LIBRARY Y^ggf UNIVERSITY OF | ^^4 CALIFORNIA r SAN DIEGO J h' W iWtf\^OA ^t; ;..:.. , ' 1 >--IL> IVifAb i r 198E MAKIO REC'D ry^AY 1 5 i9s; HAY 21 RFfm m !fc - CAVLORD PRINTED IN U.S. A°. 3 1822 01098 8327 7C- /?7/ \ CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF ANIMAL PLAGU ES FROM B.C. 1490 TO A.D. 1800. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation ANIMAL PLAGUES HISTORY, NATURE, AND PREVENTION. GEORGE FLEMING, F.R.G.S., etc. PRESIDENT OF THE CENTRAL VETERINARY MEDICAL SOCIETV ; MEMBER OF COUNCIL OF THE KOVAL COLLEGE OF VETERINARY SURGEONS ; VETERINARY SURGEON, ROYAL ENGINEERS ; AUTHOR OP 'travels ON HORSEBACK IN MANTCHU TARTARY,' AND •IIORSE-SHOES AND HORSE-SHOEING.' ETC. LONDON : CEIAPMAN AND HALL, 193, PICCADILLY 1871. [/•I// Ri^/ils resen>ed.^ JOHN GUILDS ANU SON, PRINTERS. LORD-LIEUTENANT OF IRELAND, THIS WORK IS DEDICATED IN RECOGNITION OF HIS IMPORTANT SERVICES DURING A GRAVE CRISIS IN THE AGRICULTURAL AND COMMERCIAL HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAIN. Non tarn creber agens hiemen ruit sequore turbo, Quam niulta; pecudum pestes. Nee singula morbi Corpora corripiunt, sed tola sestiva repente Spemque gregemque simul, cunctamque ab origine gentum. Virgil. Georgics, lib. iii. 470. Non est in medico semper relevetur ut seger ; Interdum docta plus valet arte malum. — Ovid. To be ignorant of what has occurred before our time, is ever to remain in a state of childhood. — Cicbro. vV PREFACE. For very many years the subject of 'Animal Plagues ' has occupied a large share of my attention during the hours spared from more press- ing every-day professional duties, and no opportunity of adding to a knowledge of it has been allowed to pass. Since 1865, when this country was much harassed and ravaged by a destructive exotic disease, its importance has greatly increased, and public attention has been much occupied by it. Previous to that year, the maladies of the lower animalsj and particularly those of a contagious or spreading character, had received but little if any notice, save among a few members of the veterinary profession, who vainly attempted to point out their dangerous tendencies, and their baneful effects on the agriculture of the country, as well as their amenableness to legislative measures care- fully carried out. The striking facts elucidated in this respect in 1865 and 1866, have corroborated, in every particular, the justness and value of these unheeded indications. It is scarcely necessary to say, that had the history of the malady then raging been better known, serious loss and embarrassment might have been avoided, and more credit would have been due to us as an enlightened people. The science of Comparative Pathology has made but little progress in this country ; it has not been looked upon with much favour by the medical profession, and has been neglected altogether by successive vi Preface. Governments. In this respect Britain differs widely, and not to her advantage, from the smallest European state. These researches into the history of animal pestilences were under- taken with the view of showing what an interesting and important study we had neglected, — a study in which the comparative pathologist, phy- sician, general historian, agriculturist, or statesman will find much material for reflection. Though so long ago as 1775, Paulet published his classical work, ' Recherches sur les Maladies Epizootiques,' which was translated into Italian by Lotti in 1785, and into German by Rumpelt in 17765 and thoucrh this was followed by similar treatises by Adami (' Beitrage zur Geschichte der Viehseuchen.' Wien, 1781), Laubender (' Seuchen- o-eschichte der Landwirthschaftlichen Hausthiere.' Munchen, 181 1), Guersent (' Epizootic,' in the Dictionnaire des Sciences Medicales, 18 15), Metaxa (' Delle Malattie Contagiose ed Epizootiche. Roma, 1817), Dupuy (' Traite Historique et Pratique sur les Maladies Epizootiques.' Paris, 1837), Bottani (' Delle Epizoozie del Veneto Dominio.' Venezia, 1 8 19), Franque ('Geschichte der Hausthierseuchen.' Frankfort, 1834), Wirth (' Lehrbuch der Seuchen und ansteckenden Krankheiten der Hausthiere.' Zurich, 1 146), Heusinger ('Recherches dePathologie Com- paree.' Cassel, 1853), and several other continental writers — all more or less incomplete, — yet, for the reasons before mentioned, no attempt has yet been made in this country to trace the history of these diseases, or to afford an indication of the sources from whence such a history was to be derived. It is therefore with diffidence that I venture to offer this history of British and foreign epizootics from the earliest recorded events of that kind up to recent times. For professional reasons, my opportunities for research have been few, else this contribution to the literature of the subject would undoubtedly have claimed more pre- tensions to accuracy and completeness. Nevertheless, no parns have been spared to make it what I intended it should be. The collection of materials for such a work was no easy task, the references to animal dis- eases of a general character in the early ages being only found in books which treat also of other matters, and are often very rare. From these and other causes I feel conscious that the result of my labours must be somewhat incomplete and unsatisfactory. Preface. vii When possible, I have given translations of the passages in the several histories, following the ipsissima verba as closely as the sense would permit ; when the descriptions have proved too long for complete transcription, a brief abstract has been made ; and when, at a later period, writings become greatly multiplied, an enumeration of the principal authors and the titles of their books has been given, in addition to a notice of tlie special maladies they have described. In this respect, Heusinger's excellent work has proved an invaluable source of reference.^ I hav^e always been impressed with the idea that a history of many of the ' murrains ' that have travelled across countries, often in company with or preceding human pestilences, would prove a most valuable aid to the student of comparative pathology, and be of service to the busy practitioner whose leisure is more limited; while to the physician, agri- culturist, or statesman it might serve as a guide for reference whenever the diseases of animals shall occupy a larger share of scientific and public interest than at present. Acting on this impulse, the task was com- menced, and nothing but the importance and interest that appeared to gather round it as I proceeded could have compensated for the labour required. Unsatisfactory as the result now appears to me, yet I trust it will be found acceptable and useful to those for whom it was written, as a treatise on a subject of national importance. In considering the extent and the many difficulties attending such a work, I may say in the words of Pliny, quoted by Paulet, ' Res ardua, vetustis novitatem dare, novis autoritatem, obscuris lucem, fastiditis gratiam, dubiis fidem, omnibus vero naturam et natura suae omnia.' • In addition to this and the other works mentioned above, the following also treat of epizootic diseases, though generally in a didactic manner, and are seldom, if at all, noticed in the body of this treatise. IVollsiein. Das Bach von den Viehseuchen. Wien, 1811. Werner. Handbuch von den Seuchen des Vichs. Breslau, 1798. Bojanus. Anleitung ziir Kenntniss und Behandlung der wichtig- sten Seuchen unterdem Rindvieli und Pferden. Wilna, 1830. Plank. Grundriss der Epizoonologie oder Thierseuchenlehre. Munchen, 1833. CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction xv CHAPTER I. PERIOD FROM B.C. 1490 TO A.D. 400. Early History of Animal Plagues. Egypt and its ' Murrains.' First Recorded Panzooty in Ireland. Pestilence in Troy. Greek Historians and Plagues. Homer and the Siege of Troy. Droughts and their Effects. Rome and its Epizootics. The Plague of Athens. Aristotle. The ' Abortus Epidemicus.' The Siege of Syracuse. Cato the Elder. Locusts. Virgil's Panzooty. First Great Famine in Ire- land. Comets and Eclipses. Columella. A ' Loimic ' Plague. Ir- ruption of the Huns. First Recorded Invasion of the ' Cattle Plague.' Vegetius Renatus i CHAPTER II. PERIOD FROM A.D. 400 TO A.D. 1500. State of Veterinary Science. Hieroclcs and Pelagonius. First Recorded Mortality among Fish. Pestilence in Britain and Ireland. The Ligurian Plague. Variola and Cattle Disease in Italy and Gaul. Cattle and Horse Epizooty in Touraine. Anthrax in France and Belgium. Destruction among Birds and Fowls. Murrains in Eng- land and Ireland. The 'Maclgarth.' Charlemagne's Campaigns. Mortality among Horses and Cattle. Great Irruption of the Cattle Plague from Asia into Europe ; Britain Invaded. War in Pannonia. Plague amongst Oxen in the Rhine Provinces. Locusts in Britain and Ireland. Arnulph's Campaign. Rabies in a Bear at Lyons. Death Contents. PAGE of Cattle and Birds in Ireland. Cattle Plague in France, Italy, and Germany. A 'Fight' among Birds. Mortality of Bees in Ireland. Disease among Cattle in the Roman Territories. Destruction of People and Cattle among the Saxons, Britons, and Gauls. Wales and its Agrarian Laws. Pestilences in England and Ireland. Ergot- ism and Carbuncular Fever in France and Germany. Plague of Rats. 'Conach' in Ireland. First mention of Swine Disease in Ireland. The' ' Ignis Divina.' Plagues in Bavaria, England, and Ireland. The ' Ignis Sacer.' Severe Panzooty in London. Dreadful Murrain in England and Ireland. Epizooty in Belgium and Germany. First Notice of ' Influenza.' The ' Feu Sacrd.' The Mongol Invasions and the ' Cattle Plague,' with Death of Sheep. Anthrax in Ireland. Disease in Mankind, Animals, and Fishes. Anthrax in England. Remarkable Epizooty among Sheep. Ovine Variola : its History. Diseases of Sheep. Horse Epizooty in Iceland, at Seville, and at Rome. Famine and Animal Plagues in England and Gaul. Influenza in Ireland. Deadly Epizooty among Horses and Mules at Yemen. The ' Black Death ' and Animal Plagues. The Manor of Heacham. Cattle Diseases in Somerset and Devon. The ' Second Plague.' Murrain among Deer in England. Epizooty among Horses in the Abruzo. 'Signaculo.' ...... • • 33 CHAPTER III. PERIOD FROM A.D. 150O TO A.D. 1700. Progress of Medical Science. Inclement Seasons. Blood-rain. Fracastor's Epizooty. The ' Cattle Plague, in Friuli, Venice, France, Spain, and England. Its Transmission to Sheep. Epizooty among Cats in England. The 'Tac' 'The Sweating Sickness ' and Pestilence in Animals. Mortality among Cattle in England. Its Effect on the Mayor and Aldermen of London. Anthrax in Italy. Small-pox of Sheep on the Continent. Influenza. Plague of Mice and Murrain of Cattle in Kent and Essex. Rabies Canina. The 'Cattle Plague' in Italy : Goats affected. Epizooty of Rabies in Paris. Disease in Cats at Constantinople. Epizooty among Fowls in Bohemia. An- thrax in Italy : with the ' Cattle Plague' and Disease in Sheep. Catherine Miget. The 'Flying Pestilence.' Epizooty amongthe French Army Horses in Germany. Ovine Small-pox in Padua. Dangerous Disease among Fish. Destruction of Pelicans. Probable Outbreak of Cattle Plague in Italy : Sheep affected. General 'Rot' in Sheep and Cattle. Great Plague of London. Exanthematous Disease among Cats in Westphalia. ' Rot ' in Denmark. Venomous Insects in Hungary. Disease in Fish in Germany. General Epizooty of Glossanthrax on the Continent. Pestilential Mists. ' Foot and Mouth ' Disease in Silesia. Influenza in Mankind and Horses in Contents. xi PAGE England and Ireland. Insects in Ireland. Diseases of Plants. Ramazzini. Diseases in Italy. Glossanthrax in Switzerland. Pul- monic Disease among Cattle in Hesse. Epizootic Catarrh among Horses. Ergotism in Man and Animals. Epizootic Ekzema in Hesse. Glossanthrax in Sweden. The Small-pox of Birds. Honey- dew and ' Mutterkorn.' 123 CHAPTER IV. PERIOD FROM A.D. 1700 TO A.D. I715. The Condition of Comparative Pathology in the i8th and 19th Centuries. Unpropitious Seasons. Importation of Horses into England Prohibited. A Chamois Epizooty. Epizootic Ekzema in Franconia. Epidemic and Epizootic Influenza. 'Rot' in Sheep in Dublin. Commencement of the Great Epizooty of ' Cattle Plague.' Kanold's History. Gerbezius. Schroeckius. Borromeo. Ramaz- zini's Description. Sheep Small-pox in England. Anthrax and an Epizooty of Rabies among Deer in Hungary. Anthrax in France and Germany. Extensive Epizooty among Horses on the Continent. Kanold and Lancisi's Descriptions. The Epizooty of ' Cattle Plague ' : Sheep and Goats affected. Mortality among Cats in Hungary. Lancisi and the ' Cattle Plague.' Horse Plague in Italy. Ovine Small-pox in France and Italy. Canine ' Distemper' in France. The ' Cattle Plague ' in England. Bates' Description and Successful Management 173 CHAPTER V. PERIOD FROM A.D. 1715 TO A.D. 1 745. Lanzoni on the Seasons. Sickness among Horses. The ' Cattle Plague' on the Continent. 'Rot' in Sheep in Ireland. Mortality among Bees and Carp in Silesia, and among Turkeys and Geese in Hungary. Horse Disease in Finland. Termination of the Epizooty of ' Cattle Plague.' Fowl Mortality at Wismar and Silesia. Equine Glossanthrax in Silesia. Silkworm Disease in Italy. Rabies in Dogs. Invasion of Mice in Transylvania and Abortion in Cattle and Horses. Diseases in Provence. Epidemy in Peru and Disease in Animals. Ergotism in Silesia. Storks at Breslau. Laborious Parturition. ' Cattle Plague ' in Sweden. Strange Epizooty in the Venetian States. Death of Fish in Lake Constance. Ovine Small-pox in the Venetian States and France. Astruc's Observations. ' Sheep-rot ' in Silesia, Poland, and Prussia. ' Cattle Plague ' in Thuringia, Saxony, and Magdeburg. Disease in Mice in Silesia, and Rabies in Dogs and xii Co7itents. PAGE Wolves. Epizooty of ' Grease ' in Horses. Car'ouncular Fever among Cattle in Germany. Bovine Contagious Pleuro-pneumonia in Switzerland. Fowl Mortality in Courland. Horse Influenza in England and Ireland. Epidemic Influenza and Diseases in Animals. Destruction of Fish. Plague at Cadiz. ' Cattle Plague ' in Russia, Germany, and the Venetian States. Goelicke and Bruckner. ' Strangles ' among Horses in England. Remarkable Epizooty of Glossanthrax. Epidemy and Epizooty of Influenza. Gibson's De- scriptions. Rabies in England and 'Rot ' in Hares. Poultry Mortality in Coburg. Great ' Sheep-rot ' in England. The ' Cattle Plague ' in Italy. Dog ' Distemper ' in South America. Cattle Disease in Scotland. Carbuncular Plague at Tobolsk. Great Sheep and Rabbit 'Rot,' and First Potato 'Rot' in Ireland. 'Cattle Plague' in Bohemia and Bavaria. Severe Seasons. Epidemic Influenza. 'Cattle Plague' in France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, and Hol- land 225 CHAPTER VI. PERIOD FROM A.D. 1745 TO A.D. 1771. The 'Cattle Plague' in England, Ireland, and Scotland, and at Con- stantinople. Its Introduction into England. Mortimer's Description and Observations. Dr Lobb's Remarks. Malcolm Flemming and Dobson on Inoculation. Layard. Legislative Measures. Their In- completeness and Futility. Terrible Destruction of Cattle. Treatises on the Malady. Its Re-introduction into England from Holland. Outbreak at Portsoy. Dr Cullen's Report. Layard's Account of Out- break in Haifipshire. The Malady on the Continent. Inoculation. Dossie's History of the ' Cattle Plague' Invasion : its Nature and Treatment. Progress of the Plague on the Continent. Clerc's De- scription. Grashius and Mauchart. Goats Affected. Ens' Report. Danish Physicians. Chomel and Sauvages. Goats and Sheep attacked in France. Courtivron, Blondet, Camper, and Engleman. Paulet's Remarks. 269 CHAPTER VII. PERIOD FROM A.D. 1746 TO A.D. 1774. Sheep Small-pox. Locusts. Sheep-rot in England. Unfavourable Seasons. Epidemic Ergotism. Severe Epizooty of Influenza in England and Ireland. Osmer. Glossanthrax in Hanover. Horse Plague in Austria. Aphthous Fever in Franconia. Sheep Small-pox in Switzerland and Inoculation and Vaccination. Anthrax. 'Cattle Contents. xiii Plague' at Eichsfeld and ]\Iinden. Anthrax at Minorca. Carbun- cular Epizooty in France. Chaignebrun's Description. Anthrax in Finland and Russia. Glossanthrax at Verona. Aphthous Disease and ' Cattle Plague ' among Reindeer in Lapland. Horse Influenza in England and Scotland. Epidemy and Epizooty in Peru. Fish Mortality in France. 'Louvet' in Switzerland. Epidemic and Epizootic Influenza in England. ' Sheep-rot ' in France. Cattle Disease in Austria. Great Epizooty of Canine 'Distemper.' Epi- zooty among Cattle in Sweden, and among Horses and Cattle in France. Glossanthrax in Switzerland. Numerous Epizootics in Europe. Malignant Anthrax at Rochelle. Nicolau's Description. Extraordinary Epizooty among Fowls. Aphthous Fever in Moravia, France, and Holstein. Sagar's Report. General Prevalence of this Malady. ' Cattle Plague' in Hungary and supposed Infection of Sheep. Unhealthy Seasons in England and General Mortality among Animals. ' Murie.' ' Cattle Plague' in Holland. Vicq-d'Azyr's Ob- servations. Epizooty among Horses in Germany. Cattle Mortality in France and Italy. ' Cattle Plague' on the Continent. Dufot and Le Cat. Epidemic Plague at Moscow and Moldavia. Anthrax in St Domingo and Siberia. Animal Diseases in America. ' Distemper ' in Dogs at Moscow and Wallachia. Destruction of Fowls in Germany. ' Foot and Mouth' Disease in Paris. ' Cattle Plague' in Flanders. Haller's Memoir. Raulin and Paulet. ...... 382 CHAPTER VIII. PERIOD FROM A.D. 1 774 TO A.D. 180O. Anthrax at St Domingo. Epizooty among Geese in Lorraine. ' Cattle Plague ' in Holland and France. Outbreak in the Southern Provinces. Vicq-d'Azyr's Investigations. De Berg's Description. Bellerocq, Faur, Prat, Doazan, and Guyot. Paulet's Observations. ' Cattle Plague' in Spain and England. Epidemic and Epizootic Influenza in Europe. Epizootic Disease in Fishes and Fowls. ' Cattle Plague ' at Minden. Anthrax in Finland. Disease among Oysters and Lobsters. Glanders in France. Mortality among Foxes and Wolves in Africa. Rabies in the Antilles. ' Ekzema Epizootica ' in Austria. Epizooty among Horses near Turin. Death of Geese at Hanover. Anthrax in Germany and France. Cattle Diseases in Picardy. Vicq-d'Azyr's Memoir. ' Cattle Plague ' in Austria, Styria, and Belgium. Prevalence of Anthracoid Diseases. 'Cattle Plague' in England. Influenza in Mankind, Horses, and Cattle. Darwin's Observations. ' Distemper ' among Cattle in Derbyshire. Volcanic Eruption in Iceland. Its Disastrous Effects. Rabies in Jamaica. Anthrax in the Island of Grenada, Barbadoes, and on the Continent. Glossanthrax in Nassau and Anthrax at Lippc and in Bavaria, &c. xiv Contents. PAGE Effects of Unfavourable Seasons. Great Epizooty among Fowls in Upper Italy. ' Rot ' in Wurtemberg. Contagious Pleuro-pneumonia. Anthrax in Hungary. Spanish Sheep Foot-rot. Abortion among Cows in Italy. Invasion of Lemmings. Anthrax in France. Gil- bert's Description. Anthrax in Bavaria. ' Cattle Plague ' on the Continent. Various Writers. Epizootic Ekzema in the Tyrol and Verona. Acute Glanders on the Continent. 'Egg-rot' of Bees in Saxony. Extensive Epizooty among Cats. Verminous Disease of Fowls in America. Glanders and I niluenza in Horses. 'Foot and Mouth ' Disease in Piedmont, the Venetian States, and Lombardy. Supposed outbreaks of ' Cattle Plague ' in England. . . . 465 INTRODUCTION. I When a nation has passed from a savage or semi-savage condition — from that of the hunter or fisherman, caring but little for anything beyond what may be sufficient for the brief but precarious maintenance which is found in the chase — to the more civilized and civilizing state of a pastoral people, a great change is manifested in its character. The most noteworthy feature in this transformation is the high value that begins to be attached to those animals which, in the former stage of civilization, were pursued and destroyed in a wild state, bat have now by kindness, and other means founded on motives of economy, become domesticated and soon form the wealth and well-being of their owners. From them the pastoral people derive their subsistence, in the form of food and clothing j and on them they rely for most essential services during life. In return, the welfare of these animals is carefully studied ; their increase in number and in individual value is a matter of social as well as political importance j but the experience necessary for this successful increase and amelioration can only be acquired by long and close observation, the needful training for which exalts and expands the human mind. Wandering with their flocks and herds to new pastures, when impelled by the seasons, by the multiplication of tribes and families, or by changes of a terrestrial character, these nomads, ever seeking for tlie prosperity and safety of the animals on which they depended for existence, were, in prehistoric times, the pioneers of civilization. Their dumb companions in these pilgrimages became, as it were, a XVI Inti^oduction. portion of their national life, and exercised no small influence on their moral and intellectual development — on their religion, manners, and customs 5 this influence even extending itself to the language, the poetry, and the arts of these primitive shepherds. The immense Steppes of Central Asia still furnish us with examples of this condition of the unsettled races who wander over them with their countless herds and flocks; and a recent traveller^ in that region of the world pleasantly describes some of the scenes he witnessed among them, ' Just as the day dawned I turned out to examine our position, when I discovered the snowy peaks of the Syan-Shan. They appeared cold and ghost-like against the deep blue sky; presently they were tipped with the sun's rays, and shone forth like rubies. I sat on the o-round watching the changes with much interest, till the whole land- scape was lighted up. Immediately near me was a busy scene — on one side the men were milking the mares, to the number of more than one hundred, and carrying the leathern pails of milk to the " Koumis " bag in the " yourt 5 " the young foals being secured in two long lines to pegs driven into the ground. In front, and on the opposite side, the women were milking cows, sheep, and goats, and at a little distance beyond these the camels were suckling their young. Around the " aoul " (camp) the Steppe was filled with animal life. The sultan told me that there were more than two thousand horses, half the number of cows and oxen, two hundred and eighty camels, and more than six thousand sheep and goats. The screams of the camels, the bellowing of the bulls, the neighing of horses, and the bleating of sheep and goats, formed a pastoral chorus such as I had never heard in Europe.' On another occasion he writes : ' All were out with the dawn, and then commenced a scene in pastoral life highly interesting to me. I had left the " yourt " (tent), and looked around in every direction, but be- held only a mass of living animals. The whole of the herds are brought to the aoul at night, where they are most carefully guarded by watchmen and dogs placed in every direction, rendering it almost impossible to enter any aoul without detection. In my childhood I lived in localities where there were many horses and cattle, and used to think a flock of five or six hundred sheep a large one ; but was now astonished by the numbers before and around me. The noise at first was almost intolerable — there was the sharp cry of the camels, the neighing of the horses, the bellowing of the bulls, the bleating of the sheep and goats, the barking of the dogs, and the shouting of the men, ' Atkinson. Oriental and Western Siberia, p. 497. I}it}'odiLctio7i. xvii — a very Babel. I counted one hundred and six camels, including their young 3 there were more than two thousand horses, one thousand oxen and cows, and six thousand sheep and goats. Even these, large as the number may appear, were far short of the total number of animals belonging to the patriarch chief : he had two other aouls, at each of which were one thousand horses and other cattle. Women were busy milking the cows, and the men were preparing to drive these vast herds to their pastures. The horses and camels are driven to the greatest distance — as much as ten and fifteen versts — the oxen come next, and tlie sheep remain nearest the aoul ; but these ramble five or six versts away. It was, indeed, a wonderful sight when they were marched off in ditferent directions, spreading themselves out in living streams, as they moved slowly along the Steppe.' ' Such is man in a pastoral condition. But when a suitable and pro- pitious locality has been found for their animals, the wanderers perhaps become a settled people, and till the ground for themselves while still attending to the herds 5 and this combination of pursuits, which we term Agriculture, generally ensures a progressive and prosperous civilization. Humboldt," speaking of the Steppes or Llanos of the New World, thus philosophically demonstrates the influence of the larger domesticated animals on civilization and social progress : ' The Llanos separate the chain of the coast of Caraccas and the Andes of New Granada from the region of forests ; from that woody region of the Orinoco which, from the first discovery of America, has been inhabited by nations more rude, and further removed from civilization, than the inhabitants of the coast, and still more than the mountaineers of the Cordilleras. The Steppes, however, were no more heretofore the rampart of civilization than they are now the ramparts of the liberty of the hordes that live in the forests. They have not hindered the nations of the lower Orinoco from going up the little rivers and making excursions to the north and the west. If, according to the various distribution of animals on the globe, the pastoral life could have existed in the New World, — if, before the arrival of the Spaniards, the Llanos and the Pampas had been filled with those numerous herds of cows and horses that graze there, Colum- bus would have found the human race in a state quite difterent. Pas- toral nations living on milk and cheese, real nomad races, would have spread themselves over those vast plains which communicate with each other. They would have been seen at the period of great droughts, 1 Ibid., p. 289. ''■ Travels in the L'(|uinoctial Regions of America, vol. ii. p. 98. xviii Introduction. and even at that of inundations, fighting for the possession of pastures 5 subjugating one another mutually 5 and, united by the common tie ot manners, language, and worship, they would have risen to that state of semi-civihzation which we observe with surprise in the nations of the Mono-ol and Tartar race. America would then, like the centre of Asia, have had its conquerors, who, ascending from the plains to the table- lands of the Cordilleras, and abandoning a wandering life, would have subdued the civilized nations of Peru and New Granada, overturned the throne of the Incas and of the Zaque (the secular chief of Cun- dinamarca), and substituted for the despotism which is the fruit of theocracy, that despotism which arises from the patriarchal government of a pastoral people. In the New World the human race has not ex- perienced tliese great moral and political changes, because the Steppes, though more fertile than those of Asia, have remained without herds ; because none of the animals that furnish milk in abundance are natives of the plains of South America 5 and because, in the progressive un- folding of American civilization, the intermediate link is wanting that connects the hunting with the agricultural nations.' The primitive herdsman or agriculturist would soon discover that the domestication of animals sometimes entailed great sacrifices. While watching his stars and his gods for favourable omens, diseases un- known to him when the creatures were in a wild state, would ap- pear 5 and from their unusual character, the suddenness of their attack, and the great mortality attending them, would strike him with fear and amazement. In his sombre and crude belief in the agency of good and evil spirits, and in his ignorance of the influence of physical phenomena on health, he would only see in these visitations the opera- tion of malignant divinities. All barbarous and ignorant nations have ever substituted for the simple and universal laws of nature, which are unknown to them, the operation of spirits, genii, and strange gods. And when the benignant spirits have been made subordinate to those of a malevolent character, and his cattle decline and die, the half civil- ized man betakes himself to prayers, sacrifices, imprecations, and other rites to avert the loss and assuage his fears. At a more advanced stage he has recourse to magic to obtain a cure 3 the animal and vegetable, more rarely the mineral, kingdoms are ransacked j sorcery, enchantments, incantations, and other unreasonable and unhallowed rituals are devised to appease the wrath of the invisible destroyer; and while the potion is being prepared or administered, the mystic formula is uttered in a weird imploring voice to the oflfended spirit. Among all people this has been the commencement of what we Introduction. xix may term veterinary medicine ; and even in recent times traces of this in- fantile belief have not been effaced from the customs of the most civilized nations of Europe. The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Teutons, Celts, and other nations — pastoral and agricultural — all resorted to polytheism and the kindred belief in incantations and magic for the cure of dis- eases. History often tells us how these dismal rites were carried out. With half-civilized communities at the present day, we have glimpses of these fantastic notions. My friend, Mr Michie,^ tells us of a Mongol superstition, to the practice of which he was a witness. ' As a preventive against cattle being killed by lightning, a horse is devoted to the god of thunder — light grey or white being preferred. He is brought to the door of his owner's tent, and while the Shaman ceremonies are going on, a cup of milk is placed on his back. When the ceremonies are concluded, the horse is cast loose, the milk falls, and the animal is thenceforth sacred. No one may use him again, and, when he dies, his tail and mane are cut off and twisted into those of another horse, which, from that time, also becomes sacred to the god of thunder.' But with advancing civilization and a higher development of the intellectual faculties, induced by favourable circumstances, the mind would begin to be disenthralled from the depressing influence of mysti- cism and impotent idolatry ; the benign or malign effects of physical agencies on the domestic animals would at first be almost inappreciably though certainly noted, and the skill of the age invoked to bring them more under the influence of the first and beyond the power of the second j while the measures adopted would often be, to a certain extent, aided by the instincts of the creatures themselves, who would naturally shun that which did them harm, and seek for those things which nature indicated as best for them. Their guardians would not be slow in attending to these indications, and in this way would veterinary medicine receive its fundamental empirical teachings. Reason, the divine attribute of the human mind, thus prompted and directed by economic principles, and by that restless, resistless curiosity which seems to seize it whenever it has succeeded in emerging a certain distance from the obscurity of ignorance, would next exert itself to learn the connection between cause and effect; the phenomena of nature and of life would engage the earliest efforts of a dawning philo- sophy ; and the actions and re-actions ever taking place between agencies external to the body and those operating within it, would lead to the ' Overland Route from Peking to St Pelcrsburg. London, 1864. P. 200. XX Introduction. investigation of the causes of disease, and to their possible discovery m the organs or tissues of the stricken creatures. In this manner may the science of medicine—human and coi^inpara- tive — have been begun, and the rudiments of its several branches feeen slowly but surely acquired. Hippocrates and many of the early phyu'i" cians obtained their knowledge of anatomy only from the dissection ot animals, and these men were the founders of modern as well as ancient medical knowledge. ' Choose an ape for dissection,' says Rufus, who lived about the time of Trajan, ' if you have one ; if not, take a bear 5 and if you have not a bear, take any animal you can get.' The religious rites pertaining to auguries sought for in the entrails of animals ; the examination of their bodies to discover whether, as food, they were pure or impure j and the offerings of portions of im- molated creatures to their deities, were all aiding in this work, and olfering grand opportunities for observation, notwithstanding the super- stitions and impostures of the priests who officiated. When the nomad saw that the pestilence among his flocks either preceded, accompanied, or was followed by another equally fatal to his own species, we cannot wonder that appeals and sacrifices were made to the supposed authors of such appalling destruction. In a compara- tively late era, when a beautiful mythology had sprung up among the Greeks, and when epidemics and epizootics appeared nearly always to accompany each other, this was more particularly observable. Apollo, who presided over flocks and herds, showered his arrows among them when displeased, and slew men and beasts alike by his vengeful but unseen darts. Homer speaks of the plague which prostrated the Greek camp at the siege of Troy, and ascribes it to the wrath of that deity, who was offended by an insult offered to Chryses, his high priest. But though deep-rooted superstition was fain to impose on the gentle god the blame of the hurtful visitation, the great poet does not forget to indicate a powerful auxiliary to the god's malevolence in the filth lying about the camp, and introduces Agamemnon who orders it to be thrown into the sea. This, if the first recorded step in sanitary re- form, is certainly a notable one, and shows the inclination, even in those distant days, to break through the barriers of ignorance and credulity, by seeking out and removing the real causes of pestilential diseases. In imperial Rome, so often the seat of fearful plagues, superstition played a prominent part, and during the prevalence of epidemic or epizootic disorders, the Senate had recourse to the Sibylline books and lectisternium to appease the ire of the enraged gods. And the Sallii, Introdiution. xxi or priests of Mars, were not slow in procuring for themselves greater favours in attributing the abatement of pestilence to their manipula- tion of, and devotion to, the sacred shields. The true nature of the malady, or its predisposing or exciting causes, were seldom the sub- ject for investigation. ' Pestis et ira Deum Stygiis sese extulit ' was generally sufficient to account for its presence among them. Sacrifices, idolatrous prayers, and implicit faith in what the soothsayers or priests thought fit to teach, mark the history of these inflictions in early times. The terror and desperation induced by such a calamity as a plague is well illustrated in the instance cited by Baronius, in which we are told that a visitation of this kind raged with such fury at Carthage, that parents sacrificed their children to appease the gods. In our own country many superstitious customs, having reference to the preservation of the domestic animals, appear to have been derived* from the early traders \\\x\\ Britain — the Phoenicians. Some of these rites, if they do not now exist, were at any rate in vogue at no very distant date. The worship of Baal, Bel, or Belus, the son of Nimrod, was a Phoenician rite. Fires were set blazing for him at certain times of the year, and if the object of their suppHcations demanded it, human beings were offered as a sacrifice 5 but on ordinary and later occasions, the person or animal for whom protection was entreated, rushed, or was driven rapidly through the flames. In the Highlands of Scot- land, so late as the middle of the last century, the remains of this gross superstition were noted by Pennant. ' On the first of May, the herdsmen of every village in the Highlands hold their Bel-tien, or rural sacrifice. They cut a square trench in the ground, leaving the turf in the middle ; on that they make a large fire, on which they dress eggs, butter, oatmeal, and milk, and bring, besides, the ingredients for the caudle, plenty of beer and whisky, for each of the company must con- tribute something. The rites begin by pouring some of the caudle on the ground by way of libation, on, which every one takes a cake of oatmeal, with nine square knobs raised upon it, each dedicated to some particular being, the supposed preserver of their flocks and herds, or to some particular animal, the real destroyer of them. Each person then turns his face to the fire, breaks off a knob, and flings it over his shoulder, saying, ' This I give to thee ! preserve thou my horses j this to thee! preserve thou my sheep 5 ' and so on. After that they use the same ceremony to the noxious animals. 'This I give to thee, oh lox. spare thou my lambs 5 this to thee, oh eagle j this to thee, oh hooded crow ! ' c xxii Introduction. 'When the ceremony is over, they dine on the caudle.' ' In Ireland 'Bel-tien,' according to Macpherson/ is celebrated on the 2 1st of June at the solstice, by making fires on the hill-tops, when peo- ple and beasts are made to pass through them, to ensure protection against pestilence. Neither was the influence of the ' evil eye ' less dreaded and guarded against by strange and oftentimes curious rites and customs. It is surprising to find this superstition existing widely over the world in ancient and modern times. Virgil's shepherd exclaims, 'Nescio quis teneros oculus mihi fascinat agnos ! ' The Irish and Scotch believed that their cattle could be blighted by an evil eye ; the Mala- bars, Hindus, Arabians, Turks, and other eastern peoples wear charms to avert its influence j the Mahometans suspend objects from tlie 'ceiUngs of their apartments with the same intention ; in Ceylon the Singhalese place white vessels on their gables to guard against the myste- rious agency, which the Tamils at Jaffiia, in the same island, believe to work injury on their herds and flocks. Sir J. Emerson Tennent ^ even asks if there is any hidden connection between the prohibition to covet contained in the tenth commandment, and the horror of the 'evil eye,' so frequently mentioned in the Old and New Testaments. The fear and panic reigning in countries where plagues, either of man or the lower animals, have shown themselves, have never much abated 5 and at the present day, with all our science and enlighten- ment, the public mind is almost as troubled at their appearance as in earlier times : troubled not so much, perhaps, by the apparently inevit- able destruction they are likely to cause, as by the mystery that shrouds their origin. Though a Christian civilization has to a great extent removed the influence of superstitious ideas, with regard to the agency of evil spirits or spiteful gods, and though the polytheism of the heroic ages has been supplanted by monotheism, the commencement of these aflflictions has still been often enough ascribed to sources as erroneous as before, and only too frequently the wrath of many gods has merely been condensed, if we may use the term, into that of one. Hebrew traditions have brought in the anger of Jehovah as a frequent cause of pestilence, and His displeasure as being made manifest, not on sinful man alone, but also on the unoflending creatures around him. The wise King, Solo- mon, a witness to the participation of the inferior animals in the 1 Tour in Scotland in 1769, p. 100. 2 Critical Dissertations. ■' Ceylon, vol. ii. p. 177. Introduction. xxiii calamities which befell men, enunciated a truthful saying, when draw- ing a comparison between the lord of the creation and his less favoured companions, and which may have had reference to their suffering alike from plagues : ' For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts j even one thing befalleth them : as the one dieth, so dieth the other J yea, they have all one breath j so that a man hath no pre- eminence above a beast.' ' To a people like the primitive Jews, next to a pestilence appearino- among themselves, was a plague among their herds and flocks. ' Blessed, ' says Moses, ' shalt thou be in the fruit of thy cattle, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep.' - And a curse from the Almighty was imagined to be the cause when the health of their cattle and sheep was blighted by sudden disease and death. The Egyptians were told, in the first plague which history mentions, that because they would not listen to Moses, or believe in his mission, ' Behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thy cattle which is in the field, upon the horses, upon the asses, upon the camels, upon the oxen, and upon the sheep : there shall be a very grievous murrain.' ^ The displeasure of the Creator was the ever- present cause 5 agencies of a physical nature were left unnoticed, and doubtless ' murrains ' must have been frequent, general, and most severe, when the real exciting or predisposing causes were thus allowed to prevail unchecked. The most striking examples of rampant superstition and gross ignorance meet us at nearly every step in our investigation into the history of animal plagues; and one is puzzled whether to lay most blame on those who led ignorant people astray, or on the people who could be so credulous and short-sighted as to be guided and ruined by designing or infatuated men. In the early Christian ages, the sign of the cross was burnt with a hot iron on the heads of menaced or already in- fected flocks, or their bodies were anointed with the oil and water from the lamps of some church in which reposed the musty bones of some saint or other; or at other times rows of such relics were lauded by the priests as efficacious remedies ; while all the time the diseases — their causes, nature, and distinctive characteristics — were entirely neglected by the gullible priest-ridden people, until they were all but ruined, as is apparent in almost every page of the history of these visitations in the early and middle ages. And the obstructive ideas which then prevailed have not even yet abated much in their rancour in many parts of the world. A displeased ' Lcclcs. ill. 19. ' Dcut. xxviii. 4. ^ Exod. ix. 3. xxiv Introduction. or spiteful Creator is still appealed to by prayers, ceremonies, and sacri- fices to remove the devastating pestilence that revels amid indolence^ bigotry, filth, and impurity. It is generally so much easier to pray than to obey sanitary behests. Laziness and priestcraft would rather believe in the vengeance of an Almighty power than in the troublesome causes which need active exertion and enlightened minds for their removal or prevention. In the middle of the 19th century processions of Greek and Turkish priests stream barefooted through the plague-swept streets of Constantinople, the former uttering loud appeals for deliverance from the scourge, and the latter calling upon Allah to protect them, though they are opposing the most urgent sanitary measures as contrary to the teachings of the Koran ; all the while the two perplexed sects, in their dismal peregrinations, can scarcely breathe for the putrifying matters surrounding them, through which they have to scramble as they best can, 'and which is directly or indirectly slaying its thousands of the benighted population.^ About the same period, in our own land, a dreadfiil contagion is decimating the herds and flocks 5 physicians prescribe impotent medical treatment 5 fast-days are appointed, and prayers are offered for riddance of the disease, for whose advent various reasons are given, but which are generally on a par with those of the early period of civilization. The imported ' Cattle Plague ' in Britain is attributed by a learned priest (a Roman Catholic) directly to God's displeasure at our great love for animals, or 'cattle worship,' as he terms it; and he hesitates not to say of his own species, ' Perhaps the cholera is now sent to bring down the pride of the human intellect, and to compel the godless philosophy of the age to admire the inter- vention of the hand of God in all human events.' ' In the mean time, all that is necessary is a little energy and wisdom on the part of states- men and people to get rid of a contagion that is readily preventible, and that should never have been allowed to appear, and at any rate to spread. But we must not be too hard upon the enlightened bishop for de- claring that kindness to animals, which we have always considered a virtue, and looked upon as a part of Scriptural injunction, should be visited with punishment not on sinful man but on the innocent rumin- ants. During the same visitation the most extraordinary opinions have been emitted by preachers of another rt^igious sect. One of these worthies in particular traced the origin of the malady to our national, ' See Times' Correspondent's letter from Constantinople, dated September ist, 1865. - Dr Ciillau On the Approach of the Cholera Morbus and other Evils, 1865. Introduction. xxv but carnal love of beef, for which the murrain was sent as a Di\ine chastisement j and more than one clergyman declared the infliction of this painful malady on the creatures who had never sinned to be a mark of the Almighty's anger at the laches of the nation. There was no allusion, however, to the fact of such countries as Ireland or France, which may have been equally sinful, evading the terrible punishment by a little judicious care, and the exercise of that power and kno\^'- ledge witli which a benevolent, and not a malevolent. Creator, had en- dowed them. Such doctrines are unworthy of Christians, and carry us back to ages when the perpetration of the most atrocious crimes and the cold-blooded slaughter of whole tribes of men, women, and children were laid to the favour or disfavour of the God of mercy and love. On the Continent, St Cornelius and other saints of France, and St Antonio of Rome and Italy in general, are the protectors of four-footed creatures ; and it is much less troublesome for their owners, and more proritable to the priests, to obtain exemption from an approaching plague through the merits of a mouldy saint than by the adoption of onerous, heretical measures of a hygienic kind, which do not benefit the Church. This blind superstition and infatuation, almost amounting to pro- fanity, and which is incompatible with reason or true religion, is now happily on the wane j but in ages gone by it has acted most prejudici- ally, by diverting men's minds from the study of the nature and causes of diseases of this class. For what need was there to investigate or attempt to avert them, when they were sent from Heaven to punish sinful man ? Chiefly for this reason, we are left much in want of positive in- formation as to the character of the various epizootic diseases which have appeared since history first began ' to record them. As old as animated nature itself, their beginning is lost in the gloom of antiquity. The ancients, often completely ignorant of veterinary science, have left us but little information regarding them, for they seemed to dread transmitting more than vague generalities to posterity ; and several of the detailed accounts are those of poets, who, in describing some one of tho.->e dreadful pests which spread far and wide, and caused fear and desolation to prevail, have probably had poetical effect more in view than accuracy. Up to the 14th or 15th centuries, we can identify but few of the epizfjuties mentioned as occurring in the preceding eras; for the histori- ans of the early, dark, and middle ages were men who were cillier un- acquainted with the lornis assumed by disease, and merely tell us (jf their xxvi Introduction. disastrous effects as public calamities 3 or they were priests, usually- only anxious to speak of the marvellous virtues of their prayers and mummeries in driving them from their locaHties. The natural events of a striking character which have either preceded or accompanied animal plagues, — and which might have led the inquiring mind to a more correct appreciation of the connection between them, and the appearance or disappearance of these maladies, — are, when noticed, generally too briefly described to affbrd any satisfactory guidance in this respect. It was generally considered sufficient to ascribe their advent to whatever might appear unusual in the celestial or terrestrial worlds J or, if these atforded nothing marvellous, to the wrath of a resentful deity. There was usually no attempt to chronicle those symptoms which would have rendered their descriptions of the greatest value to future historians 5 and it was, as a rule, only necessary to designate them by such general, though vague terms, as conveyed a striking idea of their deadly character, without preserving their distinct- ive features. Thus it is that the word ">^"7 deher, signifying plague, was employed in Hebrew speech to denote every kind of epidemic or epizootic disease j while the Greeks gave the collective denomination of Xot/ioc, a plague, pestilence, or XoifiiKr) voaoc, a pestilential disease, alike to the general affections of men or animals, no matter what form they assumed or from what cause they arose. The Roman writers were no more explicit, but ambiguously styled them pestis, pestilentia, or strages pecorum ; and the ignis sacer of Lucretius is scarcely more intelligible than any of the other terms employed. The chroniclers of the Middle Ages, in transferring these designations to their own times, have added the equally indefinite appellatives of mortalitas, clades, lues, &c. Undoubtedly these vague expressions arose from ignorance and want of observation ; for the bodies of the affected, while alive, were seldom, if ever, carefully examined, and scrutiny or dissection of the dead which may have perished from plagues of the most diverse character, was neglected or forbidden. Pathologi- cal anatomy had not made such progress as to convince the popular mind of its value ; and, besides, what was the need for this troublesome inquiry when these afflictions were believed to arise from sources beyond the reach or power of man. Terms as little significative as those of less enlightened centuries, such as plague, wurrain, distemper, &c., are still in use as popular designations for these maladies. The term * murrain ' is, perhaps, for general purposes that best adapted to express that which technically i hitrodiiction. xxvii is termed an epizooty. It is a very ancient word, and is to be found in many languages besides English. For example, it appears in Italian as ' moria,' and in French as ' murie.' Its root is found in the Greek fiapaivw — marainoj in the Sanskrit 'mr,' the Latin ' mori,' German ' mar,' and the Celtic ' muire.' Whatever term may now be employed, however, whether it be murrain, plague, distemper, or pest, thanks to science we need not fear its obscuring the real nature of the maladies designated, nor veil their possible sources by attributing tliem to agencies beyond man's powers of elucidation and control. But from the circumstances before-mentioned, the historian of epizoiiiic diseases who would endeavour to compile a satisfactory chron- ological account of those visitations which have from time to time swept the plain, the homestead, and the stable of their occupants, pre- vious to the centuries indicated, has but a slender chance of doing more than citing meagre facts, solitary, or in opposition to others which might otherwise give these facts more interest and certainty. Even to do this, he must labour earnestly, and gather from many sources the clue necessary to guide him in fixing the advent and duration of these maladies J and after all has been accomplished, in the immense ma- jority of instances he will find himself unable to tell with precision what were the morbid characters distinguishing them from each other, or from diseases existing enzootically elsewhere. The only ad- vantage he might obtain in thus studying the plagues of the domestic animals, would be, at rare intervals, to find in the geographical in- vasion of certain epizootics a marked connection between them and contemporary events, which might authorize him in making deductions of some value. It must be borne in mind, also, that famines, droughts, and the destruction of vegetation by locusts and various causes, as \\c'll as other mishaps, would affect domesticated and feral creatures no less, perhaps, than mankind 3 but that in very many instances the sufferings of these would have remained unrecorded when the panic and mortality among his own species entirely engrossed the attention of the historian. Hence, in reading of particular epidemics, particularly in the early cen- turies, we gre only able to guess at the existence of contemporary epizootics ; and as it would be departing from one object of this work, I have in most instances omitted any mention of plagues described as affecting the human race only. It is not until we approach the commencement of the i8lh century, that the study of animal plagues becomes really interesting and satis- factory, and that research is abundantly rt-warded l)y tlu- fullest descrip- xxviii Introduction. tions of these visitations ; for we iiiid facts grouped according to their atiinity in the series of cause and etfect. This scientilic method of transmitting what should be known of the history and nature of animal diseases to future generations, was inaugurated by the Italian physician Ramazzini, who undoubtedly laid the foundation for accurate observa- tion in this department of veterinary science. And to this philosopher history is indebted for much that is known of one of the greatest epizooties of modern days. From that time to the present, maladies of this class have been neither few nor far between ; but observers have rapidly increased in number, and in proportion as these have at- tained the scientilic proficiency necessary for such a ditficult study, so have the nature of animal plagues, and the measures needed for their mitigation and prevention, become better known. A detailed description of all the epizootic or panzootic diseases which have occurred would occupy far too large a space, and might not after all be a very useful study ; those occurring within the last two or three centuries, however, deserve much attention, as competent men have exerted themselves to discover their origin, trace their affinities, define their characteristics, and, best of all, to modify or avert their desolat- ing influences. A record of epizootic diseases founded on history and accurate observation, cannot fail to be a work of great importance to medical science and to civilization. Nothing can be more useful than to possess the most exact details as to the character, progress, duration, and termination of these maladies, and especially if our knowledge of pathological changes of structure be brought to bear in observing and describing the organic lesions effected by them. The comparative pathologist can no more afford to dispense with the history of diseases, than the healer of mankind, especially those of a general character ; for in proportion as he knows the past, he is in a better position to control the present, and make provision for the future. As an eloquent writer remarks, when about to describe an epidemic dis- order whose cause was very obscure : ' No single generation of medical practitioners can be expected to possess a sufficient range of observation, or to accumulate adequate materials of information on the subject, to enable them to detect the clue by which to thread the intricacies of this inquiry. The past must be scrutinized, and its reflected hght brought to our aid ; old and new facts when collated, by the harmony which they exhibit, become mutually illustrative, and acquire a value previously unknown. It is true, that medical records abound in falla- cious and imperfect observations, transmitted from one generation to another, and that popular prejudices have exercised an influence in dis- Introduction . x xix seminating error, which the obstinacy engendered by the evidence of imperfectly observed facts has tended to confirm and to perpetuate ; but it is possible to manifest too indiscriminate a contempt for state- ments which partake of popular superstition.' Vicq-d' Azyr truly says, that if there is in medicine an object worthy tlie investigation of scientitic men, it is without contradiction the pesti- lential epidemic diseases. Obscure and often mysterious in their causes, rapid in their progress, perplexing in their symptoms, and murderous in tlieir effects, they often sweep away the majority of the individuals attacked, and through their violence put it beyond the power of the physician to diminish the number of victims. And the illustrious Hecker justly affirms that the study of epidemic diseases ' is a subject in which science is deeply interested, and which, according to the direct evidence of nature herself, is one of the most exalted and im- portant that can be submitted to the researches of the learned. How often,' he adds, ' has it appeared on the breaking out of epidemics, as if the experience of so many centuries had been accumulated in vain. Men gazed at the phenomena with astonishment, and even before they had a just perception of their