EMMENANTHE PENDULIFLORA PLANTS VOLUME TWO 1909 o CONTENTS: [OF VOLUMES ONE AND TWO1 BOTANY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Abbreviations used arbitrarily in this work, pages 372, 411. Algae credited to the coast of California, Anderson, Cleveland, Snyder, 392. Alphabetical index— chiefly of Californian plants, 445. Among the wild flowers of San Diego, James S. Lippincott, 401. Analytical key to families represented in California, 385. Coniferous trees and shrubbery of San Diego county. 404. Descriptions of genera, species and varieties credited to South California. Glossary of some botanical terms used in this work, 375. Grasses — descriptions of some western species, 411. Lichens — species occurring in West America, 240, 367, 400. Plant identification, 375. Some native flowering shrubs, 408- Charles Russell Orcutt, Editor. San Diego, California TO MY PARENTS / Heman Chandler Orcutt and Eliza Eastin Gray-Orcutt and to Former Friends and Correspondents Engelmann: Gray: Parry: Vasey: Watson Names Inseparable from American Plants This Volume is Dedicated In Memoriam. 614146 PREFACE. With the completion of volume two of American Plants, the editor may perhaps be pardoned for presenting a few words regarding the plan and reason for producing the work. The plan was to index every work of importance on West American botany, and to print a description of every genus, species, variety or form credited to the state of California. As far as possible it was desired to reprint in each case the earliest published description, not only of species generally considered valid, but also of those published that have since been relegated to synonymy — however remote might be the chances of reviving to specific rank. It was also desired to collect all scattered notes, supplemental to the original descriptions, or pertaining to geographical distribution, economic value, synonymy, citing place of publication or the authority for each. Volumes one and two were intended to cover these features for the flora of the southern counties, but the reader will still find the ideal far from realized. Many works yet remain to be consulted and many species must be added to the enumeration here given. The editor hopes to con- tinue until all that has been published relative to the California flora is fully indexed, and all valid species described. Nearly half the work is now published, and much of the balance is in MS. May the errors of omission or commission in this volume be corrected in the next. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL: The following literature has been accessible to the writer, and indexed wholly or in part. The abbreviations used to designate the same precede the titles. A=ORCUTT, Charles Russell: Ameri- can Plants. Volume 1. 1907-1908. In- dexed, except-where matter is herein in- corporated. Ab=ABRAMS, Le Roy: Flora of Los Angeles and vicinity. 1904, 475 p. Index incorporated but not verified, thus indi- cating nomenclature as adopted by him, and species occurring in the territory covered by him. H BREWER, W H., and WATSON, Sereno: Botany (uniform with the pub- lications of the Geological Survey of California). Volume 1. 1876 (second re- vised edition, 1880, only accessible to the writer). Gamopetalae, by Asa Gray; Cactaceae, by George Engelmann. Vol- ume 2, 1880. By Sereno Watson. Por- tions treated by George Engelmann (oaks, pines, etc.), M. S. Bebb (wil- lows), William Boott (Carices), George Thurber (grasses), and Daniel C. Eaton (ferns, etc.). Index incorporated but not verified. Cov^COVILLE, Frederick Vernon: Bot- any of the Death Valley Expedition. CNH, IV, 1893. CNHrr CONTRIBUTIONS from the Unit- ed States National Herbarium. < in CURRAN, Mrs. Mary K.: Califor- nia academy bulletin (when other refer- ence is not given). I >u DAVIDSON, Anstruther: List of plants of Los Angeles county, Cal. (1896) 20 p. Indexed, showing nomenclature adopted at that date, and species then known from that county. DC=DE CANDOLLE, A. P. et Alph.: Prodromus naturalis regni vegetabilis. Paris, 1824-73 (when other reference is not given). E=ENGELMANN, George: Botanical works, collected for Henry Shaw, 1887 (when other reference is not given). G— GRAY, Asa: American academy pro- ceedings (when other reference is not given). K KELLOGG, Albert: California acad- emy proceedings, series 1 (when other reference is not given). M=MUHIiENBEB,GIA: a journal of botany, edited by A. Arthur Heller. Vol- ume 1, 1900-1906. Index incorporated but not verified. Mainly western species, except for a list of Porto Rican fungi. P- GREENE, Edward Lee: Pittonia, vol. 1, 1887-1889. Volume 2, 1889-1892. Volume 3. 1896-1898. Volume 4. 1899- 1901. Volume 5. 1902-1905. Indexed, ex- cept 1:179-194. Many species not West American. I'.r BRANDEGEE, Townshend Stith: California academy proceedings, series 2 (when other reference is not given). Er=ERYTHEA: a journal of botany. Par=FARSONS, Mary Elizabeth: The wild flowers of California. Revised edi- tion, 1907, 417 p. Indexed. Z=ZOE: a biological journal. Volume 1. 1890-1. Volume 2. 1891-2. Volume 3. 1892-3. Volume 4. 1893-4. Volume 5. 1900-5, 226 p. IK=HOOKER, Joseph D, et JACKSON, B. Daydon: Index Kewensis. 1893. 4 volumes. ! In HALIi, Harvey Monroe: A botanical survey of San Jacinto mountain. Univ. of Cal. pub., bot 1:140 t 1-14. ( 7Je 1902). Wat= WATSON, Sereno: American acad- emy proceedings (when other reference is not given). * W=WEST AMERICAN SCIENTIST: Charles Russell Orcutt, editor. Volumes I-XVII. 1884-1908. T = TORRE Y, John: Bth=BENTHAN, George: Plantae Hart- wegianae. 1839-57. Nutt=NTTTTAIiL, Thomas. GEN-era of North American plants and a catalogue of species to the year 1817. Phila. 1818. GAM:=Description of plants collected by William Gamble in the Rocky moun- tains and upper California. (In Phila ac nat sci J, sr 2, 1:149-189, 1847-50). SYL=North American Sylva. 1842-3. ABBREVIATIONS and SIGNS used: See also American Plants 1:372. axy=r axillary, occurring in an axil. cap — capsule. com — common, commonly, usually. d— described or description. fdrrrfirst published d reprinted. glab = Glabrous, smooth, not hairy. glau= glaucous, covered with a bloom. mem— memtaranaceous, thin and soft, like a membrane. nar=r narrow. numrr numerous. pap— pappus, the bristles, scales, etc., at the apex of the akenes in the Compos- itae. seg:= segment, a subdivision or lobe. sh=r short. sm— small. °=feet. '^inches. *=Unes. CEREUS ORCUTTI 3S5 I ANALYTICAL KEY. Calyx A- -nr of either more or less than 6 parts, Exogens. Calyx A cor together of just 6 parts, petals nev- er 5, stamens 3 or 6— or ;-}any with 3 green sepals — or 1 or 2 united to the style with in- ferioTov;-. Endogens. POLYPETAL.E— calyx i cor both present, the cor of separate pet. " A— stamens y. at k-ast ^ore thad 10 A more than twice the number of pet. l—hytiopynous (i.e. on the receptacle free from the ovary A calyx. *pistiis few-many distinct carpelsor 1 rare. a— calpx mostly deciduous; juice of herbage colorless— Kanunruiace* b— calyx tarly cecitincus, juice y'ish— Platys- temon" **pistil of 1 carpel forming a pod— Acacia u compound, cells. plat entae, or stigmas more than I. a— OH- more rumen -us toan sep —twice as many (4 r6), iboth usually caducous Papavern A more numerous than the persistent sep Portulacaceii? b— pet of ssmp number as sep —4 A both deciduous .................... Capparidacea? —4 or less, but cleft, A calyx persi-tent— Kesa- c tent, set) valvate in bud, sta-v.ens monadelphous Malvaceae tep imbricated in the bud - .tpp, entire, pellucid-punctate Hypen- cacese — Ivs alt. not y.ur.ctate, plane _ eor ephemeral: 2 outer sep small * bract- ljke ........... ... ......... ____ ristacea? - ror sramopetaious, tubular: sep round f ouquiera 2— pengynous or grpigynous. borne on the (either free or aduate) calyx *Fleshy plants Leafless mostly prickly fleshy plants: ovary 1-celled. Cactaceae. Leafy "fleshy plants, with 3 or more cells to ovary. " Ficoideae. Leafy fleshy herbs, with 1-celled ovary. Pcrtulacaceae. **Not fleshy. a— Ivs opp. simple S«D * ret ~ ....Calvcanthacese ^4??V! ............. ..-. ..... Saxlfragace* z. Lvs alt with stipules. Rosaceae. b Lvs alt without stipules. Carpels 2 or more, superior, becoming follicles. Crossosoma. Ovary inferior with 3 or more parietal placentae — Fls mainly dioecious: pet minute or none. Datiscaceae. —Fls perfect; pet conspicuous; Ivs rough. Lcasaceae. B Stamens 10 or less, or if more not ex- ceeding twice the number of the petals, or sep when the pet are wanting. — 1. Ovary or ovaries superior or mainly ut"sometim€S enclosed in the calyx -tubeV fpistils more than 1 A distinct *pistilsof sxme number *s pet A as sep. L'-s simple, fleshy. Crassulaceae. Lvs pinate (styles partly united). Lim- 386 nanthes. * Pistils not corresponding in number with pet or sep. a Sta borne on receptacle— Fammculace* b. Stamens borne on the caylx. Stiples persistent: Ivs alt. Rosaceae. Stiples caducous: Ivs opp, compound. Staphylea. Stipules none or distinct. Saxifragaceae, +tpi?ttl l. * * Simple, i. e.. of 1 carpel, as shown by the single style, stigma and cell (the lat- ter sometimes with a false division in Astragalus). Anthers opening by uplifted valves or tracseversely- Berberida; Anth opening lengthwise or at the top. a legume. Leguminosae. a. Fls irregular Ivs simple. Polygala- ceae. c. Fls regular. V>, punctate.... Cneoridium Lvs alt. not punctate, mostly stipulate. — Fr a drupe or akene. Rosaceae. — Fr a coriaceous follicle. Glossopetaloru * * Pistil compound as shown by the number of cells or placentae, styles or stigmas. a. Ovary 1-celled, with (2-4 or rarely more parietal placentae. Pet (long-clawed) and teeth of long tu- bular calyx 4 or 5. Frankeniaceae.. Pet and sep or lobes of the cleft calyx 5. —Cor irregular: lower pet spurred. Vlol- aceae. —Cor regular or nearly so. * - Styles or sessile stigmas entire. Sax- ifraeaceae. les ?,. each 2-parted: placentae 3, Drosera^eae, Pet 2, but persistent sep 4; fl irregular. Resadaceae. Pet 4, but bract like sep 2: fl irregular. Fumariac Pet 4 or 6, sep % as many caducous. Papaveraceae. Pet 4. sep 4; stamens 6. Capparidaceae. b Ovary and pod 2-celled: 2 placentae parietal:" stamens tetradynamous. Cruci- ferae. c. Ovary and capsule 1-celled. several to many seeded on a central placenta. Truly so, the partitions wanting or very incomplete. —Sep 2: Ivs often alt. Portulacaceae. —Sep or calyx-lobes 5. or sometimes 4: Ivs all opp. Caryophyllaceae. (See also the apetalous Glaux.) Apparently so; the partitions at length vanishing1. —Stipules between the opp Ivs. Elatina- ceae —No stipules. Lythraceae. d Ovary and fr 1-celled with a single sd on a stalk from the base. Shrubs: styles- or stigmas 3: fr drupe-like. Anacardiaceae. —Style at most 2-cleft: stipules scarious, Tllecebra^eae. — Stinule? 5: calyx scarious. Plumbagina- ceae. e. Ovary more than 1-celled: sds at- tached to the axis, or base, or summit. 387 Fls very irregular: ovary 2-oelled: cells 1-sd'ed. Polygalaceae, Fls regular or nearly so. —No green foliage. Monotropeae in Eri- caceae. — Foliage pellucid-punctate. Kutaceae —Stamens as many as the pet and opp them, i. e. alt with the oalyx-lobes. These small or obsolete: pet valvate. Vitaceae. —Stamens when just as many as the pet alt with them. Strong-scented shrub: Ivs opp, 2-foliate. Zygophyllaceae. Strong-scented herbs: los lobed or com- pound. Geraniaceae. Herbs not strong scented — Ovules 1-4 in each cell. Lvs all simple and entire. Linaceae. Lvs all opp, the latter with divisions or Ifts not entire. Geraniaceae. — Ovules numerous. * - Stamens on the calyx: style 1. Lyth- raceae. * - Stamens on the receptacle: los opp, simple. Cells of the ovary as many as the sep, 2or 5. Elatinaceae. Cells fewer than the sep, 3. Mollugo. Shrubs on trees with opp simple Ivs. — Pinnately veined, not lobed. Celastra- ceae. — Palmately veined.lobed. Sapindaceae. Shrubs or trees with alt lobed Ivs. Ster- culiaceae. 2. Ovary and fr inferior or mainly so. Tendril-bearing herbs: fls monaecious or diaecious. Cucurbitaceae. Shrubs or herbs, not tendril-bearing nor diaeeious, nor umbelliferous. * Stamens as many as the small unguicu- late pet and opp them: calyx valvate. Rhamnaceae. * * Stamens if of the number of the pet alt with them. a. Styles 2-5, distinct or united below. Fr a many-seeded (or rarely 3-5-celled, 3-5-seeded) capsule. Saxifragaceae. Fr a 1-celled many-seeded berry. Ribes. b. Style 1, undivided: stigmas 1-4. — Fl: ~;n cymes or a glomerate cluster. Corra-eae. — Fi* lacemose, spicate, or axillary. Ovary 1-celled: herbage scabrous. Least O\ary 2-5, mostly 4-celled. Onagra- ceae. Herbs: fls in umbels: styles 2: fr dry. Umbelliferae. Herbs or shrubs: fls in umbels: styles 4 or 5: fr berrv-like. Araliaceae. GAMGPKTALAE: petals more or less united into 1 piece. A. Ovary inferior, or at least largely so. * Stamens more numerous than the lobes of the cor, 8 or 10. Distinct and free from it or nearly so. Ericaceae. Monadelphous on its tube. Styracaceae. * * Stamens as many as the lobes of the cor (5 or rarely 4), syngenesious. Fls in an involucrate head. Composi- tae. Fls separate, racemose or spicate. Lo- 388 beliaceae. * * * Stamens as many as the cor-lobea, or at least 4, distinct. a. Nearly or quite free from cor: los alt: no stipules. Stamens distinct. Campanulaceae. Stamens more or less united. Nema- cladus. b Inserted on the cor: Ivs opp or whorled, with stipules or else in whorles, quite entire. Rubiaceae. Without stipules, opp. Caprifoliaceae. * * * * Stamens only 3, fewer than the lobes of the cor. Lvs opp: stamens distinct. Valertan- aceae. Lvs alt: stamens often united. Cucur- bitaceae. B, Ovary superior (free) or mainly so. 1. Stamens more numerous than the lobes of the cor. Pistil 1, simple: Ivs compound. Legum- inosae. Pistils several, simple: Ivs simple, fleshy. Crassulaceae. Pistil compound with 3 styles. Fouqui- era. Pistil compound with 1 undivided style. —Ovary 3-10-celled: stamens distinct. Ericaceae. —Ovary partly or at length 1-celled: sta- mens monadelphous. Styracaceae. 2. Stamens as many as the divisions of the cor and opp them. Styles 5: ovary and fr 1-seeded. Plum- baginaceae. Style 1: ovary and capsule several to many-seeded, Primulaceae. 3. Stamens as many as the lobes of the cor and alternate with them, or fewer. * No green herbage, cor regular. Stamens free: seeds very many, minute. Monotropeae. Stamens in its throat: fr 10-20-celled. Lennoaceae. Stamens on the tube: fr 2-celled. Cus- cuta. Cor irregular. Orobanchaeae. * * With ordinary green herbage. * Cor regular or nearly so: stamens not didyr.amous. Cor scarious and veinless: stemless herbs. Plantagiiiaceae. Cor more or less veiny. —Stamens 2 or 3, but parts of the cor 4 or S.Oleaceae. —Stamens sometimes 5, sometimes 4, as many as the cor-lobes. * - Pollen in solid waxy masses: fr a pair of follicles. Asclepiadaceae. * - Pollen in powdery grains. Ovaries 2: fr a pair of follicles. Apocyu- aceae. Ovary 4-lobed, forming 4 separate or separable seed-like nutlets. Borragin- aceae. Ovary single and entire. —Style 3-cleft at apex: capsule 3-seeded: cor convolute. Polemoniaceae. —Style or stigmas 2 or L Ovules and seeds at most 4, large, with large embryo and little or no albumen: peduncles axillary. Convolvulaceae. Ovules few or numerous: embryo small, 389 in albumen. —Lvs opp or whorled and entire: cap- sule 1-celled: cor convolute in the bud. Gentianaceae. —Lvs various, mainly alt. Styles 2, or 1 and 2-oleft: capsule 1-2- celled. Hydrophyllaceae. Style 1: stigma usually 1: capsule or berry 2-celled, many-seeded. Solanaceae (See also Verbascum and Limosella). Cor irregular: stamens (with anthers) only 4 and didynamous, or 2: style L a. Ovary and capsule 2-celled, few to many-seeded. Seeds small, mostly indefinite: embryo small in copious albumen. Scrophularia- ceae. Seeds larger in proportion, filled by the flat embryo. —Numerous in a long capsule, winged, on a partition which separates from the valves. Bignoniaceae. —Few, on hooked processes of placenta. Acanthaceae. b. Ovary and capsule 1-celled, with many-seeded placentae in the axis. Len- tibulariaceae. c. Ovary 4-parted, in fr as many seed- like nutlets. Labiatae. d. Ovary undivided: fr splitting into 2 or 4 1-speded nutlets (or berry like with as many stones). Verbenaceae. AFETALAE: cor (and sometimes calyx) wanting. A. Fls not in aments. 1. Ovary and fr superior, 1-celled and 1- ovuled, or carpels distinct if more thai one. Stipules sheathing the stem at the nodes. —Trees: fls monaecious in globose heads: calyx none. Platanaceae. — Herbs: calyx usually cor-like: akene triangular or lenticular. Polygonaceae. Stipules not sheathing the stem or none. * Shrubs or trees. Lvs alt: fls perfect. — Calyx 6-parted: fr a drupe. Lauraceae. — Calyx tubular: fr an akene. Cerocar- pus. Lvs alt: fls unisexual: fr a utricle. (Jhenopodiaceae Lvs opp. — Fls monaecious: capsule 1-celled by abortion. Buxaceae. — Fr an akene: Ivs small and narrow. Co* leogyne. — Fr a simple samara. Ivs pinnate. Frax- inus. * * Herbaceous, or sometimes woody at base. a. Fr a utricle: sd lenticular: embryo annular or spiral. Fls with scarious persistent sep and bracts: no stipules. Amarantaceae. Bracts herbaceous or none: no stipules. Chenopodiaceae. Stipules scarious. Illecebraceae. b. Fr a more or less triangular akene: embryo curved. Fls perfect, on jointed pedicels, involu- crate. Polygonaceae. c. Akene not triangular: embryo straight. Fls unisexual: fil incurved in the bud- Ivs simple. Urticaceae. 390 Submerged: fls axillary, naked: Ivs see- sile, filiformly dissected, Ceratophyllaceae Carpels several and distinct, 1-several- ovuled: calyx usually cor-like. Ranuncu- laceae. 2. as in 1, but ovary and fr inclosed by the calyx and apparently inferior. * Shrubs: Ivs opp. Elaeagnaceae. * * Herbs: calyx cor-like: fr an akene. Lvs simple, opp, entire. Nyctaginaceae. Lvs compound, alt. Rosaceae, 3. Ovary and fr superior, of 2 or more carpels. * Fr 2-4-celled, usually lobed: cells 1-2- ovuled. Fleshy maritime dioecious shrub: ovaries 4-celled, coherent. Batideae. Capsule 3-celled, 3-lobed: juice milky. Euphorbiaceae. Fr 4-celled, 4-lobed, compressed, indehis- cent: styles 2: small, aquatic, with opp entire Ivs. Callitrichaceae. Fr fleshy, 3-celled, 3-lobed: shrubs with simple alt Ivs. Rhamnaceae. Fr a double samara: trees with opp pin- nate Ivs. Sapindaceae. Herb: small obcompressed pod. Lepid- ium. * * Fr cap ular, 1-celled or more, sever- al ovuled. Fls naked, crowded in an involucrate spike: pungent herb with entire Ivs. Pi- peraceae. Shrubs with y axillary fls. Sterculiaceae. Low herbs with opposite Ivs. —Capsule 3-5-celled succulent. Ficoideae. —Capsule 1-celled: placentae central. Style and stigma 1. Glaux. Styles and stigmas 3 or more Caryo- phyllaceae. 4. Ovary and fr inferior. * Fr many-seeded. Capsule 4-celled. Ludwigla. Capsule 1-celled with 3 parietal placentae. Datiscaceae. — With 2 parietal placentae, Ivs cordate. Saxifragaceae. * * Fr mostly 1-seeded. Diaecious parasites on trees. Lorantha- ceae. Aquatic herbs. Halorgeae. B. Fls unisectual, at least the staminate in aments. Trees or shrubs with alternate Ivs. a. Ovary inferior: male fls in aments, fe- male solitary or few. —Lvs pinnate without stipules. Jugland- aceae. —Lvs simple, with caducous stipules. Nut in a cup-like or spiny involucre. Cupuliferae. Nut in a foliaceous or tubular envel- ope. Corylaceae. b. Ovary inferior: male fls in aments, female solitary or few. Fr a 1-seeded nut. — Nut winged or angled. Betulaceae. Fr a many -seeded capsule. Salicaceae. GYMNOSPERMAE: Ovules naked upon a scale or bract or within a more or less open perianth. Monaecious or dioecious tiees or shubs. a. Male fls in aments: female subsoli- tary, the ovule within a double coria- ceous integument with small terminal or- ifice: nearly naked dioecious shrubs. 391 Gretaceae. b. Fls dioecious, solitary, axillary: ovule becoming a bony sd within a fleshy en- velope or cup. Taxaceae. c, Female fls in aments becoming dry cones or berry-like: ovules naked at the base of a scale. Coniferae. Class II, MONOCOTYLEDONS. Woody fibres of the stem scattered ir- regularly. Usually with the parts of the fls in threes and Ivs parallel-veined. Co- tyledon simple. Mostly herbaceous. A. Ovary inferior: perianth conspicuous, colored: perennials. Aquatic: fls diaecious. Hydrocharidaceae. Terrestrial: fls perfect. a. Fls irregular. Orchidaceae. b. Fls regular: stamens 3. Iridaceae. c. Fls regular: stamens 6. Amaryllida- ceae. B. Ovary superior or nearly so: perianth regular or none. * Carpels united into a compound ovary: perianth cor-like rarely partly herba- ceous: seed albuminous. a. Fls not upon a spadix. Terrestrial: stems from a bulb, corm or rhizome: anthers 2-celled. Liliaceae. Woody climber with tendrils: anthers 1- celled. Smilaceae. Submerged aquatic, with linear grass- like Ivs. Pontederiaceae. b. Fls crowded upon a spadix. fr fleshy and coalescent, 2-celled. Araceae. * * Carpels distinct (or separable) or sol- itary: aquatic or marsh herbs. a. Perianth 0: fr utricular or nut-like: sds albuminous. —Fls monaecious in heads or on a crowd- ed spadix: Ivs linear. Typhaceae. —Small floating disk-like plants. Lemna- ceae. b Perianth herbaceous, petaloid or o: albumen o. Carpels few. Naiadaceae. Carpels numerous in a whorl or hd. Al- ismaceae. * * * Perianth of 6 similar glumaceous segments: capsule 3-valved: rushes or sedge-like. Juncaceae. Perianth coriaceous in 2 dissimilar series: fruit a berry or drupe. Palmae. Fls in the axils of scales or glumes, spi- cate, without evident perianth. —Stems solid; sheaths closed; scales sin- gle; anthers basifixed. Cyperaceae. —Culms hollow, terete; sheaths split; glumes in pairs; anthers versatile. Gram- imae. CRYPTOGAMUS PLANTS. Fls without stamens or pistils, and not producing sds with an envelope. ACROGENS: Plants growing from the apex, and mostly with distinct Ivs. VASCULAR ACROGE'NS— plants with both woody and vascular tissue. A. Spores only of one kind. Cylindiric jointed leafless plants with toothed sheaths: fr in a terminal spike. Bquisetaceae. Fronds circinate in vernation: sporangia globose, coriaceous, in a spike or panicle. Ophioglossaceae. Fronds circinate in vernation: fr on un- der surface. Filices. B. ©pores of 2 kinds. 392 Fructification within the base of Ivs or in their axils. Selaginelleae. Spores contained within peduncled cap- sules borne by the rhizomes. Marsilaceae. Floating fronds small, pinnately branch- ed: spores at the base. Salviniaceae. CELLULAR ACROGENS— plants with cellular tissue only. Mosses. ALGAE. The following list of California Algae is based chiefly on a list of species oc- curring on the coast of San Diego county, prepared by Daniel Cleveland, supplemented by Mrs. Mary S. Snyder, as published in the West American Sci- entist, volume 10; and on a "List of Cali- fornia marine algae, "with notes," by C. L. Anderson, in Zoe 2:217-225. W=West American Scientist. Z=Zoe. AGARDHSELLA. A. COULTERI Harv. w 10:160. A G ARUM. A. TUB2TSBI Post cc Hupr. Z 2:220. AHNFELDTIA. A. COETCIBTKA J. -Ag\ w 10:160. A. GIG-ARTINOIDES Ag. Z 2:222. w 10 '160 as A. concinna. A. FUCATA Fr. w 10:160. Z 2:223. * A2.ARIA. A. ESCTTTjEKTA Grev. Z 2:220. A. FISTUI.O3A Post & Rupr. Z 2:220. A. MABGIITATA Post & Rupr. Z 2:220. AMHIBOA. A. ASPERGII.I.UM J: E. Gray, w 10: 160. Z 2:225. A. CRETACEA w 10:161. A. NODTTLOSA Kutz. wlO:161. A. ORBIGNI&.2JA Harv. w 10:161. Z A/VERTEBRALIS Dene. Z 2:225. AXn>ERSOREX.X.A. A. FARLOWH Schmitz. w 10:161. ANTITHAMNION. A. FLOCCOSUM var. Pacificum Harv. w 10:161. ARTHROCI.ADXA. A. - ? w 10:161. ASFEROCOCCT7S. A. SIN1TOST7S Bory. Z 2:220. w 10:161 as Colpomenia sinuosa Derb & Sol. BA7.TGIA. B. FT7SCO-PURPTJREA Syng. w 10:161. B. VERMICTJI.ARIS Harv. Z 2:221. BOSTRYCHIA. B. CALAMISTRATA Mont. Z 2:225. B. RIVULARIS Harv. Z 2:225. B. TUTOMYI Harv. Z 2:225. BBYOPSIS. B. FIiTTMOSA Lmx. w 10:161. Z 2:218. CALLITHAMNION. C. AMERICANTJM Harv. w 10:161. C. AKBUSCTJI.A. Variety PACIFICUM Harv. Z 2:222. C. DASYOIDES Ag. w 10:161. Z 2:222. C. FI.OCCOSUM Ag. Z 2:222. C. HETEBOMORFHTTM J. Ag. w 10:161. C. LEJOilSEA Farlow, w 10:161. Z o "22° C."ilOTHII Lyng. Z 2:222. C. SCOFULOR/UM w 10:161. C. CALIFOBNICA. Farlow. w 10:161. 393 CAI.XiOFHYXiI.IS. C. CENTBOCABFA. w 10:161. C. FUBCATA Fa rlow. w 10:161, Z C. GBACILLABIOIDES FarlOW. W 10:161, Z 2:223. C. LACUTIATA Kutz. w 10:161, Z 0.9-73. 394 Z 2 '^18 C. LINDENBEBGI Ag. w 10:161. C. MUCBONATUM. Variety CAI.IFOBNICTTM J. Ag. 10:161. COI.POMENIA. C. SINTJOSA Derb & Sol. w 10:162. C. OBTUSIFOZiZA Ag. w 10:161, Z 2:223. C. TtTBEBCULATA Saunders. w 10:162. C. VABZE6ATA Kutz. w 10:161. Z 2:223. CALOTHBIX. C. CONPEBVICOZiA Ag. Z 2:218. C. CBUSTACEA Bond & Thuret. Z 2:218. CEBAMITJM. C. CALIFOBNICUM J. Ag. w 10:161. C. CODICOZ.A J. Ag. w 10:161. C. BUBBTJM Ag. Z 2:221, w 10:161 as var. Pacificum. Variety Pacificum Col. w 10:161. C. DIAFHANUM Roth. Z 2:221. CE27TBOCEBAS. C. CLAVULATTTM Mont, w 10:161, Z 2*222 C.'EATONIANUM: Fariow. w 10:161, Z 2:2 " CEBATOTHAMNION. C. FIKEANUM. w 10:161. CHAETOMOBFHA. C. AEBEA Dillw. w 10:161, Z 2:218. C. CAZiIFOBNICA Collins, w 10:161. C. CLAVATA. w 10:161. Variety TOBTA Fariow. w 10:161, Z c. "DUBYANA, Harv. z 2:219. C. SUTOBIA Berk. Z 2:219. C. TOBTUOSA Dillw. Z 2:219. CHONDBIA. C. ATBOPUBPU3EA Harv. w 10:161. C. NIDIFICA Harv. Z 2:225. C. TEKUISSIMA. Variety CALIFOBNICA Collins, w 10:161. CHONDBOFSX3. C. ATBOFUBFTJBEA J. Ag. Z 2:225. CHONDRUS. C. AFPINI3 Harv. w 10:161, Z 2:223. C. CANAtlCULATUS Ag. w 10:161, Z 2:223. CHBOOCCOCUS. C. TUBGIDUS Xaegr. Z 2:217. CHBOOZ.EFUS. C. AUBEUM Ktz. Z 2:219. CHOBDABIA. C. ABIE TIN A Rupr. Z 2:220. CHRYSEMENIA. C. OBOVATA J. Ag. w 10-161. Z 2:222. C. EXPAN3A Saunders. w 10:162. COZ'STAXTTINEA. C. SITCHENoIS Post & Rupr. Z 2:222. COBAILLINA. C. OFFICTNAZ.IS L. w 10:161. Z 2:225. C. SQUAMATA Ellis & Sol. w 10:162, as C. chilensis Californica. Z 2:225. C. CHILENSIS Desem. Variety CAX.IFOBNXCA. w 10:162. C. CBASSA Collins, w 10:162. C. 6BACIZ.IS Lamour. w 10:162. C. FISTILIiABIS Mont. Z 2:225. COBD 71. E CIi ADIA. C. CONFE3TA Mont, w 10:162. Z 2:224. COSTABIA. C. TUBNEBI Grev. Z 2:220. CBOUOBIA. C. FUBFUBEA Crm. w 10:162, Z 2:221. CBOUOBIEZ.I.A. C. AMOBICA Crm. Z 2:221. CYSTOSIEBA. C. OSMUND ACEA Ag. w 10:162. C BYP TONE MIA. C. CBENULATA Ag. w 10:162. C. DICHOTOMA J. Ag. w 10:162. C. OBOVATA Ag. w 10:162. CBYFTOSXFHOZTXA. C. WOODU J. Ag. Z 2:222. DASYA. D. HELENAE Fariow. w 10:162, Z o -005 D.'FACTFICA Harv. w 10:162. D. SUBSZCUNDA. Suhr. w 10:162, Z 8:225. D. PZ.UMOSA Harv. Z 2:225. DELESSEBIA. D. ALATA Ag. Z 2:224. D. WOODU Ag. Z 2:224. D. QUEBCIFOZ.IA Bory. w 10:162, Z QUE ••> • •> o 4 D. DECIP1EN3 2:224. C. PSEUDODICHOTOMA Farl. w 10:161, Z 2:222. CHYLOCLADIA. C. OVALIS Hook. Variety COTTLTEBI Harv. Z 2:225. CLADOPHOBA. O. CABTH.AGINEA Rupr. Z 2:219. C. ECZI.ONII. w 10:161. C. FBAECTA Fl Dan. Z 2:219. C. HUTCHINSAE Farl. w 10:161. C. I.AETEVIBENS Dillw. Z 2:19. C. MEMBBANACEA Ag. w 10:161. C. SCOFAEFOBMXS Rupr. Z 2:219. O. STTMFSONI. w 10:161. C. TJNCIALIS Fl Dan. Z 2:219? COILODESMA. C. CAI.IFOBNICA Ky. w 10:161. CODIUM. C. ADHEBENS Ag. Z 2:218. C. TOMENTOSTTM, Stack, w 10:161, DSBEESIA. D. TENUISSIMA Cronan. w 10:162. DESMEBESTIA. D. LIGULATA Lmx. w 10:162. Z 2:210. Variety HEBBACEA. w 10:162. D. LATIFBONS Grev. Z 2:219. DICTYONETTBON. D. CAI.IFOBNICITM Rupr. Z 2:220. 3DICTYOTA. D. BINGHAMIAE J. Ag. w 10:162. D. KUNTHII Ag. Z 2:221. w 10:162 as D. Binghamiae. D. DICHOTOMA Lmx. DICTYOPTEBIS. D. BONABIOIDES Farl. w 10:162. EGBEGIA. E. MENZEESII Aresch. w 10:162. Z 2:221. E. LAEVIGATA Setchell. w 10:162. ECTOCABPUS. E. CBINITUS Harv. w 10:162. E. INDICUS Saund. E. H23MISFHEBICUS Saund. E. PASCICULATUS Ag. w 10:162. E. FIBMUS A&. Z 2:219 as E. littoralis. E. GBANULOSUS Ag. w 10:162, Z 2:219. E. SHiICT7TiOSI7S Lynff. w 10:162. 395 E. VIBESCENS Thurst. w 10:162. B. CONFEBVOIDES Le Jol. w 10:162. Variety FYGMACT7S Kg. w 10:162. E. BXZTCHEZ.Z.AE. w 10:162. E. LITTOBALIS Harv. Z 2:219. ENDABACHNE. E. BINGHAMIAE J. Ag. EISEN1A. E. ABBOBAE Aresch. w 10:162, Z 2:220. EXTDOCIiADZA. E. MUBICATA J. Ag. w 10:162. Z223: ENTBOMOBPHA. E. COMFBESSA Grev. w 10:162. E. ZNTESTZNAZ.ZS Lmx. w 10:162. E. PLEXUOSXJS. w 10:162. EBYTHBOPHYLLUM. E. DEZ.ESSEBIOZDES Ag. Z 2:224. E. GUNNING!!. Z 2:224. PABZ.OWIA. P. COMPBESSA J. Ag. w 10:162, Z 2:222. P. CBASSA J. Ag. Z 2:222. FAUCHEA. P. I, ACINI AT A Ag. Z 2:222, SBar? FUCUS. P. FASTZGZATUS Ag. w 10:162, Z 2:221. P. BLABVEYANUS Decn. w 10:162, Z 2: 221. P. VESICULOSUS L. w 10:162. Z 2:220. P. PUBCATUS Ag. Z 2:221? OrELIDIUM. G. COBNEUM Lmx. Z 2:224, w 10:162 as G. Amansii. O. AMANSII Lam. w 10:162. G. AUSTRALE. w 10:162. G. CABTIZ.AGINEUM Grev. w 10:162, Z 2:224. G. COUIiTEBI Harv. w 10:162, Z 2:224. G. CBZXTAZ.E Ag. w 10:162, Z 2:224. Variety SFATHULATUM Hauck, w 10: 163. GZ.OEOCAFSA. G. OBEFIDINUM Thuret. Z 2:217. GIGABTINA. G. VOZ.ANS Ag. Z 2:223. G. CANAZ.ICUI.ATA Harv. w 10:163, Z Q «OOQ G.^MAMMILLOSA Ag. w 10:163. G. MOLLIS Bail & Harv. Z 2:223. G. MICBOFEYZiZiA Harv. w 10:163, Z 2:223. Variety HOBBIDA Farlow. w 10:163, as G. radula forma horrida. G. PISTILLATA Ag. w 10:163. G. SPIHO3A Ktz. Z 2:2*3, w 10:223. G. BABUL A Ag. w 10:163, Z 2:223. Forma HOBBIDA Farlow. w 10:163. Forma MICBOPHYLLA, w 10:163. G. SOBBXDA Farlow. w 10:163. G. JABDINI J. Ag. w 10:163, Z 2:223? G. FAPIZiIiATA. Forma CBISTATA. w 10:163. Forma DIS3ECTA. w 10:163. GBACIIiIiABIA. G. CONFEBVOIDES Grev. w 10:163, Z 2:224. G. MULTIPABTITA Ag. w 10:163. GBATEI.OUFIA. G. CUTLEBIA3 Ktz. w 10:163, Z 2:222. Variety SIMPLEX. Z 2:222. Variety FINN ATA. Z 2:222. GBIFFITHSIA. G. OPUNTIOIDES Ag. Z 2:222. GYNNOGONGBUS. G. I.EPTOPHYI.I.US Ag. w 10:163. Z 2 :223. G. LINEABIS A?, w 10:163, Z 2:223. G. TENUIS Ag. Z 2:223. EAI.ZDBYS. H. OSMUNDACEA Harv. Z 2:221, w 10: 163, as Cystosiera osmunclacea. HALOSACCION. H. HYDBOFHOBA Ag. Z 2:223. HELMINTHOCLADIA. H. FTTBFUBASCENS J. Ag. w 10:163. HEBFOSIPHONIA. H. VIZ.Z.UM J. Ag. w 10:163. HAT.ISEBIS. H. FOIiYFODIOIDES Ag. HII.DENBBANDTIA. H. BOSEA Ktz. Z 2:221. HYPNEA. H. DIVABICATA Grev. w 10:163. H. MU3CIFORMI3 Lmx. w 10:163, Z 2:224. H. ADUNCA J. Ag. w 10:163. H. CBIHAIiIS Harv. w 10:163, Z 2:224. H. COBNUT A Ag. Z 2:224. I. FUNICEA. Z 2:223. I. MINOR Bory. w 10:163. I. Z.AMI2TABIOIDES Bory. w 10:163, Z 2:223. I. DICHOTOMA. Z 2:223. JANIA. J. BUBENS Lmx. Z 2:225. w 10:163. as Corallina crassa. KALI.YMENIA. K. CAI.IFOBNICA Parl. Z 2:222. ZiAMINABIA. L. AN03EBSONII Farl. J5 2:220. L. FABZ.OWII Setchell. W 10:163. Z 2: 220. L. SINCXiAIBII Farl & Eaton. Z 2:220. X.AUBENCIA. 1. CEBYICOBNIS Harv. w 10:163. Ii. OBTU3A Lmx. Z 2:225. 1. PANICUI.ATA, w 10:163. L. PAFIX.X.OSA Grev. w 10:163, Z 2:225. Xi. FINNATIPIDA Lmx. w 10:163, Z 2: L.'SFECTABILIS Post & Rupr. Z 2:225. Zi. VIBGATA, J. Ag. w 10:163, Z 2:225. I.EATHE3IA. L. TUBEBIFOBMIS S F Gray, w 10:163, Z 2:219. I*. DIPPOBMIS Aresch. X.EIBMAKNIA. !•. IiEVEIXiIiEX Ag. Z 2:219. LESSONIA. L. NIGBHSCENS Bory. Z 2:220. IiITEOTHAMNZON. I,. FOI.YMOBFHUM Aresch. w 10:163, Z, 2:225. Z.ZTHOTHBIX. Z.. ASFEBGXIiZiUM J. E. Gray, w 10:163, as Amphiroa aspergillum. ZiOMENTABIA. Zi. OVAZ.ZS Ag. Variety COUZ.TEBI Harv. w 10:163. Z.OFHOSZFKONZA. Z.. OBSCTJBA, w 10:163. Z.YNGBYA. I,. MATCTSCtrx,A Harv. Z 2:218. MACBOCYSTIS. M. FYBZPEBA Ag. w 10:163, Z 2:220. MEZ.OBESIA. M. AMFZiEXZPBONS Harv. w 10:163, Z 2:225. M. LENOBMANDI Aresch. w 10:163. M. MEMBBANACEA Lmx. w 10:163. 397 MESOGLOIA. M. Andersonni Farl. Z 2:220. MICBOCLADIA. M. CALIFOBNICA Farl. w 10:163, Z 2: M.'COITLTERI Harv. w 10:163, Z 2:222. M. BOREALIS Rupr. Z 2:222. MONOSTBOMA. M. QUARTEBNABITTM Desm. Z 2:218. NEMALION. IT. AJTDEBSONIX Farl. w 10:164, Z 2: 221. H. VIBENS. Z 2:221. NEMASTOMA. H. CALIFOBNICA Farl. w 10:164, Z 2: NEBEOCYSTIS. GIG ANTE A Aresch. w 10:164. Z 2: 220. LTJTKEANA Post & Rupr. w 10:164. Z 2:220. NIT3OFHYLLUM. A1TDEB30NH Ag. w 10:164, Z 2:224. FBYEASTTTM Harv. Z 2:224. LATISSIMUM Ag. w 10:164. Z 2:224. MULTILOBITM: J. Ag. Z 2:224 RUPRECKTIANUM Ag. w 10:164, Z ~SFECTABII.E Eaton, z 2:224. VIOLACETJM J. Ag. w 10:164, Z 2:224. ODGNTHALIA. DENTATA Lyng. Z 2:224. LYAIiI.il Harv. Z 2:224. ALEUTICA Ag. Z 2:224. OPHIDOCLADTJS. SIMFLICITTSCTJLTJS. w 10:164. OSCILIiARIA. NIGBA Vauch. Z 2:217. PAD IN A. DU3VILLAEI Bory. Z 2:221. PALME I, LA. CBAS3A Ag. \v 10:16-1. PETBOCELIS. CBTTEITTA Ag. Z 2:22 FETBOSFOSTGITJM. BEBXZ.EYI, Xaeg. w 10:164. PEZiVETIA. PASTIGIATUS Desv. & Thua. w 10: 164. FHYLLITIS. PASCIA Knetz. w 10:164, Z 2:219. FEYSSONEIiZiIA. ATBOPUBPUBEA Crn. w 10:164. BUBTZT Crn. w 10:164, Z 2:221. SQUAMAEIA Decn. w 10:164. PHTIiLOPHOBA. BBODIAEI Ag. Z 2:223. CIiEVELANDII Farl. w 10:164, Z 2:223. MENSIE3II Ag-. w 10:164. PIEEA. CAIiirCBNICA Harv. w 10:164, Z 2: Farl. w 10:164. PZ.OCAMIUM. P. COCCI^ETTM Lyng. w 10:164, Z 2: o 04 Variety CAI.IPOBNICTJM. w 10:164. Variety PLEXTIO3UM. w 10:164. Variety SINUOSUM. w 10:164. P. VICLACEUM Farl. w 10:164, Z 2:224. POLYPES. P. BUSHIAS Fahl. w 10:164. POGANOPHOBA. P. CAZiIFOBNICA. w 10:164. 398 POI.YSIPHONIA. P. BA1LEYI Ag. Z 2:225, w 10:164, as Ptersiphonia Baileyi. P. BIPINNATA Post & Rupr. Z 2:225. W 10:164, as Ptersiphonia bipinnata. P. CALIPOBKICA Harv. Z 2:224, w 10: 164, as Ptersiphonia calif ornica. P. CLEVELANDI Farl. w 10:164, Z 2: 225. P. COLLABENS Ag. w 10:164, Z 2:225. P.^DICTYTTBUS J. Ag. w 10:164, Z 2: P.'PABASITICA. w 10:164, Z 2:224. Variety DENDBOIDES Ag. w 10:164, Z 2:224 P.'p'ikis-ATA Ag. w 10:164, Z 2:225. P. SENTICTJIrOSA Harv. w 10:164, Z 2: •-> •-> s P."VEBTICTI,I.ATA Harv. w 10:164. Z P.VlLLTJM J. Ag. Z 2:225, w 10:164, as Herposiphonia villum. P. UBCEOLATA Grev. w 10:164. Variety PATENS, Z 2:225. P. WOODII Harv. Z 2:225. P. NIGBESCENS Grev. Z 2:225. P. PEBVULACEA Ag. Z 2:225. POSTELSIA. P. FAZiZUAEPOBMIS Rupr. Z 2:220. P. ANDEBSO5TH Eaton, w 10:164, as P. segregata, Z 2:222. P. CLEVELAKDH Farl. w 10:164, Z F.'LANCEOLATA Harv. w 10:165, z P."'DECrPIEJ?S. w 10:165. P. SEGBEGATA. w 10:164. P. LYALLH. Forma GLADIATA. w 10:165. PTSBOD OFHOBA. P. CALIFOB2TICA Rupr. w 10:165. PTEROSIFHCmiA. P. BAILEYI J. Ag. w 10:165. P. CLEVELAND!! Farl. w 10:165. P. FABASITICA. Variety DEN3BCIDEA. w 10:165. P. WOODII Harv. w 10:165. PTESYGOPHOBA. P. CA1.IFOBDZCA Rupr. w 10:165, Z 2: PTILOTA. P. ASF!iENOIX>£S Ag. Z 2:222. P. DEN3A Ag. w 10:165. P. FILICUTA Ag. Z 2:222. P. BTTPiTOIDES Harv. w 10:165, Z 2: F.'SEBBATA Ag. Z 2:222. POBFSYBA. P. VULGABIS Ag. Z 2:221, w 10:164, as P. perforata variety. P. XAIADUM Anderson, w 10:164. P. NEBEGCYSTIS Anderson, w 10:164, Z 2:221: P. FEBFOBATA. w 10:164. Forma SEG-REGATA. w 10:164. BALFSIA. B. VEBBTTCOSA Aresch. w 10:165, Z 2: 220. BSA250MELA. B. FZ.OCCOSA. Z 2:224. B. LABIS Ag. w 10:165. Z 2:224. B. ST7BFTJSCA Ag. w 10:165. BHOEDONIA. B. COUI.TEBI Harv. w 10:165, Z 2:224- 399 BHOD OCHI rOMT. B. FI.OIttDUI.UM Noy. w 10:165. BHODYMEHZA. B. COBAZ.Z.ZNA Grev. w 10:165, Z 2 '223 B. FZ.ABEZ.Z.ZFOX.ZA Ag. w 10:165. B. FALMATA Grev. w 10:165. Z 2 "223 B. FAZ.METTA Grev. Z 2:223. BZCCABDZA. B. MOMTTAGNEZ Derb. & Sol. Z 2:223. Variety GZGANTEA Farl. w 10:165. BZVUZ.ABZA. B. ATBA Roth. Z 2:218 ............. SABCOFZTCZ.ZJS. S. CAZiZFO&NZCA J. Ag. w 10:165, Z 2' 222. SARGA3SUM. S. AGABDHIAttUM Part, w 10:165, Z 2- 221. S. HETEBOCY-STUM Ag. w 10:165. S. PXXiTTXiXFEBTng Ag. w 10:165, Z 2:221. SCHZZYMEKZA. S. COCCZNEA Harv. w 10:165, as Sar- cophyllis californica. S. EDUZ.I3 Ag. Z 2:222. SCZNAJ&ZA. S. FUBCZLI.ETA Bivona. w 10:165. Z 2:221. Variety UNDUI.ATA Parl. w 10:165. 8CTTO8ZFKOM. S. Z.OMENTABZU3 Ag. w 10:165. Z 2: 219. S. BOSEUM Aresch. w 10:165. S. SXTYDEBAE Farl. w 10:165. STENOGBAMHLA. S. CZBBHOSA Ag. w 10:165. S. FUSCA Ag. w 10:165, Z 2:219. S. TBIBUJuOIDES Mengh. w 10:165. SPYK1DIA. S. FZZ.AMEHTOSA Harv. w 10:165. STENOGBAMM. S. ZRTEBBTTFTA Mont, w 10:165, Z 2: 223. STEBBOCOZcAX. S. DECZFZE2TS Schmitz. w 10:165. TAENZOMA. T. CLEVELAl'TDI Farl. w 10:165, Z 2: 222. TAONIA. T. 1.ENNEEACKEBAE Farl. w 10:165, Z 2:221. T. SCHBOEDERI Ag. Z 2:221. TBLAI.ASSIOFH7ILiI.1TM. T. CLATHBUS Post & Rupr. Z 2:220. TJIiOTHBZX. TT. FZ.ACCA Thuret, Z 2:218? TTI.VA. 17. CALIFORNICA Willey. w 10:165. TT. CZ.ATHBATA Ag. Z 2:218. IT. COMFBESSA Le Jolis. Z 2:218. IT. ENTEBOMOBFHA Tepolis. w 10:165, TT. INTESTZNAZ.Z3 Le Jolis. Z 2:218. TT. XfcACTTTCA L. w 10:165, Z 2:218. TT. FASCZATA Delile. w 10:165, Z 2:218. TT. Z.ATZ3SIMA Ag. w 10:165, Z 2:218. TT. Z.ZNZA Grev. w 10:165, Z 2:218. VAUCHEBZA. V. - ? Z 2:220. ZOSTABZA. Z. FLAVA Ag. w 10:16«. Z. TOUBNEFOBTZZ Lrnx. w 10:165, Z Z. ZZTTEBBUFTA Ag. Z 2:221. Z. LOB AT A Ag. Z 2:221. 400 LICHENS. The following are a few additions and changes in the list given on pp 240, 367 ALECTORIA FREMONTI Tuck. BIATORA PHAEOPHORA Stiz. "Apothecia in groups, dun-colored; convex, the thin margin disappearing. Spores ovoid, ellipsoid, 12-14 — 7 mic, hypothecium colorless, hds of para- physes faintly yellow. Hym. gel. I dark blue, Cl — , K — . On slate rock." — Hasse, Erythea 4:108. CALICIUM CURTISII Tuck. CHLOREA CALIFORNICA Nyl. Evernia vulpina Ach. CLADONIA FIMBRIATA Fr. Hasse, Erythea 4:107, 150. Variety TUBAEFORMIS Fr. Hasse, Erythea 4:107. Variety SUBCORNUTA Nyl. Hasse, Erythea 4:108. On shaded earth. Variety RADIATA Fr. Hasse. Erythea 4:87. COLLEMA CHALAZANUM Ach. COLLEMA MYRIOCOCCUM Ach. COLLEMA CONFERTUM Nyl. COLLEMA CHEILEUM Ach. COLLEMA COCCOPHORUM Tuck. COLLEMA AGGREGATUM Nyl. COLLEMODIUM PLICATYLE Nyl. COLLEMODIUM TURGIDUM Nyl. COLLFA1OPSIS SCHAERERI Nyl. Pyrenopsis schaeri Nyl. COLLEMOPSIS SEGREGATA Nyl. "Thallus of minute globular lobules collected in small clumps; Apothecia concave, reddish, with a turgid entire margin. Sp. simple, 0.016-17 long, 0.010-11 broad. On ground near Sol- diers' Home, F 1897.' — Hasse, So Cal ac pr. GYROPHORA ANGULATA Hasse. GYROPHORA PHAEA Hasse. GYROPHORA RUGIFERA Nyl. GYROPHORA SEMITENSIS Hasse. HEPPIA DESPREUXII Tuck. HEPPIA GUEPINI Nyl. Endocarpiscum bolanderi Tuck. HEPPIA LEPTOPHOLIS Nyl. "Thallus of rounded thick squamules, light olive green with a dark everted margin. Squamules contains one flat, or slightly concave, apothecium disk dark red with a darker proper margin. Spores globular decolorate 0.006 micro, millim. in diameter about 20 in azci. Affinis Heppiae premnophilae.' (Nyl.) On clay. Original locality near Sol- diers' Home." — Hass, So Cal ac pr. HEPPIA POLYSPORA Tuck. HEPPIA TERRENA Nyl. HOMODIUM MICRODIUM Nyl. "Thallus fusco nigrescens minutus fruticulosus furfurascens, Apothecia zeorine, thalline margin turgid, proper margin reddisli of the color of disk, which is depressed. Sp. simple 0.012-16 long. 0.008-10 broad. Shaded banks, Sepulveda canan." — Hasse, So Cal ac pr: LECANORA GLAUCOCARPA Ach. Hasse, Erythea 4:97, LA Co, on rocks. LECANORA HAGENI Ach. Hasae. Erythea 3:42. 4:107. LA Co, on 4oi rocks. SD mesas. LBCANORA PHAEOBOLA Tuck. LEPTOGIAM LACERUM Fr. Hasse. Erythea 3:42, LA Co. LEPTOGIUM CALIFORXICUM Tuck. LECANORA REDIMITA Stiz. Variety LOPHATUM Tuck. "Thallus tartareous, light to dark LEPTOGIUM ALBOCILIATUM Damez. ash-colored; apothecia y2-l li in diam, LEPTOGIUM PALMATUM Mont, num, elevated, when young covered by LEPTOGIUM HILDENBRANDII Nyl the scurfy thallus, which finally re- PARMEL.IA CONCRETA Stiz. mains as a pruinose covering on the PELTIGERA CANINA Hoffra. blackening convex disk. Thalline mar- PELTIGERA SOREDIATA Schaer. fin erenate, eventually disappearing. PELTIGERA VENOSA Hoffm. pores 24-28 — 6-10 mic, somewhat PELTIGERA RUFESCENS Hoffm. curved, 4-5-septate. Cl — . I dark blue, PERTUSARIA LECANINA Tuck, changing to brown; K — . Akin to L. ele- Hasse, Erythea 3:43, LA Co. tina Ach. On Rhus laurina. I have re- PERTUSARIA WULFENII DC. cently found this quite abundant on Hasse, Erythea 4:150, SBer mts, on Umbellularia Californica and Alnus trunks of trees, rhombifonia in Cannon del Gusto, Santa PHLYSTIS ARGENA Kaerb. Monica range."