THE LIBRARY OF YORK UNIVERSITY ANIMAL MOTIVATION EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON THE ALBINO RAT Prepared under the auspices of COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES ANIMAL MOTIVATION EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON THE ALBINO RAT BY C. J. WARDEN THE ANIMAL LABORATORY, DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY WITH THE COLLABORATION OF T. N. JENKINS MARION JENKINS L. H. WARNER E. L. HAMILTON H. W. NISSEN New York COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS 1931 Copyright, 1931 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS Published March, 1931 Printed by The Torch Press Cedar Rapids. Iowa ACKNOWLEDGMENTS To the Council for Research in the Social Sciences of Columbia University, generous thanks are due for their continued support of this project, extending to the publication of the final report in its present form. The project could not have been brought to success- ful completion without the hearty support, from year to year, of Dean F. J. E. Woodb ridge, of the Graduate Faculties, and Profes- sor A. T. Poffenberger of the Department of Psychology. As a fitting recognition of their valuable contributions, the names of the five student co-workers who labored faithfully in carrying out the several major assignments have been placed upon the title page as collaborators, in the order in which they became connected with the project. The project owes its success in no small way to the willing cooperation of this group, and to the earlier work of Frances Holden, whose monograph has been included in the appen- dix. Miss Mercy Aylesworth deserves mention in connection with the study of motivation in discrimination work, which will also be found in the appendix. Many valuable suggestions were offered by Professor R. S. Wood- worth and Professor A. T. Poffenberger, of this department, relative to the preparation of the material for publication in the present volume. C. J. Warden PREFACE In the spring of 1925, the writer submitted to the newly organized Council for Research in the Social Sciences of Columbia University the tentative plan of a comprehensive experimental investigation of animal motivation to extend over a period of several years. The plan called for the measurement and comparison of the reaction tendencies or drives associated with hunger, thirst, maternity, vari- ous sex conditions, etc., by means of the Columbia Obstruction Method, which had been devised by T. N. Jenkins and C. J. Warden in 1924, and was at the time being used by Holden in connection with her doctorate research. It was proposed to use the white rat, at first, in working the field over systematically and then, if pos- sible, to duplicate "with the monkey and other higher types of animal," such parts of the work as offered the most promise. The plan covering the contemplated work on the white rat was approved by the Council and an initial grant of $1000.00 for 1925- 26 became available on July 1, 1925. A like amount was provided for the continuation of the work through the following year ; the sum of $2000.00 was voted for further experimentation as planned for 1927-28, and a final grant of $1000.00 made to cover the 1828-29 budget. Of the allotment for 1928-29, one-half was provided to cover the cost of such clerical and statistical work as might be necessary to bring the results of the various studies together (Part VII) and to prepare the final report for publication in the present volume. The Council also generously assumed financial responsibil- ity for the printing of this report. A summary of expenditures for the entire period shows the disbursement of the $5000.00 grant to be as follows: (1) for animals, $3,173.14; for apparatus and equip- ment, $752.13; (3) for food, bedding, etc., $647.71; (4) for clerical and statistical help, $427.02. As will be seen, the above fund covered only the cost of the neces- sary animals and materials, and made no provision for stipends vii viii PREFACE for those who should care for the animals and do the actual experi- mental work. From the beginning, it had been planned to make this project on animal motivation the major line of research in the departmental animal laboratory and to assign specific topics to approved graduate students, who should work under the super- vision of the writer. Under this arrangement the animals were to be cared for, in the main, by the regular laboratory assistant and the data taken by approved students who should be given assign- ments. This plan has proven to be a wise economy and has worked out satisfactorily in every way. In most cases the first topics assigned were doctorate problems, and by encouraging each to take additional assignments it has been possible to limit the experimental work to a few mature and carefully selected students. By training each worker thoroughly in connection with his first assignment, the high level of uniformity in procedure necessary to warrant the widest interpretation of the results, taken as a whole, was main- tained. Much of the material of this volume has already appeared from time to time in the form of separate papers and monographs. In reprinting these various publications it was found desirable, in some cases, to modify the introductory portions so as to avoid needless repetition. Since the general method had been given detailed treat- ment in Part I, all diagrams and descriptions of the apparatus were deleted from papers included in the other parts. Aside from such modifications, the papers and monographs have been reprinted in full. The author is under special obligations to the editor and pub- lishers (The Williams and Wilkins Company, Baltimore, Md.) of The Journal of Comparative Psychology and Comparative Psychol- ogy Monographs for permission to reprint Part I, 1 and 2 ; Part II, 1 ; Part IV, 1 ; and Appendices 1, 2 and 4 ; and to the editor and publishers (Clark University Press) of The Journal of Genetic Psychology and the Genetic Psychology Monographs for permission to reprint chapters Part II, 2 ; Part III, 1 ; Part IV, 2 and 3 ; Part V, 1 ; Part VI, 1 ; and Appendix 3. The short introductory sections are, of course, new, and are intended to orient the reader with PREFACE ix respect to the general topic of each main part. The opening section as well as Part VII, 1, in which the results are analyzed and inter- preted, is also new. C. J. Warden CONTENTS PART I The Columbia Obstruction Method C. J. Warden 3 1. Standard Apparatus for the Study of Animal Motiva- tion T. N. Jenkins, L. H. Warner, and C. J. Warden 17 2. An Experimental Analysis of the Obstruction Method of Measuring Animal Drives C. J. Warden and H. W. Nissen 34 PART II The Hunger Drive C. J. Warden 53 1. A Study of Hunger Behavior in the White Rat by Means of the Obstruction Method L. H. Warner 56 2. The Effect of Delayed Incentive on the Hunger Drive in the White Rat (Experiment 1: The Obstruction Method) E. L. Hamilton 81 PART III The Thirst Drive C. J. Warden 99 1. A Study of Thirst Behavior in the White Rat by Means of the Obstruction Method L. H. Warner 100 PART IV The Sex Drive C. J. Warden 117 1. A Study of Sex Behavior in the White Rat by Means of the Obstruction Method L. H. Warner 119 2. The Effect of Segregation on the Sex Behavior of the White Rat as Measured by the Obstruction Method Marion Jenkins 179 xii CONTENTS 3. The Effects of Gonadectomy, Vasotomy, and Injections of Placental and Orchic Extracts on the Sex Behavior of the White Rat H. W. Nissen 262 PART V The Maternal Drive C. J. Warden 333 1. A Study of Maternal Behavior in the White Rat by Means of the Obstruction Method H. W. Nissen 334 PART VI The Exploratory Drive C. J. Warden 353 1. A Study of Exploratory Behavior in the White Rat by Means of the Obstruction Method H. W. Nissen 354 PART VII A Comparison of Normal Drives C. J. Warden 371 1. The Relative Strength and Persistence of the Normal Drives in the White Rat C. J. Warden 372 APPENDICES Introduction C. J. Warden 401 1. A Study of the Effect of Starvation upon Behavior by Means of the Obstruction Method Frances Holden 403 2. The Effect of Short Intervals of Delay in Feeding upon Speed of Maze Learning C. J. Warden and E. L. Hamilton 446 3. The Effect of Delayed Incentive on the Hunger Drive in the White Rat (Experiment 2 : The Learning Method) E. L. Hamilton 455 4. The Relative Value of Reward and Punishment in the Formation of a Visual Discrimination Habit in the White Rat C. J. Warden and Mercy Aylesworth 488 Index 501 PART I THE COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD Part I THE COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD C. J. Warden I. Previous Methods of Studying Animal Motivation The measurement and analysis of the motivation factor in infra- human behavior has been more or less neglected in the modern experimental movement in comparative psychology. The reason for this can hardly be due to lack of interest in the dynamic aspect of behavior, since theoretical discussions on this topic have not been wanting. Doubtless one important cause of this neglect has arisen from the obvious difficulties of applying experimental methods in this field. It is simple enough to get rough measures of learning performance under various conditions which may be compared and may thus lead to an understanding of the learning process. But precisely how can one measure the strength of tendencies in the organism aroused by hunger, thirst, sex deprivation, etc., and thus come to know these primary determiners of animal activity as they operate together in the daily life of various types of organism? The problem is made difficult by reason of the fact that one is here dealing directly with fluctuating physiological conditions that are difficult to control even roughly. Then too, those internal states which underlie various types of motivation carry with them the likelihood of a highly excitable organism, which predisposes to emotional disturbances during the testing process. When these and other factors (Part I, 1, 2) are taken into account, it is small won- der that experimentalists, interested in the quantitative analysis of infra-human behavior, should choose to work in the field of learning rather than in that of motivation. Nevertheless several attempts have been made to investigate some of the problems of animal motivation in the laboratory, although usually these have been more or less preliminary and sporadic 3 4 COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD ventures. A brief account of the methods employed in this work will be given in the present section. This survey will be followed by a more detailed account of a new and thoroughly standardized method — the Columbia Obstruction Method — devised by T. N. Jenkins and C. J. Warden of this laboratory, in 1924, and, as later modified in certain indicated details, employed throughout the com- prehensive project reported in this volume. The Revolving Wheel Method seems to have been among the first used in the study of animal activity. As early as 1898, Stewart (15) applied the method to small mammals. The apparatus consists essentially of a revolving wheel attached to the living cage, after the manner of the old-fashioned squirrel cage, to be set in rotation by the animal inside whenever it is predisposed to be active. A measure of the state of activity of the animals at different times and under various conditions, can be secured by means of a kymograph record, a revolution counter, or some other such mechanical device. Slonaker (12) from about 1907 and onward, and Richter (10) and his pupils from about 1922 and onward have made no little contri- bution to our knowledge of motivation in small mammals by their extensive use of this method. Many problems intimately associated with the more analytical aspects of motivation can be studied by this method, although as we have before noted (Part I, 1) the indices obtained are of general activity which can seldom be related to specific incentives or incentive-seeking tendencies. Thus noc- turnal-diurnal and other rhythms of activity can be measured, and the influence of gland extirpation, injections of various secretion extracts and of drugs, etc., can be determined by comparison of the indices secured with those of the normal animal. While the method does seem to give a fairly trustworthy index of the general tendency of the animal to be active or inactive under various condi- tions, it does not appear to lend itself readily to the isolation of many of the more important animal drives. Unfortunately for our present interest, the activity is always the same — running the wheel — regardless of the internal state induced in the organism ; there is nothing characteristic in the behavior from one condition to another to give us the cue as to what may be the objective of the COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD 5 activity in the aroused organism. In the study of specific animal drives, it is desirable to set the conditions so that the amount of activity is registered, but also in such wise that this activity is exhibited as seeking behavior directed toward the specific type of incentive that the experimentally induced physiological state may call for. Certainly, the knowledge that a hungry rat is excited by food in the offing and is bending its energies to secure the food, to the exclusion of other types of activity, presents a more adequate biological and psychological picture of its behavior than the knowl- edge that, when equally hungry the same rat will turn a wheel round and round so many times per hour. The fact that the former statement indicates the relation of the behavior to a specific group of stimuli (food) is a vital point in the understanding of the nature of motivation in the situation. The same general criticisms have been urged (Part I, 1) against the Activity Cage Method which was devised by Szymanski (17) and applied to a large number of animal types, and later used on small mammals by Richter and his pupils in America, This method has so far yielded much valuable information regarding some of the more fundamental activity rhythms in these organisms, and also concerning the manner in which these rhythms come to be overlaid by habit patterns. References to studies of activity of this type — "spontaneous" activity — are given in the bibliography, and in connection with a recent article by Richter (11). In this later article Richter has, indeed, applied the term "internal drives" to the behavior revealed by this method as well as the method dis- cussed in the preceding paragraph, but it would seem wise to restrict the use of the term "drives" to activities depending upon the arousal of internal physiological states which can be definitely related to specific incentives, such as food, sex objects, etc., in the manner of approaching or avoiding responses. The Choice Method of determining the relative potency of differ- ent incentive-drive situations may be considered an extension of the Preference Method, as widely used by Lubbock (5), Graber (2) and others in the study of sensory problems, during the latter half of the nineteenth century, to the field of motivation. The animal is stimulated by a pair of incentive objects (food-female, for exam- 6 COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD pie) and, with equally easy access to both, supposedly goes to the one having the highest incentive value at the moment. It is difficult to say who first applied this type of test, but certainly it has been used extensively by various workers on lower forms in approaching the problem of the relative potency of tropisms, and of instincts under different conditions. The literature of the last several decades contains so many studies of this sort that it is hardly necessary to cite specific investigations. Mast has perhaps used the method more widely than any other. More recently (1924) Moss (8) compared the food-sex drives in the white rat by this method, using a simple technique, which was greatly improved by Tsai (18) the following year. Jenkins (Part I, 1, last 4 pages) developed a standardized apparatus for testing animals by this method in 1925, but we have made no use of this device in our research work on motivation at Columbia, because we have felt that the method, even as improved by Jenkins, is of slight value in this field. In describing the latter apparatus, the writer (4) (Part I, 1, last 4 pages) pointed out the more obvious and fundamental defects of any form of Choice Method, as a means of analyzing dynamic behavior. It is quite impossible to isolate a single drive, since the method itself requires that two physiological states, corresponding to the two incentives used (food-sex, for example) be simultaneously aroused in the organism. But the two states induced are likely to be interdepen- dent and the corresponding drives, unless they are genuinely antag- onistic, thus influence one another in various manners and degrees instead of operating as distinct internal tendencies. Furthermore, it is impossible to say in our present state of knowledge precisely how much starvation should be balanced against a given amount of sex deprivation in such a case. The Method of Choice appears to be ill suited to quantitative, analytical work on motivation. The Learning Method (or Training Method) of studying moti- vation has been employed with some success within a fairly limited field. This method is an adaptation of the usual learning experi- ment in that different incentives are used in the setting up of the same habit, and the various incentive-drive situations ranked in terms of some common index of learning efficiency (speed, accuracy, etc.). This method has been used in a score or more of studies COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD 7 beginning with the early work of Yerkes (1907) on punishment vs. reward; examples of the application of the method to certain special problems will be found in the last three sections of the appendix of the present volume. While the method must always be considered an important one in connection with the analysis of the incentive-drive factor in the learning process, it is doubtful whether it furnishes reliable indices of drives as such. For, it is clearly possible that a given internal physiological state may arouse an organism to activity without increasing thereby its efficiency in the adjustment-fixation process involved in habit formation. In- deed, too great internal arousal may lead to decreased learning efficiency, as when an animal is rendered so excited by a prolonged period of acute starvation as to be unable to run a maze efficiently. Conditions of motivation influence profoundly the stimulability of the animal and the entire repertory of movemnts, as well as the process of fixating new movements. Any comprehensive account of animal motivation must, of course, include the influence of incen- tive-drive factors on learning, but the more fundamental problem of the relation of incentives and drives to activity and movement must be obtained by some method that tests rather than trains. Aside from the narrow limitations of the learning method, it has also the very grave defect of introducing into the motivation index obtained, the various sources of error from chance factors that decrease the reliability of all training scores. It is common knowl- edge that learning scores in both the animal and human field involve gross inaccuracies because of the inability to control the experimental conditions adequately over the usual long training period. Then the very nature of the typical learning experiment in so far as it requires any considerable amount of repetition of the act to be learned, tends to lower rather than raise the value of the motivation factor in the process. All these criticisms suggest that the general problem of motivation should first be approached by means of some direct test in which the training factor is eliminated as far as possible. The learning method, however, may very well take care of the special problems as to the relation of motivation to different types of habit formation. Several attempts have been made to develop a test method, as dis- 8 COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD tinguished from a training method of measuring motivation. The basic principle employed in all these attempts is the general one in- volved in the usual learning experiment, which has come down to us from Lubbock. As early as 1882, Lubbock (6) laid down the principle that the best method of testing an animal as to its intelli- gence, etc., is to " interpose some obstacle" between the animals to be tested and some definite incentive object, thus requiring the animal to surmount the obstacle in order to secure the incentive. Nearly all our laboratory techniques rely upon the application of this principle in some form to arouse the animal to undergo the test or to work upon the problem. This direct stimulation by incentives of various sorts is, indeed, the sine qua non of experimental work on animals, whatever the main objective of the investigation may be. That the principle can be utilized in a test technique — that is, under conditions in which the training element is reduced to a mini- mum — as well as in the more usual learning technique is evident enough. The use of this 1 1 obstacle ' ' principle in a motivation test is fairly simple. By using a standard obstacle and varying the incentive from time to time, or from group to group, motivation indices that are comparable for various incentive-drive conditions may be se- cured. This procedure may be clearly distinguished from the training method for here the animal is required to learn nothing whatsoever; it must merely react to the incentive in accordance with the degree of arousal effected by its physiological condition under the circumstances. It is unnecessary to discuss in this connec- tion the various applications of this general methodology to the problem at hand. As examples of its use on lower forms we may cite the work of Szymanski (16) and of Turner (19) on the cock- roach, and that of Wodsedalek (23) on the May fly nymph. In 1922, Morgan (7) reported some tests made on the white rat which made use of this principle. He argued that 1 ' the amount of inhibi- tion necessary to overcome any tendency may be used as a measure of the strength of that tendency" and suggests the possibility of thus measuring all tendencies including those classified as instincts. In 1924, Moss (8) applied this principle to the white rat more extensively than Morgan had done and stated his thesis in language COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD 9 similar to that of Morgan. Moss used as an inhibiting1, or ' ' opposing stimulus," as he speaks of it (the " obstacle" of Lubbock) a pair of electric grills. The more important defects in the apparatus and technique of Moss are indicated in Part I, 1, and require no further mention' here. In no case had investigators carried their work far enough to develop anything that properly deserves to be called a general method of measuring animal motivation. The fundamental principle underlying the various techniques employed had been known for half a century and occasionally had been applied to motivation problems. The basic principle was the old one of Lub- bock, and one that had been used by both biologists and comparative psychologists in the study of motivation. The matter of developing a standardized technique apparently received scant attention, even in the more recent work of Morgan and Moss. Nevertheless, it would seem to be desirable to refer to the technique of Moss as the Resist- ance Method in order to avoid confusing his apparatus and tech- nique with that developed by Jenkins and Warden and called by them the Obstruction Method. The term 1 ' obstruction method" was introduced by the writer in 1926 (4) to designate the general method of measuring animal drives which had been developed during the preceding two years in the Columbia laboratory. Several writers, evidently confused as to the facts in the case (I, 9), have spoken of the " obstruction method" of Moss, mentioning our own method as a modification of his technique. As before stated, our method was developed with direct reference to the "obstacle" principle of Lubbock, the term "obstruction" being used instead of obstacle because the latter seemed to us to have a much wider application than any single laboratory method. From the facts already cited it would seem that, so far as basic principle is concerned, neither ourselves, Moss, Morgan, Szymanski or other workers who adopted, knowingly or otherwise, the "obstacle" principle can lay any just claim to orig- inality. It seems equally clear, on the other hand, that each of these workers, ourselves included, should be credited with the particular application of the principle which each has made in the way of apparatus and procedure. And especially so, when, as in the case of our own apparatus, the similarities with any other previously 10 COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD devised apparatus are of the most superficial sort. Naturally, we made use of the work of previous investigators in this field, includ- ing that of Moss, but only in a general way, and in the manner of rejecting outright rather than modifying the relatively simple apparatus and technique which others had used. It is hoped that this explanation will prevent any further confusion of the Columbia Obstruction Method with the Resistance Method of Moss, which have nothing important in common except that both apply the "obstacle" principle of Lubbock, as many earlier techniques have also done. II. The Columbia Obstruction Method of Measuring Animal Drives In 1924 the writer began the development of what was planned to be a general method of measuring motivation possessing a wide application in the animal field. It was the original intention to build a test method around the "obstacle" principle of Lubbock rather than to apply the principle as a learning technique as most previous workers in the field of motivation had done. It was considered not impossible that the experimental conditions could be so simplified that not only the different incentive-drive indices obtained for the same species, but also corresponding indices from species to species would be directly comparable. The "obstacle" principle naturally calls for a three compart- ment test arrangement: an entrance or reaction compartment and an incentive chamber separated by an appropriate obstacle. The planning of this part of the apparatus thus presented no very great difficulties, except in the matter of devising automatic controls for the doors. Since we desired to carry out work on the white rat at first, it was necessary to construct the different compartments of this section of a suitable size for this animal ; also to be careful not to introduce into it any device that could not be utilized in a cor- responding testing section for animals of different species. The matter of the general type of obstacle to be used was not so easily disposed of. To begin with it was felt that a general method of the sort here proposed should not be limited to a single type. Szymanski, Morgan, Moss and several others had used some form COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD 11 of electric shocking device as the obstacle, with its obvious advan- tages of ease of control in quantitative units of determinable stimu- lation value. After trying out a number of other types of obstacle, it was finally decided to use an electric grill, and to concentrate our efforts toward the development of a more adequate shocking system than had heretofore been used. However, it should be noted that, as a general method, the Obstruction Method is not limited to the shock type of obstacle, although it does seem that the electric shock, when properly applied, offers the greatest possibilities in the case of most types. The problem remained as to how to make possible the selection of a suitable, standard shock by empirical tests to be used in as wide a range of conditions as possible. Any form of induction coil, such for example as that used by Szymanski and Moss would not do here, since in order to get the widest range of stimulation conditions from which to select a standard, amperage and voltage should be capable of independent change. Obviously the demand here was for a more or less elaborate system whereby a series of currents of graduated amounts could be had in any desired voltage. Expert advice was needed at this point and, fortunately, T. N. Jenkins offered to devise and construct the electrical system needed. Too much credit can hardly be given to Dr. Jenkins for the months of experimental effort expended in perfecting this electrical system whereby a wide range of shocks of known stimulation value can be supplied to the obstruction grill. He found it necessary to con- struct resistances to be used, since ordinary commercial resistances were inadequate to carry the range of high voltages we wished to use at a constant value for long periods of time. The superiority of the Obstruction Method over previous techniques depends in no small degree upon the standardization of the "obstacle," or obstruc- tion grill, by means of this system. The apparatus as originally constructed by Jenkins and Warden in the fall of 1924, was first used in the doctorate research of Holden (Appendix 1), on the hunger drive in 1924-25. She em- ployed three degrees of shock — low, medium and high — and from her results it was seen that a current of low amperage and of medium voltage would be best suited for use as a standard obstruc- 12 COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD tion. Her study suggested also several other changes in apparatus and technique. The use of a tunnel over the grills to prevent the animals from attempting to jump across without getting a shock has proven to be more satisfactory than the arrangement of glass partitions employed in the original apparatus. The incentive com- partment was found to be somewhat too short to contain the incen- tive object and allow room for the animal to react properly to it. This fact led the writer to devise a small fourth compartment, in direct line with the other three, in which the incentive object could be placed. When animals (male, female, litter, etc.) were to be used as incentive objects it would be necessary, of course, to close this small incentive chamber by a door. This called for some form of mechanical device to operate the door that should relieve the experimenter of the task, and also eliminate a possible source of error from human operation of the door. The automatic door release, illustrated * in Figure 2, Part I, 1, was worked out by Jenkins and Warden and constructed by Warner in connection with his doctorate research in the spring of 1926. The grill used by Holden was also unsatisfactory on account of the posibility of short- ing in case of micturition ; this defect was remedied by a new type which allowed drops of urine to fall through and thus prevented shorting. The plan of this improved grill was suggested by Jenkins, and the grill itself constructed by Warner in the spring of 1926. Dr. Jenkins should also be credited with the device illustrated in Fig. 1, Part IV, 2, added in 1927 to facilitate the control of the door to the entrance compartment. The illumination hood, designed to eliminate any possible visual cue from the experimenter without the use of a curtain, was contributed by Warner in the spring of 1926. No further modifications were made in the apparatus, which, as thus standardized, was used throughout the project on animal drives reported in this volume. The first study of this series was that of Warner on sex behavior which was begun in the summer of 1926. Several modifications were made in the technique originally planned for the method in connection with the work of Holden. Among the more important may be mentioned (1) the procedure whereby the preliminary and "shock" crossings precede immedi- COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD 13 ately the test period proper ; (2) the lengthening of the test period from 10 to 20 minutes, and (3) the slow and careful manner of transferring the animal from the incentive compartment, after crossing, back to the entrance compartment, so as to prevent the possibility, of emotional disturbances. The details of these changes can be had by comparing the technique used by Holden (Appendix I) with the new technique standardized for the project (Part 1, 1, 2 ; Part IV, 1). Although the writer must be held responsible for the methodology finally adopted for use in connection with the obstruc- tion apparatus, Holden, and later Warner deserve no little credit for carrying out extensive preliminary tests in the laboratory covering possible lines of procedure and these results were drawn upon in determining specific points of methodology. Both worked untiringly, especially in the matter of testing out group after group of animals, in the effort to determine the most suitable shock to be used in the project. Nissen also deserves special mention, not only for making the actual tests reported in Part I, 2, but also for his valuable suggestions in the planning of the analysis of the method there reported. In view of the fact that the next two sections deal with the method in considerable detail, it seems unnecessary to discuss the matter further here. A complete description of the apparatus and general procedure will be found in Part I, 1, and additional points on procedure in Part II, 1. The function of the obstruction and of the incentive as related to this method are indicated in the experimental findings of Part I, 2, together with the effect of re-testing on indi- vidual and group scores. In both of these papers attention is called to the fundamental advantages of this method over other methods that had been previously used in the study of animal motivation. In certain parts of the experimental work it was necessary to make use of special techniques lying outside the field of psychology proper. Each experimenter was required to master under competent workers in the appropriate field such special techniques as should be necessary to carry out his part of the project, such as the making of vaginal smears, both quick and permanent, and the technique of administering injections and of doing the necessary surgical work. Special credit has been given in connection with the individual 14 COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD papers to the several workers who took special interest in our pro- ject and gave advice and counsel on points lying outside our field. III. A Note on Terminology Unfortunately the recent attempts of comparative psychology to adjust itself to a natural science, or biological viewpoint has not as yet progressed to the point where a consistent objective terminology has come into general use. No field is more beset by difficulties in this regard than that of animal motivation, in which the phenomena have been described for ages past in anthropomorphic and teleolog- ical phraseology. Because of its historical antecedents, even the term motivation itself appears to most of us to involve a distinctly subjective connotation. Still, the present writer knows of no term less harmful in this respect which might be used instead. As experimentalists, we are not especially interested in theoretical controversies on questions of terminology. Nevertheless, it is of some importance that we describe our findings and discuss the meaning of our results in language that will prove to be as accurate and as understandable as the present circumstances permit. In the absence of a generally accepted terminology in our field, we have found it necessary to select such terms as seemed best suited to our purpose, and have attempted to use these consistently throughout the various reports included in this volume. In order to avoid mis- understanding it seems desirable at this point to define as clearly as possible several of the more important terms employed. By an incentim is meant an external object such as food, water, animal of the opposite sex, etc., that is capable of operating as a ': stimulus and arousing some fairly definite internal physiological state. While recognizing that any external object, in order to be classed as a stimulus at all, must be capable of arousing the organ- ism in some manner and to some extent, we have purposely limited the term incentive in this report to those objects or classes of objects that satisfy, from the observer's point of view some fairly definite drive or seeking tendency. By a drive we mean an aroused reaction tendency which is char- acterized primarily by the fact that the activity of the organism is directed toward or away from some specific incentive, such as food, COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD 15 water, animal of the opposite sex, etc. If the appropriate incentive object is not present, what appears to be seeking behavior to an outside observer is exhibited. While recognizing that all behavior represents in some manner and to some degree the dynamics of the organism, or the drive of the organism, still there appears to be some justification for limiting the term drive to reaction tendencies that are of sufficient biological importance to represent seeking behavior directed toward some fairly definite class of incentive objects, such as food, water, animal of the opposite sex, etc. The term drive does not refer to the physiological state or system aroused either by an incentive or by deprivation of some sort, but to the behavior tendency resulting from the internal arousal. For example, hunger drive refers to the tendency of the animal to approach or to search for food and not to the physiological changes, such as stomach contractions, etc., that may be taking place at the time. In most cases we have not attempted to secure an independent index of the physiological state underlying the drive, so as to cor- relate various aspects of physiological change with corresponding changes in the reaction tendency, although something of the sort has been done in certain of the studies on the sex drive. Attention is called to this fact in order to emphasize the necessity of avoiding a commonly made confusion between the reaction tendency as a behavior phenomenon and the underlying physiological state. By the term incentive-drive situation, and similar usage, we have meant to stress the fact that the internal and external factors may, and usually do operate together in behavior as induced in the usual motivation experiment. The methodology of the Obstruction Method actually requires that the incentive be either present or close at hand. In a sense, then, all our drive indices are in reality incentive- drive indices ; but this must always be true if we define a drive as a reaction tendency directed toward an incentive, since this implies that the latter shall be present in some sense. The word drive has been used in most cases because the hyphenated term incentive-drive is more or less awkward; the latter could be substituted for the former throughout, however, without changing the essential mean- ing of the text. Finally, the term motivation has been employed in the experi- 16 COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD mental sections to cover both the incentive and the drive aspects of the behavior investigated. In the discussion of The Columbia Obstruction Method (Warden) the meaning of the term has been extended to include studies of general or "spontaneous" activity by various methods as well as certain types of experimentation on "tropisms" and "instincts," which seem to deal primarily with the dynamics of behavior. 1. STANDARD APPARATUS FOR THE STUDY OF ANIMAL MOTIVATION 1 T. N. Jenkins, L. H. Warner, and C. J. Warden In the first section of the present report a description is given of an apparatus for the measurement of drives by the Method of Obstruction. The apparatus has been developed during the past two years in the Columbia laboratory in connection with a research project on motivation in the white rat. It can be readily adapted, however, to most common mammalian forms, and thus offers pos- sibilities in comparative studies within this field. Great pains have been taken to standardize the essential features by the use of auto- matic devices when possible and by exactitude of detail in construc- tion. The control procedure as developed will also be indicated. The second section is a description of an improved apparatus of the choice method type, following the general pattern used by Tsai (18). The improvement consists, in the main, in the intro- duction of automatic electrical devices permitting a more adequate control of the animal and of the incentive stimuli. Standard prob- lems and procedure are suggested. I. The Obstruction Method Apparatus As previously stated, this method involves the placing of an obstruction of some sort between the organism and the incentive stimulus. In order to obtain the latter and satisfy the dominant demand of the moment, the organism is required to surmount the obstruction. In the present apparatus the obstruction employed is an electric grill supplied with a constant current of quantitatively determined attributes. Various other types of obstruction might be used but the electric stimulation has the advantage of being more convenient to control and administer than most others would be. 1 Beprinted with modifications from The J ournal of Comparative Psychol- ogy, 1926, 6: 361-82. 17 18 COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD For the sake of clarity in description the obstruction apparatus will be divided into two parts and each treated in order. First, the box for the control of the animal and the administering of the shock; and second, the device for the control of the electrical cur- rent supplied to the box in the obstruction section, permitting definite systematic variation of the same. This description of the apparatus will be followed by a discussion of methods of controlling the intra -organic state of the organism for this type of investiga- tion, kinds of data that may be obtained by this general method, and standard problems to which the method offers an experimental approach. 1. The animal control box The ground plan of this part of the apparatus is shown in figure 1. The box consists essentially of three compartments as follows : entrance compartment A, obstruction compartment, B, and incentive compartment, C-D, divided into two sections for reasons indicated later. The body of the box is built of whitewood and is finished both without and within in dull black. It rests upon a table 30 inches in height which also serves to support the elaborate electrical equipment necessary to furnish the shock to the grill in compartment B. The entrance compartment A is 10 inches square and 10 inches deep, inside measurements. It is entirely separated from compart- ment B by a wooden partition except for a doorway 4 inches square A c D Fig. 1. Diagram of Floor Plan of the Obstruction Box A, entrance compartment; B, obstruction compartment; C, D, divided in- centive compartment; E, release plate; ch, manually operated door of entrance compartment; d2, automatic door (operated by release plate) between two divi- sions of incentive compartment. COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD 19 leading into the tunnel that crosses the latter compartment. This doorway is fitted with a door of thin sheet steel, dx, which slides in felt-lined grooves, and is therefore practically noiseless. It is oper- ated by hand by means of a cord which passes through a bent glass tube (instead of the usual pulley device) to a point outside the box, so that its operation cannot be observed by the animal in the com- partment. In closing, the door sinks into a narrow felt-lined groove in the floor. The purpose of the door is obviously to restrain the animal in the entrance compartment until such time as the experi- menter may wish to test its reaction to the obstruction-incentive situation beyond. The compartment is covered by a panel of heavy plate glass, but may be opened by sliding the panel, which rests in a felt-lined groove, back over compartment B. The dimensions of compartment B are exactly the same as those above enumerated for compartment A, except for the fact that the effective part of the compartment is restricted to a tunnel 4 inches wide and 4 inches high connecting the entrance and incen- tive compartments. The entire floor of compartment B consists of an electric grill set in the wooden base of the box so that it comes up even with the floor of the two adjacent compartments. The conducting elements in the grill are number 18 copper wires wound upon a slab of bakelite -J inch thick. The turns are i inch apart, and are wound in such a way that the turns from the two terminals of the transformer alternate. A rat in crossing the grill will close the circuit, therefore, by stepping upon any two consecutive turns. This practically insures stimulation from the instant the animal steps upon the grill. Moss used, as a shocking device, two plates placed some distance apart along a passageway, simultaneous con- tact with both plates being necessary to produce the shock. The grill above described offers a much more dependable and uniform source of stimulation. The presentation of the electrical stimulation to the animal offers certain difficulties. After trying out several other schemes the tunnel device was finally selected as being the most satisfactory. At first it was thought desirable to place the grill in the center of the box without any further separation into definite compart- ments. This would allow the animal to make contact at any point 20 COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD along the edge of the grill, and to have free passage from A to C across any portion of it. This arrangement was found to be unsatis- factory. Many of the animals would attempt, and sometimes with success, to jump from A to C, a distance of 10 inches, without touch- ing the grill. To prevent this two pieces of plate glass, extending 6 inches from either wall at a point 3 inches from the edges of the grill, were so placed that the animal must pass through a winding pathway approximately 4 inches wide in crossing the grill. This arrangement eliminated the jumping behavior quite successfully and also aided in marking off the obstruction part of the box from the entrance part. However, a further difficulty arose which led us to separate the box into 3 definite compartments, as above described, by partitions, and to install the tunnel device. It became clear from observing the behavior of the animals, especially when a high degree of shock was used, that they did not discriminate readily between the entrance and obstruction portions of the box when not so divided. Usually they would rush pell mell across the grill to the incentive portion of the box the instant they were placed at A, and after rushing to C paid no heed whatsoever to the incentive stimulus (food), but attempted to escape by jumping up against the glass panel covering the box or, perhaps crouched sullenly in a corner. Rats that had been starved for long periods of time (one to three days) responded in this manner. The animals seemed to be dominated by fear of the combined A-B situation rather than by hunger. They were appar- ently avoiding the entrance and obstruction sections rather than seeking the incentive section. This escape response would be reen- acted promptly, over and over again, as soon as the animal was returned to the entrance end of the box, in preparation for a suc- ceeding test. When A and B were separated into compartments by partitions, and the animal restrained in compartment A by the door, dlt for a brief interval of time between successive tests, no such behavior occurred. This suggests that the animal probably did not discrim- inate, in the former arrangement, between the entrance and obstruc- tion portions of the box. A-B as a whole rather than just B was avoided, since the two portions were not sufficiently isolated to be COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD 21 readily discriminated as separate sources of stimuli which might serve as the basis of a differential response. The copper wires on the B portion of the floor constituted the only important difference between that and the A portion, and the line of junction between the two was not very marked since the grill had been made to fit very neatly into the floor of the box. A second possible explanation for this escape behavior can be made in terms of a conditioning process of the substitute stimulus type as indicated in the following diagram : S (shock at B) B (escape into C) S (sight of B while ' still in A) This explanation assumes that the A portion of the box had been actually discriminated from the B portion at first, but later came to serve essentially as a single situation, by virtue of the substitu- tion indicated above. At any rate the separating of the box into definite compartments, as in the present apparatus, together with the introduction of a brief interval of time between successive tests remedied the difficulty. The tunnel across the grill is 4 inches wide, 4 inches high and 10 inches long. The two sides are of wood, and the top of plate glass to permit the same degree of illumination in this as in the other two compartments of the box. The use of the tunnel has the effect of making the response to the obstruction more definite, since there is only this single point of approach and contact. Accidental contacts with the grill are now much less likely to occur than under the old arrangement. Furthermore, the movements of different animals in passing over the grill are more uniform — they must either walk or run. This makes possible relative constancy in the amount of elec- trical stimulation involved in the act of crossing, this latter being the chief unit of measurement on the behavior side. The incentive section includes a double compartment, C-D, as indicated in the diagram. The division into two parts would not be necessary with such incentives as different kinds of food, or other non-living stimuli. However, when the incentive stimulus is a living animal (such as a female in testing the male sex drive) 22 COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD it is usually necessary to confine the stimulus animal in order to prevent it from crossing over to the test animal. The method of restraining the stimulus animal should be as natural as possible so as not to arouse in it behavior likely to reduce its efficacy as a normal positive stimulus. The restraint should cease at the moment the test animal has completed the act of crossing the grill, and the release of the stimulus animal should be automatic, if possible. Moss restrained the female rat in the incentive chamber by a simple door that must be raised by the experimenter, presumably as the animal was crossing the grill. Such a method involves the error of inexact timing — of opening the door either too soon or too late. Furthermore, the moving door might be a factor of central impor- tance in the stimulation situation during the test. A door of ordinary opaque material would decrease the visual, and probably Fig. 2. Diagram of Side Elevation of the Obstruction Box A, entrance compartment; B, obstruction compartment; C, D, divided in- centive compartment; E, release plate; d1} manually operated door of entrance compartment; automatic door (operated by release plate) between two divi- sions of incentive compartment; F, a hinge and G, an adjustable coil spring, both supporting the release plate ; H, a rod rigidly secured to the release plate ; I and J, silver contacts; K, a rod pivoted at L, the adjustment of which deter- mines the level of the release plate when the latter is not depressed ; M, a block carrying the bolt adjusting the depth of depression of the release plate; N, elec- tro-magnet supporting free end of the pendulum, P, prior to its release; 0, in circuit with the magnet and acting as resistance and as a signal; Q, adjustable pendulum weight; B, cord conveying movement of pendulum to the door, d~. COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD 23 the olfactory stimulation in connection with the animal in the incentive chamber. The movement of the door would likely serve also as a distraction to the test animal. We have endeavored to avoid all these difficulties by the use of a separate restraining chamber, D, the entrance to which is guarded by the translucent door, d2 (Figs. 1 and 2) which is opened auto- matically by the test animal in the act of crossing the grill. The door is 4 inches square, constructed of celluloid i inch in thickness and is therefore semi-transparent. Three small windows, each 1 inch square, cut in the upper half of the door, permit the free passage of olfactory stimuli, whether of food or of sex object, from the restraint chamber. The mechanism of the automatic door release is illustrated in figure 2. An opening 4 inches wide and 6 inches long is cut in the floor of compartment C directly in front of the exit of the tunnel. In this opening the release plate, E, is set flush with the floor. The plate is of wood and painted a dull black so as to be distin- guished with difficulty from the adjacent floor. It is supported by a hinge, F, and the adjustable coil spring, G. Fastened rigidly to the lower surface of the release plate is the L-shaped rod, H, at the tip of which is the silver contact point, /. The tension of the spring, G, is just sufficient to keep this point in contact with the small silver plate, J. This latter is mounted on the rod, K, which is adjustable in the vertical plane, being pivoted at the wooden block, L, The V-shaped wooden block, M, spans the rod, H, and in the base of this block is a rubber pad which can be raised or lowered by an adjustable nut. The rod, H, rests on this pad when the release plate is fully depressed. In circuit with the points I and J, is an electro-magnet, N, of 1200 ohms resistance, and a 10-watt electric lamp, 0, both of which are mounted on the underside of a 15-inch shelf fastened on the outside of the box. Suspended from cone bearings at the other end of the shelf is a pendulum, P, made of J inch square brass tubing which carries an adjustable weight consisting of a brass collar held in place by a set screw. A small piece of iron is soldered to the pendulum at such a point that when the latter is raised the iron will make contact with the pole of the magnet, N, and be held in 24 COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD contact if the current is passing through the magnet. A piece of felt fastened over the pole of the magnet serves to deaden the click produced by this contact. By means of a cord and 3 small pulleys, the falling pendulum lifts the door, d2. Any tendency to rebound is entirely overcome by the friction within the system. The operation of this automatic door release is exceedingly simple and practically noiseless. At the first touch of the release plate by the animal in crossing the grill, the contact between I and J is broken, to be re-made only after the animal has entirely cleared the plate. The maximum depth of depression of the release plate is controlled by the device at M and need not be more than 2 or 3 mm., the rod, K, being always adjusted so that the plate is flush with the floor of the compartment. The tension of the spring, 6r, can be easily and quickly adjusted for animals of any weight. We have found that a tension of 40 grams is sufficiently delicate when 80-gram rats are being tested. Even when the white rat dashes through the tunnel at high speed, the action of the automatic door release is so prompt that the animal never comes into collision with the rising door. Indeed the door does not seem to be noticed by the animal at all. The stimulus animal is visible in the restraint chamber through the win- dows of the celluloid door even when the latter is closed. The restraint chamber is 4 by 4 by 6 inches in size and is covered with plate glass. It can be removed by the simple turning of a thumb- screw for purposes of cleansing or deodorizing. All incentive stimuli, whether living animals or food, etc., are placed in the restraint chamber, so that the automatic door device is utilized in testing the strength of any drive. The obstruction apparatus is placed for use in a dark room in which the only source of light is an illumination hood. This latter is made of wood and is 36 inches long and 4 inches wide and deep. It is heavily coated with flat white inside so as to make a good reflecting surface, and finished on the outer surface in dull black. The hood extends the full length of the control box at a point approximately 12 inches above the box in the central position. It is illuminated by 8 lights of 3 CP., set at equal intervals (4 inches) along the top of the hood within. The light is diffused through a COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD 25 sheet of translucent paper lying above the "Celotex" screen that covers the lower open side of the hood facing the box. A piece of ground glass of the proper grade would likely do as well. The hood device gives a uniform illumination of the interior of all compart- ments of the box, the outside environment being, at the same time, relatively unilluminated. This arrangement permits the experimen- ter to observe the behavior of the animal freely during the test period, while remaining practically invisible to the animal. 2. The mechanism for the control of the electrical stimulation The obstruction used in the present apparatus is an electric grill forming the floor of a tunnel 4 inches wide and 10 inches long, through which the animal must pass in order to obtain the incentive stimulus. The scientific value of the apparatus depends very largely upon the exactitude of control exercised over the current supplied to the grill in compartment B. It is necessary, in the first place, that the significant attributes of the physical stimulus be specified in quantitative terms, if duplication by other investigators is to be made possible. Among these are the form, intensity and frequency characteristic of the stimulus. The dependence of stimulation value of an electrical stimulus upon the rate at which the energy is expended is well known. Waller (20) in 1899 showed that stimula- tion value is dependent not only upon both voltage and amount of current, but that there is an optimal ratio of energy used to the rate at which it is used. In other words, there is an optimal minimal stimulus or "optimum gradient of mobilizing energy producing greatest excitation by least energy. ' ' Moss seems to have made the mistake of supposing that the voltage value is a sufficient specifica- tion of an electrical stimulus, for he fails to state the current values used in his work. In our own apparatus we have taken great care to avoid any possible error in providing a constant physical stimulus value in the grill. A schematic diagram of the electrical system, arranged to provide for two control boxes to be placed side by side, is shown in figure 3. The system would not be complex except for the fact that it was considered desirable to provide for a series of 8 degrees of electrical stimulation, either of which could be switched into the grill by 26 COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD simply turning a button, as will be explained later. If only a single degree of stimulation were desired the apparatus would be very simple in construction. The voltage used is generated in the secondary of a General Electric potential transformer shown at T, and voltage changes are secured by varying the input into the primary by means of the potentiometer, P. The electrical pressure can be measured at any time by means of a high tension voltmeter, V, by closing a snap switch, K. Current regulation is secured by means of variable resistance units, each controlled by multipoint switches, C, and C2. Each unit contains eight elements (a, b, c, etc.), each having a resistance of 1,250,000 ohms. A common resistance, r, of 100,000 ohms, is in Fig. 3. Diagram of Mechanism for Production of Electrical Stimuli G, A.C. generator; P, potentiometer for controlling the voltage impressed upon the primary of the potential transformer at T; K^, switch used for taking voltage readings off voltmeter, V; A, microammeter for measuring stimulus current (the current through either grill, gx or g2, is measured by throwing the knife switch K2, to either pole 1 or pole 2) ; C\ and C2, multipoint switches for throwing different amounts of resistance (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) into the stimulus circuit ; Sx and S2, switches for closing the stimulus circuit through the grills. COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD 27 circuit with both resistance units, so that when all the elements (a, &, c, etc.) are cut out there will remain approximately 100,000 ohms of resistance in the circuits. The multipoint switches enable the operator to vary the resistance cumulatively in equal steps from 100,000 to 10,000,000 ohms. The elements are liquid resistance in glass tubes 2 feet long. Some of the better types of standard radio resistance were first tried, but these were found to be too unstable to be of service for the present purpose. The current is measured by a micro-ammeter located at A. The method of wiring is such that by means of the double-throw knife switch, K, the current in either grill (g1 or g2) can be measured by one fixed measuring instrument, thus insuring the same amount to both control boxes, when they are used at the same time. The measuring instrument used adds only about 30 ohms of resistance to the circuit, and this amount is so small in comparison to the total resistance of the circuit that it may be altogether disregarded. In using the apparatus, the voltage is first determined by closing the switch, K, and any necessary adjustment to bring the voltage to the point desired is then made at P. The current values for each step can be measured after first short circuiting the grills. The current is thrown into either grill by closing the switches S1 or S2. This arrangement enables us to specify the form, intensity, and frequency characteristics of the physical stimulus in quantitative terms. The writers mention form here because commercial alternat- ing current is approximately sinusoidal. Stimulation value ought to be practically constant, therefore, for a given voltage since amperage is kept practically constant throughout. The problem arises in this connection regarding the factor of individual difference in the resistance of the skin of different ani- mals, and of the same animal from moment to moment. In order to be certain that we are obtaining an adequate measure of motivation in terms of the obstruction overcome by the animal, not only must the electrical stimulus in B be kept constant, but the effect of the electrical stimulation on the animal must be controlled as definitely as possible. Moss attempted to insure a constant, uniform stimulation by filling compartment A with water, or partly filling it. This would 28 COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD make certain a more ready contact with the grill, but does not adequately control the factor of individual difference in skin resistance. Furthermore, the presence of water in the entrance compartment complicates the drive factor under investigation, especially since there was no water in the incentive compartment. The water may have aroused an avoiding reaction which operated along with the hunger drive. Moreover, the effect of the water may have been different for different animals, and for variations of the hunger drive in the same animal. We have attempted to control the factor of difference in skin resistance by the use of high terminal voltages and by introducing large resistances into the circuit to reduce the current values to the extent required to give the appropriate stimulation value in the grill. The logic of this procedure is fairly obvious. If we let r be the variable skin resistance of the rat, and B the remaining resis- tance in the circuit, we have the equation : E I = B + r where I is the current and E the impressed voltage. If B is very large in comparison to r, it follows that a relatively large change in r will produce relatively small changes in I. Let us suppose, for example, that we are operating the system at a pressure of 500 volts through a resistance of 4,000,000 ohms, and that the skin resistance of a sample of rat varies from 100 to 5000 ohms. Then the current flowing for a skin resistance of 100 ohms would be 124.99687 microamperes, and that for 5000 ohms would be 124.84394 microamperes. The maximal change in cur- rent value is only 0.122 per cent. In our work last year we used 1200 volts. In such a case the differential in skin resistance becomes a negligible quantity. It is not necessary to resort to the use of water to insure uniform contact. Moss used a current of 28 volts or less in his work, and in such case the difference in skin resistance would likely be an important factor in determining the results. Let us consider, for example, the values for a current of 28 volts, with a secondary coil resistance of 100 ohms, within the limits stated above. In this case a skin COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD 29 resistance of 100 ohms gives a current of 0.14 amperes, and a skin resistance of 5000 ohms gives a current of 0.00549 amperes. This represents a change in current value of 96.07 per cent. If the E.M.F. is 20 instead of 28 volts the corresponding value will be 99.6 per cent. This argues very clearly for the use of high voltage in this type of work where a uniform stimulation value is one of the primary requisites. The quantity of energy that strikes the excitable tissue each time is determined by the voltage, amperage, and frequency of the alter- nating current. As noted above, Waller has shown that stimulation value is dependent upon both the amount of energy that strikes the excitable tissue, and the rate of impact. Knowledge of the voltage, amperage, and frequency furnishes us a means of determin- ing both the amount of energy and the rate with which it acts. The direction of flow of the current changes at every cycle, so that the excitable tissue is struck once at every cycle. Most probably the effect of the initial blow differs somewhat from that of succeed- ing blows, inasmuch as the latter are conditioned to some extent by the refractory period of the nerve. The procedure to be followed in using the Obstruction apparatus is exceedingly simple. The electrical supply to the grill is first set at the point desired by an adjustment of the potentiometer. The incentive is placed in chamber D and all doors and panels of the control box closed. The test animal is then placed in compartment A, and after a brief interval allowed to the animal for adjustment to the situation, dx is raised and the stopwatch started. When the animal crosses the grill he automatically releases d2, and thus obtains access to the incentive stimulus. The animal should be con- ditioned to the box without the electric stimulation on each of several days preceding the test, the incentive stimulus being present in this preliminary work. Several units of behavior may be secured in using the apparatus. The number of times contact with the grill is made, without actu- ally crossing within a test period of specified length, and the num- ber of successive crosses within such a stated interval are among the most important data obtainable. Jumping and similar activity apparently connected with the escape motive can also be quanti- 30 COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD tatively determined by the experimenter. It will be seen, further- more, that by keeping the stimulation value of B constant, the general problem of individual differences in a given drive may be attacked, and different drive situations may also be directly com- pared. This is possible because of the fact that the motivation of the animal is in all cases measured in terms of its response to an identical obstruction stimulus. Perhaps a word should be said concerning the control of the intra-organic conditions that represent the physiological basis of animal drives. The use of standardized environmental conditions, and especially that of nutrition, offers the only possible method of insuring a normal animal in any experimental work, and the chief requirement in studies of motivation is simply for a more careful and rigorous control of these objective conditions. The present apparatus offers no special difficulties in this direction, and the application of general physiological principles and results furnishes the only sound basis of control of this complex factor. Systematic variation of the physiological state underlying a given drive cannot be had, of course, in any very ideal sense. The best method of isolating a specific drive, in so far as this is possible, and of obtaining varying degrees of it for measurement, is to deprive the normal animal of the appropriate incentive stimulus for vary- ing periods of time, keeping the general physiological state of the organism as constant as possible. For example, an objective index of the hunger drive can be had by varying the interval of food deprivation. The same method will probably apply in studying the male sex drive. The female sex drive, on the other hand, must be investigated with reference to the oestrus cycle, and the determina- tion of the latter requires the use of appropriate histological tech- nique. In all cases objective criteria should be employed in deter- mining the physiological status and of obtaining varying degrees of the same. II. The Choice Method Apparatus The ground plan of the apparatus designed for the study of motivation by the choice method is shown in figure 4. It consists essentially of an entrance section, B, and two incentive chambers, COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD 31 L and B, together with the necessary connecting pathways. The control box measures 19^ inches in length by 10 inches in both width and depth (inside measurements). The body is built of wood and finished in dull black, and the partitions are of the same con- struction, except as otherwise stated. The entrance compartment, B, is 3J inches wide and extends forward 7 inches to the door, Db. The latter is of thin sheet metal sliding in felt grooves and operated manually. It serves to restrain the animal in the entrance compartment until the release to the incentive compartments is desired. The pathways (Al, and Ar) leading to the incentive chambers are 3 inches wide. The incentive compartments are indentical in size (5 inches wide by 7 inches long) and in construction. The walls surrounding each compart- ment are made of wood except for a 3-inch strip of wire netting (i inch mesh) which forms the lower portion of the wall all around. The purpose of the netting is to allow the test animal a more ade- quate stimulation from the incentives in the two chambers. The smooth wooden sides above tend to keep the incentive animal (when such is used) from climbing out of easy range of the test animal in the entrance compartment. The incentive chambers have been made D* AR L B R ?. Fig. 4. Diagram of Floor Plan of the Choice Box B, entrance compartment; L and R, incentive compartments; Pl and Pr, re- lease plates for the pendulum, the operation of which opens the doors Dl and Dr and closes Dx and D2; Ajj and A-r, runways from entrance compartment to incentive compartments; Dr, door for retaining animal in compartment B. 32 COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD small for the purpose of bringing the incentive animal as near to the test animal as possible and keeping the relation between the two as constant as possible. The incentive chambers are closed by the two doors Dl and Dr, which serve to keep the incentive animal (when such is used) within the chamber occupied. Both of these doors will be released automatically by the animal in running across the appropriate release plate (Pl or Pr) which operate noiselessly. At the points where the release plate is situated, a wire netting similar to that forming the lower portion of the side wall of the incentive cham- ber, is made an integral part of the plate. This arrangement prevents the incentive animal from operating the release plate by crawling about on the netting. The mechanism of the release plate operates as follows: When the animal steps upon the plate, a circuit is broken through an electromagnet which releases a pendulum. To this pendulum 4 sectors are attached in such wise that they can move through slots in the floor of the box (Dl, Dr, Bx and D2). When the pendulum drops, the attached sectors are carried along with it so that the door (Dl or Dr) drops out of sight through the floor. The doors are made of translucent mathematical celluloid to make them as incon- spicuous to the approaching test animal as possible. As the doors Dl and Dr drop out of sight, thus opening the incentive compart- ments simultaneously, the doors D1 and D2 move into place and prevent the animal from re-entering compartment B, or from run- ning around to the opposite incentive chamber. This automatic door release has the merit of being practically noiseless, and we believe it to be superior to any of the usual sliding door devices. An electric light placed in series with the magnet goes out when the animal steps on the release plate. The release plates rest firmly upon levers attached to a common beam which operates in cone bearings mounted on the under side of the box. This type of mounting is preferred because the bearings are far enough removed to prevent particles from the box from falling into them and hindering the free movement of the mechanism. The control box is equipped with plate glass panels on top to prevent the escape of the animal from the various compartments. COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD 33 It is used in the dark room and the lighting controlled by an illumination hood similar to that employed in connection with the Obstruction apparatus. The experimenter is kept outside the visual range of the animal while the latter can be conveniently observed by the experimenter during the test. The technique of operating the choice method is simple. The test animal is placed in B and, after a specified period of stimula- tion, is released into the runways leading to the two incentive chambers by opening the door Z>b. If the animal turns to the right and stops on the plate Pr in approaching compartment R, the door D1 leading to the opposite compartment is closed. At the same time Dr opens permitting the animal to enter the incentive chamber and secure the reward. If the animal turns to the left when released from the entrance compartment, a similar mechanism is set in operation. The control of the intra-organic condition of the organism is less satisfactory under this method than under the Obstruction Method because of the fact that simultaneous stimulation by two incentive stimuli always occurs. This means that systematic varia- tion of both drive conditions must be made previous to the test in which the two incentive stimuli are utilized. Both food and sex starvation in measurable amounts must be brought about during the period previous to the test, if food and sex object are to be used as incentive stimuli. Naturally the control cannot be as satisfactory when two sets of intra-organic conditions are varied instead of only a single one. For this, and other reasons, the choice method seems much less promising than the Obstruction Method, as a means of investigating animal motivation. 