H 1111 ■HpB BH ■n ■1 bases ■ I pig ■k wmm — essiti ■ ■H WSBmm ■Hi ANIMAL KEEPERS’ FORIJM. 3601 S.W. 29th St., Suite 133, Topeka, KS 66614-2054 Phone: (785) 273-9149 FAX (785) 273-1980 5 e c-e~>4) e r- Mare-h-2010 Vol. 37, No. 12 AKF Managing Editor: Susan D. Chan • Associate Editors: Becky Richendollar, North Carolina Zoo • Mark de Denus, Winnipeg, MB • Enrichment Options Column Coordinator: Julie Hartell-DeNardo, Oakland Zoo and Ric Kotarsky, Tulsa Zoo & Living Museum • Legislative/Conservation Outlook Column Co-Coordinators: Becky Richendollar. North Carolina Zoo and Greg McKinney, Philadelphia, PA • Reactions Column Coordinator: William K. Baker. Jr., Abilene Zoo, Abilene, TX • ATC Column Co-Cordinators: Angela Binney, Disney’s Animal Kingdom; Kim Kezer, Zoo New England; Jay Pratte, Zoo Atlanta • Conservation Station Coordinator: Amanda Kamradt, New England AAZK Chapter • Proofreader: Barbara Manspeaker, AAZK Administrative Office. Animal Keepers’ Forum is published monthly by the American Association of Zoo Keepers, Inc., 3601 S.W. 29th Street, Suite 133, Topeka, KS 66614-2054. Ten dollars of each membership fee goes toward the annual publica- tion costs of Animal Keepers’ Forum . Postage paid at Topeka, KS. AAZK Executive Director: Ed Hansen. AAZK, Inc., Topeka KS also serves as AAZK Liaison to the American Zoo & Aquarium Association (AZA) AAZK Administrative Secretary: Barbara Manspeaker, AAZK, Inc., Topeka, KS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Shane Good, Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, Cleveland, OH 44109 President Bob Cisneros, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA 92112-055 1 Vice President Tammy Root, Indianapolis Zoo, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Gisela Wiggins, North Carolina Zoo, Asheboro, NC 27205-1425 Penny Jolly, Disney's Animal Kingdom, Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830-1000 COMMITTEES/COORDINATORS/PRO.IECT MANAGERS By-laws Chair - Ric Kotarsky, Tulsa Zoo Grants Committee Chair - Shelly Roach, Columbus Zoo Behavioral Husbandry Committee Chair - Deana Walz, The Living Planet Aquarium Conservation Committee Chair Amanda Kamradt, New England AAZK Chapter Bowling for Rhinos - Coordinator - Patty Pearthree, Cary, NC Media/Website Denise Wagner, The Phoenix Zoo, Project Manager Annual Conferences Ethics Chair - Bob Cisneros, San Diego Zoo Awards Chair - Janet McCoy, The Oregon Zoo Professional Development Melaina Wallace, Disney’s Animal Kingdom ICZ Coordinators Shane Good, Cleveland Metroparks Zoo and Norah Farnham, Woodland Park Zoo Products and Membership Jacque Blessington, K.C. Zoo, Project Manager Coordinator - Ed Hansen, AAZK, Inc. MEMBERSHIP SERVICES Data Transfer Forms Available for download at www.aazk.org AAZK Publications/Logo Products AAZK Administrative Offices/Topeka or at www.aazk.org printed on Recycled Paper About the Cover ~ This month’s cover features the beautiful photography of professional photographer Daniel J. Cox. Two polar bears are seen crossing an ice-covered stretch of land as the sun sets. Earlier melting of pack ice each year in the polar bears ’ habitat is threatening this species ’survival You are encouraged to view more of Daniel s brillant wildlife images from around the world at his website http://www. naturalexposures. com< We thank Daniel for allowing us to use his photographs on our cover and also within this issue of Animal Keepers ’Forum. Table of Contents Information for Contributors.................. .....................................................................................508 From the Editor 509 A Message from Polar Bears International..... .............509 From the President: I Am Sasquatch, Behold My Carbon Footprint The Second Sole Edition 510 - 513 A Climate Change Primer. 514 - 515 Climate Change: Fact and Fiction 515 Climate Change: Pushing Species to the Brink.... ........516 Wildlife, Warming and Whatever: The WWW Generation.... 518 - 528 Where Have All the Big Bears Gone? Churchill’s Population First to Raise Questions 529 - 530 Scientists Estimate Human-Caused Climate Change at Root of Diminishing Water Flow in Western United States.. 531 A Call to Action for Polar Bears................................................................... 532 - 533 Reef Relief............................. 534 -535 Global Warming to Seriously Affect Global Health......................... ......................................535 Walruses Seeking Refuge in Alaska.................................................................................... .......536 Climate Change and Amphibians .......537 - 540 If Frogs Go Extinct, You’ll Notice....... 541 Snow Covers the Peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania— But for How Long?................. 542 - 543 U.S. Peaks Also Show Effects of Global Warming...... ......544 Two by Two on the AArk, 545 - 546 The Butterfly Effect: Global Warming Changes Butterfly Habitat and Behavior. 546 Communicating About Climate - 548 Planting Trees for Polar Bears ... J. ^ . .... 549 “Trees for You and Me” Program an Instant Success............................................................ .550 - 551 Learn More..... Earth’s Tipping Points * * 551 Taking Action Against Climate Change (Acres for the Atmosphere) ....................................352 - 553 The Barometer of Life............................................................................................................554 - 556 Insects ‘will be climate change’s first victims’....................... .........................................................557 Conserving the World’s Reefs Through Live and Frozen Banks.......................................... .558 - 563 The Effects of Climate Change on Migratory Birds.............................................................. .564 - 565 Melting Under Pressure: The Real Scoop on Climate Warming and Polar B e ai s .............. I. . 5 6 6 - 570 Notes from the Climate Change Panel Discussion Held at the 2010 Association of Zoos and Aqua t urns Conference in Houston, Texas..................... .571 - 577 Species Abound in Arctic Reserve...............'.........,, ........................4.577 Global Warming Threatens Coastal Fishing......................................................................... ..578 - 579 PBI’s Arctic Ambassador Centers..; 580 - 581 Patience...................... ..................................................................................................................... .582 FBI Leadership Camp. ................. ............................. fi.....................*.................. .............................. 583 Living with the Polar Bears of Churchill During Keeper Leadership Camp....... ..................584 - 587 For Further Information on Climate Change ( Websites and Books). ................................. .............SM 36th Anniversary - 1974 - 2010 Climate Change and Its Effect on Species A Dedicated Issue of Animal Keepers9 Forum December 2010 (Photo: Andrew Derocher) MISSION ST A TEMENT (Revised April 2009) American Association of Zoo Keepers, Inc. The mission of the American Association of Zoo Keepers, Inc. is to advance excellence in the animal keeping profession, foster effective communcation beneficial to animal care, support deserving conservation projects, and promote the preservation of our natural resources and animal life . Articles sent to Animal Keepers ’ Forum will be reviewed by the editorial staff for publication. Articles of a research or technical nature will be submitted to one or more of the zoo professionals who serve as referees for AKF_. No commitment is made to the author, but an effort will be made to publish articles as soon as possible. Lengthy articles may be separated into monthly installments at the discretion of the editor. The editor reserves the right to edit material without consultation unless approval is requested in writing by the author. Materials submitted will not be returned unless accompanied by a stamped, self- addressed, appropriately-sized envelope. Telephone, fax or email contributions of late- breaking news or last-minute insertions are accepted as space allows. Phone 785-273-9149; FAX (785) 273-1980; email is akfeditor@zk.kscoxmail.com< Submission Guidelines may be found in the Member’s Only section on the AAZK website. If you have questions about submission guidelines, please contact the Editor. Deadline for each regular issue is the 10th of the preceding month. Dedicated issues may have separate deadline dates and will be noted by the editor. Articles printed do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the AKF staff or the American Association of Zoo Keepers, Inc. Publication does not indicate endorsement by the Association. Items in this publication may be reprinted providing credit to this publication is given and a copy of the reprinted material is forwarded to the editor. If an article is shown to be separately copyrighted by the author(s), then permission must be sought from the author(s). Reprints of material appearing in this journal may be ordered from the editor. Regular back issues are available for $4.00 each. Special issues may cost more. E-Mail Addresses: You may reach Barbara Manspeaker at AlAZK Administrative Offices at: aazkoffice@zk.kscoxmail.com You may reach Susan Chan and Animal Keepers ’ Forum at: akfeditor@zk.kscoxmail.com Mailing Address: AAZK, Inc., 3601 SW 29th St., Suite 133, Topeka, KS 66614-2054 AAZK website Address: www.aazk.org BFR Website: http://aazkbfr.org 508 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 From the Editor We are very pleased to be able to bring you this expanded edition of Animal Keepers ’ Forum dedicated to “Climate Change and Its Effect on Species”. This is the first opportunity I have had as AKF Editor to produce an issue in full color. This has been made possible through the generosity of Robert Buchanan and Polar Bears International who are underwriting the production costs of the December 2010 AKF. Our sincere thanks to PBI for their support of our professional journal and their willingness to work with AAZK to facilitate keeper involvement in this important conservation effort. An issue like this combines the talents and efforts of many people. I would like to thank all of the photographers who allowed us to utilize their amazing images. My thanks go also to the authors who provided their information, research and expertise with articles on the many aspects of climate change and its effect on species. Special thanks go to Barbara Nielsen, Communications Director for PBI, for providing not only material for this issue but also encouragement and support during its production. You will notice that there are a number of articles within this issue that are being reprinted from other sources. I would like to thank the following individuals for their assistance in acquiring permission for these reprints: Nicholas Gould, Editor of International Zoo News ; Malcolm Tait, Managing Editor for Zooquaria (EAZA); Katherine Unger, Development Editor, The Wildlife Society ; Elizabeth Sandler, the American Association for the Advancement of Science', and Gregory Gough, Smithsonian Institution. It is our hope that the resources provided in this dedicated issue will provide you with information you can utilize in educating your zoo/aquarium visitors and your communities about the important issue of climate change, how it is impacting species worldwide, and how they may get involved in positive and productive ways to support environmental responsibility by all segments of the population. We hope you enjoy our efforts. Susan D. Chan, Managing Editor AKF A Message from Polar Bears International Zookeepers have a unique cachet with the public, and we’re pleased and proud that we’re able to connect with each of you through this special issue of Animal Keepers ’Forum on climate change. Your personal actions to reduce C02 — and the messages and inspiration that you deliver daily to the zoo guests you encounter — can add up to make a huge difference for polar bears and other wildlife. From tree-planting events to recycling projects, you and your fellow keepers can lead by example and inspire community involvement. Please stay informed about climate change by visiting the PBI website and signing up for our e-newsletter. We’d also love to have you join our Facebook page. We thank you — and so do the polar bears. Robert Buchanan, PBI President and CEO Kathryn Foat, Director of Stewardship Strategies www.polarbearsintemational.org f ^ POLAR BEARS INTERNATIONAL Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 509 rorn e pcsiaen I Am Sasquatch, Behold My Carbon Footprint The Second Sole Edition The following essay appeared in the September 2008 issue of the Animal Keepers’ Forum.. I asked AAZK Members to help Sasquatch reduce his carbon footprint. What followed was the greatest response to anything I have ever written for AAZK, confirming the commitment our membership has for conservation. A lot has changed in our Association since this was published, and 1 think Larry and Earthchild would be proud of what we have accomplished. Epiphanies are best experienced in youth, allowing time for inspiration to evolve into a force of habit. There were countless childhood revelations that steered me towards conservation, but my personal conservation ethic was nurtured in the groves of Academe. I majored in Fish and Wildlife Management at a small college nestled in the Appalachian foothills of Wayne National Forest. Our classroom was the forest, lakes, and rivers of southern Ohio. To this child of the city, college life was reminiscent of Walden. Being veritable and true to Thoreau, my academic career was equal parts Animal House as it was Animal Planet, a balance of Van Wilder and Wild America, but a conservation ethic was carved nonetheless. Attributable to my conversion was the strange amalgam of classmates that filled the ranks of the school's Natural Resources Department. A curious combination of country plow boys, hippies, and camo-clad members of the hook and bullet crowd all aspiring to become fisheries technicians, wildlife managers, game wardens, and park rangers. Classroom essentials for some included waterproof hunting boots, a six-inch Buck knife, and empty Mountain Dew® can for tobacco spittle, while others opted for the equally important tie-dye t-shirt, hemp backpack with Deadhead patch, and the always appropriate Dylan quote, preferably from Subterranean Homesick Blues. At all times, some sort of clothing from the local feed and seed store was required. In the midst of this cast of characters were Larry, and his girlfriend Earthchild. Larry and Earthchild lived in a tent within the oak-hickory forest that blanketed the hills behind the college. (Yes, every word of this story is true). Totally off the grid, except for their college registration, they exemplified sustainability from within their woodland basecamp. They would descend from the timbers each morning to attend class, clad in clothing fashioned from deer hides, long suede boots, and feather and beaded tassel accessories. Occasionally I would see Larry at the rec center where he used the shower facilities, presumably on a weekly basis. But the focus of my attention was Earthchild. I have always had a fondness for hippie chicks. From across the classroom, patchouli and pheromones beckoned me to daydreams of hippie bliss, where bluebirds perched on our tent, incense wafted in the air, and Brother Bob crooned on the radio while we lived in perfect harmony with nature. Fast forward to 2008. It is Year of the Polar Bear, Year of the Frog, and the Year I Get to Feel like a Heel. The year started out well enough. Suddenly everyone was channeling their inner Earthchild and going green. Politicians, celebrities, and even Wal-Mart® had joined the movement. Personally I had just begun my AAZK presidency, and exciting conservation projects were happening at all levels of the Association. Several Chapters were participating in Year of the Polar Bear as part of a pilot 510 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vbl. 37, No. 12 project with Polar Bears International. Bowling for Rhinos surpassed Three Million Dollars in funds raised. Chapters donated One Million Dollars to conservation causes in the previous year. Chapters and individual members across the country were rolling up their sleeves and conducting their own conservation projects. A national AAZK Conservation Committee was formed. Then came along A1 Gore. I took his challenge and calculated my carbon footprint. Let’s just say I landed somewhere between Gil Tanker Ship Captain and Spotted Owl-cursing Lumberjack. Okay, maybe it wasn’t that bad, but Inconvenient A1 sure had me feeling that way as he shattered my green illusion. Apparently that 30-minute commute to work isn’t a good thing. A I wasn’t too fond of the gas mileage from my 15-year old pick-up track either. My affinity for travel wasn’t helping, but maybe I’d get some bonus points for being a zoo keeper. As it turns out, working in a zoo isn’t that great either. Sure we do lots of conservation work, improve the future for endangered wildlife, and educate millions of zoo visitors. But zoos consume vast amounts of resources in the process of feeding our animals, filling our pools with fresh water, and heating and cooling our buildings for the comfort of zoo animals and zoo visitors. (Notice I did not mention the comfort of zoo keepers, who still toil in their work areas like second-class citizens!). I can’t even look at the koalas anymore, those sleepy- eyed, leaf munching tree dwellers that recline in their air conditioned holding area and have their fresh eucalyptus shipped in by plane every few days. Thanks again, AL Things don’t get any better at home either. My 60-year-old farmhouse was insulated in the vintage style of Swiss cheese. The old windows in my house are so drafty, even our Labrador retriever wears a wool hat to bed on winter evenings. A I I VAC tech recently revealed to me that my old furnace is almost as efficient as burning a candle in front of a box fan. Those record setting propane and natural gas predictions for this winter have me asking “Who really needs luxuries like food anyway?” There are solutions. My rich neighbor Dave recently converted his home to geothermal energy for $20,000. One celebrity converted his house to solar power for $27,000. That hybrid vehicle I have been eyeballing comes at the low cost of $25,000. Several thousand here and several thousand there, I can fix all those problems in my house. The problem is, I’m a zoo keeper, and finding extra spending cash is about as easy as spotting a purple unicorn in my backyard. There is good news. Going green, as I’m sure you already know, doesn’t need to cost a lot of money. To assist in the process, we have a brand new Conservation Committee to help. Charged with multiple tasks, the committee will provide members with ideas for going green (on a keeper’s budget), will serve as a green watchdog for the Association by monitoring conferences and work practices for sustainability, and assist members and Chapters in organizing and evaluating their own conservation projects. My personal goal for this year was to adopt ten new ideas for going green at home. I wish I could consult Larry and Earthchild, but nobody knows for sure what happened to them. They never returned to the college after Christmas Break. Some say they left school so Larry could become a roadie for the Allman Brothers, while Earthchild started her own hemp clothing line. A popular rumor had Larry and Earthchild starting their own organic vineyard in the valley, while others say they perished in the ice storm of ’88. Legend has it that Larry’s wild yowl and Earthchild’s mournful cry can be heard during a full moon at Wildcat Hollow. I prefer to think they’re doing just fine, and raising a toast of pesticide-free pinot in salute to the conservation efforts made by this Association Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 511 and yours truly. But there is still work to be done. As Earthchild might paraphrase, “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows, but a Conservation Committee can sure help point you in a green direction”. As zoo keepers, we are obligated not only to educate zoo visitors about environmental issues, but walk the walk ourselves. Whether you are a struggling Sasquatch like myself, or tread the Earth lightly in Hobbit-sized Birkenstocks®, here’s hoping that our Conservation Committee can nurture your path. The Response After asking the membership for ideas on going green, I was flooded with suggestions. What follows are some of the best, the greenest of the green. 1 . D.T. in Kansas mentioned some great recycling ideas from her AAZK Chapter. Additionally, she gave me a great idea for zoo keepers, which is going with cotton hand towels instead of paper towels. Think of how many times a keeper washes her hands each day (at least I’m hoping you’re washing those hands, especially before reaching into our shared bag of potato chips). I know many of our areas go through a batch of paper towels every day. Make the switch to cotton, save trees, and enjoy sweet, soft comfort. Organic cotton equals bonus points! 2. B.F. in California recommended checking out www.coopamerica.org and www.coopamerica. org/pdf/CA075.pdf. So I did, and I got some great ideas and was even able to calculate how the changes affected my carbon footprint. 3. P.P. in North Carolina wrote to say how she is enjoying the hybrid life and saving on her gasoline bills. Essay Intermission: P.P.’s point has me thinking. . .Unfortunately, going green, climate change, and sustainability can be controversial topics. Not everyone believes climate change is real, that it is caused by human activity, or that it can be reversed. Often, speaking to someone about climate change is like arguing about religion or politics; no matter what you say you are not going to change their mind. That is why I think a good strategy might be leaving climate change, environment, and wildlife entirely out of the discussion. Sustainability affects so much more. It saves money, creates new jobs, decreases our dependence on foreign oil and thereby improves national security, and decreases pollution in the environment and in the home which equals better health. Those are the things that capture the attention of the American public. It just so happens that by doing those things, they can save the environment too, but let’s just keep that our little secret. . .1 tell people, the best-case scenario is that the thousands of scientists who tell us that climate change is real and dire consequences are in our future, are wrong, yet by acting now we still become better stewards of the planet. The worst-case scenario is that they are correct, and we have done nothing. In between, I believe sustainability, conservation, and doing a better job of how we utilize our natural resources is the solution to many of society’s problems. End Intermission. 4. Brian from parts unknown wrote to me about children, zero population growth, and making a conscious choice to not add to humanity’s exponential increase, and its drain on natural resources. Err, that’s a heavy topic with lots of sociological and religious undertones, not the usual fodder for the AKF. But Brian will be relieved to know that the only thing in my life that resembles a child is my 13-year-old yellow Labrador retriever (although at 13 she is more senior citizen than child). 512 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 5. M.S. in Illinois takes composting to the extreme, complete with his own worm farm. I recently made an ill-fated attempt at composting. That yellow Labrador of mine found Grandma’s week-old, leftover vegetable beef stew and let’s just say the house hasn’t smelled the same ever since. 6. M.T. in Kansas gave me some great zoo commissary ideas, which is a bonus because I work in my zoo’s commissary one day per week. I adopted her ideas of sending out food items in re-usable plastic containers, instead of disposable plastic baggies, whenever possible. Additionally, M.T.’s zoo has agreements with various caterers so that leftover food items are donated as enrichment for the zoo’s animals. 7. N.S. in Utah recommended the following website from National Geographic, www.thegreenguide.com. The Salvation of Sasquatch The overwhelming response to this article made one thing clear; I had no choice but to go green. Not a tepid, light-shaded olive green, but a deep-hued evergreen. My local community already has a progressive recycling program, so that was the first thing checked off the list. From there I started with the easy stuff: replacing burned-out bulbs with CFLs, turning off lights in vacant rooms, turning the heat down in winter and the a/c up in summer, reducing my phantom electrical load, and buying local products whenever possible (goodbye imported beer, hello Great Lakes Brewery!). Ultimately, the biggest reduction on my carbon footprint came when I grudgingly opened my wallet and invested in my personal sustainability. First to go were the leaky windows, followed by a new roof (a necessity due to the water dripping on the dining room table), hot water tank (another necessity. . .), and finally some necessary replacements of home appliances (home ownership is killing me). As you can see, going green is sometimes forced upon us whether we can afford it or not. However, the biggest gain I made in sustainability came when I invested in a highly efficient heat pump (with programmable thermostat) to supplement our propane-burning furnace. Between the tax credit and the money saved from burning less propane, the heat pump paid for itself in two years and the added electric to run it is insignificant. Here at AAZK, that pilot project with Polar Bears International turned into a highly-successful Conservation Partnership. We have added Keeper Leadership Camp, and two national reforestation programs ~ Acres for the Atmosphere and Trees for You and Me. Bowling for Rhinos is as successful as ever, and our goal for 2011 is to raise $500,000. The AAZK Conservation Committee is doing a great job, and Chapters and individual members continue to do amazing work, both in fundraising for worthy projects, and by rolling up their sleeves and doing their own conservation work. I hope you enjoy this special issue of the Animal Keepers ’ Forum and find it to be a useful tool in all of your conservation endeavors. Shane Good, AAZK President Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 513 A Climate Change Primer The ABCs of what science and Earth are hying to tell us By Dr. Steven C. Amstrup, Senior Scientist Polar Bears International Basic laws of physics dictate that when levels of greenhouse gases increase, the world warms. How does this work? Energy from the sun that reaches Earth is balanced by energy that radiates back into space. Atmospheric gases like C02, however, temporarily trap the energy that arrives from the sun as short- wave radiation. This energy then radiates back into space in the form of long-wave radiation. The greenhouse effect of this temporarily trapped energy is the reason that Earth’s temperature range allows life to exist. That’s a good thing. But when we keep increasing these heat-trapping greenhouse gases (GHGs), we increase the amount of time that the sun’s energy stays in Earth’s atmosphere, which means that Earth warms. Logically, a world with higher GHG concentrations is going to be warmer than it would with lower GHG concentrations. Although it’s uncertain how sensitive Earth’s climate is to the increase in GHGs — and therefore we don’t know the precise rate of warming — there is no uncertainty that Earth will warm. GHGs, Climate, and Weather Although the laws of physics says that Earth will warm as GHGs are added to the atmosphere, natural chaos in the climate system adds to uncertainty about how fast Earth will warm. Natural fluctuations can mask the warming trend. It s important to remember that climate is not the same as weather Natural fluctuations in atmospheric circulation patterns, such as El Nino (the Southern Oscillation) and the Arctic Oscillation, have huge effects on short- and medium-term weather, as well as regional weather and even the global climate. Natural fluctuations in ocean circulation patterns such as the Gulf Stream (or North Atlantic Drift) also have longer-term effects on weather and climate. But what’s important to remember about these natural fluctuations is that as GHGs increase, they will occur over a higher and climbing baseline. Eventually, the effects of increases in GHGs will become clear. It’s not a matter of whether it will become dear — only when it will become clear. Crossing Climate Threshholds Because global warming is a certainty in an increasing GEIG world, it’s guaranteed that we will exceed certain thresholds (such as the global mean temperature increase of two degrees, or ice-free summers in the Arctic) at some point. Again, we can’t predict exactly when these things will happen, but if GHGs keep rising, they most certainly will. We can also be sure that the more time that passes, the more likely that well have exceeded particular thresholds. 514 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 What Are We to Think? Without question there are uncertainties regarding global warming. But it’s unquestionable that Earth will warm as GHG levels rise. It’s a basic law of physics. And, ominously, the longer GHG levels are allowed to increase, the less sea ice will remain. Because all available data indicate that polar bear populations as we know them will not be sustained in an ice-free Arctic, the longer GHG levels are allowed to increase, the greater the threat to polar bear welfare. 'The longer we wait to do something,” says Dr. Steven C. Am sirup, “the more thresholds we will have exceeded, and the bigger the problems we will have created for our children and grandchildren. They will increasingly be the ones forced to attempt to cope with a world that is very different than the one in which humans became the dominant life force on Earth.” Dr Steven C. Amstrup is retired from the USGS as senior polar bear scientist and is the past chair of the IUCN Polar Bear Specialist Group. He is known worldwide for his 30 years of research on polar bears. In August 2010, he joined the staff of FBI as senior scientist. This article is adapted from Amstrup, S. C., H. Caswell, E. DeWeaver, I. Stirling, D. C. Douglas, B. G. Marcot, and C. M. Hunter. 