— Hasse. Erythea 4:107. PLATYSMA SAEPINCOLA Hoffm. LECANORA FUSCATA Fr. Certraria saepincola Ach. Hasse, Erythea 3:43, L A Co. STICTIXA AXTHRASPIS Nyl. Variety OLIGOCARPA Nyl. TRACHYLIA TYMPANELLA Fr. Hasse, Erythea 4:97, LA Co, on rocks. VERRUCARIA FALLAX Nyl. LECIDEA COXTIGUA F- Hasse, Erythea 3:44, LA Co, on bark. AMONG THE WILD FLOWERS OF SAN DIEGO. (By James S. Lippincott.) [The following, revised by the editor, is taken from a pamphlet pub- lished in 1874 by the Chamber of Commerce of the City of San Diego.] The vegetation of San Diego presents an extraordinary appearance to the visitor from the northern and eastern states, and, if he be possessed of scientific proclivities, will prove exceedingly interesting. Should he ar- rive in December, his attention will be early arrested by the peculiar mild- ness and the even range of temperature, which, permits the continued blooming of many plants, and the appearance of flowers, whose congeners he is accustomed to find greeting the early spring in his eastern home. The equable character of the temperature through December, January and Feb- ruary is strikingly expressed in dormant condition of sundry incipient flowers, which, having advanced to the condition of colored buds, await through the three months named for a few warmer days in which to evolve their colors. One of the most remarkable of tnese is a caper-like plant (Isomeris arborea), which early in December exhibits a sparse bloom, and continues to labor under the difficulties of its condition, making no advance until March, when a few degrees of additional heat open its fine yellow flow- ers, and soon its large inflated brown seed-vessels appear at the extremi- ties of the long protruded pistils. The earliest plant which appears upon the lower bench or mesa, is a saxifrage (Saxifraga Parryi). This, like its eastern sisters, leads the floral throng, and blooms in December [or earlier, with the first showers of winter,] but unlike them enjoys the advantage of a tuberous root — a neces- sary aid for preserving its life during the long droughts of summer. Draw- ing sustenance from a depth of from four to six inches, it sends up its long, slender scape, and pale diminutive flowers, but anchored below, resists the unfavorable agencies that would destroy every eastern saxifrage, though accustomed to meagre fare, and taking fast hold in "the clefts of the rocks." In the sunny exposures in the arroyas occurs a shrub (Eriogonum fasciculatum), which, in December, adorns its sprays of fine cut foliage with heads of small, white flowers. For many weeks no others, except the above named, are conspicuous in uncultivated grounds. Soon a bright yel- low flower (OEnothera) hugs the soil, which it adorns with its bright stars, and a yellow violet, its petals shaded on the back with a rich brown, and 402 its throat marked with dark lines, throws up its long peduncles from its leafy prostrate stem. Over the clumps of laurel-sumac (Rhus laurina) soon begin to trail the long green stems of the chilicothe (Megarrhiza Calif ornica), with its racemes of white flowers. This extraordinary plant is possessed of a vast storehouse of supplies, and appears to be capable of enduring a siege through years of drought. Its corm is a solid fleshy mass, often exceeding the size of a bushel measure, and to the taste, intensely bit- ter. From this mass the long stems arise annually, and adorn large clumps of shrubbery with their green palmate leafage, and on the pistillate plant are developed, in March, the green spiny cucumbers. A few days appear, bringing increase of heat, and life leaps upward, bloom and beauty increase around us, and the purple blossoms of the al- filerilla or Spanish pin clover (Erodium) appear. This plant presents the aspect of a flattened tuft of fine cut leaves pressed to the ground [often in- fested with a deep red fungus, resembling clots of blood.] Another species, where the soil is good, produces a heavy crop of leafage, upon which the horses, cattle and sheep of southern California are pastured. Intermixed with the alfilarilla appear the slender, succulent stems and narrow spatulate leaves of the Calandrinia Menziesii, allied to the spring beauty of the eastern states. This plant often spreads over wide areas, adorned by its small magenta flowers peeping from amid the bright green of its leaves, and, in favorable situations, after heavy rains, it puts on a magnificent aspect, standing a foot or more in height, and, massing its brilliant coloring, rivals the glory of a bed of portulacca, to which it is closely allied. As the vegetation of this region is influenced by the elevation and ex- posure it may be described more clearly by marking the changes as we rise from the bay shore to the distant height*. At the lowest levels, over which the highest tides flow, salt grasses and other maritime plants appear, and on the clay soil, elevated but little above the reach of tides, the ice plant abounds. The leaves are brilliant with a rich setting of gem-like vesicles filled to the utmost with saline juices, and cover the surface of the ground with their varied masses of green and purple, and bright with starry flowers. A walk over acres of these singular plants saturates one's boot-soles, and the sportive pedestrian, with but moderate effort, may slide upon the slip- pery surface. Another plant, producing leaves of the shape, thickness and length of one's finger, but triangular in section, abounds on the sand dunes of the neighboring isthmus of San Diego, where its long trailing stems, beset at short intervals with its unique leaves and large red-fringed radiant flowers, are interesting to the most casual and least informed observer. On the bay sides of these dunes occurs Rhus integrifolia, which, with its heads of white and roseate small daphne-like, inodorous flowers, thick coriaceous leaves and strong growth, forms a highly ornamental shrub. This plant again oc- curs on the high mesa, near the city, and in Paradise valley it becomes a tree of respectable size, as does also, to the surprise of the eastern bota- nists, a species of elder (Sambucus glauca). An ericaceous heath-like shrub is abundant on the lower levels, and has put on the thick succulent character of saline plants, though generally possessed of a dry and coria- ceous leaf. This plant delights to grow upon the extreme borders of the bluffs, and to hang its stiff branches over the low clay banks that bound the bay shore. More remote, but not far distant from the water, the lower levels are delicately tinged with the light rose purple flowers of the Gilia dianthoides, with the magenta-flamed Orthocarpus purpurascens, sprinkled with the del- icate white stars of Krynitzkias, and two varieties of the humble Plantago Patagonica. Over the bright green of these bay-side pastures appear broad spreading growths of purple-fruited pepper grass (Lepidium), which from a position slightly elevated, appear like cloud-shadows flecking the surface of the brighter verdure. On hill-sides in Paradise valley we have seen masses of the unique and beautifnl Dodecatheon standing a foot high, hanging their pink and white banners with a singular abandon, so diverse in character and coloring from the eastern species. Clumps of Rhus laurina now appear, so unlike in aspect from the east- ern sumac, their feet tangled by masses of Phacelia tanacetifolia and Mira- bilis California, or adorned by the trailing stems and broad palmate leaves of Megarrhiza Californica, already referred to as among the earliest blossoms. The alfilerilla now occurs more frequently, and, in the absence of grasses, forming a thick mat, gemmed with its small pink flowers, blooming through the winter far into the spring; and however dwarf they may have remained through poverty of sustenance, invariably, if not too closely cropped, put on at length their obliquely-arranged tufts of crane-billed seed vessels. The long slender divisions of this crane-bill are wound spirally upon the carpophores, and, when ripe, they are still more violently twisted, perhaps by hygrometric absorption and drawing the seed from its seat, lifts it aloft radiantly from the center of support, and offer it a prey to the winnowing winds, which scatter it far and near. The lovely little Gilia dianthoides spreads its carnation-colored, fringed petals to our admiring gaze, covering the ground with its delicate tints of fairy beauty. A few ranunculaceous plants appear, among them an indigo-blue larkspur, but no showy yellow buttercups adorn the mead. Here the small Linaria Canadensis lifts its dark blue flowers, and Calandrinia Menziesii, with brilliant red petals, stars the greenery of its sur- roundings. The caper shrub, already referred to, soon appears, and clumps of arte- misia, with fine-cut leaves, become more abundant. The Spanish dagger (Yucca Mojavensis), flat-leaved cactus or prickly pear, and the club cactus or cholla, become more abundant as we leave the bay or descend into shel- tered arroyas or dry water courses. In Cholla valley, the most remarkable of these protected localities, the cholla cactus (Opuntia prolifera) attains a height of 6 feet, and forms large clumps of impenetrable chapparal. The cactus frequently gives place to abundant growths of shrubs, among them Arctostaphylos, Ceanothus, Rhus and Eriodyction; over these frequently trail the long vine of a pea, which hangs out its grand racemes of large crimson blossoms. A brilliant purple lupine appears at the foot of stony cliffs. Pale astragalus, with bladder-like legumes, occur at intervals, and a large red-flowered monkey-plant (Mimulus), adorns the dry arroyas; while the roadway is often lined with dense and tall growths of a bright yellow-flowered Amsinckia, which encroaches upon the wheat fields of this fertile vale. Such is the scene in March. In April new flowers appear; among the more beautiful, sheltered among the bushes, are Collinsia bicolor, two species of monkey-plants, the fuchsia-flowered gooseberry, and other an- nuals or perennial flowers. The yucca, in favored situations, displays a magnificent mass of rich purple buds and creamy lilies, bursting into beauty from amidst its forbidding clusters of dagger-pointed leaves. On stony slopes the low spherical Echinocactus, and a Cereus, occasionally appear. On these middle heights above the bay the ground is often yellow with a bright OEnothera, and the yellow violet, intermingled with the pale tint of the wild onion, and blue liliaceous plants, among which Biodiaea capitata is conspicuous; while composite flowers, such as Senecio California and Pen- tachaeta aurea, cover thousands of acres. The botanist can scarcely take a step without treading upon a plant un- known to him in his eastern fields. Now he stops to gaze with admiration upon the spread of Dodecatheon, or to throw up his hands with delight as 404 he pauses beside a half acre of California poppies, which at midday resem- bles beaten gold, the most brilliant and the most fascinating of California flowers. Nature is here in her loveliest mood, and robed in her brightest col- ors. She has spread her tapestries until they rival the gorgeous carpets of Persian looms, and has hung the hillsides in draperies that outshine Bluff King Harry's "Field of the Cloth of Gold." o CONIFEROUS TREES AND SHRUBBERY OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY. California is the native home of many stately forest trees, among them being the giant redwood or Sequoia gigantea — the largest tree known in the world, though Australia produces in her Eucalyptus the tallest on record. Many of the most beautiful known evergreens are natives of the Golden State, and a very fair proportion occur within the present restricted area of San Diego county. The following is a brief list of the cone-bearing trees credited to San Diego county, with some brief references to more extended dscriptions. ABIES (Tournefort) Linnaeus, Fl Lapp 277 (1737); Link, in Linnaea 15 (1851) 525. Orcutt, Am pi 1:347 D. A. concolor Lindl & Gord. in J Hort Soc 5:210 (1850). Orcutt, Am pi 1:347 D. PINUS (Tournefort) Linnaeus Syst ed 1 (1735). Orcutt Am pi 1:348 D. P. attenuata Lemmon, based on P. tuberculata Gordon 1849 non Don, 1836. Orcutt, Am pi 1:348 D. Credited to the southern slope of the San Bernardino mountains, but not known from San Diego county. P. Coulter! D. Don,, in Linnaean soc tr 17:44*0 (1837). Orcutt, Am pi 1:190, 348 D. P. flexilis James, in Long's Exped 2:27, 35. Orcutt, Am pi 1:349 D. Summits of San Gorgonio, San Jacinto and Santa Rosa mountains, in Southern California. P. monophylla Torrey and Fremont, Rep 319 t. 4. Orcutt, Am pi 1:349 D. P. Fremontiana Endl, Syn Conif 183, in part, not Gord. Confined to the eastern slopes of the mountains bordering the Colorado Desert, in California and Baja California; perhaps more abundant in Ne- vada, southern Utah and Arizona, where it is well known as the Nut pine — one of the pinyones of the Mexicans, the seeds forming an important article of food to the Indians in primitive days. P. Murrayana (Balf.) Bot Exped Oreg 2, cum ic.; A. Murr, in Bot Soc Edinb tr 6:351 (1860). Orcutt, Am pi 1:349 D. Engelmann, Bot Cal 2:126, treated this as a variety of P. contorta. Abrams includes in his Flora of Los Angeles, page 4, and it extends to Oregon, Utah and Colorado. P..Parryana Engelmann, in Am J Sc, sr 2, 34:332, in note (1862). Orcutt, Am pi 1:94, 349 D. P. quadrifolia Parry, ex Parl in DC Prodr 14 (2): 402. This is the beautiful Pinyone pine of the mountain table lands of Baja California, the thin-shelled nuts being collected and roasted by the Indians lor food. Some years they have been brought to the San Diego markets in great quantities, but the Indians who formerly harvested them are nearly extinct or scattered. They would gather the ripe cones and branches in layers, and burn, so that the cones would readily open and yield the delic- ious roasted nuts. The tree is often very symmetrical, but has not so far teen made to thrive near the coast. P. Lambert iana Douglas in Linn soc tr 15:500 (1827). Orcutt, Am pi 1:190 D. A tree of gigantic dimensions, 150-300 ft hi, and 10-20 ft in diam, with light brown smoothish bark splitting in small sections: Ivs 3^-4 i long, rigid, with 5 or 6 lines of stomata on each of the 3 sides: male fls oval, % i long, with 10-15 involucral scales; anth denticulate-crested: cones cylin- drical, bright brown, 12-18 i long and 3 or 4 i wide, on peduncles 3 i in length: sds smooth, black, 6 li long; wing not quite twice as long, widest below the middle, obtuse cotyledons 13-15. "The exudation from the partially burned tree loses its resinous qual- ities and acquires a sweetness similar to that of sugar or manna, for which it, is sometimes used, whence the name of sugar pine." — Engelmann, in Bot Cal 2:123. The sugar which the writer has collected from trees in the Cuyamaca mountains, east of San Diego, was very sweet, fine-grained and white as snow. It occurs throughout California, north to the Columbia river, and is very valuable for its timber. P. muricata D. Don, in Linn Soc tr 17:441 (1837). Orcutt, Am pi 1:190 D. P. Edgariana Hartw, Hort Soc J 3:217. A middle sized tree, 25-50 or rarely 80-120 ft hi, mostly slender (1 or 2 or rarely 3 ft thick), with reddish-brown roughish bark and a patulous top: Ivs rigid, 4-6 i long, %-l li broad, strongly serrulate; bracts lightly fringed, subpersistent; sheaths 9 li long, at length reduced to 1 li: male fls oval, 6-8 li long, in spikes an i long: inv % as long as fls, of 6 or 8 bracts, the outer as long as the inner: cones sessile, spreading or more or less recurved, in clusters of 4-7, often remaining closed and long-persistent, ovate and very oblique, chestnut brown 2-3% (usually 3) i long and 1% 2 i thick; prickles short and stout or (in the southern form) making long straightish or incurved spurs on the outside: sds 3 li long, grooved and rough, black; wing 6-8 li long, widest above the middle: cotyledons 4 or 5. Only known near the coast, where it is exposed to the sea winds and fogs, to an alt of 2000 ft, from Mendocino, Cal., where it grows tallest (in peat bogs), to Tomales Point (in the most sterile soil), Monterey and San Luis Obispo. The cones are said to persist on the tree over 30 years. Tradition saith that pine trees formerly grew on Point Loma, but not a trace of any remain. This tree is found at the San Ysidro landing, near the iron mines in Baja California — some of the cone-bearing trees being scarce 3 ft hi! As this tree occurs both north and south of San Diego, it might well once thrived according to tradition on Point Loma. P. Torreyana Parry ex Torrey, Bot Mex Bound 210 t 58, 59. Orcutt, Am pi 1:94, 351 D. [The following "Historical notice of Pinus Torreyana," read by C. C. Parry before the San Diego Society of Natural History, 2 N 1883, and printed in the West American Scientist 1:37-38, seems worth reprinting.] In the spring of 1850, when connected with the Mexican Boundary Sur- vey, my attention was first called to a peculiar species of pine growing on the Pacific coast at the mouth of the Soledad valley, San Diego county, by a casual inquiry from Dr. J. L. LeConte, the distinguished American ento- mologist, then staying in San Diego, who asked what pine was growing near the ocean beach at that locality. Not having any specimens to show, he simply mentioned at the time its dense cones, and its long, stout leaves, 5 in a sheath. Not long after an opportunity offered to the writer for a personal investigation, having been ordered by Major W. H. Emory to make a geological examination of the reported coal deposits on the ocean bluff above Soledad. In making a section of these strata (see report of the Mex Bound Surv, Vol. 1, pt 2) it was necessary to follow up some of the sharp ravines that here debouch on the ocean beach, and here my attention was taken up by this singular and unique maritime pine, which, with its strong clusters of terminal leaves and its distorted branches loaded down with ponderous cones, was within easy reach of botanical clutch. From the notes and col- 406 lections there made, a description was drawn up dedicating this well marked new species to Dr. John Torrey, an honored friend and instructor of both Dr. LeConte and the writer. Of the few specimens then collected a single cone and bunch was sent to Dr. Torrey, to be figured for the Mexican boundary report (Vol. 2, p. 10, pi. 58-59). While there it fell under the notice of some inquisitive botan- ist, who extracted some of the loose seeds, which were planted, but by some inadvertance were mixed with a 3-leared species. When growing, the two different kinds became confounded and it was inferred that the present writer was mistaken in regarding this species as 5-leaved. Prof. Parlatore, the elaborator of Coniferae in DC Prodromus added to this confusion by ignoring the name first proposed and substituting that of Pinus lophosperma, but fortunately the earlier publication of the Mexican boundary survey, with an accurate figure, permanently fixed the name of Pinus Torreyana, Parry, thus commemorating one of our most honored American botanists by association with a tree peculiar to the Pacific coast in a region which has been so often enriched by his early botanical labors as a collaborator. Subsequently collectors have frequently visited this locality, bearing away to the remotest portions of the world seed of this pine, which, so far as is known, is confined to a coast line of not more than four miles, lying between San Dieguito and about a mile below Soledad, and extending scarcely a mile inland. [Since this time it has been found on Santa Rosa Island by T. S. Brandegee.] The bulk of the tree growth is here mainly confined to a series of high broken cliffs and deeply indented ravines on the1 bold headlines overlooking the sea south of Soledad valley and within the corporate limits of the town of San Diego. Here, within a radius of not more than half a mile, this sin- gular species may be seen to the best advantage clinging to the face of the crumbling yellowish sandstone or shooting up in more graceful forms its scant foliage in the shelter of the deep ravines, bathed with frequent sea fog. One of the finest specimens seen reaches a height of nearly fifty feet, and shows a trunk eighteen inches in diameter at base. Thirty years after this first discovery, in the fall of 1880, the writer visited this locality for the second time, accompanied by the well known botanist, Dr. George Engelmann of St. Louis. At that time more complete examinations were made and sections of a trunk over one foot in diameter were procured and sent to the Forest Commission of the Tenth United States Census. Only a short time since the writer again visited the locality, aided by the liberality of the California Southern Railroad Company, whose track makes this fine resort easily accessible by barely an hour's travel from San Diego. Here, seeking shelter from the fervid rays of a February sun under the scant shade of this decrepit forest, listening to the sullen dash of the Pacific waves against the bold shores, among other thoughts suggsted by the inspiring scene and its past associations, one floats uppermost like drift- ing seaweed and finds a fitting expression here. Why should not San Diego, within whose corporate limits this straggling remnant of a past age finds a last lingering resting place, secure from extermination this remarkable and unique Pacific coast production, so singularly confined within its boundaries, dedicating this spot of ground forever to the cause of scientific instruction and recreation? Where wiser generations than ours may sit beneath its ampler shade and listening to the same musical waves thank us for spar- ing "that tree." [It may be well to here add that the supervisors of San Diego County passed an ordinance designed to protect this tree from vandalism, as a result of action taken by the society of natural history. Unfortunately the bulk of the trees are growing on private property, whose owner is reported to 407 have threatened to cut them down for firewood. A few trees are said to exist on a tract transferred by the city to the San Diego Biological Associa- tion, by whom it is to be hoped they may receive due appreciation and care. As it thrives with us in cultivation many more should be planted around San Diego, and thus preserve the species from possible extinction.] JUNIPERUS Tournefort ex Linnaeus, Syst ed 1 (1735). Juniper. A genus of the northern hemisphere, including some 20 old world species and 10 American. The wood is fine-grained, not resinous, exceedingly durable, the heart-wood usually reddish and more or less frag- rant. Fls dioecious or sometimes monoecious, the small solitary amenta axillary, or terminal upon short lateral branchlets; scales few and (like the Ivs) decussately binate or ternate. Stam fls oblong-ovate; anth-cells 4-8 under each shield-shaped scale. Fertile ament of 2 or 3 series of fleshy scales, with 2 erect ovules to each scale, in fr becoming united into a blue- black or reddish drupe, ripening the second year. Sds 1-12, ovate, bony. Cotyledons 2 (in a single species more). Low shrubs or trees, with mostly thin shreddy bark, and with evergreen binate or ternate, free and subulate or adnate and scale-like Ivs; branches and Ivs not 2-ranked. J. Calif ornica Carr, in Rev Hortic sr 4, 3:352 (1854). Fruit reddish, dry and sweetish; a shrub or small tree, 20-25 ft hi, conical, with stout spreading branches and thick branchlets; Ivs ternate, short and thick, mostly acute: fr oblong- ovate, 5-7 li long, of 6 or rarely 4 scales, usually 1-seeded: sd 4-6 li long, very thick and bony, smooth, often angled or grooved, brown with a whitish 2-3-lobed hilum: cotyledons 4-6. Sacramento to San Diego (Watson, Bot Cal 2:113). Variety Utahensis Engelmann, St Louis ac tr 3:588. Branchlets more slender: fr globose and smaller, 3 or 4 li in diam. Nevada; Arizona; southern Utah; Baja California (Orcutt 830). J. Cerrosianus Kellogg, Cal ac pr 2:37. Hesperian Mr. 1860, f. Greene, Pittonia 1:197, 207. Cedros Island. Curran, Cal ac b 1:147, states fr is very different from J. Californicus. Engelmann, St Louis ac tr 3:588, states that a specimen in Herb Torrey is J. Californicus, and is so cited as a synonym in Bot Cal 2:113. J. occiden tails Hooker, Fl Bor Am 2:166. Engelmann, St Louis ac tr 3:590. Watson, Bot Cal 2:113. Deserts of San Bernardino county, to Oregon and Idaho. Fruit 3-4 li in diam, blue-black, resinous-fleshy, sds 1-3, deeply pitted: cotyledons 2. Mohave desert (Orcutt 253). J. andina Xuttall, Sylva3:95 t 110? CUPRESSUS Tournefort ex Linnaeus, Gen ed 1:294 (1737). Cypress: evergreen trees, with small scale-like adnate and appressed decussately opp and imbricated Ivs, usually glandular-pitted; branches and Ivs not 2-ranked. The close-grained fragrant and durable wood resembles Juniperus. Fls monoecious. Aments terminal, of few decussately opp scales. Stam fls small; anth-cells 3-5 under each ovate obtuse subpeltate scale; pollen-grains simple. Fertile aments erect on short lateral branchlets of 6-10 very thick peltate valvate scales, becoming a globose or subglobose woody cone, maturing the second year. Ovules num, in several rows at the base of the scales, erect. Sds acutely angled. Cotyledons 2-4. In Central Asia and the Mediterranean region occur 4 or 5 species, 3 or 4 are found in western Mexico, the rest of the known species belonging to California. C. macrocarpa Hartwig, in Hort Soc J 2:187 (1847). The Monterey Cypress, a tree becoming 40-70 ft hi, with rough bark, spreading horizontal branches and flattened top, is found near the sea on granite rock from Point Pinos near Monterey southward 4 or 5 miles to Pescadero ranch. It was early introduced into England, and is now widely cultivated, especially in southern California, and forms a characteristic feat- ure of the flora of San Diego, though not native. At Point Pinos "the trees 4o8 very much resemble the Cedar of Lebanon in habit, with dense far-spread- ing branches. W. H. Brewer recorded a circumference of 18 2-3 ft at bight of 5 or 6 ft from the ground. Branches with dark gray and some- what rugose bark; branchlets rather stout; Ivs bright green, aeutish, ob- scurely pitted on the back, often with a longitudenal furrow on each side: scales of very young cones with conspicuous foliaceous tips; mature cones clustered on short, stout peduncles, oblong-ovate (1-1% i long by 9 li broad), of 5 or usually 6 pairs of scales, with a broad thickish or on the uppermost a subconical boss: sds num. (about 20 to each scale), mostly 2% li long. Synonyms: C. Lanibertiana Gordon, Carr, Conif 124. C. Hartwegii Carr, Conif ed 2, 168. C. Gnadalupensis Sereno Watson, Am ac pr 14:300 (1879); Bot Cal 2:114. Orcutt, Am pi 1:189 D. A widely spreading tree, 40 ft hi, 2-5 ft in diam, with bark flaking off in thin plates and leaving a smooth claret-red surface: branches drooping, branchlets very slender: foliage glaucous-green; glands obscure: cones glo- bose and strongly bossed, an i or more in diam, of 6-8 very thick scales: sds large, 3 li long or more. A prized ornamental tree, called the Blue Cypress, first found by Dr. Edward Palmer on Guadalupe Island, and later by Dr. Parry and the writer on the mainland of Baja California, and in canyons near San Diego. LIBOCEDRUS Endl, Syn Conif 42 (1847). California white cedar: stam fls with 12 or more fil-scales; cones not reflexed, of 4 or 6 erect subverticillate and somewhat valvate thick-coriac- eous scales, the lower pair smaller and sterile, the 3d pair when present also sterile and connate; sds very unequally winged: otherwise as Thuya. Only 4 known species, 2 South American, 1 in New Zealand. It. decurrens Torrey, PI Frem 7 t 3. Heyderia decurreus Koch, Dendrol 2:177. Thuya Craigiana Balf, Oreg Exped 2, t. A tree conical in shape, with loose fibrous bark and very light and soft, light-colored wood, durable in water or under cover. It grows 100-150 ft hi or more, and 4-7 ft in diam, and occurs in the Coast ranges from Oregon to San Diego, and in the Sierra Nevada to an alt of 8,500 ft. SOME NATIVE FLOWERING SHRUBS. It is proposed to describe from time to time the native trees and flow- ers of San Diego county, some of them being far better known in European gardens than in the gardens of San Diego city. FREMONTIA Torrey, Smithson Contr 6:5 t 2 (1854). Shrub with hard wood and dark colored bark: Ivs tawny-canescent or ferruginous beneath: bractlets 3, sometimes 5, minute, caducous: sep roundish, rotately spreading in an thesis, nectariferous-pitted at base: sta reg; fil adnate to ex at base, monadelphous to or above the middle; anth elongated-oblong, emarginate at both ends, adnate to an inconspicuous con- nective: cap ovoid, firm-coriaceous: sds smooth. Named in honor of Gen- eral John C. Fremont, its famous discoverer. F. Oalifornica Torrey, Smithson Contr. 6:6 (1854). Brewer and Waston, Bot Cal 1:88. Hooker f, Bot Mag t 5591. California slippery-elm: Mountain Leatherwood: loosely branching and bush-like, 6-10 ft hi or becoming a small tree 20 ft hi; branches tough and flexible, with many short leaf- and fi-bearing branchlets or spurs; Ivs g above, covered beneath with a dense gray or whitish felt, %-l i long, or on sterile shoots somewhat larger; petioles short; ex flannel-like, 1^-2 i broad, persistent, the sep commonly mucronate; cap ovate, covered with a Charles Russell Orcutt and Cereus Or- cutti. 4°9 dense brown felt and with short bristly hairs, %-l'/4 i long, persistent. Lake Co., Cal., to Baja California; Nevada. A beautiful ornamental shrub, well-known in many European gardens. Fremontodendron Calif ornicum Coville, CNH 4:74 (1893). Parsons, W Fls Cal 162 t. Cheiranthodendron Californicum Baill, Hist PI. 4:70. Katharine Brandegee, Zoe 1:82, reports from Santa Clara Co., Cal. STYKAX [Tournefort] Linnaeus, Syst ed 1 (1735). An Asiatic and American genus, warm-temperate or tropical with scurfy or stellate-downy herbage and mostly handsome fls. Cx persistent, truncate campanulate, the border merely denticulate or irregularly toothed, in the North American species coherent at its base with that of the 3-cell8d many-ovuled ovary: cor of 5 or sometimes 4-8 soft-downy pet, which are united at base into a very short tube, decid: sta 10: fil flat, monadelphous at base into a short tube which is coherent with the base of the cor: anth linear, 2-celled, fixed by the base, introse; the cells opening lengthwise: sty filiform: fr globular, its base girt by the persist8nt ex, at first rather fleshy, at maturity dry, commonly splitting into 3 valves, 1-celled, filled with a single large globular seed, which resembles a small nut; the sd-coat being thick and crustaceous: embryo nearly the length of the fleshy albumen: cotyledons broad and flat: radicle slender. S. California Torrey, Smithson Contr 6:4 (1854); Pacific Ry R 4:118. Brewer and Watson, Bot Cal 1:470. A handsome shrub 5-8 ft hi: Ivs ovate or oval, 1-2% i long, obtuse at both ends, entire, minutely stellately pubescent, at least when young, and even hoary beneath: fls much larger than in any of these of the Atlantic states, except the Texan S. plantanifolia Engelmann, few in a cluster or corymbose raceme, on a short terminal peduncle: pedicels clubshaped: di- visions of the white soft-downy cor 5-8 spatulate-lanceolate (Y2i or more in length), imbricated in the bud: fil monadelphous nearly to the middle: bony sd % i in diam. First collected by Fremont and occurs from Fall- brook (Parry, in Orcutt herb 808) to the upper Sacramento river. o 411 OBAMHTEAE. Ann or per herbs of various habit, rarely shrubs or trees. Sts [culms] com hollow or sometimes solid, the nodes closed. Lvs sheathing, the sheaths com split to base on side opp blade, a scarious or cartilaginous ring [ligulc] borne at base of leaf- blade. Infl spicate, racemose or paniculate, consisting of spikelets of 2-many 2-ranked imbricated bracts [glumes], the 2 lowest in the com- plete spikelet always empty, one or both sometimes 0:^1 or more of the upper glumes com contains in axil a fl, which is com inclosed by a bract- like awnless organ called the palea, placed opp the glume with its back eto th axis [racnilla] of the spikelet, com 2-keeled : fls perfect or stam, sometimes mon or dioe, subtended by 1-3. c >m; "2, minute hyaline scales [lodicules] placed nt base of ova opp palea: sta 1-0, C"in o: auth 2-celled, versatile longitudinally dehiscent. Ova 1 -celled. 1-ovuled: sty 1-3, com 2 & Interal; stig hairy or plumose: ifr a sd-Kke grain [c >ryopsis]; endo- spermstan-ny. urass Family. cu=:culms, the stem of grasses or sedges. dioe=:dioecious, fls of different sexes borne by separate plants, unisexual. gm=glTunes? floral bracts in grasses. monrrmonoecious, having sta or pistils only. nar=narrow. rach=racliilla. spkrr spike, resembling a raceme, but fls sessile or nearly so. spkt = spikelet, a secondary spike; in grasses, the fls subtended by a common pair of glumes. crrfeet. '^inches. "=lines. Tribe MAYDEAE. Infl mon. spicate, stam and pist spks distinct on different part of plant or connected; when con- nected stam fls occupying upper portion of spk or spks, pist fls the lower part. COIX L, Gen, ed 1, 280 (1737). Jobs' tears; cult. China, India. ZZA L, Gen, ed 1,279 (1737). Z. MATS L sp pi 971. Paraguay. Maize or Indian Corn; cult. TRIPSACUM L, syst, ed 10, 1261 (1759). Fls in jointed spks, upper part stam, lower pist; upper sessile, in pairs at each joint of the triangular rachis; each 412 spkt with 2 membraneceous male fls, outer gm conaceous or rigid: pist spkt single, embedded in joints of the thick- ened cartilaginous rachis, 2-fld, upper fl fertile, lower neutral; outer empty gm thickened and cartilaginous, inner much thinner and pointed; flg gm and palets thin and scarious. T. Z.EMMON1 Vasey, CNH 3:6. Ar. Tribe ANDROPOGONE^E. Spkt in spike-like racemes, 2 at each joint of the rachis, 1 pedicellote & herm- aphrodite, stam or rudimentary: gm com 4, 1st *2d empty or with a stam fl in its axil, rarely awned, 4th or flg gm hyaline, com awued, awn com twisted or geniculate. Inft composed of spike-like silky racemes. Andropogon. Infl paniculate; spkt somewhat silky pubescent. Sorghum. ANDROPOGON MACROURUS Mich. McClatchie. Erythea 2:77. Gabriel mta. Cantilles (Or 1144, 1163). ANDROPOGON SACCHAROIDES Swtz. Baja (Or 514); Colo; Kansas. ANDROPOGOX DISSITIFLORUS Mlchx ANDROPOGON" CIRRHATUS Hackel. ANDROPOGON HIRTIFLORUS Kth. ANDROPOGON WRIGHTII Hackel. Genus SOBGHTJM Pers. Ann or per grasses with Ig broad flat Ivs and terminal ample panicles: spkt in pairs at nodes, or in 3's at ends of branches, 1 sessile and perfect, the lat- eral pedicelled, stam or empty: sessile spkt consisting of 4 gm outer indurated and shining, obscurely nerved, inner hyaline, 4th awned and subtending a sm palea and perfect fi, or palea 0; sta 3: sty distinct: grain free. SORGHUM HALAPENSE Pers. Pers, Syn 1:101. Ab 21. Johnson-grass. Cu erect, 9-15 dm hi, simple or sometimes much branched, smooth; sheaths smooth; Ivs 2 dm Ig or more, 7-25 mm wide, Ig-acuminate; pan- icle open, 15-45 cm Ig; branches com whorled, spreading, naked towards base; outer gms of sesile spkt 4-6 mm Ig, ovate-lanceolate, com p'ish, pubescent with Ig, appressed hairs; awn 8-16 mm Ig. more or less bent, sometimes 0; pedi- celled spkts of 4 gm, the outer 2 about 6 mm Ig, membranous, the inner 2 sh er and nar'er, sometimes with stam fls. Tribe PANICE.E. Spkt herm- aphrodite, terete or flattened on the back: gm 3-4, rare 2, when 4 the 3d com includes a si-am fl in axil; flg gm firmer in texture than outer ones: axis of iufl not articulated, the rach being articulated below empty gm & spkt deci^i singly from pedicels. A. spkt not surrounded by a bristly or 413 spiny inv. Gm 3; spkt sessile or on sh pedicels in unilateral spkt or racemes. Paspalum. Spikes digitate. Syntherisma. Spikes not digitate. Panicum. B. spkt surrounded by a bristly or spiny inv. Bristles slender, not falling with spkt. Chaetochloa. Bristles thickened below, spine-like, falling with spkt. Cenchrus. Genus PASPALUM Linnaeus. L, syst ed X, 855 (1759). Per grasses of various habit, with "com flat Ivs and 1-fld spkt borne in 2-4 rows on 1-sided spk, which are single, in pairs or panicled: spkt oblg to orbicu- lar, flat on inner surface, convex on outer: gm 3, rarely 2 by absence of outermost, outer ones membranous, in- ner one indurated and subtending a palea and perfect fl: sta 3: sty distinct; stig plumose: ova oblg or ovoid, smooth. PASPALUM DISTICHUM L. L, Amsen, ac 5:391. Ab 22. Da 18. Z 1:185. Jamaica to Cal. ; San Diego Co (Or 508). Cu erect, 15-35 cm hi, creeping at base; sheaths smooth, sometimes ciliate on margins or sparsely pubescent; Ivs flat, 4-10 cm Ig, 2-4 mm wide, smooth; spks 25-50 mm Ig, in pairs, or occasionally with a 3d, exserted; rachis flat, 1-2 mm wide, smooth; skpts 2.5-3 mm Ig, elliptic, somewhat pubescent or glab, acute, near- ly sessile in 2 rows; outer gm 3-5-nerved, slightly exceeding the acute 3d one, which is sparingly bearded at apex. PASPALUM PUBLIFLORUM Rupt. Rupr ex Gal Brux ac b 92:237. Vasey, grasses S W 25, So Cal. Parish, Z 5:111, not So Cal, but Baja. Coulter, CNH 2:499, Tex. Cu 5-10 dm hi, erect or ascending from a creeping base, pubescent at nodes: Ivs flat, lanceolate, 1-2 dm Ig, about 1 cm wide: spks 3-6, spreading, 4-8 cm Ig; rachis 4 mm wide; spkt in 2-4 rows, oblg, obtuse, nearly 3 mm Ig. pubescent. Variety GX.AUCUM Scribn. Coulter, CNH 2:499. Rigid cu and Ivs, glau thruout. S W Tex; north Mex. P. VAGINATUH Swartz; Trin Sp Gram 1 t 12 a; Doell, Fl Bras 2 (2):75. B 2:257 as P. distichum. Coulter, CNH 2:499, Tex to Fla. Genus PANICUM Linnaeus. L, syst ed 1 (1735). Ann or per grasses, varying greatly in habit and infl: spkt 1-2-fld, when 2-fld lower one stam only: gm 4, the 3 lower membranous, empty or the third with a stam fl; the fourth chartaceous shining, enclosing a palea of similar texture and a perfect fl: awns com 0: sta 3: sty distinct; stig plumose: grain free, en- closed in the hardened fruiting gm and palea. Panic -grass. P. AGROSTOIDES Spreng. Pugill 2:4. Trin, sp gram 3 t 261. T, Fl NY 2:429 t 148. B 2:258. "Valley of the Sacramento", Cal. P. CALIPORKTCUM Benth, bot Sulph 55. Baja, B 2:260. FANTCUM CAPILLARE L. L, sp pi 58. Da 18. Ab 24. 414 Cu erect or decumbent, 3-6 dm hi, sim- ple or sparingly branched; sheaths papil- lose-hirsute; Ivs 15-30 cm Ig, 6-15 mm wide, more or less pubescent; terminal panicle com 2-4 dm Ig, lower branches exserted and widely spreading, 1-2 dm Ig; spkts 2-2.5 mm Ig, acuminate; first gm %-% as Ig as spkt; second and third gms nearly equal, acute, the fourth 1.5 mm Ig. Smith mt, S D Co (H. C. Orcutt); Baja. PANICUM COLONUM L. L, Syst ed X, 870. Da 18. Ab 24. B 2:260. Cu tufted, smooth, 2-G dm hi, oft de- cumbent and rting at lower nodes; sheaths compressed, com crowded; ligule 0; Ivs flat, 3-15 cm Ig, 2-8 mm wide; panicles composed of 3-18, 1-sided more or less spreading dense branches, these 1-3 cm Ig, spkts single, or in 2's or 3's in 2 rows on one side of the hispidulous tri- angular rachis, obovate, pointed; first gm about half as Ig as spkt, 3-nerved. sec- ond and third gms a little more than 2 mm Ig, awnless, 5-nerved, hispid on nerves, the fourth cuspidate. Ft. Yuma, Cal. (Or 20€7); Baja (Or 1309). Texas. PANICUM CRUS-GALLI L. L, sp pi 56. B 2:260. Z 1:185. Da 18; Er 1:10,0, L A Co. Ab 23. Cu §-8 dm hi, com branching at base; sheaths smooth; Ivs 1-5 dm Ig, 3-12 mm wide, smooth or scabrous; panicle com- posed of 5-15 sessile mostly erect or as- cending branches; spkt ovate, g or p, densely crowded in 2-4 row on one side of rachis; second and third gms about 3 mm Ig, scabrous or hispid, third gm more or les awned, empty, fourth ovate abruptly pointed. Ft. Yuma, Cal. (Or 2085); Baja. PANICUM DICHOTOMUM L. L, sp pi 58. B 2:259. Cu from a few i to 2° hi, erect, simple, or late in season decumbent and vari- ously branched: lower Ivs com ovate, up- per linear-lanceolate, smooth, hairy, or velvety; terminal panicle open, ovoid, those of branches sh and oft included in sheaths; spkts 1" Ig, oblg-obovate, smooth or hairy: lower gm roundish, one-third the length of the 5-7-nerved upper one. Yosemite. San Diego Co (Or 540). PANICUM SANGUINALE L. L, sp pi 57. B 2:258. Da 18; Er 1:100, LA Co. Ab 24, as Syntherisma canguin- alis. Visalia, Cal.; Arizona. P. FIMBRIATUM Presl, Rel Haenk 1:298. B 2:258 as P. sanguinale. P. GLABRTTM L. B 2:258. Eu, Asia. P. GLAUCUM. L. sp pi 56. = Setaria glauca fide. B 2:260. P. MILIACETTM L, sp pi 58. Millet. B 2:258. P. PAUCIFIiORUM Ell sketch 1:120.=P. scoparium fide B 2:259. G, Man 648. P. FOIiYRHIZTJM Presl, Rel Haenk 1:296. B 2:257 as Paspalum distinchum. P. FUBESCEKTS Lam, Encyc 4:748. Ab 24 as P. scoparium. P. SCOFARXTJM Lam Encyc 4:744. Ab 24. B 2:259. Cu simple and erect, becoming pro- fuse with age; sheaths hirsute to vil- 415 416 lous, oft papillose; Ivs com rounded or pubescent; setae 5-12 at each spkt, un- truncate at base, pubescent or glabrate, equal, y'ish, 3-8 mm Ig; spkts broadly those of cu 4-6 cm Ig, those of branches ovate, 3 mm Ig; palea convex at base, much sh'er; terminal panicles less than concave above, transversely striate. Ab 8 cm Ig, ovoid, their branches ascend- 25. ing; lateral panicles much sh'er, not ex- Setaria glauca Beauv Agrost 51 (1812). ceeding Ivs; spkts scarcely 2 rnm Ig, Panicum glaucum L. sp. PI 56 (1753). pubescent. Chamaeraphis glauca Kuntze Rev. Gten. P. STBUMOSUai Presl, Rel Haenk 1:303. PI. 2: 767 (1891). B 2:260. Cal. Ixophorus glaucus Nash Torr bot. cl. b. P. TEj22,:-IAI.E Bolander. Cal ac pr 22:423 (1895). 2:181. B 2:259, and Curran, Cal ac b CHAETOCHLOA IMBERBIS Scribn. 1:150 as P. dichotonum. Ha 59. Scribner, U S D-A agr b 4:39. PANICUM URVILLEANUM Kth. Parish, Erythea 7:89. Locally intro- Kunth, Rev Gram t 115. Brongn Voy duced at Los Angeles (Hasse; Davidson). Coquille, Pharn 117 t 9. B 2:259. Per; cu erect or ascending, more or Cu per, 1-2° hi, with the whole plant les caespitose, from creeping rtstocks, clothed with w'ish hairs: Ivs rigid, slender, compressed, scabrous below the 1-1%° ig. 3" wide at the flat base, con- panicle, otherwise smooth: sheaths glab, volute above and ending in a very Ig the lower much Iger than internodes, tapering point: panicle 6-10' Ig, open smooth on the hyaline margins; Ivs 1-3 the not num branches solitary or in dm Ig, 3-7 mm wide, Ig tapering to apex, pairs, bearing toward their ends a few slightly scabrous on upper surface and hairy large spkts, 2-3" Ig, ovate, margins; spks 2-5 cm Ig, nearly 1 cm acute: lower gm 7 -nerved, 2-3ds the broad; rachis angular, pubescent, branch- length of the 15-nerved upper one, the es sh, 1- or rarely 2-fld; setae 8-12, nerves in both distinct and g'ish: sterile spreading, 5-10 mm Ig, unequal, slender, floret stam, with 2 palets, the lower 15- finely antrosely scabrous; spkt ovate, ac- nerved; perfect floret oblg, smooth ex- ute, 2-2.5 mm Ig; 1st gm about one-third cept a fringe of ig silky hairs upon the to two-thirds as Ig as spkt, ovate, acute, margins. 5-7-nerved; 3d gm equaling the flg gm, Colorado Desert; Arizona; Chili. 5-nerved, subtending a broad palea of P. WALTESIA Ell sketch 1:115. Chapm its own length; flg gm elliptic-ovate, Fl 557. B 2:260 as P. colonum. finely transversely rugose; palea plane SY2TTHEBI3MA Walt, Fl Carol 76 or concave above. Ab 25. SBer. (1788). IK as Panicum. Setaria imberbis R-S Sys 2:89. Ann grasses with flat Ivs: spkt borne Setaria caudata Davidson, PI L A Co in pairs or in 3's in secured spk which 31, not R-S. are digitate or approximate at the sum- ERIOCHLOA PUNCTATA Ham. mit of cu: gm 4 or 3, the innermost one Ft. Yuma, Cal. (Or 2065). chartaceous, subtending a palea of sim- CENCHB.US L. Caroll Gen 20 (1737). ilar texture and a perfect fl: sta 3: stig c. ECHINATTJ3 L, sp pi 1050. Z 1:187; plumose. Crab-grass. 2:34 ( =C. tribuloides). S. SANGTJIITAI.IS Dulec, Fl Hautes-Pyr c. MYOSUROIDES HBK, nov Gen 1:115 Ab 23. Panicum sanguinale L, fide t 35. B 2:261. Son. Vasey, CNH 3:39. IK. Fla, Ga, Tex. Cu erect or decumbent, oft rting at CENCHRUS PALMERI Vasey. the lower nodes, 3-9 dm Ig, smooth; Calmalli (Orcutt 2573). sheaths glab or pubescent: Ivs 5-15 cm c. PAUCIPLOBTTS Bth, bot sulph 56. B Ig, 4-8 mm wide, acuminate, glab or pub- 2:261 as a few-fid form of C. tribuloides escent; spks 3-10, nar'ly linear, 4-15 cm (Baja: Carmen Island). Ig, digitate at summit of cu; rachis flat, c. SPUTIPEX Cav Ic 5.38 t 461. B 2:261 winged; spkt 2.5-3 mm Ig, in pairs, 1 ses- as C. tribuloides. sile or nearly so, lanceolate: first gm CBNCHRUS TRIBULOIDES L. minute, 2d a half to a 3d as Ig as the L, sp pi 1050. B 2:261. Ab 26. Z 1:187; spkt. 2:34. Eu SBer. Genus CHAETOCHIiOA Scribner. Cu erect or decumbent from an ann Ann or per grasses with erect cu, flat rt, com robust, 15-45 cm hi, freely Ivs, and dense cylindric or somewhat branching; sheaths com very loose, corn- open bristly spk-like panicles: spkt her- pressed smooth; Ivs 6-10 cm Ig, 4-8 mm maphrodite. com 1-fld: gm 4, outer 3 wide; spks 25-50 mm Ig; inv crowded on membranous, 3d oft subtending a hya- the scabrous rachis, globose, pubescent line palea and rarely a stam fl, 4th or except at the base, spines stout; spkt flg gm chartaceous, smooth or trans- 2-fld, about 6 mm Ig. versely rugose, inclosing a palea simi- New England; Baja; Arizona. Tribe PHALARIUKJE. Spkt GLATJCA scribn. more °[ ^laterally compressed, 1 - Erect or ascending caespitose glau OF rarely O-Ed; Sfm 0. 