2. AN EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE OBSTRUCTION METHOD OF MEASURING ANIMAL DRIVES 1 C. J. Warden and H. W. Nissen 1 The increasing use of more or less complicated apparatus in the study of animal behavior brings with it the very serious problem as to the extent to which the data obtained are a function of the particular experimental conditions imposed rather than of the variable selected for investigation by the method. Perhaps not enough attention has been given to this obviously important source of error in our laboratory studies. The attitude is all too common of assuming that a given apparatus adequately serves the purpose for which it has been designed if it seems to do so in the opinion of the experimenter, or other human censor, without recourse to thoroughgoing experimental tests to determine its actual fitness upon the animal to be studied, or upon the specific function to be measured. The general purpose of the present study was to determine how adequately the Obstruction Method, as finally standardized for our project, gives a valid measure of drive-incentive behavior in the white rat. The hunger drive in the male was chosen for study largely as a matter of convenience. One is able to avoid altogether thereby the complicating factor of activity rhythms associated with the oestrus cycle in the female. That the hunger drive is thoroughly typical is clearly shown by results already published or awaiting publication. The present study should be thought of as method- ological and as applying to the measurement of drives in general rather than to the hunger drive in particular. The same general conditions as those obtaining in our regular drive work were maintained as far as possible. Younger and less expensive animals were used, however, and therefore the absolute i Reprinted with modifications from The Journal of Comparative Psychology, 1928, 8: 325-42. 34 COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD 35 indices secured cannot be directly compared. In the drive project we have used throughout the experimental colony strain of the Wistar Institute at 185 days of age, whereas the rats employed in our present study were approximately 120 days of age and were secured from a local dealer. Our regular time in testing drives is from 8 p.m. to 3 a.m., the white rat being more active then, as a rule, than in the early forenoon (6 a.m. to 9 a.m.) when our present tests were made. McCollum's standard diet, to which was added bi-weekly rations of greens was used throughout except that when our procedure required a long series of starvation periods alternat- ing with short feeding periods this diet was supplemented by milk- soaked bread. The animals were kept in the laboratory for at least ten days before being tested. The regular diet (McCollum's) was always used as the incentive. Each group was starved for forty- eight hours immediately preceding the test in cages similar to the regular living cage with an ample supply of water. Unless specifi- ally stated otherwise the standard shock as used in our regular drive work was employed. This shock is produced by an alternating current of 60 cycles, with a terminal pressure of 475 volts, an external resistance of 10,100,000 ohms in the circuit and a current of 0.047 milliamperes. The shock produced is considerably lower than the lowest degree used by Holden and was selected after much painstaking effort to find the shock most suitable to be employed as a constant throughout the drive project. A higher degree of shock (Shock II) was made use of in a few instances in this investigation (475 volts, 8,750,000 ohms, 0.054 milliampere) . We have attempted to isolate by the usual experimental method- ology the two most important features of the apparatus in order to determine the influence of each in the measurement of drive behavior : the obstruction, or shock and the incentive arrangement. The method must be judged in the last analysis by the adequacy with which these parts of the apparatus serve the functions for which they were designed, when used in the proper manner. A third problem attacked is concerned with the effect of practice when groups are re-tested at regular intervals, and the validity of the method in the study of individual differences in drive. These topics will be discussed in the order mentioned. 36 COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD The Obstruction (Shock) The value of the obstruction placed between the test animal and the incentive depends upon its effectiveness in bringing out a rea- sonably wide range of differential behavior. It represents a con- stant against which the individual, various drives, and different conditions of the same drive are placed for direct comparison. Our reasons for selecting a high voltage electric shocking device in pre- ference to other possible types of obstruction have been fully set forth in a former paper (4). The standard shock was determined upon after a large amount of preliminary testing of animals of the age and weight that we had planned to use in the project. While our testing out of many different degrees of shock was fairly system- atic, we have omitted the detailed data from this report. The important fact is that the standard shock finally selected has proven highly satisfactory in the measurement of all drives so far studied. In connection with the method as a whole, and for the mature white rat, it fulfils exceedingly well the fundamental requirement of a test ; it brings out an adequate range of individual and group dif- ferences in the functions which it supposedly measures, and yields valid indices. TABLE 1 Showing the effect of the standard shock, with and without incentive GROUP NUM- BER OF ANI- MALS OBSTRUCTION CONDITION APPROACHES CONTACTS CROSSINGS INCENTIVE CONDITION Aver- age Range Aver- age Range Aver- age Range A 8 No shock No Food 13.0 1-26 3.2 0-5 3.4 0- 5 B 7 No shock Food 13.1 10-16 1.1 0-4 24.0 12-38 C 8 Standard shock Food 22.9 15-30 3.6 1-7 11.4 0-22 Only one animal in each of groups A and C did not cross at all during the test period. Our primary problem, in the present instance, was to determine the extent to which the standard shock as administered operates as a deterrent to the normal tendency of the animal to approach the incentive when placed in the entrance compartment. Accordingly two groups were tested under standard conditions except that in the case of one group the shock was omitted after the preliminary conditioning. The data are given in table 1, in which is also included that of a group which was tested with both shock and incentive omitted. COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD 37 All of our studies indicate that the number of actual crossings furnish the best index of the drive function. It will be noted that when neither shock nor incentive is included in the set-up the tendency to cross over and explore compartment C is very weak. When an incentive (food) is present an average of 24.0 crossings occur when no shock is involved. Only 11.4 crossings occurred in a comparable group with the standard shock in operation, a reduc- tion of somewhat more than one half. The P.E. of the difference is 4.299 and the obtained difference (12.6) is 2.93 times the P.E. of the difference, so that the difference is quite reliable although the small size of the groups should not be overlooked. These results illustrate the normal operation of the obstruction ; the shock inhibits without stopping altogether the tendency of normally motivated animals to approach the incentive. It is doubtful whether the standard shock affords much real "punishment" to the animal in crossing since the stimulation value is quite low, being about the same as we have used in visual discrimination work with mature white rats in the Yerkes-Watson apparatus. Instead of using a shock of constant value as we have consistently done in our drive studies it would be possible with the apparatus as constructed to begin with a low degree of shock and increase the same either during a given test, or at successive tests, to the point where the animal would refuse to cross. By means of a multipoint switch (4) it is possible to vary the resistance in the circuit cumu- latively in eight equal steps each representing 1,250,000 ohms. Two of the higher steps had been used by Holden and were found to be too severe at 1200 volts. However, it appeared to be worth trying to begin with the first step (standard shock at 475 volts) and increase by one step at each successive test. This method of using the apparatus proved to be wholly unsatisfactory. A group of four animals showed an average of 15.2 crossings on the initial test when the standard shock was employed, but not one of them crossed when re-tested with the switch set at shock II. The plan had to be abandoned, especially since it was found that the animals still refused to cross even after eight or more successive tests at this setting were made. They seemed to be very strongly conditioned against the grid. Of course a finer gradation of increasing steps 38 COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD could be arranged but this method of testing does not seem to offer much. Even if a high degree of shock did not inhibit the activity of the animal altogether, as seems to be quite generally true, it would be likely to disturb the drive in some way so that the results would tell us little concerning the normal drive. The use of a mild shock kept constant throughout the test period and consequently throughout the study of a given drive, or series of drives is much to be preferred, especially since it has been found to be highly satisfactory in actual application. In brief, we feel the data here presented justifies our use of a constant versus an increasing shock as an obstruction in the apparatus, and indicates that our standard shock, while not necessarily the best possible one, does fulfil in a highly satisfactory manner the purpose for which it was designed in connection with the method. No attempt has been made as yet to work out a series of standard shocks for the white rat at various age or weight levels, although this could be done readily enough and would add greatly to the general usefulness of the obstruction method. Our project as planned is limited to the measurement of drives in the mature animal and the age-weight factor has been kept constant within very narrow limits. The Incentive (Food, Water, Sex-Object, Etc.) In an apparatus designed to test the drive-incentive aspect of behavior the incentives should be so placed with respect to the animal under test as to be highly stimulating if not actually dominating in the test situation. This idea was effectually carried out in developing the obstruction method. The smaller compart- ment D which contains the incentive until the test animal crosses over the grid and automatically opens the door, d2, is situated directly in line with the tunnel. Visual stimulation by the incentive is further aided by the fact that the door itself is made of trans- lucent mathematical celluloid, and the whole apparatus is flooded with diffused light during the test by the illumination hood, con- trasting sharply with dark room conditions outside. The door is also amply perforated to permit the free passage of odor from the incentive which naturally passes through the tunnel into the entrance compartment since all compartments are closed, or nearly COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD 39 so during the test. Every opportunity is thus afforded for normal stimulation of the distance receptors directly. The nature of the incentive is further emphasized by the plan of having 4 preliminary crossings without shock and 1 with shock - TABLE 2 Showing the effect of introducing incentive on group previously tested twice) without incentive GROUP NUM- BER OF ANI- MALS OBSTRUCTION CONDITION INCENTIVE CONDITION APPROACHES CONTACTS CROSSINGS Aver- age Range Aver- age Range Aver- age Range D— -Initial test 8 No shock No food 13.0 1-26 3.2 0-5 3.4 0-5 D- -Ee-test 1- 8 No shock No food 7.5 1-18 0.6 0-1 3.0 0-13 Dl- -Ke-test 2 4 No shock No food 7.7 2-12 0.7 0-2 1.2 0-2 D2- -Ee-test 2 4 No shock Food 13.7 8-21 1.0 0-3 13.7 7-22 After the second test, group D was dvided into 2 sub-groups of 4 animals each, one of which was tested with, the other without incentive. In 2 later re-tests of D2, crossings rose to 21.2 and 26.2 respectively. TABLE 3 Comparison of incentive and non-incentive group scores (Warnei sex drive) APPROACHES CONTACTS CROSSINGS o ■s o fl >» "g « "3 >» GROUP INCENTIVE P * H CD S.2 © 2i © CONDITION SP u 11 I'! 0 © be |l II a © 1* '-5 a > 03 > si > *j © © S3 © 03 > 3 < o $ & « 20 males Female (cor- 1 1 1 nified) 1.5 0-10 2.3 2.35 j 102.2 Li 0-6 1.5 1.5 1 100.0 15.0 4-20 13.45 4.03 29.9 20 males No incentive 1.0 0-3 1.2 1.03 1 85.8 l.D 0-4 1.05 1.181 112.3 3.0 0-7 2.95 1.8 61.0 21 females 1 1 1 (cornified) Male 5.0 0-14 5.43 3.63 j 1 66.9 3.0 0-9 3.14 2.73 1 86.8 16.0 2-24 14.14 5.14 36.0 22 females 1 1 1 (cornified) No incentive 3.0 0-10 3.23 2.7 | 83.6 2.0. 0-6] 2.27 1.91 j 84.1 5.0 1-9 5.05 2.55 50.5 precede immediately the test period proper in every case. Doubtless the animal has been well conditioned to the specific incentive, as well as to the electrified obstruction by this time. The more or less frequent crossings during the test must result in a cumulative enhancement of the specific incentive since contact with the incen- tive stimulus is allowed after each crossing. It is difficult to see how a better arrangement could be devised to bring into relief the specific incentive factor since in the present case these successive re-conditionings are aided by the direct stimulation of the appro- priate distance receptors throughout the test. That the incentive does operate as the dominant factor in causing the animal to cross into compartment C, both when the grid is 40 COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD electrified and when it is not, can be demonstrated easily enough. Certain data of table 1 show the value of the incentive, in this case food, when no shock is administered during the test. The normal exploratory activity of group A resulted in an average of TABLE 4 Showing reliability of the difference between incentive and non-incentive scores (average number crossings, Warner — sex drive) GROUPS DIFFER- ENCE STANDARD DEVIATION OF THE DIFFER- ENCE DIFFERENCE S. D. OF DIF- FERENCE CHANCES IN 100 OF A TRUE DIFFER- ENCE GREATER THAN 0 Ma les : incentive — non-incentive Females: incentive — non -incentive 10.5 9.1 1.14 1.35 9.2 6.74 100.0 100.0 TABLE 5 Comparison of temporal distribution of crossings during test, percentile scores, of incentive and non-incentive groups (Warner — sex drive) GROUP INCENTIVE CONDITION 0-5 TH MINUTE 6th- 10th MINUTE 11TH- 15TH MINUTE 16th- 20th MINUTE 20 males 20 males _ 21 females (cornined) _ 22 females (cornined) Female (cornined) No incentive Male No incentive 28.2 47.6 19.2 43.2 23.4 28.9 14.7 32.4 22.3 15.3 26.4 15.3 26.0 8.5 39.7 9.9 only 3.4 crossings into compartment C whereas group B crossed to the food incentive 24.0 times. Further evidence on this point is furnished by the results presented in table 2. The number of cross- ings steadily decreased at each re-test when food was not present in the incentive compartment, whereas crossings jumped to 13.7 when food was suddenly introduced at the second re-test of group D2, and rose steadily to 21.2 and 26.2 at the third and fourth re-tests of this group. This shows that the incentive compartment calls out little exploratory activity in the absence of some sort of specific incentive. The dominating influence of the incentive even in the presence of the standard shock has been clearly indicated by the work of Warner (22) on the sex drive, and tables 3, 4, and 5 of our report have been arranged from his data. We will discuss here only the scores covering crossings inasmuch as such scores have been found to be by far the most significant indices of drive obtained by the obstruction method. The incentive factor represents the sole differ- COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD 41 ence in the general and test conditions of the groups compared, and hence the differences in score may be taken as a measure of the incentive factor in the standard test set-up. The facts in the case are so clear cut that little discussion is necessary. Both male and female animals were tested when in the physiological condition at which the normal sex drive has been shown by Warner to be at its maximum, and the incentive animals as used likewise represented the best possible condition for giving the maximum sex stimulation. Under these conditions, the males crossed on the average 13.45 times when the proper incentive was present in the compartment and only 2.95 times when no incentive was present. The relative variability of the former group is also very much lower. The difference between incentive and non-incentive groups is almost as great in terms of average number of crossings for the females, although in this case the tendency to cross even when no incentive is present is stronger than in the males. This latter fact, as Warner has suggested, may be due to some special oestrous deter- minant in the female which also shows itself in the higher absolute score in crossings when the incentive is present. The relative variability is also measurably lower in the case of the females for the incentive group. The validity of the difference between incentive and non-incentive scores for both male and female test groups is extremely satisfactory as a glance at table 4 will show. In table 5 the temporal distribution of crossings during the test period, when the latter is divided into 4 equal divisions of five minutes each, are given. It will be noted that the percentage of crossings shows a marked tendency to decrease as the testing proceeds when no incentive is present in the case of both male and female groups. When an incentive is present, the percentage of crossings steadily rises as the testing proceeds for the females and remains practically constant for the males. This would seem to indicate that the more or less frequent contact with the incentive following crossings during the test period tends not only to main- tain but also to increase the stimulation value of the specific incen- tive being used at the time. Another possible interpretation of the data of table 5 would be an increasing tendency to become nega- tively adapted to the grid as the test proceeds. Probably both 42 COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD factors are at work here and are jointly accountable for the tem- poral distribution of crossings and the opposite tendency shown under incentive and non-incentive conditions. The behavior of the test animal must result from some sort of balancing of the positive influence of the incentive and the negative effect of the obstruction. The two factors are so interpenetrated in their actual operation that it is difficult if not impossible to evaluate them independ- ently in a satisfactory manner. The important fact is that, as both are used in our standard technique, valid indices of the drive- incentive aspect of behavior can be secured as in no other apparatus so far devised. Effect of Re-Testing It seemed desirable, in connection with this general study of the obstruction method, to determine the effect of repeating the test on the same group a number of times. Two questions arise at this point. The first is that regarding the practice effect when a given test period is considered a practice period and a number of these are given in succession as in a learning experiment. We should expect the animal to become adapted to the experimental condi- tions, particularly the grid, each successive test or practice period. But at any rate the speed at which this adaptation takes place is a matter of some concern. The second question concerns the validity of the apparatus as a measure of individual differences in drive behavior. Do the individual indices obtained in an initial test hold their relative positions in later re-tests under the same general conditions ? If so, then this is so much evidence in favor of the validity of the method as a means of securing dependable indi- vidual as well as group scores of drive. The re-test procedure was in general the same as that of the initial test although certain important modifications were necessary. The starvation period was kept constant for each re-test at forty- eight hours by running these on every third day, food being sup- plied on the day following each test period. The test animal was placed in the starvation cage, however, for at least one hour immediately after testing before being transferred to the regular living cage, in order that no direct connection should be formed COLUMBIA OBSTRUCTION METHOD 43 eSBiaAy 1-1 CM r— ( 3 rH OS co y o o i-l d 88UB}J lO CO e3BJ9Ay ft ^MMMNNMhhh C» t— lr-(r-li—(i—(i— !>—(»— (r-Hi—l jo uaqnin^ OOOOQOCOOOOOOOOOOOOO e3aB}j e28J9Ay e3uB£[ ©SBiOAy eSuB^j i-H i— l CM CO CO ~ ~ TP bp^OpCMCOCMrHrylrH Jt>. CO i-iOOOOOOOOO(MC^ e3Bj3Ay 3q3t8M. eStsjaAy BIBOTIUB jo aaquin^i OiOOuOO^i-iCOr-iOfNt- MHNodddddciwjN OiOOOO^(Oh(OM (N"*XMCChOhOOiOh g ^rt* < ■ m 9lBH 1— ( CO CM T-H 1— 1 l-H 1— 1 a co Ji oreuiaj; CM l-H 1 i-H i-H l-H l-H 1— 1 e ftf ft 9lBN i—i CI r— 1 i— l i— i CM CM II 9IBW 05 1 CO 9lBJV a o JI 9JBUI9J proaches 9IBI/\l i— i CO CM i-H l-H i-H CM CI CM CO go 9IBW CM i-H CM o i—i 1— 1 i— 1 i— l i— 1 05 r" •< Con- j tacts 9IBW i-H CI CI O M< CO i-H s • XI ft y CI i-H C) ca i-H i-H < o c ft 0[TJUJ0j i— 1 C4 OJ CM l-H ii 9lBIM i-H l-H i-H l-H 1— 1 0- 00 111 i— 1 CI CM <: Q co c3l CI CI »— 1 co 9 • -a a& 91BTAT CI Cl - 1 CO 9IBTAT i— i 1— 1 i-H i-H CO l-H •< Q CM Ji gjBTjag^ i— i CI CM co 9 9IBTAT CM co i-H <§ ft OjtjUJ.9^ CO 1— I CI i-H CM & » 91BUT iO I— 1 1— ( i-H ^H 2c 9JBUJ9^ CO co l-H i-H 9I«I\[ CM CM CO CJ O 9JBUI9J CM CM I-H Ap- I proaches 9IBW lO CO 9I1JUI9J CO co CM THE HUNGER DRIVE 65 8 DAYS Cross- ings Con- tacts •l«W 3 1 -C a •!•!! 6 DAYS Cross- ings y—i »— t 1— 1 1—1 Con- tacts 03 5 a 4 DAYS Cross- ings i— < »H iH iH i— 1 I— 1 »— 1 1— 1 T— ( Con- j tacts Ap- 1 proachesj •mi 3 DAYS Cross- ings •Ibn| a o 1.34 1.34 1.36 1.56 1.47 2.81 1.25 1.41 2.46 2.04 2.20 2.37 1.77 1.59 3.58 1. 1.79 3.77 I1 CONTACTS 0-6 0-6 0-6 0-15 0-12 0-15 6-14 0-10 0- 14 4-8 1- 5 1-8 0-13 0-9 0-13 0-16 0-16 0-16 3.5 2.2 2.85 6.9 4.9 5.9 8.0 5.7 6.85 5.7 2.8 4.75 5.3 3.0 4.15 7.3 5.5 6.4 c © ji"o 1.55 1.20 1.42 1.87 1.59 3.92 41 58 2.93 10 17 1.91 .80 .55 3.61 2.29 2.18 5.71 CROSSINGS 0-7 0-9 0-9 3-29 3-25 3-29 1910-29 18 4-29 4-27 3-25 3-27 0-16 0-19 0-19 2.1 2. 2. 2.07 .37 .78 73 42 19. 16.1 17 08 9-3618.47.63 52 58 4-2617.05.92 5.87 5 19.1 18.1 a 5.2 •o > a 7th minute 1 8th minute 1 9th minute 1 10th minute 1 1 11th minute 1 1 12th minute 1 13th minute 1 ! 14th minute 1 s § Eh | 16th minute 1 1 17th minute 1 | 18th minute J H EH fa si EH OS | 20th minute 1 days Approaches 2 4 5 1 3 0 3 2 1 4 0 1 2 4 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 ■ Contacts 7 11 3 5 2 3 6 3 2 4 1 0 0 3 0 0 2 3 1 1 Crossings 10 6 8 3 4 5 0 2 1 1 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 2 0 Approaches 7 2 4 1 3 2 0 3 1 2 4 2 8 2 2 4 4 4 7 3 • Contacts 4 3 2 3 3 6 3 4 7 3 7 9 15 7 4 5 5 8 12 7 Crossings 29 34 10 14 34 30 22 24 18 8 11 23 26 10 16 13 7 9 3 1 Approaches 6 11 13 4 8 8 4 7 1 5 4 3 6 4 0 2 6 3 2 5 3 I Contacts 12 8 11 8 15 11 8 13 4 1 7 3 4 5 9 6 2 4 3 3 Crossings 24 10 14 15 12 17 14 31 13 16 19 24 24 20 13 17 21 26 26 S Approaches 1 8 6 4 4 6 8 5 7 8 3 0 4 1 2 5 4 1 7 4 '1 Contacts 15 11 7 4 4 5 4 8 1 4 2 0 4 1 1 4 5 0 3 2 Crossings 20 18 24 21 11 15 21 20 18 15 13 17 18 16 23 22 26 19 14 10 Approaches 4 7 9 3 5 4 2 7 6 1 1 3 7 4 3 5 3 9 5 9 .1 Contacts 6 5 2 2 3 2 3 0 4 5 3 4 1 1 4 4 10 7 4 8 Crossings 14 11 9 15 15 13 8 16 18 10 17 22 13 16 9 7 11 14 21 23 Approaches 2 8 6 11 3 6 8 2 7 5 3 4 1 3 5 8 6 14 12 0 'I Contacts 8 3 4 7 5 8 4 0 7 4 5 1 8 7 6 8 7 12 11 8 Crossings 6 5 9 4 7 G 9 14 7 4 7 11 8 4 12 13 10 9 5 8 using a long deprivation interval and in the case of the female by using only animals in dioestrum. Similarly in the study of the sex drive the food-seeking factor was kept constant and at the minimum by testing the animals immediately after removal from a cage in which there had always been sufficient food. a. Comparison of the two drives in the male animal. Fairly to 76 THE HUNGER DRIVE compare the two drives in the male we must compare those two groups which represent each drive at the optimum, i.e., those groups which displayed the maximum activity directed toward the incen- tive in each case. Naturally, it would not do to compare a food- seeking group of a given starvation period with a sex group of a sex deprivation period of the same length, since our results show that the two drives do not recover their strength after a period of satis- faction at the same rate. The sex drive recovers much the more TABLE 6 Showing temporal distribution in five-minute intervals of approaches, contacts and crossings during the twenty-minute test period STARVATION Jr ±jltlUJJ ACTIVITY 0-5TH MINUTE 6-10TH MINUTE 11-15TH MINUTE 16-20TH MINUTE O Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent days Approaches 15 42.8 10 28.6 7 20.0 3 8.6 35 . ' 1 Contacts 28 49.0 18 31.6 4 7.0 7 12.6 57 Crossings 31 64.5 9 18.8 5 10.4 3 6.2 48 Approaches 17 26.2 8 12.6 18 27.6 22 33.8 65 ■ ( Contacts 16 13.5 23 19.5 42 35.5 37 31.4 118 Crossings 130 37.0 102 29.1 86 24.5 33 9.4 351 Approaches 42 41.3 25 24.5 17 16.7 18 17.6 102 Contacts 54 39.4 37 27.0 28 20.4 18 13.1 137 Crossings 75 20.6 91 25.0 100 27.5 98 26.9 364 Approaches 23 26.2 34 38.5 10 11.6 21 23.8 88 ' { Contacts 41 48.2 22 25.9 8 9.4 14 16.5 85 Crossings 94 26.0 89 24.7 87 24.2 91 25.2 361 Approaches 28 28.8 20 20.6 18 18.6 31 32.0 97 « { Contacts 18 23.1 14 17.9 13 16.7 33 42.3 78 Crossings 64 22.7 65 23.0 77 27.4 76 26.9 282 Approaches 30 26.3 28 24.6 16 14.1 40 35.1 114 Contacts 27 20.6 29 22.2 29 22.2 46 35.1 131 Crossings 31 19.6 40 25.3 42 26.6 45 28.5 158 rapidly, reaching its maximum again in about 24 hours, whereas the hunger drive does not reach its peak until about the fourth day. It is the peaks of the two curves which should be compared or at any rate those two groups which, of those tested by us, represent the drives at their maximum. Our interest is in the limits of behavior as influenced by each of these factors and how these limits compare. The four-day starvation group in the case of the hunger THE HUNGER DRIVE 77 drive and the one day sex deprivation group in the case of the sex drive represent these limits in the male. These data are brought together in tables 7, 8 and 9. It will be seen that the average number of crossings to the sex object was 13.45, to the food, 19.1. TABLE 7 Distribution table of those groups ivhich represent the sex drive and the hunger drive in the male and in the female at the optimum. Sex drive in the male is represented by the one-way sex deprivation group; sex drive in the female, by the group of animals tested when in oestrum (the stage of cornified cells); hunger drive in the male, by the four-day starvation group ; food-seeking drive in the female, by the two-day starvation group. Distributions for the two groups representing the sex drive have been combined as have also the distributions for the two groups representing the hunger drive. These combined distributions have been placed side by side in the center for ready comparison. INTERVAL 6EX DRIVE IN MALE SEX DRIVE IN FEMALE SEX DRIVE, TWO SEXES COMBINED HUNGER DRIVE, TWO SEXES COMBINED HUNGER DRIVE IN* MALE HUNGER DRIVE IN FEMALB o 1 2 1 X 3 1 l 1 4 1 1 2 5 1 i X 1 I 1 6 1 1 7 g 9 2 1 3 10 2 2 11 2 1 3 12 1 1 13 2 2 14 3 3 15 4 2 6 2 1 1 16 3 3 6 17 1 2 3 1 1 18 2 1 3 3 2 1 19 2 2 20 1 1 21 2 2 2 1 1 22 1 1 23 1 1 24 1 1 25 2 1 1 26 27 28 1 1 29 3 1 2 78 THE HUNGER DRIVE This difference is quite a reliable one, being 2.8 times the standard deviation of the difference. We feel justified, then, in saying that, using the obstruction method, the hunger drive is stronger than the sex drive in the male animal. b. Comparison of the two drives in the female animal. Here again we must compare those groups representing the two drives at their high points. These are the one-day starvation group in the case of the hunger drive and the cornified group in the case of the sex drive (see tables 7, 8 and 9). As in the case of the male there is a difference in favor of the hunger drive. This difference is not TABLE 8 Showing the number of animals in each group, the average number of crossings and the standard deviations for those groups tafcen to represent the sex and the hunger drives in the two sexes NUMBER OF AVERAGE STANDARD GROUPS ANIMALS IN NUMBER OP DEVIATION THE GROUP CROSSINGS 20 13.45 4.3 Sex drive in female _ _ _ 21 14.14 5.5 Sex drive in two sexes combined- 41 13.8 4.9 Hunger drive in male _ _ _ _ 10 19.1 5.87 Hunger drive in female _ — _ 10 19.0 8.91 Hunger drive in two sexes combined- 20 19.05 7.6 TABLE 9 Showing reliability of differences in the average number of crossings for the sex and the hunger drives in the two sexes taken separately and combined STANDARD CHANCE8 DEVIATION THE DIFF./S.D. IN 100 OF GROUPS OF THE DIFFER- OF DIFFER- A TRUE DIFFER- ENCE ENCE DIFFER- ENCE ENCE Sex drive in male and hunger drive in 2.0 5.65 2.8 99.74 Sex drive in female and hunger drive 2.9 4.91 1.7 96 Sex drive in the two sexes and hunger drive in the two sexes. _ 1.86 5.25 2.8 99.74 entirely reliable being 1.7 times the standard deviation of the differ- ence (chances of a true difference: 96 in 100). c. Comparison of the two drives, data for the two sexes being combined. As would be expected, when the data for the male and the female groups are combined the difference between the strength of the two drives as here measured is a reliable one. The hunger drive is clearly stronger than the sex drive (tables 7, 8 and 9). THE HUNGER DRIVE 79 This conclusion is in accord with that of Tsai (11) who used the choice method and with that of Simmons (9) who used the learning method. Since all data, in so far as they are interpreted in terms of general tendencies such as drives, are functions of the method used there is good reason for attacking problems by means of any and all methods at our disposal. Nevertheless we feel that the results here reported are important not merely because they have been obtained by a different method but also because they have been obtained by a more reliable method than any others which have been employed. Using the learning method as Simmons did the problem to be solved is a distraction which serves to reduce the prominence of the incentive object in the entire stimulus situation. This reduces the possibility of various incentives producing clear cut differences in the animal's behavior. A minimum amount of learning is involved in the obstruction method as here used. A very simple association is formed in the preliminary trials, that between the incentive object and the incentive compartment. In the course of developing the technique used in these two investigations data were obtained which indicated that the brief preliminary training period used is quite as effective as is a much longer one. As tested by the obstruction method the animal is presented with a stimulus situation in which the incentive is dominant. It is not distracted by the complexities of threading a maze or solving other problems, before being stimulated by the object which will call out the drive under investigation. The choice method does not suffer so much from involving con- siderable learning. Two simple associations must be formed, how- ever, instead of the one demanded by the obstruction method, and the actual movement of the animal is less simple. Furthermore it seems probable that chance or uncontrolled factors must always play an important part in the choice method. The animal fre- quently responds simply to whichever incentive happens to stimu- late it first in spite of the experimenter's efforts to have the two incentives stimulate it simultaneously and equally. The choice method suffers from a further and more serious difficulty which was apparently not recognized by either Moss or Tsai. To obtain 80 THE HUNGER DRIVE a choice which is to represent a fair comparison between the two drives each acting at its optimum it would be necessary to control, simultaneously, the related physiological conditions. In the case of the female this would involve prediction of oestrous condition, no simple task, and one in which manipulation of the animal prior to testing could scarcely be avoided. In the case of the male it is true that, perhaps on the basis of the results reported herein, one could start the period of starvation at one time and the period of sex deprivation, in the same animal, at another in such a way that theoretically the two drives would reach their optimal points simul- taneously. It is improbable, however, that the physiological condi- tions effecting the two drives are entirely independent of each other. Starvation would effect sex behavior; mating would effect food- seeking behavior. Each drive would be tested under the artificial conditions imposed by the control of the other. Summary 1. The tendency of the male white rat to approach food as measured in terms of the number of times it will cross an electrical obstruction within a given period of time is at its low point when the animal is tested immediately after being removed from a cage containing food. This tendency increases with an increase in the length of the starvation period, up to a period of four days, and from this point on, decreases. 2. In the case of the female white rat this tendency reaches its high point much earlier. The tendency after one day of starvation is apparently almost as strong as it is in the male after a four-day period of starvation. After one day of starvation the tendency in the female declines gradually and then more rapidly, never after the second day being as strong as in the male. 3. Comparison of the groups which, of those tested, represent the hunger and the sex drives at their maximum, indicates that the tendency for a white rat to approach a food object is stronger than its tendency to approach a sex object. This is true of rats of both sexes although the difference is not so great in the case of the female. 2. THE EFFECT OF DELAYED INCENTIVE ON THE HUNGER DRIVE IN THE WHITE RAT (EXPERIMENT 1: THE OBSTRUCTION METHOD)1 E. L. Hamilton I. Introduction In experimental studies of animal motivation, the organism is usually required to perform some task in order to obtain the incen- tive. Ordinarily, the latter is accessible to the animal immediately upon completion of the performance. This is perhaps the best pro- cedure for most experimental work on animals, since a more favor- able emotional adjustment to the artificial laboratory situation tends to be made under this condition. An interesting problem from the standpoint of general motivation, however, is that of separating the incentive stimulus from the required performance by various intervals of time, thereby introducing the factor of delayed incen- tive. The question arises as to the effect of various intervals of delay between the performance of the task and the incentive on the strength of the drive under investigation. Is the drive weakened, strengthened, or in no way affected when the reward does not imme- diately follow the performance? In the previously reported studies of drives (hunger, thirst, normal sex, segregated sex) under this project, the matter of delayed incentive has not been considered. In all of these investi- gations the animal was allowed contact with the incentive object as soon as it crossed the grill and entered the incentive compartment. The present study is an attempt to measure the effect of delayed incentive on the strength of one of these drives — the hunger drive. In Appendix 3, experiment 2, making use of the maze and the 1 Reprinted with modifications from Genetic Psychology Monographs, 1929, 5, No. 2, 137-66. For balance of monograph, covering experiment 2 on maze learning, see Appendix 3. 81 82 THE HUNGER DRIVE learning method of measuring the influence of delay on behavior, will be found. Although the obstruction method has, we believe, many advantages over the learning method as a means of determin- ing the effect of delay upon strength of drive, it will be seen that the results obtained by the two methods show marked agreement in general. II. Experiment The obstruction method Method and procedure. The apparatus employed in experiment 1 was the Columbia Obstruction Apparatus which has been described in detail in Part I, 1, of this volume. It consists of four compart- ments: A, the entrance compartment; B, the obstruction com- partment; C, the reaction compartment; and D, the incentive compartment. In the present study, the animal was delayed in com- partment C for various intervals of time as described later. The electrically operated grid device, developed by Dr. T. N. Jenkins (see Part IV, 2) was used in giving the animal the initial shock on the fifth trial. The standard shock was, of course, employed in the present experiment. For Fig. 1 of this monograph, showing apparatus, see Part I, 1, of this volume. A total of 100 albino rats of the "Experimental Colony strain" of the Wistar Institute of Anatomy were tested. Until shipped to us at about 150 days of age, they were kept in litter groups unsegre- gated as to sex, an approximately equal number of males and females making up each group. Upon arrival at our laboratory, they were segregated to the extent of placing males and females in separate cages in which condition they were kept until they reached the age of about 185 days. All animals fell within the age range of 175 to 196 days at the time of experimentation. The age range at the time of segregation was 143 to 157 days. The segregation period extended from 32 to 39 days. This period provided ample time for the animals to become accustomed to the laboratory conditions and also insured the availability of non-pregnant females for use in the experiment, since litters are born about three to four weeks after the animals have become pregnant. The animals were fed a well-regulated diet before they were THE HUNGER DRIVE 83 received by us. In our laboratory they were fed McCollum's Stan- dard Diet (see 11, p. 27) with the addition of a weekly ration of greens. More than a sufficient amount of food was kept in the cages to insure uniform conditions with respect to hunger. We could be practically certain that, when the starvation period began, the ani- mals were all at about the same stage of hunger. A small dish of McCollum's diet was also used as the incentive in the experiment. Fresh water was supplied daily in inverted bottles with nozzles to prevent fouling. The animals were thus always supplied with water, even during the 48-hour starvation period preceding the test. At the beginning of a starvation period, fresh sawdust was provided to insure complete absence of food. The general laboratory conditions were precisely the same as those obtaining in all other studies com- ing under the project. Four periods of delay, 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, and 3 minutes, were investigated, groups of 20 animals being used in each cage. The 48-hour starvation group representing the maximum strength of the hunger drive (14) was employed as a control. The exactitude of the procedure followed, in connection with the Ob- struction Apparatus in this series of researches clearly warrants the use of the scores from one experiment to another as here employed (12). The grouping of the animals is shown in Table 4. It will be seen from the table that, although 11 males were used in the delay groups, only 9 females were employed in these groups. The reason for this is a practical one. The females could be used only when in dioestrum, a stage in the oestrom cycle, determination of which will be discussed below in connection with procedure. This stage could not be detected before testing since the smears were not made until after the animal was tested. A large number of females which had been run could not be used. Only 36 females out of 101 tested proved to be clearly in dioestrum. Naturally, the records of those in some stage of oestrum had to be discarded since the scores on such animals involved both hunger and sex drive. This difficulty does not arise with the males and hence male groups could be easily made at any desired size. The starvation period was constant for all groups, consisting of a 48-hour interval during which the animals received no food, 84 THE HUNGER DRIVE directly preceding the test period. This interval was employed, since it represented the maximum strength of the hunger drive, as above stated, and individual and group differences should best be brought out by the use of maximal drive conditions. TABLE 4 Grouping of Animals NUMBER OF ANAMALS LENGTH OF DELAY PERIOD Male Female Total 0 (Control) _ 10 10 20 15 Seconds _ _ 11 9 20 30 Seconds _ _ 11 9 20 1 Minute 11 9 20 3 Minutes 11 9 20 Procedure. The sex drive was controlled in the males by use of the segregation period of 35 days, which insured uniform sex deprivation. Since Warner (13) found that the sex drive in the male is at its minimum with the longest interval of sex deprivation he studied (28 days), we assumed that with a still longer interval of 35 days it would probably be still weaker or at least as weak as at 28 days. This would insure little interference or complication by the sex drive. In the case of the females, the matter of dioestrum was determined by the use of the smear technique developed by Long and Evans (5) and employed in the drive studies in the Co- lumbia laboratory. Only those animals in the inactive period (di- oestrum) were used. As mentioned above, this necessitated discard- ing the data on a large number of females. Determination of the oestrous condition was made from both the quick smear and the permanent slide by the experimenter. Dr. Warner, who has had considerable experience with the technique, checked the determina- tions. In all cases the determination was made on the basis of the histological picture and without consideration of the behavior data. To eliminate olfactory stimulation connected with the opposite sex, animals of only one sex were run on any one night and the box was washed with soap and water and allowed to air for each night 's experimentation. Time of day was controlled by testing all animals between the hours of 9 P.M. and 4 A.M. Since the laboratory was practically deserted at this time, noise distractions were also reduced to a min- THE HUNGER DRIVE 85 imum. The temperature of the laboratory was kept fairly constant by thermostatic regulation. The method of handling the animals was made uniform by pre- vious training in which the method of picking up the animal and transferring it at a constant rate to the entrance compartment was reduced to a habit. The time for moving the animal from the in- centive compartment back to the entrance compartment was about 30 seconds. Naturally, the fact of emotional arousal in motivation situations makes it necessary to take every precaution to avoid distractions of every sort. The preliminary training given the animals did not differ from the usual procedure Avith the Obstruction Apparatus. The animal was placed in the entrance compartment and after 10 seconds was allowed to cross the grid, which was not electrified, to the food in the incentive compartment. After the animal had obtained a nibble of food, it was removed and again placed in the entrance compart- ment. After four crossings to the food in this manner, the animal was placed in the entrance compartment, but this time, upon clear- ing the door between the entrance and obstruction compartments, the animal received a shock from the grid. The shock was given by means of the indirect method of electrifying mentioned above in connection with description of apparatus, the closing of the door dj_) automatically causing current to flow in the grid. After the animal had obtained a nibble of food on the fifth trial, it was re- moved from the incentive compartment and the test period began. An exception to this procedure was made in the case of such ani- mals as did not take a nibble of food upon reaching the incentive compartment but engaged in exploratory activity by climbing up the sides of the box, etc. If the animal had not taken a nibble of food at the end of 60 seconds, it was removed, nevertheless, and re- placed in the entrance compartment. The exception was also ob- served in the study of the normal hunger drive (14) from which our control group was taken. The procedure for the test period for the control group consisted in placing the animal in the entrance compartment and after 10 seconds releasing it into the obstruction compartment as in the case of the preliminary training. However, the animal now received a 86 THE HUNGER DRIVE shock as soon as its feet made contact with the grid, since the direct method of electrification described in the preceding section had been set in operation for this and all later tests. The following types of behavior, which are characteristic for the Obstruction Method, were recorded on suitable blanks minute by minute: ap- proaches, contacts, crossings. An "approach" refers to orientation of the animal before the grid with its head projecting into the obstruction compartment fol- lowed by withdrawal without touching the grid. A "contact" re- fers to the touching of the grid by the animal followed by imme- diate withdrawal again. A "crossing" refers to the crossing of the grid by the animal and its entrance into the delay compartment. Quantitative data on these three types of behavior during a period of 20 minutes were recorded. Whenever a crossing occurred, the animal was removed from the incentive compartment after the usual nibble of food and returned to the entrance compartment. It was not detained for 10 seconds before being released into the obstruction compartment as before, but was allowed immediate access to the grid. The procedure for the test period in the case of the delay groups was similar to that for the control group with the exception that the animal was not allowed immediate access to the food. Upon crossing the grid, the animal was held in the delay compartment for an interval of time, at the end of which it was permitted access to the food. In order to retain the animal during the interval of delay, d3 was disconnected from the automatic delease (E) and operated manually. The operation of the door by the experimenter, after the period of delay, soon became mechanical, so that as soon as the stop-watch indicated the end of the delay period, the door was opened immediately. The animal was allowed a nibble of food and was returned to the entrance compartment after each crossing and delay period. Quantitative behavior in the form of approaches, contacts, and crossings for a period of 20 minutes was recorded, as in the case of the control group. This time was exclusive of the delay periods. A cumulative stop-watch was used to measure the time of the 20- minute period. A second stop-watch was used to time the delay THE HUNGER DRIVE 87 TABLE 5 Frequency distributions covering approaches, contacts, and crossings for the various periods of delay Number of responses 6 S & 15 SECONDS 30 SECONDS 1 MINUTE 3 MINUTES g s £ s £ s s 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 0 3 l J 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 2 1 1 2 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 i' 3 1 1 g 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 88 THE HUNGER DRIVE periods. The cumulative watch was started at the beginning of the test period. When an animal entered the delay compartment, the watch was stopped and the second watch started. At the end of the delay period the second watch was stopped and the cumulative watch started again. When the latter registered 20 minutes, the test period was considered completed. Thus, regardless of the num- ber of delays, the time during which the test animal was exposed to the incentive and might cross to it was the same for all groups, in- cluding the control group. In addition to the quantitative data, notes were made on the behavior of the animals during the delay period. Each animal's weight was taken and recorded before the period of starvation and again after testing. Results The results are presented in Tables 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 and in Fig- ures 2 and 3. Table 5 gives the frequency distributions covering approaches, contacts, and crossings for the various periods of de- lay. It reads as follows: In the control or 0-delay group, there were 3 females and 2 males who made no approaches, 1 female and 1 male who made no contacts, and no females or males who made no crossings, etc. Table 6 represents the measures of central tendency and vari- ability for each delay period, including the median, range, average, standard deviation, and co-efficient of variability of approaches, contacts, and crossings for each sex and for the combined (male and female) groups. Table 7 gives the measure of reliability of the difference between the average crossings of various groups. Table 8 shows the distribution of approaches, contacts, and cross- ings during the 20-minute test period, for the various groups, min- ute by minute. It reads as follows: The control group during the first minute made 7 approaches, 4 contacts, and 29 crossings, etc. Table 9 gives the distribution of approaches, contacts, and cross- ings during the 20-minute test period in 5-minute intervals, in terms of absolute scores and percentages. The graph presented in Figure 2 shows the average number of THE HUNGER DRIVE XjinqBTJBA r-< Tt< jo -}U9p^ao3 ^ •a -9 OHO | OS i-l O OS wt> aoo 0> lO 05 CO CO CO iTBipaj\[ S3 3 jo ^ue'iDiyaoo oq io co co oo co t-oo> t- o o i-l CO (M I I I H H I I I O tH o AJIIiqBUBA ^ jo ^uaioyjaoQ ^ ^ oo •a -s to <£> LOU5 I 3 I oo oo _<*_.,,., I w as as | co co co I o o o o c- t- I I iH LO LO LO UBip8J\[ CO CM CO I t-^O "*LOH I rH t— I i— i I fqHN I I I LO 00 O LO CM I I — CM 2 8th minute 1 9th minute 1 10th minute I 1 11th minute I 12th minute I 13th minute 1 14th minute 1 15th minute 1 ■ 16th minute 1 | 17th minute I | 18th minute I | 19th minute | 20th minute 1 Approaches 7 4 1 3 2 u 3 1 2 4 2 8 2 2 4 4 4 7 3 0 Contacts 4 3 3 3 3 0 3 4 7 3 7 9 15 7 4 5 5 8 12 7 Crossings 29 34 19 14 34 30 22 24 18 8 11 23 20 10 16 13 7 9 3 1 A nnvnn r>hp «■ O re < 6 O § 2 u o £ - £ "m £ "re £ "re en 4> ^ OJ ~ 3 T-t NO T*» N© vo vo vo NO ^ VO ^< •+ in N no O to to osoo CO _ ON ^ NO ^ to to r~- On vo O m ^ t»i 4 CM CM 00 ON 00 NO vo no VONh to t>. vo r^- no On vo CM 4 to 4 a H 6 *-* CM CM W NO NO 4 CM to NONts 7 7 7 o o o 777 to CM CM CM O CM 777 4 CM CM CM On CM to CM to 1 1 1 M H H 0-20 0-19 0-20 OO VO VO to vo to ~ CM CM NO N N -h N O M VO ^ 00 On * on vo OO ON ON Is «h ts CM « -< VO tO ON O to — < Ov H fl on r^- to On On CM no ON h w to tJ- to 4 t\5 4 vo no 2 vri 00 tf\ 1H vo vo 00 ON to ©4-1 4 NO VO to 4 4 4 4 4 0-11 0-19 0-19 O NO VO 7 7 7 ^ in \a NO ^ NO XX X ooo o o o ooo 1 1 ! OOO vo vo vo rl- -H- ri- (1 «1 (fl ^ N ^ vo n© VO >^ oo rt oo WON O no 00 i— I OO CM ff\ SO M N M »h >T N NO WOOts ON t-» VO CM 4 CM 4 to 4 to to to to 4 CM vo CM > i-J vo ts O0 CM t>I 4 vo 4 to to to h'"6h ON vo ©n 1 1 1 NO CM so 7 7 7 CM CM 1 1 7 op to oo vo cm vo ooo O CM O OOO OOO 1 1 1 ooo vo VO vo vo CM CM CM NO NO 4 •+ CM to to U femal male total femal male total femal male total fema male total femal male total o to PJ 91 to CM tS on to PJ <«- -o on to PJ NO *0 110 THE THIRST DRIVE for the hunger drive. In the latter case after prolonged starvation, the number of crossings was reduced, but the number of approaches and contacts increased. This was interpreted as indicating a strong drive to get the food but probably a physical weakness rendered the animals unable to overcome the resistance offered by the shock. The animals oriented definitely in the direction of the food but often hesitated to cross. In the case of the thirst drive a number of 6-day water-deprived animals did not even show this definite orientation after having crossed several times. TABLE 4 Showing reliability of the difference between the average crossings of Adjacent Groups GROUPS STANDARD DEVIATION OF THE DIFFERENCE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE AVERAGES DIFFERENCE S D. OF DIFFERENCE CHANCES IN 100 OF A TRUE DIF- FERENCE 0 and 1 day 2.69 16.25 6.0 100 1 and 2 days 3.8 4.4 1.16 87 2 and 4 days 3.4 2.4 2.70 76 4 and 6 days 2.36 6.4 2.7 99.7 It will be noted that the temporal distribution of crossings is uneven throughout. From 28% to 51% of the crossings always occurred during the first five minutes of the twenty-minute test period. Especially in those groups where the drive was operating vait its strongest is there a predominance of crossing early in the period. This is quite different from what was observed for the groups in which the hunger drive was operating strongly. The writer is inclined to think that the internal stimulation at the basis of the thirst behavior was more readily rendered ineffective by the moistening of the tongue which accompanied each crossing than was the internal stimulation underlying the hunger behavior by the nibble of food which accompanied each crossing in that case. The sum total of the minute bits of food obtained would scarcely suffice to inhibit the hunger contractions of the stomach. If the stimula- tion related to the thirst behavior is at least partially derived from dryness of the mouth parts, several crossings would be sufficient to reduce the efficacy of such stimulation to a considerable degree. If this is the case, the conditions which we have set up operate in favor of the hunger drive. If we were to take as our measure of THE THIRST DRIVE 111 to SO PN y—l tt NO VI H H rt mi hOvo tO tO CM ^- to tO O NO »N H W mi © CM ^ W NO to NO 00 i-i to On to © to WI O p* to O M 1-1 NO O NO CM O no O to to V9I CM O O NO tO T*- CM T*- tO ONN CM CM no VSI so o o to OO © CM *N i-« to CM to O «0 vrs CM tJ- O h ph O i-i On — — * ON i— i to ri- no NON CM O no oo^ CM CM rj- tJ- O On i-i i-i CM *Oo »0 «<■ CM CM NO — O O H O voi to CM rf- Wn5n CM 00 NO o *Ooo O CM OO O '-' >o on t>s cm CM NO CM On O ^ ON to O to m tO CI f\J to CM t*- 00 On rH CM O CM T— *f *H tO NO O to NO -4- Tt- i— < tO -H 1-* N50* O CM C*» V9 NO O rj- OO «0 on CM NO * CM CM to CM HO00 © CM no l>» «o «> CM CM On CM CM * CM CM —« O «o On r-t On vo o to NO WN i—( H H W HHOO OO w tH to tO NO NO to CM O 00 CM CM to NO © CM NO 00 CM CM CM '-' o i~< to On CM to to to ^ CM ^" OS i-H CM no CM — ^- to ^ CM Approaches Contacts Crossings Approaches Contacts Crossings Approaches Contacts Crossings Approaches Contacts Crossings Approaches Contacts Crossings day days days days o CM NO THE THIRST DRIVE Tot5 1-4 NO tO SO CM oo NO CM oo HMO On O0 CM to CM OS CM NO CM N CM N1Nproache3 | ) ntacts so S) C 'w 8 ^proaches 1 >ntact8 ■ossings 1 > proaches | >n tacts ossings ^proaches j mtacts ossi ngs jproaches mtacts CO c '§? 2 pproaches | ) ntacts ossings )proache3 >ntacts ossings jproaches j mtacts B a 8 Z < O < 0 O < O O < O O <; O < 0 O < O Q < O Q 0 5 8 2 8 15 6 3 2 3 5 4 1 4 6 7 5 1 5 3 2 6 6 2 1 9 7 4 6 4 2 2 1 1 2 3 6 6 3 6 3 3 2 5 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 2 3 1 4 1 3 4 4 3 1 3 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 1 2 5 4 2 1 4 2 3 3 2 1 4 2 1 4 1 1 2 1 2 4 3 1 3 2 1 5 4 1 1 5 5 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 7 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 9 1 2 2 2 1 1 10 2 1 1 1 11 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 1 12 1 1 3 1 2 1 13 2 1 2 1 1 14 1 3 2 3 15 1 3 4 3 2 16 1 3 4 2 17 1 1 1 1 18 1 1 2 3 19 1 1 20 2 1 21 1 1 22 1 1 1 23 24 1 1 * Control group, twenty-four hours ' sex deprivation ; no female in the incentive compartment. THE SEX DRIVE 151 TABLE 5 Showing results of the male groups Control 0 6 hours 12 hours 1 day 4 days 7 days 28 days APPROACHES 1 1 4 2.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 1 0-3 0-5 0-12 0-7 0-10 0-6 0-5 0-10 1.2 1.2 4.15 2.7 2.3 1.8 2.25 2.5 5*o 02 1.03 1.36 3.26 2.03 2.35 1.9 1.5 2.9 85.8 113.3 78.5 75.2 102.2 105.5 66.6 1 0 5 2.5 116.0jl._ 0-4 0-3 0-11 0-6 0-6 0-4 0-9 0-6 1.05 0.35 4.5 2.65 1.5 1.85 3.1 2.0 CROSSINCS e TJ.2 ent of bility e TJ-J ent of bility Standa devia Coeffici varia Median Range Averag Standa devia Coeffici varia 1.18 112.3 3 0-7 2.95 1.8 61.0 0.7 200.0 2 0-13 3.6 4.08 113.5 2.77 61.5 9.5 0-18 8.1 5.2 64.2 1.98 74.7 12 0-20 12.2 4.8 39.3 1.5 100.0 15 4-20 13.45 4.03 29.9 1.56 84.3 14 0-22 12.6 6.24 49.5 2.5 80.6 14.5 0-24 12.25 7.07 57.7 1.97 98.5 12.5j0-22 10.55 7.1 66.4 TABLE 6 Showing reliability on the difference between the average crossings of the male groups GROUPS THE DIFFER- ENCE STANDARD DEVIATION OF THE DIFFERENCE DIFFERENCE S.D. OF THE DIFF. CHANCES IN 100 OF A TRUE DIF- FERENCE GREATER THANO 0 hours and 6 hours 4.5 1.47 3.06 100.0 6 hours and 12 hours 4.1 1.58 2.59 99.5 12 hours and 1 day 1.25 1.4 0.89 81.0 0.85 1.65 0.51 69.0 0.5 2.1 0.24 60.0 1.55 2.23 0.695 76.0 2.9 1.8 1.6 94.0 10.50 1.14 9.2 100.0 uted during the twenty-minute test period (in one-minute inter- vals) is given in Table 7. In Table 8 these data are reduced to the percentages of such activity occurring during successive five min- utes of the twenty-minute test period. Figure 4 shows graphically the effect of variation in the sex deprivation interval upon the ap- proaches, contacts and crossings. Figure 5 shows graphically their distribution during the test period in terms of the percentage fall- ing within each successive five minutes. We will first take up the male groups in order from the shortest 152 THE SEX DRIVE 1 g ainNin hxOo HOO H i-H CO CO 00 h CO •HH O f CO (N r-t H NOiO 00 rt< o o o 01 OOH h CO o CO MOO H axiiNiiv hxqj WOh h h co HLO00 CO H H ^ CO lO h CO CO axriNiK HXgx CO CO f HOM CO CO H O.f Tf< 00 01 o CO O CO CO CO r— 1 h co co axriNiPi hx^x rH OH f)H(M CO CO CO H H t>. o co M CO CO CO CO f 05 axnMiK Hxgx WHN NhN COCO CO co oo n CO © co CO CO CO CO CO H CO O h 3XX1NIW hxjx H O H O CO LO CO CI co o h CO H H O Of N H CO H axnMiiv hxxx i-H Oh coo-* f co o co h oo CO o CO ^ H 1— 1 INNH HTfN axriNUM hxox O h h O O CO 00 O o3 a o CO CO o3 o G £§ 2 c3 o £3 aa g CmO £ g C3 C "3 CO «J -3 So d d o - O cd '55 O- C o C O fcn c3 « C II'3 aoti 12 M &1§ 03 T3 THE SEX DRIVE 153 TABLE 8 Showing temporal distribution of approaches, contacts and crossings of the male groups during the twenty>-minute test period in five^minute intervals GROUP ACTIVITY 0 TO 5th MINUTE 6th to 10th MINUTE 11th to 15th MINUTE 16th to 20th MINUTE TOTAL Num- ber Per cent Num- ber Per cent Num- ber Per cent Num- ber Per cent Approaches 3 12 0 4 16.0 9 36 0 9 36.0 25 Control \ Contacts 8 38 1 7 33.0 3 14.0 3 14.0 21 Crossings 28 47.6 17 28.9 9 15.3 5 8.5 59 Approaches 4 16 6 3 12.5 12 50.0 5 20 9 24 o \ (!r»n t,$} r»f,s 2 28 6 2 28.6 2 28.6 1 14 3 7 Crossings 10 13 6 19 26.4 18 25.0 25 34 7 72 Approaches 26 31.2 17 20.4 24 28.8 16 19 2 83 6 hours ^ Contacts 31 34.4 22 24.4 19 21.1 18 19 9 90 Crossings 52 32.1 61 37 6 28 17.3 21 13.0 162 Approaches 6 12.0 22 44.0 15 30.0 7 14.0 50 12 hours { Contacts 13 24.7 13 24 7 8 15.2 19 36.1 53 Crossings 74 30.3 76 31 .0 44 18 0 50 20.5 244 Approaches 19 41.8 16 35 2 6 13.2 5 11.0 46 1 day \ Contacts 9 29 9 9 29 9 8 26 6 4 13.3 30 Crossing 76 28.2 63 23 4 60 22.3 70 26.0 269 Approaches 15 42 0 8 22 4 9 25.2 4 11.2 36 4 days i Contact 12 43 2 5 18 0 8 28.8 3 10.8 28 Crossings 62 24 6 55 21 8 65 25.7 70 27 7 252 Approaches 12 27 6 11 25 3 11 25 3 9 20.7 43 7 days < Contacts 17 27 2 9 14 4 24 38.4 12 19.2 62 Crossings 47 19 2 33 13. 5 58 23 7 107 43 7 245 Approaches 9 18 8 16.0 15 30.0 18 36.0 50 28 days j Contacts 4 10 0 9 22.0 22 55.0 5 12.5 40 Crossings 16 7 6 40 18 9 54 25.6 101 47.9 211 to the longest deprivation interval, noting the influence upon the behavior of varying this factor. Animals of the 0 group, that is, those which had mated freely for two hours immediately preceding the test period, were not inclined — either to approach or to make contact with the grid at first. During the first five minutes a total of but four approaches, 154 THE SEX DRIVE two contacts and ten crossings were recorded for the twenty ani- mals in the group. The animals became more and more active as the test proceeded, a total of twenty-five crossings being recorded for the last five minutes of the period. Even so, the average num- ber of approaches, of contacts and of crossings were lower for this group than for any other but the control. Six of the animals did Fig. 4. Showing average number of crossings (solid line), contacts (dot- dash line) and approaches (dash line) for each interval of sex deprivation in the male rat. Kesults for the control group are shown on the one day abscissa since animals of this group were tested after a one day sex deprivation period, the average number of approaches being represented by the point labeled 1, contacts by 2, crossings by 3. not cross at all, while fourteen crossed three times or less. Notes taken during the course of the experiment indicate that the char- acteristic behavior of the animals of this group, and especially of the fourteen least active animals was, apparently, sleep. At any rate these animals spent considerable time lying practically motion- less in a corner of the entrance compartment. Five of the six did not cross at all during the test period, apparently slept the entire twenty minutes and were sleeping when removed. THE SEX DRIVE 155 The preliminary training period for this group involved con- siderable temporal irregularity due to the extreme inactivity of many of the subjects. Although all of them crossed at least once and all but three crossed at least twice during the first fifteen minutes devoted to the preliminary training, it is doubtful whether certain of the animals would have crossed the five times (as re- quired by the technique adopted) in less than two hours or more. Fig. 5. Showing temporal distribution of crossings for the male groups. The upper line represents the percentage of crossing which occurred during the first five minutes of the test period. The middle line represents the percentage which occurred during the first ten minutes. The lower line represents the per- centage which occurred during the first fifteen minutes. The points 1, 2 and 3 represent the percentages of crossing during the first five, ten and fifteen min- utes for the control group. For practical purposes it was necessary to make the following ex- ception to the usual procedure. If an animal had crossed but two or three times during the first thirty minutes of the preliminary training period the electric shock was introduced during the next crossing (as was done normally during the fifth crossing) and im- mediatly following this the test period was begun. It seems un- likely that this irregularity should vitiate the results. If an animal was so lethargic as not to cross to the female even though no shock 156 THE SEX DRIVE was introduced it is quite unlikely that it would cross when the electric obstruction was present. Had we not made this exception the preliminary training period would have required, in certain cases, sufficient time to permit a partial recovery from the inactive state which normally follows a period of mating. An examination of the data for the six-hour group leads to the supposition that this recovery is relatively rapid. Quite a different picture is presented by the six-hour group. The average number of crossings leaps from 3.6 to 8.1 and the ap- proaches and contacts show a corresponding increase. A glance at Table 6 shows that the difference between the average number of crossings for the 0 and for the six-hour groups is reliable, being 3.06 times the standard deviation of the difference. The two groups differ also in that the animals of the six-hour group were decidedly more active during the first half of the test period, whereas those of the 0 group were more active during the last half. This fact, together with the substantial increase in the average number of crossings can be taken as indicating that even the short interval of six hours permits a decided recovery of the tendency of the male to approach a sex object. In terms of crossings the twelve-hour group shows still further increase in activity. The average number of crossings increases to 12.2. The chances that there is a true difference between this aver- age and the average for the six-hour group are 99.5 in 100. As in the six-hour group more crossings wer erecorded during the earlier part of the test period. The average number of approaches is decid- edly less than that for the six-hour group. The same is to be said for contacts. This would at first seem to be -contradictory. It must be remembered, however, that by an ' ' approach ' ' is meant 1 1 an ap- proach and withdrawal ' ' and that by a" contact ' ' is meant 1 t a con- tact and a withdrawal." It is then quite to be expected that as the animals cross more frequently they will approach or make contact without crossing less frequently. A note should be made with respect to the twelve-hour group. On the average these animals were tested later at night than were the animals of the other groups. Most of them were tested between 2 and 4 a.m. Any effect that this difference in conditions might THE SEX DRIVE 157 have had would probably be in the direction of decreasing the ac- tivity of the animals of this group, since the rats become less active with the approach of dawn. Animals of the one-day group did not react very differently from those of the twelve-hour group. The average number of cross- ings, 13.45, is but slightly larger, the difference not being reliable. The approaches and touches show a further, but hardly significant decrease. The chief way in which this group differs from the pre- vious relates to the time during the test period in which the cross- ing occurred. Whereas the crossings were most frequent during the first half in the six- and the twelve-hour groups, in the twenty- four group this advantage was eliminated and the crossing was remarkably uniform throughout the twenty-minute period. A def- inite and increasing tendency for the animals to cross more often in the second half of the period was found in all groups of more than twenty-four hours deprivation. Table 8 and Figure 5 show this increasing tendency clearly. In other respects than that of the temporal distribution of activity just mentioned, the four and the seven-day groups differ but slightly from the twenty-four hour group and from each other. The slight drop in the average number of crossings from the twenty-four-hour to the four-day group and from the latter to the seven-day group is not reliable. When taken in conjunction with the more pronounced drop found in the twenty-eight-day group this tendency may be considered to have some significance. The average number of crossings in the twenty-eight-day group is only 10.55. The difference between this average and that for the twenty- four-hour group is 1.6 times the standard deviation of the differ- ence, i.e., the chances that this difference is a true difference are 94 in a 100. It may be that there is an optimum deprivation interval (optimum from the standpoint of the tendency of the ani- mal to cross the shock to a sex object) and that beyond this interval further deprivation interferes with the operation of the normal sex drive. Perhaps sex activity is dependent to a slight extent upon habit elements which are weaned by a long period of inactivity. It might be that homosexual tendencies began to develop during the longer deprivation intervals since the males were kept 158 THE SEX DRIVE with other males during these intervals, and that these interfered with the response to a heterosexual stimulus. Examination of tables 7 and 8 shows that the animals of the twenty-eight-day group crossed more and more as the test proceeded, crossing more often in the last six minutes than during the first fourteen minutes. This might be taken to indicate a gradual reawakening of interest in a heterosexual stimulus. The sex deprivation interval used in the male control group was twenty-four hours since it had been found that of the inter- vals used this one had resulted in the maximum activity. The results for the control group are therefore compared with those for the twenty-four-hour group. These two groups differed in but one respect. In the case of the control group there was no object in the reward compartment while in the case of the twenty-four-hour group there was always a female in heat in this compartment. The results for the two groups are strikingly and reliably different. The average number of crossings for the twenty-four-hour group was 13.45, for the control 2.95. The difference between these aver- ages is 9.2 times the standard deviation of this difference. This proves conclusively that the presence of the female in heat was the dominating factor in determining the activity of the males of the twenty-four-hour group. Twenty-eight of the fifty-nine crossings recorded for the control group occurred during the first five minutes of the period and forty-five during the first ten minutes. In the twenty-four-hour group, on the other hand almost as many crossings occurred during the second half as during the first half of the period. An interpretation might be that animals of the control group underwent the punishment in response to a comparatively less powerful and more transient drive related to exploring activity whereas those of the twenty-four-hour group showed by their much more frequent crossing and by the fact that they crossed with practically undiminished vigor through the test period that they were influenced by a drive that was both stronger and more lasting. Obviously it should not be inferred from these remarks that it is supposed that this experiment gives a fair and comparable measure of the exploring drive, if we may use the term, since the region was too limited and simple to provide suitable "reward" for such a drive. THE SEX DRIVE 159 To summarize : The male sex drive appeared to be at its lowest point immediately after a two-hour period during which mating had taken place freely. Recovery was rapid during the first six hours and almost as rapid during the succeeding six. By twenty- four hours the tendency of the males to cross the grid to the female had reached its high point. During the following six days there was apparently little change, but what change there was was in the direction of a reduction in the strength of this tendency. Three more weeks of deprivation resulted in a more certain indica- tion of such reduction. If the reduction in the strength of the drive is a true one it is in all probablity capable of rapid restoration as indicated by the increasing number of crosses during the final minutes of the test period in the animals sex deprived for twenty- eight days. TABLE 9 Showing female groups NUMBER OF ANIMALS 22 12 6 4 7 21 3 6 10 OESTROUS CONDITION Cornified Early inactive Inactive Late inactive Early congestive Cornified Late cornified Post-ovulative Eecuperative OBJECT IN INCENTIVE COMPARTMENT None (control group) Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male B. The female sex drive Table 9 indicates the grouping of the 91 female animals used. The distribution of approaches, contacts and crossings for the nine female groups is shown in table 10. The medians, ranges, averages and average deviations are given in table 11. In table 12, four of the female groups (recuperative, early inactive, inactive, late inactive) have been combined. This composite group, containing 32 animals, represents the general dioestrous or inactive period of the oestrous cycle. This composite group is compared with the cornified group (21 animals) and the control group (22 animals) in this table (table 12). The medians, ranges, averages, standard deviations and coefficients of variability are given. Table 13 deals with the reliability of the difference between the average number 160 THE SEX DRIVE of crossings for the cornified and control groups and for the corni- fied and composite dioestrum group. The approaches, contacts and crossings for all the female groups as distributed during the twenty TABLE 10 Distribution table covering approaches, contacts and crossings of the females as correlated with the histological character of the vaginal secretions* CONTROL (22) (NO SEX object) EARLY INACTIVE (12) INACTIVE (6) LATE INACTIVE (-4) EARLY CONGES- TIVE (7) CORNI- FIED (21) LATE CORNI- FIED 13) POST- OVULA- TIVE (6) Grouping is based upon histological characteristics of the vaginal secretion. minute test period (in one-minute units) is given in table 14. In table 15 these data are given in terms of the percentage of each activity occurring during the four successive five minutes of the THE SEX DRIVE 161 twenty-minute test period. Figure 6 shows graphically the effect of variation in oestrous condition upon the average number of approaches, contacts and crossings. Figure 7 shows the temporal TABLE 11 Showing results of the female groups APPROACHES CONTACTS CROSSINGS GROUP a © So c b£ cS c © c _o a>°-3 Si « a © a o ©'•« 2 © CO .2 © bp to c3 2> 3 © bC bO a £■£ 9 a «s © £ © -5 c © C © s n > < < i «? > < < © cj K > < >T3 Control 3.0 0-10 3.23 2.34 2.0 0-6 2.27 1.66 5.0 1-9 5.05 2.2 Early inactive 0.0 0-2 0.42 0.63 1.0 0-3 1.25 0.75 1.0 0-5 1.5 1.42 1.0 0-4- 1.5 1.3 1 0-2 1.17 0.56 0 0-4 0.83 1.11 Late inactive 2.5 0-5 2.5 1.5 1.5 0-2 1.25 0.75 2.0 0-3 1.75 0.87 Early congestive 7.0 0-14 6.71 4.3 4 1-9 4.86 1.84 14.0 0-22 11.14 4.85 Cornified 5.0 0-14 5.43 2.93 3.0 0-9 3.14 2.1 16.0 2-24 14.61 4.21 Late cornified 2.0 1-4 2.33 1.11 4.0 2-5 3.66 1.11 10.0 2-14 8.66 4.43 Post-o vulative 0.5 > ANIMALS O S ■oj «.2 11 C bfl ard iati< ©.o 'S.2 C © bO •g.2 c5 eS 3ien abil .2 -a © 9 bfl a eg %* © "S > C c9 » ~o oeffi< vari CO t3 CP U) c oaj eS -o > © g o > 03 T3 © to c eS > S » oeffii vari & < CO O a « < O < GO O Cornified (21) 5 0-14 5.43 3.63 66.9 3 0-9 3.14 2.73 86.8 16 2-24 14.61 5.14 36. Composite (dioestrum) (32) 1 0-4 1.16 1.42 117.3 1 0-5 1.47 1.27 86.3 1 0-5 1.34 1.57 117. Control (cor- nified, no sex object) (22) 3 0-10 3.23 2.7 83.6 2 0-6 2.27 1.91 84.1 5 1-9 5.05 2.55 50. distribution of such activity in terms of the per cent occuring dur- ing successive five minutes. 