2009. Rebuttal of “Polar bear population forecasts: a public-policy audit”. Interfaces 39(4):353-369. Climate Change: Fact and Fiction Did you know that . . . • A new poll by the National Academy of Sciences shows that 97% of climate scientists — the experts in their field — agree that global warming is very likely mainly caused by human activity • An independent review of the much-trumpeted errors in the IPCC report found only a few minor mistakes in hundreds and hundreds of pages of text. What’s more, the errors don’t undermine the panel’s overall conclusions. • A review of 1 1 different methods of measuring the planet’s temperature — on the land, in the sea, in the air — dovetails to show a warming planet. Each indicator is based on three to seven data sets. • Three highly respected independent panels have cleared the climate scientists involved in so-called Climate Gate of wrongdoing. They found that the statements were taken out of context. • Data confirms that global temperatures in the first half of 2010 were the hottest since record keeping began more than a century ago. • Satellite observations of sea ice from 1979 through 2009 show that September sea ice extent has declined by 8.9% per decade. Data for 2010 is not yet available. The science is clear. What’s more, a switch to green energy makes sense on so many levels: To create green jobs. To avoid environmental catastrophes from oil spills. To reduce our dependence on foreign oil. And, finally, to leave our children and grandchildren with a planet rich with wildlife and intact ecosystems, including the land of snow and ice where the polar bear roams. ~ Barbara Nielsen, Director of Communicatiions, Polar Bears International Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 515 Climate Change: Pushing Species To The Brink Thirty-five percent of the world’s birds, 52% of amphibians and 71% of warm-water reef- building corals are likely to be particularly susceptible to climate change, the first results of an IUCN study have revealed. The report identified more than 90 biological traits that are believed to make species most susceptible to climate change. It found that 3,438 of the world’s 9,856 bird species have at least one out of 1 1 traits that could make them susceptible to climate change. Albatross, penguin, petrel and shearwater families are all likely to be susceptible to climate change, while heron and egret families, and osprey, kite, hawk and eagle families are among those least likely to be susceptible to climate change. “This is the first time that a systematic assessments of species’ susceptibility to climate change has been attempted,” says Wendy Foden, of IUCN’s Species Programme. “Climate change is already happening, but conservation decision makers currently have very little guidance on which species are going to be the worst affected.” The study found 3,217 of the 6,222 amphibians in the world are likely to be susceptible to climate change. Three salamander families could be particularly susceptible, while 80- 100% of Seychelles frogs and Indian Burrowing Frogs, Australian ground frogs, homed toads and glassfrog families were assessed as susceptible. Specialized habitat requirements, such as species with water-dependant larvae, and those unable to disperse due to barriers such as large water bodies or human-transformed habitats are most at risk. The report found that 566 of 799 warm- water reef-building coral species are likely to be susceptible to the impacts of climate change. The Acroporidae family, including staghorn corals, had particularly high numbers of susceptible species, while the Fungiidae family, including mushroom corals, and the Mussidae family, including some brain corals, possess relatively few. Coral species qualified due to their sensitivity to increases in temperature, sedimentation and physical damage from storms and cyclones. Poor dispersal ability and colonization potential were used as a further important indicators. According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 32% of amphibians are threatened with extinction. Of these, 75% are susceptible to climate change while 41% of non-threatened species are susceptible to climate change. For birds, the overall percentage of those threatened with extinction is lower - 12%. However, 80% of those are susceptible to climate change. “There is a large overlap between threatened and climate change susceptible amphibian and bird species,” says Jean-Christophe Vie, Deputy Head of IUCN Species Programme. “Climate change may cause a sharp rise in the risk and rate of extinction of currently threatened species. But we also want to highlight species that are currently not threatened but are likely to become so as climate change impacts intensify. By doing this we hope to promote preemptive and more effective conservation action.” Source: IUCN (2008, October 13). Climate Change: Pushing Species To The Brink. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 8, 2010, from http://www.sciencedaily.com / releases/2008/10/08101 3 142545.htm THE GOURMET RODENT, INC. " V MICE Bill & Marcia Brant 12921 SW 1st RdL, Ste 107, PBM #434 Jonesville, FL 32669 (352) 472-9189 Fax: (352) 472-9192 516 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 ' ’’Stpsffo We're evolving the new generation of exotic animal nutrition. Today, Mazuri offers food products for more animal species than any other company in the world. For over 20 years, we've worked in collaboration with world-class zoos, aquariums, owners Ft breeders arounc the globe to develop the highest quality product for your animals. Trust in the security of,. Mazuri for the health and longevity of your exotic animal '.V '-'.-i ' The Exotic Animat Reding Resource WWW.MAZU iU.COM Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 517 Wildlife, Warming and Whatever: The WWW Generation By Tineke Nielsen-Joustra, Registrar Auckland Zoo, New Zealand [. Editor s Note : This article was originally written for presentation at an Australasian conference and was subsequently published in International Zoo News, Vol. 57/4 (No. 381) June 2010. Other appendices, listing extinct species of Australia and New Zealand, are available from the author upon request. It is being reprinted here with the kind permission of International Zoo News Editor Nicholas Gould.] 1. Introduction Extinctions have been taking place for millions of years in varying levels of severity. Some, however, have occurred on larger scales and are better described as ‘mass extinctions’ (McGavin, 2006). The largest mass extinctions described are known as the ‘Big Five’. All of the Five events are attributed to different ‘natural’ disasters such as meteorites, huge volcanic eruptions and floods. Scientists believe we are currently amidst the sixth mass extinction: the difference from the other events is that this one can be attributed to human-induced actions, such as over-harvesting, overpopulation and habitat destruction. One quarter of the world’s known species are currently threatened with extinction in the wild (ARAZPA, 2008). 2. What is extinction? Extinction is a natural process, and it has occurred ever since life began. Charles Darwin was the first person to explain that the evolution and extinction of species are linked - in a way, the species that exist today are only here due to the earlier extinctions of other species (McGavin, 2006). For example, the extinction of the dinosaurs enabled mammals to evolve. The principal role of extinction in evolution is to eliminate species and thereby to reduce biodiversity so that space - ecological and geographic - is available for innovation (Raup, 1992). Without species extinction, biodiversity would increase until some saturation level was reached, after which speciation would be forced to stop. Changes in global climate and sea level are the most popular explanations for mass extinctions (Raup, 1992). 2.1. Mass extinctions and background extinctions The history of life on earth has been punctuated by periodic crises where the extinction rate soars dramatically over a short period of time. The general rate at which organisms have been disappearing from the fossil record over geological time (also known as the ‘background extinction rate’) is relatively low and constant - between 0. 1 and 1 extinction per million species per year (McGavin, 2006). 2.2. The ‘Big Five’ The Big Five mass extinctions took place at or towards the end of five geological periods - the Ordovician (c. 495-443 million years ago), Devonian (c. 417-354 mya), Permian (c. 295-248 mya), Triassic (c. 248-205 mya) and Cretaceous (c. 144-65 mya) periods (see Figure 1). 2.2.1. End-Ordovician event (O-S) The first of the Big Five was the result of the climate getting colder, which led to the formation of vast ice sheets. As glaciations continued, the sea level fell by as much as 100 m, which had a huge impact on marine life, as shallow seas had previously covered vast areas of the earth’s surface. The loss of marine habitats affected groups such as graptolites, cephalopods, conodont animals and trilobites, which had been common but now lost more than half of their diversity (McGavin, 2006). 518 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 60 542 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Figure 1, Marine extinction intensity through time, also displaying the different mass extinctions. The bar graph shows apparent percentages of marine animal genera becoming extinct during any given time interval NB it only displays the fossilized marine species. Cm = Cambrian; O = Ordovician; S = Silurian; D = Devonian; C = Carboniferous; P = Permian; Tr = Triassic; J = Jurassic; K = Cretaceous; Pg = Palaeogene; N = Neogene (Wikipedia, 2008). 2.2.2, Late Devonian event (Late D) By the middle of the Silurian Period, the climate was warmer and the seas were again home to a rich diversity of species. By the end of the Silurian, the invasion of species onto land had begun. Towards the end of the Devonian period there was a large loss of diversity, but the causes and timescales involved are not agreed upon by scientists. This second mass event may actually have been several separate extinctions, spanning several million years. Again, it was probably brought about by a period of global cooling that lowered the temperature of surface waters. The species affected were mostly the shallow and low-latitude marine communities. More than 20% of all marine families disappeared and groups such as the brachiopods lost around 85% of all their species. While it is estimated that about 70% of all species were lost, land communities were least affected (McGavin, 2006). 2.2.3. End Permian event (P-T) The Permian period was a time of increasing biodiversity, but its close was marked by an event so colossal that it is sometimes described as The Great Dying’. Multiple major glaciations in the southern hemisphere caused sea levels to fall, exposing all but 10-13% of the continental shelf and bringing about the death of all coral reefs and their rich communities. There were also periods of volcanism as continents collided to form the super-continent Pangaea. In one episode four million cubic kilometres of molten rock spread over the earth, which lowered levels of oxygen and sunlight and increased carbon dioxide concentrations. The flora and fauna would have been alternately exposed to hot and cold conditions, and recent studies suggest that the huge volumes of volcanic gas produced would have damaged the earth’s ozone layer and made the land and seas acidic. In the seas, 80% of all genera and more than 50% of all families were lost. In all, it is believed that a staggering 96% of marine species became extinct. The effects were also felt on land, with the loss of around 70% of all genera of terrestrial vertebrates. Even eight orders of insects became extinct. Plants were also hard hit with the loss of many species, including extensive forests of the seed fem Glossopteris (McGavin, 2006). Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 519 2.2.4. End-Triassic event (Tr-J) The Triassic period that followed the Palaeozoic era was generally hot and quite dry. Reptiles were replacing invertebrates as the dominant life form and the first dinosaurs and large marine reptiles appeared. Other reptiles were becoming more mammal-like. At the end of the Triassic period, there was a mass extinction in which a little more than 50% of all genera of marine invertebrates, such as sponges, ammonites and branchiopods, became extinct. On land, too, there were significant changes in the flora with the loss of 85-90% of plant species. Nineteen families of tetrapod vertebrates disappeared, including the large amphibians. The extinction of many of the more primitive reptiles heralded the rise of the dinosaurs. The causes of this extinction are still unknown, but rapid climate change and drastically falling sea levels are believed to be the most influential factors (McGavin, 2006). 2.2.5. Cretaceous event (K-T) Recovery from the previous extinction event was relatively rapid. Throughout the Jurassic period, the climate was warm and cycads and conifers continued to flourish. Meanwhile, the super-continent Pangaea was breaking up. By the end of the Jurassic period, the flora and fauna of the earth were more diverse than they had ever been. Towards the end of the Cretaceous period, however, there was a very marked reduction in sea level and associated climate change, with much colder winters and hotter drier summers. There is evidence that groups such as dinosaurs and some marine molluscs had been in decline for some time before the end of the Cretaceous, so perhaps a number of factors, such as climate change and voleanism, were responsible for getting the fifth great extinction underway. However, it was almost certainly an asteroid impact that delivered the coup de grace. The end of the Cretaceous period happened very abruptly and caused the extinction of an estimated 70-85% of all species on earth (McGavin, 2006). This ended the reign of the dinosaurs and opened the way for mammals and birds to become the dominant land vertebrates (Raup, 1992; Wikipedia, 2008). 3. Sixth mass event The current extinction rate is more rapid than that of any other extinction event in the history of the earth, and 50% of species could be extinct by the end of the 21st century. The current rate is estimated to be up to a thousand times the usual background level. Recent past (known extinctions) Future (modelled) Projected future extbictioi rate if more than tm times higher than current rate Correal extinction rate is up to one thousand rinses higher than rate in the fossil record Long-term average extinction rate Figure 2. Species extinction rates per thousand species per milennium (Wikipedia, 2008) 520 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 This event has been folly attributed to human-induced actions (McGavin, 2006), Since the industrial revolution human civilization has had a strong negative impact on biodiversity. Habitat degradation, loss and fragmentation, introduction of invasive species, over-hunting/fishing and the use of pesticides and herbicides (and other toxic compounds) have all taken their toll on biodiversity (Hunter, 2007; Wikipedia, 2008; IPCC, 2008). 3.1. Species at risk of extinction during the sixth mass event In 2008, 754 animal species were listed as having become either extinct or extinct in the wild in the last 500 years. A further 8,462 species are classified as critically endangered, endangered or vulnerable (see Table 1). Many of these are believed to be at risk of becoming extinct unless immediate action is taken. Some well-known species at risk of extinction are the tiger, black rhino and giant panda. These animals seem to be getting proportionately more attention in the media than the lesser-known species. This could potentially make the public unaware of the thousands of others that are under threat of extinction (IUCN, 2008). For example, one in eight bird species, one in four mammals, half of all surveyed fish species and 12.5% of all plants known to science are threatened with extinction (Glavin, 2006). Additionally almost half of all known amphibian species are declining (EDGE, 2008), and a quarter of north-east Atlantic sharks and rays are threatened with extinction (IUCN, 2008). 3.2. Countries and their extinctions Some countries show higher rates of extinction or have higher numbers of endangered species than others (Tables 2 and 3). Islands in particular are more liable to large numbers of species extinctions than continents (due to the lesser possibility of species migration). Many species developed their own unique characteristics once islands were separated from the main continent. If they were to go extinct on the islands there would be nowhere else to get new 'stock’ for reintroductions. Australia and New Zealand also hold many endemic species: their existence is at risk due to their limited habitat range and their inability to adapt to human influences (IUCN, 2008). 3.3. EDGE program To demonstrate that extinctions are now becoming a problem, programs such as EDGE of Existence (Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered) have been established. This program highlights some of the world’s most extraordinary species, which are also some of the most threatened (EDGE, 2008). According to their research we are losing a distinct species, of one sort of another, every ten minutes, some of which we may never know much about (Glavin, 2006). 4. Global Warming Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the earth’s near-surface air and oceans. The global moan surface temperature has increased by 0.6°C (0.4-0. 8°C) over the last 100 years, with 1998 being the warmest year and the 1990s very likely being the warmest decade. The largest increases in temperature have occurred over the middle and high latitudes of northern continents, land areas have warmed more than the oceans, and nighttime temperatures have warmed more than daytime temperatures (IPCC, 2008; Walker et al, 2008). Climate model projections indicate that the global surface temperature will likely rise a further 1.4 to 5.8°C during the 21st century, with nearly all land areas warming more rapidly than the global average. Increasing global temperature will cause sea levels to rise and will change the amount and pattern of condensation. Other likely effects include increases in heat waves, floods due to heavy rainfall or monsoons, increasing wildfires, changes in agricultural yields, modifications of trade routes, glacier retreat, coral bleaching, species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors (Walker et al, 2008; Wikipedia, 2008; IPCC, 2008). During the 20th century, the world’s population has quadrupled and so has the use of energy by an average person, resulting in a sixteen-fold increase in the rate of emission of carbon dioxide (C02), The atmosphere now contains a level of CO, that is nearly 40% higher than its 'natural’ pre-industrial values, and it continues to rise each year (Walker et al, 2008; IPCC, 2008). Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 521 Table 1. Red List Category summary for all animal classes (IUCN, 2008). Categories: EX = Extinct; EW - Extinct in the Wild; CR = Critically Endangered; EN = Endangered; VU = Vulnerable; LR/ cd = Lower Risk/conservation dependent; NT = Near Threatened; DD = Data Deficient; LC = Least Concern. Class EX EW CR EN VU Mammalia (mammals) 76 2 188 448 505 Aves (birds) 134 4 190 361 671 Reptilia (reptiles) 21 1 86 134 203 Amphibia (amphibians) 38 1 475 755 675 Cephalaspidomorphi (jawless fish) 1 0 1 0 1 Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish) 0 0 22 29 75 Actinopterygii (ray-finned fish) 90 13 265 240 640 Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fish) 0 0 1 0 1 Echinoidea (sea urchins) 0 0 0 0 0 Arachnida (joint-legged invertebrates) 0 0 2 5 11 Chilopoda (centipedes) 0 0 0 0 1 Diplopoda (millipedes) 0 0 1 6 7 Crustacea (crustaceans) 7 1 84 127 395 Insecta (insects) 60 1 70 132 424 Merostomata (marine arthropods) 0 0 0 0 0 Onyehophora (velvet worms) 0 0 3 2 4 Hirudinoidea (leeches) 0 0 0 0 0 Oligochaeta (worms) 1 0 1 0 4 Polychaeta (marine worms) 0 0 1 0 0 Bivalvia (molluscs) 31 0 52 28 15 Gastropoda (snails/slugs) 257 14 216 196 471 Enopla (worms) 0 0 0 0 2 Turbellaria (flatworms) 1 0 0 0 0 Anthozoa (Anemones and corals) 0 0 6 23 202 Hydrozoa (related to jellyfish and corals) 0 0 1 2 2 TOTAL FAUNA 717 37 1,665 2,488 4,309 522 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 Class LR/cd NT DD LC Total Mammalia (mammals) 0 323 836 3,110 5,488 Aves (birds) 0 835 66 7,729 9,990 Reptilia (reptiles) 3 123 180 634 1,385 Amphibia (amphibians) 0 381 1,578 2,357 6,260 Cephalaspidomorphi (jawless fish) 0 2 3 10 18 Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish) 1 107 205 152 591 Actinopterygii (ray-finned fish) 10 135 426 1,051 2,870 Sareopterygii (lobe-finned fish) 0 0 0 0 2 Echinoidea (sea urchins) 0 1 0 0 1 Araehnida (joint-legged invertebrates) 0 2 9 3 32 Chilopoda (centipedes) 0 0 0 0 1 Diplopoda (millipedes) 0 0 7 10 31 Crustacea (crustaceans) 9 19 663 430 1,735 Insecta (insects) 3 93 129 347 1,259 Merostomata (marine arthropods) 0 1 3 0 4 Onychophora (velvet worms) 0 1 1 0 11 Hirudmoidea (leeches) 0 1 0 0 1 Oligochaeta (worms) 0 1 0 0 7 Polychaeta (marine worms) 0 0 1 0 2 Bivalvia (molluscs) 5 60 14 13 218 Gastropoda (snails/slugs) 14 186 557 83 1,994 Enopla (worms) 0 1 3 0 6 Turbellaria (flatworms) 0 0 0 0 1 Anthozoa (Anemones and corals) 0 175 147 289 842 Hydrozoa (related to jellyfish and corals) 0 1 2 8 16 TOTAL FAUNA 45 4,448 4,830 16,226 32,765 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 523 Table 2. Top ten countries that hold the most threatened species (IUCN, 2008)= (M = mammals; B = birds; R = reptiles; A = amphibians; F = fishes; Mo = molluscs; 01 = other invertebrates; P = plants.) Marine extinction intensity through time, also displaying the different mass extinctions. The bar graph shows apparent percentages of marine animal genera becoming extinct during any given “1 Country M B R A F Mo OI P Total Ecuador 43 69 11 171 15 48 12 1,839 2,208 U.S.A. 37 74 32 58 164 273 312 244 1,192 Malaysia 70 42 21 47 49 19 207 686 1,141 Indonesia 133 115 27 33 111 3 229 386 1,087 Mexico 100 54 95 211 114 5 57 261 897 China 74 85 30 90 70 1 20 446 816 Australia 57 49 38 48 84 175 282 55 788 Brazil 82 122 22 30 84 21 15 382 738 India 96 76 25 65 40 2 109 246 659 Colombia 52 86 15 214 81 0 81 223 652 Table 3. Top ten countries for species extinct (EX) and extinct in the wild (EW) (IUCN, 2007) Rank Country EX! EW Country EX EW Animals Plants 1. U.S.A. 231 5 U.SJL 23 7 2. French Polynesia 69 10 Saint Helena 7 2 3, Mauritius 41 0 India 7 2 4. Australia 38 0 French Polynesia 6 0 5. Kenya 34 4 Brazil 5 1 6. Uganda 34 4 Cuba 4 1 7. Tanzania 33 5 China 8 1 8. Saint Helena 29 0 Yemen 3 0 9. New Zealand 20 0 Colombia 3 0 10. Sri Lanka 19 0 New Caledonia 3 0 4.1. Impact of global warming on species extinction Many species are currently showing that they are unable to adjust to global warming fast enough. The essence of the problem is timing. Cues that used to be very reliable are now beginning to fall short: for example, changes in timing of biological events (phenology), such as hatching and migration, have already been observed for many species (IPCC, 2008), Some species are managing to adapt, but human-induced climate change is happening much faster than it does from natural causes. The outcome is that species that can evolve with the increasing heat are the ones that are the quickest on their evolutionary feet - such as flies, mosquitoes and other insects with short reproduction times (Walker et aL, 2008). The most alarming thing is that global warming is not only affecting individual species, it is changing entire ecosystems. Coral reefs are turning white and the north polar ice cap is turning black! 5. Attitudes on global warming and mass extinctions By the early 1 9th century people believed the conversion from forests to croplands was altering the climate (for the better, it was assumed at the time). In the later 19th century, an official commission in Europe studied whether reforestation should be encouraged; this was probably the first example of governmental concern for human effects on climate (AIP, 2008). In the 1930s, the weather was noticeably getting warmer, and scientists began to postulate that modem civilization might cause global warming. In the early 1970s global warming began to concern a wider public, and by the end of the decade scientific opinion had settled on warming as most likely becoming evident around the year 2000 (AIP, 2008). 524 Animal Keepers' Forum, Vol 37, No. 12 Around 2005 the media reported that scientists had resolved the controversies relating to global warming. Films and ominous weather events gave the world’s population a better idea of what global warming might mean. However, research into the public’s attitudes towards global wanning show that the more aware people became the less they seemed to care. A telephone survey by Kellstedt et al. (2008) showed that more informed people both feel less personally responsible for global warming and also show less concern for global wanning. It also seems that people are more inclined to care about their own backyards instead of caring about the world as a whole. The U.S. public, while aware of the deteriorating global environment, is concerned predominantly with local and national environmental issues. Another survey (Konisky et al., 2008) shows that people are hesitant to support efforts concerning global issues, even though they believe that environmental quality is poorer at the global level than at the local and national level. This is surprising given the media attention global warming has received, and reflects the division of opinion about the severity of climate change. A study by Bockley and Hamilton (2007) showed that the general public is not concerned by or even interested in the issue of mass extinction - most people questioned in this study indicated that they were mainly concerned about nature being ‘dirty’. Hence it has been suggested that awareness about mass extinctions might be stimulated by including it in the whole topic of environmental collapse. Bockley and Hamilton believe that under the auspices of ‘nature as a cosmic cleaner’ we will be able to get mass extinction into the hearts and minds of the public - albeit indirectly. Research by Immerwahr (1999) shows that although awareness and sensitivity to environmental issues is widespread, concern about the environment has typically ranked behind other issues the public finds more pressing, such as education, the economy and crime. Convincing people of the seriousness of the problem is at best only part of the solution and may, in fact, be counterproductive. The public is frustrated and confused. More talk about the seriousness of the problem may only increase their sense of hopelessness rather than leading to productive debate and dialogue. 5.1. Media on global warming and extinctions Today we are more informed about species extinctions, habitat loss, biodiversity loss and global warming due to a variety of media (television, Internet, newspapers). Life on earth, as we know it, is ‘going’ (Tait, 2008). Global warming and extinctions are currently the topics of discussion, and sensationalising these topics sells! Editors and journalists know that their ‘doom and gloom’ stories in newspapers attract great interest. They may not realize, however, that they cause apathy towards the subjects. Scientists also need to learn how to deal with increasingly sensationalist mass media. In a U.K. publication in 2004, headlines claimed that one million species would go extinct within 50 years: the essence of the source literature, though, was that - depending on the assumptions made - a variable proportion of land animals and plants might eventually go extinct as a consequence of the next 50 years of climate change. Twenty-nine articles reported on this study, and errors were found in 26 of them (Ladle et al., 2005). Overstating the implications of preliminary research opens environmental science to damning critiques by the anti-environmental lobby. This could increase public cynicism and complacency about climate change and biodiversity. 5.2. The next generation Internet search engines such as Google now give large amounts of information on extinctions and global warming. When one searches for information on animals, most websites now list what conservation status the species concerned holds. The current and next generations will utilize the Internet more than ever before, and will therefore become more informed about topics such as global warming. Ironically, as global warming awareness has increased, so has the popularity of disaster scenarios. Many books, articles and films have been produced about impending climate disasters. Besides the Internet, the next generation now gets inundated with topics such as global wanning and extinctions through movies as well: animated films such as Ice Age and Ice Age 2 give children some background information on these topics. Another box office hit, The Day After Tomorrow, has attracted large Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 525 crowds (with a total revenue of nearly US$550 million, and an additional $110 million in DVD sales), indicating that people are extremely interested in the topic. Many documentaries are also produced on the topic of global warming: An Inconvenient Truth, The Age of Warming and An Earth Story are just some of the more familiar ones (Wikipedia, 2008; Walker et al., 2008). The next generation is being inundated with global warming, and not just in the media. People are now even trying to gain profit from global warming by selling T-shirts with slogans such as ‘Global Warming is so HOT right now’. The worst thing is that this type of clothing is purchased for children who do not even realize what global wanning is. The fact is that global warming is indeed ‘hot5 in a commercial sense: but the question remains, do the sales of items relating to global warming indicate that people are more aware of the issue and therefore more keen to take action, or do they simply mean that the topic is being ridiculed (and therefore dismissed)? As an industry that promotes conservation, zoos should ensure that topics such as extinctions and global warming are not taken too lightly. 6, The roles of zoos The zoo industry has an obligation to contribute to in situ management, whether by making financial contributions towards habitat reconstruction or by ensuring we have healthy captive populations to enable us to contribute to reintroductions if necessary (and possible). At present, two thirds of the top 100 EDGE mammal species receive little or no conservation attention (EDGE, 2008). As a zoo industry, we need to ensure we do our part for conservation. We will be unable to protect all species from extinction, but to be able to save some, correct population management is becoming more important than ever. There are many difficulties associated with captive breeding programs. Inbreeding can lead to lower reproductive success (lower fertility and higher infant mortality). Reduced genetic variability can lead to genetic defects becoming a main feature in a small population. Ensuring that the genetic variability is high gives wild populations advantages such as bigger chances of surviving diseases and a better ability to cope with challenges such as global warming. Correct studbook maintenance and data analysis can determine whether or not a population will be able to exist in captivity for the long term or, even more importantly, to provide animals to reintroduce to the wild. We therefore need to promote population management in all aspects of our business. Population management is now more important than ever before, as we are losing more species at a faster rate. We would be better off focusing our time and efforts into managing a selected few species extremely well, rather than unsuccessfully ‘managing5 all of them. The question is, should we focus on those species that are closest to extinction or those which we have been successful in managing so far, but which could be the next on the extinction list? We have already lost many species, and others have been reduced to such low numbers that we are too late to save them from extinction. These species are sometimes referred to as the ‘living dead5 - they are already on borrowed time. For thousands of others, however, we could still be in time. We should all be striving to make the world a better and safer place for all species. 