THE ANATOMY OF THE CELL ENVELOPE OF A MARINE VIBRIO EXAMINED BY FREEZE-ETCH I NG By JACK T. CRAWFORD A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1973 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my appreciation to the following people whose efforts made this study possible. I wish to thank Dr. Max E. Tyler for his guidance, encouragement, and patience during the course of this study. I wish to thank Dr. Henry C. Aldrich for his considerable efforts in my training in all aspects of electron microscopy, for the use of the facilities of the Biological Ul trastructure Laboratory, and for his encouragement and friendship. I wish to thank Dr. Arnold S. Bleiv/eis for serving on my advisory convnittee and for the use of his facilities in preparing the amino acid anal yses. I wish to thank Dr. Daniel Billen for serving on my advisory commi ttee. I wish to especially thank my wife, Kay, for her unfailing under- standing and patience. I I ACKNOWLEDGHENTS , . . LrST OF TABLES . . , LIST OF FIGURES , . , KEY TO SYMBOLS . . . ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION . . . , MATERIALS AND METHODS RESULTS DISCUSSION LITERATURE CITED . . BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH . TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ' ' ° ii iv * ' V ix • ' X 1 13 25 89 93 105 1 1 1 LIST OF TABLES Table ]. 2. Amino acid analysis of purified peptidoglycan Determination of the specificity of antibody label 1 i ng Page 29 78 IV LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Longitudinal and cross sections of cells fixed in gl utaraldehyde and OsOr 27 2. Cross section of a cell shov;ing the double- track appearance of the membranes 27 3. Cross section of a cell showing an extra layer inside the cytoplasmic membrane 27 k. Purified trypsi n-treated peptidoglycan negatively stained v;i th potassium phosphotungstate .... 31 5. Purified LPS positively stained with uranyl acetate Jk 6. Purified LPS positively stained with uranyl acetate 3^ 7. Freeze-etched cells suspended in complete salts without glycerol 37 8. Freeze-etched cell suspended in complete salts, showing the fracture face of the cytoplasmic membrane 39 9. Unetched convex fracture of cells without glycerol showing the smooth fracture face of the outer membrane 39 10. Deep etched cell in complete salts shov;ing the outer surface of the cell revealed by etching k] 11. Freeze-etched cell showing the smooth convex fracture face of the outer membrane and the cell surface k] 12. Freeze-etched cell showing the concave fracture face of the cytoplasmic membrane ^3 Figure Page 13. Freeze-etched cell shov/ing the smooth concave fracture face of the outer membrane 43 14. Concave fracture of a cell showing a surface with distinct subunit structure .... i+3 15. Freeze-etched cell showing a paracrystal 1 I ne array inside the cytoplasmic membrane 46 16. Freeze-etched glycerol -treated cell showing the concave fracture face of the cytoplasmic membrane 48 17. Freeze-etched glycerol -treated cell showing the convex fracture face of the cytoplasmic membrane 48 18. Freeze-etched glycerol-treated cell showing the smooth concave fracture face of the outer membrane 50 19. Convex fracture of a cell showing the smooth fracture face of the outer membrane 50 20. Freeze-etched glycerol-treated cell showing the rough convex fracture face of the rigid layer 52 21. Freeze-etched glycerol-treated cell showing the rough convex fracture face of the rigid layer 52 22. Freeze-etched glycerol-treated cell showing the concave face of the globular layer 54 23. Freeze-etched glycerol-treated cell showing the concave face of the globular layer 54 24. Concave fracture of a glycerol-treated cell in which the globular layer is incomplete 57 25. Cross fractured cell envelopes of three cells showing the edges of the cytoplasmic membrane, rigid layer, and outer membrane 57 26. Freeze-etched cell shov-^ing the cross fractured cell wall 57 VI Figure Page 27. Complementary surfaces of a glycerol- treated eel] observed by double-replica technique, showing the fracture faces of the cytoplasmic membrane 59 28. Complementary fracture faces of a glycerol - treated cell shovjing the concave globular layer and the convex rough layer 6I 29. Complementary fracture faces of a glycerol- treated cell showing the smooth fracture faces of the outer membrane 63 30. Thin section of Isolated cell envelopes prepared by lysing bacteria in a French pressure cell . . 66 31. Thin section of Isolated cell envelopes prepared by lysing bacteria in a French pressure cell . . 66 32. Isolated cell envelopes positively stained with uranyl acetate 66 33. Freeze-etched isolated cell envelopes showing the convex fracture face of the cytoplasmic membrane 68 3^. Freeze-etched isolated cell envelopes shovjjng the surface exposed by etching 68 35. Freeze-etched Isolated cell envelopes showing the concave globular layer 68 36. Freeze-etched Isolated cell envelopes showing the globular layer exposed by etching alone 68 37. Freeze-etched cell walls. The walls were prepared by lysing cells with Triton x-100 71 38. Freeze-etched cell walls 71 39. Freeze-etched cell v;alls 71 ^0. Freeze-etched cell walls 71 k] . Freeze-etched cell walls digested with lysozyme, showing the fibrous concave etch surface 7^ VI I Figure Page k2. Freeze-etched cell vjalls digested with lysozyrne, shov;ing the fibrous concave surface and the globular layer 7^ 43. Freeze-etched cell walls digested with lysozyrne, showing the fibrous concave surface emerging from the ice, indicating that it is an etch surface yk kk. Freeze-etched isolated outer mer.brane material showing the concave and convex smooth f'-acture faces of the vesicles 76 kS, Fractured outer membrane material showing the fracture face and the unfractured surface ... 