1st 4 empty A an, 3-12 dm hi; culms branching at base, below articulation of rach, 3d & '4th compressed, glab; nodes smooth; sheaths ' . , glab; liguie sh ciiiate; ivs 5-15 cm ig, 4-8 above, com empty or rarely subtend- mm wide, Ig acuminate, nearly glab or • afnrn flfi Vprv rmlikft thp othpr scabrous on upper surface and margins, mg 8tam ns; verJ «*" ° .Oline com pilose with scattered Ig hairs at onCB, sometimes reduced to bristles, base; spks about 1 cm in diam; rachis 417 the 5th gm with al-neryed or nerve- less palea & a hermaperodite flower. Genn* PHALARIS Linnaeus. L, syst ed 1 (1735) Gen. ed 1, 14 (1737). Ann or per grasses with flat Ivs and spk-like, capitate or nar'ly paniculate infl: spkt crowded, 1-fld: gm 5, the first and second about — in length, strongly compressed laterally com wing-keeled, 3d and 4th much sm'er or rudimentary, 5th subtending palea similar to itself and a perfect fl: sta 3: sty distinct: grain oblg, free, smooth, enclosed in the gm. P. AMETHYSTINA Trin, Mem ac Petersb sr 6, 3:56 (1835). B 2:265. Vasey, CNH 3:42. Cal, Ore. Cu stout, tufted, 2-8° hi, from a per rt: lys broad, sheaths oft p: panicle spk-like, oblg, 1-2' Ig, dense, com p'lish: spkt 3-3^" Ig: outer gm nar'ly winged, straight, acutish: inner pair of gm hairy, over % as Ig as perfect fl which is 2" Ig or more. P. ANGUSTA Nees, Fl Bras 1:28 t 9, Trin, sp Gram 1 t 78. B 2:265 as P. intermedia var. angusta. Vasey, CNH 3:42. Ab 27. Da 18. Cruz. PHALARIS ARUNDINACEA L. L, sp pi 55. B 2:265. Ore, Mex, Arctic Am, Atlantic coast. G, man ed 6, 639. Vasey, CNH 3:42. Cu stout, 2-4° hi; Ivs flat, %' wide; panicle 3-5' Ig, nar, the sh branches spreading during anthesis, becoming ap- pressed; spkt 2" Ig; outer gm acute, im- perfect pair % as Ig as perfect fl. P. CALIFORNICA H&A bot Beech 161. B 2:265 as P. intermedia. PHALARIS CANARIENSIS L. L, sp pi 54. Da 18. B 2:264. Z 1:186. P 1:93, Mig. Greene, Cal ac b 2:414, Cruz, Da, Er 1:100, LA Co. Baja! G, Man ed 6, 639. Vasey CNH 3:43. Cu 1-3° hi: Ivs flat, upper sheaths much inflated: panicle 1-1%' Ig, ovoid, very dense: outer broad, with a con- spicuously winged keel, w on margin, with a distinct g line within: 2d pair of gm sm, lanceolate, smooth: perfect fl silky-hairy. Canary grass. Cruz; S D; Baja! A widely naturalized weed. PHALARIS INTERMEDIA Bosc. Ex. Poir Encyc suppl 1:300. Br 1:205, Cruz. B 2:264. Vasey CNH 3:42. Cu variable, stout or slender, lV£-4° hi, smooth: Ivs sh, oft glau; sheaths more or less inflated: spk-like panicle 1-4' Ig, ovoid to cylindrical: spkt 2%" Ig: outer strongly winged on keel, acute: 2d pair of gm linear, hairy % as Ig as perfect one, the latter long-pointed, hairy, l:3d sh'er than outer gm. Tex; Cal. Variety ANGUSTA Chapman. B 2:265. Da 18. Vasey CNH 3:42 as P. angusta. Cu stout, 2-3° hi: panicle cylindrical, dense, 3-6' Ig, nar: spkt 2" Ig: outer gm winged on keel, abruptly acute, serrulate on keel, 2d pair linear, slightly unequal, l-3d as Ig as perfect fl, latter l-3d sh'er than outer gm and not Ig-pointed as in P. intermedia. La, Tex, Fla, SD! 418 San Diego (Or 626) ; Florida. PHALARIS LEMMONI Vasey. Cu rather slender, 3-10 dm hi, smooth; sheaths smooth; glades 3-5 mm Ig, acum- inate; ligule 6 mm Ig; spk dense, nearly cylindric, sometimes slightly interrupted or lobed; empty gm 4-5 mm Ig, acute or acuminate; 2d pair about 1 mm Ig; flg gm lanceolate, acuminate, about equaling empty gm, pubescent; palea nearly as firm in texture as its gm and a little sh'er. Arizona; California. P. MINOS Retz Obs 3:8. Ab 27. Af. Cu simple or somewhat branched, 4-10 dm hi, erect or decumbent at base, smooth; sheaths com sh'er than the in- ternodes more or less inflated; ligule rounded, 2-6 mm Ig; blades 5-15 cm Ig, 4-10 mm wide, smooth or faintly sca- brous; spk 2-8 cm Ig, dense; spkt 5 mm Ig; empty gm more or less scabrous, 3-nerved, wing-keeled; 3d and 4th gm subulate, hairy; 5th twice as Ig as the 3d and 4th, acuminate, pubescent with Ig appressed hairs. Tribe AGKOSTIDEJE. Spkt all hermaphrodite, 1-fld, gm 3, 1st emp- ty or rarely 0, com exceeding or equalling the 3d or fl^ gin in length; rach sometimes prolonged behind the pplea into a linked or plumose bristle: palea com 2-nerved. A. flg gm awned or mucronate pointed. Awn of flg gm terminal or from between the teeth of the bifid apex, sometimes 0 in Epicampes. 1. Awns 3-branched. Aristida. 2. Awns simple. 2. Awns articulate with gm. Awns com Ig, geniculate and twisted below, persistent. Stipa. Awns sh, caducous, or 0. Epicampes. b. Awns not articulate with the gm. Muhlenbergia. Awn dorsal. 1. Spkt articulated with pedicel below empty gm. Polypogon. 2. Spkt not articulated below empty gm. a. Empty gm saccate at base, several times larger than the flg gm; infl spk- like. Gastridinum. b. Empty gm not saccate, never ex- ceeding flg gm more than a third. Empty gm smooth or minutely sca- brous along keel. Agrostis. Empty gm more or less hairy; infl spk-like. Alopecurus. B. flg gm awnless. 1. Pericarp free from grain. Sporobolus. 2. Pericarp closely adherent to grain. a. Empty gm abruptly awn-pointed. Phleum. b. Empty gm not abruptly awn-pointed. Agrostis. Genua ARISTIDA Linnaeus. L, sp pi ed 1, 82 (1753). Pis various in habit and infl, with very nar, oft involute setaceous Ivs: spkts nar, 1-fld: gm 3, nar, the 2 empty ones carinate; 3d rigid and convolute, bearing 3 awns, sometimes rudimentary 419 or rarely 0: palea 2-nerved: sta 3: sty distinct: grain free, tightly enclosed in gm. Triple-awned grass. ARISTIDA AMERICANA L t, L f PI Jam Pugill 7; Amsen ac 5:393 (1769); syst ed x, 879. — Bouteloua bromides et juncifolia flde IK. Calmalli! Colorado Desert (Or 2075). Variety BBOMOIDES Scribn & Merrill. Ab 28. Chollas (Or 1071). CD! Baja! Cu slender, branching below and tufted, 8-35 cm hi; sheaths sh'er than internodes; ligule reduced to a sh fringe; sterile shoots few, Ivs 2-8 cm Ig, involute, setaceous, scabrid above: panicle exserted, spk-like, secund, p'lish, 2-5 cm Ig; spkt on sh pedicels; empty gm nar, linear, abruptly pointed, sca- brous on back, 1st 3-5 mm Ig, 2d 5-9 mm Ig; fld gm scabrous on keel, about as Ig as the 2d gm; central awn sh'er. all scabrous; palea less than 1 mm Ig. A. ABIZONIUA Vasey, Torr cl b 13:27. A 1:43 fdr. ARISTIDA BROMOIDES HBK. HBK nov Gen st sp 1:_'2. Ecuador. B 2:289. Da 19. Vasey, CNH 3:45. =A. Americana var bromoides. Chollas (Or 1071); CD (Or 2245); Baja 1488). (Or 1436). ARISTIDA CALIFORNICA Thurber. Thurber, B 2:289. Br 2:212, El Llano de Santana, Baja. Calmalli! "Cu 5-10' hi, very densely tufted, geniculate below and branched above, pubescent, especially at the nodes: Ivs involute, pubescent above, scabrous be- low, the radical from 1-1%' Ig, those of the cu sh'er, the upermost minute or reduced to a mere sheath; ligule a fringe of hairs; sheaths sh'er than in- ternodes, loose, striate, pubescent or hirsute: panicle 1 or 2' Ig. racemose, sessile, the other sh-pedicelled), the up- few fld, the lower spkt in pairs (1 per solitary: gm scabrous on keel, lac- erate-fringed at apex, com p with w margins, the lower 4, the upper 6" Ig: floret sh'er than the lower gm, with a conspicuous w-hairy callus l-3d its length; lower palet minutely scabrous, especially above, pale g'ish and marked with p'ish-bk blotches, the upper palet about 14 as Ig; awns about equal, very slender, minutely scabrous. l1'2-2' Ig. twisted below into a slender" stipe (5-8" Ig), which is articulated with the upper palet and decid at maturity." — B 2:289. C D (Schott): Ft. Mohave (Cooper). Variety FUGITIVA Vasey. "Differs from the type chiefly in the lower and more condensed habit, and in the longer empty gm. Late in the sea- son it is loosened from the sand and blown about by the wind. CD (C. R. Orcutt)." — Vasey. CNH 3:49. Variety MAJOR Vasey. Br 2:212, Magdalena Island, Baja. ARISTIDA DISPERSA Trin. Trin & Rupr, Mem ac Petersb sr 6. 7:129 (1849). Vasey CNH 3:46. —X. Americana L. Ann? cu branching, of variable hight, panicle 1-6' Ig contracted, com p'ish, lower branches mostly in 2's or 3's, un 420 equal (%-!')» fi& nearly to base: gm unequal or nearly equal, lower 3-4", upper 4-5" Ig: fig gm 3": awns nearly equal, 5-8" Ig, spreading. Tex to Cal. A. FASCICTTLATA Torr, Ann Lye N Y 1:154 (1824). =A. Americana L, Canada. ARISTIDA DIVARICATA H-B. A. DXVABICATA HBK ex willd Enum 99. Mex. McClatchie, Er 2:78, Alta- dena, Cal. Eaja mts (Or 1111); S Ber; Arizona. A. OXICUTTXAXTA Vasey, Torr cl b 13:25. Parish, Z 5:111 not "So Cal." Beal, Grass N Am 2:210, So Cal. Vasey, CNH 3:48, So Cal, Ar. A 1:44 fdr. Type locality: Hansons, Baja mts not far south of US boundary, 6000° alt. ARISTIDA PURPUREA Nutt. Nutt, Am Phil sc tr 5:145 (1837). G Man ed 6, 640. Vasey CNH 3:46. Panicle rather erect, slender; empty gm aristulate, bifid at apex; awns cap- illary, very Ig; Ivs sh scabrous; per, Ivs nar, sh and scabrous, ligule pilose; cu about 1° hi, panicle many-fid, a little spreading, branches capillary, fls com in pairs, bluish-p; one of the gm nearly twice the length of other, longer gm exceeding fig gm; awns equal, capillary, nearly 3 times the length of the fig gm and scabrous, fig gm minutely stipitate. Baja (Or 1145); Arizona (Or 2515, 2532). Variety AEQTTEBAMEA Merrill. Ab 29 Based on variety Californica Vasey. Rather stout, tufted, glab, 3-6 dm hi; cu simple; sheaths Ig'er than inter- nodes, pilose at throat: Ivs involute, lower num 3-10 cm Ig, 1-2 mm wide, those of cu about 3, com 3-4 cm Ig; panicle p'ish, the branches capilary, com erect or ascending, com many-fld, 3-5 at each node; spkt pale or p'ish; 2d empty gm twice as Ig as the 1st, equal- ling flg gm, both cleft at apex, mid- nerve excurrent as a scabrous awn, 1-2 mm Ig; fig gm about 10 mm Ig, strong- ly tuberculate-scabrous; awns equal, 5-7 cm Ig. Tex. Cal. Variety CALIFCBiriCA Vasey, CNH 3:47. =Var. acouiramea Merrill fide Ab 29. Variety FBNDLERIANA Vasey, U S Na Based on A. Fendleriana Steud. "Per. cu tufted. 8-12' hi, very slender and erect, branching near base; radical Ivs abundant, nearly capillary, involute, 3-4' Ig. those of cu about 3, 1 or 2' Ig; panicle 3-4' Ig, thin; branches erect or becoming spreading, few-fid, mostly in 2's below, with sh capillary pedicels; empty gm variable, 4-6, 4-8, or 5-10!' re- spectively; awns nearly equal, capillary Ig." — Vasey, CNH 3:46. hb cont 3:46. Parish, Erythea 3:59.— "Rose mine, alt. 6,000 ft., eastern slope of the San Bernar- dino mts., Calif." ARISTIDA SCABRA Kth. Kunth Rev Gram 1:62. Br 2:212, Chapm. Fl supple 663. Baja (Br): Mexico. A. SCHIS DIANA Trin & Rupr, Mem ac Peterrf. sr 6, 7:120 (1849). Br 2:212. Vasey. CNH 3:47, Tex, NM, Mex. A 1:44.' Genus STIPA Linnaeus. 421 422 U .«p pi ed 2, 78 (1753). Cav Ic 5:42 t 467. Trin & Rupr Stip Com rather tall grasses with convo- aceae 30. B 2:286. Ab 30. Da 19. Br lute, rarely flat Ivs and paniculate infl: 1:205, Cruz; 2:212, San Julio canon, Baja, spkt 1-fld, nar: gm 3, outer 2 nar acute Cu tuftecl. slender, 3-D dm hi, pubes- or rarely bearing an awn. 3d rigid con- cent at nodes; Ivs convolute-setaceous, volute with a hairy callus at base and basal ones about half as Ig as cu, lower bearing a more or less bent awn, which cu Ivs 15-20 cm Ig, uppermost 5 cm Ig; is spiral at base and articulated to the ligule very minute; sheaths striate, gm: sta 3, rarely fewer: sty sh, dis- smooth; panicle 10-15 cm Ig, exserted, tinct: grain nar free, tightly enclosed somewhat secund, the very slender sh in gm. Feather-grass. * in pairs, few-fid; lower gm about (TBftFAGEA H&A , bot Beech 403. 10 mrn Ig, upper 8 mm Ig, acuminate, = fa. setigera fide B 2:286. p'l.v:i: fig gm 5-6 mm Ig, pubescent; awn 3, jB&OOBDSBZ Bolander, Cal ac pr ab.vut 25 mm ig, slender, bent near mid- 4:lb8. = S. Siberica L,am fide B 2:287 et cl-e. minutely and evenly scab! Curran, Cal ac b 1:150. Cliollas (Or IOCS); Cruz; Arizona. &. , iliirOBKICA Merrill & Davy, Univ Variety ANDERSONI Vasey. Cal pub bot 1:61. A 1:48 fdr. "Cu and vnicle 8. t>;i£TUJAXA Hooker PI Br Am 2:237. thinner, empty gm 3-4" Ig. C-nerved, flg — fc. comata fide B 2:286. gm 2" Ig, nearly cylindrical, tapering S. C: IBYSOPJH-jflalJA E Desv in C Gay, slightly above, sparsely hairy, c Fl C ill 6:278. B 2:285. Chili. very sh; awn 10-12" Ig. I An- I»IATA Scheele. Linnaea 22:342. cierson, Dr. Hasse, Allen an 3. others)." B 2:286 as S. setigera. Vasey, CNH u-;se) S. C/^MATA Trin & Rupr, Mem ac Pet- — not Baja probably. See S. Hassei er.si sr 6, sci nat 5:75 (1842). B 2:285. Vasey. Da 19. Ab 30. Vasrey CNH 3:o2. Ore; Nebr; NM; Nev; Stipa Hassei Vasey. U S Na hb cont Ut. 1-.2C7 (1S&.-:). Santa, Monica, Cal. 1-4°. hi, stout, mostly scabrous; Wilcox, bot gaz 3-1:66. ivolute, roughened, the radical one- 3. ZLA.33X2X Vasey, CNH 1:267 (1893). fourth or one-third, the length of cu, Ab 2y, Monica mts (Hasse). the . vs on which are much sh'er, the Cu slender and wing, tufted, more or uper.iost very sm or reduced to a mere less branching below, erect, 3-4 dm hi; snectLh; ligule conspicuous, acute, 2 or Ivs very nav'ly linear, setaceous, 1-2 dm 3" Ig; sheaths loose, the uppermost Ig. er§ct; ligule minute; sheaths nar, somewhat inflated, smooth, at length striated; panicle 5-7.5 cm Ig, nar, loose, sh'er than internodes; panicle included erect; branches erect, com 2-3 together, se by upper sheath, open, 8-12' Ig; larger ones 25 mm Ig or more, naked be- rays ternate or in pairs, distant, few-fid; low, others flg to the base; spkt sm; gm about 1' Ig, nearly equal, 5-nerveci, empty gm nar'ly linear-lanceolate, acum- with a Ig subulate point: floret (includ- inate, about 5 mm Ig, nearly equal; rtg irig callus of 2") 6" Ig, readily deciu; gm nearly as Jg as empty ones, mem- lower palet rather sparsely pubescent branaceous, smooth; rach sh with a few with coarse hairs, but with no distinct sh hairs; palea half as Ig as its gm; corona; awn 4-6' Ig, seldom distinctly awn 16-18 mm Ig. bent above middle, genie ulate, scabrous especially above, twisted below, nearly smooth; grain shining, variously curled and twisted, oblg. about 2 mm Ig. soon decid; upper palet = lower; sta 3; Wilcox, bot gaz 34:66, pronounces anth mucronulate at apex (but not bar- this an abnormal form of S. emineris an- bulate as described by Trin & Ruor) " dersoni, caused by the growth of a — B 2: 285. smut. STIPA CORONATA Thurb S. HYMBSTQIDSS Roem & Schultz Syst Thurber, B 2:287. Da 19 Ab 30 Vasev 2:339 et Mant 188. B 2:283 as Eriocoma CNK 3:51. Br 2:212. ' cuspidata. Cholksm (Or 108&); Ubi, Baja (Br); Ari- s- JUNCEA Nutt, Gen 1:58 mon L. B zona, 2:286 as S. comata. Cu 10-20 dm hi, stout, 6-8 mm thick S- XI3TGII Bolander, Cal ac pr 4:170. at base, lower cu Ivs oft 10 dm Ig, 8-12 2:287. Curran, Cal ac b 1:150. Vasey, mm wide at base, gradually tapering to CNH 3:49. Cal. a Ig involute point, uppermost about 15 Cu tufted, 6-20' hi, covered below by crn IR-, nearly filiform and rigid, all the remains of num sheaths, slender, slightly scabrous on both surfaces and smooth, with but 2 nodes near base; margins; ligule sh; sheaths rather loose radical Ivs % to 2-3ds as Ig as cu set- uppermost dilated, smooth except mar- aceously involute, minutely scabrous; gin?, these ciliate especally at throat; cu lvs 2- tne upper sh; ligule 1 Ig, panic1- 3-5 dm Ig, at length exserted acute, oft cleft; panicle nar, 2 or 3 Ig, and loose, nar with erect branches- branches in 2 a or 3s, lower 1 or more spkt •m-pedicelled: empty gm acuminate ]£- erect, few-fid; spkt Ig; empty gm and bristle-pointed, slightly scabrous on hyaline, p-tinged, the upper about ! nerve-*, lower 16 mm Ig, upper 12 mm Ig; lower a little sh er; flg gm less than 2 fig gm 10 mm Ig, silky-pubescent; awn }S, sparsely pubescent, and with a sh, about 25 mm Ig, slender, bent below hairy callus; awn 6" Ig, bent below the middle and minutely scabrous; palea middle, scabrous and persistent; palet r about half length of its gm; anth naked. flS em. hairy at apex. Cal. S. SlfcIHSBI Piper & Brodie, D-A agros b S. LEUCOTBICHA Trin & Rupr, Mem ac H:4G (1898). Ha 62. Petersb, sr 6. sci nat 5:54. B 2:286 as S. STIPA EMINENS Cav. setigera. Vasey CNH 3:53, "quite dis- 423 424 tinct from S. setigera." Tex, NM. when young, slender branches in pairs- S. Bt3MB3£.ITACEA Pursh, Fl Am2:72S. pedicels sh'er than spkt; empty gm 12-18 iocoma cuspidata. mm Ig, Ig-acuminate; flg gm 10 mm Ig S. IffEESIANA Triii & Rupr, Mem ac silky-hairy on nerves; awn geniculate Petersb sr 6, sci nat 5.27. = S. setigera above middle, bent again, twisted and fide. B 2:_ pubescent below, 6-10 cm Ig; anth S. OCCIDENTAZiIS Bolander, Cal ac pr bearded at apex. = S. comata fide. B 2:285, 286. Baja mts (Or 1190); Cal.; Utah; Arizona. STIPA OCCIDENTALIS Thurber. S.SIBIBICA Thurber B 2:287 (not Lam) Thurber, ex Wat bot King 380. B 2:285. = S. Bloomeri Bolanderfide Vasey, CNH Ore. Vasey, CNH 3:50. 3:54. Cu slender, 1-2 : hi, somewhat sea- S. SPASTEA Hook Fl Bor Am 2:237 (not brous, more or less pubescent at nodes; Trin) — S. viridula fide. B 2:288 radical Ivs 2-4' Ig, those of cu sh'er, all STIPA SPECIOSA T-R te, rigid and rough; sheaths sh'er Trin & Rupr, Mem ac Peters! sr 6, sci than internodes; ligule conspicuous, 2-3" nat 5:45 (1342). Cal, Chili. Ab 31 B erate; panicle 3-6' Ig, base oft in- 2:i:84. Vasey CNH 3:52. . contracted; :ays mostly erect, Cruz; Rosa; Choilas (Or lower in 2's or 3's and few-fid, upper Per; cu tufted, erect, 2-5 dm hi; solitary and 1-fld: lower gm 5" Ig, 3- or sheaths sh'er than internodes, upper- - served, somewhat exceed- most inflated; basal Ivs % as Ig as cu, nerved upper one; floral gm scabrous, cu Ivs com ), 5-15 cm Ig', brownish when ripe, pubescent closely involute; panicle oft somewhat with -appie Irs, especially below; included, spk-like, 6-20 cm Ig. branches -h a sh, distinct com in pairs, bearing 1-3 spkt; empty < of hairs; awn l1/^' Ig. twice bent gm nearly equal, hyaline , acuminate, and plumose to upper ganiculation, with about 16 mm Ig; flg gm silky-pubescent, rather coarse hairs, less than a li Ig be- 8-12 mm Ig, 2-toothed at apex; awn 3-4 low and sh'er above: paiet *4 sh'er than cm Ig, geniculate below middle, the floral gm; anth naked. twisted portion pilose with w hairs 3-6 . Bernardino to Wash.; Nevada. Ig. Variety MONTANA Merrill & Davy. 5. STIiMAn Bolander, Cal ac pr 4:169. "A slender densely tufted form. 2-5 dm B 2:287, Curran, Cal ac b 1:151. Vasey high with strict few-fl'd panicles and CN 3:31. So Cal. prominent twice-geniculate awns, 3-3.5 Cu tufted, stout, 3-5° hi; geniculate be- C7v. long which are ciliate throughout low, smooth, except the pubescent nodes; with spreading or ascending w hairs radical Ivs 12-18' Ig, those of cu (4 or 5) about 1 mm long."— Merrill & Davy, Univ much sh'er, all glau, involute, at least at Cal pub bot 1:62. Jac (Hall 2326). the Ig-attenuated apex, the lower 3-4" STIPA PARJSHII Vasey. wide at base, mostly smooth below sca- Vasey. bot gaz 8:32. Ha 63. Ab 31. brous above and on margins; ligule min- Cu tufted, Ify below, 3-4.5 dm hi, ute: sheaths loose, sh'er than internodes. rather stout; sheaths smooth Ig'er than striate, smooth, slightly bearded at internodes, margins of throat pubescent; throat; panicle 5-10' Ig, nar and spk-like, blades involute, rigid, smooth below interrupted below, near w and lustrous, scabrous above, lower ones 12-18 cm Ig, axis puberulent with an incomplete pil- upper 8-10 cm Ig; uanicle included at ose ring at nodes; rays crowded and fas- base by somewhat inflated upper sheath, ciculate, more or less united below, 1- to cm Ig, open; lower branches in 3's, few-fid; gm nearly equal, about 9" Ig, upper in 2's or single, rather few fld; acuminately bristle-pointed, membrana- empty gm linear-lanceolate, smooth, 1st ceous-hyaline, lower 3, upper more or 12-16 mm Ig, 2d about 2 mm sh'er; flg less 5-nerved at base; floret 5" Ig, with gm about 7 mm Ig, silky with w hairs a sh, 1-sided, w, hairy callus; lower oft 5 mm Ig, 2-toothed; awn 16-20 palet herbaceo-chartaceous, distinctly mm Ig, smooth below, scabrous above. 3-nerved, sparsely pubescent thruout, the S Ber (Parish); Cantilles (Or 1161); Ari- division of the 2-cleft tip nearly 1" Ig; zona. upper palet similar; awn inserted below New Mexico; Arizona, the tip of palet, 12-15" Ig, tortuous S. PASVTFZiORA Nutt. Gen 1:58 not slightly bent above middle, scabrous; sta Desf. = S. viridula fide. B 2:288. 3; anth Ig, mucronulate. Blue canon S. FEZTHATA L. sp pi 78. B 2:284. Sierra Nevada. Cal. Variety NEO-MEXCICANA Thurber, bot 3. TE2TACISSXMA L, Cent pi 1:6. Eu Mex bound ined, fide. B 2:285. Af. B 2:284. S. SCBXBZTERX Vasey, Torr cl b 11:125. S. VASEYI Scribn, D-A argos b 11:46 CNH 3:52. NM. Ar. 1898). Ha 63. Sleepy grass. STIPA SETIGERA Presl. S. VIBIDUZ.A Trin. Presl, Rel Haenk 1:226. B 2:286 Da 19. Br 1:205, Cruz. Ab 31. Da 19. B 2:288. Ab 31. Vasey, CNH 3:53. Br 1:205, Cu stout, strict, simple. 4-7 dm hi; Cruz; 218, Rosa. sheaths much sh'er than internodes; Cu 3-9 dm hi, tufted, rather stout, blades smooth or scabrid, involute se- pubescent at nodes; sheaths hairy at taceous at apex; basal Ivs about l-3d as throat, the lower sh'er than internodes; Ig as cu, cu Ivs 3-4, 2-6 mm wide, the basal Ivs l-3d as Ig as cu; cu-lvs flat, upper 3-6 cm Ig; ligule sh with some 4-6 mm wide, upermost nearly equaling hairs at throat; panicle exserted, nar, Panicle; ligule about 2 mm Ig. truncate; 12-40 cm Ig, the sh erect branches in 2's panicle 10-25 cm Ig, mostly included be- or 3's; empty gm nearly equal, ovate- low, loose, flexuous, more or less secund lanceolate, bristle-pointed, 6-12 mm Ig; 425 426 fig gm pubescent, 5-6 mm Ig; awn slen- Scribner Torr cl b 9:103 (1881). Ha 61. der, flexuous, com twice bent, 2-4 cm Ig, Synonymy: Bilfa gracillima Thurber, pubescent or plumose below; palea about B 2:268. half as Ig as its gm; anth naked. S. aUMIFEXTTS HBK, near Guaymas, Cruz; Inyo mts (Coville); north. Son! ORYZOPSIS MEMBRANACEA Vasey. SPOROBOLUS RAMULOSUS Kth. Stipa membranacea Pursh. Runth, Rev Gram 1:68. B 2:269. Eriocoma cuspidata Nuttall, Gen 1:40. Texas to California; Mexico. British Columbia to Baja and Texas. SPOROBOLUS WRIGHTII Munro. CINNA Linnaeus. Texas to Cal.; "Saccaton or Zacate." Genus EFICAMPES Presl. Genus SPOROBOLUS R. Brown. Tall per tufted grasses with com Per or an grasses with flat or con- very Ig spk-like panicles: spkt sm, Ifld: volute Ivs and open or contracted pan- empty gm 2, membranous, slightly un- icles; spkt com sm, 1-fld, sometimes 2-3- equal, convex on back, carinate, oft fine- fld: gm in the 1-fld spkt 3, membra- ly 3-nerved; flg-gm 3-nerved, obtuse or nous; the 2 outer empty, the first some- emarginate, a little sh'er or about equal- what shorter; the third equaling or long- ing empty gm, com tipped with a slen- er than the empty ones enclosing a pe'r- der rather sh awn; sta 3: sty distinct, feet fl and a 2-nerved palea: sta 2-3: sty sh; stig plumose. Grain free, included very sh, distinct: grain free. Drop-seed within the gm. grass. EPICAMPES RIGENS Benth. SPOROBOLUS AIROIDES Thurb. Per, tufted; cu rigid, erect, smooth, Per; cu erect, rather stout and tufted, 5-10 dm hi; sheaths Ig'er than inter- 4-9 dm hi; sheaths somewhat sh'er than nodes, loose, smooth; ligule 4-6 mm Ig; internodes, throat cliate; ligule very Ivs scabrous, rigid, involute apex at- sh; Ivs convolute, tapering to a filiform tenuate, 1-3 dm Ig; panicle exserted or apex, those of the cu 4-5, the upper fili- somewhat included, erect, dense, spk- form, 2-3 cm Ig; panicle terminal, ovoid, like, 2-5 dm Ig, 5-8 mm broad; spkt oft partly included at base, 2-3 dm Ig, minutely scabrous, elliptic; empty gm its branches again branching and bear- w, about 3 mm Ig, nearly equal; flg gm ing scattered spkt above the middle; awnless, minutely pubescent, about 2 spkt light lead-color or brown; empty gm mm Ig. Baja! obovate, nerveless, first 0.5-1 mm Ig, Ab 35. — "Frequent in the San Gabriel second 1.5-2 mm Ig; flg gm concave, mts, in canyons, confined mostly to the broadly oval, 1-nerved, 2 mm Ig; palea upper portions of the chaparral belt." broader than its gm and a little sh'er, Da 20. truncate. Deer-grass. AVidely distributed through So Cal.; CD (Parish); Texas. Ha U 58, Jac. Occasional in low ground. Wilming- Genus MUHLENBERGIA Trin. ton; Westminster; San Bernardino; San Per or ann grasses with convolute or Diego. flat Ivs and paniculate infl: rtstocks oft T, Marcy R 300. Ab 334, B 2:269. Da scaly: spkt 1-2-fld: gm 3 or rarely 4; qut- 18. er ones empty, membranous or hyaline, SPORBOLUS ALTISSIMUS Vasey. acute and sometimes awned; 3d 3-5- San Diego (Dr. Edward Palmer). nerved, subtending a palea and perfect S.AREITACEUS Buckl, Phil ac pr 1862: fl, obtuse, acute or produced into a capil- 89=asperifolius fide IK. B 2:270. lary awn; sta com 3: sty distinct: callus SPOROBOLUS ASPERIFOLIUS Thurb. minute: grain nar free, tightly enclosed Ness & Meyen, in Nov act Nat Cur 19: in gm. suppl 1, 141 (1843). B 2:269. Ab 34. MUHLENBERGIA CALAMAGROSTID- Da 18. Bear. EA Kth. Cu branching, 2-4 dm hi, ascending So Cal; Arizona; Comondu, Baja (Br). from stout creeping rtstalks, sheaths MUHLENBERGIA CALIFORNICA Va- smooth, loose, longer than the num sh sey. internodes, Ivs flat, scabrous, 3-8 cm Ig, Cu spreading, diffusely branched. 4-8 2 mm wide; panicle included at base, dm hi; panicles terminating the Ig, leafy, open, 9-18 cm Ig, its branches scabrous, terminal and lateral branches, 10-15 cm bearing single spkt at ends of very Ig, its branches mostly alt, lower dis- slender stiff branchlets; spkt tinged tant and subspicate; spkt sessile and with p; empty gm lanceolate, 3-nerved, crowded on branches; empty gm mem- first 0.3-0.5 mm Ig, second slightly long- branous except the hispid g keel, equal, er; flg gm oval, obtuse, 1-1.5 mm Ig; lanceolate, acuminate, scarcely 4 mm Ig, palea equaling gm. somewhat exceeding flg gm; flg gm about Oregon to Chili; Nebraska. 3 mm Ig, firm, scabrous, acute and ter- SPOROBOLUS CRYPTANDRUS A.Gray. minating in a straight awn of about its G, Bot N US, ed 1, 576. B 2:268. own length, sparingly villous at base; C D (Or 1491); Oregon; Texas; New En- palea about equaling gm, acute. Ab 32. gland. Muhlenbergia sylvatica Californica SPOROBOLUS DEPAUPERATUS Torr. Vasey. Bot gaz 7:93 (1882). Scribner, Torr cl b 9:103 (1882). Ha 61. San Bernardino (Parish). Synonym: Klifa depauperata T. B 2:267. MUHLEOSFBERGIA DEBILIS Trin. San Bernardino mts (W. G. Wright). Cu tufted, decumbent at base and S. DIFFT7SISSIMT7S Buckl, Phil ac pr much branched, p'ish thruout, 1-4 dm hi; 1862:90. B 2:269 as airoides. Ivs 25-50 mm Ig, puberulent; ligule 1 S. aRACIIiIiIMTJS Vasey, Cat Gr US 44. mm Ig, lacerate; panicle 5-12 cm Ig. com 427 spreading, branches 25-35 mm Ig, mostly single, sessile; spkt 2-3 mm Ig, sh-pedi- cellate; empty gm nearly equal, one- fourth to one-fifth as Ig as flg gm, mostly obtuse or eroded, hyaline; flg gm slender, tapering, scabrous thruout, terminated by a slender awn 25-35 mm Ig; palea about = flg gm. Ab 32. — "Com on dry ridges and ex- posed places in the chaparrel bejt. Monica, Gabriel and Santa Ana mts, south to SD." Calmalli; Rosalia (Orcutt). S D (Or 496); S Bar; Baja (Or 1435). MUHLENBERGIA DUMOSA Scribn. Southern California; Arizona; Mexico. Cu suffrutescent, 3-6° hi, smooth from a thick woody rhizome, very much branched: Ivs filiform, 2' Ig, very num; Eanicules num on the branches, oblg- inceolate, about 1' Ig, loosely fld, inter- mingled with the Ivs; spkt about 1%" Ig; empty gm nearly equal, about %" Ig; fig gm nar, terete, prominently 3-nerved, pubescent below, tipped with an awn 2" Ig; palet rather Ig'er than gm. MUH.LENBERGIA GRACILJS Trin. Trin unif 193. Br Zoe 1:115 (Catalina) rrM. debilis Trin (M. microsperma Trin) fide Parish, Z 5:112. Mont.; Colorado; Arizona; California. Per; cu 1-2° hi, slender, the nodes crowded at base, scabrous, covered at base with dry, open sheaths; Ivs convo- lute, rigid, 4-6' Ig; panicle 3-6' Ig; fiex- uous, linear, nar; branches single or in 2's below, 1-2' Ig, flg at base; pedicels scabrous, very sh; spkt 1^-2" Ig; empty gm unequal, the lower about % as Ig as flg gm, 3-nerved, acute or erose; upper gm l-3d sh'er than flg gm, 3-nerved, acute or 3-toothed, with teeth sh-awned; flg gm 3-nerved, pubescent or scabrous on back, ciliate on margins; awn 4-8" Ig; palet — its gm. Tex; NM; British Am. MUHLEOSTBERGIA MEXICANA Trin. Parry Wyo 16. Cu ascending, much branched, 2-3° hi; panicles lateral and terminal, oft in- cluded at base, contracted, branches densely spk-clustered, or linear-con- tracted, or loose and open, 2-6' Ig; empty gm slightly unequal, lanceolate, Ig acum- inate, about length of very acute fig gm, latter about 1^4" Ig, sparsely pubescent below. New England; Colo; Minn. McClatchie, Erythea 2:78. Gabriel mts. MUHLENBERGIA PARISHII Vasey. Vasey, Torr cl b 13:53 (1886). = Muhlenbergia Californica Abrams. San Bernardino, Cal. (Parish). MUHDENBERGIA PUNGENS Thurb. Thurb, Phil ac pr 1863, 78. Br, Fl Colo 230. B 2:277. Somewhat resembling M. gracilis, but the very pale g foliage hard and rigid, each If terminated by a hardened point: cu 1-1 ^ hi: panicle very open, its soli- tary rays fasciculately branched just above base into Ig 1-fld divisions: spkt, including the awn, 2%" Ig: gm % as Ig as floret, pointed by a distinct bristle: floret with a very minute rudiment (sometimes developed into an inperfect floret) ; lower palet acute, awn 1" Ig or less; upper palet with 2 setose teeth, 428 which nearly — awn give appearance of an undeveloped Aristida. Croft, Cal ac pr 3:205, "Black grama. Grama China, regarded in Ar as most valuable forage." Ft. Yuma, Cal. Utah; Nebraska, Genoa POL.YPOGAN Desf. Ann or rarely per grasses with decum- bent or erect cu, flat Ivs and spk-like panicles: spkt Ifld: gm 3; the outer 2 empty, each extended into an awn, the 3d sm'er, com hyaline, sh'awned from below apex, subtending a palea and per- fect fl: palea sh'er than gm: sta 1-3: sty sh, distinct: grain free, enclosed in gm and palea. POLYPOGON LITTORALJS Smith. Per, 3-6 dm hi, ascending from rt- stocks sh;eaths nearly equaling the in- ternodes, the upper slightly inflated; somewhat lobed, 4-8 cm Ig; spkt 2-2.5 mm Ig; awns rr empty elliptic gm; flg gm 1 mm Ig, truncate, hyaline, its awn nearly twice as Ig; palea 2-toothed. McClatchie, Erythea 2:77. Pasadena. FOLYPOGON MONSPELJENSIS Desf. Ab 36. Da 18, Er 1:100 LA Co. Ha 60. Ann; cu erect or geniculate, 2-5 dm hi; sheaths about — nodes, upper slightly inflated; Ivs flat, scabrous; panicle spk-like, oval or cylindric, 3-8 cm ig. 1-2 cm broad, pale oft y'ish-g; spkt num, nearly concealed by the slender awns; empty gm pubescent or cliiate, obtuse, elliptic: awns 4 mm Is; fig gm 1 mm Ig; hyaline, truncate- jag- ged; awn equaling or sh'er than gm or 0;- palea 2-toothed. Chollas (Or 506); Arizona: X. M.; Mo- have; Cruz; Rosa; Guadalupe. Widely naturalized. Genus GASTRIDITTM Beauv. Caespitose ann with flat Ivs and shin- ing spk-like panicles: spkt 1-fld, herma- phrodite: rach prolonged behind palea: empty gm 2, equal, enlarged or saccate at base, keeled above; fig gm much sh'er than empty ones, hyaline, truncate or obtusely 2-lobed, awnless or bearing a slender awn just below apex: palea nar, about length of gm: sta 3: sty sh, distinct; stig plumose: grain subglo- bose, free, included within the ventri- cose base of gm. Nit-grass. GASTRIDIUM AUSTRALE Beauv. Vasey, CNH 3:78. B 2:275. Da Er I: 101, Monica. S D Co (Palmer); S F; Europe; Chili. GASTRIDIUM LENDIGESUM Gaud. Cu more or less tufted, erect, 15-50 cm hi; sheaths sh'er than internodes. smooth; Ivs 3-10 cm Ig, 2-4 mm wide, acuminate, scabrous; panicle spk-like. 5-10 cm Ig. 1 cm wide, pale g and shin- ing; spkt lanceolate, 5-6 mm Ig; empty gms scabrous above; fig gm hairy, bear- ing a slender awn below middle. Eu. Ab 37. — "Com on dry ground in the chaparral belt thruout our range." Vasey, CNH 3:78 as G. australe. Genus CALAMAGROSTIS Adan*. Genus PHLELM Linnaeus. Ann or per grasses with flat Ivs and spk-like infl:spkt 1-fld: gm 3, the 2 outer empty, membranous, compressed, keeled, apex obliquely truncate, midnerve pro- 429 duced into an awn, third much sh-er and broader, hyaline, truncate denticulate at apex: Palea nar, hyaline: sta 3: sty dis- tinct: grain ovoid, free, enclosed in the gm and palea. Timothy. L, sp pi 59. B 2:262. Ab 33. Z 1:186. Da 18, ET 1:100 LA Co. Eu; cult. PHLEUM ALPINUM L. L, sp pi 59. B 2:263. Ha 59. Parry, Wyo 16. Alpine Timothy. NH. Colo, Cal, Alk. Cu 1-1%° hi: spk ovate-oblg: empty gm strongly ciliate on back, tipped with a rough awn about their own length. Alpine regions of Europe.Asda, and N A F.MAENKEANUM J & C Presl, Rel Haenk 1:245. B 2:263 as alpinum. PHLEUM PRATENSE L. Cu more or less tufted, erect, Ify, 3-9 dm hi, simple; sheaths smooth; blades minutely scabrous; spk about 6 mm wide, 3-10 cm Ig; empty gm about 2 mm Ig, hyaline except the 3 scabrous nerves; fig gm nearly 2 mm Ig. Europe; widely naturalized. Genus IiEPTITBUS R. Br. Mostly low ann, with nar Ivs and strict or curved elongated slender spk; c«T-»fj--f 1 o -fl A f ««4i i • i j. j. i J> ISnted rnihia emDtv -m 12 nar rf~£ acute ^nprvSd W-^^nn'h' ^vl' I8 ' I kpp'ip-i i «Jrt5f ?„ Yp ! ' £ya~ line 2-nerved " stS 3 or ?e« rst? sh I£~ ' " Is. CYLIf.fDSiICUS Trin, Fund Agrost 123. Ab 58. branched, smooth; sheaths smooth, much sh'er than internodes; lvs ascending 1-2 mm wide, 3-8 cm Ig, smooth; spk 5-15 cm Ig, straight; empty gm very acute, about 4 mm Ig. £. mCUBVATTTS Trin, Fund Agros 123. branched, internodes more or less curved, more or less p'ish thruout; CUd *** 2' 1:81. Genus HOLCUS Linnaeus. £X69*A5cCla¥cW? PEr°24878 ?A Co ?299 Z 2 380 2 mm Ig, smooth and shining, lower sparsely ciliate on keel somewhat r.v> tuse upper 2-toothed and bearing a hooked awn below apex! Velvet grast H.MOI,I,IS L syst 6Pd 10, 1305. E^S AXOFECUBTIS L, Syst ed 1 (1735). P6r Brasses with erect or de- ut CiU'flJrOI2 Hat i,VS and 0sPk:like spkt 1-fld, flattened: gem 3; the 2 o^^Soacuti?' so^f^mes sh-awned, more or less united below, compressed, 430 keeled; keel ciliate or somewhat winged; third gm truncate or obtuse, hyaline, acute, sometimes 0: sta 3: sty distinct or rarely united at base: stig elongated. Fox-tail grass. A. ASIST^ATUS Michx, Fl Bor Am 1'43. B 2'°(33 ALOPECURUS CALIFORNICUS Vasey. Santa Cruz Isl; SD! A. GENICTJX.ATUS L, Sp PI ed 1, 60. B 2:263. Ab 33. Per; cu decumbent and oft rting from lower nodes, 2-4 dm hi, smooth; sheaths smooth, upper inflated; blades 1-3 mm wide, the lowest oft nearly equaling the cu, the upermost equaling or exceeding spk; spk 2-4 cm Ig, about 4 mm wide; spkt 2-3 mm Ig; empty gm silky, ob- tuse; fig gm glab, their margins united to near middle; awn about 4 mm Ig, slender. Mesas. S D! Baja (Or 1438). Variety ASISTTTLATU,:* T, Pac Ry R G: 92. B 2:263 as A. aristulatus. A. I-'SAT'SIfSIS L, Sp PI 60. B 2:263. Genus AGROSTIS Linnaeus. T ™ vt flat or -A.U.I1 Or L)GF Si clSSGS Wit II IlctT. OI bristle-like Ivs Ind paniculate infl: spkt ]-fld: Sm 3- 2 outer empty, membranous, keeled, acute; 3d sh'er, obtuse, hyaline, sometimes bearing a dorsal awn, sub- A. AEQTJXVAIiVIS Trin in St Pet ac mem VI, 6. ii, 362 (1845). B 2:271. Probably per: cu 10-18' hi, slender, erect, smooth, lvs flat, the lower 4-6' Ig, 1-2" wide, upper 2-3' Ig, smooth, pale g; upper ligules 1" Ig; sheaths smooth, sh'er than internodes: panicle nar, 2-3' Ig, loose, smooth, g or p; rays mostly in 5's below, somewhat distant, unequal, larger 1-1^! Ig, fl-bearing from about le; spkt about 1' Ig, on pedicels as Ig as themselves; empty gm equal, acute; flg gm acute, near- g as empty ones; palet as Ig or rudiment about % as Ig as floral Cal. mi< Er 2:78' Gabrieh Vasey' T, NY Lye ann 1:151; ex Spreng Syst Cur Post 31. B 2:269 as f AKoR or A. exarata. AD io. Ann= cu erect- tufted' leafv' 3'6 dm hi; Deaths minutely scabrid: lvs 7-15 cm scabrous on nerves: callus with a tuft of minute hairs at base of each margin of flg gm; flg gm 1.5 mm Ig, glab, min- utely 2-toothed at apex, awnllss ; palea obsolete 431 AGROSTIS ATTENUATA Vasey. McClatchie, Erythea 2:78. Gabriel. Alaska to California. A. CAZiIFOSNICA Trin Agrost 2:113. B 2-273 as f..rm? of A. exarata. A. CAHISTA L, Sp PI 62. B 2:^74. Variety AEQUIVAIiVIS Trin in Bong B 2:271 as A. aeauiv- A. CKYFTANDRA T, in XY Lye Ann 1: 151 U8°-i>. B 2:268 as Sporobolus cry- AGROSTIS DENSIFLORA Vasey. Santa Cruz, Cal. (Dr. C. L. Anderson). A. DIECrCU2TSI3 Vasey. A 1:43 fdr. Ab 37 CNH 3-74. A. ELATA Trin, St Pet ac mem VI, 6, ii, 4J2 nodes; sheaths inflated, smooth; Ivs 5-10 cm Ig, 2-6 mm wide, scab rid above; panicle loosely contracted, 4-10 cm Ig, 8-12 mm wide; empty gm nearly equal, obtuse, 1-nerved, scabrous; callus naked; flng gm 1 mm Ig, 5-toothed, glab; palea nearly equaling gm. Gram Unifl 205; lo Gram 3: t 27. Da 18. B 2:273. isofS.stis albicans Buck1' Phila ac pr Poiypogon aiopecuroides Bucki, pwia acsmuJf6mtSSs D Co (H. c. Orcutt) ; Alas- ka; N. M.: Colo; Chollas (Or 518 1058- "probably forma asperfolia Vasey ). A. EXIGUA Thurb, in B 2:275 fd. A. GBANDIS Trin Asrost 2:70; St .Pet 1C SfaTaS Smith mt, S D Co (H. C. Orcutt). Thurb ex Boland, ' ^ ., Sp 1:135. B 2:274. San Diego (Or 1173). Mexico. A.VULGASIS With, Arr Brit PI ed 3, I': 13-. B 2:271, 274 (of Bol Cat 34 as A. elata). Parish, Erythea 3:59.— "Naturalized about San Bernardino, in meadows and by roadsides." Tribe CHLOi.'II -EJE. *pkt 0116- several-fld in 1-sided spikes or ra- cemes; the racemes digitate or fas- ciculate, rarely solitary; fig gm corn keeled, entire" & unarmed or toothM & wjth j_3 straight awns. Spkt imbricated in 2 rows forming tmi- lateral ik which are scattered on » common rachis. Spartina. Spikes 2-6. digitate. Cynodon Spikes slender, ait & more or less remote eptochloa. A. I.AXIFZ.ORA Rich, Frankl Voy App 3. B 2:274 as A. scabra. A. 2EICHAUXH Trin, Agrost 2:79; Gram 164. B 2:273 as A. exarata Trin. A. MICBOPHYLLA Steud, Syn 164. B 11:273 as A. exarata. McClatchie, Erythea 2:78. Gabriel. Potrero; Wash. Mesas S D Co (Or 1176). A. MJ2TUTIS3IMA Steud, Syn PI Gram 171. B 2:269 as Sporobolus ramulosus. A. anrCRCETATA Presl, Rel Haenk 1: 238. B 2:272. A. MTJTiTICAUIiIS Hook f, Fl Antarct 95. Da 19. AGROSTIS MULTICULMIS Vasey. Potrero (Or 969). 3 8 exarata '" , SP P, l:»70. B 2: Smith mt S D Co (H. C. Orcutt) ; Alas- ka; Siberia;' Tucson; Arizona (Tourney). A. SCABRIU3CTJI.A Buckl, in Phila ac pr 1862 90 B 2 -274 as A. scabra. GenusSPABTINA Schreb. Per glab grasses with Ig horizontal rtstocks, flat or involute Ivs, and an infl of 1-sided spreading or erect alt spk; spkt 1-fld, nar, decid, borne in 2 rows on rachis articulated on very sh pedicels below gm: gm 3; outer 2 empty, keeled, very unequal, 3d subtending a perfect fl, keeled, equaling or sh'er than i>d: palea oft larger than its gm, 2- nerved: sta 3: sty filiform, elongated; stig filiform, papillose or sh'ly plum- ose: grain free. Cord-grass. S. POI.IOSA Trin, A l:47d. S. GLABBA Muhl, A l:47d. Genus BOLTELOLA Lagasca. BOUTELOUA POLYSTAOH YA Toff. Chondrosium polystachyum Bth Bot SCDh(0^ 14«8; 2064, near Ft Yuma). Texas BOUTELOUA^^CEMO^A Lag. Genus CYNODOH Pers. Per, mostly from running rtstocks, i A an^t ^^ te mfl:^ spks ' slender: sV*t 1-fld, secund: gm rTOrentt Sp PI 62. Eu. B 2-271 as A alba Ar>-Rrv?>TT«! TTT-MTTTQ Va«»v ALiJcvL/o 1 lo lilfJNUlo \asej. A. VABIA27S Trin Agrost 2:68; St Pet sh'er than hyaline 2-keeled: sta 3: s^ distinct: grain free. Bermuda- grass. CYNODON DACTYLON Pers. »h 41 rj 1-1 oc -pi0 -in TT>_ I.-IAA T A r* g^V Eu pilose; Ivs 25-50 mm Ig, 4-8 mm wide, 4SS rachis flat, spkt 2 mm Ig; empty gm hispid on keel, nar, 1st sn'er than 2d, about 2-3ds as lg as the broad and strongly compressed 3d one. S D! Cosmopolitan. Genus LEFTOCHIiOA Beauv. Mostly rather tall ann grasses with flat Ivs and num spk forming a simple panicle: spkt 2-many-fid, flattened, alt in 2 rows on 1 side of rachis: gm 4- many, the 2 lower empty, keeled, 3- nerved: palea 2-nerved: sta 3: sty dis- tinct: grain free, enclosed in scale and LEPTOCHOLOA FASCICULARIS Gray. Ft. Yuma, Cal to New England. I.EFTOCHLOA MUCBONATA Kunth. Cu 3-9 dm hi, erect, branched, smooth; sheaths sh'er than internodes, smooth; ligule sh, lacerate-toothed: Ivs 5-18 cm Ig, 2-6 mm wide, scabrous; spk num, slender, rigid, ascending or some- times spreading, lower 5-15 cm Ig: spkt com 3-fld, about 2 mm Ig; empty gm sh'er than spkt, acute. 1-nerved, slight- ly scabrous on keel; flg gm 2-toothed at apex, ciliate on nerves. Ab 42. — "Com in San Joaauin valley and at Imperial along irrigating canals. Monica (Davidson)." Tribe FESTUCEAE Fescue tribe. Spkt 2-many-fld, com hermaphrodite, pedicellate in racemes or panicles, the latter sometimes dense and sok-like: flg gms com larger than empty gms, awn- less or with 1-several straight, rarely bent, awns, which are either terminal or borne just below the apex. Spkt of 2 kinds in same infl, herma- phrodite and sterile. A. Fertile spkt 2-3 fld, awnless. Cynos- urus. B. Fertile spkt l-fld, Ig awned. Lam- arc kia. Spkt all alike in same infl. A. Plants dioe, saline or martime. 1. Spkt solitary, concealed in axils of crowded sh and rigid Ivs. Monantho- chloe. 2. Spkt in exserted spk-like panicles. Distichlis. B. Plants not dioe. 1. Flg gm 1-3-nerved or nerveless. a. Ann infl a lax panicle. Eragrostis. b. Per; infl a spk-like panicle. Koeleria. 