i;^;?^^?v;;:,,: vy. /X't>' % ■■■■'■>i C-:. \.*iS ■'r^^r.^Z-A X"**" '^l|ts book &I2I6 presenteb b^ Hartwell Cornelius Martin V^^r^^-^^^^ TiH::. 5> s^' m M. 4i!. -^r *'\^* ^^W^&' L-?m>#l:^if^*?. THE AMERICAN WOODS, Exhibited by Actual Specimens AND WITH COPIOUS EXPLANATORY TEXT, BY ROMEYN B. HOUGH, B. A. PART X. REPRESENTING TWENTY-FIVE SPECIES BY TWENTY-FIVE SETS OF SECTIONS. GENERAL INDEX, PARTS I-X. LOWVILLE, N. Y., U. S. A. PUBLISHED AND SECTIONS PREPARED BY THE AUTHOR. 1904. Copyright nineteen hundred and four. By ROMEYN B. HOUGH. WEED-PARSONS PRINTIKG CO., ELECTROTYPE RS AND PRINTERS. ALBANY, N. Y. TO OBSERVER AND LOVER OF NATURE, THIS TENTH VOLUME OF AMERICAN WOODS IS DEDICATED AS AN EXPRESSION OF AFFECTIONATE ESTEEM / Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2009 witii funding from NCSU Libraries Iittp://www.archive.org/details/americanwoodsexli10lioug PREFACE TO THE SERIES. The necessity of more generally diffused information concerning the variety and importance of our forest trees is justification enough for the appearance of this work, especially at this day, when the demands of Forestry in this country are constantly more and more keenly felt. The work was undertaken at the suggestion of my father, whose intense in- terest in Forestry, and a kindred taste, at once gave me inspiration to the work. It was entered upon with the expectation of his valuable com- panionship and counsel during its progress, but, alas ! that I was destined to have only at the outset, and, while I was then left ever to mourn the loss of a kind father, companion and teacher, the reader must fail to find in these pages that value and finish which his mind would have given them. Among the happiest pictures of my memory are those in which I see my father's delight, as I would sho\v^ to him, from time to time, my suc- cessful progress in devising a way of making the sections for this work, and if only for the happiness which its appearance would have caused him, could he have lived until this day, I have felt duty-bound to go on with it, even though left to do it alone. The work is the outgrowth of one, of somewhat similar plan, proposed by my father some years since, but which lie did not carry into effect. Its design is primarily and principally to show, in as compact and perfect a manner as possible, authentic specimens of our American woods, both native and introduced. For that end three sections, respectively transverse, radial and tangential to the grain (see Glossary), are made of each timber, sufficiently thin to allow in a measure the transmission of light, and securely mounted in well made frames. The three planes above mentioned show the grain from all sides, so to speak, no. plane being possible but that would be either one of them or a combination of them. The difficulty, hov/ever, of cutting a great number of sections exactly on those planes is obvious, so let it be under- stood that the terms, "transverse," "radial" and " tangential," are, in many cases, only approximately exact in their application. My endeavor is to show, either in a part or all of the sections standing to represent a species, both the heart and sap-wood, but with some woods vi Preface to the Series. as tlie Sumach, for instance, where usually only the outermost ring, or a part of it, could be said to represent the sap-wood, the display of that is quite impossible. In certain other woods, as the Spruce, etc., the tran- sition from sap to heart-wood is almost indistinguishable by any difference in color, and, although both may be shown in the sections, one can scarcely distinguish between them. The sequence of the numbers given to the various species is of import- ance only to show the botanical arrangement within a given Part, each Part being independent of the others. The text of this work has been added rather as a secondary matter, to supply to those not having it in other form, such information as is of importance, in connection with the wood specimens, to give a fairly good acquaintance with the trees rej^resented. It contains little, if any thing, nev/ to the botanist, but to others it is hoped it may be of some value. In its preparation some use has been made of my father's Elements of Forestry, and thanks are due the publishers of that work — Messrs. Robert Clarke & Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio — for the use of cuts in repro- ducing a number of its illustrations. Other valuable books of reference have been the works of Drs, Gray, "Wood and Bessey, LeMaout and Decaisnc's Descriptive and Analytical Botany, Prof. C. S. Sargent's Report on the Forest Trees of North America (constituting Vol. IX, Tenth Census of the United States, 1880), Micheaux and Nuttall's North American Sylva, George B. Emerson's Trees and Shrubs of Massachu- setts, D. J. Browne's Trees of America, etc. The authenticity of tlie timbers represented in this work has been a subject of personal attention and special care on the part of the author. The trees selected for specimens have been identified in the field, before felling, while the leaves, flowers or fruit (one or more) have been obtain- able, and he can, hence, vouch for the authenticity of every specimen represented. Succeeding Parts, uniform in style Avith Part I, and representing in each case twenty-five additional species, are planned to appear later, with the ultimate end in view of representing, as nearly as possible, all of the American woods, or at least the most important, in such a series of vol- umes as this one. Upon the reception which this meets in public favor, and upon the co-operation of those interested in the cause, must naturally depend the carrying out of that plan. It is hoped that greater experience and skill will enable us to obviate in future parts the faults which occur, from lack of those qualities, in this. Notice of errors in this work will be thankfully received in hopes oi profiting therefrom in the future, LowviLLE, N. Y., March 30;, 1888. PKEFACE TO PART X. In Part X, American Woods, we liave a continuation of the trees of tlie Pacific Slope, the fifth instalhnent of the species of tliis region, and taking np certain trees of special interest. "We are particnlarly pleased to bring out in it sections of the singular Saguaro or Giant Cactus of the arid regions, which always impresses travelers in crossing the arid regions of the southwest. It was with considerable scepticism that a trunk was felled and material taken from it for tliis use and great was our surprise at finding that we could make and preserve very satisfactory sections. We deem it best, however, to protect them with mica in the mounted frames. We trust our patrons will share ^vith us pleasure in being able to see in these sections the inter- esting structure of these strange trunks. We regret some delay in the appearance of Part X, occasioned by demands upon the writer's time for attention to Teee Studies — the companion work to American Woods (taking up illustrations of the trees, their characteristic barks, leaves, flowers, fruit, etc.), as per announcement which was made with Part IX. Much work has been done in connection with that with results which we trust will please those who have expressed a desire for its appearance. In the preparation of American Woods Part X, I wish to grate- fully acknowledge assistance and courtesies extended by Prof. Willis L. Jepson, of the University of California, Mr. Chas. II. Shinn, Mr. A. J. Johnson, Mr. A. L. House, Professors R. H. Forbes and A. J. McClatchie of the University of Arizona, Prof.Wm. K. Dudley of Stanford University, and last but by no means least Mr. and Mrs. Tlieo. Hampe, whose sequestered home is among the Chiricahua Moimtains of Arizona and in the vicinity of which several of our wood specimens were gathered. A General Index to Parts I-X is inserted at the close of this text. LowviLLE, X. Y., Fel. 29th, 1904. A KEY BASED DPON THE LEAVES. Designed as an Aid in identifying the Species represented in Parts I to X inclusive, when out of Season for procuring the Flowers. N. B. — As this key applies only to the species thus far represented in AMERI- CAN WOODS it is important always to confirm identification by applying the more detailed description given in its proper place. a. Deciduous Leaves. — falling in autumn. b. Simple Leaves. c. Laminate — with well marked blade and petiole. (I. Main rib single — pinnately veined. €. Entire or nearly so, pointed at both ends and /. Oi^posite 8-5 in. long, thick, lustrous above 9. Nyssa MULTIFLORA. 5^6 in. long, thin, dull above 89. Catalpa bignonioides. /'. Alternate, thinnish and in length g. 6-12 in. Oblong, petioles 4 in 1. Magnolia acuminata. Lance-obovate; petioles, scarcely 2 in. long 76. Asinima triloba g\ 2-7 in., h. Tliickish, and with light-colored pubescence, at least on the veins beneath. Petioles about 1 in. long 61. Diospyros tirginiana. Petioles about i inch long , 110. Nyssa ogeche. h''. Thinnish, oblong-obovate (often remotely serrate). Convolute in the bud 193. Salix nuttallii. Involute in the bud 238. Salix sitchensis. f/\ 1-3 in., distinctly bluish-green 214. Quercus douglasu. /^. Alternate, opposite and scattered upon the same plant, linear. 134. Chilopsis SALIGNA. c'. Serrate, sei'ulate or dentate. /. Inequilateral and cordate or truncate at base, g. Ovate-orbicular, large, 4-5 in. or more in length. 3. TiLIA AMERICANA. g-. Ovate, long-taper-pointed from a broad base. 12. Celtis occidentalis. 'EGUNdo. d*. In terminal racemes, two samaras on a single pedicel with main rib on outer margins ; seed-bearing portion Glabrous 79. Acer pexnsylvanicuai. Densely hairy 152. Acer macrophyllum. d*. In axillary racemes or panicles, winged at the apex with a more or less lanceolate obtuse wing (Fra.viniis). e. Terete at base (seed-bearing portion) ; branchlets and petioles /. Smooth 10. F. AMERICANA. /'. Velvety pubescent; lateral leaflets Petiolulate and 3-7 in number 212 Fraxixus telutiv^ 7-9 in number 31. Fraxixus pubescexs Sessile or nearly so 1S7. F. oregoxa. c». Flat — wing extending along the seed-bearing portion. 1-U in. long; leaflets sessile 62. Fraximus SAirerciFOLi \ 1 in. long ; leaflets petiohilate 231. Fraxixus dipet.\la. d*. In lateral fascicles or clusters, winged all around (Ulmits). Sessile or nearly so, cell pubescent and margin not ciliate. 11. U. fulva. In fascicles, cell smooth, margin densely ciliate 83. U. americaxa. In racemes, cell pubescent, margin ciliate 34. U. raci:mosa. C ' Driipe or drupe-like and with a single seed. d. Fibro fleshy and dryisli pericarp e. Small, i in. or less, subglobose (Rhm). in terminal /. Thyrses and clothed with crimson hairs 5. R. typhixa. 10 Hough's American Woods. /'. Panicled spikes and clothed with viscid gray hairs, 2-3 lines in length. 153. R. OVATA. 5 lines in length 179. R. INTEGRIFOLIA. W. Flesliy pericarp, e. Ovoid and /. Chistered on axillary peduncles. g. On the growth of the season, 2 or 3 together, 2^ in. long, blue, h. Sessile ujDon the peduncle ; stone longitudinally striated. 9. Nyssa multiflora. /*■*. Pedicellate, stone not striated ; fruit subtended by Persistent calyx-tube and lobes, ^ in. or less in length 113. Perse A palustris. Enlarged calyx-tube only, 1 in. or less in length. 159. Umbellularia californica. fir*. On growth of the previous season 111. Forestiera acuminata. /"■'. Racemed, bluish and with short, flesh}', red pedicels. 32. Sassafras officinale. c'. Ovoid-oblong. l-l^J^ in. long; petioles Biglandular; pit compressed 81. Prunus NIGRA. Eglandular; pit more turgid 207. Prunus SUBCORDATA. e'. Oblong, tipped with the remnants of the style and about 1 in. in length. Reddish and stone longitudinally striated wnth membranous edged ridges 110. Nyssa ogeche. Dark blue, stone not membranous-ridged; flesh Thin and dryish 112. OSMANTHUS AMERICANUS. Thicker and Very oily 186. Olea EUROPEA. Black and borne in abundance on paniculate spadices. 200. Washingtonia filamentosa. e*. Subglobose and surface /. Smooth g. Purple or purplish black and /i. Solitary, of sweet flavor 12. Celtis occidentalis. h^. In racemes and of a vinous or astringent flavor ; racemes 4-6 in. long ; drupes numerous and i in. thick. 29. Prunus serotina. 1-3 in. long ; drupes few and larger 156. Prunus ilicifolia. 7t'. In umbels, larger, of Acid-vinous flavor, i in. in diameter 83. PiiUNUS CERASUS. Sweet-vinous flavor, f in. in diameter .56. Prunus Avium. gr'. Light-red, very sour, in umbels 55. Prunus pennsylvanica. fir'. Dark-red, very bitter, in corymbs 208. Prunus mollis. g*. Whitish Not tipped with remnants of the style, rosy-cheeked 178. SCHINUS MOLLE. Tipped with the stout styles 180. Rhus laurina. /-. Papillose and with waxy exudation 164. Myrica californica. c'. Drupe-like but containing more than one seed, and seeds (I. Inclosed in a bony e. 2-B-celled stone, /, Blue, subglobose. in flat-cymes with red stems. 87. CORNUS ALTERNIFOLIA. /*. Bright-red, elongated, sessile, usually in a single head Only 3 or 4 developing 88. CORNUS FLORIDA. 30 or 40 developing 185. CORNUS NUTTALLII. e'. 3-5-celled stone ; yellowish-white, in loose axillary panicles. 105. Melia azedarach. (V. Distinct, (not inclosed in a common stone) ; fruit €. Crowned with persistent /. Calyx-teeth, g. Purple-black, 5-seeded, in umbels 8. Aralia spinosa. gr'. Red or purplish, 4-8-seeded, axillary 52. Ilex opaca. 2-seeded, in terminal panicles 181. Heteromeles arbutifolia. Key, Based Upon Fkuit. 11 /^ Style orreuinants of it ; fruit about g. i in. long, dryish, in racemes 107. Cyrili.A RACEMIFLORA. y*. I in. long, juicy, in cymes. With glaucous bloom 157. Sambucus GLArCA. Witiiout bloom 229. S.VMBUCL'S mexicana. /'. Not crowned with either calyx-teeth or style, gr. Sessile, scalybracted beneath ; leavee evergreen; fruit h. Smooth — flower scales obliterated — dark blue; seeds 1-4. 25. JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA. h^. Nearly smooth — scales nearly obliterated — Red-brown, seeds 1-2. 167. Juniperus californica. Dark-blue, seeds 2-3 1G8. Juniperus occidentalis. 7t^. Tuburculate with points of flower scales, red brown; seeds usually 4. 