76 US. Thin sectioned cell labelled with ferritin- conjugated antiserum. This cell was fixed following the antibody treatment 80 ky . Thin sectioned cell labelled with ferritin- conjugated antiserum. This cell was fixed in gl utaraldehyde prior to anti- body treatment 8O hS. Freeze-etched unfixed cell labelled with ferr i t i n-conj ugated antiserum 83 kS. Freeze-etched unfixed cell labelled with ferr i t i n-conj ugated antiserum 83 50. Freeze-etched unfixed cell labelled with ferr i ti n-conj ugated antiserum showing the fracture face of the outer membrane 85 51. Freeze-etched unfixed cell labelled with ferr i ti n-conj ugated antiserum showing the fracture face of the outer membrane 85 52. Freeze-etched glutaraldehyde fixed ferritin labelled cell showing the relationship of the smooth fracture face and the ferritin labelled surface 87 53. Diagramatic representation of the cell envelope of the marine vibrio as determined by f reeze-etchi ng. The location of the fracture planes are illustrated 9^ VI I I KEY TO SYMBOLS CM cytoplasmic membrane 0 outer membrane CM cytoplasmic membrane fracture face, convex CM cytoplasmic membrane fracture face, concave R rigid layer fracture face, convex G globular layer fracture face, concave 0 outer membrane fracture face, convex 0 outer membrane fracture face, concave 0 sur actual outer surface of the outer membrane 0 sur actual inner surface of the outer membrane cyto cytoplasm ^ direction of shadow IX Abstract of Dissertation Presented to the Graduate Council of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy THE ANATOMY OF THE CELL ENVELOPE OF A MARINE VIBRIO EXAMINED BY FREEZE-ETCHI NG By Jack T. Crawford December, 1973 Chairman: Max E. Tyler Major Department: Microbiology The structure of the cell envelope of the marine vibrio MW^tO was examined by f reeze-etching and other techniques. In thin section the organism was similar to other gram-negative bacteria. The cell enve- lope appeared as two double-track layers. No intermediate dense layer was observed. Purified peptidoglycan was prepared from cells during the exponen- tial phase of growth by treating cells with hot sodium dodecyl sulfate. The peptidoglycan had a typical amino acid and amino sugar composition and did not have a covalently linked lipoprotein. The material appeared fibrous when observed in the electron microscope. Purified 1 i popolysacchar ide (LPS) was extracted by the hot phenol- water procedure. its composition and appearance was typical. The LPS was used to determine the specificity of anti-LPS antiserum. For f reeze-etching, eel 1 s were suspended in a salt solution con- taining 0.22M NaCl, 0,026M MgCl , and O.OIM KCl. In some cases 20% glycerol was added as a cryoprotect ive agent. The cell envelope of this organism f reeze-f ractured in three planes. One fracture split the cytoplasmic membrane along its fiydrophobic center revealing particle- studded fracture faces similar to those seen in other bacteria. The convex face was more densely covered with particles than the concave face. Large particle-free areas were observed on both faces. The appearance of the faces was the same with and without glycerol. A second fracture revealed smooth particle-free concave and convex faces. This fracture occurred primarily without glycerol, but was occasionally seen in g 1 ycerol -treated cells. The third fracture produced a rough convex face and a concave face composed of subunits approximately 1 0 nm in diameter. In areas where the subunit layer was incomplete it was observed that the subunits were globular and were backed by a smooth surface. This fracture occurred in cells f reeze-etched with glycerol, and occasionally the globular surface was seen without glycerol. The outer surface of the cell v-^as exposed by etching in prepara- tions without glycerol. The surface appeared smooth or finely granular, but may have been obscured by a thin eutectic layer. Complementary replicas were prepared and it was demonstrated that the three pairs of fracture faces were in fact apposed and v;ere produced by three fractures. Isolated cell envelopes were prepared by lysing cells in a French pressure cell. The appearance of these envelopes when f reeze-etched was similar to v/hole cells. It was observed, however, that the globular surface could be exposed by etching alone indicating that it had sepa- rated from the rough surface before freezing. Crude outer membrane material was prepared by washing the cells XI with NaCl and sucrose solutions. This material f reeze-f ractured produc- ing smooth concave and convex faces. Specific rabbit anti-LPS antiserum was prepared and used to label the LPS on the cell surface. This antibody was then labelled with ferri t in-conjugated anti-rabbit immunoglobulin antiserum. In thin sections these cells appeared coated with a band of ferritin along the outer double-track, but separated from it by an electron transparent