162 THE SEX DRIVE The data on the behavior of the female animals were grouped according to the interpretation of the vaginal smears taken immedi- ately after the test periods. Of the 69 animals tested with a male in the reward compartment 21 were found to have been in the corni- fied stage at the time of testing. It has been commonly observed TABLE 13 Showing reliability of the difference between the average crossings of the con- trol, the cornified and the composite dioestrous group GROUP STANDARD DEVIATION OB" THE DIFFERENCE THE DIF- FERENCE DIFFERENCE S.D. OF DIFF. CHANCES IN 100 OF A TRITE DIFFER- ENCE GREATER THAN 0 Cornified and control (1) 1.35 9.1 6.74 100 Cornified and composite (dioes- trum) (2) 1.16 12.8 11.0 100 Composite and control _ _ 0.61 3.71 6.08 100 (1) These two groups differ only in that the incentive compartment con- tained a male during the testing of the cornified group and was empty during the testing of the control group. Animals of both groups were in the cornified stage. (2) These two groups differ only with respect to oestrous condition, the first representing oestrum, the second dioestrum. A male was in the incentive com- partment when both groups were tested. that the most active sex behavior on the part of the female occurs at this time. Our results are in accordance with such observation. Animals in this group crossd, on the average, more than ten times as often as those in the four groups which together may be called the composite dioestrous group. The difference between the aver- ages is a true one being over five times the standard deviation of that difference. Animals in dioestrum not only showed little ten- dency to cross (13 of the 28 did not cross at all) but were not inclined to approach or make contact with the grid more than once. The average number of approaches was 1.16, of contacts, 1.47. For the cornified group the figures are 5.43 and 3.14. The differences are reliable though not so great as in the case of the crossings. With respect to the time during the testing period when the animals crossed most often the cornified and dioestrous differ. Animals in the former group tended to cross more and more as the test period proceeded. Over half of the crossings occurred during the final six minutes. Just the reverse is true for animals in dioestrum. Such THE SEX DRIVE 163 animals not only crossed less often but were less and less inclined to cross as the test period progressed. Over half of the crossings occurred during the first six minutes and less than a tenth during the final six minutes. Fig. 6. Showing average number of crossings (solid line), contacts (dot- dash line) and approaches (dash line) for the female groups (grouping being based upon histological character of vaginal smears). Eesults for the control group are shown on the abscissa of the Cornified group since animals of the control group were tested when in the cornified stage. The average number of approaches for the control group is represented by the point labeled 1, contacts by 2, crossings by S. Since we believe that the physiological condition related to the oestrous rhythm was the only factor which was different in the two groups we feel justified in the conclusion that the decided difference in behavior which has just been noted is related to the oestrous cycle. The relationship between the cycle and the behavior recorded is demonstrated clearly by consideration of the progressive changes 164 3 in NIK HX()g THE SEX DRIVE Ohh OOO OOO O i— < CO iflH"* O h Oho H «— 1 ainNiw HXgx OO-i OOO OOO OM(N COC0O0 Ohm OOh CM 3XHNIK HXgJ OOO OOO OOO MCON CO 00 O OOh O O h CO 3XQNIK HX^J OOh OOO OOO C0*O)C© h lo h cooco ooco CO axnxiK H19X O1-1O i-H O O — 1 O O 1-1 CO 00 H 0 CO O h H OO'-i CO 3XQXIW HX» iO H 0 OOO O h 1-1 HlflNIK HXg h ^ CO HOO hOO "«^hH COCOOS OhO CO CO CO SIilXIK HX8 OCOh OCOO COOh 10 h CO rococo OOH ocoo OCOO COOO OOh CO h h 00COO0 HON O CO CO CO CO CO OOO h O h h 0 h t^COb- OOO Ohio Ohm OOh OOCO CO — 1 CO OCOO h CO CO h i— < CO 1—i 1—1 HX^ OOh OOh OhO h H H CO CO CO hOh h r-i h 3XQNIW QHg h h O OCOO Oho CO CO CO h—iCO OhO h CO CO 3XANIK ONJJ OOO h~hO h O O CO O h rH 0 h OOO OHCO sxriNiw xsi OC0C0 COOh (NOh CO h CO CO H _ _ CO OOCO ACTIVITY Approaches Contacts Crossings Approaches Contacts Crossings Approaches Contacts Crossings Approaches Contacts Crossings Approaches Contacts Crossings Approaches Contacts Crossings Approaches Contacts Crossings GROUP .... Early inac- \ tive I Inactive Late inac- tive Early con- gestive Cornified j Late corni- fied Post-ovula- tive THE SEX DRIVE 165 5 £- •rf'fc *C3 o i axaNiw moz axnNiw Hi6l O rH O rH r— ( rH © r— 1 •— 1 3inNIW HX81 O O O O i— ( o <_> v^J axnNiK hx^i rH i— 1 O O rH rH rH i-H rH axnxiw Hxgi ■ /"s , >■», ■ —44 /vi /^s <— > h o 1X3 f~i ~ CN CN UN UN axntiiK nif Ml , i »n rO k_ V— UN i±J VU Is* U Cv axflNiw aag UN 41 J UN ^1 CN 3XANIK anz ©©© ©rH© NHO axnNiw X9i (NCO-H (M CO rH »OiOiO ACTIVITY Approaches Contacts Crossings Approaches Contacts Crossings Approaches (J 11 1 <-lv I/O Crossings GROUP Recupera- \ tive [ Control Composite f (dioe- < strum) ( 166 THE SEX DRIVE TABLE 15 Showing temporal distribution of approaches, contacts and crossings of the female groups during the twenty-minute test period in five-minute intervals ACTIVITY 0 to 5th MINUTE 6th to 10th MINUTE 11th to 15th MINUTE 16th to 20th MINUTE TOTAL Number Per cent Number Per cent Number Per cent Number Per cent Approaches 19 26.8 32 45.1 14 19.7 6 8.5 71 Contacts 17 34.0 13 26.0 15 30.0 5 10.0 50 Crossings 48 43 9 3fi 39 4 17 1 5 3 xO. o 1U Q Q ii i in Approaches 1 20.0 3 60.0 1 20.0 0 0.0 5 Contacts 4 26.6 8 53.3 1 6.6 2 13.0 15 Crossings Q 33.3 A \j 33.3 3 Ifi fi xO. D 3 ifi fi 18 XO Approaches 3 33.3 4 44 4 1 11.1 1 11.1 9 Contacts 3 42.9 2 28.6 2 28.6 0 0 0 7 Crossings 3 60.0 1 20.0 I 0 V/ 0 0 Approaches 3 30.0 4 40.0 2 20.0 1 10.0 10 Contacts 2 40.0 1 20.0 2 40.0 0 0.0 5 Crossings 3 42.9 3 42 Q I 14.3 o 0.0 7 Approaches 11 23.4 17 36.2 13 27.7 6 12.8 47 Contacts 6 17.7 3 8.8 8 23.5 17 50.0 34 Crossings H 14. 1 18 xo 23. 1 21 26.9 28 35.9 78 Approaches 49 43.0 29 25.4 23 20.2 13 11.4 114 Contacts 8 12.1 16 24.2 16 24.2 26 39.4 66 Crossings ov 1Q 9 4s* to 14 7 It . 4 81 ox 9ft 4 ^o. t 199 ILL 3Q 7 307 Approaches 3 42.9 1 14.3 1 14.3 2 28.6 7 Contacts 4 36.4 1 10.0 3 27.3 3 27.3 11 Crossings 5 19.2 3 11.5 7 26.9 11 42.3 26 Approaches 3 42.9 2 28.6 1 14.3 1 14.3 • 7 Contacts 5 20.8 9 37.5 9 37.5 1 4.2 24 Crossings 9 32.1 10 35.7 3 10.7 5 21.4 28 Approaches 5 38.5 6 46.2 1 7.7 1 7.7 13 Contacts 6 30.0 7 33.0 4 20.0 3 15.0 20 Crossings 6 46.2 3 23.1 4 30.7 0 0.0 13 Approaches 12 32.4 17 45.9 5 13.5 3 8.1 37 Contacts 15 31.9 18 38.3 9 19.1 5 10.7 47 Crossings 18 41.9 13 30.2 9 20.9 3 7.0 43 GROUP Control. Early inactive. Inactive. Late inactive. Early congestive. Cornified. Late cornified. Post-ovulative. Recuperative. Composite. THE SEX DRIVE 167 in behavior accompanying the physiological change. As noted above, the interpretation of the vaginal smear record has led to the classification of the animals into eight groups. Four of these have been treated together (table 11), as representing the general dioes- trous period and have been compared with a fifth, the cornified group representing oestrum, or heat. These groups represent the extremes, the periods of the least and the greatest sex activity. The Fig. 7. Showing temporal distribution of crossings for the female groups. The upper line represents the percentage of crossing which occurred during the first five minutes of the test period. The middle line represents the per- centage which occurred during the first ten minutes. The lower line represents the percentage which occurred during the first fifteen minutes. The points 1, 2, and S represent the percentages of crossing during the first five, ten and fifteen minutes for the control group. remaining three groups represent transitional stages. The early congestive group contains animals which were no longer in dioes- trum but had not yet reached the stage when only cornified cells were present in the smear. This period could be described as one of preparation. The two remaining groups, the late cornified and the post-ovulative, represent the transition from the condition of the greatest sex activity to that of the least. These groups are small 0 ID 168 THE SEX DRIVE and so might well have been combined into a single post-oestrous group. But since they can be definitely separated into two groups, the one slightly more closely related to the cornified period and the other to the inactive period, there seems no harm in letting them stand as originally classified. Since the complete oestrous cycle is a continuously recurring phenomenon a description might be started at any point in the process. We will start with the consideration of the early con- gestive group. This group contained 7 individuals. The average number of crossings was 11.14, with a standard deviation of 4.85. This large standard deviation indicates the lack of uniformity of the group with respect to behavior. One animal crossed not at all and one crossed but 3 times. Such records are typical of the dioestrous period just preceeding this. On the other hand, 4 of the animals crossed 12 or more times, one of these crossing 22 times. Records such as these resemble those found in the cornified group repre- senting a stage immediately following this. The conclusion that is suggested is that, so far as behavior is concerned, there is not a gradual transition from dioestrum into oestrum. That is, there is no pre-oestrum period during which the female rather half- heartedly seeks the male. The sex drive in the female is held entirely in abeyance until the time when it is released and it then acts with full force. Results for the cornified group have been mentioned above where they have been contrasted with those for the dioestrous groups. Of the 21 animals in the cornified group 16 crossed 14 or more times. The average number of crossings, 14.14 is the highest group average, verifying the assumption that the maximum sex activity accompanies the early cornified stage. The average number of ap- proaches, 5.43 and of contacts, 3.14 are higher than the corre- sponding averages for any of the dioestrous groups, though not quite so high as found in certain transitional groups. That the average number of approaches and contacts is not decidedly greater than in the case of the transitional groups might be explained as follows. Whereas approaches, contacts and crossings are all meas- ures of general activity and are all, therefore, likely to show higher THE SEX DRIVE 169 values for the general oestrous period (including transitional stages) than for the general inactive period, the crossings, rather more than the approaches and contacts, measure also the specific orientation to this activity toward the sex object. Such orienta- tion is, of course, characteristic of the cornified stage, or oestrum proper. The late cornified group contains but 3 animals. Thus the aver- ages are not particularly significant (approaches, 2.33; contacts, 3.66; crossings, 8.66). As far as the data go, the indication is that the drive is less intense or specific than earlier during the cornified stage. The post-ovulative group is also rather small (6 animals). Since, however, the average number of crossings for the late cornified, the post-ovulate and the recuperative groups shows a consistent decline it seems reasonable to suppose that the downward trend is a true one and, moreover, a gradual one especially when compared with the more sudden onset of heat. The recuperative group, containing ten animals, shows a low de- gree of activity, as 5 animals refused to cross and 2 crossed but once. The average is 0.9. Approaches and contacts are also low. This stage may be said, then, to mark the beginning of the dioes- trum. The early inactive group contains 12 animals. The average num- ber of approaches and of contacts are lower for this group than for the preceding one, but there is a slight increase in the average numfber of crossings. While this increase is not great, there is a suggestion that it may possibly represent something other than a chance irregularity in the data regarding the temporal distribu- tion of crossings. (Fig. 7). It is seen that in the other three groups representing the dioestrum (recuperative, inactive and late inac- tive) about half of the crossings occurred during the first five min- utes, about a quarter during the second five minutes, the remaining quarter during the third five minutes and none at all during the final five minutes. In the early inactive group, on the other hand, there is found crossing rather more uniformly distributed through- out the twenty minutes. In other words, this group resembles the cornified group more than does any of the other dioestrous groups. 170 THE SEX DRIVE The suggestion, and it is only that, is that there may be a slight recurrence of oestrum-like behavior occurring at about the middle of the dioestrous period. The inactive group, containing 6 animals, represents the lowest point in the cycle, so far as average number of crossings are con- cerned, although it is but a shade lower than the recuperative; 4 of the 6 animals failed to cross. The average number of contacts is also at its lowest point in this group. The average number of ap- proaches shows a slight increase, an increase which is continued in the two succeeding groups. The late inactive group (4 animals) may be said to close the dioestrous period. All three forms of activity recorded show a mod- erate increase, but the group is clearly a dioestrous group, giving a very different behavior picture from the rather hybrid group which follows it (the early congestive) with which this descrip- tion of the cycle commenced. The control group differs from all the other female groups in that there was no male in the incentive compartment during either the preliminary or the test period. This compartment was entirely empty. This group resembles the cornified group in all other re- spects, i.e., the animals were in the cornified stage and any differ- ences in the behavior of the two groups must have been due to the presence of the sex object in the one case and its absence in the other. There are decided and reliable differences. The control group was much less active in terms of approaches, contacts and crossings. The average number of crossings for the control group was 5.05, for the cornified group, 14.14. The difference between these averages is 6.74 times the standard deviation of that differ- ence. In the cornified group 17 of the 21 animals crossed more frequently than did any of the 22 animals in the control. The con- clusion is that the behavior observed in the cornified group was largely determined by the presence of the male. A further comparison, however, shows that important though the presence of the male is in determining the behavior of the animals of the cornified group, the physiological condition of the animals also plays an important part. It should be noted that the average number of crossings for the control group is higher than that for THE SEX DRIVE 171 any other group except the cornified. In other words, a female in oestrum is more likely to undergo the electric shock in crossing to an empty compartment than is a female not in oestrum in crossing to a compartment containing a male. The implication is that the internal stimulation accompanying oestrum furnishes more drive than the external stimulation of the presence of the male. No claim is made for the specificity of the drive furnished by such internal stimulation. Wang and others have noticed the great increase in " spontaneous ' ' activity accompanying oestrum. Such activity, ir- respective of its source and normal mode of ''satisfaction," would be reflected in data taken using the obstruction method. These data indicate a definite relationship between the histolog- ical characteristics of the vaginal smear and the behavior of the fe- male rat in a situation involving crossing an electric grid to reach the male. The onset of activity directed toward a sex object is apparently rather abrupt and corresponds to the very early part of the cornified stage. The cessation of this activity appears to be more gradual. During the period when the vaginal secretion con- tains predominantly epithelial cells and leucocytes activity is much reduced. None of the 32 females which were in this condition when tested crossed more than 5 times whereas only 3 of the 21 females of the cornified group crossed as few as 5 times or less while 16 crossed 14 times or more. C. Comparison of the male and the female sex drive To obtain a fair comparison of the sex drive in the male and in the female we should compare the two groups which represent the drive at its maximum in each sex. These are the twenty -four hours sex deprivation group for the male and the cornified group for the female. In terms of crossings there is not much difference. The average number for the females, 14.14 in twenty minutes is slightly but unreliably greater than that for the males, 13.45. In terms of approaches and contacts the female group has a more decided ad- vantage, indicating, perhaps, that the behavior in the females was more definitely oriented toward the incentive compartment even though they did not cross much more frequently than did the males. An important influence operated in the favor of the male drive. 172 THE SEX DRIVE This consisted of the behavior of the stimulus animal. When the females were tested the stimulus animals were, of course, males. These stimulus males were selcted for their docility and activity. No male that showed pugnacious tendencies or that was lethargic was used. Nevertheless, as stimulus objects they were hardly com- parable to the female stimulus animals used in the testing of the males. These female stimulus animals were in the cornified stage when used. They were much more active than were the male stim- ulus animals and their activity was of the type which arouses and encourages sex behavior in the male. Were these stimulus females as passive as the male stimulus animals it seems not unlikely that the number of crossings of the male test animals would have been less and that there might even have been a reliable difference be- tween the average number of crossings for the two sexes in the favor of the female. For a detailed description of the type of female behavior re- ferred to above see C. P. Stone (32, a. e). A further difference in the operation of the sex drive in the male and in the female is suggested by an examination of the results for the control groups for the two sexes. We have noted above that the female control group (cornified, empty incentive compartment) crossed much more than did the female dioestrous groups (inactive stages, male in incentive compartment) indicating that the internal stimulation accompanying oestrum plays an important part in the behavior. That this is not the case for the males is seen by glanc- ing at the results for the male control group. Animals in this group, although in the physiological condition during which the maximum sex activity is apparently displayed (twenty-four hours sex deprivation) did not display as much activity in terms of either approaches, contacts or crossings as did the animals in the other male groups. Even the " satiated" males (0 group) showed more activity than did the control. The indication is, then, that the ex- ternal stimulus situation, the presence of the female in heat, is the dominating factor in the determination of sex activity in the male. THE SEX DRIVE 173 V. Summary of Conclusions A. Male 1. The tendency of a male rat to approach a female rat in oes- trum may be measured in terms of the number of times it will cross an electrical obstruction to reach the female within a given period of time. That the behavior of such males was dominated by the presence of the female in the present experiment was indicated by the results of a control group tested under conditions exactly like those of one of the test groups except that there was no female present in the incentive compartment. The males in this control group crossed the obstruction to the incentive compartment decid- edly and reliably less often than did the animals in the comparable test group. 2. The tendency of a male rat to cross an electrical obstruction to a female rat in oestrum is at its low point immediately after a period (two hours in this case) during which the male has had access to and mated frequently with a female in oestrum. Recov- ery of the tendency from this low point is rapid during the first six hours after such a period of mating, almost as rapid during the second six hours after which it has reached a point- only slightly below the maximum manifestation of this tendency which is found in an animal twenty-four hours after a period of mating. 3. Intervals of sex deprivation longer than one day do not in- crease the tendency of the male to cross. The data at hand suggest that this tendency decreases slightly from this point on to a depri- vation interval of twenty-eight days, the longest interval studied. This decrease is not statistically reliable, however, and the only conclusion upon this point is that there is no increase in the ten- dency after the first day. B. Female 1. The tendency of a female rat to approach a male rate may be measured in terms of the number of times it will cross an electrical obstruction to reach the male within a given period of time. That the behavior of the females in oestrum was dominated by the pres- ence of the male in the present experiment was indicated by the results of a control group run under conditions exactly like those 174 TEE SEX DRIVE of one of the test groups except that there was no male present in the incentive compartment. The females in this control group crossed the obstruction to the incentive compartment decidedly and reliably less often than did the animals in the comparable test group. 2. There is a very definite relationship between the histological character of the vaginal secretion of a female rat and its tendency, at the moment, to cross an electrical obstruction to reach a male, i.e., between the oestrous rhythm and behavior toward a sex object. The group of animals, which judging by the vaginal smear, were tested during the early part of the stage during which cornified cells only are found in the secretion displayed a decidedly and re- liably greater amount of crossing and other activity oriented toward the male than did the group whose vaginal secretion was characterized by the presence of epithelial cells and leucocytes. In other words, activity directed toward a male is confined rather rigidly to a single period during the oestrous cycle, the period usually known as oestrum. 3. From the standpoint of behavior the onset of oestrum is sud- den while its cessation is relatively gradual. The behavior of the group representing the transition into oestrum indicates that the group is not homogeneous but contains certain animals whose be- havior resembles that commonly seen in dioestrum, and others whose behavior resembles that commonly seen in oestrum. When oestrum sets in it is apparently with practically full force. The groups representing transition out of oestrum show, in general, behavior midway between that seen in oestrum and that seen in dioestrum. The transition out of oestrum appears to be gradual. C. Comparison of the male and the female 1. Since the strength of the tendency of the rat to cross an elec- tric obstruction to reach a sex object is related to quite different physiological factors in the two sexes, the only fair comparison of the sexes from this standpoint is found in the comparison of those groups in which the physiological condition is such that the ten- dency was at its maximum for each sex. For the male this group is that tested after one day of sex deprivation. For the female it is THE SEX DRIVE 175 the group of animals tested when in the early cornified stage. The behavior record shows that of these two groups the female group was the more active although the difference is not statistically re- liable. When it is considered that the incentive stimulus in the case of the male (a female in oestrum) was in most cases extremely ac- tive, displaying that type of activity commonly preceding mating whereas the stimulus animal for the female (a male) was decidedly less active and less frequently made such advances, the assumption seems justified that were it possible to equate the activity of the incentive stimuli the female group would be found to show a re- liably greater amount of activity directed toward a sex object. 2. The behavior data indicate that sex activity is initiated rather more by the external stimulus situation in the male than in the female and rather more by internal stimulation in the female than in the male. The female rat in oestrum displays more activity in the form of crossing the electrical obstruction to the incentive com- partment even though that compartment be empty than does the female in dioestrum even though the compartment contains a male. A male rat which has not mated for twenty-four hours (the inter- val which, of those studied, found sex activity at its maximum) will cross electrical obstruction less often to an empty incentive com- partment than will a male of any of the other sex deprivation intervals studied (0, 6, 12 hours, 4, 7, 28 days) to an incentive com- partment containing a female in oestrum. Bibliography (1) Allen, E. 1922. The oestrous cycle in the mouse. Amer. Jour. Anat., xxx, 297-348. 1923. Racial and familial cyclic inheritance and other evi- dence from the mouse concerning the cause of oestrous phenomena. Amer. Jour. Anat., xxxii, 293-304. (2) Bischoff, Th. L. W. 1852. Entwicklungsgeschichte des Meer- schweinchens. Giessen. (3) Blair, E. W. 1922. Contraction rate of the uterine musculature of the rat with reference to the oestrous cycle. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Anat., Anat. Bee. xxiii, 9-10. (4) Corner, G. W. 1921. A review of some recent work on the mam- malian reproductive cycle. Jour. Mammal, ii, 227-31. 176 THE SEX DRIVE Corner, G. W. 1921. Cyclic variation in uterine and tubal contrac- tion waves. Amer. Jour. Anat., xxxii, 345-51. (5) Greenman, M. J., and F. L. Duhring. 1923. Breeding and care of the albino rat for research purposes. The Wistar Institute of Anat- omy and Biology, Philadelphia. (6) Hartman, C. 1923. The oestrous cycle in the opposum. Amer. Jour. Anat., xxxii, 353-95. (7) Heape, W. 1900. 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Die Veranderungen der Genital Schleimhaut wahrend der Graviditat und Brunst bei einigen Nagern. Arch. f. Physiol., cxix, 553-70. (14) Lataste, F. 1892. Transformation periodique de l'epithelium du vagin des rongeurs. Mem. de la Soc. de Biol., xliv, 765-69. 1893. Rhythme vaginal des Mammiferes. Ibid., xlv, 135-46. (15) Loeb, L. a. 1911. The cyclic changes in the ovary of the guinea- pig. Jour. Morph., xxii, 37-70. b. 1914. The correlation between the cyclic changes in the uterus and the ovaries of the guinea-pig. Biol. Bull., xxvii, 1-44. c. 1923. The mechanism of the sexual cycle with special ref- erence to the corpus luteum. Amer. Jour. Anat., xxxii, 305-43. (16) Long, J. A., and H. M. Evans. 1922. The oestrous cycle in the rat and its related phenomena. Mem. Univ. Calif., vi, 1-148. (17) Marshall, F. H. A. 1922. Physiology of reproduction. London: Longmans, Green & Co. (18) Morau, H. 1889. Des transformations epitheliales de la muqueuse THE SEX DRIVE 177 du vagin de quelques rongeurs. J. de VAnat. et de la Physiol., xxv, 275-97. (19) Moss, F. A. 1924. A study of animal drives. Jour. Ex. Psych., vii, 165. (20) Papanicolaou, G. N. 1923. Oestrus in mammals from the com- parative point of view. Amer. Jour. Anat., xxxii, 284-92. (21) Rein, G. 1883. Beitrage zur Ke'nntniss der Reifungserscheinungen und Befruchtungsvorgange am Saugethierei. Arch. f. Mikr, Anat., xxii, 233-70. (22) Retterer, E. a. 1892. Sur la morphologie et revolution de epithe- lium au vagin mammiferes. Mem. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., xliv, 101-7. b. 1892. Evolution de Perithelium du vagin. Ibid, 566-8. c. Sur les modifications de la muqueuse uterine Tepoque du rut. Ibid., 637-42. (23) Rubaschkin, W. 1905. Uber die Reigungs- und Befruchtungs- prozesse des Meersehweincheneies. Anat. Hefte, Wiesbaden, xxix, 507-53. (24) Seckinger, D. D. 1923. Spontaneous contractions of the fallopian tube of the domestic pig with reference to the oestrous cycle. Bidl. Johns Hopkins Hosp., xxxiv. (25) Selle, P. M. 1922. Changes in the vaginal epithelium of the guinea-pig during the oestrous cycle. Amer. Jour. Anat., xxx, 429-49. (26) Simmons, R. 1924. The relative effectiveness of certain incentives in animal learning. Comp. Psych. Monographs, 2, No. 7. (27) Slonaker, J. R. 1924. The effect of pubescence, oestruation, and menopause on the voluntary activity in the albino rat. Amer. Jour. Physiol., lxviii. 1925. Analysis of the daily activity of the albino rat. Ibid., Ixxiii. 1926. Long fluctuations in voluntary activity in the albino rat. Ibid., lxxvii. (28) Smith, H. P. 1917. The ovarian cycle in mice. Jour. Roy. Mic. Soc, p. 252. (29) Sobotta, J. 1895. Die Befruchtung und Furchung des Eies der Maus. Arch. f. Mikr. Anat., xlv, 15-93. (30) Stockard, C. R. 1923. The general morphological and physiolog- ical importance of the oestrous problem. Amer. Jour. Anat., xxxii, 227-83. (31) Stockard, C. R., and G. N. Papanicolaou, a. 1917. The existence of a typical oestrous cycle in the guinea-pig, with a study of its his- tological and physiological changes. Amer. Jour. Anat., xxii, 225-83. b. 1919. The vaginal closure membrane, copulation, and the 178 THE SEX DRIVE vaginal plug in the guinea-pig, with further consideration of the oestrous rhythm. Biol. Bull., xxxvii, 222-43. (32) Stone, CP. a. 1922. The congenital sexual behavior of the young male albino rat. Jour. Comp. Psych., ii. b. 1923. Further study of sensory function in activation of sexual behavior in the male rat. Jour. Comp. Psych., iii. c. 1924. The awakening of copulation ability in the male albino rat. Amer. Jour. Physiol., lxviii. d. 1924. Delay in the awakening of copulatory ability in the male albino rat incurred by defective diets. Jour. Comp. Psych., iv and v. e. 1926. The initial copulatory response of female rats reared in isolation from the age of twenty days to the age of puberty. Jour. Comp. Psych., vi, 73-83. (33) Tsai, C. 1925. The relative strength of sex and hunger motives in the albino rat. Jour. Comp. Psych., v, 407. (34) Wang, G. H. 1923. Spontaneous activity and the oestrous cycle. Comp. Psych. Monographs, ii, No. 6. 2. THE EFFECT OF SEGREGATION ON THE SEX BEHAVIOR OF THE WHITE RAT AS MEASURED BY THE OBSTRUCTION METHOD 1 Marion Jenkins I. Introduction Through various experimental conditions it is possible to prevent the normal expression of sex behavior. Environmental conditions, for example, may be imposed which interfere with the consumma- tion of the normal sex drive. Normal is here used in the biological sense to designate that form of sex behavior which ordinarily cul- minates in reproduction; or more specifically, the response of a male to a receptive female, or the response of a receptive female to a male. Interference with the operation of the normal sex drive is commonly brought about by the use of two methods : namely, isolation and segregation. Of these two methods, isolation is prob- ably by far the greatest variation from the normal condition. It has usually been found impracticable to isolate completely. In fact, isolation rarely means more than eliminating visual and tactual stimuli from other animals of the same species. Usually little or no control of odors, sounds, etc., is exercised. The usual condition of isolation is separation from other members of the same species. In such a case, it may be possible for objects in the cage or human beings who care for the animals to elicit the sex response. Sex segregation, as we use the term, differs from isolation in that, al- though the normal outlet for the consummation of the sex drive has been prevented, nevertheless segregated animals still have an op- portunity to exhibit sexual behavior toward members of their own sex. These two methods of environmental control have been used by i Eeprinted with modifications from Genetic Psychology Monographs, 1928, 3: 457-571. 179 180 THE SEX DRIVE various investigators, but, in most cases, the studies have been limited to cage observations without experimental measurement. Studies of isolation will be considered first. Interesting among these are the cage studies of Craig (2), who observed the behavior of doves which had been isolated long before puberty. He states that, with his conditions of isolation, the doves could "sometimes hear other doves, but they could never touch or see them." The four cases which he discusses in some detail did not manifest "masculine display behavior" until socially stimulated by the presence of a female dove. Then it appeared suddenly, but ' ' human beings seemed to be the symbol ' ' ; the sex response appear- ed to be elicited chiefly by the hand and shoe. Three of the four finally "gave up their intimate friendship for human beings. But they gave it up slowly and gradually, showing interesting division of attention between human and dove companions. ' ' The other one never entirely gave up cooing to human beings. Indeed Craig says, "when I came near his cage, he still showed a desire to get out to me, and jealousy of other doves in my presence." More extensive and detailed observations of the effect of isolation have been made by Stone (13). He observed the initial copulatory response of 21 female rats reared in isolation from the age of twenty days to the age of puberty. Nineteen individuals copulated within a few seconds after being put with the males. He therefore con- cludes that "the immediacy of the copulatory response in these females would seem to justify the conclusion that no environmental influences or factors beyond those necessary to insure normal somatic development are required to bring about sexual maturity as manifested by ability to perform the copulatory act during the receptive stage of oestrus. " While these results show that the normal response is possible after isolation, they do not disprove the pos- sibility of the occurrence of an abnormal response when the normal stimulus is not present. Loutitt (7) made a study of the effects of isolation on the guinea pig, using both receptive and non-receptive females as the sex object ; that is, he put males with both receptive and non-receptive females. He isolated males and females at 70 days of age and tested them at 150 to 300 days of age. He does not state the number THE SEX DRIVE 181 of animals which he used. His results indicate that the receptive female is a more effective stimulus to sex activity than the non- receptive female. The following characteristics in the behavior of the male to a receptive female were observed : ' ' periods of quiet are less and shorter, copulatory strokes are long and relatively slow, the male succeeds in intromission,' he makes the first mount sooner and subsequent mounts at shorter intervals." Although Loutitt finds more activity in response to a receptive female, he states that after a period of isolation mounting occurs in response to the homosexual as well as to the normal stimulus. In these instances, both males attempted to play the part of the male. Of course this means very little since he does not state the length of the period of isolation. Homosexual behavior among females, on the other hand, he finds to be limited chiefly to a " short period before and during the receptive stage .... She takes the part of aggressor." When put with a male, the female exhibits ' ' the ordinary behavior of the receptive female." Cage studies on segregated groups show that conditions of segre- gation lead to the development of forms of sex behavior which one would naturally be led to predict on the basis of observation of animals kept in isolation. In a study of the congenital sexual be- havior of the young male albino rat, Stone (9) segregated fifteen males from weaning till about the onset of puberty, or longer, six of which were normal, the others having the function of certain receptors destroyed by operation. In addition, eight animals were isolated at 21 days. While he does not discusss these two groups separately, he states in his general conclusions that ' ' on the whole, the evidence brought forward indicates that the chief elements of the primary reproductive act appear within a sort period of time at puberty." Stone makes no attempt to test for the presence of homosexual behavior. His investigations were limited entirely to heterosexual stimuli. The presence of homosexuality is discussed, however, by most other investigators who employ methods of segregation. Loutitt (7) states that when six male guinea pigs were kept together "at different times the same pig might play the part of male or fe- male . . . The male having the part of female did not submit will- 182 THE SEX DRIVE ingly but usually ran or fought with his aggressor. ' ' He considers that the "exhibition of mating behavior toward animals of the same sex, at certain times or under certain conditions, is a normal response." However, since he at no point states that he has used other than isolated and segregated animals, this conclusion does not seem to be justified by his data, for it appears that his conclusions are not based upon observations of unsegregated animals — a con- dition which probably most closely approximates the normal. Homosexuality among segregated guinea pigs has been ob- served by Avery (1). "Male guinea pigs," he says, "ofttimes mount each other. This occurs most frequently, however, when several males are kept together or when small young males are in- troduced into the pens of sexually mature males." Like Loutitt (7), he finds homosexuality among females chiefly at oestrum. "Experimental observation directed to some 60 pigs over a period of about three months showed that homosexual behavior occurred in no less than ten to fifteen per cent of animals coming into heat during that time. ' 9 Homosexuality has also been noted among pigeons. Several cases are found among the scattered observations of Whitman (16, p. 9). In one case, when two males were paired, one "attempted courting during an entire month. He then began the course of incubation on the floor of the cage." Whitman (16, pp. 98-99) has further emphasized the importance of environmental conditions in the development of abnormal sexual behavior. "Young birds raised under foster-parents of a different species are very apt to prefer a mating not with their own kind, but with a member of the species among which they have been reared. ' ' Confinement of two animals alone has a similar effect (16, pp. 99-100). "The continued confine- ment and isolation of two birds will secure a mating when other- wise it would not occur. Confinement alone is sometimes efficacious, while at other times isolation from the sight and sound of other birds is necessary. Even inter-species mating can be secured in this manner. ' ' Whitman does not give the previous history of his ani- mals nor the length of isolation or segregation period. A few observers have noted that even unsegregated animals may exhibit homosexual behavior (16, p. 35). Whitman noted an in- THE SEX DRIVE 183 stance of this in the case of passenger-pigeons. "Two of my male passenger-pigeons," he states, "mated with each other, notwith- standing they were in a pen where there were several unmated females desirous of mating. ' ' Such behavior has also been observed by Hamilton and Kempf in the case of unsegregated monkeys. Hamilton (3) states his conclusions in the following passage: "Homosexual behavior is normally an expression of tendencies which come to expression even when opportunities for heterosexual intercourse are present. Sexually immature male monkeys appear to be normally impelled toward homosexual behavior by sexual hunger. The fact that homosexual tendencies come to less frequent expression in the mature than in the immature male suggests the possibility that in their native habitat these animals may wholly abandon homosexual behavior ... on arriving at sexual maturity. ' 1 He finds that homosexuality among females is "rarely manifested in response to sexual hunger." Kempf 's (5) findings are substantially in agreement with Hamilton's although he had but six monkeys in contrast with Hamilton's group of 28. Hamilton specifically states that he used both segregated and unsegregated animals under vary- ing conditions of confinement (18 situations in all). Nothing on mammals beyond the simple method of cage study was developed until Moss (8) introduced an experimental method for the objective study of animal drives. He utilized the principle of separating the test animal from the incentive by an electric grill, the animal being required to cross the same in order to obtain access to the incentive. The apparatus, technique, and results of Moss have been criticized by Jenkins, Warner, and Warden (4), who, in the same connection, describe an apparatus, which they have named the Obstruction Apparatus. The technique for the measure- ment of the sex drive has been described in detail by Warner (14) whose study on the normal sex drive was the first of the series to appear. Warner was interested in the effect of sex deprivation on the sexual behavior of the male white rat and in relating the various stages of the oestrus cycle to the sexual behavior of the females. His animals were raised to maturity (150 days) unsegregated and, after a short period of segregation (35 days) necessary to his ex- 184 TEE SEX DRIVE perimental technique (for details see his account), were tested by the obstruction method. In his investigation Warner found that long periods of sex deprivation seemed to weaken the normal sex drive in the male — a fact which led him to suspect the development of homosexual tendencies. However, Warner's procedure did not enable him to determine definitely whether changes in the strength of the normal sex drive are due to a transfer of the sex response to the homosexual stimulus. Futhermore, since he did not employ both sexes in the incentive compartment, he was unable to determine whether the response to the normal sex stimulus is essentially sexual, or primarily social in character. The present investigation is an attempt to determine the effect of sex segregation upon the strength of the sex drive, and the rela- tive incentive value of various kinds of stimuli (males, and recep- tive and non-receptive females). Animals were segregated before and after puberty, in order to determine the importance of the dis- integration of sex habits in the development of homosexuality2 and its effect upon variations in the strength of the drive. To this end, a mating period was provided for some groups one day before the test, to ascertain whether an interval of sex activity will effectively reinstate old sex habits or develop new ones, or whether, on the contrary, it only will tend to intensify homosexual habits formed as a result of sex segregation. The present investigation involves two sets of essentially differ- ent conditions. First, there is the variation in the conditions pre- ceding the test period, which is represented by sex segregation and mating periods. Second, there is the variation of the conditions in the test period, which is achieved by using three types of incentive animals — namely, males, and receptive and non-receptive females. Varying the incentive stimuli in this manner enables one to deter- 2 By homosexuality is meant merely that certain behavior definitely sexual in character is called out by an animal of the same sex, even though at the same time similar behavior may be exhibited toward an animal of the opposite sex. The term has not been employed in the extreme sense in which homosex- uality is supposed to preclude all normal or heterosexual behavior. Perhaps, the term homosexual tendency would be, in general, more exact than homosexuality and we have used the former term exclusively in dealing with the male, since here the tendency was somewhat less clearly marked than in the female. THE SEX DRIVE 185 mine not only the strength but the relative incentive value of dif- ferent types of stimuli. A determination of the incentive value of various stimuli helps to account for the variations in the intensity of the rsponse to the normal sex stimulus ; it also helps to ascertain whether the drive is predominantly sexual or whether it is due pri- marily to social or to other factors. II. Method and Procedure A. Age and care of the animals The laboratory conditions which Warner has described in his study of sex behavior were observed in this experiment (cf. Warner, pp. 24-27), inasmuch as both are part of a comprehensive investi- gation of animal drives as above mentioned. The * ' Experimental Colony Strain" of albino rats of the Wistar Institute of Anatomy, Philadelphia, was used throughout. The ages at which the animals were tested were identical in both researches: that is, approxi- mately 185 days, the range being from 175 to 196 days. The diet consisted of McCollum's mixture, plus weekly rations of greens. In the case of the unsegregated groups, an attempt was made to achieve constancy of conditions by always keeping an equal number of males and females in the same cage. This, of course, does not insure an equal number of receptive females in each cage at all times, but if a long period of time is considered, the average num- ber of receptive females in a cage would be about the same. B. The apparatus The apparatus used in this investigation has been fully described in a recent article by Jenkins, Warner, and Warden (4). The modi- fied grill (see Warner, pp. 28-31), and an improved device de- signed by Dr. T. N. Jenkins for the better manipulatory control of the apparatus to be described later (see Figure 1), were used. The general procedure as presented by Warner was followed and, for the convenience of the reader, will be briefly outlined here. In the preliminary training period the test animal was placed in the entrance compartment and allowed to cross the grill five times to the stimulus animal. In the first four trials no current was passing 186 THE SEX DRIVE through the grill. On the fifth trial the electric shock was intro- duced. The test animal was returnd as usual to the entrance com- partment after the fourth trial. At the end of ten seconds the door leading into the obstruction compartment was opened, as in the first four trials. However, a change in procedure occurred at this point as a result of the introduction of the electric shock for the first time. When the animal entered the obstruction compartment, the door was lowered behind him and the switch closed. In this way, retreat to the entrance compartment was prevented and elec- trical stimulation continued until the animal had crossed the grill into the incentive compartment. As soon as the rat had traversed the grill, the door to the incentive compartment was closed behind the rat. Since the function of the fifth trial is to permit the animal to associate shock with the obstruction compartment, it is probably more important to have conditions Uniform for all individuals in this trial than in any other. The technique of closing the door be- hind the animal and throwing in the switch should, of course, be well standardized. Without this automatic device, the operation of closing the two doors was affected by the use of one hand, the other hand being required in throwing the switch which electrified the grill. Much skill is necessary in order to perfect this movement with even a fair degree of uniformity from one test to another. It is very important that the switch and entrance door be simul- taneously closed, since each animal should receive the electric stimulation immediately upon leaving the entrance compartment. Otherwise it would be quite possible to condition the animals un- equally. That is, there would be more or less stimulation according to whether the switch were closed before or after the door. Divided attention on the part of the experimenter between observing the animal and operating the various devices would tend to introduce widely differing conditions of stimulation for different animals. The automatic device (see Figure 1) successfully eliminates the ir- regularities arising from the performance of three separate opera- tions by modifying the manipulatory procedure so as to minimize the importance of the personal equation in the conduct of the ex- periment. TEE SEX DRIVE 187 First, this device permitted the switch to be closed before the fifth trial began. Second, simultaneity of the electrification of the grill and the closure of the entrance door was assured, since the closing of the door automatically turned on the current. The actual procedure followed in the fifth trial in this investigation was as follows: Switch #x is first closed. After the animal has remained Fig. 1. Diagram of mechanism to facilitate the manipulatory control of the obstruction box. S1 and S2, switches through which current is conducted from the transformer T to the grill. D, manually operated door of the entrance com- partment. I, I, contact springs. C, C, contacts. Z, Z, sponge rubber stops for manually operated door. K, E, sponge rubber tips of the contact springs. 188 THE SEX DRIVE in the entrance compartment for ten seconds, the door D is opened. When open, the door rests against the stops Z, Z. In this position the pressure of the door against the rubber tips K, K, breaks the electrical circuit at contact C, C, so that no voltage is impressed upon the grill. As soon as the animal is on the grill, the door is immediately lowered, and the initiation of the movement closes the circuit through contacts C, C. This prevents the rat from return- ing to the entrance compartment. The reaction-time of the rat is such that the animal does not have time to react to the current be- fore the door is shut — thus precluding any possibility of return to the entrance compartment. As soon as the rat has crossed the grill, the door to the incentive compartment is closed. The method of manipulating the doors is simplified by the fact that each door is operated by a single hand, instead of operating both doors by movements of one hand. As soon as the fifth trial is completed, Switch $2 is also closed, so that the grill remains electrified without interruption for the entire twenty-minute test period. C. Detailed procedure Variation in the intra-organic condition of the test animal was obtained in part by varying the length of the period of segrega- tion. Four such periods were used: o-days (unsegregated), 1-day, 35-days, and 155-days. The unsegregated group were of course never segregated. The 1-day group was formed by giving one- half of the unsegregated males a 2-hour interval of sex activity, after which they were segregated for one day and then tested. The 35-day group were unsegregated from birth until 150 days, at which time they were segregated for 35 days and tested at 185 days. The 155-day group were unsegregated for the first 30 days of their lives. When they were 30 days of age they were weaned and segregated, being kept segregated until tested at 185 days of age. It is important to note here that all groups except the 155-day group have had, up to the time of segregation, an opportunity to copulate freely. Copulatory activity of the 155-day group was precluded by segregating them at 30 days, since the earliest age at which copulation has ever been observed is 37 days. Stone's work is probably the most extensive study which has been done concern- THE SEX DRIVE 189 ing the awakening of copulatory activity in the male albino rat. He used 56 males. He finds (11) "the mean age at which copulatory ability was first manifested was 48.06 days and the ages ranged from 37 to 72 days." Segregation not only prevented copulatory activity, but pre- cluded the possibility of any tactual stimulation by members of the opposite sex. No attempt was made to rule out olfactory stim- ulation. Inasmuch as the males were placed in the top row of cages and the females in the lower row, this tended to minimize visual stimulation. The cages were wire mesh, resting on heavy galvanized removable trays which extended out about two inches on all sides. An endeavor was made to secure constancy of temperature in the laboratory, but seasonal changes could not be avoided. The un- segregated, 1-day, and 35-day groups were tested between January 20 and May 15, the 155-day animals from June 8 to July 19. In spite of this, the temperature conditions did not vary greatly. During the cool season the temperature was kept at ap- proximately 75 degrees F. as detected by thermostat readings. In summer the laboratory was quite cool as it is located in the northeast corner of a modern brick building with cement floors. Owing to artificial heat in the building, the range of variation in humidity during the cool months may have varied somewhat from that of the summer months. The male test animal 1. Two-hour interval of sex activity. At the outset of the in- vestigation it was intended to have at least 20 animals in each group. However, in order to determine whether the effects of seg- regation are lasting, it was decided to give half the animals in each group a 2-hour interval of sex activity 24 hours before the test period. The 2-hour interval was placed 24 hours before the test pe- riod since Warner has shown (13) that this is approximately the point at which recovery from complete satiation (2-hour mating period) takes place. The writer had intended to combine the re- sults of these two subgroups. It was found, however, that this dif- 190 THE SEX DRIVE ference in conditions so changed the results for these groups that it did not seem fair to combine them. In this paper the data used include two groups of males which were not tested by the writer — namely, Warner's 1-day and 28-day groups. The 28-day group was the longest interval which he used, but was considered sufficiently near to 35 days to be used here. However, there is one very important difference between this group and those used by the writer. Warner's 28-day group was first segregated for 35 days, then given 2 hours of sex activity, and again segregated for 28 days. The writer's groups, on the other hand, were tested at the end of the 35-day period. The 2-hour interval of sex activity requires further description. Half of the males for each segregation period was caged for two hours with an isolated receptive female. The males were chosen at random from among the group which happened to be 185 days of age at the time. Receptive females were chosen on the basis of be- havior which is characteristic of oestrum, and the arousal of the copulatory response in indicator males. It will be well, at this point, to explain the function of indicator males. These indicator males were selected because they showed exceptionally strong sex behavior, especially in the matter of fre- quent copulation. For example, when placed in a cage of females, an indicator male would manifest a minimum of general explora- tory behavior; almost immediately he would begin to nose the genital region of the females and would copulate as soon as the female displayed characteristic mating behavior, such as the short run described by Stone (9). The use of indicator males for select- ing receptive females for the 2-hour interval was found to have one rather serious disadvantage. Male sex behavior, such as nosing the genital region of the female, was often omitted. After a time, varying from two or three days to one month, the experienced indi- cator would no longer wait for the manifestation of the mating behavior on the part of the receptive female. When placed in a cage of females, he often mounted any female, and copulated. Con- sequently, if the arousal of the copulatory response in an indicator had been used exclusively as a criterion for the selection of recep- tive females, non-receptive, and even pregnant females would some- THE SEX DRIVE 191 times have been chosen. In order to overcome this difficulty, only those females were used which had aroused the copulatory response in at least two, and in the majority of cases three, indicator males. To insure further the selection of a receptive female for the 2-hour interval, great care was used in observing their own active mating behavior. As the investigation proceeded the writer became more experienced in discriminating intensely active from fairly active receptive females. Since the 155-day group were the last tested, it is quite possible that the receptive females used in the 2-hour interval for the 155-day group were somewhat more intense in their mating behavior than those used with the 1-day and 35-day groups. Having selected the receptive females to be used in the 2-hour interval, they were each placed in separate wire mesh mating cages (15" x 8" x 6"), the galvanized metal floor of which was covered with a thin layer of sawdust. The females were cage-adapted for at least 15 minutes before the male was admitted. The purpose of this period was to allow the female to explore thoroughly the cage so that she would display mating behavior as soon as the male was admitted. After being cage-adapted, any new stimulus, such as a male, tends to elicit exploratory behavior from the female. These 2-hour intervals of sex activity usually occurred between 1 :30 a.m. and 3 :30 a.m., but a few were given as early as 11 :30 p.m., or as late as 4 :30 a.m. A close examination of the data showed that there was no correlation between the hour of sex activity and the number of copulations. Table 1 shows the distribution of the copu- latory acts which occured in the 2-hour interval of sex activity. The writer was careful to secure accurate data for this interval. It will be noted that, of the 79 animals given the 2-hour oppor- tunity for sex activity, 58 did not copulate (Table 1). This should not be interpreted to mean that these animals did not manifest any sex activity whatever. In many cases they persistently nosed the genital region of the female and actively pursued her about the cage. They would sometimes stop for a moment and lick the penis, and then continue the pursuit. Often, this behavior very closely resembled that of males which were about to copulate. These males seemed on the verge of mounting and yet never actually mounted 192 THE SEX DRIVE (although this described behavior lasted for some time). Mean- while, the receptive female would usually display as intense mating behavior as those females which actually elicited the copulatory response. Indeed the receptive female would usually continue to display active mating behavior for some time (perhaps five min- TABLE 1 Distribution table covering number of mating s during the two-hour period prior to segregation of males NUMBER OF COPULATIONS FREQUENCY No copulatons 58 1— 5 1 6—10 3 11—15 3 lo — Z\J 2 21—25 1 26—30 4 31—35 0 36—40 0 41—45 0 46—50 2 51—55 2 56—60 1 61—65 0 66—70 0 71—75 0 76—80 0 81—85 0 86—90 1 91—95 1 79 Average for those which copulated 31.8 Average deviation 20.9 utes) after the male had relapsed again into a state of inactivity. After this, the female would continue to display activity, but of the random variety, as exploring the cage, washing her body, or nosing the male genitals. The writer was astonished by the lack of copulatory activity on the part of the male in response to the aggressive mating behavior of the female. Two explanations may be advanced for this lack of activity. First, the male had not been cage-adapted before the 2-hour interval. Second, the mating behavior of the female may have lacked the persistence and specific pattern necessary to elicit copulation on the part of these males, although the females used in the mating period were apparently quite normal. In order to deter- mine whether such conditions were of any great importance, a THE SEX DRIVE 193 group of fourteen sluggish males, which showed no tendency to copulate, were again given an opportunity for sex activity after they had been tested in the obstruction box the next day. These males were given approximately one-half hour of cage-adaptation before admitting the receptive female. Furthermore, an attempt was made to elicit copulation from these males by placing them with an exceptionally excitable and persistent receptive female. In about half the cases the female used was one which was extremely exciting, having at one time elicited 88 copulations from a single male in two hours. Out of this group, only one copulated at all and after two copulations this male was quiescent for the rest of the period. The other males nosed the genitals for varying lengths of time and sometimes pursued the female, but never attempted to mount. The mating behavior of the female continued for some time after the male had ceased to respond. The disparity between these results and Warner's as regards the number of males which did not copulate is somewhat puzzling. Much of Warner 's work was done in a warm summer in a laboratory which had southeastern exposure and was therefore considerably warmer than the laboratory used in the present experiment. Wea- ther conditions then may have been effective in causing a difference in the copulatory activity of the males of the two groups. A second explanation should be considered. Dr. Warner has privately informed the writer that he only tested males which copulated on the ground that only males which copulate are normal. In this investigation, on the other hand, every male was tested which had had a 2-hour opportunity for sex activity. The reason for this difference in technique becomes apparent when the prob- lems of the two investigators are considered. Warner, as he states in his monograph, was studying the sex behavior of the "normal" rat. The present investigation, on the other hand, was an attempt to determine the effect of segregation upon all rats regardless of whether they possessed the normal drive or not. Furthermore, we might expect that segregation, since it is an abnormal condition (that is, imposed by an external agency) would produce abnormal behavior. One of the important problems under investigation, therefore, was the development of abnormal behavior as the result 194 THE SEX DRIVE of segregation. Obviously, then, it was impossible for the writer to ignore the behavior of rats which displayed a deficency in the type of behavior usually considered characteristic of the normal sex drive. It is interesting to note in this connection that the distribution of copulations for the males which actually copulated is quite similar to that obtained by Warner. Furthermore, the present investiga- tion is not unique in the observation that all males are not sexually aggressive. Avery (1) has clearly stated the same finding: "Ex- tremes in sexual aggressiveness of adult males are readily observable in breeding experiments wherein one has an opportunity to study the behavior of many males. Some males will exhibit sexual aggres- siveness day after day even though allowed to copulate almost daily, whereas others are sluggish for a day or two after repeated copula- tions with a female; still others are never sexually aggressive although in good health and in other respects quite vigorous. These points are of great importance in breeding experiments when an assumption is made by the experimenter that the male will copulate at the first opportunity given by the female. Such assumptions are precarious at all times and should be made only, if at all, when the male in question has been thoroughly and recently tested with receptive females." (Italics by the writer.) 