2. Flg gm 5-many-nerved. a. Flg gm rounded on back. Nerves of flg gm prominent. Melica. Nerves of the flg gm obscure or mani- fest only near apex. Flg gm obtuse and awnless. Poa. Flg gm acute, oft awned. Flg gm entire, acute or awned from apex. Festuca. Flg gm com awned just below the en- tire or 2-toothed apex. Bromus. b. Flg gm compressed or keeled. Spk nearly sessile in dense 1-sided clusters at ends of the few panicled branches. Dactylis. Spkt 1-2 cm Ig; gm sh-awned. Bromus. Spkt sm'er; gm awnless. Poa. Genoa L.AMARCKIA Moench. LAMARKIA AUREA Moench. Ann; cu tufted, 2-5 dm high; sheaths 434 smooth; blades 5-8 mm wide; panicle linear or oval, 5-8 cm Ig; empty gm of fertile spkt nar, keeled, 4-4.5 mm l&I % gm 3 mm Ig, oval, bearing a dorsal awn a little below apex, 6-9 mm Ig. Eu. S D Co (Palmer); C D; Baja; Texas. MONATHOCHLOE LJTTORALJS E. Cu firm, creeping or ascending; Ivs crowded, subulate, com about i cm lg^ conduplicate; flg gm 9~i2-nerved. Da 2C/ Ab 44. SD salt marshes! S D (Or 512); Magdalena Isl. (Br). Genus DISTICHLIS Rafineaq. D. MABXTIHA Raf, J Phys 89:104 (1819). Da 19. Bloch, Er 2:163 (med- icinal use). Chollas (Or 504); Baja mts (Or 1161). Uniola spicata L. Distichlis spicata Greene, Cal ac b 1:415. D. SFICATA Greene, Cal ac b 2:415. Ha 57. Ab 47. Cu rather stout, from creeping scaly rt-stock, rigid, erect, 1-5 dm hi; sheaths num, glab, bearded at throat; blades pale g, 3-10 cm Ig, 3 mm wide at base, spreading, rigid, margins minutely qil- iate; panicle spk-like, 3-8 cm Ig, its branches appressed; spkt 8-12 mm Ig, keeled,| empty gm obtuse, 1st 2-3 mm ]g. 2d 4 mm Ig; flg gm of sterile spkt 3-5 mm Ig, of fertile spkt 5-6 mm Ig. Salt grass. E. AX.BA J&C Presl, Rel Haenk 1:279. B 2:315. ERAGROSTIS CURTIPEDICELLATA Bk. Ft. Yuma, Cal. (Or 2078). E. FENDX.EBXANA Steud, Syst PI Gram 278. Mex. B 2:309. ERAGROSTIS MAJOR Host. Da 19, Er 1:101, LA Co. Ab 45. Cu 2-6 dm hi, erect or decumbent at base, com branched, smooth: sheaths sh'er than interrnodes, sparingly pilose at throat, otherwise smooth; blades 5-15 cm Ig, 2-6 mm wide, flat, smooth be- neath, scabrous above; panicle 5-15 cm Ig, the branches spreading or ascending, 2-4 cm Ig; spkt 8-35-fld, 5-15 mm Ig, about 3 mm wide, flat; empty gm obtuse, 2-2.5 mm Ig, lateral nerves prominent. Rosalia (Orcutt). E. MEGASTACHYA Link, Hort Berol 1:187. B 2:315 as major. B 2:315. Da 19. ERAGRSTIS NEOMEXICANA Vasey. Prescott, Arizona (Tourney). BRAGROSTIS OXYLEPIS Torr. S D! Texas, Kansas. ERAGROSTIS PILOSA Beauv, Agr 71. Da, Er 1:101, LA Co. Ab 45. Z 1:184. Parry, Wyo, 16. Da 19. Ab 45. Ann, 4-5 dm hi, somewhat tufted, smooth; sheaths smooth, sh'er than in- ternodes; Ivs flat, 8-15 cm Ig, smooth; panicle spreading, 15-30 cm Ig; rays de- compound, smooth or slightly beared in axils; spkt on pedicels 4-8 mm Ig, nar'ly linear, 5-8 mm Ig, 7-20-fld, dark lead color or p'lish; empty gm lanceolate, 1st 1.5 mm Ig, 2d 2 mm Ig, fig gm ovate, 1.5-1.8 mm Ig; palea about equaling its 435 gm, scaberulous on keel; grain 1 mm Ig. Parish, Erythea 7:89. Bragrostis orouttiana Vasey, U S Na hb 1:269. Bragrostis mexicana McClatchie, Fl Pasadena 628; Davidson, PI L A Co 32 (not Link). Australia; naturalized throughout southern Cal. ERAGROSTIS POAEOIDBS Beauv. Variety MBGASTACHYA A. Gray. Smith mt, S D Co (H. C. Orcutt). E. REPTANS Ness Agrost Bras 514. B 2:314. Genus KOEL.ERIA Pern. KGBLERIA CRISTATA Pers. Per; cu erect, tufted, 3-7 dm hi; sheaths smooth, equaling or sh'er than internodes; basal Ivs ^i-% as Ig as cu, cu Ivs 2-4, 6-12 cm Ig, all glab; panicle spk-like, somewhat lobed and inter- rupted, 5-12 cm Ig; axis and branches soft-pubescent; spkt 2-4-fld, 4-5 mm Ig; 1st gm 2.5-3.5 mm Ig. 2d 3-4 mm Ig; flg gm = 2d empty one. S D (Or 495); Sauzal, Baja (Or 1426); Ju- lian, Cal. (Or 1990); Arizona (Or 2534;2474). Genus MELICA Linnaeus. MFLICA FRUTESCENS Scribn. San Diego; Baja; Mexico. MBLICA IMPERFECTA Trin. Ab 46. Da 19. Cu slender, somewhat tufted, 3-10 dm hi; sheaths exceeding internodes; blades 6-7, flat or becoming involute, com glab or more or less scabrous, 15-20 cm Ig, about 2 mm wide; panicle 2-3 dm Ig, its branches in remote clusters, unequal, the longer 5-7 cm Ig; spkt scabrid 1-fld, with an imperfect fl or rarely 2-fld; empty gm ovate or nearly so, 1st about 3 mm Ig, 3-nerved, second slightly Ig'er, 5- nerved; flg gm about 4 mm Ig, ovate, obtuse, 7-nerved, oft p'lish; palea nearly as Ig as its gm. Baja mts (Or 1170); Guadalupe; Cruz. Variety FLEXUOSA Boland. Ab 46. Ha 50. Da 19. Much resembling type in habit and foliage, but branches of panicle few-fld, com in pairs, oft reflexed; spkt larger, acuter. paler, more coriaceous. Monica mts (Davidson). Limber Melic-grass. Variety MINOR Scribner. Ab 46. — "San Fernando mts, near Chatsworth Park." Com densely tufted cu compressed or angular; Ivs mostly basal; branches of panicles sh, divergent or reflexed; spkt sm'er than in type; outer gm sh'er and more obtuse." Variety REFRACTA Thurber Da 19. Ab 47. Densely velvety-pubescent thruout; panicle slender, flexuous, its branches few, distant, strongly refracted: spkt very acute. Monica. MELICA POAEOIDES Nuttall. Baja (Or 513). Genus FOA Linnaeus. F. ABBREVIATA R Br in Parry, 1st voy suppl 287. B 2:312. F. AXROEDES Nutt Gen 1:68. Da 19. B 2:308 as Atropis distans Griseb. F. ALPI3STA L sp pi 67. B 2:312. Ha 60. 438 Mt spear-grass. F. ANDINA Nutt, herb, ex Wat Bot King 388. B 2:309 as Atropis California. Parry, Wyo 16. F. ANGUSTIFOLIA Reichb, Ic Fl Germ t 160. B 2:313 as serotina. F. ANNUA I,, sp pi 68. B 2:311. Z 1:186. Ab 49. Da 19, Er 1:101 (LA Co). Eu. Br 1:205 Cruz. Santa Craz Island (Br). Ann; cu weak, compressed, 5-30 cm Ig, decumbent; ligule 2-3 mm Ig; blades of sterile shoots %-2-3ds as Ig as cu; cu-lvs 3, flat; panicle subsecund, ovoid, 2-5 cm Ig, its branches com in pairs, the Ig'est 2.5 cm Ig, bearing spkt above middle; spkt nearly sessile, 3-7-fld, 4-6 mm Ig; empty gm compressed, about 2.5 mm Ig; flg gm ovate, smooth, erose at apex, 2.8-3.1 mm Ig, with soft hairs on keel and lower part of lateral nerves; palea 2.5-2.8 mm Ig, ciliate or pubescent on keels. Eu. POA BIGELOVII Vasey and Scribner. S D mts! Baja; Texas; Colo.; Utah. F. BUCKLE YAN A Nash, Torr cl b 22: 465 (1895). Ha 60. Bunch red-top. F. CALIFORXICA Scibner, Torr cl b 10:31 (1883.) — (Steud. Gram 261 = Douglasii fide B 2:314). F. CAPITATA Nutt, Am phil sc tr, ns, 5:146 (1837). B 2:315 as Eragrostis reptans. F. CROCATA Michx Fl 1:68. B 2:313 as serotina. F. DOUGLASII Nees, Ann Nat Hist sr 1. 1:2S4 (1838). B 2:314. POA FENDLERIANA Vasey. Per; cu tufted, 3-7 dm hi, com dice; Ivs of sterile shoots com flat, 6-10 cm Ig, 2 mm wide, cu-lvs 2-3, conduplicate, 1-10 cm Ig; ligule 3-5 mm Ig; panicle spk-like, S-12 cm Ig, its branches in 2's or 3's, fl-bearing on upper half; spkt ovate-lanceolate, flattish, oft tinged with p. 3.7-Md empty gm nearly equal, compressed. 4-5 mm Ig fig gm oblg, 4-5 mm Ig, oft denticulate at apex, sca- brous; palea lanceolate, scabrous, sh'er than or equaling its gm. S Ber: S F; Colo.; N. M.; Mexico. F. FLUITASIS Scop Fl Cam, ed 2, 1:73. B 2:307 as Glyceria f. F. GLTCKARIS Trin, Mem Ac Petersb sr 6, 1:379. B 2:313. F. HOWELLH Vasey & Scribner, Vasey, Cat Grass. US 82. Br 1:205 Cruz. A 1:191 Ore. Variety CHANDLER! Davy. A 1:191 fdr. F. HYFNOIDES Lam 111 1:185. B 2:315 as Eragrostis reptans. F. IXFIRMA HBK, Nov Gen et sp 1:158. Ab 50 . Ann: cu slender, spreading, 1-2 dm Ig; sheaths compressed, loose; ligule 2 mm Ig; Ivs smooth; panicle ovoid, 2-4 cm Ig, its branches mostly in pairs bearing 2-5 spkt above; spkt subsessile, oblg, 2-4-fld, 3-4 mm Ig; empty gm scarious on tips and margins, 2d larger than 1st, 2-2.2 mm Ig; flg gm broadly oval, about 3 mm Ig, scarious toward apex and on margins, ciliate on keels and margins below; palea nearly equal- ing gm. ciliate on keels. F. KAIBENSXS Jones, Er 4:36 based on 437 festucoicles Jones, Cal ac pr sr 2, 5:722. P. &AXA Haenke in Jirasek, Beob Ries 118 (1791). Eu. B 2:312. P. LEI TO COM A, Trin, in Mem Ac Pet- ers sr 6, 1:374 (1831). B 2:313 as sten- antha. Trin. P. MXCHAUXXI Kunth, Rev Gram 1:111. B. 2:306 as Disticblis maritima. P. NEBVATA Wiled, sp pi 1:389. B 2: 308 as Glyceria n. P. xrUTJKAJBlTCiXS J&C Presl, Rel Haenk 1:272. B 2:308 as Atropis distans ( = Sehult Mant 2:303. d fida°8IK? Atr°PiS dlStanS (" GlYCeria a, nac IK.;. P. OBCUTTIA^-A Vasey. A 1:99 fdr. P. PAUCIPLOBA Bth ex Vasev, Grass TTQ 49 T-%_ 1Q P PRATEK-SIS T sn nl fi7 "R 2- CU slender> erert> tufted- 1-4 dm hi; sheaths sh'er than internodes, smooth or pubescent; ligule .5 mm Ig or less; cu lv«. ,_„ ^rprt ?-K rm^Icr vprv nar- nani ]^S 2 4' ei 1 ^ . ver> nar',pat] c^e 3~10 cm lg> lts branches secund, di vergent, remote, the ig'er ^-5 cm Ig snkr remote S-TD mm lu- r_c flH- pmnf- SpKt lt' 5 V? * *> l, ,5 " Sm awmess, scabrous or &lab, ist 3 mm 20 5 mm Ig: fig gm 3-4 mm Ig, scabrous- awn slender. 6-8 mm ig Ab'sr. T^FI«^TTTPA TvrvrrRTTQ Pt- Loma. S E> (°r 1063) ; Baja mts (Or li42' £ tajl form") Arizona (Or 1530, 1636). Genus DACT\LIS Linnaeus. DACTYLJS GLOMERATA L. Da 19. Ab 48. Cu 6-12 dm hi, tufted, erect, simple, smooth: sheaths sh'er than internodes, smooth or rough; ligule 2-4 mm Ig; blades 7-20 cm Ig, 2-6 mm wide, flat, scabrous; panicle 7-18 cm Ig, its branch- es spreading or ascending in fl, erect in fr, the lower 25-60 mm Ig; spkt in dense capitate clusters, 3-5 fid; empty gm 1-3-nerved, 1st sh'er than 2d; flg gm 4-6 mm Ig, rough, pointed or sh awned, cili- ate on keel. Europe, Asia; widely naturalized. .. Spkt ai below the empty gin. Holcus. Spkt not articulate below emyty gm. i — Awns dorsal. a Spkt sm, under i cm Ig. Descham'a. b Spkt i cm or HK r>r 18R9-Q9 E. GLAUCUS Buckl Phil ac pr 1862.99. ±ia D(. — SIDiriCUS nue 11\.. AU 0_. Cu erect and tufted, from stolonifer- ous rtstocks, 6-10 dm hi, smooth; sheaths smooth or minutely scabrid; lio-iiio ahrmt 0 ^ mm le~ AntirA' Ivs flat iSrid^on'bofh^des!' S^m 8w?& the lowest about 2 dm Ig; linear 444 terminating in 1 awn or trifld or 3- awned: palea as Ig as its gm, entire, bidentate or 2-awned: sta 3: sty sh: sd adherent to its gm and palea, hairy at summit. S. ANOMALUM Smith. Ab 64. Cu erect, scarcely or not at all tufted, 5-6 dm hi, smooth; sheaths smooth or lower sparsely hirsute, ciliate on mar- gins, sh'er than internodes; ligule 1 mm Ig; Ivs 4-12 cm Ig, 3-4 mm wide, scabrous thruout; spk rather loosely fid, 1-1.5 dm Ig, r'ish; spkt 4-fld; empty gm lanceolate, entire, those of lowest spk bifid above middle with short awn 1-4 cm Ig; flg gm 10 mm Ig, linear-lanceo- late, smooth below, scabrous above, 3- awned; lateral 1-2 mm Ig, middle one erect g_4 g cm palea gh>er th£m Ug cpahrrms nn mare-ins Im'CAtri- Arizona (Ur Smith 4h fiq 9 dm hi smooth- lower -9 pper' mTnutel'y pub- escent or sparsely hirsute, becoming smooth; ligule 1 mm Ig; Ivs 10-8 1 cm Ig, 3'5 mm wide- strigose-pubescent thru- ou{. and sparsely hirsute above, mid- nerve prominent beneath: spk 1-2 dm Ig, densely fld; empty gm 4, 3-many- Parted^™ a.out „,«,.. log. n^ tne 2d hermaphrodite, other sterile or "PPer stam; fl^ sm linear-lanceolate, 8_1Q mm j smOoth below, sparsely scabrous above, 5-nerved, trifid at apex, lateral lobes setaceous, the middle pro- lon?ed Into a siender scabrous awn, 12 lg; in^rnodes of rachis 5-7 mm , E^thel" 2:7?aGlbriel mts,, slender, smooth and com glau. from slender rtstocks, 6-10 dm hi; ss, puberulent and with a nar ciliate wing; spkt in 2's or 3's. rather distant below, crowded in middle, oft single above, 4-6- fld; emptv gm 8-10 mm Ig. subulate. mith. ^Ab 63. ^ £ely st rigose-pubescent; sheajhs scar- °"* °n ' n'6!^ rij£ fef,?' ^^Q 6 cm^ !s' f^^-r^i8 abo\ e, spk erect o-b cm Ig com risn, JSStv Jn I^nv-nSted nearlv to ^ndlr srahroul ase' ans ' d nf S °o5 ey m; above, middle IT%^ s& joint of the articulate rachis of spk, 2- margins, compressed. several-fld: empty gm 2 or sometimes 3, many-parted from near base, or bifid, or subulate and entire, awned; flg gm mm Ig; 445 446 CALIFORNIA PLANTS. A. BRIDGE! K 2:14 (1863).r=Tsuga Mertensiana fide B 2:121, et Curran, An Enumeration of Genera and Spe- Cal. ac b 1:147. cies, and the principal synonyms, ar- A. CONCQLOR Liiidl & Gord, in S Hort ranged as an alphabetical Index to sc 5:210 (1850). B 2:118. Z 2:160. Ab certain botanical literature, chiefly 6. A 1-340 d West American. Variety LQ-WIANA. A 1:341 as A. con- - color. EDITORIAL PREFACE: .The botany A. DOUOLASII Lindl in Penny Cyclop of California is yet too imperfectly l:32. = P?endotsuga Douglasii fide B known to permit of the publication of 2-T'O Nutt Sylva 3'1°9 t 115. Newb even an approximately complete list of pac Ry R 6-54 t 8 the plants occurring within its bound- A. GRANDIS Lindi in Penny Cyclop aries. The undersigned also lacks ac- 1-30. B 0'118 ("of Cal botanists=A. cess to all the botanical literature per- concolor"). taining to the subject, and in compiling A. HOCKERI&NA A Murray, Edinb N the present catalogue has very prob- phu j n sr 1-288 (Ja-Ap 1855) =Tsuga ably omitted numerous species which Hookeriana fide IK. = T. Pattoniana should have been included. The cita- fi Mig I"? 89 Baia. A 1:279 d. Da 14. Greene, Cal ac b 2:411, Cruz. Br 1:216, Rosa. Ab 137. t7:302 (1873), B 9-4 Par °94 Da 14 A 1'86 fdr 'Type locality: "NM: Ar; So Cal; Nev." Colorado Desert (Parish). ABUTIT.OH Tourn, ex Adans, Fam °-398 <1763) B 1'87 "Bractlets 6: sds 'or 'ovules 3-9 in each cell: otherwise as Sida. Herbs or shrubs, com soft-tomentose; fls mostly axy, oft v. About 70 sp. A " ATTHA'K' TIACTTM \\"at Am no nr 20- 357 (21P1885)A 1 69 fdr Hort Brit ed '• "• thorns of sacred history was made from its branches. Oft cult for the perfume of its fls. A. G3EGGIJ G, PI Wright 1:65. B 1:164. A 1:377 d. A. WBIGHTII Benth, Ex G, PI Wright B U16 ' o -, bot Mex bound t 19. =A. trifida fide B UiHu A. TEIPIDA Ruiz & Pavon, Fl Peruv 1:67 t 104 B 1:186. Z 2:3 349 ACA1YPHA L. Coroll Gen 19 (1,37). Shrubs or undershrubs, or oft per or ann herbs lys alt toothed 2-stipulate; Pet 0; ex 4 or 3-5) parted stm fils m axy ament-like spikes; first fls cluster- ed: a11 bracteate: stig finely dissected. Over 200 sp, mostly tropical. A. CALIFOBNICA Benth, bot sulph 51. B 2:70. Shrub, with spreading rigid branch- es and brownish bark, puberulent on tne young twigs; Ivs ovate, somewhat cordate, acute, finely toothed, 3-5-neryed at base. Magdalena bay, Baja (Hinds). ACANTHOMISTTHA G, Syn Fl 2:365 (1878). A 1:364. A. H.ICIPOLIA G, Syn Fl 2:365. B 2: 477. A 1:364 d. A. LANCEOLATA Curran, Cal ac b 1: 13 (1884). _ ACAWTHOGJPHTTS Small. A 1:279 d. A. FABISHXX A 1:279. Ab 115. .Based on Oxytheca Parishii Parry, which see for description. Abrams, Fl LA 115 — "Common in the belt of the Gabriel and SBer mts." A T TfTlffTWrOWT T\'Q t Am ftn nr ''O'^^T \ 1 69 fdr A. NEWBEBBYI Wat, Am ac pr 11:125 «1876). B 1:87. See Horsfordia New- berrvi G A FAXiMEBI G 8 '289 B 1'87 Shrubby below, 'tall: sts 'and stalks pubescent and com villous: Ivs velvety tomentose, round-cordate, dentate, 4-6' Ig: fls mainly in a naked panicle; pedun- cles or pedicels about 1' Ig; ex very vil- lous, in fr %' Ig, the lobes triangular- ovate, acuminate, little shorter than pets: carpels about 8, with sh subulate beaks. very villous: sd-coat warty. Yaqui river, Son. Ar. (CHN 1:67, Baja, G n^ Barth fide IK. A. FOLYCNEMOIDES Rohrb, in Mart Fl Bras 14:11. 250. = P. polycnemoides ^de *.^ft RTOCSTTWA r,^ H ATQT-I m A. BAMOSISSIMA Rohrb, in Mart Fl Bras 14:249 t 56. B 1:72 as P ramosis- H. & A.=P. polycnemoides fide „ Jf^T. 4-T' 98 -.n-r.-^rcTm-r.-DrtTT* TT 0 ^ A. ABTEMISIAEPOLIA Harv & Gray, £x G Mem Am ac 4:1 98. T, bot Mex :i°und 9:> t 32. B 1:391 as C. artemis- CAMPOBNICU .2 2 i ACACIA L. Fl Zeyl 217' (1737). Willd, Sp PI 4:1049 (1805). B 1:163. A 1 :377 d. A PABNESIAHA Willd, Sp PI 4:1083. B ''Asm spreading tree, with straight slender stipular spines, pubescent or p-laTr ninnaA d nr ^ nair«5' lft«? 10 9^ fSr's, ^e^r! I" Ig, ^rowdedf'hds'glo- bose: pod oblong, cylindrical, at length turgid and pulpy. 2-3' Ig, 6-9" thick, Ion- gitudinally veined. Widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. About the Cal missions, where it was probably planted by the padres because of the tradition that the crown of .-.— ,, ,, ^r . . f CAULOKMuell. • ^ CAX-IPORKICUM. D. ^tr^Syn A. CAt^BOTCUM T & G Fl 1:250 A. CTBCnraATITM PurshFl 1.267. B 1:107. Z* Z'Zvt. tr 6'.iO', o'.6. ? A. DIPPUSUM P 5:2. A. DOUG-Z.ASZZ Hook, Lond J bot 6:77 t 6 (1846). B 1:108 as A. giabrum. P 5:1, 2. A. Q LAB BUM T in Ann N Y Lye 2:172 (1828), T & G Fl 1:247. Wat, bot king 52. B 1:107. Z 2:156. P 5:1, 2, J. 449 Sepals and petals greenish-y: filaments naked. A. MACOUITII P 5:3. A. MACSGFHYLLUM Pursh, Fl 1:267. Hook, Fl 1:112 t 38. Nutt, Sylva 2:77 t 67. Newberry, Pacific Ry R 6:21. B 1:107, 2: 439. Z 2:156, 257. Da 5. Greene, Cal ac b 2:393, Cruz. Ab 240. A. MODOCENSE P 5:4. A. NEOMEXICANTJM P. 5:3. ACER PLATANOIDES L. ACER PSEUDO-PLATANUS L. A. SUBSERBATUM P 5:1. A. TORRE YI P 5:2. A. TBIFARTITT7M Nutt, ex T & G, Fl 1:248; Sylva 2:85 t 71. B 1:108 as A. glabrum. P 5:1. ACERATES Ell sketch 1:316 (1817).= Gomphocarpus R. Br fide IK. A. ATROFURPTTBEA K 1:65 (1854- 1859): reprint 69. B 1:477 as G. cordi- folius (also Ctirran, Cal ac b 1:142. A. COBDIFOL.IA Benth, PI Hartw 323. B 1:477 as G. cordifolius. A. LATIFOI.IA T, in Fremont r 317. B 1:476 as Asclepias crytoceras. A. TOMENTOSA T, in bot Mex bound 160 t 44. B 1:477 as G. tomentosus. ACHILLEA L, Syst ed 1 (1735). Per herbs, with finely dissected Ivs, and sm hds of both tubular and ligulate fls corymbose at the ends of the st and branches: inv ovoid or campanulate, its bracts compressed, imbricated in few sr: receptacle flat or convex, chaffy; chaff membranous, subtending the disk-fls: ray-fls w or pink, pistillate: disk-fls per- fect, fertile, y: ak oblong or obovate, slightly compressed: pappus o. Yarrow, A. ARENXCOX.A M 1:61. A. LANATA Pursh. B 1:381 as Bahia lanata. A. LANULOSA Ab 435. Pubescent or nearly glabrous, simple or corymbosely branched above, 3-6 dm hi; basal Ivs and those of the sterile shoots petioled, those of the st sessile, all narrowly oblong or lanceolate in outline, finely dissected into narrow pinnatifid seg; hds num, 4-6 mm broad, in terminal compound dense corymbs; rays 4-6 w. A. MZIiIiEFOIiIUM L, Sp PI 899. B 1: 400. Da 10. Greene, Cal ac b 2:404, Cruz. Br. 1:213, Rosa Par 98. P 1:90 Mig. ACKI.YS D C, Syst 2:35 (1821). A. TBIFHYtLA DC Syst 2:35. B 1:16. Z 2:266. ACHOMANES Necker. P 4:104. A. MEMBBAWACEUM P 4:104 as Tri- chomanes m. ACKYBACHAENA Schauer, Del Sem Hort Vratisl 1837, 3, ex Linnae 12 (1838) Litt 87. A 1:247 d. A. MOLLIS Schauer; DC, Prodr 5:292. B 1:371 d. Da 9. A 1:247 d. Greene, Cal ac b 2:403, Cruz. Ab 425. Throughout California; Baja! Cruz. ACHYBAKTTHES L, Gen ed 1, 34 (1737). A. LANUGINOSA Nutt, Fl Ark 166. B 2: 43 as Cladothrix lanuginosa. ACHYBOHYCHIA T & G, Am ac pr 7: 330 (1868). 450 A. COOFEBI G 7:331. B 1:73. Z 1:231. A. BZXFOBDIX T. S. Brandegee, Z 1: 230. Type locality Owen's valley, Inyo Co, Cal (Mr. G. P. Rixford). ACONITT7M Tourn ex L, Syst ed 1 (1735). A. CCS.TIMBIANUM Nutt, T & G Fl 1:34. B 2:428. Z 2:161. B 1:12 as A. Fischeri. Par 334 t. A. riSCHEBX Reichb, Mon Aeon t 22. B 1:12; 2:428, Cal plant as A. Columbia- num. Siberia. A. NAFELI.US Par 334. A. HASUTAM Hook, Fl Bor Am 1:26. B 1:12 as A. Fischeri. =A. columbianum. ACOTJRTIA D. Don, in L, Soc tr 16:203 U830).=Perezia Lag fide IK. A. MICROCEPHALA DC Prodr 7:66. B 1:422 as P. microcephala. ACBOIiASIA Rydberg. A. FARVIFZ.OBA M 1:138, based on Mentzelia parviflora Heller, Torr cl b 25:199 (1898). ACTAEA Tourn, L, Syst ed 1 (1735). A 1:257 d. A. ABCHJTA Nutt. T & G Fl 1:35. P. 3:84. B 1:12 as var. of A. spicata. A. SFICATA L, Sp PI 504. B 1:12. A 1:257 d. Variety ABGUTA B 1:12. A 1:257 d. Fr w or r, in a loose more elongated raceme. Japan; Alk; SF; Eu; Sib; BC; NM. ACl'INELLA Nutt, Gen Am 2:173 (1818). P 3:265 as Tetraneuris Greene. A. ACAUZ.IS Nutt, Gen Am 2:173. P. 3:265 as T a. A. ABG-ENTEA G, Mem Am ac 4:100 (1849). P 3:269 as T. a. A. BIENRTS G, 13:373 (1878). P 3:272 in part as Picradenia b. A. BBANDEGEI T. C. Porter, ex G 13: 373 (1878). P 3:270 as Rydbergia gla- brata. A. COOFEBI G 7:359 (1868). P 3:272 as Picradenia C. B 1:394. A. DEPRESS A Harv & Gray, ex G, mem Am ac 4:100 (1849). P 3:266 as T. d. A. GLABRA Nutt in Am phil soc tr, n s, 7:37!» (1841). P 3:268 as T. g. A. GX. ABBA A. Nelson, Fl Wyo 137. P 3:265 as T. Torreyana. A. GBANDIFZ.OBA T & G Bost J nat hist 5:110 (1847). P 3:270 as Rydbergia S- Variety GLAEBATA Porter & Coulter, Fl Colo 76 (1874). P 3:270 as Rydber- gia glabrata. A. LANATA Nutt, Am phil soc tr, n s, 7:379 (1841). P 3:265 as T. 1. A. Z.EFTOCI.ADA G, Pacific Ry R 4:107. P 3:269 as T. 1. A. LINEAEIFOLIA T & G, Fl 2:383. = T. 1 of P 3:269. A. ODOBATA G, Mem Am ac 4:101 (1849). P 3:273 as Picradenia o. A. RICHARDSONII Nutt, Am phil soc tr, n s, 7:379 (1841). B 1:394. P 3:271 as Picradenia R. B 1:384. Variety BIENNIS. A. BTTSBYX G 19:33 (1883). P 3:271 as Picradenia R. A. SCAFOSA Nutt, Am phil soc tr, n s, 7:379 (1841). P 3:266 as T. s. Variety LINEARIS Nutt, Am phil soc tr, n s, 7:379. P 3:267 as T. 1. 461 452 A. TEXAN A Rose, bot gaz 16:27 U891). P 3:273 as Picradenia T. A. TOBBEYAN-A Nutt, Am phil soc tr, n s, 7:37i) (1841). P 3:265 as T. T. A. VASEYI G. 17:219 (1881-2). P 3: 271 as Picradenia V. ACTISTOLEPIS DC Prodr 5:655 (1836). G, syn Fl 1, pt 2, 328 as Eriophyllum Lag. A. ANTHEMOIDES G, in B 1:378 fd. G, Syn Fl 1, pt 2. 328 as Baeria a. A. COBOKABXA G 9:197 (1874). B 1: 378; 2:457. G, Syn Fl 1, pt 2, 327 as Baeria coronaria. A. LASTOSA G 9:197. B 1:379. G, Syn Fl 1, pt 2, 329 as E. lanosum. A. Z.EMMOZTZ G 16:101 (1881). G, 19: 20 as Syntrichopappus L. A. MUI>TICAUIiIS DC Prodr 5:656. B 1:378. Da 9. Hook, Ic t 325. T, bot Mex bound t 33. G, Syn Fl 1, pt 2, 328 as E. multicaule. A. MZTTICA G 9:197 (1874). B 1:378; 2:457. G, Syn Fl 1, pt 2, 328 as Baeria m. A. NT7EA G 9:197. G Syn Fl 1, pt 2, 323 as Eatonella nivea. B 1:379. A. TENELLA G 9:197. Da 9. B 1:378. G, Syn Fl 1, pt 2, 327 as Baeria tenella. A. WAI.I.ACEI G, 9:197. Da 9. B 1:379. G, Syn Fl 1, pt 2, 329 as E. Wallacei. B 1:379. Ab 431. ACTI3TOMEBI3 Xutt, Gen Am 2:181 (1818). A. ZnTDICAUZiXS Xutt, Am phil soc tr, II. 7: 364 (1841). M 1:S as Verbesina aristata. Fla (not Cal). G, Syn Fl 1, pt 2,288 as V n. ADEZTOCAULON Hook, bot misc 1:19 t 15 (1830). A. BIG C LOB, Hook, bot misc 1:19 t 15. B 1:335. ADEN-OSTEGIA Benth. in Lindl Syst nat ed 2, 445 (1836).=Cordylanthus Xutt fide IK. An, with all narrow entire or 3-5- parted Ivs, and irreg fls scattered along the com, many branches or in terminal clusters or hds: bracts and ex never col- ored: ex spathe-like, consisting of an anterior and a posterior If-like division or the anterior division 0: cor tubular, somewhat enlarged above; its lips about equal in length, the lower obtusely 3- toqthed: sta 4 or 2, anther-cells unequal, ciliate or minutely bearded: cap flat- tended sds with a loose coat, pointed at one end. A. FH.IFOZ.IA Ab 372. based on Cordy- lanthus filifolius Xutt. — A. rigida Benth. Sts erect, branched, 3-6 dm hi: Ivs all filiform, 3-parted to near the base; herbage pubescent with short reflexed hairs intermingled with scattered spreading hispid hairs; hds several-fld, terminating branches; bracts 3-lobed to near the base, the entire portion about 1 mm broad, strongly 3-nerved; lobes all filiform and usually nearly equal, the outer surface very hispid with stout spreading hairs rising from postulate bases, inner surface concave, pubescent, slightly elongated at the apex and tip- ped with a blackish, more or less retuse gland; cor p'ish, 12-15 mm long. SD Co S F; Mariposa Co; Baja: A. MABiriMA P 2:181 based on Cordy- lanthus maritimus. A 1:232 d Ab 372 Z 2:368. A span or two hi, coryrnbosely branched, cinerous-pubescent: Ivs gla- brate, slightly fleshy: pairs of fil very unequal. Sandy salt marshes, SD to SF; SBer Co: Humboldt Co. A. NEVINU P 2:181 (1891), based on Cordylanthus Xevinii G 17:229 (1882). Hcill 114. Anomalous in the division by its es- sentially 1-celled anthers: loosely much branched, villous-pubescent: Ivs either 3-parted or entire, narrowly linear, not callose-apiculate: fls scattered along the slender branchlets, nearly naked, much exceeding the subtending floral Ivs: cor y'ish and p'ish: 4 sta alike, with villous fil, sometimes a rudimentary second cell to the anth but com 0: sds smooth, scar- ious-apiculate. SBer mts (Nevin, Par- ish); SD Co! A. OSCUTTIANA P 2:181 based on Cor- dylanthus Orcuttianus G 19:95 (1883). A. BIGXDA Benth, in Lindl Syst nat ed 2. 445 (1836). P 2:180. Hall 114. B 1:581 as Cordylanthus filifolius. Z 1:2. ADENOSTOMA H & A, bot Beech Voy L39, et 338 t 30 (1832). A 1:315 d. B 1: 184. A. BBEVIFCI.IT7M Xutt, ex T & G Fl 1: 430. B 1:184 as A. fasciculatum. A. FASCICUI.ATTTM H & A, bot Beech Voy 139, 338 t 30. B 1:184. Da 5. Z 2: 119. Greene, Cal ac b 2:397, Cruz. Br 1:209, Rosa. Par 69. A 1:316 d. Ab 202. Rec 140; bot Mex Bound 63 t 20. B Co, Baja! Foliage dark green, subulate, acute; bark gray. A. SFABSIFOZ,rUM T in Emory, mil Rec 140: bot Mex Bound 63 t 20. B 1:185. A 1:316 d. Par 70. Ha 85. SD Co! Baja mts! Bastard cedar. Yerba del Pasmo. Deer brush. Foliage pale green, obtuse, scattered; bark reddish. ADENOSrSTtES Cass in Diet Sc Xat 1, Suppl 59 (1816). A. NARDOSMIA G 8:631 (1873). B 1:301 2:453. G. Syn Fl 1 ; pt 1, 376 as A. Cacal- iopsis Xardosmia. Genus ADI A\ TIM Linnaeus. A. AETHIOFICTTSI, Baker, Syn Fil 123. B 2:342, in part as A. emarginatum. A. AMEBXCAXTCTM Carnutus, Can PI :M3 a.- A. pedatum. A. CAFIZ.I.T73-VENEBIS L, Sp PI 1096. Da 20. B 2:342 d. Greene, Cal ac b 2: 415, Cruz. P. 1:208. Cedros. Venus-hair or black maidenhair fern. United States. Mexico. A. CHIZiEICSE Kaulfuss. Of Ameri- can authors = A. emarginatum fide. B 2:342. A. CO2TCI2ffI7UM. Z 2:151. A. DH,ATATUM Xutt, in Hook hb. B 2:342. Identity doubtful. A. EMABGI37A7TTM Hook, Sp Fil 2 t 75. Da 20. B 2:342, 485. Z 2:131, 382. Br 1:205. Cruz; 218 Rosa. A. JOBDANI Muell. in bot zeit 22:25 t 1 f 1. B 2:485 as A emarginatum. California; Nevada; X. M.; Oregon. 453 A. FEDATT7M L, Sp PI 1095. B 2:342. Z 1:148; 2:131. Greene, Cal ac b 2:415, Cruz. Alaska to southern Cal. Maidenhair. ADOX.PHIA Meissn, Gen 70 (50) (1837). Sm-leaved or nearly leafless shrubs, with opp divaricate g branches articu- lated with the st and ending in spines, and sm fls in sparse axy clusters. A. CAX.XFG&NICA Wat, Am ac pr 11: 126 (1876). B 1:101. "In large dense clumps 2° hi: branch- .es terete, with spreading spiny branch- lets, puberulent: Ivs orbicular to ob- long-ovate, often retuse, 1" or 2 long, .abruptly attenuate to a slender petiole: fls g'ish, 2" broad, or pedicels as long as the Ivs: pet rather broadly hooded: fr 2" in diam; the short sty jointed at the very base." B 1:101. Adolphia in- festa Torrey, Bot Mex Bound 45, in part. San Diego County! Baja California. A. nmUtieA Meicisa, Gen 70 (50). B 1:101. Resembling A. Californica: 3-4 ft hi: Ivs linear to oblong-lanceolate, mucron- ate, attenuate to a short petiole, 2-6 li long: pet narrowly hooded: sty 1 li long, jointed above the base and leav- ing the cap apiculate. Mex; NM; Ar. AECXDXUM. AE. BIVINAE. M 1:20. AE. WEDEiXAE. M 1:16. AEGIIsOFS L, Coroll Gen 20 (1737.= Triticum L, fide IK. AE. HYSTSIII Nutt, Gen Am 1:86. B 2:327 as Elymus Sitanion. AESQCKIiOA Benth in bot reg sub t 1622 (1833).i=Gilia fide IK. AE. ATBACTYLOIDSS Benth, bot reg, t 1622. ? 1:138 as Navarretia a. AE. CGTUX.AEFOX.IA Benth, bot reg t 1622. P 1:132 as Navarretia c. AE. INTEBTEXTA Benth. bot reg t 1622. P 1:131 as Navarretia i. AE. PUBESCENS Benth, bot reg t 1622. P 1:133 as Navarretia p. AE. PUSTGEKTS Benth, bot reg t 1622. P 1:133 as Navarretia p. AE. EBYHGIOIDE3 Benth bot reg t 1622.r=Gilia Navarettia fide IK. AE. TOBREYI G. Don, Syst 4:246.= Gillapungens fide IK. AEGOPOGON Geauv Agrost 122 in part. AE. CENCHBOIDES Humb & Bonpl ex Willd Sp PI 4:899. B 2:266. AESCUX.U3 L. Syst ed 2, 22 (1740). AE CAX.IFOBriICA Nutt, T & G Fl 1: 1-51. B 1:106. Z 1:87. Par 71. AE. HIFFOCASTANTOa L, Sp PI 344. B 1:106. AE. FABBYI G 17:200 (1881-2). AGAB JtECBEXiX, A ( ALGAE ) . A. COUT.TEBI. W 10:160. AGABISTA DC, Prodr 5:569 (1836), not D. Don. rr Coreopsis L tide IK. A. CAI.I.IOPSIDEA DC Prodr 5:569. B 1:355 as Pugiopappus oalliopsideus. AEHOTHiSBA nitida P 1:70 fd. Mig. AC AST ACHE. A. CU3ICKU. M 1:59 based on Lophan- thus Cusickii Greenra, Er 7:119 (1899). A. GX.AT7CIFOX.XA. M 1:32. A. SC30I-KUI.ABIAEFO&IU3 MOX.X.I3 M 1:4 based on Lophanthus scrophu- lariaefolius var. mollis Pernald, Rho- dora 1:220 (1899). 454 A. OCCIDENTAX.IS. M 1:4 based on Vleckia occidentalis Piper, Er 6:31 (1898). P 4:104. P 4:103. A&AVE L, Hort Ups 87 (1748). A. AMEBXC'ANA A 1:329 d. Mex. Greene, Er 1:52. Parish, Er 1:45, mor- phological note. Variety ZSACUIiATA. A 1:329 d. Variety MIX.ItEBI. A 1:329 d. Variety S'^iaXATA. A. 1:32 y d. VarietyVASXiSG-ATA. A l:3iJ d. A. OAXiIFOBWICA Jacobi Nachtr 47=A. falcata fide IK. AGAVE DECiPIENS Baker. A. DE3E&TI E, St Louis ac tr 3:310 (1875). B 2:142. CD! Baja! A. MASGrABXTAE. Z 2:12. A. NEWBEBBYI E, St Louis ac tr 3: 309 (1875). B 2:142. A. PABVIFIiGBA T, Dot Mex bound 214. B 2:142. Mexico. A. PAZ.MEBI E, St Louis ac tr 3:319. Ar. A. £*Aj£SYX E, St Louis ac tr 3:311. Ar. A. PBII^a^SI E. = A. deserti. A. 8EBA3'£XANA Greene, Cal ac b 1-214 P 1:198, 208 Cedros. A. 8CHOT2H E, St Louis ac tr 3:305. B 2:142. A. S2CAV/H E, St Louis ac tr 3:314 t 2-4. B 2:142. Quintin! Calmalli! Pt Loma, SD! Twenty feet high with very com- pact, £ark olive-green leaves, margined with stout spines. Peculiar to the coast region of Southern and Lower California, A. TJIT/iKESTSIS E, bot King Exp 497. Ut, Ar. B 2:484. AGSRATUitf L, Gen ed 1, 247 (1737). A. IcIlTEABE Cav, Ic 3:3 t 205. B 1:388 as Palafoxia linearis. ACtOSE&Id Rafin, Fl Ludov 58 (1817).= Troximon fide IK. A. DASYCABFA. P 3:26 fd. A. ftliAUCA. P 4:37. A. &SSTOCABFA. Ml:143 fd. A. MONjriC!OI,A. P 4:37 fd. A. PX.EBEIA. Ab 450. A. BE1-3OB3A. P 3:27. Ab 451. A&BXMOjSXA Tourn ex L, Syst ed 1 (1735). A. EUPATOBIA L, Sp PI 448. Er 1:13. B 1:185. /-ISA L, Fl Lapp 27 (1737). A. ABCTIGA Spreng, Syst Cur Post 32. =rDeschampsia caespitosa fide IK. A. ABCTXOA Trin, "St Pet ac mem 1831, 56." B 2:237 as A. caespitosa. A. BOTTKTCA Wahleub, Fl Lapp 36 t 4. B 2:297 as A. caespitosa. Trin, Ic t 255. A. CA2S2ITOSA L, sp PI 64. B 2:297. — Deschampsia caespitosa fide IK. A. DANTHONXOIDES Trin, Pet ac mem vi, 1:57 (1830). B 2:298.=:Deschampsia calycina fide IK. A. EXiONGATA Hook, Fl Bor Am 2:243. B 2:297. — Deschampsia e. fide IK. A. XiATXFOXiXA Hook, Fl Bor Am 2:243. B 2 :298.= Deschampsia 1, fide IK. A. OBTUSATA Michx Fl Bor Am 1:62. B 2:302 as Eatonia o. A. TBUNCATA Muhl Desc Gram 83. B 2:302 as Eatonia obtusata. AI.ABOONIA DC, Prodr 5:537 (1836).= Wyethia fide IK. A. ANGUJ:IIFOI.IA. DC. = W. a, fide IK. 455 A. HELENIOIDES DC. B 1:349. ~W. Bofcusta fide IK. ALBIZZIA PROCERA Benth. ALCHEMH.I.A L, Syst ed 1 (1735). A. ABVEN3IS Scop Fl Cam ed 2, 1:115. Da 5. B 1:185; 2:444. Z 1:9. Ab 203. SD (Or 450): Ore: Id; Cruz: Guad. Parish Zoe 1:9, "evidently indigen- ous." Alchemilla cuneifolia Nuttall, in T & G Fl 1:432. Alchemilla occidentalis Nuttall, in T & G Fl 1:432. A. CU3TEIFOLIA Xutt, T & G Fl 1:432. B 1:1 S~. as A. arvensis. A. OCCIDENTALIS Nutt, T & G Fl 1:432. B 1:185 as A. arvensis. ALDENEILA. P 4:212 fd. A. TE^UIFQXIA P 4:212, based on Pol- anisia t, T & G, Fl 1:123 (Cleome t, Le ALGABOBIA Benth , PI Hartw 13 (1839). = Prosopis L, fide IK. A. GLANDULQSA T & G Fl 1:399. B 1: U.3 as P. juliflora, A. DU!L.3Xa Ben Hi. — P. julifloi'a. A. JULIFI.03A Heynh Nom 2:18.- P. julifiora. AI.IGEBA Suksdorf. Er 6:23. "Fr winged, its lateral faces equal, narrower than the ventral one; wings equally incurved above and below, form- ing with the ventral face a dish or ves- sel, orbicular or oval in outline, and saucer-bowl-cup- or urn-shaped, or oft resembling a breathing-pore or stoma with its cavity, the incurved part of the wings in the latter case imitating guar- dian cells. Cotyledons parallel to the ventral face, plainly reticulated when ex- panded." Suksdorf, Erythea 6:23. A. CIIjIOSA Skdf Er 6:23; "Disk oval or roundish, stoma shaped, its opening ellip- tic-rhombic or roundish and larger. Cal." A. K7SIG13I3 Skdf, Er 6:24, Baja; "Disk orbicular, stoma shaped, its aperture roundish." A. MACBOCEBA Skdf, Er 6:23, based on Valerianella macrocera G: "Disk cup- shaped, orbicular, shorter than the fr. Cal." ALIGERA PATELLIFORMIS W. Suks. ALISMA (Dill) L, Syst ed 1 (1735). A PLANTAQO L. Sp PI 342. B 2:200. Variety AQTJATICA Er 1:13. A. BBEVIFES P 4:158. A. VAI.IDTTM P 3:115. A. CAX.IFOBNICT7M Micheli, in A. DC Mon Pham 3:34. A. CAI.IF03M-ICA Boland Cat 29. B 2: is Damasonium Calif ornicum. AJ->I.IO2?IA Laefl, Iter 181 (1758). "Inv ex-like, 3-parted, herbaceous, scarcely changed in fr, 3-fld: perianth funnelform, with an oblique 4-5-lpbed limb: sta 3-5, included, nearly distinct: stig capitate: fr ovate, compressed, smooth and convex on inner side, the back with a rigid inflexed toothed mar- gin enclosing a double line of stipitate tubercles: embryo plicate, the inner cotyledon shorter. Ann or per herbs, with opp very unequal Ivs, and axy pedunculate fls. Probably only a sin- gle very variable species, common to North and South America." B 2:3. 456 A. INCABNATA L, Syst ed 10, 890. B Colorado Desert (Parish 709, Orcutt). A. Z.IKEABIS Pursh Fl Am Sept 2:728. M 1:139. =Oxybaphus angustifolius fide IK. A. MEI.ACHBQIDE3 Benth, bot Voy Sulph 44. B 2:3 as A. incarnata. A. Z202TTA2TENIS Osterhout, M 1:139 fd. AIiX 2 as Bloomeria aurea. ALLIUM DICHLAMYDEUM Greene. A. DGTJGKLA3H Hook, Fl Bor Am 2:184 t 197. B 2:147. A. DOU&X.ASH Wood, Phila ac pr 1868, 170. B 2:14U (in part) as A. biscep- trum.rrA. unifolium in part fide IK. A. ELWESI Regel, Act Hort Petr 5:266 (1877). B 2:148 as A. acuminatum? A. FAX.CIFGI.IT7M H & A, bot Beech 400. A. FAI.CIFOI.nna T, Pac Ry R 4:148 in part rrA. unifolium fide B 2:147, in part = A. serratum and A. bisceptrum ,B 2:149). A. FIMBBIATUM Wat, Am ac pr 14:232 (187'J). E 2:150. A. HASMATOCHITOW Wat, Am ac pr 14:227 (1879). B 2:148. Da 17. Ab 84. A. I.ACTEUM Benth, PI Hartw 339. B 2:156 as Brodiaea lactea. A. I.ACUK'OSUM Wat, Am ac pr 14:231 (1879). B 2:149. A. Z.EMMONI Wat, Am ac pr 14:234 (1879). B 2:151. A. MABITIMUM Benth, PI Hartw 339. T, bot Mex bound 217. Regel, Al mon 219. B 2:152 as Muilla maritima. A. MU3BAYANTJM Regel, Gartenfl 1873, 260 t 770 f 1. B 2:148 as A. acum- inatum. A. KEVADEN3E Wat, Bot King 351, 487 t 38 f 1-3. B 2:150. A. OCCIDENTALE G 7:390 (1868). B 2:149 as A. attenuifolium. A. FAZ.MEBZ Wat, bot 40th Par 487 t 27 f 10, 11, Z 1:245. 457 A. FABI3SII Wat, Am ac pr 17:380. A. FABBYI Wat, Am ac pr 14:231. B 2:150. A. PAEVUM K 3:54 f 13 (1863). B 2: 150. ALLIUM PENINSULARE Lemmon. Greene, Pittonia 1:165 (15 Je 1888). A. FXiATYCAUXiE Wat, Am ac pr 14: 234. B 2:151. A. POBBTJM L, Sp PI 295. Eu. Leek. B 2:146. A. BETICITLATTJm Benth, PI Hartw 339. B 2:149 as A. attenuifolium. A. S&NEOBKTI Wood, Phila ac pr 1868: 171. B 2:148. A. SATIVUM L, Sp PI 296. Eu. Garlic, B 2:146. A. SCHAENOFBASUM L, Sp PI 301. B 2:146. "Chives." A. SSBSATUM Wat, bot King 487 t 37 f 4-5. B 2:149. Z 1:145. Ab 85. A. TIInXNGrl Regel in Act Hert Petsop 3, ii, 124 (1875). B 2:156. A. TBIBBACTEATUM T, Pac Ry R 4: 148. B 2:150. Variety AHDEBSONI Wat, bot King 353. B 2:150 as A. parvum. A. TTNIFOLIUM K 2:112 f 35 (1863). B 2:147. Da 17. A. VAXiIDUM Wat, bot King 350. B 2: 147. Genus ALLOCARYA Greene. A. AUSTINAE Greene. A. CAI.IFOBHICA P 1:20 4:236. Cov 4: 163. Myosotis Californica Fisch & Mey Ind Sem Petrop 2:42 (1835). Type locality: "in Nova California circaoloniam Ross (icam)" Eritrichium Californicum DC. A. COG-NAT A P 4:235 Ut. A. CHOBISIANA Greene. A. COOPEBX Greene. A. CTJSICKII Greene. A. DIFFU3A Greene. A. echinoglochin P 1:15, based on Echin- ospermum Greenei G 12:163. See A. Greenei. A. GREENEI. . Based on Echinospermum G. Ore, Baja! A. HENBEBSONI Aven Nelson. AI.I.OCABYA HICKMANII Greene. "Very slender, diffuse, the filiform ra- cemose branches 6-10' Ig: ex 1" Ig, the lower on Ig'er, the upper on sh'er fili- form pedicels: cor 1" or more broad: nutlets ovate, hardly %" Ig, dark col- ored, tuberculate but not rugulose, ven- tral face as in A. lithocarya, namely, the scar and all but the upper part of keel hidden within a completely closed grove." — P 1:13. Southern part of Mon- terey Co. A. HIBTA Greene. A. HISPID UL A Greene. ALI.OCABYA HUMISTBATA Greene. "Stout and succulent, branches com prostrate, 1° Ig, racemose thruout: ped- icels sh and stout, com deflexed: ex- lobes linear-spatulate, in fr greatly en- larged (4-6" Ig) and turned to one side, standing vertically in a row; cor sm; nutlets ovate lanceolate, %" Ig, straight, carinate ventrally down to the nearly or Quite basal, rounded scar, the back with very minute muriculations and sharp- 458 edge transverse regulae which com de- velop sh and minute penicillate bris- tles."— P 1:16. SD, thruout Cal. Eri- trichium Californicum var. subglochid- iatum G, B 1:266, excluding the plant of the Rocky mts. A. ZiEFTOCIiADA P 3:109 Nev. A. XcZTHOCABYA Greene. A. MOIiIiIS Greene. A. MYBIANTHA Greene. A. SuBXiSONXI Er 3:48. P 3:109. A. NITEITB P 3:108, Nev. A. OBTSOCABFA P 4:235 Ut. A. PENICIZiIiATA Greene. A. PZiEBEIA Greene. A. SAI.SA Br. A. SCOFUIiOBUM P 4:236. Krynitzkia californica G. A. SCCUI.SBI Greene. A. SCBIFTA Greene. A. STIFZTATA P 3:109; 4:235. A. STBICTA P 4:235. A. TENEBA P 3:109 Lake Co, Cal. AL.L.OCARYA TRACHYCARPA Greene. Abrams, Fl LA 331. "In low ground near Inglewood." A. VESTITA Greene. AZ.Z.OTBOFA G, 7:368 (1868); Pacific Ry R 4:81 (1855). A. VZBGATA T & G, Am ac pr 7:368. B 1:461; 2:461. Z 2:266. ALNUS (Tourn.) L, Syst ed 2 (1735); Fl Lapp 260 (1737). A 1:358 d. A.LNUS COEDIFOLIA Tenore. A. GZilTTINOSA Medic, Pfl Anat 393. El. Asia. Variety SEBBULATA Regel, Mon 106, in part=A. rhombifolla fide B 2:80. A. rWGAMA Medic Pfl Anat 393. P 3:70. Variety GXiAUCA Regel, DC Prodr 16 (2) 188. B 2:81 as Var. virescens. Variety VIBESCEN8 Wat, B 2:81. A. OBLQNGIFOLIA T, bot Mex bound 204. NM. B 2:80, 483. =A. rhombifolia fide Parry, Cal ac b 1:354. A. ORE Of A IT A Nutt, Stl 1:28 t 9. B 2:80 as A. rubra Bong. A. BSOMBIFOIiIA Nutt, Sylv 1:33. B 2-80. Z 2:236. Da 16. Ab 103. A 1:358 d Ha 71. Cov 195. A. BTTBBA Bong, Veg Sitch 162. Regel, DC Prodr 16 (2):186. B 2:80, 483. Z 2: 257. P 3:70. A. SEBBULATA Willd Sp PI 4:336. Variety BUGOSA Regel, DC Prodr 16 (2):188. B 2:80 as in part A. rhombi- folia; 81 as in part A. Incana var. vires- cens. Variety OBLONGIPOLIA Regel, DC Prodr 16 (2); 188. B 2:81 as A. oblongi- A. VZBZDZS DC, Fl Fr 3:304. Z 2:7, 159, ALOE AFRICANA Mill. ALOE BREVIFOLIA Mill. ALOE LATIFOLIA Haworth. ALOE MITRIFORMIS Mill. Variety xylonacantha. Aloe picta. ALOE VARIEGATA Linnaeus. Partridge-breast aloe. An African plant of great beauty, producing spikes of brilliant coral red flowers. It is found in many old-fashioned gardens and re- ceives its common name from the feath- ery mottling of the leaves. 459 460 AI.OYSIA Ort & Palav ex L'Herit Stirp A. BLITOIDES Wat, Am ac pr 12:273 1:21 (1784). = Lippia L fide IK. USTTj. B 2:41. Ab 133. Da 15. A A. WRIGHTH Heller M 1:47 based on 1:217 d. Lippia W, G Am J Sci, sr 2, 16:98 Abrams, Fl LA 133. — "Common about (1854). Rialto." AZ.SIA Sulliv. B 2:409. A. BZiXTUM L, Sp PI ed 1, 990. B 2 A. ABrETIHA Sulliv. B 2:409. Eu. A. CAIiIFORBTICA Sulliv. B 2:409. Variety GRAECXZANS Moquin, DC A. LONGIFES Sulliv & Lesq. B 2:409. Prodr 263. B 2:41 as A. albus. ALSINU Scop Fl Cam ed 2, 224 (1772). A. CAZ.IFORNXCTTS Wat, B 2:41. =Arenaria fide IK. "Prostrate or ascending, glabrous, AIiSINE L. Al:265 as Stellaria. branching at the base, the sts often a A. MEDIA L, Sp PI ed 1, 272. Ab 145.= ft Ig or more, with num ah branchlets: Spergularia media fide IK. Stellaria Ivs obovate to oblong, an i Ig or less media Cyrill. including the petiole, oft sm, obtuse or Weak 'and decumbent or ascending, acutish, with w veins and margin: fls g 10-40 cm Ig, glab except a line of hairs or r'ish, in num sm dense axy clusters: along the st and branches; Ivs ovate or bract oft membranous and inconspicu- oval, 1-3 cm Ig, the upper sessile, the ous, lanceolate, acuminate, slightly or lower petioled; fls 4-8 mm broad, in not at all exceeding the utricle: sep of terminal leafy cymes or axy; pedicels the stam fls %" Ig; that of the fertile slender; sep oblg, mostly acute, Ig'er fl shorter and narrower, lateral: utricle than the 2-parted pet; cap ovoid, Ig'er slightly rugose, tardily circumscissile: than the ex; sds rough. sd %" broad. Mengea Calif ornica Mo- A. NITENS Greene. Ab 145. Stellaria quin in DC Prodr 13:11, 270; Wat bot nitens Nutt. King 296. From SD (Palmer) to Mon- McClatchie, Erythea 2:79. Cat. terey (Hartweg) ; near Carson City Very slender, erect an; sts filiform, (Anderson, Torrey): and northward in several times forked, pubescent below; Idaho and Ore." Wat. B 2:42. Han- Ivs mostly basal, the lowest ovate, acute, sons! about 4 mm Ig, on slender petioles of Europe; a widely distributed weed, about the same length, the upper ses- A. CHLOSOSTACHYS Willd, Anar 34 t sile, lance-linear, acute, 6-10 mm Ig; 10 f 19. Eu. B 2:41. Parish,, Z 1:125. sep very acute, scarious-margined, 1-3- Spikes slender than in A. retroflexus, nerved; pet % as Ig as the sep or 0; linear-cylindric, more or less fiexuous, cap oblg, about equaling the sep. the lateral ones spreading or divaricate: A. PAIiUSTRE K 3:61 is Arenaria pal- whole plant com deeper g: Ivs ovate or ustris Wat fide Curran, Cal ac b 1:132. rhombic-ovate, acutish or obtuse: sep B 1:70. Z 2:3. more com acute or acuminate. Mex to AIiSINELLA Dill ex L Gen ed 1, 118 British Am. a737). = Sagina fide IK. A. DEFZ.EXT7S L, Mant 2:295. Eu. Ab A. CXLIATA Greene, Fl Fr 126 (1891). 133. A 1:217 d. M 1:50 as Sagina ciliata. Abrams, Fl LA 133. Redondo, Greata. ALTERITANTHERA Forsk, Fl AEgyat A ballast plant introduced from trop- Arab 28 (1775). A 1:216 d. ical America. A. ACHYRANTHA R Br Prodr 1:417. A. FIMBRIATUS Wat, B 2:42. A 1:216 d. Ab 134. Da 15. Tropical "Monoecious, erect, slender, 1-3° hi, Am. sparingly branched or simple, glabrous: A. LANUGE7OSA T, in Emory R 150; Ivs linear, 1' or 2' Ig, attenuate into a bot Mex bound 180. B 2:43 as Cladoth- slender petiole, obtuse or acute, obscure- rix lanuginosa Xutt. ly nerved: fls in rather loose clusters, AIiVORDIA. scattered or approximate in a Ig ter- A. GIiOMERATA Br 2:175, Purissima, minal spike, which is leafy below: Baja. bracts shorter than the perianth, nar- AIiYSSUM L Syst ed 1, 1735. A 1:117 d. row, acute: sep of sterile fls obtuse, A. CALYCINUM L, Sp PI ed 2, 908. Eu, oblong; these of fertile fls broadly fan- Asia. B 1:27. Pet w or y'ish: sep per- shaped, 1-1%" Ig, with a nar thick- sistent: pods 4-seeded. ened strongly nerved base, slightly A. MARITIMUM Lam Encyc 1:98. Eu. united, the upper margin fimbriately A 1:117 d. B 1:27. Ab 180 as Konig incised: sd round-ovate, less than 12" maritima. broad. Sarratia Berlandiera var. fim- AMARANTHTrS L, Syst ed 1 (1735), briata T, bot Mex bound 179. Amblo- Gen ed 1, 286. gyne fimbriata G 5:168." B 2:42. SD Fls com monoecious: perianth of 3-5 Co; Utah and the Rio Grande; Cape San divisions: bracts 3 to each fl: sta with Lucas (Xantus). fil spreading at base: stig com 3, form- Europe; widely naturalized; pig weed, ing 3 beaks on fr: sds brown or bk, A. GRAECIZANS L, Sp PI 9 90.= A. syl- dropping readily when ripe. Amaranth, vestris fide IK. Ab 133 cites A. albus A. ALBUS L, Sp PI ed 2 1404. B 2:41. L as a synonym. Da 15. Greene, Cal ac b 2:411, Cruz. A A. PALME HI Wat, Am ac pr 12:: 74 1:217 d. Ab 133. Z 1:125. "Dioecious, rather stout, erect, 2 or McClatchie, Erythea 2:79. Cat. 3° hi, branching, somewhat pubescent Parish, Zoe 1:112. above or glabrate: Ivs oblong-rh/>m- Davidson Erythea 1:99, LA Co. boid, 1' or 2' Ig and about equalling the Type locality: "in Philadelphiae mar- petiole, the upper linear lanceolate: fls itimis." in close elongated linear spikes leafy at Coville, CNH 4:179. Nev, etc. base: bracts solitary, mostly twice 461 462 longer than the fls, spreading, subulate and rigid, narrowed into a stout awn: sep of fertile fls 1-1%" lg, oblong and somewhat broader above, obtuse or re- tuse, 2 or 3 com slightly larger and more acute or setaceously apiculate, dis- tinct or nearly so: stig com 2: sd circu- lar, !