space. For f reeze-etching the cells were suspended in 0.05M MgC1_. The preparations were deep etched and the presence of the ferritin on the etch face proved that the outer surface of the cell was revealed. The smooth convex fracture face was immediately adjacent to this ferritin coated surface. It was concluded that the envelope fractured at three levels. One fracture split the cytoplasmic membrane. A second split the outer membrane along its hydrophobic center revealing smooth fracture faces. The third fracture exposed the rough convex surface of the rigid layer and a globular layer which separated the rigid layer from the outer membrane. XI 1 INTRODUCTION The cell envelopes of gram-negative bacteria are multi layered structures of complex composition. Numerous studies have been reported which dealt v/ith the chemical composition, structure, and biosynthesis of the various components of the envelope. The organization of these components into the functional cell envelope has also been extensively studied. Related work has focused on the antigenic specificity of the envelope and its role in pathogenicity. The result has been the formulation of a generally accepted, though not particularly detailed, model of the gram-negative cell envelope (16). In the study reported here the structure of the cell envelope of a marine vibrio was examined, primarily by f reeze-etch ing . The purpose of this investigation was first to compare the structure of this organism with that of more commonly studied gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coll. The second and main objective was to determine if the technique of f reeze-etch ing could be used to obtain additional in- formation on the structure of the cell envelope of gram-negative bacteria in general. The cell envelope of gram-negative bacteria consists of at least three layers, the cytoplasmic membrane, the rigid layer, and the outer layer or membrane. The latter tv-,'0 layers comprise the cell wall, although this term is often used to designate the rigid layer alone. The cytoplasmic membrane appears to be a typical membrane composed of 1 phospholipid and protein, and is comparable in structure and function to the more easily studied cytoplasmic membrane of gram-positive bacteria (54) . The rigid layer is composed of pept idoglycan and associated pro- teins. It is in the form of a "bagshaped macromolecule" which gives the cell shape and strength {7h) . The outer membrane contains phos- pholipid, 1 ipopolysacchar ide , and proteins or lipoproteins, and is unique to gram-negative bacteria. The term "membrane" is used to denote its appearance when thin-sectioned and viewed in the electron microscope, and does not imply that it has the functions of other membranes. In addition to this basic structure, certain bacteria have layers external to the outer membrane. These extra layers are usually found in halophilic, photosynthet i c , and other more unusual bacteria. There are a number of excellent reviews on the structure and composition of the gram-negative cell envelope (lA, 25, 27, 30, 3^, 35, ^7, 53). Chemical composition and structure of envelope components. --Pept i - doglycan has been isolated from a variety of gram-negative bacteria by various methods, usually involving phenol, hot detergents, or other h^rsh treatments, combined with enzymatic digestions. Pepti- doglycan consists of a glycan backbone of alternating N-acetyl glucosamine and N-acetyl muramic acid residues with a peptide moiety linked to the carboxyl group of muramic acid. In E_. col i the peptide is compo5ed of L-alanine, D-glutamic acid, meso-d iaminopimel ic acid, and D-alanine. Some of the peptide chains are cross-linked from the amino group of diaminopimel ic acid to the carboxyl group of D-alanine. This basic structure appears to be universal for gram-negative bacteria, although in many cases all that is known about the pepti- doglycan is the amino acid content (56). The amount of pept idoglycan varies from about ]0% of the cell wall to none in the case of certain halophiles. Braun and coworkers (10, 12, 13) have purified a pept idogl ycan- lipoprotein complex from E^. col i and shown that the lipoprotein is covalently linked to the carboxyl group of d iaminopime! ic acid. This linkage is specifically split by trypsin allowing the lipoprotein to be solubilized with hot sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The amino acid sequence of the protein has been determined, and it was found that the lipid is covalently bound (8). The molecular weight of the lipoprotein is about 10,000. These workers have also reported that a similar lipoprotein is attached to the pept idoglycan of several strains of Salmonel la and Serratia marcescens, but is not found in Pseudomonas fluorescens or Proteus mirabil is (II). They later found that if the pept idoglycan of P. mirabi 1 is is isolated from stationary rather than exponential phase cultures, a lipoprotein is attached (see ref. 36). No lipoprotein was found in the marine pseudomonad studied by MacLeod's group (24). Weidel et al . (73) studied meta 1 -shadowed preparations of isolated rigid layers of E_. col i and found cell-shaped granular structures with globular units on their surface. Digestion with proteolytic enzymes removed these globules. Recently, Martin et_ aj_. (36) examined negatively stained preparations