, 8. C, May 5, 81. B.S, Clemson, 05; Nebraska, 07, A.M, 10. Field agent plant path, Nebraska Insect Pest and Plant Disease Bur, 07; botanist, Clemson Exp. Sta, 07-08, director, 17—; botanist and plant pathologist, S. C. Exp. Sta, 07-; prof. bot. and bacter, Clemson, 11-, director of research, 17- A.A; Bot. Soc; Soe. Agron; Phytopath. Soe. Plant diseases of South Carolina; cotton an- thracnose; rot in sweet potatoes. Barrett, Dr. Albert M(oore), 630 Oxford Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. Psychiatry. Austin, Ill, July 15, 71. A.B, Iowa, 93, M.D, 95; Heidelberg, 01-02. Pathologist and asst. physician, Dan- vers Hosp. for Insane, Danvers, Mass, 02-06; directors State Psychopathic Hosp, Mich, 06-20, prof. psychiat, Michigan, 20- Asst. neural path, Harvard Med. Sch, 05-06. Neur. Ass; Psychopath. Ass; Medico-Psychol. Ass; Am. Med. Ass. Neuro-pathology; psychiatry. Barrett, Prof. J(ames) T(heophilus), Citrus Ex- periment Station, Riverside, Calif. Plant pa- thology. Butler, Ill, Nov. 14, 76. A.B, Mlinois, 03, A.M, 07; fellow, Cornell, 08-10, Ph.D, 10. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Asst. bot, Ill. Exp. Sta, 03-08; Cornell, 08-10; assoc, Illinois, and asst, Exp. Sta, 10-13; prof. plant path, sch. trop. agr, California, and plant pathologist, Citrus Exp. Sta, 13-19, acting dean, grad. sch. trop. agr, and acting director, Citrus Exp. Sta, 19- A.A; Bot. Soe; Phytopath. Soc; West. Soe. Nat. Mycology; bacterial, fungous and physiological diseases of plants. Barrett, O(tis) W(arren), 202 W. 103d St, New York, N. Y. Agriculture. North Clarendon, Vt, April 18, 72. B.S, Vermont, 96. Botanist and entomologist, P. R. Exp. Sta, 01-05; plant in- troducer, U. S. Dept. Agr, 05-08; director agr, Mozambique, 08-10; chief, div. hort, bur. agr, Manila, P. I, 10-14; hortieulturist, C. Z, 14-17; with C. W. S. and U. S. Dept. Agr, 17-19. Mex. agente viagero, Paris Expos, 00. A.A; Wash. Entom. Soc; Philippine Acad. Tropical agriculture; zootechny; coconut, cacao and cof- fee culture. Barrett, Prof. S(ampson) K(irby), New York University, University Heights, New York, N. Y. Physics, Electrical engineering. Saratoga Springs, N. Y, Sept. 7, 86. E.E, Brooklyn Polytech, 10; N. Y. Univ, 13-16. Instr. physics and elec. eng, Brooklyn Polytech, 10-15, asst. prof, 15-17; asst. prof. elec. eng, N. Y. Univ, 19— Lieut, N.R.F, 19; consulting engineer, 15— A.A; Elee. Eng; Naval Inst. Brownian movements; commutation phenomena; illumina- tion; induction motors; shading coils; single- phase and polyphase relays; ozonators; electrical dryers; magnetos fog aeroplanes; insulating paints and varnishes; oscillograph; naval fire control apparatus; gunnery. Barrett, Dr. S(amuel) A(lfred), Public Museum, Milwaukee, Wis. Anthropology. Little Rock, Ark, Nov. 12, 79. California, 00-04, B.S, 05, LeConte fellow, 05-06, M.S, 06, Ph.D, 08. Asst. anthrop, California, 06-08; ethnologist, George G. Heye exped. to S. Am, 08-09; curator anthrop, Pub. Museum, Milwaukee, Wis, 09- A.A; Anthrop. Ass; Ethnol. Soc; Folk-lore Soc; Wis. Archeol. Soc; Wis. Nat. Hist. Soc; Calif. Acad. Indians of Ecuador, California and Wis: consin; Wisconsin archeology. Barrett, Storrs B(arrows), Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wis. Astronomy. Kingsville, Ohio, Aug. 12, 64. A.B, Rochester, 89; fellow, Chicago, 93-95. Principal, Middlebury Acad, 89-91; science teacher, high sch, Palmyra, N. Y, 91-92; sec’y, Yerkes Observatory, O0-, asst. prof. astrophys, Chicago, 14— A.A; Astron, Soc. Stellar radial velocities; spectroscopic binary stars. Barringer, Daniel Moreau, Real Estate Trust Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Geology. Raleigh, N. C, May 25, 60. A.B, A.M, Princeton, 79; LL.B, Pennsylvania, 82; Harvard, 89-90; Vir- ginia, 91. Practising lawyer, Phila, 82-89; con- sulting geologist and mining engineer, 91- Trustee, Jefferson Med. Col, Phila. A.A; Min. Eng; Am. Iron and Steel Inst; Min. and Metal. Soc; Am. Geog. Soc; Phila. Acad; Harvard Eng. Soc; Princeton Eng. Soc; Phila. Zool. Soc; Franklin Inst. Mines and mining in the United States; minerals of commercial value; origin of Meteor Crater, Arizona. Barringer, L(awrence) E(ugene), 108 Lenox Road, Schenectady, N. Y. Ceramics. Washing- AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 39 ton, D. C, March 1, 76. E.M, Ohio State. Chemist, Columbus Brick and Terra Cotta Co, 00-02; Gen. Elec. Co, 02-09, engineer of insula- tions, 09— Silver medal, Panama-Pacifie Expos, 15. Ceramic Soe. (pres, 16); Chem. Soe. Elec- trical insulating wares; brick; kilns. Barron, Leonard, Garden City, L. I, N. Y. Horti- culture. Chiswick, England, Sept. 29, 68. Birk- beck Inst, London; gardens, Royal Hort. Soe, England. Asst. ed, ‘Gardeners’ Chronicle,’ Lon- don, 85-94; ed, ‘Am. Gardening,’ 94—04; ‘ Gar- den Magazine,’ N. Y, 05— Sec’y, Int. Conf. on Plant Breeding, New York, 02; Int. Conf. Plant Hardiness, New York, 07. A.A; Soc. Hort. Sci; Am. Inst; N. Y. Hort. Soc. (see’y, 98- 09). Adaptation of plants to ornamental gar- dening; methods of horticulture. Barron, Prof. Moses, 503 Seventh St, S. E, Minne- apolis, Minn. Pathology. Kovno, Russia, Nov. 8, 83. B.S, Minnesota, 10, M.D, 11. Demon- strator path. and bacter, Minnesota, 12-13, instr. path, 13-16, asst. prof, 16- Director, path. lab, City Hosp, Minneapolis, 13-14; City and Co. Hosp, St. Paul, 14-17; lieut, capt. and major, M.C, 17-19. A.A; Am. Med. Ass;.Ass. Path. and Bact; Minn. Path. Soe. Bacteriology; tu- mors. Barrows, Dr. Albert L(loyd), National Research Council, Washington, D. C. Zoology. Nord- hoff, Calif, May 28, 83. B.S, Pomona, 06; Cor- nell, 06-07; fellow, California, 11-12, M.S, 12, Ph.D, 17. Teacher science, Cavite High Sch, Cavite, P. I, 07-10; asst. zool, California, 12- 14, instr, 14-19; sec’y, div. states and educ. re- lations, Nat. Research Council, 19—- Mem. scien- tifie staff, ‘Albatross,’ 08-09. A.A. (see’y, Pacific div, 14-17); Paleont. Soc; Calif. Acad. Marine protozoa; marine rock and wood-boring mollusks. Barrows, Prof. Harlan H, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Geography. Armada, Mich, 77. B.S, Chicago, 03; hon. Pd.M, Mich. Nor. Col, 12. Asst. geol, Chicago, 03-07, instr. geol. and geog, 07-08, asst. prof, 08-10, assoc. prof, geog, 10-14, prof, 14-19, head of dept, 19- Ass. Geog. (v. pres, 20). Historical geography; geography of middle Illinois valley. Barrows, Prof. H(arold) K(ilbrith), 6 Beacon St, Boston, Mass. Hydraulic engineering. Mel- rose, Mass, Noy. 9, 73. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 95. Asst. and assoc. prof. civil eng, Vermont, 01-04; district engineer, U. S. Geol. Surv, 04— 09; consulting engineer, 07—-; assoc. prof. hy- draulic eng, Mass. Inst. Tech, 09— Civil Eng; Eng. Edue; Am. Water Works Ass; New Eng. Water Works Ass; Boston Soe. Civil Eng. Water power. Barrows, Prof. Walter B(radford), Agricultural College, East Lansing, Mich. Zoology. Wel- lesley Hills, Mass, Jan. 10, 55. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 76. Instr. chem. and physics, Col. Nacional, Argentina, 79-81; science, State Nor. Sch, Westfield, Mass, 81-82; biol, Wesleyan, 82-86; first asst. ornithologist, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 86-94; prof. zool. and physiol, Mich. Agr. Col, 94—- Entomologist, Mich. Exp. Sta, 97-98. A.A; fel. Ornith. Union; Soc. Mammal; Ass. Econ. Entom; Mich. Acad. (see’y, 96-01, pres, 05). Migration and economic relations of birds; interrelations of birds and insects; local ( Mich.) bird population and the causes of fluctuation. Barrows, Prof. W(illiam) E(dward), Jr, 36 Myrtle St, Orono, Maine. Electrical engineering. Ludlow, Vt, Feb. 20, 78. B.S, Maine, 02, E.E, 08. Student engineer, Gen. Elec. Co, 02-04; instr. elec. eng, Pennsylvania, 04-06; asst. prof, Armour, 06-12; prof, Maine, 12- Elec. Eng; Illum. Eng. Soc; Eng. Educ; Nat. Elec. Light Ass. Light; photometry; illumination. Barrows, Prof. William Morton, State University, Columbus, Ohio. Zoology. Rochester, N. Y, April 7, 83. B.S, Mich. Agr. Col, 03; Harvard, 05, M.S, 06, Se.D, 20. Teacher science, N. Man- chester, Ind, 06-07; instr. zool, N. H. Col, 07- 09; asst. prof, Ohio State, 09—- A.A; Soe. Zool; Eeol. Soc. Reactions of Drosophila to odorous substanees; reactions of spiders to vibrations of web; color in cocker-spaniels; spiders of Ohio. Barrus, Prof. M(ortier) F(ranklin), Forest Home Drive, Ithaca, N. Y. Plant pathology. Forest- ville, N. Y, March 17, 79. A.B, Wabash, 08; Ph.D, Cornell, 11. Asst. bot, Wabash, 07-08; plant path, Cornell, 08-10, instr, 10-11, asst. prof, 11-14, prof, 14- A.A; Phytopath. Soe. Bean diseases; varietal resistance of beans to anthracnose; potato diseases. Barry, Prof. Frederick, 880 18lst St, New York, N. Y. Chemistry. Lynn, Mass, Feb. 13, 76. A.B, Harvard, 97, A.M, 09, Ph.D, 11. Research, asst. chem, Carnegie Institution, 11-12; instr, Columbia, 12-18; asst. prof, N. Y. Univ, 18- Lecturer hist. of science, Columbia, 18-19. A.A; Chem. Soc. Chemical energetics; calorimetry; thermochemistry. Barss, Prof. A(lden) Forrest), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B. C, Can. Horti- culture. Hoosick, N. Y, March 29, 88. A.B, Rochester, 10; B.S.A, Cornell, 12; M.S, Oregon Col, 14. Research asst. hort, Oregon Col, 14-17, asst. prof. pomol, 17-18; assoc. prof. hort, Brit- ish Columbia, 18— A.A; Soe. Hort. Sei. Barss, Prof. H(oward) P(hillips), Oregon Agri- cultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. Plant pa- thology. Victoria, B. ©, April 20, 85. A.B, Rochester, 07; M.S, Harvard, 09. Austin teach- ing fellow, Harvard, 09-10; instr. bot. and asst. plant path, Wash, State, 10-12; asst. plant pa- thologist, Oregon Exp. Sta, 12-14, assoc. pathol- ogist, 14-15, prof. and head, bot. and plant path. dept, Oregon Col, 15- A.A; Bot. Soe; Phyto- path. Soc. (mem. board of editors, 18); Ass. Prof; New Eng. Bot. Club; West. Soc. Nat. Bacterial diseases of stone fruits. Barss, Dr, William Raymond, Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Physics. New Germany, N. 8S, Feb. 15, 85. B.S, Acadia, 07; A.B, Yale, 09, Sloane fellow, 10-12, Ph.D, 12. Asst. physics, Yale, 09-12; instr, Mass. Inst. Tech, 12- Physical Soe. Measurements of radiocativity by means of alpha rays; ioniza- tion by collision in gases and vapors. Bartell, Prof. F(loyd) Earl), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Chemistry. Con- cord, Mich, June 16, 83. A.B, Albion, 05; A.M, Michigan, 08, Ph.D, 10. Assoc. prof. chem, Simpson, 05-07; instr. gen. and physical chem, Michigan, 10-16, asst. prof. physical chem, 16- 40 18, assoc. prof, 18- Research chemist, nitrate div, O. D, 17-18. Chem. Soe; Electrochem. Soc. Permeability of membranes and osmotie¢ pres- sure; electrochemistry; methods of analysis; colloids; surface tension. Bartelmez, Dr. George W(illiam), University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Anatomy. New York, N. Y, March 23, 85. B.S, N. Y. Univ, 06; fellow, Chicago, 07-10, Ph.D, 10. Asst. biol, N. Y. Univ, 06-07; instr. anat, Chicago, 10-19, assoc. prof,19— Ass. Anat; Soc. Zool. Early avian de- velopment; morphology of ichthyopsidan brain. Barth, Carl G(eorge) L(ange), 10 S. 18th St, Philadelphia, Pa. Mechanical engineering. Chris- tiania, Norway, Feb. 28, 60. Grad, Horten’s Tech. Sch, Norway, 77. Draftsman and later chief designer, Wm. Sellers and Co, Phila, 81- 95; ehief draftsman and engineer, Rankin and Fritz Foundry and Machine Co, St. Louis, 95- 97; prof. applied mech, Int. Correspondence Schools, 97-99; shop engineer, Bethlehem Steel Co, 99-02; consulting mechanical engineer, 02— A.A; Mech. Eng; Franklin Inst; Phila. Eng. Clab; Buffalo Eng. Club. Theoretical and ap- plied’ mechanies; strength of columns; transmis- sion of power by leather belting; art of cutting metals; mathematical approximations; mathe- matics of graded income tax. Bartholomew, Prof. C(yrus) E(dgar), 1608 Ave. G, Miami, Fla. Entomology. Wellsville, Ohio, Dee. 24, 77. B.S, Iowa State, 04, M.S, 06. Instr. entom, Iowa State, 04-09, asst. prof, 09- 11, assoe. prof, 11-16; specialist, apiculture, Tennessee, 16-17; Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, 18; asst. to plant commissioner, Fla, 19- A.A; Entom. Soc; assoe. Ass. Econ. Entom. Bartholomew, Prof. E(Ibert) T(homas), School of Tropical Agriculture, Riverside, Calif. Botany. Stockton, Kans, Oct. 18, 78. A.B, Kans. State Nor. Sch, 09; fellow, Wisconsin, 10-11, Ph.D, 14. Asst. prof. bot, Kans. State Nor. Sch, 09- 10; instr, Wisconsin, 11-15, asst. prof, 15-20; research prof. plant path, sch. trop. agr, Cali- fornia, 20- Acting instr. bot, Stanford, 18. A.A; Bot. Soc; Phytopath. Soc; Wis. Acad. Apple and cedar rusts; diastase in certain red algae; black heart in potatoes; cytology of cer- tain rusts. Bartholomew, Mrs. L(ucille) K(eene), Citrus Ex- periment Station, Riverside, Calif. Plant pathol- ogy. St. Louis, Mo, July 23, 88. B.S, Missouri, 09, A.B, 10, A.M, 12, Ph.D, 16; fellow, Wisconsin, 13-14. Asst. bot. Missouri, 10-13, instr, 14-16; asst. pathologist cereal disease investigations, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr. Cytology of fungi; cereal diseases; smuts. Bartlett, Prof. C(harles) J(oseph), 183 Bishop St, New Haven, Conn. Internal medicine. Sutton, Vt, Dec. 18, 64. A.B, Yale, 92, A.M, 94, M.D, 95. Asst. and instr. path, Yale, 95-97, asst. prof, 97-00, prof, 00-17; director, laboratories, Conn. Dept. Health, 17— Pathologist, New Haven Hosp, 00-17. A.A; Ass. Immunol; Ass. Path. and Bact; Soc. Bact; Am. Med. Ass; N. Y. Path. Soe; Conn. Acad. Bartlett, Prof. Dana P(rescott), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Mathematics. Boston, Mass, Oct. 4, 63. B.S, Bartlett, Prof. Edwin Julius, Hanover, Bartlett, Prof. Harley Harris, Barton, G(eorge) E(stes), AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Mass. Inst. Tech, 86; Munich, 03-04. Instr. math, Mass. Inst. Tech, 86-92, asst. prof, 92- 98, assoc. prof, 98-05, prof, 05- Asst, Harvard Col. Observatory, 87. Math. Soc; Math. Verein. Method of least squares. Bartlett, Prof. Edward P(ayson), Pomona Col- lege, Claremont, Calif. Physical chemistry. Belchertown, Mass, Oct. 17,84. A.B, Dartmouth, 08; A.M, Harvard, 13, Ph.D, 15. Teacher sci- ence, Blees Mil. Acad, 08-09; imstr. chem, Pomona, 09-11; Austin teaching fellow, Har- vard, 11-13; asst. prof, Pomona, 14-19, assoc. prof, 19-, acting dean, 16-18. Capt, U.S.A, 18- 19. Chem. Soe. Piezo-chemistry. Nei. Hudson, Ohio, Feb. 16, 51. A.B, Dartmouth, 72, AM, Se.D, 18; M.D, Rush Med. Col. 79. Instr. sciences, Monson Acad, Mass, 72-73; high sch, Glencoe, Ill, 74-75; Lake For- est Acad, 76-78; assoc. prof. chem, Dartmouth, 78-83, prof, 83-20; retired, 20. A.A; Chem. Soe; N. H. Acad. Toxicology. Chemistry. Bartlett, G(eorge) M(iller), 2533 College Ave, Indianapolis, Ind. Mechanical engineering. Chicago, Il], Aug. 5, 73. B.S, Amherst, 01, A.M, 04. Instr. physies and math, Case, o1- 03; mechanism and deserip. geom, Michigan, 03- 10; chief engineer, Diamond Chain and Mfg. Co, Indianapolis, Ind, 10- A.A; Mech. Eng; Heat Treaters Soe. Descriptive geometry; the kine-. matics of machines; universal shaft couplings; the skew bevel gear; the four-bar linkage. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. *Botany. Ana- conda, Mont, March 9, 86. A.B, Harvard, 08. Asst, Gray Herbarium, Harvard, 05-08; chem. biologist, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 09-15; asst. prof. bot, Michigan, 15-17; botan- ist, Hollandsch-Amerikaansche Plantage Maats- chappij, Sumatra, 18; assoc. prof. bot, and director, dept. bot. gardens and arboretum, Michigan, 19- Mem. Nat. Researeh Couneil. A.A; Soe. Nat; Bot. Soc. (see’y, 15-17, v. pres, 19); Chem. Soc; Soe. Agron; New Eng. Bot. Club; Wash. Acad; Wash. Bot. Soe. (treas, 13) ; Wash, Biol. Soe. Oenothera; plant pig- ments; plant nutrition. Bartley, Dr. E(lias) H(udson), 65 S. Portland Ave, Brooklyn, N. Y. Pediatrics, Chemistry. Bartley, N. J, Dec. 6, 49. B.S, Cornell, 73; M.D, Long Isl. Col. Hosp, 79; hon. Ph.G, Brooklyn Col. Pharmacy, 96. Instr. chem, Cornell, 74- 75; prof, Swarthmore, 75-78; chief chemist, Health Dept, Brooklyn, 82-88; prof. chem. and toxicol, L. I. Col. Hosp, 86-, pediatrics, 01—; dean and prof. org. chem, Brooklyn Col. Pharmacy, 92-02. Mem. Kings Co. Board of Pharmacy, 91-98; mem. committee of revision, U. 8. Phar- macopeia, 10- A.A; Col. Physicians (v. pres) ; Chem. Soc; Pub. Health Ass; Pharmaceut. Ass; Am. Med. "ASS; fel. N. Y. Acad. Med; Brooklyn Pediat. Soe; Brooklyn Path. Soe. Food chem- istry; clinical chemistry; infant feeding. 227 Pine St, Millville, N. J. Chemistry. Worthington, Mass, May 9, 71. B.S, Worcester, 91; M.S, George Washing- ton, 95. Asst. chemist, Naval Torpedo Sta, Newport, R. I, 91-92; chemist, Aetna Powder Co, Chicago, 92-94; chief chemist, Whitall AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 41 Tatum Co, 96— Formerly assoc. ed, ‘Jour. In- dust.and Eng. Chem’; asst. ed.‘ Chem. Abstracts. ’ A.A; Chem. Soc; Chem. Eng; Soc. Chem. Indust ; Ceramic Soc; Soc, de Chim. indust. Explosives; glycerine; glass; graduated chemical glassware; glass manufacture. Barton, Prof. Geo(rge) H(unt), 89 Trowbridge St, Cambridge, Mass. Geology. Sudbury, Mass, July 8, 52. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 80. Asst. drawing, Mass. Inst. Tech, 80-81; asst, Hawaiian Govt. Geol. Surv, 81-83; asst. geol, Mass. Inst. Tech, 83; asst. geologist, U. S. Geol. Surv, 89- 94; asst. prof. geol, Mass. Inst. Tech, 96-04 ; director, Teachers Sch. of Science, 02— Lecturer geol, Boston, 96-04, 16-17; past pres, Chil- dren’s Museum, Boston. A.A; Geol. Soc; Am. Acad; Forestry Ass; Appalachian Mt. Club (past pres); Arctie Club; Am. Alpine Club ; Boston Sci. Soe. (past pres); Harvard Travel- lers Club; Boston Soe. Nat. Hist. Glacial geol- ogy; dynamic and struetural geology ; lithology ; distribution and origin of drumlins in Massa- chusetts. Barton, Dr. James M(oore), Atlantic City, N. J. Surgery. Philadelphia, Pa, Oct. 16, 46. A.M, Jefferson Med. Col, 65, M.D, 68. Res. physi- cian, Episcopal Hosp, 68-69; asst. to Prof. 8S. D. Gross, and surgeon, Charity Hosp, 69-79; surgeon and prof. clin. surg, Jefferson Med. Col, 79-00. Lecturer operative surg, Phila. Sch. Anat, 77-82; surgeon, German Hosp, 79-86; Phila. Hosp, 90-00. Surg. Ass. Barton, Ralph M(artin), 67 Boston Ave, S. E, Minneapolis, Minn. Mathematics. Newport; N. H, July 21, 75. A.B, Dartmouth, 04; Harvard, 07-08; Chicago, 10-12. Instr. math, Dartmouth, 03-08; asst. prof, 08-13; prof, New Mexico, 13— 14; Lombard, 14-16, dean and acting pres, 15- 16; instr. math, Minnesota, 16-19, asst. prof, 19- A.A; Math. Soc; Math. Ass; Cireolo Mat. di Palermo. Barton, Prof. Samuel G(oodwin), 26 N. Millick St, Philadelphia, Pa. Astronomy. Ivyland, Pa, Jan. 1, 82. A.B, Temple, 03; fellow, Pennsyl- vania, 05-06, Ph.D, 06, research fellow, 06-07. Prof. math, Clarkson Mem. Col. Tech, 07-11; asst. prof.’ math, Swarthmore, 11-13; instr. astron, Pennsylvania, 13-14, asst. prof, 14- Asst, U. S. Naval Observatory, summers, 07, 08, 11; director, U. S. Shipping Board Navig. Sch, 17-19. A.A; Astron. Soe. Secular perturba- tions; orbits of asteroids; star positions. Barton, Dr Sam(ue)l M(arx), Sewanee, Tenn. Mathematics. Near Winchester, Va, May 9, 59. A.B, Virginia, 83, Ph.D, 85; fellow by courtesy, Hopkins, 93-94. Prof.math, Emory and Henry, 85-93; math. and civil eng, Va. Col, 94-95; prof. math. and acting prof. civil eng, Univ. of the South, 95-09, prof. pure math, 08— A.A; Math. Soc; Tenn. Acad. (v. pres, 16). Theory of equations; plane surveying. Barton, Prof. Wilfred M(ason), 1730 Connecticut Ave, Washington, D.C. Medicine. Washington, July 16, 71. M.D, Georgetown, 92. Prof. thera- peut. and pharmacol, Georgetown, 06-14, assoc. prof. med, 14- Attending physician, George- town Univ. and Washington Asylum Hospitals. D. C. Med. Soc. (pres, 11); Wash. Acad. In- ternal medicine; pharmacology; medical termi- nology. Bartow, Prof. Edward, University of Iowa, Iowa ~ City, Iowa. *Chemistry. Glenham, N. Y, Jan. 12, 70. A.B, Williams, 92; Ph.D, Gottingen, 95. Asst. chem, Williams, 92—94, instr, 95-97; Kansas, 97-99, assoc. prof, 99-05; prof, Kansas City Med. Col, 02-05; assoe. prof, Illinois, 05— 06, prof, 06-20; Iowa, and head of dept, 20- Director, Ill. State Water Surv, 05-17, chief, 17-20; acting assoc. prof. chem, Kansas, 97; mem. Commission on Coal Mine Explosions in Kansas; Lake Mich. Water Commission. Major, Sanit. C, 18, lieut. col, 19. A.A; Chem. Soc; Chem. Eng; Pub. Health Ass; Am. Water Works Ass; Ill. Soc. Eng. and Surv; New Eng. Water Works Ass, (v. pres, 20); Tl. Acad; Tl. Water Supply Ass. (sec’y-treas) ; Kans. Acad. (v. pres, 02, pres, 04); Soc. de Chim. indust. Crystals of white arsenic; formation of amids in anhydrous ammonia; derivatives of m-isocymene; synthet- ieal preparation of quinolin derivatives; Kansas petroleum; water supplies of southeastern Kan- sas; derivatives of m-ethyltoluene; water analy- sis and treatment; activated sludge method of sewage treatment. Bartsch, Prof. Paul, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. *Biology. Tuntschendorf, Germany, Aug. 14, 71. B.S, Iowa, 96, M.S, 99, Ph.D, 05. Aid, div. mollusks, U. S. Nat. Mu- seum, 96-05, asst. curator, 05-14, curator, div. marine invertebrates, 05-; prof. zool, George Washington, 99-; director, histol. and physiol. laboratories, med. dept, Howard, 01— Assoc. ed, ‘The Osprey,’ 00-; Smithsonian representative, ‘Albatross’ exped. to the Philippines, 07-10; mem. Bur. Fisheries exped. to Lower Calif, 11; mem. Smithsonian Inst. expeditions to Cuba, Haiti, the Bahamas and Fla; assoe. breeding of terrestrial mollusks, Carnegie Institution; dele- gate, Pan-Am. Scientific Cong, Washington, D. C, 16; delegate, first Pan-Pacifie Cong, 20. A.A; mem. Ornith. Union; Geol. Soc; Ecol. Soc; Paleont. Soe; Ass. Geog; Ass. Anat; Hu- mane Edue. Soc. (pres); Malacol. Ass; Agassiz Ass; Soe. Helminthol; Wild Flower Preserva- tion Soe. (pres); Wash. Acad; Wash. Biol. Soc; Wash. Geol. Soc; Wash. Bot. Soe; Conchol. Soe. Gt. Britain and Treland; Malacozool. Gesell. Mollusks; birds. Baruch, Dr. Simon, 51 W. 70th St, New York, N. Y. Medicine. Schwersenz, Poland, July 29, 40. Royal Gymnasium, Posen, Poland; M.D, Med. Col. of Va, 62. Surgeon, Confed. States Army, 62-65; attending and consulting physi- cian, J. Hood Wright Hosp, 81-20; prof. hydro- therapy, Columbia, 07-13; attending and con- sulting physician, Sea View and Bellevue Hos- pitals, 10—- Medal, Paris Expos, 00; La. Pur- chase Expos, 04. Chairman, S. C. State Board Health, 80. Ass. Prom. Hygiene and Pub. Baths (pres, 12-15); S. C. Med. Ass. (pres, 74); hon. mem. Verein Volksbaeder. Physical therapeu- tics; hydrotherapy; perforating appendicitis. Barus, Prof. Carl, 30 Elmgrove Ave, Providence, R. I. *Physics. Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 19, 56. Sch. of mines, Columbia, 74-76; Wiirzburg, 76- 80, Ph.D, 79; LL.D, Brown, 07; Clark, 09. Physicist, U. S. Geol. Surv, 80-92; prof, U. 8. 42 Weather Bur, 92-93; physicist, Smithsonian Inst, 93-95; Hazard prof. physics, Brown, 95-, dean, grad. dept, 03— Asst. to Prof. Kohlrausch, Wiirzburg, 79-80; mem. council, Carnegie Insti- tution, 02. Rumford medal, 00. Int. Cong. Radiol, 05, 10 (mem. comité d’honneur). Nat. Acad; A.A. (v. pres, 97); Physical Soe. (pres, 05, 06); Philos. Soe; Ass. Prof. (mem. council, 18-); Am. Acad; cor. mem. British Ass; hon. mem, Royal Inst. Magnetism; iron carburets; high temperatures; high pressures; thermody- namies; physical geology; atmospheric conden- sation; ionization; ionization and nucleation of gases and the atmosphere; interferometry; measurement of ‘g.’ Bascom, Dr. F(lorence), Bryn Mawr, Pa. *Geol- ogy. Williamstown, Mass. A.B, B.L, Wiscon- sin, 82, B.S, 84, A.M, 87; Ph.D, Hopkins, 93. Instr. geol. and petrog, Ohio State, 93-95; lecturer and assoc. prof. geol, Bryn Mawr, 95- 06, prof, 06— Assoc. ed, ‘Am. Geologist,’ 96-; geol. asst, U. S. Geol. Surv, 96-01, asst. geol- ogist, 01-09, geologist, 09- A.A; Geol. Soc; Min. and Metal. Soe; Seismol. Soe; Min. Eng; Am. Geog. Soc; Wash. Acad; Phila. Geog. Soe; Phila. Acad. Ancient lavas and the erystalline schists; geology of eastern Pennsylvania; pe- trography of the Neponset area, Boston basin; Philadelphia and Trenton geologie folios; geo- logie folios of the Pennsylvania Piedmont prov- ince. Base, Dr. Daniel, 3905 Alto Ave, Baltimore. Md. Chemistry. Baltimore, Sept. 6, 69. Grad, Baltimore City Col, 88; A.B, Hopkins, 91, Ph.D, 95. Prof. chem. and plant histol, Md. Col. Pharm, 95-20; assoe. prof. chem, Col. Physicians and Surg, Baltimore, 00-04; prof. anal. chem, Maryland, 04-10; chemist, Hynson, Westcott ya Dunning. A.A; Chem. Soc; Pharmaceut. SS. Baskerville, Prof. Charles, College of the City of New York, New York, N. Y. *Chemistry. Deer Brook, Miss, June 18, 70. Mississippi, 86-87; Virginia, 88-90; Vanderbilt, 91; B.S, North Carolina, 92, Ph.D, 94; Berlin, 93. Asst. chem, North Carolina, 92, instr, 94, asst. prof, 95-98, assoc. prof, 98-00, prof. and director, chem. lab, 00-04; Col. City of N. Y, 04— Asst. to state geologist, N. C, 92-94; asst. chemist, N. C. Geol. Surv, 94-00, chemist, 00-04. Long- streth prize, Franklin Inst, 12. U.S. delegate, Int. Cong. Applied Chem, London, 09 (chair- man, sect. anal. chem). A.A. (see’y, ©, 98, gen. see’y, 00, v. pres, 03); Chem. Soc. (chairman, N. C. and N. Y. sections); Electrochem. Soe. (chairman, N. Y. sect); Soc. Chem. Indust; Chem. Eng; Wash. Acad; N. C. Acad. (pres) ; N. Y. Acad. (v. pres, 13); N. Y. Chemists Club (see’y); fel. London Chem. Soe. Rare earths, especially zirconium, thorium and_praeseody- mium; reaction of metals with concentrated sul- phurie acid; universal distribution of certain elements, as titanium; analysis of titaniferous iron ores; existence of carolinium; new salts of rare earth; atomic weight of thorium and prae- seodymium; lanthanates, neodymates, praeseo- dymates and lanthanalums; thorates; variability of preparations; injury to vegetation caused by noxious gases; oil shales of Canada; ethyl ether; AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE chemistry of anesthetics; wood alcohol; oil-ether colonicanesthesia; refining vegetable and animal oils; recovering paper; solvents for phosgene; oil-ethyl chlorid mixture; chlorin as preventive for influenza; occupational diseases in chemical industries. Basquin, Dr. Olin H(anson), 225 Kedzie St, Evanston, [ll. *Physics. Dows, Iowa, Jan. 30, 69. A.B, Ohio Wesleyan, 92; A.B, Harvard, 94; A.M, Northwestern, 95, Ph.D, 01. Chief engi- neer, Luxfer Prism Companies, 97-00; assoc. prof. physics, Northwestern, 01-09, prof. applied mechanics, 09—- Eng. Edue; Soe. Automotive Eng; West. Soc. Eng. Distribution of daylight; are spectrum of hydrogen; steam meter; direc- tion of stress in beams; endurance tests; shear- ing tests; columns under eccentric loads. Bass, Prof. C(harles) C(assedy), 1216 Broadway, New Orleans, La. *Medicine. @arley, Miss, Jan. 29, 75. M.D, Tulane, 99. Instr. med, Tulane, 05-07, lab. elin. med, 07-09, director, 09-14, prof. exp. med, 12-, director, lab. clin. and trop. med, 14- Head, Tulane exped. for study of malaria, 12-; chairman, commission for study of malaria, S. Med. Ass, 13. A.A; Am. Med. Ass. (mem. committee on scientifie re- searches, 13); Am. Physicians; Soc. Bact; Soe. Trop. Med; Soc. Clin. Invest; Micros. Soc; New Orleans Acad. Hookworm; pellagra; typhoid fever; malaria; pyorrhea alveolaris; laboratory methods. Bass, Col. Edgar W(ales), U. S. A. (retired), Bar Harbor, Maine. Mathematics, Astronomy. Prairie du Chien, Wis, Oct. 30, 43. Grad, U.S. Mil. Acad, 68. Officer, corps of engineers, U.S.A, 68-78; prof. math, U. S. Mil. Aead, 78- 98; col, retired, 98. U. §. Vol. Army, 62-64; instr. philos, U. S. Mil. Aead, 69-74, 76-78; asst. astronomer, U. 8. transit of Venus exped. to New Zealand, 74-75; solar eclipse exped. to Colo, 78. A.A; Math. Soe; Archeol. Inst; Mil. Order Loyal Legion. Trigonometry; differential ealeulus. Bass, Prof. Frederic (Herbert), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Engineering. Hyde Park, Mass, June 19, 75. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 01. Eng. asst, Metropolitan Water Works of Mass, 96-99, 01; engineer and director, eng. div, Minn. State Board of Health, 06-15; prof. munic. and sanit. eng, Minnesota, 11—- Consult- ing engineer, League of Minn. Municipalities. Civil Eng; Pub. Health Ass; Water Works Ass. Basset, Dr. G(ardner) C(heney), Reed College, Portland, Oregon. Psychology. Boston, Mass, June 17, 73. A.B, Clark, 11; fellow, Hopkins. 12-13, Ph.D, 13. Res. investigator, psychol. and neur, sta. for exp. evolution, Carnegie Institu- tion, 13-14; prof. psychol, Pittsburgh, 14-19; asst. prof, Stanford, 19-20; prof, Reed, 20- A.A; Psychol. Ass; Soe. Zool; Eugenies Re- search Ass. Neurology; eugenics. Bassett, Dr. V(ictor) H(ugo), 402 Henry St, East Savannah, Ga. Pathology. Aledo, Ill, May 7, 71. A.B, Knox, 96; M.D, Hopkins, 03, fel- low, 04—05. Asst. chem, Wisconsin, 96-98, asst. bacteriologist, Exp. Sta, 98-99; instr. bacter, Northwestern, 08-04; prof. path, Wisconsin Col. Physicians and Surg, 05-06; asst. prof, Mar- quette, 07-08; city bacteriologist, Savannah, Ga, AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 43 08— Am. Med. Ass; Chicago Path. Soe. Dysen- tery; the milk supply of Baltimore; sewage; intestinal obstruction; splenic anemia; duodenal! diverticula; accessory pancreas. Bassett, W(illiam) H(astings), Cheshire, Conn. Metallurgy. New Bedford, Mass, March 7, 68. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech. Chemist and later supt, Pope’s Isl. Mfg. Corp, 91-95; teacher chem, Swain Free Sch, 95-00; ehemist, N. J. Zine Co, 00-02; Coe Brass Mfg. Co, 02-03; tech. swpt, Am. Brass Co, 12— A.A; Min. Eng; Chem. Eng; Inst. Metals (v. pres, 12-15); Soe. Test. Mat. (chairman, committee on metallog- raphy); Chem, Soc; Int. Ass. Test. Mat. (mem. copper committee); British Inst. Metals; Lon- don Soe. Chem. Indust. Alloys; relation be- tween properties and treatment of metals and alloys. Bassler, Prof. R(ay) S(mith), U. S. National Mu- seum, Washington, D. C. *Geology. Philadel- phia, Pa, July 22, 78. A.B, Cincinnati, 02; M.S, George Washington, 03, Ph.D, 05. Asst. eurator stratig. paleont, U. S. Nat. Museum, 03-07, curator, O7—; asst. prof. and later prof. geol, George Washington, 04- A.A; Geol. Soc; Paleont. Soe. (see’y, 10—-); Wash. Acad; Wash. Geol. Soe. Ordovician and Silurian stratigraphy and paleontology; fossil Bryozoa and Ostracoda. Bassoe, Dr. Peter, 1031 Michigan Ave, Evanston, Ill. Neurology. Drammen, Norway, May 18, 74. B.S, Christiania, Norway, 92; M.D, Col. Physicians and Surg, Chicago, 97. Assoc. prof. nervous and mental diseases, Rush Med. Col. Neurologist, Presby. Hosp, Chicago, 07— A.A; Neur. Ass; Chicago Med, Path. and Neur. Societies. Gigantism; leontiasis ossea; blasto- mycosis; poliomyelitis; caisson disease; en- cephalitis. Bastin, Dr. Edson S(underland), University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. *Geology. Chicago, Ml, Dee. 10, 78. A.B, Michigan, 02; M.S, Chicago, 03, Ph.D, 09. Geologist, U. S. Geol. Surv, 05- 20; prof. econ. geol, Chicago, 19— Geol. Soc; Wash. Geol. Soe. (see’y, 10); Inst. Min. and Metal. Peat deposits of Maine; chemical com- position as a criterion in identifying metamor- phosed sediments; geology of Rockland and Eastport quadrangles, Maine; origin of graphite deposits; genesis of the ores of Tonopah, Ne- vada; silver ores of Cobalt, Ontario; metallic minerals as precipitants of gold and silver; eco- nomic geology of Giffin County, Colo; geology of Braden Copper Mine, Chili. Batchelder, Charles Foster, 7 Kirkland St, Cam- bridge, Mass. Ornithology. Cambridge, July 20, 56. A.B, Harvard, 78, C.E, 82. A.A; fel. Ornith. Union (past pres); Soe. Mammal. Batchelder, Dr. P(aul) M(ason), University of Texas, Austin, Tex. Mathematics. Portsmouth, N. H, Jan. 10, 86. A.B, Dartmouth, 08; A.M, Prineeton, 10; Ph.D, Harvard, 16. Instr. math, Northwestern, 13-15; Tewras, 16- Difference equations. Batcheller, Prof. J(ames) H(ervey), 963 Adams St, Corvallis, Oregon. Mining engineering. Boston, Mass, Dee. 10, 78. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 00. Mining engineer and metallurgist; assoc. prof. min. eng, Oregon Sch. Mines. Min. and Metal. Eng. Batchelor, Dr. L(eon) D(exter), Citrus Experi- ment Station, Riverside, Calif. Agriculture. Up- ton, Mass, May 8, 84. B.S, N. H. Col, 07; Ph.D, Cornell, 11. Instr. hort, Cornell, 07-10; horti- culturist, Utah Col, 10-15; prof. plant breeding, California, 15-19, orchard management, 19- Mem. Utah Agr. Commission, 10-15. Soe. Hort. Sei. Orchard management; variation and yield of fruit trees; field trials; irrigation. Bateman, Prof. Alan M(ara), Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Geology. Toronto, Ont. B.A, B.S, Queen’s (Can), 10; Ph.D, Yale, 13. Mining and field geologist, 05-10; asst. geolo- gist, Can. Geol. Surv, 11-12, geologist, secondary enrichment investigation, 13-15; instr. geol, Yale, 15-16, asst. prof, 16— Consulting geolo- gist, Kennecott Copper Corp; ed, ‘Jour. Econ. Geol.’ A.A; Geol. Soc; Min. Eng; Can. Min. Inst. Economie geology; ore deposits; ore for- mation. Bateman, Prof. H(arry), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. *Mathematics. Manchester, England, May 29, 82. Trinity Col, Cambridge, 00-05, fellow, 05-11; Gottingen and Paris, 05-06; Ph.D, Hopkins, 13, Johnston scholar, 12-15. Leeturer, Liverpool, 06-07; reader math. physics, Manchester, 07-10; lec- turer math, Bryn Mawr, 10-12; Hopkins, 15-17; prof. aernoaut. research and math. physics, Calif. Inst. Tech, 17— Smith’s prize, Cambridge, England, 05. Physical Soc; Math. Soe; British Ass; London Math. Soc. Geometry; mathemat- ieal physics; definite integrals; partial differen- tial and integral equations; functions of Legendre and Bessel; electromagnetism; theory of relativity; dynamical meteorology; prob- ability; seismology; sound. Bateman, Prof. W(illiam) G(eorge), University of Montana, Missoula, Mont. Chemistry. Salt Lake City, Utah, April 1, 83. A.B, Stanford, 07, A.M, 09; Ph.D, Yale, 16. Asst. and instr. chem, Stanford, 05-10; prof, Pei Yang Univ, Tientsin, 10-12; prof, Montana, 12- A.A; Chem. Soc; Physical Soe. Toxicity of thallium salts; copper in plants and soils of smelter re- gions; salts of the halogen acids; development of speech in children. Bates, C(arlos) G(lazier), U. S. Forest Service, Colorado Springs, Colo. Forestry. Topeka, Kans, Oct. 14, 85. B.S, Nebraska, 07. Forest asst, forest examiner and later silviculturist, U. S. Forest Service, 07— A.A; Soe. Foresters (chairman, Denver sect, 17, 19); Ecol. Soe. Forest ecology. Bates, Prof. C(linton) O(wen), Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Chemistry. Cane Hill, Ark, June 4, 58. A.B, Arkansas, 83; Michigan, 85-86; hon. Ph.D, Coe, 94. Principal, prep. dept, Cherokee Nat. Male Sem, Tahlequah, Okla, 83-85; high seh, Owosso, Mich, 86-89; prof. chem, Coe, 89—- A.A; Chem. Soc; Iowa Acad. (pres, 06). Clay for paving brick; water for engines; physiological effeets of sulphur dioxid on the human system; market milk; city water supply. 44 Bates, Frederick (John), Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. Physical chemistry. Marys- ville, Kans, Jan. 2, 77. B.S, Kansas, 00; A.M, Nebraska, 02. Lab. asst. and later physicist, Bur. Standards, 03- Supervisor, government sugar laboratories, customs serv, Treas. Dept; mem, Int. Sugar Commission. Physical Soc; Chem. Soe. (see’y, sugar sect); Wash. Philos. Soe. Natural and magnetic rotary polarization, especially anomalous rotary dispersion; effect of clarifying reagents on rotary dispersion curves of sugar solutions; sensibility of sensitive strip spectral polarizing system; quartz compensating polariscope with adjustable sensibility; sugar; eadmium vapor are lamp; new Baume scale. Bates, Prof. Geo(rge) A(ndrew), Tufts College Medical School, Boston, Mass. Histology, Em- bryology. Boston, Aug. 5, 47. M.S, D.M.D, Tufts. Prof. histol. and embryol, Tufts. A.A; Ass. Anat; hon. mem. Am. Acad. Dental Sei; hon. mem. Mass. Dental Soc; Boston Soe. Nat; Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Bates, Rev. J(ohn) M(allory), Red Cloud, Nebr. Botany, Ornithology. Wallingford, Conn, Jan. 3, 46. A.B, Trinity, 72, A.M, 75; grad, Berke- ley Divinity Sch, Middletown, Conn, 76. V. principal, high sch, Middletown, 73-74; Epis. clergyman, 76— Chaplain and head master, Bethany (Kans), 83-86. A.A; assoc. Ornith. Union; Nebr. Ornith. Union (pres, 02). The economic value of the fodder plants of Ne- braska; plant rusts, their life history; the ranges of known rusts; sedges of Nebraska. Bates, P(haon) H(ilborn), Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. Chemistry. Sipesville, Pa, Aug. 1, 79. A.B, Cent. High Sch, Phila, 98; B.S, Pennsylvania, 02. Asst. chemist, Pa. R. R, 02-06; structural materials chemist, U. S. Geol. Surv, 06-10; chemist, Bur. Standards, 10- A.A; Chem. Soc; Ceramic Soc; Concrete Inst ; Soe. Test. Mat. Hydraulic properties of silica- lime-alumina compounds; Portland cement; con- crete. Bates, Prof. Stuart J(effery), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. Physical chem- istry. Toronto, Can, May 9, 87. B.A, Me- Master, 07, M.A, 09; fellow, Illinois, 10-12, Ph.D, 12. Research asst, McMaster, 09-10; re- search assoc. physical chem, Illinois, 12-13, instr. anal. chem, 13-14; prof. physical chem, Calif. Inst. Tech, 14- Research asst, Bur. Standards, 13. Chem. Soe. Value of the Fara- day; iodin coulometer; theory of solutions. Bates, Prof. W(illiam) H(unt), 116 N. Grant St, West Lafayette, Ind. Mathematics. Winchester, Tenn, Jan. 4, 70. A.B, Vanderbilt, 94; A.M, Chicago, 02, Ph.D, 10. Asst. math, Battle Ground Acad, Franklin, Tenn, 94-97; principal, -Smyrna Fitting Sch, Smyrna, Tenn, 97-00; instr. math, Purdue, 03-10, asst. prof, 10-11, assoc. prof, 11- A.A; Math. Soc; Ind. Acad; Math. Verein. Differential geometry. Batho, Prof. Cyril, McGill University, Montreal, Can. Applied mathematics. Liverpool, Eng- land, June 21, 85. B.S, B.Eng, Liverpool, 4, B.S.(Math), 05, M.S, 06, fellow, 06-07; Berlin and Charlottenburg, 11; Se.D, McGill, 17. Lee- turer civil eng, McGill, 07-11, asst. prof. applied mech. and applied math, 11-19, assoc. prof. civil AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE eng. and applied math, 19- Designer, Quebec bridge, St. Lawrence Bridge Co, 12-13; research officer, Can. machine gun corps, 18; Royal Air- eraft Establishment, England, 18-19. Can. Soe. Civil Eng; Can. Inst. Eng. Distribution of stress in steel structures; theory of structures; aeronautics; steam turbines. Batson, Prof. William H(oward), University of South Dakota, Vermilion, S. Dak. Psychology. Martinsville, Ohio, Sept. 18, 81. A.B, Antioch, 07; Ph.D, Michigan, 15. Supt. sch, Osborn, Ohio, 07-11; prof. educ, Texas Christian, 13-17; prof. educ. and director, training sch, Southwest. State Nor. Sch, Okla, 17-18; prof. educ, South Dakota, 19— Psychol. Ass. Acquisition of skill. Battle, Dr. H(erbert) B(emerton), 103 S. Court St, Montgomery, Ala. Chemistry. Chapel Hill, N. C, May 29, 62. B.S, North Carolina, 81, Ph.D, 87. Asst. chemist, N. C. Expt. Sta, 81- 87, director, and state chemist, 87-97; chemist, N. C. State Board of Health, 87-97; pres, South. Chem. Co, 97-01; tech. worker, South. Cotton Oil Co, 02-03, dist. supt, 03-06; pres, Battle Lab. Corp, 06- A.A; Chem. Soe; Electrochem. Soe; Oil Chem. Soc; Ala. Tech. Ass; Ala. An- throp. Soe. Manufacture of cotton seed and peanut products. Bauder, Prof. Arthur Russell, University of Ala- bama, University, Ala. Physics, Electrical en- gineering. Cleveland, Ohio. B.S, Case, 89, E.E, 18; A.M, Columbia, 96. Instr, Lafayette; Penn- sylvania; prof. physics and elec. eng, Stetson; Alabama, 18— Elec. engineer, N. Y, N. H. and H. R. R; consulting elee. engineer, 97— Elec- trolysis; resistance; temperature coefficient of resistance; polarization; inductance; capacity. Bauer, Prof. Geo(rge) N(eander), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Mathematics. Jordan, Minn, Jan. 8, 72. B.S, Minnesota, 94; M.S, Towa, 98; Ph.D, Columbia, 00. Teacher, high sch, Montevideo, Minn, 94-95; instr. math, Towa, 95-98; Minnesota, 00-02, asst. prof, 02— 07, prof, 07- Math. Soe; Cireolo Mat. di Palermo. The parallax of mw Cass, and the positions of 56 neighboring stars; simpler ele- ments of analytic geometry; trigonometry. Bauer, Dr. Louis) A(gricola), The Ontario, Washington, D. C. *Terrestrial magnetism. Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 26, 65. C.E, Cincinnati, 88, M.S, 94, Se.D, 18; Ph.D, Berlin, 95; Se.D, Brown, 14. Civil engineer, 86-87; computer, U. S. Coast and Geod. Surv, 87-92; docent. math. physies, Chicago, 95; instr. geophysics, 96; asst. prof. math. and math. physies, Cincinnati, 97— 99; chief, div. terrestrial magnetism, and in- spector magnetic work, U. S. Coast and Geod. Surv, 99-06; director, dept. terrestrial magnet- ism, Carnegie Institution, 04— Chief, div. ter- restrial magnetism, Md. Geol. Surv, 96-99; astronomer and magnetician, West. Boundary Surv. of Md, 97; lecturer terrestrial magnetism, Hopkins, 99—-; mem. commission on terrestrial magnetism, Int. Ass. Academies, 04—-; ed, ‘ Ter- restrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Elec,’ 96— Lagrange prize, Royal Belgian Acad, 05; Neu- mayer gold medal, Berlin Gesell. fiir Erdkunde, 13. Int. Meteor. Conf, 98 (mem. permanent com- mittee on terrestrial magnetism) ; see ’y, sect. ter- restrial magnetism and elec, Int. Geophys. Union, AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 45 19-20, v. pres. and chairman, sect. terrestrial mag- netism and elec, Am. Geophys. Union, 20—-; mem. Nat. Research Council, 17—' A.A. (v. pres, 09) ; Physical Soc; Astron. Soc; Ass. Geog. (v. pres, 09); Philos. Soe; Am. Acad; Wash. Acad; Wash. Philos. Soe. (pres, 08); hon. mem. Corn- wall Polytech. Soc; Soe. Cient. Ant. Alz; Meteor. Gesell; cor. mem, Géttingen Royal Acad; Lisbon Acad; Batavia Acad. Bauer, Dr. W(illia)m C(harles), Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. Hlectrical engineer- ing. Cineinnati, Ohio, Dec. 26, 73. B.S.(E.E), Cincinnati, 96, 96-97; Chicago, 05; Se.D, Baker, 08. Instr. civil eng, Cincinnati, 96-97; drafts- man, Bullock Elee. Co, 97; prof. physics and chem, Baker, 97-08; physics and elec. eng, Denver, 08-09; elec. eng, Northwestern, 09-, acting director, col. eng, 12, 17-18. Magnetic observer and director, Baldwin Magnetie Ob- servatory, U. 8. Coast and Geod. Surv, 00-02; consulting elec. and mech. engineer, 03-; mag- netic observer in Canada of eclipse for U. S. Coast and Geod. Surv, 05; supt, Baldwin Light and Power Plant, 06-08; director, S.A.T.C. Radio Sch, Northwestern, 18. Chem. Soc; Elec. Eng; Electrochem. Soc; Eng. Educ. Primary electric battery for closed circuit service; alter- nating current rectifiers; vapor lamps; storage batteries; ignition systems for gas engines; electrolytic reactions. Baum, Prof, F(rank) G(eorge), Hobart Building, San Francisco, Calif. LHlectrical engineering. Ste. Genevieve, Mo, July 18, 70. A.B, Stanford, 98, E.E, 99. Asst. elec. eng, Stanford, 98-99; practical work, 99-00; instr. elec. eng, Stanford, 00-02, asst. prof, 02-; consulting engineer, 07— Chief engineer, Calif. Gas and Elec. Corp, 04- Elec. Eng. (v. pres, 06-08). Alternating cur- rent work; compounding alternating current generators; the limiting distance to which power can be transmitted; water power development. Bauman, Dr. Louis, 265 Central Park West, New York, N. Y. Biochemistry. New York, Sept. 10, 80. M.D, Columbia, 02; Berlin, 05, 07-08; Breslau, 07. Intern, Mt. Sinai Hosp, New York, 02-05; lecturer biol. chem, McGill, 09-11; asst. prof. med. and director of research lab, Iowa State, 11-19; assoc. med, Columbia, 19- Visit- ing physician, Presb. Hosp, N. Y. City, 19- A.A; Chem. Soc; Soe. Biol. Chem; Soc. Exp. Biol; Am. Med. Ass. Muscle extractives; seurvy; amino acids; hyperthyroidism; epilepsy. Baumann, Dr. Emil J(acob), Montefiore Home and Hospital, New York, N. Y. Physiological chemistry. New York, Feb. 5, 91. B.S, Col. City of N. Y, 12; Ph.D, Yale, 15. Asst. physiol. chem, Yale, 14-16; lecturer, Toronto, 16-17; physiol. chemist, Montefiore Home and Hosp, N. Y. City, 19—- A.A; Chem. Soe. Metabolism. Baumberger, Dr. J(ames) Percy, Stanford Uni- versity, Calif. Physiology. San Leandro, Calif, Sept. 17, 92. B.S, California, 14; M.S, Harvard, 16, Sc.D, 18. Asst. physiol. and entom, Rad- cliffe, 17-18; zool, Harvard, 14-19, Austin teach- ing fellow, 17-18, asst. bot, 18; instr. nat. sci- ence, Lowthorpe Hort. Sch, 16-18; physiol, Stanford, 19- Sergt, M.C, Cent. Med. Dept. Lab, Dijon, 18-19. A.A; Entom. Soc; Pacific Coast Entom. Soe; Cambridge Entom. Soe. In- sect physiology; relationship of insects to microorganisms; hibernation; longevity. Baumgartner, Dr. E(dwin) A(be), Halstead Hos- pital, Halstead, Kans. Anatomy. Halstead, Feb. 14, 88. A.B, Kansas, 10, fellow, 11, A.M, 11; Ph.D, Minnesota, 15. Instr. anat, Wiscon- sin, 11-12; Minnesota, 12-14; Washington (St. Louis), 14-19; assoc. anat, Halstead Hosp, Hal- stead, Kans, 19—- A.A; Ass. Anat. Embryol- ogy; pathology; development of glands and duets. Baumgartner, Prof. W(illiam) J(acob), Universi- ty of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Zoology. Ex- celsior, Mo, May 14, 71. A.B, Kansas, 00, A.M, 01; fellow, Chicago, 02-04. Instr. zool, Kansas, 04-05, asst. prof. histol. and ool, 05-13, assoc. prof, 18- Asst, Univ. of Kans. paleont. exped. to Oregon, 05, entom. exped. to Ariz, 07, zool. exped. to Tex, 08, and zool. exped. to Wash, 09; on staff, Puget Sound Marine Sta, 10-17; managing ed, ‘Kans, Univ. Science Bul,’ 10-14, 19— A.A; Soe. Zool. Chromosome indi- viduality in Gryllus; the biology of the crickets; spermatogenesis in the Gryllidae. Bausch, Edward, Bausch and Lomb Optical Co, Rochester, N. Y. *Optics. Rochester, Sept. 26, 54. Cornell, 75. V. pres, Bausch and Lomb Optical Co. A.A; Optical Soe; Micros. Soe. Manipulation of the microscope. Bawden, H(enry) Heath, San Ysidro, Calif. Phi- losophy, Psychology. Elyria, Ohio, Sept. 28, 71. Tllinois, 88-90; A.B, Denison, 93, fellow, 93-94, A.M, 94; Rochester Theol. Sem, 94-96, 97-98; fellow, Chicago, 98-00, Ph.D, 00. Instr, gym- nasium, Denison, 91-94, biol, 97-98; philos, Towa, 00-01; prof, Vassar, 01-07; Cincinnati, 07-08. A.A; Philos. Ass; Psychol. Ass; West. Philos. Ass. Pragmatism; behaviorism; meth- odology; esthetics. Baxter, Prof. Gregory P(aul), Coolidge Memorial Laboratory, Cambridge, Mass. *Chemistry. Som- erville, Mass, March 3, 76. A.B, Harvard, 96, A.M, 97, Ph.D, 99. Asst. chem, Harvard, 95- 97, instr, 97-99; Haverford, 99-00; asst. prof, Swarthmore, 00-02; instr. anal. chem, Harvard, 02-05, asst. prof. chem, 05-15, prof, 15— Instr, summer sch, Harvard, 97, 02-; Radcliffe, 02- Nat. Aead; A.A; Chem. Soc; Am. Acad. Ana- lytical and inorganic chemistry; atomic weights and other physico-chemical constants. Bayley, Dr. W(illiam) S(hirley), University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. *Mineralogy, Geology. Baltimore, Md, Nov. 10, 61. A.B, Hopkins, 83, Ph.D, 86. Prof. geol, Colby, 88-04; instr, Le- high, 04-06; asst. prof, Illinois, 06-09, assoc. prof. miner. and econ. geol, 09-13, prof. geol, 13— Asst. geologist, U. S. Geol. Surv, 89-08, geologist, 09—; assoc. ed, ‘Am. Naturalist,’ 86— 02; reviewer, ‘Neues Jahrbuch,’ 90-08; business ed, ‘Econ. Geol,’ 05- A.A; Geol. Soc. (coun- eilor, 19); Wash. Geol. Soc; Chem. Gesell. De- scriptive mineralogy; geology of iron districts of Lake Superior region; metamorphism; ig- neous rocks; iron ores of New Jersey and North Carolina; kaolins of North and South Carolina; geology of New Jersey Highlands; geology of erystalline rocks in Llano district, Texas. Bayne-Jones, Dr. S(tanhope), Johns Hopkins University Medical School, Baltimore, Md. 46 Bacteriology. New Orleans, La, Nov. 6, 88. A.B, Yale, 10; M.D, Hopkins, 14, A.M, 17. Intern med, Hopkins Hosp, 15-16; instr. path, Hopkins, 16, assoc prof. path. and bacter, 20- A.A; Soe. Bact; Ass. Immunol; Am. Med. Ass. Pathology; immunology. Bazzoni, Prof. C(harles) B(lizard), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Physics. Newburg, N. Y, Jan. 28, 86. B.S, Pennsylva- nia, 11, A.M, 13, Ph.D, 14. Instr. physics, Penn- sylvania, 11-17; Harrison research fellow, Lon- don, 15-16. Asst. research, King’s Col, London, 16-17; asst. prof. physics, Pennsylvania, 19- Capt, corps engineers, A.E.F, 17-19. Physical Soc; Radio Eng. Photoelectric and thermionic emissions; ionization potentials. Beach, Prof, Frederick Elijah, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Physics. New Haven, June 12, 68. Ph.B, Yale, 83, Ph.D, 93. Machinist and draftsman, 83-90; asst. physics, Yale, 91— 94, instr, 94-95, asst. prof, 95—- Physical Soe. Beach, Prof. S(pencer) A(mbrose), Station A, Ames, Iowa. Hortieulture. Summer Hill, N. Y, Sept. 15, 60. B.S.A, Iowa State, 87, M.S, 92. Assoc. prof. hort. and bot, Tex. Col, 90-91; hor- ticulturist, N. Y. Exp. Sta, Geneva, 91-05; prof. hort; Iowa State, and horticulturist, Exp. Sta, 05-, v. dean agr, 06—- A.A; Pomol. Soc; Soc. Hort. Sci; Iowa Hort. Soc. (pres); Iowa Acad; fel. Royal Hort. Soc. Pomology; plant breed- ing; self-fertility and pollination of the Amer- ican grape and the apple; treatment of fungous diseases in garden and orchard; handling of apples in storage; soil management for apple orchards; unit characters in the apple; apple stocks with reference to their adaptability for top working in orchards. Beach, Prof. W(alter) S(purgeon), Bustleton Sta-- tion, Philadelphia, Pa. Plant pathology. Brown- ton, Minn, Jan. 24, 90. B.S, Minnesota, 14; fel- low, Mich. Agr. Col, 14-15, M.S, 15; fellow, Tlli- nois, 17-18, Ph.D, 18. Asst. bot, Illinois, 15-17 ; instr. plant path, Pa. State, 18-19, asst. prof, 19- A.A; Phytopath. Soc; Bot. Soc; Phila. Aead. Fusarium wilt of China aster; biolog- ical specialization in Septoria; diseases of vege- tables. Beadle, C(hauncey) D(elos), Biltmore, N. ©. *Botany. St. Catharines, Ont, Aug. 5, 66. Ont. Agr. Col, 84; Cornell, 89. Director, Bilt- more Herbarium, 90-16. Botany of the south- ern states; Crataegus; Philadelphus; Rudbeckia ; Marshallia. Beal, Prof. A(lvin) C(asey), Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Horticulture. Mt. Vernon, Ill, Nov. 30, 72. B.S, Illinois, 97; M.S.A, Cornell, 03, Ph.D,» 11. Foreman, hort. dept, Ill. Exp. Sta, 98-99, supt, agr. greenhouses, 00-01, asst. hort, 01-02, floriculture, 02-03, instr, 03-09; asst, Cornell, 09-10, asst. prof, 11-13, prof, 13- A.A; Bot. Soc; Soe. Hort. Sei. (chairman, com- mittee on floric. courses, 13, 14). Floriculture; forcing vegetables under glass; greenhouse thrips; greenhouse construction and manage- ment. Beal, Dr. A(rthur) F(loyd), Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. Physics. Arlington, Colo, Sept. 25, 88. A.B, Kansas, 11, A.M, 12; fellow, AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Pittsburgh, 14-16, Ph.D, 17. Magnetic observer, U. S. Coast and Geod. Surv, 12-14; instr. phys- ics, Albion, 16-17; asst. physicist, Bur. Stand- ards, 17-20, assoc physicist, 20- Astron. Soc; Wash. Philos. Soc. Weights and measures; variation of latitude. Beal, Carl H(ugh), Wells Fargo Building, San Francisco, Calif. Geology. A.B, Stanford, 12, A.M, 15, E.M, 20. Asst. geologist, K. T. and Co, 13; consulting geologist, 13-14; instr, dept. geol. and mining, Stanford, 14-15; oil and gas inspector, U. 8. Bur. Mines, 15-16, asst. to chief petrol. technologist, 16-18; special agent, bur. internal revenue, Treas. Dept, 18-19; consulting geologist and engineer, 19— Petroleum geology. Beal, Dr, Fred(erick) W(ahn), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Mathematics. Hamilton, N. Y, July 18, 79. Ph.B, Colgate, 02, A.M, 05; fellow, Princeton, 09-10, Ph.D, 11. Instr. math, Pa. State, 05-08; Brown, 10-11; Pennsylvania, 11-18; acting prof, Tennessee, 18-19; asst. prof, Pennsylvania, 19—- Math. Soc. Normal congruences determined by cen- ters of geodesic curvature; a congruence of circles. Beal, Prof. Geo(rge) D(enton), 712 W. Nevada St, Urbana, Ill. Chemistry. Scio, Ohio, Aug. 12, 87. Pharm. D, Scio, 07, Ph.B, 08; A.M, Co- lumbia, 10, Ph.D, 11. Asst. chem, Scio, 06-08; instr, Illinois, 11-14, assoc, 14-18, asst. prof, 18-20, assoc. prof, Z0— Ebert prize, Pharma- ceut. Ass, 20. A.A. (see’y, C, 17); Chem. Soe. (sec’y, div. pharmaceut. chem, 15-19); Pharma- ceut. Ass. (mem. research commission, 18, 19) ; hon. mem. Ill, Pharmaceut. Ass. Quantitative organic analysis; alkaloids and fatty acids; anthraquinone drugs. Beal, Dr. J(ames) H(artley), 801 W. Nevada St, Urbana, Ill. Pharmacy. New Philadelphia, Ohio, Sept. 23, 61. B.S, Scio, 84, A.B, 88; LL.B, Cincinnati Law Sch, 86; Ph.G, Ohio Med. Col, 94; Se.D, Mt. Union, 95; hon. Pharm.D, Pittsburgh, 02; hon. Ph.M, Phila. Col. Phar- macy, 13. Prof. chem. and dean, dept. phar- macy, Scio, 87-07; prof. applied pharmacy, Pittsburgh, 02-11; gen. see’y and ed, ‘Jour. Am. Pharmaceut. Ass,’ 11-14; director, phar- macy research, Illinois, 14— Chairman, board of trustees, U. S. Pharmacopoeia, 10-; mem, W. I. B, 18; Nat. Drug Trade Conf. (pres, 18). First Remington medalist, 19. A.A; Pharmaceut. Ass. (pres, 04); Am. Conf. Pharmaceut. Facul- ties (pres, 07); Chem. Soc; Ohio Pharmaceut. Ass. (pres, 98). Pharmacy food and drug laws; poison and habit-forming drug legislation. Beal, W(alter) H(enry), U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Agriculture. Hanover Co, Va, Dec. 9, 67. A.B, M.E, Va. Polytech, 86. Asst. chemist, Mass. Exp. Sta, 87-91; employee, U. S. Dept. Agr, 91- U.S. Dept. Agr. delegate, Int. Cong. Agr, Liege, 05. A.A; Ass. Agr. Col, (rec. sec’y, sta. sect) ; Acad. Polit. and Social Sei. Methods and re- sults of agricultural experiment station work. Beal, Dr. W(illiam) J(ames), 40 Sunset Ave, Amherst, Mass. *Botany. Adrian, Mich, March 11, 33. A.B, Michigan, 59, A.M, 63, Ph.D, 80; B.S, Harvard, 65; M.S, Chicago, 75; hon. Se.D, Mich. Agr. Col, 05; D.Agr, Syracuse,16. Teacher 5 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 47 nat. science, Friends Acad. and Howland Inst, Union Springs, N. Y, 59-68; prof. bot, Chicago, 68-70; lecturer, Mich. Agr. Col, 70-71, prof. bot. and hort, 71-81, bot. and forestry and curator, museum, 82-03, bot, 03-10, emer. prof, 10- Director, State Forestry Commission, Mich, 88-92. Wilder silver medal, Pomol, Soc. A.A. (v. pres, 83); Bot. Soc; Soc. Prom, Agr. Sci. (pres, 82); Pomol. Soc; Bot. Cent. States; Mich. Acad. (pres, 92). Grasses; seed dispersal; pol- lination of plants; trees; weeds; how plants protect themselves. Beal, W(illiam) O(tis), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Astronomy. Rollin, Mich, Feb, 18, 74. B.S, Earlham, 96; Earlham fellow, Haverford, 96-97, A.M, 97; fellow, Chicago, 01— 02, 12-13, M.S, 02. Instr. math, Mich. Agr. Col, 97-00; Chicago Manual Training High Sch, 02-03; Tll. Col, 03-04; asst. prof, 04-05, prof, 05-12; asst. astronomer, Minnesota, 13— AA; Astron. Soc; Math. Soe; Cent. Ass. Sci. and Math. Teachers. Periodie orbits; proper motion of stars; comet positions. Bean, Barton A(ppler), U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Ichthyology. Bainbridge, Pa, May 21, 60. Academy; private study. Clerk, aid, asst. curator and later acting cura- tor, U. S. Nat. Museum, 81- Mem. Baltimore Geog. Soc. exped. to the Bahamas, 03; various minor expeditions to Wash, Oregon and Fla. for U. S. Fish Commission and U. 8. Nat. Museum. Medal, Columbian Expos, 93; Atlanta, Nash- ville, Omaha, Pan-Am, Charleston and La. Pur- chase; silver medal and diploma, Paris Expos, 00. Fisheries Soc; Wash. Biol. Soc. Fishes of the Atlantic coast, especially of Florida, the Bahamas and deep water; the poisonous toad fishes (Thalassophryne); genus Lepomis; deep- ‘water skates off south Atlantic coast; reports on fishes of the earlier explorations by United States Government; Rhinodon on the Atlantic coast of America; fishes of Vancouver Island, Bs C. Bean, Prof. C(harles) Homer, 622 Boyd Ave, Baton Rouge, La. Psychology. Petersburg, Ohio, Feb. 28, 70. A.B, Nebraska, 99; Chicago; Ph.D, Columbia, 12. Asst. prof. psychol, Ind. State Nor. Sch, 04-14; prof. psychol. and educ, Louisiana, 15— A.A; Psychol. Ass. Educational psychology; reviews; standard tests; forget- ting; temporary blindness. Bean, E(rnest) F, Science Hall, Madison, Wis. Geology. Zearing, Iowa, Jan. 30, 82. A.B, Wiseonsin, 09, A.M, 11. Instr. geol, Wisconsin, 11-15, asst. prof, 15-17; asst. Nat. Geog. Soc. exped. to Alaska, 09-10; geologist, Wis. Geol. Surv, 11, chief of parties, 13-15, asst. state geologist, 16—- A.A. Economie geology of the Pre-Cambrian; areal and glacial geology. Bean, Prof. R(obert) Bennett, University, Va. Anatomy, Anthropology. Gala Water, Va, March 24, 74. B.S, Virginia Polytech, 00; M.D, Hop- kins, 04. Asst. anat, Hopkins, 04-05; instr, Michigan, 05-07; asst. prof, Univ. Philippines, 07-08, assoc. prof, 08-10; Tulane, 10-16; prof, Virginia, 16— Lecturer heredity, Teachers’ As- sembly, Baguio, 08; govt. investigator Benguet TIgorots, 08. A.A; Ass. Anat; Anthrop. Ass. (councilor, 19). Human types and their geo- graphical distribution; Filipinos; American ne- groes; growth; weight of organs; weight of parts of the leg in living men; sitting height; relation of ear form to susceptibility and im- munity to disease and to race and type. Beans, Prof. Hal T(rueman), Columbia Universi- ty, New York, N. Y. Chemistry. Pleasanton, Kans, Aug. 20, 76. B.S, Nebraska, 99, A.M, 00; Ph.D, Columbia, 04. Instr. chem, Columbia, 03-11, asst. prof. and later assoc. prof, 11- Chem. Soc. Inorganic, physical and analytical chemistry; colloids. Bear, Prof. Firman E(dward), Ohio State Uni- versity, Columbus, Ohio. Agriculture. German- town, Ohio, May 21, 84. B.S, Ohio State, 08, M.S, 10; Ph.D, Wisconsin, 17, Instr. agr. chem. and soils, Ohio State, 08-10, asst. prof, 10-13; prof. soils in charge soil investigations, West Virginia, 14-16; prof. agr. chem. and soils, Ohio State, 16- A.A; Chem. Soc; Soc. Agron. Agricultural chemistry; lime and bacteria in soils; nitrogen fixation and loss. Beard, J(ames) T(hom), 58 Washington Ave, Danbury, Conn. Civil and mining engineering. Brooklyn, N. Y, Oct. 19, 55. C.E, E.M, Colum- bia, 77. Asst. engineer, N. Y. and Brooklyn Bridge, 77-80; asst. and div. eng, C. B. and Q. R. R, 80-83; U. S. Dept. Min. Surv, 83-85; mining engineer, Colo. Fuel and Iron Co, 85-96; principal, sch. mines, Int. Cor. Schools, and assoc. ed, ‘Mines and Minerals,’ 96-11; senior assoc. ed, ‘Coal Age,’ 11— A.A.; Min. Eng; Min. and Metal. Soc; Mine Inspectors’ Inst; N. of England Inst. Min. and Mech. Eng. Mine ventilation, gases and explosions; safety lamps; design of centrifugal ventilators; detec- tion of mine gases, Beard, Dr. J(oseph) H(oward), University of Tilinois, Urbana, Ill. Physiology. Linden Hill, Md, Jan. 12, 83. A.B, St. John’s (Md), 02, A.M, 12; M.D, Hopkins. Instr. physiol, Jli- nois, 12-18, prof. hygiene and univ. health offi- cer, 18— Am. Med. Ass; Pub. Health Ass. In- ternal medicine; urinalysis during pregnancy; the relations of certain industries to disease; nervousness; health education. Beard, Dr. R(ichard) O(lding), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Physiology. Middlesex, England, Dec. 20, 56. M.D, North- western, 82. Prof. physiol. and director, dept. physiol. and pharmacol, Minnesota, 87— Assoc. Am. Med. Ass; Pub. Health Ass; Minn. Acad. Med. (past pres). Nervous system; dietetics; physiological chemistry; food adulteration. Beardslee, H(enry) C(urtis), Perry, Ohio. Bot- any. Painesville, Ohio, Sept. 28, 65, A.B, Western Reserve, 89, A.M, 92. Teacher science, Univ. Sch, Cleveland, 90-01; senior master, Asheville Sch, 01-20. A.A; Phytopath. Soe; Ohio Acad. (trustee, 97-00); N. C. Aead. Fleshy fungi; fungous flora of North Carolina. Beardsley, J(ames) W(allace), 134 Rider Ave, Syracuse, N.Y. Civil engineering. Coventry, N.Y, Sept. 11, 60. C.E, Cornell, 91. Asst. engineer, sanit. dist, Chicago, 92-98; Deep Waterway Commission, 98-00; with canal and harbor works, corps engineers, U.S.A, 00-02; consult- ing engineer, Philippine Commission, and direc- tor, pub. works, P. I, 02-08; investigator of e 48 . irrig, Java, Burma, India and Egypt, 08-09; chief engineer, P. R. Irrig. Service, 10-16; consulting engineer, ordnance dept, U.S.A, 18; asst. chief, eng. surveys, Grand Canal, China, 18-19; engineer mem. highway commission, Panama, 20- Civil Eng; West. Soc. Eng. Itri- gation and highways. Beates, Dr. H(enry), 260 S. 16th St, Philadelphia, Pa, Medicine. Philadelphia, Dec. 20, 57. M.D, Pennsylvania, 79; hon. M.S, Washington’ and Jefferson, 09, Se.D, 10. Practising physician. Pres, Pa. State Board Med. Examiners, 01-11; Nat. Confed. State Med. Examining and Licens- ing Boards, 07-08. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Thera- peut. Soc; Archeol. Inst; Phila. Col. Physicians; Phila. Acad. Therapeutics; circulatory and cardiac diseases; anaesthesia; medical legisla- tion. Beattie, Dr. James Alexander, Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Chem- istry. Louisville, Ky, July 24, 95. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 17, M.S, 18, fellow, 19-20, Ph.D, 20. Research chemist, Am. Writing Paper Co, 16; asst. chem, Mass. Inst. Tech, 17-18, research assoc, 20— Physical chemistry; ionic theory; thermodynamics; equations of state. Beattie, Prof. R(olla) Kent, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Botany. Ashland, Ohio, Jan. 14, 75. A.B, Cotner, 95; B.S, Nebraska, 96, A.M, 98. Instr. science, high sch, Leadville, Colo, 96-97; Cheyenne, Wyo, 98- 99; bot, Wash. State, 99-03, prof. and head of dept, and botanist, Exp. Sta, 038-12; forest pa- thologist, U. S. Dept. Agr, 12-14, path. inspee- tor, fed. hort. board, 14-19, pathologist in charge foreign plant quarantines, 19- Instr. physics and chem, Cotner, summer, 93; chem, Nebr. State Nor. Sch, summer, 98. A.A; Bot. Soc; Phytopath. Soc; Wash. Bot. Soe. Plant pa- thology; flora of Palouse region, Washington and Oregon; food plants of sheep. Beattie, W(illiam) R(enwick), U. 8. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Agriculture. Zanesville, Ohio, Dee. 17, 70. B.S, M.S, Ohio State. Asst. bot, Ohio State, 96-98; asst. horticulturist, U. S. Dept. Agr, 99-12; agr. and indust. commissioner, St. Louis and Southwest. R. R, 12-18; horticulturist, U. 8S. Dept. Agr, 18- Soe. Hort. Sci; Am. Peat Soe; Wash. Biol. Soc; Wash. Biol. Field Club. Plant growth under glass; peanuts. Beatty, Dr. Hugh Gibson, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Speech defects. Washington C. H, Ohio, Sept. 12, 80. Ph.C, M.D, Ohio State; Vienna. Asst. prof, dept. oto-rhino- laryngol, Ohio State. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Col, Surg; Columbus Acad. Med. Otology; rhinology; laryngology. Beauchamp, Rev. W(illiam) M(artin), 121 Mark Ave, Syracuse, N. Y. History, Archeology. Coldenham, N. Y, March 25, 30. Delaney Divin- ity Sch; 8.T.D, Hobart, 86; LL.D, Syracuse, 20. Rector, Grace Church, Baldwinsville, N. Y, 65- 00; examining chaplain of diocese of Central N. Y, 84- Archeologist, N. Y. State Museum, 96- 06. Adoption by Onondagas, 04; Cornplanter medal for Iroquois research, 05. A.A. (see’y, H, 89-92); Onondaga Acad. (pres, 01); Onon- daga Hist. Ass. (hon. pres, 20). American his- . AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE tory; archeology; natural sciences; folk-lore, language and history of the Iroquois; New York Indian life; local colonial history. Beaumont, Prof. A(rthur) B(ishop), 103 Butter- field Terrace, Amherst, Mass. Tex, Jan. 21, 87. B.S, Kentucky, 08; Ph.D, Cornell, 18. Teacher science, high sch, North Bend, Oregon, 09-11; science and agr. and head of dept, Oregon Nor. Sch, 11-13; asst. soil technol, Cornell, 13-17; assoc. prof. agron. and acting head of dept, Mass. Col, 17-19, prof. and head of dept, 19- Soe. Agron. The reversi- bility of the colloid condition of soils. Agronomy. Waco, Becht, Prof, Frank Christian, 2421 S. Dearborn St, Chicago, Ill. Physiology, Pharmacology. Lexington, Ill, Nov. 28, 79. B.S, Chicago, 06, fellow, 06, Ph.D, 09; M.D, Northwestern, 15. Asst. physiol, Chicago, 07-09, assoc, 09-10; asst. prof, Llinois, 10-12; pharmacol, Northwestern, 12-14; Chicago, 14-17; prof, Northwestern, 17- Lecturer physiol, McGill, 15. Soe. Pharmacol; Physiol. Soc. Heat paralysis; antibodies in the serum and lymphs; influence of the hypophysis on sugar metabolism; catalases of the blood; cerebrospinal fluid. Bechtel, A(lbert) R(eiff), Wabash College, Craw- fordsville, Ind. Botany. Royersford, Pa, March 21,82. B.S, A.M, Pennsylvania, 12; Ph.D, Cor- nell, 20. Teacher, pub. schools, Montgomery Co, Pa, 03-04; principal, high sch, Cochranville, 06; science teacher, high sch, Downingtown, 07- 08; asst. instr. bot, Pa. State, 13, instr, 14; N. Y. State Col. Agr, Cornell, 14-20; prof, Wabash, 20—- A.A; Bot.Soc. Weeds; taxonomy of seed plants. Beck, Dr. Joseph C(lar), University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago, Ill. Medicine. Czecho-Slovakia, Sept. 26, 70. M.D, Illinois, 95. Assoc. prof. oto-laryngol, med. dept, Illinois, 04— Attending surgeon, Cook Co. Hosp, 05-; head of ear, nose and throat dept, North Chicago Hosp, 04- Lieut-col, U.S.M.R.C, 19; Czecho-Slovak Army, 18-19. Col. Surg; Am. Med. Ass. (pres, sect. oto-laryngol, 19); Acad. Ophthal. and Oto- Laryngol. (pres, 14); Laryngol. Rhinol. and Otol. Soe; Chicago Oto-Laryngol Soe. (pres, 09). Surgery; surgery of the head and neck. Beck, Rollo Howard, R. A. 288, San Jose, Calif. Ornithology. Calif, 70. Field collector, Calif. Acad, 03-09; Am. Museum Nat. Hist, 10-17. Mem. Ornith. Union; Cooper Ornith. Club. Water birds; Tubinares. Becker, Prof. A(lbert) J(ohn), Ohio Valley Roof- ing Co, Evansville, Ind. Evansville, Ind, Oct. 6, 77. B.S, Michigan, 03, M.E, 07; Ph.D, Illinois, 15. Instr. mech. eng, North Dakota, 04-06, asst. prof, 06-07, prof. applied math, 07-19; sec’y-treas. Ohio Valley Roofing Co, 20- Mech. Eng; Eng. Educ. Strength of materials; bi-axial loading of mild steel; effect of temperature on the strength of concrete. Applied mechanics. Beckett, C(harles) H(arrison), State Life Insur- ance Co, Indianapolis, Ind. Mathematics. Au- rora, Ind, May 24, 76. A.B, Cornell, 00, 00-02. Assoc. prof. math, Purdue, 05-12; actuary, State Life Ins. Co, 12- Consulting actuary. Math. Soc; Am. Inst. Actuaries (pres, 17-19) ; Statist. Ass. Actuarial science. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE . 49 Beckett, Prof. Samuel Hume, University Farm, Davis, Calif. Civil engineering. Calif, Sept. 19, 83. B.S, California, 09. Scientific asst, U. S. Dept. Agr, 09-12, irrig. engineer, 12-15; instr. and asst. prof. irrig. practise, California, 15-18, assoc. prof, 18- Development and eco- nomie use of irrigation water. Becknell, Dr. G(uy) G(aillaird), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. Physics. Milford, Ind, April 16, 78. B.S, Northwestern, 04, fel- low, 05, M.S, 05; hon. fellow, Clark, 08-09, senior fellow, 09-11, Ph.D, 11. Instr. physics, Purdue, 05-08; research asst, Clark, 08-09; prof, Mt. Allison, 11-12; instr, Syracuse, 12- 14; Northwestern, 14-15; Pittsburgh, 16-17, asst. prof, 17-20, prof, 20— A.A; assoe. mem. Physical Soe. Residual E.M.F. in earbon are; demagnetization of iron and steel. Beckstrand, Prof. E(lias) H(yrum), University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Hngineering. Meadow, Utah. B.S, (E.E), Michigan, 00; M.M.E, Cornell, 01. Prof. mech. eng, Utah, 02- Engineer, Yampa tramway, Bingham, Utah. Mech. Eng; Elec. Eng; Soc. Test. Mat. Test- ing of brick and macadam rock; testing and value of lubricating oils; effect of alkalies on concrete. Beckwith, Angie M(aria), Bureau of Plant In- dustry, Washington, D. C. Plant pathology. Grand Rapids, Mich, Jan. 27, 81. A.B, Michi- gan, 04; Chicago, 04-05. Asst, biol. lab, Vas- sar, 06-08; expert xylotomist, U. S. Forest Service, 08-10; scientific asst, bur. plant indus- try, U. S. Dept. Agr, 10— A.A; Phytopath. Soe. Beckwith, Prof. Cora J(ipson), Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Zoology. Grand Rapids, Mich, March 24, 75. B.S, Michigan, 00; A.M, Columbia, 08, Ph.D, 14. Asst. biol, Vassar, 00- 02, instr. zool, 02-13, asst. prof, 14-15, assoc. prof, 15- A.A; Soe. Nat; Soe. Zool. Lateral line organ in Amia calva; cytology of hydroid germ cells. Beckwith, Prof. T(heodore) D(ay), University of California, Berkeley, Calif. Bacteriology. Utica, N. Y, Dec. 8, 79. B.S, Hamilton, 04, Root fel- low, 04, M.S, 07; Ph.D, California, 20. Scien- tific asst, U. S. Dept. Agr, 04-07; asst. prof. bacter. and plant path, N. Dak. Col, and asst. botanist, Exp. Sta, 07-11; head, dept. bacter, Oregon Col, and bacteriologist, Exp. Sta, 11- 20; asst. exp. path, California, 20- Capt, Sanit. C, 18. A.A; Soc. Bact; Pub. Health Ass. Water supplies; soils; cold storage; experimental pa- thology. Bedell, Prof. Frederick, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. *Physics, Electrical Engineering. Brooklyn, N. Y, April 12, 68. A.B, Yale, 90; M.S, Cornell, 91, fellow, 91-92, Ph.D, 92. Instr. physics, Cornell, 92-938, asst. prof, 93-04, prof, 04— Assoc. ed, ‘Physical Rev,’ 93-12, managing ed, 13. A.A. (sec’y, B, 97, gen. see’y, 99); Physical Soc; Elec, Eng; Aeronaut. Soe. Alter- nating currents of electricity; direct and alter- nating current testing; aerodynamics. Beebe, Prof. Murray C(harles), Wadsworth Watch Case Co, Dayton, Ky. Electrical engineer- ing. Racine, Wis, Feb. 25, 76. B.S, Wisconsin, 97. Instr. elec. eng, Wisconsin, 97-00; research dept, Nernst Lamp Co, 00-04; assoc. prof, elec. 4 eng, Wisconsin, 05-07, prof, 07-18; with West. Elec. Co, 19; chief engineer, Wadsworth Watch Case Co, 20— Elec. Eng; Nat. Elec. Light Ass. Electric lighting; chemistry of rare earths. Beebe, Prof. S(ilas) P(almer), 417 Park Ave, New York, N. Y. Physiological chemistry. St. Johns, Mich, April 22, 76. B.S, Valparaiso, 96; B.S, Harvard, 00; M.S, Yale, 02, Ph.D, 04; M.D, Cornell, 09. Instr. chem, high sch, New Haven, 00-03; physiol. chemist, Huntington Fund for Cancer Research, Loomis Lab, 03-09; prof. exp. therapeut, med. col, Cornell, 09-15. Lecturer, summer sch, Harvard, 02-04. A.A; Physiol. Soc; Ass. Path. and Bact; Soe. Exp. Biol; Soe. Cancer Research; Soc. Biol. Chem. Effect of alcohol and alcoholic fluids on excre- tion of uric acid in man; tumor tissue; fat from proteid; immunity; serum therapy; physi- ology of thyroid and parathyroid. Beebe, William, New York Zoological Park, New York, N. Y. *Ornithology. Brooklyn, N. Y, July 29, 77. Columbia, 96-99. Curator ornith, N.Y. Zool. Park, 99-; hon. curator, and director, tropical sta, N. Y. Zool. Soc, 19— Elliot medal. A.A; fel. Ornith. Union; Soc. Mammal; Ecol. Soc; N. Y. Linnean Soc; fel. N. Y. Zool. Soc; fel. N. Y. Acad; N. Y. Audubon Soc; cor. mem. London Zool. Soc. Evolution of color in birds; ecology of the birds and other vertebrates of neotropical regions. Beede, Dr. J(oshua) W(illiam), 711 San Antonio St, Austin, Tex. Geology, Paleontology. Ray- mond, N. H, Sept. 14, 71. B.S, Washburn, 96, A.M, 97; Ph.D, Kansas, 99. Instr. paleont, Kansas, 97-99; teacher science, Atchison Co. High Sch, Kans, 99-01; instr. geol, Indiana. 01— 06, asst. prof, 06-09, assoc. prof, 09-17; geolo- gist, bur. econ. geol, Texas, 17— Asst, Kans. Geol. Surv, 96, 98, 03-09; U. S. Geol. Surv, 01, 02. A.A. (mem. exee. committee, 16); Geol. Soe; Paleont. Soc; Am. Geog. Soc; Ass. Petrol. Geol; Ind. Acad; Kans. Acad. Stratigraphic geology and paleontology of Kansas coal meas- ures; invertebrate paleontology of the Permian Red Beds of Oklahoma and Texas; faunal divi- sions of Kansas coal measures; cycle of subter- ranean drainage; Permian of Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. Beegle, Dr. Frank Moore, Glidden Co, Cleveland, Ohio. Chemistry. Williamsburg, Pa, June 19, 89. B.S, Pa. State, 12; fellow, Columbia, 16— 18, A.M, 17, Ph.D, 18. Research chemist, Ohio Exp. Sta, 11-16; Bur. Aircraft Production, 18- 19; chief chemist, Am. Chem. and Mfg. Co, 19-20; research chemist, Glidden Co, 20— Chem. Soe. Organic and biological chemistry; aero- plane dopes, varnishes and enamels; vegetable oils; synthetic gums. Beer, Dr. Edwin, 88 Central Park West, New York, N. Y. Medicine. New York, March 28, 76. A.B, Columbia, 96, M.D, 99. Visiting surgeon, Bellevue Hosp. and Mt. Sinai Hosp. A.A; Col. Surg; Am. Med. Ass; N. Y. Path. Soc; N. Y. Acad. Physiology and pathology of the kidneys, urinary bladder, intestines and ‘liver. Beers, F(rank) T(roxell), Washburn, Wis. Chem- istry. Emporium, Pa, Feb. 19, 75. B.S, Pa. State, 98. Asst. chem, Pa. State, 98-99; chem- 50 ‘ AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE jst, Bellefonte Furnace Co, 99-00; duPont de Nemours and Co, 00-03, asst. supt, 03-06, supt, 06-08; Barksdale Works, 08-19, manager, 19- Chem. Eng. Explosives. Beeson, Prof. J(asper) L(uther), 202 Columbia St, Milledgeville, Ga. Chemistry. Keener, Ala, Aug. 31, 67. A.B, Alabama, 88, A.M, 89; Ph.D, Hopkins, 93. Instr. physics, Alabama, and chemist, Ala. Geol. Surv, 88-89; research chem- ist, La. Exp. Sta, and prof, chem, La. Sch. of Sugar, 93-96; prof. nat. science, Bethel, 96-97 ; chem. and physics, Ga. Nor. and Indust. Col, 97— Prof. physics, Georgia, summer, 09. A.A; Chem. Soe. Action of alcohol on certain diazo compounds; sugar chemistry; nitric nitrogen gathered by the Leguminosae. Beeson, Dr. M(alcolm) A(lfred), Stillwater, Okla. Agronomy. Gadsden, Ala, June 20, 79. B.S, Ala. Polytech, 00; Hopkins, 01-03; hon. Se.D. Prof. scienee, E, Miss, Female Col, 00-01; pres. and proprietor, Meridian Male Col, 03-14; prof. agron. and agronomist, Okla. Col, 15— Trustee, E. Miss. Female Col. A.A; Soc. Agron. Crops; farm management. Beetle, Dr. Ralph D(ennison), Dartmouth Col- lege, Hanover, N. H. Mathematics. New Bed- ford, Mass, Jan. 21, 86. A.B, Dartmouth, 06, A.M, 11; fellow, Princeton, 12-14, Ph.D, 14. Instr, high sch, Littleton, N. H, 06-07; math, Dartmouth, 07-12, 14-15, asst. prof, 15—- A.A; Math. Soe. Differential geometry of curves and surfaces. Begeman, Prof. Louis, 2315 Iowa St, Cedar Falls, Iowa. Physics. Evansville, Ind, March 1, 65. B.S, Michigan, 89, M.S, 97; Ph.D, Chicago, 10. Supt. schools, Corydon, Iowa, 89-95; prof. physics and chem, Parson’s, 95-99; prof. physics, Iowa State Teachers Col, 99— A.A; Cent. Ass. Sci. and Math. Teachers; Iowa Acad. (pres, 12). Charge of the electron by the cloud method. Begg, Dean A(lexander) S(wanson), Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass, Embryology. Council Bluffs, Iowa, May 23, 81. M.D, 07. Instr. path, Drake, 07-09, asst. prof. path, histol. and embryol, 09-10, prof. histol. and embryol, 10-13; teaching fellow, Harvard Med. Sch, 11- 12, instr. comp. anat, 13-18, asst. dean, demon- strator anat, and instr. histol, 19- Research assoc, Carnegie Institution, 15-; U. S. Army, 17-19. A.A; Ass. Anat. Development of veins; cytology of intestinal epithelium. Behr, Dr. Arno, Arlington Court, Pasadena, Calif. Chemistry. Palompen, Germany, Aug. 14, 46. Tubingen, 66; Berlin, 67; Ph.D, Heidelberg, 69. Chemist, Matthiessen and Wiechers Sug. Ref. Co, Jersey City, N. J, 74-81; supt, Chicago Sug. Ref. Co, 81-92. Perkin research medal, Soc. Chem. Indust, 09. Int. Cong. Applied Chem, London, 09. Chem. Soe; Soc, Chem. Indust; Chem. Gesell. Organic chemistry, pure and applied to the refining of sugar; the manu- facture of starch and glucose from corn. Behre, Dr. E(llinor) H(elene), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La. Zoology. Atlanta, Ga, Sept. 28, 86. A.B, Radcliffe, 08; Tulane, 13-15; Ph.D, Chicago, 18. Instr. in charge, dept. biol, Tulane, 12-15; asst. zool, Chicago, 15-18; research asst, sta. for exp. evolution, Carnegie Institution, 18-19; instr. biol, New- comb, 19-20; asst. prof. zool, Louisiana, 20- Physiological zoology; anatomy. Behrend, B(ernard) A(rthur), 71 Colchester St, Brookline, Mass. Engineering, Physics. Ville- neuve, Switzerland, May 9,75. Polytech, Berlin, 94; London; Paris. Asst. chief electrician, Oerlikon Co, Switzerland, 98; chief engineer and chief designer, Bullock Elec. Mfg. Co, 00-09; chief electrical engineer and consulting engineer, Allis-Chalmers Co, 09; advisory engineer in charge, power dept, Westinghouse Elec. and Mfg. Co, 09-11, consulting engineer, 09— Scott medal, Franklin Inst, 12. A.A; Elec. Eng; Mech. Eng; Civil Eng; Am. Acad. Alternating eurrent phenomena; induction motor; steam — turbine generators; alternators and long lines; regulation and scientific methods of testing. Behrens, Prof. Charles A(ugust), 217 Lutz Ave, West Lafayette, Ind. JBacteriology. Grand Rapids, Mich, Jan. 5, 85. B.S, Michigan, 09, M.S, 10, Ph.D, 138. Instr. bacter, Michigan, 10- 14; prof. and head of dept, Purdue, 14- A.A; Soc. Bact; Ass. Prof; fel. Ind. Acad; Mich. Acad. Protozoology; Trypanosoma _ brucei; Spirocheta novyi; pipets for holding and measuring fluids; acute poliomyelitis; Erdmann culture medium for Protozoa. Beilby, Dr. George Everett, 247 State St, Albany, N. Y. Pathology. WUHarpersfield, N. Y, April 10, 76. M.D, 99. Clin. prof. surg, Albany Med. Col, 14- Asst. surgeon, Albany Hosp. Ass. Path. and Bact. Surgery; pathology and sur- gery of the thyroid gland. Beinhart, E(rnest) G(eorge), H. Zering Manufac- turing Co, Cincinnati, Ohio. Agriculture. Cin- cinnati, Ohio, Sept. 24, 87. B.S, Iowa State, 10. Asst, chem. sect, Iowa Exp. Sta, 06-08, tobacce experiments, 08-09; in charge plant improve- ment, Sunnybrook Tobacco Co, 09-10; asst. in charge New Eng. tobacco investigations, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 11-19; asst. man- ager, H. Zering Mfg. Co, 19- A.A; Chem. Soe. Tobacco culture; plant nutrition. Belfield, Dr. W(illiam) T(homas), 32 N. State St, Chicago, Ill. Medicine. St. Louis, Mo, 56. Michigan, 72-73; M.D, Rush Med. Col, 78; Vienna. Prof. bacter, Rush Med. Col, 91-98; genito-urinary surg, 98— Cartwright fund lee- turer, New York, 83. A.A; Ass. Genito-Urinary Surg. (pres, 02); Urol. Ass. (pres, 08). Biology and sociology of sex. Bell, Dr. A(lexander) Graham, 1331 Connecticut Ave, N. W, Washington, D.C. *Physies. Edin- burgh, Scotland, March 3, 47. London, 68; hon, Ph.D, Wiirzburg, 82; hon. M.D, Heidel- berg, 86; LL.D, Illinois Col, 81; Harvard, 96; Amherst, 01; St. Andrews, 02; Edinburgh, 06; hon. Se.D, Oxford, 06, LL.D, 07; Dartmouth, 14; Geerge Washington, 13. Engaged in re- search. With Gardiner G. Hubbard established ‘Science,’ 83. Regent, Smithsonian Inst, 98. Volta Prix, 80; Officier, Légion d’honneur, 82; medal, London Soc. Fine Arts, 02; Royal Albert medal; John Fritz medal, United Eng. Societies, 07; Cresson medal, Franklin Inst, 12; Hughes medal, Royal Soe, 13; Edison medal, 14. To. Instr, org. and inorg. chem, Stan- ford, 11-16; org. aa physical chemist, color lab, bur. chem, U. S. Dept. Agr, 16-18; research chemist, Nat. ' Cannere Ass, 19- Reactions be- tween potassium amid and metallic salts; ab- sorption of chlorin by charcoal; canned food. Boldt, Prof. Hermann J(ohannes), 616 Madison Ave, New York, N. Y. Medicine. Near Berlin, Germany, June 24, 56. M.D, N. Y. Univ, 79. Asst. gynec, Univ. and Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col, 80-82; instr, N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch, 82-90, prof, 90- Consulting gynecologist, Post-Grad, St. Vincent’s, Beth Israel, and Union Hospitals, and Stuyvesant Polyelinie. Medal, Paris Expos, 00. Hon. mem. Gynee. Soe: Col. Surg; S. Surg. and Gynee. Soc; German Med. Soc. (past pres) ; N. Y. Obstet. Soc. (past pres); N. Y. Acad. Med; Int. Gynee. Soe; Royal Soc. Med. Gyne- cologieal pathology; action of drugs on animals. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 71 Bolles, Dr. M(yrick) N(athaniel), American Smelting and Refining Company, Monterey, Mex. Metallurgy. Winneshiek Co, Iowa, 77. B.S, S Dak. Col, 98; Ph.D, Columbia, 03. Instr. mech. and physics, S. Dak. Sch. Mines, 98-00; tutor metal, Columbia, 03-05. Chemist, Golden Reward Cons. Gold Mining and Milling Co, 00-01. Chem. Soc; Min. Eng, Metallographic consti- tution of metallic sulphids; significance of copper oxid in alloys of copper, sulphur and bis- muth; temperature limits of technical opera- tions; alloy steels as influenced by the vanadium group. Bolley, Prof. Henry L, Agricultural College, N. Dak. *Botany, Bacteriology. Holman, Ind, Feb. 1, 65. B.S, Purdue, 88, M.S, 89. Instr. biol, Purdue, 89-90; prof. bot. and zool, N. Dak. Col, and botanist, Exp. Sta, 90-, dean, div. biol, 08— In charge, office of exp. sta. lab, Columbian Expos, 98; state seed commissioner, 09- A.A; Bot. Soc; Soc. Prom. Agr. Sei; Soc. Agron; Phytopath. Soc; Bot. Cent. States. Bacteriol- ogy of milk, water and soil; phytopathology, including smuts of cereal grains; seed and soil- infesting fungi parasitic upon cropping plants; breeding for disease resistance. Bolton, Dr. B(enjamin) Meade, Sioux City, Iowa. *Bacteriology. Richmond, Va, April 7, 57. M.D, Virginia, 79; South Carolina, 82-83; Heidelberg, 83-84; Gittingen, 84-86; Berlin, 86. Asst. and later fellow by courtesy and assoc. bacter, Hopkins, 86-88, 91-93; prof. hy- giene and bacter, South Carolina, 88-89; direc- tor, lab. of bacter, Hoagland Lab, Brooklyn, 89-91; pathologist, Ohio Hosp. for Epileptics, 93; director, lab. of hygiene, Bur. of Health, Phila, 93-95; prof. path. and bacter, Missouri, 95-96; path, Marion-Sims-Beaumont Col. of Med, St. Louis, 01-04; expert, bur. animal indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 04-20; pathologist, New Samaritan Hosp, 20- Director, Virchow Lab, St. Louis, 19- Emer. mem. Am. Physi- cians; Am. Med. Ass; St. Louis Acad. Behavior of bacteria in water; action of metal and metal- lic salts and of electricity on the growth of bac- teria; antitoxin in the blood of horses; occur- rence of tetanus toxin in the blood of infected horses; bacteriolytic power of the blood serum of hogs. Bolton, Prof. Frederick E(lmer), University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. Hducation, Psy- chology. Tomah, Wis, May 9, 66. B.S, Wis- consin, 93, M.S, 96; Leipzig, 96-97; hon. fel- low, Clark, 97-98, Ph.D, 98. Prof. psychol. and pedag, State Nor. Sch, Milwaukee, 98-00; head, dept. educ, Iowa, 01-12; Washington (Seattle). 12-13, dean, 13— Teacher, rural schools, 85-87 ; principal schools, Tunnel City, Wis, 87-88; high sch, Fairchild, Wis, 90-91; Park Sch, Kau- kauna, Wis; state inst. conductor, Wis, 93-00; lecturer pedag, summer sch, Wisconsin, 99; chairman, committee to revise sch. laws of Iowa, 07-09; prof. educ, Chicago, summer, 12. A.A; Psychol. Ass; Soc. Col. Teachers Educ. (sec’y, 04-10) ; Soe. Sci. Educ; West. Philos. Ass; Wis. State Teachers’ Ass. (pres, nor. dept, 99), and Child Study Soc. (sec’y and treas, 99); Iowa State Teachers’ Ass. and Child Study Soe. (pres, 00-). Genetic psychology and science of educa- tion; dramatic instinct; genetic study of mo- rality applied to problems in education; indi- vidual differences; adolescence. Bolton, Reginald Pelham, The Bolton Building, E. 19th St, New York, N. Y. Mechanical en- gineering. London, England, Oct. 5, 56. Pri- vate instruction. Apprenticeship, England, 73— 78; asst. engineer, Edgemore Iron Works, 79; manager, Appleby Brothers Eng. Works, Eng- land, 85; consulting and expert engineer, 85-— Designer equipment, Bowling Green offices, Grand Central Station, Ansonia Hotel, N. Y. City, ete. Telford gold medal and Telford pre- mium, Civil Eng, 01. A.A; Mech. Eng; Civil Eng; Heat. and Vent. Eng. (pres, 12); hon. mem. N. Y. Hist. Soc; Am. Scenic Soe. (v. pres. and trustee); assoc. mem. British Inst. Civil Eng. Hydroelectric and steam economics; adaptation of mechanical apparatus to needs of modern buildings; piping for high buildings; elevators; history. Bolton, Prof. Thaddeus L(incoln), Temple Uni- versity, Philadelphia, Pa. *Psychology, Philoso- phy. Sonora, Ill, July 27, 65. A.B, Michigan, 89; Ph.D, Clark, 94. Teacher, nor. sch, Worces- ter, Mass, 93-96; San Jose, Calif, 96-97; prof. philos. and educ, Washington (Seattle), 97-98; asst. prof. psychol, Nebraska, 99-04, prof, 04- 10; director, training sch, Tempe, Ariz, 10-12, prof. philos. and psychol, Montana, 12-17; psychol, Temple, 17—; lecturer, Phila. Sch. Occu- pational Therapy, 19— Lecturer, univ. exten. soc, Pennsylvania. A.A; Psychol. Ass; West. Philos. Ass. Rhythm; growth of memory; fa- tigue; space sense of skin; reliability of the ergograph; relation between motor power and intelligence; social laws of personal conduct; genetic view of make-believe; efficacy of con- sciousness; relation of muscle sense to pressure sense; inheritance of special traits. Boltwood, Dr. Bertram B(orden), Box 1038, Yale Station, New Haven, Conn. *Chemistry. Am- herst, Mass, July 27, 70.. Ph.B, Yale, 92; Munich, 92-94; Leipzig, 96; Ph.D, Yale, 97; John Harling fellow, Manchester, 09-10. Lab. asst. chem, Sheffield Sci. Sch, Yale, 94-96, instr. physical chem, 96-00; research chemist, 00-06; asst. prof. physics, Yale, 06-10, prof. radio- chem, 10-, acting prof. chem. and director, Kent Chem. Lab, 18— Nat. Acad; A.A; Chem. Soc; . Physical Soe; Philos. Soc; Am. Acad. Organic and inorganic chlorids; radium and radioac- tivity. Bolza, Prof. O(skar), University of Freiburg, Freiburg i. B, Germany. *Mathematics. Berg- zabern, Germany, May 12, 57. Berlin, 75-76; Heidelberg, 77; Strassburg, 78; Gottingen, 80, Ph.D, 86; Berlin, 81-82. Reader math, Hopkins, 88-89; assoc, Clark, 89-92; assoc. prof, Chicago, 93-94, prof, 94-10, hon. prof, 10- Nat. Acad; Math. Soe. (v. pres, 04); Math. Verein. Hyper- elliptic functions; calculus of variations. Bonardi, J(ohn) P(aul), Reno, Nev. Chemistry. Lebanon, N. H, Feb. 3, 93. B.S, N. H. Col, 15; E.Met, Colo. Sch. Mines, 20. Asst. chemist, W. Va. Exp. Sta, 15-16; junior chemist radioac- . tivity, Bur. Mines, 16-18, asst. chemist, 18- Chem. Soc; Denver Teknik Club. Metallurgy; rare earths and metals; radioactivity; flotation; ore dressing. 72 Boncquet, Dr. P(ierre) A(uguste), Lindsay, Calif. Horticulture. Near Ypres, Belgium. Grad, Ypres Col, 03; Ph.D, California, 15. Provin- cial lecturer hort, B. C, 12-13; director, lab. agr. research, Spreckels, Calif, 15-16; investi- gator sugar beet indust, S. Am, 16-17; metal. chemist, South. Pacific R. R, 18; plant patholo- gist, Tulare Co, Calif, 19- Chem. Soe. Plant pathology; curly leaf of sugar beets; June drop of oranges. Bond, Dr. Charles S, Richmond, Ind. Medicine. Richmond, June 8, 56. M.D, Bellevue Med. Col, 83; M.S, Earlham, 87. General practitioner, 83— County coroner, 84-88; appointed mem. of Tuber. Congress, 08; mem. Int. Tuber. Cong, London, 01. Am. Physicians; Am, Med. Ass; Ind. Med. Soe (pres); Ind. Acad. Photomicro- graphic work in blood; bacteria and patho- logical specimens; tuberculosis; excreta of chronic Bright’s disease patients; blood cor- puscles in health and disease. Bond, George M(eade), 69 Washington St, Hart- ford, Conn. Engineering. Newburyport, Mass, July 17, 52. M.E, Stevens, 80. Manager, standards and gauge dept, Pratt and Whitney Co, 80-02. Alumni trustee, Stevens, 95-98. A.A; (sec’y, D, 87); Mech. Eng. (v. pres, 09); Civil Eng; N. Y. Eng. and Transportation Clubs; Hartford Club; London Royal Societies Club. Standards for linear dimensions and for interchangeability of products of manufacture. Bond, Prof. Perry A(very), University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Chemistry. Storm Lake, Iowa, July 28, 78. B.S, Iowa, 01, M.S, 08, fellow, 08-09, Ph.D, 15. Instr. chem, Iowa, 08; Armour Inst, 08-11; prof, Iowa Teachers Col, 11-18; asst. prof. inorg. chem, Iowa, 18— A.A; Chem. Soc. (sec’y, Iowa sect, 15, pres, 17, coun- cilor, 18). Nitroxylene sulphonic acids and ox- idation products; non-aqueous solvents. Bondurant, Dr. Eugene D(uBose), 166 Conti St, Mobile, Ala. Pathology. Hale Co, Ala, Jan. 26, 62. Southern, 77-80; M.D, Virginia, 83; Heidelberg and Vienna, 90-91. Asst. physician, N. Y. City Insane Hosp, 85; Ala. Insane Hosp, 85-92, asst. supt, 92-97; prof. nervous diseases and path, Alabama, 97-15. A.A; Neur. Ass; Medico-Psychol. Ass; Am. Med. Ass. Neurology. Bonner, Prof. W(alter) D(aniel), 1278 E. 13th South St,Salt Lake City, Utah. Chemistry. Osce- ola, Nebr, Oct. 27, 78. B.S, Nebr. Wesleyan, 06; A.M, Princeton, 08; Ph.D, Toronto, 11. Lec- turer chem, Queen’s (Can), 09-11, asst. prof, 11-15; prof, Utah, 15- A.A; Chem. Soc; Utah Acad. (councilor, 19); Utah Soc. Eng. Oil shales and solid hydrocarbons. Bonnet, Dr. Frederic, Jr, At} 1s Powder Co, Land- ing, N. J. Physical chemistry. St. Louis, Mo, Feb. 28, 78. B.S, Washington (St. Louis), 99; M.S, Harvard, 02, Ph.D, 03. Instr. chem, Iowa, 03-04; Worcester, 04-09, asst. prof, 09-13, prof, 13-18; chief chemist, U. S. Ammonium Nitrate Plant, 18; director, Forcite Exp. Lab, Atlas Powder Co, 19- A.A; Chem. Soe. Hy- drolytie equilibrium of dissolved chromium sul- phate; compressibility of metals; the rare earths and ceramics. Bonns, Dr. W(alter) W(eidenfeld), Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Ind. Botany. Milwau- AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE kee, Wis, April 9, 77. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 99; B.S.A, Cornell, 09; Lackland research fel- low, Mo. Bot. Garden, 15-18, Ph.D, Washington (St. Louis), 18. Horticulturist, Maine Exp. Sta, 09-12; asst. prof. pomol, Citrus Exp. Sta, California, 12-15; director, bot. research lab, Eli Lilly and Co, 18—- A.A; Bot. Soc; Phyio- path. Soe; Ind. Acad. Plant physiology; my- cology; fruit propagation; transpiration; en- zyme action. Bonser, Prof. Frederick G(ordon), 525 West 120 St, New York, N. Y. Psychology. Tower Hill, Ill, June 14, 75. B.S, Illinois, 01, fellow, 01- 02, M.S, 02; fellow, Teachers Col, Columbia, 05— 06. Teacher, pub. schools, Ill, 97-98; Wash, 98— 99; asst. psychol, Illinois, 01-02; prof. psychol. and edue, State Nor. Sch, Cheney, Wash, 02-05; State Nor. Sch, Macomb, Ill, 06-10; asst. prof. indust. arts and later prof. educ, Teachers Col, Columbia, 10- Teacher psychol, Illinois, sum- mer, 01; instr, Teachers Col, Columbia, sum- mer, 06. Psychol. Ass. Mental activity and the circulation of blood; influence of early ecompan- ions; reasoning ability of children of interme- diate grades; the elementary school curriculum. Bonsteel, Dr. Jay A(llan), U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Agriculture, Geology. Huntington, W. Va, April 13, 73. B.S, Cornell, 96; Ph.D, Hopkins, 01. Asst. geol, Cornell, 95-98; asst, Md. Geol. Surv, 98-99; student asst, U. S. Weather Bur, 98-00; scien- tist in charge, U. 8. Soil Surv, 00O-— Detailed as prof. soil investigations, Cornell, 03-05. Adap- tation of crops to soils; agricultural economics. Booge, Dr. (James) Eliot, E. I. duPont de Ne- mours and Co, Wilmington, Del. Chemistry. Sioux City, Iowa, April 27, 90. Ph.G, Iowa, 09, Ph.C, 10, A.B, 14; fellow, Columbia, 15-16, Ph.D, 16. Instr. chem, Iowa, 10-14; asst, Co- lumbia, 14-15, instr, 16-17; chemist, E. I. du- Pont de Nemours and Co, 17— Chem. Soc. Book, Prof. W(illiam) F(rederick), Indiana Uni- versity, Bloomington, Ind. Psychology. Prince- ton, Ind, 72. A.B, Indiana, 00; hon. fellow, Clark, 03-06, Ph.D, 06. Prof. philos, Montana, 06-12; educ, Indiana, 12— Lecturer psychol, Indiana, summer, 07, edue, 10. A.A; Psychol. Ass; Hygiene Ass. The psychology of skill; why pupils drop out of high school; réle of teacher in economic learning; psychology of higher thought processes. Bookman, Dr. S(amuel), 48 E. 82d St, New York, N. Y. Physiological chemistry. New York, Dee. 11, 69. Columbia, 86-91; Ph.D, Berlin, 95. Chemist, N. J. Zine and Iron Co, 95-96; assoc. physiol. chem, path. inst, N. Y. State Hosp, 96- 02; physiol. chemist, Mt. Sinai Hosp, 04 A.A; Chem. Soc; Soe. Biol. Chem; Soe. Chem. Indust; Chem. Gesell. Pathological chemistry; normal and pathological metabolism; industrial biolog- ieal chemistry. Booraem, John V(an) V(orst), 204 Lincoln Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mechanical engineering, Chem- istry. Jersey City, N. J, Oct. 30, 38. M.E, Polytech, Karlsruhe, 59. Constructing engi- neer, 60-71; constructing engineer and supt, Decastro and Donner Sugar Ref. Co, 72-82; constructing engineer, Havemeyer and Elder, 82; consulting engineer, Board of Amer. Sugar AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 73 Ref. Co, 82-98; v. pres, Am. Brick and Tile Co, 98— A.A; Mech. Eng; Chem. Soc; Am. Geog. Soe. Calculation of energy stored in matter; washing raw sugars; treatment of sugar in solu- tion with sulphurous acid; separation of solids of different specific gravity; pumping of certain semi-solids; balancing of bodies rotating at high speeds; measurement of internal energy de- veloped in bodies under change by heat and pressure. Booraem, Robert Elmer, Ridgewood Bergen Co, Jersey City, N. J. Mining engineering. Jersey City, March 28, 56. E.M, Columbia, 78. Gen. manager, mining companies in western states, 79-81; consulting engineer, 91- Hon. librarian, U. S. commission, Paris Expos, 00. Min. Eng. Saving wasted products in silver milling; me- chanical inventions for saving labor; silver mines in Colorado; gold placers in Oregon; gold deposits in Alaska; crude oil in southern Cali- fornia. Boord, Prof, Cecil E(mest), Ohio State Univer- sity, Columbus, Ohio. Chemistry. Veedersburg, Ind, June 29, 84. A.B, Wabash, 07; fellow, Ohio State, 07-09, A.M, 09, Ph.D, 12. Asst. chem, Ohio State, 09-12, instr, 12-14, asst. prof, 14- A.A; Chem. Soc. Constitution of hy- droxyazo compounds; spectrophotometric study of the rate of chemical reactions. Booth, Dr. Bradford A(llen), East End Trust Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Medicine. Pittsburgh, 78. M.D, Pittsburgh, 00; Harvard. Diagnos- tician, Dept. Pub. Health, Pittsburgh, 02— Staff physician, W. Pa. and Allegheny Gen. Hospitals, 12-; consulting physician, Eye and Ear Hosp, 12-; instr. infectious diseases, Pittsburgh. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Am. Acad. Med. Booth, Dr. H(arold) S(immons), Western Re- serve University, Cleveland, Ohio. Chemistry. Cleveland, Jan. 30, 91. A.B, Western Reserve, 15, A.M, 16; Sage fellow, Cornell, 17-18, Du- Pont fellow, 18-19, Ph.D, 19. Instr. chem, Adelbert Col. and col. for women, Western Re- serve, 19— Chem. Soe. (see’y-treas, Cornell sect, 17). Gas densities; atomic weights; inorganic trinitrids; electrochemistry. Booth, Miss Mary A(nn), 60 Dartmouth St, Springfield, Mass. Microscopy, Photomicrog- raphy. Longmeadow, Mass, Sept. 9, 48. Di- plomas and medals, New Orleans Expos; La. Purchase Expos, 04; Panama-Pacifie Expos, 15. A.A; Micros. Soe; N. Y. Micros. Soc; cor. mem. Brooklyn Inst; fel. Royal Micros. Soc; fel. Royal Photog. Soe. Boothby, Prof. Walter M(eredith), Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Physiology. Boston, Mass, July 28, 80. A.B, Harvard, 01, A.M, 07, M.D, 06. Asst. prof. med. Mayo Foundation, Minne- sota, and head, sect. clin. metabolism, Mayo Clinic. Physiol. Soe; Soe. Clin. Invest; Col. Surg. Respiration; metabolism. Boothroyd, Prof. S(amuel) L(atimer), Cornell Uni- versity, Ithaca, N. Y. Astronomy. Loveland, Colo, Aug. 10, 74. B.S, Colo. Agr. Col, 93, M.S, 04; Chicago, 94-95; Cornell, 04-07. Prof. math. and astron, Mount Morris, 95-97; asst. Lowell Observatory, 97-99; assoc. prof. physics and eng, Colo. Agr. Col, 02-04; instr. civil eng, Cor- nell, 04-08, asst. prof. geod. and topog. eng, 08-12; assoc. prof. math. and astron, Washing- ton (Seattle), 12-17, astron, 17-21; prof. astron. and geod, Cornell, 21—- Investigator irrig., in Colo, summer, 04; asst. surveyor, Alaskan Boundary Commission, summers, 05-09. A.A; Eng. Edue; Pacific Astron. Soe. Double star measures; theories of cosmic evolution; spec- troscopic binaries. Borden, Dr. R(aymond) F(ranklin), Brown Uni- versity, Providence, R. I. Mathematics. Ports- mouth, R. I, Aug. 2, 92. Ph.B, Brown, 14, A.M, 15; Ph.D, Illinois, 18. Asst. math, Mli- nois, 15-18, instr, 18-20; Brown, Z0- Mixed equations. Borger, Prof. Robert Lacey, Athens, Ohio. Mathematics. Amherst, Va. A.B, Florida; A.M, Chicago, Ph.D, 07. Prof. math, Florida, 96-04; instr, Missouri, 05-07; assoe, Illinois, 09-16; prof, Ohio (Athens), 16—- Math. Soe; Math. Ass. Theory of groups; functions of a real variable. Boring, Prof. Alice M(iddleton), Wellesley Col- lege, Wellesley, Mass. Zoology. Philadelphia, Pa, Feb. 22, 83. A.B, Bryn Mawr, 04, A.M, 05, fellow, 06-07, Ph.D, 10; fellow, Pennsylvania, 05-06; Wirzburg and Naples Zool. Sta, 08-09. Instr. zool, Vassar, 07-08; Maine, 09-11, asst. prof, 11-13, assoe. prof, 13-18; asst. biol, Peking Union Med. Col, 18-20; asst. prof. zool, Wel- lesley, 20— A.A: Soc. Nat; Soe. Zool. Cytol- ogy; regeneration. ; Boring, Prof. Edwin G(arrigues), Clark Univer- sity, Worcester, Mass. *Psychology. Philadel- phia, Pa, Oct. 23, 86. M.E, Cornell, 08, A.M, 12, Ph.D, 14. Asst. psychol, Cornell, 11-13, instr, 13-18; capt, psychol. service, 18-19; prof. exp. psychol, Clark 19- Asst. psychol, Govt. Hosp. for the Insane, Washington, D. C, 12. A.A; Psychol. Ass. Theoretical psychology; cutaneous and organie sensations; psychophysics, Boring, Mrs. Edwin G. (Dr. Lucy Day), 11 Ober- lin St, Worcester, Mass. Psychology. Framing- ham, Mass, Aug. 27, 86. A.B, Mount Holyoke, 08; Ph.D, Cornell, 12. Asst. psychol, Mt. Hol- yoke, 08-09; Cornell, 10; Vassar, 13-14; instr, Wells, 14-15; hon. fellow, Clark, 19- A.A; Psychol. Ass. Comparative psychology; vision. Borrowman, Dr. George, Chemists Club, New York, N. Y. Chemistry. Stillwater, Minn, June 4, 80. B.S, Minnesota, 05; A.M, Nebraska, 07, Ph.D, 16. Instr. chem, Minnesota, 04- 05; prof. tech. and indust. chem, Nebraska, 05— 18; research chemist, J. E. Teeple, 18- Chem. Soe; N. Y. Chemists Club. Geology; ore and water analysis; concrete; clays; water soften- ing; borromite. Bose, Dr. Emil, Calle del Centenario 43, Mexicoae D. F, Mexico. Geology. Hamburg, Germany, June 8, 68. Berlin, 88-89; Ph.D, Munich, 93. Geologist, Mex. Geol. Surv, 98-03, chief geolo- gist, 03-15; geologist, bur. econ. geol, Texas, 15-17; consulting petroleum geologist, 17— Vi- enna Geol. Gesell. Paleontology; tectonics; earthquakes. Boss, Prof. Andrew, University Farm, St. Paul, Minn. Agronomy. Wabasha Co, Minn, June 3, 67. Minnesota. Asst. agriculturist, col. agr, 74 Minnesota, 94-02, assoe. prof. agr, 02-05, agr. and animal husbandry, 05-10, prof. agr, 10-, v. director, Exp. Sta, 18. A.A; Agron. Soc; Farm Management Ass. Crop rotation; farm management. Boss, Benjamin, Dudley Observatory, Albany, N. Y. *Astronomy. Albany, Jan. 9, 80. A.B, Harvard, 01. Asst, Dudley Observatory, 01-05; U. S. Naval Observatory, 05-06, in charge, U. S. Naval Observatory, Tutuila, Samoa, 06-08; see’y, dept. meridian astronomy, Carnegie Insti- tution, 08-12, acting director, 12-15, director, 15-; director, Dudley Observatory, Albany, N. Y, 12— Mem. total solar eclipse exped, 08; ed, ‘Astron. Jour,’ 12— Astron. Soe. (treas). Ob- servations of Neweomb’s fundamental stars at Tutuila, Samoa; the proper motions of stars. Bostwick, Dr. Arthur E(lmore), Publie Library, St. Louis, Mo. Physics. Litchfield, Conn, March 8, 60. A.B, Yale, 81, Ph.D, 83, fellow, 81-84. Proctor and instr, Yale, 83-84; instr, high sch, Montclair, 84-86; asst. ed, ‘The Forum,’ 90-92; assoc. ed, ‘Standard Dict,’ 92— 95; science ed, ‘Literary Digest,’ 94-; librarian, N. Y. Free Cire. Library, 95-99; Brooklyn Pub. Library, 99-01; chief, circ. dept, N. Y. Pub. Library, 01-09; librarian, St. Lowis Pub. Li- brary, 09— Annual summary of progress in physies, ‘Appleton’s Annual Cyclopedia.’ Li- brary Ass. (pres, 07); Library Inst. (pres, 09) ; Conn. Acad; St. Louis Acad. Influence of light on conductivity of metals; absorption spectra of liquids. Boswell, Prof. Foster P(artridge), Hobart Col- lege, Geneva, N. Y. Psychology. Rochester, N. Y, Feb. 14, 79. A.B, Hobart, 01; A.M, Harvard, 02, Ph.D, 04. Asst. philos, Harvard, 03-04; psychol, Wisconsin, 04-05; Missouri, 05-06; voluntary asst, Berlin, 07; asst. prof. psychol, Hobart, 08— A.A; Psychol. Ass. Psychology and physiology of vision; after-images and con- trast phenomena; action of various stimuli on Protozoa. Boswell, Prof. M(aitland) C(rease), University of Toronto, Toronto, Can. Chemistry. Canning- ton, Ont, May 24, 79. B.A.Se, Toronto, 02, Ph.D, 07; A.M, Harvard, 06. Asst. analyst, Toronto, 02-03; asst. chem, Cornell, 03-04; demonstrator, Toronto, 06-08, lecturer, 08-12, prof, 12- A.A; Chem. Soc; Soc. Chem. Indust; Can. Inst. Organie compounds; mechanism of reactions; gas reactions in plants. Bosworth, Alfred W(illson), 36 Avalon Road, W. Roxbury, Mass. Biochemistry. Warren, R. I, Feb. 1, 79. B.S, R. I. Col, 99; Yale; A.M, Harvard, 138. Asst. chem, R. I. Exp, Sta, 99-04; expert, U. 8S. Dept. Agr, 04-05; asst. and assoc. chemist, N. Y. Exp. Sta, Geneva, 05-16; di- rector, research laboratories, Boston Floating Hosp, 16—; research fellow pediat, Harvard Med. Sch, 17- Asst. biol. chem, Harvard Med. Sch, 12-13. A.A; Chem. Soe. Milk; infant metab- olism. Bosworth, Dr. R(owland) S(herwood), Vermont Ave, White Plains, N. Y. Chemistry. Provi- dence, R. I, Sept. 11, 87. A.B, Yale, 08, A.M, 09, Ph.D, 11. Chem. Soc. Analytical and phys- ical chemistry; determination of silver; reaction velocity. Boutwell, AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Bottomley, Dr. John T(aylor), 165 Beacon St, Boston, Mass. Surgery. Lee, Mass, Sept. 24, 69. A.B, Col. Holy Cross, 89, LL.D, 16; M.D, Harvard, 94. Surgeon-in-chief, Carney Hosp, Boston, 11- Assoe. surg, Harvard Med. Sch. Ass. Surg; Soe. Clin. Surg; Col. Surg. Bouchard, Prof. Georges, Ecole d’Agriculture, Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatiére, Que, Can. Plant pathology, Entomology. St. Philippe de Néri, Que, April 22, 89. B.A. Prof. Ecole d’Agr, Que, 14-19, official agronomist, 19— Can. Phyto- path. Soe; Que. Protection Plants Soe. (direc- tor). Potato diseases. Boudreau, Dr. Frank G(eorge), Ohio State De- partment of Health, Columbus, Ohio. Medicine. New Glasgow, Que, July 18, 86. M.D, C.M, Me- Gill, 10. Intern, Royal Victoria Hosp, Montreal, 10; pathologist, Charity Hosp, Cleveland, 11; epidemiologist, Ohio State Board of Health, 11-, director, div. communicable diseases, 13- Instr. pub. health and sanit. and asst. physical diagnosis, Ohio State, 15-16; assoc. ed, ‘Ohio Pub. Health Jour,’ 13-16. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Pub. Health Ass; Columbus Acad. Med. Epi- demiology; acute poliomyelitis; typhoid fever; pathology. Bouton, Dr. Charles L(eonard), 9 Avon St, Cam- bridge, Mass. “Mathematics. St. Louis, Mo, April 25, 69. M.S, Washington (St. Louis), 91; A.M, Harvard, 96; Ph.D, Leipzig, 98. Instr. math. and physies, Smith Acad, St. Louis, 91— 94; math, Washington (St. Louis), 93-94; Harvard, 98-04, asst. prof, 04-14, assoc. prof, 14— A.A; Math. Soe. (asst. ed, ‘Bul,’ 00-02, ‘Trans,’ 02-10); Am. Acad; Math. Verein. Lie’s theory of continuous groups. Boutroux, Prof. Pierre, Collége de France, Paris, France. Mathematics. Paris, France, Dee. 6, 80. Se.D, Paris, 03. Asst. prof. math, Mont- pellier, 06-10; prof, Poitiers, 10-13; Prineeton, 13-20; hist. of science, Col. de France, 20- Grand prize, Paris Acad, 12. Math. Soe; Soe. math. de France. Theory of functions and dif- ferential equations. J(ohn) M(ason), National Copper Bank, Salt Lake City, Utah. Geology. St. Louis, Mo, May 1, 74. Amherst, 93-94; A.B, Harvard, 97, B.S, 98, M.S, 99, 99-00. Asst. physiog, Har- vard, 97-00; asst. geologist, U. S. Geol. Surv, 00-04, geologist, 04-08; consulting mining geol- ogist, OS— Asst. physiog, summer sch, Harvard, 96-98; field asst, U. S. Geol. Surv, 98-99. A.A; Geol. Soe; Econ. Geol; Seismol. Soc; Min. Eng; Min. and Metal. Soc; Wash. Acad; Soc. Geog. de Lima. Geographical bibliography; physio- graphie and geologic studies in New England, Dakota, Utah and California; ore deposits in Utah, California, Arizona, Mexico and Peru; geology of ore deposits. Boutwell, Prof. P(aul) W(inslow), University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Biological chemistry. Lyndeborough, N. H, Feb. 6, 88. B.S, Beloit, 10; A.M, Wisconsin, 12, Ph.D, 16. Asst. chem, Wisconsin, 12-16; instr, Del. Col, 16-17; agr. chem, Wisconsin, 17-18, asst. prof, 18- A.A; Chem. Soc. Vitamins; phytie acid of the wheat kernel. Bovaird, Dr. David, 32 E. 64th St, New York, N: Y. Medicine. Coulterville, Pa, Sept. 28, 67. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 5) A.B, Princeton, 89; M.D, Columbia, 92. Tutor med, Columbia, 01-08, assoc, 08-10, asst. prof. clin. med, 10— Visiting physician, Seaside Hosp, N. Y, 99-13; N. Y. City Hospitals for Children, Randall’s Island, 02-05; assoe. and visiting physician, Presb. Hosp, N. Y, 03- Of- ficier de 1’Instruction Pub, 19. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; N. Y. Path. Soc; N. Y. Acad. Med. Spleno- megaly; tuberculosis in children; trichinosis in man; pernicious anemia. Bovard, Prof. John F(reeman), University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. Zoology. Los Angeles, Calif, 81. B.S, California, 03, M.S, 06, Ph.D, 17. Instr. zool, Oregon, 03-08, asst. prof. biol, 08-10, prof. zool, 10-, dean sch. physical educ. Asst. histol. and embryol, California, 03; re- search asst, San Diego Marine Biol. Lab, 03, 04, 05; investigator, U. S. Bur. Fisheries, 10; prot zool, Washington (Seattle), summers, 17, 18. A.A; West. Soc. Nat. (v. pres, 16, pres, 17). Nervous system and locomotion in invertebrates. Bovard, Dr. W(illiam) M(iller), 4422 Dexter St, Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pa. Physical chem- istry. Philadelphia, April 23, 92. B.S, Penn- sylvania, 13; M.S, Princeton, 15, Se.D, 17. Chem. engineer and supt, Taylor Logan Co, 17; chief chemist, Emerson Lab, Springfield, Mass, 19; manager, tech. service, Package Paper and Supply Corp, 20— In charge paper development, C.W.S, U.S.A, 18. Chem. Soe; Ass. Pulp and Paper Indust. Chemical engineering; electro- chemistry of silver; paper making. Bovie, Dr. W(illiam) T, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. Biophysics. Augusta, Mich, Sept. 11, 82. A.B, Michigan, 08; fellow, Mis- souri, 08-10, A.M, 10; Ph.D, Harvard, 14. Asst. biol, Albion, 02-04; prof. geol. and biol, Antioch, 06-07; research fellow, Cancer Com- mission, Harvard, 14-, instr. bacter, Harvard Med. Sch, asst. prof. biophysics, Harvard, 20- A.A; Soe. Nat; Bot. Soc; Physiol. Soc; Phys- ical Soe; Soc. Cancer Research; Chem. Soe; Soc. Trop. Med; Am. Acad. Biological effects of rays. Boving, Dr. Adam G(iede), U. S. National Mu- seum, Washington, D. C. Lntomology. Siiby, Denmark, July 31, 69. A.B, Copenhagen, 89, M.S, 94, Ph.D, 06; Berlin, Paris, Vimereux, London, Cambridge, 08; London, Holland, Vienna, 09. Asst. curator, entom. div, zool. museum, Copenhagen, 02-14; expert, bur. entom, U. 8S. Dept. Agr, 13- Mem. govt. exped. to Teeland, 08. A.A; Entom. Soe; Wash. Biol. Soc; Wash. Entom. Soc; Copenhagen Entom. Soe; Copenhagen Nat. Hist. Soc; Stockholm Entom. Soe. Insect morphology; immature stages of insects, especially Coleopterous larvae. Bowden, Prof. Joseph, 24 Clifton Place, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Mathematics. St. Day, England, Feb. 10, 69... A.B, Yale, 91; Ph.D, 97. Asst. math, Sheffield Sci. Sch, Yale, 92-98, tutor, Yale, 93-97; asst. prof. math, Adelphi, 98-99, prof, 99- Math. Soe; Math. Ass; Brooklyn Inst. (pres, math. dept, 01-08, 07-16). Ele- ments of the theory of integers; electromagnetic theory of light; elementary theory of numbers. Bowditch, Charles P(ickering), 111 Devonshire St, Boston, Mass. Archeology. Boston, Sept. 30, 42. A.B, Harvard, 63, A.M, 66. Mem. fac- ulty, Peabody Museum, Harvard. A.A; Archeol. Inst; Antiq. Soe; Anthrop. Ass; fel. Ethnol. Soc; Am. Acad. (pres, 17-19); Am. Geog. Soc; New Eng. Hist. Geneal. Soc; Boston Soe. Nat. Hist; Int. Soe. Americanists; Paris Soe. des Américanistes. Mexican and Maya codices and inscriptions; Maya numeration, calendar and astronomy, Bowen, Charles F, 26 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Geology. Idaho, 71. A.M, Wisconsin, 03. Geologist, U. S. Geol. Surv, 10-19; Standard Oil Co, 19— Geol. Soe. Oil geology. Bowen, Prof. John T(empleton), 14 Marlborough St, Boston, Mass. Dermatology. Boston, July So) 002, ALB pelarvards.79, MCD O84.) olnstn dermat, Harvard, 96-02, asst. prof, 02-07, Edward Wigglesworth prof, 07-12, emer. prof, 12— Physician diseases of the skin, Mass. Gen. Hosp, 08-14; consulting physician, 14- Dermat. Ass; Boston Soe. Med. Improv. Bowen, Prof. N(orman) L(evi), Queen’s Univer- sity, Kingston, Ont, Can. Geology. Kingston, Can, June 21, 87. M.A, Queen’s (Can), 07, B.Se, 09; 1851 Exhibition scholar, 10-11; Ph.D, Mass. Inst. Tech, 12. Geol. field investigator, Ont. Bur. Mines, 07-10; Can. Geol. Surv, 11— 12; asst. petrologist, geophys. lab, Carnegie In- stitution, 12-19; prof. miner, Queen’s (Can), 19— A.A; Geol. Soc; Wash. Geol. Soe. Geol- ogy of Ontario and British Columbia; experi- mental petrology and mineralogy. Bowers, Dr. W(illiam) G(ray), 1001 12th St, Greeley, Colo. Chemistry. Near Franklin, W. Va, June 16, 79. B.S, Ohio Wesleyan, 05; A.M, Indiana, 11; Ph.D, Ohio State, 19. Teacher, pub. schools, W. Va, 95-99; asst. biol, Ohio Wesleyan, 05; principal, high sch, Aspen, Colo, 06-07; Leesburg, Ohio, 07-08; teacher chem, State Nor. and Indust. Sch, N. Dak, 08-18; prof. food and sanit. chem, N. Dak, Col, and state food chemist, 18— Teacher science, State Nor. Sch, Muncie, Ind, summer, 08; v. pres, State Nor. and Indust. Sch, N. Dak. Chem. Soe; N. Dak. Soe. Adv. Sei. Food chemistry ; nutrition; soy beans in the human diet; fruit extraet analysis; storage batteries. Bowes, Dr. Orlando Curtin, 220 Frazier St, State College, Pa. Animal nutrition. B.S, Pa. State, 09; A.M, Columbia, 14, Ph.D, 16; M.D.V, MeKillip Vet. Col, 18. A.A; Chem. Soc. Milk secretion. Bowie, E(dward) H(all),. U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. Meteorology. Annapolis Junetion, Md, March 29, 74. M.S, St. John’s (Md). Asst. observer and . supervising fore- caster, U. S. Weather Bur, 91- Major, Sig. C, A.E.F, 17-18. Meteorol. Soc; fel. Royal Me- teorol. Soc. Weather forecasting; storms of the United States and West Indies. Bowie, Dr. William, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. Geodesy. Annapolis Junetion, Md, May 6, 72. B.S, Trinity (Conn), 93, hon. A.M, 07, Se.D, 19; C.E, Lehigh, 95. Recorder and aid, U. S. Coast and Geod. Surv, 95-98, asst, 99-09, inspector geod. and chief, computing div, 09-15, chief, div. geod, 15-, hy- drographic and geodetic engineer, 17- In 76 charge practical astron. and geod. surveying, Columbia, summers, 12-17; delegate, Int. Geod. Ass. Conf, Hamburg, 12, U. 8. delegate, perma- nent commission, 16; Int. Research Council, Brussels, 19; Pan-Pacifie Sci. Conf, Honolulu, 20; pres, geodet. sect, Int. Geophys. Union, 19-; chairman, Geophys. Union, 19, geodet. sect, 19-; mem, div. of physical science, foreign and govt. relations, Nat. Research Council. Major, corps engineers, 18-19. A.A; Geol. Soc; Ass. Geog; Astron. Soe; Am. Geog. Soe; Civil Eng; Wash. Philos. Soc. (v. pres, 16); Wash. Soc. Eng; Wash. Acad. Astronomy applied to coast and geodetic surveys; base line measurements; tri- angulation; precise leveling; gravity; isostacy; figure of earth. Bowles, F(rancis) T(iffany), 148 Marlborough St, Boston, Mass. Naval architecture. Springfield, Mass, Oct. 7, 58. Grad, U. S. Naval Acad, 79; Royal Naval Col, England, 79-82. Asst. naval constructor, U.S.N, 81-88, naval constructor, 88-01, chief constructor, 01-03; pres, Fore River Ship Building Co, 03-15; asst. gen. manager, U. S. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corps, 17— 19. Naval Archit. and Marine Eng. (past pres); Am. Acad; London Inst. Naval Archit. Bowles, Oliver, R. F. D. 2, Alexandria, Va. Min- eralogy, Geology. Ontario, Can, Jan. 10, 77. B.A, Toronto, 07, fellow, 07-08, M.A, 08. Instr. petrog, Michigan, 08-09; geol. and miner, Min- nesota, 09-14; quarry technologist, Bur. Mines, 14-17, mineral technologist, 17— A.A; Min. and Metal. Eng. Structural and ornamental stones of Minnesota; quarrying of marble, sandstone, cement materials and slate. Bowman, Prof. Albert E(lijah), University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. Agriculture. West Weber, Utah. B.S, Utah Col. Asst. agronomist, Utah Col, 11-13; asst. state leader farm man- agement, Wyoming, 13-14, director, exten. serv- ice, agr. col, 14- Soc. Agron; Farm Manage- ment Ass; Ass. West. Agr. Colleges. Farm surveys. Bowman, Prof. H(oward) H(iestand) M(innich), Toledo University, Toledo, Ohio. Biology. Lan- easter, Pa, Nov. 3, 86. Ph.B, Franklin and Marshall, 13, M.S, 14; Ph.D, Pennsylvania, 17. Instr. bot, Franklin and Marshall, 14-15; asst. prof, Pennsylvania, 15-17; prof. biol, Heidel- berg (Ohio), 17-18; prof. and head of dept, Toledo, 19— Research assoc, sta. for exp. evo- lution and dept. marine biol, Carnegie Institu- tion; with M. C, 18-19. A.A; Bot. Soc; Ecol. Soe. Physiological botany; mangroves; sea- grasses; botanical ecology of the Tortugas. Bowman, Dr. Isaiah, American Geographical So- ciety, Broadway at 156th St, New York, N. Y. *Geography. Waterloo, Can, Dec. 26, 78. B.S, Harvard, 05; Ph.D, Yale, 09. Instr. geog, State Nor. Col, Ypsilanti, Mich, 02-03; asst. physiog, Harvard, 04-05; instr. geog, Yale, 05-09, asst. prof, 09-15; director and ed, ‘Am. Geog. Soe,’ 15— Leader, Yale exped. to S. Am, 07; geog- rapher and geologist, Yale exped. to Peru, 11; leader, Am. Geog. Soe. exped. to Cent. Andes, 13 ; chief territorial adviser, Am. Commission to Ne- gotiate Peace, 19. Gold medal, Paris Geog. Soe, 17. Ass. Geog; Am. Acad; Explorers Club (see’y, 17); cor. mem, Am. Hispan. Soe; Geog. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Societies of Stockholm, Vienna and London. Physiography; regional geography; regional geography of South America. Bown, Dr. Ralph, 195 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Physics. Fairport, N. Y, Feb. 22,91. M.E, Cornell, 13, M.M.E,15, Ph.D, 17. Instr. physics, Cornell, 13-17; engineer, Am. Telephone and Telegraph Co, 19— Capt, Sig. C, 17-19. Phys- ical Soc. Development and use of vacuum tubes or audions. Bownocker, Prof. J(ohn) A(dams), 185 15th Ave, Columbus, Ohio. Geology. St. Paul, Ohio, March 11, 65. B.S, Ohio State, 89, Se.D, 97; fellow, Chicago, 92-94; Yale, 94-95. Principal, high sch, Martins Ferry, Ohio, 89-92; asst. geol, Ohio State, 95-98, asst. prof, 98-99, assoe. prof. inorg. geol, 99-01, prof, 01-18, geol, 18- Cu- rator, museum, Ohio State, 00-17; asst. geolo- gist, Ohio Geol. Surv, 92; N. J. Geol. Surv, 93; asst. geologist, Ohio, 00-06, state geologist, 06- A.A; Geol. Soc; Nat. Gas Ass; Ohio Acad. Drainage modifications in Ohio; the oil and gas, salt and coal of Ohio; building stones of Ohio; economic geology of non-metals; moulding sands. Boyce, Dr. J(ohn) S(haw), New Post Office Build- ing, Portland, Oregon. Forestry. Belfast, Ire- land, Nov. 9, 89. B.S, Nebraska, 11, M.F, 12; Ph.D, Stanford, 17. Forest asst, U. 8. Forest Service, 11-12; scientific asst. and asst. patholo- gist, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 13-20, pathologist, office forest path, 20—- A.A; Phyto- path. Soe; Soc. Am. Foresters. Pathology of forest trees. Boyd, Prof. James E(llsworth), Ohio State Uni- versity, Columbus, Ohio. Mechanics, Physics. Near Stovertown, Ohio, Nov. 6, 63. B.S, Ohio State, 91; M.S, Cornell, 96. Asst. physics, Ohio State, 91-95, asst. prof, 96-01, assoc. prof. math, 01-06, prof. mech, 06- Asst. to judges in elec, Columbian Expos, 93; asst, Bur. Standards, summer, 17. A.A; Eng. Edue; Mech. Eng. Alternating currents; resistance of the human body; timing shutters; water jets; acceleration -apparatus; flow in pipes; reinforced concrete; secondary stresses in bridges; elasticity of por- eelain; struts. Boyd, Prof. Mark F(rederick), University of Texas, Galveston, Tex. Medicine. St. Paul, Minn, May 21, 89. M.D, Iowa, 11, MS, 18; Folsom fellow, Harvard, 13-14; C.P.H, Harvard and Mass. Inst. Tech, 14. Assoc. prof. bacter, Nevada, 14-15; prev. med, Iowa, 15-17; prof. bacter. and prev. med, Texas, 17—- Mem. State Board of Health, Nev, 14-15; epidemiologist, Towa, 15-17; visiting bacteriologist, Sealy Hosp, 17- A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Pub. Health Ass; Soe. Bact; Soe. Trop. Med. Epidemiology of typhoid fever and leprosy; trichomonas infee- tion; pathology of rabies; Fasciola hepatica; practical preventive medicine. Boyd, Dean Paul P(rentice), University of Ken- tucky, Lexington, Ky. Mathematics. Cameron, W. Va, Feb. 26, 77. A.B, Oberlin, 98; A.M, Cornell, 05, fellow, 05-06, Ph.D, 11. Prof. math. and astron, Park, 03-04; math, Hanover, 06-12: Kentucky, 12-, head of dept, 13-, dean, col. arts and sciences, 17- Acting pres, Ken- tucky, 17. A.A; Math. Ass; Math. Soc; Ky. Pn gt — AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 7 Acad. (mem. exec. committee, 14, treas, 16-18, (v. pres, 18-20, pres, 20). Geometric transfor- mations. Boyden, Prof. Edward A(llen), 61 Clark St, New- ton Center, Mass. Embryology. Bridgewater, Mass, March 20, 86. A.B, Harvard, 09, A.M, 11, Ph.D, 16; Freiburg, 11-12. Asst. zool, Harvard, 08-11, teaching fellow histol. and embryol, Har- vard Med. Sch, 12-16, instr. comp. anat, 16-19, asst. prof, 19- A.A; Ass. Anat; Soe. Zool. Vestigial gill filaments in Sauropsida; anatomy of five-day chick; cloacal fenestra in bird em- bryos. Boyer, Charles S(umner), 6140 Columbia Ave, Philadelphia, Pa. Botany. Philadelphia, Sept. 23, 56. A.B, Brown, 79, A.M, 85. A.A; Bot. Soc; Micros. Soe; Phila. Acad. (recorder, biol. and micros. sect, 00-); Royal Micros. Soe. Diatomaceae. Boyle, Prof. A(Ibert) C(larence), Jr, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. Mining engineer- ing, Geology. Salt Lake Co, Utah, March, 80. A.B, Utah, 02, B.S, 06; Cornell, 05-06; A.M, Columbia, 10, Ph.D, 13. Instr. physics, Utah, 97-01, mech. arts, 00-07; asst. instr. geol, Columbia, 07-10; prof. mining eng. and geol, Wyoming, 10-16, mining metal. and econ. geol, 16— Instr. miner. and petrog, Columbia, sum- mer, 13; consulting geologist, U. P. Ry. Co, 18- 20, geologist, 20-; state assayer, Wyo, 10- Min. and Metal. Eng; Eng. Educ; Am. Geog. Soc. Metallurgy; preparation of thin sections of rocks, minerals and ores; forced cupellation; extraction of K.O from leucite. Boyle, Prof. R(obert) W(illiam), University of Alberta, Edmonton, Can. Physics. Carbonear, Newfoundland, Oct. 2, 83. St. John’s (New- foundland); B.Se, McGill, 05, M.Sc, 06, Ph.D, 09; 1851 Science Research scholar, 09. Demon- strator physics, MeGill, 05-07, senior demon- strator and special lecturer math, 07-09; re- search radioctivity, Manchester, 09-11; lecturer, physics, MeGill, 11, asst. prof, 12; prof, Alberta, 12—- Research, antisubmarine div, British Ad- miralty Board Inventions and Research, Eng- land, 16-19. Physical Soc. Properties of mat- ter; adsorption; solution; volatilization of radioactive emanations. © Boylston, A(rthur) C(larence), 3600 N. Second St, St. Louis, Mo. Chemistry. Milton, Mass, June 23, 82. A.B, Harvard, 03, A.M, 06. Austin teaching fellow, Harvard, 06-08; chemist and supt, Mallinckrodt Chem. Works, 08— A.A; Chem. Soe. (chairman, St. Louis sect, 17, 18) ; Chem. Eng. Physical chemistry; pharmacology. Boynton, Dr. H(enry) C(ook), 935 Carteret Ave, Trenton, N. J. Metallurgy. Willsborough, N. Y, April 16, 74. A.B, Harvard, 00, Austin fel- low, 00-03, M.S, 01, Se.D, 04; Carnegie research scholar, British Iron and Steel Inst, 05-06, 07- 08. Asst. to dean of grad. sch, Harvard, 94-96, instr. metal. and metallog, 03-06; metallurgist, J. A. Roebling’s Sons Co, 06- Min. Eng; Soe. Test. Mat; British Iron and Steel Inst. Metal- lography; a definite hardness for the micro- constituents of iron and steel; high strength wire for aeroplane stays, balloon eables and mine anchors. Boynton, Prof. W(illiam) P(ingry), 267 11th Ave, E, Eugene, Oregon. *Physics. Weathersfield, Vt, Oct. 28, 67. A.B, Dartmouth, 90, A.M, 93; fellow, Clark, 95-97, Ph.D, 97. Asst. physics, Dartmouth, 88-90; prof, South. California, 90— 93; asst, Dartmouth, 93-94; instr, California, 97-01; asst. prof, Oregon, 03-06, prof, O6- A.A; Physical Soe. The high frequency induc- tion coil; thermodynamic potentials; measure- ment of high oscillatory potentials. Bozell, Prof, Harold Veatch, 429 Edgewood Ave, New Haven,Conn. Electrical engineering. Beloit, Kans, May 31, 86. B.S, Kansas, 08, E.E, 15. Asst. prof. elec. eng, Oklahoma, 08—09, assoc. prof, 09-11, prof, 11-16; asst. prof, Yale, 16- Ed, ‘Elec. Ry. Jour,’ 20- Elec. Eng; Eng. Edue; Illum. Eng. Soe. Bracken, Dr. H(enry) M(artyn), 1010 Fourth St, S. E, Minneapolis, Minn. Medicine. Nobles- town, Pa, Feb. 27, 54. M.D, Columbia, 77; L.R.C.S, Edinburgh, 79. Prof. mat. medica and therapeut, Minnesota, 88-07, prev. med, 07-09; sec’y and exee. officer, Minn. State Board of Health, 97-19; surgeon (reserve), district ten, U. S. Pub. Health Service, 19- A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Climat. Ass. Materia medica; therapeu- tics; smallpox; typhoid fever; tuberculosis; leprosy. Brackett, Dr. B(yron) B(riggs), South Dakota Agricultural College, Brookings, S. Dak. Hlec- trical engineering, Physics. Ira, N. Y, Aug. 13, 65. A.B, Syracuse, 90, A.M, 93; Ph.D, Hopkins, 97. Teacher math, Dickinson Sem, Williams- port, 90-92; col. dept, Adelphi Acad, 92-93; student asst, elec. dept, Hopkins, 94-97; teacher elec. eng, Union, 97-98; physics, high sch, Washington, D. C, 98-00; engineer, Rowland Telegraph Co, 00-01; instr. elec. science, Rut- gers, 01-03; prof. physics and elec. eng, Clark- son Mem. Sch. Tech, 03-09; elec. eng, S. Dak. Col, 09— Inspector torpedo cable, eng. dept, U.S.A, 98; assoe, Naval Consulting Board. A.A; Elec. Eng; Eng. Edue; 8. Dak. Eng. Soe. (v. pres). Magnetic stresses; laboratory meth- ods and instruments. Brackett, Prof. F(rank) P(arkhurst), Claremont, Calif. Astronomy. Provincetown, Mass, June 16, 65. A.B, Dartmouth, 87, A.M, 90; hon. fel- low, Clark, 02-03. Instr. math, Pomona, 88-90, prof, 90-, director, observatory, 08- Lecturer math, California, summer, 10; mem. astron. exped. to Algeria, 11; Smithsonian exped. to Calif, 13- A.A; Math. Soc; Astron. Soc; Pa- cific Astron. Soc; S. Calif. Acad; Royal Astron. Soe. Can. Comets and meteors; solar spectros- copy. Brackett, Dr. R(ichard) N(ewman), Clemson Col- lege, S. C. Chemistry, Mineralogy. Near Columbia, S. C, Sept. 14, 63. A.B, Davidson, 83; Ph.D, Hopkins, 87. Chemist, Ark. Geol. Surv, 87-91; asst. chemist, 8S. C. Exp. Sta, 91- 07; assoc. prof. chem, Clemson, 91-10, prof. and director of dept, 10-; state chemist, S. C, 10- A.A; Chem. Soc; Agr. Chem. (past pres). Ethers of benzoic sulphinid; preparation of orthosulphobenzoie acid; peridotite of Pike County, Ark; newtonite and reectorite; phos- phorie acid in mixed fertilizers; lint in cotton- seed meal. . 78 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Bradbury, Dr. Robert H(art), 2100 Shunk St, Philadelphia, Pa. Chemistry. Philadelphia, Sept. 25, 70. Ph.D, Pennsylvania, 93. Asst. chemist, Cambria Iron Co, 90-91; chemist, S. P. Wetherill Paint Co, 91-92; prof. chem, Cent. Manual Training Sch, Phila, 93-07; head, dept. science, South. High Sch, 07— Lecturer physical chem, Pennsylvania, 94-95. Chem. Soc; Franklin Inst; Chem. Gesell. Inductive chemistry; molybdie and tungstie acids. Bradford, Prof. C(larence) G(rary), Oakland, Calif. Psychology. Pine Bluff, Ark, Sept. 15, 81. A.B, Arkansas, 11, Pd.M, 13; Ph.D, N. Y. Univ, 14. Supervisor, training sch, E. Cent. State Nor. Sch, Okla, 14-17, prof. psychol, 17- 20. Psychol. Ass. Experimental psychology; habit formation; lough association tests. Bradford, Dt. Edward H(ickling), 133 Newbury St, Boston, Mass. Surgery. Boston, June 9, 48. A.B, Harvard, 69, M.D, 72. Surgeon, Children’s Hosp, 80; Boston City Hosp, 83; instr. clin. surg, Harvard Med. Sch, 85-93, asst. prof. orthop. surg, 93-04, prof, 04-12, emer. prof, 12- Trustee, Mass. Hosp. Sch. for Crippled Children; Boston Ear and. Eye Infirmary. Surg. Ass; Orthop. Ass; Am. Med. Ass; Am, Acad. Human deformities. : Bradford, Prof. Robert H(enry), University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Metallurgy. Salt Lake City, Dee. 10, 71. B.S, Utah, 95; Chicago, summers, 95, 96; fellow, Columbia, 00-02, Ph.D, 02. Instr. physics, Utah, 95-96, miner. and metal, 96-98, asst. prof, 98-03, prof. metal, 03- Min. Eng. Reactions of the Ziervogel process and their temperature limits; effect of heat treatment on carbon steel; determinations of silver in hard lead. Bradley, Prof. C(harles) E(dward), Research Laboratories, United States Rubber Co, New York, N. Y. Chemistry. Galesburg, Ill, Feb. 22, 74. M.S, Pacifie (Oregon), 99; Chicago, 01; California, 06. Prof. chem, Pacific (Oregon), 00-06; chemist, Oregon Exp. Sta, 06-10; re- search chemist, Rubber Regenerating Co, 11-13; chemist, Mishawaka Woolen Mfg. Co, 13-17; di- rector research laboratories, U. S. Rubber Co, 17- A.A; Chem. Soc. Soils; waters; hops; the reac- tion of lime upon some Oregon soils; the compo- sition of lime-sulphur spray mixture. Bradley, Charles S(chenck), 39 W. 38th St, New York, N. Y. *Electricity, Chemistry. Vietor, N. Y, April 12, 53. Special course in chem, Rochester. Elec. engineer, Edison Illuminating Co, 81-84; practising electrician, 84—-; acting prof. chem, practise, Carnegie Tech. Schools, 06-09. A.A; Elec. Eng. Alternating current; transmission; motors; electrochemistry; fixation of nitrogen; extraction of copper from its ores. Bradley, Prof. H(arold) C(ornelius), University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Physiological chem- istry. Oakland, Calif, Nov. 25, 78. A.B, Cali- fornia, 00; Ph.D, Yale, 05. Asst. physiol. chem, Yale, 04-05, instr, med. sch, 05-06; asst. prof, Wisconsin, 06-12, assoc. prof, 13-17, prof, 17- A.A; Chem. Soc; Physiol. Soc; Soe. Biol. Chem. Physiological chemistry of Mollusca; copper and zine in a marine molluse; manganese in fresh- water mussels # human panereatie juice; lipase; specific nature of hemoglobins; autolysis and atrophy. Bradley, Prof. Harry C(yrus), Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Civil engineering, Descriptive geometry. Plaistow, N. H, July 7, 71. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 91. Fog signal experiments, U. 8. Lighthouse Dept, 93- 96; instr. descriptive geom, Mass. Inst. Tech, 97-08, asst. prof, 08-19, assoc. prof, 19- Ex- pert irrig. investigations, U. S. Dept. Agr, 01. A.A; Math. Ass. Fog signals; irrigation; graphical methods. Bradley, Dr. J(ames) Chester, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Entomology. West Chester, Pa, Feb. 11, 84. A.B, Cent. High Sch, Phila, 03; A.B, Cornell, 06, fellow, 09-10, Ph.D, 10; M.S, California, 07. Asst. entom, Cornell, 05-06; California, 06-07; Cornell, 07-09, asst. prof. syst. entom, 11-17, 18-20, prof. entom, 20-, cu- rator invert. zool, 19— Ed, ‘Entom. Student,’ 00, ed. and manager, 01; special asst. entomolo- gist, Ga, 09, 10; asst. prof. entom, California, 17-18. A.A; Soc. Nat; Entom. Soe. (see’y- treas, 06-10); Am. Entom. Soe. (librarian, 03— 05); Ecol. Soe; Pacifie Coast Entom. Soe; Phila, Acad; London Entom. Soc; Soc. entom. de France; Entom. Gesell. Systematie hymen- opterology; parasitic Hymenoptera; Evaniidae of the world; North American Siricoidea; wing venation of the Hymenoptera. Bradley, Dr. W (alter) M(inor), 520 Whitney Ave, New Haven, Conn. Mineralogy. New Haven, April 14, 73. Ph.B, Yale, 99, Ph.D, 08. Asst. miner, Sheffield Sci. Sch, Yale, 04-09, instr. chem. and miner, 09- A.A; Electrochem. Soe. Bradley, Prof. W(alter) P(arke), Woodbine, N. J. Chemistry. Lee, Mass, July 7, 62. A.B, Williams, 84; Ph.D, Géttingen, 89; Se.D, Wes- leyan, 14. Asst. chem, Williams, 86-88; instr, Wesleyan, 89-90, assoc. prof, 90-93, prof, 93- 14; director, gen. laboratories, U. S. Rubber Co, 12-13, research chemist, 14-19; pres, Bradstone Rubber Co, 19- A.A; Chem. Soe. Organic chemistry; critical constants of liquids; theory of liquid air production; chemistry of low tem- peratures. ; Bradshaw, Dr. Hamilton, 1101 Nottingham Road, Wilmington, Del. Chemistry. DeKalb, Ill, Dee. 31, 81. A.B, Beloit, 02; Ph.D, Hopkins, 05. Research chemist, east. lab, FE. I. duPont de Nemours and Co, 05-12, asst. director, exp. sta, 13-15, director, 16- Chem. Soe; Electrochem. Soc; Soc. Chem. Indust; Franklin Inst. Bradshaw, Prof. John W(illiam), 1304 Cambridge St, Ann Arbor, Mich. Mathematics. Batavia, Ill, June 14, 78. A.B, Michigan, 00; A.M, Har- vard, 02; Ph.D, Strasbourg, 04. Instr. math, Michigan, 04-09, asst. prof, 09-18, assoc. prof, 18—- Registrar, Michigan, 06-08. A.A; Math. Soc; Math. Ass. Differential equations of phys- ies; projective and descriptive geometry. Brady, William, 7642 Marquette Ave, Chicago, Ill. Chemistry. B.S, Purdue, 87, 88-89. Chem- ist, Ill. Steel Co, 89-93; Purdue Exp. Sta, 93- 94; chief chemist and chem. engineer, Ill. Steel Co, 00- Asst. ed, ‘Chem. Abstracts.’ A.A; Chem. Soe. (director, 13-16) ; Electrochem. Soc; Soe. Test. Mat. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 79 Bragg, Miss Laura M(ary), Charleston Museum, Charleston, 8. C. Botany. Northbridge, Mass, Oct. 9, 81. Curator, Charleston Museum, 09-20, director, 20- Ecol. Soc; Torrey Bot. Club. Rotany of South Carolina and coast region of southeastern United States exclusive of Florida. Braham, Dr. Joseph Marvin, 3402 Macomb St, Washington, D. C. Chemistry. Artesian, S. Dak, Feb. 1, 91. B.S, Idaho, 14; M.S. Illinois, 15, Ph.D, 18. Asst. chem. Illinois, 15-16; assoc. chemist, Bur. Standards, 19; research chemist, War Dept, 19- Capt, research div, C. W. S. Physical chemistry; nitrogen fixation. Brainerd, Dr. Ezra, Middlebury, Vt. Botany. St. Albans, Vt, Dec. 17, 44. A.B, Middlebury, * 64, A.M, 67; B.D, Andover Theol. Sem, 68; LL.D, Vermont, 86; Ripon, 88; D.D, Howard, 01; Se.D, Middlebury, 14. Tutor, Middlebury, 64-66, prof. rhetoric and English lit, 68-80, physics, 80-86, pres, 85-08, emer. prof, 08- Commissioner to draft a sch. law for Vt, 87. Geol. Soc; New Eng. Bot. Club; Vt. Bot. Club (pres). Geology of the Champlain Valley; bot- any of Vermont. Brainin, Dr. Clement S, 31 Astor St, Newark, N. J: Physics. New York, N. Y, April 30, 87. A.B, Columbia, 08, Barnard fellow, 08-11, Ph.D, 17. Physicist, Baker Platinum Works, 17— PhysicalSoe. X-rays; physical metallurgy. Braisted, Rear Admiral William Clarence, U.S.N, 3201 36th St, N. W, Washington, D.C. Medicine. Toledo, Ohio, Oct. 9, 64. Ph.B, Michigan, 83, LL.D, 17; M.D, Columbia, 86; Se.D, North- western, 18; F.R.C.S, Edinburgh, 19. Private practise, 88-90; asst. surgeon, U. S. Navy, 90- $3, passed asst. surgeon, 93-13, surgeon, 13, med, inspector, 13-14, surgeon gen. with rank of rear admiral, 14-20. Instr. surg, Naval Med. Sch; representative, med. dept, in Japan during Russo-Japanese war; asst. chief, bur. med. and surg, 06-12, chief, 14-; fleet surgeon, Atlantic fleet, 12-14; pres, board of directors, Columbia Hosp. for Women; board of visitors, Govt. Hosp. for Insane; mem. central committee and war re- lief board, Am. Red Cross. Decorated by Em- peror of Japan; Order of Bolivar, Venezuela. Col. Surg. (mem. board of governors); Am. Med. Ass. (pres, 19-20); Ass. Mil. Surg. Braley, Dr. S(ilas) A(lonzo), 710 Nevada St, Urbana, Ill. Chemistry. Cherokee, Iowa, Dec. 10, 89. A.B, Morningside, 13; M.S, Illinois, 15, Ph.D, 17. Instr. chem, Illinois, 17-19, assoc, 19-20, asst. prof, Z0- A.A; Chem. Soe. Hetero- geneous equilibria between aqueous and metal- lie solutions; transference in amalgams and mixed salt solutions. Braman, Prof. Winfred Waite, 200 W. Beaver Ave, State College, Pa. Biochemistry. Worces- ter, Mass, March 29, 74. B.S, Worcester, 97; M.S, Pa. State, 08. Asst. chem, Harvard, 97-— 00; chem. and physics, N. H. Col, 00-02; chem, Lowell Textile Sch, 02-03; asst, instr. and later asst. prof. animal nutrition, Pa. State, 03- A.A; Chem. Soe. Animal nutrition; carbon balance. Bramble, Prof, Cha(rle)s C(linton), U. S. Naval Aeademy, Annapolis, Md. Mathematics. Cen- treville, Md, Aug. 17, 90. Ph.B, Dickinson, 12, A.M, 13; fellow, Hopkins, 16-17, Ph.D, 17. Instr. Montclair Acad, 12-13; lecturer math, Bryn Mawr, 15-16; instr, U. S. Naval Acad, 17- 19, asst. prof, post-grad. sch, 19- Math. Soc; Math. Ass. Geometry; finite groups. Branch, Prof. Gerald E(yre) K(irkwood), Uni- versity of California, Berkeley, Calif. Chemis- try. St. Kitts, W. I, April 16, 86. B.Se, Liver- pool, 11; M.Se, Liverpool, 12; Ph.D, California, 15. Teaching fellow, org. chem, California, 12— 13, asst, 13-15, instr, 15-18, asst. prof, 18- Organic chemistry; theory of polarity; free en- ergy of formie acid. Brand, Charles J(ohn), 281 Union Arcade, Pitts- burgh, Pa. Botany. Lae-qui-Parle Co, Minn, Oct. 24, 79. A.B, Minnesota, 02. Asst. curator, dept. bot, Field Museum Nat. Hist, 02-04; asst. physiologist, U. S. Dept. Agr, 04-06, physiolo- gist, 07-13, chief, bur. markets, 13-19; v. pres. and gen. manager, Am. Fruit Growers, Inc, 19-, director various affiliated companies. Mem. Committee Southwest. Cotton Culture, 12-18; delegate, Pan-Am. Financial Conf, 15, 19; Pan- Am. Scientific Cong, 15-16; chairman committee cotton distribution, W. I. B. Wash. Acad; Refrig. Eng. Agricultural economies; horticul- ture; business economies. Brand, Prof. Louis, 266 Dorchester Ave, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Mathematics. Cincinnati, Sept. 27, 85. Ch.E, Cincinnati, 07, E.E, 08, A.M, 09; Ph.D, Harvard, 19. Instr. math, Cincinnati, 07- 09, asst. prof. and later assoc. prof, 11-19, prof, 19— Math. Soe. Linear equations with an in- finite number of variables; integral equations; dynamics. Brandegee, Townshend Stith, 2112 Addison St, Berkeley, Calif. Botany. Conn, 43. Ph.B, Yale, 70. Hon. curator herbarium, California. A.A; Bot. Soc; Calif. Acad. Flora of Mexico. Brandel, Prof. I(rvin) W(alter), 435 Foulds Ave, Alton, Ill. Chemistry. Sauk City, Wis, Sept. 25, 77. Ph.G, Wisconsin, 99, fellow, 99-02, B.S, 01, M.S, 02, Ph.D, 06. Instr. pharm, Wisconsin, 02-05; asst. prof, Washington (Seattle), 05-09; chemical engineer, 09-14; Midland Chem. Co, 14-17;gen. manager, Cons. Chem. Products Co, 17— Expert for sub-committee on volatile oils, U. S. Pharm. Revision Committee; assoc. ed, ‘ Midland Drug. and Pharm. Rev.’ Chem. Soc; Ass. Agr. Chem. (collaborator); Wis. Acad. Organic and plant chemistry; volatile oils; plant pigments; balance; percolation; coniferous oils; industrial application of various products of the northwest. Brandenburg, Prof. G(eorge) C(linton), Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Psychology. Volga, Iowa, Dee. 2, 78. Ph.B, Drake, 10; A.M, Colo- rado, 14; fellow, Wisconsin, 14-15, Ph.D, 15. Inst. educ. psychol, Purdue, 16-17, asst. prof, 17-18, assoc. prof, 18-20, prof, 20- Director, summer nor. sch, Winona Lake, Ind, 20—- Ap- plied psychology; child development; trade tests; correlation of mental traits. Brandes, Dr. Elmer Walker, 3937 Legation St, N. W, Washington, D. C. Plant pathology. Washington, D. C, July 15, 91. B.S, Mich. Agr. Col, 18, M.S, 15; Ph.D, Michigan, 19. Plant pathologist, P. R. Exp. Sta, 15-16; instr. bot, 80 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Michigan, 17-18; sugar plant investigator, bur. plant indust, U. 8S. Dept. Agr, 19— Asst, Mich. Exp. Sta. A.A; Phytopath. Soc. Diseases of tropical plants. Brann, Dr. Albert, 220 Springdale Ave, East Orange, N. J. Chemistry. Kent, England, March 14, 86. A.B, Wisconsin, 14, A.M, 16, Ph.D, 18. Instr. chem, Wisconsin, 14-18; re- search chemist, Westinghouse Lamp Co, 18- Chem. Soe; Soe. Glass Technol; Ceramic Soe. Inorganic and physical chemistry; chemicals used in incandescent lamps. - Branner, Dr. J(ohn) C(asper), Stanford Uni- versity, Calif. *Geology. New Market, Tenn, July 4, 50. B.S, Cornell, 82; Ph.D, Indiana, 85; LL.D, Arkansas, 97; Maryville, 09; California, 15; Se.D, Chieago, 16. Geologist, Imperial Geol. Surv, Brazil, 75-77; topographer, Pa. Geol. Surv, 83-85; prof. geol, Indiana, 85-91; Stan- ford, 91-15, v. pres, 99-13, pres, 13-15, pres. emer, 15— State geologist, Ark, 87-93; assoc. ed, ‘Jour. of Geol’; Hayden medal, Phila. Acad, 12. Nat. Acad; A.A. (sec’y, E, 88-89, v. pres, 90, pres, Pacific div, 16); Soc. Nat; Geol. Soc. (pres, 04, chairman, Cordilleran sect, 138); Seismol. Soc. (pres, 10-14); Min. Eng; Philos. Soc; Wash. Acad; London Geol. Soc; Soe. géol. de France; Soe. Belge de Géol; Inst. Hist. di 8. Paulo; Brazil Acad; Inst. Hist. Geog. do Brazil. Seismology; geology of California, Arkansas and Brazil. Brannon, Pres. M(elvin) A(mos), Beloit College, Beloit, Wis. Botany. Lowell, Ind, Sept. 11, 65. A.B, Wabash, 89, A.M, 90; Ph.D, Chicago, 11; LL.D, Whitman, 17. Teacher science, high sch, Fort Wayne, Ind, 90-94; prof. biol. and dean, med. col, North Dakota, 94-14; pres, Idaho, 14- 17, Beloit, 17— A.A; Soe. Nat; Bot. Soc; Bot. Cent. States; N. Dak. Acad. (pres, 10); Ind. Acad; Wis. Acad. Bransky, Dr. O(scar) Ellis), Whiting, Ind. Chemistry. Baltimore, Md, Jan. 29, 86. A.B, Hopkins, 07, Ph.D, 10. Chemist, Standard Oil Co. of Ind, 10-17, asst supt, 17- Chem. Soe. Diffusion of erude oil through fuller’s earth; refining of petroleum distillates. ‘ Branson, Prof. E(dwin) B(ayer), 301 8S. Glen- wood Ave, Columbia, Mo. Geology. Belleville, Kans, May 11, 77. A.B, A.M, Kansas, 03; fellow, Chicago, 03-05, Ph.D, 05. Instr. geol, Oberlin, 05-07, asst. prof, 07-09, prof, 09-10; prof. and chairman of dept, Missouri, 10- A.A; Paleont. Soc; Geol. Soe. Devonian, Mississip- pian and Pennsylvanian stratigraphy; geology of Missouri; Paleozoic fishes; Triassic amphib- ians. Brant, Miss Laura, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Physics. R. I, 83. A.B, Brown, 08, A.M, 09. Asst. to Dr. Barus, Brown, 08-09; asst. physics, Smith, 09-12; Barnard, 12-17, lecturer, 17-19; instr, Vassar, 19- Asst. phys- ics, Columbia, summers, 18-19. A.A; assoc. Physical Soe. Magnetic susceptibility of para- magnetic salts in solution; the softening of cold glass-hard steel in twenty years. Brasefield, Prof. Stanley Eugene, 224 Lawrence Ave, New Brunswick, N. J. Mathematics. Easton, Pa, Oct. 2, 73. C.E, Lafayette, 95, M.S, 98; fel- low, Cornell, 11-13, Ph.D, 12. Draftsman, Ma. Steel Co, 95-97; teacher math, E. Stroudsburg Nor. Sch, 97-01; instr, Mich. Agr. Col, 01-02; instr. and asst. prof, Lafayette, 02-12; asst. prof. and later prof. applied math, Rutgers, 18- Eng. Educ. Laplacian force fields; vital statis- tics of college and university professors. Bratton, Prof. W(alter) A(ndrew), 570 Boyer Ave, Walla Walla, Wash. Mathematics. Stam- ford, Vt, June 22, 74. A.B, Williams, 95; Ber- lin, 03-05. Instr. and later prof. math, Whit- man, 95- A.A; Math. Soe; Math. Ass; Eng. Educ. Number theory; pedagogy of mathe- matics. Brauer, Dr. O(scar) L(eo), Orosi, Calif. Chem- istry. Burney, Calif, June 9, 84. B.S, Califor- nia, 10, M.S, 11, Ph.D, 15. Asst. chem, Califor- nia, 10-14; teacher science, Union High Sch, Selma, Calif, 14-18; principal, Union High Sch, Orosi, Calif, 18- A.A; Chem. Soc. Cinchona, alkaloids; soils. Braun, Dr. Annette F(rances), 2702 May St, Cin- einnati, Ohio. Entomology. Cincinnati, Aug. 28, 84. A.B, Cincinnati, 06, A.M, 08, Ph.D, 11. Asst. zool, Cincinnati, 11-16. A.A; Entom. Soc; Ohio Acad. Zoology; evolution of structural eolors; Microlepidoptera; venation. Braun, Dr. E(mma) Lucy, 2702 May St, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Botany. Cincinnati, April 19, 89. A.B, Cincinnati, 10, A.M, 12, Ph.D, 14. Asst. geol, Cincinnati, 10-13, bot, 14-17, instr, 17-— Eeol. Soe. Plant ecology. Brautlecht, Prof. C(harles) A(ndrew), Orono, Maine. Chemistry. New Haven, Conn, Sept. 21, 81. Ph.B, Yale, 06, Ph.D, 12. Chemist, Conn. Exp. Sta, 06-09; asst. chem, Sheffield Sci. Sch, Yale, 10-12; instr, Calif. Inst. Tech, 12-13; prof, Florida State, 13-19; Maine, 19- A.A; Chem. Soe. Proteins; organic iodin compounds; amino acids; hydantoins; thiotyrosin; pulp and paper chemistry. Bray, Prof. A(rchie) W(ilmotte) L(eslie), 1650 S. 39th St, St. Louis, Mo. Anatomy. Sheffield, England, Aug. 7, 83. B.A, Cambridge, 09; A.M, Harvard, 18, Sheldon traveling fellow, 19. V. principal and science master, St. John’s (Newfoundland), 09-11; tutor biol, Columbia Col. (Be ©), 11-13; instr, Montana, 13-15, asst. prof, 14-17; Austin teaching fellow, Har- vard, 17-19; assoc. anat, Washington (St. Louis), 19—- A.A. Protozoology; histology; cy- tology. Bray, Dr. W(illiam) C(rowell), University of California, Berkeley, Calif. *Chemistry. Wing- ham, Ont, Sept. 2, 79. A.B, Toronto, @2, 1851 Exhibition scholar, 02-04; Ph.D, Leipzig, 05. Research assoc. physical chem, Mass. Inst. Tech, 05-10, asst. prof. physico-chem. research, 10-12; chem, California, 12-16, assoc. prof, 16-18, prof, 18— With C. W. S, 18; assoe. director, fixed nitrogen research lab, 19. A.A; Chem. Soc; Electrochem. Soc; Am. Acad. Chemical kinetics; the halogens; qualitative analysis; ioniztaion. Bray, Prof. William (L), Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. *Botany. Burnside, Il, Sept. 19, 65. Cornell, 89-91; A.B, Indiana, 93; A.M, Lake Forest, 94; Berlin, 96-07; Ph.D, Chicago, en Ee a ae ee — =e a act te oS AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 81 98. Instr. bot, Lake Forest, 94-95, adj. prof. biol, 96; instr. bot, Texas, 97, adj. prof, 98-01, assoc. prof, 02-05, prof, 05-07; Syracuse, O7-, dean, grad. sch, 18-, acting dean, N. Y. State Col. Forestry, 11-12. Field asst, U. 8. Biol. Surv, 99; collaborator, bur. forestry, U. S. Dept. Agr, 99-09. A.A; Bot. Soc; Ecol. Soe. Phyto- geography, ecology and forest resources of Texas; mistletoe in Texas; development of vege- tation in New York and in the Adirondacks. Brayton, Dr. A(lembert) W(inthrop), 330 Newton Claypool Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Medicine, Zoology. Avon, N. Y, March 31, 48. Cornell, 71-72; B.S, Butler, 78; M.D, Indiana, 79, hon. A.M, 84; hon. A.M, Purdue, 86. Prof. chem, sch. med, Indiana, 83-90, physiol, 90-94, path, 94-96, clin. med. and dermat, 96— Cor- orner, Marion Co, Ind; v. pres, sch. med, Indi- ana; ed, ‘Ind. Jour. Med.’ Fishes of the south- ern Allegheny region, birds of Indiana; mam- ~ mals of Ohio. Breasted, Prof. James H(enry), 5615 University Ave, Chicago, Ill. Archeology, Oriental history. Rockford, Il], Aug. 27, 65. A.B, Northwestern, 88; Chicago Theol. Sem, 88-90, hon. B.D, 98; A.M, Yale, 91; A.M, Ph.D, Berlin, 94; hon. LL.D, California, 18. Asst. Egyptol, Chicago, 94-96, asst. director, Haskell Oriental Museum, 95-01, director, 01-, instr. Egyptol. and Semitic languages, 96-98, asst. prof, 98-02, assoe. prof, 02-05, prof. Egyptol. and oriental hist, 05-, chairman, dept. oriental languages and literatures, 15-, director, Oriental Inst, 19- Collector for Univ. of Chicago in Egypt, 94-95; collaborator on Egyptian lexicon, Royal Academies of Ger- many, 99-00; Thomas lecturer, Richmond, 97; director, Univ. of Chicago Egyptian exped. to Sudan, 05-07; Morse lecturer, Union Theol. Sem, 12; Earl lecturer, Pacific Sch. of Religion and California, 18; Hale lecturer, Nat. Acad, 19; collector for Univ. of Chicago in Europe and Egypt, 19-20, director, archeol. surv, Ori- ental Inst, 20. Archeol. Inst; Oriental Soe. (pres, 18); Philos. Soc; Inst. Social Sei; Am. Hist. Ass; Philos. Ass; Berlin Royal Acad. His- tory of Egypt and the ancient Egyptians; his- tory of the Near East and of the civilization of the eastern Mediterranean; the Egyptian lan- guage; origins of civilization. Breazeale, J(ames) F(rank), U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Biochem- istry. Anderson, 8. C, Dee. 11, 74. B.S, Clem- son, 96. Biochemist, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr. Plant psysiology and nutrition; alkali in soils. Breckenridge, Prof. James Miller, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. Chemistry. A.B, Albion, 03; M.S, Wisconsin, 08, Ph.D, 10. In- dust. chemist, 10-12; prof. chem, Carroll, 12; Wabash, 17; asst. director, exp. sta, Hercules Powder Co, 17-19; director, sch. of chem, Van- derbilt, 19- Chem. Soe; Soe. Chem. Indust. Organic and industrial chemistry; alumino- thermic alloys. Breckenridge, John E, Woodbridge, N. J. Chem- istry. Palmer, Mass, May 4, 73. A.B, Yale, 96. Chief chemist, Am. Agr. Chem. Co, 96— A.A; Chem. Soc; Electrochem. Soc; Soe. Chem. In- dust. Fertilizer manufacture. 6 Breckenridge, Prof. L({ester) P(aige), Yale Uni- versity, New Haven, Conn. Mechanical engi- neering. Meriden, Conn, May 17, 58. Ph.B, Yale, 81, hon. A.M, 09; D.Eng, Illinois, 10. With Water Power Co, Holyoke, Mass, 81- 82; instr. mech. eng, Lehigh, 82-84; mech. engineer with various companies, 84-86; instr. mech. eng, Lehigh, 86-91; prof, Mich. Agr. Col, 91-93; Illinois, 93-09, director, eng. exp. sta, 05-09; prof. mech. eng, Yale, 09— Consult- ing engineer, Lehigh Zine and Iron Co, 86-91; director boiler trials, U. S. Geol. Surv. Coal Tests, World’s Fair Sta, St. Louis, 04- Mech. Eng. (v. pres, 08-10); Eng. Educ; West. Soc. Eng; West. Ry. Club. Fuel economy; smokeless combustion; power production. Breed, Prof. Charles Blaney, 6 Beacon St, Boston, Mass. Civil engineering. Lynn, Mass, Nov. 28, 75. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 97. Asst. civil eng, Mass. Inst. Tech, 99-01, instr, 01-08, ‘asst. prof, 08-10, assoc. prof, 10-14, prof, 14- Asst. engi- neer, Boston and Albany R. R, 96-97, 98; Chi- eago and West. Ind. R. R, 04; consulting en- gineer. Assoc. Civil Eng; Ry. Eng; Eng. Educ; New Eng. R. R. Club (past pres); Bos- ton Soc. Civil Eng. Surveying; geodesy; as- tronomy; railroad engineering; earthwork. Breed, Prof. Frederick S(tephen), 5476 Univee- sity Ave, Chicago, Ill. Psychology. Clarion Co, Pa, July 12, 76. A.B, Allegheny, 98; A.M, Harvard, 05, Ph.D, 09, traveling fellow, 09- 10. Supt, pub. schools, Vandergrift, Pa, 01- 04; principal, prep. sch, Allegheny, 05-07; asst. philos, Harvard, 08-10; asst. prof. educ. psychol, Michigan, 10-17; educ, Chicago, 17— Trustee, Allegheny, 17—- A.A; Psychol. Ass; Soc. Col. Teachers Educ. Instinets and habits; eduea- tional measuring instruments; instruction and elass organization. Breed, Prof. Robert S(tanley), N. Y. Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, N. Y. Bacteriol- ogy. Brooklyn, Pa, Oct. 17, 77. B.S, Amherst, 98; M.S, Colorado, 99; Ph.D, Harvard, 02. Tnstr. biol, Colorado, 98-99; asst. zool, Harvard, 00-02; prof. biol. and geol, Allegheny, 02- 13; bacteriologist, N. Y. Exp. Sta, Geneva, 13-; prof. dairy bacter, N. Y. State Col. Agr, Cornell, 20- A.A; Soe. Bact; Pub. Health Ass; Dairy Sci. Ass. General bacteriology; bacterial and cell content of milk; sanitary milk. Breese, Dr. B(urtis) B(urr), University of Cin- cinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. Psychology. Che- mung Co, N. Y, May 17, 68. A.B, Kansas, 96; A.B, Harvard, 97, A.M, 98; Ph.D, Columbia, 99. Prof. psychol. and ethics, Tennessee, 02-04; psychol, Cincinnati, 04- A.A; Psychol. Ass. Inhibition; binocular rivalry; motor activity and conscious activity. Breisacher, Dr. Leo, D. Whitney Building, Detroit, Mich. Medicine. Detroit, Oct. 1, 66. Berlin, 88-91; M.D, Pennsylvania, 92. Demonstrator comp. physiol, Pennsylvania, 88—92, lecturer, 92— 93, prof, 93-94; clin. gastro-enterol and later metabolism and dietetics, Detroit Col. Med, 04— Soe. Nat; Physiol. Soe. Physiology of thyroid gland; minimum albumen diet; physiology of sleep; physiology of the superior laryngeal nerve; metabolism; artificially prepared foods; gall-stones; diet in health and disease. 82 Breitenbecher, Prof. J(oseph) K(umler), Univer- sity of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. Zoology. Jacksonboro, Ohio, Oct. 28, 84. A.B, Miami, 10; Ph.D, Chicago, 13. Research asst, desert lab, Carnegie Institution, 10-13; instr. biol, Western Reserve, 13-16, asst. prof, 16-20; assoc. prof. zool, Oklahoma, 20— A.A; Ecol. Soe. Genetics; animal behavior. Breithut, Dr. Frederick E(mest), Caleo Chem- ical Co, Bound Brook, N. J. Chemistry. New York, N. Y, Aug. 15, 80. B.S, Col. City of N. Y, 00; Se.D, N. Y. Univ, 09. Instr. and asst. prof. chem, Col. City of N. Y, 03— Lec- turer, Dept. Educ, N. Y. City; chemist, N. Y. State Factory Commission; mem. advisory coun- cil, Board of Health, and scientific staff, Bur. Muniec. Research, N. Y. City; chairman, chem. group, W. T. B; director, bur. conservation, Fed. Food Board; major, C.W.S, 18. A.A; Chem. Soc; Chem. Teachers Club. The partial vapor pressures of binary mixtures. Breitwieser, Prof. J(oseph) V(alentine), Univer- sity of California, Berkeley, Calif. Psychology. Jasper, Ind, March 31, 84. A.B, Indiana, 07, A.M, 08; Ph.D, Columbia, 11. Asst. psychol, Indiana, 06-07, psyechol. and philos, 07-08; psychol, Columbia, 08-10; asst. prof. psychol. and edue, Colo. Col, 10-11, prof, 11-19; assoc. prof. educ, California, 19- A.A; Psychol. Ass. Attention and movement; advertising; educa- tion; neuron theory; visual fusion; vocabulary tests. Breitzke, Charles F(rederick), Jersey City Water Works, Boonton, N. J. Civil and sanitary engi- neering. Newton Center, Mass, July 8, 84. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 06. Asst. engineer, Board Water Supply, N. Y. City and to John M. Far- ley, 06; chemist, Hazen and Whipple, 07; bac- teriologist, Jerome Park Exp. Sta, N. Y. City, 07; asst. engineer, Hering and Fuller, and N. Y. State Dept. Health, 07-10; Board Water Supply, N. Y. City, 10-12; Johnson and Fuller, 12-13; sanit. engineer, bur. water, Jersey City, 13- A.A; Civil. Eng; Water Works Ass; Ass. Eng. Societies; New Eng. Water Works Ass. Sani- tation; water supply; sewage disposal. Brem, Dr. Walter (Vernon), 1210 Brockman Build- ing, Los Angeles, Calif. Medicine. Charlotte, N. C, Nov. 5, 75. B.S, North Carolina, 96; M.D, Hopkins, 04. Med. house officer, Hopkins Hosp, 04-05; chief, med. service, Colon Hosp, C. Z, 07— 11; prof. bacter. and path, dept. med, Califor- nia (Los Angeles), 11-14; director, south. div, Calif. State Hygienic Lab, 13-16; major, M.C, 17-19. Certificate of honor, Am. Med. Ass, 11. Am. Med. Ass; Soe. Clin. Invest; Soe. Bact; Ass. Tuber; Pub. Health Ass; S. Calif. Med. Soc. (pres, 20). Internal medicine; malarial fever; amebiasis; tuberculosis; influenzal meningitis; vaccine treatment of typhoid bacillus earrier; syphilis of central nervous system; tetanus; paroxysmal hemoglobinuria; blood transfusion and grouping. Bremer, Dr. J(ohn) L(ewis), Harvard Medical School, Boston Mass. LEmbryology., New York, N. Y, Nov. 3, 74. A.B, Harvard, 96, M.D, 01; Oxford, 96-97. Asst. histol. and embryol, Har- vard Med. Sch, 02, instr, 02-06, demonstrator histol, 06-11, asst. prof, 12-14, assoc. prof, 15- AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE A.A; Ass. Anat; Am. Acad; Boston Soc. Nat. Hist; Boston Soc. Med. Sci. (see’y, 08). Pul- monary arteries of vertebrates; lung of opos- sum; aberrant roots of cranial nerves; develop- ment of blood vessels; interrelations of fetal excretory organs and placenta. Breneman, Prof. A(bram) A(dam), 97 Water St, New York, N. Y. Chemistry. Laneaster, Pa, April 28, 47. B.S, Pa. State, 66, M.S, 71. Act- ing prof. chem, Pa. State, 68-69, prof, 69-72; asst. prof, Cornell, 75-79, prof. indust. chem, 79-82; chem. expert, 82- Chairman, jury om mineral waters, Columbian Expos, 93; La. Purchase Expos, 04; expert mem. Munic. Ex- plosives Commission, N. Y. City, 06-10. Chem. Soc. (v. pres, 89-92, ed, ‘Jour,’ 84-93, chair- man, N. Y. sect, 06); N. Y. Chemists Club; cor, mem. Phila. Acad. Water analysis and water supply; fixation of atmospheric nitrogen; indus- trial chemistry. Brenke, Prof. W(illiam) C(harles), University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. Mathematics, Astron- omy. Berlin, Germany, April 12, 74. B.S, Illi- nois, 96, 97, M.S, 99; Ph.D, Harvard, 07. Instr. math, Illinois, 96-00, instr. math. and astron. and in charge of observatory, 00-03; assoc. prof. math, Nebraska, 07-13, prof, 13—- A.A; Math. Soc; Math. Ass; Statist. Ass; Math. Verein; Circolo Mat. di Palermo. Some variable stars; infinite series. Brennan, Dr. Martin S(tanislaus), 6304 Minne- sota Ave, St. Louis, Mo. Astronomy, Geology. St. Louis, July 23, 45. A.B, Christian Brothers, 65, A.M, 69, Se.D, 00. Pastor, St. Thomas of Aquin Church, 84-92; St. Lawrence’s Church, and prof. astron. and geol, Kenrick Theol. Sem, St. Louis, 92- A.A; Astron. Soc; Pacific Astron. Soc; St. Louis Acad; British Ass. Elee- tricity. Brenneman, Prof. J(esse) L(aMar), Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kans. Flec- trical engineering. Goshen, Ind, Aug. 26, 86. B.S, Chicago, 08; E.E, Wisconsin, 13. Teacher physies and physical geog, high sch, Decatur, Il, 08-09; prof. physics and applied math, West- minster (Mo), 09-11; in testing dept, Gen. Elec. Co, Schenectady, N. Y, 13-14; prof. phys- ies and elee. eng, New Mexico, 14-17; physies and automobile elec, Okla. Sch. Mines, 19-20; asst. prof. elec. eng, Kansas State, 20—- A.A; Elec. Eng; Ass. Eng. Societies. Distribution of potential on high tension insulators. Brentzel, W(illiam) E(dward), Agricultural Col- lege, Fargo, N. Dak. Plant pathology. Kelso, Mo, March 27, 89. B.S, Missouri, 15, A.M, 17. Asst. bot, Missouri, 15-17; prof. biol, Western Md. Col, 17-18; asst. pathologist, U. S. Dept. Agr, 18- A.A; Bot. Soe; Phytopath. Soe. Crown rust of oats; flax diseases. Bretnall, Prof. G(eorge) H(erbert), State Normal School for Women, Farmville, Va. Botany. London, England, Feb. 12, 71. A.B, Cornell (Iowa), 96, A.M, 97; Chicago, 01-02, summers, 05, 06, 07, 10. Instr. science, Epworth Sem, 99- 01; principal, Port Byron Acad, 02-03; head, dept. biol, Monmouth, 03-11; State Nor. Sch, Lacrosse, Wis, 11-18; State Nor. Sch. for Women, Farmville, Va, 18- A.A; Bot. Soe; Eeol. Soe. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 83 Bretz, Prof. J H(arlen), University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Geology. Ionia Co, Mich, Sept. 2, 82, A.B, Albion, 05; Ph.D, Chicago, 13. Instr. biol. and physiog, high sch, Flint, Mich, 05-07; physiog, Queen Anne High Sch, Seattle, Wash; asst. prof. geol, Washington (Seattle), 138-14; Chicago, 15— A.A; fel. Geol. Soe. Tertiary and Quaternary geology of Washington and Oregon. Brewer, Dr. G(eorge) E(merson), 16 E. 64th St, New York, N. Y. Surgery, Anatomy. West- field, N. Y, July 28, 61. A.B, Hamilton, 81, A.M, 84; M.D, Harvard, 85; LL.D, Hamilton, 16. Demonstrator anat, Columbia, 91-99, instr. surg, 99-03, lecturer clin. surg, 03, prof, 04-13, prof. surg. and surg. director, Presb. Hosp, 13- 17. Consulting surgeon, Presb. Hosp; Woman’s Hosp; St. Vincents; Manhattan Eye and Ear Infirmary; City Hosp; Perth Amboy Hosp; Muhlenberg Hosp, Plainfield, N. J. Fel. Surg. Ass; fel. Ass. Genito-Urinary Surg; fel. N. Y. Surg. Soc; fel. N. Y. Acad. Med; cor. mem. Ass. francaise d’Urol; Int. Surg. Soc. Surgical anatomy. Brewster, Prof. C(arl) M(ilton), 900 Campus Ave, Pullman, Wash. Chemistry. Chagrin Falls, Ohio, May 19, 81. A.B, Oberlin, 03; A.M, Har- vard, 06, Parkman fellow, 08-09. Asst. chem, Harvard, 05-08; prof. chem. and physics, Mt. Union, 10-12; asst. prof. chem, Wash. State, 12— 14, assoc. prof, 14-18, prof, 18- Chem. Soe. (pres, N. Intermountain sect). Organie con- densations; derivation of phenols and naphthols. Brewster, Donald R(oss), J. W. Darling Lumber Co, Cincinnati, Ohio. Forestry. Minneapolis, Minn, April 6, 88. B.S, Minnesota, 10. Forest asst, U. S. Forest Service, 10-12, forest examiner, 12-20; J. W. Darling Lumber Co, 20—- A.A; Soc. Foresters; Ecol. Soe. Silviculture; forest utilization and management; forest ecology; kiln drying and seasoning of wood. Brewster, E(dwin) T(enney), 8 Judson Road, Andover, Mass. Biology. Lawrence, Mass, Oct. 11, 66. A.B, Harvard, 90, A.M, 91. Instr. sci- ences, Wolfeboro, N. H, 90-92; Phillips Acad, 96-03, physics, 07-08, geog, 16- A.A; Boston Soe. Nat. Hist. Brewster, Dr. J(oseph) F(ergus), U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Chem- istry. Barksdale, Md, Aug. 24, 79. A.B, Del. Col, 98, A:M, 03; Ph.D, Berlin, 12. ~ Instr. chem, Del. Col, 00-05; commercial chemist, 05- 09; asst. chemist, N. C. Exp. Sta, 12-13; org. chemist, bur. chem, U. S. Dept. Agr, 14— Capt, S.C. and C.W.S, 18-19. Chem. Soc; Chem. Gesell. Enzymes; brucin; l-oxyprolin; kafirin; p-nitrotoluene. research div, N. Y, 17— Chem. Soe. (chairman, Lehigh Valley sect, 18, councilor, 18, 19); Electrochem. Soc; Min. Eng; Soc. Test. Mat. (chairman, subcommittee, D1); Ceramic Soe; Faraday Soe. Analytical chemistry; paint; rub- ber; metals; chemical and metallurgical engi- neering patents. Bridge, Dr. Norman, 718 W. Adams St, Los An- geles, Calif. Pathology, Sociology. Windsor, Vt, Dee. 30, 44. M.D, Northwestern, 68; M.D, Rush Med. Col, 78; hon. A.M, Lake Forest, 89; LL.D, Occidental, 20. Instr. med, Rush Med. Col, 74-84, prof, 84-00, emer. prof, 0O- Mem. board of edue, Chicago, 81-84; board of elec- tion commissioners, 86-90. A.A; emer. mem. Am. Physicians; Am. Med. Ass; Climat. Ass; cor. mem. Wis. Acad. Bridges, Dr. Calvin B(lackman), 475 Grand Ave, Leonia, N. J. *Genetics. Schuyler’s Falls, N. Y, Jan. 11, 89. B.S, Columbia, 12, fellow, 15- 16, Ph.D, 16; Cold Spring Harbor, 14. Private research asst. to Prof. T. H. Morgan, Columbia, 10-15; asst. to Prof. Morgan under grants from Carnegie Institution, 15-19, mem. staff, 19- Soe. Nat. The genetics of the fruit fly; chromo- some theory of heredity and sex determination. Bridges, Prof. J(ames) W(infred), Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Psychology. Cas- ecumpec, P. E. Island, Sept. 14, 85. B.A, McGill, 11; A.M, Harvard, 12, fellow, 12-13, Ph.D, 15. Teacher, pub. schools, P. E. Island, 03-08; asst. psychol, Harvard, and intern, Psychopathic Hosp, Boston, 13-14; lecturer, Alberta, 14-15; instr, Ohio State, 15-17, asst. prof, 17— A.A; Psycho]. Ass. Decision types and their mental correlates; point scale for measuring mental ability; intelligence and social status; abnormal psychology. Bridgman, Prof. B(enjamin) W(illiams), State Normal School, Eau Claire, Wis. Physics. Dar- lington, Wis, June 2, 72. Ph.B, Wisconsin, 06, A.M, 08. Instr. physics, Wisconsin, 06-08; prof, Westminster (Pa), 08-16; State Nor. Sch, Eau Claire, Wis, 16— Physical Soe. Melting points of tantalum and tungsten. Bridgman, Herbert L(awrence), 296 Washington St, Brooklyn, N. Y. Geography. Amherst, Mass, May 30, 44. A.B, Amherst, 66, A.M, 69; hon. A.M,06,LL.D,20. With‘ Springfield Republican,’ 65-70; New Eng. Assoc. Press, 70-73; ‘N. Y. Tribune,’ 73-77; Leslie’s publications, 78-88; ‘N. Y. Press,’ 88-89; ‘Brooklyn Standard Union,’ 89— Lecturer, N. Y. pub. schools, 95-; in command Peary auxiliary ‘Diana,’ 99, ‘ Erik,’ 01; U. S. mem. Int. Polar Commission, 06; Int. Polar Cong, 08, 13; hon. fel. Am. Museum Nat. Hist. Chevalier Order Leopold II, 08. Am. Al- Brewster, Prof. R(ay) Q(uincy), University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Chemistry. Guthrie, Okla, Nov. 27, 92. A.B, Ottawa (Kans), 14; fellow, Kansas, 14-15, A.M, 15; fellow, Chicago, 17-18, Ph.D, 19. Asst. instr. chem, Kansas, 15— 17, asst. prof, 19—- Chem. Soe. Organic chem- istry; salophen; thiourea and thiazoles; organic halids. Breyer, Frank G(ottlob), Palmerton, Pa. Chem- istry, Physics. Baltimore, Md, Dee. 21,86. A.B, Hopkins, 08, A.M, 10. Research chemist, N. J. Zine Co, Pa, 10-12, chief chemist, 12-17, chief, pine Club; Am. Geog. Soe; Brooklyn Inst. (pres, dept. geog, 06—); Phila. Geog. Soe. Bridgman, Dr. Olga (Louise), 498 Carl St, San Francisco, Calif. Psychology. Jackson, Mich, March 30, 86. A.B, Michigan, 08, M.D, 10; A.M, California, 14, fellow, 14-15, Ph.D, 15. Res. physician, State Sch. for Girls, Geneva, Il, 10-12; asst. physician, Lincoln State Sch. for Feeble-Minded and Epilepties, 12-13; instr. psychol, California, 15-19, asst. clin. prof. abnor. psychol, 19— Abnormal psychology of childhood. 84 Bridgman, Dr. P(ercy) W (illiams), Jefferson Phys- ical Laboratory, Cambridge, Mass. *Physics. Cambridge, April 21, 82. A.B, Harvard, 04, A.M, 05, Ph.D, 08. Research fellow and asst. physics, Harvard, 08-13, asst. prof, 13-19, prof, 19- Rumford medal, Am, Acad. Nat. Acad; A.A; Philos. Soc; Physical. Soc; Am. Acad; Wash. Acad; Soc. de Physique. Brierley, Prof. W(ilfrid) G(ordon), University Farm, St. Paul, Minn. Horticulture. Dover, N. H, Sept. 9, 85. B.S.A, Cornell, 06; M.S, Wash. State, 13. Instr. bot. and hort, Nat. Farm Sch, 07-08; hort, Wash. State, 09-13; asst. prof, Minnesota, 13-17, assoc. prof, 17— Soc. Hort. Sci; Pomol. Soe. Fruit growing. Briggs, Arthur J(ames), 107 Victoria Place, Syra- cuse, N. Y. Mechanical engineering. N. Y, Aug. 13, 72. Genesee Wesleyan Sem, 92-95; Cornell, 00. Designer and inventor, Am. Mutoseope and Biograph Co, 00-04; mech. engi- neer, Smith Premier Typewriter Co, 04-09, eng. manager, 09-11; consulting engineer and in- ventor, Remington Typewriter Co, 11—- A.A; Mech. Eng; Syracuse Tech. Club (v. pres, 16). Moving pictures; typewriters; machine tools; sewing machines; letter handling devices. Briggs, C(lark) A(rthur), Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. Physics. Joplin, Mo, June 19, 83. B.S. (E.E), Missouri, 07, A.M, 10. Asst. physics, Missouri, 08-10; lab. asst, Bur. Standards, 10-12, asst. physicist, 12-14, assoc. physicist, 14— Physical Soe; Wash. Philos. Soc. Standardization of Ohm tube; railroad track seales; large scale construction. Bristol, Briggs, Dr. Lyman J(ames), Bureau of Stand- ards, Washington, D. C. *Physics. Assyria, Mich, May 7, 74. B.S, Mich. Agr. Col, 93; M.S, Michigan, 95; Ph.D, Hopkins, 01. Physi- cist, bur. soils, U. S. Dept. Agr, 96-06, physi- cist in charge biophys. investigations, bur. plant indust, 07-19; physicist and chief, div. eng. physics, Bur. Standards, 20- A.A; Physi- eal Soc; Ecol. Soc; Wash. Philos. Soc. (sec’y, 06, pres, 16); Wash. Acad. (pres, 18). Phrys- ical properties of soils; finely divided solids and solutions; physical factors in plant transpiration and growth; apparatus for biophysical research ; evaporation; acceleration of gravity at sea; gyroscopic stabilization; aerodynamics, Briggs, Prof. T(homas) R(oland), 120 Delaware Ave, Ithaca, N. Y. Physical chemistry. Hud- dersfield, England, Sept. 2, 87. A.B, Cornell, 09, Ph.D, 13. Instr. chem, Worcester, 12-14; asst. prof. physical chem. and electrochem, Cor- nAl, 15— Chem. Soe. Colloid chemistry; elec- trochemistry. Brigham, Prof. Albert P(erry), Hamilton, N. Y. *Geology, Geography. Perry, N. Y, June 12, 55. A.B, Colgate, 79, A.M, 82; A.M, Harvard, 92; Se.D, Syracuse, 18. Clergyman, 82-91; prof. geol, Colgate, 92— Instr. geol, summer sch, Har- vard, 95, 96, 00; prof. geol. and physical geog, summer sch, Cornell, 01-04; geol, summer sch, Wisconsin, 06; lecturer geog, Oxford, summer, 08, 14; chief examiner geog, col. ent. exam. board, 02-13; pres, Nat. Council Geog. Teach- ers, 18, 19. A.A; Geol. Soc; Ass. Geog. (sec’y, 04-13); Am. Geog. Soc. (pres, 14); N. Y. State AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Sci. Teachers Ass. (pres, 05). Physiography; glacial geology; anthropogeography. Brigham, Prof, Carl C(ampbell), Princeton Uni- versity, Princeton, N. J. Psychology. Marl- boro, Mass, May 4, 90. Litt.B, Princeton, 12, A.M, 13, Ph.D, 16. Instr. psychol, Princeton, 16-17; asst. to chief of rehabilitation, Fed. Board for Vocational Educ, 19-20; asst. prof. psychol, Princeton, 20- Adviser, Can. Mil. Hosp. Commission, 17; lieut, Tank C, 17-18. Psychol. Ass. Intelligence tests. Brigham, Dr. Reed O(shea), 1014 Cornwall Place, Ann Arbor, Mich. Botany. Toledo, Ohio, Dec. 20, 88. B.S, Ohio State, 12; M.S, Mlinois, 14; Ph.D, Michigan, 16. Instr. bot, Cincinnati, 17— 18. Instr. agr, Winona, summers, 13-18. A.A; Bot. Soe. Plant physiology. Brigham, Dr. William T(ufts), Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii. Anthropology, Ethnology. Boston, Mass, May 24, 41. A.B, Harvard, 62, A.M, 65; hon. Se.D, Columbia, 05. Instr. bot. and in charge of dept, Harvard, 68-69; cu- rator, Bishop Museum, Honolulu, 90-96, director, 96-19, emer. director, 19- Twice Lowell lec- turer. A.A; Am. Acad; Phila. Acad; hon. fel. Anthrop. Inst. Gt. Britain and Ireland; cor. mem. Berlin Anthrop. Gesell; cor. mem. Soc. Ital. d’Anthrop. Firenze; cor. mem. Royal Acad. Sci. St. Petersburg. Geology; botany; ancient Hawaiian worship; old Hawaiian Kapa. Brightman, Prof. Charles L(ewis), 852 Ackerman Ave, Syracuse, N. Y. Physics. Providence, R. I, Dec. 20, 83. Ph.B, A.M, Brown, 09; fellow, Clark, 13-15, Ph.D, 15. Asst. physics, Wesleyan, 09-10; instr, Mt. Holyoke, 10-13; DePauw, 15- 16; Syracuse, 16-18, asst. pref, 18-20, assoc. prof, 20— A.A. Reealescence of steel; thermo- elastic relations of steel at high temperatures; indicator solutions. Brighton, Dr, Thomas B(ow), 219 K St, Salt Lake City, Utah. Chemistry. Salt Lake City, Jan. 17, 87. B.S, Utah, 13; M.S, California, 16, Ph.D, 17. Chemist, Utah Cons. Smelter Co. andl Utah Copper Co, 05-07, 09-19; imstr. chem, Utah, 12-14, asst. prof, 17—- A.A; Chem. Soc; Utah Soe. Eng. Physical chemistry. Brill, Dr. A(braham) A(rden), 1 W. 70th St, New York, N. Y. Psychiatry. Kanezuga, Aus- tria, Oct. 12, 74. Ph.B, N. Y. Univ, 01; M.D, Columbia, 03. Asst. physician, Cent. Islip State Hosp, 03-08; Psychiat. Clinic, Ziirich, 07-08; asst. mental diseases, Bellevue Hosp, 08-11; asst. visiting physician, Neur. Hosp, 09-11; chief neur, dept, Bronx Hosp, 12; asst. neur. and psychiat, Vanderbilt Clinic, 08-14; lecturer abnormal psychol. and psychoanal, N. Y. Univ, 14— Chief, psychiat. clinic, Columbia, 13-14; adj. prof. psyehiat, N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch, 14-16. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Psychoanal. Ass; Psychopath. Ass; Medico-Psychol. Ass; N. Y. Psychoanal. Soe. (pres, 10-12); N. Y. Neur. Soc; fel. N. Y. Acad. Med; Int. Verein Med. Psychol. und Psychotherapie. Abnormal psy- chology; psychoanalysis; psychopathology of the only child; neurology; psychiatry. Brill, George M(ackenzie), Poughquag, N. Y. Mechanical engineering. Poughquag, March 24, 66. M.E, Cornell, 91, M.M.E, 05, Engineer of tests, Solvay Process Co, Syracuse, N. Y, 91-96, AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 85 chief engineer, Detroit, Mich, 96-97; gen. engi- neer, Swift and Co, Chicago, I], 97-00; consult- ing engineer, 00- Major, O.R.C, 17; chief, re- quirements sect, Emergency Fleet Corp, 18. Chairman, jury awards, Panama-Pacifie Expos, 15. A.A; Mech. Eng. (manager, 04-07, v. pres, 10-12); Elec. Eng; Eng. Educ; West. Soc. Eng. Brill, Prof. Harvey C(layton), Oxford, Ohio. Chemistry. Camden, Ohio, Dec. 29, 81. A.B, Miami, 08; Ph.D, Michigan, 11. Asst. prof. chem, Miami, 11-13; org. chemist, Bur, Science, P. I, 13-16, chief, div. org. chem, 16-18; prof. chem. and head of dept, Miami, 18- Mem. Board of Food and Drug Inspection, P. I, 14- 17. Edible and other commercial oils; alcoholic and enzymic fermentation; medicinal plants of the Philippine Islands; synthetic drugs. Brill, Dr. N(athan) E(dwin), 48 W. 76th St, New York, N. Y. Medicine, Biology. New York, Jan. 13, 60. A.B, Col. City of N. Y, 77, A.M, 83. Lecturer med. juris, N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch, 82, neuroanat. and neuropath, 83-84; attending physician, Mt. Sinai Hosp, N. Y, 93-; prof. clin. med, Columbia, 10—- A.A; Am. Physi- cians; Ass. Anat; Neur. Ass; Am. Med. Ass; Ass. Tuber; Harvey Soc; N. Y. Acad. Med; N. Y. Path. Soc; N. Y. Neur. Soc; N. Y. Tuber. Ass. (see’y); N. Y. Soc. Med. Juris. (pres, 90). Interna] medicine. Brimhall, Dr. Dean R, Provo, Utah. Psychology. Provo, Dec. 11, 86. A.B, Brigham Young, 13; A.M, Columbia, 16, Ph.D, 20. Prof. psychol, Brigham Young, 16— Asst. psychol, Columbia, 17-18. A.A. Inheritance of mental traits. Brimley, C(lement) S(amuel), Newberne Ave, cor. Tarboro St, Raleigh, N. C. Zoology. Great Linford, England, Dec. 18, 63. Bedford Co. Sch, England. Asst. insect surv, N. C. Dept. Agr. Soc. Mammal; Soc. Ichthyol. and Herp; N. C. Acad. (pres, 13). Entomology and herpetology of North Carolina. Brink, Dr. Raymond W(oodward), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Mathematics. Newark, N. J, Jan. 4, 90. B.S, Kansas State, 08, B.S.E.E, 09; A.M, Harvard, 15, Ph.D, 16, traveling fellow, at Paris, 16-17. Instr. math, Idaho, 09-12; Minnesota, 12-13, 17-19, assoc. prof, 19— Lecturer math, Edinburgh, 19- Math. Soc; Edinburgh Math. Soe. Analysis. Brinsmade, Prof. Robert Bruce, Ixmiquilpan, Hgo, Mex. Mining engineering. Elmira, N. Y, Aug. 27, 73. B.S, Washington (St. Louis), 95; E.M, Lehigh, 95. Prof. mining eng, N. Mex. Sch. Mines, 05-06; director, Wis. Mining Trade Sch, 07—08; prof. mining eng, West Virginia, 10-11; consulting mining engineer, 11—- Mining ex- ploratign, Argentina, 01-02, Santo Domingo, 08— 09. A.A; Min, Eng; Eng. Educ; Coal Min. Inst; W. Va. Coal Min. Inst. Geology; milling; metallurgy; technical education; conservation; taxation. Brinton, Prof. Paul H(enry) M(allet)-P(revost), University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. Chemistry. Richmond, Va, May 8, 82. B.S, Minnesota, 12, M.S, 13, Ph.D, 16. Commercial chemist, 02-07; instr. chem, Minnesota, 09-12; asst. prof, Ari- zona, 12-13, assoc. prof, 13-14, prof. anal. chem, 14— Capt, C.W.S. A.A; Chem. Soc; Chem. Gesell. Analytical and physical-inorganie chem- istry; rare elements. Briscoe, Dr, C(harles) F(rancis), Agricultural College, Miss. Bacteriology. DePauw, Ind, Nov. 1, 68. A.B, Indiana, 99; A.M, Illinois, 07, Ph.D, 12. Teacher, pub. schools, 88-93; science and math, Ohio Valley Nor. Col, 96-97; principal, high sch, Hoopeston, Ill, 99-03; instr. bacter, Illinois, 05-12; prof, Miss. Agr. College, 12- A.A; Soc. Bact. Tubercle bacilli and tubercu- losis of farm animals; bacteriological effects of green manures; sero-diagnosis of pregnancy in mares. Bristol, Prof. Charles L(awrence), New York Uni- versity, University Heights, New York, N. Y. *Zoology. Ballston Spa, N. Y, Sept. 29, 59. B.S, N, Y. Univ, 83, M.S, 88; fellow, Clark, 91; fellow, Chicago, 92-93, Ph.D, 95. Instr, River- view Acad, Poughkeepsie, N. Y, 84-88; prof. zool, South Dakota, 88-91; N. Y. Univ, 94- Director, N. Y. Univ. zool. expeditions to Ber- muda, 97—; assoc. director, Bermuda Biol. Lab. for Research, 04-07. A.A; Soc. Nat; Soe. Zoel; fel. N. Y. Acad. Metamerism in leeches; the marine fauna of Bermuda. Bristol, Dr. L(everett) D(ale), Augusta, Maine. Public health. Chicago, Ill, June 2, 80. B.S, Wesleyan, 03; M.D, Hopkins, 07; D.P.H, Har- vard, 18. Instr. bacter. and path, Syraeuse, 07-08; clin. asst. med, Minnesota, 08-12; asst. prof. bacter, Syracuse, 12-13, assoc. prof, 13-14; prof. bacter. and hygiene, North Dakota, and director, state pub. health laboratories, 14-16; asst. prev. med. and hygiene, Harvard, 17; state commissioner of health, Maine, 17- Prof. bacter. and pub. health, and dean, col. med, Ten- nessee, 19; director Anti-Tuber. Dispensary, St. Paul, 11-12. Soe. Baet; Ass. Path. and Bact; Pub. Health Ass; Ass. Tuber. Publie health; amebie dysentery; tuberculosis; mediastinal tu- mors; cancer etiology; paratyphoid; wound diphtheria; scarlet fever; measles; rural sani- tation. Bristol, Prof. W(illia)m H(enry), Waterbury, Conn. Mathematics, Physics. Waterbury, July 5, 59. M.E, Stevens, 84. Instr, manual dept, workingman’s sch, Soe. for Ethical Culture, N. Y, 83-86; math, Stevens, 86-88, asst. prof, 88-99, prof, 99-06. Pres, Bristol Co, Waterbury, Conn. A.A; Mech. Eng; Elec. Eng; Electrochem. Soc. Development of Bristol’s recording instruments for pressure, temperature and electricity; record- ing pyrometer for temperature above 1000° F. Brittain, Prof. W(illiam) H(arold), Agricultural College, Truro, N. S, Can. Entomology. Fred- ericton, N. B, Sept. 30, 89. B.S.A, MeGill, 11; M.S.A, Cornell, 20. Asst. biol, MeGill, 11; pro- vincial entomologist and plant pathologist, B. C, 12-14; provincial entomologist, N. S, and prof. zool, Agr. Col, Truror, 14— A.A. Fruit insects. Britton, Dr. Edgar C(lay), West Park Drive, Midland, Mich. Chemistry. Wabash, 11-14; A.B, Michigan, 15, Ph.D, 18. Teacher, pub. schools, Parke Co, Ind, 09-11; asst. gen. chem, Michigan, 15-18, instr, org. chem, 18-20; re- search, Dow Chem. Co, 20— Scientifie asst, U. S. Pub. Health Service, sammer, 17. Hetero- cyclic organic chemistry; the free radicle. 86 Britton, Dr. N(athaniel) L(ord), New York Bo- tanical Garden, Bronx, New York, N. Ys *Bot- any. New Dorp, S. I, N. Y, Jan. 15, 59. E.M, Columbia, 79, Ph.D, 81, hon. SeD, 04; LL.D, Pittsburgh, 12. Asst. geol, Columbia, 79-87, instr, bot, 87-90, adj. prof, 90-91, prof, 91-96, - emer. prof, 96—-; director-in-chief, N. Y. Bot. Garden, 96—_ Botanist and asst. geologist, N. J. Geol. Surv, 80-90; field asst, U. S. Geol. Surv, 82; adviser in bot, Carnegie Institution, 02, biol. board, 08- Nat. Acad; A. A. (v. pres, 96); Bot. Soc. (pres, 98, v. pres, 07, pres, 20); Am. Inst; Torrey Bot. Club (ed, 88-97); fel. N. Y. Acad. (v. pres, 01, pres, 07); N. Y. Hort. Soc; N. Y. Micros. Soc; hon. mem. Phila. Col. Pharmacy; Staten Isl. Nat. Sci. Ass. (pres, 88- 91); Wash. Biol. Soc. American systematic botany; North American flora (Crassulaceae, Cactaceae, Cyperaceae); flora of the West In- dies, Bolivia and Paraguay. Britton, Mrs. N. L. (Elizabeth Gertrude), 2965 Decatur Ave, Bronx, New York, N. Y. *Botany. New York, Jan, 9, 58, N. Y. City Nor. Col, 75. Critic teacher pedag, training dept, N. Y. City Nor. Col, 75-82, teacher bot, 82-85; hon. assoc. instr. and curator moss collections, N. Y. Bot. Garden. Bot. Soc; Torrey Bot. Club (ed, ‘Bul,’ 86-89). Anatomy and classification of mosses, especially of North America. Britton, Dr. W(ilton) E(verett), Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven, Conn. Ento- mology, Botany. Marlboro, Mass, Sept. 18, 68. B.S, N. H. Col, 93; Cornell, 93-94; Ph.D, Yale. 03. Horticulturist, Conn. Exp. Sta, 94-01, en- tomologist, and state entomologist, 01- Lece- turer entom, forest sch, Yale, 01-05; entomolo- gist, State Board of Agr, 04. A.A; Ass. Econ. Entom. (pres, 09); Entom. Soc; Conn. Pomol. and Bot. Societies; Wash. Entom. Soc. Nutri- tion of plants; life histories of insects; methods of combating injurious species; insects of Con- necticut; economic insects; flora of the North Haven (Conn) sand-plains. Broadhurst, Miss J(ean), Teachers College, New York, N. Y. Bacteriology. Stockton, N. J, Dec. 29, 73. B.S, Teachers Col, Columbia, 03, A.M, Columbia, 08; Ph.D, Cornell, 14. Teacher, N. J. State Nor. Sch, 03-06; instr. biol, Teachers Col, Columbia, 06-14, asst. prof, 14- A.A; Soe. Bact. (councilor) ; Torrey Bot. Club (assoe. ed). Brock, Prof. Henry M, S.J, Woodstock College, Woodstock, Md. Physics. Boston, Mass, May 8, 76. A.B, Boston, 97; B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 00; Woodstock (Md), 03-05; Ore Seminary, England, 09-13. Prof. physics, Holy Cross, 05- 09; Woodstock, 15- A.A; Physical Soe; Meteor. Soe. Methodology; scientifie biography. Brock, Prof. R(eginald) W(alter), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B. C, Can. Geol- ogy. Perth, Ont, Jan. 10, 74. Toronto, 90-92; M.A, Queen’s (Can), 95; Heidelberg, 95, 00-01. Instr. miner, Sch. of Mining, Kingston, 96-97; geologist, Can. Geol. Surv, 97-08, director, 08- 14; prof. geol, Sch. of Mining, 02-14; deputy commissioner mines, Can, 14—; dean, faculty ap- plied science, British Columbia. Major, C. E. F, 15-19; consulting geologist, Egyptian E. F. Commissioner, Frank Landslide Inquiry, 03; Int. Geol. Cong. A.A. (v. pres, 09); Geol. Soc; Min. Eng; Min. and Metal. Soc; fel. Royal Soc. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Can. (gen. see’y); Can. Min. Inst. Economie geology. Brode, Prof. H(oward) S(tidham), Whitman Col- lege, Walla Walla, Wash. Zoology. Stark Co, Ill, Aug. 28, 66. Fellow, Chicago, 94-96, B.S, Ph.D, 96. Asst. zool, Illinois, 89-93; prof. biol, Whitman, 99— Instr, Woods Hole, 95; director Puget Sound Biol. Sta, 09-17. A.A; Eeol. Soc; Soc. Mammal; West. Soe. Nat. Morphology of annelids, Brodel, Prof. Max, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, Md. Medical illustration. Leipzig, Germany, June 8, 70. Acad. of Fine Arts, Leip- zig, 85-90. Instr. art applied to med, Hopkins, 05-06, assoc. prof, O6— Ass. Anat; hon. mem. Md. Med. and Chirurg. Faculty. Embryology; methods of scientific illustration. Broderson, Dr. H(enry) J(ohn), 318 Cleveland Ave, Whiting, Ind. Chemistry. Minneapolis, Minn, Oct. 7, 83. A.B, Nebraska, 09; A.M, Kansas, 11; Ph.D, Cornell, 13. Instr. chem, Illinois, 13-17; chemist, Standard Oil Co. of Ind, 17— Petroleum products. Brodie, R(enton) K(irkwood), Proctor and Gam- ble Co, Ivorydale, Ohio. Chemistry. Portland, Oregon, Sept. 12, 87. B.S, Oregon Col, 08; Chi- cago, 10, M.S, 11. Instr. chem, Oregon Col, 09- 12, asst. prof, 13-15, assoc. prof, 15-18; fellow, Mellon Inst, 18-20; chemist, Proctor and Gam- ble Co, 20- A.A; Chem. Soc. Oil; fat; soap; glycerin. Brokaw, Dr. Albert D(udley), 90 West St, New York, N. Y. Geology. Granville, Ill, Oct. 9, 80. B.S, Chicago, 08, fellow, 10-11, Ph.D, 13. Lecture asst. chem, Chicago, 08-10, asst, 11-12, instr. miner. and econ. geol, 12-13, asst. prof, 14-18, assoc. prof, 18-19; consulting geologist, 19- Chem. Soe. Solution of gold in the surface alteration of ore bodies; precipita- tion of gold; paraffin dirt of the gulf coast oil fields. Bronfenbrenner, Prof. J(acques) J(acob), 48 Francis St, Brookline, Mass. Bacteriology. Cherson, Russia, Nov. 21, 83, Imperial Univ, Odessa, 02-06; Pasteur Inst, Paris, 07-09; Ph.D, Columbia, 12; D.P.H, Harvard, 19. Asst, Pasteur Inst, Paris, 08-09; scholar, fellow and asst, Rockefeller Inst, 09-13; director, research and diagnostic laboratories, West. Pa. Hosp, Pittsburgh, 13-17; asst. prof. prev. med. and hygiene, Harvard, 17— A.A; Soc. Bact; Ass. Path. and Bact; Ass. Immunol; Soc. Exp. Biol; Ass. Tuber; Chem. Soe; Ass. Endocrinol; Co- lumbia Biochem. Ass. (v. pres, 16). Immunity; anaphylaxis; serum ferments; food poisoning; identification of bacteria. Bronner, Dr. Augusta F(ox), 40 Court St, Boston, Mass. Psychology. Louisville, Ky, July 22, 81. B.S, Columbia, 06, A.M, 10, Ph.D, 14. Teacher English, Louisville Girls High Sch, 06-11; asst. educ, Teachers Col, Columbia, 11-13; clin. psy- chologist, Psychopathic Inst, Chicago, 13-17; assoc. director, Judge Baker Foundation, 17— Psychol. Ass; Psychopath. Ass. Juvenile delin- quency; educational psychology; tests. Bronson, Prof. Howard L(ogan), Dalhousie Uni- versity, Halifax, N. S, Can. Physics. Wash- ington, Conn, July 12, 78, A.B, Yale, 00, Ph.D, 04. Instr. physics, Lehigh, 00-01; asst, Yale, AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 87 01-04; demonstrator, MeGill, 04-07, lecturer, 07-09, asst. prof, 09-10; Munro prof, Dal- housie, 10- A.A; Physical Soc; fel. Royal Soe. Can; N. 8. Inst. (pres, 18-20). Radioactivity ; high resistances; standard cells. Brooke, Will(iam) E(llsworth), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Mathematics, Engineering. Minier, Ill, Oct. 7, 70. B.C.E, Nebraska, 92, A.M, 96. Fellow and asst. math, Nebraska, 94-97; instr, high sch, Omaha, 97— 01; math. and mech, Minnesota, 01-05, asst. prof. and prof, 05-12, head prof, 12—- A.A; Math. Soe; Eng. Edue; Math. Verein; Cireolo Mat. di Palermo. Irrational integrals. Brookover, Prof. Cha(rle)s, University of Louis- ville, Louisville, Ky. Zoology. Adams Co, Ohio, March 11, 70. B.Ped, Ohio (Athens), 94, M.S, 98; Columbia, 00-01; Chicago, 07-08, Ph.D, 10. Asst. prof. biol, Colo. Col, 98-01; prof. nat. science, Buchtel, 01-13; histol. and embryol, Ar- kansas, 13-17; anat, histol. and embryol, Louis- ville, 17— A.A; Ass. Anat; Micros. Soc. (pres, 14); Ohio Acad. Human and comparative em- bryology; nasal apparatus of Amia calva and of teleosts. Brooks, Alfred H(ulse), U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. *Geology. Ann Arbor, Mich, July 18, 71. Stuttgart, 89-90; Munich, 90-91; B.S, Harvard, 94; Paris, 97-98; Se.D, Colgate, 20. Asst. geologist, U. S. Geol. Surv, 94-01, geologist, 01-02, geologist in charge, div. Alaskan mineral resources, 03- Daly gold medal, Am. Geog. Soe, 13; Maltebrun gold medal, Soe. géog. de Paris, 13. Lieut. col, corps engineers, and chief geologist, A.E.F, 17-18. A.A; Geol. Soc; Min. Eng; Min. and Metal. Soc; Ass. Geog; Explorers Club; Wash. Acad; Soe. Belge de Géol. Stratigraphic, economie and general geology; geography, geology and min- eral resources of Alaska; military geology. Brooks, Allan, Okanagan Landing, B. ©, Can. Ornithology. Etawah, N. W. P, India, Feb. 15, 69. Mem. Ornith. Union; Soc. Mammal; Cooper Ornith Club; Wash. Biol. Soe; cor. mem. Lon- don Zool. Soe; British Ornith. Union; Bombay Nat. Hist. Soe. Mammalogy; fauna of British Columbia. Brooks, A(lonzo) B(eecher), U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Forestry. French Creek, W. Va, May 6, 73. B.S.A, West Virginia, 12. Forester, W. Va. Geol. Surv, 10-11; W. Va. Exp, Sta, 15-16; forest pathologist, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 17— Ecol. Soc; Soe. Foresters. Forests of West Virginia; chestnut blight; white pine blister rust. Brooks, Prof. Ansel, Brown University, Provi- dence, R. I. Mechanics. Worcester, Mass, 76. Ph.B, Yale, 98, M.E, 01. Asst. mech. eng, Yale, 98-01; instr. mech, Brown, 03-04, asst. prof, 04-08, assoc. prof, O8- A.A; Mech. Eng. Aero- nauties. Brooks, Dr. Benjamin T(albott), Chemists Club, 52 KE, 41st St, New York, N. Y. Chemistry. Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 29, 85. A.B, Ohio State, 06; Ph.D, Gottingen, 12. Asst. chemist, Bur. Standards, 06-07; research chemist, Bur. Sci- ence, P. I, 07-11; fellow, Mellon Inst, 12-17; prof. chem. eng, Pittsburgh, 13-17; chief chem- ist, Commercial Research Co, 17-18, consulting chemist, 18- Chem. Soe; London Soc. Chem. Indust; London Inst. Petrol. Technol. Organic chemistry; petroleum; gasolene by cracking; es- sential oils, Brooks, Dr. Charles, U. S. Department of Agri- culture, Washington, D. C. Plant pathology. Salem, Ind, April 4, 72. A.B, Indiana, 04; A.M, Missouri, 05, Ph.D, 08. Instr. bot, N. H. Col, 05-06, prof, and botanist, Exp. Sta, 06-12; pathologist, bur. plant indust, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 12- Bot. Soc; Phytopath. Soc. (v. pres, 17); Wash. Bot. Soc. Fruit diseases, especially those of apples.. Brooks, Dr. Charles E(dward), Gay Building, Madison, Wis. Mathematics. Baltimore, Md, Aug. 26, 79, A.B, Hopkins, 00, Ph.D, 04. Com- puter, Prudential Ins. Co, 04-05; actuary, South. Life Ins. Co, 06-09; instr. math. and insurance, Northwestern, 10-13; asst. prof, California, 15- 17, insurance, 15-17; actuary, Carnegie Founda- tion Adv. Teaching and Teachers Ins. and An- nuity Ass, 17-19; consulting actuary, 19- Lee- turer, Hopkins, 09; consultant, Bur. War Risk Ins, 17. Medal, Panama-Pacifie Expos, 15. Math. Soc; Econ. Ass; Inst. Actuaries. Eco- nomics of insurance, Brooks, Dr. Charles F(ranklin), U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. Meteorology, Clima- tology. St. Paul, Minn, May 2, 91. A.B, Harvard, 11, A.M, 12; Ph.D, 14. Research asst, Blue Hill Observatory, 12-13; asst. physi- cal geog. and meteorol, Harvard, 13-14; instr. geog, Yale, 15-18; meteorologist, U. S. Weather Bur, 18— Asst, office farm management, U. S. Dept. Agr, 14-18; asst. instr. meteorol, Sig. S, 18; assoc. ed, ‘Monthly Weather Rev,’ 18-19. A.A; fel. Meteor. Soc. (see’y, 20); Ass. Geog. (v. pres, 20); Am. Geog. Soc; Seismol. Soe; Wash. Acad; Wash. Philos. Soe. Snowfall of the United States; seasonal work on farm crops; ocean temperatures in long-range fore- casting; clouds. Brooks, Prof. Clyde, University, Ala. Physiology. Paris, Mo, Aug. 30, 79. A.B, Missouri, 05; fel- low, Chicago, 06-07, 08-09, Ph.D, 11, M.D, Rush Med. Col, 13. Asst. physiol, Missouri, 05; instr. physiol. and pharmacol, Washington (St. Louis), 07-08; asst. pharmacol. and exp. thera- peut, Chicago, 09-10; instr. physiol. and phar- macol, Pittsburgh, 10-11, asst. prof, 11-16; prof. and head, dept. physiol, physiol. chem. and pharmacol, Ohio State, 16-20; prof. physiol. and physiol. chem. and dean, sch. med, Alabama, 20- A.A; Physiol. Soc; Soc. Pharmacol; Am. Med. Ass; Ass. Prof. The circulation; blood pres- sure; physiology of central nervous system; ex- perimental therapeutics. Brooks, Fred E(rnest), French Creek, W. Va. Entomology, Mammalogy. French Creek, June 8, 68. Pub. sch; Buckhannon Business Col. Entomologist, deciduous-fruit insect investiga- tions, bur. entom, U. 8S. Dept. Agr. Assoc. en- tomologist, W. Va, Exp. Sta, 03-10; statist. agent for W. Va, bur. statist, U. S. Dept. Agr, 04-08; lecturer agr, farmers’ institutes. A.A; Ass. Econ. Entom; Entom. Soc; Soc. Mammal; W. Va. Hort. Soc. (sece’y-treas, 02-09). Insect enemies of grapes and apples; feeding habits of mice, moles and shrews; boring insects of fruit trees; codling moth; nut attacking insects. 88 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Brooks, Dr. Harlow, 47 W. Ninth St, New York, N. Y. Pathology, Internal medicine. Medo, Minn, March 31, 61. M.D, Michigan, 95; Frei- burg, 98. Prof. clin. med, Univ. and Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col, 08— Pathologist, N. Y. Zool. Park; visiting physician, N. Y. City Hosp. and Montefiore Hosp; consulting physician, Mem. Hosp; Beth Israel, and others. Col, M. R.C. A.A; Ass. Path. and Bact; Soc. Exp. Biol; Am. Physicians; Harvey Soc; N. Y. Path. Soc; N. Y. Zool. Soc; N. Y. Acad. Med. Pathological anat- omy; internal medicine. Brooks, H(erbert) B(arton), Bureau of Stand- ards, Washington, D, C. Physics. New Bremen, Ohio, Jan. 25, 69. M.E.(E.E), Ohio State, 03. Asst. physics, Ohio State, 00-02, elec. eng, 02- 03; lab. asst, Bur. Standards, 03-05, asst. phys- icist, 05-10, assoc. physicist, 10-18, physicist, 18—- Physical Soe; Elec. Eng. Precision elec- trieal measurements; potentiometer; moving-coil galvanometers; ratio and phase angle of instru- ment transformers. Brooks, Dr. Herbert T(homas), 1100 Title Insur- ance Building, Los Angeles, Calif. Medicine. Walton, Tex, March 2, 82. A.B, Presbyterian (S.C), 01; M.D, Tennessee, 06; Harvard Med. Sch, 10, 13; Vienna, 12, 14. Prof. path, Ten- nesse, 11-18, dean, col. med, 13-17; assoc. prof. med, Southern California, 18- Ass. Path. and Bact. Brooks, Pres. John P(ascal), Clarkson College of Technology, Potsdam, N. Y. Civil engineering. Kittery, Maine, Sept. 24, 61. B.S, Dartmouth, 85, M.S, 93, Se.D, 15. Instr. civil eng, Lehigh, 90-97; prof, Kentucky, 97-06; assoc. prof, Tli- nois, 06-11; pres, Clarkson Col. Tech, 11- Assoc. mem. Civil Eng. Street railway location; the bearing power of earth; stresses in high- way bridge trusses. Brooks, Prof. Morgan, University of Illinois, Ur- bana, Ill. Engineering. Boston, Mass, March 12, 61. Ph.B, Brown, 81; M.E, Stevens, 83. Practising engineer, 83-98; prof. elec. eng, Ne- braska, 98-01; Illinois, 01- Occasional lec- turer, Minnesota, 93-98. Mech. Eng; Elec. Eng; Illum. Eng. Soc; Electrochem. Soc; West. Soc. Eng. Alternating currents and telephony ; self-synehronizing of alternators; reactance coils. Brooks, Dr. S(umner) C(ushing), Hygienic Labo- ratory, Washington, D.C. Physiology. Sapporo, Japan, Aug. 17, 88. B.S, Mass. Col, 10; Ph.D, Harvard, 16. Biochemist, research inst, Nat. Dental Ass, 16; research fellow, Western Re- serve, 17; tropical med, Harvard Med. Sch, 17- 19; assoc. prof. physiol. and biochem, Bryn Mawr, 19-20; biologist, hygienic lab, U. S. Pub. Health Service, 20- A.A; Chem. Soc; Bot. Soe. Permeability of plant cells to electrolytes ; uranium poisoning; biological effects of light; immunochemistry. Brooks, Dr. W(illia)m P(enn), Amherst, Mass. . Agronomy. Norwell, Mass, Nov. 19, 51. B.S, Mass. Col, 75; Ph.D, Halle, 97; Nogaku Hakushi, Japan, 18. Prof. agr, Imp. Col. Agr, Sapporo, Japan, 77-89; prof. agr, Mass. Col, and agri- culturist, Hatch Exp. Sta, 89-05, acting pres. and director, 05-06, director and agriculturist, Mass, Exp. Sta, 06-18, consu'ting agriculturist, 18- Pres, ad. interim, Imp. Col. Agr, Japan, 80-83, 86-87. Awards, Columbian and Pan-Am. Expositions. A.A; Soe. Prom. Agr. Sei; Pub. Health Ass; Mass. Forestry Ass. Plant nutri- tion; agriculture; poultry. Brooks, Prof. William R(obert), Smith Observa- tory, Geneva, N. Y. Astronomy, Physics. Maid- stone, England, June 11, 44. English and Am. pub. and private schools; hon. A.M, Hobart, 91; Se.D, Hamilton, 98. Director, Red House Ob- servatory, Phelps, N. Y, 72-88; Smith Observa- tory, 88-, prof. astron, Hobart, 00-; William Smith, O8— Ten medals, Pacific Astron. Soc; ten Warner gold prizes; Lalande medal, Paris Acad; gold medal, La. Purchase Expos, 04; medal, Soc. Astron. de Mex. A.A; fel. Royal Astron. Soe. Comets (27 discovered) ; nebulae; solar, planetary and double star observations; celestial photography. Broomall, Henry L(ewis), 1302 Commonwealth Building, Philadelhpia, Pa. Anthropology. "Chester, Pa, April 12, 60. Swarthmere, 73-77. A.A; Anthrop. Ass; Del. Co. (Pa) Inst. Sei. (v. pres, 95-12); Phila. Acad. Linguistics; Span- ish dialects; El Moro inscriptions; nautical Eng- lish; grammar and phonetics in living Indo- European languages; psychological processes in acquisition and loss of the vernacular. Brossard, Prof. E(dgar) B(ernard), Logan, Utah. Agriculture. Oxford, Idaho, April 1, 89. B.S, Utah Col, 11; M.S, Minnesota, 17, Ph.D, 20. Instr. math, Utah Col, 09-10; farm management demonstrator for Utah, 14-16; instr. farm man- agement, Minnesota, 18-19; prof, Utah Col, and in charge farm management and farm economics investigations, Exp. Sta, 19— Farm Econ. Ass. Farm management; farm economics; farming in Utah. Brotherton, Wilber, Jr, 1115 Ferdon Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. Botany. Detroit, Mich, March 1, 96. A.B, Michigan, 16, M.S, 17. Asst. pathol- ogist, office cotton, truck and forage crop disease investigations, bur. plant indust, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 18—- Bot. Soe. Geneties; disease resist- ance in plants. Brown, Dr. Alfred J(erome), National Bank Building, Omaha, Neb. Surgery. New York, Aug. 27, 78. A.B, Yale, 99; M.D, Columbia, 03. Asst. anat, Columbia, 09-11, instr, 11-18; major, M.C, 18-19; asst. prof. surg, col. med, Nebraska, 19— Ass. Anat; Col. Surg; fel. N. Y. Acad. Med. Posterior cardinal-omphalomesen- teric communications in adult mammals; per- forated ulcer in typhoid fever; ¢ephalie tetanus; localization of foreign bodies in body tissues. Brown, Bailey E(dgar), U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Chemistry. Cookeville, Tenn, Nov. 10, 79. B.S, Ala. Poly- tech, 99, M.S, 00. Meat inspector, Birmingham, Ala, 00; chemist, Dimmick Cast Iron Pipe and Foundry Co, 00-01; biochemist, U. 8S. Dept. Agr, 01- Detailed by U. S. Dept. Agr, asst. prof. exp. agron, Pa. State, 07-11. Soe. Agron. Fertilizer requirements of soil types. Brown, Barnum, American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y. Vertebrate paleon- tology. Carbondale, Kans, Feb. 12, 73. A.B, Kansas, 07. Asst. curator, dept. vert. paleont, AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 89 Am. Museum Nat. Hist, 97-11, assoc. curator, ii— Fossil hunting expeditions to various places in North and South Am, 97— Geol. Soe; Paleont. Soc; Kans. Acad. Economic geology; oil and gas; Pleistocene mammals; Cretaceous and Jurassic dinosaurs; Cretaceous birds. Brown, Baxter L(amont), Merchants-Laclede Building, St. Louis, Mo. Civil engineering. Rush, N. Y, June 20, 64. Pub. schools. Chief engineer, St. Louis Valley Railway, 01-05; practising engineer, 05— Civil Eng; St. Louis Eng. Club (pres, 19). Brown, Prof. Benjamin H, Walla Walla, Wash. Physics. Wis, 66. A.B, Ripon, 94, A.M, 96. Prof. physics, Whitman, 95- A.A; Physical Soc; Ass. Prof. Pulling loads. Brown, Dr. Calvin S(mith), University, Miss. Geology, Archeology. Obion Co, Tenn, Feb. 13, 66. B.S, Vanderbilt, 88, M.S, 91, Se.D, 92; Ph.D, Colorado, 99; Paris and Leipzig, 94-95; Spain, Italy and Greece, 03-04. Instr. English, Vanderbilt, 95-96; comp. lit, Colorado, 98-00; acting prof. modern languages, Mississippi, 02; acting asst. prof. Romance languages, Missouri, 04-05; prof, Mississippi, 05- Collector of flora of Azores; archeologist, Miss. Geol. Surv. A.A; Anthrop. Ass; Soc. des Américanistes. Coal flora of Tracy City, Tenn; lignite of Missis- sippi; archeology of Mississippi. Brown, Charles Barto, Frederick M. Ward Co, New Haven, Conn. Civil engineering. New Haven, Conn, Sept. 22, 73. Ph.B, Yale, 94, C.E, 96. Prof. railroad eng, Maine, 08-16, civil eng, 16-19; salesman, Frederick W. Ward Co, 19- A.A; Civil Eng; Eng. Edue; Soc. Test. Mat. Cement, concrete, brick and stone. Brown, Prof. Charles Carroll, 803 Lincoln Ave, Valparaiso, Ind. Civil engineering. Austinburg, Ohio, Oct. 4, 56. Cornell, 74-75; C.E, Michigan, 79; hon. A.M, 13. Prof. civil eng, Rose, 83-86; Union, 86-93; city engineer, Indianapolis, 93- 95; asst. city engineer, Omaha, 96-97; asst. ed, ‘Munie. Eng. Magazine,’ 97-99, ed.-in-chief, 00- 17; prof. civil eng, Valparaiso, 17-, dean, col. applied sciences, 19- Consulting engi- neer, N. Y. State Board of Health, 87-93, and for many cities. Civil Eng; Soe. Munic. Improv. (past pres, sec’y, 13); Water Works Ass; Ind. Eng. Soe; Ill. Eng. Soe. Stream pol- lution; sewage disposal; sewerage; water sup- ply; geodetic surveys; paving; effect of varia- tions of rainfall on water powers; calcareous cements and their uses; water purification; irri- gation; asphalt and concrete. Brown, Prof, Charles S(umner), South Ave, Van- derbilt Campus, Nashville, Tenn. Mechanical engineering. East Hampton, Conn, Aug. 23, 60. Ph.B, Yale, 83, M.E, 88. Practising engineer, 84-88; instr. machine design and supt. work- shops, Rose, 88-89, prof. steam eng. and machine design, 89-96; adj. prof. mech. eng, Vanderbilt, 96-98, prof, 9S—- Mech. Eng; Eng. Ass. of the South; Franklin Inst. Power plant economy; methods of heating by steam and hot water. Brown, Prof. Charles W(ilson), Brown University, Providence, R. I. Geology, Geography. Overton, Nebr, Aug. 11, 74. Boston, 96-97; Ph.B, Brown, 00, A.M, 01; Harvard, 03-04. Asst. geol, Brown, 00-01; principal, high sch, War- ren, R. I, 01-03; imstr. geol, Lehigh, 04-05; instr. geol. and head of dept, Brown, 05-06, asst. prof, 06-13, assoc. prof, 18- Field asst, U. S. Geol. Surv, 02-03, geol. aid, 04-08; asst. geol, summer sch, Harvard, 03; supt, Nat. Resources Surv. of R. I, 09— A.A; Geol. Soc; Am. Geog. Soc; Seismol. Soe; Harvard Trav- ellers Club; Phila. Geog. Soe. Areal geol- ogy of Vermont, Maine and Rhode Island; geology of Penobscot Bay; the Jamaica earth- quake; geography of Providence, R. I; graphite of Rhode Island; geology of Mt. Desert, Maine. Brown, Prof. D(enton) J(acobs), University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. Chemistry. Hampton, Pa, April 13, 82. A.B, Texas, 10; Ph.D, Chi- cago, 18. Instr. chem, Texas, 10-14; asst. prof, Tex. Col, 15-17; instr, Texas, 17-18; assoc. prof, Nebraska, 18- Chem. Soe. Electro- analysis; peroxids; oxidation and reduction. Brown, E(dgar), Lanham, Md. Botany. Farm- ington, N. Y, Sept. 25, 71. Ph.B, Union, 95. Botanist in charge, seed lab, U. S. Dept. Agr, 02—- A.A; Wash. Acad. Seed testing. Brown, Prof. E(dgar) D(ewight), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Pharmacology. Albion, N. Y, April 4, 69. Ph.G, N. Y. Col. of Pharmacy, 98, Phar.D, 99; M.D, Western Re- serve, 02. Demonstrator pharmacol. and mat. med, Western Reserve, 03-06, instr. pharmacol, 06-07; asst. prof. mat. med. and pharmacol, Minnesota, 07-09, prof, 09— A.A; Physiol. Soc; Soe. Pharmacol; Am. Med. Ass. Brown, Edward L(eroy), 3324 Zuni St, Denver, Colo. Mathematics. Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 29, 66. A.B, Capital Univ, Columbus, 86; Ohio State, 87-88; A.M, Cornell, 90. Teacher math, Clinton Liberal Inst, Ft. Plain, N. Y, 90-91; Halsey Col. Inst, N. Y, 91-92; instr. math. and astron, Lehigh, 92-94; prof, Capital Univ, 94-96; instr. math, Colorado, 97-98; head, dept. math, North Side High Sch, Denver, 98-00, principal, 0O—- Lecturer math, Texas- Colo. Chautauqua, summer, 98. Math. Soc; Colo. Math. Soe. (pres, 07-09). The ellipse. Brown, Prof. Ernest W(illiam), Yale University, New Haven, Conn. *Mathematics. Hull, Eng- land, Nov. 29, 66. A.B, Cambridge, 87, A.M, 91, fellow, Christ’s Col, 89-95, D.Se, 97, hon. fellow, 12-; hon. Se.D, Adelaide, 14. Instr. math, Haverford, 91-93, prof. applied math, 93— 00, math, 00-07; Yale, 07— Assoc. ed, ‘Jour. Astron,’ 11— Medal, Royal Astron. Soe, and J. C. Adams prize, Cambridge, 07; Pontécoulant prize, Paris Acad. Sci, 10; Bruce gold medal, Pacific Astron. Soc, 20. A.A. (v. pres, 09-); Math. Soe. (ed, ‘Trans,’ 00-07, ‘Bul,’ 10-, v. pres, 04, pres, 14-16) ; Astron. Soc; Philos. Soe; Am. Acad; fel. Royal Soc; fel. Royal Astron. Soe; fel. London Math. Soc; fel. Cambridge Philos. Soc. Lunar theory; celestial mechanics; new lunar theory and tables; periodic orbits; Trojan group of asteroids; rotational motion of a fluid; evolution of nebulae and solar system. Brown, Prof. F(ay) C(luff), 330 Newark St, Washington, D. C. *Physics. Washington, Ohio, Nov. 23, 81. A.B, Indiana, 04; A.M, IIli- nois, 06; fellow, Princeton, 07-08, Ph.D, 08. 90 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Instr. in charge physics, high sch, Decatur, Ill, 03-04; instr. physics, Illinois, 04-07; Iowa, 09- 10, asst. prof, 10-13, assoc. prof, Iowa, 13-19; major, ordnance dept, U.S.A, 18-19; scientific asst. to director, Bur. Standards, 19- A.A; Physieal Soc; Wash. Acad. Physical properties of selenium cells and selenium crystals; heats of solution of milk sugars; radioactivity and thermionies; electron theory; process of freez- ing; ballisties of airplane drop bombs. Brown, Dr. Forest B(uffen) H(arkness), Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii. Botany. Rushville, N. Y, Dee. 11, 73. A.B, Michigan, 02, M.S, 03; Ph.D, Yale, 18. Instr, Mich. Nor. Col, 98-00; curator, bot. garden, Michigan, 08-09; in charge bot. gardens and instr. plant anat, Ohio State, 11-16; research fellow, Yale, 18-19; botanist, Bishop Museum, Honolulu, 19— With Mich. Biol. Surv, 03-15. A.A; Bot. Soc; Ecol. Soc; Mich. Acad; Ohio Acad. Plant anatomy; ecology; Hawaiian woody plants. Brown, Prof. F(rank) E(merson), Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Chemistry. Cuba, Kans, Feb. 5,82. B.S, Chicago, 13, Ph.D,18. Teacher, pub. schools, Republic Co, Kans, 99-02; princi- pal, Portis, 05-07; supt, Hill City, 07-09; Col- linsville, Okla, 11-12; teacher chem, junior col. and high sch, Fresno, Calif, 14; Cent. Y. M. C. A, Chicago, 14-16; asst. prof, Zowa State, 17— 18, assoc. prof, 18- Chem. Soe. (see’y-treas, Ames sect, 18); Iowa Acad. Surface tension; methyl chlorid; hydrogen concentration in soils; potassium chlorate; manganese salts. Brown, Frederick L(yons), 1107 Cleveland St, Evanston, Ill. Astronomy, Physics. Mexico City, Mex, Oct. 23, 90. A.B, Park, 14; A.M, Northwestern, 16. Instr. astron, Northwestern, 16-17, math, 19- With Sig. C, U.S.A, 17-19. Astron. Soe. Physical opties; the cluster N.G.C. 6633. Brown, G(eorge) H(erbert), Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J. Ceramics. Miamisburg, Ohio, May 18, 84. Cer.E, Ohio. State, 08. Asst. ceramie chemist, Bur. Standards, 10-14, assoc, 14-16; director, dept. ceramics, Rutgers, 16— Ceramic engineer, Hydraulic Press Brick Co. A.A; Ceramic Soe. (pres, 17); Chem. Soe. Porcelain; kaolins; refractories; structural clay produets; enameled iron. Brown, Prof. G(eorge) L(incoln), Brookings, S. Dak. Mathematics, Astronomy. Bates Co, Mo, Jan. 25, 69. B.S, Missouri, 92, fellow, 92-93, M.S, 93; fellow, Chicago, 94-96, Ph.D, 00. Instr. math, high sch, Rock Island, Ill, 96; prof, S. Dak. Col, 97—, aeting pres, 08, dean of faculty, 10-, acting pres, 14, 18-19. A.A; Math. Soe. The linear transformation group of order 3.x 360. Brown, Prof. Glenn V(inton), Bucknell Univer- sity, Lewisburg, Pa. Chemistry. Baltimore, Md, June 7, 75. Ph.B, Dickinson, 98, A.M, 99; Hop- kins, 98-99; Ph.D, Pennsylvania, 10. Instr. physies, Pennsylvania, 07-09; prof, St. John’s (Brooklyn, N. Y), 10-11; Teachers Col. (H.M.S), 11-12; chem. eng, Bucknell, 12— A.A; Chem. Soc; Ass. Prof; N. Y. Chemists Club. Colorimetry; manganese; electrolysis. Brown, Harry B(ates), Agricultural College, Miss. Botany. Delphi, Ind, June 9, 76. A.B, Indiana, 06, A.M, 07. Instr. bot, Indiana, summer, 07; Cornell, 08-11; prof, Miss. Agr. Col, 11-15, plant breeding, Exp. Sta, 15-, v. director, 19- A.A; Bot. Soe. Algal periodicity; mycology; development of Xylaria; development and poi- sonous properties of Claviceps paspali; anatomy of plant hybrids; heredity in cotton and corn. Brown, Harry Fletcher, duPont Building, Wil- mington, Del. Chemistry. Natick, Mass, July 10, 67. A.B, Harvard, 90, A.M, 92. Chief chemist, torpedo sta, bur. of ordnanee, U. 8. Navy Dept, 93-00; Int. Smokeless Powder and Chemical Co, 00-01, general supt, 01-15; chem- ical director, E. I. duPont de Nemours and Co, 04-11, director, 11-15, v. pres, 15— Soc. Chem. Indust; Chem. Eng. Smokeless powder. Brown, Dr. H(arry) P(hilip), New York State College of Forestry, Syracuse, N. Y. Botany. W. Winfield, N. Y, March 29, 87. A.B, Cornell, 09, A.M, 10, Ph.D, 14. Xylotomist, U. S. Forest Service, 11; instr. bot, Cornell, 12-14; asst. prof. forest bot, N. Y. State Col. Forestry, Syracuse, 15-17, prof. wood technol, 18- A.A; Bot. Soe. Dendro-technology; growth in forest trees; trees of New York State; medullary spots. Brown, Prof. James Greenlief, 703 University Ave, Tueson, Ariz. Botany. St. Clair, Mich, Nov. 21, 80. B.S, Chicago, 16, M.S, 17. Teacher seience, Cebu Nor. Sch, P. I, 04-07; instr. bot, Arizona, 09-15, asst. prof, 16-20, prof. plant path, 20- Director, plant disease surv. of Ariz. A.A; Ecol. Soc; West. Soc. Nat. Experimental morphology and eytology. Brown, Dr. J(ames) Howard, Rockefeller Insti- tute, Princeton, N. J. Bacteriology. Jackson- ville, Ill, May 18, 84. B.S, Ill. Col, 06; MS, Illinois, 09; Ph.D, Harvard, 17. Austin teach- ing fellow and asst. comp. path, Harvard Med. Sch, 12-17; in charge sera production, Rocke- feller Inst. and Auailiary Lab. No. 1, U.S.A. and N, 17-19, assoc, 19— Animal pathology; blood transfusion; streptococci from milk-borne epi- demies of tonsilitis; use of blood-agar for the study of streptococci. Brown, Dr. John W(esley), Cleveland Electric Metals Co, Cleveland, Ohio. Industrial chem- istry. Rye, N. H, July 23, 77. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 00; Ph.D, Heidelberg, 03, Asst. anal. chem, Mass. Inst. Tech, 00-01, instr. theoret. chem, 03-06; director, research lab, Nat. Carbon Co, 06-12; pres, Cleveland Electro Metals Co, 12— Chem. Soe. (treas, N. E. sect, 04); Electrochem. Soc. Catalysis in sulphurie acid solution; rate of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxid complex compounds; partition coeffi- cient of sulphurous and various other acids; in- vestigation of dry cells, with special reference to ignition service; improvement of wet and dry primary cells and of carbon products for eleec- trical uses; smelting of aluminum. Brown, Prof. Joseph G(rant), 1013 Ramona St, Palo Alto, Calif. Physics. Stillman Valley, Ill, Feb. 8, 69. A.B, Stanford, 01, A.M, 03. Instr. physics and chem, Ill. Nor. Univ, 94-98; physics, Stanford, 01-06, asst. prof, 06- A.A; assoc. Physical Soe. Brown, Lucius P(olk), Franklin, Tenn. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 91 Brown, Prof. Julius Arthur, American Univer- sity, Beirut, Syria. Astronomy. New York, N. Y, May 8, 80. A.B, Dartmouth, 02, A.M, 04; Rhodes scholar, Oxford, 04-07, B.Se, 06. Instr. physies, Dartmouth, 03-04; demonstrator, Ox- ford, 07; asst. prof, Dartmouth, 08-09; prof, Syrian Protestant Col, Beirut, Syria, 09-14; lecturer, Columbia, 15-17; prof. astron. and director, Observatory, Am. Univ, Beirut, Syria, 17- Research asst, Yerkes Observatory, 04. A.A; Physical Soc. Conduction of electricity in gases; meteorology. Brown, Dr. Lawrason, 104 Main St, Saranae Lake, N. Y. Clinical medicine. Baltimore, Md, Sept. 29, 71. A.B, Hopkins, 99, M.D, 00. Res. physician, Adirondack Cottage Sanitarium, 01-12. A.A; Climat. Ass; Ass. Tuber; Am. Physicians. Pulmonary tuberculosis; immunity from tuberculosis. Brown, Prof. Linwood A(rnold), 819 S. Limestone St, Lexington, Ky. Chemistry. Hawesville, Ky, Sept. 21, 81. Phar.D, Louisville Col. Pharmacy, 03; Ph.C, Michigan, 04. Asst. chem, Michigan, - 04-05; asst. chemist, Canadian Copper Co, 05; Merck and Co, 05-06; asst. prof. pharmacy, N. Dak, Col, 06-08, prof, 08-09, drug chemist, Exp. Sta, 06-09; chemist, drug div, Ky. Exp. Sta, 09- A.A; Chem. Soc; Pharmaceut. Ass; Kye Pharmaceut. Ass. Pharmacy; analytical chem- istry. Chem- istry. Nashville, Tenn, Aug. 1, 67. Grad, Vir- ginia, 89. Chemist, Tenn. Exp. Sta, 89-90; anal. chemist, Nashville, 93-15; state food commis- sioner and chemist, Tenn, 08-15; director, Bur. Food and Drugs, N. Y. City, 15-20. Capt, Sanit. C, 18-19. A.A; Chem. Soc; Tenn. Acad; N. Y. Aead. Chemistry and geology of phosphates; food inspection; food supply. Brown, Dr. Mabel Mary, Madbury Road, Dur- ham, N. H. Botany. Belmont, Wis, March 17, 90. A.B, Wisconsin, 15, A.M, 16, fellow, 18-19, Ph.D, 19. Asst. bot, Wisconsin, 15— 18; instr, Missouri, 19-20; asst. prof, N. H. Col, 20- A.A; Bot. Soe; Wis. Acad. Plant embryology. Brown, Dr. Mortimer Jay, 706 Marsh-Strong Building, Los Angeles, Calif. Chemistry. Ches- ter, Nebr, Dec. 25, 82. B.S, Nebraska, 05; Ph.D, Cornell, 11. Chief chemist, works manager and later asst. to tech. director, Niagara Electrochem. Co. and Roessler and Hasslacher Chem. Co, 11- 19; v. pres. and executive, Pacific k and H Chem. Corp, 19— Chem. Soc; Soc. Chem. Indust ; Electrochem. Soc. Electrolysis of fused salts; production of alkali metals; silver peroxyni- trate; fixation of nitrogen; bleaching; fumi- gating. Brown, Nathan Clifford, 218 Middle St, Portland, Maine. Ornithology. Portland, Oct. 13, 56, A.B, Bowdoin, 83. Fel. Ornith. Union; Nat. Ass, Audubon Societies; hon. mem. Maine Or- nith. Soc; Portland Soc. Nat. Hist. Distribu- tion and habits of North American birds. Brown, Miss Nellie Adalesa, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Plant pathol- ogy. Marine City, Mich, Feb. 21, 77. A.B, Michigan, 01. Teacher science, high sch, South Haven, Mich, 01-03; Delray and Miami, Fla, 03-05; scientific asst, sugar plant lab, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 06-10, asst. pathologist, lab. plant path, 10- A.A; Phytopath. Soc. Bac- teriology; plant tumors; bacterial plant diseases. Brown, Prof. Nelson C(ourtlandt), N. Y. State College of Forestry, Syracuse, N. Y. ° Forestry. South Orange, N. J, March 1, 85. A.B, Yale, 06, M.F, 08. With U. 8. Forest Service, 08-11; asst. prof. forestry, Iowa State, 11-12; prof. forest utilization, N. ¥. State Col. Forestry, Syracuse, 12—- A.A; Soc. Foresters. Forest products. Brown, Prof. Oliver W, Bloomington, Ind. Z£lec- trochemistry. Vermilion Grove, Ill, June 25, 73. B.S, Earlham, 95; A.M, Indiana, 96; Cor- nell, 97-99; hon. fellow, Wisconsin, 03-04. Demonstrator chem, Ind. Dental Col, and chemist, J. N. Hurty lab, Indianapolis, 96-97; asst. chem, Cornell, 98-99; instr. electrochem. and quant. anal, Indiana, 99-04, assoc. prof, 04- Chemist, Muncie Pulp Co, Ind, 99. Electro- chem. Soe. Preparation of potassium persele- nate; distribution of mercuric chlorid between toluene and water; efficiency of the nickel-plat- ing tank; electric smelting of zinc and molyb- denum ores; life and capacity of lead storage batteries. Brown, Dr. Orville Harry, 430 N. Central Ave, Phoenix, Ariz. Pathology, Physiology. Sabetha, Kans, July 18, 75. A.B, Kansas, 01; Ph.D, Chicago, 05; M.D, St. Louis, 05. Lab. asst. physiol, Kansas, 01-02; asst. instr, Chicago, 02-04; asst. prof. pharmacol, St. Louis, 04- 07; physician-in-chief, Mo. State Sanatorium for Tuberculosis, 07-08, supt, 08-10; asst. prof, physiol, St. Louis, 10, med, 10-16; state supt. pub. health, Ariz, and field director for Ariz, U. S. Pub. Health Service, 18-19. Physiol. Soc; Soe. Biol. Chem; Ass. Tuber; Am. Med. Ass; Royal Soe. Med. Effects of ions on enzymes; relative values of alkaloidal salts; tuberculosis; asthma. Brown, Prof. P(ercy) E(dgar), Iowa State Col- lege, Ames, Iowa. Chemistry. Woodbridge, N. J, Oct. 9, 85. B.S, Rutgers, 06, A.M, 09, Ph.D, 12. Asst. soil chem, Rutgers, 06-10; prof, Jowa State, 10, chief soil chem. and bacter, and assoc. in charge soil survey, Exp. Sta, 10—- Expert, Nat. Research Council. Consulting ed, ‘Soil Sci- ence.’ A.A; Chem. Soc; Soe. Bact; Soc. Agron. (councilor, 13); fel. Iowa Acad. Soil bacteriol- ogy and chemistry; soil fertility and manage- ment; soil survey. Brown, Dr. Philip King, 909 Hyde St, San Fran- eiseo, Calif. Medicine. Napa, Calif, June 24, 69. A.B, Harvard, 90, M.D, 93. Assoc. prof. clin. med, California, 96-98, instr. animal path, vet. dept, 96-99; assoc. med. and instr. clin. path, Cooper Med. Col, 99-02; instr. clin. path, California, 02-08; prof. med, Polyclinic Post- Grad. Seh, 07-17. Visiting physician and con- sulting pathologist to various hospitals, San Francisco; founder and director, Arequipa Sana- torium, Manor Marin Co, Calif. Am. Physi- cians; Am, Med. Ass; Climat. Ass; Calif. Acad. Med. Blood conditions in leprosy and bone tu- bereulosis; pathology of the nervous system of animals; malarial fevers of the west coast of United States; intestinal parasites; muscular 92 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE irritability in eclampsia; goiter in man and ani- mals on the Pacific slope. Brown, Dr. Ralph L(yman), Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. Chemistry. Blair, Il, July 23, 90. A.B, Missouri, 13; fellow, Chicago, 16-17, Ph.D, 17. Asst. chem, Missouri, 13-14; org. preparations, Chicago, 15-16; research chemist, Inland Steel Co, 15; Koppers Co, Mellon Inst, 16-17, in charge, research div, 19— Lieut, Lab. d’Etudes chim. de Guerre, Paris, 17-19. Chem. Soc. Molecular rearrangement; chemical war- fare gases; coke oven by-products. Brown, Robert Marshall, Rhode Island College of Edueation, Providence, R. I. Geography, Geology. Fisherville, Mass, March 11, 70. A.B, Brown, 93; A.M, Harvard, 02. Instr. sciences, high sch, Portsmouth, N. H, 94-98, principal, 98-00; instr. sciences, high sch, New Bedford, Mass, 02-03; geog, Mass. State Nor. Sch, Worcester, 03-13; prof, R. I. Col. Educ, Providence, 13-; geol, R. I. Col, 19- A.A; Ass. Geog. The Mis- sissippi River; waterways. Brown, Prof. S. L(eroy), University Station, Austin, Tex. Physics. Indianapolis, Ind, Nov. 23, 81. A.B, Indiana, 05, A.M, 07; Whiting fellow, California, 07-09, Ph.D, 09. Asst. instr. physics, Purdue, 05-07; Lehigh, 09-11; Texas, 11-13, adj. prof, 13-17, assoc. prof, 17— Head, div. wireless, U.S. A. Sch. Mil. Aeronaut, Texas, 17-18, pres, acad. board, U.S.A, Sch. Radio Operators, 18-19. A.A; assoc. Physical Soc; Eng. Edue. Distributed capacity and induc- tance; oxid resistance thermometers; radiation pyrometers. Brown, Prof. Samuel B(oardman), University of West Virginia, Morgantown, W. Va. Geology. Preston Co, W. Va, March 5, 60, A.B, West Virginia, 83, A.M, 86. Teacher, prep. sch, Mar- tinsburg, W. Va, 84-85; principal, Nor. Sch, Glenville, 85-90; asst. geol, West Virginia, 90- 92, prof, 92- Two bronze medals, Columbian Expos,* 93. A.A. Structural geology; coal strata; crops and soils. Brown, Dr. Samuel Horton, 1901 Mt. Vernon St, Philadelphia, Pa. Medicine. Philadelphia, Nov. 16, 78. M.D, Pennsylvania, 99. Asst, ophthal- mologist, Pa. Hosp; ophthalmologist, Mt. Sinai Hosp; clin. asst, Wills Eye Hosp; asst. oph- thal. surgeon, Episcopal Hosp. Assoc. ed. and collaborator, ‘Am. Year-Book Med. and Surg,’ 04-05; ‘Therapeut. Rev,’ 04, ‘Jour. Cu- taneous Diseases,’ 05-06; ‘Am. Med,’ 05; ‘An- nals of Opthal,’ 05-06; ed, seventh, eighth and ninth editions of ‘Hughes’ Manual of Practice of Med.’ Am. Med. Ass; Acad. Ophthal. and Oto-Laryngol; Am. Acad. Med; Phila. Med. Club; Phila. Geog. Soc. Eczema; ophthalmol- ogy; medical sociology. Brown, Dr. Sanger, II, 37 W. 54th St, New York, N. Y. Psychiatry. White Plains, N. Y, May 2, 84. M.D, Columbia, 07. Physician, Dixmont Hosp, Pa, 07-09; Shepard and Enoch Pratt Hosp, Towson, Md, 10-11; Manhattan State Hosp, Ward’s Island, N. Y, 11-12; Blooming- dale Hosp, White Plains, 12-17; with M.C, U.S.A, 17-19. Am. Med. Ass; Medico-Psychol. Ass; Psychopath. Ass; N. Y. Neur. Soc. Eth- nology and psychiatry; childhood delinquency. Brown, Prof. Stewardson, 20 E. Penn St, Ger- mantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Botany. German- town, April 29, 67. Germantown Acad. Con- servator, bot. sect, Acad. Nat. Sciences, Phila, 95— Prof. bot, Pa. Hort. Soc. A.A; Bot. Soc; Am. Geog. Soc; Fern. Soc; Pa. Forestry Ass; Pa. Hort. Soc; Del. Valley Ornith. Club; Phila. Acad; Phila. Bot. Club; Torrey Bot. Club. Systematic botany; the flora of Philadelphia and vicinity; the Alpine flora of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Brown, Prof. S(timson) J(oseph), U. S. N, Naval Department, Washington, D. C. *Astronomy. Penn Yan, N. Y, Sept. 17, 54. Cornell, 71-72; grad, U. 8. Naval Acad, 76. Midshipman, U. S- N, 76-77, ensign, 77-83, prof. math, 83-12, astron. director, U. S, Naval Observatory, 98— 01, instr. math, U. 8. Naval Acad, 01-06, head, dept. math. and mech, 06-10, director, ‘ Nautica] Almanac.’ A.A; Astron. Soc; Astron. Gesell. Observation of the 303 ‘Zusatz Sterne’ of the ‘Berliner Jahrbuch’; observation of the satel- lites of Saturn, Mars and Neptune. Brown, Prof. Theodore H(enry), 79 Taber Ave, Providence, R. I. Mathematics. Mystic, Conn, Oct. 5, 88. A.B, Yale, 10, A.M, 11, Ph.D, 13. Instr. math, Sheffield Sei. Sch, Yale, 13-15; Brown, 15-18, asst. prof, 18-19, nautical science, 19— Math. Soc; Math. Ass; Astron. Soc. Ap- plied mathematics; astronomy. Brown, Prof. Thomas B(enjamin), George Wash- ington University, Washington, D. C. Physics. Bath, N. Y, April 4, 92. A.B, Cornell, 12, Ph.D, 16. Asst. instr. physics, Cornell, 12-13, instr, 13-17; asst. prof, George Washington, 17— Asst. physicist, Bur. Standards, summer, 18. Physical Soc; Wash. Philos. Soe. Cathode-fluorescence. Brown, Prof. Thomas C(lachar), R. F. D.1, Fitch- burg, Mass. Geology. Lunenburg, Mass, March 28, 82. A.B, Amherst, 04; A.M, Columbia, 05, Ph.D, 09. Asst. geol, Columbia, 05-07; eng. bur, N. Y. City Board of Water Supply, 07-09; asst. prof. geol, Middlebury, 09-11; Pa. State, 11-12; Bryn Mawr, 12-17; lecturer, Fitch- burg High Sch, 18— Lecturer geol, Norwich, 09. A.A; Geol. Soe; Paleont. Soc; N. Y. Acad. Morphology and development of Paleozoic cor- als; economic geology of Vermont. Brown, Dr. Wade H(ampton), Rockefeller Insti- tute, New York, N. Y. Pathology. Sparta, Ga, Oct. 18, 78. B.S, Nashville, 99; M.D, Hopkins, 07. Instr. path, Virginia, 07-08; Wisconsin, 08-10, asst. prof, 10-11; prof, North Carolina, 11-13; assoe, Rockefeller Inst, 13-14, assoc. mem, 14- A.A; Soc. Exp. Biol; Ass. Path. and Bact; Soc. Pharmacol; Soc. Exp. Path; Am. Physicians; Harvey Soc. Metabolism and pa- thology of blood pigments; toxicology of ar- senicals; chemotherapy of trypanosome and spirochete infections. Brown, Dr. Warner, University of California, Berkeley, Calif. Psychology. Greensboro, Ga, Feb. 9, 82. A.B, California, 04, A.M, 05; Ph.D, Columbia, 08. Asst. psychol, California, 04-06; philos, Columbia, 06-07, psychol, 07-08; instr. California, 08-13; asst. prof, 13-20, assoc. prof, 20—- A.A; Psychol. Ass. Psychology of rhythm; the conception of the threshold; judgment; recognition; visual space; individual differ- ences; learning. i N ' ; ; i if AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 93 Brown, Prof. W(ilbur) V(incent), Greencastle. Ind. Astronomy. Hope, N. J, March 27, 60 B.S, Stevens, 80, Ph.D, 89. Asst. prof. math and astron, De Pauw, 85-95, prof. astron, 94-96, math. and astron. and director, observatory, 96- Determination of longitude, Greencastle to St. Louis; effect on collimation of a tip in the object glass; personal equation with single and double line reticles; the oblique sections of the anchor ring; use of a classified cabinet of weather maps in improving weather forecasts. Brown, Prof. W(illia)m H(enry), Bureau of Sci- ence, Manila, P. I. Botany. Richmond, Va, Oct. 6, 84. B.S, Richmond, 06; fellow, Hopkins, 09-10, Ph.D, 10. Scientific asst, U. S. Fisheries Lab, Beaufort, N. C, 08; asst, Hopkins, 08-09; desert lab, Carnegie Institution, 10; instr, Mich. Agr. Col, and scientific asst, Exp. Sta, 10-11; plant physiologist, Bur. Science, P. I, 11-; assoc. prof. bot, Univ. Philippines, 15-19, prof. and chief of dept, 19-; chief, div. investigation, Bur. Forestry, P. I, 18- A.A; Bot. Soe; Ecol. Soc. Ecology; forest products; life history of dicotyledons; cytology of fungi; water relations and movements of plants. Brown, Dr. William S(tephen), Standard Under- ground Cable Co, Pittsburgh, Pa. Electrical en- gineering. Washington, D. C, Oct. 5, 91. E.E, Rensselaer, 13; Ph.D, Hopkins, 16. Elec. en- gineer, Standard Underground Cable Co, 17- Elec, Eng. Corona in air at high potentials. Browne, Prof. Arthur Wesley, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. *Chemistry. Brooklyn, N. Y, Nov. 24, 77. B.S, Wesleyan, 00, M.S, 01; Ph.D, Cornell, 03. Instr. chem, Cornell, 03-06, asst. prof, 06-10, prof. inorg. and anal. chem, 10—- A.A; Chem. Soc. A thermostat sensitive to one thousandth of a degree; synthetic analysis in ternary systems; resistance of glass tubing to bursting pressure; hydronitrie acid and the inorganic trinitrids; effect of mechanical vibra- tion upon carbon dioxid; oxidation of hydrazin; electrolysis of potassium trinitrid; gas genera- tors; the hydronitrogens and their derivatives; electrolysis of liquid ammonia solutions; ni- tridation; binary systems; hydrogen peroxide in nature; gravitation and inorganie evolution. Browne, Dr. C(harles) A(lbert), 80 South St, New York, N. Y. *Agricultural and sugar chem- istry. North Adams, Mass, Aug. 12, 70. A.B, Williams, 92, A.M, 96; Ph.D, Gottingen, 01. Asst. chemist in commercial lab, N. Y. City, 92-94; instr. chem, Pa. State, 95-96; asst. chemist, Pa. Exp. Sta, 96-024 chemist, La. Sugar Exp. Sta, 02-06; chief, sugar lab, bur. chem, U.S. Dept. Agr, 06-07; chemist in charge, N. Y. Sugar Trade Lab, 07- U.S. delegate, Int. Cong. Applied Chem, Rome, 06; mem. Int. Commission Methods of Sugar Anal, A.A; Chem. Soc. (asst. ed, 12—, chairman, sect. sugar chem, 20—); Wash. Acad; N. Y. Chemists Club; cor. mem, Ass. chim. de Suer. et de Dist. de France. Chemistry of butter-fat, apples, cider and vinegar, sugar-cane and sugar, rice, carbo- hydrates; chemical composition and analysis of honey; polarimetry in sugar analysis; history of chemistry and alchemy. Browne, Dr. Louise McDanell, 15 Clark St, Brook- Gallatin B.S, Nashville, 02; A.B, lyn, N. Y. Physiological chemistry. Co, Ky, Feb. 16, 83. Stanford, 06; A.M, Columbia, 12; fellow, Balti- more Ass. Prom. Univ. Educ. of Women, Yale, 15-17, Ph.D, 17. Teacher, high sch, Georgia, 02-03; pub. sch, Calif, 03-05, high sch, 06-11; asst. prof. home econ, Wash. State, 12-13; Min- nesota, 13-15; assoc. prof, Goucher, 17-18. A.A; Home Econ. Ass. Carbohydrate metabo- lism. Browne, Prof. W(illia)m Hand, Jr, West Raleigh, N. C. Electrical engineering. Baltimore Co, Md, July 21, 68. A.B, Hopkins, 90, certificate in elec, eng, 92. Eng. work, 92-96; instr. elec. eng, Nebraska, 96-98; asst. prof, Illinois, 98- 02; technical ed, ‘Elec. Rev,’ 02-08; prof. physics and elec. eng, NV. C. Col, 08-18, elec. eng, 18- Elec, Eng; Eng. Educ; Electrochem. Soc; Tllum. Eng. Soe. Browne, Prof. William W(ard), College of the City of New York, New York, N. Y. Bacteri- ology. Providence, R. I, Dee. 10, 84. A.B, Brown, 08, A.M, 09, Ph.D, 12. Instr. bacter, Col. City of N. Y, 12-17, asst. prof, 17— Bac- teriologist, various city health departments; N. Y. State Commission on Ventilation. A.A; Soe. Nat; Soc. Bact; Pub. Health Ass; Soe. Exp. Biol. Bacteria of intestinal tract, air, fish and fish products, Browning, Prof. Philip -E(mbury), Yale Univer- sity, New Haven, Conn. *Chemistry. Rhine- beck, N. Y, Sept. 9, 66. A.B, Yale, 89, Ph.D, 92; Munich, 93-94; Paris and Delft, 13-14. Asst. chem, Yale, 89-93, instr, 94-98, asst. prof, 98- Mem. Am. Commission Inorg. Chem. Nomenclature, 12; reviewer tech. literature on rarer elements, Foote Mineral Co. A.A; Chem. Soe. Analytical chemistry of the rarer ele- ments; separation of the cerium earths; estima- tion of vanadium, thallium, tellurium; extrac- tion and separation of germanium, gallium, indium, ete. Browning, Prof. William, 54 Lefferts Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Neurology, Anatomy. Nor- wich, Conn, July 7, 55. Ph.B, Yale, 76; diploma in anat, Pennsylvania, 78; M.D, Leipzig, 81. Lecturer anat. and physiol. of nervous system, L. I. Col. Hosp, 87-00, prof. neurol, 01— Neu- rologist to 12 Brooklyn hospitals; ed, ‘Neuro- graphs.’ Commissioner inebriety, N. Y. City, 13-18. A.A; Neur. Ass; Ass. Anat; Ass. Med. Librarians (pres, 17-19). Eneranial cireula- tion; medical history and libraries. Brownlee, Dr. R(oy) H(utchison), Benedum- Trees Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Chemistry. Alexis, Il], Dec. 12, 76. A.B, Monmouth, 98; Hopkins, 98; Ph.D, Chicago, 06. Prof. nat. sci- ences, Occidental, 00-01; asst. chem, Chicago, 01-03; instr, Univ. of Chicago High Seh, 03-07; chemist and asst. supt, paraffine works, Standard Oil Co. of Ind, 07-12; fellow, Mellon Inst, and prof, Pittsburgh, 12-14; pres, R. H. Brownlee Lab, 14— Chem. Soe; Electrochem. Soe. Tech- nical processes for oil and gas; chemical welding and cutting of metals; petroleum refining. Brubaker, Prof, Albert P(hilson), 3426 Powelton Ave, Philadelphia, Pa. Physiology. Somerset, Pa, Aug. 12, 52. M.D, Jefferson Med. Col, 74. Prof. physiol, Pa. Col. Dental Surg, 85-09; adj. prof. physiol. and hygiene, Jefferson Med. Col, 96-09, prof. physiol. and med. juris, 09- Lee- 94 turer physiol. and hygiene, Drexel Inst, Phila, 92-14, Physiol. Soc; Philos. Soc; Phila. Col. Physicians. Electrophysiology. Bruce, Prof. Donald, University of California, Berkeley, Calif. Forestry. Newtonville, Mass, July 23, 84. A.B, Yale, 06, M.F, 10. Forest asst, forest examiner and forest supervisor, U. S. Forest Service, 10-15; prof. forestry, Cali- fornia, 15- Soe. Foresters. Forest engineering. Bruce, Dr. E(verend) L(ester), 221 Wellington St, Ottawa, Can. Geology. Toledo, Ont, Aug. 3, 84. B.Se, Queen’s (Can), 09, B.A, 11; A.M. - Columbia, 12, Ph.D, 15. Chemist, Can. Copper Co, 10; asst. miner, Columbia, 11-14; geologist, Can. Geol. Surv, 14-20; Whitehall Petrol. Corp, London, 20; prof. miner, Queen’s (Can), 20- Fel. Am. Geog. Soc; Can. Min. Inst; Ottawa Field Nat. Club. Mineralogy; economic geol- ogy; Pre-Cambrian geology. Bruce, Prof. Robert E(rmest), Boston University, Boston, Mass. Mathematics. Stoneham, Mass, Oct. 14, 77. A.B, Boston, 01, A.M, 05, Ph.D, 12; A.M, Harvard, 11. Instr. math, Pomona, 02-03; Boston, 03-05, asst. prof, 05-12, prof, iZ- A.A; Astron. Soc. Modern geometry; as- tronomy; solar physics. Bruce, Dr. W(illiam) H(erschel), Denton, Tex. Mathematics. Troup Co, Ga, April 8, 56. A.B, Ala. Polytech, 83; Ph.D, Mercer; hon. A.M, Baylor; LL.D, Trinity. Principal, high sch, Blanco, Tex, 85-93; supt. schools, Marble Falls, 93-96; Athens, 96-99; pres, John Tarleton Col, Stephenville, 99-00; prof. math, North Tez. State Nor. Col, 01-06, pres, 06- Instr. math, summer session, Texas, 97, 98, 00; pres. Tex. State Teachers’ Ass, 05-10; chairman, Tex. State Board of Examiners, 05. A.A; fel. Tex. Acad. General geometry. Bruecken, Dr. Albert Joseph, Marquette School of Medicine, Milwaukee, Wis. Bacteriology. Pittsburgh, Pa, Feb. 1, 82. M.D, Pittsburgh, 13. Res. pathologist ‘and bacteriologist, Mercy Hosp, Pittsburgh, 13-14; demonstrator path. and bacter, Pittsburgh, 14-15; pathologist and bac- teriologist, Mercy Hosp, 15-16; Tuber. League Hosp, 16-18; Mercy Hosp, 18-19; prof. bacter, Marquette, 19- Soc. Bact; Am. Med, Ass; Int. Ass. Med. Mus. Pathology; pneumococcus in- fections; vascular obstruction; hemolysis. Bruere, Dr. A(ndrew) Arthman, 2145 Mance St, Montreal Annex, Can. Tozicology, Hygiene. Trinidad, W. I, Nov. 10, 64. M.D, Edinburgh, 90; Paris. Lecturer med, McGill. Director, clin. lab, Royal Victoria Hosp, Montreal. Ass. Path. and Bact. Sapotoxins; hydrogen selenid and tellurid; carbon monoxid; action of sapo- toxins on the tissues. Brues, C(harles) T(homas), Bussey Institution, Forest Hills, Boston, Mass. *Zoology. Wheel- ing, W. Va, June 20, 79. B.S, Texas, 01, fel- low, 01-02, M.S, 02; fellow, Columbia, 02-03. Special field agent, U. S. Dept. Agr, 04-05; curator invert. zool, Milwaukee Pub. Museum, 05-09; instr. econ. entom, Harvard, 09-14, asst. prof, 14- Ed, ‘Psyche,’ 10-; mem. div. med. zool, Nat. Research Council, 17-19. A.A; Soe. Nat; Entom. Soc; Ass. Econ. Entom; Am. Acad; Wis. Nat. Hist. Soc. (sec’y, 06-09, ed, ‘Bul,’ 07-10); Wis. Acad; Wash. Acad; Cam- AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE bridge Entom, Club. Applied and medical en- tomology; relations of insects to microorgan- isms; embryology, ethnology and taxonomy of inseets, especially of the Hymenoptera and Dip- tera; applied entomology; fossil Hymenoptera. Brumfield, Dr. W(illiam) A(ndrew), Blacksburg, Va. Biology. Pittsylvania Co, Va, May 26, 75. M.D, Virginia, 97. Field agent, Rockefeller Sanit. Commission, 09-14; district health officer, Va. State Health Dept, 14- A.A; Pub. Health Ass; Am. Med. Ass. Intestinal parasites and mosquitoes in Virginia. Brunel, Prof. R(oger) F(rederic), Bryn Mawr, Pa. Chemistry. Portland, Maine, Dee. 21, 81. A.B, Colby, 03; Ph.D, Hopkins, 06. Research asst. chem, Tufts, 06-07; instr, Syracuse, 07- 09, asst. prof, 09-12; assoc, Bryn Mawr, 12-14, assoc. prof, 14-17, prof, 17— A.A; Chem. Soc; Franklin Inst; Soc. chim. de Paris. Organic chemistry; equilibrium in reversible reactions of organic compounds. Bruner, Dr. Frank G, Board of Education, Chi- eago, Il. Psychology. Streator, Il], March 28, 74. Fellow, A.B, Nebraska, 03; Ph.D, Colum- bia, 08, M.D, 12. Supt. schools, Dwight, Il, 99-01; asst. psychol, Nebraska, 02-03; Colum- bia, 03-05; asst. director, dept. child-study, pub. schools, Chicago, 05-17, director, special schools and special classes, 17— Asst. supt, sect. psy- chometry and anthropometry, La. Purchase Expos, 04. A.A; Psychol. Ass. Color range of adults; the hearing of primitive peoples; ac- curacy of reflex adjustments; child psychology ; clinical psychology; tests. Bruner, Prof. H(enry) L(ane), Irvington, Indian- apolis, Ind. Zoology. Knox Co, Il, Jan. 10, 61. A.B, Abingdon, 80; Sheffield Sci. Sch, Yale, 80-81; Ph.D, Freiburg, 96. Prof. nat. science, Abingdon, 81-84; Eureka, 84-86; biol. and geol, Drake, 91-92; Butler, 92- Asst, U. S. Fish Commission, summers, 81-84; Harrison fellow, Pennsylvania, 10-11; lecturer, Ind. Dental Col; prof. zool, Indiana, summer, 20. A.A; Soe. Zool; fel. Ind. Acad. (ed, 09, pres, 19). Heart of lungless salamanders; cephalic veins and sinuses of Reptilia; molting mechanism of Rep- tilia; a mechanism for raising blood pressure in the head of reptiles; Jacobson’s organ and the respiratory mechanism of amphibians. Bruner, Prof. Lawrence, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. Entomology, Ornithology. Cata- sauqua, Pa, March 2, 56. B.S, Nebraska. Field agent, U. S. Dept. Agr, 80-88; entomologist, Nebr. Exp. Sta, 88-90; instr. entom. Nebraska, 90-95, prof. entom. and ornith, 95-06, head prof. entom, 06— Investigator locust plague, Argen- tine Rep, 97-98. A.A; Entom. Soe. Locusts; life histories of insects; Nebraska birds; locusts of Paraguay and Argentina; Orthoptera of Trinidad; saltatorial Orthoptera of Brazil, Brit- ish Guiana, East Bolivia, West Africa and Mada- gasear; Acrididae of Peru. Bruner, Stephen C(ole), Estacion Experimental Agronomica, Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba. Bot- any. Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 18, 91. B.S, N. C. Col, 12. Agent, office forest path, U. S. Dept. Agr, 12-14; asst. pathologist, Cuba Exp. Sta, 15-18, pathologist, 18-19, chief, dept. plant path. and entom, 19—- A.A; Phytopath, Soc; N. C. Acad. Plant pathology. Se ee Bel AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 95 Brunton, D(avid) W(illiam), 730 Symes Build- ing, Denver, Colo. Geology. Ayr, Ont, June 11, 49. Michigan, 75. Consulting mining engineer. Mem. Naval Consulting Board. Telford prize, 97. Min. and Metal. Eng. (v. pres, 97, pres, 09, 10); Civil Eng; Mech. Eng; Colo. Sci. Soe. (v. pres, 09); Royal Geog. Soe. Mine tunneling. Brush, Dr. Charles F(rancis), 3725 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, Ohio. *Physics. Euclid, Ohio, March 17, 49. M.E, Michigan, 69, hon. M.S, 99; Ph.D, Western Reserve, 80, LL.D, 00; Kenyon, 03; Se.D, Michigan, 12. Founder, Brush Elec. Co; elec. engineer and inventor. Pres, or director of various corporations; pres, Cleveland Chamber of Commerce; trustee of various colleges and schools. Chevalier Légion d’honneur, 81; Rum- ford medal, 99; Edison medal, Elec. Eng, 13. A.A; Elec. Eng; Mech. Eng; Chem. Soc; Philos. Soe; Franklin Inst; Am. Acad; British Ass. Electricity; practical electric are lighting; molecular physics; the light gases of the atmos- phere; the ether. Brush, Dr. E(dward) N(athaniel), Towson, Md. Psychiatry. Glenwood, N. Y, April 23, 52. M.D, Buffalo, 74. Lecturer electro-therapeut, Buffalo, 77-79; asst. physician, State Hosp, Utica, N. Y, 78-80, senior asst. physician, 80-84; Pa. Hosp. for Insane, West. Phila, 84-91; supt. and chief physician, Sheppard and Enoch Pratt Hosp, 91- 20, emer. supt, 20-; prof. psychiat, Col. Physi- cians and Surg, Baltimore, 99-20, emer. prof, 20—- Assoc. ed, ‘Am. Jour. Insanity,’ 78- 84, managing ed, 97- Medico-Psychol. Ass. (pres, 15); Neur. Ass; Md. Soc. Mental Hygiene (pres, 15); Md. Med. and Chirurg. Faculty (pres, 05); hon. mem. Medico-Psychol. Ass. Gt. Britain and Ireland; hon. mem. Soe. de Méd. mentale de Belgique; for. assoe. Soc. Médico- Psychol. de Paris. Bryan, Dr. G(eorge) S(mith), 803 State St, Madi- son, Wis. Botany. Charleston, S. C, May 2, 79. A.B, Furman, 00; fellow, Chicago, 12-14, Ph.D, 14. Instr. bot, Wisconsin, 14-17, asst. prof, 17— A.A; Bot. Soc; Wis. Acad. Morphology of the Bryophyta. Bryan, Miss Mary K(atherine), U. 8. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Plant pa- thology. Prince George Co, Md, Feb. 13, 77. A.B, Stanford, 08. Scientific asst, lab. plant path, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 09-18, asst. pathologist, 18- A.A; Phytopath. Soc. Bacterial diseases of plants. Bryan, Dr. Thomas Joseph, Calumet Baking Pow- der Co, 4100 Fillmore St, Chicago, Il. Chem- istry. Warwickshire, England, Sept. 26, 69. A.B, Colgate, 93, A.M, 95, Sc.D, 14; A.M, Got- tingen, 99; Heidelberg, 00; Ph.D, Freiburg, 01. Asst. chem, Colgate, 93-95, 97-99; Wesleyan, 01-02; instr, Williams, 02-03; Illinois, 03-06; state analyst, Ill. State Food Commission, 06- 14; chief chemist, Calumet Baking Powder Co, 14— Chem, Soc. (chairman, Chicago sect, 10, councilor, 16, 20, chairman, agr. and food div, 17, sec’y, 19); Agr. Chem; Electrochem. Soc; Soe. Milling and Baking Tech. Action of mus- tard oils on phenols; analysis of oils. Bryan, Prof. W(alker) E(dward), University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. Botany. Gadsden, Ala, Jan, 24, 85. B.S, Ala. Polytech, 11; M.S, Wis- consin, 15. Instr. science, Second Dist. Agr. Sch, 11-14; agron, Louisiana, 15-16; asst. prof. plant breeding, Arizona, 16-19, prof, 19-; asst. plant breeder, Exp. Sta, 16— Bot. Soc. Hered- ity in wheat; relation of histological structures of alfalfa to drought resistance. Bryan, W(illia)m Alanson, Museum of History, Seience and Art, Los Angeles, Calif. Zoology. New Sharon, Iowa, Dee. 23, 75. B.S, Iowa State, 96. Asst. in charge museum, Iowa State, 93; lecturer museum methods, Minnesota, In- diana, Chicago, Purdue, Iowa State and Drake, 95-97; asst. curator, in charge dept. ornith, Field Museum Nat. Hist, 98-99; investigator fauna of Hawaiian Islands, U. 8S. Dept. Agr, 99; curator, Bishop Museum Ethnol. and Nat. Hist, Honolulu, Hawaii, 00-07; pres, Pacific Sci. Inst, 08—; director, Los Angeles Museum, 21— Exped. to Big Stone Lake, 94; Polynesia, 09; prof. zool. and geol, Univ. of Hawaii 09-20. A.A; mem. Ornith. Union; Ass. Mus; Minn. Acad. (hon. curator ornith, 04); Cooper Ornith. Club. Ichthyology; birds of the Hawaiian group ; ethnological and biological survey of the Pacific Islands. Bryan, Pres, William Lowe, Bloomington, Ind. *Psychology. Bloomington, Nov. 11, 60. A.B, Indiana, 84, A.M, 86; Berlin, 86-87; Ph.D, Clark, 92; Paris and Wiirzburg, 00-01. Instr. Greek, Indiana, 85, assoc. prof. philos, 85-87, prof, 86-02, v. pres, 93-02, pres, 02— Trustee, Carnegie Foundation, 10—- A.A; Soc. Nat; Psychol. Ass. (pres, 03); Philos. Ass. Experi- mental psychology; the development of motor ability; the psychology of occupations. Bryant, Arthur P(eyton), Clinton Corn Syrup Re- fining Co, Clinton, Iowa. Chemistry. South New Market, N. H, May 7, 68. B.S, Wesleyan, 92, M.S, 95. Instr. math. and science, English and Classical High Sch, Providence, R. I, 92-93; chem, Swarthmore, 93-94: with U. S. Dept. Agr, 95-02; chemist, Conn. Exp. Sta, 01-02; chief chemist, Glucose Sugar Refining Co, and Nat. Starch Co, 02-06; Bryant-Miner. Laboratories, 06; directing chemist, Clinton Corn Syrup Ref. Co, and Nat. Candy Co, 07— Consulting chem- ist, Nat. Candy Co; Nat. Confectioners’ Ass. A.A; Chem. Soe; Soc. Chem. Indust. Human nutrition; starch and its hydrolytic products; sugar. Bryant, Prof. Ernest C(alvin), Middlebury, Vt. Physics. Manchester, N. H, April 22, 67. B.S, Middlebury, 91; Mass. Inst. Tech, 93; Cam- bridge, 13-14. With Can. Bridge and Tron Co, 93-94; prof. math. and physics, Middlebury, 95- 12, physics, 12— A.A; Physical Soe. Bryant, Dr. Harold C(hild), California Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, Calif. Zoology. Pasadena, Calif, Jan. 30, 86. B.S, Pomona, 08; M.S, California, 10, fellow, 10-12, Ph.D, 13. Teacher science, Yale Sch, Los Angeles, 08-09; reader zool, California, 13, asst. curator birds, museum vert. zool, 13-14, econ. ornithologist, 14-; game expert, Calif. Fish and Game Com- mission, 14- Mem. field party, museum vert. zool, California, summer, 10; lecturer, exten. div, 16-; ed, ‘Calif. Fish and Game,’ 14— A.A; mem. Ornith. Union. Economie ornithology and 96 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE mammalogy; paleontology; fish and game con- Buchanan, Prof. R(obert) E(arle), Station A, servation. Ames, Iowa. Bacteriology. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Bryant, Henry G(rier), 1510 Walnut St, Phila- March 27, 83. B.S, Iowa State, 04, M.S, 06; delphia, Pa. Geography. Allegheny City, Pa, Ph.D, Chicago, 08. Instr. bacter, Towa State, Nov. 7, 59. A.B, Princeton, 83, A.M, 86; LL.B, 05-06; asst, Chicago, 07-08; assoc. prof. Iowa Pennsylvania, 86. In charge, Labrador exped, State, 08-09, prof, 09-, dean indust. science, - 91, 12; Peary auxil. exped, 94; Mt. St. Elias 13-19, grad. col, 19- A.A; Soc. Bact. (pres, exped, 97. Officier d’Acad. Delegate, Int. Geog. 18). Agricultural bacteriology. Cong, Berlin, 99; Geneva, 08. A.A; Ass. Geog. Bucher, Prof. John E(mery), Littlehales Chem- (pres, 13); Philos. Soc; Am. Alp®e Club (pres, ical Co, Syracuse, N. Y. *Chemistry. Hanover, 13-16); Phila. Geog. Soe. (pres, 20—); fel. Royal Pa, Aug. 17, 72. A.C, Lehigh, 91; Ph.D, Hop- Geog. Soc; hon. mem. Club Alpin francais; kins, 94; Se.D, Brown, 17. Instr. chem, Tufts, cor. mem. Swedish Soc. Anthrop. and Geog; 94-97; assoc. prof, R. I. Col, 97-01; Brown, 01— cor. mem. Soe. de Géog. de Genéve. Geograph- 15, prof. and head of dept, 15-17; penman, ieal exploration; ethnology; drift casks to de- Littlehales Chem. Co, 17—- A.A; Chem. Soe; termine arctic currents. Chem. Gesell. Organie chemistry; action of Bryant, Dr. John, 338 Marlborough St, Boston, acetic anhydrid on unsaturated acids; the Mass. Anatomy. Cohasset, Mass, Sept. 29, 80. phenylInaphthalene, fluorene and diphenyl Series; A.B, Harvard, 03, M.D, 07; European study, 12— the benzene polyearboxylic acids; fixation of 14. Instr. path. and neuropath, Harvard Med. nitrogen. Sch, 07-08, asst. anat, 14-17; U.S.A. service, 17— Bucher, Dr. Walter H(ermann), University of 19; med. asst. convalescence, Mass. Gen. Hosp, Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. Geology. Akron, 19— Mass. Gen. Hosp, 10. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Ohio, March 12, 88. Ph.D, Heidelberg, 11. Gastro-Enterol. Ass; New Eng. Pediat. Soe. Instr. geol, Cincinnati, 13-15, asst. prof, 16- Gastro-enterology; chronic intestinal medicine; A.A; Geol. Soc; Ohio Acad; Geol. Gesell. Ger- non-surgical control of incompetence of the ileo- man Tertiary; oolites; ripples; joints; sedimen- eaecal valve; convalescence. tation; eryptoplasmic structures in Ohio; di- Bryant, Prof. J(ohn) M(yron), University of astrophie processes. Texas, Austin, Tex. JZlectrical engineering. Buchholz, Prof. John T(heodore), Pavatiovills, East Templeton, Mass, 77. BS.(E.E), Wor- Ark. Botany. Polk Co, Nebr, July 14,88. B.S, cester, 01, E.E, 09; M.S, Illinois, 11. Asst. Iowa Wesleyan, 09; A.B, Iowa, 09; M.S, Chi- dept. testing and draughting, Gen. Elec. Co, cago, 14, fellow, 16-17, Ph.D, 17. Instr. biol, Schenectady, N. Y, 01-03; electrician, Oriental Ark. State Nor. Sch, 09-11, head, dept. science, Powder Co, 03; instr. in charge elec. labora- 11-18; dept. biol, W. Tex. State Nor. Col, 18- tories, Illinois, 03-07, assoc, 07-09; asst. prof, 19; prof. bot. and head of dept, Arkansas, 19- 09-14; prof. elec. eng, Texas, 14- Pres, acad. A.A; Bot. Soe. Evolution of cotyledony and board. and chairman, board of control, U.S.A. polyembryony; embryogeny of conifers. — scheols, Texas, 17-19. A.A; Elec. Eng; Mech. Eng; Eng. Educ; Illum. Eng. Soe. Lecturer, Wisconsin, summer, 04. Street and interior il- lumination; power plant economics and rates; commercial production of ozone; insulating ma- terials. Buchanan, Prof. D(aniel), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. Mathematics. Clear- ville, Ont, April 14, 80. B.A, MeMaster, 06, Buchner, Prof. Edward F(ranklin), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. “Besehotaey x Phi- losophy, Education. Paxton, Ill, Sept. 3, 68. A.B, Leander Clark, 89; Ph.D, Yale, 93. Lec- turer pedag. and philos, Yale, 92-94, instr, 94- 97; prof. anal. psychol, N. Y. Univ, 96- 01; docent philos, Clark, 01-03; prof. philos. and edue, Alabama, 03-08; Hopkins, 08-15, educ, 15- Asst, psychol. lab, Columbian Expos, M.A, 08; fellow, Chicago, 0911, PhD, 11. 93, jecturer ‘psyehol, ‘Brooklyn Inst, 98-00. Asst. prof. math, Queen’s (Can), 413 14, assoc. Ney Set Nabe Psychol. Ass; Philos. Ass; prof, 14-16, prof, 16-20; British Columbia, eo Soe. Sei. Educ; Soe. Col. Teachers Educ; S. Soe. Math. Soe; Astron. Soc. Astronomy; isosceles- Pislos, “and Psychol. (see’ y, 04-09, pres, 10) ; triangle solutions of problem of three bodies fel. N. Y. Acad. Kant’s psychology ; Kant’s (four cases); oscillations near the _ isosceles- educational theory; history of modern psychol- triangle solutions (two cases); periodie orbits on a smooth surface. Buchanan, Prof. Herbert Earle, Tulane Univer- Buck, Dr. A(lbert) H(enry), H. W. Buck, 49 ogy; educational psychology. sity, New Orleans, La. Mathematics. Cane Wall St, New York, N. Y. Otology. New Hill, Ark, Oct. 4, 81. A.B, Arkansas, 02; York, Oct. 20, 42. A.B, Yale, 64; M.D, Colum- A.M, Chicago, 03, Ph.D, 09. Instr. math, Wis- bia, 67. Aural surgeon, N. Y. Eye and Ear consin, 09-11; assoc. prof, Tennessee, 11-12, Infirmary, 71-83; prof. otol, Columbia, 87-04. prof, 12-20; Tulane, 20—- Math. Soe; Math. Consulting aural. surgeon, N. Y. Eye and Ear Ass; Tenn. Acad. Mathematical astronomy; Infirmary. Otol. Soc. (past pres). Diseases of celestial mechanics; uniform convergence of the ear. monotonic functions. Buck, Prof. A(lonzo) M(orris), 52 Vanderbilt Buchanan, L(ee) L(aForest), U. S. Department Ave, New York, N. Y. Electrical engineering. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Entomology. Washington, D. C, Jan. 17, 81. M.E, Cornell, Solon, Iowa, Oct. 27, 93. A.B, Iowa, 16. Asst. 04. Instr. elee. eng, Cornell, 05-06; engineer, zool, Iowa, 15-16; scientific indexer, biol. surv, Westinghouse Elec. and Mfg. Co, 04-07; asst. U. 8. Dept. Agr, 17- Entom. Soe. Taxonomy prof. elec. eng, N. H. Col, 08-10; prof, ‘Clark- of Coleoptera. son Mem. Sch. Tech, 10-11; asst. prof. railway i AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 97 elec. eng, Illinois, 11-17; consulting engineer, i7— A.A; Elec. Eng; Elec. Ry. Ass; Eng. Edue. Railway engineering. Buck, Harold Winthrop, 49 Wall St, New York, N. Y. Electrical engineering. New York, May 7, 73. Ph.B, Yale, 94; E.E, Columbia, 95. Elec. engineer, Gen. Elec. Co, 95-00; Niagara Falls Power Co, 00-06; v. pres, Viele, Blackwell and Buck, Engineers. A.A; Elec. Eng. (pres, 16). Buck, Dr. Thomas, University of California, Ber- keley, Calif. Mathematics. Orland, Maine, Dee. 25, 81. B.S, Maine, 01; Ph.D, Chicago, 09. Instr. math, Maine, 02-06; Illinois, 09-11; Cali- fornia, 11-18, asst. prof, 18- A.A; Math. Soe. Buckborough, Dr, Siegel A, 2101 Maple Ave, Evanston, Ill. Chemistry. Ont, Can, Feb. 4, 72. B.A, McMaster, 02; A.B, Harvard, 03; M.S, Chicago, 10; Ph.D, Northwestern, 15. Prof. chem, Fairmount, 03-05; instr, high sch, Evanston, O7- Organie chemistry; molecular structure of maltose sugar. Buckingham, Prof. B(urdette) R(oss), 706 W. Nevada St, Urbana, Ill. Education. Riverhead, N. Y, Dee. 9, 76. A.B, Wesleyan, 99, A.M, 00; Ph.D, Columbia, 13. Supt. schools, Northport, N. Y, 01-04; teacher math, Morris High Sch, N. Y. City, 04-07; principal, Pub. Sch. 86, 07- 14; chief statistician, office of city supt. of schools, 14-16; edue. statistician, Wis. State Board of Educ, 16-18; prof. educ. and director, bur. educ. research, Illinois, 18- A.A; Statist. Ass; Nat. Ass. Directors Educ. Research (v. pres, 17, pres, 18-19). Measurement of results of teaching school subjects. Buckingham, Edgar, Bureau of Standards, Wash- ington, D. C. *Physics. Philadelphia, Pa, July 8, 67. A.B, Harvard, 87; Strasbourg, 89-90; Ph.D, Leipzig, 93. Asst. physics, Harvard, 88- 89; Strasbourg, 89-90; Harvard, 91-92; assoc. physics and physical chem, Bryn Mawr, 93-98, assoc. prof, 98-99; instr. physics, Wisconsin, 01-02; asst. physicist, bur. soils, U. S. Dept. Agr, 02-06; Bur. Standards, 06- Lecturer thermodynamics, grad. sch, U. 8. Naval Acad, 10, 11-12; assoe. scientific attaché, U. S. Em- bassy, Rome, 18. Physical Soe. (ed. board, 15— 17); Mech. Eng; Naval Eng; Wash. Acad; Wash. Philos. Soc. (pres, 15); Soc. de Physique. Thermodynamics; engineering physics; fluid dy- namics. Buckley, Prof. Albert C(oulson), Friends Hospi- tal, Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa. Neurology, Psychiatry. Philadelphia, Pa, Aug. 6, 73. A.B, Cent. High Sch, Phila, 94, A.M, 00; M.D, Medico-Chirurg. Col, 97. Asst. demonstrator anat. and demonstrator nor. histol, Medico- Chirurg. Col, 97-98, assoc. prof. nor. histol, 99- 09, clin. prof. mental diseases, 09-18; assoc. prof. psychiat, grad. sch. med, Pennsylvania, 19-; med. supt, Friends Hosp, 18-— Lecturer clin. neur. and neuropath, Medico-Chirurg. Col, 07; asst. neurologist, Phila, Gen. Hosp, 07-16; visiting physician, psychopathic wards, 16-18; alienist in charge, mental clinic, Phila. Orthop. Hosp. and Infirmary for Nervous Diseases, 12- A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Medico-Psyehol. Ass; Phila, Col. Physicians; Phila. Neurol, Path. and 7 Psychiat. societies. Neuropathology; psychiatry; basis of psychiatry. Buckley, Dr. O(liver) E(lUsworth), 36 Clinton Ave, Maplewood, N. J. Physics. Sloan, Iowa, Aug. 8, 87. B.S, Grinnell, 09; Ph.D, Cornell, 14. Instr. physics, Grinnell, 09-10; Cornell, 10-14; research physicist, West. Elec. Co, 14- Major, Sig. C, A.E.F, 17-18. Physical Soc; Elec. Eng. Hall effect; ionization manometer. Buckman, Prof. H(arry) O(liver), 118 Wait Ave, Ithaca, N. Y. Agronomy. West Liberty, Iowa, July 4, 83. B.S.A, Iowa State, 06, M.S.A, 08; Ph.D, Cornell, 12. Asst. chemist, Iowa Exp. Sta, 06-07; asst. agronomist, Mont. Exp. Sta, 07-09; asst. prof. soils, Cornell, 12-17, prof, 17— A.A; Soc. Agron. Formation of residual clay. Buckner, Dr, G(arrett) Davis, 128 E. Fourth St, Lexington, Ky. Chemistry. Lexington, May 17, 85. B.S, Kentucky, 08; Ph.D, Princeton, 12. Asst. food chemist, Ky. Exp. Sta, 08-09; asst. instr. chem, Princeton, 09-12; research chemist, Ky. Exp. Sta, 12—- Chem. Soc; Ky. Acad. Plant chemistry; nutrition; silver coulometer. Buddington, Dr. A(rthur) F(rancis), Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. Geology. Wil- mington, Del, Nov. 29, 90. Ph.B, Brown, 12, M.S, 13; Ph.D, Princeton, 16. Proctor fellow geol, Princeton, 16-17; instr, Brown, 17-19; petrologist, geophys. lab, Carnegie Institution, 19-20; asst. prof. geol, Princeton, 20-— Asst, N. Y. State Geol. Surv, 16-19; asst. geologist, U. S. Geol. Surv, 19- Geol. Soc. Pre-Cambrian rocks; the melilite group of minerals. Budington, Prof. Robert A(llyn), Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. Zoology. Leyden, Mass, Oct. 22, 72. A.B, Williams, 96, A.M, 99; Columbia, 99-00. Asst. zool, Williams, 98-99; asst. demonstrator physiol, Columbia, 00-02; instr. zool. and physiol, Mt. Hermon Sch, 02-05; biol, Wesleyan, 05-08; assoc. prof. zool, Oberlin, 08- 13, prof, 13— Instr. zool, Woods Hole, 99-07, embryol, 09-18. A.A; Soe. Nat; Soe. Zool; Ohio Acad. Physiological characteristics of annelid muscle; effect of thyroid extract on Protozoa and on plant root-tips. Buehler, H(enry) A(ndrew), Rolla, Mo. Geology. Monroe, Wis, April 27, 76. B.S, Wisconsin, 01. Geologist, Mo. Bur. Geol. and Mines, 01-07; Federal Lead Co, 07-08; state geologist and di- rector, Mo. Bur. Geol. and Mines, 08- A.A; Geol. Soc; Min. Eng; Wis. Acad; St. Louis Acad. Theory of ore deposits; oxidation of sulphids. Buell, Dr. Mary V(an Rensselaer), 115 Ely Place, Madison, Wis. Biological chemistry. Madison, 93. A.B, Wisconsin, 14, A.M, 15, Ph.D, 19. Asst. gen. chem, Illinois, 15-16; Wisconsin, 17— 19, instr, 19- Chem. Soe. Blood regeneration; fat soluble vitamin. Buerger, Dr. Leo, 1000 Park Ave, New York, N. Y. Surgery. Vienna, Austria, Sept. 13, 79. A.B, Col... City af. N. ¥, 97+ A.M MLD, Columbia, 01; Surgical Clinic, Breslau, Germany, 05-06. On. visiting surg. staff, Good Samaritan Dispensary, Har Horiah and Mt. Sinai Hospit- als, 06- Methods of staining and mounting; identification of the pneumococecus; gangrene; clinical 98 AMERICAN MEN thrombo-angiitis obliterans; eystoscopy; urol- ogy; bone tumors; Raynaud’s disease. Buffum, Prof. Burt C, 4033 Valejo St, Denver, Colo. Agriculture. South Bend, Ind, April 7, 68. B.S, Colo. Agr. Col, 90, M.S, 93. Asst. irrig. eng, Colo. Agr. Col, 90-91; prof. hort, Wyoming, 91-94, agr. and hort, 94-00, v. di- rector, Wyo. Exp. Sta, 95-00; prof. agr, Colo. Agr. Col, 00-02; agr. and hort, Wyoming, and OF SCIENCE 16. Instr. anat, Tulane, 09-12; anat. and neur, Pittsburgh, 12-14; asst, instr. and later assoc. path, Hopkins, 16-20, res. pathologist, Hopkins Hosp, 18-20; prof. path. and chief of dept, Western Univ. Med. Sch, 20- Pathologist, city hospitals and Union Protestant Infirmary, Balti- more, 18-20. A.A; Ass. Path. and Bact; Ass. Anat. Bacteriology; histology of muscles; con- genital syphilis. director, Wyo. Exp. Sta, 02-07; plant_breeder Bullard, Prof. Warren G(ardner), 117 Redfield and manager, Wyo. Plant and Seed Breeding Co, 07- Treas, Emmer Products Co, 19. Ed, ‘Agricola Aridus’; ‘Ranchman’s Reminder.’ A.A; Soc. Prom. Agr. Sei; life mem. Pomol. Soc. Irrigation; arid agriculture. Bugbee, Prof. Edward E(verett), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Metallurgy. Brookline, Mass, Oct. 5, 76. B.S, Place, Syracuse, N. Y. Mathematics. Hinsdale, N. Y, Feb. 25, 67. A.B, Brown, 92; Ph.D, Clark, 96. Instr. math, Free Acad, Elmira, N. Y, 92-93; St. Lawrence, 94; Vermont, 96-00; Syracuse, 00-01, assoc. prof, 01-09, prof, 09- A.A; Math. Soc; Math. Ass; Math. Verein; Cir- colo Mat. di Palermo. Plane curves; cubie and quartic curves. Mass. Inst. Tech, 00. Asst. instr. metal, Mass. Bullard, Dr. William N(orton), 89 Marlborough Inst. Tech, 00-01; chemist and metallurgist, Brookfield Mining Co, 01; asst. instr. ore dress- ing, Mass. Inst. Tech, 02-03; special agent, U. S. census, 03; asst. prof. mining eng. and metal, lowa State, 03-06; Washington (Seattle), 06-07; Mass. Inst. Tech, 07— Asst. geologist, U. S. Geol. Surv, 07— Min. Eng; Min. and Metal. Soc. Fire assaying. Bull, Dr, Carroll G(ideon), 310 W. Monument St, Baltimore, Md. *Pathology. Knoxville, Tenn, June, 83. B.S, Peabody, 07; M.D, Nashville, 10. Teacher bacter. and path, Lincoln Mem. Univ, 10-12; fellow, Nelson Morris Inst, Chi- cago, 12-13; asst. and assoc. path. and bacter, Rockefeller Inst, 13-17; major, M.C, 17-18; assoc. prof. immunol, sch. hygiene and pub. health, Hopkins, 18- Ass. Path. and Bact; Soc. Bact; Soc. Exp. Biol; Chicago Path. Soc. Bac- teriology; ferment actions; immunity; septi- cemias in rabbits; agglutination of bacteria in Vivo; antitoxin for B. welchii. Bull, Prof. C(oates) P(reston), Worthington, Minn. Agronomy. Edina Mills, Minn, Oct. 11, 72. B.S, Minnesota, 01. Asst, dept. agr, Min- nesota, 97-01; asst. prof. agron, Illinois, 01-02; asst. agr, Minnesota, 02-07, asst. prof, 07-19; with St. John and Bull Seed Co, 19- Soe. Agron; Nat. Corn Ass, (state v. pres. and di- rector) ; Minn. Field Crop Breeders’ Ass. Plant breeding; plant biology. Bull, R(obert) A(lexander), 223 Bank St, Sewick- ley, Pa. Metallurgy. New Albany, Ind, June 28, 74. A.B, Butler, 97, hon. A.M, St. Louis, 14. With various steel and iron foundries; con- sulting engineer, Z0— A.A; Min. Eng. (v. chair- man, St. Louis sect, 15); Inst. Metals; Soc. Test. Mat; Int. Ass. Test. Mat; Foundrymen’s Ass, (v. pres, 11-14, pres, 15); British Iron and Steel Inst. Metallurgy of iron and steel; foundry practise. Bull, Sleeter, 706 Michigan Ave, Urbana, Il. Animal husbandry. Sidney, Ohio, Dec. 23, 87. B.S, Buehtel, 09; B.S.(Agr), Ohio State, 10; M.S, Pa. State, 11. Assoc. animal nutrition, Illinois, 11- Soe. Animal Production. Bullard, Dr. H(erbert) Hays, Western University Medical School, London, Ont, Can. Pathology. St. Louis Co, Mo, Aug. 9, 83. A.B, Missouri, 08, A.M, 09; Ph.D, Tulane, 12; M.D, Hopkins, St, Boston, Mass. Medicine. Newport, R. I, Aug. 23, 53. A.B, Harvard, 75, M.D, 80. Med. house officer, Mass. Gen. Hosp, 79-80; physician, _ dept. neur, Boston City Hosp; neurologist, Children’s Hosp; visiting physician and later consulting neurologist, Carney Hosp, mem. con- sulting staff; chairman, board trustees, Monson State Hosp, 95-13. A.A; Neur. Ass. (pres) ; Am. Med. Ass; Boston Soc. Psychiat. and Neur. (pres). Buller, Prof. A(rthur) H(enry) Reginald, Univer- sity of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Can. Botany. Birmingham, England, Aug. 19, 74. Birming- ham, 91-97, 1851 Exhibition scholar, 98-01, Se.D, 03; B.Se, London, 96; Ph.D, Leipzig, 99; Munich, 99-01; Naples Biol. Sta, 00, 01. Lee- turer bot, Birmingham, 01-04; prof, Manitoba, 04- Phytopath. Soc; Bot. Soe; Can, Phytopath. Soe. (pres, 20); fel. Royal Soc. Can. (pres, sect, 4, 14); British Ass. (sec’y, K, 09); British Soe. Econ. Biol; British Mycol. Soc. (pres, a3). Chemotaxis of the spermatozoa of ferns and of sea-urchins; destruction of wood by fungi; the distribution of bacteria; the occurrence of en- zymes; physiology and morphology of fungi; history of wheat growing and wheat breeding. Bullitt, Prof. James B(ell), University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. Pathology. Louis- ville, Ky, Jan. 18,74. A.B, Washington and Lee, 94, A.M, 95; M.D, Virginia, 97. Demonstrator anat, Virginia, 98-03; prof, Mississippi, 03-13; path, North Carolina, 18- Major, U.S.A, 18-19. A.A: Am. Med. Ass; Micros. Soc; N. C. Acad. Hookworm; trichinosis; tuberculosis; influenza pneumonia, Bullock, Dr. Frederick D, 550 W. 190th St, New York, N. Y. Pathology. Lexington, Ky, Nov. 20, 78. B.S, Ky. Col, 99; M.D, Hop- kins, 07. Assoc. cancer research, Crocker Re- search Fund, Columbia, 09- Ass. Cancer Re- search. Cancer; chronic irritation; cancer metastasis. Bullock, William E(dward), 29 W. 39th St, New York, N. ¥Y. Mechanical engineering. Hingham, England, July 9, 88. B.S, London, 10; M.E, London Inst, 10. With Ransomes Sims and Jef- fries, Ipswich, England, 04-07; Baldwin Loco- motive Works, Phila, Pa, 10-11; sec’y to committee on science and arts, and asst. director, sch. mech. arts, Franklin Inst, 11-15; asst. Ai hin Bi at OE tit 2 a ON MOU secs et gs AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 99 sec’y, Am. Soc. Mech. Eng, 15- Yarrow stu- dent, Inst. Civil Eng, 07-10; Bramwell medal, London Inst, 10. A.A; assoc. Mech. Eng. En- gineering education. Bullowa, Dr. Jesse G(odfrey) M, 62 W. 87th St, New York, N. Y. Medicine. New York, Oct. ig, 79. A.B, Col. City of N. Y, 99; MD, Co- lumbia, 03. Adj. prof. clin. med, N. Y. Poly- clinic Med. Sch, 16—; prof, Fordham, 20- Visit- ing physician, Willard Parker Hosp; Riverside Sanitarium. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; N. Y. Acad. Med. Colloidal chemistry; adrenalin in asthma; bronchial function. Bumpus, H(ermon) C(arey), Waban, Mass. *Bi- ology. ~Buckfield, Maine, May 5, 62. Ph.B, Brown, 84, hon. Se.D, 05; fellow, Clark, 89-90, Ph.D, 91, LL.D, 09; hon. Se.D, Tufts, 05. Prof, biol, Olivet, 86-89; asst. prof. zool, Brown, 90— 91, assoc. prof, 91-92, prof. comp. anat, 92-01; asst. to pres. and curator invert. zool, Am. Mu- seum Nat. Hist, 01-02, director, 02-11; business manager, Wisconsin, 11-14; pres, Tufts, 14-19. Asst. director, Woods Hole, 93-95; commissioner inland fisheries, R. I, 97-01; director, biol. lab, U. S. Fish Commission, 98-01; mem. board of trustees, Woods Hole, 05-; board of fellows, Brown, 05-; board of managers, Cold Spring Harbor; trustee, Home for Feeble-minded, Waverly, Mass; patron, Am. Museum Nat. Hist; hon. fel. Met. Museum of Art, N. Y. City. Fourth Int. Fishery Cong, 08 (pres); Int. Zool. Cong. Graz, 10. A; Soe. Nat; Soe. Zool. (pres, 03); assoc. Ornith. Union; Fisheries Soc; (Nat. Ass. Audubon Societies; Mus. Ass. (pres, 06); Philos. Soc; Am. Acad; N. Y. Audubon Soc. (v. pres, 05-); N. Y. Linnean Soe; fel. N. Y. Acad. (see’y, 05); N. Y. Zool. Soc; Boston Soc. Nat. Hist; N. Y. Bot. Garden; cor. mem. Senckenbergische Naturforsch. Gesell; hon. mem. K. K. Oester. Fischerei Gesell. Heredity; marine biology; larval development of the lob- ster. Bumstead, Dr. Henry A(ndrews), Yale Univer- sity, New Haven, Conn. *Physics. Pekin, Ill, March 12, 70. A.B, Hopkins, 91; Ph.D, Yale, 97; Se. D, Toronto, 20. Instr. physics, Sheffield Sei. Sch, Yale, 93-00, asst. prof, 00-06, prof. and director, Sloane Physical Lab, 06- Scientific attaché, Am. Embassy, London, 18-19; chairman, Nat. Research Council,20—- Nat. Acad; A.A. (v. pres, 16); Philos. Soc; Physical Soe. (v. pres, 16, pres, 18); Am. Acad; Conn. Acad. Radioactivity; Réntgen rays; theory of elec- trons; photoelectric effects; delta rays. [Died Jan, 1, 21.] Bumsted, Dr. C(larence) V(an) R(eynegon), 235 Graften Ave, Newark, N. J. Internal medicine. Jersey City, N. J, April 7, 79. Ph.B, Brown, 03; M.D, Pennsylvania, 07. Intern, Episcopal Hosp, Phila, 07; asst. attending physician, German Hosp, Newark, 12-15; asst. physician, Babies Hosp; first asst. attending physician, St. Michael’s Hosp; chief, med. clinic, St. Barna- bas Hosp. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Soe. Clin. Re- search; Ass. Study Infant Mortality; N. Y. Acad. Med. Pediatries; pulmonary tuberculosis; exophthalmic goiter; oral sepsis. Bunker, Dr. J(ohn) W(ymond) M(iller), Diges- tive Ferments Co, 920 Henry St, Detroit, Mich. Bacteriology. Toungoo, Burma, July 10, 86. A.B, Brown, 09, A.M, 10, Ph.D, 11. Instr. sanit. biol, Harvard, 11-15, sanit. inspector, 15; di- rector, bacter. laboratories, Digestive Ferments Co, 15—- A.A; Soe. Bact. (councilor, 18-20, asst. sec’y, 20, exec. sec’y, research council, 20) ; Chem. Soc; Pub. Health Ass; Boston Bact. Soc. Sanitary biology; bacterial metabolism; enzymes and toxins. Bunting, Dr. C(harles) H(enry), University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. *Pathology. la Crosse, Wis, May 22, 75. B.S, Wisconsin, 96, fellow, 96-97; M.D, Hopkins, 01. Asst. demon- strator path, Pennsylvania, 02-03; asst, Hop- kins, 03-04, instr, 04-05, assoc, 05-06; prof, Vir- ginia, 06-08; Wisconsin, 08— Consulting pathol- ogist, C. W.S. A.A; Ass. Path. and Bact; Ass. Anat; Am. Physicians; Soc. Exp. Biol; Soe. Exp. Path; Am. Med. Ass; Chicago Path. Soc. Hematology. Bunting, Dr. Elmer N(ewman), University of Illi- nois, Urbana, Ill. Chemistry. Chicago, Ill, March 19, 92. B.S, Chicago, 15, Ph.D, 18. Asst. chem, Chicago, 15-18; chemist, Bausch and Lomb Optical Co, 18-19; research assoc, Illi- nois, 20— Chem. Soe. Inorganic and physical chemistry; glass manufacture. Bunting, Dr. Martha, The Netherlands, 4302 Chest- nut St, Philadelphia, Pa. Biology. Philadel- phia, Dec. 2, 61. B.L, Swarthmore, 81; Pennsyl- vania, 88-91, fellow by courtesy, 19-20; Bryn Mawr, 91-93, Ph.D, 99; Woods Hole, 91, 92, 99; Columbia, 98-99. Instr. biol, Woman’s Col. of Baltimore, 93-97; head teacher, Girls’ High Sch, Phila, 97-98; asst. teacher, Wadleigh High Sch, N. Y, 00-10; research asst, Pennsylvania, 10-15, 19-20. War relief work, 16-18. A.A. Origin of sex cells in Hydractinia and Podocoryne; de- velopment of Hydractinia; significance of the otoliths for the geotropie functions of Astacus; structure of the cork tissues in roots of some Tosaceous genera. Bunzell, Dr. H(erbert) H(orace), 575 E. Jefferson St, Detroit, Mich. Chemistry. Prague, Czecho- Slovakia, Jan. 13, 87. B.S, Chicago, 06, Ph.D, 09. Asst. physiol. chem, Chicago, 06-10; bio- chemist, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 10- 11, chem. biologist, 11-16; prof. chem, George Washington, 14-16; special lecturer and assoc. prof, Georgetown, 15-16; assoc. prof. biochem, Cincinnati, 16-17, prof. and head of dept, med. sch, 17— A.A; Soc. Biol. Chem. Rate of oxidation of sugars; time relation of galvanie polariza- tion; oxidation of uranous salts; toxicity of the metal ions towards living organisms; mechanism of the oxidation of glucose by bromin; the active element in the internal secretion of the testicles; plant oxidases; poisonous plants. Burbank, Luther, Santa Rosa, Calif. Plant evo- lution. Laneaster, Mass, March 7, 49. Dist. sch. and Lancaster Acad; hon. Se.D, Tufts, 05. Owner and manager, Burbank Exp. Farms. Lec- turer plant evolution, Stanford, 04-09. Great gold medal, Calif. Acad. Sciences. A.A; Pomol. Soe. (v. pres); hon. mem. Calif, Acad; Calif. Floral Soc; fel. Royal Hort. Soc; hon. mem. Royal Bot. Soe. Sweden; hon. mem. Royal Italian Agr. Soe. Scientific improvement of 100 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE trees, fruits, flowers, vegetables, grains, grasses; origin of new types of plants. Burbeck, Allan Beal, Concord, Mass. Astronomy. North Abington, Mass, July 31, 82. High sch. Astron. Soc; Ass. Var. Star Observers (treas, 17-); British Astron. Ass; Soc. astron. de France. Variable stars. Burbridge, Dr. Harry C(arleton), 2437 Shat- tuck Ave, Berkeley, Calif. Physics. Greeley, Iowa, July 4, 85. A.B, Stanford, 08, Ph.D, 13. Teacher science, high sch, 08-09; instr. physics, Stanford, 13-14; assoc. physicist, Bur. Stand- ards, 18-20; with Assoc. Oil Co, 20- Lubri- eation; Volta effect. Burchard, Ernest F(rancis), U. S. Geological Sur- vey, Washington, D. C. Economic geology. In- dependence, Kans, May 20, 75. Lehigh, 97; B.S, Northwestern, 00, M.S, 03. Instr. chem. and geol, high sch, Sioux City, Iowa, 00-03; asst. geologist, Wis. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv, 03; geol. aid, U. S. Geol. Surv, 04-06, asst. geologist, 06-10, geologist, 11-, in charge, sect. iron and steel metals, 17- Geol. Soc; Min. Eng; Wash. Geol. Soc; Ill. Acad; Sioux City Acad. Chemistry; physiography; areal geology of Ne- braska lignite deposits; lead and zine ores in Arkansas and Wisconsin; iron ore deposits in Alabama, Georgia, Texas and Tennessee; mar- ble resources of Alaska; chromite and man- ganese of Cuba; petroleum resources of Philip- pine Islands; utilization of ores and nonmetallic minerals as pigments; origin of the Clinton iron ores. Burckhalter, Cha(rle)s, Leona Heights, Oakland, Calif. Astronomy. Taylorsville, Ohio, Jan. 5, 49. High sch. and special study. Astronomer in charge, Chabot Observatory, 85—- Mem. Calif. State Earthquake Investigation Commission. Seismol. Soc. (director, 07); Pacifie Astron. Soc. (past pres. and sec’y); Calif. Acad; Brit- ish Astron. Ass; fel. Royal Astron. Soc. Solar corona; stellar photography. Burge, Prof. W(illiam) E(dward), University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. Physiology. Lynchburg, Va, Sept. 17, 81. A.B, Randolph-Macon, 03, A.M, 06; fellow, Hopkins, 08-09, Ph.D, 09. Physical director, Randolph-Macon, 04-06; instr. physiol, Univ. and Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col, 09-10; asst, Hopkins, 10-11, instr, 11-12; assoc. prof. and acting head of dept, Illinois, 12- With Nela Research Lab, 16,17, 18. Ninth Int. Physiol. Cong; Physiol Cong, Paris, 20. Physiol. Soc; Nat. Anasthesia Research Soc. Normal and cataractous lenses; effect of radiant energy on lenses; separation of rennin and pepsin; oxida- tion of enzymes and pro-enzymes; effect on eatalase of phosphorus poisoning; thyroid feed- ing; pyretics; starvation; alcohol; narcotics; diabetes; acidosis; adrenalin. Burger, Dr. O(wen) F(rancis), Mt. Ranier, Md. Plant pathology., Freeland, Pa, June 8, 85. A.B, Indiana, 09; M.S, Florida, 11; Harvard, 15, Se.D, 16. Asst. to plant pathologist, Fla. Exp. Sta, 09-11, asst. pathologist, 11-13; instr. plant path, California, 16-18; pathologist, fruit disease investigations, U. S. Dept. Agr, 18- A.A; Phytopath. Soe. Diseases of vegetables and peaches in Florida; variations in Collelo- trichen; sexuality in the genus Cunninghamella. Burger, Prof, Williara H(enry), College of En- gineering, Evanston, Ill. Civil engineering. Caribou, Colo, May 1, 74. B.S, Colorado, 96, 96-97. With eng. dept, Colo. N. W. R. R, 97- 99; aid, U. S. Coast and Geod. Surv, 99-03, asst, 03-10; asst. prof. civil eng, col. eng, North- western, 10-15, prof, 185- A.A; Civil Eng; Eng. Educ; West. Soc. Eng; Ill. Soe. Eng. Burgess, A(lbert) F(ranklin), U. S. Bureau of Entomology, Melrose Highlands, Mass. Hnto- mology. Rockland, Mass, Oct. 2,73. B.S, Mass. Col, 95, M.S, 97. Asst. entomologist, Mass. State Board of Agr, 95-99; asst. entom, Illinois, 99-00; asst. inspector of nurseries and orchards, Ohio, 00-02, chief inspector, 02-07; asst. ento- mologist, bur. entom, U. 8S. Dept. Agr, 07- A.A; Ass. Econ. Entom, (sec’y, 03, 06-, assoc. ed, ‘Jour,’ 08-09, business manager, 10-) ; Entom. Soc; assoc. mem. Soc. Foresters; Wash. Acad; Wash. Entom. Soc; Cambridge Entom. Club (pres, 15); Ohio Acad. Economic en- tomology; insecticides and fungicides; horticul- ture; predatory insects. Burgess, Prof. C(harles) F(rederick), 625 Wil- liams St, Madison, Wis. *EHlectrochemistry. Oshkosh, Wis, Jan. 5, 73. B.S, Wisconsin, 95, E.E, 98. Instr. elec. eng, Wisconsin, 95-00, asst. prof, 00-04, assoc. prof, 04-05, prof. ap- plied electrochem, 05-09; chem. eng, 09—; pres, C. F. Burgess Lab, 10- Pres, Burgess Battery Co. Electrochem. Soc. (past pres); Elec. Eng; Chem. Soe; Soc. Chem. Indust; Eng. Educ. Electrolytic rectifiers; electrolytic purification of iron; separation and concentration of ores; electric furnace applications; electrolytic cor- rosion of underground structures; dry batteries. Burgess, Prof. Edward S(andford), Hunter Col- lege, New York, N. Y. Botany. Little Val- ley, N. Y, Jan, 19, 55. A.B, Hamilton, 79, A.M, 82, hon. Se.D, 04; fellow, Hopkins, 81-82; Ph.D, Columbia, 99. Instr. bot, Del. Lit. Inst, Franklin, N. Y, 79-80; high schools, Washing- ton, D. C, 82-95; prof. nat. science, Hunter, 95- Instr. bot, Summer Inst, Marthas Vineyard, 80- 95; Hopkins, 85. A.A; Bot. Soe; Anthrop. Ass; Folk-lore Soc; Am. Scenic Soc; Torrey Bot. Club (see’y, 97, v. pres, 06—) ; Wash. Geol. Soe. Asters and related Compositae; flora, In- dian history and locality-lore of Marthas Vine- yard; American plant-lore. Burgess, Dr. Geo(rge) K(imball), Bureau of Stand- ards, Washington, D, C. *Physics. Newton, Mass, Jan. 4, 74. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 96, fellow, 98-00; Sc.D, Paris, 01. Asst. physics, Mass. Inst. Tech, 96-98; instr, Michigan, 00-01; California, 01-03; asst. physicist, Bur. Stand- ards, 03-05, assoc. physicist, 05-13, physicist and chief, div. metal, 13- Mem. various committees, Nat. Research Council, 17-; requirements div, W. I. B, 18; adviser duplication in govt. depart- ments, Bur, Efficiency, 19-; metal, ordnance dept, U.S. A, 19-; chairman light alloys commit- tee, Nat, Advisory Committee for Aeronaut, 17- 18, chairman committee on metals, 19-; mem. Nat. Aircraft Standards Board, 17-18. Silver medal, Pan-Am. Expos, 15. A.A; Physical Soc. (councilor, 14-17, 19-, ed, 18-20); Automotive Eng; Min. and Metal. Eng. (v. pres, 15); Soe. Test. Mat. (mem, exec. committee, 18); Wash. Acad. (see’y, 12-16, v. pres, 18); Wash, Philos. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 101 Soe. (sec’y, 05-09, v. pres, 11-17, pres, 18); British Iron and Steel Inst; Soc. de Physique. Gravitation constant; vapor pressure of solu- tions; physical metallurgy; pyrometry; radia- tion. Burgess, Prof. Horace T(homas), 812 W. Dayton St, Madison, Wis. Mathematics. Harveysburg, Ohio, Oct. 17, 81. A.B, Yale, 06, A.M, 07, Ph.D, 09. Instr. math, Yale, 07-09; Wisconsin, 09-18, asst. prof, 13— A.A; Math. Soe. Modern geom- etry from standpoint of transformation theory; point-circle transformations. Burgess, Dr, L.(aurie) L(orne), Box 525, Jackson Laboratory, Wilmington, Del. Chemistry. Kins- mans Corners, N.S, Oct. 21, 82, B.S, Dalhousie, 05; A.M, Harvard, 06, Thayer scholar, 07, 09, Ph.D, 09. Asst. chem, Harvard, 05-08; instr, Tilinois, 09-12; asst. prof. anal. chem, Sas- katchewan, 12-14, prof, 14-16; chief chemist and asst. supt, Allegheny By-Product Coke Co, 16-17; research chemist, E. I. duPont de Ne- mours and Co, 17— Instr. chem, Maine, sum- mers, 07-09. Chem. Soc. Heats of solution of metals in acids; refractive index of water; spark spectrum of cadmium. Burgess, Prof. Robert W(ilbur), Brown Univer- sity, Providence, RB. I. Mathematics. Newport, R. I, July 25, 87, A.B, Brown, 08; B.A, Ox- ford, 10, Rhedes scholar, 08-11; Ph.D, Cornell, 14. Instr. math, Purdue, 11-12; asst, Cornell, 12-14, instr, 14-16; Brown, 16-17, asst. prof, i9— Lieut, capt. and major, ordnance dept, and statist. branch, Gen. Staff, 17-19. A.A; Math. Soc; Statist. Ass. Approximate solutions of differential equations; statistical analysis. Burgess, Prof. T(homas) J(oseph) W(orkman), Protestant Hospital for Insane, Montreal, Can. Botany, Psychology. Toronto, Can, March 11, 49. Upper Canada, 63-66; M.B, :Toronto, 70. Surgeon, Her Majesty’s B.N.A. Boundary Com- mission, 71-76; asst. med. supt, London Asylum, 75-87; Hamilton Asylum, 87-90; med. supt, Protestant Hosp. for Insane, 90-; lecturer men- tal diseases, McGill, 93-99, prof, 99- Pan-Am. Med. Cong, 96 (hon. sec’y). A.A; Medico- Psychol. Ass. (pres, 04); cor. mem. Torrey Bot. Club; fel. Royal Soc. Can. (pres, nat. sci. sect, 98); Can. Inst; hon. mem. Hamilton Lit. and Sci. Ass. Burget, Prof. G(eorge) E(mmanuel), University of Oregon Medical School, Portland, Oregon. Physiology. Kempton, Ind, May 18, 89. A.B; Ph.D, Chicago, 16. Assoc. physiol, Chicago, 16- 17; prof. physiol, Oregon, 17— Glands of in- ternal secretion. Burka, Dr. Samuel M(oses), McCook Field, Day- ton, Ohio. Physics. Union Springs, Ala, May 26, 91. A.B, Hopkins, 13, A.M, 16, Ph.D, 19. Lab. asst, Bur. Standards, 17-18, asst. physicist, 18-20; eng. div, Air Service, U.S.A, 20— Phys- ical Soc; Wash. Philos. Soe. Spectroscopy; photography; red-sensitive photographie plates; airplane photography; spectroscopic analysis; rare gas vacuum tubes. Burke, Dr. C(harles) E(ldrid), Box 525, Wilming- ton, Del. Chemistry. Hartford, Ont, July 7, 81. A.B, McMaster, 07, A.M, 09; Ph.D, Illinois, 11. Instr. chem, California, 11-14; asst. prof, Ver- mont, 14-18; research chemist, E. I. duPont de Nemours and Co, 18- Chem. Soe. (see’y, Vt. sect, 17). Terpenes and essential oils; nitrogen derivatives and homologues of benzene. Burke, Edmund, Agricultural Experiment Station, Bozeman, Mont. Chemistry. Niles, Mich, April 26, 65. B.S, Mont. Col, 07. Instr. chem, Mont. Col, 01-06, asst. prof, 06-07; asst. chemist, Mont. Exp. Sta, 00-08, chemist, 08—, meteorolo- gist, O6- Lecturer, farmers’ institutes and exten. service. Chem, Soc. Salicylic acid in fruits; effect of alkali on Portland cement; ni- trates in soil; artificial incubation of eggs; Montana climate. Burke, H(arry) E(ugene), Los Gatos, Calif. En- tomology. Paradise Valley, Nev, May 19, 78. B.S, Wash. State, 02, M.S, 08. Specialist for- est entom, forest insect investigations, bur. entom, U. S. Dept. Agr, 02- A.A; Soc. Adv. Forest Entom. (v. pres, 13); Ass. Econ. Entom; Wash. Biol. Soc; Wash. Entom. Soe. (rec. sec’y, 08). Biology of insects injurious to forest and shade trees; taxonomy of buprestid larvae. Burkett, Prof, Charles W(illiam), 660 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. Agronomy. Thorn- ville, Ohio, Jan. 3, 73. B.S, Ohio State, 95, M.S, 98. Asst. agr, Ohio State, 95-98; prof, N. H. Col, and agriculturist, Exp. Sta, 98-01; N. C. Col, and Exp. Sta, 01-06; director, Kans. Exp. Stations, 06-08; ed, ‘Am. Agriculturist,’ 08- Kans, agr. investigator to Russia, 07. Animal husbandry and nutrition; soils; crops. Burkholder, Dr. W(alter) H, Cornell Univer- sity, Ithaca, N. Y. Plant pathology. Craw- fordsville, Ind, Feb. 1, 91. A.B, Wabash, 13; fellow, Cornell, 13-17, Ph.D, 17. Investigator plant path, Cornell, 17— Collaborator, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 17—- A.A; Bot. Soe; Phytopath. Soc. Diseases of beans; anthracnose of raspberry. Burling, Lancaster D(emorest), 47 Parliament St, Westminster, S.W.1, London, England. Geology. Anita, Iowa, Nov.2,82. B.S, Wisconsin, 05. Asst. to Charles D. Waleott, 05-12; asst. geologist, U. 8. Geol. Surv, 05-07; asst. curator, U. S. Nat. Museum, 07-12; invert. paleontologist, Can. Geol. Surv, 13-20; geologist, Whitehall Petrol. Corp, Ltd, London, 20- A.A; Geol. Soc; Pale- ont. Soc; Min. and Metal. Eng; Wash. Geol. Soe; Can. Min. Inst; Ottawa Field Nat. Club (see’y, 18, v. pres, 19). Paleontology; stratigraphy; paleoecology; experimental geology; Cambrian and Pre-Cambrian rocks and faunas; bibliogra- phy; education. Burlingame, Prof. Leonas L(ancelot), Stanford University, Calif. Botany. Guernsey Co, Ohio, Aug. 25, 76. Ph.B, Ohio Northern, 01;° fellow, Chicago, 04-08, A.B, 06, Ph.D, 08. Prof. biol. and geol, Ohio Northern, 02-04; acting prof, East. Ill. State Nor. Univ, summer, 06; asst. bot, Chicago, 06-08; instr, Stanford, 08-09, asst. prof, 09-16, assoc. prof, 16—- Field asst, U.S. Dept. Agr, 18. A.A; Bot. Soc; Ass. Prof; West. Soe. Nat. (see’y, 17); Pacifie Coast Biol. Ass. (sec’y-treas, 15-17); Calif. Acad. Cytol- ogy; genetics; morphology of pteridophytes and gymnosperms. Burlingham, Dr. Gertrude S(immons), 556 Lafay- ette Ave, Brooklyn, N. Y. Botany. Mexico, N. Y, April 21, 72. A.B, Syracuse, 96; Ph.D, Co- 102 lumbia, 08. Preceptress, high sch, Ovid, N. Y, 96-98; teacher biol, high sch, Binghamton, N. Y, 98-05; Trenton Nor. Sch, 08; asst. teacher, East. Dist. High Sch, Brooklyn, 08— Bot. Soe; Torrey Bot. Club. Mycology; Russula; Lac- taria. Burlison, W(illiam) L(eonidas), University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. Agronomy. Harrison, Ark. B.S, Okla. Col, 05; M.S, Illinois, 08, Ph.D, 15. Asst. agronomist, Okla. Col, 05-08, asst. prof, 08-10; assoc. ed, ‘Orange Judd Weeklies,’ 10- 12; assoc. crop production, Illinois, 12-15, assoc. prof, 15-17, prof. and chief, Exp. Sta, 17-, head, dept. agron, 20- Bot. Soc; Soe. Agron. Physiological botany; crop production; plant nutrition. Burnett, Dr. C(harles) T(heodore), Brunswick, Maine, Psychology. Springfield, Mass, June 24, 73, A.B, Amherst, 95; A.M, Harvard, 00, Ph.D, 03. Asst. philos, Harvard, 00-02; instr, Bow- doin, 04-06, asst. prof, 06-09, prof, 09- A.A; Psychol. Ass. Influences modifying the judg- ment of numbers. Burnett, Dr. C(lough) T(urrill), Majestic Build- ing, Denver, Colo. Internal medicine. Lapeer, Mich, Jan. 30, 83. Mich. Agr. Col, 01-03; M.D, Michigan, 08, Asst. bacter, Mich. Agr. Col, 02- 03; first asst, Michigan, 05-07; asst. prof, Colo- rado, 08-10, prof, 10-19. Soe. Bact; Col. Physi- cians; Soc. Internal Med; Pub. Health’ Ass; Mich. Acad. Flagellum staining of Spirochaeta obermeieri; bacteriology of milk; anaphylaxis; tuberculosis; internal medicine. Burnett, E(arle) S(mead), 19 E. 96th St, New York, N. Y. Experimental engineering. River Falls, Wis, Feb. 16, 80. B.S, Wisconsin, 05, 05-06, Research asst. mech. eng, Wisconsin, 06-10; instr. exp. eng, Cornell, 10-14; consult- ing engineer, 14- Assoc. Mech. Eng. Porous plug expansion of gases and fluids; hydro-pneu- matic relations. Burnett, Prof. E(dgar) A(lbert), 3256 Holdrege St, Lincoln, Nebr. Agriculture. Oakland Co, Mich, Oct. 17, 65. B.S, Mich. Agr. Col, 87, Se.D, 17. Instr. agr, Mich. Agr. Col, 89-91, asst. prof, 91-93; manager, Hiram Walker Farms, 94; prof, animal husbandry, S. Dak. Col, 96-99; Ne- braska, 99-07, assoc. dean agr. instruction, 01- 09, dean, agr. col, 09-, director, Exp. Sta, 01- Mem. Educ, C, A. E. F, 19. Animal nutrition. Burnett, Dr. T(heodore) C(rété), University of California, Berkeley, Calif. Physiology. Brook- lyn, N. Y, Dec. 6, 61. M.D, Columbia, 87. Oph- thalmologist, House of Mercy, Pittsfield, Mass, 95-98; students’ infirmary, California, 09-, asst. physiol, California, 04-10, instr, 10-13, asst. prof, 18—- A.A; Physiol. Soe; Soc. Exp. Biol; Ass. Study Int. Seeretions; West. Soc. Nat. Catalase; muscle tonus; influence of tempera- ture on striped muscle, Burnham, Prof. Sherburne Wesley, Yerkes Ob- servatory, Williams Bay, Wis. “*Astronomy. Thetford, Vt, Dec. 12, 38. A.M, Yale, 78. Ob- server, Dearborn Observatory, 77-81; Washburn Observatory, 81-82; Dearborn Observatory, 82- 84; astronomer, Lick Observatory, 88-92; clerk, U. 8. Courts, Chicago, 92-02; prof. practical astron, Chicago, and astronomer, Yerkes Ob- servatory, 02— Gold medal, Royal Astron, Soe, AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 94. Am. Acad; assoc. Royal Astron. Soc. Double stars. Burnham, S(tewart) H(enry), Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Botany. Vaughns, N. Y, Oct. 6, 70. Stanford, 93-95; B.S, Michigan, 99. Mu- seum aid, N. Y. Bot. Garden, 01-03; asst. bot, Cornell, 04-05; asst. state botanist, N. Y, 05-13. A.A; Bot. Soc; Fern Soc. (sec’y, 19-); Ornith. Union; Forest Ass; Nature Study Soe; Wild Flower Preservation Soc; Torrey Bot. Club; Vt. Bot. Club; Sullivant Moss Chapter; Sierra Club; Phila. Bot. Club. Pteridophyta and Phanero- gamia; systematic botany; mycology; erypto- gamic plants. Burnham, Prof. William Henry, Clark Univer- sity, Worcester, Mass. Psychology. Dunbarton, N. H, Dec. 3, 55. A.B, Harvard, 82; Ph.D, Hopkins, 88. Instr, Wittenberg, 82-93; State Nor. Sch, Potsdam, N. Y, 83-85; psychol, Hopkins, 88-89; docent, Clark, 90-92, instr. pedag, 92-00, asst. prof, 00-06, prof. pedag. and sch. hygiene, 06— Int. Cong. of Sch. Hygiene; Life Extension Inst. (advisory board). A.A; Soc. Nat; Psychol. Ass; Sch. Hygiene Ass. (mem. council); Soe. Col. Teachers Educ. Memory; schoo] hygiene; mental hygiene. Burns, Prof. Eleanor I(rene), Constantinople Col- lege, Constantinople, Turkey. Physics. Phila- delphia, Pa, July 16, 83. A.B, Cornell, 04; Sc.D, Lafayette. Instr. physics, Wellesley, 05-08; prof, Am. Ool. for Girls, Constantinople, 08- A.A; assoc. mem. Physical Soc. Meteorological conditions, past and present, of Constantinople and the west coast of Asia Minor. Burns, Frank(lin) L(orenzo), Berwyn, Pa. Zool- ogy. Chester Co, Pa, Jan. 18, 69. Mem. Ornith. Union; Wilson Ornith. Club; Cooper QOrnith. Club; Soe. Mammal. Ornithology; mammalogy; ornithology of Chester County, Pa. Burns, Dr. George P(lumer), University of Ver- mont, Burlington, Vt. Botany. Maroa, Ill, Oct. 30, 71. B.S, A.M, Ohio Wesleyan, 98; Ph.D, Munich, 00. Instr. bot, Ohio Wesleyan, 97-98; Michigan, 02-07, asst. prof. and director, bot. garden, 07-10; prof, Vermont, 10— A.A; Phy- topath. Soe; assoc. Bot. Soc; Ecol. Soc; Mich. Acad. (librarian, 07-). Ecology; tolerance of forest trees; reproduction of forests; formation of peat in Dead Lake; edaphic conditions and position of greatest peat deposits in local bogs. Burns, Dr. Keivin, Allegheny Observatory, Pitts- burgh, Pa. Spectroscopy. Pleasant Ridge, N. B, March 1, 81. A.B, Minnesota, 03, Ph.D, 10; fellow, Lick Observatory, 11-12. Lick Ob- servatory, 04-07, 10; asst, Minnesota, 07-10; assoc. physicist, Bur. Standards, 13-17, physi- cist, 18-19; astronomer, Allegheny Observatory, 20—- Wash. Philos. Soc. Orbit of \ Androm- edae; spectrum of ring nebula in Lyra; Orion region; are spectrum iron 2373-8824; secondary standards. Burr, Dr. Charles W (alts), 1918 Spruce St, Phila- delphia, Pa. Neurology. Philadelphia, Nov. 16, 61. B.S, Pennsylvania, 83, M.D, 86. Prof. mental diseases, Pennsylvania, 01- Neurologist, Phila. Hosp. Neur. Ass. (past pres); Phila. Neur. Soc. (past pres); Phila. Path. Soc. (past pres); Phila. Col. Physicians. Pathology of Friedriech’s ataxia; asthenic bulbar palsy; in- AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 103 termittent lameness and other nervous symp- toms of peripheral arterial disease; the blood in chorea; spinal cord lesions and symptoms of pernicious anemia; trauma of the head as a cause of insanity; visual hallucinations on the blind side in hemianopsia. Burr, Prof. H(arold) Saxton, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Anatomy. Lowell, Mass, April 10, 89. Ph.B, Yale, 11, Ph.D, 15. Instr. anat, Yale, 14-19, asst. prof, 19— A.A; Ass. Anat. Experimental embryology; mneuro-anat- omy; regeneration and development of the nerv- ous system; human vascular system. Burr, Prof. W(illiam) H(ubert), New Canaan, Conn. Civil engineering. Watertown, Conn, July 14,51, C.E,Rensselaer, 72, D.Eng,18. Practising eivil engineer, 72-76; prof. rational and tech. mech, Rensselaer, 76-84; asst. to chief engineer and later gen. manager, Phoenix Bridge Co, 84- 91; prof. eng, Harvard, 92-98; civil eng, Co- lumbia, 93-16, emer, prof, 16—- Mem. first and second Isthmian Canal Commissions; consulting engineer, various municipal departments, N. Y. City, 93- A.A; Civil Eng; Inst. Consult. Eng; Am. Acad; Wash. Acad; British Inst. Civil Eng. Burr, W(illiam) Wesley), University of Ne- braska, Lincoln, Nebr. Agriculture. Good- land, Ind, March 26, 80. B.S, Nebraska, 06. Assoc. prof. crops and soils, Nebraska, 06-13; in charge cooperative work, office dry land agr, N. Platte Exp. Sta, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 06-13, asst. agriculturist, 13-16; prof. agron. and head of dept, Nebraska, and »v. director, Exp. Sta, 16- A.A; Soe. Agron. Soil moisture; crop production and principles of cul- tivation; tillage methods; dry land agriculture. Burrell, Dr. George A, 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y. *Chemical engineering. Cleveland, Ohio, Jan. 23, 82. Hon. Ch.E, Ohio State; hon. Se.D, Wesleyan. With U. S. Geol. Surv, 03-07 oan charge gas, gasoline and oil investigations, Bur. Mines, 07-15; consulting engineer, 15- Col, C. W. S, 18-19. Chem. Soe; Petrol. Inst; Nat. Gas Ass. Oil; gas; gasoline. Burrill, Prof. A(lfred) C(ummings), University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Zoology. Boston, Mass, Aug. 14, 81. B.S, Harvard, 05; M.S, Wisconsin, 15. Scientifie asst, in charge Am. forestry and Congo ethnol, Am. Museum Nat. Hist, 07-08; lecturer, Pub. Museum, Milwaukee, Wis, 08-10; instr. econ. entom. and lecturer for- est, fish and game conservation, col. agr, Wis- consin, 10-15; prof. entom. and zool, Idaho, and entomologist, Exp. Sta, 16-18; field agent, bur. entom, U. S. Dept. Agr, 18-20, scientific asst, 20; extension prof. entom. and plant path, Mis- sourit, 20- A.A; Soc. Nat; Ass. Econ. Entom; Entom. Soc; Soc. Mammal. Insect earriers of disease; ecology of ants, aphids and birds; hab- its of animals; classification. Burroughs, Miss Lillian C(rombie), 2313 E. Fed- eral St, Baltimore, Md. Chemistry. Baltimore, April 22,96. A.B, Goucher, 17; Hopkins, 17-18, Chemist, Baltimore City Water Dept, 18; asst. chemist, Md. State Dept. Health, 18— Chem. Soc; Soc. Bact; Pub. Health Ass. Food products. Burrow, Dr. Trigant, Johns Hopkins Univer- sity, Baltimore, Md. Psychology. Norfolk, Va, Sept. 7, 75. A.B, Fordham, 95; M.D, Virginia, 99; Ph.D, Hopkins, 09. Demonstrator biol, Virginia, 99-00; asst. psychol, Hopkins, 07-09; asst. clin. psychiatrist, 09- Intern, Uniy- Frauenklinik, Munich, 00. A.A; Psychol. Ass; Psychopath. Ass; Psychoanal. Ass; Am. Med. Ass; 8. Soc. Philos. and Psychol; Md. Med. and Chirurg. Faculty; Md. Psychiat. Soc. Atten- tion; abnormal psychology. Burrows, Dr. Charles W(illiam), Grasmere, Bor- ough Richmond, New York, N. Y. Physics, En- gineering. Wilkesport, Ont, July 2, 74, A.B, Michigan, 98, A.M, 01, Ph.D, 07. Instr. science and math, high sch, Detroit, Mich, 98-00; asst. physics, Michigan, 05-06; lab. asst, Bur. Stand- ards, 06-07, asst. physicist, 07-11, assoc. phys- icist, 11-18, magnetic research engineer, 18- Physical Soc; Soc. Test. Mat. (chairman and mem. various committees); Elec. Eng; Mech. Eng; Automotive Eng; Steel Treating Soe. Magnetic analysis of steel and steel products; physics of magnetic and electrical measuring instruments. Burrows, Prof. Geo(rge) H(oward), University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt. Chemistry. Wyo- ming, Ohio, 75. B.S, Vermont, 99; Ph.D, Mass. Inst. Tech, 14. Asst. physics, Pratt Inst, 99-00; chem, Cornell, 00-03; asst. prof, Vermont, 03- 14, prof, 14- A.A; Chem. Soe. Equilibrium measurements in organic chemistry. Burrows, Prof. M(ontrose) T(homas), Washing- ton University Medical School, St. Louis, Mo. Experimental surgery. Halstead, Kans, Oct. 31, 84. A.B, Kansas, 05; M.D, Hopkins, 09; fellow, Rockefeller Inst, 09-10. Asst. path, Rockefeller Inst, 10-11; instr. anat, med. col, Cornell, 11- 15; assoe. path, Hopkins, and res. pathologist, Hopkins Hosp, 15-17; assoc. prof, path, Wash- ington (St. Louis), 17-20, exp. surg. and di- rector, research lab, Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hosp, 20- A.A; Ass. Anat; Ass. Path. and Bact; Soc. Exp. Path; Soe. Zool; Soe. Exp. Biol; Physiol. Soc; Soc. Cancer Research; Ass. Prof; N. Y. Path. Soe. Tissue cultivation; mechanism of growth and division of cells and heart muscle contraction; normal rhythm in isolated heart muscle cells; intracranial pres- sure; epidermiology. Burt, Prof. E(dward) A(ngus), Missouri Botani- eal Garden, St. Louis, Mo. *Botany. Athens, Pa, April 9, 59. A.B, Harvard, 93, A.M, 94, Ph.D, 95. Teacher, Albany Acad, 80-85; prof. nat. science, N. Y. State Nor. Sch, Albany, 85-91; nat. hist, Middlebury, 95-13; librarian and mycologist, Mo. Bot. Garden, and prof. bot, Washington (St. Louis), 18—- Examiner nat. science for regents, Univ. State of N. Y, 83-86; mem. construction committee, Middlebury Water Works, 00-02. A.A; Bot. Soc; New Eng. Bot. Club; Int. Ass. Bot. Morphology and physiol- ogy of Phalloideae and other fungi; taxonomy of Basidiomycetes; North American Thelepho- raceae. Burt, H(enry) J(ackson), Monroe Building, Chi- cago, Ill. Civil engineering. Urbana, Ill, Feb. 6, 73. B.S, Illinois, 96, C.E, 14. Asst. prof. civil eng, Iowa State, 00-01; contracting mana- ger, Am. Bridge Co, 01-11; structural engineer and manager, Holabird and Roche, 11- With construction div, U.S.A, 17-18. Civil Eng; Eng. 104 Edue; Soc. Test. Mat; West. Soc. Eng. (pres, 17). Steel construction. Burton, Prof, A(lfred) E(dgar), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Geodesy, Topographical surveying. Portland, Maine, March 24, 57. B.S, Bowdoin, 78, C.E, 81, Sc.D, 18. Aid, U. S. Coast and Geod. Surv, 79-82; instr. topog. eng, Mass. Inst. Tech, 82- 84, asst. and later assoc. prof, 84-96, prof, 96-, dean, 02— Mem, Mass. Topog. Sury. Committee, 95-01; in charge, scientific exped. to Greenland, 96; eclipse exped. to Ga, 00; Mass. Inst, Tech. eclipse exped. to Sumatra, 01. In charge in- struction, Free Navig. Schools, U. S. Shipping Board, 17. Astron. Soc; Civil Eng; fel. Am. Acad. * Geodetic measurements; base line ap- paratus, Burton, Dr. E(li) F(ranklin), University of To- ronto, Toronto, Can. Physics. Green River, Ont, Feb. 14, 79. A.B, Toronto, 01, fellow, 01- 03, 1851 Exhibition scholar, 04-06, Ph.D, 10; A.B, Cambridge, 06. Asst. demonstrator physics, Toronto, 02-04, senior demonstrator, 06-11, assoc. prof, 11- Science research exhibitioner, Emmanuel Col, Cambridge, 04-06. Physical Soc. Radioactivity of crude petroleum; physical prop- erties of colloidal solutions; action of electro- lytes on colloids. Burton, H(arry) E(dward), 3621 Hall Place, Washington, D. C. Astronomy. Onawa, Iowa, June 11, 78. A.B, Iowa, 01, fellow, 02-03, M.5, 03. Instr. math. and astron, Parsons, 07-08; U. S. Naval Observatory, 09- Observations of asteroids, eomets and satellites. Burton, Dr. William Merriam, Standard Oil Co, Whiting, Ind. Chemistry. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 17, 65. A.B, Western Reserve, 86; Ph.D, Hop- kins, 89. Chemist, Standard Oil Co. of Ind, 89- 15, v. pres, 15-18, pres, 18- Willard Gibbs medal, 18. Chem. Soc. Atomic weight of zinc and magnesium. Burton-Opitz, Prof. R(ussell), 437 W. 59th St, New York, N. Y. *Physiology. Fort Wayne, Ind, Oct. 25, 75. M.D, Rush Med. Col, 95, B.S, Chicago, 98, M.S, 02, Ph.D, 05; Vienna, 98; Naples Zool. Sta, 01. Asst. physiol, Bres- lau, 98-01; Harvard, 01-02; demonstrator, Co- lumbia, 02-04, adj. prof, 04-10, assoc. prof, 10-, head, dept. physiol, 09-11. A.A; Soc. Nat; Physiol. Soc; Soc. Exp. Biol; Soc. Biol. Chem; Harvey Soc; Soc. Pharmacol; Am. Med. Ass. Viscosity of blood and body fiuids; vaso-motor nerves of different organs; blood pressure; blood flow; secretion of saliva and bile. Burtt, Dr. Harold E(rnest), Ohio State Univer- sity, Columbus, Ohio. Psychology. Haverhill, Mass, April 26, 90. A.B, Dartmouth, 11; A.M, Harvard, 13, Ph.D, 15. Instr. psychol, Simmons, 15-18; Harvard, 16-18; Ohio State, 19-20, asst. prof, Z0- Capt, Air Service; consulting psy- chologist, Can. Consol. Rubber Co. A.A; Psy- chol. Ass. Experimental and applied psychol- ogy; aviation and vocational tests. Burwash, Prof. E(dward) M(oore Jackson), Uni- versity of, Manitoba, Winnipeg, Can. Geology. Cobourg, Ont, July 10, 73. B.A, Victoria (Can), 93, M.A, 97, B.D, 03; Ph.D, Toronto, 14; fellow, Chicago, 10-12, Ph.D, 15. Sec’y to chancellor, Victoria (Can), 02-05; prof. nat. science, Co- AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE lumbian Methodist Col, 05-10; science master, Upper Can, 13-14; asst. prof. geol. and miner, Manitoba, 19— Asst, Can. Geol. Surv, 93, 11; asst. geologist, Ont. Bur. Mines, 95, field geol- ogist, 96, 19; mining geologist, Mex. and Can. Geol. Soc; B. C. Acad. (organizer and sec’y, 09); British Ass; Soc. Belge d’Astron. Cana- dian geology; Cretaceous invertebrates. Busck, August, U. 8S. National Museum, Washing- ton, D. C. Entomology. Randers, Denmark, Feb. 18, 70. Ordrup Col, Denmark, 87-89; A.M, Ph.B, Royal Univ, Copenhagen, 93. Instr. zool. and math, Ordrup Col, 89-93; asst, div. entom, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 96— A.A; Ass. Econ. Entom; Entom. Soc. (pres, 13); Wash. Acad; Wash. Entom. Soc; Wash. Biol. Soc; Wash. Biol. Field Club; Stockholm Entom. Soc; Copenhagen Entom. Soc. American Microlepidoptera; biol- ogy of mosquitoes. Bush, Prof. Arthur D(ermont), University of North Dakota, University, N. D. Physiology, Pharmacology. Townsend, Mass, Aug. 18, 75. B.S, Tufts, 14; M.D, Emory, 01. Dean and prof. anat, Flint Med. Col, 05-09; instr. physiol. and pharmacol, Vermont, 11-14; prof. biol, Olivet, 15-16; physiol. and pharmacol, Southern California, 16-18; acting prof, Missouri, 18-19; prof, North Dakota, 19- A.A; Am. Med. Ass. Tobacco smoking and mentality; effect of dis- ease toxins upon drug action; perfusion of iso- lated medulla of turtle with drugs. Bush, B(enjamin) V, 69 Colgate St, Rochester, N. Y. Chemistry. Canton, N. Y, Feb. 14, 89. B.S, St. Lawrence, 12; A.M, Columbia, 19. Instr. chem, Kingston, N. Y, 12-14; head, sci- ence dept, Lakewood, N. J, 14-17; Friends Cent. Col, 18-19; research chemist, Eastman Kodak Co, 19- Chem. Soe. Organic chemistry; alkyl substituted thioureas. Bush, Dr. Katharine J(eannette), Farmington, Conn. Natural science. Scranton, Pa, Dec. 30, 55. Ph.D, Yale, 01. Asst, zool. dept, Peabody Mu- seum, Yale, 79- Asst, U. S. Fish Commission, 81-88; ‘Webster’s Int. Dict,’ 82-90; U. S. Nat. Museum, 91-92, 94-98. Soc. Nat; Soc. Zool. Marine mollusks and annelids; annelids of the Harriman Alaska and Bermuda expeditions. Bush, Prof. V(annevar), Chelsea, Mass. Elec- trical engineering. Everett, Mass, March 11, 90. B.S, M.S, Tufts, 13; D.Eng, Mass. Inst. Tech. and Harvard, 16. Instr. and asst. prof. elec. eng, Tufts, 14-17; assoc. prof, Mass. Inst. Tech, 19-; consulting engineer, Am. Radio and Research Corp, 19- Elec. Eng; Radio Eng; Eng. Edue, Oscillating current circuit theory; submarine detection. Bushong, F(rancis) W(illiam), Gulf Refining Co, Port Arthur, Tex. Chemistry. Near Lancaster, Pa, March 17, 64, A.B, Franklin and Marshall, 85, A.M, 88; Leipzig, 85-87; hon. Se.D, Em- poria, 00; fellow, Chicago, 00-02; fellow, Kan- sas, 08-10, 11-13. Prof. nat. science and Ger- man, Emporia, 95-00; asst. prof. org. chem, Kansas, 03-10, assoc. prof, indust. research, 10- 13; fellow, Mellon Inst, 13-14; research chemist, Gulf Refining Co, 15- A.A; Chem. Soc; Kans. Acad; Chem. Gesell. Esters of sulphuric acid; petroleum; naphthenic acids. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 105 Bussey, Prof. W(illiam) H(enry), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Mathematics. Chicago, Ill, Oct. 24, 79. A.B, Northwestern, 00; A.M, Harvard, 02; fellow, Chicago, 02-04, Ph.D, 04. Instr. math, Acad, Northwestern, 04— 05; tutor, Barnard, Columbia, 05-07; asst. prof, Minnesota, 07-14, assoc. prof, 15-20, prof. and head of dept, 20-, asst. dean, junior col. A.A; Math. Soe. (managing ed, 16). Generational relations for the abstract group simply iso- morphie with the group L¥(2, p"); Galois field tables; finite projective geometries. Buswell, Dr. Arthur M(oses), Urbana, Ill. Chem- istry. Madison, Wis, March 20, 88. A.B, Min- nesota, 10; A.M, Maine, 12; fellow, Columbia, 13, Ph.D, 17. Instr. chem, Maine, 10-12; Co- lumbia, 13-20; chief, Ill. State Water Surv, 20- Asst. sanit. officer, A.E.F, 17-19. A.A; Chem. Soc; Pub. Health Ass; Water Works Ass; Micros. Soc. Treatment of trade wastes. Butler, Amos W(illiam), 52 Downey Ave, Indian- apolis, Ind. Anthropology, Zoology, Sociology. Brookville, Ind, Oct. 1, 60. Hanover, 77, LL.D, 15; A.B, Indiana, 94, A.M, 00. Sec’y, Ind. Board of State Charities, 98- Pres, Nat. Conf. Charities and Correction, 07; Int. Prison Cong, Washington, 10 (chairman, gen. committee, v. pres); pres, Ind. State Conf. Charities, 15; non- res. lecturer applied sociol, Indiana, 20. A.A; (sec’y, H, 86, F, 89, gen. sec’y, 92, v. pres, 00) ; mem. Ornith. Union; Soc. Mammal, (founder) ; Anthrop. Ass. (founder); Am. Prison Ass. (sec’y, 05-08, pres, 10); Ind. Acad. (sece’y, 85- 93, v. pres, 94, pres, 95, ornithologist, dept. geol. and nat. resources of Ind, 96); Ind. Soe. Mental Hygiene (founder); Ind. Audubon Soc. (founder); Soe. Cient. Ant. Alz. Birds; mam- mals; reptiles; antiquities of Ohio Valley; degeneracy, pauperism and crime; dependency, defectiveness and delinquency; public charities; penology. Butler, B(ert) S, U. S. Geological Survey, Wash- ington, D. C. Geology. Gainesville, N.Y, March 30, 79. A.B, Cornell, 05, A.M, 07. Asst. geol, Cornell, 04-05, instr. geol. and physical geog, 05-07; junior geologist, U. 8S. Geol. Surv, 07-09, asst. geologist, 09-11, geologist, 11- A.A; Geol. Soc; Min. and Metal. Soc; Wash. Geol. Soe. Geology and petrography; areal geology of the Yakutat Bay region, Alaska; copper mineral re- sources of the United States; petrography of copper district, Shasta County, California; geol- ogy of San Francisco and adjacent districts; ore deposits of Utah. Butler, Dean (Gurdon) M(ontague), University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. Geology. Lake Geneva, Wis, March 26, 81. E.M, Colo. Sch. Mines, 02. Instr, asst. prof. and assoc. prof. geo]. and miner, Colo. Sch. Mines, 03-13; assoc. prof. mining eng, Oregon Col, 13-14, prof. geol, 14-15; dean, col. mines and eng, Arizona, 15-, prof. miner. and petrol, 17— Geologist, Colo. Geol. Surv, 08-13; Oregon Bur. Mines and Geol, 14-15; director, Ariz. Bur. Mines, 15-; consult- ing mining engineer and geologist. A.A; Geol. Soc; Am. Geog. Soc; Ass. Eng. (pres. southwest. sect, 19, 20); Min. and Metal. Eng; Seismol. Soe. Mining and petroleum geology; miner- alogy; clays. Butler, Dr. O(rmond) R(ourke), New Hampshire State College, Durham, N. H. Botany. Mel- bourne, Australia, Aug. 14, 77. Ph.D, Cornell, 10. Instr. hort, Wisconsin, 10-12; prof. bot, N. H. Col, and botanist Exp. Sta, 12- A.A; Phytopath. Soc; Soc. Agron. Plant physiology; physiological diseases of plants; fungicides and insecticides. Butman, Chester A(rthur), Rockport, Mass. Phys- ics. Rockport, Feb. 19, 82. Mass. Inst. Tech, 02-04; Clark, 08-10, A.M, 09; Yale, 10-11. Asst. physics, Tufts, 07-08; Clark, 09-10; instr, Mass. Agr. Col, 11-13; research physicist, West- inghouse Elec. and Mfg. Co, 14- With Gen. Elec. Co, Lynn, Mass, 06-07; Elec. Testing Lab- oratories, N. Y. City, 09; Edison Co, 13; Davy- Faraday Research Lab, Royal Inst, London, summer, 13. A.A; Physical Soc. The photo- electric effect of phosphorescent material and of sulphur; the electron theory of phosphorescence and fluorescence; Zeeman effect; actino-dielec- trie effect; energy losses in dielectrics at high voltages and low frequencies; A. C. bridge measurements; effect of temperature on the dielectric strength and constant of solids and liquids. Butterfield, Prof. Arthur D(exter), Norton Co, Worcester, Mass. Mathematics. Dunstable, Mass, Oct. 13, 70. B.S, Worcester, 93, M.S, 98; A.M, Columbia, 04. Asst. civil eng, Worcester, 94-98; instr. math, eng. dept, Vermont, 98-00, asst. prof, 00-04, prof. mech. and math, 04-08; asst. prof. math, Worcester, 08-10, prof, 10-14, math. and geod, 14-17; capt, Air Service, 17- 18, major, 18-19, lieut. col, 19; prof. math. and geod, Worcester, 19-20; educ. director, Norton Co, 20- With U. S. Lighthouse Service, 93-94; asst, Mass. State Surveys, summers, 95-98, 00- 03; chief of field party, U. S. Geol. Surv, 04, 09. Chevalier Légion d’honneur; K. C. M. G. A.A; Eng. Educ. Geodesy; history and develop- ment of triangulation in Massachusetts; base line measurements with steel tapes; history of the determination of the figure of the earth from are measurements. Butterfield, Pres, Kenyon L(eech), Amherst, Mass. Rural sociology. Lapeer, Mich, June 11, 68. B.S, Mich. Agr. Col, 91; Michigan, 00-03, A.M, 02; LL.D, Amherst, 10. Ed, ‘Mich. Grange Visitor,’ 92-95; supt, Mich. Farmers’ Institutes, 95-99; pres, R. I. Col, 03-06; Mass. Col, 06- Lecturer rural sociol, Michigan, 02; collaborator in charge agr, dept. econ. and sociol, Carnegie Institution; Carew lecturer, Hartford Theol. Sem, 09; mem. Roosevelt Country Life Com- mission, 08; Am. Commission Study Rural Credit in Europe, 13. A.A; Soe. Prom. Agr. Sei; Econ. Ass; Sociol. Soe. Rural social life. Butters, Prof. Frederic K(ing), University of Min- nesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Botany. Minne- apolis, Feb. 8, 78. B.S, Minnesota, 99; A.B, Harvard, 00, Ph.D, 17. Instr. bot. and pharma- cog, Minnesota, 01-10, asst. prof. bot, 10-19, assoc. prof, 19- A.A; Bot. Soe; Ecol. Soc; Minn. Acad. Plant geography; taxonomy of ferns. Butts, Charles, U. S. Geological Survey, Wash- ington, D. C. Geology. Portville, N. Y, Sept. 18, 63. B.S, Alfred, 99, M.S, 00. Field asst, 106 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE U. 8S. Geol. Surv, v0; asst. to N. Y. state paleontologist, 00-01; asst. geologist, U. 8. Geol. Surv, 01-09, paleontologist, 09-12, geologist, 12- A.A; Geol. Soe; Paleont. Soc; Wash. Geol. Soc. Areal, structural and stratigraphic geology; geology of Pennsylvania, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Virginia and New York. Butts, Prof, William H(enry), 919 Oakland Ave, Ann Arbor, Mich. Mathematics. Harmony, N, Y, Feb. 16,57. A.B, Michigan, 18, A.M, 79; Ph.D, Ziirich, 07. Principal, Mich. Mil. Aead, Orchard Lake, 83-98; asst. prof. math, Mich- igan, 05-08, assoc. prof, 08-20, prof, 20-, asst. dean, col. eng, 08—- Math. Soe; Cireolo Mat. di Palermo. Elliptic cylinder function of class K. Buwalda, Prof. John P(eter), Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Geology. Zeeland, Mich, Dec. 16, 86. B.S, California, 12, Ph.D, 135. Instr. physiog. and meteorol, California, 15-17; asst. prof. geol, Yale, 17-; with U. 8S. Geol. Surv, 17— A.A; Paleont. Soe; Soc. Mammal. Mammalian paleontology; Tertiary geology. Byars, Dr. L(uther), P(arris), U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Plant pathol- ogy. Forest City, N. C, Sept. 25, 87. B.S, Clemson, 09; M.S, Wisconsin, 13, Ph.D, 19. Asst. plant path, S. C. Exp. Sta, 10-11; bot, Wisconsin, 12-14; pathologist, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 14- A.A; Bot. Soe; Phyto- path. Soc; Wash. Bot. Soe. Diseases of plants due to nematodes. Bybee, Prof. H(al) P(leasant), University of Texas, Austin, Tex. Geology. Rochester, Ind, Jan. 7, 88. B.S, Rochester (Ind), 08; A.B, In- diana, 12, fellow, 12-14, A.M, 13, Ph.D, 15. Teacher, pub. schools, Ind, 08-09; nat. science, Clinton, 10-11; instr. geol, Texas, 14-16, adj. prof, 16-20, assoc. prof, 20- A.A; Ass. Petrol. Geol; Ind. Acad. Stratigraphic and field geol- ogy; Thrall oil field. Byerly, Prof. W(illiam) E(lwood), 39 Hammond St, Cambridge, Mass. *Mathematics. Phila- delphia, Pa, Dec. 13, 49. A.B, Harvard, 71, Ph.D, 73. Asst. prof. math, Cornell, 73-76; Harvard, 76-81, prof, 81-13, emer. prof, 13- Ed, ‘Annals of Math,’ 99- Math. Soc; Am. Acad. Byers, Dr. H(orace) G(reeley), Cooper Union In- stitute, New York, N. Y. Chemistry. Pulaski, Pa, Dec. 26, 72. A.B, B.S, Westminster (Mo), 95, A.M, 98; Ph.D, Hopkins, 99. Prof. chem, Tarkio, 95-96; instr, Maryland, 98-99; prof, Washington (Seattle), 99-19; head, dept. chem, Cooper Union, 19- Instr, chem. lab, Chicago, summers, 02-04; Leipzig, 07-08; Northwestern, 15-16; Columbia, summer, 16; capt, C.W.S, 18; chief chemist, bur. soils, U. S. Dept. Agr, 19. A.A; Chem. Soe. Passivity of metals. Byford, Dr. Henry T(urman), Peoples Gas Build- ing, Chicago, Ill. Gynecology. Evansville, Ind, Nov. 12, 53. M.D, Northwestern, 73. Prof. clin. gynec, Woman’s Med. Col, Northwestern, 90-08; consulting gynecologist, St. Luke’s Hosp; prof. gynec, med. dept, Illinois, 92-14. Lee- turer obstet, Rush Med. Col, 89. Am. Med. Ass; Gynec. Soc; Col. Surg; S. Surg. and Gynec. Soc; West. Surg. Ass; Chicago Gynee. Soc. (pres, 89); Int. Cong. Gynec. and Obstet. (hon. pres, 96). Anemia in women; eancer; eczema; relation of sugar to public health. Byrd, Dr. Hiram, Miami, Fla. Biology. Black- shear, Ga, Aug. 3, 74. B.S, Georgia, 95, M.D, 02. Special agent, Fla. State Board of Health, 03-05; asst. state health officer, Fla, 05-13; pres, Fla. Tuber. Sanatorium, 14-16; scientific sec’y, Fla. State Board of Health, 17-19; director, dept. hygiene, Mississippi, 19-20; Ala- bama, 20— Lecturer, Am. Med. Ass, 12-13. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Pub. Health Ass. Ty- phoid fever; latent material carriers; hook worm; citrus canker. Byrd, Prof. Mary E(mma), Box 77, R.R. 9, Law- rence, Kans. Astronomy. Le Roy, Mich, Nov. 15, 49. A.B, Michigan, 78; Harvard Col. Observa- tory, 82-83; Ph.D, Carleton, 04. Principal, high sch, Wabash, Ind, 79-82; first asst, ob- servatory, Carleton, 83-87; director, Smith, 87— 06, prof. astron, 98-06. British Astron. Ass. Comet positions by filar micrometer. Byrne, Prof. Joseph, 244 W. 101st St, New York, N. Y. Physiology. _Bagenalstown, Ireland, March 21, 70. A.B, Royal Univ, Ireland, 90; A.M, St. Francis Xavier, 93; M.D, Columbia, 95; LL.B, N. Y. Univ, 00, M.R.C.S, England, 13. Prof. neur, Fordham, 12— Alumni Ass. prize, Columbia, 10. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Neur. Soe; N. Y. Acad. Med. Semicireular canals; tabes; pain; paradoxical pupil dilation. Byrnes, Dr. C(harles) M(etcalfe), 207 FE. Preston St, Baltimore, Md. Biology, Medicine. Clai- borne Co, Miss, Nov. 4, 81. B.S, North Carolina, 02; M.D, Hopkins, 06. Demonstrator anat, Hopkins, 02-03; adj. prof, Virginia, 06-09; instr. neur, Hopkins, 09-18, assoc, 18— A.A; Neur. Ass. Pathological and clinical neurology. Byrnes, Dr. Esther F(ussell), 193 Jefferson Ave, Brooklyn, N. Y. Biology. Philadelphia, Pa, Nov. 3, 67. A.B, Bryn Mawr, 91, A.M, 04, fellow, 94-95, Ph.D, 98; Woods Hole, 91. Demonstrator biol, Vassar, 91-93; Bryn Mawr, 95-97; instr. physiol. and teacher biol, Girls’ High Sch, Brooklyn, 98—- A.A; Soe. Nat; Soe. Zool; Marine Biol. Ass; fel. N. Y. Acad; N. Y. Ass. Biol. Teachers (v. pres). Cytology; matu- ration and fertilization in limax; origin of limb muscles in Amphibia; regeneration of limbs in Amphibia; Cyelopidae; metamorphosis of Cy- clops. Cc Cabot, Prof. Hugh, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Surgery. Beverley Farms, Mass, Aug. 11, 72. A.B, Harvard, 94, M.D, 98. Visit- ing surgeon, New Eng. Baptist Hosp, 00-20; surgeon, out-patient dept, Mass. Gen. Hosp, 04- 10; instr. genito-urinary surg, Harvard Med. Sch, 10-12; chief, genito-urinary dept, Mass. Gen. Hosp, 12-13; asst. prof. genito-urinary surg, Harvard Med. Sch, 13-18, prof, 18-19; chief surgeon, Michigan, 20- Chief surgeon, Harvard Unit, B.E.F, 16-17, commanding offi- cer, 17-18. Ass. Genito-Urinary Surg. (pres, 14); Col. Surg; Urol. Ass. (pres, 10, 11); Am. Med. Ass; Miss. Valley Med. Ass. (pres, 15); Ass. Int. d’Urol. Cabot, Dr. Richard Clarke, 1 Marlboro St, Bos- ton, Mass. *Medicine. Brookline, Mass, May o AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 21, 68. A.B, Harvard, 89, M.D, 93, Dalton scholar, 94-95. Asst. clin. med, Harvard, 98- 03, instr, 04-08, asst. prof, 08-18, prof, 18- Visiting physician, Channing Home, 96-97; physician to out-patients, Mass. Gen. Hosp, 97- 08, asst. visiting physician, 08-; consulting physician, Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary, 00-; New England Hosp, 02-; lecturer philos, Har- vard, 02-03, prof. social ethics, 20- Am. Physicians; Am. Med. Ass; Boston Soc. Med. Improv; Boston Soc. Med. Sei. Blood; methods of examining the chest; action of alcohol and strychnin in fevers; serum diagnosis in disease; abdominal tumors; habits of healthy human beings in American cities as regards food, sleep and exercise; alcohol in arteriosclerosis. Cady, Gilbert H(aven), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark. Geology. Chicago, Ill, Dee. 18, 82. A.B, Northwestern, 05, fellow, 07-08, M.S, 11; Yale, 09-10; Illinois, 11-12; Chicago, 12-13, Ph.D, 17. Asst. geologist, Ill. Geol. Surv, 10-13; instr. geol, Northwestern, 13-14; geol- ogist, Ill. Geol. Surv, 14-19; Yunnan Ming Hsing Mining Co, China, 19-20; state geologist, Ark, and prof. geol, Arkansas, 20- Areal geol- ogy of Illinois; clays, coals and cement-making limestones of Illinois; general geology of Baker, Oregon, quadrangle. Cady, Prof. H(amilton) P(erkins), University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. *Physical chemistry. Morris Co, Kans, 74. A.B, Kansas, 97, Ph.D, 03. Asst. prof. chem, Kansas, 99-05, assoc. prof, 05-11, prof, 11- A.A; Chem. Soc; Kans. Acad. Liquid ammonia as a solvent; helium and other rare gases in natural gas. Oady, Prof. LeRoy, University Farm, St. Paul, Minn. Horticulture. Buffalo, Minn, Jan. 9, 79. B.S, Minnesota, 07. Assoc. prof. hort, Minne- sota, and assoc. horticulturist, Exp. Sta. Soe. Hort. Sei. Ornamental plants. Cady, W(alter) B(riggs), Ypsilanti, Mich. Chem- istry. Pittsfield, Mich. Ph.C, Michigan, 92, B.S, 97. Asst. chemist, N. Y. State Exp. Sta, Geneva, 92-95; Mo. Exp. Sta, 97-01; Wabash Portland Cement Co, 02-06; Peninsular Port- land Cement Co, 06-11; research chemist, Guan- tanamo Sugar Co, 12; chemist, Insular Exp. Sta, P. R,13. A.A; Chem, Soc. Application of fer- tilizers to soil; losses by leaching; acid, solid and sugar content of oranges and grapefruit. Cady, Prof. Walter G(uyton), 49 High St, Mid- dletown, Conn. *Physics. Providence, R. I, ‘Dec. 10, 74. Ph.B, Brown, 95, A.M, 96; Ph.D, Berlin, 00. Instr. math, Brown, 95-97; physics, Wesleyan, 02-03, assoc. prof, 03-07, prof, 07- Magnetic observer, U. S. Coast and Geod. Surv, 00-02. A.A; Physical Soc; Elec. Eng; Radio Eng. Cathode rays; magnetic declinograph; electric are; electrical oscillations; physical properties of crystals. Caesar, L(awson), Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Ont, Can. Hntomology, Plant pathol- ogy. Mono Road, Ont, Feb. 15, 70. A.B, Toronto, 95; B.S.A, Ont. Agr. Col, 08. Clas- sical master, high sch, Port Hope, Can, 00-05; demonstrator fungous diseases and insect pests, Ont. Agr. Col, 08-20; prof. econ. entom, 20- Provincial entomologist, Ont. A.A; Ont. Entom. 107 Soc. Economic entomology; the codling worm and plum Curculio; lime-sulphur spray mixture. Cahn, Prof. A(lvin) R(obert), College Station, Texas. Zoology. Chicago, Aug. 29, 92. B.S, Cornell, 13; M.S, Wisconsin, 15. Asst. biol, Wisconsin, 13-18; assoc. prof, Tex. Col, 19- Instr, U. S. Sch. Mil. Cinematog, 18; sergt, M.R.C, A.E.F, 18-19. A.A; mem. Ornith. Union; Ecol. Soc; Wilson Ornith. Club. Verte- brate zoology; ecology; ornithology of Wiscon- sin, Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota and Texas. Cain, Prof. W(illia)m, Chapel Hill, N. C. Mathe- matics, Engineering. Hillsboro, N. C, May 14, 47. A.M, N. C. Mil. and Polytech. Inst, 65; LL.D, South Carolina, 16. Civil engineer, 65— 74; prof. math. and eng, Carolina Mil. Inst, 74- 80; civil engineer, 80-82; prof. math. and eng, S. C. Mil. Acad, 82-89; math, North Carolina, 89-20. A.A; Math. Soc; Civil Eng. (director, 12-14). Arches; bridges; earth pressure; long columns; least work; dams; transition curves; symbolie algebra; calculus. Caine, John T(homas), ITI, Utah Agricultural College, Logan, Utah. Animal husbandry. Logan, June 4, 82. B.S, Utah Col, 03; M.S.A, Iowa State, 05. Asst. prof. animal husbandry, Utah Col, 06-07, prof, 07-, asst. director and animal husbandman, exten. div, 13-16, director, 16-20. In charge animal husbandry in fifteen western states, bur. animal industry, U. S. Dept. Agr, 18-19. A.A. Livestock conditions in the West. Cairns, Prof, W(illiam) D(eWeese), 27 King St, Oberlin, Ohio. Mathematics. Troy, Ohio, Nov. 2, 71. A.B, Ohio Wesleyan, 92; A.B, Harvard, 97, A.M, 98; Ph.D, Gottingen, 07. Instr, high sch, Troy, Ohio, 94-96; Calumet, Mich, 98-99; instr. math. and surv, Oberlin, 99-04, assoc. prof. math, 04-20, prof. and head of dept, 20— A.A; Math. Soc; Math. Ass. (sec’y-treas, 16-). Inte- gral equations; binomial coefficients and appli- eation to probability. Cajori, Prof, Florian, 2844 Webster St, Berkeley, Calif. *Mathematics. Near Thusis,Graubiinden, Switzerland, Feb. 28, 59. B.S, Wisconsin, 83, M.S, 86, Se.D, 13; Hopkins, 84-85; Ph.D, Tu- lane, 94; LL.D, Colorado, 12. Asst. prof, math, Tulane, 85-87, prof. applied math, 87-88; U. S. Bur. Edue, 88-89; prof. physies, Colo. Col, 89- 98, math, 99-18, dean, sch. eng, 03-18; prof. hist. math, California, 18- Mem. committee of ten, Nat. Educ. Ass, 92, committee of fifteen, 10. A.A; Math. Soc; Math. Ass; British Math. Ass; Math. Verein. Infinite series; theory of equa- tions; eighteenth century mathematics; history of fluxions; algebraic notation and slide rule. Caldwell, Dr. B(enjamin) Palmer, Polytechnic In- stitute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, N. Y. Chemistry. New Orleans, La, April 2, 75. A.B, Tulane, 93, B.E, 95, Ch.E, 96; fellow, Hopkins, 00-01, Ph.D, 01. Instr. chem, Tulane, 95-97, asst. prof, 97- 07, assoc. prof, 07-13, prof, 13-16, Oglethorpe, 16-19; anal. chem, Brooklyn Polytech, 19— A.A; Chem. Soc. Equilibrium of double salts in solu- tion; hydrolysis of carbonates of the alkalies. Caldwell, Prof. F(rancis) C(ary), 206 16th Ave, Columbus, Ohio. Electrical engineering. Ithaca, N. Y, Dec. 25, 68. A.B, Cornell, 90, M.E, (E.E), 91; Polytech, Ziirich, 92-93. Expert, 108 Thomson-Houston Elec. Co, 91-92; asst. prof. elec. eng, Ohio State, 93-97, assoc. prof, 97-01, prof, O1-, acting dean, col. eng, 08-09. Elec. Eng; Eng. Educ; lum. Eng. Soc; Ohio Elec. Light Ass. Illumination; electric transmission. Caldwell, Prof. Geo(rge) T(homas), Baylor Uni- versity College of Medicine, Dallas, Tex. Pathol- ogy. Cable, Ohio, Dee. 18, 82. A.B, Ohio State, 10, A.M, 13; Ph.D, Chicago, 18, M.D, Rush Med. Col, 19. Assoc. path, Chicago, 14-16, instr, 16- 19; prof, Baylor, 19- Fat embolism; chemical composition of tuberculous tissues; purin en- zymes. Caldwell, Mrs. Helen Hubbert, Ripley, W. Va. Psychology. Lincoln, Ill, June 11, 87. A.B, Missouri Valley, 07; fellow, Hopkins, 13-14, Ph.D, 15. Adj. prof. psychol. and educ, Ran- dolph-Macon Woman’s Col, 16-17; instr. educ, Wisconsin, 17-19; teacher and educ, adviser, high sch, Ripley, W. Va, 19- Fellow, Md. Ass. to Promote Educ. among Women, 14-15. Psychol. Ass. Education; mental tests; learning; animal behavior. Caldwell, Dr. John W(illiamson), 1718 Palmer Ave, New Orleans, La. Chemistry. Charles- ton, 8. C, Jan. 31, 42. A.B, Col. of Charleston, 61, A.M, 68; M.D, Med. Col. of Va, 64. Prof. mat. med, New Orleans Sch. of Med, 69-70; Stewart prof. nat. sciences, S. W. Presbyterian Univ, Clarksville, Tenn, 74-84; prof. chem. and geol, Tulane, 86-07, emer. prof, 07- Caldwell, Prof. Joseph S(tuart), U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Botany. Knoxville, Tenn, Oct. 31, 78. A.B, Maryville, 02; A.M, Chicago, 04, Ph.D, 14. Prof. biol, Peabody Col. for Teachers, 04-11; prof. bot, Ala. Polytech, and plant physiologist, Exp. Sta, 12-16; plant physiologist, Wash. Exp. Sta, 16- 18; in charge fruit and vegetable utilization, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 18- A.A; Bot. Soc; Phytopath. Soc; Soe. Hort. Sci. Plant physiology; biological chemistry; fruit and vegetable utilization. Caldwell, Prof. Otis W(illiam), Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. *Botany. Lebanon, Ind, Dee. 18, 69. B.S, Franklin, 94, LL.D, 17; Ph.D, Chicago, 98. Asst. bot, Chi- cago, 97-99; head, dept. biol, East. Ill. Nor. Sch, 99-06; assoc. prof. and later prof. bot. and head science teaching, Chicago, 07-16; director, Lincoln Exp. Sch, and prof. educ, Columbia, 17- A.A; Soe. Nat; Bot. Soe. Plant morphology; education. Caldwell, R(alph) E(imer), Blatchford Calf Meal Co, Waukegan, Ill. Agriculture. Garnett, Kans, Aug. 20, 85. B.S, Kansas State, 08. Asst. animal husbandry, Ohio Exp. Sta, 09-10; asst. prof. milk production, Purdue, 11-15, prof. in charge, dept. dairy husbandry, 15-17; director, research and educ. dept, Blatchford Calf Meal Co, 17— Soe. Animal Production; Dairy Sci. Ass. Milk substitute feeding of young animals. Calhane, Prof, D(aniel) F(rancis) 32 Berkmans St, Worcester, Mass. Chemistry. Bradford, Mass, Aug. 19, 69. A.B, Harvard, 94, A.M, 96, Ph.D, 04. Instr, asst. prof. and later prof. indust. chem. and electrochem, Worcester, 03- AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE A.A; Chem. Soc; Electrochem. Soc. Electro- chemistry; organic chemistry. Calhoun, Prof, F(red) H(arvey) H(all), Clemson College, 8. C. Geology. Elbridge, N. Y, June 27, 73. B.S, Chicago, 98, Ph.D, 02. Asst. physiog. and field geol, Chicago, 99-02; asst. prof. geol. and physics, Illinois Col, 02-04; prof. geol. and miner, Clemson, 04-, director, dept. agr,17- Asst. geologist, U. S. Geol. Surv, 02-17. A.A; Geol. Soc. The drift in Montana; field work in Montana; relations of the different drift sheets. Calhoun, Prof. J(ohn) W(illiam), 2805 Rio Grande St, Austin, Tex. Mathematics. Manchester, Tenn, Oct. 24, 71. A.B, Texas, 05; A.M, Har- vard, 08. Tutor pure math, Texas, 05-09, instr, 09-13, adj. prof, 13-17, assoc. prof, 17-20, ap- plied math, 20- Math. Soc; Tex. Acad. Four- ier’s series; pedagogy of mathematics. Calkins, Frank C(athcart) U. S. Geological Sur- vey, Washington, D. C. Geology. Lakewood, Ohio, June 7, 78. B.S, California, 99. Asst. miner, California, 00-01; asst. geologist, U. S. Geol. Surv, 01-11, assoc. geologist, 11-17, geol- ogist, 17- Geol. Soc; Wash. Acad; Wash. Geol. Soe. Geology of northern Washington, northern Idaho, western Montana, Yosemite region, Calif. and of Wasatch Mountains, Utah. Calkins, Prof. Gary N(athan), Columbia Univer- sity, New York, N. Y. *Zoology, General biology. Valparaiso, Ind, Jan. 18, 69. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 90; Ph.D, Columbia, 98. Lecturer biol, Mass. Inst. Tech, 90-93; tutor zool, Columbia, 94-98, instr, 99-03, asst. prof, 03-04, prof, 04- 07, protozool, 07— Biologist, N. Y. State Cancer Lab, Univ. of Buffalo, 02-08; clerk, Marine Biol. Lab, 15- Nat. Acad; A.A; Soc. Nat; Soe. Zool; Statist. Ass. (asst. sec’y, 90-96) ; Soc. Exp. Biol. (pres, 19-21); Soc. Cancer Re- search (pres, 16); fel. N. Y. Acad. (see’y, biol. sect, 97-99). General cytology; systematic zool- ogy; life history of Protozoa. Calkins, Prof. Mary Whiton, Newton, Mass. *Psychology, Philosophy. Hartford, Conn, March 30, 63. A.B, Smith, 85, A.M, 87; Har- vard, 90-91, 93-95; Litt.D, Columbia, 09; LL.D, Smith, 10. Instr. Greek, Wellesley, 88-90, psychol, 91-93, assoc. prof, 93-97, prof. philos. and psychol, 97- A.A; Psychol. Ass. (pres, 05); Philos. Ass, (pres, 18). Dreams; associa- tion; supplementary images in recognition; per- sonalistic conceptions in psychology and in phi- losophy. Call, Prof. L(eland) E(verett), 223 N. 14th St, Manhattan, Kans. Agronomy. Darrowville, Ohio, Feb. 9, 81. B.S.(Agr), Ohio State, 06, fellow, 06-07, M.S.(Agr), 12. Asst. agron, Eansas State, 07-08, asst. prof. soils, 08-1], assoc. prof, 11-13, prof. agron, 18— Supervisor crop instr, A.E.F. Univ, Beaune, 19. Soe. Agron. Soils; fertility and tillage. Callaway, Dr. L(awrence) A(rthur), Anaconda, Mont. Metallurgy. Mo, 85. B.S, Arizona, 10; Met.E, Harvard, 14, Se.D, 15. Instr. metal. and mining, Kentucky, 11-13; asst. research engineer, Anaconda Copper Mining Co, 15- Min. Eng. Hydrometallurgy of copper. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 109 Calvert, Dr. Philip P(owell), University of Penn- sylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. *Zoology. Phila- delphia, Jan. 29, 71. Certificate in biol, Penn- sylvania, 92, Ph.D, 95; Berlin, 95-96; Jena, 96. Asst. instr. zool, Pennsylvania, 92-97, instr, 97-07, asst. prof, 07-12, prof, 12- Assoc. ed, ‘Entom. News,’ 93-10, ed, 11— Zool. research in Costa Rica, 09-10. A.A; Soc. Nat; Soe. Zool; Entom. Soe. (pres, 99-15); Philos. Soc; Entom. Soc. Am. (pres, 14); Ecol. Soc; Phila. Acad. (mem. council, 97-). The Odonata; odonate fauna of Mexico, Central America and_neo- tropical region; natural history of Costa Rica; ecology and larval forms of Odonata of tropical America. Calvert, Mrs. Philip P. (Amelia Catherine Smith), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Zoology. Philadelphia, Feb. 23, 76. B.S, Penn- sylvania, 99; scholar, Bryn Mawr, 99-00, fellow, 00-01. Structure and parasitism of Aphyllon uniflorum; reactions of Allolobophora foetida; illustrations of Odonata; natural history of Costa Rica. Calvert, Dr. R(obert) P(eyton), 65 Union St, Montclair, N. J. Chemistry. Milford, Mo, March 15, 89. A.M, Oklahoma, 10; M.S, Chi- cago, 12; Ph.D, Columbia, 14. Instr. chem, Oklahoma, 09-10, 11-12; Columbia, 13-15; re- search chemist, E. I. duPont de Nemours and Co, 15-, director, Delta Lab, Arlington, N. J, 18— Inorganic chemicals; plastics. Calvert, Prof. Sidney, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Chemistry. Rochdale, England, Sept. 18, 68. Ont. Agr. Col, 84-87; B.S, McGill, 90; A.M, Harvard, 92; Freiburg, 01-02. Asst. chem, Harvard, 92-94; asst. prof, Missouri, 94— 06, prof. org. chem, 06-, director, chem. lab, 10—- A.A; Chem. Soe; London Chem. Soc. Behavior of certain derivatives of benzol con- taining halogens; bromin derivatives of meta- phenylenediamin; dietary studies. Calvert, Prof. W (illiam) J(ephtha), Dallas, Texas. Pathology. Lexington, Ky, Oct. 7, 71. A.B, Transylvania, 83; M.D, Hopkins, 98. Asst. surgeon, U.S.A, 99-02; prof. physical diagnosis, Missouri, 09-11, prev. med, 11-13; clin. med, Baylor, 14- Heart; pericardium; pleura; plague. Calvin, Prof. John W(illard), Agricultural Ex- periment Station, Wooster, Ohio. Chemistry. Topeka, Kans, March 24, 87. B.S, Kansas State. Asst. animal nutrition, Pa. State, 08-10; asst. chemist, Kans. Exp. Sta, 10-14; asst. prof. agr. chem, Nebraska, and assoc. chemist, Exp. Sta, 14; chief chemist, Santo Domingo Exp. Sta. Expert animal nutrition, U. 8S. Dept. Agr, 08-10. A.A; Chem. Soc; Soc. Animal Produc- tion. Agricultural chemistry; animal nutrition; chemistry of wheat and flour; inheritance of stalk color in corn. Camac, Dr. C(harles) N(icoll) B(ancker), 128 E. 65th St, New York, N. Y. Medicine. Philadel- phia, Pa, Aug. 6, 68. A.B, Pennsylvania, 92, M.D, 95; London, 93; Oxford, 94; Hopkins, 95— 97. Instr. physiol, Pennsylvania, 95; physical diagnosis, Hopkins, 96-97, clin. path, 98; di- rector, lab. clin. path, med. col, Cornell, 99-05, instr. med, 05-09, asst. prof. clin. med, 09-10; Columbia, 10-; med. director, Gowverneur Hosp, 16- Res. first asst. physician, Hopkins Hosp, 95-98; Mutter lecturer, Philadelphia, 03; physi- cian, out-patients dept, Bellevue Hosp, N. Y. City, 98-00; chief of clinic, Cornell Med. Col. Dispensary, 00-09; visiting physician, N. Y. City Hosp, 99-16; mil. physician, Am. War Hosp, England, 15; physician, Ocean Ambulance, Flan- ders, Belgium; lieut. and instr. gas defense, Inf. Sch, 17-19; major, lieut. col. and chief, med. service, U.S.A. Gen. Hospitals, 6 and 38, 18-19; director, Med. Officers’ Training Sch, Atlanta, Ga, 18-19. Am. Physicians; Am. Med. Ass; N. Y. Acad. Med; Interurban Clin. Club. Clin- ical medicine; gall bladder complication in typhoid fever; diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Cameron, Prof. A(lexander) T, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Can. Biochemistry. Lon- don, England, 82. B.Se. Edinburgh, M.A. Lec- turer physiol, Manitoba, 09-13, asst. prof. physiol. and physiol. chem,.13-20, assoc. prof. biochem, 20-, acting prof. physiol, 20- Chemist water purification, B.E.F, 15-19; capt, R.A.M.C. Soe. Biol. Chem; Physiol. Soc; Chem. Soc; fel. Royal Soc. Med; fel. Royal Soc. Can; Inst. Chem. Gt. Britain and Ireland. Radio-chem- istry; biochemistry of iodin; temperature limits conditioning life of frog; metabolism of creatin. Cameron, Prof. Alfred E(rnest), University of Sas- katchewan, Saskatoon, Can. Zoology. Aber- deen, Scotland, 90. B.S, M.A, Aberdeen, 11, Carnegie fellow, 12, Se.D, 15; M.S, Manchester, 13. Lecturer, Manchester and Wales, 13-15; . prof. zool, Saskatchewan, and chief entom. investigations, Sask, 16- Ass. Econ, Entom; Ecol. Soe; fel. London Entom. Soe. General and economic entomology. Cameron, Dr. E(dward) H(erbert), University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. Psychology. Yarmouth, N.S, Jan. 24, 75. A.B, Acadia, 00; A.B, Yale, 03, A.M, 04, Ph.D, 06. Principal, high sch, Bridgetown, N. S, 00-02; instr. psychol, Yale, 06-10, asst. prof, 10-20, prof. educ. psychol, Illinois, 20— Supt. schools, Washington, Conn. A.A; Psychol. Ass; Soe. Col. Teachers Edue. Illusions; tonal reactions; reading. Cameron, Dr. Frank K(enneth), American Smelt- ing and Refining Co, Salt Lake City, Utah. *Chemistry. Baltimore, Md, Feb. 2, 69. A.B, Hopkins, 91, Ph.D, 94; Sage fellow, Cornell, 94- 95. Instr. org. chem, Cornell, 94-95; assoc. prof, Catholic, 95-97; research asst. physical chem, Cornell, 97-98; expert, U. S. Dept. Agr, 98-99, soil chemist, 99-15; consulting chemist, Am. Smelting and Ref. Co, 15—- A.A; Chem. Soc. Chemical dynamics; application of the principles of physical chemistry to organie chem- istry; solution phenomena in relation to soils and plants; dynamics of the soil; utilization of by-products. Cameron, John E(dwin), 215 N. Van Buren St, Iowa City, Iowa. Biology. Columbia Co, Ohio, 67. B.S, Iowa State, 95. Instr. biol, high sch, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 95-06; Kansas City, Mo, 06-10; biol. and agr, State Nor. Sch, Maryville, 10-15; bot. Iowa, 15- A.A; Am. Geog. Soc; Iowa Acad. Botany; nesting habits of birds. 110 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Camp, Prof. Burton H(oward), 110 Mt. Vernon St, Middletown, Conn. Mathematics. Hartford, Conn, Sept. 20, 80. A.B, Wesleyan, 01; Har- vard, 03, A.M, 07; fellow, Yale, 10-11, Ph.D, 11. Teacher, Vassalboro, Maine, 01-02; asst. astron, Harvard, 02-03; instr. math, Mass. Inst. Tech, 03-04; Wesleyan, 04; mech, Harvard, 06-07; math, Wesleyan, 07-09, assoc. prof, 09-14, prof, 14-, acting director, Van Vleck Observatory, 18- 20. Math. Soc. Mathematical analysis; sta- tistics. Camp, Dr. Carl D(udley), 304 S. State St, Ann Arbor, Mich. Neurology. 8S. Watauga, Tenn, Oct. 2, 80. M.D, Pennsylvania, 02. Instr. neuropath, Pennsylvania, 05-07; prof. neurol, Michigan, 07- Asst, visiting physician, Phila. Polyelinic and Univ. of Pa. Hosp; Phila. Gen. Hosp, 05-07. Psychopath. Ass; Ass. Path. and Bact; Neur. Ass; Am. Med. Ass. Clinical neu- rology; neuropathology; psychology; sensory condition in the brain and spinal cord; treat- ment of nervous diseases. Camp, Charles L(ewis), American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y. Zoology. Jamestown, N. Dak, March 12, 93. A.B, Cali- fornia, 15; A.M, Columbia, 16. Asst. zool, Co- lumbia, 16-17, 19-; research asst, Am. Museum Nat. Hist, 16-17, 19- Field worker, museum vert. zool, California. A.A; Soc. Ichthyol. and Herp; Ecol. Soc; Paleont. Soc; Soc. Mammal; Cooper Ornith. Club; N. Y. Acad; Calif. Acad. Systematic herpetology; paleontology; compara- tive myology. Campbell, Archibald, 3229 Stettinius Ave, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Chemistry. Manhattan, Ill, Oct. 31, 72. Ph.B, Michigan, 96, Ph.M, 98. Instr. org. chem, Michigan, 98-99; chief chemist, Globe Soap Co, 99-06, gen. supt, 06-16, second w. pres, 16—- Chem. Soe. (chairman, committee on soap); Soc. Cotton Products Analysts (pres, 17). Azo and hydrazo derivatives of triphenyl- methane; soap and soap products. Campbell, Dr. C(harles) Macfie, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. Psychiatry. Edinburgh, Scotland, Sept. 8, 76. M.A, Edinburgh, 97, B.Se, 00, M.R.C.P, 08, M.D, 11; Paris, 02- 03; Heidelberg, 03. Instr. psychopath, med. col, Cornell, 10-13; assoc. psychiat, Hopkins, 13-14, assoc. prof, 14-20; prof, Harvard, 20- A.A; Psychopath. Ass. (pres, 19); Medico- Psychol. Ass; Neur, Ass; Psychol. Ass; Edin- burgh Royal Med. Soe; Soc. neur. de Paris. General paralysis; histopathology of the brain. Campbell, Prof, D(onald) F(rancis), Armour In- stitute of Technology, Chicago, Ill. Mathe- matics. Nova Scotia, April 26, 67. A.B, Dalhousie, 90; A.B, Harvard, 94, A.M, 95, Ph.D, 98. Instr. math, Harvard, 97-00; asst. prof, Armour Inst, 00-01, prof, 01— Math. Soc; fel. Inst. Actuaries. Homogeneous forms in connec- tion with linear differential equations. Campbell, Dr. D(ouglas) H(oughton), Stanford University, Calif. *Botany. Detroit, Mich, Dec. 16, 59. Ph.M, Michigan, 82, Ph.D, 86; Bonn, Tiibingen and Berlin, 86-88. Instr. biol, high sch, Detroit, 82-86; prof. bot, Indiana, 88-91; Stanford, 91- Assoc. ed, ‘Am. Naturalist.’ Nat. Acad; A.A. (v. pres, 02); Soc. Nat; Bot. Soc. (pres, 13); Philos. Soc; Am. Acad; Int. Ass. Bot; British Ass; for. mem. London Lin- nean Soc; Bot. Gesell. Comparative morphol- ogy; the evolution of plants; embryology of the simpler angiosperms. Campbell, Prof. E(dward) D(e Mille), 1555 Wash- tenaw Ave, Ann Arbor, Mich. *Chemistry. Detroit, Mich, Sept. 9, 63. B.S, Michigan, 86. Chemist, Ohio Iron Co, Zanesville, 86-87; Sharon Iron Co, Pa, 87-88; Dayton Coal and Iron Co, Tenn, 88-90; asst. prof. metal, Michi- gan, 90-93, junior prof, 93-02, prof. chem. eng. and anal. chem. and head, dept. chem. eng, 02— 14, director, chem. lab, 05-, prof. chem, 14-20, chem. and metal, 20- A.A; Chem. Soc; Min. and Metal. Eng; Faraday Soc; Wash. Acad; hon. mem. Mich, State Gas Ass; hon. mem. De- troit Chemists; British Iron and Steel Inst. Constitution of steel; constitution of hydraulic cements. Campbell, Dr. G(eorge) A(shley), 195 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Electrical engineering. Hast- ings, Minn, Nov. 27, 70. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 91; A.B, Harvard, 92, Ph.D, 01; Gottingen, Vienna and Paris, 93-96. Research engineer, eng. dept, Am. Telephone and Telegraph Co, 97- A.A; fel. Elec. Eng; Physical Soc; Math. Soe; Am. Acad. Electrical transmission. Campbell, Harry Huse, Steelton, Pa. Metallurgy. West Roxbury, Mass, March 10, 59. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 79. Metal. engineer, Pa, Steel Co, Steelton, Pa, 06—- Min. Eng; Civil Eng; British Tron and Steel Inst. Steel making, especially open hearth work. Campbell, Prof. H(enry) D(onald), Lexington, Va. Geology. Lexington, July 29, 62. A.M, Wash- ington and Lee, 82, Ph.D, 85; Berlin, 86-87; Heidelberg, 87-88; hon, Se.D, Pittsburgh, 12. Instr. chem, and geol, Washington and Lee, 82- 84, asst. prof, 84-86, prof. geol. and biol, 88-, dean, acad. faculty, 06-08, univ, 08— A.A; Geol. Soe. Geology of western Virginia; Mesozoic diabases of the Atlantic border. Campbell, Leon, Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge, Mass. Astronomy. Cambridge, Jan. 20, 81. Pub. schools. Asst, Harvard Col. Ob- servatory, 99- Asst. in charge, Arequipa Sta, Harvard Col. Observatory, 11-15. Astron. Soc; Seismol. Soc; Ass. Var. Star Observers (pres, 19-); Soc. Geog. de Lima. Variable stars; novae. Campbell, Prof. L(eslie) L(yle), Simmons College, Boston, Mass. Physics. Powhatan Co, Va, Sept. 17, 63. A.M, Washington and Lee, 87, fellow, 89-91, Ph.D, 95; A.M, Harvard, 04. Asst. ‘math, Washington and Lee, 89-91; prof. physics, Westminster (Mo), 96-03; asst, Har- vard, 04-05; prof. and head, dept. physics, Simmons, 06— Research, Cavendish lab, Cam- bridge, 14. A.A; Physical Soc; East. Ass. Physics Teachers. The Thomson effect in soft iron; thermal and electrical properties of soft iron; thermoelectric heterogeneity of alloys; the Hall, Ettingshausen, ,Ledue and Nernst effects in iron. Campbell, M(arius) R(obinson), U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. *Geology, Physiog- raphy. Garden Grove, Iowa, Sept. 30, 58. Ohio State, 85-87. Aid, U. S. Geol. Surv, 89-90, asst. geologist, 91-96, geologist, 97- A.A; Geol. Soc; a a AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 111 Min. Eng; Ass. Geog; Wash. Geol. Soc. (v. pres, 07-). Structure and stratigraphy of Appalach- jan coal field; physiographic history of eastern United States; coal testing; classification and valuation of western coal lands, Campbell, Prof. W(illia)m, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. Metallurgy. Newcastle-on- Tyne, England, June 24, 76. King’s Col, Lon- don, 92; Oxford, 93-94; B.S, Durham, 98, M.S, 03, Se.D, 05; Royal School of Mines, London, 99-01; fellow, Columbia, 02, Ph.D, 03, Barnard fellow, 03-05, A.M, 05. Lecturer geol. and demonstrator metal, Durham, 98-99; non-res. lecturer, Columbia, 03, instr. metal, 04-07, adj. prof, 07-10, assoc. prof, 10-14, prof, 14- Assoe. ed, ‘Jour. Indust. and Eng. Chem,’ 08-; ‘School of Mines Quarterly’; metallographer, tech. branch, U.S. Geol. Surv, 08-12; U.S. Bur. Mines, 12-; mem. committee on alloy steels, Nat. Re- search Council; metallurgist, U.S. N, 17-, lieut. commander, R. F, 18, commander, 19—-; Carnegie scholar, British Iron and Steel Inst, 02; Saville Shaw medal, Soe. Chem. Indust, 03. Min. Eng; Soe. Test. Mat. (chairman, committee on non- ferrous metals and alloys); fel. N. Y. Acad. (see’y, sect. astron, physics and chem, 07-09, v. pres, 10); cor. mem. Can. Min. Inst; London Geol. Soe; British Iron and Steel Inst. Micro- structure and physical properties of metals and alloys; influence of heat and mechanical treat- ment on structure and properties of iron and steel and other alloys; opaque ores. Campbell, Prof. W(illia)m Francis, 394 Clinton Ave, Brooklyn, N. Y. Surgery. Brooklyn, Nov. 7,65. N. Y. Univ, 87; Long Isl. Col. Hosp, 92. Prof. anat, L. I. Col. Hosp, 01-19, clin. surg. 19— Surgeon, Swedish, Bushwick and Meth. Epis. Hospitals; consulting surgeon, Jamaica Hosp; surgeon-in-chief, Trinity Hosp. A.A; Ass. Anat; Am. Med. Ass; fel. Am. Acad. Med; Ass. Mil. Surg; N. Y. Acad. Med; Brooklyn Surg. Soc; Brooklyn Path. Soc; Brooklyn Med. Club. Surgical anatomy. Campbell, Director W(illiam) W(allace), Lick Observatory, Mt. Hamilton, Calif. *Astronomy, Astrophysics. Hancock Co, Ohio, April 11, 62. B.S, Michigan, 86, hon. MS, 99, Se.D, 05; Pittsburgh, 00; LL.D, Wisconsin, 02. Prof. math, Colorado, 86-88; instr. astron, Michigan, 88-91; astronomer, Lick Observatory, 91-01, director, 01- Assoc. ed, ‘Astrophys. Jour’; in charge, Lick Observatory eclipse exped. to India, 98, Georgia, 00, Spain, 05, Flint Island, 08, Russia, 15, Goldendale, 18. Silliman lecturer, Yale, 09-10, William Ellery Hale lecturer, 14; delegate, Int. Astron, Union, Brussels; Int. Re- search Council. Commander Order Leopold Il. Janssen gold medal, Paris Acad; Draper, Bruce, and Royal Astron. Soc. medals. Nat. Acad; A.A. (pres, 15); Astron. Soe. (v. pres, 06-) ; Seismol. Soc; Philos. Soc; for. mem. Royal Soe; Royal Inst; for. assoc. Royal Astron. Soc; cor. mem. Bur. des Longitudes de France; Inst. de France. Comets and orbits; spectra of new stars, comets, nebulae, bright-line stars, etc; radial motions of stars; motion of solar system; spectroscopic binary stars; solar eclipse prob- lems. Camsell, Charles, Department of Mines, Ottawa, Can. Geology. Fort Liard, N. W. T, Can, 76. B.A, Manitoba, 94; Queen’s (Can), 01; Harvard, 03; Mass. Inst. Tech, 08-09. Geologist, Can. North. Ry, 02-03; Can. Geol. Surv, 04-, in charge B. C. branch, 18-, deputy minister, dept. mines. V. pres, 12th Int. Geol. Cong, 13. Geol. Soc; fel. Harvard Travelers Club; fel. Royal Soc. Can; fel. Royal Geog. Soc. Exploration; min- eral resources; exploration of northern Canada. Candy, Prof. A(ibert) L(uther), Station A, Lin- coln, Nebr. Mathematics. Jonesboro, Ind, March 12, 57. A.B, Kansas, 92, A.M, 93; Ph.D, Nebraska, 98. Prof. math. and civil eng, Camp- bell Univ, Holton, Kans, 86-91; instr. math, Nebraska, 93-98, adj. prof, 98-03, asst. prof, 03-04, assoc. prof, 04-07, prof. pure math, 07- 18, head, dept. math, 18-19, chairman, 19- A.A; Math. Soc; Math. Ass. Tellu- ride, Colo, Dee. 22, 87. Colorado, 07-09. Spe- cialist in forest entom, bur. entom, U. S. Dept. Agr, 09- Wash. Aead. (v. pres, 19); Wash. Entom. Soe. (see’y-treas, 10—) ; Wash. Biol. Soe. Systematic entomology; Hymenoptera ; insects injurious to forest and shade trees. Rolfe, Prof. C(harles) W/(esley), University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. Geology. Arlington Heights, Til, April 17, 50. BS, PWlinois, 72, M.S, 76. Asst. science, Illinois, 72- 73; teacher, Jennings Sem, Aurora, Til, 74- 76; supt. pub. schools, Kankakee, Ill, 77-81; instr. science, Ininois, 81-83, asst. prof. geol, ’33- 85, prof, 85- A.A; Geol. Soe. Artesian wells of northeastern Tlinois ; genera of Paleozoic brachiopods; origin of the Illinois prairies; use of the aneroid barometer in geologic surveys; geology of clays; hydrography and topography of Illinois; alti- tudes in Illinois; the geology of Illinois in rela- tion to its water supply; rocks and minerals. Rolfe, Geo(rge) W/(illiam), Oak Bluffs, Mass. Chemistry. Cambridge, Mass, Feb. 10, 64, A.B, Harvard, 85, A.M, 86; Mass. Inst. Tech, 95. Asst, chem. lab, Harvard, 86; chemist, glucose com- pany, 86- 89; sub-master, high sch, Brookline, 90; chemist, various glucose and sugar com- panies, Cuba and Porto Rico, 91- Sewage inves- tigations with Col. Geo. C. Waring, 95; instr. sugar analysis and anal. chem, Mass. Inst. Tech, 95-97, sugar analysis, 97-15, instr. food chem, Boston Nor. Sch. Household Arts, 99. Int. Cong. Applied Chem, London, 09. Chem. Soe; Ass. Chim. de Sue. et de Dist. de France. Cane and milk sugar manufactures; starch, glucose and allied products; hydrolysis of starch; op- tical analysis; sewage. internal secretions; the Rolfs, Prof. F(red) M(aas), Stillwater, Okla. Botany. Le Claire, Iowa, March 5, 74, BS, Iowa State, 97; MS, Colo. Agr. Col, 04; Colum- bia, 07; Ph.D, Cornell, 13. Student asst. bot, N.Y. Exp. Sta, Geneva, 99-00; assoe. prof. bot. and hort, Colo. "Agr. Col, and asst. horticulturist, Colo. State Exp. Sta, 00-- 04; prof. bot. and hort, Florida, and botanist and horticulturist, Fla. State Exp. Sta, 04-06; plant pathologist, Mo. State Fruit Exp. Sta, 06- 10; assoc. bot, plant path. and bacter, Clemson, and assoc. botanist, plant pathologist Su. Exp. Sta, 13-15; prof. hort, Okla, Col, and horticulturist and plant pa- thologist, Exp. Sta, 16- Pomol. Soe; Soe. Hort. Sei; Phytopath. Soe. Cortieum on the Irish potato; winter killing of twigs; eankers and sun seald of peach trees; bacterial diseases of stone fruits. Rolfs, Director P(eter) H(enry), Bello Horizonte, Minas Geraes, Brazil. Botany. Le Claire, Iowa, April 17, 65. B.S, Iowa State, 89, M.S, 91. Asst. botanist, Iowa, State, 91, entomologist and botanist, 91- 92. Fla. Exp. Sta, 92-98, botanist and horticulturist, 98-99 ; botanist and ‘bacteriol- ogist, Clemson, and 8. C. Exp. Sta, 99-01; plant pathologist in charge of sub- tropical lab. and garden, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, Miami, 01-06; director, Fla. Exp. Sta, 06-21, agr. exten, Florida, 13- 21, dean, col. agr, 15-21; on leave as organizer agr. institutions, State of Minas Geraes, Brazil, 21- Prof. biol, Fla. State, 92-95, biol. and hort, 95-99; state supt, Fla. Farmers’ Institutes, 07-19. A.A; Phyto- path. Soc; Bot. Soe; Soe. Hort. Sei; Ass. Econ. Entom; Pomol. Soc; Ass. Agr. Col; Fla. Hort. Soc. (pres, 07); Iowa Acad; St. Louis Acad; Wash. Entom. Soe; Int. Ass. Bot. Plant pathol- ogy and physiology; citrus and tropical plant diseases. Rolle, Dr. Clifford J(ay), 629 Barry Ave, Chi- cago, Ill. Chemistry. Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 13, 94. A.B, Cincinnati, 15, A.M, 16, Ph.D, 18. Instr. physical and org. chem, Cincinnati, 18— 20; research chemist, Van Schaack Bros. Chem. Works, 20-— Chem. Soe. Organie chemistry; nitrocellulose; synthetic drugs; nitro paraffines. Romberg, Prof. Arnold, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. Physics. Muldoon, Tex, July 7,82. A.B, Texas,10; Ph.D, Harvard,15. Prof. physics, Univ. of Hawaii, 15—- Physical Soe. Heat; seismology. Rommel, Geo(rge) M(cCullough), U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Animal husbandry. Mount Pleasant, Iowa, Feb. 26, 76. B.S, Iowa Wesleyan, 97; B.S.A, Iowa State, 99. Asst. animal husbandry, Iowa State, 00-01; manager, O. R. and N. Exp. Farm, Walla Walla, Wash, 01; expert animal husbandry, bur. animal indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 01-05, animal husband- man, 05-09, chief, animal husbandry div, 10- Lecturer animal breeding, grad. sch. agr, Illi- nois, 06. U. S. delegate, Pan-Am. Sci. Cong, Santiago, Chile, 08, Washington, D. C, 14-15. A.A; Soe. Prom. Agr. Sci. Inheritance of feeundity. Rood, Prof. James T(heron), University of Wis- consin, Madison, Wis. Electrical engineering. Worcester, Mass, March 26, 76. B.S, Worcester, 98; Ph.D, Clark, 06. Prof. math. and physies, Ursinus, 06-07; physies and elec. eng, Alabama, 07-09; elec. eng, Lafayette, 09-18, ry. elec. eng, Illinois, 18-20; elec. eng, Wisconsin, 20— Dele- gate, Pan-Am. Cong, 16. A.A; Elec. Eng; Eng. Educ; Nat. Elec. Light Ass; Ass. Prof. Vibra- tion of telephone diaphragms; magnetism and tension; electric traction. Roon, Leo, 33 Ithaca St, Elmhurst, L. I, N. Y. New York, N. Y, Aug. 6, 92. Ph.Ch, Columbia, 10; M.S, N. Y. Univ, 16. Instr. chem, Columbia, 12-15; asst, N. Y. Univ, 15-16; chief, chem. div, E. R. Squibb and Sons, Chemistry. 16-19; consulting chemist, 19- Chem. Soe; Pharmaceut. Ass. Pharmaceutical colloid chem- istry. Roorbach, Prof. G(eorge) B(yron), Harvard Uni- versity, Cambridge, Mass. Geography. Utica, N. Y, Dec. 8, 78. A.B, Colgate, 03; Harvard; A.M, Pennsylvania, 14. Principal, De Ruyter High Sch, N. Y, 03-05; science master, Peddie 584 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Inst, 05-08; instr. geog, Pennsylvania, 11-15, asst. prof, 15-19; prof. foreign trade, grad. sch. business administration, Harvard, 19- Ed, ‘Phila. Geog. Soc. Bul,’ 12- Special investiga- tion, Carnegie Endowment Int. Peace, Venezuela. A.A; Am. Geog. Soc; Ass. Geog. (treas, 20). Geographic influences. Root, Dr. F(rancis) M(etcalf), School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, Md. Medical en- tomology. Oberlin, Ohio, Sept. 24, 89. A.B, Oberlin, 11, A.M, 12; Ph.D, Hopkins, 17. Teaching fellow med. entom, sch. of hygiene and pub. health, Hopkins, 19-20, assoc, 20- Instr. invert. zool, Woods Hole, summers, 16, 17. Soc. Zool. Geneties of Protozoa. Root, Prof. Ralph E(ugene), U. S. Naval Acad- emy, Annapolis, Md. Mathematics. Trenton, Mo, July 18, 79. B.S, Morningside, 05; M.S, Towa, 09; fellow, Chicago, 10-11, Ph.D, 11. Teacher, Forest City High Sch, Iowa, 05-06; instr. math, Iowa, 06-10; Missouri, 11-13; U.S. Naval Acad, 13-14, prof. math. and mech, post- grad, dept, 14- A.A; Math. Soc; Math. Ass; Eng. Edue. Iterated limits in general analysis; theory of limits and continuity. Root, Dr. W(illiam) W(ebster), Slaterville Springs, N. Y. Medicine. Niagara Falls, N. Y, Aug. 19, 67. B.S, Cornell, 90, 92-94; M.D, Rush Med. Col, Chicago, 04. Instr. nat. sci- ences, Peddie Inst, 90-92; chem, Chicago Manual Training Sch, and Chicago, 95-03; practising physician, 0¢- In charge, Emergency Hospitals, and sec’y to director, biol. dept, Parke, Davis and Co, 08-11; lieut, M.R.C, 12-17, contract sur- geon, Cornell, 18. Am. Med. Ass; Ass. Mil. Surg; fel. Am. Acad. Med. Serum sickness; medical education; smallpox vaccine; thymic death; anaphylaxis. Roper, Denney W(arren), 72 W. Adams St, Chi- cago, Ill. Electrical engineering. Grafton, Tl, Oct. 18,69. M.E, Cornell, 93. Supt. elee. equip- ment, Mo. Edison Co, 98-02; consulting engi- neer, 02-05; asst. to chief operating engineer, Commonwealth Edison Co, 05-15, supt, street dept, 15- Elec. Eng; West. Soc. Eng; Nat. Elec. Light Ass. Distribution of electricity; lightning protection; electrolysis. Rorer, James Birch, Asociacién de Agricultores del Ecuador, Guayaquil, Ecuador, S. Am. Plant pathology. Ogontz, Pa, Dec. 29,76. A.B, Har- vard, 99, A.M, 01. Asst. bot, Harvard, 99-02, Austin teaching fellow, 01-02; sei. asst, U. S. Dept. Agr, 02-07, asst. pathologist, 07-09; mycologist, Board of Agr, Trinidad, 09-18; chief, dept. agron, Asoc. de Agr. del Ecuador, 18- A.A; Bot. Soc; Phytopath. Soe. Diseases of apples, peaches, cacao, coconuts and sugar- cane. Rorer, Dr. Jonathan T(aylor), 333 N. 34th St, Philadelphia, Pa. Mathematics, Astronomy. West Chester, Pa, Aug. 21, 71. A.B, Colorado, 95; Ph.D, Pennsylvania, 01. Instr. math. and English, Colo. Col, 94-95; math, Cent. High Sch, Phila, 95-99, asst. prof, 99-03, prof, 03-09 ; head, dept. math, William Penn High Sch, 09- Assoc. ed, ‘The Math. Teacher,’ 08-11; instr. math, S.A.T.C, Pennsylvania, 18; Hopkins, sum- mer, 20; supt. instruction, second div, A.E.F, 19. A.A; Math. Soe; Math, Ass; Ass. Teachers Math, Middle States and Md. (see’y, 05-07, pres, 15-17). Mathematical astronomy; educa- tion; the orbit of Brooks’s comet, 1898 X. Rosa, Prof. Edward B(ennett), Bureau of Stand- ards, Washington, D.C. *Physics. Rogersville, N. Y, Oct. 4, 61. B.S, Wesleyan, 86, hon. Sc.D, 06; fellow, Hopkins, 90-91, Ph.D, 91. Instr. physics, Wisconsin, 90; assoc. prof, Wesleyan, 91-92, prof, 92-02; physicist, Bur. Standards, 01-10, chief physicist, 10- Elliott Cresson medal, Franklin Inst. See’y, Int. committee on elec. units and standards, Int. Elec. Cong, London, 08; Am. Eng. Standards Committee. Nat. Acad; A.A. (sec’y, B, 98, v. pres, 10); Physical Soe; Elec. Eng; Illum. Eng. Soe; Wash. Acad; Wash. Philos. Soe. (v. pres, 07— 12, pres, 12). Value of v, the ratio of electrical units; dielectric constants of electrolytes; dielec- trie losses in condensers; forms of alternating curves; respiration calorimeter; equations of electromagnetic waves; testing of induction in- tegrating meters; absolute measurement of capacity and inductance; calculation of self and mutual inductances; theory of instruments em- ployed in absolute electrical measurements; absolute measurement of electrical current and of resistance; the silver coulometer; photometric standards; standard condensers. Rosa, Joseph Tooker, Jr, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Horticulture. Waverly Mills, S. C, July 16, 95. B.S.A, Clemson, 15; M.S, Iowa State, 17. Instr. hort, Iowa State, 15-16; asst. horticulturist, Va. Truck Exp. Sta, 16-17; asst. prof. hort, Missouri, 17- A.A; Bot. Soc; Phy- topath. Soc; Soc. Hort. Sci. Olericulture; hardi- ness to cold in herbaceous plants; degeneracy in the potato. Rosanoff, Dr. A(aron) J(oshua), Kings Park, N. Y. Psychiatry. Pinsk, Russia, June 26, 78. M.D, Cornell, 00. Med. intern, State Hosp, Kings Park, N. Y, 01-02, junior asst. physician, 02-05, asst. physician, 05-08, senior asst. physi- cian, 08-11, clin. director, 11- Major, M.C, 17- 19. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Medico-Psychol. Ass; Psychol. Ass; Eugenics Research Ass. (executive committee, 14). Insanity; syphilis and insan- ity; mental measurement; war neuroses; re- siduals of epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis; association. Rosanoff, Prof. Lillian, Connecticut College, New London, Conn. Physical chemistry. Russia, July 26, 86. A.B, Columbia, 08, A.M, 11; Ph.D, Clark, 14. Research fellow, Bryn Mawr, 15-17; instr. physics, Wells, 17-18; asst. prof, Conn. Col. for Women, 18- Diffusion; magneto- chemistry. Rosanoff, Prof. M(artin) A(ndré), Mellon Insti- tute, Pittsburgh, Pa. *Chemistry. Nicolaeff, Russia, Dec. 28, 74. Ph.B, N. Y. Univ, 95, Se.D, 08; Berlin, 95-96; Paris, 96-98. Research asst. to Prof. Friedel, Paris, 97-98; to Dr. J. M. Crafts, Mass. Inst. Tech, 98-99; research fellow, N. Y. Univ, 99-00; ed. for exaet science, ‘New Int. Eneye,’ 00-03; research asst. to Mr. Thomas A, Edison, 03-04; instr. theoret. chem, N. Y. Univ, 04-05, asst. prof, 05-07; head, dept. chem. and director, ehem. laboratories, Clark, 07-11, prof, 11-14; chem. research, Mellon Inst, 14— Nichols medal, Chem. Soe, 11. Chem. Soc; AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 585 Am, Acad. Classification of stereo-isomers; principle of optical superposition; the quanti- tative determination of halogens in the presence of sulphocyanates; the Victor Meyer law in esterification; partial vapor pressures of binary mixtures; isopiestic study of partial vapor pres- sures; variation of vapors of binary mixtures with the temperature; fractional distillation ; the sterie hindrance hypothesis; kinetics of certain inorganic reactions; theory of direct esterification; sugar inversion; homogeneous ca- talysis. Rese, Dr. Anton R(ichard), Edgewater, N. J. Biological chemistry. Minn, Feb. 22, 77. B.S, Minnesota, 04; M.S, Yale, 11; Ph.D, Columbia, 12. Instr. chem, N. H. Col, 05; asst. chem, N. Y. Exp. Sta, Geneva, 06-10; biol. chem, Colum- bia, 10-13; private research, 14-16; assoc. path, chem, N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch, 16- Capt, Sanit. C, ‘18-19. Chem. Soc; Soe. Biol. Chem; Soe. Exp. Biol; Columbia Biochem. Ass. Nutri- tiom; chemistry of plants. Rose, Mrs. Anton R. (Prof. Mary Swartz), Teach- ers College, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. Biological chemistry. Newark, Ohio, Oct. 31, 74. B.Lit, Denison, 01; diploma, Mechanics Inst, 02; B.S, Columbia, 06, Teachers Col. travel- ing fellow, 07-09; Ph.D, Yale, 09. Teacher, secondary schools, Wooster, Ohio, 99-00; Fond du Lae, Wis, 02-05; asst. nutrition, Teachers Col, Columbia, 06-07, instr, 09-10, asst. prof, 11-17, assoc. prof, 18- Deputy director, bur. conservation, Food Ad, 18-19. A.A; Soc. Exp. Biol; Home Econ. Ass; Dietetic Ass; Pub. Health Ass. Nutrition; dietetics; carbohydrates of marine algae; potato nitrogen; creatin me- tabolism in women. Rose, Dr. B(ruce), Whitehall Petroleum Corp, Can- ada Life Building, Calgary, Alta, Can. Geology. Mountain, Ont. Jan. 5, 85. B.Se, Queen’s (Can), 09; Ph.D, Yale, 13. Inst. geol, Queen’s (Can), 09-10; lecturer, forest sch, Yale, 12; geologist, Can. Geol. Surv, 14-20; Whitehall Petrol. Corp, 20— A.A; Geol. Soc; Can. Min. Inst. Geology of coal areas in Saskatchewan, Alberta and Brit- ish Columbia. Rose, Carlton R(aymond), The Almeda, Berke- ley, Calif. Chemistry, Metallurgy. Ann Arbor, Mich, June 16, 73. Ph.B, Michigan, 94, A.M, 96. Instr. chem, Illinois, 96-00; prof. metal, Colo. Sch. Mines, 01-03; supt, smelters, V. S. Zine. Co, 03-14; consulting engineer, 14-19; sales manager, Met. and Chem. Extraction Corp. Min. Eng; Colo. Sci. Soe. Rose, Dr. D(ean) H(umboldt), 139 N. Clark St, Chicago, Il. Botany. Ionia, Kans, Dee. 15, 78. A.B, Kansas, 04; A.M, Washington (St. Louis), 05; fellow, Chicago, 16-17, Ph.D, 17. Instr. bot, Kansas State, 09-12; pathologist, Mo. Fruit Exp. Sta, 13-18; asst. pathologist and later pathologist, office fruit disease investiga- tions, bur. plant indust, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 18- Phytopath. Soe. Plant pathology and physiol- ogy; germination of seeds. Rose, Miss Jessie P(erkins), Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon. Plant pathology. Neosha Falls, Kans, 73. A.B, Stanford, 09, A.M, 10. Teacher science and principal, pub. schools and high schools, 95-18; scientific asst, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 18, asst. pa- thologist, 18- A.A; Bot. Soe; Phytopath. Soe. Geographical] distribution of plants; relation of soil fungi to seed treatment. Rose, Dr. J(oseph) N(elson), 1812 Calvert St, N. W, Washington, D. C. *Botany. Union Co, Ind, Jan. 11, 62. A.B, Wabash, 85, A.M, 86, Ph.D, 89. Asst. bot, Wabash, 86-88; bot. asst, U. S. Dept. Agr, 88-96; asst. curator, div. plants, U. 8S. Nat. Musewm, 96-05, assoe. cura- tor, 05-12, assoc. bot, 12—; research assoc. bot, Carnegie Institution, 12- A.A; Bot. Soe. (v. pres, 03); Wash. Acad. (v. pres, 08, 18); Wash. Bot. Soe. (v. pres, 07); Wash. Biol. Soc. (v. pres, 09-18, pres, 18). Mexican and South American plants; Umbelliferae; Crassulaceae and Cactaceae of North ‘merica. Rose, Dr. Robert E(vstafieff), E. I. duPont de Nemours and Co, Wilmington, Del. Chemistry. Palermo, Sicily, June 2, 79. Ph.D, Leipzig, 03. Research asst, St. Andrews, Scotland, 03-05; lecturer and demonstrator chem, Univ. Col, Not- tingham, 05-07; asst. prof, Washington (Seat- tle), 07-17; fellow, Mellon Inst, 17; org. chem- ist, E. I. duPont de Nemours and Co, 17— Or- ganic chemistry; alkylated sugars and glucosids; reduction of anhydroxims; wood decay; dyes. Rose, Prof. W(illia)m C(umming), School of Medicine, University of Texas, Galveston, Tex. Biological chemistry. Greenville, S. C, April 4, 87. B.S, Davidson, 07; Ph.D, Yale, 11; Frei- burg, 13. Asst. chem, Davidson, 06-07; asst. physiol. chem, Sheffield Sei. Sch, Yale, 08-11; instr, Pennsylvania, 11-13; assoc. prof, biol. chem, Texas, 13-14, prof, 14- Chem. Soc; Soc. Biol. Chem. Pepsin and creatin; creatinin; me- tabolism of mucie acid; origin of uric acid; copper in marine organisms. Rose, Brig. Gen. W(illiam) H(enry), U.S.A, 3809 Livingston St, Chevy Chase, D. C. Electrical engineering. Safe Harbor, Pa, Oct. 24, 81. Franklin and Marshall, 98-99; grad, U. S. Mil. Acad, 03; grad, U.S.A. Eng. Sch, 07. Director, dept. elec, and meeh. eng, U.S.A. Eng. Sch, 08- 11; elec. engineer, corps eng, Panama Canal, 14- 17; all grades from second lieut. to brig. gen, corps eng, U.S.A, 03-19; district manager, Lockwood Green and Co, 19— A.A; Elec. Eng; assoc. Civil Eng. Rosen, Prof. H(arry) R(obert), Agricultural Ex- periment Station, Fayetteville, Ark. Plant pa- thology. Wilmington, Del, Aug. 8, 89. BS, Pa. State, 13; M.S, Wisconsin, 15. Asst. bot, Pa. State, 12-13; Wisconsin, 13-15; scientific asst, Smithsonian Inst, 15-17; asst. botanist, Purdue Exp. Sta, 17-18; asst. prof. plant path. and asst. plant pathologist, Ark. Exp. Sta, 18- A.A; Bot. Soe; Phytopath. Soc; Wash. Biol. Soe. Plant anatomy; rusts; bacterial diseases of cereals. Rosenau, Dr. M(ilton) J(oseph), Harvard Med- ical School, Boston, Mass. *Preventive medicine, Hygiene. Philadelphia, Pa, Jan. 1, 69. M.D, Pennsylvania, 89; Hygienic Inst, Berlin, 92; Pasteur Inst, Paris, 00; hon. A.M, Harvard, 14. Asst. surgeon, U. 8. Marine Hosp. Service, 90- 95, past asst. surgeon, 95, surgeon, 07; quaran- tine officer, San Francisco, 95-98; Santiago and other Cuban ports, 98; director, hygienic lab, U. 586 S. Pub. Health and Marine Hosp. Service, 98- 09; prof. prev. med. and hygiene, Harvard Med. Sch, 09-, director, sch. pub. health, Harvard, 11- Special lecturer serum therapy, U. S. Naval Med. Sch, 04-09; trop. diseases, Georgetown, 05- 09; commander, U.S.N.R.F. Sanit. attaché, Int. Conf. of Am. States, Mex, 02; delegate, Tenth Int. Cong. of Hygiene and Demog; 13th Int. Med. Cong, Paris, 00; mem. Int. Commission to Revise Nomenclature of Causes of Death, Paris, 00; delegate, Int, Sanit. Conf, Wash, 02. A.A; Ass. Path, and Bact; Soc. Bact; Am. Med. Ass; Soe. Exp. Biol; Pub. Health Ass; Ass. Mil. Surg; Am. Physicians; Am. Acad. The milk question; disinfection and disinfectants; ana- phylaxis; bacteriology; immunology; public health. Rosenbach, J(oseph) B(ernhardt), 806 S. Gooa- win St, Urbana, Ill. Mathematics. New York, N. Y, Oct. 5, 97. A.B, New Mexico, 17; Colo- rado, 17; M.S, Illinois, 19. Instr. math, New Mexico, 17-18; Illinois, 18— Engineer of main- tenance, A. T. and S. F. Ry, summers, 15, 16. A.A; Math. Soe; Math. Ass. Analysis; differ- ential equations. Rosenbaum, Dr. Joseph, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Plant pathol- ogy. Russia, Dee. 87. B.S.A, Cornell, 11, Ph.D, 14. Asst. plant path, Cornell, 11-13, instr, 13-14, bot, 14; pathologist, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr. Special agent, U. S. Dept. Agr, 11-14. A.A; Bot. Soc; Phytopath. Soe. Ginseng diseases; Phytophthora; nutrition of fungi. 