242. Juniperus pachyphloea. gr'. Pedicellate, not scaly-bracted beneath, sliglitly 2-3-lobed, 2-3-seeded, Black ; nutlets indehiscent 126. Rhammus purshiana. Red; nutlets dehiscent 176. Rhammus INSULARIS. c*. Nut and furnished with an involucral cup or covering. d. Ovoid obloug or ellipsoidal, surrounded at its base with an involucral cup (Qiiercus), acorn borne e. On the new wood of the season (i. e. maturation annual) cup /". Less than i enveloping the oval acorn, which is Obtusely pointed; foliage yellow-green 136. Q. GARRY ANA. Acutely pointed; foliage bluish-green 214. Q. douglasii. /'. About i enveloping the small Ovoid nut f in. long : scales thin 68. Q. muhlenbergii. Long, narrow nut, often 2 in. long 160. Q. lobata. /*. About i enveloping the nut g. Thick, scales very roughly tubercled, edge of cup rather inturned after shedding the nut: foliage h. Yellow-green, deciduous; nut long-ovoid; leaves 5-9 in. long; lobes rounded 38. Q. ALBA. U-3i in. long, lobes pointed 216. Q. macdonaldi. h^. Blue-green, persistent; nut ovid 215, Q. Engelmanni. gr'. Thinner, scales thinnish ; leaves Deciduous; peduncles sliorter than petioles. .. ,67. QuERCUS printjs. Persistent; acorns sessile or nearly so, leaves Orbicular-oblong 137. QUERCUS AGKIFOLIA. Oblong-lancelate ; 237. Quercus emoryi. f*. Scarcely J enveloping the oblong-ovoid nut about 1^- in. in length. 116. Quercus michauxii. /*. About I or more enveloping the nut ; peduncles longer than the petioles ; nut f in. long, light brown 66. QuERCUS BICOLOR. ■J in. or less long, dark brown 117. QuERCUS VIRENS. /*. About ^ or more enveloping the nut ; peduncles g. Longer than the petioles G6. Q. bicolor. g^. Shorter than the petioles ; scales Very loosely appressed, forming a moss-like fringed margin of cup. 39. Q. MACROCAKPA. More closely appressed and not forming a moss-like fringe. 92. Q. OBTUSILOBA. ' c'. On wood of the preceding season (?'. e. maturation biennial) ; cup /. Very shallow, almost flat and with long-linear recurved scales. 138. Quercus densiflora. /'. Saucer-shaped, g. One-fourth enveloping the nut which is 1 in. or less in length: saucer thin 15. Q. RUBRA. H in. long ; saucer tliin at rim 101. Q. tomentella. 2 in. or less in lengtli; saucer usually thick 161 Q chrysolepis. g^. One-third enveloping the nut; leaves persistent and wooly beneatli. 235. qI hypoleuca. g^. One-half enveloping an ovoid nut 162. Q. californica. 12 Hough's American Woods. g*. Flattened-globose ; leaves Sinuate-pinnatitid with wide sinuses 94. QUERCUS PALUSTKIS. Obovate-spatulate, entire 1 18. QuERCUS aquatica. f^» Top-shai)ed, ^ enveloping the acorn ; scales thin and coarse ; Inner bark of tree reddish. , C9. Q. coccinea. Inner bark yellowish 'd'i. Q. TI^X'TORIA. p. Turbinate, ^ enveloping the nut 192. Q. AVISLIZENI. d"^. Inclosed in an indehiscent involucre and with edible kernel (jaghins). e, Subglobose a7id f, Glabrate or pubescent; nut Deeply sulcate 233. J. rupestris. Obscurely sulcate 190. J. californic.\. f'K Roughly doited, 1^-2 in. in length and nut deeply sulcate. .35. J. nigra. e''. Subovoid, 2-2^ in. long; nut deeply sulcate 14. J. CINEREA. €P. Club-shaped, short, surrounded with stiff hairs, tipped with the persistent, recurved style and arranged in globular heads, which are Solitary or in pairs 13. Plat anus occidentalis. 2-4 together in a moniliform raceme, achenia truncate at apex 232. Platanus wrightii. 2-7 together achenia pointed at apex 135. Platanus racemosa. d*. Achenium-iike, small and borne in short catkins. Inclosed in a membranous inflated sac, catkin hop-like. 41. OSTKYA YIRGINICA. Subtended by a large leafy bract 42. Carpinus carolinl\na. c'. Nut-like, dry, not invested with an involucre, Smoothish, globose, about i in diameter, in cymes with leaf-like bract attached 3. Tilia Americana. Rough, with scale-like points, ovate, coriaceous. 114. PLANERA AQUATICA. c'. Pod (legume) which is d. Oblong, flat, about 2 in. broad and curved. .27. Gymnocladus canadensis. d'\ Linear or nearly so 10-18 in. long, contorted and twisted.. . .28. Gleditschia triacanthos. 4-6 in. long, subterete, compressed between the seeds and thick- valved 129. Prosopsis juliflora. 3-4 in. long, 2-8-seeded and thin valved.. 128. Cercidium torreyanum. d^. Obliquely ovate (1-2 in. long), long stalked and mostly 1-seeded. 109. Gleditschia monosperma. d^. Ovate, compressed and with accrescent calyx 154. Dalea spinosa. fl\ Closely twisted spiral 205. Prosopis odorata. c''. Pome ; endocarp and testa d. Cartilaginous ; fruit e. Sunken at insertion of pedicel, f. Globular Large, 1 in. or more, distinctly o-celled 30. Pyrus malus. Small, more or less 10-celled 59. Amelanchier Canadensis. /'. Fattened-globose, waxy, fragrant and very tart.. 83. Pyrus coronaria. f\ Oblong, i-f in. long. .". .209. Pyrus rivularis. 6'^ Not sunken at insertion of pedicel, pyriform 57. Pyrus communis. d''. Not cartilaginous. 1-5 bony seeds : color Black, subglobose, j in. in diameter 210. Crataegus douglasii. Dull red, thickness f in. (sometimes yellow) with wdiite dots 58. Crataegus punctata. i in.; leaves thick, glossy above 85. Crataegus crus galli. Bright scarlet and somewhat oblong, i in. long . .86. CRATAEGUS COCCINEA. C*. Berry. (/. With persistent thickish calyx-lobes, large (about 1 in. or more), 61 DiOSPYROS VIRGINIANA. (P. Without persistent calyx-lobes and smaller c. In thyrses 78. ViTis ^stivalis. c'. In compact-racemes and Hoary-tomentose 131. Garrya elliptica. Smooth and flattened-globose 133. Arctostaphylos pungens. Kev, Based Upon Fkuit. 13 e'. In open panicles, granular-coated i ill. long; leaves oblong 132. Arbutus menziesii. I in. long; leaves lanceolate 2M. Arbutus arizonica. e*. Singly on the jointed flattened stem lbS4. Opuntia tuna. f'. Fleshy, with custard- like edible pulp 76. AsiMlNA TRILOBA. c'". Berry-like pome, | in. in diameter and borne in dense clusters. 84. Pyrus SAMBUCIFOLIA. c". Hesperidum — seeds in juicy pulp and rind leathery. Subglobose, flattened at the ends 103. Citrus aurantium. Globose-oblong, niammillate at the extremity 104. Citrus limoxum. c'^ Achehium. 3-4-angled and with membranous wing-like margins. 108. Cliftoma ligustrina. Linear oblong, tipped with the pi-olonged tail-like style. 130. Cercocarpus parvifolius. c'^. Baccate but with dry spongy pericarp 175. Yucca arborescens. b-. Dehiscent pericarp, c. iSiibglobose, and d. Coriaceous or woody, dehiscent by e. 2-3 valves and containing one or very few large seeds with smooth shining coat and a large scar {^sculus), fruit Prickly and leaflets 7 6 ^SCULUS hippocastanum. Smooth and leaflets 5 127. ^SCULus CALIFORNICA. e'. 4 more or less distinct valves (Carya). f. Ejjicarp tliick and separating quite freely to the base ; nut ridged, with thick shell, globular-ovoid and g. Flattened, 1 in. or less in length 36. Carya alba. \\ in. or more in length 64. Carya sulcata. f/'^. Not so much flattened, usually 4-angled 90. Carya tomentosa. f'^, Epicai'p only moderately thick and nut of medium size, moderately ridged and witli shell of medium thickness 65. Carya porcina. f^, Epicarp thin, nuts small and thin-shelled ; kernel g. Astringent and bitter ; sutures of epicarp very jjrominent ; nut Quite smooth, whitish and only slighly compressed. 37. Carya amara. Rough, reddish, strongly compressed and angled. 115. Cary'a aquatica. g"^. Slightly if at all bitter, nut whitish and sutures moderately prominent. 91. Carya microcarpa. c*. 5-20 valves recurving from central axis and liberating numerous fine seeds 158. Rhododendron californicum. 11\ Modulus of Rapture, 618; Resistance to Longitudinal Pressure^ 401; Resistance to Indentation, 247; Weight of a Cuhic Foot in Pounds, 44.24. Uses. — It is too uncommon or inaccessible a wood to have attracted attention commercially, but the tree itself would seem to deserve greater popularity for ornamental planting than has hitherto been accorded it. Order OLEACEffi: Olive Family. Leaves opposite and single or pinnately compound. Flowers monopetalous (rarely apetalous or polypetalous); calyx 4-cleft, toothed or entire, or sometimes waTiting, corolla regular, 4-cleft (or sometimes 4-2ietalou3, or even wanting alto- getlier) ; stamens only 2 (or rarely 4) ; ovary 2-celled with usually two suspended ovules in each cell. Fruit fleshy or capsular, containing 4 (or fewer) seeds. Gexts FRAXINUS, Tourxefort. Leaves petioled, oddly-pinnate, with 3-15 toothed or entire leaflets. FJuicers small, racemed or panicled, from the axils of the last year's leaves, the American representatives dioecieus and apetalous ; calyx and corolla, when present, as described for the order ; anthers large, linear or oblong ; style single, stigma 2-cleft. Fruit a 1-2-celled, flattened samara, winged at tlie apex, 1-2 pendulous seeds in each cell. (The ancient Latin name of the Ash ; supposed to be from the Greek «t>pd|i.s, a separation, alluding to the facility with which the wood splits.) 28 Hough's Amekican Woods. 231. FRAXINUS DIPETALA, Hook. & Arn. Fringe-flower Ash. Ger., FranseMuhende Esclie; Fr., Freiie d fleitrs de /range; Sp., Fresno de flares defranja. Specific Characters : — Leaves 3-6 in. long and with 3-9 rather thick oval or oblong leaflets, which are ^-'i in. long, rounded or acute at apex, wedge-shaped at base, serrate above the middle, glabrous, dark green above, paler beneath and varying from nearly sessile to long petiolulate ; branchlets terete or slightly 4-angled, dark green at first but finally reddish brown marked with pale lenticels. Flowers in clusters of narrow panicles. 2-3 in. long, mostly from tlie axils of the leaves of the previous year, with puberulous pedicels from i to i in. in length ; calyx puberulous outside, about yV in. long, 4-parted or almost entire ; petals 2, creamy white, ovate with short claw, about | in. long, thin ; stamens about as long as the petals, witli slender filaments and ample linear anthers ; pistil with ovate ovary and sliglitly lobed style. Fruit narrow spatulate-oblong, about 1 in. in length, the wing rounded and mostly retuse at apex and about as long as the flat seed bearing portion. Var. brachi/pfera, Gray, is the name given to a form found in tlie vicinity of Borax Lake, Cal., having obovate keys only ^-f in. long, the terminal part of the wing only lialf the length of the body. Var. trifoliata, Torr. , is a form foiind near the southern boundary of California, having 1-3 small coriaceous obscurely serrate leaflets, one inch or less in length and rather small fruit. The Fringe -flower Ash is a small tree rarely surpassing a, height of 25 or 30 ft, (9 m.) or 10-12 in. (0.30 m.) in thickness of trunk, which is vested in a grayish-brown bark checking with age into shallow ridges and exfoliating in irregular friable elongated scales. Only in favored localities, however, does it become a tree, it being generally a shrub with many stems from a single base. Habitat. — The coast region and western foot hills of the Sierra l^evada mountains of California and southward into lower California. Physical Properties. — Wood rather hard, strong, heavy, coarse- grained with small medullary rays and annual layers distincly marked by large open ducts. It is of a yellowish-brown color with thick lighter sapwood. We believe the specific gravity, etc., of this wood have not been determined. Usf:s. — The representatives of this species only rarely attaining the dimensions of trees, are of little economic importance. Order PLATANAOEiE : Plane-tree Family. Leaves simple, alternate, palmately-veined and lobed. with sheathing scarious stipules. Flowers monoec;ious, destitute of both calyx and corolla, in separate and globular heads. Sterile flowers numerous ; stamens intermixed with small, club- shaped scales; filaments very short; anthers 2-ceUed, linear. Fertile flowers : pistils intermixed with little scales ; ovaries inversely jjyramidal ; style simple, awl-shaped, stigraatic on one side. Fruit small, club-shaped, coriaceous nutlets, with bristly tawny down at base, arranged in globose heads and containing a single, pendulous, albuminous seed. Represented by trees. 232. Platanus wkigiitii — Arizona Sycamore. 29 Genus PLATANUS, L. Characters as given for the order, this beitiK the only genus. (The name Platanus is from the Greek, irXarvs, broad, probably in reference to the leaves.) 232. PLATANUS WRIGHTII, Wats. Arizona Sycamore. Ger.j Arlzoiiische Platane ', Fr., Platane d? Arizona j Sp., Platano de Arizona. Specific Characters: — Leaves deeply 3-7-lobed (usually 5-lobed) with narrow pointed sinuses and long acute entire or dentate lobes, varying from heart shaped to cuneate at base, 6-8 in. long and of about the same width, light green and glabrous above, paler and pubescent beneath; jjctioles stout, 1| 3 in. long. Fowers in globular heads arranged in racemes of 3-4 each with whitish tomentose peduncles. Fruit in globular heads about f in. in diameter, with slender glabrous stems 6-8 in. in lengtli, the aclienia about ^ in. long, glabrous and truncated at apex. The specific name, WrigJitii, commemorates the discoverer of the species Mr. Charles Wright. Tlie Arizona Sycamore attains the height of YO-80 ft. (24 m.) with trunk sometimes 4 or 5 ft. (1.50 m.) in diameter, dividing into a few massive hranches and spreading characteristic irregular head with angular branches. Tlie bark near the bases of large trunks is thick, of a gra^^sh brown color, fissured into narrow ridges and exfoliating in rounded or oblong minutely pitted scales. That of young trunks and branches exfoliates in large irregular plate-like scales and patches, leaving a clear creamy white or greenish color beneath which is the color of the smooth upper branches. Habitat. — The Arizona Sycamore marks the banks of streams in the mountain canons of southwestern ISTew Mexico, Arizona south of the Colorado plateau, being in such localities the most conspicuous and characteristic tree up to an altitude of about 6000 ft. In these regions of sun-burned rocks and trees of somber foliage the clean white branches and liglit green foliage of the Sycamores apj^ear in delightful contrast. Physical Properties. — Wood rather light and soft but strong, with quite nniformly distributed open ducts and large conspicuous medullary rays. The sap-wood is of a pinkish cream color near the bark and shades gradually into a light brown heart-wood. SpecijiG Gravity^ 0.4736; Percentage of Anh^ 1.35; Relative Approximate FuelYalue^ 0.4672; Coejjjiclent of Elasticity, .45644; Modulus of Rapture, ^'i,'^\ Resistance to Longitudinal Pressure, 327; Resistance to Indentation, 117; Weight of a Cuhic Foot in Pounds, 29.51. 