2. The test period. The majority of the tests in the present investigation occurred between 11 :30 p.m. and 3 :30 a.m. However, some animals were tested as early as 9 :00 p.m., and others as late as 5 :00 A.M., but the range of hours was approximately constant for each group. The procedure of the test period has been discribed in considerable detail by Warner (p. 32-39). However, it was not possible to follow this technique in every detail. It was necessary in the present work to quantify the tem- poral aspect of the criterion for sex behavior, although Warner had not done so. He states that "in the preliminary trials (the male) was not returned until he had nosed the genital region of the female, even though this occasionally involved a delay of several minutes. ' ' It will be recalled that, since he was studying the normal sex drive, he tested only animals which copulated in the 2-hour interval of sex activity. If the animals which did not copulate THE SEX DRIVE 195 had been tested, it is quite probable that he would have discovered some extraordinary delays in nosing the genitals. It has previously been stated that the writer tested all animals regardless of whether they actually copulated or not during the 2-hour interval. Since many animals were tested which did not copulate it can be under- stood why the writer discovered in the preliminary experiment that animals very often failed to nose the genitals of a female stimulus even after a protracted period of delay. In one case a delay of 30 minutes was insufficient time for a stimulus animal to elicit a nosing response from the male test animal. For practical reasons a time limit was set for the period of delay in nosing the genitals. One reason for setting a definite limit upon the time spent by the test animal in the incentive compartment was to make it possible for the experimenter actually to carry out the investigation, since all animals must be tested between the age limits of 175 and 196 days. Furthermore, a technique should be broad enough to include all animals in the group. Finally, it is necessary to quantify the tem- poral aspect of the criterion in order that all tests might be compar- able. A limit of three minutes in the incentive compartment was allowed for the nosing of the genitals. This interval of time was selected because, in the preliminary investigation, it was found that an animal which failed to nose in three minutes was not very likely to nose, even if given a much longer time. In the actual test (20 minutes) Warner broadens his criterion to include 1 1 any specific contact between the two animals. ' ' It should be noted, however, that he always used a normal sex object as a stimulus animal whereas in the present investigation the incentive animal in some cases was an animal of the same sex. It was found that males which show marked homosexuality repeatedly nose the genital region of one another, whereas males which are definitely heterosexual do not continue such behavior long. The criterion in the preliminary period (nosing the genitals) was also employed in the test. A time limitation has the additional advantage of quanti- fying the temporal aspects of the criterion. A limit of 30 seconds was employed largely on the basis of preliminary work regarding the length of time at which nosing occurs. If neither animal nosed the genital region of the other within this interval of time, the test 196 THE SEX DRIVE animal was removed and again placed in the entrance compartment. The female test animal With the exception of the 1-day series, the same segregation groups were used as in the case of the males — namely, unsegre- gated (0-day), 35-day and 155-day groups. It was found imprac- tical to test a 1-day group of females because the oestrus cycle is such that it would involve an excessive waste of animals, for a female if given an interval of sex activity when in oestrum would usually not be in oestrum at the time of the test 24 hours later as the conditions of this group required. The data presented in this study include only test animals which were in the cornified stage of oestrum. The criteria for the cornified stage were satisfied by means of the vaginal smear. Since the vaginal smear could not be taken until after the test (cf. Warner, p. 37), the female to be tested could not be chosen by this method. On the contrary, the experimenter relied on behavior criteria to determine whether the female was probably in the cornified stage of oestrum, in order not to waste an excessive number of females. With the exception of the unsegregated group, the behavior of the females toward indicator males could not be used as a criterion, since any association with a male would amount to interpolating an unsegregated interval into the segregation period. The only feasible method then was to choose test females on the basis of their general behavior. The writer would sometimes spend an entire hour in observing a single female to determine whether she was in oestrum. Various cues were found helpful in deciding which females were in oestrum, such as the gait of the animal, the intensity of her activity, jerky walk, nervousness when approached, etc. Under such cir- cumstances, it was inevitable that an occasional female would be tested, and later found not to be in the cornified stage as indicated by the vaginal smear. All such animals were eliminated entirely. 1. Copulatory interval. On account of the short duration of the receptive period in the female, it was impossible to test animals which had had a 2-hour interval of sex activity 24 hours before the test period. Consequently, no female groups could be tested which were exactly comparable to the male groups which were given a THE SEX DRIVE 197 2-hour opportunity for sex activity. However, in the ease of the 155-day group, an attempt was made to introduce an interval of sex activity before the test period. Since this group was segregated before puberty, there had never been any opportunity for the female to associate the male with the sex response. Consequently, the male would be a novel, but not necessarily a sex, stimulus for the female. In addition to a group which had had no sex activity, it was thought desirable to test also a group which had had an oppor- tunity to become familiar with the male as a sex stimulus. When this group was formed, the intention was to combine the results of this group with the regular 155-day group. However, it was found that this interval of sex activity had such a profound effect upon the behavior of the females during the test period, that it was deemed inadvisable to combine the data for these two groups. The procedure of giving the females an interval of sex activity prior to the test period is, in some respects, similar to that used in the case of the male groups. The female was placed in the regular mating cage and allowed at least fifteen minutes for cage-adaptation. Sex activity for each female was provided by one of two indicator males. In order to equalize as far as possible the opportunities for sex activity for all members of the group, provision for copulatory activity was restricted to the alternate use of the two indicator males. Since this interval was given in order that the female might asso- ciate the male with the copulatory response, it became essential for actual copulation to take place. Five copulations were allowed each female. After the five copulations had taken place the indicator was removed and the female left undisturbed for one hour at the end of which she was removed and tested in the usual manner. 2. The test period. The conditions of testing the females were precisely the same as for the males. Immediately following the test period a vaginal smear was taken and a permanent slide made. These were later examined by Dr. Warner and are on file in the Animal Laboratory. The records of all animals whose smears did not definitely show the cornified stage were excluded from the data herein presented. 198 THE SEX DRIVE The incentive animals For both the male and female groups, three types of stimulus animals were used in the present investigation — namely, male, receptive female, and non-receptive female. Throughout this paper, the term receptive is used interchangeably for female in the corni- fied stage, female in heat, and female in oestrum; the term non- receptive is used to designate a female in the recuperative stage of dicestrum. These stages were determined on the basis of mating behavior and the usual vaginal smear. In order to keep the male stimulus as constant as possible, only three male stimulus animals were used throughout the entire inves- tigation. These animals will be designated as No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3. In the case of the female groups, No. 3 was always used as the stimulus. This animal was selected because it possessed a very stereotyped form of behavior, and therefore the advantage of being a singularly constant stimulus. When the door of the restraining compartment opened, he would come out at once, and immediately approach the female and nose the genital region. As soon as the experimenter removed the female from the incentive compartment, he would return to the restraining compartment and remain there while the door was being closed. The function of the incentive animal is to stimulate the test animal. In order to carry out this function to the greatest possible extent, the incentive animal was always allowed a period of adapta- tion in the obstruction box before the test period began. The object of introducing this period of adaptation was to reduce exploratory behavior to a minimum and hence increase its value as a stimulus. The incentive animal was placed in the box at least one-half hour before the test animal was admitted. The restraining door was kept open in order to permit the incentive animal to explore freely the incentive compartment. The experience of testing over 300 rats has thoroughly convinced the writer that a period of adaptation to the apparatus itself (no incentive animal present) should also be allowed in the case of the test animal, in order to minimize the importance of exploratory behavior during the test period. The primary function of the pre- liminary trials is to permit the test animal to associate the stimulus THE SEX DRIVE 199 with the incentive compartment. An attempt should be made to rule out exploratory behavior before the experiment begins, so that when the incentive animal is introduced, it will immediately become the dominant stimulus in the situation. The desirability of eliminat- ing as far as possible exploratory behavior in the test period is supported by the following reasons : (1) Exploratory behavior prob- ably tends to increase the dispersion around the averages — a fact which would decrease the reliability and introduce an element of heterogeneity into the results; (2) Exploratory behavior is likely to complicate the situation and render an analysis of the causes underlying variations in the strength of the sex drive less easy or valid; (3) In the case of small differences, the exploratory factor may even shift the relative positions of a set of averages to such an extent as to minimize the significance of the trends indicated on the face of the data. The question might be raised as to the manner in which the three types of incentive animals could operate as differential incentives under our conditions. For, after all, the different types (receptive female, non-receptive female, and male) appear in general very much alike. From what we know of the visual capacity of the white rat it is hardly reasonable to suppose that one type could be dis- tinguished from another on the basis of visual cues. It is true that the males were quite noticeably larger to the human eye than either type of female (receptive and non-receptive approximately the same size), but there is little or no reason to supposee that this difference served as a cue. Differences in odor seem to offer a more reasonable basis of explanation. Long and Evans (6) state that during the cornified stage of the oestrus cycle ' 'there is usually a disagreeable odor attached to the vaginal secretion, which perhaps is a means of attracting and exciting the male." Also Watson (15) found that in the maze "adult rats showed preferences for entrances that con- tained the odor of the opposite sex." The obstruction apparatus is constructed so as to favor the passage of odor through the tunnel to the test animal — both incentive compartments (C, D) being closed by a glass cover during the test, and the door between perforated so as to permit the odor of the incentive animal to pass freely through. However, we have no evidence of differences in odor 200 THE SEX DRIVE between male and non-receptive female sufficiently marked to serve as a cue. There may or may not be such. Whether, then, differences in odor between the three types of incentive animals operating directly upon the test animal through the 10-inch tunnel was an important factor in determining the nature of the response, cannot be certainly known from our results. We were interested primarily not in an analysis of the incentive, animal as a stimulus (although this is a problem of importance in itself) but in the behavior of the test animal to these three types of incentive stimuli, assuming for the moment their differential character. The specific manner in which the incentive operated as an excitant becomes a problem in this connection only when the fact is taken into account that the test animal is in the entrance compartment at the moment of response and is thus separated from the incentive animal. This does not mean, however, that we must suppose that the response of the test animal to the incentive must be based upon necessarily internal sensory cues operating at the moment. It is much more reasonable to believe that during the five preliminary crossings to the incentive (each animal was tested but once and to only one of the three types of incentive animals), the incentive compartment and the specific type of animal contained therein became associated with the act of crossing over. The incentive-drive value of the incentive animal is thus operating as an excitant to the test animal before the test proper is begun and continues through- out the test as the animal crosses over and comes in direct contact with the incentive animal again and again. The excitation so aroused by the incentive animal is thus cumulative, the nature and amount of the excitation depending upon the type of incentive animal used in testing any given animal or group. Under our con- ditions no animal was required to discriminate between incentive types in making a response since only a single type was present during a given test and for a given animal. The writer believes that it is quite possible to furnish a still simpler interpretation of differences in incentive power of the various types of stimulus animals (as indicated by number of crossings, etc.). It is quite reasonable to suppose that the prelimi- THE SEX DRIVE 201 nary trials, as well as those that follow, cause changes in internal stimulation — an after-effect consequent to stimulation in the incen- tive compartment. An incentive which calls forth sex behavior on the part of the test animal probably sets up internal activity which continues or perseverates for a time after the animal has been returned to the entrance compartment. The effect of this increased excitement is greater activity. This would tend to elicit the crossing response, even if no association were formed between the incentive compartment and crossing over, because the obstruction apparatus is so constructed that crossing over to the incentive compartment is one of the simplest and most natural responses for the animal to make. III. Results for Males The main results for males will be presented in four general tables. Table 2 indicates the grouping of the 197 male rats tested. The distribution of approaches, contacts, and crossings for the eighteen groups is given in Table 3. The medians, ranges, averages, mean deviations, coefficients of variation, and temporal medians are shown in Table 6. The approaches, contacts, and crossings as dis- tributed during the 20-minute test (in one-minute intervals) are given in Table 4. To these general tables, special tables will be added when necessary. The four tables mentioned above give an inadequate picture of the situation. The many interrelated problems involved require the designation of the various trends and their subsequent evalua- tion through an analysis of the data by means of intercomparison and special statistical and graphic methods. Such an analysis will be made by treating the results under four headings : A. Variations in the strength of the drive and the relative incen- tive values of the stimuli. This topic involves a study of the effects produced by two sets of variables. First, there are the changes in the strength of the drive which result from varying the conditions (segregation periods) preceding the test. Secondly, there are the effects produced by varying the conditions (incentive stimuli) in the test, due to the use of the three types of stimuli for each period of segregation. Varying the incentive stimulus, as was done in this 202 THE SEX DRIVE experiment, furnishes data which are of great importance in the explanation of the drive for various segregation periods. B. Individual differences. C. Persistence of the drive as shown by the temporal distribution of drive behavior during the test. TABLE 2 Showing male groups Number of Period of sex deprivation Object in incentive compartment animals 13 0 hours Female — cornified stage* 10 Female in staget dioestrum — recuperative 10 n Male 15 0 hours plus 2 hours sex ac- Female — cornified stage tivity plus 1 day deprivation dioestrum — recuperative 11 Female in stage 10 » Male 20 28 days:}: Female — cornified stage 10 35 days Female in stage dioestrum — recuperative 10 »> Male 20 35 days plus 2 hours sex ac- Female — cornified stage tivity plus 1 day deprivation^ dioestrum — recuperative 10 Female in stage 10 » Male 5 155 days »> Female — cornified stage 10 Female in stage dioestrum — recuperative 10 »> Male 5 155 days plus 2 hours sex ac- Female — cornified stage tivity plus 1 day deprivation Female in stage dioestrum — recuperative 8 10 Male ♦Throughout this paper the writer has used "female in cornified stage" and "receptive female" interchangeably. tThroughout this paper the writer has used "female in dioestrum" and "non-receptive female" interchangeably. $These groups were tested by L. H. Warner and are reported in his monograph on sex behavior. D. The effect of the mating period upon the test 24 hours later. The standard measures dealt with in these topical discussions are average number of crossings, indices of the strength and incentive value of the drive, variability, and persistence. In view of the fact that frequent reference will be made to these measures in different T3i 8 to I Co < w < 2 O h < > ft, w Q M <3 lis £8 to « •O ( -7S » i s &J J e 3 J? 5 ^ . s ^ > - 2 2 «0 &3g is 2 «< £8" : 11 ° is p 2 sSuissoj^ «•» m- — to to — S10EJUO~ vOvO — CM CM — — CM s3uissoj3 — — — CM — CM SJDEJUCT} Tl-^CM — O saipEOJddy M" — s3uissoj3 saipBOJddy s3uissoj3 S10BJUO3 sat[DBOiddy S3U!SS0J3 SJDEJU03 saipecuddy s3uissoj3 SJ0BJUO3 saijOBOJddy s3uissoj3 SJDEJU03 S3L[DBOiddy s3uissoj3 S1DE1U03 upECuddy s3uissoj3 SJ0B1UO3 Z satpBOiddy £J s3uissoj3 SJDBJU03 saijDEOiddy s3uissoj3 SJ0BJUO3 satpEOiddy s3uissoj3 S13EJU03 saqDBoaddy s3uissoj3 SJ0BJUO3 saipBcuddy s3uissoj3 SJDBJU03 soqDBoiddy TO CM — "f ^VOtJ-CM — CM CM — „ , VO^-Tj- — CM CM — CMVOCM TO CM — TO CM • — CM — CM — -«*-CM CM — TO— 1 " TO TO TO — CM - ■| g '1 g g g g g 1 g 1 '1 1 6 e C E e '1 a w < •o c TJ .3 J3 _3 -3 -3 -3 .3 -3 — -3 JS -3 -3 JS JS -3 Q «J CM >o oo O r» oo O CJ Female — cornified stage 0 days Approaches Contacts Crossings 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 I a O 1 1 7 1 r •» j 2 0 2 0 o 2 3 1 2 1 0 C 0 0 3 2 0 7 3 0 -1 3 3 «r 6 3 c O 4 6 5 3 6 3 4 3 1 4 5 2 _ 1 dav Approaches Contacts Crossi ngs 1 0 22 0 1 1 6 0 0 1 5 1 1 1 2 0 i 1 1 2 0 ] 4 ! 2 1 0 0 0 1 3 1 1 1 2 0 0 5 0 2 1 0 9 0 0 g 2 1 g 2 0 Q o 0 0 q 0 I c 3 l 0 E 3 0 0 c 5 1 0 i •r -a S Female in SfdicEstrum — 0 days Approaches Contacts Crossings 0 2 g 0 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 1 5 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 1 J 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 c 0 1 0 0 0 0 i. 0 l & ~cf 0 1 J 0 -> Sirecupera- £ tive stage 1 day Approaches Contacts Crossings 1 1 1 i 1 0 1 i 1 2 1 1 1 0 6 () 0 7 1 0 g 1 0 4 1 0 g 1 2 5 0 1 5 l 4 3 l 2 0 0 5 1 1 ■j 0 0 4 l l 4 l 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 -2 J 0 0 5 0 days Approaches Contacts Crossings 0 1 7 0 0 7 2 1 g 1 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 l 4 0 0 ■J J 0 0 ■J 3 0 0 4 0 0 J 0 0 4 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 Male 1 day Approaches Contacts Crossings 2 1 9 0 0 g 0 1 7 0 0 3 0 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 0 1 4 0 0 I 0 0 4 0 1 ] 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 4 o 1 2 2 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 Female — cornified stage Approaches 28 days Contacts Crossings 4 3 2 j 0 7 0 1 3 3 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 4 1 2 5 2 0 7 4 2 1 1 1 4 1 3 I 4 7 l 6 I j 3 5 j j 6 4 9 4 3 1 9 1 c s 4 2 I 2 0 ]9 4 0 14 4 1 22 3 0 19 1 day Approaches Contacts Crossings 7 3 1 2 2 1 17 1 I l J 3 2 1 6 6 2 1 9 6 3 17 5 3 1 5 1 1 9 2 1 1 | 2 1 1 0 l 2 10 l l l 3 2 0 1 6 0 3 1 J 2 2 i n l 2 0 0 l 2 1 1 1 7 2 1 1 r i -> I 0 1 7 -o ^ Female in ^dicEstrum — 35 days Appioaches Contacts Crossings 2 0 7 0 1 g o 0 0 0 4 2 2 3 2 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 3 1 5 2 0 1 0 0 5 2 1 ■» 3 0 0 2 0 1 2 1 1 2 0 0 2 0 l 2 I 0 3 1 2 0 0 2 "2 recupera- tive stage 00 5) 1 day Approaches Contacts Crossings 1 0 9 0 0 g 0 0 g 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 7 0 n q 1 1 4 0 0 3 0 0 2 I 0 7 o 0 ^ 0 0 4 0 0 3 2 0 0 I 5 0 0 2 2 0 3 0 0 3 1 0 5 u 35 days Approaches Contacts Crossings 4 0 7 1 1 4 0 0 5 2 0 4 I 0 5 0 0 I 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 1 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 5 0 0 2 2 0 2 I 0 2 I 0 3 (1 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 1 Male 1 day Approaches Contacts Crossings 2 0 1 1 0 1 7 0 1 g 1 4 3 1 2 9 n 3 7 2 0 7 2 2 4 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 0 2 1 1 3 3 1 4 1 0 g 1 1 5 I 2 4 0 0 0 n 3 0 0 4 2 3 t; Female — cornified „ stage >. •3 155 days Approaches Contacts Crossings (l 0 c J 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 2 (1 0 2 0 2 n 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 o 0 0 4 0 1 3 0 0 I 0 1 o 0 1 q I 0 2 0 2 j[ 0 1 j 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 day Approaches Contacts Crossings 0 1 5 0 0 4 0 I 0 0 1 1 1 2 Q 0 3 0 n 4 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 l 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 l 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 ^1 Female in diozstrum — 155 days Approaches Contacts Crossings 0 2 6 0 0 7 0 0 6 1 0 4 0 0 4 0 2 5 0 1 4 2 1 4 0 1 3 1 2 1 I 2 2 0 2 1 1 0 2 0 1 3 0 1 3 0 0 l I I 2 0 0 2 0 4 I 2 6 2 -% recupera- te tive stage to V 1 day Approaches Contacts Crossings 2 1 6 0 1 3 0 2 2 1 0 4 1 1 2 it 2 4 1 0 3 (l 0 3 Q 1 2 (1 2 0 0 0 l 0 0 1 0 0 3 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 l 2 0 0 3 1 0 0 2 1 1 1 u 6 oo 155 days Approaches Contacts Crossings 0 0 9 l 2 6 0 3 5 n i 6 1 1 s 0 2 4 n 0 6 2 (1 2 0 0 4 1 3 3 2 0 6 0 0 3 1 4 5 0 1 3 0 0 4 I 0 2 0 l l 0 2 2 1 3 3 3 Male 1 day Approaches Contacts Crossings 2 3 6 0 1 4 0 1 4 0 o 5 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 l 0 1 3 0 1 2 1 ! 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 ! I 0 4 0 1 2 THE SEX DRIVE 205 TABLE 5 Showing temporal distribution of approaches, contacts, and crossings of the male groups during the twenty -minute test period in five-minute intervals I IJ > ° - R U81 0 to 5th Minute Jum- Per ber Cent 6th to 1 0th Minute Num- ber Per Cent Uth to ISth Minute A Num- Per ber Cent 16th to 20th Minute — Num- Per £ ber Cent Female — cornified stage Approaches days Contacts Crossings 6 11.7 7 21.2 36 35.6 15.7 15.1 23.7 14 27.4 6 18.1 23 22.8 23 45.1 51 15 45.4 33 18 17.8 101 Approaches day Contacts Crossings 2 15.4 3 30.0 76 37.6 4 30.8 3 30.0 54 26.7 5 38.4 3 30.0 44 21.8 2 15.4 1 10.0 28 13.8 13 10 202 JJ Female in 0 Jf dicEstrum — at) recuperative Sj stage ] 3 Approaches days Contacts Crossings 2 66.6 2 28.6 31 40.3 0 0 3 42. 16 20. 0 0 1 14.3 18 23.4 1 33.3 1 14.3 12 15.6 Approaches day Contacts Crossings 4 30.1 3 21.4 46 38.3 4 30.1 3 21.4 32 26.6 3 23.1 7 50.0 21 17.5 2 15.4 1 7.0 21 17.5 13 14 120 Male Approaches days Contacts Crossings 3 37.5 2 66.6 26 32.1 1 12.5 0 0 17 21.0 0 0 1 33.3 20 24.7 4 50.0 0 0 18 22.2 Approaches day Contacts Crossings 2 28.6 3 13.6 33 53.2 4 57.1 7 31.8 14 22.6 0 0 4 18.2 9 14.5 1 14.3 8 36.5 6 9.7 Female — cornified stage Approaches days Contacts Crossings 9 18.0 4 10.0 16 7.6 8 16.0 9 22.0 40 18.9 15 30.0 22 55.0 54 25.6 18 36.0 5 12.5 101 47.9 Approaches day Contacts Crossings 19 41.8 9 29.9 76 28.2 16 35.2 9 29.9 63 23.4 6 13.2 8 26.6 60 22.3 5 11.0 4 13.3 70 26.0 7 22 62 50 40 211 46 30 269 £ Female in 35 dicEstru m — *]3 recuperative I "age 1 u Approaches days Contacts Crossings 4 25.0 3 30.0 28 38.9 7 43.7 1 10.0 21 29.2 3 18.7 3 30.0 14 19.4 2 12.5 3 30.0 9 12.5 Approaches day Contacts Crossings 1 12.5 0 0 35 30 1 1 12.5 1 50.0 25 21.5 3 37.5 0 0 26 22.4 3 37.5 1 50.0 18 15.5 16 10 72 8 2 104 35 Male Approaches days Contacts Crossings 8 50.0 1 50.0 26 40 6 0 0 1 so.o 13 20.3 •6 37.5 0 0 13 20.3 2 12.5 0 0 12 18.7 Approaches day Contacts Crossings 4 16.7 8 32 0 38 36.8 9 37.5 9 36.0 23 22.3 8 33.3 3 12.0 20 19.4 3 12.5 5 20.0 22 21.3 16 2 64 24 25 _103 1 9 38 Female — cornified stage 155 1 Approaches days Contacts Crossines 0 0 0 0 19 50.0 0 0 3 33.3 6 15.8 0 0 3 33.3 8 21.0 1 100.0 3 33.3 5 13.2 Approaches day Contacts Crossings 1 100.0 3 60.0 15 32.6 0 0 34.8 0 0 1 20.0 9 19.6 0 0 1 20.0 6 13.0 Female in 155 dicestrum — recuperative stage i Approaches days Contacts Crossings 1 11.1 2 7.7 27 42.8 3 33.3 7 26.9 17 27.0 2 22.2 6 23.1 11 17.5 3 33.3 II 42.3 8 12.7 Approaches day Contacts Crossings 4 50.0 5 27.8 17 41.5 1 12.5 5 27.8 12 29.3 1 12.5 2 11.1 6 14.6 2 25.0 6 33.3 6 14.6 155 Male Approaches days Contacts Crossings 2 18.1 7 29.2 31 37.8 3 27.3 5 20.8 19 23.2 3 27.3 5 20.8 21 25.6 3 27.3 7 29.2 11 13.4 Approaches day Contacts Crossings 2 28.6 5 .50.0 21 45.6 1 14.3 1 10.0 7 15.2 3 42.8 3 30.0 8 17.4 1 14.3 1 10.0 10 21.7 206 THE SEX DRIVE pq o JUBipSUJ jBJOdoiaj^ O; — 1#>CM oo ■»»■' 14.9 9.6 OO CM vbf-' ui O t^sb © rn veil*; in m oo r^sb uodbuba r- cm m OO^f^ •* — m ©vo- odoo mvom 71.6 29.9 59.1 39.7 52.7 rnt^f* O^NO in© cd CM CM CM mm oo — — in vomm woo* rn©ob enr^-* Crossings A uoueiAdp ue3jaj oo — OOinOO ©cnoo t*»— e\i m© *n m cn en — cm — od vdr-^ .10.6 6.1 13.4 3.3 tncncn CM -tOO *nom in m ©Om uifjitN in cm in r«^c>oo' m © in so in in qqq co in t-^ UOIJBUBA 105.2 161.4 142.0 142.8 125.3 125.0 167.0 130.9 145.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 190.0 146.6 188.0 140.4 163.8 48.8 1000 80.7 101.1 85.4 94.1 94.1 100.0 102.9 UO|JBIA9p UBaj^ — om-^ cm — 00 m© CM — ■O CM oo mr- MOON CM — — moo oooo* Contacts »3BJ3Ay in in CM ' — mCM CM "cm — ©in CM — qcM\o CM — OO©'* sO CM •»*; CM CM CM CM — — »8ub^ III ill m 2! 222 0—1 0—14 0—14 mCM cn 111 0—11 0—7 0—11 m enm ill UBipaj^ CN» ' — OONO WJ© n\coo so in Co mm cm CM — CM o©o CM CM CM m*n\q cm — — r uoneiJBA >■ ju9iDigao3 109.2 132.9 130.4 210.0 104.1 141.2 cm — r-» CMsO 116.0 91.3 93.7 150.0 125.0 125.0 130.4 131.5 ©©© odd O- O O m©m in oo in CM CO CM 148.1 178.5 166.6 UOUBIASp UB3J\[ O cn cm inOO* — r^o CM — CMsO© SO in — — CM CM m m tn m © CM >roaches 33BJ3Ay m Oaocn m cm m CM OO oof- r-» tn «n CM CM — CM CM CM CM CM OOOs — f>0^ < 38ub>i 0—17 0—4 0—17 HI in en in ill OO 22 ill U1CCOO 111 111 222 mmm 111 UBipSJ^ t^C>m CM — sCnO ©in O CO CM CM — mw-«- VO vO SO © m CM oor^oo ibuiiub is»j *JO UOUEAUd^Q 0 hours 1 day Total 0 hours 1 day Total 0 hours 1 day Total 28 days 1 day 35 days 1 day Total 3 5 days 1 day Total 155 days 1 day Total 155 days 1 day Total 155 days 1 day Total JEU1IOB f Female— cornified stage Female in diozstrum — recuperative stage f Female—* cornified stage Female in diozstrum recuperative stage "re s Female — cornified stage Female in ' diozstrum — I recuperative stage J£ "re Y p»lc8aj8»sof) V s/Bp 5£ pairSajSag Y sXEp JSI P3Jc89J3as 2i o S S 2 £-5 5^ 6o — a. 2 E o a a £ «> THE SEX DRIVE 207 parts of this paper, a little space will be given at this point to their definition and elucidation. 1. Discussion of the number of crossings will involve two kinds of averages which will be designated respectively as 1 ' total average ' ' and "partial average." The former is the average number of cross- ings in the entire 20-minute test; the latter includes only the crossings that occurred during the last fifteen minutes of the test. One object for introducing the partial average is to furnish an additional check upon the trends indicated by the total averages. The primary reason, however, is that it tends to eliminate the dis- turbing effects of other forms of dynamic behavior, such as explora- tory, which may be present in the early part of the test period. If we assume for the moment that the exploratory drive has not been completely exhausted during the preliminary period, more explora- tory behavior would likely be exhibited during the early part of the test period than later. One might argue that this would tend to vitiate the results for the sex drive. The writer, however, believes that this is not the case. In the first place, since the conditions pre- ceding the test period were the same for all the groups, the surplus exploratory behavior remaining after the preliminary period ought to be about the same for all the groups. The effect of exploratory behavior would probably be to increase the size of the average for each group ; the relative differences between the groups should remain approximately the same. However, in order to furnish some statistical evidence on this point, the "partial average" was computed. The first five minutes were excluded on the assumption that exploratory behavior would rapidly diminish in the early part of the test period so that the sex drive would become progressively more dominant. A comparison of the total and partial averages shows quite strikingly that exploratory behavior, even if present to some extent, does not affect the order of the differences between the various groups (Table 8). In brief, there is a fairly high correla- tion between the two sets of averages. 2. The indices used in this paper are designed to depict two different aspects of behavior. First, there are the changes in behavior due to variations in conditions of segregation. Secondly, there are the changes that are due to variations in the incentive 208 THE SEX DRIVE stimulus. The relative changes occurring as a result of varying the segregation period (incentive stimulus constant) will be indicated by a drive or motivation index. Those that occur as a result of vary- ing the incentive stimuli (segregation period constant) will be designated by an incentive index.3 The general formula for the calculation of these indices is : Y — X Index = X + Y where X is the standard, and Y is the comparison value. In other words, it is the difference between the averages for these two sets of conditions divided by their sum. The reason for using the sum of the standard and comparison values in the denominator instead of taking the standard as the unit was to keep the index from fluctu- ating between infinite values. By using the sum, the maximum numerical value is unity, so that the index can fluctuate only between the extreme values of + 1.0 and — 1.0. Positive values of the index indicate that conditions (segregation or incentive) are modified in such a way as to intensify the behavior represented by the standard; negative values indicate a decrease in the form of behavior represented by the standard. One advantage implied by this index is that the value of the index is in a sense independent of the averages, so that given relative differences appear equally significant. In other terms, the greater the magnitudes compared, the less significant the same absolute difference. Using absolute values, on the other hand, would tend to give too much weight to differences when the averages are large, and insufficient weight to differences when the averages are very small. In the case of the motivation index, the average for the unsegre- gated group was always taken as the standard. This step was taken on the assumption that the unsegregated state approximates most closely to the normal condition for the animals in their natural habitat. In some respects, a better standard would have been an unsegregated group which had been given a short period of sex deprivation before the test, on the ground that sex deprivation 3 The use and limitations of these indices and the formulae for their cal- culation were suggested by Dr. T. N. Jenkins. THE SEX DRIVE 209 would more nearly equalize the intra-organic factors involved (cf. p. 485). Since optimal sex activity occurs after 24 hours of sex deprivation (Warner), the 1-day group, according to this criterion, would be the best norm for the males. However, the writer wished to compare the results for males and females ... a fact which stressed the desirability of a norm common to both sexes. In the present case, this purpose is best answered by the unsegregated group, for no 1-day group of females was tested. In view of the temporal characteristics of the oestrus cycle of the female, it would be impractical to test a 1-day group of females on account of the excessive waste of animals as discussed in the previous section. As the numerical value of the motivation index approaches nearer and nearer to unity, the change in the intra-organic factors, as represented by the form of behavior measured, becomes more and more complete. In the course of most work on drives by the obstruction method, it is not very likely that an index of +1-0 or — 1.0 would occur, since this would indicate a complete change of the intra-organic state of the organism. However, in an extreme case of negative conditioning, it may be quite possible to obtain a motivation index of + 1.0 or — 1.0. When the motivation index is positive, it indicates that the intra-organic state of the animal has been modified so as to intensify the behavior represented by the average for the unsegregated group.4 In the case of the incentive index, the behavior toward the normal sex stimulus was always taken as the standard. Then, for males, X = average for the normal sex stimulus (receptive female), and Y = average for the abnormal sex stimulus (male or non-receptive female). For receptive females, X — average for the normal sex stimulus (male), and Y = average for the abnormal sex stimulus (receptive or non-receptive female). An incentive index of zero indicates that the two stimuli com- pared are equally effective in eliciting a response. As the incentive * To generalize beyond the data presented in this paper, these indices would require a statement of their probable errors. The writer relied, instead, upon the reliability of the difference as presented in Tables 7 and 10. 210 THE 8EX DRIVE index approaches nearer and nearer to unity, the change in the incentive value of the stimulus, as represented by the behavior measured, becomes greater and greater. If there are no crossings to the abnormal stimulus, the index is — 1.0. A positive index points towards homosexuality. In fact it would be possible to define homo- sexuality in terms of a positive incentive index . . . the greater the index, the more specific the homosexual drive. Small negative values, on the other hand, would serve to indicate the development of homosexual tendencies. An index of +1.0 would indicate that the heterosexual stimulus is wholly ineffectual in eliciting the measured response.5 Other data, of course, have been employed throughout to determine the presence of homosexual tendencies (cf. sections on Individual Differences and the Effect of the Mating Period). 3. The magnitude and nature of the dispersion or variability is indicated by four measures. The magnitude is indicated by the average deviation, the coefficient of variation, and the range; and the nature of the scatter is indicated by the relative density. The first three measures are well known and need no further comment. The relative density6 for each quartile of the distribution is cal- culated as follows: The first, second, and third quartiles are com- puted. From these values and the range for the entire distribution considered as a continuous series the range for each quartile is com- puted. Then the relative density is computed by finding the recip- rocal of the quartile range and multiplying by 100. It may be expressed in the following form : 10 0 Relative density = quartile range (continuous series) A table of relative densities is convenient in pointing out deviations 6 The discussion of motivation and incentive indices does not imply that such indices have such a limited application as to apply only to problems in sex behavior. It is believed that they could be used equally well in connection with other drives, such as the hunger and the thirst drive. In the case of hunger, different periods of food deprivation would furnish one basis for a motivation index. On the other hand, the incentive index could be used in a study of the incentive value of various foods by using one kind of food, such as McCollum's diet, as the standard of comparison. 8 Suggested by Dr. T. N. Jenkins. THE SEX DRIVE 211 from the normal form of the distribution, such as cases of bimo- dality. 4. The data for determining the persistence of the drive during the test period are furnished by the temporal distributions (Table 5 and Figure 6). If the number of crossings for a given animal falls off toward the end of the period, the drive may be said to be less persistent, as judged by behavior criteria, than when the rate of crossing is relatively constant throughout the test period, or actually increases. An attempt was also made to determine the general or average effect of different periods of segregation by means of a combined score, obtained by pooling the results for the three incentive con- ditions. Such scores, however, involve several factors which tend to nullify their significance. These factors in certain cases tend to lower the average independently of changes in the average that can be assigned to variations in the strength of the sex drive. First, there is the factor of the physiological limit to the number of cross- ings which a rat can make in a test period of given length. In other words, we might say that the number of crossings is not a linear function of the strength of the drive. As the drive becomes stronger, the number of crossings approaches the physiological limit so that each additional increment to the strength of the drive is paralleled by smaller and smaller increments in the number of crossings. Therefore the absolute number of crossings as a measure of the strength of the sex drive tends to minimize the significance of the drive in intensely motivated animals. A second factor is negative adaptation to certain incentives used. For example, the 35-day females failed to cross as frequently to a receptive female as to an empty incentive compartment. In fact, it is the writer's opinion that the avoidance of the females in this case was evidence of a strong heterosexual sex drive in the animals of this group. Here it is quite plain that negative adaptation would tend to lower the value of the pooled result even though the animals may actually be quite active. Consequently, the method of pooling gives results which are spurious as measures of activity. 212 THE SEX DRIVE A. Variations in the strength of the drive and the relative incentive values of the stimuli One day of segregation nearly doubles the strength of the normal sex drive,7 as measured by the average number of crossings to a receptive female (Tables 7 and 8, and Figure 2). Unsegregated males, on the average, cross only 7.8 times, but when segregated for one day their average rises to 13.5. After one day the sex drive seems to diminish slowly in strength as the segregation period lengthens until at 155 days the activity is no greater than that of the unsegregated group. In fact, the motivation index shows a slight negative value for the 155-day group (Table 9 and Figure TABLE 7 Reliability of the difference between the average number of crossings of males for various deprivation periods GROUPS (deprivation periods) STIMULUS ANIMAL THE DIFFERENCE STANDARD DEVIA- TION OF THE DIF- FERENCE m o 9 W h s S. D. OF THE DIF- FERENCE CHANCES IN 100 OF A TRUE DIFFERENCE GREATER THAN 0 Unsegregated and 1 day Cornified Dicestrum Male 5.7 3.2 1.9 1.94 1.27 1.81 2.93 2.51 1.04 99.8 99.4 85 1 day and 35 days Cornified Dicestrum Male 2.9 3.7 .2 1.97 1.43 2.40 1.47 2.58 .08 93 99.5 53 35 days and 155 days Cornified Dicestrum Male 3.0 .9 1.8 2.00 1.81 2.27 1.50 .49 .79 93 69 79 Unsegregated and 35 days Cornified Dicestrum Male 2.8 .5 1.7 2.37 1.78 2.51 1.18 .29 .68 88 62 75 Unsegregated and 155 days Cornified Dicestrum Male .2 1.4 .1 1.97 1.69 1.63 .10 .83 .06 54 79 52 1 day and 155 days Cornified Dicestrum Male 5.9 4.6 2.0 1.45 1.31 1.46 4.07 3.51 1.36 100 100 91 7 By normal sex drive the writer means the sex drive to the normal stimulus or incentive animal. In the case of a male the normal incentive stimulus is the receptive female; in the case of the female the normal stimulus is the male. THE SEX DRIVE 213 if 1-H CO it -3 * IS u «° CO 13 II CO « 04 C4 s ° 13 1-SS ^ -S So ? bo stop ssx AJIAIJDB X3g 6A*ep sg sA*ep sg £ 3 h -< XBp i AJIAtJOB X3§ —stop SSI stop SSI jCjjaijdb xag — stop S£ stop SS top I XjIAJJDB X3g —stop SSI stop SSI X)iaipb xa§ —stop S£ stop %z top i 214 THE SEX DRIVE Fig. 2. Graphs of the average number of crossings and average deviations for males for various deprivation periods. Incentive stimulus indicated in upper right-hand corner of each diagram. THE SEX DRIVE 215 3). This becomes of more significance when it is considered that the plane of activity is low as compared with that of the unsegre- gated group. The number of approaches and contacts indicates that there is a preponderance of activity in the case of the unsegre- gated group, although the small number of crossings would suggest that they are quite effectually deterred by the grill. The response to a non-receptive female shows somewhat similar relationships. The motivation index takes on a substantial positive value after one day of segregation; for longer periods it becomes increasingly negative. The rise in the number of crossings to a non-receptive female, which occurs after one day of segregation is practically as great as the drop from the first to the thirty-fifth day, the average for the unsegregated group being 7.7, the 1-day group 10.9, and the 35-day 7.2. After 35 days, the decline in the strength of the drive seems to be very slow, for the average falls only to 6.3 as the result of 155 days of segregation. The response to a male incentive shows an almost complete re- versal of trend from the results obtained in the case of the normal incentive. One day of segregation substantially decreases the in- tensity of the response to a male incentive animal. In fact, the motivation index shows a fairly large negative value, whereas those for one day of segregation in the case of the female incentives are strongly positive. Thereafter, the strength of the drive to a male gradually increases until at 155 days, the motivation index takes on a slight positive value. In other words, as the segregation period lengthens beyond one day, there is an increase in the stim- ulation value of the male. A comparison of the responses to the three types of incentive stimuli shows some pronounced differences in the incentive values of the stimuli for various periods of segregation. In the case of the unsegregated group, all three types of incentive stimuli are about equally effective — a fact which indicates that there is not a very specific sex drive. One day of segregation, on the other hand, increases enormously the stimulus value of the receptive female as compared with the male (Table 10 and Figure 4). An inspection of the incentive indices shows that there is also a substantial in- crease in the incentive value of a non-receptive female (Table 11 216 THE SEX DRIVE THE SEX DRIVE 217 and Figure 5). Although the three types of incentive animals rank in the same order after 35 days of segregation, the effectiveness of both types of female has diminished, the loss being greatest for the non-receptive female. The increase in the incentive value of the male, however, is somewhat obscured by the bimodality of the dis- TABLE 10 Reliability of tJw difference between the average number of crossings of males for various stimulus animals GROUPS (stimulus animals ) DEPRIVATION THE DIF- STANDARD DEVIATION DIFFERENCE CHANCES IN 100 OF A DIFFER- PERIOD FERENCE OF THE DIFFERENCE S. D. OF THE DIFFERENCE ENCE GREATER THAN 0 Cornified and Dicestrum 0 days 1 day 35 days 155 days .1 2.6 3.4 1.3 2.03 1.11 2.17 1.61 .04 1.34 1.56 .80 52 91 94 79 Dicestrum and Male 0 days 1 day 35 days 155 days .4 4.7 .8 1.9 1.80 1.27 2.49 1.50 .22 3.70 .32 1.26 58 100 62 89 Corniiied and Male 0 days 1 day 35 days 155 days .3 7.3 4.2 .6 2.15 1.54 2.70 1.37 .14 4.74 1.55 .43 56 100 93 66 tribution. In the case of the 155-day group, differences in incen- tive value are not so great as in the 1-day and 35-day groups. In fact, the high degree of specificity to the receptive female has prac- tically disappeared. Indeed the incentive index suggests homosex- ual tendencies. The number of approaches and contacts (Table 6) for the 155- day group indicates that the degree of activity is practically the same and uniformly low for all incentive stimuli — a fact which shows among other things that the sex drive is rather weak as the result of this very long period of segregation. An inspection of Table 8 shows that the trend of the partial averages parallels very closely that of the total averages. This fact, in conjunction with the reliability of the difference as pre- sented in Tables 7 and 10, indicates that the directions of the ob- served differences are true. It will be noted that the number of crossings is approximately the same for all three incentive conditions for the unsegregated 218 THE SEX DRIVE THE SEX DRIVE ■ss to «h •3 co 1 X "c3 8 s n -a < « T3 >.2 'u. i- D E «- in 8 CB 220 THE SEX DRIVE THE SEX DRIVE 221 group, being low in all cases. The explanation seems to lie in the fact that the females are constantly present in the home cage, pro- viding opportunity for frequent sex activity. That some copulatory activity had occurred recently is suggested by the fact that the average number of crossings to the receptive female is 7.8, whereas for satiated males it is only 3.6 and 12.2 after a 12-hour recovery period (Warner). Evidently the behavior of the unsegregated males is not wholly dominated by the sex drive, but involves ex- ploratory and social factors ; these males have had sufficient oppor- tunity for sexual activity preceding the test to decrease materially the strength of the sex drive. In the 1-day series, the trend is distinctly upward for both re- ceptive and non-receptive, and downward for male incentives. The conditions during the mating period were precisely the same for all three groups. In the case of the receptive female incentive, the rise was in all likelihood due to (1) the fact that a 24-hour recovery priod after mating was allowed, and (2) the fact that during this interval the males were segregated for the first time and thus de- prived of the opportunity for stimulation by the females in the living cage. However, it should be noted that during the time pre- vious to the mating period a receptive female may not have always been present in the living cage, since occasionally all females may have been in the dioestrus stage. The rise in the crossings to a non- receptive female offers greater difficulties since the male usually does not copulate with a non-receptive female. The fact that the rise is not so great in this case shows that the non-receptive female is less of a stimulus than the receptive and this is what would be naturally expected. The behavior of the test animals suggests that the reaction to the non-receptive female might be looked upon as a case of substitute stimulus. Indicator males, as used by the writer, at first go through the entire repertory of sex reactions, but after a time (varying from two or three days to a month) omit such preliminary sex be- havior as the exploratory nosing of the external genetalia of the female. The more experienced indicator males do not wait for the females to display such characteristic reactions as the short run, but mount immediately and finally come to mount both receptive 222 THE SEX DRIVE and non-receptive females alike. The present writer has observed eight cases in which experienced indicator males mounted and ap- peared to copulate with pregnant females. In no case, however, were indicator males, after segregation for 24 hours, observed to mount males although nosing sometimes occurred . The number of crossings to the male incentive is less after segre- gation for one day than for the unsegregated group. This may be due to negative adaptation to males during the segregation period. The effect of increasing the segregation period from 1 day to 35 days is to lessen the strength of the drive to receptive and non- receptive females in terms of the number of crossings, while the average is approximately the same to the male incentive. This de- crease is evidently due in part to a waning of the sex drive. How- ever, there is evidence of a disintegration of sex habits and a development of homosexual tendencies, as shown by the fact that the response to the male was almost as high (in absolute number of crossings) as to the non-receptive female and much closer to the value for the receptive female than in the 1-day group. The value for the 155-day series is uniformly low as might have been expected since these males had been segregated before puberty. The female incentives (both receptive and non-receptive) appear to be merely a novel, rather than a sex stimulus. As will be noted, the crossings to the male incentive stimulus are greater than to the non-receptive, and measurably greater than to the normal stim- ulus. This suggests that segregation at so early an age brings about the development of a homosexual tendency. It is true that the drive toward the male incentive is, on the whole, weaker than that to the normal incentive. As indicated by the incentive index, however, it is relatively stronger after a very long (155 days) segregation period than a short one (1 day or 35 days). This may be accounted for in part on the assumption that after 155 days there is a devel- opment of definite homosexual tendencies. That these are in evi- dence will be more clearly indicated when Individual Differences and the Effect of the Mating Period are discussed. It might be argued that the small differences between the various incentives, in terms of number of crossings, indicate not so much homosexuality as desexualization. Such a difference in interpreta- THE SEX DRIVE 223 tion becomes very largely a matter of definition of terms. If homo- sexuality be thought of as precluding normal sex behavior alto- gether, then desexualization might conceivably be the better term to use in this instance. But as stated in the introductory section we have used the term throughout this paper to include all specifically sexual behavior displayed toward an animal of the same sex even though at the same time similar behavior be exhibited toward an animal of the opposite sex. If this definition be allowed, the 155- day group did show a homosexual tendency, when averages, vari- ability, etc., are all taken into account. The observations of Stone (8) support the view that homosexual habits might thus be built up in the segregated male rat. He says : " Associated with scratching of the body is the nibbling of the ex- ternal genitals which, in the case of the males, eventually comes to be chiefly licking of the penis. The stimulating effect of licking probably causes the act to be repeated and to become habitual. Whether or not this act may be considered a form of masturbation in the rat is an open question ... No case of orgasm has been dis- covered as a result of the licking of the organ, but the difficulties of detecting the orgasm are such that one cannot be sure that it is not effected." Stone, however, has observed homosexual behavior among males. ''Upon rare occasions adult male rats have been observed to mount one another under ordinary conditions of cage confinement. This occurs most frequently when strange males are introduced into a cage of males, or when several males still in a state of sexual excitement following prolonged copulation are brought together in their home cage." Observations by the writer corroborate these facts and add fur- ther support to the suggestion that homosexuality may develop in the segregated male. Males of both the 35-day and 155-day groups were seen to go through the copulatory act as defined by Stone (11) — namely, pursuit and mounting of a male, palpation of the sides of the sex object, cessation of palpation and backward lunge, and licking of the penis. Furthermore, three indicator males which had been allowed to copulate rather freely with receptive females every night for over a month were observed to go through the cop- ulatory act with each other on the second night after they had been 224 THE SEX DRIVE confined to their cages and allowed no sex activity with females. Prior to this short segregation period they had been segregated during the day but never seen to display sexual behavior toward each other. B. Individual differences The magnitude and character of the scatter around the various averages are shown in Table 12 and Figure 2. These measures of variability confirm the conclusion that homosexuality has developed in certain individuals of the 35-day group and has become general in the 155-day group. It will be noted that the relative variability is uniformly high in TABLE 12 Measures of variability for males Relative Density* c c a* Stimulus atio a! ient iatio i rtile artil artil '£ animal Deprh period Averaj deviati Quarti deviati Coeffic of var Range 1st qua 2nd qu 3rd qu s cr 0 days 4.8 4.5 77.0 0—19 31 23 20 13 day 3.1 2.6 28.7 7—23 34 31 47 12 28 days 6.1 6.5 71.6 0—22 28 10 28 15 Female — 35 days — cornified sex activity 3.3 2.6 29.9 4—20 13 27 66 23 stage 155 days 1.9 1.2 25.0 5—12 83 76 83 23 155 days — sex activity 1.5 2.8 20.4 7—13 83 100 166 23 0 days 3.0 1.6 48.8 3—15 40 66 55 13 1 day 1.3 1.4 14.9 9—13 111 62 83 76 Female in 35 days 3.4 2.5 59.1 0—14 18 66 28 22 dioestrum — 35 days — recuperative sex activity 3.3 3.0 39.7 2—15 15 28 40 66 stage 155 days 3.1 2.5 61.5 2—16 66 33 50 11 155 days — sex activity 2.1 1.7 51.5 2—11 66 66 50 12 0 days 3.5 3.0 54.0 1—18 22 40 28 13 day 3.0 3.4 60.6 2—12 58 55 20 40 35 days 5.3 5.5 103.7 0—15 66 28 13 28 Male 35 days — sex activity 3.9 1.6 47.4 5—24 40 66 58 7 155 days 2.2 1.4 33.5 4—14 37 76 66 11 155 days — sex activity 2.6 1.6 70.8 0—8 23 125 40 66 1 0 0 * Relative density = — - — quartile range (continuous series) THE SEX DRIVE 225 the unsegregated series (0 days). This is very likely due to the fact that some of the animals have copulated more recently and more often than others previous to the test, inasmuch as the test animals were taken directly out of the living cages which included both sexes. The 1-day segregated series show marked homogeneity in comparison. This is not surprising in view of the fact that the same opportunity for copulation was given in the mating period, which was followed by the constant segregation interval, allow- ing precisely the same condition for recovery. It should be noted, however, that although the average number of crossings of the 1-day group to males is less than it is for the unsegregated group, nevertheless the variability continues to be relatively high. An examination of the relative densities discloses the presence of bimodality. It has previously been pointed out that the decrease in the number of crossings suggests negative adaptaion ; the bimo- dality would indicate that part of the males react in this way. The greatest individual variation occurs in the 35-day series — in fact, the coefficient of variation is so tremendously high in the male in- centive group that some explanation for this heterogeneity must be sought. As before mentioned, the distribution of this group is bimodal. When this fact is taken in conjunction with the low average, the only feasible explanation would seem to be that with certain animals the normal stimulus alone will elicit a sex response while in others the drive takes the homosexual direction. About 60 per cent of the group crossed to the male incentive stimulus be- tween zero and five times, the modal value being two. The remain- ing 40 per cent crossed between eleven and fifteen times, the modal value being thirteen. The disproportionately large average devia- tion of this group when the incentive is a receptive female again suggests the disintegration of sex habits and the development of homosexuality. The small amount of variability found in the 155-day group in- dicates the operation of causes which are common to all members of the group. One reason for this low degree of variability is that there has been no radical change in living conditions since puberty which would tend to induce different modes of adaptation, as has already been found in the case of the 35-day group. As previously 226 THE SEX DRIVE stated, the number of approaches and contacts shows that activity- is uniformly low for the 155-day group as compared with the un- segregated group, but the average number of crossings is about the same. Since the number of crossings is about the same, in spite of the fact that the approaches and contacts in the 155-day group are apparently much lower, it appears that the incentive stimulus must have been the effective factor in eliciting the crossing response. Variability is also greater in the case of the unsegregated group — a fact which corroborates the conclusion that general or random activity is high for the unsegregated group, and comparatively low in the 155-day group. Indeed, the very low variability in the case of the 155-day group indicates that one factor is relatively predom- inant in the drive to cross to the incentive compartment. Since the male is not a novel stimulus, the test animal must have reacted to it as a sex stimulus. Thus we find that the average number of crossings to the homo- sexual stimulus is only slightly greater than that to the females. The relatively large number of crossings to the females is prob- ably due to the fact that they are novel stimuli. The fact that the drive is apparently stronger to a receptive than to a non-receptive female is probably a consequence of the greater activity of the fe- male in oestrum. C. Persistence of the drive as shown by the temporal distribution of drive behavior during the test Table 5 and Figure 6 indicate the persistence of the drive during the 20-minute test as shown by the per cent of crossings for the four five-minute intervals. According to this measure, the unseg- regated groups are quite persistent in crossing to all three incen- tives. The 35-day series, on the other hand, show wide differences depending upon the incentive employed. The drive to the normal incentive seems to gather increasing force as the test proceeds, while that to the non-receptive female diminishes in persistence. The drive to the male is the most constant. With the 155-day group, the drive to the non-receptive female shows the greatest decrease in persistence during the last fifteen minutes of the test. THE SEX DRIVE 227 45 30 15 UNSSOREGATED 45 n i 30 15 0 ! §S I ^ 1 ■ 1 1 - o Says 1 Bey SA 0 Days 1 Day SA 0 Days 1 Day SA 45 90 15 P. rrri 35 DATS 45 80 15 f ri - ivi H 1 It 28 Days 35 D-SA 36 Days 35 P-SA 35 Days 35 D-SA 45 P 3§ 155 DATS 45 30 iri \^ ■ i HI 30 15 Q •*„> Lv k "V" mm k 15 156 Days 156 D-SA 155 Days 155 D-SA 155 Days 155 D-SA COHKIFIED | DIOESTBDM | MACE No Ssx. Activity Sex Activity | Fig. 6. Column diagram showing temporal distribution of crossings of the male groups during the twenty-minute test period in five-minute intervals. 228 THE SEX DRIVE D. The effect of the mating period upon the test twenty-four hours later 1. Variations in the strength of the drive and in the relative incentive value of the stimuli. It will be recalled (section on method) that all male groups, except the 1-day, were separated into two subgroups, one of which was given a mating period 24 hours before the test, and in the other the test animals were taken directly from the living cages to be tested. The effect of the inter- polated mating period can be found by comparing the indices of TABLE 13 'Reliability of the difference between the average number of crossings of males with and without sex activity for various deprivation periods a o • w «5 H s o o fc « a O H H < e W M w GROUPS STIMULUS ANIMAL 3 B r* Eh s| gel n K 5 * £ « B 3 i< cc . w 00 fe 5 < o Unsegregated Cornified 5.7 1.94 2 .93 99.8 and Diosstrum 3.2 1.27 2 .51 99.4 Unsegregated — Sex activity Male 1.9 1.81 1 .04 85 35 days Cornified 2.8 1.92 1 .45 93 and Dicestrum 3.2 1.88 1 .70 96 35 days — Sex activity Male 3.9 2.60 1 .50 93 155 days Cornified 1.6 1.35 1 .18 88 and Dicestrum 1.2 1.53 .78 78 155 days — Sex activity Male 3.6 1.35 2 .66 99.6 the two subgroups (Tables 13, 14, and 15, and Figures 7 and 8). When the normal incentive (receptive female) is used, the effect of segregation is counterbalanced to a considerable extent by such a period, there being a decrease in the effectiveness of the mating period in passing from the short to the long periods of segregation (0 — 35 — 155 days). When a non-receptive female is used, a sim- ilar tendency is noted, except for the 155-day group which shows a slightly opposite direction. When a male incentive is employed, the effect of the interpolated mating period does not seem consistent. As would be expected the mating period lowered the effectiveness of the male incentive for the zero group. A decided increase in TEE SEX DRIVE 229 crossings to the male in the 35-day group, apparently due to the mating period, would seem to mean that the opportunity to mate with a female stirred up greater sex activity even toward a male incentive animal 24 hours later. The mating period in the case of the longer segregation interval (the group which was segregated TABLE 14 Reliability of the difference between the average number of crossings of males after sex activity ft o ft 2VIA- S DIP- w o ft 8 ft ft o o 2 ft S«ft rt ft ip 01 3|ELU9J aSos payiiuoo — ajBUiaj — uiiuissip Ul 3]PUJ3j aSeis payiinco — 'uinJiS3jip o 5 s3uissoj3 saqsBOJddy &3uissoj3 saipeojddy sSuissojq «oejtio3 sstpBOJddy sStHSSOJQ swbiuoq ssipEOJddy ssqsBOJddy «3BJTK>3 s»i|3cojddy sSuissoj3 svbiucq saipecuddy sSuissar) saqsetuddy $Suiss «*i < r ) — r- 1 _ Psi <\» so > m Ul — t-r, ' — — CM — — — i CM rsj — eg. THE SEX DRIVE 241 compared with those of the other groups, indicating that, even though the number of crossings are few, nevertheless there is ma- terial evidence of considerable activity. These facts show conclu- sively that there has been no positive conditioning to the receptive female as a result of 35 days of segregation. On the other hand, certain facts about mating behavior support the hypothesis that negative conditioning may have been set up. When a female is in the receptive stage, sensitivity to tactual stimulation in the genital region seems to be increased. For example, Stone (8) observed that an application of acid to the base of the tail of a non-receptive fe- male causes it to exhibit mating behavior, due to increased sensi- tivity. These facts suggest the possibility that, since these females are orientated toward the normal stimulus alone and yet are ex- tremely sensitive to any tactual stimulation, the increased activity of the receptive female induces an avoiding reaction. In other words, the females tend to avoid sexual stimulation from all stim- uli other than the normal one. In this manner, negative condition- ing is perhaps developed to such an extent that a receptive female in the incentive compartment may become a definite deterrent. It may seem strange that negative conditioning does not also occur in the unsegregated group when a receptive female is used as an incentive. This can probably be accounted for in either of two ways. The first explanation is a statistical one. Since the number of animals in the living cage is kept constant (the other half being males) , there are only half as many females present in a cage as in the case of the 35-day group. Therefore, when a given female is in oestrum, the chances that another female will be in oestrum at the same time are correspondingly lowered. The chances of another female being in oestrum would be four times as great for the 35-day group as it would be for the unsegregated group. In the second place, if two receptive females should happen to be present in the cage at the same time, they would have little oppor- tunity to stimulate each other because they are probably reacting entirely to the males. These two conditions seem able to account for the fact that there is no evidence of negative conditioning to recep- tive females in the unsegregated group. A word should also be said concerning the apparent lack of neg- 242 THE SEX DRIVE ative conditioning in the case of the 155-day group. Since negative conditioning occurs in the 35-day group, still more would it nat- urally be expected to be found in the case of the 155-day group, but, as already noted, quite the contrary is true. The number of TABLE 17 Showing temporal distribution of approaches, contacts, and crossings of the female groups during the twenty -minute test period in one-minute intervals 2 S •2 E Q 2 EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEES •5 •£ •£ M •£ -5 "5 *S ■£ Male Approaches 0 days Contacts Crossings 2 3 4 2 4 3 2 2 2 1 0102100200 15 12 67958776 1 0 0 1 0 1 4 3 2 3 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 4 1 1 6 6 9 7 5 5 6 5 5 6 m Female in gdicEStrum — 5> recuperative <2 stage Approaches 0101002004 0 days Contacts 12 10 0 10 10 1 Crossings 988 10 511 7484 1 10 10 10 0 0 1 1001000000 7933747667 3 Female — cornified stage Approaches 0 days Contacts Crossings 0 0000010010001001000 10002000100000001000 10 8576737674755754566 'Male Approaches 35 days Contacts Crossings 12 4 11 12 10 787256762244225 30122333343034695821 14 11 12 12 10 7 8 10 9 9 9 10 11 16 35 26 24 30 28 2 £ Female in dicEstrum — "3 recuperative Z sta8e Approaches 20001001010002210140 35 days Contacts 00000001 120222100001 Crossings 12 10 858765235525434342 H Female- s'cornified w stage Approaches 35 days Contacts Crossings 6 4 4 3 14 10 3 3 5 1 3 4 6 1 3 3 8 8 0 3 0 4 2 2 4 5 4 3 2 1 5 2 0 0 1 1 5 0 1 2 1 1 2 3 8 7 0 2 13 2 0 11 0 2 1 1 2 2 Male Approaches 155 days Contacts Crossings 0 0 0 I 10 10 0 1 0 1 2 I 7 3 7 0 0 1 4 0 0 5 9 5 0 0 0 0 8 6 1 0 0 0 3 8 0 0 0 0 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 6 4 4 Approaches 1 hour Contacts Crossings 2 0 0 2 7 7 0 0 0 1 I 3 7 7 6 0 2 1 0 0 1 5 4 5 0 2 0 2 5 4 0 0 1 2 5 2 0 0 2 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 4 4 13 ^2 Female in "*" dicFstrum — ~Z recuperative « stage Approaches 155 days Contacts Crossings 0 1 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 1 0 1 5 7 5 0 0 0 2 1 1 4 5 2 0 0 0 1 6 5 0 0 0 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 3 5 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 4 4 Approaches 1 hour Contacts Crossings 0 I 0 0 8 7 0 1 0 1 2 0 7 6 4 0 0 I 1 1 0 4 6 5 I 0 0 2 4 5 0 0 0 0 5 6 0 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 4 5 Female — cornified stage Approaches 155 days Contacts Crossings 0 1 0 1 1 2 5 6 7 2 0 0 I 0 1 5 5 6 0 0 0 1 8 7 0 I 1 1 7 7 0 0 0 0 6 3 0 0 0 0 10 0 1 7 6 6 5 1 1 8 3 Approaches I hour Contacts Cro.rjinKS 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 1 1 0 0 0 5 1 4 0 2 0 2 0 0 3 1 5 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 111 1 1 0 0 1 0 crossings to a receptive female as the result of 155 days of segre- gation is practically the same as that for no segregation. This change, however, will be understood when we are careful to note the differences in the life history of the animals prior to segrega- tion. The 155-day group have had no opportunity to become con- ditioned to males. On the other hand, they have been surrounded THE SEX DRIVE 243 continuously by females since weaning. In other words, they had a chance to become habituated to sexual stimulation by receptive fe- males but have had no chance whatever to become adapted to stim- ulation by males. The general activity due to internal stimulation would naturally cause a large number of crossings and the number TABLE 18 Showing temporal distribution of approaches, contacts, and crossings of the female groups during the twenty-minute test period in five-minute intervals 0 to 5th otn to lUtn 11th to 15th 16th to 20th m Minute Mir lute Minute Minute i i| > o 4-1 " A A s '£g recuperative stage Crossings 40 30.1 34 25.5 29 21.8 30 22.5 133 Female — ; Approaches 0 0 — 2 66.6 1 33.3 0 0 3 comified o ays Contacts 3 60.0 1 20 0 0 0 1 20.0 5 Crossings 36 30.0 30 25.0 28 23.3 26 J 1 .6 120 Approaches 49 43.0 29 25.4 23 20.2 13 11.4 1 14 £Male 35 ays 8 12.1 16 24.2 16 24.2 26 39.4 66 Crossings 59 19.2 45 14.7 81 26.4 22 39.7 307 £ Female in dicEstrum — Approaches 3 20.0 2 13.3 4 26.7 6 40.0 IS 35 days Contacts 0 0 4 33.3 7 58.3 1 8.3 12 12 recuperative n stage Crossings 43 41.7 23 22.3 21 20.4 16 15.5 103 Z Female — Approaches 21 25.3 28 33.7 14 16.9 20 24.1 83 S? comified 1/3 stage 35 days Contacts 15 41.7 10 27.8 3 8.3 8 22.2 36 Crossings 34 59.6 11 19.3 6 10.5 6 10.5 57 Approaches 1 25.0 1 25.0 1 25.0 1 25.0 4 155 days Contacts 5 50.0 4 40.0 0 0 1 10.0 10 Male Crossings 37 29.8 33 26.6 30 24.2 24 19.3 124 Approaches 2 25.0 5 62.5 0 0 1 12.5 8 I hour Contacts 7 43.7 3 18.7 6 37.5 0 0 16 >i n T3 Crossings 34 36.9 23 25.0 19 20.6 16 17.4 92 Approaches 1 50.0 0 0 0 0 1 50.0 2 vr> , "> Female in 155 days Contacts 2 28.5 5 71.4 0 0 0 0 7 ~" dicEstrum — Crossings 31 33.0 22 23.4 22 23.4 19 20.2 94 recuperative Approaches 2 50.0 2 50.0 0 0 0 0 4 « stage 60 1 hour Contacts 3 33 3 4 44.4 0 0 2 22.2 9 V Crossings 32 30.8 24 23.0 22 21.1 26 25.0 104 6C V3 Approaches 2 40.0 2 40.0 1 20.0 0 0 5 Female — comified stage 155 days Contacts 6 40.0 3 20.0 3 20.0 3 20.0 15 Crossings 34 27.6 31 25.2 30 24.4 28 22.7 123 Approaches 2 28.5 2 28.5 0 0 3 42.8 7 I hour Contacts 0 0 2 66.6 1 33.3 0 0 3 Crossings 22 46.8 13 27.6 8 17.0 4 8.5 47 of crossings is probably not lowered by negative conditioning. Per- haps it may even be increased by a slight positive conditioning to receptive females. The lack of a strong differential response to the three stimuli in the case of the 155-day group can be accounted for by the fact that 244 THE SEX DRIVE f #UBip3LU UOIJEIJEA iu9ioiy903 UOUBIAap 33BJ3AV UBipap^ UOUBUBA juap 53303 uoijEiAap 'uE3JAJ ~ -s c c3 33BJ3A y 33UB^[ UOIJBUBA UOUBIAOp *UE3y\[ »3BJ3Ay UB!P3W jbuiiue isa; UOi;BAUd3Q TEUItUE snjnuj'us sdnoif) VO c-> to to >+ to CVJ oo' p LO » CO p vq to CM p vO LO O VO CM* oo vo VO oo in Ov vq csi p CO to ~t- CM 0—14 CM J 0—14 to 1 vo q vq co It a >> cj T3 re © O O to Male Female in idicEstrum — , recuperative stage Female — cornified stage ■Male Female in dicEstrum — recuperative stage p3jB3ai3asuQ tvj oo vq oo t> oocni Oo'ov in in Om — vOOv ©intMj oo vq ^. 