of purified pept idog ! yean. All of the preparations appeared as granular cell-shaped structures. Layers from E_. coli and P. mirabi lis were covered with globular particles which were about 9 to 10 nm in diameter and about 20 nm apart. Preparations from Pseudomonas aerug inosa showed considerably fewer particles, and layers from Spirillum serpens were free of particles. The particles on the Pseudomonas pept idog lycan were readily removed by proteolytic enzymes. Although it would be convenient to associate these particles with the lipoprotein studied by Braun, they are simply too large for a molecule with a molecular weight of 10,000. It is possible, however, that the lipoprotein molecules occur in groups and aggregate to form larger units. The composition and structure of the 1 ipopol ysaccharides (LPS) of the outer membrane have also been extensively studied (3^). They are readily isolated by the hot phenol-water extraction procedure (76) and have been characterized in a wide variety of bacteria. The lipid portion, lipid A, is covalently linked to a carbohydrate core contain- ing the unusual sugars keto-deoxyoctanoic acid and glycero-D-mannoheptose. Attached to the core are the 0-antigenic side chains, the composition of which varies according to the strain of bacteria. In rough strains the side chains are short or absent. When purified LPS is observed in the electron microscope it appears to have the structure of membranes. Shands et_ a_1_. (62) observed LPS positively stained with uranyl acetate and found various forms, all of which had areas which appeared membrane- like, that is as a trilaminar or double-track appearance. They also found that the dimensions of the double-track were the same in LPS from smooth and rough strains, indicating that the polysaccharide side chains are not stained and are not seen in thin sections. dePetris (16) observed that thin sectioned LPS also has a double-track appearance. The cell envelope also contains a cons iderable amount of lipid, with the major portion being phospholipid. The predominant fatty acids are C]^ and C,o straight chain acids, and p-hydroxymyr i state is found in the LPS. Sterols are absent. In most descriptions of the outer membrane lipoproteins are listed as a major component. The work on these molecules has been very vague and no one has clearly shown that there are any true lipoproteins, that is covalently linked lipid and protein, in the outer membrane. Recently, the proteins of the cell envelope of E_. col i have been studied using SDS-polyacry lamide gel electrophoresis (57, 58). Schnaltman found from 20 to 30 bands of protein in cell envelope extracts, and one major protein possessing an apparent molecular weight of A^ijOOO. By using sucrose gradient cent ri fugat ion he was able to partially separate the cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane. The major protein band was found to be localized in the cell wall and accounted for 70^ of the wall protein. Although further work as indicated that the initial results may be oversimplified, the basic conclusion, that there are major structural proteins, is still valid (Schnaitman, personal communication). Comparable results have been obtained in E. col i (31) and Salmonella typhimurium (^8). Studies of proteins released from P_. aeruginosa by ethylened iamine- tetraacetic acid (EDTA) treatment indicate that structural proteins exist in the cell wall (68). The location of these proteins will be discussed later. Fine structure of the cell envelope. — When thin sections of gram- negative bacteria are examined in the electron microscope, the cell envelope appears to consist of a smooth inner membrane and a wavy outer membrane. Both of these membranes have a double-track appearance and measure about 7-5 nm in width. In early work these were the only structures seen, but improved techniques have allov/ed the visualiza- tion of the intermediate rigid layer (43). This general anatomy has been observed in many gram-negative bacteria and no attempt will be made to review this literature (27). Aside from its double-track appearance, the cytoplasmic membrane does not have any fine structure detectable in thin sections. Because of the difficulty in separating it from the cell wall, the membrane has not been thoroughly studied by negative staining, but available results indicate that it does not have a subunit structure (55). The appearance of the intermediate dense layer, or rigid layer, varies according to the organism studied, the method of fixation, and the method of staining (27). In some bacteria this layer is seldom or never seen. This may be due to a thinner layer of pept idogl yean (24) or possibly to the lack of a covalently bound lipoprotein. The rigid layer generally follows the contours of the. cytoplasmic membrane. It has a thickness of 3 to 8 nm. Evidence that the pept idogl yean is associated with the dense layer seen in thin sections is provided by lysozyme digestion. Cells which have been treated with lysozyme and EDTA lack the intermediate layer, and this treatment allows the outer layer to separate from the cyto- plasmic membrane (16, 43). It is not known whether the metal stain is localized in the pept idoglycan alone, or the dense layer represents another layer which is solubilized when the pept idogl yean is digested. Purified pept idog 