30 Hough's American Woods. Uses. — The Arizona Sycamore is not a wood of commercial import- ance though of a highly ornamental nature and possessing the same useful properties that are found in the eastern species. Order JUGLANDACEffi: Walnut Family. Leaves alternate, pinnate and without stipules. Flowers monoecious and apetalous, except in some cases in the fertile flowers. Sterile floivers in catkins witli an irregular calyx adnate to the scale of the catkin. Fertile flowers solitary or in small clusters, with calyx regularly 3-5-lobed, adherent to the incompletely 2-4-celled, but 1-ovuled ovary. Fruit a sort of dry drupe (a tryma), with a fibrous and more or less fleshy and coriaceous outer coat very astringent to the taste, a hard, bony inner coat, and a 2-4-lobed seed, which is orthotropous, with thick, oily and often corrugated cotyledons and no albumen. All representatives of the order are trees. Genus JUGLANS, L. Leaves odd-pinnate, with numerous serrate leaflets; leaf -buds few-scaled or nearly naked. Sterile flowers in long, simple, imbricated, axillary catkins from the wood of the preceding year; calyx unequally 8-6-cleft; stamens 12-40 with very short and free filaments. Fertile flouiers several in a cluster or solitary at the" ends of the branches; calyx 4-toothed and bearing in its sinuses 4 small petals; styles 2, very short; stigmas 2, somewhat club shaped and fringed. Fruit drupaceous with a fibrous and spongy, somewhat fleshy, indehiscent epicarp and a rough irregularly fun-owed endocarp; embryo edible and wholesome. Trees witli strong-scented resinous-aromatic bark and a pith which separates into thin transverse disks. (Juglans is contracted from Latin Jovis glans, the nut of Jove.) 233. JUGLANS RUPESTRIS, Engelm. Mexican Walnut, Arizona Walnut. Ger., Arizonisoher Wallnuszhaum ; Fr., Noyer cf Arizona j Sj)., Nogal de Arizona. Specific Charactehs:— Leaves from 15-17 in. in length, with pubescent petioles and 9-23 lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate acuminate leaflets which are 2 1-2-5 in. long, quite inequalateral, short-petiolate or nearly sessile, thin and glabrous or somewhat i)ubescent especially beneath. Flowers (April to May) the staminate in slender puperulous catkins from 2 1-2-4 in. in length, with ovate- lanceolate acute pale-tomentose scales; perianth 3-5-lobed, light yellovvish green; stamens about 20 with nearly sessile yellow anthers and slightly lobed connec- tives; pistillate flowers in few-flowered spikes, tomentose and from 1-8-1-4 in. in length; bractlets puberulous at apex, laciniate; calyx lobes puberulous outside; stigmas about 1-3 in. long, plumose, spreading, greenish red. Frwit subgloboae, 1-2-1 1-2 in. long, with tiiin glabrate epicarp and globose or laterallj^ compressed nut, blackisli. deeply sulcate, thick-waUed, without sutural ridges and containing a sweet edible kernel. The specific name, rupestris. from the Latin rupes, a rock, is significant of the nature of the regions in which this tree is found. A handsome tree occasionally attaining a height of 50 ft. (15 m.) with a trunk 4 or 6 ft. (1.50 m.) in diameter, covered with grayish brown bark, fissured into longitudinal and obliquely connecting ridges which exfoliate in thick elong-ated fibrous scales. 233. JuGLAxs EUi'ESTRis — Mexican Walnlt, 31 The trunk is generally short, divided at from G-8 ft. from the ground into large branches, most of which grow out horizontally, or droop downwards and all conform into a low symmetrical wide top. Habitat. — Central Texas, the upper Colorado, Llano and Guada- loupe Rivers, westward through southern New Mexico and Arizona, where it attains its largest dimensions, and southward into northern Mexico. It is found along the banks of streams and in mountain canons up to an altitude of about 0000 ft. It is often shrubby in the extreme eastern portion of its range. Physical Properties. — The wood of the Arizona Walnut is heavy, of moderate hardness and strength, with large open ducts irregularly distributed, of a rich dark brown color with yellowish white sap-wood, when freshly cut, but quickly assuming a light brown color on exjDOsure to the atmosphere. Sjyeclfio Gravity, 0.655-1; Percentage of Ash, 1.01; Relative Approximate Fuel Yalue, 0.64S8; Coefficient of Elasticity, T2632; Modulus of Rupture^ 600; Resistance to Lomji- tudinal Pressure, -iZI:, Resistance to Indentation, 182; Weight of a Cubic Foot ill Pounds, 40.81. Uses. — The nuts of this tree are prized by the Mexicans and Indians as an article of food though too small and with too hard shells to have attained any commercial importance. Little use is made of its wood owing to the sparseness of the population of the regions in which the tree is found and its inconvenient dimensions. Order CUPULIFER2E: Oak Family. Leaves alternate, simple, straight veined; the stipules, forming the bud-scales, deciduous. Flowers monoecious, apetalous. Sterile floivers in clustered or racemed catkins (or in simple clusters in the Beech); calyx regular or scale-like; stamens 5-20. Fertile flowers solitary, clustered or spiked, and furnished with an invo- lucre which forms a cup or covering to the nut; calyx-tube adherent to the ovary, its teeth minute and crowning tlie summit; ovar}' 2-7-celled with 1-2 pendulous ovules in each cell, but all of the cells and ovules, except one, disappearing before maturity; stigmas sessile. Fruit a 1-celled, 1-seeded nut, solitary or several together and partly or wholly covered by the scaly (in some cases echinate) invo- lucral cup or covering; seed albumenless, with an anatrapous, often edible, embryo; cotyledons thick and fleshy. Genus is represented by both trees and shrubs. Genus QUERCUS, L. Flowers greenish or yellowish. Sterile flowers in loose, slender, naked catkins, which spring singly or several together from axillary buds ; calyx 2-8-parted or cleft ; stamens 3-12 ; anthers 2-celled. Fertile flowers with ovary nearly 3-celled and G-ovuled, two of the cells and 5 of the ovules being abortive ; stigma 3-lobed; involucre developing into a hard, scaly cup around the base of the nut or acorn, which is 1-celled, 1-seeded. {Qnercus is the ancient Latin name for the Oak supposed to be from the Celtic quer, fine, and cuez, tree.) 32 Hough's Amekican Woods. 234. QUERCUS EMORYI, Torr. Emory Oak. Arizona Black Oak. Ger., Elche von Emonj; Fr., Chene (T Emory; Sp., Rolle de Emory. Specific Characters :— Leoues oblong-lanceolate, from \-1\ in. in length, acute, cordate or rounded at base, entire or repand-serrate with 1-5 pairs of mucronate teeth, pubescent at first but at maturity glabrous or stellate-puberul- ous, coriaceous, lustrous dark green above, paler and with whitish pubescence at the base beneath, persistent during the winter and until after the appearance of new leaves. Flowers appear in April, the staminate in hoary tomentose aments 2-3 in. in length ; calyx light yellow, 5-7-lobed, pubescent outside; stamens with short filaments and large yellow oblong anthers ; pistillate flowers sessile or nearly so, hoary-tomentose. Fruit acorns maturing the first season, sessile or nearly so, with oblong-ovoid nut, |-| in. long, whitish tomentose within and \-\ invested by the cup, which is nearly hemispherical and with close imbricated thin scarious light brown pubescent scales ; cotyledons yellow and of sweetish flavor. The specific name commemorates the name of Col. W. H. Emory who dis- covered this species in southern New Mexico. A beautiful and distinct oak attaining the height of 60 or TO ft. (20 m.) with a trunk diameter of 3 or 4 ft. (1.20 m.) having a very dark brown bark deeply fissured into small firm square and oblong plates which exfoliate in fragments and thick scales. Its trunk usually divides within a few feet of the ground into sturdy arching branches, the lowermost of which rise obliquely and a rather flattened obconic head is formed. Along the large trunks many small branches are given out which form flattened sprays of shining dark green foliage. These features give this oak an individaality and beauty which at once distinguish it from all other trees in the region in which it grows. Habitat. — The Emory Oak is found on the mountains of western Texas, southern New Mexico and Arizona, south of the Colorado plateau, and southward into Mexico. It grows in considerable abund- ance in the open forests which clothe the mountain slopes, but attains its best development and beauty in the sheltered canons of the mountains of southern Arizona. Physical Properties. — Wood heavy, hard, strong, coarse-grained, with annual rings distinctly marked by large open ducts, and of a mottled dark and light brown color with lighter sap-wood. Specific Gravity, 0.92(33; Percentage of Ash, 2.36; Relative Approximate Fuel Value, 0.904:4; Coepnent of Elasticity, 6382S; Modulus of Rupture, 703; Resistance to Longitudinal Pressure, Mili', Resistance to Indentation, 415; Weight of a Cuhic Foot in Pounds, 57.73. Uses. — The edible acorns of the oak are highly valued by the Mexicans and Indians as an article of food and are of commercial importance in the towns of southern Arizona and northern Mexico. 235. QUERCUS HYPOLELCA — WlIITE-LEAF OaK. 33 235. QUERCUS HYPOLEUCA. Engelm. White- LEAF Oak. Ger., Weiszbldtterige Etche ; Fr., Cheiie a feuilles blanches; Sp., Roble de hojas hlancas. Specific Characters : — Leaves lanceolate to oblong- lanceolate, from 2-4 in. long, acute at apex, cuneate, rounded or somewhat cordate at base, with entire revolute or occasionally remotely dentate margin, pubescent at first, at maturity thick and firm, lustrous dark green above and woolly beneath with white tomen- tum, persistent until after the appearance of nevv leaves ; petioles |-| in. long, pubescent. Flowers open in April, the staminate in slender pale-tomentose aments 3-4 in. long ; calj'x pubescent outside, deeply 4 or 5-lobed : stamens 4, exserted, with slender filaments and ovate apiculate anthers ; the pistillate flowers are usually single or in pairs, sessile or short pedunculate ; stigmas dark red. recurved. Fruit acorns maturing the second season, usually solitary and sessile or with short peduncles : the nut ovoid from ^-f in. long, acute or rounded at the hoary-pubescent apex, dark green and striated at first but drymg to a uniform chestnut brown ; shell light tomentose within ; cup turbinate' about one-third enveloping the nut and covered witli thin chestnut brown pubescent scales. The specific name, hypoleuca, is from Greek words, meaning ivhite beneath. This interesting oak occasionally attains the height of 40 or 50 ft. (15 m.) with rather narrow rounded top and trunk 12-15 in. (0.35 m.) in diameter, covered with a dark gray bark deeply fissured into irregu- lar broken ridges which flake off in thick fragments. It is one of the most beautiful of our oaks owing to its curious parti- colored foliage, the silvery white under surfaces of its leaves contrasting strongly with the lustrous dark green of the upper surfaces as they are turned up by the wind. In localities where conditions do not favor its fullest development it is found reduced to a shrub. Habitat. — The mountains of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona south of the Colorado plateau and southward into Mexico. It is scattered over the mountain slopes among the Chiricahua Pines, Madroilas, etc., at an altitude of six or seven thousand feet above tide, seeming to be nowhere very abundant. Physical Properties. — The wood is very heavy, hard, strong, with numerous large medullary rays, and of a very dark brown color with thick brownish white sap-wood. Specific Graviti/, 0. 8009 ; Per- centdfje of Ash, 1.34; Relative Approximate Fuel Value, 0.T902; Coefficient of Elasticity, 94409; Modulus of Rupture, \1\^; Resist- anre to Longitudinal Pressure, 293; Resistance to Indentation^ 272; Weight of a CuUc Foot in Pounds, 49.91. Uses. — The wood, though of valuable properties, is little used owing to sparseness of population and its limited abundance. The distinct and beautiful foHage of the tree would seem to insure its popularity for ornamental planting, and it will no doubt when it becomes more generally known be propagated for that purpose. 34 Hough's American Woods. Order BETULACEAE : birch family. Leaves simple, alternate, straight- veined and furnished with stipules which fall away early. Flowers mostly naked, monoecious, both kinds in catkins, 2 or 3 togetlier under a 3-lobed bract or scale. Sterile flowers with distinct stamens and 2-celled anthers. Fertile flowers with two thread-like stigmas, and a 2-celled ovary, each cell containing 2 pendulous ovules, becommg by abortion in Fruit, a small, 1-celled, 1-seeded nutlet, often with membranous wings ; seed anatropous, albumenless, with flattish, oblong cotyledons which become foliaceous in germina- tion. Trees or shrubs, wuth bark which separates more or less easily into thin layers Genus BETULA, Tournefort. Leaves ovate, serrate; these, with the twigs, especially the latter, often spicy aromatic. Floivers appearing in early spring with or before the leaves. Sterile floicers in long, drooping, cylindrical, both terminal and lateral, yellow catkins, appearing in summer and remaining dormant during the following winter to open and perform their function early the next season; bracts 3-lobed, shield- shaped, and beneath each are 2 bractlets and 3 flowers with calyx rei^resented by a mere scale, which bears the 4 short stamens, each with a single-celled anther. Fertile floivers in cy\indr\cs\ or oblong catkins with 3-lobed scales, and beneath each scale are 2-3 naked pistils without bractlets or calyx. Fruit a small, broadly-winged, scale-like nutlet or samara. Trees and shrubs with outer bark horizontally fibrous and usually separable in sheets, that of the branchlets dotted, inner bark more or less arouiatic and of pleasant flavor. (The ancient Latin name, from Celtic Betii, birch.) 