nature, pronounced their opinions, which, as they were divided into strongly-opposed parties, they defended with all the ardour of zealots.' The study and prevention of animal scourges, as we have seen, is scarcely second to those affecting our own species, but they are attended with even greater difficulties. The healer of men, consulted when a pestilence is raging, and when death is seizing numberless victims, can, as we are all too painfully aware, afford but little aid. The rapidity with which the disease does its work, and its generally obscure nature, throws him into a sea of doubt, from which he can but slowly, if at all, extricate himself. He who ministers to the ailments of animals, and who ordinarily has to contend with obstacles to which the other is a stranger, is seldom in a better plight when a formidable spreading disease visits one or more species. Those people among whose herds a malady ot tliis kind tirst appears are too often the opposite of intelligent, and usually see in its invasion the simple effects of some vulgar cause which they imagine can be easily determined j while in the death of their cattle they are only conscious of a local and individual loss, far from involv- ing the most insignificant interests of their country. As in man, when general diseases or ' plagues ' first appear in the lower animals, they are usually very acute, and in consecjuence ot this, of the suddenness of their attack and the rapidity of their course, as well as their tendency to spread, it is a matter of the utmost import- XXX Introduction. ance, in order that a nation be spared great loss, inconvenience^ and anxiety, that the science of comparative pathology should receive that wide and judicious study and that fostering care to which it may with great justice lay claim. And as it is yet in its infancy in this country, and is obliged to contend with prejudice and charlatanism, it cannot be wondered at that great losses have been sustained, that the science of medicine in general should make but little progress, and that the defect- ive state of our sanitary police should merit the derision of continental nations. The medicine of the lower animals differs from that of man in no particular, perhaps, so much as in those principles which may be termed ' utilitarian.' The life, or rather the vigour and sound condition, of all the domestic animals, has a money value which greatly modifies consider- ations of a curative kind, when health and usefulness are replaced by disease and inefficiency. The life of man, though it be robbed of nearly all its attractions or utility, is yet considered too sacred to have a mere pecuniary value. But that of the creatures we have domesticated is in almost every case worthless, if, when they are attacked by disease, the expense of medical treatment exceeds their market price, even though a thorough cure may be possible. But when there are doubts as to the certainty of complete restoration to health and soundness, monetary considerations ordinarily decide against the adoption of re- medial measures. This peculiar feature in the medicine of the domesticated animals, brings all the more prominently before us the value of the old adage that ' prevention is better than cure.' The comparative pathologist must not only be well skilled in all those branches of science of which medical knowledge is composed, and be able to minister to the varied and nu- merous ailments of the domestic animals, but above all he should be thoroughly conversant with the history and nature of general diseases, their causes, particularly their mode of extension, as well as the best measures to recommend for their prevention and eradication, so as to be able to guard the country from the risk of serious loss and embar- rassment. In Britain, as before mentioned, the value of comparative pathology, in the relation it bears to human medicine, to the public health, to agriculture, and to legislation, has been strangely overlooked, — and this, in recent times, has not only been the cause of a great national calamity, but to some extent a national disgrace. In consequence of this neglect, but little allowance has been made for the difficulties the comparative pathologist has to contend with, nor Introduction. xxxi has the chief object of this science received much consideration. The rare instances in which animals can be seen by the Veterinary Surgeon in the earhest stages of disease, — when it would prove most amenable to medical treatment, — due to the incapacity of those who have the care of them to recognize these early periods ; the fact that animals cannot, ex- cept in a negative way, tell their wrongs or explain their sensations j the absence of those accessories and comforts of the sick-room which cannot be called in to ameliorate their condition ; the violence or stupor, as well as the structural arrangements and position, of the plague-stricken creatures ; the many obstacles to their complete segregation when the malady is of a contagious character ; the slender means generally af- forded for attending to recommendations and injunctions ; and the oftentimes intractable nature of general diseases, as well as the utilitarian influences spoken of above 3 — all these, in the majority of instances, militate against the adoption of curative measures, and add a thousand- fold to the value of those which have the prevention of disease for their object. And these considerations demand that the whole aim and skill of the comparative pathologist should be employed not in curing, but in preventing disease. That this object has in this country formed but an insignificant element in medical teaching, is amply illustrated in the history of the cattle epizooty of 1865, when this easily suppressed scourge was allowed to spread over the land through the silly endeavour to exorcise it by pills, potions, and fantastic nostrums prescribed by men who neither knew the organization of the animal nor the nature of the malady tor which they were prescribing, and this despite the urgent remon- strances of those who had studied veterinary science. To the comparative pathologist, the history and investigation of animal plagues will ever be of paramount interest, as they must always demand his most earnest study. To discover their affinities in the various species of animals brought under the dominion of man, to ascertain all that can be learned of their nature and the laws by which they are governed, as well as to elucidate the causes which originate them, and their mode of propagation, is no light task ; but it is only by this study that he can reasonably hope to resist them with success. Besides this, their investigation is a most attractive occupation for the enlightened mind, apart from its practical bearing. An introduction is afforded to subjects of the mightiest importance in the physical and organic worlds } and the wonderful relationship which exists between life and the elements surrounding it — the reciprocal intliKiice ot these, and the connection between cause and effect — are the most in- xxxii Introduction. teresting and engrossing of any subject the human intellect can grasp for examination. In the beautiful language of Hecker, ' that Omnipo- tence which has called the world with all its living creatures into one animated being, especially reveals himself in the desolation of great pestilences. The powers of creation come into violent coUision 5 the sultry dryness of the atmosphere ; the subterraneous thunders ; the mist of overflowing waters, are all the harbingers of destruction. Nature is not satisfied with the ordinary alternations of life and death, and the destroying angel waves over man and beast his flaming sword.' To the general historian, the history of these plagues proves a valu- able guide in determining the progress of mankind, by showing the checks which have tended to retard that progress and have often pro- duced marked changes in the manners and customs of a nation, in peace as in war. In this history we can clearly trace the advance of human improvement. To the medical philosopher who desires to see his science stand on the broadest basis, as well as to the lover of his species, the study of general diseases in animals cannot fail to be of much moment. The same class of causes which generate epidemic maladies are, we may be certain, fertile in inducing similar diseases in the lower animals, and perhaps also in plants, on which the human family so much depends. For it has been a matter of common observation from the earliest times, and our history will testify to its accuracy, that wide- spread pestilence in plants, and murrain in animals, have frequently either preceded, accompanied, or followed closely on those visitations which caused mortality and mourning in the habitations of men 3 show- ing an identity of causation or affinity which strongly tempts the in- quirer to solve the secret of their joint production. And when it is remembered that some of the animal plagues are readily transmissible to man, and often induce deadly maladies in him, there is additional incitement to their study. To the agriculturist and political economist a knowledge of the history of these atfections must always be of the most pressing import- ance, as the science of comparative pathology has clearly shown that many of the diseases of animals which are indigenous to our soil may be deprived of their generating causes, and thus be altogether abolished. Up to a recent period, the almost isolated position of Britain, with her superb flocks and herds, her matchless breeds of horses, and her fine pastures, has rendered her comparatively secure against an invasion of those dread epizootics which are foreign to her shores. Since, however, her ports have been opened to the importation of animals from all parts Introduction. xxxiii of the world, and since communication by sea and land has become so rapid and extensive, she is scarcely more exempt from these afflictions than her continental neighbours. Nor is she so well prepared to encounter them. The science on which other nations rely, and with such benefit, to suppress these contagions, has scarcely yet found a home in Britain. When a destructive disease threatens the domestic animals, and, through them, the most valuable section of our national wealth, it should be the duty of all concerned to obey the dictates of science and experience, in order to avert danger and loss. But it must be confessed that to attain successful results individual efforts go for little. It is on the strict observ- ance of sanitary laws, and to the wise measures prescribed by authority, that rehance must be placed. In the words of an eminent medical , writer, ' The day has gone past for an isolated individual or craft to avert pestilence, as Empedocles did when he shut out the sirocco by] stopping a mountain-gap, and removed intermittent fevers by changing' the course of the river Hypsa. These large and benelicent operations' are in our day reserved for Governments ; and our duty as a profes- sion is to urge upon Government, by means of our own governing bodies, the necessity of undertaking the prevention of epidemic disease, both among men and animals, to point out the best modes of securing this prevention, and to see that these measures, when become law, are properly carried out. In a word, it is our duty not to appropriate to ourselves, as is too often erroneously done, but to endeavour to impress upon our rulers the sentiment so nobly urged upon Caesar by Tully, ' Homines enim ad Deos nulla re proprius accedent quam salutem hominibus dando.' Agriculture must ever occupy a higher position than manufactures ; \ and the prevention of epizootic diseases should be regarded as a political \ question, involving more or less the well-being of the whole com- j munity ; not merely affecting those who own or who endeavour to derive profit from rearing animals, but also affecting the public at large, as regards health, the supply of food, and other essentials. In the exten- sion of a disease of this kind, not only is there loss to the individuals who possess the animals, but also to the public, who have not only a diminished quantity or more expensive supply of food, but also often incur the risk of obtaining it of an inferior or injurious (juality, or are otherwise inconvenienced. No more startling fact is afforded us in the history of animal plagues, than (hat which proves that the cattle of this country have been per- secuted by contagious diseases of a most destructive character for nearly xxxiv Introduction. thirty years without any attempt worthy of the name having been made to check them, though they were, and are now, of a preventible nature, and spread solely through the medium of infectious or con- tagious principles. The losses from only two exotic bovine maladies (' contagious pleuro-pneumonia ' and the so-called ' foot and mouth dis- ease' ) have been estimated to amount, during the thirty years that have elapsed since our ports were thrown open to foreign cattle, to 5,549,780 head, roughly valued at ^^83,616,854. The late Invasion of 'Cattle Plague,' which was suppressed within two years of its introduction, has been calculated to have caused a money loss of from five to eight millions of pounds. But these examples and estimates, after all, give but a slender idea of the devastation, misery, embarrassment, and loss that has been due to our ignorance, apathy, and neglect of the teachings of veterinary and sanitary science, which must, nevertheless, claim the merit of having conclusively demonstrated that the most formidable diseases can be readily repressed or altogether abolished,' though not by attempting to cure them 5 and having done so, nothing remains for these sciences to accomplish than to indicate the steps necessary to make the legis- lation of a wise Government effective in its dealings with animal plagues in general. ^.c^-^■^, HISTORY OF ANIMAL PLAGUES, CHAPTER I. PERIOD FROM B.C. 1490 TO A.D. 400. History can never inform us of the long-continued and great losses which have befallen the nomadic tribes, many of whom have never heard bread even mentioned, and who derive their subsistence entirelv from the milk and flesh of their domes- ticated animals. True, the fossil remains of creatures exposed now and then in the upper crust of the earth make us ac(]uainted, to a certain extent, with diseases to which the lower orders of creatures were suijject, ' long ere the waters overflowed and the mountains sank,' but their feeble testimony serves us but little. We can only learn that infinite myriads paid their debt to nature untold ages before mankind appeared in the world ; but of the cosmical changes which induced their destruction, or the general maladies which may have swept oil' whole species, we are in ignorance. So that, in reality, the history of c]iizootic diseases, as noted in the records of ci\ilization, is limited, and embraces but a small portion of that great history which can never be written, because the materials for it have never been chronicled. Our earliest researches begin with the land of Kgypt as the unenviable l)irrh-place of plagues aflecting the inferior creatures, no less than mankind. Its ge()gra])hic-al j)o>ition and its physical 1 Histojy of Animal Plagues. configuration have contributed much to render it insalubrious. The lower country is annually exposed to far-spreading inunda- tions by the flooding of the Nile; and the retiring sea leaves behind it a reeking morass^ which, owing to the nature of the deposit left behind, together with the large amount of moisture, and the hot sun shedding its rays direct upon it, shortly after becomes a beautifully green plain, covered with the rankest and most luxuriant vegetation, and pools of stagnant corrupted water. Then quickly succeeds a period when it is an arid desert, deeply laid with dust and hot sand, and endowed with nothing that could tend to the welfare of animal life. The indefatigable professor of the school at Abou Zabel, M. Hamont, says of Egypt, relative to epizootic maladies: 'The breed of cattle in Egypt is generally weak in constitution, and neglected. Epizootic diseases frequently effect the most dread- ful ravages among them ; sometimes they devastate the coun- try to such a degree that men are harnessed to the plough and the cart, in order that the land may be, although im- perfectly, cultivated, and some assistance obtained.' Horses suffer much from farcy, and the same authority adds: 'Soften- ing of the liver in Egypt is a primitive and essential malady, very widespread in the army and in the country, more common in summer than in winter, and attacking by preference the fattest horses, and those of an adult age. It is a very redoubtable dis- ease, and kills many horses.^ Intestinal hemorrhages are also very frequent and most fatal to horses. These animals — cattle, sheep, and camels, also — suffer from a deadly dysentery. Hamont continues : ^ Dysentery is very conmion in summer among troop and other horses, attack- ing those which live in the open air, as well as those which in- habit low, badly ventilated stables. In regiments there some- times breaks out, during the months of July and August, an acute form of dysentery which kills the horses in a few hours. The mud, earth, and sand which the water of the Nile contains, and which these animals drink, is the cause of this dysentery; these matters arc found in the intestines. The great crowding of animals, the intense heat, too dry and unvaried food, are also determining causes. . . . The dysentery of cattle is especially History of Animal Plagues. 3 widespread, attacking the oxen in the villages and towns, and all over the country ; as well as the government herds. It is a murderous disease, destroying life with great rapidity. . . . The dysentery of camels is sometimes acute, sometimes chronic, and kills a very great number; when it is acute its course is very rapid. At Cairo, tiie camels are lodged in great enclosures open on nearly every side. There they pass their days and nights in the cold season, after a very hot summer, and in this state, of course, they must experience the troublesome effects of the sud- den diminutions of temperature which take place.' One of the forms of anthrax, which is enzootic and epizootic in i^gypt, appears to be very destructive among cattle in the form of gangrenous sore-throat. ' This disease reigns over the whole of Egypt in winter, summer, springtime, and autumn. It is con- tagious, and carries off the animals in two, four, and six hours. It has its seat in the throat ; a tumour appears there, quickly increases in size and extent, and at last causes death. The ex- pired air and the saliva communicate the disease, as experience has testified. It is sporadic, enzootic, and epizootic, and its causes are unknown. If the practitioner arrives in the com- mencement of the disease, he ought at once to apply the actual cautery to the throat, then some blistering ointment.' ^ Splenic apoplexy is also very frequent among ruminants, and malignant pustule is seen in the horse in the months of May and June, during the prcv^alence of the very hot wind of the Kames- sine. On the extreme confines of history — but not until long after civilization had made great progress — and among its earliest notices, do we find striking descriptions of the havoc that reigned in that ancient region. In the 80th year of the life of Moses, in the reign of Pharaoh IV., King of that country, 'a very grievous murrain,' known as the ' Fifth Plague,' fell upon the flocks and herds of the Egyptians, and destroyed them. Many perturbations in the natural world were noted. After a damp winter, an uidiealthy summer set in, the days being hot and liery, the nights cold and dewy, and sometimes rain\'. 'i'owards the autunni there was tluuuler and ' //anions. l.'Egypte sous Mdicnict Ali, vol. i. pp. 564, 565, 574, 577, 5S3. I • 4 History of Animal Plagues. lightning, heavy hailstorms, and excessive drought. The air seemed pestilential, and as if of fire, while the nights were damp and chilling. Storms of sand and dust thickly enveloped every- thino- as they were borne along on the sultry wind ; and cattle, as well as the human species, were exposed to great risk ol suffoca- tion. The waters, owing to their impregnation with some sub- stance, or to the sudden appearance of some animal or vegetable matter, became of a red or blood colour. In the rivers and streams all the fish died ; and these, as well as the lakes, became putrid throughout the lowlands of Egypt. The peculiar condi- tion of the atmosphere, and the corrupt state of the water, caused the rapid growth of innnense swarms of frogs, which invaded every place. By some unknown agency these were all destroyed, and when their remains were gathered into great mounds by the fear-stricken inhabitants, the disgusting odour from the putrefy- ing heaps became a deadly poison. Vermin covered the bodies of men and animals; clouds of winged insects harassed them night and day; and these misfortunes, together with the tem- pestuous weather, originated a fearful pestilence among all the domestic creatures then kept by the Egvptians. The human species were next attacked, and suffered much ; and a terrible storm of lightning and hail destroyed cattle and vegetation. Masses of locusts, carried over the land by the east wind, black- ened the face of the earth and devoured what was left of the herbage. Other horrors were added, and, to crown all, a dread distemper slew the firstborn of man and beast. If we can judge by the meagre description of the malady that attacked the Egyptians at the same time that their cattle were suffering, and which was known as the '^ sixth plague,' the epidemy and epizooty would appear to have been of a carbun- cular nature.^ Paulet "' remarks, with reference to the character of the disease : ^1 y a apparence que ces ulceres etoient la suite de tumeurs inflammatoires, n'etoient autre chose que des char- bons on des bubons pestilentiels, surtout de charbons, converts de cloches ou de vescies, qui s'abscedoient, ce qui arrive souvent dans ce cas, et constituoient une peste, vraiscmblablement moins ^ Exodus, chap. ix. - Rccherclies sur les Maladies Epizootiques. Paris, 1775. Vol. i. p. 22. History of Aniiiial Plagues. t nieurtriere que la premiere, qui fut mortellc pour tous les ani- maux, et designee par ces mots, pestis valde gravis. Ce qui suppose un degre de foree de plus.' Whewell ^ says that it is supposed the murrain only attacked those cattle which were exposed on open pasture ; another proof as to the probability of the disease being anthrax. A still stronger proof than this, however, is to be found in the exemj)- tion of the cattle of the Israelites from the plague of boils as well as flies, and which has been judiciouslv ascribed, I think, to the fact, that ' the land of Goshen, in which the Israelites dwelt,' was sandy pasture above the level of the river, while the rest of Egypt was low-lying, and its soil submerged by the rising of the Niie.2 We might surmise, however, that the Israelites and their flocks and herds escaped destruction owing very much, besides the miraculous intervention of Providence, to the great care with which Moses inculcated upon that people the necessity for separating the clean from the unclean, the healthy from the dis- eased, and taught the value of disinfection;^ as if the influence of contagion had been alreadv known to mankind. That the Egyptians were accjuainted with the Veterinary Art from a very early period is certain, for on their most ancient frescoes veterinary surgeons are accurately depicted attend ino- to the maladies of oxen and other animals, while the written cha- racters indicating physician or doctor of these various creatures are plainly inscribed underneath the jiaintings.* We can well imagine the severe trial their skill would underoo in contendino- with such a murderous pest as that just noticed. B.C. 2048 (a.m. 2820.) Anepidemyand epizootv in Ireland. The Partholani, or tribe of Parthalon, waged war with ' rebellious miscreants and tyrannous giants/ whom they utterly annihilated in a fierce battle, and cast their carcases out ' like a sort of dead dogs, whereof tiwough stinke of the same, such an infective pesti- lence ensued in all ])laces throughout the island, by corru]ition of the ague, that few escaped with life except those that got them ' History of the Jews. - IVc'sluiood. The Enlonioloi^'isl's Text Book. ' Leviticus, chap. xiii. * Willdtison. Popular Account of the Ancient Egyptians. 6 History of Animal Plagues. away by sea ; yea^ the infection was so great of those cursed car- cases of Cham and his posterity, that the dogs and wolves died thereof.'^ The chronology of the Irish epizootics up to the Christian era is not so well established as one could desire. I can only make an approximation to the dates, those given in brackets being the ones shown in the ' Census of Ireland for the year 1851, part 5/ B.C. 1260. To Seneca we are indebted for the description of an epizooty and epidemy in Troy during the reign of King Laomedon. ' The first fury of the pestilence struck the listless sheep by their loathing the rich grass. The priest stood ready to strike, whilst his hand raised on high threatened instant death. The sluggish bull with gilded horns staggers : with unrestrained neck, he suffers from a tremendous blow. Nor did his blood stain the iron instrument with which he was killed for sacrifice. Black corrupt blood welled forth from the wound. The horse, still more torpid, fell in his course in the ring, and threw his rider with his shoulder to the ground. The cattle in the fields lie down. The bull, the herd perishing, pines away. The shepherd is disheartened, his herds and flocks being diminished, and he dies in the midst of the rapidly wasting oxen. The stags do not fear the ravenous wolves; the roaring of the angry lion ceases; there is no fierceness in the shaggy bear ; the slothful snake ex- hibits symptoms of the plague, is dried up, and dies with his poison vapid. The woods lack their beautiful foliage, which usually affords shade to the dense mountains. The country does not flourish with the fruitfulness of the soil.'' ^ (a.m. 3197.) Grafton, speaking of Riuallus, King of Bri- tain, who reigned at this period, writes : ' In his time (as Gau- fride sayeth) it rained blood by the space of three days continu- ally within the land of Britain. After which rain ensued a great and exceeding number and multitude of flies, the which were so noisome and contagious that they slew many people. And after this (as sayeth an old author) ensued great sickness and mortality, to the great desolation of this land.'^ ' Ilanmer. Chronicle of Ireland. - Oildipus, v. 37, 70, 124, 201. 3 Grafton. A Chronicle at large and Meere History of the Affayres of Eng- land. London, 1569. History of Animal Plagiics. 7 (a.m. 3972.) In Ireland it is mentioned that 'every cow that was cah'ed in Findoll's reign was white-headed.^^ B.C. I200. During the reign of Minos, the island of -^gina was visited bv a plague which did fearful injury to living crea- tures, and which Ovid has most graphically described. M. Paulet imagjines the disease to have been a form of gangrenous sore-throat, accompanied by acute fever, and perhaps erysipelas, and of a contagious nature. The cause of it, of course, was the wrath of an enraged god, though the long-continued heat and damp state of the weather, predisposing to malignant and putrid disease, is not overlooked in the description. The poet^ makes the distressed ^Eacus relate its commencement and course. Dogs, birds, sheep, and oxen, as well as wild creatures, were attacked by the pestilence before mankind, a fact worthy of notice in this poem, which, as might be expected, bears traces of exao:o-eration and fanciful description, mixed up with much that must have been gathered from observation. The early Greek historians have left but few records of pesti- lential diseases among the domestic animals. The fathers of medicine may have bestowed more attention on the maladies incidental to their own species than to those of the creatures they had domesticated, and thus neglected the study of the diseases to which they were liable. But perhaps the principal reason why epizootic affections are not alluded to arose from their rarity, the natural salubrity of the climate of Greece, and the isolated situa- tion of its various islands, which afforded but little opportunity for the oriirin or diffusion of general affections. Hippocrates, who appears to have collected all the medical knowledge existing before his time, and who often examined dead animals, scarcely notices the diseases peculiar to them. In one passage, he ob- serves that goats and sheep are very liable to epilepsy {Lib. de Morl'o Sacra), probably due to hydatids on the brain ; in another it is remarked that cattle are much disposed to luxations of the hip {Lib. de ArliculU); and most remarkable of all, he refers to oxen, sheep, and swine as infested by hydatids, when endeavouring to prove that di'opsy in man often de])eiuls on ' Book of Lecan. ^ Metamorphoses, liook vii. 8 History of Animal Plagues. the presence of these entozoa. ' Hydropem etiam ex phymatis oriri niihi argumento sunt boves, oves, et suesj ha his enim fere quadrupedibus puhiionis phymataoriuntur, quae aquam con- tinent : sectione nanique facta citissime cognoveris cum aqua effluet/ [Dt internis jlffect. par. v.) He speaks of having been informed by those who understood horses, that these animals were liable to all the infirmities with which mankind is afflicted. (a.m. 5001.) 'There was a great mortality of kine in Ire- land in Breasal's reiirn.^^ From this circumstance the kins; received the cognomen of Bodhiobhadh (cow destruction), or Breasal Bodivo. ' In his (Breasal's) time there was such a mor- reen (murrain) of cows in the land, as there were no more then left alive but one bull and one heifer in the whole kingdom, which bull and heifer lived in a place called Gleam-Samasge.''^ The tradition of this event is still preserved in Glensawisk, or the Glen of the Heifer, in the parish of Lower Bodoney, County Tyrone. This is the first cattle epizooty on record in Ireland. B.C. 1 1 83. An epidemy and epizooty broke out, according to Homer (b.c. 907), during the siege of Troy. At that time, 'whence to Greece unnumbered ills arose,' Chryses, high-priest of Apollo, was dismissed by Atrides, with threats, when he went to the Grecian camp to ransom his daughter from the hands of her captors. The old man in his anger prays to Apol- lo for revenge : ' . . . . his pray'r Apollo heard : Along Olympus' heights he pass'd, his heart Burning with wrath ; behind his shoulder hung His bow, and ample quiver ; at his back Rattled the fateful arrows as he moved : Like the night-cloud he pass'd ; and from afar He bent against the ships, and sped the bolt ; And fierce and deadly twang'd the silver bow. First on the mules and dogs, on man the last, Was pour'd the arrowy storm ; and through the camp, Constant and num'rous, blazed the fun'ral fires. Nine days the heav'nly archer on the troops Hurl'd his dread shafts.'^ ^ Annals of the Four Masters. - Annals of Clonmacnoise. ^ Homer'' s Iliad, Book i., Earl Derby's Translation. History of Animal riagues. 9 Homer docs not forget to indicate the cause or the probably contagious character of the pestilence^ by describing the precau- tions taken in the Greek camp to cleanse and purify^ and to throw all filth and obnoxious matter into the sea. B.C. 1 100. There were twenty-five years' drought in Spain, so that there was neither food for man nor pasture for cattle. Springs dried up, rivers failed or became stagnant, and only a few olive trees on the banks of the Ebro and Guadalquiver remained to testify to the little vitality yet left in the vegetable kingdom. The land was full of ^ dreadful mortalities, plagues, and miseries of every description.' The occurrence of droughts almost invariably, as we will have occasion to notice, forebodes disease to man and beast, and they have ever been looked upon with dread. ' While travelling through the country, I received several vivid descriptions of the effects of a late great drought, and the account of this may throw some light on the cases where vast numbers of animals have been embedded together. The period included between the years 1827 and 1830 is called the "Gran scco," or the great drought. During this time so little rain fell that the vegetation, even to the thistles, failed; the brooks were dried uj), and the whole country assumed the appearance of a dusty high-road. This was especially the case in the northern part of the province of Buenos Ayres and the southern part of St Fe, Very great numbers of birds, wild animals, cattle, and horses perished from the want of food and water. A man told me that the deer used to come into his courtyard to the well which he had been obliged to dig to supply his own family with water, and that the partridges had hardly strength to fly away when pursued. The lowest estimation of the loss of cattle in the province of Buenos Ayres alone was taken at one million head. A proprietor at San Pedro had j)reviously to tiiis 20,000 cattle; at the end not one remained.'^ ^*-C- 753- IMutarch^ informs us that soon after the nuu-der of 'J'atius a great pestilence Ijroke out at Koine, which was in- * C. Darwin. Journal of Researches. 6th edit. London, 1845, p. 133. '■* Vita Romulus. lo Histoiy of Animal Plagues. stantaneously fatal to animals and men. It did great evil, and during its fury blood is said to have been rained. The red colour of the rain was due, no doubt, to the presence of a vegetable organ- ism in the atmosphere, owing to some favourable conditions for its development. Zonaras says that the earth and cattle were barren: 'sterilitas agrorum et pecudum.' The crops failed, and the beautiful and fertile country of Campania, before greatly depressed by the murder of Tatius, was now sadly troubled by famine, pestilence, and the sword. From the earliest ages animal plagues recur in the history of Rome, a city which was afterwards to become so famous for terrible calamities that Livy styled it ' urbs assiduis exhausta funeribus.' Tacitus, in his description of Rome, intimates the almost regular occurrence of ' tempus grave aut annus pestilentiae.' Its situation, no doubt, greatly favoured these attacks. Built on the low banks of the Tiber, surrounded by malarious tracts of country, and subject to inundations and commotions of the elements, it fur- nished for centuries the most fearful examples of epidemic and epizootic visitations. To the south lay the Pontine marshes, a tract of land extending from Nettuno to Terracina, about 45 miles long and from 4 to 11 broad, which at no distant period before had been covered by the sea. In the early times of the Roman Republic, according to Pliny, 33 cities existed there; but these, either by wars or increasing miasma, very soon dis- appeared. What are termed the marshes are formed by great quantities of water, received from innumerable streams, which, rising in the neighbouring mountains, run into the plain, where, for want of a sufficient declivity towards the sea, their course is very slow, until they become stagnant, and at length lose them- selves in the sand. They now contain immense pastures, where horses, cattle, and herds of buffaloes graze as in the early ages of that once great empire. The air, particularly in some seasons of the year, is even at present very unwholesome. The inhabit- ants are pale and sallow, suffer much from fever, and the lower animals are subject to various maladies peculiar to such situa- tions. In the south part of Tuscany, and not far from the Eternal City, lies the Maremma, another marshy region, which^ by reason Histoi'y of Animal Plagues. 1 1 of its being pervaded by unhealthy exhalations from a soil abounding in sulphur and alum, cannot be inhabited in summer without danger, for then the population is driven away by fever, and the maVar'ia frequently sweeps down the streets of Rome. The great Ostiensian marshes, similar to the Pontine, added their insalubrious emanations to those from the other sources; so that, during unfavourable seasons, Rome and its environs gen- erally suffered severely. Even the most fertile and healthv districts, on which the Romans depended for grain and cattle, were sometimes exposed to these influences ; and Campania, still one of the most beautiful and productive parts of Italy, once the resort of the most distinguished patricians, and where, as Goethe says, ' it is worth while to till the ground,' did not escape those devastations for which the country in general w^as so noted. Eusebius, the Father of Ecclesiastical History, when describing a plague which reigned in the Roman Empire in a.d. 314, men- tions the state of the atmosphere. ' The air was so noxious and everywhere so deranged with corrupt vapours, fumes from the earth so putrid, winds from the sea, exhalations from marshes and rivers, so injurious, that a certain poisonous liquor, as it were from putrid carcases, was brought by the elements, and covered the subjacent seats or benches, walls, ai:d sides of houses, and the dew appeared like the sanies of dead bodies.'^ Much was also due, no doubt, to the unsettled state of the empire. Constant wars and revolutions retarded agricultural operations, desolation often reigned, and severe famine was but too frequently a consequence. Hygiene was neglected, even the rivers and fields were filled with putrefying matter; so that men and beasts, birds and fishes, perished together, vnlgato per omne genus anima- Uum morl'o. At the present day, notwithstanding attempts at drainage around Rome, the plain of Latium and the country near it arc uninhabited deserts, miasmatic to a dcadlv degree. The e])izootic maladies of the domestic animals, but es])eci- ally of the ox, a creature j^articularlv susceptible of disease, would be very serious with such a pco]ile as the Romans, who de]K'iulcd so much upon the services to be obtained from them. A destruction ' Eiiscbiiis. Clironicon. Paris, 1C2S. 12 History of Animal Plagues. of cattle was with them a destruction of the earth's produce, for the soil could not be tilled, and from this would arise a famine. ' Sine quibus (sc. Bobiis) nee terra excoli nee humanura genus sustentari ullatenus poterunt/ says Vegetius. Livy mentions that neglect of culture and scarcity of corn were the usual effects of epidemical sickness : Defiincta civitate plurimorum morh'ia per- paucis funerihus pestilentem annum inopia frugiim neglecto cultu agrorum, ut plerumque jit, excep'it. This neglect of agriculture might, on many occasions, be the effect of disease among the cattle, as it was here of sickness among men; in which case it would be the cause of an epidemic, as it is here said to have been the effect of it. B.C. 545-6. A great famine and pestilence at Rome and in the plain of Latium. Vast numbers of cattle died from a murrain, and to such extremities were the inhabitants reduced that the Volsci were compelled to petition the Romans for assistance in re-peopling their cities.^ B.C. 488. A plague of animals and of men. 'A certain pestilential disease affected all creatures, and made great havoc amongst cattle. The mortality among mankind, however, was not great, for they escaped the dangers arising from this dis- ease,-' ^ B.C. 476. During this year, and for some years subse- quent to this period, Spain was visited by various pestilences.^ B.C. 472. According to Mariana* a plague reigned through- out nearly the whole world. It began in Egypt, and at length reached Spain, the disease generally conmiencmg among the cattle. A peculiar feature in its progress was that it nearly always appeared in the country districts before it reached the towns. B.C. 463. During a year of great heat and drought, the Latins and Hernici were devastating the country around Rome. The evil consequences arising from the fatigues of war were greatly increased by crowds of country people, who, with their ^ Dionysiits Ilalicarnassiis, Functius, and Rluratori. 2 Dionysius llalicaniassus. Antiq. Rom. vii. 68. •* Florian de Campo. Vol. i. lib. ii. chap. 45. * Juan de Mariana. Historia General de Espana. I i History of Animal Plagues. 13 herds and flocks, fled for safety from the plundering tribes within the walls of the imperial capital. As a result of the over-crowd- ing and the other misfortunes, disease appeared about the calends of September, and caused great mortality until the end of Novem- ber. Horses and cattle were first attacked, then man. Diony- sius writes : '^When first attacked bv this disease, the horses and the oxen fell victims. After them goats and sheep succumbed, so that it was necessary to destroy all four-footed beasts. Then it (the pestilence) attacked herdsmen and farmers, and passinor- over the whole country, at length fell upon the eity.^ ^ (a.m. 5160.) To show the mildness of the season in Ire- land, we are told that in the reign of Conaire there was abund- ance of nuts. '■ The cattle were without keepers in Ireland in his reign, on account of the greatness of the peace and concord. The wind did not take a hair oflT the cattle from the middle of autumn to the middle of spring. Little but the trees bent from the greatness of their fruit during his time.'- B.C. 453. According to Livy and Dionvsius, the pestilence loimikie (probably anthrax) destroyed nearly one-half the in- habitants of Rome as well as their cattle. The disease spread to the ^qui, Sabines, and Volsci, and inflicted great loss on them, killing their herds and flocks, and causing such havoc that the land was left uncultivated, and famine thereby induced. Another plague succeeded this, which lasted from B.C. 443 to 438.^ H.c. 431. At Rome a disease appeared among animals in this year, which extended to mankind. Livy writes concerning it : ' Great suffering prevailed that year in consequence of drought. Not only were the heavens without water, but the earth, being deprived of its natural moisture, hardly supplied the perennial rivers. Everywhere the cattle died from thirst around dry foun- tains and streams. The murrain having ceased, common con- ta\'gnc, p. 334. ' Clark. Exampl. 30 History of Animal Plagues. probably contemporary with the invasion of the Huns at this period, and may have been an observer of this epizooty. He gives us the following description of what he terms the malls or malleus (designated maul in the old English translation), and which may have been the Cattle Plague. After dwelling on the care to be taken of oxen while in health, and showing that no less care and diligence must be employed against their maladies than against those of horses, he says of this malleus : ' As this disease, and removing in different species of distempers from one to many, does by its infection destroy the horse kind, so it also kills oxen, though by different persons it is called by a difl'erent name, and for the most part by that which the common people give it. If at any time this disease attacks an ox, it is recognized bv the following symptoms : The hair is erect, and the animal appears sad, his eyes stupid and languid, the head and neck drooping, and saliva con- tinually flowing from his mouth ; his walk is slower than usual ; his spine appears to be stiff; he shows a very great loathing, and ruminates very little. If about the beginning of the distemper vou attempt to give him relief, he will escape the danger; but if through negligence you be too slow in applying a remedy, the destructive quality of a disease that is become inveterate cannot be overcome.' After describing the treatment to be pursued, and the necessity for mixing salt with the fodder of oxen, he remarks as to the causes of disease in these animals, but particu- larly this inalis, in these words : ' If oxen be roused up, so as to be put upon running at their full speed, at any time of the year, but especially in summer, either they contract thereby a looseness which proves pernicious to them, or it gives occasion to slight fevers; for this animal being naturally slow, and rather adapted to labour than to swift motion, is grievously hurt if forced to any work to which it is not accustomed But if an ox has swallowed hog^s excrement, then he presently under- goes the plague of that contagious disease called the m.aid (I quote from the old English translation), which, when once it has broken in upon a herd, either of great or small cattle, whether of such as are trained for labour or otherwise, presently all the animals which have the least suspicion of the distemper must be removed from the usual pasture-ground and distributed History of Animal Plagues. 31 in those places where no cattle are pastured, so that thcv may neither hurt one another nor thenjselves; for, bv feeding on the grass, they infect it, and the fountains, also, by drinking in them ; and they also infect the cribs in the stalls where thev stand : so that oxen, though previously perfectly sound and in good health, perish by the smell and bv the breath of those that are sick and diseased blowing upon them. The dead carcases also must be thrown out at a great distance beyond the bounds of the villa, and buried very deep in the earth, lest the bodies of those that are sound be infected by them, and they perish. This distem- per is called by one general name, the Plague, or Pestilence, but there are many varieties of it.^ The nature of this malady can- not be accurately determined by the symptoms enumerated, but it is obvious that several affections are included in this general designation. For instance, ' it is named the '' humid distemper" when a humour flows from the ox's mouth and nostrils, and a loathing and sickness follows upon it. It is called the " dry dis- temper" when no discharge appears, but the animal loses con- dition daily, and has no appetite. It is called the "articular dis- ease" when the oxen go lame, sometimes in their fore-fcct, and sometimes in their hind-feet, although their hoofs are perfectly sound. It is called the " subrenal disease" whenever there ap- pears a weakness in their hinder parts, and because they are supposed to have a pain in their loins. It is called the "farci- minous disease" when tubercles come out over the oxen's whole body, open themselves, and are healed, and break out again in other places. It is also called the '^ subcutaneous disease" when- ever a very bad humour breaks out in different parts of the oxen's body, and discharges. It is called ''elephantiasis" when very small cicatrices appear like scabs, or like small lentils. It is called a " mania " or " madness," which takes away the senses from oxen that are in good condition, so that thev neither hear nor see in their usual manner; of which distenii)er thev very (juickiy die, though they may look fat and cheerfid. 'All these diseases are very contagious, and if one animal be seized by them they pass innnediatcly to all; and so they ijring destruction sometimes either ujK)n whole herds or u])on all those that are fiillv domesticated ami trained to lai)our. Therefore it 32, History of Animal Plagues. is that the animals which have been attacked must, with all dili- gence and care, be separated from the herd, put apart by them- selves, and sent to those places where no animal is pastured, lest by their contagion they endanger all the rest, and the negligence of the owner be imputed (as is usually done by fools) to the Divine displeasure/ ^ Apsyrtus, a renowned Greek Veterinarian of this period, also speaks in his writings of this malls (ixakis), though it is quite as evident that he mixes up indiscriminately the character- istics of several dangerous maladies under the indefinite term. Hus Renatus. Ars Veter. London, 1748, p- 221. I 33 CHAPTER II. PERIOD FROM A.D. 400 TO A.D. 1500. A.D. 400. In this century we find veterinary science progressing, and becoming more fit to take cognizance of epizootic diseases. The authors who treat of veterinary subjects are more numerous, and some of their works are yet extant. The Emperor of the Eastern Empire, Constantine, gave every encouragement to the noble emulation he had raised in regard to the conservation of the domestic animals, and the perfecting of the veterinary art, and many able writers dedicated the results of their researches to him. Among these we have Vegetius Renatus, Count of Constantinople, who complains that in his time the science was much neglected, and did not receive all the attention which its importance demanded, and which he estimates next to that of human medicine. In his 'Treatise on the Veterinary Art' he has left us a clearer, more precise, and a more extended cata- logue of diseases than any of his predecessors. There is much, of course, in the treatise derived from ignorance and supersti- tion. As a proof of this, wc may notice that he avers that if an ox cats the excrement of a pig, he must be treated as a pestifer- ous animal.^ These weaknesses we must tolerate in return for ' Si anlcm porciniim stercus bos devoraverit statim pcstilcvtiain contagionis illiu^ mallei sustiiid morbi. Book iii. chap. ii. It is curious to find Columella giving a similar opinion : Et id pracipuc quod egerit sus ccgra pestilentiam J'accre valet. Book vi. chap. v. 3 34 History of Animal Plagues. the anxiety he displays to add to the slender stock of knowledge in this department of science. He enumerates a great number of pests^ all of which he specifies as contagious, but of the cor- rectness of this we may justly have our suspicions. The humid pest, or malls of the Greeks, — the prqfluvium attiaim of the Romans, — was marked by a mucus, or purulent discharoe from the nostrils and mouth, and loathins; of food. It appears to have been the glanders of the horse, and in all proba- bility a cattle plague; Nam equimnn gemis morbus qui appella- tur MALLEUS, diverso geuere passiojmm emigrans per plures con- tagione consamit. Boves quoque idem morbus interjicit sed a diversis diverso nomine vocatur. The articular pest was character- ized by lameness of the anterior or posterior limbs, the feet being also affected. The skin or subcutaneous pest was con- tajrious, and due to the presence of an acrid humour, which attacked different parts of the body, and did much harm. The animals were continually rubbing themselves. The plague of elephantiasis, or leprosy, was another affection of the skin. The mad plague, in which the oxen neither heard nor saw, and from which they died quickly, although they were lively and in good condition but a short time before. There were also the farcinous, the dry, the renal, and other plagues. According to this writer, whenever an animal was affected by any of these pests, it imme- diately infected all the others ; hence the urgent reason for separating all the diseased at once from those yet in health, and in such a manner that no contact, mediate or immediate, could take place. Cohabitation was always a source of great danger. A change of air and situation was particularly lauded : ne co)i- tugione sua omnibus periculum generct et negUgentia Domini sicut solet a stultis fieri, diuince imputentur offensce. When all this had been done, and not till then, every effort was to be made to cure the tainted. Incense and other medicaments, powdered and dissolved in wine, were prescribed and administered by the nostrils. Perfuming and deodorizing with sulphur, bitumen, and marjorum were enjoined, because not only did they favour the operation of the remedies, but they assisted in destroying the pestilential virus, and preserving other animals from the plague.'^ ' Vesretius Renatus. Re Veteriaaria. History of Animal Plagiics. 35 Apsyrtus, a famous veterinarian, though not treatino- of epizootic afiections in his ' Hippiatrica/ aj)pears to be better informed than \'egetius on diseases in general, and his treat- ment is always simple. His descriptions of the symptoms of disease are more exact and life-like, and he seems to have in- vestigated the causes of maladies with much skill. We have an example of this in what he says of the horse when suffering from what he terms fever. ' When the horse is sick from fever, he carries his head heavily, and as if immovable; the eyes are swollen, and he can scarcely open them. The lips and all the body are flaccid, the testicles pendent, the breath and the body have a burn- ing heat ; he fixes his limbs, and is insensible to blows, and when compelled to walk, he is every moment likely to fall.' We may notice in passing that his picture of fever reminds one most forci- bly of the symptoms we observe in influenza of the horse. The causes of fever, he explains, are violent riding, heat, cold, and in- digestion, especially that form which arises from having eaten too much grass in the spring-time. His curative measures were bleed- ing from the temples, and giving exercise moderately the first day. In winter it was necessary to clothe and to keep the patient in a warm stable. If he began to walk better, it was then advisable, if circumstances permitted, to let him go to pasture, or sprinkle his hav with fresh water, but only to allow food gradually. Barley-water could also be given with advantage. To know if a horse had fever, one had only to present him with oats or barley ; if he ate, then was he only fatigued, for a feverish horse abhors food, is dull, and only cares to drink. He throws himself on -the ground, and is scarcely able to rise. In i)leeding it was necessary to take away the blood from vems which were not near nerves (tendons?), because if injured they suffer distension. ' If the disease increases in intensity, the horse dies in three days, not being able to support the violence of the fever any longer than that time. Wt ought not to believe those who pretend that they can recognize fever by touching the ears or the shoulders. We outi-ht not to bleed the fati<:ued horse, because it weakens his strength, and may produce ilangeroiis con- secjuences. It is onlv necessary when the iiead is overcharged with blood, and the disease requires it.' He tells us that the ^6 History of Animal Plagues. ignis sacer (gangrenous erysipelas or carbuncle) usually affected the back of the horse, and consisted of a tumour filled with matter, at other times a hard swelling, covered by a crust or scab. The treatment was to open it, dress with pomegranate powder, and poultice with meal. The next day pounded cypress leaves were to be applied, mixed with vinegar, after the wound had been washed. Cabbage leaves bruised in meal were to be used subsequently.^ Hierocles, a Greek hippiatrist, of whose work only three chapters remain, says that the horse is exposed to many kinds of fevers or plagues : one which runs its course in twenty-four hours, and is caused by excesses of any kind., It is an inflammation of the spirits, which affects the blood, and is cured bv repose. The second fever begins by shivering, and finishes by perspir- ation. The paroxysms last only twelve hours, and when they go beyond that time it is termed bastard fever. To cure it, blood must be abstracted in larger quantity than authors indi- cate, and experience teaches that bleeding from the neck is very beneficial. Refreshing drinks are also eflBcacious. Much good results by keeping the bowels open by lavements of mallow, mercury, honev, &c. The next fever is one of a continuous nature, and pestilential, due to the presence of corrupt humours in the interior of the vessels, and which it was necessary to treat by blood-letting from the neck, and giving refreshing and cool- m^ food, barley gruel, and enemas. Its cause is owing to too much phlegm in the system, in consequence of bad feeding. Horses too fat and flabby are usually attacked by it in the autumn, \and it is difficult to cure. Moderate exercise is necessary for I these cases, and the skin should be rubbed with hot oil; while their food should be stimulating and nourishing. This writer only notices the carl)uncular disease spoken of by Vegetius as very dangerous to mares, and that it is necessary to dress the tumours, which are hard, and to bathe them with vinegar. Another Greek veterinarian, by name Pelagonius, who lived about this time, imagines that horses had the pest from too much severe labour, by excessive heat, by great cold, sometimes 1 Apsyrtiis. Scrip. Grrec. Vet. I History of Animal Plagues. 37 from having suffered from starvation, at other times from havingr been put to full speed after a long rest, or drinking while hot and perspiring. His remedies were two. The first was an antidote, composed of myrrh, laurel leaves, scrapings of ivory, gentian, and other articles, mixed with wine, and given in doses until the horse was cured. The second smacks strongly of the disgusting quackery of a much later time. A cygnet was to be taken with its feathers on, and simmered in a pot until reduced to ashes. Of these, a portion was to be given in good wine, until the disease disappeared. Salt brine was to be administered at the same time by the nostrils. It was observed in the time of this writer that pestilential and contagious diseases often broke out among the horses of an army when on active service in the field, and were thought to be due to bad nourishment. But when these diseases broke out in time of peace, and in town and country alike, then were the causes more obscure, though they could generally be traced to improper or tainted forage, putrid water, and the foul. atmosphere of stables. Much stress is laid in ascertaining the causes of these maladies, and nothing was to be left undone in discovering them. Then means w^ere to be adopted for destroying the poison by medicaments — such as gentian, ivory raspings, laurel leaves, 8cc. If the horse was of a sanguine nature, he was to be bled from the jugular veins, and enemas were to be given. The symptoms of contagious diseases were similar to those of fever, only there was a drier and more furred mouth, and the breathing was more frequent.