7. Where to from here? Most people have now realized that climate change is upon us. However, most do not realize that the world will experience significant and potentially highly dangerous changes in climate over the next few decades no matter what we do now. Changes to our carbon habits will take several decades to have any effect, which means that whatever we do today to reduce global warming will benefit our children’s generation and beyond, but not our own. The problem of climate change and therefore extinctions is one of legacy (Walker et al., 2008). Zoos focus a lot on how we can market ourselves as a conservation-focused industry. We should continue to create awareness, but we need to ensure that extinctions are not discussed as a separate issue. For example, it might be better for us to focus on the global warming aspect and explain that this leads to species extinctions, rather than discussing species extinctions as a separate ‘issue5. We should not inundate our visitors with all the doom and gloom in the world, but rather keep showing them the positive things we as an industry have achieved over the years. A great example would be 526 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 the scimitar-homed oryx, which went extinct in the wild in 1972, but thanks to captive-breeding efforts has now been reintroduced to the wild (McGavin, 2006). We also need to ensure that we give the right example to our visitors; our actions need to speak louder than words. ‘Reduce, reuse and recycle’ is by now an environmental cliche: however, it does help to cut down greenhouse emissions - much of the stuff we throw away ends up in landfills, where it creates methane, an even more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. We need to bring messages about how to help save the environment (and hence reduce global warming and the species extinction rate) across to our visiting public (and our staff). Reducing global warming is something we all need to start with in our own homes and in our workplaces. We need to accept that a cut in our profits can help us to reduce the impact we make on the environment: our souvenir shops should be using eco-friendly bags and we should promote the sales of locally-made and/or recycled products. Additionally we should inform our staff what the purpose is of turning electrical devices off at the wall (leaving items on standby contributes at least 1% to our greenhouse gas emissions); ensure our work spaces are well insulated and do not overheat the buildings (since 1970 indoor temperatures in houses in the U.K. have risen by about 5°C); change over to eco-friendly light bulbs (it saves on your power bill and on emissions); cut down on vehicle use - road vehicles account for 10% of all global greenhouse gas emissions (Walker et ah, 2008). Attacking climate change also needs a mental change for all of us: stay informed - the background knowledge on climate change is developing constantly; be open-minded - we can make a difference by being prepared to consider some of the more controversial solutions to problems. When voting, take into consideration where candidates stand on climate issues. Keep the climate in mind with every financial decision you make. Act locally, change globally: pressure from local organizations can sway national policies on climate change. A major thing to be aware of is that making people feel guilty makes them less likely to act, not more! It is a good idea to openly admire other people’s efforts to cut back: the latest research shows that people are more likely to act altruistically over climate if they feel it enhances their reputation (Walker et al., 2008). Apart from all this, though, we must not forget that our primary task is to preserve the animal populations in our zoos as back-up populations for the wild. We need more commitment to population management - as an industry we cannot expect a handful of people to ‘keep our animals safe’. If we want to go on displaying animals, we need to plan ahead and work together to ensure the long-term survival of species to display. It is time for us to act; we no longer have the luxury of debating about what to do, which we have done for far too long. We need to take action now to help protect what is currently still available, so that future generations will not have to live on a planet that has lost a vast range of species. References and Further Reading Bockley, M., and Hamilton, A. (2007): The Sixth Mass Extinction. Prepared for the Planetwork Averting Extinction Program and the Threshold Foundation. www.planetwork.net/biodiversity/6XFocusReport.pdf. Braasch, G. (2007): Earth Under Fire: How Global Warming is Changing the World. University of California Press, Berkeley. Glavin, T. (2006): The Sixth Extinction: Journeys Among the Lost and Left Behind. Thomas Dunne, New York. Hunter, P. (2007): The human impact on biological diversity. EMBO Reports 8: 316-318. Hutching, G. (2004): Back from the Brink: the Fight to Save Our Endangered Birds. Penguin Books, Auckland. Hutching, G. (2004): The Natural World of New Zealand. Penguin Books, Auckland. Immerwahr, J. (1999): Waiting for a signal: public attitudes toward global wanning, the environment and geophysical research. Public Agenda, New York. Kellstedt, P.M., Zahran, S., and Vedlitz, A. (2008): Personal efficacy, the information environment, and attitudes toward global warming and climate change in the United States. Risk Analysis 28 (1): 113-126. Konisky, D.M., Milyo, J., and Richardson, L.E. (2008): Environmental policy attitudes: issues, geographical scale, and political trust. Social Science Quarterly 89 (5): 1066-1085. Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 527 Ladle, R.J., Jepson, R, Araujo, M.B., and Whittaker, RJ. (2005): Crying wolf on climate change and extinction. Biodiversity Research Group, University of Oxford, McCulloch, B. (1992): Moas: Lost Giants of New Zealand. HarperCollins, Auckland. McGavin, G.C. (2006): Endangered: Wildlife on the Brink of Extinction. Cassell, London, Michaels, RJ. (2004): Meltdown: the Predictable Distortion of Global Warming by Scientists, Politicians, and the Media. Cato Institute, Washington. Morris, R., and Smith, H, (1998): Wild South: Saving New Zealand’s Endangered Birds. TYNZ/Centuiy Hutchinson, Auckland. Kaup, D.M. (1992): Extinction: Bad Genes or Bad Luck? W.W. Norton, New York. Tan;, M. (2008): Going, Going, Gone? Think Books, London. Walker, G., and King, D. (2008): The Hot Topic: How to Tackle Global Warming and Still Keep the Lights On. Bloomsbury, London. fll Websites American Institute for Physics (AIP) (2008): www.aip.org/history/climate/public.htmL Australasian Regional Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria (ARAZPA) (2008): www. arazpa. org.au. Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE) (2008): www. edgeofexistence . org . Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (2008): www.ipcc.ch. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) (2008): www.iucn.org and www.iucnredlist.org. Wikipedia - The FreeEncyclopedia (2008) www.wikipedia.org/ Appendix I. Vertebrate species and subspecies believed to have become extinct since 2000. (IUCN and BirdLife International, various dates). • Baiji or Yangtse dolphin (. Lipotes vexillifer ), China, functionally extinct since 2006, believed to be extinct 2008. • West African black rhino ( Diceros bicornis longipes ), Cameroon, probably extinct by 2006. • Pyrenean ibex ( Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica), extinct by 2000. • Alaotra grebe ( Tachybaptus rufolavatus ), Madagascar, declared extinct in 2010. • Spix’s macaw ( Cyanopsitta spixii ), Brazil, extinct in the wild by 2004. • Po’o-uli or black-faced honeycreeper (Melamposops phaeosoma), Hawaii, functionally extinct by 2004. • Kama’o or large Kauai thrush ( Myadestes myadestinus), Hawaii, extinct by 2004. • Hawaiian crow ( Corvus hawaiiensis), Hawaii, extinct in the wild by 2004. • Golden toad (. Incilius periglenes), Costa Rica, extinct by 2007. • Craugastor escoces (frog with no common name), Costa Rica, extinct by 2007. • Holdridge’s toad (, Incilius holdridgei), Costa Rica, extinct by 2007. Contact information for the author : Tineke Nielsen- Joustra, Registrar, Auckland Zoo, Private Bag, Grey Lynn, Auckland 1002, New Zealand email: Tineke.NielseeJoustra@aucklaedcity.gGvt.nz 528 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 Where Have All the Big Bears Gone? Churchill’s Population First to Raise Questions By Barbara Nielsen, Communications Director Polar Bears International When Dr. Ian Stirling began a long-term study of the polar bears of Churchill, Manitoba, in the late ‘70s, it wasn’t unusual to see huge male polar bears — some with bellies so fat they almost dragged the ground — and females with pudgy triplet cubs. Hudson Bay typically froze by early November. Its thick, solid ice provided the bears with productive seal-hunting grounds well into the summer. By the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, however, freeze-up dates were arriving later and Stirling and his colleague, Dr. Andrew Derocher, also began to see a troubling decline in the weight of Churchill’s bears. They wondered: Were the changes in the Western Hudson Bay bears due to natural population fluctuations — or were they the harbinger of something larger, like climate warming? The View from the Buggy At about that time, PBI’s founder, Dan Guravich, who had been visiting Cape Churchill for nearly a decade to photograph the fall gathering of bears, asked Stirling, “Where have all the big bears gone?” Guravich told the scientist that he and his photographer friends no longer saw large male bears at the Cape in late fall. “I thought this was a telling observation and it reinforced my impression that something was indeed happening,” Stirling recalls. The data backed up those observations. It showed that: • Polar bears of all age and sex classes were losing weight over time • Fewer female bears were having triplet litters • Some female bears were losing their cubs — and having new ones two years in a row • Fewer cubs were being weaned successfully at 1.5 years of age, which is unusual in most of the polar bear’s range but had been a frequent occurrence in Western Hudson Bay Concerned about these trends — and aware of the fact that Hudson Bay was experiencing longer and longer ice-free seasons — Stirling and Derocher wrote the first paper suggesting a potential link between climate change and the health of polar bear populations (“Possible Effects of Climate Warming on Polar Bears,” 1993). Meanwhile they, along with Stirling’s later students, continued to monitor the population ecology and physical condition of the Western Hudson Bay polar bears. Mounting Evidence Just six years later, in 1999, Stirling and his colleagues, Dr. Nick Lunn and John lacozza, published the first results that clearly tied the warming climate and earlier ice breakup to a loss of condition in the Western Hudson Bay polar bears and changes in their reproduction. These factors set the stage for a decline in the population of 22% between 1987 and 2004. Since then, Stirling says, several more scientific papers published from the long-term database, Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 529 established and sustained by his project, have now additionally, and clearly, confirmed statistically significant cause-and-effect relationships between: • The warming climate in Hudson Bay • Progressively earlier breakup dates that limit the polar bears’ ability to feed at the most important time of year • Reduced reproduction • Reduced survival of cubs, subadults, and old bears in relation to early breakup of the sea ice Earlier thaw of the ice flows on which polar bears depend for hunting their food may paint a bleak picture for the species’ long-term survival in the Arctic. (Photo: b.j. Kirschhojfer) Indeed, new modeling work by Dr. Andrew Derocher and his Ph.D. student, Dr. Peter K. Molnar, predicts that the Western Hudson Bay population will be reduced to just a handful of bears by 2035. More worrisome, several straight years of longer ice-free seasons — or one very long ice-free season — could lead to a collapse much sooner. What Does This Mean? The Western Hudson Bay and Southern Hudson Bay populations of polar bears are the most southerly. Research by other scientists shows that the negative effects documented in Western Hudson Bay are now in progress in Southern Hudson Bay. “Unless climate warming is stopped or reversed, the same trend will follow in several other populations in the foreseeable future,” Stirling says. This means that the time for action on climate change is now — by individuals, corporations, and governments. Dr. Ian Stirling, a senior advisory council scientist with FBI, is a research scientist emeritus with Environment Canada and an adjunct professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton. He has conducted research on polar bears and polar seals (Arctic and Antarctic) for 44 years. He participates in a number of national and international committees on polar bears and marine mammals and has authored or co-authored over 200 scientific articles and three books. 530 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 Scientists Find Human-Caused Climate Change at Root of Diminishing Water Flow in Western U.S, The Rocky Mountains have warmed by two degrees Fahrenheit. The snowpack in the Sierras has dwindled by 20% and the temperatures there have heated up by 1.7 degrees Fahrenheit. All could lead to dire consequences for the water supply in the Western United States, including California. Scientists have noted that water flow in the West has decreased for the last 20 to 30 years, but had never explained why it was happening. Until now. Scientists from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison in collaboration with Scripps Institution of Oceanography, have pinpointed the cause of that diminishing water flow on a regional scale: humans. “We looked at whether there is a human-caused climate change where we live, and in aspects of our climate that we really care about,” said Benjamin Santer of LLNL and co-author of the paper. “No matter what we did, we couldn’t shake this robust conclusion that human-caused warming is affecting water resources here in the Western United States.” By looking at air temperatures, river flow and snowpack over the last 50 years, the team determined that the human-induced increase in greenhouse gases has seriously affected the water supply in the West. And the future brings more of the same. “It’s pretty much the same throughout all of the Western United States,” said Tim Barnett of Scripps and a co-author of the paper. “The results are being driven by temperature change. And that temperature change is caused by us.” The team scaled down global climate models to the regional scale and compared the results to observations over the last 50 years. The results were solid, giving the team confidence that they could use the same models to predict the effects of the global scale increase in greenhouse gases on the Western United States in the future. The projected consequences are bleak. By 2040, most of the snowpack in the Sierras and Colorado Rockies would melt by 1 April of each year because of rising air temperatures. The earlier snow melt would lead to a shift in river flows.The shift could lead to flooding in California’s Central Valley. Currently, state reservoirs are filled during the rainy season. As the water is drawn down, the reservoirs are replenished with snow melt from the Sierras. If that snow melts earlier, as predicted in the climate models, the reservoirs could overflow. “We are headed for a water crisis in the Western United States that has already started,” Barnett said. “A couple of decades ahead, we might not have that snowpack, making us more susceptible to flooding.” Santer said the increase in predicted river flow should be a wake- up call to officials that the water supply infrastructure needs to be updated now, as opposed to waiting until the situation is urgent. Source:The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by DOE/Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. (2/1/08) Big Cat Internships Available Join us in “Saving Tigers One by One” As seen on Animal Planet® “Growing Up Tiger” Apply at: www.tigercreek.org Learn about Big 'Cat Management. Internship involves Animal Care Apprentice and Public Education. We offer experience that counts towards employment. TIGER MISSING LINK FOUNDATION / TIGER CREEK WILDLIFE REFUGE Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 531 A Call to /Action for Polar Bears By Jeff Owen, Animal Management Supervisor North Carolina Zoological Park, Asheboro , NC Polar bears ( Ursus maritimus ) need our immediate help. Their ability to live, thrive and survive is being threatened by current and projected changes in their environment. While estimated timelines vary, most scientists agree that, unless there are positive changes, polar bears will be unable to adapt and will disappear from the arctic in a relatively short period of time. !■ Most of us have heard the terms: global climate change, global wanning, arctic warming, greenhouse gases, greenhouse effect, and carbon footprint. Most of us are also aware that these are controversial issues with many varying opinions, as recently demonstrated by the Copenhagen Denmark Summit. Global climate change is the sum result of the other terms mentioned. It refers to actual and projected changes in temperature, weather and climate, and effects on plants, animals and mankind. For this article, I will concentrate on arctic warming and its effects on the future of polar bears. Much of the controversy of this subject centers on the causes of global and arctic warming. Is this the earth going through a natural cycle or is it caused by the activity of man? Scientific data collected over the last several decades is very clear that the activity of mankind has, at the very least, significantly accelerated the warming of the climate. In addition, the arctic region is warming an estimated three times faster than the rest of the planet. The basic cause of arctic warming is a buildup of carbon, in the form of carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere. This buildup causes a greenhouse effect. The sun’s energy penetrates the atmosphere and warms the earth. This warmth radiates upward, is trapped by the carbon layer and not allowed to escape from the atmosphere as it should. This trapped heat energy causes warming. Fossil fuel emissions are the primary source of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Sources such as automobiles, heating, factories, etc. add to the amount of carbon put into the atmosphere and the level is steadily rising. A secondary source for atmospheric carbon is deforestation. Trees and other plants draw in carbon dioxide from the air and produce oxygen through photosynthesis. As rainforests arid other forests and lands are cleared of trees worldwide, the earth loses its ability to cleanse the atmosphere. More carbon is going into the atmosphere while less is being removed by the natural process of plants. As a result, we are fast approaching a level of atmospheric carbon that will have catastrophic results if not first leveled off and then reversed. So how is arctic warming affecting polar bears? Polar bears need ice to survive. Simply put, no ice equals no bears. The primary food source for polar bears is the ringed seal (Pusa hispida ). Polar bears must wait for ice to form to find and hunt the seals. Without ice, they would be unable to access their food source. Polar bears also mate and bear their cubs on the ice. Females with new or first-year cubs will make a den in the ice and spend the worst part of the winter there as these cubs are not yet strong enough for the worst part of the winter. Without this protection, the cubs would perish. I The effects of warming have already had a well-documented and significant impact on the ice of the arctic region and the bears there. For many years, numerous scientists have studied the situation from varied standpoints. Climate, polar bear predation, reproduction, behavior and health as well as seasonal ice and long-term ice have all been studied independently. Study results capture a common theme: the ice is disappearing rapidly and the effects on polar bears have already become significant in the more southern regions with expectations that these effects will continue to progress northward. Seasonal ice is that which forms in the winter and melts in the spring. Bears wait for the ice to form and then head out for their season of hunting. As winter ends, bears return ashore to wait for the next winter. They may find food from time to time, but for the most part, this is a period of fasting until the next winter. It is critical that their hunting be successful to build up body stores of fat to survive. 532 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 Research is showing that the seasonal ice, on average, is forming three weeks later and melting three weeks earlier, thereby cutting short the time bears have to feed. Scientists are finding that many bears are coming ashore in poor condition, especially in the more southern range of polar bears where the change in seasonal ice is already dramatic. Undernourished females are having smaller litters, and the survival rate of cubs is dropping since some females have not fed enough to produce enough milk to support the cubs. Long-term ice, which bears reach via the seasonal ice, is also decreasing. Pictures taken over 30 years with satellite imagery show the ice is shrinking and is an estimated 40% thinner. As stated before, polar bears must have ice to survive. As a top predator, polar bears are a very specialized animal, making them more vulnerable to change. Nature finds a way for life to adapt, but such adaptations can take decades or centuries. The environment in the arctic is changing much too fast and bears have no time for such adaptations. It is estimated that with the current rate of increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide, a “tipping point” could be reached in 5-7 years where the level is so high that seasonal ice cannot form. Long-term ice could be gone, by some estimations, within 5-20 years. If this happens, southern populations of polar bears will quickly decline, followed by the northern populations, in a short period of time. That’s the bad news, but there is hope and action that we can take. We must reduce our carbon footprint. It has taken decades to create the problem of greenhouse gases and, even with appropriate action, it will take decades to correct. But we do not have to eliminate atmospheric carbon to save the polar bears and put the earth heading in the right direction. We need to stop the increase, level it off and not reach that “tipping point” where ice cannot form. Most scientists agree that this is an achievable goal with immediate and decisive action. Most of us are already aware of how we can reduce our carbon footprint. We need to reduce emission of carbon dioxide and increase the reabsorbtion of carbon dioxide already in the atmosphere. Reduce emissions, for example, by buying the vehicle with the best gas mileage in the type of vehicle you need. Saving energy reduces emissions since many types of production of electricity produce carbon dioxide. Recycle and buy recycled products. Some bottled water containers, for example, are petroleum-based and therefore connected to emissions in their production. Discourage deforestation and encourage reforestation. Plant trees and participate in organized tree-planting events. And finally, spread the word and encourage others to do the same. No one can do it alone. There are many ways to take the actions just mentioned, and the possibilities are too numerous to list here. There are a multitude of organizations and websites that can give excellent suggestions on reducing emissions, saving energy, recycling and reforestation. The future of polar bears is in out hands. There is no risk to the action steps just described, there can only be positive results. Effects will not be immediate, and polar-bear populations will decline, but hope does remain if we take immediate action. Working together we can make a difference and ensure that polar bears survive for generations to come, and the actions that save polar bears will surely improve countless other issues on the planet that are ultimately affected by global climate change. For more information on polar bears, the science of global climate change and what you can do to decrease our carbon footprint, please visit the following websites. www.polarbearsintemational.org www.acia.uaf.edu Captive Polar Bear at the North Carolina Zoo. (Photo: Jeff Owen) Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 533 The Chagos archipelago consists of 55 tiny islands scattered across 544,000km2 of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT). They represent about 50% of the healthy reefs left in the Indian Ocean, a region where many reefs are over-exploited and degraded. By Rachel Jones Zoological Society of London The announced protection of the Chagos Archipelago, thanks to the support of many zoological associations and others, is a very good start. But there’s much more work to be done The islands represent vital safe havens for nesting birds, turtles and the spectacular coconut crab ( 8 signs latro ) the worlds biggest arthropod. The reefs are in incredibly good condition due to their remote location and the lack of anthropogenic pressures such as pollution and overfishing. Yet there have been impacts on the area from human activity. A military base on Biego Garcia, for example, now has a resident population of about 3,000 people. Islands where copra plantations once operated are now overrun with coconut palms and in many cases rats, which predate nestling birds and turtles. Most damaging of all are the two tuna fisheries that spend about a month of the year in BIOT waters. Levels of by-catch are staggering and account for approximately 10,000 sharks and the same number of rays each season. For all these reasons the Chagos Environment Network (CEN) has spent the last two years campaigning hard to get more attention and more protection for this special place. The UK government launched a public consultation at the end of 2009 to gather information and opinions on the prospect of more statutory protection. By the end of the extended consultation period over a quarter of a million people in 223 countries across the world had pledged their support for a complete no-take zone across BIOT. Significant support also came from the zoo and aquarium community with statements of support from BIAZA, EAZA, EUAC, IAF and AZA, individual letters from zoos and aquariums and pages of signatures collected in aquariums throughout the UK. Many regional associations and organizations featured the Chagos campaign link (www. protectchagos.org) on their websites. On 1 April 2010 the UK government announced its plan to declare the entire British Indian Ocean Territory a Marine Protected Area (MPA). The initiative, though not without controversy, has in one move increased the total of strictly protected areas in the world’s oceans by 40%. The Chagos archipelago now represents a sanctuary in the Indian Ocean where natural habitats can exist without exploitation and provide a benchmark against which to compare changes to reefs elsewhere. The 534 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 consultation report recognized the value of the responses from individuals and organizations, demonstrating the impact that zoos and aquariums can have in these initiatives. There is still a long way to go in terms of building and implementing a management and enforcement structure for the Chagos. The cost of patrolling, monitoring and dealing with illegal fishing is costly, but is a vital element of the project. Illegal fishing for shark fins and sea cucumbers will continue to be threats and will need to be controlled. Discussions with all stakeholders will continue and may have impacts on the way the MPA develops. Crucially, the closure of the tuna fisheries will need to be closely monitored if its effects on the pelagic species of Chagos and the wider region are to be properly understood. While the negotiations and legal wrangling that will lead to a well thought out and durable framework for the Chagos go on, the key hurdle has already been overcome. By setting out the aspiration to protect for the future valuable areas of our marine environment the UK has placed a marker of intent. There are other extremely large protected areas in the pipeline around the world, perhaps all made a little bit more likely by the declaration of the worlds biggest to date - the Chagos Marine Protected Area. Reprinted with permission from EAZA s quarterly magazine, Zooquaria (Issue 70/Summer 2010) Global Warming To Seriously A ffect Global Health Ice caps and glaciers are melting. Ocean levels are rising. Whatever is causing it, there’s no longer any way to deny that global warming is for real. By now, it’s well known that rising temperatures could have all sorts of environmental consequences. What’s less well known is that global wanning could have serious effects on global health, too. Medical scientists at University College, London, working with the medical journal The Lancet , published a landmark study of how climate change might impact our health. They came up with some disturbing conclusions. Changing Temperatures, Changing Infections - For example, warming could change patterns of infection, enabling diseases such as malaria and dengue fever to spread outside their normally tropical zones. Rising temperatures could also trigger heat waves resulting in thousands of deaths. Other possible effects are less direct. There’s evidence that hotter conditions could harm crop yields, resulting in less grain and higher food prices. As demand increases in places like China and India, food shortages could lead to increased hunger and even starvation. People living in the world’s poorest areas would suffer the most. A “Doomsday Scenario” - Finally, rising sea levels and drought caused by global warming could result in large migrations. And masses of people moving inland from the coast, or from rural to crowded urban areas, raises the risk for disease outbreaks of all sorts. Now, this may sound like an unrealistic doomsday scenario. When it comes to climate change, there are many unknowns-from just how high temperatures will rise to the exact nature of the environmental and health consequences. There’s no denying it; our planet is wanning. And the evidence is mounting that, concerning global health, serious problems might be on the way. Source: http://indianapublicmedia.org/amomentofscience/ global-warming-global-health/ By Jeremy Shere /Posted September 9, 2009 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 535 Walruses Seeking Refuge in Alaska According to Rick Newman from Universal Press Syndicate’s earthweek.com, “Walruses have joined polar bears and other creatures that are acutely affected by the record decline of Arctic sea ice in recent years. Researchers from the USGS found that for the third time in four years, unprecedented numbers of the marine mammals are congregating onshore in northwest Alaska due to the lack of an icepack.” “Large numbers of walrus calves have been found swimming in the Arctic alone, presumably abandoned by their mothers while they were making an arduous ice-free journey to shore. The bulky animals normally float on ice over the summer, occasionally diving to the sea floor to forage for food. But again this year, tens of thousands have been forced to swim to land and crowd together in Alaska and Siberia due to ice-free conditions.” ■ llgggi ■■ MMid ■ H : C V? -V ■' ■ ■■ l| SUM ill ApNFFA-.- 9H j|S V!'::vw v A A .A vyyyyX; ?■ vvyg yd .wyy HI AAvWyycyyy {NoNNsN-NtAiNNiF . 11! ■Bni fiSi !