/>" broad." B 2:42. Jacumba, SD Co. Banks of the Rio Grande. Calis weed of CD; 10° hi. Magdalena bay and island. SD! Quintin (Palmer 705). A. PANZCUZ.ATTJ3 L, Sp PI ed 2, 1406. B 2:41. A. RETROFI.EXU3 L, Sp PI 991. B 2:41. Ab 133. Parish Z 1:125. Da 15; Erythea 1:99, LA Co. Sts stout, erect: Ivs ovate, 1-3' lg, on petioles almost as lg: fls g, in thick, erect, crowded spikes, either terminal or axy: perianth divisions 5. A com weed. Eu. Southern California; Baja. A. TORREYI Benth ex Wat B 2:42. Colo. NM. Baja (Cape San Lucas). Colo; N. M. ; Cape S»an Lucas (Xantus). A. VI3CIDULUS. P 3:344. AMARENTTS C Presl Symb bot 1:46 (1830). — Trifolium fide IK. A. AGRA3IUS C. Presl, S-B, 1:46. P 3: 205 as Chrysaspis agraria. A. ATJRET7S Fourr, in Ann L sc Lyon 16:362 (1868). P 3:204 as Chrysaspis aurea. A. BADIUS C Presl, S-B 1:46. P 3:206 as Chrysaspis badia. A. FROCiJMBENS C Presl, S-B 1:46. P 3:206 as Chrysaspis procumbens. A. SPADICETJS C Presl S-B 1:46. P 3: 205 as Chrysaspis spadicea. ASSAURZA Benth, bot Sulph 31 (1844). A. ROTUND IP OZiIA Benth, bot Sulph 3J. B 1:385. A. DZSSECTA G PI Fendl 104. NM. AMBZ.ZRZON Raf, Am Mo mag 1818, 265. = Fritilloria fide IK. A. FTJDICUM Raf Am mo mag 1818, 265. B 2:170 as Fritilaria pudica. AMBZ.OOYNA Raf Fl Tell 3:42 (1836). = Amaranthus L, fide B 2:242. A. FZMBRZATA G 5:167, 168. B 2:42 as Amaranthus fimbriatus. A. TORREYZ G 5:167, 169. B 2:42 as Amaranthus Torreyi. AMBZ.YOFAFFT7S H & A, Hook J bot 3: 321 (1841). A 1:255 d. A. PUSILLTJS H & A. Hook J bot 3:321. A 1:255 d. P 1:265, San Benito Island; 1:88, Mig. B 1:385. Ab 431. Z 1:208. Br 1:213, Rosa. Greene, Cal ac b 2:404, Cruz. AMBZ/YSTEGZTJM Schimp. B 2:417 as Hypnum. A. RADZCAZiE Bruch & Schimp. B 2: 418. A. RIFARIUM Brush & Schimp. B 2: 418 as Hypnum riparium L. A. SERFENS Bruch & Schimp. B 2:418 as Hypnum serpens L. A. VACZZ.Z.AHS Sulliv. B 2:418 as Hypnum riparium. AMBROSZA L, Gen ed 1, 287 n 718 (1737). Monoecious branching herbs or shrubs, with alt or opp mostly lobed or divided Ivs and sm hds of g fls, the stam spicate or racemose, the pist solitary or clus- tered in upper axils: inv of pist hds globose-ovoid, closed, 1-fld, com armed with 4-8 tubercles or spines; cor 0; pap- pus 0: inv of stam hds hemispheric, 5-12-lobed, open, many-lid; cor funnel- form, 5-toothed; anth scarcely coherent, mucronate-tipped. Ragweed. A. ACANTHICARPA Hook Fl Bor Am 1:309— Franseria Hookeriana fide. B 1: 345. A. ARTEMZSZAEFOZiZA L, Sp PI 988. B 1:344. Ann, 1-3° hi, roughish-hirsute: Ivs thinnish, twice pinnatifid: fr-inv smooth below, not reticulated, armed with about 6 very acute spines. Roman Wormwood, Bitterweed. Nev, Ore. N. S., Texas, Wash, and So Cal (?). A widely distributed weed, A. CGRONGFZFOX.ZA T & G Fl 2:291. B 1:344 as A. psilostachya. A. PSZI,08TACI£Y& DC Prodr 5:526. B 1:344. Ab 412. Da 9. Greene, Cal ac b 2:402, Cruz. Br Z 1:114, Cat, Ha 123. Baja! Tex, 111. Sts erect from horizontal rt-stocks^ 5-8 dm hi, with strigose pubescence and somewhat scabrous; Ivs once or twice pinnatifid: fr mostly solitary in axils, turgid-ovoid, about 3 mm lg, ob- tusely sh-pointed, rugose-reticulate, either unarmed or with 4 sh or sharp tubercles, A com weed. Jl'L; T&cas; Mexico; San Ber (Parish 622); Cruz; Santas (Miss F. E. Fisn). A. PTTMZZiA G 17:217. Per, span or 2 hi, from slender run- ning rt-stocks, canescent thruout with a dense and close silky pubescence, very Ify: Ivs nearly all alt and Ig-petioled, 2-3-pinnately parted into linear-oblong crowded lobes: sterile hds in a sh spike: fr obovoid, pubescent, muticous, 1" lg (rarely 2 are connate at base). SD. SD (Nuttall. Cleveland, Orcutt). A. TENTJIFOLIA Spreng, Syst 3:851. B 1:346 as Franseria tenuifolia. AMEZiANCHZER Medic Phil bot 1:135 U789). Shrubs or sm trees: Ivs decid: fls large, w, in racemes: ova 5-celled, becoming a part of the berry-like ex, each cell par- tially divided by a partition from the back, 1-seeded. A. ALNIFOLIA Nutt, Phila ac J 7:22 <1834). B 1:190. Par 88. Z 2:102, 349. P 3:71, 4:129. Ha 85. Lvs rounded, serrate toward apex: pet nar-oblong, near 1' lg: fr p and edible when ripe. Thru Cal, BC, Rocky mts, Colo. Variable. A. BAXERZ. P 4:128, Colo. A. CAHADENSZS Medic Gesch 79. T & G, Fl 1:473. Variety ALNIFOLIA T & G Fl 1:473. B 1:190 as A. alnifolia. A. CRENATA. P 4:127. NM. A. FLORIDA Lindl bot reg t 1589. B 1:190 as A. Alnifolia. A. GOKMANI. P 4:129, Alaska. A. FALLXDA. P4:21. A. FOLYCARFA. P 4:127, Colo. A. FRUNZFOX.ZA. P 4:21. Colo. A. ST7BZNTEGRA. P 5:109. Cal. A. VENT7X.OSA. P 4:21. A 1:38 fdr. 463 §.. BT7BESCENS. P 4:128. NM A3HANTHITJM G, Ann Lye NY 4:121 (1848 ».=Zygadenns fide IK. A. NUTTAIiIiH G, Ann Lye NY 4:123. B 2:183 as Zygadenus veneriosus. Variety FAKICUI.ATUS Xutt, Phila ac J 7:57. B 2:184 as Zygadenus panicu- latus Wat. A MID A Xutt. Am Phil sc tr, sr 2, 7 '390 (1841).rrMadia fide IK. A. CBACIIiIS Xutt. B 1:360 as Madia glomerata. A. HIBSUTA Nutt. B 1:360 as Madia glomerata. AMMAKNIA L. Gen ed 1, 337 (1737). A 1:328 d. B 1:214. A. COCCINEA Rottb, PI Hort Univ 7 (1773). A 1:328 d. Ab 261. Da 6. A. EUMILIS Michx, Fl Bor Am 1:99. B 2:447. A. LATIPOLIA L, Sp PI 119. B 1:214. 2:447. Z 2:22:.-». See A. coccinea for the Cal plant. AZSTMOBROMA T, Am Lye NY 8:51 t 1 (1867). Fls covering upper surface of a di- lated concave receptacle: sep about 10, filiform, plumose: cor lobes and sta 6-10. A. SONOBAE T, Ann Lye NY 8:51 t 1. B 1:464. Rt of thick tortuous fibres: sts simple, elongated, beset with lanceolate acute mostly appressed scales, summit dialted into a funnelform receptacle, with re- curved or spreading margins; the whole cavity densely lined with sh-pedicelled fls: cor about 4" Ig: ova about 20-celled. Sonora. Baja. Very abundant in the desert sandhills bordering the Gulf of Cal, the whole plant except the top bur- ied in the sand. Eaten by the Papago Indians after roasting or drying in the sun, when cooked luscious, resembling the sweet potato, only more delicate. CD bordering the Gulf in Baja and Sonora. AMMODIA Xutt, Am phil sc tr sr 2, 7: 321 (1841).=:Chrysopsis fide IK. A. OBEGAHA Xutt. B 1:309 as Chrysop- sis Oregana G. A3SOBPHA L, Gen ed 1, 229 (1737). A 1:309 d. A. CALIPQBNICA Nutt, T & G Fl 1:306. A 1:309 d. B 1:140. Ab 221. Da 5. Par 320. Hall, U 88. Holzinger. Erythea 1:131-2. Greene. Erythea 1:132-3. A. hispidula Greene Fl F 214 (1891). A. PBTTTICOSA L. Sp PI 713. Torr. bot Bex bound 53. Holzinger, Erythea 1: 131. Greene Erythea 1:132-3. B 1:140 refers Cal plants to A. Californica, Hol- zinger seeks to show this extends from Atlantic states to Ariz, Mex, SD, etc. A. HISPID UZ.A Greene, Fl Fr 214 (1891); Erythea 1:132-3. A 1:300 as A. californlca. A. TEXANA Buck! Phil ac pr 1861:452, M 1:30.-A. laevigata fide IK. AMPHIACK7BIS Nutt, Am phil sc tr sr 2, 7:313 (1841). A. PBEMOITTII G 7:633 (1873). B 1:303. AMPE1APAPPUS T & G, Bost sc sr 1: 210 (1S44); Bost J nat hist 5:107 (1847). =Amphiachyris fide IK. 464 A. PBEMOITTII T & G, Bost J 5:108. B 1:303 as Amphiachyris f. AMFHABIDIUM Schimp B 2:376 as Zygodon. AMSINCKIA Lehm, Del Sem Hort Hamb 7 (1831), A 1:207 d. B 1:523. Par 132. A. DOUGLASIANA A DC, Prodr 10:118. =A. spectabilis fide B 1:524. A. ECHINATA G 10:54. B 1:524. A 1: 207 d. Nutlets beset with prickly projec- tions. Mohave region (Cooper). A. GBANDIPX.OBA Kleeberger. B 1:525 as A. vernicosa var. grandiflora G. A 1: -107 d. Nutlets smooth and polished, Anti- och, CaL A. INTERMEDIA F & M, Ind Sem H P 2:26 (1836). A 1:207 d. B 1:524. Ab 335. Br 1:215, Rosa. Greene, Cal ac 15 2:407, Cruz. Xutlets much incurved, carinate dor- sally; cor under % i long. ,Fls chrome y' with orange spots at base of the divisions of the cor. Cruz, Baja. British Columbia to Quintin! Cruz; Cat; Rosa. A. LYCOPSOIDES Lehm, Del Sem Hort Hamb 7 (1831). Greene, Cal ac b 2:407, Cruz. B 1:524. P 1:91 Mig. Z 2:365. Da 12. Ab 335. A 1:207 d. Nutlets brown or blackish, muricu- late and rugose, minute. Br Zoe 1:114. Cat. Da 12. A. SPECTABILIS F & M, Ind Sem H P 2:26 (1836). A 1:207 d. Ab 335. B 1: 524. Da 12. Par 133. Nutlets somewhat flattened laterally, reticulate-rugulose, granulate. Parish, Zoe 5:117, recognizes only this species in So Cal. Plumas Co to Quintin. F. & M, Sem Petrop 2:26 (1835). Parish, Zoe 5:117, recognizes only this species in So Cal. Plumas Co to Quintin! Hall U 108. Type locality: not given. Coville. CNH 4:166, near SBer. A. TESSELLATA G 10:54. A 1:207 d. B 1:524. Xutlets much flattened on back, with coarse granulations. Contra Costa range to Baja mts! Utah; Xevada; Cat. A. VEBNICOSA H & A, hf>t Beech 370. B 1:525. Variety GBATTDIFZiOBA G, B 1:525. See A. grandiflora. AMSONIA Walt, Fl Car 98 (1788). B 2: 4«2. A. ESSVIFOLIA G 12:64. Utah, Ariz. B 2:462. Mohave (Parish 1332). AN-ACAL-STPTA Roehl. B 2:360 as Pot- tia. A. STABXEANA Hedw. B 2:362 as Pot- tarkeana. A2TACHABIS Richard, Mem Inst 2:92 (ISm.-Elodea fide IK. B 2:129. A. CACTAJDERSIS Planch. Ann sci nat sr 3, 11:75 (1849). B 2:129. = E. cana- densis fide IK. AI7AGALLIS L, Syst ed 1 (1735). A 1: 377 d. 465 A. ARVENSIS L, Sp PI 148. Eu. Asia, A 1:377 d. Ab 300. B 1:469. Par 130. Da 11. Z 1:123. 2:364. A2TANTHERIX Nutt, Gen Am 1:169 U818).rrAsclepiadora fide IK. B 1:477 as Gomphocarpus. ANAFHAXiIS DC, Prodr 6:271 (1837). B 1:340. A. MARGABITACEA BENTH & Hook Gen 2:303. B 1:341. Par 104. A. OCCIDENTAI.IS M 1:46 based on A. margaritacea var. occldentalis Greene, Fl Fr 399 (1897). A. SIEBSAE. M 1:147. A. SUBALFINA. M 1:147. ANCISTROCARPHUS G 7:355. =Micro- pus. A. FIX.AGXNEUS G 7:356. B 1:337 as Stylocline filaginea. ANDRACA. A. MACOUNII. Z 1:94 (Moss.). ANDROMEDA L, Syst ed 1 (1735). ANDROMEDA ABBOBEA Linnaeus. See Oxydendrum arboreum. A. BRACTEOSA DC Prodr 7:607. B 1: 453 as Arctostaphylos tomentosa. ANDROMEDA ' ' CALIFORNIC A. pkt. lOc. A. CUFRESSINA Hook, Fl Bor Am Bone Vefr Ins B l:45B6°af'Calsl?pe M. f> 3-81 DC, Prodr 7:607. B 1: 453 as Arctostophylos pungens. Andropoffon L, Sp PI ed 1 1045 (1753). Slender or rather coarse per with solid culms: Spikelets heterogamous, in pairs at each joint of the articulate and com hairy rachis, one of each pair sessile, hermaphrodite and 1-fld, the other pedicellate and stam or rudi- mentary: glumes of fertile spikelet 4, the first coriaceous, flattened on the lanlr with a sstrnne- nprvp nf>ar Pnph mareiiTand u A IAQ AIL- f. GORMANI. P 4:149. Alk •"•• PIETETORUM. P 4:149. UO1O. A. SEFTENTRIONALIS L, Sp PI 142. B 1:468. 2:462. Parry, PI Wyo 7. P 4:149, \™- ( Not believed by Greene to exist in Am ( P 44:150). ANDRoWEPHIUM T, bot Mex bound _ Culms erect. 4-6 dm hi, smooth,' sim- ple below, much branched above, upper nodes of branches barbed; sheaths com- pressed, glab or pubescent; Ivs 2-4 mm wide, scarbrous, long acuminate, nearly equaling the culms, those of the culms 15-45 mm Ig; branches elongated, form- ing a compact terminal infl; spikes in tah *o 2:157. Utah. Ft Mohave, a »,TTftT .«,,„,.. m K^t T\/T^^ K^nn^ 91 Q £. VIOLACEUM T, bot Mex bound , -^ -±-L-i£ip. ^e^, ^ans- n. ... ,„ 1 -,.-,oft ANEaHA Nutt Ann nat h ist sr 1_ 1.136. =Houttuyma fide IK. B 2.78, as An- T h «t« Qnr=> Wind flower. Per herbs, the StS and radical Ivs from a horizontal rtstock; caullne Ivs ^0 except an iny .whorl of 3, com distant from the solitary or um- bellate fls: sep 5 or more, petaloid, im- bricate: pet 0: sta num: ak num, merely :5 not L. B 1:3 A! BOLDF.HSIS Hook,' Fl Bor Am 1:15. B 2:424 as A. Drummondii. A. DEIiTOIDEA Hook, Fl Bor Am 1:6 t 3 f A. B 1:4. 2^*2.4-w B 2.424 A. DRUM ^a c^ ac b 1:5. P Vr,o 1 -q«4 "R 1-4 ai:4- 2: T^otT- 14-^4^ t P etr 1- 1.5 43 t hairs; outer glume about 3 mm Ig; awn „ u-Ji-VT « /-.-,« , 12-18 mm Ig. scabrous; pedicelled f-. PUSIMA Gaertn spikelet reduced to a single scale or 0. *9 J. L 8aT^ A. MACBOURUS Michx, Fl Bor Am 1:56. 4 McClatchie, Erythea 2:77, Gabriel mts. A. QUINQUEFOLIA 1^ Sp PI 541. Par 20 Ab 20 as A. glomeratus. t— A. nemorosa fide IK. A. SACCEAROIDES Swartz, Prodr Veg A. PATENS. Ind occ 26. Da 20, Erythea 2:30, Cat. Variety ROSEA Cockerell W 5:5. Ab 21. Baja! Colo. Kans. Variety NTJTTAI.I.IANA G Cockerell. W Culms erect, 4-10 dm hi, simple or 5:5. branched, glab, the nodes pubescent ANECIO. . P 4:103. 467 ANEMOPSIS Hook. Am nat hist 1:136. — Houttuynia fide IK. B 2:77. Sts nodose scape-like, stoloniferous from aromatic creeping rtstocks: Ivs mostly radical, minutely punctate: fls in a compact spike surrounded at base by a persistent colored inv of 5-8 bracts; each fl except the lowest also surround- ed by a sm colored bract: sta 6-8: ova sunk in the rachis of the spike, 1-celled; stig 3-4: cap dehiscent at apex. Yerba Manse A. BOIiANDERX C DC, Linnaea 37:333. Cal. B 2:78 as probably A. Calif ornica. A. CALIFORNICA Hook & Arn, bot Beech 390 t 92. Par 78 t. B 2:78, 483. Da 16. Ab 96. W 10:135. Cov 192. Er 2:3'-', notes medicinal values. St 15-50 cm Ig. with a broadly ovate clasping If above the middle and a fas- cicle of 1-3 sm petioled Ivs in axil; basal Ivs elliptic-oblong, rounded above, more or less narrowed toward the cordate base, cm Ig, on petioles 10-20 cm Ig; spikes 1.5-4 cm Ig; inv bracts w, often r'ish beneath, oblong, 1-3 cm Ig; fl-bracts w, obovate, unguiculate, 5-6 mm Ig; ovules 6-10 on each placentia. Anemia Californica Nuttall, Ann Nat Hist 1:136 (1838). Type locality: "springy bogs and open marshes by streams around SBar and SD." ANETHUM. A. GRATE QUESTS. Parish Z 1:10. "ap- parently established in LA. (H. E. Hasse).*" ANGELICA L. Syst ed 1 (1735). A 1: 27^ d. B l:2l A. BSEWERI G 7:348. B 1:265. Z 2:163. A. CAZ.IPORNICA Jepson, Er 1:8. A. HENDERSON!. Z 2:354. A. X.IKEARII.OBA G 7:347. B 1:266. A. TOMJ2NTOSA Wat, Am ac pr 11:141. B 1 :265. Er 1:8. A 1:274 d. Jepson Erythea 1:8. Hall, U 98. Mendocino Co. to SBer mts (Parish). A. WHEEIaERX Wat, Am nat 7:301. Z 2*229 AKTCSEIA Choisy, Mem sc Genev 6:481 (1833). — Ipomaea fide IK. A. AU3EA X 5: 83. = I. aurea K in herb, fide Curran. Cal ac b 1:143. A. AZURE A, K 5:89. Curran, Cal ae b i:143, says "it agrees very well with the description of Jacquemontia tamnifolia. Dr. Gray refers it to J. abutiloides Benth." AMTSOCABPUS Xutt, Am phil sc tr sr !, 7:388 (1841). = Madia fide IK. A. BOI.ANDERI G 7:360. B 1:359 as ia B : Baja ARoGLOSSUM F Gray Nat Arr Britt PI 2:292 (1821). = Plantago fide IK. ARNOGLOSSUM Raf. Fl Lud 64 (1817). A. PLANTAGINEUM Raf. P 3:183 as Mesadenia plantaginea Raf. AROMIA Nutt. Am Phil sc tr sr 2, 7:395 A. TENUNFOLIA Nutt, 39S. B 1:385 as lSo^lTp?rsS SPyUnSil2U3S9 AROAlNI?OLllyNuU Gen 1:306. B 1:190 as Amelanchier alnifolia. ARRACACIA Bancr in Jam J 4:18 (1826) A. ARGUTA B & H. A 1:271 as Velaea arguta A. VESTITA Wat. A 1:271 as Velaea vestita ARRKEKANTHERUM Beauv Agrost 55 Less in Linnaea 6=210. : Matrlcarla discoidea fide B I M*rtttWttB*WAtA M 1-11R A' SnavSrMA^IP^ Nov Suec ed 1 £, fJWY33^ i in? ' " °° SsAnirV^ APTTVA nr Pmrir fi-114 A. ^ACHYSTACH^ DC^ Pro ARTEMISIA PALMERI A. Gray. J^nul' vSleV SD Co (Palmer) ; Baja. ARTEMISIA PAKISHH .A, Gray. G 17:220. Da 10. A 1.2o Parish, Zoe 5:120.— "Cajon Pass is er- r<>r. only at Newhall." Interior of LA Co (Parish). Baja. A- FATTERSONI M 1:118 s. A. FOTENTILLOIDES G 6:551. = acetum p. M 1:<. B 1 02. A. FYCNOCEFHA1A D Genus ARTEMISIA Ltn,ae«9. L. syst ed 1 (1735). A. ABROTANOIDES Nutt, Am Phil sc tr sr 2. 7:399. B 1: 403 as A. Californica. A. ARBTTSCUIiA Nutt, Am Phil sc tr sr 2, 7:398. B 1:405. A. ARCTICA Less in Linnaea 6:213. B 1:403 as A. Norvegica. ARTEMISIA BIENNIS Willd. Willd Phyt 11 n 39. Sib. Da 10. Z 1:303. A 1:249 d. Abrams, Fl LA 4J7. LA. ARTEMISIA CALIFORNICA Less. Less, Linnaea 6:523 (1831). Coville, CNH 4:137. SBer mts. Greene, Cal ac b 2:404. Cruz. Br 1:213, Rosa. Par 383. P 1:90 Mig; 205, Cedros. Da 10. B 3:403. Ab 437. A l:249d. Type locality: "in California," near SF S F; Las Huevitas, Bta>ja (Br); Guad; Re<=a; Cruz. DC 6:99. Sib. T (Fl Dan t b?t Kin'g^isO t 19. B 1:404. ARTEMISIA TRIDENTATA Nutt. Am phil sc tr sr 2, 7:398. Da 10. B 1:405. Z 2:102. A 1:250 d. Par 384. Br, Colo 229. Ha 124. Cov 138. Variety ANGUSTIFOIiIA G 19:49. A 1:251 d. ARTEMISIA TRIFIDA Nutt. Am Phil sc tr sr 2, 7:398. B 1:405. Da 10. ARTEMISIA VULGARIS Linn. L, sp pi 848, B 1:403. Br Z 1:114 Cat. Par 383. Variety CALIFORNICA Besser. Da 10. Ab 437 as A. heterophylla. A 1:250 s. ARTHROCNEMUM Moq, Chen Enum 111. A. AMBIGUUM Moq, 112. B 2:57 as Salicornia ambigua. A. FRUTICOSUM Moq 111. : Sail- 485 ia fruticosa. Variety CALIFOENICUM Moq, DC 12 151. B 2:57 as S. A. Variety AMBIGUA G Man 410. B 2:57 as S. a. A. MACROSTACHYUM Bunge, Salic H7. (Of T. bot Mex bound — Salicornia occi- dentalis fide B 2:58.) ABTJNCUS L, Syst ed 2 (1735). A. SYLVESTER Kostel, Ind H Prag 15. Spiraea Aruncus. B 2:443. ABUNDO L, Gen ed 1, 19 (1737). A. CANADENSIS Mich. Fl 1:73. B as Calamagrostis canadensis Beauv. A. DOITAX L, sp pi 81. Z 2:26. Ab 44. Da 19; Er 1:101. .it-reed. A tall reed-like grass with hollow cu, broad flat Ivs and ample terminal panicles. Introduced from southern Eu and cult for ornament, sometimes found as an escape. A. PHRAGMITES L, sp pi 81. — Phragmites communis Trin fide B ! ASAGRAEA Baill, Adansonia 9:232 (IS" A. SPINOSA Baill 232. A 1:379, et B 1:143, as Dalea spinosa. ASABUM L. Syst ed 1 (1735). A. CAT7DATTJM Lindl, bot reg sub t 1399. B 2:102. Par 316 t. A. HABTWEGX Wat 10:346 (1875). B 2:101. Par 318. Z 2:166. A. HOOKERI Field & Gardn, Sert t 32. = A. caudatum fide B 2:102. A. L EM MO IT I Wat 14:294 (1879). B 2: 102. Genus ASCL.EPIAS Linnaeus. L. Gen ed 1, 64 (1737). A 1:200 d. A. ACORNUTUM K 1:54. =Gomphocar- pus cordifolius Benth fide Cur 1:142. ASCLEPIAS ALBICANS S. Watson. A. ARENICOLA Nash, Torr cl b 23:252. P 3:235 as Oxypteryx arenicola. A. BBACHYSTEPHANA E, bot Mex bound 163. Z 2:249. A. CALIFORNICA Greene, Er 1:92. Ha HVj; bot gaz 31:389. Gomphocarpus to- mentosus G. A. CBYPTOCEBAS Wat, bot king 283 t 28. B 1:476. Z 2:232. A. DOUGLASII Hook Fl 2:53 t 97. = speciosa fide B 1:475. A. ECORNUTUM K ex G Syn Fl 2(1): 100. = Gomphocarpus cordifolius fide B ASCLEPIAS ERIOCARPA Benth. PI Hartw 323. A 1:200 d. Ha 103. Baja! Da 11. Ab 307. B 1:476, 620. CT. Pac Ry R 4:128 = A. vestita fide B 1: 476). Coville. CNH 4:149. Abrams, Fl LA 307. — "Frequent on dry mesas and in the foothills, also oc- casionally in the pine belt of the San Gabriel mts." Type locality: "in collibus siccis juxta praedium Tularcitos in vicinibus Monterey, Cal." ASCLEPIAS EROSA Torr. T. hot Mex bound 162. Cov 149. Baja mts! B 2:463. Variety MOHAVENSIS Cajon Pass, SBer! A. FASCICULARIS Decne, DC 8:509. = 486 A. Mexicana. A 1:201 s. 463. Da 11. A. FBZMO17TI T, Pac Ry R 6:87. B 2 :463. A. J A MESH T, bot Mex bound 162. Greene. Er 1:22. A. LEUCOPHYI.I.A E, Am nat 9:348 (1875). B 1:476, 620. 2:463. A. LINDHEIMERI E, PI Lindh 250. — longicornu. P 3:236 as Podostemma L. A. LONGICORNIS K 1:65. = A. speci- esa T fide Cur 1:142. A. LONGICORNU Benth, PI Hartw 24. P 3:236 as Podostemma 1. A. MACROPHYLLA Nutt, Gam 180. = A. Mexicana. B 1:476. ASCLEPIAS MEXICANA Cav. Ic 1:42 t 58. Par 316 t. A 201 d. B 2:463. Ab 307. Abrams, PI LA 307. — Frequent on the mesas and in the foothills. Cav. Ic PI 1:42 (1791). Type locality: "prope Mexico." Coville, CNH 4:149. Hall. U 103. Asclepias fascicularis Decaisne, of Bot Cal. Ha U 103. Oregon to Baja! Nevada. A. NYCTAGINIFOLIA G 12:69. B 2: 463. P 3:237 as Podostemma n. A. PEDICELLATA Walt Fl Carol 106. — Podostigma pubescens. P 3:207 s. A. SPECIOSA T, Ann Lye NY 2:218 (1828). Par 318. Greene Er 1:22. Cov 149. B 1:475. Z 2:165. A. STENGPHYIiXiA G 12:72. Z 2:249. ASCLEPIAS SUBULATA Decsne. DC 8:571. "Jumete," a powerful poison. B 1:475. A. SYBIACA L, sp pi ed 2, 214. Greene, Er 1:22. ASCLEPIAS VESTITA H. & A. H & A, bot Beech 363. B 1:476. A. VIRIDIS Walt, Fl Carol 107. = Ast- clepiodora viridis. P 3:207 s. A. WRIGHTII G 16:102. = A. nycta- ginifolia. P 3:236 as Podostemma Lindheimeri. A3COMYCES. A. DEFOBMANS Harkness, Z 1:87 (fungus noted on AEsculus Calif orni- cus, etc.). ASPABAGUS L. Syst ed 1 (1735). A. OFFICINALIS L, sp pi 313. Eu. Sib. Ab 92. Genus ASPIDILM Swart*. ASPIDIUM ARGTJTUM Eaton. A. FILIX-MAS Br, Colo 228. Enum 326. Da 20. Greene Cal ac b 2: 415, Cruz. ASPIDIUM MUNITUM Kaulf. A. BIGIDUM Variety ARGUTT7M. Da 20. Genus ASPLJENIUM Linnaeus. A. BLEPHABODES. Z 1:197. . .. ASPLENIUM F1LIX-FOEMINA Bernh. Z 1:293. B 2: 4, 5, 129, 389, 344. ASPLENIUM TRICHOMANES Linn, B 2:344. ASPLENIUMVBSPERTINUM Maxon. Maxon, Torr cl b 27:197 (1900). Southern and Baja Cal. Formerly referred to A, trichomanes incisum. Feather fern. 487 ASTEPHANUS UTAHENSIS Engelm. Genns ASTER Linnaeus. L, Syst ed 1 (1735). Leafy stemmed autumnal per or rarely an herbs with alt Ivs and pan- icled or somewhat corymbose hds. Inv hemispheric to campanulate, its bracts imbricated in several sr, tips herbac- eous. Ray fls many, com bluish or pinkish, pist. Disk fls perfect, y changing to red-p; cor-tube slender; limb funnelform. Sty-branches flatten- ed, their appendages subulate, lanceo- late or ovate, acute, pap bristles slen- der, num, scabrous, com in 1 sr dull w ASTER ADSCENDENS Lindl Lindl DC 5:231. B 1:324. McClatchie, 488 A. ELEGANS T & G Fl 2:159. P 5:54 as Eucephalius elegans Nutt. A-^OUGLASII Lindl, DC 5:239. B 1:324 - DURANDII Nutt (Pac Ry R 5:8). A B 1:234 s B 1 A. ADSUBGENS P 4:216. A- AESTIVUS G, Man ed 5:233. o!4. A. ALPIGENUS G 8:389. = A. pulchel- lus. B 1:325. P 3:147. 4:224 as Oreos- temma a. A. AMYDALINUS Lam Encyc 1:305. - A. umbellatus. P 3:52 as Doellingeria amygdalina. ASTER ANDERSONI A. Gray. G 7:352. Ha 125, Jac, thruout the Sierra Nevadas. Cov 125. P 3:147 as Oreas- trum Andersonii. P 4:224 as Oreos- temma Andersonii. B 1:325 i>-455 Erigeron Andersonii G. Type localities: "Nev, near Carson City, and "Lake Tenaga, in the Sierra Nevada." A. ABMEBIAEFOX«ITTS P 4 "21 4 A. ASOE A 1:195 s. A. AUGUSTUS T & G Fl 2:162. B 1: A. BIENNIS Nutt Gen 2:155. zr A. can- escens. B 1:322 s. A. BIGELOVII G, Pac Ry R 4:97 t 10 P 3:63 as Machaeranthera B. NM A. BLOOMERI G 6:539. = campestris. Jo 1 '.323. A. BOT.TO3STIAE. P 3:248. A. BRICKELLOIDEP. P 2:16 based on Eericocarpus tomentellus. P 1:283- 3-55 as Eucephalus tomentellus (excl var. glabratus). A. CALIFORNICUS Less in Linnaea 6- 33. = Erigeron glaucus. B 1:331 s ASTER CANESCENS Pursh. Fl 2:547. B 1:322. P 3:59 as Machaer- anthera c. Baja! CD! Brit Col. Cal Ar British Columbia; Baja! CD! Variety TEPHRODES A. Gray. Aster incanus A. Gray. Bot Cal 1:322 So Cal; Arizona; N M. ASTER CHAMISSONIS A. Gray G. Wilkes exp 341. Par 338 t. Da 8 B 1:324. Z 2:359. L A (Parish 564); Oregon. A. CHILENSIS Nees, Gen et Sp Aster 123. = Chamissonis. B 1:324 s. A. CONSPXCUUS Lindl, DC 5:230. Par- ry, Wyo 18. B 1:323 A. COMMUTATUS. P 4 '21 7 A. DIVARICATUS T & G Fl 2 '163 = A. DXVABICATUS T & G Fl 2:163.= exilis. (Spreng, syst 3:529=umbellatus) (Raf ex DC 5:241 = B 1:325: 2:455. A. DICTICHOPHTIiIiUS P 4:213 P 4:223. A 1:58 fdr. ASTER EXILIS Linn. Ell sketch 2:344. Da 8 Ab 402 St erect, 6-12 dm hi, rather stout be- low, paniculately branched above into num slender branches; lower Ivs lanceo- late, the upper linear, mostly entire; hds sm, num, about 6 mm hi, nar; bracts of the inv linear-subulate; rays 15-40 bluish-p or pinkish. CD! Tex A. EXSUL Lindl Swan inv pi app 24 P 4:221. = Olearia rudis fide IK. A.FILAGINIFOLIUS H & A bot Beech 146. = Corethrogyne ^laginifolia. B 1: ASTER FOLIACEUS Lindl. divergens) fide IK, ASTER FR'EMONTII A. Gray. G, Syn Fl 1 (2):191. (A. adscendens var. Fremontii T & G Fl 2:503). Variety PARISHII A. Gray. G, Syn Fl 1 (2):192.— "A dubius form (connecting with A. occidentalis Nutt?). with more imbricated and acute inv bracts, their margins ciliolate." Bear (Parish). Ha 125. McClatchie, Er 2:125, Gabriel mts. Bear (Parish). Syn Fl 1:192. A. FRONDOSUS T & G Fl 2:165 B 1 • 326 s. A. FRUTESCENS Wat 24:55. P 3:48 as Xylorrhiza frutescens. Baja. A. FUIiCRATTJS P 4:217. A. GLAUCUS T & G Fl 2:159. P 3:56 parte = adscendens fide IK. B 1:324 A. OMiTrriMrGSTTS Cav Ic 2:53. B 1:303 s. A. GLABRIUSCULUS T & G Fl 2:159. P 3:47 as Xylorrhiza glabriuscula Nutt. A. GT.ASTIFOLIUS P 4:218. A. GLANCUS T & G Fl 2:159. P 3:5« as Eucephalus glaucus Nutt. ASTER GREATAE Parrish. A 1:196 d. Ab 402. A. GBXNDEI.XOXDES. . A 1:194 s. A. HAYDENI Porter, Hayd Geol R 1871, 485. P 4:224 as Oreostemma H. = pul- chellus fide IK. ASTER HESPERIUS A. Gray. A 1:196 d. Da 8. Ab 402. P 4:224. A. INCANUS G, B 1:322. P 3:62 s. A. INFIRMUS Michx Fl 2:109 (1803). P 3:52 as Doellingeria inflrma. A. XNTEGBXFOX.XTTS Nutt. Parry, Wyo 18. B 1:324. A. LAEVIS L. sp pi 876. Variety SIMPLEX Cockerell W 6:10. A. X.AXXFX.ORUS. B 1:614 s. A. LAETEVIBENS. P 4:219. A. T.IM01TTIFOLIUS. P 4:222. A. LIMOSUS. P 4:222. A. MAJTTSCULUS. P 4:215. ASTER MENZIESII Lindl. DC 5:243. P 4:223. A 1:196 d. Ab 401. B 1:323. A. NEZ.SONII. P 4:219. A. mBv A 1:195 489 ASTER NODULINUS A. Gray. Santa Cruz Island (Greene). A. OBEGANUS T & G Fl 2:163. B 1:325 s. A. ORCUTTII Rose, bot gaz 16:113 t 11 (1891). CD. A 1:58 fdr, s. P 3:48 as Xylorrhiza O. A. OXYLEPIS. P 4:223. A. FAMTCULATUS Lam Encyc 1:306. ASTER PARVIFLORUS A. Gray. P 4:224. B 1:322. P 3:59 as Machaeran- thera parviflora. Colorado Desert (Parish). A. PABISHII. A 1:195 s. A. FITYFHYLI.US. A 1:195 s. A. FRATINCOLA. p 4:215. A. FBOXIMUS. P 4:220. A. ptarmicoides Z 1:62. A. PULCHELLUS Eaton, bot king 143 t 16. Parry, Wyo, 17. B 1:325. P 4:224 asOreastemma Haydeni. A. BABUIaA Ait Hort Kew ed 1, 3:210. B 1:323, 324 s. A. BADULIKTTS G 8:388. Greene, Cal ac b 2:401. Cruz. B 1:323. A. SALSUGi^OSUS. Par 338 s. B 1:325. A. SHASTEXSI3 G, B 1:322, 2:455. P 3:61 as Machaeranthera S. A. SPECTABILIS Ait Hort Kew ed 1, 3: 209. B 1:324 s. ASTER SPINOSUS Benth. Bth 20. B 1:614. P 2:244 as Leucostyris spinosa. So Cal; CD; Baja! Texas. A. SFITHAMOEUS P 4:217. A. TANACETIFOLIUS HBK, Nov Gen sp 4:95. B 1:322. P 3:58, S. A. TENUE K 7:114, "is perhaps A. ex- ilis" (Curran 1:139). B 2:455 S. A. TOMENTELLUS H & A bot Beech 146. B 1:321 S. Corethrogyne filaginifolia fide IK. A. TORTIFOLIUS G 7:353. B 1:323. P 3:48 S. A. VALLICOLA P 4:221. A. VENUSTU3. Z 2:247. M 1:8 s. P 3:47 s. A. VIOLACEUS P 4:213. A. WRIGHTII G, PI Wright 2:75. B 1:323. Z 2:247. 230. P 3:47 s. A. UMBEKLATUS Mill Diet 1768? Ait Kew 3:199 (1789)? P 3:52 as Doellingeria umbellata. A. XYLORHIZA T & G Fl 2:158. P 3:47 s. Xylorhiza villosa Nutt, fide Parry. PI Wyo 4. A. CORNIFOLIUS Muhl in Willd Sp 3: 2039 (1803). P 3:63 as Doellingeria in- firma. A. ENGELMANNI G, Syn Fl 199 (1884). P 3:54 as Bucephalus E ("at least in large part"). A. ERYNGIIFOLIUS T & G Fl 2:506. P 3:49 as Heleastrum Chapmanii. A. INORNATUS Greene, Er 3:119 (1895). P 3:62 as Machaeranthera inornata. A. LEUCANTHEMIFOLJUS Greene, Er 3:119. P 3:61 as Machaeranthera leu- canthemifolia. A. LINARIIFOLJUS L, sp pi 874 (1753). P 3:245 as lonactis linariifolia. Wise. Tex. A. MOHAVENSIS Cov 126. P 3:48 as 490 Xylorrhiza tortifolia. A. NEMORALIS Ait Kew 3:198 (1789). P 3:53, 57 as Eucephalus n. Newfound- land; N. J. A. NERVOSUS Mill. ? P 3:52 as Doellin- geria umbellata. A. OBOVATUS Ell Sk 2:368 (1824). P 3:53 as Doellingeria reticulata. A. OXYFHYIiLUS P 3:103. Colo. A. PALUDOSUS Ait Kew 3:201 (1789). P 3:50 as Heleastrum paludosum DC 5: 264. A. PARRYI G, Am nat 8:212 (1874). P 3: 47 as Xylorrhiza Parryi. Wyo, Ut. A, PATTERSONII G 13:272 (1878). P 1: 63 as Machaeranthera P. A. PAUCICAPITATUS Rob. Am ac pr 29:329. P 3:56 as Eucephalus p. Wash. A. FTABMICOIDES P 3:53. Chryso- psis alba Nutt. A. RETICULATUS Pursh Fl 2:548 (1814). P 3:53 as Doellingeria reticu- lata. A. SCOPULORUM G 16:98 (1880). P 3:245 as lonactis alpina. A. SPINULOSUS Chapm Fl 199 (1860). P 3:50 as Heleastrum spinulosum. Fla. A. STENAMERES G, 17:209 (1882). P 3:246 as lonactis S. Genus ASTRAGALUS Tournefort. L, Gen ed 1, 215 (1737). Ann or per herb or sometimes woody at base, with unequally pinnate Ivs, persistant stipules, and rather sm fls arranged in axy spk or racemes: ex 5- toothed: pet with nar blade and slender claw: keel obtuse: sta diadelphous: stig terminal, minute: pod various, coriaceous and turgid, or thin and bladdery-inflated, 1-celled, or becoming 2-celled by intrusion of one or both sutures: sds few to many, sm, on slen- der funiculi. Rattle-weed, loco-weed. A. ACUTIBGSTBIS Wat 20:360. "Ann, slender, resembling A. Nuttal- lianus: Ifts 5 or 6 pairs, retuse, 2 or 3" Ig: racemes much exceeding the Ivs in fr: ex a line Ig, the slender teeth about equalling the turbinate tube; cor w'ish, 2" Ig, the keel with an acute oft as- cending beak: pods (1-5) scattered on the rhachis, like those of A. Nuttalli- anus, but the ventral suture nearly straight, 8" Ig. Near Brown's Ranch, Mohave Desert, by Parish Brothers, May, 1882, and on dry rocks above the Calico Mines, near Fort Mohave, by J. G. Lemmon, May, 1884. Closely allied to A. nothoxys. G but with much sm'er fls and ex." — Wat 20:360. A. AZ.BENS Greene, Cal ac b 1:156. "W thruout with a sh, appressed, silky pubescence: branches spreading, less than 1° Ig, from a per rt: Ifts in about 4 pairs, obovate, obtuse, 3-5" Ig: raceme few-fld: pedicels very sh: ex- teeth subulate, equaling the tube: cor 4" Ig, p: pod oblg, slightly compressed, falcate-incurved, silky pubescent. Mo- have Desert, My, 1882, S. B and W. F Parish, No. 1274. Perhaps nearest A. Cobrensis, but that is a green and glab- rous, considerably sm'er plant with straight pods." — Greene, Cal ac b 1:156. A. ALFINTJS L,, Sp PI 1:760. Parry, PI Wyo 14. 491 492 A. AMPUIiIiABIUS Wat Am nat 7:300 Wyo 5, 6. P 3-211 s (1873). B 1:149. A. CAMPYLOPHYLLUS P 3:195 A.AJTDERSONII G, 6:524. B 1:151. A. CANADENSIS L Sp PI 757 A. ANEMOPHILUS Greene, Cal ac b Variety MORTONI Wat Bot King 69 B 1:186. P 1:33; 2:24. 1:155 as A. Mortoni Nutt Synonyms: Phaca vestita Bth (fide A. CABYOCABFTTS Ker- Gawl, Bot Reff P 1:33). Phaca candidissima Bth t 176. Cockerell, W 5-11 ("very probably" fide P 2:24). Astra- A. CANDIDISSIMUS Wat bib ind 191 galus Miguelensis P 1:33 (fide P 2:24). (1878), based on Phaca candidissima A. candidissimus Wat, bib ind 191 not Bth. Greene, P 1:162 notes name is of Ledebour, Fl Alt 3:309). A. Magda- preoccupied by Ledecour, Fl Alt 3:309 lenae P 1:162. (1829) and proposes the name A Maff- ASTRAGALUS ALBATUS Sheldon. dalenae. ASTRAGALUS ANTISELLI A. Gray. A- CASE1 G, B 1:154. Nev. G, B 1:152. Ab 222. Da 5, Cat. A 1 : A- CATATINENSIS Nutt, Gam 152. B 379 d 1:146 as A. didymocarpus. A. ABGILLOSUS Z 2 '241 ASTRAGALUS CIRCUMDATUS Ge. A. ABIDUS G 6:223 (1864). B 1:147. p 1:173. A 1:37 fdr. Silvery silky-canescent, like A. Coul- A- CLEVELANDI Jepson, Er 1:10. Lake teri; Ifts oblg, 3-4" Ig: peduncles sh'er 4°- ^a*- than Ivs, spicately 5-8-fld: cor barely ASTRAGLUS COCCINEUS Parry, twice as Ig- as ex, hardly over 2" Ig, Br, Z 2:72, 122. y'ish-w: pod obliquely ovate, acute, in- A- COI.I.INT73 Dougl, ex Hooker, Fl bor flated, of firm chartaceous texture, %' Am 141. B 2:442. G 6:225. Ig, canescent , 1-celled. Between Rio A- COtTONl Z 2:237. Colorado and SD (Thurber). A- CONFEBTIFLOBUS Z 2:242, 252. A. ABBECTT7S G 8:28 9. B 1:153 (Nev, ASTRAGALUS COULTERI Benth. lit, Idaho). Bth 307. Parish, Z 5:114, "Whitewa- A. ARTHU-SCHOTTII G 6:209. B 1: ter, CD (not Mohave)". B 1:146. 2:442. 147 as A. Coulteri Bth. ASTRAGALUS CROTALARIAE A. Gray. A. ASCIiEFIADOIDES Z 2:238. G 6:216. B 1:149. SF. SD hills, (Cleve- A. ATBATUS Wat, Bot King 69. B 1:155 land). (Nev. L A. CBOTAIiABIAE Torr, bot Mex b 56 A. AUSTXNAE G, B 1:156. t 17 (B 1:149) excl syn as A. oocar- "Pod sessile in and sh'er than the pus». ex, turgid-fls capitate. A span hi, in Variety VIBGATUS G, B 1:149. dense tufts, silvery silky-pubescent: A. CUBTZFES G 3:103. B 1:148. stipules scarious and mostly united into A. CYMATODES P 3:196. one ovate body opp the If: Ifts 9-17, A. CYBTOIDES G 6:201. B 2:442 as A. oblg or oval-lanceolate, acute or mucron- Gibbsii K. ate, 4 or 5" Ig: peduncle (!' or 2' Ig) A. DIAPHANUS Dougl ex Hooker, Fl mostly Ig'er than If, bearing 10 or 12 Bor Am 1:151. A 1:379 as A. lentigi- sessile fls in a close hd: bracts nearly nosus. B 1:147 s. filiform, persistent, nearly equaling the A. DIDYMOCABFUS H & A, bot Beech ex, both w-villous; the filiform teeth of 334 t 81. Greene, Cal ac b 1:154, 2:395, the latter rather Ig'er than the cam- Cruz. Ab 222. Da 5. B 1:146. panulate tube, and nearly equaling the Slender ann, 3 dm hi, pubescent with (pale or w'ish) cor, of which the stand- fine, somewhat scattered hairs; Ifts pubescent: pod turgid-oval, chartaceous, 9-15, cuneate-oblg to linear, emarginate, hoary-pubescent, imperfectly 2-celled, 6-10 mm Ig; spk Ig-peduncled, dense, few-seeded, only 2" Ig, not equaling the ovate or oblg, 2-3 cm Ig: fls 3-5 mm Ig, ard and wings are externally villous- dull p'ish: pods erect, 4 mm Ig, about ex-teeth and the marcescent cor, the as broad, scarcely exserted from ex, transverse section almost circular." — strongly wrinkled, 2-celled, 2-seeded. B 1:156. Marin Co to El Rosario, Baja! Type locality: "Summit of Mount A. DESFEBATUS Z 2:243. Stanford (Castle Peak), Nevada Co A. DIPHYSUS G PI Fendl 34. Br Colo [Cal]. at 9000 ft. Lemmon. 234. B 1:147. A. BICBISTATUS G 19:75. SBer mts. ASTRAGALUS DISPERMUS A. Gray. A. EIGELOVII G, PI Wright 2:42. Br. G 13:365. SD! Baja! M 1:137 as Hes- Colo 234. perastragalus dispermus Heller. A. BISULCATTTS G, Pac Ry R 12:42 t 1. A. DOUGLASII G 6:215. B 1:150. Br Colo 234. Z 2:240. A. ERIOCARPUS Wat, Bot King 71, A. BBAUNTOBTH Ab 223. A 1:379 d. 440. B 1:151. A. BOLAHDEBI G 7:337. B 1:153. A. PASTIDIOSUS Greene, Cal ac b 1: A. BBEWEBI G, Cal ac pr 3:103 (1863). 186. P 1:201, Cedros. B 1:146. A. PILIPES Torr ex G 6:226. Parish, Much like A. tener (perhaps not dis- No 1281. tinct); Ifts broader, oblg-obcordate; A. FILIPES G, B 1:152 r= A. stenophyl- forming pod more ovate, 6-ovuled, and lus T & G. 1-celled or nearly so. Sonoma valley, A. FLAVUS Nutt ex T & G Fl 1:335. common in fields, Brewer. Fr unknown. (Parry, PI Wyo 4,12 — A. Grayi Par- A. CAZ.IFOBNICT7S Greene, Cal ac b 1: ry). Z 2:228, 242, 252. 157 (1885). A. FAETIDUS P 3:211 s. A. CAZ.YCOSUS Torr ex Wat, Bot King A. FREMONTI Torr, Pac Ry R 4:80. = 66. B 1:156. Nev. A. malacus and lentiginosus flde IK. B A. CAMFESTBIS G 6:229. Parry, PI 1:147 as A. lentiginosus var. Fremontii 493 Wat. ASTRAGALUS GAMBELLIANUS Shei. SD! Baja! (distributed as A. didymo- carpus). A. GEYEBI G 6:214. B 1:146. Parry, PI Wyo 3. A. GIBBSII K 2:162. B 2:442, cities A. cyrtoides G as a synonym. Curran, Cal ac b 1:136 — "Probably A. cyrtoides, Gray, but specimen without fr." A. GI.ABEOSU3 Douglas ex Hooker, Fl Bor Am 1:151. Parry. PI Wyo 4. A. GBANDIFLOBUS Wat 17:370.. Z 2: 122. P 3:210 s. A. GBAYI Parry, PI Wyo 12, 22. Z 2: 228. "S Pectinati. Distinguished from A. pectinatus by the broader Ifts, which are 1-1 MJ' lg by l%-2^" broad, quite strongly veined, and by the somewhat thinner pod, ascending instead of de- flexed. The fls are 'light y' — on the gravelly ridge bordering Owl creek valley." — Wat, Parry, PI Wyo 22. Synonym: A. flavus Parry (non Nutt) . A. HAYDENIANUS G in Br, Fl Colo 235. Z 2:240. A. HOOKERIANUS G 6:215. B 1:147. P 3:186 as A. Sonneanus. A. HOOXEBIANUS Dietr Syn 4:1086 (1847). Mex. = A. ervoides fide IK. ASTRAGALUS HORNII A. Gray. G 7:398. B 1:150. Z 1:303. Quintin (Or 1324): Utah; Bakersfield, Cal Glab or minutely pubescent: sts slen- der, ascending: Ifts about 21, nar'ly oblg (4-7" lg) : peduncle surpassing the Ivs: fls num in a dense hd or sh spk, which is equally dense in fr: ex-teeth subu- late, about the length of the campanu- late tube: cor y'ish-w, straightish: pods ovate from a broad base and gradually acuminate, straight, villous-pubescent, 10- 15 -seeded. San Jorge, Baja (Br). Said to be one of the sheep poisons. A. HYPOGLOTTIS L Mont 274. Variety STBIGOSA K 2:115 f 37. B 1: 146 as A. tener. Cur 1:136 as A. tener. A. XWEFTTT3 G 6:525. B 1:147 as A. lentiginosus. A 1:379 s. A. INFLE2IU3 Dougl ex G Don, Gen Syst 2:256. B 1:151. A.raSTJLABIS K Cal ac b 1:6. P 1:201, Cedros (Veatch). A. IODANTHUS Wat, Bot King 70. B 1:154. A. JEJTJNUS Wat Bot King 73, 442. Br, Colo 234. A. JTTOCEUS Nutt. Parry, PI Wyo 4. G 6:230. A. XENTBOPHYTA G, Phila ac pr 60 (1863). B 1:156. Parry, PI Wyo 14, 17. A. LAYlfEAE Greene, Cal ac b 1:156. "Soft-villous thruout: sub-caulescent, less than 1° hi, rather stout; Ifts in 9-11 pairs, obovate, obtuse, %' lg: peduncles stout, 8-10' lg; raceme loose; cor not seen: ex-teeth triangular-subulate, sh: pod nearly 2' lg, acuminate at each end; obcompressed, partially 2-celled, strongly incurved, soft-hairy. Mohave Desert, Parish Brothers, 1882, No. 1273; Mrs. M. K. Layne-Curran, in the same locality, 1884." — Greene. ASTRAGALUS LECTULUS S. Wats. Wat. A 1:38 fdr. 494 A. X.EMMONI G 8:626. B 1:155. A. Z.ENTIFOBMZS G. B 1:156. A. LENTIGINOSUS Dougl ex Hook, Fl Bor Am 1:151. A 1:379 d. B 1:147. Wash to So Cal. Variety FBEMONTH Wat. B 1:147. A 1:379 d. Variety FLORIBUNDTTS G. B 1:147. A 1:379 d. A. LEUCANTHUS Pall, Astr 59 t 47 (1800). P 3:211 as Aragallus leucan- thus. A. I,EUCOFBrZT,I,TTS T & G Fl 1:336. B 1:148. A. LEUCOPSIS Torr, bot Mex B 56 t 16. A 1:381 d. P 1:33, Cruz. Da 5, Ab 223. B 1:149. Par 44 t. Br 1:209. Rosa, Mig. Cruz. Baja! Variety BBACHYPUS P 1:33, 87. Type locality: "Island of San Miguel", Cal. ASTRAGALUS LIMITTJS Sheldon. A. LONCHOCABFUS Torr, Pac Ry R 4:80. Br, Colo 230. A. LOTIFLOBUS Hook, Fl Bor Am 1:152 Parry, PI Wyo 4. A. MACBODON G 6:216. B 1:150. A. MAGDALENAE P 1:162, based on Phaca candidissima Bth. A. MAIiZiACUS G 7:336. B 1:151. CD (Parish 1275). A. MEGACABPTJS G 6:215. B 1:148. A. MENZIESH G 6:217. B 1:150. A. MICEOCYSTIS G 6:220. Parry, PI Wyo 13. A. MIGUELENSIS P 1:33, 87; 2:24 as A. anemophilus. Z 1:135. Type locality: Island of San Miguel, Cal. Br 1:209, Rosa; "probably a variety of A. leucopsis." A. MOLLISSIMUS Torr, in Ann Lye NY 2:178 (1828). Z 1:95. A. MOBTOXI Nutt, Phil ac J 7:19 (1834). B 1:155. A. MOENCOPPENSIS Z 2:12. A. MTTI.TI7Z.OBnS G 6:226 B 1:155 A. NEVINU G. San Clemente Isl. A. XIGRESCENS Nutt, Gamb 152. Cur 1:153. Br 1:202, Cruz. Br, Z 1:113, Cat. Ab 222. B 1:146 as A. didymocarpus. Ann; sts very slender. 1-2 dm hi, slightly pubescent; Ifts as in A. didymocarpus; spk less dense, cylindric, 2 cm lg; pods deflexed. well exserted from ex, slightly wrinkled, strongly obcompressed. A. NTTDUS Wat, Bot King 74, 443. B 1:153. ASTRAGALUS NUTTALLIANUS D C- DC Prodr 2:289. B 1:146. CD! Baja! Tex. Ark. More or less pubescent or hoary with w appressed hairs, soon diffusely branched from base: Ifts 11 or 13, obis or broadly linear and mostly notched at end: ex-teeth, slender and as lg as tube: cor w ish and p, about 3" lg; keel with the inflexed tip nar'd: pod over ^' lg, laterally flattish, slightly scythe- shaped, the incurvation mostly near the base, deeply grooved on the back, acutish on the other edge. 2-celled, sev- eral-seeded; the surface minutely reticu- lated, either glab or with minute ap- pressed hairs. A. OBSCTTRUS Wat, Bot King 69, 437. B 495 1:155; 2:442. ASTRAGALUS OOCARPUS A. Gray. G 6:213. B 1:149. SD mts! Baja! SBer A. OOFHOBUS Wat, Bot King 73, 441. B 1:148. ASTRAGALUS ORCUTTIANUS S. Wata. Wat 20:361 A 1:87 fdr. A. OBOBOIDES Hornem in Fl Dan t 1396. Parry, PI Wyo 12. A. OXYFHYSUS G, Cal ac pr 3:103 (1863). B 1: 148. ASTRAGALUS PARISHII A. Gray. G 19:75. A 1:313 d. Ab 223. Ha 89. A. PAUPEBCULUS P 3:224. Type locality: "dry hillside of the upper Sacramento," Cal. A. FECTINATUS Dougl, Hook Fl Bor Am 1:142. Wat, in Parry, pi Wyo 22. A. FZCTUS G 6:214. Br, Colo 227, Parry, PI Wyo 3. A. PLATYTBOPIS G 6:526. B 1:147. A. FOZTDXI P 1:288. Type locality: San Bartoleme bay, Baja. A. PONECTUS Wat, Bot King 75, 411. B 1:153. A. FBEUSSII G 6:222 CD (Parish). AJPTEBOCABFITS Wat, Bot King 71. B 1:154. A. FUBEH-TISSIMTJS T & G Fl 1:693. B 1:150. A. FUBENTISSIMUS Nutt in T & G Fl 1:693. Parry, PI Wyo 4. A. PULSIFEBAE G 10:69. B 1:150. A. PUNICETJS M 1:140. A. PUBSKII Dougl, ex G Don Gen syst 2:271. B 1:151. Parry, PI Wyo 4. Variety COCCINEUS Parry, W 7:10. Z 1":127 = A. coccineus. ASTRAGALUS PYCNOSTACHYUS G. G «:527. A 1:313. B 1:155. Da 5. Ab 223. A. SABULOSTJS Z 2:239. A. SII.EBAKUS Z 2:242. A. SONGAKICUS Pall, Astr 63 t 51. P 3:211 as AragallusS. A. SONNEANUS P 3:186. ASTRAGALUS SONORAE A. Gray. G. PI Wright 2:44. = A. Arizonicus fide IK. Son (Wright 1850). Baja mts (Or 855). CD! A. SOFKABOIDES Z 2:12. A. SFEIBOCABFUS G 6:225. B 1:15.2. ASTRAGALUS STENOPHYLLUS T.-G. T & G Fl, 1:329. Wash, Baja mts! Synonym: A. filipes G, B 1:152. A. STBEFTOPTJS Greene, Cal ac b 1:155. "Ann, diffusely branched, 1° or more hi, minutely pubescent: Ifts in 5-7 pairs, linear-oblg, retuse, 3-4" Ig: peduncles slender, 6' Ig, 3-5-fld: pedicels remote, slender, twisted: ex sm, the slender teeth surpassing the tube: cor not seen: pod linear, 1' Ig, ascending, slightly in- curved, compressed, completely 2- celled, the dorsal side turned upward by the twisting of the pedicel. Mohave Desert, 1884, collected by Mrs. M. K. Curran. A near relative of a Nutt- allianus." — Greene. A. STBIGOSUS Sheldon. Ab 222. Slender, sparsely and minutely pubes- cent, 15-20 cm hi; Ifts 9-15, linear or cuneate, acute or retuse; fls num, cap- itate on a slender peduncle, p and w; pod 15 mm Ig, slender, incurved, 2- celled, 5-10 seeded. G 6:206. B 1:146. Da 5. 496 A. THOMPSONAE Wat 10:345. B 1:151. ASTRAGALUS TRICARINATUS A. Qry. G 12:56. CD (Parish 92). B 2:442. A. TBICHOPODUS G 6:218. Cat. B 1:149. A. TBIFLOBUS G, PI Wright 2:45. Quintin! A. URALENSIS L. P 3:210 as Aragal- lus u. A. TJTAHENSIS T & G, Pac Ry R 2:120. B 1:151. ASTRAGALUS VASBYI S. Watson. Wat 17:370. CD (Parish 735). A. VERTICILLARIS L. P 3:211 as Aragallus v. A. WABDII G 12:55. Z 2:242. A. WEBBEBI G, B 1:154. A. WHITNEYl G, 6:526. B 1:148. A. WILSONII P 3:196. ARAGALLUS Necker. P 3:209, based on species of Astragalus and Oxytropis. A. ARCTICUS P 3:211 based on O. arctica R Br App Parry's voy 278; G 20:4. A. SPLENDENS P 3:211 based on O. splendens Dougls. A. Mertensianus P 3:211 based on O. Mertensiana Turcz. Coasts of Behring sea. A. PARRYI P 3:211 based on O. Parryi G 20:4. Rocky mts. A. VISCIDUS P 3:211 based on O. viscida Nutt. Rocky mts. A. LEUCANTHUS P 3:211 based on A. leucanthus Pall (O. leucantha Pers). N W Am; Asia. A. MONTICOLA P 3:212 based on O. Monticola Pursh. Wyo north. A. LAMBERTI P 3:212 based on O. Lamberti Pursh. Rocky mts. A. SERICEUS P 3:212 based on O. sericea Nutt. Colo, Wyo. A. Bigelovii P 3:212 based on O. Lam- berti var. Bigelovii G 20:7. Colo N M. A. LAGOPUS P 3:212 based on O. Lagopus Nutt. Wyo, Mont. A. NANUS P 3:212 based on O. nanus Nutt. Wyo, Mont. A. BELLII P 3:212 based on Spiesia Bellii, Britton, Can Rec Sci 148 (1894). Hudson bay region. A. MONT ANUS P 3:210 based on A. montanus L. Eu. A. URALENSIS P 3:210 based on A, U, L. Eu. A. GRANDIFLORUS P 3:210 based on A. g. Pall. Eu. A. SONGARICUS P 3:211 based on A. s, Pall. Fu. A. CAMPESTRIS P 3:211 based on A. c, L. Eu. A. FOETIDUS P 3:211 based on A. f, Villers. Eu. A. VERTICILLARIS P 3:211 based on A. v, L. Eu. ASTROPHIA Nutt in T & G Fl 1:278. = Lathyrus fide IK. A. LITTORALIS Nutt as above. B 1:160 as L. littoralis. ATAMISQUEA Miers. Trav Chili 2:529 (1826). A. EMARGINATA Miers. B 1:50. Chili. ATAENIA Endl Gen Suppl 5:5 (1850) — Atenia H & A fide IK. ATENIA H & A, bot Beech 349 (1839). P 1:272 (as Ataenia). 