^ About this time St Jerome writes : ' We have seen in our days swarms of locusts over the land of Judcea, which were after- wards, through the mercy of God, driven by the wind into the first and last sea {in mure prhninn ct novissimum — the Eastern and Western Sea). And when the shores of both seas were filled with heaps of dead locusts, the putrefaction and stench of them were noxious to sucli a degree as to corrupt the air, and jirotluce a pestilence both among men and some kinds of animals {pesli- U'ltliu Idrnj lime lit oniDi (jiunn lunninum gigiierclur).' ' A.D. 443. The winter was dreadfully severe. So iiuicli snow ' La Veterinaria di Pelagonio. Podova, 1828. ''■ Ilicroiiymtis. ComniLnt in Joel, cliap. ii. 38 History of Animal Plagties. fell that it was scarcely dissolved iu six months after; hence a great destruction of people and cattle.^ A.D. 444. A comet ; repeated earthquakes in Turkey followed, and then fever, and, lastly, the plague most extensively. A great mortality among fish. The pabulum of plants seemed at length to be vitiated, and in England there was a great scarcity.^ A.D. 446. In September a severe earthquake, accompanied by disease and famine, at Constantinople. 'At this time a famine invaded Constantinople. ... A great portion of the city walls with fifty-seven towers fell to the ground. Many cities were destroyed. Famine and the stench of the atmosphere killed a great number of men and a thousand oxen.' ^ A.D. 466. A grievous famine prevailed in Britain, and a pestiferous smell in the air killed both man and beast." A.D. 484. There was such a drought in Africa that all the springs and rivers were dried up, and men and animals struggled for the withered grass roots in the open fields. So great was the famine, that all living creatures died in heaps, and their bodies lay in every road, without any one to bury them. There was neither dew nor rain, the earth was parched, no corn, vines, olives, or other fruits, nor leaves on any tree. Hence a grievous plague.'' A.D. 502. Scotland suffered very much from an epidemy and epizooty, which killed great numbers of men and animals. A.D. 547. St Filo fled from Wales, first to Cornwall and then to Armorica, ' on account of the pestilence which nearly destroyed the whole nation.' This disorder ' raged not only against men, but also against beasts and reptiles.' " ' There was a mortality in Britain and Ireland.' "^ During the yellow pesti- lence in Britain and Ireland, cattle were affected.^ A.D. 561. In Ireland ' a poisoned pool made its appearance in that region (Meath), through a chasm of the earth, and a vapour proceeded from it which produced a fatal disease in men and ^ Christ. Matth. - Niccphortis, xv. lO. ^ Bede. Eccles. Hist. ii. p. 66. * Baronius. ^ Ibid. ^ Book of Landaff. ' Cambrian Annals. ® Liber Landavensis. ' Mortalitas magna qux dicebatur "crom conaille" vel flava scabies.' — Tigern, year 550. History of Animal Plagues. 39 beasts of burden/ ^ ' At that time a dreadful pestilence [lii'idhe choJinaUl) was ravaging the common people.' ^ A.D. 565. The whole world suftercd more or less from epi- demic diseases for a number of years. The Ligurian plague raged during this and the following years among mankind. Paulus Diaconus writes^ ' Dwellings are vacant and towns deserted, men have disappeared, and there is a great destruction of animals.'^ While the plague was at its height Nicephorus describes a strange fact. ' Certain little marks appeared on the doors and outsides of their houses, on their garments, and on their utensils ; some white crusts of a peculiar deposition from the air adhered to all things as damp moulds do on the walls or dwellings, or dew on grass.' ^ This unhappy state of afllairs was more particularly noted in France, Italy, and Germany. A.D. 569. ' In this year a great disease, accompanied by dy- sentery and variola f' afflicted Italy and Gaul, and neat cattle especially perished in these countries.' " A.D. 570. According to Marius, Bishop of Avranches, an epizooty spread in France and Italy which destroyed nearly all the cattle. This may have been a continuance of that which is mentioned as occurring in the last year. A glandular affection also manifested itself among men.'' ' St .■^dus, vol. i. p. 422. - St Brigidia, vol. ii. p. 536. In the ancient Irish records mention is often made of the Buidhe Choniiaill, which was a disease affecting both the human and bovine species. ^ Paid. Diacon. Caps. iv. x.xiii. Muratori. Scrip. Reriim Ital., vol. i. p. 426. * Nicephorus. Hist. Eccles. * Grave doubts are entertained as to the etymology of this word, and the ques- tion remains a disputed one as to whether it be the variolus disease that is here meant. Heusinger thinks that this variola, because it is mentioned with other maladies of a pustular and bubonic nature, was nothing else than the true plague, and he only believes in the appearance of small-pox at a much later period. There can be now no doubt, however, that the learned pathologist is incorrect : small-pox is frequent- ly mentioned in the early Saxon writings, both by its common and Latin designa- tions, and its presence in Ireland is indicated at a period not far removed from this mentioned by Marius. Ilecker (Aitiialcii, 1828) is, therefore, I think, ciuite justi- fied in writing ' wir stehen nicht linger an die pustularfest im sechsten jahrhundcrt fiir pocken zu erklaren.' For the notices of this disease in early England refer to Saxon Lccchdoms, London, 1866. " Marius. Ljjiscop. Chronicon. Ducltaiic. Scri]>. Rcr. Franc, vol. i. ]v 215. ' Ibid. 4© History of Animal Plagues. A.D. 571. On September 24 there was a prodigious slaughter of wild fowl in a fight. ^ A.D. 580. Great floods, tempests, earthquakes, hail, and other misfortunes, ushered in a dreadful plague of a dysenteric nature, and great loss of cattle, during the fifth year of the reign of King Childebert. A.D. 581. There was in this year an epizooty among the cattle in Touraine, which, according to Gregory of Tours, could not be prevented or cured until the Church interfered, when a religious ceremony had the wished-for effect in driving away the malady.^ The same credulous worthy informs us that about this time an epizooty also broke out among the horses of Bordelais, which would not cease its ravages until vows were made to St Martin, and the solipeds had their foreheads branded with a red- hot key, probably belonging to the church door. A.D. 582. In Ireland 'great snow, — great cattle mortality.' ^ A.D. 583. Inundations in France. ' A disease amongst cat- tle followed this inundation, so that scarcely one remained, and it was a novelty for any one to see an ox or a heifer in the land.'* A.D. 584. ^ Locusts in the province of Carpitania, which they laid waste for five years. In this year they departed by the public roads to another province. The hoar frost greatly dam- aged the vines, and a tempest of hailstones followed, which de- stroyed them, and also the crops in many places. A severe drought finished the work of the hailstorm. But little fruit was seen on some vines, on others none; so that men being wroth with the gods, threw open their vineyards, and the cattle trod all down. The trees which brought forth apples in July had a second crop in September. A disease of cattle invaded them a second time, so that scarcely one remained.^ ^ A.D. 589. Great floods in Italy, doing much damage. The Tiber overflowed its banks, deluged Rome and the surrounding country, drowning great numbers of men and cattle. On the ^ T. Short. A General Chronological History of the Air, etc. London, 1749, vol. i. p. 73. ^ Greg. Titr. De Mirac. St Martin, lib. iii. cap. 18. 3 Annals of Innisfallen. * St Gregory. Francor. Histor. vol. vi. p. 31. ^ Ibid. vi. Bouquet, vol. ii. p. 289. I History of Animal Plagues. 41 disappearance of the waters, all the fields were found covered with slime and mud, the grain was all destroyed, and myriads of ser- pents and other creatures lay putrefying in the hot steaming atmosphere. This is supposed to have given rise to the plague which soon broke out in mankind and the lower animals.^ A.D. 591. A plague of locusts invaded Italy. They were supposed to have come from Africa. After eating up every green herb or leaf, they were, as usual, blown into the sea, and being washed on shore again, their putrefaction was the cause of disease, which killed nearly a million of men and beasts. Man- kind in Britain, Turcnne, and the provinces of Arragon and Vivares, suflered much from an epidemic named Inguinaria, marked chiefly by buboes. St Gregory gives us the following account of an epizooty which appeared in France and Belgium. ' In the second month of this year a great pestilence destroyed, the people and a fearful drought ensued, which no kind of' herb escaped ; from this arose a grievous plague amongst cattle and oxen, which increasing, left scarcely any to breed from.j Not only did this plague afl'ect the domestic animals, — it also attacked wild creatures. The remains of a multitude of stao;s and other beasts were found dead in the forests. Forage was destroyed by the overflowing of the rivers and streams, and corn there was none. Vines, however, were heavily laden, but acorns did not attain their full development.^ ^ Wirth is of opinion that the epizooty was one of anthrax or ' milzbrand.^ ^ A.D. 605-6. In these years there was excessively hot weather with droughts, which gave rise to a famine, and conse- quent plague in mankind and in cattle throughout Italy.* A.D. 661. ' After one year more, there was a great pestilence among the birds, so that there was an intolerable stench by sea and land, arising from the carcases of birds, both great and small.'® A.D. 671. ' This year there was a great mortality among the fowls {Jviria va/)."^ A.D. 684. 'A mortality (r/r-slaughtcr) upon all animals in ' Baroniiis. Imper. Hist. * St Gregoiy. Op. cit., vol. x. p. 30. ' Wirth. Lehrbuch der .Seuchen unci Ansteckenden Krankheiten der Ilaus- thicre. Zurich, 1846, p. 85. ^ Baronius. Op. cit. * The Chronicle of Fabius Ethelwcrd. " Chronic. .Saxon. Edit. 6"/^w//, p. 41. 4-1 Histojy of Animal Plagues. general throughout the whole world for the space of three years, so that there escaped not one out of the thousand of any kind of animals. There was great frost in this year, so that the lakes and rivers of Ireland were frozen; and the sea between Ireland and Scotland was frozen, so that there was a communication between them on the ice. Adamnan went to Saxon land/^ A.i>, 689. An epizooty devastated the cattle of Ireland. ' It rained blood in Leinster this year; butter was turned into the colour of blood.' ^ ' It rained blood seven days together through all Britain ; and milk, cheese, and butter turned to blood.' 3 A.D. 694. ' A great morren of cattle throughout all Eng- land.'* Hardyng/ narrating the distress in England about this period, writes : ' Their catell dyed for faute of fode eche daye, Withouten meate or any sustenance, In townes and feldes, and the common waye, Through which their infecte was by that chance, That multitude of folke, in great substaunce, On hepys laye full lyke unto the mountaynes That horrible was of sight above the playns.' A.D. 695. 'The same morren of cowes came into Ireland the next year, and began in Moythrea, in Teaffia. There was such famyne and scarcitie in Ireland for three years together, that men and women did eat one another for want.' ^ A.D. 696. 'A mortalitv broke out among cows in Hibernia, on the Kalends of February, in Magh Treagha, in Tcathbha . . . Great frost in this year, so that the lakes and rivers of Erinn were frozen over, and the sea between Erinn and Alba was frozen to such an extent that people used to travel to and fro on the ice. Famine and pestilence prevailed during three years in Hibernia, to that degree that man ate man.' '^ 1 The Annals of the Four Masters. " Annals of Clonmacnoise. •^ Isac. Chronic. Clark's Mirrour. * Annals of Clonmacnoise. ^ The Chronicle of John flardyng, composed in the I4tli century. ^ Annals of Clonmacnoise. ' Chronicon Scotorum. History of Animal Plagues. 43 A.D. 698. ' Cattle destruction in Saxon land/ * A.D. 699. ^A mortality of cattle raged in Ireland in the Kalends of February^ in the plain of Trego, in the region of Teffia/ - now Moytra, in the county of Longford. 'The mor- tality of cattle broke out on the first of the Calends of Febru- ary, in Magh Tregha, in Tethbha/^ 'Destruction of black cattle in Saxonia (Saxon land)/^ A.D. 700, 701, 704, 707. 'A distemper of black cattle kindled in Ireland on the first of February, in the plain of Trego, in Teffia.^ ' A mortality of cattle.' — Bov'ina mortaUtas.^ A.D. 708. 'The plague which is called Baccagn (lameness), with dysentery in Ireland.'" The term Baccacn is sometimes applied to the dry murrain in cattle in this island. (Sir W. Wylde, Census of Ireland.) A.D. 744, 747, 748. Snow of unusual depth, so that almost all the cattle of Ireland perished, followed in 744 and 748 by unaccustomed drought. '^ A.D. 765. In Ireland, ' Great mortality among cows this vear.^ * A.D. 770. 'There reigned many diseases in Ireland this year. A great morren of cows ran over the whole kingdom, called the Moylegaroii.'^ This is the first introduction of the term Maelgurth, a skin disease of cattle characterized by rough- ness and loss of hair, and which appeared frequently in after times. It is difficult to make out what malady is meant, whe- ther it be scabies, erysipelas, or even the carbuncular form of anthrax. ' Annals of Clonmacnoise. - Annals of Ulster. ^ Chronicon Scotorum. ^ Annals of Tighernach. * Ibid. Annals of Ulster. Chronicon Scotorum, Edit. 1867. In early Irish history, epizootics are defined as Ar, mortality : such as Bo-ar, cattle mortality, usually rendered by the early English translators of the annals, 'a murrain.' Oc- casionally the term Dibltadh, loss, or total failure, is applied to cattle pesti- lences ; thus, one of the ancient kings is styled Breasal Bodhibhadh, ' Brassil of the cow-mortality,' because in his reign it is said nearly all the cows of Ireland be- came extinct. Dith, loss, want, destruction — applies to inanimate things as well as to mortality of men or animals. '■ Annals of Ulster. '' Annals of Clonmacnoise. Annals of Ulster. Annals of 'I'ighcriiach. " Annals of Innisfallen. " Annals of Clonmacnoise. 44 History of Animal Plagues. A.D. 772. ^7"he murrain of the cows in Ireland still con- tinued^ and which was worse, great scarcity and penury of victuals among men continued. The pox (small-pox) came all over the kingdom/ ^ A.D. 776. 'A great fall of rain and great wind. Dysentery [Rithfola) and many diseases besides. Mortality almost; the great mortality of cows {Bo-ar-mor).' '^ A.D. 777. In Ireland^ 'The running of blood {Ritu-fola, dysentery). The great mortality of cows (Bo-ar-mor).' ^ A.D. 778. In Ireland, ' Mortality of cattle [Boviim mortali- ias) ceased not, and the mortality of men from want. The small-pox [Bolgach) all over Erinn. A very great wind at the end of autumn.^ * A.D. 784. In Germany a severe drought, and a plague among men and animals.^ A.D. 791. Campaign of Charlemagne against the Huns, beyond the Danube, and in Bavaria and Austria. 'This ex- pedition was accomplished without any mishap, except that in the portion of the army led by the king (while in Hungary) there broke out so great a plague among the horses that it is said scarcely a tenth part of the many thousands remained.^ ^ We are left in doubt as to the nature of the malady. A.D. 797. In Ireland, 'destruction of cows among the Momonians, Darians, and Adhuar, son of Nechin."^ A.D. 798. In Ireland, 'great snow, in which much cattle and people perished.' * A.D. 800. A great earthquake and a severe winter. Cattle epizootics in various places, as well as epidemics. ' In this year the sea overflowed its boundaries, forgetting that which the Psalmist says, " I have placed this boundary, which shall not be transgressed. '^ It caused great havoc among cattle in many parts.' ^ A.D. 801. Earthquakes experienced in France, Germany, * Annals of Clonmacnoise. ^ Annals of Ulster. 3 Ibid. * Ibid. ^ Hagek and Liboczan. Annal. Bohemor., vol. i. p. 348. ^ EinJiardi. Annal. Pertz., M. i. p. 177. "^ Annals of Innisfallen. ** Annals of Ulster. ^ Simon Dutiehnens. De Gest. Rer. Angl. Twysden. Scrip. His. Angl. p. ii6. History of Animal Plagues. 45 and Italy. St Paul's, at Rome, was thrown down in the month of April. 'Plagues and epizooties, following sanguinary wars, as well as shocks of" earthquake, occurred in the realms of Char- lemagne, soon after the crowning of that monarch.'^ Agobard, an archbishop of Lyons, who lived in the reign of Charlemagne, recounts the history of a great epizooty among cattle in France. Its origin was attributed to Grimoald, Duke of Benevento, who, it was said, hated the Christian king, and sent emissaries with enchanted powders to sprinkle over the land ; these powders were composed of a substance capable of killing animals. This poisonous ingredient was sprinkled over the pas- ture on mountain and plain, or on the cattle; even the springs of water were rendered deadly by it. Some of the men were seized, and, when tortured, confessed that they had been using powders to cause the death of the oxen; after which confession they were tied to planks and thrown into a river.^ Such is the archbishop's version of the story. The great mortality would lead one to infer that it was the real ^ hovuin pestilens,' con\Q.ytdt. from the districts in which the great emperor had been conqueror, and where he had, no doubt, levied taxes in kind on the conquered. But poisons of this nature were often supposed to be propagated by wicked or stupid people, in ages of darkness, and even in those of more enlightened times. Indeed, it would seem that from the time of Thucy- didcs to the present day, when a strange disease suddenly appeared, tlie masses have always entertained suspicions as to its mortal effects being due to poisonous substances introduced into the water, food, or air, by malicious people. A.D. 804. In Bohemia, ' ^. plague raged not only in man, but in all kinds of animals, and attacked Mnata himself.'^ A.D. 809-10. A great epizooty among cattle on the Con- tinent. It came from the east and penetrated to the west.-* A Saxon poet gives us the following description : ' On all sides the peace of the present year had gladdened the empire to its bound- ^ Metaxa. Delle Malattie Contagiose ed Epizoiitichc, etc. Roma, i Si 7. Vol. i. p. 133. ''■ Baluze. Annal. dc Franc. Year 801. •* Ila:;ck and Liboczan. Annals of Holiemia, vol. i. \>. 413. * Chronicon Moissiac. Pcrtz, M. i. p. 309. 4-6 History of Aiiwial Plagues. aries; but a certain sadness had touched many lands, for a very fierce pestilence destroyed every kind of cattle. Joyfully the shepherds drove their flocks and herds to the green fields, from whence, however, but a small portion returned, drooping and heavy, showing symptoms of disease and the near approach of death in their emaciated condition. The greater number lay stretched in the meadows, where they breathed forth their lives amid the sweet herbage. And now the pastures stink from the dead bodies spread out on them The stables were cleansed with such great labour, that when they saw an animal sick and about to die they preferred rather to slay it. This they did with an iron instrument. Immediately from the bloody wound there flowed the poison which betrayed its efl^ects throughout the whole body. Noricus and the neighbouring regions are said to have suffered most grievously from this plague.^ ^ This, in all probability, was another invasion of the dreadful '■ Rinderpest,' which appears to have extended beyond Norica, and to have committed havoc in this country; for we read that ' eight hundred and ten was the year of Christ when the moon turned black on Christmas Day (according to Petrie and Sharp, '' Monumenta Historica Britannica,'' this was in 809), and Menevia was burnt, and there happened the greatest mortality among horned cattle in Britain that is on record.' ^ '^A mortality among cattle in Britain (inortalitas pecorum in Britannia) ' ^ It would be most interesting if we could trace this disease in its progress to the British isles, but I think there can be no doubt whatever as to the existence of the 'Cattle Plague' in Britain at this early period. The Archives of the Imperial Agricultural Society of Southern Russia state that the disease at this period was imported from the Asian shores of the Black Sea into Europe. It appeared in Hungary and Illyria, and from thence spread rapidly throughout Germany, Austria, and Flanders, destroying enormous numbers of cattle. From thence it was probably imported into England. * Poela; Saxon. Annal. Bouquet, vol. v. p. 169, v. 236. - Brut y Tywysogion, or Chronicles of the Prince of Wales. 2 Annales Cambriie. History of Animal Plagues. 47 The origin of the malady, or rather the cause of its spread, misiht be ascribed to the wars then occurring. Indeed, \vc read for 810, that in the can}paign of Charle- magne against the Northmen or Scandinavians on the Elbe and Weser, 'So great was the pestilence of oxen in this expedition that scarcely in the \\ hole army did one remain, but all perish- ed ; and not only there, but a plague among animals, causing a dreadful mortality, broke out in all the provinces conquered bv the Emperor/^ Elsewhere for this year it is noted: 'A very great mortality amongst oxen laid waste nearly the whole of Europe, and more especially Britain/'* In the Chronicle of St Denis it is mentioned that the oxen and the l^tes aumailles in France perished in great numbers.^ Wirth* speaks of anthrax being prevalent in Germany, but it may have been this ' Cattle Plague.' A.D. 820. Excessive rains and cold damp weather, with inundations and scarcity of food, in Gaul. War against the Sclavonians in Pannonia. 'In this year, on account of the per- petual rains and the moist state of the atmosphere, great evils occurred. For a pestilence soon spread both to man and beast, so that scarcely any part of the whole kingdom of the Franks escaped its ravages. The corn, also, and the leguminous plants were damaged by the continual rains. The grapes did not ripen; thev were sour and unpleasant.' ^ The ' Cattle Plague ' appeared in Hungary, and after raging there with great violence, passed away to the west of Europe." This mav have been the malady mentioned above as devastating the kinjidom of the Franks. A.D. 823. A severe winter and a dry summer, with heavy storms. The snow lay on the groimd for twenty-nine weeks, and caused great loss of human and animal life. Pestilence in the summer, ' In many places the crops were destroyed by hail- storms, and in certain localities stones of immense weight fell. . . ' Einhardi. Annales. Tcrtz, M. i. p. 198. Annal. Fuldcns. Ibid. I. 2 IligJeiii. I'olychronicon. Gale. Scrip. Hist. Brit., i. p. 252. ^ Chroniques de St Denis. I^dit. /'aii/iin; 1837. * IVirl/i. Op. cit. p. 85. ^Einhardi. Op. cit. p. 207. Annal. Fuldcns, p. 357. * Archives Imp. Agric Soc. of Southern Russia. 48 History of Animal Plagues. Men and other animals were killed by lightning. Then fol- lowed a great plague among men, which extended through the whole of France in a fearful manner, destroying multitudes of different sexes and ages.'^ This plague of an unknown character extended to Germany, killing men and animals. A.D. 829. 'There was a plague in Greece, Thrace, and Bul- garia, contemporaneously with an epizooty among sheep.' ^ A.D. 842. ' A dreadful famine and consequent mortality, with a '^ murrian " among cattle, caused great calamities throughout the world.' ^ A.D. 850. Great mortality among the cattle in France, so that many provinces were nearly entirely cleared of their horned stock.* This appears to have been another invasion of the ' Cattle Plague,' which also ravaged Germany and Spain at this time.^ A.D. 860. The preceding winter was so severe that the Mediterranean was frozen over to such an extent, that carriages were driven on the Adriatic Sea. ' A severe winter and mor- tality amongst animals.' ^ A.D. 866. 'This year a disease of animals took place, and in the third year afterwards a mortality followed in the human species.' ^ A.D. 868. ' A comet, severe famine, and mortality of men and animals.' ^ This occurred in Germany, and nearly all over Eu- rope, but France appears to have suffered most.^ ' In this year the Northmen invaded England ; and plundering the country, retired to York with their booty. A great famine, and a fearful mortality among cattle and the human race occurred.'^'' A.D. 869. ' In the year of our Lord's incarnation 869, which was the twenty-first of King Alfred's life, there was a great famine (in England), and mortality of men, and a pesti- lence among the cattle.' ^^ ' Einhardi. Op. cit. p. 212. ^ Frari. Delia Peste, vol. ii. p. 211. ^ Odericus Vitalis. Eccles. Hist., book i. cap. 24. * Belleforest. Annales de France. 5 Arch. Agric. Soc. of Southern Russia. ^ Annales Sangallens. Pertz, M. i. p. 76. ' Eulogium Historiarum. ** Duchesne. Vol. iii. p. 473. ' Annal. Verdun. '" Asser. De Rebus Gestis Alfredi, p. 20. Edit. Oxon. 1722. " The Chronicle of Fabius Ethelwerd. Chronicle of St Evroult. History of Animal Plagues. 40 A.D. 870. A hot and dry summer^ and multitudes of locusts in France. ' A pestilence among cattle in some parts of France, which spread so rapidlv as to cause great loss to many.' ^ Tem- pests of hail and lightning did great damage to people, cattle, and grain.^ A.D. 873-4. An invasion of locusts in Gaul.^ A very severe and long winter, which destroyed great numbers of animals and men.* A.D. 878. 'An eclipse of the moon in October. An eclipse of the sun in November. In Germany, a great plague amongst oxen, especially in the Rhine provinces. Soon after a pestilence appeared in man, which resembled that in cattle.'" A certain town in Wormacense, not far from the Palatinate of Ingalen- heim, named Walahesheim, had wonderful things happen in it; for whilst dead animals were daily dragged from their stables into the fields, the dogs which were in this town, as is their custom, devoured the dead bodies by tearing them to pieces. On a certain day, however, nearly all of them being congregated in one place, they all went away, and so completely had they dis- appeared, that none of them, either living or dead, were ever found.' ^ 'A mortal pestilence amongst cattle, especially about the Rhine. Dogs and birds, which at first collected round the dead bodies, suddenly disappeared.' " This was in all probability an cpizooty of anthrax, and the carnivorous creatures were no doubt poisoned by feeding on the carcases. In Ireland, ' Great dearth {ascolt mor) of cattle-food in the spring ; a great flux {Jiuxus magnus) in the autumn.' * A.D. 883. A famine and plague in Italy, and in the follow- ing year a pestilence at Oxford, which also affected the cattle, slaying great numbers. A.D. 886. ' This year pestilence in animals throughout the whole world.' " A.D. 887. 'I'hc j)re\ ious year had been very wet, and there were great inundations. ' A very severe and tedious w niter, ' Annalcs Fuldens. Pertz, M. v. p. 383. - Chronic. Magdeburg. ' Re^inotiis. Chronic, book ii. * Annal. Fuldctis. * Ibid. " Ibid. '' I'istor. German. Hist., vol. ii. p. 570. * Annals of Ulster. * Eulogium Ilistoriarum. 4 5© History of Animal Plagues. also a plague amongst oxen and sheep extended beyond measure in France, so that scarcely any of these animals were left/ ^ A.D. 888. The campaign of the Emperor Arnulph, or Arnold, of Germany, in Upper Italy, towards Friuli. ' In this march, great consternation was caused bv the horses dying so rapidly, that the loss was unparalleled in history.^ ^ A.D. 894. Anthrax prevailed among animals in Italy.^ A.D. 895-7. The first recorded invasion of locusts in Britain and Ireland, preceded by bloody rain, and followed by a general scarcity, when great mortality of cattle and other animals occur- red : the effects lasted thirteen years. All the authorities who mention it are Welsh. ' Provisions failed in Ireland ; for vermin of a mole-like nature, each having two teeth, fell from heaven, which devoured all the food ; and through fasting and prayer they were driven away.^* 'After this, anno 897, poore Ireland had another scourge ; for, saith Caradoc Lhancarvan in his British Chronicle, and likewise Polichronicon, this country was destroyed bv strange worm.s, having two teeth, so that there was neither corn nor grasse, nor food for man or beast, for all was consumed that was greene in the land for the season of the yeare.' ^ A.D. 896. A dreadful famine and pestilence, caused by un- seasonable weather, in Gaul, Germany, and Italv. Arnulph, on his return from Italy across the Alps, seems again to have had an epizooty among his horses. ' The great plague amongst the horses increased, being aggravated by the extraordinary diffi- culties of the march ; so that, contrary to custom, oxen were employed to draw the litters instead of horses.'^ Wirth speaks of anthrax having prevailed on a most extensive scale amon2;st the domestic animals in Europe, and of its being without doubt transmitted to mankind, as an epidemy of this nature was prevalent. '^ A.D. 897. Great famine in France and Germany, but especi- ally in Bavaria. In England, disease in cattle and in men. 'In the summer of this year went the army, some into East Anglia, and 1 Annal. Fuldens. - Ibid. » Wirth. Op. cit. p. 85. * Chronicles of Wales. * Hanmer. Chronicle. * Annal. Fuldens, v. ' Op. cit. p. 85. History of Animal Plagiies. 51 some into Northumbria ; and those that were penniless e;ot them ships, and went south over sea to the Seine. The enemy had not, thank God, entirely destroyed the English nation ; but it was much more weakened in these three vears bv the disease in cattle, and, most of all, in men, so that many of the mightiest of the King's thanes that were in the land^ died within three years.' ^ A.D. 899. In Ireland, 'a rainy year; a great dearth; mor- tality of cattle.' "- Rabies in a bear at Lyons, and singular escape of some men whom it had bitten. ' About the year 900 of our era immense forests covered Burgundy, Maconnais, Brescia, and part of Lyonnais. These forests were tenanted by wild boars, wolves, bears, and other ferocious animals. One day, a mad bear, following the course of the river Saone, at last reached the quay at Lyons. Everybody fled at its approach, except some boatmen who, armed with heavy sticks, attempted to kill it. The bear, however, little intimidated by their num- ber, rushed amongst them, and bit many — about twenty. Of this party six were smothered in about twenty-seven days, in consequence of fearful madness. The other fourteen, howeverj had thrown themselves into the river to escape the animal's attacks, and having to swim to the opposite bank, were thus preserved from the effects of the poison ; the water of the river had saved them, for in beating against their wounds it had washed away the venom.' ^ A.D. 903. In Ireland, ^ great mortality of cattle and birds, so that the voice of thrush or blackbird was not heard this year.' * A.D. 908. In Ireland, '' mortality of cattle.' ^ A.D. 916. 'Great snow, cold, and unusual frost in this year, so that the chief lakes and rivers of Ireland were passable; and a destruction was brought upon cattle, birds, and salmon. Evil signs, too ; the heavens seemed to glow with comets, a flame of fire arose, and passed from beyond the west of Ireland until it passed over the sea eastwards.' " ' Chronicles of the Saxons. * Annals of Ulster. ' Messager de Provence. '• Annals of Innisfallen. * Annals of Ulster. « Ibid. 52 History of Animal Plagues. A.D. 918. In Ireland, ' great cold [coisne] and snow, which brought on mortality of cattle/^ A.D. 929. A most severe winter, and the Thames frozen over. A.D. 939. ^Kalend. Jun. die Sabbati hora nona flammaexivit de mari et incendit plurimas villas et urbes et homines et bestias, et in ipso mari pinnas incendit.'^ A.D. 940. An epizooty among the cattle in France, Italy, and Germany.^ Probably the ' Rinderpest.' A.D. 941. An epizooty of a deadly character in the north of Europe. Thousands of cattle died. 'A comet was seen, and an extensive Qiortality amongst the oxen followed its appear- ance.' * After this animal plague, which may have been the same as in the previous year, an epidemy broke out in man. A.D. 942. Inundations, and subsequently a murrain among cattle in Germany.^ 'A great famine throughout the whole of France and Burgundy, and extensive mortality among the oxen, which increased to such a degree that few remained in these countries.' ^ Comets appeared in the month of October, which lasted for twenty-one days, and after that time there happened a disease among oxen.''' ' In this year (941) a comet appeared in the western heavens. The year following there was a severe murrain among oxen throughout the whole of Germany, France, Burgundy, Aquitaine, and Italy, but it did not last long in the latter country.' ^ In Ireland, a disease or ^ fio-ht ^ amono; birds. 'There was ' DO contention seen to be between the fowls of the sea and the fowls of the land at Clonvicknose, where there was a great slaughter ' DO of crows of one side.' ^ A.D. 943. For this year we find the continental historians ^ Chronicon Scotorum. ^ Chronicon Burgens. Espana Sagrada. ' Herman. Chronicon. ' * Re^inon. Chronic. Pistor. .Scrip. Rerum German., i. p. 104. ^ Widiikindi. Lib. ii. Pertz, M. v. p. 446. ^ Chronicon Frodoardi. Bouquet. Vol. viii. p. 196. '' Chronic. Monast. Florent. Bojiquct. Vol. ix. p. 55. Lobiiieaii. Hist, de Bretagne. ** Chronic. Andegav. Bouquet. Vol. viii. p. 252. " Annals of Clonmacnoise. { History of Animal Plagues. 53 mention the same events as in the previous year, and as occur- ring in the same countries.^ Wirth speaks of the epizooty in Germany as anthrax. A.D. 945. ' There was in this year a furious mortality of people throughout France, caused not only by the famine and scarcity of food, but by an epidemic malady known as the ' faim canine/ ' A.D. 950. In Ireland, ' a mortality of bees.' ^ A.D. 952. ' A destruction in Ireland through unknown insects having two teeth.'* Evidently locusts. A.D. 953. 'A great destruction of cows throughout Ireland.'^ A.D, 955. ' There was a great dearth of cattle this year, and many diseases generally reigned all over Ireland, by reason of the great frost and snow, which procured the intemperature of the air.'*' A.D. 959. In Ireland, ' a bolt of fire passed southwards through Leinster, and it killed a thousand persons and flocks, as far as Athclaith.' '' In 960, 'an arrow of fire came from the south-west along Leinster, and killed hundred thousands of men and cattle, with the houses of Dublin burned,' ^ To what extent the lightning caused this mortality cannot be surmised, but it is not improbable that the effects of epidemic and epi- zootic disorders may be referred to, the liohtnino; beino- used figuratively. A.D. 960, A widely-spread destructive malady amongst cattle in the Roman territories. ' And in those days, even long ago, there went on both invading the land of the Romans, and ravaffinsr and destrovino; the horned cattle, the infectious and pestilential affection which is called " crabra." And they say that this aflTection or disease took its rise in the days of the old Roman (Romanus I., Emperor of the East?); for when very near to the cistern or reservoir {Kiva-Tipvrjs) of Bonus, the Roman was erecting, as a resting-place for himself, a sunnner jialace (or ' Chronic. St Maxent. Bouquet. Vol. ix. p. 8. ^ Mczeray. Hist, de France, 1685. Vol. i. p. 677. ■' Annals of Ulster. '' Dowling. Annals of Ireland. '' Annals of Ulster. " Annals of Clonmacnoise. ' Annals of the Four Masters. " Annals of Ulster. 54 History of Animal Plagues. palaces for the summer season)^ and they were laying the found- ations, it was reported that there was found a marble ox's head, which the finders having broken up, cast into the lime-kiln. From that time, and up to the present, the breeds of cattle have not ceased to be destroyed in all parts of the earth wheresoever the Empire of the Romans extends.'^ In Ireland, "^ A great (plaigh) upon cattle, with snow and diseases [galar).' ^ A.D. 975. A severe winter and scarcity of food in London, and also in Italy. A comet was seen. ' In the time of this Edward (the martyr) appeared a blazing star, after which en- sued many inconveniences, as well to man as to beasts, such as hunger, sickness, murrain, and other like calamities, but none of these things happened in the days of this Edward, but after his death.' ^ A.D. 981. A moil garb, or epizooty of a cutaneous character, previously unknown in Ireland until 770, began, and preceded a most severe form of colic, called ' pestilential.' ' This year began the murrain of cows, called, in Ireland, the Moilgarbh.' * A.D. 986. ' In this year first came the great murrain [yrf- cvalm) among the cattle into England.'^ 'A great sudden de- struction, which caused a loss of people and cattle among the Saxons, Britons, and Gauls.' *" '^ And the same year there was a great murrain [moreyn) of cattle through all Wales.' ^ ' Godfrey, son of Harold, with the black host, devastated the isle of Mona, and two thousand men were blinded (captured ?), and the remainder Maredudd, son of Owain, took with him to Ceredigion and Dyved. And then a mortality {uarcrolyaeth) took place among all the cattle over the whole island of Britain.' * What the nature of this very prevalent and destructive epi- zooty may have been it is difficult now to conjecture ; but from 1 G. Cedremcs. Synop. Historiarum. Edit. Bonn, ii. p. 343. - Chronicon Scotorum. The edition of 1867 gives 959 as the date. 3 Grafton. Chronicles of the History of England. London, 1569. * Annals of Clonmacnoise. ^ Chronic. Saxon. " Annals of Ulster. ' D. Paujd. The History of Cambria, 1584. " Brut y Tywysogion, or Chronicles of the Prince of Wales. History of Animal P f agues. ^e^ what is narrated for the subsequent year, it would appear to have been of a dysenteric character. What is worthy of note, however, in reference to the condition of comparative pathology and agriculture at this period, is, that though Wales often suf- fered from the evil effects of general diseases among animals, yet, from the earliest days of her written history, we find the ancient Welsh far in advance of other western nations in agri- culture and the rearing and preservation of the domesticated animals. The state of their medical science is less known, and regret must be expressed that the Red Book of Hergest {Med- dygon Myddfat) has not yet found a translator;^ containing, as it may do, very much that would be of value to the student of medicine. From her agrarian laws, which are greatly superior to those of France or Germanv at that somewhat remote epoch, we find every provision made for equitable dealing in animals, and some- times also a reference to important maladies of a sporadic or general kind. The laws of warranty appear to have been very wisely framed, and enumerate the chief animal disorders as fol- lows : — - 'A horse is to be warranted a2"ainst three disorders : aeainst the staggers, for three dew-falls; against the "black strangles" (this has been literally translated, as the latter term is, at present, the appellation for that distemper. With the prefix "black," it may mean the " glanders " ), for three moons ; and against the farcy (the original " Ibnmeirich " appears to signify some disorder accompanied with serious humours) for one year.' 'The worth of a horse's foot is his full worth, and a third of his worth is an eye, and the worth of the other eye is another third. For every blemish in a horse, one third of his worth is to be returned, his cars and tail included. ' If a horse be sold in wliich there is a fault, but not visible on the skin, it is not to be compensated, unless it be oneot the three natural disorders, but an oath is to be made of its not be- ing shown. ' Tlic MS. is now, I believe, at Oxford. ^ Thebe extracts arc from tlie Laws of Ilowel tlic Good, wiiich were revised about A.D. 1026. ^6 History of Animal Plagues. ' Whosoever shall sell a steer to another, it is right for him to be answerable for the three disorders incident to cattle; and, further, for the mange {clauery) until the feast of Saint Patrick. The person who shall buy it is to keep it in pasture, and in a healthy place, and in a building wherein no mange has previously occurred for seven years; and for the staggers three dew-falls.-' The teithi of a sow are, that she be not always brimming, and that she do not devour her pigs; and to be warranted three nights and three days against the quinsey (the original signifies some disorder affecting the throat). ' If the boar be gelded and die, his two testicles are worth two sows, and his carcase equal to another.^ ^ Sheep were to be warranted against the rot ' until the calends of May, when she shall have satiated herself three times with the new herbage.^ (B. iii. c. 8.) ' Whoever shall sell a horse is to insure its dilysrwydd until death ; and against the staggers, for three dew-falls; against the strangles, for three moons; against the farcy, a year; and, in addition, he is to insure it against any inward disorder.' (B. ii. C. 28.) 2 ' Whoever shall sell sheep, let him be answerable for three diseases : the rot '{y lledorcr), the red-water [ar daris or dauyr rud), and the scab {(tr claiiri) ; until thev obtain their fill three times of the new grass in spring, if he sell them after the kalends of winter.^ (B. ii. c. 12.) ^ * The judges of Howel the Good were notable to fix a legal worth on a brock : for, during the year that the swine were affected with the quinsey, it obtained the privilege of a dog (with regard to value), and during the year that there was a madness among the dogs, it then obtained the privilege of a sow.^ (Gwen- tian Code, B. ii. c. 23.) In other codes of about the same period we find, for pigs, the following : — ' Siquis uendiderit sues, debet esse sub tribus: id est, dylys- sruyt (evictione) ; et morbo menyclauch (strumarum) tribus die- ^ These are from the Venedotian Code. ^ From the Dimetian Code. "* From the Gwentian Code. History of Animal Plagues. ^ 57 bus et tribus noctibus, et ne comedant porcellos; et si come- derint^ tercia pars precii reddatur emptori^ nee recambire debent inditio/ And for sheep : — ' Signis oves vendidcrit, debet esse sub dylyssruyt (evictione) ; et sub dere (vertigine) tribus diebus et tribus noctibus ; et sub llederu (morbo pulmonis) a festo Sancti Michaelis in autumno usque- ad medium Aprilis, donee ter comederunt usque ad satietatem ac novis parellis in vere.' 'Agnorum venditor debet esse sub dilyssruyt (evictione); et sub dere (vertigine) tribus diebus et noctibus ; et sub Scobie a festo Omnium Sanctorum usque ad Kalendas Aprilis ; et sub llederu (morbo pulmonis) a predicto festo usque Kalendas Mail; emptor non debet ducere eos agnos Scai'iosos septem annis ante.' A.D. 987. An excessive drought and a most scorching heat during the summer. Bad weather brought a famine on many countries.^ A serious epizooty appeared among cattle in Eng- land in the form of dysentery, which caused a great mortality. Malignant fevers among the people. ' In this year two plagues of an unknown character appeared in England, to wit : fever among men, and pestilence among animals and men, which the English term ' scitta,' but which in Latin is known as dysentery {Jluxus). These ravaged the whole of England, and the destruc- tion to men and animals was quite incredible/^' These pestilences appear to have prevailed in Ireland at the same time. ' Great and unusual wind. Preternatural [i.e. magical) sickness [tregait Fitlinaisi, demoniacal colic), bydemons, in the east of Ireland, which caused mortality (a/--slaughtcr) of men plainly before men's eyes,' ' The commencement of the great murrain of cows [lo-ar mar) — the strange " maelgarbh," which had never come before.' ^ ' A pestilence {treghail-coYic) in the eastern parts of Ireland frcjin demons, which caused a ' Fimctitis. Chronicon. ' Simeon Duncliin-n. De Gest. Reg. Angl. Scrip. Hist. Angl. (Tvvysden) p. 161. See also Joh. Brompton. Hist. Angl. p. 878. Henry dc Ktiyghton. De Event. Angl., p. 2314. * Annals of the Four Masters. 5 8 History of A nimal Plagues. slaughter {ar) of people ; and they used to be before the eyes of the people visibly (in daylight). The beginning of the great mor- tality of oxen {bo-ar), that is, the unknown "■ maelgarbh/^ hav- ing come for the first time/ ^ This expression Dr O'Connor translates ' scabies valde insolita.' A,D. 992. A long and severe winter, and an extremely dry summer, followed by famine. The wheat crops were affected with blight or ergot, and the forage was generally of a bad quality. Soon after there was a widespread and deadly epidemy of ergotism {feu sacre) in France. In this year, in Germany, there was an extensive epizooty of carbuncular fever in the lower animals." ' A great mortality upon men {dniiie-hadh), cattle, and bees in Ireland this year.' ^ Bees were largely kept in Ireland at this time, and were a great source of wealth to the people. ' After these great troubles, there followed within a year after such famine and scarcitie in South Wales, that many perished for want of food.' * A.D. 994. 'A very rigorous winter, commencing on the nth November, and lasting till the nth May. Pestilential and cold winds blew, and heavy dews fell. Towards the middle of July there was a great frost, and so severe was the drought, that the fish died in many pools, and numbers of trees withered. The flax and corn perished. A terrible plague broke out amongst men, pigs, and sheep. In this year a grievous famine in many parts of Saxony.' '" In France ergotism {feu sacre) was pre- valent. A.D. 995. A comet was seen this year in England. A deadly form of dysentery attacked man and beast, and proved most destructive.^ It was ' a worse year in Saxony than the former, for so great a pestilence, which was named Osterhidi, raged amongst them, that not only their houses, but many of their towns, remained empty, their inhabitants being dead.' ^ ' A 1 Annals of Tighernach. ^ Spangenberg. Op. cit. Fabricius. Origines Saxon, p. 218. IVirth. Op. cit. p. 85. ■* Annals of Ulster. * D. Fcnvel. Hist, of Cambria. ^ Annales Quedlinburgens. Pertz, M. v. p. 72. * Short. Op. cit. p. 93. ' Annal. Quedlin. Histojy of Animal PlagiLcs. 59 notable year for its drought, many people and cattle dying of thirst.'^ A.D. 1014. Mn the previous year there had been many pre- cursory celestial signs, omens of strange import, which were verified this year in Bohemia, where there was a fearful heat and drought. During the whole of the spring, and for nearly the whole summer, the weather was hotter than molten lava; the plains and the beautiful woods were scorched by the heat of the sun. The rivers were dried up, the springs were exhausted, the lakes and ponds were corrupted and putrescent, many people perished, as well as the greatest part of all kinds of animals. Especially did immense numbers of fish die.^ '" A.D. 1015. In Ireland, ' a disease of the legs {Cofi ghalar, probably scurvy) among the Danes, and a plague of rats (or mice. Luck) among the Danes and the Leinstermen.'^ The term Lnch is applied indiscriminately to rats or mice. The word ' Narrawai/' is still used by the Irish-speaking people for the modern brown rat, which, it is believed by naturalists, replaced the old Irish black rat. They were probably introduced by the Scandinavian vessels, then so numerous on the coasts of Ireland. The Chronicon Scotorum gives the year 1013, as the date of this occurrence. Mr Wenessev thinks that the irruption of rats should be translated a plague of putrefaction among the foreign- ers and Lagenenians. A.D. 1016. In Ireland, "^ great mortality of cattle on account of the excessive rains.^ * A.D. 1022. A most unfortunate year, in which a great mor- tality prevailed amongst animals, and ])estilence in mankind. Fruits and plants were destroyed,^ and in Spain there was an invasion of locusts. A.D, 1028. ' In the present year an invasion of cicadas and caterpillars in Bohemia, following a very plentiful harvest. In- numerable swarms of butterflies also appeared, so that every- thing green in garden and field or in the woods was devoured. Dense and foul-smelling vapours had preceded this visitation, ' Annal. Sangall. ^ //a^ei and Liboczan. Annal. ItoliLiiior., v. p. 74. ^ Chronic. Scolorum. * Annals of liinisfalloii. * Mirac. Veroli. Presbyt. Acta Sancta. Bolland., p. 385. 6o ' History of Animal Plagues. rising as they did about Easter^ when the spring was coming in. After these insects had eaten everything up, they themselves in- creased the stench; the trees, also, stripped of their leaves, died and rotted. As a consequence, there was great mortality amongst men and animals, but especially in dogs, in the autumn/^ England and Gaul, and indeed the whole of Europe, suffered in the same way, and from the same causes. A.D. 1030. In the old translation of the Ulster Annals in the British Museum it is recorded — ' Maelduin Mac Ciarmaic, (who had profaned the effigy of) the Lady Mary, of Kindred Binni of Glans, killed by the disease that killeth cattle, in Irish called Conacli.' If this be a correct translation, which is dis- puted, it would be the earliest instance to be found in the Irish annals of mankind being affected by the diseases of animals. It is difficult to make out the disease, however, for the term Coiiach has had its origin in the popular belief, not yet extinct, that horned cattle, if they eat the grass over which the Conach or Connough IVorm (the large fleshy caterpillar of the Sphinx Elephas moth) has passed, become afflicted with a fatal distem- per characterized by madness, a sort of hydrophobia.^ A.D. 1035. A very severe winter, the summer extremely dry. 'This year there was an unheard-of loss amongst animals, and this, with the destruction of bees, afflicted the whole of Ba- varia.' ^ The weather was so cold in England, in June, that all the corn and fruit was destroyed. A.D. 1040. In Ireland, '^ abundance of produce {mess mor : fructum abundantiu) this year, and mortality of cattle and swine.^* This is the first epizooty specially mentioned as affect- ing swine in Ireland. A.D. 1 041. Most uni)ropitious weather, accompanied by earthquakes, tempests, and inundations. It snowed heavily ^ Hagek and Liboczaii. Op. cit., vol. v. p. 152. ^ There is nothing at all astonishing in this relation of the Irish chief dying from some cattle malady, probably anthrax. Such cases must have been extremely frequent, if the ancient records are to be received as proof. Anthracoid erysipelas (omatt or koman) may have been one of those forms of anthrax which affected men and animals in this country. •' y. Staindelii. Chronicle of CEfele. Scrip, rer. Boic, vol. i. p. 472. * Annals of Innisfallen. History of Animal Plagues. 6i during harvest time; in many parts of Europe there were heavy rains throughout the year. Flanders was inundated by the sea, and there were great storms. The consequences of these dis- turbances were famine and disease in England, Germany, and France. Cattle and men appear to have suffered equally. ' The plague of Divine Fire {}gm'> d'tvhia, ergotism or erysipelas) afflict- ed many, who were only saved through the merits of the blessed Virgin.''^ 'And in all that year it was very sad in many and various things, both in tempests and in earth's fruits. And so much cattle perished in this year as no man before remembered, both through various diseases and through bad weather.'^ (Refer to 1044.) A.D. 1044. An eruption of Mount Vesuvius. In Germany, ' Plague in cattle ; the winter very severe, and heavy snows felj.'^ 'There died at this time (1043), '"^ ^^'^ neighbourhood, many people, and there also reigned a special epizooty amongst cattle/^ For Ireland we read, ' Clonmacnoise was plundered by the people Conmhaicne (County Longford), whereupon God and Ciaran sent upon them the unknown distemper {Tamil anaithi- 7iidh), which killed almost all their people and cattle.'^ A.D. 1046. 'And this same year after Candlemas (Feb. 2nd) came the severe winter with frost and snow, and with all kinds of heavy weather, so that there was no man alive who could remember so severe a winter as that was, both through mortali- ty of men and murrain of cattle; both birds and fishes perished through the great cold and hunger.'" A.D. 1047. On January 1st there fell in the West of Eng- land a very great and deep snow, which broke down most woods. It lay till March ist. The ensuing summer had such tempests of thunder and lightning that the growing corn was burnt and blasted, and several towns the lightning reduced to ashes. There ' Chronic. St Bavonis. Corp. Chronic. Flandr., i. p. 385. '■' The Anglo-.Saxon Chronicle. ' Chronic. Ursperg. * Spaugenberg. Op. cit. ' Chronic. Scotorum. .See also, Annals of the Four Masters. Annals of Clonmacnoise. ^ The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 62 History of Animal Plagues. followed a great dearth, and death of people and cattle.^ On March ist there was an earthquake. The great mortality fol- lowed. In Ireland it is mentioned : ' Great snow this year from the festival of Mary in winter (8th Dec.) to the festival of Patrick (7th March), the like of which had not been known; with a destruction of men, cattle, and of the wild animals of the sea, and birds. ^ ^ A.D. 1048. An eruption of Vesuvius. In Germany swarms of mice appeared. Earthquakes occurred in many parts of Eng- land and Scotland. ' And in this year was also an earthquake, on the Kal. of May (May ist) in many places, at Worcester, at Wick, and at Derby, and elsewhere; there was also a great mortality among men, and a murrain among cattle, and the wildfire {ignis atrius vulgo dictiis sylvaticus) also did much evil in Derbyshire and elsewhere.^ ^ A.D. 1054. Famine in Germany. Cedrenus* writes : ' A pestilential disease smote the country, so that the living had not strength to bear away the dead, and this great affliction was endured throughout the whole summer. Not only were many men destroyed by it, but also animals.' England appears also to have suifered. ' And in this year was so great a murrain among the cattle as no man remembered for many winters {vhitrum) before.' ^ A.D. 1059. For Bavaria it is recorded : ' In this year there was an abundant harvest of corn and grapes, but a direful plague smote man and beast throughout the whole province.' " A.D. 1060. In Ireland ' a great storm in the autumn of this year, and very great destruction of crops. In this year foxes were taken among the herds, and in such numbers as the people chose, on account of the great number of dead car- cases.^ ^ A.D. 1078. ^Snow and great frost, so that the principal rivers and lakes in Ireland were passable dry-shod. Great nior- 1 Ranulf. Hilgf]. " Annals of Ulster. •' Simeon Diinelinen. Op. cit , p. 183. * Ccdnnms. Hist. Comp., ii. p. 609. ^ Saxon Chronic. ■ '' Stainddii. Chronic. Gifele .Scrip. Eoic, i. p. 477. ' Annals of Innisfallen. History of Animal Plagues. d'^^ tality of cattle in this year {ar mor fors na-cearthra). Great mortality among the people {mortlaid mor) of Ireland, and the cattle, which carried off a great number of men. Great store of the fruits of the earth this vear.' ^ A.D. 1084. In Ireland pestilence in mankind, possibly tvphus fever, began, and continued for thirteen vears. It was believed to be caused by demons (the demons of pestilence). 'This is the best year that came for its fertility in fruits and crops. Great mortality amongst cattle in this year, in the southern half of Ireland, called the half of Mogha (Munster).'^ A.D. 1085. Epidemic erysipelas (ergotism?) in France, with inundations and famine. ' In the year 1085 there was disease in plants and also in animals throughout the world. ^ ^ In England, intemperate weather and a great death of cattle.* In Ireland, ' there was destruction of men and cattle in this year to such an extent that rich men were made husbandmen in it.^^ A.D. 1086. ' There was a very severe season, and a swinkful and sorrowful year in England, in murrain of cattle, and corn and fruits were at a standstill, and so much untowardness in the weather, as a man may not easily think. So tremendous was the thunder and lightning, that it killed many men." Hemingsford says that sheep as well as cattle suffered from the great intemperature of the air." Several other old chroni- clers speak of this unfortunate season.* A.D. 1087. The misfortunes of England were continued in the form of famine and disease.^ Rain fell incessantly, the crops were destroyed, and great multitudes of people and animals perished. ^ About this season, the people in all places were ' Annals of Innisfallen. "^ Ibid. ■' A'dnigsho/t'ti. Elsassiche und Strasburgische Clironic. * Chronic. Saxon. S/o7u. Annals. ' Annals of the Four Masters. " Chronic. Saxon. ' IValt. Ileminf^sford. Chronic. Gali\ ii. p. 461. " //. de Kitygkton. De P.vent. Angl. Twysden, p. 2353. Annal. Waverleiens. Gale, ii. p. 133. Will. Malmesbury. De Gest. Keg. Angl. p. 62. Grafton. Chronic, p. 16. * Annal. Waverleiens. 