UMASS/AMHERST 312066 0333 2933 6 1 ERICAN ROSE ANNUAL 192 0 The American RoseSocjety THE AMERICAN ROSE ANNUAL Plate I. New Unnamed American Hardy Everblooming Climbing Rose, "66 H, 1916." Originated by Capt. George C. Thomas, Jr. (See page 37) THE AMERICAN ROSE ANNUAL THE 1920 YEAR-BOOK OF ROSE PROGRESS Edited fob the American Robe Society by J. HORACE McFARLAND 1920 AMERICAN ROSE SOCIETY EDITOR'S OFFICE HARRISBURG. PA. TH£ American Rose Annual is supplied to all mem- bers of the American Rose Society whose dues are paid for the current year. Additional copies are sup- plied to members only at $1 each, postpaid. When sold separately, the price of the Annual is $2, and includes annual membership. Members may obtain copies of the 1917, 1918 and 1919 Annuals, so long as in print, at $1 each, and of the 1916 Annual (the first issue), at $2. Address, E. A. White, Secretary, Ithaca, N. Y. 3Z Copyright, 1920 By J. Horace McFarland, Editor The 1921 American Rose Annual vrill be issued in March, 1921 Completely prepared, illustrated and printed by the J. HOBAOE MoFABLAND OOMPAITK JtSennt |^(ui