497 498 A. GAIRDNERI H & A, bot Beech 349. Atriplex orbiculris S. Watson, Am ac P 1:274. B 1:259 as Carum. pr 17:377. HOWELLII P 1:274 based on Carum Howelli Coulter & Rose, Rev 129. ATRIPLEX CALIFORNICA Moq in DC Prodr J3 (2):98. A 1:219 d. A. KELLOGGII P 1:274 based on Carum Ab 129. B 2:54, 482. Da 15. Greene, Kelloggii G. Cal ac b 2:411, Cruz P 1:93, Mig. — 1:207. OREGANA P 1:274 based on Cedrus. Br 1:216, Rosa. McClatchie, Er Nutt (Carum A. Odosmia Oregana ganum Wat). ATHEROPOGON Muhl ex Willd Sp PI 4:934 (1805). = Bouteloua Lag fide IK. A. OLIGOSTACHYUS Nutt Gen 1:78. B 2:291. = B. oligostachya. ATHYSA1TITS Greene, (1885). A 1:116 d. Type: Thysanocarpus pusillus Hooker. A. PUSX&xiUS Greene, Cal ac b 1:72; 2:390, Cruz. Ab 176. A 1:117 d. ATALANTA Nutt, Gen 2:73 (1818). = on Cedrus. Br 1:216, Rosa. Ore- 2:78, Mohave. Cat. ATRIPLEX CANESCENS James. James, Cat Ai8 (1825). Type locality: "in the plains of the Am Missouri near the Big-bend." A 1:220 d. B 2:55, 54 (of Nutt as A. Cal ac b 1:72 Nuttallii). Z 2:102. Da 15. Coville, CNH 4:180. Abrams, Fl LA 130, SBer, SD. A. COKFEBTirLCEA Wat 9:119. Br, Colo 229. Da 15. B 2:55, 482 (Mohave). Diffusely branched, 1-5° hi, somewhat = Peritoma DC fide P spinescent: Ivs ovate or obovate to oblanceolate, 2-8" Ig, obtuse or acutish, 'ly Cleome fide IK 4:1:08. A. SERRULATA Nutt. P 4:210 as cuneate at base, sh'ly petioled or sessile, Peritoma serrulatum DC Prodr 1:237. entire: fl-clusters sm, axv: ox 5-cleft: ATAMASCO Raf, neogengt 3 (1825). = bracts sessile, 2-6" Ig, cuneate-orbicular; Amaryllis L fide IK. sd 1" broad. ATAMOSCO Adans, Fam 2:5 = Amaryllis L fide IK. A. ATAMASCO P 3:187 based on Amarvillis atamasco L sp 292 (1753); Zephyranthes Atamasco Herbert. Bot Reg 36 (1821). A. TREATIAE P 3:187 based Zephyranthes Treatiae Wat, 14:300 (1879). Fla P 3:187. Synonyms: Obione confertiflora Torr. — O. spinosa Moquin. A. COBONATA Wat 9:114. B 2:53. A. CORBTJGATA Wat. Z 2:233. Colo. App ATRIPLEX COULTERI Dietr. D. Dietr, Syn PI 5:537. B 2:52, 482. on Wat, Rev Chen 113. Synonym: Obione Coulter! Moquin. Per, erect, 1-2° hi, slender, virgate, A. SIMPSONI P 3:187 based on rigid, branched and mealy; Ivs lance- Zephyranthes Simpsoni Chapm Fl ed 3, olate, attenuate at each end and mucron- 493 a897). Fla. ulate, entire, rather thick, 4-6" Ig, 1" A. PULCHELLA P 3:187 based on broad or less; fr'ng bracts in axy Zephyranthes pulchella J. G. Smith, Mo clusters, cuneate-obicular, 1" broad, the bot gard r 6:114 (1895). Tex. rounded margin reaching nearly to the A. TEX AN A P 3:187 based on base, with sh blunt teeth; sd %" broad. Zephyranthes texana Herbert, bot mag SD. sub t 34 82. A. DECUMBENS Wat 12:275 (1877). A A. ARENICOLA P 3:187 based on i: 221 as A. Watsoni. Ab 128, s. Zephyranthes arenicola Br 2:205 (1889). ATRIPLEX DILATATA Greene. Baja. P 1:264. San Benito Island (Pond). A. ROSEAP 3:188 based on Zephyranthes ATRIPLEX EXPANSA S. Watson. rosea Lincll bot reg t 821 (1824). W L Wat 9:116 A i:2?n Ar«TTTa A n and as many or twice as many inter- BAERIA CrRAClLiIS A. uray. vening conspicuous and broad truncate G 9:196. Bl:376. Ab 428. Da 9. Par and laciniate-fimbriate scales. 128 t. Br 1:203 Cruz, 212 Rosa. Synonym: Dichaeta uliginosa Nutt. Sts slender, usually about 1 dm hi; Variety TENELLA G 7:358. B 1:377: — Ivs narrowly linear; bracts and rays "is only depauperate state, on drier soil, 10-12 or sometimes less; rays 4-6 mm with nar linear Ivs, and more of them long; ak linear-cuneate. broad at the entire; the rays and inv scales reduced summit, commonly canescent; pappus to 8 or 9 or rarely to 5 or 6." of w, lanceolate or ovate, slender, BAHIA Lag Gen et Sp 30 (1816). awned paleae or the paleae sometimes B. ACHILLAEOIDES DC, Prodr 5:657. almost obsolete. B 1:381 as B. lanata var. achillaeoides. = Eriophyllum caespitosum fide IK. BAERIA PARISHII S. Watson, B. AMBIGUA G, B 1:382. = Eriophyllum •Low and slender much branched, pu- ambiguum fide IK. bescent with loose woolly hairs; ivs B. ARACHNOIDEA F & M, Ind Sem Pet. nar'ly linear, acute, mostly pinnateiy g:63. B 1:382. = Eriophyllum caespit- cleft with 1-several pairs of lobes: has osui* fide IK. sm 2" hi or rarely more; inv bracts Q, pi Fendl 100. 10-12, thin & lax, the miuvein not prom- B. ARTEMISIALFOLIA Less in Linnaea inent: ligules sh: sty-tips truncate, with 4:160 (1829). B 1:380. = Eriophyllum an oblique apiculation on the inner side: caespitosum fide IK. ak slender, without pap.' — Wat 24:83. B. CONFERTIFLORA DC, Prodr 5:657. BABBXA CUSS'XA A. Gray, Am ac yr 19: B 1:380. - Eriophyllum confertiflorum •21. fide IK. •Hds only 2 or 3" hi; bracts & rays 8 Variety TRIPXDA G, B 1:380. (B. triflda or 10; pap of ovate cr obig pointless Nutt.) paleae. not exceeding- the breadth of ak, B. CUNEATA K 5:49. Cur 1:140 as usually 4 or b, cr in ray-fl? re-duced to Eriophyllum caespitosum integrifolium 1, in some o.' Near SBer (W. G. Douglas. B 1:380 as B. integrifolia Wright). DC. B&ESXA CliXTJT.Xi-MTDI A. Gray. B. DESERTORUM Z 2:249. Lvs linear, 1" wide, obtuse, entire: B. GRACILIS H & A, bot Beech 353. B bracts of inv 8-12, ovate, rather obtuse, 1:382. = Eriophyllum gracile fide IK. plane; pap-paleae 2, slender awned. SD. B. ARTEMISIAEFOLIA Less in Linnaea Section Lichaeta, pap of 2 forms, B. INTEG-KXrO]C,IA DC 5:656. B 1:381. *Unli!;e in oisk & ray. = Eriophyllum caespitosum fide IK. B. LANATA DC Prodr 5:657. B 1:381. BAERIA PALMERI A. Gray. = Eriophyllum caespitosum fide IK. r -R 1 •<*•*« Tnad R LATIFOLIA Bth, Voy Sulph 30. = Or, tt i.6it>, uuaa. Eriophyllum caespitosum fide IK. B 1: "Dwarf, less than a span hi, rather 332 as B. arachnoidea F & M. stout, diffusely branched from the base, B. LEUCOPHYLLA Eaton, in Wat Bot hirsute-pubescent: ,vs linear. thicKish, f Jf. ".^B l^as B^racilis ^part. all entire: peduncle thickened under the Parry PI Wyo 13. hd: scale, of inv 9 or 10, ovate, thickish- B. NUDICAULJS G 19:27 Z 2:231. herbaceous, with midrib carinate-thick- lHophy^lum am^fguu^ fife IK ened and salient at base, and lateral B. RUBELLA G, Torr, Bot Mex Bound nerves indistinct: rays as many, oval, 95. B 1:379 as Actinolepis Wallacei G. rather sh: receptacle obtusely conical; = ^SSS^SSaSSufl)OrM-*Mt. ak linear and slightly nar'ed below: pap B 1:380. = Eriophyllum staechadifolium of 5 (or sometimes more) broadly ovate fide IK. fimbriate-lacinate scales, these of the Fh^B.Tanat^DC ' disk with a stout awn of the ray mostly B. TRIFIDA Nutt, Am phil sc tr sr 2, blunt and awnless."— G. 7:374 (1841). B 1:380 as B. conferti- Variety CLEMENTINA G syn Fl supp B^WALLACEIG. Bost sc nat hist pr 7: 452. 145. B 1:382 as B parviflora G. G, Pac 505 Ry R 4:105 = Actinolepis Wallace! fide B 1:379. = Eriophyllum ambiguum fide BAHIOPSIS K 2:35. B. LANATA K 2:35; Hesperian Ag 1860 with f. B 7:354. Cur 1:139: — "Viguiera lanata G, according to G, who is in pos- session of the only specimen collected." Genus BAILEY A A. Gray. Emorys Rec 144 (1848). G, PI Fendl 105. G 9:195. "Inv hemispherical, of num thin-her- baceous linear bracts in 2 or 3 sr, very wooly on the back. Receptacle flat or barely convex. Ray-fls 5-50; the ligules from round-oval to oblg-cuneate, 3- toothed at apex, 7-nerved, tapering into a nar but not tubular base, becoming scarious-papery but thin, persistent on the truncate summit of ak. Disk-fls fer- tile; their cor tubular-funnelform above the sh proper tube, 5-toothed; teeth glandular-bearded. Sty-branches sh, with truncate-capitate tips. Ak oblg- linear or clavate, somewhat angled, pluricostate or striate; the truncate apex obscurely toothed by extension of ribs, or in the ray callous-thickened." — G, Syn Fl 1 (2):71. BAILEYA MULTIRADIATA H. & G. Harv & Gray. Torr, Emory rec 144 t 6. Rothrock in Wheeler R 6:175. "Densely floccose- woolly: st simple or sparingly branched below, bearing Ig, naked or sometimes scape-like pedencles (4-12' lg>: Ivs nearly all once or twice pinnatifid: hd large; rays 40 or 50 in about 2. ranks, cuneate oblanceolate (fully %' Ig) : ak as in B. pleniradiata,. smooth and glab or with some resinous globules." — B 1:373. Tex, Ut, Ar, CD, BAILEYA PAUCIRADIATA H. & G. G. 9:195. "Slender, paniculately branched to the summit, somewhat villous as well as wr.olly: Ivs mostly linear, the upper en- tire, the lower elongated and laciniate- pinnatifid: peduncles slender. seldom over 1' Ig: hd sm. rather few-fld: the oval rays 5 or 6 (sh-unguiculate, only 3 or 4 " Ig): disk-fls 10-20: ak evenly many-striate. rough with minute points." — B 1:373. CD! Ar. B. PLENIRADIATA Harv & Gray ex G, PI Fendl 105. B 1:373. = B. multiradi- ata fide G. BA3L3AMOBKIZA Hooker Fl Bor Am 1: 310 (1833). B. BOX.ANDEBX G 7:356. B 1:348. B. CABEYANA G. PI Fendl 81. B 1:347. B. DELTOIDEA Nutt. Am Phil sc tr sr 2. 7:351 nS41). B 1:348. B. GLABRESCENS Bth. PI Hartw 31". = B. deltoidea fide B 1:348. B. HELJANTHOIDES Nutt, as above. B 1:348 as B. sagittata. B. HIRSUTA Nutt. as above, 349. B 1: 348 as B. Hookeri. B. HOOKERI Nutt. as above, 349. B 1:348. Parry. PI Wyo 6. B. INCANA Nutt, as above. 350. ^ 1:348 as B. Hookeri. B. MACBOPHYI.I.A Nutt, as above. B 1:347. B. SAGITTATA Nutt as above. B 1: 506 348. Par 197. Parry, PI Wyo 6. B. TEREBINTHACEA Nutt, Am phil sc tr, sr 2, 7-349 (1841). B 1:348 as B. Hookeri. BANALIA Moq in DC Prod 13 (2):278 (1849). B. OCCIDENTALS Moq as above, 279. = Nitrophila oc fide B 2:43. BABBABEA R Br in Ait Hort Kew, ed 2, 4:109 (1812). A 1:123 d. B. BABBABEA Mac M. A 1:123 d. Ab 171. B. VUX.GABIS R Br as above. A 1:123 as B. barbarea, B 1:40. Z 2:120, 339. Ab 1:171 as B. barbarea. Variety ABCUATA Fries. A 1:123 d. Variety GX.ABBIOB Robinson. A 1:123. BABBUIiA Lour Fl Cochinch 366 (1790). B. SINENSIS Lour. = Caryopteris in- cana fide IK. BABBUIiA Hedwig. Moss. B. AMFZ.EXA Lesq, Am phil sc tr 13:5. B 2:370. B. ANOMALA Bruch & Schimp, Bryol Eu t 169. B 2:367 as Trichostomum anomalum Schimp. B. ABTOCABFA Lesq, Am phil sc tr 13: 4. B 1:371. B. ATBOVIBENS Schimp, Syn Muse Eu, ed 2, 194. B 1:369. SF, Guad, Eu. B. BESHEYI Lesq, B 1:372. B. BOIiANDEBI Lesq, Am phil Sc tr 13:5. B 2:370 (on rocks near SF, Colo). B. BBACHYPBrSTLIiA Sulliv, Pac Ry R 4:186 t -2. B 2:371, near Benicia, Cal. E. BBEVIFES Lesq, Cal ac mem 1:12. B 2:370 (Cal, Nev). B. CHI.OBONOTOS Bruch, Bryol Eu t 141. B 2:369 (Eu, Ar). B. CONVOLUTA Hedw, Muse Frond 1: 86 t 32. B 2:372, Eu; SF. B. CTJNEIFOILIA Bridel. B 2:369 (Eu; near Oakland. Cal). B. FALIAX Hedw, Muse Frond 2:66 t 24. B 2:370 (Eu; Cajon Pass; SF). B. FLEXIFOLIA Hampe, Linnaea 30: 456. B 2:372, SF. B. GTJEFINI Schimp, Syn Muse Eu. ed 2, 197. B 2:369 (France. Oakland, Cal). B. ISESLII3 Bruch. B 2:372. Eu, rats w of Colo river. B. INSULAXA De Not. = ? B. Beecheyi fide B 2:372. B. Z.AEVXFH.A Bridel. B 2:373. Eu, Af, Cal, Nev. B. LATIFOI.IA Bruch. B 2:373. Eu, Ore, Cal. B. MABGINATA Bruch & Schimp, Bryol Eu t 158. B 2:370 (Eu, No Af, on roclcs near SF). B. MEMBBANIFOZiIA Penult z. B 2: 369 (Eu. Ar. Cal). B. MUEXiXiEBI Bruch & Schimp, Bryol Eu t 168. B 2:373. Chili, Eu, Nev, Cal, Vancouver Isl. B. FT7BFTTBEA Muell, Fl 58:78 (1875). B 2:371. near Oakland, Cal. B. RIG ID A Schultz, Recens Barb t 32 f 1. B 2:368. Eu. Variety FIZ.IFEBA Schimp De Not, Muse It t 4. B 2:368 (Guad. Palmer). B. BIGIDUIiA Schimp, Syn Muse ed 2: 206. B 2:371. Eu; Vancouver Is; Cal. B. BUBIGINOSA Mitten, Linn sc J 8:27. B 2:362 as Pottia rubiginosa. B. RUBAIiIS Hedw. B 2:373. Eu, Cal, Ore, Nev, Ut, Tex, US. 507 Variety GIGAHTEA Lesq, Cal ac mem 1:13. B 2:373. B. SEMITORTA Sulliv, Pac Ry R 4:186 t 3. B 2:371, near Benicia, Cal. B. STJBPAjL,Z,AX Muell, bot zeit 20:338. B 2:370 San Jose valley, Cal (J. Bauer). B. SUBULATA Bridel. B 2:372. Eu, Canada, Cal, Ar. B. VAHLIANA Schultz, Recens Barb 222 t 34 f 31. B 2:370. Eu, Cal. B. VINEALIS Bridel. B 2:371 (SF, Eu). B. VIRESCEKS Lesq B 2:372, Oakland, Cal. BARKHAUSIA Moench Meth 537 (1794). B. LESSINGII H & A bot Beech 1:145. B 1:438 as Troximon spargioides Less. BARTONIA Tims, bot mag t 1487 (1804), not Muell (1801). B. AUREA Lindl, bot reg t 1831. B 1: 236 as Mentzelia Lindleyi. Par. 172, s. B. LAEVICAULES Dougl ex Hook Fl Bor Am 1:221 t 69. B 1:237 as Mentzelia laevicaulis. B. Micrantha H & A, bot Beech 343 t 85. B 1:236 as Mentzelia micrantha. BARTRAMIA Hedw (Moss), not L (1747), or Salisb (1796). B. CAIiCAREA Bruch & Schimp. B 2: 401. Eu, Nev. B. CRISPA B 2:401 as B. pomiformis. B. PONTAKTA Brid. B 2:401. Eu. India, Patagonia, Nev, Colo, Ut, Cal. B. ITHYPHYLLA Brid. B 2:401. Wash, Eu, Asia. B. MEZTZIE3II Hook, Muse Exot t 67. B 2:400. Cal. B. POMIFORMIS Hedw, Engl bot t 998. Eu, Asia, Ore. B. STRICTA Brid, B 2:400. Eu, SF. BARTSIA L, Hort Cliff 325 (1737). B. ACUMINATA Pursh, Fl 2:429. B 1: 575 as Castilleia pallida, var. septen- trionalis or C. miniata. B. PALLIDA L, sp pi 602. B 1:575 as Castilleia = pallide. B. TENUIFOLIA Pursh, Fl 2:429. B 1: 577 as Orthocarpus tenuifolius. BATIDEAE, A 1:222 d. BAT IS L, syst, ed 10,1380 n 1172 (1759). A 1:222. B. MARITIMA L, syst ,ed 10, 1380. A 1: B. MAN T IMA L, syst, ed 10, 1380. A 1: 222 d. Ab 135. B 2:60. B.? VERMICULATA Hook, Fl Bor Am 2:128. B 2:59 as Sarcobatus vermicul- atus Torr. BEATTCARIIEA Lem, 111 Hort 8: Misc 59 (1861). B. BIGELOVII Baker, J bot 10:326. B 2:163 as Nolina Bigeiovii. BATODENDRON Nuti, Am phil sc tr, sr 2, 8:261 (1843). = Vaccinium L fide IK. B. ARBOREL'M Nutt. P 3:325. B. GIiAUCESCENS P 3:326. B. SFECIOfcUM P 3:326. BEBBIA Greene, Cal ac b 1:179 (1885). Much branched suffrutescent plants with few. mostly opp nar Ivs, and scat- tered discoid hds. Inv campanulate, its bracts imbricated in 3-4 sr, the inner somewhat scarious and striate. Recep- tacle chaffy; the chaffy bracts persistent, lanceolate, partly embracing the ak, nearly equaling those of the inv. Cor tubular, y. Ak turbinate, slightly ob- compressed. Pap consisting of 1 sr of Ig rather stout plumose bristles. 508 B. ATRIFIiICXPOIiIA Greene, Cal ac b 1:181, based on Carphephorus atriplici- folius G 5:159. Br 2:180. B. JT7NCEA Greene, Cal ac b 1:179, 181, based on Carphephorus junceus Bth. Ab 418. P 1:204, Cedros. Br 2:180, Magda- lena Is. Ar. Much branched from a woody base, 10- 15 dm hi; flg branches rush-like, nearly Ifless, pale g and glab or minutely and sparsely scabrous; Ivs mainly opp, linear; hds scattered, terminating the branchlets, 1 cm hi; pap-bristles equal- ing the slender cor; ak appressed-pubes- cent. BECKMASTNIA Host, Gram Austr 3:5 t 6 (1805). B. ERUCAEPORMIS Host as above. B 2:2r>4. Eu, Asia, Cal, Ore, Ut. BECKWITHIA B. JUNIFERINA M 1:144, based on Ranunculus juniperinus Jones. BEZiZiIS L, Gen, ed 1, 256 (1737). B. PERENNIS L, sp pi 886. Eu, Da 8, Er 1:61 (LA Co). Vaslit Z 1:48. BSLOPEROSfE Nees, in Wall PI As Rar 3:76, 102 (1832). Cx equally 5-parted, subtended by a pair of sm bractlets. Cor tubular, bila- biate; the upper lip interior in the bud, concave, erect or arching, entire or em- argiriate; the lower spreading and 3- ]obed. *Sta 2: anth 2-celled; the cells dis- joined, one higher than the other, the lower one with a sh spur at base. Sty filiform: stig mostly entire. Cap clavate, having a Ig empty stalk-like base; the sh cells each 2-seeded. Mostly shrubs of tropical Am; with fls in spks or racemes; the bracts and bractlets sm and nar. B. CALIF OR 1, 1C A Bth, Voy Sulph 38. G Syn Fl 2 (1) 320. Z 2:149. CD! Baja! Br 2:193 (Cape San Lucas, Magdalena bay. Magdalena and Santa Margarita Isl). Ar. "Tomentose or hoary: sts shrubby, slender, oft becoming Ifless: Ivs ovate, round-oval, or somewhat cordate, nearly entire, slender petioled: racemes sh and loose: bracts and bractlets decid: ex- lobes subulate: cor dull r, nar, 1' Ig; the lips truncate: cells of the anth nearly equal in size, the lower with a sh blunt spur: cap tomentose, club-shaped, the stalk-like empty base Ig'er than the sd- bearing portion." — B 1:588. Synonyms: Jacobinia Calif ornica nees. Sericographis Californica G. Variety CONPERTA Br 2:194, San Julio canon, Baja. B. HIANS Br 2:194, Comondu, Baja. Z 2:149. BERBERIS L, Gen, ed 1, 94 (1737). A 1:154 d. B. AQUIFOLIUM Pursh, Fl 1:21 t 4, Parry, PI Wyo 10. Par 122. B 1:14, in part as B. repens. B. DICTYOTA Jepson. A 1:154 d. Ab 157. B. PASCICULARIS Sims bot mag t 2396. Schults f, Syst 7:17. B 1:15. Mex. = B. pinnata fide IK. B. PENDZiERI G. pi Fendl 5. Br, Colo 228, 233. Z 2:103. B. PREMONTI Torr, bot Mex bound 30. A 1:154. Cov 58. B. GtRACHiIiIMA Heimerl, Engler's Bot 509 Jahr. Z 1:62. Mex. B. NANA P 3:98. B. NERVOSA Pursh, Fl 219 t 5, excl fls. B 1:15. Par 126. B. NEVraU G, A 1:154 d. Ab 157. B. PINNATA Lagasca, Elench Hort Madr 6 (1803), Mex. Br 1:201, Cruz. A 1:154 d. B 1:15. Da 2. Par 122. B. PTJMII,A P 3:98. B. REPEXS Lindl, bot reg t 1176. A 1: 154 d. B 1:14. P 3: 98. Z 2:104. — B. aquifolium fide IK. B. SIEBOLDH Miq, in Ann Mus bot Lugd Bot 2:69. Japan. Z 1:95. BERGELLA. B. TEXAXA Schmitz, Icon t 219 f 1, 2, 26. B 1:80 as Bergia texana. Geuus BERGIA Linnaeus. Mant 2:152 n. 1309 (1771). B. TEXANA Seubert ex Walp Rep 1:285. Tex. A 1:27 d. B 1:80. 2:436. BERGONIA Harv ex Bth & Hook Gen 2:1096 (1876). B. YIRGATA Harv. B 1:488. Br 2:195. Purisima. Baja (cites Pringleophytum lanceolatum as a probable synonym). BERRARDIA Houst ex P Br. Nat Hist Jam 361 -1756). BERNARDIA MYRICAEFOLIA S. Wat. B & H Gen 3:308. B 2:70. Parish, Z 5:114. (CD, not headwaters Mohave). Br £an Sebastian, Baja. B. VIRIDI3 Br 2:223. San Pablo, Baja. BERTEROA DC, Mus Par mem 7:232 (1S21), et Syst 2:290. =r Alyssum fide IK. B. INCAUA DC Syst 2:291. P 4:204. = A. incanum fide IK. Genus BERULA Hoffim. Ex Bess Eu PI Volh 44 (1822). — Sium fide IK. A 1:286 d. EERULA ANGUSTIFOLIA Koch. ,v- Koch, in Roehl Deutsch Fl 2:433. Greene, Cal ac b 2:399 (Cruz). P 1:88, Mig. B 1:260. 2:451. Da 7. A 1:286 as B. erecta. Throughout the U. S. ; Mexico; Europe. Da 7. Cruz. BERUXiA ERECTA Coville. Cov 115 (based on Slum erectum Hds), 23. 239. A 1:270, 286 d. Ab 287. Da 7. Sium erectum Huds. Sium angustifplium L. Berula angustifolia Koch. Water Parsnip. LA (Nevin), north. Davidson. PI LA Co 7. BESSERA ELEGANS Schult. BETA L, Syst ed 1 (1735). B. VTJI.GARIS L, sp pi 222. Eu, Af. Parish, Er 3:60 ("well established in some of the streets of SBer"). BETUIiA L. Syst ed 1 (1735). B. G-IiANDUIiOSA Michx Fl 2:180. B 2: 80. B. OCCIDENT AZiIS Hook, Fl 2:155. B 2:79. Parry. PI Wyo 6. BICULLA Borckh in Roem Arch 1 (2): 46 (1797). = Adlumia fide IK. B. CHRYSAXTHA Ab 163. A 1:110 as Dicentra C. B. OCHROLEUCA Heller. Ab 163. A 1: 110 as Dicentra o. BIDENS L, Gen, ed 1, 248 (1737). A 1: 185 d. B. AMPZ.ISSIMA P 4:268. B. BECKII Torr in Spreng syst 3:454. P 510 4:270 as Megalodonta Beckii. Torr, Fl NY 1: t 58. G, syn Fl 298. B & B, 111 Fl 440 t 3950. B. BUIiIiATA P 4:268. B. CALIFORNICA DC Prod 5:599. B 1: 357 as B. pilosa. T & G, Fl 2:354. B. CERNUA L, sp pi 832. B 1:357. P 4:251. BIDENS CHRYSANTHEMOIDES Michx Fl 2:136. B 1:357. Da 9, P 4:262. Br, Colo _ CII,l6l,ATA P 4:256. CUSICKU P 4:259. DENTATA P 4:269. ELEGANS P 4:254. EXFANSA P 4:266. B FORMOSA P 4:264. GX.AUCESCENS P 4:258. GR AGILENT A P 4:255. HETEHOFHYLLA Orteg, Hort Matr 99 t 12. Mex. Z 1:309. B. BJBTES03FERMA G, PI Wright 2:90, Ar. Z 1:309. B. EYPE3BOREA P 4:257. B. KELLOGGII P 4:267. B.LAEVIS P 4:262, as B. chrysanthe- moides. B. LEFTOMERIA P 4:264. B. LEFTOFODA P 4:260. B. LONCHOFBTXTitA P 4:258. B. LUGENS P 4:254. B. MACOT7KXE P 4:259. B. MARGIRATA P 4:262. B. MELAXOCARPA Wiegand. P 4:247 as B. frondosa. B. NASHII Wiegand, Torr cl b 26:421. P 4:267. A 1:61 (of Cal as B. speciosa, Parish). B. KTJDATA Z 1:309. B. FARRYI P 4:265. B. PERSIC AE FOLIA P 4:266. B. FLATYCEFB^LLA Oerst, Ind Sera Haush r 7 (1859). P 4:261. Eu. B. PILOSA L, sp pi 832. A 1:185 d. B 1:357. Ab 418. Da 9. B. PRIONOPHYLLA P 4:256 B. REFRACTA Z 1:310. B. RIFARIA HBK, Nov Gen 4:236. Vene- zuela. P 4:261. Mo. BIDENS SPECIOSA Parish. Parish, Z 5:75. A 1:61 fdr. Ab 417. B. SUCCISAEFOLIA Dillenius P 4:245 as Coreopsis lanceolata. B. TRIFARTITA L, sp pi 831, Eu, Sib. P 4:243. B. VTTI.GATA P 4:72, 247. B. XAWTIAHA Z 1:309. Genus BIGELOVIA De Candolle. Prod 5:329 (1836), not Bigelovia Spreng (1821 and 1827). B. ACRADENIA Greene, Torr cl b 10:126 (1883). Da 8. B. ARBORESCEHS G 8:640 (1873). B 1: 315, 614. B. BOIiANDERI G 8:641. B 1:315. BIGELOVIA BRACHYLEPIS A. Gray. G, B 1:614, 2:454. Br 2:169, El Rosario, Baja. CD (Or 2234); El Rosario, Baja (Br). B. CEBTJMINOSA G 8:643. B 1:316. B. COOFERI G 8:640. B 1:315. B. DEFRESSA G 8:643. B 1:316. B. DIFFUSA G 8:640. B 1:314, 315. BIGELOVIA DOUGLASn A. Gray. G 8:644. B 1:317, 614. = B. viscidiflora fide IK. 511 British Columbia to Arizona; N. M. Variety SERRULATA Gray. Common through the dry interior re- gion. Variety STENOPHYLLA G, Nev, Ut, NM, Cal. Variety TORTIFOLIA A. Gray. Mts. Baja! B. DRACUKCULOIDES DC Prod 5:329. B 1:317 as B. graveolens. B. GLARE OS A Z 2:247. BIGELOVIA GRAVEOLENS A. Gray. G 8:644. B 1:317, 614. 2:455. = dracun- culoides fide IK. British Columbia to Mexico; Baja mts! Variety ALBICAULIS G. British Col to SBER Co (Parish 2133). Variety APFEBTDICUIiATA Eastwood, Cal ac pr sr 3, 1:74 (1897). M 1:6 as Chrysothamnus appendiculatus. Variety GLABRATA A. Gray. LA (Parish 1072). Ha 125. LA (Parish 1072). B. FURFURACEA Greene, Cal ac b 1:87 (7 Mr 1885). Lvs thick, nar'ly oblanceolate, 1-2' Ig, entire, covered on both sides with close resinous scales, resembling scurf, which extend also to the branches and branch- lets: infl corymbose-panicled; hd 4-5" hi, 12-15-fld: inv turbinate, its scales char- taceous, with blunt g'ish tips and more or less w- tomentose: sty-appendages sh- subulate: pap of very unequal bristles: ak strongly sliky-pubescent." Type locality: suspected to be Baja. B. HOWABDI G 8:641, Colo. B 1:316. B. JUNCEUS. SD Co — San Telmo. Baja' B. MENZIESII G 8:638. B 1:315.= ven- eta fide G. B. MISSOURIENSIS DC Prod 5:329. B 1:317 as B. graveolens. B. MOHAVENSI3 Greene. Mohave (Greene, Parry, Pringle). BIGELOVIA PANICULATA A. Gray. G 8:644. B 1:317, 614. 2:454. A 1:195 as Chrysoma P. Colorado Desert (Parish). B. PARISHII Greene, Torr cl b 9:62. A 1:195 as Chrysoma P. Ab 398, s. SBer mts (Parish 571). B. RUPESTRIS Greene, bot gaz 6:183. A 1:194 as Chrysoma cuneata var. spathu- lata. BIGELOVIA SPATHULATA A Gray. G 11:74. A 1:194 as Chrysoma cuneata var. spathulata. B 1:613. BIGELOVIA TERETIFOLIA A. Gray. G 8:644. B 1:316, 2:454. Mohave; CD; Cantilles! B. TRIBE NT AT A Greene, Torr cl b 10: 126. P 1:204 (Cedros). B3GELOVIA VENETA A. Gray. G 8:638. Z 2:337, 356. Da 8. P 1:89 Mig; 204 Cedros. G, syn fl 1 (2):142. Greene, Cal ac b 2:400 Cruz. Br 1:211 Rosa. Ab 399 as Isocoma vernonioides Nutt. Ar; thru Baja. Bigelovia Menziesii A. Gray. Rosa; Cruz; Oedros; Arizona; through- out So Cal and Baja. Variety SEDOIDES Ge, Cal ac b 1:400. Variety SEDOIDES Greene, Cal ac b 2: 400. — "Sts woody at base but wholly prostrate and less than a ft Ig; Ivs obo- vate, coarsely serrate, thick and succu- lent: hds rather large, crowded in a ter- 512 minal corymb." Cruz. P 1:89, Mig. BIOM4O&IA L, syst, ed 1 (1735). B. UHEAXbXS Cav IE 3:35 t 269. B 1: 587 as Chilopsis saligna. KIKUKULLA Adans Fam 2:23 (1763). A 1:109 as Dicentra. B. CHRYSANTHA Cov 60. A 1:110 as Dicentra chrysantha. BIGXiETTIA Greene. Type: Biolettia riparia Greene. BISCUTEZ.X.A L, syst ed 1 (1735). B. CALIFORNICA B & H ex Wat, B 1:48. 2:432. Da, Er 2:179 (LA Co). CD! Quintin! Br 2:128, Santa Margarita Isl. Variety MABITIMA Da ex McClatchie, Er 2:179. A 1:329 fdr. B. WISI.I2EKI B & H ex B 1:48, 2:432. Br Colo 233. BX.AZBXA Houst ex L, Gen, ed 1, 334, in syn (1737). B. NODIFLORA Gaertn, Fruct 1:266 t 56. P 4:47 as Phyla n. ET.SC2INUM. B. BOREALE Swartz, Hook Brit Ferns t 40. B 2:343 as Lomaria spicant. B. ttOODIOIDES Hook, Fl 2:263. B 2: 343, British Columbia. BI,E2,*NOSPSRMA Less, Syn Comp 267 (1832). B. OA&ZFOUXCUM T & G Fl 2:272. Da 9. B 1:395. Cal. B. chilense Less, Syn Comp 267. Chili. BLEPHARIGLOTIS Raf, Fl Tellur 2: 38 (1836). = Habenaria Willd fide IK. B. ABBA House, M 1:127, based on B. blephariglotis. B. BLEPHARIGLOTIS Rydb in Britton Man 2S6 (1901). M 1:127 as B. Alba. BLEPHARIPAPPUS Hooker, Fl 1:316 (1833). = Layia Bth. Vernal ann with alt Ivs or the lowest opp, and com showy hds of w or y fls terminating the branches: Bracts of inv flattened on back, more or less com- pletely enfolding their obcompressed ak: rays 8-20 3-lobed; their ak obovate or nar'er, destitute of pap: Disk-fis with cylindraceous funnel form 5-lobed cor; their ak linear-cuneiform with a pap of bristles or awns: Receptacle flat, bearing a sr of chaffy bracts between the ray- and disk- fls. B. ELEGANS Greene, Ab 424. Habit of B. hispidus but taller, sparsely hirsute and more or less stipitate-glandular thruout; lower Ivs pinnately toothed, upper entire; rays y, about 1 cm Ig; pap w, bristles densely villous below the middle. B. GLANDULOSUS Hook Fl 1:316. P 3: 168. B 1:368 as Layia g. Ha 130. Cov 133. Argus mts. Lydia g, H & A, Bot Beech 358. Type locality: "on the plains of the Columbia, in sandy soils, under the shade of Purshia and Artemisia." B. HISPIDUS Greene. Ab 424. Diffusely branched from base or simple, 3 dm hi or less, hispid thruout with spreading hairs and with a few sm dark-stalked glands on uppermost Ivs and inv; Ivs all nar and entire; rays w, about 1 cm Ig; pap bright w, the bristles densely villous below middle. B. NEOMEXICANUS P 3:168. BLEPHARIPAPPUS NUDATUS Greene. P 3:168. A 1:62 fdr. 513 514 B. PLATYGLOSSUS Greene. Ab 425. or campanulate, 5-lobed. Sta 1-3. Stlg Sts com about 3 dm hi, sparingly peltate. Pr clavate or obovate, jointed branched, hirsute and stipitate-glandu- upon the pedical, 5-costate, truncate at lar; lower Ivs pinnatifid into linear apex or rounded or acute. Slender ann lobes; rays 10-15 mm Ig, with creamy or per herbs, diffuse or procumbent, tips; disk-ak silky hirsute; pap of 15-20 with opp more or less unequal Ivs, and scabrous tawny bristles. com very sm fls in loose panicles, verti- B. SCABER Hook Fl 1:316. B 1:358. eels or spikes. Variety LAEVIS G, B 1:358. — "a form a. .^^.C^v, VTA Br 2:199. Baja. with the Ivs, at least those of the BGiiRHAAVIA EjfttiCTA Linn. branches, almost smooth and much ap- L, sp pi 3. B 2:5. Baja (Or 2090). Ar, pressed." NM. Br 2:199. Variety SUBCALVUS G, B 1:358. — "a B. GRAHAMII G, Am J sci sr 2, 15:323. state with the pap both of ray and disk B 2:6 as B. scandens. reduced to minute hyaline vestiges, B. HIBSTJTA L, Mant 1:170. B 2:6. hardly exceeding the hairs of the ak." B. POLYMORPHA Bth, bot Sulph 43. B. BONUS-henricus L. Eu. Br 2:199 as B. erecta? B. BONUS-HENRICUS L. Eu. E. SCAKDSNS L, sp pi 3. B 2:6. Br Variety EROSUM Moquin. B 2:48 as C. 2:199. Peru, WI, NM, Ar. Californicum. B. SPICATA Choisy in DC Prod 13 (2): B. CALIFORNICUM Wat Rev Chen 101. 456. B 2:6. B 2:48 as C. C. BOERHAAVIA VISCOSA A. Gray. B. CAPITATUM L. B 2:48 as C. cap- Lag & Rodr in Anal Cienc Nat 4:256 n itatum. 12 (1801), Peru. Baja (Or 862). CD! B. CARINATUM Moq, DC Prod 13 (2): Br 2:19.4. SD foothills, Parish. 81. B 2:48 as C. c. BOXSDTJVAXiIA Spach, Hist Veg Phan B. CHENOPODIOIDES Nutt. B 2:49 as 4:383 (1835). A 1:333. Monolepis ch. B. CLZI3TOGAMA Cur 1:12 (1884). Da B. GLANDULOSUM Moq, DC Prod 13 6. A 1:333 d. (2):81. B 2:48 as C. carinatum. B. DErSIPlOBA Wat, B 1:233. Er 1: B. MARITIMUM Nutt, G, Man 408. 14. Al:333d. B 2:48 as C. rubrum. B. DOTJGIiASH Spach Monog Onag 80 B. POLYMORPHUM C. A. Meyor, Wat, t 31 f 1. Hist Veg Phan 4:385. B 1:233 Bot King 2S8. B 2:48 as C. rubrum. as B. densiflora. B. RUBRUM Reich. Wat, rev Chenop B GIiABSZiIiA Walp Rep 2:89. B 1:233. 99. B 2:48 as C. rubrum. Ab 265. A 1:333 d. Variety HUMILE Moq. B 2:48 as C. B. IMB^ICATA M 1:42. rubrum var. humile. B. SFAUSIPIiCBA M 1:42. Geriu* IILOOMERIA Kellos*. K 2:11. B. CAXXFOBJriCA G 7:341. B 1:196. Scape from a fibrous-coated corm. BOLELIA Raf Atl J 120 (1832). = Leaves linear, carinate: Umbel with Downingia fide IK. many y fls; pedicels jointed at summit B. ELEGANS Par 321. and subtended by membranous bracts: B. PULCHELLA P 2:126 based on D. Periant persistent, of 6 nearly equal pulchella. Par 321. distinct linear-oblong seg: sta 6, in- EOSCNIAXIA Mey. Bong, Veg Sitka 41. serted on base of and rather shorter B. Glabra Mey. Sib. Japan. B 1:585. P than seg; fil filiform, surrounded at base 3:78. by a cup-like appendage which is free B. HOOZEBI Walp Rep 3:479. B 1:585. from the perianth: Cap subglobose; sds B. STSGBELACJIA. G, Pac Ry R 4:118. 4-8 in each cell, angular and wrinkled; B 1:585. 2:476. sty persistent and splitting with the BOIBYCHIUM Swartz. loculicidal cap. (In honor of H. G. B. ATTSTRAI.E R Br Prod 164. B 2: Blocmer, a pioneer botanist of San 332 as P. ternatum var. australe Eaton. Francisco.) Golden stars. B. SlJCiAIFOIiITnvs Presl Rel Haenk 1:76. B. AUBSA K 2:11. Br 1:217, Rosa. B 2:332 as B. ternatum var. australe. Greene. Cal ac b 2:413, Cruz. Cur 1:148. B. TZB3TATTTM Swartz. B 2:332. Par 158 t. Da 17. Ab 86. B 2:152. K, Variety ATJSTBAX..E Eaton. B 2:332. Hesperian D 1859 f. A 1:179 d. B. VISGIHIAHTTM. Swartz. B 2:332, B. CIiEVSLAZTDI Wat, 20:376 (1885). 485. A 1:17:. fdr. Par 158. BOWT.E3IA Ruiz & Pav, Prod Fl Per B. MOK-TABTA Greene. A 1:179 fdr. 44 t 34 (1794). A 1:138. BliYTTIA Fries Novit Fl Suec Mant 2:2 Delicate ann, with stellate pubescence. (183 :-•'). opp Ivs and scarious lacerate stip ules: B. SUAVEOLEXS Fries. B 2:276 as umbels simple, few-fld. on sh axy ped; Cinna arundinacea var. pendula. (= C. fls w, minute: ex- teeth prominent: fr pendula fide IK). ovate, somewhat flattened, laterally, BAEHMERZA Jacq, Enum PI Carib 9 with nar commissure, turgid, becoming (1760). depressed on back: ribs and oil tubes O. B. KIVEA Gaudich in bot Freyc Voy B. Z.OBATA R & P, Prod 44 t 34; Fl Per 499. Asia. B 2:63. Cult. 3:28. Peru. r-.™ ,. nnvnur IVY\ T I«T The following references belong to B. Genus BOERHAAVIA Linnaeus. septentrionalis: Br, Z 1:114, Cat. Da 7. Voill ex L, syst, ed 1 (1735). B 1:235. Inv of 1-3 very sm bractlets to each B. SEFTZJTTRIOWAiXS Coulter & Rose. fl, oft caducous. Perianth funnelform A 1:138 d. Ab 278. B. lobata as to 515 516 the Cal references (not of R & P). B. TENERA Spreng Syst 1:880. Brazil. B 1:255, as doubtless B. lobata. BGTZXNIA Nutt in Phil ac J 7:113. B. ACONITIFOLIA Nutt. B 1:196. B. MAJOR G, B 1:196. A 1:336 as 'Therofon major. "Variety INTERMEDIA Piper, Er 7:172 (1899). M 1:53 as Therofon interme- dium. BGYKINTA OCCIDENTALS T. & G. Fl 1:577. B 1:196, s. Ab 189 s. Par 83. See Therofon elatum. Variety E3&ATA G. A 1:326 as Therofon elatum. B. RICHAKD3ONTI G, Am J sci, sr 1, 42-21 B 1:196. BOYKINIA ROTUNDIFOLIA Parry. G 13:371. B 2:445. Da 5. Ab 190 s. A 1:326 as Therofon rotundifolium. BRACKIYACTIS Ledeb Fl Ross 2:495 (1846). B. CILIATA Ledeb Ic. B 1:326 as B. frondosa. = Aster arigustus fide IK. B. FRONDOSA G 8:647. B 1:326. = A«?tpr fmrlnsiic! T &• d fide TK BRlcHYRIS Nut? Qm*St8* (1818). B. EUTHAMIAE Nutt, Ic. B 1:302. — Gutierrezia E, fide IK. BRACHYTHECIUM (= Hypnum). Moss. B. ASPERRIMUM Sulliv = H. a. fide B 2:413. B. COLLINUM B & S = H. c. fide B 2: 413. B. HILLEBRANDI L esq = H. H. fide B 2:413. B. LAETUM B & S rr H. 1. fide B 2:412. B. POPULEUM B & S rrH. p. fide B 2: 413. B. RUTABULUM B & S = H. r. fide B 2:413. B. SALEBROSUM B & S = H. s. fide B 2:413. BRAHEA Mart, Hist Nat Palm 3:243, 319 t 137, 162 (1830?). B. ARMATA Wat 11:146. B 2:12 as Erythea armata. B. CALCARATA Liebm ex Linden, Cat n. 87 (1871). error for calcarea. B. DULCIS J Cooper, Smiths r 1860, 442. B 2:211 as Washingtonia filifera. B. EDULJS H. Wendl ex Wat 11:120, 146. B 2:212 as Erythea e. B. FIL.AMENTOSA Hort ex Wat, 11: 120, 146. B 2:211 as Washingtonia filifera. B. POEZLJ Linden, II Hort 28:38 (1881). Ar. = Erythea armata. BRASEXGTA Schreb, Gen 3-72 (1789). B. PELTATA Pursh Fl 2:389 B 1:16. Jepson. Er 1:13 ^Schreberi fide IK. B. SCHREBERI JF Gmel, syst 853. Japan. BRASSICA L, syst ed 1 (1735). A 1 :118 d. B. ADFRBSSA Boiss Voy Esp 2:38. A 39. A l,m c,. Ab 8p P, 666. A 1: f ^lOKOPHY^A G. P, Wright !:85. 118 d. B 1:39 Ab 170. Da 2. Z 1:57. B. MOHAVENSIS G, Syn Fl 1(2):104. Br 1:201, Cruz. P 1:85 Mig. B MULTIFLORA K 7:49. Cur 1:138. ed 1:57. A 1:119 d. BRAUNERIA Neck Elem 1:17 (1790). = Echinacea fide IK. B. ANGUSTIFOLJA M 1:5. B&A.VNXA Bruck & Schimp. B. CAKIFORK'ICA L esq, Am phil sc tr 13:8; Cal ac mem 1:15. B 2:375. Moss. BRATA Sternb & Hoppe in Denk Reg 1(1) :65 (1815). B. OREGOSTEETSIS G 17:199. Parish, Er 3:60, Bear. BBEVOOBTIA Wood, Phil ac pr (1867) 81. B. CGCCUsTEA Wat 14:239. rz Ida-Maia. B 2:156. B. IDA-MAIA Wood, as above, 82. B 2:156 as coccinea. BRJ3WERIA R Br Prod 487 (1810). B. MINIMA G 17:228. BREWERINA G 8:620 — Arenaria. B. SUFFRUTESCENS G, as above. B 1:69 as Arenaria congesta form. Genus BRICKELL.IA Ell. _.., , , , 0 ,AA /IOT/I\ n i fll sketch 2:290 (1824). = Coleosanthus nae (jreene. BRICKBLLIA ATRACTYLOIDES A. G. w 8:290, See Coleo.t'»nthii.s- nevmu . B. SZHAFISTRTTM Bois Ic. B 1:40. Z B. OBLONGIFOLIA Nutt, Am phil sc tr, 517 ?r 2, 7:288. B 1:300. Variety ABBREVIATA G. bot King 137. P 4 '125 as Coleosanthus ab. .IGANTHES G, PI Gright 1:84. P B. RENIFORMIS G, PI Wright 1:86. Cov 119. = Wrightii fide IK. B. WRIGHTII G, PI Wright 2:72. Dur & Hilg, Pac Ry R 5:8 (= Calif ornica fide B 1:300). BRISEGNOA Remy, in C Gay. Fl Chil (1849). B. CHILENSIS Remy, as above, 292. B L':32 as Oxytheca dedroidea. BRIZA L, Syst ed 1 (1735). B. CANADEXSIS Nutt Gen 1:69 (not of suppl) = Glyceria nervata fide B 2:308. ..AGROSTIS L, sp pi 70. B 2:315 as Eragrostis poaeoides var. megas- tachya G. =: E. major fide IK. B. >T3DIA L, sp pi 70. B 2:316. Eu. BRITTONASTRUM B. XiANCZIOXiATUM M 1:4. based on nella cana var. lanceolata. B.. BTTPESTSS . M 1:4, based on Cedronella rupestris. B. BIZOPYBUM J. Presl, in Rel Haenk S30). B. AMERICANUM Link Hort Berol 1: 160. B 2:306 as Distichlis martima. B. BOREALE Presl, Rel Haenk 28. B as Distichlis maritima. •TCATUM H & A bot Beech 403. B _:306 as Distichlis maritima. • UGLASII H & A bot Beech 404. P, 2:314 as Poa Douglasii. BROCCHIA Mauri ex Tenore. Cat 80 (1841 B. DICHOTOMA Mauri, Ic. B 2:67 as Simmondsia Californica. Genus BRODIAEA Smith. Smith. Linn sc tr 10:2 t 1. Scape tortuous or twining from a de- •d fibrous coated corm: Ivs com 2. fleshy linear: umbel subtended by 3 or more thin spathaceous bracts: perianth tube thin, more or less in- flected and angular or saccate, about equalled by seg: sta 6, the inner with a free lanceolate appendage on each side, sterile in some sp, the outer ones naked: anth basifixed: ovules 3-8 in each cell ; sty persistent, with sh di- vergent stig: cap ovate to oblg, more or les? attenuate above: sds angled, bk. Wild Hyacinth. BRODIAEA BRIDGESII S. Watson. Wat 14:237. B 2:154. BRODIAEA CALIFORNICA. Lindl ex Lem in Fl des Serres, sr 1, r.:429 b (1849). B 2:153 as grandiflora. var? major (cites Lindl, Hort sc tr 4: 84 f). B. CAPITATA Bth. PI Hartw 339. Da 17. Ab 87. B 2:154. Par 268 t. P 1:266, San Benito Island. A 1:179 d. Br 1:217, Rosa (cites B. insularis Greene, as a synonym); Santa Inez mts. Variety ALBA Hort. A 1:180. W fls, otherwise as type. BRODIAEA CANDIDA. BRODIAEA COCCINEA A Gray. G 7:389. Par 244. B 2:157 as Brevoortia c. BRODIAEA CONGESTA Sm. 518 Smith, Linn sc tr 10:3 t 1 (1811). B 2:153. Z 1:244. Par 268. BRODIAEA CROCEA S. Watson. Wat 14:237. B 2:154. BRODIAEA DOUGLASII S. Watson. Wat 141237. B 2:154. BRODIAEA EASTWOODIAE. Habit of B. peduncularis ; umbel as in B. laxa : flowers pure white: introduced 1905. BRODIAEA FILIFOLIA S. Watson. Wat 17:381. SBer (Vasey, 1 \-ir-sh), SD Co (I. J. Gray). Hookera filifolia Greene. BRODIAEA GRACILIS S. Watson. Wat 14:238. B 2:155. BRODIAEA GRANDIFLORA Smith. Linn sc tr 10:2. Par 324 t. B 2:153. Hookera coronaria Salisb. Variety BSIACBTSTFODA Torr, Pac Ry R 4:14U. B 2:154 as B. multiflora. Variety MAJOR Bth, PI Hartw 339. B 2:153. Variety MI1TOR Bth, PI Hartw 340. B 2:153 as B. minor. Variety IKAC&OFODA Torr, Pacific Ry R 4:149. B 2:153 ass B. terrestris K- B. GRA3TDIFZ.OBA Torr, in Stansb r 397. B 2:154 as B. Douglasii. B. HOWEIeiLIX Wat 14:301. Variety LILACIXA. B. IDA-MAIA Jepson. Er 1:13, based on Brevoortia Ida-Maia. B. INSULARIS Greene, Cal ac b 2:134, 413, Cruz. P 1:93, Mig. A 1:180 as capitata. BRODIAEA IXIOIDBS S. Watson. Wat 14:238. Par 158. B 2:155. Z 2:166. (Sims, bot mag t 2383 rr Leucocoryne ixioides.) Variety ERECTA. Dwarf form .with odd, yellowish, fls. with almost black midvein. Variety SPLENDENS BRODIAEA LACTEA. S. Watson. Wat 14:238. Par 160. B 2:156. Variety LILACINA. Stronger growing than the type : fls lilac.-purple. BRODIAEA LAXA S. Watson. Wat 14:237. Par 310 t. B 2:155. Z 1: 144. A 1:184 as Triteleia laxa Bth. BRODIAEA LEMMONAE S. Watson. BRODIAEA MINOR S. Watson. Wat 14:236. B 2:153. Da 17. Ab 87 as Hookera minor. Ha 67. Br 1:205, Cruz. Ore. Baja ! BRODIAEA MULTIFLORA Benth Bth 339. Par 268. B 2:154. Purdy, Z 1:10-2 d, maintains it as a good sp. Z 2:166. B. ORCUTTII Green, MS. SD! = Hookera Orcuti Greene, Cal ac b 1:138. B. PALMERI Wat 24:78. P 1:292 as Triteleia (?) Palmerl. Br 2:209, San Gregorio. San Borgia. Baia. B. PARVIFLORA T & G, Pac Ry R 2: 125. B 2:154 as multiflora. BRODIAEA PEDUNCULARIS S. Wat. Wat 14:237. B 2:155. Lake Co. S Ber Co (W. G. Wright). B. PULCHELLA Greene, Cal ac b 2:133 (1886). M 1:132 as Dichelostemma pulchellum. Wat 17:380. BRODIAEA PURDYI. BRODIAEA ROSEA. BRODIAEA STELLARIS B. Watson. BRODIAEA TERRESTRIS Kello«r. 519 K 2:6 Cur 1:148. B 2:153. Par 326. B. TORRBYI Wood, Phil ac pr (1868) 172. B 2:153 as terrestris. BRODTAEA VOLUBJLIS. Baker J Linn sc 11:378. Par 238 t. B 2:156 as Stropholirion californicum. GenuM IIROML'S Linnaeus. Dill ex L, syst, ed 1 (1735). Panicle open, with its slender rays at length pendulous, sometimes dense or racemed: spkt 5-many-fld, subterete or laterally compressed: gm unequal, sh'er than lowest floret, membranaceous, acute, awnless; lower 1-5, upper 3-9- nerved: lower palet rounded on back or somewhat keeled, 5-9-nerved, awned or bristle-pointed from a little below the mostly 2-cleft tip: upper palet bifid, with ciliate nerves: sta 3, rarely 2: scales en- tire: ova hairy at tip: sty inserted just below top and more or less lateral: stig feathery: grain oblg or linear, grooved, adherent to the palet. About 50 sp, largely Eu. Bromegrass. B. A&TISSIMUS Pursh, Fl 2:728. B. BARBATOIDES Beal, Grass NA 2: 614. A 1:347 as Trinii. Variety SUiCATTJS Beal, as above, 615. A 1:347 as Trinii var. palidiflorus. B. BREVIARITATUS Buckl, Phil ac pr 1862:98. B 2:321 as Ceratochloa brevi- aristatus Hook (cites Thurber, bot Wilkes exp 493; Wat, bot king 389). Parry, Wyo 16. B. CANADENSIS Michx Fl 1:65. B 2: 32"0 as ciliatus L. BROMUS CARINATUS H-A. H & A, bot Beech 403. B 2:321 as Cer- atochloa breviaristatus Hook. Ab 56. Ha 55. Ann or bien; culm 5-8 dm hi; slightly pubescent at nodes; sheaths retrosely soft pilose; ligule 3-4 mm Ig; Ivs flat, mostly nar, 1-2.5 dm Ig, 3-6 mm wide, sparsely pilose on both sides; panicle rather lax, 1-2.5 dm Ig, lower branches 3, spreading or droopm, spkt com- pressed, 2.5-3 cm Ig, 5 mm broad, 5.9-fld; empty gm lanceolat 3, ?.cute, glab to slightly scabrous-pubescent, the first 3-5- nerved, 7-9 mm Ig, second 5-7-nerved, 9-10 mm ig: fig gm puberulent or sh pubescent, 7-nerved, 13-16 mm Ig, sh'ly 2-toothed at apex and tapering into an awn 7-10 mm Ig; palea nearly equalling its gm, ciliate-pectinate on the keels. Var. CALIFORNICUS Shear. "Sheaths and blades nearly smooth; fig gm merely scabrous, otherwise as type." — Ab 57. Bromus californicus Nutt in Phila. ac. herb. Todos Santos bay, Baja California (Miss P. E. Fish). Potrero valley and San Diego, California. (Orcutt 511a). Var. HOOKERIANUS Shear. Bromus hookerianus Thurb in Wilkes U. S. Exp. Exped 17: 493 (1874). Ceratochloa grandiflora Hook Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 253 (1840). Bromus virens Buckl Phila. ac. pr. 1862: 98 Bromus niteng Nutt in Phila ac. herb. California, Washington, Idaho. BROMUS CILIATUS L. L, sp pi 76. Da 19. B 2:320. Br 1:205, 520 Cruz. Ar (Tourney). NY. Minn. New- foundland to Manitoba. B. DEPAUPERATUS J. Presl, Rel Haenk 1:263. B 2:320. Beal, Grass NA 2:613. Parish, Z 5:110, not SD. BROMUS ERECTU3 Huds. Huds, Fl Angl, ed 1, 39. Eu, Asia. Ti- juana, Baja (Or 511). B. HOOKERIANUS Thurber, Bot Wilkes Exp 2:493. B 2:321 as Ceratochloa grandiflora Hook. Da 19. Br 1:205, Cruz; 218, Rosa. BROMU3 HORDEACEU3 L. L, sp pi 77. Ab 53. A 1:44 d. Bromus mollis L, Sp pi ed 2, 1:112 (1762). Serrafalcus mollis Parl Fl Ital 1:396 (1848). BRGaSTTS INERMIS Leyss. Beardless (also called smooth, Hun- garian, and awnless) brome grass. Eu; widely naturalized in the western US, where it is extensively cultivated. B. MOLLIS L sp pi, ed 2, 112. Eu, Af, Asia. A 1:44 as hordeaceus. Z 1:183. Da 19, Er 1:101, Monica (Hasse). B. MADRITENSIS Cav ex Kunth, En 1: 419. — maximus. B. MADRITENSIS L, Cent pi 1:5; Amoen ac 4:265. Eu. Af, Ab 54. Z 1:183. An; cu 3-7 dm hi, smooth; sheaths smooth or lower sparsely pubescent; li- gule about 2 mm Ig; Ivs linear, puberu- lent or nearly smooth, 5-15 cm Ig, 2-4 mm wide; panicle erect, 5-12 cm Ig, lower branches 2-4, 1-3 cm Ig, unequal, spread- ing in fl, slender; spkts 3-4 cm Ig, nearly smooth or scabrous-puberulent, 7-11-fld; empty gm lanceolate, acuminate, the first 1-nerved, 9-12 mm Ig, second 3-nerved, 13-16 mm Ig; flg gm linear-lanceolate, 15- 18 mm Ig, glab or scabrous; awn stout, tapering, rough, somewhat curved, 1.6- 22 mm Ig; palea pectinate-ciliate on keels, equaling insertion of awn. B. MARGIN ATtTS Nees. Ab 56. Ha 55. Per; cu 6-12 dm hi, mostly puberu- lent to pubescent; sheaths pilose-pub- escent; ligule 3-3.5 mm Ig; Ivs rather sparsely pilose-pubescent thruout and scabrous, 1.5-2.5 dm Ig, 6-12 mm wide: panicle erect, 1-2 dm Ig, its lower branches 2-4, erect or spreading in fl, unequal, lowest about 7 cm Ig and bear- ing 2 spkts; spkts 2.5-4 cm Ig, 5-7 mm wide, laterally compressed, 7-9-fld erect or ascending; empty gm scabrous to sca- brous pubescent, the first subacute, 3-5- nerved, 7-9 mm Ig, second 5-7-nerved, 9- 11 mm Ig; flg gm coarsely pubescent, acute, 11-14 mm Ig; mostly 7-nerved, teeth very sh, subacute; awn 4-7 mm Ig; palea ciliate- pectinate on keels, equaling its gm or nearly so. Variety LATIOR Shear, DA agros b 23: 55 (1900). Ha 55. Variety SEMINUDTTS Shear, DA, agros b 23:55 (1900). Ha 55. BROMUS MAXIMUS Desf. Desf, Fl Atl 1:95 t 26. B 2:319. Z 1: ^ 183. Da 19. Bth, 111 Brit Fl f 1214. * Reicheub, Ic Fl Germ t 142. Da 19, Er 1:110, Monica (Hasse). Guad. Cu 12-18' hi; Ivs about 3" wide, and •> with the sheaths dark g and more or less hairy: panicle erect, 5-8' Ig, with few erect and at length nodding 1-fld 521 branches; spkt including awns about 3' Ig, 5-8-fld: gm hyaline except the nerves, the upper nearly equalling the floret: lower palet very rough, about 10" Ig, the teeth 2" and awn about 2' Ig. So Eu, SF, Ar, Wash. McClatchie, Erythea 2:78, Cat. Pt Loma, SD (Or 1059). B. rigidus Roth. Type from northern Africa. Stanford University (C. Ritter 305), California. Var. GUSSONI ParL "Ann; cu erect or ascending, 4-7 dm hi, smooth; sheaths pilose-pubescent; li- gule 3-4 mm Ig; Ivs linear, 2-3 dm Ig, 3-5 mm wide, pilose on both sides; pan- icle somewhat drooping, secund, lax, 1-2 dm Ig; lower branches 2-4, 3-5 cm Ig; spkt 5-7-fid, 3.5-5 cm Ig; empty gm lanceo- late, acuminate, smooth, first 15-20 mm Ig, 1-nerved, second broader, 25-30 mm Ig, 3-nerved; flg gm 5-nerved, 25-30 mm Ig, strongly scabrous, 2-tootbed, teeth hyaline, 3-4 mm Ig; awn stout, 3.5-4.5 cm Ig, rough; palea somewhat sh'er than its gm. Com along streets and in waste places." — Ab 54. Most So Cal plants probably belong to this var. Bromus eussoni Parl Rar. PI. Sic. 2: 8 (1840). Bromus sterilis Gus Fl. Sic. Prod. Suppl. 