00 **CMCM tvivc^r — to t^inod CM ^9 t\i — Ov CM in to in«M^- r^vq — — 00 Tj-CvjTt- CM© — •*p«vj to to to to 00 vO CM f>« O 0—16 vO CT> Ov TTT CO co Om — oo \or^«vj vONOv to vqp CM o vq p — — in in — I in in in CM m ^in-t; ■*p«v) •street to inoqvq vOOm O co in ■* CO r^oo'vd into-*- vo'vot^ vo CM in ©vo'od CM — — in©f» ^■inm OO CM O in in ^t- 0s vq tom ^ in — r^. 0—14 III III CO CO to Hi t-- O CO vqpr>. 15 days at v- n rs O O ti u a in >. 3 2 •axH m Female — cornified stage 1 v a \ > •- c — JB 2 2 "s 5 & « £ 3 3 60 U. U to SXBp JC paiB33J33§ sXsp 5S| paaB33i33§ THE SEX DRIVE 245 the sex life of these females has never been complicated by the stimulative effect incident to copulation. Since the copulatory re- sponse has never been elicited, they have never had an opportunity to become specifically orientated toward a given stimulus. The sex habit can never have developed beyond nosing or mounting. Al- though the specificity is low, nevertheless, it seem that sex activity is directed toward the homosexual stimulus, instead of the hetero- sexual — in fact, the incentive index for the non-receptive stimulus is slightly positive. Furthermore, the indication of homosexuality may be greater than is shown by the numerical data, since the male is a novel stimulus to the test animal. The introduction of this ele- ment of novelty into the situation may produce enough additional TABLE 20 Reliability of the difference between the average number of crossings for females for various deprivation periods GROUPS (deprivation periods) STIMULUS AN I M Ali THE DIFFERENCE STANDARD DEVIA- TION OF THE DIF- FERENCE DIFFERENCE S. D. OF THE DIF- FERENCE CHANCES IN 100 OF A TRUE DIFFERENCE GREATER THAN 0 Unsegregated and 35 days Male Dicestrum Cornified .1 .4 8.2 1.82 1.71 1.50 .05 .23 5.46 52 59 100 35 days and 155 days Male Dicestrum Cornified 1.7 4.9 8.5 1.48 1.55 2.03 1.15 3.16 4.18 87 100 100 155 days and 155 days — copulatory activity Male Dicestrum Cornified 2.2 .4 4.5 2.33 .88 2.03 .94 .45 2.21 83 67 98.6 Unsegregated and 155 days Male Dicestrum Cornified 1.8 4.5 .3 1.71 1.22 2.24 1.05 3.68 .13 85 100 55 activity on the part of the test animal to raise appreciably the aver- age number of crossings in response to a male, in spite of the fact that the male may have very little stimulation value as a sex object. In the 155-day group the slight advantage of the non-receptive over the receptive female as concerns their capacity to elicit a re- sponse from the female test animal is what should be expected as a 246 THE SEX DRIVE So .5 e OO SO o\ r>» T3 C !§ o O « 3 a. 3 O a o <3> ci ?3 03 eo p J So > •a In D, O o «4 Is K_ — +■» -o -a s> O ^ -a 3-3 £ 0 « m i U •3 3 "5 a. -a ►1 ^3 C .2 aj "3 >.2 'Z ^ s-s. THE SEX DRIVE 247 result of the conditions of segregation. The opportunity for con- tact with receptive females is less than that for non-receptive fe- males. Since occasionally two receptive females would be in oes- trum at the same time, the test animals may have been somewhat conditioned to receptive females. But, on account of the limited number of animals in a cage, this would be the exception and not the rule. Consequently, segregation would facilitate sexual condi- tioning to the non-receptive female. TABLE 23 Reliability of the difference between the average number of crossings of females for various stimulus animals GROUPS ( STIMULUS ANIMALS ) Male and Picestrum Dicestrum and Cornified Male and Oornified DEPRIVATION PERIOD THE DIFFERENCE STANDARD DEVIA- TION OF THE DIF- FERENCE DIFFERENCE S. D. OF THE DIF- FERENCE O O _ te O ^ w < «3 Q k> ill w 64 « o < o 0 days 35 days L55 days 155 days — eopulatory act. 5.3 5.6 1.0 2.8 1.73 1.80 1.18 2.19 3.06 3.11 .84 1.27 100 100 80 89 0 days 35 days 155 days 155 days — eopulatory aet. 3.1 4.7 1.1 5.2 1.61 1.61 1.98 .97 1.92 2.91 .55 5.36 97 99.8 71 100 0 days 35 days 155 days 155 days — eopulatory act. 2.2 10.3 .1 2.4 1.90 1.41 2.08 2.28 1.15 7.30 .04 1.05 87 100 51 85 B. Individual differences The changes in variability tend to support the conclusions drawn from an analysis of the differences in the average number of cross- ings for the various groups. The magnitude and characteristics of the scatter around the averages is shown in Table 25. The graphs of Figure 9 show the relation of the changes in variability to the changes in the average number of crossings for various periods of segregation. Figure 11 is designed to facilitate a comparison of the variabilities for the different incentive stimuli. Variability of response to the normal incentive, as measured by 248 THE SEX DRIVE 2 Q 1 s mi 3 "2 «u *- £ .5 c Q a <55 « h a. THE SEX DRIVE 249 TABLE 25 Measures of variability for females RELATIVE DENSITY* ^£ 2 S t* STIMULUS ANIMAL DEPRIVATION PERIOD ^ERAGE 5VIATIO LTARTIL 5VIATIO £1 < !> H O ;t quart id quai 'd quar ,h quar O TJ o S g ••■a i-4 ^ — M -4 1-1 3 £ 'a ja " " S ©*/->© r nj C -oO>-riOvriOO'— i £ b0>« l«rtiHNNWt»Ht^m>n\0*ONNOOMffiOvHHiH _ C fl (I) CJ I i i i I I I I i i I I I I I i i i i I i I — '. V — - i- «» — « 'rt\OHVOHVOH aj 53 t> 4) 4> c c c o o o 2Z2 s 1 5 aBS ° ° M O O C o S » * o^.S* « C C c *- ? w w o o o rt > > > zzu-S.Soo THE SEX DRIVE 291 TABLE 3 Frequency distribution covering approaches, contacts, and crossings of the female groups Group Normal cornified Control Spayed at 5 raos. Spayed at 5 mos., inj. placenta ext. ° o . a o v> a. < < u on on to JS CJ on an U) proa ntact ossin proa ntact ossin o o < rj rj < <-> u 1 2 6 2 5 2 3 1 4 3 7 2 2 1 2 6 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 spondence holds also for the male groups reported below, as well as for the findings of other investigators using the same method (146, 59). In the persistence of the drive, therefore, a check on small differences in averages is available ; if two groups differ in average number of crossings by only a few points, and if, at the same time, the group with the lower average also shows less persistence, the disparity of the groups in the indicated direction is emphasized. A. Results for females In Table 2 are shown the special conditions pertaining to the female groups. All operations were carried out when the animals 292 THE SEX DRIVE < UOIJBUBA JO O0l}BIA3p U0pBIA3p dSBJdAy nBtpaj^ OOUBUBA JO VuaiDgjaoo UOI}BIA9p pjBpOBJS aopBiAsp 9§BJ3Ay 33BJ3AV 93UB^ UOpBIJBA JO ^aaiDiyao^ aopBiAsp pjBpiiB^s aopBiAsp dSBJdAy aSUBtf OBipaj^ a a o u o vo CO U-v to o !* 1-H VO SO to CM CM vn vn CM vn »-* CM OO CM O On r-. to CM vn vn to On OO *+• to i-h to ,"H CM CM to CM oo O CM vn ■ CM ■ vn o CM O 6 O vn vn © vo »-h CM rH oo to oo CM VO 00 to to ON ON to On CM CM CM o VO o to O to CM CM rt- O to OS VO to CM CM CM on oo »-< vn i i i i i o o o o o O O O vn O M* N Cvi H rH to CM rt- to CM CM rf- to to vn vn oo vo *vO WtvH o o o o o O O O vn O vn vn vo vo i-h a g V 3 gj J3 — - en O o £ *> c 2 o I 4-. O «« ca- rt o f "9 1-H vn CM O + O 00 oo o to to vn 1-H vo O CM CM O Ov «n CM O CM to CM i-H vn O CM ON VO CM CM CM 00 VO CM O O ft so vn to CM 1-H to VO to 1-H vn O *H rl- VO <#■ fH oo vo f O CM tO H CM to o o o to to CM CM i-H vn *^ to to On 1-H CM tO O 1-H CM ^ ON 00 CM 00 rj- to VO 00 to On CM 1-H to vn i-H t>» to CM vn CM vn 1-H OO tO t-H oo oo to oo ** t-» tJ- o vo vo to Is* vn to o VO ^H tO 00 CM CM CM O >— < to vn CM rj* to CM vn to o CM CM <=> 1-H to o Tj- 1-H tO VO ~« CM vn On O O vo VO O vn O VO 00 vn 1-H CM oo to tJ- CM r-< to ON vo O JS cnj3 J3 enJS on S s.s g tj.s s t.s gg.s C"*5 Eeac'1 C"'" U™00 g-S o %G O %G O O.C O O.OU. D.OW CI. o in D-oih -l (N OO CO rf- N N (fl Nh« N VO N CM wo S5U4U33J3J v^Tt-* t^^w to ^ tX : (five' -g >s T ctj "o "o C u, aj u O O o. o ZUcwU 294 THE SEX DRIVE 296 THE SEX DRIVE were approximately 150 days old (range 143-157 days) ; the tem- poral arrangements relating to the injections have been fully de- scribed in the preceding section. The distribution of approaches, contacts, and crossings for each of the groups is given in Table 3. Table 4 shows the medians, ranges, averages, average and standard deviations, and coefficients of variation of each group. The ap- proaches, contacts, and crossings, as distributed in 1-minute inter- vals during the 20-minute test period, are shown in Table 5. In Table 6 are given the absolute and relative number of scores occur- ring during each of the four successive five-minute intervals of the test period. Table 7 shows the reliability of the differences between the average number of crossings of the several groups. In Figure 2 is shown graphically the effect of the various conditions imposed, on approaches, contacts, and crossings. In Figure 3 the percentages of Table 6 are presented in diagrammatic form. It is apparent that the control operation had only a slight effect on the scores of the females. The actual difference in crossings be- tween the control and normal5 groups is .69 and is statistically quite unreliable. In variability the two groups are closely similar ; in approaches and crossings the controls show somewhat higher scores. The persistence of the drive is about the same in both groups, over 25 per cent of the crossings occurring during the last five minutes of the period in each case. Ovariectomy (spaying) effects a large reduction in scores (Table 4 and Figure 2). In view of the fact that the oestrous cycle and its related phenomena seem to be quite dependent on the ovarian hormone, this result is, perhaps, not surprising. Nevertheless, the outcome could not have been predicted with certainty, for although we know that the female rat will copulate only during oestrum and that oestrum does not occur in the absence of the ovarian hormone, this would not necessarily imply that the contrectation drive also disappeared after ovariectomy. The finding (146) that the sex drive, as measured by the Obstruction Method, is practically non- existent in normal females during dioestrum would not have made prediction of the result any more possible, for there is reason to 6 The term 4< normal' ' is used throughout this report to designate non- operated animals and is not meant to imply anything beyond that fact. THE SEX DRIVE 297 believe (see Section I) that the ovaries produce two quite different hormones ; the possibility was, therefore, given for a non-f ollicular ovarian hormone which might have actively inhibited expression of the contrectation drive during dioestrum. The present finding rather definitely establishes the fact that the depressed sex activity of the female during dioestrum can be attributed only to a slight extent, if at all, to the inhibitory action of an ovarian hormone. A comparison of the ovariectomized group with normal animals in dioestrum shows a slightly greater number of crossings and a considerably higher score in approaches and contacts for the for- mer. Two interpretations for this finding present themselves. We may, in the first place, consider the differences as expressive of a higher level of general vitality and activity on the part of the spayed group, and this, in turn, might be explained on the basis of either one of two assumptions: (a) The recurrent phases of tre- mendous activity accompanying oestrum may leave, in their wake, periods of generally lowered physiological vigor, but these alter- nations of great activity and subsequent relapse into inactivity would not be found in spayed animals; (b) following elimination of the ovarian influence there may be a hyperplasia of some other gland, such as the thyroid, which raises the level of general activ- ity. Although this hypothesis is very attractive it is inconsistent with the work of Wang (143) and others showing that, after spay- ing, spontaneous activity remains on the low level of dioestrum. There is, furthermore, good evidence of lowered metabolism fol- lowing ovariectomy (79). The second interpretation is based on the consideration that ap- proaches and contacts are really expressions of a specific drive rather than merely of general vigor. Apparently the animals were motivated quite strongly and were actively deterred from crossing over to the incentive by the shock; it is not improbable that the operation made these animals more sensitive to the obstruction. These considerations imply, of course, that the sex drive of the spayed rats was greater than that of normal animals in dioestrum. As was pointed out above, it is not impossible that the ovary does secrete a hormone during dioestrum, which has a slightly inhibitory effect on the expression of the contrectation drive. A possible and 298 THE SEX DRIVE more probable interpretation of such a difference would be that normal animals exercise their sexual mechanisms to such an extent during oestrum, stimulated by the follicular hormone, that these mechanisms, especially the neutral, go through a subsequent phase of fatigue or reduced activity. Such rhythmical recurrences of great stimulation not occurring in ovariectomized rats, the mech- anisms would remain on a medium level of activity, higher than that of dioestrum and lower than that of oestrum in normal ani- mals. The injections of placental extract several days before the test served to raise the number of the crossings of spayed females to a point only 1.34 below that of the control group. In other words, the injection of this extract overcame almost entirely the effect of ovarian extirpation. The slight difference between the groups is probably explained by the fact that all animals were given the same amount of extract and were tested the same length of time after the injections; possibly there are individual differences (based on weight, for instance) which would vary the optimum con- ditions in respect to dosage and time relations. The persistence of the drive in the injected group is slightly lower than that in the control group, 24.3 per cent of the total number of crossings oc- curring during the last five minutes of the period. The extract used was obtained from cows, illustrating again (see Section I) the species non-specificity of the hormone. B. Results for males In Table 8 is given a summary of the male groups, comprising 168 animals ; all of these rats with the exception of the two senile groups were tested when 185 days old. Table 9 gives the distribu- tion of approaches, contacts, and crossings for each group. Medians, ranges, averages, average and standard deviations, and coefficients of variation are given in Table 10. The approaches, contacts, and crossings, as distributed in 1-minute intervals during the 20-minute test period, are shown in Table 11. In Table 12 are shown the absolute and relative number of scores occurring during each of the four successive 5-minute intervals of the test period. Table 13 shows the reliability of the differences between the averages of the THE SEX DRIVE 299 o V O o X; XI O « r* a u g o i i K « rt W x x C i: «- >2 « m a c c c c _ o o o o So a > o .c c c c o o s e o v© ~ <-< C s n d n n w _ c c o o u u u. u, tf) {fi (O ffl C C *- O O 3 ZU-°UUU C C C y> « O O O t« UUZZZ> 300 THE SEX DRIVE a 0 a o 1-4 t-4 <-H i-l N H H rH to hhn CM t-» CM T-l CM ~ *H H ^ t-fv* t>4 th CM CM ,h CM HH^- 1-4 fH CM CM »-« CM ii i-< i-i CM HHM H H —4 »»« tO 1-4 1-H CM 1-4 1-4 M M H CM 1 1-4 —I i— I CM i— l CM -I H H N INN Tj- 1-4 tO NMrtNH «NN — > CM MNHH^H-HH CM «»H to ij- «o to CM CM ih CM CM to f— I CM wm CM rhto^-^wcM'-tt-'—i pH r-i «H »-« »-t »h n i-i rj- n CM CM CM to CM CM »h Ni4 00 NO CM —« to to— (Tl-vOT-trhCMr-f to i-4 t-h »-« »H CM CM ^ CM * to »h CM — < \£) ^ N -H fN + VOMi-^rt 1-4 O-lNM'j-tfMOSOO^O'HNMrHrtVONoOCAO'-N HH14HHHHHHHNNN THE SEX DRIVE 301 UOIJE ti E A JO juapyjaoa uotjBiAap piBpuejs UOIJBIAap a3BJ9Ay 33BJ3Ay 33UB^ UBipajA] UOIJBIJBA JO jua'pujao^ aoijBtAap pjBpUB}§ UOIJBIAap 33BJ3AV 33BJ3AV 33ub^ UBipap^ UOIJBIJBA JO iu3'puj303 UOI}BIA3p piBpUBJS UOI}BIA3p 9SBJ3AV 33BJ3AV 3§ub^ OBipap^ a 3 2 o O M .©ssq»osq O^HOu"»OOOOcot^CMOsu"> CMCMCM— i»-hCM»-H'-**-hCMi-it^ tJ-OOOCM'-'OO-hCOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO O N + "i M co ^CM sac r en w 2 o o S S S co ro co .|_> +J C3 CJ C3 tn m v> v> to a c >-< ©to»oto«.«CM©to©\'«^ >*iAOO N-^00 OOmN « to vO^ts t\tO»N C(W« MNN M vO^^NTj- »C N os to ^ O N « 00 to SO r+- w oo N iH mNvO NNfr, wins W c« il n u ra u " f l 15 »l c o 5« c o s qit P-i£ 5SI 3 O o CM CM CO CM CM sO CM — • u-> — i h m N i—i CM ^- CO oo CM CO u-i ^ CM i— < CM CM ^ ^t- CM CM ^ CM CO r*- u-> CM CM i-< CM M Nnifl CM^h^h n m w rt s ifl vn CM CM — < w»> CM CM CO ^ CO N D N -f- O Nf< <4-ts% r4 N >fl N W h Oi N CO CM CM t^. iflMN iahN v^NN m O CM ^ CO co so O CJ 05 11 C w o C «tJC w o G « o G «? •s 2 «~ 2 2 2 a o t, a. o * a. c D. o lh a- o c c- o u a. o i- d- o u « u 304 THE SEX DRIVE i s3j 3 2S © jaquinu |ejojl dSE)U93J9J jaqiun\ a 3 O o so © Os CM Omo ~i tO SO «« * o ^1 °i ^ 00 OS fs) rt ffi « ff> ff» \fl CM WV 00 CM M 1H »A 1-1 CM On OO so On O ~« CM CM 00 O w NNN csj »-; r>. >0 Is N CM w ifl » tN. so Os O Is* O so v» h to ts O N SO W» © >rt NO N CM CM CM O to so r>C ^ to © f-4 tO © OO Os Tt" S- tO OO to tO to CM 00 si w> jS an w M y g M u O Co r* c o c o o o g* g S g* c b com cq u com Com Com o. o m com y oo O to *N HMO* «Hifl OWN CM fx CM cm ^ cm vo ^ N N M th N O ^ ^ 04 O CM T*" CM o o oo d *4 t»; h ^ oo CM CM to o o o CM N ©0 \0 M to O to to H « 08 CM CM q ^ n© cm cm CO w> rf- vo q vo no © CM to no on CM — i CM NOtsW 00 NO M CM no ri- hmm OO O O CM**-»0 u 03 a a a o •5 S en £ &») JS bfi cj •5 g O 5" C O C- o u CI. o u Cu o u C o in U O h Q- © u, > — s 2 C « THE SEX DRIVE hi HI 1 13 1 0 I aasssssassssssa « h N m im Hill tell h M W M S3 3 SSS liilliiiii oob««ofl««o o o q. o 4) THE SEX DRIVE 307 several groups. Figure 4 shows graphically the effect of the various conditions imposed on the average scores. Figure 5 presents the percentages of Table 12 in diagrammatic form. It appears from consideration of the average number of cross- ings that the control operation had a marked effect on the animals of this group ; there is a difference of almost three points between the scores of the normal and control groups. This finding is espe- cially surprising in view of the fact that the control operation per- formed on the females, which is apparently much more severe than is the corresponding male operation, caused only a very slight diminution in crossings. It is true, of course, that the scrotal wound is subjected to more friction and other irritations than is the dorsal wound in the female. Thus the males may have become more sensitive to traumatic stimuli of all kinds, and especially to those mediated through the scrotum; it seems quite possible that the animals felt the electric shock in the apparatus through this part of the body. Such an interpretation of the decreased num- ber of crossings by the control males gains support from the fact that the approaches and contacts of this group are more numerous than are those of the normal animals ; it may be supposed that the drive was equally great in both groups but that in virtue of the scrotal wound the physically constant shock had a more intense effect on the controls. Futhermore, it is seen from Figure 5 that the diminished number of crossings is not paralleled, as usual, by less persistence. In view of what has been said above (page 289), this fact mitigates the difference between the two groups. There is, however, another possible explanation for the relatively low score of the controls. It was originally planned to have 20 animals each in the control group and in the group castrated one month before the test. The unexpected result in regard to the for- mer group caused the writer to add 7 animals to the controls and 5 animals to the second group ; these 12 animals were tested in the summer of 1928. The average of the first 7 animals, computed separately, is 12.0 (compared to an average of 10.56 for the entire 27 rats) , and the average of the 5 animals added to the ' 1 castrated at 5 months" group is .6 higher than the average for the entire group of 25. This suggests that there was some factor operative in THE SEX DRIVE 309 312 THE SEX DRIVE the winter of 1927 which tended to reduce the crossings of animals tested at that time. Two such factors may be suggested: (1) the season of the year. It is well known that in the wild state, rodents, like many other animals, considerably reduce or suspend altogether their breeding activities during the winter months. Rats housed in an evenly heated laboratory, however, continue to reproduce throughout the year. It has been noted in this laboratory that litters are born about as frequently in the winter as in summer. Donaldson says in this connection: " Constancy of (moderate) tem- perature is in general favorable to continuous reproduction. " It is not beyond the bounds of the possible, however, that a seasonal rhythm persists in laboratory animals, this periodicity finding ex- pression not in the more fundamental detumescence drive but manifested in the contrectation drive. (2) The female incentive animals used in the winter of 1927 were older than those employed later (see page 279). Although we have no objective way of knowing whether this greater age was accompanied also by lowered activity and less "provocative" behavior, this may well have been the case. The writer is quite firmly convinced that there was, actu- ally, a general factor operative during the tests made in December and January, 1927-1928, tending to reduce the number of crossings, and believes that this factor is to be found in the nature of the incentive females used at that time. This means, of course, that the scores of all male groups tested at this time (see page 279) would ordinarily have been a few points higher. Castration one month before the test served to reduce the cross- ings 2.36 points below the average of the control group. Although this difference is not entirely reliable statistically, the indicated tendency is substantiated by the decreased persistence of the drive as shown in Figure 5 and Table 12. Castration two months earlier, i.e., at the age of three months, resulted in a further reduction of 2.1 points in the average number of crossings ; the persistence of the drive is low, as shown by the regular decrease in crossings during each successive five-minute interval. It appears, therefore, that castration has a detrimental effect on the strength or intensity of the contrectation drive and that this effect is greater the longer the interval between the operation and the test. It should be noted, THE SEX DRIVE 313 however, that extirpation of the gonads does not reduce the drive as quickly and completely in the male as it does in the female. Table 1 shows that copulations also decrease in number, but do not entirely cease, after castration. The latter finding is in accordance with the results reported by Steinach (119), Stone (134), and others. Six possible explanations for the slow extinction of the male sex drive after gonadectomy may be suggested : 1) The stimulating hormone may persist in the blood stream for a long period of time, becoming gradually less and less effica- cious. This hypothesis is made less probable by studies showing that the effects of injected testicular extract are very transitory. 2) Castration diminishes the stimulation of other glands, especially of the thyroid; the decrease in sex drive is only one manifestation of a generally lowered activity level following thyroid hypo-function. This hypothesis seems very improbable in view of the fact that other performances, also depending on the general activity of the organism, do not seem to suffer nearly as much as the sex drive in particular. 3) The testicular hormone originally stimulates sex behavior, but after the nervous system has mediated such activity for a long period under its influence, the nervous patterns involved continue to function for a time without the facilitation of the hormone. This is probably the most difficult of all the hypotheses to test and can be accepted only after the others have been proven inadequate. 4) The hormone stimulating the nerve centers controlling sex behavior issues from some gland other than the testis, but this ' 'other gland" is in hormonal or other physiological dependence on the gonads. The prostate, composed of several parts and atrophying after castration, may be suggested as the source of the directly efficient hormone. Several lines of evidence, both for and against this view, have been briefly mentioned in Section I. 5) Tarchanoff (137) suggested that the clasping reflex in the male frog is stimulated (or facilitated) by the afferent impulses initiated in the distending seminal vesicles. Allport (5, p. 69) has applied this hypothesis to the human male and states that in man "the original stimulus for sex responses ... is the gradual dis- 314 THE SEX DRIVE tension of the seminal vesicles, a condition requiring a fairly periodic discharge of their contents. ' ' This explanation is attractive in several respects, but is not consistent with the experimental findings of Steinach (120) who has shown that the clasping reflex is present in the frog before the vesicles are distended with fluid, and that extirpation of the gland does not result in disappearance of the reflex. The same author reports that removal of the seminal vesicles has no effect on sex behavior in rats. 6) The writer suggests the following generalized statement of the fundamental principle on which the hypothesis of Tarchanoff and of Allport is based.6 Some organ, other than the gonads, but in structural and functional dependence on the testes, effects a tumes- cence or tension in itself or in another tissue or organ ; this tension or tumescence initiates the afferent impulses which stimulate sex activity. This hypothesis shares, with the one outlined in (5) above, the advantage of supposing that the stimulation of the central nervous system is in the form of sensory nervous impulses. It is true that certain hormones as well as various foreign chemical agents (narcotics, stimulants, poisons) are known to exert a selec- tive influence on different parts of the nervous system, but quite generally this selectivity follows the lines of more or less well- defined neuroanatomical divisions. While it is quite impossible to disprove the possibility of an hormonal action affecting only those parts of the nervous system which together control a given behavior pattern, it would appear equally or more probable that the nervous system is directly affected through afferent channels, mechanically stimulated. Any attempt at particularizing our hypothesis is clearly a speculative procedure, but since it may prove directive or provoc- ative of further research, we may suggest the following : The penis is the organ whose tumescence or turgor initiates the afferent impulses in question. It will be recalled that reports of the " black eunuchs" of the Orient, who have been deprived of both testes and penis, indicate that the latter is of considerable influence on the sex drive. Since it is known that the penis atrophies after castration, two alternative explanations of the sex-stimulating mechanism pre- sent themselves: (1) The normally developed intromissive organ 6 Compare, also, the similar viewpoint of Havelock Ellis (30). THE SEX DRIVE 315 responds to generally accelerated physiological vigor or to specific erotic exteroceptive stimuli by turgescing. After gonadectomy, this organ, having depended for its full development on the testicu- lar hormone, becomes gradually less capable of tumescing and so of initiating the sensory impulses resulting in sex behavior. (2) Some other gland, such as the' prostate, which maintains its normal structure and function in virtue of the gonadal influence stimulates the tumescence of the penis.7 The complications arising out of the fact that sex behavior apparently is often initiated by an external stimulus must be "explained," provisionally, by the laws of learning or by the assumption that this form of activity occurs normally in response to a proper combination of external and internal stimuli. Placental extract injected two and three days before the test into castrated males caused an increase of 3.23 points in average number of crossings as compared to the score of castrated non- injected animals. As shown in Figure 5, the persistence of the drive, also, was greater in the injected group. Since it has been shown (144) that transplantation of ovaries into castrated male rats raises the spontaneous activity level of such animals consider- ably above the pre-grafting level, the present finding may be inter- preted as the manifestation of augmented motility produced by the female hormone. This explanation is possible in spite of the fact that crossings are indicative of a definite drive rather than of non- specific random movement, for it is obvious that the measure of any specific drive includes always a certain value contributed by the general activity level of the test animal. If, on the other hand, we wish to interpret the above result as indicative of a facilitating effect of the female hormone on the male sex drive, a synthesis of the results and theories of other inves- tigators and the reconciliation of a number of apparently contra- dictory facts will have to be attempted. The resulting viewpoint is confessedly speculative but has the virtue of correlating a con- 7 Professor E. S. Woodworth has suggested that if we consider the stimula- tion for penis turgescence as being primarily external (mediated through the exteroceptors), the function of the prostate — or its equivalent in this scheme — may be that of raising the irritability or lowering the threshold of the re- ceptors in this organ. 316 THE SEX DRIVE siderable array of otherwise disconnected data. The points to be considered may be listed as follows : (1) From what has already been said, it appears very probable that the testicular hormone does not directly influence the nervous system but exerts this effect through an interpolated mechanism. The arguments in favor of this viewpoint have already been dis- cussed (page 313) and need not be repeated here. That the ovaries also control sex behavior indirectly seems probable when we consider the fact that the follicular hormone is present in the blood stream for some time preceding oestrous (77) and that injec- tions of placental extract manifest their action several days later, rather than immediately. 2) The interpolated mechanism is undoubtedly under the con- trol of the internal gonadal secretions. All other secondary sex characters depending on the sex glands for their existence, there is no reason for supposing that these particular mechanisms form an exception. 3) The soma is apparently equipotential as regards its secondary sex characteristics. The work of Steinach (123) and others in experimentally producing sex reversals demonstrates clearly that the gonads determine the distinguishing sex structures. 4) It follows, then, that the specific sex behavior expressed by an animal is under the direct control not of the gonads themselves but of the interpolated mechanism above mentioned. The sex glands determine sex behavior indirectly by dictating the nature of the development of the mediating mechanism. 5) There is no crucial evidence, so far as the writer is aware, against the assumption that the activating function of the gonads is non-specific as to sex. Halban's theory of the complete non- specificity of the gonads is no longer tenable ; the present suggestion is merely that a given structure or mechanism — whose function is sex-specific — may be stimulated to its characteristic activity by either the ovarian or testicular hormone. 6) In the work on sex reversals and experimental hermaphro- ditism with alternations of male and female behavior hitherto reported, the effects were always produced by a transplanted gland or by a long-continued series of injections. Opportunity was THE SEX DRIVE 317 thereby given for the heterologous sex hormone to develop its sex- specific interpolated structure, through which the gonadal stimu- lation effected its corresponding behavior. 7) In the present work the mediating mechanism of the castrated males probably atrophied to some extent, but the corresponding structure of the opposite sex was not stimulated to development. When, three months after castration, the placental extract was injected, it exerted its stimulating, activating influence on the only mechanism present, that of the male. To summarize : The gonads exert their influence on sex behavior through the mediation of an interpolated mechanism8 which is sex- specific in its function but whose structure is in the first place determined by the specificity of the gonadal hormone ; this mecha- nism may be stimulated to its characteristic function by either sex- gland. Two groups of normal (uncastrated) males were given injections of placental extract. If we compare the results of these groups with normal animals, it appears that one injection six hours before the test diminished the drive, whereas two injections, given several days before the test, had no appreciable effect. The former result might be attributed either to an emotional disturbance resulting from the injection a few hours before the test or to a rapidly effective inhibitory influence of the female hormone on the male drive. In view of what has been said (pages 278-279) of the incentive animals used when these two groups were tested, and especially if the evidence of a general factor operating to diminish crossings at this time is considered, it seems more fair to compare the results of the groups with those of the control animals. If this is done, it is seen that the injection six hours before the test caused a slight reduction in the intensity of the drive, whereas injections two and three days preceding the test produced an increase in the number s Such a mechanism for the male has been already suggested (pages 313- 14); testis hormone (prostrate function) — penis tumescence — afferent im- pulses stimulating sex behavior. In view of the more immediate dependence of female behavior on gonadal influence, we may very tentatively propose the fol- lowing as the female mechanism : follicular hormone — tension in uterine or vaginal epithelium — sensory impulses initiating sex behavior. 318 THE SEX DRIVE of crossings. Thus the findings on the normal, injected males corrob- orate the view presented that either male or female hormone can activate the mechanism stimulating the sex behavior particular to that mechanism, and that the hormonal influence is indirect, requir- ing several days before it manifests itself. The or chic extracts injected into castrated males apparently had no material effect on the drive, as shown either in crossings or in persistence. Each group tested with a given orchic extract was divided into two sub-groups, 5 animals receiving the entire quantity of extract on the day of the test, the other 5 receiving injections beginning 48 hours before the test. To see whether the temporal arrangement of the injections had any effect, averages and indices of variation and persistence were calculated separately for each sub-group. No significant differences were found in the case of the animals tested with orchic extracts "2" and "3." The five animals given orchic extract "1," beginning 48 hours before the test, aver- aged 9.8 crossings, the other sub-group, 4.6. The number of animals used is obviously too small to allow any definite conclusions to be drawn, but the results suggest, first, that type "1" of orchic extract alone has a facilitating effect on the male drive, and secondly, that this extract does not exert its effect immediately after injection. Thus our hypothesis of the indirect effect of the gonadal hormone receives additional evidence in its favor. It is curious to observe that the female hormone is found in the lipoid fraction of placental extract whereas the male hormone is apparently present in the non- lipoid, water soluable part of the testicular substance. The unoperated group of senile males were a few days over 16 months old when tested. As seen from Table 1, the copulatory activity of the rats is still about as frequent and vigorous as in the younger animals.9 The number of crossings in the Obstruction Apparatus, however, is considerably decreased when compared to normal rats of 185 days and is even slightly lower than the score for the younger animals castrated a month before the test. On the whole, these findings are quite in harmony with the observations 9 In this connection it is necessary to bear in mind that selective factors, operative between the sixth and sixteenth month of life, may have eliminated (by death) more of the sexually weak than of the sexually strong animals. THE SEX DRIVE 319 made during the two-hour copulatory interval. On this occasion the old males paid slight attention to the female but, when they did occupy themselves with the latter, the activity usually terminated in copulation. The low number of approaches and contacts shown by this group is indicative of depressed activity and lack of motiva- tion. The percentages of crossings occurring during each successive five-minute interval indicate lack of persistence of the drive. In male rats, therefore, the contrectation drive as measured by the Obstruction Method considerably decreases in intensity with increased age. Whether this diminution is relative as well as abso- lute, that is, whether the sex drive in relation to other drives is weaker in the senile animals than in males six months old, is not shown by our results. Richter (107) and others have found that the spontaneous activity of rats is at a much higher level when the animals are approximately 6 months old than it is 10 months later. The vasotomized seniles scored 1.71 points less than the unoper- ated males of the same age. The difference is unreliable and is not supported (nor disproved) by the data on the persistence of the drive. It is clear, however, that the occlusion of the vas deferens did not serve to increase the contrectation drive in these animals; the slight decrease found may be attributable to the greater sensi- tization of the animals after the operation. Our results, therefore, do not agree with those of Steinach (127) and his followers. The negative findings obtained here have four possible explanations: (1) Vasotomy is not followed by interstitial cell hypertrophy. (2) The interstitial tissue does not produce the male hormone. (3) The testicular hormone follows the " all-or-none " principle, and the increase of its production above the necessary minimum is without effect. (4) It may be that the sex drive of our vasotomized animals increased shortly after the operation but that it had lapsed to a lower level of intensity by the time the test was made. Futakawa (36) found an accelerated desire for sexual intercourse in albino rats soon after vaso-ligation was performed, but this effect passed away very rapidly. Macht and Teagarden (85) report a transitory improvement in muscular coordination and in appearance following vasectomy. 320 THE SEX DRIVE IV. Conclusion The sex drive of albino rats, and probably of other higher verte- brates as well, includes two fairly distinct behavior sequences or patterns, each of which has its own end or consummatory reaction. In the male rat there seems to be no correlation between the contrec- tation drive which leads to various forms of sex play and the detumescence drive which culminates in copulation. In the female the correlation between the two drives is high. In the present study, quantitative indices of the influence of gonadal factors on the contrectation drive of white rats have been obtained by use of the Obstruction Method. A. Summary of results 1) Female rats spayed when five months old manifest complete absence of a detumescence drive and only a very weak contrectation drive when tested one month after the operation. 2) Ovariectomized females show a slightly greater contrectation drive than do normal animals during dioestrum. 3) Two injections of placental extract (cow), prepared for the follicular hormone, given 72 and 48 hours, respectively, before the test, serve to restore the contrectation drive of ovariectomized females almost to normal. 4) Castration of male rats results in a slow and gradual diminu- tion in the intensity of the contrectation drive. The score of a con- trol group was 10.56; of a group castrated when five months old, 8.20 ; and of a group castrated when three months old, 6.10 ; all of these animals were tested at the age of six months. 5) Injections of placental extract apparently increase the con- trectation drive — to the usual sex-object — of normal and castrated males. This result is obtained when two injections are made, 72 and 48 hours, respectively, before the test. 6) Injections of the lipoid fraction of testis-epididymis extract into castrated males are without effect. There is some indication of a facilitating influence on the sex drive of gonadectomized males by injections of the water-soluble residue of the testis-epididymis substance. THE SEX DRIVE 321 7) There is no significant difference between the detumseence drive of males 16 months old and those 6 months old. The contrec- tation drive, on the other hand, is much more intense in the younger animals. 8) Vasotomy performed, on males 14 months old had no appreci- able effect on the contrectation drive measured 60 days later. 9) Individual differences in sex behavior observed during the two-hour " satiation periods" are described (page 281). B. Summary of discussion 1) The fact that spayed females show a very weak contrectation drive favors the view that the lack of sex activity in normal animals during dioestrum is caused by the absence of a stimulative factor rather than by the presence of an inhibitory ovarian hormone. 2) The following explanation is suggested for the finding that the contrectation drive is somewhat more intense in ovariectomized females than in normal animals during dioestrum: In normal ani- mals the great stimulation, during oestrum, of the nervous mechan- isms involved in sex activity is followed by a period of depressed functioning; in spayed animals the ovarian stimulation is absent, and sex activity remains on a level which is low, but not as low as that of normal animals in dioestrum. The fact that there is a sex drive at all after extirpation of the ovaries may be explained on the basis of nervous conditioning. 3) It is suggested that the observed delay of two or three days between the injection of placental hormone into spayed females and the manifestation of an effect on behavior indicates that the female hormone does not influence the nervous system directly but exerts its effect through a mediating mechanism. 4) The writer offers the following hypothesis for explaining the results reported in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the preceding section: The gonadal hormone does not directly stimulate nor facilitate sex behavior but controls the nature of the development of an interpo- lated mechanism or structure which is sex specific in function — that function being the stimulation of male or female sex behavior — but which may be activated by both ovarian and testicular hormones. Applied to the male, two alternative particularizations 322 THE SEX DRIVE of the hypothesis are tentatively suggested, (a) The penis, which has developed normally under the influence of the testicular hor- mone, becomes partially tumescent in response either to general physiological vigor or to specific external erotic stimuli. This tumescence initiates afferent nervous impulses which stimulate sex behavior. (6) The testicular hormone dictates the development of the prostate gland and penis and ordinarily stimulates the prostate to its characteristic activity. The latter causes a tumescence in the penis and thereby initiates the afferent impulses resulting in male sex behavior. After castration the prostate gradually atrophies but it may be reactivated by either male or female hormone. Bibliography (1) Albers-Schonberg, — . 1903. Ueber erne bisher unbekannte Wir- kung der Rbntgenstrahlen auf den Organismus. Munch, med. Woch., 50, 1859. (2) Allen, E., and E. Doisy. 1923. 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A study of sex behavior in the white rat by means of the obstruction method. Comp. Psychol. Monographs, 4, No. 22, 68 pp. (147) Wheelon, H. 1914. Extirpation of testes and vaso-motor irrita- bility. Amer. J. Physiol, 35, 283-91. (148) Wheelon, H., and J. L. Shipley. 1916. The effects of testicular transplants upon vasomotor irritability. Amer. J. Physiol., 39, 394-400. (149) Wilhelm, R. 1923. Beitrag zur histologisch-physiologischen Er- forschung der sogenannten Erscheinungen der Verjiingung. Rev. med. de Chile, 51, Nos. 7 and 8. (Abstracted in Ber. d. ges. Phys- iol, 1924, 23, 261 (150) Woodworth, R. S. 1921. Psychology. New York: Holt, 580 pp. (151) Zondek, B., and S. Aschheim. 1926. Ovarialhormon, Wachstum der Genitalien, sexuelle Fruhreife. Klim. Woch., 5, 2199-202. PART V THE MATERNAL DRIVE Part V THE MATERNAL DRIVE C. J. Warden The limitations of the project allowed only a single study of the maternal drive. This is especially unforunate inasmuch as this drive offers so many interesting angles of approach. Among the many possible lines of investigation, a few of the more important are, (1) the effect of successive pregnancies on strength of drive, (2) the relative strength and persistance of the maternal drive from the birth of the young onward through the normal period of lactation and beyond, (3) the relation of this drive to age, (4) the analysis of the physiological factors underlying the maternal drive into glandular, neural, and other components, (5) the relation of suckling and other activities of the young to the development and maintenance of the normal drive, and (6) the effect on the drive of separating the young from the mother for various periods of time. The study here reported deals with only certain of these lines of approach in a preliminary way. In order to carry out any general comparison of drives, it was necessary to test out a group of ani- mals of standard age. In addition to this, a test of the incentive value of first litters at from 8 to 16 hours after birth was made. The effect of depriving the mother of the litter for some 3 or 4 hours before testing was also determined, as well as the variation in strength of drive with successive litters. The fact that the mater- nal drive proved to be so strong suggests the desirability of more systematic work than could be attempted at this time. 333 1. A STUDY OF MATERNAL BEHAVIOR IN THE WHITE RAT BY MEANS OF THE OBSTRUC- TION METHOD 1 H. W. Nissen I. Introduction The maternal behavior of the white rat has been the subject of numerous observational studies, but of only a few quantitative in- vestigations. The most commonly used criteria for the determina- tion of the presence or absence of a maternal tendency or drive have been the following: (a) nursing activity; (b) general care of the young; (c) reactions of the mother animal to removal or pres- entation of the young. Such crude methods are obviously unsatis- factory and certainly cannot hope to give a reliable index of the effect of slight variations in conditions, such as size of litter, age of litter and of mother, and so forth. For the analysis of maternal behavior into its several component factors and for the determina- tion of the relative importance of such conditions, more exact methods are required. Szymanski (10) and Simmons (8) have compared the effective- ness of the litter as an incentive in learning situations with that of other incentives, such as various kinds of food, escape, return home, and sex object. Szymanski gave each of three female white rats of unknown age two trials per day in a maze, the goal box of which contained the litter in its living cage. Training was begun on the second day following parturition. Two of the animals did not learn the maze at all; they were at all times quite indifferent to their litters, the author reports. The third rat, which learned the problem quite rapidly, was much more concerned about her young and bestowed much care upon them. Szymanski continued giving this animal trials even after it had learned the maze and found that when the young had opened their eyes and moved about rather iKeprinted from The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 1930, 37: 377-93. 334 THE MATERNAL DRIVE 335 independently (age about 20 days) the mother began to make more errors and require more time. He concludes that the maternal drive decreases in intensity as tine litter grows older. It is inter- esting to note that the animal which succeeded in the maze had only six young, whereas those which failed had 7 and 12, respectively. Simmons (8) used 12 female albino rats between 3 and 4 months old; presumably, therefore, they were all primiparous animals. Beginning from 12 to 18 hours after parturition massed trials in a simple maze were given until the animals had learned the prob- lem or had conclusively demonstrated that they would not learn it. The litters were all born in the goal box of the apparatus so that, as in Szymanski's work, the incentive was really a double one : litter and return home. Six of the 12 animals did not learn the maze at all ; the remaining members of the group made scores ap- proximately as good as animals tested to a bread and milk incen- tive, although the variability of the former was higher. The general disadvantages attendant on the learning method for measuring drive behavior have already been pointed out in a paper by Jenkins, Warner and Warden (2). The maternal tendency pre- sents a special objection to this method for, unless an exceedingly simple learning situation be chosen, the time elapsing since par- turition changes, and, as will be shown below, this factor seems to be of great importance in determining the intensity of the drive. Wang (11) and Slonaker (9) have shown, according to Richter (7), that "pregnancy causes a 60 to 95 percent decrease in activity which lasts through the entire gestation and lactation period. ' ' The reference, here, is to "spontaneous" activity. The significance of this finding will be discussed in a later section. Moss (4) tested five female rats to their "newly born litters" by noting whether the}' would cross an electrified grid in order to approach the young. One of the group crossed. Moss failed to control so many vital factors (2, 13), such as equalizing or com- pensating for individual variations in skin resistance, age of rats and period after parturition, that his data — aside from the essen- tial differences between his "resistance" method and the Columbia Obstruction Method — are in no way comparable with those pre- sented below. 336 THE MATERNAL DRIVE The number of factors which materially influence the intensity of the maternal drive is probably very great ; below are listed some of the more obvious ones: (a) Age of test animal (b) Length of interval between parturition and test period (c) Serial order of litter used (primiparity vs. multiparity2) (d) Segregation of mother animal from litter (e) Familiarity — or the opposite — of setting in which litter is found (f ) Time relations between test and nursing periods (g) Size of litter (conditions a and c being constant) (h) Weight of test animal; nutritional factors (i) Tameness of animal and experimental conditions (j) Paternity (?) (k) Various combinations of preceding factors In none of the studies reviewed above has the attempt been made to isolate any one of these factors, and in most cases many of them have been left uncontrolled. In the experiments described below the writer has endeavored to secure some preliminary data on the first five items of the list. The field is large and complex, and ob- viously the results yielded by the present work must be considered mainly suggestive and perhaps of chief value as directive for fur- ther, more systematic, experimentation. II. Animals and Procedure The data presented in this report are based on 34 tests conducted with 24 female albino rats of the same strain as the animals used in other studies of this project. It is unfortunate that so few ani- mals could be brought into the study, but this circumstance was beyond the control of either the writer or of the Laboratory; we were obliged to make use of what time and materials were available. The rats were of the Wistar Institute ' 1 Experimental Colony" strain, although all of them had been born in this Labora- tory. The diet used was McCollum 's mixture, available in the cages at all times, supplemented by weekly rations of greens and occa- sional feedings of a meat and bone powder made into a pasty 2 As here used this term refers not to number of young in the litter, but de- notes that the female had had one or more litters previous to litter used in the test. THE MATERNAL DRIVE 337 substance by the addition of water. Generally from three to four females were kept in a living cage together with an equal number of males. The pregnant animals were not removed from the regular living cages until from 1 to 7 days before parturition. At that time they were transferred to a specially constructed enclosure which we shall designate hereafter as the " maternity cage."3 Three such cages were available, and each one housed, at a given time, only one animal — together with the litter which it delivered there. The maternity cages were of trapezoid shape, bases 4 and 7 inches re- spectively, altitude 9 inches, giving a floor area of 49J square inches. They were 6 inches high. The floor was constructed of wood covered to a depth of one-half inch with wood shavings; the walls A c //////// D Fig l were of ^-inch wire mesh and the top was a piece of mathematical celluloid. The wire mesh wall arising from the 4-inch base was so arranged that it could be removed just before a test was to be made, and the cage could then be brought into the relation with the Ob- struction Apparatus. (Fig. 1.) Before bringing the maternity cage into this position the mother rat was removed, being started, in the test, in compartment A. All of the details of procedure which were observed in other studies included in the project on animal drives of which this is one, were followed here. For a complete description of the apparatus and of the testing technique employed, the reader may be referred to earlier reports of the series, especially (1), (2) and (13). Briefly stated, the test animal was given 5 preliminary crossings from A to the incentive compartment D, four of these being without shock and the fifth with shock. That is, on the last of the preliminary crossings the grid, composing the floor of com- 3 For one exception to this rule see Group C, Table 1. 338 THE MATERNAL DRIVE partment B, was electrified- Immediately thereafter the test period proper, twenty minutes in duration, was begun. Scores were taken in terms of the number of times the test animal approached, touched (but retreated) and crossed the electrified grid during this period. Of these three types of scores, the latter is certainly the most significant (5). It will be noted that our conditions permitted unrestricted mat- ing and therefore provided as natural a situation as possible, in a laboratory setting, for the occurrence of pregnancies. No attempt was made to ascertain just when copulations occurred; daily macro- scopic examination of the animals proved sufficiently trustworthy in determining an impending delivery. The criticism may be raised that our incentive was not the litter alone, but this incentive plus the added incentive of a "return home." The reason for adopting this double incentive is that previ- ous observations in the laboratory clearly indicated to the writer that a mother rat often or usually behaves quite differently to her young when these are in the environment in which they were born than when in strange surroundings. It may be questioned whether a litter is a litter, to the mother rat — or at least whether it has the same stimulative effect on the mother — outside of a certain setting. It will be recalled that Szymanski (10) and Simmons (8) also had their litter incentive in the enclosure in which delivery had taken place; in this connection Simmons says: "Observations of the ma- ternal behavior of other rats had shown that when a litter is moved from its original place the mother often refuses to have anything more to do with it." In order to discover just what part the "re- turn home" of the incentive situation played in influencing our results, a control group, consisting of animals which had delivered their young in the large living cages and which were tested to their litters in the maternity cages, was included. Our animals were divided into five groups, the various conditions obtaining in each being summarized in Table 1. The letter "X" indicates variability in the particular condition so marked. Group A consisted of ten females approximately 185 days old (range 175 to 197 days) tested from 12 to 20 hours after parturition. All but one were multiparous, having had one or two litters before the one THE MATERNAL DRIVE 339 to which they were tested. None of the animals had had any pre- vious contact with the Obstruction Apparatus (or with any other apparatus, for that matter). This group was formed in order to provide opportunity for comparing the intensity of the maternal drive with that of other drives, tested under strictly comparable conditions. One factor in our procedure, indeed, differed from that adopted in studying other forms of dynamic behavior: Our animals were not segregated (by sexes) 35 days before the test as had been done in previous studies. This variation, however, cannot be con- sidered very consequential, since, in the first place, our animals were pregnant for about 22 days before the test and therefore had not copulated for that length of time and, secondly, because Jen- kins (1) has shown the unimportance of a 35-day post-pubertal seg- TABLE 1 Summarizing the conditions under which each of the five groups of females were tested GROUP NUMBER OF ANI- MALS IN GROUP AGE IN DAYS SERIAL NUMBER OF LITTER USED TIME INTER- VAL AFTER PARTURI- TION (HOURS) SEGREGATED FROM LITTER PREV- IOUSLY TESTED PLACE OF DELIVERY A 10 185 X (lst-3rd) 15 No No Maternity cage B 9 X (79-150) 1st 15 No No Maternity cage C 5 X (about 185) X (lst-3rd) 15 No No Large living cage D 5 X (Avge. 195) X (lst-4th) 168 No Yes Maternity cage E 5 X (Avge. 188) X (lst-3rd) 168 Yes Yes Maternity cage regation period even when the sex drive itself is being measured. The information supplied by Table 1 probably indicates sufficiently well the points of interest involved in each of the remaining four groups; further details will be supplied in the discussion of the section following. III. Results and Discussion The results for each of the five groups are presented in Tables 2, 3, 4 and 5. Each group is described (1) by a letter which corre- 340 THE MATERNAL DRIVE sponds to the one used in the summary of conditions found in Table 1, and (2) by three symbols which designate, in order, (a) age of test animals, (b) serial number of litter, i.e., whether the litter used in the test is the first, second, third or fourth which the animal delivered, (c) number of hours elapsing between parturi- tion and test period. Again the letter "X" indicates that the cor- responding factor varied among the individuals of the group. "Con" refers to the control condition of having the litters born in a cage other than the one used during the test. The letter "3 " in- dicates that the mother rats were separated from their young for from 3 to 5 hours before the test period. In Table 6 the averages of the several groups are compared and the reliabilities of the differences between these averages are shown. Objections may be raised against the first three comparisons made ; it may well be argued that the intensity of one drive cannot be com- pared with that of another, even considering the scrupulous care which has been taken in the several studies of this series to keep all conditions rigidly constant. For how can we say that a bit of food is of the same relative incentive value in the hunger drive as is superficial contact with a sex object in the sex drive, or as a few seconds' contact with the litter is in the maternal drive? Indeed, this criticism cannot be completely refuted, but the following con- siderations should materially reduce its severity. Although it is true that the incentives used in various drives are "equated" only by common sense, it seems improbable that a more precise method for the purpose is, or will soon become, available. And probably no one will deny that such comparisons as we have made are of some value, at least from the "practical" viewpoint. Finally we may take refuge in the statement that the comparisons are valid "under the conditions of our experiment. ' ' The average number of crossings of Group A, composed of ani- mals about 185 days old, is higher than that of any group in any drive previously tested by the Columbia Obstruction Method. The difference is statistically reliable in only one case, however, because of the relatively small number of animals used and the variability in performance shown. Bimodality, such as we might expect in the light of the results of Simmons and Szymanski, is not indicated THE MATERNAL DRIVE 341 TABLE 2 Distribution table covering approaches, contacts and crossings for each group A 185-X-15 B X-l-15 C X-X-15, C D X-X-168 E X-X-168, S (Table 2) but the range in scores, from 7 to 37, is very large. It should be remembered that we are comparing here the maximum scores obtained in other drives with the single score — available for comparison — in the maternal drive. Were we to vary the several factors which influence the tendency, at the same time increasing THE MATERNAL DRIVE CROSSINGS UOIJBI.IBA rH t- rH tJ< CO 1 J. . J _ x 1 J V XXilt\J L CO Oi Tt< CO rH rH CO CO rH CO rH M T fl KTT TV XX X d .±J-._l_VlJv UlLq •U5 t- C- 00 CO U5 iH IQ ^ B jaquinft w * W P o ^3 CD O DO tX) G oo w ■ on n fl ° 00 7 O Jh 00 O 00 bX) ft fl © < 2 5 ^ 5 o c o S5 P c3 "no $86 oo M THE MATERNAL DRIVE 345 TABLE 6 Showing the reliability of the differences between the average number of cross- ings of the groups GROUPS DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE AVERAGES STANDARD DEVIATION OF THE T» T V TT "P T? "NT P V DIFFERENCE DIFFERENCE CHANCES IN 100 OF A TRUE DIFFERENCE GRATER THAN 0 A and Female sex drive at maximum* 8.26 3.09 2.67 99.6 A and Female hunger drive at maximum* 3.40 4.03 .84 80 A and Female thirst drive at maximum* 2.70 4.54 .59 72 A and B 5.93 3.87 1.53 93.7 A and C 10.80 5.07 2.13 98.3 A and D 10.80 5.23 2.07 98.1 A and E 16.80 3.55 4.73 100 D and E 6.00 4.65 1.29 90 * These three groups were tested by L. H. Warner (13, 14, 15). All three of the comparison groups were composed of female animals of the same age and strain as those of Group A. the size of our groups, it is not at all improbable that the maternal drive, under the most favorable conditions, would prove to excel other drives in intensity or perseverance. That, however, is merely a possibility. What the data yielded by the experiment do indicate is that the maternal tendency is at least as strong, as measured by crossings in the Obstruction Apparatus, as are the hunger and thirst drives and rather definitely more so than the sex drive, when the latter are at their maximum. It is interesting, in this connection, to consider the significance of the finding reported by Wang (11) and Slonaker (9), i.e., that 1 1 spontaneous ' ' activity is diminished in amount during the time of lactation. It seems to the writer that the spontaneous activity method, insofar as it aims to give indices of the strength of specific drives is based on the assumption that any intra-organic stimulation tends to express itself in non-directed activity when the particular external stimulus situation which is related to it, is absent. To a limited extent this assumption seems quite justifiable, as is seen in the work of Richter, Slonaker, Hoskins and many others. The present study, however, considered in connection with the results of Wang and Slonaker, above mentioned, shows its limitations, for here we apparently have a specific drive correlated with a period of reduced spontaneous activity. It is true, of course, that both 346 THE MATERNAL DRIVE Wang and Slonaker allowed the litters to remain with their mothers while the activity records of the latter during the lactation period were taken ; under these conditions the external stimulus situation which ' ' satisfies ' ' the maternal drive was present, so that the intra- organic stimulation could find more or less complete release in directed behavior (nursing and general care of the young) . If the litters had been removed soon after parturition the activity records of the mothers might have been quite different. One caution to be observed, then, in interpreting spontaneous activity scores is the control of the possibility of directed behavior. A second point to be considered is that the manifestation of one kind of intra-organic stimulation may be entirely obscured in spontaneous activity records by the influence of another physiological factor. Kinder (3) , for instance, has shown that the tendency towards nest building (in the non-pregnant rat) is correlated with a period of greatly reduced spontaneous movement. The influence of the oestrous cycle, apparently, completely overshadows the effect — on spontane- ous activity — of the nest-building tendency. The obstruction method obviously isolates to a far greater extent the operation of the several drives and can bring each to its maximum degree of measureable expression. The animals of Group B were younger than those of A, ranging from 79 to 150 days at the time of the test. The average score of the former is 5.93 points higher, this difference being statistically unre- liable. In variability Group A somewhat exceeds Group B. If the difference between the averages is considered significant — and after all it is rather large — the question may be raised as to what factor was responsible for the disparity, age or the matter of primiparity vs. multiparity. Obviously the data at hand do not make it possible to answer this question ; either factor or a combina- tion of the two may have determined the result. In order to solve this problem one could test another group of animals 185 days old reared, until about 160 days old, with vasotomized males. Checking through the individual records of all of the groups, no significant correlation was discovered, within a given group, between either age or number of litter and scores. Because of the small size of the groups such correlations, even if found, would not be very valuable. THE MATERNAL DRIVE 347 The five animals comprising Group C delivered their young (first, second or third litter) in the large living cages and had their first contact with the maternity cages when they found their young in the latter during the test. In other respects (excepting a slightly wider age range) these rats were tested under conditions strictly comparable to those obtaining in Group A (Table 1). The results show rather definitely (Table 6) the influence of the variable factor. The fact that these animals were tested to a novel situation may have provided the incentive for an auxiliary drive: exploration. (For study of this drive see (6)). Thus the difference found between the averages of C and A — 10.8 points — might have been greater if this factor could have been properly controlled. Whether this finding means that the crossings of the other groups are to be attributed largely to the " return home" part of the double incen- tive, or that the mother rat does not "recognize" its litter in a novel setting, cannot be decided here. One who has observed the behavior of the A and B animals — how they dragged their young from one part of the cage to the other and how they struggled against removal from the maternity cage — and who has contrasted this with the "indifferent" behavior manifested by the C animals, certainly would be inclined to accept the second of these possibili- ties.4 At first thought it might seem that a better control would have been given by a group of animals which delivered their young in the maternity cages and which were then tested to these cages minus the litters. The writer considered this possibility but rejected it because such a situation would doubtless have resulted in a large amount of "searching" behavior, thus giving deceivingly high scores. The animals of Groups D and E were tested to their litters from 5 to 7 days after parturition ; those of the latter group were sepa- rated from their young for about 4 hours immediately preceding the test period, whereas the D animals, as those of the other three groups, were tested within 5 minutes after separation from the * On the record card of one of the animals of group B I find the following notation: "Lost considerable time trying to make mother leave young so as to replace her in entrance compartment. Score might have been higher if she had not been so determined to stick to litter. " 348 THE MATERNAL DRIVE litter. In age and number of litters delivered the animals of these two groups were closely similar to each other and to those of Group A (Table 1). The differences between the averages of these several groups are large (Table 6) but because of the great scatter in scores are not always reliable. If we take into consideration the facts (1) that the D and E animals had had previous contact with the apparatus (having been used in groups A or C), and (2) that Warden and Nissen (12) have shown that scores tend to increase materially as trials are repeated, even when the external and internal stimulating conditions are kept constant, it seems probable that with more carefully equalized conditions the differences between A and D or E scores would be even greater. The results indicate, at any rate, that the maternal tendency is more intense about 15 hours after parturition than it is after an interval of from 5 to 7 days, and that the drive diminishes in strength if the mother rat is separated from her young for several hours preceding the test. To a limited extent the former finding corroborates the conclusion drawn by Szymanski as noted above. It may be men- tioned, incidentally, that within Group D a high correlation was found between the length of the interval: parturition-test (range from 5 to 7 days), and scores, the lower indices being associated with the longer intervals. The fact that a segregation interval of several hours just before the test serves to decrease rather than to increase the number of crossings suggests that the internal stimulation for the maternal drive does not arise in afferent impulses initiated by the distending mammary glands. For it would seem reasonable to suppose that these glands had greater turgor after an enforced restraint from nursing (Group E) than if the young were allowed to suckle until just before the test (Group D). This is not a necessary interpreta- tion, however, since it is possible that the interval of separation counteracted the glandular effect by weakening the recognition of the mother animal for her young. IV. Summary 1. A study was made of the dynamic aspect of maternal behavior in twenty-four female albino rats by measuring the number of times THE MATERNAL DRIVE 349 these animals crossed an electrified grid in order to approach their respective litters (Columbia Obstruction Method). Because of the relatively small number of animals used and the variability in per- formance found, the results have their chief value in suggesting systematic problems for future investigation. 