4 Rosenbloom, Dr. J(acob), 120 W. 70th St, New York, N. Y. Biochemistry. Braddock, Pa, Feb. 26, 84. B.S. Pittsburgh, 05; M.D, Ph.D, Co- lumbia, 09. Asst. biochem, Columbia, 09-12; chemist, German Hosp, 09-12; asst. prof. bio- chem, Pittsburgh, 12-13; biochemist, West. Pa. Hosp, 12-14. A.A; Soc. Biol. Chem; Chem. Soe; Soc. Exp. Biol; Am. Med. Ass. Experi- mental medicine; proteins; tungsten; compounds of mucoid; diseases of metabolism; medical his- tory. Rosendahl, Prof. C. O(tto), University of Min- nesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Botany. Spring Grove, Minn, Oct. 24, 75. B.S, Minnesota, 01, A.M, 02; Ph.D, Berlin, 05. Instr. bot, Min- nesota, 01-02, asst. prof, 05-10, prof, 10- Asst, Minn. Geol. and Bot. Surv, 02-03. A.A; Bot. Soc; Ecol. Soc; Am. Geog. Soc. Systematic bot- any; plant geography; morphology. Rosenfeld, Arthur H(inton), Ingenio Santa Ana, Tucuman, Argentina. Entomology. Petersburg, Va, July, 86. B.S, M.S, Va. Polytech. Asst, Va. State Crop Pest Commission, 05; state hort. inspector, Ill, 05-06; special field agent, bur. en- tom, U. S. Dept. Agr, 06; asst. entomologist, La. State Crop Pest Commission, 06-10; entomolo- gist, Tucuman Sugar Exp. Sta, 10-11, sub-diree- tor, 11-13; Gefe de Agr. del Ingio, 16— Found- ing board mem. Univ. Tucuman; delegate, Pan- Am, Scientific Cong, 16. A.A; for. mem. Ass. Econ. Entom. Agricultural engineering. Rosengarten, George D(avid), P. O. Box 1625, Philadelphia, Pa. ‘*Chemistry. Philadelphia, Feb. 12, 69. B.S, Pennsylvania, 90; Ph.D, Jena, 92. V. pres, Rosengarten and Sons, Ine, 01-05; AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Powers-Weightman-Rosengarten Co, 05- Mem. committee of revision, U. S. Pharmacopeia, 10- A.A; Chem. Soc; Chem. Eng. (past pres); Philos. Soe; Franklin Inst. Rosenheim, Dr. Sylvan, 1710 Linden Ave, Balti- more, Md. Rhinology, Laryngology, Otology. Baltimore, Sept. 16,74. A.B, Hopkins, 95, M.D, 99. Asst. laryngol, Hopkins, 02-07; consulting laryngologist and chief of clinic, Hebrew Hosp; aural surgeon, Baltimore Eye, Ear and Throat Hosp; consulting laryngologist and otologist, Endowood Hosp. for Consumptives; Jewish Hosp. for Consumptives. Ass. Anat; Am. Med. Ass; Laryngol. Rhinol. and Otol. Soe; Md. Med. and Chirurg. Faculty; Md. Laryngol. Ass. Tracheal tumors; leuko-keratosis buccolis; compression myelitis; nasal tumors; tuberculous laryngitis; tonsillar ring; esophagoscopy. Rosenow, Dr. Curt, 1420 Ohio St, Lawrence, Kans. Psychology. Berlin, Germany, Dec. 27, 76. B.S, Michigan, 97; Ph.D, Chicago, 16. Instr. psychol, Chicago, 16-20; biometrist, Juve- nile Psychopathic Inst, 17-20; asst. prof. psy- chol, Kansas, 20— Biometry. Rosenow, Dr. E(dward) C(arl), Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. *Bacteriology. Alma, Wis, July 14, 75. M.D, Rush Med. Col, 02. Fellow path, Rush Med. Col, 02-04, med, 04-09, instr, 07-15; mem. McCormick Inst. for Infectious Diseases, 04-15; prof. exp. bacter, Mayo Founda- tion, Minnesota, 15- Gold medal, Am. Med. Ass, 12. A.A; Ass. Path. and Bact; assoc. mem. Am, Physicians; Soc. Clin. Invest; Soe. Exp. Path; Am. Med. Ass; Pub. Health Ass. Transmutation of Pneumococeci and Strepto- cocci; elective localization of bacteria; polio- myelitis; influenza; lobar pneumonia. Rosenstein, Dr. Ludwig, 9 Main St, San Fran- cisco, Calif. Chemistry. Cologne, Germany, March, 29, 86. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 10; Ph.D, California, 14. Instr. chem, Mass. Inst. Tech, 10-12; California, 12-16; gen. manager, Chem. Specialties Co, 17-18; chem. director, Great West. Electrochem. Co, 19—- Theoretical chem- istry. Rosenthal, Dr. George J, 1984 82d St, Brooklyn, N. Y. Biological chemistry. New York, N. Y, Aug. 8, 90. A.B, Columbia, 10, A.M, 11, Ph.D, 16. Leather chemist, Pratt Inst, 12- Chem. Soe. Skins. Rosenzweig, S(iegfried), 215 W. 88th St, New York, N. Y. Mechanical engineering. Berlin, Germany, April 27, 79. M.S, Polytech, Berlin, 02. Mech. engineer with Hugo Lentz, Erie City Iron Works, 04-14; consulting engineer, steam engine dept, York Mfg. Co, 14— Lecturer steam eng, various colleges. A.A; Mech. Eng; assoe. Nat. Ass. Cotton Mfrs; Verein Ing. High pres- sures; superheated steam; uni-flow engines. Rosewall, Prof. O(scar) W(aldemar), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La. Entomol- ogy. Algona, Iowa, March 12, 89. Cornell (Iowa), 08-11; A.B, Iowa, 13; M.S, Louisiana, 16. Instr. entom, Louisiana, 13-17, asst. prof, 17-20, assoc. prof, 20—- Asst. entom, Lakeside Lab, Iowa, summer, 12; field asst, bur. entom, U. S. Dept. Agr, summer, 13; asst. Bur. Fish- eries, summer, 14. A.A; Ass. Econ. Entom. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 587 Ross, Prof. B(ennett) B(attle), Auburn, Ala. Chemistry. Tuskegee, Ala, Dee. 25, 64. A.B, Ala. Polytech, 81, M.S, 86; Gottingen and Ber- lin. Asst. chemist, Ala. State Lab, 84-87; prof. chem, Louisiana, 87-93; Ala. Polytech, and state chemist, Ala, 93- Special chem. work for special agent in charge of nutrition investi- gations, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 05-96. Mem. com- mittee of organization, Int. Cong. of Applied Chem, Berlin, 03. A.A; Chem. Soe; Agr. Chem. (pres, 95); Ass. Chim. de Sue. et de Dist. de France; Chem. Gesell. Methods of analysis of sugars; methods of analysis of fertilizers. Ross, Clyde P(olhemus), 1404 15th St, N. W, Washington, D. C. Geology.. New York, N. Y, March 23, 91. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 14, M.S, Mass. Inst. Tech. and Harvard, 15. Geologist, Old Dominion Copper Co, 16-17; asst. geologist, U. S. Geol. Surv, 17-19, assoc. geologist, 19- Min. and Metal. Eng; Wash. Geol. Soe. Min- ing; hydrology; geography. Ross, Prof. Ellison Lloyd, 1935 Morse Ave, Chi- eago, Ill. Pharmacology. Dixon, Ill, June 13, 81. B.S, Iowa State, 04; Ph.D, Illinois, 12; M.D, Northwestern, 18. Science teacher, high sch, Wymore, Nebr, 04-05; North Platte, 05-06; Everett, Wash, 07-10; research chemist, Ill. State Psychopathic Inst, 12-14; instr. pharma- col, Northwestern, 14-18, asst. prof, 18- Soe. Biol. Chem; Soe. Pharmacol. Biological chem- istry; effect of anesthetics on carbohydrate metabolism, Ross, Dr. Frank E(lmore), Eastman Kodak Co, Rochester, N. Y. *Astronomy. San Francisco, Calif, April 2, 74. B.S, California, 96, fellow, 97-98, Lick Observatory, 98-99, Ph.D, 01. Teacher math. and physics, Mt. Tamalpais Mil. Acad, Calif, 96-97; asst. prof. math, Nevada, 00; computer for Watson Trustees, 01-02; asst, ‘Nautical Almanac’ Office, 02-03; research asst, Carnegie Institution, 03-05; director, Int. Lati- tude Observatory, 05-15; physicist, Hastman Kodak Co, 15— Astron, Soe; Optical Soe. The general perturbations of the Watson asteroids; orbits of satellites, of the moon and of Mars; lunar theory; variation of latitude; the photo- graphic plate; photographie photometry; photo- graphie and astronomical objectives. Ross, Prof. H(arold) E(llis), Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Agriculture. Leadville, Colo, Oct. 23, 81. B.S.A, Cornell, 06, M.S.A, 09. Asst, dept. dairy indust, Cornell, 06-07, instr, 07-10, asst. prof, 10-13, prof, 12- Dairy in- dustry. Ross, Prof. L(uther) S(herman), 1308 27th St, Des Moines, Iowa. Biology. Reno, Ill, Sept. 6, 64. B.S, Illinois, 89, M.S, 90, fellow, 01-02; Ph.D, Chicago, 19. Prof. nat. science, State Nor. Sch, Winono, Minn, 90-91; principal, pub. sch, Oswego, Ill, 91-92; prof. biol, Drake, 92- Mem, Union Pacifie geol. exped, Wyo, 99. A.A; Towa Acad. (see’y, 06-13, pres, 18). Crustacea; crayfish nerve cell; bacteria in dust of school rooms; bacterial content of desiccated egg; his- ree development of quarantine regulations in owa. Ross, P(erley) A(son), Stanford University, Calif. Physics. Panacea, Mo, April 6, 83. A.B, Stanford, 08, A.M, 10, Ph.D, 11. Instr. physics, Stanford, 10-16, asst. prof, 16—- A.A; assoc. Physical Soc. Refractive index of metals. Ross, Dr. W(illiam) H(orace), Bureau of Soils, Washington, D. C. Chemistry. Louisville, N. S, Dec. 27, 75. B.S, Dalhousie, 03, M.S, 04, 1851 Science Research scholar, 04-07; Hopkins, 04-05; Ph.D, Chicago, 07. Demonstrator chem, Dalhousie, 03-04; research asst, Chicago, 05-07; asst. chemist, Agr. Exp. Sta, Arizona, 07-12; chemist, bur. soils, U. S. Dept. Agr, 12— Ab- stractor, ‘Chem. Abstracts,’ 06- A.A; Chem. Soc; Wash. Acad. Potash extraction and re- covery; preparation of phosphoric acid; analysis of fluorin, and of mixtures of acetylene and ethylene. Rossi, Auguste J, P. O. Box 745, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Metallurgy. Paris, France, Oct. 22, 39. B.S, A.M, France, 55; C.E, M.E, Ecole Cent. des Arts et Manufactures, Paris, 59. Asst. engineer, Morris and Essex Ry, 62-64; tech. director, blast-furnaces, Fuller Lord and Co, 64— 76; chief engineer, N. Y. Ice Machine Co, 77- 90; expert metallurgist, Titanium Alloy Mfg. Co, 90—- Int. Cong. Chem, Berlin and N. Y. City. A.A; Electrochem. Soe; Chem. Soc; Min. Eng; N. Y. Chemists Club. Electrometallurgy; alloys; thermodynamics; artificial refrigeration. Rost, Dr. C(layton) O(rd), University Farm, St. Paul, Minn. Chemistry. Ord, Nebr, Nov. 24, 85. B.S, Nebraska, 11, A.M, 12; Ph.D, Min- nesota, 18. Research asst. agr. chem, Nebr. Exp. Sta, 12-13; instr. soils, Minnesota, 13-18, asst. prof, 18—, asst. soils chemist, Hap. Sta, 13- 18, assoc. soils chemist, 18- A.A; Chem. Soc; Soe. Agron. Soil chemistry; prairie and glacial soils; soil phosphorus. Roth, Charles F(erdinand), Grand Central Pal- ace, New York, N. Y. Chemistry. New York, Dec. 24, 86. B.S, Cooper Union, 12. Control chemist, Nat. Brewers Acad, N. Y, 07-10; chem- ist and chief chemist, Standard Oil Co. of N. Y, 11-14; chemist and mfg. manager, Hartford Cast Stone Co, 14-15; organizer and manager, Nat. Expos. Chem. Indust, 15-— Consulting chemist, Int. Filtration Corp, 15-16; officer in charge, adjustment branch of personnel, C.W.S, 18-19; director, Beckman and Linden Eng. Corp, 19— Mem. Nichols medal award jury; Perkin medal award committee, Cooper medal, 12. Eighth Int. Cong. of Applied Chem. Chem. Soc. (sec’y-treas, N. Y. sect, 16, 17, mem. toluol com- mittee, 17); Electrochem. Soe. (chairman com- mittee in charge of Appalachian tour); Min. and Metal. Eng; N. Y. Chemists Club (ed. staff, ‘The Percolator’) ; Soc. de Chim. indust. Chem- ical industries. Roth, Prof, Filibert, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Forestry. Wilhelmsdorf, Ger- many, April 20, 58. B.S, Michigan, 90. Ex- pert, U. S. Dept. Agr, 90-98; asst. prof. for- estry, Cornell, 98-01; chief, div. forest reserves, Dept. Interior, 01-03; prof. forestry, Michigan, 03— Forest warden, Mich, 03-09. A.A; For- estry Ass; Soc. Foresters; Soe. Test. Mat; Wash. Acad. Technical properties of timber; forest conditions of Wisconsin; eypress; timber physics; grazing on forest reserves; forest regu- lation and valuation. 3] Roth, Dr. George B(yron), 25th and E Sts, N. W, Washington, D. C. Pharmacology. Mt. Eaton, Ohio, May 22, 79. A.B, Michigan, 06, Parke- Davis fellow, 07-08; M.D, 09. Instr. pharma- col, Miehigan, 09-13; pharmacologist, hygienic lab, U. S. Pub. Health Service, Washington, D. C, 18—- Soe. Pharmacol. (mem. council, 16) ; Physiol. Soc; Soc. Exp. Biol; Chem. Soe. Camphorie acid; action of quinin on the leuco- cytes; aconite; pituitary preparations; curare and physostigmin; barium chlorid; nitroglycerin tablets; digitalin tablets; fluid extract of ergot. Rothrock, Prof. D(avid) A(ndrew), University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind. Mathematics. Milltown, Ind, Jan. 31, 64. A.B, Indiana, 92, A.M, 93; Chicago, 94-95; Ph.D, Leipzig, 98. Instr. math, Indiana, 92-95, asst. prof, 95-99, assoc. prof, 99-05, junior prof, 05-08, prof, 08— Prof. math, West. State Nor. Sch, Mich, sum- mer, 04. A.A; Math. Soe. Plane and spherical trigonometry; logarithmic, trigonometric and other tables; the point invariants of the groups of the plane; differential invariants derived from point invariants; the essentials of algebra. Rothrock, Dr. J(oseph) T(rimble), West Chester, Pa. Botany, Forestry. MeVeytown, Pa, April 9, 39. B.S, Harvard, 64; M.D, Pennsylvania, 67. Prof. bot, Pa. State, 67-69; Pennsylvania, 79-09; commissioner of forestry, Pa, 93-04. Surgeon, Wheeler explor. exped, 73-75. For- estry Ass; Soc. Foresters; Philos. Soe; Pa. Forestry Ass; Phila, Acad. Medicine; forestry for Pennsylvania. Rothschild, Dr. M(arcus) A(dolphus), 930 Park Ave, New York, N. Y. Medicine. Woodville, Miss, July 4, 87. A.B, Columbia, 08, M.D, 11. Asst. physiol. chem, Mt. Sinai Hosp, N. Y. City, 12, asst. cardiographist, 12-, adj. attending physician, 20-_ Ass. Path. and Baeter; Soe. Exp. Biol; Soe. Physiol. Chem. Physiology of the heart; electrocardiography; cholesterol me- tabolism. Rothschild, S(tanford) Z(adoc), Sun Life Build- ing, Baltimore, Md. Actuarial science. Rich- mond, Va, June 7, 94. Pennsylvania. A.B, Michigan, 16. Asst. instr. actuarial science, Michigan, 15-16; actuary, Sun Life Ins. Co, 16-19, third v. pres. and actuary, 19- Capt, U.S.A, 17-19. Lecturer math. of investments, night sch, Hopkins, 16-17. Assoc. Actuarial Soc; assoc. Inst. Actuaries; Math. Soc; Statist. Ass; Acad. Polit. and Social Sei. Life insur- ance, Rouiller, Dr. Cha(rle)s A(ugust), Buck’s Lane, Arlington, Md. Chemistry. Paraje, N. Mex, June 10, 83. A.B, Stanford, 03; Ph.D, Hop- kins, 06. Fellow, Rockefeller Inst, 06-07; asst. chem, Hopkins, 07-14; asst. and assoc. pharma- col, 14-18; chemist, Hynson, Westcott and Dun- ning, 18-20; assoc. pharmacol, Hopkins, 20- A.A; Chem. Soe. Round, Dr. Lester A(ngell), State Board of Health, Providence, R. I. Bacteriology. Foster, R. I, Nov. 5, 88. A.B, Brown, 10, A.M, 11, Ph.D, 14; Harvard, 13-14, 20-21. Asst. bacteriologist and biologist, R. I. Commissioners of Shell Fish- eries, 11-14, sanit. inspector, 12-14; asst. bac- teriologist, Providence Health Dept, 12-14; bac- teriologist, bur. chem, U. S. Dept. Agr, 14-18; 588 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE pathologist, R. I. State Board of Health, 18- Soc. Bact; Pub. Health Ass. Biology; shell- fish; food and industrial bacteriology; sanitary and pathogenic bacteriology; serology. Roundy, P(aul) V(ere), U. 8. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. Geology. Cooperstown Junetion, N. Y, Jan. 8, 84. A.B, George Wash- ington, 12. With U.S. Geol. Surv, 09— Paleont. Soc; Ass. Petrol. Geol; Wash. Geol. Soe. Car- boniferous paleontology; oil and gas geology. Rous, Dr. (Francis) Peyton, Rockefeller Insti- tute, New York, N. Y. *Medicine. Baltimore, Md, Oct. 5, 79. A.B, Hopkins, 00, M.D, 05. Res. house officer, Hopkins Hosp, 05-06; instr. path, Michigan, 06-08; asst. and assoc. mem. Rockefeller Inst, 09-12, assoc. mem. path, and bacter, 12-20, mem, 20- V. chairman, div. med, Nat. Research Council, 18-19, mem. exec. com- mittee, 19- A.A; Am. Physicians; Soc. Exp. Biol; Soe. Exp. Path. (see’y, 15); Harvey Soe. (councilor, 17). Cancer; immunity; physiology and pathology of the blood. Roush, Prof. G(ar) A, Lehigh University, Beth- lehem, Pa. Metallurgy. UHarrisburg, Ind, Oct. 21, 88. A.B, Indiana, 05; M.S, Wisconsin, 10. Asst. prof. metal, Lehigh, 12-20, assoc. prof, 20- Ed. ‘Mineral Industry,’ 13— Capt, ordnance dept, 18-19. Min. and Metal. Eng. (managing ed, 17); Electrochem. Soc. (asst. see’y, 12-18) ; Chem. Soc; N. Y. Chemists Club; Phila. Eng. Club. Electrochemistry; electrometallurgy. Rousseau, Rear Admiral H(arry) H(arwood), 3238 R St, Washington, D.C. Civil engineering. Troy, N. Y, April 19, 70. C.E, Rensselaer, 91. Civil engineer, U.S.N, 98-07, served on Isthmus of Panama, 07-14, rear admiral, corps eng, 14— Mem. Isthmian Canal Commission, 07; given thanks of Congress for services at Panama Canal, 14. A.A; Civil Eng; West. Pa. Eng. Soc. Rowe, Prof. A(llan) W(inter), 295 Common- wealth Ave, Boston, Mass. Chemistry. Glou- cester, Mass, July 31, 79. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 01, fellow, 04-06; M.S, Wesleyan, 04; Ph.D, Gottingen, 06. Asst. chem, Wesleyan, 02-04; lecturer, sch. med, Boston, 06-08, prof, 08- Grad. sch. Harvard, 07-14; research assoc. chem, Evans Mem. Hosp; chemist, Mass. Homeop. Hosp. A.A; Soe. Bact; Electrochem. Soc; Chem. Soe. Liquefaction of gases; reaction velocities; thermochemistry; metabolism; vital function; respiration. Rowe, Prof. J(esse) (Perry), Missoula, Mont. Geology. Salem Centre, Mich, May 5, 71. B.S, Nebraska, 97, fellow, 97-98, A.M, 03, Ph.D, 06. Asst. geol, Nebraska, 94-98; asst. principal, high sch, Butte, Mont, 98-99, principal, 99-00; instr. physics and geol, Montana, 00-01, prof, 01-08, geol, O8—, director, swmmer session, 16-18, 20- Asst, U. 8. Geol. Surv, 06, 07; mem. Mont. State Text Book Commission; War Camp Community Service 19-20. A.A; fel. Geol. Soe; Min. Eng; Ass. Petrol. Geol; Mont. Ass. Sch. Trustees (pres, 15, 16); Mont. Acad; Mont. State Teach- ers Ass. (pres, 08). Coal; clay; copper, lead; gypsum; coals and lignites of the northwest; theory of ore deposits; petroleum, chromite and molybdenum deposits of Montana. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 589 Rowe, Prof. Joseph E(ugene), Plum Point, Aber- deen Proving Grounds, Md. Mathematics. Em- mitsburg, Md, March 21, 83. A.B, Gettysburg, 04; Virginia, 04-05; fellow, Hopkins, 09-10, Ph.D, 10. Teacher math, Mercersburg Acad, 05- 06; Jefferson Sch, Baltimore, 06-09; instr, Goucher, 10-11; Haverford, 11-12; Dartmouth, 12-14; asst. prof, Pa. State, 14-16, assoc. prof, 16-20; math. and dynamics expert, ordnance dept, U.S.A, and chief ballistician, Aberdeen Proving Ground, 20- Math. Ass; Math. Soe. Rational curves; covariants and invariants of rational quartic; bicombinants; pencils of tan- gents and their parameters; cusp and undulation invariants; point equation; collinear relation; quinquesecant line; theory of numbers; Fermat’s theorem; formation of combinants. Rowe, Dr. Stuart H(enry), 104 Hillcrest Ave, Yonkers, N. Y. Pedagogy, Psychology. New Haven, Conn, May 24, 69. A.B, Yale, 90; fel- low, Columbia, 92-94; Ph.D, Jena, 95. Instr. Latin and Greek, Pennington, N. J, 90-92; prof. pedag. and director practise, State Nor. Sch, Mankato, Minn, 95-98; supervising principal, Lovell Sch. Dist, New Haven, 98-04; lecturer pedagog, Yale, 01-04; head, dept. psychol. and pedag, Brooklyn Training Sch. for Teachers, 04-10; principal, Wadleigh High Sch, N. Y. City, 10- Lecturer educ. psychol, Brooklyn Inst, 08-09; Adelphi, 09-10. A.A; Psychol. Ass; Soc. Exp. Study Educ. Hygiene and child-study in methods of school procedure; lighting of schoolrooms; habit formation; physical nature of the child; educational principles; secondary education. ’ Rowland, Prof. Arthur J(ohn), 3008 Chestnut St, Milwaukee, Wis. Electrical engineering. Cin- cinnati, Ohio, Feb. 19, 67. Pennsylvania, 83-84; Hopkins, 84-86, 90-93; Sc.D, Bucknell, 06. Instr. elec. eng, Drexel Inst, Phila, 93-94, prof, 94-18, director, sch. eng, 06-13, dean, 13-18; district officer, Fed. Board Vocational Educ. 18- 19; educ. director, Milwaukee Elec. Ry. and Light Co, 19— Elec. Eng; Illum. Eng. Soc; Nat. Ass. Vocational Educ; Nat. Ass. Corp. Schools. Industrial education; lighting; illu- mination. Rowland, Prof. Floyd E(lba), Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis,Oregon. Chemistry. Hartwick, Iowa, Dec. 18, 85. B.S, Oregon Col, 07; A.B, Illinois, 14, A.M, 15, Ph.D, 18. Instr. chem, Oregon Col, 10-13; asst, Illinois, 15-18; asst. prof, Oregon Col, 18; Kansas, 19-20; head chem, eng, Oregon Col, 20— Lieut, C.W.S, 18. Elec- trochem. Soc; Eng. Soc; Chem. Soc. Effect of temperature, pressure and steam on hydroearbon vapors; war gases. Rowlee, Prof. W(illard) W (infield), Cornell Uni- versity, Ithaca, N. Y. *Botany. Fulton, N. Y, Dec. 15, 61. B.L, Cornell, 88, Sc.D, 93. Instr. bot. Cornell, 88-93, asst. prof, 93-06, prof, 06- A.A; Soc. Nat; Bot. Soc; Soc. Prom. Agr. Sci; Pa. Forestry Ass. Flora of the United States; North American willows; comparative anatomy of woods; tropical trees. Rowley, John, 42 Plaza Drive, Berkeley, Calif. Zoology. Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y, March 11, 66. Brooklyn Polytech, 84-87. Chief, dept. taxidermy, Am. Museum Nat. Hist, 89-04; taxidermist, Stanford; curator mammals, Calif. Acad. Sciences ; director, Oakland Pub. Museum. Mem. Ornith. Union; Audubon Soe; N. Y. Zool. Soe; N. Y. Linnean Soc; Cooper Ornith. Club. Taxidermy; north American mammals. Rowley, Prof. R(obert) R(ossell), 1115 North Carolina St, Louisiana, Mo. Zoology. Near Louisiana, Jan. 4, 54. Missouri. Teacher sci- ence, high sch, Fort Smith, Ark, 91-93; prin- cipal and teacher biol, high sch, Louisiana, Mo, 94-11; supt. schools, Louisiana, Mo, 11- Expert paleontologist, Mo. Geol. Surv, several summers. A.A; Paleont. Soc. Invertebrate morphology; paleontology; Lepidoptera; Crinoidea; Blastoi- dea; Sphingidae; Catocala. Rowntree, Prof. L(eonard) G(eorge), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Medicine. London, Can, April 10, 83. M.D, Western Med. Col, London, Can, 05. Res. physician, Vie- toria Hosp, London, 05-06; asst. med, Hopkins, 07-08, instr. pharmacol, 08-10, assoc. exp. therapeut, 10-13, assoc. prof, 13-14, med, 14-16; prof. med. and chief of dept, Minnesota, 16— A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Am. Physicians; Physiol. Soc; Soe. Pharmacol; Soe. Biol. Chem; Soe. Exp. Path; Soc. Clin. Invest. Renal and hepatic functional tests; absorption from pleural and peritoneal cavities; vividiffusion; plasmaphae- resis; radium; antimonials in trypanosomiasis; subeutaneous purgatives. Roy, Prof. Arthur J(ay), 369 Morris St, Albany, N. Y. Astronomy. Clyde, N. Y, Nov. 7, 69. C.E, Union, 93, A.M, 97. First asst, Dudley Observatory, Albany, 93-; chief astronomer, dept. meridian astron, Carnegie Institution, 07— A.A; Astron. Soc. Comets; asteroids; meridian observations of stars and their reduction; star positions and motions. Ruby, Dr. Charles Ernest, Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Physical chemistry. Louisville, Ky, Noy. 20, 93. B.S, Kentucky, 16; Ph.D, Mass. Inst. Tech, 20. Fel- low, Mellon Inst, 16-17; asst. physical chem, Mass. Inst. Tech, 17-18, instr, 18-19, asst, 19-20, research assoc, 20- A.A; Chem. Soc; Electro- chem. Soc. Equilibrium; ionic theory; indus- trial application of theoretical chemistry. Rucker, Dr. Augusta, 120 E. 34th St, New York, WA Ya: Zoology, (Paris, Tex, . May. (2a waias A.B, Texas, 96, fellow, 96-97, A.M, 99; M.D, Hopkins, 11. Tutor biol, Texas, 97-99, instr, 99-00, zool, 00; practising physician. Attend- ing physician pediat; N. Y. Infirmary for Women and Children. A.A; fel. Tex. Acad. Peripatus eisenii; the Texan Koenenia; the anatomy of Koenenia and its position among the Arachnida. Ruckes, Prof. Herbert, Dean and Fairmount Ave- nues, Westchester, N. Y. Cytology. New York, Feb. 1, 95. B.S, Cornell, 17, A.M, 17. Head, dept. biol, Grove City, 17-18; instr. mil. sanit, Columbia, 18-19; comp. anat, Col. City of N. Y, 20— Instr. bot, Columbia, summer, 19. A.A; Entom. Soc. Limnology; insect histology; plant cytology of secretion. Ruckmick, Prof. Christian A(lban), University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. Psychology. New York, N. Y, Sept. 4, 86. A.B, Amherst, 09, 590 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE A.M, 12; Ph.D, Cornell, 13. Instr. science and math, Cent. High Sch, Springfield, Mass, 09-10; psychol, Cornell, 11-13; Illinois, 13-15, assoc, 15-17, asst. prof. and acting head of dept, 17- 19, assoc. prof, 19- Lecturer psychol, Harvard, summer, 15, A.A; Psychol. Ass. Psychology of rhythm and music; historical and systematic psychology. Rudd, Prof. Wortley F(uller), 1716 Grove Ave, Richmond, Va. Chemistry. Chesterfield Co, Va, Oct. 6, 76. A.B, Richmond, 98; Ph.B, Vir- ginia, 02; A.M, Columbia, 11. Prof. chem, Med. Col. of Va, 10— Lecturer org. chem, Richmond, 18— Chem. Soe. (chaigman and sec’y, Va. sect) ; Pharmaceut. Ass. (chairman, sect. on educ. and legislation, 18). Vegetable oils. Ruddiman, Prof. E(dsel) A(lexander), Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. Pharmacy. Dear- born, Mich, Dec. 27, 64. Phar.C, Michigan, 86, Phar.M, 87; M.D, Vanderbilt, 93. Asst. in charge pharmacog, Michigan, 86-87; chemist in charge, lab, Williamson, Ingram and Griggs, 87— 90; prof. pharmacy and mat. med, Vanderbilt, 90- Chemist, Tenn. Board of Pharmacy, 97-; U. S. food and drug inspection chemist, 07-14. Pharmaceut. Ass; Chem. Soe. Prescriptions; materia medica; proprietary medicines. Rudis-Jicinsky, Dr. John, 1933 §S. Avers Ave, Chieago, Ill. Pathology. Bohemia, 60. A.M, Prague Acad, 94; M.D, Rush Med. Col, 96; M.E, Paris, 04. Director, Mil. Hosp, Skoplije, Serbia, 14-16; lieut-col, Serbian M. C, 14-16. Ed, hygienic dept, ‘Sokol Americky.’ Mem. Int. Commission on Typhus, Serbia, 14-15; Am. Red Cross med. exped, Siberia, 19-20. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Am. Réntgen Ray Soc. (founder, sec’y, 00-). Radiology; electrology; epidemiol- ogy; typhus evanthematicus, febris recurrence, dysentery and cholera in Serbia. Rudnick, Paul, Armour and Co, Chicago, Ill. Chemistry. Chicago, Nov. 27, 72. Ph.G, Mlli- nois, 93, B.S, 99. Chemist, E. Schneider and Co, 99-01; Armour and Co, 01-07, chief chemist, 07— A.A; Chem. Soc; Soc. Chem. Indust; Soc. Test. Mat. Chemistry of meat packing and fer- tilizers. Rudolf, Dr. R(obert) D(awson), 100 College St, Toronto, Can. Therapeutics, Medicine. Pictou, N. S, June 29, 65. M.B, C.M, Edinburgh, 89, M.D, 96; M.R.C.P, London, 00, F.R.C.P, 10, C.B.E, 18. Prof. therapeut, Toronto, 08— Col. and consulting physician, M.C, Can. Army. Asst. physician, Toronto Gen. Hosp; Siek Chil- dren’s Hosp. Therapeut. Soc. (v. pres, 20); Am. Physicians; Toronto Acad. Med; Toronto Med. Soc; Toronto Path. Soc; fel Royal Soc. Med; Royal Med. Soe. Edinburgh (past pres). Clin- ical medicine. Ruedemann, Dr, R(udolf), Education’ Building, Albany, N. Y. *Paleontology, Geology. Georgen- thal, Germany, Oct. 16, 64. Ph.D, Jena, 87; Strasbourg, 89. Asst. geol, Strasbourg, 87-92; teacher, high schools, Lowville and, Dolgeville, N. Y, 92-99; asst. state paleontologist, N. Y, 99- Curator paleont, N. Y. State Museum, 13- Walker prize, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, 01. A.A; Geol. Soe, (v. pres, 16); Paleont. Soc. (v. pres, 11, pres, 16). Fossils and geology of guelph beds of New York; graptolites; cephalopods of Ordovician; eurypterids; inliers; pre-Cambrian continents; stratigraphy of Ordovician. Ruediger, Dr. E(rnest) H(enry), Bismarck, N. Dak. Pathology. Fountain City, Wis, 75. M.D, Rush Med. Col, 03. Serologist, Bur. Science, P. I, and assoc. prof. path. and bacter, Philip- pine Med. Sch, 04-16; pathologist, Bismarck Hosp, 16- A.A; Am. Med, Ass. Bacteriology of the blood in typhoid fever; virulent pseudo- diphtheria bacilli in gangrenous laryngitis; Ba- cillus typhosus associated with pyonephrosis; Wassermann reaction. Ruediger, Dr. Gustav F(erdinand), 325 Flint St, Reno, Nev. Pathology, Bacteriology. Fountain City, Wis, June 9, 76. B.S, Wisconsin, 00; M.D, Rush Med. Col, 03; Ph.D, Chicago, 07. Assoe, Mem. Inst. for Infectious Diseases, Chicago, 03- 06; prof. path, and bacter, North Dakota, 07- 14; director, State Pub. Health Lab, 07-14; director, Hygienic Inst. for LaSalle, Peru and Oglesby, Ill, 14-17; state hygienic lab, Nevada, 17— A.A; Ass. Path. and Bact; Am. Med. Ass; Pub. Health Ass. The self-purification of streams; streptococcus infections; purity of natural ice from polluted waters. Ruediger, Prof. W(illiam) C(arl), George Wash- ington University, Washington, D. C. Psychol- ogu, Education. Fountain City, Wis, March 29, 74. Ph.B, Wisconsin, 99, Ph.M, 03; Ph.D, Co- lumbia, 07. Prof. methods, Nor. Col, Dillon, Mont, 03-05; asst. psychol, Columbia, 06-07; asst. prof. educ. psychol, George Washington, 07-11, prof, 11-, dean, teachers col, 12-, di- rector, summer sch, 15— Lecturer, summer sch, Virginia, 08, 09; West Virginia, 12, 13; Dart-. mouth, 14. A.A; Psychol. Ass; 8. Soe. Philos. and Psychol. The field of distinct vision; the period of mental reconstruction; formal culture through ideals; qualities of merit in teachers; improvement of teachers in service; principles of education. Ruehle, G(odfrey) L(eonard) A(lvin), 336 Mar- shall St, East Lansing, Mich. Bacteriology. Still- water, Minn, Oct. 30, 84. Ph.G, Washington (Seattle), 06, B.S, 08, M.S, 10. Asst. bacteriol- ogist, N. Y. Exp. Sta, Geneva, 11-18; research assoc. bacter, Mich. Exp. Sta, 18- A.A; fel. Soe. Bact; Pub. Health Ass. Dairy bacteriology; germ content of milk; bacterial analysis of air and milk; bacteriology of butter. Ruffner, Charles S(humway), 30 Broad St, New York, N. Y. Electrical engineering. Chicago, Ill, June 22, 80. B.S, Missouri, 00. Engineer, Telluride Power Co, 00-09; supt. of operation, Cent. Colo. Power Co, 09-11; gen. manager, Miss. River Power Distributing Co, 11-13; ». pres, and gen. manager, Elee, Co. of Mo, 13-17; Union Elec. Light and Power Co, 17-; v. pres, N. Am. Co, 19— Fel. Elec. Eng; Electrochem. Soe. High voltage electrical phenomena; busi- ness administration. Rufus, Prof. W(ill) Carl, Detroit Observatory, Ann Arbor, Mich. Astronomy. Chatham, Ont, July 1, 76. A.B, Albion, 02, A.M, 08; fellow, Mich- igan, 13-15, Ph.D, 15. Asst. math, Albion, 01- 02; teacher, high sch, Flint, Mich, 02-04; Lans- ing, 04-05; instr. math. and astron, Pyeng Yang Col, Korea, 07-11; supt. edue, Meth. Mis- sion, Seoul, 11-13; prof. math. and astron, AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 591 Seoul Col, 15-17; instr. astron, Michigan, 17-20, asst. prof, 20- A.A; Astron. Soc; Royal Asiatic Soe. Astrophysics; stellar spectroscopy; the celestial planisphere of King Yi Tai Jo. Ruger, Prof. Henry A(lford), Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. Psy- chology. Janesville, Wis, Sept. 18, 72. A.B, Beloit, 95; fellow, Wisconsin, 01-03; A.M, Chi- cago, 05; Ph.D, Columbia, 10. Prineipal, acad, Port Byron, Ill, 96-00; asst. psychol, Colum- bia, 03-04; asst. prof, Colo. Col, 04-10; educ. psychol, Teachers Col, Columbia, 10- A.A; Psychol. Ass; West. Philos. Ass. Psychology of efficiency; learning processes. Rugg, Dr. Harold Ordway, 59 Edgecliff Terrace, Park Hill, Yonkers, N. Y. Psychology. Fitch- burg, Mass, Jan. 17, 86. B.S, Dartmouth, 08, C.E, 09; Ph.D, Illinois, 15. Instr. civil eng, James Millikin, 09-11; Illinois, 11-15; educ, Chicago, 15-17, asst. prof, 17- 18, assoc. prof, 18-19; assoc. prof. educ, and educ. psychologist, Lincoin Sch, Teachers Col, Columbia, 19— Statis- tician, committee on classification of personnel in the army, 18; specialist, investigation of U. S. Civil Service Commission, 19. A.A; Soe. Col. Teachers Educ. Educational measurement ; sta- tistics; mental tests; the school curriculum. Ruggles, Prof. Arthur Gordon, University Farm, at Paul, ee eens Annapolis Royal, . S, May 30, B.S.A, Cornell, 01, A.M, 04. eee prof. parent Minnesota, and asst. to state entomologist, 02- 13, assoc. prof, 13-18, prof. and state entomologist, Minn, 18- Entomolo- gist, Pa, Chestnut Blight Commission, 12-13. A.A; Entom. Soc; Ass. Econ. Entom. Economic entomology. Ruhrah, Dr. John, 11 E. Chase St, Baltimore, Md. Pediatrics. Chillicothe, Ohio, Sept. 26, 72. M.D, Col. Physicians and Surg, Baltimore, 94. Co-editor, ‘Bul. Med. Library Ass’; assoc. ed, ‘Annals Med. Hisitory.’ ediat Soc. Diseases of children; dietetics; poliomyelitis. Rumbold, Dr. Caroline (Thomas), U. 8. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Plant pathology. St. Louis, Mo, July 27, 77. B.L, Smith, 01; A.M, Washington (St. Louis), 03, Ph.D, 11, fellow, Mo. Bot. Garden, 10-11; Munich, 07. Scientific aid, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 03-05; asst. bot, Missouri, 08-10; expert and collaborator, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 11-17, asst. pathologist, sugar plant investigations; 17-19, plant pathologist, 19- Plant physiologist, Pa. Chestnut Blight Commis- sion, 12-13. A.A; Bot. Soc; Phytopath. Soe. Fungous diseases of trees; injection of chem- icals into chestnut trees; diseases of sugar beets. Ruml, Dr. Beardsley, Carnegie Corporation, 522 Fifth Ave, New York, N. Y. Psychology. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Nov. 5, 94. B.S, Dartmouth, 15; Ph.D, Chicago, 17. Instr. psychol, Carnegie Inst. Tech, 18; see’y, Seott Co, 19-20; asst. to pres, Carnegie Corp, 20- Co- director, trade test div, U.S.A, 18. A.A; Psychol. Ass. ’ Statistics; industrial personnel. Rumsey, Prof. L(ouys) A, Institute of Baking, Minneapolis, Minn. Chemistry. Stryker, Ohio, May 7, 89. B.S, Denison, 12, M.S, 13; Chicago; Iowa State. Instr. chem, Towa 'State, 13-17; asst, prof, Denison, 17-20; with Am. Inst. Bak. ing, 20- Chem. Soc. Baking powders; baked products. Runkle, Prof. Erwin W(illiam), State College, Pa. Psychology. lisbon, Iowa, May 20, 69. A.B, Leander Clark, 90; Ph.D, Yale, 93; hon. fellow, Clark, 99. Lecturer hist. philos, Yale, 92-93; prof. psychol, and ethics, Pa. State, 93- Li- brarian, Carnegie Library, Pa. State, 04- A.A; Psychol. Ass. The phenomenalism of Berkeley; psychology of confession; psychology of preju- ‘ dice and prejudgment. Running, Prof. Theodore R(udolph), 1019 Michi- gan Ave, Ann Arbor, Mich. Mathematics. Colfax, Wis, Dec. 14, 66. B.S, Wisconsin, 92, fellow, 95-97, M.S, 96, Ph.D, 99. Prof. math, physics and chem, St. ‘Olaf, 93- 95; asst. math, Wisconsin, 97-99, instr, 99— ‘00; prof. math. and nat. seience, St. Olaf, 00- 03; instr. math, Mich- igan, 03-07, asst. prof, 07- 13; assoc. prof, 13- 20, prof, 20-- A.A; Math. Soe: Math. Ass; Eng. Edue. Graphical methods. Runyan, E(Imer) G(ardner), 419 Tenth St, Washington, D. C. Chemistry. Disco, Fase Ph.C, Michigan, 86; B.S, George Washington, 89. Asst. chemist, bur, chem, U. S. Dept. Agr, Ae 03; inspector gas and meters for D, C, 05- A.A; Chem. Soe; Soc. Chem. Indust. ‘Agricul- tural chemistry ; ; method of fertilizer analysis; gas analysis; photometry. Rupert, Dr, F(rank) F(inch), Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. Chemistry. Caledonia, N. Y, Oct. 18, 83. A.B, Kansas, 06, A.M, 08; Ph.D, Mass. Inst, Tech, 12. Instr. chem, Kansas, 07— 09; asst, Mass. Inst. Tech, 10-11; instr, Kansas, 11- 12; junior physical chemist, Mise Bur. Mines, 12-13; fellow, Mellon Inst, 138— Chem. Soe. Colloid’ chemistry; phase rule; electrical potential; catalysis. Rupert, Dr. R(ichard) R(oot), University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah. Anatomy. Buchanan, Mich, Jan. 1, 82. M.D, Illinois, 12. Demonstrator anat, departments med. and dentistry, Illinois, 11-12, asst. prof, 12-13, instr, 13-14, asst. clin. surg, med. dept, 14; prof. gross anat, Utah. Ass. Anat. Irregu- lar kidney vessels; inmervation; variations in blood supply to thyroid gland. pat Prof, Henry H(urd), 115 W. 68th St, New York, N. Y. *Botany, Materia medica. Frank- lin, N. J, April 26, 55. M.D, N. Y. Univ, 84. Prof. bot, physiol, mat. med. and dean, faculty, INS =e. Colt Pharmacy, 88-20: mat. med, Univ. and Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col, 97-02. Sei. di- rector and curator of econ. collection, N. Y. Bot. Garden; agent for Smithsonian Inst. bot. explo- ration of N. Mex. and Ariz, 80-83; explored Madeira River Valley and Bolivia, S. A, 85-87, delta of Orinoco, 96; Mexican rubber forests, 08— 10; southern Columbia, 17; pharmacologist, U. S. Dept. Agr, 07-14; prof. principles of stock feeding, Am. bi: Col, 89-96; mem. committee of revision, U. S S. Pharmacopeia, 90-20; on med. flora, Pan- apis “Med. Cong. Medal, Centennial Expos, 76. A.A; Pharmaceut. Ass; fel. N. Y. Acad; N. Y. Sei. Alliance; Torrey Bot. Club (past pres); hon. mem. Mex. Inst. Med. Nac; cor. mem. Gt. Britain Pharmaceut. Soc. South American flora; vegetable materia medica, 592 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Rush, Prof, J(ames) E(dwin), Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa. Biology, Bac- teriology. Dorchester, Mass, May 20, 87. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 12; D.P.H, N. Y. Univ, 15; M.D, Pittsburgh, 20. Asst, Mass. Inst. Tech, 12-13; instr. bacter, Wisconsin, 13-14; asst. prof. sanit. eng, Carnegie Inst. Tech, 14- Asst. baeteriologist, Boston Bio-Chem. Lab; chemist, Springfield water supply; director of health, Edgeworth, Pa, 16- Pub. Health Ass. Death rate of B. coli at low temperatures; ptomaine poisoning. Rushmore, David B(arker), General Electric Co, Schenectady, N. Y. Electrical engineering. Old Westbury, N. Y, Aug. 21, 73. B.S, Swarthmore, 94, C.E, 97; M.E, Cornell, 95. Westinghouse Elee. and Mfg. Co, 95-96; Royal Elec. Co, Montreal, 96-97; Stanley Elee. Mfg. Co, 99-05; chief engineer, power and mining dept, Gen. Elec. Co, 05- Elec. Eng; Mech. Eng; Civil Eng; Electrochem. Soc. Electricity in industrial plants. Rushmore, Prof. Stephen, 520 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, Mass. Medicine. Rochester, N. Y, Oct. 19, 75. A.B, Amherst, 97; M.D, Hopkins, 02. Asst. res. gynecologist, Hopkins Hosp, 03; house physician, Hudson St. Hosp, N. Y. City, 03-04; house surgeon, St. Mary’s Hosp. for Children, 04-05; res. gynecologist, Hopkins Hosp, 05-06; house officer, Boston Lying-in Hosp, 07-08; instr. gynec, Tufts, 09-12, assoc. prof, 12— Instr. gyneec, Hopkins, 06; gynecolo- gist, Symmes’ Arlington Hosp; obstetrician, Evangeline Booth Hosp. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Col. Surg. Gynecology; obstetrics. Rusk, Prof, G(lanville) Y(eisley), 117 Alton Ave, San Francisco, Calif. Pathology. Baltimore, Md, Feb. 15, 75. A.B, Hopkins, 96, M.D, 00. Med. house officer, Hopkins Hosp, 00-01; Enoch Pratt Hosp, 01-02; pathologist, Manhattan State Hosp, N. Y. City, 02-10; asst. prof. path, Cali- fornia, 10-14, assoc. prof, 14— Asst. Path. and Bact. Oidiomycotic meningitis; antibody pro- duction; glycogen determination; neoplasms. Rusk, Prof. Rogers D, Napierville, Ill. Physics. Washington, D. C, Nov. 17, 92. B.S, Ohio Wesleyan, 16; A.M: Ohio State, 17. Instr. physies, acad, Ohio Wesleyan, 15-16; head, dept. science, high sch, Niles, Ohio, 17-18; prof. physics, Northwestern Col, 19- A.A; Physical Soc; Meteorol. Soe. Conduction of electricity through gases; aerology. Rusk, Prof. W(illiam) J(ames), Grinnell, Iowa. Mathematics. Ontario, Can, Sept. 30, 69. B.A, Toronto, 95, fellow, 95-98, M.A, 98; Chicago, 00-01, fellow, 01-02. Instr. math, Bishop’s Col, 98-00; assoc. prof, Grinnell, 02-05, prof, 05- A.A; Math. Soc. Russell, Col. F(rederick) F(uller), U.S.A, Cos- mos Club, Washington, D. C. *Pathology. Au- burn, N. Y, Aug. 17, 70. M.D, Columbia, 93; Se.D, George Washington, 17. Intern, Bellevue Hosp, N. Y, 93-95, res. physician, 95-96; Sloane Maternity Hosp, N. Y, 95; lieut, M.C, U.S.A, 98-03, capt, 03-08, major, 09, 17, col, 17-, curator, Army Med. Museum, 08-, instr, Army Med. Sch, 08-; prof. path. and bacter, George Washington, 09-; director, lab, Board of Health, Ancon, C. Z, 15-17; in charge, div. of laboratories infectious and venereal diseases, M.C; mem. div. med. sciences and govt. rela- tions, Nat. Research Council. Ass. Path. and Bact; Am. Physicians; Soc. Exp. Path; Soe. Trop. Med; Ass. Mil. Surg; Am. Med. Ass, (delegate, U.S.A) ; Nat. Board Med. Examiners. Anchylostomiasis; malaria; opsonins; typhoid vaecination; dysentery bacilli; the prevention of typhoid fever. Russell, Prof. G(eorge) E(dmond), 191 Park Ave, Arlington, Mass. Civil engineering. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 00. Mech. engineer, Am. Car and Foundry Co, 00-04; instr. civil eng, Cornell, 04-05; Mass. Inst. Tech, 05-07, asst. prof. civil eng, 07-13, assoc. prof. hydraulic eng, 13- Lee- turer, Lowell Sch. for Indust. Foremen, 06-; examiner, Civil Service Commission, Mass, 10-; traffic expert, Boston Transit Commission, 06- Boston Soe. Civil Eng. Hydraulics. Russell, Prof. H(arry) L(uman), University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. *Bacteriology. Poynette, Wis, March 12, 66. B.S, Wisconsin, 88, fellow, 88-90, M.S, 90; Berlin, 90; Pasteur Inst, Paris, and Naples Zool. Sta, 90-91; fellow, Chicago, 92-93; Ph.D, Hopkins, 92. Asst. prof. bacter, Wisconsin, 93-96, prof, 96-07, dean, col. agr, O7-; bacteriologist, Wis. Exp. Sta, 93-07, director, 07— Consulting bacteriologist, Wis. “ Board of Health, 94-08; bacteriologist, Wis. Live Stock Sanitary Board, 01-07; lecturer bacter, dairy sch, Minnesota, 01-16; director, Wis. State Hygienic Lab, 03-08. A.A; Soc. Bact. (chairman, 08); Pub. Health Ass. (chair- man, lab. sect, 03); Soc. Prom. Agr. Sei; Land Grant Col. Ass. (pres, 20). Dairy bacteriology; bovine tuberculosis; bacterial plant diseases; pasteurization of milk; the curing of cheese. Russell, Dr. Henry N(orris), 79 Alexander St, Princeton, N. J. *Astronomy. Oyster Bay, N. Y, Oct. 25, 77. A.B, Princeton, 97, fellow, 97- 00, A.M, 98, Ph.D, 00. Carnegie research asst, Cambridge Observatory, 03-05; instr. astron, Princeton, 05-08, asst. prof, 08-11, prof, 11-, director of Observatory, 12- Engineer, Bur. Aireraft Production, 18-19; mem. Nat, Research Council. Nat. Acad; A.A; Astron. Soc; Philos. Soe; for. assoc. and fel. Royal Astron. Soc. Stellar parallax; stellar evolution; stellar sta- tisties; photographie astronomy; binary stars; eclipsing variables. Russell, Dean James H(arl), Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. Educa- tion. Hamden, N. Y, July 1, 64. A.B, Cornell, 87, 91-93; Jena, 93-94; Leipzig, 94-95, Ph.D, 94; LL.D, Dickinson, 03; Colorado, 05; MeGill, 09. Teacher and principal of secondary schools, 87-93; prof. philos. and pedag, Colorado, 95- 97; hist. of educ, Teachers Col, Columbia, 97-, dean, 98-, Barnard prof. educ, Columbia, 04- Special agent, U. S. Bur. Educ, 93-94; Euro- pean commissioner for Univ. of State of N. Y, 93-95. A.A. (v. pres, 09); Psychol. Ass; Nat. Council Edue. German higher schools; univer- sity extension in England and America; educa- tion in Porto Rico and the South; technical education. Russell, Prof. W(illiam) P(olk), Claremont, Calif. Mathematics. Gaylesville, Ala, Dec. 29, 63. A.B, Cumberland, 85, A.M, 09. Prof. math. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 593 and astron, Lincoln (Ill), 89-04; instr. math, Pomona, 04-08, asst. prof, 08-12, assoc. prof, 12— A.A; Math. Soc; Math. Ass. Ruth, Dr. Edward S, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Calif. Anatomy. Moundridge, Kans, Sept. 2, 83. M.D, Kansas, 10. Special worker, Rockefeller Inst, 10-11; prof. anat, Wake For- est, 12-13; Southern Methodist, 13-14; Univ. Philippines, 14-20; mem. staff, Children’s Hos- pital, Los Angeles, Calif, 20—- Ass. Anat. Ruthven, Dr. Alexander G(rant), University Mu- seum, Ann Arbor, Mich. *Zoology. Hull, Iewa, April 1, 82. B.S, Morningside, 03; Ph.D, Michi- gan, 06. Instr. zool. and curator, museum, Michigan, 06-10, instr. zool. and head curator, museum, 10-12, prof. zool. and director of mu- sewm, 12— Chief field naturalist, Mich. Geol. and Biol. Surv, 08— A.A; Soe. Nat; Soe. Zool; Ecol. Soc; Mus. Ass; Ass. Geog; Mich. Acad. (pres, 13). Herpetology and geographic distribution; variations and relationships in Reptilia. Rutledge, Dr. John J(oseph), U. S. Bureau of Mines, McAlester, Okla. Geology. Alton, Ill, March 10, 70. B.S, Illinois, 94; Ph.D, Hopkins, 04. Mine supt, 94-00; geologist, Md. Geol. Surv, 00-04; consulting engineer and geologist, 04-09; dist. mining engineer, U. 8S. Bur. Mines, 09- Geol. Soc; Min. Eng. Economic geology; coal, iron, lead and zine mining; mine accidents; origin of iron ores. Rutstein, Leo, Milburn, N. J. Chemistry. Yon- kers, N. Y, April 13, 96. Newark Tech. Sch; N. Y. Univ. Asst. chemist, Clark Thread Co. and J. and P. Coats, 11-13; assoc, Edward C. Worden, 11-; consulting chemist, 18- Assoc. ed, ‘Technology Cellulose Esters.’ Analytical chemistry; nitrocellulose industry; technology cellulose esters; carbohydrate carboxylates. Ruttan, Prof. R(obert) F(ulford), McGill Uni- versity, Montreal, Can. Chemistry. Newburg, Ont, July 15, 56. B.A, Toronto, 81; M.D, C.M, MeGill, 84; Berlin, 85-86; D.Sc. Toronto, 14. Prof. practical chem, med. faculty, McGill, 94- 02, chem, 02-08, org. and biol. chem, 08-12, di- rector, dept. chem, 12— Fellow of corporation, McGill, registrar of faculty, 91-02. A.A; Chem. Soc; Soe. Biol. Chem; Soc. Chem. Indust. (v. pres, 14-); Royal Soc. Can. (pres, 20); Ont. Col Physicians and Surg; British Ass. Organic bases; artificial alkaloids; medical chemistry; artificial fats; products of distillation of pine and spruce; margaric acid and glycol fats; con- stants of fat acids. Rutter, Dr. Frank R(oy), U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C. Economics. Bal- timore, Md, March 15, 74. A.B, Hopkins, 94, fellow, 96-97, Ph.D, 97. Proof-reader, U. S. Geol. Surv, 98-99; asst. chief, div. for. markets, U. S. Dept. Agr, 99-07, special European agent, 07-09, statistician, 09-10; tariff expert, U. S. Dept. Commerce, 10-14, asst. chief, bur. for. and domestic commerce, 14-17; commercial attaché, Am. Embassy, Tokyo, Japan, 19, statistical ad- viser, 19, trade commissioner, 20- Lecturer econ, Columbian, 02; Towa, 04. Econ. Ass; Statist. Ass; Royal Statist. Soe. Custom tariffs and commercial statistics; sugar production and trade; grain production and trade; tariff sys- 38 tems of South America, Japan, Cuba and Can- ada. Ryan, Dr. A(ndrew) H(oward), Tufts Medical School, Boston, Mass. Physiology, Pharmacol- ogy. Silex, Mo, Dee. 30, 85. M.D, Washing- ton (St. Louis), 10. Asst. physiol. and phar- macol, Washington (St. Louis), 08-10; instr, Pittsburgh, 10-13; prof, Alabama, 13-16; ‘physiol, med. sch, Tufts, 16- Physiologist, U. S. Pub. Health Service, 18-; mem. committee on fatigue in indust. pursuits, Nat. Research Coun- cil; director indust. hygiene, Scoville Mfg. Co, 19- A.A; Physiol. Soc; Soe. Pharmacol; Am. Med. Ass. Physiological effects of anesthetics; goiter; site of aetion of strychnin in the spinal cord; absorption of drugs from gastric mucous membranes; muscular power, tonus and fatigue; rhythm in industry. Ryan, Prof. Harris J(oseph), Stanford University, Calif. *EHlectrical engineering. Powells Valley, Pa, Jan. 8, 66. Baltimore City Col, 79-80; Lebanon Valley, 80-82; M.E, Cornell, 87. Instr. physics, Cornell, 88-89, prof. elec. eng, 89-05; Stanford, 05- Judge, board of awards, elec. dept, Columbian Expos, 93; delegate of U. S. Govt, Int. Elec. Cong, St. Louis, 04; mem. jury awards, Panama-Pacifie Expos, 15; consulting engineer, Los Angeles Aqueduct Power Project, 09- Nat. Acad; A.A; Elec. Eng; Physical Soc; Illum. Eng. Soe; Electrochem. Soc; Radio Eng. Methods for electrical engineering tests and measurements; laws governing relation of size and separation of conductors and electric pres- sure at which corona and power waste appears in high pressure power transmission lines; di- electric strength, etc, of insulators for practical requirements at high voltage in electrical engi- neering apparatus; durability of high voltage line insulators; development of supersonic source projectors. Ryan, Dr. L(eon) A(lonzo), 3607 Sansom St, Philadelphia, Pa. Chemistry. La Grange, Ohio, 69. Ph.B, Oberlin, 983; Ph.D, Pennsylva- nia, 97. Asst. demonstrator chem. and later asst. prof. chem, and toxicol, med. dept, Penn- sylvania, 97— Copper in the human liver; volu- metric testing for glucose; volume of nitrogen evolved from uric acid by the action of alkaline sodium hypobromite solution; influence of oxy- gen, nitrogen and sunlight on olive oil; Gold- ner’s test for cocaine; arsenic in liver tissues in cases of poisoning; retention of arsenie by ani- mal charcoal. Rydberg, Dr. P(er) A(xel), New York Botanical Garden, New York, N. Y. *Botany. Odh Parish, Sweden, July 6, 60. Grad, Royal Gym- nasium, Skara, Sweden, 81; B.S, Nebraska, 91, A.M, 95; fellow, Columbia, 96-97, Ph.D, 98. Instr. math. and nat. science, Luther Acad, Wahoo, Nebr, 84-90, 91-93; Upsala Col, Kenil- worth, N. J, 95-96, 97-99; asst. curator, N. Y. Bot. Garden, 99-06, curator, 07— Field agent, div. of bot. and agrost, U. 8. Dept. Agr, sum- mers, 91-96; N. Y. Bot. Garden, summers. A.A; Bot. Soe; Torrey Bot. Club. Flora of the Rocky Mountain region; Saxifragaceae; Rosaceae; Fabaceae; Compositae. Ryerson, William Newton, P. O. Box 779, Duluth, Minn. Electrical engineering. New York, N. 594 Y, Dec. 7, 74. E.E, Columbia, 96. Asst. supt. motive power, Interborough Rapid Transit Co, 00-05; gen. supt, Ont. Power Co, 05-09; gen. manager and chief engineer, Great North. Power Co, 09— Elec. Eng; Mech. Eng; Can. Inst. Eng. Applications of electrical power. Rykenboer, Dr. Edward A(ugust), 19 Mentz Apartments, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Chemistry. Rochester, N. Y, July 19, 89. B.S, Rochester, 12, M.S, 13; Ph.D, Michigan. Teaching asst. chem, Michigan, 13-17; research chemist, Roess- ler and Hasslacher Chem. Co, 17— A.A; Chem. Soe. Physical chemistry; capillarity; super- cooling. Ryland, Prof. Garnett, University of Richmond, Richmond, Va. Chemistry. King and Queen Co, Va, Dee. 17, 70. A.M, Richmond, 92; Ph.D, Hopkins, 98. Instr. chem, Maine, 98-99, asst. prof, 99-01; prof, Converse, 01-03; Georgetown (Ky), 03-17, Richmond, 17— Chem. Soc. Boil- ing-points of mixtures of liquids. Ss Sabin, A(lvah) H(orton),432 Sanford Ave, Flush- ing, N. Y. *Chemistry. Norfolk, N. Y, April 9, 51. B.S, Bowdoin, 76, M.S, 79, Sc.D, 17. Prof. chem. and physics, Ripon, 76-80; chem, Vermont, 80-86; chemist, Edward Smith and Co, N. Y, 88-05; Nat. Lead Co, 10-— State chem- ist, Vt, 82-86; lecturer paints and varnishes, N. Y. Univ, 97-; Mass, Inst. Tech, 98-06; Mich- igan, 98-02; lecturer, Purdue, 99, 02; Wisconsin, 01-02. A.A; Chem, Soc. (chairman, N. Y. sect, 92, ed. resins and pigments, ‘Abstract Jour,’ 07-); Soe. Chem. Indust; Mech. Eng; Civil Eng; Naval Archit. and Marine Eng; Soc. Test. Mat; Am. Geog. Soc; London Paint and Var- nish Soe; London Soc. Arts. Process by which all sugar of milk is produced; corrosion of iron and steel; drying oils; technology of paints and varnishes. Sabin, Dr. Florence R(ena), Johns Hopkins Med- ical School, Baltimore, Md. *Anatomy. Cen- tral City, Colo, Nov. 9, 71. B.S, Smith, 93; M.D, Hopkins, 00, fellow, 02; Se.D, Smith, 10. Teacher math, Wolfe Hall, Denver, Colo, 94-95; asst. z00l, Smith, 96; intern, Hopkins Hosp, 01, asst, anat, Hopkins, 03, assoc, 03-05, assoe. prof, 05-17, prof. histol, 17— Naples Table Ass. prize, 03. A.A; Ass. Anat. (v. pres, 09, co-editor, ‘Record’). Tracts in the medulla oblongata; lymphatic system; blood vascular system. Sabine, Dr. Paul E(arls), Riverbank Laboratories, Geneva, Ill. Physics. Albion, Ill, Jan. 22, 79. A.B, McKendree, 99; Harvard, 03, A.M, 11, Ph.D, 15. Master science, Worcester Acad, 03- 11; asst. physies, Harvard, 15-16; asst. prof, Case, 16-18; director, Wallace Clement Sabine Lab. of Acoustics, 19— Physical Soe. Architee- tural acoustics; photo-electricity. Sachs, Dr. B(ernard), 116 W. 59th St, New York, N. Y. Nervous and mental diseases. Baltimore, Md, Jan. 2, 58. A.B, Harvard, 78; M.D, Stras- bourg, 82; Berlin, Vienna, Paris and London, 81-04. Prof. nervous and mental diseases, N. Y. Polyelinie until 04; neurologist, Mt. Sinai Hosp; alienist and neurologist, Bellevue Hosp; consulting physician, Manhattan State Hosp. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE A.A; Am. Physicians; Neur. Ass; N. Y. Neur. Soc; N. Y. Acad. Med; hon. mem. Moscow Neur. Soc. Nervous diseases of children; in- fantile palsies; amaurotie family idiocy; epi- lepsy; syphilis of central nervous system; vasomotor disorders; cerebellar tumors; spinal cord tumors; the Wassermann reaction; le- thargic encephalitis. Sachs, Prof. Ernest, Washington University Med- ical School, St. Louis, Mo. Surgery. New York, N. Y, 79. A.B, Harvard, 00; M.D, Hopkins, 04. Neurol. surgeon, Montefiore Home and Hosp, N. Y. City, 09-11; Beth Israel Hosp, 09-11; assoe. surg, Washington (St. Louis), 11-14, assoe. prof, 14-19, prof. clin. neur. swrg, 19— Adj. asst. sur- geon, Bellevue Hosp, N. Y. City, 09-11; surgeon, Barnes and St. Louis Children’s Hospitals; assoc. surgeon in charge neurol. surg, Jewish Hosp, 20- Am. Med. Ass; Physiol. Soc; Ass. Anat; Neur. Ass. Neurological surgery; optic thalamus; cerebral temperature centers. Sachs, Dr. John H(arrison), 707 Coverdale Road, Wilmington, Del. Chemistry. Gettysburg, Pa, April 14, 89. B.S, Pennsylvania Col, 10; Ph.D, Hopkins, 16, Carnegie fellow, 16-17. Research chemist, E. I. duPont de Nemours and Co, 17- Chem. Soe. Dyes and intermediates. Sackett, Dean R(obert) L(emuel), State College, Pa. Engineering. Mt. Clemens, Mich, Dec. 2, 67. B.S.(C.E), Michigan, 91, C.E, 96. Asst. prof. math, Earlham, 91-96, prof. applied math. and astron, 96-07; sanit. and hydraul. eng, Pur- due, 07-15; dean eng, Pa. State, 15— Consult- ing engineer to various state commissions and boards. A.A; Water Works Ass; Civil Eng; Mech Eng; New Eng. Water Works Ass; Ind. Eng. Soc. (pres, 07). Sanitary and hydraulic engineering. Sackett, Prof. Walter G(eorge), Fort Collins, Colo. Bacteriology. Sterling, Ill, July 5, 80. Ohio State, 98-99; B.S, Chieago, 02, Ph.D, 18. Prof. nat. sciences, Baptist Univ. for Women, Raleigh, N. C, 02-04; asst. prof. bacter. and hygiene, Mich. Agr. Col, and asst. bacteriologist, Exp. Sta, 04-08; bacteriologist, Colo. Exp. Sta, 08— Water analyst, Chicago, 99-00; special agent plant breeding, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, summer, 04. A.A; Soc. Bact. Soil bacteriology; bacterial diseases of plants; a bacterial disease of alfalfa; bacteriology of alkali soils. Saderra, Rev. M(ichael) Maso, S.J, Manila Ob- servatory, Manila, P. I. Geology. Olot, Spain, Dee. 13, 65. Tarazona, Spain, 82-87; Tortosa, 96-00; D.D, Paris, 01. Asst. director, Manila Observatory, 90-96, Weather Bur, 02—- A.A; Seismol. Soe; Zelanti Acad, Italy; Plata Seis- mol. Soe. Philippine seismology and vuleanol- ogy; magnetic force lines. Sadtler, Prof. Sam(ue)1 P(hilip), 210 S. 13th St, Philadelphia, Pa. *Chemistry. Pinegrove, Pa, July 18, 47. A.B, Pennsylvania Col, 67, A.M, 70, LL.D, 02; B.S, Harvard, 70; Ph.D, Géttin- gen, 71. Prof. chem, Pennsylvania Col, 71-74; org. and indust. chem, Pennsylvania, 74-91; chem, Phila. Col. Pharmacy, 78-16. Mem, com- mittee of revision, U. S. Pharmacopeia, 00-20. A.A; Chem, Soc; Soe. Chem. Indust; Electro- chem. Soc; Chem. Eng. (pres, 08); Philos. Soe. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 595 (see’y, 98-02); fel. London Chem. Soc; Chem. Gesell. Industrial and applied organic chem- istry. Sadtler, S(amuel) S(chmucker), 210 S. 13th St, Philadelphia, Pa. Chemistry. Gettysburg, Pa, Nov. 15, 73. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 95. Chem- ist, U. S. Customs Service, 95-00; consulting chemist, 0O— Pres, Samuel P. Sadtler and Son, Inc; sec’y, Meigs, Bassett and Slaughter; ed, ‘Allen’s Commercial Org. Chem.’ Chem. Soe; Soe. Chem. Indust; Electrochem. Soe. (see’y, 04— 07, v. pres, 10—); Ass. Leather Chemists; Chem. Eng; Franklin Inst. Industrial and technical chemistry ; organic chemistry. Saegmiiller, Frederick B, 1100 St. Paul St, Roch- ester, N. Y. Optical science. Va, 78. BS, Virginia, 02. Mem. scientific bur, Bausch and Lomb Optical Co, 05-07, supt, precision optical div, O7— Optical Soe. Safford, Dr. F(rederick) H(ollister), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Mathemat- ics. Lawrence, Mass, June 20, 66. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 88; A.M, Harvard, 94, Ph.D, 97; hon. fellow, Clark, 01-02. Instr. math. and science, Brewster Acad, 88-93; math, Harvard, 95-99; asst. prof, Cincinnati, 99-01; instr, Pennsylvania, 02-07, asst. prof, 07-20, prof, 20- A.A; Math. Soe. Cyclids of revolution; or- thogonal surfaces; Weiertrass P-function curves. Safford, William E(dwin), U. 8S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Botany, Eth- nology. Chillicothe, Ohio, Dec. 14, 59. Grad, U. S. Naval Aead, 80; Yale, 82-84; Ph.D, George Washington, 20. Naval officer and collector in ethnobot. for U. 8. Nat. Museum, 80-82; asst. botanist and later econ. botanist, U. S. Dept. Agr, 02— Commissioner to Peru and Bolivia for Columbian Expos, 91-93; v. governor, Guam, 99-00; asst, revision, ‘Century Dict.’ Medal, Columbian Expos, 98. Bot. Soc; Wash, Acad; Wash. Anthrop. Soe; Wash. Biol. Soc; Wash. Bot. Soe. (sec’y, 08, 09, cor. see’y, 16). Ethnobotany; philology; grammar of Chamorro language of Guam; useful plants of Guam; Cactaceae of northeastern and central Mexico; useful plants of Mexico. Safro, V(ictor) I, Kentucky Tobacco Products Company, Louisville, Ky. Entomology. New York, N. Y, Aug. 26, 88. B.S.A, Cornell, 09. Agent and expert, bur. entom, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 09-10; research asst. entomologist, Oregon Exp. Sta, 10-14; asst. prof. entom, Oregon Col, 11- 14; entomologist, Ky. Tobacco Products Co, 14— Entomologist, Oregon Exp. Sta, Hood River, 14. Entom. Soc; Ass. Econ. Entom. Sprays; spray injury; forest entomology; nicotine as an in- secticide. Sage, Jno. (John) H(all), Portland, Conn. Ornith- ology. Portland, April 20, 47. Pub. schools; hon. M.S, Trinity (Conn), 01. Banker, 73-— Curator nat. hist, Wadsworth Athenaeum, Hart- ford. A.A; fel. Ornith. Union (sec’y, 89-); N. Y. Acad; N. Y. Linnaean Soc; Wash. Biol. Soc; Conn. Hist. Soc. Birds of Connecticut. Sailer, Dr. Joseph, 1718 Spruce St, Philadelphia, Pa. Medicine. Philadelphia, Oct. 1, 67. Ph.B, Pennsylvania, 86, M.D, 91; Paris, Ziirich and Vienna, 93-95. Asst. demonstrator path, Penn- sylvania, 98-99, assoc. clin. med, 99-08, asst. prof, 08-14, prof, 14— Prof. diseases of stomach and intestines, Phila. Polyclinic, 02-08; asst. ed, ‘Phila, Med. Jour’; physician, Phila. and Presb. Hospitals. A.A; Am. Physicians; Soc. Clin. Invest. (v. pres); Gastro-Enterol. Ass. (v. pres, pres); Phila. Acad; Phila. Col. Physicians. Clinical medigine; experimental medicine. St. John, Dr. Ancel, National Carbon Co, Cleve- land, Ohio. Physics. Plainfield, N. J, June 20, 82. Ph.B, Rochester, 06; Ph.D, Clark, 17. Instr. physics, Syrian Protestant Col, 06-09; asst, Columbia, 09-10; acting prof, Emory and Henry, 10-12; instr, Worcester, 12-17; prof, Lake Forest, 17-18; research physicist, Nat. Carbon Co, 18- Assoe. Physical Soc. X-ray crystal analysis. St. John, Prof. Cha(rle)s E(dward), Mt. Wilson Observatory, Pasadena, Calif. *Physics, Astro- physics. Allen, Mich, March 15, 57. B.S, Mich. Agr. Col, 88; Michigan, 90-92; Harvard, 92-94; A.M, 93, Ph.D, 96; Berlin, 94-95. Instr. physics, Mich. Nor. Col, 86-92; Michigan, 96- 97; assoe. prof, Oberlin, 97-99, prof, 99-08, dean, col. arts and sciences, 06-08; astronomer, Mt. Wilson Observatory, Carnegie Institution, O8— Mem. Int. Astron. Union; chairman, west. sect, spectrographic committee; int. committee on standards of wave length and tables of the solar spectrum. A.A; Astron. Soc; Physical Soc; Pacifie Astron. Soc; assoc. Royal Astron. Soe. Oxygen in the sun; pole-effeect in the are; spectrum of Venus; solar rotation; the sun’s atmosphere; displacement of solar lines re- quired by the Einstein theory of gravitation. St. John, Prof. Harold, State College of Washing- ton, Pullman, Wash. Botany. Pittsburgh, Pa, July 25, 92. A.B, Harvard, 14, A.M, 15, Ph.D, 17. Asst. bot, Harvard, 13-15; Radcliffe, 13— 15; asst. bot, Can. Geol. Surv, 15-17; asst, Gray Herbarium, Harvard, 13-17, 19-20; asst. prof. bot, Wash. State, 20— Bot. Soc; New Eng. Bot. Club. Taxonomy and phytogeography of vascular plants. Sajous, Prof. C(harles) E(ucharist) de M(édicis), 2043 Walnut St, Philadelphia, Pa. Medicine, Biology. At sea, under American flag, Dee. 13, 52. California, 61-76;. M.D, Jefferson Med. Col, 78; A.B, France, 92; LL.D, St. Joseph’s Col, 09; Se.D, Temple, 15. Prof. anat. and physiol, Wagner Free Inst, 81; lecturer, Jeffer- son Med. Col, 83-91; prof. and dean, Medico- Chirurg. Col, 97; prof. therapeut, Temple, 10- Ed, ‘Annual of Universal Med. Sciences,’ 88- 96; ‘Cyelop. of Practical Med,’ 97-20. Officier d’Aead, 89; Order of Leopold, Belgium, 90; Chevalier Légion d’honneur, 92. A.A; Philos. Soc; Laryngol. Ass (v. pres, 88); Ass. Study Int. Seeretions (pres, 17); Therapeut. Soe. (pres, 19); Col. Physicians; Am. Med. Editors’ Ass. (pres, 03); Phila. Acad; Phila. Col. Physi- cians; Phila. Laryngol. Soe. (pres, 85); hon. mem. various American and foreign societies. Applied therapeutics; physiology and pathology of the internal secretions; endocrinology. Saklatwalla, Dr. B(eram) D, 14 Creighton Ave, Crafton, Pa. Metallurgy. Bombay, India, July 20, 81. B.S, Bombay, 02; Dr. Ing, Royal Polytech, Berlin, 09; Carnegie research scholar, 596 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE British Iron and Steel Inst, 08-09. Research chemist and metallurgist, Am. Vanadium Co, 10-11, gen. supt, 11- A.A; Chem. Soc; Hlec- trochem. Soc; Soc. Test. Mat; Int. Ass. Test. Mat; British Iron and Steel Inst; British Inst. Metals. Metallography of iron and steel; pro- duction and measurement of high temperatures electrically. Salant, Dr. William, University of Georgia, Au- gusta, Ga. Pharmacology, Physiology. Born, Feb. 2, 70. B.S, Cornell, 94; M.D, Columbia, 99. Asst. physiol, med. col, Cornell, 02-03; physiol. chem, Columbia, 05-07; adj. prof, Ala- bama, 07-08; chief pharmacologist, bur. chem, U. S. Dept. Agr, 08-18; acting prof. physiol. and pharmacol, Wisconsin, 19-20; prof. Georgia, 20—- Fellow, Rockefeller Inst, 01-07. A.A; Physiol. Soc; Soe. Exp. Biol; Soe. Biol. Chem; Soe. Pharmacol. Effect of alcohol on muscle, on the secretion of bile, on metabolism and hepatic glycogen and on the composition of urine; effects of strychnin on nephrectomized rabbits; influence of nephrectomy on absorption and on coagulation of the blood; toxicity of bile; pharmacology of caffein and of the alcohols, Sales, Reno H(aber), P. O. Box 457, Butte, Mont. Geology. Storm Lake, Iowa, Sept. 10, 76. B.S, Mont. Col, 98; E.M, Columbia, 00. Asst. geolo- gist, Anaconda Copper Mining Co, 01-06, chief geologist, 06—- A.A; Geol. Soc; Min. Eng; Min. and Metal. Soe. Ore deposits of Butte, Mont. Salisbury, Prof. R(ollin) D, University of Chi- cago, Chicago, Ill. *Geology. Spring Prairie, Wis, Aug. 17, 58. Ph.B, Beloit, 81, A.M, 84, LL.D, 04. Prof. geol, Beloit, 84-91; Wisconsin, 91-92; geog. geol, Chicago, 92-18, dean, Ogden Sch. of Sci, 97-, head, dept. geog, 02-18, geol, 18— Asst, U. 8. Geol. Surv, 83-94, geologist, 94; geologist, N. J. Geol. Surv, 91-; ed, ‘Jour. of Geol,’ 92— A.A. (sec’y, E, 92); Geol. Soc; Ass. Geog. Geographic and glacial geology; glacial studies in western mountains; glacial and coastal plain work in New Jersey; continental evolution. Salmon, Dr. Thomas W(illiam), 50 Union Square, New York, N. Y. Psychiatry. Lansingburg, NY ¥, Jans6;:76.. M.D} . Union, 992° “With state hospitals, N. Y, 01-03; asst. surgeon, U. S. Pub. Health Service, 03-08, passed asst. surgeon, 08-15; director special studies, Nat. Committee for Mental Hygiene, 12-15, med, direc- tor,15— Chemist, N. Y. State Board of Alienists, 11. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Medico-Psychol. Ass; Psychopath. Ass; Ass. Mil. Surg; N. Y. Psy- chiat. Soc; Int. Committee for Sci. Study of Alcohol (Am. sect). Statistics of insanity and mental defects; preventable causes of insanity; administrative and legislative aspects of care of the insane; insanity and mental defeets in immi- grant races; incidence and distribution of gen- eral paralysis of the insane. Sammis, Dr. J(ohn) L(angley), 234 Breeze Ter- race, Madison, Wis. Chemistry. Winona, Minn, Jan. 1, 73. B.S, Illinois, 97, M.S, 99; fellow, Wisconsin, 05-06, Ph.D, 06. Asst. chem, Illi- nois, 97-99, instr, 99-05; expert in dairying, U. 8S. Dept. Agr, 06-07; asst. prof. dairy hus- bandry, Wisconsin, 07-17, assoc. prof, 17- A.A; Chem. Soe. Action of mereaptids on quinones; dietetics; chemistry of milk curdling; chemistry and physics of the cheese-making process. Sampson, Dr. Arthur W(illiam), U.S. Forest Serv- ice, Washington, D. C. Forestry. Oakland, Nebr, March 27, 84. B.S, Nebraska, 06, A.M, 07; Hopkins, 13-14; Ph.D, George Washington, 17. U.S. Forest Service, plant ecologist and di- rector, Great Basin Forest Exp. Sta, Ephraim, Utah, 14- Lecturer range and forest eeol, Nebraska and Syracuse. A.A; Soc. Foresters; Ecol. Soe; Wash. Bot. Soc; Wash. Acad. Bot- | nae plant ecology and physiology of range lands. Sampson, Prof. Homer C(leveland), Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Botany. Wheeler, Ill, Jan. 21, 85. B.S, Chicago, 14, Ph.D, 17. Asst. biol, E. Ill. State Nor. Sch, 09-12; nat. science, Chicago, 12-17; instr. bot, Ohio State, 17-19, asst. prof, 19- Research asst. plant physiol, desert lab, Carnegie Institution, sum- mer, 14. A.A; Bot. Soc; Ecol. Soc; Soe. Agron; Ill. Acad; Ohio Acad. Plant physiology and ecology. Sampson, Prof. John Albertson, Albany Medical College, Albany, N. Y. Gynecology. Troy, N. Y, Aug. 17, 73. A.B, Williams, 95, hon. A.M; M.D, Hopkins, 99. Res. gynecologist, Hop- kins Hosp, 04; prof. gynec, Albany Med. Col, 09— Gynec. Soc. Anatomy and pathology of the female pelvie organs; ovarian cysts. Sanborn, Prof. Charles Emerson, 423 Vuck St, Stillwater, Okla. Entomology. LaPlata, Mo, April 16, 17. A.B, Kansas, 03, A.M, 04. En- tom. expert, bur. entom, U. S. Dept. Agr, 05- 09; cooperative entomologist, Tex. Col, 06-08; acting state entomologist, Tex, 08; Ill. State Entom. Dept, 09; prof. entom, Okla. Col, and entomologist, Exp. Sta, 09— A.A; Ass. Econ. Entom; Okla. Acad; Wash. Entom. Soe. Field erop and _ horticultural insects; apiculture; Aphididae. Sanborn, Prof. Frank B(erry), 79 Sudbury St, Boston, Mass. Engineering. Hampton Falls, N. H, Jan. 15, 65. B.S, Dartmouth, 87, C.E, 89; M.S, Harvard, 98. Inspector, Forestry Ass. East. States and Can, 90-99; asst. prof. civil eng, Tufts, 99-01, prof, 01-18; proprietor, San- born Co, 18- Substitute prof. civil eng, Illi- nois, 08-09; lecturer, Dartmouth, 06- Civil Eng; Boston Soe. Civil Eng. Mechanics; hy- draulies; fire protection; pitometer measurement of water; low pressure gage; marine speedom- eter; blood pressure testing. Sanders, Prof. J(ames) G(lossbrenner), Bureau of Plant Industry, Harrisburg, Pa. Entomol- ogy. Louisville, Ohio, July 17, 80. Ph.B, Otterbein, 01; fellow, Ohio State, 01-04, A.M, 08. Asst, lake lab, Ohio State, 04; expert, bur. entom, U. S. Dept. Agr, 05-09; asst. prof. in charge, dept. econ, entom, and chief nursery inspector, Wisconsin, 09-10, prof, 10-15; state entomologist, Wis, 15-16; econ. zoologist, Pa. Dept. Agr, 16-19, director, bur. plant indust, 19- Collaborator, fed. hort. board, U.S. Dept. Agr, 19. A.A; Entom. Soe; Ass. Econ. Entom. (v. pres, 20); Ass. Hort. Inspectors (see’y, 13-19) ; Ohio Acad; Wash. Entom. Soc. (cor. see’y, 06-09). Homoptera; Coecidae; poison bait eontrol of onion and cabbage maggot; nicotin solutions for AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 597 leaf mining insects; European potato wart disease. Sanderson, Prof. E(zra) Dwight, 117 Parkway, Cayuga Heights, Ithaca, N. Y. Entomology. Clio, Mich, Sept. 25, 78. B.S, Mich. Agr. Col, 97; B.S.A, Cornell, 98. Asst. state entomolo- gist, Md, 98; asst, div. entom, U. 8. Dept. Agr, summer, 99; entomologist, Del. Exp. Sta, 99-03; assoc. prof. zool, Delaware, 01-02; state ento- mologist, Tex, and prof. entom, Tex. Col, 03-04; prof. zool. and entom, N.H. Col, 04-10, director, Exp. Sta, 07-10; dean, col. agr, West Virginia, and director, Exp. Sta, 10-15; prof. rural social organization, Cornell, 18- A.A; Ass. Econ. En- tom. (pres, 10). Economie entomology; rural sociology. Sanderson, Dr. J(ames) C(ox), 813 S. E. Fifth St, Minneapolis, Minn. Physics. A.B, Yale, 07, Ph.D, 11. Instr. physics, Minnesota, 11-15; teacher science and math, Blake Sch, Minne- apolis, 15-18; instr. math, sch. mines, Minnesota, 18— Radioactivity of soils. schools, Ogle Co, Ill, 82-86; instr. physics and chem, high sch, Englewood, Ill, 88-90; prof. physical scienee, Lake Forest, 90-91; physics, Stanford, 91-19, emer. prof, 19- Engineer, rail- road construction, 79, 80. A.A; Physical Soe. The electrical conductivity of wires in different dielectrics; electric photography in alternating condenser field; an acoustic pyrometer; an un- described form of radiation; a possible change of weight in chemical reactions; physical lines of force in electrical theory; contact E.M.F. and cohesion; the emission of ultra-violet radia- tion in an alternating condenser ; electrical charges of atoms and _ ions ; characteristic charges of metals; orbital motion of radiating electrons; a physical theory of electrification. Sanford, Dr. R(oscoe) F(rank), 1255 FE. Villa St, Pasadena, Calif. Astronomy. Faribault, Minn, Oct. 6, 83. A.B, Minnesota, 05; fellow at Lick Observatory, California, 15-17, Ph Deir Instr, high sch, Marshall, Minn, 05-06; asst, Lick Observatory, 06-08; observer, South. Ob- servatory, Carnegie Institution, 08-11; asst. Sando, Dr. Cha(rle)s E(arl), U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Biological chemistry. Bernville, Pa, Feb. 18, 94. “B.S, Md. Col, 16, Ph.D, 20; fellow, Michigan, 17-18, M.S, 20. Junior biol. chemist, office hort. and pomol, bur. plant indust, U.S, Dept. Agr, 17-18, office physiol. and fermentation investigations, 18- Bot. Soe; Chem. Soe. Plant pigmentation ; ripening of fruits and vegetables. Sandsten, Prof. E(mil) P(eter), Agricultural Col- lege, Fort Collins, Colo. Horticulture, Entomol- ogy. Nybro, Sweden, Sept. 15, 68. Sch. of agr, Minnesota, 88-91, B.S, Minnesota, 95, M.S, 98; Ph.D, Cornell, 03. Botanist, Am. Grass Twine Co, 99-00; assoe. prof. hort, Md. Col, 01- 02; prof. hort. and econ. entom, Wisconsin, 02- 13; prof. hort, Alabama, and state horticul- turist, Ala, 13; prof. hort, Colo. Agr. Col. and state horticulturist, Colo. A.A; Soc. Hort. Sci; Pomol. Soc. Physiological botany; pollination; self-sterility; conditions which affect the pro- duction and fertility of pollen. Sanford, Dr. A(rthur) H(awley), Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Bacteriology. New Albin, Iowa, Jan. 12, 82. A.B, Northwestern, 04, A.M, M.D, 07. Assoc. prof. physiol, Marquette, 07- 09, prof, 09-11; head, sect. clin. laboratories, Mayo Clinic, 11-; assoc. prof. clin. bacter. and parasitol, Mayo Foundation, Minnesota. Ass. astronomer, D. O. Mills exped. of the Lick Ob- servatory to Santiago, Chile, 11-15; astronomer, Mt. Wilson Solar Observatory, 18— Astron. Soc; Pacifie Astron. Soe. Astrophysigs; astron- omical photography. Santayana, Prof. George, 123 Pall Mall, Brown Shipley and Co, London, England. * Philosophy. Madrid, Spain, Dee. 16, 63. A.B, Harvard, 86, A.M, Ph.D, 89. Instr. philos, Harvard, 89-98, asst. prof, 98-07, prof, 07-12. A.A; Philos. Ass; Psychol. Ass. History of philosophy. Santee,, Dr. H(arris) E(llett), 2806 Warren Ave, Chicago, Ill. Anatomy. Snodes, Ohio, Oct. 15, 64, A.B, N. E. Ohio Nor. Col, 89, A.M, 00; Ph.D, Taylor, 01, hon. A.M, 07; M.D, Pennsyl- vania, 92. Prof. anat, Harvey Med. Col, 96- 05; Col. Physicians and Surg, Illinois, 00-10; Jenner Med. Col, 05-19; Chicago Col. Med. and Surg, 10-17; neurol, Chicago Med. Sch, 19- Ass. Anat; Am. Med. Ass. Anatomy of brain and spinal cord. Sapir, Dr. Edward, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Can. Anthropology. Lauenburg, Ger- many, Jan. 26, 84. A.B, Columbia, 04, A.M, 05, Ph.D, 09; fellow, Pennsylvania, 08-09. Re- search asst. anthrop, California, 07-08; instr, Pennsylvania, 09-10; chief, div. anthrop, Can. Geol. Surv, 10- Field work among American Path, and Bact. Clinical bacteriology, parasitol- ogy and serology; diagnostic methods. Sanford, Prof. Edmund C(lark), Clark University, Worcester, Mass. *Psychology. Oakland, Calif, Moy. 10, 59. A.B, California, 83, LL.D, 12; fellow, Hopkins, 87-88, Ph.D, 88; Se.D, Hobart, 09. Teacher, Oahu Col, Hawaii, 83-85; instr. psychol, Hopkins, 88; Clark, 89-92, asst. prof, 92-01, prof. exp. and comp. psychol, 01-09, lee- turer college administration, 09-20, pres, Clark Col, 09-20, prof. psychol. and educ, 20— Joint ed, ‘Am. Jour. Psychol,’ .95- A.A; Psychol. Ass. (pres, 02). Education, Sanford, Prof. Fernando, Stanford University, Calif. *Physics. Taylor, Ill, Feb. 12, 54. B.S, M.S, Carthage, 79, hon. Se.D, 20; Berlin, 86- 88. Prof. science, Mt. Morris, 79-82; supt. Indians, Bur. Am. Ethnol, summers, 05, 06; California, 07; Pennsylvania, summer, 09; Can. Geol. Surv, summers, 10, 11, 13-14. Anthrop. Ass; Ethnol. Soe; Folk-lore Soc; Paris Soe. des Amécicanistes. American Indian ethnology, my- thology and linguisties; Nootka ethnology and linguistics. Sardeson, Dr. F(rederick) W (illiam), 414 Harvard St, Minneapolis, Minn. Paleontology. Owego Mills, Wis, Feb. 22, 66. B.L, Minnesota, 91, M.S, 92; Ph.D, Freiburg, 95. Instr. paleont, Minnesota, 92-94, 98-05, asst. prof, 05-14; expert geologist, Minn. State Sercurities Commis- sion, 18- With U. 8. Geol. Surv, 89, 91, geolo- gist, 1l1- Mem. Int. Geol. Cong, Ziirich, 94, A.A; Paleont. Soe; Geol. Soc; Minn. Acad. Stratigraphie geology of Minnesota; fauna of Saint Peter sandstone; fossil corals; fossil Gas- 598 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE tropoda; Crinoidea; glacial deposits; loess; re- lation of paleontologic evidence to the theory of evolution; oilfields; road materials; drainage. Sargent, C(harles) E(lliotte), 843 College Ave, Racine, Wis. Mechanical engineering. Carlin- ville, Ill, Sept. 12, 62. B.S, Blackburn, 82, M.S, 86; B.S, Illinois, 86. Consulting engi- neer, 86-95; chief engineer, Chas. F. Elmes Eng. Works, 95-00; gen. manager, Sargent Eng. Co, 00-07; engineer, gas engine dept, Wis. En- gine Co, 07- Octave Chanute medal, West. Soe. Eng, 05; John Scott medal premium, Franklin Inst, 07. Mech. Eng; Franklin Inst; West. Soc. Eng. Complete expansion internal combus- tion engine; calorimetry of gases; metering of gas and steam. Sargent, Prof. Charles Sprague, Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass, *Botany, Dendrology. Boston, April 24, 41. A.B, Harvard, 62, LL.D, 01. Director, Arnold Arboretum, 72-, Arnold prof. arboriculture, Harvard, 79— Mem. Park Com- mission, Brookline; ed, ‘Garden and Forest,’ 87-97. Nat. Acad; Soc. Nat; Philos. Soc; Am. Acad; Mass. Soc. Prom. Agr. (pres); Phila. Acad; St. Louis Acad; hon. for. mem. Royal Hort. Soc; for. mem. London Linnean Soe; hon. mem. British Arbor. Soc; hon. mem. Scottish Arbor. Soc; hon. mem. Dendrol. Gesell; Soc. bot. de France; for. mem. Soe. nat. d’Agr. de France; hon. mem. Soe. nat. d’Acclimation de France; hon. mem. Royal Irish Acad. Sargent, Dr. D(udley) A(llen), Harvard Univer- sity, Cambridge, Mass. Physical education. Belfast, Maine, Sept. 28, 49. A.B, Bowdoin, 75, A.M, 87, hon. Se.D, 94; M.D, Yale, 78. Instr. gymnastics, Bowdoin, 69-75; Yale, 72-78, prof. physical training, 79-90; director, Hemen- way Gym, Harvard, and dept. of physical edue, 90-19; pres, Sargent Sch. Physical Educ, 04- Chairman, commission on sch. hygiene, Pub. Health Ass, 83-84; commission dept. health, Social Science Ass, 83-85; commission on phys- ical educ, Columbian Expos, 93; mem. observa- tion committee, N. Am. Gym. Union, 93, 97, 00. A.A; Physical Educ. Ass. (pres, 90, 92-94, 01) ; Am. Acad. Med; Acad. Polit. and Social Sci; Statist. Ass; Boston Soc. Med. Sei; Boston Nat. Hist. Soc; Boston Health Educ. League (pres, 05-). Anthropometry; applied anatomy; the philosophy of exercise and the general theory and practise of physical training; invention of new apparatus; effects of different physical ex- ercises upon American youth of both sexes. Sargent, F(rederick) L(eRoy), 27 Everett St, Cambridge, Mass. Botany. Boston, Mass, Dee. 25, 63. Col. City of N. Y, 79-82; Lawrence Sci. Sch, Harvard, 83-86. Head, dept. bot Wisconsin, 86-87; instr. bot, med. sch, Boston 94-95; asst, bot. museum, Harvard, 02-04. In- str. bot, Harvard, summer, 86; pres, Nat. Flower Convention, Asheville, N. C, 96. A.A; Bot. Soe; Nat. Inst. Inventors. Ecological botany; color notation. Sarton, Dr. George (Alfred Leon), 24 Agassiz St, Cambridge, Mass. History and philosophy of science. Ghent, Belgium, Aug. 31, 84. B.Se, Ghent, 06, Se.D, 11. Lecturer hist. science, George Washington, 15-16; Harvard, 16-18, 20-; research assoc, Carnegie Inst, 18- Ed, ‘Isis, ’ bf Sarvis, J(ohnson) T(hatcher), U.S. Field Station, Sasscer, E(rnest) R(alph), 1225 Decatur St, N. W,: Satterfield, Prof. H(oward) Satterlee, Dr. G(eorge) Reese, 125 W. 58th St, Satterly, Dr. John, University of Toronto, To- Satterthwait, A(lfred) F(ellenberg), Webster Satterthwaite, Dr. Thomas E(dward), 7 E. 80th 13- Gold medallist in chem, four Belgian uni- versities, 07; Prix Binoux, Académie des Sei- ences, Paris, 15. Lecturer, Lowell Inst, Boston, 16. History of physies; Leonardo da Vinci. Mandan, N. Dak. Agriculture. Highmore, S. Dak, June 1, 86. B.S, S. Dak. Col, 09, M.S, 11. Instr. bot, S. Dak. Col, 09-13; asst. dry land agr, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 13- A.A; Bot. Soe; Soe. Agron; Eeol. Soe. Graz- ing. Washington, D. C. Entomology. Waldorf, Md, Oct. 25, 83. B.S, Md. Col, 04, M.S, 13. Scien- tific aid, bur. entom, U. S. Dept. Agr, 04-06, scientific asst, 06-12, chief inspector, federal hort board, 12-, entomologist in charge port in- spection, 20- A.A; Entom. Soc; Ass. Econ. Entom; Wash, Acad; Wash. Biol. Soe; Wash. Entom. Soe. (ree. see’y, 12, second v. pres, 14, pres, 18). Coccidae; fumigation methods. E(rnest), West Raleigh, N. C. Mechanical engineering. Fair- mont, W. Va, May 11, 77. B.S. (M.E), Purdue, 04, M.E, 09. Supt. exp. factory, Am. Window Glass Co, 05-06; Standard Sanit. Mfg. Co, 06- 07; director, sch. applied science, Winona Tech. Inst, 07-08; prof. mech. eng, N. C. Col, 08- Mech. Eng. New York, N. Y. Medicine. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y, 73. A.B, Columbia, 94, A.M, M.D, 98. Instr. histol. and embryol, Univ. and Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col, 03-10, med. and gastro-enterol, 10- Asst. pathologist, St. Vincent’s Hosp, 05-08; pathologist, Gouverneur Hosp, 06-08; attending physician and pathologist, Washington Heights Hosp, 06-13; attending physician, Fordham Hosp, 13-; St. Bartholomew’s Hosp, 20-; con- sulting gastro-enterologist, N. J. State Hosp, 20- Therapeut. Soc; Gastro-Enterol. Ass; N. Y. Acad. Med; N. Y. Path. Soe. Internal medi- cine; gastro-enterology. ronto, Can. Physics. Ashburton, Devon, Eng- land, Nov. 29, 79. B.Se, London, 01, D.Se, 10; B.A, Cambridge, 08, M.A, 12. Demonstrator, Royal Col. Science, London, 01-03; tutor, univ. correspondence col, Cambridge, 03-12, asst. demonstrator, Cavendish lab, 10-12; lecturer physics, Toronto, 12-16, asst. prof, 16- Tyndall prize, Royal Col. Science, 99. Physical Soe; Royal Astron, Soe. Can; London Physical Soe. Thermomagnetice analysis of iron alloys; radio- activity of the air, water, soils, radium and thorium; helium. Groves, Mo. Entomology. Fairville, Pa, April 9, 79. Jessup scholar, Phila. Acad, 98-00. Clerk, div. zool, Pa. Dept. Agr, 05-07, asst. econ. zoologist, 07-10. A.A; Ass. Econ. Entom; Entom, Soc; Ecol. Soc; Nature Study Soe. St, New York, N. Y. Medicine. New York, March 26, 43. A.B, Yale, 64; Harvard, 64-65; M.D, Columbia, 67; Vienna, 69-70; LL.D, Maryland, 08; Se.D, St. John’s (Md), 12. Intern, N. Y. Hosp, 67-69; pathologist, St. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 599 Luke’s Hosp, 72-82; Presbyterian Hosp, 73- 88; prof. path. anat, N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch, 82-83, med, 04-08; pres, Babies’ Hosp, 94-99; consulting physician, Post-Grad, Babies’, Orthopedic and Manhattan Hospitals. Lecturer, vet. col, Columbia, 81-82; surgeon, Prussian army, Franco-Prussian War, 70-71, iron eross, 73. Lieut, M.R.C, 11-17. Therapeut. Soe. (pres, 02); Col. Physicians; N. Y. Acad. Med; N. Y. Path. Soe. (pres, 80); Greater N. Y. Med. Ass. (pres, 04-08). Comparative histology and pa- thology; bacteriology; diseases of heart and aorta; cardiovascular diseases. Sauer, Prof. Carl O(rtwin), 1312 Forest Ave, Ann Arbor, Mich. Geography. Warrenton, Mo, Dec. 24, 89. A.B, Cent. Wesleyan, 08; Northwestern, 68-09; Ph.D, Chicago, 15. Ed. worker, Rand MeNally and Co, 12-13; instr, State Nor. Sch, Salem, Mass, 138-14; geog, Michigan, 15-18, asst. prof, 18-20, assoc. prof. and director field courses, 20— Asst. geologist, Ill. Geol. Surv, 10-12; with office farm management, U.S. Dept. Agr, 19. Ass. Geog. Land economies; classi- fication and valuation; regional geography. Saunders, Dr. A(rthur) P(ercy), Clinton, N. Y. *Chemistry. London, Can, March 22, 69. B.A, Toronto, 90; Ph.D, Hopkins, 94; Gottingen, 96; Berlin, 97; hon. fellow, Cornell, 99. Instr. chem, Wisconsin, 94-96; asst. prof, Hamilton, 00, prof, 00-, dean, 09— Research asst, MeGill, 98. A.A; Chem. Soe; Electrochem. Soe. Chlor- ids of orthosulphobenzoie acid; double salts; allotropic forms of selenium; reaction velocities. Saunders, Dr, Cha(rle)s E(dward), Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Can. Chemistry, Agriculture. London, Can, Feb. 2, 67. B.A, Toronto, 88; fel- low, Hopkins, 90-91, Ph.D, 91. Prof. chem. and geol, Cent. Univ. of Ky, 92-93; Dominion cerealist, Can, 08—- A.A. Double halids; hy- bridization in the Pyrus, Berberis and Triticum families; cereal breeding; breeding improved varieties of wheat, oats, barley and peas, Saunders, Prof. D(e) A(lton), Greenville, Tex. Botany. Alfred, N. Y, June 13, 70. Alfred, 86-91; A.B, Nebraska, 93, A.M, 94. Teacher, high sch, Lincoln, Nebr, 938-95, imstr. biol, 95- 96; prof. bot, S. Dak. Col, 96; plant breeder, ? U. 8S. Dept. Agr; manager, Saunders Lone Star Seed and Gin Co. Bot. Cent. States. Algae; varieties of cotton to resist boll weevil depreda- tions. Saunders, Prof. E(dwin) J(ames), University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. Geology, Geography. Petrolea, Ont, Jan. 30, 72. B.A, Toronto, 97; Ont. Nor. Col, 98; A.M, Harvard, 07. Teacher physical science and geog, State Nor. Sch, El- lensburg, Wash, 98-05, 07-09; asst. prof. geog. and geol, Washington (Seattle), 09- Meteorol. Soe; Am. Geog. Soe. Climatology; coal fields. Saunders, Prof. F(rederick) A(lbert), Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. *Physics. Lon- don, Can, Aug. 18, 75. B.A, Toronto, 95; fel- low, Hopkins, 98-99, Ph.D, 99; Cambridge, Eng- land, 13; Tiibingen, 13-14. Instr. physics, Hav- erford, 99-01; Syracuse, 01-02, assoc. prof, 02- 05, prof, 05-14; Vassar, 14-19; assoc. prof, Har- ward, 19— War work, Nat. Research Council, 17-18. A.A; Physical Soe; Am. Acad. Radia- tion; spectroscopy. Saunders, Prof, Samuel g Clinton, N.Y. Physics, Astronomy. Nanticoke, Ont, Aug. 3, 62. B.A, Toronto, 88, M.A, 94; fellow, Cornell, 88-89, Se.D, 94. Instr. physics, Cornell, 89-92; prof. physics and astron, Hamilton, 92- Prof. phys- ics, summer sch, Wisconsin, 91; Cornell, 92. Physical Soc. Electrical waves; penetration by X-rays; the relative value of Holtz machine and induetion coil in X-ray work. Saunders, William Edwin, Ridley Park, Pa. Ornithology, Botany. London, Can, Aug. 16, 61. Phila. Col. Pharmacy, 80-83. Chairman, Civie Committee on Hort, London, Can, 02-03. A.A; fel. Ornith. Union; Ont. Entom. Soe. (see’y, 93-05) ; MeIlwraith Ornith. Club (see’y, 99-05). Saunders, W(illiam) L(awrence), 11 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Mining engineering. Colum- bus, Ga, Nov. 1, 56. B.S, Pennsylvania, 76. In charge hydrographic work, Nat. Storage Co, 78-81; pres, Ingersoll-Sargeant Drill Co; N. Y. chairman, board of directors, Ingersoll-Rand Co. Mayor, Plainfield, N. J, 92-93; mem. Chamber of Commerce; director, many industrial con- cerns and mem. domestic and foreign financial and social organizations. Ed, ‘Compressed Air Magazine.’ Civil Eng; Mech. Eng; Min. and Metal. Eng. (past pres); Min. and Metal. Soc; Am. Iron and Steel Inst; Eng. Soc. (trustee) ; Acad. Polit. and Social Sei; Am. Geog. Soc; N. Y. Eng. Club. Compressed air; technology of quarrying and drilling. Saurel, Dr. Paul (Louis), College of the City of New York, New York, N. Y. *Mathematics. New York, May 10, 71. B.S, Col. City of N. Y, 90; Cornell, 90-92; Se.D, Bordeaux, 00. Instr. math, Cornell, 92-96; tutor, Col. City of N. Y, 96-98, instr, 00-05, asst. prof, 05-06, assoc. prof, 06-14, prof, 14-, head of dept, 19— A.A; Math. Soe; Physical Soe. Mathematical theory of the equilibrium of chemical systems; theory of radiation; classification of crystals; types of erystal symmetry. Sauveur, Prof. Albert, 20 Elmwood Ave, Cam- bridge, Mass. Metallurgy. Louvain, Belgium, June 21, 63. Sch. of mines, Liége, 81-86; B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 89. Chemist and metallurgist, various steel companies, 89-97; instr. metal, Harvard, 99-00, asst. prof. metal. and metallog, 01-06, prof, 06— Manager, Boston Test. Lab- oratories, 97-05; ed, ‘Metallographist,’ 98-03; lecturer metallog, Mass. Inst. Tech, 98—; Water- town Arsenal, 20; ed, ‘Iron and Steel Mag,’ 04- 06; director, div. metal, Air Service, A.E.F, 17— 18. Elliott Cresson gold medal; Officier d’Acad. A.A; Min. Eng. (v. pres, 10-12, chairman, Bos- ton sect, 19); Philos. Soc; Soc. Test. Mat; Am. Tron and Steel Inst; Am. Acad; British Iron and Steel Inst. The metallography and heat treat- ment of iron and steel; chemical properties and structure of steel. Savage, Prof. E(Imer) S(eth), Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Animal husbandry. Lancaster, N. H, June 15, 84. B.S.A, N. H. Col, 05; M.S.A, Cornell, 09, Ph.D, 11. Instr, Baron DeHirsch Sch, Woodbine, N. J, 05-06; asst. animal hus- bandry, Cornell, 07-08, instr, 09-10, asst. prof, 11-12, prof, 13- A.A. Animal nutrition. Savage, Dr. H(iram) N(ewton), San Diego, Calif. Civil engineering. Lancaster, N. H, Oct. 6, 61. 