1: 27 (1832). Larger than the type, 4-7 dm. tall, larger and more lax panicle, 1-2 dm. long, with the upper part somewhat drooping. Arizona, California, Washington, In- cutt 1059). troduced. San Diego, California (Or- BROMUS ORCUTTIANUS Vasey. Vasey, bot gaz 10:223 (1885). Ha 55. A 1:45 fdr. Shear. DA, agros b 23:42 (3 Jl 1900). Ab 55; GabrieV, SBer mts. Var. GRANDIS Shear. Shear, D-A agros b 23:43. Ha 55. "A very stout, erect per 14-15 dm hi, very leafy below. Sheaths, Ivs and cu pubescent thruout. Panicle about 2 dm Ig and nearly as broad at base at ma- turity when the branches are spread more or less horizontally. Spkts pubes- cent thruout. Its distinguishing charac- ters are its size and pubescense. In other respects the plant is like the spe- cies. Type No. 472, collected by C. R. Orcutt at La Maite [La Monte, near El Cajon], SD. The only specimen seen." — Shear, lc. Coll 25 Je 1883 and distribut- ed as B. ciliatus L. B. FOBTERI Variety ASSIMII.IS Davy, Cal Univ pub, bot 1:55, based on var. lanatipes Shear, D-A agros b 23:37 (1900), in part. Mt Brome. A 1:347 d. Variety LANATIFES Shear. A 1:347 as var. assimilis. B. FIIiOSA Z 1:59. B. PUBESCENS Muhl, in Willd En 120. B 2:320 as ciliatus L. B. PURGANS L, sp pi 76. B 2:320 as ciliatus. Hook, Fl 2:252 (= ciliatus in part fide B 2:320). B. EACEMOSUS L, sp pi ed 2, 114. B 2: 320. Eu. BBOMTT3 BICSABDSONI. Link. Hort Berol 2:281. 522 Per; 6-13 dm hi, smooth; sheaths smooth below or sparsely pilose, pilose at throat; ligule 1-2 mm Ig; Ivs linear- lanceolate, 15-25 cm Ig, 5-12 mm wide, com scabrous above and glab beneath; panicle drooping, 15-25 cm Ig; spkts drooping, terete, acuminate, becoming oblg, lanceolate and compressed, 2-3 cm Ig, 6-11-fld; empty gm smooth, the 1st acutish, 8-10 mm Ig, the 2d 9-12 mm Ig; flg gm obtuse, 7-nerved, 12-15 mm Ig, appressed ciliate-pubescent nearly to apex; awn straight, 3-5 mm Ig; palea slightly sh'er than its gm. Ab 55. — "Frequent on wooded slopes and in canyons in all our mts and foot- hills." B. RIGIDUS Reichenb Ic Fl Germ 1:31 no. 1SS6. B 2:319 as rubens. BROMUS RUBENS L. L, Cent pi 1:5. Da 19, Er 1:101, Monica (Hasse). Z 1:183. B 2:319. Eu, Ore, — Ab 54. Port Ballona; SBer; etc. — Kan- sas, Mass. Ann; cu about 2-5 dm hi, erect, pu- berulent above; sheaths pubescent; ligule 1-2 mm Ig, Ivs 3-15 cm Ig, pubescent on both sides; panicle erect, compact, com p'lish, 4-7 cm Ig; spkts mostly 7-11-fld, 2-2.5 cm Ig; empty gm acuminate, pub- escent or scabrous, 1st nar, 1-nerved, 7-9 mm Ig, 2d 3-nerved, 10-12 mm Ig; flg gm 13-16 mm Ig, lanceolate, acute, ;•- nerved, scabrous or appressed scabrous- pubescent, teeth 4-5 mm Ig; awn 18-21 mm Ig; palea Ig ciliate-pectinate on the keels. B. SCHRADERI Kunth, En 1:416. B 2: 322 as Ceratochloa unioloides (vide Bromus u.) B. SEC ACINUS L, sp pi 76. Eu. Ab 53. B 2:319. Z 1:183. Ann; cu 3-7 dm hi, smooth thruout or somewhat pubescent on nodes; sheaths smooth or sometimes sparsely pilose- pubescent; Ivs 1-2 dm Ig, coarsely and sparsely pubescent above, smooth be- neath; panicle 8-18 cm Ig, erect, the up- per part drooping in fr; spkts-ovoid- lan- ceolate, 10-18 mm Ig, 6-8 mm wide in fr; empty gm smooth, obtuse, 1st 4-6 mm Ig, 3-5-nerved, 2d broader, 6-7 mm Ig, 7-neryed; flg gm 7-nerved, 6-8 mm Ig, elliptic, obtuse, smooth or scabrous; awn undulate, 3-5 mm Ig; palea equaling the gm. B. STERXI.IS L sp pi 77. Eu, Asia. B 2: 319. B. STRIGOSUS Bieb, Fl Taur Cauc 3:81, B 2:324 as Triticum strigosum Lessing. B. SUBULATUS Griseb, in Ledeb Fl Ross 4:358. = Melica acuminata fide B 2:305. B. TBINH E Desv in C. Gay, Fl Chil 6: 441 (1853). Chili. A 1:37 d. Ab 53, Pasadena. SD, Colo, Ut, Baja. Variety FAIiLIDIFLORTTS Desv. A 1: 347. Ab 54. A more robust and larger plant, 6-12 dm £i, with a much elongated panicle mostly 2-4 dm Ig; with branches mostly 6-12 at the lower whorls, weak and spreading; Ivs broadly linear lanceolate, smooth or somewhat sparsely pilose- pubescent, as are also the sheaths. Type from the Andes of southern Chili. Chollas! 523 BROMXJS UNIOLOIDES HBK. Nov Gen et sp 1:151. A 1:45 d. Ab 55. B 2:322 as Ceratochloa u. Variety HAEWKEANUS Shear. Ab 56. Sm'er than type, 1.5-5 dm hi.; sheaths retrorsely pilose; Ivs linear, nar, ret- rorsely pilose-pubescent on both sides; panicle erect, 5-10 cm \g. B. VIRENS Buckl, Phil ac pr 1863:98. B L':3l!l as Ceratochloa grandiflora. B. WILDENOWII Kunth Rev Gram 1: 134. B 2:322, as Ceratochola unioloides (= B. unioloides). BROUS30NETIA L'Herit ex Vent Tabl Reg \eg 3:547 (1799). BBOUSSONETIA PAPYBIFEEA Vent. Vent, as above. B 2:63. Malaya. BRUCHEA Schu. (Moss). B. B07.AWDEBI Lesq. B 2:360. B. LONGICOLI-IS Z 1:94. B3U2STEI«X,A R & P, Prod 71 t 12. BRUNEZiXiA Tourn, ex L, Syst ed 1 (1735). - Prunella L. BRUNELLA VULGARIS Linn. Ha 108. Parry, Wyo 17. Leeds, W 5:22. B 1:604. 2:477, Humboldt Co. Par 328. Simple stems ending in a d-ense spike of violet fis. BBYANTKUS SG Gmel, Fl Sib 4:133 t 57 f 3 (1769). B. ALEPTICUS G 7:368. M 1:1 as Phyl- lodoce Aleutica. BRYANTHUS BREWERI A. Gray. G 7:367. Z 2:158. Par 252 t. B 1:456. 2:461. M 1:1 as Phyllodoce Breweri. SBer mts (Parish 439). B. EMFETRIFORMIS G 7:367. Z 2:232. Parry. Wyo. 13. B 1:456. B. GBTEIflJSI D Don, in Edinb n Phil J 17: 160 (Je 1834). Sib. B 1:456. BRYUM Dill. (Moss). B. ALBICANS Bridel. B 2:392. B. ARCTICUM B & S. B 2:392. B. ARGENTEUM L. B 2:395. B. ATROFURFUREUM Weber & Mohr. B 2:394. Eu, Af, Nev. B. ATWATERIAE Muell, Fl 58:76. B 2: 396. Yosemite. Ore, Vancouver Island. B. BAUERI Hampe. B 2:395 as occi- dentale. B. BZGEXiOVII Sulliv. B 2:395. B. BILLARDERII B & S. B 2:394 as provinciale. B. BIMUM Schreb. B 2:394. Nev, Wash, Eu, So Am. No Atlantic states. B. BOZtACTDERX Lesq. B 2:390. Foot of Mt Dana. B. CAESPITXCIUM L. B 2:394. Nev, Wash, Cal, Eu. So Am. B. CALIFORNICUM Sulliv. B 2:395. SF. B. CALOFHYLLUM R Br. B 2:393. B. CANARIENSE Schimp. B 2:394 as provinciale. B. CAFILLARE L. B 2:394. B. CERT7UUM B & S. B 2:392. Eu, Nev. B. CIRRHATUM Hornsch. B 2:393. Eu. Cal. B. COMMUTATUM B 2:391. B. CRUDUM Schreb. B 2:391. B. CUCULLATUM Schw. B 2:391. B. DUVAXAXX Voit. B 2:396. Eu, Nev, Cal. Wash. B. FONTANUM Swartz. B 2:401 as Bartramia f. B. HEHDERSOZtt Z 1:63. B. raCLHrATUM B ft S. B 2:392. Eu, Xev, Yosemite. 524 B. INTERMEDIUM B& C. B 2 '393 Eu, Nev, NM, Cal. B. LATIFOLIUM B & S. B 2:393 as Calophyllum. B. LOWQICOLLUM Swartz. B 2:390. Wash. B. LUDWIGII B & S. B 2:391 as com- mutatum. B. MACOUNII Austin. B 2:396, as At- wateriae. B. MENZIESII Hook. B 2:397 as Mninum M. B. MINTATUM Lesq. B 2:396. Yosemite. B. NUDICAULE Lesq. B 2:390. Mt Dana, Cal. B. NTJTANS Schreb. B 2:391. Eu, Mt Dana, Cal. Ut. Variety BICOLOR B & S. Mt Dana, Cal. Eu. B. OBCONICUM Hornsch. B 2:395. Eu. S Cruz mts. B. OCCIDENTALE Sulliv. B 2:395. B. OREGANUM Sulliv. B 2:394. Ore. B. FALLENS Swartz. B 2:395. Ore. B. FALLESCENS Schw. B 2:394. Eu. Wash. B. PALLUSTRE Swartz. B 2:400 as Aulacomnium p. B. PENDULUM Schimp. B 2:392 as Cer- nuum. B. FOI.3rMOB.FHUM B & S. B 2:390. Eu. Ore. Cal. B. FROVI1TCIALE Philib. B 2:394. Eu. Cal. B. F3EUDOTRIQUETRUM Schw. B 2: 396- Cal. Ohio. Eu. B. TPUNCTATUM B 2:396 fide index. B. PYRIFORME L. B 2:390, as Lepto- bryum. p. B. SCHLEICHERI Schw. B 2:397 as turbinatum. B. SUBROTU2TOUM Bridel. B 2:394. Eu. Yosemite. B. TORQTJESCEHTS B & S. B 2:393. Eu. Af. So Am. NY. Tex. Cal. Australia. B. TOZERI Grev. B 2:392. Eu SF B. TURBI3MATTTM Schw. B 2:396. Variety LATIFOLIUM B & S. B 2:396, Colo. Cal. B. ULIG-INOSUM B & S. B 2:393 d, 395. Eu. Cal. B. WAHLENBERGII Schw. B 2:392 as albicans. B. WAR1TEUM Bland. B 2:392. Eu. Cal. BUCKX.ETA Torr, Am J sci 45:170. B. BISTICHOFHYLLA Torr as above. Z 1:95. BUDA Adans Fam 2:507 (1763). A 1: 157 as Tissa. = Spergularia fide IK. B. MARINA Dum Fl Belg 110. = S. marina fide IK. B. MEDIA Dum, Ic. — S. marina fide IK. B. RUBRA Dum, Ic. = S. rubra fide IK. BULBOSTYLIS DC, Prod 5:358. B. ANNUA Nutt, Phil ac J, sr 2, 1:179 (1847). B 1:409 as Psathyrotes annua. B. CALIFORNICA T & G, Fl 2:79. B 1:300 as Brickellia C. B. MICROPHYLLA Nutt, Am phil sc tr sr 2. 7:286 (1841). B 1:300 as Brickel- lia m. BULLIARDA DC, Philom sc b 3: n49, p 1. (18fll). = Tillaea fide IK. B. AQUATILIS DC as above, 2. A 1:49 as Tillaeastrum aquaticum. BUFHTHALUM L, syst ed 1 (1735). B. SAGITTATUM Pursh, Fl 2:564. B 1: 348, as Balsamorrhiza sagittata Nutt. C. CLEVELANDI Greene, Cal ac b 2: BURRIELIA DC Prod 5:663. = Baeria. 153 (49 sub C. Parryi). SD. Z 1:126, B. AXTHEMOIDES G, bot Mex bound 97. "probably mature Parryi." B. CHRYSOSTOMA T & G, Fl 2:379. B C. CLCLOARPHA G Pac Ry 4:115 t 18. 1:375 as Baeria c. B 1:426 as Microseris c. B. FREMONTII Bth PI Hartw 317. B Variety ERIOCARPHA G. B 1:426. 1:377 as Baeria F. C. DOUGLASII DC Prod 7:85. B 1:426 B. GRACILIS DC Prod 5:664. B 1:376 as as Microseris D. Baeria. C. EROCARPHA G, 6:552. B 1:426 as B. HIRSUTA Nutt. Am phil sc tr, sr 2, Microseris cyclocarpha var. eriocarpha 7:381. B 1:375 as Baeria chrysostoma. G. B. LANOSA G. Pac Ry R 4:107. B 1: C. GLAUCA 379 as Actinolepis lanosa. Variety FBOCEBA G 7:364. B 1:425 as B. LEPTALEA G 6:546. B 1:375. = Microseris laciniata var p. Baeria 1 fide IK. C. GRACILOBA K 5:48. Cur 1:140 as B. LONGIFOLIA Nutt. Am phil sc tr, sr Microseris Bolanderi (B 1:424 as M. 2, 7:380. B 1:376 as Baeria tenerrima. major var laciniata). B. MARITIMA G 7:358. B 1:377 as C. KELLOGGII Greene, Cal ac b 2:49. Baeria m. Z 1:126, "probably M. Lindleyi." B. MICROCLOSSA DC 5:664. B 1:375. C. LACINIATA G, Pac Ry R 4:113. B B. NIVEA DC Eaton, bot king 174. B 1:424 as Microseris 1. (G 8:392 coll Hall 1:379 as Actinolepis n. = Eatonia n, fide no 313 = M. leptosepala fide B 1:425). IK. C. LINDLEYI DC Prod 7:85. B 1:426 B. PARVIFLORA Nutt, Am phil sc tr, sr as Microseris L. A 1:25 (as Uropappus 2. 7:381. B 1:376 as Baeria tenerrima L. (= B. gracilis fide IK). C. LINEARIFOLIA DC Prod 7:85. B B. PLATYCARPHA G, bot Mex bound 1:427 as Microseris 1. Greene, Cal ac 97. B 1:376 as Baeria p. b 2:405, Cruz, SD, "oft more than 2° hi." B. TENERRIMA DC Prod 5:664. B 1: A 1:251, 252 as Uropappus 1. 376 as Baeria t. C. MACROCHAETA G, PI Fend 112. B BURSA [Weber, in] Wigg Prim Fl Hols 1:427 as Microseris m. Z 1:126, "prob- 47 (1780). A 1:117 as Capsella. ably young linearifolia." B. ASTORIS Weber, Ic. ^Capsella Bursa- C. MAJOR var. laciniata G PI Fendl 113. Pastoris. B 1:424 a? Microseris major var. 1. B. BURSA-Pastoris Britton. Ab 175. A C. NUTANS G Pac Ry R 4:112. B 1: 1:117 as Capsella B-P. 424 as Microseris n. B. DIVARICATA OK. A 1:118 as Cap- C. PARRYI G, Pac Ry R 4:122. Greene. sella divaricata. Cal ac b 2:49, 153. B 1:425 as Micros- B. PASTORIS Wigg, Ic. A 1:117 as eris P. G, Mex bound 104. Z 1:126 as Capsella B-P. "M. Lindleyi." BUTNERIA Duham, Arb 1:113, t 45 C. PLATYCARPHA G, Pac Ry R 4:113. (1755). z= Calycanthus fide IK. B 1:426 as Microseris p. B. OCCIDENTALS Greene,, Er 1:207 C. PLURISETA Greene, Cal ac b 2:405, based on Calycanthus occidentalis H Cruz. P 1:30. A 1:1 fdr. Z 1:12". & A. "probably M. Lindleyi." BUXBAUM1A Haller (Moss). C. SYLVATICA G, Pac Ry R 4:114. B B. AFHTXiXiA Haller. B 2:405. Eu. 1:424 as Microseris s. Asia. Cascade mts. C. TENELLA G, Pac Ry R 4:114. B BCXUS L, syst ed 1 (1735). 1:425 as Microseris aphantocarpha var. B. CHINENSIS Link, En 2:386. B 2:67 tenella. as Simmondsia californica. CALAMAGROSTIS Adans, Fam 2:31 CACALIA L, sp pi 834 (1753). = Sene- (1763). cio fide IK. Spkts in a contracted, spk-like, or C. ATRIPLICIFOLIA Raf, New Fl 4:79 open panicle with or without a bristle- (1836). P 3:182 as Mesadenia a. like or hairy rudiment opp palet; empty C. DIVERSIFOLIA T & G Fl 2:435 gm about equal, awnless, membranac- (1843). P 3:182 as Mesadenia d. eous or chartaceous; fig gm com with a C. FLORIDANA G 19:52 (1883). P 3: ring of hairs surrounding its base, or a 183 as Mesadenia f. tuft on each side, and com bearing an C. LANCEOLATA Raf, Ic. P 3:183 as awn on back; palet 2-nerved, 2-kneeled: Mesadenia 1. spkts com larger than in Agrostis. C. OVATA Raf, Ic. P 3:182 as Mesa- C. ALBICANS Buckl, Phil ac pr 1862: denia o. 92. B 2:282 as C. aleutica Trin. C. REINFORMIS Raf, Ic. P 3:182 as C. ALEUTICA Trin, Bong. Veg Sitch Mesadenia r. 171. = Deyeuxia a fide IK. Vasey. C. TUBEROSA Nutt. Gen 2:138 (1818). CNH 3:80. P 3:183 as Mesadenia plantaginea. C. BCLAKT5ERI Thurber. B 2:280. CAKILE L. syst ed 1 (1735). Vasey. CNH 3:79. C. FUSIFOBMXS P 3:346. C. BREWERI Thurber ex Bolander, Cal CALAIS DC 7:85 (1739). — Mi- agr sc tr 1864-5: 136. B 2:280. = Dey- croseris fide IK. cuxia Breweri fide IK. Vasey, CHN C. APHANTOCARPHA G 6:552. B 1: 3:79. 425 as Microseris a. C. CANADENSIS Beauv Agr 157 nomen. C. BIGELOVII G Pac Ry R 4:113. B Torrey, Fl NY 2:444 t 150. G 4:77. B 1:426 as Microseris B. 2:279. = Deyeuxia c fide IK. Parry. PI C. BOLANDERI G 7:365 B 1:425 as Wyo 16. Microseris leptosepala. C. "COLUMBIENSIS Nutt ex G, Phil ac 527 528 pr 1862: 334. B 2:279 as Langsdorfii. C. FREMONTII T & G, Ic. = Layia F C. CBASSIGLUMIS Thurber, B 2:281. fide B 1:370. C. DENSUS Vasey, A 1:45 fdr, 46. CALLICHROA F & M, Ind Sem Hort C. DESCHAMFSIOIDES Trin, Ic Gram pet 2:31 (1835). — Layia. 3 t 354. B 2:280. C. PLATYGLOSSA F & M, Ic. = Layia p C. KAELEBIOIDES Vasey. A 1:46 fdr. fide B 1:370. C. X.ANGSDOBFFXX Trin, Gram Unif CALLIGLOSSA H & A, bot Beech 356 225 t 4 f 10. B 2:279. (1840). = Layia. C. IiAFFONICA Trin. Hook, Brit Fl, ed C. DOUGLASII H & A, Ic. B 1:370 as 4, 34. Parry, PI Wyo 16. L. Calliglossa G. C. IiOZTGIFOIiXA Hook, Fl 2:241. Br, PI CALLIPRORA Lindl, bot reg t 1590 Colo 230. (1833). = Brodiaea fide IK. C. MEXICANA Nutt, Gen 1:46. B 2:279 C. LUTEA Lindl, Ic. B 2:155 as B. as canadensis. ixioides. C. OBCTJTTII Vasey, ined. CD! c. AUBANTIA K 2:20. Cur 1:148 as C. OREGONENSIS Buckl, Phil ac pr probably a stout form of Brodiaea gra- 1862: 92. B 2:279 in part as Langs- cilis (B 2:155 as B. ixioides). dorffi. CAX.X.IBBHOE Nutt, Phil ac J 2:181 C. PUBFUBASCENS R Br, App Rich- (1821). ards Voy 3. B 2:282 as sylvatica. C. SPICATA Regel, Gartenfl 1872:291 t C. ROBUSTA Franch & Sav En PI Jap 737 =Sidalcea malvaeflora fide B 1:83. 2:600. Japan. Vasey, ined. CD! (Prob- CAX.X.ITBICHACEAE. A 1:284 d. ably error). CALLITBICHE L, syst, ed 6, 82 (1748). C. RUBESCENS Buckl, Phil ac pr 1862: A 1-284 d. 92. B 2:280 as deschampsioides? c. ATTTTTMNAIiIS L, Fl Suec ed 2, n 4. C. STBXCTA Trin, Gram Unifl 226. B 2: B 2*77. Eu Asia, No Am. 281. Eu. Wis. Vt. Can. Cal. c. BOLASTOEBI Hegelm, Verh bot Ver C. STBIGOSA Bong. G 4:78. B 2:281. Brandenb 10:116 (1868). B 2:77. Alk. C. LOHTGIFEDUNCUI.ATA Morong. A C. SYLVATICA DC, Fl Fr 5:253. B 2:282. 1:87 fdr. Z 2:298. Cal. Ore. CALLITRICHE MARGINATA Torrey. C. VABIA Boland Cat 34. B 2:280 as pac Ry R 4-135. A 1:285 d. Ab 237. B Bolanderi. 2:76, 483. Da 6. CAZ.AMIFTHA Lam, Fl Fr 2:393 (1778). Soldiers' Home (Hasse). Near SD in A 1:364 d. shallow pools on the mesa. C. CHANDX.EBX Br. A 1:159 fdr. Peculiar to the Pacific coast, from Ari- C. ILICIFOLIA G 8:368. B 1:596, 2:477. zona, to California. Also attributed to — Acanthomintha i. Chili. C. CXJINOFODITJM Bth, in DC Prod 13: c. SUPUIiTA Wat 14:298. B 2:77. 233. Z 2:233. C. STEITOCARFA Hegelm in Verh bot C. MIMUIiQIpHS Bth, PI Hartw 331. A Ver Brandenb 10:114 (1868). B 2:77 as a 1:85 d. B 1:596. form of verna. C. FAXiMEBI G 11:100. A 1:364 d. B 1: CALLITRICHE VERNA Linn. 596. Guad. Fl Suec ed 2, 2, no 3. B 2:77. Z 2:351. CAX.ANDBIHXA HBK Nov Gen et Sp A 1:285 d. Eu. Asia. So Am. Cal. 6:77 t 526 (1823). A 1:163 d. Canada: nearly all parts of the United C. AMBIGUA Howell. A 1:158 d. States; South America; Europe and Asia. C. BBEWERI Wat 11:124. A 1:163 d. M .-, AT nr'wnnTTT* ¥>*,*•«*. B 1:74. Z 2:121. Br 1:202, Cruz; 225. Genus CALOCHORTUS Pursto. C. CAUIiESCEHS HBH. A 1:158 d. Par Pursh, Fl 1:240 (1814). 218. Sts from membranous-coated corms, Variety MENSIESII G. A 1:158. Ab 140. with few nar radical or cauline Ivs and Br, Z 1:113, Cat. showy w, or brilliantly colored fls borne C. ELEGANS Spach, Hist Veg Phan 5: terminally on st or branches or in an 232. =Menziesii fide IK (Caulescens var umbellate fascicle: perianth decid, the M, fide Ab 141). Da 3. seg distinct and more or less concave: C. ZiEANA Porter, bot gaz 1:49. B 2:435. Sep lanceolate, g'ish or sometimes col- C. MARITIME Nutt, T & G Fl 1:197. A ored: Pet for the most part broadly 1:158 d. B 1:75. Br 1:202 Cruz. P 1: cuneate-obovate and com with a con- 263 'P- a^BSA^yoSlS Medic, Pfl 85. B CANBYA Parry ex G 12:51. A 1:155 d. 1:44. Da 2. Par 78. Greene, Cal ac b C. AUBEA Wat A 1'155 2:390. Cruz. Moench, Meth 271. A 1: C. CAliDIBA Pa,n-. ,c. A 1:1M d. B 2: "^A^,* Wa]pers Rep ]:175. B CAIfKABINA Tourn, ex Med Phil bot 1: 1:44. A 1:117 d. Greene. Cal ac b 2:390, 53 "P 4-^43 Cruz, probably adventive. P 1:85 C. LAEVIS Moench Meth 363. = Datisca Mig. Br 1:207 Rosa. Cannabina fide IK. C. ELLIPTICA C. A. Meyer, in Ledeb CANNABIS L syst ed 1 (1735) Fl Ait 3:199. A 1:118 as divaricata. C. SATIVA L, sp pi 1027. Asia. B 2:63. ~ procumbens fide IK. Geiins CANOTIA Torrey. CAPSICUM 1, syst ed 1 (1735). Pac Pv R 4-6S H8561 £ ^^^^^^ L- SP P1 188- B 1:540- Layenne pepper. CANOTIA HOLACANTHA Torr. C. BACCATUM L. Mant 1:46. B 1:540. B 1:190. Wheeler's R 6:24, 81, t. B & H Ar. Mex. 1:616. CD! Ar. Providence mts (Cooper). C. MICROPHYLLUM Dun, DC Prod Greene. Torr cl b 9:121 Cruz. Rosa, 13(1) :421. = baccatum fide B 1:540. CANTUA Juss, Gen 136 (1789). CABBEXTIA Adars. Fam 2:116 (1763). C. AGGREGATA Pursh. Fl 1:147. B 1: C. BE1TEJ3ICTA Adans, Ic. B 2:459. 496 as Gilia ag. CABDJLMIK'E L, syst ed 1 (1735). A 1: C. PARVIFLORA Pursh, Fl 2:730. B 1: 110 d. 536 C. ANGULATA Torr, Pac Ry R 4:65, 77. A 1:111 as integrifolia. B 1:31 as paucisecta. C. ANCUJLATA Hook hot misc 1:343 t 69 (1830). B 1:31, Ore. C. ANGELORUM Wat 24:39, Baja. P 3:11 as Sibara a. C. BELLIDIFOLIA L, sp pi 654. B 2: 431. C. BREWERI Wat 10:339. B 1:31.2:430. P 4:201, 202. C. BULBOSA BSP Presl Cat NY 4. P 3:124 as Dentaria rhombtdea. C. CARDIOPHYLLA Greene, Fl Fr 266 (1891). P 3:122. (Rydb, Torr cl b 28:280 (1901); P 4:307 as infausta). C. CORDIFOLIA G, PI Fendl 8, NM. B 1":31. C. CUNEATA Greene, Cal ac b 1:74 (7 Mr 1885). P 3:123 as Dentaria c. "Glab thruout; per from sm tubers; rather slender, erect; about 1° hi, sim: pie: radicle Ivs 3-4 Ig, 2-Sds as wide, 5-7-foliate; Ifts ovate, irreg, few- toothed or -lobed, % " or more Ig, cuneate, tapering to slender petiolules of greater length, some of these with a pair of secondary Ifts at base; cauline Ifts 5-9, linear-cuneiform, entire: pet w, drying p'ish: pods?" Type locality: "interior of Monterey Co on mt sides near Jolon." "The hab- itat is dry ground, under «ak trees, such as C. paucisecta usually affects. C. Breweri, the other species, to which it stands related, grows in water."- Greene, Cal ac b 1:74. C. DOUOKLASII Britton, NY actr9:8. P 3:124 as Dentaria D (cites Arabis D, T & G F 1:83). Miss valley. C. FILIFOLIA Greene. A 1:6 far sub Sibara. P 3:11 as Sibara f. A 1:110. C. FOLIAGE A P 4:201. C. PULCRATA P 3:155. Oaxaca, Mex. C. GAMBELII Wat 11:147. A 1:110 d. B 1:30. Da 2. Ab 172. C. GEMMATA P 1:162. Ore. C. B2RST7TA L. sp pi 655. B 1:30.2: 430. Plumas Co, Cal. C. HEBERAEFOLIA P 4:202. C. INPAUSTA P 4:307. C. INTEGRIFOLIA Gilib Fl Lituan 2: 68 (~ pratensis fide IK). Da 2. A 1:111 d. C. MCBOCEBTSIS P 4:203. C. KI3G-LECTA. P 3:154. C. OLIGOSPERMA. G 8:376. B 1:30. = Breweri fide IK. C. OKUICTJI,ARIS P 4:202. C. PALMERI 'Wat 24:38. P 3:12 as Sibara P. C. PAUCISECTA Bth, PI Hartw 297. B 1:30. A 1:111 as integrifolia. C. PRATE35TSIS L,, sp pi 656. B 1:30. C. FULCHERRIMA Greene, Er 1:148. P 3:123 as Dentria p. C. PURPUREA T & G, Fl 1:667. B 1:31, as paucisecta. C. QUERCETORUM Howell, Er 3:33. P 3:123 as Dentaria q. C. RHOMBOIDEA DC, Syst 2:246. P 3:124 as Dentaria r. C. ROTUNDIFOLIA Michx Fl 2:30. P 3:124 as Dentaria r. C. SINUATA Greene, Er 1:148. P 3:123 as Dentaria s. C. UMBEX.LATA P 3:154. St Paul Isl, 536 Behring sea. C. VALLICOLA P 3:116. CARDIOSFERMT7M L, syst ed 1 (1736). C. HALICACABUM L, sp pi 366. B 1:106. Br 2:142, San Gregoria, Comondu, Baja. HBK. C. MOLLE HBK Nov Gen et sp 5:104. Magdalena bay, Baja (Bryant). C. TORTUOSTJM Bth, Voy Sulph 9. B 1:106. Br 2:142, Magdalena Island, Baja. CARDUUS L, syst ed 1 (1735). C. BIPINNATTJS M 1:5. C. CALCARET7S M 1:5. C. CALIF ORISTICTJS Greene, Phil ac pr 1892:359. A 1:198 d. Ab 441. Ha 125. Abrams, Fl LA 441. Monica, Gabriel, etc. Greene, Phila ac pr 1892, 359 (1893). Type locality: "hillsides, near Knight's Ferry, on the Stanislaus, Cal." Cirsium Californicum Gray, Pac Dy R 4:112 (1857). Synonyms: Cnicus Calif ornicus G. Cirsium Californicum G. C. CILIOLATTJS M 1:5. C. CLAVATTTS M 1:5. C. DIPPUSUS M 1:6. C. DBUM01TBH Variety ACAULESCENS G. Ha 125. Cirsium acaule americanum G. C. EDTJLIS Greene. A 1:198 d. Ab 441. Abrams, Fl LA 441. Pasadena (Mc- Clatchie). C. PALLONUM Brumfels 2:191 (1531). Dorsten, bot 67 (1540). Tragus Hist 847 (1552). Lobel, obs 487 (1570). P 3:8 as Dipsacus. C. HESPERIUS M 1:6. C. INAMOENUS Greene, Fl Fr 479 (1897). M 1:61 as Vaseyi. C. LATERIOLIUS M 1:147. C. NEVADENSIS P 3:26. C. REMOTIF GLUTS Hook Fl 1:302. B 1:420 as Cnicus remotifolius G C. OCCIJDENTALI3 Nutt, Phil sc tr NS, 7:418. A 1:11*8 d. Ab 441. B 1:419 as Cnicus occ. Nuttall, Am phil soc tr, n sr, 7:418 (1841). Typ_e locality: "round SBer," Cal. Coville, CNH 4:142. Near Caliente. C. TIOGANT7S M 1:147, based on Cnicus Tiopranus Congdon, Er 7:186 (1900). C. VASEYI M 1:61, based on Cnicus Breweri var. Vaseyi G. Genus CAREX Linnaeus. L, syst ed 1 (1735). Grass-like sedges, per by rtstocks, with com 3-angled sts: Lvs 3-fanked, upper elongated or sh and subtending the spikes of fls or O: Fls mon or dioe, solitary in axils of scales: Spikes either wholly pist or stam, or bearing stam and pist fls: Perianth O: Stam fls of 3 sta: Pist of a single pistil with a sty and 2-3 stig borne on a very sh axis in the axil of a scale-like bractlet which completely encloses the 3-angled, lentic- ular or plano-convex ak. C. ALMA Bailey, Torr cl mem 1:50 Parish, Er 3:59, Acton, L A Go (Hasse). C. ADUSTA Boott, in Hook Fl 2:215. B 2:238. C. AEMATORHYNCHA Desv in Gay, Fl Chil 6:224. B 2:251 as filiformis var. 537 ess C. AWGTJSTATA Boott, Hooker Fl 2:218. Greene, Cal ac b 2:414, Cruz. P 1:208, Cedrus? B 2:242. C. AQUATU.IS Wahlemb in Vet Ak Nya Handl Sock 1803:165. Parry, Wyo 16. B 2:241. C. ARGYRAXTHA Tuck ex Boott 111 Car 3:119. B 2:238 as adusta (a delicate form). C. ARXDA Schwein & Torr, Gyp 312 t 24. Boott, 111 Car 1:20 t 54. B 2:237. C. ATERRIMA Hoppe, in Denk bot ges Reg. 1815, t 3, f o, p, q. B 2:238 as atrata. C. ATHJttOSTACHYA Olney, Am ac pr 7.393. Wat bot King 366. B 2:234. C. ATRATA L, sp pi 976. B 2:239. C. AUREA Xutt. Gen 2:205. B 2:240. C. BARBARAS Dewey. ex Torr, bot Mex bound 231. Ab 75. Da 18. Sts 5-10 dm hi, Ify, glau, sharply angled and rough at least above; bracts If-like. the lower long; pist spikes 2-4, 25-75 Ig. nar. the lower with slender pedicils, 7.5-10 cm Ig, attenuate at base, com truncate at apex, scales w backed with brown edge, obtuse; perigynium nerveless, abruptly contracted into a sh distinct beak. C. BIFID A Boott, Am ac pr 7:394. B 2: 238. C. BIGELOVII Torr & Schwein ex Boott 111 Car 4:167, B 2:241, as vulgaris var. alpina. C. BOLAXDERI Olney. Am ac pr 7:393. B 2:236 as Deweyana var. Bolanderi. C. BONPLANDU Kunth, En 2:380. Variety ANGT75TIFOI.IA Boott, 111 Car 3:115. B 2:233. Variety MINOR Olney, bot King 365. B 2:234 as var. angustifolia. C. BREVIPES B 2:246 d, 485 as globosa C?rBREWERI Boott, 111 car 4:142 t 455. B 2:22". C. BROMQIDE3 Schk, Car f 176. Boott 111 car 2:82 t 227. B 2:230. C. BRONGXIARTII Kunth En 2:380, Chili. B 2:232 as glomerata Thunb. C. BUXBATTM1I Wahl, Fl Dan t 1406. Boott, 111 Car 4:136 t 438, 439. B 2:238. C. CAKTESCE1TS L. sp pi 974. B 2:236. Eu, Asia. Chili, Cal, Colo. C. CINNAMOMEA Cheesm, NZ Inst tr 14:301, Nev/ Zealand. Olney. Am ac pr 7:396 (1868). B 2:249, Cal. C. COMOSA Boott 111 Car 1:14 t 38. B 2:253 as pseudocyperus var. comosa. C. CRISTATA Schwein, NY Lye ann 1: 66. B 2:238. = tribuloides fide IK. Variety mirabilis? B 2:238. C. CUBTA Good. Linn sc tr 2:145 (1794). = canescens fide B 2:236. C. DECIDTTA Boott, Linn tr 20:119, et 111 Car 1:63. t 170. B 2:241. C. DEWEYABTA Schwein NY Lye ann 1: 65, 310 (1824). B 2:236. Variety BOLANDERI B 2:236, based on C. Bolanderi Olney. C. DISPERMA Dewey. Am J sci 8:266. B 2:236 as tenella. C. DXSTICBLA Hudson. Fl Angl ed 1. 347. B 2:230. C. DZVISA Hudson, Fl Angl, ed 1, 348; ed 2. 405. B 2:231 (Eu, Asia, Africa). C. DOT7GX.ASXX Boot, Hooker Fl 2:213. B 2:231. Br 1:218 Rosa. Parry, Wyo 16. C. ECaiNATA Murr, Prod Stirp Gott 76. B 2:237. C. PESTIVA Dewey, Am J sci 29:246 (1835). Olney in Parry, Wyo 24. Ha 64. B 2:234. C. .PETA. Bailey, Torr cl B 20:417 (1893). Ha 64. Variety MT7I.TA Bailey, bot gaz (Ja 1896). Jac. Ore. C. PII,IPOi,IA Nutt, Gen 2:204. B 2: 229. = Uncinia breviseta fide IK. CAREX FILIFORMIS Linn. L, sp pi 976. Eu, Asia. B 2:250. Variety AEMATORBTJTWCHA B 2:250, based on C. aematorhyncha Desv. Variety LATIFOLIA Boeckl. Linnaea 41:309. B 2:250. Ab 74. Da 18. Sts 3-8 dm hi. stoloniferous; Ivs oft exceeding sts, 2-4 mm wide, spikelets 3- 4, p, stam 1-4, linear, 3-5 cm Ig, more or less pedicelled, lower sessile; pist 2-4, oblong or cylindric, 2-5 cm Ig, 6-8 mm wide, densely fid, remote, sessile or low- est pedicelled: pedicels scabrous; scales p, pale in middle, acute, ciliate at apex; perigynium coriaceous, hispid, ovoid, ob- tusely angled, olive-colored; beak sh, with sh divergent scabrous teeth, broader and com shorter than scales. C. FOETZDA All, Fl Pedem 2:265. Eu, B 2-232. C. FUI.VA Good, Linn sc tr 2:177 t 20 f 6 (1794). Eu. Variety HORITSCHUCHIANA Boott, 111 Car 4:137 t 443. B 2:250. Synonyms: C. Hornschuchiana Hoppe. C. speirostachya Smith. C. Q AY AN A Desv, Gay Fl chil 4:205, Chili. B 2:231. C. GEYERI Boot. Linn tr 20:118; 111 Car 1:42 t 105. Kunze, Car 186 t 47. B o . o o 9 C." GLOBOSA Boot, Linn sc tr 20:125; 111 Car 4:188. B 2:246, 485. Br 1:205, Cruz. C. GX.OMERATA Thunb, Prod PI Cap 14. So Af. B 2:232. Mex. Chili, SF. C. GRAY AX A Dewey, Am J sci 25:141 (1834">. B 2:244 as livida Willd. C. KOOKERIAHA Dewey, Am J sci 29: 248 (1836). B 2:232 as muricata L, var. gracilis. Stms slender from creeping rtstocks. 2-6 dm hi. sharply an pried," scabrous: Ivs sh'er than st, 2mm wide, tapering to a slender setaceous tip: bracts ovate, awned. com exceeding spkt. lowest setaceous and oft 25-50 mm Ig; spike 2-4 cm Ig, oblg or cylindric: spikelets 4-10. approximate: stam fls few; scales ovate or lanceolate, acute, chestnut- colored with g midnerve, margin hyaline: perigynium oval, abruptly tapering to a sharply bidentate beak, seriate above on the sharp incurved margins, sh'ter than scale. Ab 76. — "Frequent on borders of the coast marshe5*." C. GYNODYNAMA Olney, Am ac pr 7: 394. B 2:251. C. HAI.I.XX Bailey. Am ac pr 22:82 (1886). Ha 64. C. HASSEI Bailey, bot gaz (Ja 1896). SBer mts. C. HAYDENIANA Olney, bot King 366. 540 B 2:234 as f estiva var. Hayderniana. Olney, Parry Wyo 24. C. HETERONEURA B 2:239. "Lake Tahoe to Bear valley" (K). C. HIBTISSIMA B 2:247. "Sierra Nevada" (K). C. HOODII Boott, Hooker Fl 2:211. B 2:231. C. HOPPNERI Boott, Hooker Fl 2:219 t 220. B 2:243 as salina Wahl var. minor Boott. C. HORNSCHUCHIANA Hoppe. B 2: 250 as fulva variety H. C. HYPERBOREA Drej Rev Car 43. - salina fide IK. B 2:241, as vulgaris Fries var. hyperborea. C. INTERMEDIA Good, Linn sc tr 2:154 (1794). B 2:230 as disticha Huds. C. JAMESII Torr, NY Lye ann 3:398 (1836). Parry, Wyo 16. B 2:243. C. KEZ.Z.OGGII B 2:240. Lake Tahoe to Bear (K; Lemmon). Ut. C. LAGOFINA Wahl in V A Nya Handl Stick 1803:145. B 2:233. Eu, Greenland, Cal. C. LAGOPODIOIDES Schk, Riedg 2:20. = tribuloides fide IK. B 2:237. C. LANCEATA Dewey, Am J sci 29:249 (1836). B 2:243 as salina var. minor Boott. C. LANUGINOSA Michx, Fl 2:175. B 2:250 as filiformis var. latifolia. C.LENTICULARIS Michx, Fl 2:172. B 2:242. C. I.EFORIHA L, sp pi 973. Olney, Parry Wyo 16, 24. C. LIMULA Fries, Summa Veg 229. B 2:241 as vulgaris var. hyperborea. CAREX LACINIATA Boott. Ill Car 4:174 t 594. B 2:243. Ab 74. Da 18. SBar (Nutt). Sts stout, sharply angled, 6-11 dm hi; Ivs rather num, nearly equaling sts, 4-8 mm wide; bracts very Ig; spikelets 4-6, cylindric; stam 1-2, com pedicelled, 2.5-7 cm Ig, 4-6 mm wide; pist 5-8 cm Ig, 4-9 mm wide, remote, upper sessile, lower long-pedieelled, nodding; scales p or ferruginous, pale in the middle, ciliate, acute or with rough awn; perigynium abruptly or gradually beaked, nearly entire to bidentate with serrate teeth, compressed-lenticular, punctate, sparingly toothed on the upper margins. C. 1IVIDA Willd. sp pi 4:285. B 2:244. C. LTJZUI.OE FOLIA B 2:250. C. IiUZUIiINA Olney, Am ac pr 7:395. B 2:248. C. MECTDOCICTENSIS Olney, B 2:249. C. MIRABILIS Dewey, Am J sci 30:63. B 2:238 as cristata var. mirabilis? — straminea fide IK. C. MONILE Tuck, ex Boott, Hook J bot 5:69 (1846). B 2:251. — vesicaria var (fide Boeck). C. MONTICOLA Dewey, Am J sci 31:26; bot Mex Bound 229. B 2:247 as triquetra. CAREX MARCIDA Boott. Hooker Fl 2:212. B 2:231. Da 18. Ab 76. Ha 64. St 3-6 dm hi, scabrous above; Ivs 2 mm wide, sh'er than st; spike 2-4 cm Ig, 6-10 mm wide, dull brown; spkts many, crowded or contiguous, closely imbri- cated, 4-6 mm Ig, 2 mm broad, lower compound; bracts clasping, scale-like, setaceously pointed, lowest exceeding its spkt; scales ovate, acute or cuspi- date, margin hyaline, brownish; perigy- iiium nearly bk in fr, orbicular with a sh, or ovate and with a longer bidentate beak, stipitate, plano-convex, margins incurved, serrate above, nerved, equal- ing scales; nutlet ferruginous, lenticu- lar, produced at the base. CAREX MULTICAULIS L. Bailey. Ab 75. Da 18. Cu very num, 3-6 dm hi, stiff, wiry, terete, smooth or minutely scabrous be- neath the fls; sheaths If-less or pro- duced into stiff and appressed tips, 2 cm Ig or more, or on sterile sts 8-15 cm Ig and spreading; lower scales If -like and prolonged into a slender tip, di- lated and hyaline at base; pist fls 2-6, lower often remote; perrigynium 6-8 mm Ig, strongly 3-angled, many-nerved; beak very sh, entire; nutlet punctate, completely filling the perigynium. CAREX MURICATA Linn. L, sp pi 974. (Huds; Fl Dan t 284 — echinata fide B 2:237). Da 18. Variety AMERICANA Bailey. Variety GRACII.IS Boott, 111 Car 4:193. B 2:232. C. ^EBRASCENSIS Dewey, Am J sol sr*2, 18:102 (1854). Ha 64. B 2:243 i^s Jamesii. C. NIGRA All, Fl Pedem 2:267. B 2: 239 as atrata var. nigra Boott. C. HUD AT A B 2:241. Ha 64. C. NUTTALLII Dewey, Am J sci 63:l»2 t 2 f 97. B 2:231 as Douglasii. CAREX OCCIDENTALIS Bailey. Torr cl mem 1:14. Ab 76. Parish, Er 3:59, Monica mts. Glau; sts 3-6 dm hi; Ivs nearly equal- ing sts; spk slender, 25-50 mm Ig; spkts somewhat crowded, or lowest com di~- tinct; bracts scale-like, minute; scales muticous; perigynium turgid, ovate, ab- ruptly short beaked, nearly marginless. C. PALLIDA Meyer, Cyp nov 215 t 8. B 2:230 as siccata Dewey. C. FANICULATA L, Cent PI 1:31 (Amon ac 4:294). B 2:232. C. PELLITA Muhl ex Schk Ried 2:84. B 2:250 as filiformis var. latifolia - lanuginosa fide IK. C. PENNSYLVANIA Torr, NY Lye ann 3:410. B 2:246. = varia fide IK. C. FOLYMORFHA Muhl, ex Boott 111 Car 1:21 t 57. B 2:247. C. FHYLI.OMANICA B 2:233. C. FOLYTRICKOIDES Muhl, ex Schk Ried 2:34. B 2:229. Fla, Rocky mts. CAREX PRESCOTTIANA Boott. Linn sc tr 1:286 (1845). Hawaii. B 2: 244, SBer. Carex barbarae Dewey, ex Torr in bot Mex bound 231. CAREX PSEUDOCYPERUS L. L, sp pi 978. Variety AMERICANA Hochst. Ab 73. Z 2:29. Sts stout, 4-6 dm hi, angles sharp and scabrous; Ivs rigid, nodose, "•••10 inm wide, Ig, tapering; spkts 4-6, densely fld, the uppermost stam, linear, 25-80 mm Ig; pist spkt, 4-7 cm Ig, 8-15 mm wirle, cylindric, approximate or the lowest re- 541 mote; scales pale, attenuate to a Ig his- pid point, lanceolate or oblg, those of the stam linear-lanceolate; perigynium coriaceous, pale olive, ovate to lanceo- late, attenuate to a Ig beak; beak biden- tate, teeth about 2 mm Ig; nutlet obo- void, chestnut colored. Variety COMOSA Boott. Ill Car 4:141. B 2:252. Da 18. ^variety Americana Hockst. C. PROPIXQUA Nees & Meyer, ex Kunth En 2:396. B 2:234. = festina tide IK. C. PYBENAICA Wahl, VA Nya Hand .Stock 1803, 139. Eu. New Zealand. B 2:234. Mt Shasta, Gal. Asia. Alk. Ut. C. PBESLEI Steud PI Gyp 242 (1885). Ha 64. CABEX QUADBIPIDA Bailey. Variety CAECA Bailey, bot gaz (Ja Jae. Variety ZiENIS Bailey, Gal ac pr sr 2, 3:105. Parish. Er 3:59, Bluffllake, SBer Co. C. BXCXABDSONIX R Br, Richards Frankl narr 1st J 751, 35. Arctic region. B 2:246. C. RIGIDA Good, Linn sc tr 2:193 t 22 (1794). B 2:241 as vulgaris var. alpina. Parry, Wyo 16. C. BAYirOiLDSII Dewey, Am J sci, sr 2, 32:39 (1861). Parry, Wyo 16. C. BOSSH Boott in Hook Fl 2:222. B 2:246. C. SALINA Wahl, VA Nya Handl Stick 165. Variety MINOR Boott, 111 car 4:160 t 5:5-30. B 2:242. C. SABTWEZiI.il Dewey, Am J sci 43: 90. B 2:230 as disticha. C. SARTWELLIANA Olney, Am ac pr 7: V, 6. B 2:248. C. 5AXATII.I3 Oed, Fl Dan t 159. B 2: 241 as vulgaris var. Alpina. C. SCHOTTH Dewey, Am J Sci, sr 2, 31: B 2:244. C. SCOPABIA Schk, Ried 2:20. Variety PULVA B 2:237. C. SENTA Boott. Ill car 4:174. B 2:242. CAREX SICCATA Dewey. Am J sci 10:27 (1826). B 2:230. Ab 75. Rtstock creeping, clothed with sh lanceolate scales; sts slender, sharply angled, 15-60 cm hi, scabrous above; Ivs rather rigid, 1-4 mm wide, sh'er than the sts, scabrous on the margins above; bracts scale-like, the lowest cuspidate, com sh'er than its spkt; spks oblg. 2-5 cm Ig, 4-8 mm broad, ferrugineous; spkt 4-12, alt, simple, ovoid, 4-16 mm Ig. 2-8 mm broad, crowded or distinct below, the terminal pist at least at base, the intermediate stam or all variously min- gled; scales ovate-lanceolate, acute, ferrugineus, with broad hyaline mar- gins; perigynium oval or ovate, taper- ing to a long, sharply bidentate beak, fis- sured on the outer side, unequally ser- rate on margins, plano-convex, nerved, about equaling scale; nutlet oblg, dark chestnut. C. SIT CHEN SIS Prese ex Bong Veg Pitcha 51. Alk. B 2:243. C. SPEIROSTACHYA Sw ex Sm Engl Fl 4:98. B 2:250 as fulva var. Horn- schuchiana. 542 CABEX SFISSA Bailey. Da 18. Ab 74. Sts stout, 1-2 m hi, smooth or nearly so; Ivs num, rigid, glau, serrate, about equaling st, 10-15 mm wide; lower bract Ig. If-like, uppermost sh or nearly ob- solete; spkts 6-12 or more, lowest 10-15 cm Ig, Ig-pedicelled, upper becoming sessile, all erect, cylindric; stem 4-6 or more, 3-10 em Ig; scales with a stout toothed awn; perigynium about 3 mm hi, elliptic or obovate, coriaceous, few- fld, y'ish-g. C. STELLULATA Good. Linn sc tr 2: 144. B 2:237 as echinata. C. STERILIS Willd, Schk Car f 146. Boott, 111 Car 1:55 t 146. B 2:236. Par- ish, Er 3:59, Bluff lake, SBer Co. C. STIPATA Muhl ex Schk Ried 2:12. B 2:233. C. STBAMIITEA Willd ex Schk Ried 1: 49. B 2:235. CAREX STRICTA Good, Linn sc tr 2:196 t 21 f 9. Eu. (of Tor- rey = angustata fide B 2:242). C. SUBPTJSCA B 2:234. Gal. C. SUBSPATHACEA Wormsk, Fl Dan 9: 4 t 1530. B 2:243 as salina var. minor. C. TENEXiXiA Schk, Ried 1:23. B 2:235. C. TBICHOCABPA Muhl ex Schk Ried 2:47. 81. Variety IMBEBBIS Carey, G, Man 597. Boott, 111 Car 1:58 t 152. B 2:251. CAREX TRIQUETRA Boott. Linn sc tr 20:126. B 2:247. Da 18. St 3-5 dm hi, slightly scabrous, Ivs pale, 2-5 mm broad, =ing or sh'er than the st;spkts 3-5, oblg; stam about 18 mm Ig, 3-4 mm broad, subsessile; pist 12-18 mm Ig, 3-4 mm broad, erect, upper ap- proximate, the lower pediciled ,all with abortive fls above; scales pale chestnut, ovate, num, margins hyaline; perigyn- ium pale, covered with Ig w hairs, el- lipsoidal, sharply 3-angled, acute at each end. with a short bidentate beak, 1-4- nerved, Ig'er and broader than scale; nutlet filling the perigynium. A b 75. Monica, Gabriel, SBer mts. CABEX TEBETITTSCULA Gooden, Linn sc tr 2:163. Eu. Ab 76. Sts slender, pale g. erect, scabrous at least above, 3-7 dm hi; Ivs com 2 mm wide, sh'er than sts; bracts minute or 0; spike narrowly oblg, compact or in- terrupted, 25-50 mm Ig; spkts several- many, stam above; scales thin, ovate, brownish, acute or sh-awned; perigyn- ium ovate-oval, smooth, few-nerved, tapering to a beak of about its own length, serrate on the margins above. Variety MAJOR Koch. McClatchie, Er 2:78. Gabriel mts. C. TTTBICTTLATA Boott, Hooker Fl 2: 221. B 2:252. C. VALLICOLA Dewey, Am J sci, sr 2. 32:40. B 2:235. Mendocino City, Gal. Idaho. C. VASEYI Dewey, Am J sci, sr 2, 29: 347. B 2:251 as monile, "a form with the teeth of the beak serrate." C. VESICABIA L, sp pi 979. B 2:251, 252. C. VZCABXA Bailey. Parish, Er 6:86. Bear. 6,500° alt. C. vtrLOABIS Fries Nov Mont 3:153. Variety AIiFINA Boott, 111 Car 4:167 t 568-75. B 2:240. 543 Variety BBACTEOSA Bailey, Am ac pr 22:81. Parish, Er 3:59, Jac. C. WASHINGTONIANA Dewey, Am. J sci 10:272. B 2:241 as vulgaris var. alpina. C. WATSONI Olney, bot king 370. B 2: 244, Nev. CABX.OWBIGHTIA G 13:364 (1878). C. ABIZONICA G 13:364. Ar. C. COBDIFOLIA G. Baja. C. LIKEARIPOLIA G 13:364. CABFENTEB-IA Torr, Smith Contr 6:12 t 7, (1854). C. CAIiIFOBNICA Torr, Ic. B 1:203. 2: 446. P 1:66-68, 141. CARFHEPHOBUS Cass, Soc Philom b 1816: 198. C. ATBIFLICIFOLIUS G 5:159 (1861). B 1:301. C. BELLIDIFOLIUS T & G Fl 2:66. C. COBYMBOSUS T & G Fl 2:67. G. JUNCEUS Bth, voy Sulph 21. G 8: 632. B 1:301. G, Syn Fl 2:113. = Beb- bia j. (Durand, Pac Ry R 5:8 = Lin- osyris squamata fide IK; Tetradymia squamata var. Breweri fide B 1:408). CARSONIA P 4:212. C. SPARSIFOLIA P 4:212 based on Cleome sparsifolia Wat (bot king 32 t 5). CABFINUS L, Gen, ed 1, 292 (1737). CARPINUS AMERICANA Michx. Michx Fl 2:201. Variety Tropicalis J. D. Smith. Z 1:63, Guatemala. CABTHAMUS L, syst ed 1 (1735). C. LAEVIS Hill Hort Kew 57 t 5 (1769). Greene, Er 1:3 as Stokesia laevis. Genus CARUM Linnaeus. Rup, ex L, syst ed 1 (1735). A 1:266 d. CARUM GAIRDNERI Benth. & Hook. B 1:259. A 1:266 d. Ab 286. Da 7. P 1: 274 as Atlanta G. C & R, Rev Umb 128. B & H, Gen PI 1:891. — C-R 128. Vancouver Island (Macoun). Ut; Wyo; Mont. Cuymaca! Ha U 98. Edosmia Gairdneri T-G, Fl 1:612. C. HOWELLII C & R Rev Umb 129. P 1:274 as Ataenia H. C. KELLOGGII G 7:344. Jepson. Er 1:63. SF. B 1:259. C & R, Rev Umb 128. P 1: 274 as Ataenia K. CARUM LEMMONI C & H Abiams, Fl LA 286. Occasional in marshes toward the coast. A 1:266 d. Ab 286. C. CREGANUM Wat 20:368. C & R, Rev Umb 128. P 1:274 as Ataenia O. CABYOFHYLLACEAE. A 1:264 d. CABYOFHYLLATA C. CAMTSCHATICA Lam Enc 1:395 (1783). P 4:49 as Sieversia pentapetala. Genus CASSIA Linnaeus. Tourn ex L Syst ed 1 (1735). C. ABMATA Wat 11:136. B 1:161. Mo- have. Ar. C. ANGUSTISSIMA Lam Enc 1:650. P 4:30 as Chamaecrista a. G. AESCHYNOMENE DC in Collad Hist Cass 127 t 17: = mimosoides fide IK. P 4:32 as Chamaecrista aes. C. ASPERA Muhl in Ell LK 1:474 (1821). P 3:243 as Chamaecrista aspera. C. BIFOLIOLATA DC in Collad Hist Cass 120 t 9 f B. P 4:31 as Chamaecrista b. 544 C. BREVIFOLIA Lain Enc 1:651. P 4:30 as Chamaecrista b. C. BREVIPES DC in Collad Hist Cass 119 t 9 f A. P 4:31 as Chamaecrista b. C. CALYCIOIDES DC, Ic. P 4:32 a« Chamaecrista c. C. CAPENSIS E. Mey in Linnaea 7:172. P 4:30 as Chamaecrista c. C. CHAMAECRISTA Mill Diet not L. P 4:29 as Chamaecrista chamaecristoides. P 3:241, cites the Linnaean as Chamae- crista pavonis, on page 242 cites of Am- erican authors as C. fascicularis. C. CHAMAECRISTOIDES Collad Hist Cass 134. P 4:29 as Chamaecrista c. C. CONFINIS P 3:225. CASSIA COVESII A. Gray. G 7:399. B 1:161. CD! Cantilles! Br 2: 152, San Gregorio, Baja! C. CUNEATA DC in Collad Hist Cass 121. P 4:31 as Chamaecrista c. So Am. C. DEPRESSA Pollard, Torr cl b 22:515 t 251 (1895). Fla. P 3:242 as Chamae- crista d. P 4:29 as Chamaecrista cham- aecristoides. C. DIPHYLLA L, sp pi 379. P 4:28 as Chamaecrista d. C. FASCICULARIS Michx Fl 1:262 (1803). P 3:242 as Chamaecrista t C. FLEXUOSA L, sp pi 37 1>. P 4.27 as Chamaecrista f. C. FLAVICOMA HBK Nov Gen et sp 6: 366 (1823). P 3:242 as Chamaecrista f. C.4 GLANDULOSA L, sp pi 542. P 4:28 as Chamaecrista g. C. HECATOPHYLLA DC in Collad Hist Cass 124 c 18. Caribbean Sea. P 4:32 as Chamaecrista h. C. LANCEOLATA Pers syn 1:356 (1805); not of Forsk (1775). P 4:31 as Cham- aecrista Persoonii. C. LINEATA Swartz Prod 66; Fl Ind Occ 728. P 4:31 as Chamaecrista 1. C. MABYZ.ANDICA P 3:240. C. MIMOSOIDES L, sp pi 379. P 4:27 as Chamaecrista m. C. MULTIPINNATA Pollard, Torr cl b 22:515 t 250 (1895). P 3:243 as Chamae- crista m. Variety NASHXI Pollard. P 3:243. C. NIGRICANUS Vahl Symb 1:30 (1790). P 4:30 as Chamaecrista n. C. NICTITANS L, sp pi 380 (1753). P 4:243 as Chamaecrista n. C. OCCIDENTALS L, sp pi 377. Br 2: 152 Baja. C. PALMERI Wat 22:408. P 3:243 as Chamaecrista P. C. PATELLARIA DC Collad Hist Cass 125 t 16. P 4:32 as Chamaecrista p. C. PERSOONH Collad Hist Cass 119 (1816). P 4:31 as Chamaecrista P. So Am. C. PILOSA L, sp pi 540; Coliad Hist Cass 122 t 20 f A. P 4:28 as Chamaecrista p. C. PROCUMBENS L. P 4:28 as Chamae- crista p. C. ROTUNDIFOLIA Pers syn 1:456; Col- lad Hist Cass 119. P 4:31 as Chamae- crista r. So Am. C. SERPENS L, sp pi 541. P 4:29 as Chamaecrista S. C. VIRGATA Swartz, Prodr 66; Fl Ind Occ 728. P 4:31 as Chamaecrista v C. TRISTICULA HBK Nov Gen et sp 6: 367. P 3:242 as Chamaecrista t. 345 546 fcOA La Llave, nov Veg desc fuse 2:2 (1825). C. EDULIS La Llave. B 2:438. Mex. CASSIOFE D Don, Edinb N Phil J 17: 157 (1834). C. LYCOFODIOIDES D Don, Ic. 158. Sib. P 3:82. C. MERTENSIAITA G Don, Gen syst 3: 829. Par 112. B 1:456. P 3:82. C. TETRAGONA D Don, Ic. B 1 :45C. P 3:84. CASTAZ7EA Tourn ex L, syst ed 1 (1735). C. CHRYSOPHYLLA Dougl ex Hook Fl 2:159. B 2:100 as Castanopsis c. C. SEMPERVIRENS K 1:75. B 2.100 as Castanopsis chrysophylla. Genus CASTANOPSIS Syach. Spach Hist Veg 11:185 (1842). CASTANOPSIS CHRYSOPHYLLA A. DC J bot 1:182 (1863). B 2:100. 7. 2:120. 