64 History of Animal Plagues. pitiFullv plagued with burning fevers, which brought many to their end; a murrain also came to their cattle, whereof a won- derful number died. At the same time (which is more marvel- lous) tame fowls, such as hens, geese, and peacocks, forsaking their owners' houses, fled to the woods, and became wild. Great hurt was done in many places of the realm by fire/^ In Ireland, * great abundance of nuts and fruit. Murrain of cows and dearth in this year, and a great wind which destroyed houses and churches.' ^ A.D. 1088. In Ireland, 'great snow in this year, and great mortality of oxen, and sheep, and pigs in the sameyear.^^ A.D. 1089-9T. On the Continent, 'in these years many men were killed by the ignis sacer (ergotism or gangrenous erysipelas), which destroyed their vitals, putrefied their flesh, and blackened their limbs like to charcoal. Even if their lives were preserved, their extremities were so afl^ected, that they were only reserved for a most pitiable existence.' * This epidemy is mentioned by several ancient chroniclers. Animals sufi'ered as well as the human species. A.D. 109 1. Great floods at Constantinople which drowned thousands of people and cattle. Immense swarms of locusts ar- rived, whose masses, when in flight, darkened the sun. From their putrefaction next year arose a most desolating plaoue in man and beast.^ A.D. 1092-4. ' In 1092 there was a great mortality in men and cattle in all countries, which lasted for three, and in some places for four, years.'" This disease in men and animals pre- \ailed in Germany, France, Italy, and England, and lasted until 1094;^ indeed, calamities of this description appear to have pre- vailed almost incessantly since 1087. 'Ex quo namque furoris sui rabiem vesana multitudo in principem religiosum evomuit, agri fructibus steriles, prata herbis attenuantur, silva glandibus ' Holinshed. Chronicles of England. - Annals of the Four Masters. 3 Annals of Innisfallen. ■* Chronic. St Bavon. Corp. Chronic. Flandrise. •'' Polydorus, Zonarius, and Crantzius. ^ Spangenberg. Op. cit., 228. ' Hofmamii. Annal. Bamberg. Lndwig. Scrip, rer. Bamberg, p. 90. Agrkola. De Peste. Briet. Annal. Rlund. Fabricins. Origin. Saxon., p. 218. History of Animal Plagues. 6^ rara, unda piscibus infoecunda permansit^ peat'is armcnta consu- iiiit, homines morbus debilitat, fames aggravate ^ A.D. 1098. ' On the fifth day before the calends of October, in many parts of France, the heavens seemed on fire by night, and this appearance was followed by a dreadful pestilence to cattle, and destruction to crops through the heavy rains which followed.' - In Syria, during the siege of Antioch, ' there was great destruction to cattle from drought/ ^ ' Horses, asses, camels, oxen, and many other animals died.' ^ In Saxony, ' the heavens appeared on fire, then followed a great death of cattle {vichsterhen), and the fruits of the fields were nearly all de- stroyed.' ^ A.D. 1099. Gangrenous erysipelas (ergotism ?) in France in the human species.^ From the severity of the epidemv, we may infer that animals also suffered. There were great inundations in England by the sea and the rivers, whereby people, cattle, and whole towns were drowned.'' A.D. 1103. Very unhealthy seasons. 'This was a very de- structive vear in this land (England), through manifold taxes, and through cattle disease [cvealm),^ and scant produce both of corn and of fruit of all kinds.' ^ An epidemy in the human species followed.^" A.D. 11C9. 'Mice eat up all the corn-fields in certain terri- tories in Ireland.' " ' A great cow-mortality.' ^- A.D. 1 1 10. 'A very great mortality amongst cattle in Eng- land.'^^ ^ yEhiot/ii. Hist. S. Canuti Reg. La^igabek. Scrip, rer. Dan., iii. p. 375- See also Saxo Granimaticiis, p. 222. - Siegebcrt Gemblac. Chronog. Pistor. Scrip, rer. Germ., i. p. S52. ■^ VVil. Tyrens. Lib. iv. cap. 17. Lib. viii. cap. 17. * Alb. Aquetis. Hist. Hieros., Lib. iii. cap. i, 2. '■' Dressenis. Sachs. Chronic, p. 192. ^ Chronic. Ursperg. Edit. Mylius, pp. 177, 180. " Short. Op. cit., p. 105. * The Saxon word ruealm, or ' quahn,' is that used in these Clironicles to sig- nify plague or pest. The Saxon viicel cveahii has its analogue in the Scotch 'sair trouble,' severe illness or misfortune. ^ Gibson. Saxon Chronicles, p. 21 1. '" Papon. Chronol. de la Peste, vol. ii. p. 270. " The Annals of the Four Masters. '" Chronicon Scotorum. '■* Matl/uw 0/ Paris, p. 62. 5 66 History of Animal Plagues. A.D. iiii. According to Holinshed, a dreadful plague visited London, which not only caused a terrible mortality amongst its citizens, but extended itself to cattle, fowls, and other domestic- ated animals. ' About the same time many wonders were seen and heard of. The river of Trent, near to Nottingham, for the space of a mile, ceased to run the wonted course during the time of four-and-twenty hours, so that, the channel being dried up, men might pass to and fro dry-shod. Also a sow brought forth a pig with a face like a man, and a chicken was hatched with four feet. Moreover, a comet or blazing star appeared in a strange sort, for rising in the east, when it once came aloft in the firmament, it kept not the course forward, but seemed to go backward, as if it had been retrograde.^ ^ 'Tn this year there was a very severe winter; the people died in great numbers ; the loss of cattle was great; all domestic animals suffered. Birds were destroyed in great numbers.^ ^ In Ireland, 'extreme ill weather of frost and snow, which made slaughter of tame and wild beasts.' ^ A.D. III2. In England, 'this yeare was a great mortalitie of men, and morcin (murrain) of beasts ^ * A.D. II 13. In Ireland, 'a great mortality of cows. O'Lon- gan, Erenach of Ardpatrick, was killed by lightning on Cruagh Patrick.' ^ A.D. II 15. ' In this year (in England) there was so hard a winter, with snow and with frost, that no n)an living ever remembers a harder, and throuoh it there was a great cattle plague/ " Cattle, birds, and people also perished in Ireland.'' A.D. 1 1 24. 'There was on the third of August an eclipse of the sun, which was followed by a great pestilence amongst oxen, sheep, pigs, and bees. Even the crops failed.'^ The winter was so severe that fishes in ponds, and even eels, were killed. After this there was a severe famine in England, and destruction of men and cattle. ' Ilolinshed. Chronicles. Saxon. Chronic, p. 217. - Simeon Djinelm. De Gest. Reg. Angl. Twysdcn. Scrip, p. 234. 3 Annals of Ulster. 4 stoiv. Chronicles of England. * Chronic. Scotorum. 6 Chronic. Saxon., p. 219. ' Annals of the Four Masters. Chronic. Scot. Annals of Boyle, &c. * Cosmae. Prag. Chronic., book iii. History of Animal Plagues. 67 A.D. 1125. Severe weather. Pestilence in men and cattle throughout nearly the whole of Europe, with famine. In Eng- land, ^ in this same year were such great floods on St Law- rence's mass dav, that many towns and men were drowned, and bridges broken down, and corn and meadows spoilt withal, so that there was famine and plague amongst men and on beasts, and in all fruits so great untimeliness as had not been for many years before.' ^ A.D. 1 1 27. The ' divine plague '(ergotism ?) appeared in man- kind in France. Pravcrs to the Virgin Mary healed the afflicted, it is recorded. Great pestilence amongst animals. - A.D, 1 1 29. Heavy snow and rain in January. Great inun- dations. Plague in oxen, cows, pigs, bears, stags, and goats. The igms divinis in man over a large portion of Europe.^ For Ireland it is recorded: 'A "maelgarbh" (murrain) in this year which killed the cows of Erinn, and its pigs, except a very few.' And for 1130: 'The same destruction (distemper) as in the previous vear, on the cattle of Lcthchuinn.' * A.D. 1 131. Mortality amongst the domestic animals over the whole of England, which continued for some years, so that there was scarcely a farm which was free from the plague. The pigsties were emptied, and the stalls of oxen were deserted.^ William of Malmesbury says: ' In the 31st year of King Henry a dreadful murrain among domestic animals extended over the whole of England. Entire herds of swine suddenly perished ; whole stalls of oxen were swept away in a moment; the same contagion continued in the following years, so that no village throuirhout the kinffdom was free from this calamity, or able to exult at the loss of its neighbours.' Another historian says : ' This year there was so great a cattle plague as never before was in man's memory, over all England. It affected oxen and swine as well, so that in a town where there were usually ten or twelve ploughs at work, there was now not one left, and the man who owned two or three hundred swine, often lost them all. ' Saxon Chronicle, p. 229. 2 Si Bavouis. Chronicle. '' Aiisdm Gcinbhu. Chronic. Tistor. * Chronicon Scotorum. Edit. 1867. ' Annals de Margan. Gale. Scrip., ii. p. 6. 68 History of Animal Plagues. At this time also died the hen fowls {henne fugeles), and now grew scant the flesh meat, the cheese, and the butter.' ^ A.D. 1 133. ^A destruction of cows {hodhiohhadh) came into all Ireland, the like of which was not known since the former destruction of cows in the time of Flaithbheartach, son of Loingsech, and there were 432 years between them.' ^ 'A maelgarhh this year, which killed the cows and swine of Erinn, excepting a trifle.' ^ A.D. 1 134. ' The same cow-mortality still devastates Ireland.' * In France, the air was so intemperate that birds fell dead. Flan- ders and the neighbouring countries were inundated by the sea during this and the next year, so that great loss in human life and in cattle was sustained.' ^ A.D. 1 142-3. Tempestuous weather in England, which in- duced a desolating famine that lasted for twelve years. At this time immense swarms of what were called small flying worms, which darkened the sun, appeared. These ate everything up. From a had air a sore plague arose on man and beast.® A.D. 1 149. A snowy and severe winter, on which account the grain was destroyed in the fields by snow. An epizooty in Belgium. ' In our land, by some death-bringing contagion or pestilence, sheep, oxen, and all kinds of cattle were hurried away b\' death. Wherefore I have devoted one-fourth of my herd of cattle to the blessed Gerlacus.' " In Germany, a great mortality among cattle, which in the pastures and sheds suddenly fell and died.^ A.D. 1151. 'Inundations and heavy rains, followed by a most grievous pestilence among men and cattle. Failure of the crops, and consequent famine of a dreadful kind.' ** From this time till 1169, there were severe winters and dry summers, and famine and pestilence swept the world, but especially did Scot- 1 Chronic. Saxon. Barnes. Hist. Edward III. Eulogium Historiarum. ^ Annals of Kilroonan. 3 Chronic. Scotorum. Sec also the Annals of the Four Masters. * Annals of Kilroonan. 5 T. Short. Op. cit., vol. i. p. 117. * 71 Short. Op. cit., vol. i. p. 119. '' Acta Sanctor. Bolland, Jan. 2, p. 318. ® Spangenberg. Op. cit., 258. ' Chronogr. Saxo. Leihnitz. Access. Hist., vol. i. p. 304. History of Animal Plagues. 69 land, Ireland, Italy, Gaul, Sicily, Judea, Asia, and Africa suffer. A.D. 1 154. 'There was a great destruction of the cattle {ttidilil'li — cattle in general) of Ireland this year. The second Henry was made king ov^er the Saxons on the 27th of October.' ^ A.D. 1162. Great tempests. The sea inundated Friesland to an extent never before known, drowning thousands of people and cattle. At the same time hail made fearful havoc amono- men, beasts, trees, and horses. There was a famine in Poland. In Mediolana fell twelve great snows, which greatly afflicted both animals and vegetables. In June it rained blood. Famine and plague in Aquitania." A.D. 1166. In Saxony, Mieavv storms of thunder and lio-ht- ning, and inundations about harvest time. Plague and mortality in children and beasts of burthen.^ ^ A.D. 1 171. Inundations destroyed the crops in many places, Quadragesima suffered most severely. Disease in cattle, sheep, and men throughout Germany. Every place was filled with the dead bodies of men and cattle.* On December 25th, terrible thunder and hail in England, which killed birds, beasts, and people, in England, Scotland, Ireland, and France.^ ^ A.D. 1 1 72. The English king, with his arnjy, returning to England, brought with them dysentery, caused, it was said, by eating too much fresh fish and flesh. This disease spread over the whole of England. It was, however, prevalent in other parts of the world." The Spanish chronicles say: 'There was a great famine over the whole earth, such as had never been seen since the creation. It was greatly deplored by all men, for there was constant death throughout the world both in man and beast.' '^ A.D. 1173-4. To veterinary surgeons it may be interesting to know that at this period history affords us the first intimation of 'influenza' in the human species. 'This year the whole 1 Annals of the Four Masters. " Chronic. Magdeburg. 3 Chronogr. Saxo. Leibnitz. Access. Ilist., vol. i. p. 308. * Chronic. Magdeburg. Hoffman. Annal. Bamberg. * T. Short. Op. cit., p. 124. '' H^iJ- ' Chronic. Conimbric. Espana Sagrada, vol. xxiii. p. 334. JO Histo7y of Animal Plagues. world was afflicted with a cloudy corrupt air^ which occasioned a most universal cough and catarrh fatal to many/ ^ A.D. 1176. There was a great inundation of the sea in Hol- land, and in Lincolnshire, which drowned much cattle and many people. A storm of blood-rain fell over the Isle of Wight for two hours.- A.D. 1 1 78. A blood shower in England. A comet was seen; and the next day, on the west, a few hours after, a shower of great hail killed men, sheep, and goats.^ ^ To the 5th July, ^78, the weather was moderate. Rains then came on until January, which prevented agricultural operations. In September there was an eclipse. In the following spring very hard weather. Forage was excessively dear, and, as a consequence, there was very great loss among sheep and cattle.^ ^ A.D. 1 187. Great floods and inundations in Britain.'^ There was a grievous and pestilent mortality of men and cattle in England.** An unusual conjunction of planets in Libra, and the people being then addicted to astrology, got frightened, and a fast was ordered by the Archbishop of Canterbury.'' A.D. 1188. In England, 'there was a dreadful tempest of wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and hail fell in masses as large as pigeons' eggs. The sea overflowed its banks to a great height, and killed much people and cattle.' ^ A.D. 1200. 'About this time (in Portugal, from 1185 to 121 1) a disease never before seen sprang up. The viscera of mankind were disturbed as if by some raging heat, which caused raving as if of madness. A famine arose from the destruction of corn by tempests and vermin, and a plague not less destructive to cattle than to man appeared, so that the stables of many were left empty."* A.D. 1201. In England 'the spring had glutting and con- 1 T. Short. Op. cit., vol. i. p. 125. Chronogr. Saxo. p. 310. Ymagines. Hist. Twysden. P. 579. 'i Speed. History of the Isle of Wight. ^ T. Short. Op. cit., p. 126. * Anselm. Gemblac. Chronic. Pistor. Scrip., vol. i. p. 9S6. s Chronic. Saxon. 0 Benedict Abbas. ' Forster. Atmospherical Origin of Disease, p. 147. * T. Short. Op. cit , p. 129. » De Vera Reg. Portugal. Hispauia Illustrata, vol. ii. p. 1257. History of Aninial Plagues. yi tinual rains and very great floods. On Jnnc the 25th and July the loth were great tempests of thunder, lightnuig, hail as hi"- as eggs, and prodigious rains, destroying corn, cattle, people, meadows, &c. The rains continued from Pentecost to Nativity of the blessed Virgin, which not only hindered corn and fruits from ripening, but rendered them mostly useless and unprofit- able. A great dearth of animals followed, but chiefly of sheep.' ^ Possibly from dropsy or ' rot.' For the previous five years, the ignis sacer had been widely prevalent on the continent and in England, in mankind, coincidently with /7/.v/ of plants and famine. A.D. 1202. 'This winter (after the great summer rains of 1201) was severe beyond any in the memory of man for extreme cold and long continuance. After the frosts followed the like tempests of thunder, lightning, rain, and hail as big as hens' eggs, destroying corn, fruit, young cattle and horses, Sec' ^ A.D. 1207. In Ireland ' o. great destruction {dit/i) of men and cattle this year.' ^ A.D. 12 13. Gangrenous erysipelas {feu sacr^) in mankind in France and Spain. 'Neither was the scarcity limited to the fruits of the earth, nor disease to the human species ; for birds, cattle, and sheep became sterile and brought forth no young, and many ridmg and other horses perished for lack of straw and barley.' ^ A.D. 121 7. The drought was so great as to ruin the harvests in Spain, and to burn up all the pasture. There was conse- quently a famine, with pestilential disease in men and cattle.^ In Italy there raged a fearful plague in the human species, which left scarcely a tenth part of the inhabitants alive. A.D. 1221. This year were continual great rains all the sum- mer in l\)land ; hence such great floods, that many villages were swept down, the winter corn was lost, and there was no sowing in the spring; a sharp horrid cold winter followed, then came three years' famine and plague, whereof died niyriads of people and cattle.'" ' T. Short. Op. cit., p. 133. ^ i],j,i. ^ Annals of Ulster. * Villalba. Epidemiologia Espaiiola, vol. i. p. 54- * Zitrila. Vol. i. p. 108. Villalba. Vol. i. ]). 57. * Chronic. Magdeburg. 72 History of Animal Plagues. A.D. 1223-25. From the beginning of this century till 1241, the Mongol invasions from Asia, through Russia, to Silesia, took place, and it has been correctly conjectured, I think, that these irruptions were the cause of many epizootics being intro- duced into the western hemisphere. These maladies, especially those occurring in 1222, 1233, and 1238, are supposed to have been the Cattle Plague, or ' Rinderpest/ 1223. In this year there was a very 2;reat epizooty of cattle, which seems to have begun in the east, and to have spread, by way of Hungary and Austria, into Italy, Germany, France, and England/ 'In the year 1223, there was a great mortality among cattle, but grain crops were not affected. It lasted three whole years, and the greater portion of the cattle died.' ^ ' A great death of sheep in England.' ^ A.D. 1224. In Ireland, anthrax appears to have been very fatal. ' An awfully great and frightful shower fell in parts of Connaught this year, i. e. the Hy-Maney, and in Sodan, and in Hy-Diarmada, and in Clannteige, from which grew a very great mortal distemper [Teidhm galair) to the cows and cattle of the aforesaid territories, after eating of the grass and herbage, and in the people who partook of their milk or flesh it produced various belly (or middle) sicknesses.' * ' Their milk and flesh produced various distempers in the people that partook of them. A great mortality of people in this year.' ^ A great war raged in Connaught this year, 'and after the slaughter and destruction of the cattle, and the people of the country, and after driving them out to cold and hunger, a severe and mortal disease grew up in the whole country, namely, a species of Teasca (pro- bably typhus), through which towns were emptied without leaving a single person in them ; some recovered, but they were few.'« A.D. 1233. Thunder and lightning for thirteen days in Eng- land, with heavy rains. All the vegetation was destroyed, and as a consequence famine and disease prevailed. ' In this year so terrible a cattle plague broke out, commenc- ing in Hungary, and spreading into this and more distant lands, ' Conrad. Coenobit. Scliyreus. Tritheni. 2 Konigshofen. Els. Chron. p. 302. ^ -j^^ Short. Op. cit-, vol. i.- p. 139. * Annals of Connaught. ^ Annals of Kilroonan. ^ Ibid. Histoiy of Animal Plagues. 10 that nearly all the cattle died^ and one scarcely knew where to obtain more/ ^ A.D. 1234. Aventinus speaks of a great epizooty [magna pes,- t'l^ peciidtim) among cattle in this year.^ Probably it was a con- tinuation of that mentioned for last year. A.D. 1235. 'Tristan Calcho, the historian, informs us that a pest broke out among quadrupeds, and was destructive to nearly every beast of burden. Amongst birds it was particularly destructive to domestic fowls.' ^ A.D. 1238. ' A severe and dreadful winter. . . . Afterwards a plague broke out among birds, and chiefly amongst fowls. Oxen and many other useful beasts suffered greatly.' * A.D. 1240. Disease (?) attacked the fish on the coast of Eng- land, and pestilence raged in various parts of the country. Short writes : — ' For about four months together, it scarcely ever ceased raining, but about Easter it began to take up, turn clear and fair. Then three months' drought caused great famine to follow. In February appeared a comet which continued for thirty days. Sore and heavy diseases on man and beast. There was also a great battle among the fishes on the English coast, by which eleven whales and multitudes of other large mon- strous fishes were cast on the shore dead.'^ The battle amongst the fishes was an ignorant way, no doubt, of account- ing for the mortality amongst these denizens of the deep. In this year, according to the Archives of the Agricultural Society of Southern Russia, the Cattle Plague appeared in Hun- gary, and spread throughout nearly the whole of Europe. A.D. 1248. ' A plague and great famine in Britain and Ire- land.'« A.D. 1249. Inundations were so frequent in Fricsland that agricultural operations were greatly retarded. Famine ensued, and a disease broke out amongst cattle which nearly tlestroyed them all. Mankind afterwards suflfered from pestilence. This state of aflfairs continued throughout the next year, and it was 1 Walset. Appenzeller Chronik. p. 154. - Aiinal. Boj., p. 637. ^ Miscellan. Medic. Curios. Col. Agripp. 1677, p. 41. ■• Roland. Hist. Muratori. Govern, delle I'este, p. 6. '■' T. Short. Op. cit., vol. i. p. 143. " Annales Camb-ioe. 74 Histo7j of Animal Plagues. so aggravated by the excessive heat of the summer that fears were entertained it would rival the Athenian plague itself.^ In Frissingen there was such a plague of mice, that corn, hay, and all vegetation was eaten up.^ A.D. 1 25 1. A most intolerably hot summer. Famine in Italy and epidemic disease in England. 'Thunder and lightning came in the summer of this year, which killed many men and cattle in Ireland.'^ A.D. 1252. Great epizooty of anthrax fever in England. 'The summer was very hot and dry throughout England, and from Easter to autumn no rain fell, neither did dew in any way supplv the deficiency, so that the surface of the ground was never even moist, whence it happened that grass scarcely grew at all, and by reason of this a severe famine ensued, and a great mortality among men and cattle.' * ' In the same year, for the greatest part of March, and the whole of the months of April and May, a burning sun prevailed, and northerly winds continued. The dryness of the weather continued and the dews ceased, so that apples and other fruits, which were now beginning to ripen, withered and fell from the trees, and there was scarcely any fruit, although the spring blossoms gave great promise. Of what remained an unseasonable morning hoar frost, which philo- sophers call uredo, blighted the young apples, and all kinds of fruit and herbs, so that scarcely a tenth part remained. Never- theless, through the original abundance, had all the apples ar- rived at maturity, the trees could not have supported them. When the sun had attained its meridian, it was so intensely hot and intolerable, that the surface of the ground was thoroughly parched, so that all the grass being burnt up, food was denied to cattle and sheep. At night the excessive heat produced flies and other hurtful parasites, by which the life of all animals was rendered wearisome. This is from ocular testimony ' In the course of the same year, after the excessive heat of the summer, and at the approach of autumn, a plague-like mor- tality broke out amongst the cattle in manv places in England, ^ Ubbon. Emmii Rer. Fries. Hist. 15 16. - Chronic. Magdeburg. » Annals of Connaiight. ■* Thomas Wilkes. A Chronicle of English Affairs. Histoj-y of Animal Plagties. 75 but especially in Norfolk, the marshes, and in the southern dis- tricts, than could ever be remembered, in which pestilence this remarkable fact was observed : all the dogs and crows which fed on the bodies of the dead cattle immediately became infected, grew intensely swollen, and died on the spot. On this account, nobody dared to eat beef of any kind, for fear of being poisoned by this disease. Another remarkable circumstance noticed amongst the cattle : the cows and full-grown bullocks sucked the teats of the milch cows like calves. There is another fact worthy of mention at this time, namely, that at the period when the pears and apples would be fully ripe, the trees were observed to blossom, as if in the month of April. The excessive mortality amongst the cattle and the unseasonable blossomino-, tooether with the unnatural desire of the young cattle, were evidently caused by the heat and dryness of the weather. And this is also to be wondered at, the grass in the meadows was so rotten, hard and dry, during the months of May, June, and July, that if it were rubbed in one's hands it immediately crumbled into dust. When, therefore, the equinoctial season brought rain in abundance to the dried ground, the earth, on account of the sudden opening of its pores, was prodigal of its richness, where- fore it produced grass in large quantitv, but of an inferior and un- natural quality. The famished and hungry cattle seized upon this with such avidity, and became so distended with sudden fotness, that they made useless flesh (or flesh useless as food), and this gave rise to inordinate humours. Finally they went mad, and frisked about in an unusual manner, until, becoming suddenly infected with the disease, they fell dead ; and the contagion from them, owing to the virulence of the disease, infected others as well. A similar cause can also be assigned for the trees blossoming out of season.' ^ At the same time a disease ' Matthew of Paris. Op. cit., pp. 806 — 820. This year affords us some well- marked examples of that particular disease termed anthrax, anthrax fever, car- buncular erysipelas, or splenic apoplexy, and which in its more malignant forms is now somewhat rare in England, though on the continent and in many parts of the world it prevails very extensively and severely, especially during the sum- mer season. In this country it is commonly known as 'black quarter,' 'quarter ill,' the ' hlain' (glossanthrax), &c. It is perhaps the most general disease of ani- mals—attacking quadrupeds, bipeds, fowls, and fishes. It especially attacks all 76 History of Animal Plagues. appeared in horses, in England and France, of a most fatal cha- racter, called the ' evil of the tongue,' or tongue ill,^ which was in all probability of an anthracoid nature. ' This year was remarkable in Ireland for a great drought, by which multitudes of cattle perished.-"^ This anthrax or carbonous disease has been considered by some modern medical authorities quite a recent and an exotic malady in England. How far this is correct the above evidence will testify; indeed, we have every reason to believe, that, from time immemorial, anthrax and anthracoid fever have been present among the lower animals, both domestic and feral, and that it has been communicated from them to the human species, and to other creatures which may have partaken of the flesh of these diseased beasts. The frequent mention of ' blains ' and 'black blains' (blejene, blacan blejene) — terms Still employed to designate a par- ticular form of this class of affections in cattle — as afflicting man- kind, in the early Anglo-Saxon marmscripts, and the continually- the domestic animals, and even those of the deer tribe, appearing sporadically, enzootically, or epizootically. It is believed to be highly contagious, passing from one animal to another, even of a different species, but not perhaps from man to man. In the early days of Britain, when the country was badly cultivated and the ground undrained — when there were many extensive marshes, and much land covered with swamps and vegetable matter in a decomposing state, such as now exist in Russia, where malignant pustule and other forms of this malady rage — severe epizootics must have been frequent. The form of anthrax described by Matthew of Paris would ap- pear to be that now commonly known as black quarter or splenic apoplexy, a dis- ease in cattle often arising in our time from the same causes as those enumerated by the worthy historian. That form which attacked horses is the one technically termed glossanthrax, and is now, so far as I am aware, unknown in Britain. Indeed, I can find no mention of its occurrence in this animal for some centuries. On the continent, and especially in Russia, the equine species is particularly liable to attacks of anthrax. The symptoms, when the tongue is the special seat of disease, have been noted in France, where the malady is then termed chancre volant. Large bladders filled with a reddish-coloured liquid form on that organ ; in a short time they burst, and give rise to ulcers which rapidly become a mass of gangrene. The tongue sloughs away in pieces, and death quickly takes place in the midst of convulsions. Cattle die in from six to twenty-four hours after being attacked. It is curious to find a disease, probably of the same nature, now very prevalent in America amongst deer, and designated ' tongue evil.' ' Dunstaple. Short. Op. cit., p. 149. • - Smith. History of Waterford. History of Animal Plagues. 77 recurring remedies prescribed in the Saxon leechdoms/ would in- dicate such to be the case. And when we consider the backward state of agriculture, and the unsanitary conditions in which ani- mals were maintained at this period, we can scarcely wonder that wide-spread outbreaks of this fatal and virulent disorder were by no means rare, or that they should be accompanied or fol- lowed bv malignant pustule or anthrax fever in man. The laws enacted during the reign of Henry TIL, at the commencement of this century, appear to have been judiciously framed, at least in so far as the public health in regard to food was concerned ; and thev also give us some idea of the principal maladies affecting animals then sold for their flesh. From them we are led to infer that anthrax was not at all rare, and that pork was, as it now is, looked upon with suspicion. Butchers were forbidden to sell contagious flesh, or that had died of the murrain [carnes-suscientas vel morte morlna) ; to buy flesh of Jews, and then sell it to Christians; or to sell flesh '^measled' or flesh dead of the ' murrain ' {porcinas supsennuates, ut carnes de mori?ia) .'^ Mr Rogers' researches into the state of agriculture at this period lead him to the following conclusions with regard to pigs : ' Pigs are occasionally said to be leprous, and were especi- ally liable to measles, that is, to entozoa, and the accounts fre- quently allude to forced sales of animals, in which the latter disease was present or suspected, though it does not appear that such a circumstance seriously depreciated the market value of the animal.^ ^ A.D. 1253. ' This year throughout was abundant in corn and fruit; so much so, that the price of a measure of corn fell to thirty pence. But . . . the sea overflowing its bounds, by its sudden inundations, overwhelmed men and cattle, and when it happened by night it drowned many the more.' * A.D. 1254. A very severe Avinter in England. ^ Also there ' For the remedies and incantations in use to cure this disease in people diirint; the Middle Ages in England, see Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of Larly England. London, 1864-5-6. - Statutes of the Realm, vol. i. ^ Hist. Agric , vol. i. p. 337- * Matthew of Paris. Op. cit. ^8 History of Animal Plagues. chanced the same year a great murrain, and death of sheep and deer, so that of whole flocks and herds scarce the half escaped/^ ' On that same day (St Gregory's), too, the severity of the frost o-ave way, which has lasted uninterruptedly for nearly the whole winter; at least, ever since the night of circumcision, when there was seen the wonderful apparition of the ship in the sky, or a cloud very like a ship. The apparition was believed, at the time, to be a sio'n of coming tempestuous weather, and was, moreover, followed by such a deadly disease amongst sheep and wild beasts, that the sheep-folds were void of sheep, and the forests of wild beasts; indeed, in large flocks scarcely one half survived.' ^ A.D. 1257. ' In Ji^dy were excessive rains and floods, and a great scarcity of horses and cattle in England. All the marshes were like a flooded desert' ^ A.D. 1258. 'In this same year, the calm temperature of autumn lasted to the end of January, so that the surface of the water was not frozen in any place during that time. But from about this period, that is to say, from the purification of the blessed Virgin imtil the end of March, the north wind blew without intermission, a continued frost prevailed, accompanied by snow and such unendurable cold, that it bound up the face of the earth, sorely afflicted the poor, suspended all cultivation, and killed the young of the cattle to such an extent, that it seemed as if a general plague was raging amongst the sheep and lambs.'* ' On the eve of St John the Baptist (June 23rd) this year, such a violent tempest of rain fell on the waters of the Severn from Shrewsbury towards Bristol, as had not been seen in our days.'^ A.D. 1259. 'In this year was a great hunger, that men and beasts died for default of meat.' ^ A.D. 1260. A great inundation on the Rhine, fatal to multi- tudes of people and cattle." A.D. 1264. A comet was seen from the beginning of August until the middle of October. Its appearance in Germany was ' HoUnshed. Op. cit. 2 Matthew of Paris. Op. cit. ^ t. Short. Op. cit. p. 150. * Mattheio of Paris. Op. cit. ^ Matthew of Westminster. * Capgrave. Chronicles of England. " T. Short. Op. cit. p. 151. I Histoi'y of A HI Dial Plagues. 79 followed by a o-reat famine, effusion of blood, and death amonir animals. The famine was so great that many families emigrated into Poland. The mortality among animals was sueh that no one dared to eat or buy the flesh of oxen.^ Sheep and cattle were most affected.^ A murrain destroyed many horses and cattle in England.^ A.D. 1266. Swarms of 'Palmer' worms ate up all fruits, herbsj grass, and vegetation in Scotland, and there were such great floods from the sea, the Tay, and the Forth, that innumer- able villages, people, and cattle were lost.* A.D. 1274. The Annals tell us that a deadly disease {lues oviumY broke out amongst sheep, which persisted for twenty-five or twenty-eight years, and destroyed nearly all the flocks in Eniiland. This epizooty will be more fully noticed in subse- quent years. A.D. 1275-6. ' Very heavy rains in France for these two years; so much so, that the crops could not be gathered, nor the corn sown. A dreadful famine, followed by a still more dreadful pestilence, ensued, by which a great number of men and cattle were destroyed.' ^ ' Great earthquakes in London, and in the whole world. At the same time the rain fell a bright red, as of blood, in Wales. In this year (1275) was first observed the outbreak of common scab [scabies) in sheep." Stow, following Thomas of Walsingham, has the following- notice of this event for this year: 'A rich man of France brought into Northumberland a Spanish ewe as big as a calf of two years, which ewe being rotten, infected so the country that it spread over all the realm. This plague of murrain continued twenty-eight years ere it ended, and was the first rot that ever was in England.' * If this be correct, merinos were then first in- troduced into Britain. ' Chronic. Siles. Vetust. Sommersberg, p. 17. Annal. ^yratisl. Snmmersberg, P- 173- - Henel. ab Henncfeld. Annal. Silcs. Sommersberg. 3 T. Short. Op. cit., p. 152. '' H'i'l- P- I53- '•> Thoincc Walsiiii^ha77i. I listeria Anglicana. '' Jlofinaiini. Annal. Bamlierg. Ludeiuijr. Scriji. rer. Bamberg, p. 176. ' Ihnry de Knygltton. 'l"he Events of England. " St(nv. The Annalcs or Generall Chronicle of England. London, 1614, p. 200. 8o History of Animal Plagues. A.D. 1277. ' In this year scab in sheep reigned throughout the whole of Enoland. It was commonly termed " clausick," ^ and by it all the sheep in the country were infected. A certain ointment composed of quicksilver and pork fat was found to be a good remedy/ ^ This epizooty among sheep deserves most particular notice for the following reasons. Stow plainly mentions it as an im- ported disease, and terms it rot. Other authors term it scuhies, and one mentions what would no doubt have been a very effect- ive remedy for that aflection — lard and mercury. Now, the rot of the present dav is not contagious or infectious ; therefore the Spanish sheep could not have contaminated others. The ' scab ' certainly is contagious, but. Stow, one would think, would not have designated the malady as rot when the other term was com- monly used. Therefore I think it is most probable that two con- tagious diseases were introduced into England in these years : — the one scabies, and the other ovine small-pox. The most dili- gent search through the most likely Annals of these and the ^ This is the first time I find the terra clansick employed to designate a dis- ease. It is evidently derived from the Celtic word chnvr, clefre, or clatiri, to claw or scratch, as in the itch ; and the Anglo-Saxon word sioc, siec, to be sick or unwell. The name is a new one, and was evidently looked upon as such by the historian. A portion of this history of the supposed first invasion of 'variola ovina ' in Britain was published in the VeterinariaJi for May, 1867, and appeared soon alter in the Annales Vcterinaires of Brussels, having been translated by Veterinary Surgeon Dele, of Antwerp. This gentleman, in a note, offers the following opinion as to 'clausick.' 'The word clausick has a striking resemblance to the German word klauenseuche, and the Dutch word klaairwziekte, which signifies disease of the claw or hoof. The affection mentioned by Mr Fleming may, then, be a conta- gions disease of the hoof, rather than the scab. There can be no doubt as to the meaning of the English term siek, derived from the Anglo-Saxon sioc, siec, which corresponds to the German word seucJie, and the Dutch ziekte, that is to say, diseased. With regard to the word claw, which Mr Fleming says comes from the Celtic clawr, clefre, clanri, and which he translates as to scratch, its analogy with the German word Man, and the Dutch word klaanw (nail, hoof, claw, talon) is perfect. There is as much reason to suppose that the word clausick was applied to a disease of the hoof as to one in which the foot was used to scratch the itching skin.' I think M. Dele is not quite correct in supposing that this can be a hoof disease instead of scab. The meaning of the word, as applied in this instance, is undoubt- edly to tear with the nails or claws : to tear or scratch in general. I am not aware that any contagious foot disease was known in sheep at this early period. Besides, here we have distinct evidence of the nature of the malady in the success of the remedv — mercury and lard. - Waverly Annals, vol. ii. j). 233. History of Animal Plagues. 8i preceding years lead nie to the conclusion that this is correct, and that the first trace we obtain in history ot this serious malady — sheep sniall-pox — appearing as an epizootv, is in Britain. This is rather singular, considering that the malady is believed to be exotic, and that in those countries from whence we usually derive it, there were at that time numerous chroniclers, who would, we might suppose, have mentioned the outbreaks of this formidable contagion. Such is not the case, however ; and to EnHish historians we are indebted for sufficient evidence to establish a reasonable supposition that ovine variola was, in a masked form, imported into Britain by a Spanish ewe. In 1847 the disease was imported bv Spanish or merino sheep, and caused severe loss. But that this disease of sheep existed and was well-known in Britain more than two hundred years before 1275, cannot be a matter for doubt; and that its cure had engaged the attention of the leeches of these days is also a certain fact. In a curious Saxon manuscript of the Harleian collection (No. 585), sup- posed to be written in the tenth or eleventh century, and in- scribed 'Lacnunga' is the following recipe: ^ For pocks and skin eruptions (pi(5 poccum y pceapa hjieoplan) : lupin and ever- fern, the nether part of it, the upper part of spearwort, ground, great or horse beans, pound all together very small in honey, and in holy water, and mingle all well together, put one dose into the animal's mouth with a spoon, three doses a-day always; for nine times if niickle need be.' ^ This is certainly the earliest notice I can find of this malady; but whether it was very prevalent, or whether its contagious nature was understood by the Saxon doctors, is tjuite a mystery. Beyond the recipe and the mention of the disease, all is darkness. At this somewhat early period, however, the symptoms of disease arc but rarely entered in the Lx-cch-books ; and for many centuries after this time, the medical philosophers in Britain were content to limit their skill to the ])rincij)les of cure by means of uncouth and fantastic recipes. The clauri or scabies of the Welsh sheep has been already • Ke7: Onvald Cockayne. Lecclnloms, Worlcunniiit;, and Staiciart of Pearly England. London, 1865. Vol. iii. p. 57. 6 82 History of Animal Plagues. mentioned in our notice of the Laws of Howel, revised more than two hundred years before this period ; and the scab and tetter (fceb, tereji) were well-known diseases among the Saxon shepherds.* The term rot appears subsequently to have been applied to small-pox, or some other malady which was contagious, and to have continued in use for some time.^ For instance, Dryden, four centuries after this invasion, says : — ' Your teeming ewes shall no strange meadows try, Nor fear a rot from tainted company.' In the fourteenth century, the century following these de- scriptions, we have direct testimony that the small-pox of sheep was known to poets, and that in England. Delightful old Chaucer is the very first non-scientific writer who, in this way, gives us the plainest proof of its existence when he wrote his famous Canterbury Tales, about the middle of that century. In the Pardoner's Story, when that knavish ecclesiastic is describ- ing his mummeries and conceits, he is made to say : — ' Then show I forth my longe crystal stones, Ycrammed full of cloutes and of bones. Relics they be, as weenen they each one,^ Then have I in laton'* a shoulder-bone, Which that was of a holy Jew^s sheep. Good men, say I, take of my wordes keep. If that this bone be wash'd in any well, If cow, or calf, or sheep, or oxe swell. That any worm hath eat, or worm ystung,^ Take water of that well, and wash his tongue, And it is whole anon ; and, furthermore. Of pockes^ and of scab, ajid every sore, ^ Rev. Osivald Cockayne. Leechdoms, Wortciinning, and Starcraft of Early England. London, 1865. Vol. i. p. 24. '^ Vc\.'L,o\\Aovi!'~, Encyclopccdia of Agriculture, published so late as 1839, it is noted that the rot is a popular term among shepherds, and includes within its range dis- eases widely different. This writer speaks of blood rot, glanderous rot, the great rot, hydropic rot, pelt rot, and hunger rot. '^ As each one weens or believes. ' * A cross made of a mixture of metals resembling brass. * Stung. ^ The Saxon /(7r/Cr, old Anglo-Saxon 'pocca.' The Germans still usually term this disease ' Schafpocke,' and pock is not an unfrequent word among ourselves to designate the variolous eruption. History of Aimnal Plagues. 83 Shall every sheep be whole, that of this well Drinketh a draught : take keep of that I tell.' It is not until nearly four centuries after the Saxon Jccch- book had been written, and a century after Chaucer, in undeni- able English, explicitly designates the maladv bv the name now familiar to us (though in mentioning ^a//' the poet savs nothino- of rot, an indigenous maladv), that the earliest notice of it is to be found on the continent. Tn the Avocal Pat/ieltn (the Craftv Lawyer), a farce which ap- pears to have been published in France in 1460, though it may have been played before that time, we learn that the disease was sometimes prevalent amongst the flocks, and was known as clavelee (from c/avus, a nail; probably owing to the way in which the scabs or pustules studded the skin like nail-heads), the popular name for it in France at the present day. One of the actors, Agnelet (lambkin), blames it for causing a considerable mortality.^ The first notice we have of it by a medical writer is in 1578. Some writers have believed the disease known as piisulu (another form of expression for pustiila, a blister, pimple, or pus- tule) by the Romans, and mentioned by Marcus Columella to be ovine small-pox ; but there is little proof that such was the case. On the contrary, we have it distinctly stated that it was the ignis sacer. ' Est etium insainihiUs ignis sacer, quern piisidam I'ocant pnstores.'^ We will examine this part of the subject hereafter. At present our researches into the history of small-pox in sheep efTcctually demolishes the absurd notion of a orcat French na- ' Laharpe. Cours de Litterat., part ii. chap. vii. Luard. Melange de Litterat. Hist, du Tlieatre Fran5aise, vol. iv. p. 36. - There is some difficulty here in the stereotyped phrase ignis sacer. The ancients applied the words to many skin affections, we liave reason to believe ; and with the exception of the extreme contagiousness of that malady, its chiefly affect- ing the surface of the body, and its being designated a pustular disease by the Roman shepherds, we have no proof as to its identity with small-pox. The ignis sacer has usually been supposed to be gangrenous erysipelas, which is sometimes epizootic amongst the flocks of southern countries (Gclle. Pathologic Bovine), and is thought by some to be only a form of anthrax. (See Gaspariu. Maladies des Betes jt Laine. Reynal. Dictionnaire de M6d. &c., Veterinaires, vol. vi. Art. ' Erysipele.') At a certain stage of the malady vesicles or bull.e are formed, which may have misled the shepherds, who would think them pustules. 84 History of Animal Plagues. turalist/ that the variolous disease owed its origin to the turkey {Meleagris gallopavo). a hird only imported into Europe by the Spaniards in 1530, nearly five-hundred years alter it is mention- ed as a known disease, and two hundred after Chaucer distinctly alludes to it; as well as three hundred after a probable outbreak in Encjland, due to the importation of a diseased Spanish sheep, and which lasted for twenty-eight years. Besides, the disease (like cow-pox ? ") has never, to my knowledge, been seen in Mexico, the native country of the turkey. Much mvstery attends the early history of human variola in Europe. We have already seen that in a.d. 569 the word variola was employed to designate an epidemic in Italy and France ; the malady certainly appears to have been sufficiently specified towards the end of the sixth century under the de- signations of lues cum vesicis pusulce or pustulce, and morbus dy- sentericus cum pustulis, as well as coralis. Gregory of Tours says : Rusticiores vera corales has pustulas nomiuahant ; and in A.D. 772 the pox (small-pox) is reported to have raged over the whole of Ireland. Rhazes, or Razi, an Arab physician, accurately described the disease in a special monograph, about the year 900; and Dr Short, an excellent medical historian, ap- pears to believe that the malady was one of ancient date in Europe, but had not attracted much attention because of the mild form it exhibited. '^The small-pox seem not to have been so severe and fatal formerly as in late ages, since the ancients do not treat of them particularly; but are thought to intend them under such general names as some think sufficient to express their nature, as papulas, JU/us ignis, carbones ad ustos, pustulas latas sublimes vigras, ulcerosas caput cutemque puerorum occti- pare ; exanthemata eithymata inulta et varia exercere, &c. The Arabians first treated of them professedly, and they always joined them to the plague and pestilential fevers ; but neither Greeks, Latins, nor Arabians tell us when they first begun : probably be- cause they were long before their days, but not being so fatal as ' Biiffon. Hist. Nat. du Dindon. 2 For evidence witii regard to the probable existence of cow-pox among tlie cattle of South America from the earliest times, see Humboldt, Essai Politique sur la Royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne, vol. i. p. 67. History of Animal Plagues. 85 now, thev challenged no such particular regard I do not take the small-pox in general to depend on either season or tem- perature of the air; for in different places, in the same climate and constitution, I find them a perpetual epidemic, scarce ever out in all places of Britain at once ; and besides (as Dr Lister and Dr Hillarv well observe), they are originally an exotic disease, un- known to Europe, Asia Minor, or Africa, before the spice trade was opened to the remotest part of the East Indies, when thev were first brought into Africa, thence into Europe. The first time we meet with them in English history is in 907.' ^ In a Saxon ' Laece Boc,' or Leech Book, of the first half of the tenth centurv, we find several recipes for the cure of the small-pox, which is there termed ' poc addle' (pocafele), or pock ailment. The recipes consist of internal remedies, chiefly de- coctions of herbs, and salves (Sealp). One of the recipes says: 'Against pocks (pif^poccum), a man shall freely employ blood- letting and drink melted butter, a bowl full of it : if they break out one must delve or dig away each one of them with a thorn ; and then let him drip wine or alder drink within them, then they will not be seen, or no traces will remain.' And to show that the disease was greatly dreaded, we have a prayer against it. In a Cottonian MS. there is a charm against small- pox. The MSS. containing these recipes, prayers, and charms, were, in all probability, written at periods but little removed from the date when Rhazes composed his monograph on this serious malady. Burton- says that the ' Judari,' or small-pox, appears to be indigenous to the countries bordering upon the Red Sea. He observes that we read of it there in the earliest works of the Arabs; and even to the present day it sometimes sweeps through Arabia and the Somali country with desolating violence. Con- jecture, however, goes a long way beyond reason when it dis- covers small-pox in the Tayr Ababil, the 'swallow-birds,' which, according to the Koran, destroyed the Abyssinian host of Abra- hat el Aslirand in 569 or 572.^ There is some difficulty about i T. Short. Op. cit., vol. ii. \)\). 361,415. 2 Burton. Pilgrimage to El Mcdinali and Mcccali, vol. i. p. 367. ' Hecker. Geschichte der Medicin, vol. ii. p. 152. 86 History of Animal Plagues. the word ahahil, Major Price having translated it as the plural of ab'dali, a vesicle ; but Burton thinks the former is an Arabic and the latter a Persian word, and that they have no connection what- ever. M. C. de Perceval, quoting the * Sirat el Rasul/ which savs that at that time small-pox first appeared in Arabia, ascribes the destruction of the host of Yemen to an epidemic and a violent tempest. The strangest part of the story is, that al- thouo-h it occurred at Meccah, about two months before Maho- met's birth, and therefore within the memory of many living at the time, the prophet alludes to it in the Koran as a miracle. The same intrepid traveller, Burton, in another work on Africa, remarks: ' The most dangerous disease is small-pox, which history traces to Eastern Abyssinia, where it still becomes at times a vio- lent epidemic, sweeping off its thousands.^ ^ And elsewhere, in speaking of the diseases of East Africa, he seems to think the small-pox a native of that country. ^The most dangerous epi- demic is its aborigen, the small-pox, which propagated without contact or fomites, sweeps at times like a storm of death over the land.' 2 Niebuhr ^ informs us that a rude form of inoculation — the mother pricking the child's arm with a thorn — has been known in Yemen from time immemorial. Forbes thought small-pox in man had been known in Ceylon since the 3rd century. When mentioning vaccination in that island, he expresses a hope that it will ' prevent any very extensive ravages from a cause which has formerly contributed materially to the depopulation of the island, and is probably the Red-eyed Demon of pestilence who is recorded to have swept the country of half its numbers in the 3rd century, and in the reign of Sirisangabo.' * It may at this primitive period have been introduced from Africa. With regard to variola ovina, it is curious to find that its supposed earliest invasion of this country as an epizooty, and its presence here and elsewhere since the 13th century, should be in connection with the importation or introduction of Merino ^ First Footsteps in East Africa, p. 180. - The Lake Regions of Central Africa, vol. ii. p. 318. ^ Beschriebung von Arabien, 1772. * Eleven Years in Ceylon, vol. i. p. 357. History of Animal Plagues. 87 sheep. It is asserted that the sheep of the South Atlas_, Africa, are the progenitors of the Spanish Merino;^ and, according to Erman/ the original Spanish sheep were black, with a coarse and very inferior wool, till the Roman colonists settled there and introduced a taste for rural pursuits. Marcus Columella (a.d. 40) was the first to notice the wild mouiions at Cadiz, which were on their wav from Africa to the Arena at Rome, and which race he afterwards used for the improvement of the Spanish breed. Did these African sheep introduce the disease into Europe at this period, when they were exported from a region where the small- pox of man appears to have had its earliest home ? It will be seen hereafter that this breed introduced into France and Ger- many a malady unknown amongst them in Spain, and never seen or heard of until they were imported into those countries — the contagious foot disease. Columella was the first to breed the wild mouflon with the Spanish sheep; he was also the first to describe an extremely contagious and fatal disease amongst sheep, which he designated 'ignis sacer, but which the shepherds called pusida. Was this the variolous disease of the ovine species? It would scarcely be safe to pronounce in a positive manner; and unfortunately the paucity of writers between the 1st and 9th or loth centuries, when the malady is for the first time properly named, is a great bar to further investigation in this direction. For the year 1280, there is mention made of perhaps this same sheep mortality, which may have extended to Wales. ' There was a great murrain among sheep {magnum monna ovitim), which began in the ))rcceding year.-* ^ A distinguished professor,* in discussing the agricultural history for this epoch, writes: 'Among the diseases peculiar to sheep, the scab is very frequently mentioned. This disease made its appearance at or about the year T2(S8 (?), and became endemic. It was at first treated with copperas and verdigris; but in time, that is, at about the close of the 13th century, it wag ' Tristram. The Great Sahara, p. 56. - Travels in Siberia, vol. ii. p. 161. ' Annnles Caml)rin:. * 7- Ro:^crs. Hist, of Aj^TicuUurc in the 13th and 14II1 centuries, vol. i. 88 History of Animal Plagues. discovered that tar (generally called bitumen in the accounts of the farm bailiffs^ but occasionally by its English name) was a specilic for the complaint. Shortly after this time the purchase of tar is a regular entry. It is clear that the remedy was mixed with butter or lard, and then rubbed in. Note is occasionally taken of any exceptional prevalence of this disease, which seems never to have been eradicated, but only to have varied in in- tensity and frequency. ^ And for this year (1288), in the farm accounts of Stanham, he finds the following entry : Nimia in- firmitas et Scabies bidentium : fleeces small/ ' Sheep, again,^ observes Mr Rogers,^ in referring to this period, ' were liable to several diseases, and among these the rot and the scab. The former affecting the general health of the animal, the latter its most valuable produce, were the cause of continual anxiety to the medieval farmer as they are to his descendant.' '^ There are,' says Walter de Henley, ' several means by which shepherds profess to discover the existence of rot. 1. They look at the veins under the eyelid. If these are red, the sheep is sound ; if white, unsound. 2. 7'hev try the wool on the ribs. If it holds firmly to the skin, it is a good sign; if it pulls off* easily, it is a bad one. 3. If the skin, on rubbing, reddens, the sheep is sound ; if it remains pale, the animal is rotten. 4. About All Saints' day, November i, if the hoar-frost in the morning is found to cling to the wool, it is a good sign; but if it be melted, it is a sign that the animal is suffering from an unnatural heat, and that it is probably unsound. If one of your sheep dies, put the flesh at once into water, and keep it there from daybreak to three o'clock [nones), then hang it up to drain thoroughly, salt it and dry it. It will do for your labourers.'