600 B.S, N. H. Col, 87, C.E, 92, Se.D, 01. Practising engineer, 91-03; engin@er, S. Calif. Mt. Water Co, 95-03; U. S. Reclamation Service, 03-15; Sweetwater Water Co, 16; hydraulic engineer, City of San Diego, 17—- Civil Eng. Savage, Prof. T(homas) E(dmund), University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. Geology. Salem, Iowa, Jan. 8, 66. A.B, Iowa Wesleyan, 95; B.S, Iowa, 97, M.S, 98; Ph.D, Yale, 09. Prof. biol. and geol, Western, and asst. geologist, Iowa Geol. Sury, 99-03; asst. state geologist, Iowa, 03-06; asst. prof. stratigraphic geol, Illinois, 06-19, prof. geol, 19-; geologist, Ill. Geol. Surv, 06- A.A; Geol. Soc; Paleont. Soc; Ill. Acad; Iowa Acad. Geology, areal and stratigraphic; the Devonian paleontology and stratigraphy in Illi- nois; the Alexandrian series; the geology and paleontology of the Paleozoic rocks in the Hud- son and James Bay region. Savage, Dr. Watson L(ewis), 56 W. 45th St, New York, N. Y. Physical education. Cromwell, Conn, Nov. 26, 59. A.B, Amherst, 82, A.M, 85; M.D, L. I. Col. Hosp, 85. Intern, St. Peter’s Hosp, 85-87; med. director, Berkeley Sch. and Club, 87-90; pres. and physician, Dr. Savage’s Physical Development Inst, 90-; director, gym, Columbia, 97-03; pres, N. Y. Nor. Sch. of Phy’- ical Educ, 99-14; supervisor of athletics and direetor, dept. health, Carnegie Tech. Schools, 10-13; pres, The Savage Sch. for Physical Educ, 14— Ed. therapy of exercise, ‘Jour. of Adv. Therapeut’; director athletics, Pittsburgh Ath- letie Ass; director physical training, Pittsburgh Pub. Schools, 12-13. A.A; fel. Am. Med. Ass; Physical Edue. Ass. (pres, 01-03); Soe. Col. Gym. Directors (sec’y, 98-02, pres, 03). Effect of marathon running. Saville, C(aleb) M(ills), Pilgard Building, Hart- ford, Conn. Hydraulic engineering. Melrose, Mass, May 27, 65. A.B, Harvard, 89. Div. en- gineer, Metropolitan Water Board, Mass, 95- 05; engineer in charge, third div, Isthmian Ca- nal Commission, 07-12; manager and chief engi- neer, Hartford Water Works, 12- Norman medal, Civil Eng, 14; Brackett medal, New Eng. Water Works Ass, 15. Civil Eng. (pres, Conn. sect, 19); Am. Water Works Ass; New Eng. Water Works Ass. (pres, 16); Boston Soe. Civil Eng. Water supply; dam construction; founda- tion of Gatun Dam; hydrology of Chagras River; geology of water supply and foundations. Saville, Prof. Marshall H(oward), Columbia Uni- versity, New York, N. Y. American archeology. Rockport, Mass, June 24, 67. Special student, Peabody Museum, Harvard, 89-94, fellow, 91— 93. Asst, Peabody Museum, Harvard, 89-94; asst. curator anthrop, Am. Museum Nat, Hist, 94-02, curator Mex. and Cent. Am. archeol, 02-05, hon. curator, 07-10; prof. Am. archeol, Columbia, 038— Officier d’Acad, 01. Int. Cong. Americanists, 02 (gen. see’y, committee of or- ganization). A.A. (sec’y, H, 98, v. pres, 04) ; fel. Ethnol. Soc. (cor. sec’y, 99, v. pres, 03, rec. sec’y, 05-10, v. pres, 10-); Anthrop. Ass; Antiq. Soe; Explorers Club (vy. pres, 07—); Bos- ton Soc. Nat. Hist; Wash. Anthrop. Soc; cor. mem. Soe. Cient. Ant. Alz; Soe. d’Anthrop. de Paris; Soc. des Amer. de Paris; Swedish Soc. Anthrop. and Geog. Archeology of Mexico, AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Central America and South America; explora- tion of the ruins of southern Mexico; the an- tiquities of Mexico, Central America, Ecuador, Colombia and South America. Sawtelle, Prof. W(illiam) O(tis), Haverford Col- lege, Haverford, Pa. Physics. Bangor, Maine, July 7, 74. Maine, 92-93; B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 99; A.M, Harvard, 07. Instr. science, high sch, Bangor, 99-00, director math, 00-03; instr, physics, Mass. Inst. Tech, 03-05; asst, Harvard, 12-13; instr, Haverford, 13-15, asst. prof, 15-18. Mem. exam. board for U. 8. Naval Aead, Third Cong. Dist. Maine, 02. Acting prof. physics, Swarthmore, 17-18; Haverford, 18-19; asst. physicist, Bur. Standards, 18. A.A; Physical Soc; Franklin Inst; Soe. de Physique. Electrolysis of certain eyanid solu- tions; electrical resistance of thin films; elee- trical oscillations; spark discharge; ultraviolet light; spectrum of oscillatory sparks. Sawyer, Prof. M(ary) Louise, Knox College, Galesburg, Ill. Botany. Lake Geneva, Wis, Sept. 1, 76. B.S, Beloit, 02; M.S, Chieago, 15. Teacher, high sch, Elgin, Ill, 05-12; instr. bot, Beloit, 13-17; Grinnell, 17-19; asst. prof, Knoz, 19— A.A; Bot. Soc; Cent. Ass. Sci. and Math. Teachers. Morphological botany; spermato- genesis; hybridization. Sawyer, Dr. W(ilbur) A(ugustus), International Health Board, Rockefeller Foundation, 61 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Public health. Appleton, Wis, Aug. 7, 79. A.B, Harvard, 02, M.D, 06. Intern, Mass. Gea. Hosp, 06-08; med. examiner, California, 08-11; director, hygienic lab, Calif. State Board of Health, 10-15; lec- turer hygiene and prev. med, California, 14-16, clin. prof. med. and hygiene, 16-19; major, M.C, 18-19; senior state director, Int. Health Board, 19- Public Health Ass. Public health administration; tropical hygiene. Sawyer, W(illiam) H(ayes), Jr, 6 Frye St, Lewiston, Maine. Botany. Limington, Maine, Feb. 4, 92. A.B, Bates, 13; A.M, Cornell, 16. Instr. biol, Bates, 13-15, 16- Bacteriologist and clin. pathologist, base lab, A.E.F, Marseil- les, 18-19. A.A; Bot, Soc; Micros. Soe. My- cology; embryology of Basidiomycetes. Sax, Karl, Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, Orono, Maine. Botany. Spokane, Wash, Nov. 2,92. B.S, Wash. State, 16; M.S, Harvard, 17. Instr. genetics, California, 19; plant breeder, Geneva, Ill, 19-20; biologist in charge pliant breeding, Maine Exp. Sta, 20—- Bot. Soe. Ge- neties; cytology. Sax, Mrs. Karl (Dr. Hally Jolivette), Bussey In- stitution, Forest Hills, Boston, Mass. Botany. La Crosse, Wis. A.B, Wisconsin, 06, A.M, 09; Ph.D, Stanford, 12. Asst. bot, Wisconsin, 07- 10; Stanford, 10-12; instr, Wash. State, 12-14; scientific asst. plant path, U. 8S. Dept. Agr, 14- 15; instr. bot, Wellesley, 16—- A.A; Wis. Acad. Cytology and physiology of fungi. Saxer, Prof. Arthur H(erbert), Logan, Utah. Physics. Wausau, Wis, Aug. 20, 80. B.S, Utah Col, 10; M.S, California, 12, Whiting fellow, 12- 13, Ph.D, 15. Instr. physies, Utah Col, 10-11, prof. math, 18— Director, sch. home econ, Utah Col. Math. Ass. The constitution of matter. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 601 Saxton, Prof. Blair, 24 W. Elm St, New Haven, Conn. Physical chemistry. Huron, S. Dak, Nov. 4,90. A.B, Wabash, 12; Ph.D, Yale, 15. Instr. chem, Yale, 15-18, asst. prof, 19- Chemist, U. S. Bur. Mines and C.W.S, 18-19. Chem. Soc. Inorganic and organic hydrogels; solid solu- tions; solubility. Saxton, Dr. Lynn M(ateer), College of the City of New York, New York, N. Y. Mathematics. Mechanicsburg, Pa, Dee. 4, 74. B.S, Lafayette, 97, M.S, 00; Pd.M, N. Y. Univ, 08, Pd.D, 09. Instr. math, Blees Mil. Acad, 00-02; principal, Commercial High Sch, Chester, Pa, 02-03; instr. math, Col. City of N. Y, 03-12, asst. prof. ac- counting and business finance, 12- Accounting and auditing. Sayles, R(obert) W(ilcox), University Museum, Cambridge, Mass. Geology. Pawtucket, R. I, Jan. 29, 78.. A.B, Harvard, 01. Curator of exhib. collections, geol. sect, museum, Harvard, O7-, trustee, Children’s Museum; v. pres. and sec’y, Baltic Mills Co. A.A; fel. Geol. Soc; Seis- mol. Soc. (director) ; Meteorol. Soc; Am. Geog. Soe; Acad. Polit. and Social Sci; Am. Acad; Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. General and Pleistocene geology; seasonal deposition in glacial and other deposits; Permian tillite in the Boston basin and seasonal banding in the associated glacial slates. Scales, F(reeman) M(ontague), 2813 Quarry Road, Washington, D. C. Bacteriology. Hobo- ken, N. J, June 20, 85. Mass. Inst. Tech; George Washington. Chemist and bacteriologist, Louisville Water Co; bacteriologist and mycolo- gist, bur. plant industry, U. 8S. Dept. Agr. A.A; Chem. Soc; Soc. Bact; Soe. Agron. Cellulose destroying bacteria and fungi; dissolving and precipitation of cellulose; determination of re- ducing sugars and nitrie nitrogen; larvacides. Scammell, H(arold) B(esnard), Toms River, N. J. Entomology. Brooklyn, N. Y, Oct. 7, 85. B.S, Colo. Agr. Col, 10. Asst. to state entomologist, Minnesota, 11-12; asst. bur. entom, U. S. Dept. Agr, 12-18. A.A; Ass. Econ. Entom. Decidu- ous fruit inseets; cranberry industry. Scammon, Prof. Richard E(veringham), Univer- sity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. *Anat- omy. Kansas City, Mo, July 9, 83. A.B, Kan- sas, 04, A.M, 06; Ph.D, Harvard, 09. Asst. zool, Kansas, 05-06, instr, 06-07; Austin teach- ing fellow comp. anat, Harvard Med. Sch, 07- 09, instr. histol. and embryol, 09-10; asst. prof. anat, Kansas, 10-11; Minnesota, 11-13, assoc. prof, 13-14, prof, 14- Embryology of sela- chians; development of liver and pancreas; anatomy of fetus and child; growth of man. Scarborough, J(ames) B(laine), Annapolis, Md. Mathematics. Mt. Gilead, N. C, June 22, 85. A.B, North Carolina, 13, fellow, 13-14, A.M, 14. Asst. physies, North Carolina, 12-13; wstr. math, N. C. Col, 14-18; U. 8. Naval Acad, 18- A.A; Math. Soe; Eng. Educ. Scarbrough, Dr. Marvin McRae, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Pathology. Creswell, Ore- gon, Sept. 10, 78. A.B, Oregon, 02; A.M, Yale, 05, M.D, 07. Instr. biol, Oregon, 02-03; pharmacol, Yale, 08-12, therapeut, 12-19, lec- turer med. juris, 14- Pathologist, Grace Hosp, New Haven, 16-, attending physician, 17— A.A. Internal medicine. Scarlett, Prof. A(ndrew) J(ackson), Jr, Balch St, Hanover, N. H. Physical chemistry. West Boylston, Mass, March 17, 89. A.B, Dartmouth, 10; A.M, Columbia, 14, Ph.D, 17. Instr. chem, Dartmouth, 11-13; asst, Columbia, 14-17; instr, Dartmouth, 17-18, asst. prof, 18— Chem. Soe. Surface tension of mixed liquids. Scatchard, Prof. George, Amherst, Mass. Chem- istry. Oneonta, N. Y, March 19, 92. A.B, Am- herst, 13; fellow, Columbia, 15-16, Ph.D, 17. Asst. chem, Columbia, 14-15, research asst, 16— 17; assoc. prof, Amherst, 19— Lieut, Sanit. C, 17-19. A.A; Chem. Soc. Organic chemistry; synthesis of quinazolins; war gases; physical properties of mixtures of optically active com- ponents. Schaeberle, Dr. J(ohn) M(artin), 502 Second St, Ann Arbor, Mich. Astronomy. Wiirtemberg, Germany, Jan. 10, 53. C.E, Michigan, 76, hon. M.S, 93; LL.D, California, 98. Asst. to Prof. Watson, 76-78; asst, observatory, and instr, Michigan, 78-88; astronomer, Lick Observatory, 88-98. On eclipse exped. to Cayenne, 89; chief, exped. to observe solar eclipse, Chile, 93; Japan, 96; acting director, Lick Observatory, 97-98. A.A. Orbits of various comets; astronomical instruments; astronomical photography; merid- ian circle work; theory of parabolic reflectors; the origin and physical structure of our sidereal and solar systems. Schaefer, Prof. Michael A(loysius), S.J, Creigh- ton University, Omaha, Nebr. Biology. St. Louis, Mo, May 5, 93. A.M, St. Louis, 18. Prof. biol, Creighton, 18— Schaeffer, Prof. Asa A(rthur), University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. Zoology, Physiol- ogy. Kunkletown, Pa, May 9, 83. A.B, Frank- lin and Marshall, 04; fellow, Hopkins, 08-09, Ph.D, 09. Instr. zool, Tennessee, 09-10, asst. prof, 10-13,-assoe. prof, 13-17, prof, 17- Instr, marine biol. lab, Brooklyn Inst, summers, 08-12. A.A; Soe. Zool; Tenn. Acad. Feeding habits of Stentor, Paramecium and ameba. Schaeffer, Charles (Frederic August), Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, N. Y. Entomology. London, England, July 12, 60. Germany, 76. Asst, dept. entom, Am. Museum Nat. Hist, 98-— 02; asst. curator, dept. entom, Brooklyn Inst. Museum, 02-05, assoc. curator, 05—- N,. Y. En- tom..Soc; Brooklyn Entom. Soe. Coleoptera of the United States. Schaeffer, Elmer Raymond, Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Cambridge, Mass. Physics. Green- ville, Ohio, 85. A.B, Harvard, 13, Bayard Cut- ting fellow, 19-20. Asst. physies, Jefferson Physical Lab, Harvard, 17-18, instr, 18-19, asst. director, 17-19, instr. physics, Harvard, 20- Ultra-violet region of spectrum; energy measure- ments. Schaeffer, Prof. J(acob) Parsons, Jefferson Med- ical College, Philadelphia, Pa. Anatomy, Em- bryology. Shamokin Dam, Pa, Aug. 20, 78. Cent. Pa. Col, 97; B.E, Keystone Nor, 01, M.E, 03; M.D, Pennsylvania, 07; A.M, Cornell, 09, Ph.D, 10; hon. A.M, Yale, 13.. Principal, pub. 602 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE schools, East Greenville, Pa, 01-03; demon- strator med. anat, Cornell, 07-08, instr, 08-10, asst. prof, 10-11; Yale, 11-12, prof, 12-14; prof. anat. and director, Daniel Baugh Inst, Jef- ferson Med. Col, 14- A.A; Ass. Anat; Phila. Col. Physicians; Phila. Acad. The human nose; the olfactory organ; paranasal sinuses and naso- lacrimal passageways in man; nasofrontal re- gion; elastic tissue; ductus arteriosus; oblitera- tion of bloodvessels; lacrimal apparatus. Schaffner, Prof. John H(enry), Botanical Depart- ment, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. *Botany. Agosta, Ohio, July 8, 66. A.B, Baker, 93, M.S, 96; A.M, Michigan, 94; Chicago, 96- 97; Ziirich, 07-08. Asst. bot, Michigan, 94-95; prof. nat. science, South Dakota, 95-96; asst. bot, Ohio State, 97-99, asst. prof, 99-02, assoc. prof, 02-11, prof, 11-, in charge, bot. dept, 08- 18. Ed, ‘Ohio Naturalist,’ and ‘Ohio Jour. Sci- ence,’ 00-18. A.A; Ohio Acad. (v. pres, 08, pres, 09); Kans. Acad. Plant cytology; life histories of various angiosperms; flora and ecol- ogy of Ohio and Kansas; taxonomy; nature of sex; phylogeny of plants; environmental con- trol of sex; reduction division; flora of Ohio. Schaller, Dr. Waldemar T(heodore), U. S. Geolog- ieal Survey, Washington, D. C. *Mineralogy. Oakland, Calif, Aug. 3, 82. B.S, California, 03; Ph.D, Munich, 12. Chemist, div. chem. and phys- ical research, U. S. Geol. Surv, 03— A.A; Chem. Soc; Geol. Soe; Am. Acad; Wash. Geol. Soc; Wash. Acad; Miner. Soe. Gt. Britain and Ire- land; Soc. miner. de France. Chemical, erystal- lographical and optical mineralogy. Schaus, William, 1737 H St, Washington, D. C. Entomology. New York, N. Y, Jan. 11, 59. Hon. asst. curator, div. insects, U. S. Nat. Mu- seum; specialist in Lepidoptera, bur. entom, U. S. Dept. Agr. Lepidoptera of the world. Schear, Prof. E(dward) W(aldo) E(merson), 107 W. Park St, Westerville, Ohio. Biology. Near New Philadelphia, Ohio, Oct. 31,°80. A.B, Ot- terbein, 07; A.M, Columbia, 15. Prof. nat. sci- ence, Westfield, 07-11, pres, 11-12; prof. biol, Otterbein, 12— A.A; Micros. Soe; Ohio Acad. Hereditary relations of reaction time; influence of cocaine and temperature changes on blood sugar; self- and cross-pollination. Scheidenhelm, F(rederick) W(illiam), 120 Broad- way, New York, N. Y. Cwil engineering. Mendota, Ill, June 16, 84. A.B, Cornell, 05, C.E, 06. Structural and hydraulie engineer, private companies, 06-14; consulting engineer, 14-16; Daniel W. Mead and F. W. Scheiden- helm, 16- Col, U.S.A, 17-19. Rowland prize, Soe. Civil Eng, 18. Civil Eng. Hydraulie con- struction; dams; foundations for dams. Scherago, Dr. Morris, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. Pathology. Roman, Roumania, Dec. 25, 95. B.S, Cornell, 17, D.V.M, 19. Asst. path. and bacter, N. Y. State Vet. Col, Cornell, 18-19; instr. bacter, Kentucky, 19-20, asst. prof. and acting head of dept, 20- Lab. asst, U. 8. Pub. Health Service, 18. Soc. Bact; Vet. Med. Ass. Bacteriology. Schereschewsky, Dr. Joseph William, 3463 Ma- comb St, Washington, D. C. Medicine. Peking, China, March 6, 73. A.B, Harvard, 95; M.D, Dartmouth, 99. Asst. surgeon, Pub. Health Service, 99-04, passed asst. surgeon, 04-12, sur- geon, 12-15, asst. surgeon gen, 18S— Mem. div. govt. relations, Nat. Research Council; assoc. ed, ‘Jour. Indust. Hygiene’; mem. exec. com- mittee, 15th Int. Cong. Hygiene and Demog. Am. Med. Ass; Pub. Health Ass. (chairman, sect. indust. hygiene, 19); Ass. Indust. Physi- cians and Surg. (pres, 16); Child Hygiene Ass. Industrial hygiene and medicine; infant mortal- ity; occupational diseases; hygiene of illumina- tion. \ Schertz, Dr. F(rank) M(ilton), Bureau of Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. Biochemistry. Stanford, Ill, Jan. 8, 89. B.S, Nebr. Wesleyan, 14; fellow, Northwestern, 14-15, A.M, 15; Ph.D, Chicago, 18. Asst. bot, Nebr. Wesleyan, 11-14; instr, Northwestern, 15-17; soil biochemist, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 19— With C.W.S, 18-19. A.A; Chem. Soe. Soil fertility; plant morphology and chemistry. Schiedt, Prof. R(ichard) C(onrad Francis), 1043 Wheatland Aye, Lancaster, Pa. Biology, Geol- ogy. Weissenfels, Germany, Sept. 21, 59. Er- langen, 78-80; Berlin, 81; Ph.D, Pennsylvania, 99; hon. Se.D, Franklin and Marshall, 10. Instr, sciences, Calvin Col, Cleveland, Ohio, 81- 82; principal, Int. Acad, Portland, Oregon, 82- 85; prof. nat. sciences and chem, Franklin and Marshall, 87-00, biol. and geol, 00-18; tem- porary prof. comp. anat, Tennessee, 19; retired, 19. Entomologist, State Board of Agr, Pa, 93- 00. A.A; Soe. Zool. Pigmentation in animal tissue; regeneration and sex of Ostrea; causes of pigmentation. Schieffelin, Dr. William Jay, 5 E. 66th St, New York, N. Y. Chemistry. New York, April 14, 66. Ph.B, Columbia, 87; Ph.D, Munich, 89. V. pres, Schieffelin and Co, 03-06, pres, 06— V. pres, N. Y. Col. Pharmacy. Int. Cong. Ap- plied Chem, London, 09. A.A; Chem. Soe; Soe. Chem, Indust. (v. pres); life mem. London Chem. Soe. Chemicals used in medicine and their manufacture. Schimpf, Prof. Henry W(illiam), 443 W. 34th St, New York, N. Y. Chemistry. New York, Feb. 14, 68. Ph.G, N. Y. Col. Pharmacy, 87; M.D, L, I. Med. Col, 97. Prof. inorg. chem, Brooklyn Col. Pharmacy, 92-02, anal. chem, 02— Dele- gate, Convention for Revision of U. S. Pharma- copeia, 00, 10. A.A; Chem. Soc; Pharmaceut. Ass. Volumetric methods for alkaloids and galenicals; chemistry of drugs; qualitative -analysis. Schlapp, Dr. M(ax) G(ustave), 40 E. 41st St, New York, N. Y. Pathology. Fort Madison, Towa, Nov. 4, 69. Bellevue Med. Col, 89-90; Cornell, 91-92; Heidelberg, 93-94; M.D, Berlin, 96. Instr. histol. and path. of nervous system, med. col, Cornell, 00-10; prof. neuropath, N. Y. Post-Grad. Med. Sch. Ass. Path. and Bact; Neur. Ass; N. Y. Acad. Med; N. Y. Path. Soe. Histology and pathology of nervous system; syringomyelia; microscopie structure of cortical areas in man and some mammals; ascending myelomalocia; neuroepithelioma with syringo- myelia; theoretical considerations of mental de- ficiency; mental deficiency and criminality. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 603 Schlesinger, Dr. Frank, Yale Observatory, New Haven, Conn. *Astronomy. New York, N. Y, May 11, 71.. B.S, Col. City of N. Y, 90; A.M, Columbia, 97, Ph.D, 98. Observer in charge, Int. Lat. Observatory, Ukiah, Calif, 99-03; as- tronomer, Yerkes Observatory, 038-05; director, Allegheny Observatory, and prof. astron, Pitts- burgh, 05-20; director, Yale Observatory, 20- Collaborating ed, ‘Astrophys. Jour.’ Nat. Acad; A.A. (past v. pres, A); Astron. Soe. (pres); Philos. Soe; Physical Soc; Royal As- tron. Soe. Can; Royal Astron. Soc; Soe. degli Spettroscop. Ital; Astron. Gesell. Stellar paral- lax; reduction of astronomical photographs; variation of latitude; motion in the line of sight; solar rotation; spectroscopic binaries; de- termination of star places by photography. Schlesinger, Prof. Hermann I(rving), University of Chicago, Chieago, Ill. Chemistry. Minne- apolis, Minn, Oct. 11, 82. B.S, Chicago, 03, Ph.D, 05; Berlin and Strasbourg, 05-07. Asst. physiol; chem, Hopkins, 07; assoe. chem, Chi- cago, 07-10, instr, 10-11, asst. prof, 11-17, assoc. prof, 17- A.A; Chem. Soe. (asst. ed, ‘Chem. Abstracts’). Inorganic and physical chemistry ; catalysis of hydrogen peroxid by alkalies; non- aqueous solutions; behavior of electrolytes in anhydrous formic acid solution; agreement of some strong electrolytes with the mass law; man- ganates and permanganates; inorganic sulphur compounds. Schlomovitz, Dr. B(enjamin) H(erman), Mar- quette School of Medicine, Milwaukee, Wis. Physiology, Pharmacology. Milwaukee, Wis, May 18, 89. B.S, Wisconsin, 14; M.S, Iowa, 16; M.D, Rush, 17. Instr. pharmacol, Iowa, 14— 16; asst. Illinois, 16-17; instr. physiol, Mar- quette, 17; Wisconsin, 18-19, asst. prof. phar- macol, 19-20; prof. physiol. and director of dept, Marquette, 20— Physiol. Soc; Soe. Phar- macol. Physiology and pharmacology of spe- cialized tissue of the heart; gas poisoning; ex- perimental lung edema. Schloss, Prof. O(scar) M, 39 E. 6lst St, New York, N. Y. Medicine. Cincinnati, Ohio, June 20, 82. B.S, Ala. Polytech, 01; M.D, Hop- kins, 05. Asst. diseases of children, Univ. and Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col, 08-12; instr. pediat, Columbia, 12-18; prof. diseases of children, med. col, Cornell. Pediat. Soe. (ed. and re- eorder, 15); Soe. Clin. Invest. Clinical medi- cine; diseases of children; intestinal diseases of children; allergy; acidosis, Schlundt, Dr. Herman, Columbia, Mo. *Physical chemistry. Two Rivers, Wis, July 16, 69. B.S, Wisconsin, 94, M.S, 96, fellow, 00-01, Ph.D, 01; Leipzig, 99-00. Asst. chem, Wisconsin, 94-96; teacher physics and chem, West Div. High Sch, Milwaukee, Wis, 96-99; instr. chem, Wisconsin, 01-02; physical chem, Missouri, 03-05, asst. prof, 05-07, prof, 07—- A.A; Chem. Soc; Elec- trochem. Soe; Wis. Acad. Dielectrie constants of solvents; non-aqueous solutions; radio- activity of mineral waters; radio-activity. Schmeckebier, Dr, L(aurence) F(rederick), 1444 Belmont St, Washington, D. C. History, Eco- nomics, Geography. Baltimore, Md, Jan. 24, 77. A.B, Hopkins, 96, Ph.D, 99. Ed. asst, U. S. Geol. Surv, 99-07; ed. and chief, div. publica- v tions, U. S. Dept. of the Interior, 07-17, chief of div, bur. foreign and domestic commerce, 17— A.A; Polit. Sei. Ass. History of the ‘Know- nothing’ party in Maryland; taxation in Georgia. Schmidt, Prof, Carl L(ouis) A(ugust), University of California, Berkeley, Calif. Biochemistry. S. Dak, 85. B.S, California, 08, M.S, 10, Ph.D, 15. Chemist, Metropolitan Light and Power Co, San Francisco, 08-09; expert chemist, referee board, U.-S. Dept. Agr, 09-12; bac- teriologist and chemist, Berkeley Board of Health, 13-14; asst. path, California, 15-18, asst. prof, chem. path, 18, biochem, 18— Chem. Soc; Soc. Exp. Biol; Soc. Biol. Chem. Metab- olism; proteins; immuno-chemistry. Schmidt, Prof. Edward C(harles), 5726 MePher- son Ave, St. Louis, Mo. Mechanical engineer- ing. Jersey City, N. J, May 14, 74. MLE, Stevens, 95. With Kalbfleisch Chem. Co, Brook- lyn Edison Elec. Co. and Am, Stoker Co, 95-98 ; instr. mech, eng, Illinois, 98-01, asst. prof. eng, 01-03; asst. engineer, Am. Hoist and Derrick Co, 03-05; engineer of tests, Kerr Turbine Co, 05-06; assoc. prof. eng, Illinois, 06-10, prof. railway eng, 10-17; major, ordnance dept, and on detached service to U. S. Fuel Ad. and U. 8S. R. R. Ad, 17-19; mech. engineer, The North Am. Co, 19— Mech. Eng; Eng. Educ; Master Mech. Ass; R. R. Eng; Master Car Builders Ass; West. Ry. Club. Locomotive performance; train re- sistance. Schmidt, Karl Patterson, American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y. Zoology. Lake Forest, Ul, June 19, 90. A.B, Cornell, 16. Research asst, Am. Museum Nat. Hist, 16-18, asst. curator, 19— Cornell geol. exped. to Santo Domingo, 16; N. Y. Acad. Sci. herp. surv. of P. R, 19. Soe. Ichthyol. and Herp. Systematic zoology; systematic herpetology of Africa and the West Indies. Schmidt, Dr. M(aurice) R(oland), 1131 Lake Ave, Whiting, Ind. Chemistry. Baltimore, Md. Dee. 3, 85. A.B, Hopkins, 06, fellow, 08-09, Ph.D, 09. Research chemist, Sharp and Dohme, 09-11; ed. worker, 11-14; anal. and research chemist, Chas. Pfizer and Co, 14-17; research chemist, Standard Oil Co. of Ind, 17- Chem. Soe. Pharmaceutical chemistry; petroleum. Schmiedel, Prof. Oscar (Robert Paul), University Place, Nebr. Mathematics. Gilzow, Germany, Dec. 1, 61. B.S, Bethany (W. Va), 86, A.M, 88. Prof. math, Bethany (W, Va), 86-02; Bellevue (Nebr), 05-19; Parsons, 19-20; Nebr. Wes- leyan, 20— Math. Soe. Schmitt, Dr. Clara, 806 Tribune Building, Chi- eago, Ill. Psychology. Elderville, Ill, Aug. 3, 78. A.B, B.S, Missouri, 05; fellow, Chicago, 11, Ph.D, 14. Teacher, pub. schools, 95-02; high schools, 05-08; psychologist, juvenile court, Chicago, 10-13; asst. director, dept. child study, Board of Educ, Chicago, Ill, 12- Instr. psy- chol, Chicago, 18— Psychol, Ass. Child study; mental tests. Schmitt, Waldo L(asalle), U. S. National Mu- seum, Washington, D.C. Zoology. Washington, June 25, 87. B.S, George Washington, 13; A.M, California, 16. Aid econ. bot, U. S. Dept. Agr, 07-10; div. marine invertebrates, U. 8S. Nat. Mu- 604 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE seum, 10; scientific asst, ‘Albatross,’ 10-13, naturalist, 14-15; instr. zool, George Washing- ton, 15—; asst. curator, div. marine invertebrates, U. S. Nat. Museum, 15-20, curator, 20- A.A; Soc. Mammal; West. Soc. Nat; Wash. Biol. Soe. Fisheries; taxonomy and life history of Crus- tacea. Schmitter, Major Ferdinand, U.S.A, 458 Delaware Ave, Albany, N. Y. Anatomy. Albany, Feb. 20, 76. A.B, Union, 99; M.D, Hopkins, 03; Army Med. Sch, 05-06. Instr. anat, Wisconsin, 03-05; first lieut, M.C, 06-09, capt, 0-16, major, 16- Temporary lieut. col, M.C, 18-19, col, 19. A.A; Cytology of the kidney; syphi- lography; medical mycology. Schmitz, Henry, Moscow, Idaho. Forestry. Seat- tle, Wash, March 25, 92. B.S, Washington (Seattle), 15, M.S, 16; Ph.D, Washington (St. Louis), 19. Asst. prof. forestry, Idaho, 19- A.A; Phytopath. Soc; Soc. Foresters. Physiol- ogy of fungi; wood decay; forest products. Schmucker, Prof, S(amuel) C(hristian), Rosedale Ave, West Chester, Pa. Biology. Allentown, Pa, Dee. 18, 60. A.B, Muhlenberg, 82, A.M, 85, M.S, 91, Se.D, 13; Ph.D, Pennsylvania, 93, hon. fellow, 99-00. Prof. sciences, Carthage, 83-84; nat. science, Boys’ High Sch, Reading, Pa, 84— 89; State Nor. Sch, Indiana, Pa, 89-95; State Nor. Sch, West Chester, Pa, 95-; prof. bot, Wagner Inst, 08- A.A; Pa. Bot. Soc; Phila. Acad. Anthropology; constitution of American people. Schnable, George L, 3507 Home Ave, Berwyn, Ill. Chemistry, Physics. Horton, Kans, March 20, 89. B.S, Northwestern, 11, M.S, 12. Instr. physics, Northwestern, 13-18; research chemist, West. Elec. Co, 18— Insulating paper; telephone cable insulation. Schneeberger, Lieut. Philip, Balloon and Airship Division, Air Service, Washington, D. C. Chem- istry. Baltimore, Md, Nov. 22, 87, A.B. Hop- kins, 09, Ph.D, 13. Research chemist, Barber Asphalt Co, 13-17; expert, Sig. C. and Air Serv- ice, 17- Chem. Soc. Petroleum; asphalt; ce- ramies; colloids. Schneider, Dr. Albert, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebr. Botany, Bacteriology. Gran- ville, Ill, April 13, 63. M.D, Col. Physicians and Surg, Chicago, 87; B.S, Illinois, 94; M.S, Minnesota, 94; fellow, Columbia, 94-96, Ph.D, 97. Instr. erypt. bot, Minnesota, 93, 94; lec- turer bot, Brooklyn Inst, 96; prof. bot, phar- macog. and bacter, sch. of pharmacy, North- western, 97-03; Col. Pharmacy, San Francisco, 03-19; pharmacognosist, Port of San Francisco, 09-19, prof. pharmacog. and pharmacol, Ne- braska, 19- Head teacher and res. physician, Spencer’s Acad, I. T, 89; asst. state zoologist, Minn, 92; asst. bacteriologist, Ill. Exp. Sta; microanalyst, Calif. Food and Drug Lab; dean, Berkeley Sch. Police Officers, 17; mem. int. jury awards, Panama-Pacific Expos. A.A; Soc. Nat; Pharmaceut. Ass; Soe. Bact; Soe. Microanal; Int. Ass. Bot. Biology; sanitary science; free nitrogen assimilating bacteria (Rhizobia) and their significance in agriculture; vegetable drugs; drug plant culture. Schneider, Prof. Edward C(hristian), 97 Broad St, Middletown, Conn. *Physiology. Wapello, Iowa, Aug. 21, 74. B.S, Tabor, 97; Ph.D, Yale, 01; Se.D, Denver, 14. Instr. chem, Tabor, 97- 99, prof. biol. and physiol. chem, 01-03; biol, Colo. Col, 03-07, head prof, 07-19; Ayres prof, Wesleyan, 19- Mem. Anglo-Am. exped. to Pike’s Peak, 11; capt. and major, Sanit. C, A.E.F; physiologist, med. research lab, Air Service, Mitchel Field, 19- A.A; Physiol. Soc; Soc. Biol. Chem; Pub, Health Ass; Ecol. Soe; Ass. Prof. Influence of high altitudes and low oxygen on man; physical staleness; aviation physiology. Schober, Prof. William B(ush), Coconut Grove, Fla. Chemistry. Cumberland, Md, Nov. 28, 64. B.S, St. John’s (Md), 86, A.M, 90; Ph.D, Hop- kins, 92. Instr. sciences, Allegany Acad, Cum- berland, 86-88; asst, chem. lab, Hopkins, 90-92; instr. org. chem, Lehigh, 92-04, asst. prof. chem, 04-06, acting prof, 06-07, prof, 07-14; retired, 14. Diazo-compounds; sulphonic acids. Schoch, Dr. Eugene P(aul), 2212 Nueces St, Aus- tin, Tex. Physical chemistry. Berlin, Germany, Oct. 16, 71. C.E, Texas, 94, A.M, 96; fellow, Chicago, 99-00, Ph.D, 02. Instr. chem, Tezas, 97-06, adj. prof, 06-11, chairman, schools chem. and chem. eng, and head, div. chem, bur. econ. geol. and technol, 14- A.A; Tex. Acad. (pres, 08). Oxids of mercury; oxidation reactions that lead to equilibrium; behavior of the nickel anode and its bearing on passivity; E.M.F. of nickel and the effect of occluded hydrogen; electric de- position of nickel-zine alloys; iron and nickel anodes in various electrolytes; the potential of the oxygen electrode; kinetics of reactions in heterogeneous systems. Schoder, Dr. E(rnest) W(illiam), Willard Way, Ithaca, N. Y. Hydraulic engineering. Fidalgo Island, Wash, Aug. 17, 79. B.S, Washington. (Seattle), 00; Ph.D, Cornell, 03. Station asst, U. S. Geol. Surv, 00; engineer on construction, Ithaca Water Works Pumping Sta. and Cornell Water Purification Plant, 03-04; engineer in charge, hydraulic lab, Cornell, 04-, asst. prof. exp. hydraulics, 05-19, prof, 19- A.A; assoe. Civil Eng. Flow of water in pipes; effects of curvature, size, roughness, temperature; critical velocity ; effects of abnormal flow on piezometric indications; hydraulics of Panama _ sea-level canal without locks; the Pitot tube; flow of water over weirs; flow of air. Schoemaker, Prof. D(aniel) M(artin), 1402 S. Grand Ave, St. Louis, Mo. Anatomy. Musea- tine, Iowa, Oct. 7, 67. B.S, Chicago, 98, fellow, 99-00, M.D, Rush Med. Col, 04; Rockefeller Inst, 02-03. Asst. anat, Chicago, 98-99; asst. prof. bacter, St. Louis, 04-05; asst. city bac- teriologist, St. Louis, 06-07; assoe. prof. anat, St. Lowis, 07-11, prof, 11- A.A. Physical Soe. (v. pres, 03, 04); Elec. Eng. (past pres); Chem. Soc; Philos. Soc; fel. Am, Acad. (v. pres); hon. mem. British Inst. Elee. Eng; British Inst. Civil Eng. Phenomena of alternat- ing current induction; high potentials and high frequency apparatus; electric welding; general development in electricity and allied fields. Thomson, Dean Francis A(ndrew), Moscow, Idaho. Mining, Metallurgy. London, England, Dee. 21, 79. E.M, Colo. Sch. Mines, 04, M.S, 14. Professional practise, B.C, Colo, Nev, Idaho and Calif, 96-06; prof. mining and metal, Wash. State, 07-11, acting dean of faculty, 14-16; dean, sch. mines, Idaho, 17— Direetor, Idaho Bur. Mines and Geol, 19-; consulting metallur- gist, U. S. Bur. Mines. Min. and Metal. Eng. (chairman, Columbia sect, 14); Eng. Educ; Ass. Prof. Fire assaying; cyanidation of gold and silver ores; flotation; concentration. Thomson, R(obert) B(oyd), Toronto University, Toronto, Can. Botany. Prescott, Ont, Sept. 16, 70. B.A, Toronto, 99. Lecturer and later assoc. prof, bot, Toronto, 06- A.A; Bot. Soc; fel. Royal Soc. Can. Phanerogamie botany; anat- omy and reproduction of gymnosperms; anatomy and reproduction of the Araucarian conifers; teratological features of certain conifers. Thomssen, Dr. E(dgar) G(eorge), 1412 Park Ave, Hoboken, N. J. Chemistry. Masulipatam, India, 86. B.S, Columbia, 07, A.M, 08, Ph.D, 10. Chemist, Bayer and Co, 08-09; asst. chem, Columbia, 09-10; chemist, Lightfoot Schultz Co, 11-13; research chemist, dairy div, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 13-14; v. pres. and sec’y, Lightfoot Schultz Co, 14— A.A; Chem. Soe. Thorburn, A(Ibert) D(avid), 3007 Delaware St, Indianapolis, Ind. Pharmacy. Near St. Cath- erina, Ont, Nov. 11, 72. Grad, Chicago Col. Pharmacy, 94, Asst. prof. chem, Chicago Col. Pharmacy, 94-97; chemist, Searle and Hereth Co, 01-06; in charge of production of med. preparations, Pitman-Moore Co, 06-19; Swan. Myers Co, 19—- Prof. mat. med, Ill. Med. Col, 01-04; assoc. prof. pharmacol, Indiana, 13-17. Chem. Soc. (pres, Ind. sect, 13-15, councilor, 16- 18); Pharmaceut. Ass. Drugs; medicinal products. Thornber, Prof. J(ohn) J(ames), University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. Biology. Rantoul, Ill, Feb. 8, 72. B.S, S. Dak. Col, 95; Nebraska, 97, A.M, 01. Instr. sciences, high sch, Nebr. City, 97-01; biologist, Arizona, and botanist, Ezp. Sta, 01— Asst, Nebr. Bot. Surv, 97-01. A.A; Bot. Soc; Bot. Cent. States; Int. Ass. Bot. Eco- logical aspects of the flora of eastern Nebraska; taxonomy and ecology of the flora of Arizona; range conditions in Arizona. Thornberry, Martin H(armon), Rolla, Mo. Metal- lurgy. Newtonia, Mo, July 13, 82. B.8, Mo. Sch. Mines, 12, B.S. (Metal), 17, Metal. Eng, 20, Research metallurgist, Mo. Sch. Mines, 15— Min, and Metal. Eng. Chemistry; flotation; leaching. Thornburg, Prof. C(harles) L(ewis), Lehigh Uni- versity, South Bethlehem, Pa. Mathematics, As- tronomy. Barboursville, W. Va, April 17, 59. Fellow, Vanderbilt, 80-83, B.S, 82, C.E, 83, Ph.D, 84. Teacher, pub. schools, W. Va, 77-79; asst. eng, Vanderbilt, 84, instr, 85-87, adj. prof, 87-95; prof. math. and astron, Lehigh, 95- A.A; Math. Soc; Eng. Educ. Thorndike, Prof. Edward L(ee), Teachers Col- lege, New York, N. Y. *Psychology. Williams- burg, Mass, Aug. 31, 74. A.B, Wesleyan, 95, Sc.D, 19; A.B, Harvard, 96, A.M, 97; Ph.D, Columbia, 98. Instr. educ. and teaching, Col. for Women, Western Reserve, 98-99; psychol, Teachers Col, Columbia, 99-01, adj. prof, 01-03, prof. educ. psychol, 04— Head, dept. comp. psy- chol, Woods Hole, 00-02; chairman, committee on classification of personnel, U.S.A, 17-18. Nat. Acad; A.A. (chairman, sections H and L); Soe. Nat; Psychol. Ass. (pres, 12); Econ. Ass: Sociol. Soe; Galton Soe; Philos. Ass; fel. N. Y. Acad. (pres). Animal psychology; edu- cational psychology; educational statistics. Thorndike, Sturgis H(ooper), 15 Beacon St, Bos- ton, Mass. Civil engineering. Beverly, Mass, June 11, 68. A.B, Harvard, 90; B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 95. Engineer, City of Boston, 95- 13; partner, Fay, Spofford and Thorndike, 14- Instr, Mass. Inst. Tech, 04-06. Civil Eng; New Eng. Water Works Ass; Boston Soc. Civil Eng. (director, 19-). Engineering economics. Thorndike, Dr. T(ownsend) W(illiam), 20 New- bury St, Boston, Mass. Dermatology. Boston, 72. Harvard, 94-95, M.D, 02. Dermatologist, Carney Hosp, 07-14; Boston City Hosp, 0?-; prof. dermat, med. sch, Tufts; Harvard Med. Sch. A.A; Am. Med, Ass; Anthrop. Ass; New 684 Eng. Soc. Dermat. (v. pres, 15-). Dermatology; syphilis; history of medicine. Thorne, Charles Embree, Ohio Agricultural Ex- periment Station, Wooster, Ohio. Agriculture. Greene Co, Ohio, Oct. 4, 46. Mich. Agr. Col, 66; Antioch, 68-70; hon. M.S.A, Ohio State, 90. Farm manager, Ohio State, 77-81; director, Ohio Ezp. Sta, 87— Assoc. ed, ‘Farm and Fire- side,’ 81-88. A.A; Soc. Prom. Agr. Sci. (pres, 16); Soc. Agron. (pres, 15); Soe. Animal Pro- duction. Maintenance of soil fertility; farm manures. Thornton, Dr. William M(ynn), Jr, Johns Hop- kins University, Baltimore, Md. Chemistry. Charlottesville, Va, Feb. 7, 84. A.B, Hampden- Sidney, 04; A.M, Virginia, 07; Yale, 12, Ph.D, 14. Asst. chem, Mass. Col, 07-08; chemist, Va. Geol. Surv, 08-11; tutor, Col. City of N. Y, 14- 15; chemist, E. I. duPont de Nemours and Co, 15-17; assoc. chem, Hopkins. Chem. Soc. An- alytical chemistry; laboratory appliances; min- eralogy. Thorp, Prof, F(rank) H(all), 200 Mt. Vernon St, West Roxbury, Mass. *Chemical technology. Bloomington, Ill, Feb. 25, 64. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 89; Ph.D, Heidelberg, 93. Asst. chem, Mass. Inst. Tech, 89-91, instr, 94-00, asst. prof. indust. chem, 01-16. Field asst, U. S. Geol. Surv, 86-87; assoc. ed, ‘Jour. Indust. and Eng. Chem,’ 08-09. A.A. The preparation of boiled linseed oil; oxims of substituted benzophenones. Thorp, Dr. Lambert, Alameda Apartments, Avon- dale, Cincinnati, Ohio. Chemistry. Cincinnati, Sept. 1, 82. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 06; MS, Michigan, 10, Ph.D, 12. Asst. chem, Michigan, 09-12; instr. org. chem, Illinois, 12-15; re- search chemist, Parke, Davis and Co, 15-17; ». pres, Am. Laboratories Co, 17—- A.A; Chem. Soc. Organic chemistry; synthetic drugs; pho- tographic developers; perfumes. Thorvaldson, Prof. T(horbergur), University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Can. Chemistry. Ice- land, Aug. 24, 83. B.A, Manitoba, 06; A.M, Harvard, 09, Ph.D, 11, 13-14; Tech. Hochsch, Dresden, 11-12; Liverpool, 12-13. Asst. chem, Manitoba, 06-08; asst. prof, Saskatchewan, 14—- 17, prof, 17- A.A; Chem. Soc; Can. Inst. Chem. Atomic weights of iron and lead; thermochem- istry; liquids; carbon photography. Thro, Prof. William C, 477 First Ave, New York N. Y. Medicine. Elmira, N. Y, May 1, 79. B.S.A, Cornell, 00, A.M, 01, M.D, 07. Instr. histol. and embryol, Cornell, 01-05; bacteriolo- gist, research lab, Dept. Health, N. Y. City, 08- 09; instr. bacter, Univ. and Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col, 09-10; asst. prof. clin. path, med. col, Cor- nell, 10-18, prof, 18-; pathologist, clinic func- tional re-education, Italian Hosp. A.A; Ass. Anat; Am. Med, Ass; Ass. Path. and Bact; Soc. Bact; Ass. Immunol; Soe. Exp. Biol. Ento- mology; embryology; bacteriology of tubercu- losis; rhinoscleroma; fermentation of Strepto- cocci; blood diseases; asthma; calcium in the blood. Thurlow, O(scar) G(owan), Alabama Power Co, Birmingham, Ala. Civil engineering. Newbury- port, Mass, June 7, 81. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 04. Chief engineer, Ala. Power Co, 15-; v. pres, Dixie Constr. Co, 18—- Consulting engineer, U. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 8. Govt, 18- Civil Eng; Mech. Eng. Hydraulic engineering. Thurston, Prof. Edward D(ay), Jr, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. Mechanical engi- neering. New York, Oct. 23, 82. A.B, Colum- bia, 05, M.E, 07. Asst. mech. eng, Columbia, 07-08, tutor, 08-09, instr, 09-15, asst. prof, 15- Mech, Eng; Automotive Eng. Gas power. Thurstone, Prof. L(ouis) L(eon), Carnegie In- stitute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa. Psychol- ogy. Chicago, Ill, May 29, 87. M.E, Cornell, 12; Ph.D, Chicago, 17. Asst. psychol, Carnegie Inst. Tech, 15-17, instr, 17-18, asst. prof, 18- 19, assoc. prof, 19—- Mem. trade test staff, War Dept, U.S.A. Psychol. Ass; Eng. Edue. (chair- man, committee no. 22). Learning eurve equa- tion; trade tests; intelligence tests for colleges. Thwaites, F(redrik) T(urville), University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Geology. Madison, Dec. 23, 83. A.M, Wisconsin, 08. Asst. geolo- gist, Wis. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv, 08-11; curator, geol. museum, Wisconsin, 11-; geolo- gist, Wis. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv, 16- Thwing, Prof. Charles B(urton), 3339 Lancaster Ave, Philadelphia, Pa. *Physics. Theresa, N. Y, March 9, 60. A.B, Northwestern, 88; Ph.D, Bonn, 94. Instr. physics, acad, Northwestern, 88-93; Wisconsin, 94-96; prof, Knox, 96-01; Syracuse, 01-05; Western Reserve, 05-06; manufacturer pyrometers, Phila, 06- Physical Soc; Electrochem. Soc; Ceramic Soc; Optical Soe. Dielectric constant; gravitation; color photography; thermoelectric properties of al- loys; calorimetry. Thyng, Prof. F(rederick) W(ilbur), Tufts College Medical School, Boston, Mass. Anatomy. Ross Corners, Maine, Feb. 12, 78. A.B, Colby, 02; A.M, Tufts, 03, Ph.D, 05. Austin teaching fel- low histol. and embryol, Harvard Med. Sch, 05- 07; instr. biol, Tufts, 07-08; asst. anat, North- western, 08-09, asst. prof, 09-10; instr, Univ. and Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col, 10-12, asst. prof, 12-19, assoe. prof, 19-21; prof, Tufts, 21- Ass. Anat. The hypophysis in Amblystoma; squamo- sal bone in tetrapodous Vertebrata; mammalian and human embryology. Tibbals, Prof. C(harles) Austin, Jr, 511 Haw- thorn Lane, Winnetka, Ill. Chemistry. New York, N. Y, July 23, 81. Columbia, 99-02; A.B, Wisconsin, 04, A.M, 06, Ph.D, 08. Asst. chem, Wisconsin, 03-05, instr, 05-08; asst. prof, Armour, 08-10, assoc. prof, 10- Capt, O.D, 18- 19; O.D.R.C, 19- A.A; Chem. Soe. Inorganic chemistry; chemistry of tellurium; high ex- plosives. Ticknor, Dr. A(rthur) A(nderson), Ave, City Point, Va. Chemistry. West Clare- mont, N. H, Oct. 6, 92. Ph.B, Yale, 14, Cott-a-Lapp fellow, 16-17, Ph.D, 17. Asst. anal. chem, Sheffield Sci. Sch, Yale, 14-16; research chemist, Caleo Chem. Co, 17-20; Tubize Arti- ficial Silk Co. of Am, 20- Chem. Soc. Or- ganie chemistry; dyes and intermediates; phar- maceutieals; derivatives of amino acids. Tidd, George W(ashington), Selma, Ala. neering. Wakefield, Ohio, Sept. 28, 73. B.S, Valparaiso, 98; M.S, Iowa State, 11. Head, science dept, Steinman, 98-04; teacher pub. sch, 6 Ramsey Engi- AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE and engineer, 04-13; head, dept. physics, Kan- sas State Nor. Sch, 13-17; prof. math. and eng, Phillips, 17-18; head, dept. eng, Marion Mil. Inst, 18-19; private practise, 19-20; gen. man- ager, Ala. Concrete Products Co, 20- A.A; Physical Soe; Chem. Soc; Elec. Eng; Ass. Eng; Okla. Eng. Soe; Iowa Science Teachers Ass. (pres). Strength of materials; optical proper- ties of metals. Tidestrom, Ivar, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Botany. California, 91-95; Catholic Univ, 96-98, Ph.B, 97. Asst. botanist, bur. plant indust, U. 8S. Dept, Agr. Bot. Soe; Torrey Bot. Club; Wash. Bot. Soc; Wash. Biol. Soe. Tigert, Prof. Jno, J(ames), University of Ken- tucky, Lexington, Ky. Psychology. Nashville, Tenn, Feb. 11, 82. A.B, Vanderbilt, 04; B.A, Oxford, 07, M.A, 15. Prof. psychol. and philos, Central (Mo), 07-09; prof. and pres, Ky. Wes- leyan, 09-11; prof. psychol. and philos, Ken- ‘tucky, 11-17, psychol, 17- Mem. Army Edue. C, A.E.F, 18-19. A.A; Ky. Acad. Relation of retardation and defective sensation; psychology of evidence. Tilden, Prof. C(harles) J(oseph), Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Civil engineering. Brook- line, Mass, Oct. 3, 73. B.S, Harvard, 96; A.M, Yale, 19. Structural draftsman, 97-00; asst. engineer, N. Y. Rapid Transit Commission, 01- 03; instr. civil eng, Cornell, 04; Michigan, 05- 06, asst. prof, 06-08, junior prof, 08-11, prof. and head dept, eng. mech, 11-13; prof. civil eng, Hopkins, 13-19; prof. eng. mech. and chairman of dept, Yale, 19— Capt, reserve E.C, 17-; with dept. educ. and training, Emergency Fleet Corp, 18. A.A; Civil Eng. Reinforced concrete tests; structural steel work; eccentric tension in an- gles; reinforced concrete highway bridges; stress distribution in girders; civil engineering history. Tilden, Prof. Josephine E(lizabeth), 2105 First Ave, S, Minneapolis, Minn. Botany. Daven- port, Iowa. B.S, Minnesota, 95, M.S, 97. Instr. bot, Minnesota, 98-02, asst. prof, 02-10, prof, 10- A.A; Bot. Soc. American algae; the algae of the Hawaiian Islands; South Pacifie algae; Myxophyceae of North America; index Algarum universalis. Tileston, Prof. Roland, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colo. Physics. Mass, 86. A.B, Dart- mouth, 07, A.M,11. Transitman, B. and N. and O. C. Street Ry, 07-08; instr. physies, Dart- mouth, 08-11; field chief, Doherty Co, 12-13; prof. physics, Colo. Col, 13- Math. Ass. Op- ties; radioactivity; spectroscopy; emanation electroscope. Tileston, Prof. Wilder, 101 Grove St, New Haven, Conn. Medicine. Concord, Mass, Jan. 22, 75. A.B, Harvard, 95, M.D, 99. Asst. clin. chem, Harvard Med. Sch, 01-03, clin. med, 06-08; asst. prof. med, Yale, 09-19, prof. clin. med, 19- Asst. visiting physician, L. I, Hosp, Boston; consulting physician, Mass. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary. Am. Physicians; Soe. Clin. Invest. Internal medicine; hematology; tuber- culosis; the digestive system; diseases of the pancreas. Tillman, Prof. S(amuel) E(scue), West Point, N. Y. Chemistry, Geology. Shelbyville, Tenn, 685 Oct. 2, 47. Grad, U. S. Mil. Acad, 69; A.M, Yale, 06. Officer, E.C, U.S.A, 72-81; prof. chem, miner. and geol, U. S. Mil. Acad, 81-11, retired, 11-17, supt, 17-19. Asst. astronomer, U. S. transit of Venus exped, Tasmania, 74-75; asst. engineer, U. S. Geog. Surv, War Dept, west of 100th meridian, 73-74, 76-79; brig. gen, 19. D. S. medal. A.A. Essential principles of chemistry; heat; mineralogy. Tillotson, Dr. E(dwin) Ward, Jr, Mellon Insti- tute, Pittsburgh, Pa. Chemistry, Mineralogy. Farmington, Conn, Feb, 84. A.B, Yale, 06, fel- low, Ph.D, 09. Asst. chem, Yale, 06-07; in- dustrial fellow, Kansas, 09-13; asst. director, Mellon Inst, 13- Chem. Soe. (chairman, Pitts- burgh sect, 20); Ceramic Soe. (see’y, glass div, 19—). Organie chemistry; the relation between the optical properties and the chemical composi- tion of glass. Tilison, Geo(rge) William), 313 S. Catherine Ave, La Grange, Ill. Civil engineering. Thomas- ton, Maine, Dee. 18, 52. B.S, C.E, Bowdoin, 77, Se.D, 19. City engineer, Omaha, Nebr, 87- 92; asst. engineer, Dept. Pub. Works, Brooklyn, N. Y, 95-02; chief engineer, Bur. of Highways, Borough of Brooklyn, 02-07; Borough of Man- hattan, 07-11; consulting engineer to borough pres, Borough of Brooklyn, 11-18, retired, 18. Civil Eng. (past director, past treas); Soe. Munic. Improv. (past pres. and sec’y); Road Ass. (past pres); West. Soe. Eng; Brooklyn Eng. Club (past pres); N. Y. Munic. Eng. (past pres). General improvement of cities; street pavements. Tillyer, Edgar D(erry), 4 Maple St, South- bridge, Mass. Optical science. Dover, N. J, 81. B.S, Rutgers, 02, M.S, 05; George Wash- ington, 03. Asst, ‘Nautical Almanac’ Of- fice, 02-06; U. S. Naval Observatory, 06-11; Bur. Standards, 11-16; optical designer, Am. Optical Co, 16— Physical Soc; Illum, Eng. Soc; Wash. Acad. Astronomy; optical design; aber- ration free spectacle lens. Tilney, Prof. Frederick, 22 E. 63d St, New York, N. Y. Neurology. Brooklyn, N. Y, June 4, 76. A.B, Yale, 97; M.D, L. I. Col Hosp. 03; Ph.D, Columbia, 12. Lecturer embryol, L. I. Col. Hosp; prof. neur, Columbia. Ass. Anat; Neur. Ass; , N. Y. Neur. Soc; N. Y. Med. Soe. Compara- tive histology of hypophysis cerebri; axial veins and lymphatic in Tragulus; venous return to iliac veins; morphology of the diencephalic floor; craniate homology; vascularization of the nerv- ous system ;nucleo-genesis of the optic thalamus; form and functions of the central nervous system. Tilton, Prof. John L(ittlefield), Morgantown, West Va. Geology. Nashua, N. H, Jan. 11, 63. A.B, Wesleyan, 85, A.M, 88; A.M, Harvard, 95; fel- low, Chicago, 02-03, Ph.D, 10. Asst. nat. hist, Wesleyan, 86-88; prof. geol. and physics, Simpson, 88-20; assoc. prof. geol, West Virginia, 20- Geologist, Iowa Geol. Surv. A.A; fel. Iowa Acad. (pres, 07. Geology of central and southwestern Iowa. Timberlake, P(hilip) H(unter), Sugar Planters’ Experiment Station, Honolulu, Hawaii. Eeco- nomic entomology. Bethel, Maine, June 5, 83. A.B, Bowdoin, 08; A.M, Harvard, 10. Ento- mological asst, bur. entom, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 10- 686 15; asst. entomologist, exp. sta, Hawaiian Sugar Planters Ass, 16- A.A; Entom. Soc; Ass. Econ. Entom; Wash. Entom, Soe; Hawaiian Entom. Soc. Insect parasites. Timme, Dr. Walter, 2 W. 67th St, New York, N. Y. Neurology. New York, Feb. 24,74. B.S, Col. City of N. Y, 93; M.D, Columbia, 97. Chief of clinic, Vanderbilt Clinic, 13-15; asst. attend- ing physician, Neur. Inst, N. Y. City, 15-20, attending physician, 20- Prof. endocrinol, Broad St. Hosp, N. Y. City, 20—- Neur. Ass; Am. Med. Ass; Therapeut. Soc; Ass. Research Nervous and Mental Diseases; N. Y. Acad. Med. Neuro-endocrinology; control of growth; pitui- tary disturbances. Tinker, Dr. Martin B(uel), Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. Surgery. Granville, Mass, March 17, 69. M.D, Jefferson Med. Col, 93; B.S, Harvard, 95; M.D, Berlin 99. Asst. physiol, Harvard, 95-96; demonstrator surg. and path, Jefferson Med. Col, 97-00; first asst. res. surgeon, Hop- kins Hosp, 00-03; lecturer surg, Cornell, 03-09, asst. prof, 09-11. Lieut. col, M.R.C, A.A; Am. Med. Ass. (sec’y, surg. sect, 11); Col. Surg; Am. Acad. Med; Ass. Surg; N. Y. State Med. Soc. (chairman, surg. sect, 12); Gesell. Chirurg. Thyroid and abdominal surgery; hand disinfection; surgical tuberculosis. Tisdale, Dr. W(endell) H(olmes), U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Plant pathology. Georgiana, Ala, Jan. 5, 92. B.S, Ala. Polytech, 14; M.S, Wisconsin, 15, Ph.D, 17. With U. 8S. Dept. Agr, 16-18; N. C. Exp. Sta, 18-19; bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 19- A.A; Phytopath. Soe. Diseases of the tomato, flax, corn and rice. Titchener, Prof. E(dward) Bradford, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. *Psychology. Chi- chester, England, Jan. 11, 67. Malvern Col, 81- 85; B.A, Oxford, 90, M.A, 94, Se.D, 06; Ph.D, Leipzig, 92; LL.D, Wisconsin, 04; hon. Se.D, Harvard, 09; Litt.D, Clark, 09. Asst. prof. psy- chol, Cornell, 92-95, Sage prof, 95-10, Sage prof. in grad. sch, 10-, prof. in charge of music, 96-98. Lecturer biol, univ. exten, Oxford, 92; Am. ed, ‘Mind,’ 94-; assoc. ed, ‘Am. Jour. Psychol,’ 95-21, ed, 21-; non-res. lecturer psychol, Columbia, 07-08; Illinois, 09. Third, Fourth and Sixth Psychol. Congresses (mem. int. committee). A.A; Psychol. Ass; Philos. Soc; fel. London Zool. Soe; fel. Royal Soe. Med; London Aristot. Soe; hon. mem. Mind Ass. Vision; affective processes; attention; action; thought processes; perception; systematization of experimental psychology. Tittmann, Otto H(ilgard), Leesburg, Va. Geod- esy. Belleville, Ill, Aug. 20, 50. High sch; hon. Se.D, Stevens; Washington (St. Louis) ; LL.D, George Washington. Aid, U. S. Coast and Geod. Surv, 67-00, supt, 00-15. Asst. as- tronomer, transit of Venus exped, 74; asst. in charge, U. S. Weights and Measures, 87-94; mem. permanent committee, Int. Geod. Ass, 00- 15; U. S. Commissioner, Alaska Boundary, 06-; U. 8. Commissioner, U. 8. and Canada Boundary, 08-15. Astron, Soe; Philos. Soc; Wash. Philos. Soe. (pres, 99). Titus, Prof. E(dward) G(aige), 673 Sixth Ave, Salt Lake City, Utah. Entomology. Quaker AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Street, N. Y, May 26, 73. B.S, Colo. Agr. Col, 99, M.S, 01; Se.D, Harvard, 11. Teacher, pub. schools, Colo, 97, 98, 00; asst. zool, phy- siol. and entom, Colo. Agr. Col, 00-01; field asst. to state entomologist, Ill, 01-03; spe- cial field agent, bur. entom, U. S. Dept. Agr, 03- 07, in charge, gipsy moth lab, 06-07; assoc. prof. zool. and entom, Utah Col, 07-08, prof, 08-16, entomologist, Exp. Sta, 07-16; technologist sugar plant investigations, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 16-20; director agr. research, Utah- Idaho Sugar Co, 20- Mem. Utah State Hort. Commission, 09-12, 16-18. A.A; Ass. Econ. Entom; Entom. Soc; Soc. Prom. Agr. Sci; Phytopath. Soe; Ecol. Soc; fel. Utah Acad. (pres, 12); Utah Eugen. Soe. (sec’y, 12—-); Wash. Entom. Soe. Genetics; sugar-beet breed- ing; Apoidea; inheritance of valuable human characters. Tobie, Prof. Walter Eaton, 3 Deering St, Port- land, Maine. Anatomy. Lewiston, Maine, Dec. 12,69. M.D, Maine, 99. Asst. demonstrator and lecturer anat. and instr. surg, Maine, 03-06, prof. anat, 06—; surg, Bowdoin, 17—; pathologist, Maine Gen. Hosp, 02-03, adj. surgeon, 03-06, assoc. surgeon and later visiting surgeon, 06- Mem. State Board of Anat, Maine. Ass. Anat; Am. Med. Ass; Maine Med. Ass. (see’y, 03-08). Pathology; renal casts; congenital eystie kid- ney; surgical anatomy of the abdominal wall. Tobin, Dr. Elise, 515 Lexington Ave, Brooklyn N. Y. Chemistry. Brooklyn, Feb. 23, 94. B.S. Barnard, 15, Ph.D, Bryn Mawr, 19. Limits of esterification. Toch, Maximilian, 52 Ninth St, Long Island City, N. Y. *Chemistry. New York, July 17, 64. N. Y. Univ, 84-86; Columbia, 87-90. Lecturer org. chem, Columbia, 05-06; muniec. lecturer paint, Col. City of N. Y, 09; adj. prof. indust. chem, Cooper Union, 20— Bighth Int. Cong. Ap- plied Chem, N. Y. City, 12 (mem. exec. com- mittee, pres, sect. on paints). A.A; Chem. Soc; Soe. Chem. Indust. (past chairman, N. Y. Sect) ; Chem. Eng; Soc. Test. Mat; N. Y. Chemists Club (past pres); fel. London Chem. Soc; Lon- don Soe. Chem. Indust. (past v. pres); London Paint and Varnish Soc; Chem. Gesell; Chem. Verein. Chemistry and technology of paints; materials for permanent painting. Todd, Prof. C(lare) C(hrisman), College Station, Pullman, Wash. Chemistry. McMinnville, Ore- gon, March 4, 80. B.S, Wash. State, 06; fellow, Chicago, Ph.D, 14. Instr, asst. prof, assoc. prof. and later prof. org. and physiol. chem. and head, dept. chem, Wash. State, 07— A.A; Chem. Soe. Organic chemistry. Todd, Prof, David, Observatory House, Amherst, Mass. Astronomy. Lake Ridge, N. Y, March 19, 55. Columbia, 70-72; A.B, Amherst, 75, A.M, 78; Ph.D, Washington and Jefferson, 88; F.R.S.A, London, 03. Asst, U. 8S. Transit of Venus Commission, 75-78; chief asst, ‘ Nautical Almanac’ Office, 78-81; prof. astron, and higher math, Smith, 81-87; astron. and navigation, and director observatory, Amherst, 81-20, emer. prof, z0- Chief, eclipse expeditions, Texas, Japan, 87, West Africa, 89-90, Japan, 96, Tripoli, 00, Dutch East Indies, 01, Tripoli, 05, Russia, 14, Florida, 18, mid-Atlantie, 19; in charge observa- AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 687 tions of transit of Venus, Lick Observatory, 82; Mars exped, S. Amer, 07. Imp. Saki cup, Emperor of Japan, 97. A.A; Astron. Soc; Wash. Philos. Soc; Astron. Gesell; cor. mem. Cherbourg Soe. Nat. des Sci. nat. et math; Soc. Geog. de Lima. Observations and tables of Jupiter’s satellites; total eclipses; solar paral- lax; trans-Neptunian planet; sun’s corona; im- provements in observatories and instruments, es- pecially the automatic photography of total eclipses; photography of Mars; standard time; mountain observatories; maps and tables of fu- ture eclipses, Todd, Prof. James C(ampbell), 848 Tenth St, Boulder, Colo. Pathology. Shreve, Ohio, March 17, 74. Ph.B, Wooster, 97; M.D, Pennsylvania, 00. Asst. biol, Wooster, 95-96; res. physician, Allegheny Gen. Hosp, 00-01; asst. path, Den- ver, 04-05, lecturer, 05-08, assoc. prof, 08-10, prof, 10-11; prof, Colorado, 11-16, clin. path, 16— See’y, Boulder Div, med. sch, Colorado, 11- 16. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Micros. Soc; Ass. Prof. Clinical laboratory methods; tubercu- losis; animal parasitology; hematology. Todd, Prof. J(ames) E(dward), University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. *Geology. Clarks- field, Ohio, Feb. 11, 46. A.B, Oberlin, 67, A.M, 70; Sheffield Sci. Sch, Yale, 70; summer sch. geol, Harvard, 75. Prof. nat. science, Tabor, 71-92; geol. and miner, South Dakota, 92-03; state geologist, S. Dak, 93-03; asst. prof. geol, Kansas, 07-18, retired, 18; private research, 18— Adj. prof. nat. science, Beloit, 81-83; asst. geologist or field asst, U. S. Geol. Surv, 81-88, 97-; Mo. Geol. Surv, 92; Minn. Geol. Surv, 92-93. A.A; Geol. Soc; Wash. Geol. Soc; cor. mem. Iowa Acad. Cross fertilization of flowers; colors of animals; moraines; mar- . gin of drift and loess in Missouri, Towa, Ne- braska, South Dakota and North Dakota; the Cretaceous of South Dakota; the artesian areas of the Dakotas; areal geology of James River valley; Pleistocene of Kansas; economie geology of the middle west. Todd, Dr. John L, McGill University, Montreal, Can. Parasitology. Victoria, B. C, Sept. 10, 76. B.A, McGill, 98, M.D, C.M, 00; M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P, Univ. Col, London, 07; hon. D.Se, Liverpool, 09. House surgeon, Royal Victoria Hosp, Montreal, 00-01; research asst. and asst. lecturer, Liverpool Sch. Trop. Med, 01-05, di- rector, research laboratories, 05-07; assoc. prof. parasitol, McGill, 07— Liverpool Sch. Trop. Med. exped. to Gambia, 11; League of Red Cross Societies typhus exped. to Poland, 20. Mary Kingsley medal, Liverpool Sch. Trop. Med, 10. Ass. Path. and Bact; Soc. Exp. Biol; Soe. Trop. Med; Soc. de Path. exot. Tropical medicine; trypanosomiasis; tick fever; typhus. Todd, Dr. J(ohn) W(elhoff), University of South- ern California, Los Angeles, Calif. Psychology. Aurora, Ind, Nov. 20, 80. A.B, Indiana, 05, A.M, 10; Ph.D, Columbia, 12. Asst. exp. psy- chol, Indiana, 09-10; Columbia, 10-12; assoc. prof. psychol, North Dakota, 13-19; prof, South- ern California, 20— Acting director, exp. psy- chol. laboratories and psychol. clinic, Indiana, 15-16. Experimental psychology; reaction time; association; fatigue; educational measurements. Todd, Prof. T(homas) Wingate, Western Reserve Medical School, Cleveland, Ohio. Anatomy. Sheffield, England, Jan. 15, 85. M.B, Ch.B, Manchester, 07; F.R.C.S, London, 11. Demon- strator anat, Manchester, 07-08, senior demon- strator, 08-09, lecturer, 10-12; prof, Western Reserve, 12- House surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirm, 09-10; surg. research scholar, Man- chester, 12; examiner dental anat, 11-12; sur- geon to zool. collection, 10-12; Cleveland, 12- 16. A.A; Ass. Anat. (v. pres, 20); Anthrop. Ass; Anat. Soc. Gt. Britain and Ireland (coun- cilor, 12); cor. mem. Soe. d’Anthrop. de Paris. Clinical and veterinary anatomy; dental anat- omy; anthropology. Todd, W(alter) E(dmond) Clyde, Carnegie Mu- seum, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ornithology. Smith- field, Ohio, Sept. 6, 74. High seh. Asst, biol. surv, U. S. Dept. Agr, 91-99; curator ornith, Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, 99- Fel. Ornith, Union; Wash. Biol. Soe. Ornithology of west- ern Pennsylvania and the Hudson Bay region; geographic distribution of the birds of eastern North America; neo-tropical birds. Toll, Prof. Charles H(ansen), Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. Psychology. Denver, Colo, May 21, 82. A.B, Hamilton, 04; A.M, Harvard. 05, John Harvard fellow, 06-08; Ph.D, Frei- burg, 09. Asst. prof. philos, Amherst, 09-12, assoc. prof, 12- A.A; Psychol. Ass; Philos. Ass. Dissociation. Tolman, Prof, Cyrus Fisher, Jr, Stanford Univer- sity, Calif. *Geology. Chicago, Il, June 2, 73. B.S, Chicago, 96, fellow, 97-98. Consulting geologist, 00-; prof. geol, Arizona, 05-06, geo). and mining eng, 06-12; assoe. prof. econ. geol, Stanford, 12-18, prof, 18— Territorial geolo- gist, Ariz, 11-12. A.A; fel. Geol. Soe: Min. Eng; Am. Geog. Soc. Graphical solution of fault problems; petroleum and ore deposits. Tolman, Dr. Edward C(hace), University of Cali- fornia, Berkeley, Calif. Psychology. West New- ton, Mass, April 14, 86. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 11; A.M, Harvard, 12, Ph.D, 15. Instr. psychol, Northwestern, 15-18; California, 18-20, asst. prof,20— Psychol. Ass. Experimental and theo- retical psychology; tests; animal behavior. Tolman, Prof. Gilbert, Waterville, Maine. Physics. Milo, Maine, Oct. 15, 72. B.M.E, Maine, 96; A.M, Columbia, 01. Instr. science, Shaw Univ, 96-00; asst. physics, Columbia, 01 03; prof. physics and elee. eng, R. I. Col, 03-09; physics, Colby, 09- Instr. physies, Mechanies’ Inst, N. Y. Physical Soc. The absorption of light by incandescent gases. Tolman, L(ucius) M(oody), 7217 Yale Ave, En- glewood Station, Chicago, Ill. Chemistry. Brookfield, Vt, April 7, 75. B.S, Pomona, 96; M.S, California, 98. Chemist, Board of Health, Oakland, Calif, 98-99; asst. chemist, bur. chem, U. S. Dept. Agr, 00-06; chemist, bur, internal revenue, Treasury Dept, 06-07; chief, food in- spection lab, bur. chem, U. S. Dept. Agr, 07— 13, food inspection div, 13-14, cent. food and drug inspection district, 14-17; chief chemist, Wilson and Co, 17— Chairman of Joint Com- mittee on the Unification of Methods of Analysis of Fats and Oils. A.A; Chem. Soe. (v. pres, 06, pres, Wash. sect, pres, Chicago sect, 17); Agr. 688 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Chem; Chem, Eng; Leather Chem. Ass; Soe. Cotton Products Analysts; Franklin Inst; Wash. Acad. Chemistry of fats and oils, sugars, food products and distilled liquors; effect of age on the composition of whiskies; vinegars; de- natured alcohol. Tolman, Prof. Richard C(hace), Fixed Nitrogen Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C. *Phys- ics, Chemistry. West Newton, Mass, March 4, 81. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 03, Dalton fellow, 05-07, Ph.D, 10; Berlin and Crefeld, 03-04. Asst. tech. anal, Mass. Inst. Tech, 04-05, instr. theoret. chem, 07-09, research assoc. physical chem, 09- 10; asst. prof, Cincinnati, 11-12; chem, Califor- nia, 12-16; prof. physical chem, Illinois, 16-18; assoc. director, fixed nitrogen research lab, ni- trate div, ordnance dept, U.S.A, 19-20, direc- tor, 20- Chief, dispersoid sect. and major, C.W.S, 18. A.A; Physical Soc; Chem. Soc; Wash. Acad. Ionization; colloids; relativity of motion; metallic conductors; principles of simili- tude; statistical mechanics. Tomlinson, Dr. C(harles) W(eldon), Gulf Oil Corporation, Denver, Colo. Geology. Detroit, Mich, April 23, 92. A.B, Wisconsin, 13, fellow, 13-14, A.M, 14; fellow, Chicago, 15-16, Ph.D, 16. Asst. geol, Minnesota, 14-15; prof, Miss. Agr. Col, 16-17; assoc, Illinois, 17-18; geologist, Gulf Oil Corp, 18- A.A. Origin of red beds; Paleozoie stratigraphy of northern Rocky Moun- tain states; stratigraphic variation in the Penn- sylvanian of Kansas. Tondorf, Rev. F(rancis) A(nthony), Georgetown University, Washington. D. C. Setsmology. Boston, Mass, July 17, 70. A.B, Woodstock, 95, Hopkins, 97-99; Ph.D, Georgetown, 14. Prof. physies, Loyola, 95-97; Georgetown, 02-05, asst, astron. observatory, 05-07, prof. physics, 18— A.A; Seismol. Soe. Microseisms; epicen- ters. Tone, Frank J(erome), Carborundum Co, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Chemical engineering. Bergen, N. Y, Oct. 16, 68. E.E, Cornell, 91. With Gen. Elec. Co, 91-93; Pittsburgh Railway Co, 93-95; works manager and pres, Carborundum Co, 95- Chem. Soc; Electrochem. Soc. (pres, 18); Chem. Eng; Min. Eng; Soc. Chem. Indust; Ceramic Soe. Silicon; silicon compounds; silfrax; arti- ficial abrasives; high temperature refractories. Tool, Dr. Arthur Q(uincy), U. S. Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Physics. Monroe, Iowa, Dec. 5, 77. B.S, Grinnell, 04; A.M, Ne- braska, 06; Ph.D, Berlin, 14. Instr. physics, Nebraska; assoc. physicist, Bur. Standards. Physical Soe; Optical Soc; Physik. Gesell. Op- tical constants of metals; mobility of ions in gases; photo-electric effect. Toole, Dr. Eben H(enry), U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Botany. Bara- boo, Wis, Jan. 6, 89. A.B, Wisconsin, 15, A.M, 16, fellow, 19-20, Ph.D, 20. Asst. bot, Wiscon- sin, 15-16; instr, Kansas State, 16-17; asst. prof. plant physiol. and path, Purdue, 17-19; asst. path. seed lab, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 20- Asst. pathologist, office cereal investi- gations, U.S. Dept. Agr, 18-19. A.A; Bot. Soc; Phytopath. Soc; Wis. Acad; Ind, Aead. Plant physiology and pathology; plant nutrition and metabolism. \ Torbert, John B(ryant), 3415 Ashley Terrace, Cleveland Park, D. C. Geography, Geology. Washington, D. C, May 8, 67. LL.B, George Washington, 88, LL.M, 89. Topog. and geol. draftsman, U. 8. Geol. Surv, 86-93; topog. draftsman and geographer, topographer’s ofiice, U. S. Post Office Dept, 93-08; geol. draftsman, U. S. Geol. Surv, 08- Hist. cartographer, Jamestown Expos, 07; geol. cartographer, Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Expos, 09; diploma of highest excellence, Turin, 11. Mem. Int. Geog. Cong, Washington, 04. Wash. Anthrop. Soc; Wash. Geol. Soe. Development of maps; geog- raphy as an aid to history; relation and influ- ence of topography on human activities and the progress of the world; primitive map making; growth and development of United States illus- trated by a series of maps; the earliest authentic arctic explorations; the derivation and meaning of geographic names; influence of sea power on American history. de la Torre Buenos, J(ose) R(ollin), 11 North Broadway, White Plains, N. Y. Biology. Lima, Peru, Oct. 6, 71. Col. City of N. Y, 88-90; sch. mines, Columbia, 90-92. Mem. board of editors, ‘N. Y. State List of Insects.’ Entom. Soe; Ecol. Soc; Agassiz Ass; Wash. Entom. Soc; Wash. Biol. Soc; Brooklyn Entom. Soe. (ree. sec’y, 15, 18, pub. committee, 13—-, ed, 18-, v. pres, 20); London Entom. Soc; Soe. entom. de France; Soc. Entom. de Espana; Soe. Ibérica de Cient. Nat; Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat. Life his- tories, ethology, distribution and taxonomy of heteropterous Hemiptera, especially aquatic forms. Torrey, Prof. Harry Beal, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. *Biology. Boston, Mass, May 22,73. B.S, California, 95, M.S, 98; fellow, Co- lumbia, 00-01, Ph.D, 03. Asst. zool, California, 95-98, imstr, 98-00, 01-04, asst. prof, 04-08, assoc. prof, 08-12; prof. biol, Reed, 12-20; zool, Oregon, 20-, director research med. science and prof. exp. biol, med. sch, 20— Librarian, Ma- rine Biol. Ass. of San Diego, 02-12; temporary asst, Bur. Fisheries, 06. A.A; Soe. Nat; Soc. Zool; Forestry Ass; West. Soc. Nat. (pres, 14). Taxonomy, embryology, non-sexual reproduction, regeneration and behavior of invertebrates; ex- perimental biology; problems of differentiation. Torrey, Prof. John C(utler), Cornell University Medical College, New York, N. Y. Bacteriology. Burlington, Vt, April 19, 76. A.B, Vermont, 98; Ph.D, Columbia, 02; fellow, med. col, Cor- nell, 04-07. Asst. zool, Columbia, 00-01; bac- teriologist, Sea Side Hosp, Staten Isl, N. Y, 03-04; asst. instr. histol. and bacter, med. col, Cornell, 03-04, lecturer hygiene and instr. exp. path, 08-10, asst. prof. exp. path. and lecturer hygiene, 10-16, prof. hygiene, 16—- Ed, ‘Jour. Immunol.’ Ass. Path. and Bact; Soe. Exp. Biol; Soe. Bact; Ass. Immunol; Pub. Health. Ass; Harvey Soe. The development of the mesoblast in Thalasema; cytological changes accompanying the secretion of diastase; dysen- tery and dysentery-like organisms; absorption; immunity to the gonococcus; canine distemper; bacteriology of typhoid fever; regulation of in- testinal bacteria through diet. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 689 Torrey, Dr. R(ay) E(than), Clark Hall, Amherst, Mass. Botany. N. Leverett, Mass, Dee. 15, 87. B.S, Mass. Col, 12; A.M, Harvard, 16, fellow, 16-17, Sheldon traveling fellow, 17-18, Ph.D, 18. Asst. prof. biol, Grove City, 12-15; Wesleyan, 18-19; instr. biol, Mass. Col, 19- A.A. Morph. ology; lignitie woods. Tory, Pres. H(enry) Marshall, University of AI- berta, Strathcona, Alberta, Can. Mathematics. Guysboro, N. 8, Jan. 11, 64. B.A, MeGill, 90, M.A, 95, D.Se, 03, LL.D, 07. Leeturer math. and demonstrator physics, McGill, 92-98, lee- turer math, 98-03, assoc. prof, 03-08; pres, Alberta, 08- See’y, Univ. Exam. Board, 96-02; chairman, committee on coal research, Can. Con- servation Commission; director edue. service, C.E.F, 17-20. Math. Soe; fel. Royal Soe. Can. Comparison of Le Chatellier pyrometers with platinum resistance pyrometers; standardizing thermo-junctions; effeet of dissolved gases on metallic surfaces; a direct reading air ther- mometer. Tottingham, Dr. W(illiam) E(dward), University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Agricultural chem- istry. Templeton, Mass, Nov. 2, 81. B.S, Mass. Col, 03; M.S, Wisconsin, 08; Hopkins, 12-13, Ph.D, 17. Asst. chem, Mass. Exp. Sta, 05; instr, Mass. Col, 06; asst. chemist, N. Y. Exp. Sta, Geneva, 07; instr. agr. chem, Wisconsin, 07-10, asst. prof, 10-17, assoc. prof, 17- A.A; Chem. Soc; Bot. Soe. Reinforcement of ma- nures; fertilizing effects of sulphur compounds; physiological nutrient solutions for plants; chlorin in plant nutrition. Toumey, Prof. J(ames) W(illiam), 459 Prospect St, New Haven, Conn. *Forestry. Lawrence, Mich,. April 17, 64. B.S, Mich. Agr. Col, 89, M.S, 96; M.A, Yale, 06; Sc.D, Syracuse, 20. Instr. bot, Mich. Agr. Col, 90-91; prof, Arizona, 92-98; supt, sect. forest extension, bur. forestry, U. S. Dept. Agr, 99-00; asst. prof. forestry, Yale, 01-03, prof. and director, bot. gardens, 03-10, Morris K. Jesup prof. silviculture, Forest School, 10—; acting director, 10-11, director, 11-, dean, 13— Mem. forestry committee, Nat. Re- search Council. A.A; Soc. Nat; Soc. Foresters (chairman, New Eng. sect, mem. exec. council, chairman, committee forest classification) ; For- estry Ass; Bot. Soc. Seeding and planting in the practise of foresty; desert plants in relation to environment; the relation of the root systems of woody plants to environmental factors; the relation of forest cover to run-off of streams; light measurements and tolerance. Toussaint, C(amille) A(ugust), 3688 Boulevard, Jersey City, N. J. Mathematics. Jersey City, June 11, 81. A.B, Columbia, 03, A.M, 04. Asst. math, Columbia, 04-07; instr, Col. City of N. Y, 07— A.A; Math. Soc. Differential equa- tions; surface theory. Towar, Prof. J(ames) D(eLoss), Lansing, Mich. Agriculture. Lansing, Mich, Sept. 26, 63. B.S, Mich. Agr. Col, 85, M.S, 02. Agricul- turist, R. I. Exp. Sta, 91-98; Mich. Exp. Sta, 98-02; prof. agr, South. Australia, 02-04; Wyoming, and director, Exp. Sta, 07-10. Lee- turer, farmers’ institutes, Mich, 04-07. Farm crops and fertilizers; dry farming. 44 Tower, Geo(rge) W(arren), Jr, 142 Woodlanil Ave, New Rochelle, N. Y, Geology, Mining. Cambridge, Mass, Oct. 27, 71. A.B, Harvard, 94, A.M, 95. Instr. physies, Boston, 94; teacher science, high sch, Quincy, Mass, 95; geologist, U. 8. Geol. Surv, 95-99; geologist and mining engi- neer. Consulting mining engineer, Guggenheim Bros. Min. Eng; Mont. Eng. Soc; Wash. Geol. Soe. Economie geology; mining and mine ex- aminations. Tower, Prof, O(lin) F(reeman), Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. "Physical chem- istry. Brooklyn, N. Y, March 19, 72. A.B, Wesleyan, 92, A.M, 93; Ph.B, Leipzig, 95. Asst. chem, Wesleyan, 93-94, 96-98; instr, Adelbert, 98-01, asst. prof, 01-07, prof. and head, chem, lab, 07— Asst. chemist in food investigation, U. 8S. Dept. Agr, Middletown, Conn, 95-98. A.A; Chem. Soc; Electrochem. Soc; London Chem. Soc; Chem. Gesell. Manganese superoxid elec- trodes; conduct of aqueous solutions of various organic salts of Ni and Co; transport number of sulphuric acid; action of nitrogen on water vapor at high temperatures. Tower, Prof. R(alph) W(infred), American Mu- seum of Natural History, New York, N. Y. Physiology. Amherst, Mass, May 24, 70. Colby, 88-90; A.B, Brown, 92, A.M, 93, Ph.D, 03; Leipzig, 93-94; Harvard Med. Sch, 00-01. Demonstrator anat, Brown, 94-95, instr. chem. physiol, 95-98, asst. prof, 98-01; assoc. prof, 01-03; curator anat, physiol, books and pub- lications, Am. Museum Nat. Hist, 08- Ex- pert special agent for Fisheries Census, 08— 09. A.A; Soc. Nat; fel. N. Y. Acad. (librarian, 04-, rec. sec’y and ed, 17—); cor. mem. Cuban Nat. Hist. Soe. Opening of brick-red gland in Limulus; function of the swim bladder in fishes; organic constituents of scales of fish; biliary calculi in the squeteague; does KCN prolong the life of the unfertilized egg of the sea urchin; production of sound in drumfishes, the sea robin and the toad fish; the origin of the red blood corpuscle in mammals and birds. Tower, Dr. Walter S(heldon), Consolidated Steel Corporation, 165 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Geography. West Bridgewater, Mass, July 26, 81. A.B, Harvard, 03, A.M, 04; Ph.D, Pennsyl- vania, 06. Instr. geog, Pennsylvania, 06-08, asst. prof, 08-11; Chicago, 11-14, assoc. prof, 14-16, prof, 16-19; special expert, U. S. Ship- ping Board, 18-19; trade adviser, Consol. Steel Corp, 19- Asst. prof, summer quarter, Chicago, 09, 10. Ass. Geog; Explorers Club. Economic and commercial geography, especially of Latin America. Tower, Dr. William Lawrence, American Hospital, Tampico, Mex. “Zoology. Halifax, Mass, Dee. 22, 72. Lawrence Sci. Sch, Harvard, 93-96, grad. sch, 98-00; B.S, Chicago, 02. Asst. en- tom, Mass. Dept. Agr, 93; zool, Harvard, 94-96; instr, Cent. High Sch, Akron, Ohio, 97-98; asst, Harvard, 98-00; prof. zool. and physiol, Antioch, 00; asst. embryol, Chicago, 01-02, assoc. em- bryol. and comp. anat, 03, instr. embryol, 04-07, asst. prof. and later assoc. prof. zool, 07-18; capt, Sanit. C, 18- A.A; Soc. Nat; Soe. Zool; Ecol. Soe; Chicago Acad. Nervous system of cestodes; insect metamorphoses; development of 690 colors and color pattern in insects; effect of tem- perature, moisture, etc, upon insect variations; production of new characters, races and species in insects (experimental); evolution in chryso- melid beetles; heredity and bionomic processes ; tropical biology. Tower, W(inthrop) V(ose), Mayaguez, P. R. Entomology. Roxbury, Mass, March 30, 81. B.S, Mass. Col. 03. Entomologist, P. R. Exp. Sta, 06-11; entomologist and sec’y to Board of Commissioners Agr. San Juan, 11-13; director, Insular Exp. Sta, 13-18; entomologist, P. R. Exp. Sta, 18- Towle, Prof. W/(illiam) M(ason), 323 Pearl St, Burlington, Vt. Mechanical engineering. Franklin, Vt, Dec. 21, 51. B.S, Worcester, 77. Instr. machine tool work, Rose, 86-88; instr. and foreman machine shop, Sibley Col, Cornell, 89- 91; asst. prof. practical mech, Pa. State, 92-02; assoc. prof. and supt. shops, Syracuse, 02-04; prof, indust. eng, Clarkson Col. Tech, 07-17, emer. prof, 17- A.A; Mech. Eng; Eng. Educ; Royal Soe. Arts. Industrial engineering. Town, Dr. Clara Harrison, 51 rue Claude Ber- nard, Paris, France. Psychology. Philadelphia, Pa, Oct. 11, 74. B.S, Temple, 07; Ph.D, Penn- sylvania, 09. Res. psychologist, Friends Asy- lum, Frankford, Pa, 05-10; asst. psychol. clinic, Pennsylvania, 09-11; state psychologist, Lincoln State Sch. and Colony, Ill, 11-14; psychologist, orthogenic clinic, Rush Med. Col, 14-16; prof. psychol, Colo. State Teachers Col, 16-18; psy- chologist, child welfare research sta, Iowa, 18- 19; director, orthogenic clinic and classes, pub. ‘schools, Kansas City, Mo, 19-20, Instr. psychol, Pittsburgh, summer, 13. Psychol. Ass. Abnor- mal psychology. Towne, Dr. Henry R(obinson), 420 Park Ave, New York, N. Y. Mechanical engineering. Philadelphia, Pa, Aug. 28, 44. Pennsylvania, 65, hon. A.M, 85; Sorbonne, Paris, 66; Commer- cial Sci.D, N. Y. Univ, 19. Chairman, The Yale and Towne Mfg. Co, 69- A.A; Mech. Eng. (pres, 88); N. Y. Merchants’ Ass, (pres, 06-13). Industrial management. Townley, Prof. Sidney D(ean), Stanford Univer- sity, Calif. Astronomy. Waukesha, Wis, April 10, 67. B.S, Wisconsin, 90, fellow, 90-92, M.S, 92; fellow, California, 92-93; Se.D, Michigan, 97. Asst. astron, Wisconsin, 90-92; instr, Mich- igan, 93-98; California, 98-03; astronomer in charge, Int. Lat. Observatory, Ukiah, Calif, 03- 07; asst. prof. applied math, Stanford, 07-09, assoc. prof, 09-18, prof, 18- Lecturer astron, California, 04-07. A.A; Astron. Soc; Seismol. Soc. (see’y-treas, chief ed, ‘Bul,’ 11-); Pacific Astron. Soe. (pres, 16); Calif. Acad; Wis. Acad; Astron. Gesell. Practical astronomy; variable stars; asteroids; comets; variations of latitude; earthquakes, Townsend, Dr. C(harles) H(askins), Aquarium, New York, N. Y. Zoology. Parnassus, Pa, Sept. 29,59. Pub. schools; Acad. Nat. Sciences, Phila, 82-83; hon. Sc.D, Washington and Jef- ferson, 09. Asst, U. S. Fish Commission, 83; naturalist, U. S. Str. ‘Corwin,’ arctic exped, 85; res, naturalist, ‘Albatross’ exped, 86-96; chief, div, fisheries, U. S. Fish Commission, 97-02; di- rector, N. Y. Aquarium, 02— Mem. U. 8. Fur- AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE seal Commission, 96-97; fishery expert, Russo- Am. arbitration, The Hague, 02; acting director, Am. Museum Nat. Hist, 10- A.A; mem. Ornith. Union; Fisheries Soc; fel. N. Y. Zool. Soe. Commercial fisheries; fish culture; fur-seal in- dustries; deep sea exploration; mammalogy; ornithology. Townsend, Charles H(enry) T(yler), U. S. De- partment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Entomology. Oberlin, Ohio, Dec. 5, 63. Med. dept, George Washington, 87-90, B.S, 08. Asst. entomologist, U. S. Dept. Agr, 89-91; prof. en- tom, zool. and physiol, N. Mex. Col. and ento- mologist, Exp. Sta, 91-93; curator, museum, Inst. Jamaica, 93-94; temporary field agent, div. entom, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 94-98; biogeog- rapher and .syst. entomologist, N. Mex. Col. Exp. Sta, 98-99; teacher agr. and sciences, Batangas Prov. High Sch, P. I, 04-06; expert in charge dipterous parasites, gipsy moth lab, bur. entom, U. S. Dept. Agr, 07-09, on furlough inaugurating Entom. Service, Peru, 10; in charge collections of Muscoidea, U. S. Nat. Museum, 07; entomologist, Brazilian Govt. Entom. Soc; Ass. Econ. Entom; Ecol. Soe; Wash. Entom. Soc; Wash. Biol. Soc. Mus- coidea, with special reference to their geological history, ontogeny, phylogeny, bionomics and dis- tribution. Townsend, Dr. C(harles) O(rrin), U. S. De- partment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Plant pathology. Washtenaw Co, Mich, Jan. 16, 63. B.P, Mich. State Nor. Sch, 91; B.S, Michigan, 88, M.S, 91; Leipzig, 95-97, Ph.D, 97. Prof. nat. science, St. John’s (Ma), 88-91; Wesleyan (Ga), 91-95; instr. bot, Bar- nard, Columbia, 97-98; prof, Md. Col, and state plant pathologist, 98-01; plant pathologist in charge sugar-beet investigations, U. S. Dept. Agr, 01-09; consulting agriculturist, U. 8. Sugar and Land Co, 10-12; pathologist, bur. plant. indust, U. 8S. Dept. Agr, 12-14, in charge sugar-beet investigations, 14-15, in charge sugar plant investigations, 15—- A.A; Phytopath. Soc; Soc. Agron; Soc. Prom. Agr. Sci. Phys- iology and pathology of plants; the influence of nuclei on the formation of the ecell-wall; diseases of the sugar-beet; the development of a beet seed ball containing a single seed; treatment of beet seed balls to improve germination; selec- tion of sugar-beets to increase tonnage, sugar content, alkali resistance; improved methods of cultivating and breeding sugar plants. Townsend, Dr. Charles W(endell), 98 Pinckney St, Boston, Mass. Pediatrics. Boston, Nov. 10, 59. A.B, Harvard, 81, M.D, 85. Practising physi- cian. Visiting physician, Sea Shore Home, 87-90; physician to out-patients, Children’s Hosp, 87-03; Boston Lying-in Hosp, 87-98; Mass. Gen. Hosp, 91-09; visiting physician, Floating Hosp, 07-09. Mem. Can. Geol. Surv. exped. to Labrador, 15. A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Pediat. Soc; mem. Ornith. Union; Nuttall Or- nith. Club (past v. pres); New Eng. Pediat. Soc. (v. pres, 09); Mass. Audubon Soe. (director). Ornithology. Townsend, Clinton Paul, 918 F St, Washington, D. C. Chemistry. Fulton, N. Y, July 31, 68. B.S, Columbian, 99. Examiner electrochem, U. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 691 S. Patent Office, 96-03; mem. patent law firm, Byrnes, Townsend and Brickenstein, 03—; re- search director, Union Carbide and Carbon Corp, 19— Consulting chemist, ordnance dept, 18-; mem. exec. board, Nat. Research Council, 19- Chem. Soc; Electrochem. Soc. (v. pres, 09); Soe. Chem. Indust; Soe. de chim. indust. Elec- trolytic alkali industry. Townsend, Prof. E(dgar) J (erome), 510 John St, Champaign, Ill. *Mathematics. Litchfield, Mich, Feb. 22, 65. Ph.B, Albion, 90, LL.D, 15; Ph.M, Michigan, 91; Ph.D, Gottingen, 00. Instr. math, Chicago Manual Training Sch, 91-93; asst. prof, Illinois, 93-95, assoe. prof, 95-05, prof, 05-, dean, col. science, 05-13. A.A; Math. Soe. Foundations of geometry ; caleulus; func- tions of a complex variable. Tozzer, Prof. Alfred M(arston), Harvard Univer- sity, Cambridge, Mass. *Anthropology. Lynn, Mass, July 4,77. A.B, Harvard,00,A.M,01, Ph.D, 04. .Instr. archeol, Harvard, 05-12, asst. prof. an- throp, 12-19, assoc. prof, 20—, asst. and later cura- tor, Peabody Museum, 05—- Am. fellow, Archeol. Inst, 02-05; mem. exped. to Cent. Amer, 02-05; in charge, Peabody Museum exped. to Cent. Amer. and Brit. Honduras, 09; director, Int. Sch. Archeol. and Ethnol, Mexico, 13-14. A.A; Anthrop. Ass. (permanent sec’y); Antiq. Soe; Folk-lore Soc. (treas); fel. Ethnol. Soc; Am. Acad; Royal Anthrop. Inst; cor. mem. Paris Soc. des Américanistes. Ethnology and archeol- ogy of Central America; ethnology of the Na- vajo Indians. Trabue, Prof. M(arion) R(ex) Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. Psy- chology. Kokomo, Ind, April 30, 90. A.B, Northwestern, 11; A.M, Columbia, 14, Ph.D, 15. Instr. educ. edministration, Teachers Col, Co- lumbia, 14-16, asst. prof, educ, 17-, director, bur. educ, service, 19— Chief psychol. examiner, Sanit. C, 17-18. A.A; Psychol. Ass; Nat. Soe. Study of Educ; Nat. Ass. Directors Edue. Re- search. Measurement of intelligence and educa- tional achievements. Tracey, J(oshua) I(rving), Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Mathematics. Upperco, Md, Aug. 19, 83. B.S, Dickinson, 06; fellow, Hop- kins, 10-12, Ph.D, 12. Instr. math, Penning- ton Sem, 06-08; Baltimore Polytech, 09-10; Yale, 12-16, asst. prof, 16- Math. Soe. Rational curves of the fourth and fifth degree and associated covariant curves. Tracy, Dr. F(rederick), 173 Walmer Road, To- ronto, Can. Philosophy. Claremont, Ont, May 18, 62. Pickering, 83-84; B.A, Toronto, 89, fellow, 90-92; fellow, Clark, 92-93, Ph.D, 93. Commercial master, Pickering, 85; lecturer philos, Toronto, 93-05, assoe. prof, 05-16, prof. ethics, 16— Lecturer pedag, McMaster, 01-07. Philos. Ass; Religious Educ. Ass; Ill. Soc. Child Study; Ont. Child Study Ass. Left-handedness; the psychology of childhood; theory of knowl- edge; child study. Tracy, Prof. Henry C(arroll), University of Kan- sas, Lawrence, Kans. Anatomy. Hartford, Vt, July 11, 79. A.B, Dartmouth, 02; A.M, Brown, 05, Ph.D, 10. Submaster, high sch, Bellows Falls, Vt, 02-04; asst. physiol, Brown, (04-07; asst. biologist, R. I. Fish Commission, 07-10; in- str. anat, Northwestern, 10-13; prof, Marquette, 13-20; Kansas, 20- Scientific asst, U. 8. Bur. Fisheries, Woods Hole, 10,11. A.A; Ass, Anat. Life histories of fishes; the swim bladder; nerv- ous system in fishes. Tracy, Prof. J(ohn) C(layton), 345 Winthrop Ave, New Haven, Conn. Mathematics. Willi- mantic, Conn, Nov. 3, 69. Ph.B, Yale, 90, C.E, 92. Struct. engineer, King Bridge Co, 90-91; instr, civil eng, Yale, 91-02, asst. prof. struct. eng, 02-15, prof. civil eng, 15- Eng. Edue. Descriptive geometry; surveying; mechanies ap- plied to the calculation of stresses and the strength of materials. Tracy, William W, The Kenesaw, 16th and Irving Sts, Washington, D. C. Horticulture. Hudson, Ohio, May 21, 45. B.S, Mich. Agr. Col, 67, M.S, 70, hon. Se.D, 07. Prof, hort, Mich. Agr. Col, 70-72; supt. of testing gardens, U. S. Dept. Agr, 02- Soe. Hort. Sci. Varietal dif- ferences in garden vegetables. Transeau, Prof. E(dgar) N(elson), Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. ‘*Botany. Wil- liamsport, Pa, Oct. 21, 75. A.B, Franklin and Marshall, 97; Chicago, 00-01; Ph.D, Michigan, 04. Prof. biol, Alma, 04-06; mem. staff, Cold Spring Harbor, 06-07; prof. bot, Nor. Sch, Charleston, Tl], 07-15; Ohio State, 15-, head of dept, 18— A.A; Soe. Nat; Bot. Soe; Ass. Geog; Ecol. Soe; Ill. Acad; Ohio Acad. Plant physiol- ogy; vegetation of Ohio; transpiration; ecology of bog plants; taxonomy and ecology of fresh- water. algae. Traphagen, Dr. F(rank W(eiss), Rapid City, S. Dak. Metallurgy. Eaton, Ohio, July 20, 61. Ph.B, Columbia, 82, Ph.D, 83. Instr. chem, Staunton Mil. Acad, 84-87; prof, Col. of Mont, 87-93; Mont. Col, and chemist, Mont. Exp. Sta, 93-03; prof. metal. and assaying, Colo. Sch. of Mines, 03-16; 8. Dak. Sch. Mines, 16— Assayer, Champion Mining Co, 90-93; in charge Mont. mining exhibits, Columbian Expos, 93; consult- ing expert for various mining companies. A.A; Chem. Soe; Min. Eng; Soe. Chem. Indust; West. Ass. Tech. Chem. and Metal. (pres, 04); Frank- lin Inst; London Chem. Soe. Chemistry of soils; foods; metallurgical chemistry and ore dressing; plants and waters poisonous to stock. Trask, Dr. John William), 3311 Newark St, Washington, D. ©. Public health. Bay City, Mich, Feb. 18, 77. M.D, Michigan, 01. Asst. surgeon, U. 8S. Pub. Health Service, 02-07, passed asst. surgeon, 07-09, surgeon, 14 In charge, div. sanit, reports and statist, 09- Ass. Mil. Surg; Pub. Health Ass. (chairman, sect. vital statist, 15-); Am. Med. Ass; Statist. Ass. Sanitation; vital statistics; tuberculosis; ma- laria; spread and geographic distribution of disease. Traum, Dr, J(acob), University of California, Berkeley, Calif. Veterinary science. Galicia, Austria, Nov. 23, 82. D.V.M, Cornell, 05. With bur. animal indust, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 05- 14; assoc. prof. vet. science, California, 14- Vet. Med. Ass. Infectious abortion in eattle; bovine tuberculosis. Trautwine, John C(resson), Jr, 257 S. Fourth St, Philadelphia, Pa. Civil and hydraulic engineer- 692 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE ing. Philadelphia, March 17, 50. Private schools. Mem. Civil Service Exam. Boards, Phila, 93-95; sec’y, Ass. of Eng. Societies, 94- 05; chief, Bur. of Water, Phila, 95-99; ed, ‘Civil Engineer’s Pocket-Book.’ Civil Eng; Am. Water Works Ass; New Eng. Water Works Ass; Franklin Inst; Phila. Eng. Club; British Inst. Civil Eng. : Treadwell, Prof. Aaron L(ouis), Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. *Zoology. Redding, Conn, Dec. 23, 66. B.S, Wesleyan, 88, M.S, 90; Ph.D, Chicago, 99. Asst. nat. hist, Wesleyan, 88-91; prof. biol. and geol, Miami, 91—00; biol, Vassar, 00-14, zool, 14- Mem. staff, Woods Hole, 98- 06, 13; Carnegie Institution at Dry Tortugas, Bermuda, Porto-Rico, Tobago, Fiji and Samoa. A.A; Soe. Nat. (see’y, 12); Soc. Zool. Annelid morphology and embryology; West Indian poly- chaetes. Trelease, Dr. Sam F(arlow), Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, Baltimore, Md. Plant physiology. St. Louis, Mo, July 3, 92. A.B, Washington (St. Louis), 14; Ph.D, Hopkins, 17. Asst. plant physiol, Hopkins, 16-17; asst. prof, Univ. Philippines, 17-19, assoc. prof, 19-20; wmstr, Hopkins, 20— Leeturer, forest sch, Univ. Philip- pines, 19-20; collaborator, Bur. Forestry, P. I, 19-20; ed, ‘Philippine Agriculturist,’ 19-20, mem. ed. board, ‘Philippine Jour. Sci’; ‘Bot. Abstracts,’ 20- A.A; Bot. Soe. Agricultural botany; ecology; mineral requirements of plants; water relations. Trelease, Prof. W(illiam), University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. *Botany. Mount Vernon, N. Y, Feb. 22, 57. B.S, Cornell, 80; Se.D, Harvard, 84; LL.D, Wisconsin, 02; Missouri, 03; Wash- ington (St. Louis), 07. Prof. bot, Wisconsin, 83-85; Washington (St. Louis), 85-13; director, Mo. Bot. Garden, 89-12; prof. bot. and head of dept, Illinois, 13— Special agent on cotton in- sects, U. S. Dept. Agr, 79; lecturer bot, Hopkins, 83-84; in charge summer sch. bot, Harvard, 83- 84; chairman Am. editors, ‘Bot. Centralblatt,’ 00-20. Nat. Acad; A.A. (chairman, G, 00); Soe. Nat. (pres, 03); Bot. Soc. (pres, 95, 18, see’y, 06); Soe. Prom. Agr. Sci; Bot. Cent. States (pres, 05); Philos. Soe; Torrey Bot. Club; Am. Acad; Wis. Acad; Ill. Acad. (pres, 16); Calif. Acad; Iowa Acad; Mass. Hort. Soc; Wis. Hort. Soe. (see’y, 82-85) ; Boston Soe. Nat. Hist; Cambridge Entom. Club (pres, 88); St. Louis Acad. (sec’y, 96-03, pres, 09-12); Phila. Acad; Phila. Col. Pharm; Acad. Int. Geog. Bot. (pres, 96); Soe. Cient. Ant. Alz; Edinburgh Bot. Soe; Soe. d’Aclimat. de France; Soe. bot. de France; Soe. Nat. Sci. Cherbourg; Bot. Gesell; Copenhagen Bot. Soc; Soc. Royale de Bot. de Belg; Soc. Centr. Forest. Belg. Botany and entomology, especially pollination arrange- ments, parasitic fungi and certain groups of flowering plants; Agaveae; Yucceae; Phoraden- dron; Quercus; Piper. Tressler, Dr. Donald K(iteley), Mellon Insti- tute, Pittsburgh, Pa. Chemistry. Cinein- nati, Ohio, Nov. 7, 94. A.B, Michigan, 13; Ph.D, Cornell, 18. Scientist, bur. soils, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 17; instr. chem, Oregon Col, 17-18; asst, Bur. Fisheries, 18-19; indust. fellow, Mel- lon Inst, 20- Fishery industries; soil potash; salting of fish; shark and skate liver oils. Trettien, Prof. Augustus W(illiam), Toledo Uni- versity, Toledo, Ohio. Psychology. Appleton, Wis, Sept, 3, 67. B.L, Wisconsin, 99; Ph.D, Clark, 04. Prof. psychol, State Nor. Sch, Osh- kosh, Wis, 00-07; South Dakota, 07-11; assoc. prof. educ, Kansas, 11-14; prof. psychol. and director, psychol. clinic, Toledo, 15- A.A; Psy- chol. Ass. Education; personal efficiency; in- stincts and habits; speech defects; hysteria; emotional disturbances. Trevor, Prof. J(oseph) E(llis), The Circle, Ithaca, N. Y. *Physics. Lockport, N. Y, Oct. 11, 64. Cornell, 88-90; Ph.D, Leipzig, 92. Asst. prof. gen. and physical chem, Cornell, 92-00, prof, 00-08, thermodynamics, 08- Thermodyna- niies. Trimble, Dr. H(arry) C(lyde), University Place, Grand Forks, N. Dak. Chemistry. Geneva, Iowa, March 7, 89. A.B, Cornell (Iowa), 10; M.S, Chicago, 16, Ph.D, 18. Teacher chem. and physics, high sch, Cherokee, Iowa, 10-12; asst. physies and biol, Bradley Polytech, 12-14; org. chem, Chicago, 15-17; instr, chem, North Da- kota, 17-18, asst. prof, 18- Chem. Soc. Or- ganic chemistry; molecular rearrangements of amins, amids and amidins. Triplett, Prof. Norman, 1225 Merchant St, Em- poria, Kans. Philosophy, Psychology. Perry, Tll, Oct. 1, 61. A.B, Illinois, 89; A.M, Indiana, 98; Ph.D, Clark, 00. Supt. pub. sch, New Berlin, Ill, 89-91; instr. sciences, high sch, Quincy, Ill, 94-97; pedag, Mt. Holyoke, 00-01; prof. psychol. and child study, Kansas State Nor. Sch, 01-06, philos. and psychol, 06- Psy- chol. Ass. Dynamogenie factors in competition ; the psychology of conjuring deceptions; the edu- eability of the perch; rhythm; nursery rhymes; the faults of children; individual psychology; pedagogical arrests and peculiarities. Tripp, Prof. M(yron) O(wen), Orono, Maine. Mathematics. Grand Haven, Mich, March 19, 74. B.S, Valparaiso, 95; A.B, Indiana, 01; Ph.D, Columbia, 09. Instr. math, Col. City of N. Y, 03-12; prof, Muncie Nor. Inst, Ind, 12- 14; Olivet, 14-17; asst. prof, Maine, 17-19, assoc. prof, 19— Math. Soe. Theory of abstract groups. Troland, Dr. L(eonard) T(hompson), Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Psychology, Phys- ics. Norwich, Conn, April 26, 89. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 12; A.M, Harvard, 14, Ph.D, 15, Sheldon traveling fellow, 15-16, fellow, 16-17. Instr. psychol, Harvard, 16-19, faculty instr, 19-; research engineer, Kalmus, Comstock and Westcott, Inc, 18— A.A; Psychol. Ass; Phys- ical Soc; Illum. Eng. Soe; Optical Soc. (mem. exec. committee, 18-20). Physiological and photographie opties; acoustics; enzymes. Troop, Prof. James, Purdue University, La Fay- ette, Ind. Entomology. Bennington, N. Y, March 14, 53. B.S, Mich. Agr. Col, 78, M.S, 82. Prof. hort. and entom, Purdue, 84-12, entom, 12- State entomologist, Ind, 99-07. A.A; Entom. Soc; Ass. Econ. Entom; Pomol. Soc; Ass. Prof. Life history and control of the ecodling moth and other injurious insects; con- trol of the tropical poultry mite by fumigation. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 693 Trotter, Dr. Spencer, ‘Pennyscroft,’ Cheyney, Pa. Zoology. Philadelphia, Pa, Feb. 8, 60. M.D, Pennsylvania, 83. Res. physician, Pa. Hosp, 83- 85; prof. biol, Swarthmore, 88— A.A; mem. Ornith. Union; Phila. Acad; fel. Royal Geog. Soc. Ornithology ; anthropology; history of nature names; Americana. Trowbridge, Prof. A(rthur) C(arleton), Iowa City, Iowa. Geology. Glasgow, Mo, March 4, 85. B.S, Chicago, 07, Ph.D, 11. Asst. geol, Chicago, 07-09, instr, 09-11; prof, Iowa, 11—-___ ‘Field asst, Ill. Geol. Surv, 07, geolo- gist, 10. A.A; Geol. Soc; Iowa Acad. Strati- graphic geology; terrestrial deposits; physio- graphic work in driftless area. Trowbridge, Prof. Augustus, Princeton, N. J. *Physics. New York, N. Y, Jan. 2, 70. Co- lumbia, 90-93; Ph.D, Berlin, 97. Instr. phys- ics, Michigan, 98-00; asst. prof. math. physics, Wisconsin, 00-03; prof, 03-06; physics, Prince- ton, 06— Chairman, div. physical sciences, Nat. Research Council, 20, Nat. Acad; A.A; Phys- ical Soc; Philos. Soe; Wash. Acad. Infra-red radiation; explosive mixtures; internal combus- tion engine. Trowbridge, Prof. D(ic) Hector, Lewis Institute, Chicago, Ill. Chemistry. Centerville, Mich, Nov. 19, 73. B.S, Michigan, 98. Instr. physics and chem, high sch, Adrian, Mich, 98-99; Lewis Inst, 99-07, asst. prof. chem, 07-13, prof. anal. chem, 13- Asst, chem, Michigan, summers, 99, 00. Chem. Soe. Influence of moisture on di- electric strength of oils; influence of tempera- ture and pressure on gases used for heating and lighting; sanitary inspection of water, milk and cream; gases and fuels; deposition of silver on glass and china. Trowbridge, Prof. E(dwin) A, Agricultural Ex- periment Station, Columbia, Mo. Animal hus- bandry. Mondovi, Wis, April 27, 85. B.S.A, Wisconsin, 06. Asst. animal husbandry, Mis- souri, 06-07, instr, 07-10, asst. prof, 10-, chair- man, dept. animal husbandry, Exp. Sta, 09- A.A; Soc. Animal Production. Horse feeding; live stock breeding. Trowbridge, Prof. John, Cambridge, Mass. *Physics. Boston, Mass, Aug. 5, 43. B.S, Har- vard, 66, Se.D, 73. Instr. physics, Lawrence Sci. Sch, Harvard, 67-69; Mass. Inst. Tech, 69- 71; asst. prof, Harvard, 71-81, prof, 81-13, emer. prof, 13- Mem. Int. Commission on Elec- trical Units; assoc. ed, ‘Am. Jour. Science.’ Nat. Acad; Philos. Soc; Am. Acad. (pres, 08). Electricity; light; spectra of gases at high tem- peratures. Trowbridge, Prof. P(erry) F(ox), Agricultural College, N. Dak. Chemistry. Three Rivers, Mich, April 25, 66. B.Pd, Mich. Nor. Col, 92, M.Pd, 08; Ph.B, Michigan, 92, A.M, 05; Ph.D, Illinois, 06. Instr. pedag, Mich. Nor. Col, 92-93; asst. chem, Michigan, 93-95, instr, 95-02; asst. nutrition and instr. chem, Llinois, 05-07, asst. prof. chem, 07; agr. chem. and assoc. chemist, Exp. Sta, Missouri, 07-08, prof. and chemist, 08-18; director, N. Dak. Exp. Sta, 18— Prof. math, Kalamazoo, 94. A.A; Chem. Soe; Agr. Chem. (pres, 18); Soc. Agron; Soe. Anima] Production. Chemistry of nutrition. Troxell, Dr. Edward L(effingwell), Yale Univer- sity, New Haven, Conn. Vertebrate paleontol- ogy. Deshler, Nebr, April 15, 84. A.B, North- western, 08, A.M, 11; Ph.D, Yale, 14; Sorbonne, Paris, 19. Asst. geol, Amherst, 13-14; asst. curator, museum, Michigan, 14-17; assoc, pa- leont, Yale, 19-, asst. prof. geol, Trinity (Conn) 20- Private collecting expeditions. Paleont. Soc. Paleontology; museum methods. Troy, Prof. Hugh C(harles), Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Dairy husbandry. Spencer, N. Y, B.S.A, Cornell, 96, Chemist, Cayudutta Chem. Co, 96-97; asst. dairying, Cornell, 97-12; prof. 12— Chemist, N. Y. State Dept. Agr, 97-12, con- sulting chemist, 12- Chem. Soc; Ass. Dairy In- structors; N. Y. Dairymen’s Ass, Testing of dairy products; analysis of food products. True, Dr. A(lfred) C(harles), U. §, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Agriculture. Middletown, Conn, June 4, 53. A.B, Wesleyan, 73, A.M, 76, hon, Se.D, 06; Harvard, 82-84; hon. Ph.D, Erskine, 86. Principal, high sch, Essex, N. Y, 73-75; instr, State Nor. Sch, West- field, Mass, 75-82; Wesleyan, 84-88: ed, office of exp. stations, U. S. Dept. Agr, 88-91, asst. director, 91-93, director, 93-15, states relations service, 15- Dean, Grad, Sch. Agr, 02-16; ed, ‘Exp. Sta. Record.’ A.A; Soc. Prom. Agr. Sci; Ass. Agr. Col. (pres, 14); Wash. Philos. Soe. Agricultural education and the organization and management of institutions for agricultural re- search. True, Prof. Gordon H(aines), University Farm, Davis, Calif. Agriculture. Baraboo. Wis, 68. B.S, Wisconsin. Instr, dairy husbandry, Mich. Agr. Col, 94-99; prof. animal husbandry, Ari- zona, 99-03 ; agr. and animal husbandry, Nevada, 03-13, director, Exp. Sta, 12-13; prof. animal husbandry, California, 13- Agent and expert, irrig, U. S. Dept. Agr; mem. state board of agr, Nev, 00-13; state quarantine officer, Nev, 12-13, A.A; Ass. Prof. Animal husbandry; arid farm- ing in Nevada; relation of irrigation to chem- ical composition of grain. True, Dr. Rodney H(oward), University of Penn- sylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. *Plant physiology. Baraboo, Wis, Oct. 14, 66. B.S, Wisconsin, 90, M.S, 92; Ph.D, Leipzig, 95. Instr. pharmaeog, Wisconsin, 96-97, asst. prof, 97-00; lecturer bot, Harvard, 01-02; physiologist in charge physio- logical investigations, bur, plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 02-20; prof. bot. and director, bot. garden, Pennsylvania, 20- Mem. revision com- mittee, ninth edition, ‘U. S. Pharmacopoeia.’ A.A. (v. pres, G, 20); Bot. Soe; Agr. Hist. Soe. (pres, 19); D. C. Fed. Employees Union Number Two (pres, scientifie-tech. sect, 19). Electrolytic dissociation and physiological action in solutions ; growth rate; turgor and temperature change; tea and tobacco fermentations; toxie action of solutions, simple and mixed; physiological find- ings of mineral plant nutrients; utilization of marls. Trueblood, Dr. H(oward) M(offitt), American Telephone and Telegraph Co, 195 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Thermodynamics. Richmond, Ind, April 16, 84. B.S, Earlham, 02; Haver- ford, 03; Mass. Inst. Tech, 08-09; fellow, Har- vard, 12-13, Ph.D, 13. Aid and asst, U. S. Coast 694 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE and Geod. Surv, 03-08; asst. physics, Harvard, 12-14; instr. and asst. prof. elee. eng, Pennsyl- vania, 14-17. A.A; Physical Soc; Elec. Eng; Soc. de Physique. Joule-Thomson effect in superheated steam. Truman, O(rley) H(osmer), Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Ariz. Astronomy. Iowa Falls, Iowa, July 9, 88. A.B, Iowa, 11, M.S, 12. Instr, Graceland, 12-13; math. and astron, Iowa, 13- 19; astronomer, Lowell Observatory, 19- Mem. Lowell eclipse exped, 18. Astron. Soc; Pacific Astron. Soc. Spectroscopy of the spiral nebulae. Trumbull, Prof. Harlan L(eo), Hudson, Ohio. Physical chemistry. Adair, lowa. A.B, Wash- ington (Seattle), 07, A.M, 08; Ph.D, Chicago, 11. Instr. chem, Washington (Seattle), 11-16, asst. prof, 16-18; fellow, Mellon Inst, and Capt, C.W.S, 18-19; research chemist, B. F. Goodrich Co, 19— A.A; Chem. Soe. Molecular weights; ionization of solutions by light. Trumpler, Dr. Robert (Julius), Lick Observatory, Mt. Hamilton, Calif. Astronomy. Ziirich, Switzerland, Oct. 2, 86. Ziirich, 06-08; Ph.D, Gottingen, 10. Astronomer, Swiss Geod. Com- mission, 11-15; asst, Allegheny Observatory, 15-19; Kellogg fellow, Lick Observatory, 19- Astron. Soc; Pacific Astron. Soc; Astron. Gesell. Telegraphic longitude determinations; positions, proper motions and parallaxes of fixed stars; stellar clusters. Truog, Prof. E(mil), University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Agriculture. Independence, Wis, March 6, 84. B.S, Wisconsin, 09, M.S, 12. Assoc. prof. soils, Wisconsin, 09- Chem. Soe. Availability of phosphates; soil acidity; feed- ing power of plants. Tucker, Dr. Beverley Randolph, 212 W. Franklin St, Richmond, Va. Medicine. Richmond, Va, April 26, 74. M.D, Med. Col. of Va, 05. Prof. neur, and psychiat, Med. Col. of Va, 138-; physi- cian in charge, Tucker Sanitarium. Mem. Int. Pellagra Commission, 08-11. Neur. Ass; Thera- peut. Soc; Am. Med. Ass. Pellagra; pituitary gland disturbance; brain tumors; lethargic en- cephalitis. Tucker, E(lbert) S(tephen), U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Entomology. Claridon, Ohio, Aug. 16, 67. Garfield, 89. Asst. entom, Kansas, 91-98, museum asst. systematic entom, 02-06; asst. in charge, green bug lab, Tex. Exp. Sta, 07; special agent, bur. entom, U. 8S. Dept. Agr, 08-11; assoe. entomologist, La. Exp. Sta, and acting state entomologist, La, 12— 17; cotton entomologist, U. 8S. Dept. Agr, 17- Collaborator, agent, and field asst, U. S. Dept. Agr, 13-17. Kans. Acad; Ass. Econ. Entom. Economic and systematic entomology. Tucker, Prof. R(ichard) H(awley), Lick Observa- tory, Mt. Hamilton, Calif. *Astronomy. Wis- easset, Maine, Oct. 29, 59. C.E, Lehigh, 79. Asst, Dudley Observatory, 79-83; instr. math. and astron, Lehigh, 83-84; asst, Argentine Nat. Observatory, Colorado, 84-93; astronomer, Lick Observatory, 93-08; director, Southern Observa- tory, Carnegie Institution, Argentina, 08-11; _ astronomer, Lick Observatory, 11- A.A; As- tron. Soc; Philos. Soc; Pacifie Astron. Soc; Soe. Astron. de Mex; Astron. Gesell. Meridian circle work; Cordoba Durchmusterung; meridian circle observations. Tucker, Samuel A(uchmuty), 155 E. 61st St, New York, N. Y. Chemistry. New York, April 29, 69. Ph.B, Columbia, 95. Asst. physies, Col. Physicians and Surg, Columbia, 95-97, head demonstrator physics and chem, 97-98, tutor indust. chem, Columbia, 98-05, adj. prof. and later prof. electrochem, 05-19; chief chemist, Chem. Foundation, Inc, 19— Consulting chem- ist, O.D, U.S.A; chem. adviser, W.I.B; major, C.W.S. Chem. Soe. (v. chairman, N. Y. sect, 10); Soc. Chem. Indust; Electrochem. Soc; fel. London Chem. Soe. Electrochemistry; electric furnace; varnish; storage battery; carbids; ni- trogen fixation. Tucker, Prof. W(illiam) M(otier), 505 Ballantine Road, Bloomington, Ind. Geology. Holton, Ind, Nov. 18, 77. A.B, Indiana, 08, A.M, 09, Ph.D, 16. Asst. geog, Ind. State Nor. Sch, 02-03, instr, 07; teaching fellow, Indiana, 08-10; asst. geologist, Ind. Geol. Surv, 09-12, 15-17; head, geog. dept, State Nor. Sch, Moorhead, Minn, 13-15; adj. prof. geol, Texas, 17; asst. prof, Ohio State, 17-20; Indiana, 20- Asst. geolo- gist, Ohio Geol. Surv, 18-20; mem. Gimble exped. to British Guiana, 10. A.A; Ind. Acad; Ohio Acad. Hydrology of Indiana; pyrite de- posits in Ohio coals. Tucker, Dr. Willis G(aylord), 80 Howard St, Al- bany, N. Y. Chemistry. Albany, Oct. 31, 49. M.D, Albany Med. Col, 70; hon. Ph.G, Albany Col. Pharmacy, 82; Ph.D, Union, 82. Prof. chem, Albany Med. Col, 76-01, chem. ‘and toxi- col, 01-15, registrar, 82-14, dean of faculty, 14- 15; prof. chem, Albany Col. of Pharmacy, 81- 18, dean of faculty, 83-18. Analyst, N. Y. State Dept. Health, 81-91, director, bur. chem, 91-07; mem. governing board, Union Univ, 72- A.A; Chem. Soe. Food and drug adulteration; water analysis; toxicology. Tuckerman, Dr. Alfred, 58 K St, Newport, R. I. *Chemistry, Bibliography. New York, N. Y, Jan, 15, 48. A.B, Harvard, 70; Ph.D, Leipzig, 74. Asst, Astor Library, 76-80. A.A; Chem. Soe; Library Ass; N. Y. Acad. Index to the literature of the spectroscope and of thermo- dynamics. Tuckerman, Dr. Frederick, Amherst, Mass. Anat- omy. Greenfield, Mass, May 7, 57. B.S, Mass. Col. and Boston, 78; M.D, Harvard, 82; London and Berlin, 82-83; fellow, Clark, 89-90; Berlin, London and Heidelberg, 92-94; A.M. and Ph.D, Heidelberg, 94. Leeturer anat. and physiol, Mass. Col, 83-86. A.A; Soc. Nat; Ass. Anat; Forestry Ass; cor. mem. Appalachian Mt. Club; Boston Soe. Nat. Hist; Anat. Gesell. Anatomy, morphology and embryology of the gustatory or- ~ gans in Vertebrata, chiefly in Mammalia. Tuckerman, Prof. L(ouis) B(ryant), U. S. Bu- reau of Standards, Washington, D. O. Phys- ics. West Williamsfield, Ohio, Sept. 26, 79. A.B, Western Reserve, 01; Nebraska, 01-02. Asst. physics, Ohio State, 02-04; Berlin, 04-06; instr, Nebraska, 06-07, adj. prof, 07-08, asst. prof, 08-13, assoc. prof, 13-16, prof, 16-19; with Bur. Standards, 19- A.A; Physical Soc; Optical Soe; Wash. Acad; Wash. Philos. Soc; AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 695 Physik. Gesell. Spectrophotometry; double re- fraction. Tufts, Prof. James H(ayden), University of Chi- cago, Chicago, Ill. Philosophy. Monson, Mass, July 9, 62. A.B, Amherst, 84, LL.D, 04; B.D, Yale, 89; Berlin and Freiburg, 91-92; Ph.D, Freiburg, 92. Instr. math, Amherst, 85-87; philos, Michigan, 89-91; asst. prof, Chicago, 92-94, assoc. prof, 94-00, dean, senior colleges, 99-04, prof. philos, 00-, head, dept. philos, 05- A.A; Psychol. Ass; Philos. Ass. (pres, 14); West. Philos. Ass. (pres, 05, 14). Development of individuality and its influence upon philos- ophy; morality; industrial relations. Tufts, Prof. Warren P(orter), University Farm, Davis, Calif. Pomology. Cedarville, Ohio, Jan. * 8,90. B.S, California, 12; M.S, Oregon Col, 14. Instr. pomol, Oregon Col, 14-15; California, 15-— 17, asst. prof, 17—- A.A; Soc. Hort. Sei. Pol- lination and pruning of deciduous fruits. Tugman, Prof. Orin, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Physics. Rockville, Ind, May 26, 80. A.B, Indiana, 03, A.M, 06; Ph.D, Cor- nell, 09. Asst, physics, Indiana, 03; Purdue, 03-06; Cornell, 06-08, instr, 08-09; asst. physi- cist, Bur. Standards, 09-11; engineer, Western Elec. Co, 11-13; assoc. physicist, Eastman Kodak Co, 13-15; assoc. prof. physics, Utah, 15-19, prof, 19—- A.A; Physical Soc; fel. Utah Acad. (pres, 19). Spectroscopy; electrical os- cillations; photographie plates; metallic films; photographie reversal. Tulloss, Rev. Rees E(dgar), 372 E. Madison Ave, ; Springfield, Ohio. Psychology. Leipsie, Ohio, July 26, 81. A.B, Wittenberg, 06, B.D, 09; Ph.D, Harvard, 18. Pres, Wittenberg. A.A. Learning process in telegraphy and typewriting; radio operating. Tunnicliff, Dr. Ruth, 637 S. Wood St, Chicago, Til. Bacteriology. Macomb, Ill, May 1, 76. A.B, Vassar, 96; M.D, Rush Med. Col, 03. In- term, hosp, McCormick Inst. for Infectious Dis- eases, 03-04, research worker, 03— Contraet surgeon, U.S.A, 18. Ass. Path. and Bact; Am. Med. Ass; Ass, Tuber. Immunity; anaerobic bacteria; phagocytosis; measles; influenza. Tupper, Dr. Walter W(esselhoeft), Ann Arbor, Mich. Botany. Newtonville, Mass, April 22, 88. A.B, Harvard, 10, A.M, 12, Se.D, 18. Austin teaching fellow bot, Harvard, 10-12, asst, Harvard and Radcliffe, 12-13; instr, Michigan, 13-20, asst. prof, 20— With Bur. Aireraft Pro- duction and Red Cross, 18-19. A.A; Bot. Soc; New Eng. Bot. Club; Mich. Acad. Morphology and anatomy of woody plants; cell size; vaseu- lar tissue. Turley, Prof. Louis Alvin, 763 Asp Ave, Nor- man, Okla. Medicine. Utah, Feb. 6, 79. B.S, Idaho, 03; A.M, Harvard, 06, Ph.D, 16. Prof. path. and asst. dean, sch. med, Oklahoma, 08- Pathology; histology; bacteriology; carcinoma; myxadenoma of the intestines; chronic nephri- tis; bacteriology and pathology of tonsils. Turlington, Dr. J(ohn) E(dwin), University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. Agronomy. Clinton, N. C, June 1, 84. B.Agr, N. C. Col, 07; MS, Cornell, 11, Ph.D, 12. Adj. prof. agron, Georgia, 12-13; supt, Craven Co. Farm Life Sch, N. C, 13-16; prof. agron, Florida, 16- Teacher, summer sch, North Carolina, 13. Soe. Agron. Soils; fertilizers; farm management. Turneaure, Prof, F(rederick) E(ugene), Univer- sity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Civil engineer- ing. Freeport, Ill, July 30, 66. C.E, Cornell, 89; hon. D.Eng, Illinois, 05. Instr. civil eng, Washington (St. Louis), 90-92; prof. bridge and hydraulic eng, Wisconsin, 92-03, eng. and dean, col. of mech. and eng, 038- A.A; Civil Eng; Eng. Educ. (pres, 09); Soc. Test. Mat; West. Soe, Eng; Wis. Eng. Soc. (pres, 09). Reinforced concrete; stresses in bridges under moving train loads. Turner, Prof. B(enjamin) B(ernard), 1017 Park Ave, Indianapolis, Ind. Pharmacology. Hong- kong, Feb. 6, 71. Cent. Tech. Col, London, 88- 92; B.S, London, 94; Ph.D, Géttingen, 99; Strasbourg, 04; Hopkins, 07-08. Leeturer chem, Borough Polytech. Inst, London, England, 92- 97; asst. chem, Cornell, 00-01, 02-03; prof, Conn. Col, 03-06; Carnegie research asst. chem. and pharmacol, Hopkins, 08-15; assoc. prof. pharmacol, Indiana, 15-17, prof, 17— Acting asst. prof. chem, Missouri, 01-02. Chem. Soc; fel. London Chem. Soe. Chemistry; dielectric constants; vividiffusion; plasmaphaeresis. Turner, Dr. C(harles) H(enry), 4540 Garfield Ave, St. Louis, Mo. Biology. Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 3, 67. B.S, Cincinnati, 91, M.S, 92; Ph.D, Chicago, 07. Asst. biol, Cincinnati, 90-92; prof. biol. and head, dept. science and agr, Clark (Ga), 92-05; principal, pub. sch, Cleveland, Tenn, 05-06; instr. biol. and chem, Haines Nor. Sch, Augusta, Ga, 07-08; biol, Summer High Sch, St. Louis, 08— Int. Cong. Zool, Boston, 07 (see’y, animal behavior sect). A.A; Entom. Soc; Ecol. Soc; Ill. Acad; St. Louis Acad. (see’y entom. sect, 13-, mem. council, 19-). Invertebrate neurology; entomology; animal be- havior; taxonomy of American Entomostraca. Turner, C(hester) F(rancis), Box 95, West La- fayette, Ind. Entomology. Rock Creek, Kans, May 12,90. B.S, Kansas State, 12. Field asst, Kans. Entom. Commission, 12-13; scientific asst, bur. entom, U. S. Dept. Agr, 14- A.A; Entom. Soc; Ass. Econ. Entom. Embryology of Chelonus texanus. Turner, Prof, C(lair) E(lsmere), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Biology. Harmony, Maine, April 28, 90. A.B, Bates, 12; A.M, Harvard, 13; Mass. Inst. Tech, 14-15. Acting head, dept. biol, Bates, 13-14; asst. research, Mass. Inst. Tech, 14-15; instr. biol. and assoc. research, 15-19, asst. prof, 19-; hygiene, med. and dental schools, Tufts, 19- Instr, Sch. for Health Officers, 15-; editorial asst, ‘Am. Jour. Publie Health,’ 14-15. A.A; Soe. Bact; Micros. Soc; Pub. Health Ass; Bos- ton Soc. Bact. Sanitation; natural purification of streams; dental and general hygiene. Turner, Prof. C(larence) L(ester), Beloit, Wis. Zoology. Delaware, Ohio, 90. A.B, Ohio Wes- leyan, 12, A.M, 14; Ph.D, Wisconsin, 18. Instr. zool, Kansas, 14-15; asst. biol, Wisconsin, 15- 16; instr, asst. prof. and later prof, Marquette, 16-17; zool, Wooster, 17; Beloit. A.A; Ass. Anat: Eeol. Soe; Fisheries Soe; Ohio Acad. Ecology; embryology; anatomy and embryology 696 of vertebrates; insect ecology; physiology and habits of fishes. Turner, C(laude) A(llen) P(orter), Minneapolis, Minn. Civil engineering. Lincoln, R. I, 69. O.E, Lehigh, 90. Asst. engineer, Columbus Bridge Co, 92; Pottsville Iron and Steel Co, 96; Gillette Herzog Co, 97-00; engineer, Am. Bridge Co, 01; consulting engineer, 01- Civil Eng; Eng. Educ; Soc. Test. Mat. Stresses; skew details; reinforced concrete; theory of flat slabs. Turner, Prof. H(enry) W(ard), Mills Building, San Francisco, Calif. *Geology. Silver Lake, Pa, Aug. 22, 57. Cornell, 74-76, 81; Leipzig, 79-80; B.S, George Washington, 95. Asst. en- tom, Cornell, 80; U. S. Dept. Agr, 82; asst. geol- ogist, U. S. Geol. Surv, 83-95, geologist in charge of party, 95-01; consulting econ. geolo- gist and mining engineer, 01-04, 08-09; mana- ger, Marfa and Mariposa quicksilver mine, 04— 05; consulting engineer, Ladd Metals Co, 06-07; geologist, Kyshtim Mining Works, Russia, 11; Russian Mining Corp, 14; v. pres, Oroville Dredging, Ltd, 16- Geol. Soe; Min. Eng; Min. and Metal. Soc; Inst. Min. and Metal. Gt. Brit- ain; cor. mem, Madrid Nat. Hist. Soe. Geol- ogy, especially petrography and ore deposits; nomenclature of igneous rocks; geological map- ping and structure studies. Turner, Dr. W(illiam) A(bbey), St. Lawrence University, Canton, N. Y. Chemistry. Housa- tonic, Mass, May 13, 87. Ph.B, Yale, 10, A.M, | 14, Ph.D, 16. Asst. chem, Mass. Col, 10-12; Yale, 12-16; instr, Pennsylvania, 16-17; asst. prof, Wesleyan, 19-20; St. Lawrence, 20— Lieut, Sanit. C, 17-19. A.A; Chem. Soc. Sulphates; vanadium. Turner, Prof. W(illiam) D(eGarmo), Rolla, Mo. Chemistry. Sioux City, Iowa, Sept. 25, 89. B.S, Chicago, 09, Ph.D, 17. Commercial chemist, 09- 15; assoc. chem, Chicago, 15-17; asst. prof, Mo. Sch. Mines, 17-19, prof. and head of dept, 19- Chem. Soc; Electrochem. Soc. Diffusion of gases; atomic weight of chlorin; potash from oak ashes; xylene isomers. Turrentine, Dr. J(ohn) W(illiam), Santa Barbara, Calif. Chemistry. Burlington, N. C, July 5, 80. Ph.B, North Carolina, 01, M.S, 02; Ph.D, Cornell, 08. Instr. chem, Lafayette, 02-05; asst, Cornell, 05-06, electrochem, 06-08; instr. physi- cal chem, Wesleyan, 08-11; chemist, bur. soils, U. S. Dept. Agr, 11-17, in charge, exp. kelp potash plant, 17- A.A; Chem. Soc; Wash. Acad. Chemistry of rare earths; electrochem- istry; corrosion of metals; chemistry of hydra- zine; reduction of hydronitric acid; salines and potash resources of the United States; fish ferti- lizer industries; city wastes; kelp as a source of potash, blacking carbon, iodin and ammonia; by-product ammonia. Tuttle, Prof. Albert H(enry), University of Vir- ginia, Charlottesville, Va. Cytology. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, Nov. 19, 44. B.S, Pa. State, 68, M.S, 72; Harvard, 70-72; Hopkins, 82-83. Teacher nat. sciences, State Nor. Sch, Platte- ville, Wis, 68-70; instr. micros, Harvard, 70-72; prof. zool. and geol, Pa. State, 72-73; zool. and comp. anat, Ohio State, 74-88; biol, Virginia, 88-13, retired, 13. Asst. commissioner from AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Ohio (educ) to Vienna Expos, 73; New Orleans Expos, 84. A.A. (gen. see’y, 76, v. pres, 82) ; fel. Royal Micros. Soc. Microzoology; histol- ogy; the cytology of the green Algae. Tuttle, E(Ibert) B(arrett), Bell Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Physics. Niles, Mich, April 17, 74. B.S.(E.E), Iowa State, 99, E.E, 09; fellow, Cornell, 05-06. Instr. physics, Iowa State, 00-05; elec. engineer, Cent. District and Printing Telegraph Co, 06-10; asst. engi- neer, Bell Telephone Co. of Pa, 10- Assoc. Radio Eng; mem. Elec. Eng. Sound and sound transmission; hysteresis in iron; speech trans- mission. Tuttle, Prof. Franklin E(liott), 125 E. Maxwell St, Lexington, Ky. Chemistry. Hadley, Mass, June 17, 64. A.B, Amherst, 89; Ph.D, Géttin- gen, 93. Instr. chem. and miner, Pa. State, 89-93, asst. prof. chem, 93-04, prof. quant. anal, 04-06; chem, Kentucky, 06- Mem. U. S. Assay Commission, 16. A.A; Chem. Soc; Soe. Chem. Indust; Chem. Gesell; Soc. de Chim. indust. Analytical chemistry; terpenes; erystallography. Tuttle, Dr. George T(homas), McLean Hospital, Waverley, Mass. Psychiatry. Northwood, N. H, March 18, 50. A.B, Dartmouth, 72; M.D, Harvard, 78. Asst. physician, McLean Hosp, 79-03; med. supt, 04-19. Clin. instr. psychiat, Harvard, 05-12. Medico-Psychol. Ass; Boston Soe. Psychiat. and Neur. Kidney diseases and insanity; hallucinations; hydrotherapeutics; the male nurse. Tuttle, John B(etley), 68 Bank St, New York, N. Y. Chemistry. Philadelphia, Pa, May 25, 82. B.S, Pennsylvania, 08. Lab. asst, Bur. Standards, 08-10, asst. chemist, 10-15, assoc. chemist, 15-18; research chemist, Firestone Tire and Rubber Co, 18-19, chief chemist, plant 2, 19-20; consulting chemist, 20- Chem. Soe. (see’y, rubber sect, 16, 17, chairman, 18); N. Y. Chemists Club. Printing inks; oils and var- inshes; gumarabic; pigments; rubber. Tuttle, Dr. J(ohn) R(oss), General Chemical Co, 25 Broad St, New York, N. Y. Chemistry. Tweed, Can, 92. M.A, Queen’s (Can), 12, 1851 Exhibition fellow, 13-15; fellow, Colum- bia, 15-16, Ph.D, 16. Research chemist, Gen. Chem. Co, 16— Chem. Soe. Tweedy, Frank, U. S. Geological Survey, Wash- ington, D. C. Topography. New York, N. Y, June 12, 54. C.E, Union, 75. Engineer, N. Y. State Adirondack Surv, 75-79; sanit. engineer under late George E. Waring, Jr, Newport, R. I, §0-81; asst. topographer, North. Transcont. Surv, 82-83; topographer, U. S. Geol. Surv, 84- 15, topographic engineer, 15- Flora of the Yellowstone Park. Twenhofel, Prof. W(illiam) H(enry), University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Geology. Coving- ton, Ky, April 16, 75. A.B, Yale, 08, A.M, 10, Ph.D, 12. Prof. nat. science, East Tex. Nor. Col, 04-07; asst. prof. geol, Kansas, 10-13, assoc. prof, 13-16; Wisconsin, 16- Shaler Mem. exped. to Baltic, 14; state geologist, Kans, 15- 16; guide, excursion A 1, Int. Geol. Cong, To- ronto, 13. A.A; Paleont. Soc; Geol. Soe; Kans. Aead; Wis. Acad. Sedimentation; invertebrate paleontology; stratigraphy of Silurian and Co- AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 697 manchean of Kansas; geology of Anticosti Island. Twiss, Prof. Edith Minot, Vassar College, Pough- keepsie, N. Y. Botany. Columbus, Ohio, 73. A.B, Ohio State, 95; M.S, Chicago, 07, fellow, 08-09, Ph.D, 09. Teacher, various high schools, 95-10; asst. prof. bot, Washburn, 10-12, prof. bacter, 12-13, bot, 13-20; asst. prof, Vassar, 20- A.A; Bot. Soc; Pub. Health Ass; Kans. Acad. Bacteriology of foods. Twiss, Prof. W(ilfred) C(harles), University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Botany. San Jose, Calif, July 9, 68. A.B, Southern California, 95; A.M, California, 10; Ph.D, Columbia, 19. Instr. bot, Utah, 11-12, asst. prof, 12-15, assoe. prof, 15-19, prof. and head of dept, 19—- A.A; Tor- rey Bot. Club; Am. Geog. Soc. Cytology; Ery- throphyllum delesserioides; plastids and mito- chondria. Twitchell, Dr. E(rmst), Wyoming, Ohio. Chem- istry. Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 26, 63. B.S, Cin- cinnati, 86, hon. Se.D, 15. Chemist and factory manager and later chem. director, The Emery Candle Co, 87—; pres, The Am. Oil Treating and Hardening Co; chairman, board of directors, The Twitchell Process Co. Assoc. ed, ‘Jour. Indust. and Eng. Chem,’ 08-; Perkins medal, 19. A.A; Chem. Soc; Soc. Chem. Indust. Chemistry of the fats and fatty acids. Twitchell, Prof. Mayville W(illiam), Department of Conservation and Development, Trenton, N. J. Geology. Washington, D. C, Oet. 14, 68. B.S, George Washington, 99, M.S, 00; Ph.D, Hopkins, 05. Prof. geol, South Carolina, 05-12; state geologist, S. C, 11-12; asst. state geologist, N. J, 12— Fel. Geol. Soe; fel. Paleont. Soe. Cenozoic Echinoidea; the Mesozoie and Cenozoic Echinodermata of the United States; Tertiary deposits of the Atlantic Coastal Plain; mineral resources of South Carolina and New Jersey; underground waters of New Jersey. Twitmyer, Dr. Edwin B(urket), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Psychology. McElhattan, Pa, Sept. 14, 73. Ph.B, Lafayette, 96, M.S, 99; Ph.D, Pennsylvania, 02. Instr. psychol, Pennsylvania, 97-07, asst. prof, 07-14, prof. and asst. director, psychol. lab. and clinic, 14- A.A; Psychol. Ass. The patellar tendon reflex; control of fine measuring instruments; diagnosis and methods of correction of speech defects. Tyler, Prof. A(nsel) A(ugustus), James Millikin University, Decatur, Ill. Biology. East Bridge- water, Pa, March 7, 69. A.B, Lafayette, 92, A.M, 95; Ph.D, Columbia, 97. Instr. biol, Union, 97-98; bot. Syracuse, 98-99; assoc. prof. biol, Arizona, 99-00; prof. science, Bellevue, 00-05, biol, 05-16, dean, 11-15; prof. biol, James Millikin, 16- A.A; Nebr. Acad. (pres, 08); Omaha Fontenelle Forest Ass. (see’y, 10- 16). Nature and origin of stipules. Tyler, Prof. H(arry) W(alter), Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. *Math- ematics. Ipswich, Mass, April 16, 63. B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 84; Géttingen, 87-88; Ph.D, Erlangen, 89. Asst. math, Mass. Inst. Tech, 84-86, instr, 86-90, asst. prof, 90-92, assoc. prof, 92-93, prof, 93-, head of dept, 02-; sec y faculty, 89-90, 91-06. A.A; Math. Soe; Ass. Prof. (sec’y, 16-); Am. Acad, (librarian, 12- 14, cor. sec’y, 14-); Math. Soc; Math. Ass; Math. Verein. Determinants. Tyler, Prof, Hazen G(reeley), 520 Nostrand Ave, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mechanical engineering. Brooklyn, N. Y, March 21, 90. E.E, Brooklyn Polytech, 11, M.S, 12, M.E, 13; Se.D, N. Y. Univ, 16. Instr. mech. eng, Brooklyn Polytech, 11-16; Rensselaer, 16-17; engineer, West. Elec. Co, 17-; asst. prof. mech. eng, N. Y. Univ, 17- Engineer, N. Y. Edison Co, 12-13. Mech. Eng; Elee. Eng; Eng. Edue. Thermodynamics; steam engineering; refrigeration. Tyler, Prof. John M(ason), Amherst, Mass. Biology. Amherst, May 18, 51. Amherst, 69- 73; Gottingen, 76-78; Leipzig, 78-79; hon. Ph.D, Colgate. Teacher, Phillips Acad, 73-74; prof. biol, Amherst, 79-18, emer. prof, 18— Soe. Nat; Soe. Zoo]. Child growth. Tyler, Prof. R(ichard) G(rimes), University of Texas, Austin, Tex. Engineering. Georgetown, Tex, Oct. 16, 85. C.E, Texas, 08; B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech. Asst. engineer, State Reclama- tion Dept, Tex, 12-13; asst. city engineer, Aus- tin, Tex, 13-14; city engineer, Paris, Tex, 15- 16; adj. prof. highway and sanit. eng, Teras, 17-19, assoc. prof, 20— Research assoc. eng, bur. econ. geol. and technol, Texas, 17— Assoe. Civil Eng; Austin Eng. Club (pres, 19). High-" way and sanitary engineering; water purifica- tion; sewage disposal; road materials. Tyrode, Dr. Maurice Vejux, 416 Marlboro St, Boston, Mass. Pharmacology. Besancon, France, Nov. 6, 78. M.D, Harvard, 00; Dalton research fellow, Mass. Gen. Hosp, Boston, 00- 01. Asst. pharmacol, Harvard Med. Sch, 00- 01, instr, 01-08, faculty instr, 08— Formerly re- viewer pharmacol, and toxicol, ‘Boston Med. and Surg. Jour.’ A.A; Am. Med. Ass; Soc. Pharma- col; Boston Med. Library Ass; Boston Soc. Med. Sci. Pharmacology and therapeutics; functions of isolated kidney; action of strophanthus, zygadenus, dog-wood, mercurial proteid com- pound, camphorie acid, thiosinamin; the action of the saline purgatives; the action of salts and the ions of Ca and Mg. Tyrrell, J(oseph) B(urr), 14 Walmer Road, To- ronto, Can. Geology. Weston, Ont, Nov. 1, 58. Upper Canada, 73-76; B.A, Toronto, 80, M.A, 89; B.S, Victoria (Ont), 89. Geologist, Can. Geol. Surv, 81-99; consulting mining engineer, 99- Back premium, Royal Geog. Soe; Murchi- son medal, London Geol. Soe. A.A; Geol. Soe; Min. Eng; Min. and Metal. Soc; hon. mem. Explorers Club; hon, mem. Minn. Hist. Soe; fel. Royal Soc. Can; British Inst. Min. and Metal. (councilor). Mining geology; geography and geology of northern and western Canada; history of northwestern America. Tyzzer, Prof. E(mest) B(dward), 41 Fairmont Ave, Wakefield, Mass. *Pathology. Wakefield, Aug. 30, 75. Ph.B, Brown, 97, A.M, 98; M.D, Harvard, 02, Bullard fellow, 02-03. Asst. path, Harvard, 03-05, supt. cancer research, 05-16, asst. prof. path, 08-16, George Fabyan prof. comp. path, 16- A.A; Ass. Path, and Bact; Soc. Exp. Path; Ass. Cancer Research (mem. ed. committee); Soc. Exp. Biol; Am, Med. Ass; Am. Acad; Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Protozoa in 698 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE fishes; Coccidium oviforme in the rabbit’s liver; leucocytes of the rabbit; etiology of variola and vaccinia; histology of skin lesions in varicella; pathology of the brown-tail moth dermatitis; inoculable and spontaneous tumors and heredity ia mice; a fatal disease of the Japanese waltzing mouse due to B. piliformis; differentiation of Leishmania and Leptomonads of insects; a Monostomum of the European sparrow; black- head in turkeys. U Udden, Prof. J(ohan) A(ugust), University of Texas, Austin, Tex. Geology. Lekasa, Sweden, March 19, 59. A.B, Augustana, 81, A.M, 89, hon. Ph.D, 00; Minnesota, 86. Instr. nat. sci- ence and civics, Bethany (Kans), 81-88; prof. nat. hist. and geol, Augustana, 88-11; geologist, bur. econ, geol. and tech, Texas, 11-14, director, 14— Special asst, Iowa Geol. Surv, 97-02; asst. geologist, Univ. of Tex. Mineral Surv, 03-04; geologist, Ill. Geol. Surv, 06-11; special agent, U. S. Geol. Surv, 08-14. Knighted by King of Sweden, 11. A.A; fel. Geol. Soc; Min. Eng; cor. mem, Iowa Acad. Stratigraphic and areal geology; work of the atmosphere; clastic sedi- ments; erratics of till in the upper Mississippi Valley. Uglow, Dr. W(illiam) L(awrence), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B. C, Can. Geol- ogy. Ottawa, Can, April 29, 84. M.A, Queen’s (Can), 06, B.S, 11; M.S, Wisconsin, 12, Ph.D, 14. Mine valuation engineer, Wis. Geol. Surv, 13-14; mining geologist, Vinegar Hill Zine Co, 14-15; Cerro de Pasco Copper Corp, 16-17; assoc. prof. geol. and miner, British Columbia, 18— Leeturer geol, Minnesota, 15-16; field en- gineer, Can. Munition Resources Commission, 17-18; with Can. Geol. Surv, 03, 09, 12. Min. and Metal. Eng; Can. Min. Inst; Ass. Prof. Eng. B. C. Mineralogy; geology of zine, lead, plati- num, nickel, manganese and copper deposits. Uhle, Dr. F(riedrich) Max, Quito, Ecuador. Archeology. Dresden, Germany, March 25, 56. Gottingen, 76-77; Ph.D, Leipzig, 80. Asst, Royal Zool, Anthrop. and Ethnol. Museum, Dresden, 81-88; Royal Museum of Vélkerkunde, Berlin, 88-91; ethnol. exped. for German Govt, ‘to S. Amer, 92-95; for Univ. of Pa, 95-97, in dept. archeol, 97-98; exped. for Univ. of Calif. to Peru, 99-01, 03-05; lecturer anthrop, Cali- fornia, 01-03; director, Museo de Hist. Na- cional, Lima, 06-11; founding director, Museum Ethnol. and Anthrop, Santiago, Chile, 12-16; with Academia Nacional de Hist, Quito, Ecuador. Silver medal, Columbian Exhib, Madrid, 92; hon. prof, Univ. San Marco, Lima. Hon. mem. Davenport Acad; hon. mem. Royal Anthrop. Inst; Paris Soc. des Américanistes; Soe. Chil. de Hist. y Geog; Geog. Soc. of La Paz, Sucre (Bo- livia), and Lima; ecgr. mem. Vienna Anthrop. Gesell. Origin of S@ith American civilizations; Malayan ethnology; ruins of Tiahuanaco; Pa- chacamac; report on second South American expedition. Uhlenhuth, Dr. Eduard, Rockefeller Institute, New York, N. Y. Biology. Vienna, July 19, 85. Ph.D, Vienna, 09. Asst, Biol. Versuchs- Ansalt, Vienna, 11-13; fellow, Rockefeller Inst, 14-16, assoc, 16—- Soc. Exp. Biol; Soc. Ichthyol. and Herp; Ass. Study Int. Seeretions; fel. N. Y. Acad. Experimental biology and pathology; regeneration; growth; transplantation; develop- ment; internal secretions. Uhler, Dr. H(orace) S(cudder), Yale University, New Haven,Conn. *Physics. Baltimore, Md, Aug. 5, 72. A.B, Hopkins, 94, fellow, 04-05, Ph.D, 05. Lab. asst. physics, Hopkins, 94-96; instr, acad, Northwestern, 96-97; director, lab, Uni- versity Sch, Baltimore, 97-02; Carnegie asst. physical chem, Hopkins, 05; instr. physics, Yale, 06-09, asst. prof, 09- Assoe. ed, ‘Physical Rev’; ‘Am. Jour. Sei’; ‘Math. Monthly.’ A.A; Physical Soe; Optical Soc; Math. Ass; Ass. Prof; life mem. Soe. de Physique. Geometrical optics; spectroscopy; X-rays. Uhlinger, Dr. R(oy) H(eman), 1907 Benedum- Trees Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Chemistry. Hartford, Ohio, May 15, 87. B.S, Allegheny, 10; fellow, Pittsburgh, 10-11, A.M, 11, Ph.D, 14. Chemist, Am. Nitro-Products Co, 14-15; Supt. Carbo-Hydrogen Co. of Am, 15-16; re- search chemist, Benedum-Trees Oil Co, 16-17, consulting chemist, 19- Capt, C.W.S, 17-19. Chem. Soc. Engineering; analysis of the zine group; bromination of oils and fats; natural gas products. Ullmann, Prof. H(arry) M(aas), 20 W. Church St, Bethlehem, Pa. Chemistry. Springfield, Mo, April 14, 68. A.B, Hopkins, 89, Ph.D, 92; Munich and Paris, 92-94. Instr. quant. and in- dust. anal, Lehigh, 94-04, asst. prof, 04-10, as- soe. prof, 10-14, prof. chem, 14- A.A; Chem. Soc; Chem. Gesell. P-sulphamin benzoie acid; acetins; titanium in cement rocks; ash and phos- phorus in coke; ash and phosphorus in coal; aging of wool fats. Ulrey, Prof. Albert B(rennus), 35th St. and Uni- versity Ave, Los Angeles, Calif. Biology. North Manchester, Ind, Dec. 31, 60. A.B, Indi- ana, 92, A.M, 94; Woods Hole, 92; Rush Med. Col, Chicago, 00-01. Instr. zool, Indiana, 92- 94; prof. biol, Manchester, 95-99; Southern California, 01-, director, Venice Marine Biol. Sta, 01- Prof. biol, Summer Sch. of Biol, War- saw, Ind, 95; instr. histogenesis, biol. sta, Indi- ana, summers, 96, 97. A.A; S. Calif. Acad. South American Characinidae; Embiotocidae; embryology of Paragordius varius Leidy; star- fishes of southern California. Ulrey, Dr. Dayton L, 5637 Darlington Road, Pittsburgh, Pa. Physics. North Manchester, Ind, Sept. 19, 84. A.B, Indiana, 11, A.M, 12; Ph.D, Stanford, 17. Teaching fellow physics, Indiana, 11-12; instr, Pittsburgh, 12-15; asst, Stanford, 15-17; asst. prof, Pittsburgh, 17-18; research physicist, Westinghouse Elec. and Mfg. Co, 18- A.A; Physical Soc. Specifie indue- tive capacity; evolution and occulsion of gases by glasses; moisture penetration of insulating materials. Ulrich, Dr. E(dward) O(scar), U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. *Geology. Cincin- nati, Ohio, Feb. 1, 57. Pulte and Ohio Med. Colleges, 76-78; A.M, German Wallace, 86, Ph.D, 92. Curator, Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist, 77-79; paleontologist, Geol. Surveys of Ill, Minn, and Ohio, 85-89, 91-97; asst. geologist, Ky. Geol. Surv, 89-90; geologist, U. S. Geol. Surv, te A we tGe Sie Par nai, AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 97— Supt. mines, Boulder Co, Colo, 80-83; assoc. ed, ‘Am. Geologist,’ 88-97; assoc. paleont, U. S. Nat. Museum, 14— Nat. Acad; A.A; Geol. Soe; Wash. Acad; Paleont. Soc. (pres); Wash. Geol. Soc. (pres); Wash. Biol. Soe. Stratigraphy; invertebrate paleontology; paleogeography. Ulrich, Dr. E(lmer) B(ixler), Drexel Hill, Dela- ware Co, Pa. Plant physiology. Brickerville, Pa. April 5, 80. M.Pd, West Chester State Nor. Sch, 99; B.S, Muhlenberg, 07; Ph.D, Penn- sylvania, 10. Teacher biol, Cent. High Sch, Phila, OS- Lecturer, Pennsylvania, 10-11. A.A; Pa. Bot. Soe. Leaf movements of Oxali- daceae. Ulrich, Prof. John Linck, Johns Hopkins Univer- sity Medical School, Baltimore, Md. Psychology. Menlo Park, Calif, Dee. 12, 77. B.S, Pennsyl- vania, 08, M.S, 09; fellow, Hopkins, 10-11, Ph.D, 13. Instr. psychol, Catholic, 13-16, as- soc. prof, 16-20; asst. physiol, Hopkins, 20- A.A; Psychol. Ass. Animal psychology; human psychology and physiology. Umpleby, Prof. Joseph B(ertram), University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. Geology. Grays- ville, Ohio, Nov. 20, 83. A.B, Washington (Seattle), 07; M.S, Chicago, 09, fellow, 09-10, Ph.D, 10. Asst. geol, Washington (Seattle), 06-08; asst. geologist, U. S. Geol. Surv, 08-12, geologist, 12-20; mineral specialist, Am. Com- mission to Negotiate Peace, 18-19; prof. geol. and director, sch. eng. geol, Oklahoma, 19- Geologist, Wash. Geol. Surv, 09, 10; acting assoc. prof. geol, California, 15-16. A.A; Geol. Soe; Ass. Petrol. Geol; Min. Eng; Okla. Acad; Wash. Acad; Wash. Geol. Soc. Economie and stratigraphic geology; genesis of ore and petro- leum deposits. Underhill, Prof. A(nthony) L(ispenard), 615 Sixth St, S. E, Minneapolis, Minn. Mathe- matics, Bath, N. Y, June 6,77. B.S, Chicago, 00, Ph.D, 06. Instr. math, Princeton, 05-07; Wisconsin, 07-09; asst. prof, Minnesota, 09-20, assoc. prof, 20— Asst. prof. math, Chicago, sum- mer quarter, 10-; capt, C.A.C, 17-19. Math. Soe. Caleulus of variations. Underhill, Charles Reginald, The Acme Wire Co, New Haven, Conn. Electrical engineering. Chappaqua, N. Y, Nov. 2, 74. Self educated; correspondence and private instruction. With West. Elec. Co, 92-00; chief elec. engineer, Varley Duplex Magnet Co, 00-04; consulting elec. engineer, N. Y. City, 04-09; ed. and tech. writer, Westinghouse Elec. and Mfg. Co, 09-10; chief engineer, Am. Elec. Fuse Co, 10-11; con- sulting elec. engineer, The Acme Wire Co, 11- Lecturer electromagnets in various colleges; radio officer and capt, U.S.A, 17-19. A.A; fel. Elee. Eng; Mech. Eng; mem. Physical Soc; assoe. Radio Eng; assoc. Automotive Eng. Elec- tromagnets, solenoids and electromagnetie wind- ings; signalling systems; wireless telegraphy and telephony; wire and wireless printing tele- graph systems. Underhill, Prof. Frank P(ell), 445 Orange St, New Haven, Conn. *Hzperimental medicine. Brooklyn, N. Y, Dec. 21, 77. Ph.B. Yale, 00, Ph.D, 03. Asst. physiol. chem, Yale, 00-03, 699 instr, 03-07, asst. prof, 07-13, prof, path. chem, 13-18, exp. med, 18- Goldsmith lecturer, N. Y. Path. Soc, 13; lecturer, Harvey Soc, 19; con- sulting path. chemist war gas investigations, Bur. Mines, 17-18; chairman, committee on bio chem, Nat. Research Council, 17-19; lieut. col, C.W.S, A.E.F, 18; U. S. representative and v. pres. Interallied Gas Conf, Paris, 18. Assoc. ed, ‘Jour. Biol. Chem’; ‘Chem. Abstracts’; ‘Jour. Urol.’ A.A; Soc. Exp. Biol; Physiol. Soc; Soc. Pharmacol; Soc. Biol. Chem. (v. pres, 17); assoc. mem. Am. Med. Ass; Chem. Soe. Physiology of amino acids, proteoses and lethal war gases; the pancreas and diabetes; absorp- tion from the liver; carbohydrate metabolism; experimental nephritis; pernicious vomiting of pregnancy; intermediary metabolism with refer- ence to thyroids and parathyroids. Underwood, Dr. H(enry) W(eeden), Jr, Massachu- settts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Chemistry. Wakefield, R. I, August 14, 99. Ph.B, Brown, 16, M.S, 17, fellow, 17-19, Ph.D, 19. Research fellow, Brown, 19-20; instr. org. chem, Mass. Inst. Tech, 20- Chem. Soe. Or- ganic acids; vat dyestuffs. Underwood, Prof. P(aul) H(alladay), Ithaca, N. Y. Civil engineering. Ludlowville, N. Y, Dee. 29, 81. C.E, Cornell, 07. Instr. civil eng, Cor- nell, O7-12, asst. prof. 12- Asst. engineer, Isthmian Canal Commission, 11. A.A. Survey- ing; geodesy; hydraulic engineering; least squares. Underwood, W(illia)m Lyman, Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Biol- ogy. Belmont, Mass, March 5, 64. Pub. sch. Lecturer biol, Mass. Inst. Tech, 00- Chairman, Board of Health, Belmont, 08- A.A; Ornith. Union; Mass. Zool. Soe; Mass. Audubon Soc; Am. Acad; Boston Soe. Nat. Hist; Nuttall Ornith. Club; Boston Bact. Club. Bacteriology applied to canning and preserving; extermina- tion of mosquitoes. Unnewehr, Prof. E(mory) C(arl), Baldwin-Wal- lace College, Berea, Ohio. Physics. Batesville, Ind, Nov. 9, 85. B.S.M.E, Purdue, 09; Colum- bia. With dept. physics, Baldwin-Wallace, 12- 16; lecturer, Columbia, 16-18, prof, Baldwin- Wallace, 18- A.A; Physical Soc; Ohio Acad. Characteristic X-rays. Updegraff, Prof. Harlan, Swarthmore, Pa. Educa- tion. Sigourney, Iowa, Aug.22,74. Ph.B,Cornell (Iowa), 94; A.M, Columbia, 98, 00-02, 05-07, fellow, Teacher’s Col, 06-07; Ph.D, 08. Prin- cipal and supt, pub. schools, lowa and Md, 94-97, 98-00, 02-05; asst. educ, Teachers Col, Colum- bia, 00-02; chief, Alaska. div, U. 8S. Bur. Edue, 07-10, collector, compiler statist. and chief, div. sch. admin, 10-12; prof, edue. and head of dept, Northwestern, 12-13; educ. admin, Pennsy!- vania, 18- Lecturer sch. admin, George Wash- ington, 08-09; expert asst, conference of chief state educ. officers, 10-13. A.A. The moving school in Massachusetts; school expenses, boards and chief executive officers; teachers’ certificates and salaries. ; Updegraff, Prof. Milton, Preseott, Ariz. *Astron- omy. Decorah, Iowa, Feb. 20, 61. B.S, B.C.E, Wisconsin, 84, M.S, 86. Aid, U. S. Coast and Geod. Surv, 82, 83; asst. astronomer, Washburn 700 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Observatory, Wisconsin, 84-87; astronomer, Ar- gentine Nat. Observatory, Cordoba, 87-90; prof. astron. and director, Laws Observatory, Mis- souri, 90-99; prof. math, U.S.N, 99-, observer, U. 8. Naval Observatory, 99-02, 08-10; director, Nautical Almanae, 07-10; in charge sci. work, geod. surv, Am. Samoa, 14. A.A; Astron. Soc; Wash. Philos. Soe; St. Louis Acad; Astron. Gesell. Errors of meridian circles; orbits of comets; astronomical time keeping; star places; errors of 6-inch transit circles and clocks of U. S. Naval Observatory; observations of fixed stars. Upham, Dr. Warren, Minnesota Historical So- ciety, St. Paul, Minn. *Geology, Archeology. Amherst, N. H, March 8, 50. A.B, Dartmouth, 71, hon. A.M, 94, Se.D, 06. Asst, N. H. Geol. Surv, 74-78; Minn. Geol. Surv, 79-85; U. S. Geol. Surv, 85-93; Minn. Geol. Surv, 93-94; librarian, Western Reserve Hist. Soc, 95; sec’y - and librarian, Minn. Hist. Soc, St. Paul, 95-14, archeologist, 14- A.A. (sec’y, E, 98); Geol. Soc; Archeo]. Inst; Minn. Hist. Soc; N. H. Hist. Soc; Minn. Acad; Boston Soc. Nat. Hist; Lon- don Victoria Inst. The glacial lake Agassiz; glacial lakes; moraines; till; drumlins; eskers; kames; causes of the ice age; climatology; an- tiquity of mankind and its relation to the ice age; flora and fauna of Minnesota; origins and meanings of geographic names. Upson, Prof. Fred W(ilbert), Station A, Lincoln, Nebr. Chemistry. Byron, Ill, Feb. 2, 83. B.S, Nebraska, 07, A.M, 08; Ph.D, Chicago, 10. Instr. chem, Cincinnati, 10-12; Chicago, 12-13; head, dept. agr. chem, Nebraska, 13-18, prof. chem, chairman of dept. and director, chem. lab- oratories, 18- A.A; Chem. Soc. Substituted succinie acids; colloids; soils; sugars. Upson, Prof. Walter L(yman), Washington Uni- versity, St. Louis, Mo. Electrical engineering. Cleveland, Ohio, July 3, 77. B.S, Princeton, 99, E.E, 02, M.S, 03; London, 07; M.E.E, Harvard, 08. Instr. elec. eng, Princeton, 04-06; asst. prof, Ohio State, 08-10; prof, Vermont, 10-12; asst. prof, Union, 12-14, assoc. prof, 14-20; prof, Washington (St. Louis), 20- Consulting engineer, Gen. Elec. Co, 18-19. A.A; Elec. Eng. (chairman, Schenectady sect, 17); Eng. Edue. London Elec. Eng. Electrical science; engineer- ing education. Upthegrove, Prof. Clair, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Metallurgy. Central Lake, Mich, Nov. 30, 84. B.Ch.E, Michigan, 14. Chemist and metallurgist, Detroit Copper and Brass Rolling Mills, 14-16; instr. chem. eng, Michigan, 16-17, asst. prof, 19- Chem. Soc. Non-ferrous metallurgy; brass; heat treatment of non-ferrous alloys. Upton, Clifford B(rewster), Teachers College, Co- lumbia University, New York, N. Y. Mathe- matics. Detroit, Mich, May 10, 77. Grad, Mich. State Nor. Col, 98; A.B, Michigan, 02; Columbia, 03-05, A.M, 07; Gottingen, 07; Paris, 08-10. Instr. math, secondary sch, 98-00; Horace Mann Sch, Columbia, 02-10, asst, Teach- ers Col, 04-07, instr, 07-10, asst. prof, 10-17, assoc. prof, 17-, sec’y, 11-19, provost, 19- Math. Soc; Math. Ass; Ass. Teachers Math. Middle States and Md. The teaching of mathe- matics in elementary and secondary schools; modern calculating machinery and its uses; the teaching of mathematics in France; college ad- ministration. Urban, Prof. Wilbur M(arshall), 18 Rope Ferry Road, Hanover, N. H. Psychology. Philadel- phia, Pa, March 27, 73. A.B, Princeton, 95; Ph.D, Leipzig, 97. Reader in philos, Princeton, 97-98; prof. philos. and psychol, Ursinus, 98- 02; philos, Trinity (Conn), 02-20; Dartmouth, 20—- Asst. ed. ‘Dict. Philos. and Psychol.’ Psychol. Ass; Philos. Ass. The psychology of feelings and emotions, with special reference to the psychology of value; the memory of emo- tions in connection with esthetic creation and appreciation; experimental psychology of the value-judgment. Uren, Prof. Lester Charles, University of Cali- fornia, Berkeley, Calif. Mining engineering. Grass Valley, Calif, Sept. 1, 88. B.S, Cali- fornia, 11. With Eagle-Shawmut Mining Co, 04-12; assoc. prof. petroleum eng, California, 12- Engineer, Fuel Ad, 18; capt, C.W.S, A.E.F, 18-19. Min. and Metal. Eng. Petroleum engineering. Uriarte, Prof. Leopoldo, 825 Mexico St, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Medicine. Buenos Aires, July 10, 74. Nat. Col. and Med. Univ. of Buenos Aires. Asst. practitioner, Buenos Aires hospital, 94-97; director of lab, Hosp. of In- fectious Diseases, 01; substitute prof. Med. Univ. of Buenos Aires, 01, special prof, 11- Chief of sect, bacter inst, Pub. Health Dept, 12; chief, practical work in study of infectious diseases, 01-12; mem. commission to study plague in Paraguay. Various scientific socie- ties. Infectious diseases. Urie, Frank D(ickinson), Elgin Observatory, Elgin, Ill. Astronomy, Physics. Toledo, Ohio, June 27, 87. A.B, Michigan, 09. Asst, De- troit Observatory, Michigan, 09-10; astronomer, Elgin Observatory, 10-16, asst. director, 16- Astron. Soe. Chronographie registration of radio time signals; watch tests. Urner, Prof. S(amuel) E(verett), Mountain View, Calif. Mathematics. Mitchell, Ind, July 29, 87. Ph.B, Baker, 06; Harvard, 08-10, Ph.D, 11. Instr. math, high sch, Independence, Kans, 06- 08; Wisconsin, 10-11; asst. prof, Miami, 11-18, assoc, prof, 18-19. Math. Soc. Transforma- tions of real variables. Vv Vail, Miss Anna Murray, 19 rune Carnot, Mont- reuil-sur-mer, Pas de Calais, France. Botany. New York, N. Y, Jan. 7, 63. Private instruc- tion, Europe; student under Dr, N. L. Britton. Librarian, N. Y. Bot. Garden, 00-07. A.A; Torrey Bot. Club. Taxonomy of Leguminosae and Asclepiadaceae; phylogeny. Valasek, Joseph, University of Minnesota, Min- neapolis, Minn. Physics. Cleveland, Ohio, April 27, 96. B.S, Case, 17. Asst. physicist, Bur. Standards, 17-19; instr. physics, Minne- sota, 20—- Physical Soe; Optical Soc. Elec- tricity ; pyrometry; piezo-electricity. Valiant, W(illiam) S(eymour), 49 Easton Ave, New Brunswick, N. J. Mineralogy, Paleontol- ogy. Rome, N. Y, Nov. 13, 45. Pub. and AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 701 private schools. Teacher geol, Free Acad, Rome, Y, many years; asst. geol. museum, Rutgers, 93-14, curator, 13- N. J. Micros, Soc; Rome (N. ¥Y.) Audubon Soe. (past see ’y). The an- tennae and swimming appendages of trilobites; occurrence and associations of minerals. Valleau, Prof. W(illiam) D(orney), Kentucky Experiment Sta, Lexington, Ky. Agronomy. Minneapolis, Minn, Feb. 17, 91. B.S.A, Min- nesota, 13, Ph.D, 17. Asst. fruit breeding, Minn. Exp. Sta, 15-17, instr, Minnesota, 17-19; asst. prof. plant path, Kentucky, and patholo- gist, Exp. Sta, 19- A.A; Bot. Soc; Phytopath. Soe; Heol. Soc; Soe. Hort. Sci. Varietal resist- ance of plums to brown rot; sterility in Fra- garia; inheritance of sex in grape; sterility in the strawberry; seed corn infection with Fusa- rium moniliforme. Van Arsdale, G(eorge) D(awes), 99 John St, New York, N. Y. Metallurgy. Newark, N. J , April 28, 74. B.S, Princeton, 96. Metallurgist, Parke, Davis and Co, 96; S. S. White Mfg. Co, 96-99; Phelps, Dodge Corp, 99— Chem. Soe; Electro- chem. Soc; Min. and Metal. Soc. Non-ferrous metallurgy; hydro-metallurgy; flotation. Van Benschoten, Prof. Anna L(avina), Wells Col- lege, Aurora, N. Y. Mathematics. Elmira, N. Y. Aug. 12, 66. B.S, Cornell, 94; M.S. Chicago, 00; Gottingen, 00-01; Ph.D, Cornell, 08. Teacher math, high sch, Binghamton, N. Y, 94-98; prof, Wells, 01-20. Prof. math, Arizona, 18. Math. Soc. Birational transformations. Van Biesbroeck, Prof. G(eorge), Yerkes Observa- tory, Williams Bay, Wis. Astronomy. Ghent, Belgium, 80. D.Eng, Ghent, 02; Lauréat du Concours Universitaire, 02-03. Engineer, dept. bridges and roads, Brussels, 02-08; asst, Hei- delberg Observatory, 05-06; Potsdam Observa- tory, 06-07; adj. astronomer, Royal Observa- tory, Brussels, 08-15; visiting prof. practical astron, Yerkes Observatory, 15-16, asst. prof, 17— Astron. Soc; Astron. Gesell. Double stars; comets; stellar parallaxes. Vance, Dr. B(enjamin) M(organ), Bellevue Hos- pital, New York, N. Y. Pathology. Louisville, Ky, Dec. 6, 86. A.B, Harvard, 08; M.D, Penn- sylvania,12. Pathologist, Bellevue Hosp, 12-15, second div, 15— Lieut. and capt, M.C, A.E.F, 17-19. Ass. Path. and Bact. Bacteriology. Vance, Dr. Thomas F(ranklin), 2323 Knapp St, Ames, Iowa. Psychology. Shenandoah, Iowa. A.B, Coe, 09; A.M, Iowa, 11, Ph.D, 13. Asst. psychol, Illinois, 13-14; asst. prof, Iowa State, 14-15, assoc. prof, 15- Psychol. Ass. Lower limit of tonality; pitch discrimination; mental tests. Van Cleave, Prof. H(arley) J(ones), University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. Zoology. Knoxville, Ill, Oct. 5, 86. B.S, Knox, 09; fellow, Illinois, 10, M.S, 10, Ph.D, 13. Instr. zool, Illinois, 13- 16, assoe. 16-19, asst. prof, 19- Mem. staff, Il. State Nor. Univ, summers, 13-15; instr, Puget Sound Marine Sta, summer, 16. A.A; Soc. Zool; Micros. Soe. (treas, 15-18); Fisheries Soc; Cent.»Ass. Sci. and Math; Ill. Acad. Para- sitology; cell constaney; morphology and classi- fication of Acanthocephala; teaching of zoology. Van Denburgh, Dr. J(ohn), California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Calif. Zoology. San Francisco, Aug. 23, 72, A.B, Stanford, 94, A.M, 95, Ph.D, 97; M.D, Hopkins, 02. Curator, dept. herpetol, Calif. Acad. Sciences, 94— Calif. Acad. Herpetology of western United States and Mexico; reptile poison; ornithology of Cali- fornia; zoogeography; lizards, snakes and gi- gantie land tortoises of the Galapagos Islands; herpetology of the Philippine Islands, Formosa, Japan and eastern Asia. VanderHoof, Dr. Douglas, Professional Building, Richmond, Va. Medicine. Brooklyn, N. Y, Dee. 31, 79. B.L, Dartmouth, 01, A.M, 07; M.D, Hopkins, 05. Asst. med, Med. Col. of Va, 06-14, prof, 14- A.A; Am. Med. ‘Ass. Internal medi- cine. Vanderkleed, Prof. Charles E(dwin), 200 Har- vard Ave, Collingswood, N. J. Chemistry. La Fayette, Ind, April 24, 78. Ph.G, Purdue, 95, Ph.C, 96, B.S, 99, A.C, 01; hon. Phar.D, Phila. Medico-Chirurg. Col, 08. Instr. chem, Purdue, 96-01; anal. chemist, Sharp and Dohme, Balti- more, Md, 01-02; director, chem. laboratories, H. K. Mulford Co, Phila, 02-17; lecturer drug chem, Phila. Medico-Chirurg. Col, 07-08, prof. pharmaceut. chem, 08-16; chemist, Hereules Powder Co, 18-19; lecturer chem. control, Phila. Col. Pharmacy, 16- Treas. and direetor, Henry C. Blair Co, 08-; see’y, Cellulose Silk Co, 20- Pharmaceut. Ass. (chairman, sci. sect, 08); Chem. Soe. (pres, Phila. sect); Pa. Pharmaceut. Ass. Analytical and pharmaceutical chemistry; artificial silk. Vanderpoel, Dr. Frank, 175 Park Ave, Orange, N. J. Chemistry. Newark, N. J, Noy. 20, 53. E.M, Columbia, 75, Ph.D, 94. With E. B. Ben- jamin, N. Y. City, 75-78; The Celluloid Co, 78-03. A.A; Chem. Soe; Soe. Chem. Indust. Nitfogen compounds of cellulose; sulphur and nitrogen acids; physies. Vander Veer, Dr. Albert, 28 Eagle St, Albany, N. Y. Surgery. Root, N. Y, July 10, 41. M.D, George Washington, 62, LL.D, 04; hon. M.D, Albany Med. Col, 69; A.M, Williams, 82; Ph.D, Hamilton, 83; Union, 83. Asst. and surgeon, N. Y. Vols, 62-65; prof. anat, Albany Med. Col, 69-74, surg, 76-14, dean, 96-04. Attending sur- geon, glbany Hosp, 69-04, surgeon-in-chief, 04- 19, senior consulting surgeon, 19-; attending surgeon, St. Peter’s Hosp, 73-03; consulting surgeon, Hosp. Crippled and Deformed, West Haverstraw; regent and v. chancellor, Univ. State of N. Y, 95-; assoc. ed. ‘Albany Med. Annals.’ A.A; Surg. Ass. (past pres); Ass. Obstet. and Gynec. (past pres); Am. Med. Ass. (pres, 16); S. Surg. and Gynee. Ass; N. Y. State Med. Soc. (past pres); Albany Co. Med. Ass. (past pres). Abdominal, gynecological and clinical surgery. Vander Veer, Dr. J(ames) N(ewell), 28 Eagle St, Albany, N. Y. Surgery. Albany, Dec. 12, 77. A.B, Union, 99, A.M, 03; M.D, Albany Med. Col, 08. Clin. prof. genito-urinary surg, Albany Med. Col; attending urologist, Albany Hosp. Major, M.C, A.E.F. Urol. Ass; Col. Surg; Am. Med. Ass; Ass. Mil. Surg. Van der Vries, Dr. John N(icholas), Otis Build- ing, Chicago, Ill. Mathematics. Kalamazoo, Mich, May 23, 76. A.B, Hope, 96, A.M, 99; fellow, Clark, 98-01, Ph.D, 01. Asst. prof. 702 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE math, Kansas, 01-07, assoc. prof, 07-12, prof, 12-19; sec’y, cent. district, U. S. Chamber of Commerce, 18- A.A; Math. Soe; Math. Ass. Theory of twisted curves and surfaces; mon- oids; Steinerian and quartic surfaces. Van Dine, D(elos) L(ewis), U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Entomology. Tompkins Co, N. Y, Feb. 2, 78. Stanford, 99- 00; B.S.A, Cornell, 01. Lab. asst, dept. entom, Cornell, 01; entomologist, Hawaii Exp. Sta, 02- 09; special field agent, bur. entom, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 09-10; entomologist, exp. sta, Sugar Pro- ducers’ Ass, Rio Pedras, P. R, 10-13; entom. asst, bur. entom, U. 8S. Dept. Agr, 13-17, ento- mologist, 19- Capt, Sanit. C, 18-19. A.A; Entom. Soc; Ass. Econ. Entom; Pub. Health Ass; Wash. Entom. Soc; Hawaiian Entom. Soc. Insects of tropical crops and of live stock; in- sects affecting health of man; insects affecting troops in war; malaria mosquitoes. Vandiver, H(arry) S(hultz), 117 Stewart Ave, Ithaca, N. Y. Mathematics. Philadelphia, Pa, Oct. 21, 82. Pennsylvania, 04-05. Instr. math, Cornell, 19- Math. Soc; Math. Ass. Theory of numbers; algebra. Van Doren, Dr. Lloyd, 52 Sandford Ave, Plainfield, N. J. Chemistry. Oldwick, N. J, Dee. 11, 89. B.S, Pennsylvania Col, 09, M.S, 13; Ph.D, Hop- kins, 12. Instr. chem, Lowell Textile Sch, 12- 13; asst. prof, Akron, 13-14; prof. and head of dept, Earlham, 14-19; chem. adviser, Emery, Varney, Blair and Hoguet, 19-20; consulting chemist and patent solicitor, Chem. Foundation Co, Inc, 20- Lieut, C.W.S. Chem. Soe. Os- motie pressure; color lakes. Van Duzee, Edward P(ayson), California Acad- emy of Sciences, San Francisco, Calif. Hnto- mology. New York, N. Y, April 6, 61. Pub. schools. Librarian, Grosvenor Library, Buffalo, N. Y, 85-12; Scripps Inst, California, 13-14, instr. entom, California, 14-16; curator, dept. entom, Calif. Acad. Sciences, 16- A.A; Entom. Soe; Ecol. Soc; Pacific Coast Entom. Soe; Calif. Aead; San Diego Nat. Hist. Soc; Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. Hemiptera. Van Dyck, Prof. F(rancis) C(uyler), 25 Grant Ave, Highland Park, New Brunswick, N J. Ez- perimental physics. Coxsackie, N. Y, June 3, 44, A.M, Rutgers, 08, hon. Se.D, 10, LL.D, 15; Ph.D, Union, 88. Tutor, Rutgers, 67-70, prof. anal. chem, 70-80, physics and exp. mech, 80-17, retired, 17, dean, 01-12. A.A; N. J. Micros. Soe; Brooklyn Inst. Van Dyke, Prof. Edwin C(ooper), University of California, Berkeley, Calif. Entomology. Oak- land, Calif, April 7, 69. B.S, California, 93; | M.D, Cooper Med. Col, 95. Curator entom, Calif. Acad. Sciences, 04—; asst. prof, California, 15- A.A; Entom. Soe; Calif. Acad. Syste- matic, forest and ecological entomology; Coleop- tera. Van Epps, Dr, G(eorge) D(udley), 347 Jefferson St, Muskegon, Mich. Chemistry. Atlanta, Ga, May 20,92. B.S, Ga. Tech, 13; Ph.D. Hopkins, 16. Chemist, Tex. Co, 16-18; Barrett Co, 18- 19; Continental Motors Corp, 19— Chem. Soc. Preparation of nitrils. Van Es, Prof. L(eunis), University Farm, Lin- coln, Nebr. Veterinary medicine. Melissant, Netherlands, Oct. 3, 68. V.S, Toronto, 93; M.D, Alabama, 98. Demonstrator histo]. and bacter, Alabama, 98-02; prof. vet. science, N. Dak. Col, and veterinarian, Exp. Sta, 03-18; animal path. and hygiene, Nebraska, 18— Chief state veteri- narian, N. Dak, 03-07; director, State Serum Inst, N. Dak, 07-18; bacteriologist and consult- ing veterinarian, N. Dak. State Live Stock Sanit. Board, 07-18. U.S. delegate, Cong. Vet. Med, The Hague, 09. A.A; Soe. Bact; Pub. Health Ass; Vet. Med. Ass; Ass. Tuber; U. S. Live Stock Sanit. Ass. Tetanus; bovine avian tuber- culosis; glanders; hog-cholera; swamp fever. Van Eseltine, G(len) P(arker), U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Botany. Syracuse, N. Y, Oct. 21, 88. A.B, Syracuse, 13. Aid, U. 8S. Nat. Herbarium, 13-15; asst, office foreign seed and plant introd, bur. plant indust, U.S. Dept. Agr, 15-19, asst, botanist, 19— A.A; Bot. Soc; Ecol. Soc; Wash. Bot. Soc; Wash. Biol. Soe. Van Gundy, C(harles) P(hilip), Baltimore and Ohio R. R, Mt. Clare, Baltimore, Md. Chem- istry. Springfield, Ill, Jan. 5, 67. B.S, Tli- nois, 88. Asst. chemist, B. and O. R. R, 88-90; chemist, Laughlin and Co, Pittsburgh, 90-92; chief chemist, B. and O. R. R, 92-20, water engi- neer, 20—- Chem. Soc; Soc. Chem. Indust; Soe. Test. Mat. Water treatment. Van Hook, Prof. J(ames) M, Bloomington, Ind. Plant pathology. Washington Co, Ind, Dec. 19, 70. A.B, Indiana, 99, A.M, 00; Cornell, 01-04. Asst. bot, Cornell, 01-02, plant path. Exp. Sta, 02-04; Ohio State, 04-07; asst. prof. bot, In- diana, 07- A.A; Phytopath. Soc; Bot. Soc; fel. Ind. Acad. Mycology. Van Horn, F(rank) B(enjamin), 1636 Baltimore St, Tulsa, Okla. Geology. Maquoketa, Iowa, March 20, 77. Wisconsin, 00-06. Asst. geolo- gist, Mo. Geol. Surv, 03-05; Ill. Geol. Surv, 06- 07; asst. to chief geologist, U. S. Geol. Surv, 07; consulting engineer. Wash. Geol. Soe. Phosphate rock. Van Horn, Prof. Frank R(obertson), Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio. Geology. Johnsonburg, N. J, Feb. 7, 72. B.S, Rutgers, 92, M.S, 98, Se.D, 19; Ph.D, Heidelberg, 97. Asst. miner, Rutgers, 92-93; instr. geol. and miner, Case, 97-99, asst. prof, 99-02, prof, 02- A.A; Geol. Soe. (librarian, 13-18); Min. and Metal. Eng; Seismol. Soc; Miner, Soe. Petro- graphical and economic geology; mineralogy; clay, shale and stone industry of northeastern Ohio. Van Ingen, Prof. Gilbert, Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. Geology, Paleontology. Pough- keepsie, N. Y, July 30, 69. Cornell, 86-88; Yale, 92-93. Asst. geologist, U. 8. Geol. Surv, 89-91; asst. paleont, Cornell, 91-92; Columbia, 93-95, curator geol, 95-01; special asst. to N. Y. state paleontologist, 01-03; asst. geol. and curator invert. paleont, Princeton, 03-08, asst. prof. geol, 08- Ed, departments of geol. and paleont, ‘New Int. Encyclopedia,’ 01-02; pres, acad. board, U. 8. Sch. Mil. Aeronautics, Prince- ton, 17-19. Geol. Soc; Paleont. Soc; fel. N. Y. Acad. (ed, 97-01); Phila. Acad. Paleontology and stratigraphy of Appalachian paleozoies and of eastern Newfoundland; geology of the Rose- 2 SP AR Pe ot 2 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 703 dale cement region, Ulster County, N. Y; stra- tigraphy of the Potsdam sandstone; stratig- raphy and tectonics at Rondout, N. Y; organic origin of metalliferous deposits in non-meta- morphosed limestones; Algae of the Wabana Ordovician iron ores; petrology of sedimentary rocks; Shawangunk grit and its facial relation- ships. Van Name, Prof. Ralph G(ibbs), 121 High St, New Haven, Conn. Chemistry. New Haven, Oct. 22, 77. A.B, Yale, 99, Ph.D, 02; Leipzig, 02-03; Géttingen, 03-04. Instr. chem, Yale, 04-09, asst. prof, 09- A.A; Chem. Soe; Conn. Acad. Rates of solution of metals in certain oxidizing agents; temperature coefficient of a heterogeneous reaction; triiodid equilibria; properties of hypophosphorie acid. Van Name, Dr. Willard G(ibbs), American Mu- seum of Natural History, New York, N. Y. Biology. New Haven, Conn, April 18, 72. A.B, Yale, 94, Ph.D, 98; Berlin, 99-00. Lab. asst. physiol. chem, Yale, 94-95; asst. biol, 97-99, histol, and embryol, 02-03; specialist and asst. ed, zool. and gen. biol, ‘Webster’s Int. Dic- tionaries,’ 03-09; zoologist, N. Y. State Mu- seum, Albany, 10-16; asst. invert. zool, Am. Mu- seum Nat. Hist, 16- A.A; Soe. Nat; assoe. Ornith. Union. Zoology; chemical composition of gelatin; embryology of the planarians; ascidians of the Bermuda Islands, the New England coast, the Philippines and the West Indies; isopod Crustacea of the Congo region. Van Ornum, Prof. J(ohn) L(ane), Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. Civil engineering. Hartford, Vt, May 14, 64. B.S, Wisconsin, 88, C.E, 91. Chief topographer, Mex. Boundary Surv, 92-94; major, Third U. 8. Vol. Engineers, 98-99; prof. civil eng, Washington (St. Louis), 99— On munie, railway and govt. emg. works about six years. A.A; Civil Eng; Eng. Educ; Soc. Test. Mat; St. Louis Eng. Club (past pres) ; St. Louis Acad; Int. Ass. Test. Mat. Improved field methods of surveying; cements; concrete and reinforced concrete constructions; water and sewage purification; principles of river regula- tion and harbor improvement. Van Orstrand, C(harles) E(dwin), 1607 3ist St, N. W, Washington, D. C. Geophysics. Near Pekin, Ill, Feb. 8, 70. B.S.(C.E), Illinois, 96, B.S, 97; M.S, Michigan, 98. Computer, ‘ Nau- tical Almanac’ Office, U. S. Naval Observatory, 98-99, asst, 99-00; asst. physical geologist, U. S. Geol. Surv, 01-13, assoc. physical geologist, 13- 15, physical geologist, 15- Lecturer math. phys- ies, George Washington; mem. Am. seet, Int. Geophys. Union. A.A; Physical Soc; Math. Soc; Astron. Soc; Meteorol. Soc; Am. Geog. Soc; Wash. Geol. Soe; Wash. Philos. Soc; Wash. Acad; Soe. de Physique. Applied mathematics; elasticity and diffusivity of metals at high tem- peratures; mathematical tables; deep-earth temperatures. Van Slyke, Dr. D(onald) D(exter), 11 Fletcher Ave, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. *Chemistry. Pike, N. Y, March 29, 83. A.B, Michigan, 05, Ph.D, 07. Research chemist, N. Y. Exp. Sta, Geneva, 06; fellow physiol. chem, Rockefeller Inst, 07-08, asst, 08-10, assoc, 10-12, assoc. mem, 12-20, member, 20- Soc. Exp. Biol; Soc. Biol. Chem; Chem. Soc. Chemistry and physiology of pro- teins and amino acids; derivatives of triphenyl- methane; laws of enzyme action; methods for blood analysis; acidosis; respiratory and renal functions. Van Slyke, Dr. L(ucius) L(incoln), Geneva, N. Y. *Chemistry. Centerville, N. Y, Jan. 6,59. A.B, Michigan, 79, A.M, 81, Ph.D, 82; fellow by courtesy, Hopkins, 89-90. Instr. anal. chem, Michigan, 82-85; prof. chem, Oahu Col, and govt. chemist, Honolulu, 85-88; lecturer gen. chem, Michigan, 88-89; chemist, N. Y. Ezp. Sta, Geneva, 90—- A.A; Chem. Soc; Soe. Biol. Chem; Agr. Chem. Chemistry of milk; chemistry of cheese-making and of cheese-ripening; methods of separation of nitrogen compounds of milk and cheese; isolation and study of proteins formed during the ripening of cheese; casein and paracasein; the chemistry of cider vinegar and the behavior of malic acid in apple juice during alcoholic and acetic formation; the proteins of butter; chemistry of the souring and curdling of milk; methods for determination of casein in milk; calcium polysulphid solutions; the hy- drogen ion concentration of milk; carbonic acid and carbonates in fresh milk; carbon dioxid in milk as a means of distinguishing heated from unheated milk. Van Stone, Dr. N(athan) E(dward), 6831 Har- per Ave, Chicago, Ill. Organic chemistry. Bridgeport, Conn, May 18, 90. B.S, Michigan, 14, M.S, 15, fellow, 15-16, Ph.D, 16. Research ehemist, West. Elec. Co, 16-17; chem. director, dye and intermediate dept, Sherwin Williams Co, 17— A.A; Chem. Soc. Triphenylmethyl; or- ganic insulation products. Van Tuyl, Prof. Francis M(aurice), School of Mines, Golden, Colo. Geology. Denmark, Iowa, Oct. 15, 87. A.B, Iowa, 11, M.S, 12; fellow, Co- lumbia, 12-13, Ph.D, 15; Chicago, 14-15. Asst. geol, Iowa, 11-12; paleont, Columbia, 13-14; asst. geologist, Il. Geol. Surv, 14-15; instr. geol, Tllinois, 15-17; assoc. prof. geol. and miner, Colo. Sch. Mines, 17-19, prof. and head of dept, 19—- Geologist, Iowa Geol. Surv, 12-; asst. geologist, Mo. Bur. Geol. and Mines, 14-15; geologist, Illinois Hudson Bar Exped, 16; Texas Co, 19; Midwest Ref. Co, 20. A.A; fel. Geol. Soc; Min. and Metal. Eng; Paleont. Soc; fel. Iowa Acad; N. Y. Acad. Origin of dolomite, geodes, olite and chert; stratigraphy and paleontology of the Mississippian formation of Iowa; petroleum geology. Van Velzer, Prof. C(harles) A(mbrose), Carthage, Till. Mathematics. Baldwinsville, N. Y, Sept. 2,51. B.S, Cornell, 76; fellow, Hopkins, 78-81; Ph.D, Hillsdale, 83. Instr. math, Cornell, 76- 77; Wisconsin, 81-83, asst. prof, 83-85, prof, 85-06; Carthage, 20— London Math. Soe. Com- pound determinants. Van Vleck, Prof. E(dward) B(urr), University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. *Mathematics. Mid- dletown, Conn, June 7, 63. A.B, Wesleyan, 84; Hopkins, 85-87, fellow, 86-87; Géttingen, 90- 93, Ph.D, 93; LL.D, Clark, 09; Dr. Math. and Physics, Groningen, 14; Se.D, Chicago, 16. Instr. math, Wesleyan, 87-90; Wisconsin, 93- 95; asst. prof, Wesleyan, 95-98, prof, 98-06; Wisconsin, 06— Officier de 1’Instruction Pub, 704 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 20. Nat. Acad; A.A. (v. pres, A, 12); Math. Soe. (v. pres, 09, ed, ‘Trans,’ pres, 13, 14); Math. Verein; Soe. math. de France; Circolo Mat. di Palermo. Theory of functions and dif- ferential equations. Van Vleet, Prof. Albert Heald, 516 Chautauqua Ave, Norman, Okla. Zoology, Botany. Page Co, Iowa, 61. B.S, Wisconsin, 95; Ph.D, Leip- zig, 97. Instr. chem. and physics, Nebr. State Nor. Sch, 86-93; prof. bot. and dean, grad. sch, Oklahoma, 98— Director, Okla. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv, 00-08. Nebr. Acad. (see’y, 91). Ferns and flowering plants of Oklahoma. Van Wagenen, Prof. M(arvin) J(ames), 627 Sixth St, S. E, Minneapolis, Minn. Psychology. Ohioville, N. Y, Nov. 18, 84. B.S, Columbia, 11, A.M, 12, Ph.D, 18. Instr. psychol, Ohio State, 14-15; asst. prof. educ. psychol, Minnesota, 17- A.A. Edueational seales and tests. Van Wart, Prof. Roy M(cLean), 450 Audubon St, New Orleans, La. Pathology. Fredericton, Can, Oct. 5, 77. A.B, New Brunswick, 98; M.D, C.M, McGill, 02; fellow, Hopkins, 03. Lecturer diseases of nervous system, Tulane, 04-15, prof. psychiat, 15-; neurologist, Touro Infirmary, 04-; psychiatrist, Charity Hosp, 15- Major, M.R.C. A.A; Psychiat. Ass; Medico-Psychol. Ass; Ass. Path. and Bact; Soc. Trop. Med; Psychopath. Ass; Royal Soc. Med. Nervous and mental diseases. Van Winkle, Edward, 37 Wall St, New York, N. Y. Mechanical engineering. Jersey City, N. J, 78. Stevens, 96; E.E, Columbia, 00. Pl. M. Nat. Coincounting Co, 99-00; Otis Elevator Co, 00-02; Marine Engine and Machine Co, 02-03; consulting engineer, 03- Major, B.C, A.E.F; design and construction engineer, Is-sur-Tielle, France. Mech. Eng; Civil Eng; Can. Soe. Civil Eng. Methods of production, mill construction and operation. Van Winkle, Miss Katherine E. H(ilton), 126 Kelvin Place, Ithaca, N. Y. Paleontology. Oakville, Wash, Feb. 4, 95. B.S, Washington (Seattle), 18; fellow, Cornell, 18-20. Asst. geol, Oregon, 18. Paleont. Soe; Calif. Acad. Tertiary of Washington and Oregon; Veneridae. Van Zandt, Dr. J(ohn) Parker, 2932 First St, San Diego, Calif. Physics. Chicago, Ill, Jan. 16, 94. B.S, California, 14, Ph.D, 17. Dept. physics, California, 14-17; with tech. sect, Air Service, U.S.A, 17— Elec. Eng. Physies and mathematics applied to electrical engineering and aerodynamics. Vauclain, S(amuel) M(atthews), 500 N. Broad St, Philadelphia, Pa. Mechanical engineering. Philadelphia, May 18, 56. Hon. Se.D, Pennsyl- vania, 06. Gen. supt. and later pres, Baldwin Locomotive Works, 11- Award as collaborator, Paris Expos, 00; Pan-Am. Expos, 01; La. Pur- chase Expos, 04; Lewis and Clark Expos, 08; Panama-Pacific Expos, 15. Mech. Eng. (mana- ger); London Inst. Civil Eng. Railroad engi- neering; locomotives; railroad appliances. Vaughan, Prof. George Tully, 1718 I St, Wash- ington, D. C. Surgery. Arrington, Va, June 27, 59. M.D, Virginia, 79; Univ. and Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col, 80; N. Y. Polyclinic, 85; Jef- ferson Med. Col; Berlin, Paris, Vienna and Lon- don, 94-95. Asst. surgeon, U. S. Pub. Health and Marine Hosp. Service, 88-92, past asst. sur- geon, 92-00, surgeon, 00-02, asst. surgeon-gen, 02; prof. surg, Georgetown, 97— Chief surgeon, Georgetown Univ. Hosp; surgeon, Cent. Dis- pensary and Emergency Hosp; consulting sur- geon, St. Elizabeth’s Hosp, Washington. Surg. Ass; Am. Med. Ass; Ass. Mil. Surg. (pres, 07) ; D. C. Med. Soe. (v. pres); hon. mem. Va. Med. Soc; hon. mem. Vanderburg Co. (Ind) Med. Soc; Wash. Acad; cor. mem. Ass. French Mil. Surg. Vaughan, R(ichard) E(nglish), University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Plant pathology. Woodstock, Vt. B.S.A, Vermont, 07; M.S, Wis- consin, 12. Asst. hort, Vt. Exp. Sta, 07-08; instr. hort. and agron,- Boys’ Sch, Mt. Hermon, Mass, 09-11; asst. plant path. Wisconsin, 11-14, instr, 14-15, asst. prof, 15-19, assoc. prof, 19- A.A; Phytopath. Soc; Bot. Soc. Diseases of canning and truck crops. Vaughan, Dr. (Thomas) Wayland, U. S. Geologi- cal Survey, Washington, D.C. *Geology. Jones- ville, Tex, Sept. 20, 70. B.S, Tulane, 89; A.B, Harvard, 93, A.M, 94, Ph.D, 03. Instr. chem. and physies, Mt. Lebanon Col, La, 89-92; asst, La. Geol. Surv, 92; asst. geologist, U. S. Geol. Surv, 94-02, geologist, 02-03, paleontologist, 03-07, geologist, in charge coastal plain in- vestigations, 07—-; custodian Madreporaria, U. S. Nat. Museum, 03— Research assoc, Carnegie Institution, 13; chairman, committee on sedi- mentation, div. geol. and geog, Nat. Research Council. A.A; Geol. Soc. (mem. council, 20-) ; Ass. Geog; Paleont. Soc; Am. Acad; Wash. Geol. Soe. (pres, 15); Wash. Biol. Soe; cor. mem. Phila. Acad. Stratigraphy and paleontol- ogy of the Tertiary formations of the southern and eastern United States, West Indies and Cen- tral America; geologic history of the Floridian plateau; post-Paleozoic fossil and recent corals of northern and tropical America; recent corals of the Hawaiian, Cocos-Keeling, Murray and Fanning Islands and of the east coast of Africa; deep sea corals of the Pacifie Ocean; coral reefs; ecology of corals; marine sediments. Vaughan, Dr. Victor C(larence), 221 S. State St, Ann Arbor, Mich. *Bacteriology. Randolph Co, Mo, Oct. 27, 51. B.S, Mt. Pleasant, 72; M.S, Michigan, 75, Ph.D, 76, M.D, 78, LL.D, 00; Cen- tral, 10; Jefferson Med. Col, 15; hon. Se.D, Pittsburgh; M.D, Illinois. Prof. Latin, Mt. Pleasant, 72-74; instr. physiol. chem, Michigan, 76-80, lecturer, 80-84, prof. hygiene and physiol. chem, 84-, dean, med. sch, 91- Mem. Mich. State Board Health, 83-94, 01-19; major and surgeon, U. S. Vols, and mem. Typhoid Commis- sion, 98-99; col, M.C. in charge, sect. on com- municable diseases, 17-19; mem. advisory board, hygienic lab, U. S. Pub. Health Service, 02-; board nat. med. examiners, 15—- D.S. medal, 19. Nat. Acad; A.A; Am. Med. Ass. (pres, 14) ; Soe. Pharmacol; Ass. Path. and Bact; Soc. Bact; Physiol. Soc; Am. Physicians (pres, 09) ; Soe. Exp. Biol; Philos. Soc; N. Y. Acad; hon. mem. French and Hungarian Societies of Hy- giene. The bacterial toxins; food poisoning; the nucleins; tuberculosis; medico-legal subjects. Vaux, George, Jr, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Geology. Philadelphia, Pa, Dee. 18, 63. B.S, Haverford, — aha Lo i rl te ont nh AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 765 A.A; Math. Soe; Math. Ass; Ohio Teachers Math. and Sci. (pres, 08); Cireolo Mat. di Palermo. Pedagogy of mathematics; modular invariants. Yarrow, Dr. Harry Crécy, 814 17th St, -N. W, Washington, D. C. Medicine. Philadelphia, P1, Noy. 19, 40. Geneva; M.D, Pennsylvania, 61. Prof. dermat, George Washington; surgeon, U.S.A; curator herp, U. 8S. Nat. Museum. Wheeler exploring exped, 72-77. A.A. Anthro- pology; ethnology; mortuary customs of North American Indians; biology; herpetology. Yates, Dr. Anna Baker, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Physiology. Jamestown, N. Y, Jan. 11, 91. A.B, Mt. Holyoke, 13; A.M, Colum- bia, 15, Ph.D, 20. Instr. physiol, Wellesley, 19- 20; assoc. biol, Bryn Mawr, 20- Biochemistry; metabolism; central nervous system. Yates, Prof. J(ames) A(nderson), State Manual Training Normal, Pittsburg, Kans. Chemistry, Geology. Bush, Ky, Oct. 24, 65. B.S, Ken- tucky, 90, M.S, 99. Principal, Laurel Sem, 90- 92; prof. nat. science, Williamsburg Inst, 92- 97; Ottawa, 97-07; head, dept. physical science and director chem, elec. and mining eng, State Manual Training Nor, Kans, 07- Mem. Union Pacific fossil field exped, summer, 99; chairman, ‘Board of Pub. Welfare, Pittsburg, Kans, 14- 16. A.A; Chem. Soc; Am. Geog. Soc; Kans. Acad. (pres, 07): Industrial engineering; Law- rence shales; changes in Cottonwood limestones south of Cottonwood Falls, Kansas; the compo- sition of stereotype and linotype alloys. Yates, Dr. J(ohn) L(awrence), 141 Wisconsin St, Milwaukee, Wis. Medicine. Milwaukee, Feb. 27, 73. Ph.B, Yale, 94; B.S, Wisconsin, 95; M.D, Hopkins, 99. Asst. path, Hopkins, 01-02; asst. demonstrator path, Pennsylvania, 02-03. Senn medal, 05; Gross prize, 15. Ass. Path. and Bact; Surg. Ass; Am. Med. Ass; Chicago Surg. Soe. Pathologic physiology of the peritoneum; Hodgkins disease; pathologic physiology of pleura. Yensen, T(rygve) D(ewey), Westinghouse Elec- trie and Manufacturing Co, Pittsburgh, Pa. Metallurgy. Drammen, Norway, Jan. 30, 84. B.S, Illinois, 07, M.S, 12, E.E, 13. Engineer, Gen. Elec. Co, 07-08; instr. elec. eng, Illinois, 08-09; elec. engineer, Shawnigan Water and Power Co, 09-10; research asst, eng. exp. sta, Tilinois, 10-15, research asst. prof, 15-16; re- search engineer, Westinghouse Elec. and Mfg. Co, 16- Elec. Eng; Min. and Metal. Eng. Metallurgy of magnetic materials; magnetic iron and iron alloys. Yerkes, Prof. Robert M(earns), National Re- search Council, Washington, D. C. *Psychology. Breadysville, Pa, May 26, 76. A.B, Ursinus, 97; A.B, Harvard, 98, A.M, 99, Ph.D, 02. Asst. psychol, Harvard, 99-01, teaching fellow, 01-02, instr. comp. psychol, 02-08, asst. prof, 08-17; psychologist, Psychopathic Hosp, Boston, 13-17; prof. psychol. and director, psychol. lab, Minne- sota, 17-19; chairman, research information service, Nat. Research Council, 19— Major, div. psychol, Sanit. C, 17-19; chairman, psychol. committee, Nat. Research Council, 17-19; mem. committee on classification of personnel, War Dept, 17-18; ed, ‘Jour. Animal Behavior.’ o Bowdoin prize, Harvard; Boylston prize, Har- vard Med. Seh; Cartwright prize, Columbia. A.A; Soc. Nat; Psychol. Ass. (pres, 16); Physiol. Soc; Soe. Zool; Soe. Exp. Biol; Soe. Mammal; Am. Acad; Galton Soe. Reactions of lower organisms to light; physiology of the nervous system; sense psychology; behavior of vertebrates; mental measurements; biology of primates. Yerzley, Prof. W(illiam) A(lfred), 26-28 Boy- lan St, Newark, N. J. Mechanical engineer- ing. Forrest City, Ark, Aug. 7, 68. MLE, Cornell, 92; Pd.B, N. Y. State Nor. Col, 95; Co- lumbia, 97-98, In charge machine shop and drafting dept, Miller Seh, Va, 95-97; instr, Madison Seh, N. Y. City, 98-99; asst. lab. of Thomas A. Edison, 99-00, 01; engineering work with several industrial companies, 00-07; di- rector, Eng. Sch, Buffalo, N. Y, 03-05; prof. mech. eng, Clarkson Mem. Sch. Tech, 07-09; with Remington Arms Co, Pratt and Whitney Co. and Gray Telephone Pay Sta. Co, 09-11; sec’y and chief engineer, Nagle Reblade Knife Co, 11-14; with Sloane and Chase Co, Crocker- Wheeler Co, Colt’s Pat. Firearms Co, Westing- house Co, and Edison Lab; consulting engineer. A.A; Mech. Eng; Eng. Educ; London Soe. Arts. Yoakum, Dr. Clarence S(tone), Carnegie Insti- tute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa. Psychol- ogy. Leavenworth Co, Kans, Jan. 11, 79. B.S, Campbell, 01, A.B, 02; fellow, Chieago, 06-08, Ph.D, 08. Asst. English, Campbell, 01-02, instr. philos. and educ, 02-03; seienee, Hiawatha Acad, 03-05; psychol, Texas, 08-17; major, div. psychol, Sanit. C, 17-19; prof. applied psychol. and director, bur. personnel research, Carnegie Inst. Tech, 19- A.A; Psychol. Ass. Applied psychology; industrial research; mental fatigue; complication experiment; persistent complexes; behavior of squirrels. Yocom, Prof, H(arry) B(arclay), University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. Zoology. Pennsville, Ohio, July 12, 88. A.B, Oberlin, 12; A.M, Cali- fornia, 16, Ph.D, 18. Instr. zool, Wabash, 12- 13; asst, Kansas State, 13-14, instr, 14-15; asst, California, 15-17; prof, Washburn, 17-18; asst. prof. biol, Col. City of N. Y, 19-20; zoo!, Oregon, 20- Lieut, Sanit. C, 18. A.A; Soe. Zool. Cytology; protozoology. Yoder, Dr. P(eter) A, 2503 Hall Place, N. W, Washington, D. C. Chemistry. Shipshewana, Ind, Aug. 21, 67. A.B, Indiana, 94, A.M, 96; Chicago, 96-97; Ph.D, Gittingen, 01. Asst. chem. and physies, Ind. State Nor. Sch, 91-93; instr. chem, Indiana, 94-96; teacher physical sciences, State Nor. Sch, Mankato, Minn, 97-98; chem, high sch, Duluth, Minn, 98-99; assoc. prof. chem, Utah Col, 01-05, prof, 05-07, assoc. chemist, Exp. Sta, 01-05, director and chemist, 05-07; research chemist, La, Sugar Exp. Sta, 08-10; asst. chemist, bur. chem, U. S. Dept. Agr, 10-13, sugar cane technologist, 18-— Silver medal, La. Purchase Expos, 04. A.A; Chem. Soe; Soc. Agron; Bot. Soc. Dehydromucie acid and its derivatives; centrifugal soil elutriator; incubation of chickens in a dry climate; for- maldehyde in sugar house products; polariseopic methods for estimating malic acid; acid con- stituents of sugar cane and sugar house prod- 66 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE uets; effect of environmental influences on com- position of cereals; determination of cholin in wheat and cottonseed meal; sugar cane culture for sirup; improvements in sirup evaporator; cane-stripping comb. York, Prof. Harlan H(arvey), University of West Virginia, Morgantown, W. Va. Botany. Plainfield, Ind, Sept. 8, 75. B.S, DePauw, 03; A.M, Ohio State, 05; fellow, Columbia, 05-06; Ph.D, Hopkins, 11. Asst. bot, Ohio State, 03- 05; instr, Texas, 06-11; assoc. prof. and in charge of dept, Brown, 11-20; West Virginia, 20- Assoc. bot, Cold Spring Harbor, 06-15. A.A; Bot. Soc; Phytopath. Soe. Morphology; anatomy; histological technique; North Amer- iean Malvaceae; embryology of Nelumbolutea; the flora of Texas; anatomy and biological as- pects of the American mistletoe; the wintering over of Cronartium ribicola; late aecia of Cronartium ribicola. Yothers, Prof. M(errill) A(rthur), U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Medford, Oregon. E£nto- mology. Ashton, Ill, Dec. 18, 83. B.S, Idaho, 07; M.S, Wash. State, 14. Asst. entom, Mich. Agr. Col, 08-10; instr. entom, Wash. State, and asst. entomologist, Exp. Sta, 10-17; specialist, apple insect investigations, bur. entom, U, 8. Dept. Agr, 17- A.A; Entom. Soc; Ass. Econ. Entom. Economie entomology; Rhyncophora; the physiological effects of endoparasitism on the host insect; apple insect control. Yothers, W/(illiam) W/(alter), Orlando, Fla. Entomology. Ashton, Ill, Sept. 15, 79. B.S, Idaho, 03; A.B, Cornell, 04. District hort. in- spector, Idaho, 01-03; special field agent and entom. asst, bur. entom, U. S. Dept. Agr, 04- A.A; Entom. Soc; Ass. Econ. Entom; Tex. Acad; Wash. Entom. Soc. Hibernation of the boll weevil; fumigation with hydrocyanie gas for controlling the citrus white fly; spraying of citrus trees; mites attacking citrus trees in Florida. Young, Prof. A(bram) V(an) E(ps), Evanston, Ill. *Chemistry. Sheboygan, Wis, June 5, 53. Ph.B, Ph.C, Michigan, 75; fellow, Hopkins, 78- 80. “ Asst. chem, Michigan, 75-77; Harvard, 84— 85; prof, Northwestern, 85-20, prof. emeritus, 20—- A.A; Chem. Soe. ' Young, Prof. Anne S(ewell), Mt. Holyoke Col- lege, South Hadley, Mass. Astronomy. Bloom- ington, Wis, Jan. 2, 71. B.L, Carleton, 92, M.S, 97; Chicago, 98, 02; Ph.D, Columbia, 06. Instr. math, Whitman, 92-93, prof, 93-95; as- tron, Mt. Holyoke, and director, Williston Ob- servatory, 99- A.A; Astron. Soc; Ass. Var. Star Observers; Ass. Prof. Variable stars; measurement of astronomical photographs. Young, Dr. A(rcher) E(verett), Tallawanda Road, Oxford, Ohio. Mathematics. Haddam Neck, Conn, March 12, 73. A.B, Wesleyan, 98; Ph.D, Princeton, 03. Instr, Shady Side Acad, Pittsburgh, 98-01; math, Purdue, 03-08; prof, Miami, O8-, dean, 18- Math. Soe. Differen- tial geometry; isothermic surfaces; isothermal asymptotic surfaces; the spherical representation and the characteristic equation of certain classes of surfaces; orthogonal systems of lines and the determination of surfaces referred to them. Young, Prof. B(enjamin) P(ercy), 209 Eddy St, Ithaca, N. Y. Entomology. Kansas City, Kans, Feb. 27, 87. B.S, Kansas, 08; Ph.D, Cornell, 19. Principal, high sch. and city supt. schools, 08-15; instr. entom, Kansas, 15-17; Cornell, 17-19, asst. prof. zool, 19- A.A. Spring canker worm; embryology of the honey bee; attachment of the thorax to the abdomen in Diptera. Young, Dr. Charles O(tis), Clendenin Gasoline Co, Clendenin, W.Va. Chemistry. Mexico City, Mex, June 21, 92. B.S, Haverford, 13; Ph.D, Pitts- burgh, 18. Chemist, bur. chem, U. S. Dept. Agr, 15-17; instr. chem, Pittsburgh, 17-18; fellow, Mellon Inst, 19. Chem. Soe. Organic chemistry. Young, Prof. C(linton) M(ason), University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Mining engineering. Hiram, Ohio, 76. B.S, Hiram, 98; Case, 04, E.M, 09. Chemist, Gates Co, 04-05; assoc. prof. mining eng, Kansas, 05-14; specialist, corps engineers, 14; ed, ‘Colliery Engineer,’ 15; assoc. ed, ‘Coal Age,’ 16; asst. prof. mining research, Illinois, 16-19; prof. mining eng, Kansas, 19- Min. Eng; Eng. Educ; Kans. Acad. Causes of coal mine explosions; decomposition products of explosives; metallurgy of copper and nickel; detection of methane in mine air; percentage of coal extracted in mining; surface subsidence. Young, Dr. G(eorge) A(Ibert), Geological Sur- vey, Ottawa, Can. Geology. Montreal, Can, March 6, 78. B.S, McGill, 98, M.S, 01; Ph.D, Yale, 04. Geologist, Can. Geol. Surv, 07- A.A; Geol. Soe. Petrography and areal geol- ogy. Young, Prof. Geo(rge) J(oseph), 827 Guerrero St, San Francisco, Calif. Mining. San Fran- cisco, Oct. 3, 76. B.S, California, 99. Anal. asst, dept. mining, California, 99-00; asst. prof. metal, Nevada, 00-03, prof. mining and metal, 03-08, in charge Mackay Sch. Mines, 08-13; prof. mining, Minnesota, 13-16; metal, Colo. Sch. Mines, 16-17; asst. ed-in-chief, ‘Eng. and Min. Jour,’ 18-19, west, ed, 19- Min. Eng; Min. and Metal. Soe. Metallurgy; mine ventila- tion; eyanid process; geology of Nevada mining districts. Young, Harry C(urtis), Michigan Agricultural College, East Lansing, Mich. Botany. Millers- burg, Ohio, Nov. 14, 88. B.S, Ohio (Athens), 13; M.S, N. C. Col, 15; Lackland fellow, Wash- ington (St. Louis), 15-16. Instr. bot, N. C. Col, 13-15; Mich. Agr. Col, 16-18, research asst. plant physiol, 18- Serologist, U.S.A. Hosp, New Haven, Conn, 18-19. A.A; Bot. Soc; Mich. Acad. Fungicidal coefficients; seed steril- ization; complement fixation tests for tuber- culosis; Wasserman reaction in tuberculosis; nutritive deficiencies in plants. Young, Dr. Herman H, Children’s Service Bu- reau, Youngstown, Ohio. Psychology. Lake, Ohio, Nov. 12, 87. A.B, Ohio (Athens), 13, A.M, 14; Harrison fellow, Pennsylvania, 14-16, Ph.D, 16. Instr. paidol. and psychol, Ohio (Athens), 13-14; psychologist, Ind. Reforma- tory, 15; juvenile court, Cincinnati, Ohio, 16; examiner, Ky. Surv, Nat. Commission for Men- tal Hygiene, 17; director, child direction dept, ‘Children’s Service Bur, Youngstown, 17— A.A; AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Psychol. Ass; Ass. Clin. Psychol. Educational and clinical psychology; mental tests. Young, Dr. Hugh Hampton, Johns Hopkins Hos- pital, Baltimore, Md. Surgery. San Antonio, Tex, Sept. 18, 70. A.B, A.M, Virginia, 93, M.D, 94. In charge, dept. urol, Hopkins, 97-, clin. prof. and visiting urologist, Hopkins Hosp, 14- Pres, Md. State Lunacy Commission, 08—; senior consultant urol, A.E.F; col, M.C, retired. A.A; Urol. Ass. (pres, 09); Ass. Genito-Urinary Surg. (pres, 10); Md. Med. and Chirurg. Faculty (pres, 13); Ass. Int. d’Urol; hon. mem. Urol. Gesell; hon. mem. Ass. francaise d’Urol; hon. mem. Soe. Ital. d’Urol. Bacteriology; pathol- ogy; urological surgery; chronic cystitis; pathology of the prostate gland; prostatectomy. Young, Prof. J(acob) W(illiam) A(lIbert), 5422 Blackstone Ave, Chicago, Ill. *Mathematics. York, Pa, Dec. 28, 65. A.B, Bucknell, 87, A.M, 90; Berlin, 88-89; Ph.D, Clark, 92. Instr. math, Bucknell Acad, 87-88; assoc, Chicago, 92-94, instr, 94-97, asst. prof. pedag. of math, 97-08, assoc. prof, O8—- Studied schools of Prussia, 97-98; of France, 01, 03-04; of Italy and Austria, 06, 08; mem. Int. Commission on Teaching of Math. Math. Soc; Math. Ass. The theory of groups; teaching of mathematics in European schools and in American secondary schools and colleges. oung, Dr. J(ames) H(oward), Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. Chemical engineering. Kansas City, Kans, 92. B.S, Kansas State, 14; M.S, Ohio State, 16, Ph.D, 18. Asst. eng. exp. sta, Kansas State, 12-14; instr. chem, Ohio State, 16-18; fellow, Mellon Inst, 18- Chem. Soe. Bituminous products; building materials. Young, Prof. J(ames) K(elly), 222 S. 16th St, Philadelphia, Pa. Medicine. Trenton, N. d, April 29, 62. M.D, Pennsylvania, 83; Vienna, 88. Res. physician, Phila. Gen. Hosp, 84-85; assoc. prof. orthop. surg, Phila. Polyclinic, 95-; Pennsylvania, 99-, prof, grad. sch. med, 18- Clin. prof. orthop. surg, Woman’s Med. Col. of -Pa, 96-15. Orthop. Ass; Col. Surg; Am. Med. Ass; fel. Phila. Acad. Surg; fel. Phila. Col. Physicians. Orthopedic surgery; anatomy; phys- ical development of children; tuberculosis of bones and joints; arthritis deformans; scoliosis. Young, Prof. J(ohn) W(esley), Hanover, N. H. *Mathematics. Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 17, 79. Ph.B, Ohio State, 99, fellow, 99-00; A.M, Cor- nell, 01, fellow, 01-02, Ph.D, 04. Asst. math, Cornell, 02-03; instr, Northwestern, 03-05; pre- ceptor, Princeton, 05-08; asst. prof, Tlinois, 08- 10; prof. and head, dept. math, Kansas, 10-11; prof, Dartmouth, 11- Collaborator, ‘Bul. des sei. math.’; chief examiner geometry, Col. En- trance Exam. Board, 13-15; chairman, Nat. Committee on Math. Requirements, 16- Math. Soc. (ed, ‘Bul’); Math. Ass. (v. pres, 18) ; Math. Verein; Circolo Mat. di Palermo. _ Auto- morphie functions; group theory; foundations of geometry; theory of approximations; n-di- mensional chains; application of synthetic methods to analysis; geometry associated with Cremona groups; projective geometry; funda- mental concepts of algebra and geometry. Young, Dr. Paul Thomas, University of Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minn. Psychology. Los Young, Young, T67 Angeles, Calif, May 26, 92. A.B, Occidental, 14; A.M, Princeton, 16: Ph.D, Cornell, 18. JIn- str. psychol, Minnesota, 19- Experimental psychology of feeling. Young, Dr. Reynolds K(enneth), Dominion As- trophysical Observatory, Victoria, B. C. Astro- physics. Binbrook, Ont. B.A, Toronto, 09; Lick Observatory, fellow, California, 09-12, Ph.D, 12. Instr. astron, Kansas, 12-13; ob- server, Dominion Observatory, 13-18; astrono- mer, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, 18- A.A; Astron. Soc; Royal Astron. Soc. Can. Spectroscopy. Young, Prof. Robert T(hompson), University, N. Dak. Zoology. Philadelphia, Pa, Feb. 14, 74. B.S, Pennsylvania, 96; fellow, Nebraska, 04-06, Ph.D, 06. Field asst, U. S. Biol. Surv, 97; asst, U. S. Fish Commission, 98; asst. zool, Michigan, 98; science teacher, high sch, Cripple Creek, Colo, 03; instr. zool, North Dakota, 06- 09, asst. prof, 09-14, prof, 14-, asst. director, N. Dak. Biol. Sta, 09-14, director, 14- A.A; Soc. Zool. Histogenesis of cestodes; nuclei of Paramecium; protective coloration. Young, Prof. S(tewart) W(oodford), Stanford University, Calif. *Chemistry. Orient, N. Y, March 14, 69. B.S, Cornell, 90; Leipzig, 99- 00. Asst. chem, Cornell, 90-91; Swarthmore, 91-93; asst, later instr. and asst. prof, Stan- ford, 99-00, assoc. prof, 00-04, prof. physical chem, 04- A.A; Chem. Soc; San Francisco Mechanies Inst. Complex tin compounds; inhi- bition of rate of oxidation; modifications of sodium thiosulphates; sponteaneous erystalliza- tion of supercooled solutions and fusions; me- chanical stimulus to crystallization; recovery of sulphur from smelter fumes; passivity of iron; colloidal solutions; fractional distillation; arti- ficial enrichment of copper sulphid ores. Prof. V(ive) H(all), University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. Botany. Whitewater, Wis, Dec. 5, 87. Ph.B, Wisconsin, 13, fellow, 15-16, Ph.M, 14, Ph.D, 16. Asst. bot, Wis- consin, 13-15; asst. prof, Iowa, 16-18; asst. pathologist, bur. plant indust, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 18; prof. bot, Idaho, and plant physiologist, Exp. Sta, 18— A.A; Bot. Soe; Phytopath. Soe; Towa Acad. Plant physiology; mycology; en- zymes in fungi. Prof. Walter) J(orgensen), Normal School, Fredericksburg, Va. Psychol- ogy. Owensboro, Ky, June 27, 83. A.B, Rich- mond, 07; B.D, Crozer Theol. Sem, 10; A.M, Pennsylvania, 10, Ph.D, 11; Columbia. Prof. philos. and edue, Hampden-Sidney, 11-13; Rich- mond, 13-18; acting supt. schools, Suffolk, Va, 18-19; prof. biol, State Nor. Sch, 19- Philos- ophy; education; practise and habit; genetic ethies. State Youngblood, B(onney), College Station, Tex. Agrt- culture. Milano, Tex, July 31,81. B.S, Tex. Col, 02,M.8,07; Wisconsin,18,20. Principal, high seh, Henderson, Tex, 03-05; Mineola, 05-06; supt. city schools, Paul’s Valley, Okla, 06-07; asst. agrieculturist, office farm management, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 07-11; director, Tex. Exp. Sta, 11- Soc. Prom. Agr. Sci; Soe. Agron; Farm Man- agement Ass; Ass, Agr. Col; Ass. Agr. Exp. 768 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Sta. Farm and ranch economies; farm man- agement; farm housing; grazing. Youngken, Prof. Heber W(ilkinson), 145 N. Tenth St, Philadelphia, Pa. Botany, Pharma- cognosy. Bucks Co, Pa, Oct. 31, 85. Ph.G, Medico-Chirurg. Col, Phila, 05, 09-11; A.B, Bucknell, 09, A.M, 12; M.S, Pennsylvania, 14, Ph.D, 15; Ph.M, Phila. Col. Pharmacy, 19. Demonstrator biol, pharmacog. and bacter, Med- ico-Chirurg. Col, Phila, 09-11, instr. bot. and pharmacog, 11-12, asst. prof, 12-15, adj. prof, 15-16, prof, 16; asst. prof, Phila. Col. Phar- macy, 16-17, prof. and director, micros. labora- tories, 17— Prof. biol, Ursinus, 18-19. A.A; Bot. Soe; Pharmaceut. Ass; Phila. Acad; Phila. Bot. Club. Pharmaceutical botany. Youtz, Prof. Lewis A(ddison), 463 South St, Ap- pleton, Wis. Chemistry. Canton, Ohio, July 21, 64. Ph.B, Simpson, 90, Ph.M, 93, M.S, 02; Ph.D, Columbia, 02. Instr. nat. science, high sch, Des Moines, Iowa, 91-93; assoc. prof. sci- ence, Simpson, 93-99; prof, Mont. Wesleyan, 99-00; chem, Lawrence, 02— Chem. Soe; Soe. Chem. Indust; Wis. Acad. The determination of antimony; antimony compounds; the purity and volatility of precipitated antimony sulphid. Yowell, Dr. Everett I(rving), Corbett and Griest Aves, Cincinnati, Ohio. Astronomy. Cincin- nati, Jan. 2, 70. C.E, Cincinnati, 91, M.S, 93, Ph.D, 11; Gottingen, 94-95. Instr. math, Cin- ° einnati, 91-94, 95-97; asst. Cincinnati Ob- servatory, 95-01; computer, U. S. Naval Ob- servatory, 01-06; imstr. math, U. S. Naval Acad, 06-09; first asst, Cincinnati Observatory, 09- Mem. U. 8. Naval Observatory eclipse ex- ped, 05; int. latitude observer, 10-16. A.A; Math. Soc; Astron. Soe. Meridian circle ob- servations; variation of latitude; proper motion of stars; orbits of comets and asteroids. Yuncker, Prof. T(ruman) G(eorge), Green- castle, Ind. Botany. Carson City, Mich, March 20, 91. B.S, Mich. Agr. Col, 14; A.M, Ne- braska, 15; fellow, Illinois, 19, Ph.D, 19. Asst. bot, Illinois, 17-18; asst. prof. biol, DePaww, 19-20, assoc. prof, 20, prof, 2i- A.A; Bot. Soc. North American and West Indian species of Cuscuta. Z Zahm, Prof. A(lbert) F(rancis), Catholic Univer- sity, Washington, D.C. *Mechanics. New Lex- ington, Ohio. A.M, Notre Dame, 85; M.E, Cor- nell, 92; Ph.D, Hopkins, 98. Prof. math, Notre Dame, 85-89, math. and mech, 90-92; mech, Catholic Univ, 95- Int. Conf. Aerial Naviga- tion (gen. sec’y, 93, official delegate, 00). Mech. Eng; Wash. Philos. Soc. Resistance of air below 1,000 feet per second; a chronograph for small intervals of time; aerodynamics; aerial navigation; skin friction of air up to 30 miles an hour; absolute measurement of air velocity; absolute pressure of air on normal standard plane; lift and drift of arched sur- faces; law of interference of superposed planes. Zahm, Dr. J(ohn) A(ugustine), Holy Cross Col- lege, Brookland, D. C. Physics. New Lexing- ton, Ohio, June 14, 51. A.B, A.M, Notre Dame, 71; Ph.D. (from Pope Leo XIII), 95. Entered Order of Holy Cross, 71; in charge, scientific dept, Notre Dame, 74-95. Pres, board of trus- tees, Notre Dame. Soc. de Physique; Soe. Sci. de Bruxelles; Arcadia Rome; Soc. Danteseca, Florence; N.’ Y. Authors Club. Evolution and dogma; sound and music; Bible science and faith; scientific theory and Catholic doctrine; science and the church; following the conquista- dores; woman in science. Zanetti, Prof. J(oaquin) Enrique, Columbia Uni- versity, New York, N. Y. Chemistry. Santo Domingo, W. I, Jan. 20, 85. A.B, Harvard, 06, A.M, 07, Ph.D, 09. Austin teaching fellow org. chem, Harvard, 07-09; instr. chem, Columbia, 09-12; director, Lab. Indust. Chem, Monte- video, Uruguay, 12-13; asst. prof. chem, Colum- bia, 13- Capt, ordnance dept, A.E.F, 17-18; major, C.W.S, 18, lieut. col, 18-19; see’y for the U. 8S, Interallied Commission for Chem. Warfare Supplies, 18-19. Légion d’honneur; D. S. order; officer, Order Crown of Italy. A.A; Chem. Soc; Soc. Chem. Indust. Hydrocarbons; furoyl acetie ester; action of silicon tetrachlorid on fatty acids; thermal decomposition of natu- ral gas condensate, benzene, propane-butane and ethane-butane. de Zeeuw, Prof. Richard, East Lansing, Mich. Botany. Alton, Iowa, March 15, 80. A.B, Hope, 06, hon. A.M, 09; A.B, Michigan, 07, Ph.D, 09. Instr. bot, Mich. Agr. Col, 09-10, asst. prof, 10-13, assoc. prof, 13- A.A; Bot. Soe; Mich. Acad. (sec’y, 11). Comparative viability of seeds; seed sterilization; botanical technique. Zehring, Prof. W(illiam) A(rthur), Purdue Uni- versity, La Fayette, Ind. Mathematics. Ger- mantown, Ohio, Dec. 6, 76. A.B, Otterbein, 98, A.M, 03; A.B, Harvard, 03. Prof. math, East- ern, 98-02; Campbell, 03-05; assoc. prof, Pur- due, 05—- Math. Soe; Ind. Acad. Zeisberg, Fred(erick) C(lemens), E. I. duPont de Nemours and Co, Wilmington, Del. Chem- istry. Jefferson City, Mo, May 13, 88. Vir- ginia. Chemist, Mathieson Alkali Works, 07-08; E. I. duPont de Nemours and Co, 09-17, mana- ger, intelligence div. and later elementary process div, chem. dept, 19- Chem, Soe. (sec’y, Del. sect, 19); Electrochem. Soc; Chem. Eng. Oxi- dation of ammonia; sulphuric acid manufacture; explosives; nitric acid manufacture and concen- tration; fixation of nitrogen. Zeit, Prof. F(rederick) Robert, 4016 Vincennes Ave, Chicago, Ill. Pathology. Switzerland, March 13, 64. Gymnasium, Elberfeld, Cologne, Disseldorf; M.D, Western Reserve, 87. Asst. and instr. path. and bacter, Northwestern, 99- 00, prof, 00-01; Post-Grad. Med. Sch, Chicago, 00-18; path, Northwestern, 02— Asst. and later collaborator of Prof. Edwin Klebs, 97-00; pa- thologist, Wesley, Mereey, Provident, Alexian Brothers and Grant Hospitals. A.A; Ass. Path. and Bact; Am. Med. Ass; Soc. Med. Hist; Chi- eago Path. Soc. (pres, 04). Pathology of tu- mors; effect of electric currents on bacteria; longevity of typhoid bacilli in lake and river water; pathology and bacteriology of uretero- intestinal anastomosis; congenital atresia of esophagus; acute glanders in man; etiology of syphilis; histogenesis of endothelial tumors. Zeleny, Prof. Anthony, University of Minne- sota, Minneapolis, Minn. *Physics. Racine, S ee = Ab LS 0 omer © epciiemasrcal Tasty leet ens AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Wis, April 20, 70. B.S, Minnesota, 92, M.S, 93, Ph.D, 07; Chicago, 00; Gottingen, 12; Prince- ton, 15-16. Instr. physics, Minnesota, 97-06, asst. prof, 06-09, prof, 09- A.A. (v. pres, 14) ; Physical Soe. Electrie condensers; induction; moving coil galvanometer; thermoelectric cou. ples; low temperatures; moisture in materials, Zeleny, Prof, Charles, University of Illinois, Ur- bana, Ill. *Zoology. Hutchinson, Minn, Sept. 17, 78. B.S, Minnesota, 98, M.S, 01; Ph.D, Chicago, 04. Instr. zool, Indiana, 04-05, asst. prof, 06-07, assoe. prof, 07-09; asst. prof, Illi- nots, 09-10, assoc. prof, 10-15, prof, 15—- A.A; Soc. Nat; Soe. Zool. Regeneration; experimen- tal embryology; internal factors controlling re- generation; ontogenetic and regeneratory de- velopment; localization of developmental factors in the egg; dimorphism of spermatozoa; effect of selection; character of germinal changes. Zeleny, Prof. John, 44 Cold Spring St, New Haven, Conn. *Physics. Racine, Wis, March 26, 72. B.S, Minnesota, 92, Ph.D, 06; B.A, Cambridge, 99; Berlin, 97. Instr. physics, Min- nesota, 92-96, asst. prof, 96-00, assoc. prof, 00- 08, prof, 08-15, acting dean, grad. sch, 12-13; prof, Yale, 15— A.A, (see’y, B, 01, sec *y, coun- cil, 10, gen. see’y, 11); Physical Soe. (assoc. ed, ‘Review,’ 13, councilor, 11-14); Philos. Soe; Am. Acad. Conduetion of electricity through gases; photo-electrie effect; mobilities of ions; properties of ionized gases; vapor pressures of solid and liquid carbonic acid and some mix- tures; propagation of smell; electrical dis- charges from pointed conductors; instability of electrified liquids; electrical discharges from liquid surfaces; sensitive points. Zeller, Dr. Sanford M(yron), Oregon Agricul- _ U.S. Dept. Agr, summer, 13. - Zerban, Dr. tural College, Corvallis, Oregon. Botany: Cold- water, Mich, Oct. 19, 85. B.S, Greenville, 09; A.B, Washington (Seattle), 12, A.M, 13; fellow, Washington (St. Louis), 14-17, Ph.D,17. Instr. Science, Pacifie (Wash), 09-12; asst. bot, Wash- ington (Seattle), 12-13, instr, 13-14 ; special investigator dendropathology, Mo. Bot. Garden, 17-19; asst. prof. plant path, Oregon Col, and asst. plant pathologist, Exp. Sta, 19-20, assoc. prof. and assoc. plant pathologist, 20- Mem. kelp investigation exped. to Alaska, bur. soils, A.A; Bot. Soc; Phytopath. Soe. Forest pathology; plant physiology; mycology; pathology of fruit trees. F(rederick) W/(illiam), 4623 S. Prieur St, New Orleans, La. Chemistry. Oppen- heim, Germany, Oct. 20, 80. Ph.D, Munich, 03. Asst. chem, Col. City of N.Y,04-06; chemist, La. Sugar Exp. Sta, 06-08; director, Sugar Exp. Sta, Lima, Peru, 08-09; subdirector, Agr. Exp. Sta, Tucuman, Arg. Rep, 09-10; research chemist, P. R. Sugar Planters Exp. Sta, 11-12; manager, agr. office, Potash Syndieate, 13-17; research chemist, La. Sugar Exp. Sta, 17—- Asst. ed, ‘Chem. Abstracts.’ A.A; Chem. Soc; Ass. Chim. de Suer. et de Dist. de France. Carbohydrate chemistry; decolorizing carbons; rare earths; radioactivity. Zern, E(dward) N(athan), 29 Lineoln Ave, Craf- ton, Pa. Mining. Coaldale, Pa, March 11, 79. B.S, Pa. State, 03; E.M, Pittsburgh, 12. Instr. mining and miner, Pa. State, 03-05; mining 49 Ziegler, Prof. Victor, Golden, Colo. 769 engineer and supt. of mines in Ky, Pa, and W. Va, 05-11; asst. prof. coal mining, Pittsburgh, 11-12; prof. mining eng, West Virginia, 12-17; ed, ‘Min. Catalog.’ and ‘Coal Catalog,’ 17- Eng. Educ; Coal Min, Inst; Mine Safety Ass; W. Va. Coal Min, Inst. (see ’y-treas). Coal mining; mine lighting; explosions; welfare movements in mining. Zetek, James, Box 245, Ancon, C. Z. Entomol- ogy. Chicago, Ill, Dee. 12, 86. A.B, Illinois, 1l. Entomologist, Isthmian Cana] Commission, 11-13; entomologist, Panama Govt, 14-15, di- rector, Nat. Expos, Panama, 15-16; prof. biol. and hygiene, Nat. Inst, 16-18: entomologist, Panama Canal, 18-20; specialist, bur. entom, U. S. Dept. Agr, 20- Gold medal, Nat. Inst, Panama, 15, 16, 17; grand prize, Nat. Expos, 16. A.A; Entom. Soc; Ass. Econ. Entom; Ecol, Soc; Ill. Acad. Medical and sanitary entomol- ogy; behavior; ecology; Anopheles and malaria; forest-inhabiting mollusks; Mollusca of Panama. Geology. Beverungen, Germany, Nov. 2, 86. A.B, Iowa, 08; fellow, Columbia, 09-10, A.M, 10; Ph.D, Denver, 16. Instr. geol, Pa. State, 10-11; asst. prof. petrol. and miner, S. Dak. Sch. Mines, 11- 13, prof, 13-14; assoc. and later prof, Colo. Sch. Mines, 14-19; consulting geologist, 19- A.A; Geol. Soe; Min. Eng; Seismol. Soe. Min- eralogy; petrography; oil and gas; oil shales; ore deposits. Zies, Dr. Emanuel G(eorge), Geophysical Labora- tory, Washington, D. C. Chemistry. Baltimore, Md, Sept. 26, 83. A.B, Hopkins, 06, fellow, 08-09, Ph.D, 09. Chemist, Standard Lime and Stone Co, 09-13; geophys. lab, Carnegie Insti- tution, 13- Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc. exped. to Mt. Katmai, Alaska, 19. A.A; Chem. Soc; Wash. Acad. Osmotie pressure; secondary copper sul- phid enrichment; mineralogical chemistry. Zimm, Louis A(rthur), 1344 Lumpkin St, Athens, Ga. Forestry. New York, N. Y, Jan. 15, 94. B.S, Cornell, 16, M.F, 18. Instr. plant path, Cornell, 16-18; exten. forester, Georgia, 19; timber estimator, South. Pine Ass, 19- Field asst. forest path, U. S. Dept. Agr, summer, 17. A.A; Phytopath. Soc; Okefinokee Soe. Forest pathology; wilt disease of maples; timber decay. Zimmer, John T(odd), Department of Agriculture, Port Moresby, Papua. Zoology. Bridgeport, Ohio, Feb. 28, 89. B.S, Nebraska, 10, A.M, 11. Field expert entom, Nebr. Exp. Sta, 10-13; col- laborator, bur. entom, U. 8. Dept. Agr, 13; asst. entomologist, Bur. Agr, P. I, 13-17; agr. expert, dept. agr, Papua, 17- Mem. Ornith. Union; Nebr. Ornith. Union (see’y-treas, 12); Wash. Biol. Soe. General biology; systematic and eco- nomic entomology; ornithology; mammalogy. Zimmerli, Dr. William F(rederick), Howe Rub- ber Corporation, New Brunswick, N. J. Chem- istry. New York, N. Y, Jan. 2, 88. B.S, Brook- lyn Polytech, 09; Ph.D, Heidelberg, 12. Re- search chemist, B. F. Goodrich Co, 12-14; asst. prof. chem, Akron, 14-16; chief chemist, Pfau- der Co, 16-19; Howe Rubber Corp, 20—- Chem. Soe. (chairman, Rochester sect, 19); Chem. Eng. Rubber chemistry. 770 Zimmerman, R(ufus) E(icher), American Sheet and Tin Plate Co, Pittsburgh, Pa. Chemistry. Ph.B, Franklin and Marshall, 08; B.S, Mass. Inst. Tech, 11. Instr. theoret. chem, Mass. Inst. Tech, 13-14; asst. director, research lab, Am. Sheet and Tin Plate Co, 15-17, director, 18- Chem. Soe. (chairman, Pittsburgh sect, 19, councilor, 20); Electrochem. Soc. (chairman, Pittsburgh sect, 18, mem. board, 19-21); Am. Iron and Steel Inst; Min, and Metal. Eng. Zingher, Dr. Abraham, Foot of E. 16th St, New York, N. Y. Bacteriology. _Roumania, April 21, 85. M.D, Cornell, 08; D.P.H, N. Y. Univ, 17. Asst. director, research lab, Dept. Health, N. Y. City, 13-; instr. bacter, Univ. and Belle- vue Hosp. Med. Col, 15- Asst. visiting physi- cian, Willard Parker Hosp, N. Y. City, 16- Ass. Path. and Bact; Soc. Exp. Biol; Pub. Health Ass; fel. N. Y. Acad. Med. Serology; immunity; diphtheria; poliomyelitis; scarlet fever; blood transfusion. Zinn, Prof. John B(rown), 10 Dean St, Wor- cester, Mass. Chemistry. Gettysburg, Pa, Aug. 20, 88. B.S, Pennsylvania Col, 09; Ph.D, Hop- kins, 13. Instr. chem, Amherst, 13-16, assoc. prof, 16-19; prof, Worcester, 19- Chem. Soc. Osmotic pressure. Zinsser, Dr. Frederick George, Hastings-on-Hud- son, N. Y. Chemistry. New York, N. Y, March 20, 68. Columbia; Gottingen; A.M, Ph.D, Hei- delberg, 91. Chemist and works manager, W. Zinsser and Co, 91-97, chem. manufacturer, 97— Major, C.W.S, 18-19; asst. food anal. to Prof. Chas. Blas, Louvain, and Belgian Board of Health. Chem. Soc; Soc. Chem. Indust; Soc. de Chim, indust. Photographie chemicals; inter- mediates; dyes. Zinsser, Dr. Hans, 437 W. 59th St, New York, N. Y. *Bacteriology. New York, N. Y, Nov. 17, 78. A.B, Columbia, 99, A.M, M.D, 03. Mem. house staff, Roosevelt Hosp, 03-05, bacteriolo- gist, 05-06; asst. bacter, Columbia, 05-06; asst. pathologist, St. Luke’s Hosp, 07-10; instr. bacter, Columbia, 08-10; assoc. prof, Stanford, 10-11, prof, 11-13; Columbia, 13- Baceteriolo- gist, Presb. Hosp, 13-; Red Cross exped. to Serbia, 15; major, lieut. col. and col, M.C, A.E.F, 17-19. Soc. Bact; Ass. Path. and Bact; Soe. Exp. Path; Soc. Exp. Biol; Soc. Immunol. (pres, 19); Soc. Cancer Research; Harvey Soc; N. Y. Path. Soe. (pres, 15). Epidemiology; immunology; serology; precipitin reactions; anaphylaxis; syphilis; streptococcus infections. Ziwet, Prof. Alexander, Tappan Ave, Ann Arbor, Mich. *Mathematics, Mechanics. Breslau, Ger- many, Feb. 8, 53. C.E, Polytech, Karlsruhe, 80. Asst, U. S. Lake Surv, 80-82; U. 8. Coast and Geod. Surv, 82-87; instr, later asst. prof, junior prof. and prof. math, Michigan, 88- A.A; Math. Soe. (assoc. ed, ‘Bul’); Math. Ass. Zobel, Dr. Otto Julius, 195 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Physics. Ripon, Wis, Oct. 20, 87. A.B, Ripon, 09; A.M, Wisconsin, 10, fellow, 11-12, Ph.D, 14. Asst. physies, Wisconsin, 10-11, instr, 13-15; Minnesota, 15-16; with Am. Telephone and Telegraph Co, 16- A.A; assoe, Physical Soe. Mathematical physics; theory of heat con- duction; thermal radiation. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Zoller, Harper F(yler), Central Station No. 2, Washington, D. C. Chemistry. Sand Springs, Iowa, April 13, 89. B.S, Lenox, 10; M.S, Ili- nois, 13. Research asst, Illinois, 11-13; prof. physical sciences, Puget Sound, 13-15; asst. prof. chem, Kansas State, 15-17; org. chemist, dairy div, bur. animal indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 17— A.A; Soe. Biol. Chem; Chem. Soc. Bromin in kelp; caramel; constituents of grape fruit; indole; milk by-products. Zon, Raphael, U. S. Forest Service, Washington, D. C. Forestry. Simbirsk, Russia, Dee. 1, 74. A.B, Gymnasium, Simbirsk, 92; B.S, Univ. of Kazan, 96; Brussels, 97-98; F.E, Cornell, 01. Forest asst, U. S. Forest Service, 01-07, chief, forest investigations, 07— Ed, ‘Jour. Forestry’; mem, Nat. Research Council. A.A; Soe. For- esters (v. pres); Forestry Ass; Bot. Soc; Ecol. Soc; Ass. Geog; Wash. Acad. Forest ecology; light in relation to forest trees; forest meteor- ology; forests and stream flow; forest resources of the world. Zons, Dr. Frederick W(illiam), 505 W. 164th St, New York, N. Y. Chemistry. A.B, Columbia, 07, A.M, 10, fellow, 10-11, Ph.D, 11. Instr. physies, Col. City of N. Y, 07-09, chem, 09-10; chief chemist, Westinghouse Lamp Co, 11-16; chemist and manager, New Process Gas Mantle Co, 16-19; research chemist, 19- Chairman, dept. science, evening high sch, N. Y. City, 14- 16; director, Newark Sci. Research Lab, 14-16; capt, U.S.R.C. A.A; Chem. Soe. (abstractor) ; Electrochem. Soc; N. J. Chem. Soc. (chairman, pub. committee, ed, ‘Bull.’ and ‘Year Book,’ 20-, mem. committee on public affairs). De- termination of rare earths; manufacture of rare earth and rare metal products; carbon and tungsten lamps. Zowski-Zwierzchowski, Prof. S(tanislaus) J(an), University ‘of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Mechanical engineering. Srem, Poland, April 27, 80. DiplIng, Charlottenburg, Germany. Designer, Dayton Globe Iron Works Co, 05; Allis Chalmers Co, 06; Allis Chalmers Bullock Co, 07; instr. mech. eng, Michigan, 08-09, asst. prof, 09-10, junior prof, 11-12, prof, 13- Mech. Eng; Eng. Educ; Turbinentech. Gesell. Applied hydromechanies; water turbines; centrifugal pumps. Zuber, N(eill) D(aniel), American Refrigerator Transit Co, Little Rock, Ark. Botany. Bryan, Tex, Nov. 10, 94. B.S, Tex. Col, 15, fellow. Deputy nursery and orchard inspector, Tex. Dept. Agr, 16, asst. entomologist and plant pa- thologist, 16-17, chief plant pathologist, 17-20; horticulturist, Am. Refrigerator Transit Co, 20- Chief nursery inspector, Tex, 18; collaborator, bur. plant indust, U. S. Dept. Agr, 18-19. A.A; Bot. Soc; Ry. Dev. Ass; Tex. Ry. Dev. Ass. Plant pathology; citrus culture in Texas. Zwillinger, Max, 1020 Potomac Ave, 8. E, Wash- ington, D. C. Optics. Troppau, Silesia, May 7, 78. (C.E, Polytech, Vienna, 02. Railroad engi- neer, 03-09; bridge designer, 09-10; designer of optical instruments and systems, 10-; im charge, scientific dept, optical shop, Navy Yard. Optical Soe. Telescopic optics applied to the construction of military instruments. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE WHO DIED BETWEEN JANUARY 1 » 1903, AND DECEMBER 31, 1920. Abbe, Cleveland. Meteorology. 38-16. Abbott, Arthur Vaughan. Elec. eng. 54-06. Abbott, Charles Conrad. Zool, Archeol. 43-19. Abbott, Samuel Warren. Medicine. 37-04. Abert,Sylvanus Thayer. Civil engineering. 28-03. Acker, Charles Emest. Electrochemistry. 68-20. Adams, Arthur Kinney, Geology. 83-20. Adler, Isaac. Medicine. 49-18. Agassiz, Alexander, Zoology. 35-10. Alden, Charles Henry. Medicine. 36-10. Alden, John. Chemistry. 56-9 Aldrich, Charles. Ornithology. 28-09. Alexander, William De Witt. Ethnology. 33-13. Allen, William Frederick. Metrol, Ry. econ. 46-15. _ Allin, Arthur. Psychology. 69-03. Alpers, William Charles. Pharmaceut.chem. 51-17. Alvord, Henry Elijah. Agriculture. 44-04. Anderson, Malcolm Playfair. Zoology. 79-19. Andrews, Edmund. Surgery, Archeology. Anthony, William Amold. Physics. 35-08. Apgar, Austin Craig. Natural history. 38-08. Apple, Andrew Thomas Geiger. Astronomy. 58-18. Ashley, Harrison Everett. Chemistry. 76-11. Ashmead, William Harris. Entomology. 55-08. Atkinson, Edward. Economics. 27-05. Atkinson, George Francis. Botany. 54-18. Atwater, Wilbur Olin. Chemistry. 44-07. Aubert, Alfred Bellamy. Chemistry. 53-? Austen, Peter Townsend. Chemistry. 52-08. Ayres, Brown. Physics. 56-19. Bailey, Bert Heald. Ornithology. 75-17. Bailey, William Whitman. Botany. 43-14. Bailly, Jules. Natural history. 31-08. Bain, Samuel McCutchen. Botany. 69-14. Baird, John Wallace. Psychology. 73-19. Baker, Frank. Zool, Anat. 41-18. Baker, Marcus. Mathematics, Geography. 49-04. 31-12. 40-14. Baldwin, David Dwight. Conchol, Bot. Bandelier, Adolph F. A. Archeology. Bannister,Henry Martyn. Medicine,Geology. 44-20. Barber, Edwin AtLee. Archeol, Bot. 51-16. Barker, Franklin Luther. Economic geology. 71-20. 35-10. Barker, George Frederick. Physics, Chem. Barlow, Alfred Ernest. Geology. 61-14. Barnard, Edith Ethel. Chemistry. 80-? Barnes, Charles Reid. Botany. 58-10. Barrell, Joseph. Geology. 69-19. Bartlett, John Russell. Physical geography. 43-04. Bates, Oric. Archeology. 83-18. Baumgarten, Gustav. Medicine. 37-10. 24-04, Beach, Henry Harris Aubrey. Anatomy. 43-10. Beal, Foster E. L. Ornithology. 40-16. Bean, Tarleton Hoffman. Zoology. 46-16, Beardsley, Arthur. Engineering. 67-20. Beck, Carl. Surgery. 56-11. Becker, George Ferdinand. Geology. 47-19. Beebe, William. Math, Astron. 51-17. Beecher, Charles Emerson. Paleontology. 56-04. Behr, Hans Hermann. Entomology. 18-04. Belding, Lyman. Ornithology. 29-17. Belknap, George Eugene. Hydrography. 32-03. Bell, Agrippa Nelson. Medicine. 20-9? Bell, Albert Thomas. Botany. 68-19, Bell, Alexander Melville. Phonetics. Bell, Charles J. Chemistry. 54-03. Bell, Robert. Geol, Forestry, Ethnology. 41 Benecke, Adelbert Oswald. Electrical eng. Benton, Frank. Entomology. 52-19. Berg, Walter Gilman. Civil engineering. 58-08. Bergen, Joseph Young. Botany. 51-17. Bergstrém, John Andrew. Psychology. 67-10, Bessey, Charles Edwin. Botany. 45-15. Beyer, Henry Gustav. Physiology. 50-18. Bickmore, Albert Smith. Geology. 39-14. 19-05, 17. 5-? J Billings, John Shaw. Medicine. 38-13. Birkinbine, John. Mining eng. 44-15. Bishop, Irving Prescott. Geology. 49-12. Bishop, Sereno Edwards. Geology. 27-09. Blackford, Eugene Gilbert. Ichthyology. 39-04. Blake, Clarence John. Otology. 43-19. Blake, Francis. Physics. 50-13. Blake, Lucien Ira. Physics. 54-16. Blake, William Phipps. Geology. 26-10. Blanchard, Frederick. Entomology. 43-? Bocher, Maxime. Mathematics. 67-18. Bodine, Donaldson. Geol, Zool. 66-? Bogue, Ernest Everett. Forestry. 64-07. Bolton, Henry Carrington. Chemistry. 43-03. Booth, Bradford Allen. Medicine. 78-19. Boss, Lewis. Astronomy. 46-12. Bouscaren, Louis F. G. Engineering. 40-04. Bowditch, Henry Pickering. Physiol. 40-11. Bowser, Edward Albert. Engineering. 45-10. Boyé, Martin Hans. Chemistry, Medicine. 12-09. Brace, DeWitt Bristol. Physics. 58-05. Brackett, Cyrus Fogg. Physics. 33-15. Bradford, Royal Bird. Naval science. 44-14. Brainerd, Wolter Kirk. Dairy husbandry, 73-1 Brashear, John Alfred. Physics. 40-20. Brewer, William Henry. Bot, Geol, 28-10. Brewster, William. Ornithology. 51-19. 772 Brickner, Samuel Max. Gynecology. 67-16. Brinckerhoff, Walter Remsen. Medicine. 74-11. Broadhead, Garland Carr. Geology. 27-12. Brodie, Thomas Gregor. Physiology. 66-? Brodie, William. Biology. 31-09. Brooks, William Keith. Zoology. 48-08. Brower, Jacob Vradenberg. Archeology. 44-05. Brown, Amos Peaslee. Geology. 64-17. Brown, Arthur Erwin. Zoology. 50-10. Brown, Benjamin G. Mathematics. 37-03. Brown, William George. Chemistry. 53-20. Browne, John Joseph. Mathematics. 66-—? Brownell, Walter Abner. Geology. 38-04. Brumback, Arthur Marion. Chemistry. 69-16. Brush, George Jarvis. Mineralogy. 31-12. Bryan, Albert Hugh. Chemistry. 74-20. Buchanan, Roberdeau. Astronomy. 39-16. Buckhout, William A. Botany. 46-12. Buckley, Ernest Robertson, Geology. 72-12. Bull, Charles Stedman. Ophthalmology. 45-11. Bull, Storm. Steam engineering. 56-07. Bull, William Tillinghast. Swrgery. 50-09. Burbank, John Emerson. Physics, Geol. 72-19. Burrill, Thomas Jonathan. Botany. 39-16. Burton, George Dexter. Electrical eng. 55-18. Busch, Frederick Carl. Physiology. 73-14. Cairnes, DeLorme Donaldson. Geology. 79-17. Caldwell, Eugene Wilson. Medicine. 70-18. Caldwell, George Chapman. Chemistry. 34-07. Call, Richard Ellsworth. Zoology. 56-17. Calvin, Samuel. Geology. 40-11. Campbell, John Lyle. Physics, Astronomy. 27-04. Campbell, John Pendleton. Physiology. 63-18. Campbell, Roland Playfair. Surgery. 76-16. Carhart, Henry Smith. Physics. 44-20. Carmalt, Churchill. Anatomy. 66-05. Carpenter, Franklin Reuben. Geology. 48-10. Carpenter, Rolla Clinton. Mech. eng. 52-19. Carroll, Charles Geiger. Chemistry. 75-16. Carroll, James. Pathology. 54-07. Carter, James Madison Gore. Medicine. Carter, Oscar Charles Sumner. Geology. Case, Willard Erastus. Electricity. 57-18. Catlin, Charles Albert. Chemistry. 49-16. Chaille, Stanford Emerson. Physiology. 30-11. Chalmers, Robert. Geology. 34-08. Chamberlain, Alexander Francis. Anthrop. 65-14. Chandler, Charles Henry. Mathematics. 40-12. Chandler, Seth Carlo. Astronomy, 46-13. Chandler, William Henry. Chemistry. 41-06. Chanute, Octave. Engineering. 32-10. 43-19. 57-17. Chapman, Edward John. Mineralogy. 21-04. Chapman, Henry Cadwalader. Medicine. 45-09. Chapman, Robert Hollister. Topography. 68-20. Charles, Fred Lemar. Zoology. 72-11. Cheesman, Timothy Matlack. Medicine. 53-19. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Cheever, David Williams, Medicine. 31-15. Chester, Albert Huntington. Chemistry. 43-03. Chittenden, Hiram Martin. Civil eng. 58-17. Christie, James. Mech. eng. 40-11. Christy, Samuel Benedict. Mining eng. 53-14. Churchill, William. Anthropology. 59-20. Churchill, William Wilberforce. Mech. eng. 67-10. Cilley, Frank Harvey. Mechanics. 69-05. Clark, Admont Halsey. Pathology. 88-18. Clark, Gaylord Parsons. Physiology. 56-07. Clark, William Bullock. Geology. 60-17. Clarke, Benjamin Franklin. Mech. eng. 31-08. Clarke, Cora Huidekoper. Botany. 51-16. Claypole, Edith Jane. Physiol, Path. ?-15. Cleghorn, Allen Mackenzie. Physiol,Med. 7 2-16. Coe, Howard Sheldon. Agriculture. 88-18. Coffin, Selden Jennings. Math, Meteorol. 38-15. Cole, Aaron Hodgman. Biology. 56-14. Coleman, Clarence. Civil eng. ?-18. Collin, Henry Alonzo. Physics, Chem. 37-18. Collingwood, Francis. Civil eng. 34-11. Collins, Frank Shipley. Botany. 48-20. Collins, Joseph William. Ichthyology. 39-04. Colson, Harold Roy. Astronomy. 76-13. Colton, Buel Preston. Biology. 52-06. Compton, Alfred George. Physics, Astron. 35-13. Comstock, Cyrus Ballou. Engineering. 31-10. Comstock, Theodore Bryant. Geology. 49-15. Conant, Levi Leonard. Mathematics. 57-16. Condon, Thomas. Geology. 32-07. Congdon, Ernest Arnold. Chemistry. 66-17. Conn, Herbert William. Biology. 59-17. Cook, Albert John. Biology. 42-16. Cooley, LeRoy Clark. Physics. 33-16. Coquillet, Daniel William. Entomology. 56-11. Corning, James Leonard. Neurology. 55-03. Cornwall, Henry Bedinger. Chemistry. 44-17. Cowles, Edward. Medicine. 37-19. Cox, Charles Finney. Biology. 46-12. Cox, Ulysses Orange. Biology. 64-20. Crafts, James Mason. Chemistry. 39-17. Cragin, Edwin Bradford. Obstetrics. 59-19. Craig, John. Horticulture. 64-12. Crampton, Charles Albert. Chemistry. 58-15. Crandall, Charles Lee. Civil eng. 50-17. Craw, Albert. Entomology. 50-08. Croes, John James Robertson. Civil eng. Crouch, H, Chester. Engineering. 71-03. Cummings, Clara Eaton. Botany. 55-06. Curtin, Jeremiah. Anthropology. 40-07. Curtis, John Green. Physiology. 44-13. Curtiss, Allen Hiram. Botany. 45-07. 34-06 Cushing, Sumner Webster. Geography. 79-20. Daggett, Frank Slater. Ornithology. 55-20. Daniells, William Willard. Chemistry. 40-11. Daniels, Archibald Lamont. Mathematics, 49-18. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 7 Daugherty, Lewis Sylvester. Zoology. 57-19. Davenport, George Edward. Botany. 33-08. Davidson, George. Geog, Astron. 25-11. Davidson, Robert James. Chemistry. 62-15. Davis, Charles Albert. Geol, Bot. 61-16. Davis, Ellery Williams. Math. 57-18. Davis, Grant Train. Chemistry. 77-20. Davis, Gwilym George. Medicine. 57-18. Davis, Joseph Baker. Civil eng. 45-20. Davis, Nathan Smith. Medicine. 17-04. Davis, Noah Knowles. Psychology. 30-10. Davison, Alvin. Zoology. 68-15. Dawbarn, Robert H. M. Surgery. 60-15. Day, Fisk Holbrook. Natural history. 26-03. Day, William Cathcart. Chemistry. 57-05. Delafield, Francis. Medicine. 41-15. Denison, Charles Simeon. Stereotomy. 49-11. Dennis, David Worth. Biology. 49-16. Derby, Orville Adelbert. Geology. 51-15. Dernehl, Paul Herman. Zoology. 78-19. Dixon, Samuel Gibson. Bacteriology. 51-18. Dod, Frederic Hova Wolley. Entomology. 72-? Dolbear, Amos Emerson. Physics. 37-10. Dole, Richard Bryant. Chemistry. 80-? Doolittle, Charles Leander. Doolittle, Eric. Astronomy. 70-20, Doremus, Robert Ogden. Chemistry. Doubleday, Neltje DeGraff. Zthnol, Bot. Douglas, James. Metallurgy. 37-18. Drown, Thomas Messinger. Chemistry. 42-04. DuBois, Augustus Jay. Civil eng. 49-15. Dubois, Howard Weidener. Astronomy. 68-? Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni. Exploration. 38-03. Duckwall, Edward Wiley. Chemistry. 66-16. Dudley, Charles Benjamin. Chemistry. 42-09. Dudley, William Lofiand. Chemistry. 59-14. Dudley, William Russell. Botany. 49-11. Duncan, Louis. Elec. eng. 62-16. : Duncan, Robert Kennedy. Chemistry. 68-12. DuPont, Francis Gurney. Chemistry. 50-10. Dutcher, William. Ornithology. 46-20. Dutton, Clarence Edward. Geology. 41-12. Dwight, Thomas. Anatomy. 43-11. Dwight, William Buck. Geology. 33-06. Dyche, Lewis Lindsay. Zoology. 57-15. 24-06. Dyer, Isadore. Dermatology. 65-20. Eastman, Charles Rochester. Geology. 68-18. Eastman, John Robie. Astronomy. 36-13. Eaton, Alvah Augustus. Botany. ?-08. Edson, Arthur Woodbury. Botany. ?-05. Edwards, Arthur Mead. Geology. 36-? 22-09. 68—? Edwards, William Henry. Entomology. Fhrenfeld, Augustus Clemens. Chemistry. Eimbeck, William. Mathematics. 41-10. Elder, William. Chemistry. 43-03. Eldridge, George Homans. Geology. 54-05. Astron, Math. 43-19. 65-18. 773 Elliot, Daniel Giraud. Zoology. 35-15. Ellis, Job Bicknell. Mycology. 29-05. Ellis, William Hodgson, Chemistry. 45-20. Ely, Achsah Mount. Mathematics. 48-04. Ely, Theodore Newel. Engineering. 66-16. Emerson, Frederick Valentine. Geology. 71-19. Emmons, Samuel Franklin. Geology. 41-11. Emory, Frederick Lincoln. Mechanics. 67-19. Endemann, Samuel Theodor H.C. Chemistry. 42-09. Engelmann, George Julius. Gynecology. 47-03. Engler, Edmund Arthur. Mathematics. 56-18. Esty, William Cole. Mathematics. 38-16. Evans, Edgar G. Chemistry. 84-14. Evans, Thomas. Chemistry. 63-07. Ewell, Ervin Edgar. Chemistry. 67-05. Fairbanks, Henry. Numismatics, Mechanics, 30-18. Fanning, John Thomas. Mechanics. 37-11. Pargis, George Aloysius. Astronomy. 54-16. Farlow, William Gilson. Botany. 44-19. Faxon, Charles Edward. Botany. 46-18. Faxon, Walter. Zoology. ?-20. Ferry, John Farwell. Ornithology. Fielde, Adele Marion. Biology. Finlay, Charles John. Medicine, 33-15. Firmstone, Frank. Metallurgy. 46-17. Fisher, George Egbert, Mathematics. Fitz, Reginald Heber. Medicine. 43-13. Fleming, Mrs. Williamina Paton. Astron. Fletcher, Horace, Dietetics. 49-19. Fletcher, Hugh. Geology. 48-10. Fletcher, James. Entomology, Botany. 52-08. 77-10. 39-16. 63-20. 57-11. Fletcher, Robert. Medicine. 23-12. Flint, Austin. Physiology. 36-15. Flint, James Milton. Medicine. 38-19. Folsom, Charles Follen. Medicine. 42-? Fontaine, William Morris. Paleobotany. 35-13. Forbes, Charles Noyes. Botany. 83-20. Forbes, William Smith. Anatomy. 31-05. Forchheimer, Frederick. Medicine. 53-13. Foster, Horatio Alvah. Elec. eng. 58-? Fowler, Edwin Horatio. Geodesy. 56-04. Francis, William. Chemistry. 19-04. Frary, Hobart Dickinson. Mech. eng. 87-20. Frazer, Persifor. Geology, Chemistry. 44-09. Frazier, Benjamin West. Mineralogy. 42-05. Freer, Paul C. Chemistry. 62-12. Frizell, Joseph Palmer. Engineering. 32-10. Fuertes, Estevan Antonio, Civil eng. 38-03. Fuller, Homer Taylor. Geology. 38-08. Fulmer, Elton. Chemistry. 64-16. Fulton, Robert Burwell. Physics, Astron. 49-19. Gable, George Daniel. Mathematics. 63-11. Gage, Mrs. Susanna Phelps. Embryology. 57-15. Gallivan, Frank Bernard. Chemistry. 72-7 Gallup, Anna B. Museum administration, 72-9 774 Gannett, Henry. Geog, Statistics, 46-14. Ganz, Albert Frederick. Elec. eng. 72-17. Garber, John Frederick. Botany. 68-? Gardiner, Edward Gardiner. Zoology. 54-07. Gardiner, Frederic. Embryology. 58-17. Garriott, Edward Bennett. Meteorology. 53-? Gatling, Richard Jordan. Physics. 19-03. Gatschet, Albert Samuel. Anthropology. Gattinger, Augustine. Botany. 25-03. Gayley, James. Metallurgy. 55-20. Gehrmann, Adolph. Bacteriology. 68-20. Gelston, Louis Merwin. Bacteriology. 79-05. Genthe, Frederick Augustus, Chemistry. 55-10. Gerrish, Frederic Henry. Anatomy. 45-20. Gibbs, Josiah Willard. Physics. 39-03. Gibbs, Oliver Wolcott. Chemistry. 22-08. Gilbert, Grove Karl. Geology. 43-18. Gildersleeve, Nathaniel. Bacteriology. 71-19. Gill, Theodore Nicholas. Zoology. 37-14. Gillman, Henry. Archeology. 33-15. Gilman, Daniel Coit. Educ, Geog. 31-08. Girdwood, Gilbert Prout. Chemistry. 32-18. Glenn, William. Chemistry. 40-07. Goessmann, Charles Anthony. Gold, Theodore Sedgwick. Agriculture. 18-06. Goode, Richard Urquhart. Topography. 58-03. Gordy, J. P. Psychology. 52-09. Gorgas, William Crawford. Medicine. 54-20. Gottheil, William 8S. Dermatology. 59-20. Gow, James Ellis. Botany. 77-14. Gradle, Henry. Medicine. 55-11. Graham, Robert Orlando. Chemistry. 53-12. Grant, James Alexander. Surgery. 31-20. Gratacap, Louis Pope. Conchol, Mineral. Gray, Thomas. Physics. 50-08. Greely, Arthur White. Zoology. 75-04. Green, Arthur Lawrence. Chemistry. 57—? Green, Bernard Richardson. Engineering. 48-14. 91-19. 59-10. Green, Gabriel Marcus. Mathematics. Green, Samuel Bowdlear. Horticulture. Greene, Charles Ezra. Civil engineering. 42-03. Greene, Edward Lee. Botany. 43-17. Gregg, William Henry. Zoology. 30-15. Griffith, Herbert Eugene. Chemistry. 66-20. Grimes, James Stanley. Geology. 07-03. Grossbeck, John Arthur. Entomology. 83-14. Gulick, Luther Halsey. Physical Education. 65-18. Gulley, Alfred Gurdon. Horticulture. Gulliver, Frederic Putnam. Geology. Guthe, Karl Eugen. Physics. 66-15. 48-17. 65-19, Hague, Arnold. Geology. 40-17. Hague, James Duncan. Geology. 36-08. Hahn, Walter Louis. Zoology. 79-? Hall, Asaph. Astronomy. 29-07. Hall, Charles Martin. JZlectrochem. Hall, Christopher Webber. 63-14. Geology. 45-11. . Hanchett, George Tilden. JZlectrical eng. 32-07. Chemistry. 27-10. 51-17. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Hall, James Pierre. Astronomy. 49-19. Hallock, William. Physics. 57-13. Hallowell, Susan Maria. Botany. 35-11. Halsted, Byron David. Botany. 52-18. Hamilton, Allan McLane. Neurology. 48-19. Hammond, Howard Spurr. Botany. 85-18. 71-? Hancock, Edward Lee. Mechanics. 73-11. Hanks, Henry G. Geology, Chemistry. 26-07. Hardin, Mark Bernard. Chemistry. 38-10. Hardy, Joseph Johnston. Mathematics. 44-15. Harkness, William. Astronomy. 37-03. Harrington, Bernard James. Minera’ogy. 48-07. Harrington, Charles. Hygiene. 56-08. Harris, Elijah Paddock. Chemistry. 32-20. Harris, Joseph S. Astronomy. 36-10. Harris, Rollin Arthur. Math, Physics. 63-18. Harris, William Torrey. Psychology. 35-09. Hart, Charles Arthur. Entomology. 59-18. Hartman, R. N. Chemistry. ?-03. Hartwell, George Wilber. Mathematics. 81-17. Haskins, Caryl Davis. Elec. and mil. eng. 67-11. Hatcher, John Bell. Paleontology. 61-04. Hayes, Charles Willard. Geology. 59-16. Haynes, Arthur Edwin, Mathematics. 49-15. Hazen, John Vose. Engineering. 50-19. Heidemann, Otto. Entomology. 42-? Heilprin, Angelo. Geography. 53-07. Heimrod, George William. Chemistry. 76-2? Henck, John B. Engineering. 16-03. Hendrickson, William Woodbury. Math. Henry, Frederick Porteous. Medicine. Herdman, William James. Neurology. 48-06. Herrick, Clarence Luther. Neurology. 58-04. Herter, Christian Archibald. Pathology. 65-10. Hesse, Conrad E. Meteorology. 66-10. Hewitt, Charles Gordon. Zoology. 85-20. Hidden, William Earl. Mineralogy. 53-18. Higgins, Milton Prince. Mech. eng. 42-12. Higginson, Thomas W. Natural science. 23-11. Hilgard, Eugene Woldemar, Geol, Agr.chem. 33-16. Hill, Ellsworth Jerome. Botany. 33-17. Hill, George William. Math. astronomy. Hill, Hampden. Chemistry. 86-18. Hill, Henry Barker. Chemistry. 43-03. Himes, Charles Francis. Physics. 38-? Hind, Henry Youle. Geology, 23-08. Hinton, Charles H. Mathematics. 44-07. Hirschfelder, Joseph Oakland. Medicine. Hirsh, Jose Lewis. Pathology. 71-? Hiss, Philip Hanson. Bacteriology. 68-13. Hitchcock, Charles Henry. Geology. 3 Hitchcock, Edward. Physical educ. Hoch, August. Psychiatry. 68-19. Hodenpyl, Eugene. Pathology. 63-10. Hodgson, Richard. Psychical research. 55-05. Hoeve, Heikobus Johannes H. Anatomy. 82-18. 44-2), 44-3 38-14. 54-20. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE 17 Hoffmann, Friedrich. Pharmacy. ?-04. Hoffmann, George Christian. Mineralogy. 37-? Holden, Edward Singleton. Astronomy. 46-14. Holmes, Edmund Wales. Anatomy. 51-05. Holmes, Joseph Austin. Geology. 59-15. Hooper, Franklin William. Zool, Geol. 51-14. Hooper, William Leslie. Elec. eng. 55-18. ‘Hoopes, Josiah. Botany, Ornithology. 32-04. Hopkins, Cyril George. Chemistry. 66-19. Hornung, Christian. Mathematics. 45-18. Hoskins, Elmer Ray. Anatomy. 90-20. Hough, George Washington. Astronomy. Hough, Williston Samuel. Philosophy. 60-12. Houston, Edwin James. Elec. eng. 47-14. Hovey, Horace Carter. Geology. 33-14. Howell, Edwin Eugene. Geology. 45-11. Howell, Thomas. Botany. 42-13. Howison, George Holmes. Philosophy. 34-? Huddleston, John Henry. Medicine. 64-15. Hudson, Thomson Jay. Psychology. 34-03. Huey, Edmund Burke. Psychology. 70-13. Hunicke, Henry August. Chemistry. 61-09. Hutton, Frederick Remsen. Mech. eng. 53-18. Hyde, James Nevins. Dermatology. 40-10. Hyslop, James Hervey. Philosophy. 54-20. Iddings, Joseph Paxson. Petrology. 57-20. Ingals, Ephraim Fletcher. Medicine. 48-18. Ingham, Edward Alexander. Biology. 90-19. Irens, David. Psychology. 70-07. Irving, John Duer. Mining geol. 74-18. Isakovics, Alois von. Chemistry. 70-17. Jackman, Wilbur Samuel. Natural science. Jackson, George Thomas. Medicine. 52-16. Jackson, John Henry. Medicine. 38-08. Jacobi, Abraham, Medicine. 30-19. James, Bushrod Washington. Ophthal. James, William. Psychology. 42-10. Janeway, Edward Gamaliel. Pathology. 41-11. Janeway, Theodore Caldwell. Medicine. 72-17. Jaques, William Henry. Engineering. 48-16. Jayne, Harry Walker. Chemistry. 57-10. Jayne, Horace. Zoology. 59-11. Jefiries, Benjamin Joy. Medicine. Jegi, John I. Psychology. 66-04. Jenne, Eldred Llewellyn. Entomology. 85-12. 36-03. 33-15. Jennings, Edward Payson. Geology. 53-15. Jesup, Henry Griswold. Botany. 26-03. Johnson, Alexander Bryan. Surgery. 60-17. Johnson, John Wesloy. Physics. 52-? Johnson, Otis Coe. Chemistry. 39-? Johnson, Samuel William. Chemistry. 30-09. Johnson, Thomas Humrickhouse. Lng. 41-14. Johnson, Willis Grant. Agriculture. 66-08. Johnston, Charles Hughes. Psychology. 77-17. Jones, David Phillips. Engineering. ?-03. 36-09. 55-07. 5 Jones, George Williams. Mathematics. Jones, Harry Clary. Chemistry. 65-16. Jones, Richard Watson. Jones, William. Anthropology. 74-09. Jones, William James. Chemistry. 70-17. Jones, William Ralph. Botany. 83-15. Judd, Sylvester Dwight. Biology. 71-05. Judson, Lowell Byrns. Horticulture. 77-2? Julian, Frank. Chemistry. 59-? 37-11. Chemistry. 37-? Julien, Alexis Anastay. Petrography. 40-19. Kastle, Joseph Hoeing. Chemistry. 64-16. Kearfott, William Dunham. Entomology. 64-17. Keep, Josiah. Zoology. 49-11. Keep, William John. Engineering. 42-18. Kellerman, William Ashbrook. Botany. 50-08. Kellicott, William Erskine. Zoology. 78-19. Kelly, Aloysius Oliver J. Medicine. 70-11. Kelsey, Francis D. Botany. 49-05. Keppel, Herbert Govert. Mathematics. 66-18. Kerr, Mark Brickell. Mining. 60-17. Keyser, Leander Sylvester. Ornithology. 56-? King, Albert Freeman Africanus, Medicine, 41-14. King, Franklin Hiram. Agr. physics, 48-11. King, George B. Entomology. 48-17. King, Herbert Maxon. Medicine. 64-17. Kinnicutt, Francis Parker. Medicine. 46-13. Kinnicutt, Leonard Parker. Chemistry. 54-11. Kinyoun, Joseph James. Pathology. 60-? Kirchoff, Charles. Metallurgy. 53-16. Kirkaldy, George Willis. Entomology. 73-10. Kite, George Lester. Physiology. 82-? Klein, Joseph Frederic. Mech. eng. 49-18. Knab, Frederick. Entomology. 65-18. Knapp, Jacob Hermann. Ophthalmology. 32-11. Knapp, Philip Coombs. Neurology. 58-20. Knight, Ora Willis. Chemistry. 74-13. Knight, Wilbur Clinton. Geology. 58-03. Koch, Waldemar. Pharmacology. 75-12. Koelker, Arthur Henry. Chemistry. 83-? Koenig, George Augustus. Chemistry. 44-18. Koons, Benjamin Franklin. Natural history, 48-03. Kortright, Frederic Lawrence. Chemistry. 67-14. Krauter, Louis. Botany. ?-10. Krug, William Henry. Chemistry. 69-05. Kuichling, Emil. Engineering. 48-14. Laflamme, J.C. K. Geology. 49-10. Lambe, Lawrence Morris. Geology. Langley, Samuel Pierpont. Astrophysics. Langton, Daniel Webster. Geology. 64-(9. Lantz, David Ernest. Zoology. 55-18. Lattimore, Samuel Allan, Chemistry. Laudy, Louis H. Chemistry. 43-05. Lazear, Jesse W. Pathology. ?-?, Lazenby, William Rane. Horticulture. Leach, Albert Ernest. Chemistry. 64-17. 63-19. 34-06. 28-13. 50-—? 776 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE Leaming, Edward. Photography. 61-16. Lee, Leslie A. Zoology. 52-08. LeFevre, Egbert. Medicine. 58-14. Lehman, Ambrose Edwin. Geology. 51-17. Lehmann, Gustav William. Chemistry. 44-06. Lennon, William H. General science. 38-7 « Lesley, J. Peter. Geology. 19-03. Levy, Louis Edward. Chemistry. 46-19. Liddle, Leonard Merritt. Chemistry. 85-20. Lilley,George. Mathematics,Engineering. 54-04. Lindahl, Johan Harald Josua. Zoology. 44-12. Lindenkohl, Adolphus. Topography. 33-04. Linville, Jacob Hays. Engineering. 25-06. Loeb, Morris. Chemistry. 63-12. Long, John Harper. Chemistry. 56-18. Loomis, Eben Jenks. Astronomy. 28-12. Loomis, Osborn P. Electrical engineering. 62-17. Loper, Samuel Ward. Paleontology. 35-10. Lord, Nathaniel Wright. Chemistry. 54-11. Loughridge, Robert Hills. Chemistry. 43-17. Lovewell, Joseph Taplin. Physics, Chemistry. 33-18. Lowe, Thaddeus S. C. Engineering. 32-13. Lowell, Percival. Astronomy. 55-16. Lundin, Carl Axel Robert. Astronomy. 51-15. Lunell, Joel. Botany. 51-20. Lyman, Benjamin Smith. Geology. 35-20. Lyman, Henry Herbert. Entomology. 54-14. Lynch, Vernon. Physiology. 18. McCalley, Henry. Geology. 52-04. MacCallum, John Bruce. Physiology. 76-06. McClintock, Emory. Mathematics. 40-16. McCollom, John Hildreth. Medicine. 43-15. McConnell, Wilbur Ross. Zoology. 81-20. McCook, Henry Christopher. Entomology. 37-11. McCray, Arthur Howard. Entomology. 80-19. Macfarlane, Alexander. Physics. 51-13. McGee, W J. Anthrop, Geol. 53-12. McGuire, Joseph Deakins. Archeology. 42-16. Mcllwraith, Thomas. Ornithology. ?-03. McKelvy, Ernest Christian. Chemistry. 84-? Mackenzie, Kenneth A. J. Surgery. 59-20. Maclaurin, Richard Cockburn. Physics. 70-20. Maclay, James. Mathematics. 64-19. McLeod, Clement Henry. Geodesy. ?-17. Macloskie, George. Biology. 34-19. McMath, Robert Emmett. Civil eng. 33-18. McMurran, Stockton Mosby, Plant path. 87-20. McMurtrie, William. Chemistry. 51-13. MacNider, George Mallett. Chemistry. 84-17. Mekuen, George Hudson. Medicine. 55-17. Mall, Franklin Paine. Anatomy. 62-17. Mallet, John William. Chemistry. 32-12. Manchester, James Eugene. Mathematics. Manning, Charles Henry. Mech. eng. Manning, George Lincoln. Physics. Marindin, Henry L. F. Hydrography. 55-13. 44-19. 65-14. 43-04, Mark, Edgar Huston. Physics. 52-? Markoe, Francis Hartman. Surgery. 56-07. Marks, Solon. Surgery. 27-14. Marks, William Dennis. Engineering. 49-14. Martin, Artemas. Mathematics. 35-18. Marvin, Frank Olin. Civil eng. 52-15. Maschke, Heinrich. Mathematics. 53-08. Mason, Amos Lawrence. Medicine. 42-14. Mason, James Weir. Mathematics. 36-05. Mason, Otis Tufton. Ethnology. 38-08. Mathews, William Phillip. Surgery. 68-18. Matthews, Charles Philo. Elec. eng. 67-07. Matthews, Washington. Anthropology. 43-05. Maxwell, Fred Baldwin. Biology. 62-07. Mead, Charles Searing. Zoology. 79-? Mearns, Edgar Alexander. Zool, Bot. 56-16. Mears, James Ewing. Anatomy. 38-19. Mears, Leverett. Chemistry. 50-17. Meek, Seth Eugene. Zoology. 59-14. Meigs, Arthur Vincent. Medicine. 50-12. Mell, Patrick Hues. Geol, Bot. 50-18. Meltzer, Samuel James. Physiol, Path. 51-20. Melville, George Wallace. Mech. eng. 41-12. Melvin, Alonzo D. Veterinary science. 62-17. Merrill, Frederick J. H. Geology. 61-16. Merrill, Lewis Alford. Agriculture. 74-? Messenger, Hiram John. Mathematics. 55-13. Metcalf, William. Engineering. 38-09. Michael, Ellis LeRoy. Zoology. 81-20. Miller, Bloomfield J. Mathematics. 49-05. Miller, Edmund Howd. Chemistry. 69-06. Miller, Frank Ellsworth. Mathematics. 62-19. Miller, Mrs. Harriet Mann. Nat. hist. 31-18. Millis, Frank Edward. Physics. 60-03. Mills, Thomas Wesley. Physiol, Psychol. 9-15. Minot, Charles Sedgwick. Biology. 52-14. Mitchell, Irving Nelson. Biology. 50-18. Mitchell, John Kearsley. Neurology. 59-17. Mitchell, Silas Weir. Medicine. 29-14. Montgomery, Edmund D. Biol, Philos. 35-11. Montgomery, Henry, Geol, Anthrop. 48-? Montgomery, Thomas Harrison, Jr. Zoology. 73-12. Moody, Mary Blair. Medicine, Languages. 37-19. Moore, Mrs. J. Percy. Psychology. 66-20. Moore, James Edward. Surgery. 52-20. Moore, James W. Physics. 45-09. Morgan, Andrew Price. Botany. 36-06. Morgan, James Dudley. Medicine. 61-19. Morison, George Shattuck, Civilengincering. 42-038. Morris, Edward Lyman. Botany. 70-13. Morris, John Lewis. Mechanics. 42-05. Morse, Harmon Northrop. Chemistry. 48-20. Moses, Alfred Joseph. Mineralogy. 59-20. Moses, Thomas Freeman. — 1880 1900 (or 1881) | (or 1901) Brance: 4 Bests. +2. lest 54.9 | 57.7 1 CTE ES aie et aa Se REL aia ie 55.2 56.1 German Empire............... 519 | 528 England and Wales............ 51.4 49.2 WOOGIE ce ric meee ce wee 41.4 44.2 There has thus been no decrease in marriage corresponding to the decreasing birth rate which has occurred during this period. In France, where the birth rate is the lowest, the marriage rate and the percentage of women married are the highest. The marriage rate varies from year to year with economie and social conditions, but the percentage of women of child- bearing age who are married proves that marriage is as usual now as it was a gen- The conditions, however, are extremely complicated, being influenced by birth rates, death rates, the age con- stitution of the people and immigration. The European nations with the exception of France have supplied great numbers of immigrants during the past thirty years; these are largely people of marriageable age with an excess of unmarried men. This circumstance makes it more signifi- cant that there has been no decrease in marriage in these nations. It explains in large measure the relations in France and England, the latter country having been left with an excess in its population of over a million women above fifteen years of age. The comparatively high birth rates and death rates of a generation ago, followed by the decreasing birth rates and death rates which have obtained in nearly all nations for the past forty years, give a large percentage of the population be- tween twenty and forty years of age, and are favorable to a high marriage rate and to a large proportion of married people. It is significant of improved conditions regarding the health of married women that among 900 scientific men only 15 are stated to have children by a second wife 792 and the number of children is only 29. The data also show that successive polyg- amy through divorce is unusual among AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE the age of twenty-nine, 298 of the fathers and 328 of the mothers between twenty and twenty-nine. The scientific men them- scientific men. selves married at the average age of 29.5 TABLE V. AGES AT MARRIAGE AND THE SIZES OF FAMILY eR ow 15-19 * 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40- AV. Med. Mother 22.88 22.29 Number...... 85 229 99 21 6 Sine Moye). The 5.56 4.90 4.47 Pesta 2.50 4.74 Father 27.98 26.85 Number.+ 7. : 5 123 175 88 27 ere SIxGe nko. 6.40 T)P-7f 4.57 4.60 3.96 4.00 4.74 Wife 26.63 25.65 Number...... 15 158 165 69 22 11 Bre Occark rs, 143 Gi 2s 2.00 2.59 2.44 1.62 0.59 0 2.23 Scientific Man ‘ 29.50 28.40 Number...... 2 67 196 108 39 28 Bive Seen. sce. 2.00 PH 2.56 2.14 1.62 1.18 2.23 In Table V. data are given in regard to the age at marriage and the size of family of our leading scientific men and of their parents.© The fathers married at the average age of 28 years and the mothers at the average age of 22.9 years. The median ages are naturally lower than the averages ages, aS marriage can be post- poned beyond the average longer than it can precede this average. The distribu- tion of ages is also shown in the table. Five of the fathers and 85 of the mothers married under the age of twenty, 137 of the fathers and 27 of the mothers beyond 5 The data are for the 440 cases in which the families of the scientific men were ‘‘completed’’ and in which there were no remarriages either of the scientific men or of their fathers. The fam- ilies were taken as completed when the wife was 45 or older, when there had been ten years of married life without a child or when the period since the birth of the last child added to the mother’s age is at least 45. Some of the families are then not absolutely completed, but the births would be very few. None of the 11 women who were more than 39 at marriage had children, although newly mar- ried women of this age are more likely than others to bear them. A larger error is due to the selec- tion of families, as those having few or no children would be more likely to be completed. The 211 incomplete families have on the average 1.90 chil- dren, which is about the same as for the completed families of parents of the same age. years and their wives were on the aver- age 26.6 years old. The sons married about one and a half years later than their fathers and their wives nearly four years later than the mothers. There is a statistical anomaly in this comparison, especially as regards the mothers, for women who married late would have few children or none, and the average age of the mothers would thus be re- duced as compared with the wives. The differences are partly due to the fact that all the scientific men and only part of the fathers belong to the professional classes ; and there has probably been an increase in the age of marriage of the professional classes in this country; but the figures show that any such inerease must be small. Bertillon gives the following figures for the average age at marriage in the period 1896-1900: First Marriages | All Marriages Men | Women, Men | Women Binglands) divi: ya cathe des 26.6 | 25.1 | 28.4 | 26.2 BTANGO....20. Wer ites 27.9 | 23.5 | 29.6 25:3 URL, rece tah lettre rie heey aera 27.5 | 23.8 | 29.8 | 24.8 Pasa, ss iestes «stein t's — — | 29.3 | 26.2 LS ERIBI cig wai edicis a waste bode — — | 30.9 | 26.8 SWOCEL ESC hene cele ants 28.7 | 26.7 | 30.2 | 27.2 Norwaita. ier: ese os 29.2 1 202 31.0 28.1 AMERICAN MEW OF SCIENCE The age at marriage is highest in the Scandinavian nations; it is lowest in the Slav nations; it is as low in France, with its small birth rate, as elsewhere. In England in the ease of first marriages the husband is one and a half years older than the wife, in France, nearly four and a half years older. The age at marriage for first marriages has increased in England by about three fourths of a year since 1896, before which date the registrar-gen- eral regards the records as inaccurate. The ages of the consorts at first marriages have increased from 26.59 and 25.08 in 1896 to 27.46 and 25.81 in 1911. The average age at which widowers marry has increased from 44.49 to 46.42; for widows from 40.58 to 41.74. In the quinquennial period 1876-80, 7.8 per cent. of the hus- bands and 21.7 per cent. of the wives were under twenty-one, in 1911 these percent- ages had decreased to 3.9 and 13.3. The professional and well-to-do classes marry later than the average; thus in England, the ages of the men and women are, re- spectively, about 32 and 27 years, as com- pared with about 26 and 24.5 years for the artisan and laboring classes. It thus appears that American scientific men marry at a somewhat earlier age than the professional classes in England and their wives are of about the same age. The table shows that the size of family of the parents of the scientific men—the fraternity of the scientific men—decreases decidedly as the age of the mother at mar- riage increases. It is about five and a half when the mother is under twenty; it de- creases to four and a half when she is between twenty-five and thirty and to scarcely over two and a half when she is between thirty and forty. The decrease would be somewhat greater if barren mar- riages were included; but it is altered in the opposite direction by the fact that the larger family has the better chance of giving birth to the scientific man. The decrease in the size of family with the 793 advancing age of the father is less, and depends mainly on the fact that older husbands are likely to have older wives. The age of the wife tends to increase about one year as the age of the husband in- creases by two years. According to the New South Wales statistics, admirably compiled by T. A. Coghlan,® the size of the family is five when the mother marries at 21, and as the age at marriage increases to 24, 28 and 32, the size of the family de- creases to approximately four, three and two. In the case of the scientific men the family is 2.59 when the mother was 20 to 24 years old at marriage and 2.44 when she was 25 to 29. It is only two in the fifteen cases when she was under twenty. A comparison of these figures with those for the larger families of the preceding generation is significant, as they seem to show the condition when the family is small and limited. Under these cireum- stances there is but slight difference in the number of children when a woman marries at ages from 15 to 29. After thirty, how- ever, there is a marked decrease, the size of family being 1.6 for women marrying between 30 and 34 and only 0.6 for those marrying between 35 and 39. Less than half of those marrying between 35 and 39 had children and none of those who married at the age of 40 or older had children. The families from which our scientific men come had on the average 4.7 children, and those scientific men who are married and whose families are complete have on the average 2.3 children, these figures in- eluding all the children born. Sir Francis Galton’ found that a group of about 100 English scientific men (excluding barren marriages) had, on the average, 4.7 chil- dren, and their parents 6.3, and remarks: ‘‘This implies a diminution of fertility as 6‘‘The Decline jn the Birth Rate of New South Wales,’’ Sydney, 1903. 7 ‘‘English Men of Science,’’ London, 1874, New York, 1875. ‘ 794 compared with that of their parents, and confirms the common belief in the tend- ency to an extinction of the families of men who work hard with the brain.’’ Mr. Havelock Ellis* found that 214 fertile marriages of British men of distinction produced, on the average, 5.45 children, while 276 ‘‘genius producing families’’ consisted, on the average, of 6.96 children, and remarks that ‘‘men of genius belong to families in which there is a high birth rate, a flaring up of procreative activity.’’ He says further that this ‘‘might, indeed, have been anticipated. The mentally ab- normal classes generally belong to families with a high birth rate’’; and quotes data in regard to criminals and the insane. Thus two wide generalizations—that in- tellectual performance conduces to sterility and that genius is allied to insanity—are based on a curious statistical fallacy for which one would suppose Galton the least likely of men to be responsible. In a population whose families remain of the same average size in successive gen- erations, every one, whether he be a scien- tific man, a criminal or a tailor, is likely to come from a larger family than he has. If, for example, all families were of one or of seven children equally divided, the aver- age family would be four in each genera- tion, but the children would be seven times as likely to come from the larger family and would belong to a family which, on the average, would be 6.25. With an aver- age family of three, the size of 100 fam- ilies would be distributed approximately as follows: See TO. A. No. oe 2 Ra 0 00 Di BS No 6, i. 8 9) 0 Din Sane. pl eel: When then we count up the average size of the family from which each of the 300 children comes, it will be found to be 4.47. As our scientific men come from families of the average size of 4.7, one may conclude that the families of the elass to - which they belonged were of the average 8“*A Study of British Genius,’’ London, 1904. AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE size of about 3.2. In one generation this family has been reduced to 2.3, owing either to a general fall in the birth rate or because scientific men have families which are smaller than those of the classes to which their parents belonged. Both factors are present; there is a general decrease in the birth rate and the edu- eated classes have families smaller than the average. In Table VI. is given information in regard to the size of family of the parents of scientific men in accordance with their nationalities and their occupations. The Germans had families of the average size of 5.7, the British of 4.8 and the native Americans of 4.5. The probable errors show that these differences are not due to the limited number of eases. It is known that immigrants from foreign na- tions have larger families than native TaBLE VI. THE SIZES OF THE FAMILIES OF THE PARENTS OF THE SCIENTIFIC MBN IN AC- CORDANCE WITH THEIR NATIONALITIES AND THEIR OCCUPATIONS No Size Americanzctacenc is cite oewe riots 625 4.45 British: t/h5C joe: . SRE 131 4.83 Germati ts. is oat sinter aoa 67.5 5.13 Others... awee coveteyaeree ee 47.5 5.20 | "Tidttall 4, aoe Pr ee ee 871 | 4.65 Professions); Sia.43 Fi Sheik Ae 381 4.51 Clorgymen=\ Ae 8) *)eci cc e ee 88 4.77 Physiermansen sacs cere eee 65 4.22 Lawyerss ons 0ikt? ss rade hater : 60 4.58 TOAGHOISy ae ios. ait eee 75 4.39 Others 27 soe See eee re 93 4.54 Agricultnner. sot. bisc piece he 185 | 5.09 ‘Manufacturing and trade....... 311 | 4.59 Total: ssiste = as kde s ees 877 | 4.66 Americans, but these figures probably give the only information in regard to the fam- ilies which produce scientific and other professional men. The disparity is not so great as in the so-called lower classes, but it is sufficient to indicate that in the pro- fessional classes descendants of recent im- migrants from Germany and Great Britain AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE will in part supplant the descendants of native Americans. It is, however, the case that immigrants are likely to become as- similated to native Americans in size of family as well as in other respects. The parents of scientific men from the agricultural classes had families of the average size of 5, those engaged in manu- factures and trade of 4.6 and those in the professions of 4.5. It was shown in the previous section that the agricultural classes contribute in proportion to their numbers only one thirtieth as many sci- entific men as the professional classes, and this disparity is increased by their larger families. Among the professions, physi- cians had the smallest families and clergy- men the largest, but the differences are not large, the family of the clergyman being smaller than the family of the farmer. These figures do not, of course, give information in regard to families of the present generation, in which the differ- ences are probably greater. TABLE VII. THE SizbS OF THE FAMILIES OF THE ScIENTIFIC MEN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEIR NATIONALITIES No. Size. I NTRS GD Se rere re a 544 2.19 IBiminsheee: 2 SEe. 22. SAS 49 2.43 (GIT ls ten aI ae a nea 19 S21 “SLI bs CRORE RCE ERR eRe R MES CERF ic | 17 1.88 Lig: Qe ees eee re | 629 2.23 In Table VII. are given the figures for the children of the scientific men in ac- eordance with their nationalities. The 795 Americans have, on the average, a family of 2.19 children, the British of 2.43 and the Germans of 3.21. The German family is thus nearly 50 per cent. larger than the American. The number of foreign fam- ilies is, however, too small to give valid averages. It would be very desirable to obtain information in regard to the size of family and other vital statisties for different nationalities and social classes in our population. ars 258 1.9 13 ‘The Decrease in the Size of American Fam- ilies,’? Edward L. Thorndike, Popular Science Monthly, 1903. 14 Yale Alumni Weekly, 1907. 800 Graduates of colleges for women also have had families of about two, but half of them remain unmarried. The Harvard graduate thus has on the average three fourths of a son, the Vassar graduate one half a daughter. Since this article was written and pub- lished in abstract elsewhere,’* there have appeared two excellent articles on the size of family of college graduates. Johnson and Stutzmann’® find that about half of Wellesley College almune graduating from 1879 to 1888 married and had fam- ilies averaging 1.56 children. John C. Phillips’ gives data from the class re- ports of Harvard and Yale students com- piled twenty-five years after graduation. Seventy-four per cent. of Harvard gradu- ates and 78 per cent. of Yale graduates had married. The number of children born for each married graduate decreases from about 3 in the fifties to 1.8 in 1890. As Mr. Phillips points out, the decrease becomes slower between 1875 and 1890. TABLE X. THE SIZES OF THE FAMILIES IN ACCORD- ANCE WITH THE EDUCATION OF THE MOTHER College None Partial Total Under 50 INOS Biods:sop 109 33 119 261 Size 1.81 1.79 1.98 | 1.88 Uy on ee 1: a eae apes 58 20 145 | 225 pines wf. 2.4F0% 2.22 252-20 2.39 2.33 Above 59 INGtoC fan'd <= 2 21 7 117 145 BIZOiL.. fi) 3 2.57 °343 2.69 | 274 Total NOME. ok 3 |) SS 60 381 | 629 iret os) 80 20025 | 2312 245 | 2.23 of scientific men in which the mothers have had a college education are not ap- preciably smaller than others. If one re- gards only the total, it appears that when 15 Proceedings of the First National Conference on Race Betterment, January, 1914; The Inde- pendent, September 17, 1915. 16 Journal of Heredity, 1915. 17 Harvard Graduates Magazine. 1916. September, AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE the mother had a college education the average family is about 2, when she had a partial college education 2.1 and when she had none 2.3, but these differences are chiefly and probably entirely due to the fact that the younger scientific men have the smaller families and at the same time are more likely to marry college graduates. If we divide the scientific men into three age groups, the differences become much less, and if the groups were subdivided still further they would probably disap- pear. Th:is illustrates the possibility of statistical fallacies when a group is not homogeneous. Of the scientific men under fifty, 109 married college graduates and had families of the average size of 1.81, 33 married women with a normal schcol or partial college education and the aver- age family was 1.79, 119 married women without a college education and the aver- age family was 1.98. Fifty-four per cent. of scientific men under 50 have married women with a college education; for sci- entific men from 50 to 59 the percentage falls to 35 and for those 60 or older to 19. The figures result not only from the increasing number of women undergoing higher education, but also from an exten- sion of common scientific interests and pursuits for men and women. A distin- guished biologist has observed that ‘‘if marriages are made in heaven, Woods Hole may be regarded as a branch office.’’ To the same biologist we owe the remark that ‘‘eugenies is an infant industry.”’ There is truth in both epigrams. The per- centage of men who have married women with whom they have been thrown into association as teachers or fellow students is large, and we are at present ignorant of the results of such marriages. Small as are the families of scientific men, it is here shown that they are not so because the mother is a college graduate. If both mother and father have common scien- tifie aptitudes and interests, the physical heredity and social traditions shouid lead AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE the children to follow similar scientific pursuits with an early start and favorable opportunities. I shall be able to give the percentage of fathers and sons, or of two or more brothers, who have engaged in scientific work, and it may be possible to determine the effect when the mother also has scientific interests and ability. III. Virau StTaristics AND THE Com- POSITION OF FAMILIES It has been claimed that children of older parents are physically and mentally inferior. Conversely, C. L. Redfield in a eurious book entitled ‘‘Control of Hered- ity’’ and in various articles argues that men of distinction are likely to be born when their fathers are old and that their performance is due to inheritance of the experiences: gained by their fathers. If the age of the parents affects the constitu- tion of the children, this clearly is a matter of importance, particularly if the principles of eugenies are enforced either by law or by sentiment. But at present we have no scientific information on a problem which could be solved. by statis- tical research. . The fathers of 865 leading American men of science were on the average 35 years old and their mothers were 29 years and 8 months old when their sons were born. The fathers married at the average age of twenty-eight years, being somewhat more than five years older than their wives. The scientific men are conse- quently born at an average interval of seven years after the marriage of their 801 parents, The ages are given separately for the four groups into which the secien- tific men have been divided and are earl- ier for both fathers and mothers (group I. in the table) of those more distinguished. The probable errors given in italies show that the differences may be due to chanee, but that this is unlikely. It is the ease, as shown below in Table XIV., that the first-born son is the one most likely to be- come a scientific man, and the parents of first-born children are of course younger. In Table XI. is also given the average age at death of the parents, whence it ap- pears that the fathers died at the average age of 70.6 years, the mothers at 70.2 years, the chances being even that these figures are correct within a third of a year. The average age of the scientific men be- ing about fifty years, most of their parents are now no longer living. If, however, the deceased parents only had been included, the averages would have been too low, as the more long-lived parents would be those more likely to be living. The expectation of hfe has been added to the age of each of those still living, and the probable age at death used in the averages. The ages given do not mean that people of this class live to those ages, or that the men live longer than the women. A statistical error such as this has often been made, a distinguished scientific man having, for example, urged that it is one of the ad- vantages of the scientific career that sci- ‘entific men live much longer than the average, failing to note the circumstance that there are no scientific men who die TABLE XI. THE AGES OF THE PARENTS AT THE BIRTH OF THE SCIENTIFIC MEN AND AT DEATH, ACCORD- ING TO THE STANDING OF THEIR SONS Age at Birth of Sctentific Man Age at Death No. Rac Fer, a Pee wh, Cee , is Father Mother Father Mother I 64 34.02 + .57 28.37 +.50 | 62 70.18 + 1.12 70.89 + 1.36 Il 160 | 34.54 + .40 29.86 + .31 154 70.85 + .76 70.68 + .78 III 505 35.00 + .23 29.72 + .20 496 70.77 + .88 69.96 + .36 Inve 136 35.69 + .63 30.09 + .38 121 7091+ .92 69.45 + .99 Total 865 34.95 + .18 29.70 + .15 833 70.64 + .30 70.20+ .3!1 802 when they are babies. The figures in the table mean that the fathers being on the average 35 years old when their sons are born have an expectation of life of 35.6 years, and will on the average die at the age of 70.6 years. The mothers, averaging 29.7 years old, have an expectation of life of 40.5 years. These expectations are about four years longer than those allowed by standard mortality tables, but the data are not exactly comparable. Although the parents of the more distinguished scien-— tifie men do not live longer than the others, they live longer after the births of their sons. TABLE XII. Tue AGES AT DEATH OF THE FATHERS OF THE SCIENTIFIC MEN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEIR OCCUPATIONS No. Age at Death. Professions..... 370 69.67 + .46 Clergymen..... 94 71.68 + .81 Physicians... . 66 67.20 + 1.08 Lawyers...... 57 71.75 + 1.19 Teachers. 70 69.29 + 1.07 Others: 20": 83 68.25 + .92 Agriculture..... 193 72.81 + .62 Manufacture.... 330 70.65 + .48 Totals! cet witty 893 70.71 + .29 Table XII. shows that the farmers who were fathers of scientific men died at the average age of 72.8 years, the physicians at 67.2 years, a difference of over five years between the shortest and longest lived of the groups. The clergymen and lawyers lived one year less than the farm- ers, the teachers two and a half years less. Those engaged in manufacturing and trade died at the average age. According to the report of the English registrar- general (1908), the death rates per thou- sand during the years 1900-1902 for those AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE between 45 and 65 in different occupa- tions were: Farmers, 14.8; clergymen, 15.5; teachers, 15.8; lawyers, 18.3; physicians, 23.9. Table XIII. gives the ages at death of the mothers in accordance with the size of their families. The crude figures are sub- ject to a statistical error, as mothers might have small families because they died early. This is eliminated by considering only those who survived the child-bearing age. In this case mothers of one child died at the average of 68.6 years; mothers of 12 children at the age of 80.6. There are included 759 families, but the number of families of different sizes,is too small to give entirely valid averages. Still it is significant that the thirteen mothers of 11 and 12 children lived to the average age of 78 years; the 43 mothers of 9 and 10 chil- dren to the age of 75 years. It is prob- able that the women who were the more vigorous had the largest number of chil- dren and also lived to the greatest age; they might have lived as long or even longerif they had been unmarried. Though largely due to statistical selection, the fact remains that of 45 mothers of one child 10 did not survive the age of 45, whereas of 56 mothers of from 9 to 12 children not one died under this age. In view of these facts it may be doubted whether the practise of limiting the num- ber of children is beneficial to the health and longevity of the mother. Table XIV. gives the numbers of scien- tifie men who were first-born children, second-born children, ete., for each size of family. A scientific man is of course more likely to be a first-born child than a sec- ond-born, because there are families with TABLE XIII. AGrEs ar DEATH OF MOTHERS OF THE SCIENTIFIC MEN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SIZES OF THEIR FAMILIES Size of Family. 1 2 3 4 5 6 y Us oe Aa” oot ee PMONORE LS «066d tiote isd Wilieia- one 45 91 106 136 110 112 59 44 27 16 8 5 | 759 Age at death............ 61.7 67.9 09.8 7172) 69) 71.5 W870 .7'7.6° 70.6076.2- (80:6 70.1 No. dying undef 45...... LO papal dg, LL hs, 310 ui 3 2..4 0 0 0 0 68 Age at death of those sur-} URW PENE ED eile» cle nse nse 68.6 74.2 73 74.4 72.5 72.5 74 73.6 77.6 70.5 76.2 80.6 73.3 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE only one child and consequently more first-born children. But it appears from the table that the first-born child is more likely than the others to become a scien- tific man. In families of two or more children, 284 are first-born and only 168 second-born ; in families of three or more, 214 are first-born and 114 are third-born ; in families of four or more, 159 are first-born and 81 fourth-born. TABLE XIV. THE ORDER OF BIRTH OF SCIENTIFIC MEN Order of Birth 1 2 3 44 6 ie 58) 9 TOS 1 63 63 2 70 52 122 3 55 39 31 125 4 53 33 32 29 147 5 Bie a: 18) ole) 12a. 118 6 SOMA eS 1619 2b 117 ff Ge dnids Sus akes Dig ees ee 68 8 ene so wAN Sanam tae 3S 44 9 5 Yt) C20 Ah 4 ANTE ONES 28 10 1 1 2 Ogle 2eanOO 0.5 12 11 (Oy agg OMe Oe geome Ou Ole drelian 6 12 0 LTO Of OPHOD LOLA I 5 347 168 114 81 66 40 11 12 6 ‘7 2 1 {855 The first-born child has been reported to be more likely to be a man of genius, an idiot, a consumptive and various other things, but usually as the result of some statistical fallacy. If, for example, in oure figures only families of two and eight aré4 considered, there being on the average five children and one first-born, it looks at first sight as though the chances are one in five that an individual selected at ran- dom would be the first-born. But both families being represented, it has been argued that the chances are half that the individual is the first-born in the small family and one eighth in the large family, or on the average five sixteenths, nearly one in three. However, the family of eight is four times as likely to be repre- sented in a random selection from the two families, so the chances of the individual being first-born are reduced to one in five. Finally—and this seems to have been 803 overloked—there are three times as many families of two as of eight, and there are in fet 16 chances out of 61, or a little over one in four, that the individual selected at random will be the first-born. These errors have been eliminated by the nethod used in the table, but there are it least two other statistical errors that affect such data. When we are deal- ing vith contemporary families the older chilren may be preferred. Thus chil- dren under fifteen are not likely to suffer fron pulmonary tuberculosis or to be criminals, and the patient or the prisoner may be more likely to be the first-born chili than the last born. This cireum- stame holds for the scientific men. They are in the average 38 years old when they attan their position, and the scientific population is rapidly increasing, so the earler born children are more likely to be ineided. This factor, however, is small, as 3 shown by the fact that the second- bon child is not appreciably more likely to »e a scientific man than those later bon. Probably a large statistical error is intoduced by the fact that a man some- tims does not know of or ignores children wh were born and died before he himself wa born, and thus records himself as the firt-born. n so far as it may in fact be the case tht the first-born child is more likely to bea scientific man, this is probably due to soial rather than to physiological causes. Giton found the eldest son to be pre- fered, and perhaps this might be expected under a system of primogeniture. In this eantry where families are apt to improve thir economic condition, the younger sons my be more likely to be sent to college thn the older, but as to this there is no auilable information. In Table XV. the intervals are given btween marriage and the birth of the first cild and between the births of successive cildren for families of different sizes. Vhen there is only one child it is born on 804 AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE TABLE XV. INTERVALS IN YEARS BETWEEN MARRIAGE AND BirTH OF First CHILD AND BETWEEN BIRTHS OF SUCCESSIVE CHILDREN No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Size of Family ‘sue otFamty| No | 1 Av. 1 70 3.17 3.17 2 121 2.14 4.21 3.17 3 120 1.87 3.09 4.00 2.99 + 56 1.59 2.40 3.16 3.82 2.74 5 29 1.62 2.52 2.69 3.38 3.76 2.79 6 12 1.33 1.83 2.00 2.92 2.25 2.15 2.18 av 5 1.40 2.00 1.60 2.60 3.00 2.00 2.20 Zee 8 2 2.00 1.50 2.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.50 2.19 9 1 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.78 the average 3.2 years after marfiage, whereas in a family of five or more the the limits of chance variation, and is not likely to be significant. In the families | interval is about a year and a half, In the standardized family of two the seeond child is born 4.2 years after the first, The as long as for large families. might be due to the same physiologic pathological causes which make the f daughters. TABLE XVI. DISTRIBUTION OF SONS AN DAUGHTERS This difference falls wi Family of Parents from which 832 scientific men come there were 2,537 sons and 1,527 daughters re- corded. This disparity may at first strike the reader as inexplicable. Galton in his ‘*Hereditary Genius’’ says: ‘‘I also found the (adult) families to consist on an aver- age of not less than 24 sons and 24 daugh- ters each. Consequently each judge has on an average of 14 brothers and 24 sisters. . 100 judges are supposed to have 150 brothers and 250 sisters.’’ Nearly all those whom I have questioned about this statement think that it is correct. It seems to most people obvious that if there are equal numbers of boys and girls, 4 boy must on the average have one more Bize No. of : of Family | Families Sibs Sisters. Brothe sister than brother. However, a boy has as (1) many brothers as sisters, owing to the sex - 126 126 69 57 composition of families. Thus in families 3 128 256 123 133 aa ; 4 152 456 244 212 (°df two, one fourth of the families will con- 5 125 500 266 234 sist of two boys, one fourth of two girls 6 123 615 327 288 { : 7 7] 426 235 191 and one half of a boy and girl. On the : - a ae he average, four boys will have among them 10 16 144 83 61 two brothers and two sisters, and there 3 3 Ke - eS ; is a similar equality for large families. a Table XVII. contains information in Total 832 3232, 17051527 regard to deaths in the families of scien- Family of Scientific Men “2 . ® dididteh °) “aml Maaaoniesl tific men. For their brothers and sisters the percentage of deaths recorded under 1 81 et 9 136 five years is 14.8, and under twenty-five $ is years it is 22.5. For their children the 5 41 percentages are 7.5 and 10.9. The death 6 15 rate has thus decreased to half in a single 7 5 ; ; 8 4 generation, and for the children of the 9 3 scientific men is probably the smallest Total 478 known. 5 © oes 1 5 \17 Yl 26 Sul a 2 0 0 Bxpense ....--.-.-- 22 cs eece cess: | 5 12 229 30.14 3 Ss 0 0 Other causes ....-:-.0-s-secesese 5, 0) Ye 15 PED 3 0 0 0 ited, the cause of the voluntary limitation being health in 133 cases, expense in 98 eases and various other reasons in 54 cases. Childlessness was involuntary in two thirds of the cases. In the standardized family of two children the condition was desired six times out of seven. In over one third of the 461 families the limitation was in- voluntary, due to infertility and other pathological causes, but if these had not ob- tained, voluntary limitation would have oc- 100 [_] NOT VOLUNTARILY LIMITED LIMITED BECAUSE OF HEALTH ++ EXPENSE nana FOR OTHER CRUSES 7 6 9 a MW 0 2 6 Fia, 4, The number of families of American men of science of each size, showing the number voluntarily limited and the causes of the limita- tion. curred later in nearly all cases. In seventy- one marriages prior to 1890 the average size of family including all children born was 2.9, and the limitation was voluntary in forty-eight per cent. of the eases. In the decade of the 80’s with 132 marriages the size of the family was 2.6, and the limita- tion was voluntary in sixty-four per cent, of the cases. For 198 marriages contracted in the 90’s, when no more children will be born, the average size of family was 2.0, and the limitation is voluntary in seventy per cent. of the cases. Neither the prevalence of the voluntary imitation of the size of family, nor the ct that the size of family is limited irectly or indirectly through infertility ill-health in more than three fourths of e cases, can be regarded with satisfac- n. It is indeed evident that a limitation the number of offspring was an essential ¢\dition of the evolution of a higher race ‘4 of the civilization to which it has at- taed. It might be as undesirable and bénade as illegal for a man to have sijhildren as to have two wives. But we ardlaying with edged tools when we substi- tutrationalism for fundamental instincts. In jactise the family is not voluntarily lim for the welfare of the race, but to avorisk and ill-health—real or fancied— k the decreasing birth rate, while powerful forces tending to its . tle * + bi - re 35 . see vote * i ee i ; as aS 533 .a2 o— —s Sse ¥ i etpate iT ear eaeerees t 4 y *! apeeeer et yearns ey eal 7 peaeeer ery i>] eeeyenrer MeTIOUe be +00) ‘ 12/0] 9) Hi Piet ates ; iit lal ener Ae hr eye s+, * -s- eee? ry vee 1 biel 7 7 rie! ee sere’ Tele) ane rerncaa ence Pozaesheta tea east Neate ts tite meses} ees tteats g prere les i074 seats it ' sheye yet siele lee. { 4 y iateeeteh } » ele i piorers eaaratea dat eistetelteasteteti ieiats Hey lbaeearee ESSERE ba Ga prererer ey ists: lal SEePeet setae =! Reeer eee Sees Sete teti rors hee A aRPs pee ait = = oS wn oS etek 335; coop peer ee rts dstaghe nt? i 4 elt Ph , Hat? 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