159. Genus CASTIL.L.EIA Linnaeus. Mutis ex L f suppl 47 '1781). A 1 CASTILLEIA AFFINIS Hook & Arn. H & A bot Beech 154 (1833). Greene, Cal ac b 2:409 Cruz. Da 13. P 1:92 Misc. Cov 173, Tejon mts. C. ACUMINATA Spreng, syst 2:77.">. B 1:575 as pallida var. septentrionalis. a ANGUSTIFOLIA P 4:2. CASTILLEIA CALIFORNICA Abrams. Ab 369. A 1:232 fdr. C. CAMPORUM M 1:45. Howell, Fl XW Am 532 (1901). C. CANDENS Durand, Pac Ry 5:12. P 4:2, B 1:574 as linearifolia. CASTILLEIA CIXEREA A. Gray. C. COCCINEA Lindl bot reg t 1136 (not Spreng) =parviflora fide B 1:574. Par 350. C. CO2TFT7SA P 4:1. C. DOUGLASII Bth. DC 10:530. B 1:574 as parviflora. CASTILLEIA FOLIOLOSA Hook. -Am. H. & A. bot Beechy, 154 (1833). G, bot :\Iex Bound 118. B 1:574. Da 13. Ab 370. Par 350. A 1:17. 233 d. Ha 115. C. HATD2NI P 4:1. C. HISPIDA Bth, Hook Fl 2:105. B 1:574 as parviflora. C. HOLOLEUCA Greene, W 3:3. P 1:38, 92 Mig, Greene, Cal ac b 2:409, Cruz. Br 1:215 Rosa: Z 1:113 Cat. A 1:17 fdr, as foliolosa fide Cur. a I.A1IFOT.TA H & A bot Beech 154. B 1:574. Par 350 t. C. Z.EMM02TI G, syn Fl 2 fl):297. B 2: 476. CASTILLEIA LINEARIFOLIA Benth. DC Prod 10:532. B 1:573. Da 13. P 4:2. Z 2:165. C D (Parish 123); Colo; Wyo; N M. C. LINE AT A P 4:151. CASTILLEIA MARTINI Abrams. A 1:233 fdr. Ab 369; So Cal ac b 1:6:) (1902). C. LUTEA Heller, Torr cl b 25:268 (My 18?8). M 1:45 as camporum. CASTILLEIA MINIATA Dougl. Hook Fl 2:106. A 1:233 d. Da 13. P 4:1. B 1:574. Ha 115. Cov 173, Kameah river. Alaska to So Cal (Parish); Colo; Utah. C. MINOR B 1:573. CASTILLEIA OBLONGIFOLIA A. Gray. G, syn Fl 2 (1):296. A 1:233 d. Parish, Er 6:91. Cuyamaca rats. C. OCCIDENTALS Torr, NY Lye Ann 2:230. B 1:575 as pallida var. oociden- talis. C. FALLIDA Kunth, Syn PI Aeq 2:100. Sib. B 1:575. P 4:1. Variety MTNIATA G, Am J sci. B 1:575 Variety SEPTRIONALIS B 1:573. Variety OCCIDENTALIS B 1:575. based on C. occidentalis Torr. Variety CAMPORUM Greenm bot gaz 25: 266. — camporum. C. FABVIFLOSA Bong in St Pet ac mem, sr 6, 5 (2):157, (1840). B 1:575. Parry. Wyo 5. Ha 115. Cov 173. Funeral mts. Br 1:204 Cruz; 215 Rosa, Colo. Ar. CASTILLEIA PLAGIOTOMA A. Gray. G 19:93. S Cal (Parish 1853). C. REMO1A P 4:2. CASTILLEIA SESSIFLORA Pursh. C. SIBIRICA Lindl bot reg t 925 =. pal- lida fide B 1:575. CASTILLEIA STENANTHA A. Gray. G, syn Fl 2 (1):295. Ha 115. Ab 369. Da 13. B 2:475. A 1:234 fdr. C. STTBINCI.T7SA P 4:2. C. TOLUCCENSIS C & S in Linnaea 2: 579 (not HBK) =parviflora fide B 1:574. CATALPA BIGNONIOLDES Walt. CATHAB-niSA Ehrh. (Moss.) C. ANGUSTATA Brid. B 2:402. Eu. Cal. Wash. C. CALI.IBBYON Ehrh. B 2:402. Eu. Cal. CATTLEYA Lindl, Call bott tt 33, 37 (1824). C. SXrHttTEBI Batem, Orch Mex & Guat t 13. Z 1:95. Guatemala. CACALIA L, sp pi 834 (1753).= Senecio. C. NAF.DOSAIIA G 7:361. B 1:301 as Adenostyles N. =Cacaliopsis Nardosmia fide IK. Genna CAUCALJS Linnaeus. L, syst ed 1 (1735). A 1:266 d. CAUCALIS MICROCARPA H. & A. H & A bot Beech 348. Da 1. Ab 282. Z 1:221. B 1:272. 2:452. A 1:267 d. Wash to Baja; Arizona, CAUGALIS IICDO3A Hudson. Scop, Fl Cam, ed 2, 1:192. Eu. Ab 282. B 1:272. A 1:267 d. McClatchie, Erythea 2:123, Pasadena. CATTLANTSrUS Wat, bot king 18, 27 (1871). A 1:113 d. C. AMFLEXICAtrUS Wat 17:364. A 1: 113 .1. Ab 166. C. COTTLTEBI Wat, bot king 27. A 1: 113 d. B 1:36. C. CBASSICATJ1»IS Wat, bot king 27. B 1:36. A 1:113 d. C. GIiA2raUI.OST7S Hooker. Variety Laevis Wat. A 1:113. C. HASTATUS Wat, bot king 28 t 3. B 1:36. C. IKTI.ATTIS Wat, 17:364. A 1:13. C. FHiOSUS Wat, Bot King 27. B 1:36. A 1:113. C. FBCCEBTTS Wat, Bot King 27. B 1: 36. Genus CEANOTHLS Linnaeus. L, in Act sc sci Upsal 77 (1741). Unarmed or psineseent. oft arborescent shrubs, with alt or opp Ivs, and sm but 547 showy w, bl or p, com fragrant, fls, in oft Ig-peduncled dense axy or terminal clusters: Cx 5-iobed: pet i>, hooded, long- clawed: ova immersed in disk and ad- nate to it at base, 3-lobed: disk adnate to ex: sty sh, 3-cleft: ir somewnat 3- lobed, separating at maturity into 3 nut- lets. California lilac. C. AffBB&SCnffl Parry. S Cruz mts, CaJ. CBANO-tHtfS ARBO&EU3 Greene. Cal ac b 2:144 (1886), Cruz; 393. — Br 1: 208 (Rosa; smaller than on Cruz). — A 1: 289 d. Z l:iiu. Brandegee, Zoe 1:110, Cat. Sargent, Garueri and Forest 2:343. — A 1:291 d. C. VEITCHIANUS Hooker, bot mag t 5127. B 1:104. C. VEInUTINUS Dougl. Hooker, Fl 1: 125 t 45. B 1:102. 2:439. Par 43. A 1: 289. CEANOTHUS VERRUCOSUS Nutt. Nutt, T & G, Fl 1:267. — "Branchlets verrucose and somewhat canescent with a rusty-colored pubescence: Ivs alt, ap- proximate or crowded, very thick and coriaceous, roundish-obvate or cuneate- oval, oft ernarginate, the younger some- times obscurely serrulate, glob above, minutely tomentose-canesceiit beneath: umbels axy, few-fld, naked: fr with minute protuberances at angles. Low hills near the coast, SD — Ivs about V*' Ig 549 and 4-5" wide: fr the size of a large pea." Baja! Greene, Cal ac b 1:81. Variety GBEGGII. A 1:290. CEANOTHUS VESTITUS Ge. P. 2:101, near Tehachapi, Cal. Da 4. CEDBOiTEI,3iA Riv ex Rupp Fl Jen ed Hall 225 (1745,). C. CANA Hook hot mag t 4618, Mex. Variety LAXCEOLATA G syn Fl 2 (1): 462. ed 2 (1886). M 1:4 as Brittonas- trum lanceolatum. C. RUPESTRIS P 1:164. M 1:4 as Brit- rum rupestre. CEiASTBUS L. Gen ed 1:59 (1737). C. OBTUSATUS Presl, bot Bemerk 34. B 1:98.2:67 as Simmondsia Californica. CEZiOME P 4:210. C. FLATYCABFA P 4:211 based on cleome platysarpa T. C. SPABSITOIJA P 4:index, error. CELOSIA L. Gen ed 1, 34 (1737). C. FX.OBIBUNDA G 5:167. Br 2:199, Baja icommondu). CELTIS Tourn ex L. Gen ed 1:337 (1737). C. BSEVIPES Wat 14:297. B 2:63. C. DOTTGZiASH Planch in Ann sc nat sr 3. 10:293. B 2:63 as reticulata. C. OCCIDENTALS L, sp pi 1044. B 2: 63. C. PALLIDA T, bot Mex Bound 203. = Tala fide IK. C. BATICULATA T. NY Lye ann 1:247 . B 2:63. Genoa CEJTTAUREA Linnaeus. Gen ed 1. 263 (1737). A 1:197 d. CENTAUREA MELITENSIS Linn. Sp pi 917. Eu. A 1:197 d. Ab 442. P 1:90 Mig. Z 1:58. B 1:421. Da 10. Greene, Cal ac b 2:405, Cruz. Br 1:213 Rosa. Type locality: the island of Melita, Mediterranean sea. Coville, CNH 4:142. Parish, Zoe 1:58. Davidson, Erythea 1:60. LA Co. Abrams, Fl LA 442. A common weed in waysides and fields. Jl-N. Native of Southern Eu. CENTAUREA SOLSTITIALIS Linn. L. ?p pi 917. B 1:421. Parish, Z 1:58. Genus CENTBOMADIA Greene. Rigid corymbosely or diffusely branch- ing ann, with alt pinnatifid or entire spinescent Ivs: herbage more or less resiniferous or glandular thruout: inv bracts subulate, pungent, half enclosing the ray-ale, persistent: ray-fls 15-40, y, sm. fertile: disk-fls sterile: receptacle convex, chaffy thruout, the chaff distinct and persistent: ak triangular, the inner angles terminated b ya sh apiculation. nearly smooth or faintly rugose-tuber- culate: pap O. CENTROMADIA PARRYI Greene. A 1:248 d. Ab 421. Abrams, Fl LA 421. — "Brackish flats toward the coast. Je-Ag." C. PEBENNIS P 3:26. CEXTROMADIA PUNGENS Greene. A 1:248 d. Ab 421. CENTBOSTEGIA G ex Bth in DC 1:27 C. LEPTOCERAS G 8:192. B 2:34 as Chorizanthe 1. 550 C. THURBERI G ex Bth as above. B 2:34 as Chorizanthe T (A 1:215 as same). Genus CENTLNCLLIS Linnaeus. Dill ex L syst ed 1 (1735). C. LANCEOLATUS Michx Fl 1:94. = minimus fide B 1:469. CENTUNCULUS MINIMUS Linn. L, sp pi 116. B 1:469. Ore to S Am. EU. SD: CEFHAZiANTHEBA Rich, in Mus Par mem 4:51. (1818). C. AUSTINAE Heller, Cat ed 2, 4 (1900). M 1:49 as Eburophyton Austinae. C. OREGANA Reich, f, Linnaea 41:53 (1877). B 2:137. Per 394. M 1:49 as Eburophyton Austinae. CEP2CALA14THTTS L. Gen ed 1, 61 (1737). C. OCCIDENTALS L, sp pi 1:95. Jepson. Er l:15Er 1:15, Blue lakes. Par 100. B CEPHAX.OPH02A Cav Ic 6:79 t 599 (1801). C. ACAULIS DC Prod 5:663. P 3:265 as Tetraneuris a. Actinell a fide IK. C. SCAPOSA DC Prod 5:663. P 3:266 as Tetraneuris S. Actinella s fide IK. CEBASTITJM [Dill] L, syst ed 1 (1735). A 1:162 d. C. ADST7BCENS P 4:303. C. ANGU3TATUM P 4:300. C. ABVENSE L, ep pi 438. B 1:67. Z 2:341. C. CAMFESTBE P 4:301. C. C03TFSBTUM P 4:302. C. EFFU3T7M P 4:298. C. FASTIGIATTJM P 4:303. C. MAXIMUM M 1:50. C. NUTANS Raf, Prec Decourv 36. A 1:23 d. B 1:66. C. OBLONGIFALIUM T, Fl US 460. B 1:67 as form of Arvense. C. OCCIDENTALS P 4:299. C. OBEOPHTLUM P 4:297. C. PATTOTTM P 4:302. C. PILOSUM Ledeb, Pet ac mem 5:539 (1815). Sib. B 1:67, 2:435. C. SCOPUX.OBUM P 4:298. C. SOK17EI P 4:303. C. STELLARIOIDES Moc, ex Ser in DC 1:415. B 1:67 as pilosum. C. TRIVIALE Link en Hort Berol 1:433. Eu. Asia. Afr. A 1:162 d. Da 3. Ab 146 as vulgatum. C. VESTITUM P 4:301. C. VISCOSUM L, sp pi 437. Ab 146. A 1:23 d. Da, Er 1:58, LACo. B 2:434. Z 2:29. 341. = glomeratum fide IK. C. VULGATUM L, Fl suec 2:158. Ab 146. B 2:434. A 1:162 as triviale (= glomeratum fide IK). CEBASUS. Tourn, ex L, syst ed 1 (1735). = Prunus fide IK. C. DEMISSA Nutt, T & G Fl 1:411. B 1:167 as P. demissa. C. EMARGINATA Dougl ex Hook Fl 1: 169. B 1:167 et cur 1:136, as P em. C. GLANDULOSUS K 1:59. B 1:167 as P. emarginata. C. MOLLIS Dougl. Hook Fl 1:169. B 167 as P. emarginata var. mollis Brewer. Nutt, sylv 2:14 t 46. P. mollis Walp. C. ILICIFOLIUS Nutt ex H & A bot Beech 340 t 83. A 1:317 as P. ilicifoliu?. CEBATOPSTT,I,ACEAE. A 1:285 d. 551 552 CEBATOFH-ZT.X.UM L, syst ed 1 (1735). 7> 2:102, 157, 245. Par 379. C. APICULATUM Cham in Linnaea 4: Variety GLABER Wat B 1:175. A 1: 504. = demersum fide B 2:78. 320 as betulaefolius. C. DEMEBSUM L, sp pi 982. A 1:285 d. CEBCOSPOBA POSTOBICENSIS M B 2:78. Ab 151. Da 16. 1:15. CEBATOCHLOA Beauv, Agrost 75 t 15 CEBCOSPOBIDITJM HELLEBI M 1:16. f 7 (1812). — Bromus. Genus CEitEUS Haworth. fl 2:253. B 2: .. about „ ,ong „ wlde or elou. TTTMTni nTnT^«5 np Pat Wnrt A/Tr»n«?r> gated. Scales of the ovary distinct, with 9* B ?%°2 = B unio^lde? ftde^K P naked or woolly axils, or almost obsolete CEBATODON Bridel Most and the axils spiny. Berry succulent, C. PTTBPTJBEUS Bridel B 2 '365 Cal covered with spines or scales or almost jsj-ev naked. Seeds black, without albumen. Variety XAKTHOPUS S & L, B 2 -365 Embryo short and straight or curved or Pedicels w. On rts and stumps of both hooked; cotyledons usually contrary to sp of Sequoia (Bolander). tne sides of the seed.— Plants of all sizes, CEBCIDIUM Tul in Arch Mus Par 4- iow or climbing or erect, sometimes enor- 133 (1844). = Parkinsonia fide B 1:162. nious; spine-bearing areolae on vertical C. FLORIDUM Bth ex G PI Wright 1: ribs. Flowers from the older or, at least, 58. Mex. T Pac Ry R 5-360 t 3 (not fully formed parts of the plant, not from Bth) - Parkinsonia Torreyana fide B 1: any preformed areolae, but bursting 182.) = Parkinsonia florida. through the epidermis just above the ^v_,_.___ bunches of spines; some open only in Genus CERCIS Linnaeus. sunlight, others only at night, others L, sp pi 374 ed 1 (1753). A 1:303 d. again are not thus influenced. Fruit of- C. CALIFORNICA T ex Bth 361. B 1: ten edible, sometimes of very large size." 161 as occidentalis. — E. C. CANDENSIS L, sp pi 374. B 1:161. C. AI.AMOSENSIS Coulter. A 1:381 d, CERCIS OCCIDENTALIS Torrey. CEREUS AMECAENSIS Heese. G, Bost J nat hist 6:177 (1850). Tex. Similar to C. speciosissimus in habit Par 204. A 1:303 d. B 1:160. and spi, but the fls pure w, 5 i across. C. RENIFORMIS E ex G, Ic. B 1:161 Small plants produce 4-6 fls. Mexico. as occidentalis. CEREUS AMECAMENSIS. C. SILJQUASTRUM L, sp pi 374. Eu. <£c 1904; 35:246. See C. amecaensis. Bth 307 (var), = occidentalis fide B 1: CE>REUS BAVOSUS Weber. 161. Erect, rarely branching, 8-12 or more Genns CERCOCARPDS H. B. K. stems from the same root, 10 or more feet xr«^ r-^n At csn fi-939 t f^q M 89risin, nas !en in cultivation since rounded tufts of yellowish wool, in which before 1850. Plants so named in hort. n^rn ionb^ddeid 1 dark- brown bristles 4-ti Cambridge, now about 3 feet high, re- of the tube' style tips acute' fruit not semble the present species, and it may known "—Katharine Brandegee, Zoe, 5:3 be possible that the two species may ('je 1900). finally prove to be the same.' Near Rosario. Baja California. Dense- CEREUS PECTINA.TUS E y covered witn bright yellowish brown variety CENTRALIS Coulier. the 'size of an orange'; -.piant 6.8 cm high- centrals usually 4, called pnalla dulce. the lowest ve ghort ^ mm) and £or_ rect, the upper 2 or 3 as long as the radi- als (sometimes longer), and recurved up- C. FECTSlT-ABORISmUM E. Z 1:26, ward. Type, Wilcox of 1894 in Na hb. Ar- izona, near Fort Huachaca." — Coulter, herb. Sereno Watson, Proc. Am. Acad. Cont Na hb 3:386. 21:429 (2 Jel886): — '"Stems tall, erect, Cereus pensilis. solitary, with few erect branches, Katharine Brandegee. Zoe 5:192 10-11 costate; areolae densely tomen- (Ag- 1905), describes this as follows: tose, finally glabrate: spines 8-12 --"Ribs 8-10 little elevated, often lost (usually 10), very stout, straight, ash- in low tubercles; areolae 3-4 mm. in colored tipped with black, the mar- diameter about 2 cm. apart on the ginal spreading or reflexed (6 lines same rib; spines rather slender, bul- long or less), the central one and r-ous at base, at first yellow, becom- spmetimes the 2 uppermost larger ing reddish-gray. on the young (%-!% inches long) and erect or as- growth usually 8 radials, 1 central, cending, compressed or angular: fruit all of about the same length — 2 cm., dry, globose (2y2 or 3 inches in di- in age somewhat longer, more num- ameter), closely covered with pul- erous and arranged in about 3 series: vinate densely hairy areolae, which flowers red. 5-6 cm. in length, with are for the most part beset with stiff rather long and slender tube, the ex- setaceous unequal yellowish spines pension not equalling the length; (the longest 9-11 lines long): seeds areolae of the ovary and tube with large 2 lines long, black and shining; yellowish wool and slender chestnut embryo hamate. Growing 20-30 feet spines 1 cm. or more in length; fruit high and 2 feet in circumference, on globular, spinose, 1.5-2 cm. in diam- stony mountain-sides at Hacienda San eter: seeds very numerous, black rug- Miguel (AA) ; called Cordon, or ose, nearly 2 mm. long, very oblique Hecho, by the Indians, who grind the at base- Collected by T. ?. Branfle- seed to mix with their meal, and use gee. Xo. 246 of his "Flora of the the bristly covering of the fruit as a Cape Region" in the Sierra de la La- hair brush. The species was first made nd trees, joints 3- sided, 1% inches in diameter, 1 or 2 to many feet long, curving, the side next to tree or rock nearly flat, the others slight- ly concave; ribs acute, undulate-tubercu- late, bearing in the depressions between the undulations small tomentose areolae 1^4-2^5. inches apart, with 3-4 stout bulb- ous brown or blackish spines 1-2 mm long. Flowered (28 Je 1902) in the night; fl a foot long; tube of cor 5 inches long, light apple green, spineless, with about 20 greenish yellow sepaloid scales. V--> inch wide or less, acuminate, about 20 filaments white, 2 inches shorter than the petals, anthers sulphur yellow; style 9 inches long, *4 thick, white; 25 spreading slender white stigmata three-fourths inch long; fruit light crimson. 3 inches in di- ameter, 5 in length, with about 30 sepa- loid apple green scales, forming a pretty color-contrast; epidermis an eighth of an inch thick, pulp white, filled with about P.OOO small black seeds ( [fruit bought in Tehuacan market for 6 cents, 28 Je 1902). Plant rather light green, the acute ribs narrowly margined with brown, 1-2 mm wide or less on either side. Pitahalla or 561 pitajaya of the Indians. States of Pueb- la and Oaxaca. Mexico (|Orcutt 2710, 2711). Gereits vagans. Katharine Brandegee, Zoe 5:191 (Ag 1905), describes this as follows: — "Stems prostrate, branching, light green, but the younger stems and joints often purple, reaching 1 m. in length, 20-25 mm. in diameter at base with roots springing- from the whole length, texture rather dry and horny, ribs 8-9 rounded, elevated, well separated, not tuberculate; are- olae of the same rib on old shoots 12-15 mm. asunder, woolly, the spines much shorter than the internodes. Spines slender but stiff, white or whitish, 3-6 mm. long, not regularly arranged radials 8-12 with 1-4 slender and longer bristly ones below, cen- trals 2-6 in two series. Collected by Mr. T. S. Brandegee on El Creston, an island in the harbor at Mazatlan, at various times, and later by Dr. C- A. Purpus, neither of them finding traces of flowers or fruit. It has been in cultivation in our green-house and in the open air for three years, and al- though it flourishes, some of the stems reaching 2 m. in length, it has not so far bloomed. I am sorry to have to describe a plant without flow- ers or fruit, but it is done in order to obviate a greater evil. It has gone into trade under this name and there i? always danger of such plants being loosely described and no type kept." C. VXBIDIPI.OEUS E. Br Colo 230. C. viridiflorus Engelmann, Synopsis 278, based on Echinocereus virid- iflorus, Engelmann, in Wislizenus' re- port 91. Ovate-globose, 3-8 inches high, 1-2 in diameter: spines purple and white, 1-3 lines long, central when present 6-10 long: flower an inch long and wide, outside greenish-'brown, in- side yellowish green, petals only 2 lines wide and 5 long: fruit half inch long, seeds tuberculate. Texas, New Mexico, Colorado. Wyoming:. (3-5) CEREUS WEBERI Corlter. '^Plant about 10 m high, with a regular candelabra form of branching (2 main branches each producing near the base 2 other branches, all ascending), branches and main stem of same diameter, angled and glaucous; areolae 3-5 cm apart; spines stout, bulbous at base; radials 10 cm long, laterally compressed, some- a little deflexed; flowers lateral, 562 white, 8-10 cm long; fruit 'as large as a small orange', covered with small scales bearing axillary wool and spines. Type. Weber, material in hb Mo bot gard. 'A few miles south of Tehuacan1, Puebla, Mexico."— Coulter, Cont N«a hb 3:410. Arborescent, 25 feet high, trunk 1-2 feet in diameter, branching freely 3-5 feet from the ground, producing- often 50 erect growing stems in candelabra form shad- ing an area greater in diameter than the height of the tree. Branches a foot in di- ameter, 9-10 obtuse ribs with areolae 1% inches apart, when young, and densely tomentose at the base of spines; the older areolae but slightly tomentose, the bases of the spines often in close contact; spines ashy, bulbous at base, flattened or angular, strong; the central 2 inches long, 7-9 radials. usually 3 laterally dis- posed on each side and one below the cen- teral, and more rarely 1-2 shorter radials above: spines mostly deciduous- on the trunk and older branches, the persistent areolae often enormously enlarged to a height and diameter of 1-2 inches with 10-20 formidable subulate spines, the longest 3 inches or more long. Flower white, much resembling that of C. Pring- lei; fruit ripens in the middle of May, dull red, 3 inches long, 2 and 2l/-j in great- er and lesser diameter, pulp purplish, sweet, edible, but valued less than the pitalla and other cactus fruits. About 30 triangular scales, bearing in the axils densely woolly areolae with 35 or more slender, bristly, straight, white spines %-% inch long, form the armament of the fruit— the spiny areolae easily detached ( or deciduous?) at maturity. Fruit said tf. be used in making a pleasant drink and the seeds also utilized. The erect growth of the numerous branches and the bright glaucous color renders this g-iant cactus everywhere conspicuous. State of Oaxaca, Mexico ( Orcutt 2676). Known to the Indians as the 'cardnn'. CEREUS \VEIXGAUTIANUS. Of slender growth: stems about 10 lines in diameter, branched at base, at first bright green, shining, finally gray: ribs 4. notched: areolae 7% lines apart, 1% lines in diameter: spines 10, the outer 5-7 lines long, the - inner 10-12 lines long, subulate, straight, stiff, yel- low with red-brown tips, afterwards sing to gray-brown with age. Flower unknown. Hayti. Intro- by E. Hartmann (MfK, 1904, 155, f). Genus CHAE\ACTIS De Candolle. DC 5:659 (1836). Ann herbs, often more or less woolly, with compound Ivs and discor'd hds mostly solitary and peduncled: inr Campanulate, the linear bracts — , uniserial. herbaceous: receptacle fiat, naked: cor with sh tube, Ig nar throat and sh teeth, those of outer row some- times more ample and resembling rays: ak slender, smooth: pap of hyaline nerveless paleac. C. ACHILLEAEFOLJA H & A bot Beech 354. B 1:391 Douglasii. CHABNACTIS ASTBMISIABFOLJA A G G 10:74. B 1:391. Da 9. Ab 432. A 1: 255 d. C. ATTEUUATA G 10:73. B 1:390. C. BRACHYFAFFA G 8:380. B 1:389. C. CABF2ZOCI*X23I& G, bot Mex Bound 94. B 1:390. Cov 134. Type locality: Gila and CD. W. Arizona. S. Utah. CD (Parish). Cal- amujuet and Agua Dulce. Baja (Br). C. DSKUBAT/i, Nutt, Phil ac J sr 2. 1: 177 (1847. B 1:389. C. DOUCKLASU H & A bot Beech 354. B 1:391. Z 2:163. S. E. Cal. (Palmer). Wash; Mont; N. M. C. FILIFOIL-IA Haw, in G PI Fendl J8. B 1:389 as tenuifolia. C. FBORIBUKDA P 3:1GS. CHAENACTIS FREMONTI A. Gray. G 19:30 (1883). CD (Parish). Mohave. Nev. Ar. CHAEJTACTIS GXABKIUSCUliA DC. DC 5:659. Ab 432. B 1:389. Da 9. Taller and more caulescent than C. lanata, branching above, 2-3dm hi, herb- age thinly floccose. becoming glab; ped Ig, stout; hds 15-20 mm hi; inv bracts glab, broader, thickish, obtuse; mar- ginal fls ample, much exceding the others; pap of 4 equal iiar'ly oblong acutish paleae. C. HETERGCARFEA G, PI Fendl 98. B 1:389. Parish, Z 5:119 says Ventura Co is southern limit. Variety TA£TAC2XFOZ»XA G. B 1:38'), based on C. t. CHAENACTIS HETEHOCARPHA A. G. CHAENACTIS LANOSA D. C. DC 5:659. B 1:38 J. Da 9. Ab 432. A 256 d. Hall U 125. Pin-cushion. C. I.ACERA P 1:291. Type locality: San Bartolome bay, Baja! C. MACRAETTHA Eaton, bot King 171 (1871). B 1:390. Cov 4:134. P 4:98. Mohave, Calif: Nevada; Utah. C. ORCUTTIANA Parish. A 1:66 fdr. Parish, Erythea 6:92, based on C. ten- uifolia orcuttiana Greene, W Am Sci 3:157." — Cliffs facing the ocean, Enci- nitas, Oceanside, Cal. C. FARXSXX G. A 1:66 d. Ha 125, CD. C. FEDXCUX.ARIA P 4:98. C. SANTOIilKTOIDES Greene. A 1:66 fdr. Ab 432. CHAENACTIS STEVIOIDES Hook-Am. H & A bot Beech 353. B 1:390. Z 2:231. C. SUFFRUTESCISNS G 16:100. A 1: 66 d. B 2:457. C. TANACETIFOLIA G 6:545. B 1:389 as heterocarnha variety t. CHABNACTIS TENUIFOLIA Nutt Am, Phil sc tr NS, 7:375. B 1:389. Br 1:213 Rosa. Variety ORCUTTIANA Greene. A 1:66 fdr, as Orcuttiana. C. XANTIANA G 6:545. B 1:390. P 4:98. CHAEROPSrYZ^lJM T., syst ed (1735), C. CALIFORNICUM T, Pac Ry R 4:93. B 1:263 as Podosciadlum C. CBLAETADEZ.FEXA G, ex Wat Am nat 7:301. 564 C. WHEFT,J!3B-.J G as above. B 1:42?. CHAETOCHLCA. C. GZ.-ATTCA Ab 25. C. IMBERBIS Ab 25. Genus CHAMAEBATIA Bentham. Bth 308 (1850). CHAMAEBATIA FOLIOLOSA Benth. Bth, Ic. Par 94. B 1:173. Z 2:136. Strawberry bush: strong-scented, vis- cid. CHAMAEBATIARIA Maxim in Act Hort Petrop 6:225 (1879). = Spiraea fide IK. C. MILLEFOLJUM Maxim, Ic, based on Spiraea Millefolium T. CHAMAECRISTA. Moench, Meth 272 (1794). = Cassia fide IK. C. AESCB-XCTOaCECTB P 4:32. c. AiratrsTXssnaLA p 4: 30. C. ASPERA P 3:2-13. C. BXFOTjXOXiATA P 4:31. C. BREVXFOIiXA P 4:30. C. BREVIFES P 4:31. C. CAI.YCIOIIJEJ3 P 4:32. C. CAMFOaUM P 5:108. C. CAFENSIS P 4:30. C. CHAMAECRXSTOXDES P 4:29. C. CUNEATA P 4:31. C. DEPRP^SSA P 3:242, 4:29 as chamae- cristoldes. C. pirn-STL^A P 4:28. C. FASCICAI.ARIS P 3:242. C. FT.*WICQMA P 3:242. C. FLESUOSA P 4:27. CJ. GIcAHDUXoOSA P 4:29. C. HEGATOFBYI,I,A P 4:32. C. I.INEATA P 4:31. C. MIMOSOrOES P 4:27. C. MUZ.TIPIWBTATA P 3:243. C. !-TICTITA:tfS P 3:243. 4:29. C. NIGRICANS P 4:30. C. FAI.MEBX P 3:243. C. FATELI.ARIA P 4:32. C. FAVO^TIS P 3:241, 4:28. C. FERSOONH P 4:31. C. FXX.OSA P 4:28. C. FZiTJMOSA P 4:27. C. FROCUMBESTS P 4:28. C. FUBERT7I.A P 5:134. C. ROTTTNDlFOIiXA P 4:31. C. SERFENS P 4:29. C. STRICT A P 4:27. C. TRISTICUtA P 3:242. C. VIRC3ATA P 4:31. Genus CHAMAECYPARIS Spach. Hist Veg Phan 11: 329 (1842). = Thuya fide IK. CHAMAECYPARIS LAWSONIANA Par- lat. Ann Mus Stor Nat Fir 1:181 (1864). B 2:114, 483. Cupressus lawsoniana Andr Murr In Edinb New Phil J n sr, 1:292 t 9 (Ja-Ap 1856). C. NUTKAENSIS Land! & Gord, Hort sc J 5:207 (1850). B 2:114. P 3:66. Z 2: 282. — Thuya excelsa fide IK. CHAMAESARACHA G ex Franch & Sav, Eu PI J ap 2:454 (1876). C. COROKTOFUS G B 1:540 Rydberg, Torr cl mem 4:371 "Cal." Parish, Z 5: 118 Ar. C. NANA G, B 1:540. Cal. OHARA. 565 CHARA FOETIDA Al. Br. Da 20 C. GTMNOPU3 Variety SANCTAE-MABaABITAE Allen. A 1:129 as S-m. C. HIBSUTA Allen. A 1:129 d. NCTAE-MARGARITAE Rob. A 1: GeniiH CHEIL.A.VTHES Swart.. CHEILANTHES CALIFORNICA Mett. cheii 44. B 2:336. Da 20. Z 1:147. 2:131. Greene, Cal ac b 2:415 Cruz. Hypolepis calif ornica Hook sp Fil 2:71 (1858). Lace fern. Southern and Baja Cal. CHEILANTHES CLEVELANDI Eaton. B 2:338. Southern and Baja California. CHEILANTHES COOPERAE Eaton. B 2:337. Da Central and southern California. C. ELEGANS Kuhn Beitr 8. B 2:338 as myriophylla. C/FESTDLEHI. B 2:338, not Cal. Da 20. CHEILANTHES FIBRILLOSA Davnpt. San Jacinto mts. California (Parish). C. GBACI2LX.IMA Eaton. B 2:337. Z 2: 131. CHEILANTHES MYRIOPHYLLA Desv. B 2:338. Z 2:131. Br 1:205 Cruz; 218 Rosa. Texas; Arizona; southern and Baja Cal. CHEILANTHES PARISHII Davenport. Riverside Co.. Cal. (Parish). C. PBINGLEI. Z 2:150. C. -VESTITA Bracken ridge, Ferns US Exp Exp. B 2:338 as sracillima. CHEILANTHES VIS'"IDA Davenport. Torr cl b 6:191. B .:337. Colorado Desert near Whitewater. CHEIRANTHODENDRON B & H Gen 1:212. = cheirostemon Humb & Bonpl fide IK. C. CALIFORNICUM Bail] Hist PI 4:70. B 1:88 as Fremontia Calif ornica. CHEIRANTHU5 L Gen e<: 1, 195 (1737). A 1:122. 123 d. C. AI.PESTBIS M 1:144. C. AKMOFHII.US M 1:52. C. AWGUSTATTJS Greene. A 1:122 d. Ab 179. P 3:132. C. ARIDTJS P 4:198. C. ABENICOLA P 3:131. C. ASGZZsIiOSUS P 3:136. C. ABKAITSANTJS P 3:135. C. ASPEB C & S in Linnaea 1:14 (1826). B 1:35. Da 2. P 3:131, 133. Z 2:161, 339. Par 136. Br 1:207 R C. ASPERAS Nutt. Xutt Gen 2:436. A 1:123 as Erysimum asperum. C. ASPEBITHU3 P 3:133. C. CAX.IFGBMCT7S P 3:133. C. CAPITATUS Dougl Hook Fl 1:38. P 3:131. B 1:36 as asper C & S. C. EliATTTS P 3:155, based an Erysimum C. EBYSXMOXDES P 3:138. C. BAHEBI P 4:235. C. GBANTSIFLOBUS M 1:145. C. NEVADENSIS M 1:52. C. OBI,AN-CSOI,ATUS M 1:141. C. BADICATTJS M 1:144. C. lUTCONSPICUUS P 3:134. C. I27SUI.ABIS P 3:131. C. MEtrZIESU B 1:35. C. NIVALIS P 3:137. based on Erysimum asperum vah. pumilum Porter & Cor.ltei. 566 C. OCCrDENTAXIS P 3:132. C. PEBENSTIS P 3:132. C. SUFFBUTESCENS Ab 179. A 1:122 fdr. C.. SYBTICOIiA P 3:136, based on Erysimum syrticola. C. TUBBITOrDES Lam Enc 2:716. PS: 138. C. WHEEI.EBI P 3:135, based on Erysimum W. CEEIBIHIA Link En 2:170 (1822). C. CHEIRANTHOIDES Link. P 3:138 as cheiranthus turritoides. CHEiONE L, syst ed 1 (1735). C. CENTRANTHIFOLIA Bth, Hort sc tr XS 1:481. A 1:226 as Pentstemon centranthifolius. C. NEMOBOSA Dougl, bot reg t 1211. B 1:556, 2:473. CHENOFODXZTA. Moq in DC 13(2) :159 (1849). C. MOQUIHI T, Pac Ry R 7:18. B 2:59. P 1:264 as Guaeda M (=S. Torreyana fide IK. Genus CHENOPODIUM Tournefort. L, syst ed 1 (1735). A 1:217 d. CHENOPODIUM ALBUM Linn. L, sp pi 219. A 1:217 d. B 2:47. Ab 124. Da 15. Z 1:125. Br 1:216 Rosa. Greene, Cal ac b 2:4111 Cruz. Coville, CNH 4:179. \ariety VIRIDE Moq. A 1:218 d. Da 15. Ab 125. Abrams, Fl LA 125. Vernon (Dav- idson). CHENOPODIUM AMBROSIOIDES Linn. L, sp pi 219. Greene, Cal ac b 2:411 Cruz. Br 1:216 Rosa. Ab 125. = ambro?ioides fide IK. C. AN^EELMTKTICTnfl L. sp pi _ ambrosioldes fifie IK. Variety HASTATUM Moq. B 2:48 as Californicum. C. BOTBTTS L. sp pi 219. B 2:47. CHENOPODIUM CALIFORNICUM S. W. Wat. B 2:48. A 1:218 d. Da 15. Ab P 1:93 Mig; Cal ac b 2:411 Cruz. Block, Erytnea 2:10, medicinal note on root. Coville. CNH 4:179. Blitum Californicum Watson. Am ac pr 9:101 (1874). Type locality: "Cal, from the Sacra- mento to Fort Tejon and SD." C. CAPirATTTtt Aschers, Fl Brandenb 572. B 2:48. C. CABI27ATUM R Br, Prod 407. B 2:48. C. COB3HTTTTM B & H ex Wat, B 2:482. CHENOPODIUM FREMONTI S. Wateon Watson, Bot King Exp 287 (1871). B 2:47. A 1:218 d. Type locality: (from Fremont's spec- imen) "on the Norm Plattt. Coville, CNH 4:179. Pandamint mts. C. HUMTLE Hook Fl 2:127. B 2:48 as rubrum var. humile. C. HYBBIPTTM I>. sp pi 219. B 2:47. C. IfEPTOPii X JLjiinil Nutt ex Moq in DC 13(2):71. B 2:47. C. MOQUINI T, Pac Ry R 7:18. B 2: 59. P 1:264 as Suaeda M ( = S. Tor- reyana fide IK). CHENOPODIUM MURALE Linn. L, Sp PI 1:219 (1753). Eu. B 2:46. A 1:218 d. 21:125. Da 15. Ab 567 568 125. P 1:267 Cedros; 92 Mig; Cal ac b with 3 closely approximate nerves down 2:411 Cruz. Asia. the middle: sta 6, inserted on base of Coville, CNH 4:160. seg; anth versatile: sty lg-filiformf Eu. Common in waste places. slightly 3-cleft: cap broadly turbinate. CHENOPODIUM RUBRUBf L. 3-valved, loculicidal: srs 1 or 2 in each A 1:218 d. Ab 125. B 2:48. cell, obovate, somewhat rugose. Variety HUMILE B 2:48. Kunth, En 4:681 (1843). C. SPINOSUM Hook PI 2:127. P 4:225 CHLOROGALUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM K. as Eremosemium spinosum. K 2:104. B 2 "160 C. VIRIDE L, sp pi 219. Da, Er 1:99, C. DIVARICATUM Kunth En 4:682. = LACo. = album fide IK. pomeridianum fide IK. CHLOROGALUM LEICHTLINII Bakei. Genus OHILOPSIS Don. Gard Chron 1874, 1:689. D Don in Edinb Phil J 9:261 (1823). CHLOROGALUM PARVIFLORUM S. TO C. LINEARIS Sweet, Hort Brit, ed 1, Wat 14:243. B 2:160. SD mesas! 283. B 1:587 as saligra C. POMERIDIANUM Kunth. En 4:682. CHILOPSIS SALIGNA Don. A 1:183 d. B 2:159. Da 17. Z 2:166, D Don as above. B 1:587. 375. Ab 84 t. Bloch, Er 2:10, note on "Mexicans use the fls in fevers and medicinal value. Amole. as a stimulant in cardiac diseases." — CHLOBOPYBON Behr, Cal ac pr 1:61 Havard. Desert Willow. Ariz. CD! (1855). NM. Tex. Mex. Cal. Calamujuet. C. PALUSTRE Behr as above. Cur Baja (Br). 1:145 as Cordylanthus maritimus. B 2: Genus CHIMAPHILA Pursh. 622 as Orthocarpus. Per herbs with decumbent sts, ascend- CHCNDBOSUM Desv in Nov B Sc ing leafy branches, opp or verticillate Philom 2:188 (1810). — Bouteloua fide evergreen sh-petioled serrate Ivs, and IK. spreading or nodding w or p fls in C. OLIGOSTACHYUM T in Marcy R terminal corymbs or rarely solitary: 300. B 2:291 as B. O. pedicels mostly bracteolate: ex 5-cleft C. POLYSTACHYUM Bth Voy Sulph 56. or parted, persistent: pet 5, concave, B 2:291 as B. p. nearly orbicular, sessile, spreading or r«>«™. rnnnvr ATVT'H*' n n-« recurved: sta 10. fil com dilated above Genus C [ORIZANTHE R. Brown. and somewhat pubescent: ova globose, Bth» Linn sc tr 17:416 t 19 (1836). A 5-lobed, 5-celled; sty very sh, obcomis; 1:214 d. stig large, orbicular, 5-crenate. C. AETCrTTSTIPOLIA Nutt, Phil ac J n s, C. CORYMBOSA Pursh, Fl 1:300. B 1: 1:167. 459 as umbellata. CHORIZANTHE BREVICORNU Torr. CHIMAPHILA MENZ1ESII Spreng. £. Dot Mex Bound 177. B 2:38 481. «?v«t 9-117 Par i OK t T* i-iFiQ A i-» Cov 4:189, Death valley. CD! ut. Ar. 29? Alt Wilson unde? pines Type locality: -on the Gila river." Plnsissewa Ha U 10? C- BBEWSBI Wat 12:270. B 2:36. More oTtes? branched from base, % CHORIZANTHE CALIFORNIA A G dm hi; Ivs ovate to oblong-lanceolate, ?,' B°As^on /T navr hl^ / :^4'' B2:35- Da 12-36 mm long, sharply serrulate, upper 15- Ab 1]d- , A 1:2i* d< „ surface oft mottled with w ped 1-3-fld- Abrams, Fl LA 113.— "Common on bracts ovate or roundish; fil slender] sa,n<*y B?iL" _.. ~ „ with a round dilated portion above the «h^fer to ban SS?^2?! Da lo' middle, villous; fis about 1 cm in diam. ?. CLEVSL^I-TDI Parry. Dav ac 4:02. SBer mts- Cuyamaca' Jepson. Er J :10. 12. C. ITMBEZiZiATA Nutt Gen 1:274. Eu. 9' COMMTSUBAliIS Remy, Gay Fl Chil ASIP R 1'4P»C) Par Iftfi 7 ')'~9'if> ' 5:287. Chili. ?^?^)NTEUS Gaertn F™ct *»• l ^^Kl?^:0^!- &!• C. FRA.XINIFOLIUS K 5:18. B 1:472 ^CD! ^a-ionde Santa Maria (Br). as Fraxinus dipetala (Cur 1:142 as O. BASYACAHWEA Phil in Lmnaea 33: COTioFIA'Molc'&rSes^PtDrcV70 (Fr C. DXWTOA Bth 333. B 2:36, 481. Hym 277 is a fungus) ' C. .DISCOLOR Nutt. Phil ac J ns, 1:167. CHI.O&AEA Lindl, Brand Sr J. Roy c- DOUO3JASn Bth, Linn sc tr 17:418. Inst NS 1-47 (18^7) ' B 2:35. C. AUSTINAE G 12:83. = Cephalanthera CHORIZANTHE FERNANDINA S. Wat Oregana fide IK. B 2:137. M 1:49 as Wat- B 2:481. Da 15. Ab 114. A 1: E burophyton A. 219 d. CHLORIS ELEGANS HBK. Baja (Or 1369). near Quintin! Ft. Yuma, Cal. (Or 2082). Mexico. San Fernando, Cal. (Mrs. A. E. Genus CHLOROGALUM Kunth, Sts from a fibrous-coated bulb, tall CHORIZANTHE FIMBRIATA Nutt. almost Ifless paniculately branched Phil ac J ns, 1:168. B 2:36. above, branches loosely racemose: basal "Dry hills around SD, in such profu- Ivs tufted Ig linear, st Ivs much re- sion as to give them a red appearance " duced: bracts sm, scarious: pedicils — Thurber. Quintin! CD (Parish 833); jointed at summit: perianth w or p'lish, Rosario, Baja: Da 15. Ha U 72. persistent and at length twisted over C. PLAVESCENS Phil, Linn 33:226 ova, its seg distinct ligulate spreading, Chili. 569 570 C. FX.AVA Br 2:202, Calmalli. ad San Felipe Californiae." C. FBAlTXEZriOX3>ES Remy, C Gay Fl Mohave. near Colorado river (Parish Chili 5:288. Chili. R96). C. GZ.ABBESCENS Bth, Linn sc tr 17: Variety CRYPTANTHA Curran. 418 Chili. Mohave near Lancaster. (Curran). C. KHTGH Phil and univ Chili (1873) A 1:216. 536. Chili. C. UMBEZiZ.ATA Phil, Linnaea 33:225. CHORIZANTHE LACINIATA Torr. Chili. T. Pac Ry R 7:19, B 2:37. C. UNCTWATA Nutt Phil ac J ns, 1:167. Potrero (Orcutt); CD slopes. C. TT1TIABISTATA T & G, Am ac pr 8: C. Z.ASTABBIAEA Parry, Dav ac pr 195. B 2:38. A 1:215. C. VAGHTATA Bth, Linn sc tr 17:417, CHORIZANTHE LEPTOCEROS S. Wat. Chili. Wat 12:269. B 2:34. Da 15. Ab 113. C. VAXiXDA Wat 12:271. B 2:36. A 1:214 d. C. VIBGATA Bth. Linn sc tr 17:416. Abrams, Fl LA 113. — "on dry sandy Chili, plains from San Gabriel eastward." CHORIZANTHE WATSONI T. & G. Near SBer (Parish 829, Parry). Da 15. G 8:199. B 2:39, 481. Cov 4:189. C. MACBAEI Bth, Linn sc tr 17:41'7. Mohave: CD: Nevada deserts. Chili. C. WHEELEBI Wat 12:272. B 2:38. C. MEMBBANACEA Bth, Linn sc tr 17: CHORIZANTHE XANTI S. Watson. Chili. B 2:35. Wat 12:272. B 2:37, 481. Ab 114. A 1: C. MT7TABII.IS Br 2:203. Baja. 216 d. C. NUDICAULE Bth 332. :: Douglasii Type localities: "near Fort Tejon," fide IK. "SBer," and "San Gorgonio," Cal. C. NUDICATTI.E Nutt. Phil ac J, ns, 1: Coville, CNH 4:190. 166. CHBYSAMFHOBA Greene. Based on CHORIZANTHE ORCUTTIANA Parry. Darlingtonia C. Dav ac pr 4:54. A 1:81 fdr. CHBYSASPIS Desvaux (1827). C. FAZ.MEBI Wat 12:271. B 2:36. C. AGRARIA P 3:205 based on Trifolium CHORIZANTHE PARRYI S. Watson. agrarium Dod. Wat 12:271. B 2:37. Ab 114. A 1:214 d. C. AUREA P 3:204 based on Trifolium C. FAKICTTLATA Bth. Linn sc tr 17:417. aureum Pollich. Chill. C. BADIA P 3:206 based on Trifolium C. FEDTJWCUT,ABIS Bth, Linn sc tr 17: badium Schreb. 416. Chili. C. CAMPESTRIS Desv. Fl anjou 338 CHORIZANTHE PERFOLIATA A. Gray. (1827). P 3:205 as agaria. Bost sc nat hist 7:148. B 2:34. Cov 4: C. DUBIA P 3:206 based on Trifolium 189, Tehachapi canyon. dubium Sibth. Mohave (Orcutt). C. PROCUMBEUS Desv, Fl anjou 338. CHORIZANTHE POLYGONOIDES T.-G. P 3:206. (Trifolium procumbeus L.). G 8:197. B 2:38. C. SPADICEA P 3:205 based on Me^as SD! Chico, Cal (Parry) Trifolium spadiceum L. CHORIZANTHE PROCUMBENS Nutt CHBYSA*TTHEMTTM Tourn, ex L, syst c J, ns, 1:167. Da 15. Ab 114. B ed j (1735). '15 d' -110 vov, ,• «^Q Vaslit. Z 1:86 (escapes from cult). ev-l^f-as-sScoid^s8 A^E?f.^THEOTM U SP pL EU' 3r ::203, Baja CHTSOCOFTis Nutt Phil ac J 7:8 t 1 £ 5 ««*«««» oiii, Linn sc tr 1,:419. ri834). := Coptis fide IK. C. BAMOSISSIMA Bth Ic. 417. Chili. g' OCCIDENT ALIS Nutt, Ic. B 2:427 as CHORIZANTHE RIGIDA T. & G. CHBYSOCOMA L. Gen ed 1. 248 (1737), Am ac pr 8:198. B 2:38. in part. So Utah: CD! El Pozo Aleman. Baja C. GRAVEOLENS T. NY Lye ann 2: (Br). 211. B 1:317 as Bigelovia g. C. BOSEA Phil in Linnaea 33:225. Chili. C. NAUSEOSA Pursh Fl 2:517. B 1: CHORIZAXTHE SPINOSA S. Watson. 317 as Bigelovia graveolens (as to Nutt, Wat B 2:481. A 1:215 d. Gen). Parish, Zoe 5:113, not SBer but Mo- Genus CHBTSOMA Nuttall. have. Nutt, Phil ac J 7:67 (1834). = Solidago CHORIZANTHE STATICOIDES Benth. Low evergreen shrubs with mostly .oentham, Linn Tr 17:418. nar subterete punctate Ivs and terminal Da 15. Ab 113. B 2:37. A 1:215 d. Par cymose or corymbose clusters of sm 224. Greene, Cal ac b 2:411 Cruz. Br 1: hds: Inv turbinate, its bracts mostly 216 Rosa. lanceolate, very reg-imbricated. margins C. STEIiIiUTiATA Bth 333. B 2:35. 481. subscarious: Fls permanently y: Disk fls C. TENTHS Phil in Linnaea 33:227. slender with subcampanulate throat and Chili. deeply cleft limb: sty-appendages fili- CHORIZANTHE THURBERI S. Watson, form, acuminate, hirsutulous: Ak more Wat 12:269. B 2:34. Da 15. Ab 113. A or less distinctly prismatic: Pap of 1:215 d. scabrous slender bristles, dull w or y'ish, Coville, CNH 4:189. becoming r'dish. Centrostegia Thurberl Bentham, in C. COOFEBI Greene. Er 3:12 based on DC Prodr 14:27 (1856). Bigelovia Cooperi G. Providence mts, Type locality: "in collibus arenosis Cal. 571 572 CHRYSOMA CUNEATA Greene. Greene, Er 3:11. A 1:194 d. Ab 398, Gabriel. Aplopappus cuneatus A. Gray, Am ac pf 8:635 (1873). Type locality: "California, in Bear Valley, alt 4,500 ft," SBer Co. VarietySPATHULATA Greene. Greene, Er 3:11. A 1:194. Bigelovia spathulata Gray Am ac pr t1.:74 (1876) Bi^elovia rupestris Greene, Bot gaz 6:183 (1881). Lower California, Arizona. CHRYSOMA ERICOIDES Greene. A 1:194 d. Ab 398. Abrams, PI LA 398. Frequent on bluffs and sand-dunes along the sea- shore. Ericameria microphylla Nuttall. C. FAIiMERI Greene. A 1:194 d. Ab 398. CHRYSOMA PANICUJLATA Greene. Greene, Erythea 3:12, based on Bige- lovia paniculata Gray Am ac pr 8:644 (1873). A 1:195. Aster asoe OK Rev gen 315. Southern California eastwarl. CHRYSOMA PARISHII Greene. Greene, Erythea 3:10. based on Bige- lovia parishii Greene, Torrey cl b 9:62 (1882). A 1:195. Abrams, Fl LA 398. Gabr'ei; SBer. Low mts of southeastern Calif. CHRYSOMA PINIFOL.IA Greene. Greene, Erythea 3:12, based on Ap- lopappus pinifolius Gray, Am ac pr 8:636 (1873). A 1:195 d. Ab 398. Aster pityphyllus OK, Rev gen 316. Interior of Southern Cal. CHRYSOMA TERETIFOL.IA Greene. Greene Erythea 3:12, based on Lin- osyris teretifolia D-H, Pac Ry R, 5:9 t 7 (1855). Bigelovia teretifolia Gray, Am ac pr 8:644 (1873). Aster durandii OK Rev gen 316. Mts of Mohave Desert region. Genus CHRYSOPSIS Nuttall. CHRYSOPSIS Ell Sketch 2:333 (1824). Per herbs with sts many from the rt, very leafy, with alt sessile Ivs: hds with or without rays, solitary or in corymbs; inv-bracts in several or with papery margins ond no g tips: fls y: ak compressed, hairy: pap double; inner a row of Ig rough rusty bristles, outer a row of sh nar chaffy scales or bristles. C. ACAULIS. Nutt, Phil ac J 7:33. = Aplopappus a fide IK. C. ALPINA Nutt, Phil ac J 7:34 t 3 f 2. = Aster scopulorum fide IK. P 3:245 as lonactis a. C. BAXERI P 4:153. C. BOLANDERI G 6:543. = villosa fide IK. B 1:309 as sessiliflora var. Bolan- deri. C. BREWERI G 6:542. B 1:310. C. CAMPORUM P 3:88. 111. Mo. C. CANESCENS T & G Fl 2:256. - vil- losa fide IK. (DC 5:328 = Erigern filifolius fide B 1:329.) E. ECHIOIDES Bth Voy Sulph 25. B 1: 309 as sessil-iflora var. echioides. — villosa fide IK. C. ERICOIDES T & James ex Eaton bot ed 8,195. — Aster ericaefolius fide IK. CHRYSOPSIS FASTIGIATA Greene. P 3:296. Ab 396. A 1:57 fdr. Ha 126. C. FALCATA Ell Sketch 2:336. = villosa fide IK. C. FLORIBUNDA P 3:101. C. FOLIOSA Nutt, Am Phil sc tr, sr 2, 7:316. = villosa fide IK. C. GO38YFINA Ell Sketch 2:237. C. GRAMIHIFOI.IA Ell Sketch 2:234. C. HISPIDA DC 7:279. = villosa fide IK. C. HI38UTA P 3:296, 4:154. C. HIRSUTISSIMA P 4:153. C. LINARIIFOLIA DC 5:277. P 3:245 as lonactis linariifolia. C. NIVUA P 3:43. C. OBOVATA Nutt Gen 2:152. = Aster reticulatus fide IK. P 3:53 as Dael- lingeria reticulata. C. OREC5A1*A G 6:543. B 1:309. Jepson, Er 1:13. C. PEDUNCULATE P 4:154. CHRYSOPSIS SESSILFLORA Nuttall. Am Phil sc tr 7:317 (1840). A 1:57 d. B l:30i>. C. VILLOSA DC 5:327; 7:279. B 1:309. 111. Ala. Mex. British Cal. CHRYSOPSIS VILLOSA Nutt. British Columbia to Mexico; 111 to Ala, Variety ECHIOIDES G. Da 8. Baja! Ar. Sacramento. Variety SESSILIFLORA G. Baja! Da 8. Mendocino Co. C. WRXGHTXI G, syn Fl suppl 1(2):445. Greene, Er 2:106 ("Hi mts of so Cal."). CHBYSOSFIiENIUM Tourn ex L, syst 1 (1735). C. GX.ECHGMAEFOI.IUM Nutt ex T & G Fl 1:589. B 2:444. CHRYSOTHAMNUS Nutt, Am Phil sc tr ns, 7:323 (1841). -Bigelowia fide IK. C. AUGUSTUS P 5:64. C. APFENDICULATUS M 1:6. C. ARIZONICUS P 4:42. C. BAKERI P 4:152. C. COI.&INUS P 3:24. C. COKSIMIZ.IS P 5:60. C. CONFINIS P 5:62. C. DEFRESSUS Nutt, Phil ac J ns, 1: 171. = depressa fide IK. ac J, ns, 1:171. =B. depressa fide IK. C. DRACUNCUX.OXDES Nutt, Am Phil sc tr, ns, 7:324. B 1:317 as B. graveo- lens. (= B. d. fide IK. C. FALCATUS P 5:62. C. FORMOSUS P 4:41. C. GNAPHAX.ODES P 4:42. C. GRAVEOX.ENS Greene, Er 3:108. Bigelovia graveolens var. glabrata G 8: 645 (1873). C. GREENEI P 4:153. C. HUMILIS P 3:24. C. I.AETEVIRENS P 5:61. C. LANCEOLATUS Nutt, Am Phil sc tr, ns, 7:324. = B viscidiflora fide IK. C. LAARICINUS P 5:110. C. LATISQUAMEUS P 4:42. C. LEUCOCLADUS P 5:59. C. I.INIFOI.IUS P 3:24. C. MACOUNH P 5:163. C. MAQUIANU3 P 5:60. CHRYSOTKAMKUS MOHAVENSIS Greene. 573 "Rush-like branches few, stout, flexu- ous, glutinous, sparingly leafy: leaves an inch long: involucral bracts obtuse: corolla-lobes narrowly lanceolate, glabrous. Mohave desert in Calif.; also in adjacent Nevada." — Greene, Erythea 3:113. Bigelovia mohavensis, Greene in Gray Fl 138 1884). Aster mohavensis OK rev gen 318. C. OSTHOPHYLIiUS P 5:62. C. PnrCFOIJUS P 5:60. C. FIiATTENSIS P 4:42. C. SPECIOSUS Nutt, Am Phil sc tr ns, 7:329. B 1:317 as B. graveslens. = B. viscidiflora fide IK. C. TOBTUOSTJS P 5:63. C. VIBENS P 5:61. C. VISCIDIFLOBTJS Nutt, Am Phil sc tr. ns. 7:324. = B. viscidiflora fide IK. CHKTSUBUS Pers Syn 1:80 (1805). C. AUREUS Beauv, Agrost 123. = Lamarckia aurea fide B 2:299. C. CYNOSUROIDES Pers Syn 1:80. = Lamarckia aurea fide IK. CHTHAMALIA Decne in DC 8:605 (1844). C. BIFLORA Decne, as above. = Gon- olobus pubiflorus fide IK. M 1:2 as Vincetoxicum pubiflorum. CXCE1TDIA Adans Fam 2:503 (1763). C. EXALLATA Griseb, Hook Fl 2:69 t 157 A. B 1:480 as Erythraea Douglasii. C. QUADRANGULARIS Griseb, Ic. B 1: 480 as Microcala q. CICHOBIUM L, syst ed 1 (1735). A 1: 288 d. C. EWDFVIA L, sp pi 813. B 2:460. CTCHORIUM INTYBUS L. L, sp pi 813. A 1:253 d. B 2:460. Z 2: 126. Par 304. Parish, Er 3:62, "oc- casional in the streets of SBer." Abrams, Fl LA 444, occasional in waste places. Genus CICUTA Linnaeus. A 267. dl 271,2 1-11. CICTTTA BOLANDEBI S. Wats. Wat 11 139, A 1 267 d. Da 7. CICUTA MACULATA Linn. Sp pi 256 A 1 2«7 Bl 260 PI 271, 2 9 SBer (Parish 975). Through the U. S. CICTJTA OCCZDEZTTAZ.IS Greene. A 1 267 d P 2 7 Abrams, Fl LA 265. Frequent in marshes toward the coast. Genus CtADOTHRIX Xuttall. CHLADOTHRIX LANUGINOSA Nutt. CD! Ark Tex B 2 43 CHLADOTHRIX OBLONGIFOLIA Nutt Wat 17 376 SCer co CLARKIA Pursh Fl i: tn (1814). Erect