236. BETULA OCCIDENTALIS, Hook. Western Birch. Puget Sound Birch. Ger., WestUcIte Blrhe j Fr., Bouleau occidental; Sp., Abedul occidental. Specific Characters: — Leaves ovate, 3-4 in. long, acute, rounded (rarely cuneate) at base, irregularly and usually doubly serrate, atfii'st pale green dotted with resin glands and villous along the midribs, at maturity firm, pitted with tlie scars of the fallen resin glands, dark green above, paler and puberulous along the veins beneath; petioles about 3-4 in. long, glandular, grooved, pubescent; stipules oblong-ovate, glandular-viscid, about i in. long; branchlets pubescent and glandular at first, the second season glabrous, orange-brown marked with pale lenticels. Flowers open in May, the staminate catkins 3-4 in. in length, and the pistillate ^— f in. Fruit oblong-cylindrical pendulous strobiles, 1| to li in. in length and | in. or less in thickness, borne on stout peduncles about |"in. long, the scales much longer than broad, puberulous outside witli elongated terminal lobe and spreading lateral lobes, gradually narrowing to base; nutlet ovoid, about -jV in. long and wings somewhat wider. The Western Bircli attains the heiglit of upwards of li»0 ft. (30 m.) with trunk 3 or 4 ft. (1 m.) in diameter, vested in a thin histrous orange-brown and pearl-colored bark, marked with large raised lenticels and peeling off in papery layers, and strips transversely around the trunk. Habitat. — Southwestern British Columbia, Yancouver Island and northwestern Washington, growing in moist alluvial bottom-lands and along the banks of streams. 237. ISalix lasiandka — Western Black Willow. 35 Physical Properties. — AVood r[iiite lieavy, hard, strong, with fine medullary rays and ducts uniformly distributed. Specijic Gravity^ 0.0030; Percentage of Afih, 0.30; Relative Approximate Fuel Value, 0.0012; Coefficient of Elasticity^ 92424; Modulus of Rupture^ 806; Resistance to Longitudinal P'ressure, 391; Resistance to Indentation^ 127; Weight of a Cubic Foot in Pounds, 37.58. Uses. — A valuable wood for all the uses to which the Canoe Birch is applied, as in the manufacture of wooden ware, furniture, etc., though not abundant enough to be available in large quantities. Order SALICAOEffi: Willow Family. Leaves alternate, simple, undivided and furnished with stipules, which are either scale-like and decidvious, or leaf-like and persistent. Floirers dioecious, both kinds in catkins, one under each bract or scale of the catkin and destitute of botli calyx and corolla, or the former represented by a gland-like cup; ovary 1 to 2-celled; styles wanting, or 2 and short; stigmas often 3-lobed. Fruit a 1 or 2-celled, 2-valved pod, with numerous seeds springing from two parietal or basal placentae and furnished with long, silky down; seeds ascending, anatropous, with albumen; cotyledons flat. Trees or shrubs of rapid growth, light wood and bitter bark. Genus SALIX, Tournefort, Leaves genei-ally narrow, long and pointed and usually with conspicuous stip- ules; bud scales single. Flowers appearing before or with the leaves in terminal and lateral cylindrical, imbricated catkins, the scales or bracts of which are entire and each subtending a flower, whieli is without calyx, and bears at its base 1 or 2 small nectiferous glands. Sterile flowers with 2 (but sometimes more) distinct or united stamens. Fertile flowers: ovary ovoid lanceolate, taper-pointed; style short; stigmas 2, short and mostly bifid. Fruit a 1-celled pod, dehiscent at maturity by two valves which roll back to the summit to liberate the numer- ous minute comose seeds. Trees and shrubs with lithe round branches and growing mostly along streams and in moist localities. {Salix is from the Celtic, sal, near, and lis. water, allud- ing to the favorite locality of the willows.) 237. SALIX LASIANDRA, Benth. Western Black Willow. Ger., Westliche Schwarzweide • Fr., Saule noir occidental; Sp., Sauce negro occidental. Specific Characters : — Leaves convolute in the bud, 4.5 in. long, lanceolate, long taper-pointed, rounded or acute at base, sharply and finely serrate, pubescent at first but finally lusirous dark green above, paler beneath, with broad yellowish midribs; petioles from \-\ in. in length, glabrous or pubescent and furnished with two or more dark glands near the base of blade; stipules semi lunar, glandular-serrate, falling early except on vigorous shoots where they are larger and foliaceous. Flowers in pedunculate catkins H-2 in. long, terminating leafy branchlets: staminate catkins about \ in. in diameter, with obovate yellow glandular-dentate scales; stamens 5-9 with filaments free and hairy at the base, pistillate aments nearly ^ in. in diameter; scales hairy, nearly entire: pistil with short stipe, lanceolate glabrous ovary, short style and spreading stigmatic lobes. Fruit capsules about | in. long, reddish yellow. 86 Hough's American Woods. Var. S. Lyalli Sarg. is characterized as follows: Leaves often 7-8 in. long, with rounded or subcox'date base; petioles moi'e glandular and scales of pistillate uments less haiiy. Var. caifdata (Nutt.) Sud worth, is characterized as follows: Leaves thicker, more coriaceous, usually smaller and often falcate, wedge-sbaped at base, and green both sides; staminate aments thicker, more densely flowered; scales dentate only near apex; branchlets yellow; buds larger and often villous below the middle. The specific name, lasiandra, is from Greek roots meaning Jiainj stamens. This willow occasionally attains the height of 60 ft. (18 m.) with yellowish ascending branches forming a rather irregular wide top with foliage tufted at the ends of the branclilets, and trunk 2-3 ft. (0.80 m.) in diameter. The bark of trunk is of a grayish brown color, divided by shallow fissures into flat longitudinal ridges which exfoliate in elongated friable scales. Habitat. — California generally, west of the Sierra Nevada moun- tains. In western Oregon, Washington and southern British Columbia it is commonly represented by var. Lyalli, one of the most beautiful of Anaerican Willows. Tlie var. caudata is found among the Sierra Nevada mountains and in the interior of the continent from northern Montana southward to Colorado and northern New Mexico, growing along the banks of streams, on lake shores and in moist bottom-lands. Physical Pkopertiks. — The wood of this species is light, soft, not strong, brittle, with fine obscure medullary rays and quite uniformly distributed fine ducts. It is of a yellowish brown color with thick lighter sap-wood. SpecijiG Gravity, 0.4758; Percentage of Ash, 0.60; lielative Approximate Fuel Value, 0.4727; Weight of a CuMg Foot in Pounds, 29.64. Uses, — The highly ornamental nature of the variety Lyalli would suggest its usefulness for ornamental planting. Little use is made of the wood, though suitable for charcoal and other purposes. 238. SALIX SITCHENSIS, Sans. Silky Willow. Sitka Willow. Ger., Weide von Sitka; Fr., Saule de Sitka; Sp., Sauce de SitJia. Specific Characters: — Leaves conduplicate in the bud, oblong-obovate, to oblanceolate, 2-5 in. long, acute or obtuse with an abrupt point at apex, wedge shaped at base, entire or obsoletely crenulate, pubescent at first at maturity, lustrous d:vrk green above, with the exception of a pale pubescence along the stout midribs, white satiny tomentose beneath; petioles stout, pubescent, grooved, scarcely I in. in length ; stipules usuall}^ small falling away early, but on vigorous shoots foliaceous and | in. in length ; branchlets tomentose the first season and may be pubescent or glabrous and glaucous the second season : winter buds about ^ in. long, puberulous, light brown. Floirers in slender erect densely -flowered aments l)earing small acute scale-like leaves at their bases; staminate aments 1^-3 in. long, -| in broad, with yellow oblong-obovate scales rounded at apex 238. Salix siTCHExsis — Silky ^A^ii.low. Sitka Willow. 37 and sparsely villous; stamens solitary, with long glabrous filament or sometimes two united below; pistillate aments 2i-3 in. long and scarcely \ in. broad with short pointed pubescent scales; pistil with short stalked ovary, pubescent, elongated style and entire or slightly emarginate stigma. Fruit capsules about \ in. long, acuteovoid, light reddish brown, pubescent; aments at maturity of fruit 3 or 4 in. long. The specitic name Sitchensis alludes to the occurrence of this species in the vicinity of Sitka, Alaska, which was the place of its discovery. A beautiful willow, coiiimonly a large shrub but occasionally a low straggling tree, it is rarely over 30 ft. (9 m.) in height or more than 1 ft. (0.30 m.) in thickness of trunk, which is vested in a reddish brown bark furrowed lengthwise with low ridges which exfoliate in thin small scales. It is conspicuous on account of the silvery whiteness of the under surface of its leaves in strong contrast with the dark green of the upper surfaces. Habitat. — - The Silky Willow is confined to the immediate vicinity of the Pacific coast, and ranges from Cook Inlet and Kadiak Island, Alaska, southward through Washington, Oregon, and as far in Cali- fornia as Santa Barbara, overhangiDg the banks of streams and the borders of lakes, and in other moist situations up to an altitude of at least fourteen hundred feet above tide. Physical Properties. — Wood light, soft, not strong, with fine obscure medullary rays and quite uniformly distributed fine ducts. It is of a light orange-brown color with lighter sap-wood. Sjyecific Gravity y 0.5072; Percentage of Ashy 0.59; Relative Approximate Fuel Value, 0.50-12; Weight of a Cuhio Foot in Pounds, 31.61. Uses. — The wood of this willow is said to be prized by the Indians of southsrn Alaska for frying salmon as the smoke does not impart a disagreeable flavor, and the pounded bark is used as an application for bleeding flesh wounds. GYMNOSPERM^. Flowering, exogenous plants with leaves chiefly parallel-A-eined and cotyledon? frequently more than two. Flowers diclinous and very incomplete ; pistil repre- sented by an open scale or leaf, or altogether wanting, with ovules naked, fertilized by direct contact with the pollen, and seeds at maturity naked — with- out a true pericarp. Order CONIFER.ffi : Plxe Family. Leaves mostly awl shaped or needle shaped, evergreen, entire and parallel- veined. Flowers monoecious, or rarely dioecious, in catkins or cones, destitute of both calyx and corolla ; stamens one or several (usually united) ; ovary, style and stigma wanting ; ovules one or several at the base of a scale, which serves* as a carpel, or on an ojien disk. Fruit a cone, woody and witli distinct scales, or somewhat berry-like, and with fleshy coherent scales, seeds orthotropous, embryo in the axis of the albumen. Trees or shrubs with a resinous juice. 38 Hough's American Woods. Genus CUPRESSUS, Tournefort. Leaves persistent, small, scale-like, decussately opposite, thick, rounded or keeled, adnate to and decurrent upon the stem, usually glandular-pitted on the back, appressed or slightly s^jreading at the pointed or rounded apex, margin entire or denticulate ; leaves on vigorous young shoots commonly awl-shaped or linear lanceolate and spreading ; branchlets not forming flat sprays. Flowers appear in eai'ly spring, monoecious, in small catkins terminating the leafy branchlets ; the staminate aments oblong or cylindrical, consisting of a few pairs of decussately opposite, yellowish ovate or orbicular subpeltate scales attached to the uniier sides of each of whicli are two to six subglobose i)eudulous anther-cells opening by a longitudinal slit ; i)ollen-grains simple. The pistillate flowers terminate short branchlets, subglobose ; scales thick, ovate acute and bearing attached to their bases on the inner surface generally numerous, erect, orthotro- pous bottle-shaped ovules. Fruit a subglobose, short-stalked, rugose, woody cone, generally maturing the second year, scales closely valvate, peltate, polygonal in outline at apex, flattened and bearing more or less prominent central bosses, at maturity opening along their margins and persisting after liberating their numerous irregularly compressed acutely angled thick-coated seeds, which are borne in several rows on the base of the scale ; embryo erect in fleshy albumen, cotyledons usually two. Genus consists of resinous trees with generally fragrant wood of considerable economic value, especially in Japan. About a half dozen species are found in the United States along the Pacific slope. {Cupressus is the classical Latin name of the Cypress ti'ee.) 239. CUPRESSUS ARIZONICA, Greene. Arizona Cypress. Ger., Arhonische Cypresse ; Fr., Cypress cV Arizona ; Sp., Cipres de Arizona. Specific CHAR.4.CTERS:— Leaves acute, about \ in. long, thick, acuminate, witiiout glands or obscurely glandular — pitted on the bark, pale glaucous green and closely appressed, forming a nearly quadriangular branchlet. Floicers open in very early spring, the staminate in great profusion on the tips of branchlets, are oblong, nearly ^ in. in length, and with 6-8 stamens bearing yellow peltate connectives slightly rugose oji the margins. Fruit a puberulous subglobose pale brown cone |^-| in. in diameter, thickly covered with a glaucous bloom, raised on a short peduncle and with generally six (sometimes 4 or 8) thick rugose scales with prominent incurved bosses, and beneath each are several irregularly com- pressed seeds from -jV-t? ^^- i" length, with thin light brown lateral margins which serve as narrow wings. A tree occasionally attaining the lieiglit of GO or 70 ft. (20 m.) with rather open wide pyramidal head of horizontal branches, and trunk sometimes 3 or 4 ft. (1 m.) in diameter, vested in a fibrous grayish brown bark fissured lengthwise in rather narrow ridges which exfoliate in strips, and these hanging a long time attached give a decidedly shaggy appearance to the older trunks. Habitat. — The Arizona Cypress is locally distributed on the mountains of central, eastern and southern Arizona and southward on the mountains of Sonora and Chiricahua, at elevations of from five to eight thousand feet above sea level. It is generally scattered among other trees as the Alligator Juniper, Chiricahua Pine, Arizona and 240. Chamaecyparis xootkatensis — Alaska Cedar. 