^ The venerable and learned Fleta,^ who also writes at this period, gives us an excellent description of the duties of the shep- herd, the care to be taken of the sheep, and the maladies to which they were then liable. The great rarity of this work, and the value of its author's remarks in the chapter entitled ' De toribus,' almost induce me to offer a translation, but space forbids. 1 Rogers. Op. cit., vol. i. p. 334. 2 Ibid. 2 Fleta. Commentarius Juris Anglicani, lib. ii. cap. 79. History of Animal Plagues. 89 A.D. 1279. '^^^ ^^^ year, in every young horse that was foaled, there appeared four permanent teeth/ ^ A.D. 1283. Mr Rogers informs us that in the accounts for fiirm stock for Ditchingham, under this date, there is the entry, * Morbus generahs/ - When King Philip of France was invading Spain with 200,000 infantry and 86,000 cavalry, and while at Gerona, the whole force sufiered severely from disease, losing 4000 men, and nearly as many horses. Tremendous swarms of flies {moscas) as large as acorns, and of a difierent shape from the or- dinarj^ flies, appeared, and attacked both men and horses. No sooner were these stung by them than they died. So great was the sickness that this monarch was unable to show himself before Cataluna. This dreadful plague, savs the chronicler, was attri- buted to a miracle wrought by St Narcissus.^ A.D. 1286. A strange kind of worm infested Prussia. It had a tail like a crab, and whatever animal was stung by it was dead within three days.* ' Throughout Austria and some other countries the following unheard-of occurrence took place : the fowls and small birds that were previously perfectly healthy suddenly dropped down dead, and the heavens were so robbed of their small birds that scarcely a magpie, or a crow, or any other bird, was to be seen.^ ^ A.D. 1291. An epizooty in Iceland among horses. 'The great icebergs melted, and winter went away; then came a disease among cattle {feUi vetr)."^ A.D. 1299. An epizooty among horses at Seville. Accord- ino- to the veterinarians Martin Arrendondoand Fernando Calvo, who derived their information from Laurentius Rusius, it manifested itself with great severity, and killed more than one thousand horses. Rusius says of it: 'There was a certain fever broke out among horses which seemed to be incurable. ' Chronic. Clauslro-Neoburgens. - Rogers. Op. cit., vol. ii. 3 Villalba. Op. cit., vol. i. p. 63. These flies may have been the Simulum rcptans, a native of eastern countries and of Hungary ; or even tiie African lly, Chrysops coecidiens, which is said to attack horses and to blind them. They might have been carried over by high winds to Spain. * Chronic. Magdeburg. =" Chronic. Claustro-Neol)urgens. « Annals Isl. Langebek, vol. iii. p. 119. 90 History of Animal Plagites. The horse carried its head drooping, would eat nothing, tears ran from the eyes, and there was hurried beating of the flanks. The malady was epidemical, and in that year more than one thousand horses died/ ^ For Germany there is noted the follow- ing: ^ In this year a deadly disease broke out among cattle, which dei^troyed many throughout the world/ ^ *At Genelow Castle, in Burgundy, was a great fight or battle of dogs, wherein of 3000 all were killed but one/ ^ What may have been merely the result of epizootic diseases amongst some of the lower animals, old authors, in all probabi- lity, ascribed to battles between them. It must not be forgotten, however, that sometimes affrays of this kind do happen, though very rarely, and that damage is not unfrequent. Amongst dogs, for example, rival factions now and again meet and decide their differences by combat, like Christians, as Burton and Hooker testify.'* A.D. 1302. ^ A great loss of cows [ho-dhith), and a slaughter [ar) upon all the beasts of Ireland this year.^^ A.D. 1308. In Ireland, 'in the Easter, in the month of March in this year, there was a destruction of men and cattle in it, and great inclemency of weather too.' ® ' There was a great murrain of cattle.' ^ A.D. 1310. In Germany, destruction of plants and inun- dations. ' This year was a very unfortunate year in consequence of the large quantity of vermin and caterpillars and mice, which ate up everything before them. Then, because of the great in- undations, which began on the 13th of July, were greater 1st of August, and greatest on the 2nd of August, much damage was done.' ^ ' There was so great a famine and scarcity of victuals in the kingdom of Scotland, Anno Domini 13 10, that in many ^ Laure/itius Riuitis. Hippatria or Marescalia, vol. i. chap. clvi. p. 135. Heusinger says the epizobty occurred at Rome. It may have been, and probably was, what is now popularly termed ' influenza.' - Chronic. Ensdorf. OLfele, vol. i. p. 585. 3 f Short. Op. cit., p. 159. * Pilgrimage to El Medinah and Mcccah, vol. i. p. 289. Tour in Iceland. ^ Annals of Connaught. 6 Ibid. ' Annals of Clonmacnoise. ** JleiiHcbcrgsche. Chronik., i. p. 329. History of Animal Plagues. 91 districts multitudes were compelled through hunger to eat the flesh of horses and of other unclean animals.' ^ A.D. 1313. An epizooty among the horses at Rome. Rusius says of it: 'An epizooty of horses at Rome. Some called the disease a fever, and some esquinancy {angina). I myself lost more than fiftv horses in mv time.' '^ There was also an epizoo- tic disease amongst horses [hrofifeU'is vetr) in Iceland.^ A.D. 13 14. Famine in England. ' The morrow after Candle- mas day there assembled a parliament at London to treat of the state of the kingdom, and how to bring down the prices of vic- tuals, that were now grown to be so dear that the common people were not able to live. . . . Notwithstanding the statutes of the last parliament, the King's writs, &c., all things were sold dearer than before. No flesh could be had, capons and geese would not be found, eggs were hard to come hs^, sheep died of the rot, swine were out of the way; a quartern of wheat, beans, pease were sold for twenty shillings, a quartern of malt for a mark, a quarter of salt for thirty-five shillings, &:c. . . . The king in a parliament at London revoked the provisions before made for selling of victuals, and permitted all men to make the best of what they had. Nevertheless, the dearth increased through the abundance of rain that fell in the harvest, so that a quarter of wheat or malt was sold before midsunmier for thirty shillings, and after for forty shillings. There followed this famine a grievous mortality of people, so that the quick had enough to do to bury the dead The beasts and cattle also, by the corrupt grass whereof they fed, died, whereby it came to pass that the eating of flesh was suspected of all men, for flesh of beasts not corrupted was hard to find. Horse-flesh was counted great delicates, the poor stole fat dogs to eat, some (it was said) compelled through famine, in hidden places, did eat the flesh of their own children, and some stole others which they devoured. Those who were in prisons did pluck in pieces those that were newly brought amongst them, and greedily devoured them half alive.'* ' Johaniiis dc fordiin. .Scotichronicon, p. IO05. - Laun'nt. Knsius. Op. cit. •'' Annals Island. Latigebek, vol. iii. p. 129. * Siow. Annals, p. 217, 21 S. 92 Histoiy of Animal Plagues. A.D. 1315. ' Also in the ninth year of King Edward's reign, before Christmas, a blazing star or comet appeared in the north part of the element by the space of a month together, and after followed dearth and death The dearth, by reason of the unseasonable weather in the summer and harvest last past, still increased, so that which with much ado was issued (carried), after, when it came to the proofs, yielded nothing to the value of that which in sheaf it seemed to contain, so that wheat and other grain which was at a sore price before, now was enhanced to a far higher rate, the scarcity thereof being so great, that a quarter of wheat was sold for forty shillings, which was a great price, if we consider the value of money then current. Also by reason of the murrain that fell among cattle, beeves and muttons were unreasonably priced/ ^ A.D. 1316. For this year Duchesne makes mention of a general epizooty and epidemy which prevailed in England. It was supposed to be due to extreme humidity of the air occasioned by long- continued rains after a severe winter, and inundations. The grain was rotted, and fruit and all kinds of forage and grain were destroyed. The consequence was a most intractable and deadly form of dysentery, which carried off large numbers of men and animals." ' Wheat, though poor stuff, was sold at forty and forty-four shillings per quarter; and by reason of the murrain among cattle, beef and mutton were exceeding dear; after this, both famine and mortality increased mucli, together with a general failure of all fruits of the earth, by excessive rains and unseasonable weather.' ^ Rogers discovers in the records of Ponteland, that the bailiff is allowed for six oxen which had died of the disease ' current ' in the country. A similar state of affairs was noted in Saxony.^ In many countries the extraordinary state of the weather gave rise to famme and disease.^ A.D. 1317. ' In this season victuals were so scant and dear, and wheat and other grain brought so high a price, that the * Holinshed. Op. cit. - A. Duchesne. Histoire Gen. d'Angleterre, p. 728. 3 T. Short. Op. cit., p. 161. 1 Hist. Agric, vol. ii. * See Frari, and also Schnurrer. History of Animal Plagues. 93 people were constrained through {amine to eat the flesh of horses, dogs, and other vile beasts, whieh is wonderful to believe, and yet for default there died a great multitude of people in divers places of the land. Fourpence in bread of the coarsest sort would not suffice a man a day. Wheat was sold in London for four marks the quarter, and even more. Then after this dearth and scarcity of victuals ensued a great death and mortality of people.' ^ ' In that same year was great murrain of beasts, which began in Essex, and after it spread through the land. It reijjned most in oxen, and when the beasts were dead doo^s would not eat of the flesh.'' A.D. 1318^. 'A great murrain of kine happened, which were so mortally infected, that dogs and ravens eating of the carrion of the kine, were poisoned, and did swell to death, so that no man durst eat any beef.' ^ Mr Rogers reports that in this year, at Southampton, there was ' murrain among oxen. Hav scarce.^ * A.D. 1319. '^ In this season, to wit, 1319, a great murrain and death of cattle chanced through the whole of the realm, spreading from place to place, but especially this year it raged most in the north, whereas in the years before it began in the south parts.' ^ The carrion still poisonous." 'In the same year there was an unheard-of pestilence among animals in England, but from what cause is doubtful. It began in Essex about Easter, and spread itself in a short time through the whole island, lasting throughout the whole year, and con- taminating almost all the cattle of the realm. It is rumoured, what is most unusual, and what will be perhaps incredible to future ages, that dogs died from eating the dead bodies of the cattle, and crows were swollen innnediatelv after feeding on them, and were as though intoxicated with poison, and fell down dead, on account of which circumstance, no man dared to eat the flesh of oxen, because this pest prevailed chiefly in oxen. It was said that the whole of Gaul was infected with ' Ilolinslu'd. Op. cit. * Capgrave. Chronicles of England. ^ Sto-M. Op. cit., p. 219. * Ko:^t-rs. Op. cit , vol. ii. '' Ilolinshcd. Op. cit. « T. Short. Op. cit., y. l6;,. 94- History of Animal Plagues. this disease about the same time.' ^ This was, without doubt, another severe and wide-spread outbreak of anthrax. A.D. 1320. At Southampton, according to Mr Rogers' re- searches, ' Ffarsine (farcy) was prevalent among horses in the summer.' - A.D. 1321. An exceeding hot and dry summer in England ; springs and rivers failed, beasts and cattle suffered extremely ; many died for want of drink. ^ A.D. 1331, 1322. ' A great destruction of cows throughout all Ireland, the like of which was never known.' * A.D. 1324. ' The murrain of cows continued still in Ireland, and was called the " movie dawine." ' ^ ' The same destruction of cows throughout all Ireland this year, and it was it that was called the "maeldarnhnaigh."'" 'There was a general plague of cows and also other animals, which was called in Ireland " mal- dow.'"^ This was probably the same epizooty that prevailed in England in 1319. A.D. 1325. A great drought in England. ' Here, in the sum- mer of this and the following year, there was so great a drought that it may truly be said concerning this land what Theodolus has applied to it : — Anglorum terras jam fervida torruit testas, In cancro solis dum volvitur aureus axis. ' In consequence of the drought, the great rivers were dried up, the springs failed, and in many places water had entirely disappeared. In consequence of this misfortune, great multi- tudes of animals, wild as well as domestic, perished of thirst.' * Influenza, for the first time in the annals of that country, is mentioned as occurring in Ireland. '^An epidemical disease {teidhm galair) common throughout all Erinn, and which was called " slaedan" (prostration-influenza), which aflccted, during three or four days, every person, so that it was second only to death.' '-^ 1 Tho7nas Walsingham. Historia Anglicana. - Hist. Agricult. " T. Short. Op. cit., p. 163. ■* Annals of Connaught. ^ Ibid. 6 j|^i^,_ 7 Annals of Ross. * Tho7nas Walsingham. Op. cit. » Annals of Ulster. History of Animal Plagues. 95 A.D. 1328. In an Arab treatise on veterinary science, written bv a wealthy chief of Yemen in 909 of the Hegira, and entitled ' Kitab cl-akoual/ there is an account of a disastrous epizoiitv among the famed horses of Yemen in this year. The transla- tion of M. Perron ^ runs as follows : — ' The epizooty that attacked the horses of Yemen in the year of the Hegira 728, was of the worst character and was rapidly mortal. No one knew how to recognize or characterize it, and in no book or hippiatric treatise of past ages could any distinctive traces of it be found mentioned. No efficacious remedy could be derived to cure it. The animal attacked was not allowed time to benefit by medical or any other kind of treat- ment. This malady had not, like other diseases, any premonitory symptoms. It suddenly struck the animal, which perhaps would be eating, and all at once something escaped from the nostrils like mucus; for a moment the horse^s head was drooping on the jrround, from which he had no longer streno;th to raise it, and then he fell dead. Sometimes he struggled for a few seconds before he expired. The malady first began in the kingdom of HadramaClt, then it was propagated into Yemen, and as far as Mecca. An incalculable number of horses perished. 'Mules also died in great numbers, but not so extensively as the horses. The best and purest bred horses furnished the largest number of victims to the scourge. At the great fair of Aden thev died in crowds. So quickly did the animals succumb, that while two individuals were discussing the price of a horse, the disease attacked it, and it died before they had time to conclude the bar(»;ain. Horse-dealers from India also bought horses there at very high prices, but these carried the malady with them and suddenly perished. It was observed, as a consequence of these frequent repetitions, that the Indian dealers carefully everted the upper eyelid of any horse they were about to buy ; and any animal that showed a yellow tint in this part they abstained from pur- chasing. Indeed, when this tinge was present, it was not long before the horse succumbed to the malady.' This may have been an epizooty of the protean malady 'influenza' or typhus 1 Le Naceri. Paris, iS6o. Vol. iii. p- 275. 9 6 History of Animal Plagues. A.D. 1333. 'The losses of stock sustained by the medieval farmer/ says Mr Rogers/ Svere enormous. As has been said, all deaths were grouped under the general name "murrain." But at Maiden, the farmer, in 1333, reports the loss of more than half his sheep and lambs ; at Letherhead the loss is little short of the same rate ; at Farley it is more than twenty-five per cent ; at Woolford and Basingstoke it is about thirty-four per cent ; at Wolford a little less than fourteen; and at Cuxham about eleven.' A.D. 1334. Inundations in England. 'This vear were so great waters, that they broke down walls in Temse (Thames?), and other places overcovered the lands, and killed many beasts.'^ A.D. 1335. In England, 'after abundance of rain of this vear, came a murrain of cattle and dearth of corn. Wheat at forty shillings a quarter.^ " '■ So great a death in England that scarce could the living bury the dead.' * In Ireland, ' there was such a great snow in the spring of this year, that the most part of the small fowie of Erinn died.' * ' A great snow in the spring of this year, by which was destroyed almost all the small birds of Ireland.'^ Great swarms of locusts in Italy.'' A.D. 1336. A mortality among animals in Iceland. 'Then in spring came a storm of water so great, that all kinds of cattle were destroyed.' ^ In Ireland, ' a great plague of snow and of frost in this year, from the first fortnight of winter until a part of the spring had commenced. A great portion of the cattle of Erinn were lost in it; and the grass and corn-fields of Ireland were destroyed the same year.' ^ A.D. 1338. Heavy rain in Germany. In the previous year locusts appeared in crowds in every part of Europe. In this year in Germany there appears to have been a scarcity of salt. ' Worms were bred in human bodies, so that many people died. Out of the mouths of these the worms crept — a sight dreadful to ' Hist. Agricult., vol. i. p. 53. - Capgrave. Op. cit. ■' Henry de Knyghton. Op. cit. ^ How. ^ Annals of Clonmacnoise. " Annals of Connaught. "^ Corio. Storia di Milano. * Annal. Island. Langebck. Scrip, rer. Dan., iii. 134. ^ Annals of Ulster. History of Animal Plagues. 97 look at. The frequent rains in the marshy places caused im- mense mortality to man and beast, through the dykes having been broken down.' ^ In Ireland, ' intense frost, with very deep snow, from the 2nd of December to the loth of February.'- 'This year was very tempestuous, and noxious to man and beast .... and in this year oxen and cowcs died, and sheep, particularly, were almost destroyed, so that, according to the common complaint, scarcely the seventh part escaped from the pestilence ; but the loss of lambs was greater.'^ This is the first recorded ovine epizooty in Ireland. A.D. 1339. ' A great plague [pluigh) from frost and from snow upon the cattle and the grass and corn-fields of Ireland, from a fortnight of winter to a part of the spring.' * In this and the following year locusts were in Europe. A.D. 1345. In the bailift''s accounts for Walford, there is the following entry : ' Tantum (of tar and grease) ; projitcr caristiam et nimiam scabiem.' ^ Plague in mankind in Illyria and Italy during this and successive years." A.D. 1347-9. Before this period, there had been terrible cos- mical perturbations, which caused great physical changes in China and other countries, and destroyed inmiense multitudes of lunnan beings. ' From China to the Atlantic, the foundations of the earth were shaken. Throughout Asia and Europe the atmosphere was in commotion, and endangered, by its banehil influence, both vegetable and animal life. The series of these great events began in the year 1333, fifteen years before the plague (the "Black Death," Sorte Diod, or Schwarze Tod) broke out in Europe; they first appeared in China. Here a parching drought, accompanied by famine, commenced in the tract of country w atered by the rivers Kiang and Iloangho. This was fol- lowed b\' such violent torrents of rain, in and about Kiangsi, at that time the capital of the Empire, that, according to tradition, more than 400,000 people perished in tlic floods. Finally the ' Hamsfortii. Chronologia. Langcbek. Vol. i. p. 303. - Grace. Annals. •' Clyii. Annals. * Annals of Connaught. '•' Ilisl. Agriciilt., vol. ii. " I-'rari. Op. cit. p. 295. 7 9 8 History of Animal Plagues. mountain Tsinchow fell in^ and vast clefts were formed in the earth. On the succeeding year (1334), passing over fabulous traditions, the neighbourhood of Canton was visited by inunda- tions; whilst in Tche, after an unexampled drought, a plague arose, which is said to have carried off 5,000,000 people. A few months afterwards an earthquake followed, at and near Kiangsi ; and subsequent to the falling in of the mountains of Ki-ming- shan, a lake was formed of more than a hundred leagues in cir- cumference, where, again, thousands found their grave. In How-kwang and Honan a drought prevailed for five months, and innumerable swarms of locusts destroyed the vegetation; while famine and pestilence, as usual, followed in their train. Connected accounts of the condition of Europe are not to be ex- pected from the writers of the fourteenth century. It is remark- able, however, that simultaneously with a drought and renewed floods in China, in 1336, many uncommon atmospheric pheno- mena, and in the winter frequent thunder-storms, were observed in the north of IVance ; and so early as the eventful year of 1333 an eruption of Etna took place. According to the Chinese Annals, about 4,000,000 people perished by famine in the neigh- bourhood of Kiang in 1337; and deluges, swarms of locusts, and an earthquake which lasted six days, caused incredible de- vastation. In the same year the first swarms of locusts ap- peared in Franconia, which were succeeded in the following year by myriads of these insects. In 1338, Kiangsi was visited by an earthquake of ten days^ duration ; at the same time France suffered from a failure in the harvest ; and thenceforth, till the year 1342, there was in China a constant succession of inunda- tions, earthquakes, and famines. In the same year great floods occurred in the vicinity of the Rhine and in France, which could not be attributed to rain alone ; for everywhere, even on the tops of mountains, springs were seen to burst forth, and dry tracts were laid under water in an inexplicable manner. In the following year the mountain Hong-tchang, in China, fell in, and caused a destructive deluge; and in Pien-chow and Leang- chow, after three months' rain, there followed unheard-of in- undations, which destroyed seven cities. In Egypt and Syria violent earthquakes took^place ; and in China they became, from Histoj-y of Animal Plagues. 99 this time, more and more frequent; for they recurred in 1344, in Ven-chow, where the sea overflowed in consequence; in 1345, in Ki-cho\v, and in both the following years in Canton, with subterraneous thunder. Meanwhile floods and famines devast- ated various districts, until 1347, when the fury of the elements subsided in China. ^ The signs of terrestrial commotions commenced in Europe in the year 1348, after the intervening districts of countrv in Asia had probably been visited in the same manner. On the island of Cyprus^ the plague from the East had alreadv broken out ; when an earthquake shook the foundations of the island, and was accompanied by so frightful a hurricane, that the inhabitants who had slain their Mahometan slaves, in order that thev might not themselves be subjugated bv them, fled in dismay, in all directions. The sea overflowed, the ships were dashed to pieces on the rocks, and few outlived the terrific event, wherebv this fertile and blooming island was converted into a desert. Before the earthquake, a pestiferous wind spread so poisonous an odour, that many, being overpowered by it, fell down suddenly and expired in dreadful agonies.^ Villanius, the historian of Florence, gives an account of a pestilence, which, beginning in Upper Asia, in 1346, spread from Cathay, the ancient name for China, in all directions, nearly depopulating the whole of Asia, and penetrating Egypt, Greece, and Italy, to France, Spain, England, and Germany. It arose, he tells us, from a foul-smelling vapour, which was imagined to have eman- ated from some fiery body of aerial or terrestrial origin. This gas destroyed all that stood in its way, and horses and cattle suffered severely, but not more so than the human species. Trees, and everything else, for the space of fifteen days' journey around its track, were blighted, and curious creatures, furnished with feet and tails, worms, and swarms of snakes, fell upon the earth. In a short time these putrefied, and the stench from them so in- fected the atmosphere, that pestilence prevailed everywhere.^ This phenomena is one of the rarest that has ever been ob- served, for nothing is more constant than the composition ot the * Deguignes. History of Cliina, p. 226. * Ibid. p. 225. ' Gio. Villani. Istorie Fiorcntine, book xii. chap. 121, 122. 100 History of Animal Plagties. air; and in no respect has nature been more careful in the pre- servation of organic hfe. Never have naturalists discovered in the atmosphere foreign elements, which, evident to the senses, and borne by the winds, spread from land to land, carrying disease over whole portions of the earth, as is recounted to have taken place in the year 1348. It is, therefore, the more to be regretted, that in this extraordinary period, which, owing to the low condition of science, was. very deficient in accurate observers, so little can be depended on respecting those uncommon occur- rences in the air, should have been recorded. Yet, German accounts say expressly, that a thick, stinking mist advanced from the east, and spread itself over Italy; and there could be no deception in so palpable a phenomenon, Schnurrer and Chalin mention this, and Spangenberg says, '■ There were also many locusts, which had been blown into the sea by a hurricane, and afterwards cast dead upon the shore, and produced a noxious exhalation ; and a dense and awful fog was seen in the heavens, rising in the east, and descending vpon Italy.' ^ The credibility of unadorned traditions, however little they may satisfy physical research, can scarcely be called in question when we consider the connection of events; for just at this time earthquakes were more general than they had been within the range of history. In thousands of places chasms were formed, from whence arose noxious vapours ; and as at that time natural occurrences were transformed into miracles, it was reported that a fiery meteor, which descended on the earth far in the east, had destroyed everything within a circumference of more than a hundred leagues, infecting the air far and wide.^ The consequences of innumerable floods contributed to the same eflfect ; vast river districts had been converted into swamps; foul vapours arose everywhere, increased by the odour of putrefied locusts, which had never perhaps darkened the sun in thicker swarms spreading from the east to the west, and of countless corpses, which even in the well-regulated countries of Europe, they knew not how to remove quickly enough out of the sight of the living. It is pro- bable, therefore, that the atmosphere contained foreign, and ^ Cyriac Spangenberg. Mansfeld Chronicle, chap. 287, fol. 336. 2 Mezeray. Histoire de France, vol. ii. p. 418. Paris, 1685. History of Animal Plagues. loi sensibly perceptible, admixtures to a great extent, which, at least in the lower regions, could not be decomposed, or rendered ineffective bv separation. Now, if we go back to the symptoms oF the disease, the ardent inflammation of the lungs points out that the organs of respiration yielded to the attack of an atmo- spheric poison — a poison which, if we admit the independent origin of the Black Plague at any one place on the globe, which under such extraordinary circumstances it would be difficult to doubt, attacked the course of the circulation in as hostile a manner as that which produced inflammation of the spleen, and other animal contagions that cause swelling and inflammation of the lymphatic glands. Pursuing the course of these grand revolutions further, we find notice of an unexampled earthquake, which, on the 25th of January, 1348, shook Greece, Italy, and the neighbouring countries. Naples, Rome, Pisa, Bologna, Padua, Venice, and many other cities suffered considerably. Whole villages were swallowed up. Castles, houses, and churches were overthrown, and hundreds of people were buried beneath their ruins. In Carinthia thirty villages, together with all the churches, were demolished; more than a thousand corpses were drawn out of the rubbish; the city of Villach was so completely destroyed, that very few of its inhabitants were saved ; and when the earth ceased to tremble, it was found that mountains had been moved from their positions, and that many hamlets were left in ruins. It is recorded that, during this earthquake, the wine in the casks became turbid, a statement which may be considered as furnish- ing a proof, that changes causing a decomposition of the atmo- sphere had taken place; but if we had no other information from vviiich the excitement of conflicting powers of nature dining these commotions might be itd'erred, yet scientific observations in n)odern times have shown that the relation of the atmosphere to the earth is changed by volcanic influences. . . . Independ- ently of this, however, we know that during this earth([uake, the duration of which is stated by some to have been a week, and by others a fortnight, people experienced an unusual stupor and headache, and that many fainted away.^ These destructive ' Albert A rgentittiens. Chronic, in Urstis. .Scrip, rcr. Germanic. Fr.mcof. 1585. 102 History of Animal Plagues. earthquakes extended as far as the neighbourhood of Bas]e_, and recurred until the year 1360, throughout Germany, France, Silesia, Poland, England, and Denmark, and much further north. Towerino; icebergs formed at the same time on the coast of East Greenland, in consequence of the general concus- sion of the earth^s organism ; and no mortal, from that time forward, has ever seen that shore or its inhabitants. Mezeray says, ' A universal earthquake, even in France and the northern countries, threw down entire cities, tore up trees and mountains, covered the regions of the world with abysses so profound that it appeared as if the infernal regions had opened to swallow up the human species.'^ Great and extraordinary meteors appeared in many places, and were regarded with superstitious horror. A pillar of fire, which on the 30th of December, 1348, remained for an hour at sunrise over the Pope's palace in Avignon;^ a fireball, which in August of the same year was seen at sunset over Paris, and was distinguished from similar phenomena by its longer duration, not to mention other instances mixed up with wonderful prophe- cies and omens, are recorded in the chronicles of that age. The order of the seasons seemed to be inverted — rains (in Germany these were blood-coloured), floods, and failures in crops were so general, that few places were exempt from them. The con- sequences of these failures were soon felt, especially in Italy and the surrounding countries, where, in this year, a rain which had continued for four months, destroyed the seed. ... To attempt, five centuries after that age of desolation, to point out the causes of a cosmical commotion, which has never recurred to an equal extent, to indicate scientifically the influences which called forth so terrific a poison in the bodies of men and animals, exceeds the limits of human understanding. ... In the progress of con- nected natural phenomena, from east to west, that great law of nature is plainly revealed which has so often and evidently mani- fested itself in the earth's organism, as well as in the state of nations dependent upon it. In the inmost depths of the globe that impulse was given in the year 1333, which in uninterrupted 1 Mezeray. Op. cit. p. 418. 2 villani. Op. cit. History of Animal Plagues. 103 succession for six-and-twenty years shook the surface of the earth, even to the western shores of Europe. From the very beginning the air partook of the terrestrial concussion, atmo- spherical waters overflowed the land, or its plants and animals perished under the scorching heat. The insect tribe was wonder- fully called into life, as if animated beings were destined to com- plete the destruction which astral and telluric powers had bciiun. Thus did this dreadful work of nature advance from year to year; it was a progressive infection of the zones, which exerted a powerful influence both above and beneath the surface of the earth ; and after having been perceptible in slighter indications, at the commencement of the terrestrial commotions in China, convulsed the whole earth. ^ Observers have remarked that in many instances the lower animals were strangely aflfected, and that fatal disease among them either preceded, accompanied, or followed the Black Death. Cutteis, for example, says, ' Rapacious wolves howled around the walls of the cities by night and sated themselves with human blood, though not by hiding in secret places, but by openly bursting into the houses and tearino; the children from the breasts of their mothers. And not only did the children suffer from their cruel teeth, but even well-armed men, and they also devoured many bodies by digging up the graves of the dead. rhey seemed not to be wolves, but demons. Cuckoos and owls, sitting on the housetops by night, used to utter dismal sounds; bats in swarms on the houses, and while buildmg their nests in the roofs, made a strange noise; crows without number, flying about by day over the country, croaked ominously ; kites and vultures in great crowds, while soarins; in the air, gave vent to doleful cries ; and many other birds in the woods, and differ- ent brute beasts, coming from their lairs, wandered about the country in great multitudes, giving many extraordinary signs of evil import. ... In the first place, a virulent plague broke amonir the brute animals. Scab and le])rosy attacked horses, oxen, sheep, and goats, so that the hair fell from off' their bodies, 1 A portion of this description is taken from Ilecker's admirable History of the Epidemics of the Middle Ages, translated by Dr_ Habington, and published by tlie Sydenham Society. j I04 History of Animal Plagues. and they became emaciated and weak, and after a few days died. Then this fearful pest rushed onwards in its terrific course through the whole world, and raged against miserable man in a most deadly manner.' ^ At Rome, at the same time as mankind, cats and dogs, fowls, and all other animals, became sick and died.^ At Gaza, 22,coo people and most of the animals were carried off in less than six weeks.^ 'As it (the Sorte Diod) advanced, not only men but animals fell sick and shortly expired, if they had touched things belonoing to the diseased or dead. Thus Boccaccio him- self saw, at Florence, two hogs on the rags of a person w ho had died of plague, and which, after staggering about for a short time, fell down dead, as if they had taken poison. ' What gave the more virulence to this plague was that, by being communicated from the sick to the hale, it spread daily, like fire when it comes in contact with large masses of combustibles. Nor was it caught only by conversing with or coming near the sick, but even by touching their clothes, or anything that they had before touched. It is wonderful what I am going to mention, and had I not seen it with my own eyes, and were there not many witnesses to attest it beside myself, I should never venture to relate it, however worthy it w^ere of belief. Such, I say, was the quality of the pestilential matter, as to pass not only from man to mail, but, what is more strange, it has been often known that anything belonging to the infected, if touched by other creatures, would certainly infect, and even kill, that creature in a short space of time. One instance of this kind I took particular notice of. The rags of a poor man just dead had been thrown into the street; two hogs came up, and after rooting about amongst these rags, and shaking them about in their mouths, in less than an hour they both turned round and died on the spot.' * In other places, multitudes of dogs, cats, fowls, and other animals fell victims to the contagion ; ^ and it is to be presumed, 1 Ctitteis. In Farlato Illyricum Sacrum, vol. iii. Frari. Op. cit. p. 314. ^ Metaxa. Op. cit. Vol. ii. p. 141. 3 j/ecker. Op. cit. * Boccaccio. Decameron, Giomo i . introd. * Anger, de Bitteris. Vitas Romanor. Pontificum Muratori. Scrip, vol. iii. p. 556. HistoTy of Animal Plagues. 105 remarks Hecker^that other epizootics among animals likewise took place, although the ignorant writers of the 14th century are silent on this point. ^ 'Thus did the plague spread over England with un- exampled rapidity after it had first broken out in the county of Dorset, whence it advanced through the counties of Devon and Somerset to Bristol, and thence reached Gloucester, Oxford, and London. Probably few places escaped, perhaps not any, for the annals of contemporaries report that throughout the land only a tenth part of the inhabitants remained alive Ireland was much less heavily visited than England, The dis- ease seems to have scarcely reached the mountainous districts of that kingdom. And Scotland, too, would perhaps have re- mained free, had not the Scots availed themselves of the dis- comfiture of the English to make an irruption into their terri- tory, which terminated in the destruction of their army by the plague and by the sword, and the extension of the pestilence, through those who had escaped, over the whole country. At the commencement, there was in England a superabundance of all the necessaries of life; but the plague, which seemed then to be the sole disease, was accompanied by a fatal murrain among the cattle. Wandering about without their herdsmen, they fell by thousands; and, as has likewise been observed in Africa, the birds and beasts of prey are said not to have touched them. Of what nature this murrain may have been, can no more be deter- mined than whether it originated from communication with plague patients or from other causes; but thus much is certain, that it did not break out until after the commencement of the Black Death.' In consequence of this murrain, and the impossibility of 1 Hecker. The knowledge of contagion, especially as applied to an under- standing of the diffusion of pestilential maladies, seems in the Middle Ages to have been very exact and comprehensive. Hecker, in treating of this Black Plague of the 14th century, incidentally speaks of Gentilis of Foligno, a celebrated physician, who fell a victim to that disease while attending to the sick. He says of him : ' He believed in a progressive infection from country to country, according to the notions of the present day ; and the contagious power of the disease, even in the vicinity of those affected by the plague, was, in his opinion, beyond all doubt (vmeiiosa ptitredo circa partes cordis et pulmonis de quibtis exeunte venetioso vapore, pertculum est in vicinitatibus). On this point intelligent contemporaries were all agreed.' — The Epidemics of the Middle A ^es. io6 History of Animal Plagites. removing the corn from the fields^ there was everywhere a great rise in the price of food, which to many was inexphcable, be- cause the harvest had been plentiful. By others it was attributed to the wicked designs of the labourers and dealers ; but it really had its foundation in the actual deficiency arising from circum- stances by which individual classes at all times endeavour to profit. For a whole year, until it terminated in August, 1349, the Black Plague prevailed in this beautiful island, and every- where poisoned the springs of comfort and prosperity.^ The diseased cattle were slaughtered, and infected herds were as much as possible separated from those which were sound, while the herdsmen who attended the former were not allowed to come near the latter. ^ In the same year there was a great plague among sheep [liie^ ovium) in every part of the kingdom (England), so that in one pasture-land alone more than 5000 died, and their carcases were so putrid that neither beast nor bird would touch them.^ ^ Barnes says of the epizooty : ' And first, by occasion of the plague, the cattle, for want of men to look to them, wandered about in fields at random, from whence nobody drove or gathered them, so that they began to perish among hedges and ditches in such numbers, that it was no less loss than wonder to behold ; for there died, in and about one pasture, more than 5000 sheep. Wherefore it might be supposed that they also died in this manner, through some kind of plague that was as stransre and unaccountable amoncr them as the former had been to mankind; for it is said that neither beast nor bird of prey would touch the carcases. And this is another instance that the late pestilence doth yet differ from those of other times, since usually beasts, by reason of their prone looks down- wards on the earth, and their quicker scent therewithal, are first infected, but here it happened quite contrary. However, there shortly ensued hereby such a scarcity of cattle, that all provisions ^ Heckcr, who quotes from Barnes and Wood. This learned author informs us, on good authority, that 'after the cessation of the Blaclc Plague, a greater fecundity in women was everywhere remarkable— a grand phenomenon, which, from its occurrence after a very destructive pestilence, proves to conviction, if any occurrence can do so, the prevalence of a higher power in the direction of general organic life.' '^ Henry de Knyghton. Op. cit. Tioysdeii. P. 2598. History of Animal Plagues. 107 of flesh became excessively dear, as well as other beasts for use and labour. Whereas, in the plague time, partly through their great abundance, and partly, also, because, through the present apprehension of death, men were then less intent upon gain, a good horse, worth forty shillings before, might be bought for a mark; a large ftit ox for four shillings, a cow for one shilling, a heifer for sixpence, a fat mutton for fourpence, a sheep for twopence, a lamb for twopence, one stone of wool for ninepence, and other thino^s went at the same rate in Ensrland. But now the state of affairs was altered ; and, besides the prodigious decay of cattle aforesaid, there succeeded also a great dearth of corn in many parts of the world, not so much through any defect or parsimony of Nature (for the fields were sufficiently clothed with grain in many parts, especially here in England), as partly through an inordinate desire of gain in some, and also partly from the want of men in most places to gather it/ ^ Adam Murimuth, for the year 1348 (but in reality for 1349), after noticing the unusual fall of rain that occurred in that year, and which continued night and day for a long time, adds: 'At which time a great mortality took place among men throughout the land, beginning in the south and extending northwards, and with such slaughter that scarcely one-half of the inhabitants remained. In certain religious houses two alone survived out of twenty ; and, according to some, it destroyed a tenth part of all the inhabitants. It was followed by a plague among animals (E vestigia lues animaUum est secuta) ; then the remaining people perished ; and the land, robbed of the people who cultivated it, remained sterile, and such great misery followed that the land could never after recover its former state.^ ^ Speed only says with regard to the mortality of cattle suc- ceeding the epidemy : ' It rained from midsummer till Christ- mas ; and so terrible a plague ran through the world, that the earth was filled with graves and the air with cries, which was seconded with nmrreri of cattle and dearth of all things.' ^ 1 Barnes. The History of King Edward III. Cambridge, 1688, p. 440. For the revolution in the system of agriculture which this grave pestilence occasioned, see y. E. T. Rogers. A History of Agriculture and Prices in England. Oxford, 1866. - Adami Murimuth. Chronica. 2 Speed. The Historic of Great Brilaine. London, 1C32, p. 694. io8 History of Animal Plagties. In the bailifls of Standon's accounts there is the entry for this year : 'Defectus propter pestilentiam hoc anno ; ' and forVVellow, * High price of tar and fat, due to pestilence, defectus servientium et magna mortalitas garcionuni in patria.' ^ Through the courtesy of Henry Harrod, Esq., F.S.A., I am enabled to refer to a paper read by him before the Society of Antiquaries, and entitled 'Details of a Murrain of the Fourteenth Century, from the Court Rolls of a Norfolk Manor,' ^ which will give the student of English epizootics some idea of the losses incidental to an estate at this period, from what were, in those days, when the nature of animal diseases was scarcely known, termed 'murrains.' The details extend over a period of 6^ years; and it is evident that many and various maladies must have been grouped under the vague but terrible denomination. It is but right to mention here that there is no proof whatever that the disease affecting the cattle was /Ae Cattle Plague. On the contrary, there is every probability that it was not that malady, from the fact that during this long period almost every kind of domestic animal was affected, and the loss in cattle was never suffi- ciently great in any one year; while sheep appear to have been the principal sufferers. And there was not one murrain during this long period, but very many ; and no doubt the majority of the deaths were due to enzootic, and, in part, to sporadic affections. However, the account is sufficiently interesting to find a place here, as it may in some degree furnish us with assistance in obtaining a key to the ravages of murrains and their nature in the early centuries of British agriculture, when oxen were so poor and badly fed that six of them were required to draw the rude iron plough-share, and scarcely half an acre could be turned up in a long day's work. Mr Harrod relates as follows : ' In looking over some Court Rolls of the Manor of Heacham, in the county of Norfolk, I met with some particulars of the murrain during the reigns of Edward III., Richard II., and Henry IV., which I have ex- ^ Rogers. Op. cit. - The Archaeologia, vol. xli. 1866. A large portion of this interesting commu- nication I am reluctantly compelled to omit ; but the comparative pathologist will find himself well rewarded by a perusal of the Appendix A and B. History of Animal Plagues. loo tracted, and by the courtesy of the soHcitors of Mr Le Stramre the present lord, I am permitted to bring them before the society. 'The accounts taken were extremely minute and careful, and the particulars of the live stock showed all the additions, sales, and losses of every description during the year endino; at Michaelmas. To assist the auditors in testing the accounts of the bailiff, the presentments of the losses by murrain appear to have been made on oath at the Manor Courts; another reason, probably, was to absolve the shepherds, who were bond tenants of the manor, from liability on account of the losses when not happening from want of proper care on their part. 'The presentments on the Court Roll commence in the 31st year of Edward III., 1347, and whatever may have been the case in other parts, in this corner of the kingdom the murrain seems to have continued more or less severely during the rest of the reiirn of Edward III., durino; the entire reiffn of Richard II., and until the 13th year of Henry IV., a period of 63 years. 'The bailiffs' accounts for the whole of this period have not been preserved ; a portion of them only remains ; and from this I have gleaned a few particulars to assist in explaining the entries on the rolls. ' The stock account for the 33rd year of Edward III. shows that at that time there were upon the farm 12 horses and stots (I have treated the animals described ' stots ' as horses — not because I believe them to be so in every case where the word is used, but because the Stock Accounts of this Manor clearly designate the horses so)/ ^7^ head of cattle, and 7 calves, ']'>^'^ sheep, and 140 lambs. ^ The word ' slot ' is used in tlie Scolch lowlands to designate a bullock. I never heard of the term being employed for horses in recent times. In Sir David Lyndsay, however, as well as in Chaucer, horses are so named ; and the designa- tion is evidently derived from beyond the border. Chaucer, in the fourteenth century, the period of our Court Roll, when describing the steward's apjiearance in the Canterbury Pilgrimage, testifies to this : ' This Reev6 sat upon a right good slot, That was all pomeleegray (dappled gray) and highle (liigh-bred) Scot.' Stot is supposed by Richardson, in his Dictionary of the English Language, to be derived from the Anglo-Saxon ' stod-hors,' and is of course only applicable to 110 History of A nimal Plagues. ' In that of the i8th year of Richard II. there were lo horses^ 46 head of cattle, and 8 calves, 374 sheep, and 70 lambs. ' I hav-e been unable to find any later accounts of Richard II. or any of Henry IV. ' The great pestilence commenced in London in November, 1348, and the chroniclers generally state that the murrain amongst the cattle commenced at or about the same time, but the first presentment I find about it in the Heacham Court Rolls fixes the commencement of it in that manor in August, 1346, more than two years before, * This presentment, which was at a Court held the Monday after the feast of the Invention of the Cross, in the 21st year of Edward III., is to the following effect: — "Demurina, jurati presentant quod unus bos, tres boviculi, unus stottus, unus hur- tardus, tres multones, tres oves matrices, et quinque hogastri moriebantur inter Gulam Augusti et diem hujus curiae casualiter et non ob defectum alicujus custodie. Item quod sex porculi similiter moriebantur in hyeme non ob defectum, &c. Item quod septem porcelli in hyeme similiter, &c." ' Little more than another month had elapsed when another Court was held on the Thursday after the feast of St Barnabas, when the following presentment appears : — '' De murina, jurati presentant quod una vacca post vitulacionem circa festum Sancte Trinitatis moriebatur, unus vitulus similiter moriebatur, septem multones ante tonsionem, novem oves matrices ante tonsionem et agnelacionem, novem hoggastri ante tonsionem, et triginti et sex agni et octo porculi similiter non ob defectum, &c.-" 'But it is not my intention to place the whole mass of these presentments before you. I have appended a number of them sufficient to show the character of them to this paper — (these extracts include the whole of the entries of murrain for the 21st horses. He, however, admits that it also refers to oxen, being obtained from the Swedish ' stut 'land Danish ' stud,' a steer. Piers Ploughman writes ' Grace of his goodnesse, gaf Peers foure stottes.' Rogers (Hist. Agric. ) affirms that stotts were the small rough horses sometirAes called ' affiri ' in medieval husbandry. — G. F. History of Animal Plagues. m and 39th years of Edward III., the nth and 22nd of Richard II., and the 8th and 9th of Henry IV, It is as well, however, that I should state that every presentment on the Rolls relatino- to murrain was extracted, and remains in my possession, so that the figures of the general statement can be tested at any time) — and will now merely state that during the 21st year of Edward III. there appears to have died on this farm i horse, 7 bullocks, 2 cows, a calf, 48 sheep and 36 lambs, 3 sows, and 43 pio-s. ' In the 22nd year, i horse, 5 bullocks, a cow, 3 calves, 60 sheep, and 40 lambs. ' In the 23rd year, the year of the pestilence, there is but one presentment, recording the death of 1 1 ewes and 6 pigs. 'In the following year but a single death, that of a ewe, and in the 25th year nothing whatever, and it might fairly be sup- posed to have ended. The Rolls for this year and the 29th are not complete; and, since the above was written, a small frag- ment of one of this year, with the remains of a murrain entry on it, has been found, but too much decayed to make out any- thing but the marginal note. In the 26th year it begins again, commits more havoc in the 27th year, but less again in the 28th, and the 29th year is again a blank ; once more it is rife in the 30th; and in the 31st, 129 sheep and 96 Iambs are on the death roll ; it has again nearly spent itself in the 35th year, but deaths by it continue in each successive year; and in the 39th the numbers rise again to 152 sheep and 190 lambs. In the nth year of Richard II. 143 sheep and 113 lambs died. 'During all this time other cattle suffered, but not at all in like proportion to the sheep. ' The effect of its ravages will be better understood by the statement I have carefully prepared from the presentments, which shows the total of deaths of each kind of stock in every year durinjr the continuance of the murrain. It will be seen from it that so late as the 8th year of Henry IV., 8 bullocks, 13 cows, and 66 sheep died, and the account closes in the 13th year with a sow and 3 pigs. ' It will be seen, too, from this account, that among the sheep, the lambs, ewes, and hoggets were most affected by it, and the calves and cows more in proportion than the other stock. 1 1 2 History of A uimal Plagues. Occasionally, too, the swans and peacocks died from it; a few geese and capons are recorded, but other poultry are scarcely once mentioned. Where the loss has arisen from other causes, and has been accidentally included in the murrain account, the cause of the loss is inserted. In the 42nd Edward III. "Item octo hyves apum,'' is immediately followed by " per tempestatem vemis." ' But perhaps the most curious fact appearing in these ex- tracts, is that the murrain alTected the bees. I began to suspect, when the first few entries of hives of bees fell under my notice, that losses from other causes than murrain were mixed up in these presentments; but two of the 45th year of Edward III. put the matter at rest, as they expressly state that so many "^ruscae apium sunt in morina." As many as ten hives were lost in that year, and there was some loss in the apiary nearly every year for twenty years. ^ ' The first presentments I have called attention to were made by the jury or homage of the court, on the Thursday after St Martin, in the 21st of Edward III. The presentment is made by the coroners, and so it continues down to the 26th year, when the homage and coroners jointly make it ; and on the Wednes- day before the feast of St Thomas the Apostle of that year the entry is "Humagium et Coronatores presentant quod Dominus habet in murina viginti et septem hoggastros," &c. 'After this for some years the entry simply states the fact that the lord had in murrain such and such cattle, without ex- pressly stating by whom such presentment was made. In the 46th year of Edward III. new officers appear on the scene. At the court on Monday after the Purification the presentment is made by the bailiff', sub-bailiff', and cadaverators, but during the rest of the reign as before. In the first of Richard II., at the court on Monday before St Wynwaloc the Abbot, the present- ^ It must be borne in mind that for long before this period, and for some time after, bees formed no inconsiderable portion of the agricultural wealth. All food that required it was sweetened with honey before sugar was had recourse to, and into the composition of many of the Saxon beverages that article largely entered. Therefore it was that a mortality amongst the bees was considered a somewhat serious calamity, and of sufficient importance to obtain a notice in the chronicles of the period. But there was evidently no relationship between the viorind of the bees and that of the sheep and cows. History of A nhnal Plagues. 113 meat is made by the whole homage with the cadaverators, and by these latter many of the subsequent presentments are made. ' I presume these officers had the charge of the disposal of the carcases of the cattle dying of murrain, and I occasionallv met with their election by the homage of the courts, as on the Tuesdav after St Valentine 7th Richard II. — '"'They elect John Barnege and Geffrey Cay into the office of cadaverators, who say, 8cc. ; " and again in the course of the following year — " They elect John Baronne and Geffrey Cay into that office, and they are sworn, &cc." ' From the two bailiffs' accounts I have before referred to, the 33rd Edward III. and the i8th Richard II., it will seem that the stock on the farm had considerably diminished, the sheep in the latter account amounting to only about half the number mentioned in the former. The purchases of stock were less on some occasions, the lambs much less numerous, and many ewes are stated to have been sterile; and I also observe such entries as, that a dozen very sickly hoggets were sold " pro timore mori- naj." These particular ones were sold at 3^ J. a head, the current price at that time being 17^/. If they were (as it seems likely they were) affected with the disease, it was a ready way of spreading it. ' I trust I have sufficiently shown, without troubling you with a mass of extracts (of which those in Appendix B are not a twentieth part), that the murrain mentioned to have occurred in 1348, and those of 1363 and 1369, were really one continuous visitation. ' It is quite certain, that on this one flirm in the western part of the county of Norfolk it commenced in 1346, and con- tinued rising and falling in intensity, until it almost suddenly ceased in November, 141 1. So accustomed had people becon)e to it by the 44th Edward III., that it is spoken of as the ''com- mon murrain," and although it does not appear to have swept off the entire flock, as in the case mentioned by Knyghton, the aggregate loss is very large, and if the numbers lost on otbcr farms bore any proportion to these, the effect in such a county as Norfolk must have been very serious.' ' ' Mr Harrofl appears to have been fully iniprcsscd with tlie idea lliat the term ' murrain,' employed so frequently in this roll, could refer to nothing but the Cattle 8 114 History of Animal Plagues. A.D. 1349. ' In this year the contagion (of the plague) pene- trated to the citv of Zara, the capital of Austrian Dalmatia, and produced extreme terror, as well as mortality, killing more than two thousand people. At the same time, a ferocious epizooty broke out over the whole country, which destroyed nearly all the animals/^ In England, ^ great rains from St John's day to Christmas, so that a day scarcely passed in which it did not rain either by day or by night. From this intemperance a great mortality of people ensued ; according to some scarcely a tenth of the population were left ; cattle rqortality followed.' ^ ' Severe diseases seized the cattle throughout the counties of Somerset and Devon, and a great mortality took place among them, which was the origin of taking gold in payment for cattle from Englishmen.' ^ This last has reference to the intercourse between England and Ireland. A.D. 1350. ' A grievous plague (in Germany), so that death oppressed both man and beast/ * ' There was a great famine in Barbary and Morocco ; to supply which Christian nations trans- ported such quantities of corn as made it too cheap and plentiful there, but left a famine at home. This was followed by terrible inundations, storms, and tempests ; by fearful meteors of flames, and fire in the air. These were succeeded by excessive drought and want of water; from all which followed the destruction of most animals and vegetables. This year the great plague reached Coventry.' ^ A.D. 1352. ' So droughty a summer, that for want of water much cattle died in the pastures; the fens and marshes were so dried, that there was a way where there was none before.'