«£ mm . m. . ISJgp Wmm ■ WMmm ry ;;-r--;yyty:Al 8. :v: ■ . ‘ yy»:- Walruses are pinnipeds and are the only living members of the family odobenidae. Males can weigh 4400 pounds with females weighing two-thirds as much. The most prominent feature of the walrus is its tusks, which occurs in both sexes. The tusks can reach three feet in length and weigh twelve pounds. Males use them for fighting, dominance and display, and they are also used for forming and maintaining holes in the sea ice and for hauling out onto the ice. Walruses are opportunistic in their diet, which consists of shrimp, crabs, sea cucumbers, mollusks and clams. Walruses are not considered endangered or threatened, with the Pacific population estimated at 200,000. However, it is unknown what the long-term effects of a rapidly melting Arctic will mean for the walrus population. Want to see a walrus in the wild? Everyone knows Frontiers North Adventures is the premier outfitter providing polar bear viewing from a world-famous Tundra Buggy®. But did you know they lead authentic wildlife adventures throughout Canada’s north, every season of the year? Whether your passion is polar bears, belugas, or walrus, check out www.frontiersnorth.com to plan your next adventure. (Frontiers North Adventures is a Platinum Sponsor of the AAZK/Polar Bears International Keeper Leadership Camp.) 536 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 Climate Change and Amphibians By Kevin Zippel, Program Director Amphibian Ark, Apple Valley, MN Amphibians Matter Amphibians are an important component of the global ecosystem. In New York State, the biomass of one diminutive salamander species alone is equal to that of all the white-tailed deer. If you think that is impressive, that same salamander species in Virginia has a biomass 7x as great, another salamander species in Japan has a biomass 50x as great, and a frog species in Puerto Rico has a biomass 150x as great. For those of us living in white-tailed deer country, try to imagine 150x as many deer running around and you will start to have some comprehension of the keystone role just one single amphibian species can have in its ecosystem. All of those amphibians can serve as food for predators in their community, and current research is documenting that in areas of the world where amphibians are disappearing, so too are their specialist predators (Karen Lips, pers. com.). Amphibians are also voracious predators themselves, with a single population of cricket frogs, for example, able to consume 5 million invertebrates in one year (Bruce and Christiansen 1976). Many of those invertebrates are pests of our crops and vectors of human disease. Clearly, amphibians play a vital role in nature. Amphibians are also important indicators of environmental health. The same thin skin that helps them to drink and to breathe also makes them susceptible to pollutants, more so than other tetrapods. For example, consider Atrazine, the most widely used herbicide in the US and probably the world, and a potent endocrine disruptor. At low concentrations of Atrazine— lower than those the USDA says is safe in drinking water and lower than those found at the tap in millions of American homes— male clawed frogs can be chemically sterilized or even turned into females (Hayes et al. 2010). Because of their generally conspicuous presence in the environment and chemical sensitivity relative to other tetrapods, amphibians can be a considered a canary in the coalmine, valuable sentinels for human health concerns. And amphibians are important contributors to human medicine. All amphibians have poison glands, with species-specific poisons of various potency and structure. Many of those poisons can be refined for use in human medicine. For example, a South American frog has yielded an analgesic that is 2Q0x more potent than morphine without any of the addictive side effects (Spande et al. 1992), and an Australian treefrog produces a peptide that blocks the transmission of HIV across mucous membranes in humans (VanCompemolle 2005). Every time an amphibian species goes extinct, potential treatments to human ailments disappear as well. Amphibians Are in Trouble An ongoing Global Amphibian Assessment reveals that as many as 158 amphibian species are believed recently extinct, nearly one in three remaining species is currently threatened with extinction, and one in four is so poorly known that they can only be called Data Deficient (IUCN et al. 2010). Amphibians have a higher number of globally threatened species than any other group of organisms except flowering plants and a higher percentage of threatened species than any other group except gymnosperms. Moreover, the rate at which Small-mouthed Salamander (Ambystoma texanum) (Photo: Tim Krynak) Green Tree Frog (Hyla cinerea) (Photo: Tim Krynak) Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 537 amphibian species are going extinct is now hundreds or thousands of times higher than historic levels (McCallum, 2007; Roelants et ah, 2007). This crisis represents the greatest extinction event in the history of amphibians and perhaps the greatest taxon-specific conservation challenge in the history of humanity. Climate Change Among the Threats Amphibians face a variety of threats, including, like every other species on the planet, climate change. Climate change is an enigmatic threat for any taxon. Although we know enough about it that we should be seriously concerned, we simply do not know exactly how, when, and to what extent it will manifest, let alone how species might respond. As such, there is inconsistency in how climate change is considered as a threat among experts, although most do now recognize that it is on track to become one of the greatest threats to all life on earth. Compare climate change to a more ‘traditional’ and tangible threat like habitat modification: IUCN Red List assessors consider various forms of habitat modification a threat for 3766 of 6284 amphibian species. On the other hand, only 397 species are currently considered to face the threat “climate change and extreme weather”. By comparison, amphibian chytridiomycosis, for all the attention it has received, is only known to have affected 350 species to date (Fisher et al. 2009, Skerratt et al. 2007). Climate change is something of an enigma and consequently does not receive the attention it deserves, from politicians or amphibian biologists. Clearly though, some amphibian species are already being impacted. Reproductive activities, in particular, seem dependant on temperature and seasonal transitions. Significantly earlier breeding activity in seasonal temperate anurans and caudates has been reported from Japan (Kusano and Inoue 2008), the UK (Beebee 2002, Chadwick et al. 2006), and the US (Gibbs and Breisch 2001). Gibbs and Breisch (2001) | compared first dates of seasonal calling for six anuran | species near Ithaca NY at the beginning vs. the end of 1 the 20th century and found that four species now call up to 13 days earlier, whereas two are unchanged. Beebee (2002) summarized similar observations from the UK where two species of anuran and four caudates are breeding significantly earlier while two other anurans are breeding increasingly earlier but not yet significantly so. Zurucuchu Robber Frog (Pristimantis w -nigrum) (Photo: Tim Krynak) Changes in temperature patterns can also affect species’ distributions. Seimon et al. (2007) reported an altitudinal increase in the range of three Peruvian anurans (and indeed a new altitudinal record for all of Amphibia) following the recent retreat of Andean glaciers. Raxworthy et al. (2008) measured a mean temperature increase of 0.34-0.40°C on one Malagasy massif over a 10-year period. Correlated with that temperature shift were 1 9-5 1 m upslope range displacements in 30 species of amphibians and reptiles whose populations were moving up the mountain to stay in their preferred temperature zones. Two species, however, were already at the top of the massif and disappeared. The US Appalachian Mountains are considered one of or perhaps the greatest hotspot for salamander biodiversity, but Milanovich et al. (2010) project that climate change will cause significant decline in suitable habitat and loss of hotspot status as early as 2020. Of course, changes in temperature drive changes in precipitation, and the availability of water is perhaps more paramount to the survival of amphibians than it is for any other tetrapod group. Whitfield et al. (2007) documented -75% decline in both amphibian and reptile communities at La Selva Costa Rica for over 35 years and suggested climate-driven loss of leaf litter as a cause. McMenamin et al. (2008) correlated a 50% decline in amphibian populations in Yellowstone National Park (the world’s oldest nature reserve) with an increase in temperature and decrease in precipitation over 60 538 Animal Keepers’ Forum, VoL 37, No. 12 years. Rovito et al (2009) documented widespread and severe declines of upland salamanders in Mexico and Guatemala and presented a convincing case for causation by changes in precipitation and humidity associated with adjacent deforestation. Foden et al. (2008) predicted that 52% of amphibian species are likely to be 'particularly susceptible 5 to climate change, based on biological traits like “specialized habitat requirements, limited dispersal ability and water-dependent larvae.’5 Over one half of these species are ones that are not currently threatened, potentially pushing the number of threatened amphibians from 32% to 60% and quadrupling the number that require rescue. In other words, even though the amphibian extinction crisis is already the greatest in the history of humanity, we ain’t seen nothin’ yet. It should also be noted that some authors have tried to suggest a dependent link between climate change and the disease amphibian chytridiomycosis. However, other authors have debunked that hypothesis (e.g.. Lips et al. 2008), even finding that banana and beer production are better correlated to amphibian extinctions (Rohr et al 2008). Both climate change and disease are devastating threats by themselves without the need to derive and overemphasize some synergistic conspiracy theory. If a significant synergy does indeed exist, it has yet to be clearly demonstrated. The Amphibian Ark With so many amphibians already threatened, and so many more quickly becoming so, the need for conservation action is profound and urgent. Fortunately, many of the threats that amphibians face can be mitigated in the wild. For example, since habitat modification is currently the top threat, protection of key habitat areas is clearly the simplest and most effective conservation action. However, threats like climate change and disease simply cannot be addressed in the wild in the foreseeable future, and species facing these threats will go extinct if they are not rescued. The Amphibian Ark ( A Ark) was launched in 2006 to help those species that cannot currently be safeguarded in the wild. The A Ark serves as the umbrella organization globally uniting all groups that practice ex situ conservation of amphibians, e.g., zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens, natural history museums, nature centers, universities, government agencies, NGOs, and of course the private sector. Amphibian Ark staff help to raise awareness and funds, conduct assessment workshops to identify the conservation needs of each species, lead husbandry workshops to share expertise, and build partnerships to share resources where they are most needed. We are already tracking over 100 priority species in captive programs. You can read more about the Amphibian Ark, and become a member for free, at www. Amphibian Aik, org. Please, do your part to help address the greatest species conservation challenge that humanity has ever known. Literature Cited: Beebee, T. 2002. Amphibian phenology and climate change. Conservation Biology 16:1454. Bruce, K.J., J.L. Christiansen. 1976. The food and food habits of Blanchard’s cricket frog, Acris crepitans blanchardi (Amphibia, Anura, Hylidae), in Iowa. Journal of Herpetology 10:63-74. Chadwick, E.A.; Slater, F.M.; Ormerod, S J. Inter- and intraspecific differences in climatically mediated phenological change in coexisting Triturus species. Glob. Change Biol. 2006, 12, 1069-1078. Fisher, M.C., T.W.J. Gamer, and S.F. Walker. 2009 - Global emergence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and amphibian chytridiomycosis in space, time, and host. Annu. Rev. Microbiol, 63: 291-310. Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 539 Foden, W., Mace, G., Vie, J.-C., Anguio, A., Butchart, S., DeVantier, L., Dublin, H., Gutsche, A., Stuart, S. and Turak, E. 2008. Species susceptibility to climate change impacts. In: J.-C. Vie, C. Hilton-Taylor and S.N. Stuart (eds). The 2008 Review of The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN Gland, Switzerland. Gibbs, J. P., and A. R. Breisch. 2001. Climate warming and calling phenology of frogs near Ithaca, New York, 1900-1999. Conservation Biology 15:1175-1178. Hayes, T.B., V. Khoury, A. Narayan, M. Nazir, A. Park, T. Brown, L. Adame, E. Chan, D. Buchholz, T. Stueve and S. Gallipeau 2010. Atrazine induces complete feminization and chemical castration in male African clawed frogs. Proc Natl Acad Sci 107(10):46 12-46 17 IUCN, Conservation International & NatureServe. 2010. - An Analysis of Amphibians on the 2008 IUCN Red List . Downloaded on 2 June 2010. Kusano, T.; Inoue, M. Long-term trends toward earlier breeding of Japanese amphibians. J. Herp. 2008,42, 608-614. Lips, K. R., J. Diffendorfer, J. Mendelson, and M. Sears. 2008. Riding the wave: Climate change, emerging infectious disease and amphibian declines. Public Library of Science Biology 6(3): e72. DOI:10.1371/joumal.pbio. 006007 McCallum, M. L. 2007. - Amphibian decline or extinction? Current declines dwarf background extinction rate. J. Herp., 41: 483-491. McMenamin, S.K., E.A., Hadly, and C.K. Wright (2008). Climatic change and wetland desiccation cause amphibian decline in world’s oldest national park. PNAS 105:16988-16993. Milanovich, J.R., W.E. Peterman, N.P. Nibbelink, and J.C. Maerz. 2010. Projected loss of a salamander diversity hotspot by consequence of projected global climate change. PLoS ONE 5(8): e 1 2 1 89. Raxworthy, C. J., Pearson, R. G., Rabibisoa, N., Rakotondrazafy, A. M., Ramanamanjato, J-B., Raselimanana, A. P., Wu, S., Nussbaum, R. A. & Stone, D. A., 2008. - Extinction vulnerability of tropical montane endemism from warming and upslope displacement: a preliminary appraisal for the highest massif in Madagascar. Global Change Biol., 14: 1703-1720. Roelants, K., Gower, D. J., Wilkinson, M., Loader, S. R, Biju, S. D., Guillaume, K., Moriau, L. & Bossuyt, F., 2007. - Global patterns of diversification in the history of modem amphibians. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 104: 887-892. Rohr, J.R., Raffel, T.R., Romansic, J., McCallum, H., Hudson, P.J. 2008. Evaluating the links between climate, disease spread, and amphibian declines. PNAS. 45: 17436-17441 Rovito, S. M., Parra-Olea, G., V asquez- Almazan, C. R., Papenfuss, T. J. & Wake, D. B., 2009 - Dramatic declines in Neotropical salamander populations are an important part of the global amphibian crisis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 106: 3231-3236. Seimon, T.A., Seimon, A., Daszak, P., Halloy, S.R.P., Schloegel, L.M., Aguliar, C.A., Sowell, R, Hyatt, A.D., Konecky, B., Simmons, J.E., 2007. Upward range extension of Andean anurans and chytridiomycosis to extreme elevations in response to tropical deglaciation. Global Change Biology 13, 288-299. Skerratt, L. F., Berger, L., Speare, R., Cashins, S., Mcdonald, K. R., Phillott, A., Hines, H. & Kenyon, N., 2007. - Spread of chytridiomycosis has caused the rapid global decline and extinction of frogs. EcoHealth, 4: 125-134. Spande, T.F., H.M. Garraffo, M.W. Edwards, H J.C, Yeh, L. Panel, J.W. Daly. 1992. Epibatidine: a novel (Chloropyridyl) azabicycloheptane with potent analgesic activity from an Ecuadoran poison frog. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1 14:475-8. VanCompemolle, S.E., Taylor, R.J., Oswald-Richter, K., Jiang, J., Youree, B.E., Bowie, J.H., Tyler, M.J., Conlon, J.M., Wade, D., Kewalramani, V.N., Dermody, T.S., Ailcen, C., Rollins-Smith, L.A., Unutmaz, D. (2005): Antimicrobial peptides from amphibian skin potently inhibit human immunodeficiency virus infection and transfer of vims from dendritic cells to T cells. J. Virol. 79:1 1598- 1 1 606. Whitfield SM, Bell KE, Philippi T, Sasa M and others (2007) Amphibian and reptile declines over 35 years at La Selva, Costa Rica. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104:8352-8356. 540 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 (Use of this poster courtesy of the Vancouver Aquarium) visit the Vancouver V 1 ‘FROGS FOREVER?’ QQUQflUm EXHIBIT. vwmiw. OM Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 541 Snow Covers the Peak of Mount Kilamanjaro in Tanzania - But for How Long? Scientists believe global warming rather than local weather changes is chiefly to blame for the rapid loss of ice from the Tanzanian peak. A study comparing new measurements with those taken in 2000 show that a layer of Kilimanjaro ice between six and 17 feet thick has vanished since then. Not only are the mountain’s glaciers retreating at an unprecedented rate, but the remaining ice is thinning. The researchers predict that if current conditions persist, the mountain could be ice-free as early as 2022. Scientists made their forecast after combining data from aerial photographs and ground measurements of ice thickness. They found that the total area of Kilimanjaro’s ice fields had shrunk by nearly 85% between 1912 and 2007. More than 26% of the ice present in 2000 has now gone. The team, led by Professor Lonnie Thompson, from Ohio State University in the US, pointed out that the snows had survived intact for 1 1,700 years. “The dramatic loss of Kilimanjaro’s ice cover has attracted global attention. The three remaining ice fields on the plateau and the slopes are both shrinking laterally and rapidly thinning,” the scientists write in a study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Ii “We present additional evidence that the combination of processes driving the current shrinking and thinning of Kilimanjaro’s ice fields is unique within an 11,700-year perspective. If current climatological conditions are sustained, the ice fields atop Kilimanjaro and on its flanks will likely disappear within several decades,” they say. If conditions persist, and warmer temperatures continue to melt more ice than falls in the form of snow, then there is a “strong likelihood that the ice field will disappear within a decade or two”, the authors conclude. Kilimanjaro is just one of many low-latitude mountains around the world that are losing their glaciers. They include the ice fields on Mount Kenya and the Rwenzori Mountains in Africa, as well as glaciers as far apart as the Alps in Europe, the Andes in South America and the Himalayas in Asia. “The fact that so many glaciers throughout the tropics and subtropics are showing similar responses suggests an underlying common cause,” Professor Thompson said. “The increase of Earth’s surface temperatures, coupled with even greater increases in the mid- to upper-tropical troposphere as documented in recent decades, would at least partially explain the observed widespread similarity in glacier behaviour,” he said. Changes in the local vegetation around Kilimanjaro, which has lost much of it forests, may have affected the cloudiness and amount of snow that falls on the mountain. However, the scientists believe that warmer global temperatures have had a bigger impact on the rate at which its glaciers are melting. Large numbers of people rely on mountain glaciers for a regular supply of water or hydroelectric power throughout the year. In Peru, for instance, the Quelccaya Ice Cap has shrank by nearly a quarter in the past 50 years and, if it disappears completely, many people will be badly affected by the lack of hydroelectric power, crop irrigation and drinking water. Sources: www.theindependant.co.uk 1/03/10 and Sky.com 11/09/10 ( Editor’s Note: Examples of some of the animals that live on Mt. Kilimanjaro are: Black and white colobus, Blue monkeys, Civets, Genet, Servals, Porcupine, Tree hyrax, Bush pig. Long-crested eagles, Silver-cheeked hombills. White-necked ravens, Malachita sunbirds, Hartlaub’s turaco and close to 2500 species of plants.) Source: http://www.mtkilimanjarologue.com/animal-life-of-kilimanjaro 542 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 Source: Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), February 2001; Earthobservatory.nasa.gov The famous “Snows of Kilimanjaro” which cap Africa’s highest mountain are melting so fast they could be gone within two decades, according to experts, (http://maps.grida.no/go/graphic/ melting_snow_on_kilimanjaro ) Glaciers ••• Estimated line Animal Keepers’ Forum, VoL 37, No. 12 543 U.S.Peaks Also Show Effects of Global Warming Glaciers in the Northwest United States have also been shrinking. Studies by the Climate Impacts Group at University of Washington show regional temperature has been 1.5° F warmer in the 20th century, with rising snow lines, decreasing mountain snowpack, and earlier spring runoff. These photos of Mt. Hood Oregon comparing late season snow and ice only 1 8 years apart indicate the problem: much less late summer ice from which the region gets water for irrigation, drinking, and fish habitat. Source: http://www.worldviewofglobalwarming.org ( Editor ’s Note: Examples of some of the 300 fish and wildlife species that live on Mt.Hood are: Deer, Elk, Black Bear, Coyotes, Mallards, Wood Ducks, Hummingbirds, Western Meadow Larks, Canadian Geese and the Spotted Owl.) Source: http://www. newworldencyclopedia. org/entry/Mount_Hood Mt. Hood Oregon, August 1984 (Photo: eGary Braasch) Mt. Hood Oregon, late summer 2002 (Photo: °Gary Braasch) 544 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 Two by Two on the AArk Amphibian Ark announces a new Amphibian Conservation Project list, and invites you to get involved By Kevin Johnson, Taxon Officer, Amphibian Ark The Amphibian Ark (AArk) has just released anew list of international amphibian conservation projects that are currently seeking external support and resources to continue their work. The list is known as Frog Match Maker - where frogs find their princes! and can be found at www.aarkfrogmatchmaker.com. It currently includes 50 amphibian projects from 19 countries on four continents. The primary aim of this new list is to foster partnerships between suitable funding and support organizations and amphibian conservation projects, and we encourage you to take a few minutes to search the list for any projects that might be a good fit with your own organizations’ conservation funding. AArk’s mission is to ensure the global survival of amphibians, focusing on those that cannot currently be safeguarded in nature. One of the important ways we are achieving this is to help foster new, and strengthen existing partnerships between those who are striving to undertake vital amphibian conservation work, and those who are in a position to be able to assist by providing staff time and/or training support, supplies, or much-needed funding to ensure that these projects can reach their successful conclusions. Almost a third of all amphibian species are currently threatened or extinct, and so little is known about approximately a quarter of the amphibian species, that their status cannot be determined (IUCN, 2010). Over 40% of known amphibian populations are declining and this figure is expected to rise in the coming years (www.iucnredlist.org/initiatives/amphibians/analysis). Though nearly all countries where amphibians exist are known to have declining populations, most of the worst- affected areas are in Southern and Central America and the Caribbean. This is where the resources required to help with research into amphibian declines and to establish ex situ conservation programs are most needed. Frog Match Maker provides a concise and easy way for your institution to browse amphibian conservation projects, which can be searched by country, region, species, funding required, and by project type. So, as an example, if your institution has an interest in the Caribbean Islands, and an interest in captive propagation of amphibians, a couple of clicks in the database will reveal five projects in four Caribbean countries, seeking between $30 and $200,000 to assist with their projects. Projects from the database will be featured in the AArk’s new web site (http ;//ww w. amphibianark. org /) and in each edition of the AArk newsletter. We hope to be able to report on new partnerships in the coming months, and to promote the work and support from EAZA members in assisting our colleagues who are looking for help. There are many examples of very successful partnerships that have been formed by zoological institutions and amphibian conservation organizations. Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, ZSL London Zoo, Parken Zoo and Chester Zoo have joined forces with local government on the islands of Montserrat and Dominica to study the mountain chicken frog, and to establish a captive breeding program; Houston Zoo has joined with a number of other AZA zoos and aquariums, academic institutions, and international conservation organizations to establish the El Valle Amphibian Conservation Center in Panama; and Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo is working with Johannesburg Zoo to establish the Johannesburg Zoo Frog Project which will mirror the Henry Doorly Zoo’s Amphibian Conservation Area but be exclusively for Southern African amphibians. These partnerships and many more provide opportunities for zoos with much-needed resources and/or amphibian expertise to Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 545 work alongside people from other organizations to achieve their conservation goals. These projects need your support to help save threatened amphibians, so please, if you are looking for worthwhile conservation projects to partner with, Frog Match Maker is a good starting point! Additional amphibian conservation projects are welcome in the list, and m * 'r' Hwiai I a I »\ any organization that would like to have their project included in this database should download the AArk Conservation Project Data form, fill it out, and return it, along with any photos of the project, to Kevin J@ AmphibianArk.org. All projects in the list will be reviewed on an annual basis to assess their status, and to be removed if the required resources have been obtained, or if the project has been completed. F rog Match Maker is yet another way that the Amphibian Ark is helping to foster partnerships among amphibian conservation organizations around the world, all of which are working together to save the world’s endangered amphibians. Please visit www.aarkfrogmatchmaker. com to see how you and your organization might be able to help. I1 (Edior’s Note: The AArk is a joint effort of three principal partners: the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA), the IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group (CBSG), and the IUCN/SSC Amphibian Specialist Group (ASG).) Reprinted with permission from EAZA s quarterly magazine, Zooquaria (Issue 70/Summer 2010) The Butterfly Effect: Global Warming Changes Butterfly Habitat and Behavior At UC Davis, California, Arthur Shapiro, professor of evolution and ecology for 35 years, monitored fixed routes for butterfly populations twice a month at ten sites from Suisun Bay to the Sierra Nevada in central California, accumulating data on over 150 species of butterflies. On April 18, 2005, Shapiro counted 21 species and 378 individual butterflies in Gates Canyon near Vacaville. On April 18 of the following year, 2006, Shapiro counted just 10 species and 43 individual butterflies. “Butterflies,” Shapiro notes in 20 1 0, “are being hit hard by the combination of lower temperatures and habitat loss.” “I used to be able to walk 15 minutes from my lab and find common sootywing larvae. Now I know of only one permanent colony in the whole county,” Shapiro says. “Butterflies that were once considered utterly common, including willow hairstreak, large marble and West Coast lady, are going intoatailspin.” Shapiro reported three major findings: Butterfly diversity is being lost at sea level but is increasing at tree line as butterflies migrate to cooler areas. High elevation butterflies are being lost since they cannot move higher. When an area changes from rural to urban or suburban, the greatest butterfly losses occur. At the University of Melbourne, Australia, butterflies are found to be emerging 10 days earlier than they did 65 years ago. This led researchers to establish, for the first time, a causal link between “increasing greenhouse gases, regional warming, and the change in timing of a natural event.” Researchers found that air temperature around the city of Melbourne has been increasing incrementally every decade, and, over the 65-year period, the Common Brown butterfly ( Heteronympha merope ) has shifted its emergence date 1 .6 days earlier per decade. Source: http://www.naturalnews.com/028975_global_warming_butterflies.html 546 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 57, No. 12 Communicating About Climate Change ~ From Polar Bears International Communicating isn’t enough! It isn’t enough for us to just provide information about what climate change is and how it impacts plant and animal species in various regions of the world. Yes, information is necessary so individuals can understand the issues and make informed decisions. But, we shouldn’t be satisfied that it is enough for our guests to understand, we must strive for our guests to act. Below, you’ll find a case that outlines the urgent need to incorporate conservation messages about reducing C02 to save polar bears into your outreach. Every zoo professional — and especially keepers, who have so much contact with the public — can find ways to include conservation education messages on climate change, the impact on polar bears specifically, and the fact that action can make a difference in their programs. Dr. Steven Amstrup, Polar Bears International’s senior scientist, provides the critical information needed to cause behavioral changes to decrease C02. The outline includes the following points: 1. Polar bears live in all arctic regions that are covered by sea ice for a duration of time. Polar bears are dependant on the sea ice to capture their prey. 2. Polar bears are in trouble because of their dependence on sea ice; and sea ice is declining. 3. Climate warming in the Arctic is happening much faster than computer models have been projecting. Large expanses of darker, open water are absorbing more heat and accelerating the process. Since the 1980s, Arctic sea ice has retreated dramatically, with the most extreme decline occurring in the summer melt season. No one disputes that Arctic sea ice is going through a rapid meltdown. Hundreds of climatologists participating in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have concluded with at least 90% certainty that warming in the Arctic is linked to human activities that cause a build-up of greenhouse gases. Natural forces, from ocean currents to sunspots, may add to the problem, but they are not primary factors. Records of the build-up of carbon emissions over the past century correlate precisely with the rise in the planet’s temperature. The laws of physics require that increased levels of greenhouse gases cause the world to warm. Energy from the sun that arrives at Earth is balanced by energy that is re-radiated to space. Atmospheric gases like C02, however, temporarily trap the energy that arrives from the sun as short-wave radiation. This energy then re-radiates back into space in the form of long-wave radiation. It is the greenhouse effect of this temporarily trapped energy that maintains Earth in a temperature range allowing life. When we increase these heat-trapping gases (greenhouse gases or GHGs), we increase the residence time of the sun’s energy in the Earth’s atmosphere, which means that the Earth warms. 