39 Emory Oaks, etc., but occasionally forminor quite exclusive tracts of forests. Physical Properties. — "Wood very li^lit, soft, close-grained, easily worked and of an orange-brown color with lio;liter sap wood. Specific Gravity, 0.4843; Weight of a Cubic Foot in Pounds, 30. IS.* Uses. — "We believe little use has been made of this timber owing to the sparseness of populations in the regions in which it grows, though possessed of useful properties. The tree is grown to some extent for ornamental purposes and proves to be hardy in England. Genus CHAMAECYPARIS, Spach. Leaves evergreen, very small, scale-like, imbricated and closely appressed. or on vigorous shoots awl-shaped and free; leaf-buds not scaly; branchlets distichous and finely divided. Floicers monoecious, in small, "terminal, few-flowered catkins. Sterile catkins ovoid, witli filaments in tlie form of shield-shaped scales, each bearing beneath its lower margin 2-4 anther-cells, opening lengthwise. Fertile catkins globose with shield-shaped scales decussate, each bearing at its base several bottle-shaped, orthotropous ovules. Fruit a small, spherical cone, the thick, shield-siiaped scales of which are furnislied with a point or boss in the center, and fit closely together along their margins until maturity, when they open and liberate their angled or somewhat winged seeds; cotyledons 2-3. (Chamaecyparis is from the Greek X'^H^o-'') on the ground, and Tivirdnio-o-os, cypress.) 240. CHAMAECYPARIS NOOTKATENSIS (L.-^mb) Spach. Alaska Cedar, Yellow Cedar, Sitka Cypress. Ger., Gelhe Zeder ; Fr., Cedre jaune ; Sp., Cedro amarillo. Specific Characters: — Leaves about | in. long, with rather long rounded points, entire, eglandular or glandular-pitted on the back, dark blue-green, closely appressed and forming a slightly flattened branclilet. the leaves of a igorous shoots sometimes \ in. long, with sliarp points, and on small seedling are from \-\ in. long, acicular, spreading and lighter green. Flowers, very earlv spring, terminating lateral branchlets of the previous season, the staminate on those lower down and the pistillate on the more terminal branchlets; staminate flowers nearly oblong, ^ in. in length, with four or five pairs of stamens; connectives yellow with dark blotch, each bearing two or three pollen sacs; pistillate flowers about jV in- long; purplish brown witii acute spreading scales, eacli bearing at its base 2-4 ovules. Fruit (Sept. and Oct.) a subglobose dark reddish brown cone, maturing the first year, nearly ^ in. in diameter, glaucous, with 4-6 scales each with a prominent pointed boss and frequently resin glands; seeds slightly flat- tened ovoid, acute, about \ in. long, dark brown and with wings of lighter shade nearly twice as broad as the seed. The specific name is from Xootka, the name of the sound on the shores of which tliis tree was discovered by the Scotch naturalist, Archibald Menzies, a little over a century ago. The Alaska Cedar sometimes attains the height of 100 ft. (30 m.) or more, with narrow pyramidal head of horizontal and geotropic branches and crowded distichous sprays, with a trunk 5 or 6 ft. (1.80 m.) in diameter. It is vested in a grayish or purplish brown bark fissured into wide longitudinal ridges which exfoliate in long thin • Sargent's Silva of North America, X, p. 105. 40 Hough's American Woods. librous strips hanging loosely in abundance about the bases of the trunks. Habitat. — From the vicinity of Sitka, Alaska, southward on the islands, and in the coast region of British Columbia and along the Cascade Mountains of Washington and Oregon, as far as Mt. Jefferson. On the islands of Alaska and in British Columbia where it attains its largest dimensions it is found from the sea-level to an altitude of from two to three thousand feet, but in Washington and Oregon it is found only on certain mountains which it ascends to an altitude of four or five thousand feet. Physical Properties. — Wood light l^ut moderately hard and brittle, of exceedingly fine close grain, with a pleasant resinous odor, easily worked and very durable in contact with the soil. It is of a clear light yellowish color with thin lighter colored sap-wood. SpeciJiG Gravity^ 0.4782; Percentage of Ash, 0.34; Relative Approximate Fuel Value, 0.4706; Coefficient of Elasticity, 102881; Modulus of Rupture, 801; Resistance to Longitudinal Pressure, 455; Resistance to Indentation, 101 ; Weight of a Cubic Foot in Pounds, 29.80. Uses. — One of the most valuable of the American timbers, owing to its peculiar qualities as above noted, its great durability, etc. For cabinet making it has few, if any, equals among our woods, and is likewise most useful for boat buiding, for furniture, interior finishing of houses, etc. It has been exported to China in considerable quantities where it is used as a substitute for Satin-wood. The tree is occasionally grown, in both Europe and America, for ornamental purposes, under the name of Thujopsis horealis, and many nursery varieties due to abnormal form, color of foliage, etc., have originated. Note. — Upon examining our specimen sections of this wood one is impressed with its wonderfully slow growth. This tree grew on the slopes of Mt. Hood, and was 18^ in. in diameter inside the bark. A careful count of its annual rings, which could only be made with the aid of a magnifier, revealed the astonishing fact that it was four hun- dred and twenty-seven years in growing, and yet was perfectly sound to the pith of the center. 241. Chamaecypakis lawsoniana — Pokt Okfokd Cedar. 41 241. CHAMAECYPARIS LAWSONIANA (Murr.) Parl. Port Orford Cedar. Lawson Cypress. Match-wood. Ger., Cijpresse von Lawson; Fr., Cypres de Lawson ; Sp., Cipres de Lawson. Specific Characters: — Leaves about yV in. long, acute, briglit green, con- spicuously glandular on the back, closely appressed and forming a flattened branchlet, on leading shoots they are often from i to ^J- in. long, with points more spreading at apex, and on seedlings they are } to ^ in. long, linear- lanceolate and spreading. Flowers in very early spring, at the ends of lateral branchlets, the staminate with bright red connectives, bearing usually each 2 or 3 pollen sacs; pistillate flowers darker colored and with more acute and spread- ing scales. Fniit (Sept. to Oct.) globose cones about ^ in. in diameter, usually borne in profusion, reddish brown and often glaucous at maturity, with usually 8-10 rugose scales, with a weak central boss and bearing 2-4 shining brown seeds tV to yV in. long, slightly compressed and with thick lateral wings each about as broad as the seed. The specific name commemorates Sir Chas. Lawson, a distinguished Scottish authority on the coniferous trees, and Lord Provost of Edinborough. The Port Orford Cedar occasionally attains the height of 200 ft. (60 m.) with narrow pyramidal head of small horizontal and drooping branches and straight massive trunk sometimes 12 ft. (3.50 m.) in diameter, rested in a very thick dark reddish brown bark divided into wide ridges which exfoliate in thin fibrous strips. It is one of the most beautiful of our cone-bearing trees. Habitat. — Few trees of the United States are of as limited distribu- tion it being found growing naturally only in southwestern Oregon, in the vicinity of Coos Bay, and southward to the Klamath river in California, ranging inland a distance of only thirty or forty miles. It flourishes on sandy ridges and the sand dunes of the sea shore, and was early reported to have been found on the southern slopes of Mt. Shasta where, however, it has not been found in recent years. Physical Properties. — Wood light, rather hard and strong, very close grained, easily worked and durable in contact with the soil. It is of a light yellow color with lighter sap-wood, and with a pleasant resinous fragrance. Specijic Gramty, 0.4621; Percentage of Ash, 0.10; Relative Approximate Fuel Value^ 0.4616; Coefficient of Elasticity, 121772; Modulus of Rupture, 888; Resistance to Longi- tudinal Pressure, 466; Resistance to Lndentation, 82; Weight of a Cuhic Foot ill Pounds, 28.80. Uses. — One of the most valuable timber trees of Xorth America in the excellence of its lumber for interior finishing, flooring, boat- building, railway ties, fence posts, etc., and is used extensively in the manufacture of matches. In the last mentioned use its identity is at once asserted by the characteristic fragrance of the smoke of the burn - ing match. 42 Hough's American Woods. As an ornamental tree it has long been popular in both Europe and America, though generally thriving better in Europe than in the Atlantic states. Medicinal Properties. — The resin of this wood is a powerful diuretic. This property is so active that workmen in the saw-mills wliere this lumber is being sawn are so affected, through inhalation, that it becomes necessary to change occasionally to other wood. Genus JUNIPERUS, Linnaeus. Leaves evergreen, opposite or in whorls of three, rigid and of two forms, one awl-shaped and the other scale like, often both found on the same bush or tree. F lowers dioicxoiis, rarely monoecious, in very small catkins. Sterile catkins ovate, with siiield-shaped scales, each bearing at its base 3-7 anther cells. Fertile catkins ovoid or globose, with few (3-5) fleshy, concave, united scales, each bearing one ovule, and these togetlier becoming in Fruit a sort of berry, but in reality an altered cone, scalybracted underneath, blackish or bluish in color, furnished with a lighter-colored bloom, and containing from 1-3 bony, wingless seeds; cotyledons two. (^Juniperus is the classical Latin name of the Juniper.) 242. JUNIPERUS PACHYPHLOEA, Torr. Alligator Juniper. Thick-bark Juniper. Checker-bark Juniper. Ger., BlcJthorke Wachholder ; Fr., Genenrier a ecorse ejyais ; Sp., JEnehw de corteza esjpesa. Specific Characters: — I/eayes opposite, scarcely I in. long, closely appressed apiculate, slightly denticulate, bluish green and conspicuou.sly white-glandular on the back; leaves on vigorous slioots linear-lanceolate and with longer points- branclilets slender. Flowers open in February or March at the tips of branclilets' the stammate in great abundance, oblong, yellow, about i in long, with 10 or 12 anther scales; pistillate flowers with more pointed and spreading scales. Fruit matures in the autumn of the second season, subglobose, about h in iii diameter, often tuberculate, marked witli tips of flower scales, bluish the first season and finally brownish, covered with glaucous bloom; seeds four in number flattened ovoid, pointed, gibbous and ridged on back, thick-walled with laroe hilunis and embryo with two cotyledons. " The specific name, pachyphlocea, is from Greek roots meaning thick bark. This curious and largest representative of the junipers attains the height of 50 or 60 ft. (18 m.) with trunk 5 or 6 ft. (1.80 m.) in diameter, vested in a strikingly characteristic grayish bark. This is especially curious for a juniper, being more like the barks of certain oaks than of any of the junipers. It is fissured into thick rectangular plates which give an appearance so similar to that of the skin of an alligator, that the name " Alligator " Juniper is aptly applied to it. The trunk divides usually within 5 or 10 ft. from the ground into a few large branches and a broad rounded top is formed with foliao-e of a strikingly grayish green color owing to the conspicuous white gland which dots the center of each leaf. Habitat, — The mountains of southwestern Texas and westward on 243. PiNUS FLEXILIS Ll.MBKR PiXE. 43 the desert ranges of New Mexico and Arizona south of the Colorado phiteaii, the lower slopes of mountains of northern Arizona and soutli- ward into Mexico It inhabits dry arid slopes at elevations of from four to six thousand feet within the United States, but attainin), with short sheath of retlexed scales at tlie bases the first sea- son, incurved, with sharp callous tips, entire, pale glaucous green, containing two large dorsal resin ducts, and bearing on the ventral sides 8-10 rows of * Pinus Parri/fuia. Engelra. 46 Hough's American "Woods. 6tomata. Stamiaate flowers oval, about \ in. long, and each surrounded hy an involucre of four conspicuous pointed bracts; anthers terminating in a lacini- ated crest; pistillate floicers subtermiual, solitary or clustered, subglobose, \-\ in. in length, nearly sessile and with obovate short-pointed scales. Fruit subglobose cones, from \V-i in. broad, with scales rounded at apex, the expo.sed portion bright lustrous chestnut brown, conspicuously keeled transversely and with a prominent truncated central knob furnished with a minute recurved tip. The few central scales only bear fertilized seeds and tliese only develope, tiiose at the base remaining small with recurved bosses and forming a flattened base of the cone; seeds about | in. long, ell iptical-obo void, somewhat flattened, dark reddish brown somewhat mottled, with brittle shell and sweet edible kernel; the wings scarcely J in. in width and remaining attached to the scale; cotyledons usually eight. The specific name, quadrifoUa, Latin for four-leaved, alludes to the number of leaves in a fascicle. It is called Parry Pine after the name of its discoverer, Dr. C. C. Parry. A tree sometimes attaining the height of 30 or 40 ft. (12 m.) with pyramidal top while young, but finally an irregular rounded top. The trunk is short and seldom over 18 in. (0.50 m.) in diameter, clotlied in a grapsh brown bark which is fissured into j)romin'ent longitudinal ridges and exfoliates in small thin scales. Habitat. — The center of distribution of the Parry Pine is in lower California, where it forms open forests on the arid slopes and mesas, between three thousand five hundred and seven thousand feet altitude, from near the United States boundary line southward to the foot hills of Mt. San Pedro Martir. It has been found sparingly north of the boundary line, in San Diego Co., California, not far from Campo, and has also been reported from near Julian, and on the desert elopes of the Santa Rosa mountains farther north, in Riverside county. Physical Properties. — Wood lighl, rather hard, brittle, of very close grain, with numerous conspicuous resin passages, and of a light yellow-brown color with thin lighter sap-wood. Specijio Gravitf/, 0.5675; Percentage of Ash ^ 0.54; Relative Approximate Fuel Value, 0.5644; Coefficient of Elasticity, Z'l^^Z; Modulus of liujyture, 4^2^}; Mesistance to Loncfitudinal Pressure, 339; Resistance to Indentation, 195; Weight of a Cuhic Foot in Pounds, 35,37. Uses, — The seeds of this species constitute an important article of food with the Indians of lower California, who gather them in large quantities and eat them both raw and roasted. The trunks are of too small dimensions to be of commercial im- portance. 