2. The animals were divided into five groups corresponding to as many sets of conditions under which the tests were conducted. The results indicate that the intensity of the maternal drive a) is slightly greater than that of the hunger and thirst drives at their maximum (80, 72) f b) is greater than that of the sex drive at its maximum (99.6) ;5 c) decreases as the age of the animals increases, when litters are being dropped with normal frequency (94) ;5 d) decreases considerably as the age of the litter increases (98) ;5 e) decreases if the mother is separated from her litter for about four hours immediately preceding the test (90). 5 Bibliography (1) Jenkins, Marion. 1928. The effect of segregation on the sex behavior of the white rat as measured by the obstruction method. Genetic Psychol. Monographs, 3, 457-571. (2) Jenkins, T. N., L. H. Warner, and C. J. Warden. 1926. Standard apparatus for the study of animal motivation. J. Comp. Psychol., 6, 361-82. (3) Kinder, Elaine Flitner. 1927. A study of the nest building activ- ity of the albino rat. J. Exp. Zool., 47, 117-61. (4) Moss, F. A. 1924. Study of animal drives. J. Exp. Psychol., 7, 165-85. (5) Nissen, H. W. 1929. The effects of gonadectomy, vasotomy, and injections of placental and orchic extracts on the sex behavior of the white rat. Genetic Psychol. Monographs. (6) Nissen, H. W. 1929. A study of exploratory behavior in the white rat by means of the obstruction method. J. Genetic Psychol. (7) Richter, C. P. 1927. Animal behavior and internal drives. Quart. Rev. Biol, 2, 307-43. (8) Simmons, Rietta. 1924. The relative effectiveness of certain incen- tives in animal learning. Comp. Psychol. Monog., 2, No. 7. (9) Slonaker, J. R. 1925. The effect of copulation, pregnancy, pseudo- 6 These figures represent the statistical reliability of the indications stated, in terms of the chances in 100 of a true difference (Table 6). 350 THE MATERNAL DRIVE pregnancy, and lactation on the voluntary activity and food con- sumption of the albino rat. Amer. J. Physiol, 71, 362-94. (10) Szymanski, J. S. 1918. Versuche iiber die Wirkung der Faktoren, die als Antrieb zum Erlernen einer Handlung dienen konnen. Pfliig. Archiv f. d. ges. Physiol., 171, 374-85. (11) Wang, G. H. 1923. The relation between "spontaneous" activity and oestrous cycle in the white rat. Comp. Psychol. Monographs, 2, No. 6. (12) Warden, C. J., and H. W. Nissen. 1928. An experimental analysis of the obstruction method of measuring animal drives. J. Comp. Psychol., 8, 325-42. (13) Warner, L. H. 1927. A study of sex behavior in the white rat by means of the obstruction method. Comp. Psychol. Monographs, 4, No. 22. (14) Warner, L. H. 1928. A study of hunger behavior in the white rat by means of the obstruction method. J. Comp. Psychol., 8, 273-99. (15) Warner, L. H. 1928. A study of thirst behavior in the white rat by means of the obstruction method. J. Genetic Psychdl., 35, 178-92. PART VI THE EXPLORATORY DRIVE Pabt VI THE EXPLORATORY DRIVE C. J. Warden The question may arise as to whether or not the tendency to explore should be considered a specific drive, since the concept of drive as previously developed (Warden, The Columbia Obstruction Method) involves the notion of activity directed toward a specific incentive. Exploratory behavior is usually more or less random rather than so directed. In speaking of an exploratory drive, we must mean something more than a general tendency to be active, and the specific element may be introduced into the activity situa- tion by providing an incentive which will induce exploratory behavior. This condition seems to be fulfilled, at least in some degree, in the experimental conditions to be described in Part VI, 1. Instead of the small incentive compartment used in the measurement of the other drives, a large box designed especially to bring out explora- tory behavior was provided. The results obtained under this arrangement have been directly compared with the various control tests of other drives in which compartment C was always empty. The difference in behavior under the two conditions would seem to be due to the lure of the exploratory box as thus utilized. All other drives were controlled in the same manner as in the previous work (see Warden: The Hunger Drive; The Thirst Drive; The Sex Drive; The Maternal Drive). The work could not be carried further than necessary in order to obtain an index of the explora- tory drive in animals of the standard age selected for use in the project as a whole. 353 1. A STUDY OF EXPLORATORY BEHAVIOR IN THE WHITE RAT BY MEANS OF THE OBSTRUC- TION METHOD 1 H. W. Nissen L Introduction The tremendous amount of activity expended by rats in ' ' explor- ing'' a novel situation or environment can hardly escape the notice of anyone working with these rodents in the laboratory. When one of these animals is placed into a new cage or when it is merely replaced into its old, unaltered cage after an absence of ten or fifteen minutes, it spends a considerable length of time in a hurried albeit rather thorough survey of the enclosure. Dashiell (1) has recorded the common observation that even a hungry animal will forego food until after it has completed its investigation of the renovated nest box. The writer (4), in the course of his study of the sex drive, found that a certain amount of exploratory activity — sometimes continuing for ten minutes or more — usually preceded any attempts at copulation on the part of sexually vigorous animals placed in an unfamiliar situation. In spite of the frequency with which this characteristic form of behavior is encountered, few if any studies have been directed specifically towards its analysis or measurement. It is taken for granted and it is exploited; certainly the ' ' curious behavior" of rats was a factor not of the least importance in determining the widespread adoption of these animals for laboratory use, especially in studies of learning. Even the terminology to be employed in designating the behavior here under consideration presents difficulties, for it is not known exactly what intra-organic and environmental conditions are requi- site for its manifestation. Apparently a novel situation — one which i Reprinted from The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 1930, 37: 361-76. 354 THE EXPLORATORY DRIVE 355 does not frighten the animal — provokes exploration, the expres- sion of other drives, as illustrated above, being temporarily deferred. Thus by a crude application of the method of choice we have some indication of the intensity of the exploratory tendency. Although such an uncontrolled observation cannot be taken too seriously, it suggests to the writer that exploration is more than a mere general activity drive which finds its outlet in the most common activities in the repertory of the animal, such as running, climbing, sniffing and moving the vibrissae. If exploration is in fact a dynamic form of behavior akin to the hunger, thirst, sex and maternal drives, it seems that when put to the test the animal would overcome a certain obstruction in order to explore . If, on the other hand, exploratory behavior is nothing more than the chance manifestation of a ten- dency towards the activity or exercise of the effector mechanisms, it does not seem reasonable to suppose that the animal would repeat- edly overcome its negative reaction to such an obstacle or obstruc- tion in order to reach an external situation which is especially favorable to exploration. In the latter case, indeed, the term " ex- ploratory activity" would prove to be a misnomer, a result of mis- interpretation. It was in the light of these considerations that the present experi- ment was planned. The Columbia Obstruction Method was em- ployed ; a group of animals was given the opportunity to cross an electrified grid in order to reach a novel and " interesting' ' situa- tion, and the scores of this group were compared with those of other animals, in a similar physiological condition, tested to a situation in which the novelty factor of the incentive was relatively insignifi- cant. A further discussion of the theoretical aspects of the problem will be deferred until after the details of procedure and of results have been presented. This study is one of a series of investigations of drive behavior in the white rat using the Columbia Obstruction Method. As far as possible all factors, with the exception of the variable being tested, have been kept constant throughout this larger project. The appa- ratus and testing technique employed have been fully described in earlier reports of the series, (2, 3, 5,) hence only a short account of the more important features will be given here, together with a 356 THE EXPLORATORY DRIVE description of certain modifications introduced because of the special nature of the present problem. In the accompanying diagram (Fig. 1), the Obstruction Appa- ratus proper is indicated by the portions lettered A, B, and C. The test animal must pass from the entrance compartment A, through B, which contains the electric grid, to C, the incentive reaction com- partment. Instead of the usual compartment D in which such incentives as food, water, etc., are placed, a new sort of compartment E Fig. 1. A, B, C, comprise the Obstruction Apparatus proper. D, is the exploratory incentive compartment, which contained sawdust and objects as detailed in the text. D, designed to stimulate exploratory behavior was used in this experiment. This compartment was constructed after a plan by Dashiell (1) of an apparatus by which to demonstrate spontaneous activity in the white rat in a simple manner. Several modifications of Dashiell 's design were introduced. The walls (solid lines of inner portion of D) were made of galvanized sheet iron rising 5£ inches above the pine wood base. All pathways were 4 inches wide, the floor consisting of 32 squares each having an area of 16 square inches. In this way the total area of the apparatus to which the test animal had access after crossing the grid was approximately six times as great as it was in previous studies of the series. The entire top of the incentive compartment was covered by a large sheet of rigid wire mesh which was so hinged that it could be easily lifted THE EXPLORATORY DRIVE 357 up by the experimenter for removal of the test animal. Small pads of felt were fastened to the underside of the mesh cover so that its movement did not cause any appreciable amount of noise. Preliminary observations with several rats confirmed the writer 's guess that the many pathways and corners in compartment D would provoke a great amount of exploratory activity. Several features were added to further enhance the "interest value" of the situa- tion: Wood shavings were piled up to the top of the walls in the back part of the incentive chamber (shown by stippling in Figure 1). In two of the square areas, blocks of wood (b) were placed, and a cork (c) in each of two others. There was a small rubber mat (r) in one alley-way; two walls (x) were formed of wire mesh. In the experience of the writer all of these items were of the nature to stimulate exploratory behavior in rats. The automatic device (see Part I, 1) for the control of the door (d) leading to compartment D was used throughout the tests — not because it was necessary for our purposes but in order to keep whatever effect this mechanism may have the same as in the other drive studies in which this general method has been used. II. Animals and Procedure Twenty male albino rats about 185 days old (range : 179 to 191 days) were used in the experiment. All of them were born in this Laboratory, being the descendents (first and second generations) of animals procured from the Wistar Institute of Anatomy, Philadel- phia. Males were used exclusively in order to avoid the complica- tions introduced by the oestrous cycle of female animals, but also because it was planned to use all females available in the Laboratory at the time this study was made, for another investigation. The living conditions of our animals, described below, were planned with two requirements in view: (1) Strict comparability with the groups to be used as controls for our results; (2) Reduction to a minimum of the operation of other drives (hunger, thirst, sex, gen- eral activity) in the test situation. The success of our attempt to meet these demands can be judged from the following account and by reference to previous reports in which are described the condi- tions of testing the control groups (5, 6, 7). 358 THE EXPLORATORY DRIVE The animals were not weaned (artificially, at least) until about 60 days old; from that time until about the 150th day of life they were kept with an equal number of females in cages containing 6 to 8 animals each. Beginning approximately 35 days before the test the males were separated from animals of the other sex; Warner (5) has shown that the sex drive of male albino rats is at a fairly low level of intensity after such a period of segregation. The cages were supplied at all times with an abundance of the standard food, McCollum 's mixture. Greens were given once a week and, until the animals were 135 days old, a meat and bone powder was fed about every ten days. Plenty of fresh water was always available in the cages. Since the animals were taken directly from their living cages to the testing apparatus, it would seem that the hunger and thirst drives did not enter as contributing factors into our results. Any social drive which may be operative in these ani- mals in addition to the specific sex drive was probably kept at a low degree of intensity by the living conditions above described. The cages, each housing about 7 animals, were large enough (5900 cubic inches capacity) to insure ample opportunity for exercise so that any activity drive which may (and I believe does) exist in addition to the other, more specific tendencies, should have been pretty well ' ' satisfied ' ' at the time of the test. Excepting the fact that care was taken not to clean the living cages or to otherwise disturb the animals for a period of two days immediately preceding the test, no special arrangements were taken to control the little known intra-organic conditions influencing the exploratory tendency. It is quite possible, of course, that the past history of the animal — the opportunities which it has had for exploration, the kind of environment in which it has lived, and so on — is an important influence in determining the intensity of this drive, but this is a matter for future work to decide. Regarding the present experiment we can say that the test animals had lived in a highly uniform environment giving little chance for unusual exploration and affording no definite rewards or incentives for such activity. It is probable, therefore, that our pre-testing conditions were generally unfavorable to the drive being measured. All tests were conducted in the evening, usually between 9 and 11 THE EXPLORATORY DRIVE 359 o 'clock and never before 8 o 'clock. The same technique of handling the animals and the same precautions to avoid emotional disturb- ances were observed as in previous studies (2, 5) of this general project. Preliminary crossings. In order (1) to adapt the test animal to the experimental situation, (2) to get the connection, other-side-of- the-grid-incentive, established, and (3) to exhaust as far as possible the influence of a conceivable auxiliary drive (exploration), the usual technique of the Columbia Obstruction Method calls for five preliminary crossings from the entrance to the incentive com- partment; four of these crossings are allowed without any current passing through the grid, and on the fifth the shock is introduced after the animal is already in the obstruction chamber. After each of these preliminary crossings the animal gets a certain amount of stimulation from the incentive, food, water, sex-object or litter, as the case may be. The analogous procedure in the present study would have been, perhaps, to allow the animal to advance a certain distance — or for a certain length of time — into compartment D, at the end of each preliminary crossing, as well as after each crossing during the test proper. The following considerations, however, caused the writer to modify the preliminary procedure to the extent of allowing the animal to proceed only as far as d3, (see Figure 1) after each of the first three crossings and to enter E only after each of the last two preliminary runs: (a) The novelty of the incentive obviously decreases with each opportunity to explore it. The pro- cedure adopted preserved the stimulating effectiveness of compart- ment D inasmuch as when the test proper began the animal had been in it only twice, (b) In order legitimately to compare our data with those of other studies (thus giving the only possible basis for evaluating our results) it was necessary to equate approximately the length of the preliminary period. If door d3 had been left open throughout this period — so it was found in preliminary work — the animals would have gone right through to D, stopping in C hardly at all. Then it would have been necessary to remove the animals rather quickly in order to prevent too much exploration of D (reason (a) above) and this, of course, would have meant that the preliminary period of our experimental animals would have 360 THE EXPLORATORY DRIVE been much shorter than that of their controls, (c) Preliminary- work had demonstrated that if the animal were given no access to D at any time before the test period proper, it would often not even attempt to cross the grid during the test. Naturally the animal would need to have been previously stimulated in D if the latter was to function as an incentive and induce crossings in the test, (d) It had been found in studies of other drives that during the first few preliminary crossings the animal paid attention to the specific incentive only after it had thoroughly investigated compart- ment C. It seems, therefore, that our modified procedure gave suf- ficient opportunity for the formation of the association between the further side of the grid and the incentive, and at the same time equated fairly well the preliminary practice given to the experi- mental and control groups. At the end of each of the first three preliminary crossings the test animal was given 3 minutes in C. This was more time than was given to most of the animals of the control groups but the differ- ence, if effective at all, influenced the results in a direction unfavor- able to the exploratory drive. After each of the last two preliminary runs the animal was allowed to explore D for ten seconds. During the test proper the animal was removed after 8 to 10 seconds in D ; during this time it was able to traverse from 5 to 15 of the square areas (see Figure 1). If the rat made no attempts to explore it was removed anyway at the end of 30 seconds (compare (2) page 485). It may be said that on the average the amount of time allowed the test animal in the incentive compartments after each crossing, both in the preliminary period and during the test itself, was about the same in this study as in previous investigations of this series. III. Results The results for the group of twenty male albino rats tested are given in Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4. Of the three types of scores yielded by the method used, crossings probably have the greatest signifi- cance ; they show how many times the animals actually crossed the electrified grid and reached the incentive. Contacts and approaches, while probably indicating a tendency to cross, may be, conceivably, only the expression of spontaneous, non-directed activity. The THE EXPLORATORY DRIVE 361 major portion of our discussion, therefore, will be based on scores in crossings. In Table 5 are shown the differences — and the reliabilities of these differences — between the average score of the exploratory drive group and the average of each of the following: (A) A group of ten males tested to a food incentive immediately after being removed from a living cage well supplied with food. (B) A group of ten males tested to water immediately after being taken from a cage in which an ample supply of fresh water was available. (C) A group of twenty males tested to a small empty incentive compart- TABLE 1 Distribution table covering approaches, contacts and crossings NUMBER OF RESPONSES APPROACHES CONTACTS CROSSINGS 0 3 6 1 4 2 2 2 4 1 3 3 2 3 4 2 2 5 5 1 2 1 6 4 2 7 1 8 1 9 2 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 1 13 14 1 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 TABLE 2 Showing measures of central tendency and of variability APPROACHES CONTACTS CROSSINGS > 2 3-3 O c8 a, > CQfi O 03 > a 9 O 0-14 5.20 3.12 3.85 74 1.5 0-5 1.80 1.40 1.66 92 4.0 1-23 6.00 3.40 4.89 81 362 THE EXPLORATORY DRIVE TABLE 3 Showing temporal distribution of approaches, contacts and crossings during the twenty-minute test period in one-minute intervals a a a K a a a a a a a a E< P (3 & P & & P & P E- & & & E- & Eh E- E- P g g P g g g P g g g P g P g p g P g p g P g p g P g P g ACTIVITY 9 3 3 5 i i i s S « H H w & w M E- H & H H H W H H W K K M M r< 10 & t- 00 a o & & & oa e* ■<* E- 1C Eh t- E- X E- a Approaches 12 7 9 1 9 G 2 11 5 5 2 4 4 5 4 2 4 2 4 6 Contacts 3 4 4 1 2 2 6 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 Crossings 12 14 7 7 8 6 S 7 5 3 G 4 3 6 4 3 3 4 4 6 TABLE 4 Showing temporal distribution of approaches, contacts and crossings during the twenty-minute test period in five-minute intervals ACTIVITY 0 TO 5th MINUTE 6th to 10th MINUTE llTH TO 15TH MINUTE 16th TO 20TH MINUTE TOTAL NUM- PER Num- ber Per cent Num- ber Per cent Num- ber Per cent Num- ber Per cent Approaches 38 36.5 29 27.9 19 18.3 18 17.3 104 Contacts 12 33.3 12 33.3 4 11.1 8 22.3 36 Crossings 48 40.0 29 24.1 23 19.2 20 16.7 120 TABLE 5 Showing the reliability of the differences between the average number of cross- ings of the exploratory group and of the three comparison groups EXPLORATORY GROUP AND COMPARISON GROUP DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE AVER AGES * STANDARD DEVIATION OF THE DIFFERENCE DIFFERENCE S. D. OF DIFFERENCE CHANCES IN 100 OF A TRUE DIF- FERENCE GREATER THAN 0 A — Ten males tested to food without previous starvation period (6) B — Ten males tested to water without previous water-depri- vation interval (7) C — Twenty males tested to small empty incentive com- partment during period of maximum sexual vigor (5) 3.30 2.30 3.05 1.52 1.67 1.16 2.16 1.38 2.63 98.46 91.62 99.57 * In all cases the score of the exploratory drive group is higher than those of the several comparison groups. ment at a period of maximum sexual vigor (24 hours after a two-hour copulatory period). In all cases the members of the com- parison groups were of the same age and sex as were the animals tested to the exploratory incentive; the physiological condition of THE EXPLORATORY DRIVE to e .§3 it IS1 !i ^ ft, I I + + S o QQ O a 5 .2^ S.2 S I " I 364 THE EXPLORATORY DRIVE the animals of the first two comparison groups was as similar to that of our animals as possible. A summary of the internal and external stimulating conditions pertaining to the several groups is presented in Table 6; a plus, minus or equal sign indicates that the given condition is presumably present in greater, lesser or equal measure, respectively, as compared to the exploratory group. It appears from Table 6 that in each of the three principal com- parisons to be made we are dealing with more than one variable. The difference in intra-organic stimulation found in comparison group C, indeed, makes any very significant conclusions impossible here; we can only say that the external factor: exploratory incen- tive, results in a greater number of crossings than the internal con- dition of sexual excitation. The two variables in comparison groups A and B, on the other hand, are both external factors, and in each of these groups one variable may be disregarded; food and water may probably be considered as of zero stimulating value to animals which are neither hungry nor thirsty. Arguments denying this point will, of course, strengthen the conclusion drawn by the writer below. The only significant difference to be considered between the exploratory and the first two comparison groups, then, is the incentive which presumably is related to the exploratory tendency. This one important disparity in the experimental conditions resulted in a difference in scores in both cases favorable to the group tested with the exploratory incentive. In other words, our animals overcame their negative reaction to an electrified grid more often, within a stated period of time, if by crossing that grid they reached a situation affording opportunity for exploration than if the further side of the obstruction compartment was less conduc- ive to exploratory activity. This suggests — although it does not prove, since complete statistical reliability is lacking — that explora- tion is a definite form of dynamic behavior similar to the hunger, thirst, sex and maternal drives. It should be remembered that the physiological-neurological con- dition related to exploration, whatever it may be, was not controlled in such a way as to certainly obtain a maximum expression of the drive. Probably the scores of the exploratory group would have been higher had we restrained the animals in a small opaque enclo- THE EXPLORATORY DRIVE 365 sure, giving a minimum of extero-ceptive stimulation, for some time before the test. The writer had considered this procedure but aban- doned it because of the necessarily concomitant variation in the possible activity tendency — the drive towards the exercise of the neuro-muscular mechanisms — whose importance in influencing be- havior in the obstruction apparatus is not known. It may be argued that even under our actual experimental conditions the incentive used was more favorable not only to exploration but also to mus- cular activity (running, etc.). This is true to a certain extent, but consideration of the following facts makes it appear improbable that the activity drive entered as an important factor into our re- sults: (1) Our animals had ample opportunity for muscular exer- cise in their cages until just beore the test (see page 6) ; (2) the entrance compartment of the apparatus, while not as large as the living cages, is extensive enough (10x10x10 inches) to permit free movement. We discuss below the possibility of considering ex- ploration as an activity drive of a special kind. In behavior tendencies like those of hunger and sex there are certain fairly definite physiological conditions related to each spe- cific drive. Is there a comparable intra-organic mechanism in the exploratory drive — assuming that our results justify the use of this term ? The answer to this question is so utterly remote that a few speculations may be permissible. Just as the muscles appar- ently require a certain optimum amount of exercise, may not the receptor organs and their more central connections also require stimulation ? If this be considered a reasonable assumption we may go a step further and suggest two possible modes of origin of this tendency or trend toward stimulation: (a) A fundamental ten- dency inherent in all living tissue toward the expression of its characteristic activity; a basic drive toward functioning, (b) A derivative tendency; in the early life history of the animal (or of the species) specific intra-organic stimuli (hunger contractions, for instance) led to random movements and these, in turn, to various kinds of external stimulation and to " satisfaction of internal needs." With repetition of such sequences the novel situation — i.e., novelty — became conditioned to the primary drives and thus became of itself efficient in arousing a new type of drive behavior. 366 THE EXPLORATORY DRIVE It has been shown (2, 5) that sex behavior is dependent upon two factors: environmental and intra-organic stimulation. The same is true of hunger drive (6) and thirst drive (7) behavior. To a limited ext'ent the intra-organic factor may be measured in the absence of the related external stimuli, since an internal tension (or condition of excitation) has the tendency to express itself in spontaneous, non-directed activity when the proper incentive object is not present or available. Without both factors in the experi- mental situation, however, drive behavior, capable of measure- ment in terms of an obstruction overcome, is apparently impossible. We cannot, therefore, agree with Warner (5, page 4) when he says, speaking of the physiological condition of the animal and of the related external stimuli, that "of these two factors implied by the term, drive, the first is essential, the second non-essential. ' 1 The writer holds that both are essential.2 Nevertheless it seems to be true that in some cases the external factor is of greater relative importance, in other cases the internal factor. Warner (page 65) appears to mean this when he says, "The behavior data indicate that sex activity is initiated rather more by the external stimulus situation in the male than in the female, and rather more by inter- nal stimulation in the female than in the male. ' ' In the exploratory drive we have, perhaps, the case in which the external stimulus sit- uation is of the greatest relative importance, whereas the activity drive (tendency toward the exercise of the neuro-muscular mech- anisms) possibly offers one of the best illustrations of the predom- inance of the intra-organic factor. Summary 1. The tendency of twenty male albino rats approximately 185 days old to explore a novel situation was measured in terms of the number of times they crossed an electrified grid in order to reach an incentive especially designed to furnish favorable opportunity for exploration. The results of this group were compared with 2 1 do not mean, of course, that the incentive object must be immediately present to the animal. It is sufficient if the immediately present situation is capable of initiating fairly specific 1 'preparatory reactions" which lead to the necessary environmental factor. THE EXPLORATORY DRIVE 367 those of other animals tested under conditions varying only in respect to the exploratory "value" of the incentive employed. 2. The results indicate that use of an incentive offering oppor- tunity for exploration increases the tendency of the animals used to cross the standard shock employed in the Columbia Obstruction Method. This indication is not entirely reliable statistically, vari- ability in performance being very great. 3. In so far as the finding reported in the preceding paragraph is considered reliable, we are justified in speaking of an exploratory drive in rats of the age, sex and strain used. Bibliography (1) Dashiell, J. F. 1925. A quantitative demonstration of animal drive. J. Comp. Psychol, 5, 205-8. (2) Jenkins, Marion. 1928. The effects of segregation on the sex be- havior of the white rat as measured by the obstruction method. Genetic Psychol. Monographs, 3, 457-571. (3) Jenkins, T. N., L. H. Warner, and C. J. Warden. 1926. Standard apparatus for the study of animal motivation. J. Comp. Psychol., 6, 361-82. (4) Nissen, H. W. 1929. The effects of gonadectomy, vasotomy, and injections of placental and orchic extracts on the sex behavior of the white rat. Genetic Psychol. Monographs. (5) Warner, L. H. 1927. A study of sex behavior in the white rat by means of the obstruction method. Comp. Psychol. Monographs, 4, No. 22. (6) Warner, L. H. 1928. A study of hunger behavior in the white rat by means of the obstruction method. J. Comp. Psychol., 8, 273-99. (7) Warner, L. H. 1928. A study of thirst behavior in the white rat by means of the obstruction method. J. Genetic Psychol., 35, 178-92. PART VII A COMPARISON OF NORMAL DRIVES Part VII A COMPARISON OF NORMAL DRIVES C. J. Warden The primary purpose of the project as a whole was to make pos- sible a direct comparison of the normal drives in the white rat. By the term 11 normal" we mean merely that the conditions so desig- nated were as natural as is possible in a laboratory environment except for the fact that the animal was deprived of the specific incentive under investigation. This general situation is normal as contrasted with many other conditions tested, such as those in- volving segregation, gonadectomy, vasotomy, injections, delayed incentive and the like. These normal conditions are of special in- terest in connection with our main purpose in determining the rela- tive influence of the different drives under natural conditions. It is clear that the maximum scores obtaied under normal conditions may be made the basis of a ranking of the drives for this species, within the limits of the particular test method employed. The com- parison of normal drives (Part VII, 1) is based upon data drawn from Part II, 1 ; Part III, 1 ; Part IV, 1 ; Part V, 1 ; Part VI, 1 ; and covers the hunger, thirst, and sex drives, both male and female, and the maternal and exploratory drives. No attempt will be made to summarize and compare the results reported in the other studies; since these are concerned with an extension of the test to special conditions of a given drive and have no general comparative significance. Whatever comparisons are possible were indicated in each paper, and a summary of these would be little more than a repetition of the main conclusions in each case. In bringing together the results of the five studies cited for pur- poses of comparison, only such scores as seem relevant to the dis- cussion of the rank order of the various drives have been tabulated and used. The main emphasis throughout Part VII, 1, will be upon the maximum scores for the normal drives, since the ranking of the drives must rest upon these scores. 371 1. THE RELATIVE STRENGTH AND PERSISTENCE OF THE NORMAL DRIVES IN THE WHITE RAT C. J. Warden The central purpose of the project, as stated in the preceding sec- tion, was to determine the relative strength and persistence of the more important drives in the white rat when tested under the most natural conditions, e.g., with all conditions normal except for some definite and measurable deprivation of the incentive. We shall speak of the drives as tested under these conditions as " normal" drives. The value of the present study over previous studies of dynamic behavior lies not merely in the fact that a more direct and controlled method (The Columbia Obstruction Method) was used in the measurement of the several drives, but even more in the fact that the project was so standardized throughout that the scores of the various drives may be directly compared with one another. This standardization makes possible a fairly definite rank- ing of the drives and thus gives us a picture of the natural dynamic behavior patterns of the white rat, within the limitations of a single test method. Before entering upon an analysis and comparison of the actual scores, it will be necessary to direct attention to the extent to which standardization was carried in method and procedure — since the validity of comparing the scores directly from drive to drive must depend, in the last analysis, upon the thoroughness of such stand- ardization. This aspect of the problem will be covered in the first sub-section, and this will be followed by a second sub-section deal- ing with the comparison of the scores indicating the ranking of the different drives. Standardization of Experimental Conditions Our interest here is not to establish the validity of the Columbia Obstruction Method as an instrument for the measurement of ani- 372 COMPARISON OF NORMAL DRIVES 373 mal drives; for such a treatment the reader may be referred to Part I of this volume. Our present concern is merely to show that the method was adapted to the measurement of the various drives under such uniform conditions that the scores from drive to drive may be directly compared. For the sake of clearness the conditions of uniformity adopted will be presented, in so far as possible, in tabular form. The conditions enumerated below were uniform for all the drives except for certain necessary variations as indicated. A. Apparatus conditions (See Part I, Fig. 1, for general diagram of apparatus) 1. Compartment A (Entrance) empty except for test animal. 2. Compartment B (Obstruction) grid giving standard shock; alternating current of 60 cycles, with terminal pressure of 475 volts, external resistance of 10,100,000 ohms, and current of 0.047 milliamperes. 3. Compartment C (Incentive response-chamber) empty except for test animal. 4. Compartment D (Incentive container). Identical box used in tests on hunger, thirst, and sex ; for special maternity cages, see Fig. 1, Part V, 1 ; for exploration box, see Fig. 1, Part VI, 1. 5. Doors separating the different compartments, including the automatic release door between compartments C and D, were oper- ated in the same manner in testing all drives, regardless of whether the incentive required the use of a given door or not. B. Animals employed 1. Wistar Institute experimental colony strain throughout. 2. Animals reared at Wistar Institute until approximately 150 days of age, or first and second generation of this strain reared in our own laboratory. 3. Animals weaned at approximately 30 days ; males and females reared together until 150 days of age, at which time they were segregated as to sex for 35 days (range, 33-39 days) to eliminate pregnancies. Exception: groups used in study of the maternal drive were not segregated until near term, normally the fact of pregnancy being sufficient to prevent copulation during this pe- 374 COMPARISON OF NORMAL DRIVES riod ; this exception was necessary in order to make the primiparous and muciparous groups strictly comparable. 4. Standard age for testing was 185 days (range, 175-196 days) or the age reached at the end of the 35-day segregation period. Ex- ceptions: (a) Male sex drive, 28-day group (Part IV, 1) were of standard age but for the longer period of sex deprivation (28 days) involved; this group can be eliminated without effecting the comparisons to be made in this section, (b) First litter, maternal drive group in which age of testing was necessarily determined by the factor of primaparity (range, 79-150 days). 5. Animals shipped to us from the Wistar Institute at approxi- mately 150 days were thus allowed about 5 weeks to become ac- customed to living conditions in our laboratory before reaching the standard test age. See Part IV, 1, sub-section on Method and Pro- cedure, for detailed statement of general living conditions in our laboratory — conditions which were strictly maintained through- out the testing of all drives. C. Incentive conditions 1. The general plan was to deprive the animal of some one of the factors (food, water, sex, litter, etc.) of the standardized set of living conditions, keeping all other factors of the normal living conditions constant and uniform from drive to drive. 2. A summary of incentive conditions is presented in Table I of this study. The incentives used in the apparatus were samples of usual food (McCollum's diet), water supply (metal nipple bottle system), sex object, etc., so that the incentive response was always to the sort of stimulus to which the animals had been accustomed in cage life. 3. Isolation of a given drive for testing was accomplished, in so far as isolation could be secured, by keeping drives, other than the one being tested quiescent, or at a physiological minimum during the test period. A summary of the controls utilized are shown in the last five columns of Table I of this study. The conditions for keeping any one of the given drives at a minimum while testing some other drive was constant and uniform throughout. In the test- ing of any drive, four of these controls were operative, so that, COMPARISON OF NORMAL DRIVES 375 METHOD OF KEEPING OTHER DRIVES QUIESCENT Exploratory Specific in- centive ob- jects pres- ent; no place to ex- plore Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Drive be- ing tested Maternal Only non- pregnant females without litters Same as above Same as above Same as above Drive be- ing tested Males only Sex 1 Males seg. 35 days ; Females in dioestrum Same as above Drive be- ing tested Drive be- ing tested Females with litter Males seg. 35 days Thirst Regular water sup- ply to hour of test Drive be- ing tested Same as thirst above Same as above Same as above Same as above Hunger Drive be- ing tested Regular diet, ex- cept greens omitted Regular diet to hour of test Same as above Same as above Same as above INCENTIVE RESPONSE Nibble of powdered food; 30 sec. limit Moistening tongue on damp nip- ple; 30 sec. limit Nipping, biting, nos- ing gen- italia, mounting, etc.; 30 sec. limit Nipping, biting, nos- ing gen- italia, exposing vulva; 30 sec. limit Attending to litter ; 30 sec. limit Random activity ; 30 sec. limit INCENTIVE ( Compart ment D) Sample of regular diet (Mc- Collum's mixture) in compart. Regular water bottle in compart. Female in cornified stage, ex- cept com- part, emp- ty for con- trol group Normal male, ex- cept com- part, emp- ty for con- trol group Litter in maternity cage Explora- tion box § o h o H eg 6Q Comb. o o o o o o CO CO CO CO CO CO o o o o o CO CO 03 CO CO ft O O O O O O OOOOO rH rH rH rH tH t— rH CO CO SO . < i5 « 1 3 O <3 of> (Hunger- —male) 1 9c: 0 period 10 1 5 1 34 2 2 1 20 55 2.7 3 37 2 days 10 3 3 47 44 4 9 1 59 32 16.1 6 5G 44 3 days 10 5 0 i L 41 28 5 7 1 58 28 18.0 7 K2 o — 42 4 days 10 3 6 9 u 2n 61 2 8 1 17 42 19.1 5 87 34 6 days 10 3 6 1 1 59 44 3 0 1 55 52 14.2 5 98 42 8 days 10 4 G 1 X 7 ctlXU. O Ud Vo 4 days and 6 days 4 days and 8 days 2.14 2.78 3 09 2.65 2.51 16.4 3.0 x.x 4.9 9.3 7.66 1.08 o q« 1.85 3.71 100 86 RA 04: 97 100 (Hunger — female) 2 days and 0 days 2 days and 3 days 4 tldj'H ctllU. "± tidy a 2 days and 6 days 2 days and 8 days 2.89 3.71 3 38 O.OO 3.62 3.18 16.9 0.6 9 o 5.0 13.0 , 5.84 0.16 o 1.38 4.08 100 56 79 92 100 (Hunger — combined) 3 days and 0 days o udj'o diiti u tidy a 3 days and 4 days 3 days and 6 days 3 days and 8 days 1.81 9 A.1 2.16 2.25 2.04 15.8 o r 0.1 4.1 10.3 8.73 0 9^ 0.05 1.82 5.05 100 R(\ 52 97 100 (Thirst — male) x tidy diiti u tidys 1 day and 2 days 1 day and 4 days 1 day and 6 days O.OO 5.35 4.64 4.06 17 A X 1 .t 4.4 8.4 13.6 A AH 0.82 1.81 3.35 1 00 80 96 100 (Thirst — female) X tidy dlltl u (Id jo 1 day and 2 days 1 day and 4 days 1 day and 6 days o. 1 X 5.10 4.38 4.13 xo.x 4.4 5.2 12.8 A 017 0.86 1.19 3.10 1 00 xw 81 88 100 Thirst — combined) 1 day and 0 days 1 day and 2 days 1 day and 4 days X tidy dlltl U tldjS 2.69 3.70 3.21 9 88 16.3 4.4 6.8 13 9 6.06 1.19 2.12 A ^8 100 88 98 1 00 (Sex — male) 1 day and 0 hours 1 day and 6 hours 1 day and 12 hours 1 day and 4 days 1 day and 7 days 1 day and 28 days 1 day and control 1.28 1.47 i ac\ 1.65 1.82 1.83 0.99 9.9 5.4 i 3 x.o 0.9 1.2 2.9 10.5 7.68 3.64 0 80 0.51 0.66 1.60 10.61 100 100 81 69 75 95 100 (Sex — female) Cornified and control Cornified and dioestrum Control and dioestrum 1.25 1.16 0.61 9.1 12.8 3.7 7.28 11.00 6.08 100 100 100 (Maternal) First litter and standard age 3.87 5.9 1.53 94 COMPARISON OF NORMAL DRIVES 395 have been summarized in Table 11. In column 1, of this table, the rank order for the several male drives tested, based upon the max- imum scores is given; following this the rank order of the female drives, and finally the rank order for the drives as such without regard to sex. That is, the maximum scores for the two sexes cov- ering the hunger, thirst, and sex drives are here combined ; we have already found, in connection with the discussion of Table 9, that there is apparently no significant sex difference in maximum score, TABLE 7 Showing the reliability of the difference between maximum scores (crossings) of the different drives in males DRIVE CONDITIONS TESTED S. D. OF DIFFERENCE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AVERAGES DIFFERENCE S. D. OF DIFFERENCE CHANCES IN 100 OF A TRITE DIFFERENCE Hunger and thirst 4.11 2.00 0.49 69 Hunger and sex 2.06 5.65 + 2.74 99.7 Hunger and exploration 2.15 13.10 + 6.08 100 Thirst and sex 3.78 7.65 + 2.03 98 Thirst and exploration 3.83 15.10 + 3.95 100 Sex and exploration 1.42 7.45+ 5.26 100 Legend: The plus sign indicates that the- first drive of the pair has the higher score. TABLE 8 Showing the reliability of the difference between the maximum scores (cross- ings) of the different drives in females DRIVE CONDITIONS TESTED S. D. OF DIFFERENCE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AVERAGES DIFFERENCE S. D. OF DIFFERENCE CHANCES IN 100 OF A TRUE DIFFERENCE Hunger and thirst 4.50 0.70 0.16 56 Hunger and sex 3.03 4.86 + 1.60 95 Hunger and maternal 4.04 3.40 0.84 80 Thirst and sex 3.69 5.56+ 1.51 93 Thirst and maternal 4.55 2.70 0.59 72 Sex and maternal 3.10 8.26 2.66 99.6 Legend: The plus sign indicates that the score is higher than the female score. TABLE 9 Showing the reliability of the difference between the maximum scores (cross- ings) of the male and female groups DRIVE CONDITIONS TESTED S. D. OF DIFFERENCE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AVERAGES DIFFERENCE S. D. OF DIFFERENCE CHANCES IN 100 OF A TRUE DIFFERENCE Hunger 3.37 0.10 + 0.03 51 Thirst 5.08 1.40 + 0.28 61 Sex 1.44 0.69 0.48 68 Legend : The plus sign indicates that the male score is higher than the female score. 396 COMPARISON OF NORMAL DRIVES so that such combination seems thoroughly justifiable. The reliabil- ity of the difference between a given drive score (maximum) and that for each drive of lower rank, taken singly, in terms of proba- bility is shown for each drive in the next four columns of the table. The position of the sex drive, both male and female, as lower than either hunger or thirst, appears to be practically certain by this method of comparison. The exploratory drive is shown to be cer- tainly lower than any of the other drives. The probability that thirst is higher than hunger is the least satisfactory, while the chances that maternal is higher than hunger and thirst, taken singly, are not any too good. The problem of the validity of the rank order may be dealt with by the method of combining averages (see, Yule, pp. 115, and 142) rather than by the method of single comparisons. By this method the score of a given drive is compared, not with the score of the next lowest drive, but with the average score of all the drives of lower rank. This method is more pertinent to the present discussion because it deals simply with the factor of rank position within a group of values, such as we have here. The probability of the or- dinal positions worked out by this method is much higher than that obtained by comparing the obtained differences singly, as will ap- pear from an inspection of the last column of Table 11. The rank order as listed in this table amounts to practical certainty for the group of male drives, and for the group of drives in combination, while the chances that the listed rank order for the female drives is a true ranking is very high. The most general statement that can be made, then, is that for the white rat, tested under our con- ditions, and within the limitations of the scope of our investigation, the normal drives rank as follows in strength: Maternal, thirst, hunger, sex, exploratory. The fact that the maternal drive ranks highest comes as some- thing of a surprise, since several investigators using other methods have rated the maternal tendency rather low (see Part V, 1). In some cases, at least, the normal maternal drive has been more or less disturbed by the method employed. A common error in tech- nique is to have the litter born in the living cage, and then transfer it for test to the apparatus used. We tested a group, following this COMPARISON OF NORMAL DRIVES 397 procedure, and obtained a score only about half as high (11.6, see Table 3, Part V, 1) as in our regular group in which the small maternity cage in which the litter had been born was attached di- rectly to the apparatus, as compartment D. It may be argued that, in such a case, we are testing the maternal drive plus the tendency to return to the home nest. But the truth seems to be that when the normal conditions of maternity are disturbed by transferring TABLE 10 Showing the reliability of the difference between the maximum scores (cross- ings) of the different drives with sexes combined DRIVE CONDITIONS TESTED S. D. OF DIFFERENCE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AVERAGES DIFFERENCE S. D. OF DIFFERENCE CHANCES IN 100 OF A TRUE DIFFERENCE Hunger and thirst 3.06 2.20 0.72 76 Hunger and sex 1.84 4.40 + 2.39 99 Hunger and maternal 3.35 4.20 1.25 89 Hunger and exploration 2.02 12.20 + 6.03 100 Thirst and sex 2.65 6.60 + 2.49 99.4 Thirst and maternal 3.85 2.00 0.52 70 Thirst and exploration 2.77 14.40+ 5.19 100 Sex and maternal 2.98 8.60 2.89 99.8 Sex and exploration 1.31 - 7.80 + 5.95 100 Maternal and exploration 3.09 16.40 + 5.31 .100 Legend: The plus sign indicates that the first drive of the pair has the higher score. TABLE 11 Showing the reliability of the differences between maximum scores, as related to rank order. The difference between a given score and that for each drive of lower rank, taken singly, is treated in columns 2, 3, 4, and 5 ; in the last column the scores for all the drives of lower rank have been combined DRIVE TESTED RANK ORDER CHANCES IN 100 OF A TRUE DIFFERENCE GREATER THAN 0 THIRST HUNGER SEX EXPLORATORY COMBINATION (Male) 69 Thirst 1. 98 100 99.4 Hunger 2. 99.7 100 100 Sex 3. 100 100 Exploratory 4. (Female) 72 80 Maternal 1. 99.6 96 Thirst 2. 56 89 86 Hunger 3. 95 95 Sex 4. (Combined) Maternal 1. 70 89 99.8 100 99.6 Thirst 2. 76 99.4 100 99.7 Hunger 3. 99 1,00 100 Sex 4. 100 100 Exploratory 5. 398 COMPARISON OF NORMAL DRIVES the litter to an unfamiliar apparatus, the tendency to explore the novel surroundings of the litter interferes with the maternal drive. Then, too, many animals ignore young that have been moved about — this is true of many species of birds such as the quail. Our pur- pose was to test the maternal drive, along with the other drives dis- cussed in this section, under normal conditions, in order to secure maximum indices, and we feel that our ranking of the maternal drive is the only defensible one from this point of view. The fact that the score for first litter, maternal drive, was higher than the score for standard age, maternal is a further argument for the placing of the maternal drive at the top of the list. We have not used the score for first litter in the comparisons of this section rel- ative to ranking the several drives, since the animals were younger than standard age. The conclusions drawn above regarding the relative rank of the several normal drives in the white rat, must be, of course, qualified by the general and specific conditions representing the standardi- zation of the project as a whole. In the strict sense, these conclu- sions apply only to the adult white rat, of the strain and age em- ployed, and reared unsegregated as to sex until approximately the standard test age. The fact should be recognized that relative strength of drive is very likely a function of the age of the animal within wide limits, and there may be other factors also that enter here, such as strain, the precise incentive object used, and specific aspects of our method of testing and scoring. Our results, at any rate, justify the extension of the Columbia Obstruction Method, as a means of analyzing the dynamics of behavior, to other species, and further work in this direction has been planned by this labora- tory for the immediate future. The importance of indices of mo- tivation for typical animal forms, and secured by the same method of testing, can scarcely be overestimated for systematic compara- tive psychology. APPENDICES APPENDICES INTRODUCTION C. J. Warden The following four papers have not been included in the main body of this report for the reason that the Columbia Obstruction Method as standardized for use in the general project was not em- ployed. They are, however, studies of motivation in the white rat, and, except for the first study, were financed out of the regular project allotment. As noted (see Warden, The Columbia Obstruction Method), the original obstruction apparatus, as devised by Jenkins and Warden was first used by Holden in 1924-25 in the study of the hunger drive, previous to the beginning of the project itself. Important changes in both apparatus and procedure were introduced later in further standardizing the method for use in the project. Never- theless, this study of Holden was closely connected with the de- velopment of the project and belongs very properly in the present collection. The paper by Warden and Hamilton (Appendix 2) and the later paper of Hamilton (Appendix 3) are concerned with the effect of delayed incentive in maze learning. The shorter paper may be con- sidered as a preliminary attack upon this problem, which was more systematically and adequately dealt with in the longer report. The latter is of special interest inasmuch as it was done in connection with, and parallels the experiment on the effect of delayed incentive on the hunger drive as measured by the Columbia Obstruction Method (Part II, 2). This fact makes possible a comparison of these two essentially different methods, with respect to the influ- ence of delay in the function tested. The final paper is concerned with the relative value of reward and punishment as motivation situations in the Yerkes-Watson 401 402 APPENDICES discrimination apparatus. This study was intended to be the be- ginning of a comprehensive comparison of these two opposite types of incentive, but this plan was later discontinued when it appeared desirable to concentrate the work along the main line of investiga- tion. 1. A STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF STARVATION UPON BEHAVIOR BY MEANS OF THE OBSTRUCTION METHOD 1 Frances Holden I. Introduction The present study is an attempt to measure the drive,2 or moti- vation value, of starvation in the white rat in terms of objective behavior. For this purpose the Obstruction Method has been em- ployed. This method involves the principle of placing an obstruc- tion of some sort between the animal to be tested and an incentive stimulus, selected with reference to the drive under investigation. The animal is required to pass over the obstruction (in the present case an electric grill) in order to reach the incentive stimulus and thus satisfy the drive dominant at the moment. A quantitative determination of the strength of the drive can thus be secured in terms of the behavior of the animal toward the obstruction- incentive situation. By keeping the obstruction constant and vary- ing systematically the physiological state of the organism from which the drive results (as would occur for example in the case of the hunger drive with a series of starvation periods of different length) it is possible to obtain indices of the motivation value of different organic states in relation to a specific stimulus. By keeping the obstruction constant it is also possilbe to obtain comparable data concerning the relative strength of different drives. A complete description of this method, including certain modifications intro- 1Eeprinted with modifications from Comparative Psychology Monographs, 1926, 3: No. 17, 45 pp. '2 The term hunger drive as used in this study, means nothing more than that the animal displayed a food searching response. The term carries no impli- cations whatsoever concerning the presence or absence of so called 11 hunger contractions 1 1 of the stomach, or concerning the subjective state of the organ- ism. 403 404 APPENDICES duced after my study was completed, has recently been published (6). Very little work has been done up to the present in the field of animal motivation. The learning method has been employed for the most part. The recent work of Moss (7) in which he developed the Resistance Method bears the most direct relation to the present study. Both the Resistance Method of Moss, and the Columbia Obstruction Method, as devised by Jenkins and Warden for use in my work are similar in that both make use of the principle of plac- ing an obstruction of some sort between the test animal and the incentive. The results of Moss are open to criticism not only because his work was not well controlled, but also because he used very small groups. He does not state the age of his animals, which is doubtless an important factor in the matter of strength of drive. Instead of using the method of equivalent groups, he tested the same animals over again, after increasing the length of the starva- tion period, so that his conclusions regarding the influence of this factor can hardly be considered valid. His investigation must be considered, however, very suggestive and valuable. Moss also made use of the method of choice, in which food and a sex object were placed before the animal simultaneously, with free access to either allowed. This method has been further developed by Tsai (15) and used by him in comparing a 24-hour hunger period with the sex drive. The choice apparatus has been greatly improved by Jenkins of this laboratory, and the new design along with a criticism of the method has been recently published (6). , Moss further considered the relative effect of different drives on maze learning. This method had, however, been previously employed by Szymanski (13, 14) and Simmons (10). Szymanski used the maze both for the determination of the relative effects of different drives on learning and for the study of the effect of different hunger periods on learning. He found in the latter case that with a 30- minute, 4-hour, and 24-hour hunger period, the most rapid learning occurred with the 24-hour period, while the 30-minute period was least effective. Simmons used both a simple and complex maze for a comparison of the effect of different food incentives and of different drives on APPENDICES 405 learning. Since a constant hunger period was used throughout her study the results have little bearing on the present work. Dodson (3) studied the effect of different periods of starvation on the development of a dark-light discrimination habit in the white rat. He used starvation periods of 24, 31, 41, and 48 hours and found that for rats 78 days old, the optimum starvation period for habit formation of this type was 41 hours; however for retention of the maze habit after 21 days, the 48-hour period appeared to be more effective. Studies of the effect of different periods of starvation on general bodily activity as measured by an " activity cage ' ' have been made by Richter and Nicholls. Richter (9) found that white rats lived 8 days when water but no food was provided, reaching a maximum degree of activity between 2 and 3 days. After three days the activity decreased gradually until death which occurred on the eighth day. When neither water nor food was provided the rats showed an immediate decrease in activity which was continuous until death which occurred on the fifth day. A similar study was made by Nicholls (8) upon the guinea pig. She found that the maximum degree of activity occurred on the second day of starva- tion and was followed by a marked decline on the third day. Of the above investigators it appears that Szymanski, Dodson, Richter, Nicholls and Moss have each considered the effect of a series of starvation periods of different length upon behavior. Moss alone, however, used a method in any way comparable with the present one. The other investigators either measured general activ- ity by means of some form of " activity cage" or investigated the relation of starvation to speed of habit formation. Essential differ- ences in method make a comparison of these results impossible. From the small amount of work so far reported it is evident that the relative motivation value of different starvation periods has not been adequately determined. The present investigation includes two main problems. The first is the determination of the effect of systematic variation of the period of starvation upon drive behavior when a constant amount of electrical stimulation is employed in the obstruction section. The second deals with the relative effect of three different degrees of 406 APPENDICES electrical stimulation in the obstruction compartment upon the drive behavior resulting from a series of starvation periods. II. Apparatus and Procedure The apparatus used in this study consisted of a control box for testing the animal and a mechanism for the control of the current supplied to the grill. The general plan of this apparatus is shown Fig. 1. Diagram of Control Box and Accessory Mechanisms (Wiring Omitted) A, entrance compartment; B, obstruction compartment; C, incentive com- partment; D and E, glass plates; F, potentiometer; G, voltmeter; H, switch controlling voltmeter; I, multipoint switches controlling each resistance unit; J, microammeter ; E, intake switch; L, L switches throwing current into grills. in figure 1. A second control box was also provided in order that two animals might be tested simultaneously. Each control box was divided into 3 sections, each of which was 10 inches wide, 10 inches long and 10 inches high. The entire box was painted a dull black. Sections A and C were made identical in every respect in order that any possible preference for either section might be obviated. APPENDICES 407 Section A was used throughout as the entrance compartment, section C as the incentive compartment. The floor of section B was made of a slab of bakelite 0.5 inches thick, wound with no. 18 copper wire at intervals of 0.25 inches in such a way that the wires from each terminal alternated, thus insuring a shock when any two adjacent wires were touched. The terminals of these wires were connected with the electric control apparatus. There were no divi- sions between the three sections (A, B, C) of the box but at D and E glass plates 6 inches wide and 12 inches high were placed as indi- cated in figure 1, in order to keep the animals from leaping across the grill. Section A was covered with a pane of glass to keep the animals from jumping out of the box. In the box used by Moss the entry and incentive compartments were not similar. In the first place the entrance compartment was larger than the incentive compartment. In the second place the floor of the entrance compartment was covered with water, whereas the floor of the incentive compartment was dry. Since the degree of motivation resulting from the conditions of the box was not determined by a control group with which the food incentive was lacking, it cannot be ascertained in this case whether or not the food stimulus was the sole factor in causing the rats to cross the grill. Instead of a grill of the type described above, Moss used as a shock- ing device two brass plates both of which had to be touched simul- taneously for the animals to experience a shock. A grill presenting a continuous stimulation surface, such as was used in the present study has certain obvious advantages over this simpler device. The current supplied to the grill was controlled by means of a General Electric potential transformer and voltage changes were secured by means of the potentiometer, F (fig. 1). The electric pressure was measured at the beginning of each experiment by means of a high tension voltmeter, G, in order to obviate any devia- tions in the current supplied, adjustment being made by means of the potentiometer. The voltmeter when not in use was thrown out of the circuit by means of a snap switch, H. The current was regu- lated by meaus of variable resistance units each of which was con- trolled by means of a multipoint switch, I. Each resistance unit contained eight elements each having a resistance of approximately 408 APPENDICES 1,250,000 ohms. The multipoint switches made possible a cumula- tive variation of the resistance in equal steps from 100,000 to 10,000,000 ohms. The current supplying the grills was measured by a microammeter, J. The method of wiring made possible, by means of the double throw knife switch, K, the measurement of the current in either grill (one for each control box) by one fixed measuring instrument. The current could be thrown into either or both of the grills by closing the switches, L, L. This apparatus makes possible an exact determination of the current supplied to the grills in terms of voltage and resistance and provides an ade- quate means of controlling the current and of varying it in syste- matic amounts. This control is a decided improvement over that of Moss, since the latter merely considers the current used in terms of voltage and disregards the resistance factor. Moreover, since the skin resistance of the animals undoubtedly varies greatly from rat to rat the amount of stimulation received must also vary, unless this factor is in some way eliminated. Moss attempted to overcome this difficulty by placing water in section A so that the feet of the animals were moistened on approaching the grill. This method is not entirely satisfactory however, as was indicated above. In the present study this factor was eliminated to as great an extent as possible by using a very large resistance within the electric circuit and thus rendering negligible the resistance of the rats. Since the resistance here used ranged from 3,850,000 to 10,100,000 ohms, it is believed that any variability in resistance in the rats is rendered practically negligible, thus insuring a constant degree of stimula- tion. The following current values were used in this study : MILLIAMPERES RESISTANCE (OHMS) VOLTAGE Shock 1 0.12 10,100,000 1,200 Shock 2 0.19 6,350,000 1,200 Shock 3_ _ _ 0.32 3,850,000 1,200 A total of 803 albino rats were used in this investigation.3 The size of each of the 21 groups studied is indicated in table 1 which s In view of the large number of rats used in this experiment an autopsy of the animals to determine the presence or absence of food in the stomach could not be made. APPENDICES 409 also shows the arrangement of starvation periods. With the 60- and 72-hour starvation periods many animals died due to the length of the starvation period, thus introducing a selective factor into these groups, which makes them not entirely comparable with the earlier groups. This factor is, however, not great except in the case of the 72-hour groups. The rats used with shock 1 were highly uniform weighing be- tween 80 and 100 grams and were approximately 8 weeks old. Those used with shock 3 were slightly more variable in size weigh- ing between 80 and 110 grams but were of approximately the same age as those of shock 1. Those used with shock 2 were in general similar to those of shock 1 with the exception of half of the 12-, 24-, 48-, 60- and 72-hour groups which were similar to those of shock 3. TABLE 1 Slwwing number of rats used in each starvation group A indicates number of rats given preliminary training; B, number used in experiment proper; C, number that died during starvation period. SHOCK 1 SHOCK 2 SHOCK 3 GROUP A B C A B C A B C Control 20 20 20 20 20 0~ 2(T 20 0 12-hour 37 37 0 40 40 0 40 40 0 24-hour 40 40 0 39 39 0 40 40 0 36-hour - - 40 40 0 40 40 0 40 40 0 48 -hour 40 40 0 40 40 0 40 40 0 60 -hour _ _ 41 35 6 40 40 0 53 40 13 72-hour _ 40 21 19 44 21 23 49 37 12 The rats were kept in the laboratory for one week before being given the preliminary training, in order that they might become adjusted to the laboratory conditions. During this period they were fed milk-soaked bread in their cages at noon each day. The preliminary training consisted of placing the animals in groups of ten in section A and allowing them to run to the food in section C or explore freely within the box for 10 minutes. Dur- ing this preliminary training there was of course no current in the grill. This procedure was repeated for three consecutive days, in order that the animals might become accustomed to the conditions of the control box. In order to determine whether the food incentive was the sole 410 APPENDICES factor causing the rats to cross the grill, a control group was used with each degree of shock. The preliminary training of these groups was the same as for the other groups except for the fact that section C contained no food while they were in the box. The control groups were fed immediately after being removed from the box. In the experiment proper each rat was placed individually in section A with the current turned on in the grill and a dish of milk-soaked bread in section C. The behavior of each rat was re- corded during the test period of 10 minutes. If any animal crossed the grill during the test period it was allowed a nibble of food and immediately returned to A. If a rat crossed the grill continuously (i.e., with only momentary pauses upon being returned to section A) a nibble was allowed after every third cross. The procedure for the control group was the same as that for the starvation groups except for the fact that there was no food stimulus in section C. The experiment proper, occurred in the case of the control group, 12 hours after the last period of preliminary training. The control group is consequently equivalent to the 12- hour group in every condition but the absence of the food incen- tive. The following types of behavior were recorded for each animal during the 10-minute test period: (a) crossings, (b) contacts, (c) jumps. The term crossing indicates that the animal actually crossed the grill and entered the incentive compartment. This measure ap- pears to be the most significant of the three types, inasmuch as it represents the only reactions which resulted in satisfaction of the hunger drive. By the term contact is meant that the animal merely touched the grill and withdrew upon being shocked, remaining in the entrance compartment. Partial crossings of the grill, followed by return to the entry compartment (instead of proceeding into the incen- tive compartment) were scored as contacts. Data concerning con- tacts are obviously important not only as indicating an attempt of the animal to react positively to the incentive stimulus but also as a measure of the conditioning process resulting in many cases in a negative reaction to the grill. Contacts are in reality frus- APPENDICES 411 trated crossings and thus are closely related to the latter type of behavior. It has, however, seemed advisable to consider the two kinds of activity separately. The term jump refers to the behavior of the animal in the en- trance compartment. A jump was checked only when the animal cleared the floor with all four feet. This type of activity seems to indicate an attempt to escape from the entrance compartment. This reaction was probably in most cases the result of the shock, since jumping did not occur until after the first experience with the grill. The test period of every group in the experiment proper was so arranged as to fall between 3 and 6 p. m. The last of the three periods of preliminary training preceded the experiment proper by the number of hours of starvation requisite for each group. Consequently the preliminary training of the control, 12-, 36- and 60-hour groups was given as 4:30 a.m. while that of the 24-, 48- and 72-hour groups was given at 4 :30 p.m. III. Presentation of Results The quantitative results of this study, covering both the effect of different periods of starvation and different degrees of shock on drive behavior are presented in tabular and graphic form as fol- lows: Tables 2, 3 and 4 are distribution tables for shocks 1, 2 and 3 respectively, covering in each case the three types of behavior — crossings, contacts, and jumps — for each starvation group. Tables 5, 6 and 7 give the main results of shocks 1, 2 and 3 re- spectively, for each starvation period. Columns 2 to 5 of these tables give the measures of central tendency for crossings (me- dian, average, S.D. and C.V.). Columns 6 to 10 give measures of the extreme tendencies for crossings. Column 6 indicates the range of crossings with each starvation group. Column 7 shows the per cent of rats that were immediately conditioned in each group (i.e., of those rats that did not cross the grill after their preliminary experience with it. The first experience with the grill may be either a crossing or a contact). This figure indicates the percentage of rats with which the resistance offered by the grill was at the 412 APPENDICES TABLE 2 Distribution table covering crossings, contacts and jumps under shock 1 , o 2 n H CROSSINGS CONTACTS JUMPS Q 12 24 36 48 60 72 c 12 24 36 48 60 72 Q 12 24 36 48 60 72 0 6 8 4 1 2 0 6 7 7 2 1 15 8 7 8 20 9 8 1 6 5 1 1 3 8 7 15 6 8 9 7 8 4 6 6 4 6 2 6 3 2 5 1 7 7 7 3 9 6 6 2 6 7 3 3 2 1 3 1 2 2 4 1 2 3 2 6 4 10 6 1 3 4 .1 4 1 4 1 3 3 2 1 5 3 6 3 2 1 2 2 4 2 1 1 5 3 2 1 1 2 4 7 4 3 5 6 1 3 1 6 1 1 2 4 3 1 1 3 1 3 3 3 4 7 3 3 4 1 1 1 3 4 3 4 1 8 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 9 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 10 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 12 1 1 1 3 13 1 2 2 1 14 1 15 1 1 1 16 1 17 2 1 18 1 1 1 2 19 20 1 1 2 1 21 1 1 1 22 1 1 1 23 1 1 1 2 1 24 2 3 2 25 1 1 1 26 27 2 1 28 3 1 29 1 1 30 1 1 31 1 1 32 1 1 33 34 1 1 1 1 1 35 1 36 1 1 2 1 37 3 1 38 1 1 39 1 40 1 4 1 2 1 45 1 3 3 4 1 APPENDICES 413 TABLE 2 — Continued CROSSINGS C 12 24 36 48 60 72 3 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 « o 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 CONTACTS 12 24 36 48 60 72 12 24 36 48 60 72 The notation C refers to the control group, the numbers 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 to the series of starvation periods. The interval of the distribution from 0 to 40 is 1, from 40 to the end of the scale, 5. This table should read as follows : Control group : 6 rats crossed 0 times, 6 rats crossed 2 times, 1 rat crossed 3 times, etc. outset stronger than the hunger drive. Column 8 gives the per- centage of animals that crossed the grill only 5 times or less. The number 5 was chosen because the distributions of the groups indi- cated that the majority of rats with which the resistance soon proved stronger than the hunger drive, were conditioned by 5 crossings or less. Column 9 gives the precentage in each group that crossed 40 or more times. This number was arbitrarily chosen be- cause few of the animals crossed more than 40 times within the test period. Column 10 shows the percentage of rats that failed to be conditioned against the grill (i.e., were still crossing the grill at the end of the 10-minute test period). This measure indicated the number of animals within each group with which the hunger drive was still stronger than the resistance offered by the grill after a 10- minute experience with it. Columns 11 to 14 give the measures of central tendency for contacts (median, average, S.D. and C.V.). Columns 15 to 18 give the same measures of central tendency for jumps. Tables 8, 9 and 10 for shocks 1, 2 and 3 respectively, give the re- liability of the difference between each two starvation groups with the same degree of shock. (Reliability is stated in terms of the ratio of the difference between two groups to the S.D. of that dif- ference.) 