4. The current threat to polar bears is entirely unique, and extremely dire. Today’s polar bears are facing rapid loss of the sea ice where they hunt, breed, and, in some cases, den. Changes in their distribution or numbers affect the entire Arctic ecosystem. Impacts will vary across populations of polar bears. As of May 2008, the U.S listed the polar bear as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. Russia considers the polar bear a species of concern. 5 . We must understand the carbon cost of doing business — and corporations, industry, and governments must embark on initiatives that can solve this problem. 6. We can inspire and motivate our visitors in this effort by thanking them for the actions they Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 547 already take and asking them to try to find another action that they can incorporate into their lives. Studies show that individual actions can make a difference, but it’s up to us to invite others to join us. Including a message of hope is also important. We must reinforce the message that people do have the power to create change - look to our history of successful conservation programs, including the worldwide ban on CFCs to address the hole in the ozone layer. Polar bears pose a unique conservation challenge. The actions of the people who actually live in the polar bear’s habitat aren’t the ones affecting the polar bear’s status; rather, the bears are threatened by the actions of every person who lives in the world. Therefore, the conservation strategies for polar bears cannot take the traditional approach of connecting to a local community that is impacting the habitat of an endangered species. Rather, local impact is defined as anywhere carbon dioxide (CO?) and other greenhouse gases (GHG) are being produced — whether the participants are in Cleveland, Ohio, or Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Arctic species are different because of the global challenge. We believe that education is one of the most impactful ways to make a difference in saving polar bear habitat. We can change the world. We can lead the way. And, yes, we can make a difference — not only for the polar bear, but for biodiversity throughout the planet, from butterflies to seals to frogs. “If we get our act together and mitigate CO, emissions, we can assure a brighter future for polar bears. The ramifications of such action would extend well beyond the Arctic.” Dr. Steven C. Amstrup References Amstrup, S. C., B.G. Marcot, D.C. Douglas, in Arctic Sea Ice Decline: Observations, Projections, Mechanisms, and Implications, E. T. DeWeaver, C. M. Bitz, L.-B. Tremblay, Eds. (Geophys. Monogr. Ser., vol 180, American Geophysical Union, Washington D.C., 2008), pp. 213-268. Amstrup, S. C. et ak. Rebuttal of “Polar bear population forecasts: a public-policy audit”. Interfaces 39, 353-369 (2009). Amstrup, S. C. (2003), Polar bear, in Wild Mammals of North America. Biology, Management, and Conservation, 2nd ed., edited by G. A. Feldhammer, B. C. Thompson, and J. A. Chapman, pp. 587-610, Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore, Md. Patchen, M. Purdue Climate Change Research Center, Outreach Publication 0601, October 2006. “PUBLIC ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIOR ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE: What Shapes Them and How to Influence Them” http://www.purdue.edu/climate/pdf/Patchen%200P060 1 .pdf Regher, E. V. Lunn, S. C. Amstrup, and I. Stirling. 2007. Effects of Earlier Sea Ice Breakup on Survival and Population Size of Polar Bears in Western Hudson Bay. The Journal of Wildlife Management 71(8):2673-2683 Shome, D. and S. Marx Columbia University, Center for Research on Environmental Decisions (CRED), October 2009. “The Psychology of Climate Change Communication: A Guide for Scientists, Journalists, Educators, Political Aides, and the Interested Public” http://www.cred.columbia.edu/guide/ Stirling, I. and A. Derocher. Fall 2007. Melting Under Pressure: The Real Scoop On Climate Wanning and Polar Bears. The Wildlife Society, The Wildlife Professional :24-43 Stirling, I., and C. L. Parkinson. 2006. Possible effects of climate warming on selected populations of polar bears ( Ursus maritimus) in the Canadian Arctic. Arctic 59:261-275. 548 Animal Keepers ’Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 Planting Trees for Polar Bears By Barbara Nielsen, Communications Director/PBI Shovel ready. That phrase sums up the enthusiasm of the volunteers who join Polar Bears International [PBI] in its tree-planting programs. These helping hands show up on spring days armed with reusable water bottles, garden gloves, and apple-red cheeks. Why trees? Because they're a symbol of hope — and planting them is a simple, direct way to remove CO. from the atmosphere. The PBI Planting Trees for Polar Bears program has three components: • The Polar Bear Forest is a pilot program involving PBI and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. The goal is to plant 500,000 acres on public and private lands in Wisconsin. The program also has an educational element to help the public make the connection between planting trees and helping polar bear habitat. • Acres for the Atmosphere is a roll-up-your-sleeves tree-planting and educational effort involving Chapters of the American Association of Zoo Keepers (AAZK), zoos throughout North America, and PBI Arctic Ambassador Centers, located in over 30 zoos. Graduates of the 2009 PBI Zoo Keeper Leadership Camp launched the program. Participants organize tree-planting — and sometimes shrub-planting — days through their local zoo. • Trees for You <& Me is a friendly competition among AAZK Chapters to see who can raise the most funds for the Polar Bear Forest program. Two PBI Field Ambassadors, Christy Mazrimas-Ott of the Brookfield Zoo and Alicia Shelley of the Columbus Zoo, started the program. Last year, AAZK Chapters raised enough money to plant 10,000 trees! You can join us by: • Planting trees at home or in your community • Taking part in a tree-planting day through a participating zoo • Donating to the AAZK Trees for You & Me campaign through the PBI website, http://www.polarbearsintemational.org/programs/trees-you-and-me-modeLnation. Green trees. Blue ice. White bears. What could be more gratifying? Go ahead. Grab a shovel I Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 549 “Trees for You and Me” Program an Instant Success By Christy Mazrimas-Ott Brookfield Zoo/Chicago Zoological Society Brookfield, IL In 2008 I became a volunteer for Polar Bears International (PBI) as a Field Ambassador and Lecturer. 1 had the opportunity to go to Churchill, Manitoba to speak to guests on the Tundra Buggies about PBI, polar bears and the conservation issues the bears are facing. Once back home in the Chicago area I continued speaking out to my community about the issues facing polar bears and how they can help the bears. The President and CEO of PBI, Robert Buchanan has long championed planting trees and sequestering carbon as a way to help save polar bears. A fellow PBI Field Ambassador, Alicia Shelley of the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium came up with the idea of planting trees and making it a competition between AAZK Chapters to see which Chapter could plant the most trees. I loved this idea so I contacted the Arbor Day Foundation (ADF) in February of 2009 and to my surprise the ADF jumped on board with the idea of a competition between AAZK Chapters, too. When AAZK also supported the idea (with the help of Shane Good, who I met in Churchill in 2008) “Trees for You and Me” became a reality. “Trees for You and Me” was introduced last fall during the AAZK /ICZ conference in Seattle as an AAZK Chapter Challenge that ran from 1 October 2009 - 1 March 2010. The webpage was set up on the ADF website and it was a $l/tree donation with each AAZK Chapter having the opportunity to make donations in their Chapter's name. By 1 March 2010 over $9000 was raised but by the time all the donations came in $10,529 was donated meaning 10,529 trees were to be planted. Since AAZK Chapters raised over $ 1 0,000, AAZK was added to the ADF list of corporate sponsors with a link on ADF’s website. Not bad for a first year fund raiser. Brookfield AAZK Chapter won the competition by donating $3 1 35 which meant they received a native tree and a plaque. We planted the tree on Arbor Day. The ADF planted AAZK trees in three states: Michigan, Alabama, and Florida. One-hundred-twenty trees were planted in Okaloacoochie State Forest in Florida; 3,401 trees were planted in Boys Colony State Forest in Alabama; and 6,866 trees were planted in Mackinaw State Forest in Michigan. For a first year AAZK competition all of the AAZK Chapters did great and were very supportive. As mentioned earlier Robert Buchanan is all about planting trees to help polar bears. With the success of “Trees for You and Me” in its first year, PBI wanted to help support and promote the cause even more. PBI and AAZK have been working together as Conservation Partners towards the conservation of polar bears, Arctic ecosystems and spreading conservation messages on the effects of climate change. Beginning this year “Trees for You and Me” is one of the key projects to reach these goals. On Arbor Day Brookfield AAZK Chapter members helped plant the redbud tree they receivied for winning the first-ever “Trees for You and Me” Chapter Challenge. (Photo: Sarah Love/Chicago Zoological Society) 550 Animal Keepers' Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 It will be an annual event 1 September » 1 March. PB1 will have the link to “Trees for You and Me” on their website and the AAZK Challenge will be promoted to a larger audience. For each $ 1 donated three trees will be planted and the trees will be planted in the Polar Bear Forest in Wisconsin. PBI has a partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and they will be planting the trees for the Polar Bear Forest. The three locations in Wisconsin where the Polar Bear Forest will start are: Kettle Moraine Forest, Juneau County Forest and Sparta. The WDNR 2011 projects will highlight urban forestry, county forest lands, publicly owned and managed lands. PBFs goal is to get the Department of Natural Resources in every state on board with planting trees and helping polar bears so we can have a Polar Bear Forest growing across the USA. One acre of trees absorbs an annual average amount of carbon equal to the emissions of a car driven 8, 700 miles . “Trees for You and Me” AAZK. Chapter Challenge Update There have been $1890 is the total donations for “Trees for You and Me” as of 31 October 2010. The AAZK competition runs through 1 March 2011; currently Greater Cleveland Chapter AAZK is winning the competition. Chapter standing as of this date are: $1468 Greater Cleveland Chapter AAZK $50 Greater Baltimore Chapter of AAZK $207 Brookfield AAZK Chapter $50 Phoenix Chapter of AAZK $55 Lincoln Park AAZK Chapter $10 San Diego AAZK Chapter $50 Roger Williams Park Zoo AAZK Chapter Remember for a $1 donation three trees will be planted in the Polar Bear Forest in Wisconsin. Let’s help polar bears by planting trees and reducing our carbon footprint. Go to the link on Polar Bears International’s website to make a donation: http://www.polarbearsintemational.org/programs/trees- you-and-me-model-nation Learn More Interconnection is key for understanding how our climate works. The global climate patterns are a result of inter-weaved events that impact each other in a complex series of consequences. Our summers and winters happen due to this elaborate chain of winds, currents, mountains, plains, deserts, oceans that are the screws and bolts of a system that provides us with life as we know it. Tipping points In this delicate web of events there are certain pressure points, certain knots that support the system in a special way. If they go wrong, the whole system cracks down. Tipping points is how we label these crucial parts that can make the whole climate machine overheat, that can turn our global weather into unpredictable chaos. Tipping points are the visible “ugly face” of Climate Change and will reinforce the impacts of climate change. Once activated they are irreversible. (Source: World Wildlife Fund website - http://wwf.panda.org) Two excellent websites where you can find out more about Tipping Points and Climate Change are: http://wwf.paeda.org/what_we_do/footprint/climate_carbon_energy/climate_agreement/ publications/climate_change_tipping_points2/ and http://knowiedge.allianz.com/climate_tipping_ points/climateen.html Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 551 Taking Action Against Climate Change By Marissa Krouse, North Carolina Zoo, As he boro, NC Heather Kalka, Toronto Zoo, Scarborough, Ont., Canada Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe said, “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” In order to offset the current quantity of carbon in the atmosphere and to mitigate future levels that we CAN prevent, graduates of the 2009 Polar Bears International (PBI) and AAZK Keeper Leadership Camp created an action plan called Acres for the Atmosphere (AFTA). Armed with a new set of leadership and communication skills, as well as new knowledge of current climate change science, we intend to make a difference by inspiring and empowering our communities. Our members plant trees and utilize stewardship to save polar bear habitat. Polar bears represent a flagship species and are consistently referenced in regards to the effects of climate change. However, the effects of climate change reach beyond the majestic king of the sea ice. Changes in climate conditions can affect the health and function of ecosystems and the survival of entire species. The distribution patterns of fossils show evidence of gradual as well as abrupt extinctions related to climate change in the past (Climate Literacy, The Essential Principles of Climate Science). Climate change affects the biodiversity of the entire arctic ecosystem, with species after species of fauna and flora falling victim to changes in a world in which they have been designed to flourish. AFTA members aim to empower keepers in order to facilitate social change. We are working together with AAZK in order to recruit members ready to participate and encourage keepers to take a more active leadership role in their communities. We believe that changing the behaviors in our local communities is synonymous with fighting on the frontlines of species conservation in the battle against climate change. Our initiative is designed around three objectives that enable us to accomplish this goal. We increase carbon sequestration by greening areas with vegetative plantings or trees, decrease CO, emissions through energy conservation projects, and raise awareness in our communities in order to curb society’s carbon addiction. We utilize planting events not only to improve the earth’s ability to absorb carbon but to establish a sense of group identity within our local communities. We aim to instill a sense of responsibility for the earth we all share. Our members utilize education and public speaking to convey a sense of urgency, but more importantly a message of hope. A healthy tree stores about 13 pounds of carbon annually (www.coloradotrees.org). This year our members planted new carbon sinks that have the capacity to store up to 9,529 lbs of carbon each year. We intend to build on this year’s progress by managing these carbon sinks and completing additional planting projects all over the world. Here’s a look at the variety of plantings completed this year: • 733 five to ten foot tall trees native to North Carolina, Indiana, Kentucky, Alaska and Toronto, Canada • 390 shrubs native to Oregon • One acre of native seedlings in Pennsylvania In order to mitigate future levels of greenhouse gases (GHGs), more specifically CO,, AFTA members also often choose to carry out an energy conservation project. The energy supply sector of the human society is responsible for the largest GHG emissions annually (Dire Predictions, Understanding Global Warming). Our advocates stress that increasing energy efficiency is something YOU can do to take your role in the fight against climate change. Energy conservation is a “no regret” option for zoo visitors as it may also have economic benefits; the average U.S. family spends $1,900 on home AAZK President Shane Good leads a planning session for AFTA at PBI/ AAZK Leadership Camp in Churchill. 552 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 utility bills every year. Fortunately, we can avoid a large portion of that energy usage every year and save money. By combining proper equipment maintenance and upgrades with appropriate insulation, air sealing, and thermostat settings, we can cut our energy use for heating and cooling and reduce environmental emissions by 20% to 50% (www.energysavers.gov). With members spanning the globe, we can focus our education on the effects of climate change relevant to different local communities in order to make it personal and arouse emotion within our audiences. Members occupying southern and coastal communities, for example, may focus on ocean acidification or the effects of sea level rise on their local infrastructure, ecosystems, and economy. To date, we have reached countless audiences through media presentations and publications as well as 4,264 people through keeper talks and special events. Our members, with the help of Arctic Ambassador Centers and their local AAZK Chapters, completed several energy conservation projects this year including: • a Reusable Bag campaign in North Carolina that provided visitors with an eco-conscious option for shopping bags that could reduce GHG emissions by as much as 1 8,850 lbs of carbon this year, • a composting program in Wisconsin that will compost 80 tons of organic waste per month. This program keeps methane-generating organics out of landfills or lagoons. Composting provides GHG sequestration and indirectly reduces carbon emissions through improving soil health, reducing soil loss, and increasing water filtration and storage (U.S. composting Council), •a Go Green campaign through local schools in Pennsylvania that promotes home energy audits, • a scout pledge in New York that encourages scouts to do three things to reduce their carbon footprint, and • an Adjust Your Thermostat campaign in Indiana encouraging thermostat adjustment up two degrees in the summer and down two degrees in the winter to save an estimated 2,000 lbs of carbon per household per year (climatecrisis.net). Margaret Meade once said, “Never doubt that a group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it’s the only thing that ever has.” Our members planted the seed this year and the initiative is continuing to grow. We cannot win this fight alone. We need your help. We value your enthusiasm for your job and passion for the animals in your care. Please join us and lead your communities to a more sustainable future. Your AAZK Chapter can be a member today and plant trees for a better tomorrow! Please email marissa.krouse@aazk.org for more information or visit us on the web at: 1. http://www.polarbearsintemational.org/programs/acres-atmosphere-model-communities 2. http://aazk.org/aazk-and-polar-bears-intemational/ Leadership Camp paticipants worked on strategies to engage the public in becoming more environmentally conscious and active in their communities. Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 553 The Barometer of Life By S.N. Stuart, J*, E. O. Wilson,2 J. A. McNeely,3 R.A. Mittermeier,4 J.P. Rodriguez5 (Trom Science Magazine , Vol. 328, 9 April 2010. Reprinted with permission from AAAS) On 1 1 January 2010, the United Nations inaugurated the International Year of Biodiversity in Berlin. This initiative is timely, because the environmental movement suffers from an imbalance between its sense of urgency and its intensity of activity. Center stage is now occupied by concerns for the physical environment in particular, climate change, pollution, and depletion of nonrenewable resources. However, if the living world is to be kept in anything approaching a sustainable condition that can adapt to changes, then politicians, government officials, scientists, and the public will need to give biodiversity the urgent attention that they are starting to give to the physical environment. About 1.9 million species (1) have been discovered and given scientific names (2), though the actual number may exceed 10 million (3). Bacteria and archeans could comprise tens of millions of species- once taxonomic units are precisely defined. Knowledge about species and extinction rates remains very poor, and species disappear before we know they existed. We propose that, as scientists are better able to assess the conservation status of the species that compose an ecosystem, the more they will understand the health of that ecosystem. It is time to accelerate taxonomy and scientific natural history, two of the most vital but neglected disciplines of biology (4, 5). The Encyclopedia of Life (EOL), a powerful initiative (5), is now fully operational and working toward its goal of documenting every known species. Essential though the EOL is, it needs to be complemented by another project, the “Barometer of Life.” This initiative would need to unite taxonomists, biogeographers, ecologists, conservationists, and amateur naturalists in a coordinated exploration of global biodiversity, with an emphasis on identifying which species are threatened. While the EOL will provide a Web page on every species, the barometer would compile conservation- related data on distributions, threats, and assessments of extinction risk on a subset of species broadly representative of biodiversity as a whole. The logical platform for this barometer is The Red List of Threatened Species (6) of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which, for over 45 years, has published information on the status and trends of species. The IUCN Red List began by focusing on selected species, but it now covers entire taxonomic classes. It provided the first global picture of vertebrate diversity - a measure of the magnitude, geography and type of threats among several taxonomic groups, and a baseline from which to measure changes in status of species (7, 8). The IUCN Red List includes assessments of all species of mammals, birds, amphibians, freshwater crabs, reef-building corals, cycads, and conifers (8). More than 250 national red lists for various taxonomic groups have been developed in > 100 countries (9). ‘International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Species Survival Commission, 1196 Gland, Switzerland; United Nations Environmental Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre, AI Ain Wildlife Park and Resort, AI Ain, United Arab Emirates; and Department of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, UK. : Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. 3 IUCN, 1196 Gland , Switzerland. 4 Conservation International, Arlington, VA 22202, USA. 5 Centro de Ecologia, Instituto Venezolano de Invest igaciones Cientificas, Apartado 20632, Caracas 1020-A, Venezuela, and Provita, Apartado 47552, Caracas 1041 -A, Venezuela. * Author for correspondence. E-mail: simon.stuart@iucn.org 554 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 However, the Red List is biased toward higher- vertebrates. The vast majority of species-including most plants, invertebrates, and lower vertebrates, and almost all fungi-are still grossly under- represented. A more finely tuned barometer is within reach by expanding the taxonomic base of the Red List to make it much more representative of the diversity of life. We anticipate that a representative barometer will need to monitor the status of 1 60,000 species (see table, below), roughly three times the almost 48,000 species currently on the Red List. The target number of species to be assessed is still provisional. Some groups (e.g., nematodes and sponges) are so poorly known that it would be hard to include them in the barometer at this time. A representative barometer would provide a solid basis for informing decisions globally, for example, on conservation planning, resource allocation, environmental impact assessments, monitoring biodiversity trends (through the IUCN Red List Index) (7, 8), and enabling countries to develop national-level biodiversity indicators (10). For the Red List to reach its full potential as the Barometer of Life, a substantial increase in the magnitude of the current effort will be required. About U.S. $4 million is spent annually to maintain and enhance the IUCN Red List (11), in addition to voluntary contributions of thousands of biologists worldwide. The total cost of achieving the broader taxonomic base is on the order of U.S. $60 million. The barometer would, from an economic perspective, be one of the best investments for the good of humanity. Species and Projected Costs fora barometer of life FOR THE BAROMETER Major xonomic grouping Described species* Species assessed on IUCN Red list by 2009 Provisional target number of species Estimated cost to complete (US$) Chordates 64,788 27,882 61,635 16,000,000 Invertebrates 1,359,365 7,615 45,344 20,000,000 Plants 310,129 12,151 38,521 17,000,000 Fungi and others 165,305 18 14,500 7,000,000 1,899,587 47,666 160,000 60,000,000 'Data on the number of described species taken from UK ?0ata on the number of assessed species from www.iucnrediist.org. Animal Keepers ’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 555 References and Notes 1 . A. D. Chapman, Numbers of Living Species in Australia and the World (Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra, Australia, ed. 2, 2009). 2. F. A. Bisby et al., Catalogue of Life: 2009 Annual Checklist (Species 2000 and Integrated Taxonomic Integration System, 2009); www.catalogueoflife.org/info_abouUol.php. 3. G. M. Mace et ah, in Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: Ecosystems and Human Well-Being , vol. 1, Current State and Trends , R. Hassan, R. Scholes, N. Ash, Eds. Osland Press, Washington, DC, 2005), pp. 77-122. 4. Q. D. Wheeler, P. H. Raven, E. O. Wilson, Science 303, 285 (2004). 5. E. O. Wilson, Trends Ecol. Evol. 18, 77 (2003). 6. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, www.iucnredlist.org/. 7. A. S. L. Rodrigues, J. D. Pilgrim, J. F. Lamoreux, M. Hoffmann, T. M. Brooks, Trends Ecol. Evol 21, 71 (2006). 8. J.-C. Vie, C. Hilton-Taylor, S. N. Stuart, Eds., Wildlife in a Changing World: An Analysis of The 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, 2009). 9. T. J. Zamin et al.., Conserv. Bioi., in press. 10. J. P. Rodriguez, Endanger. Species Res. 6, 193 (2008). 11. J.-C. Vie, personal communication. 12. We thank T. Brooks and A. Rodrigues for helpful comments on earlier drafts, and A. Angulo and C. HiltonTaylor for answering questions. 