216. PiXLS UALFOURIAXA FoXTATL PiXE. BaLFOUR PiXE. -17 246. PINUS BALFOURIANA, Mupr. Foxtail Pixe. Balfour Pixe. Ger., JFuchsschwanzige Fichte ; Fr. , Pin dequeue de renard ; Sp., Pino de cola de zorra. Specific Characters: — Leaves 1-1.^ in. long, in clusters of five each, sur- rounded at base with a short cup like sheath, crowded and pressed against the branehlet and persisting for ten or twelve years, stout, rigid, incurved, acute, entire, dark green ou dorsal and paler «ith rows of stouiata on tlie ventral sur- faces and bearing single fibrovascular bundle and two dorsal resin ducts; branch- lets at first puberulous and of an orange-brown color become darker with age and long reuaaining rough with the thick persistent bases of the btid-scales. Staminate Jioicers oval, scarcely i in. in length, closely crowded near the extremity of the branehlet and stirrotinded each by four involucral bracts; anthers reddish orange with irregularly denticulate crest; pistillate flowers sub- terminal, erect, oblong-ovoid, dark purple, with acutely-jwinted scales and borne on stout peduncles from |-| in. in length and covered with light brown ovate acute bracts. Cones at maturity pendulous, from 34-5 in. long and from li-l| in. wide, subcylindrical, dark purple with long and narrow scales much thick- ened towards the rounded apex, the exposed portion transversely keeled and furnished with a dark umbro bearing a very small and slender deciduous spine. The seeds are liberated in the autumn of tlie second year and are about ^ in. in length, somewhat compressed, pointed at base, cream-color dotted with purple, and furnished with a pale membranous wing, about |-1 in. in length, oblique at apex and -widest at about the center; cotyledons 5. The specific name, Balfouriana, is given in compliment to the Scotch botanist, John Hutton Balfour. Generally a small or medium-size alpine tree of 3'"> or 40 ft. (10 m.) or less in heiglit, but in localities most favorable to growth it has been found 90 ft. (27 m.) in height, with trunk 5 ft. (1.50 m.) in diameter. The bark of trunk is rather thick, of a dark red-brown color, deeply fissured into broad ridges and broken into irregular scaly plates. It forms a pyramidal top, symmetrical at first, but finally the lower branches become dependent and the top more or less dis- torted, but its appearance is always striking on account of its closely appressed, short dark -green needles which persist for ten or fifteen years, and clothe the long, stout branchlets an unusual distance from their tips, giving the tree its descriptive vernacular name. Habitat. — A tree of very local distribution, being found only in California, and there only on the high slopes of certain mountains in the northern part of the state, as Mt. Eddy, Scott Mountain (near Mt. Shasta, though strangely it has not been found on Mt. Shasta), on Yolo Bally of the coast range, and then on the southern Sierra Xevada range in the vicinity of ^It. Whitney. It forms belts of open forests, distinguishable at a distance by its dark green foliage, between five and eight thousand feet altitude, in the north immediately below the White-bark Pine and near the timber line. On Mt. Whitnev, where it attains its greatest development, it ranges to fifteen thousand feet 48 Hough's American AYoods. altitude, the trees liigliest up on the mountain being depressed and often shrubby. Physical Properties. — Wood light, soft, brittle, of very close grain, with small resin ducts and of an orange-brown color with lighter sap-wood, /Speciflo Graviti/, 0. 54^34: ; Percentage of Ash, OAO; Relative Approximate Fuel Value, 0.5412; Coefficient of Elasticity, 59386; Modulus of Rupture, 424; Resistance to Longitudinal Pres- sure, 337; Resistance to Indentation, 147; Weight of a Cubic Foot in Pounds, 33.86. Uses. — Like most other trees of high mountains no particular use is made of this timber, nor does it take well to transplanting for orna- mental purposes from its chosen alpine home. Genus PICEA, Link. Leaves evergreen, scattered (not clustered at the base), sessile, joined upon a persistent base, short (4 to f in.) needle-shaped, 4-angled, pointing every way and all of one kind. Flowers appear in spring, monoecious; the sterile in the axils of the leaves of the preceding year; anthers tipped with a recurved appendage, ceils opening lengthwise: fertile flowers in terminal catkins. Fruit, cones maturuig the first year, pendulous with scales thin (neither thickened nor furnished with a spur at the apex) persistent on the axis. Otherwise quite as described for the genus Pinus. {Picea is the ancient Latin name.) 247. PICEA ENGELMANNI, Engelm. Engelmann Spruce. Rocky Mountain Spruce. Ger., Tanne von Engelmann ; Yw, Sapin d"* Engelmann ; ^-^., Aheto de Engelmann. Specific Characters: — Leaves from 1-1| in. in length, tetragonal with acute callous tips, rather flexible, pointing out and forward on all sides of the branch- lets, bearing 3-5 rows of stomata on each face but more conspicuously on the upper, glaucous green the first season, but afterwards dark bluish green. Stam- nate Floioers oblong-cylindrical, about | in. long, with pedumcle al)Out ^ in. long and with dark purple anthers; pistillate floioers oblong-cylindrical, red, about •^ to f in. in length, with erose or entire scales and small rounded or pointed den- ticulate bracts. Cones usually sessile or nearly so, in abundance on the upper branches, oblong-cylindi-ical to oval, from 1-3 in. but usually about 2 in. long with very thin lustrous light brown, slightly concave striated scales, wliich are more or less erose-dentate and generally narrowing to a truncate or pointed ai^ex; seeds about ^^ in. long, nearly black with light broad wings about twice their length. The specific name commemorates the name of the distinguished physician and botanist, Dr. Geo. Engelmann. This beautiful spruce attains the height of 150 ft. (45 m.) with rather compact and regular symmetrical head and trunk 4 or 5 ft. (1.50 m.) in diameter, vested in a thin bark of purplish brown color which checks irregularly and exfoliates in thin friable scales. Habitat. — The Engelmann Spruce is pre-eminently a mountain tree, being found along the slopes of the Rocky Mountains generally 24:7. PlCEA ENGELMANNI — EnGELMANN SpKUCE. 49 from British Columbia southward to central New Mexico and Arizona and also the Blue and Cascade Mountains of Washington and Oregon nearly to the Californian line. It ranges between the altitudes of two thousand three hundred and five thousand feet in the north to from nine thousand to eleven thousand five hundred feet in the south forming extensive tracts of beautiful and valuable forests on manj mountains and said to attain its most stately development north of the United States boundary. Physical Properties. — Wood light, soft, not strong, close grained and yielding a beautiful satiny surface when polished. It is of a pale yellow-brown color, darkest near the center of the log and with slightly lighter colored sap-wood. Specific Gravity , 0.3449; Percentage of Ash, 0.32; Relative Approximate J^iiel Value, 0.d4:SS; Coejficient of Elasticity, 80791; Modulus of Rupture, 574; Resistance to Longi- tudinal Pressure, 267; Resistance to Indentation, 76; Weight of a Cidjic Foot in Pounds, 21.49. Uses. — A valuable timber for general construction purposes, the building of houses, etc. It is also used largely for fuel and charcoal. No doubt when the supply of eastern woods becomes more reduced this species may largely contribute material for sounding boards for musical instruments and pulp for paper-making. The bark is suffici- ently rich in tannin to cause its employment in localities for tanning purposes. Genus ABIES, Link. Leaves sessile, short, solitary, usually more or less flattened and entire, with circular and not prominent bases, often emarginate, more or less two-ranked especially on the horizontal branches and young trees by a twist near the base, bearing stomata usually only belovs% with two resin ducts; brarclilets smooth, bearing the more or less circular not prominent leaf scars i^/o?<'f)'s from the axils of last year's leaves ; the staminate borne in abundance along the under side of the bi'anchlets, oblong or cylindrical, with short stipes surrounded by numerous bud scales ; anther-cells two, extrorse, oj^ening transversly, tiie con- nective terminating in a knob ; pollen grains large with two air sacs ; pistillate flowers erect, with bracts larger than the scales ; ovules two, adnate to the inner side of each scale near the base. Cones erect upon the upper branches and matur- ing tlie tirst year, sessile, nearly cylindrical, with numerous spirally arranged, imbricated, carpellary scales, each in the axil of a thin membranous bract vvhich with the scale falls away at maturity from the persistent axis ; seed covered with resin-vesicles and each bearing a membranous wing, the base of which covers the outer and laj^s over upon the inner surface ; cotyledons 4 to 10. Trees of about sixteen or eighteen species, generally of remarkable pyramidal growth, confined to the northern hemisphere of both continents and represented in the United States by nine species mostly on the Pacific Slope. {Abies is the ancient Latin name of the Fir.) 50 IIouoh's Amekican Woods. 248. ABIES VENUSTA (Dougl.) Koch.* Bbistle-cone Fir. Santa Lucia Silver Fir. Ger., Tanne von Santa Lucia; Fr., Sapln de Santa Lucia; Sp., Aheio de Santa Lucia. Specific Characters : — Leaves linear or linear-lanceolate, from 1^ to nearly 2| in. long and about \ in. wide, acuminate, with stiff prickly ti^js, quite flat, rigid, dark lustrous green and sliglitly rounded above, silvery white with 8-10 rows of stomata beneath, rather remote, spreading, and two-ranked on the sterile branchlets by a twisting near the bases of the leaves, which when break- ing awav leave oval scars; resin ducts close to epidermis; buds large, ^-1 in. long, acute, w'ith thin imbricated scales. Flowers open early in May surrounded at the bases with conspicuous involucres formed by the scarious silvery white bud scales; tlie staminate flowers produced in abundance near the bases of branchlets on the upper half of the tree, cylindrical, averaging about 1 in. in length, with pale yellow but later reddish brown anthei's and with slender pedicels; pistillate flowei-s near the tips of the branchlets of tlie upper branches only, oblong, about 1| in. long, with rounded scales nearly as long as the bracts which are yellow-green, obcordate and with long slender awns. Cones ovoid-cylindrical, purple-brown, f in. long, rounded at apex, having thin scales with incurved denticulate margins and about one-third longer than the bracts which are pale yellowish brown, linear, obcordate, with rigid long foliaceous midribs exserted, from 1 to nearly 2 in. in length; seeds dark brown, about | in. long, with oblong- obovate lustrous wing about \ in. long. This singular fir rarely attains a greater height than 100 ft. (33 m.) or greater diameter of trunk than 3 ft. (0.90 m.) This is covered with a reddish-brown bark broken into irregular closely ajDpressed scales on wliicli persist for a time the resin- blisters of the younger bark. Its habit of growth easily distinguishes it from other firs, as its top is of slender spire-shape above and swells out abruptly below into a wide base of longer horizontal and drooping branches. Its lateral branch- lets are remote, and being sparsely clothed with long leaves, dark green above and silvery white beneath, the tree is readily distinguished from all its neighbors, and pronounced one of singular habit of growth. Habitat. — Few known trees have as limited an area of distribution, being found only among the rugged fastnesses of the Santa Lucia mountains, in the western part of Monterey Co , California, and there was long supposed to be confined to the moist soil of the bottoms of only a few canons. The recent explorations of Prof. W. R, Dudley, how- ever, have added much to our knowledge on this point. He has found the tree in considerable abundance to the northward of the previously known range, and now designates its region of distribution as being an area of about fifty miles in north and south direction, and from near the coast inland at least eighteen miles, and that its vertical range is between the altitudes of fifteen hundred and five thousand feet, * A hracteata, Nutt. 249. Abies amabilis — Amabilis Fik. Red Silver Fir. 51 lie has found that its favorite home proves to be ''on crag, rocky ridge and slope, although it is also found in canons and along streams," and that it is not on the fog-bathed ridge of the coast moun- tains nearest the sea, but the ridges next within, which have abundant precipitation, but are semi-arid in summer. Physical Pkoperties. — The wood of this species is rather light and hard, coarse grained, with numerous very fine medullary rays, and of a pale yellow-brown color with little distinction in tint between heart and sap-wood. /Specific Gravlti/, O.GISS; J^ercentage of As/i, 2.04; Belative Approximate Fuel Value, 0.6645; Weight of a CubiG Foot in Pounds, 42.27. Uses. — Although a wood of valuable properties it has never been considered of commercial importance, owing to its inaccessibility and the sparseness of the population in the regions in which it grows. It is worthy of recognition for ornamental planting, and is successfully grown in the milder parts of Great Britain and Europe, though appar- ently not adapted to the climate of eastern United States. 