1 yean "saeeuli" appear as a dense layer in thin section, although they are thinner than the layer seen in whole cells (16, 29). The space between the rigid layer and the cytoplasmic membrane is generally not stained, but is apparently not "empty" since the two layers are never in contact. in Ni trosocyst i s oceanus globular material was observed in this area (72). There is also a space between the rigid layer and the outer mem- brane. In some organisms the material in this space is stained and the rigid layer seems to be associated with the outer layer (27). dePetris (15, 16) showed that this material sometimes appears globular. Digesting the cells with proteolytic enzymes eliminates this material and allows the outer membrane to separate from the rigid layer. Digestion of isolated E^. col i eel 1 envelopes with trypsin, a procedure which cleaves the lipoprotein From the pept idoglycan , also caused the envelope to separate, but in this case the rigid layer was not visible in the thin sections (10). The outer double-track layer is identical in appearance to typical membranes and is believed to be a 1 ipid-prote in bi layer. The LPS and protein are probably arranged in a mosaic fashion, with the lipid portion of the LPS extending into a phospholipid bi layer. Extraction of cells with hot phenol -water removes the LPS and such cells are devoid of the outer membrane (5, 16). With a marine pseudomonad it is possible to remove the outer layer by washing the cells (22, 23). This procedure yields isolated membrane material which contains most of the LPS of the eel Is. The 0-antigenic side chains of the LPS extend out from the outer layer and are not stained in routine procedures. In thin sections of packed cells there is generally a clear space between the outer layers of adjacent cells, but with rough strains the outer membranes appear to fuse. 8 Shands (61) used ferri t in-label 1 ed antibody to directly demonstrate the presence of the LPS in the outer membrane of E_. col i and Salmonella. He observed that the ferritin molecules extended for considerable distances from the outer double-track and concluded that there was a large amount of unstained polysaccharide on the cell surface. Similar results were obtained with Ve i 1 lonel la (37). It is not Icnown if the LPS is also located on the inner surface of the outer membrane, but the apparent area required for the side chains would make such an arrange- ment unl ikel y. Freeze-etching studies of gram-negative bacter ia . --In recent years the new technique of freeze-etching has been used to study the structure of cells (39i ^0). In this process a sample is flash frozen, placed in a vacuum chamber, and fractured. ice is sublimed (etched) from the fracture surface, and the surface is shadowed with evaporated metal and replicated with evaporated carbon. The replica is cleaned of adhering cellular material and is ready for examination in the electron microscope. This procedure reveals the surface topography of the fracture faces and the faces exposed by etching. A modification of this method, double-recovery or complementary replica technique, allows the replication of both surfaces produced when the specimen is fractured (^2, 6?) ■ By observing the same cell in both replicas, it is possible to directly demonstrate the association of the various fracture faces. One aspect of freeze-etching that caused considerable confusion and controversy for a period of years is the concept of membrane splitting. When membranes are f reeze-etched, two surfaces, one concave and one convex, are produced. These surfaces were originally thought to be the inner and outer surfaces of the membrane. Branton (6) proposed an alternate interpretation, suggesting that membranes split along an internal hydrophobic plane revealing two complementary surfaces which do not represent the true surfaces of the membrane. Pinto da SMva and Branton (49) proved this by labelling the outer surface of red blood cells with ferritin and showing that the fracture face was unlabel led and the labelled surface was only exposed by etching. These results were verified by double-replica technique, by which it was demonstrated that the convex and concave faces are produced by the fracture of a single membrane in a particular cell {k]) . The structure of the cell envelope of gram-negative bacteria has been examined by f reeze-etching (50). in both gram-positive and gram- negative bacteria the cytoplasmic membrane fractures, producing particle covered convex and concave faces (^5, 65, 71)- The convex face is studded with a large number of particles, often arranged in a netlike array. The concave face is sparsely covered with particles and some- times appears pitted. Between the particles the surface is smooth, and occasionally particle-free areas are present {kk , 65). Fiil and Branton (19) observed that in magnesium starved E^. col i the particles are arranged in regular arrays and there are large particle-free areas. The nature of these particles, which are also seen in a variety of other f reeze-etched membranes, has not been clearly established, but they probably represent proteins which are intercalated into the lipid bi layer (7, Gh) . Membranes v/hich have little or no protein, such as myelin sheath or artificial lipid bilayers, do not have particles on their fracture faces (7). The