556 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 Insects ‘will be climate change’s first victims’ By Steve Connor, Science Editor The Independent 5/6/08 Many tropical insect species, including butterflies, can only tolerate a narrow range of temperatures, and an average rise of 1-2°C could be disastrous. A study has found that tropical insects rather than polar bears could be among the first species to become extinct as a result of global wanning. Insects in the tropics are already living at the limit of their temperature range and any further increases could quickly kill them off with huge repercussions for tropical habitats, which rely on insects for everything from pollination to waste disposal. Scientists have found that a rise in average temperatures in the tropics of just 1-2°C could be enough to exert a significant and harmful effect on the survival of a wide variety of important insects. Climate scientists predict that the polar regions will experience the greatest increases in average temperatures this century as a result of climate change, but the latest study suggests that even the smaller predicted change in the tropics could have a far more serious impact on local wildlife. “Many tropical species can only tolerate a narrow range of temperatures because the climate they experience is pretty constant throughout the year,” said Curtis Deutsch, assistant professor of atmospheric and oceanic sciences at the University of California, Los Angeles, who co-authored the study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. “Our calculations show that they will be harmed by rising temperatures more than would species in cold climates. Unfortunately, the tropics also hold the large majority of species on the planet.” Insects are critical to the health of tropical habitats because they perform vital services such as breaking down organic matter, pollinating flowers to produce fruits and nuts and providing sustenance for creatures higher up the food chain. However, the scientists found that tropical insects live in a narrow range of temperatures and anything outside this range, especially at the higher end, could easily kill them off because they have no way of adapting or moving. “There’s a strong relationship between your physiology and the climate you live in. In the tropics many species appear to be living at or near their thermal optimum, a temperature that lets them thrive,” said Joshua Tewksbury, of Washington University, another of the study’s co-authors. “But once temperature gets above the thermal optimum, fitness levels most likely decline quickly and there may not be much they can do about it.” The scientists used daily and monthly global temperatures from between 1 950 and 2000 and compared them against a raft of data indicating overall species “fitness”, as determined by indicators such as population growth rates and physical performance for different creatures. They found that even a slight increase in temperature had a negative effect on fitness because so many insects were living at or near the upper limit in terms of daily temperatures - so even moving into the shade was a futile exercise. “The direct effects of climate change on the organisms we studied appear to depend a lot more on the organisms’ flexibility than on the amount of warming predicted for where they live,” said Dr. Tewksbury. “The tropical species in our data were mostly thermal specialists, meaning that their current climate is nearly ideal and any temperature increases will spell trouble for them.” The scientists also warned that there will be other effects of global warming that could also have a serious impact on tropical regions, particularly on food crops. “Our research focused only on the impact of changes in temperature, but wanning also will alter rainfall patterns,” said Dr. Deutsch. “These changes could be more important for many tropical organisms, such as plants, but they are harder to predict because hydrological cycle changes are not as well understood.” Source: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 557 Conserving the World’s Reefs Through Live and Frozen Banks By Mary Hagedorn 12 and Onnie Byers3 1 Department of Reproductive Sciences, Smithsonian National Zoological Park, Washington, D. C. 20008 2 Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii, Kaneohe, HI 96744 3 IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group, 12101 Johnny Cake Ridge Rd. Apple Valley, MN 55124 Introduction Coral reefs are living, dynamic ecosystems. They are the rainforest of our oceans and have been on our planet for more than 200 million years. Although all of the reefs in the world only occupy an area the size of the country of Bolivia, they are small eco-dynamos. They provide invaluable services to us, such as acting as nursery grounds for marine fish and invertebrates, providing natural storm barriers for coastlines, purifying CO, from the atmosphere, and could provide potential sources for undiscovered pharmaceuticals. Unfortunately, coral reefs are experiencing unprecedented levels of degradation due to the impact of humans (Bell wood et al. 2004; Kleypas et al. 2006). Globally, increased levels of greenhouse gasses are wanning our oceans, making them more acidic and causing the coral to stress, bleach, and be more susceptible to newly emergent diseases (Hoegh-Guldberg 1999; Goreau et al. 2000; Hughes et al. 2003). Locally, reefs are impacted by pollution and sedimentation from poor land-use practices, nutrients from farms and waste treatment plants, and destructive practices, such as impacts to the reef from dynamite fishing, trawls, and boating. Unless we take action now, coral reefs and many of their associated animals may cease to exist within the next 40 years, causing the first global extinction of a worldwide ecosystem within our history (Veron et ah, 2009). Each year, coral reefs generate up to 30 billion dollars to the global economy (Cesar et al. 2003), but no one knows how the loss of coral reefs might affect our global ecosystems and economies because we do not understand enough about the multipliers related to reefs. For example, at some point in their lifetime, about 25% of all marine creatures live on a reef (Cesar et al. 2003). When you think of the billions of individuals in one species, then multiply it by the thousands of species that live directly on a reef at any one time, it is clear that reefs support an extraordinary amount of biomass. How many other species depend upon this 25% for their survival is not known, but what is known is that, if reefs were to disappear, many of the fish that we depend upon as essential food sources today will become luxury items. According to Cassandra de Young of the UN Food and Agricultural Organization, with over one billion people on the planet already hungry, the disappearance of seafood may cause great instability in food supplies around the world. Caribbean reefs are suffering the most, and their fate may predict the future of the corals throughout the world. For example, Acropora palmata (elkhorn coral) and Acropora cervicornis (staghorn coral) were once the foundation species for Caribbean reefs, but are no longer fully functional ecosystem Nudibranch (Photo: Mike Henlev & Marx Hagedorn ) 558 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 (Alvarez-Filip et al. 2009, Gardner et al. 2003, Buddemeier et al. 2003). This is due to the enormous population loss (80-99%) in these species from their historical levels (Aronson and Precht 2001, Bruckner 2002), and for the first time, coral (elkhorn and staghorn) are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (Federal Register 2006; Federal Register 2008, a, b). Recovery of existing populations depends both on growth rates and reproduction. If we focus just on reproduction there are some alarming trends in these critical species. First, coral can reproduce sexually which increases genetic diversity, and they can also reproduce asexually which does not increase diversity. In the Caribbean, A. palmata and A. cervicornis seem to reproduce more commonly through asexual breakage and reattachment of branches than through the production of eggs and sperm (Highsmith 1982, Williams et al. 2009). Therefore, spawning may be uncommon events or just under reported for many isolated, stressed, damaged, or small populations, especially the remaining Acroporids in the Caribbean. During spawning, fertilization success is directly dependent upon the genetic diversity of neighboring colonies, and the genetic diversity in some areas has already declined, such as in the Florida Keys (Baums et al. 2006). These remnant populations are facing severe problems because they will be very susceptible to extinction over the next 5-20 years (Zubillaga et al. 2008, Macintyre and Toscano 2007). Additionally, recruits in these Acroporid populations suffer high mortality rates, because of a lack of suitable habitat at the early post-settlement stages, causing further population declines for both species. In brief, numbers of Acroporid colonies are declining, and even populations that still exist are having difficulties with reproduction, recruitment and growth (Grober-Dunsmore et al. 2006, Nzali et al. 1998). While the predicted global failure of our reefs is based on the reefs becoming more acidic and actually dissolving when the C02 in the atmosphere rises above 450 ppm (Veron et al., 2009), if the failing reproductive and recruitment patterns observed in the Caribbean are harbingers for reefs in other oceans, then the prediction of 40 years for the global loss of our reefs may be overestimated. There is a widespread crisis facing coral reefs and an urgent need for effective conservation action. To emphasize this point, the Chair of the IUCN’s Species Survival Commission, Simon Stuart, lists corals as one of the planet’s three major species extinction crises. The 2010 IUCN Red List classifies as threatened 235 of the 856, or ~27%, of reef-building or stony coral species evaluated. Most importantly, the proportion of corals threatened with extinction has increased dramatically in recent decades, exceeding most terrestrial groups. IUCN’s work on marine species, including corals, aims to ensure that decisions taken by policy-makers and resource managers on the management of marine resources are based on sound and scientific knowledge Live and Frozen Repositories Unfortunately, saving reef habitat alone will not stop this decline, because many of the most serious threats are global rather than local. Genetic banks comprised of live or frozen biomaterials hold strong promise for basic and applied research and conservation of species and genetic variation (Ballou, 1992; Wildt et al, 1997; Holt and Pickard, 1999). Because frozen banked cells are viable, the frozen material can be thawed 1, 50, or, in theory, even 1,000 years from now to restore a species or population. Done properly over time, samples of frozen material can be reared and placed back into ecosystems to infuse new genes and vigor into natural populations, thereby helping to enhance the health and viability of wild stocks (Dobson and Lyles, 2000; Wolfe et al, 200 1 ; Wildt et al., 200 1 ). Most examples of using frozen gerrnplasm for enhancing genetic management of small populations Coral Reef (Photo: Mike Henlev & Marx’ Hagedorn ) Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 559 are for mammals (see review, Pukazhenthi and Wildt, 2004). These groups used frozen samples to diversify wild and captive populations. These resource banks can (1) easily and inexpensively move genetic material among living populations, (2) extend generational intervals for genetically valuable individuals, (3) reduce space constraints for ex situ populations and (4) vastly improve the availability of biomaterials for scholarly research, including in disease forensics (Wildt et al., 1997; Holt and Pickard, 1999). A repository for the world’s most endangered coral species has now been developed. The Smithsonian, in collaboration with many partner organizations (e.g., Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, SECORE, Henry Doorly Zoo, USDA Animal Germplasm Program and the Center for Genetic Resources in the Netherlands), has created the first frozen repository for coral in the world (Hagedom et al., in prep). This group has achieved several important milestones over the past five years in coral physiology and cryopreservation (Hagedom et al., 2006a; 2010; Yancey et al., 2010), including being the only group to have successfully cryopreserved coral sperm (Hagedom et al., 2006b), cryopreserved coral embryonic cells (Hagedom et al, unpublished), producing viable coral larvae from the thawed cryopreserved sperm, as well as examining the cryosensitivity and cryopreservation of the symbiotic algae living within the coral (Hagedom et al, 2010). In addition, this research consortium has been actively involved in conservation of endangered species, designing many of the larval rearing chambers needed for growing endangered coral larvae in captivity, and then applying these techniques under field conditions in the Caribbean (Hagedom et al., 2009). These distributed coral banks contain viable sperm and embryonic cells from A. palmata and two Hawaiian species, with additional species to be added in the future. The frozen sperm may be used to increase genetic diversity within an ecosystem through the use of thawed samples to ‘seed’ and restore shrinking populations. A primary focus might be the declining A. palmata populations in the Florida Keys, where many stands are genetically identical (Baums et al., 2005), yielding an extremely inbred population. Public zoos and aquariums can play a crucial role in saving reefs by both educating the public and creating live banks of coral, containing either sexual recruits and/or small coral fragments. A good example of these emerging cooperative efforts among public zoos and aquariums is SECORE. The Rotterdam Zoo initiated SECORE in 2001 to study coral sexual reproduction; develop ex situ breeding techniques; disseminate these techniques among aquarium and research communities through workshops and publications; develop a cooperative international network of public aquariums and research institutions; and establish breeding programs to help sustain ex situ and field populations. In 2006 and 2007, SECORE members, representing national and international institutions, held highly successful research workshops in Puerto Rico to rear Elkhom coral from the annual mass spawning events at Rincon and Bajo Gallardo sites. Close to one million larvae were collected and fertilized; hundreds of thousands were raised in a field laboratory; and over 400,000 brought into captivity, resulting in approximately 2,300 juvenile larval recruits now living in public aquariums around the world (Petersen et al., 2006, 2007). These were the first juveniles of this species ever reared in captivity, and represent a major step towards the restoration of this species in the wild. Live coral banks can be created now, with little or no increase in infrastructure costs. The small fragments in the bank could be kept alive for hundreds of years and, since there would be no reproduction, there would be no genetic drift in the populations stored around the world. Moreover, these insurance populations in the live banks could potentially be used to Yeseed the oceans’, if the oceans were suitably rehabilitated. 560 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 Bleached Coral (Photo: Rita Steyn ) Call to Action It is not an ideal scenario to have to consider freezing the reef, or putting small pieces of it into captivity, but the possibility of losing such a precious ecosystem on our planet is unthinkable. Therefore, we need to plan for the future and act now, before it’s too late. Support for studies to understand the physiology and molecular biology to cryopreserve coral cells and fragments that are robust (post-thaw) and genetically diverse is imperative. These programs must promote the training of graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in coral physiology, conservation and cryobiology. Additionally, in coordination with geneticists and conservation biologists, public zoos and aquariums around the world must create a coordinated global plan for long-term ex situ conservation and maintenance of targeted species, using the best practices and internationally agreed upon husbandry techniques. Many zoos and aquariums are experts at maintaining coral already, and these institutions could have a rapid and profound impact on sustaining reefs by maintaining select species in captivity in a coordinated program around the world. As humans, we tend not to act until disaster is on our doorstep, threatening our very existence. However, if we wait until the escalating anthropogenic threats and natural processes ravage coral populations, leaving little remnant genetic diversity in their wake, we cannot predict precisely what effect that will have on our global ecosystem. But, put simply, it will be bad. We need the broad practical knowledge that already exists in zoos and aquariums around the world to help save our reefs. We urge these groups to form teams, hold workshops to create partnerships and working groups, and get connect by joining SECORE (www.secore.org). Acknowledgements: This work was supported with funds from the Smithsonian Institution, the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, the Morris Animal Foundation, USDA, NOAA, the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium and Anela Kolohe Foundation. References Alvarez-Filip, N., Dulvy, K., Gill, J.A., Cote, I.M., Watkinson, I.R. 2009. Flattening of Caribbean coral reefs: region-wide declines in architectural complexity. Proc R Soc B 276:3019-3025. 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Reproductive inefficiency in male black-footed ferrets (Mustela ni gripes) Zoo Biol 19:517-528. Yancey, P.H., Heppenstall, M., Ly, S., Andrell, R.M., Gates, R.D., Carter, V.L., Hagedom, M. 2010. Betaines and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) as major osmolytes in Cnidaria with endosymbiotic dinoflagellates. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 83(1): 197-73. Zubillaga, A.L., Marquez, L.M., Croquer, A., Bastidas, C. 2008. Ecological and genetic data indicate recovery of the endangered coral Acropora palmata in Los Roques, Southern Caribbean. Coral Reefs 27:63-72. Clown Fish and Anemones (Photo: Mike Henley & Mary Hagedom ) Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to: Dr. M. Hagedom, Smithsonian Institution and Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, P. O. Box 1346, Kaneoehe, HI 96744. e-mail: hagedomm@si.edu 808-520-1346 (TEL) 808-236-7444 (FAX) Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 563 Climate Change. .... The Effect of Climate Change on Migratory Birds By Scott Si l let, Ph.D. , Research Scientist Migratory ’ Bird Center, Smithsonian Institution ’s National Zoological Park Research Collaborators: Nicholas L. Rodenhouse, Wellesley College and Richard T. Holmes, Dartmouth College Climate patterns throughout the world are changing rapidly, as evidenced by increases in average global temperature and in the annual variability of weather conditions. The impacts of these changes on animal populations are not well understood. However, they can be assessed through long-term demographic studies that take advantage of temporal and spatial variability in weather across environmental gradients. In this project, we have extended our long-term studies of birds in New England forests in ways that allow us to identify and assess how weather, and ultimately, climate, in combination with biotic factors, affects the spatial distribution, abundance, and demography of bird species that breed in temperate forests. In 2002, we began to examine these processes through demographic studies of one focal species, the Black-throated Blue Warbler ( Dendroica caerulescens), and extensively by quantifying annual shifts in the spatial distribution and abundance of this focal and other bird species at a landscape scale — that of the 3160 hectare (1 hectare = 100 meters by 100 meters) Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in the White Mountains, New Hampshire. The 600-meter altitudinal gradient at this site provides the breadth of environmental conditions needed to compare the effects of within- and between-year differences in local weather conditions and biotic factors (e.g., food supply, nest predator abundances) on bird population dynamics and reproductive performance. Weather - Direct Effects Weather can influence bird populations directly or indirectly. Extreme direct effects of weather include large-scale mortality of adults as a result of catastrophic conditions and of eggs and young due to exposure, starvation or structural failure of nests. For migratory songbirds, mortality of adults due to the direct effects of weather is rare during the breeding season, and instead occurs mostly during migration or as a result of poor wintering conditions. Even so, such non-breeding season mortality can influence the size and age-structure of the breeding population in subsequent summers. 564 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 Weather - Indirect Effects Weather can affect bird demography indirectly in a number of ways. For example, it can influence: • abundance and availability of food (i.e., arthropods) which influence nestling survival, the frequency of double-brooding, and hence seasonal fecundity; • settlement patterns and subsequently the spatial distribution of individuals among sites that differ in suitability; • synchrony of settling which in turn affects local density and the intensity of density-dependent processes; and • abundance and activity of nest predators. These indirect effects of weather all potentially influence bird breeding success and seasonal fecundity, which in turn influences subsequent recruitment and potentially population size. Yet, the relative importance of weather/climate and biotic variables in determining seasonal fecundity has rarely been examined. One way to determine the importance of weather and other factors is to examine avian demography along an environmental gradient where weather conditions vary in a predictable way. It is well known that bird species vary in their distributions and abundances over environmental gradients reflecting their responses to climate and associated vegetational changes along those gradients. Altitudinal gradients in particular are useful, because many aspects of avian environments that potentially influence breeding productivity vary with altitude, including temperature, precipitation, windiness, seasonality, vegetation composition, and physiognomy, as well as arthropod species composition, richness, and abundance. Yet, few studies of birds have examined the demographic consequences of such variation. In this on-going investigation, we are testing hypotheses concerning the effects of abiotic conditions (e.g., weather) and biotic factors (e.g., population density, food, predators) on bird populations distributed across the 600m environmental (altitudinal) gradient within the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest. The research in progress will help to elucidate ecological mechanisms generating changes in bird distribution, abundance, and seasonal fecundity across an environmental gradient, and thus will contribute to an understanding of how weather in combination with biotic factors influences forest birds. Such information is key to assessing the potential local effects of climate change on bird populations, and ultimately to predicting how these populations and the biological communities of which they are a part will respond in the future to climate-caused environmental change. Source : From ongoing research by the Migratory Bird Center at Smithsonian’s National Zoological Park, Washington, DC. http://nationalzoo.si.edu/SCBI/MigratoryBirds/Research/Climate Change/default.cfm It is reprinted here with permission of the author. Black-throated Blue Warbler (Photo: Gerhardt Hoffman) Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 565 Melting Under Pressure The Real Scoop on Climate Warming and Polar Bears By Dr. Ian Stirling, Senior Research Scientist, Polar Bears International and Dr. Andrew Derocher, Professor of Biology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, Recent press coverage about the long-term survival of polar bears and the loss of sea ice in the Arctic due to climate warming has been substantial. In response to a petition from the Center for Biological Diversity and other organizations, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed in January 2007 to list polar bears as threatened because of the possibility that “all or a significant proportion of the total population will become endangered in the foreseeable future” (defined for the purpose of the assessment as 45 years). Habitat loss of sea ice is the central justification for the proposed listing. In response, contrarian articles continue to appear in the popular press, questioning climate warming in general and, more specifically, denying the potential negative effects on polar bears. Such articles generally exhibit a poor understanding of polar bear ecology and selectively use information out of context, which results in public confusion about the real threat to polar bears due to loss of sea ice. Further confusion was introduced in Nunavut, Canada, when local ecological knowledge reported sightings of more polar bears around certain settlements in recent years. This was interpreted as evidence that the populations were increasing, which led to allowable harvest levels being increased, despite scientific evidence that the populations were declining in two areas and a lack of current population data for a third population (Stirling and Parkinson, 2006). Polar bears have home ranges that often exceed 200,000 km2 (Gamer et al. 1991; Mauritzen et al. 2001) and roam far beyond the purvey of hunters based on or near the coast; therefore, it is simply not possible to develop a population perspective from anecdotal observations of polar bears. Further, regional observations may also be affected by factors difficult to measure locally, such as large-scale shifts in the distribution and abundance of prey species or of sea ice. Polar bears are the largest of the terrestrial carnivores and males are roughly twice the mass of females. Females first breed at four to six years of age, usually have two cubs bom in snow dens on land (although some are bom in dens on the sea ice), and cubs stay with their mothers for two and a half years before weaning; therefore females cannot breed more often than every three years. Both sexes can live 20 to 25 years or more and, over most of their range, their primary prey is ringed seals and bearded seals. Polar bears are uniquely adapted to thrive on sea ice and are dependent on it as a platform for hunting seals, seasonal movements, summer refuge, traveling to ice or terrestrial refuge areas, finding mates, and breeding. Assessing the Facts Superficially, polar bears might appear secure. They are widely distributed throughout the ice- covered seas of the circumpolar Arctic, especially in their preferred habitat, the annual ice over the biologically productive waters of the continental shelf where ringed seals are most abundant. They still inhabit the majority of their original habitat and their worldwide abundance, in 1 9 subpopulations, is estimated at 20,000 to 25,000 (IUCN/SSC Polar Bear Specialist Group 2006). Historically, the conservation of polar bears, as well as other arctic marine species, has assumed the arctic marine ecosystem to be relatively stable and ecologically predictable over the long term (MacDonald et al. 2003). Thus, until recently, once estimates of population size and demographic parameters were made for a subpopulation and estimates of sustainable harvest were made, it was assumed that little other than harvest monitoring was required until another population estimate could be made. In Nunavut, the jurisdiction with the largest harvest of polar bears worldwide, most populations have not been monitored long enough to assess a trend in numbers, let alone possible effects of climate change. Further, because the inventory cycle for population assessment in Nunavut is every 15 years, 566 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 most populations lack two estimates made sufficiently far apart to allow determination of whether they are increasing, decreasing, or staying the same. Additional concerns arise from using model projections to estimate future population trends in relation to harvesting, based on short-term mark- recapture studies, because they cannot account for unknown but likely fluctuations in environmental conditions. Inuit and scientists agree that climate wanning is having a significant negative impact on sea ice in the Arctic. In a 2006 study, Josefino Comiso, a senior research scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, reported low ice extents in the Arctic during winter and other seasons in 2005 and 2006. Overall, the winter ice anomalies correlated well with both surface temperature anomalies and wind circulation patterns, and because historical satellite data indicated a positive trend in winter temperatures and a negative trend in the length of ice growth period, Comiso concluded it is likely that the winter ice cover will continue to retreat in the near future. In a recent review of long-term trends in ice cover and causative mechanisms, Serreze et al. (2007) also reported negative linear trends in arctic sea ice extent in the polar basin from 1979 to 2006. The trends were negative in every month and most dramatic in September, with a decline of 8.6 ± 2.9 percent per decade. The authors wrote, “Given the agreement between models and observations, a transition to a seasonally ice-free Arctic Ocean as the system warms seems increasingly certain (p. 1536)” and “Although the large scatter between individual modelsimulations leads to much uncertainty as to when a seasonally ice-free Arctic Ocean might be realized, this transition to a new Arctic state may be rapid once the ice thins to a more vulnerable state (p. 1533).” If these projections are correct, such a significant loss in the total ice habitat will have profound negative effects on polar bears. Andrew Derocher and Ian Stirling study the population dynamics, behavior, and biology of populations of polar bears in the Western Hudson Bay. (Photo: Courtesy of Ian Stirling) In several polar bear populations in the Hudson Bay-Foxe Basin and Eastern Arctic areas of Canada, the ice melts completely in summer, forcing all bears in those populations to spend several months on shore until freeze-up in autumn (Stirling and Parkinson, 2006). Toward the southern extent of polar bear range, in Western Hudson Bay, polar bears feed extensively on the sea ice during spring and early summer before the ice melts. Then, all bears in the population fast while on shore for at least four months until the sea ice refreezes and the bears can resume hunting. Pregnant females fast for eight months, during which time they give birth to cubs weighing approximately 0.6 kg and nurse them up to 10 to 12 kg when they leave their maternity dens and return to the sea ice to hunt seals again. Gagnon and Gough (2005) reported that in Western Hudson Bay, between 1971 and 2003, the mean annual temperatures increased at most weather stations with trends varying from a minimum of 0.5°C per decade at Churchill to 0.8°C per decade at Chester- field Inlet. Further south in James Bay, the temperature has warmed at about 1°C per decade. Skinner et al. (1998) reported that during April through June, the temperature near Churchill and over the adjacent offshore ice had warmed at a rate of 0.3 to 0.5°C per decade from 1950 to 1990. Comiso (2006) reported a similar warming trend from data collected from 1981 to 2005. Apparently in response to this well documented warming pattern, Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vo/. 37, No. 12 567 breakup of the sea ice in Western Hudson Bay now occurs about three weeks earlier on average than it did only 30 years ago. (Stirling et al. 1999, Stirling et al. 2004, Gagnon and Gough 2005, and Stirling and Parkinson 2006). Signs of Decline The trend toward progressively earlier breakup of the sea ice has had significant effects on the polar bears of Western Hudson Bay. The most important time for polar bears to feed on ringed seals is from late spring to breakup, when newly weaned ringed seal pups, up to 50% fat by wet weight and still naive to predators, are abundant. Thus, over the last 30 years, the polar bears in Western Hudson Bay have been forced to abandon hunting seals on the sea ice at the most important time of year and begin their fast on land following breakup at progressively earlier dates. There is a significant negative relationship between the date of breakup and the condition of both adult male polar bears and adult females accompanied by dependent young (Stirling et al. 1999). Also, as a consequence of steadily declining conditions, the average mass of lone (and suspected pregnant) adult female polar bears has declined from approximately 290 kg in 1980 to about 230 kg in 2004 (Stirling and Parkinson 2006). Derocher et al. (1992) reported that no female weighing less than 189 kg in the fall was recorded with cubs the following year, suggesting that polar bear females below that mass will no longer reproduce. More recently, Regehr et al. (2007) demonstrated that the decline in surv ival of cubs and subadults was significantly correlated to breakup date, i.e., the earlier the breakup, the poorer the survival. The progressively earlier breakup brought on by climate wanning, in combination with the failure to adjust a harvest rate that was no longer sustainable, animals in 1987 to 935 in 2004. A similar pattern of earlier breakup of sea ice is now evident in southern Hudson Bay (Gagnon and Gough, 2005), and a corresponding decline in the condition of polar bears of different age and sex classes between mid- 1980s and the mid-2000s has been reported (Obbard et al., 2006). A decline in population size will likely follow, if it has not already started. The renewed prediction of continued climate wanning from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in January 2007 indicated that the long-term negative changes to the sea ice will continue to be unidirectional in the foreseeable future. However, the effects of climate wanning on sea ice and polar bears will vary in timing and rate of change in different regions. For example, in Hudson Bay/Foxe Basin and the Eastern Canadian Arctic (Baffin Bay and Davis Strait region), the sea ice melts completely each summer. Bears survive the summer using their stored fat with opportunistic augmentation by scavenging, feeding on vegetation, and sometimes hunting other marine mammals. Polar bears, however, obtain the vast majority of their annual energy intake by hunting seals from the sea ice surface. Thus, suggestions that today’s polar bear populations will be able to obtain replacement energy sources are fanciful: Polar bears on land in Western Hudson Bay are in a hibernation-like physiological state of fasting (Ramsay and Stirling, 1988). Since their most important feeding period is from mid-April until breakup, bears in these populations are likely to be affected before other areas by progressively earlier breakup caused by climate wanning. In comparison, in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas (part of the polar basin), ice is breaking up earlier and Recent research indicates that melting sea ice has seriously affected the reproductive ability and survival of polar bears. (Photo: Robert and Carolyn Buchanan/PBI) 568 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vo/. 