249. ABIES AMABILIS, Fore. Amabilis Fie. Red Silver Fir. Ger., Holdselige Tanne ; Fr., Sapin almahle ; '&])., Aheto amahle. Specific Characters : — Leaves flat, deeply grooved and lustrous dark green above, silvery white with broad bands of stomata and midrib prominent beneath, on sterile branches, from %-\\ in. long, generally obtuse or rounded and notched at apex, erect and very crowded, those on the upper side of the branchlet much shorter than those of the sides; on fertile branchlets |-| in. long, acute, with callous tips; winter buds nearly globose with closely imbricated scales and thickly coated with resin; branchlets stout, finely pubescent and of a reddisii brown color. Staminate flou'ers oblong, ^-f in. long, with slender pedicel nearly \ in. long, anthers red; pistillate floicers oblong-cylindrical, nearly or quite 1 in. long and J in. thick, purple and with lustrous pointed exserted bracts. Cones oblong, from 3| to nearly 6 in. in length and from 2-2|^ in. thick, rounded or refuse at apex, purple, i)uberulous. scales 1 in. or slightly more wide at their rounded apex and nearly as long; bracts wholly included, reddish, about lialf as long as scales, obovate with slender pointed tip; seeds yellowish brown, ^ in. long with oblique, cuneate pale brown wings | in. long and nearly as broad. The specific name, amabilis, is the Latin tor lovely, and alludes to the impressive beauty of the tree. This liandsome fir sometimes attains the height of 250 ft. (75 m.) under most favorable circumstances, with a trunk 5 or 6 ft. (1.75 m.) in diameter. The bark when young is thin, smooth, grayish white, beset with copious resin blisters, and when older becomes checked irregularly into broad scaly ridges. It developes a rather open pyramidal top with gracefully curving lower branches and wide sprays of drooping branch- lets. It is one of the most beautiful of our evergreen trees and is especially so when bearing its hirge erect purple cones. 52 Hough's Americax Woods. Habitat. — From the mountains of southern British Colmnbia southward along both slopes of the Cascade Mountains and the coast ranges of Washington and Oregon at elevations of from about twelve hundred to six thousand feet, probably attaining its greatest size on the Olympic Mountains, and reaching its southern most limit of distribution about a hundred miles north of the southern boundary of Oregon. Physical Properties. — Wood light, of medium hardness and strength, close grained and of a pale brownish red color with Httle difference in tint between sap and heart-woods. Specific Gravity, 0.4228; Percentage of AsK 0.23; Relative Approximate FuelYahie, 0.4218; Coefficient of Elasticity, 126013; Modulus of Rupture, 1^'t\ Resistance to Longitudinal Pressure, 467: Resistance to Indentation, 64; Weight of a Cuhle Foot in Pounds, 26.35. Uses. — Though not extensively employed, probably from the abundance of other woods, this wood is used occasionally for interior finishing and general construction purposes. Genus LARIX, Tourn. Leaves needle-shaped, soft, deciduous, in clusters of many each, from lateral scaly buds excepting along the shoots of tlie season, wliere they are scattered. Sterile flowers terminating lateral seal}' buds or spurs on shoots of preceding year, with 2-celIed anthers opening longitudinally; ]iollen grains, simple and globular. Fertile floivers in catkins — cones — red while in flower, consisting of several or many carpellary scales springing from tiie axils of bracts, and bearing each 2 ovules with orifices turned downward. Fruit an erect, oval or roundish cone, with colored persistent scales, and maturing the season of blossoming. {Larix is the Latin classical name of the Larch.) A genus of eight species of trees (three of which are American), confined to the boreal and mountainous regions of the northern hemisphere and of great economic importance. {Larix is the ancient Latin name of the Larch.) 250. LARIX OCCIDENTALIS, Nutt. Western Tamarack, Larch or Hackmatack. Ger., Westliche Ldrche ; Fr., Meleze occidentale ; Sp., Larice occidental. Specific Ch.\racters -. — Leaves from 1-lf in. long, triangular, rigid, rounded above, keeled beneath, with sharp point and of a pale green color: branchlets pubescent at first but soon glabrous; winter buds subglobose. Staminafe floivers oblong, on stalks finally about i in. ]ong; anthers pale yellow; j^istillate flowers oblong, subsessile with nearly orbicular scales and bracts with midrib prolonged in a long slender tip. Tories "from I-l^ in. in length, nearly sessile witii numer- ous thin stiff scales which are entire or'nearly so, lioary-tomentose beneath below tiie middle and widely separating or becoiniug reflexed at maturity to liberate the seeds, which are pale brown, nearly | in. long, and furnished with a thin pale wing two or three times their length, broadest at about the middle and obliquely rounded at apex. This beautiful Larch is the most stately of its genus, attaining under favorable circumstances a height of 250 ft. (75 m.) with columnar 250. Laris occidentalis — "Western Tamarack. 53 trunk sometimes 6 or 8 ft. (2 m.) in diameter. It developes an open pyramidal top of light green airy foliage, wliicli in old forest grown trees seems remarkably scant for the size of the trunk. The bark of the voimu-er trunks is thin, of a reddish brown color, and exfoliatino- in thin irregular scales, while that of the older trunks is thick and fissured into large scaly plates. Habitat. — The Western Tamarack is confined entirely to the basin of the upper Columbia River^ being most abundant and attaining its greatest dimensions on the bottom lands of northern Montana and Idaho. It ranges between the altitudes of two thousand and seven thousand feet, from the western slopes of the continental divide in northern Montana to the eastern slopes of the Cascade Mountains of "Washington and Oreo;on, as far south as Mt. Jefferson in Oregon, and northward into southern British Columbia, to the head waters of the Thompson River in al)Out latitude 57° north. It is not entirely contined to bottom lands, being found in abundance on dry slopes and benches, though less developed than in the moist soil of the bottom lands. Physical Properties. — "Wood heavy, hard, strong, close grained, ■svith few resin passages, very durable in contact ^vitll the soil, and susceptible of a very smooth polish. It is of a rich orange-brown color with thin brownish-white sap-wood. Specific Gravity^ 0. 7407; Percentage of Ash, 0.09; Relative Approximate Fuel Value, 0.7400; Coefficient of Elasticity, 165810; Modulus of Rup)ture, 1227; Re- sistance to Longitudinal Pressure, 689; Resistance to Indentation, 139; Weight of a Cuhic Foot in Pounds, 46.16. Uses. — One of the most valuable of the coniferous trees of the continent. The Western Larch produces hard and durable lumber of excellent quality for the manufacture of furniture, doors, interior finishing, etc. It is also highly valued for railway ties, fence pests, etc. A sweetish substance, resembling dextrin in properties, exudes in abundance from wounds in the trunk of this tree, and is gathered and eaten by the Indians. i INDEX. No. Page. Abedul occidental 236 34 Abeto aniable 249 51 de Engelmann 247 48 de Santa Lucia 248 50 Abies amabilis 249 51 bracteata 248 50 vennsta 248 50 Acaeia inoUissima 237 22 Acacia d'argent 227 22 plateada 227 22 Acacie, Silberige 227 22 Angiosperm.e 20 Arboiisier d" Arizona 230 26 Arbutus Arizoniea 230 26 Ash, Fringe-flower 231 28 Bettlace-E 34 Betula occideutalis 236 84 Birch, Puget Sound 236 34 Western 236 34 Birch Family 34 Birke, Westliche 236 34 Bouleau occidental 236 34 Cact.\ce^ 23 Catcus Giant 228 23 gigautesqud 228 28 Catcus Family 23 Caprifoliace^ 24 Cedar, Alaska 240 39 Port Orford 241 41 Yellow 240 89 Cedre jaune 240 89 Cedro anarillo 240 39 Cereus giganteus 228 23 Chitmcecyparis Lairsoniana . . . 241 41 Nootkatensis... 240 39 Cheiraxthodendre-E 20 Chene a feuilles blanches. . . . 235 33 d'Emory 234 33 Cipres de Arizona 239 38 de Lawson 241 41 CONIFERiE 37 Cujjrei^sHS Arizoniea 239 38 CUPULIFER-E 31 Cypresse, Arizonische 239 38 von Lawson 241 41 Cypres d'Arizona 289 38 de Lawson 241 41 No. Page. Cypress, Arizona 239 38 Lawson 241 41 Sitka 240 39 Eiche von Emory 234 33 Weiszbljitterige 285 88 Elder. Mexican 229 25 Elm, California Slippery 226 20 Enebro de corteza espesa 242 43 Erdbeerbaum, Arizonischer. . . 230 26 Ericaceae 26 Esche, Fransenbliihende 231 28 Fichte, Biegsame . 243 43 Fuclisschwanzige 246 47 Vierblatterige 245 45 Weissborke 244 44 Fir. Amabilis 249 51 Bristle-cone 248 50 Red Silver 249 51 Santa Lucia Silver 248 50 Fraxinus dipetala 281 28 Fremontia 236 20 Fremont odeiidron Calif orni- cum 226 20 Frene a fleurs de fi-ange 281 28 Fresno de flores de franja 231 28 Genevrier a ecorse epais 242 43 Gymxosperm^e 37 Hackmatack 250 53 Heath Family 26 Holunder, Mexicanischer. ... 229 25 Honeysuckle Family 24 JUGLANDACE^ 30 Juglans rupestris 233 30 Juniper, Alligator 243 42 Checker-bark 242 42 Thick-bark 243 43 Juniperus pachyphloea 343 43 Key based upon Fruit 9 Leaves 1 Larch 250 53 Liirche, WestHche 250 52 Larice occidental 250 52 56 Index. No. Page. Larix occidentalis 250 52 Leguminos^ 21 Madrona, Arizona 230 26 de Arizona 230 26 Match-wood 241 41 Meleze occidentale 250 52 Nogal de Arizona 233 30 Noyer d' Arizona 233 30 Oak, Arizona Black 234 32 Emory 234 32 White-leaf 235 33 Oak Family 31 Oleace^ 27 Olive Family 27 Picea Engelmanni 247 48 Pin d'ecorce blanc 244 44 de queue de renard 246 47 quadrifeuillier 245 45 souple 243 43 Pine, Balfour 246 47 Foxtail 246 47 Limber 243 43 Mexican Nut 245 45 Parry 245 45 Rockv Mountain White, 243 43 White-bark 244 44 Pine Family 37 Pino de cola de zorra 246 47 de corteza blanca 244 44 de quotro hojas 245 45 flexible 243 43 Pinon, Mexican 245 45 Piniis albicaulis 244 44 Balfoiiviana 246 47 flexilis 243 43 Parrynna 245 45 quadrifolia 245 45 Plane-tree Family 28 Platanace^ 28 Platane, Arizonische 232 29 d'Arizona 232 29 Platano de Arizona 232 29 Platamis Wrightii 232 29 Pulse Family 21 No. Page. Quercus Emoryi 234 32 hypoleuca 235 33 Riesencactus 228 23 Roble de Emory 234 32 de hojas blancas 235 33 Saguaro 228 23 Salicace^ ' 35 Salix lasiandra 237 35 Sitchensis 238 36 Sanibuciis Canadensis, var. Mexicana 229 25 Samhucus Mexicana 229 25 Sapin aimable 249 51 d'Engelmann 247 48 de Santa Lucia 248 50 Sauco de Mexico . . 229 25 Sauce de Sitka 238 36 negro occidental 237 35 Saule de Sitka 238 36 noir occidental 237 35 Schwarzweide, Westliche .... 237 35 Spruce, Engelmann 247 48 Rocky Mountain 247 48 Sureau de Mexico 229 25 Suwarro 228 23 Sycamore, Arizona 232 29 Tamarack, Westei-ii 250 52 Tanne, Holdselige 249 51 von Engelmann 247 48 von Santa Lucia ..... 248 50 Wachholder, Dickborke 242 42 Wallnuszbaum, Arizonischer. . 233 30 Walnut, Arizona 233 30 Mexican 233 30 Walnut Family 30 Wattle, Black 227 22 Silver 227 23 Weide von Sitka 238 36 Willow, Silky 238 36 Sitka 238 36 Western Black 237 35 Willow Family 35 Zeder, Gelbe 240 39 GENERAL INDEX TO TECHNICAL AND ENGLISH NAMES. AMERICAN WOODS, PARTS l-X. Teelinieal names are in italics and important synonyms in parentheses. Part. Abies amabilis. X halsa mea I concolor VII grandis IX magnifica VII nobilis IX venusta (bracfe ita) X Acacia, Green-bark VI Acacia decurrens IX melanoxylon VII moUissima X Acer circinatiun IX dasycarp um (s acch a r i- niun, L) II macrophyllnm VII Negnndo Ill Pennsylvanicuni IV rubnim Ill saccharinum Wang {sac- charum Marsh) I ^sculus Californica VI Hippocastanum I Ailanthus, Tree of Heaven... I Ailanthus glandidosus I Alder, California or White. . . VII Oregon or Red IX Alniis Oregona IX rhombifolia VII AmeJancliier Canadensis . ... Ill Angelica-tree I Apple II Custard IV Aralia sj)inosa I Arbor-Vitaj, Eastern I Pacific IX Arbutus Arizonica X Menziesii VI Arctostaphylos pungens VI Ash, Black or Hoop Ill Fring?