cell envelope of gram-negative bacteria fractures in at least one other plane. Nanninga (kk) observed that the cell wall of glycerol- treated E_. col i fractures revealing a rough irregular convex face and a concave face which is composed of tightly packed flattened subunits approximately 10 nm in diameter. He suggested that the subunits rep- resented a protein layer superimposed on the peptidoglycan. In a later study Van Gool and Nanninga (71) prepared complementary replicas and proved that the two faces are apposed. By this time the idea of mem- brane splitting had been established, and they concluded that this fracture split the outer membrane in a manner analogous to the splitting of the cytoplasmic membrane. This interpretation requires that the subunit layer be superimposed on the inner surface of the outer half of the outer membrane. Gilleland et al . (26) denionstrated a similar fracture plane in glycerol-treated P^. aerug inosa , and they also concluded that it was located in the outer membrane. The concave face in P. aerug inosa appears as a smooth surface partially covered with spherical units which are somewhat smaller than the subunits seen in E_. col i . Extraction of the cells with EDTA solubilizes proteins and yields osmotically fragile cells. This treatment eliminates the spheres on the concave fracture face. The protein can be restored to the cell wall reversing the effect, P^. aeruginosa was also studied by Licl >> JQ c/1 •— 00 T5 U1 Q (U >-ai *J ^ fO 4-1 *J o o O X U1 (U — u •^ T3 4-J m ^ CNI O CO i_ O O — o • 0) ' — — — 04 — o o 1/1 0) "o E 3. c TO (J >- O) o a. D. ■a O in (/I C O o c < TO B O T3 0) I/) a. o -3- LA r-~ -3- CO — CSI CM 1/1 0) "o £ a. >- m o E 1/1 "o E 3. in ■a I- •— D1 o 3 (t) c 01 0 CO O c c •— • — . ^ a 0~l o o CO o o o o -a- -3- -3- CSI CO -3- o CO -3- CTi CO O O O UA O — — — O CNI o LA -3- -3- CA CPy o CT^ CM CA -^ rA o T3 .— ■o — »— (1) O O 4) c o (0 E C _ ra ■— >« E o Q. E (D o — D O-O TO l/l •— E C c -o 1/1 o E fD ■ ■~ O (J CD ■M c 'i o o u 1- 3 (T3 TJ fD 3 ~~ 3 ^ ■ — •— ^— CJ3 CJ c (U 10 JD (D L. , O C in E ■M 3 c 3 "o o u E ra 4-1 l- OJ o o s: (T3 \n t- 4-> c • <0 c TO c ••^ •«■ cn . c 4-1 c 0) o > c O cr O (U •— . sz o 1/1 1- 4-> • 0) (U 0) 1> ^ u j: in E Q. 4-> m E E TO 0) X O O 1_ 4-) &_ u c 0) o 14- n- (U 3 ^ -^ -o T) TO in c 0) OJ 4-1 ■o o 4-1 4-1 •— TO TO XI O U1 i_ 1- • — TO D TO TO (J iJ O. Q. TO O 3 (1) 0) c ^— in in O •— (D E o o Q. JZ TO c c O •M in c o O -o T3 O ^— ^^ E 1 — 3 3 3 TO f— f— o O < "^ ' ^ ... *Vf' ;. Figs. 2U and 21. Freeze-etched glycerol-treated cells showing the rough convex fracture face of the rigid layer. Fig. 20. (x 100,000). Fig. 21. (x 157,500). 52 ¥ m 'A .^^/ Fig. 22. Concave fracture of a glycerol-treated cell. Note the material apparently ice, on the surface of the globular layer. (x 122,000). Fig. 23. Concave fracture of the globular layer in a glycerol-treated cell. a. (x 66,000), b. (x 167,000). 54 LL 23 b' 55 obscured by an intermediate layer which appeared to be ice (Fig. 22). This suggests that the fracture faces were separated by fluid prior to freezing. In areas where the globular layer was incomplete it was apparent that the layer was in fact composed of individual subunits, and that the subunits were backed by a smooth surface (Fig. 2k). This smooth surface was probably the true inner surface of the outer membrane as opposed to the smooth fracture face of the outer membrane. The cell envelope was also seen in profile in cross fractured cells (Figs. 25 and 26). The inner and outer membranes were routinely observed, and in some cases an intermediate layer was visible. The membranes occasionally had a double-track appearance, but there is no good explanation for this. Using double-replica technique, complementary replicas of glycerol- treated cells v;ere prepared. The matching fracture faces of individual cells were located in both replicas. in the figures shov/n, one of the negatives was inverted before printing so that the images would appear superimposable rather than as mirror images. The results of the double- replica work clearly demonstrated that the three pairs of fracture faces previously described were complementary, and each pair was produced by a single fracture (Figs, 27, 28, and 29). It was also apparent that while a rather thin layer was fractured away to expose the smooth convex face, a thick piece of wall vjas removed in exposing the rough convex face. This suggests that the rough face is at a lower level in the cell envelope. Structure of isolated cell envelope fractions. --The study of isolated cell envelopes and various fractions of envelopes by freeze- Fig. 2k. Concave fracture of a gl ycerol -treated cell. The globular layer is incomplete and the individual subunits (arrow) and the smooth backing layer are visible. The smooth surface is thought to be the true inner surface of the outer membrane, a. (x 60,000), b. (x 157,000). Fig. 25- Cross fractured cell envelopes of three adjacent cells show- ing the edges of the cytoplasmic membrane, rigid layer, and outer membrane. The membranes have a double-track appearance, (x 132,000). Fig. 26. Edge fractured cell showing the fracture surface of the membrane and the cross fractured cell wall. (x 132,000). 