*' A.D. 1353. At Cremona, near Mantua, a mightv storm of hail which destroyed cattle and people, and even damaged houses. Some of the hailstones weighed eight pounds, and their general weight was one pound.' A.D. 1356. 'A fearful plague in Germany, which was pre- Plague which was so destructive in this country when his interesting paper was published. 1 F?-ari. Op. cit., p. 315. 2 Otterhounte. ^ Tola MS. ■* Chronic. Langebek. Vol. i. p. 58. ^ T. Short. Op. cit., vol. i. p. 177. ^ Ibid. '' Barnes. Op. cit. History of A nimal Plagues. 1 1 r ceded by an eclipse of the sun and nioonj and great earthquakes, by which many castles aud other buildings were thrown down. The pestilence that followed first attacked the flocks of sheep, then passed on to the cattle, and finally destroyed a orcat multi- tude of men/ ^ A.D. 1360. * There was a great dearth this year, and mor- tality of people, called the " second plague,^' because it was the second In the reign of Edward III., and a very great death of cattle and horses. Six thousand horses died in the army ; many houses were burnt bv thunder and lightning; many strange meteors were seen in the air.^ ^ A.D. 1363. Under this date, William of Worcester mentions a great epizootv among animals in England. ' In this year, the twenty-eighth year of King Edward's reign, there was a severe scarcity of corn in the summer, and a great murrain of animals {iiingna mor'ina animcduim).' '^ A.D. 1366. A disease, or, as it is called, a battle, among spar- rows. ' Hiis year fell abundance of rain in time of hay harvest, whereby much hay and corn was lost. This year also happened a great quarrel among the sparrows, which came to a decisive battle, wherein not numbers, but great heaps, were killed. A great mortality of people followed, so as many who went well to bed at night, were found dead next morning.' * A.D. 1369. In England, a great mortality in man, ' and like- wise a marvellous murrain upon cattell, so that the like had not been seen in many years before.'^ A.n. 1370. '^This year began the next great plague, called the third mortality. This was very great, both of people and cattle ; the like seldom heard of. The west country, as Oxford, was most afflicted by it/ " A.D. 1375. An epizootv among deer, roebucks, hogs, hares, and foxes in Germany, according to the report of Gassari. Mencken says, 'There was a contagious disease which destroyed ' //. Mitiius. Chronic. Piston Scrip, rcr. Ccrman. Edit. Slruvc. II. p. 896. - T. Short. Op. cit., vol. i. p. 178. ^ IVilliclnn IVyrccstcr. Annalcs Rcrum Anylic. ■• 7: Short. Op. cit., vol. i. p. 180. 5 Grafton. Op. cit. ^ T. Short. Op. cit., vol. i. p. 180. 1 1 6 Histoiy of A nunal Plagues. stags, wolves, fawns, bears, goats, wild boars, hares, and foxes. I find in the old chronicles that the native hunters were not astonished at this mortality/ * A.D. 1383. 'This Lent, the Duke of Lancaster, and the English army, lying on a marshy ground in Scotland, had a great loss both of men and horse, from the extraordinary cold and wet.' ^ A.D. 1385. In the accounts of Alton Barnes, Mr Rogers finds the following item : ^ Gr^at mortality among sheep — 15 per cent, of sheep, ^^ of lambs, died.' ^ A.D. 1385-7. 'The greater portion of the bovine species in the State and episcopate of Placentia died ; and the same thing happened, though to a greater extent, in the States of Lombardy. All the fowls, too, died, from a contagious disease; so that when one began to die, they all died.' * In the same years there was much disease in mankind at Mallorca, Lisbon, and Gallicia, and influenza was very prevalent. A.D. 1385. A murrain of cattle in England.^ A.D. 1389. 'March 5th, rose a sore and terrible wind, which overthrew houses, broke and rent trees, and destroyed much cattle. This was followed by a great mortality and plague; much youth died everywhere in cities (from anginas and dysen- tery), towns, and country. After this a great dearth of corn. . . . Whilst the king was at Sheen, in July, in his court were seen such swarms of flies and gnats skirmishing with one another, that in the end their killed were swept away with brooms, and bushels were filled with them."* A murrain among deer in England : * Murrena damarum ferarum.' '' The farm accounts of Alton Barnes, according to Mr Rogers/ exhibit the following entry : ' Scab and sickness very prevalent among sheep.' Those for Letherhead have the same report. A.D. 1390. When King Edward was on his march to Chartres, a terrible storm of thunder and lia;;htning overtook his army, and killed six thousand horses and one thousand men. ' Mencken. Vol. i. p. 1516. - T. Short. Op. cit., vol. i. p. 182. 3 Rogers. Op. cit. * Muratori. Chronic. Placentia. ^ //. de Knyghton. Op. cit. « Baker. Op. cit. ■' //. deKnyghton. Op. cit. » Hist. Agricult. History of Animal Plagues. 117 A.D. 1392. ^During the whole of the past summer, the largest rivers of France, which carry the tribute of their waters to the sea, were dried up, and could no longer serve as transport. Not only did no rain fall, but the earth scarcely furnished the springs with water. In certain places this famine of water made great ravages among the flocks, which died of thirst on the banks of fountains and streams, or succumbed to contatrious maladies/ ^ A.D. 1401. In England, '^the insects of leaves did immense injury throughout the country, by consuming the leaves and grass to such an extent that no provender was left for cattle.' ^ They were destroyed by lime, which likewise fertilized the ground, and is said to have given origin to lime manuring. A.D. 1407. ' A long and severe winter in England. Frost and snow lay all December, January, February, and March. Thrushes, blackbirds, and many thousands of smaller birds died from hunger and cold.'^ In Ireland, Wery inclement weather, and a great destruction of cattle in this year.' * ' There was foul and bad weather this year, and a great murrain of cattle.''"' A pestilence in Wales from a putrid fish which was cast ashore." A.D. 1414. According to Saxo Grammaticus, a severe form of dysentery ravaged German^;, affecting horses, cattle, dogs, and cats, as well as man. A.D. 1423. The priory of All Saints, which stood upon the site now occupied by Trinity College, Dublin, 'was reduced to such a state of misery, by the unfruitfulness of the seasons, by the mortality of men and cattle,' and other circumstances, that the revenue of the establishment was insufficient for its support.^ A.D. 1425. 'Very inclement weather in Ireland this year from November ist to May, which caused a great destruction upon cows, and delay in ploughing throughout the island, and loss of people.' * A.D. 1430. An epidemy in Italy, and soon after i^^\) a great ' Chroniques de St Denys, ii. p. 45. Edition, 1840. 2 lola MS. 3 T. Short. Op. cit., p. 185. * Annals of Connauglit. '■' Annals of Clonmacnoise. « lola M.S. ' Registry of the Priory of All Saints. Irish Archx'ol. Transactions. ^ Annals of Clonmacnoise. ii8 History of Anmial Plagties. mortality of people at Augsburg, in Germany, succeeded by a serious epizooty among horses. ' Et sicuti superiore aestate homines, ita hac equi apud nos sua quadam strage magno numero periere.' ^ A.D. 1433. In Germany, a severe winter, inundations, famine, and a mortality among cattle/ " In Spain, ' in the month of January, 1433, there happened in the kingdom of Aragon and Navarre a terrible snow-storm {nevasco tan fiirioso), which continued for forty days, and during which there perished a vast number of people and cattle; though whether this loss arose from the great cold, or from some epidemic and epizootic diseases occurring at that time, is not known.' ^ A.D. 1434. In Ireland, ' a great frost commenced at the end of this year, i.e. five weeks before Christmas, and it continued seven weeks after it; and droves of cows, and troops of horses and people, used to pass upon the chief lakes of Erinn ; and there was great slaughter brought upon the birds of Erinn by that frost.'* A.D. 1441. During the reign of Frederick III. an epizooty of all the domestic animals broke out in Germany, consequent, it would appear, on inundations, caused by long rains and the overflowing of rivers. It was apparently a violent form of dysentery. Saxo attributed it to the corruption of the water and the general unhealthiness of the pastures and fruits.^ A.D. 1442. In Germany, a severe epizooty among cattle {mortalitas boum), following the appearance of a comet which was visible for fourteen nights.^ A.D. 1443. For Ireland it is recorded : '^ A rainy tempestuous year after May, so that very many fishes multiplied in all the rivers in Ireland, and it much hurted both bees and sheepe in Ireland also.'' This is the third epizooty of bees and the ^ Gassari. Alencken. Scrip, i. p. 1581. - Spangenberg. Mans. Chronic. •* Villalba. EpidemiologiaEspaiiola, i. p. 95. ^ Annals of Ulster. ^ Michael Saxo. Chronic. Cses. Spangenberg. Op. cit., p. 380. ^ Cosm<£. Prag. Chronic. Mencken. Scrip, rer. German., i. p. 1992. '' Mac Firbis. Annals of Ireland. History of Animal Plagues. iio second of sheep in Ireland. In Italy, Gaul, Germany, Spain, and other countries, and also in Asia, famine and plaoues reigned for nearly seven years. At this period Don Alonzo V., King of Aragon, surnamed The Wise, subdued the kingdom of Naples. In consequence, however, of a stubborn resistance shown in the province of the Abruzo, and the toil and hardship inseparable from a desperate and lingering war, the cavalry, almost the only arm employed, suffered very much, the horses dying by hundreds from an epizooty of a particular character. The king, in view of this great mortality, ordered his major- domo, Manuel Diaz, to assemble all the veterinary surgeons of the cavalry to investigate the nature of the malady, and to com- pose a book on veterinary medicine. This order was complied with, and veterinary science thereby received a fresh impulse, as is noted in the Spanish Hippatria, or veterinary manual of Spain. ^ A.D. 1445. 'A great mortalitie of the cattle throughout Ireland; both want of victuals and dearth of corn in Ireland also.'^ A.D. 1450. In Ireland, 'a hard warlike year was this, with many storms and great losse of cattle.^ ^ A.D. 1456. In this year a comet appeared which struck terror throughout Europe, already in a sad state of consternation from the inroads of the Turks. Pope Calixtus III., as supersti- tious as the ignorant masses, or desirous of gratifying them, ordered a prayer, in which he conjured the Turks and the comet alike. The wheat was all destroyed by red blight. A.D. 1462. 'Create frost in this yeare that slaughtered many flocks of birds in Ireland.^* Fabyn speaks of the King of Eng- land, Edward IV., being in this year 'vysyted with the syke- nesse of pockys (smalj-pox). ' '" A.D. 1464. An epidemic colic or cholera in Ireland, which 1 Villalha. Epid. Espan. i. p. 98. This work was written in tiie Limousin- Catalane dialect, and was multiplied by many written copies. At a later period it was translated into Castilian and printed. Perhaps the earliest edition is one that had the following title : Libro de Albeyteria, por Don Manuel Diaz. <,\i''ig. 1500. This century began with much inclemency of weather, which caused great destruction to cattle, and was fol- History of Animal Plagues. 127 lowed bv a series of severe epizootic diseases. Accordincr to Hecker, evil was prognosticated bv a cornet.^ In Ireland 'great inclemency [doincun) this year, which killed almost all the cattle of Erinn, and prevented the earth^s responding to the husbandman.''^ Spain was said to be ravaged bv rabies canina.^ A.D. 1501. Tremendous inundation in Silesia. As a con- sequence, an epizooty among cattle and many other kinds of animals.* A.D, 1504. Great drought, failure of the crops, and mor- tality amongst cattle in Saxony. ° ' And in this year there was a cold winter; thereupon followed a very hot and dry summer. For many months, from the beginning of April to the end of July, there was no rain. The sky was cloudless, the sun \\as glaring and hot, whereby the grass was scorched, so that there was no hay or lattermath. The oats failed, and other crops were little more fruitful. Hereupon followed a great scarcity. Pi<;s died in large numbers. Many farmers drove out fine herds in the morning, of which one-third did not return at night. Neither had the previous great mortality ceased, but, owing to the intense heat, it rather increased ; so that in some places the half, in others one-third, of the people died '^5'^5- A very wet summer. Then came the pestilence, which had already lasted several years. It was now more severe amongst the cattle than it had hitherto been, and among men it was none the less so.' " There was a great invasion of caterpillars in Northern Germany, which destroyed all the foliage. Signacula, or blood- spots, which Agricolo supposed to be lichens, so abounded on linen, the veils of women, the food, and even in the air, in the form of blond-rain, as to cause great fear.' The great murrain amono- the cattle at Meissen, in Saxony, led to the execution of some hose huben, or supposed miscreants, who were suspected ' Heckcr. Epidemics of the Middle Ages. - Annals of Ulster. ^ Blaine. Canine Pathology. * Chronic. Princep. Polon. Stcnzcl. Vol. i. p. i68. * Fabricius. Annals Misn. p. 170. •■• Spaii(;cnberg. Mansfcld. Chronic, book i. p. 402. ' Mczcray. Op. cit., p. 819. 1 28 History of Animal Plagues. of poisoning the pastures. Wirth thinks the malady was ^ milz- brand/ or splenic apoplexy — a form of anthrax. A.D. 1508. The summer very wet ; inundations. In Austria an epizooty amongst cattle and hogs, which was named lues inter CHS — plague, or dropsy under the skin.^ Locusts devas- tated Spain, and epidemic pestilence followed. A.D. 1513-14. After a severe winter, a sudden thaw, famine, rains, and inundations, an epizooty, contagious in its nature, appeared in Friuli, from whence it spread to the States of Venice, thence to Verona, and at last to France and England. An epidemic in mankind raged at the same time in Italy and in England. Fracastor, who is the first writer to give detailed svmptoms of these animal plagues in modern times, describes the malady. He says : ' We refer to the unusual contagion of the year 1514, which attacked oxen alone. It was first seen in the country around Friuli, and gradually, but yet rapidly, was it carried to Venice, and from thence to our own country (Verona). The ox at first, and without any manifest cause, ceased to eat. But the herdsmen noticed in those infected a certain roughness and small pustules over the whole mouth and palate [asperitas qiice- dam et paruce pustulce percipiehantur in palato et ore toto). It was necessary to separate those infected from the rest of the herd, otherwise the whole became contaminated. By degrees the spots Or pustules descended to the shoulders, and thence to the feet. Almost all in which this symptom was noticed recovered, but of those who did not exhibit this extension of the eruption the greatest part died.' ^ No treatment of the malady is indicated. In recent times the nature of this pest, as described by Fracastor, has given rise to some discussion. Paulet, who has given us a class- ical work on epizootic diseases, says that ' la maladie en ques- tion n'etoit autre chose qu'une fi^vre pestilentielle exanthe- matique, qui se terminoit par une eruption critique aux parties anterieures du corps, de la meme manicre que les fievres eriip- tives qu'on observe sur les hommes, telles que la petite verole, la rougeole, les ficvTes pourpreuses; mais elle ressemble encore ' Chronic. Mellic. - Fmcastorus. Tract, de Contagiosis Morbis, lib. i. cap. 12. History of Animal Plagues. 129 plus particulierement a cettc fievre de Sydenham ; ^ ou niiliaire iiialignCj decrite par Hamilton/' Allioni/ et surtout par Wal- thierus,* qui a observe que toutes les fois que I'eruption se faissoit du cote du visage, ou qu'elle occupoit les oreilles, le cou, les bras, Petoit la meilleure crise qu'on put csperer, et celle qui sauve ordinairement les malades. Hippocrate porte le meme prognostic dans les squinancies, lorsque I'humcur morbifique se manifeste au-dehors.'^ It may be observed that this author de- signated the Cattle Plague or Rinderpest a Pklogoso-gangrrneuse. Dupuv '^ (who termed the Cattle Plague a Cachex'ie or D'latliese Farioleuse) and others think it was variolous in its nature. Loriu- ser ^ imagined it must be the coiifagious fi/phus, or Cattle Plague; and others, again, that it was glossanthrax. A few are of opinion that Heusinger^ was right in declaring it to be a malignant form of Stomatitis aplithosa ; but one cannot help concluding, from the symptoms enumerated, the contagious character of the malady, its great mortality, and its likeness to the plague which threatened to decimate our herds in 1865, that those who assert its identity with the Rinderpest are justified in doing so. Though Fracastor, in one part of his treatise, asserts that oxen alone were affected, yet in another he says that not only did the plague sweep away ' the wretched cattle, but also nearly the whole of the unhappy flocks of sheep.' This gives additional evidence as to the disease being the veritable Plague ; though, as will be subsequently noticed, diseases of a pestilential kind were preva- lent among sheep from the beginning of the century. Besides, the archives of the Imperial Agricultural Society of Southern Russia mention that the 'Cattle Plague' appeared in Spain at this period; so that Europe may have again been widely de- vastated by this scourge. And Schenkius" informs us that at this time Venice and Padua 1 Sydenham. De Nova Febris Nigressu Schcdula Monitoria. ^ Hamilton. De Febre Miliar!. * Allionni. Febris Miliari Tractatio, No. 76. * Medic. Germani, p. 151. ^ Paulct. Rechcrdics, &c., vob i. p. 37. ® Dupuv. Traite sur les Maladies Epizootiques. Pariii, 1836. ' Lorinscr. Die Rinderpest. " lit-usiftger. Reclierches de Pathologie Comparee, vol. ii. p. 165. '' Schenkius. History of Hanover, chap. xi. 9 130 History of Animal Plagues. were visited by a malignant epidemic dysentery, from the people havinff eaten the flesh of some diseased cattle that the butchers had imported from Hungary. The squabble between the butchers and the populace was serious. Forster^ and Webster^ mention an epizooty, or ^distemper/ as having destroyed much cattle in England in this year. They also notice an epizooty among cats in England, but unfortunately they neither give their authorities^ nor do they describe the symptoms. A.D. 1515. There appeared this year in France, though it had been noticed here and there since the commencement of the century, a disease amongst sheep, which was contagious and very dangerous. It was named fehris pestifera, vari ingri, or more commonly the 'Tacj' a term, it seems, for a pestilential disease which had appeared in the human species in 1411.^ Gesner, in his ' Historia Animalium,' makes mention of the disease as scabies: "^Scabiem ovium Galli vocant Tcc.^ Ambrose Pare * says that the Tac usually appears in the pestilential fever (of man), and sometimes before the tumours or carbuncles be- come apparent : ' In some cases there are eruptions on the skin similar to the bites of fleas or bugs; sometimes^ also, there are elevations like small millet-seeds or the small-pox of children. The vulgar call them the Tac,' &c. Belon, a learned physician, who wrote a work on medicine^ in the 16th century, in speaking of the 'Tac' oil {hidle de tac), says that this sub- stance was so named because it was employed in the treatment of a disease of that name, ' a pestilential disease which attacks and kills sheep.' 'The peasantry of Celtic Gaul,' he further observes, 'knowing better than we how to cure it, go to the apothecaries and ask for the 7ac, which is an empyreum^,tic oil, obtained from juniper wood, and which is designated Cade Serb'm in the South of France, a name borrowed from the Jews.' In Languedoc and other parts of France this oil is yet named ' oli de cade.' The origin of the word appears to have been derived ^ Forster. The Disorders of Health, p. 153. 2 N: Webster. Op. cit. ^ Panlet. Op. cit., vol. i. p. 88. * Q^uvres ed. Malgaigne, vol. iii. p. 423. ^ Medicamentis Servandi Cadaveris Vini Obtinentibus. Hisiory of A nimal Plagues. 1 3 1 from the facility with wliich the affection could he propao-ated h]j the touch, or contact. In this sense the term has heen some- what misapphed by the French, who have nsed it to signify the scabies, and also the pourriture, or ' rot,' of cattle and sheep. Scheuchzerl mentions that the peasants of Lugano give this name to the disease known as glossanthrax. A.D. 1517. 'Was a very droughty and frosty winter, a very hot summer, a very early and plentiful harvest. Wheat fell from ten shillings a bushel to ten pence. There was a great \ murrain of kinc, so mortally infectious, that dogs and ravens ' feeding on their flesh were poisoned and swelled to death. None durst eat beef. In the beginning of this year (says Tyenius) rasfcd a pain and inflanunation of the throat, so pest- iferous, malignant, and contagious, that whoever, within six or eight hours' seizure, had not proper remedies applied, died in sixteen or twenty hours.'- The epidemic sweating sickness- began at midsummer this year. A.D. 1518. In the city of Cascante, kingdom of Navarre, Spain, an epizootic disease appeared among the horses, which consisted in a mass of abscesses about the head and throat, accompanied by insatiable thirst, hectic fever, and emaciation. Pedro Lopez of Zamora, chief veterinary surgeon of the king- dom, gave directions for its treatment, which were promptly successful.^ A.D. 1524. In Ireland, ' great inclemency of weather, and a mortality of cattle at the beginning of this year.' •* A.D. 1529. During the reign of the sweating sickness in ! mankind, the weather was most inclement all over Europe, and caused much alarm. Heavy rains had prevailed for a long time, the earth was soaked, and the air was laden with moisture. Deluges were frequent everywhere in Europe. In Brandenburg, in the preceding year, swarms of locusts appeared ; '' and in that country, as well as in the north of Germany generally, it was dangerous to eat fish, as it was reported that malignant and con- tagious diseases in mankind had been traced to this cause." There • Zungenkrebs, p. 4. - 7! S/iort. Op. cit.,vc)I. i. p. SS. 3 Villalba. Op. cit., vol. i. p. 135. ^ Annals of Kihooiian. * Annales Berlino-Marchici. '"' Lailhin^er. Scriptoruni, p. 90. 132 History of Animal Plagues. was probably some plague and development of a peculiar poison in the finny tribes; pestilence in man and animals raging nearly everywhere. In various parts of the German states, the birds of the air became affected with disease. In the neighbourhood of Freyburg, in the Briesgau, for instance, they were found dead in great numbers scattered under the trees, with pustules as large as peas under their wings; indicating among them a disease that, in all likelihood, extended far beyond the southern districts of the Rhine. -"^ Earthquakes were felt in Italy, and comets and meteors were frequent everywhere; blood-coloured rain fell at Cremona,^ and disease prev^ailed among the porpoises in the Baltic. ' During Lent, to the astonishment of the inhabitants of Stettin, it was observed that porpoises came in great numbers up the frische HafF as far as the bridge, and that the Baltic cast on its shores many dead animals of this kind, which gave rise to the opinion that jthe waters of the sea were poisoned.^ ^ Frightful famine in j Germany and France. In Switzerland, an epizooty among the /cattle.*! A great epizooty among the pigs at Augsburg and ! Thuringia during the prevalence of the sweating sickness in \ mankind. Out of seventy attacked at Posangia, only ten were ; left Six hundred died at Ceyca, and were thrown out of the city to be devoured by the wild beasts.^ A.D. 1530. During the pest at Milan, according to Ripa- montius, after mankind had been seized with the disease, cattle were attacked. A.D. 1534. Severe winter. 'Disease among pigs continued in Ceyca, and in the country around, to the great detriment of the poor people. Forty died in our own Monastery. The year, however, was healthy and fruitful.^" A.D. 1539. In Ireland, '■ fever and bloody fluxes being rife everywhere, whereof many died. An extreme hard winter followed, insomuch that store of cattle perished in many places.^^ I ^ /. Schiller. De Peste Britanic. Commentai-y, fol. 3. ' The fowls of the air, i with their delicate and irritable organs of respiration, feel the injurious influence , much earlier and more sensitively than any of the unfeathered tribes, and have often been the harbingers of great danger, ere man was aware of its approach. ' — Hecker. 2 Campo. Pp. 150, 151. 3 Xlemzen. P. 254. * Hajis Stockars. Heimfart von Jerusalem. 1839, p. 197. ^ ]\[i,fic};cn. Op. cit. ^ Lannus. Chronic. Nurembergens. ' Ware. Annals. History of Animal Plagues. 133 In England, 'in 1539, the thirty-first year of Henrv VIII., was great death of burning agues and flixes; and such a drousrht that Welles and small rivers were dryed up, and many cattle dyed for lacke of water; the saltwater flowed above London bridge.' ^ A.D. 1541-2. The summer of 1540 had been so excessively hot, that the woods often took fire spontaneously. At this time plague appeared in mankind in many parts of Europe, butj especially at Constantinople. At Geneva, Textor observed that birds left their nests at the commencement of the plaguej and Fallopius thought he had discovered a pestilential bubo on a bird. The following year^ clouds of red locusts which came from the interior of Asia, through Turkey^ passed over Sclavonia, Croatia, Austria, and Italy, and alighting in Spain destroyed all vegetation, and were the cause of much misery.^ Kaye saw a cloud of them in Padua which extended as far as the eye could reach, and it was full two hours before they had passed. ' In September a large number of locusts were seen in this country, and especially around Leipsic, some nith four, and others with six win2;s — the king was about the size of a sparrow. Wherever thev came they devoured every leaf, herb, and grass, and besmeared everything with a red blood-coloured substance. In the day-time they travelled almost a mile (five English miles) without resting; when they settled anywhere, or were blown down by the wind, they lay a foot deep, and created a dreadful stench.' ^ A.D. 1543. 'By reason of a great mortality among the cattle, occasioned by great rains in the preceding season, meat rose to such an excessive price that mutton was sold at two shillings and fourpence the quarter, and a lamb at three shillings and four- pence. The consideration whereof induced the Lord Mayor and Common Council to make a sumptuary law, for ])revcriting luxurious eating; whereby the Mayor was rcstramed from having more than se\en dishes at either dinner or su]iper, and the Aldermen and Sherifls to six, upon the ])enah\' of forty ' Stow. Annals. '■' Villalba. Op. cit. Lupercio Fanzano. Annales dc Aragon. ^ Voxels. Annal. Leipzig, p. 151. 134 History of Animal Plagiies. • shillings for every supeniumery dish ; the sword-bearer to have foLir^ and the mayor and sheriff's officers three dishes.' ^ A.D. 1544. In Peru, the wild and domesticated alpacas died in great numbers from a cutaneous disease.^ This malady has been observed to destroy these animals in modern times^ when they have been transferred from high to low countries. A.D. 1552. The previous year had been remarkable for very unusual weather, the atmosphere being heavily charged with water, and various electrical phenomena were manifested. Mould spots, or signacula, were observed on clothes in Germany, the water was affected by red discolourations, and there was an exuberance of the lowest cryptogamic species of vegetation. Anthrax appeared among cattle at Lucca in Italy. ' When, however, the farmers had considered the nature of the malady, they immediately slew any cattle that were affected. In this disease it was worthy of notice, that if the blood of any of the infected animals came in contact with the bare skin of a man it produced carbuncles, which, if not opened, were harmless — a wonderful circumstance ; but if opened, and not immediately cauterized, they would rapidly spread, and be the cause of speedy death. The flesh of the slaughtered and diseased cattle was 'cooked and eaten, and yet caused no inconvenience, but broth made from it proved fatal to whomsoever partook of it.'^ A.D. 1556. An epizooty following a blight of the crops in the cantons of Berne and Basle, in Switzerland.* In all proba- bility this was anthrax. A.D. 1559. ' In this month (July) there occurred a remark- able circumstance : several wolves came in open day from the woods near Horla and Wolffsberg, and hunted cattle and people; they destroyed several cattle. In the circle of Magdeburg, there arose, in certain parts, a contagion and mortality among cattle.'^ A.D. 1567. Small-pox raging in the human species in many countries. For the first time, for certain, according; to some 1 Maitla>id. History of London, 1739, p. 141. Holhished. Op. cit. ^ Garcilasso. Historia General del Peru, 1722. ^ IVierns. De Prsestig. daemon., lib. iv. chap. 30. * Urstis. Chronic. Basil., vol. viii. p. 22. * Spangenberg. Op. cit., 479. History of Animal Plagues. 00 authors (but erroneously, as I have shown), there is mention made of the small-pox in sheep. Joubert, a physician, in allud- ing to the plague in man, thus notices the disease : 'Neither do those people think wrongly, in my opinion, who argue that the corpses of men who die by the plague are more hurtful to man than those of horses are to horses, and of other animals to ani- mals of their own species. Sometimes, nevertheless, it happens, as Ficinus relates, that the plague passes from men to pigs, not on account of any similarity in their dispositions, but in their flesh. The people of Montpellicr commonly call the pest in sheep picota {' picotte,^ the French term for variola ovina) : Mons- pelienses pestem pecoribus famiUarem, P'tccottam appellant. If we may believe Arnoldus Villanovanus, the plague of man never| attacks sheep, and that of sheep never attacks man. In pre-f vious years, as I hear, a certain pest attacked the cats alone in Lutetia, Parrhisii, and carried off an innumerable quantity.^ ^ j 'After Lent there came a great mortality among the sheep, so that several thousand in my neighbourhood alone died, and the same occurred in other parts.' ^ A.D. 1571. An epizooty among cattle, and an epidemy in mankind at Memmingen.^ A.D. 1572. In Ireland ' there was a great mortality of men and cattle in this year.' ^ A.D. 1578. Epizootic disease among cats and poultry at Paris.^ A.D. 1580-1. Influenza in man, as well as malignant fever and small-pox, raged over Europe. According to Riverius, a pro- digious plague of insects appeared in April and May, immediate- ly before the breaking out of the influenza. They were supposed to rise out of the earth ; and so dense a multitude were they^ that the daylight was obscured by tliem, and they were crushed by millions on the roads." The air seems to have been tainted to a strange degree, for birds felt its evil influence, and abandoned '^ Jonhcrt. De Pcstc Libellus. Liiyd. 1567. Sec the year 1277. ''■ Spani;enbcrg. Op. cit., p. 489. 3 Erhardt. Topograpliy of Memmingcn, p. ()i. * Annals of the Four Masters. '' Paiilet. Vol. i. p. 56. * Riverius. Opera Omnia Medica. Lugd. 1OC9, p. 585. 136 History of Animal Plagues. ;the countries in which the epidemic appeared. The birds of .'passage migrated before their appointed time^ and those whose nature it is to build on trees and in elevated situations rested during the night on the ground. Not only did this occur^ but animals which fed on herbs and leaves became sickened with their usual food, which seemed to be polluted by some virus in the atmosphere.^ In 1581^ says Dr Shorty 'at six o'clock in the evenings in Aprilj was an earthquake not far from York, which in some places shook the stones out of the buildings, and made the church bells jingle ; the next night the earth trembled once or twicein Kent, as it did also May the ist following. November the 1st, in Kent and the marshes of Essex, was a sore plague of strange mice suddenly covering the earth, and gnawing the grass roots ; this poisoned all field herbage, for it raised the plague of murrain among cattle grazing on it. No wit or art of man could destroy these mice, till another strange flight of owls came, and killed them all. A great earthquake in Peru.' ^ ' Salitis Diversus. De Febre Pestilente. Francof. 1586, p. 62. • T. Sho7't. Op. cit., vol. |i. p. 267. Stow. Annals. This very unusual irruption of mice in Kent and the marshes of Essex appears to have caused some dismay ; and well it might, for the occurrence must have been as perplex- ing 9,s it was unusual. In other countries, however, this is not so, and the mice or rats, or some cognate species, are noted for their migratory habits ; though perhaps all do not give rise to'a 'plague of murrain,' whatever that may have been. Some notices of these appear in this ' History ; ' a ie>N others are men- tioned as follows. Wrangell, when travelling in the far north of Siberia, speaks of the misfortunes of a native hunter. ' He had expected that his dogs would have been able to subsist during the summer on the mice, which they are in the habit of catching, and had brought with him only as much food for them as he calculated he should require for them on his return. Unfortunately the mice had migrated, and in consequence the greater part of his dogs died.' ' The mice often emigrate in large numbers from one island to another, and sometimes even to the continent of Asia.' — Travels in the North of Siberia, pp. 497, 498. Tschudi, for Peru, says : ' Numbers of the mouse family, from the small tree mouse {Drymomys parvidus) to the large, loathsome, spinous rat {Echinomys leptosotna), swarm over all the Montanas, and love to approximate to the dwellings of man. These animals destroy the gathered harvest, and even in these remote regions they become a plague.' — Travels in Pene, p. 424. A species of marmot {Lagopus Tibetamis, Hodgson : the ' Kardiepien ' of the Tibetans) sometimes migrates in swarms, like the Lapland lemming, from Tibet, as far as Tungu. — Hooker. Himalayan Journals, vol. ii. p. 93. The ermine also, according to Brooke {Travels in Norway, p. 310), Pontoppi- History of A ninial Plagues. 1 3 y A.D, 1586. According to Forstcr^ there was an cpizooty of rabies among dogs during the epidemic plague in Flanders, Tur- key, Hungary, and Austria.^ It may be this epizooty to which Dr Short refers in 1587, when he says : '■ The Belgians 2:roaued under a terrible plague and famine; for the inhabitants of great towns and villages in Flanders were either slain in war, dead of the plague, or starved with hunger. All the country was waste, so as wolves and wild beasts stabled in the houses; they were become so numerous, that they killed and tore in pieces, not only cattle, but men, women, and children. Dogs, with hunger and madness, run up and down the country, biting and killing cattle and one another.^ ^ dan {Natural History of Norway), and Pennant {Arctic Zoology), emigrates in im- mense numbers. But the most curious and notable of all creatures for this pro- pensity is the lemming. Olaus Magnus believed them to be poisonous in their action on vegetation. He says : ' In the aforesaid Helsingia, and provinces that are near to it, in the diocese of Upsal, small beasts with four feet, that they call lemmar, or lemmus, as big as a rat, with a skin diverse coloured, fall out of the ayr, in tempests and sudden showers ; but no man knows from whence they come; whether from the remoter islands, and are brought thither by the wind, or else they breed of feculent matter in the clouds : yet this is proved, that as soon as they fall down there is found green grass in their bellies, not yet digested. These, like locusts, falling in great swarms, destroy all green things, and all dyes they bite on, by the venome of them. This swarm lives so long as they feed on no new grass. Also they come together in troops like swallows, that are ready to fly away ; but at the set time they either die in heaps with a contagion of the earth (by the corruption of them, the ayr grows pestilentiall, and the people are troubled with vertigos, or the jaundice), or they are devoured by beasts, common- ly called lekat, or hermelin, and these ermines grow fat thereby, and their skins grow larger.' — History of Goths and Vandals. Lloyd has the following : ' We are informed by M. Malin, the naturalist, who spent some time in Lapland, that in the summer and autumn, when the lemmings traverse the forest and the 'fjalls,' they are pursued, killed, and eaten by the reindeer when pasturing. — Scandinavian Adventures, vol. ii. p. 74. The ' Old Bushmen ' thus speaks of the sea-gulls of Lapland : ' Although oc- casionally seen accidentally in other parts of Scandinavia, the peculiar breeding home of the Buffons Skua (a variety of gull) is on the Lapland fells. Tliey are not always seen in the same numbers every year, and they say that it is the lem- mings which draw them down to certain localities. One thing, however, is cer- tain, that in 1862 we had a migration of lemmings at Quickiock, and that year in one fell meadow, a little distance from the village, I shot about twenty-five okl birds, and procured above thirty eggs.' — Ten Years in Sweden, p. 401. • Foster. Op. cit., p. 156. 2 T. Short. Op. cit., p. 271. It is somewhat remarkable, that, until this date, we should have no exact record of any epizootics of rabies in the dog. Tiie 138 History of Animal Plagues. A.D. 1590. Rabies in wolves was epizootic at Montbel- liard.i A.D. 1591. In Sicily^ an epidemy and epizooty during a hot and damp year. ' In this year there was a good deal of blight, which the people called resin {uredo, rubigove, quam valgus resinum appellat), on the trees, plants, corn, and every- thing green ; and, miserable to relate, it destroyed all these in a very short space of time. Cows, sheep, and all herds, on account of the blighted and bad quality of the forage, became emaciated, as if the blight had been of a deadly nature to them, as well as to the vegetation. All milk was foul and of a pale colour, and all the corn, pulse, and barley was light, mildewed [cerug'niata) , and had a bad and corrupt smell, from the constant rains, when collected by the farmers.^ ^ A.D. 1592. Mortality among the fish at Leipsic.^ In England was an excessive drought, and great death of cattle from want of water. Springs and brooks were dried up; horse- men could ride across the Thames at London."* The following winter was so severe at Vienna, that the wolves entered the town and attacked men and cattle. A.D. 1598. After inundations and heavy fogs, there was a general epizooty among cattle in Germany.^ In the same year there appeared ergotism in the human species. disease was known from the very earliest times, for Homer appears to allude to it in the Iliad. ' Not half so dreadful rises to the sight, Thro' the thick gloom of some tempestuous night, Orion's dog (the year when Autumn weighs). And o'er the feebler stars exerts his rays ; Terrific glory ! for his burning breath Taints the red air with fevers, plagues, and death.' Hippocrates, Aristotle, and Dioscorides describe it, and it was well known to the Greek and Latin writers of a later age. And yet until the present century I have been unable to trace its existence in an epizootic form. We have noted its occur- rence in other animals, but not in the dog ; though in the early ages of our era it must have been very prevalent, for we find that in Belgium, at a remote date, pilgrimages used to be made to the shrine of St Hubert, as they now are, for the cure of hydrophobia. Dudley Costdlo. The Valley of the Meuse, p. 297. ^ J. Bauhin. Memorab. Historia Luporum, &c. Montbelliard, 1591. ^ Ma>xellt{s Capra. De Morbo Pandemonio, fol. 2. 3 Vogds. Annal., p. 268. * T. Short. Op. cit., p. 274. * A77ipsingii. De Medic, et Astron. Conjugio. Rostok, 1629, p. 206. History of Animal Plagues. 139 A.D. 1599. Plague in mankind in various parts of the worldj but especially in France and Upper Italy. To this was added, in ItaKv, disease in cattle, which destroyed more than thirteen thousand beasts.^ 'There is a certain manuscript, which is worthy of credence, in which Antonius Faccius says, that in the ninety-ninth year of that age in which Fracastorius lived, so grievous a plague attacked the oxen, that the Senate was bound to issue edicts to the public, to the efl'ect that no flesh of oxen, no cheese lately made, no butter, nor yet milk, should be sold in the State under pain of death ; but that nnit- ton alone should be eaten/" ' A plague among cattle and goats in Italy, and by them communicated to other animals.' ^ An epidemic of dysentery in Venice and Padua was the cause of the above order, which gave rise to a great contention between the inhabitants and the butchers. The disease among the cattle was supposed to have been imported from Hungary. It mav here be remarked, that the cities of Venice and Padua had, from tin)e immemorial, drawn their supplies of cattle from Hungary andDalmatia, and so severely and frequently did they sufler from epizootic diseases, that at a later period they were compelled to renounce this source of supply. Wirth, however, as usual, classes the disease amongst the animals as one of an anthracoid character.^ A.D. 1603. Very inclement season in London, and a pestil- ence among mankind which was supposed to have been intro- duced from the Low Countries. A famine prevailed, and ex- tensive disease amongst all animals, but particularly cattle. Even dogs suffered greatly. A.D. 1604. In October great floods in England and Wales, which destroyed cattle and everything else in the marshy coun- try. Rabies canina was epizootic in Paris, and caused great alarm." A.D. 1609. A plague in Memmingcn from July to Decem- ber, killing a number of people. From December, an cpizocity ^ Palladio. Storia de Friuli, vol. ii. p. 235. 2 Ramazzini. De Contag. Kpid. Bourn, 0pp. Genev. p. 794. 3 Cole. Quoted by Dr .Short, p. 287. * Op. cit., p. 85. * Journal dc Henri IV., vol. iii. p. 221. 140 History of Annual Plagues. in cattle, which was so fatal that all attacked died.^ ' Was a most rigorous hard frost from December to April ; the Thames became a highway ; birds and garden stuff were killed.^ " A.D. 1610. Plague showed itself in the suburbs of Grenada, and spread rapidly. Spain and Constantinople suffered very much from pestilence. The same epizooty as in the preceding year became more general, and at the same time a malignant epi- zooty reigned in Alsace, which did not even allow untamed birds to escape ; these were often seen falling to the ground dead.^ Gangrenous sore-throat declared itself in Old Castile this year among the horses, cattle, and hogs; it destroyed entire herds.* Catarrh prevailed in mankind throughout Europe. ' As in the previous year, the trees suffered much from cold, so in this year the bark and leaves were eaten by vermin, so that there was no fruit; on the contrary, there was much wine. Amono; the cattle there rao-ed a contao-ious disease in the mouth, so that many died.'^ Was this the same disease that reigned in Memmingen, Alsace, and Spain ? And was it anthrax (affect- ing the mouth and throat), influenza, or ekzema, or all three? During the plague in mankind at Constantinople, there was a dreadful visitation of locusts. ' Such clouds, or swarms, of grasshoppers so plagued the city and country about Constanti- nople that they darkened the sun, and left not any green herb or leaf in all the country; they entered the bed-chambers; they were near as large as dormice, with red wings/ ^ A.D. 1612. An epidemy in Hesse and other parts of Germany, followed by a great pestilence among pigs and cattle, according to Gcelenius. Previous to this a sudden and amazing number of spiders appeared, and swarms of locusts swept Provence. A.D. 1613. Plague in man still raged at Constantinople. The cats were transported to Scutari, under a supposition that they were the cause of the plague, being thennselves distempered.'' ' Erhart. Op. cit, , p. 63. ' ^ Clark's Examples. T. Short. Op. cit., vol. i. p. 292. ^ Lcbenswald. Landstadt-und Haus-arzneibuch. Nuremberg, 1695. * Fontecha. De Anginis Disput. Compent., 161 1. ® Walser. Appenzeller Chronik., p. 581. ® T. Short. Op. cit., p. 294. Turkish Histoiy. ' Forster. Op. cit., p. 157. T. Short, Mignot. History of Animal Plagues. 141 A.D. 1614. A very deadly epidcmy, and an epizootic dis- ease among the fowls in Bohemia.^ The fowls coUeeted in groups of six or seven, according to Schottky, and holdino; their heads close together, would fall to the ground and die. A o;reat snow-storni in the west of England. The snow lay very deep, and for a long time, and destroyed much cattle and sheep. A.D. 1615. Epizouty among the horses in the canton of Appenzell.- A.D. 1616. Malignant angina appeared in the human species at Naples. Plague appeared in Egypt, Norway, Denmark, Bergen, the Levant, and other places. 'In consequence of an epi- zooty, the character and results of which, as well as the source, were unknown, and which manifested itself with great severity in the provinces of Padua, Treviso, Vicenza, and Udine, the sale of the flesh of hullocks and calves was strictly prohibited until the month of August. The slaughter of calves was interdicted until the end of September. These orders were in force throuijhout the Venetian dominions, as far as the Mincio.' ^ A.D. 1617. Mercurialis plainly indicates that the epizooty reigning at Venice, where it was named giaudiissa, was afurina maligna, a form of anthrax which was even transmissible to man. ' On account of the daily rains the herbage on the plains became covered witii mud, and the cattle eating this, were seized with putridity of the throat, became suffocated, and died. Some, when half dead, were killed to be eaten, and the herdsmen and farmers, fearing no such evil, quickly succumbed to the noxious food. The calamity afl'ected all proprietors to a like extent.^ * The same disease appeared in the kingdom of Naples ; and, indeed, from what one can gather, there is every probability that since 1609 this malady has held sway in the greater part of Europe among cattle. ' In this year a great slaughter of cattle haj^pened everywhere from the ignea pestis (anthrax), so that they could not masticate their food, far less swallow it; where- fore very many perished by a most miserable death, as I see re- marked in some manuscript chronicles."^ 'In i6i(S, a disease ' ll'alsc'r. Op. cit. - Ibid. ^ Bottani. Op. cil., vol. ii. p. 34. * Atk. Kirchcri. Scrutinium Physico-Med. Pestis. Rome, 1658, p. 60. * 6". Oul/tovii. Judicia Jchova*. Groningcn, 1721, p. 740. 142. History of Animal Plagues. among the oxen happened in our country, by which they fell down choked in a wonderful manner. Spain was the first place which felt the full force of this malady. Afterwards Malta, Sicily, Sardinia, Hydruntum, Apulia, Calabria, Latium, and at length the whole of the Neapolitan province was affected; to which, after two and twenty years, it had become so domiciled, that many thought it would be some centuries before it entirely disappeared.' ^ From its becoming endemic, it was designated the ' houm annua lues.' The garrotillo, or quinsy, was about this period committing great havoc in man, especially in Naples, where it was also named the male in canna. It may be mentioned here, that in the winter of this year a terrific snow-storm happened in Eng- land, which continued for thirteen days and nights, causing the loss of 20,000 sheep in one district alone, — that of Eskdale Moor. A.D. 1625. Inundations, destroying cattle and horses at Seville and Salamanca. On the authority of the archives of the Agricultural Society of Southern Russia, the Cattle Plague broke out in Hungary, passing thence into Italy, where it appears to have raged for some time, as it is mentioned for sub- sequent years. A.D. 1628. In the states of Venice, Rot [pourriture, hiatta, marciiime) amongst sheep.^ A.D. 1630. Famine in Italy the two preceding years. In this year great inundations, and disease of plants, and famine in Germany, lasting during 1631. An epidcmy in man, and a bovine pest in the whole of Upper Italy. ^ Wirth, erroneously, I think, mentions anthrax as prevalent in Italy. It was far more likely to be the Cattle Plague, which had prevailed since 1625; ^'^ which year he also mentions it as present in that country. At Padua an epizooty among cats,* A.D. 1635. Plague in mankind at Nimeguen, during which, Diemerbroek says, 'about twenty hens, which were raking 1 Severinns. De Recondita Abscess. Nat. pp. 431 — 446. ^ Bottani. Vol. ii. p. 37. ■' Ibid. p. 43. Ramazzini. De Contagiosa Epidemia. * Mtiratori. Govern, della Peste, p. 8. History of Animal Plagues. 143 into some of the nastiness thrown out of an infected house in the time of the plague at Nimeguen, contracted the distemper and died. Some of them had the pathognomonic signs of the plague.' He also mentions that before the plague broke out, birds which were kept in cages died in many houses where) the disease afterwards appeared.^ A.D. 1638. Cattle epizoiJty in Friuli.- A.D. 1640. ' The unforeseen uprising of the Portuguese in 1640, amongst other evils, was the cause of a cruel epizooty of contagious scrofulous tumours {lamparones co?itagiosas) among the horses, the result of a skirmish between the Spanish and Portu- guese cavalry, and taking the captured horses toBadajoz; so that, according to Martin Arredondo, there died more than 500 horses, which no remedies could savc.^ ^ This was in all pro- bability an epizootv of glanders and farcy. An epizooty ap- peared among the cattle of the Jura Alps, which caused great devastation among the herds and alarm to the people. During the panic, a poor woman, Catherine Miget, was put to the torture and publicly burnt, as it was believed she had bewitched the fountains of Sancy (Franche Comte) and the herds of the district. A.D. 1643. A bovine pest in Saxony. Week says: ^A cattle contagion, the so-called flying pestilence {ftlssende pest) appeared, of which many thousand head of cattle died, and fori which but one single remedy was found efficacious, namely : if| the infected animals were placed among horses, these took the' infection, and the cattle recovered.' * A.D. 1648. An epizooty among the horses of the French army in Germany. Solleysel, a celebrated French veterinarian and author, has given us a description of it. It began by fever, great prostration, and tears running from the eyes, and there was an abundant mucous discharge of a greenish colour from the nostrils. The horses also experienced loss of appetite, and their cars were cold. Few of those attacked recovered. The treatment adopted was with a view to neutralize the malignity ^ Diemerbrock. De Peste. • Bottani. Vol. ii. p. 45. ' Villalba. Epid. Espanol. vol. ii. p. 69. * Meyer. Topography of Dresden, p. 276. 144 History of Animal Plagues. of the poison and to fortify nature ; ^ for it was a poison/ says this writer, 'which gave rise to the disorder and was the cause of the fever. Remedies, at the commencement of the epizooty, were of no avail. Precautions were taken to have all the healthy horses removed from the infected stables, and they were not to return to them until they had been fumigated, whitewashed, and otherwise cleansed.^ ^ Solleysel designated it a ' fievre pestilentielle,^ very deadly at its commencement, but afterwards amenable to medical treatment. It was evidently '■ influenza.' A catarrhal fever had been epidemic the previous year. A.D. 1649. Small-pox in sheep in Padua.^ Epidemic small- pox raging in mankind in Boston, U.S. Plague in Spain and France. A.D. 1650. A volcanic eruption in the Gulf of Santorin. The accompanying evolution of sulphur and hydrogen issuing from the sea killed more than fifty persons, and more than one thousand domestic animals.^ Ergotism in man, especially in Sologne. Pestilence in Russia and Poland. Myriads of locusts were seen to enter Russia in three different directions, and soon after they spread over Poland and Lithuania in such swarms that air and earth was obscured by them. So numerous were they, that in many places they lay heaped to a depth of four feet, and the very trees bent with their weight. They caused a fearful amount of damage, epidemic influenza all over Europe. A.D. 1655. A disease among fish in the lakes and ponds, according to the Chronicle of Godfrey. People who had gathered the dead and dying creatures and had eaten them, were attacked by a pestilential disease which killed a very great number; even the dogs which ate the unburied dead were attacked by mad- ness.* A.D. 1656. Pestilence in man in the Neapolitan territories and the Ecclesiastical States, which caused an immense loss of life. An epizootic disease appears to have reigned at the same time. It is noted: 'With regard to the human pestilence which "^Solleysel. Parfait Marechal. Paris, 16S4, p. 404. • Bottani. P. 46. ^ Lyell. Principles of Geology, p. 443. * Gothofred. Chronic. History of Animal Plagues. 145 invaded the city of Ricti and other cities of the Ecclesiastical States, it is certain that these places received the contaiiion more than once^ from those who were emploved in the hosjiitals conveying it when they passed into the houses of the healthy. But the animals seem to propagate their pestilence aniono- each other without being brought into actual contact/ ^ ' At the same time (as the plague in man), a cruel epizootic disease acro-ravated the pestilence by attackinir and dcstrovino" the greater part of the oxen and sheep.' ' A strange epizooty was observed to affect the pelicans in the West Indies. So mortal was the disease, that their dead bodies covered many islands. ' In the year 1656, and in the month of September, there was a great mortality among these birds, particularly the young ones; for all the shores of the islands of St Alousie, St Vincent, Becoiiya, and all the Grenadins, were covered with the bodies of these dead birds.' ^ A.D. 1659. Either the same or another epizootic disease appears to have prevaded in Italy m this year, for we liud that the Senate of Venice was obliged to issue an order relative to the use of the flesh of diseased cattle. 'Joint notice was given to the villages of Tessera, Campalto, and San Martino — com- munes under the magistracy of Mestre, that all diseased cattle were to be killed; and in order, for the protection of human life, that their flesh might not be sold as food, they were to be buried or publicly destroyed. This law was published in these villages.' * A.D. 1661. In England, Pepys writes on the 21st of .January: ' It is strange what weather we have had all this winter. No cold at all ; but the ways are dusty, the flyes fly up and down, and the rose-bushes are fidl of leaves, such a time of the year as was never known in this world before here.'^ 'This dry, hot sunuTier drove many animals to frenzy and to madness, l)y which farmers experienced much loss. It was remarked that horses, oxen, and shec]) were first attacked with symptoms of ' Colaiitonj Ragguaglio. Delle Peste Scoj)Lita in Ricli. Rome, 165S. "^ Frari. Vol. ii. p. 484. ^ DiiUrlrc. Hist. Generale des Antilles. Paris, 1567, vol. ii. p. 273. * Bottani. Vol. ii. p. 49. * Samuel Pepys. Diary and Correspondence. 10 146 Histojy of Animal Plagices. phrenitis and vertigo. The herdsmen noticed that there were worms in the heads of the affected animals.'