-flo\ver X Leatlier-leaf IX Oregon Vllt Red II White I Ash Burl Ill Asimina triloba . IV Asp or Aspen. Quaking Ill Lai'ge-tooth I Balsam Fir I Basswood I No. 249 22 173 224 174 225 248 128 206 155 227 203 26 152 54 79 53 7 127 6 4 4 163 217 217 163 59 8 30 24 220 230 132 133 62 231 212 187 31 10 62a 7H 72 18 22 ~3 Part. No Bay, Bull V 101 California Rose VII 158 Loblolly or Tan V 102 Swamp Red V 113 Sweet Ill 51 Bayberrv VII 164 Bay Tree VII 159 Bearberry VI 126 Beech I 16 Blue II 42 Betida lenta II 44 lutea I 17 nigra IV 95 occidentalis X 236 prtpyracea (p ap yri- fera) II 43 populifolia Ill 70 Big or Giant-tree, California. . VI 143 Birch, Black, Cherry or Sweet II 44 Pai:)er or Canoe II 43 Pojjlar-leaf or Gray III 70 Red or River ". IV 95 Western X 236 White II 43 III 70 Yellow., I 17 Black-wood VII 155 Blue Beech, Hornbeam II 42 Blue-blossom, Northern VII 151 Southern IX 202 Box-elder Ill 54 Boxwood IV 88 Buckeye, California VI 127 Buckthorn, Island VIII 176 Sacred-bark. , VI 126 Butternut or Oilnut I 14 Button-ball Tree, Button wood I 13 Cactus, Mission, Indian Fig. . VIII 184 Giant X 228 Carpinus Carolineana II 42 Cascara Sagrada VI 126 Castanea vesca (dentata) II 40 ('astanopsis chrysophylla VI 139 Castor-bean Tree VIII 189 Carya alba (Hicoria ovata). . . II 36 aquatica (H. aquatica). V 115 microcarpa(H.odorata) IV 91 porcina (H. glabra) III 65 sulcata (H.laciniosa).. . Ill 64 tomentosa (H. alba) ... IV 90 Catalpa bignonioides{cafalpa) IV 89 58 Hough's American Woods. Part. No. Ceanotlms arboreus Ill 177 sorediatus IX 202 spinosus IX 201 thyrsoflorus VII 151 Cedar, Alaska X 240 Giant or Northwestern Red IX 220 Incense or Cal. White. . VI 141 Port Orf ord X 241 Red or Pencil... I 25 White 1,24 III 74 Yellow VII, 168 X 240 Celt is occidentalis . . . I 12 Cercidium Torreyanum VI 128 Cercocarjnis parvif alius , VI 130 Cereus giganteus X 228 Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana . . X 241 Nootkatensis. . X 240 thyoides . . . . Ill 74 Cherry, Bird, Pigeon or Pin. . Ill 55 Black II 29 Holly-leaf VII 156 Ox-heart or Sweet. . . Ill 55 Sour IV 82 Woolly-leaf Bitter ... IX 208 Chestnut II 40 Evergreen VI 139 Chilopsis saligna {linearis). ... VI 134 China-berry. V 105 Chinquapin, California VI 139 Christmas-berry VIII 181 Citrus Aurantium V 103 Limonum V 104 Cliftonia ligustrina (mono- phylla) V 108 Coffee-tree II 27 Cornus alternifolia IV 87 florida IV 88 Nuttallii VIII 185 Cottonwood, Black IX 218 Common II 48 River IV 97 White, or Fre- mont VIII 194 Crab or Crab-apple, Oregon.. . IX 209 Sweet scented IV 83 Crataegus coccinea IV 86 Crus-galli IV 85 Douglasii IX 210 punctata Ill 58 Cucumber-tree I 1 Cupressus Arizonica X 239 Goveniana VII 166 Macnabiana IX 219 macrocarpa ....... VIII 195 Cypress, Arizona X 239 Bald V 119 Gowen VII 166 Lawson X 241 MacNab IX 219 Monterey VIII 195 Sitka X 240 Cyrilla racemiflora V 107 Part. Dalea VII Dalea spinosa VII Devil- wood V Diospyros Virginiana Ill Dogwood, Alternate-leaf IV Flowering IV Western Flowering VIII Elder, Pale VII Mexican X Elm, American or White. ... II Cork or Cork-bark II Slippery or Red I " Elm," California Slippery . . X Eucalyptus globulus VIII rosirata IX Fagus ferruginea {American, or atropunicea) I Fir, Amabilis or Red Silver. . . X Balsam I Bristle-cone (or Sta. Lucia) X California Red VII Great Silver IX Noble IX Oregon .... VI White Silver VII Forestiera acuminata V Fraxinus Americana 1 dipetala X Oregona VIII jnibescens (Pennsyl- vanica) II sambucifolia {nigra). Ill velutina IX Fremontia X Fremontodendron C a I iforni- cum X Garrya elliptica VI Gleditschia {Gleditsia) monos- perma {aquatica) V triacanthos II Grape, Summer IV Grease-wood VII Grevillea, Silky " Oak " IX Grevillea robusta IX Gordonia lasianthus V Gum, Blue VIII Red 111,60 IX Sour I Sweet Ill Gymn ocladus Can a dens i s {dioicus) II Hackberry, Sugarberry I Hemlock, Alpine VII Eastern I Western IX Hercules' Club I Heieromeles arbutifolia VIII No. 154 154 112 61 87 88 185 157 229 33 34 11 226 183 211 16 249 22 248 174 224 225 150 173 111 10 231 187 31 62 212 226 226 131 109 28 78 164 213 213 102 183 211 9 60 27 12 171 21 223 8 181 General Index to Pakts I-X. 59 Part. No. Hickory, Big Shell-bark Ill 64 Bitternut II 557 Mokernut IV 90 Pig-nut Ill 65 Shag-bark II 36 Small-fruited IV 91 Water V 115 Holly, American Ill 53 California VIII 131 Honey Locust II 28 Honev-pod VI 129 Hop-tree, Wafer "Ash " IV 77 Hornbeam, Hop II 42 Horse Bean, Small-leaf IX 2C4 Horse Chestnut I 6 Ilex opaca Ill 52 Indigo Bush VII 154 Iron-wood, Eastern II 41 Santa Catalina. .. . VIII 182 Southern V 107 Islay VII 156 Joshua Tree VII 175 Juglans Calif orniea VIII 190 cinerea I 14 nigra II 35 rupestris X 233 June-berry HI 59 Juniper, Alligator, Thick-bark X 243 California VII 167 Western VII 168 Juniperus Californica VII 167 occidentalis VII 168 pachyphloea X 242 Virginiana I 35 King-nut Hickory Ill 64 Larch, Eastern I 33 Western X 250 " Larch," Or gon IX, 225 X 249 Larix Anuricana (laricina) . . I 23 occidentalis X 250 Laurel, Big V 101 California VII 159 Swamp HI 51 Lemon . . . . V 104 Lemonade Tree VII 153 Libocedvus decurrens VI 141 Lilac, California Wild VII 151 Lime, Ogechee, Gopher Plum. V 110 Lin or Linden, American I 3 Liriodeiidi'oa Tulipifera ... I 2 Liquidamber, Bilsted Ill 60 Liquidainbar Styraciflua Ill 60 Locust IV 80 Honey II 28 Water V 109 Lijonothamnus Jloribundus. . . VIII 182 :\Iadrona, California VI 132 Arizona X 230 Part, No. Magnolia acuminata , I 1 glauca Ill 51 grandiflora (foetida) V 101 Magnolia, Evergreen V 101 Small Ill 51 Mahogany, Mountain VI 130 Manzanita, Common VI 133 Maple, Ash-leaf HI 54 Big-leaf VII 153 Birds-eye I 7b Blister.' I 7a Curly II 26a Red Ill 53 Silver or White II 26 Soft II 26 III 53 Striped, Moosewood . . IV 19 Sugar or Hard I 7 Vine IX 203 Melia Azedarach V 105 Mesquite VI 129 Screw-pod IX 205 Morus rubra Ill 63 Mountain Ash, Elder-leaf IV 84 Mulberry, Red HI 63 Myrica Californica VII 1G4 Myrtle, California Wax VII 164 Dark-leaf IX 303 Redwood IX 201 Tree VIII 177 Nettle-tree. I 13 Nicotiana glauca VIII 188 Nyssa mxdtiilora {sylvatiea) . . . I 9 Ogeciie V 110 Oak, Arizona Black X 234 Basket or Cow V 116 Blue IX 214 Burr or Mossy-cup II 39 Cal. Black or Kellogg. . . VII 163 California Coast Live VI 137 California White, Valley or Weeping VII 160 Canon or Thick-cup Live VII 161 Chestnut or Rock Ill 67 Chinquapin HI 68 Eastern Live V 117 Emory X 334 Engelmann IX 215 Higliland Live VIII 192 Island Live VIII 191 MacDonald IX 216 Mountain White or Ore- gon VI 136 Pin IV 94 Post IV 93 Red I 15 Santa Catalina White. . . VIII 191 Scarlet HI 69 Swamp White HI 66 Tan-bark VI 138 Water V 118 60 Hough's American Woods. Part. No. Oak, White II 38 White-leaf X 235 Yellow or Black IV 93 Olea Europea VIII 186 OUve VIII 18(5 Wild V 112 Opuntia Tuna VIII 184 Orange V 103 Osmantlius Americanus V 112 Ostrya Virginica II 41 Palm, California Fan VIII 200 Palo Verde VI 128 Mountain IX 204 Papaw IV 70 Parkinsonia microphylla IX 204 Pear HI 57 Prickly VIII 184 Pepperidge I 9 Pepper-wood V, 106 VII 159 Persea jxilustris {pubescens). . V 113 Persimmon ... Ill 61 Picea alba (Canadensis) IV 100 Engelmanni X 247 nigra (mariana) I 20 Si'tchensis VI 149 Pine, Bastard V 125 Bull. Western Yellow.. VI 147 California Scrub VI 148 California Swamp, Obis- po or Prickle- cone. . . . VII 170 Coulter, Big-cone VII 169 Digger, Gray-leaf VIII 198 Fox^tail X 246 Georgia, Long-leaf V 124 Gray, Northern Scrub.. IV 99 Jersey, Scrub IV 98 Knob-cone IX 222 Limber X 243 Lowland Spruce V 123 Monterey VIII 199 Mountain White IX 221 Parry, Mexican Nut X 245 Pitch 11 50 Pond V 121 Red, "Norway" I 19 Sand : V 122 Short-leaf. Yellow Ill 75 Single-leaf Pinon VIII 196 Slash V 125 Sugar VI 146 Torrey , Del Mar VIII 1 97 White-bark X 244 White II 49 Oregon VI 1.50 Pinus albicauUa X 244 attennata IX 222 Bolfouriana X 246 Banksiana(divaricata). IV 99 clausa V 122 eontorta VI 148 Coulteri VII 169 Cubensis {heterophylla) V 125 Part. Piniisflexilis X glabra . V inops ( Virginiana) IV Lambertiana . VI mitis {echinata) Ill iiionophylla VIII vionticola IX muricuta VII palustris V quadrifolia (Parryana). X ponderosa VI radiata VIII resinosa I rigida . II Sabiniana VIII serotina V sti^obus II Torrey ana • VIII Planer-tree V Plnnera aquatica V Platanus occidentalis I 7'acemosa .... VI Wrightii X Plum, Canada IV Pacific IX Poplar, Balsam, Tacamahac. II Large-tooth I Lombardy Ill Necklace II Swamp or Downy IV Trembling ". Ill White IV Popidus alba IV balsamifera II dilatata HI Fremontii VIII grandidentata I heteroi^hylla. IV monilifera {deltoides) II trenuitoidcs Ill trichocarpa IX Prickly Ash, Sea Ash V Pride of India V Privet, Swamp V Prosopis jnlijlora. VI odorata {pnbescens).. IX Prunns Ai'imn HI Cerasiis TV ilicifvlia VII mollis IX nigra IV Pennsylvanica Ill serotina II snbcordata IX Pseudotsuga macrocarpa VII taxifolia VI Ptelea trifoliata IV Pyrus coniniunis HI coronaria IV Mains II rivularis IX sambucifolia IV No. 243 123 98 146 75 196 221 170 124 245 147 1£9 19 50 198 121 49 197 114 114 13 135 232 81 207 47 18 73 48 97 72 96 96 47 73 194 18 97 48 72 218 106 105 111 129 205 55 82 156 208 81 55 29 207 172 150 77 57 83 30 209 84 General Index to Parts I-X. 61 Part. No. Quercus agrifolia VI 137 alba II 38 aquatica (nigra) V 118 bicolor ijihttunoides).. Ill 66 Cnliforuica YII 162 chrysolejiis VII 161 coccinea Ill 69 deitsillora VI 138 Douglasii IX 214 Einoryi X 234 Engelmanni IX 215 Garryana VI 136 hypoleuca . X 235 lobata VII 160 Maedonaldi , IX 216 macrocarpa II 39 Jilicliau.vii. . . V 116 Mnhlenbevgii (acumi- nata) Ill 68 obtdsiloba (minor)... IV 92 jjalustris IV 94 Frinns Ill 67 rubra 1 15 tinctoria(velutina). . . IV 93 tomentella VIII 191 virens(Virginiana).. V 117 WisUzeni VIII 192 Redwood, Coast VI 143 Giant or Mountain. VI 142 Rhamnus insularis VIII 176 Purshiana VI 126 Rhododendron Calif ornicum.. VII 158 Rlius integrifolia VIII 179 laiirina VIII 180 ovata VII 153 typhina (hirta) I 5 Ricinus cotnmunis VIII 189 Robinia Pseudacacia IV 80 Saguaro, Suwarro X 228 SalLv alba. var. vitellina II 46 laevigata VI 140 lasiandra X 237 hisiolepis VII 165 nigra II 45 NuttaUii VIII 193 Sitchensis X 238 Sambiicns glauca VII 157 Mexicana X 229 Sassafras II 32 S t.'isafras officinale (sassafras). II 32 Echinus Molle VIII 1 78 Screwljean, Screw-pod IX 205 Sequoia gigantea VI 142 sempervirens VI 143 Sliad-bush, Service-tree Ill 59 Shinglewood. . IX 220 Silk-tassel Tree, Quinine-tree.. VI 131 Sour-berry. Sour-wood VIII 179 Spruce, Big-cone VII 1 72 Black I 20 Douglas VI 1 50 Engelmann X 247 Part. No. Spruce, Tide-land VI 1 49 ^Vhite IV luu Sumacb, Laiuel VIII ]80 Stag-born I 5 Western VIII 179 Sycamore, Arizona X 232 California ...... VI 135 Eastern, Plane-tree I 13 Tamarack (Hackmatack) East- ern I 23 "Western X 250 Taxodium distichum V 119 Taxus brevi folia VI 144 ThoruorHaw, Black IX 210 Cock-spur.... IV 85 Dotted Ill 58 Green IX 203 Scarlet IV 86 Thuja gigantea (plicata) IX 220 occidentalis I 24 Tilia Americana I 3 Titi, Buckwheat-tree. V 108 Red, Leatber- wood V 107 Tobacco-tree, Wild Tobacco. . VIII 188 Toothache Tree 18 V 106 Torreva, Cal., False Nutmeg. VI 145 Fla.. Stinking Cedar V 120 Torreya (Turn ion) Calif omica VI 145 taxifoUa V 120 Tsuga Canadensis I 21 heterophylla IX 223 Pattoniana VII 171 Tupelo I 9 Sour V 110 Ulmus Americana II 33 fidva I 11 racemosa II 34 Umbellularia Calif ornica VII 159 Vitis aestivalis IV 78 Walnut, Arizona X 233 Black II 35 California VIII 190 Mexican X 233 W^attle, Green or Black IX 206 Silver or Black X 227 Washingtouia filamentosa. . . . VIII 200 Wax-Myrtle. California VII 164 White-wood, Tulip-tree I 2 Willow, Black II 45 California Black VI 1^0 California White VII 165 Nuttall A'llI 193 Peach-leaf Ill 71 Silkv or Sitka X 238 Western Black X 237 Yellow II 46 "Willow "Desert or Flowering VI 134 Xanthoxylum Clava-Herculis. V 106 Yew, Pacific VI 144 Y'ncca, Tree VII 175 Yucca arborescen.i VII 175 226. FREMONTODENDRON CALIFaRNIOUM (Torr.) Cov. Fremontia, Cal. "Slippery Elm". TRANSVERSE SECTION. i RADIAL SECTION. Oer. Fremontia. TANGENTIAL SECTION ^P' Fremontia. /^. Fremontia. 226. FREMONTODENDRON CALIFOMIOUM (Torr,) Gov, Fremontia, Gal. "Slippery Elm". TRANSVERSE SECTION. RADIAL SECTION. Ger. Fremontia. TANGENTIAL SECTION 5>' Fremontia. Fr, Fremontia. 227. ACACIA MOtLISSIMA Willd Silver Wattle, Black Wattle. TMANSVCIISe SCCTiON. RASIAL SCCTION. TANGENTIAL SECTION Oer. Silberige Acacie. /v. Acacia d'argent ^P' Acacia plateada. 227. ACACIA MOLLISSIMA Wiltd. Silver Wattle, Black Wattle. TRANSVERSE SECTION. RASIAL SCCTIOa. TANGENTIAL SECTION. ^''- Silberige Acacie. Fr, Acacia d'argent. Sp. Acacia plateada. 228. CEREUS GIGANTEUS Engelm. Saguaro, Suwarro, Giant Cactus. B v>^^v:>:v'->-^:v TRANSVERSE SECTION. \ i.~ vv m m RADIAL SECTION. TANGEKT-AL SECTION ^^- Riesencactus. ^. Cactus gigantesque, ^p- Saguaro, 228. CEREUS GIGANTEUS Engelm. Saguaro, Suwarro, Giant Cactus. ^■•^•/^ ' '■^•"'>':^^'-^. ;.'■';''/■'',: TBAH«VC««C SCCr(««. n<«C-; >■■■ --^>^iR< -^i TAIMMEHTIAV SCCTION Ger, liesencactus. fr. Cactus gigantesque. Sp. Saguaro. 229 SAMBUCUS MEXICANA PresL Mexican Elder. TRANSVERSE SECTION. RADIAL SECTION. TANGENTIAL SECTION. Ger. Mexicanischer Holunder. Fr- Sureau de Mexico. Sp. Sauco de Mexico, 229 SAMBUCUS MEXICANA Presl. Mexican Elder. TRANSVERSE SECTION. RADIAL SECTION. TANGENTIAL SECTION. Ger, Mexicanischer Holunder. ^ Sureau de Mexico. Sp. Sauco de Mexico, 230. ARBUTUS ARIZONICA SCCTtOa. Ger Westliche Schwarzweide. fr, Saule noir occidental, Sp. Sauce negro occidental* 237. SALIX VLIX LASIANORA Benth. Western Black Willow. TnAHSVKBSc sceTg^ra. MABIAk UKCTfm, TANGCNTIAL SECTION Cer Westliche Schwarzweide. /v, Saule noir occidental. Sp> Sauce negro occidental. 238. SALIX SITCHENSIS Sans. Silky Willow, Sitka Willow. ^#^ nA»IAL SCCTt*«. TANGCNTIAL SCCTION G^'- Weide von Sitka. Fr, Saule de Sitka. Sp. Sauce de Sitka. 238. SALIX SITCHENSIS Sans, Silky Willow, Sitka Willow. TRANSVERSE SECTION, RADIAL SECTION. TANGENTIAL SECTION Ger. Weide von Sitka. Pr, Saule de Sitka. ^P- Sauce de Sitka, 239. CUPRESSUS ARIZONICA Greene. Arizona Cypress. TRANSVERSE SECTION. RADIAL SECTION. O. w^m^ TANGENTIAL SECTION Ger. Arizonische Cyprsse. Fr, Cyperess d* Arizona. ^P- Cipres de Arizona, 239. CUPRESSUS ARIZONICA Greene. Arizona Cypress. TRANSVERSE SECTIOH. RADIAW SECTION. TANGENTrAL SECTION Ger. Arizonische Cyprsse. Fr, Cyperess d* Arizona, Sp> Cipres de Arizona. 240. CHAMtECYPAEIS NOOTKATENSIS (Lamb) Spach. Alaska Cedar, Yellow Cedar, Sitka Cypress. TRAMSVKME SCCTI*H. RAsiAL scen«ii. TANGENTIAL SECTION O^r. Gelbe Zeder. Zeder. /r. Cedre jaune. ^p- Cedro aramillo. 240. CHAMJIOYPAEIS NOOTKATENSIS (Lamb) Spach. Alaska Cedar, Yellow Cedar, Sitka Cypress. TRAMSVCaSC SCCTittM, IIASIAL SCeTI«M. TANGENTIAL SCCTION. O^r. Gelbe Zeder. /r. Cedre jaune. ^P' Cedro aramillo. 241. OHAM^OYPARIS LAWSONIANA (Murr.) Pari Port Orford Cedar, Lawson Cypress, Match-wood. TRANSVCIISE SCCTI*N. RADIAL SCCTIOM. TANGENTIAL SECTION Ger. Cypresse von Lawson. f^. Cypres de LawS •S>. Cipres de Lawson. 241. OHAMiEGTPARIS LAWSONIANA (Murr.) Pari Port Orford Cedar, Lawson Cypress, Matcb-wood. TKAHWCIISE SCCTI«n. RAKiAL scenva. TANaCNTIAt SCCTiON Oer. Oypresse von Lawson. fr. Cypres de Lawson. Sp. Cipres de Lawson. 242. JUNIPERUS PACHYPHLOEA Torr. Alligator Juniper, Thick-bark Juniper. T1IAMSVC»SE SCeTI«H. -'jyitv: Jtft*yiJg<^M,U' ■tJ -r,.-; RADIAL SECTION. TANQCNTIAL SECTION ^^'••Dickborke Wachholder. /V. Genevrier a ecorce 6pais ^p- Enebro de corteza espesa. 242. JUNIPERUS PACHYPHLOEA Torn. Alligator Juniper, Thick-bark Juniper. TRAHSVEttSE SECTION. RADIAL SCCTIOM. TANGENTIAL SECTION «^. Pino de cola de zona. 247. PICEA ENGELMANNI Engelm. Engelmann Spruce, Eocky Mountain Spruce. \ TRAMSVERSE SECTION. RABIAL SECTION. TANGENTIAL SECTION G