57 Fig. 27. Complementary surfaces of a glycerol -treated cell observed by double-replica technique. This pair of photographs clearly shcK-/s that the nembrane faces are produced by fracturing. PHB, poly-B-hydroxybutyrate granule. (x 80,000). 59 Fig. 28. Complementary fracture faces of a gl ycerol -treated cell showing the relationship between the concave globular layer and the convex rough faces. (x 75,000). 61 Fig. 29- Complementary fracture faces of a gl ycerol -treated cell showing the relationship between the smooth concave and convex fracture faces. (x 100,000). 63 7 I V 6^ etching offers several theoretical advantages over using whole cells. Since the fractions are of less complex composition, it should be easier to correlate a particular fracture face v;ith the cell wall component which is being studied. In whole cells only those surfaces which are natural fracture sites can be seen. Using isolated cell envelopes it should be possible to observe other surfaces, such as the inner surface of the cytoplasmic membrane, by merely etching away the ice. In the case of marine bacteria there is an additional advantage. Cell envelopes can be frozen in distilled water or dilute salt solutions thereby reducing the tendency to form eutectic layers which obscure etch surfaces. Complete cell envelopes were prepared by lysing the bacteria In a French pressure cell. Examination of thin sections revealed that a variety of different structures viere produced in this lysis process (Figs. 30 and SO- The majority of the envelopes v/ere double-membrane structures which were either open C-shaped fragments or closed vesicles, Single membrane vesicles were also seen and it was not possible to determine if these were formed from the cytoplasmic membrane or the outer membrane. As in whole cells, the rigid layer v/as not visible. The various structures were also seen in uranyl acetate stained envelopes (Fig. 32). Similar results were obtained with potassium phosphotungstate and ammonium molybdate negative stains. No subunit structure was observed in any of these preparations. Freeze-etchi ng of these complete envelopes yielded little additional information. The cytoplasmic membrane fracture faces and the globular layer were observed, but a variety of other surfaces could not be identified (Figs. 33 to 36). Many of the envelope frag- Figs. 30 and 31. Thin sections of isolated cell envelopes prepared by lysing bacteria in a French pressure cell. (x 127,000) Fig. 32. Isolated cell envelopes positively stained with uranyl acetate, showing double membrane fragments of various sizes. (x 151,000). 66 f^igs. 33, 3'*, 35, and 36. Freeze-etched isolated cell envelopes. Envelopes were prepared by lysing bacteria in a French pressure cell and suspended in O.OIM MgCl . Fig- 33. This fragment shows a typical cytoplasmic membrane fracture face and the outer surface exposed by etching. (x 116,000). Fig. 34. An unfractured fragment exposed by etching, (x 58,500). Fig. 35- A concave fracture exposing the globular layer. (x 58,500). Fig. 36- This fragment shows the globular layer apparently unfractured and exposed by etching alone. (x 157,500). 68 4 69 ments v.'ere unfractured and revealed by etching (Fig. 35). Tiie enve- lopes were suspended in 0.01M MgCK rather than in complete salts to minimize the formation of eutectic layers. The true outer surface of the envelopes appeared smooth or finely granular. The granularity may represent the true structure of the surface or it may be an artifact of very low angle shadowing since it is only seen in areas where the surface is sloping away from the direction of shadow. The true inner concave surface of the cytoplasmic membrane should be revealed by etching but v;as not recognizable. Surprisingly, the concave globular layer was exposed by etching (Fig. 36). This Indicates that this layer separated from the rough surface during the preparation of the envelopes, and therefore could not be an internal fracture surface of a membrane. Cell walls were prepared by lysing cells with Triton X-100. Schnaitman (59) has shown that in the presence of magnesium this deter- gent solubilizes the cytoplasmic membrane leaving only slightly altered cell walls. The f reeze-etched appearance of these cell walls was very complex and difficult to interpret. During preparation the walls appar- ently packed together and flattened out, and possibly turned inside out, making it difficult to recognize concave and convex surfaces. A variety of surfaces were observed (Figs. 37 to kO) . As expected, no typical cytoplasmic membrane fracture faces were seen. Many of the surfaces were composed of large circular structures which may have been flattened vesicles (Fig. 38). Since the cytoplasmic membrane Is absent, the inner surface of the rigid layer should be exposed. This surface was seen superimposed on the globular layer (Figs. 39 and kO) . Figs. 37i 38, 39i and 40. Freeze-etched cell v.'alls. The walls were prepared by lysing cells with Triton X-100 and suspended in O.OlH MgCl . (x 90,000). Fig. 37- This fragment has a smooth surface and shows circular structures (arrows) of unknown nature, Fig. 38. Cell walls shov-^ing large circular structures which are probably flattened vesicles. Figs. 39 and kO. Fractured cell walls showing the globular layer and adjacent layers (arrows). it is not apparent whether these are concave or convex surfaces. 