^ A.D. 1663. The year 1662 was remarkable for a great drought in England, but the subsequent years were wet and unhealthy, not only in Europe, but also in North America, where plants and animals were alike diseased. Rot in sheep was particularly observed in England, Germany, and other countries, and even wild animals were said to suffer from this aflTection. In Germany, ' one owner, who had originally in his flocks 3000 sheep, now had scarcely 40 left. This disease was commonly termed egeln, egelichte, lebern Amongst wild beasts, stags and hares were the first in that vear which, chiefly in the district of Rodacum, were either found dead, or so de- prived of strength as to become an easy prey to the hunters. The bodies of the dead creatures, when examined, ex- hibited the liver and lungs in a putrid state. The livers of stags were full of hydatids {vermiitm). Among domestic ani- mals, the plague committed the greatest ravages in sheep and young cattle. The sheep, without any distinction as to age, were affected; and, moreover, the animals in utero were found to have the same diseased appearances.^- The causes were alleged to have been frequent inundations, the honey-dew and rust of herbage, and corrupt water. The disease continued in the two following years. 'The whole Venetian territories were seized this year with a malignant epidemic, which infected 60,000 people. They beo-an with horror and a fever : some died quickly, the rest recovered. It proceeded from monstrous and incredible numbers of small worms.^ This year and the following, the livers of all sheep, oxen, deer, hares. Sec, were only bags of worms, like leeches, and often the lungs also. Out of 3000 sheep not 40 were left alive. Only old bullocks and sheep escaped, for all the young and middle-aged died of this plague. Even the livers of young in utero were eaten up with this vermin. Some farmers ascribed it to the cattle eating ?iumular/a, which is very unlikely, both 1 Thoijws Bartolini. Epist. Med. Cent., iii. Ep. 48. Hafn. 1667. - Frohmattn. Miscell. Nat. Cur., p. 245. ^ Boiiet. T. Short. Op. cit., p. 338. History of Animal Plagues. 147 since it is a restringent (astringent), and that it grows and is eaten every vear as well as this.^ To some great sheep-masters this makes one of their epochs still, and is called the " Rotten Year/' most of all their great flocks of sheep dying then. In '63 was a great death of cattle in England from a most severely rainy wet autumn. Their carcases were sold at very small prices among ordinary people.' " Schnurrer writes: 'The year 1663 was a very damp one in England, so that the sheep and cattle suffered severely from fluke-worms [Es;ela ilrmern).'^ A.D. 1664. Small-pox in sheep in Venice.'' During the sum- mer a comet was observed, and a malignant epidemy is de- scribed, which soon after developed itself as the Great Plague of London. The signs said to foreshadow this plague were many,' but the principal were the birds and wild beasts having left their accustomed haunts, and the almost total absence of swallows ; swarms of flies everywhere, ants in masses, and the ditches filled, with frogs and insects. A.D, 1669. 'This year was remarkable in consequence of the unusual drought and heat of the summer. From May till Mar- tinmas scarcely any rain fell. There arose a great scarcity of water, especially upon the Alps. The cattle disease (viehpresten) raged rather dangerously, and with mankind there appeared dysentery.' ^ ' After honey-dew {honigthau) in plants, a great cattle disease followed.'" 'July 31st, was seen a great dark cloud rise in the east near Litchfield, which coming near the city, was over it about noon, and was a prodigious swarm of ant-flies, so thick that they darkened the sky. They then fell down, filled the houses, stung many people, put all the horses mad, and market people were forced to pack up and be gone, and the people at harvest-work were driven home. 'I'hus they con- tinued for three hours, covered and laid thick on the streets; many of them were dead, and were sweepcd together in great ' Bonet. Sepulcr. Anatomic. ^ Hodges. T. Short. Loc. cit. '^Schnurrer. Chronik dcr Scuchen. * Bottani. Vol. ii. p, 134. * Trutnpy. Glarner Chronik, p. 377. * Scheiichzcr. Oryctoga Helvetic, p. 20. 148 History of Animal Plagues. heaps; the remainder took their flight northward and molested other places.^ A.D. 167 1-3. An extensive exanthematous epizooty among cats in Westphaha. ' The head was covered with scahies, and at first the ears were inwardly crusted with scaly matter. The eyes seemed as if they were covered with a film, although the animals could see until suppuration took place; after this period they died. Sleep continually oppressed them; and so drowsy were thev, that they appeared as if they had heard that celebrated speech on the joys of sleep after dinner. The skin disease did not proceed further than the head and neck. There was scarcely a house in which some were not infected; and unless common rumour be false, it seemed that it could be communicated from one to another, as well as generated spontaneously. As a proof of this, it attacked some which were closely shut up, so that they ? mioht be free from all contaffion from the diseased. Some are ! supposed to have been cured by the fat of a whale; in the case I of most, however, medicine was of no avail, and few survived.' ^ In this year small-pox again appeared amongst sheep in the Venetian states.^ A.D. 1674. Small-pox in sheep again in the Venetian territory. In Seeland, the largest of the Danish islands, ' rot ' in sheep, and the customary fluke [d'lstoma hepatica) found not only in the livers of these animals, but in those of other domesticated and wild creatures, Willius gives the following observ^ations : * All the race of oxen sickened. A languor seized their whole body, their breathing was short and rapid ; they had a frequent hack- ing cough. They ate as usual, bred, and grew fat. The fatness was in every part of the body most extraordinary, but the flesh was very flaccid. The lungs were filled with innumerable hydatid cysts, some of which were the size of two fists. On the exterior of the lungs of one cow I reckoned seventeen, but they lay so thick within, that they would not admit of being counted. The whole of the thorax was filled with reddish serum ; the vessels of the heart were enveloped in copious fat; in the peri- cardium a liquid, similar to that observed in the chest, was ^ Clark. Examples. T. Short. P. 353. 2 WedHtis. Miscel. Nat. Curios., Dec. i. ■' Bottani. Loc. cit. History of Animal Plagues. 149 found ; and the nuiscular fibres of the heart, when exposed, were seen to be soft and wasted. The hver, however, in all of them, was most affected. In many cows it was full of watery tumours, varying in size from a fist^ an apple^ a walnut, or a hazel nut. In some cases there was a laroe tumour in which a few of the lesser ones were included. The livers of some oxen were free from hydatid cysts, but they were everywhere scirrhous. The gall bladder was very much increased in size, and full of peculiar fluid which was pale in colour, and flowed like water. Not only in nearly all the branches of the vena portse, but also in the biliary ducts, many worms were found (like distoma). ... I also remember that in this year I found some dead hares in the month of spring in the country, and their hearts were flaccid, while their livers were dotted here and therewith black spots.' ^ A.D. 1679. Great epidemy in Andalusia, but more severely at Vienna. The summer hot and damp. Mushrooms were very plentiful, according to Sorbait. Cats and birds died in Vienna during the plague. In Hungary, diseases of a carbun- cular nature appeared. The following account may be interest- ing. ' In the little town of Czierko (in Hungary), in the sum- mer of 1679, ^ certain winged insect, unknown to all, appeared, and mortally wounded both man and beast with its sting, causing great mortality among them. For instance, in this one little township, thirty-five men, and a great number of oxen and horses, were killed by them. No one was proof against their at- tack, and they fixed their stings on any part not covered by a gar- ment, namely, the face, the neck (and in this spot the Poles par- ticularly suffered, on account of their habit of cutting their hair), the hands, or any other part of the naked flesh. A hard tumour soon formed on the part stung, and unless the wounds were im- mediately attended to in the first three hours, and the poison ex- tracted by scarification, or some other like means, all after-treat- ment was unavailing, and the sufferers died within a few days. This species of insect was unknown in these parts, and had ne\er before been seen by any one. Many people were persuaded that it was sent by God for a punishment ; and it seems evident tliat it was the work of a deity, because they confined themselves within ^ WilHus. Acta Ilavnicns. 1674, p. 132, obs. 76. 150 History of Animal Plagues. the borders of Czierko, and leaving the Germans alone, had sought only the Poles. At the end of September, however, a violent wind drove these insects to us, but on account of the extreme cold, we did not suffer an equal amount of loss, for except one ox and two horses which they killed, only one person was stung, who, however, recovered.' ^ This was written on the confines of Silesia and Poland. A.D. 1680. A cold winter and heavy storms in the spring- time and summer. Invasion of locusts. ' Some annals attest, and the following history certifies, that an epidemic disease in fish is a most sure prognostication of a future plague. Before ithe last attack of the plague, in the year 1680, fish in the fresh water lake of Mansfeldi, and, in a less degree, in the salt lake of jLangenbogia, perished in great numbers from some epidemic '.disease. They had spots of various colours — black, red, yellow, and green — dotted here and there over their bodies. They exhaled a foul odour and had a nauseous taste; and from eating them, people of the poorer class suffered great pains in the chest, intense prostration of body, nausea, vomiting, and foul and malignant fevers. The medical men at Halle, Islebie, and some other places, after carefully examining this wonderful phenomenon, all attributed it to one cause, — namely, the foul nebulae which pervaded the water at that time; for these nebulae were so corrosive, that the faces of men fishing in the lakes became ulcerated. The surface of the water was covered with a greenish scum.' - A.D. 1682. Damp summer and inundations. An eruption of Vesuvius ; the city of Catania destroyed by an earthquake ; an eruption of Mount Etna, destroying 60,000 people. A comet was seen, and fogs or mists of a blue colour and sulphureous odour, which destroyed the forage, and extended from Italy to England, were spoken of. In this year there was a great epizooty of glossanthrax, or carbuncle of the tongue, which seemed to spread from west to cast, through Switzerland, France, Ger- many, and Poland. A witness to its ravages in Holland, to which country it had at last found its way, in the month of 1 Stt'gmann. Ephem. Nat. Curios., vol. ii. p. 427. ' Ibid. Dec, vol. ii. p. 386. History of Animal Plagues. 131 May, thus describes it : ' I am able to bear witness, that, in the year 1682, the iguca pcitUcutia raged among the cattle in the country of Groningen, for in that year I happened to be living there; and it was said that this deadly fire was first kindled in Italy. Then it crept into Burgundy, and spread over the whole of Switzerland, Germany, and Brabant, and in its course, in the month of May, it attacked the cattle in the district of Gronin- gen, where it continued up to the end of the year; and if I am not deceived, in the following year it held its course as far as Friesland. The disease was a fiery burning, and the cattle suf- fered from inflamed pustules on the tongue, and not until great havoc had been created was any remedy found. The following treatment proved eflfective. Sharp and jagged silver instru- ments were used to scrape the tongues of the sick animals until they were raw and bleeding. In this way art over- came disease.^ ^ Dr Winder, chief physician to the Prince Palatine, and who wrote from the Rhine in December, 1682, to his friend Dr Slare, gives a very lucid account of its com- mencement and progress. ' In 1682, on the borders of Italy, a murrain infected the cattle, which spread into Switzerland, the territories of Wurtemburg, and other provinces, making great destruction among the cattle. The contagion seemed to projia- gate itself in the form of a blue mist,^ which fell upon those 1 Oiitkovii. Judicia Jehovse. Groningen, 1721,13.740. ^ Tlie influence of a 'mist' in the production of disease, either in the animal or • vegetable kingdoms, has, from the earliest times, been looked upon as a certainly. This history of epizootics will testify to some of these instances, in relation to the plagues of the lower animals, but more numerous examples will perhaps be found in the narratives of epidemic invasions. We constantly read in the ancient records of atmospherical perturbations either preceding or accompanying severe pestilential ,' visitations. 'On the island of Cyprus, before the earthquake, a pestiferous wind I spread so poisonous an odour, tliat many, being overpowered by it, fell down sud- denly and expired in dreadful agonies. A thick stinking mist advanced from the east, and spread itself over Italy.' This was previous to the Black Death, and Hecker remarks that the German accounts make particular mention, with regard to ' that infliction, of a 'thick stinking mist wliich advanced from the east and spread over Italy ; there could be no deception in so palpable a i)]ienomenon.' The Abbe Hue, a Jesuit missionary, who travelled much in China, gives a curious and strik- ing description, gathered from the Chinese, of a 'mist' seen in the ]irovince of Shantung, north China, which proved to be a precursor of cholera. — llie Chinese Empire, p. 286. The invasions of cholera in tliis country have been similarly heralded or 152, Histo7'y of Animal Plagues. pastures where the cattle grazed^ insomuch that whole herds returned home sick ; being very dull, forbearing their food, and most of them would die in twenty-four hours. Upon dissection there were discovered large and corrupted spleens, sphacelous and corrupted tongues, and some had angina maligna. Those persons who carelessly managed their cattle, without a due regard to their own health, were themselves infocted, and died like their beasts. Some imputed it to the witchcraft of three Capucins in Switzerland, who were killed ; but,' says he, ' this contagion may perhaps proceed from some noxious exhalations emitted from the earth, by three distinct earthquakes, perceived here in the space of one year.' The treatment was simple — generally scraping or cleaning the tongue, washing it with a lotion of salt and vinegar, and the administration of garlic, or a dose of gunpowder, soot, brimstone, and salt. Dr Slare adds in a postscript : ' I lately received an account from two ingenious travellers, who assured me the contagion had reached their quarters on the borders of Poland, having passed quite through Germany, and that the method used in our relation preserved and cured their cattle. They told me the contagion was observed to make its progress daily, spreading near two German miles in twenty-four hours. This, they say, was certainly observed by many curious persons, that it continually, without intermission, made its progress, and suffered no neighbouring parish to escape ; but it did not at the same time infect places at great distances. They added that cattle at rack and manger were equally infected with those in the field.' ^ Dr Slare fancied the infection was con- veyed by some volatile insect. On the 20th of June, at Nord- lingen, it was noted, ' we yesterday saw the first symptoms of accompanied. Dr Williams, in his ' Principles of Medicine,' remarks : 'The pre- valence of the south-east wind was observed to be particularly favourable to the increase of both cholera and influenza ; and I cannot but think that this had some connection with the general tendency exhibited by the former to spread from east to west. Has the morlnfic property of this wind aught to do with the haziness of the air when it prevails — a haziness seen in the country remote from smoke, and quite distinct from fog ? What is this haze ? In the west of England a hazy day in spring is called a blight.' In more recent times, so late as 1866, a blue mist was noticed in England during the mild visitation of cholera. ^ An Account of a Murren in Switzerland, and the Method of its Cure. Philo- sophical Transactions, vol. xiii. History of Animal Plagiies. 153 this disease in our town's-cattle. It was called the " flving cancer" {Jiiegende krebs), and it travelled, in twenty-tour hours, two leagues in length by four miles in breadth/ ^ In August it was in Saxony, where it was observed that it travelled at the above rate.^ In the Journal des Savaiis for that period, we find the following account : ' This disease, which is perhaps the same as that which the last news informed us was afflicting Flanders and Catalonia, commenced in the summer in the Lyonnais and Dauphine, and spread with fury to many other provinces of the kingdom. The cattle which were at- tacked ate, worked, and performed all their other ordinary functions of life, until all at once they were seen to fall and die. There formed on the tongue a black or violet-coloured vesicle which formed an eschar in five or six hours. This no sooner fell off than the animals died. In some of those which were opened, the entrails appeared as if rotten, and the tongue for the most part gangrenous and falling to pieces. All kinds of remedies were tried against the disease, but that which answered best was to rub the vesicle on the tongue with a piece of silver until the blood came. After this the wound was dressed with vinegar in which was dissolved salt and pepper. This disease was so con- tagious, that it was easily contracted by simply touching any- thing that had been near the part affected. A man lost his life through being helped to food from a spoon which had been used to rub the tongue of a diseased ox, and a gentleman of a town in Guienne was attacked by the malady in consequence of hav- ing put in his pocket a piece of thirty sous with which his farmer had scraped another affected animal's tongue. He was treated like the ox, and recovered.'^ 1 Nachricht aus Welschland und Spanien wegen Bezaubciung des Vichs. 16S2. ^ Vogds. Annalen von Leipzig, p. 816. 3 Journal des Savans, 1682, p. 399. The quaint veterinary writer, Leonard Mascal (Of Oxen, Horses, Sheepes, Hogges, Dogges. London, 1596), is the earliest writer in England whom I can find describing the blaine, or glossanthrax. There is no proof that the disease ever reached Britain during the progress of those great epizooties of this nature which marched in such a mysterious, yet regular, course on the continent of Europe. The outbreak of 1252, among horses and cattle, appears to have been limited to England, and from.what Mascal relates, llie malady would seem to have existed in this country from time immemorial, and to have been due to local and other circumscribed influences. 154 History of Animal Plagues. A.D. 1683-4. The winters of these years were the coldest ever known ; the summers were rainy, and the autumns cold. Gloss- anthrax was yet prevalent in Germany. 'The sunnner of the first year was again very wet. On the 25th of November great cold set in, which lasted until the 6th of February the next year. The ensuing summer was very hot and dry; then came an early harvest. In both these years there raged an epizooty among cattle, called the burning cancer [hrennende krehs). Small silver saws were used to scrape off the blisters or ulcers from the tongues.^ ^ A.D. 1685. ' In November, a plague amongst cattle began at Groeblowitzius, Tschechnitius, where all perished of an un- known infection. Some we sent to Kuntzendorsum, but there also they all died. No medicines, no remedies availed aught, although we tried many.' ^ Heusinger suspects this was a variolous affection. In the spring an immense flight of grasshoppers de- stroyed all the corn, the vines, willows, pulse, and hemp in Languedoc. A.D. 1686. Friesland inundated, and many thousands of men and cattle drowned. A terrific hail-storm did an immense amount of damage. After the capture of Luxembourg by the French, the army suffered from scurvy. ' After this expedition, when the army was approaching the town of Treves, on the Moselle, it came to the Monastery of St Matthew the apostle, for whose feast a countryman had kept a team of three fine horses. Having no place where he could put them, they were left with- out fodder for three days in the part where the inhabitants of the Monastery were accustomed to urinate. The horses, op- pressed with hunger, devoured the long grass which was impreg- nated with urine, and when their master saw this, he prognosti- cated they would suffer; and the result proved him to be correct, for the fattest of them was seized around its feet and legs, and at length over its whole body, with scabs and foetid ulcers, and being led out by its master in the middle of the night into the pasture-land where numbers of horses of the Gallic army were feeding, it infected many, and spread this pest as if it had been ' Stetdnng. Topographic der Stadt Herborn, p. 21. ^ Fibiger. Acta Mag. Wralislaw. Stcnzel. Scrip, rer. Silesia. Hisiory of Animal Plagues. OD an endemic among the troops. One ot" the remaining two wasted away from the disease and died; the other became immensely swollen in the abdomen, and also died. The men with scurvy had the same symptoms as these horses exhibited.' ^ This may hav^e been an outbreak of farcy. In July all the cattle in Stein, Groblowitz, and Metzdorf (Silesia) were affected with ' foot and mouth disease ' {peUe ex lingua et iingiilh decentilnis — aphthous fever).- Diderich in his ' Historia Pestis ' savs : 'I have re- marked among mv cows in Schamburg, near Custrine, in the year 1686, as well as among all the other cattle in the place, that, in the middle of the winter, fourteen days after each other, and without a single exception, all were thoroughly salivated, just as happens when the old women of Hamburg cure the French, and other chronic diseases, with mercury. Never- theless, no single head died, although during the whole time the stock could eat but little. This stranoe sickness was not re- marked bevond this place.' ^ A.D. 1688. 'The winter was severely cold in Germany, with great snow, followed by a sudden thaw and heat. In summer broke forth an epidemic catarrh, with danger of suffocation. . . It was called the hot catarrh, for the matter discharged by the nose was very thin, clear, and hot. A slight fever attended the defluxions. . . . About the middle of May began a fever in London, and all over England, which reached and spread all over Ireland \\\ .July. The symptoms were the same in all. It began and ended its course in seven weeks. . . . I'hough not one of fifteen escajied it, yet not one of a thousand that had it died. It was generally obser\ed, both in England and Ireland, that some times before the fever beijan a sliii;ht but universal disease seized horses, viz. a great defluxion of rheum from their noses. This fever spread all over Europe from east to west.' ' ' An epidemic of influenza in England and at Dublin, which was pre- ceded by a distemper attended by nasal defluxion (thought to be glanders) among horses, especially those belonging to the king's ' Eggerdes. Ephem. Nat. Curios., p. 416. ^ Stenzel. Scrip. .Siles., vol. ii. p. 363. * Kanold. Jahreshistorie von d. Seuchcn dcs Viclis. p. 80. * Dr Short. Op. cit., vol. i. p. 455. 156 History of Animal Plagues. army, then encamped on the Carragh of Kildare.' ^ ^ Earth- ) quake of Smyrna. Swarms of insects foreboded a pestilence ; an epidemic catarrh followed all over Europe, beginning among , horses and ending with men, as is frequently the case/ ^ Great swarms of insects are mentioned by Sir Thomas Moly- neux as infesting Ireland and eating up everything of the herbage and leaves of trees and plants. In this account^ concerning the swarms of insects that of late years have much infested some parts of the province of Connaught, in Ireland/ he says, 'The first time o;reat numbers of insects were taken notice of in this kingdom, I find, was in the year 1688. They appeared on the south-west coast of the county of Galloway (Galway), brought thither by a south-west wind, — one of the common, I might almost say trade-winds, of this country, it blows so much more from this quarter in Ireland than all the rest of the compass.^ They passed inland towards Headford, ' and in the adjacent country, multitudes of them showed themselves among the trees and hedges in the day-time, hanging by the boughs, thousands together, in clusters, sticking to the back one of another, as in the manner of bees when they swarm. . . . Those that were travelling on the roads or abroad in the fields found it very un- easy to make their way through them, they would so beat and knock themselves against their faces in their flight, and with such a force as to smart the place where they hit, and leave a slight mark behind them. . . . A short while after their coming, they had so entirely eat up and destroyed all the leaves of the trees ' Dr Thompson. Annals of Influenza, Sydenham Soc. 1852. '^ T. Forster. Atmospherical Origin of Epidemic Disorders of Health, p. 162. A curious superstition was formerly prevalent regarding St Stephen's Day (Dec. 26th), viz. that horses should then, after being first well galloped, be copiously let blood, to insure them against disease in the following year. In Barnaby Googe's translation of Naogeorgus, the following lines occur relative to this popular notion : 'Then followeth Saint Stephen's Day, whereon doth every man His horses jaunt and course abrode, as swiftly as he can, Until they doe extreemely sweate, and then they let them blood, For this being done upon this day, they say doth do them good. And keeps them from all maladies and sicknesse through the yeare, As if that Steven any time tooke charge of horses heare.' The origin of this practice is very ancient and somewhat obscure, but the anti- quary Douee supposes it to have been introduced into Britain by the Danes. I History of Anii7tal Plagues. 157 for some miles about, that the whole country — thous:h it was in the middle of summer, was left as bare and naked as if it had been the depth of winter, making a most unseemly and, indeed, frightful appearance; and the noise they made whilst they were seizing and devouring this their prey was as surprisinir, for the grinding of the leaves in the mouths of this vast multitude alto- gether made a noise very much reseinbling the sawing of timber/ Every green thing was devoured by these animals, and ' out of the gardens they got into the houses, where numbers of them, crawling about, were very irksome/ And in the ensuing spring of 1689 their 'spawn, which thev lodged underground, next the upper sod of the earth, did more harm in that close retirement than all the flying swarms of their parents had done abroad, for this voung destructive brood did not withhold from what was much more necessary to have been spared,' but devoured ' the roots of the corn and grass, and eating them up, ruined both the support of man and beast.' The insect appears to have been the Melolontha vulgaris, or connnon cockchafer. This plague was checked as follows: 'High winds, wet and misly weather, were extrcmelv disagreeable to the nature of this insect, and so prejudicial as to destroy many millions of them in one day's time. . . . During these unfavourable seasons of weather, the swine and poultry of the country at length grew so cunning as to watch under the trees for their falling,' and eat them in abundance ; and the author was assured ' that the poorer sort of the native Irish (the country then labouring under a scarcity of provisions) had a way of dressing them, and lived upon them as food.' It was also found that smoke was very oflTensive to them, and therefore large numbers were got rid of ' by burning heath, fern, and such like weeds,' in their vicinity. Towards the end of summer they began to disjierse; 'and so wholly dis- appeared, that in a few days you should not see one left in all those parts that was so lately pestered with them.' During the ensuing spring 'great quantities of the eggs of this insect were exposed, on ploughing or digging up the ground,' Rutty, describing this influenza in man, mentions that an ' universal distemper seized the horses in Dublin.' ^ ' Jiu/(y. History of the Wcatlicr and Seasons. 158 History of Animal Plagues. A.D. 1689. In mankind, 'spotted fever, small-pox, and others; then followed murrahi of sheep.' ^ A.D. 1690. Ramazzini writes: 'For the first four or five years preceding this, the whole of Italy had experienced uncom- monly dry weather, during which time all the crops were most abundant, and it was imagined that there would be universal good health ; for it is commonly and correctly believed that evervthing is more healthy in dry weather. In the year preced- I ing this, however (1689), about the time of the equinox, heavy rains fell, which continuing during the whole spring of the year, produced an unfavourable season. The summer continued for the most part rainy. About the time of the summer solstice signs of rust ^ [ruh'igo) in the wheat began to be observed, which 1 T. Forster. Loc. cit. ^ The rust of plants, the Epv(T(|8j; of the Greeks, robigo of the Romans, who had their fiction regarding the god Robigus, and their Robigalia or Rohigalia festa in his honour to avert this destroyer, the roziille of the French, der rost of the Ger- mans, and the ruhigo of the botanist, has been known from the earliest times, but it may well be doubted' if, until modern days, many diseases of plants have not been included in this term. It is only within a few years that the study of the various microscopical fungi has revealed the true nature of the enphytozics or epi- phytozics to which they give rise. Unger was of opinion that the causes which led to their appearance in the plant are to be found in the ground, the electricity of the atmosphere, humidity, and the absence of light. Theophrastus thought rust was due to the rays of the full moon, and Diogenes Laertius relates how the philosopher Empedocles preserved the crops of Agrigentum against the rust by hanging up the skins of animals between them and the north wind. The physi- cians of the sixteenth century imagined its appearance was owing to a malignant dew, and in the south of France at the present day the agriculturists are so per- suaded that the rust of wheat is due to a fog or mist, that they term it the jnaladie brouiHard. The generative faculty and contagious character of the several fungi are not yet sufficiently known to be definitely pronounced upon. Mr Cook, in his excellent little work on ' Microscopi Fungi,' says of them : ' Unfortunately, this group of fungi contains species but too well known for their ravages amongst gram- inaceous plants, especially the cereals. " Corn rust," as it is generally called, has a reputation little better than mildew, and it really deserves no better, for it is only another form of that pest of the farm, from the mycelium of which the corn-mildew is at length developed. There are two species very closely allied (doubtless only forms of the same species with different spores) which attack the leaves and culms of growing corn, and bursting through the cuticle, give a peculiar rusty appearance to the plant. One of these corn-rusts is botanically termed IVichohasis ridngo-vera, or the "true rust Trichobasis" the latter, which is the generic name, being a com- pound of two Greek words (tkrix, a hair, and basis, a foundation), on account of the spores being at first furnished at their base with a short, thread-like peduncle, which at length falls away. The otiier corn-rust is Trichobasis U7ieans, or " line-like Trichobasis, " because the sori or pustules are linear, or lengthened out like a line ; History of Animal Plagues. 159 perceptibly increasing, proved highly obnoxious to the jirain, covering, as it did, the plants from the stalk to the ear with spots like blood. This pestilence also attacked beans and all other kinds of pulse; so that in a few days were destroyed all the preconceived hopes for the prosperity of the vear. Never- theless, the extreme fertilitv of the previous years had enabled them to lay up some store for the future, and this lessened the calamity. In the beginning of September, and vet more at the exact time of the equinox, rain fell more copiously, and lasted throughout the whole month of October, and as a consequence, the banks of the rivers could with difficulty restrain the tremend- ous power of the floods flowing between them. The two last months were nearly rainless, and the vear 1689 closed with favourable weather. But in the beginning of the year 1660 (during which the pestilence of rust, by eating into the corn and every other kind of crop, brought desperate fevers first to those in the country, then to those in the towai), the rain returning, but more heavily and nearly continuously, clouded the minds of all. Thus we passed a dreadful winter, with the spores nearly double the length of those of the other corn-nist, and not so bright in colour. By intermediate forms these two rusts pass insensibly the one into the other, so that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish them. Both have the spores clustered together in the pustules, at first attached by their peduncles, but they soon become free, and are scattered like rust powder over the plant.' There can be no doubt whatever, that plants infested by these minute fungi, and used as food by animals, often cause diseases of a serious nature, and this fact was well known to the old physicians. We have here the evidence of Ramaz- zini, and others will be found in this history. Niemann declared that sheep would not eat wheaten or oaten straw when it was covered with rust or Puccinia. — Gas- farin, p. 236. M. Gohier gives many examples of epizootics which he believed were caused by the rust of straw. — Sur les effets da Paillcs Rouillh. l.yons, 1804. Gerlach maintains that straw covered with Uredo linearis and Uredo riibigo- vera is often the cause of anthrax. lie also observes that horses employed to carry away colewort were often attacked by ptyalism, and that this might be due to the Stdlaria media, which was very plentiful, and was always covered with Uredo caryophyllacearum ; for he noticed this affection in sheep which had pastured on the Stellaria media. The same author also testifies to anthrax being due to vetches and clover infested by Uredo leguminosarum, and that the Piiccinia pisi ox 'pea rust,' has been the cause of abortions in sheep, inversion of the uterus, anil jnicr- peral fever. — Mag. F. Thierheilh, vii. p. 216. Metaxa has witnessed the production of anthrax after the use of food contami- nated l)y Uredo ruhigo. — Annaii, ix. p. 68. Other veterinary authorities migiit be quoted in suj)port of the above assertion. i6o History of Animal Plagues. constant rains, accompanied by intense cold, and snow which kept falling and thawing. The month of March, however, contrary to custom, was without rain, and remaining so up to the time of the equinox, with great serenity of the atmo- sphere, raised our spirits; when, once more, the heavens seemed to let loose upon us all the water contained in their bosom; so that for the space of a night and a day everything was full of water, and this State (Lombardy) presented the appearance of an island. In the beginning of June signs of rust appeared, as in the previous year. The mulberry first became affected. The same blight, the worst disease that attacks crops, increasing little bv little, soon laid hold of the corn and all kinds of pulse, but especially beans ; and it did this not only on the low ground where the water was stagnant, but also in the more elevated places, and on the very hills themselves. It was a most grievous and deplorable sight for the eyes to look around, and see the fields not green, but black and covered with a kind of soot. For as in the preceding year this disease had covered the corn with a red colour, so in this year it sprinkled it with a carbonaceous matter known as the great smut^ {magna atredo). In the whole 1 Mr Cooke says regarding this agricultural pest: — 'One of the fungal diseases of corn long and widely known has obtained amongst agriculturists different appellations iu different localities. In some it is the "smut," in others it is respectively "dust-brand," "burnt-ear," "black-ball," and "chimney- sweeper," all referring, more or less, to the blackish soot-like dust with which the infected and abortive ears are covered. This fungus does not generally excite so much concern amongst farmers as the other affections to which their corn crops are liable. Perhaps it is really not so extensively injurious, although it en- tirely destroys every ear of corn upon which it establishes itself Wheat, barley, oats, rye, and many grasses are subject to its attacks, and farmers have been heard to declare that they like to see a little of it, becaTuse its presence proves the general excellence of the whole crop. No one who has passed through a field of standing corn, after its greenness has passed away, but before it is fully ripe, can have failed to notice, here and there, a spare lean-looking ear, completely blackened with a coating of minute dust. If he has been guilty of brushing in amongst the corn, it will still be remembered how his hands and clothing became dusted with this powder ; and if at the time he should have been clad in sombre black, evidence will have been afforded — in the rusty-looking tint of the powder when sprinkled upon his black continuations — that, however sooty this powder might appear whilst still adhering to the ears of corn, it has an evident brown tint when in contact with one's clothes. This powder, minute as it is, every granule of it constitutes a spore or protospore capable of germination, and ultimately, after several intermediate stages, of reproducing a fungus like the parent of which it formed a part. During History of Aiiijual Plagues. i6i of the province of Este, which is usually the most fruitful of all the vintage had never heen so poor^ whole bunches of grapes being eaten away slowly by this pest. Nuts alone, which, stran^re to say, in the preceding years had been very scanty, were not the growth of the plant its virulent contents flow like a poison through the inner- most tissues, and at length attack the peduncle or axis of the spikelets of the ear, raising up the essential organs and reducing them to a rudimentary state. Brong- niart, who made this species the special subject of observation, states that the fleshy mass which is occupied by the fungus consists entirely of uniform tissue, presenting large, almost quadrilateral cavities, separated by walls, composed of one or two layers of very small cells filled with a compact homogeneous mass of very minute granules, perfectly spherical and equal, slightly adhering to each other, and at first green, afterwards free or simply conglomerate towards the centre of each mass, and of a pale rufous hue ; at length the cellular walls disappear, the globules become completely insulated, and the whole mass is changed into a heap of powder consisting of very regular globules, perfectly alike, black, and just like the repro- ductive bodies of other fungi. . . . The spores in this species are exceedingly minute. It has been ascertained that forty-nine of them would be contained within a space the one hundred and sixty thousandth part of a square inch ; hence one square inch of surface would contain little less than eight millions. These myriads of spores are shed from the ears, and nothing remains but the barren matrix in which they were borne when the farmer proceeds to gather in his crops. At that time he sees no more of the " smut," all remembrance of it for the time is gone ; his only thought is to stack his corn in good condition. But the millions of spores are dispersed, ten millions at least for every ear that has been " smutted," and will they not, many of them, reappear next year, and thus year after year, with as much certainty as the grain upon which they are parasitic ? Like many of the parasitic fungi, so destruct- ive in the farm and the garden, this species belongs to the family in which the spores are the distinctive feature. After many botanical changes, the " smut " is at length regarded as a fixed resident in the genus Ustilago, with the specific name of Segetum, which latter signifies "standing corn ;" it is therefore the Usiilago, or Sj>ni( of the standing com.'' — Ibidem, p. 76. The reports as to the efl"ects of these fungi on the health of animals are conflict- ing. Some authors assert that they are innocuous, others that they cause disease. Among the latter we may cite Gerlach, who reports that geese and ducks to which he had given the refuse of bunted wheat died from anthrax. A more striking ex- ample is the following : 'In the years 1842 and 1844, I have observed in one farm a gangrenous fever and real anthrax among horses. Instead of oats they had been fed on wheat, and then on the refuse of bunted wheat ; shortly afterwards they were attacked by indigestion, the faeces were hard, and the balls which were evacuated were covered with flakes of mucus ; daily they were seized with colics, and the slightest occasion, such as a chill, over-exertion, &c., would bring on a typhus or gangrenous fever and a true form of anthrax of such a violent description, that in one day two or three animals would become ill and die.' In the same jour- nal (MagazinfUr ThierhcilLunde) an observation is given which would go to prove that the forage obtained from wheat that has been alTected with smut will cause abortion in cows, and another observation that it may induce what is known as the ' arthritis ' of lambs. II 1 62 History of Animal Plagties. affected by the mildew. Nearly all the vegetables were destroyed, as bv a blast from heaven. ' Even another species of destruction was added to this, for caterpillars and insects laid waste whole gardens, leaving the plots bare. A similar disease appeared in melons, so that ani- mals rejected them as food. The heavy rains, which had almost unremittingly continued up to the end of July, were followed by a dry period of nearly two months ; it was nevertheless unac- companied by great heat. Animals of every species showed the effects of the long-delayed drought, by dying in great numbers. Sheep were first attacked, and, after they had sickened for a few days, variolous eruptions appeared on their heads and necks, and generally caused blindness; so that, if they did not perish from the virulence of the disease, they at length died from hunger. Pigs also perished in droves from suffocation. . . . That which was the cause of death in animals, in my opinion, arose from the acid nature of the mildew ; for not taking into consideration the morbid constitution of the atmosphere, which was no doubt noxious to beasts, on account of the contaminated character of the forage, the blood became acid and circulated feebly, and either whole flocks of sheep died suddenly, or were seized with small-pox; for one can confidently assert that the erup- tion which appeared on the head, neck, and legs was undoubt- edly variolous, when neither in shape, nor in colour, nor in the matter contained in them, nor in their size, nor in the way in which after suppuration a black scab remained, did the pustules differ from those of small-pox in children. In like manner, other animals suffered from the diseased plants. Even bees, extracting no sweetness from the calyces of the flowers, but a bitter poison, either died or left the country. And it is not to be wondered at that cicadae in this year were mute ; for although there was heat in the summer, it had no influence in exciting them to sing, probably because they did not obtain the nutritious food neces- sary, or they had for the most part died.' ^ ' In the year 1690, and on the 13th of March, I observed an epidemic among dogs at Anda, of an anginous character. After ^ Ramazzini. Const. Epid. Op., ed. Geneva, p. 120 — 141. History of Animal Plagues. 163 a very mi^ty night, domestic and sporting dogs, besides three others, all perished in the town, of whieh, out of curiosity, I took the trouble to take twenty-one for examination, and I found their necks swollen externally, and their fauces intcrnallv, while the muscles of their throats were much inflamed.' ^ Wirth ascribes the losses in Italy amongst the cattle, sheep, and other animals, to anthrax.^ Miliary fevers or sweating sickness committed great ravages in mankind in Stuttgart, Dusseldorf, Erfurt, and Jena. Spain and Italy also suffered much from epidemic dis- eases. Locusts invaded Poland and Lithuania in three bodies, and in three different directions. The Abbe Ussans, who was an eye-witness, says that in some places where they had died on the top of each other, they lay in masses four feet high. Those which were alive and took refuge on the trees, bent the branches to the ground, so great was their number and weight. The people believed that they had Hebrew eharacters on their wings, and a rabbi pretended to translate them as the ^ wrath of God.' Rains came and killed them, and their putrefying bodies so in- fected the air, that the stench was nearly insupportable. Cattle which grazed in the fields afterwards, also died in great numbers, and very quickly.^ A.D. 1 69 1. Glossanthrax in Switzerland. Ramazzini con- tinues, 'The character of the weather in this year ('91) was dry and dusty ; at first, on account of the north winds, and after- wards because of the continual and scorching heat. As the month of January was drawing to a close, strong north winds blowing at the time, so intense a cold set in that the rivers were frozen over, and everything was stiff with frost. But since no snow fell, we suffered not only a very cold, but also a very dry winter. About the time of the equinox the frost broke up, and so sudden was the change from intense cold to immoderate heat, that from the time of the equinox to the end of March, the weather did not differ much from sunnner. In the month of April the heat somewhat relaxed, but it remained as dry as be- 1 Stegmann. Ephem. Nat. Cur., p. 384. ^ Wirtk. Op. cit., p. 85. ' L. Figuier. Les Insectes, 1867, p. 366. 164 History of Animal Plagues. fore. This dry state of the atmosphere continued to May, with the exception of a few moderate showers, so that we suffered from a great lack of herbage in this year ; beans, also, and all kind of pulse became dried up, because of the want of moisture, and but a scanty hope remained that a good harvest would be the result. In the same way as in the preceding year, great destruction was caused to animals, and especially to sheep, so that the whole of the ovine race was nearly swept away. So hot a summer succeeded as had never been seen before; the Etesian winds brought no alleviation of the continual heat, and on this account many animals, and especially dogs, were driven to mad- ness. . . . This tempest of diseases entirely disappeared, except small-pox, which was increased to such a pitch by the intense heat, that not only were young people attacked, but even the aged, and especially those who were pregnant.^ ^ A.D. 169T-93. Eruption of Mount Etna. Earthquakes felt in England, France, and Germany. Swarms of locusts from the east invaded Germany. 'The winter of this year ('91) was seasonable; the whole year, indeed, was a favourable one. The following year, however, was not marked with the same moder- ation. The winter was mild, and had the character of spring, and to it succeeded a spring with the character of winter, as if the seasons had been changed; and from the vernal equinox up to the solstice, frosts, with strong north winds, were continual, and the rains were so frequent and heavy, that rivers everywhere broke down their banks and inundated the country. Every one was already prepared for an unpropitious and unhealthy year, both on account of the destructive nature of the rains, which indicate disease to seedling plants, and also because of the appar- ent signs of blight on the leaves of the mulberry tree, which is a forerunner of sterility, as we had experienced in previous years in the great calamity which then attacked the cispadane and transpadane countries. The summer that followed up to the dog days seemed like spring, and what appeared very strange, the nightingale was heard to sing in the vineyards before the cicadae were observed. Thus the summer arrived with the mild- ^ Ramazzini. Op. cil., p. 157 — 1S6. History of Anivial Plagues, 165 est state of the atmosphere ; but yet to us it was unseasonable, rains from time to time falHng with great force. Hence, on account of the moist state of the soil, and the moderate temper- ature, all kinds of grain grew to so great a height and luxuriance that the fear of a bad harvest speedily left the minds of all. But an unforeseen mildew speedily dispelled their hopes, for the wheat, barley, and all kinds of pulse were quickly demolished, as if stricken by a blast from heaven. The same contagious blight struck the whole cispadane and transpadane country. The epidemic disease, which, in these three years, all so dissimilar in their character, had filled both city and country with many deaths, was the purpurata or petechial fever (scurvy).' ^ In Hesse, for 1693, Valentine describes a pulmonic affection among cattle, which killed great numbers. He says, 'The preceding winter being wet, but towards the close very cold, at the beginning of spring an unusual heat set in, and continued throughout the whole summer; which sudden change produced an unequal and unnatural motion of the humours and breath, followed by death to man and beast. Oxen and cows succumbed in numbers. Amongst other causes, a corrosive dew, which spotted linen with marks more or less dark-coloured, and corroded everything, was supposed to produce ill effects. From the observations of the butchers, it was proved that these animals died from pulmonary phthisis {phthisi pulmonali necahantiir) , to which, without doubt, the severe cold after the intense heat much contributed. At the end of July and the beginning of August, besides dysentery and malignant fevers, a certain intermittent fever, like tertian fever, attacked man.' ^ Wirth, and a few other veterinary writers, have imagined this outbreak to be an cpizooty of contagious pleuro-pneumonia, i)iit there is every reason to doubt the correctness of their surmise. That malady was not known for certain till a later period. A.D. 1692. In October swarms of locusts apjiearcd in Pem- brokeshire and the coasts of Wales ; they seem, from the descrip- tion, to have been the true eastern locust.? ' Ramazzini. Op. cit., 187 — 1 93. 2 M. B. Valentini. Constitutio Epid. Hassiaca. Ephem.Nat. Curios. Syden- ham. Op. ed. Geneva. Vol. i. p. 276. =* riiilosophical Transactions. 1 66 History of Animal Plagues. A.D. 1693. ^^^ earthquake, the shocks of which were per- ceived in England, France, and Germany, but particularly in Sicily; also an eruption of Mount Etna. An invasion of locusts in Germany, proceeding from the east. Saxony more especially suffered from their ravages. Epizootic catarrh among horses in Europe, followed by epidemic catarrh in October.^ ' In Britain and Ireland, October was a course of moderately warm weather for the season; but some snow falling in the mountains and in the country, it turned suddenly extremely cold, and there quickly succeeded a hard frost for some few days at least. After this followed such a general cough and cold, as not one out of thirty escaped. ... It spent its fury in five weeks. It was three weeks sooner in England than in Ireland. It not only affected these, but the whole continent, though not all at the same time.' ^ ' In October, an influenza began among horses, and then attacked men, as usual.' ^ A.D. 1694. An eruption of Mount Vesuvius. A supposed epidemy and epizooty of ergotism. Brunner writes: 'By what unfortunate combination of circumstances, for so many years, the whole of nature seemed to labour under an unhealthy atmo- sphere, remains a secret. Many men, and those most learned, have written on the state of the air, and I have been a spectator of most grievous calamities ; for not only did unwonted fevers attack and kill the human race, and would submit to no remedies, but also the beasts were harassed by deadly diseases. I know that sheep, cattle, pigs, horses, and geese were not free from the contagion. There was also a lack of corn, not only on account of the inordinate consumption of it by the soldiers, but also from the character of the ground. Some of the corn was so plainly diseased, that it was dangerous for man to eat of it. I know also that peas, which formed a great part of the food of the army, w^re infested and diseased by a small insect which made a minute hole in them. I never remember seeing such an abundant crop of darnel (or tares) mixed with the oats, and which prevented the making of good oatmeal, our chief food, for it was needless to 1 Webster. Op. cit., vol. i. p. 335. 2 Short. Op. cit., vol. i. p. 395. Philosophical Transactions. * T. Forster. Op. cit., p. 163. History of Animal Plagues. 167 attempt to labour on it, it was so bad. All grain disappeared, and in its place small, black, born-shaped masses became ap- parent, which were highly injurious to mankind. These were named '' St Martin's corn." A woman was shown to me by a surgeon who suffered from convulsions every eleventh day, solely from eating this corrupt grain; and the same surgeon told me he had amputated a leg mortified from the same cause.' ^ A.D. 1695. In the spring and summer of this year, many stinking fogs prevailed in Limerick and Tipperary. During the winter, spring, and part of the harvest, there fell in several places a kind of thick dew like butter, soft, clammv, and of a dark vellow colour. It fell in the night, chiefly in marshy low grounds, on grass, and the thatch of cabins. It seldom fell twice in the same place. It lay near a fortnight on the earth, then changed colour, turned dry and black. It fell often in lumps as big as one's finjjer-end, lay thin and scattered, had a strong ill scent. Country people used it for scabs or sore heads with great success. Cattle browsed safely on the ground where it fell.'- Apoplexy became quite epidemic in Italy, from the excessive scorching heat and great drought of the summers of 1693 and '94, which were followed by most severe winters, and continued heavy rains from October, '94, to April, '95. Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes were frequent. In Banda, the volcano of Mount Gounoug Apy vomited forth fire and ashes in such heaps that the sea at its base became dry land. The stench of brimstone was so intolerable, that during the westerly monsoon it could not be endured in the streets of Neira. The noise was terrific. Banda was in a great terror, and much sickness pre- vailed in Neira. The rains tasted sour from the sulphureous; fumes, and the whole country became a desert through the fire, stones, and ashes thrown over it.^ Inflammation of the feet of cattle in Hesse, coincidently with aphthae in man. 'At the time of the autunmal e(|uinox (towards the end of August), mankind was afflicted by an inflammation in the gums, tongue, and mouth. I also observed, here and there, an inllannnation in ^ Brunner. Ephem. Nat. Curios. Dec. 1694. '■* Philosophical Transactions. Dr Short. Op. cit., vol. i. p. 402. ^ Dr Short. Op. cit., vol. i. p. 399. 1 68 History of Animal Plagues. the feet of brutes {in hrui'is verum pedum injiammationes).' ^ At Pesth, in Hungary^ Rayger writes, 'On the seventh of June, the dew was noticed to be of a purple colour on the leaves of the trees and vines; also on the linen garments of the men labouring in the vineyards, where it exactly resembled the colour of spots of mulberry or cherry juice.' ^ A.D. 1697. In Sweden, glossanthrax in cattle.* Epidemic small-pox was very prevalent in the human species in Germany, at Augsburg, Stuttgart, Bale, &:c. Stegmann says, 'In the month of February of this year, dogs were observed to die in some places from an epidemic disease marked by a burning fever. When their bodies were dissected, nothing was found worthy of remark except thickened blood, and a quantity of black bile. ... In the same month of this year fowls, pigeons, and geese perished from an epidemic; under their wings were found ulcerated pustules, and when their bodies were dissected, the liver was observed to be dry and parched.'* November and December, '98. 'In these months, small-pox attacked men of all ages, for I saw a woman more than seventy years of age, and a man more than sixty, both stricken with the disease. Animals, also, were not free from the small-pox ; of these the winged tribe, but particularly geese and poultry, nearly all perished. Sheep and pigs, however, which were given purging draughts with care (such as ashes of the stalks of beans or cut corn, mixed with human urine), for the most part recovered.'