414 APPENDICES TABLE 3 Distribution table covering crossings, contacts and jumps under shock 2 i CROSSINGS CONTACTS JUMPS 63 | C 12 24 36 48 60 72 c 12 24 36 48 60 72 c 12 24 36 48 60 72 0 ~~ 10 7 8 2 2 3 7 8 1 1 1 5 1 8 23 12 19 15 18 12 1 7 2 9 3 5 5 1 5 5 8 3 11 11 3 3 5 5 10 5 11 2 8 7 6 6 1 8 2 5 8 12 12 5 7 4 3 3 5 4 6 1 1 3 2 4 3 8 1 6 2 5 9 12 7 7 4 1 4 1 3 2 4 2 4 2 1 3 5 3 1 7 3 4 6 6 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 5 1 2 1 3 3 2 1 6 2 2 1 2 4 1 1 1 6 1 1 4 1 4 1 3 4 1 2 2 1 7 8 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 13 2 2 1 1 14 2 2 1 15 1 2 16 1 1 17 2 18 1 19 1 1 20 1 1 1 1 1 21 1 1 1 1 22 1 1 23 24 25 2 26 1 27 1 2 1 28 1 1 29 1 1 30 31 1 1 32 33 2 1 34 OO 36 1 1 1 37 38 39 1 1 40 1 2 3 2 APPENDICES 415 TABLE 3 — Continued < > CROSSINGS CONTACTS JUMPS INTE C 12 24 36 48 60 72 C 12 24 36 48 60 72 C 12 24 36 48 60 72 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 00 05 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 See legend accompanying table 2. Table 11 indicates the relative effect of the 3 degrees of shock upon the various starvation groups. Table 12 shows the reliability of the difference between any two shocks with a given starvation group. Figures 2, 4 and 5 show the cumulative percentile distributions for crossings for shocks 1, 2 and 3 respectively. These figures make possible a point to point comparison of any decile in the distribu- tion of one group with any decile of any other group with which the same degree of shock was used. Figure 3 shows graphically the effect of the different starvation periods upon the central and extreme tendencies of each group with shock 1. Figure 6 shows graphically the median number of crossings made by each starvation group with each degree of shock. The results of this study will be considered in two sections. The first section is concerned with the effect of the series of different starvation periods upon behavior in the obstruction-incentive sit- uation. The second section will consider the effect of different de- grees of shock upon behavior when the preceding starvation period was the same for each degree of shock. The effect of different periods of starvation This section is concerned with the effect of a series of different 416 APPENDICES TABLE 4 Distribution table covering crossings, contacts and jumps under shock 3 < > CROSSINGS CONTACTS JUMPS INTER C 12 24 36 48 60 72 c 12 24 36 48 60 72 C 12 24 • 36 48 60 72 o o L o o ft 9 A o A ft o o o A o 1 1 A D 4 ft o o 7 4 y 14 1 1 1 1 19 1Z Q y 13 lo 1 7 A 4 1 7 4 7 A ft o 7 in 1U Q y 1 1 XX A D 7 9 7 4 Q o 4 ft D A o K O 2 A t 1 9 o o A t A D Q y Q o 4, ft xo A Q in 1U c O C o 4 ft 9 K O 4 ft 9 o O 3 1 0 J. A ft l p. D 9 _ Q o A D in 7 in xu o o O o 1 K 0 1 1 1 Q O 4 1 K o o 9 ft 9 X 4 4 ft A D 9 Q o 1 X 9 1 X 9 4 4 Q O 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 ft i X 1 X Q O c o O 9 - 4 9 Q O 9 X 6 1 1 1 A ft o 1 X 1 X 1 X 9 9 Q o Q o 1 9 4 9 4 9 7 1 1 1 1 X 1 X 1 X Q o 1 X- 1 X 1 X 1 9 1 9 9 — 9 2 1 X 8 1 1 9 — 1 X 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 9 i X 2 2 9 9 £t 10 1 X 1 2 ] \ 1 X 11 1 1 9 9 1 1 2 12 1 2 ] 2 2 \ 4 13 1 1 9 _ 1 14 1 1 1 1 X '9 1 1 15 1 X 1 X i X 1 J 1 3 16 1 i X 17 1 X 1 X 9 — 18 1 X 19 1 1 1 X 1 20 1 X 1 X 1 X i X 1 21 22 1 2 23 1 1 i X 1 24 1 X 1 25 1 X 26 1 1 27 1 X 28 1 X 1 29 1 X 1 30 1 X 31 1 1 1 X 32 1 3 1 1 33 1 34 1 35 1 36 1 37 1 1 2 1 38 39 1 1 40 1 1 1 APPENDICES 417 TABLE 4 — Continued < > es CROSSINGS H Q 12 24 36 4S GO 72 45 2 1 1 2 50 1 3 1 55 1 60 65 1 70 1 75 2 1 1 80 85 90 1 95 12 24 3G 48 GO 72 C 12 24 36 48 60 72 See legend accompanying table 2. starvation periods upon the behavior of the white rat in the ob- struction-incentive situation. The effect of the different starvation periods will be considered when the obstruction involves (a) a low degree of electrical stimulation — shock 1; (6) a medium degree — shock 2 ; and (c) a high degree — shock 3. The effects of the different periods of starvation will be dis- cussed in respect to five main types of data. First, in relation to the number of crossings made by each group, as indicated by the me- dian,4 or by the percentage of animals within each group that crossed the grill 40 or more times ; or more fully by a comparison of the cumulative percentile graphs showing the distribution of each group in regard to the number of crossings. Second, by the per cent of animals within each starvation group that were imme- diately conditioned, i.e., that failed to cross the grill after the first experience with the shock. This figure probably indicates the num- ber of animals in which the hunger drive was at the outset weaker than the resistance offered by the grill. Third, by the percentage of rats that failed to be conditioned within each group, i.e., were still crossing the grill at the end of the ten-minute test period. This figure probably indicates the number of animals in which the hun- ger; drive was at the end of the test period still stronger than the 4 The median rather than the average will be referred to throughout this discussion. Owing to the fact that the extreme deviations always occurred at the same end of the distribution scale, the average does not in this case give a reliable measure of central tendency. 418 APPENDICES -buba jo ^uapiyaoQ M O h O fl) i—i ^ CO O CO N O 00 CO i-M t^* T^H M IM N O OJ 00 CM M >0 Tt< N CO rfi CO 93BI9AV h M N N N N CO H CO Tji iO M< CM* tmpaj^ tO O 00 o (O ^ © ci »o CO i-h CO* i-J -tjixba jo ^uaiotyaoQ — I CI l-H CO C5 --H CO (O O N O0 N N O (N C-l N O O h CO ^ M O O CO (MM (N h 83BJ3Ay SO iO CO (M N 00 rn rfi N CO W 3UI86OJ0 %UB0 J8J ©OCO©COO>t>.»0*0 h CO lO CO CM SS3| 10 SOlUt) § Suissojd ?uao iaj lOiOiOOiOO^^O CO iO h rtiiOCMCO pauoi^ipuoo X( ©COCO*O©CiCM©00 CO CO —i CM ^ CMt^GOOOOOOOOOOO HNClOOOOOiOCOtO II 1 1 1 1 '1 1 OOOOOi-HOCMO -BUBA jo ^uapiyaoQ COiONHTt^OOO'* LOCONCOCOIN^OO'O uot^BiAap pjBpuc^g iOCOCOTtCMOOCO (NCONiOO^^iO^ 83BJ8Ay NINHtONOOHOiO hNOhOhOOOO l-H CM T}< CO l-H l-H l-H utjipajv (OiOtOOONtO'OO i-H-^OO^t^cO-^COCM CM CO CM i-t (0 CO W W 60 t_ S_ S_ S_ t-i 3 3 3 3 3 o o o o o Ji JS ° CM co 00 U i-h CM CO APPENDICES 419 -BtJBA jo inaioijjeoo M Oi O >0 05 »0 M N <-i ^ N CD iC t-H i-H 00 lO M H « H M H M tmpaj^ N CO «5 h O CN CO »-h O OS 00 CO t«- CM r- h- o 1 uoi^BLvap pjnpu^g -* I> CO CO CM CO CM g o o CO C CM t- «> i—i CM CO CO CO CM CO co C5 o CO CO CO CM CM CO CO CM CO paaop -ipUOO }0U J8J ©LOiOOOOOOOlO CO lH ojora jo sawi% Of Suiseojo ;nao jaOOOCOOi>-Hi—iO NO5CDCD00COH00 i-i i-t hh W UOI^BIAep pjBpaB^s ^^OJCOOCNCON 83BJ8AV coco-^TfiO'^ajio i"H CM »H impajij ^COCOiOOHOO NCOWMO^CDO CO CO CO +3 o as O 3 O O 420 APPENDICES rfi CM CM «-h CO ^ N N O! t H CO I-H 1— 1 »— 1 »— 1 T— 1 T— 1 OS 00 (N H rH CO o in to o h i-i N lO CO CO CO W lO N N CO 00 CO lO Ci iO IM CO rf t)* CO lO 00 CO CO iO O CM cm cm «-* co cm co cm' -buba jo inapgjaoo h O) N N N © OS 00 CO N CO N O CO UOl^BIAQp pJBpUB^g 1.14 1.80 1.82 2.40 1.84 3.69 2.18 93BJ9AV ^ O >0 CO rj( (M H N N CO N CO CO UBipaj^ N CO 00 »0 CD CM CO i-H CM OiOCOCOOOOHiO 00NCS»Ocp^cO^»O paaot^ipaoo A\ -a^Bipara'aif ?u90 J9j lOOOOMMOO^iO t)^ CO* CO CO GO £ 3 3 3 3 3 43 O O O O O C ^3 ^ X -C J ° (N to CO O U H CN CO t CO bfl d c a S 5 o Q cj a a s APPENDICES 421 TABLE 8 Showing the reliability of the differences between the various starvation periods (average crossings) under shock 1 12 24 36 48 60 72 STARVATION GROUP SDD D SDD SDD D SDD SDD D SDD SDD D SDD SDD D SDD SDD D SDD Control 3.87 4.03 3.57 7.70 4.06 9.85 3.15 9.23 2.55 3.33 2.38 3.31 12 5.21 2.27 5.55 4.40 4.93 2.73 4.57 1.55 4.48 1.72 24 5.34 2.34 4.70 0.09 4.31 4.40 4.22 4.64 36 5.07 2.15 4.59 6.49 4.63 6.93 48 3.81 5 41 3.87 5.48 60 3.20 0.19 TABLE 9 Showing the reliability of the differences between the various starvation periods (average crossings) under shock 2 12 24 36 48 60 72 STARVATION GROUP SDD D SDD SDD D SDD SDD D 8DD SDD D SDD SDD D SDD SDD D SDD Control 3.59 0.90 3.82 1.83 3.23 1.27 3.80 4.52 2.85 1.43 2.56 1.09 12 4.31 0 72 3.80 0.03 4.30 3.07 3.49 0.03 3.26 2.08 24 4 02 0.75 4.49 2.24 3.72 0.81 3.51 2.82 36 4.00 3.28 3.12 0.00 2.85 2.42 48 3.70 3.54 3.48 5.74 60 2.42 2.85 TABLE 10 Showing the reliability of the differences between the various starvation periods (average crossings) under shock 3 STARVATION GROUP 12 24 36 48 60 72 SDD D SDD SDD D SDD SDD D SDD SDD D SDD SDD D SDD SDD D SDD Control 3.14 0.38 4.66 3.09 3.90 2.17 3.72 1.45 3.16 0.76 2.81 1.63 12 4.20 3.14 3.35 2.18 3.13 1.34 2.43 0.49 2.80 1.57 24 4.80 1.22 4.65 1.93 4.21 2.85 4.42 1.98 36 3.89 0.80 3.36 1.81 3.63 0.80 48 3.14 0.96 3.43 0.06 60 2.81 1.13 422 APPENDICES .._ Control [Z Hoars 24 HoufS 3& HecrS . — 4$ Hours . • . - 6>0 Hours 72 I burs ..J r J r _j r . i H Fig. 2. Percentile Distribution of Each Starvation Group Covering Crossings with Shock 1 Ordinates indicate the number of crossings, abscissas the deciles of each distribution. — . 7>.r c<=^v o( cr&^> Not oimd.xtfned (V^ad i>rr|oJ«J_ ?trc»t c^Sra-J, enOSs of iToai.M.* 4o at moretmrsCJnKl • »clv>4«d,) Fig. 3 a. Showing median number of crossings made by each starvation group. Ordinates indicate number of crossings, abscissas periods of starvation. b. Showing percentage of animals immediately conditioned and percentage crossing 5 times or less in each starvation group. Ordinates indicate percent- ages, abscissas periods of starvation. c. Showing percentage of animals crossing 40 times or more and percentage that failed to be conditioned in each starvation group. Ordinates indicate per- centages, abscissas periods of starvation. 424 APPENDICES J2i .Control JZ Hours . 2A Hours . 3fo Hours .48 Hours" ,.60 Hours _72Hour& Fig. 4. Percentile Distribution of Each Starvation Group Covering Crossings with Shock 2 Ordinates indicate the number of crossings, abscissas the deciles of each distribution. APPENDICES 425 Conrrox. 1Z Hours a Hours 3b Hours .. 48 Hours _ ^ Hours 72HourS II r i ii £ if. s£ — I | — I i i I J, JErd* Fig. 5. Percentile Distribution of Each Starvation Group with Shock 3 Covering Crossings Ordinates indicate the number of crossings, abscissas the deciles of each distribution. 426 APPENDICES APPENDICES 427 resistance offered by the grill. Fourth by the median number of contacts and fifth by the median number of jumps made by each starvation group. Shock 1. The results of the control group considered by any of these measures indicate that the tendency to cross the grill with shock 1, in the absence of the food incentive is negligible, the me- dian number of crossings in this case being 1.6, while only 1 rat crossed the grill more than 3 times (table 5, row 1). In general the tendency to touch the grill and withdraw is greater than that of crossing it. The number of crossings for the 12-, 24- and 36-hour groups in- creases with the length of the starvation period. When this period is increased beyond 36 hours there is a consistent decrease in the number of crossings. This holds true of the 72-hour group only if the dead are included in the results as failing to cross the grill.5 When the dead are excluded, however, the number of crossings made by the 72-hour group is greater than that for the 60-hour group. These results are clearly indicated by the medians of each group (table 5, column 1) and are shown graphically in figure 3, a, The results of the 24-hour group are in this respect approxi- mately the same as those of the 48-hour group, while those of the 12-hour group are similar to those of the 60-hour group. The rela- tive effect of the different starvation periods as shown by the per- centage of rats crossing 40 or more times (table 5, column 9) is similar to that shown by the median number of crossings with the exception that the number of animals crossing very frequently is greater in the 12 than in the 60-hour group (see Fig. 3, c). The variability of the different starvation groups (crossings — table 5, column 5) is in general inversely related to the strength of 6 The results of the groups in which rats died of starvation are stated in Tables 5, 6 and 7 both excluding and including the dead. Neither of these measures are entirely satisfactory for a direct comparison with the results of the other groups, but it is probable that the results in which the dead are included give a better measure of the tendency of the group than those which exclude them. This is due to the fact that the dead in all probability corre- spond to the least active rats in the other groups. Consequently any results excluding them probably indicate only the tendencies of the upper end of the distribution scale. 428 APPENDICES the drive. In the control group in which the hunger drive ap- pears to be a negligible factor, the variability is extremely large (C.V. 153). With the series of starvation groups the variability is in every case smaller than with the control group. In general the variability tends to diminish as the starvation period is increased to 36 hours and to increase with the longer periods. The distribution covering the crossings for each of the starvation groups is shown in Figure 2 by means of cumulative percentile graphs. It is apparent from this figure that the differences be- tween the starvation groups indicated above by the median and per cent crossing 40 or more times holds true between the cor- responding deciles of each group. The differences between the control group and any of the starvation groups are immediately apparent. The fourth decile of the 12-hour, the second decile of the 24-hour, and the first decile of the 36-hour groups show as frequent crossings as the ninth decile of the control group. The 12- and 60- hour groups are simliar throughout the first 6 deciles of their dis- tributions, but from the sixth through the tenth deciles the 12- hour group shows more frequent crossings than the 60-hour group. The distributions of the 24- and 48-hour groups are similar from the fourth through the ninth deciles, but from the first through the third decile the 48-hour group crossed considerably more frequently than the 24-hour group. In the tenth decile the 24 crossed more frequently than the 48-hour group. From the second through the ninth decile the 36-hour group crossed more frequently than any of the other groups. These results again indicate the similarity of the 12- and 60-hour groups but further emphasize the fact that the more active animals of the 12-hour group cross more frequently than those of the 60-hour group. It is also shown that the least active animals of the 48-hour group cross considerably more fre- quently than those of the 24-hour group although the results of these two groups are otherwise very similar. The same results considered in relation to the percentage of rats that failed to cross the grill after their first experience with the shock, i.e., were immediately conditioned (table 5, column 7) indi- cate that increases in the period of starvation from 12 to 48 hours result in corresponding decreases in this type of behavior. After a APPENDICES 429 starvation period of 48 hours all the rats crossed the grill at least 5 times. The results of further increases in the period of starva- tion, in this respect, cannot be determined because of the large pro- portion of animals that died in the 60- and 72-hour groups. Within these two groups all the living animals crossed at least once while in the 72-hour group no rat crossed less than 2 times. These re- sults may indicate that the hunger drive of rats starved from 48 hours to the point of physical exhaustion is after the first experi- ence with the shock still stronger than the resistance offered by the grill. The percentages of rats crossing the grill 5 times or less (table 5, column 8) give results similar to the percentages imme- diately conditioned for starvation periods of 12 to 48 hours (see Fig. 3, b). With starvation periods of 60 and 72 hours, however, this measure seems to indicate that in many cases the hunger drive tends to become weaker than the resistance offered by the grill after 5 experiences with the shock. This appears to be more often the case with the 60-hour than with the 24-, 36-, or 48-hour groups. The percentage of rats that failed to be conditioned indicates that the hunger drive is strongest with the largest proportion of any group at 36 hours, since with this period of starvation 50 per cent of the group failed to be conditioned after 10 minutes experi- ence with the shock, i.e., were still crossing the grill at the end of the test period. From this fact it might be concluded that the mo- tivation resulting from 36 hours starvation is equivalent for this group to the resistance offered by 10 minutes experience with the grill under the conditions of this experiment. A further increase in the period of starvation to 48 hours reduced the number of ani- mals that failed to be conditioned to 30 per cent. Further increases in the starvation period, however, do not appreciably alter this percentage. The number of rats failing to be conditioned in any group starved longer than 36 hours, is in every case, greater than that of any group starved less than 36 hours (see Fig. 3, c). From these results it appears that, measured by the number of crossings, the hunger drive tends to increase in strength as the period of starvation is increased from 12 to 36 hours and to de- crease as it is further increased from 36 to 72 hours. It is prob- able, however, that any determination of these results in terms of 430 APPENDICES the number of times the grill was crossed measures not only the hunger drive but also the factor of general activity since physical exhaustion necessarily results from long starvation periods. As has been stated above the tendency to cross the grill very frequently is considerably greater with the 12- than with the 60-hour group, whereas the tendency to persist in attempts to reach the food stim- ulus, as shown by the per cent of each group that failed to be con- ditioned and the per cent immediately conditioned, is considerably greater with the 60- than with the 12-hour group. As indicated by the number of times the grill was crossed the hunger drive appears to diminish from a maximum at 36 hours to the point of physical exhaustion which occurred with the majority of these rats after 72 hours' starvation. However, a rat that was too weak to cross the grill still made attempts to do so, thus indicating that the hunger drive had not been entirely overcome, even- though extreme physi- cal exhaustion had set in. Consequently the number of crossings within the test period does not measure the hunger drive alone but also includes the factor of general bodily activity. Richter (9) found that the general activity of the white rat increases with the period of starvation, reaching a maximum at between 2 and 3 days, and then continuously decreases to the point of physical ex- haustion at 8 days. Richter 's results would appear similar to those obtained in the present study when measured in terms of the num- ber of times the grill was crossed by each group. It is probable therefore that with the longer hunger periods (48 to 72 hours) this measure indicates the physical capacity of the rats to attain the incentive stimulus rather than the actual motization resulting from this stimulus. The latter factor is probably better indicated by the percentages of animals immediately conditioned and fail- ing to be conditioned, since these measures are based upon per- sistence in reaching the food stimulus even when the physical capacity to do so is relatively slight. Considering these results together it appears that the hunger drive reaches a maximum strength at 36 hours. After 48 hours this drive seems to be slightly diminished, but further increases in the length of the starvation period to 60 and 72 hours do not seem to result in any further weakening of the hunger drive, although the APPENDICES 431 capacity to reach the stimulus is greatly reduced owing to the on- set of physical exhaustion. The reliability of the differences in crossings between any two groups in the shock 1 series will be found in table 8. It is apparent that the differences between any starvation group and the control group are completely reliable. The differences between the 12- and 36-hour groups and between the 36- and 60- or 72-hour groups are also extremely reliable. The differences between the 12- and 24-, or between the 24- and 36-hour groups are less reliable as are also the differences between the 36- and 48-, or that between the 48- and 60-hour groups. The tendency to touch the grill without crossing as indicated by the median number of contacts made by each group (table 5, col- umn 11) does not appear to be related directly to the length of the starvation period. With the 12- and 60-hour groups, in which the contacts tended to deter the rats from further crossings, the tendency to touch the grill is great. It. was also large with the 36- hour group, but in this case the contacts generally immediately preceded the crossings and were not as effective in conditioning as in the other groups. The tendency to jump was in general greater with starvation periods of 36 hours or less than with the longer periods. Shock 2. The results of the shock 2 series are difficult to inter- pret because of the lack of consistent tendencies. These results seem to indicate that the shock used in this series was so great as to arouse drive factors other than those of hunger. Some animals ap- peared to be reacting against the electric grill in section B rather than to the food stimulus in section C. After rushing across the grill into section C they did not eat but sat in a corner with sides palpitating as if in fear, or attempted to jump from the box. Ap- parently they did not discriminate between sections A and B for upon being replaced in A after crossing they would immediately dash across the grill. The type of reaction thus described was evident in the control group, as shown by the fact that 15 per cent of the animals crossed between 10 and 36 times, in spite of the fact that section C con- tained no food. The median number of crossings (2.4), however, 432 APPENDICES indicates that the majority of these animals were easily conditioned. The differences between the control group and any of the starva- tion groups in this series, with the exception of the 48-hour group, are too small to be reliable. The median number of crossings of the control, 12-, 24-, 36-, and 60-hour groups all fall between 2.4 and 4.1. The median number of crossings is 6.0 for the 72-hour group excluding the dead and 0.0 when they are included. The percentage of animals crossing the grill 40 or more times is not large with shock 2; the largest number (25 per cent) occurred in the 48-hour group. The tendency to cross the grill continuously is slightly greater with the 24- and 36-hour than with the 60- and 72-hour groups. The greatest differentiation between the groups is shown by the percentage of animals that were immediately conditioned (table 6, column 7). The results of the control, 12-, and 24-hour groups are quite similar in this respect ranging from 30 to 40 per cent. There is a decrease, however, to 28 per cent with the 36-hour group and to 18 per cent with both the 48- and 60-hour groups and to 19 per cent with the 72-hour group. The number of animals that failed to be conditioned (table 6, column 10) never rises above 15 per cent in any but the 48-hour group in which 38 per cent were still crossing the grill at the end of the test period. The variability (crossings) of the 12-, 24-, and 36-hour groups (table 6, column 5) is very great ranging from 160 to 198. With the 48-hour group it falls to 89 and with the 60-hour group to 131. In general it may be said that the individual differences between the animals of each group are so great as to obliterate any group differences that might result from the various starvation periods. It was observed that each group included both animals that regu- larly ate after crossing and animals that failed to do so. In the lat- ter case the escape reaction was evident. Upon being returned to section A these rats either withdrew as far as possible from the grill making no further attempt to cross, or immediately recrossed. In the latter case the crossings occurred in rapid succession and then ceased altogether. In the former case there were frequent pauses between crossings and the animals gave no indications of fear. The cumulative percentile graph (Fig. 4) for shock 2 indicates APPENDICES 433 clearly the difference between the 48-hour and the other groups of this series. The tendency to cross the grill in the 48-hour group is evident in the fourth decile and very marked from the fifth through the tenth decile. The majority of the animals in this group ate after crossing the grill and showed little evidence of fear. They seemed to be reacting directly to the food stimulus rather than at- tempting to escape. Pauses within section A and contacts followed by withdrawal without crossing were frequent in this group. This type of reaction, shown by the majority of the 48-hour group, oc- curred in only a few cases in the other groups of this series. The tendency to cross the grill is very slight with any other group. In fact from the first through the sixth decile the number of crossings made by any starvation group other than the 48-hour differs only slightly from that of the control group. In the ninth and tenth deciles the tendency toward extreme reac- tions is considerable and greater in every case with the starvation groups than with the control group. This fact, however, does not warrant the conclusion that these extreme reactions were due to the hunger drive alone, since in many cases the animals failed to eat after each crossing, although given ample opportunity to do so. It appears from these results that the 48-hour group is the only one of the shock 2 series in which the strength of the hunger drive is at all comparable with the resistance offered by the grill. Through- out the other groups this shock appears to disturb seriously the hunger drive of the majority of the animals. This disturbance seems to be greater with groups that have been starved less than 36 hours than with those starved more than 36 hours, inasmuch as the number of animals immediately conditiond is considerably less with the longer starvation periods. This fact considered in conjunction with the results of the 48-hour group above discussed suggests that the degree of shock sufficient to overcome the hunger drive (as indicated by a failure to react to the food stimulus when in the presence of it) is not identical for all periods of starvation but is dependent upon the length of the starvation period preceding the shock. The tendency to touch the grill without crossing in the shock 2 series appears to bear some relation to the length of the starvation 434 APPENDICES period although the differences between the groups are not large. The number of contacts made by each starvation group is in every case twice as great as the number made by the control group. The median number of contacts (table 3, column 11) increases from 2.9 with the 12-hour group to 3.4 with the 48-hour group and falls to 2.6 with the 60-hour group. Jumping behavior seems to bear no consistent relation to length of starvation period under the condi- tions of shock 2. The number of jumps (table 3, column 15) is greatest with the 24-hour group and slightly smaller with 48 -hour group, but the other groups do not differ greatly from the control group in this respect. Shock 3. The tendency to react against the grill rather than to the food stimulant is noticeable to a much greater extent with shock 3 than with shock 2. The results of the control group (cross- ings (of this series are extremely variable (C.V. 210), and seem to indicate that a strong degree of shock results with a few animals in a decided tendency to cross the grill. The only rat that failed to be conditioned by shock 3 occurred in the control group, in the absence of any food stimulus. This rat showed evidence of fear and seemed to be fleeing from section A. The tendency to cross the grill with shock 3 is relatively slight except in a few extreme cases. Every rat in each starvation group was conditioned against the grill by shock 3 within the test period (table 7, column 10). The greatest tendency to cross the grill fre- quently, as shown by the percentage of animals crossing 40 or more times (table 7, column 9) occurred in the 12-and 24-hour groups. With the other groups this tendency does not differ noticeably from that of the control group. The median number of crossings (table 7, column 2) increases from 2.3 with the control group to 8.0 with the 24-hour group and then falls to 4.3 as the period of starvation is increased to 48 hours. The effect of a 60- and 72-hour starvation period upon the shock 3 groups cannot be determined owing to the fact that so many animals in these groups died. If the dead are excluded from the results these groups appear to cross the grill more frequently than the 48-hour group, whereas if they are included the medians are smaller than that of this group. The per- centage of rats immediately conditioned and the percentage cross- APPENDICES 435 ing the grill 5 times or less (table 7, columns 7 and 8) show the same trend as the median number of crossings. The percentile graph for shock 3 (fig. 5) indicates that the differ- ence between the various starvation groups from the first through the fifth decile is negligible. Moreover there is no apparent differ- ence between the starvation and control groups within this range. From the sixth through the tenth decile, however, the 24-hour group crosses more frequently than any of the other groups, while from the seventh through the tenth decile the 36-hour rats cross more frequently than those of any group with the exception of the 24-hour. Since the differences between the control and starvation groups (excepting the 24-hour group) are very small and unreli- able, and since animals usually failed to eat after crossing, shock 3 cannot be said to offer a measure of the hunger drive alone. That some factor other than the incentive stimulus operates with shock 3 is shown by the fact that animals crossed frequently in the absence of food and after refusing to eat. This additional factor appears to be the tendency to escape, which is stimulated by the shock itself and results from an association of the grill with section A. The fact that the number of crossings increases with an increase in the star- vation period from 12 to 24 hours and decreases with further increases from 24 to 48 hours indicates that there is some relation between the tendency to cross the grill and the length of the starva- tion period. This relation is probably due to differences in the organic state of the animals resulting from the different starvation periods. Richter (supra) found that general activity bore a direct relation to differences in organic state resulting from different starvation periods. Consequently it is probable that shock 3 indi- cates more clearly the factor of general activity than the motivation resulting directly from the incentive stimulus. The median number of contacts in this series increases from 2.3 with the 12-hour group to 3.5 with the 36-hour group and then decreases to 2.6 with the 48-hour group. There appears to be an increase in the number of contacts with the 60- and 72-hour groups but owing to the number of deaths in these groups, the results are not comparable with the others of this series. The jumping activity (table 7, column 15) shows no relation to the length of the starva- TABLE 11 Showing the effect of different degrees of shock upon the same starvation groups CROSSINGS c •- >> o II II u >> § s •8 SI « »- ^ o C as 4) 4> ° a Cm CONTACTS (MEDIAN) Control group Shock 1 1.6 153 0-12 60 uO 2.0 0 fifi Shock 2 2.4 177 1-36 35 85 0 0 1.6 1.7 Shock 3 2.3 210 0-54 45 80 5 5 1.7 2.5 12-hour group Shock 1 4.5 135 0-77 33 55 19 11 4.6 2.4 Shock 2 3.3 198 0-108 30 65 5 5 2.9 0.87 Shock 3 3.2 159 0-44 18 75 2.5 0 2.3 2.8 24-hour group Shock 1 28.6 77 0-98 13 25 33 18 1.9 5.0 Shock 2 2.6 160 0-74 40 67 15 5 2.9 2.5 Shock 3 , . . 8.0 122 0-93 20 25 23 0 2.8 1.8 36-hour group Shock 1 , . , 37.0 61 0-89 5 10 50 50 3.7 3.8 Shock 2 3.5 166 0-60 28 75 10 8 3.3 1.1 Shock 3. 5.5 129 0-79 23 53 10 0 3.5 3.6 48-hour group Shock 1 , 27.0 64 5- -80 0 5 33 30 2.6 1,0 Shock 2 20.0 89 0- -77 18 3S 25 38 3.4 2.0 Shock 3., 4.3 151 0- -70 33 68 7.5 0 2.6 2.5 60-hour group Shock 1 6.7 120 1-58 9 46 9 23 3.1 3.6 4.6 140 0-58 22 54 7 19.5 2.6 1.8 Shock 2 4.1 131 0-46 18 68 2.5 0 2.6 1.2 Shock 3 6.3 127 0-69 20 48 2.5 0 3.2 3.0 * 2.6 158 0-69 40 60 2 0 2.4 1.9 72-hour group Shock 1 . . 16.5 88 2-68 0 24 5 33 2.4 1.4 * 2.0 154 0-68 48 60 2.5 17.5 0.0 0.0 Shock 2 6.0 111 0-50 19 43 4.8 10 3.6 0.89 0.0 389 0-50 61 73 2.3 5 0.0 0.0 Shock 3 7.5 110 0-70 14 41 8.1 0 3.6 2.2 3.7 138 0-70 35 55 6.1 0 2.6 0.0 * Results in this row include the dead. APPENDICES 437 tion periods. It is rather large in every instance but that of the 24-hour group. The effect of different degrees of electrical stimulation This section in concerned with the effect of different degrees of electrical stimulation upon drive behavior resulting from a given starvation period. The relative effect of the three degrees of shock upon the control group and upon each of the six starvation periods will be considered, as measured by crossings, contacts, and jumps. Control group. In the absence of a food stimulus in section C, the central tendencies of the groups indicated by the medians (table 11, column 1) are not materially affected by increasing the shock. The extreme tendencies of the groups are however, con- siderably affected. The percentage of animals immediately condi- tioned by shock 1 is greater than that by either shocks 2 or 3. Frequent crossings of the grill increase directly with an increase in shock as shown by the fact that only one rat crossed the grill more than 3 times, and that only 12 times, with shock 1, whereas 3 rats crossed between 10 and 36 times with shock 2, and 3 between 8 and 54 times with shock 3. Moreover the only animal that failed to be conditioned in any control group occurred with shock 3. As indi- cated by the coefficient of variability an increase in shock directly increases the variability of the groups (table 11, column 2). The number of contacts made by the control groups was greater with shock 1 than with either shocks 2 or 3 (table 11, column 8). This appeared to be due to the fact that the rats moved much more rapidly and less cautiously with shocks 2 and 3 and consequently upon touching the grill did not stop but proceeded across the grill, whereas with shock 1 the animals approached the grill rather slowly and generally withdrew after experiencing the shock. The number of jumps made by the control groups appears to be directly increased by an increase in shock, the median number of jumps being 0.66 with shock 1, 1.7 with shock 2, and 2.5 with shock 3. In brief, in the absence of the food stimulus an increase in shock while affecting the central tendencies (crossings) of the groups only slightly produces a marked effect upon the extreme tendencies of the groups. The lowest degree of shock appears to be most effec- 438 APPENDICES tive in immediately deterring the animals from crossing the grill, whereas a heavy shock may result in repeated crossings. Inasmuch as the degree of shock constitutes the only variable condition in the control groups, it must be assumed that the increased tendency to cross the grill is due to the shock itself. Observations of the behavior of the animals indicated that an increase in the degree of shock used resulted in an increase in the reactions indicating fear. Such reactions were not evident with shock 1 but occurred frequently with shock 2. In such cases the rats after crossing, ran wildly about section C or tried to jump from the box. Upon being replaced in section A they would dash immediately across the grill or bury their heads in a corner of the box, in which position they would remain, breathing very rapidly until finally removed. With shock 3 the number of animals showing these reactions was greater and the conditions described more exaggerated. Jumping also occurred more frequently with an increase in shock. From these facts it appears that in the absence of the incentive stimulus shocks 2 and 3 were both strong enough to frighten the animals. The increase in TABLE 12 Showing the reliability of the difference between the various shocks (average crossings) for a given starvation group STARVATION GROUP SHOCKS 1 AND 2 SHOCKS 2 AND 3 SHOCKS 1 AND 3 SDD D SDr SDD D SDD SDD D SDD Control 2.17 1.70 3.37 0.09 2.70 1.48 12 4.81 1.64 3.37 0.74 4.19 2.48 24 4.75 3.51 4.99 1.69 5.21 1.75 36 4.70 6.85 3.78 1.24 4.94 5.56 48 4.43 1.85 4.11 2.80 4.06 4.85 60 3.14 0.02 2.59 0.54 3.03 0.69 72 2.73 2.56 2.65 3.28 3.20 0.53 the number of crossings made by some rats with an increase in shock seemed to be due to the fact that fear aroused random move- ments resulting in a failure to discriminate between sections A and B so that A was reacted to in the same way as B. Twelve-hoar group. With the introduction of the incentive stimulus in section C the relative effect of the three degrees of shock upon the behavior of the rats is changed. The differences between APPENDICES 439 the central tendencies of the groups are, as with the control group, small and unreliable (table 12). An increase in shock in this case, however, appears to decrease the number of times the rats will cross the grill, the medians being 4.5 with shock 1, 3.3 with shock 2, and 3.2 with shock 3. The results of the three degrees of shock in regard to immediate conditioning indicate a somewhat different effect. Thirty-three per cent were immediately conditioned by shock 1, 30 per cent by shock 2, and 18 per cent by shock 3. Animals reacting to shock 3 are thus more likely to cross the grill at least twice than when the lighter shocks were used. On the other hand shock 3 is the most effective of the three shocks in finally conditioning the animals since no rats failed to be conditioned in this case, whereas 2.5 per cent remained unconditioned with shock 2 and 11 per cent with shock 1. Moreover only 25 per cent of the group crossed more than 5 times with shock 3, while 35 per cent did so with shock 2 and 45 per cent with shock 1. The number of rats crossing 40 or more times was also directly decreased by an increase in shock. The number of contacts in the 12-hour group decreased with an increase in shock (table 11, column 8). The tendency to jump does not vary consistently with the degree of shock as will be seen from table 11. While the control and 12-hour groups had been without food exactly the same length of time, the results are quite opposed in respect to the relative effect of the three degrees of shock. It will be recalled that in the control group the animals reacting to shock 1 showed the least tendency to cross the grill, while in the 12-hour group they show the greatest tendency to do so. Moreover whereas the greatest tendency to cross in the control group occurred with shock 3, in the 12-hour group this shock is most effective in deterring the rats from crossing. Twenty-four-hour group. The difference between the results (crossings) with shocks 1 and 2 after 24-hour period of starvation is large and reliable (table 12). The number of crossings made with shock 1 is considerable as shown by a median of 28.6 and the fact that 75 per cent of the group crossed more than 5 times. The ten- dency to cross with shock 2 is, on the other hand, very slight as 440 APPENDICES shown by a median of 2.6 and the fact that only 23 per cent of this group crossed more than 5 times. Only 13 per cent of the animals used with shock 1 were conditioned immediately, while 40 per cent of the group with shock 2 were immediately conditioned. The number of crossings made with shock 3 is in this case greater than with shock 2, but considerably less than with shock 1, the median number of crosses being 8.0. The tendency to cross 40 or more times with shock 3 was not quite as marked as with shock 1 as shown by the fact that 23 per cent of the group with shock 3 crossed 40 or more times whereas 33 per cent did so with shock 1. The number of rats immediately conditioned by shock 3 is only half as great as that by shock 2. The results of the 24-hour group are least variable with shock 1 and most variable with shock 2 (table 11, column 2). The number of contacts made by the 24-hour groups was smallest with shock 1. The number of jumps in this case decreased directly with an increase in shock. The behavior of the rats in response to the food after crossing to section C varied considerably with the different shocks. With shock 1, the rats ran immedately to the food and started eating with all possible speed. With shock 2 some rats reacted in like manner showing practically no evidence of fear, while others were obviously frightened and paid no attention to the food, but tried to jump out of section C. With shock 3 hardly any of the animals noticed the food. They either cowered in a corner of section C or attempted to jump from the box. The speed in crossing the grill when replaced in section A also differed with the different shocks. With shock 1 hesitation for several seconds at the edge of the grill followed by a crossing, frequently occurred, whereas with shock 3, if they crossed at all, the tendency was to dash immediately across the grill after being placed in A. Very little hesitation at the edge of the grill occurred with shock 2 although the temporal interval between crossings varied considerably from rat to rat. Thirty -six-hour group. The relative effect of the three degrees of shock upon crossings with the 36-hour group is in general similar to that noted with the 24-hour group. The largest number of crossings was made with shock 1 (median 37.0) and the smallest number with APPENDICES 441 shock 2 (median 3.5). The difference between the results with shocks 1 and 2 is in this case extremely reliable (table 12). The number of crossings made with shock 3 (median 5.5) is slightly greater than, that with shock 2. The number of animals that failed to be conditioned is largest with shock 1 (50 per cent), while none failed to be conditioned by shock 3. The number of rats immediately conditioned was again smallest with shock 1 (5 per cent) and greatest with shock 2 (28 per cent). The number of contacts made with shock 1 was rather large (median 3.7). In this case, however, a contact was generally a preliminary reaction immediately preceding a crossing. With shocks 2 and 3 the contacts did not bear as close a relation to the crossings but were only slightly less frequent than with shock 1. Jumping activity was considerable with shocks 1 and 3 but was relatively slight with shock 2. Forty -eight -hour group. With the 48-hour group the tendency to cross the grill is directly related to the degree of shock. The group with shock 1 crossed most frequently (median 27.0) and that with shock 3 least frequently (median 4.3). The number of crossings with shock 2 was in this case only slightly less (median 20.0) than with shock 1. With shock 1, however, only 5 per cent crossed 5 times or less whereas 38 per cent did so with shock 2 and 68 per cent with shock 3. The number of rats failing to be conditioned was slightly greater with shock 2 than with shock 1, but the number of crossings 40 or more times was slightly less than with shock 1. The number of contacts was approximately the same with shocks 1 and 3 (medians 2.6) but slightly greater with shock 2 (median 3.4). The jumping activity increased directly with an increase in shock. The variability (crossings) of the 48-hour group is least with shock 1 and greatest with shock 3 (table 11). Sixty-hour group. Due to the fact that some of the 60-hour rats, with shocks 1 and 3, died, the results for the three degrees of shock are not entirely comparable. The general effect of an increased shock appears, however, to be very slight with the 60-hour group. Considering these results in terms of the medians the differences 442 APPENDICES between the groups are negligible and have no reliability. The varia- bility of the three groups is approximately the same (table 11, column 2). If the results are considered in respect to the percentage of ani- mals that were immediately conditioned, there appears to be a slightly greater tendency for all the rats to cross with shock 1 than with shocks 2 or 3. More rats crossed 5 times or less with shock 2 than with shocks 1 and 3. The chief difference between the 3 degrees of shock occurs at the upper end of the scale as 9 per cent of the group with shock 1 crossed 40 or more times, whereas only 2.5 per cent did so with shocks 2 and 3. 23 per cent of the group with shock 1 failed to be conditioned while none failed to be with shocks 2 and 3. The number of contacts is relatively large with shocks 1 and 3 (medians 3.1 and 3.2, respectively) but is somewhat less with shock 2 (median 2.6). The tendency to jump is also considerably greater with shocks 1 and 3, (medians 3.6 and 3.0) than with shock (me- dian 1.2). It appears from these results that an increase in shock with rats that have been starved 60 hours was only effective in respect to the animals that crossed the grill most frequently, since an increase in shock diminished the number of extreme cases but did not noticeably affect the central tendency. In general, the activity shown by touch- ing the grill and jumping was greater with shocks 1 and 3 than with shock 2. Seventy-two-hour group. With these groups the factor of selec- tion is again operative so that the results are not entirely compar- able. In general the tendency to cross the grill is greatest with shock 1 since no animals were immediately conditioned in this case whereas 19 per cent were by shock 2 and 14 per cent by shock 3. The percentage of rats crossing 5 times or less is also smaller with shock 1 than with shocks 2 or 3. The number crossing 40 or more times is approximately the same with the three degrees of shock, but the number failing to be conditioned decreased directly with an increase of shock. As shown by the median the number of crossings was greatest with shock 1 and considerably less with shocks 2 and 3 (table 11). APPENDICES 443 In general the number of contacts is greater with shocks 2 and 3 than with shock 1. The number of jumps in this case seems to bear no relation to the degree of shock. Summary. The results of the three degrees of shock upon the same starvation periods show that, in the absence of the incentive stimulus, the tendency to cross the grill is relatively slight with any degree of shock. In this case, however, the general tendency of an increased shock, as has been stated in the discussion of the control group, is to increase the tendency to cross the grill. This fact indi- cates that a strong shock in itself produces a certain degree of motivation. These results show that when the food stimulus is introduced into the otherwise identical situation the relative effect of the three degrees of shock was dependent upon the length of the starvation period that had preceded the shock. The relative effect of the three degrees of shock on each starvation group can be clearly observed in figure 6. With either a short (12 hours) or long (60 and 72 hours) starvation period the tendency to cross the grill is not markedly different with the three degrees of shock, although there is a slight tendency to cross more frequently with shock 1 than with shocks 2 or 3, except in the case of the 72-hour groups where the results of the three degrees of shock are not comparable owing to the deaths occurring in these groups. With a median period of starvation (24 or 36 hours), however, the number of crossings made with shock 1 is very great, but is relatively slight with shocks 2 and 3. With these shocks the tendency to cross the grill in response to the food stimulus does not appear to differ radically from that observ- able when the food stimulus is absent. This fact indicates that shocks 2 and 3 do not give adequate measures of the relative effect of different periods of starvation. Shock 2 appears to divide the animals into two groups, those motivated largely by the food stimulus and those motivated chiefly by fear. With shock 3 the fear motivation appeared to become dominant in practically all cases. With shock 1, however, all the animals seemed to be motivated by the food stimulus. Consequently the data of shock 1 alone, can be considered as affordig measures of the hunger drive. 444 APPENDICES IV. Summary and Conclusions 1. Of the three degrees of electrical stimulation used in compart- ment B as an obstruction against which to measure the hunger drive, only the lowest proved to be suitable for use with this method. Both of the higher shocks were severe enough to disturb the normal food response. Shock 2, in general, had the effect of separating into two classes the animals of each starvation group: in one case the animals appeared to be motivated mainly by hunger and in the other mainly by fear. Shock 3 was so severe that it seemed to intro- duce an additional source of motivation which disturbed and obscured the normal hunger drive. 2. The lowest degree of shock furnished a degree of stimulation adequate for the measurement of the hunger drive by the Obstruc- tion Method, in that it was high enough to bring out differentiation in drive behavior resulting from different periods of starvation, and low enough not to arouse other conflicting tendencies. Inasmuch as shock 1 alone proved suitable with this method for the measurement of the hunger drive the following statements are based solely on data obtained with this shock. 3. As measured by the number of crossings within the test period, the hunger drive appears to increase from 12 to 36 hours and to decrease with further increases in the length of the starva- tion period. 4. The hunger drive as indicated by the percentage of animals immediately conditioned and by that failing to be conditioned, apparently reaches its maximum at 36 to 48 hours and remains fairly constant from this point to 72 hours. 5. As measured by the number of crossings the results of the 24- and 48-hour drives appear to agree, while the 12- and 60-hour drives have highly similar values. As indicated by the per cent that failed to be conditioned, however, the hunger drive, is stronger with a 48- and 60-hour starvation period than with 12- and 24-hour periods. The difference between the results of these two measures is probably in large part due to the factor of physical exhaustion occurring with the longer starvation periods. 6. The number of contacts and jumps do not appear to bear any consistent relation to the length of the starvation period. APPENDICES 445 Bibliography (1) Carlson, A. J. 1919. Control of Hunger in Health and Disease. Chicago Univ. Press. (2) Cole, L. W. 1911. The relation of strength of stimulus to rate of learning in the chick. Jour. Animal Behav., i. (3) Dodson, J. D. 1917. Relative values of reward and punishment in habit formation. Psychobiology, i. (4) Donaldson, H. H. 1924. The Rat. Philadelphia. (5) Hoge, M. A., and R. J. Stocking. 1912. A note on the relative value of punishment and reward as motives. Jour. Animal Behav., ii. (6) Jenkins, Warner and Warden. 1926. Standard Apparatus for the Study of Animal Motivation. Jour. Comp. Psych., 6 : 361-82. (7) Moss, F. A. 1924. A study of animal drives. Jour. Exp. Psych., vii. (8) Nicholls, E. E. 1922. A study of the spontaneous activity of the guinea pig. Jour. Comp. Psych., ii. (9) Richter, Curt P. 1922. A behavioristic study of the rat. Comp. Psych. Monographs, i, No. 2. (10) Simmons, Rietta. 1924. The relative effectiveness of certain incen- tives in animal learning. Comp. Psych. Monographs, ii, No. 7. (11) Slonaker, J. R. 1907. The normal activity of the white rat at dif- ferent ages. Jour. Comp. Neur. and Psych., xvii, No. 4. (12) Szymanski, J. S. 1918. Abhandlungen zum Aufbau der Lehre von den Handlungen der Tiere. Pfliiger's Archiv. f. d. ges. Physiol., clxx. (13) Szymanski, J. S. 1918-1919. Die Abhangigkeit der Lerngeschwindig- keit von der Antriebsstarke. Pfliiger's Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., clxxii. (14) Szymanski, J. S. 1918. Versuche iiber die Wirkung der Faktorett, die als Antriebs zum Erlernen einer Handlung dienen konnen. Pflii- ger,s Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., clxxi. (15) Tsai, Chiao. 1925. The relation of the sex and hunger motives in the albino rat. Jour. Comp. Psych., No. 5. (16) Yerkes, R. M., and J. D. Dodson. 1908. Relation of strength of stimulus to rapidity of habit formations. Jour. Comp. Neur. and Psych., xviii. 2. THE EFFECT OF SHORT INTERVALS OF DELAY IN FEEDING UPON SPEED OF MAZE LEARNING 1 C. J. Warden and E. L. Hamilton In most experimental situations in which animals are employed it is necessary to arouse the test animal to the desired state of general activity by the use of an incentive stimulus of some sort. The incentive stimulus, if it is to be adequate, must be an object or situation which normally evokes in the organism positive responses of the locomotor type with respect to the stimulus in question. For obvious reasons food has been used most extensively in thus bringing about a more or less general stimulation of the organism, although other kinds of stimuli, such as sex objects for example, have been employed on occasion. In any case the same general principle applies. In order to reach the incentive stimulus the animal performs, or attempts to perform such feat as the experimental situation may require. As a rule the animal is allowed immediate access to the incentive stimulus after performance so that the latter response is continuous with the response to the incentive stimulus. And it is, of course, quite proper that such procedure should be followed in the ordinary laboratory situation, since rewarding the animal immediately after performance most probably favors its general emotional adjustment to the artificial laboratory conditions. One interesting aspect of the general problem of motivation, however, is that concerning the effect upon behavior of separating the test response from the re- sponse to the incentive stimulus by intervals of time of various length. What will be the effect of thus delaying the latter response upon the learning of the former? Does the fixation of a pattern response, such as a maze habit, proceed more effectively and speedily when the reward immediately follows the performance? i Published by C. J. Warden and E. L. Haas (now Mrs. E. L. Hamilton) in The Journal of Comparative Psychology, 1927, 7: 107-16 and reprinted from that periodical. 446 APPENDICES 447 What, in fact, are the results of a progressive series of intervals of delay upon the rate of learning 1 The present study is a preliminary report of a systematic investigation of this general problem. The present experiment was suggested by the work of Watson (1) who studied the effect of a 30-second interval of delay in feeding upon the rate of learning the sawdust type of problem box in the white rat. He used 6 animals in both test and control group and employed food as the incentive stimulus. The experimental condi- tions were kept constant and identical for both groups except for the fact that the animals of the test group were prevented from obtaining food after each daily performance by covering the food dish with a perforated lid which could be conveniently raised by the experimenter at the close of the 30-second interval of delay. In both groups, moreover, the animals were allowed to feed for 5 seconds from the dish and then transferred to their cages where the daily ration was provided. Watson found that the animals were very active during the period of delay. The time curves for the two groups are closely similar, leading Watson to conclude that the delay of 30 seconds did not alter the speed of forming the habit. The work of Watson has been extended in two directions in the present study. In the first place a different type of performance has been selected, a simple maze replacing the problem box. This made necessary a different kind of apparatus for restraining the animal from securing the food during the period of delay, a detailed description of which will be given later. In the second place much longer intervals of delay were employed, i.e., a 1-minute and a 5-minute interval.. A change in procedure was also introduced. Instead of feeding the animals for only 5 seconds in the apparatus, and then giving them their main ration in their living cage, we allowed our animals to feed for 5 minutes in the apparatus after daily performance before removing them to a feeding cage close by, where they were allowed to feed for an additional 5-minutes, and then removed to their living cage. Any possible influence of the incentive stimulus, or of the response to it, upon the previous per- formance of running through the maze was thus given the best possible conditions in which to operate. In most cases active feed- ing had ceased before the animals were removed from the food box 448 APPENDICES The design of the maze employed is shown in figure 1. It proved to be a relatively easy pattern in spite of the fact that it contains 8 culs-de-sac. It was constructed after the usual manner of wood, with 4-inch runways, and was provided with a sliding door in front of the food box which prevented the animals from re-entering the maze after having reached the food box. The food dish consisted of the metal bell from an alarm clock, approximately 6 cm. in diam- eter, screwed down to the floor at the center of the food box. Fig. 1. Maze Pattern The device utilized for restraining the animal from obtaining the food during the period of delay is illustrated in figure 2. The wooden screen was formed by extending the sides of the food box upward for a distance of 18 inches. This screen served the purpose of isolating the animal during the period of delay from possible distracting stimuli from without, to a large extent. It also elim- inated the experimenter from the visual field of the animal quite effectually while permitting easy observation of the animal. The screen was provided with a door, C, for the removal of the animal from the food box after daily practice and feeding. APPENDICES 449 The restraining device proper consisted of a heavy metal funnel 9 cm. in diameter, lined inside with thin felt, which could be dropped down over the food dish at will. The funnel was heavily weighted at the top with lead so that it could not be removed from the dish by the animals, when once in place. It was operated by means of a wire cable as indicated in the diagram, the cable being coated with vaseline to prevent the rats from attempting to climb Fig. 2. Eestraining Device A, bell-shaped food dish; B, perforated metal funnel, attached to picture wire; C, hinged door, through which the animals were removed from the food box; D, food box (shown in broken lines). it. Perforations in the funnel permitted normal olfactory stimu- lation during the period of delay. The operation of the device was practically noiseless. A total of 43 white rats of approximately 80-gram weight were used. The control group included 15 animals and the two test groups 14 each. The diet consisted of whole wheat bread and milk and a sample of the regular diet was used as the incentive stimulus. The general illumination of the room was kept as constant as pos- 450 APPENDICES sible and was identical for all groups. Seven rats of each group were tested daily at 3 p.m., and the balance at 7 p.m., thus equal- izing the time of day factor for the groups. The animals were al- lowed to feed, on each of 3 days previous to the training period, for 5 minutes in both entrance box and food box and then for a like period in the adjacent feeding cage. During this preliminary con- tact with the apparatus, the funnel was suspended about 6 inches above the food dish in which food had been placed. The animals were inserted and removed repeatedly during this period through the door, C, in order to acustom them to this method of removal which it was necessary to use in the later training series. Only one trial per day was given, and this always at the same time of day for each animal. Time was taken with a stopwatch, and both forward and backward errors were checked. The two types of error have been combined in the tables, however, since no sig- nificant group differences appeared. An error was checked when the ears of the test animal were seen to project into the entrance of a cul-de-sac. The training was continued until 4 out of 5 trials were made without error (norm B). A second norm of mastery (norm A) — the first perfect trial — was introduced as a check on the more severe norm, the computations being made of course from the same records. The essential difference in procedure for the different groups centered around the food box, since conditions elsewhere were kept uniform throughout. In the case of the control group the funnel was raised exposing the food at the instant the door closed behind the animal. After 5 minutes of feeding the rat was removed through the door, C, and placed in a small cage, with food, for an additional 5 minutes and then retured to its living cage. The pro- cedure in the case of the two test groups was precisely the same, except for the fact that the funnel was raised only after the inter- val of delay, in each case, was over. The results are presented in tables 1, 2, and 3 for both norms of mastery and for all criteria of performance (trials, errors, time). The statistical treatment of the average (norm B) appears in the last four columns of each table, this average representing probably on the whole the best group index. The median for the same norm APPENDICES 451 agrees in general with the average, and the scores of norm A are also in essential agreement with those of norm B. In fact these four indices of central tendency exhibit a remarkable uniformity throughout, and the data for trials, errors and the time all point in the same direction. Let us compare, first, the control and the 5-minute groups. If we take the scores at their face value it is evident that we must conclude that a 5-minute interval between the pattern response to be learned and the feeding activity has no disadvantageous effect upon the fixation of the maze habit. In fact, the values for both trials and errors are — in most instances — slightly lower than those of the control group, although this difference in favor of the 5-minute group is in no case significant. The 5-minute interval of delay then did not increase the number of trials required to mas- ter the maze, nor did it increase the number of errors made during the period of mastery. The average total time spent within the maze was, however, somewhat greater for the 5-minute group, as will appear from an inspection of table 3. The difference is not large but is consistent regardless of norm of index of central tendency employed. Inas- much as the number of trials, and of errors, was practically identi- cal for the two groups, this difference in time would seem to re- duce itself to speed of locomotion (average speed) in running through the passage ways. The animals of the 5-minute group evi- dently ran a little less speedily, or else made more frequent or longer stops, on the whole. Whether this difference in time per trial was due to the influence of the interval of delay cannot be certainly known from the data at hand. It may have been due instead to an accumulation of rats in this group that naturally run at a slower than average pace. There is a large individual dif- ference in natural speed of running in the white rat, as anyone knows who has attempted to make use of a temporal norm of mas- tery in connection with either maze or problem box. Even if the slowing up in speed of locomotion were clearly due to a difference in motivation arising from the interval of delay it would still be difficult to connect this in any important way with the process of fixation. There is little reason to suppose that this slight difference 452 APPENDICES TABLE 1 Showing mean number of trials required in mastery of maze GROUP NORM A NORM B .Median Average Median Average Q CO S. D. (average) D S. D. (D) V Control 7.0 6.9 10.0 10.6 2.2 0.6 C. @ O.M. 2.00 20.6 One-minute 7.5 7.3 12.0 12.4 2.8 0.7 O.M. @ F.M. 22.6 2.40 Five-minute 5.5 5.6 10.0 10.2 2.2 0.6 C. @ F.M. 0.04 21.6 TABLE 2 Showing mean number of errors during mastery of maze NORM A NORM B GROUP verage) D C © a C i 8> 3. S. D. (D) V -5 © 2 9 Q Q 1 < 3 < CO CO Control 22.0 23.8 22.0 24.7 6.8 1.8 C. @ O.M. 2.3 27.5 One-minute 29.5 29.6 29.5 31.2 8.4 2.2 O.M. @ F.M. 2.9 26.9 Five-minute 22.0 21.7 24.5 24.0 4.7 1.3 C. @ F.M. 0.3 19.6 TABLE 3 Showing mean number of seconds required in mastery of maze NORM A NORM B GROUP C S © g C a © § 2 . (average) s D . D. (D) V -5 © "5 © © > Q Q © S > a < CO CO Control 208.0 195.9 237.0 232.5 34.8 9.0 C. @ O.M. 2.8 15.0 One-minute 229.5 233.5 263.5 294.9 75.3 20.1 O.M. @ F.M. 0.7 25.5 Five-minute 211.0 222.1 263.5 275.6 61.5 16.4 C. © F.M. 2.3 22.3 APPENDICES 453 in speed of locomotion would bear any essential relation to rate of fixing the maze habit. The results of the 1-minute group do not yield themselves to so obvious and simple an interpretation. The data are consistent throughout in showing a slower rate of learning for this group in comparison with either of the other two, regardless of norm of mastery, or index of central tendency employed. Moreover when the average for norm B is considered the difference is large enough to be fairly reliable in most cases, and always so as between the 1- minute group and the control. The acceptance of this result at its face value would lead to the conclusion that although a 5-minute interval of delay is not disadvantageous, a shorter one such as one minute may be so. Such a conclusion, while not impossible, does not appear to fit the logic of the situation very well. Nor is it sup- ported by any fact of observation; there was no noticeable differ- ence either qualitative or quantitative in the behavior of the 1- and 5-minute groups during the period of delay. They appear equally active in both cases. The extreme precautions taken to insure uniformity of experi- mental conditions practically eliminate the possibility of any constant error in the results. Nor do the data afford any clue con- cerning a possible accumulation of a variable error, save, perhaps, in the matter of sampling. As already noted the 1-minute group showed, on the whole, a greater tendency to variability than the other two groups. Moreover, a single animal in this group extends the upper limit of the range in trials (norm B) from 16 to 20, as indicated in table 4. These facts suggest that perhaps the 1-minute group is less homogeneous than the other two, and hence not as fair a sample. A standard error of sampling formula can hardly be ap- plied to such small groups. However, a rough check on this point seemed to be furnished by the following simple procedure. Each of the three groups was divided into two sub-groups of equal size by chance, and averages for these sub-groups computed for all criteria. Fifteen numbers were drawn from a hat and placed alter- nately into X or Y pile, each number representing a given individual animal. A large difference in the averages of the two sub-groups should mean lack of homogeneity in the major group, although 454 APPENDICES TABLE 4 Distribution table covering number of trials required for complete mastery (norm B) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 20 Control 1 2 2 3 1 4 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 One-minute 0 0 1 3 1 5 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 Five-minute 2 1 1 5 2 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 TABLE 5 Averages based upon a chance division of each group into sub-groups X and Y TRIALS ERRORS SECONDS GROUP X Y X Y X Y Control - 10.1 11.1 24.0 25.3 215.4 252.0 One-minute 10.9 14.0 29.6 33.9 250.9 339.0 Five-minute _ 10.0 10.4 23.9 24.1 250.1 301.0 such a simple method gives no more than a rough indication. An inspection of table 5 will show that the difference between the averages of the sub-groups, arranged on a chance basis, is very slight for both the control and 5-minute group, but is quite con- siderable for the 1-minute group. This is additional evidence that the 1-minute group is less homogeneous than the other two groups, and raises the question of the validity of the various indices of this group. It seems best, therefore, to leave the matter of the effect of the 1-minute interval open for further investigation. This of course does not disturb in any way the clear cut evidence that a 5-minute interval of delay between the act to be fixated and the feeding sponse had no measurable effect upon the rate of fixation. This latter result must be considered as so much evidence against the law of effect, insofar as the latter insists that the value of the ' ' sat- isfying state" is a function of its " nearness in time" to the act, or series of acts to be fixated. Bibliography (1) Watson, J. B. The effect of delayed feeding upon learning. Psycho- biology, i, 51-59. t 3. THE EFFECT OF DELAYED INCENTIVE ON THE HUNGER DRIVE IN THE WHITE RAT 1 (EXPERIMENT 2: THE LEARNING METHOD) E. L. Hamilton I. Introduction While the Columbia Obstruction Method doubtless offers the most direct and satisfactory method of measuring' animal drives, the marked influence of the incentive-drive situation in animal learning suggested the use of this more indirect method as a check on our results reported in Part II, 2. Watson (14) was perhaps the first to attack the problem of deter- mining definitely the effect of delayed incentive on rate of learning. The apparatus employed was a modification of the sawdust box provided with a device for restraining the animal from obtaining the food until an interval of time had passed. The food was placed in a cylindrical container 5 cm. in diameter and 3 cm. high, sup- plied with a lid perforated with several mm. holes to allow for ol- factory stimulation. A small vertical rod was screwed into the center of the lid and passed through a hole in the wire mesh of the problem box, passing out through the top. By means of this rod the experimenter could allow the animal to get food after a given interval. He used 6 male rats approximately 60 days of age and 6 male rats about 100 days of age. The twelve animals were divided into two groups, six of which had to learn the problem by the usual method of immediate feeding and six others by the method of de- layed feeding. The animals were distributed at random into the two groups, with the only precaution that each group contained three young animals and three older ones. xEeprinted with modifications from Genetic Psychology Monographs, 1929, 5, No. 2, 137-66. 