71 72 When these walls were partially digested with lysozyrr,e they had a different appearance. Concave surfaces v;ere observed which had a distinct fibrous appearance (Figs. ^+1 , k2, and k3) . These surfaces were exposed by etching. When this surface was fractured away the globular layer was revealed (Figs. k2 and 43). This fibrous layer was not seen in any other type of preparation and probably represents the partially digested pept i dogl yean . Forsberg e_t aj_. developed a procedure which allows the removal of the outer membrane from a marine pseudomonad (22, 23). Application of this washing procedure to the marine vibrio caused the release of outer membrane material, but did not markedly affect the viability of the culture. The solubilized material was collected by ul tracentri fugation, and the pellet obtained was a clear gelatinous material unlike the white, easily resuspended cell wall material produced in the other procedures. Freeze-etching of this material revealed variously shaped vesicles which were seen in cross section and as concave and convex fracture faces (Figs, hk and ^+5) . Slight etching exposed an edge around the convex faces demonstrating that these faces are produced by fracturing. Both of the fracture faces were smooth and appeared identical to the smooth faces seen in whole cells. A few patches of globular layer were also observed in these preparations (Fig. kk) . These layers were generally larger than the membrane vesicles and appeared flatter and more cell shaped, suggesting that they v;ere part of a larger fragment of cell wall or had some innate structure which prevented them from forming vesicles. Figs. ^I, ^2, and h3 . Freeze-etched cell walls prepared by lysing cells with Triton X-lOO and partially digesting with 1 ysozyme . Fig. M. Note the fibrous nature of the concave surface (arrows) and the patch of ice which indicates that this is an etch surface. (x 66,000). Fig. k2. This fracture shov/s the relationship of the globular layer and the concave fibrous layer. (x 66,000). Fig. k3- In this area the fibrous material is emerging from the ice background (arrow) indicating that this is an etch surface. (x 100,000). Ih Fig. kk. Freeze-etched isolated outer membrane material suspended in O.OIM MgCl«. Cross fractured vesicles and the smooth concave and convex fracture faces are shown. Etching has revealed the outer surface of a vesicle (arrow). A large fragment of the globular layer is also shown. (x 86,000). Fig. kS- Fractured outer membrane vesicles showing the fracture face and unfractured surface (arrow). (x 135,000). 76 >v TV*'^-^'**' ^"^ 77 Localization of LPS v/ith ferritin conjugated antibody. --Three different antigen preparations v/ere used to produce antisera. The activities of the antisera were determined by agglutination of whole cells. The highest titer was produced by injecting whole cells, but it was found that adsorbing this antiserum v/ith purified LPS would reduce the agglutination activity by only 50%. Repeatedly adsorbing with LPS had no further effect. Only the antiserum produced by in- jecting partially purified cell walls was specific for LPS. This anti- serum was of lower titer than the others, but its activity could be completely adsorbed with LPS and it was used for all labelling experi- ments. Cells were labelled by the indirect method using anti-LPS anti- serum followed by ferr i ti n-conj ugated ant i -robbi t immunoglobulin anti- serum. The specificity of the labelling was determined by treating cells with anti-LPS antiserum or LPS adsorbed anti-LPS antiserum followed by ferr i ti n-conj ugated antiserum. Cells v/ere also treated with ferri ti n-conj ugated antiserum alone. The cells were examined in the electron microscope without staining and the degree of labelling was determined. The results are shov/n in Table 2. Neither unfixed nor glutaraldehyde fixed cells were labelled by ferr i ti n-conj ugated anti- serum alone, and they were only slightly labelled by LPS adsorbed anti- serum. Using unadsorbed antiserum the fixed cells were more heavily labelled than the unfixed cells. This may have been caused by loss of labelled LPS from the cell surface during the washing procedure. Thin sections of labelled cells revealed that the ferritin v/as localized in a band external to the outer double-track layer (Figs. ^S and 47). in cells v;hich were not fixed before 1 abel 1 i ng, the ferritin 78 Table 2. Determination of the specificity of antibody labelling. Cells Treatment Result Unfixed cells Anti-LPS then ferri tin-conjugated Labelled ant i serum Unfixed cells LPS adsorbed anti-LPS Unlabelled then ferr it in-conjugated antiserum Unfixed cells Ferr i t in-conjugated antiserum only Unlabelled Glutaraldehyde Anti-LPS then ferr i t in-conjugated Labelled fixed cells antiserum Glutaraldehyde LPS adsorbed anti-LPS then Unlabelled fixed cells ferri t in -conjugated antiserum Glutaraldehyde Ferr i t i n-conjugated antiserum only Unlabelled fixed eel 1 s Figs. ^6 and kl . Thin sectioned cells labelled with ferritin. The cells were treated with rabbit anti-LPS antiserum, washed, and then labelled with ferr i t in-conjugated goat anti- rabbit antiserum. Fig. it6. This cell was fixed following the antibody treatments. (x 80,000). Fig. ^7. This cell was fixed in g lutara Idehyde before antibody treatments. Note the distance between the ferritin molecules and the outer double-track. (x 167,000). 80 -CM -ferritin ■