^ At a later period, I have entered into a review of the opinions of several eminent comparative pathologists on the variolous disorders of animals, and their transmissibility to dif- ferent species. It may be remarked here, however, that the small- pox of birds is a malady which very ancient authors have noticed. Palladius,^ for example (a.d. 300), in his description of the dis- eases of common poultry and peacocks, mentions an exanthema- tous affection by the name o^ grana circa oculos, which has been supposed to be this malady [Heusinger). ' Si amarum lupinum ^ Sydenham. Opp. Geneva, vol. i. p. 283. - Ibid. Op. cit., p. 731. ^ Schnurrer. Op. cit., voL ii. p. 229. * Stegma)in. Constat. Mansfeld. Epheni. Nat. Curios., p. 384. 5 Ibid., p. 108. ^ Scrip, rer. Rustic. Edit. Schneider. Vol. iii. History of Animal Plagues. 169 comedant [gaUiuce), sub ocidis illis grana ipsa procedimt, qitce ?iisi acu leviter apertis peUiculis auferanlur, exstinguunt.' Deme- trius (a. d. 1261) says: 'Si in ore aut in alia corporis parte pustules sint, trade alteri accipitrem scite tenendum, tu vero acicula pus- tulas aperito, cesque sinito evaporari, deinde meUe nosato i/linito.' And in De Cresentiis (a.d. 1233 — 1307) / we have a more decided designation : ' Item nascuntur columhls varioli circa oculus, qui exccecant eos, maxime mense Augusta, l^endendi sunt aut come- dendi cutn solo capite sunt infecti.' Buhle and Bossi '" assert that a disease similar to small-pox is known to affect turkeys, and that the Italians term it coralli. Nitsch^ says that wild goslings and wild pigeons, when young, often have the small-pox {pocken krankheit). Bechstein* also declares that wild fowl are affected with the 'blattern,' and that the disease is contagious. In India the malady appears to have been known from the highest an- tiquity, and an English observer in quite recent days thus alludes to it: 'While on this subject, I would beg to submit to the society the propriety of inquiring into the exact nature of that disease among fowls, which is called small-pox, or maota, by the natives. In Calcutta it is not much heard of; but up the country, where almost every one is compelled to keep their own stock, it becomes a very interesting matter. It generally appears in the rains, and seems highly infectious or epidemic; when one fowl is attacked, it is generally followed by a succession of others, so as sometimes to depopulate the farm-yard. The symptoms are pyrexia and a refusal of food, soon after which pustules break out on the head, aiiout the ears and eyes, and on the upper and lower surface of the tongue. Indeed, I believe they generally appear first in this latter situation. Afterwards they appear in. different parts of the body, chiefly under the wings. The animal | languishes for four or five days, and then dies. Is this disease at all allied to human variola ? In its symptoms it bears a good deal of resemblance to it, and deserves, on that account, to be investigated.' ^ ' Opus Ruralium Cominodoriim, 1471- 2 Bossi. Trattato de MalaUie degli Ucclli. Milan, 1823. 3 Naumann. Naturgcsch. die Vogcl Dcutschlands, vol. i. p. 125. ■* Naturgeschichte der Stubcnvogcl, pp. 20, 456. * Tytler. Transactions of Med. and I'hys. iioc. ofCalcuUa, vol. iv. p. 423. lyo History of Animal Plagues. The malady is probably prevalent at times in all hot coun- tries^ and affects different species of the feathered tribe. Guer- sent speaks of its frequency in pigeons in Italy. 'Birds, particu- larly ringdoves, are principally liable, in warm countries, to an eruption of pustules {houtons) very like those of variola ; but this disease has not yet been well described. It is so common in Italy, that in a dove-cot containing a thousand pigeons, scarcely a hundred will be found which have not been affected; otherwise it is rarely grave, for at the most no more than a twentieth of those attacked die.' ^ Swediaur, in describing the pian, or 'yaws,' a disease affecting the human species, and which is endemic in West Africa, Guiana, the West Indies, and Brazil, informs us that in the latter country young turkeys, chickens, and pigeons contract a disease accompanied by the eruption of tuberculous pustules, exactly like those seen in the squamous form of the yaws. ' The eruption takes place around the eyes, on the neck, on the wattles, and also on the crest of gallinaceous creatures. When they are affected, their feathers stand erect ; they are dull and prostrated; they separate themselves from the other birds, and die in great numbers.' The supposed variolous malady is very contagious, and various authors have asserted that, in Europe, turtle-doves have caught the infection of small-pox from man.^ As before noticed, it has been declared that the ovine small- pox was derived from the turkey ; and many writers have affirmed that sheep were infected by fowls and turkeys.^ Brug- none, Leroi, and Toggia fully recognize the analogy, if not identity, of the variola of turkeys with the variolous diseases of quadrupeds, and Toggia is strong in his belief that turkeys can communicate their small-pox to sheep. During a very deadly epizooty of the disease among these birds this veterinarian en- deavoured to preserve them by vaccination, but utterly failed.* ^ Diet, des Sciences Medicales, vol.'xiii. p. 87. - Der Wohlerfahrene Thierarzt, vol. ii. p. 37. Bechstcin. P. 557. 3 Mem. de la Soc. Agricol. 1791, p. 145. Gilbert. Instruction sur le Claveau. * Storia e Cura delle Malatti de Buoi, vol. iii. p. 221 ; vol. iv. p. 173. History of Animal Plagues. 171 Heusinger, however, is not quite satisfied as to the identity of this bird disease with small-pox. A.D. 1698, Epidemic catarrh in France and an epizootv among cattle, but especially horses, and which has been de- scribed as a bilious plague.^ A.D. 1699. 'Volcanoes and earthquakes. Widespread in- fluenza in the human species in America all the previous winter, followed by malignant spotted and other fevers. Catarrh among horses, and then among people.^ ^ 'In 1699 a severe and awful catarrh was epidemic in England, and the same malady, with much cough, was epizootic among horses in England and France.'^ The plague of insects in Ireland, noticed in 1688, appeared again this year. In Germany, in 1700, small-pox was prevalent, and ergotism was very frequent. ' On the 4th July, a.d. 1699, a moisture of a sweet and glutinous character was observed on the corn and the leaves of trees and fruits. This honey-like substance, or dew, although of a sweet and pleasing flavour, seemed neverthe- less to conceal a volatile pungency or sharpness; so that some of those who were sufficiently curious to touch it with their lips were immediately affected with a singular nausea and vomiting, and on the lips of several people a small ulcer appeared. A few persons, who had at that time delayed too long in the fields, were seized with burning fevers, and those who walked with naked feet, as the field labourers were accustomed to do, were suddenly attacked with pustules and ulcerations on them. Corn, also, and especially the grain of wheat, on which the dew had settled most largely, was diseased in a remarkable manner, being black and gross. This is what is commonly called 'blighted corn^ {m utter- korn). But as in more fertile years the grain was marked in this way, so in the present was it very al)undant, especially in the valleys and low grounds throughout the whole of Thuringia, and in the country and prox luces around Erfurt; so that in the memory of man a more jjrolific crop had never been seen. From the use of this, instead ot orduiary and ' Bascome. Op. cit. ^ Forstcr. Op. cit., p. l6j. * Webster. Op. cit., vol. i. p. 344. 172 History of Animal Plagues. good food, in the subsequent year (1700), men, both old and young, were afflicted with many epidemies. 'A dew of" hke consistency and flavour was noticed in the next year (1701), and came at spring-time. It was not so hurt- ful to corn as to apples and garden-stuff, in which it caused disease and worms.' ^ 1 Hoyeriis. De Rore Melleo. Miscellany Natural Curios., p. 172. ^n CHAPTER IV. PERIOD FROM A.D. 1700 TO I715. In the advent of the i8th century, we have the commence- ment of a most interesting period with regard to the history of epizootic diseases. Medical science was rapidly becoming more exact, in consequence of the greater care with which it was studied, the larger amount of patronage it was receiving, and the increasing number of great minds who set themselves to im- prove it. Some of the collateral sciences, which have since afforded medicine such welcome aid, were also attracting at- tention, and were being developed slowly, though sureK^, through the united or individual influence of philosophers and men of genius. The diseases of the lower animals^ especially those of an epizootic character, were receiving more careful investigation, because of the great national interests involved; and from this time, we find a few of the most eminent physicians devoting all their energies in prosecuting researches of vast moment for the welfare of this department of comparative pathology. The de- scriptions of epizootic diseases have been drawn up with the greatest care by these men, who spared no time or labour in inquiring into their nature, their origin, and the best means for their prevention, or for curing the ])est-stricken herds and flocks. Another feature or event in this centurv deserves notice. The vetcrinarv art was progressing, though lar more tardily than 1/4 History of Aimnal Plagues. human medicine. Until the middle of the century, in France, and indeed in every other country where the health of the domestic animals was at all cared for, those who ministered to their maladies were generally most incompetent for that office — being farriers (horse-shoers), shepherds, butchers, grooms, coachmen, and charlatans of every description, whose ignorance made them bold, but who, in the majority of instances, only added to the misery of their patients. Those who really in- tended to devote themselves to acquire a knowledge of animal diseases, took lessons from some one of these men who had ac- quired a reputation for superior skill. These individuals were generally to be found attached to the great stables belong- ing to kings or noblemen, or to regiments of cavalry. Not- withstanding the very meagre education they acquired, it was sometimes noted that distinguished men originated from these somewhat barren sources. But in reality the veterinary art was in a most unsatisfactory state until 1762. In this year M. Bourgelat, an advocate, seeing the great havoc caused by cattle and other animal plagues, was the means of establishing the first veterinary school at Lyons ; and to this zealous veter- inarian is due the honour of being the founder of modern scientific research, as applied to the medicine of the lower ani- mals. The following year, the French government, ever in advance, and ever ready to befriend science, instituted the veterinary college now at Alfort, near Paris. By means of the great liberality exercised towards this institution, it became the focus of veterinary science and the parent of all other institu- tions established for a similar purpose, and it has remained since that time the first in the world. Many of its professors and graduates have afforded invaluable assistance in promoting their science, and some of them have greatly distinguished themselves in inquiries pertaining to epiozootic maladies. A third govern- ment school was founded at Toulouse, and soon after Vienna had a national college established by order of Maria Theresa, which, remodelled and reorganized by Joseph II., is now the largest in Germany. Prussia quickly followed ; for in 1768, so severely had that country suffered from animal plagues, that the illustrious Cothenius, physician to the King of Prussia, brought Histoi'y of Animal Plagues. iji^ before the Berlin Academy of Sciences a project for the estab- Hshment of a veterinary school in that city. The idea appears to have originated with the King himself, Frederick the Great; but through the able representations and zealous interposition of Cothenius, the national school was founded at Berlin, and it has proved of incalculable benefit to Prussia from that to the pre- sent time. At Munich, Dresden, Hanover, Carlsruhe, and Stuttgart, others sprang up. In Spain, a magnificent school was commenced; and in Italy four such establishments were soon flourishing. Holland, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, and Russia, with great liberality and discernment, founded col- leges for teaching veterinary science. It was not until 1792, however, that England had a veterinary school, but this of a ])rivate and speculative nature, deriving no benefit from the State, but allowed to push its own way from the fluctuating support or patronage of private subscribers, and the fees of the students. The Scottish capital, in the beginning of the 19th century, through the patient and energetic exertions of a private individual, had a school ; and in recent years others, also pri- vate, have been commenced in Glasgow and London. Un- fortunately, however, and much to the cost of the country, veterinary medicine has not received that encouragement and confidence so necessary to the welfare of any branch of science. In Britain, it has been left to grapple with ignorance and empiricism. In many instances it has also, greatly to the de- triment of commerce and the welfare of the nation, been ig- nored by prejudice and narrow-mindedness, and its representa- tives put aside for the self-sufficient amateur, the unlearned cow-leech, or the plausible impostor — a mode of proceeding which has kept it far behind, when compared with continental nations. Consequently, to men of education and natural ability, it at present ofltrs the most meagre inducements as a way to distinc- tion or emolument; and the samo public apathy which permits the ravages of disease to decimate our herds and flocks, also pre- vents those men from entering the profession and studying this science, whose object it is to avert or ameliorate these ravages. From this change in the mode of investigating the diseases 176 History of Animal Plagues, of animals by scientific teachings and demonstrations on the continent, since the middle of the i8th century, it may easily be inferred that a great re-action would take place, and that those fearful scourges — fearful alike to the nations and to the animals which they visited, would receive much elucidation as science became more competent to observe and to speculate. And this has been the case. The task of notins; their besrin- ning, their progress, their various phases, and their nature, has been removed from the domain of the oftentimes obscure general observer of passing events, whose abilities were nearly in all cases far from those of a scientific tendency, to a special domain swarming with anxious investigators ; until, as we draw nearer to our own day, the real difficulty the chronicler has to contend with is the great number of authorities to be consulted, and the immense amount of matter he must examine before he can satisfy himself as to the best extracts for historical purposes. A.D. 1701. An eruption of Vesuvius. The winter long and cold, followed by a dry and hot summer. In Suabia and in Ger- many generally, an epizooty affecting cattle and other animals, which carried off large numbers. It was said to be a dropsy of the chest. ' At the commencement of spring the weather was cold, and continued so imtil the end of April. From this time, how- ever, the heat was intense, and the scant and light rains made no impression on the parched state of the ground. No cold set in until the end of September, when frost appeared. After the slow germination, and contrary to all hope, the harvest and vintage were good ; but the apples and pears fell from the trees before their time, in consequence of disease from worm; nor could they be preserved in any way, being too much destroyed. The leaves of the beech-trees were covered with an extraordinary quantity of gall-nuts, and cabbages were greatly damaged by being eaten into by caterpillars. Somewhere in the neighbour- hood (our own district of Tubingen being safe), dropsy in the chest [hydrops pectoris) carried off many cows, and there was a great mortality among young geese in some places, so that they were obliged to be buried, on account of the stench. The sum- mer induced great relaxation of the bowels. Infants were first attacked in the month of June, more in the month of July, in History of Animal PlagiLcs. 177 which month a kind of griping diarrhoea affected adults, and at last cholera appeared, with vomiting and cramps in the legs.'^ A.D. 1702. A disease among horses on the banks of the Rhine, following cold and damp weather, and in Lombardy through a failure in the forage.- The weather in Yorkshire was so fearfully hot that within six miles^ compass, in the month of April, thirty-six or thirty-seven draught of oxen were killed in ploughing. The same in other places.^ A.D. 1703. Very wet and damp. Inundations. In Eno-- land a fearful thunder-storm. A great storm and flood at Bristol, in which 2000 sheep were drowned. At Berkeley 15,000 sheep were drowned, and multitudes of cattle on both banks of the Severn. An earthquake in Italy, during which springs of water became opaque and milky in colour, exhaled an odour of sulphur, and sometimes emitted foul-smelling gases. ■* Ergotism prevailed throughout the whole country of Frieburg. The dis- eases of horses and cattle were more frequent than in the pre- ceding year. They appeared in Mantua, on the banks of the Rhine, in Prussia, and especially on the banks of the Oder. Kanold writes that ' the principal cause of these maladies con- sisted in the presence of immense moving swarms of vermin m Prussia, and especially in Elbingen, in the month of May. They fell upon the earth in such numbers, that they might have been gathered bv shovelsful. They were considered by some people to be ants; nevertheless they were provided with four wings. ^" A.D. 1704. An eruption of Vesuvius. Epizootics among horses in Germany, Alsace, in the Low Countries, and in Po- land, where they died in great numbers. The diseases were believed to be contagious, and the importation of horses from these places into England was prohibited." A.D. 1705. A malignant epidemic fever broke out at Ceuta, causing great mortality. The post-mortem appearances of those ' Camerariiis. Ephem. Nat. Cur. pp. 66, 67. -Kanold. Jahreshistorie von den Seuchen des Viches, von 1701 bis 1717. Ludissin, 1721, p. 4. ■'' T. Sliorl. Op. cit., p. 425. ■' Schnurrer. Vol. ii. p. 235. ' A'unold. Op. cit., p. 5. ''' Ibid. P. 7. 12 178 History of Animal Plagues. who died were as follows : the blood coagulated in the ventricles of the heart, especially in that of the right side, and also in the vena cavae; the pulmonary artery was similarly engorged. In the aorta the blood was also very thick, but in moderate quantity; the pulmonary veins were nearly empty. These phenomena were not observed in all cases, since in the majority the blood was only thickened and not coagulated ; and the cause of this difference was according to the greater or less degree of power of the malignant ferment. The mortality among horses in Poland still raging. Very many also dying in Saxony, and on the banks of the Rhine. ^ Glossanthrax again appeared in Dauphine. Wirth says: 'In the year 1705 this disease again appeared in France, and a portion of Switzerland also suffered from it.' ^ We find noticed in this year an epizooty among the chamois in Switzerland. It appears to have been cutaneous, and very deadly. 'A similar, and as it proved, a severe disease, resem- bling a leprous scab, attacked not only the old animals, but also many young ones. Upon the Freiburg were found this year numbers of dead chamois which had leprous skins. Of the nature and origin of this disease, the hunters have various opinions.' ^ A.D. 1707. An eruption of Vesuvius, and an island five miles in circumference thrown up from the bottom of the sea in the Archipelago. An extraordinary and memorable invasion of flies in London. They covered the clothes of every one, and lay so thickly on the streets that the imprints of the people and horses' feet were made visible as if it had been snowing.^ An aphthous malady attacked the feet and tongues of cattle in Franconia. ' A certain territory in our country was affected by a malignant disease which attacked vegetables, and from which animals sickened and died. In the course of the spring of this year, in the whole district of Hannaberg and Franconia, nearly 1 Kaiiold. Op. cit., p. 7. Heusinc^er cannot find a description of the disease, and my researches have proved no more availing in discovering its nature. In all likelihood the malady was a form of that protean epizooty — ' influenza.' 2 Wirth. Op. cit., p. 362. 3 Scheiicher. Naturgesch. des Schweizerlandes. * Chamberlain. History of London. History of Animal Plagues. 179 all cattle were infected with a tumour in the extremities {liimorem parthnn extremariim), accompanied with emaciation and intense debility. The " serum '' of the blood beinc- very impure, also caused a tumour on the tongue which was intensely hot, and there was a great loss of saliva, and even a slouohino; of some parts of the organ. The disease disappeared in time from prescribed remedies. . . . The same disease, arising from impurity of the " serum," affected many young men, by wasting away their strength with malignant catarrh.'^ Epidemic influenza in England. ' In April horses had dangerous coughs.^ ' July 8th, a most memorable excessive hot day; many horses died on the road.' ^ A.D. 1708. A comet appeared, and there were volcanic erup- tions. During the spring-time and the summer the above aphthongiilar malady (aphthous fever) raged in Silesia and in Poland.^ Great mortality among the horses of the armies on the Rhine. Plague in man at Dantzic, and in the city of Seville the previous year. Immense crowds of insects, especially spiders, were observed, previous to the occurrence of pestilence. Influenza in man was general in Europe and America. In Hungary and in Transylvania, a disease of a carbuncular nature amongst animals. Ansfeld, a physician, asserts that a black cloud ha\ing obscured the sky and filled the air with a foul odour, all aninials — cattle, horses, pigs, dogs, wolves, hares, and foxes — died soon after in great numbers.* In November universal catarrh in Europe, fol- lowed by an epizooty in horned cattle and horses, especially in Holland." In Ireland, Sir Thomas Molyneux gives an account of an ' universal cold that appeared in 1708, and was immediately preceded by a very sudden transition of atmospheric tempera- ture from heat to cold, in Dublin and its vicinity.' " Rutty says that the frost lasted 'about nine weeks,' and that about that period there was ' another great R P- 43- History of Annual P /agues. 133 found its way through the governments of Moscow, Riazan, VVorotin, Ukraine, PodoUa, and X'olhynia; and from these coun- tries travelled into the provinces of Polesia, Lithuania, Sendoniir, Lul^lin, Cracow, Siradin, Kahsch, Posen, Masovie, and entered Prussia, where, in the month of October, it hatl got as far as the neighbourhood of Konigsberg; on the other side, it penetrated from Poland into Silesia, from whence it became diffused in the vicinity of Bojanowa, Medzibor, Ohlau, Brieg, and Breslau. It only spread by contagion, and Kanold says that whatever course it pursued, ' notwithstanding the lateness of the season, they who had two or three herds of stock upon their lands could scarce keep a single animal, and large numbers of cattle were found lying dead upon the roads.' ^ From Hungary it was carried into Carinthia, Styria, Austria, and as far as Augsburg in Bavaria. Gerbezius, writing on the 28th of December from Lavbach to Augsburg, says : ' Animals also continued to die. It is certain that so many showers, ac- companied with rust (blight), had made the pastures very un- healthy ; and yet it is more probable that the continuation of the mortality is rather to be attributed to the spreading of the contagion which was brought among them, than to the imhealthy pastures.^ ^ And writing on the 12th of January, 1712, to Fabaeus at Vienna, lie adds, 'You make mention of that disease by which nearly all the oxen, cows, and calves have been killed about you ; know, then, that there has been a like mortality among the same animals with us, except that hitherto it has not extended so far, but has remained on each side of the Rcn'al road {regia via), along which Hungarian cattle are driven from Styria into Italy ; on that tract nearly all have perished ; and as with you, no trustworthy remedy can be found which will prove satisfactory. Every one agrees that the cause of this disease arises from infected cattle being driven from Hungary into Italy; but whence it was originally derived there are many differences of opinion. But if we take into consideration tiie warm and rainy character of the end of last summer, and the \\ hole of the autumn, we may easily perceive that the infection was ' A'aitold. Jahrusliistorie, \>. 33. - Ephem. Nat. Curios. Appendix, p. 36. 184 History of Animal Plagues. derived from the corrupt state of the pasture lands from the ex- cessive rains ; and besides this, to the putridity occasioned by the numbers of dead locusts and cicadas that were about at the end of the summer and beginning of the autumn of 17 10. They say that the State of Carniola avoided the plague through prohibiting, by public edicts, the admission of pigs from Croatia, because there might have been mixed with the acorns they ate in the oak forests thereabouts, some of the locusts which com- pletely covered the ground around Sagratia, and the vicinity of Hungary and Croatia. It was also remarked with us that dogs, and some say crows, which fed on the diseased flesh, immediately died.'i According to Schroeckius, it manifested itself at Augsburg towards the end of the summer of 171 1. 'About the end of the summer and throughout the autumn, that plague which had been so destructive to the bovine race in Germany and Italy, after it had proceeded by degrees from Hungary towards the Danube, attacked our territory and produced great destruction to beasts, sometimes destroying whole herds amongst us, and in many neighbouring places. And this was not caused by any foulness in the atmosphere, but by the contagion of oxen brought from the infected countries ; and this was patent, because it first attacked those pastures adjoining the foreigners, and altogether spared those cattle to which no infected animals had approached, and which had been immediately separated from any in the same herd that were infected.'^ He termed it a ' malignant dysentery.^ ' The saliva that the diseased beasts drop- ped in the pastures infected them, and thus communicated the malady to those cattle which afterwards grazed thereon. It ap- peared certain that this acrid matter passed by way of the mouth, oesophagus, the stomachs, and the bowels, and, in infecting these, caused an irritation which was soon communicated to the nerves, from whence arose the spasmodic movements. The constriction of the vessels which followed, induced congestions and inflamma- tions, and converted the whole body into a corrupt mass. In 1 Gerbczii. Chronologia Medico-practica. Frankfort, 1 7 13, p. 203. ^ Schroeckii. Constitutio Epidemica, Ephem. Nat. Curios. Appendix, p. 23. History of Aiiwial Plagues. i8 D some the tono-ue was inflamed and covered with red vesicles : the excretions were sanguinolent, as in malignant dysentery. The principal symptom of the disease, at the commencement, was a difficulty in breathing and a higher temperature than in health. The intestines, near the liver, were found after death covered with bile, and the stomachs inflamed.^ Schroeckius designated it a malignant dysentery — a name which gave it a widely different signification from those given it by other writers of the period. This diversity of opinions, says Paulet, on the denomination of a disease, proves how difficult it is to characterize it sufficiently. The disease spread from Russia and from Hungary, into Mol- davia, Wallachia, Sclavonia, Istria, and Dalmatia.^ As has been already noticed, this fearfully contagious malady was conveyed from Hungary into Friuli, in Italy ; but its history is best told when the infection had been introduced into the province of Padua. On the 27th of August, 17 11, a drove of infected cattle from Hungary, sent through the agency of Dalmatian merchants, and which had been disembarked at Venice, passed through the village of Sermeola, about two leagues distant from l^adua; and one of these beasts, straying from the others, was taken to a farm named Pampagnini, belonging to the brothers Borromeo, where it was put into one of the cow-houses. In about eight days the whole of the cattle on this farm became ill, and soon all died, with the exception of one, which had been treated by a seton in the neck. The disease soon spread into the neighbouring districts, and it was believed, and the public records sanctioned this belief, that this Hungarian ox had conveyed the germs of the pestilence.^ Though Lancisi mentions this fact, and although it has been recognized by many authors^as the only source of the epizooty in the whole of Italy, yet a comparison of the preceding observations will show that it had many other sources. Already, in this year, it had cruelly devastated the whole of the Venetian territory, had scourged Mantua, Brescia, Pavia, Voghera, Tortona, Alessandria, Parma, and Genoa, and had even reached Switzerland and the kingdom of Naples. Nevertheless, ^ Kanold. Op. cit., pp. 51—53. 2 Epistola de Padre Borromeo, Teatino, scritta ad un suo amico {Laueisi). Rome, 15th Dec. 1711. Naples, 1712. 1 86 History of Animal Plagiies. there can be no doubt as to the correctness of the opinion which attached suspicion to the Hungarian cattle. For many centuries, the herds of Venice and Lombardy have suffered from invasions of the Cattle Plao-ue, throu2;h the commerce in foreign cattle across the Adriatic, as this history testifies. Dalmatian cattle- dealers are frequently mentioned in connection with the advent of this scourge — these men being engaged in carrying oxen to Italy from a country which, from the earliest times, has borne the unenviable reputation of harbouring the contagion. And to this source may we not ascribe the many outbreaks of ovine v^ariola which have decimated the flocks of Venice and Lombardy ? Many excellent authorities testify to the progressive inroad of this most remarkable and deadly epizooty, and there was no lack of close observers; but of all these, the best were, perhaps, Lancisi and Ramazzini — two physicians who gave the malady their utmost attention. Ramazzini, who gives the most classical description, describes it as follows: 'It is evident that this disease, which has created such dreadful havoc among the whole bovine race, from its cold shiverings, followed by excessive heat through- out the whole body, is a malignant and deadly fever, as its accom- panying symptoms testify. In the first place, there is intense anguish, heavy breathing and continued snorting (or groaning) accompanied by fever, stupor, and slothfulness or weariness; a continued running of ill-odoured matter from the mouth and nostrils is observed, and most foetid excrement, sometimes mixed with blood, is passed ; there is loss of appetite, and chewing the cud (rumination) ceases. On the fifth and sixth days, pustules break out over the whole body, and tubercles of a variolous cha- racter. On the fifth or seventh day, death ensues, which very few escape, and those more by chance than from the effects of reme- dies. We may reasonably suppose that the miserable oxen suffer much internal pain, when they lie groaning, or while they stand motionless with heads cast down towards the ground ; but from dumb animals, who can make no signs, it is impossible to say for certain what is the ailment in their case, and therefore remedies are difficult to find. In the carcases of as many oxen as were dissected by the eminent professors Molinetto and Viscardo, it History of Animal Plagues. 187 was noticed in all, strange to say, that the omasum was hard and compact, and the leaves closely adherent; while all were of threat size and emitted a horrid stench. In other parts, such as the brain and lungs, hydatids were found, enclosed in huge bladders as if full of wind; these, when dissected, exhaled a noxious efiki- vium. The tongue was covered with ulcers towards the root, and full of little vesicles on its sides. I know for certain, that that portion of the body which was observed in the abdomen (the stomach) to be hard and compact like stone, was primarily pro- duced by a contagious miasma, which, while pursuing its own course of destruction, weakened and corrupted the gastric juice [illud veto corpus durum et compactum ad instar calcis quod in omaso ohservatur, pr'imuui productum esse co/itagiosi miasmatis pro certo habeo, dum tacite sa'vit'unn suam exereens, stomuch'icum fermentum hihefuctut et corrumpit .) ... It might reasonably be expected that mankind would be left uninjured ; for if, in the space of three months, the plague had attacked no other ru- minating and horned animal, or in any way injured horses, pigs, or wild creatures, there is no reason why it should affect men, who are so different from these creatures.^ ^ Ramazzini and other physicians were of opinion that the disease was similar to, or identical with, small-pox in man ; and this opinion was discussed and controverted in a circular issued by the Philosophical College of Padua, on the 28th of October, 17TI, This bulletin goes on to say : ' We have seen the effects of the disease to be most frequently in the viscera already de- scribed ; that is to say, in the first ventricle or omasum {prituo ventricolo, delta Omaso: this is an error, as the "omasum '' is the third compartment of the ox's stomach), where one sees dryness, hardness, and contraction towards the middle, with a collection of alimentary substances rendered hard and stony; the second ventricle {secondo ventricolo) is found extremely full of food {escrementi),\\'\X.\\ an abundance of fetid gas The following organic changes are found in the viscera, with few exceptions : we see the lungs evidently inffamed, as well as the neighbouring ^ Rainazzi)ii. Diss, dc Contagiosa Epidcmia qua: in Pataviiio agio in liovcs irrepsit. Geneva, ijn.. 1 88 History of Animal Plagues. parts; but at other times only the bronchial glands, tonsils, and adjoining textures, as well as the muscles of the oesophagus and larynx; the morbid appearances often extending to the tongue in a o;reat number of cattle as a deep and somewhat transverse fissure, sometimes involving the whole organ; these fissures, as the disease progresses, become foul callous ulcers. Besides these various morbid characteristics, other rare (or incon- stant) appearances are observed, such as suppurating tumours showing themselves in the glands of the throat, and abscesses in the lungs and liver; at other times, a number of small tumours arise upon the skin covering the body, which neither suppurate nor change colour, but slowly disappear or remain until the death of the animal. From this last and rare circumstance, it has been the opinion of some that this affection should be universally designated '^ variola bovina ; " to which disease, however, many high authorities thought oxen were not liable. But yet, if this be the case, as might be suspected, how is it that, in so general a disease as this variola is, so small a number exhibit the morbid eruption on the skin ? Nor does variola usually make such great slaughter of the sick, nor yet is it so general or so rapid in its course. Besides, in what other cutaneous affection was so rarely seen a simple elevation of the skin, except in the human morbilli ? or some hard and badly suppurating tumours unequally raised on one or more parts of the body ? ^^ The writer who drew up this report was Marco Novara, professor of practical medicine at Patavia. In this year, or the preceding, the small-pox of sheep is sup- posed to have appeared in England for the first time, — though erroneously, if the student will refer to the year 1277. ^'' Fuller, in his work on Eruptive Fevers, says : ' There was, about the year 17 10 or 171 1, upon the South Downs in Sussex, a certain fever raging epidemically among the sheep which the shepherds called the small-pox ; and truly, in most things, it nearly resembled it. It began with a burning heat and unquenchable thirst; it broke out in fiery pustules all the body over. These ' Bottani. Op. cit., vol. vi. p. 98. Dr Michelotti, who was in the Venetian territories in October, 171 1, gives an excellent description of the malady ; a trans- lation will be found in the Philosophical Transactions, No. 365, p. 83. History of Animal Plagues. 189 pustules maturated, and, if death happened not first, dried up into seabs about the twelfth day. ' It could not be cured, no, nor in the least mitigated, by phle- botomy, drinks, or any medicines or methods they could invent or hear of. It was exceedingly contagious and mortal, for when it came it swept away almost whole flocks; but yet it could in nowise be accounted the same with our human small-pox, be- cause it never afllected mankind.' ^ A.D. 1712. Winter cloudy; much snow. Summer damp. Inundations in various countries. Earthquakes, and a <>reat eruption of Vesuvius, lasting from February until July. Epidemic miliary or sweating pestilence at Miimpelgart, and catarrhal fever or influenza in various places. In Hungary many, insects and venomous reptiles. ' In the months of June anc| July there was intense heat, accompanied by swarms of insects] snakes, and reptiles, which especially attacked the country people. The whole of the body of one who had been bitten was inmie- diately impregnated with a poison of a sulphureo-saline nature, and swelled throughout, beginning with the tongue, and to such a degree that articulation was impossible. There was also acute head-ache. Cattle, too, were attacked by them, and great mor- ' Thomas Fuller, M.D. Exanthematologia, or an Account of Eruptive Fe- vers, especially the Measles and Small-pox. London, 1730. A Mr Hall, who lived about the middle of the last century, and who published a work on agriculture {The Gentleman Farmer), mentions a disease somewhat analogous to sheep small- pox ; but as unfortunately I am not now in a position to be able to refer to the book, I will quote what Dr Paulet says in his Treatise on Epizootics, published in 1775, when speaking of what he terms the 'crystalline disease' of sheep : 'We ought to distinguish clearly between the hydatids which accompany the rot and a crystalline eruption to which sheep are liable, particularly in England. It begins at first, according to Mr Hall (seeZf Gentilhotnme Cultivateur, tome x. chap.-xxxi. ), by an inflammation of the skin around the chest and the belly, from whence it extends to the other parts. This inflammation is always accompanied by blisters {cloches) which contain an acrid blood-coloured fluid. The disease is very contagious ; and if the affected sheep are not sejiarated from the healthy ones, the whole flock nms the risk of being infected. This is, perhaps, the disease which the ancients termed piisiila. It is necessary to change the water and the pasture. The best means of treating it consists in taking two drachms of sulphur, half an ounce of honey mixed up in half a pint of nettle-juice, and giving this to tlie sick sheep every day for two weeks. The blisters must be opened in order to allow the humour to escape, and the wounds washed with the juice of wormwood. The fourtli day, the sheep must be bled.' Vol. ii. p. 287. iQo History of Animal Plagues. tality ensued. Many of the men to whom remedies were not immediately appHed on the first day, died from the poison. It was worthy of remari<, that at certain hours the water was foetid and red, and after some days regained its limpid character. When chemically examined, a kind of red earth was found in the water, mixed with nitrous particles, but the stench was attributed to a bituminous viscid matter.^ ^ Anthrax also appeared in Hungary, and an epizooty of rabies amongst the deer tribe. ' August being excessively wet, the mortality among cattle increased, and they were seized with a white pustular eruption {pustidis alhlcantihus), attended with difficulty of breathing. When the pustules were opened, a purulent matter with a noxious exhalation was discharged, as well as an intolerable stench from the mouth. The animals groaned loudly from the intense pain. Wild beasts of all kinds perished in large numbers at Somogy; and in the woods the country people found dogs which had been driven there by madness after feeding on these beasts ; and men bitten by them were quickly seized with frenzy and hydrophobia, imitating the barking and the madness of dogs, and attacking those near by biting at them. Some even contracted the madness while trving the remedy of washing the mouths of the beasts with vinegar and salt.' ^ In Lower Hungarv, there was an extraordinarv mortality amongst the wild hogs. They died in such great numbers, and their jnitrefving bodies were such a nuisance, that an order was issued for their interment.^ An epizooty of anthrax in France;* also in the neighbour- hood of Augsburg, which was imagined to be derived from Hun- gary. Schroeckius writes: ' The grievous plague must not be over- looked, which seized and killed many horses, mostly without the city, and afterwards did not spare the oxen, pigs, geese, fowls, or even the wild beasts, while it lasted up to July. Hard tumours ap- peared on the breast and groin, and other places, and they so quickly spread themselves in all directions, that in a short space of time death ensued. It seems to me that this arose from the ^ Gensellii. Constit. Epid. Infer. Hungariae. Eph. Nat. Curios., App. p. 4. 2 Ibid. p. 4. 3 XanolJ. Op. cit., p. 104. * FauUt. Op. cit., vol. i. p. 93. History of Animal Plagues. 191 stings of hornets, which were observed in incredible numbers and of unwonted size. It is not very wonderful, then, that, as the dead bodies of the oxen that had died the previous vear were nowhere buried sufficiently deep, and had become putrid and fit food for these insects, thev should in this way have gener- ated and increased the virulcncv of the poisoned humours. Thus these poisonous atoms in the humours of animals stung by them, multiplied themselves, and were then able to infect other animals. As an example of this, there was a horse belonging to a baron kept in a stable in the vicinity of some animals that had died of this malady, and were not buried sufficiently deep, so that one foot protruded through the ground. This was cut off with an axe by a servant, and while he was doing so some matter flew up into his eve. This soon caused swelling and inflammation, which quickly spread to the other eye and over the whole head, and as the poor man was without medical aid, he shortly died.^ ^ With regard to the French epizooty, M. Herment states : ^ In many provinces, it is observed that the horses and cattle are attacked by a kind of farcied tumour, about the size of a nut, which appears about the flanks and gradually increases, com- municating with the scrotum, which becomes prodigiously swoll- en. The vessels in the neighbourhood are so engorged, that they become like cords. The tumour is hard, black, and docs not contain pus, resembling in this respect the anthracoid swellings which often manifest themselves in man during the progress of ' Schrocckii. Constit. Epid. Eph. Nat. Curios., App. 27. Trofessor Gamgee, in his Treatise on the Diseases of the Domestic Animals, gives us a perhaps more striking illustration than this of Schroeckius, of the potency of the carbuncular poison. He says : ' I have seen various forms of anthrax in the marshy plains of the Papal .States during the summer months, especially in July, August, and September. The activity of the developed poison was very great, and one instance more particularly struck me. One of the fine white bullocks of the Roman States was conveyed in a cart to the slaughter-house at Ferrara, in the month of August, 1854. Professor MafTei condemned the animal as being affected with carbuncular fever. The animal was buried ; but a jobber determined to sell the flesh, and during the night disin- terred the carcase. He removed the meat in bags to a hiding-place, and ni doing so carried the bags over his shoulders. He had throvvn off his jacket and set to work in his shirt. Next morning, a diffuse erysipelatous inflammation .set up over the back, notwithstanding that no abrasion of the skin could be detected, and the juice of the flesh had had to permeate through the bags and shirt. In three days the man was a corpse.' P. 283. 192 History of Animal Plagiies. contagious diseases. When this tumour, which the peasants call charhon, shows itself" on the breast or about the head, the animals die so quickly, that there is scarcely time to aid them. When the swelling is accompanied by considerable fever and beating of the flanks, it is necessary to begin the treatment by bleeding, and soon afterwards by opening the tumour, wherever it may be, by incisions in the form of a St Andrew^s cross, wash- ino" the wound with salt water or with brandy,' &c.^ In Lower Hungary, an epizooty of small-pox in sheep, de- scribed by Adam Gensel, destroyed whole flocks. A severe epizooty among horses manifested itself over nearly the whole of Europe, frequently in different places appearing at the same time as the so-called contagious typhus of cattle; at other times, and in other localities, breaking out before or after that disease. ThiS affection among horses prevailed in Russia, Lithuania, Podolia, Volhynia, Prussia, Pomerania, Brandenburg, Moldavia, and Wallachia.''' At the same time it raged over nearly the whole of Germany, in Belgium, the north of France, and in Italy, — especially, it would appear, in the environs of Naples and Rome. Army horses suffered very much. Kanold describes it as it appeared in Germany: 'But I must not here forget to mention that in many countries and neighbourhoods cattle were not the only animals aflTected : prin- cipally, and in some instances alone, horses were attacked and died in large numbers; for the same sickness could be traced from July, and sometimes even from May, till the winter, in Pomerania, in Brandenburg, in Saxony, in Franconia, Suabia, Mecklenburg, Hanover, Holstein, but especially in Trittow, Rheinbeck, and Eutin ; so that often, in many villages, two or three horses alone escaped. In Brandenburg and Mecklenburg it attained its greatest severity in July and August, but after October it began to decline. Further, it ravaged the v^arious neighbourhoods of the Upper Rhine, in Alsace, the horses in both armies, and especially Landau, Germershcim, Philipsburg, and elsewhere. Also on the Lower Rhine, particularly in the 1 M. Herment. Remedes pour Preserver et Guerir les Chevaux et les Bestiaux. Geneva, 1716. - Kanold. Jahreshistorie, p. 94. History of Animal Plagues. 193 Cologne district, where no less than in Luxemburg, in Brabant, and Artois, in the armies a troop could scarcely muster a dozen effective horses. Also in Picardy, and other places on the borders of France and Germanv^, it did much damage; and it caused a great mortality among the horses in Lithuania, Poland, Prussia, Hungary, Moldavia, Wallachia, and far into the interior of Turkey/ ^ Lancisi describes it as it appeared at Rome: 'A disease of this kind sprung up amongst us at the commencement of the month of March. There had been a most grievous mortality among the herds of oxen at Padua, and afterwards among the horses in the stables at Naples, especially in the months of January and February; so much so, that out of every ten horses seized by the plague at Rome, scarcely one survived. At the end of June of the same year, 171 2, by the grace of God, the epidemic among the horses at Rome ceased, the contagion being checked within the city and its environs. Judsrincr from those which had been attacked, it was clearly evident that the epidemic was of two kinds — both of which, however, arose from the same ill disposition of the blood ; in the one case the circula- tion being too languid, and in the other too rapid. The too rapid circulation differed in no way from an acute fever, which at first produced cold shiverings over the whole body, accom- panied by loss of appetite and constipation, and, as a consequence, colic severely affected them. At length inflammation set in, especially of the whole intestines — omcntimi, bowels, and stomach. This was found to be the case on post-mortem examin- ations of some of the bodies. This kind of disease, although the least frequent, was more severe and fatal than the other, for it quickly polluted the whole body as if by contagion, and in two days the animals died. 'But the second kind, which was less grievous in its results, oppressed us most heavily, so that it might with justice be called the epidemic. The horse at first refuses food and drink, hangs its head low and averted, while the eyes are dull and seemingly vacant. The jaws are not closed, but are observed to be pro- truded and more rigid than usual to the very top of the wind- ^ Kanold. Jahrcshistoric, pp. 94, 119. 13 194 Histoiy of Animal Plagues. pipe, though without any symptom of pain. In this condition, if any one continues to exhaust or fatigue a horse whose health is impaired by neglect, as is sometimes the case, the disease immediately increases. Acute fever and anguish ensue, there is a discharge from the nostrils, and the throat soon begins to swell. Others become sluggish and thrust out their tongues, which are coloured with a yellowish tint; then there arises shivering and convulsions of the body and staring of the coat, retention of urine, and cold sweats ; those so affected for the most part die. On the other hand, those recover, when, from their mouths and nostrils there is a more copious discharge, and who give vent to a large flow of ill-odoured urine, or who have swellings on the limbs or joints As regards the origin of the disease, all are agreed that the internal and chief cause of the epidemic was the fact of the blood abounding in over-stimulating or lymphatic particles ; for on the surface of the blood taken from the veins, a portion became of a whitish-yellow colour, and of the nature of lard. Besides this, there was the mucus discharge from the nos- trils, both by natural and artificial means, and which marked the disease. Lastly, dissection of the dead bodies showed hard sub- stances of a polypoid nature in the heart and about the pericar- dium, and even in the windpipe and oesophagus, which most clearly indicated that lymph itself, which usually has the power of adding solidity to the textures, makes the disease more intense than the variety of the parts affected would warrant us in sup- posing. We attribute the external cause of this calamity to the impurity of the atmosphere, thinking, as we do, that in this year the air was full of noxious liquid particles which adhered to the bodies of the horses ; and we are led to this opinion because the plague attacked the whole equine race without distinction, and in so large a city there must have been a great dissimilarity in the food and water; moreover, nothing could be found to check jthe epidemic. As regards contagion, all are of opinion, and rightly so, that the disease was not carried in the breath or ex- halations; for, generally speaking, it was not those in neighbour- ing stables to the infected that were attacked. ■* ^ ' Lancisii. De Equorum Epidemia, quae Romee Grassata est vere. Rome, 17 15. History of Animal Plagues. 195 The treatment consisted in bleeding, but only in the feverish or hot stage, because in the cold one it was found to be hurtful. In the latter stage, treacle and cordials were given, and jrruel of barley or bran, with sal-ammoniac dissolved therein. The liver of antimony, and those drugs which induced salivation, were the favourite medicines. Emollient enemas were much lauded. Vesicants were not much used, but setons were thouo;;ht to be beneficial. Frictions with the hands, often and lonjr-continued, were deemed of most service. If the disease extended to the articulations, it formed swellings, which condition Lancisi, follow- ing Vegetius, denominated the vialis arthrhlca, as he fancied it to be the same disease as the malis of the Greeks. This exten- sion, or transference, of the malady to the limbs, he indicates as a favourable symptom. The disease, with careful treatment, was not a fatal one; indeed, this author says that all the horses might have been saved. Though in one part of his treatise he thinks it was not a contagious disease, yet in another he believes that the saliva of an affected horse might communicate it to a healthy one. The Italian hippiatrists termed it the 'epidemic fever of horses,' but we have no difficulty, I think, in distinguishing an epizooty of the protean equine disease, ' influenza.' The way in which they induced salivation was to fix a bit in the horse's mouth around which was wrapped in linen a quantity of assa-fcetida, and a like quantity of laurel-leaves, all mixed up with vinegar. Kanold, strangely confounding many diseases with the con- tagious tvphus of cattle, and believing that it might be com- municated to horses, is yet strongly of opinion that at least in Holstein, Alsace, Artois, and other places, the horse disease was not contagious, that it could not be transmitted to cattle, and that it was not propagated like the virulent malady of these ani- mals, but that it ceased suddenly in the winter of 1712-13.^ The Cattle Plague, in the mean time, still raged in Russia, Po- land, Silesia, and Turkey, attacking one place after another in those countries it had missed in the preceding year." In Silesia alone, Kanold computed that 100,000 head of cattle had per- ' Kanold. Op. cit., p. 124. - Ibid. Jalucshistoiic, p. 124. 196 History of Animal Plagues. ished.^ It spread into Moravia, Austria, Styria, and the Tyrol, and it even invaded Switzerland.^ In Italy its ravages were dread- fully severe. 'At the end of the preceding year, a ruinous mor- tality among cattle had penetrated from Hungary into Italy : — a scourge which all who witnessed it thought the most disastrous event that had ever befallen mankind. This year it spread itself widely in the State of Milan — to wit, Verona, Brescia, and Mantua — causino; a horrid slaughter of these essential animals. The same happened in the kingdom of Naples and in the States of the Church, in which immense damage was inflicted during the month of September. In that month, it has been estimated that 70,000 head of oxen and cows perished ; and in Cremona alone, there died more than 40,000. The pestilence made terrible havoc in this vicinity.'^ In Germany it was still spreading, and having penetrated Saxony the year before, it now diffused its subtle poison in Thuringia, spread wider and wider in Bavaria and Saxony, and at last wandered into Franconia, where it harassed the districts of Anspach, Neubourg, Bamberg, and Wurzburg, as far as Fulda.* A.D. 1713. In Hungary, the year was wet. Many swarms of mice appeared in that country, in France, and in Saxony, where the weather was excessively dry. Insects destroyed the vines. In Russia, Poland, and Italy, multitudes of grasshoppers. Small-pox in man at Constantinople, where inoculation was practised. An epidemy (the plague) was very fatal in Austria. Altogether the year was a very unpropitious one for animal life. At Basle, the fowls and geese and the deer tribe died in great numbers. Hares, wolves, and foxes were also found dead in large quantities. In Poland, the mortality was very great among moorfowl ; and in Silesia and Alsace, deer suffered much. In Hungary, hares, foxes, and wild hogs perished from a disease resembling, or identical with, rot in sheep. ^ In the country of 1 Kanold. Histor. Relationen, chap. ii. 2 Walzer. Appenzeller. Chronik. p. 715. ^ Miiratori. Annali d'ltalia, vol. xvi. p. 412. * Nottelmann. Vorstellung was die jetzt herumvagirende Seuche sei. Niim- berg, 1713. Romeisens. Untersuchung der jetzt wuthenden Viehseuche. Wurz- burg, 1 7 13. ^ Kanold. Jahreshistorie, p. 184. History of Animal Plagues. 197 Kaskow, Hungary, an epizooty raged among cats durino- the spring, and so deadly was it, that in many villages not one of these creatures remained alive, and the peasantry complained very much of the mischief done by the increasing swarms of mice, in consequence of their destroyers dying.^ Sheep, of all other kinds of animals, perhaps perished in largest numbers. In some places where this happened, the disease, from some accounts, was rot, and from others it was supposed to be small-pox. In the upper part of the kingdom of Naples the malady was so severe, that in a short time 50,000 sheep and pitjs perished — showing, too, that the porcine tribe was affected. The disastrous epizooty also visited the sheep and goats in Poland, Prussia, Silesia (where on six farms alone there succumbed 1470 animals), and appeared in Saxony, Franconia, Bavaria, Suabia, Austria, Hungary, France, and Holland. Kanold describes it as follows : — ' The sheep began to tremble, and became so weak that they immediately lay down, and seldom got up asrain. Yet usually they continued to eat, sometimes with avidity, but still they did not recover their strength. They convulsively jerked the head and neck upwards, which was generallya verydano-crous si