37, No. 12 freezing later, although some multi-year ice remains throughout the summer, up to a few hundred kilometers offshore over the deep polar basin and near the north-western islands of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (Serreze et al. 2007). Climate-related effects on populations of polar bears in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago have not yet been identified, but Nunavut does not maintain a research program that would be capable of detecting such change. Claims by some that climate warming has increased the size of the subpopulation in Davis Strait, Canada, are unsupported by data. An ongoing mark-recapture study indicates that the population of polar bears there is larger than previously thought. However, polar bears are probably more abundant in Davis Strait because of the combined effects of a large increase in the harp seal population and the conservative harvest level, which has been in place for decades (Stirling and Parkinson, 2006). Yet neither possible factor that could stimulate an increase in numbers is related to climate wanning. At this point, it is uncertain how the documented and predicted patterns of seasonal ice reduction and permanent loss will affect all the different populations of polar bears or their distribution and movements. The pathways through which polar bears in different ecological circumstances are, or will be, affected are only partly understood and should be investigated through multi-disciplinary research. However, if the climate continues to warm and negatively affect the duration, extent, and thickness of arctic sea ice as predicted, it will ultimately have a negative effect on all populations. Media Mix-ups Against this extensive backdrop of long-term studies that document the negative effects of continued climate warming on sea ice and polar bears, and projections by the IPCC that those trends will continue, the press continues to cite minority contrarian opinions as if they have equal credibility. One oft repeated example is, “Of the 13 [polar bear populations] in Canada, 11 are either stable or increasing in size” (e.g., Edmonton Journal , 3 1 December 2006, among other publications). In fact, at the 2005 meeting of the IUCN Polar Bear Specialists Group in Seattle, scientists and managers from the five Arctic nations with polar bears unanimously agreed to a status report that concluded that of the 13 populations within Canada, or shared with Greenland, two were severely depleted from previous overharvesting and were being managed for recovery, five were declining, and the rest were recorded as stable, except for one that was reported as increasing based on a computer projection model using extrapolated demographic data. Another regularly repeated statement is that climate warming may be good for polar bears and that they will just adapt somehow and switch to terrestrial diets, including berries. It is possible that in the short term, the sea ice habitat of polar bears in the heavy ice of the farthest northern areas of Canada and Greenland, over the continental shelf, may improve temporarily as the climate continues to warm. However, as the patterns of ice loss mirror those in more southerly areas, the bears will ultimately be negatively affected as well. Similarly, even if there is little ice remaining, some polar bears may be able to augment their diets and survive for variable periods of time by scavenging, preying periodically on larger marine mammals such as walruses, and eating vegetation as available. However, research has shown that the large size of coastal Alaskan brown bears cannot be attained solely by eating berries (Welch et al. 1997) and, further, that large body mass is closely related to the amount of animal matter in the diet (Hilderbrand et al. 1999). It is particularly telling that the smallest black bears and brown bears in the world are found in the Arctic tundra near the coast of northern Labrador and the Beaufort Sea, respectively, because terrestrial food resources at high latitudes are meager. Polar bears are large animals and they got that way by eating seals, not berries. Their survival in anything like the large numbers present today is dependent on large and accessible seal populations and vast areas of ice from which to hunt. Dire Reality Using both field observations of hunting behavior and size-specific metabolic requirements, Stirling and Gritsland (1995) estimated that, on average, a polar bear requires 45 ringed seals (or ringed seal equivalents) per year to survive (larger bears would require more and smaller bears less). Hunting Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 569 of harp seals, bearded seals, and walruses would reduce the number of ringed seals needed but the message is clear that large numbers of polar bears require enormous numbers of ringed seals or equivalents (most species of which also require ice for pupping and molting). In crude numbers, 20,000 polar bears would require about 900,000 ringed seals (or ringed seal equivalents) each year, the majority of which would be pups. Although the total population size of ringed seals is unknown, estimates range between five and seven million, making them one of the most abundant seal species in the world. Like polar bears, however, they are highly evolved to live and breed in association with sea ice so that their reproductive success and total population size will almost certainly decline as the sea ice disappears. In the long term, the loss of an iconic species such as the polar bear is but a symbol of much larger and hugely significant changes that will occur in many ecosystems throughout the world if the climate continues to warm and especially if, as projected by the IPCC, such warming is largely a consequence of excess anthropogenic productivity of greenhouse gases. For polar bears, habitat loss is the most critical single concern. The symptoms of climate warming on polar bears are becoming clearer. Highly specialized species are particularly vulnerable to extinction if their environment changes, and polar bears fit that prescription. If the population of the planet is truly concerned about the fate of this species, we need to collectively reduce greenhouse gas production significantly and quickly. Dr. Ian Stirling is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Alberta. He holds a B.S. and M.S. from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and a Ph.D. from the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand, where he studied the population ecology of Weddell seals in Antarctica. He has studied polar bears throughout the Canadian Arctic for over 37 years with the Canadian Wildlife Service. His long-term studies of polar bears in Western Hudson Bay, one of the world s most southerly populations, confirmed the negative effects of climate warming. The population has dropped 22% since 1987. Dr. Stirling has also studied the bears of the Southern Beaufort Sea and Canadian High Arctic for several decades as well their interrelationships with seals and sea ice. He is the author of three books for the public on bears, including Polar Bears, considered the definitive work on the biology of the polar bear. Dr. Andrew Derocher is a professor of biology ’ at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, and is a past chair of the lUCN’s Polar Bear Specialist Group. He holds a B.S. from the University of British Columbia (1983), a M.S. from the University of Alberta (1987), and a Ph.D. from the University of Alberta (1991). His field research focuses on polar bears in the Canadian Arctic and the polar bears of Hudson Bay. He has also worked with polar bears in Svalbard, Norway, through the Norwegian Polar Institute. Over the course of more than 24 years studying polar bears, Dr. Derocher ’s research has focused on the limiting and regulating factors of polar bear populations including habitat use, harvest effects, and predator-prey relationships. His current work includes assessment of the effects of climate change and toxic chemicals on polar bears. Reprinted with permission from The Wildlife Society. This article originally appeared in the Fall 2007 edition of The Wildlife Professional. 570 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 Notes from the Climate Change Panel Discussion Held at the 2010 AZ A Conference in Houston, TX Provided by Barbara Nielsen, Communications Director Polar Bears International Dr. Steven C. Amstrup, FBI Senior Scientist: Polar Bears in a Warming World : A Future in Jeopardy We're talking about the future of polar bears in a warming world. Indeed their future is in jeopardy. Very simply, their habitat is deteriorating rapidly. Polar bears are linked closely to the sea ice. They rely on the sea ice for hunting, for locating mates, and for breeding. They dig maternal dens there and care for their young. They feed almost exclusively on ringed and bearded seals, which they catch only from the ice surface. There’s no evidence that they could make a living with terrestrial foods. But the sea ice has been deteriorating over the past three decades. The average monthly arctic sea ice extent has fallen dramatically from 1979 to 2010. This is a video created by a colleague, Ignatious Rigor, showing the time period from September 1980 to September 2000. The bright white is the old ice. The animation shows the pulsing of the ice from winter to summer. Over the years, the bright white area gets smaller and smaller. By the end, there are only a few vestiges of old ice left. To recap, here’s what the September ice looked like in 1980 and here’s what it looked like in 2000. And here’s what it’s projected to look like by the end of the century. And, here’s the projected ice thickness at the end of the century. As you can see, the total ice volume is dramatically reduced and the total ice coverage is dramatically reduced. What do these habitat changes mean for polar bears? • Declining growth rates • Drowning • Declining physical condition and stature • Cannibalism • Declining survival • Unusual movements • Declining reproduction • Loss of access to denning areas • Unusual feeding • Declining population size These changes were outlined in nine reports prepared by for the U.S. Geological Survey in 2007 at the request of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. At the time, the USFWS was reviewing the petition to list the polar bear as a threatened species. Predictions showing population declines were prepared by the IUCN Polar Bear Specialist Group as part of their 2005 report. It was part of the background information that went into the USFWS Status Review and Proposed Listing Decision in January 2007 to classify the polar bear as a threatened species. Our reports stated that by the middle of the century we could lose bears in the most southern range, from across the Southern Beaufort Sea and across the Russian Arctic. The media jumped on the predictions of sharp declines in polar bear populations and declared: Polar bears are doomed and this is irreversible! This future for the bears is not, however, unavoidable. We wouldn’t be here today and we wouldn’t be studying them if we thought this was true. Here are projected global temperatures based on various greenhouse gas [GHG] forcing scenarios — and the changes that would take place in the sea ice based on these different scenarios. So, there IS hope. If we get our act together and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, we can ensure a brighter future for polar bears. And the ramifications of such action would extend well beyond the Arctic. None of us would be here today if we didn’t think there was something we could do about this. Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vo l 37, No. 12 571 Dr. Andrew Derocher, professor of biological sciences, University of Alberta: Polar Bears in a Warming Arctic It’s clear that what we really see are the symptoms of what’s coming ahead. The way it ends is up to us. We certainly have every indication that at present we’re on the wrong course. It took about 150,000 years for the polar bear to go from a terrestrial bear to a marine bear. Some of the bears in the Arctic have never set foot on land. They underwent changes to adapt to the Arctic. For example, their skulls have elongated and are much narrower than a grizzly’s. It’s cold in the arctic, so having a longer skull can warm the air the polar bear breathes in, plus it’s a benefit in catching that seal that’s trying to get away. Right now, winter is approaching. In a couple of months you won’t find a grizzly bear. They’ll all be hibernating. The paw of a grizzly is designed for excavating, for digging up roots. Polar bears have adapted to a much more predatory way of life. The bears evolved to eat ringed seals and bearded seals. I call ringed seals the small meal deal: they’re incredibly abundant. Bearded seals are much larger, but there are fewer of them. I made up a word for polar bears. I call them lipovores, meaning they eat fat. They mostly strip fat off their prey and leave the rest to scavengers like the arctic fox. Polar bears are specialized predators of seals. People often ask, “What’s going to happen? Won’t they just turn back into grizzly bears?” I wonder why people think that. It’s not proposed for any other species, to turn back the evolutionary clock. And we’re asking polar bears to change over a very short time period. People also ask, “Why don’t they just move farther north?” The problem for polar bears is they’re a species that feeds in the productive areas over the continental shelf. If we try to push them farther north there aren't many places to go. [Good slide showing habitat distribution and how polar bears aren’t found in the North Pole area.] In the circumpolar Arctic we have 1 9 subpopulations of polar bears. But concerns about a warming Arctic are not just about polar bears, there’s a whole ecosystem affected. If you take away soil on land, you destroy a whole ecosystem. In the same way, if you remove the sea ice, a whole ecosystem will be affected. If you remove just one species — like the cod — the whole food web is affected. Here’s a chart of arctic sea ice from National Snow and Ice Data Center, showing the decline in the sea ice from 1979 to 2000. What happens if we lose the polar bear? The killer whale is the species that will move in if the ice is gone. In the eastern Canadian Arctic there’s already been a dramatic increase in killer whales. There’s probably not room for two top predators. How do we assess climate impact on polar bears? We follow polar bear populations and individual polar bears over time. We use satellite collars to follow individuals. Through our research, we’ve discovered that the home range size for polar bears in the Beaufort Sea is changing. As the sea ice is changing, we’ve seen a threefold increase in the range size of polar bears. Altered sea ice decreases food, increases movement as the polar bears search for food, and longer fasting periods. This leads to poorer body condition, fewer cubs, lighter cubs, lower cub survival, and, ultimately, a population decline. A polar bear tests the strength of the sea ice before going out to hunt for seal. Photo: © Daniel J. Cox/N aturalExposures.com 572 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 Seals equal energy stores that polar bears use for body maintenance and activity. If you push the bears on the activity side, you’re going to see a decrease in those energy stores. More and more problem bears are appearing — and we expect to see more and more. Data from Churchill, Manitoba shows that the number of problem bears has increased dramatically since the 1970s: from about 30 bears per year in 1970 to over 80 in 2005. This year the sea ice broke up earlier than ever seen before, so we’ll probably be seeing more problem bears in Churchill this year. Also the bears end up wandering far away from where they should be — hundreds of kilometers inland — and end up getting shot. Sea ice has always been variable but predictable. Now a polar bear might need to swim 200 miles or more. This is not a problem for a big male, but it is a problem for a mother with cubs. So, we’re seeing more drowned bears. Polar bears are highly specialized. Specialized species are vulnerable to extinction. The symptoms of climate warming on polar bears are clear. What can the zoo community do to motivate the public? The only practical conservation cure is the reduction of greenhouse gas producation. Dr. Ian Stirling, Wildlife Research Division, Environment Canada and Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta: Polar Bears and Climate Wanning in Hudson Bay and the Beaufort Sea People ask, “How do you know these things about polar bears?” Well, they take long data sets. When I started my research 40 years ago, I was interested in long-term fluctuations in the ecosystem and how they affect polar bears. I chose the Western Hudson Bay population to study. In the summer, the last ice on Hudson Bay melts along the coast of western Hudson Bay and the polar bears are driven ashore. The male polar bears that have been driven ashore aggregate along the coast. Pregnant females and mothers with cubs go further inland to avoid the adult males. Until the bay freezes again they have to live entirely on their fat. When I first started my research we often saw fat bears. One female was so fat we couldn’t fit a satellite collar around her neck. We had to attach a tracking device to her head. It’s important that you collect information that you can compare over time. We measure and weigh the bears so we can compare this over time. When we started this study we wanted to look at the effects of fluctuating ice conditions. Breakup takes place when the ice is 50% ice and 50% water. Three weeks later all the bears are ashore. We know that because we follow polar bear movements with satellite collars. By the time the bears come ashore, it’s no longer efficient for them to be on the ice. Breakup now takes place on average a full three weeks earlier than it did 35 years ago. But there’s also a great deal of annual fluctuation. Long data sets are important for that reason — you need long data sets to identify trends. In April, May, and June, it’s been wanning .03 to .5° C per decade. Every 1 ° C increase in temperature advances breakup by approximately one week. Why does an earlier breakup affect polar bears? Ringed seal pups are bom in early April in birth lairs beneath the snow and small, younger polar bears are able to kill them. The pups are weaned at six weeks and are about 50% fat by wet weight. Bears get 70-80% of their annual energy budget during spring feeding. An earlier breakup means less feeding at the best time of year. We’ve documented a general trend that shows that the bears are losing condition. If breakup is late, they’re in good condition. But if breakup is early, they’re -in poor condition and have poor survival rates. We’ve documented a direct correlation between sea ice conditions and the condition of polar bears. The body mass of polar bears in Western Hudson Bay was about 300 kg in 1980 and 189 kg in 2005. That really shocked everybody. Then in 2007 the summer sea ice melted at an accelerated rate, reaching the lowest recorded minimum. In cold weather, hard-packed snow is like concrete. If you get warming weather, the seal lairs collapse. I saw this happen with warm weather and rain on Baffin Island. The seal dens collapsed and the pups Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 573 were out on the ice and soon died. When they’re out of the ice like that, they don’t put on the fat that the bears need. We also documented a situation in which a den collapsed and the bear couldn’t move the weight of the snow above her. In Canada, we’re currently seeing problems in the Western Hudson Bay, Southern Hudson Bay, and Southern Beaufort Sea subpopulations — those are immediate problem areas, and we expect to see problems in other subpopulations in future. We’re looking at an animal that’s highly evolved. If we lose the habitat, we lose the bears. Polar bears face an uncertain future, but it’s important to remember that we have solved global problems before. The hole in the ozone layer is a good example of that. It was a big issue 35 or so years ago that was fought by naysayers. But nations joined together to ban CFCs through the Montreal Protocol. And now, 25 years later, the ozone hole has stopped growing. So that’s a very good example of something of scientific significance where the whole world got together. Dr. Thomas S. Smith, professor of biological sciences, Brigham Young University: Post-den Emergence Behavior in Northern Alaska My work focuses on maternal den studies and polar bears. I’m in the ninth year now. Polar bears are ice-dependent marine mammals. This video shows the movement patterns of four radio- collared bears and their dependence on ice. It shows how they follow the sea ice. They need the sea ice to access food. If sea ice continues to decline polar bears will have to adapt more strategies for survival, one of which will be denning more frequently on land rather than the pack ice. Industry is moving into the north. Oil exploration and development will continue to expand into new areas of the Alaska coastal plain and the near shore marine environment. Denned bears are susceptible to disturbances. Between late October and early November, pregnant polar bears seek suitable snow banks for their winter dens. Dens are located by a variety of means: • By tracking bears wearing satellite transmitters • By surveying probably habitat with aircraft-base FLIR (forward-looking infrared) devices. • By surveying probable habitat with trained bear dogs • By using hand-held FLIR to locate polar bears in probable denning habitat Our study looks at the ecology of denning polar bear families. How long do they stay at the den? How vulnerable are they to disturbances? With the help of a Flir you can fly over the snowy landscape and you can detect a polar bear in her den. Flying over the den you can’t see it . . . but it’s quite evident with a FLIR. The FLIR sensor detects the subtle heat differences in the surrounding snow to reveal a polar bear den. A mother polar bear and her two cubs tentatively cross over thinning ice flows in search of food. Photo: © Daniel J. Cox/N aturalExposures.com 574 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 Once we have pinpointed a maternal den site we use remote camera monitoring to study the site. We set cameras up before the families emerge in early spring. They’re positioned on the landscape and record continuously for about two weeks. These triangles represent den locations in the 1980s. Most were on the sea ice. In the last decade, though, most of the denning is terrestrial, on land areas. As the sea ice thins, the bears sense it’s unstable and move onto land. We expect this to cause more conflicts with humans. Polar bears are also spending less time in their dens: they spent 146 days in the 1980s. In the 2000s, it’s 123 days. There’s been a significant trend of spending less and less time in their dens, which means less protection for young cubs. Every aspect a biologist looks at indicates that the bears are under stress. We are finding more instances of cannablism of a cub by a male bear. Prior to this, such behavior hadn’t been observed in 50-60 years. What does the future hold? Dr. E. Michael Mann, Director, Earth System Science Center, Penn State Universty: Dire Predications; Understanding Global Warming My talk will focus on climate change, the underlying science, and the projections of the future climate. The basics: In its fourth assessment report, published in 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated: “Most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations.” That’s as strong a statement as you’ll ever see from a group of scientists. Some of the great early 19th century scientists described the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is not really an accurate term. There is a natural greenhouse effect. What greenhouse gases do is they can absorb some of the radiation that hits the Earth. The natural greenhouse effect is good: with its absence the earth would be frozen and perhaps lifeless. What’s more controversial is the anthropogenic greenhouse effect. There are various feedbacks involved in global warming. If you double CO., in the atmosphere that would lead to a warming of Earth of a little more than 1° C. But that adds water to the atmosphere, which will warm the planet more, by 2.5° C. Clouds, on balance, appear to be a negative feedback. Added all together you end up with a net positive feedback. When you factor in all the feedbacks, we have a projected total wanning of about three degrees. There has been an abrupt increase in greenhouse gas concentrations. We can look at ice cores and see, nearly 700,000 years ago, a saw tooth pattern showing. You have to go back several million years to find GHGs at the level they are today. The planet has warmed by about 1° C since the 1960s. The rate of warming is without precedent for at least the last millenium. Continents are warming faster than the ocean. Higher latitudes show more warming. We know that the wanning in the Arctic is more than twice as much as elsewhere. If you look at the global sea level, it’s rising. I could show you a hundred climate variables that Earlier melting sea ice impacts the polar bear’s ability to put on sufficient fat stores to make it safely through the harsh arctic winter. Photo: © Daniel J. Cox/N aturalExposures.com Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 575 show the same thing. The snows of Kilimanjaro are disappearing. Within 15 years it’s projected to be gone. We also can look at temperatures: we are currently warmer than we have been in a thousand years, probably longer. The dominant feature is that the wanning of the globe is leading to the shrinking of glaciers. We now know from satellite measurements that the glaciers are shrinking. Another measurement is arctic sea ice: there has been an increase in the ice melt in the Arctic in the summer. This year we’re close to reaching the record low set in 2007. When we look at arctic sea ice, we’re interested in the volume too . . . there’s very little multi-year ice left. Theoretical Climate Models - Here are three different climate models. The chart shows the predictions made in 1988 by James Hansen, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies. He showed three scenarios of projected temperatures based on projected greenhouse gas buildups. The red is the instrumental record showing what actually happened. Hansen’s blue line corresponds roughly to the actual emissions and reveals a remarkable match to the actual temperature increases. People always ask about influences on the climate like sunspots and volcanoes. We can put those factors into models. When we do that, the planet should have cooled over last few decades if natural factors were at work. Human factors such as aerosols cool, too. We add all those to the model. The warming cannot be explained by natural factors. Everything points to the fingerprint of greenhouse wanning. Yet there are many climate change deniers. Some in fairly high places don’t believe human factors are involved. Senator James Inhofe called this “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.” The so-called Climategate was based on cherry picked words and phrases. All this happened two weeks before the Copenhagen talks on climate change. It’s strange that they even dubbed this Climategate. Watergate was about the crime of breaking in, not the information taken. This was about content. Climategate got a lot of play in fringe media. But the publication Nature investigated and reported: “The stolen e-mails have revealed no scientific conspiracy, but do highlight the ways climate scientists could be better supported in the face of public scrutiny.” Nature also said that the theft in fact “... highlights the harassment that denialists inflict on some climate-change researchers.” The controversy was perhaps caused to make the public distrust climate scientists. But, if climate warming is a hoax, then the Arctic is in on it. The accusations were dismissed by six independent investigations. The term “hide the decline” is a slang term that was taken from an email about tree rings and referred to bad data. The scientists were attacked for fudging data when, in fact, their estimates were the most conservative. Even with all the data we have, contrarians say the globe in cooling. No, we’re now warmer than we’ve ever been before. The number of heat records being broken vs. cold records is 2 to 1. It should be 1 to 1 . The computer models predicated that. 576 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 The RealCimate website (www.realclimate.org) [which Mann and other leading climatologists contribute to] talks about breaking developments in climate science by working climate scientists. Climate Projections : For each scenario tells you the range of warming projected. If we continue on with business as usual, we’re projected to see 1.5-4. 5° C warming by the end of the century. The warming that would occur more at higher latitudes would be more like 7° C. That’s what we’ve seen so far, if we continue with business as usual. Droughts would be more expanded and prevalent and we’d see other attributes. We could also reach tipping points. One is the melting of the ice sheets which would unleash a sequence of feedback mechanisms that we wouldn’t be able to stop. The melting of the Arctic sea ice would be another tipping point. The Impacts of Climate Change : There are also positive feedback like the melting of the ice leads to warmer waters, which will open the Northwest Passage. With the collapse of the arctic sea ice we’re already about 30 years ahead of schedule ... the models appear to be too conservative. If you follow that black curve in the graph, in 30 years or so we’ll have an ice-free arctic in summer. We’ll have other problems with national policy and security implications. The stresses could lead to war. There are huge national security issues. Shrinking food and water supplies. Pestilence and death. Starvation. Heat waves. We expect to see a dramatic increase in heat waves in Europe and North America. Hurricanes. If you look at overall destructiveness of hurricanes there’s a pretty impressive match. We expect to see more Category 4 & Category 5 hurricanes due to warmer ocean water. We’re predicting a sea level rise of one meter by end of century. If the Antarctic ice sheet melts, it would be six meters. Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change : To reduce our vulnerability to climate change, we must both adapt to the existing buildup and reduce the amount of CO, we’re emitting. The nations of the world need to take aggressive and immediate action to avoid the looming crisis. Solving Global Warming : We must take action to mitigate the buildup of greenhouse gases. This means reducing our reliance on fossils by changing government policies and individual lifestyles. To stabilize CO, at 450 parts per million, fossil fuel use needs to peak by 2020. Yes, it will cost money to address this, but models often fail to factor in the cost of not taking action. Personal actions — taking steps in your daily life and setting an example for family and friends and neighbors can help. But that alone isn’t enough. Businesses need to know that we want green products. And try to hold your policy makers accountable. Let them know that when they make policy decisions, you want them to take climate change into account. Species Abound in Arctic Reserve Alaska’s Western Arctic Reserve is a pristine wilderness home to an incredible variety of wildlife, including polar bears, caribou, walrus, wolverines, beluga whales, spotted seals, seabirds, and shorebirds. The 23.5-million-acre NPR-Alaska, or Western Arctic Reserve, comprises the largest tract of unprotected public land in the United States. Congress designated “special areas” within the reserve to receive maximum protection in the late 1970’s. These area include calving grounds for the nearly 500,000 animal Western Arctic caribou herd, birthing habitat for up to 3,500 beluga whales and feeding areas for polar bears and grizzly bears. One of these “special areas” is Kasegaluk Lagoon. It provides a unique barrier island ecosystem located along the northwestern coast of the reserve. Up to 3,500 beluga whales gather in the lagoon to feed and bear their young, and the area is also important for spotted seal as a haulout area. Kasegaluk Lagoon is an important feeding area for both polar bears and grizzly bears Source: From Endangered Species Coalition Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 577 Global Warming Threatens Future of Coastal Fishing Many of Florida’s coastal bays and estuaries will be inundated by 2100 due to sea-level rise from global warming, making the “Fishing Capital of the World” uninhabitable by some of Florida’s most prized game fish, a new study reveals. A study of nine sites along Florida’s coasts projects that sea-level rise would dramatically alter the extent and composition of important coastal habitats throughout the region if global warming continues unabated. “Fishing as we know it could disappear in a matter of decades,” said Manley Fuller, president of the Florida Wildlife Federation. “Our coastal habitats are shrinking and if we lose our coastal fisheries to rising seas, the effect on fish and wildlife Floridians have worked so hard to protect will be devastating.” The Florida Wildlife Federation and the National Wildlife Federation commissioned an independent researcher to study nine areas along Florida’s coast (including Pensacola Bay, Apalachicola Bay, Tampa Bay, Charlotte Harbor, Ten Thousand Islands, Florida Bay, Biscayne Bay, St. Lucie Estuary and Indian River Lagoon) to see how a 15-inch rise in average sea level during this century would affect coastal habitats. The study found that nearly 50% (approximately 23,000 acres) of critical saltmarsh and 84% (166,572 acres) of tidal flats at these sites would be lost. The area of dry land is projected to decrease by 14% (174,580 acres), and roughly 30% (1,000 acres) of ocean beaches and two-thirds (5,879 acres) of estuarine beaches would disappear. As sea level rises, the area of open-ocean and estuarine water is projected to increase by 64 % and 18%, respectively (totaling 266,110 acres), and mangroves are expected to expand in some areas, increasing by 36% (92,541 acres). The area of brackish marsh is projected to increase more than 40- fold (73,695 acres), mostly around Apalachicola, taking over much of the current hardwood swamp land. In addition, global warming is expected to lead to an increase in marine diseases, harmful algal blooms, more-extreme rainfall patterns and stronger hurricanes, all of which would have a significant impact on the state’s prime fisheries. “Fishing is a way of life in Florida,” said Fuller. “Not only is it a wonderful pastime, it’s an economic boon to the state.” According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, in 2005 anglers spent $3.3 billion on saltwater recreational fishing in Florida, supporting nearly 60,000 jobs. Scientists agree that a significant increase in the rate of sea-level rise due to melting glaciers and ice caps and the thermal expansion of the oceans is one of the most direct consequences of global wanning. “Florida’s game fish are on the front line,” said Patty Glick, global wanning specialist for the National Wildlife Federation and author of the report, Unfavorable Tide: Global Warming, Coastal Habitats and Sportfishing in Florida. “As sea level rises, fish species that need the protection of saltmarshes and tidal flats during their early larval or juvenile stages will be most vulnerable.” According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) the global average sea level has already risen about six inches over the past century. Based on recent trends, scientists’ mid-range projection is that sea level will rise another 15 inches by the year 2100. 578 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 Click said that along Florida’s gradually-sloped shores, this would translate into a horizontal advance of water inland by as much as 250 feet, contributing to coastal erosion, inundation and changes in wetlands and mangroves. The projected 50 % loss of saltmarsh habitat, for example, would be a significant reduction in fish nursery habitat, Click said. In addition, significant declines in beaches and tidal fiats in some areas would reduce habitat for species that rely on those areas to feed. Among the top 10 game species considered most at risk are Bonefish; Flounder; Gag grouper; Gray snapper; Permit; Pompano; Kedfish; Snook; Spotted seatrout; and Tarpon. In many areas, sea-level rise would also reduce essential habitat for important prey species such as shrimp, crabs and smaller fish, causing ripple effects throughout the marine food web. “This list is by no means comprehensive, nor is it a ‘prediction’ of what is to come; but it does signify the extent to which sea-level rise could threaten Florida’s treasured sportfishing traditions,” Click said. Click said there are signs that the rate of sea-level rise in the future could actually be considerably greater than current projections, due to a recently discovered increase in the rate at which the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica are melting. Along the Gulf Coast and in South Florida, the most vulnerable habitats are saltmarshes and tidal flats. Along the East Coast, the greatest problems are likely to be significant erosion of beaches and inundation of dry land. “The vast majority of Florida’s marine fish and shellfish species depend on saltmarshes, seagrass beds and other habitats found in the state’s bays and estuaries, so the projected changes to these habitats due to sea-level rise would have an enormous impact on Florida’s commercial and recreational fisheries,” Fuller said. Click said that all of the changes caused by global warming would fall on top of the numerous other stressors that threaten Florida’s coastal resources. “While it is difficult to know exactly what each and all of these problems combined would mean for Florida in the decades to come, there is no question that without meaningful action to address these multiple threats the future of the state’s coastal habitats, the fish and wildlife they support and the livelihoods and quality of life of the people who depend on them would be dramatically and irretrievably different from what they are today,” Click said. Click said that reducing global warming pollution can minimize the threat of global warming. In addition, developing and implementing more-rigorous fishery and coastal resource management strategies that fully incorporate the likely impacts of global warming on habitats is essential to protecting coastal Florida’s fishing resources. Source: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 by: NaturalNews, citizen journalist at http://www.naturalnews.com/019829_ global _w arming _habitat Jishing. html A Florida saltmarsh appears like a stand of waving long grasses. These saltmarshes are home to many fish species that may become endangered as sea levels rise. (Photo: TropicalConservancy.com) Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 579 Arctic Ambassador Centers Hand to paw. Paw to hand. We can’t think of a more powerful connection than this at one of the PBI Arctic Ambassador Center zoos. These extraordinary zoos have each pledged to take action on climate change — and to inspire and educate visitors to do the same. Their message is simple: “Together we can save polar bears and the Arctic, but we must act soon.” Our network of Arctic Ambassador Center zoos includes nearly 30 zoos across the U.S. and Canada. What do they do? • Feature bear- friendly exhibits that showcase the beauty and power of the polar bear • Follow a strong stewardship ethic in their day-to-day operations and public outreach • Provide leadership for CO, reductions in their communities • Support PBI research projects to help conserve wild polar bears • Play a key role in the PBI Sustainability Alliance, a front-line team helping to save polar bears in a rapidly warming Arctic These zoos also take part in PBI programs including our Leadership Camps, Project Polar Bear contest, and Tundra Connections broadcasts, (see www.polarbearsintemational.org). Enriched exhibits. Public outreach. Leadership in reducing C02. We couldn’t ask for a more committed team. You can help: Find an Arctic Ambassador Center zoo near you from the list that follows. Then get involved! PBI Arctic Ambassador Centers Zoos Alaska Zoo Aquarium du Quebec *Assiniboine Park Conservancy & Zoo Brookfield Zoo, Chicago Zoological Society Buffalo Zoological Gardens Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Columbus Zoo and Aquarium Como Zoo & Conservatory Henry Vilas Zoo Indianapolis Zoo Kansas City Zoo ^Louisville Zoological Garden Maryland Zoo in Baltimore Memphis Zoo Milwaukee County Zoo North Carolina Zoological Society 580 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 Zoos (confd) Oregon Zoo Philadelphia Zoo Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium Reid Park Zoo "Roger Williams Park Zoo, Providence San Diego Zoo San Diego Zoo, Institute for Conservation Research Seneca Park Zoo Toledo Zoological Gardens Toronto Zoo **Tulsa Zoo and Living Museum "-Utah's Hogie Zoo *Polar bear exhibit planned or under construction ** No exhibit planned at present Associates American Association of Zoo Keepers ~ Reaches 2600 keepers on five continents Association of Zoos & Aquariums ~ Reaches 162 zoos in the U.S. Canadian Association of Zoos & Aquariums ~ Reaches 19 zoos in Canada POLAR BEARS INTERNATIONAL European AZA Bear TAG Frontiers North Adventures Gault, Inc. Hannover Adventure Zoo Jane Goodall Institute Manitoba Conservation National Museum of Wildlife Art Parks Canada/Wapusk National Park FBI Australia The Portico Group Scandinavian Wildlife Park Sea World Enterprises Australia Vienna Zoo WWF Arctic Program Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 581 Patience The snow is falling and the wind is howling. The temperature is probably in the single digits, but none of us dare venture outside for long to check. We are writing this in the Tundra Buggy™ Lodge, below the Arctic Circle, along the Hudson Bay. There’s a polar bear sleeping ten yards from us. Talk about patience. He’s waiting for ice to form. Waiting for the opportunity to hunt and eat seals on the ice. It’ll probably be at least another month before he ’ 11 be able to do this, so he waits. Patience. What’s happening up here is that he has to wait longer and longer each year for his opportunity. With the Earth getting warmer every year, the ice forms later and later. He just got up to look at us, raising his nose to check the smells in the air. He fumbles with a branch in front of him, breaks it off with his mouth and rolls on his back to play with it. He settles himself and is silent and still again. Still waiting for ice. Patience. As we fill the air with our emissions - from keeping the lights on when we’re not in the room, driving our cars for every little task, cranking the air conditioning in July even when the front door is cracked open, and chopping down all the trees- we’re warming the planet. The changes may seem miniscule - maybe a few degrees warmer on a summer day - but the changes at the North and South poles are much easier to see. We are two of the lucky few to say we’ve seen a polar bear in the wild. Although you may never get that chance, do you want to live on a planet without them? He yawns, stretches his right leg, and curls up again. Patience. Their fate is just the beginning of this snowball effect. If we continue on this path, your visit to the Jersey shore may be affected. As ocean levels rise, the boardwalks in Cape May and Wildwood will be under water, and the power of the sea will devour ocean-front properties. Skiing in the Poconos will be more difficult as the snow gets less and less. Can you afford higher electricity bills because you need your air-conditioning more each year? We look up and our furry friend outside is still asleep. Patience. Canary in a coalmine is a phrase coined long ago when birds were used to test air conditions in mines before humans entered. The polar bear is the big white canary in the coalmine of the North. He’s telling us we need to stop wasting, stop abusing, stop taking what we have for granted. Patience. He’s patient because he has to be. We can’t afford to be patient any longer. We need to do something about it. Whether for your own children or the polar bear outside our window. Do something. (Photo: Angela Johnson) Source: 2009 PBI-AAZK Keeper Leadership Camp participants blog 582 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 PBI Leadership Camps Polar Bears International They?re launching recycling drives. They're planting trees. They’re greening schools, zoos, and communities. Graduates of PBI Leadership Camps — held each fall for teens and zookeepers, and, this year, for zoo educators and professionals as well — return with great ideas from a week on the tundra near Churchill, Canada. They’re filled with hope and purpose — and a crystal clear mission: Polar bears need our help. Humans must change their behavior. The time for action is now. We could tell you about the intensity of the students as they leam first-hand about polar bears, the Arctic, and climate change. We could describe their brainstorming sessions, the leadership skills they gain — and the action plans they create— to tackle C02 reductions back home. But instead, we’ll let them tell you what the camp means in their own words: What an emotional experience to see the animal that we care so much about in its natural environment ! The moment was silent except for some sniffles from the emotional overload and the clicking of our cameras. Tears ran down our cheeks. Men cried in front of women — and it was OK. This polar bear was our inspiration. She was the reason we had traveled to Churchill. Her future depends on us — and the burden of knowing this was part of the emotional rollercoaster we all ex- perienced at that moment. After seeing our first polar bear, we zoo keepers felt ready to face the challenges ahead. — Angela Johnson and Josianne Romas co, PBI-AAZK Zoo Keeper Camp Coming up here has made me realize how impor- tant the Arctic is, how magnificent the animals are , and how they really need our help. The polar bears are counting on us! I have a new outlook on life and a strong belief in what I can do if I really try. Now its time to head back Down Under, but I’ll never forget the beauty I saw on my adventure in the Arctic. I’m returning to my own community to create change. — Stephanie Walker, graduate PBI Teen Leadership Camp Photo: © Daniel J. Cox/N aturalExposures.com Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 583 Living with the Polar Bears of Churchill During Keeper Leadership Camp By Angela Johnson, Keeper, Louisville Zoo, Louisville, KY and Josie Romasco, Keeper, Pittsburgh Zoo, Pittsburgh, PA On Sunday, 4 October 2009 zookeepers from Canada, Denmark, and the United States gathered together for the first time in a hotel in Winnipeg, Canada. They traveled there to be part of the first “Arctic Ambassador Keeper Leadership Camp” sponsored by Polar Bears International [PBI] and AAZK. Most of us had never met before this day. The following morning we met in the lobby of the hotel, crossed the street to the airport, and boarded an airplane to Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. None of us had any idea what to expect on our journey, nor did we realize that this trip would later change our lives forever. Upon arriving in Churchill, we took a tour of the small town of about 850 people on the Tundra Buggy™. First, we drove to the site of an old landfill which had been turned into a recycling plant. The townspeople of Churchill had found that bears would often feed off the waste materials in the landfill, thus bringing them close to town on a regular basis. So in an effort to reduce their presence, the dumping ground then became a recycling plant. However, while it did serve its purpose by attracting fewer polar bears, a new issue arose: what to do with all of the recyclables! Quite frankly, it costs too much to take the recycled materials to be processed because of the town’s remote location, and not enough people are buying recycled materials to fit the demand. Unfortunately, this most likely means that the recycling center will be decommissioned, the landfill will soon return, and so will the hungry polar bears. Next, we went to a cabin and met local trappers and learned about their livelihoods. These were three individuals who have lived off the land and have the utmost respect for it. To them, nature is all about balance, and as long as they take only what they need, they feel they are sustaining the arctic species. Should they discontinue their ways, from their experience, Mother Nature will take it upon herself to control wildlife populations by spreading disease — leaving valuable fur and meat wasted and unused. At least by trapping in a conscientious manner, every part of the animal is utilized. Those attending the Arctic Ambassador Leadership Camp frequently saw polar bears outside their Tundra Buggy™ classroom. (Photo by Josie Romasco ) We then traveled to D20 which is also known as polar bear “jail.” Jail implies that the bears have done something wrong. Wandering into town, possibly looking for food, while waiting for the ice on the Hudson Bay to freeze in order to hunt is hardly a crime. D20 is a holding facility for polar bears. A Polar Bear Alert Program is in effect in the town of Churchill. There are three main goals of the Polar Bear Alert Program (1) The safety of the people (2) The safety of the bears and (3) Decreasing habituation of the bears to people. When a bear wanders into town for the first time, an effort is made to deter the bear. Hazing by using loud sounds such as gunfire, will sometimes deter the bears. Bears that will not depart town or bears that continue to come into town are caught in a live trap. The bears are then transported to the holding facility where they will live, having no interaction with people. 584 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 They are usually kept there a maximum of 30 days or until the ice on the Bay starts to freeze. At this time, they are released away from town, free to start their journey on the frozen bay and to hunt the ringed seals that they have anxiously awaited for months. After spending much of the day touring town, we then rode about two hours on the Tundra Buggy™ out to the Tundra Buggy Lodge"1. This would be our home for the next week. We would make new connections and become part of the Polar Bears International family. Problem polar bears are caught in and then released away from the community. (Photo byJosie Romasco) live traps Churchill On our first evening at the lodge, 1 7 zookeepers from three different countries gave presentations about their institutions. We learned quite a bit about each other and the zoos we represented. All of this in just one day! Little did we know this was an indication of the long, productive days that were ahead— -for some, the days started before Sam (O Canada!) and didn’t end until 1 1pm. Even at that point, we all slept with one eye open! Like a child on Christmas Eve waiting to catch a glimpse of Santa sliding down the chimney or hear the pitter-patter of reindeer paws on the roof, we lay in our bunk beds hoping that a polar bear would find its way outside our Tundra Lodge windows in the middle of the night. A curious polar bear look up at the Tundra Buggy"1 (Photo by Angela Johnson) The second day at the lodge, we went out on the Tundra Buggy"1 and sited our first polar bear. She was a healthy, gorgeous, female bear that had obviously eaten well earlier in the year and had built up her fat reserves. We were told by the president of Polar Bears International, Robert Buchanan, that she was the prettiest bear that he had ever seen — and we unanimously agreed. What an emotional experience to see an animal that we all cared so much about, in its natural environment! The moment was silent except for some sniffles due to the emotional overload and the clicking of our cameras. Tears ran down our cheeks. Men cried in front of women and it was okay. She was our inspiration... she was the reason we were in Churchill. Her future depends on us and the burden of knowing this was part of the emotional rollercoaster we were all experiencing at that moment. After seeing our first polar bear, we zookeepers were ready to face the challenges of the week ahead of us. While at the Tundra Buggy Lodge™, we felt as if we were in the middle of nowhere — and we were! There was no cell phone reception and no television to watch. No ringing phones and no vehicles other than the Tundra Buggy"1 for the next few days. However, the unique aspect of what PBI can do is to pull amazing resources even out to the desolate arctic tundra! We had computer access with Internet service which allowed us to blog and “tweet” our daily experiences to the rest of the world, and each day we had a live webcast speaker to talk to us about various subjects. Topics included: sea ice and its importance to the bears, toxins in the environment and their effects on bears, using social media to our advantage (i.e.: You Tube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.), and creating effective strategies for getting our message out via the media. In addition to having live webcasts, each evening after dinner we had a guest speaker join us at the Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 585 Tundra Lodge. John Gunther with Frontiers North Adventures1" and Tundra Buggy Tours™ spoke to us about the importance of tourism in Churchill. This company donates the use of their lodge and buggy two weeks out of the year for Teen and Zookeeper Leadership Camps. As keepers at the leadership camp, we greatly appreciate this generous donation. Other speakers included Mike Goodyear, executive director of the Churchill Northern Studies Centre and Kevin Burke, a park officer for Wapusk National Park. This week, in addition to observing polar bears, we were fortunate enough to encounter other arctic wildlife such as Ptarmigans, Snow Buntings, Ravens, Canadian Geese, Swans, Arctic Fox, Arctic Hare and a Bald Eagle. To help us locate and appreciate these creatures, Bill Watkins, Conservation Biologist for Manitoba spent the week with us at the Tundra Lodge1" and on our Tundra Buggy1" excursions. His knowledge gave us a better understanding of what the world stands to lose, should we not increase our efforts to reduce global warming and needless to say, he was a resource that had been used by each of us at one time or another throughout the week. Finally, our facilitators were eight team leaders with diverse backgrounds who provided us with a foundation of information, enabling us to function as one cohesive team. Their task was daunting, but thanks to them, we were able to create a forward action plan to initiate at our home institutions. What a challenge it must have been for the facilitators to keep 17 zookeepers focused for hours on class work, when a polar bear is sitting right outside the lodge, distracting us alii A polar bear relaxes amid the wildflowers that were still in bloom during the Leadership Camp session in October. (Photo by Josie Romasco) The final two days spent on the Tundra Lodge™ were intense, to say the least. We had spent the days prior getting to know one another, understanding life and culture in the Arctic tundra, digesting information from every possible resource available to us, and now it was our turn to show why we were chosen as leaders to bear the title of “Arctic Ambassadors.” And so we began the grueling process Zookeepers who attended the Arctic Ambassador Keeper 0f developing a collective Leadership Camp in Canada gathered for a group photo before “forwarcj action plan” to reduce ^ b CCfi emissions, in the hopes that we can initiate change to reverse the effect of global warming to save polar bear habitat within the next five years. Our challenge was two-fold; we needed to develop initiatives to both actively reduce emissions and sequester the carbon that causes global warming. From this, “Acres for the Atmosphere” was created — a project which focuses on increasing green space on large tracts of land, not just through the planting of individual trees, but where all aspects of “greening” are considered (city/county brown zones, saving existing forest from unsustainable harvest, local parks and plots of land, etc.). Our goal is to “green” at least one acre of land for every zoo that had been represented at the Leadership Camp by October 2010. 586 Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 Additionally, within that same year, we will also work in developing outside partnerships to engage in the reduction of CO. emissions through energy conservation practices, utilizing recycled goods and stewardship, to name a few. We zoo keepers have all become ambassadors of the Arctic, leaving Churchill nothing less than inspired. We will make a change, and we invite you to join us in helping to save polar bear habitat by planting an “Acre for the Atmosphere.” For every acre that is planted, we have the potential to slow the Arctic ice melt and ensure that future generations may continue to appreciate polar bears in their natural habitat. Robert Buchanan, his wife Carolyn, as well as the rest of the PBI family is completely devoted to saving polar bear habitat. Several times throughout our week together, Robert mentioned that zookeepers are some of the most passionate people that he has ever met in his life. Well, we zookeepers happen to think that the Buchanans are the most passionate individuals that we have ever met! They have, and continue to, invest so much of their time, energy and resources into zookeepers and teen leaders to give us the tools and encouragement to realize our own potential, not only as individuals, but as a team. Perhaps the greatest lesson learned from our experience on the tundra is that by working together, the sky is the limit. (Editor s Note: This article originally appeared in the December 2009 issue of Animal Keepers ’Forum) www.polarbearsinternational.org POLAR BEARS INTERNATIONAL Polar bears and their ultimate survival against the threat of global warming was the theme of the Leadership Camp. (Photo: B.J. Kirschhoffer) MOVING? Don't miss a single issue of A KF! To update your address, please go to the AAZK website (www.aazk.org) and enter your new address information on the Homepage. Or call 785-273-9149 with address change details. Or email address change to aazkoffice@zk.kscoxmail.com Animal Keepers’ Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 587 For Further Information on Climate Change Editor s Note: The Wildlife Society has an excellent 32-page bibliography on numerous aspects of Climate Change and Species with links to downloadable pdfs of many of the articles. You can access and download this bibliography by typing “Climate Change Bibliography ” into a Google search. This bibliography will be the top hit. Other good website resources are listed below: Websites on Climate Change* 1. http://www.teachers.ash.org.au/jmresources/climate/change.htm 2. http://globalchange.nasa.gov/Resources/pointers/glob_warm.html 3. http://www.world.org/weo/climate (100 top Climate Change sites) 4. www.unitar.org/ccp/sites/unitar.org.ccp/files/CC%20WEBSITES.pdf 5 . www. cj r. org/ the . . ./every thing_you_wanted_to_know. php 6. http://www.dmoz.org/Science/Environment/Climate_Change/ 7. http://checklisttowardzerocarbon.wordpress.com/120-appendix-i-climate-change-resources/ 8. www.climatechangefacts.info/ 9. www.worldwildlife.org/climate 10. http://gcmd.gsfc.nasa.gov/ •websites verified as of 11/8/10 Books on Climate Change** 1 . Climate Cover-Up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming (2009) by James Hoggan 2. Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis (2009) by A1 Gore 3. Science as a Contact Sport: Inside the Battle to Save Earth’s Climate (2009) by Stephen H. Schneider 4. Climate Change: Picturing the Science (2009) by Gavin Schmidt 5. What We Know About Climate Change (Boston Review Books) (2007) by Kerry A. Emanuel 6. Dire Predictions: Understanding Global Warming (2008) by Michael E. Mann 7. The Weather of the Future: Heat Waves. Extreme Storms, and Other Scenes from a Climate-Changed Planet (2010) by Heidi Cullen 8. The Forgiving Air: Understanding Environmental Change. (2008) 2nd Edition by Richard Somerville 9. The Rough Guide to Climate Change. (2008) 2nd Edition by Robert Henson 10. Climate of Extremes: Global Warming Science They Don't Want You to Know (2010) by Patrick J. Michaels and Robert Balling 1 1 . With Speed and Violence: Why Scientists Fear Tipping Points in Climate Change (2008) by Fred Pearce 12. What’s the Worst That Could Happen?: A Rational Response to the Climate Change Debate (2009) by Greg Craven 13. Why We Disagree About Climate Change: Understanding Controversy. Inaction and Opportunity (2009) by M. Hulme 14. Effects of Climate Change on Birds - (2010) by Anders Pape Moller, Wolfgang Fiedler, and Peter Berthold 15. Carbon Offsets: Examining Their Role in Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Climate Change and Its Causes, Effects and Prediction) - (20 1 0) by Karen T. Momingstar 1 6. The Climate Crisis: An Introductory Guide to Climate Change (20 1 0) by David Archer and Stefan Rahmstorf 17. Global Warming and Climate Change Demystified (2008) by Jerry Silver 18. The Atlas of Climate Change: Mapping the World’s Greatest Challenge. Revised and Updated (2007) by Kirstin Dow and Thomas Downing 19. Down to the Wire: Confronting Climate Collapse (2009) by David W. Orr 20. Climate Change and Biodiversity (2006) by Thomas E. Lovejoy and Lee Hannah **These titles available at amazon.com 588 Animal Keepers' Forum, Vol. 37, No. 12 AAZK Membership Application (Please Print) Check here if renewal [ ] Name Email Mailing Address City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country U.S. Members* ' Canadian Members* □ 1 $45.00 Professional □ 1 $45.00 Professional | — 1 x Full-time Keeper , 1 — l Full-time Keeper U 1 $40.00 Affiliate 1 U 1 $40.00 Affiliate 1 — | Other staff & volunteers , 1 — | Other staff & volunteers u 1 $30.00 Student u 1 $30.00 Student Must supply copy of current student Must supply copy of current student □ ID at time of application l | 1 □ 'D at time of application J $70.00 Or up - Individuals 1 $70.00 or up - Individuals Contributing/U.S. Contributing/Canada □ 1 $150.00 or up □ 1 $150.00 or up Institutional/U.S. Institutional/Canada Organizations/Institutions Organ izati ons/I ns tituti ons (requires Board approval) (requires Board approval) □ $150.00 Commercial Member □ \ $45.00 Library Only (i.e. animal-related food & supplies) Available ONLY to public & □ university libraries (In U.S.) \ $60.00 International Members (All members outside U.S. & Canada regardless of category) Zoo Affiliation (if any) Zoo Address Title l— J My check is enclosed (AAZK, Inc.) □ 1 Please charge my credit card Mastercard Visa Card# _ _ Name on card Expiration date Signature Mail this application to: AAZK Administrative Offices, 3601 SW 29th St., Suite 133, Topeka, KS 66614-2054. Make checks/money orders payable to AAZK, Inc. Must be in U.S. FUNDS ONLY. Membership includes a subscription to Animal Keepers ’Forum. The membership card is good for free or discounted admission to many zoos and aquariums in the U.S. and Canada. Printed in U.S. A. ©2010 AAZK, Inc. W:®' '■ ■ . N- , ' ’ ' 'S T\ . V •r| . • ''iW% oror-o O OJ f-SutL1 -cc: i z •A; ££ sc ro •K«rw # a,3 Tt-,- ~ SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES ii i mil! 3 9088 01575 3882 m & h-Q © 4-» m © □ CT © DC © g > © CO c □ 4-t © DC |z:| ICO Q£ o ; uj CL 1 1 LU < LU lu O CO CO O o N < M— 0 £ a§ ^ •§ Q ^ O 5a^5 s 9-1 • £ K. a. ^3