455 456 APPENDICES As preliminary training, all twelve animals were allowed to get their food in the box a number of times before the training series. At all times during the tests the lid to the food box was left on in the case of both groups. The lid was lifted by the time the animals reached the food box for the control group. The animals of either group were allowed to eat for five seconds on each trial after enter- ing the box and then were lifted out and taken back to their living cages. Only one trial per day was given. The same method was adopted for the delayed incentive group except that in this case the lid to the food box was held down for 30 seconds. Watson found that the animals were very active during the period of delay. Table 1 shows the average time per trial for the two groups. Examina- tion of the data indicates that a delay of 30 seconds between the solving of the problem and obtaining the incentive (food) has no effect upon speed of forming this habit. Such decided changes in procedure as the increase of trials to two trials per day and an interchange of incentive conditions between the immediate and delayed groups produced no noticeable effect upon the results. Simmons (6), in her study of the effectiveness of various incen- tives in aimal learning, made a brief test of the effect of delayed feeding on the learning of a complex maze. She used five male and five female albino rats between three and four months of age. The rats were selected by chance so that the two groups represented random samples with the exception that each group had approxi- mately an equal number of males and females. As preliminary training, the rats were fed in a special feeding cage, for 7 to 10 days before the experiment was begun, at the same time of day at which they were later fed during the experiment proper. Two groups were run, a standard and a delayed group. The former were fed, during the training period, immediately after practice each day, as is usual in ordinary laboratory procedure. The delayed group were fed in the feeding cage one and one-half to two hours after the last run. Work was done in the late afternoon by electric light. Two trials per day were given to each group, and the maze was considered mastered at that trial after which nine out of ten successive runs were made without error. The results appear in table 2. The immediate feeding group had records slightly su- APPENDICES 457 TABLE 1 Table from Watson showing average time per trial Trials Average delayed feeding Seconds Average immediate feeding Seconds 1 385 923 2 58 111 3 84 89 4 30 24 5 18 36 6 17 23 7 13 9 8 12 13 9 9 8 10 9 15 11 13 9 12 8 13 13 8 9 14 9 7 15 11 24 16 7 8 17 6 9 18 8 6 19 10 5 20 9 5 21 8 6 22 6 6 23 8 7 24 6 7 25 6 8 26 6 7 27 7 6 28* 5 4 29 5 5 30 5 5 31 4 5 32 4 4 n 5 A T 34t 6.3 3.6 35 4.0 4.3 36 4.6 4.3 37 6.0 5.3 38 3.3 3.3 39 3.3 4.3 40 5.0 5.3 41 3.3 4.3 * At this trial the two-trials-per-day schedule was introduced. t At this trial the delayed group was fed immediately and the control group delayed 30 seconds. Only three animals (60 days of age) of each group were included. perior in respect to number of trials, but inferior in respect to time and errors. Simmons does not consider these differences large nor, in view of the large mean deviations and lack of agreement between the three criteria, very significant. Also the difference in error 458 APPENDICES score between the groups was confined largely to the first five trials and the records were almost coincident thereafter. She concludes that there is no significant difference between the records obtained under the two conditions. The more recent study of delayed incentive on rate of learning by Warden and Haas [Hamilton] (8) will be found in Appendix 2 of this volume. Larger groups were used and a better control of TABLE 2 Table from Simmons showing averages with initial trial omitted CONDITIONS TRIALS .... . , ERRORS TIME Immediate feeding _ _ Delayed feeding . 27.8 33.3 127.7 93.3 1761.44 1105.10 conditions was secured. The data appeared to warrant the conclu- sion that delays of one and five minutes had no appreciable effect on the rate of learning. It will be seen from the above review that very little work has been done on this topic. Such results as have been obtained must be considered inconclusive. Watson's study was limited to a single delay interval of 30 seconds, and Simmons' to one of approxi- mately 2 hours. The need for a more systematic investigation of the effect of delayed incentive on rate of learning is clearly indi- cated. A. Method and procedure Apparatus. The apparatus used with the learning method of studying delay was the standard unit maze designed by Warner and Warden (13). Figure 4 shows the types of unit of which the maze is constructed. The material used in building the maze was 18-gauge, galvanized, Armco sheet metal covered with aluminum paint to insure uniformity of appearance. As is seen in the figure, the units consist of walls and a roof, with no floor. They were set up on a platform 7x8 feet in size, which had been covered, after very smooth finishing, with battleship linoleum (cemented down). This platform served as a base or floor. The angle of junction of cul-de-sac to pathway is the same as the angle at the end of the cul-de-sac, so that the animal can get no cues from looking down APPENDICES 459 into the latter as to whether it is a blind alley or not. The roof of both pathway unit and cul-de-sac is made of very heavy wire mesh neatly riveted into the frame, while the two ends of the cul-de-sac are also made of wire mesh in order to secure lighting conditions in the alley similar to those of the pathway. Several problems arose in connection with the apparatus. The first concerned the pattern to be used in the present study. It was Fig. 4. Photograph showing types of unit of the Warner-Warden Standard unit maze (For Figures 1, 2 and 3 of this monograph see Part II, 2) desired that the pattern be sufficiently difficult to bring out indi- vidual and group differences and yet simple enough to be learned in a reasonable time. The pattern finally chosen (Figure 5) met these requirements very well. The conditions of the study made the use of a screen and peep-hole impossible for practical purposes, since the noiseless operation of the doors was especially important. Great care was needed to prevent the animal from becoming con- ditioned against the restraining compartment, and one of the most common causes of fear in experiments with rats is the matter of occasionally pinching their tails in the doors of an apparatus. Automatically controlled doors were impractical and doors oper- ated by a system of levers and strings proved to be too slow for the rat 's quick movements. In many animal mazes the entrance and food boxes are a considerable distance from each other, necessitat- ing the use of two experimenters, one to introduce the animal and the other to remove it, or else the experimenter must change his position during a given trial. In the pattern used, the entrance and food boxes were in close proximity to each other, making the change of position of the experimenter unnecessary. The experimenter 460 APPENDICES took a position midway between the two boxes and remained quietly throughout a given trial operating manually the doors for both the entrance and the food boxes. The fact that the pathways were somewhat deeper than those of Fig. 5. Maze Pattern E, entrance compartment; F, food box; B, restraining compartment; dlt door separating entrance compartment from maze; d2, door separating restrain- ing compartment from maze; o and c represent door (cL) in open and closed positions, respectively; d3, door separating restraining compartment from food box; xx, rubber washers on brass rod to which door is fastened; y, piece of thin metal used to close opening in R. most rat mazes (5 inches in the clear), together with the fact that a wire mesh was used as a covering for the maze, aided in the elim- ination of the experimenter from the visual field of the animal. A APPENDICES 461 stop-watch of the lever type was used in the experiment and proved to be practically noiseless. Several slight modifications were made in the apparatus as de- scribed by Warner and Warden (13). In previous work with this maze in the Columbia laboratory it was found that the animals hesitated as if frightened upon coming from the covered pathways into the food box, which was not covered with wire mesh. To pre- vent this behavior, a piece of mesh, of the same size as that forming the roof of the pathway and cul-de-sac units, was fastened over the long, narrow portion of the food box, so that the latter would more nearly resemble the other parts of the maze. A thin metal door (Figure 5, dlf d3) of the swinging type replaced the heavier metal sliding door at both the entrance and food compartments. The door, in each case, was fastened to a brass rod which turned in holes in the sides of the unit. Rubber washers (xx) prevented any noise which might result from the rod turning on the metal, and felt fastened to the bottom of the doors made their operation practically noiseless. The problem of restraining the animal from the food during the delay period was met by using a pathway unit as a restraining com- partment (R). This was placed between the last pathway unit of the pattern and the food box. Since this involved joining a path- way unit with another pathway unit instead of a cul-de-sac, as in the ordinary maze pattern, two openings were left in the restrain- ing compartment. The opening nearest the food box was closed up by a thin piece of metal (y) especially cut to fit it. The other opening was used to good advantage. A thin metal door (d2) of the swinging type with vertical pivot was made and served two purposes. When it was open it formed the wall of the maze between the last pathway unit and the restraining compartment; when closed, it served to prevent the animal from retracing its steps into the maze, thus forming an effectvie restraining compartment. A wire hook attached to the door provided a secure fastening. The door (c?3) to the food box was held closed by a brass stop while the animal was in the restraining compartment. A piece of plate glass was used, to cover that part of the food box in which the food was placed, to prevent the animals from 462 APPENDICES climbing out during the allotted time for feeding. The experi- menter soon developed a noiseless method for replacing and remov- ing this glass. Animals. The subjects for this experiment were 105 male albino rats of approximately 100 grams in weight and 2 months of age at the beginning of the experiment, obtained from the Albino Supply, Inc., of Philadelphia. Upon arrival at our laboratory, the animals were placed in large cages, 30x15x15 inches, about 12 to 15 animals in a cage, and kept for two weeks before they were used. This two- week period previous to testing enabled them to become accustomed to laboratory conditions and to the experimenter, who handled them daily in feeding. All the animals remained in normal health throughout the experiment. The animals were fed whole-wheat bread and milk throughout the experiment, with the addition of a weekly ration of greens. This diet was chosen instead of McCollum's Standard Diet because of the high incentive value of bread and milk (6). The animals were given their ration after the daily trial in the maze, the same food being used both for incentive and for regular feedings. Fresh water was supplied daily from inverted bottles with nozzles to prevent fouling. The animals were supplied with water even dur- ing the 24-hour starvation period. Before the starvation period, which marked the beginning of the experiment, fresh sawdust was supplied to insure complete absence of any food in the cage. Five groups of animals were used. Table 10 shows the number of animals in each group. In addition to the 0-delay, or control group, four groups were used with the following intervals of de- lay : 1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, and 7 minutes. The starvation period was 24 hours for all groups. The number of trials per day was constant for the groups, only one trial per day being given to each animal. Procedure. The sex drive was kept constant for all groups by using males. It seemed advisable to eliminate all oestrous cycle complications by this restriction in the interests of a more ade- quate control of extraneous drive conditions. They were segre- gated as to sex during the two weeks previous to the beginning of the experiment and throughout the period of learning. The factor APPENDICES 463 of time of day was controlled by running all the animals between the hours of 9 p.m. and 4 a.m. Since the laboratory was practically deserted at this time, noise distractions were reduced to a minimum. The room in which the experiment was conducted was lighted in- directly by electric light, the same number of lamps being lighted each night. The illumination was thus uniform in all parts of the room. The maze was kept in a constant position in the room, throughout the experiment and care was taken not to shift the pat- tern to new positions on the platform. The temperature was kept fairly constant by means of a thermostat. TABLE 10 Grouping of animals LENGTH OF DELAY PERIOD NO. OE ANIMALS 0 (Control) 16 1 Minute 22 3 Minutes 22 5 Minutes 20 7 Minutes 25 The preliminary training consisted in feeding each animal singly in the entrance and food compartments 1 minute each and in a small feeding cage nearby for 10 minutes thereafter. A glass plate was kept on the food box to prevent the animal from climbing out dur- ing the 1-minute feeding period. This preliminary feeding was given the animals for two days. The animals were starved for 24 hours before each feeding period, as during the training series. The first trial, which occurred on the third day, was included in the preliminary training. The arguments for this procedure, which is the rule in the Columbia laboratory, have been developed by Cook (2). The procedure for the 0-delay, or control group, was that usually employed in maze experiments, except that the animal was fed for a period of 1 minute in the food box and for 9 minutes in an adja- cent feeding cage after the daily trial. The door between the maze proper and the restraining compartment (Figure 5, d2) was open when the rat was placed in the maze. The stop-watch was started at the same time the animal was inserted in the maze. When the animal's tail cleared the door (d2) at the restraining compartment, 464 APPENDICES the door was closed and the watch stopped. The door (d3) between the restraining compartment and the food box was raised imme- diately, allowing the animal to pass to the food box, and then closed. ds was raised, since this procedure was necessary in the case of the delay groups. The watch was started again, when c?3 was closed, to time the 1-minute feeding period in the food box. After the animal had fed for 1 minute, it was removed to the adjacent feeding cage and allowed to remain for 9 minutes. The procedure for the delay groups was the same as that for the control group, with the following exception: Upon entering the restraining compartment, the animal was delayed for a period of time (1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, or 7 minutes) by closing the door (d2) behind it. After the period of delay was over, the ani- mal was permitted to enter the food box through d3, which was raised, as in the control group. Data were taken in terms of trials, errors, and time in seconds. An error was checked when the animal's nose projected past the en- trance to a cul-de-sac. This criterion of error was chosen because the entrance of the nose in a cul-de-sac was more easily observed, and hence could be more accurately checked than other possible movements of the animal. Backward errors were checked for each unit of the pathway. Notes were made on the general activity of the animals in the delay compartment during the period of delay. A change in the procedure was introduced at the 100th trial in the case of those animals which had not learned after running 99 trials and which had shown no indication of learning for 50 trials. On the 100th trial and thereafter, these animals were allowed im- mediate access to the food box, as in the case of the control group. This change was introduced to ascertain whether these animals were lacking in ability to learn the maze or whether failure to learn up to that time was due to the factor of delay. The animals were run until they had attained the norm of mas- tery of four perfect trials out of five (Norm B), except the nine animals which had not reached the norm at the 99th trial. The data were also computed on the basis of the norm of two perfect trials out of three (Norm A), and under this norm all of the animals had APPENDICES 465 learned by the 99th trial. In computation of scores the last four trials involved in the norm of mastery were omitted. B. Results The main results are based on the scores obtained by using the norm of two perfect trials out of three (Norm A) for the reason that only under this norm did all animals complete the learning process. The scores obtained under Norm B will be treated in a later section. Norm A. The results are presented in Tables 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, and in Figures 6, 7, and 8. Table 11 gives the fre- quency distributions covering trials, errors, and time for the vari- ous groups. Beginning at the fourth line, it reads as follows : one animal in the 0-delay group, one in the 1-minute group, and one in the 3-minute group, none in the 5-minute, and one in the 7-minute group learned in four trials. Two animals in the 0-delay group and none in any of the other groups, made between 13 and 16 er- rors in learning. Four animals in the 0-delay group, one in the 1-minute group, none in the 3-minute group, one in the 5-minute group, and none in the 7-minute group required from 91 to 120 seconds to learn, etc. Table 12 gives the frequency distributions covering trials, errors, and time for the various groups, using larger intervals (1-5 for trials, 1-15 for errors, 1-150 for seconds). Table 13 is a cumulative frequency table showing percentage of group having learned by the end of each successive five trials. Figure 6 shows the same thing in graphic form. Table 14 presents the measures of central tendency and measures of variability for each period of delay. Table 15 gives the measure of reliability of the difference between the averages of various groups for trials, errors, and time. Table 16 gives the average errors per trial for each five trials. Figure 7 shows the same thing graphically. Table 17 presents the aver- age time per trial for each five trials. Figure 8 gives the same data in graphic form. When we examine the averages for the groups based on the scores for trials (table 14), we note that the averages and medians of the delayed incentive groups are considerably higher than those 466 APPENDICES Fig. 6. Cumulative Frequency Curves Showing Percentage of Group Hav- ing Learned by the End of Each Successive Five Trials (Norm A) Control group (dash-line) ; 1-minute group (solid line) ; 3-minute group (dot line) ; 5-mnute group (dot-dot-dash line) ; 7-minute group (dot-dash line). of the control group. It will be seen from the table that the effect of a 1-minute delay is practically to double the number of trials required to learn the maze. The difference between the averages of the 1-minute group and the control group is highly reliable (3.82), as is shown in Table 15. The scores on errors and time show very much the same tendency. The scores on trials and errors for the 3-minute, 5-minute, and 7-minute groups are only slightly different from those of the 1- minute group (Table 14), and in no case is the difference very re- APPENDICES 467 J CO CO s 2 O C . O CU to 3 O u o h 2 5 O d w N N ^ »-« 04 -< to NO ^- ^ OoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoOOOOOO h h h m 1-1 HNH HNN V* M ^ »h N N H H H H H CO NHH v-l *-« 1-t CSJ t-f C\J »-< — I CN> »H ~* ,tooN>eoiN»ooo«>+soMvoe>N<«ooiH»f-NO NV0O400N00^00©u">00»-* i-« i-h OoOOOOOOO ^©w>©u»io*/">©U"i i-< r> t/-, m M M i— -n^ho^»-i OHlflHNUIO + HOH N S w . c4 \A W oo ro w N ^ 4* M N 6 W « NVO O ui O ^ © ff! 6 N 6 ui CM OO rj- _H ^ _ 'ttOTj-vOrj- O «^» O O rf- ih C^J 't«ri^vO^OONNNOO MOOOvOvOvO ooooHNHViMTt-Ovm 0^0;N^O;oo>ANN C G C C C C SS5SSS c c c cro*r,tvW^t^t^ S LT IT -O XI X -O X W n rj n oj R hw^N xi xi xi x .5 .5 .S .5 .5 .5 cs « « w^SSSSS APPENDICES 473 TABLE 16* Average errors per trial for each five trials No. of Groups trials Control 1 Min. 3 Min. 5 Min. 7 Min. 1 c i- j c j c o c o 7 e 10 2 2 2 3 3 15 1 2 2 2 2 20 1 2 2 2 3 25 1 2 2 2 3 30 1 3 2 2 3 35 2 2 3 2 40 2 1 2 2 45 1 2 2 2 50 1 3 2 2 * In most learning experiments it is not possible to obtain an adequate pic- ture of the average time per trial or of the average errors per trial for any group, due to the fact that individual animals reach the norm of mastery after different numbers of trials and are dropped out of the experiment. Thus the latter part of the curve must be based on smaller and smaller numbers of ani- mals. In our experiment, however, we continued to run the animals in an effort to have them reach the higher norm (Norm B.) We, therefore, had data on a large number of animals beyond the point where they had learned under the lower norm (Norm A), and in constructing our tables (16, 17) and curves (Figures 7, 8) for time and errors per trial, we used this available data so as to increase in number of animals making up the average at a given point. This method probably gives a closer approximation to a true curve than possible statistical methods. The exact number of animals upon which the average at any point is based may be ascertained by reference to Figure 11. TABLE 17 Average time per trial for each five trials No.of trials Control 1 Min. Groups 3. Min. 5 Min. 7 Min. 1-5 18 21 27 30 24 10 7 9 12 12 13 15 6 9 13 14 17 20 7 11 16 16 24 25 8 13 15 18 25 30 7 15 18 18 25 35 16 21 24 22 40 18 19 21 27 45 13 23 20 23 50 16 29 20 22 partment reveal no noticeable differences between the groups. All animals were equally active, running back and forth, biting and clawing at the doors, etc. In no case did an animal remain quies- cent or merely wait for the door to be opened. When released from the compartment, the animals in all cases ran directly to the food 474 APPENDICES APPENDICES 475 and ate for the full minute allowed them in the food box, except on the first few trials during which they exhibited the usual explora- tory activity which is natural for the rat in a relatively new situa- tion. Norm B. An attempt was made to run all of the animals until they attained the norm of four perfect trials out of five. Since 9 animals had not reached the norm at the 99th trial, and had shown no indication of learning for 50 trials, the change in conditions from delayed to immediate incentive was introduced. The effect of this change will be discussed in this section. The results are presented in Tables 18, 19, and 20 and in Fig- ures 9, 10, 11, and 12. Figure 9 presents the distribution of animals according to trials, errors, and time taken to learn, each square representing one ani- mal. The animals which had not learned by the 99th trial are indi- cated in solid black. Table 18 is a cumulative frequency table showing percentage of group having learned by the end of each successive five trials. Fig- ure 10 presents the data in graphic form. Table 19 shows the effect of change in procedure from delayed to immediate incentive conditions, in terms of average time per trial, on the 9 animals which had not reached Norm B by the 99th trial. Figure 11 shows the same thing in graphic form. Table 20 shows the effect of change in procedure from delayed to immediate incentive conditions, in terms of average errors per trial, on the 9 animals which had not reached Norm B by the 99th trial. Figure 12 shows the same data graphically. We note from Figure 9 that 9 of the animals failed to learn, under this norm, in 99 trials. Obviously true averages and me- dians could not be obtained for the groups in which these animals occurred (3-minute and 5-minute groups). The averages and me- dians of the remaining groups are indicated in Figure 9. It will be seen from the distributions according to trials, errors, and time (Figure 9) that the delay groups all learned more slowly than the control group, showing the same general tendency as under Norm A. It appeared to be of some interest to see what would happen, under conditions of immediate feeding, to the 9 animals which had 476 APPENDICES APPENDICES 477 H- hh 3^ s * % St t> *o - \ \ N - \ \ \ V 3 -1- u S> s u - ■ — I Fig. 11. Effect of Change in Procedure from Delayed Incentive to Imme- diate Incentive Conditions in Terms of Average Time per Trial not learned. Accordingly, on the 100th trial and thereafter the interval of delay between running the maze and being fed was eliminated and the animals were allowed to proceed at once into the food box, as in the case of the control group. Although the animals had shown no progress in learning for 50 trials past, they speedily began to learn under the new conditions. As will be seen from Figure 10, by the 105th trial all 9 animals had reached the degree of mastery required under Norm B. The change in condi- tion thus brought about almost immediate learning. This indicates that the animals were not lacking in ability to learn the maze and hence failure to learn up to the 99th trial was probably due to the factor of delay. Figure 11 shows that the average time per trial decreased very markedly after the change in procedure was introduced. On the 101st trial the curve descended to a point lower than had been 478 APPENDICES TABLE 18 Cumulative frequency table showing percentage of group having learned by the end of each successive five trials (Norm B)* NO. OF TRIALS GROTTNS Control 1 Minute 3 Minutes 5 Minutes 7 Minutes 1-5 0 0 ft n ft n u.u A ft 4.U 10 43.8 18 9 u.u k ft o.u 1 R ft JLO.U 15 50.0 18 9 i7.JL i n (i J.U.U iiU.U 20 81.3 36.4 Q 1 if. J. 1 ft 39 0 ,25 87.5 A^ ^ ^u.u /in ft 30 100.0 1 ov.x 1 3 £ JLO.U 3ft n OU.U Ad. ft 35 XO,£i fin n uu.u ^9 ft 40 68.2 31 8 7ft 0 /u.u fift ft uu.u 45 72*. 7 36.4 75.0 64.0 50 81.8 40.9 80.0 68.0 55 81.8 45.5 85.0 72.0 60 86.4 50.0 90.0 84.0 65 90.9 50.0 90.0 88.0 70 100.0 54.5 90.0 96.0 75 59.1 90.0 100.0 80 63.6 90.0 85 63.6 90.0 90 68.2 90.0 95 68.2 90.0 99 68.2 90.0 Change to immediate incentive conditions 105 | | 100.0 100.0 | * Four perfect trials out of five. reached in the 95-99 trials (delayed incentive conditions). This indicates that the longer time per trial was probably due to the conditions of delay and not to a naturally slower speed of running in the case of these animals. Behavior observations made by the experimenter support these conclusions. During the trials in which the incentive was delayed, the animals appeared to be less moti- vated, running slowly through the maze in a somewhat hesitant manner as above mentioned. Under the immediate incentive condi- tions, however, they ran quickly and directly through the maze to the food box, resembling in this respect the control-group animals in their behavior. The error curve (Figure 12) shows the same general tendency as the time curve. The curve descended on the 102nd trial to the zero line. The general level is considerably lower than that of the 95-99 trials (delayed incentive conditions). This supports our con- clusion that failure to learn up to the 99th trial was probably due APPENDICES 479 | -§ \ a -1 A - ■ft -4 J" J Fig. 12. Effect of Change in Procedure from Delayed to Immediate Incentive Conditions in Terms of Average Errors per Trial to the conditions of delay rather than to inability to learn. The nature of the errors made previous to the 100th trial also offers corroborative evidence. The animals persisted in making one or two errors, going into the same cul-de-sac each time, which would sug- gest that the motivation was not strong enough to bring about per- fect learning. In several cases, animals would run three perfect trials out of four and then make errors on the following trials so that the norm was not reached for many trials later. Evidently the delayed-incentive conditions worked against consistency in er- rorless runs since all animals reached Norm A by the 50th trial, while under the higher norm 9 had not learned by the 99th trial. That is, by reducing the motivation, delay operated to lower the quality or degree of perfection to which the habit was developed. In relating our results to those of previous investigators, we find that few studies are comparable. Simmons (6) used a 2-hour period of delay, so naturally no comparison with the present work, which was restricted to much shorter periods, is possible. Watson (14) found that a delay as short as 30 seconds had no effect upon speed of learning. However, the interval he used was only half as long as our shortest, so the results are not comparable. In a former study made by the writer (8), intervals of delay of 1 minute and 5 minutes were found to have no effect on speed of 480 APPENDICES TABLE 19 Effect of change in procedure from delayed to immediate incentive conditions in terms of average time per trial (The 9 animals which had not reached Norm B* by the 99th trial) TRIAL AVERAGE TIME IN SECONDS 95 22 96 23 97 27 98 35 99 35 Change to immediate incentive conditions 100 26 101 19 102 11 103 8 104 9 105 8 * Four perfect trials out of five. TABLE 20 Effect of change in procedure from delayed to immediate incentive conditions in terms of average errors per trial (The 9 animals which had not reached Norm B* by the 99th trial) TRIAL AVERAGE ERRORS 95 2 96 2 97 2 98 3 99 2 Change to immediate incentive conditions 100 1 101 1 102 0 103 0 104 1 105 1 * Four perfect trials out of five. learning. In the general tendency shown, this finding would agree with Watson's conclusion, but is not supported by the present ex- periment in which all periods of delay employed (including a 1- minute and 5-minute period) decreased the speed of learning. However, the previous study differed from the present one in one important respect: the animal was delayed in the same compart- ment with the food. That is, in the former experiment the animal was directly stimulated by the presence of the unobtainable food, whereas in the present case the direct stimulation of the food could APPENDICES 481 occur only after the animal was released from the delay compart- ment into the food box. In the present experiment the matter of place of delay was much better controlled — the delay compart- ment was entirely separated from the food compartment. Evidently the situation of being delayed in the same place with the food, even though the latter be inaccessible, has little or no effect on the fixa- tion process. While such a situation involves temporal delay, the pattern of the performance of running the maze is not definitely broken since the animal is not delayed until it comes upon the spot where the food is located. Our present technique involved not merely temporal delay but temporal delay at a spatial position which interrupted the general performance pattern of reaching the food. Perhaps the conditions in our present experiment may be said to be analogous to the situation of children, at a birthday party, who are not allowed to enter immediately the room where the birthday cake is with its candles and decorations, but are made to wait in an anteroom. The former study might then be analogous to the situa- tion in which the same children are not detained in an anteroom but are allowed immediate access to the refreshment room. How- ever, they are prevented from touching or eating anything for an interval of time. The latter situation has the added element of direct stimulation of the desired objects, while the former involves mere knowledge about them. Watson, who also did not use the anteroom technique, but delayed the animals in the same compart- ment with the food, obtained similar results with those of the pre- vious study of the writer, but different from those in the present experiment. The results here obtained seem to show clearly that delay de- creased the drive as measured by rate of fixation. In the case of all of the delay groups, the rate of learning was reliably slower than that for the control group, in terms of trials and errors. The fact that running time was increased somewhat, with longer delays, in- dicates a motivation difference which, however, did not affect meas- urably the rate of fixation. Obviously, trials and errors are rather gross units of measurement of efficiency and if finer units could have been used, a decreased efficiency reflecting the slowing down 482 APPENDICES in running time might have been found. On the other hand, there is no need to suppose that speed of maze running is perfectly, or even highly, correlated with rate of fixation. There is some indication that delay affected the quality of the learning, i.e., the habit was not formed as perfectly under the delay conditions, as seen by a comparison of results under the two norms of mastery. Although the animals in all groups had attained the lower norm (Norm A) 2 by the 50th trial, 9 of them had failed to learn under the higher norm (Norm B)3 by the 99th trial. Delay •had apparently decreased the drive in these animals and there was insufficient motivation to bring about further perfection of the habit. This interpretation is borne out by the fact that the 9 ani- mals immediately developed the habit to the higher level (Norm B)4 when the delay was eliminated. It would seem to be impossible to relate our findings in any very important way to the law of effect as formulated by Thorndike. Our results agree with an increasingly large body of data showing the advantageous effects of motivated over unmotivated learning situations. If the terms "satisfying state" and "annoying state," as employed in the statement of the law of effect (7, p. 4), be taken in their usual psychological connotation as indicative of the sub- jective states of the organism, then naturally our findings could not be stated in terms of this law since we have no index of the subjective states of our animals. It might be argued that they "enjoyed" the delay in some anticipatory way with as much cogency as that they were "annoyed" by it. The drive and incentive values obtained serve as objective indices of certain tendencies of the organism under the various conditions of motivation employed — and that is all that can be said. The argument covering this point has been made by Carr (1) and other writers. As a corollary to the law of effect, Thorndike develops the prin- ciple that the strength of the bond is determined by the temporal closeness of the response and the satisfying or annoying state which follows. If we assume, as Thorndike seems to, that the incentive (food) produces a satisfying state, then our results would suggest 2 Two perfect trials out of three. 3 Four perfect trials out of five. APPENDICES 483 that very definite restriction must be placed upon the value of the temporal factor in this type of learning. For, while any interval, within the limits investigated, cuts down very markedly the effi- ciency of the learning process, the longer intervals were hardly more effective than the shorter. Our results do not afford us a basis for conjecture as to whether delay operated as a positive "punish- ment" or merely as a distraction from the incentive situation in a purely negative sense, nor do they offer any clues as to the physi- ological (or neurological) processes underlying the behavior called out. C. Summary of results Norm A4 (1) An interval of delay as short as 1 minute between the run- ning of the maze and the feeding response markedly decreased the rate of learning, in terms of the scores for trials, errors, and time. (The increase in trials taken to learn was 97 per cent; in errors, 85 per cent; in time, 112 per cent.) (2) Longer delay periods of 3 minutes, 5 minutes, and 7 min- utes did not further decrease the speed of learning, as indicated by the scores on trials and errors. The time scores, however, were considerably lengthened as the interval of delay increased in length, indicating a slower rate of progress through the maze. Norm B 5 (1) When a high norm of mastery (four perfect trials out of five) was used, 9 of the 105 animals failed to learn by the 99th trial, although all had learned by the 50th trial under Norm A. (2) Change of conditions from delayed to immediate incentive had a markedly favorable effect on the performance of the above- mentioned 9 animals. Time and error scores decreased immediately and all of the animals learned within 5 trials after the change in procedure, although they had made little or no progress for ap- proximately the last 50 trials under the delayed incentive condi- tions. * Two perfect trials out of three, s Four perfect trials out of five. 484 APPENDICES D. Comparison of obstruction and learning methods In a comparison of the results obtained in the two experiments it is essential to have clearly in mind the method and procedure employed in each experiment. The most important differences in method have been arranged in tabular form as follows: (1) The length of the test period was arbitrarily limited to 20 minutes in the obstruction experiment, whereas time per trial was determined by the animal and varied from time to time in the case of the maze experiment. (2) Only a single test period was given each animal in the Ob- struction Method, hence only a short time required per animal. No animal in the longest delay group (3-minute) required a longer time than one hour for the complete test. In the maze study, how- ever, one trial a day was given until the maze had been learned, and thus the experiment extended over a much longer period of time per animal. An animal in the 3-minute group might require as long as three hours of testing time. (3) The period of starvation was 48 hours in the obstruction study. This period was used in order to get the maximal state of the hunger drive which should best bring out the effects of delay. In the maze experiment a period of 24 hours was used, since one trial per day was given. (4) The number of intervals of delay was determined by the number of crossings possible within the 20-minute period in the obstruction study. None of our animals reached the theoretical limit which has been shown to be about 44 crossings (9). On the other hand, the number of delay periods per trial in the learning experiment naturally was limited to one, since only a single daily trial was given. (5) In reacting to the incentive situation in the obstruction experiment, the act of securing the incentive did not need to be learned. That is, a more direct measure of drive was obtained, largely uncomplicated by the chance factors that always operate in a learning situation of the maze type. (6) The obstruction study involved ' * punishment ' ' (shock), whereas the maze involved no punishment, but was a type of free activity which seems to be natural to the rat. APPENDICES 485 (7) Fewer chance factors enter into the obstruction test, since such factors as illumination, sex drive, emotional disturbance, etc., could be more carefully controlled. The fact that only a single test period involved but one incentive situation, while the maze involved many incentive situations distributed over a much longer period of time, also made possible better control of conditions in the ob- struction experiment than in the maze experiment. It is apparent from the differing nature of the methods employed in this study that only general comparisons of the effect of delay Fig. 13. Main Results in Obstruction and Maze Experiments. The solid line represents the average number of crossings for the combined (male and female) groups (Obstruction Method). The dash line represents the average number of trials required to learn (Maze Experiment). can be made. In order to compare the general trend of the results in the experiments, curves were constructed on the basis of the main results in each experiment as shown in Figure 13. Since no comparison is possible beyond the 3-minute interval, the curve for the maze was not extended beyond this point. It will be seen from the curves that a delay of 1 minute markedly decreased the drive and to much the same extent in both experiments. We do not know 486 APPENDICES what effect shorter delays such as 15 seconds and 30 seconds might have had in the maze-learning experiment. During the progress of the maze experiment, no further decrease in the drive was obtained with the longer delays of 3 minutes and 5 minutes, so it appeared to be of more interest to use a longer interval of 7 minutes in an attempt to determine whether the plateau effect was a real tendency or not. It would have been interesting also to study the effect of intervals shorter than 1 minute, but this was impossible without undue extension of the experiment. In general, the same tendency is apparent in both experiments; namely, that even a short delay decreases the hunger drive, as measured by the methods used. The longer delays studied had little effect except that of a second drop in the curve of some mag- nitude in the obstruction experiment. The study of still longer periods of delay in the maze-learning experiment might reveal a tendency to decreased drive in the learning scores similar to that noted in the obstruction experiment. It is clear, however, that the most important decrease in drive is induced by very short delays, since the rate of decrease as between 15 seconds and 3 minutes in the obstruction experiment is only about 50 per cent as great as that between 0 and 15 seconds, even when no allowance is made for the difference in increments of delay in the two cases (2| min- utes in the former and 15 seconds in the latter). From the standpoint of both the method and procedure, and the results, it will be seen that the Obstruction Method of measuring drive is more adequate than the learning method in many respects. As above noted, the Obstruction Method is superior in that it fur- nishes a more direct measure of drive, uncomplicated by the factor of fixation ; the technique is better standardized and controlled than the maze method and hence fewer chance factors enter into the drive index. Furthermore, the time consumed in obtaining an in- dex of drive is much less than half as long as that required in the direct maze-learning method. Bibliography (1) Carr, H. 1914. Principles of selection in animal learning. Psychol. Rev., 21, 157-65. APPENDICES 487 (2) Cook, S. A. 1928. The effect of various temporal arrangements of practice on the mastery of an animal maze of moderate complexity. Arch. Psychol, 15, No. 98, 33 pp. (3) Jenkins, M. 1928. The effect of segregation on the sex behavior of the white rat as measured by the obstruction method. Genet. Psy- chol. Monographs, 3, 455-571. (4) Jenkins, T. N., L. H. Warner, and C. J. Warden. 1926. Stand- ard apparatus for the study of animal motivation. J. Comp. Psy- chol, 6, 361-82. (5) Long, J. A., and H. M. Evans. 1922. The oestrous cycle in the rat and its related phenomena. Mem. Univ. Calif., 6, 148 pp. (6) Simmons, R. 1924. The relative effectiveness of certain incentives in animal learning. Comp. Psychol Monographs, 2, No. 7, 79 pp. (7) Thorndike, E. L. 1913. Educational psychology, II. New York, Teachers College, 452 pp. (8) Warden, C. J., and E. L. Haas. 1927. The effect of short intervals of delay in feeding upon speed of maze learning. J. Comp. Psy- chol, 7, 107-15. (9) Warden, C. J., and H. W. Nissen. 1928. An experimental anal- ysis of the obstruction method of measuring animal drives. J. Comp. Psychol, 8, 325-42. (10) Warner, L. H. 1928. A study of the hunger drive in the white rat by means of the obstruction method. J. Comp. Psychol, 8, 273-99. (11) 1927. A study of sex behavior in the white rat by means of the obstruction method. Comp. Psychol Monographs, 4, No. 22, 68 pp. (12) 1928. A study of the thirst drive in the white rat by means of the obstruction method. J. Genet. Psychol, 35, 178-92. (13) Warner, L. H., and C. J. Warden. 1927. The development of a standardized animal maze. Arch. Psychol, 15, No. 92, 64 pp. (14) Watson, J. B. 1917. The effect of delayed feeding upon learning. Psychobiol, 1, 51-59. 4. THE EELATIVE VALUE OF REWARD AND PUN- ISHMENT IN THE FORMATION OF A VISUAL DISCRIMINATION HABIT IN THE WHITE RAT 1 C. J. Warden and Mercy Aylesworth 2 One of the major problems within the general field of animal motivation is that concerning the relative incentive value of re- ward and punishment. The terms reward and punishment as here used carry no subjective connotation whatsoever, but are used merely as convenient classificatory terms for stimuli that normally evoke positive and negative reactions respectively when employed as incentives in experimental situations. The chief interest in this topic centers around the relation of this factor to speed or efficiency of habit formation, and more intensive work has been done on the discrimination type of habit than upon either problem box or maze. The present study was suggested by the investigation of Hoge and Stocking (1) who found some evidence that punishment has a higher incentive value, either alone or in combination with re- ward, than reward alone in the building up of a simple visual dis- crimination habit in the white rat. Their conclusion to this effect was based upon very slight data, only two animals being tested in each group. In one case correct responses were rewarded by a morsel of food; in a second, correct responses went unrewarded while wrong responses were followed by a shock, while in the third instance a correct response was followed by food and an incorrect response by a shock. They found that both rats in the reward- punishment group perfected the habit — one in 490 trials and the other in 550 trials, while one rat in the punishment group learned in 550 trials and the other failed to learn in 620 trials, and neither 1 Reprinted from The Journal of Comparative Psychology, 1927, 7: 117-27. 2 The problem was suggested and the data gathered by the junior author; the senior author collaborated in technical details and in writing this report. 488 APPENDICES 489 of the animals in the reward group had learned after 590 trials. The problem involved a discrimination between a 2 c.p. and 16 c.p. light, the norm of mastery being 15 correct responses on each of two successive days, and the apparatus a modification of the Yerkes discrimination box. The shock used was furnished by a Por- ter inductorium and applied in the usual manner. The purpose of the present investigation was to repeat the work of Hoge and Stocking, using larger groups and modifying the technique in certain details. The main improvement in method, perhaps, consisted in a more standardized shock than that used by Hoge and Stocking, the mechanism for the control of which being identical with that employed in connection with the Obstruction box (2) of this laboratory. In the present work a current of 0.11 m.a. with a resistance of 1000 volts was used, and readings were taken daily before beginning the taking of data. The resulting shock was strong enough to cause the animals to lift their feet ener- getically and sometimes squeal a little in scampering off the grills, without causing them to be too inactive for our purposes after getting off. We used a group of 10 white rats approximately 3 months of age in connection with each of the three incentive con- ditions previously studied by Hoge and Stocking, i.e., reward, re- ward-punishment, and punishment. The apparatus employed was a modification of the Yerkes- Watson design (see their description, Behavior Monographs No. 2) and need not be figured in detail. The source of light was a 75- watt Mazda Westinghouse bulb (120 volts) set 10 inches behind the plate at an angle of 45 degrees, in such wise that the center of the bulb coincided with the center of the circular opening (6 cm.) of the plate. The distance from center to center of the openings on either side of the stimulus box was 5J inches, and that from the center of the opening to the floor of the control box was 4 inches. A bulb was placed on either side of the box so that a shift from light to dark could be made without disturbing the shutter, by the simple expedient of pressing an electric button conveniently placed on the outside of the stimulus box. The current was supplied to the two bulbs through a common intake. The ground plan of the control section of the apparatus in which the animal was placed for testing 490 APPENDICES is shown in figure 1. The box is 37 inches long-, 29 inches wide, and 11^ inches deep (inside dimensions) and the partitions as figured are drawn to scale. The electric grills were equipped with inde- pendent switches so that either could be turned off at will by the experimenter, stationed directly in front of the entrance compart- ment. Since a dark room was not available, the control box was entirely screened in by a hood of black cloth extending 24 inches above the top of the box. Inside the hood and in the exact center Fig. 1. Floor Plan of Control Box E, entrance box; D, door leading into reaction compartment; X and Y, electric plates; L, central partition separating X and Y ; A and B, position of lights used as stimuli; F and G, doors used to restrain animal (F open and G closed) ; H and I, food compartments; C, reaction compartment. above the door, D, sl 25-watt blue Mazda lamp was placed and kept burning constantly during the experiment. Small automobile mir- rors were fastened to the top of the box above the grills, X and Y. The animals were visible in the dim light at all times under this arrangement and were observed through a peep hole in the hood above the center of E. The problem was to learn to discriminate between the stimulus patches outlined by the circular openings in the plates, when one APPENDICES 491 was illuminated from behind and the other not. The animals were trained to the dark patch inasmuch as 8 of the 10 in each group showed either a preference for the illuminated patch or no pref- erence at all, the other two in each case showing only a slight pref- erence for the dark patch. The preference series consisted of 10 trials per day for two days with food in both compartments (I and H), regardless of later incentive conditions. As the data show, the discrimination was much less difficult than that required in the Hoge and Stocking experiment. The procedure was kept as uniform for the three groups as possible. The characteristic response of the animal under the differ- ent conditions of motivation made necessary minor variations in procedure as will appear from the description that follows. When the response was correct, in the reward group, a nibble of milk- soaked bread was allowed in the appropriate goal box ; when incor- rect the animal was lifted from the goal box, which contained no food, by the experimenter. Food was placed in neither goal com- partment in the punishment series; when a correct response was scored the animal merely escaped the shock and was removed from the goal compartment as above. An incorrect response resulted in a shock and, as a rule, the animal retreated from the grill and remained in the reaction compartment, C, since there was no incen- tive for it to continue on across the grill into the goal compartment for that side. Accordingly the animals of this group were removed from the reaction compartment after such retreat from the grill, or from the appropriate goal compartment if they actually crossed the grill instead of retreating. Contact with the grill beneath the light, resulting in a shock, was thus the basis of scoring errors for this group regardless of the nature of the more or less insignificant response that followed this experience. The same procedure was followed likewise when an animal of the reward-punishment group made an error; it was removed from either position, the goal or reaction compartment, depending upon whether it retreated from, or crossed over the grill. In certain instances in both the reward and reward-punishment groups the animals would dash around to the correct goal compartment after making a wrong response before the restraining door (F or G) could be closed. This occurred in 492 APPENDICES approximately 5 per cent of the trials of the former, and 2 per cent of the trials of the latter group. The original plan was to give 15 trials per day and the order of shifting the lights was arranged for such a schedule. This order which was repeated over and over, without regard to the number of trials given per day, was as follows for the dark stimulus patch: left, right, right, left, right, left, right, right, left, left, left, right, right, left, right. Five trials per day were given for the first 7 days, ten trials per day thereafter until the 27th day, after which the 15 trial per day schedule was followed in the case of the reward group, which showed little or no evidence of learning at this stage. The reward-punishment group had completed the problem by the 15th day ; the punishment group were so nearly finished on the 27th day that they were continued on the 10 trial per day schedule. The change to the 15 trial schedule on the 27th day for the reward group was made in the hope that they might master the problem within the limit of time available for the study. During the first day 10 minutes were allowed for each trial pro- vided the animal did not make a ' ' choice ' ' before. From the second day onward this time was reduced to 5 minutes. Animals of the reward group usually reacted within a few seconds. However, the use of the shock in the other two groups induced hesitation and inactivity to such an extent that many of the animals did not react within the 5-minute period. In the reward-punishment group the animals had to be removed without having reacted in 59 out of 760 trials (7.8 per cent) while in the punishment group the correspond- ing value was 425 out of 1500 trials (28.3 per cent). The effective- ness of the food in inducing an increased tendency to react promptly in the former group is thus clearly indicated. Failure to react within the 5-minute period was checked as an error, although the data on this point are given separately from the errors, in table 1, under the heading "no reaction." The positive value of the reward incentive stimulus (food) in bringing about activity, and especially the definite act of going promptly to the goal was also very evident. When reward alone was used the complete reaction of going to one or the other goal com- partments occurred in practically every case. Naturally there was TABLE 1 Showing the percentage of right, dwrong, and "no reaction" responses for each series of trials REWARD PUNISHMENT REWARD-PUNISHMENT DAYS Kignt Wrong Right Wrong "No re- action" Right Wrong "No re- action" 1 OKJ 70 42 44 14 34 62 4 o A 9ft 72 10 10 80 40 26 34 Q O 3fi fU 24 14 62 42 26 32 OA* rift 44 18 38 62 18 20 0 3ft 62 46 18 36 68 20 12 0 32 68 56 14 30 64 30 6 7 44 56 52 8 40 84 14 2 o o 42 58 57 11 32 84 15 1 Q 45 55 51 7 42 80 20 in 1U 47 53 55 10 35 95 5 1 1 n 43 57 59 6 35 86 12 2 19 47 53 56 4 40 87 10 3 to 48 52 54 6 40 90 10 14. 1£ 45 55 71 9 20 100 10 54 46 67 12 21 100 1 A 47 53 80 10 10 17 1 / 48 52 86 6 8 lo 52 48 75 13 12 1Q 55 45 60 12 28 57 43 85 12 3 91 Ail 63 37 83 7 10 99 58 42 80 15 5 OQ AO 52 48 80 10 10 94. 49 51 70 20 10 9|!i AO 58 42 100 9fi ^O 51 49 70 30 97 55 45 50 40 10 9ft 57 43 50 30 20 9Q 57 43 80 20 ou 60 40 90 10 31 Ol 59 41 70 30 39 55 45 80 10 10 v\ Oo 57 43 100 34 0*t 56 44 100 oo 61 39 36 57 43 37 62 38 38 55 45 39 61 39 40 65 35 41 62 38 The term "no reaction" means that the animal did not make a "choice" within the five-minute test period. Such failure to react did not occur in the case of the reword group. 494 APPENDICES little or no incentive for the animals of the punishment group to go to the goal compartments. In 376 trials out of 1500 (25 per cent) they were removed without having reached the goal — they reacted to the grill-stimulus patch situation and stopped at that, although they had been fed during the 20 trials of the preference series in whichever goal compartment they happened to enter. This type of response occurred in only 62 out of 760 trials (8 per cent) in the case of the reward-punishment group which had, of course, a more definite incentive to keep running till they reached the goal. When both ' 1 no reaction ' ' and failures to go on to the goal after reacting are combined, we find that in 63.3 per cent of the trials the punish- ment group did not actually reach the goal while the corresponding value for the punishment-reward group is 15.8 per cent. Bread and milk constituted the main article of diet both before and during the experiment. The animals of each group were allowed to feed for 10 to 15 minutes (or until they were satiated) one hour after the daily schedule of trials for the group had been com- pleted. This interval had the effect of separating the ordinary taking of nourishment from the incentive situation presented in the apparatus. The groups were tested at the same time of day in so far as the conditions of the experiment permitted, the work beginning at 11 a.m. each day. Each trial was timed with a stop watch but these data have not been included in this report since they appear to add nothing of significance. The results are given in table 1 and the graph of figure 2 in terms of the percent of right, wrong, and "no reaction" responses per day throughout the 41 day training period. At the end of this period the reward group were scoring only about 60 per cent right responses and had made little gain in the preceding 300 trials (20th day onward). The punishment group made a perfect record on the 33rd day and the reward-punishment group on the 13th day, these differences being so great that no question of interpretation arises. The reward-punishment motivation is by far the best ; reward alone is markedly inferior to punishment alone, just how much so we cannot tell since the former group did not perfect the habit at all. The rise in the error curve of the punishment group on the second and third days was due to the large number of "no reaction" APPENDICES 495 responses occurring on those days. The marked rise in this curve on days 26-28 and on several days thereafter was due in large part to the erratic behavior of rat no. 4. This rat after making almost perfect records for several days suddenly took to jumping over the grill on the right hand side, without regard to the stimuli, and this habit had to be broken up before further progress could be made. The data on number of trials required to form the habit are given in table 2 for each animal of the three groups as well as the averages for the groups. The records were checked against three norms of mastery, i.e., 9 correct out of 10, 18 correct out of 20, and 496 APPENDICES 27 correct out of 30 responses. None of the animals of the reward group reached the highest norm and only one (no. 8) reached the norm of 18 correct responses out of 20 consecutive trials, doing so only after 265 trials. The data for the lowest norm only, therefore, are included in the table for the reward group. A comparison of the averages for the three groups is thus possible only on the basis of the data of norm A. The average number of trials to learn for the groups, when so checked, is as follows: reward, 293.5, TABLE 2 Showing number of trials required to learn under three norms of mastery (A, B, C) REWARD PUNISHMENT REWARD-PUNISHMENT RAT Norm Norm A Norm B Norm C Norm A Norm B Norm C 1 439 36 89 126 39 64 72 2 242 50 60 68 32 37 47 3 173 47 137 145 46 52 62 4 362 60 125 . 301 23 99 108 5 145 22 141 174 13 49 57 6 446 32 42 70 24 75 84 7 276 81 134 170 39 56 59 8 255 127 136 147 19 40 45 9 279 35 66 75 49 56 60 10 318 72 114 183 44 69 79 Average 293.5 56.2 104.4 145.9 32.8 59.7 67.3 Norm A, 9 correct out of 10 trials ; norm B, 18 correct out of 20 trials ; norm C, 27 correct out of 30 trials. None of the rats of the reward group reached norm C and only one (no. 8, after 265 trials) reached norm B. When rat no. 4 of the punishment group is not included (see text) the average for the group is 128.6 instead of 145.9 as above. punishment, 56.2, and reward-punishment, 32.8. It is noteworthy that the number of trials is more than doubled in the case of the two latter groups when the norm is raised to 27 correct responses out of 30 trials (norm C). It is evident that norm A is not high enough to insure depend- able results in work of this sort. It does not rule out the possibility of apparent success in discrimination which is, in fact, only appar- ent and due to chance factors. For, as appears from table 1, the reward group as a whole never averaged on any given day higher than 65 per cent correct responses, and yet each of them made a record of 9 correct out of 10 trials at least once during the training APPENDICES 497 period. That this record was due to chance factors mainly is shown by the fact that only one animal of the group (rat number 8) was able to reach norm B and none norm C, although in many cases the requirement of norm A had been met before one-half of the training series (223 trials) was completed. The use of a high norm of mastery appears to be more necessary in discrimination work than in habit formation of the maze type (3). The order of shifting the lights, and the greater likelihood of the setting up of position habits in a simple situation of this sort, probably operate as impor- tant factors in this connection. The general principle suggested by the work of Hoge and Stock- ing seems to be fully established by the present work, for this type of problem. This conclusion should, however, be limited to simple and easy discrimination, inasmuch as several investigators (Yerkes and Dodson, Dodson, Cole, etc.) have shown that in more difficult discrimination too much punishment (shock) must not be employed if the best results would be obtained. Before an unqualified general- ization can be made concerning the relative incentive value of reward, punishment, and reward-punishment these must be studied in relation to a series of discriminations ranging between wide extremes of difficultness. A criticism of the control box used by ourselves and others, in so far as its use in studying the relative value of incentives is con- cerned, should be made by way of offering a suggestion regarding further work on this topic. The shock is usually administered by means of a grill placed directly in front of the stimulus patches while the food or reward is placed at some distance from the patches and can be reached only by making a turn after crossing the grill. Doubtless the value of the punishment incentive is greatly increased by the fact that it tends to stop the animal directly in front of the discrimination stimuli while the reward incentive (food) does not. In order to obtain strictly comparable data the reward and punish- ment factors should be administered at points equidistant from the stimulus patches. That is, either the food (or other reward object) should be located in the front end of the control box near the grill, or perhaps better, the grill should be placed in, or near the goal compartments rather than directly in front of the stimulus patches. 498 APPENDICES So far as we know, this matter of the identity of location of incen- tive stimuli has not been adequately controlled in any work so far done on the relative value of reward and punishment in this type of habit formation. Bibliography (1) Hoge, U. A., and R. J. Stocking. 1912. A note on the relative value of reward and punishment as motives. Jour. Anim. Behav., 2, 43-50. (2) Jenkins, T. N., L. H. Warner, and C. J. Warden. 1926. Standard apparatus for the study of animal motivation. Jour. Comp. Phychol. (3) Warden, C. J. 1926. A comparison of different norms of mastery in animal maze learning. Jour. Comp. Psychol., 159-79. INDEX INDEX Columbia Obstruction Method: appa- ratus, description of, 17-30, 140-42; development of, 4, 9, 10-14, 17, 406- 8; effect of incentive in, 38, 42; effect of practice on, 42, 47; influ- ence of shock in, 36-38; scores, ef- fect of re-test on, 47-49; standard shock employed in, 36, 142 Comparison of drives: basis of, 373- 82; rank order obtained, 396-98; sex factor in, 393 ; use of maximum scores in, 382 Delayed feeding: effect on hunger drive, 94-95; effect on maze-learn- ing scores, 493 ; previous work of Warden and Haas on, 450-54; prev- ious work of Watson on, 447, 455-57 Diet, McCollum's standard, 139 Discrimination test: incentive condi- tions used in, 489 ; procedure em- ployed in testing, 489-92; relative value of reward, punishment, and reward-punishment, 496-98 Exploratory drive: controls employed in testing, 353 ; correlation with other drives, 393 ; physiological basis of, 364-66; procedure used in testing, 356-60 ; summary of test results of, 366; term denned, 353, 354-55 Gonadectomy: control operation em- ployed, 307; effect of, on extinction of sex drive, 313 ; procedure used in test, 286-88, 296-97 Homosexuality: evidences of, in fe- males, 259-60; in males, 258-59; term defined, 184 Hunger drive: controls employed in testing, 53-55; correlation with other drives, 74-78, 393; procedure used in testing, 57-63; sex differ- ences in, 70-71; starvation intervals investigated, 63-70; work of others on, 72-79 Individual scores, rank order of, on re-test in obstruction apparatus, 47 Injections: or chic extract, effect of, on castrated males, 318, 320; on senile males, 318-19, on vasotomized males, 319-21; placental extract, ef- fect of, on females, 320-21, on males, 320-21 Lubbock, Sir John, obstacle principle of, 8 Maternal drive: activity manifested, 345; age as factor in, 346; condi- tions tested, 339 ; controls employed in testing, 333 ; correlation with other drives, 349 ; factors that exert influence on, 336; primiparity, in- fluence on, 349; procedure in test- ing, 336-39 Methods of testing motivation: ac- tivity cage, 5; choice, 6, 17, 31-33; learning, 6-7, 484-85; resistance, 8, 9; revolving wheel, 4, 129. For use of obstruction in, see Columbia Ob- struction method Moss, F. A., use of resistance method by, 8, 9, 22, 27-29, 79, 404-8 Morgan, J. J. B., resistance method of, 8 Motivation: defined, 15-16; drive and incentive factors distinguished, 14, 15; incentive -index defined, 55, 208- 9; normal drives defined, 371; ob- stacle principle, as related to, 5, 8 Oestrus cycle, table showing subdivi- sions of, 133 Papanicolaou, G. N., examination of vaginal smears by, 118 Practice: effect of, in obstruction ap- paratus, 42-47 Reactions to obstruction: approaches, 501 502 INDEX contacts, and crossings, defined, 146 Richter, C. P., activity cage method of, 4, 5, 405 Segregation: effect of, on homosexua] tendencies, 182-85, 223; influence of, on female sex drive, 259-60, on male sex drive, 258-59 ; periods of, investigated, 188-89, 196; proce- dure used in testing, 189-97 Sex drive: controls employed in test- ing, 117-19; correlation of, with other drives, 393; homosexual ten- dencies in, 138, 182-85, 223; inter- vals of deprivation tested in, 150, 188-89, 196; physiological basis of, in female, 120-35, 159 ff., in male, 135, 265-68; procedure used in testing, 136-40, 142-49; sex differ- ences in, 171, 172, 174, 175; sum- mary of test results of, on normal females, 170-74, on normal males, 159, 173; work of others on, 6, 8-9, 17, 180 ff. See also Gonadectomy, Injections, Segregation, Vasotomy Simmons, R, learning method of, 7, 79, 404, 456-57 Slonaker, J. R., revolving wheel meth- od of, 4 Standard test conditions: animals, age, and strain factor in, 373-74; apparatus, 373; incentives in, 374- 76; procedure in, 376-82; scores of, 382 Stone, C. P., work of, on effect of sex isolation, 180-81 Thirst drive: controls employed in testing, 99; correlation with other drives, 393; procedure used in test- ing, 104; sex differences in, 113; summary of test results of, 113; work of others on, 100-2 Tsai, C, choice method of, 6, 18, 79, 404 Vasotomy, effect of, on sex drive, 320- 21 Waller, O. D., work of, on stimula- tion value of electric current, 25 Watson, J. B., work of, on effect of delayed feeding on learning, 447, 455-57 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS Columbia University New York FOREIGN AGENT OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Humphrey Milford Amen House, London, E. C. Date Due — B — «*- «# ! Apr 1 91 & STLAC1E Annas mm — CAT. NO. 23 233 PRINTED IN U.S.A. mm W UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES BOOK CARD YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LOSS OF THIS CARD 413542